CENTRAL CIRCULATION BOOKSTACKS The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its renewal or its return to the library from which it was borrowed on or before the Latest Date stamped below. You may be charged a minimum fee of $75.00 for eacli lost booic. llMft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action cuid may result In dismissal from the University. TO RENEW CALL TELEPHONE CENTER, 333-8400 UNIVEKSITY OF IlLINOIS lIBItARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN OCT 3 1 1995 OCT 'i 1995 When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. L162 5\0 BOOKSTACKS- DOCUMENTS Rural Electrification Administration Telephone Operations Manual TOM SECTION 1510 Issue No. 2 January 1980 TELEPHONE TARIFF CONTENTS 1 . GENERAL 2. APPROVAL 3. ORGANIZATION 4. USE EXHIBIT A 1. GENERAL 0£^. 1.1 This section of the manual presents a model tariff which may be used as a guide by REA telephone borrowers for assistance in preparing or revising their own tariffs. 1.2 An accurate, current and complete tariff is a basic requirement for a well-managed telephone system, since it establishes a written record of the telephone services regularly offered to the public, the regulations under which such services are offered, and the rates applicable to each service. It enables uniformity of action throughout the organization and prevents discrimination between customers. 1.3 Due to recent regulatory changes, and subsequent legal decisions, it is incumbent upon the management of the company to assure that the company's tariff is in full compliance with current federal and state requirements. 2 . APPROVAL 2.1 Newly established tariffs as well as all revisions to existing tariffs should be adopted by re/solution of the board of directors. 2.2 If the telephone organization's rates are under the jurisdiction of a public regulatory body, authorization from the body must be obtained to make the tariff or any of its revisions effective. 2.3 Proposed tariffs should be reviewed by legal counsel for the borrower, to insure that they conform to all applic- able State laws and with the terms of the loan contract and the mortgage. Rural Electrification Administration TOM SECTION 1510 Telephone Operations Manual Issue No. 2 3. ORGANIZATION 3.1 Organization of a tariff conveniently falls into six parts, namely: (1) Definition of Terms . Explanation of language utili - lized throughout the remainder of the tariff, (2) General Rules and Regulations . \^ich includes the Obligation of the Company, Liability of the Company , Use of Service and Facilities, the Establishment and Furnishing of Service, Credit Requirements and Allowances and Payment Arrangements. (3) General Exchange Service Tariffs . These are indivi- dual tariffs including Rates and Charges for Telephone Company Provided Services. Included in this part are Extension Services, Key Equipment, Centrex and PBX Services, Service Charges, a Provision for Customer-Provided Equipment, Private Line Service, Touch-Tone® Calling Service, etc. (4) Local Exchange Service Tariffs . \^ich includes rates for Local Telephone Service in each exchange area; a map showing the base rate for each area and boundary of each exchange; and seperate tariffs for Public and Semi-Public Telephone Service, and for Foreign Exchange Service and Joint User Service. (5) Message Toll Telephone Service Tariff . This is a concurrence between the company and the A.T.& T. operating subsidiary (or other company as appropriate) which provides for connection of the company's customers to the Nationwide Toll Network. This concurrence is to the Standard Toll Rates, Rules and Regulations for the provision of such service. (6) Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS) . This also is a concurrence between the company and the appropriate connecting company for the Rates, Rules and Regulations for the provision of WATS Service, 3.2 Although the sample. Exhibit A, shows printing on both sides of the paper, it is suggested that the issued copies be printed on one side to permit easy revisions and/or additions at a future date. First presentations should be labeled as such, i.e.. Part I, Original Sheet No. 1. First amended or revised sheets may be captioned: Part I, 1st Revised Sheet 1; and further replacement sheets numbered in sequence. ®Registered Service Mark of A,T.& T. Co. > Rural Electrification Administration TOM SECTION 1510 Telephone Operations Manual Issue No. 2 3. ORGANIZATION (cont'd) 3.3 Borrower's subject to the jurisdiction of regulatory bodies should consult such body relative to requirements and prepare the tariff in accordance with the required format 4. USE 4.1 Exhibit A is furnished solely as a sample for information purposes. It demonstrates a pattern of tariff which is currently being used successfully, but can not be followed verbatim by any boi^*ower, as requirements vary. Every item in tliis may not be applicable or required by all systems. 4.2 Any rates shown in Exhibit A are for informational puposes only. They are not to be construed as rates recommended by REA. 4.3 Exhibit A contains many individual "Notes" for informa- tional purposes only. Care must be taken to insure that these "Notes" are not included in the filed tariff. 4.4 The needs of a particular system should dictate the items to be included. Each item should be tailored to fit the needs of each borrower in accordance with State laws eind other pertinent factors^ Also, the Model Tariff is not to be considered all - inclusive, because some systems may have special requirements that necessitate particular treatment not covered in this model. 4.5 For those services not presently offered by the company, the tariff sections covering those services should not be included in the company's filed tariff, as they may be misconstrued by the customers as being available. Management however should review the entire Exhibit A to determine which services not presently offered could be made available to the company's customers to enhance the quality of their service i.e. Farm Interphone Systems, Custom Calling Services, School-To-Home Service, etc. 4.6 Copies of the tariff should be filed with public regula- tory bodies, as required. Copies also should be maintained in the business office and each attended exchange office for inspection by the public and made available for accounting, commercial, traffic, and plant employees, as necessary. TOM SECTION 1510 EXHIBIT A MODEL TELEPHONE TARIFF COVERING LOCAL, GENERAL AND TOLL SERVICE This Model tariff is furnished solely for information purposes to demonstrate a pattern which is currently being used successfully by operating telephone companies. It should not be used verbatim but should be tailored to meet the conditions of each borrower in accordance with state laws and other pertinent factors. TOH SECTION 1510 GENERAL INDEX COMPANY ADDRESS TARIFFS PART NO. I DEFINITION OF TERMS PART NO. II GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS PART NO. Ill GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFFS PART NO. IV LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFFS PART NO. V MESSAGE TOLL TELEPHONE SERVICE TARIFFS PART NO. VI WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE (WATS) TARIFFS COMPANY GENERAL INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 1 SUBJECT -A- PART SECTION SHEET Abuse or Fraudulent Use of Service Access to Customer Premises Accessories; Customer Provided Adapters Additional Listings (See Directory Listings) Adjustment for Certain Taxes & Fees Adjustment of Charges Advance Construction (See Construction Charges) Advance Payments (See Deposits) Advance Wiring (See Pre-Wiring) Aerial to Underground Construction Changes Allowance for Customer-Provided Instruments Allowance for Interruption of Service Alphabetical Listing of Exchanges Alterations on Customer's Premises Alternate Listings (See Directory Listings) Amplifier Telephone Equipment Applicant Deposits (See Deposits) Application of Business Rates Applications of Residence Rates Application of Tariff Applications for Service Attachments , Cus tomer-Prov ided Audible Signals (See Auxiliary Signal Equipment) Automatic Answering & Recording Service Automatic Dialing Equipment Auxiliary Signaling Equipment Auxiliary Touch-Tone® Dials Availability of Facilities -B- Billing Booths Break Rotary Hunt Arrangements Business Interphone System Business Rate Application ®Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. D 2 D 17 Ill 12 1 III 24 2 III 7 1 G 37 C 16 III 3 2 G 32 III 22 8 III 3 6 D 17 C 11 IV 2 8 E 30 III 7 8 III 24 3 F 32 IV 1 3 IV 1 4 A 8 E 23 12 1 24 9 1 1 24 5 24 6 24 10 C 9 II G 36 III 24 11 III 24 12 III 24 13 IV 2 5 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. — Title Date No. Addr e ss COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL INDEX SUBJECT PART SECTION SHEET -c- Calling Area, Local IV 2 8 Call Forwarding, (See Custom Calling Services) III 4 2 Call Waiting, (See Custom Calling Services) III 4 2 Cancellation of Service, for cause II D 20 Centrex Service III 2 1 Centrex Dormitory Service III 2a 1 Centrex Custom Calling Service III 2b 1 Changes from Aerial to Underground Facilities (See Construction Charges) III 3 6 Changes in Exchange Group Classification IV 2 7 Charges: Adjustment of II C 16 Change (See Wiring) III 22 6 Collection II G 36 Construction IV 3 3 Cord III 22 12 Denied Service Restoral III 22 14 Dishonored Check III 22 14 Directory Assistance III 6 1 Installation III 22 1 Jack III 22 11 Line Connection III 22 5 Line Extension III 13 1 Maintenance Visit III 22 14 Miscellaneous III 22 12 Overtime II C 9 Pre-Installed Wiring III 22 8 Premise Visit III 22 5 Message Unit IV 2 11 Move (See Wiring) III 22 6 Restoral of Service II G 36 Returned Checks II G 36 Service III 22 1 Service Order Processing III 22 4 Service Re connect ion III 22 14 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of By State P.S.C. 1 No. Name Title Address COMPANY GENERAL INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 3 SUBJECT PART SECTION SHEET -C- (cont'd) Charges (cont'd) Station Change Station Handling Suspended Service Restoration Wiring Zone ' Classification of Exchanges by Rate Groups Collection Charges Compact Telephone Complaints, Customer Concealed Wiring (See Construction Charges) Connecting Company Lines (See Use of) Connection with Customer Provided Facilities Construction: Charges General Regulations Provided by the Customer Special Construction Contract Periods Directory Service Conduit and Trenching Cords Credit Allowances Establishment of Failure to Maintain For Use of Customer Provided Instruments Custom Calling Services III 22 10 III 22 9 III 22 14 III 22 6 IV 2 11 IV 2 8 II G 36 III 24 15 II C 14 III 3 6 II C 13 II D 18 III 3 3 III 3 1 II E 24 III 3 5 III 3 5 III 7 8 II E 25 III 3 7 III 24 16 II G 32 II F 30 II F 31 II G 32 III 4 1 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY GENERAL INDEX SUBJECT -C- (cont'd) TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 4 PART SECTION SHEET Customer Billing Complaints Relations Use of Service Customer Provided Equipment (See Interconnection with) III Customer Provided Equipment - Credit for Cut-off, Exclusion & Transfer Arrangements -D- II G 36 II C 14 II C 13 II D 18 II 12 1 II G 32 II 24 17 Data Jacks (See Jack and Plug Equipment) Data Services and Equipment Defacement of Premises Deferred Payment Plan Definitions of Terms Denial of Services Denied Service Restoral Charge Deposits Dial Pulse Signaling Conversion Arrangement Dishonored Check Charge Directories Distribution Errors and Omissions Listings Ownership Directory Assistance Service Directory Listings Discontinuance of Service At the Customer's Request(See Suspension of Service) By the Company - For Violation of Regulations For Failure to Establish Credit For Nonpayment of Service Discounts Duplicate Listings (See Directory Listings) III 24 30 III 5 1 II C 16 II C 15 I 1-42 II F 32 III 22 14 II G 32 III 24 18 III 22 14 II E 29 II C 12 III 7 1 II E 29 III 6 1 III 7 1 III 25 1 II D 18 II F 31 II D 20 III 8 1 III 7 3 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address # COMPANY GENERAL INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 5 SUBJECT PART SECTION SHEET -E- Electric Power at the Customers Premise Elevator Telephones Employee's Telephone Service (See Discounts) Enterprise Service (Special Reverse Charge Toll Service) Equipment Ownership of Tampering With Establishment of Credit Establishment and Furnishing of Service Exchange Area Maps Exclusion Arrangements Exchange Line Mileage (See Mileage Charges) Exchange Rate Schedules Exchange Service Rates Explanation of Symbols Explosive Atmosphere Telephones Extension and Tie Lines Extension of Facilities (See Line Extensions) Extension Service Extension Line Mileage (See Mileage Charges) Extra Exchange Line Mileage (See Mileage Charges) II E 27 III 24 19 III 8 1 III II D 17 II E 28 II F 30 II E 23 IV 2 16 III 24 17 III 14 1 IV 2 13 IV 2 9 II 8 III 24 19 III 11 1 III 13 1 III 10 1 III 14 1 III 14 1 -F- Facilities Availability of Change of (See Rearrangement of existing Construction) Entrance on Private Property (See Access to Customer's Premises) Extension of (See Line Extension Charges) Maintenance and Repair of Move or Rearrangement of New Construction of (See Construction Charges) II III 10 II D 17 III 13 1 II E 28 II E 28 III 3 1 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY SUBJECT GENERAL INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 6 PART SECTION SHEET # -F- (cont'd) Facilities (cont'd) Unusual Installation of (See Special Construction) Use of Farm Interphone System Floor Space at the Customers Premise Foreign Attachments Foreign Exchange Service Foreign Listings (See Directory Listings) Foul Language Fraudulent Use of Service Furnishing of Service Obligation of the Telephone Company Party Line Service III 3 5 II D 17 III 24 20 II E 27 IV 5 20 III 7 3 II D 20 II D 21 11 C 9 II D 19 -G- Governmental Objections to Service Group Rate Schedules -H- Home Interphone System Home-To-School Service (See Portable Conference Telephones) Hospital Interphone System Hotel/Motel Service (See PABX Service) II IV III D 2 24 22 9 22 III 24 45 III 24 23 III 19 22 # -I- Impersonation of Another Indemnifying Agreement Indiscriminate Use of Facilities Information to Customers Initial Contract Periods Inside Wiring Installation Charges (See Service Charges) Installation, Maintenance and Repairs ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name D 20 C 10 D 20 C 13 E 25 III 3 8 Charges) III 22 1 lirs E 28 EFFECTIVE Date No. Stat e P. .S. .C. Ti t: le Address COMPANY GENERAL INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 7 SUBJECT -I- (cont'd) Installment Payment on Deposits Interconnection with Customer-Provided Equipment Systems Interest on Deposits (See Deposits) Interruptions of Service, Allowance for -J- Jack & Key Equipment Jack & Key Plug Equipment Jack Equipped Telephones Joint User Service -K- Key Telephone Service (See Multi-Line) -L- Liability of the Company Limitations and Use of Service Limited Communications Line Connection Charge Line Extension Charges Listening in on Party Line Conversations Local Calling Areas Local Exchange Service Local Exchange Service Rates Local Service Rate Groups Local Service Rates Long Distance Message Restriction Loudspeaker Conference Arrangement Loudspeaker Paging Systems PART SECTION SHEET II III 17 34 III 12 1 II G 34 II C 11 III 24 26 III 24 27 III 24 30 IV 6 22 II C 10 II D 18 II D 22 HI 22 5 III 13 1 II D 21 IV 2 8 IV 2 6 IV 2 9 IV 2 7 IV 2 9 III 24 31 III 24 32 III 24 33 ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY GENERAL INDEX SUBJECT -M- Maintenance and Repair Maintenance of Customer Provided Apparatus Maintenance Visit Charge Make-Busy Arrangements Message Register Equipment Message Restriction (See Long Distance Message Restriction) Message Toll Service Message Unit Charges Mileage Charges Minimum Contract Period Miscellaneous Service Arrangements Mobile Telephone Service Multi-Line (Key) Telephone Service Municipality Payments, Adjustments for -N- Noise Cancelling Telephone Equipment Non-Listed Directory Listing Non-Listed Telephone Service Nonpublished Directory Listing Nonpublished Telephone Service Non-standard Telephones Nuisance Calls TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 8 PART SECTION SHEET II E 28 III 12 2 III 22 14 III 24 36 III 24 37 III 24 31 V 3 IV 2 11 III 14 1 II E 25 III 15 1 III 16 1 III 17 1 II G 37 III 24 3 III 7 5 III 7 10 III 7 5 III 7 10 III 24 39 II D 20 -0- Obligation and Liability of the Telephone Company Obligation to Establish Identity Obscene Language Obstructing Service of Others Operator Sets Outdoor Telephones Overbilling, Adjustment For (See Adjustment of Charges) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title II c 9 II D 20 II D 20 II D 20 III 24 42 III 24 44 II Date No. 16 Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL INDEX SUBJECT -0- (cont'd) Overtime Charge Ownership and Use of Di rectories Equipment Telephone Numbers -P- Panel Telephones Party Line Service, Use of Pay Telephone Services (See Public Telephone Service) Payment Arrangements Payment For Service Payment Plans; Two-Tier Payments, Advance P.B.X. (See Private Branch Exchange) P.B.X. Station Mileage (See Mileage Charges) Penalty on Bil 1 Personal Signaling Services, (See Radio Paging Service) Phone Store Service Portable Conference Telephones Premise Visit Charge Premises Al terations Defacement of Right of Access to Customer's Pre-Instal led Wiring Pre-Instal led Wiring Charges Primary Directory Listing Private Branch Exchange Service Private Line Service Profane Language Provision and Ownership of: Di rectories Equipment Telephone Numbers Public Telephone Service PART SECTION SHEET II II E 29 II D 17 II E 29 II I IV I I I I II II I II II II II I I I II II II II II I I I IV 24 D 4 G G G F 19 14 G 21 18 24 22 E C D 22 22 7 19 20 D E D E 4 44 19 19 32 35 37 32 1 1 36 1 1 45 5 30 16 17 3 8 6 1 1 20 29 17 29 19 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By_ Name Title Address COMPANY GENERAL INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 10 SUBJECT -R- PART SECTION SHEET Radio Paging Service Rate Determination Rate Groups Rate Schedules, Exchange Rearrangements of: Dropwire, Outside Circuit and/or Protector Existing Construction Reconnection of Service (See Restoration) Reference Listings (See Directory Listings) Refunds for Aid to Construction Refusal of Service Regulations, Violations of Repair and Maintenance Resale of Service Reserved Telephone Numbers Residence Rate Application Responsibility of Telephone Company (See Obligation & Liability of) Restoral of Service Charge Restricted Listings (See Directory Listings) Returned Checks Right of Access to Customer's Premises Right-of-Way Rotary Hunt (See Trunk Hunting Service Arrangements) -S- School-to-Home Service (See Portable Conference Telephones) Seasonal Service (See Suspension of Service) Semi-Public Telephone Service Service Charges Service Order Processing Charge Service Reconnection Charge (See Service Charges) Signal Equipment (See Auxil iary Signal Equipment) Set Recovery Plan III 21 1 IV 2 6 IV 2 7 IV 2 13 III 22 13 III 3 10 II F 31 III 7 3 III 3 10 II F 30 II D 18 II E 28 II D 21 III 24 47 IV 2 4 II C 9 II G 36 III 7 5 II G 36 II D 17 III 3 2 III 24 47 III III IV III III III III III 24 25 3 22 22 22 24 23 45 1 17 1 4 14 6 1 f ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY SUBJECT GENERAL INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 11 PART SECTION SHEET Speakerphones Special Construction Special Equipment & Service Arrangements Special Services and Facilities Speed Calling, (See Custom Calling Services) Station Handling Charges (See Service Charges) Subscriber Owned Terminal Equipment: (See Customer-Provided Instruments) (See Interconnection with Customer-Provided Equipment System) Supplemental Equipment Suspended Service Restoral Charge Suspension of Service -T- Tampering with Equipment Tax Adjustments Telephone Directories (See Provision and Ownership of) Telephone Numbers(See Provisions and Ownership of) Telephone Number Changes - Company's Rights Telephone Number Change Charge (See Service Charges) Temporary Construction Temporary Service (See Temporary Construction) Termination of Service Termination of Service - Two-Tier Plan (See PABX Service) Three-way Calling (See Custom Calling Service) Tie Lines, (See Extension & Tie Lines) Toll Service Touch-Tone Calling Service Transfer Arangements Transmitting Messages Trunk Hunting Service Arrangements Two-Tier Payment Plans ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name III III II III III III II III III III III I I I I I II II II I II II II II II I II I 24 3 E 3 4 22 D 12 24 22 25 E G E E E 22 3 3 E 19 4 11 26 24 C 24 G Date No. 46 5 30 2 9 1 1 14 1 28 37 29 29 29 12 9 9 25 25 2 1 3 1 17 11 47 37 State P.S.C. Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 ORIGINAL SHEET 12 GENERAL INDEX SUBJECT -U- PART SECTION SHEET Unauthorized Attachments or Connections Underground Facilities Unpaid Accounts Undertaking of the Company Unusual Installation Costs (See Special Construction) Use of Connecting Company Lines Use of Customer Service Use of Facilities, Indiscriminate Use of Party Line Service Use of Profane Language Use of Service for Unlawful Purposes -V- Vacation Rates (See Suspension of Service) Vertical Services (See Custom Calling Service) Violation of Regulations Visual Signals (See Auxiliary Signal Equipment) Voice Jacks (See Jack and Plug Equipment) -W- Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS) Wiring Charges (See Service Charges) Work Performed Outside Regular Hours -Z- III 12 1 IV 3 6 II F 32 II C 11 III 3 5 II C 13 II D 18 II D 20 IV 1 5 II D 20 II D 22 III 25 1 III 4 1 II D 18 III 24 9 III 24 29 VI — 3 III 22 6 II E 28 # Zone Charges IV 11 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address t COMPANY » TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS PART I TITLE PAGE Schedule of DEFINITION OF TERMS Applying to the Intrastate Services and Facilities of the Company in State » ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By , _ Name Title Date No . Addre ss » p t COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET __2 DEFINITION OF TERMS TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheet No . TITLE PAGE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 SUBJECT INDEX 3 DEFINITIONS 11 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 3 DEFINITION OF TERMS SUBJECT INDEX Subject Additional Listing Adjacent Central Office Districts Airline Mileage Answering Device Applicant Authorized User Base Rate Base Rate Area Building Business Service Call Cent ra 1 Office CENTREX Service Change Charge Channel Circuit Class of Service Coin Telephone Service-See "Public Telephone Service" 12 Collect Call 13 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By SHEET NO. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Date No. Name Title Add re s s COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 4 # DEFINITION OF TERMS SUBJECT INDEX Subject Commi ss 1 on Commi s s ions Common Battery Service Communications System Comp any Connecting Arrangement Connecting Company Connection Charge Connec tor Construction Charge Continuous Property Contract Cord/Cordless Cordless Switchboard Cost Cus tome r Customer Trouble Report Data Access Arrangement Dial Switching Equipment Directory Listing ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of ^^ W* $ By Name Title Address I COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET21 DEFINITION OF TERMS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SYSTEM - (con't.) 3. Dial Switchboard (con't) a. PABX - utilizes basically an "electro- mechanical" switching process. b. EPABX - utilizes basically a "solid state" switching process. D. Battery Power: Power furnished by means of a circuit from a central office or some other source of supply, to enable signaling within a PBX system. E. Ringing Current: Current furnished by means of a cir- cuit from a central office or some other source of supply, to enable signalj.ng within a PBX system. PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE TELEPHONE - Any telephone connected with a private branch exchange system. PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE TRUNKS - See Private Branch Exchange System. PRIVATE LINE - A circuit provided to furnish communication among two or more instrumentalities directly connected to it. Such instrumentalities do not have direct access to the general and interexchange networks. PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE - A non-listed, non-subscriber exchange station, either attended or equipped with a coin collecting device, designed and placed for the convenience and use of the public in general at locations chosen or accepted by the Company. RADIO PAGING SYSTEM - A communications service provided by means of radio frequencies through a land radio base station. The customer has in hj. s possession a small personal receiver, with which he receives a signal that he i. s being paged. RESIDENCE SERVICE - Telecommunications service furnished to customers when the actual obvious use i. s for domestic purposes . ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 24 « DEFINITION OF TERMS ROOMING HOUSE - An establishment offering lodging to five or more paying guests, not members of the subscriber's domestic e s tabl i shmen t . RURAL AREA - The territory surrounding the Base Rate Area in which Rural Line Service is furnished and in which urban classes of service are furnished at established rates plus Extra Exchange Line Mileage Charges. SAME BUILDING - Any single building, except that when a building has only one story above ground and is divided into units, such as stores, without access between the units, each unit is considered a building. Abutting buildings, or sections of a structure divided above the basement by building walls, are classed as the same building only when openings such as doorways, through the walls above the basement are in general use and afford ready access at all times, between the abutting building or the sections. When the openings through the dividing walls are accessible to one subscriber only, the abutting buildings or sections are classed as the same building for the subscriber only. SAME PREMISES - All space in the same building in which one subscriber has the right of occupancy to the exclusion of others or shares the right of occupancy with others; and all space in different buildings on continuous property, provided such buildings are occupied solely by one subscriber. Foyers, hallways and other space provided for the common use of all occupants of a building are considered the premises of the operator of the building. S.C.C. - An abbreviation for Service Connection charge. SELECTOR - See Switch SEMI-PUBLIC TELEPHONE - An exchange station, equipped with a coin collecting device, designed for a combination of customer and public use at locations more or less public in character. Semi-public telephone service is considered as a form of customer service. i ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By , _ EFFECTIVE Name Title Date No. I Address COtlPANY TOtI SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 25 DEFINITION OF TERMS SERVICE CHARGE - See Service Connection Charge. SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE - A charge made to a customer for the purpose of reimbursing the Telephone Company for a portion of the cost involved in connecting, disconnecting, or rearranging telephone facilities upon customer's premises. SERVING CENTRAL OFFICE - The central office from which local service is furnished. STATION - See Telephone Station. SUBSCRIBER - See Customer. SUPERSEDURE - The transfer of subscriber service, including the telephone number, from one party to another with the express consent of the relinquishing subscriber and with the agreement of the new subscriber to assume the responsibility for all charges outstanding. The arrangement requires continuous billing, with no change in type or location of equipment. SUPPLEMENTAL BASE RATE AREA - See Locality Rate. SWITCH - A unit of dial switching equipment which provides interconnection between station lines or trunks. SWITCHBOARD - See PBX System. TARIFF - All or any part of the body of rates, tolls, charges, rentals, classifications, and terms and conditions of service relating to its service offered, the conditions under which offered and the charges thereof, which have been filed with and approved by the Commission. TELEPHONE COMPANY - See Company. TELEPHONE SERVICE - Any telecommunications service provided by the Telephone Company for the customer's use. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address COMPANY DEFINITION OF TERMS TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 26 TELEPHONE STATION - A telephone instrument or other terminal device which may consist of a transmitter, receiver, and connected so as to permit transmission and reception of telecommunications messages. A. Company Station: A station owned by the Company, receiving service from and through central office equipment and lines normally owned, maintained and operated by the Company and provided as a part of the Company's service. 1, Main Station: A Company station connected by means of an individual line or party line circuit with a central office or toll operating unit, including the f ol lowi ng : a. Toll Station: A company station installed for the convenience of the public or of a customer in a locality where the Company does not generally furnish exchange service and from which established toll rates are charged for all originated messages. b. Toll Terminal: A Company station or a terminal on a private branch exchange switchboard and the associated exchange circuit connecting the station or terminal directly with a toll center (also known as Long Distance Terminal). 2. Extension Station: An additional Company station connected on the sane circuit as the main station and having the same telephone number as the main station. ISSUED Private Branch Exchange Station: Any Company station connected with a private branch exchange s y s t em . EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title No. Address • > # COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 27 DEFINITION OF TERMS TELEPHONE STATION (cont'd) B. Customer-Provided Station: This may consist of the f o llowing : 1. Customer-Provided Equipment for Voice Communications. a. Terminal Equipment: Telephone instruments or key equipment. b. Communications Systems: Switchboards, PBX and PABX systems, private microwave systems, private mobile or radio paging systems, or other privately owned facilities that permit communications between points. C. Service Station: A station or one of a group of stations which, under arrangements made by the service station subscribers, receives service from a Company central office over facilities provided in part by such subscribers and in part by the Company. TELETYPEWRITER - A teletypewriter consists of apparatus designed for the sending and receiving, or receiving only, of typewritten messages transmitted electrically. TEMPORARY SERVICE - Exchange service definitely known to be required for a short period, such as service provided for contractors for use during construction of a building, sales campaign, athletic contests, conventions, fairs, circuses, e tc . TERMINATION CHARGE - A charge applied under certain conditions when a contract for service is terminated by the customer before the expiration of the initial service period. TERMINATION OF SERVICE - Discontinuance of and cancellation of the accoun t . TIE LINE - A circuit connecting two private branch exchange systems for the purpose of interconnection between the stations connected with such systems. TIE LINE MILEAGE - The measurement on which the rates for tie lines connecting customer's switchboard is based. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 28 • DEFINITION OF TERMS TOLL CALL - A telephone call to a station outside the subscriber's local calling area for which a specific charge applies . TOLL CENTER - A telephone switching center at which the operations (manual or dial) function (message timing, switching and recording) takes place in connection with the provision of toll message service. TOLL LINE - A circuit used exclusively for the transmission of messages between points located in different exchange areas where specific charges for each such message are appl icable . TOLL MESSAGE - A message between stations in different exchange areas and furnished under the provisions of "Message Toll Telephone Service," Part V. A. PERSON TO PERSON TOLL MESSAGE - A toll message in which the user stipulates a desire for communication with a specified person or extension station at a specified location. B. STATION TO STATION TOLL MESSAGE - A toll message in which the user stipulates a desire for communication only with a specified telephone or switchboard. C. COLLECT MESSAGE - A toll message in which the user stipulates that the called party accept and pay all charges associated with the message. D. THIRD NUMBER MESSAGE - A toll message in which associated charges are billed neither to the calling party nor to the called station, but rather to a station not involved in the message. E. CREDIT CARD MESSAGE - A toll message in which associated charges are billed to a credit card number assigned by a Telephone Company and issued to either the called or calling party. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of By , _ Name Title No . Address t • COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART I ORIGINAL SHEET 29 DEFINITION OF TERMS TOLL RATE - The initial period charge prescribed for toll messages usually based upon a minimum initial period and distance between exchanges. TOLL RATE CENTER - An area within which each customer is subject to the same toll rate treatment, TOLL SERVICE - Toll service (Long Distance Service) is that part of the total telephone service rendered by the Company which is furnished between customers in different exchange areas in accordance with the rates and regulations specified in the Company's Message Toll Telephone Tariff. TOUCH PHONE CALLING SERVICE - A classification of exchange service whereby calls are originated through the use of push-but«tons in lieu of rotary dials. TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE - Two or more central office lines arranged so that a call for the first line is completed to a succeeding line in the group when the first line is in use. TRUNK LINE - A telephone circuit between two central office units or between a private branch exchange and a company central office. UNDERGROUND SERVICE CONNECTION - A customer's drop wire which is run underground from a pole line or an underground distributing cable. UTILITY - See Company. VACATION SERVICE - Vacation Service is a partial service furnished at a reduced rate for a limited period in accordance with the provisions of the Tariff, WIRING PLAN - An arrangement of wiring for connecting primary and extension stations, PBS stations and intercommunicating station, ZONE RATES - Rates charged for one-party, two-party, and four-party exchange service outside the Base Rate Area where no mileage charge is applicable. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, By Name Title Address # _ COMPANY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS PART II TITLE PAGE Schedule of GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Applying to the Intrastate Services and Facilities of the Company in TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 1 ► • ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Title Name Address » # 1 COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT INDEX GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS A. APPLICATION OF TARIFF B. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE F. ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES Sheet No 1 2 3 17 24 30 32 # ) COMPANY GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS INDEX TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 3 SUBJECT SHEET -A- Abuse or Fraudulent Use of Service Access to Customer Premises Adjustment for Local Taxes & Fees Adjustment of Charges Advance Payments Allowance for Customer-Provided Instruments Allowance for Interruption of Service Alterations on the Customers Premises Applicant Deposits (See Deposits) Application of Tariff Applications for Service Availability of Facilities » -B- Billing -C- Cancellation of Service-For Cause Collection Charges Complaints, Customer Connecting Company Lines (See Use of) Connection with Customer-Provided Faciities Construction Charges Contract Periods Contractual Arrangements Credit Allowances Establishment of Failure to Maintain For Use of Customer-Provided Instruments Customer Billing Complaints Relations Use of Service Customer-Provided Equipment, Credit for ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date 1 Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Titl( 21 17 37 16 32 17 11 30 32 8 23 9 36 20 36 14 13 18 24 25 25 32 30 31 32 36 14 13 18 17 Date No. Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS SUBJECT SHEET -D- Defacement of Premises Deferred Payment Plan Denial of Services Denied Service Restoral Charge De po s i t s Directories Errors and Omissions Ownership and Use Discontinuance of Service For Failure to Establish Credit Dishonored Checks 16 15 32 36 32 12 29 20 31 36 -E- Electric Power at the Customers Premise Equipment Ownership of Tampering with Establishment of Credit Establishment and Furnishing of Service Excessive use of Part-Line Service Explanation of Symbols 27 17 28 30 23 21 8 -F- Facilities Availability of Maintenance and Repair of Use of Floor Space at the Customer's Premises Foul Language Fraudulent Use of Service Furnishing of Service Obligation of the Telephone Company Party Line Service ISSUED Date EFFECTIVE 9 28 17 27 20 21 9 19 Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title No. Address m COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 5 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS SUBJECT -G- SHEET Governmental Objections to Service -I- Impersonation of Another Indemnifying Agreement Indiscriminate Use of Facilities Information to Customers Initial Contract Periods Installation, Maintenance and Repairs Interest on Deposits (See Deposits) Interruptions of Service, Allowance for -L- Ll ability of the Company Limitations and Use of Service Limited Communications Listening in on Party-Line Conversations -M- Maintenance and Repair Minimum Contract Period Municipality Payments, Adjustments for -N- Nuisance Calls 22 20 10 20 13 25 28 34 11 10 18 22 21 28 25 37 20 -0- Obligation and Liability of the Telephone Company Obligation to Establish Identity Obscene Language ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of 9 20 20 Date No. State P.S.C. i By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS SUBJECT -0- (contM) Overtime Charge Obstructing Service of Others Ownership and Use of Directories Equipment SHEET 9 20 29 17 -P- Party Line Service, Use of Payment for Service Payment Arrangements Payment Plans; Two Tier Payments, Advance Penalty on Bill Premises Alterations Defacement of Right of Access to Customer's Prerecorded Messages Profane Language Provision and Ownership of Telephone Numbers Provision of Equipment 19 35 32 37 32 36 30 16 17 22 20 29 17 -R- Reconnection of Service (See Restoration of Service) Refusal of Service Regulations, Violations of Repair and Maintenance Resale of Service Responsibility of Telephone Company - (See Obligation) Restoral of Service Charge Returned Checks Right of Access to Customer's Premises ISSUED EFFECTIVE 36 30 18 28 21 9 36 36 17 Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C, No. By Name Title Address m COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS SUBJECT SHEET -S- Service Reconnection Charge - See Restoral of Service Subscriber Owned Terminal Equipment (See Customer Provided Instruments) -T- Tampering with Equipment Tax Adjustments Telephone Directories, Provision & Ownership of Telephone Numbers, Ownership of Telephone Number Changes Termination of Service Transmitting Messages Two-Tier Payment Plans -U- Undertaking of The Company Unpaid Accounts Use of: Connecting Company Lines Customer Service Facilities, Indiscriminate Party Line Service Profane Language Service for Unlawful Purpose -V- Violations of Regulations -W- Work Performed Outside Regular Working Hours ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of 36 17 28 37 29 29 29 25 11 37 11 32 13 18 21 19 20 22 18 28 Date No. State P.S.C. V By Name Title Address # # » » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 8 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS A. APPLICATION The rules and regulations specified herein are in addition to those contained in the Local Exchange Service Tariffs, the General Exchange Service Tariffs, the Mes- sage Toll Telephone Service Tariffs, and the Wide Area Telecommunications Tariffs. They apply to the intrastate services and facilities furnished by the Telephone Company, hereinafter referred to as the Tele- phone Company, or Company. Failure on the part of the subscribers to observe these rules and regulations of the Telephone Company, after due notice of such failure, automatically gives the Telephone Company the privilege to discontinue the furnishing of service. In the event of a conflict between any rate, rule, regulation or provision contained in these General Rules and Regulations and any rate, rule, regulation or pro- vision contained in the Local Exchange Service Tariffs, the General Exchange Service Tariffs, the Message Toll Telephone Service Tariffs or the Wide Area Telecommuni- cations Tariffs the rate, rule, regulation or provision contained in the specific tariffs shall prevail. These Singular Tariffs cancel and supersede all other specific Tariffs of the Telephone Company issued and effective prior to the effective dates of these Tariffs. B. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) Signifies a changed regulation. (D) Signifies a discontinued rate, treatment or r egu la t ion . (I) Signifies an increased rate or new treatment resulting in increased rate. / ISSUED EFFECTIVE • Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 9_ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS B. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (con't.) (N) Signifies a new rate, treatment or regulation, (R) Signifies a reduced rate or new treatment resulting in reduced rates. (T) Signifies a change in text but no change in rate, treatment or regulation. C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY 1, Availability of Facilities. The Telephone Company's obligation to furnish service or to continue to furnish service is dependent on its ability to obtain, retain and maintain suitable rights and facilities, and to provide for the installation of those facilities required incident to the furnishing and maintenance of that service. The charges specified in the General Exchange Tariff do not contemplate work being performed by the Telephone Company employees involved at a time when overtime wages apply, due to the request of the customer, nor do they contemplate work once begun being interrupted by the cus tomer . If the customer requests that overtime labor be performed or interrupts work once begun, an additional charge, based on the additional costs involved applies. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ► > # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET _l_0 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY ( con' t . ) 2. Liability a. The liability of the Telephone Company for damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission, or failures or defects in facilities furnished by the Telephone Company, occurring in the course of furnishing service or other facilities and not caused by the negligence of the customer, or of the Telephone Company in failing to maintain proper standards of maintenance and operation and to exercise reasonable supervision shall in no event exceed an amount equivalent to the proportionate charge to the customer for the period of service during which such mistake, omission, interruption, delay or error or defect in transmission, or failure or defect in facilities occurs. b. The customer indemnifies and saves the Company harmless against claims arising out of the f o 1 lowing : (1) Any defacement or damage to the customer's premises resulting from the existence of the Company's instruments, apparatus and associated wire on such premises, or from the installation or removal thereof, when such defacement or damage is not the result of the negligence of the Company, or its employees; (2) Any accident, injury or death occasioned by its equipment or facilities, when such is not due to negligence of the Company; (3) Any acts or omissions of other companies when their facilities are used in connection with the Company's facilities to provide service; (4) Claims for libel, slander, or infringement of copyright arising from the material transmitted or recorded over its facilities; claims for infringement of patents arising from combining with, or using in connection with, facilities of the Company, apparatus and systems of the customer; and against all other claims arising out of any act or omission of the customer in connection with facilities provided by the Comp any ; ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET lA GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY (con' t . ) 2. Liability (con't.) (5) Liability for failure to provide service; (6) Liability for telephone directories as set forth in Regulation 5 of this section on page 12. c. The services and facilities furnished by the Telephone Company, in addition to the limitations set forth in C2b, (1) through (6) preceding, also are subject to the following limitation: the Telephone Company shall not be liable for damage arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in transmission or other injury, including but not limited to injuries to person or property from voltage or currents transmitted over the facilities of the Telephone Company, (1) caused by customer-provided equipment (except where a contributing cause is the mal- functioning of a Telephone Company-provided connecting arrangement), or (2) not prevented by customer-provided equipment but which would have been prevented had Telephone Company-provided equipment been used., 3. Transmitting Messages The Telephone Company does not undertake to transmit messages but offers the use of its facilities for communications between parties. If because of transmission difficulties the operator, in order to accommodate the customer, repeats messages, no liability shall attach to the Telephone Company because of any errors made by the operator or misunderstandings that may arise between customers because of the errors. 4. Interruptions of Service If service is interrupted for more than hours, if interruption continues after the fact has been reported such by the customer or detected by the Company, other than by the negligence or willful act of the customer, upon request, an allowance at the rate for the telephone facilities and class of service affected at the time of the interruption shall be made for the time such interruption continues, after notice and demand to the Company. No other liability shall in any case attach to the Company on account of interruptions of service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ^^ Si^^i TiUi * ™^^^ f ► ► # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET j_2 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE SERVICE (con' t . ) 5. Directory and Advertising Section Errors and Omissions a. The Telephone Company, except as provided here in this paragraph shall not be liable for damage claimed on account of errors in or omissions from its direc- tories nor for the result of the publications of such errors in the directory nor will the Telephone Company be a party to controversies arising between customers or others as a result of listings published in its directories. b. The liability of the Telephone Company for an error or omission in the Alphabetical section of the telephone directory or for error or omission on intercept service shall not exceed the amount of actual damage suffered, and in no event shall exceed an amount equal to local exchange service charged to the customer for the listed service for the period during which the directory containing the error or omission is the last published directory of the exchange . C. In the cases of extra listings in the alphabetical section of the directory for which a charge is made, the Telephone Company's liability shall be limited to cancellation of the charges and refunding of any charges at the request of the customer, in question. d • The Company assumes no liability whatever for damages arising from errors or omissions in the making up or printing of the advertising section (yellow pages). The only action taken in this case would be the cancellation of the charges and refunding of any charges already paid, for the directory advertising in question, e» Also, in the event of error in the listed number of any customer, the Telephone Company shall intercept all calls to the listed number (if central office equipment permits, and the number is not in service) until the next directory is published. In such case, and in case of an error in or omission of the name listing of a customer, the correct listing and number shall be available from the intercept operator and through directory assistance. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By rrrre ' Addreys Name TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET j_3 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY (cdn* t.) 6. Use of Connecting Company Lines When suitable arrangements can be made, lines of other Telephone Companies may be used in establishing wire connections to points not reached by this Company's lines. In establishing connections with the lines of other Companies, the Telephone Company is not responsible or liable for any action of the Connecting Company. 7, Customer Relations a. Information to Customers The Company shall: (1) Maintain a current set of maps showing the physical locations of its facilities. All facil- ities shall be labeled to indicate the size, nominal capacity, or any pertinent information which will accurately describe the Company's facilities. These maps, or such other maps as may be required by the Commission, shall be kept by the Company in a central location and will be available for inspection during normal working hours. Each business office or service center shall have available up-to-date maps, plans, or records of its immediate area, with such other information as may be necessary to enable the Company to advise applicants, and others entitled to the information, as to the facilities available for serving that locality; (2) Assist the customer or applicant in selecting the most economical rate schedule; (3) In compliance with the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, notify customers affected by a change in rates or schedule of classification; ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address \ i ► TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ■ ORIGINAL SHEET _1_4 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY ( con' t . ) 7. Customer Relations (con't.) (4) Post a notice in a conspicuous place in each business office of the Company where appli- cations for service are received, informing the public that copies of the rate schedules and rules relating to the service of the Company, as filed with the Commission, are available for inspection; (5) Furnish such additional information on rates and services as the customer may reasonably request. b. Upon complaint to the Company by a customer either at its office, by letter or by telephone, the Company shall promptly make a suitable investigation and advise the complainant of the results thereof. It shall keep a record of all complaints, the date and nature of the complaint and the adjustment or disposition thereof for a period of two years subse- quent to the final settlement of the complaint. Complaints with reference to rates or charges which require no further action by the Company need not be recorded. c. Company Response Upon receipt of a complaint, either by letter or by telephone, from the Commission on behalf of a customer, the Company shall make a suitable investi- gation and advise the Commission of the results thereof. Initial response to the Commission must be made within thirty (30) days. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address * TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET JL5 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY ( con' t . ) 7. Customer Relations (con't.) d. Deferred Payment Plan The Company is encouraged to offer a deferred payment plan to residential accounts. (1) Every deferred payment plan entered into due to the customer's inability to pay the outstanding bill in full shall provide that service and will not be discontinued if the customer pays current bills and a reasonable amount of the outstanding bill and agrees to pay the balance in reasonable installments until the bill is paid. (2) For purposes of determining reasonableness under these rules, the following shall be considered: (A) Size of the delinquent account; (B) Customer's ability to pay; (C) Customer's payment history; (D) Time that the debt has been outstanding; (E) Reasons why debt has been outstanding; and (F) Any other relevant factors concerning the circumstances of the customer. (3) A deferred payment plan offered by the Company, if reduced to writing, shall state immediately preceding the space provided for the customer's signature and in bold-face print at least two sizes larger than any other used thereon, that "If you are not satisfied with this agreement, do not sign. If you do sign this agreement, you give up your right to dispute the amount due under the agreement except for the Company's failure or refusal to comply with the terms of this agreement." ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By _» Ni^S^i Title Address » « f TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET j_6 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS C. OBLIGATION AND LIABILITY OF THE TELEPHONE COMPANY ( con' t . ) 7. Customer Relations (con't.) (4) A deferred payment plan may include a percent ( %) penalty for late payment but shall not include a finance charge. (5) If a customer for telephone service has not fulfilled terms of a deferred payment agreement, the Company shall have the right to disconnect pursuant to disconnection rules herein and under such circumstances, it shall not be required to offer subsequent negotiation of a deferred payment agreement prior to disconnection. (6) The Company which institutes a deferred payment plan shall not refuse a customer participation in such a program on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, or marital status. 8. Defacement of Premises The Telephone Company shall exercise due care in connection with all work done on subscriber's premises. No liability shall attach to the Telephone Company by reason of any defacement or damage to the subscribers' premises or person resulting from the existence of the Telephone Company's instruments, apparatus and associated wiring of such premises, or by the installation or removal thereof, unless such defacement or damage is the result of the sole negligence of the Telephone Company. 9. Adjustment of Charges In the adjustment of charges for overbilling by the Telephone Company, a refund will be made of the full amount of excess charges when such amount can be deter- mined; when the period during which overbilling has been effective cannot be fixed or the exact amount of over- billing determined from available records, the maximum refund will not exceed an estimated amount equal to such overbilling for a -month period. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By > . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET J^ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES 1. Provision and Ownership of Equipment and Facilities Equipment and facilities necessary for the provision of service are furnished by the Telephone Company, except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. Such equipment and facilities located on the premises or mobile unit of a customer, authorized user, or Telephone Company agent, are the property of the Telephone Company, whose employees and agents may enter said premises or mobile unit at any reasonable hour to install, inspect or repair equipment and facilities; to make collections from coin boxes; or upon termination or cancellation of service, to remove such equipment and facilities. Equipment and facilities furnished by the Telephone Company shall, upon termination of service from any cause whatsoever, be returned to it in good condition, reasonable wear and tear thereof excepted. In case of damage, loss, theft, or destruction of any of the Telephone Company's property due to the negligence or willful act of the customer or other persons authorized to use the service, and not due to ordinary wear and tear or causes beyond the control of the customer, the cus- tomer shall be required to pay the expense incurred by the Telephone Company in connection with the replacement of the property damaged, lost, stolen, or destroyed, or the expense incurred in restoring it to its original condition. 2. Customer-Provided Instruments Where a customer-provided instrument is used, in lieu of a Telephone Company-provided instrument, as a main or extension station with individual line residence and business local exchange service, a monthly credit of per telephone instrument, not provided by the Telephone Company shall be applied.* *This credit is one means of complying with the FCC registra- tion program. If alternate means are utilized this paragraph will not be necessary. If utilized, insure that the credit is also shown in other sections of this tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address » # t f > » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET J_8 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (con't.) 3. Other Connections with Customer-Provided Facilities In addition to the regulations and rates contained herein, certain other tariffs of the Telephone Company also contain services which include provisions for connection with customer-provided facilities. 4. Violations of Regulations When any Customer-provided terminal equipment or communications system is used with telecommunications services in violation of any of the provisions in this Tariff the Telephone Company will take such immediate action as necessary for the protection of the telecommunications network and Telephone Company employees, and will promptly notify the Customer of the violation. The Customer shall discontinue such use of the terminal equipment or communications system or correct the violation and shall confirm in writing to the Company within 10 days, following the receipt of written notice from the Company, that such use has ceased or that the violation has been corrected. Failure of the Customer to discontinue such use or to correct the violation and to give the required written confirmation to the Telephone Company within the time stated above shall result in suspension of the Customer's service until such time as the Customer complies with the provisions of this tariff. 5. Limitations and Use of Service a. Use of Customer's Service The use of service shall be restricted to the customer, his employees and representatives in the case of business service; or the customer, his family ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET j_9 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (con't.) 5. Limitations and Use of Service (con't) a. Use of Customer's Service (con't.) and persons residing in the customer's household in the case of residence service; except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. The use of the service may be extended to persons leasing or subleasing a customer's entire residential premises for a period of less than one year. The Telephone Company reserves the right to refuse to install customer's service or to permit such service to remain on premises of a public or semi-public character when, in the opinion of the Telephone Company, instruments are so located that the public in general or patrons of the customer may make use of the service. Service furnished by the Telephone Company is intended only for communications in which the cus- tomer has a direct interest and shall not be used for any purpose for which a payment or other compensation shall be received by him from any other person firm or corporation for such use, or in the collection, transmission or delivery of any communication for others except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. This prohibition shall not apply to a customer who is engaged as a communi- cations common carrier in a public telegram message business or to a Composite Data Service Vendor engaged in the business of providing switched data (non-voice) communications service to patrons who act as their customers. b. Use of Party Line Service Applications for party line service are accepted by the Telephone Company with the understanding that each subscriber will so use the service as not to interfere with an equitable proportionate use of the service by the other subscribers on the same line. When the duration or number of local and/or toll messages sent or received by a party line customer is ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , # # # Name Title Address » > » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET _20 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (con't.) 5. Limitations and Use of Service (con't.) b. Use of Party Line Service (con't.) so great as to prevent an equitable proportionate use of the line by other customers on the line, the Telephone Company shall have the right to require the customer to contract for a higher grade of service, or to discontinue the service of the customer in question. The Telephone Company reserves the right to limit the continuous use of a party line for a local message to minutes. c. Obligation to Establish Identity The calling party shall establish his identity in the course of any communication as often as may be necessary . The calling party shall be solely responsible for establishing the identity of the person or station with whom connection is made at the called location. d. Cancellation for Cause The Telephone Company may, by notice in writing, without incurring any liability, either suspend or terminate the service for any of the following reasons : (1) Abandonment of the service. (2) Nonpayment of any sum due for service; (3) Use of foul or profane language over the service. (A) Impersonation of another person with fraudulent intent over the service. (5) Making of nuisance calls. (6) Use of service by a customer in connection with a plan or contrivance to secure a large volume of calls to be directed to such customer at or about the same time, resulting in preventing, obstructing, or delaying the service of others. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Aciaress TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 2\_ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (con't.) 5. Limitation and Use of Service (con't.) d . Cancellation for Cause (con't.) (7) Listening in on party-line conversations. (8) Excessive use of party-line service. (9) Abuse or fraudulent use of service. Abuse or fraudulent use of service includes: (A) The use of service or facilities of the Telephone Company to transmit a message or to locate a person or otherwise to give or obtain information, without payment of an applicable charge; (B) The obtaining, or attempting to obtain, or assisting another to obtain or to attempt to obtain telephone service, by rearrang- ing, tampering with, or making connection with any facilities of the Telephone Company, or by any trick, scheme, false representation, or false credit device, or by or through any other fraudulent means or device whatsoever, with intent to avoid the payment in whole or in part, of the estab- lished charge for such service. (C) Resale of any service provided by the Telephone Company. (10) Use of service in such a manner as to interfere with the service of other users. (11) Use of the service for any purpose other than as a means of communication. (12) Use of service for unlawful purposes. (13) Nonpayment of deposit required by the Telephone Company . (14) Any other violation of regulations as set forth in the Telephone Company's filed tariffs. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address > ^ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 11_ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (con't.) 5. Limitations and Use of Service (con't.) d . Cancellation for Cause (con't.) The Telephone Company may continue such suspension of service until all charges due have been paid and all violations have ceased, or terminate the service without suspension of service or following suspension of service, and disconnect and remove any of its equipment from the customer's premises or mobile uni t . Upon any such termination, the customer shall make payment to the Telephone Company in accordance with the preceding regulations governing Initial Contract Periods and Termination of Service. e. Use for Unlawful Purposes Service is furnished by the Telephone Company subject to the condition that it will not be used for an unlawful purpose. Service will not be furnished if any law enforcement agency, acting within its juris- diction, advises that such service is being used or will be used in violation of law, or if the Telephone Company receives other evidence that such service is being or will be so used. f . Limited Communication The Telephone Company reserves the right to limit the length of communication when necessary because of a shortage of facilities caused by emergency c ond i t i ons . g. Transmission of Prerecorded Messages Use of Telephone Company facilities for transmitting prerecorded messages to the general public is subject to the following conditions: ISSUED EFFECTIVE > Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ^y — tTTTp Address Name iicie TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET _21 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS D. USE OF SERVICE AND FACILITIES (con't.) 5. Limitations and Use of Service (con't.) g. Transmission of Prerecorded Messages (con't.) (1) For purposes of identification, customers to telephone service who transmit prerecorded messages to the general public over facilities provided by the Telephone Company must include in the recorded message the name of the sub- scribing organization or individual responsible for the service and the address at which the service is provided. (2) Customers transmitting factual public announce- ments such as Time, Weather, Stock Market quota- tions. Airline schedules and similar information are excluded from the preceding condition, (3) The customer's name, or that of an agent in the case of business service, shall be made avail- able to the public upon request. E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE 1. Application for Service The Telephone Company reserves the right to require applications for service to be made in writing on the Telephone Company's Standard Form of Application. Upon the acceptance of an application for service, all the applicable provisions in the Telephone Company's tariffs lawfully on file become the contract between the customer and the Telephone Company. Requests for additional service and requests for changes in service upon accept- ance thereof by the Telephone Company become a part of the original contract, except that each item of addi- tional service so provided is subject to the appropriate initial contract period. Any change in rates or regula- tions authorized by legally constituted authorities effects a modification of all contracts for service to that extent, without further notice. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.b.L;. ^y — — Title Address Name ixuic 9 TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 24 > GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (con't.) 1. Application for Service (con't.) When an application or request for service, including additions and changes, is canceled or changed in whole or in part before service is established, the customer may be required to reimburse the Telephone Company for all costs incurred in connection with that part of the appli- cation or request, including additions and changes, which are canceled or changed, except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. The charge to the customer shall not exceed the charges which would apply if the service had been established as originally ordered and then terminated, subject to the regulation pertaining to Initial Contract Periods and Termination of Service . The Telephone Company reserves the right to refuse service to applicants previously having service termi- nated for reasons specified in the regulation entitled Cancellation for Cause until all charges due have been paid and all violations have ceased. 2. Construction Charges The rates and charges quoted in the tariffs of the Telephone Company provide for the furnishing of service and facilities where suitable plant facilities are available or when the construction of the necessary facilities does not involve excessive costs. When excessive costs are involved for the construction of facilities, charges for such construction will be deter- mined in accordance with the regulations as set forth in the Construction Charges section of this Company's General Services Tariff, except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET _2_5 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (con't.) 3. Initial Contract Periods and Termination of Service a. Initial Contract Periods (1) The initial contract period for all services will be 1 month except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. (2) For the purpose of administering this regulation and all other applicable regulations and rates of the Telephone Company's tariffs, every month is considered to have 30 days. (3) Initial contract periods begin on and include the day following the establishment of service. (4) Where the initial contract period for service is more than 1 month and a termination charge is included in the schedule of rates, the initial contract period, in months, is specified in parenthesis following the termination charge, e.g. , (60) . b. Termination of Service (1) Service may be terminated prior to the expira- tion of the initial contract period after the Telephone Company has been notified a reasonable period in advance. The Telephone Company may require notification to be in writing. Upon such termination, the customer shall be respon- sible for the payment of all charges due for the period service has been rendered in addition to the payment of charges applicable as determined below : (a) In the case of service for which the initial contract period is 1 month - the charges due for the balance of that month. ISSUED EFFECTIVE # Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By _ , Name Title Address * f 9 COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 26 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (con't.) 3. Initial Contract Periods and Termination of Service (con* t. ) b. Termination of Service (con't.) (b) In the case of service for which the initial contract period is more than 1 month - the charges due are as deter- mined below except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs : (I) Where the service is subject to a minimum revenue guarantee - the charges due for the unexpired portion of the contract period. ) (II) (III) ISSUED Where a termination charge is specifically included in the schedule of rates for service at the same location - such proportion of the termination charge as the unexpired portion of the full initial contract period . Where a termination charge is not specifically included in the schedule of rates for service at the same location - such proportion of the sum of the cost of installing and removing the service plus the cost on non- salvable material, as the unexpired portion of the initial contract period, not to exceed a sum equivalent to the monthly charges for the unexpired portion of the initial contract period. EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. • By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 2_7 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (con't.) 3. Initial Contract Periods and Termination of Service ( con' t . ) b. Termination of Service (con't.) (c) Where a portion of a system is discon- tinued, termination charges apply for the items of equipment discontinued as though they were the last of their kind installed. (2) Service may be terminated subsequent to the expiration of the initial contract period after the Telephone Company has been notified a reasonable period in advance. The Telephone Company may require notification to be in writing. Upon such termination the customer shall be responsible for the payment of all charges due up to and including the date of termination of the service. In connection with Message Rate Service, the message unit allowance is the pro rata portion of the monthly allowance with message units used in excess of the pro rata allowance being charged for at the rate of additional message units. 4. Floor Space, Electric Power and Operating at the Customer's Premises The customer is responsible for the provision and maintenance, at his expense, of all space and floor arrangements required on the customer's premises for communication facilities provided by the Telephone Company in connection with services furnished the cus- tomer by the Telephone Company. Any power outlets and commercial power required for the operation of such facilities shall be provided by, and at the expense of the cus tomer . ISSUED EFFECTIVE # Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. '' R55e «rtt ' «*^-^ t f # # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ~ ORIGINAL SHEET 2_8 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (con't.) 4. Floor Space, Electric Power and Operating at the Customer's Premises (con't.) All operating required for the use of communications facilities provided by the Telephone Company at the customer's premises will be performed at the expense of the customer, and will conform with the rules and regulations which the Telephone Company may adopt to maintain a proper standard of service. 5. Installation, Maintenance, and Repairs The Telephone Company undertakes to install, maintain, and repair the equipment and facilities which it furnishes to customers. All ordinary expense of instal- lation, maintenance, and repair in connection with service furnished by the Telephone Company is borne by the Company except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. The customer shall not install, disconnect, rearrange, remove, or attempt to repair i.e. "Tamper With" any equipment or facilities furnished by the Telephone Company or permit others to do so, except upon the written consent of the Telephone Company or as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. 6. Work Performed Outside Regular Working Hours The rates and charges specified in the Telephone Com- pany's tariffs contemplate that all work in connection with furnishing or rearranging service be performed during regular working hours. Whenever a customer requests that work necessarily required in the furnishing or rearranging of the customer's service be performed outside the Telephone Company's regular working hours or that work once begun be interrupted, so that the Tele- phone Company incurs cost that would not otherwise have ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of Nc State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET _2_9 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (con't.) 6. Work Performed Outside Regular Working Hours (con't.) been incurred, the customer may be required to pay, in addition to the other rates and charges specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs, the amount of additional costs incurred by the Company as a result of the customer's special requirements. 7. Provision and Ownership of Telephone Numbers The customer has no property right to the telephone number or any other call number designation associated right to change such numbers, or the central offic designation associated with such numbers, or both, assigned to the customer, whenever the Telephone Company deems it necessary to do so in the conduct of its business. 8. Provision and Ownership of Directories Directories are furnished by the Telephone Company to customers as an aid to the use of the service. The Telephone Company may request that such directories be returned to the Company when new directories are issued. The Telephone Company will furnish to its customers, without charge, such directories as it deems necessary for the efficient use of the service. The Telephone Company reserves the right to charge customers for directories covering other than their primary directory area. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address # # B TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET ^0 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS E. ESTABLISHMENT AND FURNISHING OF SERVICE (con't.) 9. Special Equipment and Service Arrangements The rates and charges quoted in the tariffs of the Telephone Company contemplate the use of service arrange- ments, equipment and facilities in quantities and types regularly furnished by the Telephone Company, Where equipment, facilities, or service arrangements are requested which are not provided for in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs, rates and charges will apply based on the circumstances in each case, whenever in the judgment of the Telephone Company it is practi- cable to provide the service requested. In such cases, the Telephone Company reserves the right to require an initial contract period longer than 1 month at the same location. 10. Alterations on the Customer's Premises The customer shall notify the Telephone Company, a reasonable period in advance, whenever alterations or new construction on premises occupied by the customer neces- sitate changes in the Telephone Company's equipment and facilities. When charges for such changes in equipment and facilities are not provided for in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs, the customer may be required to reimburse the Telephone Company for any costs incurred in connection with the changes of equipment and facilities. F. ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT 1. Establishment of Credit The Telephone Company is not obligated to furnish service to any individual or firm that owes for service previous- ly rendered at the same or a different address, until arrangements have been made to liquidate such previous indebtedness to the Company. Nor is the Telephone Company obligated to continue to furnish service to any ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 31 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS F. ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT (con't.) 1. Establishment of Credit (con't.) individual or firm whose credit is or becomes, in the opinion of the Telephone Company, doubtful. In order to insure the payment of all charges due for its service, the Telephone Company may require any customer to establish and maintain his credit in one of the following ways: 1. By furnishing references acceptable to the Telephone Company, 2. By means of a cash deposit. 3. Letter of Cr ed i t/ Guaran tee . 4. Security Agreement/ Bond . 2. Discontinuance of Service for Failure to Establish or Maintain Credit Service to a customer may be disconnected for failure to establish credit after a reasonable time, but in any case not until _ days after written notice to the customer was mailed or delivered to his address as listed with the company, or to the premises at which the service was rendered. Notice will be deemed given to the customer days after mailing. • 3. Restoral of Service Charge Where service has been disconnected for failure to establish credit as authorized above, the regular restoral of service charge set forth in Section G5,on Page 36 of this tariff will be made and collected by the Company. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No, By Name Title Address I > TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET rZ GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS F. ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF CREDIT (con't.) 4. Unpaid Account A Telephone Company shall not be required to provide service to an applicant who has not paid for prior telephone service rendered by a Telephone Company in the same or different location and furnished to the same person or legal entity. However, residence service cannot be denied for failure to pay a bill for a business service. A Telephone Company shall not be required to furnish service when applied for in the name of another person or legal entity, or a fictitious name or other member of the same household, for the purpose of avoiding payment of an unpaid obligation for telephone service previously furnished. G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES 1. Advance Payments Applicants for service may be required to pay any service, installation or nonrecurring charges and at least 1 month's fixed charge in advance of the instal- lation of service. The amount of such advance payment is credited to the customer's account as applying to any indebtedness under the contract. 2. Credit For Use of Customer-Provided Instruments Where a customer-provided instrument is used, in lieu of a Telephone Company provided instrument, as a main or extension station with individual line residence and Business Local Exchange Service, a monthly credit of $ per telephone instrument not provided by the Telephone Company shall be applied. 3 . Deposi ts a . General The Telephone Company may require an applicant or a customer to make a suitable cash deposit to be held by the Telephone Company as a guarantee of the payment of charges for service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Rami T itle Addiess TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 22 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 3. Deposits (con't) # b. Amount of Deposit Except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs, the amount of such deposit shall not exceed the amount of charges for service which is estimated will accrue for a period of 2 months; however, after service has been estab- lished and experience demonstrates that the amount of the outstanding deposit is not suitable to safeguard the interests of the Telephone Company, the Telephone Company may require an adjustment of the deposit not exceeding the charges which is estimated will accrue for a period of 2 months. c. Records of Deposits (1) The Company shall keep records to show: (a) The name and address of each depositor; (b) The amount and date of the deposit; (c) Each transaction concerning the deposit. (2) The Utility shall issue a receipt of deposit to each applicant from whom a deposit is received, and shall provide means whereby a depositor may establish claim if a receipt is lost. (3) A record of each unclaimed deposit must be maintained for at least 4 years, during which time the Utility shall make a reasonable effort to return the deposit. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address # e # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 34 I GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 3. Deposits (con't.) d. Refund of Deposit When service is terminated, any balance of the deposit including accrued interest, remaining after deduction of all sums due the Telephone Company will be returned to the customer; or the deposit may be returned at any time previous thereto, at the option of the Telephone Company. No deposit shall be held beyond a period during which the customer has established satisfactory credit. A transfer of service from one premise to another within the service area of the Company shall not be deemed a disconnection within the meaning of these rules, and no additional deposit may be demanded unless permitted by these rules. e. Interest on Deposit Simple interest at the rate of percent per annum will be paid for the period during which the deposit is held by the Telephone Company. At the option of each customer making a deposit, the Telephone Company shall annually make either direct payment to the customer of all accrued interest, or shall credit same to the customer's account. f . Installment Payment of Deposit Whenever a deposit from any residential customer is required, the customer shall be permitted to pay it in three consecutive equal monthly installments whenever the total amount of the required deposit exceeds the sum of dollars. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY " PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 22 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 3. Deposits (con't.) g. Deposit Not to Affect Regular Collection Practices The fact that a deposit is held by the Telephone Company shall in no way relieve the applicant or customer from compliance with the Telephone Company's regulations as to advance payment and payment for service, nor constitute a waiver or modification of the regulations pertaining to the discontinuance of service for nonpayment of any sums due the Telephone Company for the service rendered. 4. Payment for Service Charges to the customer are due and payable as follows: a. Upon request, all service, installation, and nonrecurring charges. b. Monthly in advance, all fixed monthly charges for service and facilities. c. Upon rendition of bills, all message charges for local and long distance services, charges for measured time services, and charges for messenger service. The customer is responsible for payment of all charges for service rendered including charges for local messages and long distance messages sent from the customer's station and for messages charged to such station on which the charges have been reversed, i.e., collected from or billed against the station called, or collected from or billed to a station other than the calling station or called station, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By : , Name Title Address I * TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ~ ORIGINAL SHEET 36 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 5. Due Date and Penalty Bills shall be payable immediately upon receipt and past due days after the date of the bill or after any payment date previously established by agreement between a customer and the Telephone Company. If the bill is not paid when past due, the Telephone Company may make a single late payment charge not to exceed percent (_%). The Company may commence disconnect procedure when the bill is past due, or at any other time when long distance charges exceed customer's normal usage by 100 percent (100%) providing such charges are not less than $ for residence service and not less than $ for business service. A "Denied Service Restoral" charge "as set forth in Part III, Section 22 of this tariff of $ * is applicable to each reconnection of service on paid delinquent accounts. On a disconnection visit by a Company representative to the customer's location and when the customer chooses to pay his account, a Premise Visit charge is also applicable. 6. Dishonored Checks The Telephone Company reserves the right to collect a $ * charge for checks returned by banks. Returned checks may result in immediate suspension of service without notification. * Insure that this is the same amount as set forth in Section 22 of Part III. (This note is for instructional purposes only, and is no t to be included in the filed tariff.) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 31 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCE (con't.) 7. Adjustments for Certain Local Taxes and Fees When a political subdivision of the state charges the Company a license tax or franchise fee at a flat rate or based on receipts or based on poles, wires or conduits, the aggregate amount of such taxes and fees will be billed pro rata to the exchange customers receiving service within the political subdivision, 8. Two-Tier Payment Plans A Two-Tier Payment Plan is a method of payment for services and equipment, as specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs, which consist of two levels (or tiers) of monthly rates. The first tier are those rates designated as Level A rates and the second tier are those rates designated as Level B rates. a. Application of Rates (1) Rates specified as Level A for Two-Tier Payment Plans apply for the duration of the initial contract period selected. Rates specified as Level B apply during the initial contract period selected and thereafter for the duration the equipment is in service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address $ # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 2A GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 8. Two-Tier Payment Plans (con't.) a. Application of Rates (con't.) (2) For services which offer the customer a choice between a Two-Tier Payment Plan (Payment Plan 1) and a standard payment plan (Payment Plan 2), customers selecting Payment Plan 1 may select items of equipment offered under Payment Plan 2 for the same service offering. Customers selecting Payment Plan 2 may not select items of service and equipment offered under Payment Plan 1. (3) When a customer elects to convert an existing service from a standard payment plan to a Two- Tier Payment Plan, the service shall be treated as a new connection except no additional Instal- lation or System Activity Charges shall apply for those items of equipment being converted nor shall Service Charges apply to existing trunks, lines, or stations provided such trunks, lines or stations are not moved, changed or r ear ranged . b. Termination Charges (1) At the customer's option, a lump sum payment of the rates for all or individual items of equip- ment shown in Columns A may be made at any time during the intital contract period. Partial prepayments against the Columns A balance after the beginning of the initial contract period are not allowed. The amount of the lump sum payment shall be the present worth of the monthly rates for the number of months in the unexpired portion of the initial contract period. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 3_9 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 8. Two-Tier Payment Plans (con't.) b. Termination Charges (con't.) (2) In the event of termination of all or part of the service, a termination charge shall apply for the rates shown in Columns A for terminated items for the unexpired portion of the initial contract period. The amount of the termination charge shall be the present worth of the monthly rates for the number of months in the unexpired portion of the initial contract period. (3) Termination Credit shall be determined based on the initial credit which represents the maximum reusable value of the service in the market at the time of installation, and the credit period which reflects the anticipated period of time during which the service shall have reusable value. The amount of termination credit, as specified in this Company's applicable tariffs for the offerings involved, shall apply to Columns A rates and and any deferred payment of Installation Charges. c. Transfer of Contractual Obligations With the written permission of the Telephone Company, the obligation to pay Columns A rates for the unexpired portion of all outstanding initial contract periods may be transferred to another customer for a transfer fee at any time during the initial contract periods. In addition to assuming the responsibility to pay the Columns A rates for the remainder of the outstanding initial contract periods for the service at its existing location, the new customer assumes the conditions applicable to the offering at the time of transfer. Any equipment rearrangements or additions are subject to the rates and charges as provided for in the applicable tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By TTTTe ' ^ddryyb Name » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 40 » • GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 8. Two-Tier Payment Plans (con't.) d . Relocations of Service At the request of the customer, service may be relocated to different premises or to a different building at charges based on estimated costs provided that service at the new location is for the same customer. Columns A and B rates shall continue to apply during the period of relocation, except that Columns B rates shall not apply if the service is inoperative for a continuous period of time as speci- fied in the tariff for Allowance for Interruptions. The customer's termination liability shall remain unchanged . e. Equipment Additions At the customer's option, the initial contract period for equipment additions may be arranged to terminate at the same time as the existing initial contract period for the original establishment of services as f ol lows : (1) Lump sum payment of the Columns A rates up to the remaining months of the existing initial contract period. The amount of the lump sum payment shall be the present worth of the monthly rates for the number of months in the expired portion of the existing initial contract period , or (2) Adjustment of the Columns A rates to an initial contract period equal to the remaining months of the existing initial contract period. Any deferrable System Activity Charges and Installa- tion Charges associated with equipment additions may be deferred and paid as a monthly charge which shall be added to the amount of the Columns A rates for the initial contract period selected. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 41 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENT AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 8. Two-Tier Payment Plans (con't.) b. Termination Charges (con't.) (3) Termination of Credit shall be determined based on the initial credit which represents the maximum reusable value of the service in the market at the time of installation, and the credit period which reflects the anticipated period of time during which the service shall have reusable value. The amount of termination credit, as specified in this Company's appli- cable tariffs for the offerings involved, shall apply to Columns A rates and any deferred payment of Installation Charges. c. Transfer of Contractual Obligations With the written permission of the Telephone Company, the obligation to pay Columns A rates for the unexpired portion of all outstanding initial contract periods may be transferred to another customer for a transfer fee at any time during the initial contract periods. In addition to assuming the responsibility to pay the Columns A rates for the remainder of the outstanding initial contract periods for the service at its existing location, the new customer assumes the conditions applicable to the offering at the time of transfer. Any equip- ment rearrangements or additions are subject to the rates and charges as provided for in the applicable tariff . d. Relocations of Service ISSUED At the request of the customer, service may be relocated to different premises or to a different building at charges based on estimated costs provided that service at the new location is for the same customer. Columns A and B rates shall not EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Titlt No, Address # # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART II ORIGINAL SHEET 4_2 GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS G. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS AND CREDIT ALLOWANCES (con't.) 8. Two-Tier Payment Plans (con't.) d . Relocations of Service (con't.) apply if the service is inoperative for a continuous period of time as specified in the tariff for Allow- ance for Interruptions. The customer's termination liability shall remain unchanged. e. Equipment Additions At the customer's option, the initial contract period for equipment additions may be arranged to terminate at the same time as the existing initial contract period for the original establishment of services as f ol lows : (1) Lump sum payment of the Columns A rates up to the remaining months of the existing initial contract period. The amount of the lump sum payment shall be the present worth of months in the expired portion of the existing initial contract period, or (2) Adjustment of the Columns A rates to an initial contract period equal to the remaining months of the existing initial contract period. Any deferrable System Activity Charges and Installa- tion Charges associated with equipment additions may be deferred and paid as a monthly charge which shall be added to the amount of the Columns A rates for the initial contract period selected . ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address ^ # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFFS PART III TITLE PAGE Schedule of RATES AND CHARGES, AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICES # > ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No, By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COIIPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXGHANGE SERVICE TARIFF TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET NO. TITLE PACE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 APPLICATION OF TARIFF 4 SECTION 1. AUTOMATIC ANSWERING & RECORDING SERVICE 2. CENTREX SERVICE a. CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE b. CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICE 3. CONSTRUCTION CHARGES A. CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES 5. DATA SERVICES & EQUIPflENT 6. DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE 7. DIRECTORY LISTINGS 8. DISCOUNTS 9. ENTERPRISE SERVICE 10. EXTENSION SERVICE 11. EXTENSION & TIE LINES 12. INTERCONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Name > Title Address COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) 14. MILEAGE CHARGES 15. MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICE 16. MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE 17. MULTI-LINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE 18. PHONE STORE SERVICE 19. PPIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE 20. PRIVATE LINE SERVICE 21. RADIO PAGING SERVICE 22. SERVICE CHARGES 23. SET RECOVERY PLAN 24. SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 25. SUSPENSION OF SERVICE 26. TOUCH-TONE® CALLING SERVICE TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 SHEET NO. r © Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address r COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF APPLICATION OF TARIFF A. GENERAL This tariff applies to general telecommunications services furnished by . The regulations and rates contained herein are in addition to the applicable regulations and rates specified in other tariffs of the Telephone Company. B. REGULATIONS For the purpose of administering the rates and charges contained in this tariff, a customer-provided channel connecting two P.B.X. systems, two Centrex systems, a P.B.X, system and a Centrex system, or either of the preceding systems to a customer-provided communications (switching) system is considered to be a tie line. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) Signifies a changed regulation, (D) Signifies a discontinued rate, treatment or regulation. (I) Signifies an increased rate or new treatment resulting in increased rate. (N) Signifies a new rate, treatment or regulation. (R) Signifies a reduced rate or new treatment resulting in reduced rates . (T) Signifies a change in text but no change in rate, treatment or regulation. » ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPMJY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 1 AUTOMATIC ANSWERING AND RECORDING SERVICE A. GENERAL Automatic Answering and Recording Service provides for the automatic answering of telephones, the transmission of a prepared message to the calling party and where desired, the automatic recording of a message from the calling party, with or without a closing message. The Telephone Company offers a series of Automatic Answering & Recording devices with features and capacities designed to meet the varying needs of its customers. B. REGULATIONS 1 . Automatic Answering and Recording Service will be provided by the company only in conjunction with Business or Residential Individual Line Service, Key System Lines, or Centrex/PABX Trunks. 2. Automatic Answering and Recording Service is available for use only with telephone stations where full selective ringing is employed. The telephone stations and the associated answering only or answering and recording equipment shall be located in the same building and on the same premises, 3. Electrical power necessary for the operations of automatic answering and recording equipment will be provided by the customer. 4. For purposes of identification, customers of telephone service who transmit public announcements over facilities provided by the Company must include in the recorded message the name of the organization or individual responsible for the service and the address at which the service is provided. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Dafe Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address V f COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 1 AUTOMATIC ANSWERING AND RECORDING SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 5. Customers transmitting factual public announcements such as Time, Weather, Stock Market quotations. Airline Schedules, and similar information are excluded from the preceding Regulation. 6. Equipment required for these services may be furnished by the Telephone Company, or by the customer at the customer's option, in accordance with the conditions specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. Such equipment is designed to disconnect the called telephone at the end of the period provided by the equipment for the outgoing message in the case of automatic answering only equipment, and after completion of the period provided by the equipment for recording incoming messages in the case of automatic answering and recording equipment. 7. Since the customer and calling parties have exclusive control over the quality and characteristics of speech used in the messages recorded, the Telephone Company has no liability for the quality of or defects in, the recording of such messages. C. RATES & CHARGES 1 . The following charges apply to the automatic and recording service and are in addition to the other rates and charges applicable to the associated telephone facilities and service (List models available, with brief description of features) Monthly Rate Installation & Service Charge ISSUED Model I "Answer only" 3 min. Announcement capacity Date EFFECTIVE Date # Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 1 AUTOMATIC ANSWERING AND RECORDING SERVICE C. RATES & CHARGES 1 . The following charges apply to the automatic and recording service and are in addition to the other rates and charges applicable to the associated telephone facilities and service: (cont'd) Monthly Installation & Rate Service Charge Model II "Answer & Record" 3 minute announcement, with fifteen 30 second message capacity $ $ Model III "Answer & Record" 3 minute announcement, with 60 minute message capacity (if calling party is silent for 4 seconds, tone warns it will disconnect if message is not resumed in another 8 seconds) $ $ Model IV "Answer, Record &. Remote Playback" 30 second variable announcement with 20 minute message capacity $ NOTE: The four "Models" shown above are examples of some of the features currently available. They are shown only as a suggestion as to the format to be used in the company's filed Tariff. These "Models" are not recommendations as to the type of equipment which should be purchased. The company should select the type of equipment which will best serve the needs of their customers. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE A. GENERAL Centrex Service includes the facilities necessary for intercommunica- tion between stations within a customer's system, in and out exchange lines, direct in-dialing to stations, attendant transfer of incoming calls from one station line to another, identification and billing of outgoing long distance messages by station number, night connection arrangements, interception of calls to unassigned numbers, and attendant positions for assistance requirements. Centrex Service include the facilities necessary for trunk, answer from any station, and on calls incoming from the exchange, call transfer-individual, consultation hold, and add-on. B. REGULATIONS 1. Explanation of Terms a. Centrex System Centrex stations with the same primary directory listing constitute a Centrex System. b. Centrex Line A Centrex line is a line connecting a station or stations to Centrex switching equipment. c. Centrex Stations ( 1) Main Station A main station is the first station, the first appearance in a station, or the first appearance in other than a station, of a Centrex line, except as specified for a fully restricted station. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address COMPANY ^°" ^^^™^ ^510 ORIGINAL SHEET_2 ^ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Explanation of Terms (cont'd) (2) Fully Restricted Station A fully restricted station is the first station, the first appearance in a station, or the first appearance in other than a station, of a Centrex line which is equipped only to make calls to and receive calls from other stations connected to the same Centrex System. (3) Bridged Station A bridged station is an additional station on the same ..«. ^^^^^'' r ^o '^^ associated main or fully restricted ^ station, d. Primary Location ^' tlltT'' "^^K^'^r '' '^^ premises of the customer, mutually 1oc!m "'r ^^ '^^^'="f «™-- ^nd then designated as the primary location by the Telephone Company. ^ e. Secondary Location that'of S IT''""^'" a premises of the customer other than that of the primary location where stations are served by the same Centrex System. ^ 1.00VCU EFFECTIVE Issued Under Date Authority of Date No. By State P.S.C. - ... > Name Title Address l'^ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Explanation of Terms (cont'd) f. Satellite A satellite is switching equipment arranged for Centrex operation which is located at a secondary location of the customer, connected to the Centrex System by tie lines, and at which there is no attendant position, g. Extended System Location An extended system location is a building on the premises of the customer designated by the Telephone Company as the principal service point in a wire center area when a Centrex System is extended outside the serving wire center area of the primary location by means of Centrex switching equipment located on Telephone Company premises and is connected to the primary location by tie lines. 2. Centrex Service is classified as business service and is furnished subject to the availability of facilities, by means of standard telephones and, at the option of the Telephone Company, dial switching equipment located either on the customer's premises or on the premises of the Telephone Company, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 2. (cont'd) Message rate Centrex Service will be furnished only from exchanges where business Individual line message rate service is offered. Flat rate Centrex Service may be furnished only from exchanges where business individual line flat rate service is offered. 3. tVhere the switching equipment is located on the customer's premises, and the switching equipment and attendant positions are not located in the same or immediately adjacent rooms on the same floor, or are separated by over 100 feet, special charges based on the circumstances in each case may apply. 4. One operator's regular telephone set and one position dial will be furnished where required without additional charge for each console or switchboard position. One operator' s chair will be furnished without charge in connection with each position of switchboard when, because of the height of the keyshelf, a standard height chair will not meet normal requirements, 5. Where quantities of switching equipment or central office lines in excess of those considered adequate by the Telephone Company are requested by the customer, such additional facilities will be furnished at rates and charges based on the circumstances in each case. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By _: , Name Title Address r TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ■ ORIGINAL SHEET_5 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 6. Minimum Revenue Guarantees a. Minimum Revenue Guarantees apply only to Centrex main stations, main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments, and attendant positions. Fully restricted and bridged stations, fully restricted and bridged lines with customer-provided instruments, and the rate differential between Centrex main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments, are not included in any minimum revenue guarantees. b. Centrex Main Stations and Main Centrex Lines with Customer-provided Instruments (1) On at least one premises of the customer, main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments are subject to a Continuing Minimum Monthly Charge which shall be the charge for 100 main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments at the appropriate Centrex primary location schedule. (2) All main stations and main Centrex lines with customer- provided instruments of a Centrex system shall be subject to a Basic Minimum Revenue Guarantee for a period of five years. (3) \Vhen service is initially established, the Basic Minimum Revenue Guarantee is determined by applying the Centrex primary location schedule for lines with customer- provided instruments to 90 percent of the immediately lower hundreds level below the combined number of main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments initially connected. The guarantee so determined shall not be less than the Continuing Minimum Monthly Charge. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 6. Minimum Revenue Guarantees (cont'd) b. Centrex Main Stations and Main Centrex Lines with Customer-provided Instruments (cont'd) (4) l-Then subsequent growth occurs, an Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee will be established when the cumulative growth exceeds a combined total of 20 main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments beyond the next higher hundreds level above that previously established. The Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee will apply for a period of three years and will be based on 90 percent of the additional hundreds level(s) above that previously established. c. The Minimum Revenue Guarantee for each attendant position shall be equal to the monthly charges for five years at the same location beginning with the date of connection. 7. Termination of Service a. \Vhen a Centrex system is disconnected in its entirety prior to the expiration of the Minimum Revenue Guarantee periods for any or all parts of such system, a termination charge equal to one-half the charges applicable to the remainder of such periods shall apply. b. When a portion of the Centrex main stations or main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments is disconnected prior to the expiration of the Minimum Revenue Guarantee periods and such disconnection reduces the number of such stations or lines below those contracted for by the customer, the customer will continue to be charged for the number of such stations and lines under contract for the duration of the Minimum Revenue Guarantee periods. The last stations and lines with customer-provided instruments connected will be considered the first disconnected. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address > • TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. Changing of Equipment a. Attendant Positions (1) \^en the customer elects to change the type of the attendant positions, or the location of the attendant positions within the same building and on the same premises, the installation charge for attendant posi- tions, as specified in C. following, shall apply. (2) liHien the customer elects to change the location of the attendant positions to a different building or a different premises, charges shall apply except that the charge shall not exceed a sum equivalent to the total charges applicable for the termination of such service and subsequent reconnection of service. b. Switching Equipment Located on Customer Premises When the customer elects to change the location of the Centrex dial switching equipment located on his premises or, when in the judgment of the Telephone Company the location of the Centrex dial switching equipment located on the customer's premises must be changed as a result of the customer's requirements for Centrex Service, the Centrex System shall be considered to be disconnected in its entirety and termination charges as set forth in 7. a. preceding shall apply except as provided in e. following. » ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. Changing of Equipment (cont'd) c. Switching Equipment Located on Telephone Company Premises When the customer elects to change the location of all primary location main stations and main Centrex lines with customer- provided instruments associated with Centrex switching equipment located on the Telephone Company's premises, the Centrex system shall be considered to be disconnected in its entirety and termination charges as set forth in 7. a. preceding shall apply except where, at the option of the Tele- phone Company and subject to the availability of facilities, the customer's Centrex system will continue to be served by the same Centrex switching equipment. d. Service at the new location, if termination charge treatment is applied, will be treated as a new connection requiring new Minimum Revenue Guarantee periods. e. The customer will be given the option of paying all costs of a move on the same premises in lieu of paying the termination charges specified in b. preceding. \^en the customer pays such cost of moving. Minimum Revenue Guarantee periods will not be affected. ^ ^ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. t By , Name Title Address t TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY • PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available a. Automatic Route Selection-Basic (1) Automatic route selection accepts a seven- or ten-digit telecommunications network call attempt through a Centrex access code, automatically scans the call attempt, and selects a first-choice completion route via foreign exchange. Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS), Common Control Switching Arrangement (CCSA) Off-Network, and/or Long Distance Message Service by use of a Local Exchange Service access line. Sequential completion attempts will be made over a maximum of four alternate routes. (2) Preferred routes and alternate routes within patterns will be specified by the customer. (3) The number of patterns required by a customer is determined by the type and variety of access lines to which such customer subscribes. (4) Patterns without final route to Long Distance Message Service may be offered only if a customer subscribes to a sufficient number of access lines which, in the judgment of the Telephone Company, provide an adequate level of service so as to avoid interfering with the service of others or to prevent others from making or receiving calls over their telephone service. # ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~" By _ . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 10 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) a. Automatic Route Selection-Basic (cont'd) (5) Tie lines or tie line groups will not be included as routes in patterns. (6) Where a customer has a requirement to use a single route requiring multiple translations, i.e., a three-digit translation (number plan area code only) and a six-digit translation (number plan area code and central office codes) the route must be arranged in separate route selection patterns with separate access codes, subject to the appropriate charges in C. following. (7) A group of patterns may have either Long Distance Message Service or overflow tone as a final route. A combination of both within the same pattern group that is, a group of patterns accessed by one code,, is not permitted. Dial "9" may be used as an access code only if the patterns accessed have Long Distance Message Service as a final route. (8) Where long distance message restricted stations have access to automatic route selection patterns with final route to Long Distance Message Service, rates and charges as specified for patterns with overflow to tone apply in lieu of the rates and charges specified for final route to Long Distance Message Service. ISSUED [ EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By , Name Title Address 1 # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETll GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available, (cont'd) a. Automatic Route Selection-Basic (cont'd) (9) System Activity Charges apply as specified in C. following, and are in addition to all other applicable Service Charges specified in this tariff. b. Attendant Camp-on and Indication of Camp-on (1) Attendant camp-on and indication of camp-on allows a Centrex attendant position console attendant to camp on a busy main station when attempting to extend an incoming telecommunications network, CCSA or tie line call to that station, and provides for the called busy station to receive an alert tone each time the attendant attempts to complete the call. (2) Attendant camp-on and indication of camp-on cannot be activated by the attendant if the called station is in a dialing, outpulsing, ringing, or disconnecting mode. (3) If the called station is already camped-on, or connected to another attendant in the same customer group, camp-on cannot be activated. # ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III / ORIGINAL SHEETJ^ V GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF 4 SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) b. Attendant Camp-on and Indication of Camp-on (cont'd) (4) If the called station is equipped for call waiting, that feature takes precedence over camp-on. Consequently, the attendant cannot regenerate the alert tone. (5) If the called station is part of a multiline hunting group or series completion group and all lines in the group are busy, the camp-on function will be applied to the last station or terminal hunted. c. Attendant Control of Facilities Attendant control of facilities allows a console attendant to selectively deny or allow stations dial access to tie lines, l WATS, FX or CCSA access lines. The feature may be arranged, at the option of the customer, to control access to a single access or tie line, a single group of the same type access lines or tie lines, or multiple groups of different types of access lines and tie lines. d. Code Call-Code Call Answer (1) Code call-code call answer allows a console attendant or a station user including a station user calling over a tie line, to page a called party via a coded system. The called party can, from any unrestricted station, dial a predetermined code and be connected to the calling party. (2) The audible or visual signaling apparatus used for paging must be provided by the customer and be located on such customer's premises. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By ^ _ , Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET13 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE $ $ B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) e. Station Message Detail Recording (1) Station message detail recording is an arrangement which provides a record by station number, of originating calls routing over selected facility groups which include dial type tie lines, FX, WATS, CCSA and Long Distance Message Service. The station message detail includes the calling station number, called number, date, time of day, duration of call and type of facility used. (2) Station message detail recording also provides a record of incoming calls routed over selected facility groups which are Attendant Controlled and extended by the attendant to Centrex station numbers. These facility groups include tie lines, FX and Inward WATS, provided the Inward WATS facility groups and the associated Centrex system are served by the same No. 1 ESS dial switching equipment. The station message detail includes the listed directory number of the associated Centrex system as the calling number, the called number, date, time of day and duration of call. Station message detail recording on incoming calls extended by the Centrex attendant will be furnished only in conjunction with customer dialed account recording. (3) The customer may designate the group or groups of facilities on which station message detail is to he provided, and such detail will be provided on all facilities within each group selected. (A) The data provided by station message detail recording is not the same as that provided on the monthly Telephone Company rendered bill and comparisons will not be accepted as the sole basis for the resolution of billing discrepancies. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET14 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) e. Station Message Detail Recording (cont'd) (5) Station message detail will be provided on magnetic tape. The tape density and number of tracks will be that used by the program and data processing system in use by the Telephone Company. (6) \Vhere tie line or FX facilities are involved, all call attempts originated over such facilities, whether completed or not, will appear in the station message detail. f. Customer Dialed Account Recording (1) Customer dialed account recording is an arrangement which permits the addition of a number to the station message detail recording magnetic tape record of any call for use by the customer for identification or internal allocation of the customer's services. (2) Customer dialed account recording will be furnished only in conjunction with station message detail recording and where facilities permit. (3) The customer dialed account recording numbers may consist of up to eight digits. The number of digits will be predesignated by the customer and all customer dialed account recording numbers within an arrangement must contain the same number of digits. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address • 4 TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET15 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) g. Uniform Call Distribution (1) Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) is a hunting arrangement, available on Centrex lines, which provides even distribution of incoming telecommunication network and intercommunicating calls to the group of lines designated as the UCD hunting group, (2) Centrex main stations or Centrex main lines with customer- provided instruments, and fully restricted stations or fully restricted lines with customer-provided instruments are not provided in the same UCD hunting group. (3) Queuing is an optional feature that may be added to a uniform call distribution arrangement, to permit incoming calls, in excess of lines in a uniform call distribution hunting group, to be held in the dial switching equipment and distributed in their order of arrival to lines in the uniform call distribution hunting group, as the lines become available. (4) When the optional feature or queuing is added to a uniform call distribution arrangement, all lines in the associated uniform call distribution hunting group must be arranged for queuing. i ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. V By State P.S.C. Name Title TM ress TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET16 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) h. Attendant Busy Verification of Tie Lines and Call Through Test on Tie Lines (1) The attendant busy verification feature allows the Centrex attendant to call a particular tie line. If the line is busy the existing call will be given a busy verification tone then bridged to the attendant. The attendant can then observe the call and be heard by both parties on the original connection. The busy verification tone is repeated every six seconds up to a maximum of 30 seconds, at which time the attendant connection is dropped. (2) The attendant call through test feature allows the Centrex attendant to verify the operation of any tie line equipped with this feature by selecting the line and making a test call on it. (3) The attendant busy verification and call through test features can only be operated from a console attendant position equipped for data link operation. i. Electronic Tandem Switching Type Tie Line Termination An electronic tandem switching type tie line termination is provided in association with the Centrex system electronic tandem switching features of automatic route selection-deluxe and/or uniform numbering/automatic alternate routing. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address > m TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 17 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) j. Selected Customer Control of Facilities (1) Selected customer control of facilities is an arrangement which permits the customer to restrict all access to specific facility groups terminating in the customer's Centrex system. (2) \^en the selected customer control of facilities arrangement is activated for a facility group which is a part of an automatic route selection - basic or automatic route selection - deluxe routing pattern, call attempts will automatically be routed to the next facility group in the routing pattern. k. Centralized Attendant Service (1) Centralized attendant service allows a customer with a number of locations that are served by a Centrex system, to concentrate all attendants at a single, centralized, main location. Incoming calls from the telecommunications network to an unattended branch location are routed to the main location, via a release link trunk, where a centralized attendant service attendant completes the call by dialing the called party's extension number over the same release link trunk. (2) The main location system must be a Centrex system served by Electronic switching equipment equipped with data link console attendant positions. 1 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_1^ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Optional Features for Use with Centrex Systems where proper equip- ment is available (cont'd) k. Centralized Attendant Service (cont'd) (3) the branch locations may have either an electronic or No. 5 cross bar dial switching equipment that is arranged for switched loop operation and TOUCH-TONE ® calling service (4) Centralized Attendant Service Features (a) Standard Features I. Incoming Call Identification Lamps II. Remote Hold III. Customer Testing of Release Link Trunks IV. Attendant Call Distribution V. Attendant Recall on Station Don' t-Answer (b) Optional Feature Uniform Numbering 10. Additional Customer Group An additional customer group is a group of facilities requiring an additional memory block in the ESS dial switching equipment and is established by the Telephone Company at the request of the customer to provide an additional group of common service features on the same Centrex system. ©Registered Service Mark of A.T.&T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address V COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 19 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C . RATES 1, Centrex Service a. Attendant Position Push button console or cord switchboard arranged for full Centrex operation, each position Installation Per Charge* Month b. Stations (1) Main Stations (a) Primary Location Flat Rate Switching Equipment 1 'irst located on: _ 50 Customer Premises Exchange Access . $ Intercommuni- cation Type A . . . . $ Type B . . . . $_ Telephone Company Premises Exchange Access $ Intercommuni- cation Type A . . . . $ Type B . . . . $_ Each Station, Per Month First Next Next Over 150 800 1000 *Applies to installations of attendant positions and moves or changes of attendant positions within the same building and on the same premises. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name Date No. State P.S.C. Titl« Address COMPAOT TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET20 C. GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE RATES (cont'd) 1. Centrex Service (cont'd) b. Stations (cont'd) (1) Main Stations (cont'd) (a) Primary Location (cont'd) Message Rate* Switching Equipment located on: Each Station, Per Month First Next Next Over 50 150 800 1000 Customer Premises Exchange Access . $ Intercommuni- cation Type A . . . , $ Type B . . . . $ Telephone Company Premises Exchange Access $ Intercommuni- cation Type A , , . , $ Type B . . . . $ ( *No message unit allowance included. The charges for all message units are the same as specified for business service additional message units in this Company's Local Exchange Service Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address < $ COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET21 C. RATES (cont'd) 1, Centrex Service (cont'd) b. Stations (cont'd) (1) Main Stations (cont'd) (b) Secondary Locations Flat Rate Switching Equipment located on: # Each Station, Per Month First Next Next Over 50 250 700 1000 Customer Premises Exchange Access . $ Intercommuni- cation Type A . , . . Type B , . . . $ Telephone Company Premises Exchange Access Intercommuni- $ cation Type A . . . . Type B . . . . $ $ ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of • By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET22 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 1. Centrex Service (cont'd) b. Stations (cont'd) (1) Main Stations (cont'd) (b) Secondary Locations (cont'd) Message Rate* Each Station, Per Month Switching Equipment First Next Next Over located on: 50 250 700 1000 Customer Premises Exchange Access . $ Intercommuni- cation Type A . . . . $ Type B . . . . $ Telephone Company Premises Exchange Access $ Intercommuni- cation Type A . . . . $ Type B . . . . $ ( *No message unit allowance included. The charges for all message units are the same as specified for business service additional message units in this Company's Local Exchange Services Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET23 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 1. Centrex Service (cont'd) b. Stations (cont'd) (2) Fully Restricted Stations or Lines, Per Flat or Message Rate Month Fully restricted station, each $ # Fully restricted station, each rate, with customer-provided instruments, each . . $_ (3) Bridged Stations on the Same Line With (a) Main Stations $_ Message Rate, each $_ Flat Rate, each $_ (b) Fully Restricted Stations, each $_ (4) Bridged Centrex Line With Customer-provided Instrument on the Same Line With: (a) Main Stations Message Rate, each $ Flat Rate, each $_ (b) Fully Restricted Stations, each $ # ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET24 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE :. RATES (cont'd) 1. Centrex Service (cont'd) c. Optional Service Features where proper equipment is available (1) Call Transfer-individual, Consultation Hold and Add-on Installation on Incoming Calls Charge (a) Common Equipment, per system $ (b) Per Main Centrex Line $ (2) Trunk Answer Any Station on Incoming Calls, per system $ 2. TOUCH-TONE® Calling Service The following rates apply in addition to the rates and charges applicable for the associated Centrex System: Nonrecurring Per Charge Month Common Equipment, per system* .... - $ Attendant Positions, Per position . . $ None Centrex Stations or Lines, each ... - $ Centrex Line With Customer-provided Instrument, each - $ *Minimum revenue guarantee of 12 months applies. ( ( ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET25 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 3. Charges for Channels Connecting Different Premises Channel charges as specified in this tariff for Extension and Tie Lines apply as follows and are in addition to the rate for the Centrex main, fully restricted or bridged station, or a main, fully restricted or bridged Centrex line with customer-provided instrument: a . Intraexchange (1) Inhere a main or fully restricted station or a main or fully restricted Centrex Line with customer-provided instrument is located outside of the serving wire center area of the customer's primary location, an interoffice channel for the extension of a branch exchange station line is required between the wire center serving the customer's primary location and the wire center serving the station. Local channels are not required. (2) \'/here a satellite is located outside of the serving wire center area of the customer's primary location, an interoffice channel for a tie line is required between the wire center serving the customer's primary location and the wire center serving the satellite. Local channels are not required. (3) l^ere a main or fully restricted station or a main or fully restricted Centrex line with customer-provided instrument served by a satellite is located outside the serving wire center area of the satellite, an interoffice channel for the extension of a branch exchange station line is required between the wire center serving the satellite and the wire center serving the station. Local channels are not required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. » By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET26 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 3. Charges for Channels Connecting Different Premises Channel charges as specified in this tariff for Extension and Tie Lines apply as follows and are in addition to the rate for the Centrex main, fully restricted or bridged station, or a main, fully restricted or bridged Centrex line with customer-provided instrument: (cont'd) a, Intraexchange (cont'd) (4) Where two satellites are in different wire center serving areas, an interoffice channel for a tie line is required between the wire centers serving the satellites. Local channels are not required. (5) An interoffice channel for a tie line is required between the wire center serving the customer's primary location and the wire center in which the extended system is located. Local channels are not required. (6) l^en a main or fully restricted station or a main or fully restricted Centrex line with customer-provided instrument is located outside the wire center area of the wire center in which the extended system switching equipment is located, an interoffice channel for the extension of a branch exchange station line is required between the wire center in which the extended system switching equipment is located and the wire center serving the station. Local channels are not requried. (7) A channel for the extension of a Private Branch Exchange (PBX) station line is required for a bridged station. Where the switching equipment is located in a wire center, a local channel for that end is not required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ( TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET27 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 3. Charges for Channels Connecting Different Premises Channel charges as specified in this tariff for Extension and Tie Lines apply as follows and are in addition to the rate for the Centrex main, fully restricted or bridged station, or a main, fully restricted or bridged Centrex line with customer-provided instrument: (cont'd) b. Interexchange (1) Where a station or bridged station or a main or bridged Centrex line with customer-provided instrument is located in another exchange, an interexchange channel service for the extension of a branch exchange station line is required, (2) \^ere a satellite or an extended system location is located in another exchange, an interexchange channel service for a tie line is required. # ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET28 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE r C. RATES (cont'd) Per Month 4. Dial Tie Line Terminals, each $ Note: \Vhen a Dial Tie Line Terminal is arranged to be connected directly to a Centrex line, the appro- priate main station rate applies to the Centrex line in addition to the rate specified for the Dial Tie Line Terminal. 5. Common Control Switching Arrangement Access Line Terminals, each 6. Long Distance Message Control Arrangement to deny out-dialing of long distance messages by main stations arranged for direct out-dialing of local messages, per main Centrex line arranged ( *Not applicable to dial tie line terminals associated with tie lines con- necting a primary location and a satellite location. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address ( # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET29 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 7. Dial Conference Arrangement Connection of stations and lines other than as specified for Centrex Dial Conference Arrangements is permitted, but such connections are subject to transmission and equipment limitations. a. Attendant Controlled. (1) An attendant controlled dial conference arrangement provides the facilities necessary for the Centrex attendant to establish a conference connection through the Centrex dial switching equipment. The conference connection permits the simultaneous connection of up to five Centrex station lines in addition to the attendant or a combination of those lines and either two tie lines or one central office line, foreign exchange line, Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) or Common Control Switching Arrangement (CCSA) access line and one tie line. (2) Monthly Rate and Charges Installation Per Termination Charge Month Charge Attendant Controlled Dial $ $ $ Conference Arrangement ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By . Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET30 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 7. Dial Conference Arrangement (cont'd) Connection of stations and lines other than as specified for Centrex Dial Conference Arrangements is permitted, but such connections are subject to transmission and equipment limitations. b. Station Controlled (1) A station controlled dial conference arrangement provides the facilities necessary for a Centrex station user to establish a conference connection through the Centrex dial switching equipment. The conference connection permits the simultaneous connection of up to six Centrex station lines including the initiating station user or a combination of those lines and either two tie lines or one central office line, foreign exchange line, WATS or CCSA access line and one tie line. (2) Monthly Rate and Charges Installation Per Termination Charge Month Charge Station Controlled Dial $ $ $ Conference Arrangement ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By ^ Name Title 0^ Address \ • TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETS 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available a. Automatic Route Selection-Basic Installation Per Charge Month (1) Common Equipment, per customer group, per ESS switching equipment $ $ (2) Route Selection Patterns (a) Per access line terminated in a pattern or patterns* - $ (b) By number plan area code only, with final route: I, To Long Distance Message Service, per pattern, each** $ $ II. To overflow tone, per pattern, each $ $ (c) By number plan area code and central office codes with final route: I. To Long Distance Message Service, per pattern, each** $ $ II. To overflow tone, per pattern, each $ $ *In addition, rates and charges apply as specified in this Company's applicable tariffs for the type of access line terminated. **\^fhere stations equipped for long distance message restriction access a pattern, the rates and charges specified in II, following apply. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET32 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) a. Automatic Route Selection-Basic (cont'd) System (3) Additions, Deletions and Changes Activity Charge (a) Additions, deletions (excluding deletion of all routes in a pattern) or changes of routes in existing patterns, per pattern* $ (b) Deletion of Patterns (excluding disconnec- tion of service) , per pattern I. By number plan area code only .... $ II. By number plan area code and central office codes $ (c) Additions or changes in number plan area or central office code screening, per route* $ b. Attendant Camp-on and Indication of Installation Per Camp-on Charge ^k>nth Per attendant console $ $ c. Attendant Control of facilities . . . Per access line or tie line, or group of such lines controlled** $ $ *Each WATS band is treated as a separate route. **In addition, rates and charges apply, as specified for a Transfer Arrangement in this tariff, and for a Series 1000, type 1001, Channel as specified in this Company's Private Line Services Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address r COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET33 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) d. Code Call-Code Call Answer Installation Charge (1) Transmitting Equipment, per 125-code capacity system, each $ $ (2) Code Call Signal Control (one re- quired per system), each $ $ e. Station Message Detail Recording (1) Common Equipment, per arrangement (a) Per primary location $ $ (b) Per secondary location served by separate ESS switching equipment $ (2) Per facility group $ $ (3) Station Message Detail Recording, per message - $ (4) Per FX trunk for originating calls, terminated in an arrangement ... - $ Service Establishment Charge $250.00* $ Per Month None *This charge is applicable only when the switching equipment is arranged to provided Station Message Detail Recording on the initial FX trunk for originating calls, tie line. Inward WATS access line or FX trunk for incoming calls. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No, Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET34 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) f. Customer Dialed Account Recording Installation Charge (1) Per arrangement $ * (2) Per message - g. Uniform Call Distribution (1) Hunting group, each $ (2) Per line in the hunting group . . .$ (3) Queuing (a) Common equipment $ (b) Line arranged for queuing, each $ (c) Queue slot, each $ Per Month None f ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET35 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) g. Uniform Call Distribution (cont'd) (3) Queuing (cont'd) Installation Per Charge Month (d) Centrex line usuage for incoming call queuing I, Per fully restricted station with Telephone Company pro- vided station or fully restricted line with customer- provided instrument ... - $ # II. Per Centrex main station or Centrex main line with custo- mer-provided instrument Exchange access .... - $ Intercommunication ... - $ (A) Make-busy Arrangements Rates and charges are as specified for make- busy arrangements in this tariff. (5) Calls Waiting Indication, per unique timing state (maximum of three)*. . $ $ (6) Delay Announcement (a) Per announcement (limit one) . $ $ (b) Per announcement trunk .... $ $ (c) Per line - $ *In addition, for each unique timing state, apply the rates and charges for a Series 1000, type 1001, channel between the serving central office and the customer's premises as in this Company's Private Line Services Tariff, and the rates and charges for Auxiliary Signal Equipment as specified in this tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE # Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET36 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) g. Uniform Call Distribution (cont'd) Installation Per (7) Night Transfer Arrangement Charge Month (limit one)* $ $ (8) Deletions and Changes (a) Deletions (excluding deletion of the entire system) I, Each Line in the Hunting Group; Delay Announcement, per an- System Activity nouncement, Delay Announcement, Charge per announcement trunk; Night Transfer Arrangement $ II. Per Queue Slot, or Slots deleted at the same time, or Calls Waiting In- dication per unique timing state $ (b) Changes I. Night transfer arrangement . II. Calls waiting indication per unique timing state, delay announcement-per announcement h. Attendant Busy Verification of Tie Lines and Call Through Test on Tie Lines (1) Per tie line group equipped Installation Charge (a) First group $ (b) Each additional group . . . . $ (2) Per tie line equipped Per Month None None $ (t * Furnished only in conjunction with group make-busy arrangement. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date _ No. _ Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 37 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) Service Establishment Installation Per i. Electronic Tandem Switching Charge Charge Month Type Tie Line Termination, each - $ $ j. Selected Customer Control of Facilities (1) Common equipment, per system . $ $ $ (2) Per facility group to which access is denied - $ $ (3) Control key, per facility group to which access is denied* Rates and charges apply as specified for a Transfer Arrangment in this tariff. *In addition, apply the rates and charges for a Series 1000, type 1001, Channel between the serving central office and the customer's premises as in the Private Line Services Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET38 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) Service Establishment k. Centralized Attendant Servic e Charge (1) Release link trunk terminal equipment (a) Main Centrex location, each $ ** Installation Per Charge Month (b) Branch Centrex location I. First two terminations $ II. Each additional termination (2) Centralized attendant service attendant console equipment • . Rates and charges apply as specified preceding for Attendant Positions. **Applies once per system. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET39 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 CENTREX SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) 8. Optional Features for Use with Centrex System, where proper equipment is available (cont'd) k. Centralized Attendant Service (cont'd) Service Establishment Installation Per Charge Charge Month (3) Uniform numbering, per 100 Centrex main sta- tion numbers, per ESS Centrex location $ $ (4) Release link trunk, each Rates and charges apply as specified for Tie Lines in this tariff. 9. Computer Access Line Termination, each Rates and charges apply as specified preceding for Dial Tie Line Terminals 10. Additional Customer Group, each $ None ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES A. GENERAL Centrex Service is furnished to schools, colleges and universities for management use in the administration of the school and for residential use by students, faculty members or employees who reside in dormitories or other residential quarters owned or leased, or under control of the school. B. REGULATIONS 1. Management stations are furnished at regular Centrex rates, charges and regulations as specified in Section 2 preceding. 2. Dormitory stations, which include Telephone Company provided stations and dormitory Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments, for residential use, are furnished on a flat rate basis at rates and charges set forth in C. following. 3. Dormitory service is furnished to a school, college or university only in association with a Centrex System and upon the condition that use of the service shall not be made subject to any charge by the school, college or university in excess of the charges set forth in the tariffs of the Telephone Company. 4. Schools, colleges and universities may subscribe to Centrex Dormitory Service under either Option A or B as follows: a. Option A The school, college or university is responsible for payment of all charges. The school, college or university is also responsible for billing and collecting charges for telephone messages, charges for Directory Assistance Service, telegrams, cablegrams and radiograms sent paid from or received collect at dormitory stations. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By ^ , ^_ Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B. Regulations (cont'd) 4. (cont'd) b. Option B The Telephone Company is responsible for the billing and collecting of long distance charges, charges for Directory Assistance Service, telegrams, cablegrams and radiograms sent paid from or received collect at dormitory stations. The school, college or university is responsible for the payment of all other rates and charges applicable to the dormitory stations. The school, college or university shall agree to either: (1) Assume responsibility for the payment of long distance charges billed to dormitory stations deemed by the Telephone Company to be uncollectible or (2) Render assistance to the Telephone Company in the prompt collection of such charges, in which event no responsibility for the uncollectible portion will be incurred by the school, college or university. The Telephone Company reserves the right to change a dormitory station to a fully restricted station at the rate specified in Section 2 preceding, in the event of nonpayment charges billed to the dormitory station. 5. Dormitory station extension service will be provided only within the same dormitory room or residential quarters as the associated dormitory main station. 6. For dormitory stations that are located outside the wire center are for the primary location, extension line mileage charges as specified in this Company's General Exchange Tariff, apply between the primary location and the location of the station. 7. TOUCH-TONE® Calling Service is provided to dormitory stations only when the associated Centrex Service has TOUCH-TONE® Calling Service. DRegistered Service Mark A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By » Name Title Address • TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 > GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B, Regulations (cont'd) 8. Minimum Revenue Guarantees a. Minimum Revenue Guarantees apply only to Centrex main stations, main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments, dormitory main stations, dormitory main lines with customer-provided instruments, and attendant positions. Fully restricted and bridged stations, fully restricted and bridged lines with customer-provided instruments, and the rate differential between main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments and dormitory extension dormitory lines with customer-provided instruments are not included in any Minimum Revenue Guarantees. b. Centrex and Dormitory Main Stations and Centrex and Dormitory Main Lines with Customer-provided Instruments. (1) On at least one premises of the customer, main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments are subject to a Continuing Minimum Monthly Charge which shall be the charge for 100 main lines with customer-provided instruments at the appropiate Centrex primary location. > ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B. Regulations (cont'd) 8. Minimum Revenue Guarantees (cont'd) b. Centrex and Dormitory Main Stations and Centrex and Dormitory Main Lines with Customer-provided Instruments (cont'd) (2) All main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments of a Centrex system shall be subject to a Continuing Minimum Revenue Guarantee for a period of five years. The Minimum Revenue Guarantees for Centrex and dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments will be computed separately and totaled for the customer's Minimum Revenue Guarantee as follows: (a) \'fhen the number of Centrex main stations, main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments, dormitory main stations, and main dormitory lines with customer-provided instruments are below one-hundred at the time service is initially established, the Minimum Revenue Guarantee is determined as follows: Apply the Centrex primary location schedule for main lines with customer-provided instruments to the actual number of Centrex main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments and the appropriate dormitory main station schedule to the actual number of dormitory main stations and main dormitory lines with customer-provided instruments. ISSUED EFFECTIVE « i Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address « $ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. Minimum Revenue Guarantees (cont'd) b. Centrex and Dormitory Main Stations and Centrex and Dormitory Main Lines with Customer-provided Instruments (cont'd) (2) (cont'd) (b) When the number of Centrex main Stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments is below one-hundred, and the number of dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments is one-hundred or more at the time service is initially established, the Minimum Revenue Guarantee is determined as follows: Apply the Centrex primary location schedule for main lines with customer-provided instruments and the appropriate dormitory main station schedule for main lines with customer-provided instruments to the first one-hundred dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments and that same schedule to 90 percent of the immediate lower hundreds level below the number of dormitory main staion and main lines with customer-provided instruments initially connected. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. Miminum Revenue Guarantees (cont'd) b. Centrex and Dormitory Main Stations and Centrex and Dormitory Main Lines with Customer-provided Instruments (cont'd) (2) (cont'd) (c) \Vhen the number of Centrex main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments is one-hundred or more when service is initially established, the Minimum Revenue Guarantee is determined as follows (I) Apply the Centrex primary location schedule for main lines with customer-provided instruments to the first one-hundred Centrex main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments and that same schedule to 90 percent of the immediate lower hundreds level below the number of Centrex main stations and main Centrex lines with customer-provided instruments initially connected and (II) Apply the appropriate dormitory main station schedule for main lines with customer-provided instruments as specified in (a) or (b) preceding, (d) The guarantee as determined in (a) , (b) or (c) preceding shall not be less than the Continuing Minimum Monthly Charge. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address ^T t TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 t GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. Minimvm Revenue Guarantees (cont'd) b. Centrex and Dormitory Main Stations and Main Lines with Customer-provided Instruments (cont'd) (2) (cont'd) (e) Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee (I) \^nien subsequent growth occurs to a Centrex system where the number of Centrex or dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments was below one-hundred when service was initially established, an Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee will be established when the total main stations and main lines with customer- provided instruments in service equals one-hundred or more Centrex or dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments. The Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee will apply for a period of five years and will be based on the actual growth of Centrex or dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments up to the one-hundred level(s) in excess of the first one-hundred Centrex or dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments. # ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. Minimum Revenue Guarantee (cont'd) b. Centrex and Dormitory Main Stations and Centrex and Donaitory Main Lines with Customer-provided Instruments (cont'd) (2) (cont'd) (e) Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee (II) When subsequent growth occurs to a Centrex system with one-hundred or more Centrex or dormitory main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments, an Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee will be established when the total main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments in service exceeds a total of 20 stations and lines with customer-provided instruments beyond the next higher hundreds level above that previously established. The Additional Minimum Revenue Guarantee will apply for a period of five years and will be based on 90 per cent of the additional hundreds level(s) above that previously established, (f) A customer with Centrex Dormitory Service may designate one 3-month period in any one 12-month period during which the Minimum Revenue Guarantee will be that applicable to management stations but at no time less than that for 100 main stations and main lines with customer-provided instruments. The 3-month period need not be continuous but the minimum period will be one month. The Minimum Revenue Guarantee applicable just prior to the designated period will apply following the period, regardless of the number of Centrex stations or lines with customer-provided instruments in service at the time, and will also apply should the Centrex system be disconnected during such period. ISSUED ^ ^^^^ EFFECTIVE Date ^^^ Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By L ^^"^ Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. Minimum Revenue Guarantee (cont'd) c. The Minimum Revenue Guarantee for each attendant position shall be equal to the monthly charges for 60 months at the same location beginning with the date of connection. C. RATES 1. The following rates apply for Centrex dormitory main stations as related to the residence individual line flat rate Dial or TOUCH-TONE® service rate in the same exchange in which the associated Centrex system is located: Each Main Station a. Option A Per Month Switching Equipment located on: (1) Customer Premises Telephone Company provided station $.50 less than residence individual line flat rate service. Main dormitory Centrex line with customer-provided instrument $ * less than residence individual line flat rate service. *This amount should be the $.50 in a(l) plus the amount of credit the company allows for customer-provided equipment. ©Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By ^ , _____ Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEETIO (» C. GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES RATES (cont'd) 1. The following rates apply for Centrex dormitory main stations as related to the residence individual line flat rate Dial or TOUCH- TONE® service rate in the same exchange in which the associated Centrex system is located: a. Option A (cont'd) Each Main Station Per Month Switching Equipment located on: (2) Telephone Company Premises Telephone Company provided station $.25 less than residence individual line flat rate service, Main dormitory Centrex line with customer-provided instrument $ * less than residence individual line flat rate service. *This amount should be the $.25 in a(2) plus the amount of credit the company allows for customer-provided equipment. ® Registered Service Mark of A.T. & T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEETU GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A C. CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES RATES (cont'd) (1) The following rates apply for Centrex dormitory main stations as related to the residence individual line flat rate Dial or TOUCH- TONE ® service rate in the same exchange in which the associated Centrex system is located: (cont'd) b. Option B Each Main Station Per Month Switching Equipment located on: (1) Customer Premises Telephone Company provided station Main dormitory Centrex line with customer-provided instrument $.50 less than residence individual line rate service. $ * less than residence individual line flat rate service. *This amount should be the $.25 in b( 1 ) plus the amount of credit the company allows for customer-provided equipment. NOTE: The $.25 differential between Option A rates and Option B rates is based on whether the college (Option A) or the company (Option B) bills the individual students. The $.25 differential shown in this model tariff is for informational purposes only. Each borrower should determine it's cost savings by having the college do the individual billing prior to filing this portion of the tariff. ®Registered Service Mark of A.T. & T. Co. # COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET12 c c. GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES RATES (cont'd) (1) The following rates apply for Centrex dormitory main stations as related to the residence individual line flat rate Dial or TOUCH- TONE service rate in the same exchange in which the associated Centrex system is located: (cont'd) b. Option B (cont'd) Each Main Station Per Month Switching Equipment located on: (2) Telephone Company Premises Telephone Company provided station The same rate as for residence individual line flat rate service, Main dormitory Centrex line with customer-provided instrument $ * less than residence individual line flat rate service. *This amount should be the amount of credit the company allows for customer-provided equipment. © Registered Service Mark of A.T. & T. Co. NOTE: The $.25 differential between Option A rates and Option B rates is based on whether the college (Option A) or the company (Option B) bills the individual students. The $.25 differential shown in this model tariff is for informational purposes only. Each borrower should determine it's cost savings by having the college do the individual billing prior to filing this portion of the tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET13 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A CENTREX DORMITORY SERVICE - SCHOOLS, COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES C. RATES (cont'd) 2. The following rates and charges apply for Centrex Dormitory Extension Service: Each Extension Service Per Month Associated with Centrex dormitory main stations (a) Telephone Company provided station. $ (b) Extension dormitory Centrex line with customer-provided instrument . $ * 3. Connection, Move and Change Charges Connection, move and change charges for Centrex Dormitory Service will be the same as specified for Residence Service. *This will be the amount in 2(a) less the amount of credit the company allows for customer-provided equipment. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address { c L TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES A. GENERAL Centrex Custom Calling Services consists of service features for use with Centrex Service furnished by Electronic Switching System (ESS) dial switching equipment. B. REGULATIONS 1. Explanation of Terras Call Forwarding-Busy Line Automatically routes incoming calls, or both incoming and intercommunicating calls, to the attendant or a designated answering point in the same Centrex system when the called main station is busy. The attendant or designated answering point must be served by the same dial switching equipment as the forwarding station. Calling Forwarding-Don' t Answer Automatically routes incoming calls, or both incoming and intercommunicating calls, to the attendant or a designated answering point in the same Centrex system when the called main station doesn' t answer before passage of a prescribed time interval which is dependent upon the arrangement of the dial switching equipment. The attendant or designated answering point must be served by the same dial switching equipment as the forwarding station. Call Forwarding-Variable When activated by the customer, calls intended for the station automatically route to any other station in or outside the same Centrex system or to the attendant. \^en activated by the attendant, calls intended for the station automatically route to any other station in the same Centrex system or to the attendant. ISSUED EFFECTIVE t Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By » Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_J^ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Explanation of Terms (cont'd) Call Pick-Up and Call Hold Call Pick-Up allows the customer to answer any calls directed to another-raain station within such user's own preset pickup group by dialing a special code. Call Hold allows the customer to hold any call in progress by flashing the switchhook and then dialing a hold code, thus freeing the same main station for the purpose of originating another call or returning to a previously held call. Only one call per station may be held at a time. The held call cannot be added to the other calls. Call Transfer- Individual-All Calls. Consultation Hold-All Calls and Three-way Calling-All Calls Call Transfer-Individual- All Calls The customer can transfer any established call to another station in or outside the Centrex system provided only one party remains outside the Centrex system once the transfer is effected except when a connection is established between the telecommunications network and a tie line type facility or when the customer's dial switching equipment is equipped to permit the connection of two tie line type facilities. This is accomplished by hanging up after utilizing the Consultation Hold-All Calls and/or the Three-way Calling-All Calls features. Consultation Hold-All Calls The customer can hold any existing call by flashing the switchhook and, on the same main station, originate a call to the attendant or to another station in or outside the Centrex system for private consultation. After consultation or answer, the customer can, by flashing a second time: (1) return to the original call after the second station hangs up, or (2) add this station to the original call (Three-way Calling-All Calls) . The customer can also transfer this station to the original call by hanging up after consulting with or adding on the second station (Call Transfer- Individual All Calls), ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. C C L By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Explanation of Terms (cont'd) Call Transfer- Individual-All Calls, Consultation Hold-All Calls and Three-way Calling-All Calls (cont'd) Three-way Calling-All Calls The customer can add a third station to any established call for a three-station conference by flashing the switchhook. after utilizing the Consultation Hold-All Calls feature. Only one station may be outside the customer's dial switching equipment except when the dial switching equipment has been arranged to permit two outside stations to be connected to a three-station conference. Calls transferred to stations outside the Centrex system and calls originated to stations for private consultation or a three-station conference outside the Centrex system are subject to transmission limitations. Call Waiting Terminating Allows incoming calls, or both incoming and intercommunicating calls, to a busy main station to be held waiting while an audible burst of tone is provided to the busy main station connection to indicate that a call is waiting. The called station may be connected to this waiting call by the customer hanging up, whereby the station will be rung and will be connected to the call upon answer, or by the customer flashing the switchhook. to hold the original call. If the customer does not hang up repeating the flash will reconnect the station to the held party and will place the connected party back on hold. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 c GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1, Explanation of Terms (cont'd) Call Transfer-Individual-All Calls, Consultation Hold-All Calls and Three-way Calling-All Calls (cont'd) Originating A calling station provides an audible tone to a called station in the same customer group to indicate that an intercommunica- tion call is waiting when the called station is busy. Customer Group A customer group is a group of facilities established by the Telephone Company to provide common service features. A Centrex ^ system arranged for Centrex Customer Calling Services will be \m^ comprised of the number of customer groups determined by the Telephone Company to be adequate to meet the customer's service requirements. Series Completion Hunting Group A Series Completion Hunting Group is a group of facilities established by the Telephone Company to provide hunting arrangements for a maximum of eight Centrex lines. Speed Calling Permits the customer to place calls to a list of frequently called numbers by dialing fewer digits than normally required. Two types of Speed Calling are available, a six-number capacity (one-digit) or 30 number capacity (two-digit) arranged for either individual or shared usage. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address L • > TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Explanation of Terms (cont'd) Call Transfer- Individual-All Calls, Consultation Hold-All Calls and Three-way Calling-All Calls (cont'd) Automatic Callback Automatic Callback permits a main station user who attempts an intercommunication call to a busy main station to be automatically connected to that main station when both called and calling main stations are subsequently idle. Automatic Callback is operational only for intercommunication calls between main stations served by the same ESS customer group. Call Forward Over Private Facilities Call forwarding over private facilities permits a main station user to establish the automatic routing of incoming calls to a specific private facility which is terminated in that main station user's system. As used herein, the term private facility applies to terminations of Common Control Switching Features, Wide Area Telephone Service, Foreign Exchange, Foreign Zone and Foreign Central Office Services, Tie Lines arranged for senderized operation, and basic Local Exchange Service. Reminder Ring Reminder Ring provides for a distinctive ringing signal to be furnished to a Call Forwarding-Variable or Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities equipped main station at the time a call is forwarded. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. By State P.S.C. Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1, Explanation of Terms (cont'd) Call Transfer- Individual-All Calls, Consultation Hold-All Calls and Three-way Calling-All Calls (cont'd) Distinctive Ringing and Call Waiting Tone Distinctive Ringing and Call Waiting Tone are furnished in different classes which permit main station users to identify the source of calls. These three classes identify: Class Call Source A Intercommunication B Direct Inward Dialed from the Telecommunications Network Attendant completed Common Control Switching Arrangement Access Line Tie Line C Preemptible Switched Circuit Automatic Network Access Line Call Waiting-Originating Data Link Console Night Service Arrangement 2. Centrex Custom Calling Services require special facilities and will be provided only where such facilities are available and the operational capability of such services will be limited to the standard operating characteristics of the serving dial switching equipment, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address (r • TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. Call Transfer-Individual-All Calls, Consultation Hold-All Calls and Three-way Calling-All Calls will only be provided where all main stations in a customer group are so equipped. In addition, the provision of this feature is limited to stations served by the same dial switching equipment, or to a stations served by different dial switching equipment connected by tie line type facilities. A. Calls forwarded and transferred to stations outside the Centrex system and calls originated to stations for private consultation or a three-station conference outside the Centrex system are subject to local and long distance message charges which are chargeable to the activating station. 5. The rates in C. following for Speed Calling include numbers furnished by the customer to be established on 6- or 30-number lists at the time the Speed Calling feature is initially provided. Subsequent additions, deletions or revisions to the number lists are provided by the Telephone Company upon request of the customer except when the dial switching equipment has been arranged to permit the customer to change the number list by dialing a special code. Telephone Company changed Speed Calling number lists are not provided when the dial switchng equipment has been arranged for customer changeable Speed Calling number lists. 6. There are a maximum of 100 individual or shared Speed Calling 30-number lists available per customer group. 7. The service features of Call Waiting-Terminating and Call Forwarding- Busy Line are not provided on the same main station. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 8. The service feature Call Waiting-Tenninating is not provided on main station arranged for station hunting 9. The Call Waiting-Terminating service feature will only be provided on main stations of a Centrex system where the calls held waiting are either incoming only, or incoming and intercommunication calls. 10. l^en the dial switching equipment is arranged for customer changeable Speed Calling number lists, the first main station equipped with shared Speed Calling will be the only main station permitted to change the Speed Calling number list. 11. Not more than one Speed Calling feature with 6-number capacity and one Speed Calling feature with 30-number capacity may be provided on the same main station. 12. Call Pick-up and Call Hold, Call Fo rwar ding- Don ' t Answer, Call Forwarding-Busy Line, Call Forwarding-Variable and Speed Calling may be provided on main stations of a series completion hunting group. 13. The service feature of Call Pick-Up and Call Hold will only be provided on main stations which are arranged for Call Transfer- Individual-All Calls or for Call Transfer- Individual on incoming calls from the telecommunications network. In addition. Call Pick-Up and Call Hold will only be provided where all main stations in the preset group are so equipped. lA. IVhen the service features of Call Forwarding-Busy Line and Call Forwarding-Don' t Answer are provided on the same main station, the features will only be provided where the calls forwarded are either incoming-only, or incoming and intercommunication calls. In addition, the calls will only be forwarded to either the attendant or the same designated answering point. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , ( Name Title Address • > TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CEOTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 15. Call Forwarding - Don't Answer At the time a main station is initially equipped for Call Forwarding-Don' t Answer, it will be arranged for a predetermined number of ringing cycles to be completed prior to the incoming call being forwarded. When a change in the number of ringing cycles is requested by the customer, the Installation Charge as specified in C. following applies per main staion affected. 16. Automatic Callback A calling main station is permitted only one Automatic Callback request at a time. The called main station is limited to only one request at a time for Automatic Callback. Once requested. Automatic Callback will remain active for a period not to exceed 30 minutes unless deactivated by the calling main station. 17. Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities a. The Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities routing of calls to foreign exchange and Common Control Switching Arrangement off-network access lines requires special ESS central office modification. Initially, this optional service feature will not be available for the routing of calls via any facility, automatic route selection pattern or switching service network involving foreign exchange, \-fhen the ESS central office equipment is subsequently modified, such routing will be made available to the customer at no additional charge. # ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETIO GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 17. Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities (cont'd) b. The Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities routing of calls to Electronic Tandem Switching requires special ESS central office modifications separate from the modification specified in a. preceding. Initially, this optional service feature will not be available for the routing of calls via Electronic Tandem Switching. When the No. 1 ESS central office equipment is subsequently modified, such routing will be made available to the customer at no additional charge. c. Incoming telecommunications network calls to main stations arranged for Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities routing are subject to the appropriate charges for such calls and a common recorded announcement is furnished to inform the caller that the call is being forwarded. d. Calls forwarded to the telecommunications network are subject to the appropriate charges for such calls. e. Where the Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities optional service feature routes calls to a specific private facility which is denied access by activation by the Attendant Control of Facilities optional service arrangement, those calls will instead be routed to a common recorded announcement v^ich refers the caller to the system's attendant. 18. Reminder Ring When Reminder Ring is requested for a main station which is not so arranged, the Installation Charge as specified in C. RATES following applies per main station affected. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By ^ , .. !7ame Tit 16 Address > TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETll GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 19. Distinctive Ringing and Calling Waiting Tone a. Distinctive ringing is furnished to indicate the source of calls to idle main stations. Distinctive tone is furnished to indicate the source of calls to busy main stations equipped for Call Waiting optional service features. b. A distinctive ringing and tone is furnished to each class and is used to identify all call sources within each class. c. Class A ringing and tone is not furnished separately and is included at no additional charge to main stations arranged for Class B ringing and tone. Class C ringing and tone may be furnished separately or in association with Class B ringing and tone. d. Class C tone associated with Call Waiting-Originating will be provided only where all such main stations in the same ESS customer group are commonly arranged for Class C tone. e. \^ere a customer's system is equipped with a data link console and is arranged for Class B ringing and tone, Class C ringing will be provided to identify night service arrangement extended calls to main stations at no additional charge. • ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET12 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C. RATES Per Month, Per Main Station 1. Call Forwarding- Busy Line a. Incoming calls only . b. Incoming and intercommunicating calls . . . 2. Call Fo rwar ding- Don ' t Answer* a. Incoming calls only b. Incoming and intercommunicating calls ... 3. Call Forwarding-Variable 4. Call Pick-Up and Call Hold 5. Call Transfer- Individual-All Calls, Consultation Hold-All Calls, and Three-way Calling-All Calls 6. Call Waiting a. Terminating ..... .. b. Originating *When a change in the number of ringing cycles is requested by the customer subsequent to the initial installation, an Installation Charge as specified following for Call-Forwarding-Don' t Answer Ringing Cycle Change applies per main station affected. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ^ COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET13 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C . RATES Per Month, Per Main Station 7. Individual Speed Calling a. 6-number capacity b. 30-number capacity 8. Shared Speed Calling a. 6-number capacity (1) First main station (2) Each additional main station sharing the same number list b, 30-number capacity (1) First main station (2) Each additional main station sharing the same number list • ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By > Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET14 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C. RATES Service Establishment Installation Charge Charge 9. Call Forwarding-Don' t Answer Ringing Cycle Change, per main station changed .... 10. Automatic Callback a. Common equipment, per system $ b. Per main station equipped 11. Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities a. Common equipment, per system $ b. Per main station equipped 12. Reminder Ring a. Furnished with the initial installation of Call For- warding-Variable or Call Forwarding Over Private Facilities optional service features Per Month None None ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET15 C. RATES GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2 B CENTREX CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES Service Establishment Installation Per Charge Charge Month 12. Reminder Ring (cont'd) b. Furnished subsequent to the initial installation of such optional service features, per main station 13. Distinctive Ringing and Call Waiting Tone a. Common equipment for either or both class B and C ring- ing and tone, per system b. Class B ringing and tone, per main station equipped c. Class C tone per main station equipped with Call Waiting-Originating d. Class C ringing and tone per preemptible Switched Circuit Automatic Network access line terminal None ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES A. GENERAL 1. Lines will be extended in accordance with Section 13 of this tariff-LINE EXTENSION CHARGES. 2. Construction Charges are applicable to customers under certain conditions for the establishment or rearrangement of communica- tions services when suitable plant facilities are not available or when the construction of the necessary facilities involves excessive costs. 3. Construction charges are applicable under certain conditions as hereinafter set forth and are in addition to the rate for the class of service furnished and any Service Charge, installation charge, nonrecurring charge, mileage charge or other similar charges that may apply as specified in this tariff. 4. Construction charges are payable upon application for service or when billing is rendered as the Company, at its option, may require. 5. The word "cost" when used in this section, means the in-plant cost consisting of labor, materials, supervision and other overhead expenses associated with the construction. Estimated cost will be used; however, where the subscriber requests, actual cost will be used where practicable. 6. The term "poles" as used in this section includes the anchors, braces, guys, stubs and other fixtures required to support the poles. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. By State P.S.C. Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES A. GENERAL (cont'd) 7. Except as otherwise provided herein, the regulations in this tariff contemplate that the type of construction required to provide the quantity and class of service involved will be determined by the Company. The applicant may be required to pay the additional costs involved where a different type of construction than that proposed by the Company is desired. 8. \^en an applicant is so located that it is necessary to use private right-of-way to furnish service and the Company is unable to obtain the required right-of-way without cost, the applicant may be required to pay the costs incurred in securing, clearing, and retaining such right-of-way. 9. IVhen a charge is applicable for construction on either a public road or on private property, the customer may undertake, where in the opinion of the Telephone Company it is practicable for him to do so, such construction in whole or in part, in lieu of the construction charges which apply. In all cases of construction by the customer, the material furnished and the method of construc- tion are subject to the approval of the Telephone Company, no charge applying for the Telephone Company's supervision. 10. Any poles, conduit, underground construction or other plant provided at the expense of the customer, on either a public road or on private property, shall not be used by the customer for any purpose other than service furnished by the Telephone Company or the support of cable, wire or other apparatus of the Telephone Company, except upon approval of the Telephone Company. 11. \Vhere builders or developers required advance construction of facilities for the anticipated use of others, a guaranty or payment bond satisfactory to the Telephone Company to cover the cost of such construction, may be required before construction work is started. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS The following regulations are subject to the conditions set forth in Section 13, LINE EXTENSION CHARGES. 1 . Scope a. Construction Charges apply when one or more of the following conditions are present, and whenever more than one of such conditions are present, the charge for each condition applies, when the customer's request for service requires: (1) Construction for permanent service on public road to serve one or more customers or on private property to serve customers in general, and the construction is located outside the Telephone Company's base rate area. (2) Construction for permanent service on private property to serve, a single customer and the construction is located inside or outside of the Telephone Company's base rate area, (3) Facilities (including house cabling or inside wiring) of a type other than that which the Telephone Company would otherwise utilize in order to provide service for the customer. (4) A greater quantity of facilities than that which the Telephone Company would otherwise construct in order to fulfill the customer's initial requirements for service. (5) Routing of facilities other than that which the Telephone Company would normally utilize in order to provide service for the customer. # ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Scope (cont'd) (6) The Telephone Company to expedite construction of the facilities at greater expense than would otherwise be incurred. (7) Construction for temporary service and there is no immediate prospect of reusing the facilities provided. (8) Distribution construction on continuous property. (9) The Telephone Company to relocate existing facilities at the request of the customer or other party. 2. Usual Construction for Permanent Service The regulations contained herein contemplate usual construction, i.e., the type of construction which the Telephone Company would provide for the area and for the quantity and class of service Involved if the decision rested solely with the Telephone Company. The Telephone Company will place either aerial or underground construction and will determine, in each case, which is the usual type of construction to be used to furnish service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 2. Usual Construction for Permanent Service (con' t) In all cases of usual construction on public road to serve one or more customers or on private property to serve customers in general, ownership of the poles, conduit, and other plant must be vested either in the Telephone Company or some other company with which the Telephone Company has a joint use arrangement. All plant is maintained and replaced at the expense of the Telephone Company. 3. Construction Provided by the Customer When the construction is provided by the customer, any poles, conduit and underground construction necessary to furnish service shall be maintained and replaced at the expense of the customer and shall remain the property of the customer. In case the customer prefers to use the poles, conduit and underground construction of another company or individual and such poles, conduit and underground construction are suitable in the opinion of the Telephone Company, he may do so provided any attachment or other charges made for the use of such poles, conduit and underground construction are paid by the customer. 4. Special Construction for Permanent Service a. \-Jhen it is necessary for the Telephone Company to provide outside plant construction, either on a public road or on private property, or house cabling or inside wiring, which is other than that usually provided for the area and class of service furnished, the customer or other party requiring such special construction is required to pay the difference between the estimated cost of usual construction and the estimated cost of the type of construction provided under the conditions specified herein. Such special construction includes: ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 4. Special Construction for Permanent Service (cont'd) (1) underground construction where aerial construction would usually be provided, (2) submarine cable, (3) greater quantity or a different type of facilities than that which the Telephone Company would otherwise construct in order to fulfill the customer's initial requirements for service, (4) routing facilities different from that which the Telephone Company would normally utilize, (5) expedition of the construction of facilities at greater expense than would otherwise be incurred, (6) concealed inside wiring, etc. i ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address i TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 4, Special Construction for Permanent Service (cont'd) b. The Telephone Company will, in all cases, bear the same amount of the cost as in the case of usual construction provided under paragraph 2. preceding. (1) Outside Plant Construction (a) On Public Roads or on Private Property The customer or other party requiring the special construction is required to pay the difference between the total estimated cost of such special construction and the amount to be borne by the Telephone Company. All plant is maintained and replaced at the expense of the Telephone Company, except where poles or conduit are owned by the customer, in which case the customer is required to maintain such poles or conduit. (b) Conduit and Trenching Except as provided as usual construction by the Telephone Company, the provision, maintenance and replacement of conduit and underground construction on private property for one or more customers is the responsibility of the customer. The Telephone Company will install and maintain the associated wire facilities at its expense. The cost of conduit replacement or of opening and closing the trench in connection with the maintenance and replacement of the wire facilities shall be the responsibility of the customer. i ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 4. Special Construction for Permanent Service (cont'd) (2) House Cabling or Inside Wiring (a) The standard method of wiring a building or structure for telephone service is by exposed wiring. It is the responsibility of the customer to provide a means of entrance into the building which is satisfactory to the Telephone Company and to provide space for mounting the necessary terminal and station protection equipment and, where riser cable is required, a reusable means to reach each floor and each suite or office on each floor where the telephone service is desired. Where customer-provided telephone systems and facilities within a building or structure are to be interconnected with Telephone Company provided facilities, the Telephone Company will provide house cabling or inside wiring, if required, to the nearest point of the customer's premises, which is satisfactory to the Telephone Company, within a building or structure. (b) Any required conduit or similar type construction involved in furnishing concealed wiring must be installed and maintained at the expense of the customer. Such construction must be installed in a manner which is acceptable to the Telephone Company. (c) l^ere, due to the type of construction of the building or the conditions imposed by the customer, abnormal expense is incurred by the Telephone Company, the customer is required to pay the difference between the estimated expense which would normally have been incurred for the installation. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address f TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 » GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 5. Temporary Construction When construction is required for temporary service (for a period less than 3 years) , and the construction is located inside or outside the Telephone Company's base rate area, and there is no immediate prospect (within 6 months of service disconnection) of reusing the plant provided, the customer is required to bear all of the cost of such construction. The regulations applying to ownership and maintenance of such temporary construction are the same as apply to usual construction for permanent service. 6. Distribution Construction on Continuous Property When communications services such as private branch exchange stations or extensions, tie line or private line services are extended to another building or point on the same continuous property of a customer, the construction required such as poles and conduit, including trenching, shall be the customer's respon- sibility. Such construction by the customer shall be furnished in a manner acceptable to the Telephone Company and shall be maintained and replaced by the customer. The Telephone Company will install and maintain the associated wire facilities at its expense. The cost of pole or conduit replacement or of opening and closing the trench in connection with maintenance and replacement of the wire facilities shall be the responsibility of the customer. ISSUED EFFECTIVE • Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETIO GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 3 CONSTRUCTION CHARGES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 7. Rearrangement or Relocation of Existing Construction When the Telephone Company is requested to move or change existing construction, the customer or other party requiring the move or change is required to pay the entire cost incurred by the Telephone Company properly attributable to such relocation. When a political subdivision of the State, or any agency thereof, requires by ordinance, franchise provision, administrative ruling or otherwise that existing aerial facilities be relocated underground, the entire cost incurred by the Telephone Company properly attributable to such relocation, after deducting therefrom any reimbursement received, any increase in value of the new facility and any salvage value derived from the old facility, will be charged pro rata to the exchange customers receiving service within the political subdivision. 8. Refunds* When the construction for which the Telephone Company has made a cash construction charge is utilized by the Telephone Company for the purpose of serving additional customers within a period of three years from the date it was placed in service, refunds, without interest, will be made to those customers who have paid such charges, provided they are still serviced by such construction. The amount of such refunds to a particular customer will be based on the difference between the construction charge actually paid by that customer and the construction charge which he would have paid if all customers served through that construction within such three-year period had been connected at the time the construction serving that customer was placed in service. Where the construction is used within a period of three years for supporting local or long distance facilities connecting central offices, the total amount of cash construction charges paid by the customers will be refunded, without interest. *This may not be required for all borrowers, however some state regulatory bodies require some form of construction charge refund provision. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 4 ^ CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES* A. GENERAL Custom Calling Services consist of optional service features for use in connection with a customer's Local Exchange Service. B. REGULATIONS 1. Custom Calling Services may be associated with residence and business individual line service excluding Serai-Public Telephone Service. 2. Custom Calling Services require special facilities and will be provided only where such facilities are available. 3. A trial period of days is offered for a customer to assess the effectiveness of a Custom Calling Service feature package. The offering of this trial period option is limited in that the feature package may be tried only once per customer, per premises. A trial of a feature package precludes a future trial of any of the individual features in that feature package.** If during the trial period, the customer requests the feature package, as appropriate, be disconnected, neither the applicable monthly rate nor any other applicable charges will apply. If the customer retains any of the features or feature package beyond the day trial period, the monthly rates for the feature, features or feature package retained will apply from the date such feature, features or feature package were initially established. In addition, other applicable charges for the initial establishment of the feature, features or feature package retained would apply.*** *In the near future, additional features will become more routinely avail- able. These include features such as Instant Recall, Ringback and Restrictive Use. **This type of promotion is listed for instructional purposes. Borrower circumstances and regulatory body attitude will dictate the appropriate approach. ***Also, as an extra inducement, non recurring service charges could be waived . ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 4 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES* B. REGULATIONS (con' t) 4. Call Forwarding Call forwarding is an arrangement whereby incoming calls may be transferred to another telephone number by signaling a prefix code and the telephone number of the service to which calls are to be transferred. Calls forwarded by this feature are subject to local and long distance message charges. These calls are also subject to transmission limitations. 5. Call Waiting Call waiting is an arrangement whereby a customer who is using an exchange line arranged for call waiting is alerted, by means of a tone signal, when another caller is trying to reach that line. The customer, by flashing the switchhook, is able to have alternative conversation between parties. 6. Speed Calling Speed calling is an arrangement which provides for the calling of telecommunications network, telephone number by dialing an abbreviated code. Two arrangements are available, either an eight- code capacity or a thirty-code capacity, but not both on the same line. 7 . Three-way Calling Three-way calling permits an existing call to be held and a second call to be established and added to the connection for conferencing. Conference calls made with this service are subject to transmission limitations. 8. Package Offerings* Residence or business feature packages are combinations of the four Custom Calling Services, as specified in the following rate schedule. '*Many borrowers may wish to offer only package deals, especially when additional custom calling services become available. For example, if there were seven potential custom calling services, various package offerings of four features could be made available. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ( COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 4 CUSTOM CALLING SERVICES C. RATES* 1. Call Waiting 2. Call Forwarding 3. Three-way Calling 4. Speed Calling a. Eight Code Capacity b. Thirty Code Capacity 5. Package Offering All Four Features with Eight Code Capacity for Speed Calling 6. Package Offering All Four Features with Thirty Code Capacity for Speed Calling Per ; Mon th Per Line Eq uipped Residence Business $ XXX $ XXXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX xxxxx XXX XXX XXXX XXXX *Rates for the res gain Tuaximum penet rate for the resid from $2.00-$3.00. important as price price will allow s business market, would accept Value generally allow a specific cases if idential market should be set at a level ration. For instance, depending on cost ential package with eight code speed cal A low package rate for the business mar will not play that much of a role. In tep equipment to be equipped for custom Of course, this assumes the appropriate of Service Pricing. In any event, the payback of three of fewer years with up conditions warrant. low enough to s , a package ling could be ket is not as fact, a higher calling for the regulatory body price should to five years in ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. By Name State P.S.C, Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 5 DATA SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT (The following section in the model tariff covers data sets and transmit- ting and receiving data terminals. Data sets comprise a far more frequent offering for many REA borrowers than the various items of transmitting and receiving data terminals. For many REA borrowers without sufficient demand, transmitting and receiving data terminals would fall under the cost portion of their tariff. By this, we mean that the borrower would provide for such equipment on a cost basis rather than through pre-determined rates. Further, most borrowers without sufficient demand conditions may desire a minimum revenue guarantee from the customer for transmitting and receiving data terminals when using conventional tariffs. Also, Two Tier payment plans may be utilized for transmitting and receiving data terminals, similar to the plans explained under the PBX section of this model tariff. As the transmitting and receiving data terminals have little applicability to most REA borrowers only a few examples of predetermined rate structures will be presented.) Contents Sheet No . i Data Sets 2 ii Transmitting and Receiving Data Terminals .... 4 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 5 « DATA SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT i A. GENERAL 1. Definitions a. Data Sets are data modems (modular-demodulator) generally provided for the interface of transmitting and receiving data terminals with the telecommunications network. The modulator section of the modem converts elements of a data code to a voice frequency tone for transmission over telecommunications facilities. The voice frequency tones are converted back into data signals in the demodulator section of the modem. (Sub- stitute appropriate definition for digital switching equipment. ) b. Transmission (1) Simplex - Transmission which can operate in only one direction. (2) Half Duplex - Transmission which can operate in only one direction at a time. (3) Full Duplex - Transmission which can operate in both directions simultaneously. c. A bit is a binary digit which is the binary notation either of the characters or 1. B. REGULATIONS 1. Data transmitting and receiving equipment and teletypewriter equipment will be connected to the lines of the Company by means of a data set. The data set is required to condition signals generated by data or teletypewriter equipment to signals suitable for transmission on Company facilities and to condition signals received from Company facilities for delivery to data or tele- typewriter equipment. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address ^ ( » • TOM SECTION 1510 ^^ COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 5 DATA SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT B. REGULATIONS (con' t) 2. The magnitude and the character of the voltages and currents delivered to the data set from customer-provided equipment and the operation and maintenance of such equipment shall be such as not to interfere with any of the services offered by the Company or interfere with others. Such equipment shall operate in such a manner as to avoid hazard or damage to Company plant or of injury to Company employees or customers because of the character or location of the customer-provided apparatus and of sources of power to which it is connected. Upon notice from the Company that the equipment of the customer is causing or is likely to cause hazard or interference, the customer shall make such changes as may be necessary to remove or prevent such hazard or interference. C . RATES Installation Per Month 1. Series 100 Charge Charge a. Model (Suitable for conditioning signals at rates of 75 bits per second in sequence) $ $ b. Model (Suitable for conditioning signals at rates of 300 bits per second in sequence) $ $ 2. Series 200 a. Model (Suitable for conditioning signals at rates of 2,000 bits per second in sequence) $ $ b. Model (Suitable for conditioning signals at rates of 10,800 bits per second in sequence) $ $ 3. Series 300 a. Model (Suitable for conditioning signals at rates of 20,000 bits per second over wideband facilities) ... $ $ 4. Series 400 a. Model (Suitable for simultaneously conditioning two signals, one from each of two groups of four possible signals, at rates of up to 20 such combinations per second) $ $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET A GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 5 DATA SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT ii TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING DATA TERMINALS A. GENERAL Transmitting and Receiving Data Terminals are generally provided for the transmission and reception of data communications or as computer input/output terminals. B. REGULATIONS 1. The teletypewriter equipment specified in C. following, is provided for use only on the telecommunications network, 2. For those items of service or equipment so specified, the customer may select from two payment plans specified in C. following. a. Initial Contract Periods Except for Payment Plan 2 items of service and equipment, and other applicable equipment in this Company's tariffs, the initial contract period is selected by the customer. b. Application of Rates (1) When the customer selects Payment Plan 1, any of the Installation Charges specified in C. following may, at the customer's option, be deferred and paid as a monthly charge which shall be added to the amount of Columns A rates for the initial contract period selected. The deferred payment of Installation Charges shall be computed utilizing the same time value of money rate used to determine the Columns A rates for the equipment involved. (2)* At a Payment Plan 1 customer's option, in addition to the previsions specified in this Company's General Regulations Tariff, for Two-Tier Payment Plans, a lump sum payment of any deferred payment of Installation f *Optional with individual Telco. ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE Date No. By Name State P.S.C. Titl( Address ( » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 5 DATA SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT B. REGULATIONS (con' t) b. Application of Rates (con' t) Charges may be made at any time during the initial contract period. Partial prepayments against any deferred payment of Installation Charges for all or individual items of service or equipment after the beginning of the initial contract period are not allowed. The amount of the lump sum payment shall be the present worth of any deferred payment Installation Charges for the number of months in the unexpired portion of the initial contract period at the time value of money rate used in determining the monthly rates shown in Columns A. c. Termination Charges In the event of termination of all or a part of a Payment Plan 1 service, a termination charge shall apply for any deferred payment of Installation Charges for the unexpired portion of the initial contract period. The amount of the termination charge shall be the present worth of any deferred payment of Installation Charges for the number of months in the unexpired portion of the initial contract period at the time value of money rate used in determining the monthly rates shown in Columns A less any termination credit. d. Transfer of Contractual Obligations In addition to the provisions specified in this Company's General Regulations Tariff, for Transfer of Contractual Obligations for Two-Tier Payment Plans, the obligation to pay the deferred payment of all Installation Charges for the Unexpired portion of all outstanding initial contract periods will also be transferred to the customer assuming the responsibility for the contractual obligations. ISSUED EFFECTIVE # Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By ^ , _ Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 5 DATA SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT C. RATES 1. Type Terminals a. Payment Plan 1 Basic Terminal, for use on exchange services only Keyboard Sending and Receiving, Installation Per Month equipped with sprocket feed and Charge** A B intergrated terminal data unit, each* 12-Month Option $ $ $ 24-Month Option $ $ $ 36-Month Option $ $ $ Transfer of Contractual Obligations Each such Transfer $ Termination Credit In the event that the customer disconnects all or part of the service within the first 36 months after installation, termination credit will be granted at the rate of 50% of the amount of the termination charge in the first month following installation, and at a uniformly declining rate in each succeeding month thereafter, b. Payment Plan 2 Basic Terminal, for use on exchange services only Keyboard Sending and Receiving Installation equipped with sprocket feed and Charge** Per Month integrated terminal data unit, each* $ $ *Requires the provision of a miniature 4-conductor telephone outlet and associated telephone, subject to additional rates and charges as specified in this tariff. **For use at the location where it is Initially installed; however, the customer may, without being subject to installation charges, move it temporarily to other miniature 4-conductor telephone outlet locations on the same customer's service in the same building. Repair work will be performed only at the initial installation location. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ^ U^:^ TltTi * Address i $ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 5 DATA SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT C. RATES (con' t) 1. Type Terminals (con' t) b. Payment Plan 2 (con't) Minimum Revenue Guarantee A minimum revenue guarantee shall be an amount equivalent to the sum of 36 (thirty-six) months revenue due the Company from the customer from the date of installation at the original location of the equipment at the rates set forth in this Tariff. This minimum revenue guarantee reduces 1/36 for each month in service.*** ***The minimum revenue guarantee may also be based on first cost plus installation, plus freight. ^ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART HI ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 6 DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE SERVICE A. GENERAL The Telephone Company furnishes Directory Assistance Service whereby customers may request assistance in determining telephone numbers. B. REGULATIONS 1. The rates set forth following apply when customers request Telephone Company assistance in determining telephone numbers of customers who are located in the same local calling area.* 2. A customer is allowed direct dialed Directory Assistance Service calls per telecommunications network access line, or a Centrex Dormitory Service main station, per month or fraction thereof, at no charge. In the case of Centrex Service, a customer is allowed direct dialed Directory Assistance Service calls per month or fraction thereof for each Centrex Service main stations at no charge. \^ere the number of Centrex Service main stations furnished to a customer is not a multiple of , the customer is allowed direct dialed Directory Assistance Service calls for the fractional amount. 3. Call allowances are not transferable between separate accounts of the same customer. 4. Charges for Directory Assistance Service are not applicable to calls to the Directory Assistance Service attendant placed from coin, hospital or hotel telephones; or to calls to the Directory Assistance Service attendant from telephones where the customer, and in the case of residence service where the customer or a member of the customer's household, has been affirmed in writing as unable to use a Telephone Company provided directory because of a visual or physical handicap. C. RATES Directory Assistance Service Calls per call^ $ *Some telcos have a charge for directory assistance calls within the State of customer location. In this case, one could separate charges into operator assisted and direct dial calls. ^Maximum of two requested telephone numbers per call, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Ni^i Title Address TOfI SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III _ , OPICiriAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS (*) A. GENERAL Primary and additional directory listings are provided in the alphabetical section of the telephone directory in accordance with the regulations and rates specified herein. B. ADDITIONAL LISTINGS In addition to the listings for the primary service , there are other types of directory listings available to customers which will assist them in obtaining maximum benefits and usage of the telephone services provided. These additional directory listings are described below under the following headings: 1. Regular Additional Listings a. Business additional listings may be the listings of: (1) Individual names of partners or members of the firm, if the customer or joint-user is a partnership or firm, the names of officers of the corporation, if the customer or joint-user is a corporation; and the names of associates or employees of the customer or joint-user in connection with any type of business establishment. (2) Additional listings may be the bona fide names of individuals, firms, or corporations which the customer owns or controls or is duly authorized to represent. Listings which are designed primarily to give publicity to a commodity or service are not accepted. (*) Refer to Part II General Rules and Regulations for information con- cerning: Directory Errors & Omissions (C5b, Original Sheet 12); and Provision & Ownership of Directories, (E8, Original Sheet 29.) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOIl SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERRVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS (*) B. ADDITIONAL LISTINGS (cont'd) (3) Departments or divisions of a customer's business in those cases which, in the opinion of the Telephone Company, identification of the department or division is desirable. (A) Listings of trade names of articles or service, provided the customer is the authorized agent or representative for the particular article or service and the name of the article or service is followed by the word "Dealer," "Agency," "Distributor," "Sales and Service," "Service Station" or "Representative," (5) Business extra listings must meet the qualifications for primary listings as set forth in paragraph B. above. b. Residence Additional Listings - Residence extra listings nay be the names of members of the customer's family or of other persons residing in the customer's household and are entitled to the use of the customer's service under the provisions of the tariff of the Company. c. Semi-Public Telephone Service - In connection with semi-public telephone service, residence additional listings may be provided at residence additional listing rates, in the names of permanent guests or tenants of that location or in the name of the subscriber, a member of his immediate family, or of an employee or representative of the customer. Business listings in connection with such services are furnished subject to the same regulations and rates as specified for business additional listings. d. Tenants and Guests - In connection with private branch exchange service at hotels, motels and apartment houses, residence extra listings at business extra listing rates may be provided in the names of permanent guests or tenants at that location, provided approval is obtained of the hotel, motel or apartment house involved. However, no separate billing will be issued for these instances. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C, By , Name Title Address » » * TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS (*) B. ADDITIONAL LISTINGS (cont'd) 2. Duplicate Listings - Duplicate listings are listings of other nanes by which the customers are known, including nicknames, pen names, stage names, abbreviated name and names which are commonly spelled in more than one way, and rearrangements of names. Such listings are furnished only in those cases in which, in the opinion of the Telephone Company, they are necessary for the proper identification of the customer and are not desired for the purpose of securing a preferential position in the directory or for advertising purposes. 3. Reference Listings - Reference listings, that is, listings in the name by which the customer is commonly known, or in a name made obsolete by a change in firm name, with reference to the complete or new name, may be provided when, in the opinion of the Telephone Company, their use will facilitate the handling of telephone calls. A reference listing would be such as one of the follov;ing: Monroe Express Company See Chester Express Company Monroe Express Company Call Chester Express Company 469-9971 4. Foreign Listings - Foreign listings are listings furnished at the request of customers in the alphabetical list of an exchange other than the one in which they would normally be shown, 5. Indented Listings - Additional listings may be furnished for customer's or their employees' residence telephones to be indented under the listing of the business with which they are associated. In such cases, the party in whose name the indented residence listing is shown must have a residence primary or additional listing in the same name, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By ■^^si^e Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET A GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS B. ADDITIONAL LISTINGS (cont'd) 6. Residence Business Listings - Additional listings of residence nay be furnished on business individual or rural line service provided the business and residence establishments are at the same address and under the same roof, and the additional listing is in the name of the customer, member of his immediate family or of an employee or representative of the customer. Such listings are furnished at the rate and under the regulations specified for additional listings. 7. Alternative Listings - Any listed party who has made the necessary arrangements for receiving telephone calls during his absence may obtain an alternate telephone number listing or a night listing as the following: If no answer call (telephone number) Night calls (telephone number) Night call after - P.M. (telephone number) Nights, Sundays, and holidays (telephone number) 5 P.M. to 9 A.M. weekdays, noon Saturday until 9 A.M. Monday and holidays (telephone number) At all hours weekdays and weekends. Such listing may be furnished as an indented listing or as a subcaption. The telephone number in such a listing may be that of another service furnished the same customer or one of the customer's PBX trunks not included in the incoming service group or the service furnished a different customer. In the later case, the customer desiring the alternative listing must have the consent of the customer having the alternatively listed number. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address 9 « TOH SECTION 1510 COMPATIY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 GENERAL EX GRANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS C. RESTRICTED LISTINGS 1. Non-listed Service - Non-Listed service is an arrangement whereby a customer's number is omitted from the telephone directory but not from the information records. 2. Non-Published Service - Non-published service is an arrangement where a customer's listing is omitted from both the telephone directory and information listing, D. REGULATIONS 1. Directory listings are provided in connection with each customer service as specified herein. Public telephones and service associated with customer-provided audible indicating equipment are not listed in the directory. 2. The alphabetical section of the telephone directory consists of a list of names of customers in alphabetical order and is designed solely for the purpose of informing calling parties of the telephone numbers of customers and those entitled to use the customer's service as an aid to the use of telephone service, and special position or arrangement of names is not contemplated. 3. Listings must conform to the Telephone Company's specifications with respect to its directories. a. The Telephone Company reserves the right to limit the length of any listing in the directory by the use of abbreviations when, in its judgement, the clearness of the listing or the identi- fication of the customer is not impaired thereby. Where more than one line is required to properly list the customer, no additional charge is made. ISSUED EFFECTIVE # Date Date Issued Under Authority of tic. State P.S.C. "" By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAI. EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS D. REGULATIONS (cont'd) b. The Telephone Company may refuse a listing which is known not to constitute a legally authorized or adopted name, or any listing which, in the opinion of the Telephone Company, is likely to mislead or deceive calling persons as to the identity of the listed party, or is a contrived name used for advertising purposes or to secure a preferential position in the directory or is more elaborate than is reasonably necessary to identify the listed party. The Telephone Company, upon notification to the customer, will withdraw any listing which is found to be in violation of its rules with respect thereto, 4, Primary Listings a. One listings, termed the primary listing, is provided without additional charge in connection with each customer service as follows : (1) Individual line, party-line and suburban line main service. Two or more individual lines consecutively numbered and arranged for group hunting constitute one customer service, (2) Joint Use - Each joint user, (3) Multiline (key) Telephone systems, (4) Branch exchange, order receiving or Centrex system, (5) Mobile Telephone Service - per radiotelephone unit, (6) Enterprise service (Special Reversed Charge Long Distance Service) b. When the service is contracted for by one party for the use of a second party, the primary listing may be the name of the second party, c. The primary listing for business service is ordinarily the name of the customer or the name under which a business is regularly conducted. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S,C, By -r- Name Title Address i TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 i GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS D. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 4. Primary Listings (cont'd) d. A residence dual name primary listing is comprised of a surname, two first names, address and telephone number. A residence dual name primary listing may be provided for two persons who share the same surname and reside at the same address, or for a person known by two first names. 5. Regular Additional Listings a. In connection with business and residence service, regular additional listings are available only in the names of authorized users of the customer's service as specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. b. Ordinarily, all additional listings are of the same address and telephone number as the primary listings, except as provided for joint user and alternate number listings. Hov;ever, when it appears necessary as an aid to the use of the directory and provided satisfactory service can be furnished, a listing vjill be permitted under the address of a branch exchange, Centrex or extension station installed on premises of the customer, but at an address different from that of the attendant position or main station. c. Business additional listings are not permitted in connection with residence service. d. Business additional listings may be provided in connection with Mobile Telephone Service and Inward Service of Wide Area Telephone Service and on the connecting channel number with Interconnected Service Through Miscellaneous Common Carriers. e. Business additional listings may be provided in connection with Joint User Service with one additional listing offered at no charge for each joint user on a customer's service. f. Residence additional listings are also permitted in connection with business service which is located in a residence and for permanent or season guests residing in a hotel or club. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 ._ COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET__8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS D. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 5. Regular Additional Listings (cont'd) g. A residence dual name additional listing is comprised of a surname, two first names, address and telephone number. A residence dual name additional listing may be provided for two persons who share the same surname and reside at the same address, or for a person known by two first names. 6. Special Types of Additional Listings a. Alternate Number Listings Alternate number listings refer calling parties to another telephone number at night and on Sundays and holidays, or in case no answer is received on the call to the primary number. If the alternate number is that of another customer's service, the written consent of the other customer must be obtained before the alternate listing is provided. Where two or more alternate number listings are furnished under one directive note or caption heading, the rate shall apply to each listing under the note or caption, but no charge applies for the note or caption itself. b. Foreign Listings Foreign listings are listings in an alphabetical directory of an area other than that from which the listed service is furnished. s. The initial contract period for additional listings, where the listing appears in the directory, is the directory period. Each directory period, with the appearance of the listing in the directory, will constitute a separate initial contract period. Listings are automatically included in each directory issue unless notice to the contrary is received from the customer. Termination charges for additional listings, where the listing appears in the directory, are the charges due to the end of the directory period, except that in the following cases, the termina- tion charges will be only the charges due for the period service has been rendered: ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Nhtoe Title Address (. c, • TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 # GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS D. REGULATIONS (cont'd) a. The contract for the main service or Joint User Service is terminated. b. The listed party contracts for service in his own name. c. The customer or listed party moves to a new location as a result of which the service of the customer is not available to the listed party. d. The listed party dies. 8. The Telephone Company may publish of its own volition in its directories such notices, instructions, listings and other information pertaining to local or other governmental agencies as are necessary in its judgment to meet the convenience of the public. 9. Centrex Service The Telephone Company may furnish, without additional charge, informative wording associated with the primary listing to indicate that stations of the Centrex system may be dialed directly. Listings for Centrex dormitory stations will be provided at rates applicable for residence additional listings. 10. Foreign Zone Service The primary listing is provided in the directory for the foreign zone and in the directory for the normal zone. 11. Foreign Exchange Service The primary listing is provided in the directory for the foreign exchange. In addition, such listing will also be furnished without additional charge in the directory for the normal exchange, with a notation, if necessary, that a toll charge is applicable. ISSUED EFFECTIVE » Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 10 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS D. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 12. Special Reversed Charge Long Distance Service The telephone number designation, with such explanatory notes, as in the judgment of the Telephone Company are necessary, will be listed in the directory of the selected area. 13. Non-Listed Telephone Service A non-listed telephone service will be furnished, at the customer's request, providing for the omission or deletion of the customer's telephone listing from the telephone directory. Such listings will be carried in the Telephone Company's directory assistance (infor- mation) and other records and will be given to any calling party. 14. Nonpublished Telephone Service A Nonpublished Telephone Service will be furnished, at the customer's request providing for the omission or deletion of the in customer's telephone listing from the telephone directory and addition, the customer's telephone listing will be omitted or deleted from the directory assistance records, subject to the provisions set forth below. a. The Telephone Company will not be liable for failure or refusal to complete any call to such telephone when the call is not placed by number. b. The Telephone Company will try to prevent the disclosure of the number of such telephone, but will not be liable should such number be divulged inadvertently. c. When a customer with Nonpublished Service places a call over a 911 service to a public safety answering point, and the public safety answering point attendant places such call on called party hold, and such call is represented to the Telephone Company to be of an emergency nature, the Telephone Company will release the name and address of the calling party, where such information can be determined, to the appropriate local governmental authority responsible for the 911 service upon request of such governmental authority. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address (^ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 11 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 7 DIRECTORY LISTINGS E . RATES 1, Regular and Special Types of Additional Listings The following rates apply for regular and special types of additional listings, and shall be effective at the time the listing is placed on the directory assistance records. Per Month Business $ Residence $ One business joint user listing, per joint user . , . None 2. Nonlisted and Nonpublished Telephone Service Nonlisted Telephone Service $ Nonpublished Telephone Service $ a. Nonlisted and Nonpublished Telephone Service furnished to a customer for data service where there is no voice use contemplated. b. Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service furnished to a customer for short periods of time, usually one day, in connection with local and long distance message broadcasts of sporting events, conventions or other special events. c. Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service furnished to a customer with other listed, nonlisted or nonpublished service in the same directory area. d. Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service associated with Mobile Telephone Service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address » I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 8 DISCOUNTS A. GENERAL Employees of this Company and of its associated Companies are allowed discounts as specified for exchange telephone service. B. REGULATIONS 1. Discounts apply on the monthly rates for local exchange telephone service including local messages and associated exchange services such as additional directory listings, mileage, supplemental equipment, special equipment and service arrangements. 2. No discount will be allowed on charges for service connections and service changes, installation charges, construction charges, charges for restoral of service, telegrams, long distance services, directory assistance services or the repair of DESIGN LINE Telephone Enclosures. 3. Employees are allowed a % discount for service specified in 1. preceding at their residences. a. The service must be for the use of the employee or his immediate family only and its use by others will not be permitted. b. The term "employee" as used in this section includes all employees except those classified as temporary or occasional and those who are paid on a commission basis. • ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 9 ENTERPRISE SERVICE A. GENERAL Enterprise service is available to Company subscribers with the service number published as an Enterprise number. All Enterprise service calls are established to be handled as toll calls. By calling an Enterprise number, the calling party is, in effect, placing a collect call to the party who has subscribed to the Enterprise service. The toll operator handling the call will place the call on a preauthorized collect basis. B. REGULATIONS Enterprise service is offered to all Company subscribers. C. RATES A monthly rate of $ shall apply to Enterprise service when the service is established, billed, and administered by the Company. Toll charges will be billed to the Enterprise subscriber monthly also. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address » ) TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 10 EXTENSION SERVICE A. GENERAL Extension Service provides the capability of originating or receiving calls from locations equipped with instruments in addition to the location of the main line termination, connected directly to that main line termination or capable of being connected to that main line through some button arrangement except as otherwise specified for certain stations associated with Button Telephone Service. Charges for Extension Service apply for each such additional location, whether or not the Telephone Company furnishes the instrument. B. REGULATIONS 1. Extension Service is provided in connection with all classes of exchange telephone service, except Public Telephone Service, Service Line Service and services where bridged stations are provided. Extension Service is provided in connection with Wide Area Telephone Service at the rate applicable for business Extension Service. 2. Extension stations, or customer-provided terminal equipment used in lieu thereof, must be so located as to restrict their use to those entitled to use the customer's service, except where required to provide for the answering of calls at such times as the customer is not available at the main station. In such cases, when Extension Service is provided for answering of calls, the service is furnished only with the understanding that outward calls are not to be placed therefrom. 3. Extension stations will be furnished in connection with Semi-Public Telephone Service for incoming calls only and without coin collectors, rotary or TOUCH-TONE® dials. Customer-provided terminal equipment will not be permitted in the provision of Extension Service on Semi-Public Telephone Service. Where, in the judgment of the Telephone Company, any additional equipment is required for the protection of the service as a result of furnishing such extension stations, the customer may be required to subscribe to such equipment. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 10 EXTENSION SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 4. Intercommunication is not contemplated between a main line and an Extension Service, or between Extension Services, except as specified in connection with intercommunicating service. 5. The number of permanently connected extension stations or their equivalent which may be installed in connection with any main service is limited to such as, in the judgment of the Telephone Company, will not interfere with the efficient operation of the service, 6. One standard type bell is provided, if desired, at no additional charge, for each extension station, such bell being located at the station, C, RATES Per (1) Main Service Month Residence, each location $ Business, each location $ When an Extension Service or extension line termination is located in a different building than the main service, charges for Extension and Tie Lines apply as specified in this tariff, (1) liJhere a customer-provided instrument is used, in lieu of a telephone company provided instrument, as a main or extension station with individual line residence and Business Local Exchange Service, a monthly credit of $ per telephone instrument not provided by the telephone company shall be applied, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P,S,C. By , . NiSi Title Addr^S^ « TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES A. GENERAL Extension and Tie Lines are channels having an approximate bandwidth of 300-3000 Hertz (Hz), furnished for use in connection with exchange services provided to customers. B. REGULATIONS 1. I 2. Explanation of Terms a. Extension Line An Extension Line is a channel which connects a main station line or branch exchange station line to additional terminations of such lines. b. Tie Line A Tie Line is a channel which connects two Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems, two Centrex systems, a P.B.X. system and a Centrex system, two electronic switching system - automatic call distributing (ESS-ACD) systems, any two of the preceding systems, or any of the preceding systems to a customer-provided communications (switching) system. Scope of Service a. Extension Line An Extension Line includes the facilities necessary to provide two-point communications: (1) Between an Extension Line station and any disassociated main station which can be reached over the telecommuni- cations network, (2) Between a branch exchange Extension Line station and any station connected to the branch exchange switching equip- ment to which the branch exchange station is connected. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. State P.S.C. ^ By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES REGULATIONS (cont'd) 2. Scope of Service (cont'd) b. Tie Line Tie Lines are furnished within the scope of service as set forth following: (1) Connections involving only PBX, Centrex and ESS-ACD systems. (a) Connection between any two stations connected to the switching equipment of two PBX systems connected by Tie Lines. (b) Connection between any two stations connected to Centrex systems that are connected by Tie Lines. (c) Connections between any two stations connected to ESS-ACD systems that are connected by Tie Lines. (d) Connection between any one station connected to the switching equipment of one type system to any one station of one other type system specified in B.2.b.(l) preceding, when the two systems are connected by Tie Lines. (e) Connection of a Tie Line, at either end, but not both ends simultaneously, to a PBX trunk, Centrex exchange line, or ESS-ACD Local Exchange Access Termination for through communication between a station connected to the switching equipment of a PBX system or a station connected to a Centrex, or ESS-ACD, system in which the tie line terminates, and any other station to which the PBX trunk, Centrex exchange line or ESS-ACD Local Exchange Access Termination has access, via the telecommuni- cations network. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By ^ ^ Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 2. Scope of Service (cont'd) b. Tie Line (cont'd) (2) Connections involving PBX, Centrex, or ESS-ACD, systems and customer-provided coiranunications (switching) systems, A connection between any two stations equivalent to that specified in (1) preceding. The transmission character- istics of the Tie Line will be comparable to those of a Tie Line connecting two Telephone Company provided systems, up to the point of interconnection with the customer-provided communications (switching) system, (3) Connections of stations other than as specified in (1) and (2) preceding are permitted, however, such connections are subject to transmission and equipment limitations. 3. IVhen a Tie Line connects a customer-provided communications (switching) system to a PBX, Centrex, or ESS-ACD, system, the Telephone Company has the overall responsibility to the demarcation point on the customer's premises. The Basis of Connection is the same as that specified for Connection With Private Line Service in this Company's Connection With Certain Customer-Provided Facilities Tariff. C . RATES 1. Application of Rates When a Tie Line connects a customer-provided communications (switching) system to a PBX, Centrex, or ESS-ACD, system, rates are applied in the following manner: I ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES C. RATES (cont'd) 1. Application of Rates (cont'd) a. Intraexchange Service That portion of the channel between a PBX, Centrex, or ESS-ACD, system and the serving wire center, or if more than one wire center is involved, the distant wire center, is provided at Tie Line channel rates. That portion of the <;hannel between the customer-provided communications (switching) system and the serving wire center is part of the Tie Line and is provided at rates the same as for an appropriate local channel as offered in this Company' s Private Line Services Tariff. b. Interexchange Service That portion of the channel between a PBX, Centrex, or ESS-ACD, system and the distant interexchange channel terminal is provided at Tie Line channel rates. That portion of the channel between the customer-provided communications (switching) system and the channel terminal is part of the Tie Line and is provided at rates the same as for an appropriate station terminal as offered in this Company's Private Line Services Tariff. t ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address (^ COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 C. RATES (cont'd) 2. Intraexchange Channels Per a. Within same building Month Extension Line None Tie Line $ b. Between buildings on the same premises, per channel* Extension Line ..... $ Tie Line $ *For multiple channels connecting different buildings on the same premises, when the distance between such buildings is not more than one-eighth mile, the following schedule of charges applies: Two channels $ Three channels * $ Four channels $ Five channels $ Each channel in excess of five $ ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES C. RATES (cont'd) 2. Intraexchange Channels (cont'd) c. Between Buildings on Different Premises Local channels are required to connect station locations to their serving wire centers. Where the station locations are in different wire center serving areas, an interoffice channel is required. For an extension line furnished to extend a main station line which is not terminated in Button Telephone Service or, if so terminated and the button service features are not extended to a distant location, the rate for a local channel does not apply for connecting the main station line with the serving wire center. However, where the main station line is terminated in Button Telephone Service and the button service features, including hold release, are extended to a distant location, a local channel is required to connect the location of the Button Telephone Service equipment to its serving wire center. Where extension line service is furnished to extend a main exchange station line to more than one premises, a separate extension line is required for connecting each premises to the primary service. A local channel is not required for terminating a tie line in switching equipment located in a wire center. ^ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ^ » » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES C. RATES (cont'd) 2* Intraexchange Channels (cont'd) c. Between Buildings on Different Premises (cont'd) Per (1) Local Channels furnished for: Month Extension Lines, each Extension of a main station line $ Extension of a branch exchange station line $ Tie Line, each $ Where the local channel is terminated outside the base rate area, an additional rate, equivalent to the Local Exchange Line Mileage Band rate for an individual line as specified in this Company's Local Exchange Services Tariff, is applicable. (2) Interoffice Channels Mileage, measured airline between serving wire centers, per mile, for: Per Extension Lines Month Extension of a main station line $ Extension of a branch exchange station line $ Tie Line $ Channel Terminals, for: Extension Lines, each Extension of a main station line $ Extension of a branch exchange station line $ Tie Line, each $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE ) Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By > Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES C. RATES (cont'd) 2. Intraexchange Channels (cont'd) c. Between Buildings on Different Premises (cont'd) (3) Additional terminations of extension lines on the same premises are provided at the rates set forth in a. and b. preceding. (4) l^fhere, at the option of the Telephone Company, a channel is provided directly between the customer locations, i.e., does not route through a wire center, the monthly rate is equivalent to one Local Channel. 3. Interexchange Channels a. Within the same local service area, between contiguous exchanges or between an exchange and a contiguous zone of a multizone exchange, rates as specified in C.2. preceding apply. b. Between other Exchanges Per (1) Mileage Month First 25 miles, per mile or fraction thereof . $ Next 25 miles, per mile or fraction thereof. . $ Each additional mile or fraction thereof . . . $ (2) Channel Terminal, each $ (3) Station Terminal, each $ (A) Additional Terminations of Extension Lines . . $ Where an additional termination is in the same building or in a different building on the same premises, rates set forth in 2. a. and/or 2.b. preceding apply. Where an additional termination is in a different building at a different premises within the same exchange, a station terminal rate applies. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By . Name Title Address f COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 11 EXTENSION AND TIE LINES TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 C. RATES (cont'd) 3. Interexchange Channels (cont'd) The interexchange channel rate mileage is the airline distance between the rate centers of the locations being served. When one or more of the exchanges involved are multizone exchanges, each zone of each such exchange is considered as a separate exchange for the purpose of applying these rates. When locations being served in different exchanges are within a continuous area operated and supervised by a single authority, the charges for channels between such locations will be based on the circumstances in each case. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. » By Name State P.S.C. Title Address % TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 12 INTERCONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS A. GENERAL The Federal Connunications Commission, in their Docket 19528 permits direct interconnection of customer provided equipment (CPE). This Section of the Tariff provides for implementation of this ruling and applies to the direct connection to the network of ancillary equipment other than coin telephones used in conjunction with all primary individual telephone service. 1. Except for Telephone Company provided ringers, all connection of equipment will be made through standard jacks provided by the Tele- phone Company and through standard customer provided plugs. The jack will be of modular design as prescribed by the FCC and must be wired so that there will be no interference to the rest of the service if the plug is withdrawn. 2. All customers who purchase their own equipment will advise the Telephone Company of its presence, registration number, its ringer equivalence number, and the lines to which the registered equipment will be connected. 3. A customer who fails to notify the Telephone Company of connection of grandfathered or registered terminal equipment or protective circuitry or is otherwise in violation of applicable laws, rules and regulations will be subject to discontinuance of service. 4. The use of customer provided circuitry or terminal equipment shall not require change in, or alteration of the equipment or other facilities of the Telephone Company. If any such circuitry or terminal equipment is found defective, its use shall be immediately discontinued until correction is made. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 12 INTERCONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS B. CREDIT FOR USE OF CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT 1. l^ere a custoner-provided instrument is used, in lieu of a Tele- phone Company provided instrument, as a main or extension station with individual line residence and business Local Exchange Service, a monthly credit of $ * per telephone instrument not provided by the Telephone company shall be applied. 2. When automatic answering and recording devices, data sets, data access arrangements, recorder couplers, alarm couplers and other similar devices are connected to the Telephone Company facilities in lieu of a main or extension telephone, the monthly rate appli- cable for the main or extension service will apply less the credit as described in the preceding paragraph. C. SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES Service connection charge to provide a modular jack as prescribed by FCC in connection with order to connect, move, or change telephone service will be a one time charge to apply in addition to installation charges and/or charges listed in Section 22, Service Charges. Residence Business Modular Jack $ $ D. MAINTENANCE CHARGES ON CUSTOMER-PROVIDED EQUIPMENT A charge applying when the subscriber requests a service call for repairs (when the subscriber owns all or part of the terminal equipment) and the Telephone Company's facilities are found not to be causing the trouble, the charge will be $ .** *NOTE : Insure that this $ amount is used consistantly in all sections of the Tariff concerning customer-provided equipment ie. Centrex Service, Extension Service, etc. **This amount will be the same as the maintenance visit charge shown in D 6a Section 22 (Service Charges) of this Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By * ^*«™« Tm^ Address COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 13 LINE EXTENSION CHARGES TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 A. GENERAL The furnishing of service to all applicants, without the burden of prohibitive aid to construction changes is the essence of the Company's obligation. The following charges will assure this obligation to Rural America is met. B. CHARGES 1. Permanent Customer a. Within the Base Rate Area b. Along Existing Company Facilities c. Provided as Part of a major project within an exchange and covered by an area coverage survey. d. Customers not covered in a, b or c above. (1) If cost of construction less than 7 times the annual primary service revenue Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge No Charge (2) If cost of construction exceeds 7 times the Total Cost annual primary service revenue Less 7 times the annual primary service revenue to be received. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. State P.S.C. « By Name Title Address « « i > > TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETJ^ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 14 MILEAGE CHARGES * A. General Mileage Charges are applied to cover the cost of additional facilities which are required to meet the customers service requirements. These charges are in addition to the rates specified in the Local Exchange Rates Tariffs for the class of service desired. These charges are also in addition to Construction Charges, when applicable. B. Extra Exchange Line Mileage - Does not apply to 1-Party Exchanges . 1. Urban classes of service will be furnished outside the local Base Rate Area, but within the Exchange Area and within the operational limits of the switchboard, associated equipments and lines at the rates quoted in the Local Exchange Service Tariffs plus Extra Exchange Line Mileage Charges for the additional circuit required as quoted in the General Exchange Tariffs. 2. Mileage charges are computed on airline measurement from the location of the main station to the nearest point of the local Base Rate Area Boundary and apply to each circuit and to each party line subscriber separately. Extra mileage charges are payable in the same manner as charges for associated service. 3. \^ere additional construction is required to furnish urban classes of service outside the local Base Rate Area, the provisions set forth under "Construction Charges" apply. C. Extension Line Mileage Mileage applicable to non-continuous property business, residence, Centrex, PBX or Key extension stations located on properties, other than those on which the main stations or switchboard are located, will be determined in the following manner: The non-continuous property mileage measurement is the route mileage distance between the terminals. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address c TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 15 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS TARIFF* APPLICATION OF TARIFF A. GENERAL 1. This tariff applies to Miscellaneous Service Arrangements furnished within the State of by this Conpany, The regulations and rates contained herein are in addition to the applicable regulations and rates specified in other tariffs of the Telephone Conpany. 2. The services for which regulations and rates are specified in this tariff are offered at present for use by ** . The services will be furnished at the sane rates to other customers who have the sane communications requirements under the same conditions, B. REGULATIONS Application of Rates and Charges Rates and charges for services set forth in this tariff become effective the day following the date the service is made available by the Telephone Company for use by the customer, but not earlier than the date requested by the customer, and apply for the day of dis- connection. C. RATES (Description of Service as well as Rates) *This portion of the model tariff is to provide a location for specialized service arrangements, which are somewhat unique in nature. These arrangements should be included in the Company's Filed Tariff, but do not readily adapt to being classified with other sections of this tariff. Many of these service arrangements are betv;een the company and the Federal, State, or Local Governments, i.e. Seni-Automatic Ground Environent (SAGE); Universal Emergency Number 911 Service, etc. **Identify the customer - i.e. U.S. Govt.; State of....) or County) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , , ^ame Title Address c TON SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE APPLICATION OF TARIFF This tariff applies to mobile services furnished or made available by The Telephone Company, and participating companies with which mobile service business is interchanged, within an area in which mobile service is furnished. The regulations and rates specified in other tariffs of the Telephone Company. A. GENERAL Mobile Telephone Service is a communication service through a base station between a wire telephone and a mobile station or between two mobile stations. B. REGULATIONS 1 . Explanation of Terms a. Base Station A base station is a fixed transmitter and receiver(s) through v>7hich radiotelephone communications are transmitted to and received from mobile stations. b. Base Station of Registry A base station of registry is the base station from which a mobile station receives its mobile telephone number. c. Foreign Base Station A foreign base station is any base station other than the base station of registry. ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 C GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1, Explanation of Terms (cont'd) d. Mobile Station A mobile station is mobile radiotelephone equipment which is installed in a mobile unit including the transmitter, receiver, antenna, control unit, selective signaling equipment and associated wiring. e. Transient Mobile Station A transient mobile station is a mobile station communicating through a foreign base station. f. Mobile Service Area A mobile service area is the area within which radiotelephone ^^ communications are reliably transmitted and received between k mobile stations and the base station. 2. Availability of Service Except as otherwise specified herein, mobile services are available to mobile units equipped for such services, when within range of a base station, subject to transmission, atmospheric and like limitations. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address Q # COnPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVIGE TARIFF TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. Classification of Service* Mobile Telephone Service is available, on a basis or a basis. Service is furnished to mobile stations of customers who contract for service in the mobile service areas and, except as otherwise specified, are for service between the mobile station and any wire telephone within the mobile service area, or between two such mobile stations reached through the same base station. 4. Limitations of Service The Telephone Company reserves the right to refuse to connect calls to or from any transient mobile station which regularly places more calls through one particular foreign base station than through its base station of registry. 5. Deposits In addition to Requiring a customer deposit, as set forth in Section G3 of the General Rules and Regulations, The Telephone Company may require an additional deposit equal to the cost of the mobile equipment and facilities installed in the customer's vehicle. * Mobile Service may be offered under three methods-Flat Rate, Message Rate or Measured Time. The company should determine which method, or a combination thereof best meets the needs of the customer. Many company's have found that flat rate service, with unlimited Local Service Calling Capacity has been an excellent inducement to obtain new customers for this service. (This note is for informational purposes only, it should not be included in the company's filed tariff.) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. By Name State P.S.C. Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address C GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 6. Provision of Mobile Stations Mobile stations may be provided by the Telephone Company or the customer at the option of the customer. Where a mobile station is provided by the customer, any supplemental equipment will also be provided by the customer. The customer is required to furnish, install and maintain the storage battery, charging equipment and noise suppressors on his mobile unit for the proper operation of the service. 7. Transfer of Service The service or any rights associated therewith may not be assigned or in any manner transferred. 8. Liability of the Telephone Company ( The Telephone Company is not liable for damages for any accident or injury occasioned by the mobile station or supplemental equipment provided in connection therewith when such accident or injury is not due to the negligence of the Telephone Company. 9. Cancellation for Cause (a) In the event of any violation of the lawful regulations of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, or of the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commlsion, the Telephone Company may, without incurring any liability, either suspend or terminate the service. C 9 TON SECTION 1510 COriPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 » GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 9. Cancellation for Cause (cont'd) (b) The Telephone Company reserves the right to tenninate the service of any mobile station which regularly places more calls through one particular Foreign Base Station than through its Base Station than through its Base Station of Registry, 10. Limited Conversation The Telephone Company reserves the right to limit the length of conversation when necessary in times of emergency resulting in a shortage of facilities. C. UNDERTAKING OF THE TELEPHONE COflPANY 1. The Telephone Company's obligation to furnish service is dependent upon its ability to secure and retain suitable facilities and rights for the construction and maintenance of the necessary circuits and equipment. 2. In connection with general and dispatching service, the Telephone Company does not undertake to transmit messages, but offers the use of its facilities for communications between its customers. 3. In connection with signaling service the Telephone Company under- takes only to transmit a signal for the purpose of actuating a signal on the mobile unit and accepts no responsibility for the transmission of further intelligence. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By 9 Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE D. OBLIGATION OF CUSTOMER 1. The calling party (or customer) shall establish his identity in the course of any communication as often as may be necessary. 2. The calling party (or customer) shall be solely responsible for establishing the identity of the person or persons with whom connection is made at the called station. 3. The customer's use of the radio transmitter on the mobile unit shall at all times be subject to the control of the operator at the land radiotelephone station of the Telephone Company. 4. The customer is required to furnish, install and maintain the storage battery, charging equipment and noise suppressors on his mobile unit required for the proper operation of the service. Where the power furnished by the customer is unsuitable for the proper operation of the radio equipment furnished by the Telephone Company on the mobile unit, a converter or other device to render the povjer suitable for the proper operation of such radio equip- ment will be installed by the Telephone Company at charges equivalent to the estimated cost of furnishing such equipment. In addition, if the converter or other device is installed on the customer's mobile unit at other than Telephone Company radio maintenance shops, the charges are applicable for each trip required for the Telephone Company to install, maintain, repair, move, change or remove the equipment regardless of the mobile unit's city of registry. 5. Maintain and provide the Telephone Company with all required Radio licenses. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Bate Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address C c c TOM SECTION 1510 CONPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHAIJGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE E . RATES 1 . Application of Rates* a. Rates for message rate Mobile Telephone Service messages within the mobile service area are quoted in message units - the charge for each message unit being $ , b. Rates for measured time Mobile Telephone Servcie messages within the mobile service area, except as provided in 3. a. (2) following, are quoted in terms of minutes of radio channel time used. For the purpose of determining radio channel tine usage, a fraction of a minute used during a message is considered a full minute, except as specified in 3.b.(2) following, c. Rates for flat rate mobile telephone service quoted in this tariff entitle the customer to local calls (without toll charges) to all local telephones connected to a central office or offices of the exchanges within the flat rate mobile service area, and to other mobile units within range of the mobile telephone service base station. * The 3 rate structures shown in a, b, and c are examples of what can be filed. Each company should determine which rate structure(s) best meets the needs of their customers, and fill only the structure(s) which are offered. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address J TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 C GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE E. RATES (cont'd) 2, Message Rate Service a. Minimum Monthly Charge The minimum monthly charge per mobile station is $ including 120** message rate service message units originated by the mobile station in any mobile service area within which the mobile service is furnished through a base station of any Bell System or Independent Telephone Company with which message telephone service business is interchanged. For this purpose, each $.08 of the charge for mobile service area messages will be considered as one message unit. b. Message Units The number of message units applicable for a message rate Mobile Telephone Service message is as follows: Number of Message Units C First 3 Minutes Each Additonal Minute or Fraction Thereof or Fraction Thereof (1) When the mess- age is between a wire telephone and a mobile sta- tion: 6** 2** ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address C TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE E. RATES (cont'd) 2. Message Rate Service (cont'd) b. Message Units (cont'd) The number of message units applicable for a message rate Mobile Telephone Service message is as follows: (cont'd) Number of Message Units First 3 Minutes Each Additonal Minute or Fraction Thereof or Fraction Thereof (2) When the mess- age is between two mobile sta- and is originated by a Message Rate Mobile Telphone Service mobile station: 8** 2** 3. Measured Time Service The following rates and charges apply for measured time Mobile Telephone Service including minutes of radio channel usage per month for each mobile station. ** The number of message units shown i.e. 120 in 2a, 6 and 2 in 2b(l) & 8 and 2 in 2b(2) are the "normal" numbers for telephone companies with a mess- age unit rate structure. However, the company should determine if other amounts are more appropriate for their customers normal usage, and use those amounts. (Note: The two footnotes are for informational purposes only, and care should be taken to insure they are not included in the filed tariff.) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 10 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE E. RATES (cont'd) 3. Measured Time Service (cont'd) Per Month (a) Telephone Exchange Facilities, per mobile station Rotary dial $ T0UCH-T0Ne5^ dial $ Subject to Service Charges as for the establish- ment of a business individual line, (b) Radio Channel Facilities, per mobile station (1) Per month $ (2) Radio Channel Usage (I) Radio channel time used by the mobile station in excess of the mobile station's radio channel time usage allowance is charged for as follows: Per minute or fraction thereof $ (II) Radio channel time used for messages originated by a measured time service mobile station to a message rate service mobile station is not included under the radio channel time usage allowance of the measured time service mobile station. Such mess- ages are charged for as follows: First three minutes or fraction thereof . . . $ Each additional minute or fraction thereof. . $ © ^Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Neme Title ' Addndss C c TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 11 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE E. RATES (cont'd) 3. Measured Time Service (cont'd) (3) Messages originated by a wire telephone located within the mobile service area to a measured time service mobile station are charged for as follows: Per minute or fraction thereof $ 4. Mobile Stations a. Seraiduplex Service (1) Multichannel Stations, equipped for all radio channels of the Installation Per base station of registry Charge Month Manual stations, each $ $ Dial compatible stations, each . . $ $ (2) Additional radio channels, other than of the base station of reg- istry, each (Note 1 ) * $ b. Duplex Service (1) Multichannel Stations, equipped for all radio channels of the base sta- tion of registry, each $ $ Rotary dial $ $ TOUCH-TONE® dial $ $ ®Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By » Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 12 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE E. RATES (cont'd) 4. Mobile Stations (cont'd) b. Duplex Service (cont'd) (2) Additional radio channels, other than of the base station of reg- istry, each (Note 1) ■ Installation Per Charge Month c. Other Charges (1) \^en a mobile station is changed or moved from one mobile unit to another, the installation charge applies, except that where complete cabling suitable for the service is in place in the mobile unit, an installation charge of $ , per station applies. * An installation charge of $ applies when one or more additional radio channels are added subsequent to the initial installation of the mobile station, except that no charge applies when additional radio channels are added to the base station of registry. Notes: (Not to be included in the filed tariff) (1) Some company's have found it advantageous to provide all units with all eleven (11) channels. In this case, they in- crease the monthly charge and eliminate the charge for addi- tional channels. This should be considered as an alternative to the rate schedule above. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , c Name Title Address c I # COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 16 MOBILE TELEPHONE SERVICE TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 13 E. RATES (cont'd) Notes (2) Dial Head only (second vehicle of customer being equipped; with customer being able to transfer unit) Installation Charge $ Per Month (3) Horn Blowing feature for incom- ing calls $ $ (4) The rates and charges in a. & b. preceding include the furnishing of mobile stations in colors regularly offered by the Telephone Company for this equipment. (5) Installation charge for change in type of control unit, each unit changed $ . Transient Mobile Service (Roaming Service) A charge of $ (2) applies for each message involving transient mobile stations. This charge is in addition to the appropriate message rate or measured time mobile local and long distance message telecommunications charges as specified in this tariff. (Not to be included in the filed tariff) (2) As an alternative to a fixed charge i.e. $1.00 per message, some company's charge "Roamers" on a usage basis i.e. d for the first 3 minutes and i for each additional minute. This alternative should also be considered prior to filing the Mobile Service tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By 1 Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address c # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 J GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE A. General A multiline telephone system is an arrangement of equipment employing telephone sets in combination with buttons or turn key, mounted either separately or in the base of a telephone, or in combination with other types of telephones and providing various operating features for originating, holding, and answering calls on one or more lines. B. Regulations 1. Multiline Telephone Services Multiline telephone services encompassed by this tariff are classified into three types: Type A - Turn Key or push button apparatus (2 line) , nonexpandable, requiring no common equipment. Type B - A convenience telephone system providing up to three incoming lines with a hold feature on each line or up to two incoming lines with a hold feature and one intercom line. Included at no extra cost is an illumination feature which flashes on each incoming call only, indicating which line is ringing. The illumination feature can be arranged so as to remain on throughout the system when a line is busy; this is an optional feature carrying an additional charge. Type C - An expandable multiline service which utilizes common equipment in its operation. This type of service is grouped into general systems with varying capacities to meet customer requirements. Intercommunication is standard with these systems but the customer has the option of non intercommunica- tion capability. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III OPvIGINAL SHEET 2 c GENERAL EXCHA1>IGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE B. Regulations (cont'd) 2. Service Coverage M!ultiline telephone systems are furnished only in connection with individual central office lines (excluding lines associated with semi-public and public telephone services), private branch exchange station lines, centrex, and private lines in dial central office exchanges. 3. Standard Location Conditions (a) Generally, all telephones associated with a multiline telephone system shall be located within the same building. However, when satisfactory operation can be maintained, stations may be located in different buildings, subject to standard mileage charges and to special charges which will be determined by the costs involved to meet the individual requirements of each case. (b) Station installations in the same building involving cable in excess of an average of * feet per station will be provided at charges based on labor and material cost of the cable installed. 4. Cabinet Space The customer will provide space equipped with adequate AC outlets as required. * A telephone company may desire to use a figure between 50 and 100 feet. (This footnote is for instructional purposes only.) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address i TON SECTION 1510 CO^TANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE B. Regulations (cont'd) 5. Special Construction When the customer desires a type of construction other than that which the Telephone Company vjould normally provide (i.e. conceal- ed wiring, etc), or where abnormal cabling conditions (i.e. Solid Abutments, Special Insulation, etc) exist. Construction Charges as set forth in Section 3 of this tariff shall apply. 6. Standard Provisions (a) Signaling - Each telephone within the system may be equipped with a bell or buzzer to be used for either the main central office lines or the intercom line. Signals in excess of one bell or buzzer at any one telephone location will be provid- ed on an additional charge basis. (b) Power Supply - The Telephone Company will provide the battery supply required for operation of the multiline telephone system and luminous keys in the base of the telephone instrument. The customer will be required to furnish, install, and maintain the commercial power, wiring, power outlet, and electric energy required to operate the battery supply. (c) Common Equipment: Multiline Systems Type C - 1. Expandable line capacities 2. Illumination - flashing incoming, steady busy, and wink hold. 3. Hold - line and station A. Signaling - common audible for incoming calls ISSUED EFFECTIVE 1 Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 KULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE B. Regulations (cont'd) 6. Standard Provisions (cont'd) (c) Cominon Equipnent: Nultiline Systems Type C - (cont'd) 5. Pick-up - line and station 6. Power - for sij^naling and illuminations 7. Time out - of flashing illumination and audible signaling on unanswered calls 8. Interrupted ringing 9. Exclusion feature - manual or automatic ability to exclude other stations from a line 10. Intercommunication capability - tone as provided below 7 . Unusual Features VJhen a customer requests service features other than those regularly available, additional charges based on costs incurred will apply. 8. Station Guidelines Non-key equipped telephones may be bridged to any line of a Nultiline Telephone System. The number of telephones which may be connected to a line either directly or by key operation is limited to such number as in the judgment of the company will not interfere with efficient telephone service. 4 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. "AHd ress I TON SECTION 1510 COriPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 # GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE B. Regulations (cont'd) 9. Intercom Stations Intercom stations are single line telephones connected only to the intercom line. The number of intercom stations may not exceed the number of pushbutton telephones connected to the intercom line. Systems consisting of intercom service only are not provided under this schedule. Dial intercom is provided for a minimum of three pushbutton telephones. 10, Multiline Service Outside the Base Rate* When the multiline telephone service is provided outside the Base Rate Area, the mileage charges apply as specified under Section 14 Mileage Charges in this Tariff. 11. Minimum Revenue Requirements** The Minimum Revenue Guarantee (MRG) shall be an amount equivalent to the sum of months revenue due the company from the customer from the date of cutover at the original location of the equipment at the rates set forth in this tariff. This MRC reduces 1/ for each month in service. Items with an MRC will be denoted by an "X" next to the service. * Use only if mileage or zone charges are allowed by the REA/RTB loan contract. ** This is an optional item in the tariff and nay or may not be desired by a telephone system, depending upon the cost of the multiline system and the risk Involved in discontinuance of service before a reasonable pay back period. (These footnotes are for instructional purposes only.) ISSUED EFFECTIVE 9 Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOri SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE C. Rates - Components 1. Multiline Telephone System Common Equipment The monthly charge for the actual Multiline Telephone System common equipment and the standard package feature included in the system - Type C systems. 2. Multiline Telephone System Line Charge* The minimum monthly rate for lines from the central office to the Multiline Telephone System. 3. Multiline Telephone System Station Equipment The monthly rate for the Multiline Telephone Service station equipment. As set forth below in Part D. 4. Special Features The monthly charge for optional non-standard features which are provided at the request of the customer. As set forth below in Part F. 5. Service Charges These are charges provided to cover installation and moves of service, as set forth in Section 22 Service Charges of this tariff. * This is usually a certain percent times the Bl rate, i.e. 1 .5 X etc. (This footnote is for informational purposes only.) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of Ho. State P.S.C. By i, Name Title Address COriPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL FJCCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE C. Rates - Components 6. Basic Termination Agreement* These are agreements between the customer and the telephone company which provide for a contractual period of usually years during which time the customer is obligated to provide a fixed revenue for the service which is contained in the contract. The contract figure in the Basic Termination Agree- ment may be based on first cost plus installation, plus freight or the monthly rate for Multiline Telephone local service as filed in the tariff. Monthly Rate Installation & Service Charges ^ *** $ ** c *** $ ** ^ **** $ ** D. Rates - Multiline Telephone Service 1. Type A & B Systems - Line, each 2. Type C Systems - Line, each 3. Station Lines - Tone - Signaling Capability * This is an optional item on the part of the telephone company. Use only if mileage or zone charges are allovjed by the REA/RTB loan contract. ** These will be the same rates as set forth in Section 22 Service Charges, of this tariff. *** One suggestion would be to use the exchange Bl rate for types A & B and 150 percent of the exchange Bl rate for Type C, Individual companies may desire, due to usage and other factors to charge more or less than this suggestion. (Footnotes *, ** , and *** are informational only, and should not be includ- ed in this filed tariff) **** This charge is in addition to that contained in 1 and 2 above. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. By Nam e State P.S.C. Titl e Address COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 E. Multiline Telephone System Station Equipment Charges Monthly Rate 1. Type A - Tone, each Rotary, each Type B (3 line-3 hold) - Tone, each $_ Rotary, each $ Type C: a. 6 Button - Tone, each Rotary, each b. 10 Button - Tone, each Rotary, each c. 12 Button - Tone, each Rotary, each d. 18 Button - Tone, each Rotary, each e. 20 Button - Tone, each Rotary, each f. 30 Button - Tone, each Rotary, each F. Multiline Telephone System Common Equipment Charges 1 . System (1-4 lines, 12 stations, no intercom) $ Common Equipment - Basic Line Equipment (one per line required) $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Installation & Service Charges $ $ None Date No. Address % TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE F. Multiline Telephone System Common Equipment Charges (cont'd) Installation & Monthly Rate Service Charges 2. System (Capacity 5 lines, 12 stations, no intercom) Common Equipment - Basic Line Equipment (one per line req) 3. System (11 line capacity, 26 station maximum, no intercom) Common Equipment - Basic Line Equipment (one per line req) 4. System (6 line capacity, 12 stations, 9 code tone intercom) Common Equipment - Basic (Tone Intercom) Common Equipment - Basic (Rotary Intercom) Line Equipment (one per line req) Additional 9 Code Intercom Capacity (Tone or Rotary) Music on Hold Access Paging Access 5. System (13 line capacity, 36 station maximum, 18 code intercom maximum) Common Equipment - Basic (Tone Intercom 9 Code, Single Talk Path) $ $ None None None ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By > Name Title Address , COMPANY TOI! SECTION 15 JO PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 10 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE F. Multiline Telephone System Common Equipment Charges (cont'd) ISSUED Monthly Rate Installation & Service Charges 5. System (13 line capacity, 36 station maximum, 18 code intercom maximum) (cont'd) Common Equipment - Basic (Rotary Intercom 9 Code, Single Talk Path) $ Common Equipment - Basic (Tone Intercom 18 Code, Single Talk Path) $ Common Equipment - Basic (Rotary Intercom 18 Code, Single Talk Path) $ Common Equipment - Basic (Tone Intercom 18 Code, Two Talk Path) Common Equipment - Basic (Rotary Intercom 18 Code, Two Talk Path) Line Equipment (one per line req ) 9 Code Intercom Expander (Tone or Rotary, Single Talk Path) 3 Code Intercom Expanders (Tone or Rotary, Two Talk Path) Music on Hold Access Paging Access Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title $ V $ <^ V $ $_ $ $_ $ $_ $ $ $ $_ EFFECTIVE Date No. I Address G. COMPANY Ton SECTION 1510 PAPT III ORIGINAL SHEET 11 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 17 MULTILINE (KEY) TELEPHONE SERVICE flultiline Telephone System Optional Features 1 . Manual Intercon Common Equipment 2. Buttons, each 3. Buzzers, each 4. Manual Exclusion, per set 5. Automatic Exclusion, per line, per set 6. Key Strips a. 6 Button b. 12 Button 7. Power Supply for Types A & B Systems Monthly Rate Installation & Service Charges ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address % TOM SECTION 1510 COMPA^fY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 18 PHONESTORE SERVICE* A. GENERAL IVhere facilities are available, PhoneStore Service is an optional service offering providing an alternate method of establishing, changing or disconnecting Local Exchange Telephone Service. This offering is available to residence customers who elect to pick up and return Telephone Company telephones which are designed for use with jack equipment installed by the Telephone Company. Such telephones will be available at PhoneStore locations designated by the Telephone Company . B. REGULATIONS 1. At the PhoneStore location, a customer for this service may select, pick up, substitute and return telephones associated with the establishment, change or disconnection of telephone service. For the telephones furnished, instructions will be provided regarding their connection to and use with the telecommunications network. 2. PhoneStore Disconnect Plan When customers request the disconnection of their entire telephone service without requesting a subsequent installation of telephone service elsewhere in the territory served by the Telephone Company (customer relocations) , the service being disconnected contem- plates removal of telephones at the time of disconnect as a normal work operation, and all the telephones associated with the service are connected to jack equipment, such customers may remove all their telephones and deliver such telephones to a designated PhoneStore location. Customers who elect to participate in the plan will receive a credit allowance on their telephone bill upon delivery of all their telephones to the PhoneStore location. *This is also called PhoneCenter, PhoneFair, PhoneMart, PhoneShop, etc by various operating Telephone Companies providing this service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE > Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By _____» Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 18 PHONESTORE SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. PhoneStore Relocation Plan For customer relocations, regulations and credits apply as specified for the Set Recovery Plan in this tariff, except that the credit allowance also applies when a customer delivers all eligible telephones to the PhoneStore location, or to the new service location if he wishes to utilize the telephones at the new service location and agrees to deliver any unused telephones to the PhoneStore location. 4. The customer shall indemnify and save the Telephone Company harmless from any and all liability, damages, losses, claims or demands of any kind arising out of any action or omission of the customer or any other person in connection with the installation, removal or conveyance of telephones to or from the PhoneStore location. C. RATES Service Charges as specified in Section 22 of this tariff apply for PhoneStore Service. D. CREDIT PhoneStore Disconnect Plan Credit Allowance, per customer, per telephone service disconnection, regardless of the number of telephones disconnected $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE ( Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ^ TOM SECTION 1510 PAKT III GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE The following statements are for instructional and informational purposes only, to aid the company in preparing their P.B.X. Tariff. It is not to be included in the filed tariff. RATE CO^iPONENTS 1, Private Branch Exchange System The monthly charge for the actual Private Branch Exchange switching system and the standard package features included in the system. 2. Special Features The monthly charge for non-standard (optional) features which are provided at the request of the customer, 3. Trunks The minimum monthly rate for central office combination trunks or lines from the central office to the Private Branch Exchange. This is usually a certain percent tines the Bl rate. ie. 1.5 x Bl, 2 x Bl etc. 4. Private Branch Exchange Stations The monthly rate for non-key type P.A.B.X. stations. Key telephone systems and stations superimposed on a Private Branch Exchange carry the approved rate as filed in the tariff for these services. 5. Non-recurring Charge These are charges provided to cover installation and move services. They are usually based on the actual cost involved. 6. Basic Termination Agreement These are agreements between the customer and the telephone company which provide for a contractual period of usually five years during which time the customer is obligated to provide a fixed revenue for the service which is contained in the contract. The contract figure in the Basic Termination Agreement may be based on first cost plus installation, plus freight or the monthly rate for Private Branch Exchange local service as filed in the tariff. TOM SECTION 1510 PART III GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE RATE STRUCTURES The company has the option of offering either or both of two Basic rate structures these are the standard plan and the two-tier pricing plan. It may be in the best interest of the company to offer the standard plan for some systems and the two-tier pricing plan for other (normally larger) systems. STANDARD PLAN This rate structure consists of monthly rates for the basic P.B.X., plus rates for trunks, tie lines, stations and each non-standard (optional) feature. These rates are all contained in the company's tariffs, as approved by the Public Service Coramision (P.S.C.). These rates may be changed in the future, subject to P.S.C. approval. TWO-TIER PLAN The Two-Tier plan is a contracted service using two distinct pricing components. (a) Level A (Fixed Monthly Rate) Rate designed to recover all capital related and fixed costs. This is a fixed chsrge as agree upon for the time periods quoted in the tariff (5,7 and 10 years) and based upon the appropiate vintage year for service initiation. (b) Level B (Variable Monthly Rate) Rate designed to recover recurring costs associated with continuance of service. These rates are variable and can change as conditions warrant and changes are approved by the Public Service Commission. Level B expenses would include - Maintenance Labor, Maintenance Materials, Retraining Expense Allocation and Other Taxes besides Federal and State Income taxes. (This statement for instructional purposes only - will not be used in Tariff.) But if the telephone company desires, it may include a profit component or contribution to fixed overheads in the Level B rate level. This would allow the service to be provided at something greater than direct costs when the Level A price period is completed. If this is done, con- sideration should be given to reducing the monthly Level A rate by an amount equal to the profit component in Level B so that during the contract period the customer's total rate will initiate profit equal to the objective return. • » TOM SECTION 1510 PART III GE^fERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE RATE STRUCTURES (cont'd) TWO-TIER PLAN (cont'd) (c) Monthly charges apply from the date the equipment is placed in service. The monthly rate will consist of the sura of rate Level A and Level B until the expiration of the initial service period, at which time the monthly rate will reduce to the Level B rates. (d) In the event service is terminated in its entirety prior to expiration of the initial service period, the customer is required to pay the sum of the unpaid balance of all Level A charges discounted at the Lump Sum Payment Option rates. (e) In the event only a part of the service is discontinued, the customer is required to continued paying Level A charges for the re- maining initial service period. (f) In either event. Level B charges will continue until the date the customer requests removal of the service. (g) With prior written authorization by the Company, the Two-Tier Plan contract may be transfered to a second party at the same location. (h) Additional equipment and service may normally be added to the system prior to the expiration of the original Level A initial service period under two options: (1) The addition can be made under the rates and regulations of the Standard Tariff Plan then in effect, or (2) The addition can be made under a then current Two-Tier Plan and initial service and initial service period. (i) Maintenance will be provided at each installation for as long as components are available. CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS It is strongly recommended that the company have a signed contract for P.B.X. service, as well as a termination agreement from each P.B.X. customer. A sample of each of these two agreements is enclosed for your consideration. • « • TOM SECTION 1510 PART III % GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE TERMINATION AGREEMENT (Name of Customer) (Exchange) As provided by General Exchange Tariffs of (Name of Telephone Company) this agreement is supplemental to the regular contract for telephone service between the undersigned parties and is effective for 60 months starting from the date of installation of the Private Automatic Branch Exchange in the (Customer's Name) located in the exchange area of (Name of Telephone Company) . In the event that the contract for use of the equipment, facilities or service described above is terminated by the customer within the minimum service period of 60 months, the undersigned customer, or its assigns, agrees to pay to (Name of Telephone Company) termination charges equal to reduced by 1/60 for each month service is retained, with proportionate reductions for fractional portions of a month. Where the use of the equipment, facilities or service subject to termi- nation charges under this agreement is terminated within the minimum service period, proportionate termination charges apply, equal to the original net cost of the equipment or facilities, the use of which is terminated, reduced by 1/60 for each month service is retained, with proportionate reductions for fractional portions of a month. If, at the customer's request, engineering, manufacturing or installation work once begun is stopped and the installation is not completed, the customer agrees to pay the net costs incurred in lieu of the above termination charge. The destruction or partial destruction of the customer's premises by fire, flood, storm or other acts of Gods shall not be considered as a termination under this agreement, if following such destruction or partial destruction or partial destruction of the customer's premises, the service covered by this agreement is re-established within thirty days either at the same or another location. Such interruption of continuous service shall not be considered as a break in the effective period of this contract. Signed 19 Name of customer Accepte d 1 9 By Date of Installation Name Title 19 (Name of Telephone Company) By Manager « I « Toil SECTION 1510 SM!PLE CONTRACT FOR USE WITH PART III TWO-TIER PRICING PLANS. GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE Telephone Company PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SYSTEM The undersigned customer requests Telephone Company to provide, at the address designed below, a system of P.A.B.X, equipment as listed in Schedule A attached, in accordance with the Telephone Company's lawful rates and regulations, including the provisions set forth herein: 1. Telephone Company will provide, install, maintain, and provide replacement components subject to the availability of equipment . 2. The customer will pay to Telephone Company for said equipment a monthly amount which is the sum of the Level A price and the Level B price during the initial term and thereafter will pay the Level B price. The Level A price will remain unchanged during the initial term whereas the Level B price is subject to change in accor- dance with tariffs as lawfully filed from time to time by Telephone Company. The Level A price, the initial Level B price, and the initial term are as listed in the box following. In the event of termination of all or part of the service prior to the expiration of the Level A initial term, the customer will be required to pay the balance of Level A charges. At the customer's option, a lump sum payment for the Level A balance due may be made. The amount of the lump sum payment will be computed by calculating the present vjorth of a monthly annuity at the annual effective interest rate filed in the Company's tariff. Charges for central office trunks, stations, and other terminal equipment are in addition to those specified in Schedule A. 3. Additional equipment and features offered under the Company's tariff will be provided under a new initial service period commencing with the effective in service date of such additional equipment or under standard Company tariff rates and regulations in effect at that time, 4. If part of the service is discontinued and a portion of the equipment listed in Schedule A is disconnected, it is agreed that the equipment last installed shall be considered as the equipment first disconnected. 5. Upon written authorization by the Telephone Company, the customer may transfer the entire unexpired balance of the contract to others for the payment of a contract transfer charge. 6. The customer agrees to pay any added costs incurred by the Telephone Company because of a change by the customer of the location designated for the equipment prior to the time it is placed in service. SAIiPLE CONTFlACT FOR USE WITH TWO-TIER PRICING PL/IIS. TOM SECTION 1510 PART III GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BPJ^CH EXCHANGE SERVICE Telephone Company PRIVATE ERAIs^CH EXCHMGE SYSTEM (cont'd) 7. If the service requested by the customer is cancelled prior to the establishment of service, the customer agrees to pay the cost incurred by the Telephone Company in engineering, ordering, and providing the equipment and disposing of it, less credit obtained through disposal. This instrument become binding when executed by the customer and accepted by the Telephone Company and shall remain in effect until properly terminated in accordance with the Telephone Company's lawful regulations. The terms and conditions hereof cannot be varied or waived except by written consent of the Telephone Company, Intial term; months Level A monthly price, not subject to change $ Level B monthly price, subject to Change* $ I ADDRESS: CUSTODIER BY: (Street Number and Name) (City or Town, and State) TITLE: TELEPHONE COMPANY ACCEPTED: NOTATION ; , 19 BY: TITLE Commencement Date of Initial Term; (May be entered when service is established.) ^Authorized by the State's Regulatory Authority. • I SAMPLE CONTRACT FOR USE WITH TOr SECTION 1510 TWO-TIER PRICING PLAN PART III GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHAI^GE SERVICE Telephone Company PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SYSTEll (cont'd) Schedule A Level A Level B Monthly Rate Quantity Discrlption Price * Price * Level A Level B * Level A price not subject to change. ** Level B prices are subject to change in conformity with lawfully filed tariffs. ^ I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE A. GENERAL Private Branch Exchange (P.B.X.) Service is manual or dial switching equipment or a combination thereof located on a customer's premises, which provide a means whereby a number of stations may be inter- connected through such equipment to enable them to intercommunicate and, by means of central office lines (P.B.X. trunks), give such stations access to the telecommunications network for inward service through an attendant or outward service or both. B. DEFINITIONS 1. P.B.X. Station A P.B.X. station is a telephone station connected with P.B.X. switching equipment, either directly or through some button arrangement. 2. P.B.X. Station Line A P.B.X. station line is a channel connecting a P.B.X. station or other station terminal equipment with P.B.X. switching equipment. 3. P.B.X. System - Manual A manual P.B.X. system comprises a switchboard with central office trunks and P.B.X. stations and (if desired) tie lines. Inter- connections are established by an operator at the switchboard. 4. P.B.X. Systems - Automatic Automatic systems (P.A.B.X.) are those systems which require an attendant to answer only incoming calls. Internal and outgoing calls are switched by electro-mechanical or solid state means. There are P.A.B.X. systems which allow direct inward and outward calling and internal calling without the aid of an attendant. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE B. DEFINITIONS (cont'd) 5. Off Premise Extension A private branch exchange station or a station line termination located in a building other than that in which the switching equipment is located. 6. Tie Lines A tie line is a channel directly connecting two private branch exchange systems. Charges for tie line terminations are in addition to mileage charges. 7 . Trunks Private Branch Exchange Trunks are the telephone lines between the central office and the Private Branch Exchange System. C. REGULATIONS 1. Standard and Special Equipment Units of standard switching equipment are furnished with the capacities and at the rates set forth and are subject to the minimum revenue guarantees set forth herein, \-n\en switching equipment of other than standard design is furnished, additional charges are applicable based on the subscriber's requirements. 2. Foreign Exchange Trunks When trunks to a Private Branch Exchange System are provided from other than a central office in the subscriber's normal exchange, rates and charges apply as established for Foreign Exchange Service in Part IV, Section 5 of the Local Exchange Service Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. • By state P.S.C. Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 CENERAJ. EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. Special Wiring Requirements When a Private Branch Exchange Service subscriber requires station wiring of a type or over a route other than that which other wise would be employed by the Company, charges for special construction apply as set forth in Section 3 of this Tariff, 4. Location and Use of P.B.X, Stations and Tie Lines Private Branch Exchange Service stations and station line terminations must be located as to restrict their use to those having the right to use the subscriber's service. 5. Customer Responsiblities The Private Branch Exchange Service subscriber is responsible for the provision at his expense of (a) space suitable in the opinion of the Company for the installation and maintenance of associated switching and power equipment, (b) operators and (c) power outlets and commercial pov;er, 6. Minimum Revenue Requirements A minimum revenue guarantee (MRG) shall be an amount equivalent to the sum of sixty (60) months revenue due the Company from the customer from the date of cutover at the original location of the equipment at the rates set forth in this Tariff, This MRG reduces 1/60 for each month in service, 7. Private Branch Exchange Service Outside The Base Rate Area* When the Private Branch Exchange is located outside the Base Rate Area, the mileage charges apply as specified under Mileage Charges in this Tariff, *Use only if mileage or zone charges are allowed by the REA/RTB loan contract, (This footnote is for instructional purposes only - will not used in Tariff) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P,S.C, ~~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE 1. P.B.X. Station Lines A P.B.X. station line include the facilities necessary to provide two-point communications: (1) Between a P.B.X. station having access to a P.B.X. trunk and any station to which that trunk has access over the tele- communication network and (2) Between a P.B.X. station and any station connected to the P.B.X. switching equipment to which the P.B.X. station is connected. Such facilities also include signaling of the type normally furnished through the switching equipment involved. 2. P.B.X. Switching Equipment P.B.X. Service is furnished with the following types of switching equipment: a. Manual Switching Equipment* (1) Key Switchboard System (2) Cord Switchboard System (3) Button Console System b. Dial Switching Equipment* (1) Cord Switchboard System (2) Button Console System (3) Button Station System (4) ** (5) ** *List only those services being offered. This list is a guide for informational purposes only. **Identify each type of P.A.B.X. Service provided by the company. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By f Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 * GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE (cont'd) 3. P.B.X. Stations and Station Line Terminations a. The regulations governing the location of P.B.X. stations and staion line terminations are as specified for Extension Service in this tariff except that such stations may be located in dormitories, parlors or recreation rooms of a school or college for use by students. Vlhen P.B.X. stations are so located, the school or college is responsible for all charges therefor, including those for messages sent paid from or received collect at such stations. b. The P.B.X. station rate is applicable where the P.B.X. station line terminates in a Telephone Company provided station. c. The P.B.X. station line with customer-provided station instrument rate is applicable in lieu of the P.B.X. station rate specified in b. preceding where the P.B.X. station line terminates in a customer-provided instrument. 4. Flat Rate and Message Rate a. Flat rate P.B.X. Service is furnished to residence or business customers for use as specified for Limitations and Use of Service in this Company's General Regulations Tariff. b. Both flat rate and message rate P.B.X. trunks may be connected to the same P.B.X. system only as specified in this Company's Local Exchange Services Tariff. c. \'lhen a P.B.X. system is served by both flat rate and message rate trunks, the rates for stations are those applicable to flat rate service except as otherwise specified in this tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE (cont'd) 5. Hotels and Hospital* Flat rate P.B.X. system is service is not provided at hotels, hospitals or other locations of a like nature, where the service is desired for the use of others than the management, 6. Conference Arrangements Conference arrangements provide for the simultaneous connection of several P.B.X. stations on the same premises or the connection of such stations with other lines as specified for conference arrangements. Other connections are permitted, but such connections are subject to transmission and equipment limitations. 7. Night, Sunday and Holiday Service Arrangements Service to P.B.X. systems outside the usual business hours when an attendant is not regularly on duty at the main P.B.X. switchboard may be arranged for under one of the following plans. Under none of these plans are any special supervisory arrangements in effect at the central office, other than those observed as a matter of routine. *This is a company option, and can only be used when message rate service is available. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address > TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 » GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE (cont'd) 7. Night, Sunday and Holiday Service Arrangements (cont'd) a. Plan 1 - Normal Arrangements Under this plan, the customer connects the trunk associated with the main listing in the telephone directory to the P.B.X. station best located so as to be available for any general information. Additional trunks and stations may be similarly connected. b. Plan 2 - Special Telephone Numbers (1) Under this plan, the customer connects a particular P.B.X. station either to a nonsequence trunk not otherwise listed in the telephone directory, or to a regular trunk with which a special telephone number is associated at the central office. The telephone number of the nonsequence trunk or special telephone number is listed in the directory as an alternate number listing. (2) In order that persons who have not observed the alternate number listings for this service in the telephone directory and who use the regular telephone number assignment in making calls at night and on Sundays and holidays may receive a response from the called person, the P.B.X. customer is expected to connect to the trunk, the telephone number of which is associated with the main listing in the telephone directory, the P.B.X. station best located so as to be available for general information. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE (cont'd) 7. Night, Sunday and Holiday Service Arrangements (cont'd) b. Plan 2 - Special Telephone Numbers (cont'd) (3) Alternate number listings, adequate to enable telephone users to properly place calls to the P.B.X. service of the customer, shall be arranged for with the Telephone Company by the customer. c. Plan 3 - Out-of-Hours Switchboard Under this plan arrangements will be made by means of switching equipment whereby any or all of the trunks and stations may be disconnected from the main switchboard and connected to an out-of-hours switchboard. d. Plan 4 - Alternate Number Listings This plan is furnished when the P.B.X. customer desires calls to be referred to a telephone service not associated with the P.B.X. Service and is provided as specified for Alternate Number Listings in this tariff. e. Plan 5 - Arrangement for Completing Incoming Out-of-Hours Calls This plan permits a watchman or attendant to complete incoming calls from the central office to any station in a dial P.B.X. system during periods when the manual switchboard position is not attended. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address t TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE (cont'd) 8. Connection of Code Calling Systems Code calling systems are arrangements of equipment designed to permit sounding of code signals in various parts of a customer's premises for summoning called persons to the nearest telephone. 9. Long Distance Message Restriction Long distance message restriction will be provided to dial P.B.X. systems from central offices which are equipped for such service. It is an arrangement whereby P.B.X. stations are restricted from access to long distance message service except through the P.B.X. attendant position over central office trunks arranged for access to long distance message network facilities. 10. Direct Inward Dialing Service a. Direct Inward Dialing (D.I.D.) Service provides for inward dialing from the telecommunications network directly to stations associated with Telephone Company provided or customer-provided switching equipment located on the customer's premises. D.I.D. Service requires special equipment and will be provided only where D.I.D. facilities are available in the central office and the switching equipment located on the customer's premises is properly equipped for D.I.D. Service. b. D.I.D. Service must be provided on all trunks in a group arranged for inward service. Routing of calls to selected numbers within the D.I.D. number group over a separate trunk group is not contemplated. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address % TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETIO GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE (cont'd) 10. Direct Inward Dialing Service (cont'd) c. Customer-provided switching systems with which D.I.D, Service is associated must be arranged by the customer to provide for the intercepting of assigned but unused station numbers. d. I'/here D.I.D. Service is requested from more than one wire center or from seperate trunk groups within the same wire center, such service provided from each wire center or each trunk group within the same wire center shall be considered a separate service. e. D.I.D. Service is furnished upon the condition that the customer obtain adequate facilities to permit the use of D.I.D. Service without injurious effect upon it or any other services rendered by the Telephone Company. The Telephone Company may terminate or refuse to furnish service to any customer, without incurring any liablllity, if the use of the service would Interfere with or Impair other services provided by the Telephone Company, provided that, in the case of a termination of service, at least five days have elapsed following written notification to the customer by mail, or in person, of the Telephone Company's intention to terminate the service for such cause. 11. Indentified Outward Dialing Service a. Identified Outward Dialing (I.O.D.) Service provides for station number identification of outgoing long distance messages originated from stations associated with Telephone Company provided or customer-provided switching equipment located on the customer's premises. I.O.D. Service requires special equipment and will be provided only where I.O.D. facilities and telephone numbers are available in the central office and the switching equipment located on the customer's premises is properly equipped for I.O.D. Service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By f Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEETll GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE D. SCOPE OF SERVICE (cont'd) 11. Identified Outward Dialing Service (cont'd) b. I.O.D. Service must be provided on all trunks in a group arranged for outward service. c. \^ere I.O.D. is requested on more than one group of trunks each such group shall be considered a separate service. E. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (I1ANUAL) The rates set forth in 1 and 2 following, apply for cord or cordless switchboards with capacities for the number of station lines or station lines and trunk terminations enumerated and the required battery supply or battery elimination and power rectifier.. Installation & Monthly Rate Service Charges 1. Cordless Type Switchboard Capacity-Up to 3 trunks and 10 station lines $ $ Capacity-5 trunks and 20 station lines $ The minimum charge for a cordless switchboard will be $ per month. 2. Cord Type Switchboards Capacity-lO trunks and 50 station lines $ $ Capacity-15 trunks and 100 station lines $ $ Capacity-15 trunks and 200 station lines $ $ The minimum charge for a cord switch- board will be $ per month. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET12 COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE F. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (AUTOMATIC)* System 1 - P.B.X.** Ultimate system capacity is 80 lines, 12 intercom links, and 18 trunks. The facility consists of a cabinet type dial switching system and one or more attendant positions. This switching equipment permits stations to dial each other and to dial outgoing calls directly. In- coming calls are completed by the switchboard attendant. The switchboard attendant may also place outgoing calls. Included in the common equipment are a console with busy lamp panel, station dial transfer (incoming and outgoing), consultation hold, station dial add on, night answer service, touch calling, individual station restriction, rotary hunting, standby power attendant conference, and attendant's position. *At present there are approximately 35 manufacturers of P.B.X. Equipment, with over 200 different "Models" to choose from. They vary in size from 2 lines with 1 trunk to "Unlimited" lines with "Unlimited" trunks. The available features will vary with manufacturer as well as with size. This will require each company to have a separate tariff for each different P.B.X. Service which is offered. The following example is for informational purposes only, to suggest the format and the important items to be included in the company's P.B.X. Tariff for Automatic Switching Equipment. **This is a hypothetical system. This portion of the Tariff should fully describe, in narrative form the basic service being offered. The next section will list all of the standard features, and also any optional features which are available. (These two footnotes are for instructional purposes only - care must be taken to insure that they are not included in the filed Tariff) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name Date No. State P.S.C. Title • Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET13 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE F. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (AUTOMATIC) (cont'd) Installation & Monthly Rate Service Charges STANDARD PLAN Common equipment including console for capacity of - 40 lines, 6 intercom links, and 10 trunks - toll diversion (2 trunks) , camp-on-busy (1st 10 trunks). Minimum billing - 20 main lines. 80 lines, 12 intercom links, and 18 trunks - toll diversion (5 trunks), camp-on-busy (1st 10 trunks). Minimum billing - 40 lines. Additional trunk units, each Additional links (per 3) Additional attendant's position, each Tie Lines Terminals, each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. » Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET14 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (AUTOMATIC) (cont'd) STANDARD PLAN (cont'd) OPTIONAL SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS* Installation & Monthly Rate Service Charges** Camp-on-busy, each add itonal trunk $ $ Add-on Conference $ $ Meet-Me-Conference $ $ Automatic Call Back $ $ Call Forwarding $ $ Executive Busy Over -ri de $ $ Fixed Night Service $ $ Lockout $ $ Paging Adapter $ $ Toll Restriction $ $ Direct Inward Dialing $ $ Identified Outward Dia ling $ $ *List all available optional features. Those shown are examples of some available options. **Some items, such as Camp-on-Busy, Meet-Me-Conference, etc. may be excluded from the Installation & Service Charges if included with the original Service Order. This should be indicated by footnotes in the Company's filed Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. By Name State P.S.C. Title I Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET15 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE F. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (AUTOMATIC) (cont'd) TWO-TIER PRICING PLAN Coramon equipment in- cluding console for capacity of - 40 lines, 6 intercom links and 10 trunks- toll diversion (2 trunks) , camp-on-busy (1st 10 trunks). Minimum billing - 20 main lines. $ 80 lines, 12 intercom links, and 18 trunks- toll diversion (5 trunks) . camp-on-busy (1st 10 trunks) Minimum billing - 40 Monthly Rates Fixed - (Level A) 60 84 120 Months Months Months Variable Installation & (Level B) Service Charges Additional atten- dant's position, each lines. $ $ $ $ $ Additional trunk units, each $ $ $ $ $ Additional links (per 3) $ $ $ $ $ $ Tie Line Terminal, each $ ISSUED $ $ $ $ $ $ EFFECTIVE $ $ Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 16 ♦ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE F. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (ELECTRONIC) (cont'd) TWO-TIER PRICING PLAN Monthly Rates Variable Installation & Fixed - (Level A) (Level B) Service Charges 60 84 120 Months Months Months OPTIONAL SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS* Camp-on-Busy, each addi- tional trunk $ $ $ $ $ Add-on Conference $ $ $ $ $ Meet-Me-Conference $ $ $ $ $ Automatic Call Back $ $ $ $ $ Call Forwarding $ $ $ $ $ Executive Busy Over-ride $ $ $ $ $ Fixed Night Service $ $ $ $ $ Lockout $ $ $ $ $ Paging Adapter $ $ $ $ $ Toll Restriction $ $ $ $ $ Direct Inward Dialing $ $ $ $ $ Identified Outward Dialing $ $ $ $ $ *List all available optional features. Those shown are examples of some available options. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Title Date No. By Name Address I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET17 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE G. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (ELECTRONIC)* The System III ** offering is an electronic system which includes common control equipment, power and call transfer within the basic common equipment. Also included in the common equipment are a console with busy lamp panel, touch dialing standby power, attendant conference, night answer service, rotary hunting, station dial addon, station dial transfer (incoming and outgoing), consultation hold and attendant's position. The system is offered limited to the capacities shown below. *At present there are several manufacturers of Electronic P.B.X. Equipment with over 100 different "Models" to choose from. They vary in size, up to "Unlimited" lines with "Unlimited" trunks. The available features will vary with manufacturers as well as with size. This will require each company to have a seperate tariff for each different P.B.X. Service which is offered. The following example is for informational purposes only, to suggest the format and the important items to be included in the company's P.B.X. Tariff for Electronic Switching Equipment. **This is a hypothetical system. This portion of the Tariff should fully describe, in narrative form the basic service being offered. The next section will list all of the standard features, and also any optional features which are available. (These two footnotes are for instructional purposes only - care must be taken to insure that they are not included in the filed Tariff) ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By . Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET18 I G. GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (ELECTRONIC)* STANDARD PLAN Basic common equipment including console capacity of - 40 lines, 15 trunks, toll diversion (3 trunks) , camp- on-busy (1st 7 trunks) 80 lines, 15 trunks, toll diversion (3 trunks), camp- on-busy (1st 7 trunks) 80 lines, 30 trunks, toll diversion (6 trunks) , camp- on-busy (1st 10 trunks) 120 lines, 30 trunks, toll diversion (6 trunks) , camp- on-busy (1st 10 trunks) Tie Line trunk terminal, each Attendant Optional Control Additional attendant's position, each Installation & Monthly Rate Service Charges $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address f G. COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (ELECTRONIC)* STANDARD PLAN (cont'd) TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET19 OPTIONAL SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS* Installation & Monthly Rate Service Charges** Camp-on-Busy, each additional trunk Add-on Conference Meet-Me-Conference Automatic Call Back Call Forwarding Excutive Busy Over-ride Fixed Night Service Lockout Paging Adapter Toll Restriction Direct Inward Dialing Identified Inward Dialing *List all available optional features. Those shown are examples of some available options. **Some items, such as Camp-on-Busy, Meet-Me-Conference, etc. may be excluded from the Installation & Service Charges if included with the original Service Order. This should be indicated by footnotes in the Company filed Tariff. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET20 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE G. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (ELECTRONIC) (cont'd) TWO-TIER PRICING PLAN Common equipment in- cluding console for capacity of - 40 lines, 15 trunks, toll diversion (3 trunks), camp-on- busy (1st 7 trunks) 80 lines, 15 trunks, toll diversion (3 trunks) , camp-on- busy (1st 7 trunks) Monthly Rates Fixed - (Level A) 60 84 120 Months Months Months Variable Installation & (Level B) Service Charges 80 lines, 30 trunks, toll diversion (6 trunks) , camp-on- busy (1st 10 trunks) $ 120 lines, 30 trunks, toll diversion (6 trunks) , camp-on- busy (1st 10 trunks) $ Tie Line trunk termi- nal, each $ Attendant Optional Control Additional atten- dant's position, each ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE i $ $ $ $ ! $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ Date No. I State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET21 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE G. RATES - SWITCHING EQUIPMENT (ELECTRONIC) (cont'd) Monthly Rates Variable Installation & Fixed - (Level A) (Level B) Service Charges 60 84 120 TWO-TIER PRICING PLAN Months Months Months OPTIONAL SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS* Camp-on- Busy, each addi- tional trunk $ $ $ $ $ Add-on Conference $ $ $ $ $ Meet-Me-Conference $ $ $ $ $ Automatic Call Back $ $ $ $ $ Call Forwarding $ $ $ $ $ Executive Busy Over-ride $ $ $ $ $ Fixed Night Service $ $ $ $ $ Lockout $ $ $ $ $ Paging Adapter $ $ $ $ $ Toll Restriction $ $ $ $ $ Direct Inward Dialing $ $ $ $ $ Identified Outward Dialing $ $ $ $ $ *List all available optional features. Those shown are examples of some available options. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. ~ By . , __ Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET22 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE H. HOTEL/ MOTEL SERVICE* System ultimate capacity is 80 lines, 12 links and 18 trunks. The facility consists of a cabinet type dial switching equipment with one or more attendant's positions and night answer service. This system provides dial telephone service for small hotels and motels. The system allows guests to place their own local and long distance calls and offers such other features as room-to-room dialing, direct station selection, message waiting, message registers, room status, wake up service, busy lamp field, auto quote (time and charges), toll restriction, dial paging access, standby power and one attendant's position. Installation & STANDARD PLAN Monthly Rate Service Charges Common equipment including console for capacity of - 40 lines, 6 links, 4 trunks and associated power supply. 80 lines, 6 links, 5 trunks and associated power supply. Additional links (per 3) Additional trunk units, each Attendant's Position, each *This is a hypothetical system, but includes most of the standard features in P.B.X.'s currently in use to provide this service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address t COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET23 H. GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE HOTEL/ MOTEL SERVICE (cont'd) Monthly Rates Variable Installation & Fixed - (Level A) (Level B) Service Charges 60 84 120 TWO-TIER PRICING PLAN Months Months Months Common equipment in- ding console for capacity of- 40 lines, 6 links, 4 trunks and associated power supply . $ $ 80 lines, 6 links 5 trunks and associated power supply. $ $ $ $ $ Additonal Links (per 3) $ $ $ $ $ Additional trunk units, each $ $ $ $ $ Additional atten- ant' s position, each. $ $ $ $ $ iiibUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET24 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 19 PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE SERVICE I. HOTEL/ HOSPITAL SURCHARGE 1 . Surcharge A surcharge may be made by the hotel/hospital on calls sent paid from, or collect to, stations on their switchboard. This sur- charge will not be considered a resale of service, which is other- wise restricted by this Tariff. These charges shall not exceed the following: Local Calls Credit Card Calls Reverse Charge Calls Toll Calls ( Intra-state, Inter-state) 2. Remittance $. each including tax* each including tax $^ each including tax $. Tariff Charge plus $, each The hotel/hospital shall not be required to pay the above surcharge to the Telephone Company but shall retain this as their full compensation for their services in handling both incoming and outgoing telephone messages for their guests/patients. *This rate should not exceed the cost of a Local Call from a pay station. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 20 PRIVATE LINE SERVICE 1 . GENERAL Private line service is telephone service between two or more main stations, none of which are connected to or otherwise made available for service to any local exchange switching facilities. Such service is not in accord with the general plan of furnishing telephone service and such service is provided only under special conditions where warranted by the circumstances, including availability of facilities involved. The rates and conditions outlined in this Section apply to burglar alarms, metering channels, tie lines and other private line services. 2. CONDITIONS An applicant for private line service extending beyond this Company's service area, who is located in the Company's area will normally contract for service with this Company and be treated as its subscriber, however such procedure is not mandatory. This Company's service responsibility is limited to that furnished by its own facilities. 3. CONCURRENCE assents to, adopts and concurs with the rates, (Company) regulations and conditions applicable to all interchangable private line services and channels as filed by (Applicable Bell Operating Co.), in their tariff , as approved by (NR of Bell Co. Tariff) (Title of State Regulatory Agency) This concurrence will apply to all services and facilities that are interexchange, both intercompany and intracompany. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 20 PRIVATE LINE SERVICE 4. RATES AND CHARGES a. Monthly rate for individual line service for each main station connected to the private line, plus; b. $ per month per quarter-mile, or fraction thereof, air line measurement of circuit furnished, plus; c. The authorized monthly charge for any facilities other than main stations and the circuit furnished, plus; d. The regular authorized service charges applicable to any facilities furnished by this Company. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 21 RADIO PAGING SERVICE (Also known as PERSONAL SIGNALING SERVICES) A. GENERAL Radio Paging Services are one-way services In which a radio receiver is activated through a base station transmitter by dialing an address code associated with a central office exchange in which the service is offered. Receivers provided for use in connection with TYPE I Personal Signaling Service are actuated by tone transmission. Receivers provided for use in connection with TYPE II Personal Signaling Service are actuated by digital transmission. Each receiver is a small portable radio unit which may be carried on the person of the customer. B. REGULATIONS 1. Availability of Service Due to the inherent characteristics of radio transmission, the Telephone Company cannot warrant the range of coverage within the area in which the service is offered, since receivers may be temporarily located in receiving blind spots. TYPE I Radio Paging Service is offered through base stations located in (List each exchange area providing this service) . TYPE II Radio Paging Service is offered through base stations located in (List each exchange area providing this service) . 2. Undertaking of Telephone Company The Telephone Company undertakes only to transmit a signal for the purpose of actuating a receiver and accepts no responsibility for the transmission of further intelligence. Radio Paging Service receivers will be actuated only when the address code or codes associated with each receiver is dialed by the calling party. The name and receiver address code or codes of a customer will not be made public by the Telephone Company. 3. The provision of each Radio Paging Service constitutes a separate service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ^ ORIGINAL SHEET_2 ^ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 21 RADIO PAGING SERVICE (Also known as PERSONAL SIGNALING SERVICES) (contM) C. RATES 1. TYPE I Radio Paging Service Per a. TYPE I Radio Paging Service, Including Month receiver, battery and battery charger, and group call capability, each $ (1) Additional battery and adapter for charging the battery outside of the receiver case, each $ (2) Additional battery charger, each .... $ b. TYPE I Radio Pacing Service, Including a single address code, to be used with k a customer-provided receiver equipped to receive tone type transmission, each $ 2. TYPE II Radio Paging Service a. TYPE II Radio Paging Service, including a receiver equipped to receive digital transmission, initial battery and group capability, each $ Dual Address Feature $ b. TYPE II Radio Paging Service, Including a single address code, to be used with a customer-provided receiver equipped to receive digital transmission, each $ 3. Other Charges For charge purposes, each signal call from a telephone to a receiver in the exchange specified in B.l. preceding is treated as a telephone call, either local or long distance. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By » Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IH ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES A. GENERAL 1. Service Charges are those charges associated with work performed by the Telephone Company in connection with the provision of services or equipment for a customer. 2. Service Charges are in addition to any other scheduled rates and charges. They apply in addition to and not in lieu of installation charges, non-recurring charges (NRC) or construction charges which are found in other sections of this tariff. 3. Service Charges for the initial establishment of residential or business service are due and payable on the first billing cycle after installation date of the equipment. 4. The charges specified herein do not contemplate work being performed by Company employees at a time when overtime wages apply due to the request of the subscriber nor do they contemplate work begun being interrupted by the subscriber. If the subscriber requests overtime labor being performed or interrupts work once begun, a charge in addition to the specified charges will be made equal to the additional cost involved. B. DEFINITIONS 1. ACCESS LINE The term "Access Line" denotes the line between the service Central Office and the Subscriber's premises. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES B. DEFINITIONS (cont'd) 2 . CHANGE The term "Change" denotes the substitution of a different style, color, or type of telephone or other terminal equipment, or a rearrangement of equipment or cords, which does not involve a move of the instrument or other terminal equipment and its associated connecting apparatus. 3. CONNECTING APPARATUS The term "Connecting Apparatus" denotes the terminal block or standard jack to which the single line station or terminal equipment may be connected, 4. CONNECTION The term "Connection" denotes the establishment of telephones service. A move of existing service to a different premises requires a connection. 5. INSIDE MOVE The term "Inside Move" denotes the transfer of telephone terminal equipment, connecting apparatus, and wiring from one location to another location within the same building or that portion of the building occupied by the same subscriber where there is no interruption of the service other than is incidental to the work involved. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of _^ No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES B. DEFINITIONS (cont'd) 6. PRE-INSTALLED WIRING The term "Pre-Installed Wiring" denotes telephone wiring which is placed in a building during the construction of that building and prior to the installation of exchange service. The Company will determine when such wiring will be placed. Generally, it will be installed at that point in construction when the framing members are in place and prior to the application of surfacing materials to ceilings and interior sides of walls. 7 . COST "Cost" as used in this section, is to be interpreted as meaning the cost of labor, including charges for supervision and other overhead expenses. 8. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES Applicable under a variety of circumstances. The charges usually consist of a combination of one or more service charges. 9. RESTORATION CHARGE Applicable for restoral of service following a temporary suspension of such service. 10. TERMINATION CHARGE Applicable for a subscriber's request for discontinuance of an item of service or equipment prior to the expiration of the initial service period designated for such item. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COriPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET A GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS 1 . Application of Service Charges a. Service Order Processing Charge A Service Order Processing Charge applies per account for the processing of a customer request for service or equipment ordered for completion at one time. (1) A service order processing charge will be applicable in addition to the appropriate Premises Visit, Line Connection, Wiring, Station Connection, Installation Charge(s). (2) Only one Service Order Processing Charge is applicable for all requests made at one time for service on one premises. (3) The Service Order Processing Charge is applicable for requests for initial connection of service and connection of additional local exchange lines, private lines, off-premises extension lines, or the lines to an established service, and transfer of service involving change in name and responsibility whether or not there is a lapse in service. Also, a Service Order Processing Charge is applicable for requests for connection of an extension station or any miscellaneous equipment, inside move or change, number change, restoration of service, change from business to residence service or residence to business service, or additional, optional, non-published, non-listed, and dual-name directory listing, (4) One Service Order Processing Charge is applicable to document the use of customer provided equipment in accordance with Section 12 of this tariff, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P,S,C, By I i Name Title Address • * TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ~ ORIGINAL SHEET_5 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE aiARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) b. Premises Visit Charge (1) A Premises Visit Charge applies per account for each visit to a customer's premises to perform work requested by the customer. (2) However, no additional premise visit charge is applicable for subsequent visits required to complete an order to which a visit charge has been applied. (3) However, when a Telephone Company employee is on the customer's premises for the purpose of repair, maintenance or changes in class or grade of service necessitating a premises visit, or where the visit was initiated by the Telephone Company, no Premises Visit Charges apply to residence customers who accept installations of extension stations, or supplemental equipment specified in Section 24 of this Tariff, which the visiting Telephone Company employee has and installs at the time of the visit. c. Line Connection Charges (1) One line connection charge is applicable to the provision of each access line in association with any of the following services: Individual or Multi-Party Residence Service Individual or Multi-Party Business Service PBX Trunks Key System Trunks Off Premises Extensions Telephone Answering Service Lines Semi-Public Service Long Distance Terminals Foreign Exchange Service Private Line Tie Lines WATS Line ISSUED EFFECTIVE » Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By ^ , , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) c. Line Connection Charges (cont'd) (2) Line connection charges are not applicable when service is assumed by a customer prior to discontinuance by another customer (supersedure) and there is no change of telephone number. (3) A line connection charge is applicable to each change in telephone number made at the request of the customer. d. Wiring Charges (1) General Wiring Charges are applicable for installing, moving or changing inside wire on the customer's premises to provide service at the locations requested. The Wiring Charge applies for each location on the customer's premises where the customer desires inside wiring for the connection of a A-conductor jack, or data jack or for inside wiring to be placed as a provision for future connection of terminal equipment, where suitable inside wiring is not already in place. The Wiring Charge also applies for 4-conductor jacks and data jacks when such jacks are temporarily disconnected and reconnected at the same location without changing the type of jack. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) d. Wiring Charges (cont'd) (2) Standard Wiring Charges (a) One wiring charge is applicable for each installation or move of a connecting apparatus; for each move of the service drop and the associated station protection device; and for each change in wiring. (b) Only one wiring charge is applicable for the move of a connecting apparatus and the associated wiring when the activities are requested on one order. (c) A wiring charge is not applicable if suitable Company provided wire and connecting apparatus to permit the termination of a station are in place. (d) A wiring charge is applicable to a change from wall type instrument to desk, type, or vice versa, when a change in wiring or a move of the connecting apparatus is required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1, Application of Service Charges (cont'd) d. Wiring Charges (cont'd) (3) Pre- Installed Wiring Charges (a) A pre-installed wiring charge applies for pre- installation of inside wiring in preparation for a new installation, (b) The pre-installed wiring charge is collected in advance. (c) No other Service Connection Charge applies with a pre-installed wiring charge. (d) An additional Service Order with applicable Service Connection Charges is required to establish service. (e) The pre-installed wiring charge is only applicable in conjunction with establishment of service in a residence in which wire was installed during construction. (f) Only one pre-installed wiring charge is applicable per residence. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. > Date No. By Name Title Address I I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) e. Station Handling Charges (1) Telephones for use with A-conductor jacks A Station Handling Charge applies for the connection or change of telephone for use with 4-conductor jacks. Station Handling charges also apply to the relocation of existing service to a different premises or building. (2) Telephones for use with other than 4-conductor jacks (a) Station Connection Charges A Station Connection Charge applies for the connection of each telephone, and also apply to the relocation of existing service to a different premises or building. (b) Station Move Charges A Station Move Charge applies for the move of each telephone from one location to another in the same building on the same premises with no interruption of service other than that incident to the work Involved. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. ~ By , . ^,^ Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III A ORIGINAL SHEET 10 " GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) e. Station Handling Charges (cont'd) (2) Telephones for use with other than 4-conductor jacks (cont'd) (c) Station Change Charges A Station Change Charge applies for a change in the color, type or button capacity of each telephone. A change in button capacity is considered to be a change to a lower, within the same, or to the next higher button capacity range. However, when a 0- or 1-button telephone is changed to a 2- through ^ 6-button capacity telephone, or a telephone is U changed to a button capacity range beyond the next higher button capacity range, the appropriate Station Connection Charge for the new telephone applies. A Station Change Charge is not applicable if the change is coincident with a move of the same telephone for which a Station Move Charge applies. Further, a Station Change Charge for a 0-1 button telephone for use with other than a 4-conductor jack is not applicable when the change is coincident with lines being added or rearranged in the same 0-1 button telephone for which a Station Addition and Rearrangement Charge applies. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By > Name Title Address ^ » TOi; SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 11 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1, Application of Service Charges (cont'd) e. Station Handling Charges (cont'd) (2) Telephones for use with other than A-conductor jacks (cont'd) (d) Station Addition and Rearrangement Charge A Station Addition and Rearrangement Charge applies for each telephone in which exchange lines, WATS access lines, intercommunicating lines, branch exchange and Centrex station lines, private lines and extension lines are added or rearranged and when such telephones are temporarily disconnected and reconnected without changing or moving the telephone, A Station Addition and Rearrangement Charge is not applicable if the addition or rearrangement is completed coincident with a move of the same telephone for which a Station Hove Charge applies. Also, a Station Addition and Rearrangement Charge is not applicable if the addition or rearrangement is completed coincident with a change of the same 2-120 button capacity range telephone for which a Station Change Charge applies. f. Jack Charges There are no jack charges specified in the Service Charges Tariff for connecting, moving or changing jacks. Appropriate Installation Charges apply as specified in Section 24 of this tariff for Jack and Plug equipment. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET12 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) g. Cord Charges One Station Connection Charge is applicable for any change of cords associated with the instrument. h. Miscellaneous Charges 1, Changes in Telephone Number a. For changes in telephone number of local exchange, one Service Order Charge plus a Line Connection Charge for each number changed will apply. b. For changes in telephone number of a Key System Station where a Premises Visit is required, one Service Order Charge and one Premises Visit Charge will apply plus per number changed. c. The above charges do not apply when in the judgment of the Company, changes in telephone number are necessary for continuation of satisfactory service. I ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address ♦ ► t TOM SECTION 1510 COMPAIT^ PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 13 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) h. Miscellaneous Charges (cont'd) 2. Inside Moves or Changes of Terminal Equipment for Which an Installation Charge is Specified a. The charge for inside moves or changes of terminal equipment for which an installation charge is specified shall be the same as the installation charge for that equipment unless; (1) A specified relocation charge or inside move or change charge is given for that equipment, or (2) If the installation charge for each item is greater than $ and no relocation, inside move or change charge is specified, the installation charge or a charge based on cost of labor and material, whichever is less, shall apply. 3. Rearrangement of Drop Wire, Outside Circuit and/or Protector a. For the rearrangement of a drop wire, outside circuit and/or protector initiated by the action of the subscriber, a Service Order Charge and a Premises Visit Charge as specified in this Section will be applicable plus $ per rearrangement. b. Charges for rearangements are not applicable if the rearrangement, move or change is required for the continuation of satisfactory service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE i Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET14 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Application of Service Charges (cont'd) i . Other Charges (1) Maintenance Visit Charge A Maintenance Visit Charge applies per visit to a customer' s premises where a service difficulty or trouble report results from the use of equipment or facilities provided by other than the Telephone Company. (2) Denied Service Restoral Charge A Denied Service Restoral Charge applies for the restoral of service to an individual or party-line service, service line or private branch exchange or Centrex system after denial of service for nonpayment. (3) Suspended Service Restoral Charge When at the request of the customer, service is temporarily suspended (a maximum of ) a Service Order Charge and a Premise Visit Charge as specified in Section will apply for the restoral of that service. (4) Dishonored Check Charge A Dishonored Check Charge applies when any negotiable instrument presented for payment for service or deposit becomes dishonored, and is returned to the Telephone Company from the bank. i i ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ^^ Nii^i TiTli ' Address I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 15 ^ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 2. Service Charges are in addition to all other rates and charges that may be applicable for service and equipment provided by the Telephone Company. Other rates and charges include, but are not limited to, Installation and Nonrecurring Charges. a. Installation Charges apply when equipment with which the Installation charge is associated is connected or moved unless otherwise specified. b. Nonrecurring charges apply only for the initial installation of certain items of equipment. 3. Service Charges do not apply to: a. Visits to a customer's premises solely for the purpose of repair, maintenance or disconnection of Telephone Company provided service and equipjment. b. Public Telephone Service, Toll Station Service, or service station lines. c. Changes in the class or grade of service, or concurrent moves or changes necessitated by a change in the class or grade of service or by a change in central office operation. d. Customer orders when one customer accepts service and equipment from another customer without lapse in the rendition of service and no other work is required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET16 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. Service Charges do not apply to: (cont'd) e. Service reestablished after the destruction of the customer's premises by fire, flood or other similar causes beyond the customer's control, where the same amount of service is reestablished within a reasonable period of time at the time at the same or different location. If, under the preceding conditions, service is installed at another location and then subsequently reestablished at the original location, all Service Charges will apply for the subsequent installation, f . A change from listed telephone service to Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service necessitated by communications which are received that are of an annoying, foul or profane nature. g. Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service furnished for Mobile Telephone Service or for changing the telephone number of a Mobile Telephone Service unit to another nonlisted or nonpublished telephone number. h. Joint User Service when no visit is required to the customer's premises. i. Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service furnished to a customer for data service where there is no voice use contemplated. i i ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address i TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET17 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. Service Charges do not apply to: (cont'd) j. Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service furnished to a customer for short periods of time, usually one day, in connection with local and long distance message broadcasts of sporting events, conventions or other special events. k. Nonlisted or Nonpublished Telephone Service furnished to a customer with other listed, nonlisted or nonpublished service in the same directory area. 1. Telephones reconnected in place with the initial establishment of service when no change is made at the customer's request in the capacity, color, line terminations, location, type of equipment or the wiring on the customer's premises; and for inside wiring suitable for reuse with a 4-conductor jack or data jack. m. Change a telephone to the desired type or color when that telephone is installed on an interim basis for the purpose of providing new main station service until the desired type or color telephone is available. n. Directory listings excluding changes to a residence dual name primary or additional listing or the establishment of a residence dual name additional listing, billing name or billing address. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET18 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES C. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. Service Charges do not apply to: (cont'd) o, A change of name is ordered by the widow or widower of a deceased spouse. p. For a move in the same building and on the same premises of PBX or Centrex switchboards, attendant positions or switching equipment, and other equipment or wiring specified by the Telephone Company, the customer will be given the option of paying charges based on costs for the move in lieu of paying Service Charges, such charges based on costs not to exceed the charges for a new installation. \-}hen the customer elects to pay for the move at charges based on costs, the termination liability contract or minimumun revenue provisions remain unchanged . q. A change of telephone number when initiated by the Telephone Company. r. The processing of a customer request when the customer picks up or changes telephones or, selected items of supplemental equipment specified in Section of this tariff at a location designated by the Telephone Company and no other activity is required. s. The processing of a customer request when the customer notifies the Telephone Company of the customer's intent to connect registered terminal equipment to the telecommunica- tions network, and no other activity is required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE • Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address • • COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET19 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. Service Charges do not apply to: (cont'd) t. The station handling of telephones which are connected or changed by the customer, when such telephones are picked up by the customer at a location designated by the Telephone Company. u. Removal of service or equipment unless otherwise specified in other sections of this tariff. RATES 1. Service Order Processing Charge 2. Premise Visit Charge 3. Line Connection Charges Exchange Lines, Each PBX Trunks, Each WATS Access Lines, Each Centrex Main Station Lines, Each Private Line Terminations, Each Tie Line Terminations, Each Residence $ $ Business $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address D. RATES COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 22 SERVICE CHARGES Residence 4. Wiring Charges a. Standard Wiring, Per Connecting Apparatus $ b. Pre-Installed Wiring, Per Order (1) From 1 To Connection Apparatus~Locations $ (2) Each Additional Connecting Apparatus Locations $ 5. Station Handling Charges a. Telephones for use with 4- conductor jacks, connected or changed, each $ TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET20 • Business b. Telephones for use with other than 4-conductor jacks (1) Station Connection Charges Telephones connected, each* Button Capacity Range to 1 $ $ 2 through 6 $ $ 7 through 12 $ $ 13 through 20 $ $ 21 through 30 $ $ 31 through 120 $ $ • *\ Name Title Address I 4 I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 f GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 23 SET RECOVERY PLAN A. GENERAL The Set Recovery Plan permits residence customers to disconnect and remove all eligible telephones from their previous service location within the area served by the Telephone Company and deliver these telephones to the Telephone Company representative at their new service location. Residence customers who elect to participate in the plan will receive a credit allowance on their telephone bill upon delivery of the telephones. B. REGULATIONS 1. The Set Recovery Plan is available only: a. In connection with those types of residence services which contemplate removal of telephones, at the time of customer residence relocations, as a normal work, operation, b. In connection with residence services where no telephone is excluded under 3. following and c. Where the residence customer agrees to deliver all such tele- phones to the Telephone Company representative at the new service location prior to the completion of the installation work. 2. The customer must deliver all telephones to the Telephone Company representative at the new service location prior to the completion of the installation work, in order to receive credit. 3. Wall, except modular wall. Panel, multibutton telephones and other telephones associated with equipment such as Automatic Answering and Recording, Automatic Dialing and Speakerphone equipment are excluded from the plan. In addition, any changes, reararrange- ments, additions, modifications, maintenance or repairs normally provided by the Telephone Company, are excluded from the plan. 4. The customer shall indemnify and save the Telephone Company harmless from any and all liability, damages, losses, claims or demands of any kind arising out of any action or omission of the customer or any other person in connection with the removal or return of telephones to the Telephone Company. C. CREDIT Credit allowance Only one credit allowance will be given per customer, per residence relocation, regardless of the number of lines or telephones dis- connected . ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. "~ ^y . Name Title Address I i « TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1_ SUPFLEMENTAI. EOUIPflENT Section 24 INDEX Page 1 . Adapters 2 2. Amplifier And Noise Cancelling Telephone Equipment 3 3. Automatic Dialing Equipment 5 4. Auxiliary Signal Equipment 6 5. Auxiliary TOUCH-TONE® Dials 10 6. Booths 11 7. Break Rotary Hunt Arrangement 12 8. Business Interphone System 13 9. Compact Telephones 15 10. Cords 16 11. Cut-off, Exclusion and Transfer Arrangements 17 12. Dial Pulse Signaling Conversion Arrangement 18 13. Elevator Telephones 19 14. Explosive Atmosphere Telephones 19 15. Farm Interphone System 20 16. Home Interphone System 22 17. Hospital Interphone System 23 18. Jack and Key Equipment 26 19. Jack and Plug Equipment 27 20. Jack Equipped Telephone 30 21. Long Distance Message Restriction - Local Exchange Service 31 22. Loudspeaker Conference Arrangements 32 23. Loudspeaker Paging Systems 33 24. Make-Busy Arrangements 36 25. Message Register Equipment 37 26. Non-standard Telephones 39 27. Operator Sets 42 28. Outdoor Telephones 44 29. Panel Telephones 44 30. Portable Conference Telephones 45 31. Speakerphones 46 32 Trunk Hunting Service Arrangements 47 i ^ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHAircE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 1 . ADAPTERS A. Regulations Adapters are offered for purchase by the customer only for single and two-line bridged connections and may be provided either by the Telephone Company or the customer, 1. When customer-provided equipment having a miniature plug is to be connected to an existing four-conductor non-miniature or twelve-conductor jack, the customer may furnish his own adapter(s) or request the Telephone Company to convert these four-conductor non-miniature or twelve-conductor jacks. 2. ALL EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES FOR MERCHAN- TABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE ARE EXCLUDED. 3. The Telephone Company shall not be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages or for loss, damage or expense directly or indirectly arising from the customer's use of or inability to use adapters either separately or in combination with other equipment, or for personal injury, death or loss or destruction of other property or for any other cause. The customer shall have no rights whatsoever arising out of the sale of the adapters, or the Telephone Company's performance thereunder, directly or indirectly, against the Telephone Company beyond the replacement of defective adapters. Purchase B. RATES Price * 1. Converts a A-conductor non-miniature jack to a 4-conductor miniature jack, each $ 2, Converts a 12-conductor jack to a A-conductor miniature jack, each $ 3. Converts a 4-conductor miniature jack from a single to a double connecting point capability, each ... $ *This price is applicable when adapter is purchased by the customer at designated Telephone Company locations. Shipping charges are applicable in addition to the price shown when a customer requests shipment, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C, ~~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EX CHAISE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT B, Rates (cont'd) 2. AMPLIFIER A_ND NOISE CATTCELLING TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT A. General Amplifier Telephone Equipment amplifies telephone conversations for persons with either hearing impairments or weak speech and in noisy locations. The Noise-Cancelling Telephone Transmitter is a special trans- mitter intended for use in connection with telephones at noisy locations. B. Regulations Amplifier Telephone Equipment may be provided for use with all classes and grades of service, except public and semi-public telephone service. The Telephone Company does not guarantee that Amplifier Telephone Equipment will produce satisfactory results in all cases requiring amplification. C. Rates 1. A customer may elect to pay on a monthly basis or make a single payment as specified following: Per Month a. For amplifying hearing in connection with a telephone or an operator set, each unit , » . . 9 Single payment charge $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of > No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4_ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 2. AMPLIFIER AND NOISE CANCELLING TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) 1, A customer may elect to pay on a monthly basis or make a single payment as specified following: (cont'd) Monthly b. For amplifying speech in connection with a telephone, each unit $ Single payment charge $ c. For amplifying hearing or speech in con- nection with a telephone equipped with a push-to-listen button, each unit $ Single payment charge $ d. For amplifying speech in connection with an operator set, each unit $ Single payment charge $ 2. The single payment charge does not apply when an amplifier telephone equipment unit is provided for a customer who previously paid a single payment charge for the same unit in the territory of the Telephone Company or any other Telephone Company with which the Telephone Company has reciprocity. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 5 COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 3. AUTOMATIC DIALING EQUIPMENT A. General Automatic dialing equipment provides customers with automatic dialing to predetermined, preset numbers which have been recorded in a storage device. The equipment consists of a power supply, a main unit with a tape cartridge, and a Dial-in-Unit, B. Regulations 1. Automatic dialing equipment may be furnished with any class and grade of dial service, (excluding public and semi public services) and automatic PBX stations and attendant's positions. 2. The customer is required to furnish a convenient power outlet and suitable commercial power for the operation of the equipment. 3. Automatic dialing equipment is available in certain standard colors at no additional charge. A. For a lost, damaged or broken magnetic tape or tape cartridge a charge as specified for the installation of a Repertory Dialer will apply, except where damage to the magnetic tape or tape cartridge is due to the malfunction of Telephone Company equipment. C, Rates ISSUED Monthly Rates Installation & Service Charge Automatic dialing equipment- equipped with a directory tape and a magnetic tape for storing single-line listings. (a) 400 line capacity, each $ EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name Date No. State P.S.C. Title Address COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT AUTOMATIC DIALING EQUIPMENT (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 6 Monthly Rates Installation & Service Charge 1. Automatic dialing equipment- equipped with a directory tape and a magnetic tape for storing single-line listings, (cont'd) (b) 1000 lines capacity, each (c) Additional cartridges (1) 400 line capacity, each (2) 1000 line capacity , each 2, Automatic dialing equipment- equipped with a punched card type dialing unit including 40 cards. (a) Single line unit (b) 6 Key unit (c) Each additonal set of 20 cards AUXILIARY SIGNAL EQUIPMENT A. General Auxiliary signals and signal equipment are furnished to supplement or replace normal station bells where such bells do not adequately meet the customer's requirements. B. Regulations 1 . The signals and signal equipment specified herein are furnished by the Telephone Company for use as line and busy signals. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 7 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 4. AUXILIARY SIGNAL EQUIPMENT (cont'd) B, Regulations (cont'd) 2. Signals approved by the Telephone Company may be provided, installed and maintained by the customer to operate in conjunction with control equipment furnished by the Telephone Company. 3. The number of extension bells which may be installed in connection with any main line, is limited to such as, in the judgement of the Telephone Company, will not interfere with the efficient operation of the service. 4. Signals and signal equipment are furnished for use in certain types of explosive atmosphere specified by the Telephone Company. The degree of explosive hazard in the atmosphere shall be determined by the customer who will furnish such information to the Telephone Company. C. Rates Installation Per 1. Extension Bells, each Charge Month Regular type, bell or buzzer $ $ Loud ringing type $ $ Tone ringer $ $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address i TOM SECTION 1510 COriPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 8_ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 4. AUXILIARY SIGNAL EQUIPMENT (cent's) C. Rates (cont'd) Per 2. Signal Equipment Month a. Signal Control Units, separately mounted, when required, each (1) For line signals Continuous or noncontinous operation .... $ (2) For busy signals, per line $ (3) For Station busy indication, visual, furnished only within the same build- ing in which the station equipped to activate the signals is located, per station $ (4) For combined line and busy signals, equipment per line $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Title Name Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 9 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 4. AUXILIARY SIGNAL EQUIPMENT (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) Installation Per 2. Signal Equipment (cont'd) Charge Month b. Audible Signals - Indoor or Out- door Type, each (1) Indoor or outdoor type, each (1) Power operated, audible line signals Bell, horn or chime with self-contained control unit $ $ (2) For explosive atmosphere Bell or horn with relay. . $ $ c. Visual Signals, with separate con- trol unit (1) Separate lamps, each With 1 lens $ $ Each additional lens $ $ (2) Illuminated buttons in button telephones, per telephone (a) First Button, each .... (b) Additional buttons, each , ISSUED EFFECTIVE $ $ Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 10 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 4. AUXILIARY SIGNAL EQUIPMENT (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) Installation Per Charge Month 3. Local Signaling a. Push buttons and associated wire, single, each $ $ b. Buzzers and associated wire, each, . - $ 5. AUXILIARY TOUCH-TONE® DIALS A, General Auxiliary TOUCH-TONE^ Dials are intended for use in the trans- mission of TOUCH-TONE® signals on messages placed to or from rotary dial telephone service, B, Regulations Auxiliary TOUCH-TONE® Dials are offered for use as an adjunct to rotary dial telephones only and may not be use for establishing a telephone message. C, Rates Installation Per Charge Month 1, Auxiliary TOUCH- TONE® Dials, each $ $ 2, Auxiliary TOUCH- TONE® Dials, equipped with card dialer features, including 40 dialing cards and 9 index cards, each $ ®Registered Service Mark of A.T,& T. Co, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P,S,C, By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 11 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 6. BOOTHS A. Booths are intended to provide for better acoustics, in connection with telephone conversations, than those which would be available without the use of Booths, B. Regulations Booths satisfactory to the Telephone Company nay be furnished by the customer. Standard Booths may be furnished for Public and Semi-Public Telephone Service at no charge when in the judgement of the company they are required. However, where the customer desires a non-standard booth, or where in the opinion of the Telephone Company a booth is not required and/or where the revenues will not justify the provision of a booth without charge, they may be provided at the rates set forth below. C. Rates* 1 . Indoor Full size Wall type 2. Outdoor Full size $ • $_ Wall type $ $_ Pedestal type $ $ Installat: Charge ion Per Month $ $ - $ $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 12 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 ■V SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 7. BREAK ROTARY HUNT ARRANGEMENT A. General Break Rotary Hunt Arrangements are furnished to enable customers to stop switching equipment from hunting beyond a designated line in an incoming rotary line group utilizing a control key on the customer's premises and a control channel between the control key and the associated switching equipment. B. Regulations Break Rotary Hunt Arrangements are furnished only in connection with private branch exchange trunks, individual lines and Centrex lines which are grouped for incoming service. C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month Break Rotary Hunt Arrangement, each $ $ 8. BUSINESS INTERPHONE SYSTEM A. General Business Interphone Systems provide for two-way intercommunication between station units and enable the called party to answer and converse on a hands-free basis by use of a speaker and microphone. ISSUED EFFECTIVE ^^_ Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C, By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 13 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 8. BUSINESS INTERPHONE SYSTEM (cont'd) B. Regulations 1 . Business Interphone Systems provide for a capacity of 18 station codes with a maximum of 6 speaker station units per code, busy and flashing lamps, single path two-way intercommunication and 3 conference arrangements which will accommodate 6 speaker station units each. Speaker station units are equipped with volume control and optional cut-off switches. 2. When speaker stations are not associated with a telephone, or not in close proximity to an associated telephone, an additional charge as specified in C.3. following, applies. 3. Outdoor type loudspeaker equipment is furnished only in conjunction with and in close proximity to permanently connected speaker stations. 4. Business Interphone Systems are offered for use within the same building. C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month 1. Equipment for First Three Stations of either speaker or speakerless type, each such system a. Dial systems $ $ * * Includes button telephone pickups and additional illuminated buttons, when required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ^ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEE T 14 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 8. BUSINESS INTERPHONE SYSTEM (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) Installation Per Charge Month 1. Equipment for First Three Stations of either speaker or speakerless type, each such system (cont'd) b. TOUCH- TONE® systems - $ Initial installation $ ** None Initial change from dial $ None 2. Additional Stations a. Speaker type, each - $ * b. Speakerless type, per station code, each - $ 3. Speaker Type Stations, either not associated with a telephone, or associated with a telephone but not in close proximity to the telephone, each - $ *** 4. Outdoor Type Loudspeaker Equipment, each - $ *** * Includes button telephone pickups and additional illuminated buttons when required. ** (Note- This Rate should be the sum of the Dial system cost in Cla plus the charge for a change from Dial). *** Applies in addition to other rates for speaker type stations. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 15 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 2A SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 8. BUSINESS INTERPHONE SYSTEM (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) 5. The preceding rates and charges include the furnishing of speaker station units and associated telephones in colors regularly offered by the Telephone Company for this systen. 6. In addition, rates as specified for intercommunicating only stations associated with Button Telephone Service in this tariff, apply for Business Interphone System only stations. 9. COMPACT TELEPHONES A. General Compact telephones are designed for desk type installation, where limited space is available, and/or where a Dial-in-Hand-Set is desired. B. Regulations Compact telephones may be provided with all classes and grades of service (except coin Public and Semi-Public Service). C. Rates* Monthly Installation & Rate** Service Charge Model I $ $ Model II $ $ Model III $ * There are a substantial number of "Models" available. This portion of the tariff should identify the specific "Model" being offered by the company. ** These rates are in addition to all other rates and charges associated with the customers service, and should be so noted in the company's filed tariff. These notes are for informational purposes only, and should not be included in the filed tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Titl e * Addreaa $ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 16 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TAHIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMJ'NT 10. CORDS A. General Extra length Cords for use with telephone service are offered to meet specific needs of customers. B. Regulations The Cords specified in C. following will not be furnished in connection with coin collecting telephones associated with Semi-Public Telephone Service. C. Rates Nonrecurring Charge* 1. Nonmulticonductor Cords a. 9 foot coil cord, each $ b. 15 foot coil cord, each S c. 25 foot coil cord, each $ d. 14 foot non-coil cord, each $ e. 25 foot non-coil cord, each $ 2. Mutliconductor cords for Use with Button Telephones or 1 to 6-Button capacity, each. a. 9 foot, nonspring, each $ b, 14 foot, nonspring, each $ V 3. The preceding charges include the furnishing of Cords in colors regularly offered by Telephone Company for this equipment. * The nonrecurring charge does not apply when a 9-foot, 15-foot, or 25-foot coil cord or 14-foot 25-foot non-coil cord is provided for a customer who previously paid a nonrecurring charge for such a cord in the territory of the Telephone Company or of any other Telephone Company with which the Telephone Company has reciprocity, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Pate Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COIIPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 17 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEflENTAL EQUIPI4ENT 11. CUT-OFF, EXCLUSION AND TRANSFER ARRANGEMENTS A. General 1. A Cut-off Arrangement enables a customer to manually dis- connect and reconnect a telephone or bell for indefinite periods of time. 2. An Exclusion Arrangement is a form of cut-off which denies other telephone users access to a line or lines. 3. A Transfer Arrangement enables a customer to transfer incoming telephone calls to another bell or telephone. Per B. Rates Month 1. Cut-off Arrangements a. Bell cut-off at bell location, each None b. Cut-off, telephone or bell, per station, per line, each $ 2. Exclusion Arrangements a. Manual operation and manual or automatic restoral, per line, per telephone, each .... $ b. Automatic operation and automatic restoral, per line, per telephone, each $ 3. Transfer Arrangement Per line transferred $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address V I 12. TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 18 COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT DIAL PULSE SIGNALING CONVERSION ARRANGEMENT A. General A Dial Pulse Signaling Conversion Arrangement converts TOUCH- Tone® signaling to dial pulse signaling. Regulations 1. A Dial Pulse Signaling Conversion Arrangement may be provided on rotary dial Local Exchange Service individual lines, where the serving central offices are not equipped for TOUCH- TONE' calling Service and such lines terminate in button equipment stations otherwise equipped with TOUCH-TONE Calling Service. Dial Pulse Signaling Conversion Arrangement Service will only be provided in those exchanges so equipped for the conversion of TOUCH-TONE® Signaling to Dial Pulse Signaling. This service is subject to availability of central office lines so equipped for this conversion. A Dial Pulse Signaling Conversion Arrangement may also be provided on off-premises extension lines originating from a rotary dial communications system, and terminating in button equipment stations associated with another communications system equipped with TOUCH-TONE® Calling Service. C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month 1. Common Equipment (maximum of 2 lines), per arrangement $ 2. Each line equipped $ $ © Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name Date No. State P.S.C. Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 19 GENERAL EXCHAI^E SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 i SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 13. ELEVATOR TELEPHONES A. I General The Elevator Telephone is a flush-mounted wall type instrument designed for use in elevators or any other location where it is desirable to recess the instrument into the wall. B. Regulations The customer shall be responsible for furnishing, installing and maintaining flexible cable and wiring between the outlet box and the Telephone Company's terminal, and for providing a suitable opening for recessing the telephone. Per C. Rates Month Elevator Telephone, each $ 14. EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE TELEPHONES A, General The Explosive Atmosphere Telephone is intended to limit the posibility of explosion in locations where certain types of gaseous fumes are in the atmosphere, B. Regulations 1 . In no case shall any type of telephone apparatus or wiring be installed in a location where acetylene could become present in the atmosphere. 2. The degree of explosive hazard in the atmosphere shall be determined by the customer who will furnish such information to the Telephone Company. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By f*«me TtrtE Address » TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 20 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 14. EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE TELEPHONES (cont'd) Per C. Rates Month Explosive Atmosphere Telephone, each $ 15. FARM INTERPHONE SYSTEM A. General A Farm Interphone System is a two-way intercommunication service designed to assist farm operation through association with exchange telephone service. B. Regulations 1. A Farm Interphone System includes one outdoor type loudspeaker-microphone and two telephones each equipped with a push-to-talk, handset, two-line pick-up, hold feature and indoor type loudspeaker-microphone. 2. No more than a total of six loudspeaker-microphones may be provided in a single system and no more than three of these may be outdoor type loudspeaker-microphones. 3. The total number of telephones which may be equipped with loudspeaker-microphones is limited to four per system. C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month 1. Farm Interphone System, each $ $ 2. Additional Extension Telephones, equipped with a push-to-talk hand- set, two-line pick-up, hold feature and indoor type loudspeaker-micro- phone, each $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. By State P.S.C. ~ ^'^™e ' TTtTe ' Address 15. TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEE T 21 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEtffiNTAL EQUIPF.ENT FARM INTERPHONE SYSTEM (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) Installation Per Charge Month 3. Additional Outdoor Type Loudspeaker- nicrophones, each $ $ 4. Additional Indoor Type Loudspeaker- microphones, each $ $ 5. Channel Facilities between the build- ing in which the principle station is located and each other interphone loca- tion on the same premises a. 500 Feet or less air line - None b. Over 500 feet (1) Per equipped station location. . - $ (2) Per Loudspeaker-microphone only location - $ 6. For Channel Facilities between the building in which the principle station is located and each other interphone location on different premises, charges apply as specified for Extension Lines in this tariff. ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address I TON SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 22 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 16. HOME INTERPHONE SYSTEM A. General The Home Interphone System provides additional communication service for the residence customer consisting of telephones, each v/ith a built-in microphone and separate loudspeaker, equipped to pick up an exchange service line and an intercommunicating line, and to hold the exchange service line. The system also includes a door answering unit or units consisting of speaker-microphone arrangements installed at outside doors for communication with any one of the telephones. B. Regulations 1 . The number of telephones and door answering units which may be connected to the system is limited to such as, in the judgement of the Telephone Company, will not interfere with the efficient operation of the system. 2. The Home Interphone System is offered only for use within the same building. C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month 1. Equipment for Three or Less Tele- phones, with microphones and loud- speakers, equipped to pick up two lines and mechanically hold one line, and including an intercommunicating line and one door answering unit, each. . $ $ 2. Additional Door Answering Unit, each. . . - $ 3. Equipment for Additional Telephones, with microphone and loudspeaker, equipped to pick up two lines and mechanically hold on line, each . . ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By „ ^ , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 23 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 17. HOSPITAL INTERPHONE SYSTEM A. General The Hospital Interphone System is furnished to hospitals, nursing and convalescent homes and other customers of like character where there is a requirement for nurse-patient communication over an interphone line in addition to branch exchange or Centrex Service. B. Regulations 1 . A button telephone may be provided at a location remote from the nurse console so that hospital personnel may answer patient originated calls when the interphone line has been transferred from the console. Such remote answering telephones are furnished at rates as specified elsewhere in this Company's applicable tariffs for the service and features provided. 2. Nurse console remote answering telephones are furnished only when either a branch exchange station line, a Centrex line or an individual business line is terminated therein. Patient telephones are furnished only where a branch exchange patient station line or Centrex line is terminated therein, 3. Patient telephones and associated equipment are not provided for use in oxygen tents. The customer shall idemnify and hold the Telephone Company harmless for any and all loss, claims, demands, suits, or other action, or any liability whatsoever, whether suffered, made, instituted or asserted by customers or others, caused or claimed to be caused directly or indirectly by the use of service in an oxygen tent. 4. A maximum of one nurse console and forty patient telephones may be connected to each Hospital Interphone System. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address I TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 24 ^ GENERAL EXCHAT^GE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 17. HOSPITAL INTERPHONE SYSTEM (cont'd) B. Regulations (cont'd) 5. The Hospital Interphone System provides for two-way inter- coininunication between a nurse console and a patient telephone. The patient may converse with the nurse by the use of a loud- speaker-microphone on a hands-free basis. The patient handset may be used for conversation over both the hospital interphone line and the branch exchange station line or Centrex line. 6. Ivhere the nurse console and the common equipment cabinet are seperated by more than 100 feet, special charges based on the circumstances in each case will apply for the additional facilities required. 7. A customer-provided emergency signaling switch may be connected to an interphone line to provide emergency audible and visual signals. 8. A customer-provided door lamp may be connected to an interphone line through Telephone Company provided signal control equipment. 9. Conduit, if required, will be provided by the customer at his expense. C. Rates Hospital Interphone Systems are provided at the following charges, which apply in addition to the regular monthly charges for branch exchange, Centrex, or individual business stations or lines, and button telephone service features on all lines (except interphone lines) terminating in the nurse console. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET_25_ GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 17. HOSPITAL INTERPHONE SYSTEM (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) 1. Nurse Console, including Illuminated station selection, patient interphone Installation Per line teroinations , and common equip- Charge Month ment for a maximum of 40 patient tele- phones, each* $ $ 2. Patient Telephone, including inter- phone line, speaker-microphone and one nurse call cord, each - $ The preceding rates and charges include the furnishing of the patient telephone and nurse console in colors regularly offered by the Telephone Company for this system. 3. Optional Equipment a. Additional Nurse Call Cord, 6 or 11 feet, each - $ b. Connection to customer-provided emergency signaling system, per emergency switch connected $ ** $ c. Speakerphone for use in nurse console, each Rates and charges are as for Speaker- phones in this tariff. * Minimum revenue guarantee of 24 months applies. ** No installation charge applies when installed at the same time as the associated Hospital Interphon System. ISSUED EFFECTIVE DaTe DaTe Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address { I COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 17. HOSPITAL INTERPHONE SYSTEM (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) I 18. TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 26 Installation Per Charge Month 3. Optional Equipment (cont'd) d. Jack for use in connection with DATAPHONE® Type Service at the patient station, each . . . None e. Signal Control Unit, noncontinuous line signal for the connection to customer-provided door lamp, for each patient telephone so arranged. Rates and charges are as for Auxi- liary Signal Equip- ment in this tariff. JACK AND KEY EQUIPMENT A, General Jack and Key Equipment supplements, or is substituted for, telephones in locations where the duties of an attendant require the freedom of both hands. B. Regulations A key with an associated jack is furnished for use with an operator set at the rates specified in C. following, which are in addition to the rates specified for an operator set in this tariff. © Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED DaTe Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE Date No. State P.S.C. Title Address r- TOM SECTION 1510 COIIPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 27 GENERAL EXCHAl^GE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 18. JACK AND KEY EQUIPMENT (cont'd) C. Rates Per Month 1. Without Holding, each $ 2. With Holding, each $ 19. JACK AND PLUG EQUIPMENT A. General A jack is a permanently mounted receptacle in which a line terminates. A plug is an attachment to a telephone cord which allows a portable telephone to be used at various jack locations. Jack and Plug Equipment is intended to meet the requirement for telephone service in locations where a permanent installation is not desired. Jacks and plugs are provided to customers needing portable telephone(s) in their homes or places of business. Jacks may be flush mounted or externally mounted. Plugs may be provided to terminate in such jacks. B. Regulations 1. Jack and Plug Equipment is furnished to connect portable telephones to individual lines (except any form of coin telephone service), party lines, branch exchange station lines Knd Centrex lines. 2. Where Jack and Plug Equipment is used to terminate main station lines having no permanently connected telephones, the customer is charged the individual or party-line rate applicable. One bell and one portable telephone are furnished without additional charge for each such line. ISSUED EFFECTIVE ( Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ( TOM SECTION 1510 COflPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 28 I GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEIIENTAL EQUIPMENT 19. JACK AND PLUG EQUIPMENT (cont'd) B. Regulations (cont'd) 3. Where Jack and Plug Equipment is used to terminate branch exchange station lines or Centrex lines having no permanently connected telephones, the branch exchange or Centrex station rate applies to each line or station line so terminated. One bell and one portable telephone are furnished without charge for each such line or station line. A. Except as specified in 2. and 3. preceding, portable telephones equipped with a cord and plug are furnished at the regular extension station, branch exchange station or Centrex bridged station rate, as applicable. 5. One bell permanently connected to the line is ordinarily required for each line equipped with jacks. When the total number of bells exceeds the number of permanently connected and portable telephones, the additional bells are provided at the established rate for extension bells. 6. The regulations governing the location and use of extension stations, branch exchange stations and Centrex stations, as specified in this tariff, also supply to the location and use of Jack and Plug Equipment. 7. A customer with Jack and Plug Equipment is required to have a minimum of one portable telephone. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address 19. COflPANY GENERAL EXCHAICE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT JACK AND PLUG EQUIPMENT (cont'd) C. Rates 1 . Voice Jacks a. Indoor Installations (1) Jacks, 4-conductor, niniature and nonniniature, each TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 29 Installation & Service Charge* Residence Business . (2) Jacks, 5- to 12-conductor , each b. Outdoor Installations Jacks, heavy duty type, each $ * No installation charge applies when jack and plug equipment is left on a premises and is reconnected without any change in location and type except that when nonniniature 4-conductor jacks are replaced by miniature 4-conductor jacks at the same location with the establishment of residence service, the installation charge only applies to each jack replaced in excess of one per room. In addition, no installation charge applies for replacing nonminiature 4-conductor jacks with miniature 4-conductor jacks when such change is necessitated by a change in class or grade of service. For moves or changes of a jack, the associated installation charge for the jack moved or changed applies. NOTE: This is a company option, which is recommended, as it permits conversion of non-modular jacks to modular at no charge to the customer, if it is done at the time, a premise visit is otherwise required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name Date No. State P.S.C. Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEE T 30 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 19. JACK AND PLUG EQUIPMENT (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) Installation & Service Charge* 1. Voice Jacks (cont'd) c. Single Plug Ended Flexible Cable, 50-foot, for use with heavy duty type outdoor jacks, each $ $ 2. Data Jacks a. Programmed, each $ None b. Universal, each $ None 20. JACK EQUIPPED TELEPHONES A. General The Jack Equipped Telephone is intended for use as a standard handset, or when required, for use with a hands-free headset. B. Rates Per Month 1. Jack Equipped Telephone, each $ 2. The preceding rate includes the furnishing of the Jack Equipped Telephone in colors regularly offered by the Telephone Company for this equipment. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART m ORIGINAL SHEET 31 GENERAJ. EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLE^ffiNTAL EQUIPMENT 21. LONG DISTANCE MESSAGE RESTRICTION - LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE A. General Long Distance Message Restriction - Local Exchange Service is an arrangement which permits Local Exchange Service line user to dial local service area calls but prevents the origination of long distance calls. In addition, this arrangement denies the user access to "ZERO" (Operator) dialing. B. Regulations 1. Long Distance Message Restriction - Local Exchange Service is provided for use only on individual line Local Exchange Service and only where the customer has other Local Exchange Service on the same premises arranged for unrestricted use of the telecommunications network. 2. The acceptance of long distance collect call messages is not restricted by this arrangement. Rates Long Distance Message Restriction Per Local Exchange Service line arranged Rates and charges are as for Long Distance Message Restriction for PBX Trunks in Section 19 of this tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 32 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 22. LOUDSPEAKER CONFERENCE ARRANGEMENTS A. General Loudspeaker Conference Arrangements are for use by a customer to make telephone messages audible for group listening. B. Regulations A loudspeaker nay be associated vjith telephone service to enable a group of people at one or more locations to receive messages. C. Rates Installation Charge 1. Transistorized Loudspeaker, with or without automatic output level control With 2-position key including a self- contained amplifier with volume con- trol and power equipment where required, each $ 2. Telelecture Arrangement Includes control equipment, amplifier, two loudspeakers, two microphones, and operator's headset, if required, each. $ 3. Small Loudspeaker, each $ 4. Large Loudspeaker, each $ Per Month ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 33 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 23. LOUDSPEAKER PAGING SYSTEM'S A, General A Loudspeaker Paging System is an arrangement of equipment consisting of amplifiers, paging service lines and loudspeakers designed to permit the one-way broadcast of messages through telephones or attendant positions associated with Telephone Company provided button telephones, branch exchange, Centrex Systems . B. Regulations 1 . Structural work required for support of the loudspeaker paging equipment, conduit for concealed wiring and housings for recessed speakers shall be provided and maintained by the customer. 2. This offering is not designed for use as a public address system or for the transmission of music, and may not be accessed via the telecommunications network. Connection to the paging system is limited to the attendant and stations within the system; however, it may be used in the transmission of customer-provided music when the music source is interconnected to the loudspeaker paging equipment through a protective connecting arrangement. 3. System Activity Charges apply for the initial establishment of a system and for subsequent installations of equipment to existing systems as specified in C . following, and are in addition to all other applicable Service Charges. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address I COfTANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 34 23. LOUDSPEAKER PAGING SYSTEMS (cont'd) C. Rates 1 . Type A Systems a. Ajnplifiers, each lO-Watt . . , 25-VJatt . . . , 50-Watt . . . , 75-Watt . . . , lOO-Watt . . . , 2G0-Watt . . . , I b. Loudspeakers (1) Speakers, 8-inch diameter, equipped with 70-volt line transformers, including baffle or grille, each 6 -Watt 12-Watt Installation Per Charge Month $ * $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ * The Installation Charge should be constant regardless of vjattage, however the installation charge for amplifiers is normally more than that for loudspeakers i.e. $2C for amplifiers & $10 for loudspeakers, ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C, Title Date No. Address 23. TOM SECTICN 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEE T 35 GENERAL EXCHAircE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT LOUDSPEAKER PAGING SYSTEMS (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) 1. Type A Systems (cont'd) Installation Per Charge Month b. Loudspeakers (cont'd) (2) Horns, equipped with 70-volt line transformers, each 10-Watt, weatherproof, 120- degree dispersion $ * $ 15-Watt, llO-degree dispersion. $ $ 30-Watt, lOO-degree dispersion. $ $ 30-Watt, radial pattern, over- head mounted, 360-degree disper- sion $ $ 30-Watt, bidirectional $ $ c. Volume Controls, each $ $ d. Paging Service Line, each $ ^ $ e. Connecting Equipment For use with other Systems, each $ $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 36 23. LOUDSPEAKER PAGING SYSTEMS (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) 1. Type A Systems (cont'd) f. System Activity Installation Charge (1) Service Eastablishment Charge, per system $ (2) Equipment Addition Charge, per system, per customer order ... $ 24. MAKE-BUSY ARRANGEMENTS A. General Make-Busy Arrangements are provided to enable a customer, during certain periods, to make busy one or more incoming lines by the operation of a key at the customer's location. B. Regulations Make-Busy Arrangements are provided ory.y in connection with individual lines, P.B.X. trunks and Centrex CO. lines. C. Rates 1. Make-Busy Circuit Per Month Per line to be made busy $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 37 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 24. MAKE-BUSY ARRANGEMENTS (cont'd) C. Rates (cont'd) 2. Common Equipment Per Month Including control key and lamp, one per line or group of lines, each , 3. Control Channel One channel required for each control key, each Rates and charges are as in this Company's Private Line Services Tariff. 25. MESSAGE REGISTER EQUIPMENT A. General Message Register Equipment is for customer use in recording volumes of equipment or service usage in connection with a customer's telephone service. B. Regulations The rates and charges specified in G. following, include the provision of a register cabinet where required. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address $ TOI! SECTION 1510 COIIPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 38 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 25. MESSAGE REGISTER EQUIPMENT C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month 1. Message Registers, each - $ 2. Totalizing circuits to record incom- ing calls Line circuit $ $ Register circuit $ $ 3. Overflow circuits to record the number of attempts to reach a busy line* Register circuit $ $ Register circuit relay $ $ * In addition, rates and charges apply as specified in this Company's Private Line Services Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C, By . Name Title Address t TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 39 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 26. NON-STANDARD TELEPHONES. (Including customer provided telephones) A. General Non-standard telephone sets are those where the enclosure or housing differs from standard type telephones regularly furnished by the Company. Such telephones may be provided by the Company or the customer as specified herein. For the purposes of this Tariff any telephone furnished by the customer will be considered non-standard. B, Regulations 1. Non-standard telephones provided by the company under this Tariff will remain the property of the Company. 2. Customer provided non-standard telephones are those which have been, or can be modified to conform with standards prescribed by the Company. 3. A standard telephone apparatus assembly (which is a combina- tion of mechanical and electrical telephone parts) will be installed in a customer provided enclosure or housing when the: (a) enclosure or housing is of a design and appearance significantly different from telephone sets regularly furnished by the Company, and the (b) enclosure or housing is of adequate size and shape to accomodate all parts which comprise a telephone apparatus assembly, vjhich may include a dial, receiver, transmitter, electrical and mechanical parts. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By 1 Name Title Address # # TOfI SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 40 t GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 26. NON-STANDARD TELEPHONES. (Including customer provided telephones) (cont'd) B. Regulations (cont'd) 4. The Company will determine when a customer-ov;ned enclosure or housing requires modification and if such enclosure or housing will accommodate a standard telephone apparatus assembly. 5. Ovmership of the customer provided telephone enclosure or housing and apparatus as covered in Rates below shall remain vested in the customer. 6. Ownership of the customer provided telephone enclosure or housing as covered in Rates below shall remain vested in the customer, and the apparatus assembly covered therein shall remain the property of the Company. 7. The Company will not be responsible for the maintenance, repair or replacement of the customer provided enclosure or housing in which a telephone apparatus assembly is installed; however the Company will be responsible for the maintenance and repair or replacement of the telephone apparatus assembly . 8. The Company's Maintenance Visit Charge of $ , as set forth in Section 22 - Service Charges, of this tariff will apply for each repair service visit to the customer's premises where it is found that the trouble condition was caused by failure of the customer owned housing or enclosure. 9. The customer shall not alter or repair the telephone apparatus assembly, nor allow other than authorized Company personnel to do so. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 41 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 26. NON-STANDARD TELEPHONES. (Including customer provided telephones) (cont'd) B. Regulations (cont'd) 10. When removal from the customer's premises of the customer provided enclosure or housing is required for repair of the telephone apparatus assembly, the Company will provide a standard telephone set at no additional charge on a temporary basis until the special type telephone set is reinstalled, 11. When service is disconnected or discontinued, the Company shall remove from a customer owned housing any company owned apparatus assembly. The Company will not be responsible for replacing electrical and mechanical telephone components previously removed from the customer owned enclosure or housing. 12. When a non-standard telephone is moved on the same premises for the same customer or is removed from one premises and reinstalled at another premises in the sane, or another exchange of this Company for the same customer, nonrecurring charges shown above under "Rates" will not apply; however, regular service charges will apply. 13. The Company, its employees or agents will not be responsible for damage to the customer owned enclosure or housing caused by conditions beyond their control. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address t TOM SECTION 1510 COITANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 42 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 26. NON-STANDARD TELEPHONES. (Including customer provided telephones) (cont'd) C. Rates Monthly Installation & Rate Service Charge Non-standard telephones 1 . When provided by the Company $ $ 2. When provided by the customer and: (a) modification by the Company is not required on the enclo- sure housing, or appparatus $ * $ * (b) modification by the Company is required on the enclosure housing or apparatus $ * $ (plus parts) * These rates are in addition to rates and charges applicable to the type, class and grade of service furnished. 27. OPEPJ^TOR SETS A. General Operator Sets are used in connection with switchboards, consoles or telephone positions equipped with jacks. B. Regulations Operator Sets are furnished in addition to, or in lieu of, telephones at the rates specified in C. following, except as otherwise specified in this Company's tariffs, which are in addition to the applicable tariff rates for the associated telephone service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Wantc TlLlt; Addiess TOIl SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 43 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TAEIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 27. OPERATOR SETS (cont'd) C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month 1 . Operator Headset or Handset Assembly, each - $ 2. Lightweight Operator Headset Assemblies (a) Attendant type, without quick disconnect each $ $ (b) Attendant type, equipped for quick disconnect (a) Headset assembly including amplifier, each* $ $ (b) Headset assembly only, each* $ $ (c) Supervisor type, including push-to-talk feature, each. ... - $ (d) Controller type, 4- or 6- wire, each - $ (e) Additional earpiece kits, each . $ None * Not subject to the Surcharge specified in this Company's General Regula- tions Tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By • • Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET kh GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 28. OUTDOOR TELEPHONES A. General The Outdoor Telephone is a wall type telephone encased in a weatherproof housing. B. Regulations The customer is required to provide a suitable support for mounting the Outdoor Telephone. C. Rates Per Month Outdoor Telephone, each $ 29. PANEL TELEPHONES A. General The Panel Telephone is a wall mounted telephone designed to be recessed in walls or cabinets. B, Regulations The customer shall be responsible for providing a suitable opening when a Panel Telephone is recessed and for providing suitable means of concealment when unexposed wiring is desired. C. Rates each . . . Installation Charge Panel Telephones, ISSUED <• EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address COMPAIJY 30. TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 45 I GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT PORTABLE CONFERENCE TELEPHONES* A. General The Portable Conference Telephone provides portable facilities for handsfree, two-way communications over the telecommunications network for classrooms, meeting rooms and small auditoriums. B. Regulations 1. The Portable Conference Telephone consists ot a control unit, a telephone and two portable microphones. The control unit contains a fixed microphone, a loudspeaker, connections for the two portable microphones and push buttons for selecting the mode of operation. 2. In addition to the rates specified in C. following, regulations and rates apply as specified for portable telephones in connection with Jack and Plug Equipment in this tariff. C. Rates Installation Per Charge Month Portable Conference Telephones, each . . . $ Additional Portable Microphones, including a push-to-talk switch per microphone, each $ * This is considered as School-to-Home Service for some companies. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address # TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 46 COMPANY GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEItENTAL EQUIPMENT 31. SPEAKERPHONES A. General The Speakerphone is designed for customers who require group discussion or hands-free calling over the telephone. It consists of a control, loudspeaker, and transmitter units. B. Regulations This telephone may be furnished with business or residence individual (excluding public and semipublic services), PBX or key system lines, and certain private line services. C. Rates Monthly Rate Installation & Service Charge 1. Speakerphone- Separate unit used with regular tele- phone set 2. Speakerphone- Self-contained with one line telephone set $ * These rates are in addition to rates and charges applicable to the class and grade of service furnished. ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address TOI! SECTION 1510 COMPANY PAFT III ORIGINAL SHEET 47 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 24 SUPPLEMENTAL EQUIPMENT 32. TRUNK HUNTING SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS A. General Trunk Hunting Service Arrangement is equipment located in the Telephone Company's central office arranged to select the next available line of a customer's group of hunting lines, when the line associated with the called number of the customer is busy, B. Regulations The rate follovjing is applicable to residence and business individual line service, excluding Semi-Public Telephone Service, and including incoming message rates P.B.X. trunks. C. Rates Per Month Hunting Service Arrangement, per line or trunk in a group so arranged $ When a customer requests that specific sequential numbers be reserved for his future use with additional lines, there will be a monthly charge of $___*__ for each line connector so reserved. * This rate is normally approximately 1/3 of the normal business one pary local service rate. This note is for informational puposes only, and care should be taken to insure it is not included in the filed tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address i TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 25 SUSPENSION OF SERVICE A. GENERAL Exchange telephone service and Wide Area Telephone Service may be termporarily suspended, at the customer's request, without termination of contract subject to the conditions specified herein. B. REGULATIONS 1. Exchange telephone service may be suspended as follows: a. Entire Service A customer for any class of business or residence exchange telephone service excluding any service offerings cxi a Two- Tier Payment Plan, and Service Line Service, may suspend the entire service. b. Portion of Service A customer for business or residence individual line, branch exchange or Centrex Service excluding any service offerings an a Two-Tier Payment Plan, may suspend a portion of the service. In connection with individual line service, each line with all of its terminations and supplemental equipment may be suspended. In connection with branch and Centrex Service, attendant positions, station lines and associated terminations, supplemental equipment and branch exchange trunks may be suspended without suspension of the entire service. 2. Wide Area Telephone Service may be suspended as follows: a. After the initial contract period, service through a Wide Area Telephone Service access line, or any extension and supplemental equipment associated therewith, may be suspended for a period of not less than two weeks and not more than two months . b. Ttie suspension rate will not be applicable for a subsequent suspension until the service has been restored to the full rate for one month. ISSUED EFFECTIVE • Date Date No. issued under Authority of state P.b.L. By -^ Ti€Te ' saarss^" Name TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 25 SUSPENSION OF SERVICE (cont'd) B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 3. The following minimum and maximum suspension periods for exchange service are the time periods during which the rates specified in C. following apply. a. Ihe minimum period of suspension shall not be less than one month . b. The maximum continuous period of suspension shall not exceed six months except where, because of the probability of reconnection, the removal of the equipment is not justified in the opinion of the Telephone Conpany, the suspension may be continued for an additional period not exceeding six months. 4. For Centrex Service, the suspended service rate must equal or exceed the Continuing Minimum Monthly Charge. 5. When the initial contract period applicable to the service being suspended is in excess of one month, suspension of service prior to the expiration of the contract period does not extend the contract period. 6. No inward or outward service is contemplated during the period of rates specified in C. following. 7. When message rate service is suspended under the conditions specified for suspension of entire service for a period involving a fractional part of a billing period, the message unit allowance for the fractional part of the billing period during which service is not suspended shall be the allowance for the full billing period . ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. i By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 25 SUSPENSION OF SERVICE (cx)nt'd) C . RATES The following rates apply during the period of suspension, except as specified for Centrex Service in Section 2 preceding. Per Month 1. Exchange Telephone a. Suspension of Entire Service 50% of the fixed monthly charge. b. Suspension of a Portion of Service 50% of the fixed monthly charge for the service suspended. 2. Wide Area Telephone Service a. Per Access Line 50% per period of suspension. b. Extension and suplemental equipment 50% of the fixed monthly charge. c. Interexchange mileage associated with extensions Ito Charge NOTE: The 50% shown above is only a suggestion. Each company should determine what percent is most appropriate based on local cicumstances, and Prevailing Regulatory Requirements. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address i i • » • TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 1 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 26 TOUCH- T0Ne5^ calling SERVICE A. GENERAL 1. Definition Touch-Tone' calling service provides for the origination of telephone calls through the use of pushbuttons in lieu of rotary dial. The service requires either special central office facilities or special station apparatus. 2. Service Coverage a. The service is furnished in connection with individual and multi-party line service. The service will be furnished only where the necessary facilities and equipment are available. Unless special station apparatus are used for exchange service, the serving central office must be suitably equipped and, for foreign exchange service, both the serving central office and the local central office must be suitably equipped, b. Unless special station apparatus are utilized, Touch-Tone calling service is limited to lines served from the following central offices and will be offered in additional central offices as facilities are made available: Central Offices Alphabetical List Numerical List (Name) (XXX) c. The service is available in all exchanges to business and residence customers connected to WATS (Wide Area Telephone Service) lines which are interconnected to Bell System Service. ® Registered Service Mark of A.T.&T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By ^ , Name Title Address TON SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 2 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 26 TOUCH-TONE® CALLING SERVICE REGULATIONS 1 . The service provides for Touch-Tone telephones In standard colors at no additional charges for the color. 2. Where a rotary dial telephone in color (including a telephone without a dial) is provided on a single customer Touch-Tone line, initial charges for color apply. 3. All telephones on a Touch- Tone' line may be equipped for Touch-Tone calling, however, rotary dial telephones may be provided where requested by the customer, provided at least one Touch-Tone telephone is in service on such line and the total telephones on the line do not exceed five telephones. 4. When a branch exchange system is arranged for Touch- Tone calling, all lines for which such a branch exchange system has out-dial: calling. out-dialing capabilities must be arranged for Touch-Tone 5. Other facilities, miscellaneous and supplemental equipment, requested by customers and not detrimental to this service or other services of the telephone company will be furnished in accordance with regulations and at the rates specified in the applicable sections of this tariff. C. RATES 1. Recurring Charges The following rates and charges apply in addition to the established rates and charges for the services with which the equipment is associated. ®Registered Service Hark of A.T.& T. Co. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address I TOM SF.CTION 1510 COMPANY PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 3 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 26 TOUCH- TONE® CALLING SERVICE C. RATES (con't) 1. Recurring Charges (cont'd) Monthly Rate* a. Residence- Individual and Party Line Service** -Per flat rate exchange access line $ -Per telephone station or other terminal equipment furnished by the telephone company equipped for tone-type address signalling, except where otherwise specified $ b. Business-Individual and Party Line Service** -Per flat rate exchange access line $ -Per telephone station or other terminal equipment furnished by the telephone company equipped for tone-type address signalling, except where otherwise specified $ c. Telephone Set Conversion (with no C.O. Equipment) - Telephone Company Furnished Equipment -Residence service** - each set $ -Business service** - each set $ ®Registered Service Mark of A.T.& T. Co. *The rates which a telephone company select should be appropriate to its customer demand and cost requirements. Some companies prefer to offer low rates with the hope of covering more of the market, especially if demand conditions are tight while others seek to gain a shorter first co^t turnover by listing higher rates. **Rates differentiated by class of service may have to be justified by cost differentials before they will be approved by many state commissions today. NOTE: The Two footnotes are for informational purposes only. Care should be taken to insure they are not included in the filed tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~ By , Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART III ORIGINAL SHEET 4 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 26 TOUCH-TONE® CALLING SERVICE C. RATES (cont'd) Monthly Rate* d. Private or Hotel Branch Exchange Service - Manual or Dial -Attendant position - each -Trunks (except incoming) - each -Station lines - each -Telephone stations - each e. Dial Private Branch Exchange Service Equipment Systems -Trunks (except incoming) - each f. Centrex Systems -First 25 main, restricted and extension station lines -Additional main, restricted and extension station lines, each -Telephone station - each 2. Non Recurring Charges Service Connection charges, restoral charges, move and change of equipment charges for Touch-Tone® service will be the same as now applicable in Sections 22 of this tariff. ( *The rates which a telephone company select should be appropriate to its customer demand and cost requirements. Some companies prefer to offer low rates with the hope of covering more of the market, especially if demand conditions are tight while others seek to gain a shorter first cost turnover by listing higher rates. This note is for informational purposes only, and should not be included in the filed tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name Date No. State P.S.C. Title Address I COMPANY TOn SECTION 151C PART III ORICINAL SHEET 5 GENERAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFF SECTION 26 TOUCH-TONE^ CALLING SERVICE B. RATES (cont'd) 3. Rate Coverage a. The monthly rate and non recurring charges apply to each Touch-Tone service customer on the same party line. b. The monthly rates for residence and business Touch-Tone calling services, listed above, are in addition to the regular monthly rates for the class, type and grade of service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of Date No. t By Name State P.S.C. Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 1 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFFS PART IV TITLE PAGE LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE TARIFFS Schedule of Rates and Charges, and Regulations governing Local Exchange Services and applying in all exchanges of this Company in the State of ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P. S. C. By , , Name Title Address f COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET NO. TITLE PACE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS 2 SECTION 1. APPLICATION OF TARIFF 3 2. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE 6 3. SEMI-PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE 17 4. PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE 19 5. FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE 20 6. JOINT USER SERVICE 22 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS (C) Signifies a changed regulation, (D) Signifies a discontinued rate, treatment or regulation. (I) Signifies an increased rate or new treatment resulting in increased rate. (N) Signifies a new rate, treatment or regulation. (R) Signifies a reduced rate or new treatment resulting in reduced rates. (T) Signifies a change in text but no change in rate, treatment regulation. ©I Registered Service Mark of A.T.& Co. ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE Date No. By Name State P.S.C. Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV OPIGINAL SHEET 3 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 1 APPLICATION OF TARIFF A. GENERAL This tariff applies to local exchange telephone services furnished by * the exchanges and zones to which the regulations and rates contained herein apply are as specified on maps filed with ** The regulations and rates contained herein are in addition to the applicable regulations and rates specified in other tariffs of the Telephone Company. B. REGULATIONS 1. Applications of Business and Residence Rates The determination as to whether customer service (as distinguished from Public Telephone Service), except Semipublic Telephone Service, is furnished at business or residence rates is based on the location and character of use, made of the service. The type of directory listing may, in some cases, also serve as a satis- factory basis for determining whether business or residence rates apply. Business Rates Service is classified and charged for as business service where the use is primarily or substantially of a business, profession- al, institutional or occupational nature, or where a business directory listing is furnished, except as provided in the following paragraph. * Complete Company Name **State Regulatory Commission ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date DaTe Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 4 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 1 APPLICATION OF TARIFF B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 1. Applications of Business and Residence Rates (cont'd) Residence Rates Service is classified and charged for as residence service where • the primary use of the service is of a domestic nature and where the business use, if any, is merely incidental. Included in this classification is service subscribed to by a nonprofit association of owners of residential condominiums for use with customer-provided door answering equipment. Business-Residence Rates* Business-Residence rates apply where the use of the service is of a combined nature of the above two classifications. In other words, where a business is conducted from a residence. Farm telephones will, in most instances, be classified as a business- residence service since the business of operating a farm is normally conducted from the farm residence phone. There are some town phones that will be classified as business residence, such as a subscriber who farms but lives in town, or a subscriber who operates a small business from his residence, etc. By the same token, a person living in a rural area may be classified as a residence if he is a salaried person and conducts no business from his telephone. *This is only one possible alternative. Borrowers may not desire to use this variation. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address $ TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 5 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 1 APPLICATION OF TARIFF B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 2. Flat Rate and Message Rate Services on the Same Premises Flat rate and message rate services will not be furnished the same customer on the same premises where the local calling areas of the two services are identical, except as otherwise specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. This regulation, however, will not be interpreted to prevent the provisions of both types of service where it is established that one type of service is not to be used to supplement the use of the other type, nor to prevent the provision of flat rate and message rate service on the same premises within an exchange where the flat rate service provides for flat rate calling which is restricted to a part of the local calling rate. 3. Use of Party-Line Service Party-line service is furnished by the Telephone Company on the condition that each customer will use the service so as not to interfere with an equitable proportionate use of the service by other customers on the same line. When the use of the service by a party-line customer does result in such interference, the Telephone Company shall have the right to discontinue the service of the offending customer on his refusal to accept a grade of service suitable to his needs. The Telephone Company reserves the right to limit the continuous use of a party-line for a local message to minutes. 4. Semi-Public Telephone Service is provided as specified in Section 3 of this tariff. ISSUED EFFECTIVE t Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By . Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 6 i LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE A. RATE DETERMINATION* 1 . GENERAL The group rate schedule set forth on Sheet of this section shows the monthly rates applicable under the conditions of line availability type of service and service grades. Line availability for a given exchange contemplates total lines in service (to include individual and party lines, key lines and PBX trunks) within the local calling area of that exchange. The total of such lines establishes the rate group applicable. *As one alternative to the above, one could base rates on a combination of lines in service and distance. A method could be as follows: (1) Each exchange could be assigned to a rate class for the application of exchange service rates according to the number of weighted lines in service in its local calling area. (2) The weighted lines in service in a local calling area are computed by multiplying the total number of lines in service in each local calling area by the appropriate distance factor. (3) Distance factors could be based on airline miles between the rate center of an exchange and the rate center of each of the exchanges in the local calling area, as indicated below: i Airline Miles Between the Rate Centers of Exchanges Over Up to and Including Distance Factor ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of By Name EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address i • COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 7 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE A. RATE DETERMINATION (cont'd) 2. CHANGES IN EXCHANGE GROUP CLASSIFICATION The total lines in service in the local calling area of each exchange shall be verified annually using the Company's official report of the lines in service on (Date) of each year. This date shall be considered the annual study period. An exchange shall be reclassified to the applicable higher rate group and shall take the rates and services of that group: (1) When the number of lines in service in the local calling area of the exchange, averaged for the ends of any twelve con- secutive months, falls into a higher rate group from that currently authorized; or (2) When extended area service enlarges the local calling area of any exchange so that the total lines in service in the extended area exceed the upper limits of the rate group currently authorized. 3. LOCAL SERVICE RATE GROUPS Local service rate groups are established as follows, based on the total number of lines in service in the local calling area: Lines in Service in Rate Group Number Local Calling Area I - XX II XX - XX III XX - XX IV XX - XX V XX ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. i By Name State P.S.C. Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 8 • LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE A. RATE DETERMINATION (cont'd) 4. CLASSIFICATION OF EXCHANGES BY RATE GROUPS Rate Group Number I II III IV V Special 5. ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF EXCHANGES (List all exchanges alphabetically with the exchange classifica- tion numeral to the right.) Exchanges (List all exchanges alphabetically within each group) 6. LOCAL CALLING AREAS Number Exchange (List applicable exchanges for each rate group.) Exchange in Local Calling Area (List applicable exchange in the local calling area for each exchange.) II - III IV V ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Title ' - Addrooo # COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 9 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE RATES 1 . GROUP RATE SCHEDULES Rate Croup I (0 - Lines in Service) Inside the Base Rate Area Flat Rate : Individual Line 2 Party Line 4 Party Line PBX Trunk • Semi-Public Message Rate Individual Line PBX Trunk Semi-Public Business Residence $ $ $ N/A N/A $ N/A N/A Business-Residence Message Unit Charges* Message Unit Allowance Add. Message Units, Each Basic Stations** * Only provided with availability of facilities ** This is an optional rate structure, where the company has unbundled the charge for Local Service. The line charge then applies for only the line, and the station charge applies to the basic telephone instrument. ISSUED Date Issued Under Authority of EFFECTIVE State P.S.C. Date No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 10 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE B. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE PJ^TES (cont'd) 1. GROUP RATE SCHEDULES (cont'd) Rate Croup I (0 - Lines in Service) Outside the Base Rate Area Business Residence Business-Residence Flat Rate : individual Line $ $ $ 2 Party Line $ $ $ A Party Line $ $ $ • PBX Trunk $ N/A Seni-Public $ N/A Message Rate Semi-Public $ N/A $ ^ Individual Line $ $ $ PBX Trunk $ N/A $ Message Unit Charges* Message Unit Allowance Add. Message Units, Each $ $ $" Basic Stations** $ $ $ * only provided with availability of facilities ** This is an optional rate structure, where the company has unbundled the charge for Local Service, The line charge then applies for only the line, and the station charge applies to the basic telephone instrument. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address • COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PAPT IV ORIGINAL SHEET 11 B. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE RATES (cont'd) 1. GROUP RATE SCHEDULES (cont'd) Rate Group II (etc) Place on successive pages the appropriate date and rates for rate groups II-IV, 2. MESSAGE UNIT CHARGES* (Only provided with availability of facilities) Message Unit Allowance Additional Message Units, each $ 3. ZONE CHARGES a. General Zone charges as appropriate and in accordance with this Section will apply in connection with lines in service which are located outside the base rate area, but within the particular exchange area. Zone boundaries are shown on the Exchange Service Area Maps which are filed with the Public Service Commission *Borrowers may desire some variation besides simply messages such as measured service based on time of day, duration, distance and frequency. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S,C. Title Date No. Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 12 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SEPVICE LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE RATES (cont'd) 3. ZONE CHARGES (cont'd) b. Rates Zone charges for one-party and two-party service, per month: Monthly Rate* Zone A B C D Individual Line 2-Party $ These charges are addition to the rate for the primary service furnished in the Base Rate Area, as set forth in this section. *Miie;age charges may be desired by some borrowers. The REA contract prohibits mileage or zone charges on the lowest grade of service. C. EXCHANGE RATE SCHEDULES AND MAPS Exchange Name: 1 Exchange Limits (a) Exchange Area (Define the exchange boundaries) (b) Base Rate Area (Define the base rate area boundaries) (c) Outside the Base Rate Area Outside the area described in 1(b) above and within the area described in 1(a) above. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name State P.S.C. Title Date No. Address V COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 13 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE C. EXCHANGE RATE SCHEDULES AND MAPS (cont'd) Exchange Name : 2. Local Calling The local calling area includes the exchanges of 3. Rates Group rates per month as shown on Sheet of this Part apply. a. Within the Base Rate Area, as shown on the map on Sheet _ of this Part. Flat Rate ; individual Line 2 Party Line 4 Party Line PBX Trunk Semi-Public Message Rate Individual Line PBX Trunk Semi-Public Business Residence $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ N/A N/A $ $ $ $ N/A N/A Message Unit Charges* Message Unit Allowance Add. Message Units, Each Basic Stations** * Only provided with availability of facilities ** This is an optional rate structure, where the company has unbundled the charge for Local Service. The line charge then applies for only the line, and the station charge applies to the basic telephone instrument. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 14 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE C. EXCHANGE RATE SCHEDULES AND MAPS (cont'd) Exchange Name : 3. Rates (cont'd) b. Outside the Base Rate Area, but within the exchange area as shown on the map on Sheet of this Part together with established zone charges as shown below where applicable. Business Residence Business-Residence Flat Rate: Individual Line $ $ $ 2 Party Line 4 Party Line PBX Trunk Semi-Public $ $ $ $ $ $ N/A N/A $ $ $ $ Message Rate Individual Line PBX Trunk Semi-Public $ $ $ $ N/A N/A $ $ $ Message Unit Charges* Message Unit Allowance Add. Message Units, Each $ $ $" Basic Stations** $ $ $ * Only provided with availability of facilities ** This is an optional rate structure, where the company has unbundled the charge for Local Service. The line charge then applies for only the line, and the station charge applies to the basic telephone instrument. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By > Title Name Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 15 C. LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE EXCHANGE RATE SCHEDULES AND MAPS (cont'd) Exchange Name: 3. Rates (cont'd) c. Zone Charges Zone A B C D Monthly Rate Individual Line 2-Party X X X X X X X X ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Title Name Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 16 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 2 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICE D. EXCHANGE AREA MAP (Map should show layout of streets, highways and roads of the exchange area outside the Base Rate Area, and names or designations thereof. Also, show the boundaries of any lakes, or ponds and the courses of any creeks or rivers, or railroads. Show the exchange area limits, Base Rate Area Limits and zone area limits. (Street layouts and city blocks inside the Base Rate Area will not be shown.) Show location of central office. (If mileage charges are used, draw map to scale and indicate scale under code so that map may be used by Business Office to compute mileage charges.) CODE Central Office Base Rate Area Limits Exchange Area Limits Zone Area Limits SCALE 1 inch = 2 miles ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 17 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 3 SEMI-PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE A. GENERAL Semi-Public Telephone Service is a form of individual line business message rate exchange service designed for a combination of customer and public use at locations more or less public in character. B. REGULATIONS 1, Serai-Public Telephone Service will be furnished only where, in addition to use by the customer, there is a requirement for service by persons other than the customer, his employees or representatives, but where, in the opinion of the Telephone Company, Public Telephone Service is not justified. Semi-public main service will not be furnished at locations where service is desired solely for the use of the customer, his employees or representatives, 2, A semi-public main station is equipped with a coin collector, 3, At the request of the customer, public telephone signs of a standard type will be provided under the same conditions as apply where such signs are provided in connection with public telephones, A. The customer shall take all reasonable precautions to protect the Telephone Company against robbery or pilferage of its property on customer's premises, including moneys deposited in coin collecting receptacles, and against the fraudulent use of such facilities, including the use of slugs, and spurious, mutilated or foreign coins, 5. No commission is paid on the collections from semi-public telephones, ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P,S.C. By Name Title Address COIJPANY TOI^ SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 1{ LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 3 SEMI-PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE REGULATIONS (cont'd) 6. A customer to Semi-Public Telephone Service may subscribe to any other form of business service regularly offered, provided such service is used in accordance with the regulation pertaining to Use of Customer's Service, 7. When Semi-Public Telephone Service is used for data transmission and reception, its use will be in accordance with the following provisions : a. b. d. The telecommunications network connection for the data mode must be established on an incoming call only basis. Use of the service in the data mode must occur during off-hours when it is anticipated that the public will not originate calls. A visual signal lens shall be located at the main station to indicate to a potential user v/hen data transmission is in progress. The visual signal lens and associated station busy Indication control unit will be furnished by the Telephone Company at the established rates and charges for such service. The customer shall furnish a sign or notice to be associated with the visual signal lens to inform the public of the meaning of the illuminated lens. The customer shall execute an agreement with the Telephone Company stating that he will comply with the regulations preceding. RATES 1. Rates and local service areas for semi-public service are as specified in Section 2 preceding. 2. Local Messages are charged at the rate of ($. ) each. Toll messages are charged at the company's established toll rates. 3. Coin Telephone in Color In colors regularly provided by the Telephone Company, each Nonrecurring Charge $ ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of State P.S.C. No. By Name Title Address TOH SECTION 1510 COIIPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 19 LOCAL EXCHAI^GE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 4 PUBLIC TELEPHONE SERVICE A. GENERAL Public Telephone Service is exchange service provided for use primarily by the general public. B. REGULATIONS 1. A public telephone is an exchange station installed at the Tele- phone Company's initiative, or at its option, for furnishing service to the general public. 2. Persons with whom arrangements are made for the installation of public telephones are required to execute the established form of contract for Public Telephone Service. 3. Public telephones are installed for the use of the general public and any use by occupants of the premises on which the public telephones are located is incidental to their principal purpose. 4. All public telephones will be equipped with coin collecting devices, except where Telephone Company supervision is provided in specific cases. 5. The Telephone Company will provide, without charge, adequate public telephone facilities to meet all reasonable public requirements, the decision as to the extent, character and location of such facilities resting with the Telephone Company. 6. The Telephone Company will furnish and display such of its standard signs as are necessary to properly advertise the station. At a point where it is necessary to secure a permit and pay a fee for the privilege of placing a sign, the person vjith whom arrangements are made for the installation of public telephones may be required both to secure the permit and to pay the fee. C. RATES 1. Local Messages are charged at the rate of ($. ) each. Toll Messages are charged at the Company's established toil rates. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address ( ( TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 20 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE A. GENERAL Foreign exchange telephone service is exchange service furnished from one exchange to a location in another exchange. B. REGULATIONS 1. Foreign Exchange Service is provided in accordance with such methods as are best suited to meet plant and operating requirements of the Telephone Company. 2. Foreign Exchange Service will be provided only in connection with individual line and branch exchange or order receiving trunks. 3. Where the normal and foreign exchanges are not contiguous, a customer to Foreign Exchange Service is required to subscribe also for some class of exchange service regularly furnished in the exchange in which the customer's premises is located. 4. The rates and charges applicable to foreign exchange main stations and trunks are the rates and charges within the foreign exchange for the class of service furnished. The long distance and local message charges and the extent of local service applicable, are the same as apply to other local exchange services provided from the same foreign exchange. 5. The rates and charges for all other items of service and equipment are the rates and charges applicable in the area within which the customer terminal equipment is located. 6. The rates specified for foreign exchange mileage in C. following, contemplate service over only those stations located in the same building with the foreign exchange main service. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. ~~ By , Name Title Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 21 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 5 FOREIGN EXCHANGE SERVICE C. RATES 1, Interexchange Channel a. Mileage Per Month First miles, per mile or fraction thereof ~^ Next miles, per mile or fraction thereof $ Each additional mile, or fraction thereof $ Mileage is measured airline between the rate centers of the normal and foreign exchange. b. Channel Terminal, each $ c. When Foreign Exchange Service is provided in an exchange contiguous with a metropolitan exchange having or more main terminals and is subscribed to from the metropolitan zone having its rate center nearest the rate center of the normal exchange, the monthly charge for the interexchange channel is $ . d. When Foreign Exchange Service as described in c. preceding is provided in an exchange contiguous with an exchange described in c . preceding, the maximum monthly charge for each channel is $ plus the applicable mileage and channel terminal charges as specified in a. and b, preceding. Mileage is measured airline between the rate centers of the normal exchange and the exchange adjacent to the metropolitan exchange. 2. Customer Terminal Equipment Locations a. When the customer terminal equipment is in the base rate area of the normal exchange .... No charge b. When the customer terminal equipment is outside the base rate area of the normal exchange. Local Exchange Mileage Band charges apply. ISSUED EFFECTIVE ( Date Date Issued Under Authority of No, State P.S.C. By ^. , Nanrs T itle Address TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 22 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 6 JOINT USER SERVICE A. GENERAL Joint User Service is a shared service arrangement which allows the business telephone exchange service of a customer to be used, when designated by the customer, by individuals, firms or corporations not otherwise permitted use of the customer's business service by the Telephone Company's tariffs. B. REGULATIONS 1. Joint User Service is offered on a business individual line, branch exchange trunk or Centrex Main Station (excluding Dormitory Centrex) basis, 2. Application for Joint User Service, and for changes in service or equipment therewith, must be executed by the customer. The customer must be a user of the shared service arrangement and is responsible for payment of all charges incurred, regardless of whether such charges are associated with his usage, or that of any of his joint users, and such charges will be included on the customer's regular monthly bill. 3. Joint users of a customer's service must have the option of obtaining service directly from the Telephone Company. The joint users may subscribe to any other form of service regularly offered, provided such service is used in accordance with the regulation pertaining to Use of Customer's Service. 4. The total charges for telephone service rendered by the Telephone Company and allocated by the customer between the customer and each of his joint users shall not exceed the charges of the Telephone Company to the customer as specified in the Telephone Company's applicable tariffs. 5. No separate call numbers or other distinctive designations are provided for the purpose of signaling the joint users. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address COMPANY TOM SECTION 1510 PART IV ORIGINAL SHEET 23 LOCAL EXCHANGE SERVICES TARIFF SECTION 6 JOINT USER SERVICE B. REGULATIONS (cont'd) 6. Joint User Service is terminated and charges for Joint User Service are automatically discontinued upon termination of the customer's telephone service. Charges for Joint User Service may otherwise be discontinued at the request of the customer, provided that the joint user no longer utilizes any of the customer s service, and also that the terms of the initial contract period have been satisfied. C . RATES 1. Message Rate Service For Each Joint User Per Month* 1/2 of the first in- dividual business line or branch exchange trunk rate. No message unit allowance provided. All messages sent by joint users accounted for as if sent by the customer. 2. Flat Rate Service 1/2 of the first in- dividual business line or branch exchange trunk rate. *For joint use in connection with a Centrex System the rate applicable is 1/2 of the first branch exchange trunk rate for the exchange or zone on which the Centrex System is rated. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Issued Under Authority of By Name Date No. State P.S.C. — Ttrt^ AdditJSb TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART V ORIGINAL SHEET 1 MESSAGE TOLL TELEPHONE SERVICE TARIFFS PART V TITLE PAGE MESSAGE TOLL TELEPHONE SERVICE TARIFFS Schedule of Rates and Charges, and Regulations governing Message Toll Telephone Service in all exchanges of the company in the State of ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P. S. C. By Name Ti tie Address ( TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART V ORIGINAL SHEET 2 MESSAGE TOLL TELEPHONE SERVICE TARIFFS TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheet No . Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Concurrence 3 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P. S.C. By . . Name Title Address (( ( ( TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART V ORIGINAL SHEET 3 MESSAGE TOLL TELEPHONE SERVICE TARIFF CONCURRENCE concurs in the standard toll company rates. Company rules and regulations governing such comunications as files by the , together with any amendments or (Applicable Connecting Company)* successive issues thereof and makes itself a party to such rates and charges until this concurrence is revoked or cancelled. hereby expressly reserves the right to cancel Company this statement of concurrence at any time when it appears that such cancellation is in the best interest of , subject Company the jurisdiction of as it applies. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address ( ( ( TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART VI ORIGINAL SHEET 1 WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFFS PART VI TITLE PAGE WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFFS Schedule of Rates and Charges, and Regulations governing Wide Area Tele- communications Services (WATS) in all exchanges of this company in the State of I ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By , Name Title Address i (. ( TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART VI ORIGINAL SHE WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFFS TABLE OF CONTENTS Sheet No. Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Concurrence 3 ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P. S. C. By . , Name Title Address c ( ( TOM SECTION 1510 COMPANY PART VI ORIGINAL SHEET 3 WIDE AREA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE TARIFFS CONCURRENCE. concurs in the standard Wide Area Teleconmuni- Company cations Service (WATS) rates, rules, and regulations governing such communications as filed by , (Applicable Connecting Company) together vjith any amendments or successive issues thereof and makes itself a party to such rates and charges until this concurrence is revoked or cancelled. hereby expressly reserves the Company right to cancel this statement of concurrence at any time when it appears that such cancellation is in the best interest of , Company subject to the jurisdiction of as it • Title of State Regulatory Agency applies. ISSUED EFFECTIVE Date Date Issued Under Authority of No. State P.S.C. By Name Title Address 19251 'U.S. QOVERUMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1980 0-310-9^7/REA-209 < (i >>, 85070 . / IIA/ 1 25071 25072 25073 25074 85075 28076 1 26077 -Jt ?5078 wmiWA MT ^ COVERS AOOO. AC Ct (MATIONAL INC