c RIPON COLLEGE BULLETIN r inc ^ School of Jffusic of Ripon (Allege BULLETIN No. 42 AUGUST 1910 Published bi-monthly at Ripon College Administration Building, by the Board of Trustees and entered at the Postoffi.ce at Ripon, Wisconsin, May i6, 'o2in\xhQ. .. .Strauss, Schulz-Bvler Ships that Pass in the Night William Roebuck Spring Song Oscar Weil Elfenspiel C. Heymann Etude de Concert B. A. MacDowell Aria. Ombria leggiera Dinorah Meyerbeer Walking on the Waves. Legende St. Francois de Paule Liszt RECITAL, ORGAN AND SONG Friday Evening, October i, 1909. Mabel Alice Hungereord, B. Mus., Organist, Joliet, 111. Bertha Anna Cooper, Soprano, Chicago, 111. Mrs. Estella Hall Reade Mrs. Elizabeth Battle Bintlief Accompanists Program Sixth Sonata Mendelssohn Choral-Andante. Sostenuto Allegro molto. Fuga-Finale Aria. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth Messiah Handel Mrs. Bintliff at the Organ Nocturne in B minor Bdwin H. Lemare Funeral March and Chant Seraphic Alex. Guilmant Joy of the Morning Harriet Ware Kerry Dance James L. Molloy Fantasia and Fugue in G minor /. S. Bach Chanson provencale Dell *Acqua Pastoral-Sonata Josef Rheinberg Pastoral Intermezzo Fugue Waltz Song Luckstone CONCERT Wednesday Evening, Dec. 15th, 1909 Colle;ge Orchestra, Dr. Louis A. Brookes, Conductor Assisted by Florine May Weimer, Pianist Harold JewETT MacNeile, Tenor Cecilian Chorus PART I. Overture. Zampa Her old Thanksgiving March Louis A. Brookes Song. Blow, Blow Ye Winter Winds Sarjeanf Harold JewETT MacNeiee Gavotte. The Circus H. Fliege Overture. Tancredi Rossini part II. Overture. Poet and Peasant Suppe Piano. Polonaise. The Magic Lantern Godard Feorine May Weimer Gavotte. Stephanie Czihulka Spring Song Sinnhold Cecieian Chorus Waltz. The Wedding of the Winds John T. Hall CONCERT, RIPON COLLEGE GLEE CLUB Program Feorine May Weimer, Pianist PART I. Toast Alma Mater Clyde M. Morse, 1899 Ripon Crimson Ruth F. Gower, 191 1 Tom, Tom the Piper's Son F. J. Smith Quartet, The Sweetest Flower That Blows Hawley Messrs. MacNeiee, Gibson, Cook and Parker He's a College Boy Morse Piano Solo, Etude de Concert op. 149 No. 4 Benjamin Godard Miss Weimer Peasant's Wedding March Sodermann PART II. Laughing Song Franz Abt Tinker's Song, from "Robin Hood" R, DeKoven Stein Song Frederic Field Bullard Piano Solo, Grande Valse Brillante Homer Bartlett Miss Weimer "College Stunts" 1 Cornet Solo with Pipe Organ accompaniment 2 Holsteiner's Band 3 Kinder Symphony "A Merry Sleighing Party" Chwatal Winter Song Frederic Field Bullard CONCERT, CECILIAN CHORUS Mr. Edward F. EiIv^rt, Baritone Professor Elizabeth Battle Binteiff, Director and Accompanist Friday Evening, May 20th, 1910, Congregational Church, 8:15 Program Spring Song Rudolf Sinnhold Rest Thee on this Mossy Pillow Henry Smart Little Pappoose Josephine Sherwood Lend Me Your Aid Ch. Gounod Mr. EieErt Waltz Song. Springtime A. Mildenherg Dreamland's Happy Shore Carrie B. Adams A Mother Goose Medley Josephine Sherwood Wanderlied Schumann Am Meer Schubert Fussreise Hugo Wolf Mr. EieErt College Songs Wellesley Crew Song Vassar Chant The Oaks of Olivet Dear Old Ripon Alma Mater Requiem Sidney Homer Sing Me a Song of a Lad That is Gone Sidney Homer Happy Song Del Riego Mr. EieErt Serenade. Good Night Goldberg ORGAN RECITAL FlorinE May WdimEr, Class of 191 1 Assisted by Francois Emily Stuart, Soprano Friday Afternoon, May 27th, 1910, M. E. Church, Four O'clock Program Choral. Vol. V, No. 5 ( r, , Fugue. G minor. Vol. IV, No. 7 ( ^^"^^ Answer" [ Wolstenholme Ave Maria Bach-Gounod Sonata. No. IV Mendelssohn Allegro con brio. Andante religioso. Allegretto. Allegro maestoso vivace. Lift Your Glad Voices C. B. Hawley Jerusalem the Golden Wm. Spark Even7n| [ ' ^^^^^^ ^^^^^'^^ Marche Solennelle Joseph Callaerts SONG RECITAL Jessie: Harriet Trotter, Mezzo Soprano, Harold J. MacNeill, Tenor Assisted by Louise Thomas, Violinist, Estella Hall ReadE, Accompanist Wednesday Afternoon, June i, 1910, College Chapel, at Four o'clock Aria. "Semele." Where e'er you walk Handel Lotus Blu: Widmung Lotus Blume \ c' 1 > Schumann Mr. MacNeill Second Mazurka. Op. 54 Godard Miss Thomas Cuddle doon Gaynor Wiegenlied Brahms Evening Song. Go long chile teh sleepy town Dobbs Miss Trotter Cavatina. Op. 314, No. 2 Bohm Miss Thomas Sweet wind that blows ^; j - u A J, u Chadwick As the moon's soft splendor Ford The happy morning waits Parelli Mr. MacNeill Cantabile et Bolero. Op. 22, No. 6 Danhe Miss Thomas Abendlied Schumann Serenade. Tiree de Ruy Bias Wekerlin Aria, "Samson and Delilah" My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice Saint-Saen^ Miss Trotter Duet. ''Don Giovanni." La ci darem la mano Mozart Miss Trotter, Mr. MacNeill Violin obligato, Miss Thomas OPEN MUSICALE Thursday Afternoon, June 9th, 1910, College Chapel, Ripon, Wis. By the Pupils of the School of Music, Assisted by Louise Thomas, Violinist Program Piano. Concert Polonaise. Op. 11 J. H. Hahn Bertha Belle Harris, Denver, Colorado Canzone. La Fioraja Bevignani Cradle Song Gaynor Nina Faustman, Ripon Violin Obligato, LouisE Thomas^ Ripon Novelette. No. 3 Schumann Jessie Harriet Trotter, Morris, 111. Song. Arcady DeKoven Ira Sheldon Parker, Tomahawk Piano. Autumn Chaminade Ida EmEliE Buchholz, Ripon Ave Maria Luzzi Carrie Mae Clark, Ripon Piano. Aus Holberg's Zeit. Op. 40 Grieg Prelude, Rigaudon Albumblatt. Op. 66 Gruetzmacher Alice Evelyn Foster, Plainfield, 111. Duett. Night-hymn at Sea Goring-Thomas Florence Alona Hungereord, Joliet, 111. Robert Newcomb Gibson, Clintonville To the Sea [ ^^^ Pieces Edward MacDowell Erna ZobEIv, Ripon Song. The Morning Waits Parelli Harold JewETT MacNeill, So. Kaukauna Piano. Impromptu. Op. 36 Chopin Transcription Waltz. Faust Gounod-Liszt Florine Mae Weimer, Coloma, Mich. Songs. O come with me Vander Stucken Twickenham Ferry Marziale Frances Emily Stuart, Augusta, Me. CONCERT Ripon Choral Club. Soloists. College Orchestra Congregational Church, Ripon, Monday Evening, June 13, 1910 Bertha Anna Cooper, Soprano Hermann W. Barnard, Tenor EsTELLA Hall ReadE, Mezzo Contralto Carver Williams, Bass Florine Mae WeimEr, Pianist Louis A. Brookes, Organist Professor Elizabeth Battle Bintlife, Conductor Program PART I. March. Tannhauser Wagner College Orchestra Conductor, Dr. Louis A. Brookes Songs. Du bist wie eine Blume Chadwick Ein Schwan Grieg A Song from the South Lloyd Hermann W. Barnard Songs. Mother o' Mine Frank B. Tours A Birthday Frederick H. Cowen Bertha Anna CoopEr Songs. Hear me, ye winds and waves. Scipio Handel A little winding road Ronald The three Comrades Hermann A Jingle of June Bischoif Carver Williams The Wedding of the Winds Jos. T. Hall Festival March L. A. Brookes College Orchestra PART II. "Stabat Mater" Rossini JTRaHABER^ 1^ PRI NTI NG CO M P / ;^ NV m