Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED TATE NORMAL SCHOOL FRAMINGHAM, MASS. Catalogue of Teachers and Alumnae 1839-1900 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Li STATE NORMAL SCHOOL FRAMINGHAM, MASS. Catalogue of Teachers and Alumnae 1839-1900 BOSTON : WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, 1 8 Post Office Square. 1900. PREFACE. This catalogue has involved an amount of labor which cannot be appreciated by those who have had no part in it. Sometimes four or five letters have been written in the effort to find one per- son ; classmates, friends, relatives, post-masters, town clerks and others have been addressed, and frequently in vain. But it has been a labor of love, and the only regret of those who have had a share in it is that it is, after all, so incomplete and imperfect. For the first time, married as well as maiden names are indexed. The maiden name, it will be seen, is given first, with residence' while in school, opposite to it ; on the line below, the married name and latest known address. A question mark following an address indicates a doubt of its correctness. A star indicates decease, the date of which is given, when known. The historical sketch is almost entirely condensed from the historical sketch written by Mrs Electa Lincoln Walton for the semi-centennial celebration, the complete text of which may -be found in the printed report of that meeting. The alumnae are most earnestly begged to send corrections of this catalogue, or information of marriage, death or change of residence of any graduate of the school to Miss Ellen Hyde, president of the Alumnae Association, Framingham, to Miss Mary C. Moore, secretary, Framingham, or to the school. HISTORICAL SKETCH. Very early in the history of Massachusetts her common school system was inaugurated, and the cause of popular education was placed upon a foundation broader, and firmer than was ever before laid for it by any state or nation. But with worldly prosperity came its temptations, and the attention of her sons was turned toward the accumulation of wealth, to the temporary neglect of public interests ; and while academies and private schools flour- ished, the common schools were overlooked and allowed to " de- generate into neglected schools for the poorer classes only," and " the best talent and education were not secured to carry them on." From 1820 to 1830 was the gloomiest period in their history. But soon after the year 1820 a few intelligent, high-minded, strong-hearted men, who saw the great evil of the decline in popu- lar education, began earnestly to consider the causes of that decline and to seek the remedy ; and these men, one after another, soon arrived at the same conclusion, — that, while the remote cause of the decline lay in the indifference of the people gen- erally, the immediate cause was the employment of teachers unfitted and inexperienced, who in too many instances were igno- rant, not only of the best methods of teaching, but even of the subjects which they attempted to teach. The remedy for all this must be sought in the proper training of the teacher, which could best be had in seminaries set apart or established for the purpose. To substantiate their position, reference was made to normal schools already established in Prussia. With these pioneers, right thinking implied right acting, and essays in popular journals, resolutions in teachers' meetings, and memorials to the Legislature began to awaken the people and the Legislature to realize that only by right education of the whole people could the future prosperity of the State be fully and per- manently secured, and to adopt measures looking to that end. vi STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. This agitation resulted in the establishment of the Massachusetts Board of Education, in April, 1837, and the appointment of its illustrious first secretary, the president of the Senate, at their first meeting, June 29 of that year. When, by this appointment, Horace Mann stepped into the arena, the new educational era fairly began, not only for Massachusetts, but for America. Almost immediately after its establishment the Board of Education issued an address to the people, calling for conventions, which were held in every county but Suffolk, and stirred the whole community upon the subject. They also recommended the passage of a law providing for the establishment of normal schools. Under the date of March 10, 1838, Mr. Mann wrote in his private journal: u Went to Mr. Dwight's, where a number of gentlemen were assembled to discuss the expediency of applying to the Legislature for a grant to aid in the establishment of teach- ers' seminaries. . . . After they had dispersed, Mr. Dwight gave me authority to propose to the Legislature, in my own way, that $10,000 should be forthcoming from himself and others; and that at any rate he would be responsible for that amount to accomplish the object, provided the Legislature would give the same amount for the same cause." Accordingly, on Monday, March 13, 1838, Mr. Mann had the satisfaction of sending to the Legislature a communication em- bodying Mr. Dwight's offer, and urging its acceptance On the 19th of April the. Legislature passed resolutions accepting the gift, and authorizing the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council, to draw a warrant upon the Treasurer for $10,000, to be placed at the disposal of the Board for the purpose specified in the communication. After mature deliberation, the Board decided to establish three normal schools, — one for the north-eastern, one for the south- eastern and one for the western part of the State, to be continued three years, as an experiment ; and, as the $20,000 at their dis- posal was not sufficient to provide for buildings, the Board made known that they would establish the schools at suitable places as soon as they should receive the requisite assistance. Proposals were made by many towns in different parts of the State, and at a meeting of the Board, December 28, 1838, it was formally voted " to locate a normal school for the qualification of STATE N011MAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. vii female teachers in the town of Lexington, and one at Barre for teachers of both sexes." The citizens of Lexington procured a lease of a good academic building and boarding-house for the term of three years, and placed it at the disposal of the Board ; they also raised by contribution the sum of $1,000, to be expended in library, apparatus, etc., for the benefit of the school. A circular of information was then issued, and appeared in the " Common School Journal" of March, 1839, edited by Mr. Mann, giving notice of the proposed establishment of the school at Lex- ington, and stating the requisites for admission. This was signed by Jared Sparks, Robert Rantoul, Jr., George Putnam and Horace Mann, visitors of the Normal School at Lexington, Boston, Feb- ruary 27, 1839. The next June Rev. Cyrus Peirce of Nantucket was engaged to teach the school, saying, as he accepted the appointment, " I would rather die than fail ; " and the 3d of July was appointed for the school to commence. Of Mr. Peirce's qualifications the following extract from the memoir of Horace Mann will testify: u Mr. Peirce proved to have qualifications for his vocation even beyond his (Mr. Mann's) expectations. He not only knew how to teach with precision, but he evoked from his pupils such a force of con- science as insured thorough study and assimilation of whatever was taught. When Mr. Mann first visited this school at Nantucket he was charmed by the evidence of power that the whole manage- ment and all the recitations of the school evinced ; and when he spoke of it afterwards to gentlemen of the place, one of the most respectable citizens said to him that he had lived forty years on the south shore, and could always tell Mr. Peirce's scholars, when- ever he met them in the walks of life, by their mode of transacting business, and by all their mental habits, which were conscientious, exact, reliable. . . . From that time Mr. Mann had his eye on him ; and he always felt that to Mr. Peirce was chiefly owing the very rapid and unquestionable value, in all eyes, of this new move- ment." The opening day of the first American normal school came, and with it a very heavy rain. Assembled in the reception room of the normal building were the august visitors of the school, with the newly elected principal, and before them sat three timid girls, — only three, — to be examined and enrolled as the first pupils of viii STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. the first State Normal School in America. Undaunted either by the paucity of number thus presented or by the indifference of the public generally which this meager response indicated, and unawed by the mutterings of the coming storm which even then had been raised in certain quarters against the Board of Education, and which threatened this school as one of their projects, Mr. Peirce commenced his work ; and so vigorously and so well did he per- form it, that when at the next session of the Legislature the enemies of the movement succeeded so far as to influence the com- mittee on education to bring in a majority report in favor of abolishing the Board of Education and normal schools, a minority of the committee and other friends presented such evidence of the good done by the Board and the Lexington Normal School that their triumph was complete, and the Legislature, by a vote of 245 to 182, sustained its former action. Hon. Henry Barnard of Connecticut once said of Mr. Peirce, and many eminent educators have since echoed the sentiment : " Had it not been for Mr. Cyrus Peirce, I consider the cause of normal schools would have failed, or have been postponed for an indefinite period. " On October 9, 1839, Mr. Peirce wrote in his diary: " The proposition for a model school meets with a flattering reception by the inhabitants, and there is encouraging prospect that the school will go into operation at the commencement of next term. Five children are to be taken from each district. If the more remote districts do not avail themselves of the overture, then a greater number is to be taken from the centre school dis- trict." On October 23 he writes : " The model school contains thirtv- three pupils, ages from six to ten ; twenty-one boys and twelve girls. They have been arranged in three classes. . . . They are in the very undesirable condition of being familiar with the books, without knowing anything they contain. . . . The normal pupils will visit daily, and some of them will take the principal part of its instruction and discipline. I feel that it has added greatly to my labors and cares, but I feel also that it is a very important addition to the establishment, and one on which its success greatly depends." The model school thus established continued to be an integral part of the normal school through its Lexington and West Newton STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINQIIAM. i x days, but, owing to some friction with the town, was discontinued after the removal to Framingham. Mary Swift and Mary Stoddard were, according to the records, the first pupils of the normal school who went out to teach. They did well. The success of the early graduates of the school was most marked. They had stronger incentives for work than the pupils at any subsequent time, and they did not dare to fail. They felt that the success of the whole normal enterprise rested for the time being upon their shoulders, and they must bear it, though they were crushed beneath it. Thus Mr. Peirce worked for three years in Lexington, perform- ing an almost incredible amount of labor, which heavily taxed even his strong powers of endurance. Let it be remembered that there was no appropriation for assistance of any kind, and Mr. Peirce took it upon himself to supervise or actually perform the most menial services for the school. He seldom allowed himself more than four hours' sleep out of each twenty-four. He slighted nothing. He attended to the fires, he rang the school bell, he heard almost every recitation in the normal room, and visited the model room at the recesses, often actually teaching while there. With the freely given assistance of his ever-faithful wife, he examined the written exercises, the compositions, the school journals, answered the demands of his large and growing corre- spondence, and arraaged all his plans and all the details of his every day's school duties, with a persistency and conscientious- ness unsurpassed if ever equalled elsewhere. But the physical and mental strain was too great, and in 1842, at the end of three years, Mr. Peirce was obliged to resign. The Legislature having appropriated to normal schools $6,000 a year for the next three years, Rev. Samuel J. May of South Scituate was appointed to fill the place made vacant by the resig- nation of Mr. Peirce. He accepted the appointment on condition that he should have as an assistant Miss Caroline Tilden, a grad- uate of the Bridgewater Normal School, and a very brilliant and successful teacher, deducting from his own salary the sum required for hers. Under his management for the next two years the school increased in numbers from thirty-one to sixty-six, making it neces- sary to secure additional assistance. x STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Mr. May was better known as a philanthropist than as a prac- tical educator, but he brought to the school such a breadth of Christian love, such a noble zeal for all that was good and true, that bis presence seemed to his assistants and pupils a perpetual benediction. " His success in the school was complete, giving entire satisfaction to all but himself." The following extract from a letter to Mr. Mann, dated October 20, 1844, gives the key-note of his teaching. After speaking of attending a certain teachers' convention, he writes: "I ventured to address the meeting upon the management of schools, . . . and then I urged at some length that teachers should go into their schools in the spirit of Christ, meaning to seek and to save them that are lost ; being especially mindful of the neglected, ill-looking, ill-dressed, ill-tempered ; not wishing them away, but rejoicing to have an opportunity to do for them in school what is not done for them at home. Let this class of children be at once made to feel that they are really cared for; that they are not shunned, but sought after; not despised, but valued ; not doubted, but trusted ; not despaired of, but hoped for ; let them be treated thus, and a prolific source of trouble in schools would be dried up. Love the unlovely, and they will put their unloveliness away." In July, 1844, after having taught two years, Mr. May resigned to give place to Mr. Peirce, whose health was sufficiently restored to enable him to resume the duties of the office. The school had now outgrown its quarters, and it was neces- sary to seek for better accommodations. The Fuller Academy building in West Newton could be bought for $1,500, but where could the $1,500 be found? Nothing daunted, Mr. Mann went into the office of his friend, Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., and in his emphatic manner said : u Quincy, if you know any man who wants the highest seat in the kingdom of heaven, it is to be had for $1,500." An explanation followed, and Mr. Quincy gave Mr. Mann the money, directing him to take the deed in his own name, and, if the building was ever sold, to apply the proceeds to any purpose that he thought would best promote the interests of popular education. It has been said that Mr. Mann sold his law library and gave the proceeds to fit up the building. This is a mistake. Long before this Mr. Mann had sold his library to fit up the normal boarding-house in Lexington, and at this time, to meet bills that STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. x i could not otherwise be paid, other sacrifices were made, and the sum of $1,300 contributed jointly by Mr. Mann and Mr. Peirce. It should here be stated that the citizens of West Newton contrib- uted $600 also towards fitting up the building. In April, 1849, Mr. Peirce was again compelled, by failing health incident upon his overwork and constant care, to resign the charge of the school to whose welfare he had devoted every power of his body and mind for eight years. At the festival given in his honor by the pupils of the school and the citizens of West Newton, in July, the highest educators in the State were present, and tes- tified in unmeasured terms to his fidelity and great success. A purse of about $500 was then tendered him by his many friends, towards defraying his expenses as delegate to the Peace Congress in Paris, which convened in August; and all felt, in parting with him, that to him, if to any, belonged the eulogium, " Well done, good and faithful servant ! " During the three months that intervened between the resigna- tion of Mr. Peirce and the accession of his successor, Miss Lincoln, the first assistant of the school, performed the duties of principal, Miss Watson and Miss Shaw being assistants. In September, 1849, Rev. Eben S. Stearns of Bedford took charge of the school. Mr. Stearns was a much younger man than either of his predecessors, but a person of large experience in teaching, having previously had charge of the Ipswich High School, the Free Street Female Seminary in Portland, and for the five previous years the Female High School in Newburyport, where he had ably conducted a teachers' class, and thus gained experience as a teacher of teachers. Mr. Stearns proved himself a fit suc- cessor of Mr. Peirce and Mr. May. He had a nature of unusual gentleness, and a winsome humor that made him a delightful com- panion. As a teacher he inspired confidence in his pupils to do their best, while his recognition of any ladylike refinement in them was an inspiration to be true to his expectations. It seemed im- possible to be rude or heedless under his observant eye. He impressed his pupils with the dignity of the teacher's work, and his influence upon them was lasting. During his administration the school increased in popularity till it became overcrowded, so that it became expedient to adopt more rigid examinations and to extend the requisite time for attendance. xii STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. A three-years course was then adopted. Thus the number in school was kept within a convenient limit, and the quality was improved. Printed diplomas were first given to the class of 1850. It soon became evident that some further measures must be taken to accommodate the school, and on May 18, 1852, an appro- priation of $6,000 was made by the Legislature to defray the expense of providing a more commodious site and building for the school, with the necessary appurtenances and apparatus. After some delay the Board accepted the proposition made by Framing- ham, and decided to locate the new school building at Framingham Centre. The town appropriated $2,500 toward the building, the president of the Boston & Albany Railroad gave $2,000 more, and inhabitants gave the land, five and three-fourths acres. The site chosen was beautiful for situation, on rising ground, affording ex- tensive views and giving opportunity for pure air and cool summer breezes ; but it was somewhat isolated from the populous towns, and two miles from the Boston & Albany Railroad, which had before made access so easy. This isolation had a marked effect upon the attendance of the school, especially after the establish- ment of another normal school near it and in a more convenient and populous centre. In September, 1855, Mr. Stearns resigned, to take charge of the Female Academy at Albany, and was succeeded by Mr. G-eorge N. Bigelow. Mr. Bigelow had been principal of the high school in Clinton, and had spent the two previous years in Europe for peda- gogical study. A former pupil writes : " His faithfulness in detail, his versatility of talent and acquirements, with his perfect courtesy and kindly interest, can never be forgotten ; " and another writes : " His desire to help young teachers and all who needed assistance and encouragement was characteristic of him through life, and he spared neither time nor personal effort in his unselfish desire to benefit them. His ideas of teaching were advanced and progres- sive. " No event of great moment to the school occurred during his administration. It continued in its even course of useful service, and sent out many well fitted for their work. After the summer term of 1865 Mr. Bigelow was absent from the school for a few months, on account of illness. He resigned in September, 1866, and was succeeded by his first assistant, Miss Annie E. Johnson. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. x iii The new principal, Miss Johnson, had been Mr. Bigelow's assist- ant since 186 1, and had shown herself fully competent to succeed him, having admirably directed the school during his absence the previous year. Miss Johnson was born in a little town in Maine, where, under the guidance of her father, a Presbyterian clergy- man, was laid the foundation of her intellectual and spiritual growth. The family subsequently removed to Brunswick, and there she was favored by the college atmosphere, as well as by the direct instruction of more than one college professor. Pre- vious to her appointment as assistant of this school she had taught in several private day and boarding schools, and in the public schools in Brunswick, of every grade, from the primary to the high, and as principal of the high school. In their next annual report after her appointment, the visitors say : " In one thing the visitors of the Framingham school take special satisfaction in offer- ing this their report of its condition the last year ; and that is, in the entire success of its management by a female principal and female assistants. " Miss Johnson served as principal from 1866 to 1875, when she left to take charge of the Bradford Academy. Among the changes that marked Miss Johnson's administration were the enlargement of the school building, the establishment of the bokrding-house, and the re-establishment of the practice school, which had been discontinued since the removal to Fram- ingham. At the beginning of her administration Miss Johnson secured a class of children to attend the normal school for instruc- tion ; then she started a little school intone small room, which grew to twenty pupils. When Miss Hyde took charge of the school, in 1875, she made the practice school a special requisite of normal training, and it has since then grown year by year in size, in excellence and in public favor. In 1875 it was the only practice school in Massa- chusetts, and it had to stand against the criticism and ridicule of the other normal schools ; now every normal school in the State has its practice school, and recognizes it as an essential factor in normal training. Crocker Hall was built in 1886 as an additional home for the students, but was partially destroyed by fire on Christmas, 1887. Early in the next year the Legislature appropriated $105,000 for repairs on the hall, and the erection of a new school building, xiv STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. which was named May Hall, in honor of Miss Abby W. May, the revered and beloved chairman of the Board of Visitors, who had died during its construction. The most noteworthy event of Miss Hyde's administration was the celebration of the semi-centennial anniversary, on July 2, 1889. Over five hundred of the alumnae were present, among them several members of the honored first class. After business meetings and class reunions in the then new May Hall, they marched in procession to the Congregational church, where a luncheon was served, and the formal exercises of the day were held. These consisted of an address of welcome, and response ; an oration by Hon. W. T. Harris, U. S. Commissioner of Education ; and an historical sketch by Mrs. George A. Walton, from which this sketch is condensed, with many omissions and very few altera- tions and additions. An evening reception in Crocker Hall con- cluded the exercises. The semi-centennial weather was charming, and the celebration was one to be long and pleasantly remembered by those who had the happiness of joining in it. In 1898, Miss Hyde, finding it impossible to carry on the school under then-existing conditions, resigned her position, and was succeeded by Mr. Henry Whittemore. In the same year the heirs of Mrs. Augustus Hemenway, wishing to give up the Hemenway School of Household Arts, offered it on very liberal terms to the State. The Board of Education accepted the offer, and that insti- tution was incorporated with the Framingham school, of which it has since been a valuable and valued part. In these later days of prosperity and popularity it is good to look back to the earlier days of the school ; it is wholesome for us to see on how small an amount of money the strong foundations were laid, but with what wealth of lofty ideals, hard work and de- voted self-sacrifice. In the pages which follow are catalogued the names of many of whom the world was not worthy, and who, being dead, yet speak. They say to us, — their successors, "keep abreast with all true progress of the present, but do not forget the noble traditions of the past. So may the old school come to her centennial day — her millennial, if may be — with her spiritual eye undimmed and her moral strength unabated, crowned with the honors of age, but keeping still the vigor of an immortal youth." TEACHERS. PRINCIPALS* Rev. CYRUS PEIRCE, A.M.* Appointed, July, 1839; resigned, July, 1842; reappointed, September, 1844; re- signed, April, 1849. Died, April 5, 1860. The first principal of the first State Normal School in America. Rev. SAMUEL J. MAY, A.M.* Appointed, August, 1842; resigned, August, 1844. Died, July 1, 1871. Rev. EBEN S. STEARNS, A.M.* Appointed, May, 1849; resigned, September, 1855. Died, April 11, 1887. GEORGE N. BIGELOW, A.M.* Appointed, September, 1855 ; resigned, July, 1866. Died, August 28, 1887. ANNIE E. JOHNSON * Appointed, July, 1866 ; resigned, August, 1875. Died, January 8, 1894. ELLEN HYDE. Appointed, September, 1875 ; resigned, September, 1898. HENRY WHITTEMORE. Appointed, September, 1898. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. ASSISTANT TEACHERS, CAROLINE TILDEN.* Appointed, September, 1842; resigned, April, 1847. Died, May 25, 1848. EMILY JOHNSON.* Appointed, October, 1842; resigned, April, 1843. See class of May, 1841. ELECTA N. LINCOLN. Appointed, May, 1843; resigned, July, 1850. See class of January, 1843. SARAH WATSON .* Appointed, December, 1846; resigned, July, 1849. See class of September, 1846. MARY LIVERMORE.* Appointed, December, 1846 ; resigned, April, 1847. See class of September, 1842. EMILY L. SHAW. Appointed, April, 1849; resigned, July, 1849. See class of April, 1846. REBECCA M. PENNELL.* Appointed, August, 1849; resigned, March, 1853. See class of December, 1840. LUCRETIA CROCKER .* Appointed, September, 1850; resigned, September, 1854. See class of April, 1850. GEORGIANA WHITTEMORE. Appointed, September, 1850 ; resigned, September, 1852. See class of April, 1850. MARY E. BRIDGE. Appointed, September, 1852; resigned, November, 1853. See class of March, 1852. ABBY C. GARDNER. Appointed, September, 1853 ; resigned, September, 1854. See class of November, 1852. FANNY A. PARSONS. Appointed, April, 1854; resigned, March, 1855. See class of July, 1851. CAROLINE G. GREELY.* Appointed, September, 1854; resigned, September, 1855. See class of March, 1852. ELIZABETH G. HOYT. Appointed, March, 1855; resigned, July, 1860. See class of March, 1854. MARY E. WILSON.* Appointed, April, 1855; resigned, December, 1855. See class of March, 1854. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINQIIAM. 3 FRANCES L. BABCOCK.* Appointed, December, 1855; resigned, July, 1856. See class of March, 1854. ANNA C. BRACKETT. Appointed, October, 1856 ; resigned, July, 1859. See class of February, 1856. FRANCES MERRITT. Appointed, September, 1857 ; resigned, July, 1859. See class of July, 1855. LOIS T. CASWELL. Appointed, March, 1858; resigned, July, 1859. See class of February, 1857. NANCY J. BIGELOW.* Appointed, March, 1859; resigned, July, 1866. Died, August 25, 1878. FRANCES E. WADSWORTH* Appointed, July, 1859; resigned, July, 1861. See class of July, 1857. MARTHA E. YOUNG. Appointed, September, 1860 ; resigned, March, 1863. See class of February, 1859. ANNIE E. JOHNSON.* Appointed, September, 1861 ; appointed principal, July, 1866. See page 1. FRANCES A. RICH.* Appointed, September, 1862; resigned, January, 1867. See class of February, 1861. ELLEN HYDE. Appointed, March, 1863 ; appointed principal, September, 1875. See class of July, 1862, and page 1. ADA B. STURTEVANT .* Appointed, September, 1864; resigned, April, 1866. See class of February, 1863. ELLEN GERTRUDE FRENCH.* Appointed, September, 1865 ; resigned, July, 1866. See class of July, 1863. FANNIE WHITCOMB. Appointed, September, 1865 ; resigned, July, 1866. See class of June, 1864. CHARLOTTE C. STEARNS. Appointed, September, 1866; resigned, July, 1867. See class of February, 1861. ABBIE WORCESTER* Appointed, September, 1866; resigned, February, 1867. Died, January 2, 1880. ELIZABETH HASBROUCK. Appointed, September, 1866 ; resigned, February, 1867. 4 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. IRENE A. POOLE. Appointed, February, 1867 ; resigned, February, 1868. See class of February, 1866. ABBY P. KELLEY. Appointed, February, 1867; resigned, February, 1871. See class of July, 1866. AMELIA DAVIS. Appointed, February, 1867. See class of Juue, 1864. ELLEN A. CHANDLER. Appointed, September, 1867; resigned, February, 1871. See class of February, 1864. EMMA F. MOORE. Appointed, February, 1868 ; resigned, July, 1870. See class of July, 1860. ISABEL C. TENNEY.* Appointed, February, 1868; resigned, July, 1870. See class of February, 1863. JULIA C. CLARKE. Appointed, July, 1870 ; resigned, July, 1876. See class of July, 1869. SABRINA JENNINGS.* Appointed, February, 1871 ; resigned, July, 1876. MARIA S. EATON. Appointed, February, 1871 ; resigned, July, 1877. See class of January, 1867. EMILY M. BULLARD. Appointed, February, 1871 ; resigned, July, 1875. See class of February, 1864. ABBIE G. CALDWELL* Appointed, February, 1873; resigned, July, 1878. See class of January, 1872. MARY C. CONANT.* Appointed, September, 1875; resigned, July, 1878. See class of January, 1872. MARY L. EASTMAN. Appointed, September, 1876; resigned, July, 1877. Mrs. J. K. Mason, Suffield, Conn. MARY J. STUDLEY, M.D.* Appointed, September, 1877; resigned, January, 1880. See class of November, 1852. ISABELLA L. WIGHT. Appointed, September, 1878 ; resigned, July, 1882. See class of July, 1862. MARY G. MONTGOMERY. Appointed, September, 1878; resigned, June, 1880. Mrs. William F. Slocum, Colorado Springs, Col. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINOHAM. 5 SARAH E. PRATT. Appointed, September, 1879; resigned, September, 1899. See class of July, 1874. JEANETTE W. WILLIAMS.* Appointed, February, 1880; resigned, June, 1886; reappointed, September, 1888; resigned, March, 1890. See class of January, 1874. ELLA F. SEARLE. Appointed, September, 1880; resigned, June, 1881. See class of July, 1872. MARGARET MONTGOMERY. Appointed, September, 1881 ; resigned, June, 1886. Mrs. Col. G. H. Goodale, Manila, Philippine Islands. ANNIE M. KITTREDGE. Appointed, September, 1882 ; resigned, June, 1885. West Newton. SUSAN P. BURNHAM. Appointed, September, 1883 ; resigned, June, 1885. See class of June, 1880. MARY L. BRIDGEMAN. Appointed, September, 1885; resigned, June, 1888. Mrs. Herbert W. Boyd, Ashby, Mass. MARY L. P. SHATTUCK. Appointed, September, 1885 ; resigned, June, 1887. See class of January, 1872. ELLA J. GIBBS.* Appointed, September, 1886. Died, January 8, 1890. See class of July, 1868. HARRIET GROTECLOSS. Appointed, September, 1886; resigned, June, 1888. Mrs. Charles D. Marx, Palo Alto, Cal. HENRIETTA L. GRAVES. Appointed, February, 1888; resigned, July, 1889. See class of July, 1884. CELESTE E. BUSH. Appointed, September, 1889; resigned, June, 1893. Niantic, Conn. ELIZABETH S. CLARK. Appointed, February, 1890; resigned, June, 1891. Bangor, Me. SUSAN J. HART. Appointed, April, 1890; resigned, September, 1899. 6101 Boynton Street, Germantown, Pa. M. ELIZABETH HOLBROOK. Appointed, September, 1890. See class of June, 1890. 6 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. MARY E. CORN WELL. Appointed, September, 1891 ; resigned, June, 1892. See class of January, 1887. LILLIAN A. ORDWAY. Appointed, September, 1892. See class of January, 1889. ANNA J. BRADLEY. Appointed, September, 1892 ; resigned, June, 1897. 374 Marlborough Street, Boston. MARY C. MOORE. Appointed, September, 1893. See class of January, 1872. ALMA E. HURD. Appointed, February, 1897 ; resigned, June, 1900. See class of 1895. ANNA M. CLARK. Appointed, September, 1898. LOUISA A. NICHOLASS. Appointed, September, 1898. FREDERICK W. HOWE. Appointed, September, 1898.] SAMUEL C. PRESCOTT. Appointed, September, 1899. MUSIC TEACHERS. JOSEPH BIRD * The first music teacher; date of service not known. Died, September 30, 1878. LOWELL MASON.* Date of service not known. Died, August 11, 1872. GEORGE W. PRATT, A.M.* Appointed, 1852; resigned, November, 1852. BENJAMIN F. BAKER. Appointed, March, 1853 ; resigned, January, 1854. OSGOOD COLLESTER* Appointed, June, 1854; resigned, October, 1854. Died, February 28, 1873. E. R. BLANCHARD. Appointed, March, 1855; resigned, March, 1861. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGIIAM. 0. B. BROWN. Appointed, March, 1861 ; resigned, February, 1868. Maiden. ISABEL C. TENNEY.* Appointed, February, 1868 ; resigned, July, 1870. See class of February, 1863. CHARLOTTE H. OSBORNE. Appointed, September, 1870; resigned, July, 1876. Mrs. Benjamin Redfern, 300 Newbury Street, Boston. F. W. RILEY. Appointed, September, 1876 ; resigned, January, 1884. Marlborough. W. S. TILDEN. Appointed, February, 1884 ; resigned, June, 1897. . Medfield. CARRIE F. SPEAR. Appointed, September, 1897; resigned, June, 1898. Quincy. FRED W. ARCHIBALD. Appointed, September, 1898. READING TEACHERS, MARY A. THOMPSON. Appointed, October, 1876 ; resigned, May, 1877. JANE E. IRESON. Appointed, September, 1877. DRAWING TEACHERS. CHRISTINE CHAPLIN.* Appointed, September, 1866; resigned, July, 1871. Mrs. Alfred H. Brush, New Utrecht, N. Y. Died, February 3, 1892. EMILY P. HASTINGS.* Appointed, September, 1871. Died, October 21, 1872. EMMA F. LOCKE. Appointed, February, 1873; resigned, February, 1883. Mrs. Frank R. Rice, 3660 Lindell Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. M. LOUISE FIELD. Appointed, February, 1883 ; resigned, January, 1889. Normal Art School, Boston. ELIZABETH CREVELING. Appointed, February, 1889; resigned, June, 1891. 8 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. HENRIETTA L. GRAVES. Appointed, September, 1893 ; resigned, June, 1896. HARRIET L. LACEY. Appointed, September, 1896 ; resigned, September, 1899. CHARLES F. WHITNEY. Appointed, September, 1898. FRENCH TEACHERS. Mde. DESTRE. Appointed, January, 1872. Mlle. de MALTCHYCfi. Date of service not known. F. C. LEQUIN. Date of service not known. MARIE C. LADREYT.* Appointed, October, 1876; resigned, July, 1883. STANISLAUS DANION. Appointed, September, 1888; resigned, June, 1S89. RUTH COURVOISIER. Appointed, September, 1889; resigned, June, 1891. MARY H. STEVENS. Appointed, September, 1891. See class of January, 1878, GREEK TEACHER. Rev. LUCIUS R. EASTMAN. Appointed, September, 1872; resigned, July, 1878. Framingham. PRACTICE SCHOOL TEACHERS. GEORGE A. WALTON. Appointed, March, 1847 ; resigned, March, 1848. 68 Chestnut Street, West Newton. NATHANIEL T. ALLEN. Appointed, April, 1848 ; resigned, November, 1853. 35 Webster Street, West Newton. REBECCA C. LEWIS. Appointed, December, 1850 ; resigned, March, 1852. See class of November, 1850. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMING1IAM. 9 ELLEN F. SPRAGUE. Appointed, March, 1852; resigned, June, 1853. See class of July, 1851. MARY L. HALL * Appointed, June, 1853 ; resigned, November, 1853. See class of November, 1852. MARY E. WILSON.* Appointed, November, 1854 ; resigned, March, 1855, See class of March, 1854. LUCY A. SAUNDERSON. Appointed, November, 1854 ; resigned, March, 1855. AGNES R. DAME.* Appointed, January, 1870 ; resigned, July, 1870. See class of January, 1870. M. ISABELLA STONE. Appointed, September, 1870 ; resigned, July, 1871. See class of July, 1870. M. ARABELLA SAWYER * Appointed, September, 1871 ; resigned, January, 1873. See class of January, 1867. ADA A. S. PARKER* Appointed, February, 1873 ; resigned, July, 1877. See class of January, 1872. ELLEN A. WILLIAMS. Appointed, September, 1877 ; resigned, June, 1892. See class of February, 1864. AUGUSTA BARBER. Appointed, September, 1877; resigned, September, 1898. See class of January, 1874. LUCY S. DOLLIVER. Appointed, October, 1878; resigned, April, 1879. See class of July, 1874. M. ELIZA BROWN. Appointed, April, 1879; resigned, June, 1880. See class of January, 1874. ALICE L. DELANO. Appointed, September, 1880 ; resigned, July, 1882. See class of June, 1879. DELIA F. BRIGHAM. Appointed, September, 1882; resigned, April, 1884. See class of June, 1879. MARY E. BEACH. Appointed, April, 1884 ; resigned, July, 1884. See class of June, 1880. NELLIE V. JONES. Appointed, September, 1884; resigned, June, 1887. See class of June, 1882. 10 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. MAY F. BENNETT. Appointed, September, 1887; resigned, June, 1890. See class of January, 1882. JANE B. BADET. Appointed, February, 1888; resigned, June, 1890. See class of July, 1885. MARY E. TRASK. Appointed, September, 1888; resigned, June, 1896. See class of June, 1881. J. ANGELINA SMITH. Appointed, September, 1890; resigned, December, 1899. See class of June, 1888. CELIA P. BATTLES. Appointed, September, 1890; resigned, April, 1891. See class of January, 1888. NELLIE A. DALE. Appointed, April, 1891. See class of January, 1883. ADELIA M. PARKER. Appointed, September, 1892; resigned, June, 1896. See class of January, 1886. SUSAN M. EMERSON. Appointed, September, 1896. See class of June, 1879. ELIZABETH MALLOY. Appointed, September, 1896. See class of June, 1882. HELEN M. BLAKE. Appointed, September, 1897; resigned, June, 1898. See class of July, 1875. ALICE V. WINSLOW. Appointed, September, 1898. PHCEBE M. BEARD. Appointed, September, 1899. ANNA F. CLAFLIN. Appointed, September, 1899. See class of 1895. ANTOINETTE ROOF. Appointed, January, 1900. See class of June, 1886. CO 00 O «? I 1 ^%"K STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMING HAM. 11 NAMES OF GRADUATES. [The first class includes all who were honorably graduated previously to May, 1841. They were taught together, and have always been considered one class; but, as their time of connection with the school was not uniform, their individual dates of entrance and leaving are given.] Damon, Hannah M. (class secretary), West Cambridge. Examined, July 3, 1839; entered, July 9, 1839; left, April 14, 1840. Miss Hannah M. Damon, Arlington. Hawkins, Sarah,* Charlestown. Examined, July 3, 1839; entered, July 8, 1839; left, April 14, 1840. Mrs. Gorham Jewett, Lexington. Smith, Maria L., Lincoln. Examined, July 3, 1839 ; entered, July 8, 1839 ; left to teach, April 14, 1840 ; re-entered, November 30, 1840; left, April 20, 1841. Mrs. Leonard Thompson, 60 Warren Avenue, Woburn. Rolph, Louisa,* Newton. Entered, July 9, 1839; left, October 1, 1839. Died, 1843. Stow, Lydia A., Dedham. Entered, July 8, 1839; left, March 24, 1841. Mrs. Robert Adams, 660 Rock Street, Fall River. Stodder, Mary H.,* Boston. Entered, July 9, 1839; left, April 14, 1840; re-entered, September 21, 1840; left, April 20, 1841. Mrs. David Loring, Boston. Died, September 12, 1859. Swift, Mary, Nantucket. Entered, July 10, 1839 ; left, April 4, 1840. Mrs. Edwin Lamson, 3 Clinton Street, Cambridge. Locke, Almira L.,* Epsom, N. H. Entered, July 17, 1839; left, July 29, 1840. Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Tyngsborough. Died, December 2, 1897. O'Connor, Margaret Cambridge. Entered, July 23, 1839; left, August 11, 1840. Haskell, Mary R., Ashby. Entered, July 25, 1839; left, February 6, 1840. Mrs. William G. Hall, Keene, N. H. Parks, Amanda M ,* Lincoln. Entered, August 29, 1839; left, February 5, 1840. Mrs. Nathan Simonds. 12 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. Locke, Sarah E.,* . . . . . . . . . . Lexington. Entered, September 2, 1839 ; left, April 20, 1841. Mrs. Jeduthan Richardson, Wilmington. Died, January 6, 1886. Davis, Mary A. E. * Lexington. Entered, October 17, 1839 ; left, August 17, 1841 ; re-entered, November 29, 1841 ; left, April 19, 1842. Mrs. John Davis, Lexington. Died, March 3, 1890. Sparrell, Sarah E.,* Medford. Entered, October 17, 1839; left, December 22, 1840. Mrs. Lorenzo Clisby, Macomb, 111. Died, September 1, 1873. Pennell, Eliza R.,* . Wrentham. Entered, October 17, 1839; left, Dec. 22, 1840. Mrs. Gardner Blake, New York. Died, October 5, 1857. Pennell, Rebecca M.,* Wrentham. Entered, October 17, 1839 ; left, December 22, 1840. Mrs. Austin S. Dean, New York. Died, March 5, 1890. Harris, Louisa E., Roxbury. Entered, October 17, 1839 ; left, December 22, 1840. Walnut Hill, Dedham. Wyman, Sarah W., Roxbury. Entered, October 17, 1839 ; left, December 22, 1840. Mrs. James F. Drummond, 436 West 22d Street, New York. Ireson, Adeline M., Cambridge. Entered, October 21, 1839; left, April 20, 1841 ; re-entered, October 11, 1841 ; left, April 19, 1842. 29 Everett Street, Cambridge. Woodman, Susanna C. * Boston. Entered, October 24, 1839; left, August 11, 1840. Mrs. Isaac L. Usher, La Crosse, Wis. Died, January 7, 1880. Burdick, Susan E.,* Nantucket. Entered, November 26, 1839 ; left, December 22, 1840. Mrs. Channing, Jamaica Plain. Died, January 8, 1894. Drew, Lydia H.,* Boston. Entered, November 26, 1839; left, April 14, 1840. Mrs. Cyrus Morton, Halifax. Died, May 15, 1887. Rogers, Eliza A. * Billerica. Entered, January 7, 1840; left to teach, April 14, 1840; re-entered, Novem- ber 30, 1840; left, August 17, 1841. Died, June 25, 1876. Rogers, Hannah P. * . . Billerica. Entered, January 7, 1840; left, March 17, 1841. Mrs. S. Stillman Blodgett, South Amesbury. Died, July 28, 1880. Kimball, Abby M.,* Dracut. Entered, January 16, 1840 ; left, December 22, 1840. Mrs. John L. Chandler, St. Louis, Mo. Died, May 19, 1880. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINOIIAM. 13 May, 1841. Fiske, Mary E. * . . . Lexington. Mrs. Nehemiah M. Fessenden, Arlington. Died, May 15, 1890. Harrington, Clarissa,* Lexington. Mrs. Samuel B. Rindge, Cambridgeport. Johnson, Emily,* Lexington. Mrs. Cogswell, Lexington. Died, July 22, 1897. Johnson, Susan S.,* Lexington. Mrs. D. A. Tuttle, Lexington. Died, August 22, 1894. Newell, -Almira,* Pawtucket. Smith, Julia A., . ... Lexington. Mrs. George Arnold, 1611 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge. Spiller, Louisa A.,* . . Salem. Viles, Martha A., . . . Lexington. Mrs. John D. Tidd, 7 Plympton Street, Woburn. August, 1841. Bowthorpe, Isabella,* Charlestown. Mrs. Elias T. Bowthorpe, Roslindale. Died, October 22, 1888. Clarke, Louise B.,* . . . . South Boston. . Mrs. Stephen Jenny, New York. Died, April 11, 1899. Fessenden, Jane,* . Lexington. Mrs. Charles Davis, Woburn. Souther, Catherine C, Quincy. Mrs. Appleton, 28 Blake Street, Westborough. January, 1842. Burton, Elizabeth L, Wilton, N. H. Mrs. Charles Robinson, Medford. Burton, Maria ,* Wilton, N. H. Canedy, Betsey L.,* Fail River. Died at Steep Brook, December, 1898. Coffin, Amelia L.,* Nantucket. Cotton, Sally M.,* Boylston. Mrs. Charles Robinson, Medford. Dudley, Martha Ann,* . Roxbury. Jamaica Plain. Everett, Anna S., . . . South Boston. 18 Lambert Avenue, Roxbury. 14 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Homer, Margaret G., Boston. Mrs. Joseph Lovejoy. James, Harriet M., . . West Bridgewater. Mrs. Fuller, San Francisco, Cal. Myrick, Eliza M. * Nantucket. Nelson, Catherine R.,* . . . . Lexington. Mrs. John Viles, Lexington. Pond, Julia A.,* . Dedham. Died, 1868. Taber, Sarah W., Roxbury. 64 Bartlett Street, Boston Highlands. May, 1842. Battelle, Elizabeth M.,* . Fall River. Mrs. Henry Wood, Taunton. Brayton, Mary,* Fall River. Mrs. J. S. Young, Fall River. Died, March 22, 1891. Flint, Caroline B. * Lincoln. Mrs. Nathan Mosman, Auburndale. Johnson, Harriet N.,* Lincoln. Mrs. Thomas, Boston. Lord, Sarah A., Northfield. Mrs. Prentiss T. Allen, Northborough. Parmenter, Esther, . Waltham. Mrs. William E. Allen, Waltham. Russell, Mary A., Cambridge. Mrs. Dr. Basto, 50 Townsend Street, Roxbury. Saville, Charlotte W. * Fall River. Stebbins, Emily,* Wilbraham. Mrs. Langdon. Tufts, Emeline A.,* . Attleborough. Yiles, Rebecca D.,* Lexington. Lexington. Died, April 15, 1893. Wight, Sarah,* Wayland. Mrs. Edward P. Bond, West Newton. August, 1842. Clapp, Clara L.,* Boston. Mrs. William G. Babcock, Dorchester. Died, May 4, 1897. Howe, Mary B.,* . . . Beverly. Beverly. Died, February 13, 1889. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, Fit A MI KG HAM. 15 Livermore, Mary,* Milford, N. II . Newhall, Mary B.,* Lynn. Paige, Maria E.,* New Salem. Mrs. Randall Mitchell, North Prescott. Died, March 15, 1897. Potter, Cynthia B.,* Pawtucket. Mrs. H. N. Bliss, Providence, 111. Warren, Francis A.,* Bangor, Me. Worsley, Mary E.,* Beverly. Died, April. 5, 1893. January, 1843. Bacon, Maria E.,* Salem. Blake, Mary A.,* West Cambridge. Mrs. Hart, Boston. Bulfinch, Mary 0.,* Nahant. Boston. Died, May 18, 1892. Bull, Harriette, South Boston. Downes, Elizabeth C, Boston. Ellms, Mary H.,* South Boston. Hagar, Lucia,* Lincoln. Mrs. Henry Farnum, Boston. Lincoln, Electa N., Roxbury, Mrs. George A. Walton, 68 Chestnut Street, West Newton. Paddock, Mary C.,* East Dennis. East Dennis. Died, 1889. Palmer, Emma C.,* Woodstock, Conn. Mrs. J. A. Thurber, Syracuse, N. Y. Pearce, Nancy,* Gloucester. Mrs. Oliver Lane, Annisquam. Whittier, Mary P.,* West Amesbury. Mrs. William H. Haskell, Merrimac. Died, 1897. Williams, Abby O., Salem. 364 Lafayette Street, Salem. May, 1843. Coolidge, H. Elizabeth* Boston. Died, January 24, 1858. Copeland, Sarah W. P.,* . Boston. Boston. Died, November 29, 1898. Fiske, Elizabeth S., . Wrentham. 121 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. 16 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMWGHAM. Goodrich, Caroline E.,* Charlestown. Mrs. W. W. Stevens, San Francisco, Cal. Judkins, Henrietta M., Boston. Mrs. Jonah Goodnow. Miles, Mary E.,* .... * Boston. Moore, Ann J. H., Boston. Morris, Caroline A., Boston. Thompson, Eliza W.,* . . West Cambridge. Mrs. John Locke, Arlington. ^ August, 1843. Blaney, Frances C, Boston. Curtis, Louisa, Roxbury. Mrs. David Y. Kendall, East Boston. Damon, Delia A., West Cambridge. Mrs. John Burnham, Orange, Cal. Flint, Susan, Lincoln. Mrs. John H. Shedd, Lincoln. Hopper, Mary,* . - . New York. Mrs. Hopkins, Glencore, L. I. Howes, Susanna,* Dennis. Mrs. Thomas Baker, Harwich. Ives, Mary B., Salem. Mrs. Richards, Salem. Jenkins, Maria, Boston. Dorchester. Lincoln, Mary M., Boston. Mrs. Lewis H. Loomis, Lyndonville, N. Y. Whitney, Anne M.,* . . Attleborough. Mrs. A. M. Curtis, Rock Island, 111. Whitney, Harriette,* Attleborough. Mrs. Otis Stanley, Attleborough Falls. Wilbur, Elizabeth, Boston. January, 1844. Mann, Elizabeth G.,* Wrentham. Parker, Mary A.,* , Billerica, Mrs. John A. Knowles, Westford. Died, November 21, 1890. Richardson, Rebecca S., . Lynnfield. Lynnfield Centre. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAM1NGIIAM. 17 Rogers, Rebecca,* Billerica. Mrs. Reynolds Rogers, Warner, N. H. Vinton, Charlotte S., Providence, R. I. Mrs. C. S. Reynolds, 60 Evergreen Street, Providence, R. I. May, 1844. Ball, M. Augusta,* Concord. Mrs. William F. Hurd, Concord. Died, November 21, 1895. Blake, Eleanor W.,* Charlestown. Mrs. Ordway, Boston. Boody, Martha F.,* Salem. Saccarappa, Me. Brown, Louisa M. (class secretary), . Weston. Mrs. Samuel F. Clark, Waverley. Burchsted, Mary,* Boston. Mrs. Samuel L. Montague, 26 Fayette Street, Cambridge. Died, April 3, 1900. Cutter, Amanda T., West Cambridge. Mrs. Stephen Kimball, 4 Ireson Street, Lynn. Davis, Joanna W., * . South Boston. Mrs. Paine, 2 Holden Row, Charlestown. Downing, Lucy A.,* ; Lexington. Cambridge. Field, Mary P.,* Weston. Mrs. William Brintnall, New York. Fiske, Levina, Lexington. Mulliken, Lydia W., Lexington. Mrs. Horton, Canton. Norcross, Eleanor M., Lincoln. Mrs. Warren Marsh, 345 Moody Street, Waltham. Page, Susan,* West Newton. Parker, Abby M.,* Boston. Parker, Emeline A., Brookline. Pierce, Augusta M.,* Charlestown. Concord. Died, August 9, 1899. Richards, Mary F.,* . Attleborough. Rogers, Sarah B.,* Billerica. Mrs. A. Mason. Sargent, Louisa A., . . Boston. Mrs. Charles Goodhue. 18 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. Stanley, Abba A., Norton. Mrs. Calvin W. Lane, Foxborough. Stevens, Maria M.,* Warwick. Warwick. August, 1844. Aborn, Elizabeth J.,* . . South Reading. Mrs. Daniel G. Walton, Wakefield. Died, June, 1893. Fiske, Lucretia Lexington. Mrs. William Hudson, The Osborne, 205 West 57th Street, New York. Fletcher, Hannah R.,* Chelmsford. Mrs. W. F. Bowers, Springfield. Died, July 12, 1897. Hall, Helen E., . Boston. Mrs John Lewis, 14 Schuyler Street, Roxbury. Harris, Mary R.,* Boston. Mrs. Warren, Los Angeles, Cal. Lane, Jane L., Cambridgeport. Cambridge. Manning, Hannah M.,* South Boston. Mrs. H. M. White, Allston. Died, April 8, 1897. Matchett, Catherine A., Brighton. Mrs. Artemas Carter, 2435 Glenarm Street, Denver, Col. Rich, Abigail S.,* Dorchester. Sherman, Frances C.,* Boston. Mrs. Hartley. Died, May 6, 1853. Spaulding, Hannah E. * Chelmsford. Stearns, Mary E., Dracut. Mrs. W. H. Hall, 426 Yarnum Street, Lowell. Temple, Fidelia, Marlborough, Warren, Eliza A., Chelmsford. Mrs. William Fletcher, 565 Durfee Street, Fall River. January, 1845. Adams, Eleanor S. * Lexington. Mrs. John Beals, East Lexington. Allen, Lucy C, Northborough. Mrs. Albert E. Powers, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Burnham, Caroline M., South Boston. Clapp, Helen, South Scituate. Mrs. John E. Moore, 105 Lynch Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Creamer, Hannah G.,* Salem. Reading. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMING HAM. 19 Everett, Eliza M.,* Wrentham. Price Hill, Cincinnati, 0. Johnson, Sarah A.,* West Cambridge. Mrs. H. L. Dunklee, Boston. Oakes, Catherine V. H.,* East Cambridge. Mrs. Devins, East Cambridge. Simonds, Susan C.,* Lexington. Mrs. Benjamin W. Putnam, Jamaica Plain. Died, January 29, 1895. Skilton, Caira,* Lexington. Mrs. G. R. Starkey, Philadelphia, Pa. May, 1845. Adams, Frances B., Boston. Appleton, Anna E., . . . Boston. 85 Woburn Street, Reading. Baldwin, Martha K.,* Way land. Battelle, Sarah J.,* . . Dover. Mrs. Mann. Blish, Hannah,* Boston. Brett, Mary H East Stoughton* Avon. Brown, Abigail H.,* Lincoln. Chase, Hannah E., South Scituate. Choate, Sarah M., Woburn. Mrs. William D. Stratton, Newton Highlands. Clapp, Lucretia,* South Scituate. Mrs. E. B. Whitman, Cambridge. Died, 1896. Cotton, Susan D.,* Boston. Cushing, Harriet B.,* Hingham. Winterport, Me. Fowle, Araminta A.,* West Cambridge. Mrs. James E. Waldo, Arlington. Fowle, Ellen C.,* Boston. Glover, Elizabeth, Dorchester. Gorham, Lydia H. Cambridge. Mrs. Charles C. Snow, Providence, R. I. Hastings, Almira J.,* Boston. Care of Joseph Breck & Sons, Boston. Ireson, H. Isabel, Lynn. 281 Ocean Street, Lynn. 20 STATE N0B3IAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Janes, Elvira * Medfield. Mrs. John Balch, New York. Died, 1894. Johnson, Zelinda,* Woburn. Mulliken, Elizabeth, Lexington. Mrs. Hollis Gerry, Royalston. Robbins, Lovina M.,* Lexington. Russell, Susanna C, Somerville. Mrs. Albert G. Cook, 1349 Broadway, Somerville. Sewall, Elizabeth S., Medfield. Medfield. Smith, S. Caroline, Lincoln. Mrs. S. H. Pierce, Lincoln. Stimpson, Ellen M.,* Boston. Stowe, Frances E Northborough. Mrs. T. R. Reynolds, 126 Capp Street, San Francisco, Cal. Tyler, Frances A.,* Boston. Mrs. John F. Nightingale, Boston. Died, August 24, 1894. Whittemore, Caroline S., West Cambridge. Mrs. David Kimball, 42 Hancock Street, Boston. Wight, Mary J., Dorchester. August, 1845. Brown, Elizabeth (class secretary), . . . . . . . Waltham. Mrs. Frederick M. Stone, 131 Lexington Street, Waltham. Bulfinch, Delia,* Lynn. 48 Green Street, Boston. Coburn, Eliza J.,* Boston. Mrs. Frederick Wheeler, Maiden. Died, March 15, 1895. Cotton, Martha I.,* Boston. South Boston. Died, April 10, 1893. Darling, Clarissa,* Mendon. Mrs. David P. White, Uxbridge. Died, January 13, 1900. Flint, Mary,* Lincoln. Johnson, Elizabeth A.,* Woburn. Mrs. T. A. Thompson, Woburn. Died, January 1, 1881. Lucas, Mary R., Carver. Mrs. Gilbert D. Gammons, New Bedford. Mann, Eliza S., Wrentham. Mrs. Dr. Wilbur, 289 State Street, Springfield. Page, Ann E.,* West Newton. Mrs. Samuel Bent, Elmira, N. Y. Died, June 1, 1895. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. 21 Palmer, Elizabeth H., Boston. Mrs. Chadwick, [Boston ?]. Swift, Susan, Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. A. H. Franciscus, 121 North 21st Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Thompson, Mary, Sudbury. Mrs. John Johnson, 20 Worcester Street, Boston. Trowbridge, Adeline,* Newton Corner, Mrs. George W. Hall, Newton. Died, August 24, 1894. Weston, Ann E., m Lincoln. Lincoln. January, 1846. Corey, Catherine R., Watertown. Mrs. James Savage, [Boston ?]. Parkhurst, Hannah M., Dunstable. Dunstable. Rice, Lucy, . Needham. Mrs. J. M. Seaward, Wellesley Hills. Rogers, Caroline A. (class secretary), Needham. Mrs. Edward Whitney, Belmont. Stone, Lydia R.,* Templeton. Medford. May, 1846. Ball, Angelina, Concord. Concord. Burbank, Jane I.,* Newton Lower Falls. Died, August, 1850. Cook, Lucretia,* Northfield. Copeland, Catherine E.,* Boston. Corlies, Margaret,* Trenton, N. J. Boston. Emerson, Rachel W., Waltham. Mrs. Theodore H. Wheeler, 6 Fayette Street, Cambridgeport. Everett, Elizabeth,* Boston. Fales, Caroline E., Wrentham. Mrs. John P. Maynard, Dedham. Fisher, Mary A.,* Northborough. Mrs. Horatio Stebbins, San Francisco, Cal. Ireson, Helen M., Lynn. 281 Ocean Street, Lynn. Kingsbury, Sarah B.,* Newton "Upper Falls. Mrs. George Hoyt, Windsor, Vt. 22 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Mason, Harriet P.,* Gloucester. Mrs. Davis, Gloucester. Died, January 3, 1874. Moore, Jane C.,* West Newton. Mrs. Elisha Clarke, Bath, Me. Died, March, 1896. Powars, Louisa,* « Weston. West Newton. Rogers, Sarah S., . . . • Gloucester. Mrs. John H. Stacy, 44 Middle Street, Gloucester. Russell, Caroline,* » Watertown, Mrs. James Shepard, Waltham. Russell, Martha, . New Bedford. 65 Walnut Street, New Bedford. Sargent, Mary A., . . Montague. Saunderson, Augusta, Boston. Shaw, Emily L., Nantucket. Mrs. Forman, Wellesley Hills. Sturtevant, Mary C.,* Newton Upper Falls. Thomas, Elizabeth F.,* Amherst. Wheeler, Eleanor,* Watertown. Died, October 18, 1862. August, 1846. Austin, Elizabeth G.,* Nantucket. Mrs. George R. Taber, Waltham. Died, March 29, 1900. Battelle, Caroline E., Needham. 7 Dix Street, Worcester. Bruce, Sarah B., Boston. Mrs. J. G. Farrington, [1633 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, Cal. ?]. Chase, Martha A.,* Cabotville. Clarke, Sarah A.,* Watertown. Mrs. Moses Fuller, Watertown. Colburn, Emily, Boston. Mrs. Norcross, [Boston?]. Colburn, Mary C* Lincoln. Hartwell, Caroline A.,* South Natick. Mrs. E. D. Fletcher, Lowell. Hathaway, Joanna P., Freetown. Mrs. William M. Carnoe, Freetown. Holt, Martha A Fitchburg. Mrs. Albee, care S. A. Griffin, Boulder, Col. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 23 Newton, Ellen M. * Fitchburg. Died, March 30, 1853. Watson, Sarah,* Nantucket. Mrs. John Prentiss, Baltimore, Md. January, 1847. Bennett, Dolly,* Northwood, N. H. Mrs. Edward Coburn, Weston. Died, January 9, 1854. Brigharn, S. Harriette, Bolton. Care F. 0. Welch, Hudson. Cassell, Angelia, Truro. Mrs. Paine, Swampscott. Corlies, Annie E.,* Trenton, N. J. Crosby, Jane,* Boston. Mrs. E. S. Whitman, Washington Heights, N. Y. Died, August, 1898. Crosby, Rutta,* East Boston. Field, Frances E., Boston. Mrs. Charles L. Riddle, 15 Everett Street, Jamaica Plain. Fitts, Almeria E.,* Salisbury. Morse, Augusta,* . Sherborn. Sherborn. Pierce, Sarah E., Boston. Pratt, Eliza H. * Boston. Mrs. Emerson Bates, Shrewsbury. Wade, Lois J.,* Pittsburg, Pa. Mrs. Benjamin B. Campbell, Oakmont, Westmoreland County, Pa. Died, March 29, 1896. May, 1847. Capron, Eleanor,* Providence, R. I. Mrs. J. F. Aldrich, Fond du Lac, Wis. Died, October 27, 1897. Chadwick, Mary E.,* South Boston. Child, Angelina,* Waltham. Clapp, Frances A.,* Scituate. Cook, Mary J. * Northfield. Mrs. Homer Sanders, Boston. Cotton, Mary E., Boston. 27 Shepard Street, Cambridge. Cutler, Sarah A., Lexington. Mrs. Francis Cutting, 1404 Harrison Street, Oakland, Cal. 24 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Field, Caroline I.,* Weston. Mrs. John Hooper, New York. Field, Phila A., Northfield. Mrs. P. F. Withington, Leominster. Gavette, Ellen H., . Brookline. Hartwell, Joanna E., Lexington. 38 Union Street, Melrose Highlands. Hersey, Deborah B.,* Frankfort, Me. Holder, Phoebe A., Berlin. Berlin. Huffmaster, Frances M.,* Lexington. Mrs. Leonard Jewell, Waltham. Died, January 8, 1860. Hutchinson, Eliza R., Fitchburg. Mrs. Francis Tinker, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Jarvis, Frances H.,* Concord. Mrs. Silas Wilde, Concord. Johnson, Hannah M., Nahant. Mrs. Thomas Stacy, 13 Portland Street, Lynn. Johnson, Sarah A.,* Nahant. Mrs. Augustus Johnson, Boston. Locke, Elizabeth N., Lexington. Mrs. John R. Fisher, [1412 Jackson Street, San Francisco, Cal. ?] . Mann, Isabella, Oxford, N. H. Mrs. Henry Wight, Wayland. Mason, Ann, Gloucester. Mrs. John J. Babson, 46 Pleasant Street, Gloucester. McFarland, Louisa M.,* Boston. Mulliken, Augusta W.,* Lexington. South Canton. Died, November 17, 1884. Shannon, Ann E.,* Salem* Mrs. William A. Sanborn, Dorchester. Died, December 15, 1896. Staigg, Anna S.,* Newport, R. I. Mrs. Orrin S. Jackson, Providence, R, I. Died, 1876. Stearns, Amelia M.,* Leominster. Stratton, Augusta E.,* Northfield. Lafayette, Ind. Died, September, 1899. Stratton, Sarah A., Northfield. Mrs. Caleb T. Buffum, 94 School Street, Keene, N. H. Tewksbury, Hannah S.,* Lexington. Mrs. N. H. Chamberlain. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. 25 Whittemore, Eliza A., West Cambridge. Mrs. Francis E. Saunders, 4 Chauncy Street, Cambridge. Winnek, Louisa A. H.,* West Cambridge. Mrs. Charles S. S. Lennox, Brooklyn, N. Y. August, 1847. Bacheler, Charlotte W.,* Attleborough. Mrs. C. B. Thomas, Burmah, India. Died, 1895. Demmon, Laura M.,* Cambridge. Mrs. B. F. Jacobs, Cambridge. Fessenden, Mary E.,* Boston. Mrs. Lewis Buoncore, Natick. Died, March 19, 1895. Frost, Caroline L.,* Boston. Mrs. William S. Blake, Boston. Gardner, Eliza, South Walpole. Mrs. Andrew Washburn, Hyde Park. Gilbert, Eugenia, West Newton. Mrs. Henry Williams, [Auburndale ?]. Paddock, Precinda M., Boston. Mrs. Warren K. Blodgett, South Lincoln. Page, Augusta, South Walpole. Mrs. J. F. Washburn, Natick. Sparhawk, Jane B., Newton Lower Falls. Mrs. N. H. Gordon, 318 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Stimpson, Charlotte F.,* Boston. Stone, Ellen,* Shrewsbury. Mrs. Henry Moore, Bloomington, la. Thayer, Sarah G.,* Roxbury. Mrs. Lee, St. Louis, Mo. Underwood, Susan M.,* South Hingham. Died, May 14, 1861. Ware, Julia S.,* Orrington, Me. Mrs. B. F. Bradford, Oxford, N. Y. Died, February 18, 1897. Webb, Mary C, Chelsea. January, 1848. Andrews, Ellen F., Hingham. Mrs. Henry M. Billings, 28 West 50th Street, New York. Ballou, Abbie S., Milford. Mrs. W. S. Haywood, 548 West Park Street, Dorchester. Buttrick, Harriette, Concord. Concord. 26 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Cutter, Josephine A., Weston. Mrs. John A. Woods, Fairhope, Ala. Eaton, Sarah 0. H., Boston. Mrs. S. H. Loring, 80 Elm Hill Avenue, Roxbury. Everett, Mary C.,* . . . Newton Upper Falls. Mrs. Francis L. Smith, Newtonville. Farnham, Maria,* Cumberland, R. I. Mrs. Marcy, Newton Lower Falls. Died, October, 1851. Fletcher, Elizabeth H.,* Littleton. Mrs. James M. Sanborn, East Kingston, N. H. Harron, Elizabeth G., Salem. 14 Greenwood Street, Lynn. Hurd, Mary C, Newton Lower Falls. Mrs. George Janvier, Newark, Del. Johnson, Caroline,* Woburn. Mrs. Thomas Shamplon. Langdon, Sophia,* Rockport. Maynard, Helen M.,* Waltham. Mrs. Joseph B. Keyes, Concord. Norton, Dora, . Charlestown. Mrs. Virgil Williams, 1019 Vallejo Street, San Francisco, Cal. Page, Sarah H.,* Newburyport. 80 Mansen Street, Lowell. Died, February 1, 1900. Reed, Georgietta,* East Boston. Died, January, 1852. Rowell, Lydia D.,* Salisbury. Mrs. Prevaux, Amesbury. Died, January 23, 1892. Winslow, Deborah A.,* Newton Upper Falls. Mrs. N. W. Everett, Newton Upper Falls. Died, December 7, 1889. Wright, Elizabeth T., . . Lowell. Mrs. Henry A. Miles, Hingham. May, 1848. Downes, Catherine E. * Cambridge. Mrs. S. B. Boswell, San Francisco, Cal. Died, May 31, 1890. Evans, Mary E.,* Freetown. Greenleaf, Mary,* Lexington. Kidder, Susan B., East Boston. Hotel Rand, 76 Rutland Square, Boston. Rice, Mary E., Boston. [Cambridge ?] STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGIIAM. 27 Rice, Zerniali, Needham. Wellesley. Richardson, Sarah E., Lexington. Mrs. F. F. Raymond, Lexington. Rogers, Elizabeth, Billerica. Mrs. Nathan Weston, [care Mr. Proudfoot, Newton Centre ? ] . Viles, Mary B., Lexington. Mrs. B. F. Tenney, Lexington. Wildes, Mary,* East Boston. West Roxbury. Died, March 28, 1900. August, 1848. Baldwin, Dorcas B.,* Boston, Mrs. Horace Harrington. Boody, Harriet O.,* Westbrook, Me. Brigham, Harriet M.,* Lincoln. Mrs. Charles Rice, Newton Lower Falls. Died, June 7, 1860. Copeland, H. Louisa B., Boston. 141 Walnut Street, Brookline. Ford, Abby C. * Roxbury. Helleson, Elenora P.,* . Boston. Mrs. Guy C. Underwood, Orange Park, Fla. Died, December 18, 1890. Mardin, Lydia A., Bradford. Mrs. D. Cass, [Bradford ? ] . Mosely, Maria,* Philadelphia, Pa. Pratt, Mary,* East Boston. Townsend, Hannah W.,* York Springs, Pa. Weir, Elizabeth J., Concord. Concord. January, 1849. Brigham, Laura S., Natick. Mrs. G. P. Fay, Winsted, Conn. Cotton, Caroline D., Boston. Mrs. Joseph Withington, 141 Walnut Street, Brookline. Dresser, Caroline, Castine, Me. Mrs. J. D. Robinson, White Street, Bath, Me. Drury, Abby (class secretary), Natick. Mrs. I. Merrill Fellows, 101 West Central Street, Natick. Dyer, Eliza J., Lynn. Eveleth, Sarah * Stow. Mrs. W. L. Green, Boston. 28 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Faulkner, Anne R., Billerica. Santa Barbara, Cal. Gannett, Sarah E.,* . Cambridge. Mrs. John Hastings, Medford. Hall, C. Augusta,* Marshfield. Mrs. C. J. F. Sherman, Boston. Died, November 29, 1897. Johnson, Elizabeth G., . Charlestown. Knight, Mary M., Jackson, Me. Mrs. J. B. Harris, 3 Arlington Street, Boston. Metcalf, Lucy G., . . . Providence, R. I. 170 Broad Street, Providence, R. I. Newhall, Sarah C.,* Lincoln. Osborne, Lucy D.,* Danvers. Mrs. Samuel Hews, Boston. Rogers, Elvira, North Billerica. Mrs. J. D. Gould, North Billerica. Thayer, Julia A., . . South Braintree. Mrs. Barker, Scotland, Mass. April, 1849. Baker, Frances M., Dedham. Dedham. Barber, Elizabeth G., Boston. Mrs. Stuart, 35 Water Street, Hyde Park. Barney, Elizabeth R. ,* Boston. Burritt, Emma S., Lowell. Chamberlin, Elizabeth W.,* Boston. Colburn, Charlotte,* Newbury, Vt. Cunningham, Alice, Boston. Mrs. Hermann Grundell, 4 Atherton Place, Roxbury. Dascomb, Emily F., Boston. [Brighton ?] Francis, Caroline M., Boston. Mrs. George Loring, [1502 Larkins Street, San Francisco, Cal. ?] . Gragg, Nancy A.,* Roxbury. Mrs. Stephen Harris, Newton. Kingsley, Frances S.,* . Brighton. Mrs. Edward Q. Hunting, East Boston. Lee, Chloe,* . . . . . . . ' . . . - • • • Boston. Died, 1856. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 29 McClure, Nancy J., . Boston. Mrs. James Newcomb, 6 Pinckney Street, Boston. Newcomb, Martha J.,* East Boston. Mrs. Converse, Evanston, 111. Ober, Sophia L., Boston. Mrs. D. M. Allen, Douglasville, Ga. Packer, Catherine M.,* Roxbury. Parker, Martha A., Lexington. Mrs. William W. Dingee, 1124 Main Street, Racine, Wis. Reed, Anna F., Roxbury. 17 Sayward Street, Dorchester. Roffe, Elizabeth, . . South Walpole. [South Walpole ?] Rowe, Susan A.,* . Stoneham. Mrs. Messer, Stoneham. Died, 1881. Saunderson, Harriet A.,* . . . . ■ . Boston. Smith, Susan A., Waltham. 75 Lincoln Street, Waltham. Viles, Lucretia K., Waltham. Mrs. George A. Stearns, 478 Main Street, Waltham. Walker, Mary J.,* . . Burlington. Mrs. Charles Damon, Cochituate. Died, October 1, 1876. Watts, Georgiana, Roxbury. July, 1849. Andrews, Lydia E.,* Hingham. Died, 1861. Baker, Martha A., Dorchester. 76 Bird Street, Dorchester. Bassett, Caroline S. (class secretary), . . . . . . Nantucket. Mrs. Nathaniel T. Allen, 35 Webster Street, West Newton. Brackett, Eliza K.,* Weston. Weston. Brown, Caroline, Boston. Bryden, Eliza,* Boston. Carpenter, Sylvira*, Greenfield. Mrs. James Averill. Cushman, Mary G., . Boston. Mrs. George Patten, Hotel Eaton, South Boston. Foster, M. Frances,* . Boston. Died, September 12, 1850. 30 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Gage, Anna L.,* Waterford, Me. Mrs. Calvin Foster, Worcester. Died, November 8, 1878. Gage, Mary S., Waterford, Me. Gorham, Me. Horr, Sophia B.,* West Needham. Washington Street, Wellesley. Died, December, 1890. Lathrop, Cordelia, East Boston. 26 Quincy Street, Roxbury. Leach, Mary J.,* Boston. Mrs. Samuel B. Hobart, Roxbury. Died, April 1, 1898. Leighton, Caroline, Boston. Leonard, Amanda B., Boston. Lombard, Julia B., Roxbury. 1205 Rhode Island Avenue, Washington, D. C. Munger, Eliza M.,* Wellfleet, Me. Mrs. William H. Pettimer, Portland, Me. Died, August, 1894. Pitkin, Jennette, Winchendon. Mrs. Joseph W. Stone, Winchendon. Robinson, Almira,* Chesterfield. Mrs. George W. Reed, Montpelier, Vt. Died, May 13, 1893. Ruggles, Elizabeth L.,* Dorchester. Mrs. F. M. Learned, Dorchester. Died, 1888. Southwick, Abby, Boston. Mrs. J. H. Stephenson, Wellesley Hills. Tallant, Mary J.,* Concord, N. H. Mrs. Maurice Scott. Died, 1858. Watson, Rebecca M., . Nantucket. Mrs. Moses Farnum, Franklin. Winslow, Emily A., Philadelphia, Pa. v Mrs. Franklin Taylor, Magnolia Street, Germantown, Pa. December, 1849. Adams, Harriet N.,* Fitchburg. Barney, Nancy J.,* Providence, R. I. Mrs. Howe, Providence, R. I. Bond, Catherine G., Watertown. Mrs. Edward B. Foote, 120 Lexington Avenue, New York. Damon, Martha M.,* Wayland. Wayland. Died, 1897. Eames, Frances L.,* Boston. Mrs. Washburn. Died, December, 1851. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINQIIAM. 31 Flanders, Margarette L., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. James Young, 87 Trowbridge Street, Cambridge. Flanders, Mary H.,* Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Charles F. Langford, 143 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Died, 1893. Gove, Malvina M., Milford, N. H. Mrs. T. D. Adams, [New Haven, Conn. ? ] . Hall, Mary W.,* Boston. Boston. Died, March 28, 1898. Richardson, Eunice E., Lynnfield. Mrs. D. M. Damon, Box 124, Reading. April, 1850. Andrews, Sarah G., Boston. Mrs. King Williams, [Taunton?]. Bell, Sarah J., Boston. Mrs. Jesse Curtis, Stoneham. Brackett, Emma F., . . . West Newton. Mrs. Charles Blanchard, [Brighton?]. Brewster, Elizabeth R., Kingston. Mrs. J. H. Stevens, Kingston Clapp, Adeline E., . . Boston. Mrs. Swallow. Clapp, Maria A., Dorchester. Crocker, Lucretia,* Boston. Boston. Died, October 9, 1886. Cutler, Annie B., Lexington. Mrs. Spaulding, [Arlington?]. Emerson, Harriet A.,* Milton. Mrs. Leonard. Goodale, Caroline N.,* Peabody. Mrs. Henry Smith. Gould, Clara B., Boston. [3 Ringgold Street, Boston ?] Grover, Ellen,* Newton Upper Falls. Mrs. Augustus Maverick, Newton Upper Falls. Hills, Maria, Boston. Mrs. Joseph L. Drew, 19 Jay Street, Cambridgeport. Hobbs, Ellen M.,* Charlestown. Avon. Died, 1899. Hosmer, Anna H., Camden, Me. Mrs. Henry S. McKean, 8 Ash Street Place, Cambridge. 32 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Lord, Elizabeth A., . Northfield. Mrs. John Botume, care J. S. Alley, Chestnut Street, West Newton. Needham, Pamelia, Danvers. 342 Washington Street, Haverhill. Richardson, Emeline A., . . Lynnfield Centre. Lynnfield Centre. Verry, Martha A., Newton Corner. Mrs. Newman Storer, 21 Winthrop Avenue, Lawrence. Ward, Emily, Newton Centre . Mrs. J. F. C. Hyde, 1547 Centre Street, Newton Highlands. Whitcher, Martha, South Boston. Mrs Benjamin T. Wells, [Newtonville ?] . Whittemore, Georgiana (class secretary), Boston. Mrs. Charles C. Smith, 286 Marlborough Street, Boston. Winning, Elizabeth P.,* Woburn. 33 Monument Avenue, Charlestown. Died, 1891. July, 1850. Adams, Sarah L., South Boston. Ball, Elizabeth A.,* Concord. Concord. Died, September 5, 1894. Bogardus, Julia 'A., Boston. Mrs. E. T. Lovering, 313 South 10th Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Bradley, Miranda W. * Ldwell. Lowell. Brown, Harriet G.,* . . Chelsea. Died, June 17, 1850. Gannett, Mary R., Milton. Mrs. William Osgood, Milton. Green, Mary C, ■ . Boston. Kimball, Mary F., Boston. Mrs. Joseph M. Oxford, 24 Cottage Street, Cambridgeport. Knight, Mary E.,* Boston. Died, June, 1853. McKay, Elizabeth F., Boston. Mrs. A. F. Downing, 2924 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. Parkman, Anne M , Boston. Mrs. Chandler, [Wellington Street, Boston?]. Read, Phebe,* Stoughton. Mrs. James Atherton, Stoughton. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 33 Spaulding, Harriette R., Charlestown. 86 Worcester Street, Boston. Tower, Mary, Boston. Waldeck, Mary A.,* Roxbury. Died, June 13, 1870. Ware, Hannah J., Needham. Mrs. Newell Chamberlain, 7 River Street, Cambridgeport. The Board of Education having, in May, 1850, added one term to the prescribed period of connection with the school for all classes entering after that time, eighteen members of this class voluntarily placed themselves under the rule, and were grad- uated as the class of November, 1850. November, 1850, Allen, Elizabeth H.,* Northfield. Mrs. William D. Hastings, Janesville, Wis. Died, June 28, 1891. Barry, Jane E., . . Waltham. Mrs. George T. Emerson, Box 206, Cameron, Mo. Burns, Anna H.,* Boston. 70 West Cedar Street, Boston. Died, June 5, 1896. Damon, Caroline,* . Wayland. Mrs. Alfred Brigham, Natick. Died, January 6, 1892. Davis, Sarah L.,* Newburyport. Newbury port. Dyer, Eunice P., Boston. Mrs. C. E. Miles, 126 Warren Street, Roxbury. Field, Susan K., Chelsea. Linden Street, South Framingham. Hendee, Jane G., Portsmouth, N. H. Homer, Annie C, Boston. Mrs. Dr. Austin, [424 West 22d Street, New York ?] . Hooker, Sarah B., Falmouth. Mrs. W. B. Capron, Hotel Berkeley, Boston. Leatherbee, Elizabeth,* Boston. Mrs. Batchelder. Lewis, Rebecca C, Boston. Mrs. Charles S. Brown, care J. L. Batchelder, Pond Street, Jamaica Plain. Peirce, Mary F. (class secretary) , Weston. Weston. Roffe, Catherine H.,* Roxbury. Tainter, Harriette A., Boston. 34 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Tarr, Ellen M., Boston. Mrs. Albert L. Calder, 34 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Tarr, Mary J.,* Boston. Mrs. William F. Channing, Pasadena, Cal. Died, January 2, 1897. Titcomb, Louisa P., South Boston. July, 1851. Banks, Susan P.,* Waltham. Watertown. Died, March 23, 1891. Bodge, Mary A., West Newton. Mrs. John Foster, Schenectady, N. Y. Champney, Abby A. (class secretary), Brighton. Whitman. Clement, Calista H., Thetford, Vt. Mrs. Newton Talbot, Hotel Ludlow, Boston. Clement, Mary G., . Thetford, Vt. Mrs. M. G. C. Leavitt, 159a Tremont Street, Boston. Colson, Caroline A.,* Billerica. Cutter, Anna M.,* Weston. Died, November 17, 1851. Davis, Augusta A.,* Boston. 16 Clifford Street, Boston Highlands. Died, March, 1881. Dewey, Iris, Royalton, Vt. Mrs. Thompson, 8 Alden Street, Hartford, Conn. Dickinson, Harriet * Boston. Dillingham, Betsey B.,* Sandwich. Died, July 26, 1851. Eaton, Mary E., Boston. Mrs. Richard Howes, [Newton Centre ?] . Harris, Eliza,* Brighton. Shapleigh, Me. Died, November 2, 1896. Haven, Caroline R.,* Milton. Jones, Ann 0., Boston. Knowles, Eliza H., Boston. Leavitt, Louisa A., Boston. Mrs. F. B. Sanborn, Concord. Loring, Eliza A., Dedham. Mrs. Albion K. Benson, East Bridge water. Marble, Sarah E., Boston. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. 35 Mills, Margaret P., Boston. 156 Cypress Street, Brookline. Newmarch, Mary J., South Boston. Parkhurst, Nancy B., Petersham. 33 High Street, Greenfield. Parsons, Fanny A., Boston. Mrs. S. W. Saxton, [Gramercy Park House, New York ?]. Pidge, Abby N., Dorchester. Redding, Lucy M. A.,* Boston. 18 Jay Street, Cambridgeport. Rogers, Harriet B., Billerica. North Billerica. Sprague, Ellen F., Dedham. Mrs. S. J. Upton, 93 Beacon Street, Chelsea. Stearns, Hannah P., Brookline. 2601 Parker Street, Berkeley, Cal. Swain, Ellen 0.,* Nantucket. Nantucket. Died, March 29, 1899. Tripe, Ellen C, Boston. Mrs. Ham. Wright, Ellen C.,* Boston. March, 1852. Allen, Elizabeth P., Boston. Mrs. William Pierce, [Longwood ?]. Bacheler, Emma F.,* Grafton. Bradley, Levantia F., Lancaster. 337 Markham Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. Bridge, Mary E., New Orleans, La. 706 East Marshall Street, Richmond, Va. Brown, Eveline M.,* Framingham. Saxonville. Burdick, Martha W. (class secretary), Nantucket. South Dartmouth. Caldwell, Mary E.,* East Boston. Mrs. J. L. Manson, East Boston. Clark, Louise C, Watertown. 5 Rockville Park, Roxbury. Cutler, Isabella,* Lexington. Mrs. L. H. Aikin, Rochester, Minn. Died, 1880. 36 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGRAM. Cutter, Sarah P.,* Winchendon. Mrs. Dr. W. Lincoln, Missouri. Douglas, Amelia A.,* Lowell. Mrs. Henry Blandy, Zanesville, 0. French, Maria H. T.,* Boston. Mrs. J. F. Dyer. Died, June 7, 1853. Glover, Sarah K.,* South Boston. Mrs. Dr. Hopkins. Greely, Caroline G.,* Boston. Mrs. Joseph T. White, New York City. Died, October 8, 1899. - . Kuhn, Ellen A.,* Boston. Mrs. Eben S. Stearns, Exeter, N. H. Lancaster, Harriet, East Boston. Mrs. A. St. John ChambrS, Lowell. Lewis, Celia J.,* Providence, R. I. Mitchell, Mary A., . . . . . Boston. 90 Appleton Street, Boston. Packard, Mary C.,* . Lancaster. Mrs. Albert G. Tenney, Brunswick, Me. Died, June 9, 1900. Parker, Frances M.,* Lexington. Lexington. Pay son, Anne C.,* Peterborough, N. H. East Milton, N. H. Died, March 23, 1895. Pratt, Ellen L.,* Watertown. Robinson, Harriet C* Lynn. Mrs. Walter Russell, Arlington. Died, March, 1894. Tefft, Lucy A., Exeter, R. I. Mrs. L. C. Munger, 527 West Broadway, Winona, Minn. Walker, Anne E.,* Boston. Mrs. Sidney Rice, Weston. Warner, Helen M., Boston. Mrs. Ebenezer Nelson, [32 Linnsean Street, Cambridge ?] . Wilcox, Sarah H.,* Providence, R. I. Mrs. Henry M. Wheeler, 80 Park Avenue, Worcester. Died, August 21, 1896. November, 1852. Adams, Sarah L.,* Newton Corner. Mrs. S. L. Waterman, Boston. Bartlett, Eliza M.,* Natick. Mrs. Freeman Mason, Natick. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 37 Bradbury, Elizabeth M., Newburyport. Mrs. T. H. Safford, Williamstown. Clapp, Sophia A.,* Dorchester. Mrs. George Estes. Clement, Eliza A., . . . . Thetford, Vt. Mrs. Edward F. Head, Poralta, Cal. Cloutman, Ophelia M., Boston. 15 Wood Avenue, Hyde Park. Cooper, Harriet M., . . . . . Lowell. Mrs. C. E. A. Bartlett, Chelmsford. Dickason, Elizabeth F., . . . Boston. Mrs. Henry W. Kittredge, 317 Columbus Avenue, Boston. Dole, Catherine W., Fitchburg. Mrs. William Booth, Southbridge. Eastman, Mary F., . Lowell. Tewksbury. Eaton, L. Augusta, Boston. Mrs. John Carr, 80 Elm Hill Avenue, Roxbury. Emerson, H. Elizabeth, Boston. Fairmount Street, Brookline. Gardner, Abby C. (class secretary), Warren, B,. I. Mrs. M. L. Bradford, 38 Summer Street, Dorchester. Goodale, Abby, Winchendon. Mrs. Joel Davis, 52 Laurel Street, Fitchburg. Goodale, Sarah K.,* Winchendon. Goodridge, Mary R., Newton Centre. Mrs. John Martin, Newtonville. Guild, Emma B., Lowell. Mrs. James T. Fisher, Jamaica Plain. Hall, Mary L.,* Nashville, Tenn. Boston. Hanna, Mary E., Boston. Hills, Celia L., Natick. Mrs. C. L. Marion, 20 Franklin Street, Wakefield. Jefferds, Olive M., South Boston. Mrs. John F. Gleason. Morse, Mary E.,* Newton Centre. Mrs. Talbot, Granville, 0. Died, April 15, 1898. Neale, Pauline B.,* Boston. Niles, Mary E., Milton. 38 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Paxton, Florida C.,* Boston. Died, December 18, 1852. Pratt, Mary C, Cohasset. Needham. Riley, Annie M., . . . . ... . . . Woodstown, N. J. Ripley, Sarah, Boston. 3 Eden Street, Charlestown. Shepard, A. Adeline,* Dorchester. Mrs. H. C. Badger, Boston. Shute, Abigail C. * Boston. Died, July 1, 1853. Smith, Abby N., . . . . Boston. Smith, Hannah W.,* . Warren, R. I. Mrs. E. H. Swinney, New York City. Spear, Mary F., Newton Corner. Newton. Stodder, Lucy R.,* . Hingham. Mrs. Allyne. Stone, Fannie A., Boston. Stratton, Mary E., Boston. Mrs. Charles S. Cleveland, 48 Benefit Street, Providence, R. I. Studley, Mary J.,* Worcester. Framingham. Died, 1881. Thomas, Laura A., Boston. Van Allen, Maria, . Philadelphia, Pa. [4033 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ?] Wellington, Louise M., East Lexington. Mrs. Lucius W. Peaslee, East Lexington. Whittelsey, Ellen, West Newton. Clinton, Mich. July, 1853. Allyne, Sophronia W.,* Sandwich. Andrews, Jane E.,* Newburyport. Newbury port. Bailey, Emmabell S.,* ". Centre Harbor, N. H. Mrs. Chester N. Case, Jr., New York. Blood, Martha, Charlestown. 31 Woodbine Street, Auburndale. Breck, Aravesta A.,* Brighton. Mrs. J. Barber. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 39 Bridgman, Caroline L., Chicopee. Mrs. George W. Curtis, 254 Prospect Street, New Haven, Conn. Chamberlain, Almira, Bedford. Mrs. Edward A. Hartwell, 518 Main Street, Chicago, 111. Clark, Harriet S., West Newton. Mrs. L. Pason Broad, 34 Bible House, New York City. Cox, Sarah A.,* Maiden. Mrs. O. B. Brown, Maiden. Farmer, Mary A., Bethlehem, N. H. Mrs. Stevens, [Holliston ?]• Fiske, Lucy M. * Upton. Fitz, Ellen E.,* Cambridge. Boston. Foord, Anna M.,* Milton. Herrick, Sophronia N., Boston. [9 Bay Street, Boston ? ] Hinckley, Harriet D.,* Thetford, Vt. Boston. Died, April 5, 1892. Hobbs, Martha, Worcester. 41 Harvard Street, Worcester. Leavitt, Caroline, . Hampton Falls, N. H. Concord. Merriam, Harriet B., Billerica. Mrs. George A. W. Vinall, Reading. Mitchel, Mary J.,* Newry, Ireland. Newry, Ireland. Murray, Mary E.,*. Lewiston, Me. Nutting, Elizabeth S.,* Marblehead. Mrs. S. C. Woodward, Cornell Street, Cleveland, 0. Died, December 25, 1896. Otis, Helen J., Lyme, N. H. 781 Tremont Street, Boston. Russell, Martha M., Boston. Stone, Louisa P.,* Newburyport. Mrs. John Hopkins, Boston. Died, May 26, 1895. Turner, Elizabeth M., Boston. 31 Mount Vernon Street, Boston. Whitney, Jane T., Needham. Mrs. William F. George, 82 Myrtle Street, Boston. 40 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMWGHAM. Woodford, Ann L., West Newton. Mrs. J. E. Miller, [326 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, 111. ?]. Woodward, Abby Y., . . . Lowell. [Harrisburg, Pa. ?] March, 1854. Adams, Mary J., Waltham. Mrs. David Kendall, Waverley. Alden, Sarah C.,* . Belchertown. Belchertown. Babcock, Frances L.,* Newton Corner. Mrs. George N. Bigelow, Framingham. Died, December 30, 1863. Hemenway, Frances M., Lowell. Mrs. Austin W. Goodell, 2013 Mt. Vernon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Hoy t, Elizabeth G. (class secretary) , . . . . . . Waltham. Box 66, Belmont. Kent, Elizabeth, Grantville. Mrs. Benjamin Chandler, Richmond Avenue, Worcester. Kent, Sarah P.,* Grantville. Newton. Mansfield, Martha A., WestNeedham. Mrs. William P. Bigelow, Walnut Hill, Natick. May, Lucy A.,* . . East Needham. Olmsted, Olivia L.,* Manchester, Conn. Mrs. George W. Mansfield, Newton. Died, December 5, 1899. Wentworth, Ann, Lee, N. H. West, Catherine B., Cambridge. Mrs. Frederick W. Strong, Lancaster, Wis. Wilson, Mary E.,* Calais, Me. February, 1855. Allen, Emily F.,* Walpole. Mrs. D. W. Pettee, Sharon. Died, March 10, 1897. Blaisdell, Annie W., . . Salisbury. Mrs. Jones Frankle, Haverhill. Buck, Laura M.,* Robbinston, Me. Mrs. F. W. Pelton, Newton. Buttrick, Sarah C, Concord. Mrs. W. B. Morrison, corner 1st and Hamilton streets, Muskegon, Mich. Cutter, Martha R.,* Weston. Mrs. Frank Robinson, Newton. Durgin, Elizabeth A.,* . Loudon, N. H. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. 41 Earle, Sarah F., Worcester. 6 Home Street, Worcester. Farr, Mary U.,* Leicester. Died, April, 1861. Fiske, Georgiana B., Upton. Mrs. Joshua N. Marshall, 784 Merrimac Street, Lowell. Frye, Elizabeth F., Milton. East Milton. Macarty, Harriet L.,* . Milton. 10 Oakland Street, Boston Highlands. Mace, Abbie D. (class secretary), Middleborough. Mrs. W. S. Danforth, 37 Court Street, Plymouth. Poor, Adelaide B., Lawrence. 28 Clarendon Street, Springfield. Sherman, Susan P.,* Fall River. 964 18th Street, Oakland, Cal. Died, June 12, 1895. Snow, Mary, Brewster. Orleans. Stowe, Phebe M.,* Medfield. Mrs. Robert G. Vance, Shelby ville, Ky. Died, January 29, 1891. Winslow, Mary C, . .Brewster. Mrs. M. C. Crosby, Brewster. July, 1855. Bruce, Mary J.,* . Boston. Mrs. Mary J. Bruce, Rutland, Vt. Hunt, Ellen M.,* Concord. Died, April, 1861. Hussey, Susan H., Barrington, N. H. Mrs. William D. Knapp, Somersworth, N. H. Kyle, Margaret M., Saxonville. Miss Margaret Macgregor, Rochester, N. Y. Leavitt, Sarah J., Woburn. Concord. Marston, Mary D., Glenburn, Me. Mrs. W. D. Butters, Framingham. Merritt, Frances (class secretary) , Saxonville. Mrs. A. J. Quick, 2518 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. Merritt, Lucy A., Brookfield. Mrs. A. T. Mosman, Beverly. Page, Caroline A., Lowell. Mrs. Harry Faulkner, [Somerville ?]. 42 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Paine, Eliza B.,* . Brewster. Perrigo, Catherine L., North Chelmsford. Proctor, Malvina, Townsend. Mrs. John S. Augur, Sedgwick Avenue, Fordham Heights, New York City. Tidd, Elizabeth E., . . . Cambridgeport. Miss Elizabeth E. Plummer, [Philadelphia, Pa. ?]• Wilson, Isabella H., Lawrence. Mrs. Chester Hardon, 28 Copley Street, Newton. February, 1856. Barnes, Susan M. (class secretary), Worcester* Mrs. Nathaniel Paine, 72 Elm Street, Worcester. Brackett, Anna C, . Somerville. 65 West 51st Street, New York City. Doane, Henrietta,* Brewster. Goodnow, Emily F., Framingham. Saxonville. Goodnow, Lucy E.,* Framingham. Saxonville. Died, May 2, 1879. Harrington, Georgena L., Framingham. Mrs. E. W. Coy, College Hill, Hamilton County, 0. Hofses, Angeline E.,* Boston. Kimball, Lucy S., West Boxford. West Boxford. Lethbridge, Catherine A., Jamaica Plain. 40 Montgomery Street, Boston. Pearl, Ruth M., Boxford. Mrs. James H. Webster, West Boxford. Say ward, Maria H., Gloucester. 235 Ashland Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Thompson, Sarah E., Sudbury. Framingham. Wilson, Sarah H., Marlborough. Mrs. Winslow M. Warren, Marlborough. July, 1856. Brown, Sarah J., . Wilkin sonville. Wilkinsonville. Chadbourne, Lucy H., Chelsea. Chickering, Lucy A., Dover. Foxborough. 1^ in oo X o 2 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 43 Crosby, Caroline H. * Brookfieid. Mrs. Henry Swift, Brookfieid. Died, 1878. Eaton, Harriet B.,* Framingham. Mrs. James B. Gilbert, Exeter, Neb. Frost, E. Agnes (class secretary), Woburn. Mrs. E. Walter Champney, 23 Pleasant Street, Woburn. Rich, Clara A., Framingham. Mrs. A. F. Devereux. Stockbridge, Lodaiski A.,* Melrose. Titcomb, Jane P., Boston. [Boston ?] Valentine, Ellen M., Hopkinton. Mrs. Hiram A. Wright, Trident Avenue, Winthrop. February, 1857. Brewster, Louisa P., Ashland. Mrs. Edwin Perry, Ashland. Caswell, Lois T., Norton. Mrs. George H. Howison, Berkeley, Cal. Child, Susan R.,* North Woodstock, Conn. Mrs. Joseph W. Clift, Philadelphia, Pa. Died, October, 1893. Foss, Ellen J., Hopkinton. Mrs. Charles C. Metcalf, Newton Highlands. Hill, Mary E. ,* Bedford. Hough, Hannah S.,* Unadilla, N. Y. Howe, Clara W., Lowell. Mrs. Henry J. Harwood, 19 Market Street, Lowell. Wilson, Anna W., Lawrence. Mrs. Henry C. Hardon, 28 Copley Street, Newton. July, 1857. Beck, Martha A., Medford. Mrs. W. St. C. Redman, [1631 10th Street, Washington, N. W., D. C. ?]. Brigham, Caroline A., Marlborough. Mrs. Frank C. Curtis, Main Street, Marlborough. Colburn, Lucy A., Hollis, N. H. Mrs. Alfred Boynton, Pepperell. Curtis, Laura M., Worcester. [36 East 23d Street, New York City ?] Durant, Mary M., Haverhill. 66 Howard Street, Haverhill. 44 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. Farrar, Ellen H. ,* Maiden. Died, September, 1858. Graham, Mary E., Lunenburg. Mrs. Henry L. Bates, 53 Ocean Street, Dorchester. Reed, Sarah E., . Mendon. Mrs. Allen P. Whitcomb, Littleton. Smith, Louisa R., Grafton. Mrs. Israel Rogers, 9 Benefit Street, Worcester. Snow, Amanda, Brewster. Mrs. William E. Baker, South Dennis. Thurston, Clara W., South Lancaster. Mrs. Thomas E. Fry, 2387 Clarendon Avenue, Buena Park, Chicago, 111. Wadsworth, Frances E.,* Hopkinton. Mrs. D. T. Bridges, South Framingham. Died, April 25, 1898. February, 1858. Cole, Sarah E., Ashland. Groveland. Greene, Hester A., Worcester. Mrs. F. B. Knowles, 846 Main Street, Worcester. Haven, Etta (class secretary), Framingham. Mrs. Arthur M. Vaile, 210 T Street, Washington, N. W., D. C. Lamed, Maria S.,* Dudley. Putnam, Mary E., Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Reed, Lucy C, Mendon. Mrs. A. F. Bemis, 21 Gates Street, Worcester. Sawtelle, Mary W.,* Northborough. Mrs. Theodore Corey, Northborough. Died, August 6, 1900. Thayer, Rachel A.,* Randolph. Mrs. Ira D. Page, Randolph. Yose, Anna M.,* Lancaster. Mrs. N. J. Bradlee, 65 Highland Street, Roxbury. Died February 7, 1899. Warren, Mary H., Maiden. Mrs. Poor. July, 1858. Beckley, Elizabeth R.,* Rockford, 111. Blood, H. Melissa * Pepperell. Mrs. Newton Elliott, Pepperell. Died, December 12, 1896. Bugbee, Eliza D., Melrose. Mrs. J. L. Jordan, Auburndale. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINOIIAM. 45 Corbett, Helen I., Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Augustus I. Goodrich, 67 Chestnut Avenue, Waterbury, Conn. Crane, Kate G.,* Worcester. Washington, D. C. Died, January 2, 1886. Dennis, Henrietta P., Grafton. Mrs. A. B. Allen, Oberlin, 0. Erlund, Rebecca B., Lowell. Corey Hill, Brookline. Evans, Lucy A. (class secretary), Salisbury. Mrs. Joseph 0. Proctor, 83 Middle Street, Gloucester. Lamed, Sarah J., Dudley. Mrs. H. W. Ballard, 34, "The Blacherne," Indianapolis, Ind. Leeds, Susan B., Boston. Mrs. John S. Lockwood, 422 Columbia Road, Dorchester. Leman, Rachel B.,* . . Charlestown. Mrs. Edward Collins, 985 Adams Street, Dorchester. Died, August 11, 1891. Loring, Laura D., West Newton. Hammonton, N. J. Powers, Martha E.,* Salisbury. Brookline. Died, 1890. Wright, Ellen A.,* . . . . . Clinton. Mrs. F. Henry Morgan. Died, January 28, 1866. February, 1859. Babcock, Arabella L., Newton. Mrs. D. T. Goodwin, Thetford, Vt. Babcock, Isabella B., Newton. Mrs. Nathaniel H. Swift, Wellesley Hills. Brown, Lucy P.,* Lebanon, Conn. Mrs. F. C. Abel, Colchester, Conn. Chickering, Hannah E.,* Dover. Dover. Fernald, Ellen M., Grafton. Mrs. William Winch, 19 Payson Street, Fitchburg. Foster, Florence,* Gloucester. Gloucester. Died, August 10, 1892. Hutchinson, Lucretia A., Milford, N. H. Mrs. Edward A. Burns, [Davis School, Somerville ?] . Mansfield, Eliza 0., Gloucester. Mrs. John D. Estabrook, 699 Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Proctor, Myra A., Townsend. Stoneham. 46 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Smiley, Nannie,* Augusta, Me. Thayer, Mary S.,* Randolph. Mrs. Henry 0. Martin, West Newton. Train, Lucilla, Framingham. Mrs. Francis W. Lawrence, Mountfort Street, Brookline. Webster, Mary I., Framingham. [334 Beacon Street, Boston ?] Wheeler, Clara E., . Lexington. 140 Magazine Street, Cambridge. Whitney, Sarah M., Cambridgeport. Mrs. Thomas B. Wentworth, 20 Rindge Avenue, North Cambridge. Wright, Lizzie S.,* Marlborough. Marlborough. Wright, Savira, Clinton. Mrs. C. E. Owen, 203 Olive Avenue, Redlands, Cal. Young, Martha E. (class secretary), Roxbury. Mrs. William E. Ware, 3818 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo. July, 1859. Bond, Mary E., Millbury. Millbury. Brown, Anne M.,* West Boylston. Framingham. Brown, Rebecca H., West Gorham, Me. Mrs. Nathan R. Morse, 131 Essex Street, Salem. Coe, Lucy, Framingham. Mrs. H. Mason Perkins, 150 Church Street, Newton. Davis, Clara, Framingham. Mrs. E. L. Hemenway, Chester. Eaton, Susan A., . . Framingham. Mrs. D. M. Lowell, 462 Main Street, Amesbury. Guild, Annie I., Bellows Falls, Vt. Mrs. C. W. Gore, 5329 Greenwood Avenue, Chicago, 111. Harris, Mary, Cambridge. 9 Francis Avenue, Cambridge. Hastings, Sarah E., . . . . . . . . . . Needham. [Wellesley Hills ?] Jewett, Mary J., Brookline. Moulton, Helen F. (class secretary), . . . . . . .Framingham. Framingham. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 47 Moulton, S. Maria, Framingham. Mrs. J. W. Ayres, 20 Holborn Street, Roxbury. Neale, Sarah A., Framingham. Mrs. John C. Roberts, 78 State Street, Providence, R. I. Schelling, Julia H., Germantown, Pa. Mrs. William B. Hurd, Framingham. Webber, Elizabeth S., Sweden, Me. Mrs. George N. Gage, 35 Ravenna Street, St. Paul, Minn. Whitmore, Emma F., Marlborough. 614 9th Street, South Boston. February, 1860. Balcome, Susan S., Milford. Mrs. A. J. Bates, Webster. Bradford, Amy E., Charlestown. 64 Babcock Street, Brookline. Brigham, Martha E.,* Southborough. Mrs. John Avery, West Newton. Brigham, Mary E.,* Southborough. Southborough. Clark, Anna E., Roxbury. 49 Georgia Street, Roxbury. Goodall, Susan (class secretary), Lexington. Mrs. Frank G. Goddard, 28 Laclede Building, St. Louis, Mo. Goodell, Frances,* Framingham. Died, January 12, 1872. Homer, Martha A., Ashland. Mrs. Martha A. Homer, Ashland. Homer, Susan A., Ashland. Mrs. John W. Fitts, Brookfield. Luther, Ellen A., Wales. Mrs. Samuel E. Fletcher, Sherborn. Newton, Lucy S., Southborough. Southborough. Whitcomb, Harriet F. * Clinton. Mrs. George A. Ellis, Springfield. Woodbury, Josephine, Gloucester. Care D. E. Woodbury, Gloucester. 48 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. July, 1860. Bennett, Mary T., . . . South Framingham. Mrs. George H. Bradford, Hotel Victoria, Dartmouth Street, Boston. Brackett, Emma E., ......... Dover, N. H. Mrs. Henry A. Thorndike, Auburndale. Brigham, Julia P., . . . Marlborough. Marlborough. Buttrick, Abbie L., Concord. Mrs. Edward Farmer, 274 Newbury Street, Boston. Earle, Sophia R., Paxton. Mrs. Ledyard Bill, Paxton. Hamilton, Amelia R., Charlestown. Mrs. Edward R. Wheeler, Spencer. Lombard, Martha C.,* South Framingham. Mrs. Wetherell, South Framingham. Moore, Emma F., Concord. Mrs. Charles W. Davis, care Dr. B. M. Davis, University of Chicago, Chi- cago, 111. Perkins, Isabella,* Dover, N. H. Mrs. E. W. Robinson, Hardwick, Yt. Raymond, Eliza W., Littleton. Mrs. Knapp, Elmwood. Taylor, Susan S. (class secretary), South Framingham. Mrs. William F. Parker, Post Office, Boston. Whitney, Ellen F., . . . Concord. Concord. Williams, Harriet N., Framingham. Mrs. Clarence D. Newell, Orange Valley, N. J. Williams, Marcia P., Groton. Mrs. Albert F. Parkhurst, Groton. February, 1861. Belden, Harriet S.,* Hatfield. Billings, Eunice A., South Deerfield. Mrs. Nims, 625 Orange Grove Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. Cunningham, Sarah J., Oakham. Mrs. Charles A. Streeter, Paxton. Fiske, Maria A., Framingham. Mrs. Willard Howe, South Framingham. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGTIAM. 49 Fitch, Emma A., Holliston. Mrs. George E. JepsoD, 49 Summer Street, Watertown. Hatch, Eunice J., North Scituate. Mrs. Edward 0. Farmer, Scituate Centre. Holbrook, Emily M. * • . . . . West Boylston. Mrs. L. W. Rawsom, Chicago, 111. Died, March 30, 1882. Joslin, Emeline E., • . Keene, N. H. Mrs. Horatio Colony, 104 West Street, Keene, N. H. Keep, Susan M., Paxton. Mrs. Edwin A. Giddings, 341 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Lane, Elizabeth S. (class secretary), South Framingham. 9 Linden Street, South Framingham. Marsh, Susan M., . . Winsted, Conn. 21 Orleans Street, Springfield. Paine, Mary J.,* . Holden. Taunton. Died, 1892. Rice, Harriet A.,* Clinton. Mrs. Ezra W. Sampson, Newton. Died, May, 1873. Rich, Frances A.,* . Hollis, N. H. Mrs. H. H. Huse, Manchester, N. H. Died, June 10, 1873. Stearns, Charlotte C, Bedford. Mrs. Henry W. Eliot, 2635 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Swindell, Annie L.,* Baltimore, Md. Died, 1889. Wadleigh, Frances E., Boston. Washington, D. C. Williams, Mary S.,* Groton. July, 1861. Burgess, Susan A., Jay, Me. Mrs. M. Luther Stevens, 236a Putnam Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Coombs, Harriet E., West Medway. Mrs. George H. Hiron, West Medway. Crafts, Helen, Jay, Me. Mrs- R. H. Thompson, Jay, Me. Fernald, Anna,* Framingham. San Raphael, Cal. Died, 1899. Field, Anna E. M.,* Northfield. Mrs. Dr. Wheeler, Northfield. Fitch, Mary M., Holliston. 127 Main Street, Watertown. 50 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Goodale, Caroline E., . . . Clinton. Mrs. F. A. Frink, Clinton, la. Harrington, Matilda E., West Needham. Mrs. John Shaw, Weston. Hayden, Mary C, . . . . " . . . . . . Woodstock, Vt. [Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. ?] May, Elizabeth W.,* Chelsea. Chelsea. Porter, Albertina G., Lowell. Mrs. William A. Cochrane, 37 Dean Street, Worcester. Bobbins, Cordelia B. (class secretary), Framingham. Belmont. Sleeper, Elvira A.,* Natick. Mrs. Warren Bird, Natick. Died, 1885. Stewart, Mary B., Concord. Empire, Col. Sumner, Abbie M.,* Needham. Died, October 5, 1864. Williams, Alline S.,* .... Groton. Mrs. Dwight Marcy, Rockville, Conn. Died, November, 1871. Wright, Julina H. * Bakersfield, Vt. Mrs. William A. Cutler, Natick. Died, June 10, 1891. February, 1862. Barnard, Carrie E. (class secretary), Worcester. Mrs. A. Huntress, 911 Boylston Street, Boston. Crosby, Marion W.,* East Brewster. Mrs. Heman Foster. Hawes, Marietta B., Franklin. 30 Dean Street, Attleborough. Hoyt, Fannie B.,* Framingham. Mrs. J. W. Brackett. Died, October 20, 1863. Leland, Jennie L., Holliston. Mrs. J. Henry Wilder, Cincinnati, O. Richardson, Charlotte A., Maiden. 69 Westland Avenue, Boston. .Stone, Mary* Hopkinton. Died, January, 1864. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 51 Wight, Lucy E., Boylston Centre. Natick. Williams, Ellen D., . . . . , . . . . Michigan City, Ind. Mrs. J. C. Haddock, Holland, Mich. July, 1862. Cook, Sarah S., Milford. Mrs. Ira A. Smith, Scotland, Mass. Howard, Clara M., Milford. Mrs. E. E. Shelton, 255 Mountain Street, Montreal, P. Q. Hyde, Ellen, New York. Framingham. Jones, Sarah F., New York. Mrs. T. F. Gane, 425 La Salle Avenue, Chicago, 111. Lakin, Josephine C, Worcester. Mrs. Joseph L. Sanborn, 47 Mt. Vernon Street, West Roxbury. Patrick, Lucy S., Milford. Hopedale. Richardson, Mary C, Newtonville. Mrs. T. T. Hartford, 25 Harley Street, Dorchester. Symmes, Elizabeth A., Aylmer, C. E. Aylmer, P. Q. Townsend, C. Maria, Dublin, N. H. Mrs. George A. Lawrence, Day Street, Fitchburg. Wight, Isabella L. (class secretary), Natick, Natick. February, 1863. Bancroft, Sarah B., Grantville. Wellesley Hills. Barker, Ellen C.,* Keene, N. H. Died, 1864. Deering, Emily A., Grantville. Mrs. E. D. Blaisdell, 2139 81st Street, Bensonhurst, Long Island, N. Y. Domag, Sarah A.,* Essex, Vt. Mrs. Fisher, Colchester, Vt. Died, 1898. Frost, Annie A., Roxbury. [Kansas ?] Graham, Mary J.,* Lexington. Boston. Hemenway, Mary C.,* Framingham. 52 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Mcintosh, Mary E.,* Lowell. Marengo, 111. Melvin, Cynthia G. f Lowell. South Chelmsford. Patch, Emerett O., . . . West Medford. Girls' High School, Boston. Perkins, Mary F.,* Mt. Yernon, N. H. Mrs. C. A. Hutchinson, Jacksonville, Fla. Porter, Juliet, Hookset, N. H. 37 Dean Street, Worcester. Potter, Lydia K., Concord, N. H. Mrs. Allen T. Perry, 814 Case Avenue, Cleveland, O. Smith, Helen M., Providence, R. I. Sturtevant, Ada B.,* Wellesley. Wellesley. Died, November 2, 1870. Sumner, Ella L., . . Needham. Mrs. David L. Jewell, Wollaston. Tenney, Isabel C* *. . . . Auburn, N. H. Died, April 6, 1877. Winchester, Anna B.,* . . . . Framingham. July, 1863. Bailey, Adelaide A.,* Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Robert Terrell, Santa Cruz, Cal. Died, 1895. Brooks, Mary O., .- Holden. Holden. Brown, Emma A. H., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. John K. Piper, 72 Walnut Street, Manchester, N. H. Brown, Mary B.,* Framingham. Framingham. Died, October 2, 1870. Bullard, Helen M., Framingham. Mrs. R. M. Tibbits, North Brookfield. Coburn, Harriet A., Weston. Mrs. Harrison B. Hall, Westford. Dearborn, Laura A., Woodstock, Vt. Mrs. L. A. Munger, Woodstock, Vt. Everett, Caroline I., Keene, N. H. Mrs. B. F. Thompson, 139 Catharine Street, Springfield. French, Ellen G.,* Keene, N. H. Keene, N. H. Died, December 24, 1866. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. 53 Hudson, Susan B., Concord. Mrs. F. W. Miller, 320 Chestnut Street, Chelsea. Marshall, Eliza J.,* Wellesley. Newton, Mary S. (class secretary), Southborough. Mrs. Henry Chamberlain, Marlborough. Pond, Alvira 0., West Medway. Mrs. David R. Williams, Greenland, Douglas County, Col. February, 1864. Abbott, Susan E., Wilton, N. H. Mrs. George N. Carr, East Woodstock, Conn. Baldwin, Mary F., Boston. Mrs. Francis R. Stoddard, care Sherwood Manufacturing Company, Buf- falo, N. Y. Brown, Abby, Concord. Concord. Brown, Ellen A.,* Concord. Mrs. Caleb H. Wheeler, Concord. Brown, Lavina A., Worcester. Mrs. Edwin Brown, 84 Burk Street, Nashua, N. H. Bullard, Emily M., Framingham. Framingham. Chamberlin, Olive M., Templeton. Mrs. B. W. Childs, 9 Westland Street, Worcester. Chandler, Ellen A., Jamaica Plain. Mrs. W. W. Goodwin, 5 Follen Street, Cambridge. Clark, Mary H., .* Hubbardston. Mrs. J. Gilman Waite, 19 Pearl Street, Medford. Clarke, S. Maria, West Newton. 371 Cherry Street, West Newton. Coe, Amelia, Framingham. 17 Warren Avenue, West Newton. Eastwood, Mary A.,* Saxonville. Died, June 19, 1870. Furber, Mary A.,* Framingham. Mrs. James Ambler, Saxonville. Gibbs, Alice K., Framingham. Mrs. Thomas J. Stearns, 4 Park Lane, Jamaica Plain. Harbach, Charlotte P., Newton Centre. Mrs. N. L. Andrews, Hamilton, N. Y. Haskell, Sarah J.,* Oakham. Died, August 29, 1864. 54 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Hastings, Mary A., Northfield. Mrs. Charles W. Trott, Carthage, Mo. Hathaway, Sarah K., . . . . , . , . . . . Medford. Mrs. Thomas C. Thurlow, West Newbury. Ives, Mary L., . Holyoke. Care F. R. Humeston, Holyoke. Locke, Mary H., . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston. Mrs. H. R. Thompson, 48 Congress Street, Boston. Moody, Elizabeth C, Northfield. Mrs. F. B. Washburn, 921 Main Street, Racine, Wis. Patridge, Lelia E , .__. Pasumpsic, Vt. Care E. E. Patridge, 59 Kiiby Street, Boston. Siesbtittel, Amelia A., . Brookline. Mrs. W. C. Raymond, 5 Hollis Place, Aliston. Walker, Mary C.,* Manchester, N. H. Mrs. E. W. Morse, San Diego, Cal. Died, May, 1899. White, Charlotte A., Framingham. Mrs. Charles W. Kennard, 30 Chestnut Street, Boston. Wilder, Catherine L., . . . . . . . . . Holliston. Barre. Williams, Ellen A. (class secretary), Newton Lower Falls. Newton Lower Falls. Williams, Eliza E., Newton Lower Falls. Mrs. Isaac F. Porter, Shirley. Winchester, Emma E., . . . Southborough. Mrs. E. W. Ingraham, 5648 Jefferson Avenue, Chicago, III. June, 1864. Abbott, Frances N., Wilton, N. H. Mrs. Albert Carleton, Wilton, N. H. Bigelow, Martha A.,* Marlborough. Died, 1871. Brighara, Fannie E Marlborough. Mrs. Oliver Hawes, Cucamauga Station, Zucker, Cal. Burge, Martha J., Hollis, N. H. Care Mr. Edwin Burge, 40 Portland Block, Chicago, III. Clarke, Annie M., Wellesley. [107 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. ?] Clarke, Susan R., ..... Hubbardston. 20 Sacramento Street, Cambridge. nn STATU NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 55 Coolidge, Elizabeth B., Chester, N.H. 165 Genesee Street, Lockport, N. Y. Davis, Amelia (class secretary), Wayland. 25 River Street, West Newton. Eddy M. Ellen, East Somerville. 67 Bonair Street, Somerville. Farley, Lucy F., Leominster. Mrs. Herbert M. Lang, 28 Lancaster Street, Worcester. Green, Sarah E., Lancaster. Mrs. C. L. Wilder, 3144 Maiden Street, Chicago, 111. Haley, Eva M., Jamaica Plain. Mrs. Francis H. Barnard, 224 East 4th Street, Duluth, Minn. Hinckley, Abbie F.,* Wareham. Died, October, 1865. Hoffses, Isabel M., Waldoborough, Me. South Waldoborough, Me. Knight, Louise C, Charlestown. Mrs. J. Harvey Young, 384 Boylston Street, Boston. Meldrum, Susan C, Cambridge. Mrs. George Linscott, 25 Folsom Street, Roxbury. Otis, Adelaide J.,* Charlestown. Mrs. Franklin 0. Barnes, Chelsea. Phillips, Eugenia M., Charlestown. 19 Highland Avenue, Somerville. Potter, Mary A., Concord, N. H. Mrs. Freeman, 2548 Druid Hill Avenue, Baltimore, Md. Sanderson, Sarah I., Petersham. Springfield. Staples, Helen I., . . . . Blackstone. Mrs. Arthur A. Putnam, Uxbridge. Stevens, Eliza B., Marlborough. Mrs. Frederick A. Lewis, Marlborough. Stone, Anna J., Saxonville. Mrs. F. A. Brackett, 92 Barbour Street, Hartford, Conn. Sylvester, Emily H., Bowdoin, Me. Lisbon Falls, Me. Tenney, Malvena, Grantville. 191 Warren Avenue, Boston. Toombs, Charlotte R., . . . . Newton Centre. Mrs. D. G. Hands, [New York ?]. 56 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Warren, Sarah N., . . Framingham. Whitcomb, Fannie, Keene, N. H. Mrs. George N. Bigelow, 324 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. January, 1865. Bates, Ella M.,* New York. Mrs. E. F. Parsons, Thompson ville, Conn. Caldwell, Frances A., Hartford, Conn. [Colegio de Senoritas, Granada, Nicaragua, C. A. ?] Chapman, Anna C.,* Richmond. Mrs. Hawkins, Winfield, Kan. Coe, Ellen, . . .._.. Framingham. 150 Church Street, West Newton. Fairbanks, Lucy A., Ashburnham. Mrs. George N. Ells, Waterbury, Conn. Fisk, Sarah E., Framingham. Mrs. E. M. White, Framingham. Haven, Caroline T. (class secretary), Northborough. 109 West 54th Street, New York. Keith, Adelaide A., Middleborough. 29 West Dane Street, Beverly. Kenrick, Eliza F.,* Orleans. Mrs. Asa F. Smith, Brookline. Died, October 30, 1896. Moore, Ella F., Framingham. Framingham. Nye, Alice J.,* Boston. Perry, Ella F., ,. Webster. Mrs. John A. Osborn, 42 West Avenue, Norwalk, Conn. Pratt, Kosella L., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. H. C. Sawin, 14 Maple Avenue, Newton. Rider, Caroline A., Barre. Barre. Ritchie, Caroline S., Canonsburg, Pa. Mrs. John S. Hays, Canonsburg, Pa. Smith, Abbie E.,* '. . . . .Sudbury. Mrs. Frank Bent, Sudbury. Died, October, 1894. Spalding, Elizabeth J., Hollis, N. H. Mrs. Henry G. Hildreth, 45 Ash Street, Auburndale. Stevens, Emma L.,* Framingham. Brookline. Died, April 24, 1896. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 57 Stevens, Mary E., Framingham. Mrs. William H. Spencer, Skowhegan, Me. Tower, Catherine, Sudbury. Mrs. Rufus H. Hurlbut, South Sudbury. Travers, Josephine P., Chelsea. Mrs. Otis Atwood, 57 Hawthorn Street, Chelsea. July, 1865. Cady, Emma A.,* Blackstone. Gibbs, Sarah E. (class secretary), Framingham. Mrs. Aaron N. Skinner, Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. Goodall, Bessie, Lexington. Mrs. George B. Phinney, 740 South Eddy Street, Fort Scott, Kan. Hapgood, Clara H., West Acton. Mrs. Frederick C. Nash, West Acton. Renshaw, Fannie L.,* Richmond. February, 1866. Annetts, Margaret E. ,* * Framingham. Mrs. Charles H. Walker, Marlborough. Bigelow, Lydia M.,* Attleborough. Died, 1871. Bull, Mary D., Framingham. 370 Wilder Street, Lowell. Carpenter, Elzo E., Milford. Mrs. Edward L. Wood, 44 Cypress Street, Brookline. Cole, Lucinda P. (class secretary), Marlborough. Mrs. Charles B. Travis, 51 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Brighton. Eddy, Mary E.,* Northborough. Mrs. S. T. Maynard, Amherst. Fales, Sarah A.,* Shrewsbury. Forbes, Susan W., Boylston. Northborough. Hastings, Emma E., Framingham. Mrs. T. W. Paine, 2 Laurel Street, Charlestown. Haynes, Sarah F., Sudbury. Mrs. S. F. Grabill, Encinal, Cal. Holyoke, Rebecca H., Marlborough. Mrs. A. S. Morrison, Braintree. Howard, E. Jennie, North Prescott. [San Nicholas de Buenos Aires, Argentine Republic, S. A. ?] 58 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Huff, Abbie S., Milton. 12 Waban Street, Newton. Loker, Sarah W., Acton. Westford. Low, Susan A., Chelsea. Mrs. Charles D. Stone, Waban. Marean, Mary E., . . . Hubbardston. Mrs. Edward A. Morse, 4424 Delmar Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Maynard, Sarah M., Marlborough. Mrs. J. V. Jackman, Marlborough. Moore, Mary H., Concord. Mrs. William H. Morse, 10 Schussler Road, Worcester. Peabody, Effie J., . Wellesley. Mrs. Colon S. Ober, 42 Central Street, Auburndale. Poole, Irene A., Rockland. Mrs. Henry H. Huse, Concord, N. H. Porter, Eliza F., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Chauncey B. Littlefield, 1952 Elm Street, Manchester, N. H. Rice, Lucy, Boston. Barre. Russell, Abby F., Framingham. Framingham. Tilden, Catherine H., Natick. Mrs. Elroy M. Avery, 657 Woodland Hills, Cleveland, 0. West, Caroline, Framingham. Mrs. C. W. Van Welden, 1720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Williams, Maria F., Newton Lower Falls. Mrs. Jonathan Felt, Peterborough, N. H. July, 1866. Bennett, Josephine S., Framingham. Mrs. Walter H. White, 220 Marlborough Street, Boston. Brewster, Harriet A., Ashland. 38 St. Botolph Street, Boston. Bulfmch, Mary C, . . . . Boston. Mrs. E. G. Barrett, 3 Whittier Street, North Cambridge. Daniels, Abby E. (class secretary), Worcester. Mrs. F. T. Blackmer, 631 North Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, Col. Davis, Mary C, Medfield. Mrs. Wilbur Johnson, Canterbury, Conn. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 59 Farnham, Emma E.,* Millbury. Mrs. Joseph E. Billings, Newton Upper Falls. Died, 1877. Gibson, L. Jennie, Hopkinton. Mrs. Henry Moses, Westborough. Goodell, Ellen J., Westborough. Westborough. Green, Angeline E., Shrewsbury. Mrs. Samuel Clarke, Northborough. Hatch, Frances P., South Berwick, Me. [Bloomfield ?] Hews, Emma M.,* Weston. Weston. Holbrook, Eva L.,* . . . . Hopkinton. Mrs. George I. Aldrich, Quincy. Kellogg, Arria S., Orange. Mrs. 0. M. Drury, 100 Wilson Avenue, Flushing, N. Y. Kelly, Abby P., Blackstone. Mrs. Henry E. Warren, 66 Westland Avenue, Boston. Loring, Lucy M. * Plymouth. Mrs. Alvin J. Gordon, Newton. Died, January 1, 1878. Mclntyre, Belle L., Boston. Mrs. Charles F. Hirsch, [Greenwood ?] Morissey, Sophronia C, Plymouth. Plymouth. Monroe, Annie, Framingham. Framingham. Putnam, Julia E.,* Grafton. Grafton. Died, November 6, 1891. Sawyer, Francena J., Lee, N. H. Mrs. J. P. Eaton, Mapleville, Dodge County, Neb. Shepard, H. Emma,* Ashland. Mrs. C. Franklin Herrick, Boston Highlands. Died, June 22, 1887. Spaulding, Emma J., Boston. Mrs. Leander Barber, 32 Grove Street, Winchester. Tilden, Augusta L., Natick. Mrs. G. W. Hanchett, Hyde Park. Valentine, Martha P., Ashland. Ashland. Williams, Florence, Framingham. Mrs. Frederick B. Home, Framingham. 60 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. January, 1867. Armes, Ellen E. (class secretary), ' Fitchburg. 438 Water Street, Fitchburg. Bigelow, Sarah A.,* . . Northborough. Mrs. C. O. Arnold, Pawtucket, R. I. Died, April 23, 1891. Clough, Marianna, Manchester, N. H. Mrs. Charles H. Rockwell, Chatham. Cook, Emma L., South Milford. Mrs. A. G. Brewer, Hopkinton. Eaton, Maria S., Worcester. 21 Walker Street, Cambridge. Faulkner, Sophia E., . South Acton. Mrs. Francis J. Campbell, Royal Normal College for the Blind, Upper Nor- wood, London, S. E., Eng. Fitch, Charlotte A., Holliston. 127 Main Street, Watertown. Gamwell, Mary L.,* Holyoke. Framingham. Died, May 4, 1897. Henry, Mary C, Westborough. 764 Rock Street, Fall River. Kittredge, Maria C.,* Brookfield. Mrs. George H. Gleason, Worcester. Died, March 1, 1896. Moore, Anna F., Marlborough. Mrs. Churchill S. Stevens, Worcester. Died, February 24, 1895. Parker, M. Isadore* Clinton. Clinton. Died, 1890. Parmenter, Leora H., . . East Holliston. Mrs. George A. Bartlett, Holliston. Porter, Kate L.,* Manchester, N. H. Mrs. James L. Campbell, Lowell. Died, April, 1893. Rogers, Mary E., Bangor, Me. Vineyard Haven. Sawyer, M. Arabella,* Lee, N. H. Mrs. A. S. Lee, Chicago, 111. Died, April, 1894. Smith, Fannie M., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. George W. Flint, 101 Milford Street, Manchester, N. H. Souther, Anna B., . Worcester. Mrs. David W. Pond, 434 West 7th Street, Plainfield, N. J. Tozier, Caroline E., Charlestown. Mrs. William E. Johnson, 575 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. r STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGIIAM. 61 July, 1867. Alexander, Anna W., Fitchburg. Mrs. T. H. Wason, 8 Goffe Street, Quincy. Boyd, Caroline B., Marlborough. Marlborough. Bush, Susan S., New Braintree. Mrs. E. A. W. Raymond, 58 Austin Street, Worcester. Carruth, Louise B., Northborough. Mrs. Charles N. Baxter, 80 Quincy Avenue, Quincy. Dadmun, Anna F.,* Ashland. Mrs. A. A. Coburn, Ashland. Died, May 20, 1892. Davis, Lura M.,* Fitchburg. Mrs. J. A. Rockwood, Fitchburg. Eames, Ellen M., Northborough. Mrs. Edgar P. Larkin, Hudson. Flynn, Jennie, Nashua, N. H. [Council Bluffs, la. ?] Goodnow, Emma A., Saxonville. Mrs. Almond Bailey, South Natick. Hastings, Anna L. (class secretary), Framingham. Mrs. John Hills, 715 St. Marks Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hayward, Lillian L., Concord. Mrs. Jewett N. Darling, 239 76th Street, Chicago, 111. Howe, Edith W., Petersham. 54 Auburn Street, Brookline. Hurd, Marcella A Concord. Mrs. William H. Brown, Concord. Loring, Kate W., . . Marlborough. Mrs. B. C. Moulton, 112 Brighton Avenue, Allston. Osgood, Lydia D., Nelson, N. H. Hancock, N. H. Tobey, Jane E., Whitinsville. 2 Monument Square, Charlestown. Tyler, Isota L., Southville. North Abington. January, 1868. Cameron, Charlotte E., Wellesley. Wellesley. Cunningham, Ella,* Marlborough. Died, June 15, 1871. 62 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Dearborn, Flora E.,* Hudson. Died, June 11, 1869. Farley, Eunice W., . . . . Grantville. Mrs. C. C. Felton, Montecito, Santa Barbara, Cal. Jones, Rosella C.,* Templeton. Mrs. James Hanna, St. Louis, Mo. Died, November 28, 1883. Parker, Henrietta E.,* . Clinton. Mrs. Charles C. Murdock, Clinton. Died, August 18, 1893. Phipps, Fannie E., . . . . East Woodstock, Conn. Box 33, Hartford, Conn. Reed, Lydia M., East Abington. Mrs. William M. Walker, Schuyler, Colfax County, Neb. Rice, Sarah F., Ashland. Ashland. Snow, Josephine D. (class secretary), East Harwich. Mrs. Andre A. Southwick, Taunton. Warren, Mary H., Worcester. 163 Austin Street, Worcester. July, 1868. Adams, Maria L., Stow. Mrs. William Cobb, Natick. Albee, Abbie L.,* Marlborough. Mrs. J. J. Smith, Pittsburg, Pa. Died, April 19, 1897. Aldrich, Abbie L., Westborough. Mrs Archibald McCullagh, 83 Elm Street, Worcester. Aldrich, Emma F., Upton. West Upton. Boynton, Ellen A., . . Bedford. 15 Evergreen Avenue, Somerville. Brett, Florence A., Rock Bottom. 50 Cedar Street, Somerville. Damon, Emily F., Wayland. Wayland. Dewing, Marion E., Orange. Mrs. W. E. Nason, Orange. Dunn, Helen M. (class secretary), Dover. Mrs. T. F. Jones, 3 Cambridge Terrace, Allston. Gibbs, Ella J.,* Framingham. Framingham. Died, January 9, 1890. Goldthwaite, Emma M.,* Saxonville. Mrs. L. Hoyt Pease, New Britain, Conn. Died, November, 1876. O X o O STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. 63 May, Eliza D., Worcester. Mrs. Edwin H. Goodwin, Burt, Kossuth County, la. Merriam, Lucy, Framingham. Mrs. Leonard B. Adams, South Framingham. Northrop, Harriette E. C, New Haven, Conn. Mrs. Dwight Holbrook, Sing Sing, N. Y. Richardson, Mary A., Ware Village. Mrs. M. 0. West, Port Chester, N. Y. Turner, Abbie C, Townsend Harbor. Mrs. Eugene R. Kilbourn, Townsend. Whitney, Martha R.,* Bolton. Lancaster. Wood, Anna J., Upton. Mrs. George E. Cutler, 23 Irving Street, South Framingham. January, 1869. Beeman, Mary E., Westborough. Mrs. George E. Moses, 9 Brownell Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Day, Lena M., Lancaster. Mrs. Burke F. Leavitt, Melrose Highlands. Foss, Cynthia A., Pelham, N. H. Mrs. George W. Robbins, Norwell. Goodnow, Mary A. M.,* Concord. Concord. Died, June 29, 1879'. Haines, Mary E.,* Andover, N. H. Died, February 23, 1869. Hay den, Caroline E.,* Framingham. Mrs. J. Russell Campbell, Boston Highlands. Died, September 30, 1877. McRoy, Josephine, Saxonville. Mrs. Israel Hatch, Hanover. Metcalf, Maria J.,* Worcester. Died, March 22, 1876. Moore, Edith A.,* Ashland. Mrs. F. W. Frost, Emerson, Ga. Died, June 21, 1890. Newton, Martha C, Southborough. Mrs. J. Hoyt North, Harrah, Oklahoma. Southwick, Sarah A., Mendon. Mrs. E. A. Hersey, Westborough. Whitney, Florence E., Ashburnham. Mrs. Calvin W. Burbank, 130 Bowers Street, Lowell. 64 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Whittier, Minerva F., Newbury port. 68 Sever Street, Worcester. Wy man, Annie C. (class secretary), Lancaster. Mrs. Edward I. Comins, 1194 Main Street, Worcester. July, 1869. Barrett, Cora (class secretary), Stoneham. Mrs. Sanford M. Cutting, Nobscot. Brigham, Clara A., Northborough. 116 Front Street, Worcester. Burge, Abbie C, Hollis, N. H. 51 Portland Block, Chicago, 111. Chandler, Ada B., Andover. Care Mrs. A. M. Robinson, Andover, or Kobe, Japan. Clark, Sarah A., Hubbardston. Mrs. Alden Paine, Whitinsville. Clarke, Julia C, Manchester, N. H. 505 Columbus Avenue, Boston. Colburn, Josephine M., . Groton. Mrs. Joseph T. Wood, Ware. Dillingham, Sarah F., Lowell. Lowell. Poole, Ella S., Worcester. Mrs. Charles F. Cutler, Morristown, N. J. Townsend, Harriet A., Wellesley. [Wellesley ?] West, Annie L., Framingham. [3252 Chancellor Place, Philadelphia, Pa. ?] Wynne, Elizabeth M. * Charleston, S. C. Charleston, S. C. Died, February 10, 1899. January, 1870. Blood, Carrie M., Cambridgeport. Mrs. Luther M. Marston, Framingham. Dame, Agnes R. * Clinton. Clinton. Died, February, 1890. Dench, Caroline G Saxonville. Saxonville. Doane, Fannie V., Dana. Dana. Eaton, Mary E., . . . Framingham. Mrs. J. S. Williams, Nobscot. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 65 French, Lettie E., Saxonville. Saxonville. Gill, Clara R., Pepperell. 36 Franklin Street, Nashua, N. H. Gill, Emma B.,* Pepperell. Pepperell. Died, July 17, 1878. Harmon, Lilian, Framingham. Care E. C. Harmon, 373 Ontario Street, Chicago, 111. Hastings, Ella W.,* Framingham. Mrs. John Chapman, Cambridgeport. Died, December 3, 1899. Marsh, Ellen L.,* Stoneham. Mrs. Walter Moore, Melrose Highlands. Died, March 14, 1891. Sanger, Emma H.,* Newton. Weeks, Ella F., Marlborough. 29 Warren Avenue, Marlborough. Wilder, Lilla T., Holliston. 566 Main Street, Waltham. July, 1870. Aldrich, Alice C, Marlborough. Elmira, N. Y. Boyden, Emelia, Marlborough, N. H. Mrs. Clark N. Chandler, 29 Evergreen Avenue, Somerville. Brown, Charlotte A., Concord. Concord. Edes, Mary C, Bolton. Mrs. Cyrus A. Roys, "Oxbridge. Farrington, Judith,* Fryeburg, Me. Boston. Folger, Ellen A.,* Gardner. Mrs. C. E. Milliken, Pennacook, N. H. Died, February 12, 1893. Gates, Alice F., . Hubbardston. Hubbardston. Martin, Janet, Clinton. 42 Chatham Street, Worcester. Monk, Susan N., Framingham. Framingham. Morse, Abbie,* Charlestown, N. H. Mrs. Wright, South Charlestown, N. H. Died, March 6, 1898. Phillips, Mary S. (class secretary), Framingham. South Framingham. G6 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Riddle, Laura A., . Amherst, N. H. Mrs. George Hey wood, Gardner. Stone, M. Isabella, Framingham. Framingham. Stowe, Annie E., Marlborough. Mrs. F. A. Marshall, Marlborough. January, 1871. Anderson, Charlotte, Boston. Mrs, Frederick H. Brockway, East Milton. Cummings, Mary E., . . Winchendon. Mrs. Wendell Clark, Winchendon. Freeman, Harriet E., Webster. Mrs. Charles W. R. Smith, Lansdowne, Pa. Frost, Ada M., . . . Concord. 154 Austin Street, Worcester. Fuller, Katherine C.,* Westborough. Hancock, Emma A.,* St. Johnsbury, Vt. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Died, 1876. Harrington, Mary R., New Braintree. Mrs. Charles H. Davis, Jr., Amenia, N. Y. Phillips, Edith M. (class secretary), Grantville. Wellesley Hills. July, 1871. Blood, Mary A., Hollis, N. H. Columbian School of Oratory, Steinway Hall, Chicago, 111. Brokenshire, Susan R., . Milton. East Milton. Clapp, Louise H., Dorchester. 48 Hawthorn Street, Cambridge. Coltman, Mary H.,* 9 . . . • • . Medfield. Medfield. Died, January 28, 1894. Damon, Lucy M., Wayland. Mrs. Edwin W. Baxter, Walsenburg, Col. Hastings, Emily P.,* Mt. Morris, N. Y. Mt. Morris, N. Y. Died, October 21, 1872. Hudson, Catherine A.,* New Bedford. New Bedford. Died, January 19, 1895. King, Ella S., Southborough. Mrs. John T. Gibson, 17 Myrtle Street, Jamaica Plain. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMING HAM. 67 Rice, Marietta (class secretary), Natick. Natick. Richardson, Myra B., . . Fitchburg. Mrs. Ernest P. Miller, 24 Church Street, Fitchburg. Sanger, Ellen M., Holliston. Mrs. Charles H. Pratt, Wendell Depot. Shattuck, Cornina*, South Acton. Oorfa, Turkey. Southwick, Dora E., Millville. Mrs. J. B. Davis, Millville. Southwick, Eva A.,* . . .'..'. Millville. Mrs. Charles Buffum, Millville. Staples, Abbie F., Westborough. Mrs. Eben W. Henry, 393 Ferry Street, Everett. Twichell, Alice E., Brookfield. Mrs. Henry J. Harding, 615 North Laurence Avenue, Wichita, Kan. Van Ommen, Gertrude A. P., . . . . . . . Southborough. Mrs. B. H. Goodwin, 189 Lincoln Street, Worcester. White, Abbie M., . Grafton. Farnumsville. Wis well, Joan L., Framingham. Saxonville. January, 1872. Bassett, Mary A., Berlin. Berlin. Browne, Emily A., Boston. Mrs. Joseph M. Ballard, [Eau Claire, Wis. ?] . Caldwell, Abbie G.,* Singling, N.Y. Mrs. Wendell W. Wight, Natick. Died, September, 1892. Conant, Mary C.,* Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Died, May 21, 1893. Dwyer, Ella L., Grafton. [1727 21st Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ?] Fay, Martha F., . . Natick. Mrs. John E. Clarke, Winsted, Conn. Fennessy, Joanna, Framingham. Mrs. J. J. County, 12 Pratt Street, South Framingham. Johnson, Mary E., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Henry W. Ashford, Brownhelm, 0. Lecraw, Annie R.,* Chelsea. Maiden. 68 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Messenger, Emma J., West Upton. [Melrose ?] Moore, Mary C, Newton Upper Falls. Hopedale. Oakes, Elizabeth J., . . . Brookfield. Mrs. Louis H. Gass, Brookfield. Parker, Ada A. S.,* * Natick. Mrs. Howard C. Dunham, Denver, Col. Died, February 13, 1895. Parmenter, Delia M., Marlborough. Mrs. Arthur T. Knight, Hudson. Schumaker, Emily E., Lancaster. Mrs. Putnam Newton, 96 East Street, Clinton. Shattuck, Mary L. P. (class secretary), Pepperell. Pepperell. Stoddard, Mary F., Winchendon. 68 Beach Street, Maiden. Taft, LillieN., Uxbridge. [630 Minna Street, San Francisco ?] July, 1872. Barrett, Isa,* Stoneham. Mrs. Frank Richardson, Medford. Beeman, Marion L.,* Westborough. Westborough. Died, February 24, 1899. Blunt, Jennie H., Milford. Mrs. Albert F. Sadler, 83 Congress Street, Milford. Crestley, Mary L., Saxonville. Mrs. John F. Brinn, 1 May wood Terrace, Roxbury. Davis, Louise D., Milford. Mrs. V. T. Wilson, Hudson, So. Dak. Davis, Ada C, Acton. Berwick, la. Fennessy, Mary, Framingham. Mrs. Michael Savage, Norwood. Flint, Nancy P., Bedford, N. H. Mrs. Myron L. Stickney, 470 Belmont Street, Manchester, N. H. Gates, Adelaide F., Barre. Mrs. Frederick A. Walker, Barre. Kendall, Anna E., Sterling. Mrs. James L. Goss, Sterling. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMING-HAM. 69 Pickering, Martha, Westborough. Mrs. Frank Rector, Fitchburg. Rice, Jennie I., South Framingham. Mrs. Edgar V. Ware, South Framingham. Searle, Edith G., Northborough. Mrs. Henry E. Maynard, 42 Hollis Street, Newton. Searle, Ella F. (class secretary), Northborough. Northborough. Tibbetts, Matilda B., Natick. Mrs. Seth W. Tibbetts, 9 Tibbetts Street, Natick. Upton, Lilla F., Worcester. Worcester. Wallace, Mary A.,* Milford. Mrs. Wallahan, Milford. Died, February, 1897. Webster, Frances S., Charlestown. Mrs. William C. Richardson, 109 Highland Avenue, Newtonville. Welsh, Ella M., . . Framingham. Mrs. Michael McCaffrey, 87 Church Street, Woonsocket, R. I. White, Julia M., Bergen Point, N. J. Mrs. George H. Gale, Maywood Colony, Cal. Wing, Ella M., Grafton. Mrs. Thomas F. Hastings, South Framingham. Wood, Ella F., North Leominster. Mrs. Austin A. Smith, Leominster. January, 1873. Bemis, Anna M.,* Paxton. Mrs. Charles F. Pond, Brookfield. Claflin, Sarah C.,* Westborough. Westborough. Coolidge, Elizabeth F., Sherborn. Sherborn. Davis, Ellen E., Milford. Mrs. Charles N. Nichols, Milford. Dike, Ella 0., Stoneham. Mrs. Frank Bryant, Stoneham. Fay, Ella M.,* Southborough. Mrs. A. 0. Whipple. Graham, Alice, Framingham. Mrs. F. W. Coolidge, Framingham. 70 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. Greene, Emma A., Lancaster. Mrs. Herbert J. Harwood, Littleton. Hatch, Susan L., Chelsea, Vt. Mrs. Mahoney, Dock Road, Cape Town, South Africa. Hill, Mary W.,* . . Boston. Howard, Jennie L., Chelmsford. Mrs. James H. Willoughby, 27 Courtland Street, Nashua, N. H. Howard, Mary (class secretary), Chelmsford. Mrs. Elwyn H. Fowler, North Avenue, Worcester. Mansfield, Lydia C, Framingham. [21 Union Avenue, Dorchester ?] Pierce, Ella A., Orange. 413 West 46th Street, New York. Ryan, Judith, . . . ... . . . . . . Marlborough. Mrs. Andrew Handley, Chelmsford. Taft, Rebekah L., West Upton. Mrs. Eugene J. Urban, Upton. Tilden, Georgia H., Auburn. Mrs. John F. Black, [Knoxville, la. ?]. Torrey, Ella M., Grantville. Mrs. Charles L. Carrington, 801 High Street, Newark, N. J. Travis, Esther E., Westborough. Mrs. John L. Allen, Northborough. July, 1873. Barnes, Edith, . . • . . Northborough. Northborough. Bennett, Sarah L., Mendon. Mendon. Bullard, Florence V. (class secretary), .Framingham. Framingham. Fisher, Helen F., Medway. Mrs. Walter V. Hawkes, Cliftondale. Hemenway, Lucy E., . . . Framingham. Mrs. Clarence M. Dyer, 62 Bradford Street, Lawrence. Jordan, Alice M., Newton Lower Falls. Mrs. Rodolphus Porter, Newton Lower Falls. Kelley, Lizzie A.,* Millbury. Died, August, 1875. Mann, Minnie M., Natick. Mrs. Edwin Pierce, 240 East Ohio Street, Chicago, 111. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 71 Moore, Imogene A., Wayland. Mrs. Edward Carter, South Lincoln. Osborne, Caroline A., Somerville. 300 Newbury Street, Boston. Pierce, Annie E.,* Hollis, N. H. Mrs. Luman C. Drake, Framingham. Died, November 8, 1886. Ray, Gertrude M., Baldwinville. Mrs. Henry L. Watson, Leicester. Stratton, Emily F., Winchendon. Mrs. Frederick E. Lord, 95 Sydney Street, Dorchester. January, 1874. Barber, Augusta (class secretary), Framingham. Framingham. Bates, Jennie, Grantville. 95 West Street, Portland, Me. Brown, M. Elizabeth, East Douglas. East Douglas. Bullard, Helen F., West Medway. West Medway. Fuller, Mary M., Grantville. Wellesley Hills. Howard, M. Kate, Lunenburg. Mrs. John G. Litch, Leominster. May, Fanny W.,* Boston. Mrs. R. E. Babson, Boston. Died, September, 1877. Thacher, Harriet P., West Newton. Mrs. W. H. Lathe, 380 Elevado Drive, Pasadena, Cal. Williams, Janet W.,* Newton Lower Falls. Newton Lower Falls. Died, December 10, 1893. Winship, Lizzie A., West Chelmsford. West Chelmsford. Wood, Annie L., Wellesley. Newton. Woods, Mary W., Marlborough. Mrs. Sylvester Brown, Wollaston. July, 1874. Austin, Ella M., Framingham. Mrs. James R. Palmer, San Bernardino, Cal. Ball, Laura M., Milford. Mrs. Theodore Lyman, 22 Woodland Street, Hartford, Conn. 72 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Barker, Grace 0., Marlborough. Mrs. William S. Townsend, 244 William Street, East Orange, N. J. Browne, Frances H. G., Framingham. Framingham. Bullard, Emma L., Walpole. Mrs. Edgar R. Hills, 814 Watertown Street, West Newton. Chapin, Alice J., . . . Milford. Mrs. S. Alden Eastman, 146 Congress Street, Milford. Childs, Cornelia M., Framingham. Framingham. Daniels, Ida M.,* Franklin. Franklin. Doliver, Lucy S., Stoneham. Mrs. James S. Dudley, [30 Porter Street, Boston ?]. Gates, Lucy R., Holyoke. Wellington, Cape Colony, South Africa. Greenwood, Agnes W., Marlborough. 104 Maple Street, Marlborough. Harrington, Mary E., Sheldonville. Mrs. George J. Trumbull, Upton. Hopson, Amarette E., Worcester. Mrs. Arthur C. Wright, 42 Kingsbury Street, Worcester. Home, Caroline W.,* Framingham. Framingham. Died, July 30, 1880. Kenrick, Luella G. ,* Dover. Died, December 7, 1875. McAfee, Elizabeth M., Bedford, N. H. 8 Court Street, Concord, N. H. McElroy, Ellen M., Medway. Mrs. Seymour E. Gates, 148 South Street, Holyoke. McGowan, Mary* Maynard. Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Worcester. Died, December, 1887. McLeod, Mary J., Grantville. Wellesley Hills. Merrill, Josephine A., Gardiner, Me. Mrs. Herbert W. Snow, Omaha, Neb. Munroe, Charlotte,* Framingham. Mrs. Charles Munroe, Boston Highlands. Died, December 7, 1894. Norris, Sarah L., Marlborough. Mrs. Randall Spaulding, 14 Clinton Street, Montclair, N. J. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINOIIAM. 73 O'ConnelL, Ellen A., Marlborough. 63 Maple Street, Marlborough. Pratt, Sarah E. (class secretary), . . Sudbury. Sudbury. Sturtevant, Anna L., Marlborough, N. H. Mrs. Wesley W. Hawley, 213 North Jefferson Street, Huntington, Ind. Westcott, Melina A., Marlborough. 66 Maple Street, Marlborough. January, 1875. Browning, Emma S., North Brookfield. Mrs. Sumner W. Ludden, North Brookfield. Buchanan, C. Rebecca,* Calais, Me. Boston. Forbush, Emma J. (class secretary), . . Grafton. Mrs. George Z. Taft, Uxbridge. Grames, E. Adelaide, Chelsea, Vt. E. Adelaide Grahame, [Montpelier, Vt. ?]. Hay ward, Lilla A., West Acton. Mrs. N. B. Tainter, 355' Elm Street, West Somerville. Holbrook, Etta M., Winchester. Mrs. Joseph C. Adams, 22 Dix Street, Winchester. Holt, Clara E., Pembroke, N. H. Monte Vista, Col. Pollock, Eliza A., Whitinsville. Mrs. Charles V. Dudley, Whitinsville. Roberts, Alice A., Berlin, Vt. 521 Albany Avenue, Chicago, 111. Sanborn, Mary P., Marlborough. 90 Church Street, Marlborough. Simpson, Isabelle M., Southborough. Mrs. DeClinton Nichols, Southborough. Webster, Mary K., Westford. 37 Harrison Street, Manchester, N. H. Whiting, Ida C, Dover. Mrs. Eugene Bonney, Wollaston. July, 1875. Bigelow, Elizabeth G., Framingham. Framingham. Briggs, Emma F. (class secretary), . . . . . • . Longwood. 50 Highland Avenue, Cambridge. 74 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Cozzens, Caroline E.,* . ' . . Newton Centre. Newton Centre. Curtis, Elizabeth, Cambridgeport. Kinross Road, Brighton. Esty, Fanny B., . . . Framingham. Mrs. Charles W. Emerson, 64 Milton Avenue, Hyde Park. Harlow, Helen M., . . Southborough. Mrs. Harry W. Blake, Framingham. Hemenway, L. Emma, Stow. Mrs. I. Loring Brown, Hudson. Hyde, Elizabeth, Brooklyn, N. Y. 338 4th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., or Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va. Maynard, Mary L.,* Maynard. Maynard. Morse, Eva S., Franklin. Medway. Rice, Alice 0., Ashland. Mrs. G. G. Tiddsbury, [Ashland ?] . Shadd, Marian P., Washington, D. C. [2110 14th Street, Washington, D. C. ?] Shattuck, Anna, Groton. [Groton ?] Warner, Abbie J., West Newton. Mrs. 0. C. Clark, [229 McDougal Street, Detroit, Mich. ?]. Witt, Grace A., Marlborough. Mrs. F. H. Holland, [Worcester ?] . January, 1876. Boland, Mary A., Sterling. Mrs. George A. Pequignot, 15 Union Park, Boston. Gardner, Alice J., . . . . . . Boston. Mrs. Edward C. Marliave, 2037 Lincoln Street, Berkeley, Cal. Hart, Marilla M.,* Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. F. H. McDowell, New York. Harvey, Isadore, Milford. Mrs. H. C. Bagot, 1817 Bay Street, Alameda, Cal. Holley, Mary G.,* . West Darien, Conn. Jones, Clara A. (class secretary), . Warwick. Warwick. Metcalf, Ida M., Newton Lower Falls. Newton Lower Falls. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. 75 Metcalf, Martha F., Franklin. Mount Airy Institute for the Deaf, Philadelphia, Pa. Newton, Ellen Northborough. Mrs. Alfred A. Brooks, 2 Woburn Street, Medford. Page, Emma A., Leominster. Mrs. Edward T. Pierce, North Leominster. Partridge, Lena C, Boston. Mrs. Edward D. Dresser, Fletcher Street,yWinchester. Swift, Idella, Yershire, Vt. [Vershire, Vt. ?] Webster, Annie A., ....... . . . Westford. Mrs. Charles Allen, South Duxbury. Webster, Elizabeth S., Norridgewock, Me. 11 Landers Street, Somerville. July, 1876. Adams, Hattie, Northborough. Mrs. Wilder Gibson, Northborough. Boardman, Hattie E., Natick. Natick. Buxton, Nettie C.,* West Brookfield. West Brookfield. Died, February 1, 1881. Fairbanks, Elfie M., Fayville. Southborough. Gardner, Lucilla D., East Holliston. Mrs. Warren S. Hixon, 65 Baker Street, Lynn. Hanagan, Nano G.,* Framingham. Mrs. Tracy, Northborough. Died, September 8, 1877. Hildreth, Mary E.,* Northborough. Northborough. Died, October 17, 1889. Hixon, Maria F.,* West Medway. West Medway. Died, February 25, 1878. Hubbard, Nellie M. (class secretary), Hopkinton. Mrs. Frank G. Stearns, 60 Pearl Street, South Framingham. Jewett, Anna R., Northborough. Northborough. Jones, M. Eldora, Lunenburg. Lunenburg. Knowles, M. Ella, Graniteville. West Chelmsford. Livingstone, C. Isabelle, Winchester. Mrs. Freeman D. Blake, 2 Plympton Street, Woburn. 76 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Stetson, Eleanor B., . . Nashua, N. H. Nashua, N. H. Waters, Josephine EL, Newton. Mrs. William H. Wescott, Sandwich. January, 1877. Bronson, Cornelia C, . . . Woodstock, Conn. 313 Hope Street, Providence, R. I. Bronson, Edith B,,* Woodstock, Conn. Died, March 29, 1878. Burns, Rosalie T., . . Lowell. Lowell. Edgar, Sarah E.,* Framingham. Mrs. J. D. Cooney, South Framingham. Died, April 1, 1897. Elliot, Olive E. H.,. . . Cambridge. Mrs. George W. Parsons, Nashua, N. H. Hardy, Laura R., Carlisle. 37 Pearl Street, South Framingham. Home, Clara B , Lowell. 87 South Highland Street, Lowell. Hutson, Sarah E., Medfield. Mrs. John E. Horr, 75 Central Avenue, Hyde Park. Jennings, Ellen M. (class secretary), Weston. Mrs. H. D. Nash, 31 Wildwood Street, Winchester. Jones, Ella S., .Ashland. Mrs. James E. Sargent, 214 Brooks Street, East Boston. Marshall, Flora S., Colebrook, N. H. Mrs. Roy B. Gilman, Colebrook, N. H. Maynard, Harriet E., . . . ... . . . . Worcester. 35 May Street, Worcester. Newman, M. Blanche, Sudbury. Mrs. Waldo A. Learned, 2 Jewett Street, Newton. O'Connell, Mary J., Marlborough. 62 Maple Street, Marlborough. Swan, Mary A., Lowell. Mrs. F. W. Cheney, 5 Robinson Street, Lowell. Taisey, Kate C, Lowell. Mrs. Henry E. Crawford, 155 Westford Street, Lowell. Temple, Lillian,* ...;....... Marlborough. Mrs. Allan J. Sherman, Marlborough. Died, May 20, 1895. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINOHAM. 11 Wheeler, Mary A., Concord. Mrs. Edward Tilton, Concord. Woodbury, Nellie G., Ashland. Union Street, Leominster. July, 1877. Barrett, Delia, Stoneham. Stoneham. 'Boardman, Minnie B., Natick. Mrs. J. B. Robbins, 214 Salem Street, Maiden. Burks, Lizzie J., . . Natick. Mrs. William A. Knowlton, 25 Hancock Street, Auburndale. Fletcher, Nellie R., • . . . Chelmsford. Mrs. Douglas Zevely, 1525 Street, Washington, D. C. Hills, Helen M. (class secretary), Thomaston, Me. 13 Arlington Street, South Framingham. Kimball, Caroline L.,* Burlington, Vt. Mrs. William E. Forest, Decatur, Ala. Mansfield, Anna P., Chelmsford. Mrs. Hervey Merriam, 2643 Lafayette Street, Denver, Col. Newton, Cora A., Southborough. Fayville. Parmenter, Etta F., Framingham. Mrs. Charles H. Cunningham, Marlborough. Puffer, Alice E., Sudbury. Mrs. E. W. Rice, Sudbury. Seely, Ida, Stamford, Conn. Mrs. B. I. Madson, Stockton, Cal. Smith, Ellen F. * . Foxborough. Mrs E. Emmons Grover, Plainville. Died, March 1, 1883. Southwick, Hattie L.,* Northbridge. Died, January 2, 1887. White, Ella A., Uxbridge. Mrs. John D. Sherman, North Uxbridge. Wilson, Nellie F., . Natick. 62 Walnut Street, Natick. Woodworth, Kate,* Burlington, Vt. Mrs. John J. Quinn, H. B. M. Consulate, Kobe, Japan. Died, May, 1894. 78 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. January, 1878. Barry, Althea W., Boston Highlands. Mrs. David Lindenberg, 25 Montrose Street, Roxbury. Bassett, Florence M., Berlin. Mrs. Edward F. Fletcher, 2Tirrell Street, Worcester. Butler, J. Louise, South Deerfield, N. H. New York Society Library, 67 University Place, New York City. Drew, Mary C. C, West Newton. Mrs. McHenry Robinson, 27 Florida Street, Dorchester District, Boston. Gates, Clara H.,* Hubbardston. Mrs. Edward S. Bennett, Hubbardston. Died, March 10, 1894. Greenwood, Cleora, Ashland. Mrs. George E. Stewart, Ashland. Hart, Emilie T., Milford. Mrs. Aaron C. Bragg, Braggville. Hoi brook, C. Isabel, . Berlin. Mrs. Arthur Pierce, 15 Beacon Street, Fitchburg. Knight, Faustina M., Milford. Mrs. F. E. Withington, 355 Main Street, Milford. Stevens, Mary H. (class secretary), Southborough. Union Avenue, South Framingham. June, 1878. Barber, Caroline A. (class secretary) , Bernardston. Bernardston. Barrett, Ella V., Bolton. Hudson. Battles, Stella L Walpole. Mrs. James H. Mendell, 91 Sagamore Street, Manchester, N. H. Brown, Sarah E., Hyde Park. 201 Batavia Street, Boston. Clark, Jennie A., Medfield. Mrs. Alden H. Wheeler, 14 Melville Street, Worcester. Cook, Isabelle C, < . . . Mendon. Mrs. John C. Worcester, West Springfield. Cummings, Florence E., '. . . New Bedford. Mrs. George H. Danforth, 45 High Street, Greenfield. Dyer, Emily J., Newton. 107 Newtonville Avenue, Newton. Elliot, Lilla M., Brunswick, Me. Brunswick, Me. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 79 Hildreth, Jennie F.,* Northborough. Mrs. R. P. Fernald, Somerville. Died, August 5, 1896. Herndon, Sarah E., Ashland. Mrs. Ainsworth Clark, 792 Tremont Street, Boston. Hodgdon, Caroline L., South Berwick, Me. South Berwick, Me. Holden, Emily A., Fitchburg. Mrs. Edgar L. Wilder, Athol Centre. Knowlton, Flora M., Milford. 80 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston. Lucas, Nellie M., Newton. Mrs. H. M. Clark, 468 Beach Street, Revere. McFarlin, Susie S., Chelmsford. Chelmsford. Swift, Corinne M., Vershire, Vt. [Vershire, Vt. ?] Ticknor, Anna W., Fitchburg. Mrs. Clarence Goss, 436 East 6th Street, Plainfield, N. J. January, 1879. Caswell, Bertha L., Taunton. Wellesley. Cook, Addie E., Milford. State Street, Milford. Emery, Jessie F. (class secretary) , Turner's Falls. 1 Greenville Street, Roxbury. Estabrook, Mary V., Lunenburg. Lunenburg. Harlow, Harriet J., Fayville. Mrs. Harry N. Winch, Framingham. Johnson, Mary E., Milford. Mrs. Clarence Bancroft, 759 Pine Street, Manchester, N. H. Manning, Mary E., Bedford, N. H. Bedford, N. H. Morton, Annie W.,* Salmon Falls, N. H. London, Eng. Died, 1891. Perry, Frances L., Bedford, N. H. Mrs. George F. Shepard, Bedford, N. H. Sherman, Corie B., Douglas. Mrs. Henry F. Markham, Portis, Kan. Taggart, Edith E., Ashland. Mrs. William C. Bates, 218 Lincoln Avenue, Fall River. 80 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. June, 1879. Aldrich, Annie A., Mendon. Mrs. A J. Congdon, Mendon. Barlow, Jennie, Fitchburg. Mrs. F. S. Culver, 427 Winthrop Street, Taunton. Brigham, Delia F., Northborough. Mrs. E. S. Corey, Northborough. Brooks, Ida A., Northborough. Mrs. A. W. Colburn, Leominster. Bullard, Clara L., West Medway. West Medway. Davey, Jane A.,* . . . Southborouglu Amesbury. Died, October 12, 1899. Delano, Alice L., Waterbury, VU 252 Marlborough Street, Boston. Doyle, Mary F., Southborough. Mrs. A. E. Macker, North Grafton. Emerson, Susan M., Chelmsford. Chelmsford. Fuller, Ada A., Natick. Hamblett, Maria A., Tyngsborough. Box 66, Pawtucketville, Lowell. Lovell, Bertha, Osterville. Mrs. S. W. Hallett, Mansion House, Ware. McNamara, Catharine A., Milford. Milford. Merrill, Helen I., Auburndale. Mrs. Lawrence Mayo, Chestnut Street, West Newton. Paine, Charlotte E. * Wellesley. Died, September 4, 1884. Parsons, Mary E., Rochester, N. H. Mrs. Samuel Hyslop, 15 Baldwin Street, Newton. Powers, Elizabeth H., Abercorn, P. Q. Mrs. E. H. Lyman, Palo Alto, Cal. Priestley, Emily H., Saxonville. Saxonville. Stockwell, Alice M., Gardner. Mrs. Herbert M. Whiting, 12 Schuyler Street, Roxbury. Stone, Katharine H. (class secretary), Natick. 20 Brooks Street, West Medford. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 81 Tapley, Emily W., Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H. Tolman, Helen S., West Newton. 16 Wiswall Street, West Newton. True, Hattie J., Natick. 90 Pond Street, Natick. Woodard, Emma E., South Framingham. 55 Elm Street, North Attleborough. June, 1880. Allen, Dora A., West Newton. 1828 Washington Street, Auburndale. Beach, Mary E., Rome, N. Y. Rome, N. Y. Burnham, Susan P., Cambridge. Norfolk, Va. Campbell, Ida B., Marlborough. Mrs. Charles F. Brigham, 181 Pleasant Street, Marlborough. Colby, Susan F., Worcester. Mrs. Ralph G Morse, 200 Madison Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Goodell, Agnes M, Wellesley. Wellesley. Hardie, Roberta J., Needham. Needham. Harrub, Rachel M.,* North Plympton . Died, January, 1883. Hunt, Jennie P., South Sudbury. South Sudbury. Ingraham, Harriet A., Natick. Natick. Koch, Jacobina (class secretary), Newtonville. Mrs. George H. Denison, Leyden. Parsons, Ella F., Rochester, N. H. Mrs. John H. Temple, Framingham. Prescott, Addie C, Hooksett, N. H. Mrs. Henry C. Clark, 84 Ash Street, Manchester, N. H. Proctor, Sarah L., Marlborough. Mrs. William H. Ward, 45 Nashua Street, Montvale. Sanborn, Lucy A., Marlborough. Mrs. Howard Crossman, Needham. 82 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. January, 1881. Hills, Josephine, Foxborough. 192 Auburn Street, Cambridge. Howe, Bertha M. (class secretary), Southborough. Marion Terrace, Brookline. Parmerton, M. Emma, . . Deny, N. H. Mrs. James Olmstead, 726 Chestnut Street, Manchester, N. H. Reardon, Mary A., Hopkinton. 34 Stanton Street, Dorchester. Stevens, Jane M., .......... Chicopee Falls. Mrs. A. S. Crane, Stony Brook. Wheeler, Annie M.,* Fayville. Mrs. James F. Bigelow, Marlborough. June, 1881. Baker, Edith B. (class secretary), Lunenburg. Fitchburg. Coolidge, Emma A., . Hancock, N. H. Mrs. James T. Weston, Hancock, N. H. Daniels, Jennie M., Newton. Mrs. C. G. Phillips, Upper Montclair, N. J. Davidson, Olivia A.,* Albany, 0. Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee, Ala. Died, May 9, 1889. Davis, Martha J., Dunstable. Mrs. Arthur N. Hall, Dunstable. Emerson, Bertha L., Milford, N. H. Mrs. Alfred E. Turner, 16 Green Street, Watertown. Fitch, Ellen C. * Milford, N. H. Keene, N. H. Died, November 1, 1892. Folsom, Rebecca W., Dover, N. H. Mrs. Robert H. Dougan, 527 Marshall Avenue, [St. Paul, Minn. Greenwood, Alice M., Natick. Miss Alice M. Tetherly, Rosendale, Wis. Jewett, Mary H., Fitchburg. Mrs. A. Hun Berry, Prospect Hill Avenue, Waltham. Morrill, Alice F., Dover, N. H. Dover, N. H. i& Simmons, Kate L., Ea"st Douglas. Mrs. Ira C. Hersey, 24 Boylston Street, Jamaica Plain. Sullivan, Nellie M., Newton. [Newton ?] STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FHAMINGIIAM. 83 Taylor, Ida M., Natick. Mrs. David W. Wells, 50 Putnam Street, West Newton. Trask, Mary E., South Jefferson, Me. South Jefferson, Me. Wallis, Mary E., Holland. Mrs. D. P. Spencer, Belchertown. Winslow, Harriette H., Plain£eld, N. J. Care Miss Augusta Barber, Framingham. Wood, Harriet E., Bolton. Hudson. January, 1882. Bennett, May F., Gloucester. Irvington, N. Y. Karr, Genevieve B., Hartford, Conn. Mrs. J. Aspinwall Hodge, Jr., 316 W. 108th Street, New York. Litchfield, Lizzie, So. Berwick, Me. Mrs. George W. Kingsbury, South Berwick, Me. Perry, Inez A., . Wayland. Sudbury. Smith, Lillian Milford. Mrs. W. J. Davis, Woonsocket, R. I. Taylor, Nellie L., Milford. 9 Otis Street, Milford. Wentworth, Anna L. (class secretary), .... Salmon Falls, N. H. Mrs. Hazen F. Durgin, 3 Cole Court, Concord, N. H. June, 1882. Bentley, Alice E. (class secretary), Walpole. Walpole. Clark, Fannie, Framingham. Mrs. W. W. Robinson, 489 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Fitzgerald, Mary E.,* Marlborough. Marlborough. Died, 1891. Gilley, Geneva E.,* Medfield. 92 South Elm Street, Nashua, N. H. Died, June, 1890. Jones, Nellie V., Milton, N. H. 964 18th Street, Oakland, Cal. Malloy, Elizabeth Salmon Falls, N. H. 3 Wellington Street, Waltham. McCarthy, Margaret E., Marlborough. Mrs. Edward F. McSweeney, 400 West 151st Street, New.York. 84 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Miller, Marion L., Phillipston. Pkillipston. Shute, Martha D., Searsport, Me. Chelsea. Sparrow, Rebecca E., . , . . . Orleans. South Orleans. Stone, Helen M., . . Otter River. Mrs. C. C. Hutchins, Brunswick, Me. January, 1883. Bent, Lauretta J., Sudbury. Mrs. Walter L. Felch, North Natick. Dale, Nellie A. (class secretary), Milford. Milford. Eastman, Katharine C, Nashua, N. H. 70 Chestnut Street, Nashua, N. H. Fuller, Jeannette L., Grantville. Mrs. Charles Bixby, West Groton. Harrington, Sarah E., West Newton. Mrs. Frank H. Mitchell, Pownal, Me. McMaster, Carrie E., . . Fitchburg. Fitchburg. July, 1883. Arms, Emily M., Sunderland. Mrs. E. H. Burt, Ivoryton, Conn. Hanford, Juliette K., New York. Mrs. Hugh De C. Hamilton, 910 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Horton, Sarah W., Brooklyn, N. Y. 964 18th Street, Oakland, Cal. Merrill, Ida A., ......... Walpole, N. H. Care Mr. Lawrence Mayo, West Newton. Nichols, Lucy B. (class secretary), Holliston. Holliston. Samson, Gertrude, . . Medford. Mrs. Frederick A. Smith, 67 Madison Street, West Medford. Taylor, Emma 0., Milford. Milford. Wall, A. Theodora, . . ■ . . Dorchester. Aomori, Japan. Waters, Elizabeth U., Boston. Mrs. John F. Merrill, Quincy. Wight, Carrie L. * - Medfield. Mrs. Lester M. Blood, Medfield. Died, 1897 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 85 January, 1884. Appleton, Alice S., Marblehead. Mrs. Byron C. Leavitt, 854 Pearl Street, Denver, Col. Bacon, Elsie M., Nobscot. Nobscot. Chapman, Gertrude L., Framingham. Mrs. Frank W. Eastman, Framingham. Harrigan, Ellen M.,* Newtonville. Mrs. John Payne, Newtonville. Died, January 18, 1896. Kelley, Helen W. (class secretary), Concord. Concord. Paasche, Areminta V., South Chelmsford. Chelmsford. Wetherell, Emma L., Hyde Park. 902 2d Avenue, South Minneapolis, Minn. White, Mary A., Westborough. 9 Cottage Street, Quincy. July, 1884. Battles, Charlotte M., Lowell. Mrs. Leonard A. Taylor, Natick, R. I. Chisholm, Isabella F., Saco, Me. Mrs. James W. Stanley, Berkeley Street, West Newton. Davis, Mary D., Newton. Mrs. William G. Webster, 12 Hampshire Street, Everett. Fisher, Martha L , Westborough. Westborough. Graves, Henrietta L., Waltham. 107 Russell Street, Waltham. Kendall, Florence A.,* Framingham. Framingham. Died, November 29, 1888. Kimball, Susan H., Milford, N. H. Mrs. Edgar I. Kendall, Milford, N. H. Leavitt, Luella A., Saco, Me. Mrs. T. Arthur Frey, Saco, Me. Nash, Kate W., Brookline. Mrs. George F. Hussey, 152 Harvard Street, Brookline. Philbrick, Emily R. (class secretary), Taunton. Mrs. Henry W. Harrub, 42 Somerset Avenue, Taunton. Ticknor, Clara * Concord, N. H. 436 East 6th Street, Plainfield, N. J. Died, September, 1900. Welsh, Lucy D., Hudson. Hudson. 86 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. January, 1885. Baldwin, E. Leslie (class secretary), Manchester, N. H. Mrs. C. Theodore Hardwick, Chestnut Street, Quincy. Batchelder, Harriet S., Framingham. Mrs. W. Franklin Spooner, 63 Aspen Avenue, Auburndale. Bissett, Florence G., Berkley. Berkley. Cullen, Rose A., West Fitchburg. 146 Ashburnham Street, Fitchburg. Goodwin, Harriet W.,* . . . South Duxbury. South Duxbury. Died, 1892. Parmerton, Maria L., Derry, N. H. Mrs. William D. Young, 52 Myrtle Street, Manchester, N. H. Paull, Annie L., Taunton. Mrs. William Y. Fox, 26 2d Street, Taunton. Washburn, Effie L., Natick. Mrs. James I. Barnard, West Central Street, Natick. Wentworth, Caroline Y., South Berwick, Me. Newton Highlands. July, 1885. Badet, Jane B., New London, Conn. Mrs. John W. van den Bosch, 220 South Williams Street, South Bend, Ind. Baldwin, Carrie L.,* . . . Fitchburg. Mrs. F. L. Sawin, Canton, 0. Died, February 2, 1900. Blodgett, Mary, Dunstable. Mrs. Van Butler Staples, 299 Pearl Street, Manchester, N. H. Chamberlain, Gertrude F., Marlborough. 15 Warren Avenue, Marlborough. Everson, Nellie E., East Pepperell. Waltham. Hartnett, Mary E., Marlborough. Marlborough. Howe, Alice L., Southborough. Mrs. William It. Winchester, Marion Terrace, Brookline. Jepson, Mabel A., . . Walpole. Walpole. Johnston, Bertha, New York. 720 Marcy Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Johnston, Grace M., New York. Mrs. William J. Johnston, Greenwich, Conn. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGIIAM. 87 Jones, Jennie A., East Orange, N. J, 39 Washington Street, East Orange, N. J. McColl, Deborah A., Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Morrill, Lucy M., Salisbury. 378 Main Street, Amesbury. Nottage, Marion, West Medford. 34 Wyman Street, West Medford. Shovelton, Alice, Manchester, N. H. 20 Union Park, Boston. Small, Alice M., Taunton. Mrs. Henry F. A. Kleinschmidt, [Louisville, Ky. ?]. Thompson, Alice M., Plainfield, N. J. 830 Richmond Street, Plainfield, N. J. Warren, M. Eva, Weston. Weston. Woodman, Myla L. (class secretary), West Medway. Mrs. Elwyn Smith, 109 Spruce Street, Leominster. January, 1886. Henshaw, Blanche E. (class secretary), Lowell. 50 Paul Street, Newton Centre. Mack, Emma F., Lowell. Mrs. Samuel H. Thompson, 121 School Street, Lowell. Parker, Adelia M., Littleton. Mrs. Adelia M. Parker, Littleton. Richardson, Kate R., Woburn. Berlin, N. H. Wall, Mary E., Holliston. Mrs. Thomas C. Donovan, 85 Auburn Street, Auburndale. Wheeler, Alice L., Berlin. Mrs. George E. Dow, Bolton. June, 1886. Ames, Alice M., Milford. 14 Fruit Street, Milford. Boardman, Elizabeth M., . . New York. Mrs. Nathan N. Denison, 26 Pearl Street, South Framingham. Chapman, Annie B., Saybrook, Conn. Saybrook, Conn. Flanders, Elizabeth B., Auburn, N. Y. 419 Beacon Street, Boston. 88 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. French, Anna R., Dedhanu Mrs. Benjamin Fisher, Dedham. Garside, Lillian R., Framingham. 51 Pearl Street, South Framingham. Latta, Mary C, Newton. Mrs. Clarence A. Brodeur, 50 Fairview Avenue, Chicopee Falls. Mathews, Addie S. (class secretary), Searsport, Me. Searsport, Me. Newman, M. Lilian, Plainfield, N. J. 112 West 5th Street, Plainfield, N. J. Osgood, Hattie A., Foxborough. Mrs. Edward E. Rockwood, BeHingham. Roof, Antoinette B., . Titusville, Pa. 24 Harvard Avenue, Waltham. Smith, Lucinda W., Waltham. Mrs. John T. Prince, 15 Temple Street, West Newton. Wheeler, Edith M., Waltham. Banks Street, Waltham. Wheeler, Mabel E., Salmon Falls, N. H. Mrs. Edward B. Wilder, 90 Columbia Road, Dorchester. Wormwood, Alice M., Waltham. 33 Walnut Street, Waltham. Zeigler, Ada P., East Milton. Mrs. Emery L. Crane, 21 School Street, Quincy. January, 1887. Brown, Georgiana A., Hudson- Mrs. Frederick G. Jones, Reading, Pa. Carey, Annie F., Fitchburg. 31 Clinton Street, Fitchburg. Carpenter, Annie G., Foxborough. Foxborough. Carrigan, Katherine A., Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Conant, Lillian (class secretary), North Sudbury. North Sudbury. Corey, Mary L, Northborough. Mrs. Warren P. Swett, Belmont. Cornwell, Mary E., Rome, N. Y. Mrs. William C. Collar, Maple Street, Roxbury. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 89 Greene, Etta M., Northborougli. Mrs. George H. Luce, West Tisbury. Haven, Abbie L., • Hopkinton. Mrs. Henry P. Dickinson, Holliston. Hewins, Laura M., Medfield. Mrs. H. Bradford Lewis, Andover. Joyce, Nellie M., Framingham. Framingham. Low, Ellen P., Gloucester. Gloucester. Watson, Ellen F., Plymouth. Clark's Island, Plymouth. Wescott, Ada B , West Medford. West Medford. Wiggin, M. Hortense, Stratham, N. H, Mrs. Henry 0. Cutter, 14 Prentiss Street, Cambridge. June, 1887. Ashley, Edith B., Berkley. Mrs. Bartlett M. Shaw, 7 Oliver Street, Watertown. Brooks, Harriet J , Haverhill. 44 White Street, Haverhill. Burnham, Julia E., Lowell. 142 Mt. Grove Street, Lowell. Chamberlin, Mary L., • Framingham. Mrs. Warren C. Travis, 3 Lexington Street, South Framingham. Darling, Nancy, Hartland, Vt. Hartland Four Corners, Vt. Dixon, M. Jessamine, Norwich, Conn. 11 Orchard Street, Norwich, Conn. Dodge, Martha H., Franklin. Mrs. W. E. Brezeale, 133 Somerset Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Gay, Inez L., Milford. Milford. Guild, OrraE., Medfield. Medfield. Metcalf, Mira E., West Newton. 80 Webster Park, West Newton. Pettigrew, Emma G., Phillipston. Mrs. Albert Humphrey, Wareham. 90 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FllAMINGHAM. Robinson, Mabel F., Newton. 45 Pond Street, Waltham. Sheldon, Clementine A., . . Worcester. Mrs. Ernest C. Bartlett, Chelmsford. Stratton, Bessie G., Framingham. Mrs. George W. Towle, Concord. Walker, Elinor M. (class secretary), Sudbury. Mrs. Willis B. Chamberlin, 41 Franklin Street, South Framingham. Whitney, Jennie L., Bellingham. Mrs. Charles H. Towle, Concord. Whitney, Sarah A., Harvard. Mrs. F. D. Underwood, Harwich. Willis, Emily F., Sudbury. Sudbury. Wilson, Julia L., St. Louis, Mo. Care Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Greenwich, Conn. Winn, Edith L., Foxborough. Foxborough. January, 1888. Battles, Celia P., . South Chelmsford. Mrs. A. H. Park, South Chelmsford. Bean, Florence 0., Warner, N. H. 31 Bowdoin Street, Boston. Billings, Myra I., Manchester, N. H. 15 Davis Avenue, West Newton. Butland, Minnie L. (class secretary), Framingham. Med ford. Butterfield, E. Grace, Dunstable. Mrs. Elmer C. Cheney, North Acton. Center, Charlotte F., Gloucester. 76 Washington Street, Gloucester. Cousins, Elizabeth M., . Lincoln. Mrs. Fred B. Caldwell, East Northfield. Dunning, Rebecca, Franklin. Franklin. Gay, Maud J., Fayville. Mrs. Herbert J. Monroe, 14 Chester Avenue, Somerville. George, Emma M., Natick. Natick. Goodnow, Hattie J., Sudbury. Sudbury. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMING HAM. 91 Scribner, Grace, Lowell. 190 Liberty Street, Lowell. Smith, Elizabeth R., Concord. Mrs. M. A. Newman- Minneapolis, Minn. June, 1888. Bridge, Katharine M., Foster's, O. Madisonville, 0. Burn ham, Mary M., Cambridgeport. 1451 Adeline Street, Oakland, Cal. Chapman, Kate S., Saybrook, Conn. Mrs. Albert D. Auryansen, 27 Jenison Street, Newtonville. Clark, Frances, Chelmsford. Chelmsford. Cleland, Harriet M., Natick. 611 Main Street, Brockton. Cushman, M. Delight, Taunton. 19 Oak Street, Taunton. Darling, Gertrude, Boston. 62 Franklin Street, Boston. Eames, Clara I., Sherborn. Mrs. Wilbur M. March, 620 West Jefferson Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Emery, Minnie C, Orange. Mrs. Wallace M. Leonard, Wyncote Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Evans, Isabel A., Newton. Mrs. Frank E. Tenney, Littleton. Flagg, Abbie E., Hollis, N. H. Hollis, N. H. Foster, Anna L., Worcester. Box 560, Worcester. Goodwin, Mary E., South Duxbury. Mrs. Ernest G. Lewis, 78 Ilockview Street, Jamaica Plain. Gray, Minnie C, Lowell. 106 Liberty Street, Lowell. Higgins, Minnie L., Chesterfield. Mrs. George L. Blanchard, 38 Barre Street, Montpelier, Vt. Holbrook, Ellen M., Worcester. Manomet, Plymouth. Jennings, Harriet E., Mattoon, 111. 37 North 1st Street, Mattoon, 111. 92 STATE NORMAL 8GH00L, FRAMINGHAM. Maynard, Charlotte A., Worcester. 76 May Street, Worcester. Oldham, Maud M., Globe Village. Southbridge. Pike, Emma A., Chelsea. Mrs. Horace G. Brown, 29 Woodland Street, Worcester. Potter, Mary E., Northborough. Northborough. Shedd, Mary C, North Leominster. North Leominster. Smith, J. Angelina, Springfield. Hopedale. Trenham, Gertrude B. (class secretary), .... West Winfield, N. Y. West Winfield, N. Y. January, 1889. Barnes, Emma J,, . . . . . Newton. Ovid, N. Y. Carney, Catherine D., Worcester. 60 Suffolk Street, Worcester. Hale, L. Dorrit (class secretary), Hubbardston. Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis. Ordway, Lillian A., Fitchburg. 54 Mechanic Street, Fitchburg. Philbrook, Helen A., Bethlehem, N. H. Mrs. D. Warren Patten, 36 Temple Street, Springfield. Pratt, Martha C, South Acton. Mrs. Ernest Hosmer, South Acton. Wood, Nina A., Framingham. Mrs. G. M. Amsden, 41 Concord Street, South Framingham. June, 1889. Adams, Mary C, Southborough. Mrs. M. F. Mevis, Southborough. Ashly, Mabel T., Berkley. Segreganset. Bent, Isabella H., . South Framingham. Mrs. Eugene L. Hall, West Acton. Blackwell, Annie B. (class secretary), Newton. 43 Thornton Street, Newton. Coffin, Alice F Haverhill. Mrs. Charles S. Forbes, Haverhill. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGIIAM. !)3 Cutler, Mabel, Waliham. Mrs. Thomas C. Peebles, Lutherville, Baltimore County, Md. Greenwood, Henrietta F., Newtonville. 58 Edinburgh Street, Newtonville. Howe, Helen W., Hollis, N. H. Mrs. A. R. Leighton, 809 Stevens Street, Lowell. Hurlburt, Marion B., South Sudbury. Mrs. Henry N. Eaton, South Sudbury. Lawrence, Frances C, Marlborough, N. H. Marlborough, N. H. Marsh, Marion E., West Newton. West Newton. Mcintosh, Alice M., Needham. Norwood. Moore, Bessey M., Wayland. Wayland. Norcross, Cora L., Northborough. Mrs. John Jones, Northborough. Peirce, Edith, Waltham. Waltham. Porter, Amy M., Natick. Mrs. E. M. Prescott, South Framingham. Proctor, Fannie E Northborough. Northborough. Stone, Marion R., Winchester. Winchester. Swasey, Ella A., Haverhill. Mrs. J. A. Morrill, Andover. Swift, Anne H., New York. Mrs. Charles B. Gulick, 18 Walker Street, Cambridge. Washburn, Caroline, Waterbury, Vt. Mrs. Frank P. Lord, 16 School Street, Burlington, Vt. Wheeler, Emily F., West Newton. West Newton. Wormwood, M. Ethel, Waltham. Mrs. W. H. Wills, 162 Main Street, Waltham. January, 1890. Alger, Annie L., Natick. Mrs. Harry N. Andrews, 11 Ashford Street, Allston. Andrews, Mabel L., Gloucester. 31 Chestnut Street, Gloucester. 94 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Bent, Martha B., Sudbury. Mrs. G. Frank Cutting, Maynard. Bent, Ruth B.,* Sudbury. Sudbury. Died, March 5, 1899. Chapman, Bertha, Nantucket. 60 Union Avenue, South Framingham. Coffin, Fannie E., . . . Machias, Me. Mrs. George A. Hall, 66 Kenoza Avenue, Haverhill. Conant, Susie E., ....•...'.... Acton. Mrs. Herman W. Parker, 1 Everett Street, Stoneham. Dawson, Annie R., Hampton, Va. Fort Berthoid, North Dak. Fletcher, Mary E., Milford, N. H. Mrs. E. J. Morrison, 140 West 105th Street, New York. Goodale, Arlette F., Gardner. Gardner. Gould, Lydia F.,* . Milford. Milford. Died, June 30, 1895. Kilborn, Mary W. (class secretary), Worcester. 356 South Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Kimball, Katharine D., Orange, N. J. 57 Avenue E, Jersey City, N. J. Mason, Helen M., Keene, N. H. Mrs. Ernest C. Smith, 440 Stuart Avenue, Kalamazoo, Mich. Potter, Annie M., Northborough. Northborough. Smith, Hattie E., . . . v Hampton Falls, N. H. Mrs. Joseph P. Silsby, 766 Shawmut Avenue, Roxbury. Tatnall, Mary H., Wilmington, Del. 1403 Gilpin Avenue, Wilmington, Del. Van der Veer, Elizabeth R., . Rutledge, Fla. 220 Park Avenue, Arlington Heights. June, 1890. Babcock, Edith M., Natick. Mrs. A. Ferdinand Travis, Kensington, Conn. Bacon, Annie, Lake City, Fla. Mrs. John B. Beach, West Palm Beach, Fla. Bell, Mary A. L., . . . London, Eng. 60 Clyde Road, Brighton, Eng. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINUIIAM. 95 Caldwell, Mary B., Newton Centre. Mrs. Arthur Safford, Buffalo, N. Y. Carleton, Mary B., . Cambridge. 7 Walnut Street, Boston. Church, Alice H., New Bedford. Mrs. Charles M. Baker, 147 Cottage Street, New Bedford. Finley, Ida E., Natick. 9 Kimball Street, Natick. Fish, Madeleine, Nantucket. Nantucket. Harriman, Mary, Framingham. Framingham. Hawk, Florence M., London, Eng. Mrs. Awcock, Bedmont, Kings Langley, Herts, Eng. Hayes, Catherine E., Saxonville. Saxon ville. Hazelton, Lucy, Saxonville. Mrs. William S. Johnson, Waban. Hemenway, L. Annie, Marlborough. Mrs. E. E. Libby, 1117 Pleasant Street, Brockton. Hewins, Edith E. * Medfield. Medfield. Died, July 1, 1899. Home, Ella M., . . . Lawrence. 483 Lowell Street, Lawrence. Karr, Frances, Hartford, Conn. 2 Atwood Street, Hartford, Conn. Longfellow, Ellen P., Portland, Me. Mrs. John Burns, Jr., 66 Huntington Avenue, Boston. McAlphine, Lucy B., Mansfield. Mrs. H. P. Hastings, 16 Dennison Avenue, South Framingham. McCracken, Clara B., Natick. 31 St. Germain Street, Boston. McMaster, Minnie B., Southborough. Southborough. Smith, Carrie A. (class secretary), Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Thompson, Elizabeth M., Sudbury. Mrs. Joseph B. Howe, South Sudbury. Washburn, Grace I., Natick. Mrs. Frank Cupples, Natick. 96 STATE N0B3IAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Williams, Mabel B., Foxborough. 55 Drummond Street, Montreal, P. Q. Wilson, Fannie R., Harper, la. Harper, la. Wood, Mary A., Pepperell. Pepperell. January, 1891. Carpenter, Florence M. (class secretary), Foxborough. Foxborough. Claflin, Bertha E., Upton. ITpton. Copeland, Rubina S., Dorchester. 545 Park Street, Dorchester. Dole, Edith S.,* Manchester, N. H. Manchester, N. H. Died, June 30, 1895. Faxon, Florence R., Quincy. 12 Dundee Street, Boston. Heinlein, Isabella R., South Natick. 18 River Street, South Natick. Hutchinson, Ella A., Chelmsford. Chelmsford. Johnson, Madge, Newton. 11 Bradshaw Street, Medford. Kennedy, Nellie A., East Jefferson, Me. East Jefferson, Me. Moultrop, Florence B., Framingham. Mrs. Frederick G. Mears, Mansfield. Newsome, Lilla B., South Berlin. Mrs. Hugh E. McPherson, 10 Leroy Street, Lowell. Sawtelle, Grace H., Marlborough. 117 Plympton Street, Waltham. Smith, Susie S., Waltham. 75 Lincoln Street, Waltham. Wingate, Ina B., East Rochester, N. H, East Rochester, N. H. June, 1891. Bassett, Blanche M., East Acton. Mrs. Charles Robbins, Shelton, Neb. Blaisdell, Etta A., Greenfield. Mrs. James R. McDonald, West Medford. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINOHAM. 97 Bonney, Mary B.,* Dedham. Denver, Col. Died, September 19, 1895. Chamberlain, Sara M., West Roxbury. Mrs. Frank C. Ayres, Hastings Street, West Roxbury. Cheney, Flora B., Winchendon. Mrs. Clement R. Streeter, Winchendon. Chenery, M. Adelaide, . . . Framingham. Framingham. Chevalier, Ada E., . . . . . . . . . . . Dorchester. 47 Train Street, Dorchester. Colburn, Minnie A., . . . . Hollis, N. H. Hollis, N. H. Collagan, May C, West Newton. 87 Webster Park, West Newton. DeLand, Eva B., Winchendon. Mrs. Walter H. Hall, Winchendon. Everett, Mary E., Manchester, N. H. Mrs. George H. Phinney, 428 Amherst Street, Manchester, N. iH. Flint, Helen M., Newton. Mrs. Edwin A. Taylor, 10 Dean Street, Worcester. Foster, Cora M., . . Worcester. Salisbury Street, Station A, Worcester. Greaves, Amy (class secretary), . . . ... . . Wellesley Hills. Mrs. Richard P. Jackson, 321 Beacon Street, Somerville. Hoar, Alice J., West Acton. Mrs. Harry A. Fletcher, 52 Kenyon Street, Hartford, Conn. Howard, Dora L., . . . ... . . . . Leeds Centre, Me. Mrs. Junius C. Wing, South Leeds, Me. Howe, Fannie L.,* Hollis, N. H. Hollis, N. H. Died, September 8, 1895. Loring, Mary L., . . Ashland. Ashland. Magwire, Marion B., Cambridgeport. 302 Harvard Street, Cambridgeport. Miller, Stella M., Jamaica Plain. [24 Laurel Street, Roxbury ?] Mulligan, Minnie L., Winchester. Mrs. Edward Russell, 182 Cambridge Street, Winchester. Russell, Mary L., Hillsborough, N. H. Grasmere, N. H. 98 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGRAM. Shattuck, Isabelle C, Berlin. Berlin. Sornborger, Harriet B., Gill. Hopedale. Thurston, Sarah C, Charleston, S. C. 1515 Lady Street, Columbia, S. C. Wheeler, Marion L., Waltham. 24 Banks Street, Waltham. January, 1892. Bonnet, Adelaide L., North Attleborough. Mrs. Charles E. Stanley, North Attleborough. Carpenter, Alma L., . . . « . . ... . . Foxborough. Foxborough. Comins, Louise, Jamaica Plain. Mrs. Theodore I. Reese, Milton. Gibson, Bertha L., Clinton. 382 High Street, Clinton. Hart, Alice B., . Foxborough. Foxborough. Henry, Hattie E., . . Westborough. Mrs. Arthur L. Emery, Palo Alto, Cal. Hewins, Mary A., Medfield. Mrs. H. Arnold Pope, Russell Street, Milton. McQuaid, Mary P., Clinton. Clinton. Moody, Clara E., Ballardvale. Mrs. Stephen A. Lovejoy, Box 327, Andover. Stratton, M. Louise, Hollis, N. H. Hollis, N. H. Thompson, Mary A., North Truro. Mrs. Charles L. Rhodes, 136 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Walker, Caroline L., Clinton. Mrs. Allen Latham, Walpole. Woodbury, Maud A. (class secretary), Caryville. Hopedale. f June, 1892. Adams, Josie M., Hopkinton. Mrs. Ralph D. Colburn, Milton. Carter, Edith E., Framingham. Mrs. Horatio F. Twombly, Framingham. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM, 99 Conary, Frances P., Waltham. Waltham. Doyle, Margaret L., Natick. 23 Harrison Street, Natick. Dozois, Camilla E., Holliston. Holliston. Driscoll, Emma L., Holliston. Mrs. Humphrey J. Coughlin, Clinton. Dunbar, Florence A., Canton. Canton, Field, Annie F., Clinton. 35 Cedar Street, Clinton. Fish, Bertha M., . . . , Bath, Pa. Tarry town, N. Y. Fisher, Clara A., Clinton. 57 Cedar Street, Clinton. Harris, Dora F., Fitchburg. 64 High Street, Fitchburg. Holbrook, Irene, Cherokee, la, Mrs. James E. Sentz, Denver, Col. Houghton, Florence G., . Sterling. Sterling. McNair, Ellen H., Framingham. Framingham. Neary, Ida M., Framingham. Framingham. O'Connor, Bertha E., Newton Highlands. Newton Highlands. Osgood, Lucy S., .......... . Wellesley Hills. Wellesley Hills. Otterson, Helen M., Berlin. Mrs. E. Porter Felt, 132 Central Avenue, Albany, N. Y. Poor, May, Franklin. Franklin. Robbins, Mary E., Hollis Depot, N. H. Box 23, Hollis Depot, N. H. Sullivan, Margaret E., Concord. Concord. Tanner, Daisy, Canaan, N. Y. Mrs. Herbert C. Ellms, Framingham. Whittemore, Julia E. (class secretary), Clinton, Conn. 174 West 87th Street, New York. 100 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. January, 1893. Hobart, Emma M., . . . . . . . . Northborough. Northborough. Lawrence, Lillie M. t . . . . Milford. Lebanon, N. H. Meigs, Sarah L., . . . . . . . ... . Clinton, Conn. Abington. Morrill, Katherine M., . Fitchburg. 80 Snow Street, Fitchburg. O'Sullivan, Susan F., . Milford. 73 South Main Street, Milford. Wood, Elvira (class secretary), . . . . . . . Waltham. 198 Adams Street, Waltham. June, 1893. Adams, Helen W., Hopkinton. Mrs. C. H. Haven, North Leominster. Attwood, Harriet E., Watertown, Conn. Box 76, Watertown, Conn. Batchelor, Antoinette F. (class secretary), Upton. Upton. Birkenmeyer, Julia M., ........ Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Care Dr. Woods, Kilsyth Road, Brookline. Bowman, Marcia R Cambridge. 375 Broadway, Cambridge. Boyd, Elizabeth H. M., Worcester. 597 Park Avenue, Worcester. Bray, Sarah H., West Rutland. Mrs. Ira G. Dudley, Berlin. Brown, Grace E., Portland, Me. Mrs. Charles S. Rich, Stockbridge. Bucknam, Kate M., . . New Ipswich, N. H. New Ipswich, N. H. Cornforth, Carrie E., Thorndike, Me. Mrs. Harry J. Carlson, 56 Norwood Avenue, Newton Centre. Goodwin, Florence H., Saxonville. Saxon ville. Hemenway, Lillian R., . . Framingham. Framingham. Irving, Eleanor N . . . . Marlborough. Marlborough. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINOHAM. 101 Jones, Mabel A., Natick. 15 Grove Street, Natick. Lees, Annie E., Wellesley Hills. Wellesley Hills. Morgan, Bertha A., Orange. 91 Prospect Street, Orange. O'Halloran, Mary E., Marlborough. 27 Neil Street, Marlborough. Paine, Cassie L., Dudley. Dudley. Stevens, Susan W., . Fall River. 159 Maple Street, Fall River. Seymour, E. Frances, Rome, N. Y. Mrs. Sumner B. Kingsley, 512 North George Street, Rome, N. Y. Streeter, Mary A., . Paxton. Mrs. Charles J. Adams, 124 Elm Street, Worcester. Wolfe, Edith M., Rome, N. Y. 411 William Street, Rome, N. Y. January, 1894. Aldrich, Grace N., Orange. Mrs. W. H. Wilmarth, North Attleborough. Curtis, Anna L., . . . . Worcester. Box 300, Worcester. Gee, Eliza E., . . Marlow, N. H. Keene, N. H. Hall, Mary B., La Grange, Ind. La Grange, Ind. Hastings, E. May (class secretary), . . . . . . . Brighton. 87 Dunboy Street, Brighton. Thayer, Edna R., Worcester. 98 May wood Street, Worcester. Thayer, Myra E., Worcester. Mrs. George R. Warfield, Gardner. June, 1894. Bower, Sarah E., North Adams. North Adams. Gartee, Mary A., Waltham. Mrs. Blood, Pepperell. Conant, Charlotte L., Acton. [Acton ?] 102 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM, Crawford, Marion P., . . . North Brookfield. North Brookfield. Cummings, Bertha E., Hudson, N. H. Mrs. Frederick A. Nokes, San Antonio, Tex. Dow, Harriet P., Milford, N. H. 30 Arch Street, Springfield. Evans, Blanche I., . . Marlborough. 113 Highland Street, Marlborough. Flagg, Edith A., Acton. Acton. Hapgood, Marion H., Bryantville. Brockton. Hartwell, Irene G., . . Lowell. 51 Pinckney Street, Boston. Heath, Aurora A., Northborough. Northborough. Hyde, Addie M., North Chelmsford. North Chelmsford. Leavis, May, -; . . . . . Hudson. Box 99, Hudson. Leland, Ada L., . . . Worcester. 44 Oread Street, Worcester. Mulligan, Margaret (class secretary), Winchester. Winchester. Phillips, Louise H., Fitchburg. Fitchburg. Putnam, Lena M., Rome, N. Y. 602 North James Street, Rome, N. Y. Rice, Louise S., Barre. Mrs. George W. Barker, Bridgewater. Romig, Jennie C, Bethlehem, Pa. Mrs. Baird Snyder, Jr., Lansford, Pa. Shaw, Harriet A., Rockland. Rockland. Shepard, Grace F., Boston. 228 Townsend Street, Roxbury. Smith, Mary E., Fitchburg. 41 Smith Street, Fitchburg. Stockwell, Carrie L., Worcester. @ Fruit Street, Worcester. STATE N0B3IAL SCHOOL, FllAMINGIIAM. 103 Sullivan, Elizabeth M., South Fraraingham. 12 Beaver Street, South Framingham. Vincent, Harriet S., Edgartown. Edgartown. Winsor, Edith F., Northborough. 72 Ashland Street, Medford. January, 1895. Adams, Sarah I. (class secretary), Chicago. Mrs. Albert W. David, 234 Gibson Street, Lowell. Beetle, Susie R., Edgartown. Edgartown. Blood, Lucy E., Pepperell. Pepperell. Dearborn, Alice B., . . Effingham, N. H. Effingham, N. H. Holt, Fannie G., North Chelmsford. North Chelmsford. Hyatt, Bertha M., . . Portland, Me. 81 Free Street, Portland, Me. Rasco, Margaret A., . . . Whitinsville. Whitinsville. June, 1895. Andrews, Helen W., Binghamton, N. Y. Binghamton, N. Y. Bradley, Mary G., West Newton. West Newton. Brown, Myrtle E., Waltham. Mrs. Henry J. Field, 12 Union Street, Greenfield. Byfield, Ethel L., Chelmsford. Chelmsford. Claflin, Anna F., Framingham. 32 Elm Street, West Newton. Claflin, Edith A., Framingham. 32 Elm Street, West Newton. Cunningham, Alice E., Newton Lower Falls. Newton Lower Falls. Cutting, Florence G., Waltham. 1241 Main Street, Waltham. Dane, Gertrude E., Pepperell. Pepperell. 104 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Dermot, Edith S., Melrose. 124 Myrtle Street, Melrose. Doggett, Anna F., Clinton. 76 Walnut Street, Clinton. Follansbee, Marion B., . . . . West Brookfield. West Brookfield. Furber, Mary A., . . . Framingham. Framingham. Gibbs, Kate M., Framingham. Framingham. Harriman, Cora E., Framingham. Framingham. Hemenway, Blanche E., Nobscot. Nobscot. Hoey, Elizabeth G., Natick. 37 Oakland Street, Natick. Hurd, Alma E , . Framingham. Mrs. Arthur S. Whiting, Framingham. Jones, Florence L , Natick. 72 Pond Street, Natick. La Plant, Mary G., Natick. 18 Forest Avenue, Natick. Lusk, Mabel H., Marceline, Mo. Milford, N. H. Mahan, Julia A. H., Natick. Natick. Mahan, Mary E., Natick. Natick. Parmenter, Lillian H., South Sudbury. Mrs. Alfred N. Eaton, South Sudbury. Porter, Mary J., Wellesley. Wellesley. Robinson, Lovina H., Framingham. South Framingham. Sparrow, Josephine M. (class secretary), Clinton. East Orleans. Valentine, May E., Northborough. Northborough. Walker, Laura M., Concord. Concord. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINOHAM. 105 January, 1896. Barry, Agnes E., Marlborough. 30 Stevens Street, Marlborough. Connelly, Mary A., Ashland. 55 Mt. Vernon Street, Dorchester. Cristman, Kate B., Burtonsville, N. Y. Burtonsville, N. Y. Holt, Hattie F Milford, N. H. Milford, N. H. Turner, S. Bertha (class secretary), . . . . . . Natick. Natick. Woodward, Mabel A., .' . Northborough. 93 North Avenue, Natick. June, 1896. Adams, Emily F., Littleton. Littleton. Baker, Harriet L., . . Damariscotta, Me. Mrs. John N. Haskell, Damariscotta, Me. Bartlett, Anna H., Sterling. Sterling. Beaumont, Margaret E., Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Carter, Ada, "Worcester. Mrs. William F. Hopson, 730 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, Conn. Condon, Nano C, South Framingham. South Framingham. Coolidge, H. Elizabeth, Wayland. Wayland. Davoren, Margaret, Milford. Milford. Farnam, Margaret D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Luther Conant, Jr., 239 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fellows, Annie M., Haverhill. 211 Main Street, Haverhill. Foley, Margaret A., Wes thorough. 81 Arlington Street, Brighton. Fulton, Helen G., Chelmsford. Chelmsford. Gay, Cora F, Walpole. Walpole. 106 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. Gilbert, Ariadne, Plainfield, N. J. 126 Crescent Avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Hunt, Mabel, Reedsburg, Wis. Mrs. William S. Heaton, Lake Mills, Wis. Jordan, Fannie E., . . . . . .... Rochester, N. H. Rochester, N. H. Jourdan, Edith, . . . Worcester. Mrs. Francis H. Bigelow, 21 Institute Road, Worcester. Mannion, Hannora G., Littleton Common. Littleton Common. Miller, Ella L., North Acton. Hudson. Morse, Elizabeth W., North Brookfield. Box 651, North Brookfield. Murphy, Catharine T., South Framingham. 15 Pratt Street, South Framingham. Murphy, M. Frances, South Framingham. 15 Pratt Street, South Framingham. Nickelson, Florence C, Newton Upper Falls. Newton Upper Falls. Nugent, Helena C, Clinton. 65 Main Street, Clinton. O'Grady, Mary J., South Framingham. 52 Grant Street, South Framingham. Phoenix, Amy E.,* Cincinnati, 0. Boston. Died, February 27, 1898. Pickard, Harriet H., Littleton Common. Mrs. Ernest E. Wetherbee, Putney, Ga. Pulsifer, Ella G., Newton Lower Falls. Newton Lower Falls. Rockwell, Harriet R., PJainfield, N. J. 344 East Front Street, Plainfield, N. J. Scran ton, Katharine, German town, Pa. 6101 Baynton Street, Germantown, Pa. Small, Harriet M., Chelsea. 14 Lawrence Street, Chelsea. Spooner, Ella J., South Framingham. Hudson. Stickney, Ethel M. (class secretary), Clinton. 29 Union Street, Clinton. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAM1NGHAM. 107 Sumner, Maud A., Foxborough. Foxborough. Varney, Blanche G., . . . North Acton. Williamstown. Warner, Mabel A., Leicester. Mrs. John Morris, 105 Bonney Street, New Bedford. Warren, Cora F., West Acton. West Acton. Weeks, Alice E., Princeton. Mrs. Perry C. Alexander, Upton. Whitney, Mabel, i . . . , . . . . South Framingham. South Framingham. June, 1897. Arms, Grace A., . . . Hartford, Conn. 16 At wood Street, Hartford, Conn. Blood, Sara M. S., East Pepperell. East Pepperell. Brotchie, Ella M., , Waltham. Waltham. Brown, E. Ursula, Winchester. Winchester. Burdett, Florence S., Northborough. Northborough. Chase, Annie W., Concord Junction. Concord Junction. Chase, Celia M., South Framingham. 102 Union Avenue, South Framingham. Clarke, A. Gertrude, Thorndike, Me. Thorndike, Me. Cosgrove, Bessie M., , Hopkinton. Box 282, Hopkinton. Cowles, Mary A., Claremont, N. H. Claremont, N. H. Curtis, Goldie A., South Framingham. South Framingham. Damon, Mary W. (class secretary), Cochituate. Mrs. George W. Fullick, Cochituate. Dougherty, Margaret E., Southbridge. Southbridge. Fernbach, Grace E., San Francisco, Cal. [712 Leavenworth Street, San Francisco, Cal. ?] 108 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Ford, Elizabeth M., .......... Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Gately, Mary E., Marlborough. Marlborough. Harrington, Minnie E., .Marlborough. 14 Huntington Avenue, Marlborough. Hovey, Elizabeth D., . . . Lowell. Mrs. Charles T. Baylis, Brecksville, O. Huse, Marjorie, ........... Georgetown. Georgetown. Johnson, Grace E., . . . . . . . . * . South Amherst. South Amherst. Leadbetter, Dora, Princeton Depot. Princeton Depot. Mahoney, Therese H., . . Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Pollard, Sara E., Ashland. Ashland. Regan, Mary J., Natick. Felchville, Natick. Reynolds, Lena B., Milton, N. H. Milton, N. H. Ross, Lillian J., . . Hopedale. Hopedale. Shepherd, Marion D., . . Rockport. Rock port. Spaulding, Nina G., . . . . . . . . . . Jaffrey, N. H. Jaffrey, N. H. Stone, Lucy V., Winchester. Winchester. Thompson, Blanche E., Bellingham. Bellingham. Waight, Myra R.,* Edgartown. Edgartown. Died, September 27, 1897. Williams, Gladys I., Nobscot. Mrs. F. E. Barrett, Framingham. Woodward, Blanche D., ........ Tyngsborough. Tyngsborough. >- STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGIIAM. 109 June, 1898. Acorn, Mertie D., South Framingham. Mrs Archer C. Stearns, 56 Franklin Street, South Framingham. Ayer, Jean Y. (class secretary), Old Say brook, Conn. Old Saybrook, Conn. Brown, Gertrude, Somerville. Mrs. Charles Pestell, 374 Medford Street, Somerville. Bushnell, Charlotte L., Madison, Conn. 1208 Ann Street, Parkersburg, W. Va. Campbell, Lemabel E., London, Eng. South Acton, or Royal Normal College for the Blind, Upper Norwood, London, S. E., Eng. Ferguson, Ellen, Readville. Blue Hill Farm, Readville. Gunther, Amelia, West Newton. 72 Border Street, West Newton. Haskell, Sophia L., Abbeville, S. C. Mrs. Charles West, Enid, Oklahoma. Henry, Grace G., Wellesley Hills. Wellesley Hills. Hopkins, Bertha G., Hopedale. Hopedale. Jepson, Flora E., . . Walpole. Walpole. Jones, Elizabeth, Dorchester. Fairhaven. Kendall, Gertrude E., South Framingham. South Framingham. Maddocks, Maude A., Foxborough. Foxborough, Melcher, Mabel F., Newton Centre. 44 Norwood Avenue, Newton Centre. Middleton, Mary E., South Framingham. South Framingham. Ordway, Zetta R., Saxonville. Saxonville. Petersen, Anna K., Concord. Concord. Pond, Mabel C, Foxborough. Foxborough. 110 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. — j — — — — . Pratt, Emily B., .... . Concord. Concord Junction. Seeley, May E., Stockbridge. Stockbridge. Washburn, Eva M., Natick. 116 West Central Street, Natick. Wentworth, Nellie M., . . Milton, N. H. Milton, N. H. Wildes, Hattie G., . . . Georgetown. Georgetown. June, 1899. Atwood, Alpha R., . Wilmot Flat, N. H. Wilmot Flat, N. H. Bacon, Lillian H., . . Old Saybrook, Conn. Mrs. Stanford, Albany, N. Y. Barnes, Fannie L., Three Rivers. 46 Holland Avenue, Westfield. Bixby, Florence M., West Groton. West Groton. Boyden, Ella B., Walpole. Walpole. Bradley, Isabella A., .West Newton. 42 Oak Avenue, West Newton. Brown, Margaret J., Marlborough. Marlborough. Burnham, Alice F., Waltham. 36 Myrtle Street, Waltham. Chamberlain, Grace F., Medfield. Medfield. Child, Susan E., Campello. Campello. Clahane, Emma F., Concord. Concord. Clifford, Marion L., Damariscotta, Me. Damariscotta, Me. Colbath, Ellen B., New Durham, N. H. New Durham, N. H. Crowe, Catherine E., Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Cutler, Mary C, ... . Natick. Natick. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMWGHAM. Ill Daniels, Celia L., South Natick. South Natick. Eaton, Elizabeth M., Grasmere, N. H. Grasraere, N. H. Folan, Ella T., Hopkinton. Hopkinton. Gately, Henrietta M., Marlborough. 62 South Street, Marlborough. Hackett, Mary J., Marlborough. Marlborough. Harrison, Alice L., Waban. Waban. Keep, Jessie S., . . ......... Cochituate. 312 Cypress Avenue, Pasadena, Cal. Kelley, Bessie I., . Washington, Mass. Washington, Mass. Killen, Mary E., . . Nantucket. Nantucket. Kingsley, Edith S., Waltham. Mrs. Olin W. Stevens, 106 Broadway, Providence, R. I. Kirby, Mary A., Marlborough. 6 West Main Street, Marlborough. Knapp, Anna P., Sewickley, Pa. Edgewood Park, Pa. Macomber, Betsey A., Newton Centre. 69 Pelham Street, Newton Centre. Maddocks, Marion F., Foxborough. Foxborough. McCarthy, Catherine E., Marlborough. 43 Ames Place, Marlborough. McCarthy, M. Leontine, Maiden. [52 Fairmont Street, Maiden ?] Murphy, A. Cecilia, Marlborough. 100 West Main Street, Marlborough. Murphy, Mary I., Natick. 104 Union Street, Natick. Noyes, Lora M., Brookline. 735 Washington Street, Brookline. Paine, Nellie C, Clinton. 95 Pearl Street, Clinton. 112 STATE JSTOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. Regan, Annie E., . Natick. Natick. Ryan, Susie A., . . . . . . . . . . Milford. Milford. Seymour, Edith E., . . . . . . ,. .. . . Stockbridge. Stockbridge. Sheehan, Annie L., . . . . . .Milford. Milford. Skelton, L. Ula., South Acton. South Acton. Southwick, Elizabeth, New York. 92 Prospect Street, Providence, R. I. Sullivan, Nellie M. (class secretary), Milford. Milford. Thrasher, Ida M., . . . . Newton ville. Newtonville. Treen, Marion L., . Holliston. Holliston. Walsh, S. Maud, South Framingham. South Framingham. Waterman, Helen A., South Framingham. South Framingham. Weeks, Annie L., Newtonville. 18 Claflin Place, Newtonville. Welling, Margaret W., Trenton, N. J. 440 Rutherford Avenue, Trenton, N. J. West, Grace E., Princeton. Princeton. June, 1900. Austin, Edith A., .Framingham. Baker, Marjorie I., Marlborough. Balcom, M. Edna, Framingham. Barnard, Julia M., . . . . Nantucket. Burton, Jessie E., . . . Hopedale. Chapin, Lucy L., Waltham. Clapp, Alice F., Scituate. Clement, Clara V., . . . . . ... . . . Manchester, N. H. Conant, Ora A., . . . Natick. Cummings, Lena M., Westborough. Dalton, Alice M., Framingham. Donahoe, Bridget A., Natick. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. 113 Esty, Grace L. B., Framingham. Fletcher, Bertha J., Sherborn. Flitcroft, Alice, Weston. Folan, Winifred M., Hopkinton. Ford, Lena, Hopkinton. Fraser, Catherine J., New Glasgow, N. S. Gallagher, Beatrice F., . Wellesley. Gilmore, Leonora E., Manchester, N. H. Griggs, Alice, . Norwell. Hay den, Jennie F., Newton Lower Falls. Holmes, Sarah I., South Walpole. Johnson, Ida L., Waltham. Mahoney, Estelle M., Hopkinton. Marshall, Edith L., Westborough. McGrail, Mary T., Hopkinton. Mclntire, Frances L., Orange. Melleney, Ellen E , Marlborough. Metz, Louise P., Portsmouth, N. H. Morgan, May F. (class secretary), Newton. Moynihan, Mary H., Marlborough. Nason, Jessie R., Natick. Rabbette, Eliza M., West Med way. Rollins, Clara D., Woodville. Salmon, Agnese G., Worcester. Scully, Catherine E., Holyoke. Seavey, Alma F., Natick. Shaw, E. lone, Framingham. Spaulding, Marion A., Linden. Stone, Bertha M., Ashland. Stumpf, Magdalene M., Newton. Twiss, Bessie L., New Bedford. Walcott, Etta R., Brookline. Welch, Bessie J., Framingham. Wentworth, Florence A., Walpole. Woodbury, Alma A., Natick. 114 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM POST-GRADUATE OR ADVANCED CLASSES. 1852. Barry, Jane E., . . , Clapp, Maria A., . . . Dyer, Eunice P., . . . Peirce, Mary F., . . . Verry, Martha A., . . 1853. Swain, Ellen 0., . . 1854. Bacheler, Emma F., Greeley, Caroline G., . Kuhn, Ellen A., . Lancaster, Harriet, Parsons, Fannie A., Payson, Anne C, Tefft, Lucy A., . 1857. Kyle, Margaret M., . . Merrett, Frances, . . 1858. Howe, Clara W., . . . 1862. Brackett, Emma E., Earle, Sophia R., Joslin, Emeline E., Lane, Elizabeth S., Rice, Harriet A., . Rich, Frances A., Stearns, Charlotte C, . Williams, Harriet N., . See page 33 31 33 33 « 32 See page 35 See page 35 36 36 36 35 36 36 See page 41 41 See page 43 See page 48 " 48 49 49 49 49 49 48 1864, Melvin, Cynthia G., . Mcintosh, Mary E., . Patch, Emerette O., . Sturtevant, Ada B., . Townsend, C. Maria, Wight, Isabella L., . 1865 Abbott, Susan E., . Brigham, Fannie E., Bullard, Emily M., . Bullard, Helen M., . Burge, Martha J., Chandler, Ellen A., . Clarke, S. Maria, French, Ellen G., . Hapgood, Clara H, . Moore, Emma F., Whitcomb, Fannie, . Wilder, Catherine L., 1867. Davis, Amelia, . . Fisk, Sarah E , . . Ives, Mary L., . . Kelly, Abby P., . . Poole, Irene A., . . Rice, Lucy, . . . Stone, Anna J., . . Tilden, Katharine H., See page 52 " 52 52 52 51 51 See page ,53 << 54 (< 53 << 52 a 54 n 53 a 53 tt 52 tt 57 tt 48 n 56 a 54 See page 55 56 54 59 58 58 55 58 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGMAM. 115 1869. Doliver, Lucy S., . . . . See page 72 Adams, Maria L., . . See page 62 Fuller, Mary M., . . . 72 Aldrich, Abbie L., . ii 62 Shadd, Marian P., . . " 74 Damon, Emily F., . (i 62 Dunn, Helen M., . . (< 62 1878. Goldthwaite, Emma M. << > • 62 Brown, M. Elizabeth, . . See page 71 Hayward, Lillian L., it 61 Newton, Ellen, . . . 75 Merriam, Lucy, . . <( 63 Sanborn, Mary P., . . 73 Russell, Abbie F., . a 58 Wilson, Louise D. (Davis) " 68 Wood, Anna J., . (( 63 1879. 1873. Pratt, Sarah E., . . . . See page 73 Blood, Mary A., . . . . See page 66 Caldwell, Abbie G., a 67 1880. Conant, Mary C, «( 67 Barrett, Ella V., . n . . . See page 78 Folger, Ellen A , . a 65 Battles, Stella L., . . 78 Frost, Ada M., . . a 66 Clark, Jennie A., . . . 78 Lecraw, Annie R., . a 67 Cummings, Florence E., . " 78 Moore, Mary C, . . a 68 Hodgdon, Caroline L., . 78 Shattuck, Corinna, . M 67 Metcalf, Ida M., . . . 74 Shattuck, Mary L. P., . ii 68 Stevens, Mary H., . . 78 Stoddard, Mary F., . . ii 68 Ware, Jennie I. (Rice), " 69 1875. 1881. Bennett, Sarah L., . . See page 70 Davey, Jane A., . . . . See page 80 Bullard, Florence V., a 70 Doyle, Mary F., . . . . " 80 Dike, Ella 0., . . . a 69 Fuller. Ada A " 80 Hatch. Susan L a 70 JL UllvX « XJL.VIU) J.JL.9) • • • 4 Johnson, Mary E., . . . Newton, Cora A., . . . " 79 Howard, Mary, . . . a 70 77 Howe, Edith W., . . a 61 Stock well," Alice M., . . Stone, Katharine H., . . 80 80 1876. Barber, Augusta, . . . . See page 71 1882. Bullard, Emma L., . . a 72 Burnham, Susan P., . See page 81 Sturtevant, Anna L., . a 73 Hamblett, Maria A., . . " 80 Swift, Idella, . . . . a 75 TCorh Japohina. " 81 Webster, Frances S., . a 69 J.XVV-LIJ VlAiVV/PJliXUl • • • « Williams, Janet W., n 71 1883. Baker, Edith B., . . . . See page 82 1877. Clark, Fannie, . . . . « 83 Bigelow, Elizabeth G., . . See page 73 Morrill, Alice F., . . . 82 Coolidge, Elizabeth I •> a 69 Wood, Harriet E., . . , 83 116 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINGHAM. 1884. 1892. Emery, Jessie F., . . . See page 79 Andrews, Mabel L., . . . See page 93 Jones, Nellie V., . . . . « 83 Caldwell, Mary B., . . . " 95 Home, Ella M., .... " 95 1885. Mason, Helen M., . . " 94 Davis, Martha J., . . . See page 82 Norcross, Cora L., . . . 93 Estabrook, Mary V., . " 79 Thompson, Elizabeth N., 95 1886. 1893. Graves, Henrietta L., . . See page 85 Billings, Myra I., . . . See page 90 Jewett, Mary H., . . 82 Clark, Frances, . . . " 91 Nichols, Lucy B., . . . " 84 Everett, Mary E., . . . " 97 Ferry, Inez A., . . " 83 Goodnow, Hattie J., 90 1887. Robinson, Mabel F., 99 Badet, Jane B., . . . . See page 86 1894. Bennett, May F., . . . 83 Battles, Celia P., . . . . See page 90 Everson, Nellie E., . . . " 86 Houghton, Florence G., . " 99 Morrill, Lucy M., . . 87 Robbins, Mary E., . . 99 Nottage, Marion, . . . 87 1895. 1888. Goodwin, Florence H., See page 100 Flanders, Elizabeth B., See page 87 Morgan, Bertha A., . . . 101 Garside, Lillian R., . . 88 Seymour, Frances E., . . 101 Parker, Adelia M-, . . . " 87 Sornborger, Harriet B , . 98 1890. 1896. Cushman, M. Delight, . . See page 91 Evans, Blanche I., . . . See page 102 Evans, Isabelle A., . . . 91 Shepard, Grace F., . . . 102 Goodwin, Mary E , . . . 91 Holbrook, M. Elizabeth, A lanomet, 1897. Plymouth. Gibbs, Kate M., . . . . See page 104 Low, Ellen P., . . . . See page 89 Hemenway, Blanche E., . " 104 McMaster, Carrie E., . " 84 Valentine, May E., . . . " 104 Pike, Emma A., . . . " 92 Shedd, Mary C, . . . " 92 1898. Sheldon, Clementine A., 90 Fellows, Annie M., . . . See page 105 1891. Scranton, Katharine, . . 106 Coffin, Alice F., . . . . See page 92 1899. Greenwood, Henrietta F., " 93 Cowles, Mary A , ... See page 107 Hurlbut, Marion B., 93 Cummings, Bertha E., 102 Ordway, Lillian A., . . . " 92 Jacot, Louise M. E , Stockbridge. Washburn, Caroline L., . 93 Regan, Mary J., . . . . 108 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, FBAM1NGIIAM. 117 SPECIAL STUDENTS. Abbott, Alice. 1883-84, Fitchburg. Babcock, Arabella L. 1859-60. See page 45. Babcock, Isabella B. 1859-60. See page 45. Benson, Sarah L. 1895-96, Brattleborough, Vt. Brigham, Agnes 0. 1899-1900, Westborough. Cable, Margaret B. 1898-1900, Northampton. Campbell, Lemabel E. 1898-99. See page 109. Chapin, Florence A. 1899-1900, Hingham. Cook, Edith M. 1898-99, Vassalborough, Me. Coolidge, Catherine J. 1887-88, Wayland. Mrs. George Tatnall, 1403 Gilpin Avenue, Wilmington, Del. Currier, Mary Etta. 1894-95, Meriden, N. H. Daggett, Narcissa. 1887-88. Mrs. M. F. Daggett, Brownfield, Oxford County, Me. Deane, Charlotte A. 1888-89, Berkley. Dushane, Nanna D. 1898-99, Baltimore, Md. Farnam, Margaret D. 1895-96. See page 105. Gleason, Louise R. 1899-1900, Waitsfield, Vt. Hatch, Emma. 1885-86, East Berkshire, Vt. Hoisington, Nancy L. 1896-97, Coventry, Conn. Jenkins, Alma. 1879-81, Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Foster, 419 West 117th Street, New York. Kammerer, Mary E. 1898-99, Baltimore, Md. Leeds, Susan B. 1858-59. See page 45. Magoun, Alice. 1894-95, Bath, Me. 1009 Middle Street, Bath, Me. McCrady, Louise. 1890-91, Charleston, S. C. Miller, Stella M. 1891-92. See page 97. 118 STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FBAMINGHAM. Moody, Nellie M. 1895-96, Waterbury, Vt. East Barre, Vt. Potter, Annie M. 1895-96. See page 94. Randolph, Flora. 1886-87, Alfred Centre, N. Y. Ring, Emily. 1894-95, Bath, Me. Mrs. Henry R. White, 913 Washington Street, Bath, Me. Searle, Ella F. 1879-80. See page 69. Sheldon, Ada 1885-86, . . . . . . . . North Chelmsford. Smyth, Jennie M. 1898-99, . Baltimore, Md. Thurston, Edith. 1894-96, Charleston, S. C. Train, Lucilla. 1858-59. See page 46. Underhill, Maria. 1881-83, . East Orange, N. J. Valentine, Celia M. 1899-1900, Northborough. Vermilye, A. Josephine. 1898-99, New York City. Webster, Mary I. 1858-1859. See page 46. Wetherbee, Louise. 1894-95, . . . Athol. White, Lucy M. 1896-97, Mansfield. STATE NOBMAL SCHOOL, FRAMINOHAM. 119 HOUSEHOLD ARTS CLASSES. June, 1899. Daniels, Ada E., 197 Washington Street, Newton. Driver, Mary A., Weston. Flint, Bertha W., Cambridge. Macomber, Betsey A., . . . . .69 Pelham Street, Newton Centre. Noyes, Martha B., Greenfield. Palmer, Elizabeth D., . . Norwich, Conn. June, 1900. Brigham, Clara, Hartford, Conn. Burbank, Annie F., Webster, N. H. Burrage, Emeline, . West Newton. Byington, Grace W., Stockbridge. Clark, Charlotte F., Medford. Holbrook, Florence, Manomet, Plymouth. Hunter, Susan B., . West Newton. Lake, Mary M., Medford. Russell, Mary E., Weston. Spring, Mary S., Newton Lower Falls. INDEX. PAGE Abbott, Alice, 117 Frances N., 54 Susan E., . . . . 53, 114 Abel, Mrs. F. C, 45 Aborn, Elizabeth J., . . . . 18 Acorn, Mertie D., . . . .109 Adams, Mrs. Charles J., . . . 101 EleanorS., 18 Emily F., 105 Frances B., 19 Hattie, 75 Harriet N 30 Helen W .100 Mrs. Joseph C, .... 73 Josie M., 98 Mrs. Leonard B., . . . . 63 Maria L., .... 62, 115 Mary C, 92 Mary J., 40 Mrs. Robert., 11 Sarah I., 103 Sarah L., 32 Sarah L., 36 Mrs. T. D 31 Aiken, Mrs. L. H., .... 35 Albee, Abbie L., 62 Mrs., 22 Alden, Sarah C, 40 Aldrich, Abby L., . . . 62, 115 Alice C, 65 Annie A., 80 EmmaF 62 Mrs. George I., .... 59 Grace N., 101 Mrs. J. F., 23 Alexander, Anna W., .... 61 Mrs. Perry C, . . . .107 Alger, Annie L., 93 Allen, Mrs. A. B., . . . . 45 Mrs. Charles, 75 Dora A., 81 Mrs. D. M., 29 Elizabeth H. 33 Elizabeth P., 35 Emily F., 40 PAGE Allen, Mrs. John L., .... 70 Lucy C, 18 Nathaniel T., 8 Mrs. Nathaniel T., . . . 29 Mrs. Prentiss T., . . . . 14 Mrs. William E., . . . . 14 Allyne, Mrs., 38 Sophronia W., .... 38 Ambler, Mrs. James, .... 53 Ames, Alice M., 87 Amsden,Mrs. G. M., .... 92 Anderson, Charlotte, .... 66 Andrews, Ellen P., .... 25 Mrs. Harry N., .... 93 Helen W., 103 Jane E., 38 Lydia E., 29 Mabel L., .... 93, 116 Mrs. N. L., 53 Sarah G., 31 Annetts, Margaret E., . . . 57 Appleton, Alice S., .... 85 Anna E., 19 Mrs., 13 Archibald, Fred. W., .... 7 Arms, Ellen E., 60 Emily M., 84 Grace A., 107 Arnold, Mrs. CO.,. . . . 60 Mrs. George, 13 Ashford, Mrs. Henry W., . . . 67 Ashley, Edith B., .... 89 Mabel T., 92 Atherton, Mrs. James, ... 32 Attwood, Harriet E., . . . . 100 Atwood, Alpha R., .... 110 Mrs. Otis, 57 Augur, Mrs. John S., . . . . 42 Auryansen, Mrs. Albert D., . . 91 Austin, Mrs. Dr., .... 33 Edith A., 112 Elizabeth G., 22 Ella M., 71 Averill, Mrs. James, .... 29 Avery, Mrs. Elroy M., ... 58 122 INDEX. Avery, Mrs. John, Awcock, Mrs., Ayer, Jean Y., Ayers, Mrs. Frank C, Ayres, Mrs. J. W., Babcock, Arabella L., Edith M., Frances L., . Isabella B., . Mrs. William G., Babson, Mrs. John J. Mrs. R. E., . Bacheler, Charlotte W Emma F., Bacon, Annie, Elsie M., . Lillian H., Maria E., Badet, Jane B., . Badger, Mrs. H. C, Bagot, Mrs. H. C., Bailey, Adelaide A., Mrs. Almond, Emmabell S.,~ Baker, Benjamin F., Mrs. Charles M., Edith B., . Frances M., . Harriet L., Marjorie I., . Martha A., Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. William E., Balch, Mrs. John, Balcom, M. Edna, Balcome, Susan S., Baldwin, Carrie L., Dorcas B., E. Leslie, Martha K., Mary F., . Ball, Angelina, . Elizabeth A., . Lanra M., M. Augusta, . Ballard, Mrs. II. W., Mrs. Joseph M., Ballou, Abbie S., . Bancroft, Mrs. Clarence, Sarah B., Banks, Susan P., . Barber, Augusta, Caroline A., . Elizabeth G., . Mrs. J., . Mrs. Leander, 10, 82, 9, TAGE 47 95 109 97 47 45, 117 94 3,40 45, 117 14 24 71 25 35, 114 94 85 110 15 86, 116 38 74 52 61 38 6 95 115 28 105 112 29 16 44 20 112 47 86 27 86 19 53 21 32 71 17 45 67 25 79 51 34 71, 115 78 28 38 59 PAGE Barker, Ellen C, ..... 51 Mrs. George W., . . . .102 Grace O., 72 Mrs., .28 Barlow, Jennie, 80 Barnard, Carrie E., . . . .50 Mrs. Francis H., . . . . 55 Mrs. James I., .... 86 Julia M., 112 Barnes, Edith, ...'.. 70 Emma J., 92 Fanny L., 110 Mrs. Franklin O., . . . . 55 Susan M., 42 Barney, Elizabeth R., ... 28 Nancy J., 30 Barrett, Cora, 64 Delia, 77 Ella V., 78,115 Isa, 68 Mrs. E. G., 58 Mrs. F. E., 108 Barry, Agnes E., .... 105 Althea W., 78 JaneE., 33,114 Bartlett, Anna H., 105 Mrs. C. E.A., .... 37 Eliza M., 36 Mrs. Ernest C, ..... 90 Mrs. George A., . . . . 60 Bassett, Blanche M., .... 96 Caroline S., 29 Florence M., 78 Mary A., 67 Basto, Mrs. Dr., 14 Batchelder, Mrs., .... 33 Harriet S., 86 Batchelor, Antoinette F., . . .100 Bates, Mrs. A. J., . . . . 47 EllaM., 56 Mrs. Emerson, .... 23 Mrs. Henry L., . . . . 44 Jennie, 71 Mrs. William C, . . . . 79 Battelle, Caroline E., . . . . 22 Elizabeth M., 14 Sarah J., 19 Battles, Celia P 10, 90, 116 Charlotte M., 85 Stella L.,. . . . . 78, 115 Baxter, Mrs. Charles N., . . . 61 Mrs. Edwin W., .... 66 Baylis, Mrs. Charles T., . . . 108 Beach, Mrs. John B., . . . . 94 Mary E., 9, 81 Beals, Mrs. John, .... 18 Bean, Florence O. 90 INDEX. 123 PAQK PAGE Beard, Phoebe M., .... 10 Blake, Mrs. Freeman D., ... 75 Beaumont, Margaret E., . 105 Mrs. Gardner, 12 Beck, Martha. A., . 43 Mrs. Harry W., . 10, 74 Beckley, Elizabeth R., 44 Mary A.,. 15 Beeman, Marion L., . 68 Mrs. William S., . 25 Mary E., . 63 Blanchard, Mrs. Charles, 31 Beetle, Susie R., . . 103 E. R., 6 Belden, Harriet S., 48 Mrs. George L., . 91 Bell, Mary A. L., 94 Blandy, Mrs. Henry, . 36 Sarah J., . 31 Blaney, Frances C, . 16 Bemis, Mrs. A. F., 44 Blish, Hannah, . 19 Anna M., 69 Bliss, Mrs. H. M., 15 Bennett, Dolly, . 23 Blodgett, Mary, . 86 Mrs. Edward S., . 78 Mrs. S. Stillman, . 12 Josephine S., 58 Mrs. Warren K., . 25 Mary T., . 48 Blood, Carrie M., 64 MayF., . . 10, 83, 116 H. Melissa, 44 Sarah L., 70, 115 Mrs. Lester M., . 84 Benson, Mrs. Albion 1 Z., 34 Lucy E., . . 103 Sarah L., . 117 Martha, . 38 Bent, Mrs. Frank, 56 Mary A., . . #. . 66, 115 Isabella H., . 92 Mrs., . 101 Loretta J., 84 Sarah M. S., . . 107 Martha B., 94 Blunt, Jennie H., 68 RuthB., . 94 Boardman, Elizabeth M., 87 Mrs. Samuel, . 20 Hattie E., . 75 Bentley, Alice E., 83 Minnie B., . 77 Berry, Mrs. A. Hun, 82 Bodge, Mary A., . 34 Bigelow, Elizabeth G. 73, 115 Bogardus, Julia A., . 32 Mrs. Francis H., 106 Boland, Mary A., . 74 George N., 1 Bond, Catherine G., . 30 Mrs. George N., 40 Mrs. Edward P., . 14 Mrs. George N., 56 Mary E., . 46 Mrs. James F., 82 Bonnett, Adelaide L., 98 Lydia M., 57 Bonney, Mrs. Eugene, . 73 Martha A., 54 Mary B., . . 97 Nancy J., 3 Boody, Harriet O., 27 Sarah A., 60 Martha F., 17 Mrs. William P., . 40 Booth, Mrs. William, 37 Bill, Mrs. Ledyard, . 48 Boswell, Mrs. S. B., 26 Billings, Eunice A., . 48 Botume, Mrs. John, 32 Mrs. Henry M., 25 Bower, Sarah E., . 101 Mrs. Joseph E., . 59 Bowers, Mrs. W. F., 18 Myra I., . 30, 116 Bowman, Marcia R., 100 Bird, Joseph, 6 Bowthorpe, Mrs. Elias *T., 13 Mrs. Warren, 50 Isabella, . 13 Birkenmeyer, Julia M > 100 Boyd, Caroline B., 61 Bissett, Florence G., . 86 Elizabeth H. M., 100 Bixby, Mrs. Charles, . 84 Boyden, Ella B., . 110 Florence M., . no Emelia, . 65 Black, Mrs. John F., . 70 Boynton, Mrs. Alfred 43 Blackmer, Mrs. F. T., 58 Ellen A., 62 Blackwell, Annie B., . 92 Brackett, Anna C, 3,42 Blaisdell, Annie W., . 40 Eliza K., . 29 Mrs. E. D., . 51 Emma E., 4 \S t 114 Etta A., . 96 Emma F., 31 Blake, Eleanor W., 17 Mrs. F. A., . 55 124 INDEX. PAGE PAGE Brackett, Mrs. J. W., . . . . 50 Brown, Abigail H., . . . .19 Bradbury, Elizabeth M., 37 Anne M., . . 46 Bradford, Amy E., 47 Caroline,. 29 Mrs. B. F., . 25 Mrs. Charles S., . 33 Mrs. George H., 48 Charlotte A., . 65 Mrs. M. L., . 37 Mrs. Edwin, . 53 Bradlee, Mrs. N. J., 44 Elizabeth, 20 Bradley, Anna J., 6 Ellen A 53 Isabella A., . 110 Emma A. H., . 52 Levantia F., . 35 E. Ursula, 107 Mary G., . 103 Eveline M., . . . 35 Miranda W., . 32 Georgianna A., 88 Bragg, Mrs. Aaron C. 78 Gertrude, 109 Bray, Sarah H., . 100 Grace E., 100 Brayton, Mary, . 14 Harriet G., 32 Breck, Aravesta A., . 38 Mrs. Horace G., . 92 Brett, Florence A., 62 Mrs. I. Loring, 74 Mary H., . 19 Lavina A., 53 Brewer, Mrs. A. G., 60 Louisa M., 17 Brewster, Elizabeth B •» 31 Lucy P., . 45 Harriet A., . » 58 Margaret J., . 110 Louisa P., 43 Mary B., . 52 Brezeale, Mrs. W. E., 89 M. Elizabeth, 9, 71, 115 Bridge, Katharine M., 91 Myrtle E., . 103 Mary E., . 2,35 O.B, . . 7 Bridgeman, Caroline L., 39 Mrs. O. B., . 39 Mary L 5 Rebecca H., . 46 Bridges, Mrs. D. T., 44 Sarah E., 78 Briggs, Emma F., 73 Sarah J., . 42 Brigham, Agnes O., . 117 Mrs. Sylvester, 71 Mrs. Alfred, . 33 Mrs. William H., . 61 Caroline A., . 43 Browne, Emily A., 67 Mrs. Charles F., 81 Frances H. G., 72 Clara, 119 Browning, Emma S., . 73 Clara A., 64 Bruce, Mary J., . 41 Delia F., . 9,80 Mrs. Mary J., 41 Fannie E., 54, 114 Sarah B., 22 Harriet M., 27 Bryant, Mrs. Frank, . 69 Julia P., . 48 Bryden, Eliza, 29 Laura S., 27 Buchannan, C. Rebecca, . 73 Martha E., 47 Buck, Laura M., . 40 MaryE.,. . 47 Bucknam, Kate M., . 100 S. Harriette, . 23 Buffum, Mrs. Caleb T., 24 Brinn, Mrs. John F., 68 Mrs. Charles, . 67 Brintnall, Mrs. William, 17 Bugbee, Eliza D., 44 Broad, Mrs. L. Pason, 39 Bulfinch, Delia, . 20 Brock way, Mrs. Frederick H., 66 Mary C., . 58 Brodeur, Mrs. Clarence, 88 Mary O., . 15 Brokenshire, Susan R., 66 Bull, Harriette, . 15 Bronson, Cornelia C, 76 Mary D., . 57 Edith B., . 76 Bullard, Clara L., 80 Brooks, Mrs. Alfred A., 75 Emily M., . 4,53,114 Harriet J., 89 Emma L., 72, 115 Ida A., . . 80 Florence V., . 70, 115 Mary O., . 52 Helen F., 71 Brotchie, Ella M., . 107 Helen M., 52, 114 Brown, Abby, 53 Buoncore, Mrs. Lewis, 25 INDICX. 125 Burbank, Annie F., Mrs. Calvin W., Jane I., . Burchsted, Mary, Burdett, Florences., Burdick, Martha W., Susan E., Burge, Abby C, . Martha J., Burgess, Susan A., Burks, Lizzie J., . Burnham, Alice F., Caroline M., . Mrs. John, Julia E., . Mary M., Susan P., Burns, Anna H., . Mrs. Edward A., Mrs. John, Jr., Rosalie T., Burrage, Emeline, Burritt, Emma S., Burt, Mrs. E. H., . Burton, Elizabeth I., Jessie E., Maria, Bush, Celeste E., . Susan S., . Bushnell, Charlotte L Bntland, Minnie L., Butler, J. Louise, Butterfleld, E. Grace, Butters, Mrs. W. D., Buttrick, Abby L., Harriette, Sarah C, Buxton, Nettie C, Byfleld, Ethel L., Byington, Grace W., Cable, Margaret B., Cady, Emma A., . Calder, Mrs. Albert L. Caldwell, Abby G., Frances A., . Mrs. Fred B., . Mary B., . Mary E., . Cameron, Charlotte E. Campbell, Mrs. Benjamin B., Mrs. Francis J., Ida B., . Mrs. James L., Mrs. J. Russell, Lemabel E., . Canedy, Betsey L., PAGE 119 (53 21 17 107 35 12 64 54, 114 49 77 110 18 16 89 91 81, 115 33 45 95 76 119 28 84 13 112 13 5 61 109 90 78 90 41 48 25 40 75 103 119 117 57 34 67, 115 56 90 95, 116 35 61 23 60 81 60 63 109, 117 . 13 Cap ion, Eleanor, . Mrs. W. B., . Carey," Annie F., . Carleton, Mrs. Albert, Mary B., . Carlson, Mrs. Harry J., Carney, Catherine D., Carnoe, Mrs. William M Carpenter, Alma L., . Annie G., ElzoE., . Florence M., . Sylvira, . Carr, Mrs. George N., Mrs. John, Carrigan, Katherine A., Carrington, Mrs. Charles L., Carruth, Louise B., Cartee, Mary A., . Carter, Ada, . Mrs. Artemas, Edith E., . Mrs. Edward, Case, Mrs. Chester N., Jr., Cass, Mrs.D., Cassell, Angelia, . Caswell, Bertha L., . LoisT., . Center, Charlotte F., . Chadbourne, Lucy H., Chad wick, Mary E., . Mrs Chamberlain, Gertrude F. Grace F., Mrs. Henry, . Mrs. N. H., . Mrs. Newell, . Sarah M., Chamberlin, Almira, . Elizabeth W., Mary L., . Olive M., . Mrs. Willis B., . Chambre, Mrs. A. St. John, Champney, Abbie A., . Mrs. E. Walter, . Chandler, Ada B. t Mrs. Benjamin, Mrs. Clark N., Ellen A., Mrs. John L., Mrs., Channing, Mrs. William F. Mrs. William F., . Chapin, Alice J., . Florence A., . Lucy L., . PAGK 23 33 88 54 95 100 92 22 98 88 57 96 29 53 37 4, 70 61 101 105 18 98 71 38 27 23 79 3,43 90 42 23 21 86 110 53 24 33 97 39 28 89 53 90 36 34 43 64 40 65 53, 114 12 32 12 34 72 117 112 126 INDEX. PAGE Chaplin, Christine, .... 7 Chapman, Anna C, .... 56 Annie B., . . . . * . 87 Bertha, 94 Gertrude L., 85 Mrs. John, 65 KateS 91 Chase, Annie W., .... 107 Celia M., 107 Hannah E., 19 Martha A., . . . . 22 Cheney, Mrs. Elmer C, . . . 90 Flora B., . . . . . . 97 Mrs. F. W., 76 Chennery, M. Adelaide, ... 97 Chevalier, Ada E., .... 97 Chickering, Hannah E., ... 45 Lucy A., 42 Child, Angelina, 23 Susan E., 110 Susan R., 43 Childs, Mrs. B. W., . . 53 Cornelia M., . . . . 72 Chisholm, Isabella F., 85 Choate, Sarah M 19 Church, Alice H., .... 95 Claflin, Anna F., . . . . 10, 103 Bertha E., 96 Edith A., 103 Sarah C, . . . . . . 69 Clahane, Emma F., . . . . 110 Clapp, Adeline E 31 Alice F., 112 Clara L 14 Frances A., 23 Helen, 18 Louise H., ..... 66 Lucretia, 19 Maria A.,' .... 31, 114 Sophia A., 37 Clark, Mrs. Ainsworth, ... 79 Anna E., 47 Anna M 6 Charlotte F., 119 Elizabeth, 5 Fannie, 83, 115 Frances, 91, 116 Harriets 39 Mrs. Henry C, .... 81 Mrs. H. M 79 Jennie A., . . . . 78, 115 Louise B., . . . . . 13 Louise C, 35 Mary H., 53 Mrs. O. C, . . . . . 74 Mrs. Samuel, 59 PAGE Clark, Mrs. Samuel F., 17 Sarah A., . . . . . 64 Mrs. Wendell, .... 66 Clarke, A. Gertrude, . . . .107 Annie M 54 Mrs. Elisha, 22 Mrs. John E., . . . . 67 Julia C . . . 4, 64 Sarah A 22 S. Maria, 53 Susan R., 54 Cleland, Harriet M., .... 91 Clement, Calista H., . . . . 34 Clara Y., 112 Eliza A., 37 Mary G., 34 Cleveland, Mrs. Charles S., . . 38 Clifford, Marion L., . . . .110 Clift, Mrs. Joseph W., . . . 43 Clisby, Mrs. Lorenzo, ... 12 Clough, Marianna, .... 60 Cloutman, Ophelia M., . . . 37 Cobb, Mrs. William, .... 62 Coburn, Mrs. A. A., . . . . 61 Mrs. Edward, .... 23 Eliza J., 20 Harriet A., 52 Cochrane, Mrs. William A., . . 50 Coe, Amelia, 53 Ellen, . . . . . . 56 Lucy, 46 Coffin, Alice F., . . . . 92, 116 Amelia L., 13 Fannie E., 94 Cogswell, Mrs., 13 Colbath, Ellen B., 110 Colburn, Mrs. A. W., . . . . 80 Charlotte, 28 Emily, 22 Josephine M., .... 64 Lucy A., 43 Mary C, 22 Minnie A., 97 Mrs. Ralph D., .... 98 Colby, Susan F., 81 Cole, Lucinda P., .... 57 Sarah E., . . . . . 44 Collagan, Mary C, . . . . 97 Collar, Mrs. William C, . . . 88 Collester, Osgood, .... 6 Collins, Mrs. Edward, ... 45 Colony, Mrs. Horatio, ... 49 Colson, Caroline A., . . . . 34 Coltman, Mary H., .... 66 Comins, Mrs. Edward I., . . . 64 Louise, 98 INDEX. 127 PAGE PAGE Conant, Charlotte L., . . . . 101 Crafts, Helen 49 Lillian, . 88 Crane, Mrs. A. S., 82 Mrs. Luther, Jr., . . 105 Mrs. Emery L., 88 Mary C, . • 4, 67, 115 Kate G., . 45 Ora A., . . 112 Crawford, Mrs. Henry E., 76 Susie E., . 94 Marion P., . 102 Conary, Frances P., . 99 Creamer, Hannah G., . 18 Condon, Nano C, . 105 Crestley, Mary L., 68 Congdon, Mrs. A. J., . 80 Creveling, Elizabeth, . 7 Connelly, Mary A., . 105 Cristman, Kate B., . 105 Converse, Mrs., . 29 Crocker, Lucretia, . 2,31 Cook, Addie E., . 79 Crosby, Caroline H., . 43 Mrs. Albert G., . 20 Jane, 23 Edith M., . 117 Marion W., . 50 Emma L., 60 Mrs. M. C, . . 41 Isabelle C, 78 Rutta, 23 Lucretia, 21 Crossman, Mrs. Howard, 81 Mary J., . 23 Crowe, Catherine E., . . 110 Sarah S 51 Cullen, Rose A., . 86 Coolidge, Catherine J., 117 Culver, Mrs. F. S., 80 Elizabeth B., . 55 Cummings, Bertha E., . 102, 116 Elizabeth F., . 69, 115 Florence E., . 78, 115 Emma A., 82 Lena M., . . 112 Mrs. F. W., . 69 Mary E., . 66 H. Elizabeth, . 15 Cunningham, Alice, . 28 H. Elizabeth, . 105 Alice E., . . 103 Coombs, Harriet E., . • 49 Mrs. Charles H., . 77 Cooney, Mrs. J. D., 76 Ella,. . . ' . 61 Cooper, Harriet M., . 37 Sarah J., . 48 Copeland, Catherine E., . 21 Cupples, Mrs. Frank, . 95 H. Louise B.,. 27 Currier, Mary E., 117 Rubina S., 96 Curtis, Mrs. A. M., 16 Sarah W. P., . 15 Anna L., . 101 Corbett, Helen I., 45 Elizabeth, 74 Corey, Catherine R., . 21 Mrs. Frank C, 43 Mrs. E. S., 80 Mrs. George W., . 39 Mary L., .... 88 GoldieA., 107 Mrs. Theodore, 44 Mrs. Jesse, 31 Corlies, Annie E., 23 Laura M., 43 Margaret, . . i 21 Louisa, .... 16 Cornforth, Carrie E., . 100 Cushing, Harriet B., . 19 Corn well, Mary E., 6,88 Cushman, Mary G., 29 Cosgrove, Bessie M., . 107 M. Delight, . 91, 116 Cotton, Caroline D., . 27 Cutler, Annie B., . 31 Martha I., 20 Mrs. Charles F., . 64 Mary E., . 23 Mrs. George E., . 63 Sally M., . 13 Isabella, .... 35 Susan D., ... 19 Mabel, .... 93 Coughlin, Mrs. Humphrey J., . 99 Mary C, . 110 County, Mrs. J. J., 67 Sarah A., 23 Courvoisier, Ruth, 8 Mrs. William A., . 50 Cousins, Elizabeth M., 90 Cutter, Amanda T., 17 Cowles, Mary A., 1( )7, 116 Anna M., 34 Cox, Sarah A 39 Mrs. Henry O., 89 Coy, Mrs. E. W., . 42 Josephine A., 26 Cozzens, Caroline, 74 Martha R., 40 128 INDEX. PAGE Cutter, Sarah P., 36 Cutting, Florence G., . . . . 103 Mrs. Francis, 23 Mrs. G. Frank, .... 94 Mrs. Sanford M., . . . . 64 Dadmun, Anna F., . . . 61 Daggett, Mrs. M. F., . . . . 117 Narcissa, 117 Dale, Nellie A., . . . . .10,84 Dalton, Alice M., ....... 112 Dame, Agnes R., 9, 64 Damon, Caroline, .... 33 Mrs. Charles, .... 29 Delia A., 16 Mrs. D. M., 31 Emily F., . . 7~ . 62,115 Hannah M., -. . . . 11 Lucy M., 66 Martha M., 30 Mary W 107 Dane, Gertrude E., . . . .103 Danforth, Mrs. George H., . . 78 Mrs. W. S., 41 Daniels, Abbie E., .... 58 AdaE., 119 Celia L., Ill Ida M., . . . . . . 72 Jennie M., 82 Danion, Stanislaus, . . . . 8 Darling, Clarissa, .... 20 Gertrude, 91 Mrs. Jewett N., .... 61 Nancy, . . . . . . 89 Dascomb, Emily F., . . . 28 Davey, Jane A., . . . . 80, 115 David, Mrs. Albert W., . 103 Davidson, Olivia A., . . . . 82 Davis, Ada C, 68 Amelia, 4, 55, 114 Augusta A., 34 Mrs. Charles 13 Mrs. Charles H , Jr., ... 66 Mrs. Charles W., .... 48 Clara, 46 Ellen E., 69 Joanna W., 17 Mrs. Joel, 37 Mrs. J. B., 67 Mrs. John 12 Louise D., 68 Lura M., 61 Mary A. E., 12 Mary C, 58 Mary D., 85 Martha J., 82, 116 Sarah L., 33 Davis, Mrs. W. J., 83 Mrs., . 22 Davoran, Margaret, . 105 Dawson, Annie R., 94 Day, Lena M., 63 Dean. Mrs. Austin S., . 12 Deane, Charlotte A., . 117 Dearborn, Alice B., . 103 Flora E., . 62 Laura A., 52 Deering, Emily A., 51 DeLand, Eva B., . 97 Delano, Alice L., . 9, 80 Demmon, Laura M., . 25 Dench, Caroline G., . 64 Denison, Mrs. George H., . 81 Mrs. Nathan N., . 87 Dennis, Henrietta P., 45 Dermot, Edith S., 104 Destre, Mme., 8 Devereux, Mrs. A. F., 43 Devins, Mrs., 19 Dewey, Iris, . 34 Dewing, Marion E., . 62 Dickason, Elizabeth F., 37 Dickinson, Harriet, 34 Mrs. Henry P., 89 Dike, Ella O., . 59, 115 Dillingham, Betsey B., 34 Sarah F., . 64 Dingee, Mrs. William W., 29 Dixon, M. Jessamine, 89 Doane, Fannie V., 64 Henrietta, 42 Dodge, Martha H., 89 Doggett, Anna F., . 104 Dole, Catherine W., . . 37 Edith S., . 96 Doliver, Lucy S., . . 9, 72, 115 Domag, Sarah A., 51 Donahoe. Bridget A., . . 112 Donovan, Mrs. Thomas C. 87 Dougan, Mrs. Robert H., 82 Dougherty, Margaret E., . 107 Douglas, Amelia A., . 36 Dow, Harriet P., . . 102 Mrs. George E., . 87 Downes, Elizabeth C, 15 Downing, Mrs. A. F., . 32 Lucy A., . 17 Downs, Catherine E., . 26 Doyle, Margaret L., . 99 Mary F., . 80, 115 Dozois, Camilla E., 99 Drake, Mrs. Luman C, 71 Dresser, Caroline, . 27 Mrs. Edward D., . . 75 INDEX. 129 PAGE PAGE Drew, Mrs. Joseph L., . . . 31 Elliot, Mrs. Newton, .... 44 Lydia H., 12 Olive E.H., . 76 MaryC. C, . 78 Ellis, Mrs. George A. 47 Driseoll, Emma L., 99 Ellms, Mrs. Herbert C ., 99 Driver, Mary A., . . 119 Mary H., . 15 Drummond, Mrs. James F • > 12 Ells, Mrs. George N., 56 Drury, Abby, 27 Emerson, Bertha L., 82 Mrs. O. M., . 59 Mrs. Charles W., 74 Dudley, Mrs. Charles V., 73 Mrs. George T., 33 Mrs. Ira G., . . 100 Harriet A., 31 Mrs. James S., 72 H. Elizabeth, . 37 Martha A., 13 Rachel W., 21 Dunbar, Florence A., . 99 Susan M., . 10, 80 Duncklee, Mrs. H. L., 19 Emery, Mrs. Arthur I *•> 98 Dunham, Mrs. Howard C. 68 Jessie F., 79, 116 Dunn, Helen M., . . 62, 115 Minnie C, 91 Dunning, Rebecca, 90 Erlund, Rebecca B., 45 Durant, Mary M., 43 Estabrook, Mrs. John D, 45 Durgin, Elizabeth A., 40 Mary V., . 79, 116 Mrs. Hazen F., 83 Estes, Mrs. George, . 37 Du shane, Nanna D , . . 117 Esty, Fanny B., . . 74 Dwyer, Ella L., . 67 Grace L., . 113 Dyer, Mrs. Clarence, . 70 Evans, Blanche I., . 102, 116 Eliza J 27 Isabel A., 91, 116 Emily J., 78 Lucy A., . 45 Eunice P., 33, 114 Mary E., . 26 Mrs. J. F., 36 Eveleth, Sarah, . Everett, Anna S., 27 13 Eames, Clara I., . 91 Caroline I., . 52 Ellen M., 61 Eliza M., . 19 Frances L., . 30 Elizabeth, 21 Earle, Sarah F., . 41 MaryC, . 26 Sophia R., t 18, 114 Mary E., . 97, 116 Eastman, Mrs. Frank W., 85 Mrs. N. W., . 26 Katharine C, . 84 Everson, Nellie E., 86, 116 Rev. Lucius R., 8 Mary F., . 37 Fairbanks, Elfie M., 75 MaryL., . 4 Lucy A., . 56 Mrs. S. Alden, 72 Fales, Caroline E., 21 Eastwood, Mary A., . 53 Sarah A., 57 Eaton, Mrs. Alfred N., 104 Farley, Eunice W., 62 Elizabeth M., . 111 Lucy F., . 55 Harriet B., . 43 Farmer, Mrs. Edward 48 Mrs. Henry N., 93 Mrs. Edward O., 49 Mrs. J. P., 59 Mary A.,. 39 L. Augusta, . 37 Far nam, Margaret D., 105, 117 Maria S., ... 4,60 Farnham, Emma E., . 59 Mary E., . 34 Maria, 26 Mary E., . 64 Farnum, Mrs. Henry, 15 Sarah O. H., . 26 Mrs. Moses, . 30 Susan A., 46 Farr, Mary U., 41 Eddy, M. Ellen, . 55 Farrar, Ellen H., . 44 Mary E., . 57 Farrington, Mrs. J. G. 22 Edes, Mary C, 65 Judith, . 65 Edgar, Sarah E., . 76 Faulkner, Anne R., 28 Eliot, Mrs. Henry W., 49 Mrs. Harry, . 41 Elliot, Lilla M., . 78 1 Sophia E., 60 130 INDEX. PAGE Faxon, Florence R., . . . . 96 Fay, Ella M., ..... 69 Mrs. G. P., 27 Martha F., 67 Felch, Mrs. Walter L., 84 Fellows, Annie M., . . . 105, 116 Mrs. I. Merrill, . . . . 27 Felt, Mrs. E. Porter, .... 99 Mrs. Jonathan, .... 58 Felton, Mrs. C. C., . . . . 62 Fennessy, Joanna, . . . . 67 Mary, ...... 68 Ferguson, Ellen, 109 Fernald, Anna, 49 Ellen M., 45 Mrs. R. P., . . . . . 79 Fernbach, Grace E., . . . .107 Fessenden, Jane, .... 13 Mary E., 25 Mrs. Nehemiah M., . . . 13 Field, Anna E. M., . . . . 49 Annie F., 99 Caroline I., 24 Frances E., 23 Mrs. Henry J., .... 103 Mary P., 17 M. Louise, ..... 7 Phila A., 24 Susan K., 33 Finley, Ida E 95 Fish, Bertha M., . . . . . 99 Madeleine, . . . . . 95 Fisher, Mrs. Benjamin, ... 88 Clara A., 99 Helen F , 70 Mrs. James T., .... 37 Mrs. John R 24 Martha L., 85 Mary A., ...... 21 Mrs., 51 Fisk, Sarah E., .... 56,114 Fiske, Elizabeth S., .... 15 Georgiana B., . . . . 41 Levina, 17 Lucretia, . . . . . 18 LucyM., 39 Maria A., 48 Mary E., . . . . . . 13 Fitch, Charlotte A., . . . . 60 Ellen C, 82 Emma A., 49 MaryM., 49 Fitts, Almeria E., .... 23 Mrs. John W., .... 47 Fitz, Ellen E., 39 Fitzgerald, Mary E., . . . . 83 Flagg, Abby E., 91 PAGE Flagg, Edith A., 102 Flanders, Elizabeth B., . . 87, 116 Margarette L., . . . . 31 MaryH 31 Fletcher, Bertha J., .... 113 Mrs. E. D., 22 Mrs. Edward F., . . . . 78 Elizabeth H , 26 Mrs. Harry A., . . . . 97 Hannah R., 18 MaryE., 94 Nellie R., . . . ... 77 Mrs. Samuel E., . . . . 47 Mrs. William, .... 18 Flint, Bertha W., .... 119 Caroline B., 14 Mrs. George W., .... 60 Helen M 97 Mary, . ' 20 Nancy P., 68 Susan, 16 Flitcroft, Alice, 113 Flynn, Jennie, 61 Folan, Ella T. ? Ill WinnifredM., .... 113 Foley, Margaret A., . . . .105 Folger, Ellen A., . . . . 65, 115 Follansbee, Marion B., . . . 104 Folsom, Rebecca W., .... 82 Foord, Anna M 39 Foote, Mrs. Edward B., . . . 30 Forbes, Mrs. Charles S., . . . 92 Susan W., 57 Forbush, Emma J., .... 73 Ford, Abby C, ..... 27 Elizabeth M., 108 Lena, 113 Forest, Mrs. William E., . . . 77 Forman, Mrs., 22 Foss, Cynthia A., . . . 63 Ellen J 43 Foster, Anna L., 91 Mrs. Calvin, 30 CoraM., 97 Florence, . . . . . 45 Mrs. John, 34 M. Frances, 29 Mrs. Heman, 50 Mrs., 117 Fowle, Araminta A., . . . . 19 Ellen C, 19 Fowler, Mrs. Elwyn A., . . . 70 Fox, Mrs. William Y., . . . 86 Francis, Caroline M., . . . . 28 Franciscus, Mrs. A. H., . . 21 Frankle, Mrs. Jones, .... 40 Fraser, Catherine J., . . . . 113 INDEX. 131 PAGE PAGE Freeman, Mrs., . . . . . 55 Gibbs, Alice K., 53 Harriet E., 66 Ella J., . . 5,62 French, Anna R., 88 Kate M., . . 1 04, 116 Ellen G., . . 3, 52, 114 Sarah E., 57 Lettie E., 65 Gibson, Bertha L., 98 Maria H. T., . 36 Mrs. John T., 66 Frey, Mrs. T. Arthur, 85 L. Jennie, 59 Frink, Mrs. F. A., 50 Mrs. Wilder, . 75 Frost, Ada M., 66, 115 Giddings, Mrs. Edwin A., 49 Annie A., 51 Gilbert, Ariadne, . 106 Caroline L., . 25 Eugenia, . 25 E. Agnes, 43 Mrs. James B., 43 Mrs. F. W., . . 63 Gill, Clara R., 65 Fry, Mrs. Thomas E., 44 Emma B., 65 Frye, Elizabeth F., 41 Gilley, Geneva E., 83 Fuller, Ada A., . 80, 115 Gilman, Mrs. Roy B., . 76 Jeanette L., . 84 Gilmore, Leonora E., . . 113 Katherine C, . 66 Gleason, Mrs. George H., 60 Mary M., 71, 115 Mrs. John F., . 37 Mrs. Moses, . 22 Louise R., 117 Mrs., 14 Glover, Elizabeth, 19 Fullick, Mrs. George W., 107 Sarah K., 36 Fulton, Helen G., 105 Goddard, Mrs. Frank G., 47 Furber, Mary A., 53 Goldthwaite, Emma M., 62, 115 Mary A., . 104 Goodale, Abby, . Arlette F., 37 94 Gage, Anna L., . 30 Caroline E., . 50 Mrs. George N., . 47 Caroline N M . 31 Mary S., . 30 Sarah K., . 37 Gale, Mrs. George H., 69 Goodall, Bessie, . 57 Gallagher, Beatrice F., 113 Susan, 47 Gammons, Mrs. Gilbert D. 20 Goodell, Agnes M., . 81 Gamwell, Mary L., 60 Mrs. Austin W., . 40 Gane, Mrs. T. F., 51 Ellen J., . 59 Gannett, Mary R., 32 Frances, . . 47 Sarah E., . 28 Goodhue, Mrs. Charles, 17 Gardner, Abby C, 2,37 Goodnow, Emily F., . 42 Alice J., . 74 Emma A., 61 Eliza, 25 Hattie J., 30, 116 Lucilla D., 75 Mrs. Jonah, . 16 Garside, Lillian R., . 88, 116 LucyE., . 42 Gass, Mrs. Louis H., . 68 Mary A. M., . 63 Gately, Henrietta M., . 111 Goodrich, Mrs. Augustus 1 *> 45 Mary E., . 108 Caroline E., . 16 Gates, Adelaide F., 68 Goodridge, Mary R , . 37 Alice F., . 65 Goodwin, Mrs. B. H., 67 Clara H., 78 Mrs. D. T., . 45 Lucy R., . 72 Mrs. Edwin H., 63 Mrs. Seymour E., . 72 Florence H., . 1( )0, 116 Gavette, Ellen H., 24 Harriet W., . 86 Gay, Cora F., 105 MaryE , .... < >1, 116 Inez L., . 89 Mrs. W. W., . 53 Maud J., . 90 Gordon, Mrs. Alvin J., 59 Gee, Eliza E., 101 Mrs. N. H., . 25 George, Emma M., 90 Gore, Mrs. C. W., 46 Mrs. William F., . 39 Goreham, Lydia H., . 19 Gerry, Mrs. Hollis, 20 Goss, Mrs. Clarence, . 79 132 INDEX. Goss, Mrs. James L. Gould, Clara B., . Mrs. J. D., Lydia F., Gove, Malvina M., Gragg, Nancy A., Graham, Alice, . Mary E., . Mary J., . Grahame, E. Adelaide, Grames, E. Adelaide, Graves, Henrietta L. Gray, Minnie C, . Graybill, Mrs. S. F., Greaves, Amy, Greeley, Caroline G., Green, Angeline E., Mary C, . Sarah E., . Mrs. W. L., . Greene, Emma A., EttaM., . Hester A., Greenleaf , Mary, . Greenwood, Agnes W. Alice M., Cleora, . Henrietta F., . Griggs, Alice, Grotecloss, Harriet, Grover, Ellen, Mrs. E. Emmonds, Grundell, Mrs. Herman, Guild, Annie I., . Emma B., OrraE., . Gulick, Mrs. Charles B., Gunther, Amelia, Hackett, Mary, . Haddock, Mrs. J. C, Hagar, Lucia, Haines, Mary E., Hale, L. Dorrit, . Haley, Eva M., . Hall, Mrs. Arthur N., C. Augusta, . Mrs. Eugene L., Mrs. George A., Mrs. George W., Mrs. Harrison B., Helen E., Mary B., . Mary L., , Mary W., Mrs. Walter H., Mrs. William G., 2, 36, 93, PAGE 68 31 28 94 31 28 69 44 51 73 73 85, 116 91 57 97 114 59 32 55 27 70 89 44 26 72 82 78 113 5 31 77 28 46 37 89 93 109 111 51 15 63 92 55 82 28 92 94 21 52 18 101 9, 37 31 97 11 PAGE Hall, Mrs. W. H., . . . . 18 Hallett,Mrs. S. W., . . . . 80 Ham, Mrs., ...... 35 Hamblett, Maria A., . . . 80, 115 Hamilton, Amelia R., .... 48 Mrs. Hugh DeC, .... 84 Hanagan, Nano G., .... 75 Hanchett, Mrs. G. W., ... 59 Hancock, Emma A., .... 66 Handley, Mrs. Andrew, ... 70 Hands, Mrs. D. G., . . . . 55 Hanford, Juliette K., . . . . 84 Hanna, Mrs. James, .... 62 MaryE., 37 Hapgood, Clara H., . . . 57, 114 Marion H., 102 Harbach, Charlotte P., . . . 53 Hardie, Roberta J., . . . . 81 Harding, Mrs. Henry J., . . . 67 Hardon, Mrs. Chester, ... 42 Mrs. Henry C, . . . . 43 Hardwick, Mrs. C. Theodore, . . 86 Hardy, Laura R., . . . . 76 Harlow, Harriet J., . . . .79 Helen M., 74 Harmon, Lillian, 65 Harrigan, Ellen M., .... 85 Harriman, Cora, 104 Mary, 95 Harrington, Clarissa 13 Georgena L., 42 Mrs. Horace, 27 Mary E., 72 Mary R., 66 Matilda E., 50 Minnie E., 108 Sarah E., 84 Harris, Dora F., 99 Eliza, 34 Mrs. J. B., 28 Louise E., . . . . . 12 Mary, 46 Mary R., 18 Mrs. Stephen, .... 28 Harrison, Alice L., . . . . Ill Harron, Elizabeth G., . . . 26 Harrub, Mrs. Henry W., ... 85 Rachel M., 81 Hart, Alice B., 98 Emilie T., 78 MarillaM., . . . . . 74 Mrs., 15 Susan J., 5 Hartford, Mrs. T. T., . . . . 51 Hartley, Mrs., ..... 18 Hartnett, Mary E., . . . 86 Hart well, Caroline A., . . . 22 INDEX. 133 PAGE Hartwell, Mrs. Edward A., . . 39 Irene G., 102 Joanna E., 24 Harvey, Isadore, 74 Harwood, Mrs. Henry J., ... 43 Mrs. Herbert J., .... 70 Hasbrouck, Elizabeth, ... 3 Haskell, Mrs. John N., ... 105 Mary R., 11 Sarah J., 53 Sophia L., 109 Mrs. William H., .... 15 Hastings, Almira J., . . . . 19 Anna L., 61 EllaW., 65 E.May, ...... 101 Emily P., 7, 66 Emma E., 57 Mrs. H. P., ..... 95 Mrs. John 28 Mary A., 54 Sarah E., 46 Mrs. Thomas F., . . . . 69 Mrs. William D., . . . . 33 Hatch, Emma, .... . 117 Eunice J., ..... 49 Frances P 59 Mrs. Israel, 63 Susan L., .... 70, 115 Hathaway, Joanna P., . . . 22 Sarah K., 54 Haven, Abbie L., .... 89 Caroline R., 34 Caroline T., 56 Mrs. C. H. 100 Etta, 44 Hawes, Marietta B., . . . . 50 Mrs. Oliver, 54 Hawk, Florence M., . . . . 95 Hawkes, Mrs. Walter V., . . . 70 Hawkins, Sarah, 11 Mrs., 56 Hawley, Mrs. Wesley W., . . 73 Hayden, Caroline E., . . . . 63 Jennie F., 113 MaryC 50 Hayes, Catherine E., . . . . 95 Mrs. John S., 56 Haynes, Sarah F., .... 57 Hay ward, Lilla A., .... 73 Lillian L., .... 61, 115 Haywood, Mrs. W. S., 25 Hazelton, Lucy, 95 Head, Mrs. Edward F., ... 37 Heath, Aurora A., .... 102 Heaton, Mrs. William S., . . . 106 Heinlein, Isabella R 96 PAGE Helleson, Elenora P., . . . . 27 I [emenway, Blanche E., . . 104,116 Mrs. E. L., 46 Frances M., 40 L. Annie, 95 L. Emma, 74 Lillian R., . . . . . 100 Lucy E., 70 Mary C, 51 Hendee, Jane G., 33 Henry, Mrs. Eben W., ... 67 Grace G., 109 Hattie E., 98 Mary C, 60 Henshaw, Blanche E., ... 87 Herndon, Sarah E 79 Herrick, Mrs. C. Franklin, . . 59 Sophronia N 39 Hersey, Deborah B., . . . . 24 Mrs. E. A., 63 Mrs. Ira C, ..... 82 Hewins, Edith E., . . . . 95 Laura M., 89 Mary A., . . . . . 98 Hews, Emma M., .... 59 Mrs. Samuel, 28 Heywood, Mrs. George, ... 66 Higgins, Minnie L., . . . . 91 Hildreth, Mrs. Henry G., . . . 56 Jennie F., 79 MaryE., 75 Hill, Mary E., 43 Mary W., 70 Hills, Celia L., 37 Mrs. Edgar R., .... 72 Mrs. John, .... .61 Josephine, 82 Helen M., 77 Maria, 31 Hinckley, Abby F., . . . . 55 Harriet D., 39 Hiron, Mrs. George H., . . . 49 Hirsch, Mrs. Charles F., . . . 59 Hixon, Maria F., 75 Mrs. Warren S., . . . . 75 Hoar, Alice J., 97 Hobart, Emma M., . . . .100 Mrs. Samuel B., . . . , 30 Hobbs, Ellen M., 31 Martha, 39 Hodgdon, Caroline L., . . 79, 115 Hodge, Mrs. J. A spin wall, Jr., . 83 Hoey, Elizabeth G., . . . . 104 Hoffses, Isabel M., .... 55 Hofses, Angeline E., . . . . 42 Hoisingtou, Nancy L., . . . 117 Holbrook, C. Isabel, .... 78 134 INDEX. PAGE Holbrook, Mrs. D wight, ... 63 Ellen M., 91 Emily M., ..... 49 Etta M., 73 Eva L., . . . . . . 59 Florence, . . . .119 Irene, 99 M.Elizabeth, . . . . 5, 116 Holden, Emily A., . . . 79 Holder, Phoebe A., .... 24 Holland, Mrs. F. H., . . . . 74 Holley, Mary G., 74 Holmes, Sarah I., ... 113 Holt, Clara E., 73 Fannie G., . . . . . 103 HattieF., . . ._ . . 105 Martha A., ..... 22 Holyoke, Rebecca H., ... 57 Homer, Annie C, . . . . 33 Margaret G., 14 Martha A., 47 Mrs. Martha A., . . . . 47 Susan A., 47 Hooker, Sarah B., . . . . 33 Hooper, Mrs. John, .... 24 Hopkins, Bertha G., . . . . 109 Mrs. Dr 36 Mrs. John, 39 Mrs., 16 Hopper, Mary 16 Hopson, Amarette E., ... 72 Mrs. William F., .... 105 Home, Caroline W 72 Clara B., ...... 76 Ella M., 95, 116 Mrs. Frederick B., . . . 59 Horr, Mrs. John E., . . . . 76 Sophia B., 30 Horton, Sarah W., .... 84 Mrs 17 Hosmer, Anna H., .... 31 Mrs. Ernest, 92 Hough, Hannah S., . . . . 43 Houghton, Florence G., . . 99, 116 Hovey, Elizabeth D., . . . . 108 Howard, Clara M., .... 51 Dora L., 97 E. Jennie, 57 Jennie L., 70 Mary, 70,115 M.Kate 71 Howe, Alice L 86 Bertha M 82 Clara W., .... 43,114 Edith W., .... 61,115 Fannie L 97 PAGE Howe, Frederick W., .... 6 Helen W., 93 Mrs. Joseph B., . 95 Mary B., . 14 Mrs. Willard, 48 Mrs., 30 Howes, Mrs. Richard, 34 Susanna, . 16 Howison, Mrs. George H., 43 Hoyt, Elizabeth G., . . 2,40 Fannie B., 50 Mrs. George, . . 21 Hubbard, Nellie M., . 75 Hudson, Catherine A., . 66 Susan B., 53 Mrs. William, 18 Huff, Abby S., . 58 Huffmaster, Frances M., 24 Humphrey, Mrs. Albert, 89 Hunt, Ellen M., . . 41 Jennie P., 81 Mabel, . . 106 Hunter, Susan B., . 119 Hunting, Mrs. Edward Q., .. 28 Huntress, Mrs. A., 50 Hurd, Alma E., . . 6, 104 Marcella A., . 61 Mary C, . 26 Mrs. William B., . . 47 Mrs. William F., . . 17 Hurlburt, Marion B., . 93, 116 Mrs. Rufus H., 57 Huse, Mrs. Henry H.,. 49 Marjorie, 108 Mrs. Henry H., 58 Hussey, Mrs. George F., . 85 Susan H., 41 Hutchins, Mrs. C. C, . • . 84 Hutchinson, Mrs. C. A., . 52 Eliza R., . 24 Ella A 96 Lucretia A., . 45 Hutson, Sarah E., 76 Hyatt, Bertha M., 103 Hyde, Addie M., . 102 Elizabeth, 74 Ellen ,3,51 Mrs. J. F. C, . 32 Hyslop, Mrs. Samuel, . 80 Ingraham, Mrs. E. W., 54 Harriet A., 81 Ireson, Adeline M., . 12 Helen M., 21 H. Isabel, 19 Jane E., . 7 INDEX. 135 PAGE PAGE Irving, Eleanor N 100 Jones, Clara A., 74 Ives, Mary B., 16 Elizabeth, 109 Mary L., . r >4, 114 Ella 8., . Florence L., . 70 104 Jaekman, Mrs. J. V., 58 Mrs. Frederick G., 88 Jackson, Mrs. Orrin S > 24 Jennie A., 87 Mrs. Richard P., 97 Mrs. John, 9.", Jacobs, Mrs. B. F., 25 Mabel A., 101 Jacot, Louise M. E., 116 M. Eldora, 75 James, Harriet M., 14 Nellie V., 9, 83, 116 Janes, Elvira, 20 Rosella C, . . 62 Janvier, Mrs. George, 26 Sarah F., 51 Jarvis, Frances H., 24 Mrs. T. F., . . 62 Jefferds, Olive M., 37 Jordan, Alice M , 70 Jenkins, Alma, . 117 Fannie E., 106 Maria, 16 Mrs. J. L., 44 Jennings, Ellen M., 76 Joslin, Emeline E., 49, 114 Harriet E., 91 Jourdan, Edith, . . 106 Sabrina, . 4 Joyce, Nellie M., . 89 Jenny, Mrs. Stephen, 13 Judkins, Henrietta M., . 16 Jepson, Flora E., 109 Mrs. George E., 49 Kammerer, Mary E., . 117 Mabel A., 86 Karr, Frances, 95 Jewell, Mrs. David L. 52 Genevieve B., 83 Mrs. Leonard, 24 Keep, Jessie S., . 111 Jewett, Anna R., . 75 Susan M., 49 Mrs. Gorham, 11 Keith, Adelaide A., . 56 Mary H., . 82, 116 Kelley, Bessie I., . . Ill Mary J., . 46 Helen W., 85 Johnson, Annie E., 1,3 Lizzie A., . 70 Mrs. Augustus, 24 Kellogg, Arria S., 59 Mrs. C. J., . 72 Kelly, Abby P., . 4, 59, 114 Caroline, 26 Kendall, Anna E., 68 Elizabeth A., . 20 Mrs. David, . 40 Elizabeth G., . 28 Mrs. David Y., 16 Emily, 2,13 Mrs. Edgar I., 85 Grace E., 108 Florence A., . 85 Hannah M., . 24 Gertrude E., . 109 Harriet N., 14 Kennard, Mrs. Charles W. 54 Ida L., . 113 Kennedy, Nellie A., . 96 Mrs. J. B., . 11 Kenrick, Eliza F., 56 Mrs. John, 21 Luella G.. 72 Madge, . 96 Kent, Elizabeth, . 40 Mary E., . 67 Sarah P., 40 Mary E., . 79, 115 Keyes, Mrs. Joseph B., 26 Sarah A., 19 Kidder, Susan B., 26 Sarah A., 24 Kilborn, Mary W., 94 Susan S., 13 Kilbourn, Mrs. Eugene R. 63 Mrs. Wilbur, . 58 Killen, Mary E., . . Ill Mrs. William E., 60 Kimball, Abby M., 12 Mrs. William S., 95 Caroline L., . . 77 Zelinda, . 20 Mrs. David, . 20 Johnston, Bertha, 86 Katharine D., 94 Grace M., * 86 Lucy S., . 42 Mrs. William J., 86 Mary F., . . 32 Jones, Ann O., 34 Mrs. Stephen, . 17 136 INDEX. PAGE Kimball, Susan H., 85 King, Ella S., 66 Kingsbury, Mrs. George W., . 83 Sarah B., ... 21 Kingsley, Edith S., . . Ill Frances S., 28 Mrs. Sumner B., . . 101 Kirby, Mary A., . . Ill Kittredge, Annie M., . 5 Mrs. Henry W., . . 37 Maria C, . . . . 60 Kleinschmidt, Mrs. Henry F. A., 87 Knapp, Anna P., . 111 Mrs. William D., . 41 Mrs., 48 Knight, Mrs. Arthur T., ._ . 68 Faustina M., .... 78 Louise C, .... 55 Mary E., 32 Mary M., .... 28 Knowles, Eliza H., . 34 Mrs. F. B , . 44 Mrs. John A., 16 M.Ella, ..... 75 Knowlton, Flora M., . 79 Mrs. William A 77 Koch, Jacobina, .... 81, 115 Kuhn, Ellen A., .... 36, 114 Kyle, Margaret M., 41, 114 Lacey, Harriet L., 8 Ladreyt, Marie C, 8 Lake, Mary M., . 119 Lakin, Josephine C 51 Lamson, Mrs. Edwin, 11 Lancaster, Harriet, 36, 114 Lane, Mrs. Calvin W., 18 Elizabeth S., . 49, 114 Jane L., 18 Mrs. Oliver, . . . 15 Lang, Mrs. Herbert M., . 55 Langdon, Sophia, . 26 Mrs., 14 Langford, Mrs. Charles F., 31 Laplant, Mary G., 104 Larkin, Mrs. Edgar P., 61 Larned, Maria S., 44 Sarah J., 45 Latham, Mrs. Allen, . . . 98 Lathe, Mrs. W. H., . 71 Lathrop, Cordelia, . 30 Latta, Mary C., 88 Lawrence, Frances C, 93 Mrs. Francis W., . 46 Mrs. George A., . 51 Lillie M., . . . 100 Leach, Mary J., .... 30 Leadbetter, Dora, Learned, Mrs. F. M., Mrs. Waldo A., Leatherbee, Elizabeth Leavis, May, Leavitt, Mrs. Burke F Mrs. Byron C, Caroline, . Louisa A., Luella A., Mrs. M. G. C, Sarah J., . Lecraw, Annie R., Lee, Mrs. A. S., . Chloe, . Mrs., Leeds, Susan B., . Lees, Annie E., . Leighton, Mrs. A. R Caroline, . Leguin, F. C, Leland, Ada L., . Jennie L., Leman, Rachel B., Lennox, Mrs. Charles S. S Leonard, Amanda B., Mrs. Wallace M., . Mrs., Lethbridge, Catherine A., Lewis, Celia J., . Mrs. Ernest G., Mrs. Frederick A., Mrs. H. Bradford, Mrs. John, Rebecca C, Libby, Mrs. E. E. Lincoln, Electa N Mary M., Mrs. Dr. W., Lindenburg, Mrs. David, Linscott, Mrs. George, Litch, Mrs. John G., . Litchfield, Lizzie, Littlefield, Mrs. Chauncey Livermore, Mary, Livingston, C. Isabelle, Locke, Almira L., Elizabeth N., . Emma F., Mrs. John, Mary H., . Sarah E., Lockwood, Mrs. John S., Loker, Sarah W., Lombard, Julia B., Martha C, Longfellow, Ellen P B., PAGE 108 30 76 33 102 63 85 39 34 85 34 41 67, 115 60 28 25 45, 117 101 93 30 102 50 45 25 30 91 31 42 36 91 55 89 18 8,33 95 2,15 16 36 78 55 71 83 58 2,15 75 11 24 7 16 54 12 45 58 30 48 95 INDEX. 137 PAGK Loomis, Mrs. Lewis H., . . . 1G Lord, Elizabeth A., .... 32 Mrs. Frank P., .... 93 Mrs. Frederick E., . . . 71 Sarah A., 14 Loring, Mrs. David, .... 11 Eliza A., 34 Mrs. George, 28 Kate W., 61 Laura D., 45 Lucy M., 59 Mary T^., 97 Mrs. S. H., 26 Lovejoy, Mrs. Joseph, ... 14 Mrs. Stephen A., . . . . 98 Lovell, Bertha, 80 Lovering, Mrs. E. T 32 Low, Ellen P 89, 116 Susan A., ..... 58 Lowell, Mrs. D. M., .... 46 Lucas, Mary R., 20 Nellie M 79 Luce, Mrs. George H., 89 Ludden, Mrs. Sumner W., . . 73 Lusk, Mabel H., 104 Luther, Ellen A ., .... 47 Lyman, Mrs. E. H., . . . . 80 Mrs. Theodore, .... 71 Macarty, Harriet L., . . . . 41 Mace, Abbie D., 41 Macgregor, Margaret, ... 41 Mack, Emma F., 87 Macker, Mrs. A. E 80 Macomber, Betsy A., .... 119 Maddocks, Marion F., ... Ill Maud A., 109 Madson, Mrs. B. I., . . . . 77 Magoun, Alice, 117 Mag wire, Marion B., . . . . 97 Mahan, Julia A. H., . . . .104 Mary E., 104 Mahoney, Estelle M., . . . .113 Therese H., 108 Mrs., 70 Malchyce, Mille de, . . . . 8 Malloy, Elizabeth, . . . . 10, 83 Mann, Eliza S., 20 Elizabeth G., 16 Isabella, 24 Minnie M., 70 Mrs., 19 Manning, Hannah M., . . . 18 Mary E., 79 Mannion, Honora G., . . . . 106 Mansfield, Anna P 77 Eliza C, 45 Mansfield, Mrs. George VV Lydia C, Martha A., Man son, Mrs. J. L., . Marble, Sarah E., March, Mrs. Wilbur M., IMarcy, Mrs. Dwight, . Mrs., Mardin, Lydia A., Marean, Mary E., Marion, Mrs. C. L., Markham, Mrs. Henry F., Marliave, Mrs. Edward C, Marsh, Ellen L., . Marion E., Susan M., Mrs. Warren, Marshall, Edith L., Eliza J., . Mrs. F. A., FloraS Mrs. Joshua N., . Marston, Mrs. Luther M., Mary D., . Martin, Mrs. Henry O., Janet, Mrs. John, Mason, Mrs. A., . Ann, Mrs. Freeman, Harriet P., Helen M., Lowell, . Matchett, Catherine A., Mathews, Addie S., Maverick, Mrs. Augustus, May, Eliza D., Elizabeth W., Fanny W., Lucy A., . Rev. Samuel J., Maynard, Charlotte A., Harriet E., Helen M., Mrs. Henry E., Mrs. John P., Mary L., . Sarah M., Mrs. S. T., . Mayo, Mrs. Lawrence, McAfee, Elizabeth M., McAlpine, Lucy B., . McCaffrey, Mrs. Michael, McCarthy, Catherine E., Margaret E., . M. Leontine, . McClure, Nancy J., . 94, I'AOK 40 70 40 35 34 91 50 26 27 58 37 79 74 65 93 49 17 113 53 66 76 41 64 41 46 65 37 17 24 36 22 116 6 18 31 63 50 71 40 1 92 76 26 69 21 74 58 57 80 72 95 69 111 83 111 29 LL/ u\.» PAGE PAGE McColl, Deborah H., . . . . 87 Miller, Mrs. Ernest P., 67 McCracken, Clara B., 95 Mrs. F. W., . 53 McCrady, Louise, 117 Mrs. J. E., 40 McCullagh, Mrs. Archibald, . 62 Marion L., 84 McDonald, Mrs. James R., 96 Stella M., 97, 117 McDowell, Mrs. F. H., 74 Milliken, Mrs. C. E., . 65 McElroy, Ellen M., 72 Mills, Margaret P., 35 McFarland, Louisa M. > 24 Mitchell, Mrs. Frank H., . 84 McFarlin, Susie S., 79 Mary A., . 36 McGowan, Mary, 72 Mary J., . 39 McGrail, Mary T., 113 Mrs. Randall, 15 Mclntire, Frances L., . 113 Monk, Susan N., . 65 Mcintosh, Alice M., . 93 Monroe, Mrs. Herbert J., . 90 Mary E., . 52, 114 Montague, Mrs. Samuel L. 17 Mclntyre, Belle L., 59 Montgomery, Margaret, . 5 McKay, Elizabeth F., 32 Mary G., . 4 McKean, Mrs. Henry S., 31 Moody, Clara E., . 98 McLeod, Mary J., 72 Elizabeth C, . 54 McMaster, Carrie E., . 84,116 Nellie M., 118 Minnie B., 95 Moore, Ann J. H., 16 McNair, Ellen H., 99 Anna F., 60 McNamara, Catherine A., 80 Bessey M., 93 McPherson, Mrs. Hugh E. 96 Edith A., 63 McQuaid, Mary P., . 98 Ella F., . 56 McRoy, Josephine, 63 Emma F., 4, 48, 114 McSweeney, Mrs. Edward F., 83 Mrs. Henry, . 25 Mears, Mrs. Frederick G., 96 Imogen A., 71 Meigs, Sarah L., . 100 Jane C, . 22 Melcher, Mabel F., . 109 Mrs. John E., 18 Meldrum, Susan C, 55 Mary C, . ■ 6, 68, 115 Melleney, Ellen E M 113 Mary H., 58 Melvin, Cynthia G., 52, 114 Mrs. Walter, . 65 Mendell, Mrs. James ] i., 78 Morgan, Bertha A., 1 01, 116 Merriam, Harriet B., 39 Mrs. F. Henry, 45 Mrs. Hervey, . 77 MayF., . . 113 Lucy, 63, 115 Morissey, Sophronia C i . 59 Merrill, Helen I., 80 Morrill, Alice F., 82, 115 Ida A., 84 Mrs. J. A., . 93 Mrs. John F., 84 Katharine M., . 100 Josephine A., 72 Lucy M., 87, 116 Merritt, Frances, . 3, 41, 114 Morris, Caroline A., 16 Lucy A., . 41 Mrs. John, . 107 Messenger, Emma J., 68 Morrison, Mrs. A. S., 57 Messer, Mrs., 29 Mrs. E. J., 94 Metcalf, Mrs. Charles < 3., 43 Mrs. W. B., . 40 Ida M., . 74, 115 Morse, Abbie. 65 Lucy G., . 28 Augusta, . 23 Maria J., 63 Mrs. Edward A., 58 Martha F., 75 Elizabeth W., . 106 Mira E., . 89 Eva S., . 74 Metz, Louise P., . . 113 Mrs. E. W., . 54 Mevis, Mrs. M. F., 92 Mary E., . 37 Middleton, Mary E., . 109 Mrs. Nathan R., 46 Miles, Mrs. C. E., 33 Mrs. Ralph G., 81 Mrs. Henry A., 26 Mrs. William H., 58 Mary E., . 16 Morton, Annie W., 79 Miller, Ella L., . . 106 Mrs. Cyrus, . 12 INDEX. 139 Mosely, Maria, Moses, Mrs. George E Mrs. Henry, . Mosman, Mrs. A. T., Mrs. Nathan, . Moulton, Mrs. B. C, Helen F., S. Maria, Moultrop, Florence B Moynihan, Mary H., Mulligan, Margaret, Minnie, . Mulliken, Augusta W Elizabeth, LydiaW., Munger, Eliza M., Mrs. L. A., Mrs. L. C, . Munroe, Annie, . Mrs. Charles, . Charlotte, Murdock, Mrs. Charles Murphy, A. Cecilia, Catharine T., . Mary I., . M. Frances, . Murray, Mary E., Myrick, Eliza M., C, Nash, Mrs. Frederick C, Mrs. H. D., . Kate W., . Nason, Jessie R., . Mrs. W. E., . Neale, Paulina B., Sarah A., Neary, Ida M., Needham, Pamelia, Nelson, Catherine R., Mrs. Ebenezer, Newcomb, Mrs. James, Martha J., Newell, Almira, . Mrs. Clarence D., Newhall, Mary B., Sarah C, Newman, Mrs. M. A., M. Blanche, f M. Lilian, Newmarch, Mary J., Newsome, Lilla B., Newton, Cora A., Ellen, . Ellen M., Lucy S., . Martha C, Mary S., . PAGE 27 63 59 41 14 61 46 47 96 113 102 97 24 20 17 30 52 36 59 72 72 62 111 106 111 106 39 14 57 76 85 113 62 37 47 99 32 14 36 29 29 13 48 15 28 91 76 35 96 77, 115 75, 115 . 23 47 63 53 PAGE Newton, Mrs. Putnam, ... 68 Nicholass, Louisa A., . 6 Nichols, Mrs. Charles N., 69 Mrs. De Clinton, . 73 Lucy B., . 84, 116 Nickelson, Florence C, 106 Nightingale, Mrs. John F., 20 Niles, Mary E., . 37 Nims, Mrs., . 48 Nokes, Mrs. Frederick A., 102 Norcross, Cora L M 93, 116 Eleanor M., . 17 Mrs., 22 Norris, Sarah L., . 72 North, Mrs. J. Hoyt, . 63 Northrop, Hariette E. C, 63 Norton, Dora, 26 Nottage, Marion, . 87, 116 Noyes, Lora M., . 111 Martha B., . 119 Nugent, Helena C, 106 Nutting, Elizabeth S., . 39 Nye, Alice J., 56 Oakes, Catherine V. H., 19 Elizabeth J., „ 68 Ober, Mrs. Colon S., . 58 Sophia L., 29 O'Connell, Ellen A., . 73 Mary J 76 O'Connor, Bertha E., . 99 Margaret, 11 O'Grady, Mary J., . 106 O'Halloran, Mary E., . . 101 Oldham, Maud M., 92 Olmsted, Mrs. James, 82 Olivia L., 40 Ordway, Lillian A., . <>, 92, 116 Zetta R., . 109 Mrs., 17 Osborn, Mrs. John A., 56 Osborne, Caroline A., 71 Charlotte H., . 7 Lucy D., . 28 Osgood, Hattie A., 88 Lucy S., . 99 Lydia D., 61 Mrs. William, 32 O'Sullivan, Susan F., . . 100 Otis, Adelaide J., 55 Helen J., . 39 Otterson, Helen M., . 99 Owen, Mrs. C. E., . 46 Oxford, Mrs. Joseph M., 32 Paasche, Araminta V., 85 Packard, Mary C, 36 Packer, Catherine M., 29 140 INDEX. PAGE Paddock, Mary C, .... 15 Precinda M., 25 Page, Ann E., 20 Augusta, 25 Caroline A., 41 Emma A., . . . . . 75 Mrs. Ira D., 44 Sarah H., 26 Susan, ...... 17 Paige, Maria E., 15 Paine, Mrs. Alden, .... 64 Cassie L., 101 Charlotte E., 80 Eliza B., 42 Mary J., 49 Mrs. Nathaniel, .... 42 Nellie C, . . . .'""". . HI Mrs. T.W 57 Mrs., . . . . . . 17 Mrs., ...... 23 Palmer, Elizabeth D., ... 119 Elizabeth H 21 Emma C, 15 Mrs. James R., .... 71 Park, Mrs. A. H., . . . . 90 Parker, Abby M., . . . . 17 Ada A.S., 9,68 Mrs. Adelia M., . . . 10, 87, 116 EmelineA., 17 Frances M., 36 Henrietta E., 62 Mrs. Herman W. s .... 94 Martha A., 29 Mary A., 16 M. Isadore, 60 Mrs. William F., . . . . 48 Parkhurst, Mrs. Albert F., . . 48 Hannah M., ..... 21 Nancy B., 35 Parkman, Anne M., .... 32 Parks, Amanda M., .... 11 Parmenter, Delia M., .... 68 Esther, 14 EttaF., 77 LeoraH., 60 Lillian H., 104 Parmerton, Maria L., . . . . 86 M. Emma, 82 Parsons, Mrs. E. F., . . . . 56 EllaF., 81 Fannie A., .... 2,35,114 Mrs. George W., . . . . 76 Mary E., 80 Partridge, Lena C, . . . . 75 Patch, Emerette O., . . . 52, 114 Patrick, Lucy S., 51 PAGE Patridge, Lelia E., . . . . 54 Patten, Mrs. D. Warren, ... 92 Mrs. George, 29 Paull, Annie L., 86 Paxton, Florida C, . . . .38 Payne, Mrs. John, .... 85 Payson, Anne C, ... 36, 114 Peabody, Effie J 58 Pearce, Nancy 15 Pearl, Ruth M., 42 Pease, Mrs. L. Hoyt, .... 62 Peaslee, Mrs. Lucius W., ... 38 Peebles, Mrs. Thomas C, . . . 93 Peirce, Rev. Cyrus, .... 1 Edith, 93 Mary F., 33, 114 Pelton,Mrs. F. W., .... 40 Pennell, Eliza R., .... 12 Rebecca M., 2, 12 Pequignot, Mrs. George A., . . 74 Perkins, Mrs. H. Mason, ... 46 Isabella, 48 Mary F., 52 Perrigo, Catherine L., . . . 42 Perry, Mrs. Allen T., . . . . 52 Mrs. Edwin, 43 EllaF., 56 Frances L., 79 Inez A., . . . . . 83, 116 Pestell, Mrs. Charles, . . . .109 Petersen, Anna K., .... 109 Pettee, Mrs. D. W., .... 40 Pettigrew, Emma G., . . . . 89 Pettimer, Mrs. William H., . . 30 Philbrick, Emily R., . . . . 85 Philbrook, Helen A., . . . . 92 Phillips, Mrs. C. G., .... 82 Edith M., 66 Eugenia M., 55 Louise H., 102 Mary S., 65 Phinney, Mrs. George B., . . . 57 Mrs. George H., . . . . 97 Phipps, Fannie E., . . . . 62 Phoenix, Amy E., . . . .106 Pickard, Harriet H., . . . .106 Pickering, Martha, .... 69 Pidge, Abby N., 35 Pierce, Annie E., ..... 71 Mrs. Arthur, 78 Augusta M., . . . . . 17 Mrs. Edward T., .... 75 Mrs. Edwin, 70 Ella A., 70 Sarah E 23 Mrs. S. H., 20 INDEX. 141 PAGE Pierce, Mrs. William, .... 35 Tike, Emma A., . . . . 92, 116 Piper, Mrs. John K., . . . . 52 Pitkin, Jennette, 30 Plummer, Elizabeth E., . . . 42 Pollard, Sara E., .... 108 Pollock, Eliza A., .... 73 Pond, Alvira O. 53 Mrs. Charles P., .... 69 Mrs. David W., .... 60 Julia A . . . 14 Mabel C, 109 Poole, Ella S., 64 Irene A., 4,58, 114 Poor, Adelaide B., .... 41 May, 99 Mrs., 44 Pope, Mrs. H. Arnold, ... 98 Porter, A lbertina G., .... 50 Amy M., . . . . . . 93 Eliza F 58 Mrs. Isaac F., .... 54 Juliet, ...... 52 Kate L., .60 Mary J., 104 Mrs. Rodolphus, .... 70 Potter, Annie M., . . . 94,118 Cynthia B 15 Lydia K., 52 Mary A., 55 MaryE., 92 Powars, Louisa, ..... 22 Powers, Mrs. Albert E., . . . 18 Elizabeth IT., 80 Martha E., 45 Pratt, Mrs. Charles H., 67 Eliza H., 23 Ellen L., . . \ ... 36 Emily B., 110 George W., 6 Martha C, 92 Mary, 27 MaryC, 38 Rosella L., 56 Sarah E., .... 5, 73, 115 Prentiss, Mrs. John, .... 23 Prescott, Addie C 81 Mrs. E. M., 93 Samuel C, 6 Prevaux, Mrs., 26 Priestly, Emily H., .... 80 Prince, Mrs. John T., . . . . 88 Proctor, Fannie E 93 Mrs. Joseph O., .... 45 Malvina . 42 Myra A ., 45 Proctor, Sarah L., Puffer, Alice E., . Pulcifer, Ella G., Putnam, Mrs. Arthur A., Mrs. Benjamin W., Julia E., . Lena M., . Mary E., . Quick, Mrs. A. J., Quinn, Mrs. John J., Rabbette, Eliza M., Randolph, Flora, . Rasco, Margaret A., Rawsom, Mrs. L. W., Ray, Gertrude M., Raymond, Mrs. E. A. W., Eliza W., Mrs. F. F., Mrs. W.C., . Read, Phoebe, Rear don, Mary A., Rector, Mrs. Frank, Redding, Lucy M. A ., Redman, Mrs. W. St. C. Reed, Anna F., . Mrs. George W. Georgietta, Lucy C, . Lydia M., Sarah E., Reese, Mrs. Theodore I, Regan, Annie E., Mary J., . Renshaw, Fannie L., Reynolds, Mrs. C. S., Lena B., . Mrs. T. R., Rhodes, Mrs. Charles L Rice, Alice O., Mrs. Charles, . Mrs. E.W., . Harriet A ., Jennie I., Louise S., Lucy, Lucy, Marietta, Mary E., . Sarah F., Mrs. Sidney, . Zeruiah, . Rich, Abigail S., . Mrs. Charles S., Clara A., PAGE 81 77 106 55 19 59 102 44 41 77 113 118 103 49 71 61 48 27 54 32 82 69 35 43 29 30 26 44 62 44 98 112 108, 116 57 17 108 20 98 74 27 77 49, 114 69 102 21 58, 114 67 26 62 36 27 18 100 43 142 INDEX. PAGE Rich, Frances A., . . 3,49,114 Richards, Mary F 17 Mrs., 16 Richardson, Charlotte A., . . 50 EmelineA., 32 Eunice E., 31 Mrs. Frank, 68 Mrs. Jeduthan, .... 12 Kate R., ...... 87 Mary A., . . . . . . 63 Mary C, 51 Myra B., 67 Rebecca S., 16 Sarah E., . . ' . . . 27 Mrs. William C 69 Riddle, Mrs. Charles L., . . . 23 Laura A 66 Rider, Caroline A., . . . 56 Riley, Annie M., . « . . . . 38 F. W., 7 Rindge, Mrs. Samuel B., . . . 13 Ring, Emily, . . . . . 118 Ripley, Sarah, 38 Ritchie, Caroline S., . . . . 56 Robbins, Mrs. Charles, ... 96 Cordelia B., 50 Mrs. George W., .... 63 Mrs. J. B. 77 LovinaM 20 Mary E. 99, 116 Roberts, Alice A., . . . . 73 Mrs. John C. 47 Robinson, Almira, .... 30 Mrs. Charles, .... 13 Mrs. E. W 48 Mrs. Frank, 40 Harriet C, 36 Mrs. J. D., 27 Lovina H., . . ... .104 Mabel F., .... 90, 116 Mrs. McHenry, .... 78 Mrs. W. W 83 Rockwell, Mrs. Charles H., . . 60 Harriet R., . . . . . 106. Rockwood, Mrs. Edward E., . . 88 Mrs. J. A 61 Roffe, Catherine H., .... 33 Elizabeth, 29 Rogers, Caroline A., . . . . 21 Eliza A., 12 Elizabeth, 27 Elvira, 28 Hannah P., 12 Harriet B., 35 Mrs. Israel, 44 Mary E., 60 PAGE Rogers, Rebecca, 17 Mrs. Reynolds, 17 Sarah B., ... 17 Sarah S., . 22 Rollins, Clara D., 113 Rolph, Louisa, 11 Romig, Jennie C, 102 Roof, Antoinette B., . 10,88 Ross, Lillian J., . 108 Rowe, Susan A., . 29 Rowell, Lydia D., 26 Roys, Mrs. Cyrus A., . 65 Ruggles, Elizabeth L., 30 Russell, Abby F., 58, 115 Caroline, 22 Mrs. Edward, 97 Martha, . 22 Martha M., 39 Mary A., 14 Mary E., . 119 Mary L., . 97 Susanna C, 20 Mrs. Walter, 36 Ryan, Judith, 70 Susie A., . 112 Sadler, Mrs. Albert F., 68 Safford, Mrs. Arthur, 95 Mrs. T. H., . . 37 Salmon, Agnese G., . . 113 Sampson, Mrs. Ezra W., 49 Samson, Gertrude, 84 Sanborn, Mrs. F. B., . 34 Mrs. James M., . 26 Mrs. Joseph L., 51 Lucy A., . 81 Mary P., . 73, 115 Mrs. William A., . 24 Sanders, Mrs. Homer, 23 Sanderson, Sarah I., . 55 Sanger, Ellen M., 67 Emma H., 65 Sargent, Mrs. James E., 76 Louisa A., 17 Mary A., . 22 Saunders, Mrs. Francis E. 25 Saunderson, Augusta, 22 Harriet A., 29 Lucy A ., . 9 Savage, Mrs. James, . 21 Mrs. Michael, 68 Saville, Charlotte W., . 14 Sawin, Mrs.^F. L., 86 Mrs. H. C, . 56 Sawtelle, Grace H., 96 Mary W., . 44 INDEX. 143 Sawyer, Fyancena J., M. Arabella., . Saxton, Mrs. S. W., Say ward, Maria IT., Schelling, Julia II., Schumaker, Emily E., Scott, Mrs. Maurice, Scranton, Katharine, Scvibner, Grace, . Scully, Catherine E., Searle, Edith G., . Ella F., . Seavey, Alma F.,. Seaward, Mrs. J. M., Seeley, May E., . Seely, Ida, Sentz, Mrs. James E., Sewall, Elizabeth S., Seymour, Edith E., Frances E.,i . Shadd, Marian P., Shamplon, Mrs. Thomas, Shannon, Ann E., Shattuck, Anna, . Corinna, . Isabelle C, Mary L. P., . Shaw, Mrs. Bartlett M. E. lone, . Emily L., Harriet A., Mrs. John, Shedd, Mrs. John H., Mary C, . Sheehan, Annie L., Sheldon, Ada, Clementine A., Shelton, Mrs. E. E., Shepard, A. Adeline, Mrs. George F., Grace F., H. Emma, Mrs. James, . Shepherd, Marion D., Sherman, Mrs. Allan J. Mrs. C. J. F., . Corie B., . Frances C, . Mrs. John D., Susan P., Shovelton, Alice, . Shute, Abigail C, Martlia D., Siesbiittel, Amelia A., Silsby, Mrs. Joseph P. Simmons, Kate L., PAGK 59 . 9, 60 35 42 47 68 30 106, 116 91 . 113 69 5, 69, 118 . 113 21 . 110 77 20 . 112 101, 116 74, 115 26 24 74 67, 115 98 68, 115 89 113 2,22 102 50 16 92, 116 112 5, 118 90, 116 51 38 79 102, 116 59 22 108 76 28 79 18 77 41 87 38 84 54 94 82 PAGK Simonds, Mrs. Nathan, ... 11 Susan C, 19 Simpson, Isabelle M., . ... 73 Skelton, L. Ula 112 Skilton, Caira, 19 Skinner, Mrs. Aaron N., . . . 57 Sleeper, Elvira A 50 Small, Alice M., . . . . . H7 Harriet M 106 Smiley, Nannie, 46 Smith, Abbie E., 56 AbbyN., 38 Mrs. Asa F., 56 Mrs. Austin A., . . . 69 Carrie A., 95 Mrs. Charles C 32 Mrs. Charles W. P., . . . 66 Elizabeth R 91 Ellen F., 77 Mrs. Elwyn, . . . . .87 Mrs. Ernest C, .... 94 Fannie M., .... . 60 Mrs. Francis L., . . . . 26 Mrs. Frederick A., ... 84 Hannah W., 3$ Hattie E., 94 Helen M., 52 Mrs. Henry, 31 Mrs. Ira A 51 J.Angelina, .... .10,92 Julia A., 13 Mrs. J. J., . . . . . 62 Lillian, 83 Louisa P., 44 Lucinda W., 88 Maria L., 11 Mary E., 102 S. Caroline, 20 Susan A. 29 Susie S., 96 Smythe, Jennie M., . . . .118 Snow, Amanda, 44 Mrs. Charles C, .... 19 Mrs. Herbert W., . . . . 72 Josephine D., .... 62 Mary, 41 Snyder, Mrs. Baird, Jr., . " . .102 Sornborger, Harriet B., . . 98, 116 Souther, Anna B., .... 60 Catherine C, 13 Southwick, Abby 30 Mrs. Andre A., .... 62 Dora E., 67 Elizabeth, 112 Eva A 67 Hattie L., 77 144 INDEX. South wick, Sarah A., . Spalding, Elizabeth J., Sparhawk, Jane B., Sparrell, Sarah E., Sparrow, Josephine M Rebecca E., . Spaulding, Emma J., Hannah E., . Harriet R., Marion A., NinaG., . Mrs. Randall, Mrs., Spear, Carrie F., . Mary F., . Spencer, Mrs. D. P., Mrs. William H., Spiller, Louisa A., Spooner, Ella J., . Mrs. W. Franklin Sprague, Ellen F., Spring, Mary S., . Stacy, Mrs. John H., Mrs. Thomas, Staigg, Anna S., . Stanley, Abba A., Mrs. Charles E., Mrs. James W., Mrs. Otis, Staples, Abbie F., Helen I., . Mrs. Van Butler, Starkey, Mrs. G. R., Stearns, Amelia M., Mrs. Archer C, Charlotte C, . Rev. Eben S., Mrs. Eben S., . Mrs. Frank G., Mrs. George A., Hannah P., . Mary E., . Mrs. Thomas J., Stebbins, Emily, . Mrs. Horatio, Stephenson, Mrs. J. H, Stetson, Eleanor B., Stevens, Mrs. Churchill S, Eliza B., . Emma L., JaneM., . Mrs. J. H., Maria M., Mary E., . Mary H., . Mrs. M. Luther, PAGE 63 56 25 12 104 84 59 18 33 113 108 72 31 7 38 83 57 13 106 86 9,35 119 22 24 24 18 98 85 16 67 55 86 19 24 109 49, 114 1 36 75 29 35 18 53 14 21 30 76 60 55 56 82 31 18 57 8, 78, 115 49 PAGE Stevens, Mrs., 39 Mrs. Olin W., .... Ill Susan W., . . . - . .101 Mrs. W. W., 16 Stewart, Mrs. George E., . . . 78 Mary B., 50 Stickney, Ethel M., . . . .106 Mrs. Myron L 68 Stimpson, Charlotte F., 25 Ellen M., 20 Stockbridge, Lodaiski A., . . . 43 Stockwell, Alice M., ... 80, 115 Carrie L., 102 Stoddard, Mrs. Francis R., . . 53 Mary F., 68, 115 Stodder, Lucy R., .... 38 Mary H., 11 Stone, Anna J., . . . . 55, 114 Bertha M., 113 Mrs. Charles D., . . . . 58 Ellen, 25 Fannie A., 38 Mrs. Frederick M., ... 20 Helen M., . . . . . 84 Mrs. Joseph W., .... 30 Katharine H., ... 80, 115 Louisa P., 39 Lucy V., 108 LydiaR., 21 Marion R., 93 Mary, 50 M. Isabella, 9, 66 Storer, Mrs. Newman, ... 32 Stow, Lydia A., 11 Stowe, Annie E., 66 Frances E., 20 Phoebe M 41 Stratton, Augusta E., . . . . 24 Bessie G., 90 Emily F., 71 Mary E., 38 M. Louise, 98 Sarah A ., 24 Mrs. William D., . . . . . 19 Streeter, Mrs. Charles A., . . . 48 Mrs. Clement R., . . . . 97 Mary A ., 101 Strong, Mrs. Frederick W., . 40 Stuart, Mrs., 28 Studley, Mary J., . . . .4,38 Stumpf, Magdalen M., . . . 113 Sturtevant, Ada B., . . . 3, 52, 114 Anna L., 73, 115 Mary C, 22 Sullivan, Elizabeth M., . . . 103 Margaret E., 99 INDEX. 145 TAGK Sullivan, Nellie M., .... 82 Nellie M., 112 Sumner, A bbie M., .... 50 EllaL., 52 'Maud A., 107 Swain, Ellen O., . . . . 35, 114 Swallow, Mrs., 31 Swan, Mary A., 76 Swasey, Ella A., 93 Swett, Mrs. Warren P., . . . 88 Swift, Anne H., 93 Corrine M., 79 Mrs. Henry, 43 Idella, 75,115 Mary, 11 Mrs. Nathaniel H., ... 45 Susan, 21 Swindell, Annie L. 49 Swinney, Mrs. E. H., . . . . 38 Sylvester, Emily H., .... 55 Symmes, Elizabeth A., ... 51 Taber, Mrs. George R., 22 Sarah W., 14 Taft, Mrs. George Z., . . . . 73 Lillie N 68 Rebekah L., 70 Taggart, Edith E., . . . . 79 Tainter, Harriette A., . . . 33 Mrs. N.B., 73 Taisey, Kate C, 76 Talbot, Mrs. Newton, .... 34 Mrs., 37 Tallant, Mary J., 30 Tanner, Daisy, 99 Tapley, Emily W., .... 81 Tarr, Ellen M., ..... 34 Mary J., 34 Tatnall, Mrs. George, . . . .117 Mary H., 94 Taylor, Emma O., .... 84 Mrs. Edwin A., .... 97 Mrs. Franklin, .... 30 IdaM., 83 Mrs. Leonard A., .... 85 Nellie L., 83 SusanS., 48 Tefft, Lucy A 36,114 Temple, Fidelia, 18 Mrs. John H., .... 81 Lillian, 76 Tenney, Mrs. Albert G., . . . 36 Mrs. B. F., 27 Mrs. Frank E., .... 91 Isabel C., .... 4, 7, 52 Tenny, Malvina, 55 Terrell, Mrs. Robert, Tetherly, Alice M., Tewksbury, Hannah S Thacher, Harriet P., Thayer, Edna R., . Julia A., . Mary S., . Myra E., . Rachel A., Sarah G., Thomas, Mrs. C. B., Elizabeth F., . Laura A., Mrs., Thompson, Alice M., Mrs. B.F., Blanche E., . Eliza W., Elizabeth M., . Mary A., . Mrs. H. R., . Mrs. Leonard, Mary, Mary A., . Mrs. R. H., . Mrs. Samuel H., Sarah E., . Mrs. T. A., Mrs., Thorndike, Mrs. Henry A Thrasher, Ida M., Thurber, Mrs. J. A., Thurlow, Mrs. Thomas Thurston, Clara W., Edith, Sarah C, . Tibbets, Matilda B., Mrs. R. M., . Mrs. Seth W., Ticknor, Anna W., Clara, Tidd, Elizabeth E., Mrs. John D., Tiddsbury, Mrs. G. G. Tilden, Augusta L., Caroline, Georgia H., . Katherine H., W. S., Tilton, Mrs. Edward, Tinker, Mrs. Francis, Titcomb, Jane P., Louisa P., Tobey, Jane E., . Tolman, Helen S., Toombs, Charlotte R., PAGE 52 82 24 71 101 28 46 101 44 25 25 22 38 14 87 52 108 16 95, 116 7 54 11 21 98 49 87 42 20 34 48 112 15 54 44 118 98 69 52 69 79 85 42 13 74 59 2 70 58, 114 7 77 24 43 34 61 81 55 146 INDEX. Torrey, Ella M., . Tower, Catherine, Mary, Towle, Mrs. Charles H., Mrs. George W., . Townsend, C. Maria, . Hannah W., . Harriet A., Mrs. William S., . Tozier, Caroline E., . Tracy, Mrs., . Train, Lucilla, Trask, Mary E., . Travers, Josephine P., Travis, Mrs. A. Ferdinand Mrs. Charles B., . Esther E., Mrs. Warren C, . Treen, Marion L., Trenham, Gertrude B., Tripe, Ellen C, . Trott, Mrs. Charles W., Trowbridge, Adeline, True, Hattie J., . Trumbull, Mrs. George J., Tufts, Emeline A., Turner, Abbie C, Mrs. Alfred E., . Elizabeth M., S. Bertha, Tuttle, Mrs. D. A., Twichell, Alice E., Twiss, Bessie L., . Twombly, Mrs. Horatio F, Tyler, Frances A., Isota L., . Underhill, Maria, Underwood, Mrs. F. D., Mrs. Guy C, . Susan M., Upton, LillaF., . Mrs. S. J., Urban, Mrs. Eugene J., Usher, Mrs. Tsaac L., Vaile, Mrs. Arthur M., Valentine, Celia M., . Ellen M., Martha P., May E., . . Van Allen, Maria, Vance, Mrs. Robert G., Van den Bosch, Mrs. John W. Van der Veer, Elizabeth R., Van Ommen, Gertrude A. P., PAGE 70 57 33 90 90 51,114 27 64 72 60 75 46, 118 10,83 57 94 57 70 89 112 92 35 54 21 81 72 14 63 82 39 105 13 67 113 98 20 61 118 90 27 25 69 35 70 12 44 118 43 59 104, 116 38 41 86 94 67 PAGE Van Welden, Mrs. C. W., . . . 58 Varney, Blanche G., . . . . 107 Vermilye, A. Josephine, . . .118 Verry, Martha A ., . . . 32,* 114 Viles, Mrs. John, .... 14 Lucretia K., 29 Martha A., 13 MaryB., 27 Rebecca D. 14 Vinall, Mrs. George A. W., . . 39 Vincent, Harriet S., . . . .103 Vinton, Charlotte S., . . . . 17 Vose, Anna M., 44 Wade, Lois J . 23 Wadleigh, Frances E., . . . 49 Wadsworth, Frances E., . . . 3, 44 Waight, Myra R., .... 108 Waite, Mrs. J. Gilman, . . .53 Walcott, Etta R., 113 Waldeck, Mary A., .... 33 Waldo, Mrs. James E., 19 Walker, Anne E , .... 36 Caroline L., 98 Mrs. Charles H., .... 57 Eleanor M., 90 Mrs. Frederick A ., . . . 68 Laura M., 104 Mary C, 54 Mary J., 29 Mrs. William M., . . . . 62 Wall, A. Theodora, .... 84 Mary E 87 Wallace, Mary A., .... 69 Wallahan, Mrs., 69 Wallis, Mary E. 83 Walsh, S. Maud, 112 Walton, Mrs. Daniel G., ... 18 George A., 8 Mrs. George A 15 Ward, Emily, 32 Mrs. William H., . . . . 81 Ware, Mrs. Edgar V., ... 69 Hannah J., 33 Jennie I. 115 JuliaS., 25 Mrs. William E., . . . . 46 Warfleld, Mrs. George R., . . . 101 Warner, Abbie J., .... 74 Helen M 36 Mabel A., 107 Warren, Cora F 107 Eliza A., 18 Frances A., 15 Mrs. Henry E., .... 59 MaryH., ..... 44 INDEX. 147 PAGE Warren, Mary H., .... 62 M. Eva, 87 Sarah N., 5(5 Mrs. Wiiislow M., ... 42 Mrs., 18 Washburn, Mrs. Andrew, . . . 25 Caroline L., .... 93, 116 Effie L., 86 EvaM., 110 Mrs. F. B., 54 Grace 1 95 Mrs. J. F 25 Mrs., 30 Washington, Mrs. Booker T., . . 82 Wason, Mrs. T. H., . . . . 61 Waterman, Helen A., . . .112 Mrs. S. L., 36 Waters, Elizabeth U., ... 84 Josephine H., .... 76 Watson, Ellen F., .... 89 Mrs. Henry L., . . . . 71 Rebecca M., 30 Sarah, . 2, 23 Watts, Georgiana, .... 29 Webb, Mary C 25 Webber, Elizabeth S., ... 47 Webster, Annie A., . . . 75 Elizabeth S., 75 Frances S., . . . . 69, 115 Mrs. James H., . . . 42 Mary I., 46, 118 Mary K., 73 Mrs. William G., . . . . 85 Weeks, Alice E., 107 Annie L., 112 EllaF 65 Weir, Elizabeth J., .... 27 Welch, Bessie J., .... 113 Welling, Margaret W., . . .112 Wellington, Louise M., . . . 38 Wells, Mrs. Benjamin T., . . . 32 Mrs. David W 83 Welsh, Ella M., 69 Lucy D., 85 Wentworth, Ann, .... 40 Anna L., 83 Caroline Y., 86 Florence A 113 Nellie M. 110 Mrs. Thomas B., . . . . 46 Wescott, Ada B., 89 Melina A., 73 Mrs. William H., . . . . 76 West, Annie L., 64 Caroline, 58 Catherine B., 40 H., West, Mrs. Charles, Grace E., Mrs. M.O., . Weston, Ann E., . Mrs. James T., Mrs. Nathan, . Wetherbee, Mrs. Ernest E Louise, . Wetherell, Emma L., Mrs., Wheeler, Mrs. Alden Alice L., . Annie M., Mrs. Caleb H., Clara E., . Mrs. Dr., . Edith M., Mrs. Edward R., Eleanor, . Emily F., Mrs. Frederick, Mrs. Henry M., Mabel E., Marion L., Mary A.,. Mrs. Theodore H. Whipple, Mrs. A. O., Whitcher, Martha, Whitcomb, Mrs. Allen Fannie, . Harriet F., White, Abbie M., Charlotte A., . Mrs. David P., Ella A., . Mrs. E. M., . Mrs. H. M., . Mrs. Henry R., Mrs. Joseph T., Julia M., . Lucy M., . Mary A., . Mrs. Walter H., Whiting, Mrs. Arthur Mrs. Herbert M., IdaC, . Whitman, Mrs. E. B., Mrs. E. S., Whitmore, Emma F., Whitney, Anne M., Charles F., . Mrs. Edward, Ellen F., . Florence E., . Harriette, JaneT., . P., PAGK 109 112 68 21 82 27 106 118 85 48 78 87 82 53 46 49 88 48 22 93 20 36 98 77 21 69 32 44 56, 114 47 67 54 20 77 56 18 118 36 69 118 85 58 104 80 73 19 23 47 16 8 21 48 63 16 39 148 INDEX. PAGE Whitney, Jennie L., . . . . 90 Mabel 107 Martha R., 63 Sarah A., 90 Sarah M. 46 Whittemore, Caroline S., . . . 20 Eliza A., 25 Georgianna, 2, 32 Henry, 1 Julia E ' . . . 99 Whittier, Mary P., . . . . 15 Minerva F., 64 Whittlesey, Ellen 38 Wiggin, M. Hortense, 89 Wight, Carrie L., . . . . 84 Mrs. Henry, . . . _ , . 24 Isabella L., . . . .4, 51, 114 LucyE., 51 Mary J., 20 Sarah, . . . ... 14 Mrs. Wendell W., . . . . 67 Wilbur, Mrs. Dr., .... 20 Elizabeth, 16 Wilcox, Sarah H., . . . . 36 Wilde, Mrs. Silas, .... 24 Wilder, Catherine L., . . . 54, 114 Mrs. C. L., 55 Mrs. Edgar L., .... 79 Mrs. Edward B., . . . . 88 Mrs. J. Henry, .... 50 LillaT., 65 Wildes, Hattie G., . . . .110 Mary 27 Williams, Abby O., .... 15 Alline S 50 Mrs. David R., . . . . 53 Ellen A., 9, 54 Ellen D., 51 Eliza E., 54 Florence, ..... 59 Gladys 1 108 Harriet N. 48, 114 Mrs. Henry, 25 Jeanette W., . . . . 5, 71, 115 Mrs. J. S 64 Mrs. King, 31 Mabel B., 96 Marcia P., 48 Maria F. 58 Mary S., 49 Mrs. Virgil, 26 Willis, Emily F., 90 Willoughby, Mrs. James H., . . 70 Wills, Mrs. W. H., . . . . 93 Wilmarth, Mrs. W. H., 101 Wilson, Anna W., .... 43 PAGE Wilson, Fannie R., . . . . 96 Isabella H., 42 Julia L., 90 Louise D., 115 Mary E., 2, 9, 40 Nellie F., 77 Sarah H., ..... 42 Mrs. V. T., 68 Winch, Mrs. Harry N., . . . 79 Mrs. William, .... 45 Winchester, Anna B., .... 52 Emma E., 54 Mrs. William R., . . . . 86 Wing, Ella M., 69 Mrs. Junius C, .... 97 Wingate, Ina B., 96 Winn, Edith L., 90 Winnek, Louisa A. H., , 25 Winning, Elizabeth P., . . . 32 Winship, Lizzie A,, .... 71 Winslow, Alice V., .... 10 Deborah A., 26 Emily A., 30 Harriette H., . . . . . 83 Mary C, 41 Winsor, Edith F., .... 103 Wiswell, Joan L., .... 67 Withington, Mrs. F. E 78 Mrs. Joseph, 27 Mrs. P. F., 24 Witt, Grace A., 74 Wolfe, Edith M., 101 Wood, Anna J., .... 63,115 Annie L., 71 EllaF., 69 Elvira, . . . . . .100 Mrs. Edward L., . . . . 57 Harriet E., .... 83,115 Mrs. Henry, 14 Mrs. Joseph T 64 Mary A., 96 Nina A., 92 Woodard, Emma E., . . . . 81 Woodbury, Alma A., . . . .113 Josephine, 47 Maud A., 98 Nellie G., 77 Woodford, Ann L., .... 40 Woodman, Myla L., . . . . 87 Susanna C. 12 Woods, Mrs. John A., ... 26 Mary W., ..... 71 Woodward, Abby Y., . . . . 40 Blanche D., 108 Mabel A., 105 Mrs. S. C, 39 INDEX. 149 Woodworth, Kate, Worcester, Mrs. John A buy, Wormwood, Alice M., M. Ethel, Worsley, Mary E., Wright, Mrs. Arthur ( Ellen A.,. Ellen C, . Elizabeth T., . Mrs. Hiram A., Julina H., Lizzie S., Savira, . PAGE 77 78 3 93 15 72 45 35 26 43 50 46 46 Wright, Mrs., Wyman, Annie C, Sarah W., Wynne, Elizabeth M., Young, Mrs. James, Mrs. J. Harvey, Mrs. J. S., Martha E., Mrs. William D., Zeigler, Ada P., . Zevely, Mrs. Douglas, PACK 65 (A 12 64 31 55 14 3,46 77 ADDENDA. Page 24. Isabella Mann. Mrs. Henry Wight. Died April 30, 1901. Page 47. Elizabeth S. Webber. Mrs. George N. Gage. Died. Date unknown. Page 48. Emma E. Brackett. Mrs. Henry Thorndike. Died. Date unknown. Page 66. Lucy M. Damon. Mrs. Edwin W. Baxter, 18 West Bijou Street, Colorado Springs, Col. Page 93. Mabel Cutler. Mrs. Thomas C. Peebles. Died December 6, 1900. Page 98. Josie M. Adams. Mrs. Ralph D. Colburn, East Templeton. Page 101. Mary A. Cartee. Mrs. Edmund S. Blood, Pepperell. Page 102. Bertha E. Cummings. Mrs. Fred A. Nokes, 774 East 174th Street, New York City. Page 107. Goldie A. Curtis. Mrs. Walter H. Harding, Hollis Street, South Framingham. Page 110. Lillian H. Bacon. Mrs. C. Stanford, 156 State Street, Albany, N. Y. Page 119. Clara Brigham. Mrs. Arthur P. Bennett, 250 Sisson Avenue, Hartford, Conn.