VOYAGE ADMIRAL GEORGE CARLTON, IN SEARCH OF LOYALTY. a loctu LONDON ; PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY J. L. TURNER, 170, ALDERSGATE STREET. 1820. Price Threepence, :; < . .. • -F’ "l^- i'K'i- !;•- ■ . S U d i.' "X ^ > V. / • ''i ^ "X t ‘h i ^ X a- i ■ f /k n:^ ,-.r \ ■ < V THE t '25- VOYAGE, &C. ’Mid pageants, forced salutes, and Cowes, That scarce a leisure hour allows, i\n hour to friendship I bestow, Just to impart how things now go. Here sailors cheer us ’till they’re hoarse, A proof of loyalty, of course; But who would not, when power is jogging, “ Be loyal. Sir — or take a flogging? “ Shout for the K ^ we place our fate in, “ Or roar in pain beside the grating !” You know I always like to scan The secret spring which governs man ; The priests of Baal in Scripture days. Were ever loudest in his praise ; But interest was the zeal that led ’em. And so they propp’d the power that fed ’em. Break down the fane, the altar shiver. The priesthood would be lost for ever; And offerings must be his with speed, Who has so many mouths to feted ! ' """.r ' UNiVFi^siTY or : VOYAGE OF Thus then the spring, nor more nor less. Of loyal Gosport’s sage Address ; Portsmouth’s warm congratulation. By men in a peculiar station, Commissioners their voices give. To praise the means by which they live. Their loyalty is always sure Whose places are ^ sinecure ! ’Tis only those whose famish’d cheek Their tale of misery bespeak. By want and goading insult driven, The scorn of earthy of all, but heaven ! Whose offspring’s clamorous cries for bread Expel him from his wretched shed, To join witb others like himself Wanting employ — and hope — and pelf ; Who strive to meet their ruin’s storm, And grasp at — Radical Reform. But hold, too much these themes prevail, I had almost forgot my tale ; Our Admiral, you surely know. Had long ne’er met, nor found a foe. Of comfort fond as folk report, His vessel snugly lay in port, ’Till sudden came— what seamen call A swift and unexpected squall! And his proud ship, so fate’s- design. Was shatter’d by the Caro/me ! ADMIRAL GEORGE CARLTON. She had for years been on a cruise, Marm’d, as ’tis said, by foreign crews* Because the bands with whom she started. Decoy’d or brib’d, had all deserted ; Thus slander had denied her claim To courage, principle, or fame ; ’Till glowing at the dastard stroke. She prov’d her ixmhevz— Heart of Oak ! Resolv’d to strike the earliest blow. And give a broadside to the foe. Returning thus in angry scowl. She and our Admiral “/e// foul'' That day his cook’s invention fertile. Produced a dainty dish of turtle ; (infections, stews, all art was able. Was stor’d upon the cabin table; Their place the glittering goblets claim. With Tokay, Burgundy, Chainpaigne; Each had its place, while courtly bland H is officers around him stand. Waiting the motion to a seat. To share the highly season’d treat. Just then a shock the vessel feels, “ We’re foul, — we’re foul !” — the banquet reel Turtle or Admiral — none protect. And both lay scatter’d on the deck ; Nor doom’d -the sparkling juice to swig, There lay the chief, and there— his wig ! VOYAGE OF His bead was broke, the wound to stop They quickly send for Doctor Slop, Who coolly ’mid the strange confusion. Sagely examin’d the contusion ; Of inflammation ’gan to preach. And sent the Admiral- — a Leech I Meanwhile into the harbour proud. All welcom’d by the joyous croud. The Caroline forgot her smartS) And anchor’d bold in British hearts I This vessel bold and richly gilt. May yet be class’d as foreign built ; Of British oak, a season’d stock. They built her firm in -BrunswicUs Dock. ’Tilt for the British service raann’d. The Admiral had so-le command ! ’Tis said, (nor do I doubt the word,) He only slept one night on board. And mov’d his downy cot next day. Where his old former frigate lay. Since then the Caroline has been The mark of his inveterate spleen ; Kot that he dar’d refuse her pay As long as she would keep away. What though she had our honour sold. She still might squander British gold! What, though a foreign crew profan’d The decks a Briton’s honour claim’d. ADMIRAL GEORGE CARLTON. Still she was free to spend or steer — The only bargain — don't come heref But Innocence with pendant bright. That skims along a sea of light. Pilot of Virtue in the hour When guilt and malice wage their pow