PS'S./ fit* MINUTES OF THE Proceedings of the Seventeenth Council OF THE First Synod in the Dominion of Canada OF THE Reformed Episcopal Church OTHERWISE KNOWN AS The Protestant Church of England, HELD IN Christ Church, Barrie, Ontario, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 30th and luly 1st, 1908* & BELLEVILLE : THE INTELLIGENCER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, LIMITED. 1908. MINUTES 1 *r»4 OF THE •JN I VERS * " >r ’ Proceedings of the Seventeenth Council OF THE First Synod in the Dominion of Canada OF THE Reformed Episcopal Church OTHERWISE KNOWN AS The Protestant Church of England, HELD IN Christ Church, Barrie, Ontario, ON Tuesday and Wednesday, June 30th and July 1st, J908* * 5 ? BELLEVILLE : THE INTELLIGENCER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, LIMITED. 1908. NOTICE. The Eighteenth Council of the First Synod in the Dominion of Canada of the Reformed Episcopal Church will be held (D. V.) in Emmanuel Church, Ottawa, Ontario. The attention of Ministers and Church Wardens is called to the importance of sending their Parochial Reports and List of Delegates at least TEN DAYS before the meeting of the Council. Send the List of Delegates to the Secretary, and the Parochial Report to the Chairman of the Committee on the State of the Church. I TUSt , ~ DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES OF THE REFORMED EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Adopted December 2nd, 1873. I. The Reformed Episcopal Church, holding “ the faith once delivered unto the saints,” declares its belief in the Holy Scrip- tures of the Old and New Testaments as the Word of God, and the sole rule of Faith and Practice ; in the Creed “com- monly called the Apostles’ Creed,” in the Divine institution of 5 . the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper ; and in the doctrines of grace substantially as they are set forth in the > Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. II. This Church recognizes and adheres to Episcopacy, not as of Divine right, but as a very ancient and desirable form of L- Church polity. III. This Church, retaining a Liturgy which shall not be im- perative or repressive of freedom in prayer, accepts the Book of Common Prayer, as it was revised, proposed, and recom- mended for use by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, A. D. 1785, reserving full liberty to alter, abridge, enlarge, and amend the same, as may seem most conducive to the edification of the people, “provided that the substance of the faith be kept entire.” IV. This Church condemns and rejects the following erroneous and strange doctrines as contrary to God’s Word : First . That the Church of Christ exists only in one order or form of ecclesiastical polity. Second \ That Christian Ministers are “priests” in another sense than that in which all believers are “a royal priesthood.” Third. That the Lord’s Table is an altar on which the oblation of the Body and Blood of Christ is offered anew to the Father. Fourth. That the Presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper is a presence in the elements of Bread and Wine. Fifth . That Regeneration is inseparably connected with Baptism. 4 Officers of the Council. 19084909. President , BISHOP SAMUEL FALLOWS, D. D., LL. D., 967 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Vice-President, REV. A. M. HUBLY, Belleville, Ontario. Secretary, REV. A. B. HUBLY, 652 St. Andre St., Montreal. A 88 1. -Secretary , REV. WILLARD BREWING, Toronto. Treasurer, MR. GEORGE C. COLES Barrie, Ontario. 5 ©fficere of the Council. COMMITTEES. Standing Committee. Rev. J. Eastburn Brown, Moncton, N. B. Rev. A. M. Hubly, Belleville, Ont. Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D., Barrie, Ont. Rev. Arthur D. Cousins, Ottawa. Samuel Steen, Toronto. Alex. Hall, Toronto. E. Roberts, Montreal. Jesse Barlow, Belleville. William Cairns, Ottawa. Board of Trustees. J. C. Blyth, 5 years. Rev. A. D. Cousins, 4 years. Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D., 3 years. A. Mackey, 2 years. T. Williams, 1 year. Constitution and Canons. Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D. Rev. J. B. Donaldson, W. M. Lockhart, J. H. Spencer, His Hon. Judge J. A. Ardagh. 6 State of the Church. Rev. A. B. Hubly, R. J. Gallagher, Rev. E. C. Russell, J. W. London. Publication. Rev. Willard Brewing, Robert Kerr, Dr. George Hill, Rev. A. M. Hubly. Memorials and Resolutions. Rev. J. B. Donaldson, Thomas Lowry Rev. Willard Brewing George Naylor, Audit . R. J. Gallagher. MINUTES. FIRST DAY. Barrie, Ont., June 30th, 1908. The Seventeenth Council of the First Synod of the Reformed Episcopal Church in the Dominion of Canada, assembled at 8 p.m. in Christ Church. The Business Session was preceded by Divine Service, and the Communion of the Lord’s Supper, Bishop Samuel Fallows, D. D., LL. D., being assisted by Rev. Messrs. A. M. Hubly, A. D. Cousins and A. B. Hubly. A sermon was preached by Rev. Willard Brewing from the text, Ephesians 4 : 9, 10. The Council was then called to order by the President, and after the calling of the Roll, was declared legally opened for the transaction of business. LIST OF MEMBERS. Clerical. *Bishop Samuel Fallows, D. D., LL. D., 967 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ills. *Rev. A. M. Hubly, Belleville, Ont. Rev. J. Eastburn Brown, Moncton, N. B. *Rev. Walter Witten, A. M., Ph. D., Barrie, Ont. *Rev. A. B. Hubly, 652 St. Andre Street, Montreal. *Rev. Arthur Dixon Cousins, Ottawa. *Rev. Geo. Orman, Vernon River Bridge, P. E. I. *Rev. Willard Brewing. Rev. E. C. Russell. Rev. J. B. Donaldson. Rev. A. H. Grace, Allahabad, India. 8 Lay. St. Paul’s Moncton — T hos. Williams ; Alternate , J. E. Masters. Emmanuel, Ottawa — *J. Hervey Spencer, ^William Cairns, *Thomas Lowry ; Alternates , F. W. Journeaux, W. J. Montgomery, I). McCann.* Christ, Toronto — G eorge Hill, M. D., *John Barrett, A. H. Power ; Alternates , W. Johnston, Robert Kerr, Fred Hall. Christ, * Barrie — *R. J. Gallagher, Oliver Patterson ; Alternates , *David Jamieson, Hector Coles. St. Bartholomew’s, Montreal^-W. Sloan, E. Roberts ; Alternates , T. Spindlo, R. Neville, *J. C. Blythe. Emmanuel, Belleville — *J. W. Barlow, *J. W. London, Thos. Thompson ; Alternates , William Thompson, George Robinson, *George Naylor. Emmanuel, Toronto — *S. Steen, R. E. Holt; Alternates , G. Bedell, S. A. Scott. Grace, Alliston — *W. M. Lockhart ; Alternate , J. E. Salter. St. John’s, Sussex — S. E..Killen, W. Upham, J. H. Deforest ; Alternates , Mrs. J. Markham, Mrs. J. A. Myles, Mrs. Chas. Dole. St. David’s, Ottawa — N o Credentials. (Those marked * were present.) I do hereby solemnly declare that I am a member of the Reformed Episcopal Church in the Dominion of Canada, and an enrolled communicant of the same, and assent to the 9 principles of the said church as set forth in the declaration of principles thereof. J. W. Barlow, Belleville. J. Hervey Spencer, Ottawa. Geo. Naylor, Belleville. Thos. Lowry, Ottawa. W. M. Lockhart, Alliston. David F. Jamieson, Barrie. R. J. Gallagher, Barrie. J. Barrett, Toronto. Wm. Cairns, Ottawa. J. C. Blythe, Montreal. John A. Ardagh, Barrie. Geo. Coles, Barrie. J. W. London, Belleville. A committee on Credentials was appointed, consisting of Rev. W. Brewing, J. W. London, S. Steen and Rev. A. B. Hubly. Having examined the certificates of delegates, the committee reported them correct and that there were present six clerical and twelve lay delegates. On motion of Rev. A. M. Hubly, the printed programme was adopted as the order of business. On motion of Mr. William Cairns, the minutes of the last Council were confirmed as printed. The President appointed the following Nominating Committee. Rev. A. D. Cousins, Rev. Dr. Witten, R. J. Gallagher and William Cairns. On motion the Council adjourned. 10 SECOND DAY. Barrie, Ont., July 1st, 1908. Morning Session. After a devotional service led by the Rev. A. M. Hubly, the Council was called to order. Prayer was offered by Rev. A. D. Cousins. The Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Bishop Fallows presented his Episcopal Report as follows: REPORT OF BISHOP FALLOWS. Dear Brethren : Since we met last in our Synodical Council, I have not been able, on account of the short intervening period, to make any visitations to the Parishes of the Synod. I have, however, been in close correspondence with the various Rectors and have kept a warm sympathetic outlook over the flocks to whom they minister. It is always a delight to come into intimate relationship with the dear people of our Church in this great Dominion of Canada. We enjoy the unique position of being the only Protestant Church that has ignored national lines in its organization and ongoing. Among the very first parishes to declare its allegiance to the principles and polity of the Reformed Episcopal Church was the Canadian parish of Moncton, New Brunswick, which has been unswerving in its loyalty since its memorable adhesion to our cause. The Reformed Episcopal Bishops have been consecrated on Canadian soil, Bishop Edward Cridge venerated and revered throughout the Empire, and myself. For more than sixty years this eminent servant of Christ, with the highest culture of England’s great University of Cambridge, and with an unswerving fidelity to the Evangelical teachings of the New Testament, has been proclaiming the blessed Gospel of the Son of God. The unity of the Reformed Episcopal Church in the United States and Canada, if not anticipating, has yet strengthened the fraternal feeling between these two great peoples. This Church, as the lineal descendant of the Reformed Church of England of the stirring and regenerating period of The Reformation, has simply re-affirmed the great doctrines of the Mother Church, in all their pristine purity. It has em- bodied all the salient features of its truly Protestant Liturgy in its revised Prayer 11 Book. It has carefully preserved the Historic Episcopate derived through the see of Canterbury. It has maintained inviolate the fundamental Christian Creeds which have come down through the centuries. It has a southward look towards all branches of the Church of Christ, recognizing them as integral portions of The Holy Catholic Church, which is the Communion of Saints. We cannot be too thankful for this position which our Church occupies. We take the touch of elbows with all soldiers of the Sacramental Host of God in fighting the good fight of faith. We can say, each one of us a minister of Christ, to our communicants in our beloved parishes, if any one should have the temerity to impugn our orders, % our principles, our polity, or our methods, “If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you ; for the seal ot mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.” By increasing faithfulness in our Divine Master’s service may we prove our apostolic succession by our apostolic success. May multitudes be added to our number by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. The Treasurer, Mr. Geo. Coles, presented the following report, which was received and referred to the Committee on Audit. TREASURER’S REPORT. Receipts. 1907 Balance $ 12 46 May 24— St. Bartholomew’s Church, Montreal for 1906 10 00 “ “ — St. John’s Church, Sussex, for 1907. 10 00 “ “ — Offering at Sixteenth Council 12 00 Sept. 24 — Emmanuel Church, Belleville 2000 1908 Feb. 17 — Christ Church, Toronto 25 00 Mar. 14 — Emmanuel Church, Toronto 1000 “ 19 — Emmanuel Church, Ottawa 25 00 Apr. 21 — Christ Church, Barrie 15 00 June 22 — Mr. E. Roberts, Montreal 5 00 $144 46 Expense. 1907 May 24 — Rev. A. B. Hubly $ 25 00 May 24— Intelligencer Co., Belleville 2 00 May 27 — Rev. Dr. Witten 4 50 Sept. 25 — Intelligencer Co 20 00 1908 Mar. 14 — Emmanuel Church, Toronto 20 00 Mar. 20 — Grace Church, Alliston 50 00 June 1 7 — “Gazette” 3 50 Stamps 40 $125 40 Balance on hand 19 06 $144 46 12 The Council was informed by Rev. A. M. Hubly, that the Plates of the Constitution and Canons were in his pos- session at Belleville. On motion of Rev. A. D. Cousins, a recess of half an hour was taken to give an opportunity for the Standing Com- mittee to prepare its report. The report of the Standing Committee was presented by Rev. A. D. Cousins. The report was received and its recom- mendation that Rev. J. A. Back be ordained to the diaconate was approved by the Council. Rev. A. I). Cousins read the report of the Nominating Committee as follows : Standing Committee. — Rev’s. Arthur D. Cousins, J. Eastburn Brown, A. M. Hubly, W. Witten, A.M., Ph. D., Messrs. Samuel Steen, Alex. Hall, E. Roberts, Jesse Barlow and William Cairns. Trustees. — J. C. Blyth, 5 years, Rev. A. I). Cousins, 4 years, Rev. W. Witten, A.M., Ph. D., 3 years, A. Mackey, 2 years, T. Williams, 1 year. Constitution and Canons. — Rev. W. Witten, A.M., Ph.D., Rev. J. B. Donaldson, J. Hervey Spencer, His Honour Judge Ardagh, W. M. Lockhart. State of the Church. — Rev’s. A. B. Hubly, E. C. Russell, R. J. Gallagher, J. W. London. Publication . — Rev. W. Brewing, George Hill, M. D., Robert Kerr, Rev. A. M. Hubly. Memorials and Resolutions. — Rev. J. B. Donaldson, Thomas Lowry, Rev. W. Brewing. Audit. — Messrs. George Naylor and R. J. Gallagher. Respectfully submitted, A. D. COUSINS. WALTER WITTEN. R. J. GALLAGHER. WM. CAIRNS. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE STATE OF THE CHURCH. Name and Location of Church. Minister. Organized. | S. S. Scholars. I S. S. Teachers 1 and Officers. Baptisms. Confirmations. Received otherwise. Died or Removed. Communicants. Current Expenses. Church Extension. Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund. Theological Seminary. Assessment General Council. Communion Alms. Synodical Fund. S. S. Offerings. Foreign Missions. Other Contributions. Total Contributions. Buildings. Insurance. Value of Unemcumbered Property. St. Paul’s, Moncton. Rev. J. E. Brown .... 1^73 35 5 3 8 ' 12 66 1086 06 13 20 28 21 40 25 186 37 <354 09 3 6000 8300 Emmanuel, Ottawa .... Rev. A. D. Cousins .... 1874 120 13 7 10 6 8 138 1947 5° 1 1 00 5 00 6 S5 22 55 25 00 170 08 198 35 1232 40 3 1 79 90 2 8500 1 1 500 Christ Church, Toronto. Rev. Willard Brewing 1874 249 31 16 14 30 14 252 2015 00 20 00 10 00 21 40 45 00 25 00 486 00 205 00 1222 3563 40 1 4500 7000 St. John’s, Sussex. ... Rev. Geo. Orman 1874 63 9 4 11 5 I5<> 818 00 6 25 51 00 5 00 3 2200 4370 Christ Church, Barrie . Rev. W. Witten, A. M., 1876 92 8 8 12 25 72 956 36 15 00 15 00 • 5 00 24 25 5 50 15 00 67 62 60 00 62 45 1236 18 1 5000 6000 Th. D. St. Bartholomew’s, Mont- Rev. A. B. Hubly 1877 40 10 3 1 1 60 845 35 5 00 10 00 100 69 49 20 25 00 1035 24 Emmanuel, Belleville. . . Rev. A. M. Hubly. ... 1888 75 12 8 12 7 109 926 54 15 00 10 00 6 00 5 co 20 00 85 21 142 00 651 95 1861 49 2 2500 4500 St. David’s, Ottawa .... Rev. E. C. Russell 1889 * Emmanuel, Toronto . . Mr. W. B. Mitford.... 1894 £0 6 58 20 00 11 67 155 00 1 Grace Church, Alliston. Rev. E. C. Benson Barker 1906 18 2 1 14 560 11 8 65 568 76 1 1 — IS By unanimous motion, the Secretary was instructed to cast a single ballot for the Committees named in the report. It was moved by Mr. George Coles and seconded by Mr. R. J. Gallagher, that five members of a vestry constitute a quorum, and that the Constitution and Canons be amended to that effect. After discussion, the resolution was on motion of Mr. Gallagher referred to the Committee on Constitution and Canons. • Rev. A. B. Hubly read the report of the Committee on the State of the Church, which on motion was received. It was moved by Rev. A. D. Cousins, seconded by Mr. Thos. Lowry and carried, that envelopes be prepared by the Synod and distributed to the parishes for the special qffer : ings in aid of the general work of the Church. Motion to adjourn. The Benediction was pronounced by Rev. A. B. Hubly. AFTERNOON SESSION. After devotional exercises, led by Rev. A. J. W. Back, the Council was called to order and the minutes of the last session were read and confirmed. His Honor Judge Ardagh gave a message from Sir James Gowan, K. C. M. G., expressing his warm sympathy with the Synod, and his regret that, owing to ill health, he was unable to be present. Judge Ardagh took the occasion to refer to the long and faithful services given by Sir to the Reformed Episcopal Church and particularly to Christ Church, since its founding in 1876. The President in replying called for a rising vote of appreciation. Rev. Willard Brewing read the following report of the Publication Committee, which was accepted with a hearty vote of thanks. i 14 REPORT OF PUBLICATION COMMITTEE. July 1908 Stock in hand at beginning of year, 75 cloth bound copies at 30c $22 50 Receipts. From Rev. A. M. Hubly, 5 Morocco at $ 1 $ 5 00 “ “ Dr. Witten, 5 Morocco at $1 5 00 “ Christ Church, Toronto, 75 Cloth at 30 22 50 “ Rev. Thos. Gladstone 12 Morocco at 90 10 80 “ Private Sales 33 00 $76 3° Expenditures. 1907 May 24 To amount advanced from personal fund $13 38 “ “ “ Balance due Bryant Tress . . 15 00 June 1 Binding 100 copies in cloth at 15c 15 00 “ 19 “ 26 “ “ Morocco at 70c 18 20 & 61 58 Total Receipts $76 30 Expenditure 61 58 Balance on hand $14 72 Unbound copies in stock 524. Rev. A. M. Hubly read the report from the committee, appointed to consider the question of the Canadian Episcopate, as follows : By concerted action of the members of the committee, through correspondence, the following questions were sub- mitted to the parishes. One of the parishes, Grace Church, Alliston, failed to respond. Of the nine heard from, six favor the election of a bishop, slightly differing with regard to the conditions upon which the Episcopate should be effected. Three of the nine parishes heard from, negatived the whole matter. The questions and answers as received from each parish are herewith attached. A. M. Hubly, Chairman of Com. After a full discussion of the report, it was moved by Rev. A. D. Cousins, seconded by Mr. J. Hervey Spencer, that we proceed to-day to elect a Canadian Bishop. It was moved in amendment that the matter be deferred for another year. The motion as amended prevailed. 15 Rev. George Orman, presented his report as Business Manager of the Canadian Edition of the Espiscopal Recorder, tendering his resignation, which was accepted with regret, and a vote of thanks for past services. It was decided to request each parish to appoint a member in the interest of subscriptions to the Canadian Edition, to co-operate with Mr. William Cairns, who was elected General Agent for the Synod. The President took the occasion to refer to the excellent, efficient and faith- ful work of the Editor-in-Chief of the Recorder, an estimate in which the Synod heartily concurred. Financial pledges were then received for the support of the Synod. Christ Church, Barrie $ 15.00 Emmanuel, Ottawa 10.00 Christ Church, Toronto 25.00 Emmanuel, Belleville 20.00 Emmanuel, Toronto 10.00 St. Bartholomew’s, Montreal 10.00 St. John’s, Sussex 10.00 St. Paul’s, Moncton 10.00 St. David’s, Ottawa 10.00 On motion the sum of twenty-five dollars was given to the Secretary. On motion the sum of $50 was granted to Grace Church, Alliston. In the absence of the Chairman of the Committee on Memorials and Resolutions, the Secretary was instructed to prepare a memorial on the death of Bishop Wilson. Bishop Edward Wilson, D.D., was a native of Liverpool, England, coming to America in 1840 and uniting with the Methodist Episcopal Church of Indiana. In 1847 he return- ed to England, but after the death of his parents again came to the United States, residing at Metuchen, N. J. Receiving ordination from Bishop Simpson, he became pastor of St. 16 James M. E. Church, New Brunswick, N. J., then encumbered with a mortgage of sixty thousand dollars. During a remarkably successful ministry of three years, this debt was entirely removed and the pastor’s ability and scholarship were also recognized by Rutgers College, which conferred upon him the degree of D. D. He united with the Reformed Episcopal Church soon after its organization, and in 1879 was chosen Pastor of the R. E. Church at Rahway, N.J. In 1878 he became Pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, Washington, D.C. In 1879 of St. Bartholomew’s, Montreal, and in the same year was elected Secretary of the General Council. In 1880 he accepted a call to Emmanuel Church, Ottawa. He received the unanimous nomination of this Synod for the office of Bishop, and after unanimous election by the General Council, was consecrated on July 1st, 1880, by Bishop Nicholson, Bis- hop Latane and several Presbyters from Canada and the United States. Owing to ill health, the last twenty years of his life were comparatively inactive. He died at the age of 88, the burial service at his home, Metuchen, being conducted by Bishop Sabine, assisted by the Rev. W. L. Jett, of Murray Hill, N.J. He brought to our work in Canada a life ex- ceptional in its entire consecration to God, and the brief time of his service in our Synod was sufficient in its influence to induce our sincere gratitude to the Great Head of the Church, for Bishop Wilson’s devoted life and ministry. On motion the Council adjourned, the benediction being pronounced by Rev. A. D. Cousins. EVENING SESSION. After a devotional service, conducted by Rev. A. B. Hubly, the Council was called to order at 8 o’clock. By motion, the Treasurer was asked to pay to Rev. Wil- lard Brewing the sum of thirty dollars, to enable him to meet the expense of publishing prayer books. An offering was taken, amounting to $8.70. 17 The Secretary was instructed by the Synod to cast one ballot for Rev. A. B. Hubly as Secretary, and Mr. Geo. Coles as Treasurer. Nominations for Vice-President were received as follows : Rev. A. M. Hubly, Rev. Dr. Witten and Rev. A. D. Cousins. Vote by ballot resulted in the election of Rev. A. M. Hubly. Rev. A. D. Cousins extended an invitation to hold the next Annual Council in Emmanuel Church, Ottawa. On motion of Mr. J . W. Barlow, the invitation was accepted. On behalf of the Synod, Rev. A. M. Hubly expressed ap- preciatiation of the presence of Mr. W. B. Mitford, clerical representative of Emmanuel Church, Toronto. The President formally introduced Mr. Mitford, who briefly and earnestly addressed the Council. The following letters received from Bishop Cridge and Bishop Eldridge were read by the President. The Secretary was requested by unanimous motion to have the letters spread upon the minutes and to forward a reply. Rev. and Dear Brother: Marifield Victoria, B. C. 15 Oct., 1907. I hardly know how to account for my delay in acknowledging receipt of the Synod pamphlets and the kind greeting of that body ; I must leave it to your charity to believe that old age may account for a good deal, but not for all. Believe me that I most cordially appreciate the affectionate sympathy and pious good wishes of the Synod and your own and beg you as you may have opportunity to give expression to the same. With regard to our prospects, I think I may say that we are just holding our own ; but certainly both here, and I think all over Canada, the Anglican body, so far as wealth and members are concerned, is having its innings. Certainly craft and cunning, attributes of the wolf in sheep’s clothing” are yielding them returns, their present reward, but truth and sincerity and loyalty