^duapee pre/T\id/T\ IJst ...state apd UA^st li)diai>... Expositiop <5o 36 (^l7arlGSto9, Soutlp Qarolipa, January 6-30, 1902. ^ ^ For fwrthef information write GEO. F. WESTON. Manager Live Stock Department* Address until Dec* Jst* Biltmore, N* C* [\\J2 Sto(;K.... ....poultry Jl^e Carolina Ipter- z JHE g'cncral interest now shown by the South in all I the improved breeds of live stock and the rapidly increasing demand for same, makes it most import¬ ant that this branch of the country's industries should be fully represented. Realizing that without this, the Exposition would fall short of a national event, the mangement has set apart a liberal sum for Live Stock premiums, provided ample accommo¬ dations for all exhibitors, and secured judges of national repu¬ tation. The working dairy, with a model barn of eighty cows, and a daily programme covering all dairy processes will be an inter¬ esting feature. The many quaint attractions of old Charleston and its sur¬ rounding plantations are such as have never been offered to any other exposition city ^ and with its liberal hospitality and its mild winter climate, all live exhibitors may look forward to a trip here that promises to be not only profitable but enjoyable. Cattle v/ill be unloaded on the ground with $1.00 switching charges per car. All live stock exhibits will be returned free. Good artesian water is in all of the buildings. Cattle sheds will be enclosed, and well lighted and ventilated. And, then, as an additional assurance that all premiums will be promptly paid, the following action was taken at a recent meeting af the Board of Directors: ^^In order to secure the prompt payment of all premiums which may be awarded in the Live Stock Department, the Exposition Company has (as an additional guarantee to the payment of such premiums assigned to the Bank of Charleston, National Banking Association, concession contracts to the extent of Thirty Thousand Dollars, together with Surety Company bonds given to secure the performance of such contracts. Sidvance ^Premium jCist REM OTE STC RAC 'I jCive Stock^^^^ iPoultrj/ South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition Co. CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 6-30, 1902. For further information write GEO* F* WESTON^ Manager Live Stock Department* Address until December tst* Biltmore, N* C* PRESSES OF THE DAGGETT PRINTING CO. CHARLESTON, 8. C. 1901. Officers of the South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition. F. W. WAGENER, President. W. H. WELCH, Vice-President. JOHN H. AVERILL, Secretary and Director-General. SAMUEL H. WILSON, Treasurer. JNO. F. FINCKEN, General Council. DIRECTORS. F. W. Wagener, of F. W. Wagener & Co., Wholesale Grocers. W. H. Weech, of Welch & Eason, Wholesale Grocers. Samuee Lapham, Chairman Ways and Means Committee, Charleston City Council. J. C. Hemphiee, Managing Editor of the News and Courier. J. L. David, of J. L. David & Bro., Clothiers. C. S. Gadsden, President of Charleston and Savannah and Atlantic Coast Line Railroads. John F. Fincken, Attorney at Law and Ex-Mayor of Charleston. Francis K. Carey, President Charleston Consolidated Railway, Baltimore, Md. WieiE Jones, Cashier Carolina National Bank, Columbia, S. C. DEPARTMENT EXHIBITS AND CONCESSIONS. E. L. Tessier, Jr., Manager. DEPARTMENT LAW AND LEGISLATION. The Hon. John F. Fincken, Manager. LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT. George F. Weston, Manager. NEGRO DEPARTMENT. Booker T. Washington, Manager. Dr. W. D. Crum. Thomas Jeeferson Jackson, Secretary. DEPARTMENT PUBLICITY AND PROMOTION. J. C. Hemphiee, Manager. DEPARTMENT WAYS AND MEANS. F. H. PringeE, Manager. Asst. Treas., Cashier and Book-keeper, Howard Jackson. General Auditor, P. J. Baeeaguer. WOMAN^S DEPARTMENT. Mrs. Sarah Caehoun Simonds, President. Mrs. W. H. BraweEY, Vice-President. Miss Henrietta Murdoch, Treasurer. Mrs. W. Aeston PringeE, Secretary. ^rvn.cLl- 5.o6 5.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 3rd. Exhibitors^ Herd* 9. Herd to consist of: Bull 2 years old or over, Cow 3 years old or over, Heifer 2 years and under 3, Heifer 1 year and un¬ der 2, and Heifer under 1 year. Breeders^ Young Herd* 10. Herd to consist of: 1 Bull under 2 years old, 2 Heifers 1 year and under 2, and 2 Heifers under 1 year, all to be bred by exhibitor. 1st. 1150.00 Get of One Sire. 11. Bull and four of his get, any age. Sweepstakes* 12. Bull 2 years and over. 13. Bull under 2 years old. 14. Cow 2 years old and over. 16. Heifer under 2 years old. 80.00 Section VIII.— HOLSTEINS-FRIESIANS. Bull 3 years and over. Bull 2 years and under 3. Bull 1 year and under 2.. Heifer 2 years and under 3. Exhibitors^ Herd* 9. Herd to consist of Bull 2 years old or over, Cow 3 years old or over, Heifer 2 years and under 3, Heifer 1 year and under 2, and Heifer under 1 year. 2nd. 870.00 830.00 100.00 50.00 20.00 100.00 50.00 120.00 80.00 120.00 7. Heifer 1 year and under 2. . 15.00 8. Heifer under 1 year. 15.00 : 20.00 1 10.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 7.50 5.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 5 00 20.00 10 00 5.00 15.00 i 7.50 5.00 15.00 1 7.50 5.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 1st. 2nd. Breeders^ Young Herd. 10. Herd to consist of one Bull under 2 years old, two Heifers 1 year and under 2, and two Heifers under 1 year, all to be 125.00 112.50 Get of One Sire* 11. Bull and four of his get, any age... 25.00 12.50 Sweepstakes* 12. Bull 2 years and over . 30.00 13. Bull under 2 years old. 20.00 14. Cow 2 years old and over. 30.00 15. Heifer under 2 years old. 20.00 Section IX.—GUERNSEY —(Same as Holstein-Friesians). Section X.—AYRSHIRES— (Same as Holstein-Friesians). Grand Sweepstakes for Beef Breeds* Herd of one Bull and four females owned exclusively by exhibitor. Medal Bull 2 years old or over. Medal Bull under 2 years old. Medal Cow 2 years old or over. Medal Female under 2 years old. Medal Grand Sweepstakes for Dairy Breeds* Herd of one Bull and four females owned exclusively by exhibitor. IVT pH 1^1 Bull 2 years old or over. Medal Bull under 2 years old. Medal Cow 2 years old or over. Medal Female under 2 years old. Medal 3rd. $ 5.00 5.00 1st. 2ud. 3rd. CLASS B.—SWINE. Section I.—BERKSHIRES. 1. Boar 2 years and over. 120.00 $15.00 $ 6.00 2. Boar 1 year and under 2. 15.00 10.00 5.00 3. Boar over 6 months and under 12 months. 16.00 10.00 5.00 4. Boar under 6 months old. 10.00 5.00 2.50 5. Sow 2 years and over. 20.00 15.00 6.00 6. Sow 1 year and under 2. ... 15.00 10.00 5.00 7. Sow over 6 months and under 12 months. 15.00 10.00 5.00 8. Sow under 6 months old. 10.00 5.00 2.50 Sweepstakes. 9. Boar any age.. 1 gi 10. Sow any age. J Herd. 11. Boar and three sows over 1 year old. $20.00 15.00 12. Boar and three sows under 1 year old. 15.00 10.00 Breeders^ Class. 13. Boar and three sows over 1 year old, all bred by exhibitor.. 15,00 10.00 14. Boar and three sows under 1 year old. 15.00 10.00 15. Four Pigs under 6 months old, all bred by exhibitor. 15.00 10.00 16. Four Swine the get of same Boar, all bred by exhibitor. 15.00 10.00 Section II.—POLAND-CHINAS—(Same as Berkshires). Section III.—CHESTER "WHITES—(Same as Berkshires). Section IV.—VICTORIAS—(Same as Berkshires). Section V.—LARGE YORK and CHESHIRE—To com¬ pete together—(Same as Berkshires). Section VI.—DURCO-JERSEYS—(Same as Berkshires). Section VII.—Other distinct breeds not mentioned above— To compete together—(Same as Berkshires . Grand Sweepstakes* Best ten head, any age, of any breed bred by exhibitor. .Silver Cup and 1st. flOO.OO 2nd. Special Prizes for Swine. The Ohio Poland-China Kecord Company (Carl Freigau, Sec¬ retary, Dayton, Ohio,) offers any five of the last issued twenty volumes of the Record, and an appropriate ribbon for the best Poland-China Boar and two Sows of any age, and one of the above mentioned volumes for the best Poland-China Boar pig under one year old, owned by exhibitor. The American Chester-White Record Association (Carl Freigau, Secretary, Dayton, Ohio,) offers five volumes of the Record and an appropriate ribbon for the three best Chester-White pigs under one year, owned by exhibitor. Victoria Swine Breeders’ Association (H. Davis, Secretary, Dyer, Ind.,) offers the following special prizes : 10.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 Best Barrow 14 months and under 18 months. Best Barrow 10 months and under 14 months. Best Barrow under 8 months. Best pen of three Barrows, one of each of the above ages ... Best Barrow under 18 months. Barrows shown for these prizes will have to be registered in the Victoria Swine Breeders’ Association Record. 3rd. CLASS C.—SHEEP. 1st. 2nd. ' 3rd. 4th. 5th. Section I.— SHROPSHIRES. 1, Flock, consisting 'of one Earn over 1 year old, and four Ewes of any age. 2 Earn 2 years or over. 3. Earn 1 year and under 2. 4. Earn under 1 year old. 5. Ewe 2 years or over. 6. Ewe 1 year and under 2. 7. Ewe under 1 year old.. 130.00 20.00 15.00 12.00 20.00 15.00 12.00 120.00 10.00 7.50 6.00 10.00 7.50 6.00 110.00 5.00 3.75 3.00 5.00 3.75 3.00 V. H.C. Y. H. C. Y. H.C. Y. H. C. Y. H. C. Y. H. C. Y. H. C. H. C. H. C. H. C. H. C. H. C. H. C. H. C. Sweepstakes. 8. Earn any age, 9. Ewe, any age, Medal Medal Section 11.—SOUTHDOWNS—(Same as Shropshires). Section H.—DORSETS—(Same as Shrop¬ shires). Section IV.—OXFORD DOWS—(Same as Shropshires). Section V.— HAMPSHIRE DOWS— (Same as Shropshires). Section VI.—MERINOS—(Same as Shrop¬ shires). Section VII.—COTSWOLDS—(Same as Shropshires). Section Vm.—RAMBOUILLET—(Same as Shropshires). Section IX.—LEICESTER and LIN¬ COLN—To compete together—(Same as Shrophires). 1st. 2nd. Special Prizes for Sheep* The American Shropshire Kegistery Association (Mortimer Levering, Secretary,) offers $100.00 in special prizes for Shropshires. The classification was not received in time to be inserted in this list, but will be included in the final premium list. The American Cotswold Kecord (George Harding, Secretary, Waukesha, Wis.,) adds one-third to each cash prize for Cotswold Sheep recorded in the American Cotswold Kecord. The American Oxford Down Record Association will offer special prizes as follows: Best yearling Ram . Best yearling Ewe. Best pen of four lambs, either sex. $ 6 00 6.00 6.00 $ 4.00 4.00 4.00 All stock competing for these prizes to be bred and owned by exhibitor in the State of South Carolina, to be registered in the American Oxford Down Record, bear the A. 0. D. R. A. ear tag and certificate of registry under seal of the Association, presented at time of exhibition. Where there is but one exhibitor, but one prize will be paid. W. A. SHAFER, Secretary, Hamilton, 0. CLASS D.—POULTRY. 1. Entries close January 9, 1902. 2. Entry fees will be as follows: Pens, (one male and four females) except turkeys. Pairs, (male and female) except turkeys. Single birds, (cock, cockerel, hen or pullet) each, except turkeys... Turkeys, Geese, and Ducks, (old and young competing together), pairs. Pigeons, (old and young competing together) standard va¬ rieties and color, pairs. Belgian Hares, each. 1.00 1.00 .50 2.00 1.00 .50 Rabbits, standard varieties, pairs. .50 3rd. PREMIUMS. Pens—First prize, $5.00; second prize, $2.60; third prize, $1.00; fourth prize, V. H. C.; fifth prize, H. C. Pairs—First prize, $2.50; second prize, $1.50; third prize, 50c; fourth prize, y. H. C.; fifth prize, H. C. Singles—First prize, $2.50; second prize, $1.00; third prize, 50c; fourth prize, V. H. C.; fifth prize, H. C. Turkeys, Geese and Ducks (in pairs)—First prize, $4.00; second prize, $2.00; third prize, $1.00; fourth prize, Y. H. C.; fifth prize, H. C. Belgian Hares (each class)—First prize, $1.50; second prize, $1.00; third prize, 50c; fourth prize, V. H. C.; fifth prize, H. C. Babbits, standard varieties, (in pairs,) each class—First prize, $1.00; second prize, 75c; third prize, 50c, fourth prize, Y. H. C.; fifth prize, H. C. Pigeons, (each class) in pairs—First prize, $2.00; second prize, $1.00; third prize, 50c; fourth prize, Y. H. C.; fifth prize, H. C. 3. Birds entered as singles or pairs cannot compete in pens. 4. The judges will not award premiums to birds scoring less than 80 points. 5. Three (3) entries or more will be required to fill a class. Any class not filling first and second honors will be given, but only second and third prize money will be paid. 6. All awards will be made and governed by the America’ .standard of per¬ fection. The classification of each variety will be, pen, cock, cockeici hen and pullet, ex¬ cept those marked (P), which shall be shown in pairs only. A silver cup, valued at $25.00, will be given for the last exhibit in each of the following classes: (a) American. (b) Asiatic. (c) Mediterranean. (d) Pit Games. (e) Turkeys. American. Barred Plymouth Bock, Buff Plymouth Book, White Plymouth Bock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Wyandotte, (P) White Wyandotte, Golden Wyandotte, Buff Wyandotte, American Dominique, Black Java, (P) Mottled Java, (P) White Java, (P) Jersey Blue. (P) Asiatic. Light Brahma, Dark Brahma, Buff Cochin, Partridge Cochin, White Cochin, Black Cochin, Black Langshan, White Langshan. Mediterranean. White S. C. Leghorn, AVhite B. C. Leghorn, Brown S. C. Leghorn, Brown B. C. Leghorn, Black S. C. Leghorn, Buff S. C. Leghorn, Dominique Leghorn, (P) Black B. C. Leghorn, (P) Silver Duckwing Leghorn, (P) White Minorca, Black Minorca, Andalusian, White-faced Black Spanish. Polish. White-crested Black, Golden, Silver, White, Bearded Golden, (P) Bearded Silver, (P) Bearded White, (P) Buff Laced. Hamburg. Golden Spangled, Silver Spangled, Golden Penciled, Silver Penciled, Black, White, Bed Cap. (P) English. Silver Gray Dorking, Colored, White, Cornish Indian French. Houdan, La Pleche, Crevecoeurs, Game. Black-breasted Bed, Black Sumatra, (P) Brown Bed, (P) Golden Duckwing, (P) Silver Duckwing, (P) Bed Pyle, White, Black. Game Bantams."! Black-breasted Bed, Brown Bed, Golden Duckwing, Silver Duckwing, Bed Pyle, White, Black. Bantams other than Game, T urkeys. Golden Seabright, Silver Seabright, Rosecomb Black, Kosecomb White, Booted White, (P) Buff Cochin, Partridge Cochin, (P) White Cochin, Black Cochin, Light Brahma, (P) Black-tailed Japanese, (P) White Japanese, (P) Black Japanese, (P) White-crested White Polish. (P; Miscellaneous. Pea-fowls, (P) Rhode Island Reds, Erminettes, (P) Silkies, (P) Russians, (P) Frizzles, (P) Buff Orpington. Pheasants. Golden, Silver. Guineas. White, (P) Other than white. (P) Bronze, (P) Black, (P) Slate, (P) Butf, (P) Narragansett, (P) White. (P; Ducks. Aylesbury, (P) Rouen, (P) Cayuga, (P) White Muscovy, (P) Colored Muscovy, (P) White Crested, (P) Pekin, (P) White Call, (P) Gray Call, (P) East India or Black, (P) Indian Runner. (P) Geese. Erabden, (P) Toulouse, (P) White China, (P) Brown China, (P) Egyptian, (P) African, (P) Wild. (?) Belgian Hares. Rabbits, (standard varieties). Pigeons, (standard varieties). Pet Stock. The meeting of the American Poultry Association will be held in connection with the poultry show at Charleston. A large list of specials will be announced in the final premium list, also dates and full information as to meeting of the different poultry associations to be held in Charleston in connection with the poultry show.