LI B R.AR.Y OF THE U N IVERS ITY Of ILLINOIS AS\7.73 F3ls cop. i? RUM* HISTORICAL &si h* SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ILLINOIS CHICAGO AND ITS ENVIRONS FEDERAL WRITERS' PROJECT ILLINOIS Works Progress Administration American Guide Series Chicago 1937 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign INDEX ILLINOIS - CHICAGO BIBLIOGRAPHY Accommodations, 31 Agriculture and Farm Life, 21 Agriculture, Chicago, 44 Animal (Resources and Conservation) 8-35 Archeology and Indians, 9-36 Architecture, 55 Art, Art and Music, 27-49 Commerce and Industry, 20-42 Contemporary Scene, 32 Climate, 4-32 Culture and Religion, ....... 45 Development of Government, . 17-40 Early Settlement (History) , .«,.... 13 Economic and Social Development, 18-42 Education, 22-44 Farm Life, and Agriculture, 21 First Americans, ....... 9-36 Folklore and Folkways, 22-44 General Description, Past and Present, .... 3 General Works, (History), . , 11 General Information, 31 Geography, 4-32 Geology and Paleontology, 5-33 Government (and History), 37 Government, Development of, 17-40 History, 11 Historical Development, 37 History and Government, 37 Indians, (and Archeology), 9-36 Industry and Commerce, 20-42 Information, General, ....... 31 Labor, 18 Literature, 25-50 (I) Mineral (Resources and their Conservation), . 6-34 Miscellaneous Services, 31 Museums , 56 Music, also Music and Art, 27-54 Natural Setting, 4-32 Novels of Chicago Life, 51 Novels of Illinois Life, 25 Paleontology (and G-eology), 5-33 Plant (Resources and their Conservation, . * 7-34 Points of Interest, ....... 29 Points of Interest, Chicago, also Environs, . 56-58 Recreation: Areas and Equipment,. ...... 31 Religion and Culture, 45 Resources and Their Conservation, ..... 5-6-7-8-34-35 Services, Miscellaneous, 31 Social Development (and Economic), 18-42 Sociology, 18-46 Statehood (Bistory) , * . 15 Territorial Development (History), 14 Topography, 4-33 Tours, . , 30 Transportation, 18-31-43 University of Illinois (pub.) 4-4-7-10-18-22-42 (II) SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ILLINOIS and CHICAGO AND ITS ENVIRONS Theso book: lists of approximately 350 titles wero compiled as the bibliography for the Illinois Section of The American Guide , and wero selected from the working bibliography used in connection with compiling that work. The various classifications have been arranged to conform to the table of contents of the Illinois State Guide. Each entry is keyed to indicate whether the book is illus- trated (I), and whether it contains a bibliography (B), meager or extended. Publisher and publication date are specified, and in most cases a brief descriptive sketch of the book is given. The books included are not of equal merit nor are the categories complete. The compilation has essentially been a process of exclusion, but an effort has been made (1) Illinois Bibliography not to omit from the various classif ications &ny outstand- ing works written from the point of view of our city or our State. Some excellent books on geology, archeology, and folklore were not included because they treat these subjects without emphasis on Chicago or Illinois. There- fore the inclusion of Government, University, and State Department bulletins and of monographs published in the journals of the various historical societies has materially strengthened those more limited divisions. Some of the most valuable books are not the work of single authors, but are the result of the collective effort of a staff of experts in their respective fields. Historical works of this nature usually have the benefit of seasoned judgment obtainable only in viewing events at a distance. On the other hand, some older histories have been included which are not of the first magnitude, and though somewhat opinionated and lacking in perspective, throw the very valuable sidelight of contemporary thought on the events narrated. Grateful acknowledgment is made to a number of re- ference librarians for cooperation and suggestions. (2) Illinois Bibliography GENERAL DESCRIPTION, PAST AND PRESENT Buck, Solon J. Travel and Description , 1765-1865. Trustees of Illinois State Historical Library. Spring- field, 1914. 514 pages. A bibliography of early books on travel and descrip- tion, with territorial and state laws, 1788-1913. Chicago Daily News Almanac and Year Book . Chicago Daily News, Inc. Chicago, 1937. 960 pages. Palmer, George Thomas. Historic Landmarks Along the Highways of Illinois . Published by authority of the State. Springfield, 1934. Shaver, John W. , Editor. Report of the Illinois State Planning Commission . December, 1934; revised July, 1936. (Mimeographed) Springfield. 110 pages. This report covers a wide variety of subjects — physiography, natural resources, transportation, private industry, public works, population, etc. Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Down Historic Waterways . A. C. McClurg & Co. , Chicago, 1926. 300 pages. (I) New edition of a narrative describing 600* miles of canoeing on Illinois and Wisconsin rivers. Thwaites, Reuben Gold, Editor. Early Western Travels . Arthur H. Clark Co., Cleveland, 1905. 646 pages. Reprints of narratives of travel in the Middle and Far West during the period of early American settlement. Volumes 11 and 12 concern Illinois, Wood, Junius B. Illinois, Crossroads of the Continent , National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 58, pp. 523-594, May, 1931. Washington, D. C. (I) An illustrated exposition of the factors contribut- ing to the greatness of the State. (3) Illinois Bibliography NATURAL SETTING Geography Hughes, Edward J., Compiler. Counties of Illinois , Their Origin and Evolution, Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. Springfield, 1934, In addition to brief historical sketches, there are twenty-three maps showing the original and present boundary lines of each county. 67 pages. Illinois State Geological Survey, Bull. 27. Geog- raphy of the Upper Illinois Valley, and History of Devel- opment , by Carl Ortwin Sauer. Urbana, 1916. 208 pages. Ridgely, Douglas C. The Geography of Illinois . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1921. 385 pages. (B extended) Complete general account of the subject. Topography Illinois University Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol. XIX, No. 3. The Prairie Province of Illinois , by Edith Muriel Poggi. Urbana, 1934. 124 pages. (I) (B extended) Natural environment of the State — climate, etc. Climate Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 208. Climate of Illinois , by J* G. hosier. Urbana, University of Illinois, 1918. 51 pages. Covers rainfall, precipitation and tempera- ture, weather and soil, etc., in the districts into which the state has been divided. (4) Illinois Bibliography Geology and Paleontology Illinois State Geological Survey, Urbana, 1929, 1931 (Each I) First three pamphlets of Educational Series: Typical Rocks and Minerals in Illinois , by George E. Ekblaw and Don. L. Carroll; Th e Rock River C ountry of Northern Illin ois, by Deete Rclfe; The Story of the Geolo gic i Ma king of Southern Illinois , by Stuart Weller. 179 "pages." Illinois Geological Survey, Report of Investigations, No. 13. Stratigraphy and Geologic Structure of Northern Illinois , by Fredrik Turvil Thwaites. Urbana, 1927. 49 pages. University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 41. The Life of the Pleistocene or Glacial Period as Recorded in the Deposits Laid Down by the Grct Ic e Sheets , by Frank Collins Baker. Urbana, 1920. 476 pages. (B extended) U. S. Geological Survey, Monograph 38. Illinois Glacial Lobe , by Frank Leveret t. Washington, D. C, 1899. 817 pages. A complete description of the State's glacial topography. Resources and their Conservation Illinois: Resources, Development, Possibilities . Illinois Chamber of Commerce. Chicago, 1930. 185 pages. (I) Facts of the State's outstanding industries and manufactures. (5) Illinois Bibliograph.y Mineral Cartlidge, Oscar. Fifty Years of Coal Mining * Oregon City Enterprise, 1933. 63 pages. (I) Mines and mining in the State based on the author f s observations and experience* Illinois State Geological Survey, Bull. 58. Fluor - spar Deposits of Hardin and Pope Counties, Illinois , ty Edson S. Bastin. Urbane, 1931. 116 pages. Illinois State Geological Survey Report, No. 39. Illinois Mineral Industry in 1934 , by W. H. Voskuil and Alma R. Sweeny. Urbana, 1936. 57 pages. A preliminary statistical summary and economic review. Illinois State Geological Survey, Bull. 21. Lead and Zinc Deposits of Northwestern Illinois , by Guy Henry Cox% Urbana, 1914. 120 pages* (I) (B) Illinois State Geological Survey, Bull. 46, Limestone Resources of Illinois , by Frank Krey and J. N. Lamar. Urbana, University of Illinois, 1926. 392 -oages. (I) Illinois State Geological Survey, Bull. Wo* 2. The Petroleum Industry of Southeastern Illinois , by Willis S. Blatchley. Urbana, 1906. 109 pages. (Maps) Illinois State Geological Survey, Bull. 17. Portland Cement Resources of Illinois , by albert Victor Bleininger, E« F. Lines and F. W. Layman. University of Illinois. Urbana, 1912. 121 pages. (I) (6) I 1 1 i n o i s Bibliography Smith, George \I. The Salines of Southern Illinois . Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 9, Vol. 5, pp. 245-258. Springfield, 1904. Salt industry of Gallatin County, University of Illinois Coal Mining Investigation, Bull. 13. Coal Mining in Illinois , by 3. 0. Andros. Urbana, 1915. 22 pages. (I) (B) Coal resources and mining practices. Plant Illinois Department of Conservation. Forest Trees of Illinois , by Wilbur Reed Mattoon. Springfield, 1935. 91 pages. (I) A popular guide. Illinois Department of Registration and Education, Division of Natural History Survey, Vol. XVIII, Article 1, Native and Naturalized Trees of Illinois , by Robert Barclay Miller and L. R. Tehon. Urbana, 1929. 339 pages. Illinois Natural History Survey, Manual I. Field Book of Illinois Wild Flowers . Urbana, 1936. 406 pages. A popular guide book based on the writings of the botanist, Dr. W. B. MacDougall. Rogers, Julia Ellen. Tree" Guide; Trees East of th e Rockies . Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, N. Y. , 1915. 265 pages. (I) Numerous references to Illinois trees. (?) Illinois Bibliography Animal Illinois Department of Conservation. Illinois Game , Fish, Forest, and Fur Bearing Animals , by Ralph F. Bradford, K. E. Duvall and others. Springfield, 1931. 75 pages. (I) Various bulletins describing areas suitable to market preparation. Maps show woodland areas by counties. Cory, Charles B. The Birds of Illinois and Wisconsin . Field Museum of Natural History. Publication 131, Zoologi- cal Series, Vol. IX. Chicago, 1909. 764 pag.^s. (I) (3 extended) Lange, Dietrich. How to Know the Wild Birds of Illinoi s, Educational Publishing Co., Chicago, 1905. 100 pagas. Published under the auspices of the Illinois Audubon Society. (8) Illinois Bibliography FIRST AFRICANS Archeology and Indians Armstrong, Perry A. The Sauks and the Black Hawk War . H. W. Rokker Co., Springfield, 1887. 726 pages. Detailed account. Beckwith, Hiram W. The Illinois and Indiana Indians . Fergus Printing Co., Chicago, 1884. pp. 99-183. A condensed version of an earlier work descriptive of the Indian tribes which formerly inhabited the two States. Black Hawk. Black Hawk: Life of Ma-Ka-Tai-Me-She- Hia-Kiak, 1854 . Milo Milton 'iuaife, Editor. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Chicago, 1916. 196 pages. A new edition of the autobiography of a famous Indian Chief, purporting to have been dictated by him to Antoine Le Claire, a half-breed U. S. interpreter. Blair, Emma H. The Indian Tribes of the Upper Mississippi Valley and Regions of the Great Lakes . Arthur H. Clerk Co., Cleveland, 1912. 784 pages. (I) (B extended) A two- volume history. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bull. 69. Native Villages and Village Sites East of the Mississippi , by David I. Bush- nell, Jr. Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1919. Ill pages. (I) (B extended) Reveals the condition of primitive towns before the encroachment of European settlements. Cole, Fny-Cooper, and Deuel, Thorne. Rediscovering Illinois . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1937. 300 pages. (I) A study of the archeology of central Illinois. (9) Ill inois Bibllogrr-ph y Cole, Fay-Cooper. The Pre-History of Illinois . Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 2, January, 1933, Springfield, pp. 251-259. (B) Langford, George. The Fisher Group, Successive Aboriginal Occupations near the Mouth of the Illinois River . American Anthropologist, New Series. Vol. 29, No. 3. American Anthropological Ass'n. Menasha, YJis., 1927. pp. 153-205. (I) Linton, Ralph. Indian History of Illinois . Transac- tions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 22, Vol. 17, Springfield, 1916. pp. 51-57. An authoritative account. Osman, Eaton G. Starved Rock . A. Flanagan & Co. , Chicago, 1911. 210 pages. Indian history as enacted here during the French regime, 1673-1763. Shetrone, Henry Clyde. The Mound Builders . D. Applet on & Co., New York, 1931. 508 pages. (I) (B extended) Study of Illinois mounds, pp. 344-355, 471-475. Throop, Addison J. Mound Builders of Illinois . Call Printing Co., East St. Louis, 1928. 78 pages. Descriptive of certain mounds and village sites in the American Bottoms and along the Kaskaskia and Illinois Rivers. University of Illinois Bulletin. Vol. 26, No. 4. The Cahokia Mounds , by Warren K. Moorehead, M. M. Leighton and others. Urbana, 1923. 97 pages. (I) (B extended) A history, with method of excavation explained. (10) Illinois B i bliogra phy I mm .11 .11 W— III ■ I H WPM^— W III III I H ^wnp —""* 1 ! » ■ ' *l > J HISTORY General Works Alvord, Clarence W. , Editor-in-Chief. Centennial History of Illinois . Illinois Centennial Commission. Springfield, 1917-1920. 8,937 pages. (I) (B extended) Buck, Solon J. Illinois in 1818 , introductory volume. Vol. I, Alvord, Clarence if. The Illinois Country , 1673-1818. Vol. II. Pease, Theodore C. The Frontier State , 1818-1848. Vol. III. Cole, Arthur C. The Era of the Civil War , 1848-1870, Vol. IV. Bogart, Ernest L. , and Thompson, Charles M. The Industrial State , 1870-1893. Vol. V. Bogart, Ernest L. , and Mathews, John M. The Modern Commonwealth , 1893-1918. Bateman, Newton, and Selby, Paul. Historical Encyclo - pedia of Illinois , with Commemorative Biographies. Munsell Publishing Co., Chicago, 1926. 1,005 pages. A two-volume history. In addition to the Historical Encyclopedia (Vol. I), much biographical material is included in both volumes as a part of separate edi- tions of numerous county histories. Conger, John Leonard. History of the Illinois River Valley . S. J. Clarke Publishing Co,, Chicago, 1932. 1,724 pages. (I) Three volumes. Vol. I., historical; Vols. II and III, largely biographical. Davidson, Alexander, and Stuve, Bernard. Complete History of Illinois , 1673-1873. Illinois Journal Co., Springfield, 1874. 944 pages. Valuable for period covered. (id Illinois Bibliography Dunne, Edward F. Illinois, The Heart of the Nation . Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago, 1933, 2,575 pages. (I) A five-volume edition, of which Vols. III-V are biographical. Moses, John. Illinois: Historical and Statistical. Fergus Printing Co. t Chicago, 1889, 1892. 1,104 pages. (I) Two-volume edition, containing a wealth of statistical detail. Parrish, Randall. Historic Illinois . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1919. 479 pages. (I) (B meagre) New edition of a romance of the earlier days. Pease, Theodore C. The Story of Illinois . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1925. 394 pages. (I) (B) This brief history embodies results of recent re- search of the period from French regime to 1920. Smith, Ceorge Washington, assisted by an advisory board. History of Illinois and Her People . American Historical Society. Washington, D. C, 1927. 2,688 pages. (B) Six Vols, of which Vols. IV, V, VI, contain many biographical articles. Weber, Mrs. Jessie Palmer. An Outline for the Study of Illinois State History. H. W. Rokker Co., Springfield, 1905. 94 pages, (B extended) Whitlock, Brand, Great Seal 6f Illinois: First Complete History of the State 3ymbol . Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 5, No. 4, January, 1913, Springfield, pp. 435-450. (12) Illinois Bi, bliography Early Settlement Alvord, Clarence V». , Editor. Cahokja Records ; Kaskaskia Records . Pub. by Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library. Springfield, 1907, 1909. 1,344 pages. Two collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, Virginia Series. Boggess, >o?thur Clinton. The Settlement of Illinois , 1778-1830 . Chicago Historical Society. Chicago, 1908. 267 pages. (Maps) (B extended) Edwards, Ninian Wirt. History of Illinois, 1778-1835 ; and Life and Times of Ninian Edwards. Illinois State Journal Co., Springfield, 1870. 549 pages. Historical biography of the first governor of Illinois territory by his son. Fergus Historical Series - Thirty-five pamphlets, numbered consecutively, covering the early history of Chicago and of Illinois. Fergus Printing Co., Chicago. James, James Alton. Life of George Rogers Clark . University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1928. 534 pages. (I) (B extended) An eminent historian* s biographical sketch of the explorer. Kellogg, Louise Phelps, Editor. Early Narratives of the Northwest , 1634-1699. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York, 1917. 382 pages. English translation of original narratives, includ- ing those of Ivlarquette end Tonti. Matson, N, Pioneers of Illinois . Knight & Leonard. Chicago, 1882. 306 pages. Sketches of events that occurred previous to 1813, drawn from history, tradition, and personal reminis- cence. (13) Illinois Bibliography Pease, Theodore Calvin; and Werner, Raymond C, Editors. The French Foundations , 1680-1693. Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, 1954. 426 pages. Documentary and source material of the period, edited and translated. Reynolds, John. The Pioneer History of Illinois . Fergus Printing Co., Chicago, 1887. 459 pages. (I) Reprint of an Illinois classic by the fourth governor of the State. Reynolds, John. My Own Times; Embracing also a History of ky Life . Chicago Historical Society. Chicago, 1879. 600 pages. Reprint of another Illinois classic by Governor Reynolds. Stevens, Frank E. The Black Hawk War . Published by the author. Chicago, 1903. 323 pages. Authoritative record. Territorial Development Carter, Clarence Edwin. Great Britain and the Illinois Country , 1763-1774. American Historical Associ- ation. Washington, 1910. 223 pages. (B extended) Surveys the legal, political, and economic relations between the two countries. Clark, George Rogers. The Conquest of the Illinois . Milo Milton Quaife, Editor. Lakeside Press, Chicago, 1920 190 pages. These memoirs have to do xvith the campaign in Illinois, 1778-1779. (14) Illinois Bibliography Kinzie, Mrs. Juliette A. Wau-Bun, The Early Days in the Northwest , The Lakeside Press, Chicago, 1932. 609 pages. (I) New edition of an autobiographical classic; introduction by Milo M. Quaife. Stevens, Frank E. Illinois in the War of 1812-1814 , Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 9, Vol. 5, pp. 62-197. Springfield, 1904. An account compiled from little-known sources. Statehood Beardsley, Harry M. Joseph Smith and His Mormon Empire . Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1931. 421 pages. Biography of the Mormon leader during the greater part of the Illinois period. Beveridge, Albert J. Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1858 . Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1928. 1,348 pages. (I) (B extended) A two-volume study of the political development of Illinois prior to the Civil War. Currey, J. Seymour. Illinois Activities in the World War . Thomas B. Poole Co., Chicago, 1921. 1,733 pages, (I) Three Vols. Biographical sketches of men and women leaders and a survey of the work of welfare organizations of the state. Eddy, Thomas V. Patriotism of Illinois in the Civil War . Clarke & Co., Chicago, 1865, 1866. Two volumes. 1,312 pages. A record of civil and military history of the State in the War for the Union. (15) Illinois Bibliography Ford, Thomas. A History of Illinois . S. C. Griggs Co., Chicago, 1854. 447 pages. A history mainly of early statehood days. Harris, N. Dwight. The History of Negro Servitude in Illinois . A. C. Iw'cClurg & Co., Chicago, 1904. 276 pages. (I) (B extended) Illinois aspects of the Negro problem which brought about the YJar of the Secession. Kimball, E. L. Richard Yates: His Record as Civil War Governor of Illinois , Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 23, No. 1, April, 1930, pp. 1-83. Springfield. Valuable data pertaining to the State's participation in the War. Linn, William Alexander. The Story of the Mormons . Macmillan Co., New York, 1902. (I) (B meagre) Book IV (pp. 219-356) concerns the Mormons in Illinois. Milton, George vort. The Eve of Conflict , Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1934. 608 pages. (I) (B extended) The role of Stephen A. Douglas in Illinois history. Sandburg, Carl. Abraham Lincoln Grows Up . Harcourt, Brace & Co., New York, 1928. 180 pages, (I) One-volume edition reprinted from the author's previous two-volume biography. "Abraham Lincoln: the Prairie Years.** (16) Illinois Bibliography Development of Government Bennett, Fremont 0. Politics and Politicians of Chicago, Cook County, and Illinois . Blakely Printing Co. , Chicago, 1886. 611 pages. From earliest times to 1886. Dodd, Walter F. and Sue H. Government in Illinois . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1923. 479 pages. Government operations — local, state, national. Illinois Blue Book , 1935-1936. Edited by Edward J. Hughes, Secretary of State. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. '1,084 pages. (I) A record of the administrative program and activi- ties of the major departments of the State, with a special insert, "A Motor Tour through Illinois State Parks . " Schuyler, Robert Livingston. The Transition in Illinois From British to American Government , Columbia University Press. New York, 1909. 145 pages. (B extended) Comprehensive study of a critical period. Verlie, Erail Joseph, Editor. Illinois Constitutions . Illinois Historical Collections, XIII. Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library. Springfield, 1919. 231 pages. Contains the acts providing for territorial govern- ment and admission as a state, together with the constitutions of 1818, 1848 and 1870. (17 Illinois Bibliography ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Sociology Addams, Jane. Social Settlements in Illinois . Trans- actions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 11, Vol. 7, pp. 162-171, 1906. A noted social worker's survey of the origins and early development of social settlements in the state. Woods, Robert A., and Kennedy, Robert J~ Socia l Settlements in Illinois . Handbook of Settlements, pp. 37-81, Charities Publication Committee (Russell Sage Foundation.) New York, 1911. Labor Staley, Eugene. History of Illinois State Federation of Labor , University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1930. 579 pages. A survey of the history of the State federa- tion from its organization in 1884 to 1930. TransDortation ■*■ Ackerman, William K. Early Illinois Railroads . Fergus Printing Co., Chicago, 1884. 174 pages. A history by former president of the Illinois Central. Ashton, Bessie L. Greonomic Aspects of the Illinois Waterway . University of Illinois. Urbana, 1927. 177 pages. (I) (3 extended) The economic and geographic aspects of the Illinois waterway — its history from 1822. (18) Illinois Bibliography Cole, Harry Ellsworth. Stagecoach and Tavern Tales of the Old Northwest . Edited, with Preface, by Louise Phelps Kellogg. Arthur H. Clark Co., Cleveland, 1930. 376 pages. (I) A narrative of stagecoach travel and tavern life on the frontier, with numerous references to Illinois roads and hostelries. Corliss, Carlton J. Trails to Rails . Illinois Central Railroad Co., Chicago, 1934. 48 pages. A study of the program of transportation in Illinois. Gates, Paul Wallace. Illinois Central Railroad and Its Colonization Work . Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass., 1934. 374 pages. (I) (B extended) The part played by this railroad in the settlement of the state. Lee, Judson Fiske. Transportation — A Factor in the Development of Northern Illinois Previous to 1860. Journal I .1 ■ | I! ■ ■ II II! of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 10, No. 1, April, 1917, pp. 17-28. Springfield. (Maps) (B extended) A record of the railroads' contribution to the early growth of the state. Lobeck, A. K. Airways of America . The Geographic Press, Columbia University. New York, 1933. (I) Location and description of the flying fields and important airports, Illinois, pp. 6, 65, 144. McConnel, George M. Recollections of the Northern Cross Railroad . Transactions of the Illinois State Histori- cal Society, No. 13, Vol. 9, pp. 145-152. Springfield, 1908. Interesting reminiscences of Illinois' first railroad. (19) Illinois Bibliography Putnam, James William. The Illinois and Michigan Canal . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1918. 213 pages. (I) (B extended) A detailed study of its economic history. U. S. Department of Commerce - Bureau of Air Commerce. Airway Bulletin No. 2, Descriptions of Airports and Landing Fields in the United States - Washington, D. C, 1936. Illinois landing fields and airports, pp. 56-62. Yesterday and Today : A History of the Chicago and North Western System. Third edition. Privately printed. Winship Company, Chicago, 1910. 199 pages. Industry and Commerce Casson, Herbert N. The Romance of the Reaper . Doubleday Page & Co., New York, 1908. 184 pages. Discusses the manufacture of agricultural implements, an important Illinois industry. Clemen, Rudolph Alexander. The American Livestock and Meat Industry . Ronald Press, New York, 1923. 872 pages. (I) (B extended) Account of an industry which has contributed much to Illinois greatness. Directory of Illinois Manufacturers . Illinois Manu- facturers' Association. Chicago, 1929. 1,346 pages. An index to the products and industries of Illinois. Glenn, John M. The Industrial Development of Illinois , Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 28, Vol. 22, pp. 55-72, Springfield, 1921. A history of Illinois industrial growth, supple- mented by of noted industrialists* (20) Illinois Bibliography Husband, Joseph. The Story of the Pullman Car . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1917. 161 pages. (I) A popular survey of leading Illinois industrial enterprise. Huston, Francis Murray, and Russel, Andrew. Financing an Empire . S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1926. 2,380 pages. (I) Four volumes of a detailed history of banking in Illinois, containing statistics, graphs, and biographies. Illinois Facts . Illinois Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, 1925. 64 pages. Brief resume* of the State's industry and commerce, natural resources, etc. Agriculture and Farm Life Buck, Solon J. Agricultural Organization in Illinois , 1870-1880, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 3, No. 1, April, 1910, pp. 10-23. Springfield. Kellar, Herbert A. The Reaper as a Factor in the Development of the Agriculture of Illinois , 1834-1865. Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 34, Vol. 28, pp. 105-113. Springfield, 1927. University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 403. Types of Farming in Illinois by Harold Clayton Case and K. N. Myers. Urbana, 1934. pp. 97-226. (I) An analysis of differences by areas. 21) Illinois Bibliography University of Illinois Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 2. The Granger Movement in Illinois , by Arthur Elijah Paine. Urbana, 1904. 53 pages. (B extended) An account of the 19th century agrarian revolt. Folklore and Folkways Armstrong, Perry A. The Piasa or the Devil Among Indians . E. B. Fletcher. Morris, Illinois, 1887 .^ 48 pages. (I) An account of Indian religious superstitions. Donovan, Helen Martin. Starved Rock Legendary . O'Donnell Printing Co., Chicago, 1915. 44 pages. Legend of Lolomi of th3 Illinois and the story of Dave and Mary. Judson, Katherine B. Myths and Legends of the Mississippi Valley and the Creat Lakes . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1914. 215 pages. These Legends, in simplified form, are the stories of olden times as told by the Indians. Wright, John C. The Crooked Tree . Published by the author. Harbor Springs, Mich., 1917. 148 pages. (I) Short myths and legends dealing with life around the lake region. Education Babcock, Kendric C. The .expansion of Higher Education in Illinois . Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 32, Vol. 26, pp. 41-63. Springfield, 1925. The period considered is from 1865-1925. (22) Illinois Bibliography Boyer, Charles C. History of Education . Charles Scribnor's Sons. New York, 1919. Illinois educational history, pp. 374-422. Centennial History of McKenaree College , 1928. McKendree College, Lebanon, 111., 1928. 643 pages. An historical survey of the college at Lebanon, 111. Congdon, Harriet Rice. The Early History of Monticello Seminary . Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 31, Vol. 25, pp. 58-63. Springfield, 1924. Cook, John Williston. Educational History of Illinois . Henry 0. Shepard Co., Chicago, 1912. 744 pages. A comprehensive survey, from early beginnings to 1912. DeBlois, Austen Kennedy. The Pioneer School . Fleming H. Revell Co., New York, 1900. 356 pages. (I) History of Shurtleff College, the oldest educational institution in the West. Goodspeed, Thomas Wakefield. Story of the University of Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1925. 244 pages. From 1890 to 1925. Harper, Charles A. Development of the Teachers ' College in the United States . McKnight & McKnight.. Bloom- ington, 1935. 384 pages. (I) Considers primarily the history of Illinois State Normal University. Manierre, George. Reminiscences of Lake Forest Academy and Its Students . Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 10, No. 3, October, 1917, pp. 394-407. Springfield. From 1859-1863. (23) Illinois Bibliography Martin, Lorene. Old Jubilee College and Its Founder , Bishop Chase . Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 42, Vol. 35, pp. 121-152. Springfield, 1934. (I) (B) History of one of Illinois' pioneer educational institutions. Nevins, Allan. Illinois . Oxford University Press. New York, 1917. 378 pages. (I) The story of the development of University of Illinois, from 1867-1916. Rammelkcimp, Charles Henry. Illinois College: A Centennial History . Yale University Press. New Haven, Conn., 1928. 650 pages. (B) A century's development, 1829 to 1929. Rinaker, Thomas. Gideon Blackburn, the Founder of Blackburn University , Carlinville, Illinois. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 17, No. 3, October, 1924, pp. 398-410. Springfield. Mainly a history of the University. Ward, Estelle Frances. Story of Northwestern Univers- ity . Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1924. 376 pages. Traces the founding and development of the University at Evanston, and the beginnings of its departments on the McKinlock Campus,. Chicago. Webster, Martha Farnham. Seventy-Five Significant Years: The Story of Knox College , 1837-1912. Wagoner Printing Co., Galesburg, 1912. 210 pages. (I) (24) Illinois Bibliography Literature Hansen, Harry. Midwest Portraits . Harcourt , Brace & Co. New York, 1923. 357 pages. A noted literary critic's estimate of Mid-Western authors. Hirsch, Arthur H. Historical Values in the Mid- Century Literature of the Middle West . Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 36, Vol. 30, pp. 117- 125. Springfield, 1929. Covers Illinois literature from 1825-1875. Jamison, Isabel. Literature and Literary People of Early Illinois . Transactions of the Illinois State Histori- cal Society, No. 13, Vol. 9, pp. 123-139. Springfield, 1908. Literary high spots of the first forty years of Illinois statehood. Lindsay, Vachel. Collected Poems . Macmillan Co., New York, 1925. 464 pages. (I) In this edition most of the poet's Illinois poems are included. Mesters, Edgar Lee. Spoon River Anthology . New Edition, with new poems. Macmillan Co., New York, 1924. 306 pages. The historic Spoon River and its people have been immortalized in this collection of poems in free verse. Novels of Illinois life Bacheller, Irving. Man for the Ages . Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, 1919. 416 pages. A portrayal of Lincoln during his residence at New Salem forms the background of this romance. (25) Illinois Bibliography Brown, Katherine H. Piano . Doubleday, Pago & Co., New York, 1904. 440 pages. The story unfolds in the Ionian settlement at Nauvoo. Brown, Katherine H. The Father . John Day Co., New York, 1928. 368 pages. Central Illinois before the Civil War is the scene, with Lincoln as a central figure. Carr, Clark E. The Illini . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1904. 468 pages. A romance of the years in Illinois just prior to the Civil War. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. The Story of Tonty . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1928. 230 pages. The plot interest is centered upon the life of the explorer. Churchill, Winston. The Crossing . Macmillan Co. , New York, 1904. 557 pages. Daniel Boone and George Rogers Clark are important characters in this romance of western expansion. Dougall, Lily. The Mormon Prophet . D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1899. 427 pages. Joseph Smith and the early Mormons motivate the romance interest. Eggleston, George Gary. Long Knives . Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., New York, 1907. 395 pages. Story of Clark's expedition to Illinois. Fairbank, Janet Ayer. The Bright Land . Houghton, Mifflin Co., Boston, 1932. 525 pages. Galena at its social height is the setting. (26) Illinois Bibliography Ferber, Edna. Show Boat . Grossot & Dunlap Publishers, New York, 1926. 398 pages. Tho cities of Thebes and Cairo have supplied the author with most of the material in this novel. Hough, Emerson. The Mississippi Bubble . Bowen Merrill Co,, Indianapolis, 1902. 452 pages. The plot is focused on John Law's schemo for the development of the Illinois country and Louisiana. Masters, Edgar Lee. Children of the Market Place . Macmillan Co., New York, 1922. 368 pages. In this novel of central Illinois throe decades before tho Civil War, Lincoln and Douglas figure prominently. Masters, Edgar Lee. Mitch Miller. Macmillan Co., New York, 1920. 262 pages. A romance of boyhood days in Petersburg, Illinois. Morrow, Honore Willsie. Forever Free; With Malice Toward None; The Last Full Measure . Morrow & Co. , New York, 1927, 1928, 1930. 1,087 pages. (B) A trilogy of Lincoln's life. Parrish, Randall. When Wilderness was King . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1904. Recreates in fiction the early days in Illinois and the Fort Der.rborn massacre. Music and Art Armstrong, W. D. Early Music and Musicians in Illinois . Transactions of the Illinois Statu Historical Society. No. 38, Vol. 32, pp. 60-77. Springfield, 1931. Covers the nineteenth and first three decades of the twentieth centurios. (27) Illinois Bibliography Bennett, Frances Cheney, Editor. History of Music and Art in Illinois . Societe Universelle Lyrique. Chicago, 1904. 658 pages. (I) Biographies and portraits of leading artists and musicians; also of those who have been liberal patrons of art in Illinois. Taft, Mrs. Lorado. Ar t i n Illinois . Illinois Libra:-' ries, Vol. 13, April, 1913, pp. 32-40, Illinois State Library Extension Division, Springfield, An art pilgrimage through twenty-seven cities in Illinois. (28) Illinois Bibliography POINTS OF INTEREST Bennett, Albert. Starved Rock Beautiful . (Illinois State Park). Starved Rock Publishing Co. , Ottawa, 1914. 45 pages. (I) A guide with maps and routes. Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings. Parks and memorials of the State of Illinois , compiled by C. M. Service. Springfield, 1931. 143 pages. (I) Johnson, C. F. Angling in Northern Illinois . American Field Publishing Co., Chicago, 1896. 116 pages. (I) Sauer, Carl 0., Cady, Gilbert H. , and Cowles, Henry Chandler. Starved Rock State Park and Its Environs . Geographic Society of Chicago, Bull. No. 6. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1918. 148 pages. (I) Covers the geography, geology and botany of the region. (29) Illinois Bibliography TOURS Illinois Blue Book , 1935-1936. Edited by Edward J. Hughes, Secretary of State. Printed by authority of the State of Illinois. (I) Contains a special insert, "A Motor Tour through Illinois State Parks." pp. 389-452. Illinois Tourists' Guide . Illinois Chamber of Commerce. Chicago, 1932. 296 pages. (I) Tourists* camps information; monuments, and historic sites in Illinois; counties and county seats. Owen, Emerson D. , Editor. Official Hotel Red Book . American Hotel Association Directory Corp., New York, 1935. 882 pages. Golden anniversary edition. Illinois hotels, pp. 154-196. (30) BIBLIOGRAPHY-CHICAGO AND ITS ENVIRONS GENERAL INFORMATION Transportation, Accommodations, and ..iiscellaneous Service: Chicago Street Guide and Transportation Directory . Rand McNally & Co. Chicago, 1935. 156 pages. (Maps) Comprehensive guide—transportation facilities, streets, buildings, points of interest, etc. Granger, Alfred. Chicago T 'Ielcomes You . A. Kroch. Chicago, 1933. 258 pages. (I) General information, recreational possibilities, and cultural advantages. Lobeck, A. K. Airways of America . The Geographic Press* Columbia University. New York, 1933. Location and description of the flying fields and important air ports, Chicago, pp. 59-64. Shackleton, Robert. The Book of Chicago . Penn Publishing Co. Philadelphia, 1920. 354 pages, (I) Description and interpretation of Chicago's cultural and economic life. Recreation: Areas and Equipment Forest Preserves of Cook County . Clohesey & Co, Chicago, 1921. 223 pages. (I) Description; with brief biographical sketches of members of the Board of Commissioners. (31) Chicago Bibliography Handbook of Chicago's Parks ; History, Background, Organization. Chicago Park District, 1935. 60 pages. (I) CONTEMPORARY SCENE Morley, Christopher. Old Loopy, A Love Letter for Chicago . Argus Book Shop, Inc. Chicago, 1935. 17 pages, (I) An interpretive essay, with nine photographs by Guy Ederheimer, Jr. NATURAL SETTING Climate Cox, Henry Joseph, and Armington, John H. The Weather and Climate of Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1914. 375 pages. (Maps and Tables) Tabulations covering a period of five years showing normal precipitation and variations. Geography Goode , J. Paul. Geographical Background of Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1928. 70 pages. (Maps and Graphs) General analysis of Chicago's natural resources and strategic location in relation to them. (32) Chicago Bibliography Salisbury, Rollin D. , and Alden, William C. The Geography of Chicago and Its Environs , Geographical Society of Chicago , Bull. No. 1. University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1920. 64 pages. (I) Wood, Junius B. Chicago, Titan of the Middle West . National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 58, May, 1931, pp. 567- 594. Washington, D. C. (I) A section of an illuminating, descriptive article, "Illinois, Crossroads of the Continent." Topography Downing, Elliot Rowland. A Naturalist in the Groat Lakes Region . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1922. 336 pages. (I) (B) Brief facts on natural history, physical geography, geology, etc. Fryxell, Fritiof Melvin. The Physiography of the Region of Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1927. 55 pages. (I) (B) Prepared for the Committee on General Surveys of the Chicago Regional Planning Association. Geology and Paleontology Baker, Frank Collins. The Mollusca of the Chicago Area . Part 1, The Pelecypoda; Part 2, The Gastropoda. Bulletin of the Natural History Survey, No. 3. Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1898 and 1902. 576 pages. (33) Chicago Bibliography Bretz, J. Harlem. How Chicagoland Was Made . Journal of the Western Society of Engineers, June, 1933, pp. 135- 141. Chicago. Popular account of the geological history of the Chicago area. Leverett, Frank. The Pleistocene Features and De- posits of the Chicago Area . Bulletin of the Natural History Survey, No. 2. Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1897. 86 pages. Nichols, Henry T * T indsor. Early Geological History of Chicago . Field Museum of Natural History, Geology Leaflet 7, 1925. Museum Press. Chicago, 30 pages. (I) (B) Weller, Stuart. The Paleontology of the Niagara Limestone in the Chicago Area . Part 1, The Crinoidea; Part 2, The Trilobita. Bulletin of the Natural History Survey, No. 4. Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1900 and 1907. 411 pages. Resources and their Conservation: Mineral Crook, Alja Robinson. The Mineralogy of the Chicago Area . Bulletin of the Natural History Survey, No, 5. Chicago Academy of Sciences. Chicago, 1902. 64 pages. Extensive local descriptions. Plant Pepoon, Herman S. An Annotated Flora of the Chicago Area. Chicago Academy of Sciences. Chicago, 1927. 554 pages. (I) The author is a recognized authority on plant life in the Chicago region. Rogers, Julia Ellen. Tree Guide: Trees East of the Rockies . Doubleday, Page & Co* Garden City, N.Y. , 1915. 265 pages. (I) An illustrated pocket manual. Chicago trees, p. 163. (34) Chicago Bibliography Animal Sanborn, Colin C. Mammals of the Chicago Area . Field kuseum of Natural History. Dept of Zoology, Leaflet No. 8. Chicago, 1926. 12 pages. Walter, Herbert E. , and Alice H. Wild Birds in City Parks. Macmillan Co. New York, 1926. Ill pages. (I) Twelfth revised edition, identifying 203 birds; prepared primarily for spring migra- tion in Lincoln Park, Chicago, but adapted to other localities in northeastern United States and Canada. Woodruff, Frank Morley. The Birds of the Chicago Area . Bulletin of Natural History Survey, No. 6. Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1907. 221 pages, (I) (35; Chicago Bibliography FIRST AMERICANS Archeology and Indians Caton, John D. Last of the Illinois and a Sketch of the Pottawatomi . Fergus Printing Co. Chicago, 1876. 30 pages. A paper emphasizing the importance of the Chicago region to these tribes, read before the Chicago Historical Society, 1870. Dilg, Carl. Mounds Near Chicago . American Archae- ologist, Vol. II, December, 1898. Columbus, Ohio. pp. 315- 317. Grover, Frank R. Some Indian Landmarks of the North Shore . Chicago Historical Society Proceedings, Vol. 2. Chicago, 1905. pp. 257-292. An address read by the author before the Society, 1905. Strong, William Duncan. Indian Tribes of the Chi- cago Region , with Special Reference to the Illinois and Pottawatomi. Field Museum of Natural History, Dept of Anthropology, Leaflet No. 24. Chicago, 1926. 35 pages. (36) Chicago Bibliography HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT Historical Development Andreas, A. T. H istory of Chicago . Published by author. Chicago, 1884-1886. 2,304 pages. (I) Three volumes dealing with the period from 1673-1884. Atkinson, Eleanor. Story of Chicago and National Development . Tenth edition. Little Chronicle Co., Chicago, 1912. 122 pages. A narrative of the influences which have contributed to the city's greatness and its place in national development. Bishop, Glenn A., and Gilbert, Paul. Chicago' s Accomplishments and Leaders . Bishop Pub. Co., Chicago, 1932. 550 pages. (I) In addition to many biographical sketches , there is much information on cultural and social activities, organization, etc. Blanchard, Rufus. Discovery and Conquests of the Northwest, With the History of Chicago . R. Blanchard & Co., Chicago, 1898 and 1900. 1,365 pages. (I) Vol. I, 1665-1818; Vol. II, political and industrial history. Cook, Frederick F, Bygone Days in Chicago . A. C. kcClurg & Co., Chicago, 1910. 450 pages. (I) A well-known journalist's recollections of the "Garden City" of tho 'Sixties. (37) Chicago Bibliography Curroy, Jo si ah Seymour. Chicago: Its History and Its Builders, 1675-191 2. S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1912. 2,676 pages. (I) Five volumes, of which Vols. IV and V are biographical. Currey, Josiah Seymour. The Story of Old Fort Dearborn . A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1912. 173 pages. (I) An account of the very earliest days of Chicago. G-arraghan, Gilbert J. Chicago Under the French Regime . Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, No. 7, Vol. 31, pp. 184-187. Springfield r 1930. Gilbert, Paul Thomas, and Bryson, Charles Lee. Chicago and Its Makers . Felix Mendelsohn. Chicago, 1929. 1,085 pages. (I) Narrative of events from earliest days to the inception of A Century of Progress Exposi- tion; also many biographical sketches. Goodspeed, Weston Arthur, and Healy, Daniel D. , Editors. History of Cook County, Illinois . Goodspeed Historical Ass'n. Chicago, 1909. 1,681 pages. Two volumes. A general survey of Cook County history, including a condensed history of Chicago, together with an account of suburban districts. Hamilton, Henry Raymond. The Epic of Chicago . Introduction by Caroline Mcllvaine. Willett, Clark &, Co. Chicago, 1932. 365 pages. Traces Chicago's industrial, civic, and political development. (38) Chicago Bibliography Kirkland, Caroline, Editor. Chicago Yesterdays . Daughaday & Co. Chicago, 1919. 310 pages. (I) Reminiscences of noted citizens and family letters portraying 19th century life. Kirkland, Joseph and Caroline. The Story of Chicago , Dibble Pub. Co. Chicago, 1894. 1,002 pages. (I) Two volumes. Detailed description of the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893, supple- mented by biographies of noted personages. Lewis, Lloyd, and Smith, Henry Justin. Chicago: A History of Its Reputation . Harcourt, Brace and Co. New York, 1929. 508 pages. An authoritative, comprehensive account of Chicago activities. Masters, Edgar Lee. The Tale of Chicago . 0. P. Putnam's Sons. New York, 1933. 364 pages. A famous American poet's tribute to the city. Mcllvaine, Mabel, Editor. Reminiscences of Early Chicago; Reminiscences of Chicago During the Forties and Fifties; Reminiscences of Chicago During the Great Fire; Reminiscences of Chicago During the Civil War . The Lake- side Press. Chicago. 645 pages. (I) Each volume compiled from first-hand sources, with introduction by the editor. Moses, John, and Kirkland, Joseph. History of Chicago, Aboriginal to Metropolitan . Munsell & Co. Chicago, 1895. 1,562 pages. (I) Two volumes, each containing biographical sketches. (39) Chicago Bibliography Pierce, Bessie Louise, Compiler and Editor. As Others See Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1933. 540 pages. Impressions from the writings of over forty-seven noted visitors, 1673-1933, with brief biographical sketches of each. Quaife, Milo Milton. Chicago and the Old Northwest , 1673-1835 . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1913. 480 pages. (I) (B extended) Sub-title: "A Study of the Evolution of the Northwestern Frontier, together with a History of Fort Dearborn." Quaife, Milo Milton. Checagou, From Indian. Wigwam to Modern City, 1673-1835 . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1933. 212 pages. A shorter account of the author's "Chicago and the Old Northwest." Smith, Henry Justin. Chicago's Great Century . Con- solidated Publishers, Inc. Chicago, 1933. 198 pages. (I) A narrative of the chief events in the city's development, 1833-1933. Waterman, Arba Nelson. Historical Review of Chicago and Cook County . Lewis "/Mblishing Co. Chicago, 1908. 1,324 pages. A three-volume historical and biographical encyclopedia. Development of Government Carter, Orrin N. The Early Courts of Chicago and Cook County . Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society, pp. 35-54. Springfield, 1914. A survey of the city's early judicial system; with biographical sketches of attorneys of the period. (40) Chicago Bibliography Grosser, Hugo S. Chicago: A Review of Its Govern- mental History . Report of Tenth convention of the League of American Municipalities, chapters I-VI, Chicago, 1906. 208 pages. Political history, 1837-1906. Merriam, Charles Edward. Chicago: A More Intimate View of Urban Politics . Macmillan Co, New York, 1929. 305 pages. Graphic analysis of Chicago's political development including personal reminiscences. Merriam, Charles Edward; Lepawsky, Albert; and others. Government of the Metropolitan Region of Chicago University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1933. 193 pages. (Maps) (B) Results of a comprehensive local community research program conducted by the University. Footnotes refer to individual studies which have been or are being published by the University Press. (41) C h icago Bibliography ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Industry and Commerce Appleton, John Bargate. The Iron and Steel Industry of the Calumet District . Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol. XIII, No. 2. June, 1925. University of Illinois. Urbana. 133 pages. Detailed study of economic geography, with statistics and maps. Chicago, The Great Central Market . R. L. Polk & Co. Chicago, 1923. 906 pages. Commercial development, etc., 1637-1923. Currey, J. Seymour. Manufacturing and Wholesale Industries of Chicago . Thomas B. Poole Co. Chicago, 1918. 1,326 pages. (I) Three vols. Industrial history of Chicago. with biographical sketches of industrial leaders. Hoyt, Homer, One Hundred Years in Land Values in Chicago, 1850-1953 . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1933. 519 pages, (Maps) (B) Outlines the relationship of the growth of Chicago to the rise in land values. Manufacturers in Chicago and Metropolitan Area , Employing 50 or More Persons. Chicago Association of Commerce. Chicago,. 1934. 98 pages. A directory of manufacturers and employers compiled by the Industrial Department of the Association. (42) Chicago Bibliography Mitchell, Uilliam N. , and Jucius, M. J. Industrial Districts of the Chicago Region . The Journal of Business of the University of Chicago, April, 1933. Vol. VI, No. 2, pp. 139-156. University of Chicago Press. Chicago. An outline of the influences bearing on plant location. Plumbe, George E. Chicago: The Great Industrial and Commercial Center of the Mississippi Valley . Chicago Association of Commerce. Chicago, 1912. 144 pages. (I) Considers the city's advantageous relationship between raw material and manufactured products. The Road to the World's Grain Markets . Pub. by Committee on Education, Chicago Board of Trade. Chicago, 1933. 32 pages. (I) A bulletin explaining general activities of the Chicago grain market by the Committee on Education. Transport at ion (see also Illinois Transportation) Barce, Elmore. The Old Chicago Trail and Old Chicago Road . Indiana Mr.gazine of History, March, 1919. pp. 1-14. Department of History, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. Quaife, Milo Milton. Chicago Highways Old and New ; From Indian Trail to Motor Road. D. F. Keller & Co. Chicago, 1923. 278 pages. (I) Describes the plank road era, stage-coach travel, and trverns and tavern life before the advant of the railroads. (43) Chicago Bibliography Agriculture Duddy, Edward A. Agriculture in the Chicago Region . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1929. 158 pages. (I) "Aims at giving a picture of ohe use of land in the Chicago region for agricultural purposes." Folklore Mitchell, Harley B. Historical Fragments of Early Chicagoland . Privately printed. At we 11 Printing & Binding Co. Chicago, 1928. 180 pages. (I) Etymology, anecdotes, folk stories, and unusual data extracted from a series of articles under the pen name of "The Tatler." Education Cook, John Williston. Educational History of Chicago . Educational History of Illinois, Chapter XIX, pp. 456-493. Henry 0. Shepard Co. Chicago, 1912. Counts, George Sylvester. School and Society in Chicago . Harcourt, Brace & Co. New York, 1928. 376 pages. Points out the influence of social agencies upon school activities. G-arraghan, Gilbert J. Loyola University . The Catholic Church in Chicago, pp. 169-178, 217. Loyola University Press, Chicago, 1921. (I) (44) Chicago Bibliography G-oodspeed, Thomas Wakefield. A History of the University of Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1916. 522 pages. (I) The first quarter-century of the University. McManis, John T. Ella Flagg Young and a Half Century of the Chicago Public Schoo ls. A. C. McClurg & Co, Chicago, 1916. 238 pages. (B meagre) A half-century of change, as surveyed by a former superintendent of Chicago schools. Strayer, George D. Report of the Survey of the Schools of Chicago, Illinois . Columbia University Press. New York, 1932. 1,352 pages. Five volumes. Vols. I and II deal with administrative problems, and secondary and higher education. Vols. III-V consider curricula and operation of the school plant, and present a summary of the findings together with recommendations. Ward, Estelle Frances. Story of Northwestern University . Dodd, Mead &, Co. New York, 1932. 376 pages. Founding and development of the University at Evanston, and the beginnings of its de- partments on the ivicKinlock Campus, Chicago. Religion and Culture Harper, .'/illiam Rainey. Religion and Higher Life . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1914. 184 pages. Talks to students on religion and cultural life by the first president of the University of Chicago, (45) Chicago Bibliography Riley, Thomas James. Higher Life of Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1905. 136 pages. Study of cultural opportunities, social- welfare, etc. Smith, Kenry Justin. Chicago, A Portrait . The Century Co. New York, 1931, 386 pages. (I) Many anecdotes are interwoven in this study of the cultural growth of Chicago and its suburbs. Still, Bayrd. Evidences of the 'Higher Life 1 on the Frontier . Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Vol. 38, July, 1935. pp. 81-99. Springfield. Chicago's cultural life between 1830 and 1850. Sociology Addams, Jane. Twenty Years at Hull House and The Second Twenty Years at Hull House . Macmillan Co. New York, 1910, 1930. 875 pages. These two autobiographical volumes present a survey of the development of the famous settlement founded by Miss Addams and some of the civic and special activities with which she was identified. Bowen, Louise deKoven. Growing Up V/ith a City . Macmillan Co. New York, 1926. 226 pages. For many years the author has taken an active part in the social, charitable, and political enterprises of Chicago. Bushnell, Charles Joseph. The Social Problems at the Chicago Stockyards . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1902. (Maps and tables) (46) Chicago Bibliography Campbell, Edna Fay, and others. Our City--Chicago . Charles Scribner's Sons. New York, 1950. 431 pages. (I) (B extended) Part I, Chicago Becomes a Community; Part II, Our Community Problems; Part III, Public Utilities. Carbaugh, Harvey C, Editor. Human Welfare Work in Chicago . A. C. McClurg & Co. Chicago, 1917. 262 pages. Comprehensive survey of all phases of the subject by various authorities. Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart C. Chicago . Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, 1917, 128 pages, (I) An intimate analysis of the Chicago spirit with special stress on the characteristics of the west, south, and north sides. Jeter, Helen Rankin. Trends of Population in the Region of Chicago . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1927. 64 pages. A survey of the growth and distribution of Chicago population, prepared by the Local Community Research Committee of the University. McDowell, Mary E. A Quarter of a Century in the Stock - yards District . Transactions of the Illinois State Histori- cal Society, pp. 72-83. Springfield, 1920. A study of labor conditions of this section of the city by the late head of the University of Chicago Settlement. Moody, Walter D. What of the City? A. C. McClurg & Co. Chicago, 1919. 441 pages. With the Chicago city plan as a keynote, this work traces the growth of many American cities in the period 1898-1918. (47) Chicago Bibliography Palmer, Vivien M. Social Backgrounds of Chicago's Local Community . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1928. 281 pages. (I) (B) Prepared from sociological studies, directed by the Local Community Research Committee of the University. Park, R. E., Burgess, E. W. , and McKenzie, R. D. The City . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1925. 239 pages. (B) Comprehensive study of social problems in general, with special reference to cultural communities in Chicago. Smith, Thomas V. Chicago: An Experiment in Social Science Research . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1929.' 283 pages. - Experiences and accomplishments of the local Community Research Committee during five years' intensive study. Social Service Directory and Year Book * Elizabeth H. Webster, Editor. Council of Social Servico Agencies of Chicago. Chicago, 1936. 254 pages. . A handbook of social service in Chicago and suburbs, containing a Directory of national organ- izations and a Year Book of the social work in Chicago. Steadman, Robert Foster. Public Heclth Organization in the Chicago Region . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1930. 273 pages. (B) A social science study, directed by the Social Science Research Committee of the University. (48) Chicago Bibliography Taylor, Graham. Pioneering on Social Frontiers . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1930. 457 pages. A detailed account of the noted settlement, Chicago Commons, based on the author's work there, covering a period of thirty-six years. Thrasher, Frederic M. The Gang . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1927. 571 pages. (B) Result of an investigation of many Chicago gangs, studied in their peculiar habitat. Zorbaugh, Harvey Warren. Gold Coast and Slum . University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1920. 287 pages. A presentation of extremes in livi.ig as found in the Chicago area known as the "Near North Side." Art Chicago as an Art Center . Art and .archaeology. September-October, 1921. pp. 99-192. Washington, D. C. A double number, presenting various phases of Chicago's art development by outstanding authorities. French, "•'illiam M. R. The Art Institute of Chicago , W. P. Dunn & Co. Chicago, 1904. 31 pages. (I) Descriptive history of the Art Institute - its organization, place in art, and its contri- bution to the artistic standards of ^m^rica. (49) Chicago Bibliography James, James Alton. Chicago: A History in Block- Print . Consolidated Book Publishers, Inc. Chicago, 1934. 106 pages. (I) Depicts, with block prints and text, the struggle to attain boauty by commercial and cultural institutions of the city. Morgan, Anna. My Chicago . Ralph Fletcher Seymour. Chicago, 1918. 201 pages. (I) An account of the growth of the colony of paintors, writers, and lovers of the fine arts in Chicago; with short biographical sketches. Literature Blanden, Charles G. , and Mathison, Minna, Editors. The Chicago Anthology . The Roadside Press, Chicago, 1916. 183 pages. A collection of verse by Chicago poets, selected and arranged by the editors; with Introduction by Llewellyn Jones. Fiske, Horace Spencer, Editor. Poems on Chicago and Illinois . The Stratford Co. Boston, 1927. 60 pages. Libraries of the Chicago Area . Chicago Library Club, 1933. 160 pages. A comprehensive directory. Sandburg, Carl. Chicago Poems . Henry Holt & Co. New York, 1916. 183 pages. This collection contains many poems which appeared earlier in Harriet Monroe's "Poetry Magazine*" (50) Chicago Bibliography Novels of Chicago Life Aldis, Dorothy. Their Own Apartment . G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York, 1935. 240 pages. A girl-bride leaves her quiet San Francisco home and comes to the noisy Chicago apartment of her in-laws. How she readjusts herself and enters into her new communal surroundings make up the plot's unfolding. Barnes, Margaret Ayer. Years of Grace . Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, 1930. 591 pages. Portrays the life of a Chicago family from the time of the Columbian Exposition, 1893, to date. Biak, Elisa. On What Strange Stuff. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. New York, 1935. 301 pages. The success and failures of five men and two women striving for recognition in various activities are interlinked with life in Chicago. Bradley, Mary Hastings. Old Chicago . D. Appleton Co, New York, 1933. 398 pages. Four novelettes recreating life in Chicago from 1812 to 1893. Burnham, Clara Louise. Sweet Clover . Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, 1894. 411 pages. Scenes from the Columbian Exposition of 1893 add much to the interest of this novel, Cassady, Constance, and Cardwell, Ruth. Even in Laughter . Bobbs-Merrill Co. Indianapolis, 1935. 359 pages. Based on the reactions of four Chicago families during depression years - ranging in social scale from an Italian family of the tenements to that of a successful publisher. (51) Chicago Bibliography Gather, Wills Sibert. Lucy Gayheart . Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Now York, 1935. 231 pages. Depicts the struggles of c Nebraska girl who comes to Chicago to study music. Dell, Floyd. Briery-Bush . A. Knopf. Now York, 1921. 425 pages. A semi -autobiographical novel of a Chicago Journalist. Dreiser, Theodore. The Genius . John Lane Co. New York, 1915. 700 pages. The adventures of an Illinois artist who comes to Chicago to study at the Art Institute. Dreiser, Theodore. The Titan . John Co. New York, 1914. 552 pages. A sequel to "The Financier." After a prison term, the hero comes to Chicago and builds another fortune. Fairbank, Janet Ayer. The Smiths . Bobbs-Merrill Co. Indianapolis, 1925. 433 pages. The background of this family romance traces the development of Chicago from Civil War days to 1912. Farrell, James T. Calico Shoes and Other Stories . The Vanguard Press, Inc. New York, 1934. 303 pages. A collection of stories about Chicgo Irish, Greeks, and Negroes written in the vernacular of the streets of Chicago's south side. Farrell, James T. S tuds Lonigan: A Trilogy . The Vanguard Press, Inc. Now jfork, 1935. 1,078 pages. The life story of a Chicago street boy. Ferber, Edna. So Big . Doubleday, Page & Co. Now York, 1924. 360 pages. Chicago and South Holland furnish the setting for this romancu of a mother's sacrifice for her sop. (52) Chicago Bibliography Fuller, Hsnry B. Tho Cliff Dwellers . Harper and Brothers. -Now York. 1893. 324 pages. (I) Portrays life in a Chicago "skyscraper" in the 'nineties. Garland, Hamlin. Rose of Dutcher's Coolly . Harper and Brothers. New York, 1899. 354 pages. A college girl from Wisconsin seeks wider opportunities in Chicago. Hall, Grace D., and Merlanti, Ernesto G. Honor Divided . Fleming H. Revell Co. New York, 1935. 224 pages. Vfhy and how one son of an Italian Chicago family becomes a gangster and the other a prominont judge is tho theme of this novel. Hocht, Ben. A Thousand and One Afternoons . Covici- McGee. Chicago, 1922. 288 pages. Colorful journ-.listic sketches of Chicago's daily life. Herri ck, Robert. Chimes . Kacmillan Co. New York, 1926. 310 pages. A romance of the University of Chicago, by onto of its professors. Hcrrick, Robert. One Womrn's Life . The Macmillan Co. New York, 1913. 405 pages. Portrays Chicago life in the late 'eighties. Lovin, Meyer. Tho Old Bunch . Viking Press. Now York, 1937. 946 pages. Big city life from war time to the days of the New Deal. A novel in self-portrait style. MacHarg, William B. , and Balmer, Edwin. The Indian Drum . Little, Brown & Co. Boston, 1917. 367 pages. A novel based on the legend that on Lake Michigan a booming like the Indian drum is heerd whonever the lake takes a life. (53) Chicago Bibliography Norris, Frank. The Pit . Doubleday, P-ige & Co. New York, 1903. 403 pages. The romance interest evolves around a "deal in the Chicago wheat pit." Roe, E. P. Barriers Burned Away . Dodd, Moad & Co. New York, 1873. 472 pages. Thrilling account of the Chicago fire of 1871. Sinclair, Upton B. Thu Jungle . Doubleday, Page & Co. New York, 1906. 413 pages. Narrative of working conditions in the Chicago stockyards. Street, Ada and Julian. Tides . Doubleday, Pago & Co. New York, 1926. 412 pages. A novel of changing manners during Chicago's growth from village days to a thriving metropolis. Strobol, Marion. Fellow Mortals . Farrer & Rinehart, Inc. New York, 1935. 300 pages. Traces the fortunes of a Chicago family through years of prosperity and depression. Walker, Mildred. Light From Arcturus . Harcourt, Brace & Co., Inc. New York, 1935. 343 pages. Three incidents play a significant part in the life of the heroine - one, a visit at the age of 74, to A Century of Progress which she compares with the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, 1876. Music Moore, Edward C. Forty Years of Oper^ in Chicngo . Horace Liveright. New York, 1930. 430 pages. (I) Detailed description of its development, 1889-1929. (54) Chicago Bibliography Otis, Philo Adams. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra: Its Organization, Growth, end Development , 1891-1924. Clayton F. Summy Co. Chicago, 1924. 466 nages. (I) Russell, Charles Edward. American Orchestra and Theodore Thomas . Doubleday, Page & Co. Garden City, N. Y. , 1927. 344 pages. (I) A study of Theodore Thomas and his work with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Architecture Schuyler, Montgomery. Glimpses of Western Architec- ture . American Architecture. Harper & Brothers. New York, 1892. (I) Chicago's architectural developments pp. 112-167. Starrett, William Aiken. Skyscrapers and the Men Who Build Them . Charles Scribner's Sons. New York, 1928. 347 pages. (I) Contains many references to Chicago skyscrapers and their architects. Tallmadge, Thomas E. The Story of Architecture in America. W. W. Norton & Co. New York, 1927. 311 pages. (T) Much space is given to Chicago's architectural development., and chapter VIII is devoted entirely to the Columbian Exposition of 1893. Woltersdorf , Arthur, Editor. Living Architecture . A. Kroch. Chicago, 1930. 178 pages. (I) A series of essays by noted architects discuss- ing present-day problems, wherein many of Chicago's famous buildings are described. (55) Chicago Bibliography POINTS OF INTEREST Ashenhurst , John and Ruth L. All About Chicago . Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, 1933. 268 pages. (I) A guide to the city's outstanding points of interest and amusement places. Drury, John. A Century of Progress Guide to Chicago . Consolidated Book Publishers, Inc. Chicago, 1933. 200 pages. Authorized guide, published for A Century of Progress. Steevens, George W. Chicago Landmarks . Esther Singleton's Historic Landmarks of America. Chapter V, pp. 134-140. Dodd, Mead & Co. New York, 1907. Museums A Brief Guide to the Collections . Published by the Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, 1935. 32 pages. (I) Chicago Historical Society Illustrated Handbook . Published by the Society, Chicago, 1937. 40 pages. (I) Chute, Walter H. Guide to the John G. Shedd Aquarium . Published by the Aquarium. Chicago, 1933. 220 pages. (I) Field Museum of Natural History Handbook: Its History , Exhibits, Expeditions, and Activities . Fifth edition. Field Museum Press. Chicago, 1925. 68 pages. (I) (56J Chicago Bib 1 i o g r a p h y Fox, Philip. Adler Planetarium and Astronomical Museum . Chicago Park District. The Lakeside Press. Chicago, 1935, 62 pages. (I) Higley, William K. Historical Sketch of the Chicago Academy of Science s (1856-1902). Published by the Academy. Chicago, 1902. 60 pages. Kaempf f ert , Waldemar. (1) Museum of Science and Industry Founded by Jul iu s Rosenwald, An Institution to Reveal the Technical As c ent of Man . Chicago, 1929. 37 pages. (2) From Oavenan to Engineer . Chicago, 1935» 128 pages. (I) Tv/o guidebooks to the Museum of Science and Industry by the former Director. Published by the Museum. Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago . Published by the Institute. Chicago, 1935. 79 pages. (I) Fourth edition of the Handbook. (57) Chicago Bibliography POINTS OF INTEREST IN ENVIRONS Chapin, Louella. Round About Chicago , Unity Publish- ing Co. Chicago, 1907. 200 pages. (I) Describes outstanding scenes of beauty and interest in Chicago's suburbs. Cressy, George Babcock. The Indiana Sand Dunes and Shore Line of the Lake Michigan Basin . Chicago Geographical Society, Bull. No. 8. University of Chicago Press. Chicago, 1928. 80 pages. Moran, George E. Chicago and Cook County Guide . Published by author. Chicago, 1915. 218 pages. (I) White, Marion Ainsworth. First Book of the North Shore and Second Book of the North Shore . J. H. White. Chicago, 1910, 1911. 180 pages. (I) Description of homes, gardens and highways and byways of Chicago's north shore suburbs. White, Marion Ainsworth. Book of the Western Suburbs . J. H. White. Chicago, 1912. 184 pages. (I) Companion volume to the author's two books on Chicago's north shore suburbs. (58)