CONSTITUTION OF THE Tailors Industrial Union (INTERNATIONAL) Adopted by the Fifth Convention held at Columbus* Ohio, August 12-17, 1889, and Approved by General Vote of the Members, November, 1889 AS AMENDED BY GENERAL VOTE NOVEMBER, 1913 Published by THE TAILORS INDUSTRIAL UNION (International) BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS The Journeymen Tailors Union of America was organized August, eighteen hundred and eighty three in Philadelphia, Pa. The name of the organization was changed to the Tailors Indus- trial Union (International), November fifth, nineteen hundred and thirteen, by general vote of the membership. Pantagraph ptg. & Sta. Co., Bloomington, 111. INDEX 5 5 /,£? T\ V § X \ 3[4 # PAGE Abbreviations, Sec. 4 5 Admission of Members, Sec. 33 12 Amendments between conventions, Sec. Ill 32 Amendments to laws, Sec. 108, 109 31 Amendments shall be published, Sec. 108 32 Amendments submitted for general vote, Sec. 110.... 32 Amendments when effective, Sec. 110 32 Appeal from General Executive Board, Sec. 82 25 Appeals of members, Sec. 164 and 165 47 Application of members, Sec. 33 12 Assistant General Secretary 42 Ballots second for officers, Sec. 122 36 Ballots to be kept, Sec. 123 36 Benefit, funeral, Sec. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 18 Benefit, sick, Sec. 68 to Sec. 78 20 Benefit, widows, Sec. 67 20 Benefit, amount of Death, Sec. 66 19 Benefits, special, Sec. 47 16 Bill of prices, contain what, Sec. 82 25 Blanks for benefit application. Sec. 70 -. 21 Books, local, to be audited, Sec. 20b 8 Business, order for locals, Sec. 181 51 Certificate for sick benefit, Sec. 69 21 Charters furnished by General Secretary, Sec. 136.... 40 Clearance day, Sec. 26 10 Committee of Law and Audit, Sec. 107 31 Committee of Law and Audit, how elected, Sec. 115. . . 33 Committee of Law and Audit, qualifications of, Sec. 115. 33 Conferences by committee only, Sec. 95 28 Convention, duties of G. S. in, Sec. 116 34 Convention, entertainment of, Sec. 114 $3 Convention, geiieral, Sec. 96 28 Convention, order of business, Sec. 99 29 Convention, recommendations by, Sec. 182 to Sec. 188. 53 Convention, representation in, Sec. 100 30 Convention, rules of, Sec. 107 31 Convention, special, Sec. 97 29 Constitution furnished free, Sec. 38 14 Constitution, when revised 3 Correspondence, in The Tailor, Sec. 139 41 Correspondence, objectionable, Sec. 140 41 Delegates, credentials of, Sec. 104 31 Delegates, election of, Sec. 105 31 Delegates, A. F. of L. Convention, Sec. 112 and 113.. 33 Delegates, to convention, expenses of, Sec. 102 30 Delegates, to convention, vote of, Sec. 101 30 Dissolution of locals, Sec. 13 6 District Councils, Sec. 21 8 Dues of members, Sec. 25 9 INDEX - Cont. PAGE Dues of traveling members, Sec. 43 , . . . 15 Eligibility of members, Sec. 35 13 Employers, Difficulties arising with, Sec. 79 23 Finance 9 Female members, sick benefit, Sec. 76 23 Financial assistance, Sec. 29 11 Financial business, kept by G.S., Sec. 134 39 Fine for misuse of label, Sec. 176 50 Fines collected by local, Sec. 30 11 Fines of sick committee, Sec. 72 22 Fines for slandering members and officers, Sec. 19 ... . 8 Fines for violating constitution, Sec. 19 8 Fraudulent claims of benefit, Sec. 63 19 Fund, general, Sec. 25 9 Funeral Benefit Claims 18 Funeral benefits, who entitled, Sec. 57 18 General Conventions 28 General Executive Board. 44 General Executive Board, Chairman of, Sec. 151 44 General Executive Board, decisions of, Sec. 166 47 General Executive Board, duties of, Sec. 152, 153, 157, General Executive Board, duties with monies, Sec. 154. 45 General Executive Board, how elected, Sec. 150 44 General Executive Board, on contract labor violations, Sec. 156 45 General Executive Board, propose new laws, Sec. 155. . 45 General Executive Board, to appropriate money, when, Sec. 161 46 General Executive Board, to fill vacancies, Sec. 159... 46 General Executive Board, to pass on strikes, Sec. 160. . 24 General fund, Sec. 25 , 9 General officers. Sec. 117 35 General officers, time of election of, Sec. 121 36 General organizers. Sec. 130 38 General Secretary 41 General Secretary, also Secretary of G.E.B. Sec. 143.. 41 General Secretary, duties of, Sec. 135, 136, 144, 145, 146, 147 39 General Secretary, qualifications for, Sec. 119, 127.... 37 General Secretary, salary, Sec. 142 41 General Treasurer, duties of. Sec. 149 43 General Treasurer, qaulifications for, Sec. 127 37 General Treasurer, salary of, Sec. 149 43 Helpers, benefits, Sec. 25 10 Helpers, regulation of, Sec. 12 6 Hours of labor, Sec. 11 6 Initiation fee, Sec. 24 . V 9 Injuring interest of members, Sec. 40 14 Investigation of sickness, Sec. 73 22 Jurisdiction of union. Sec. 2 4 Local unions 4 Label, the 49 Label, the, how affixed, Sec. 177 50 INDEX — Cont. PAGE Label, the, registration of, Sec. 179 50 Label, the, use of by merchants, Sec. 175 50 Label, the, shall be numbered, Sec. 170 49 Label, the, use of, Sec. 171 49 Label, the, what contains, Sec. 169 48 Label, the, record, Sec. 180 50 Labor Bureaus, Sec. 18 7 Labor holidays, Sqc. 28 9 Levy, when collected, Sec. 31 11 Local, arrears of, Sec. 28 10 Local, organizer’s report, Sec. 161 46 Local, report strike conditions, Sec. 80 24 Local books prepared by Gr. S., Sec. 144 42 Locals business Secret, Sec. 41 14 Locals draw funeral benefit, when, Sec. 59 18 Locals, number necessary, Sec. 4 4 Locals, officers of, Sec. 5 5 Locals, pay dues of sick, Sec. 75 23 Locals, pay sick benefit, when, Sec. 69 21 Locals, responsible for dues, Sec. 49 16 Locals, representation in convention, Sec. 100 and 103. 30 Locals shall not advance benefits, Sec. 64 19 Locals shall not withdraw, Sec. 13 6 Mail, reception of, Sec. 22 9 Members and membership 12 Meetings of locals, Sec. 14 7 Members, admission of, Sec. 33 12 Members, application, Sec. 33 12 Members, attendance at meetings, Sec. 42 14 Members Benefits, Sec. 39 14 Members dues, Sec. 26 10 Members fined, procedure, Sec. 167 48 Members in arrears, Sec. 50 and 51 16 Members leaving trade, Sec. 53, 54, 55 17 Members must vote, Sec. 124 37 Members reinstated, Sec. 52 17 Members sick where no local, Sec. 74 22 Members standing reported quarterly, Sec. 20b 8 Members traveling, Sec. 43, 44, 45, 46 15 Members victimized, Sec. 94 28 Members where no local exists, Sec. 36 13 Membership, dates from, Sec. 37 14 Membership, surrender of, Sec. 53 17 Monthly letter of Gr. S. in The Tailor, Sec. 147 42 Name of union. Sec. 1 3 Objects of union. Sec. 3 4 Office help, Sec. 137 40 Officers, general 35 Officers, general, removal of, Sec. 129 38 Officers, nominations of, Sec. 118 35 Officers obligation, Sec. 9 6 Officers, terms of, Sec. 117 35 Officers who fail to qualify, Sec. 126 37 Obligation of officer, Sec. 9 6 INDEX— Cont. PAGE Obligation of members, Sec. 34 . 13 Order of business for locals, Sec. 181 51 Order, rules of, for locals 51 Organizer, duties of, Sec. 131 38 Organizer, local, Sec. 7 5 Organizers, qualifications of, Sec. 132 38 Organizers, salaries of, Sec. 133 39 Outfit of local, Sec. 4 5 Per capita of helpers, Sec. 25 10 Per capita to A. F. of L., Sec. 32 11 Property of Union, Sec. 168 48 Printing, bids for, Sec. 146 42 Public meetings and entertainments, Sec. 16. .... . ... . . 7 Publishing names of fined members, Sec. 167 48 Quorum for convention, Sec. 98 29 Recommendations by convention. Sec. 182 to 188 53 Register of members, Sec. 135 39 Report, quadrennials of G. S., Sec. 141 41 Reports of locals, Sec. 20a. 8 Referendum vote, Sec. 120 35 Rules of order for local 51 Sick benefit 20 Sick benefit, amount of, Sec. 77 23 Secretary, General, duties of, Sec. 134 39 Sessions of Convention, Sec. 98. 29 Sessions of Convention, Public, Sec. 106 31 Sick Committee, Sec. 71 21 Strikes and Lockouts 23 Strike benefit, amount, Sec. 83 25 Strike benefit, forwarded by G. S., Sec. 86 26 Strike benefit, none for first week, Sec. 84 25 Strike benefit, paid in notes, Sec. 87 26 Strike benefit, to whom paid, Sec. 90, 91 27 Strike, ending of, Sec. 93 28 Strike, long continued, Sec. 85 25 Strike, members working during, Sec. 88 26 Strike, secret ballot on, Sec. 80 24 Strike, weekly report of, Sec. 92 27 Strikes, G.E.B. to pass on, Sec. 80, 81, 82 24 Strikes, procedure for, Sec. 79 23 Strikes, without authority, Sec. 89 27 Supplies furnished by G. S., Sec. 145, 42 Tailor, The, discuss candidates, when, Sec. 128 37 Tailor, The, free to members, Sec. 139 40 Tailor, The, publish members in good standing, Sec. 138 40 Tailor, The, published when, Sec. 137 40 Traveling members, Sec. 43 15 Traveling members books, Sec. 43 15 Traveling members present books, Sec. 48 16 Treasurer, General, duties of, Sec. 149 . . . 43 Treasurer, duties of local, Sec. 27 10 Trials and Appeals, Sec. 163 47 Vote of traveling members, Sec. 125 37 Widow’s benefit, Sec. 67 20 CONSTITUTION OF THE TAILORS INDUSTRIAL UNION (International) As revised by Bloomington Convention, 1913, and approved by general vote of the members of the J.T.U. of A. to January 1, 1914. PREAMBLE. Unity of purpose and unity of action on the part of the workers being necessary to protect their interest as workers, therefore have we or- ganized the Tailors Industrial Union, (Interna- tional), for the protection of our craftsmen. And for the elimination of the piece work system which has enslaved the workers where- ever practiced, engendering long hours of toil for small compensation, resulting in home work and other systems derogatory to the welfare of the tailors, and which has handicapped us in the forward movement and evolution for better con- ditions for those who toil; therefore, we are unalterably dedicated to establish the weekly system of employment as fast as it is safe and practicable. CONSTITUTION. Name. Section 1. This society shall be known as “Tail- ors Industrial Union, (International),” and shall consist of an unlimited number of local unions and members, who acknowledge its jurisdiction and are subject to its laws and usages. / 4 Book of Laws of the Jurisdiction. Sec. 2. The jurisdiction of T.I.U.I. shall be the United States and Canada, covering all workers, male or female, who are engaged in the tailoring industry and in cleaning, dyeing and pressing establishments, and bushelmen working in the clothing industry. Objects. Sec. 3. The objects of the T.I.U.I. are namely, to elevate our industry and by united effort place ourselves on a foundation sufficiently strong to prevent further encroachments; to en- courage a high standard of skill; to cultivate friendship and fraternity between the workers in the industry, to assist each other to secure employment, to secure free workshops, to reduce and limit the hours of labor and to use our in- fluence with the law makers of each state and province to secure the passage of laws that will prohibit sweating and home work, to secure ade- quate pay for our labor, to discountenance mem- bers from becoming members of the State militia except in case of invasion; to assist each other in case of need and distress; and by all honest and just means to elevate the moral, social and intellectual conditions of our members. Local Unions. Sec. 4. A local union may be organized by any number of workers under our jurisdiction, not less than five, provided they are qualified according to the constitution. They must apply to the G.S. for a charter, and shall send $1.00 initiation fee for each new member. On receipt of the initiation fees, the G.S. shall forward a Tailors Industrial Union , International, 5 charter to the new local union when approved by the G. E. Bw The outfit shall consist of a charter, seal, all necessary account books, stencil and report blanks, also membership book and a copy of the constitution for each member. The following abbreviations when used in any documents shall have the annexed meaning: T.I.U.I. — Tailors Industrial Union, Interna- tional. G.E.B. — General Executive Board. G.O. — General Organizer. G.S. — General Secretary. Asst. G.S. — Assistant General Secretary. G. T. — General Treasurer. L.U. — Local Union. R.S. — Recording and Corresponding Secretary. F. S. — Financial Secretary. G. F.— General Fund. Sec. 5. The officers of local unions shall ber president, vice-president, fin. sec., rec. sec., treas- urer, organizer, sergeant-at-arms and conductor. This rule may be suspended in case of new union should they be unable to fill all the offices. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the conductor to present all candidates to the president for obligar tion, and lead them to a seat at the conclusion of the obligation. Sec. 7. The local organizer shall he chairman of the organizing committee. He shall take up local organizing when instructed by the G.S. and be paid for his services. All his receipts to head- quarters must he O.Kd. by the president and secretary of the local. 6 Book of Laws of the Sec. 8. The Recording Secretary of each local union shall make a report to the General Secre- tary after each meeting of the local. Local Officers Obligation Sec. 9. I (name) do sincerely affirm that I will discharge the duties of the office to which I have been elected, to the best of my ability, that I will turn over all money, books and papers and any other property belonging to this L.U. to my successor, and use all honorable means to further the interests of our industry. To all of which I pledge my honor. Sec. 10. More than one local union of workers shall not be chartered in any city of less than 200,000 inhabitants, except by consent of the G.B.B. Sec. 11. All local unions of the T.I.U.I. must have a provision in their agreement limiting the hours of labor to not more than eight hours, for day and week work, with extra pay for over- time, and no new agreements shall be sanctioned by the T.I.U.I. without such provisions. Sec. 12. All local unions of the T.I.U.I. shall have the power to regulate the employment of helpers and finishers in their respective juris- diction. Members employing helpers and finish- ers for over two weeks who have not joined the local shall be fined $1.00 a week while said as- sistants are not members of the union; the fine to go to the local union. All help working at the trade for contractors or sub-bosses must be- come members of the union. Sec. 13. A L.U. shall not withdraw from the T.I.U.I., or dissolve so long as one-fourth of the members present and voting at any regular or Tailors Industrial Union , International. 7 special meeting object. Every member of the L.U. shall be notified of such meeting, whether regu- lar or special by the corresponding secretary of the Li.U., and shall at the same time be notified that the question of withdrawal or dissolution will be before the meeting for action, and three months* notice to the G.S. of any withdrawal shall be required and every member paid in full to date of withdrawal at expiration of three months* no- tice. Should any L.U. dissolve or withdraw under the provisions of this section, the charter, outfit, and all property and funds of such L.U. as have accumulated during their affiliation with the T.I.U.I. shall revert to the T.I.U.I., and shall be immediately forwarded to the G.S. Should a lo- cal be reorganized in such city or town, the charter, outfit, and all property and funds in the hands of the G.S. shall become the property of the reorganized local. Sec. 14. Any local union which fails to hold regular or special meetings for two consecutive months shall forfeit its charter. Sec. 15. Any tailors organizing a Local vhere none exists shall receive , two dollars per member from the General Treasury after the local has paid dues for three months. Sec. 16. A public meeting of each local union shall be held at least once a month for the discus* sion of the labor movement. Local unions shall have the power to fine members for non-attend- ance at such meetings. Sec. 17. At stated times each local union should have “social gatherings** for the entertainment of the members, their families, and their friends. Sec. 18. Each L.U. should maintain labor bu- reaus, found libraries, hold lectures and should be continuously affiliated with the regular Central Labor Body of their respective cities, maintain 8 Book of Laws of the and do all in their power to strengthen and pro- mote the labor movement. Sec. 19. Any officer or member who wilfully slanders another member of the T.I.U.I., or who wilfully violates the provisions of this constitu- tion, may be fined at the option of the L.U., on conviction thereof. Sec. 20a. The proper officers of the L.U. shall promptly and properly fill out all reports and statistical blanks furnished them by the G.S. and keep a copy of all reports sent to the G.S. Fail- ing to do so for two consecutive months, they shall be published in the Journal and the G.S. shall notify the president of the L.U. Sec. 20b. On the fifteenth day of January, April, July and October of each year, the F.S. of every local shall forward to the G.S. a full list of all members of the L.U. and it shall be the duty of the G.S. to return to the president (or record- ing secretary) of each local union their respect- ive lists with the standing of each member writ- ten thereon; the same to be read at the first meeting of the L.U. thereafter, and it shall be mandatory for each L.U. to have their books audited every six months. It shall be impera- tive on all Financial Secretaries or Treasurers to "-produce the receipts from headquarters for all moneys remitted, and have the same read at the following meeting after its receipt. Financial Secretaries failing to comply with this section shall be fined $1, fine to go to the L.U. Sec. 21. Where two or more locals exist in any one city, it shall be their duty to establish a district council consisting of not less than three members from each local. District Councils may be formed at the option of the locals, covering Tailors Industrial Union , International. 9 several cities. All local propositions of import- ance pertaining to the welfare of these locals and their joint condition should be considered and recommended by the district council. Upon fail- ure of the Council or the locals to agree on an important question, it may be submitted to the G.E.B. at headquarters for adjustment, and their decision shall be final, subject only to appeal to a Convention or vote of the general membership. Sec. z2. All local unions are requested to rent a postoffice box for the reception of mail. Sec. 23. We favor the adoption of the first Monday in September, and the first day of May as labor’s holidays, and hereby urge every L.U. and every member to carefully observe the same. Finance. Sec. 24. The initiation fee of new members shall be $2 and reinstatement fee shall be not less than $6 and no officer or memjber shall be exempt from payment of dues, levies or fines under any pretext whatever, provided, however, that tailors and tailoresses coming to this continent with clear books from foreign unions or other organizations shall be admitted without any initiation fees. Sec. 25. Each member of the T.I.U.I. shall pay to the G.S. through the local union to which they belong, a per capita tax of sixty-five cents per month, and half the initiation fees received from new or reinstated members. This, with all other income of the T.I.U.I., shall go to the general fund and shall be used for the management of the T.I.U.I. and the payment of all benefits, sick, strike, lockout, victimized, funeral, etc., to its members, according to the constitution. 10 Book of Laws of the Provided, however, that male and female help- ers and apprentices may pay the sum of 40 cents per capita tax to headquarters^ if they receive less than $12.00 per week. This reduced per capita tax shall not entitle them to either sick or death benefits. But should they desire to have the sick and death benefits they must pay the full per capita tax of 65 cents per month to headquarters. Sec. 26 . Members not paying their dues, levies, fines, etc., at the end of three months shall be allowed until the seventh day of the fourth month; if they do not by that time pay up they shall be stricken from the books of the L.U. The first meeting of every L.U. in December and June to be clearance days, at which time all arrears to the T.I.U.I and to the L. U. to the first day of January or July must be paid. Any member fail- ing to do so shall be fined $1; no further dues shall be accepted until the fine is paid. Fines collected under this section shall go, one-half to the T.I.U.I. and one-half to the local union. Sec. 27. The Treasurer of a L.U. shall for- ward to the G-.S. the funds provided in section 25 on or before the fifteenth day of each month for the preceding month. He shall ascertain the amount from the F.S. and receive from him the monthly report which shall be forwarded with the money. Failure to comply with this section will subject the officer in fault to a fine of $5, the fine to go to the T.I.U.I. Funds shall be sent by draft, postoffice order or express. Sec. 28. Any L.U. three months in arrears shall be allowed till the fifteenth day of the fourth month to pay up their arrears (except as pro- vided in section 26 as clearance days), if not then Tailors Industrial Union, International. 11 paid the L.U. shall be suspended. The G. S. shall notify the L.U. when two months in arrears. Sec. 29. Any local union or individual member of the T-I-U.I. desiring financial assistance shall send their appeal or statement to the G.S. for publication in “The Tailor,” and same shall be published if found to be in accord with the con- stitution. All appeals for financial assistance sent direct to the local by any L.U. or individual mem- ber shall be illegal and void. No appeal for finan- cial assistance, in case of strikes or lockout, shall be published in behalf of any local union unless at least one-third of their members have been out for a period of not less than four weeks. The G.E.B. shall have power, when exigencies of the case re- quire, to send out circular appeals of any charac- ter for L.U. or individual members in addition to publishing the same in “The Tailor.” Sec. 30. Local unions that collect fines against any tailor shall be entitled to retain 25 per cent, of the amount collected, the remainder to be re- mitted to the local that imposed the fine. Sec. 31. In case of long-continued strikes or threatened shortage of the general fund, the G.E. B. shall have power to declare a levy not to exceed 50 cents for each member per month, which shall be paid within thirty days by the local unions. Sec. 32. During such time as the T.I.U.I. shall be affiliated with the A.F. of L., or other similar organizations, it shall be the duty of the G.S. to pay each month the proper per capita tax, and any levies due by the T.I.U.I. to tfuch organiza- tion. Before joining any other organization it shall be referred for referendum. 12 Book of Laws of the MEMBERS AND MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 33. A candidate to be admitted to mem- bership in the T.I.U.I. must be eligible in accord with this constitution, and upon ballot for admis- sion must receive a majority vote of the L.U. favorable. All workers must become members. All applicants for membership must fill out and sign the following application blank, which blanks shall be furnished free to the local union: Tailors Industrial Union, International. Membership Application. City date 19... Name of Applicant Address What is your age Name of firm where employed Have you ever been a member of the T.I.U.I. be- fore? Have you ever been suspended from the T.I.U. I.? For what cause? - By what union? At the time of suspension were you indebted to the T.I.U.I. or the local union? .v^ : r Signature of Applicant. For making false statements, and in conse- quence thereof having been admitted to mem- bership, the applicant shall be fined or suspended as the union may deem fit. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 13 These application blanks shall be kept on file by the local unions. Sec. 34. The President of the L.U. or shop meeting shall obligate the members by the follow- ing pledge: The members of the union shall rise and re- main standing during the initiation of the newly elected member. The presiding officer shall re- quire each member to make the following affir- mation : I (name) hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm that I will not reveal any business or any pro- ceedings of any meeting of this union, unless by order of the union, to any but those whom I know to be members in good standing; that I will, without deceit or evasion, and to the best of my ability, abide by the by-laws and bills of prices of this union; that I will at all times abide by the decision of the majority and will use all honorable means to procure employment for members of this union in preference to others,, that I will not wrong a member or see one wronged, if it is in my power to prevent. That I will purchase union label goods when obtain- able and further the interests of union labor at all times. To all of which I do pledge my most sacred honor. Sec. 35. No person who has been fined, or re- jected by any L.U. shall be eligible for member- ship until all matters are settled to the entire satisfaction of the L.U. having the grievance. Sec. 36. Persons working at the trade in cities or towns where no union exists who are eligible under our law, shall be permitted to become new or reinstated members through the nearest local union or through headquarters upon payment of 14 Book of Laws of the the proper constitutional fee and are urged to do so. Members working in cities or towns where no union exists shall be permitted to pay their dues to the nearest local union or to headquarters. Such members shall not be exempt from local dues or levies whether paid to a L.U. or to headquar- ters. Sec. 37. Membership shall date from the time of initiation, reinstatement or from date of en- forcement of this constitution. Sec. 38. Each member of the T.I.U.I. shall be entitled to a copy of the constitution in the English language free of cost, or any other lan- guage, when one hundred copies have been or- dered by the locals for the use of their mem- bers. Sec. 39. Each member shall be entitled to all rights and benefits of the T.I.U.I. by strictly ad- hering to their obligations, and by the members of the L.U. strictly complying with this constitu- tion. Sec. 40. No member of the T.I.U.I. shall be allowed to injure the interests of another by un- dermining them in wages, or in any other wilful manner. Sec. 41. All business of the L.U. shall be kept strictly private from the employers, except other- wise ordered by vote of the L.U. Any member violating sections 40 and 41 may be punished by a fine as the L.U. may direct. Sec. 42. Members shall keep the F.S. notified of their address, and shall attend all meetings of the L.U. or shop, subject to such penalties as the L.U. may prescribe. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 15 Sec. 43. Members de'siring to travel or trans- fer their membership shall present their book to the F. S. for payment of per capita tax and local dues and levies for a stated time, which time shall not exceed three months in advance. This book shall be null and void, and the mem- bers shall be stricken from all rights, privileges and benefits unless presented to some local union or forwarded to the G.S. for renewal within three months after its expiration. The members* books shall be numbered by the G.S. when issued, with the same number as appears in the register. The G.S. shall devise a stencil for use by all locals with which to receipt members* books. Said sten- cil shall be sold to the locals at cost and no book shall be accepted by any local that is receipted in any other manner than by the stencil of some local or of the G.S. Sec. 44. If a member is square on the books and not under charges, the F.S. shall enter the local dues, per capita tax and levies without vote of the L.U. for the full time for which the member pays, which time shall not exceed three months in advance. Sec. 45. No L.U. shall have the right to collect dues again for the months entered in the mem- bers* book. The L.U. receiving advance dues, etc., shall pay the G.S. the per capita tax and levies for the member for the time the book holds good and the member shall be considered a traveling member of the L.U. that collected advance dues, until the member deposits his book in another L.U., when he shall become a member of that L.U. The F.S. of any L.U. may renew a travel- ing member’s book. A new book can be secured by any member on payment of five cents, which shall be sent to the G.S. 16 Book of Laws of the Sec. 46. Any member depositing a clear book shall be entitled to free entrance to any L.U. Sec. 47. Section 46 shall not entitle the mem- bers depositing a clear book to any special bene- fits provided by the L.U. without payment of such an amount as the L.U. charges for partic- pation therein. Sec. 48. Traveling members on arrival in any city or town where a local union exists shall pre- sent their book to the financial secretary or shop steward. Traveling members who commence working without presenting their books shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the local union. Sec. 49. Each L.U. shall be responsible for the per capita tax, levies and fines of all mem- bers paid to the L.U., and local unions shall be al- lowed until the fifteenth day of the fourth month to have payments of members at headquarters; the G.S. shall suspend all members whose dues are not received by him prior to the sixteenth day of the fourth month. Each L.U. shall be respons- ible for any and all benefits due members, or their heirs, where a member is not in benefit in the T.I.U.I. through neglect or fault of a L.U. or its officers to remit dues, etc., within the limit of time fixed in this section. Sec. 50. A vote of the L.U. shall not be re- quired to erase the name of a member in arrears; when members are two months in arrears, the P.S. shall notify them of the fact. Sec. 51. A stricken member forfeits all previ- ous rights and benefits, and to be reinstated must have all qualifications required of new members. A stricken member may be reinstated by any L.U. or by headquarters upon the payment of an initia- Tailors Industrial Union, International . 17 tion fee of not less than $6 and all fines due the L.U. or shop meeting of which they were formerly a member, half of which shall go to the general fund of the T.I.U.I. and half to be retained by the local union in which they are reinstated, provided that when a city or town is under organization, in a strike or lockout, or when a store can be saved to the union, that the G.E.B. shall have the power to grant a special dispensation so that stricken members may join for the same fee as a new member. Sec. 52. A reinstated member shall come in benefit the same as a new member. Sec. 53. A member desiring to leave the coun- try or quit the trade shall be allowed to with- draw from membership by paying all demands to date of withdrawal, surrender of their mem- bership book, and written notice of their with- drawal to the L.U. The surrendered book shall be sent to the G.S. Sec. 54. Members who withdraw can only again become members by joining as new mem- bers. Sec. 55. Members of the T.I.U.I. who become merchant tailors, cutters, contractors or sub- bosses, or who leave the trade, may remain in benefit in* the T.I.U.I. by paying the per capita tax and all assessments payable to the T.I.U.I. Such members shall not attend the meetings of the L.U. unless requested to do so by the L.U., nor shall they be required to pay local dues. (Con- tractors or sub-bosses shall be construed as those who employ more than one helper.) When any member in good standing for ten consecutive years reaches the age of sixty their local dues shall be remitted at the option of the L.U. 18 Book of Laws of the Funeral Benefit Claims. Sec. 56. All rules and regulations applying to payment of members* funeral benefits shall ap- ply to payments of widows’ funeral benefits. Sec. 57. On the death of a member or widow in benefit, their legal heirs shall be entitled to the funeral benefit, as provided by this constitu- tion. Sec. 58. If a member in benefit dies without heirs or any will, the L.U. may have them prop- erly buried or cremated, the expense of which shall not exceed the benefit, and in such case the T.I.U.I. shall not be liable for any further bene- fits in the name of the deceased. Sec. 59. A local union shall not be entitled to the funeral benefit of a deceased member unless they have paid the funeral expenses, and the local union shall only receive the exact amount ex- pended by them. A certificate signed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the L.U. shall accompany the claim, stating the exact amount expended. Sec. 60. Wjhen any death occurs, the person entitled to receive the benefit shall present to the L.U. a sworn certificate from a physician, coroner, or health officer, located where the death oc- curred; and if the same is approved by the L.U., it shall be forwarded to the G.S. by the P.S. with- out delay. Sec. 61. The F.S. shall forward to the G.S. the membership booK of the member, which shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the presiding officer, the F.S. and the Treasurer of the L.U. with the L.U. seal attached, which certificate shall certify the claim to be correct and approved by the L.U. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 19 Sec. 62. No benefits shall be paid to any mem- ber or to the heirs of any member where the L.U. fails to comply with sections 60 and 61 and the L.U. shall be responsible to the T.I.U.I. for any claim unjustly paid through the false represen- tation of the L.U. Sec. 63. Any officer or member making use of any improper means to obtain benefits, or who shall make false statements or knowingly sign or present any fraudulent claim, shall, upon proof thereof, be fined. Sec. 64. A L.U. shall not advance nor loan money on any claim for funeral benefits, except they do so entirely at their own risk. Sec. 65. No. L.U. or individual shall be per- mitted to negotiate with or purchase of any mem- ber of the T.I.U.I. the transfer or surrender of any funeral benefit prior to the death of the per- son entitled to receive the same. Upon the re- ceipt of the claim the G.S. shall submit the same to the G.E.B., and if approved by them the amount due shall, at once be forwarded by the G.S. to the L.U. in money order or draft, payable to the per- son entitled to receive it. The G.S. shall deduct from benefit due, any arrears for per capita tax or levies due the T.I.U.I. to the end of the month in which the death occurred, except that where the death occurs before the fifteenth day of the month no dues are to be charged for that month. Sec. 66. Each member shall be entitled to the following benefits under the conditions prescribed by this constitution: Members’ funeral benefits, which shall be twenty-five dollars after six months’ membership and payment of six months’ dues and levies; forty dollars after one year’s membership and payment 20 Book of Laws of the of one year’s dues and levies; fifty dollars after two years’ membership and payment of two years* dues and levies; seventy-five dollars after three years’ membership and payment of three years’ dues and levies; one hundred dollars after four years’ membership and payment of four years’ dues and levies. Sec. 67. Widows of deceased members shall be allowed to come into the benefit after the death of their husbands, by paying fifteen cents a month dues. On the death of such widow the benefits paid to their heirs by the T.I.U.I. shall be twen- ty-five dollars after six months’ payments, forty dollars after two years’ payments, fifty dollars after three years’ payments. All widows now in benefit or who may take advantage of this section prior to January 1, 1898, shall receive the bene- fits, but no Widows shall be admitted after Jan- uary 1, 1898. Sick Benefit. Sec. 68. All contributing members of the T.I.U.I. who have been in good standing one year immediately prior to their application for a sick benefit, and who have not broken any of these laws, and are paying no less than 85c dues per month, shall be entitled, should they become sick or disabled, or both, so that they cannot work, a sum of five ($5.00) dollars per week out of the general fund of this organization, if their sick- ness or disability has not been caused by intem- perance or immoral conduct, and provided they are within the United States or the Dominion of Canada. But no member shall be entitled to sick benefits for a longer period than ten weeks in any one year, whether the sickness or disabil- ity is continuous or periodical. Bach individual Tailors Industrial Union , International. 21 member’s sick benefit year shall be reckoned from the date in one year when sickness began (for which benefit was paid) to the same date in the following year, but no benefits shall be paid for the first week of sickness nor in any case where the claim is not forwarded to the G.S. within thirty days from the date it is due. Sec. 69. The executive board of any local union may order paid, out of their treasury, the benefits of their sick members, but no local treas- urer shall pay a sick benefit unless the application is accompanied by a certificate of an attending doctor and also a certificate signed by the presi- dent, financial secretary and recording secretary of his local. All locals that pay sick benefits out of their treasuries in accord with this law shall be reimbursed from the general fund by the Gen- eral Secretary. When this is done local treas- urers also must endorse the benefit certificates under these words: “Paid by Local No. — .” Lo- cals that do not advance sick benefits out of their treasuries may send their properly attested and signed claims directly to the General Secretary and he shall forward the money at once, provided said claims are made out in strict conformity with the above provisions. Sec. 70. Uniform application blanks for bene- fits and receipts for money, both for members and for locals, shall be isued by the G.S. free of charge, and all members and all locals must use them exclusively. Sec. 71. Each local shall appoint one or more members, according to its size, as the person or persons to whom sick members must send their report of sickness. The appointed members who receive the notice must investigate immediately and report ta the local or its officers. A doctor’s 22 Book of Laws of the signed certificate must be furnished every two weeks during continued sickness or disability. Sec. 72. All locals shall have the right to ap- point their sick committee or committees, in ac- cord with their size and situation, but in no in- stance shall a committee consist of less than three members, and they must visit sick members not less than once a week; no two of the committee, however, shall visit a sick member at the same time. Members of committees who fail to per- form their duties shall be fined not less than 50 ■cents nor more than two ($2.00) dollars for each •offense. These committees shall perform their du- ties gratis, or receive such compensation as each local may decide to pay. Sec. 73. If any doubt be entertained as to the sickness or disability of any member claiming sick benefit, the executive board of any local, or its visiting committee, or any member delegated with this authority shall have power to take the opinion of an outside physician. If a visiting committee is refused admittance to a house, or not permitted to see a sick member, no benefit shall be paid to that member until after the ob- jection is removed, and their sickness shall be reckoned as commencing from the day the com- mittee were allowed free access to their presence, unless the member has a contagious disease. Com- mittees are excused from visiting members who have contagious diseases. A doctor’s certificate stating a member’s disease is contagious, shall be sufficient evidence to justify the payment of a benefit. Sec. 74. Members taken sick within the jur- isdiction of the T.I.U.I. but outside a city wherein there is a local union, must deposit their book Tailors Industrial Union , International. 2 3 > with the nearest local, and apply to them for benefit. If they are reasonably beyond the reach of a committee they must not only send a doctor’s certificate, but the doctor’s affidavit also. Sec. 75. Local unions may pay the dues, levies and per capita tax of their sick members,* but they may, at their will, reimburse their treasuries from the benefits due said members. Sec. 76. Female members of the T.I.U.I. shall! not receive any sick benefit three weeks before and five weeks after confinement. Sec. 77. Members permanently disabled by chronic disability, or sickness shall, after the pay- ment of two years’ sick benefit at five dollars per week, receive the third year $4 per week for ten weeks, for the fourth year $3 per week for ten weeks; for the fifth year $2 per week for ten weeks. After the fifth year, all sick benefits to such members shall cease, for the same disability or sickness. Sec. 78. Members permanently disabled and unable to work, shall not be required to furnish a doctor’s certificate more than one time during the ten weeks, in any one year that said members are entitled to sick benefit. Local unions to make reports as per constitu- tion. Strikes and Lockouts. Sec. 79. When any difficulty arises between the members of any.L.U. and their employers, the members shall lay the case before the L.U., and if approved by the L.TL, the L.U. shall appoint a committee of three good members to investigate the case and wait on the employer with whom the trouble exists, and try to settle the same; said 24 Book of Laws of the committee shall make a full report at the next meeting of the L.U. Sec. 80. If the committee reports it is unable to settle the trouble, then the case shall at once be submitted for a secret vote of the local union (only such members to have the right to vote who have been members of the local union for at least two months) as to whether or not the members shall be called out and supported, and if a two- thirds majority vote to sustain the members, the R.S. of the local union shall at once transmit to the G.S. a full statement of the case upon blanks to be furnished to the local union by the G.S. or by wire, giving the number of members involved; cause of difficulty, if all the members will come out; conditions of trade, and prospects of success; upon receipt of such statement the G.S. shall call the G.E.B. together within twenty- four hours to act upon the application of the local union for support. Applications for support not made in accord with this section shall not be considered by the G.E.B. Provided, however, that a compliance by the Ex. Board of the L.U. with the requirements or Secs. 79 and 80 shall be considered by the G.E.B. as a full compliance with the law, but no strike can be called by any L.U. without having secured a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the L.U. in favor thereof. Sec. 81. The G.E.B. shall then have the power to sustain or refuse to sustain the action of the L.U., provided the L.U. has complied strictly with this constitution. The G.S. shall notify the L.U. of the decision of the G.E.B. without delay Fail- ure on the part of the L.U. to comply with any provision of this constitution shall absolutely de- bar them from receipt of benefit. Tailors Industrial Union, International. 25 Sec. 82. In case the G.E.B. refuses to sustain the L.U. in their application for support, the local union can appeal to the G.S. for a vote of all the local unions on their request for support and it shall be the duty of the GS. to submit the appeal and the facts in the case to a vote of the general membership, which vote shall be returned to the G.S. within fifteen days; and if the appeal is sus- tained by a majority of the members voting, the L.U. shall be sustained by the G.E.B. The G.E.B. shall not sustain a strike for a scale of prices by any L.U. unless the bill of prices contains a scale for coats, vests and trousers, and no strike shall be supported where the employer desires to change from the piece system to weekly system, where conditions are satisfactory to the em- ployees. Sec. 83. Strike or lockout benefits shall be five ($5.00) dollars per week for each member out when approved by the G.E.B. in accord with this constitution. Sec. 84. The T.I.U.I. shall not pay strike or lockout benefit in any strike or lockout for the first week. In case of any strike or lockout in- volving one-third or more of the members of the T.I.U.I. no benefits shall be paid. Sec. 85. When an authorized strike or lockout is in progress that cannot be settled within two weeks, and there are no prospects of a settlement in the near future, the force of striking or locked out members may be reduced, as rapidly as possi- ble, by encouraging them to secure employment elsewhere, until only enough are left to do picket duty; then these remaining members shall stay on the strike list and do picket duty until the strike or lockout is settled or declared off by the 26 Book of Laws of the union. When seventy (70%) per cent of all members who came out shall have secured em- ployment under these conditions and are off the benefit list, those remaining shall have their benefits increased to a sum which in the esti- mation of the involved local is right, but such sum must not be greater than a bushelman’s wages of the struck house, or houses involved. Two-thirds ( 2 A ) of this increased benefit shall be paid by the T.I.U.I. in place of the regular bene- fit, and the other third of this increased bene- fit shall be paid by the local or locals involved. But this method of reducing the number on strike and increasing the benefit shall not apply in case of a general strike. Sec. 86. The G.S. shall forward all money at the close of each week, due member for strike, lockout or victimized benefits, to the Treasurer, and notify the Secretary of the L.U. and the L.U. shall send the G.S. a weekly certificate of all members entitled to benefits, and on receipt of money from the G.S. shall pay the same to the members entitled thereto. Sec. 87. If at any time the funds of the T.I.U.I. will not warrant payment of full strike benefit, the G.E.B. shall have power to pay part benefit and issue to each member a due bill each week for the amount not paid; such due bills shall be paid by the T.I.U.I. in their numerical order as rapidly as possible. Members holding due bills who become fined, or stricken, shall forfeit all claims against the T.I.U.I. for payment of same. Sec. 88. Any member or other person going to work for any employer during a duly recognized strike or lockout against such employer, shall be fined, after trial and conviction, such sum as the Tailors Industrial Union , International. 2 7 L.U. may direct, but in no case shall the fine be less than $5, nor more than $25, which fine must be paid in full before the person can be rein- stated or become a new member, unless the fine be remitted or reduced by the L.U. that imposed it. Sec. 89. Any L.U. desiring assistance from the T.I.U.I. cannot order a strike or call any mem- bers out until authorized by the G.E.B. to do so. All strikes commenced by the L.U. without the sanction and consent of the G.E.B. shall be at the risk and expense of the L.U. Sec. 90. No person shall be entitled to strike benefits unless they are members of the T.I.U.I. prior to the day on which the strike is declared nor shall the members of a local union be en- titled to strike benefits before the local union has been six months a member of the T.I.U.I., and has paid six months’ dues and levies and is in good standing. No local union shall receive strike benefit where they have broken an existing con- tract with employers. No member shall receive strike benefit if employed. Sec. 91. In case of local unions engaged in strikes or lockouts, where part of the members originally called out obtain work in other stores or leave the city, the L.U. shall have the right to put in their place for benefit tailors called out after the strike began, provided they become members, but not in any case to an extent ex- ceeding in number those who have been taken off the benefit list by securing work or having left the city. Sec. 92. During the progress of any strike or lockout, the L.U., by its proper officers, shall make a weekly report of the progress of the strike or 28 Book of Laws of the lockout on blanks to be furnished to the L.U. by the G.S. Failure of the officers to send in said report shall subject them to a fine of $10 each, one-half to go to the L.U. and one-half to the T.I.U.I. Said report to be signed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer, and shall bear the seal of the L.TJ. Sec, 93. When after careful investigation by the G.E.B. it is found desirable that a strike shall cease, they shall have the right to withhold further payment of strike benefit but the L.U. shall have the right of appeal to a general vote, to the next convention, or to the committee on law and audit, and if the appeal is sustained by a majority of the members voting, by the convention, or by the com- mittee, the L.U. shall receive for the members engaged in such strike or lockout from the gen- eral fund of the T.I.U.I. such sums as they are entitled to receive. The G.E.B. shall again have the right after the expiration of what they may deem a sufficient period, to re-submit the case for a general vote. Sec. 94. Members victimized on account of their activity for the interest of the L.U. or T.I.U.I. shall be entitled to the strike benefit, un- der the same rules that govern the payment in case of strikes or lockouts. Sec. 95. In case of strike or lockout all con- ferences with employers shall be by duly author- ized committees of the L.U. and in no case by the individual members. General Convention. Sec. 96. The T.I.U.I. shall hold a convention beginning the first Monday in August, 1909, and *every four years thereafter. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 29 Sec. 97. On motion of any local union or the G.E.B., which must be published in the Journal, and which is seconded by one-fourth of the locals of the T.I.U.I., a special convention may be called to meet at a time and place designated in the motion, provided a majority vote of the general membership approve it. When one-fourth of the locals have seconded such a motion the G.S. shall prepare ballots and send them out for a general vote. All seconds to such motions must be pub- lished in full in the Journal, and also all protests and reasons why the motion should not be ap- proved. Sec. 98. A quorum for the transaction of busi- ness shall consist of two-thirds of the delegates attending the Convention or Committee on Law and Audit. Delegates absent at roll call shall be fined $1 unless they are sick or on business of the convention or committee, which fine shall be paid forthwith. The hours of the session shall be from 8:30 to 12, and from 1:30 to 5:30. Sec. 99. The convention shall be governed by the following order of business, unless suspended by a two-thirds majority: Call to order by the G.S. Election of temporary chairman. Appointment of a Committee on Credentials. Report of Credential Committee. Election of permanent chairman. Roll call. Report of officers. Reading of minutes. Appointment and election of committees. Communications and bills. Resolutions, appeals, grievances, etc. Reports of Local Unions in writing. 30 Book of Laws of the Report of committees. Unfinished business. New business. Election of officers and delegates to A.F. of L. Installation of officers. Selection of place for next convention. Good and Welfare. Adjournment. Sec. 100. Local unions shall be entitled to rep- resentation in the convention as follows: Unions with less than 100 members, one delegate; 100 to 250 members, two delegates, 250 to 400 members, three delegates; 400 to 550 members, four dele- gates; 550 to 700 members, five delegates; 700 to 850 members, six delegates; 850 members, or over, seven delegates. The number of delegates to which each L.U. is entitled, to be based on the last quar- terly report sent to headquarters. Sec. 101. Each delegate to the Convention or Committee on Laws and Audit shall be allowed one vote. No proxies shall be allowed. Sec. 102. Expenses of delegates to the conven- tion shall be paid by the L.U. they represent, ex- cept the mileage of each delegate to the city where the convention is held and return to their homes by the most direct route, which shall be paid from the general fund of the T.I.U.I. The G.S. is hereby instructed that all payments of mileage and per diem for future conventions be paid at the convention, except in such cases where the local union guarantees the return of mileage if the delegates do not report every day at the convention unless prevented by sickness. Sec. 103. No L.U. shall be allowed representa- tion, that is more than one month in arrears to the T.I.U.I. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 31 Sec. 104. Each, delegate shall establish their right to a seat in the convention or Committee on Laws and Audit by credentials signed by the presiding officer and Corresponding Secretary of the L.U. with the seal of the L.U. attached. One alternate for each delegate shall be eiected to act in case of the disability of the delegate to attend. Sec. 105. All delegates shall be elected by bal- lot, not later than June 30 preceding the conven- tion or meeting of committee, and no person shall be eligible as a delegate unless they are tailors working at the trade or a salaried official of the T.I.U.L or of some L.U. that has been at least six months a member in good standing of the T.I.U.I., provided the local union has been that long in existence. Sec. 106. All sessions of the Convention and Committee on Laws and Audit shall be open to the public, except executive sessions. 1 Sec. 107. The proceedings of the convention or Committee on Laws and Audit shall be governed as to parliamentary rulings by Roberts’ rules of Order. The chairman of the Convention or Com- mittee on Laws and Audit shall act in a fair and impartial manner; he shall appoint all commit- tees necessary to carry on the work, unless other- wise ordered by the convention or the commit- tee. Sec. 108. Prior to each convention or session of Committee on Law and Audit, each local union and every good standing member and the gen- eral executive officers shall have the right to send to the G.S. proposed amendments or additions to the laws of the T.I.U.I. (any proposed law or amendment not bearing the name of the local, member or committee offering it, shall not be pub- 32 Book of Laws of the lished in the Journal, or given any consideration by either the convention or the Committee on Law), which the G.E.B. shall submit to the Com- mittee on Laws, when they assemble. All amend- ments received in time by the G.S. shall be pub- lished in the June and July issues of The Tailor. Two weeks prior to the Opening of the conven- tion or meeting of Committee on Laws and Audit, the G.S. shall forward to each delegate a copy of all propositions in his hands. Sec. 109. All delegates to the convention or Committee on Laws and Audit shall have the right to propose amendments or additions to the con? stitution during the session of the convention or committee. Sec. 110. Any and all changes in this constitu- tion, adopted at any session of the convention or Committee on Laws and Audit shall not become a law until approved by a majority of the mem- bers voting on its adoption. The G.S. shall submit all changes maae by the convention or commit- tee for a general vote within twenty days after the close of the sessions, and the vote of the local union shall be sent to the G.S. by November 5, following and the laws approved by the general vote shall go into force and effect on January 1 succeeding. All amendments or additions shall b© submitted separately so far as they are inde- pendent of each other. The convention or com- mittee shall designate what amendments or ad- ditions shall be submitted together as one prop- osition. Sec. 111. During the interim between conven- tions any L.U. may propose amendments or ad- ditions to the constitution, which shall be in- serted in the journal, and if one-fourth of the lo- cal unions composing the T.I.U.I. second the same Tailors Industrial Union , International. 33 within ninety days from date of publication the G.S. shall submit the proposition for a vote of the general membership, and 1 if approved by a majority of the members voting, the same shall become a law. Sec. 112. Such number of delegates as the T. I.U.I. is entitled to have at the A.F. of L. conven- tion shall be elected by the convention for the first convention of the A.F. of L. subsequent to the session of our convention. Sec. 113. Delegates to subsequent conventions of the A.F. of L to be elected each year by a vote of the general membership. Six months prior to holding of convention, the G.S. shall submit a cir- cular to all locals of the T.I.U.I. requesting nomina- tions for delegates, which must be returned to the G.S. by such locals as wish to nominate a candi- date within thirty days. Upon return of cir- culars the G.S. shall prepare ballots, the names of candidates to appear in alphabetical order. Said ballots to be furnished to locals in sufficient num- ber for all members. The return votes shall be in the hands of the G.S. at least sixty days prior to convention. The candidates receiving the lar- gest number of votes cast to be declared elected. No local shall be allowed more than one candi- date. And only such members shall be eligible who are actively working in our industry or who are employed by a local or the T.I.U.I. Sec. 114. During the week of the sessions of the convention or Committee on Laws and Audit, not more than one session shall be dispensed with or curtailed for entertainment purposes. Sec. 115. On or before the fifteenth day of July preceding each convention, it shall be the duty of the G.E.B. to appoint from the delegates-elect 34 Book of Laws of the a committee of nine, located in nine different states and provinces. Seven of the delegates named shall be from locals in the United States and two from Canada. None of the said commit- tee shall be appointed from a city in which the headquarters are located, or from a local union in which any general officer is a member. This committee shall constitute and act as a Commit- tee on Laws, Audit and Credentials, and shall meet at the place for holding the convention six days prior to the opening of the convention. The G.S., G.T. and one general organizer as designated by the G.E.B. shall be ex-officio members of said committee. Ex-officio members shall have no vote upon financial matters, or upon matters in which as officers they are personally interested. To said committee shall be submitted all accounts of the T.I.U.I. for audit from the date of last general audit; also, all proposed amendments or additions to laws of the T.I.U.I. received from any local union or good standing member, or from the executive officers of the T.I.U.I. The com- mittee shall act on all matters submitted to them, and shall have a written report ready to submit to the convention when it convenes. They shall receive for their services the sum of $3.50 per day, their railroad fare and hotel expenses from the general fund of the T.I.U.I., except the G.S. and G.O., who shall receive railroad fare and hotel expenses. No local union shall be called upon twice to furnish a member on the Law, Audit and Credential Committee, until all locals in the T.I.U.I. shall have sent a delegate to said com- mittee. Sec. 116. The G.S. shall call the convention to order at the appointed time; he shall attend all sessions of the convention, his expenses to be paid from the general fund of the T.I.U.I. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 35 General Officers. Sec. 117. The General Officers of the T.I.U.I. shall be a General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, General Treasurer, G.E.B., and General Organizers; the term of office of the G.S. and G.T. shall be four years from the first of July succeeding their election, or until their successors have been duly elected and have properly quali- fied according to this constitution. The G.S. and G.T. shall be elected by a vote of the general membership of the T.I.U.I. Sec. 118. On July 1, 1909, and every four years thereafter the G.S. shall submit a circular to all locals of the T.I.U.I., requesting nominations for G.S. and G.T. The names and addresses of all nominees must be in the hands of the G.S. on or before September 1, following. A L.U. shall be allowed to make but one nomination for each office to be filled. Nominations to be made by ballot. Sec. 119. On or before September 10 the G.S. shall notify all nominees that they have been nominated, and each nominee desiring to be a candidate must, on or before October 5 following, write a letter for publication in The Tailor, de- fining the policy they will follow if elected, and answer the following questions: First, Are you competent to keep the financial accounts of the union properly? Second, How long have you worked at the trade within the jurisdiction of the T.I.U.I.? Third, How long have you been a mem- ber of the T.I.U.I. continuously; and stating therein if they are qualified in accord with the constitution and can give the required bonds. Sec. 120. On or before November 5 of the year in which the election of the G.S. and G.T. is te 36 Book of Laws of the be held by popular vote, the G.S. shall prepare blanks on which each L.U. shall make their re- turns. He shall also prepare ballots according to the Australian ballot system, the names of all can- didates to appear thereon in alphabetical order. Said blanks and ballots shall be furnished the lo- cals in sufficiert number for all members. Sec. 121. The election of the G.T. and G.S. shall be held by every local of the T.I.IT.I the second Monday in December of the year 1909, and every four years thereafter. A majority of all votes cast shall be required to elect. The returns on all elections and on all other ques- tions submitted to a referendum vote shall be mailed to the G.S. within eight days after the vote of the L.U. has been taken, otherwise they shall not be counted, and the detail returns shall appear in The Tailor. The canvass of the votes shall be made by the G.E.B. at their first meeting after a general vote has been taken, and they shall declare the result. The G.S. shall preserve the envelopes in which all returns are received for inspection by the G.E.B. A fine of five dollars shall be placed on any L.U. failing to take the vote at the proper time, or that fails to mail the vote of the L.U. within eight days after the vote has been taken. Sec. 122. If no candidate receives a majority of all votes cast, a second ballot shall be taken by each L.U. in the same manner as the first ballot, on the first Monday in March following. Eor the second ballot all candidates shall be dropped except the two for each office to be filled that received the highest vote for each office on the first ballot. Sec. 123. All ballots cast by the members shall be preserved by the Treasurer of the L.U. for at Tailors Industrial Union, International. 37 least sixty days after the date of election and shall be subject to inspection and recount. Sec. 124. No member shall be excused from Toting for any cause except personal sickness. Members necessarily absent from the city, or hav- ing sickness in their families shall be permitted to prepare their ballots prior to election day and deposit the same with the F.S.; such ballot shall be counted by the tellers. Members failing to vote shall be fined fifty cents, one-half the fine to go to the general fund of the T.I.U.I. and one- half to the L.U. Sec. 125. Traveling members can send their vote in writing upon a form that shall appear in The Tailor, to the nearest L.U. Sec. 126. Any member elected to a general office who shall fail to qualify in accord with the laws of the T.I.U.I. shall be fined by the G.E.B. the sum of $100. Sec. 127. No member of the T.I.U.I. shall be eligible for election for General Secretary or General Treasurer unless such member is working at the trade, or employed by the organization, and have been at least four years continuously a mem- ber of the T.I.U.I. prior to date of nomination. Sec. 128. The columns of The Tailor shall be open without reserve for the discussion of the merits and demerits of candidates for G.S. and G.T. four issues prior to election. Members de- siring to be candidates may insert an announce- ment in The Tailor three months prior to the close of nominations. No local unions, committee or member shall be permitted to send out cir- culars upon any pending election of general offi- cers, after November 23 preceding an election. 38 Book of Laws of the Sec. 129. Any general officer may be removed upon charges preferred against them by a local union or the G.E.B. if the charges are sustained by a majority of the general membership, the vote to be sent by the L.U.’s to the G.E.B. within twenty-five days after submission of the charges. General Organizers. Sec. 130. The General Organizers shall be elected by the G.E.B. for terms of six months, subject to Section 132; not more than four Gen- eral Organizers shall be in the employ of the T.I.U.I. at the same time. Provided, however, that in emergency the G.E. B. shall have the power to appoint additional General Organizers. One G.O. shall be elected from the membership of Canadian locals. Sec. 131. It shall be the duty of the G.O. to look after the interest of the T.I.U.I.; to organ- ize new locals; visit existing locals; to adjust internal differences; to assist local unions in ad- justing threatened strikes and lockouts; to audit accounts of locals, and in all matters officially represent the T.I.U.I. in accord with the consti- tution and directions from headquarters, and per- form such other duties as may be assigned to them by the G.E.B. They shall render a monthly report to the G.S., which shall be published in The Tailor. Sec. 132. The G. O. shall receive their com- missions from the G.S. and must be good stand- ing members of some local union of the T.I.U.I. The G.E.B. shall have power to remove any or- ganizer and recall their commission and elect their successors for failure to properly and satis- factorily perform their duties. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 39 Sec. 133. General Organizers when traveling shall receive three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) a day wages and two dollars ($2.00) per day hotel bill, and railroad fare, General Organizers located and working exclusively in one city shall receive $27 per week, no other expenses shall be allowed. They shall devote their entire time to the serv- ice of the T.I.U.I., and each L.U. visited by a G.O. shall report to the G.S. regarding the work of the G.O. immediately after his departure. General Secretary. Sec. 134. The G.S. shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the convention and Commit- tee on Laws and Audit and publish the same in the journal, preserve all important letters, documents, (papers, books, etc., all copies of letters sent on business of the T.I.U.I. He shall be custodian of the seal of the T.I.U.I., shall conduct all correspondence of the T.I.U.I. He shall receive all moneys due the T.I.U.I., giving his receipt therefor. He shall keep a correct account of all financial business of the T.I.U.I. and pay over to the G.T., taking his receipt therefor, all surplus funds exceeding $1,000 in his hands at the end of each month after paying all claims approved by the G.E.B. Sec. 135. The G.S. shall prepare anl keep a register in which shall appear the name of every member of the T.I.U.I. and their financial stand- ing with the T.I.U.I., which register shall be com- piled from the monthly reports of the L.U.’s; the register shall be the guide for the G.E.B. and G.S. in determining whether a member is in good standing or not; he shall issue to each member of 40 Book of Laws of the the T.I.U.I. a membership book, bearing the same number as appears in the register opposite the member’s name. Sec. 136. The G.S. shall receive all applica- tions for charters and supplies and shall grant and send the same when approved by the G.E.B. Sec. 137. If the G.S. is in need of office help he shall secure necessary help subject to the approval of the G.E.B. Members of the T.I.U.I. shall have preference and a notice shall be inserted in the Journal* requesting applications and stating the kind of work to be done and the rate of compen- sation. He shall edit and publish the official jour- nal, “The Tailor,” on or about the fifteenth day of each month, which shall contain a full itemized account of the receipts and expenses for the pre- ceding month; he shall insert the addresses oLthe local corresponding secretaries and the place and time of meeting of each local union under one heading; also a list of all persons under fine by any L.U. Sec. 138. In the January and July issues of each year he shall publish the number of members in good standing in the T.I.U.I. and when the total balances are not published monthly in The Tailor the G.S. shall send a report of the same quarterly to each L.U. and shall insert such other matters as are of general interest to the members. Sec. 139. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to a copy of the monthly journal free, the same to be sent by the G.S. to the Secretary of the L.U. or such other person as the L.U. may indicate or to the address of the individual mem- ber. All correspondence from local unions which is not of a personal nature, either direct or in- direct, shall be published in The Tailor as sent Tailors Industrial Union, International . 41 in by each local and not to be subjected to changes by the General Secretary or Executive Board when duly approved or endorsed by such local; and in order to have a free and un tram- meled press, four pages shall be open to all shades of thought on political, social and economic ques- tions. For the open forum the editor shall not be responsible. Sec. 140. All correspondence from local unions or members received by the editor for publication in The Tailor appearing of an objectionable nature the G.S. shall at once transmit same to the G.E.B. by mail. The G.E.B. shall render an answer of their judgment to the editor in twenty-four hours after the receipt of this correspondence. If the decision is favorable the editor shall then pub- lish this matter in the next issue of The Tailor. Sec. 141. The G.S. shall submit a quadrennial report closing July 1, prior to the convention, with any recommendations he may consider necessary, and shall perform all the duties devolving upon him under the constitution, or required of him by the G.E.B. Sec. 142. The G.S. shall devote his entire time to the service of the T.I.U.I., and shall receive as compensation the sum of $30 per week. He shall give bonds to the amount of $20,000. The sur- eties on the bond shall be owners of real estate, or some reliable surety company, the cost of the bond to be paid by the T.I.U.I. Sec. 143. The G.S. shall act as secretary of the G.E.B. He shall call the convention and Com- mittee on Laws and Audit to order, after which all delegates present whose seats are not con- tested, shall elect a temporary chairman. 42 Book of Laws of the Sec. 144. The G.S. shall prepare a local F.S/s book, treasurer’s warrant book, member’s book, stencil for the use of the L.U.’s, and every L.U. shall purchase them and keep their accounts in ac- cordance therewith. Sec. 145. All supplies shall be furnished by the G.S. on the order the the F.S. of any L.U. in good standing, and the money for the same shall ac- company the orders. The G.S. shall not give credit to any L.U. No L.U. shall have power to grant or receive any books not from the G.S. Sec. 146. The General Secretary shall receive competitive bids for all printing, etc., and shall report the same to the G.E.B., who shall award contracts to the lowest bidder for the printing of The Tailor, ledgers, receipts, books, monthly re- ports and supplies for headquarters and local unions. Sec. 147. The G.S. shall issue a monthly letter in The Tailor to the locals, showing the progress of the past month, prospects for the future and appealing and urging the membership to be more active; also calling the attention of the members to special activities that shall be taken up to better the T.I.U.I. and such other matters as shall arouse the enthusiasm of the members and which shall have the tendency to make each one a worker for the cause. Assistant General Secretary. Sec. 148. The Assistant General Secretary shall be appointed by the G.E.B. from the mem- bership of the T.I.U.I. at a salary not exceeding $24 per week. The duties of the Asst. Secretary shall be to assist the Gen. Secretary in the work of the Tailors Industrial Union , International. 43 General Office, travel in the interest of the union when required; in the absence of the G.S., per- form his duties. He shall devote his entire time to the service of the T.I.U.I., shall give bonds in the sum of $5,000 and shall be under the direc- tion of the G.S. General Treasurer. Sec. 149. The General Treasurer shall receive and take charge of all surplus funds of the T.I.U.I. He shall pay all warrants regularly drawn on him by a majority vote of the G.E.B. and signed by the G.S. and the chairman of the G.E.B. He shall not hold in his possession more than $500, and all over that amount he shall deposit within twenty-four hours in some bank approved by the G.E.B. , and shall not draw any amount from the bank except by check signed by the G.S., himself and one member of the G.E.B., with the seal of the T.I.U.I. thereon. He shall give bonds to such an amount as shall be fixed by the G.E.B. at their October meeting of each year, which shall not be a less amount than the G.T. has in his possession. Failure on the part of the G.T. to give the required bond shall cause the office of the G.T. to be declared vacant, and the G.E.B. shall proceed in accord with the law to fill the vacancy. Interest shall be collected semi-annually and turned over to the G.S. The sureties on the bond shall be owners of real estate, or some re- liable surety company; the cost of the bond to be paid from the funds of the T.I.U.I. He shall submit to the convention or Committee on Laws and Audit a full report of all moneys re- ceived and paid out by him, together with any other information in his possession of importance to the T.I.U.I. He shall receive for his serv~ 44 Book of Laws of the ices the sum of $100 per year. He shall be present at all conventions and sessions of the Committee on Laws and Audit. His expenses shall be paid from the general fund df the T.I.U.I. He shall also receive for attendance at the meetings of the G.E.B. the same compensation as a mem- ber of the G.E.B. General Executive Board. Sec. 150. The G.E.B. shall consist of five mem- bers, who must be actively working at the trade or in the employ of a local union and at least four years members of the T.I.U.I. They shall be elected by secret ballot on receipt of notice from the G.S. as ‘follows: One by the L.U. in the city where headquarters is located, one by each of the four largest locals within a radius of 300 miles by railroad line, from headquarters, not more than one member to be elected from any one city. All members of the G.E.B. shall be elected for a term of one year. Sec. 151. The G.E.B. shall elect one of their own members as chairman; they shall hold regu- lar monthly meetings, and special meetings when notified by the G.S., and the G.T. and G.S. shall be entitled to a seat and a voice in all the meet- ings, but no vote. Correspondence from or to the G.E.B. shall be through the G.S. Sec. 152. The G.E.B. shall decide all points of law arising under the jurisdiction of the T.I.U.I., also claims, grievances, and appeals, subject only to further appeal as provided by this constitu- tion. They shall have power to authorize strikes and support lockouts in accord with this constitu- tion, and have general supervision of affairs of the T.I.U.I. Tailors Industrial Union , International. 45 Sec. 153. In case of strikes or lockouts, or threatened lapse of any L.U., the G.E.B. shall have the power to appoint a member or members of the T.I.U.I. to visit the place and try and settle the difficulty. Sec. 154. It shall be the duty of the G.E.B. to have the bonds of the G.S. and G.T. prepared and hold them in trust for the T.I.U.I. In case of the increase of funds of the T.I.U.I. beyond the sum of $10,000, the G.E.B., in conjunction with the G.S. and G.T., shall invest the overplus, when amounting to over $1,000, in United States bonds, or shall deposit the same in some bank on certifi- cate of deposit, neither of which shall be cashed without the signature of the G.S., G.T. and the chairman of the G.E.B.; and shall perform such other duties as the constitution shall prescribe. They shall be paid for their services for all time spent by them in the interest of the T.I.U.I., $3.50 per day, hotel expenses and railroad fare. All interest on deposits shall be turned into the treas- ury of the T.I.U.I. Sec. 155. At any time the G.E.B. considers a new law or amendment to this constitution nec- essary for the proper government and welfare of the T.I.U.I., or considers it necessary to hold a special convention, they shall have the power to submit the same to the local unions for ratifica- tion and if a majority of all members voting ap- prove any such proposition it shall become a law. Sec. 156. It shall be the duty of the G.E.B. in case of the violation of the law of the United States or Canada, prohibiting the importation of labor under contract in our trade, to prosecute the parties violating to the utmost extent. Sec. 157. The G.E.B. shall attend all conven- tions of the T.I.U.I. (without votes if not dele- 46 Book of Laws of the gates). They shall hold executive meetings on their own initiative during the week of conven- tion, and also pass on matters referred to them by the convention. Sec. 158. The compensation of all officers or other persons rendering service to the T.I.U.I. whose compensation is not fixed by the constitu- tion, shall be fixed by the G.E.B. Sec. 159. Any vacancy occurring in the office of G.S. or G.T. shall be filled by the G.E.B. for the remainder of the unexpired term. Vacancies in the office of G.O. shall be filled by the G.E.B. Vacancies in the G.E.B. shall be filled from the cities entitled. Sec. 160. The G.E.B. shall do all in their power to discourage strikes and adopt such means as will tend to bring about an amicable understand- ing between our members and their employers. Sec. 161. The G.E.B. shall have power to ap- propriate moneys from the general fund to as- sist local unions to maintain permanent salaried local organizers who devote their entire time to this work; no appropriation shall exceed ten per cent of the amount paid by the local union to the T.I.UII. for the previous six months; the re- port received from the local union each month to be the basis on which the appropriation shall be made by the G.E.B. to any local union where the services of the local organizer is con- tinuous for a less period than one month. The local organizer shall in all such cases send a re- port to headquarters of the work done on the first day of each month. The G.E.B. shall have power to discontinue such appropriations at any time on one month’s notice to the local union. Appropri- ations made under this section shall be forwarded Tailors Industrial Union , International. 47 to the local union by the G.S. on or before the tenth day of the month for the preceding month. No appropriations shall be made except in accord with this section. Sec. 162. When calamities occur of a general character similar to the one in San Francisco, for which funds are collected by the T.I.U.I., any funds not used for the special purpose for which it was collected, and as approved by the members from whom the collection was made, shall be sub- ject to the use of the G.E.B. for other calamities that may take place elsewhere where our mem- bers are involved. Trials and Appeals. Sec. 163. No member of the T.I.U.I. or other person shall be fined by any L.U. unless written charges have been preferred by some member or members against the person and a copy of said charges has been delivered or sent to the per- son charged, together with a notice to appear for trial at a certain time and place, and they shall be given a chance for an impartial hearing. Sec. 164. Any member of the T.I.U.I. or other person feeling aggrieved at any decision or ac- tion of the L.U. in regard to themselves, shall have the right to appeal to the G.E.B. within two months after such action or decision, and shall file with the L.U. a copy of the appeal. Sec. 165. Any L.U. or member of the T.I.U.I. feeling aggrieved at the decision of the G.E.B. shall have the right of appeal to the next conven- tion or to the Committee on Laws and Audit. Sec. 166. All decisions by the G.E.B. shall be binding until reversed by the convention or Com- mittee on Laws and Audit, which shall be final. 48 Book of Laws of the unless reversed by a general vote on appeal from the decision of the convention or Committee on Laws and Audit. Such an appeal shall not go to a general vote unless one-fourth of the locals of the T.I.U.I. endorse the same as per section 97. Sec. 167. No names of persons fined by any L.U. after January 1, 1898, shall be published in The Tailor by the G-.S. until the L.U. has for- warded to the G.S. a certificate signed by the President and Corresponding Secretary over the seal of the L.U. certifying that written charges were preferred against the persons fined, a copy of the charges to be sent to the G.S.; that written notice was sent to the person charged at their last known address to appear for trial at a certain place and time, together with a copy of the charges preferred ; that a trial was given to the per- son or that they failed to appear, and that the fine was imposed by a majority vote of the L.U.; amount of fine also to be stated; blanks for com- pliance with this section shall be furnished each L.U. by the G.S. Property. Sec. 168. All local or general officers shall de- liver to their successors, all property and money in their possession belonging to the L.U. or to the T. I.U.I., and they shall not be released from their bond until they have done so. Any officer or member who appropriates any funds of the T.I. U. I. to their own use shall be legally prosecuted. The Label. Sec. 169. The label shall be printed on white cotton, and numbered consecutively from 1 up- ward and bearing the words: “Tailors Industrial Tailors Industrial Union, International. 49 Union, (International),. Label/’ and the official seal of the T.I.U.I. imprinted in the center of the label. Sec. 170. The label shall be printed on silk *ud numbered consecutively from 1 up, PRO- VIDED that upon investigation by the G.E.B. it shall be found that they will not cost the lo- cals more than $1.25 per M. Sec. 171. The label shall only be used on garments made by good standing members of the T.I.U.I. Locals shall have the power to deny the use of the label to any member who, after proper trial, is found to be using the label to the injury of the local. Sec. 172. The label shall in no case be given to the merchant tailors to be affixed to the gar- ments, unless they are members of the T.I.U.I. Sec. 173. The label shall be attached to the garments by the members making such garments. Sec. 174. Each L.U. using the label shall ap- point some member or committee to issue the labels to the members and to control its use sub- ject to these laws and the regulations of the L.U. 50 Book of Laws of the Sec. 175. Any member of the T.I.U.I. that keeps up their membership, commencing business as a merchant tailor, and who pays the union scale of prices for all work made for them, shall be allowed to use the label on garments made by themselves. They shall receive no more than three labels at one time. Such members can be deprived of the label as provided in Section 172. Employers who are not members who have signed and pay the scale, and employ one or more mem- bers and make work themselves, shall at the discretion of the local union be allowed to place the label on work they make. Such employers as are herein described may become passive mem- bers of the T.I.U.I. Sec. 176. The label shall not be used on any garments made for any firm that has not signed and does not pay a bill of prices that is approved by the L.U. and employ none but members of the ' T.I.U.I. Local unions violating this section shall be liable to a fine of $5 by the G.E.B. Sec. 177. The label shall be placed on coats, gn the inside of breast pockets. On vests, on in- side of back strap or back lining; on trousers, on inside of waistband or on watch pocket. The label shall have edges turned in and shall be stitched on by machine. Sec. 178. The label shall be printed with indel- ible ink and shall be sold to local unions at cost. Sec. 179. The label shall be registered in all states and provinces having laws allowing its registration. Sec. 180. Tailors in good standing in the T.I.U.I. engaging in business and making all their work or having members of the union making it shall keep a complete record of all Tailors Industrial Union, International. 51 labels used for inspection by an officer of the T.I.U.I., A.F. of L., or Label Department, or other officer who in the future may be qualified to in- spect the legitimate use of the same, which may be issued through the local unions or direct from headquarters. Sec. 181. Order of Business for Local Unions. (Optional.) 1. Roll call of Officers. 2. Reading of minutes. 3. Admitting of New Members. 4. Initiation of Members. 5. Reports of Committees. 6. Communications and Bills. 7. Report of Shop Steward. 8. Report of Delegates. 9. Roll Call Members. 10. Collecting Dues and Fines. 11. Unfinished Business. 12. New Business. 13. Nomination of Officers. 14. Election of Officers. 15. Excuses for Absence. 16. Good and Welfare. 17. Receipts and Disbursements. 18. Adjournment. Rules of Order. Rule 1. The President having taken the chair, the officers and members shall take their respec- tive seats, and at the sound of the gavel there should be a general silence. Rule 2. The President shall preserve order and pronounce the decisions of the union on all subjects; he shall decide all questions of order 52 Book of Laws of the without debate, subject to an appeal to the union by three members, on which appeal no member shall speak but once; when the question before the union shall be: Shall the decision of the President stand as the judgment of the union? Which question shall be taken by the Vice-Presi- dent Rule 3. During the reading of the minutes, communications and other papers, and when a member is addressing the chair, silence shall be observed in the meeting room. Rule 4. Any member who shall misbehave himself in the meetings of the union, disturb the order or harmony thereof, either by abusive, dis- orderly or profane language, or shall refuse obe- dience to the presiding officer, shall be admon- ished of his offense by the President, and if he offend again he shall be excluded from the room and afterwards dealt with as the by-laws pre- scribe. Rule 5. No member shall be interrupted while speaking, except it be to call him to order, or for the purpose of an explanation. Rule 6. Each member when speaking, shall re- main standing and respectfully address the Presi- dent, confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid all personality, indecorous, or sarcastic language. Rule 7. If two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the President shall decide who is entitled to the floor. Rule 8. No member shall speak more than twice, nor longer than five minutes on the same subject or question, until all who wish to speak shall have spoken, nor more than three times without the permission of the meeting. Tailors Industrial Union, International. 53 Rule 9. No motion shall be subject to debate until it shall have been seconded and stated from the chair. Rule 10. When a question is before the union, no motion shall be in order except to adjourn, for the previous question, to postpone indefinitely, or for a certain time, to divide, to commit, or to amend, which motions shall severally have pre- cedence in the order herein named. Recommendations. Sec. 182. That we are in favor of forming one Union in the tailoring industry. Sec. 183. That we believe in electing all the officers of the A.F. of L. by referendum vote, and furthermore we believe in the right to recall said officers. Sec. 184. That all working men should read working men’s papers and advocate them as muck as possible. Sec. 185. Convention recommends that the* T.I.U.I. affiliate with The National Woman’s Trade Union League. Sec. 186. Convention recommends that if head- quarters is moved to a large city where the fa- cilities will be ample, we believe our Journal should contain about two pages each of Jewish, Italian, and other languages, which would meet a popular demand. Sec. 187. That piece work should be abolished forever, as it is detrimental to the T.I.U.I. Sec. 188. Wje favor the co-operative work shop whenever and wherever practical. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBAN A 3 0112 098487728