university of Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates '-''V NAVY ESTIMATES, FOR THE YEAR 18 5 6-5 ?. [ACCOUNT OF NAVAL OLD STORE MONEYS AND EXTRA RECEIPTS IN 1855 APPENDED.] miVERsirr of MAR 4 ) Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 7 February 1856. r 16. o NAVY K S T 1 M A T 1«: S AN ESTIMATE of the Sums required to lueet the I'iXjjenses wliiclj may be and Deerease, as compared with the Sums voted for No of Vote. I’agc. A B S T K A C T. 1 4 Wages to Sc.-imcn and Marines 2 14 Victuals for ditto - 3 15 Admiralty Oeiice 4 19 Royal Naval Coast Volunteers - 5 20 Scientific Branch - - - . ~ . (5 25 Her Majesty’s Establishments at Home 7 38 Her Majesty's Establishments Abroad ........ 8 46 ^Vages to Artificers, &c. employed in Her Majesty’s Establishments at Home 9 50 Wages to Artificers, &c. employed in Her Majesty’s Establishments Abroad - 10 51 Naval Stores, &c. for the Building and Repair of Shifs, &c. - . - . 11 52 New "Works, Improvements, and Repairs in the Yards, &c. . - - - 12 77 Medicines and Medical Stores ---------- 13 78 Miscellaneous Services ----------- Total for the Effective Service - - - £. 14 1 1 Half Pay, Reserved Half Pay and Retirement to Officers of the Navy and Royal'll Marines J 1 j 84 1 Military Pensions and Allowances - -- -- -- - 10 1 102 Civil Pensions and Allowances - -- -- -- -- GRANJI TOTAL - - - £. Tl icHc SiiiiiH Iiicliitlc tli(! Votes III llie Siiiiiilcineiilary Esliiiuitc lor luldilioiial Naval Mx|)('U(lihiro, Ailiiiirally, 4 J'cltruary 185(1. WIIYERSITY U 1 V A A A D 4 ■ ' r|o \. FOR THE YEAR 1 8 5 0 - 5 T.'VlArt * i. , 5 . I incurred in the Nav the preceding Year, AL Dei’art.mkni', in under the foUowing the Year 1856-57, Heads ; viz. showing the Increa REQUIRED TO BE VOTED LAST VOTE for 1 8 56/57. for the Service of the Year 1850/57. the Fiiianciul Year 1855/56. Increase. Decrease. £. £'. £. £. 3,237,893 2,885,567 352,326 — 1,434,730 1,374,081 60,649 — 138,399 140,469 . 2,070 20,000 50,000 - 30,000 58,982 51,676 7,306 — ■ 153,795 142,571 11,224 — 36,494 26,919 9,575 — 1,190,309 * 1,112,220 78,089 — 109,913 * 60,500 49,413 — 1 3,447,351 * 3,991,969 . 544,618 864,334 * 629,071 235,263 — 70,000 • 64,100 5,900 — 88,972 * 74,086 14,886 — 10,851,172 * 10,603,229 824,631 576,688 655,421 635,497 19,924 — 494,363 469,222 25,141 — 147,685 1 49,558 . 1,873 12,148,641 *11,857,506 i 860,606 578,561 Net Increase - - - £.201,135 iimouiilin'T together to £. 1,141,103. — (.See Parliamentary Paper, 20 July 1855, No, 410.) CHARLES WOOD, ROBERT PEEL, 4 NAVY ESTIMATES NAVY ESTIIVIATES FOR THE YEAR l85(j-57. — No. 1.— WAGES, &o., TO SEAMEN AND MARINES. WAGES, &c. TO SEAMEN. No. Skhvick Afloat : To defraj’ tlic Charge of Wag(>s wliicli shall come in course of payment in the year ending on tlu* ;}lst March ISO?, for Fifty ■jO,000 Thonsand Seameii, including Officers to he cmjiloyed in Her Alajesty's Fleet 10,000 For J'en Thousand Jioyx to he cni]doyeO _ - Kcar-Adiniials - - • - . / 1 f S»?a Pay - )_Tah)e Money 1 1 1 1 1,825 - - 1,825 - - r .Sea P. 1 V - 3 - - 1 1,460 - - \ Table Money 1,460 - - 3 Sea Pay 3 - - 1,095 - - 3,285 - - Commodore of the 1st Class and Captain of) 1 the I'leet - - - - - -j 3 - - 1 ,095 - - 1 ,095 - - Commodores of the 2d Class - - - | o - I - - 365 - - 730 - - 1 - 1 - 10 - 182 10 - 182 10 - (In addition to their Pay .as Captains of the Ships to which they arc attached.) Flag Lieutenants ----- 14 - - 10 _ 182 10 - 2,555 - - .Secretaries to Flag Office rs - - . i f) 0 • - - 1 2 - 401 10 - 3,613 10 - - - - — lb t> .301 2 6 1,806 15 - L 3 - - 8 3 150 11 3 451 13 9 Clerks and Retinues - - - - 175 - f I’rom - LTo . - 24 6 8 ) 127 15-1 7,449 - 10 225 Deduct - - - 3 Commodores included among the Capt ains. 222 OincERb SurERiNrtNDiNG Dock Yards, &c. : 1 Itoai-Ailniirals 1 ( Sea Pay - (. Table IMoney I Sea Pay - t TaWe Money Sea Pay - Cominodoic of the Jd Class - - . 1 (In addition to his Pay as Captain of the Ship to which he is attached.) Elag Lieutenants ----- | 4 Secretaries - . - . 3 - 1 - _ I 3 - -11 - y 3 - - - 10 - ( Clerks and lU'timies Deduct Co.SI.MtSSIO.M'.D Oi nCLRS, ikc. t C.i]>tains - . - . - Medical Iiispeetors of Hospitals and Elects - Coiiiiiiaiiders ------ I.iioitei ants - - - - M.ish r of die I lei’t Jospeetois o. .Ma< liitiery Alloat Maali'IS - - - . Ditto - - - . Ditto - - - . C It lied foiw ird 1 32 44 1 - 10 - 16 - 6 ( E'rom - VTo 1,460 - _ 1,295 15 - 095 - - 162 10 - 182 10 301 2 150 11 24 6 8 ) 91 5 - J Commodore included among the Captains. 43 35 8 22 50 3 III 178 471 I ;j 198 I 1,081 1st Cl.ass - 2d ditto - 3d ditto - 4th ditto - r Commanding, or s Senior of Sea- (. going rated Ships I 18 5 1 12 11 7 5 1 11 6 6 1 1 1 II - 16 701 600 500 399 574 301 - 11 - - 10 - 1 - - 200 15 - 10 - - 17 11 ' ( .\f various rates of Pay, according to from 182/. 1 0 to 328 /. 1 0 s. per - I -8 f I at Store Allowance - •; I at [_6 at 1 - I 182 365 326 their annum 153 7 7 73 38 19 7 Classes,") - -J 12 I II 3 1 - •>/ 1,460 - - 1,295 15 - 2,190 - - 182 10 - 730 - - 602 5 - 150 11 3 944 8 9 24,538 4,805 11,007 19.998 1,724 33,424 12 11 16 8 15 10 19 2 35,733 10 - 85,957 365 980 42,121 153 378 10 - 18 9 12 I 13 9 261,190 19 2 Total Number. TOTAL A.MoriNT, X". ». rf 43 46,353 9 7 7,555 10 - 53,908 19 FOR THE YEAR 1 S 5 6-5 7, VoTK No. 1. — •Explanatouy Statemp;nt (A.) — contimu ' d . RANK. Rroii^lit forward - . - lief Engineers li.aplains Number. PAY OF EACH RANK: aff Surgeons Designation of Surgeons in Flag Snips of Commandcrs-in-Chicf on Foreign , Stations when no Deputy Inspector of Hospitals is borne on board -J aymasters . - • . aval Instructors . - - Ditto . - - - [ates . . - - - ssistant Surgeons . - - lospital Dressers . . - lecond Masters - . . Ditto . . - - issistant Paymasters in Charge issistant Paymasters Ditto - - . . Assistant Engineers SfBOBDlNATE OFFICERS: lidsbipmen ------ I .lasters’ Assistants - - - - I llerks ------- ; Javal Cadets - - - - - i‘ (Vide p. II, for the Number admitted during the Year.) Issistant Clerks - - - - - lispensary Man . - - - - I,0S1 S' 0- 35 I bti S I” 1 L 2 I 100 21f 204 90 G74 I St Class - 2d ditto - 3d ditto 2d ditto 3d ditto - r Allowance in ad-'] ) dition to their 1 I’ay as Sur DAILY. ANNUAL. ANNUAL PAY of the Whole. of. s. d . - 14 - 11 - 10 - 6 4 - 5 G - 16 6 - 8 10 8 at 1 s . 261 11 8 209 17 6 182 10 - 115 11 8 100 7 SOI 2 IGl 4 18 geons - At various Rates of Pay, according to their length -i of Service, from 200 f, 15 s. to 3281. 10 s. perj ^ At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes, I I from 249 7. 8s. id. to 600 7. 14s. Id. per L annum ■ |”At various Rates of Pay, according to their length^ s of Service, from 127 7. 15 s. to 182 7. 10 s. per|- C annum ------ - -j ' ^ -f . 5 pgi- annum for each M.aster’s in-A structed, not deducted from his Pay, as in the case > - 3 8 66 18 4 80 167 Warrakt OrriCF.Rs : junners --- lo.atswains - - - Carpenters - - - Ditto - - - 29 210 1 £• r'6" ^ < 155 I 1413 ■Ij ? 3,962 512 237 87 ooo 64 1 I'At various Rates of Pay, according to their lengthh s of Service, from 147 7. 10 s. 5 <7. to 184 7. 0 s. 5(7. I h per annum ------ -J f At the Rate of 6 s. 6 (7. a d.ay for the period of theii'l s employment, namely, fi om about 1st April to s L September or October - - - - -J ("At various Rates of Pay, according to their lengths I of Service and qualification, fiom 66 7. 18 s. 4(7. '• h to 91 7. 5 s. per annum - - - - - J Store Allowance I 36 at - - I 27 7 6 8 6 1.55 2 6 j-.At Rates of Pay, according to their Classes, namely,'] I 1st Class, 1277. 15 s., and 2d Class, 917. 5 s. j per annum - - - - - - 1 st Class - 2d ditto 3d ditto 1st ditto - 2d ditto 3d ditto 1,123 I 856 - 7 6 - 8 8 _ 6 11 - 5 10 - 4 10 - 3 10 - 3 I 1 9 2 7 4 - - 11 - 2 6 - 3 6 136 17 6 158 3 4 126 4 7 106 9 2 88 4 2 69 19 2 56 5 5 31 18 9 47 2 11 73 - - 16 14 7 45 1 2 6 63 17 6 ( At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes,') j or the Rate of the Ship, from 63 7. 17 s. 6(7. to !• L 120 7. 2 s. 11 d. per annum - - - -J Tool Money - --3 4112 856 Petty Officers avd Sfaiien : ’etty Officers, Leading Seamen. &c. - Vble, Ordinary, and 2d Cla“S Ordinary) Seamen, 6cc., including Kroomen - - ( £. s. (7. 261,190 19 2 6,016 8 4 7,345 12 6 10,220 - - 1 15 1 1 8 200 15 - .301 2 6 16,120 16 8 146 - - 56,567 7 1 1 67,004 17 6 13.413 15 - 1,185 - - 45,101 16 8 37,149 7 11 5,564 — - 14,180 5 - 985 10 - 4,498 12 6 20,951 - - 136 17 6 26.413 16 8 19,565 10 5 43,967 5 10 529 5 - 489 14 2 562 14 2 joys 14,830 24,727 39,557 7,231 iG. j' At rates of Pay, according to their Classes ; A 1 1) namely, 1st Class, 107. 1 2 s. 1 1 (/., and 2d Class, I 71,793 19 7 i 97. 2 s. 6(7. per annum - - - - -J j Total for Effective Naval ^Service - - • A 4 Total Number. TOTAL AMOUNT. 16,352 - - 11,173 11 3 6.351 - - 3,713 17 6 2,920 - - 63 17 6 83,237 5 - 839 10 - ( At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes, ) . ' I Irom 27 7. 7 s. 6(7. to 41 7. 1 .s'. 3(7. per annum -) ; 543,359 15 10 I ( .4t various Rates of Pay, according to their Ratings, i f from 16 /. 14s. 7 (7. to287. 17.s. 1 1 (7. per annum J 646,735 17 1 265 .U. s. (7. 5.3,903 1 9 7 .3,962 1,123 856 659,924 2 II 40,574 6 .3 84,076 15 - 39.557 1,190,095 12 II 45.763 7,231 2,028,579 1.5 10 71,793 19 7 52,994 2,100,373 15 5 f 8 NAVY K. S T I M A T I-: K VoTU No. 1. I'jXlM.ANATOJlY StATEMKNT (A.) CDIlt i llllctl. RANK. SURVEYING VESSELS; Commissioned Ofi'icers, &c. Captains . - . . . Coinnian(icis . . - ■ Lieutenants Masters Ditto Ditto Nunilier. 4 18 26 1‘AY OE EACH RANK; DAILY. ANM'AI., ANNUAL I’AY of the Whole. Total Nuinher. 'lO’IAL AMOUNT. .£. K. d. £. s. (/. 4th Class - I 111 — 1 6 6 I I - 10 - ;i!)f» l!> 7 aoi 2 6 200 I h - 1 82 1 0 - Chief Engineer Surgeons I At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes, "j I from 182/. 10*. to 328/. 10 s. per annum -/ ( 2 at - - j 48 1.3 4 I ( 6 at - - 38 - 5 / Store Allowance - structed, not deducted from his Pay, a.s in the ease [ of other young gentlcmi -J 3d (3ass - - 10 - 182 10 - il. 2,700 17 I 2,400 - - H03 - - 3,2»j - - 5,210 10 - 325 0 2 4.) - ( At various Rates of Pay, .according to their length of) j Service, from 200 I. 13 s. to 328 /. 10 per annum ) 182 10 - 1,578 12 6 paymasters - - - 5 4th Class - - 13 8 249 8 4 1,247 1 8 Mates - - - - - 8 . — 3 8 66 13 4 535 6 8 Assistant Surgeons - - 4 - - 9 1 1 65 1 5 5 663 1 8 fAt various Rates of Pay, according to their length ofl ’ Service and Qualification, from 66/. 18 «. id. to 602 Second Masters - - 8 1 O 1 [ 91 /. 5 s. per annum - J Ditto . - - Store .Allowance - ; 1 at 27 7 6 27 7 6 Assistant Paymasters in Charge - 5 at - - - - 8 6 155 2 6 775 12 6 Assistant Par master . - 1 2d Class - - J - 91 5 - 91 5 “ { 4 1st ditto - - 8 8 158 3 4 632 13 4 Assistant Engineers - . ! 3 2d ditto - 6 II 126 4 7 378 13 9 1 7 3d ditto _ 5 10 106 9 2 745 4 2 115 .SuiiOItDl NATE Officers : Midshipmen - - - 7 - - 1 9 31 18 9 223 11 3 Masters’ Assistants . - 14 . - 2 7 47 2 11 660 - 10 Ditto . - - Store Allowance - 1 at j 27 7 6 27 7 6 Clerk - - - 1 . - 4 - 73 - - 73 - - Naval Cadet - . - 1 - - - 11 1 16 14 7 16 14 7 Assistant Clerks - - 2 - - 2 6 1 j 45 12 6 91 5 Wahr.vnt Oei’icers: Gunners Car])enters Ditto 25 ) .At various R.ates of P.iy, according to their Classes,"!^ I from 86 /. 13 .v. 9 r/.'to 103 /. 8 s. 4 d. per annum J ‘ I 4 11 3 Tool Aloney Pkttv Of i'icEiis a sd I'etty Dnieers, laaoling Se.amen, kc. 210 570 6 3 4 11 3 Ahh', Ordinary, n/ul 2d Class Ordinary) Seiimen, 8tc. - - ■ " "i j ( At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes,) j\ from 27 t. 7 s. 6 d. to 41 /. 1 3 rf. per annum I i j f .At various Rates of Pay, accoriiing to their Ratings, ) 1 ( from 1 8 /. 5, S', to 28 /. 17 s'. 1 I 5 22,346 10 - 25 1,091 19 2 574 17 6 398 544 12,810 - 36,823 6 ■4 66 610 650 18 I 37,474 5 - FOR THE YEAR 1856-57 9 Vote No. 1. — Explan atouy Statement (A.) — continued. PAY OF EACH RANK: DAILY. ANNUAL. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1 111 399 19 7 - 16 6 301 2 6 - 11 - 200 15 - - 10 - 182 10 H A N K. TROOP SHIPS ; COJIMISSIONED OfIICEIIS, &C. jptain . ... . mmanJeii . . . - •utenants - - - - • liters . ... . Ditto . ... . Number. Ditto . . . . ief Engineers . . . rgeons . . . . ymasters . - - . ites - - - - . distant Surgeons cond Masters . . - Ditto . . . . sistaot Paymaster in Charge sistant Paymsters sistant Engineers ■{ ■{ ■-j SUBORDIKATE OFFICERS : dshipraen - - . - liters’ Assistants !rk - val Cadet . - - - sistant Clerk - . . Warrant Officers: inners - . - . atswains - - . . rpenters . . . . Ditto .... Petty Officers and Seamen : tty Officers, Leading .Seamen, &c. - le. Ordinary, and 2d Class Ordinary Seamen, See. ys 11 1 3 4 7 19 109 9 18 1 1 1 30 21 21 384 362 746 186 4tli Class - J At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes, ( from 182/. 10,<. to 328/. 10 s. per annum -J Store Allowance i 2 at r £. per annum for each Master’s Assistant instructed,', not deducted from his Pay, as in the case of other C young gentlemen - - . * . -J 3d Class - - 10 - 182 10 lAt various Rates of Pay, according to their length of Service, from 200 /. 1 5 s. to 328/. 10 s. per _ annum 3d Class - 4th ditto - 19 2 13 8 3 8 349 13 10 249 8 4 66 18 4 r At various Rates of Pay, according to their length"! of Service, from 147/. 1 0 s. b d. to 1 84 /. 0 s. 3 1 /. i per annum ...... .] I . I . At various Rates of Pay, according to their length*! of Service and Qualification, from 66 /. 18 s. 4 d. I to 9 1 /. 5 s. per annum - 1 at Store Allowance - 2d Class - 1st Class - 2d ditto - 3d ditto - - 8 6 - 3 - - 8 8 - 6 11 - 5 10 1 9 2 7 4 - - li 2 6 27 7 155 2 91 5 158 3 126 4 106 9 2 -J 6 6 4 7 9 ANNUAL PAY of the Whole. J At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes, ! t, from 86/. 13 s. 9 d. to 103/. 8 s. id. per annum/ Tool Money - 3 4 113 fAt various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes,'/ from 27 /. 7 s. 6 . > / At various Rates of Pay, according to their Ratings,/ (. from 18/. 5s. to 28/. 17 s. 11 d. per annum -J 'At Rates of Pay according to their Classes, viz., IstT Class, 10 /. 12 s. lid., and 2d Class, 9 /. 2 s. 6 d. t , per annum ...... .j 1,873 13 Total for Troop Ships - - £. s. d. 399 19 7 1,505 12 6 1,204 10 - 1,277 10 - 1,806 15 - 146 - - 90 - - 912 10 - 1.315 10 5 1,399 3 4 1,496 10 - 535 6 8 1,280 10 10 821 5 - 27 7 6 155 2 6 273 15 - 632 13 4 883 12 1 2,022 14 2 31 18 9 287 8 47 2 11 843 12 73 - - 73 _ 16 14 7 16 14 45 19 6 45 12 2,071 7 6 31 18 9 14,214 3 4 9,424 12 1 Total Number. TOTAL A.MOUNT. £. i. d. 109 30 18,186 7 II 1,271 8 4 21 2,103 6 3 746 906 186 1,092 i6. B 23,638 15 5 45,199 17 11 1,873 13 4 47,073 11 3 NAVY ESTIMATES 1 C) Vote No. 1. — Exim.anatouy Statement (A.) — roniinufd. RANK. STORE SHI1».S: CnMMisfioNr.n Oi ticeus, See. Captain ----- Masters ----- Ditto ----- Ditto ----- Chief Engineer - - - - Chaplain - - - - - Surgeon - - - - - Paymaster - . - - - Assistant Surgeons - - - Second Masters - - - - Ditto - - . Assistant Paymasters in charge Assistant Paymasters - - - Assistant Engineers - - - Subordinate Officers; Masters’ Assistants Number. -i Warrant Officers : Gunners Boatswains - Cafpenters - Ditto a ■j Petty Officers and Seamen : Petty Officers, Leading Seamen, &c. - Able, Ordinary and 2d Class Ordinary*! Seamen, kc. (exclusive of Hired Men j for the “ Industry ” and “ Supply,” pro- vided for under head “ Miscellaneous, I*ay,” &c. - . - . - Boys MLSCELLANEOUS pay and allowances : Naval .‘Vides-de Camp to Her Majesty Captain Clerk Commander Clerk Commander Ditto ( I I' At Southampton, borne in'! •. Her Majesty’s Ship I I- “ Victory” - -J j’.\t Liverpool, borne inT Her iVIajesty’s Ship L “ Saturn ” - - J ( At Holyhead, borne in Her'\ "( .'Hajesty’s Ship “Saturn”/ f At Dover, borne in Her/ Majesty’s Ship “ Wa- l C terloo ” - - -J Commander, borne in Her Majesty’s Ship/ “ Hihernia,” at .Malta, for Special Service/ Commander of Her .tl.ajeity’s .Ship “ Ma-/ dagascar,” at Itio de .laneiro - -J Surgeon of - - - ditto . . - I’aym.-uiler of - - ditto - - - Yeoman of Stores at Cobras, borne in ditto - Comroaiiijer of Her .Majesty's .Ship “ Cro- | todile," (,/r the Totter - - - / .Soteliiiy to Coiiiiniiiider-in-Chief at I)e- ( VllllpOlt - - - . - -I .Master of Her .Majesty’s .Ship “ Naiad," ) •Store Ship, el < alino - - - - ( Ditto ) 12 1 13 68 17 17 140 151 291 96 4th Class - PAY OE EACH RANK; DAILY. ANNEAL. £. s. d. I III a. d. 399 19 f At various Rates of Pay,’ according to their Clasaes. ) I from 1821. 10 a. to '3281. 10 a. per annum -/ Store .Mlovvancc - L J 8 at (2„ - - |_ . 5 per annum for each Master’s strueted, not deducted from his Pay, of other young gentlemen - 10 - ! - 8 10 - 14 - - 13 8 - 9 1 At various Ratca of Pay, .according to of Service .and Qualification, from 66 to 91 1. ."js. per annum - 73 - - ) 48 13 4 I Assistant in-"! 3d Class 4th Class Store Allowance 2d Class 1st ditto 2d ditto 3d ditto 2 at - 8 6 — o — 8 11 10 2 7 as in the ease j 182 10 _ 161 4 2 26.6 10 - 249 8 4 165 1.5 6 their length/ /. I 8 a. 4 d. J 27 7 6 6 165 91 158 126 106 47 2 II f At various Rates of Pay, according to their Classes, 1 Tool Money 4 11 3 I I . f At various Rates of P.ay, according to their Classes, ) from 28 /. 17 s. 11 d. to 41 /. 1 s. 3 d. per annum j ! . ? . . ( At various Rates of Pay, according to their Ratings,/ i. from 18 /. 5 s. to 28 f. 17 s. 11 rZ. per annum - / ANNUM - PAY of the Wliole, £. d. 399 19 7 2,482 - - 681 6 8 25 - - 182 10 161 4 2 256 10 249 8 4 663 1 8 784 1.5 - 64 15 - 1,241 - 182 10 - 474 10 - 126 4 7 1,383 19 2 235 14 7 1,490 8 1 22 16 3 6,374 12 11 3,929 16 8 Total Niimhei. TOTAL AMOUNT. X. t. d. fAt Rates of Pay according to their Classes, viz.,'; •' 1st class, lOZ. 12 s. 1 1 rf. ; and 2d class, 9Z. 2s. 6 d. j / per annum - - - - - * -J Principal - Senior 971 16 3 Total for Store Shits - - - £. - 10 - 68 9,347 14 2 j 5 1 236 14 7 1 17 j 1,613 4 7 291 9,.304 9 7 371 20,401 2 11 96 971 16 3 467 21,372 19 2 36.5 — 182 10 I Annual In receipt of Sea Pay, and employed in superintending Contract Mail Steam Packets - Lodging Money - Allowance, in .addition to his Pay, including 20 Z. for Stationery, Postage, Ixc. Allowance, in addition to his Pay, for particular Service - - - . - f Allowance, in addition to his Pay, for charge of Stores at Cobras, including 10 Z.,/ ( in lieu of .St.ationery, &c. .Mlownnee in ;iddition to his Pay - -- -- -- -- Allowance, in .addition to his P;iy, for charge of Stores - - - - - Lodging Money - -- -- -- -- -- - ( Allowaiiee, in addition to his Ihiy, iiicluding 10 Z. in lieu of Stationery, and lOZ. for/ ( Postage, &e. - -- -- -- -- -- -I I Additional Allowanee for charge of Victualling Stores, there heing no .Assistant/ ( Paymaster in charge - -- -- -- -- -J Cairied forward 1,460 - - Pay provided under separ. Estimate ft “ Post-Office Department, Packet Servie 65 110 - 30 - 110 - 10 - 30 - 50 - 120 - 75 - - 2,060 - - FOR THE YEAR 185 G-5 7. 1 1 Vote No. 1. — Explanatohy Statement (A.) — continued . RANK. Master of Her Majesty’s ship “ Nereus ” Store Depot j at Valparaiso - - - - - - -/ Ditto -------- Master borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Leander,” for ) serTice as Harbour Master at Balaklava - - J Master of — Her Majesty’s ship “ jEolus ” - - - - Ditto - “Volage” - Second Master of — Her Majesty’s ship “ Pigmy ” - Ditto - “Cuckoo” - - - - Ditto - “ Lynx ” - - - - Ditto - “Otter” - . - . Civil Engineers borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Royalj Albert ” for particular service in the Black Sea - / Chief Engineer borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Harpy ” } for special service at Constantinople - - -/ Surgeon-Superintendents in Convict Ships, not being) commissioned ships - - - - - - j Hospital Dressers, employed for a period of about ) seven months - - - - * - -/ Paymaster borne in Her Majesty’s ship “Duke of) Wellington ” for service in charge of stores at Faro / Paymaster borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Leander ” for ) service as Accountant Officer at Balaklava - - / Naval Instructor of Her Majesty’s ship “ Excellent ” Seamen’s Schoolmaster of Her Majesty’s ship “Ex-) cellent ” - Second Master of “ Fanny,” tender to Her Majesty’s ship “ Victory ” ------ Boatswain doing duty under the blaster Attendant af] Deptford Y aid, borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Fis- * gard” - - - - - - - -J Boatswain in charge of “ Fly,” Coal Depot at Devon-) port, borne in Her blajesty’s ship “ Royal William ” / Carpenter borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Harpy ” for) service on shore in the Bosphorus - - - / Artificers borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Volage” for) particular service - - - - - - J Artificers, &c. employed in the Naval Establishment at"] the Island of Ascension, borne in Her Majesty’s ship \ “ Tortoise - - - - - -J Stokers borne in Her Majesty’s ship “ Volcano ” for) special service ----- .J Corporal of Royal Marines borne in Her Majesty’s ship ) “ Duke of Wellington ” for special service - - j Native Boat's Crew on board Her Majesty’s Army) Depot ship “ Hercules” at Hong Kong - -J Seamen hired under Articles of Agreement, and em-'l ployed in Her Majesty’s steam store Ships “ In- Nuraber. '■} dustry ” and “ Supply ’ -J 4 80 4 11 20 7 46 DESCRIPTION OF PAY, &c. j Brought forward - - - I) Allowance in addition to his Pay, including 10/. in lieu) ! (. of Stationery, and 10 /. for Postage, &c. - - -/ I Additional Allowance for charge of Victualling Stores, ) I. there being no Assistant Paymaster in charge - - j \ Pay at 350 /. per annum ------ I [ Allowance to each (in addition to his I s for charge of Victualling Stores tant Paymaster in charge his Pay) of 73 /. a yearT there being no Assis- J. Pay at 20 1. each per calendar Month - - - - / Allowance in addition to his Pay, including 50 1. a year) ) for House Rent - - - - - - -/ I At various rates of Pay, according to their length of) ( service, from 219/. to 328/. 10 s. per annum - -J f To provide for Gratuities in addition to their Pay (shown') s under Naval Services), to be allowed them on their > discharge, in sums not exeeding 20 1 . or 25 /. each - J Allowance in addition to his Pay for a servant Allowance in addition to his Pay - - - - f Allowance in lieu of 5 /. per annum for each young gentle- ) ( man instructed - - - - - - -) Allowance in addition to his Pay - - - - - ditto - ditto • Lodging Money, at the rate of 2 s. 6 d. a day - - - Allowance, at the rate of 6d. a day, in addition to his Pay ( Allowance in addition to his Pay, including 30/. a year) ) for House Rent - - - - - - -j f 1 at 6 s. a day (3 at 4 s. a day each - . - - - J At various rates of Pay, according to their trade or occu- ) ( pation - - - - - - - -j j” Allowance, in addition to their Pay, at the rate of 1 s. 3d.) ( a day each - - - - - - - -j ( Allowance at the rate of 2 s. 6 d. a day in addition to his ) I Pay / f 1 at 1 /. 13 s. 4 d. per calendar Month - - - )6 at 1 /. 9 s. 2 d. each per ditto - - - . At 3 /. each per calendar Month - . - - TOTAL AMOUNT £. s. d- 2,060 - - 120 - - 75 - - 350 - - 450 - - 4S0 - - 115 7 II 1,058 10 - 2,000 - - 20 - - 100 - - 160 - - 20 - - 40 - - 45 12 6 9 2 6 147 18 4 109 10 - 219 - - 1,221 17 8 456 5 - 45 12 6 20 - - 105 - - 1,656 - - Total for Miscellaneous Pay and Allowanoes ^£. i 11,084 16 5 A RETURN showing the Number of Men more or less Borne than Voted during the present Financial Year. MONTH. NUMBER VOTED. Number Borne. Number more or Vote More. ess Borne than d. Less. April - - - - 65,165 4,835 Mav - - - - 65,485 — 4,515 June - - . . 67,049 — 2,951 July - . - - 66,886 — 3,114 1853 - -( August - - - 67,518 — 2,482 September - - - - - - - 70,000 67,897 — 2,103 October . - - 68,544 — 1,456 November - . - 69,231 — 769 December - . - 69,005 — 995 1836 - January - - - - - - - - - - 69,100 900 CADETS. — Number of Cadets admitted into the Royal Navy in the Year ended 31 December 1855 - - - - - 125 i6. B 2 NAVY ESTIMATES 1 2 Vote No. 1. — EXPLAN A'l OIIY STATImMKNT ( JL) of the, I^xi-ense of ]f;,oo() liOYAL MARININS on tlie IJOtli NovfMiiljer 18.').'), upon wliicli the foregoing Estimate for iMakineh is fouinJcfl. II A N K. STAFK OFFICERS, &c. Dt'imty Adjiitant-Gencriil and Colontl ( maudant ------ Assistant Adjiilant-Gciieral, including liis as Uievet Eicntcnaut-Coloncl Colonels Commandant - . . . Ditto, Aidcs-de-Cain]) to llci' IMiijcsty additional Pay - . . - Ditto, Second Commandant Lieutenant-Colonels of Marines Ditto of Marine Artillery - - . Cajitaia superintending the Laboratory Ditto (in addition to his I’ay as Captain) Divisional Paymasters - - . - Barrack Masters. — Voted under “ Barra No. t) Deputy Inspectors of Hospitals, 2'j Voted t Surgeons - - - 2 Assistant Surgeons - - 8^ Adjutants, Marines - - 8 j Ditto, Marine Artillery - 1 , Quartermasters - - 4-* Ditto ------ Serjeants Major, ^Marines . - - Ditto, Marine Artillery - - - Quartermaster Serjeants - - - Barrack Serjeants - . - - Messenger in Deputy Adjutant-General's Office Necessary Woman - - - - “ Infirmaries,” No. 6 In addition to their Pay as First Lieutenants COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF MARINES. „ . ) having higher t ank by Brevet ap ains ^ having - - ditto above seven years’ service rust Lieutenants •; , I under - ditto Second Lieutenants - - - - COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF MARINE ARTILLERY. „ . Colonel - - - - -J I ap ains , higher rank by Brevet (Majors) ’-not having - - ditto ^ ^ Cabove seven years’ service First Lieutenants - -'ditto - - Second Lieuten.ants - - - - - NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND J'RIVATES OF MARINES. IVnvost Serjeants Colour Serjeants - .Serjicnts , , , f above 1 4 years’ service - < ornoruls •, , ' .... ' (uiuIiT I above ditto Privates I undi r Druriimeis - ditto ditto ( urtied furHBid - PAY OF EACH RANK. Tiital Number. Daily. Annual. For the Wbnle. N'utiibci . £, s. 1,205 - - 1,102 10 - 250 8 - 250 8 - 900 - - 500 - - 125 - - 900 - - 500 - - 125 - - 470 - - 440 - - 280 - - 170 - - 48,446 15 - 45,786 8 - h N A \ Y 1-: R T I M A 1' l<: R No. . 3 . — Admikai.ty Ofik k — coiitiinird. liiouglit forward - - DETARTstHNT of tile Accountant-Gkneral ; Ci.i RKS oil the Kstahlislinieiit, at Salaries varying according to Hank and Length of Service; vir. Chief Clerks /Tor Cash and Accounts \_ror Pay of the Navy - / 1st Section Ut Class 2d ditto (including I acting as 1st Class'] Clerk) - / 3d ditto (including 12 acting as 2d Class'] Clerks) J Salaries - - £. j nit.mrer. 1 S5G/57. 1855/56. i 1 1 3 3 j 5 5 1 30 31 ! 71 75 * to ^ 111 115 30,341 30,411 at - - . . . at - - . - - from £. f)70 to £. 800 per annum „ .'320 to 650 ,, „ 315 to 500 „ „ 'JO to OOO „ Allowance to Estimate Clerks 28 Temporary Clerks - 10 Probationary Assistant Naval Clerks - (Tota I, for Accountant-General’s department - - .£.33,862. 10s.) DKrART.SIF.NT of the Storekeei’er-Generai. : Clerks on the Establishment, at .Salaries varying according to Rank and Length of Service; via. 1st Clas: rist Section .... .'Ia3s< 2d ditto (including one acting"] as 1st Class, 1st Section) -J 2d ditto 3d d'tto (including one acting as a 2d'l Class Clerk) - - . - - Salaries - - .£. NUMHEH. 1856/57. 1 855/56. 2 1 2 3 6 6 15 15 25 25 7,464 7,052 from .£.070 to £. SOO per annum „ 520 to 650 ,, 315 to 90 to 500 300 6 Temporary Clerks - (Total for the Storekeeper.General’s Department - - .£.8,011. 10 s.) Di;partment of the Comptroller of Victualling ; Clerks on the Establishment, at Salaries varying according to Rank and Length of Service ; viz. 1st Class- 1st Section ( 2d ditto Clerks) il ditto I Clerks) NUMBER. 1856/57. 1855/56. • _ 1 1 - - 3 3 acting as 1st Class } 8 7 ' acting as - 1 2d Class ) - -/ 24 24 j 36 CO Salaries - - £. 9,624 1 00 00 . . . from £. 670 to £. 800 per annum „ 520 to 650 „ 315 to 90 to 500 300 21 Temporary Clerks . (Total for the Department of the Comptroller of Victualling - - .£.11,540. 5.) Department of the Medical Director-Generai •. Clerks on the Establishment, at Salaries varying according to Rank and Length of Service ; viz. J »t Class, Ist Section 2d ditto .'Id ditto .Salaries NU.MBER. 18.56/57. 1855/56. - 1 1 . 3 3 - 7 8 1 1 12 - .f. 2,63 1 2,879 from £. 670 to £. 800 per annum „ 315 to 500 „ ,. 90 to 300 3 'IViiipoiiiry Clerks (To i Al. foi the Dr]mrtmcnt of the Medical Director-General . .£.2,904. 15.) Cariied forunrd - - - £. REtaTREI) for the Service of the Year LAST VOTK foi (lio 1 innnci.'il Y(*ar I J:.. H. ,786 H - 850 - - 850 - - 2,085 - - 2,805 - - 850 - - 2,050 - - 2,846 - - 1 1 ,633 1 0 - 12,19.3 10 - 12,1 17 10 - 12;.502 10 200 - - 2,591 10 - 730 - - 200 - - 1,756 18 - 1,480 - - 800 - - 1,225 - - 1,605 - - 2,349 - - 2,427 - - j 2,410 - - 2,220 - - 547 10 - 183 - - 690 - - 1,730 - - 670 - - 1,835 - - 3,076 10 - 2,423 - - 4,127 10 - 3,780 - - 1,916 5 - 630 14 - i 700 - - ! 993 10 - 937 10 - 6s0 - - 1,069 - - 1,130 - - 273 15 - — 104,765 15 - 97,637 - - FOR THK YEAR 185G-o7. ^7 No, 3. — Admihalty Office — continued. Brought forward Director of Engineering and Architectural Works ------ Deputy Director of ditto - -- -- -- -- - Draughtsman to the Director of Works, from 300/. to 500/. per annum Clerk and Draughtsman to the Director of Works, from 100/. to 350/. per annum MES.SENGERS, &c. In the Deparx.^ient op the Seciietary : ■Head JMesseneer 1st Class, 6 No. 1 4 for Board Room/r I (^2 at 1 20 /. ,, 1 Hall Porter to First Lord’s Oifice 2d Class, 6 No., at 84/. each .3d Class, 5 No., at 72 „ £. 1601 540 / looj Housekeeper ------- Ditto - to cover the Wages of Female Servants - Printer - -- -- -- - £. 100) I 130/ For the W ages and Allowances of iMessengers and others on Day Pay : viz. 1 Extra Messenger, 3 Labourers, 1 Watchman, 1 Gardener, and Messengers’ Allowances £. 501 17 - Clothing for Admiralty Bargemen - - - - - - - - 15 6 — -Gratuities, instead of Clothing, to ditto -------- - 28 7- Ik the Departments of the Principal Officers ; Head Messenger ■{i at - - - at - - - 1 St Class, 5 No., at 1 00 /. each £. 150/ 130) 2d Class, I 1 4 at 80 /. each £.1,120) ( 1 Bargemaster - qqJ 3d Class, IG at 70 /, each For the Wages and Allowances of 27 Messengers and others on Day Pay ; viz. 13 Messengers, .5 Assistant Messengers, 2 Labourers, 2 Temporary Labourers, 3 Watermen and 1 Assistant 1 Waterman, and 1 Woolwich and Deptford Messenger - Allowance to Messengers, &c. for Charge of Repositories, Cleaning Rooms, &c (Statement, showing the appropriation of the Messengers, &c. in the Departments of the Principal Officers, appended to this Vote at p. 18) ^ Clothing for Porters and Assistant Porters - For Attendance of Police Grocers and Extra Allowances to Messengers for Watching at Night and I Attendance on Sundays - ° ( Housekeeper - Housekeeper’s Servants Rents, Parochial Rates and Taxes Stamps (less moiety repaid hy Contractors), Advertisements, Gazettes, Packet and Post Office Lists andd casual Postage - ^ Postage (to be provided for in future in the Miscellaneous Civil Estimates) Fuel and Lighting, Carriage of Ships’ Books, Accounts, Vouchers, Parcels and Travelling Charges onl the Public Service - > Housekeeper’s Disbursements and other small Payments - Carried forward - - - £. i6. C REQUIRED for the Service of the Year I R.j(5/;j7. 545 10 - 280 - - ! 500 - _ 1,200 - - 1,120 - - 1,609 6 10 426 6 9 21 18 - 262 18 - 100 - - 601 8 - 2,000 _ - 6,000 - - 5.000 - - 2.000 - - LAST VOTE for the Financial Year 1.S5A/.56. £. s. d. £. s. d. 104,70.5 1.5 - 97,037 - - 1,000 - - 1,000 - - 800 - - 800 - - 462 - - 447 - - 120 - - 110 _ - 200 - - 200 800 - - 800 504 - - 504 360 - - 360 230 - - 230 - 100 130,909 2 7 560 14 - 280 - 500 - 1,280 - 1,050 - 1,278 3 2 383 3 3 29 18 _ 262 18 - 100 - _ 566 6 - 2,000 - - 4,500 - _ 12,500 - - 5.000 - - 2.000 - _ 134,479 2 7 i8 NAVY K S T I M A T K S No. .‘3. — Admiralty Oit k k — conlinuod. Ill ought forwaril - . - .lUDICIAL DF.I’ARTIMKNT: Vicc-Ailnilnil of Great Hiitain and Ireland Rear-Admiral of Great nritain and Ireland Advocate-General of the Office of Lord High Admiral Counsel and Judge-Advocate for the Affairs of the Admiralty and Navy Solicitor for ditto - For ditto for an Ofiicc, and assistance of Clerks - -- -- -- -- - For Fees and Expenses of the Marshal of the Admiralty Conrt, and for Disbursements of the Solicitor in ) Law Suits - Total - - - jG. UEQCniLI) for till' Service of the Year IS50/.37. I.ASl VOTIa for fill* I'inaiicinl Year 1 nr,r, jL’. h, il. 2 7 .i'. 1. fi. 131,470 2 7 4J4 1 1) 434 1 0 342 - 342 0 - 1 3 (i S 13 a 8 loo - - 100 - - 1 ,G0O - - 1 ,000 - - 1,000 - - 1 ,000 - - 4, Of to - - 2,500 - - I38,3!*f) - - 1 40, 463 - - Statement showing the Appropriation of the Messengers, &.c. in the Departments of tlie Principal Officers. NU.MBER. Number Numljer of 1 of Rooms ON SALARY. On Persons and Repositories attended. 1st Class. 2d (ilass. 3d Class. Day Pay. 1 OTAL. attended u|>un. Head Messenger - -- -- -- - 1 Ditto - in Victualling Department . . - - 1 t, , 1 , , . f Messengers ----- Surveyors Department’ . 1 - 2 1 /■ 4 35 25 Accountant- General’s Department — Messengers - - - 1 5 7 7 20* 138 74 Storekeeper-General’s Department { SanrMess’engers' I 1 2 1 J ) )■ 6 32 26 Comptroller of Victualling’s Department — Messengers - ' 1 3 2 7 67 23 Director-General’s Department -j ‘ ( Assistant Messengers 1 2 • 1 ) i 4 17 13 Director of Works — Jlcsscngcrs ------ - - - 1 1 14 10 5 10 13 11 42 303 171 Out-Door < ‘. . ®. 1 Assistant Messenger to attend the Telegraph . - - 1 Labourers and Temporary Labourers ----- 4 1 - - Ditto for .Surveyor’s Department (at W'hitchall) 1 ' Assistant Porters - - - - 1 1 - 21 — — I’ostinan - -- -- -- -- 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 o 4 Total Number - - - b 15 10 27 63 — — Head Messengers - 2 .Sevei-al employed in tiacing Muster Kooks. I FOR THE YEAR !8oG-5 7. ‘9 I j ■ — No. 4. — I ROYAL NAVAL COAST VOLUNTEERS. (Under Act 10 & 17 Viet. cap. 7.3.) i REQUIRED for the LAST VOTE for Service of the Year the Financial Year 1856/57. 185.5/56. £. s. d. £. s. d. Six Captains of Divisions, at 500 f. per annum each - - . . . 3,000 - - 3,000 - - Six Paymasters of Divisions, at -249 Z. 8.?. 4c/. per annum each . - - 1,496 10 - 1 ,200 - ~ Allowances for House Rent ; viz. To Captains of Divisions, 0 at 100/. each .... £.600 „ Paymasters of Divisions, 6 at 60/. each - - - - .360 , 960 - - 060 - - Allowances for Postage and Stationery to the Captains of Divisions, 6 af] 1 1 1 60 - - 60 - - 10 /. per annum each -------- -.J 1 Travelling Expenses - ! 2,000 - - 1 ' •2,800 - - Hire of Rooms for enrolling Volunteers, Surgical Examination of Volunteers,'! Printing and Posting Bills, Advertisements, Carriage of Parcels, and [■ 400 - - 500 - - other small Expenses -------- - -J £. 7,916 10 - 8,520 - - For Bounty Money to Volunteers, Conduct Money, Expenses of Billetino- 'i 12,08.3 10 - and Wages when Afloat - -- .- -- ..J 41,480 - - Total - - - £. 20,000 - - 50,000 - - I f i6. C 2 20 NAVY H S T I M A T K S — No. — SCIENTIFIC BRANCH. KOVAL OBSIvRVATOUY: llLQUIUKl) for till! Service of the Tear 185(!/57. Astronomer Royal First Assistant to ditto ------- Second ditto - ditto ------- Third ditto - ditto ------- Fourth ditto - ditto ------- Fifth, sixtli, and seventli ditto, at each - - - Labourer --------- Expenses of Foard of Visitors - - - . - Allowances to Assistants in lieu of Houses - . . Taxes, Ratos, Fuel, Rc|»airs, and other lixpenses I (ialvanic Contiiijrencics - - - - ' Completion of Lunar Reductions General outside Faintinu', Repairs, &,e. Object Glass for large Iviuatorial, with Exjicnscs of Importation, &c. Buildings and Mounting for large E((ua- torial ------ Alterations in the Old Rooms of the Ob- servatory for joining on the new Record Rooms ..---- Iron Window Shutter to Record Room Slate Shelving in the Record Room L Erection of a Room for the Zenith Tube - £. Extraordinary Expenses. OBSERVATORY AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Astronomer --------- First Assistant to ditto - - - . - - . Second Assistant to ditto ------ Labourer - -- -- -- -- For Repairs at the Observatory - - - . - For recording Tide Gauge ------ For Expenses of Three Clerks copying and computing the Meridian Work, Stc. ------- For Incidental Expenses ------ Printing Arc of the Meridian Work - - - - - Fire Engine --------- Alteration of Building for reception of Transit Circle £. NAUTICAL ALMANACK; Salary of the Sui)erint(!ndent - - - - Comj)uter 8 and other lixpenses, and for tin; pureln Paper for Printing, See., in order to |)uhlish in the c of the year, the Nautical Almanack for 18(50 Ditto - - - - ditto - - - - ISi)!) Rent, See., for the Ollicc in Vcrulam Buildings i'<)r Sundries ------ ise of cotirse t‘ . X. f/. 1,000 - - 400 - - ‘iOo - - o(»o - - 150 - - .'500 - - 47 - - 70 - - 270 - - !)(»() - - 100 - - 400 - - 1 r>o - - 1,200 - - .3,00(» - - 8,4.37 - - (500 300 250 80 2.5 10 234 40 250 100 1,889 - - 500 - - 2,520 - - 100 - - 100 - - 3,220 - - LAST VOTE for the Flimncial Year 1 S.55/5(l. f. x. fl. 800 - - 400 - - 250 - - 200 - - 1.50 - - 300 - - 47 - - 70 - - 270 - - SM»0 - - 100 - - 400 - - 108 98 49 34 4,17(5 - - GOO - - 300 - - 250 - - 80 - - 25 - - 10 - - 234 - - 40 - - 250 — — 500 - - 2,289 - - 500 - - 2,720 100 100 3,420 - - Numher nf Nautical Almanacks sold in the 3 carj Nd. ended the .31sf Decemher 1855 ~ ~ ~J 1(5,000 FOR THE YEAR 1 85 6-5 7- 2 I No. 5. — Scientific Branch — continued. CiniONOMETEHS: with Chronometers COMPASS DEPARTMENT; Superintendent of Compass Observatory - Personal Pay to Office and Book-keeper - Rent of Ground . - - . . Contingent Expenses - . - . For new Standard Compasses - - - Repairs of ditto - - - . - Purposes ------- or Meteorological Purposes, including 300 1. for the Chief of the Meteorological Department - (For Return of Expenditure of 1854-55, see p. 24. LIBRARIES AND MUSEUMS; pitals HYDROGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT: Hydrographer Chart Branch ; ^ ^ ^ I Chief at 1 6 s. Qd. per day b Assistants to the ^ Hydrographer -Ji Tide Computer at 2 Temporary Assistants preparin half a year) ... 6 Draughtsmen Sailing Directions Chief, from £.280 to* £.350 per annum - - - - i 1 First Class from £.230 to £.280 per annum 2 Second Class, from £.180 to £. 230 per annum 2 Third Class, from £.130 to I £. 180 per annum Packer of Charts, at £. 1. 16f. a week ... Assistant Packer at £. 1 a week .... Sorter and Repairer of Charts, at £.1. lO.s. a week - Messenger, at £.1. Is. a iveek .... For the Purchase of Charts ; for Engraving, Printing Mounting Charts ; for Instruments, Packing Cases, pairs, and other Expenses - - . - year ended 31st December 1855 - REQUIRED for tlie Service of tlie Year 1 856/57. LAST VOTE for the Financial Year 1855/56. £. s. d. £ . s. d. ected - £. 1,000 - - 1,000 - - - ' 182 - - 104 - - 82 - - 45 — - 45 - - 85 - - 60 - - 3 ' 300 - - 300 - - - 370 - - 370 - - £. 1,086 - - 857 - - ntific - 1,000 - - 1,000 - - ry of •) 1,000 - - 1,000 - - £. 2,000 - - 2,000 - - r the Hos- * 100 - - 100 - - - £. 800 - - f 500 - - 300 - - 300 - - 208 - - • 730 - - 782 - - - 200 - - 200 - - (for - 191 12 6 191 12 6 .350 230 > 1,270 - - 1,162 - - 360 330, • 93 18 - 93 18 - • 52 - - 78 5 - 78 5 - , and 54 12 - — , Re- 8,000 - 6,000 - - No. 5,580 3,730 10 , c 3 Carried forward 10,970 7 6 8,715 15 6 22 NAVY estimates No. . 5 . — Sc iENTinc Huaxcii — continual. nVI)RO(iRAPHICAL DKI’ARTM KNT— )Ui:(iUIR];j) for tlie Service of (he Year ]H.'jri/07. I. A ST VOTE for tlip I'inunciul Year 1 Hr,r,/rjO. Bioiig'lit forward - - - £. Survey Cltnrjres (f. 05,817. 17.) VI fk Note appended to tliis Vote. For tlie Hire of Vessels and Boats, I'or I.odgirifj Money, and oilier lixpenses relating to Coast and other Surveys - . . _ For extra I’ay to Surveyors and their Assistants at Home . . . l^'or extra Ihiy to Surveyors and their Assistants in Ships on Survey on F'oreign Stations _ - . . £. .•!. d. 10,970 7 0 1 2,30-2 1 5 - 4,918 7 0 7,299 10 - f. s. /I. 8,7 I 5 1 r, 0 11,550 - - 4,081 9 0 7,208 15 - Repairs of Jnstrumonts returned frdin Polar Ships, ‘‘ Resolute,” “ Assistance,” and Tenders ... o 1 - - £. .35,551 - - .32,306 - - Hauboui! Buaxch : Enginetr ......... 800 •- - 800 — - C’hief Clerk, from 220 1 . to .300 1 . per annum ... 1 1 235 — - Second ditto, from !)0 /. to 200 /. „ . . . . 115 - - 105 — Third ditto, from 70 /. to 120/. „ - 70 - - 70 - - Draughtsman and Civil Surveyor, from 180/. to 270 /. per annum . ........ 1 1 o 195 Messenger Boy, at 1 /. per week ..... 52 - - 52 - - 'rravelling* and Contingent Expenses - - - . 150 - - 150 - - £. 1,637 - - 1,607 - - Total for Hydrographical Department - - - £. 37,988 - - 34,713 — — Note to the Vote for the Hydrographical Department. In addition to the Amount provided in the foregoing Vote for the Hydro- graphical Dejiartment as the estimated Expense of Surveys, amounting to 1 he following Sums are likewise included in the undermentioned Votes of the Navy Estimates, for Expenses of the Surveying Service ; viz. ; 24,580 12 6 For Sea Pay to Officers and Crews of Her Majesty’s Ships and Vessels emjiloyed in the Surveying Service ; also the Pay of those employed in hired Vessels and Boats, but borne on the Books of Her Majesty’s Sliips .... For Victuals for ditto * . . . . For Stores, Machinery, and Coals supplied to Surveying Ships and Vessels, and also Wear and Tear ....... I’or Medicines, &c., supplied to Surveying Ships and Vessels For Pilotage of Surveying Ships and Vessels IOtai, Cliarge for the Surv<*yi Under Vote. £. s. d. No. 1 2-5,884 12 11 No. 2 8,439 11 7 No. 1 10 6,563 - - No. 12 59 — — No. 13 291 — 41,237 4 G g Service - - - £. 05,817 17 - (iV, ll . — h’or Note respecting Surveys in progress, see j). 24.) FOR THE YEAR 18 50 -5 7 . 2.3 No. 5 . — Scientific Branch — continued . REQUIRED LAST VOTE for the for Service of the Year the Financial Year 1856/57. 1855/56. ESTABLISHMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION AT THE ROYAL NAVAL COLLEGE AT PORTSMOUTH, &c. £. s. d. £. s. d. Superintendent (paid Full Pay and Allowances as Captain of Her Majesty’s Ship “ Excellent”) .... — Professor ......... 500 - - 500 - - Mathematical Muster ....... .300 - - . 300 - - Instructor of Fortification, and Military and Mechanical Drawing' ......... 200 - - 200 - - Teacher of the Sword Exercise ..... 150 - - — Chemical I^ecturer and Assistant ..... 350 - - 350 - - Clerk 150 - - 150 - - Assistant in the Observatory ...... 100 - - 100 - - Matron ......... 70 - - 70 - - Messenger and Porter ....... 60 - - 60 - - Wages and Allowances of 4 Female Servants ... 156 - - 156 - - Rates and Taxes 95 - - 104 - - Allowance in lieu of Stationery to the Superintendent 16 - - 16 - - For the formation of a Library for the Students 30 - - 30 - - Expenses for Lecturing on Chemistry and Steam 105 - - 105 - - For Furniture, repairing Instruments, washing Linen, Postage, Printing, and other small Expenses 500 - - 500 - - £. 2,782 - - 2.641 - - Admiralty Inspector of Schools, &c. ... £,400 For Travelling Expenses of ditto ... go 480 - - 480 - - £. 3,262 - - 3,121 - - (Gas, 75 L, provided for under Vote No. 11.) ABSTRACT OF THE SCIENTIFIC BRANCH. RoVAL OliSERVATOKY - - - - - Observatory at the Cape or Good Hope Nautical Almanack - - . _ - Chronometers ...... Compass Department .... Rewards, Experiments, &e. ... Libraries and Museums .... Hydrographical Department . . - Establishment for Scientipic Education Royal Naval College at Portsmouth Total - 8,437 . 4,176 - - - - 1,889 - - 2,289 - - - - 3,220 - - 3,420 - - - - 1,000 - - 1,000 - - - - 1,086 - - 857 - - - - 2,000 - - 2,000 - - - - 100 - - 100 - - - - 37,988 - - 34,713 - - AT THE 3,262 - - 3,121 - - - - £. 58,982 - - 51,676 — — •24 NAVY ESTIMATES No. .j. — Sc ii.N'i'ii ic HiiaN( II — r.ortti 'tiled. Rk'itun of tho lv\ I’ENDri'i II r, in llio Yi’iir (thf larit l•’inallf■.ial Year closi’d) for Ifewanls, I'^xporimcntu, Invention of an Artifleial Horizon for Astronomieal Oliservatioiis - Exjienses ineiirred in tlie (*reetion of tlie Time Sip-nal Hull at tlie ll.oval Naval Yard, Deal, and for tlie ( Jalvanie Conneetion between the Iloyal fthservatory, (ireenwieh, and the Deal 'I'ime Hall Remuneration to Mr. W. Mason, .loiner, for the Invention of a Maidiiiie for cutting Scores in .lalonsie Frames, &c., and which has been found lo economise Time and I.ahoiir in ma.imfaotnring such Articles ------ Payment to Lieutenant ('. A. Lodder, K. n., on account of his Fxjienses in attending- I'lxperiments with Lancaster (iiins at Shoehiirynesa - - Payment to Captain Sir 'L. Maitland, on account of his Fxpense.s in attending- Committee, on Gunnery Lxjieriments at Shoehiiryness - - - - - Payment to Mr. .1. Nasmyth, on account of Allowance and Travelling E.xpenses in attending lixperiments at Shoehiiryness Payment to Captain .lulius Roberts, u. M. a., on account of Expenses incurred hy him when employed in conducting (iunnery Experiments at Shoehuryness Annual Donation to Commander A. H. Heecher, as Editor of the Nautical Magazine Expenses of printing Greenland and ILsquimaux Vocahularies . - - - Payment to Mr. J. W. Redhouse as a Subscription towards a Turkish Grammar - Payment to Professor H. A. Hansen, of (Jotha, of the First Instalment of 100 /. for the preparation of a Woi-k on the J.unar Theory and 'fables - - - One year’s subscription for 'fwo Copies of the Works of the Hakluyt Society Payment to Mr. .1. Mackintosh, on account of his Expenses in carrying out certain Experiments connected with his Invention for Destroying Fleets and driving an Enemy from his F’ortifieations ------- Meteoroi.ogic.xl Depaktaiext : Salary of Captain Fitzroy, as Chief of the Aleteoiological Department from the 1st August 18.54 to 31st March 18-5.3 -------- Payments for Thermometers and Barometers supplied for Meteorological Observa- tions ------------- Payment to Lieutenant the Honourable W. J. Ward, r. n., on account of expenses incurred by him, when detached from Her Majesty’s Ship “ Portland ” at Valparaiso, in attending Meteorological Observations - - - . - i‘. d. r,(i 3 - 10(1 _ - OriK 8 8 00 - - •5 1 0 8 25 1 0 - 37 10 - 252 2 « 50 _ - 35 fi - 50 - - 50 - - 2 2 - 50 - - 1,743 2 1 ISO 14 0 19 5 - 43 10 - Total Expenditure, 1854-55 262 9 6 - £. 2,005 11 7 Note . — Showing the Surveys in Pkogress. HOME SU11VKY8. FOREIGN SURVEYS. Enijlirnd Scotland licliind. fNorth Sea and Jtast Coast. ! J Ooast ol’ Devon. I Goast of Cornwall. (.Coast of Wales, f I'irih of I'orth. -j Isle of M ull. ( North ( 'oast. /■( 'oust ol' I lonegal. J Coast of Kerry — South oftlic Shannon. I ( .'oust id' Kerry. Const' of Derry and .'\nirim. Shores of Nova Scotia. Gulf of Fundy. China Seas. W est India Islands. New Zealand. F'iji and Fhaendly Islands. South-east Coast of Africa. Rivers Parana and Uruguay. Haltic Sen. Hlack Sea. 25 FOR THE YEAR 185 0 - 5 ”. — No. 0. — HER MAJESTY’S ESTABLISHMENTS AT HOME. NAVAL YARDS. DEPTFORD: Additional Salary to the Superintendent of the Viotualling Yard, under whose con- trol the Dockyard is placed Master Attendant and Harbour Master {see Victualling Yard) - _ . - Master Shipwright Storekeej)er - ! Store Receiver - ; Staff Surgeon ' Timber Inspector - ' Boatswain - [ Clerks on the Establishment, at Salaries vaiying accojaling to Rank and Length of Service ; viz. X UMBER. 1856/57. 1855/56. 1st Class - - 1 1 2d Class - - 4 3 3d Class - - 5 o 10 9 Salaries - £. 1,616 1,477 trom £..315 to £.450 per annum „ 195 to 300 „ ,, 80 to 180 „ - Five Temporary Clerks - Two Foremen of the Yard, at £. 250 each - Gratuity to one of the above - Converter - Foreman of Sailmakers - Foreman of Smiths Two Aleasurers, at £. 150 each Two Inspectors, at £. 150 eachl Four ditto „ 125 „ j' „ fOneat£. 1201 4 hree Leading- Men of Storehouses ----- - < One at 100^ [One at So\ Schoolmaster, for the Instruction of Apprentices in the Dockyard, from £.100 to £. 140 per annum - Rent of Water - Rent of part of Dockyard - Parliamentary and Parochial Taxes Allowance to Vicar for accommodation of Marines at Deptford Church - 'To the Captain Superintendent „ Master .Attendant ,, Master Sliipwright ,, Storekeeper - - . _ „ Store Receiver . . _ Postage and Travelling Charges on the Public Service, Printing, Advertisements, and other small Expenses - £. Allowances in lieu of Stationery £. 101 4 15 25 5 328 10 825 - 4C2 10 474 10 - 500 - - 50 — - 160 - - ICO - - 150 - - 300 - - 800 - _ 305 - - 120 - - 75 — — 10 - _ 268 10 - 30 - - 59 - — 190 - - 7,768 - - REQUIRED ibr the Service of tlie Year. 1856/57. LAST VOTE for tlie I'inancial Year 1855/56. £. s. (1. £ . s . d. 100 - - 100 - - 500 - - 500 - - 600 - - 600 - - 400 - - 400 - - 450 - - 450 - - 300 - - 300 - - 1 50 - - 1 1 o 317 - GOO - 560 - 91 10 - 500 - - 50 - - ICO - - 160 - - 150 - _ 300 - - 800 - - 305 - - 1 10 - - 75 — — 10 - - 268 10 - 30 - - 59 - - 190 - _ 7,236 l6. (Gas, £. 180, provided for under Vote No. 11). D 26 NAVY K S T I M A T K S No. 0. IIkR MaJF.STy’s KsTAHI.ISHMtN TS at IIoMT CD/lhnUffl. NAVA L YA H I)S — cnnt'nwvd. WOOLWICH : Commodore Superintendent (in uddition to Ids I’ay and Allowiinccs Seeond Class, and 10s. a day as Commodore of the Second Class) Master Attendant - -- -- -- -- - INI aster Shipwright - -- -- -- -- - Two Assistants to ditto - -- -- -- -- Storekeeper - -- -- -- -- -- Accountant - -- -- -- -- -- Store l{eceive,r ----------- Staff Surgeon - -- -- -- -- -- Chaplain - -- -- -- -- -- - 'I’iniher Inspector - -- -- -- -- - lloatswaiu - as (hiptain of the at £. 400 eacli ULQL'IIO'.I) for till- Service of the Yioir l850/.'>7. f. *. il. .•too - - 4 SO - - OoO - - Hl)() -. - 000 - - .■>00 - - .fjd _ - .OOO - - 3.->0 - - 400 - - ■200 - - I.A8T VOTK for the l-lnnncinl Year \Hr)olW. a. g. (I. :ioo - - 4H0 - - o.">o - - 800 - - 000 - - 4.>(I - - r>()0 - - 3.>o - - 400 - - 200 - - Clkiuc.s on t!ie Establishment, at Salaries varying according to Hank and Length of Service ; viz. : 1st Class - 2(1 ( 'lass - 3(1 edass - Salaries NUMBER. 18.50/57 1 855/.56. 3 2 - () G - 10 10 19 18 - £. 3.185 2,060 from £. 31b to £.4.00 per annum „ JObto 300 „ „ 80 to 1 80 Six tem])orary Clerks - -- -- -- -- -- -- iMaster Smith - -- -- - Tour Foremen of the Y^ard - -- -- -- -- at £. ‘2.00 each Gratuity to one of the above - -- -- -- -- -- - One Foreman of the Yard (to sujierintcnd the Joiners) ------- r,. ^ . / First £. 1.001 1 wo Converters - - - . -|secoiut £. 12.3/ Foreman of 11 iggers -------------- Foreman of Smiths - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Four Measurers - -- -- -- -- -- at £.150 each - . /Two at £. 1-00 i len Inspectors - - - - pEight at fJ-OJ Five Leading Men of Storehouses ------- "{^Fo^ir^at^" ^85/ Schoolmaster for the Instruction of Apprentices in the Y^ard, from £. 100 to £. 140 pier annum Rent of OVater --------------- ,,, f To the Clerk acting as Secretary to the Superintendent - - £. 50i Albwances J Secretary to the Commo.lore - - 50 1 ir ] » Chaplain - - - - - - - - - -50f House -cut. Assistant Surgeon of H.M.S. “Fisgard” - - - - 40j Parliamentary and Parochial Taxes ----------- I'To the Commodore Superintendent ------ £. So-, Allowances in „ Master Attendant - - - - - - - - lieu of \ „ Alaster Shipwright - - -- -- -- -20 Stationery. ,, Storekeeper - -- -- -- -- -35 h ,, Store Receiver - -- -- -- --10 Postage; and Travelling Charges on the Public Service, regulating Y ard Clock, Advertise- ments, Chapel Allowances, and other small Expenses ------- p 1,010 - 1,245 - 0.30 - 000 - l,-287 10 082 10 547 10 - 250 - - 1,000 - - 50 - - 180 - - 275 - - _ I 1-25 - 1.50 - - GOO - - 1,300 - - 440 - - 140 - - 75 - - 100 - 4-24 10 112 - 700 - 15,034 - 4.57 10 - 250 - - 1,000 - - 50 - - 180 - - 275 - - 1-25 - - 1.50 - - GOO - - 1,300 - - 440 - - 140 - - 75 - - 190 - - 4-24 10 - 112 - - 550 - - 14,069 - - SiKAM Factory; fdii(;f I'inginei'r and Inspector of Machinery ------- Assi.-tant to ditto - -- -- -- -- -- - Assistant 1 ns]iector of Steam Machinery - -- -- -- - I’orimian of the I’actoiy - -- -- -- -- -- foreman of tin; Roiler-makers ---------- Pay (ilerk and Rook-kee))er, from £'.31.5 to X'. 450 per annum - - - - ,, , /One from £. 195 to £‘.300 per annum, l our ( lerks - . - - - ’ pTlirce from ISO to 180 'riimdicepcr - - - - - ~ ~ Allowance in lieu of .StatioiKjry to the Chief I'.ngineer - - - - - TruMdling I'ixpcnses ol f.ngi ncers, &c., to inspect Steam Mac'.iinery 6-50 - - G50 - - 400 - - 400 - - - 350 - - 350 - - 225 - - - 200 - - 200 - - - 380 - - 3G0 - - .2101 380/ 590 - - o2o - - 1-20 - - 1-20 - - 15 - - 15 - - - 1 00 - - 50 - - £. 3.030 _ _ 2,895 - - (Gas for Hockyard and Steam Factory, £'. 1,(188, provided lor under Y ote No. 11.) FOR THE YEAR 1 8 5 (>-5 7 27 No. (5. — Her Majesty’s Establishments at Home — continued. NAVAL YARDS — continued, CHATHAM : in addition to his Pay and Allowances as Captain of - at £. 400 each Captain Superintendent tlie 2d Class) - - - - Master Attendant and Harbour Master Master Shipwright - . - Two Assistants lo ditto - - - Chief Engineer and Inspector of Machinery Storekeeper ------------- Accountant ------------- Store Receiver - - Lieutenant Director of Police - -- -- -- -- Staff Surgeon ------------ Assistant Surgeon Chaplain Timber Inspector ------------ Boatswain ------------- Clerks on the Establishment, at Salaries varying according to Rank and Length of Service ; viz. Ist Class - 2d Class - ,3d Class - K UMBER. 1 856/57. 1 855/36. - 3 2 - 10 10 18 18 £. 3,132 3,292 from £.31,5 to £.450 per annum „ 195 TO 300 „ „ 80 to 180 „ Six Temporary Clerks - - - - - Master Smith ------ Master Sailmaker - - - - - Master Ropemaker - . . - - Master Rigger ------ Five Foremen of the Yard, at £. 250 each Gratuity to one of the above - - - - Foreman of the Yard (to superintend the Joiners) Two Converters ------ Conductor of the Metal Mills Foreman of Painters - - - - - Foreman of Ropemakers - - - - Foreman of Smiths _ - - - - Four Measurers ------ . ) First £. 1801 (^Second, 160/ Ten Inspectors . . - Two Layers in the Rope Yard Three Leading Men of Storehouses - - - - - at £. 150 each ) T wo at £. 150) Eight at 125/ - at £. 100 each f One at £. I00'( /Two at 85/ Schoolmaster for the Instruction of Apprentices in the Yard, from £.100 to £. 150 per annum - -- -- -- -- -- Assistant to ditto ------------ Allowance to Schoolmaster in lieu of House, Fuel, . D 4 REQUIRED for the Service of the Year 185G/57. £ . s. d. 200 - - 50 - - GOO - - GOO - - 250 - - 450 - - 400 - - 400 - - 200 - - 655 — 842 - 580 - LAST VOTE for tlie Financial Year 1855/5G. £. s. d. 200 - - 50 GOO GOO 250 450 400 400 200 635 - G32 - C70 - 91 5 - 109 IG - 800 - - 800 - - 50 — - 50 250 - - — - - 200 - — 125 - - 150 - - 1 50 - - 275 - - 275 - - 300 - - 300 - - 950 - - 950 - - 100 - - 100 - - 120 - - 110 - - 140 - - 140 - - 67 15 - 68 4 - 30 - - 30 - - 1 j 80 - - 85 - - 200 - - 200 - - 8,961 - - 8,655 - - 150 150 50 - - 8 - - 8 - - 44 - - 44 - — 10 - - 10 - - 262 - - 212 - - 3 NAVY K S T 1 M A T K S No. (!. — IIkk y’s I‘>htaiii,imimhnts at IIomi: — anilumrd. V ICTUA LI J N(; L:STA \^ LISI I M KNTS. DEPTFORD : t'liptiiiii Supcriiitciulent - Master Atteiuliint and Harbour Master - Storekeeper Store IJcceiver - Stab' Surgeon and Medical Storekeeper Ci.FHKs on tlie IiiStablisliinent, at Salaries varying according to Hank and Lengtli of Service : viz. h'UMHKlt. 18.1(1/57. 18.5.5/56. 1st Class - - . . 2d ( lass (including one act- 0 3 ing as First Class Clerk) 8(1 Class (including om? act- 4 4 ing as 2(1 Cdlass Clerk, and one acting 3(1 Clerk) 7 6 13 13 Salaries ---.£. 2,462 2,425 rrou) T.31;> to £.4 10 per anniun. „ H)-J to 000 „ - ,, 80 to 180 „ - Eleven Temporary Clerks - - - _ . Assistant to the Master Attendant and Harbour Master Alaster Coojier Alaster Miller Engineer - Tv, o FMremen of Coopers - - . . . Superintendent of the Manufacture of Mustaid Eifflit Leading Men of Storehouses - . - - JOne at - £.l->0l (One at - 130J [Four at - f.HfO'j (F’our at - 80 / Allowance to one of ditto, for superintending the .Manufacture of Chocolate Leading Man of Bakers ......... £.100 Additional during the pressure of War .jO Dispensary Assistant - Kent of Bavin Field Kent of Water - Allowance for House-rent to the Master Cooper Parliamentary and Parochial Taxes - - - Allowances in lieu of Stationery - Postage and Travelling Charges on the Public Service, and other small Expenses FMa Skrvice at Siieehness: Lodging .Money to Paymaster of Her iMajesty^’s Ship ‘‘Formidable” - £.65 Temporary Clerk - - - - - - - - - - - 91 Leading Alan of Storehouses ......---85 (Gas, £.315, provided for under Vote No. II.) £. ROYAL CLARENCE YARD AT WEEVIL : Captain Superintendent Master Attendant Storekeepm- -------------- Acting Store Receiver ------------ Clmiks on the Establisiiment, at Salaries varying according to Rank and Length of Service ; viz. ItlKiriUKl) I. AST VOTI' IVir the for Service of the Year iIk' l-'iaaiiehil A'ear 18.56/57. 1 8.5.5p56. £ . X. (1. £. .V. <1. HOO - - 8(ui - - 4K0 - - 180 - - 600 - - 000 - - 4(U) - - 400 - - 37 1 2 6 37 1 ‘2 6 720 - - 1 ,005 - - 022 — — 8()f) - - 820 - - (120 _ - 1 ,003 1 5 - 640 10 - 150 - - 120 - - 250 - - 250 - - 200 - - 200 - - 300 - - 300 - - 280 - - 280 - - 150 - - 150 - - 740 - - 740 - - 20 - - 20 - - 150 - - 100 - - 100 - - — 46 - - 46 - - 250 - - 250 - - 35 - - 35 - - 214 17 6 224 7 6 80 - - 80 - - 260 - - 232 — — 241 5 - — 9,587 — — 8,747 — - 800 - - 800 - - 400 - - 400 - - 600 - - 600 - - 400 - - — 1 St Chl'-'H - - - - 0(1 Class (including one act- iiio" as 1st Class Clerk f - :jd Cla; 8 (mie acting- as ‘Jd ( hi" ' Clerk, and one act- ifjg- 3(1 fda-s < lerk) NUMHEIt. 1 8.56/.57 . 1 2 0 2 2 1 5 J,I 10 1,177 from £.315 to £.450 per annum „ l!)5to 300 „ - „ 80 to 180 „ - I I w 'I ( iup(s. a day - -- -- -- -- - 2":$ 1.") - 274 19 Bairack Serjeant, at 2 s (> d. a day - -- -- -- -- 4. A 12 G 4.'» l.'» 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 9 o G 9 :( — Schoolmistress, i'or the Education of tlm Femtile Children of the Rural .Marines 21 - - 2 t — — Allowance to the Bairack Master for House Rent, at 12 4'. a week - - - - tn 4 - :ii 4 Rent of M'ater for the Bariacks - -- -- -- -- - 27 19 - 27 19 - Rent i'or the Barracks ------------ 21 G - 21 G - Hates iind Taxes - -- -- -- -- -- - 7G 19 - 7G 12 - Allowance to the Curate of East Stonehoiise, Devon, for the Performance of Religious Duties to the Marines - -- -- -- -- -- 2r, 21 .Allowance to the iMinister of St. Paul’s Clnijiel, Plymouth, lor Accommodation lor the Royal Marines - -- -- -- -- -- - 29 29 For the Purchase of Books, &c. to form a Library for the Royal Marines - - - 28 - - 28 - - For washing Bedding, measuring Coals, lighting Lamps, sweeping Chimneys, and other small Expenses - -- -- -- -- -- 70 - - 79 - - £. G.->2 - - Go.-l - - (Gas, £.212, provided for under Vote No. 11.) AIAIIIXE IXFI RAI ARII':S. WOOLWICH : Deputy Inspector of nos])itaIs - Two Assistant Surgeons Purveyor ------------- Lodging Allowance to additional Surgeon of “ Fisgard” ------ For Shaving-, keeping Linen in repair. Washing, Funerals, and other small Expenses .091 17 G .593 •5 .'119 ."> - 274 19 199 - - 199 - 78 - - — 129 17 G 139 .5 £. (Gas, £.29, provided for under Vote No. 1 1.) CHATHAM : Deputy Inspector of Hospitals - Two .Assistant Sui'geons - Purveyor Chaplain - -- -- -- -- -- -- Clerk to Hospital Depot for Stores - Lodging Aloney to Chaplain - -- -- -- -- Ditto to additional Surgeon of “ Wellesley” ----- • - Rates and Taxes ------------ I'or Shaving, Washing, sweeping Chimneys, Funerals, and other small Expenses (Gas, £. G4, provided for under Vote No. 11.) _____ PORTSMOUTH : Staff Surgeon - -- -- -- -- -- -- Two Assistant Surgeons - -- -- -- -- -- House Rent to Surgeon - -- -- -- -- -- i-odging Money (in lieu of Houses, which elsewhere are provided) to the Assistant .Surgeons, at 10 s. G d. a week each - -- -- -- -- i'or Shaving, Washing, Allowance for repairing Bedding, Funerals, and other small Exjienses - -- -- -- -- -- -- 1,120 - - I 1,008 - - £. 091 17 G 003 34G 0 - 329 199 - - 100 199 - - 100 45 — — 45 G9 - - 60 78 - - — 51 17 G 51 100 - - 72 ,383 - - 1,2G1 8 - 7 - 3G5 _ _ 3G6 310 5 — 274 10 70 - - 70 - 04 12 - 54 12 41 3 - 2G 18 £. 841 192 - - PLYMOUTH : Stall Surgeon ------ 'I'wo Assistant Surgeons - - - . Hates and 'I’li-xes - - - - . Washing, I’ohtage, and other small I’hvjienses £. 3G5 - - 36G - - 301 2 G 274 10 - 12 17 G 12 10 - — — oo _ _ 701 - - G75 — — No. G. — Her Majesty’s Estarlisii-ments at Home — rontuiued. REQUIRED LAST VOTE for the for ABSTRACT. Service of tlie Year the Financial Year I85G/57. 1855/5G. Page £. S. d. £. s. d. Deptford - - 25 7,768 - - 7,236 - - AV^oolwicii - - 26 15,034 - - 14,069 - - Ditto (Steam Factory) - - - 26 3,030 - - 2,895 - - CUATIIAM - - 27 17,420 - - 16,790 - - SlIEEUNESS - - 28 13,173 - - 12,495 - - NAVAL YARDS Portsmouth - - - 29 21,301 - - 20,326 - - Ditto (Steam Factory) - - - 29 2,142 - - 2,125 - - Plymouth - - 30 22,327 - - 20,247 - - Ditto (Steam Factory) _ - - 30 1,345 - - 1,320 - - Pembroke - - 31 8,961 - - 8,655 - - Deal - _ - - - 31 262 - 212 - - £. 112,763 - - 106,370 - - (Deptford 32 9,587 - 8,747 - - VICTUALLING j Royal Clarence, Weevil - 32 5,049 - - 4,181 - - ESTARLISHMENTS 1 Roy^yl AVilliam, Cremill - 33 5,259 - - 4,358 - - IIIaulbowline - - 33 1,226 - - 750 - - £. 21,121 - - 18,036 - - j IIaslar 34 6,980 - 5,855 - - MEDICAL j Plymouth - - 34 3,885 - - 3,742 - - ESTABLISHMENTS 1 Deal _ _ - - - 34 787 - - 766 - - tNoRTH Yarmouth - - - 34 690 - - 683 - - £. 12,342 - - 11,046 - - (AYoolwich - 35 1,299 - - 1,187 - - MARINE ' Chatham - - - 35 568 - - 569 - - BARRACKS j PORTSMOUTH - - - 35 1,005 - - 974 - - '■Plymouth - - - 36 652 - - 653 - - £. 3,524 - - 3,383 - - r AV OOLWICH - 36 1,120 - - 1,008 - - MARINE ) Chatham - - - 36 1,383 - - 1,261 - - INFIRMARIES "j PORTSMOUTH - - - 36 841 - - 792 - - 1 Plymouth * - - 36 701 - - 675 - - £. 4,045 - - 3,736 - - Total 153,79d - - 142,5/1 - - 1 3B NAVY ]i: S T I M A T i: 8 — No. 7. — IIFJI MA.IFSTY’S ESTA I’.LISH M FNTS A1’,1{()AI). NAVAL YARDS. GIBRALTAR: Naval Ofliccr in cliargc of Naval and Victualling Stores Actin 1,620 - - 1,380 - - 350 - - — 365 - - 457 10 - 200 - - — 400 - - 400 - - 180 - - 160 - - 160 - - 160 - - 160 - - 160 - - 160 - - 160 - - 140 - - — 125 - - 125 - - 10 - - 10 - - 112 - - 50 - - 04 - - 04 - - 170 - - 130 10 - 1 1 - - 5,252 - - FOR THE YEAR 1850-57. 39 No. 7. — Her Majesty’s Estaklishments Auroad — v.ont'uimd. REQUIRED LAST VOTE for the for Service of the Year the Financial Year N.WAL YARDS — continued^ 1856/57. 1855/56. HALIFAX : £. s. 1 1 (L £. s. d. Naval Storekeeper and Agent Victualler ... - 450 - - 1 450 - - pne Second Class, from £.195 to £.300 1 r^l .n ) P^’’ - - - - - - £. 222 ^ 1 one Third Class, from £. SO to £. 180 per 10 i f 352 10 - i ! 200 - _ 1 annum 130 - J Temporary Clerk ...... - 91 5 - 117 15 - Foreman of Shipwrights . . _ . - - ICO - 160 - - Supply of Water by Contract ... - - - 120 - - 120 - - Rates and Taxes ...... - 19 5 - 19 5 - Allowance in lieu of Stationery to the Storekeeper - 12 - - 12 - - Printing, Advertisements, Postage, Sweeping Chimneys, and other smalt Expenses - - - - ’ - - 35 - - 35 - - £. 1,240 - - 1,114 - - BERMUDA: Naval Storekeeper and Agent Victualler ... - GOO - - 600 - - Chaplain ........ 400 - - 400 - - one First Class, from £.315 to £. 450 per annum - - - - - -£.372 10 Clerks Second Class, from £. 195 to £. 300 j per annum ..... 222 10 895 - - 700 - - two Third Class, from £. 80 to £. 180 per i annum ...... 300 “ Temporary Clerk 130 - - Cabin Keeper ....... - 1-20 - - 120 - - Allowance in lieu of Stationery to the Storekeeper - 25 - - 25 - - Postage, Advertisements, Printing, regulating Yard Clock, Allowance to the Clerk of the Chapel, and other small Expenses ....... 70 - - 70 - - £. 2,110 - - 2,045 - - ANTIGUA: 1 Clerk in Charge ...... - 350 - - 350 - - Purchase of Stationery, and otlier small Expenses - 10 - - 10 - - £. 1 j 360 - - 360 - - JAMAICA : Clerk in Charge ...... - 500 - - 500 - - rone Second Class, from £.195 to £.300 1 rierkJ Perannum £.222 i one Third Class, from £. 80 to £. 180 per 10 1 [ 322 10 - 200 - - 1 annum ...... loo -J Temporary Clerk ...... 100 - - Store Porter ....... 120 - - 120 - - Allowance in lieu of Stationery to the Clerk in charge - 15 - - 15 - - Travelling Charges, Advertisements, and other small Expenses 40 10 - 40 - - £. 998 - - 97o — — i6. E 4 40 NAVY K8TIMATKS No. 7. — Her Ma.iesi't’s I'Istaiimsiimenth Aiihoaij — rdniitiurtl . RlitiUIltlil) LAST VOTK for till! for .Service of the Year the Kinancial Year NAV AL YA JO )S — contumrd. 1850/57. 185 5/50. CAPE OF GOO]) HOI’E: £. .V. (A £. /f. iL Naval Storckcci)cr and Afrciit Victualler ... - 000 - - 000 - - Clerks 'one I’drst Class, from 315 to £. 450 per annum £.372 one 'J'hird Class, from £.80 to £. 180 per ^ annum - - - - - - 100 J 472 10 - 450 - iStore Porter - - 120 - - 120 - - Allowance (o Clia|)laln (in addition to Full Pay) - - 100 - - 100 - - Allowance in lien of Stationery to the Naval Storekeeper Agent Victualler and 18 18 — ^ Travelling Charges, l^ostage, Advertisements, nnd other small Expenses 79 10 - 80 - - £. 1,390 - - 1,308 - - TRINCOMALEE : Naval Storekeeper and Agent Victualler ... - 000 - - 000 - - Clerks . one Second Class, from £. 195 to £. 300 per annum - - - - - - £, 222 one Third Class, from £. 80 to £. 180 per annum - - - - - -105 .ol -J 327 10 - 290 - - Temporary Clerk ...... - 91 5 — Foreman of Shipwrights ..... - 280 - - 280 - - Gate Porter ....... 100 - - 100 - - Allowance in lieu of Stationery to the Naval Storekeeper - 30 - - 30 - - Postage , Palanquin Hire, and other small Expenses - 10 5 - 10 - - £. 1,439 - - 1,310 - - HONG KONG : Naval Officer in charge of Stores .... - 480 - - 480 - - Clerks . 'one Second Class, from £.195 to £.300 per annum £.272 two Third Class, from £.80 to £.180 per annum ...... 280 .ol -1 552 1 o 450 - - One Tem])orary Clerk - 91 5 - 308 12 - Master of the “ Mindcn” Hospital Ship, for charge of Naval Stores, and for acting as Harbour Master (Allowance in addition to Sea Pay) ....... 100 100 Allowance for House Pent to Naval Officer ... - 100 - - 100 - - Allowance in lieu of Stationery ..... - 20 - - 20 - - I’ostage and other small Jixpenscs .... - 35 5 - 35 8 - £. 1,379 - - 1,494 - - Assistant CommiHsary-genci'al in charge of Victualling Stores, and acting as Naval Cash Accountiint .... lot) - - 100 - - £. 1,479 - - 1,694 - - FOU THE YEAR 1 8 5 6-5 7. 41 No. 7. — Her Majesty’s Establishments Abroad — continued. VICTUALLING ESTABLISHMENTS. MALTA : Agent Victualler Clerks - 372 10 „ 195 1. to 300 Z. One, First Class, from 315 /. to 450 Z. £. s. per anmim - One, Second Class, per annum ----- 222 10 „ 8 OZ. tolSOZ. - 165 - - 120 - One, Third Class, j)er annum - One at - Two Temporary Clerks ------ Master Miller and Baker . - . - - Rent of Store Houses in Calcara Creek - - - Allowance in lieu of Stationery to the Agent Victualler - Advertisements and other small Expenses - - - £. CONSTANTINOPLE: Master Attendant Agent in charge of Naval and Victualling Stores (in addition to his Pay and Allowances as a Paymaster of the Second Class) Accountant in Charge of Cash . - - - . f Chief Clerk lor Store and Victual- £. s. d. ling Business . - - ,355 - - First Clerk in the Agent’s Office 292 - - Six Clerks Second Clerk in the Agent’s Office 182 10 - First Clerk in the Accountant’s Office 292 - - Second Clerk in ditto - - 182 10 Four Temporary Clerks ------ Boatswain (borne' on the Books of the Flag Ship in the Bosphorus) . - - - - Engineer - - - ditto - - - Rent of Naval Offices and Stores, for Ne and Coal Stores - - - - Victualling, £. s. rZ.) 100 - - 273 15 - 100 - tendent ------- Allowance for House Rent and Subsistence to Master Attendant . - - . Allowance for House Rent to Accountant in charge of Cash ----- Allowances [To Agent in charge of Naval and £. s. d. I in lieu of j Victualling Stores - - - 15 - - : Stationery [To Accountant in charge of Cash 15 - -J Printing, Carriage of Parcels, Boat Hire, and other small Expenses --------- COALING ESTABLISHMENT Superintendent and his Clerk - - - Boatswain ------- Two Assistants, at CO Z. per annum each - REQUIRED LAST VOTE for the for Service of the Year the Financial Year 1856/57. 1855/56. £. s. d. £. s. d. 600 - - 600 - - 880 - - 700 - - 200 15 - 183 - - 175 - - 175 - . - 144 - - — 15 10 - 15 10 - i 10 15 - t 10 10 - 1 2,026 - - 1,684 - - 1 400 - - 400 - - 300 - - 300 - - 600 - - 1,314 - - 1,065 - - 511 - - 1 436 16 - 3,500 - - 570 - - 473 15 - — 30 - - 30 - - 100 5 - 100 4 - 550 - - _ 150 - - — 120 - - — 8,049 - - 1 1 1 2,902 - - 16. F 42 NAVY E S T I M A T i: S No. 7. — Her Majesty’s Estaiimsiiments Aiiroad — rinilhtued. UEQUIUED LAST VOTE for tlic for VICTUALLING EST All LI S 1 1 MENTS— Service of the Year the Financiol Year " 185(i/.57. 1 S5.5/5(i. HALIFAX : £. 6, Assistant Commissary General for superintending the ]{.ccci])t, anil Issue of Provisions and Stores . _ . - £. 100 100 - - FOR THE YEAR 185fi-57. 43 No. 7. — Her Majesty’s Estauusiiments Ah road — continued. MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENTS. MALTA : Deputy Inspector of Hospitals - - - - - Staff Surgeon and Medical Storekeeper - - - - Assistant Surgeon - Clerk of Second Class, from 195 Z. to 300 1. per annum Allowance in lieu of Hospital Rations, 3 at 2 s. 6 cl. a day each Allowance to Roman Catholic Chaplain - . - - rTo the Deputy Inspector'1 ^ ^ Allowances in lieu ) of Hospitals - -J ‘ of Stationery -1 To the Staff Surgeon and 1 o o _ L Medical Storekeeper -J ^ - Porterage, Boat-hire, and other small Expenses £. THERAPIA: Deputy Inspector of Hospuals - - - Staff Surgeon and Medical Storekeeper - Agent - Chaplain (borne on the books of the Flag Ship) Two Assistant Surgeons - - - - - Clerk Allowances in lieu of Hospital Provisions to the above,) 7 at 35. 6 fZ. a day each . - . - . -j Allowances in lieu f To the Deputy Inspector £.3 3 -) of Stationery -(To the Agent - - -66-/ Funeral Expenses, Boat-hire, and other small Expenses £. BERMUDA : Deputy Inspector of Hospitals .... Two Assistant Surgeons Allowances to the above in lieu of Hospital Provisions, 1 at 45. 6cZ., and 2 at 3 s. 6^Z. a day each f To the Inspector of Hos-/ „ . Allowances in lieu | pitals - - * j ’ of Stationery -1 To the Assistant Sur-1 L geons, at 1 Z. 1 s. each -/ Travelling Charges, and other small Expenses - 2 -J REQUIRED for the Service of the Year 1856/57. LAST VOTE for the Financial Year 1855/56. £. 5. (1. £. 5. cl. 501 17 6 503 5 - 374 2 6 375 3 - 155 2 6 137 5 - 213 17 G 150 - - 136 17 6 256 4 - 30 - - — 7 7 - 12 12 - 30 15 6 20 11 - 1,450 — — 501 17 G 374 2 G — 300 - - — — —- 310 5 - — 100 7 6 — 447 2 6 — 9 9 - — 79 16 - — 2,123 - - — 501 17 6 603 18 - 310 5 - 274 10 - 209 17 6 210 9 - 7 7 - 12 12 - 11 13 - 11 11 - 1,041 - - 1,113 - - i6. F 2 44 NAVY F, 9 T I RI A T K S No. 7.— 11 Ell Majesty's Kstaiilisiiments Auho ad— vonfltiiiPtl, MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENTS JAMAICA: Deputy Inspector of Hospitals . . - - Staff Surgeon and Medical Storekeeper - . - Tyvo Assistant Surgeons ------ Clerk of Second Class, from 195/. to ,‘109/. per annum Allowance to tlic above, in lieu J 2 at 4. Estimate. 2,000 - - 4,200 - - 1,800 - - OHO - - .8,170 - - 00 - - 880 - - 800 - - 400 - - .‘19,190 - - and 3,000 — — in Suppy Estimate. 1,000 6,000 8.8,790 - - 49,190 - - 330 5,800 13,000 70 310 250 540 75 230 104 225 330 5.000 1.000 70 325 250 570 75 230 140 225 20,934 - - 8,215 - - 1,309 1,700 656 791 463 270 1,026 - - 656 — — 791 - - 445 - - 177 - - £. I 5,189 - 3,095 - - 8:1,790 20,9:14 5,189 109,91.3 - - 49,190 8,215 3,095 60,500 - - K o u THE YEAH 1 8 5 (j - 5 7. 5 » — No. 10. — NAVAL STORES FOR THE BUILDING, REPAIR AND OUTFIT OF THE FLEE!', &c. REQUIRED LAST VOTE for the for Service of the Year the Financial Year 1856/57. 1855/56. £. .V. d. 1 ! 'A For the Purchase of Timber, Masts, Deals, &c. 555,199 - 447,310 - - and 91,475 - - i in Suppy Estimate. For the Purchase of other Stores ----- 1,009,152 - -j 982,418 - - and 446,i00- - 1 in Suppy Estimate. For the Purchase of Coals and other Fuel for Steaml Vessels, &c. - -- -- -- - J 530,000 - - 469,276 - - For the Purchase and Repair of Steam Machinery - r 600,000 - "{ 650,000 - - and 220,000 - - 1 in Suppy Estimate. For Ships and Steam Vessels Building by Contract, and"! for the Purchase of Steam Vessels, Gun Boats, &c. -J 720,000 - -j 350,000 - - and 306,090 - - in Suppy Estimate. For Screw Yacht for the Emperor of Japan - - - - 10,000 - - For Freight and S undry Expenses connected with NavaO Stores -------- -J 33,000 - - I 19,300 - - Total - - - L, 447, 351 1 1 3,991,969 i6. G 2 r>2 NAVY E 8 T I AJ A J’ E 8 — No NEW WORKS, LVIJ'HOVE DESCRIPTION OP M' O R K S for each I'^talilisliincnl. NAVAL YARJ)S AT HOME. DEPTFORD : Building for Sawitig Machinery, Engine House, Worksliops, &c. Clearing Mud from Basin - - - . Dredging near Basin Entrance ... Wood Paving Foundations for Machinery for Saw Mills, &c. - Gas - Alterations and Re-constructions ... Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - New Machinery ...... 1. TO PAL . E.STIMATE for the Work. 2. AMOUNT uircady Voted for it. 3, (illO.SS SUM already Ei|irndi upon it. (Pontr to 31 Dec. 185.'. £. .S', d. f . .s, d. £. 3. ' 1 0,000 - - 4,000 - - 1,000 - .57.3 - - 100 - - - - 120 - - . - 1,920 - - . . 1,016 - - - - • - - - 1,421 - - . . 3,560 - - 12,000 - - 16,000 - - . - • . 751 - - . • - . 4,000 - - 400 - - . - 1,890 - - . ... 240 - - . - 10,000 - - . ... 3,685 - - . - - . 7,000 - - . - 2,595 - - . . 465 - — . - - . 153 - - . . ! 1,588 - - - • • ... 3,284 - - - . (>,230 - - i . - - . . WOOLWICH : Iron Roof over Slip No. 5, with Traveller .... Completion of Rigging House Steam Suppling Kiln to Slips 1 and 2 Additional Store for Plank, Thickstuff, and Joiners’ Materials - Corrugated Iron Roof over the Yard at end of Erecting Shop - Roof over Chain Cables ^Making Roads in Timber Field Coal Store - Protection of Mr. Harrington’s River Frontage . . . Chapel Roof over Space between Factory Fitting Shop and opposite \ Buildings - - - - . ,.J Foundations for Machinery ....... Additional External Lamps ... Gas - Alterations and Ro-constiMiclions ...... Ordinary and partiwdar Rej)airs iind I’ainting - - . . New Machinery - Carric17,330 - - 120 - - - 1,920 - - - 180 - - - 1,016 - - . 1,421 - - 3,560 - - - .3,560 - - 12,000 - - 10,000 - - 6,000 - - 751 - - 4,000 - - . 400 - - . 1,890 - - - 240 - - - 5,000 - - 5,000 - - 3,685 - - - ^51,739 - - 4,000 - - 3,000 - - 1 2,595 - - . 465 - - 153 - - - . - i 1 1,688 - - - 1 1 1,588 - - . .3,284 - - - 6,230 - - - 6,230 - - : I .. 78,859 - - i6. REMARKS. - - The Amount first taken only contemplated the erection of some spare Machinery captured from Russia. The exi T I () N OF WORKS TOTAL AMOUNT GROSS .SUM lor each Establishment. ESTIMATE for llie Work. already Voted for it. already rj upon It. to 31 Dec ipelidurl (I’oatod 1H5.3.) £. s. d. £. *. d. £. H. d. Broucflit forward - - - - - - - Naval Yauds at Home — continued. • CHATHAM : Extension and Improvement of the Yard hy Convict Labour 130,000 - - 5,000 - - Nil. - llo-constructinc; and Extending No. 2 Doch) and Rcbuildiiife'I Police Station - -- -- -- - 'J 47,000 - - 1 5,000 - - Nil. - Extending No. 3 Dock - -- -- -- - 14,000 - - 14,000 - - 1,845 - - Extension of Tramways from No. 6 Slip to No. 3 Hydraulic\ Crane .--.------J 008 - - - - - Stern Berthing to No. 7 Slip ------- 73G - - - - - Clearing the Harbour ot i\Iud 1,500 - - - - - - Coal Store and Shop for cutting Oars at Saw Mills - - - 042 - - - - - Roof over space between (5 and 7 Slips, and Inclosure to noith end of No. 7 Slip -j 4,500 - - - - - - Brows to No. 7 Slip, and Stairs to Traveller - - - - 969 - - - - - Wood Paving between No. 1 and 2 Slips, and to Quadrangle atl Joiners’ Shop ~ ~ 'J 906 - - - - - - Iron Lookers for Smithery, and for Metal Mills - - - 408 - - - - - Additional Water Pipes, leading from Dockyard to Marinej Barracks --------- 124 - - - - - Foundations for Standards to No. 7 Slip ----- 147 - - - - - - Constructing Iron Shed on the Anchor Whart - - - 1,537 - - - - - - Constructing Shed for repairing Iron Tanks . - - - 107 - - - - - - Building for Testing Machine ------ 339 - - - - - - Foundations foi- ^Machinery _-----* 1,546 - - - - - - Additional Clas hitmeuts tor lactorics - - - - 59 - - - - - - (fas - - - - - - Altcralions and 3,386 - - - - “ • Ordinary and jiarlicniar llcpairs, and Painting 4,141 - - - - • • • New .Maciiincry --------- .">,069 — — - - - - Carried lorward - - - .f. - - - - - FOR THE YEAR 185 6-5 7 . 55 MENTS, AND RePAIRS— 4. 5. 6. VOTE required for the ensuing Year. Further ESTIMATE for completing the Work. REQUIRED to be voted for the Payments to be made in tlie Year IS-ie-ST. £. £. d. £. s. d. £. . No. II.— Nliw WoilKS, iMI>IIOVI> I. 2. 3. BKSCUIl’TION OF WORKS Ibr cacU Estublishmeni. TOTAL ESTIMATE for the Work. AMOUNT already Voted for it. (iUOSS SUM alreadir Exjieiided upon it. (I’u.itcd to : - 5 7, .'57 ,:ents and Repairs — continued . 4, VOTE required for che ensuing Year. 5. Further ESTIMATE ' for completing the Work. 6. REQUIRED to be Voted for the Payments to be made in the Year 1856; 57. R E M A R K S. £. s. d. £• s. d. £. x. d. - . 152,396 - - 1 t 6,000 - - - - No. 3 Dock tvill be finislied, but in consequence of No. 1 beinor constantly in use, its completion will be deferred. For a part of this Work and the Caisson, — the amount is a Re- Vote. 1,000 - - 8,000 - - . 7,500 - - - 1,000 - - - 2,500 - - - 6,000 - - 10,000 - - 4,000 - - . 100 - - - 47,182 - - 2,000 - - . 87 - - - 750 - - - 2,250 - - - 356 - - • 219 - - . 1,938 - - . 400 - - . 618 - - - 2,464 - - • — • . f • / 7,321 - - - - . 7,321 - - • - o 06,899 - - i6. H r^S NAVY i: S 'r I M A T 10 S No 11. — Nkw Wohki, Imi'iujvi- ]) E S c; HI l> T 1 0 N () r WORKS fi)r cacti Estiiblisliniciil. I. TOTAK ESI IMATE lor tlic Work. 2. AMOUN'l' iilrc .uly Voleil for il. 3. (iltoss SIM alrc.nily Eii(|ici.o»|t to .Tl Dee. f. S. (I. f. i. <1. £ • Hroii^rlit forward . . . - . . Naval Yards at IIomk — eoz/ft/u/er/. DEVONl’ORT : New Smitliery, Forges, Furnaces, &e. ... - 20,000 - - 0,000 - - 1 92 - New Saw Mills, Engine House, Workshops, &e. - 1 (»,000 - - 4,000 - - 2,221 - ■ New' Boat Store - 9,597 - - . . Sijuaring (Quarry and Ei-ccting Stores ... - 0,000 - - . . Dredging at Basin Entrance and Wharves adjoining - 1,431 - - . . Paving North Side of New' Dock and IJasin - 3,048 - - . . Foundations for Machinery at Saw' Mills, &c. - - 1 ,902 - - . . Gas ......... Alterations and Reconstructions .... - 340 - - . . Ordinary and particular Repairs, ami Painting - - 3,458 - - . . New' Machinery • 9,015 - - . • ■ ■ KEYHAM: Constructing South Basin and Two Docks, CofferO £. dam in front of the Basins, and clearing Ground | for Buildings, and Purchase of Ground for Maga- ( zines, &c. -j r>75,000 1 , North Basin ........ 170,000 1,225,000 - - 1,003,000 - - 1,022, -231 - Factor}' Buildings 210,000 i Remainder of Works to complete the Establishment 170,000 Gas ......... Ordinary and ])articular Rej)airs, and Painting - - 500 - - . . Tunnel between Devonj)ort Dockyard and Keyham - - 35,000 - - 25,000 - - 11,326 - . £. Powder Magazine Establishment at Bull Point - 97,027 1-147,348 - - 136,718 - - 55,532 - • Sujiplementary J'lstimate for Boat Basin, &,e. 49,721 New Machinery ....... 38,400 - - . . • )‘I-V MOUTH SOUND: NN’orks at the Breakwat('r ..... - 1,624,000 - - 1,448,749 - - ] 1,542.065 - Ditto ..... Supplementary I'lstiinate - - 75,000 - - 13,000 - - 1 (juried forward - - - t. FOR THE YEAR 1850-57 Cl MENTS AND Repaius — Continued. 4. VOTE required for the ensuing Year. £. .S', d. 14.000 12.000 9,597 G,000 1,431 .3,648 1,962 603 346 3,458 9,615 Further ES IT MATE for completing the Work. £. .V. d. 80,000 - - 1 82,000 - - 285 500 18,000 47,910 38,400 6 . REQUIRED to be Voted for the Pa^jmenls to be made in the Year 1856/57. £. s. d. 300,893 - - 53,045 — — R E M A R K S. - - The cost of til* work has been grea tly exceeded in consequence of the fire-proof method of construction adopted. The amount taken also includes the cost of the removal of a shed, which was necessary to obtain a site for the mills, and its reconstruction in a more perfect manner as a boat store over the boat camber, which, was much wanted. 9,615 - - 80,785 - - 18,000 - - 47,910 38,400 (■ 13,000 - - 8,000 49,000 13,000 - - 501,648 - - l6. Of this amount 8,000 is a Re-Vote. Of this amount 37,280 1 . is a Re- Vote.’ II (r2 NAVY K S 'P I M A T IC S 1) E S C K 1 1> T I () N () I' W O 11 K S Ibr uach Establislimciit. Broiig-lit loi'ward - - - Naval ^ahds at Home — continual . PEMBROKE : liCiiytliL‘uiii<>- and Widening- Hock Constnuding 'JVo Ncav Long Slij)s, a Boat Basin, extending tliel Wliarl', and pioviding for Scouring away Mad in front ol' llic Yai'd • Saw Mills, Engine House, Workshops, &c. - . - . Koof over Slip No. 12- Extending Seaward Hoof over Slip No. 12 Clearing away Mud hetween the Cair Spit and the Dockyard "j Bank, and in front of the Yard - - - . . .J Oakum Store - Widening Entrance of Dock Additionid Storehouse ......... Extending Seaward Koof over Slips Nos. 1 and 2 - - - Foundry and Plumbers’ Sliop ....... Store for jireparcd Iron, Mhought and Scrap iron - . - Covering Area between Hammer Shoj> and Old Smithcry, and') erecting New Forges - -- -....J Thirteen Fire Plugs in Street outside the Y^ard .... Foundations for Macliincry for Saw Mills, kc. - ~ . Gas - Alterations and lie-constructions Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - . . _ New iVIaehincry - DEAL: Gas Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - IIAULBOWLINE : J'or Roof over Coal Yard - - . - . Dredging and Buihling Vertical Wall in Camber Oidinary and ])articular Rc])airs and Painting DUNOENESS: Oi'dinary and particular Repairs and Painting HOlll’.S POINT : Ordinary and ])arlicidar Repairs and Ihiinting ivn I.OR; Ordinary and jiarlieidai- Kepairs and I’ainting Cai ried J'oi'Uiird •f. No. II. — N 1 w Woiihs, Imtmio\i 1 . TOTAL ESTIMATE I'm- the Work. £. s. d. 20,000 - - 00,000 - - 18,000 - - 1(1^000 - - 1,734 - - 4.000 - - 3,183 - - 8.000 - - 6,320 - - 3 , 6.33 - - 5,000 - - 803 - - 1,421 - - 202 - - 2,364 - - 3,848 - - 3,448 - - 8,762 - - 113 - - 446 - - 093 - - 1,024 - - 12 - - 38 - - 6:l - - AMOUNT nlrnuly Vdli il Tor it. £ . «. d. 1 3,000 1 0,000 - - 1,000 - - 1,000 - - In Supplementary Estimate. LROSS SI M alrcmly I'NpMiilC' ii|i(in it. ( I’dsleil t(i 31 I)rr. Ifl.'iS £' . s, d. 6,:i00 - 13,300 - - Nil. 13 - - . I FOR THE YEAR 18 'j (>-.5 “ iMENTS AND Hepaius — Continued. 4. 5. 6. VOTE rotiuirod for tlic ensuing Year. Furtlier ESTIMATE for coiupleting tlie Work. REQUIRED to be \'oted for the Payments to be made in the Year 1850/57. R E 51 A R K S, — t*. s. d. E. s. d. £. S. d. 561,048 - - * 10,000 - - . • • Of this amount 5,000 1. is a Re- Vote. 14,100 - - - - Of this amount 7,400 1. is a Re-Vote. 11,000 - - 10,000 - - 1,734 - - ! . - - The cost of this and of tlie other Saw Mills has been greatly- increased by an additional Story for Workshops, and by the Fire- proof Construction ; provision is also made for the Pninp Well for exhausting the Dock by the Saw Mill’s Engines, and for a fresh water Reservoir over the Building, for sup])lying the Yard.. Of the sum taken, 3,000 /. is a Re-Vote. 4^000 - - - 1 Of thi.s amount the sum of 1,000 1. is a Re-Vote. 2,183 - - - .'5,000 - - 3,000 - - ) 85,880 - - 6,320 - - - 3,653 - - - 5,000 - - 805 - - 1,421 - - 292 — — . 2,304 - - - 700 - - - 3,848 - - - 3,448 - - . > 8,702 - - - - . 8,702 - - 24 - - 115 - - - 1 139 - - 440 - - ... 1 903 - - - ■ 2,403 - - 1,024 - - • " • J 12 - - - 12 - - 38 - - . 38 - - 03 - - - 03 - - . 059,005 — — iG. H 4 I NAVY E S T I M A 1’ 1-, S ()4 No. II. — Nkw \Voui\?<, iMi’itovi;- DESCRIPTION OF W O K K S Ibr each Fstublishnioiit. Broiijjlil. Ibrwanl - - VxcTUALi.iNc; 1‘'staiilisii.mi;nts at Homk: DEPTFORD ; Canal between tlie Mast Pond and tlie River ... Constructing Tank Store and Transport Ston; - - - Additional Moorings on the Wharf Wall - - . . Gallery hetween Mills and Bakery, and providing a Meal Store Wood Paving - - Rolling Ways --------- Gas Alterations and Bc-constriictions - - - - - Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - - - ROYAL CLARENCE YARD : Line of Railway through the Yard ----- Additional Cooperage Shed ------ 1 . TOTAL ESTIMATE for llio Work. AMOUNT iilrrnily l‘.\|i 553 - - 478 - - - 95 - - 124 - - - 1,433 - - - 2,000 - - - ' 7,878 - - 70 - - - 600 - - - 1,850 - - - 1,706 - - - 1 169 - - 1 1 i 1,427 - - 1,258 - - 1 81 - _ 82 - - : . > 400 - - 237 - - 1 - ; 150 - - ^ 514 - - 364 - - . ( i i6. t • “ • 714,709 - - 68 NAVYK8TIMATKS • No .11. — New Woukh, Imi'hoye- 1) 15 S C R I P T 1 O N OF WORKS for ea(;li Establishtncnt. 1. TOTAL ESTIMATE for the Work. 2. AMOUNT alrea TI () N ( ) I’ \V O H K 8 i’or each Kslaljlisliinent. Brought forward - - - Naval Estaiiijsii m knts Aiuioad: GIHIULTAH: Extension of the Mole for inijiroving tlie Harbour - - _ New Naval Tank Ordinary and j)articular Repairs and Painting - - . . New Alachinory JIALTA : Extension of Dock to receive two First Class 'i ^ _ Ships or one of extraordinary length - ’ ~ Purchase of Sites for New Markets, building ] Markets, purchase of Property afid Site for ■ £. 11, 701) — — extension of Dock, including CoinpensationJ Purchase of Property to be converted into Naval Ordnance Stores Coal Stores Tank at Corradino -------- Payment to Civil Government for constructing Wharf at New') Coal Stores - - - - - - - - -/ Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - - - New Machinery CONSTANTINOPLE: Additions, Alterations, and General Repairs to the Buildings of\ the Naval and Victualling Yards ----- -J BERMUDA ; Buildings for Naval Yard Buildings for Victualling Yard - £.06,000 - -1 - £. .30,000 - -j Hauling up Slip - Completing the Breakwater ------- Alterations and Reconstructions ------ Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - - - - IIALII'AX: Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - - - - (hirricd i'orward - - - £. ■t ‘2. 3. TOTAL EHTIMATE for tlic Work. AMOUNT nl really Vnteil for it. GltOSS SUM Exjiumlcil | IIJIDII it. (I’llktcil 1 to :)I Dec. IH.V,.) i £. S. ( 1 . £. s. d. ' £. *. d. ^ 1 2.'5,000 - - 20,000 - - i 13,901 - - 1 0,696 — — 2,000 - - 46 - - 1 50 - - - 1,000 - - • - - >54,769 - - 10,000 - - - Nil, - 7,197 - - 2,800 - - I 2,000 - -I : InSupplemen- 1 [tary Estimate.] f 1,000 - -I : InSupplemen- [tary Estimate. J - Nil. - - Nil. - 7,500 - - r 2,000 - -'1 InSupplemen- [tary Estimate.] - Nil. - 472 - - - - 1,388 - - - - 2,500 - - - • 5,000 - - - - 96,000 - - 70,000 - - 53j898 “ — 25,000 - - 2,000 - - - Nil. - 22,000 - - - . 876 - - - . - - 1 1,151 - - . - 335 - - - - - " 1 - FOR THE YEAR 18 5 (>-5 / . 1 / MENTs and Repa/us — Continued. 4. VOTE reciuiiRil for the ensuing Year. 5. Further ESTIMATE for completing tlie Work. 6. REQUIRED to be voted for the Payments to be made in tlie Year ] 856/57. REMARK £. s. cl. £. s. d. £. s. d. . . . 781,457 - - 6,207 - - - • . 1 Of this Amount £. 1,207 is a Re-vote. 1,000 - - 2,696 - - 7,357 - - 100 - - • - - / 1,000 - - 1,000 - - 15,000 - - 1 29,769 - - 1 i 5,197 - - - i ! 1,800 - - i 27,107 - - 3,250 - - 2,250 - - 472 - - - 1,388 - - - . - 2,500 - - . 2,500 - - 5,000 - - . 5,000 - - 6,000 - - 20,000 - - 4,000 - - 19,000 - - . . >12,027 - - 876 - - . 1,151 - - - J 335 - - . 335 - - 1 - 836,783 - - ID. I4 ID, 72 NAVY ESTIMATES No. 11 . — Np.w Works, Imimiove- DESCRIPTION OF WORKS for cac)i Establialiincnt. 1. TOTAL ESTIMATE for tlic Work. 2. AMOUNT already Voted for It. 3. GUOH8 RUM already F.xjieiided upon it, (Pouted to 31 Dee. 1H55.) Brouglit forward - - - £. i. d. £. s. d. £. .L d. Naval Establishments Abroad — continued. JAMAICA : Ilejiairs to Wliarves - 2,070 - - Alterations and Reconstructions 1,100 - - . . Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - - - - 007 - - . . ANTIGUA: Alterations and Reconstructions 1,000 - - Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - - . - 391 - - . . ASCENSION: Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting .... 500 - - . . CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting .... 097 - - . . TRINCOMALEE: Alterations and Reconstructions ...... 1,000 - - Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting .... 300 - - . . HONG KONG: Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting .... 250 - - . . Victualling Establishments Abroad: GIBRALTAR: Ordinary and j)articular Repairs and Painting .... 70 - - MALTA : Colonade in front of Corn Stores ...... 035 - - Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting .... 242 — — . . HALIFAX : Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting .... 15 - - . - CAPE OF GOOD HOPE; Ordinary and particular Rejjairs and Painting .... 80 - - . - Carried forward - - . . . . FOR THE YEAR 1856-57 73 iiENTS AND Repairs — continued. 4. 5. 6. VOTE required for ;he ensuing Year. Further ESTIMATE for completing tlie Work. REQUIRED to be Voted for the Payments to be made in the Year 1856/57. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 836,783 - - 2,670 - - 1 1,160 - - 1 f ' 4,437 - - 607 - - J 1,000 - - 391 - - ] . . / 1,391 - - 500 - - - 500 - - 697 - - - 697 - - 1,000 - - 300 - - 1. . . 1 1,300 - - 2-50 - - - S 250 - - 1 I 1 70 - - - 70 - - 635 - - 242 — — ] /* ■ 877 - - 15 - - - 15 - - 80 - - - 80 - - . - 846,400 - - l6. K 74 NAVY KSTIMATRS No. II. — Nl.W VVoilhS, iMI'ltOVR. DESCRIPTION OF WORKS for each Establishment. 1. tota l ESTIMATE for the Work. 2. AMOUNT nlreiidy Voted for if. .'I. (JHOHS HUM lilreiidy t'.x|M'iided upon it. (Poeted to ni Dee. IH/V>.) Brought forward - - . £. .s. <1. • £ . A . d. £. A. d. IMedicai. Estabeis)iments Abroad: MALTA : Ordinary and particular Repairs and Painting - - - . GSS - - - - - BERMUDA : Ordinary and particular Repairs, and Painting - - . . 170 - - ... - . • JAMAICA: Ordinary and particular Repairs, and Painting - - - . 1 rj<) - - ... CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Ordinary and particular Repairs, and Painting - - - . 151 - - . 1 1 THERAPIA HOSPITAL: Ordinary and particular Repairs, and Painting .... 500 - - - : Add: For Kstablishnient (See Abstract annexed) - - - - j I I Contingencies for Works and Repairs - - - - [ I, Ditto - - - for New Machinery - - . _ New Works and Alterations. Repairs. Gas. £. A. d. £. s. d. £. A', d. Under Superintendence of Director of Works - 706,489 - - 55 , 15 '! - ~ 9,081 - - Ditto ... Surveyor of the Navy - 93,007 - - - - Total - - - £. 799,496 - - 55,767 - - 9,081 - - On Original Estimate Last Vote fof 1855-fiG On Supplementary Estimate FOR THE YEAR 1 8 5 6-5 7 - 75 MENTS AND Repaihs — contbiued. 4. VOTE required for the ensuing Year. 5. Furtlier ESTIMATE for completing tlie Work. 6. REQUIRED to be Voted for tlie Payments to be made in tlie Year 1 856/57. REMARKS. • £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 846,400 - - 328 - - - 328 - - 176 - - - 176 - - 150 - _ - 150 - - 151 - - - 151 - - • 500 - - - 500 - - 847,705 - - - - ■ . 8,629 - - - . 5,000 - - 3,000 - _ |864,.334 - - J 567,568 — - 1 1629,071 - - 61,503 - - J More required 235,263 i6. K 2 NAVY ESTIMATES 7^) No. 11 . — Nkw Works, Impiiovemi rts anh Ri pairs — continual. ABSTRACT of Pay of Clerks ok Works, Draughtsmen, Clerks, 1', Oi, See.., riiijdoye*! in Engineering' and Arcliitectiirul Works and Repairs. lixaininor of Aeeouiits, Clerks of Drauglits- Clerks. Foremen. Office K cepers. HEQUIUKl) for tile Year V O T E I) for Keturns, kc. Works. )nen. &c. 1H50/57. 1 855/50. 1 1 IIO.ME ESTARLISIIMENTS : £. *. d. £. 4. d. I 1 1 1 4 2 - 1 Tondon .... 1,758 - - 1,551 - - — 1 - 1 1 Deptford .... 430 - - 430 - - — 1 1 - 1 1 Woolwicli .... 098 - - 048 - - — 1 1 1 1 1 Chatham .... 049 - - 049 - - — 1 1 1 1 1 Sheerness .... 594 - - 594 - - — 1 2 1 .3 2 Portsmouth .... 1 1 1,270 - - — 1 ■ - 1 1 - Ilaslar Hospital ... 535 - - 485 - - — 1 1 1 1 1 Devonport .... 861 - - 829 - - — 1 1 - - Plymouth Hospital 368 - - 344 - - — 1 1 1 1 1 Pembroke .... 833 - - 833 - - — — 1 - Haulbovvline .... 150 - - 150 - - I 10 11 10 11 8 £. 8,239 - - 7,783 - - i FOREIGX ESTABLISHMENTS: — ! 1 • 1 - - Malta ..... 390 - 320 - - 1 1 1 1 11 11 11 8 Total - - £. 8,629 - - 8,103 - - Number. 1 Examiner of Accounts, Returns, &.C., Salary, .350 /, to 500 1. per annum. 11 Clerks of Works, Salaries varying from 180 to 400/. per annum. 11 Draughtsmen, from 5 s. - d. per clay to 300 1. per annum. 11 Clerks - - „ 5 s. — d. to 210 /. per annum. 11 Foremen - ,, 0 0 d. to 10 s. 0 d. per day. 8 OflBce-keepers „ 3 s. 0 d. to 75 /. per annum. 'J’oTAL Number - - 53 FOR THE YEAR 1850-5 /. 77 — No. 12.— MEDICINES, MEDICAL STORES, &c. REQUIRED for the Service of the Year 1856/57. LAST VOTE for the Financial Year 1855/56. £. s. d. 1 £. «. d. Provisions and Stores of all kinds, including Issues from Naval and Victualling Depots, for the several Naval Hospitals and Marine Infirmaries - - . - 51,000 - - ■ 43,000 - - and 2,000 - - in Supplementary Estimate. Medicines, Chemicals, and Surgical Instruments 12,000 - - 11,800 - - For the Subsistence and Care of Seamen in Sick Quarters, and in Temporary Hospitals, and for other occasional Accommodation for the Sick, and for Miscellaneous Disbursements for Medical Service - - . . 7,000 - - 7,300 - - Total - - - £. 70,000 64,100 i6. K 3 NAVY ESTIMATED 8 — No. i:j. — M I S C; E L L A N E 0 U S S E R V \ C E S. IlEQUIRED EAST VOTE for tlic for Service of the Year tlie I'iunaciiil Year 1850/57. 1 85.7/5(1, PiLOTAOr : £. d . £. A. d . For Pilotage of Her INIajesty’s Ships on Home and Foreign Stations; Half Day-pay to Pilots, Travelling and other incidental Expenses 15,000 - - 1.5, 000 .. - Distressed Seamen ; P’or the Expense of subsisting, clothing, dScc., distressed British Seamen in Foreign Parts, and for their I^assage to England ; also for the Passage of Seamen invalided from Her Majesty’s ships ....... 1,000 - - (Under Act 11 Geo. 4,c. ‘20, ss. 11 & 82.) (Under the Act 17 & 18 Viet., c. 104, the Duties con- nected with the Relief of Distressed Seamen devolved upon the Committee of the Privy Council of Trade on the Ist May 1855.) f Commanders-in-Chief : For Furniture, Postage, Stationery, Wages of Attendants, and other Expenses 4,000 - - .5,000 - - Courts Martial : For Allowance to Persons officiating at Courts Martial, Travelling Chui'ges and other Expenses ... 500 - - 500 - - Passage Money : For the Passage and Travelling Expenses of Naval Officers proceeding to, and of Invalided Officers returning from, their Ships on Foreign Stations ; and of Civil Officers proceeding to, and returning from, Service Abroad ; also for the conveyance of Seamen to and from their Ships, and for the Passage of Invalided Seamen sent Home from Abroad 16,000 - - 12,000 - - TELEGRAriiic Communications : For Electric Telegraph froni the Admiralty to Somerset House; to Deptford, Woolwich, Chatham, Sheerness, Dover and Deal ; to Portsmouth ; and to Devonport and Keyham ; as per contracts ; also for casual Tele- graphic communications ...... 6,000 - - 5,200 - - Purchase of Books: For the I’urchase of Books to i'orm Lii)raries for the use of the Crews of Her Majesty’s Ships and Vessels, and Books, &,c., for the Schoohs in Her Majesty’s Dock Yards :l,000 - - DiiIi.l oi the Coast Guard: For Drilling (he Men belonging- to the Coast Guard, &c. - 1,000 - - 1,000 - - Carried forward ... £. 42,500 - - 42,700 - - FOR THE YEAR 1 8 50-5 7 - 79 No. ]3. — Miscellaneous Services— cm/i/iiierf. REQUIRED j LAST VOTE for the ^ for Service of the Year ' the Financial Year 1856/57. t. 1855/56. • 1 £. s. d. , £. s. d. Brought forward - - - 42,500 - - ; 42,700 - - For Compensation to Officers, Seamen, &c. for Losses by^ Shipwreck or Action, pursuant to the Recommendation ot the Committee for Naval and Military Inquiry 1 2,000 - - j 2,000 - - For Contributions in aid of Sailors’ Homes - - * 500 - - 500 - - For Contribution of One-third of the Expenditure on a pro- posed New Wharf at Freetown, Sierra Leone, contingent upon the remainder of the Expense of the Construction being defrayed from Colonial Funds, kc. (This is a Re-vote) - -- -- -- -- 1,500 - - 1 1 o o For Medals for Seamen and Marines as Rewards for Service and distinguished Gallantry in Action - - - - I i 2,000 - - 1 — For Rewards for Services against Pirates (under Act 13 & 14 Viet. c. 26) viz., — To the Officers and Crew of Her Majesty’s Ship “ Rattler,” for the Capture of Pirates in the China Seas in May 1853 £. 1,250 — - Further Grant to the Officers and Crew of Her Majesty’s Ship “ Hermes,” for the Capture of Pirates in the China Seas, between the 24th November and the 4th December 1853 - - - £. 1,222 - - 2,472 - - ■ 3,386 - - and < 700 - - in Supplementary Estimate. For Bounty for the Capture or Destruction of Enemies’ Ships of War (Under Act 17 Viet. c. 18.) 1 r 300 - - < in Supplementary [ Estimate. For Contingencies, viz., — 1 j For Freight of Specie for the use of Her Majesty’s Yards ; for Bounty to Relatives of Persons Slain in Fight with the Enemy ; for Assistance rendered to Ships in Dis- tress; for Compensation for Damage done to Vessels by Her Majesty’s Ships ; for Costs and Charges incident to Blockades and to Captures by Her Majesty’s Ships; for raising Volunteers for Her Majesty’s Fleet ; for tlie Expense of the Hire of Substitutes for Merchant Sea- men who volunteer into Her ?vlajesty’s Ships, under Act 17 & 18 Viet. c. 104 ; and for other Expenses 25,000 - - 20,000 - - £. 75,972 - - 71,086 - - SUPPLEMENTARY ESTIMATE. 1 1 Arctic Searching Expedition : For Expenses of an Expedition to Search for the Relics of Sir John Franklin, and the Crews of Her Majesty’s Ships “ Erebus ” and “ 'Terror ”------ i 1 j 1 3,000 - - 1 3,000 - - To provide for the Payment of the Claims to the Reward offered to the Party or Parties who first succeed by his or their efforts in ascertaining the fate of the Crews of Her Majesty’s Ships “ Erebus ” and “ Terror ” - - . ! ! 10,000 - - Total - - - £. 88,972 - - 1 74,086 - - i K 4 i6. 8o NAVY K S T I M A T !•: S No. 13. — M iHcr.M.A N Kous Ser V icjis— coz/./mj/fr/. A RETlJltN, giving' an Analysis of the Expendu lmie in the Year ISOl/Go (tlic last Financial Year closed) for C’ontingencie.s. Hire of Ships and Vessels - Freight of Specie Assistance rendered to Her Majesty’s Ships in distress - - - . . Compensation for Damage done by Her Majesty’s Ships - - - . . Allowances to Masters in cliarge of Gunners’ Stores - - . . . Raising Men - Gratuities to Widows amt Children of (Officers slain in fight with the Enemy, and for Wounds and Injuries received in the Service ; to persons on Itctire- inent from the Fiiblic Service not entitled to Pensions, and for Lem>-th and Fidelity of Service; and Compassionate Allowances in lieu of Half-pay, «fcc. - ] Gratuities and Allowances for Special Service Wages, &c. of Interpreters; Allowances to Officers and Crews of Her Majesty’s Ships detained on shore, and l?ubsistcncc. Travelling Expenses, &c. of Naval Officers on Special Service, Nc. Expenses incurred in connexion with the Committee on Manning the Navy, the Committee on Paying the Navy, and the Medal ('ommittee - - - . Expenses incurred on account of the Establishments of Her Majesty and the Royal Family Conveyance of Invalided Seamen and Marines from London to their Homes, and to Somerset House for Examination for Pensions, Ac. ; and Conveyance of Despatches - ii. t. (1. 1,3.34 12 4 182 7 fj 14.5 t» 0 4,4.57 - 8 llti ft .3 9,00.5 1 0 ft 1,02(5 4 0 810 2 8 3,780 ft 10 372 16 0 781 18 5 764 12 2 Per-Centage on Payments by Commission Agents, Elsinore 3,475 2 7 Towing and Navigating Her Majesty’s Ships; Postage by Captains, Consuls, and Paymasters, and Quarantine Expenses, and Brokerage - - - - Loss by Exchange, chiefly at Rio de Janeiro and Trincomalee - - - - Contributions in aid of Churches, Schools, &c. Expenses incurred in connexion with the York and Newcastle Railway and Dock Bill, the Glasgow Waterworks, and other schemes - . . . . Value of Coals expended on board the Royal Mail Steam Packet Companys V'essel “ Dee,” while towing Her Majesty’s Schooner “ Bermuda,” with Refugees from Grey Town, after the destruction of that place by the American Corvette “Cyane” Expense of Printing and Translating into Gaelic a Pamphlet entitled “A Few Words of Advice to the Mariners of England” ------ Elxpense of erecting Booths, and other small Charges incurred on the occasion of the Launch of the “ Royal Albert” - -- -- -- - 523 - 7 713 15 5 710 - - 722 7 5 677 1 6 203 17 6 296 3 6 Expense of laying down and recovering Moorings at Liverpool ; Clearing Ships and Vessels in Harbour of Ashes, Ac. ; Allowances to Seamen of Her Majesty’s Sliij)s “'I’iger” and “Vulture,” on account of their relief while detained prisoners of, in Russia; Purchasers made !it Constantinople for Presents to Giicassiim Cliiei's ; Purchase of a (iold Pocket Chronometer, with Inscription, for ju-esentation to Captain liPClure, for his Services in the Arctic Seas; Expense of iIk; Ihlueution of Erasmus Y'ork, an Escpiimaux, at St. Augustine’s, Canterbury; I’lirchaso and Colouring- Signal Books, and other Con- tingent I'lxpenses - -- -- -- -- -- 963 10 'roTAL Exi’EN nr: uiiiJ for CoNTiNtiE.vciEs in (he Year lS.51-55 - - £. 32,253 - 1 1 FOR THE YEAR 185 G-5 7 8i — No. 14. — HALF PAY, RESERVED HALF PAY, AND RETIREMENT TO OFFICERS OF THE AND ROYAL MARINES. Rate of Half Pay or Retirement. REQUIRED TOTAL for the Nos. RANK. Service of the Year Daily Annual. eaclj Class. 1850/57 A C " r I V E L I S T. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 1 Ailniiral of the Fleet - . 3 3 - 1,149 15 - 1,149 15 - 20 Admirals - - - 2 2 - 76G 10 - 16,330 - - 25 V^ice-Admirals . - - - 1 12 G .593 2 G 14,828 2 G 36 82 Rear-Admirals - - - - - 1 5 - 45G 5 - 16,425 - “ 47,7.32 17 G ' ' 43 Captains - . - 14 G 264 12 6 11,378 17 6 61 Ditto - . - - - - 12 6 228 2 C 13,915 12 6 142 246 Ditto - - - - - - 10 6 191 12 G 27,210 15 - 52,505 5 20 Commanders 10 182 10 3,G50 326 346 Ditto - - - - - - 8 6 155 2 6 50,570 15 - 54,220 15 6 Lieutenants - 7 - 127 15 76G 10 - 82 Ditto . - - - - - 6 - 109 10 - 8,979 - - 146 Ditto 91 5 - 13,322 10 - 42 276 Ditto 73 - - 3,0GG - - 2G,134 - 3 Masters - 8 _ 14G — 438 _ - 1 Ditto 7 _ 127 15 - 127 15 - 11 Ditto 109 10 - 1,204 10 - 19 34 Ditto - - - - - - 5 - 91 5 - 1,733 15 - 3,504 - 4 Mates - - - - - - 2 6 45 12 6 182 10 - 182 10 4 Second Masters - - - - - - 2 6 45 12 6 182 10 - 182 10 3 Chaplains - - - - - - - 10 - 182 10 - 547 10 - 2 Ditto 1G4 5 328 10 - 2 Ditto - - . - - - 8 6 155 2 G 310 5 - 4 Ditto - - - - - - 8 - 14G - - 584 _ - 2 Ditto - - - - - _ 7 G 136 17 G 273 15 - 3 Ditto - - - - - - 7 - 127 15 _ 383 5 - 4 Ditto - . - - - _ G C 118 12 G 474 10 - 7 Ditto 109 10 _ 7CG 10 - 3 Ditto - - - - - - 5 0 100 7 6 301 2 6 21 51 Ditto - • - - - - 5 - 91 5 - 1,91G 5 - 5,885 12 G 1 Inspector of Hosnitals 1 1 383 5 383 5 1 Ditto . - - - - - 17 6 319 7 6 319 7 G 1 Deputy-Inspector of Hospitals - - - - 15 - 273 15 - 273 15 - 976 7 6 O 4 Surgeons - - 13 237 5 949 - _ 12 Ditto 182 10 2,190 _ 32 Ditto - - - - 8 _ 14G - _ 4,672 - - 24 Ditto - - - - - - 7 - 127 15 - 3,06G - - 18 Ditto - . . - - G - 109 10 _ 1,971 - - 6 95 Ditto - - - - - - 5 - 91 5 - 45G o - 13,304 5 9 Assistant Surgeons . - • - 3 _ 54 15 - 492 15 - 2 11 Ditto - - - - - - 2 - 3G 10 - 73 - - 5G5 15 “ 5 Secretaries - - - - - - 12 - 219 - - 1,095 - - 1,095 - 1 Paymasters - . - - - - 10 6 191 12 G 191 12 6 32 Ditto - - - - - - 6 _ 109 10 - 3,504 - - 30 63 Ditto 91 5 - 2,737 10 - 0,433 2 4 Assistant Paymasters - - - - _ 2 G 45 12 6 182 10 - 182 10 7 Naval Instructors . . - - 4 6 82 2 6 574 17 G 6 13 Ditto - - - - - - 3 - 54 15 - 328 10 - 903 7 G 1,237 Total Active List - " £. 21.3,807 17 l6. NAVY LAST VOTE for the Financial Year 1855/5G. £. s. il. 4.3,011 - - 53,810 2 G 51,218 12 G 25,805 10 - 4,544 5 - 182 10 - 13G 17 6 5,885 12 G 821 5 - 13,213 - - C02 5 - 1,095 - - G,570 - - 319 7 G 55G 12 0 209,802 - - L 82 NAVY 1-: S 'I' I M A T !■: S No. 11 -. — IIai.i’ 1 ’av, Uushuvui) IIalp 1 ’ay, iiiul Uhtiiikmknt to Oim'ickus of tlio Navv mid ItoYAi, MAniNKrt— roH/im/rd. Nos. 2 2 1 8 12 51 127 fill 3!) 51!) 114 !) 34 41 56 10 71 50 106 681 131 1,130 100 U A N K. Uiite of Half I’ay or llotiromeiit. Daily. Annual. TOTAl, of eacli ClasH. UESHUVni) LIST. (tinder Her Majesty’s Orders in Council of 25 .inne 1851 and 20 December 1853.) Admirals -1- - - - -- Ditto - I In receiptof Retired Service Vice-Admirals ( I’cnsions Rear-.Vdmirnl J- Adiniriils - Vice-Admirals - Rear-Admirals - Cajitains Commanders Ditto Lieutenants i)itto Ditto Ditto Masters Ditto Ditto Captains 96 Commanders 240 Ditto . - - 33(i 19 Ditto (late Masters) 20 Ditto - ditto 39 Lieutenant j / Ditto In Holy Orders I Master in Holy Orders Inspectors of Hospitals iiitto - - - - Ditto . - - - Ditto . - - - Deputy Inspector of Hospitals 1 Ditto o Ditto o Ditto 4 Ditto 10 Physician 2 Surgeons 3 Ditto 8 1 )itto 26 Ditto 3!) 2 Ditto 10 Ditto 7 1 )itto 6 Ditto 7 Ditto 134 Ditto 9 Ditto (Unfit for Service) 175 2 n 27 15 03 78 2 10 2 I ■tssislant Snrgeonsi - -J Ditto 1 Ditto 32 I Dispenser - (Unfitfor Service) 208 I I’aymasters (under Order in Council of 1843) i)itto Ditto Ditto Ditto . . - Dido . - - Ditto I I’ensloned from Ditto; Civil Lmploy- DiltoJ ment - -/ - (Under Order in Council, dated! 5 Ajiril 1852) Hceretary - 1)52 • RKOIIIRKD for I lie Service of the Year 1 856/57. £. A. tl. £. (1. £. 1. >1. 2 2 - 7 6 246 7 6 - :t - 54 15 - 1,478 5 - 91 5 - 91 5 - _ 8 6 155 2 6 2,326 17 6 8 6 155 2 6 14,426 12 6 - 7 6 136 17 6 10,676 5 - - 6 6 118 12 6 237 5 - - (! - 109 10 - 1,095 - - - 5 - 91 5 - 182 10 - _ 8 6 155 2 6 15.5 O 6 - 7 - 127 15 - 383 5 - - (• - 109 10 - 438 - “ - 14 - 255 10 - 255 10 - - - Carried forward - - - £. £. /. r/. <1,661 5 - 32,31)3 15 - !),581 5 - 33,881 2 6 72,872 5 - 13,943 - - 169,332 12 6 19,162 10 - 45,552 - - 8,166 17 6 383 5 - 109 10 - 2,121 11 3 2,263 - - 4,142 15 - 21,462 - - 1,907 2 6 91 5 - 29,920 17 6 255 10 - 135,538 H 9 LAST VOTE for the I'immrial Year 1855/56. £. I*, fl. 6,661 5 - 27,831 5 - 9/^81 5 - 34,.50l 12 6 75,956 10 - 12,775 - - 167,306 17 6 19,162 10 - 44,785 10 - 8,395 - - 383 5 - 109 10 - 935 6 3 1,569 10 - 273 15 - 4,142 15 - 22,739 10 - 2,107 17 6 91 5 - 29,555 17 6 255 10 - 134,507 1 3 FOR THE YEAR 185 (>-5 7 83 \o. 14. — IlAi.F Pay, Reservkd Half Pay, and Retirement to Officers of tlie Navy and Royai, Marines— Nos. 4 1 1 3 14 9 1 1 11 6 3 1 1 1 26 22 ’3 1 48 1 7 1 4 01 4 1 3 24 12 10 54 49 107 91 1,308 30 04 9 RANK. 1 Rateof Half Pay or Retirement. I j Daily. Annual. Retired List — continued. £. 5 . d. jMarine Officer.s: Generals 1 18 6 Ditto ------- at Lieutenant-Geneial ----- 2 5 - Ditto ------- 1 18 6 Major-Generals ------ 1 18 6 ’ Ditto ------- - at - ; Ditto ------- 1 - - 1 Colonels ------- - 17 11 Ditto ------- - 17 - Lieutenant-Colonels ----- - 13 7 Ditto ------- - 12 6 t Ditto ------- -11-1 1 Majors ------- - 13 7 Ditto ------- - 12 1 Ditto ------- - 11 7 Ditto ------- Ditto ------- Ditto ------- - 7 - Captains ------- - 7 - Ditto ------- - 5 - First Lieutenants ----- -76' Ditto ------- - 6 10 Ditto ------- -66! Ditto ------- - 4 6 Ditto ------- - ^ - i Second Lieutenants ----- - 5 7 Ditto ------- - 5 3 Ditto ------- - 3 - Ditto ------- - 1 10 TOTAL of each Class. £. s. 7. £. t. d. £. s. d. 3,600 - - 5,8.50 - - 3UO - - Served in the “Princess Royal” during the occupation and evacuation of Toulon in 1703, and the following year at tlie reduction of Pioronzo, Bastia, and Calvi, in the island of Cor.sica, Was Lieutenant of “ La Fleche” in Sir William Ilotham’s second action off Hyere’s Bay in 1795. When Captain of the “Circe,” in 1807, captured the Frencli gun-brig “ Austerlitz,” and the following year another French gun-brig, the “ Palinure,” e.xposed to the tire of one of the enemy’s batteries. The same year com- manded the naval forces at the reduction of the island of Marie Galante. In 1800, when in command of the “ Latona,” assisted at the capture of “ La Junon” French frigate of 46 guns. The same year assisted at the taking of the Fiench 80 gun-ship “ D’Haupoult,” and also cap- tured the Frencli frigate “ La Fclicite,’’ pierced for 42 g'uns. In 1813, when Captain of the “ Orpheus,” destroyed the “ \\ ainjioe,” United States letter of martjue of 14 guns, and tlic “ Ilolkar” privateer of 20 guns. The following year captuicd the United States corvette “Frolic,” of 22 guns, besides destroying two privateers, and recapturing the “ Phoenix,” of 12 guns. When Captain of the “ Nymplie” commandeil a scpiadron, which forced the pas- sage of the Mississip])i, iind also served in all the operations against New Orleans. Was Senior OlTieer on the Coast of Ireland iiom .May 184 4 to July 1847. lias laten actively employed alloat iis a Commissioned < Kliccr 30 years. Carried forward - - - £. 3,000 5,8.'j0 — — No. 15. — Militauv Pensions and Allowances — contimied. RKQIJIHKD for tlie Service of tlie Year L.VST VOTK for Ihe Financial Year 1 855/5(). £. s. (1. £. X. d. PENSIONS FOR GOOD .VND MERITORIOUS S E RV IC ES — continued. Brought forward 3,900 5,850 Captain .Ale.xaridcr Milne 150 Entered the Service • 8 February - 1817. Lieutenant 8 September 1827. Commander - 25 November 1830. Captain - 30 January - 1839. Commanded Her Majesty’s ships “ Snake,” “ Crocodile,” “Cleopatra,” and “Crocodile,” from December 1830 to November 1841, during- which period he was actively employed on the West India Station for tlie suppression of the Slave Trade, and captured four vessels, having- on board upwards of 950 slaves. Also employed in the year 1840 in the protection of the Newfoundland Fisheries, during which period several (juestions connected witir the right of fishery were brought to the notice of the Govern- ment. In 1841 ho was charged with the protection of the Fisheries in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. From April 1842 to 1845 he commanded Her Majesty’s ship “Caledonia,” as Flag ■Captain, at Devon port, and during this period was ! attached to the various Experimental Squadrons ; and in 1844 was sent to reinforce the Mediterranean command under Vice-Admiral Sir E. Owen at the period of the attack on Tangier hy the French. From October 1840 to December 1847 he commanded Her Majesty’s ship “St. Vincent,” the Flag-ship at Portsmouth, and subsequently the Flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Sir C. Napier, in command of the Channel Squadron ; from thence removed to Her Majesty’s ship “Victory,” and has held the appointment of a Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty since December 1847. Has been actively employed afloat as a Commissioned Officer about 12 years. I I Carried forward £• I 4.050 5.850 88 NAVY K S T 1 M A T K S No, 15, — Mimtary Pknsions and Ai.i.owances — cotiHiiurd. IIKQUIUKI) for the Horvico of tlifi Ycnr 1850/57. JE. a. iI. TENSIONS FOR GOOD AND MKIUTOIUOUS SERVICES — continued. J5roug'lit I’orwurd ,1,050 - - Ciiptiiin Sir Tlionias Hastings, C. is. (CirantcJ a i)cnsion of 150 1. a year, wliicli ceased on ])roniotion). Entered the Service - - 2 September 1 803. Lieutenant ... 17.1aniiary- 1810. Commander - - - 9 May - 1825. Captain - - - - 22 July - 1830. as promoted to tlie rank of Lieutenant for Ids conduet in command of a Gun-boat at tlie siege of Flushing-. As Lieutenant of the “ Badger,” assisted at the destruction of the F’rench privateer “ La Comtesse Emerieau ” of 11 guns, at the mouth of Ems. In 1812, distinguished himself, when in command of the “ Hyacinth’s ” pinnace, in a boat attack on the enemy’s Privateers and Batteries at Malaga. The same year, assisted at the reduction of the Castle of Alnmhecar, and in 1813, served in the boats of the “ Un- daunted ” at the destruction of the batteries, and at the capture of a convoy at Cassis. The same year again served in boats, at the capture of a tower, and the destruction of seven of the enemy’s vessels at Port Nouvelle. During “ the hundred days,” was aetively employed in the boats of the Undaunted,” in preventing supplies being throwm into Ancona, in destroying diflerent towers, and especially in capturing an armed Neapolitan Flotilla, protected by the Fortress of Barletta. Subse 6 -5 7 . 99 No. 15. — Military Pensions and Allowances — continued. FLAG OFFICERS’ RETIRED SERVICE PENSIONS : Flag Officers on Reserved Half-pay in receipt of Retired Service Pensions, granted in pursuance of Her Majesty’s Order in Council, 25 June 1851. N, B . — The appointment of Major-General of Marines having fallen in, and not being- intended to be filled up, the pay of that appointment ( 1,037 Z. 5s.) may be regarded as lessening by that amount the expense of the following Pensions : i Admiral Frederick Watkins „ John Giftard --------- j „ Henry Richard Glynn ------- [ „ Hugh Downman - -- -- -- - „ Richard Curry, c. b. - ,, The Honourable George Elliott, c. b. I „ The Right Honourable Frederick William Lord Aylmer, k. c. b. ,, James Carthew - -- -- -- - Vice-Admiral Brian Hodgson ------- „ Charles James Johnston ------ „ Sir John Coode, K. c. B. ------ j „ William Fitzwilliam Owen ----- ■ „ Manley Hall Dixon ------- I Rear-Admiral Sir David Dunn, Kt., k. c. ii. - £. COMMISSIONED AND WARRANT OFFICERS: The Pensions to Commissioned and Warrant Officers, &c., as voted in the Estimates for 1855-50, amounted to -------- Abate, — Amount of Pensions ceased between the 1st December 1854 and the 30th November 1855 - -- -- -- -- -- £. Add, — Pensions granted between the 1st December 1854 and the 30th November 1855 ; viz. To Commander Offley Malcolm Crewe Reade, for loss of an eye while First Lieutenant ol H. M. S *■ Hecla,” under Her Majesty's Order in Council, 13th August 1855, 5 s. per diem ------ To Acting Lieutenant William Melancthon Sanctuary, for loss of an eye from a wound received wJiile serving as Mate in the Naval Brigade before Sebastopol, under Her Majesty’s Order in Council, 7th December 1855, 2 5. 6 per diem - -- -- -- -- To Charles Maurice Hughes, Second Master, r. y., for loss of left hand while on service, under Her Majesty’s Order in Council of 26 June 1855 One Engineer, 3 Gunners, 5 Boatswains, 7 Carpenters, varving from 25 /. to 80 Z. per annum - - - - - - -'- Number of Pensioners of each Class paid out of the above sum Commissioned Officers. Captains - - 22 No. Commanders - - 29 „ Lieutenants - - 52 ,, Masters - - 10 „ Second Masters - 2 „ Mate - - - 1 ,, Surgeons - - 3 ,, Assistant Surgeon 1 ., Paymasters - - 5 „ fLieut.-Colonel Royal ) Major Marines. | Captains [Lieutenants Engineers - 25 [Gunners - - 179 Boatswains - 137 [Carpenters - 173 Cooks - - 152 Total - - 813 £. 1 No. 1 „ 5 15 Warrant Officers. l6. 0 REQUIRED for the Service of the Year 1850/57. £. s. d. LAST VOTE for the Financial Year 1855/56. £. «. d. 150 - - 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1,500 150 150 150 150 1-50 150 150 150 150 150 - - I 49,313 - - ' 49,313 - - 2,904 12 6 46,408 7 6 91 5 - 45 12 6 36 10 - 982 5 - 47,564 - - 49.313 - - lOO N A V' E S T I M A I' II H No. I Mii.rj'Aiiv AM) Ali.omancks — continurd. IM.QI IKED f'lr tlif - - - . . Sfrvic(> of tlir Vear 1 856/57. 1‘. .w On Salaiy lor^ L Pension - j Richard Stephens, 1st Class [9” • Leading Man of Storehouses! On Salary for Pension Pembroke ; Joseph Burdwood, Clei'k - - . . Deptford Victualling Yard : Maurice Dready, Leading [ 9“ P®7 ' Man of Stores - . -*) Salary lorl |_ Pension -J Royal William Victualling Yard: William Sprague, 1st Class fOn Day Pay - Leading Man of Store- On Salaiy fori ^°u«es - - . Pension -/ 1 1 4 Artificers, &c., at Pensions varyin"" from 71 . per annum - - - - . -) SERVITUDE. Years. Total. PENSIONS. il. S. d. 5,964 11 10 15 7 140 - - - 23 4 50 - - - 45 7 330 - - - 47 11 250 - - - 36 8 177 10 - 33 5 1 16 8 50 1 115 16 10 - - 29 - 113 15 - 42 - 450 - - 36 6 16 7 53 1 40 - - 31 8 1 11 2 1 42 10 40 12 - 18 10 1 17 10 1 36 8 65 - - 35 9 J 1 7 6 !■ 43 3 J 34 - - - - 41 7 206 18 10 39 6 ! 6 9 1 46 3 34 - - 26 1 1 21 5 1 47 6 42 10 - r> X, 8,054 14 6 to 45/. 12 s. 6d. • - 2,546 10 - REQUIRED j for the Service of the Year 1856/57. £. s. d. LAST VOTE for the Financial Year 1855/56. £. s. d. 137,083 15 6 149,558 - - 10,601 4 6 Total - £. 147,685 149,558 - - Salaried Officei's, &c. - 480 - Artificers, &e. 3,124 Number of Pensioners on the List, 30th November 1855 104 NAVY E S T 1 M A T E H RECAPITULATION OF THE FOREGOIN(J ESTIMATES. Nok. IIEQUIKEI) E4Sr VOTE of V.ijck. tor tlio tor Votf«. - — - - - Srrvico of the Ye»r the Financiti Yenr 1 8oG/.j7. )8o.5/.0C. £. .9. d. £. .V. d. 1 to la 4 to 80 1 'Effective 10, B.")!, 172 - - 10,(503,229 NAVA I. SERVICE - -[ 14 to IG 81 to 103 J [.Non-effective 1,297,4(19 1,254,277 - - GRAND TOTAL - - - £. 12,)48,G41 - - ^11,8.57,500 * Of this Sum, £. 1,1 41,108 >vas voted on the Supplementary Estimate for additional Expenditure. — , Sec Parliamentary Paper, 20 July 18 j5, No. 410. The whole Charge amounts to the Sum of Twelve Million One Hundred and Forty-eight Thousand Six Hundred and Forty-one Pounds. Admiralty, ") 4 Ethruary 1856. / CHARLES WOOD. ROBERT PEEL. FOR THE YEAR 1S5G-57, 10 /; i AN ACCOUNT of the Naval Old Store Moneys and Extra Receipts paid over Quarterly ^ to the Excliequer, between 1st January and 31st December 1855, instead of being appropriated in aid of the Naval Grants on the foregoing- Estimates, pursuant to Directions contained in the Treasury Minute of the 2d May 1848. .1 HEADS OF OLD STORE MONEY.S AND EXTRA RECEIPTS. Amount of Old Store Moneys, Amount of Extra Receipts. T 0 T A L. 4'OT£ of the Naval Estimate* under which formerly theCiedi ia Aid were appropriated. Old Seamen’s Clothing, Marine Stores, &c. (Sales) - . - . Repayments for Seamen’s Clothing, Ac. (Supplies) . . . . Discharges of Seamen and Mai iue- Jl. s. d. 3,470 ;■> 11 £. s, d. 817 17 5 334 — — £. s. d, 1 ^ 4,622 3 4 No. I . 3,470 5 11 1,151 17 5 Old Stores, Victualling (Sales) 23,797 2 9 - ] 23,797 2 9 No. 2. Sale of Charts and Nautical Almanacks Instruction of Marine Cadets - - . . , 1 6,605 7 6 410 4 6 1 7,015 11 11 J No. 5. Barrack Rents (Rents of Canteens and Shops) - - - - . - 2,066 12 8 2,066 12 8 No. 6. Sale of Dock Yard Brigade and Police Clothing, &c. ... 341 13 9 - 341 13 9 No. 3. Old Stores, Naval (Sales) - . Proceeds of the Sale of Old Ships Sale of Ships - Per Centage on Cabin and Superintendents’ Furniture ; for its use Repayments, Naval (Supplies of Stores) 34,776 19 8 1,178 5 2 8,849 1 - 889 19 5 61,920 5 2 107,614 10 5 No. 10. 35,955 4 10 71,659 5 7 Old Stores, Medical (Sales) Repayments, Medical (Supplies of Stores) - - . . . 74-6 747 6 4 1 82i 6 10 J No. 12. Penalties, Fines, kc. ^ Sale of Naval Property Rents of Naval Premises Per Centage on Port Admiral’s Furniture ; for its use Miscellaneous Receipts - . . ' ‘ \ 1,500 7 7 200 - - 3,169 10 4 209 IS - 299 5 3 1 5,378 16 2 No. 13. Superannuation Fund (Contributions to) - - 1 - 5,469 1 - 5,469 1 - No. 15. Old Stores, Transport Service (Sales of Transport Stores) - Repayments, Transport Service (Victualling Troops on board Herl JMajestv s Ships, &c.) - . . > .j 1,654 17 6 - - - ■ 17,509 4 - • 19,164 3 6 . 'Transport Service and Prisoner.s of -War. 1 Old Store Monevs ! Extra Receipts - - . . - £. 65,293 110,997 5 3 1 5 I 1' 176,291 - 4 1 1 Admiralty, ) 4 February i 356. f R. M. Bromley, Accountant-General of the Navy. ' iG. a 1 ' ■:> VII ^ i\,'i l,./a 1, r NAVY ESTIMATES ron THE YEAR 185C-5 7. '! ; I [account of naval old 8TORE MONEYS ANDj EXTRA RECEIPTS IN 1855 APPENDED.] Mmrn3F aCT'-2n«r ^ i OCT 1 ^ Ordered, hy Tlif House of Comraoii*. 1o he Printed, t «« • ^ 7 February 1856. [PnVe Is. 2(i.] imiVEBSITV OF Liaii Llir.IOr , 6 . . Under IG oz, . MAR h...: / Ai ^ i I. ■! 1 «« 'r / I .£ i j i !■ * ' :v, i- f \ 'd;. •IP h r.' f ) ' '■S •k I a f i