THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY From the collection of James Collins, Drumcondra, Ireland. Purchased, ^1918. 246 1^6335 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library RPR 30 OCT I j JUL im L161— H41 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates J0^pirUual donceits. CjCtratteD from tl)e JKKritmgs of tl)e tlje €)li) CngWfl) i^oet^, fc, ^3mu0ratedDp 15 i. Rogers. XLoxvaoxi ■■ and iFarran, Corner of IPaufo C^urc^^gard* ^Dccclrii. 1*^ 11a^ '^5 W^uAlaw r.3s 'Cto tj)e !l3ealier4 ^unUreti emblems! of €bttQian A I {Life tobicb ate comptifeb in tbe prefent Polume require a fetu ttiorDs of introbuftion. 3it appears neceffarp to erplain intobat tbeir fpecialitp conCiOs, anb in tobat refpefts tbep biffer, as a tobole, from other coUeftions of emblems tobicb toere fo plentifuUp originateb buring tbe firteentb anb feoenteentb Centuries, anb fome of tobicb bane in recent pears been reprinteb. Cbe boob noto offereb to tbe public is an original illuQrateb compilation, bauing onlp fucb affinitp to its prebeceCTors as mull necbs refult from its being compofcb of ■i3734e ♦ certain emblematical Devices tnitb accompanying lettec^prefs, tbe beuices ano tbe lettet^prefs fo illuflcating each other ag to be manifeflly in= reparable. 31n the feconb place, the faft that the ebitor anb the artiO are the fame perfon is, probably, a nobel feature. 3In the thirb place, the emblems habe been fo groupeb as not to prefent a melange of ibeas aflbciateb by accibent, but to gibe, as far as poCDtble, one confecutibe feries of thoughts, bebeloping ^abanarola’s comprehenfibe fenti= ment, “ 3|f there be no enemy, no fight; if no fight, no biftory ; if no biftory, no croton.” Che fathers of the Church, the noblefi bibines of the Nibble ages, anb the olb Cngli® poets, habe been prefleb into the ferbice of one fireb anb unalTailable ibea, tohich is clencheb in ♦ ttt motto, “ Jl 3 o Crors, no Croton j” anD to t{)i0 tficp ftaoe tiecn affecD to Do tutg in futfj toife as out of DifcotDant parts to mafec one harmonious tohole. Chus the tert is oID, anD as true in earthlp as in heaoenlg things j the materials arc oenerable, but the grouping anD the pifturing are neto. Che feries mag be roughig DioiDcD into eight feftions : i . Che Dual Charafter of all Chings. 2. Pan, Prefent, jFuture. r Preparations for Jfuturitg. +. Oices. Virtues. 6,jFaas. 7. iRefleftions. 8. IRefults. Che firO feftion, for erample, is reprefenteD bg the firfl ten emblems. Carth has its counterpart in heabenj the citg of TBabglon is erchangeD for the tgpical 3 lerufalem, the robe of earth for the robe of immortalitg, the tree of Death for that of life, the fnares of toealth for tf)e tDfjolcfomcncfs of poocttj, jl3ero’s tiatiem in fetters for tbe croton of glorp of ^t. Paul, ano is tbere not an erc&ange of tbe oenotion to gammon for tbe bopc of tbe great infjeritance, of felf^oepenoence for tbe moteflp of infantine true, of tbe Barknefs of paganifm for t&e kino ligkt of Cbriflianitp, of tftc malcpolent for tbe lloolp Crinitp, of tpe cternitp of Deatb for tbe eternity of fpiritual life f Cke feconP anp tftiro fcaions fpeak for tpem* femes: tken foUoto Betiices inBicating tfte IjiBeournefs of Bice, fucceeBeB Bp fuck as, in ftiU more liBelp colours, Bepift tbe ckarm of its an* titkefis, tke kopefulnets of Birtue, tke “ beautp of kolinefs.” Cke remainBer can prokablp be toorkeB out bp tke reaBer, toko toill finB tkat from firfi to lafl tke fpirit of tke book graBualip BeBelopes tke iBca of tke ultimate triumpk of fuffering, anD tftc impoffitiiUtp of Qjaring tjje “croton” toit&out firft 6eatin0 tbc “crof0j” an iDca crprclTeD ^acariu0 in tpe toorD0, “ let U0 fuffet toitl^ t&ofe tt)at fuffer, ano tie crucifieti toitp tliofe ttiat fie crucifiefi, tliat toe map fie glorifiefi toitfi tfiofe tfiat fie fflorifiefi.” 31n conclufion, if, a0 moQ preface0 feem to fiint, an ercufe or reafon fie toantefi for tfie mafiing of a fioofe, 31 can onlp fap tfiat 31 fiafi fieen reaDinj at leifure fome antique toriter0, anti noting tfierefrom certain pleafant pieceo. In refiietoing tfiefe 0em0, 1 cfianceti upon fuefi a0 1 tfiougfit mufl neeli0 fie tfireatefi. |f pou tfiinfe fligfitlp of tfii0 printelJ necfelace, confitier ratfier tfie matter tfian tfie manner; fiut let not anp clumfinef0 of retting tiifparage tfie fieautp of tfie pearl0. m, 1^. E. 4 ♦ il^umBer i. Cbe CtDO Cities ii. C&e CtDO Eoties iii. €f)C Ctoo Crees iiii. Etc CtDO Dangers t). Etc CtDO Crotons t)i. Clje CtDO Choices Dii. Etc CtDO Crufls Diii. Cfje CtDO Eeligions ir. Etc CtDO Crinities r. Etc CtDO eternities ri. Etc Paraooe IPace 2 4 6 8 lO 12 H i6 i 8 20 22 iJ2umber ©aac ru. mt Ipafl 24 nil. Cfte Ptefcnt . 26 no. Clje jFuturc 28 ro. IPilgrimage 30 nai. C6ri0 aoeep 32 roii. aBatcftitiff 34 rtini. C{)e Cup of TBafiglon 36 xix. anger .... 38 XX , Cogs .... 40 xxi. Cgrannp of tht aBorlD 42 rrii. 3 InDulgence 44 rriii. ®reeD .... 46 rrio. lururp .... 48 rro. Jj>gpocrifg 50 rroi. TBaD jTruit 52 rroii. jFalfcftooti 54 miii. anceflral Prioe 56 rrir. ^aotlDlinefs 58 XXX . Deceit of tfje lOorlD 60 mi. Cemptation 62 /l 5 umBet xxxiu ambition ©age 64 xxxiiu (Hengeancc 66 Kcflcftion 68 jcrrt). Cfte Capture 70 mtii. Doom . 72 rrruii. coil Paflions 74 rmiii. meening 76 rjcrir. Cbe iRefuge . 78 xl Peace . 80 xli. Eegeneration 82 rlii. Cbirft . 84 rliii. 3Iefus . 86 rlitJ. Cbe Call 88 rliJ. CfteiLaml). Cbe^bepbetfl 90 Cbe Croofe . 92 rliflii. Onitp . 94 rlDiii. Cbe ®ofpels . 96 rUr. ^umilitg 98 I. Cfte Cclipfe . 100 3l3ature 102 JlSumber IPage Ui. ILigUt .... 104 Uii. Cbe jFirmamcnt 106 Itt)« ©rnamcnt 108 IK). ®OD’S ®iftg . 1 10 ItJi. Cftaff anD saxfteat . I 12 Itiii. ^oUtulie II4 (Dili. €rpcricnce 1 16 Ur, (©oD i0 ail . . . 118 Ir. cue Hato anu ®ofpel 120 Iri. ^UaPoto of tUe €rof0 122 Irii. cue altar of our ^eatt0 . 124 iriii. 3!mpref0 126 Iriti. cue Crof 0 . . . 128 Iru. ContraU 130 Irifli. CUarm0 of tUe Crof 0 132 IriflU. afpiration 134 Iruiii. CrcelOor 136 Irtr. jFaitU ant aK[lotfe0 . 138 Irr. cue iLlgUt of tUe caxorlD . 140 Irri. JFaitU, Ipope, CUaritp 142 jlSumber Wm Ijcrii. Caluarg 144 Irnii. Croton of Cfjorns 146 Ijcirit). Ctjrifl’s Ctiumpl) 148 irjcti. caiater of iLtfc 150 IrrtJi. JI 3 ig{)t 152 ijcrtJii. Daton 154 IrrtJiii. Capttoitp . 156 Irrir. Eelcafe 158 Ijcjcr. C{)c ^tar . 160 Iwri. Cbe ^oul . 162 Irrrii. ^utafiiUtp . 164 Irwiii. Cnancfcence 166 Irrriifl. Oanitp 168 Irjcria. ^ic 2Iita 170 Irrjctii. C&e mourning i^atp . 172 Irmii. Life anP ©eatfi . 174 IrwtJiii. Coop iLife . 176 ijcrrir. aBeafe anp Sifrong 178 xc. ^{jortcomings of Cart{) 180 rci. DaffoPils 182 il2umber IPace il2umber IPace rcii. jFaretoell! aBotim . 184 rein, dicifli'tutie . . . 186 rcit). . . 188 ret), affliftion . 190 rctii. TBitter ^tneet 192 rct)u. €bcSigbt . . 194 rctitii. Cribulation 196 reije. ®lotp . . . . 198 c. lj)gmn .... 200 Sinocr to 9 ut{)ors quoten, toitft brief Jl3otice0 of tbeir Hibes ano 9 j 0 otfes . . . 203 J@^piritual CConcfits. b “Ctlje ‘Cttoo (Xities federal lotiers fiuilt ttoo fctieral cities; V-L tbc lotie of ®oD fiuilDeti) a 3lctufalem ; tbe looe of t^e tootlD fiuiloeti) a TBabpIon : let eoer^ one inquire of bimfelf tobat be lonetb, ano be (ball refoine bimfelf, of tobence be is a citizen. ^t. auquOine. ¥ 3 ‘Ctjje ‘Cttoo !l3ol)es. llje toceping: anD lamenting tobo can finD Icifure to enro&e ijcrfelf in precious raiment, toitfjout confioering tijat rofie of Cftrifl toibicf) Sag loS : anD to take to 6er colJip oc= naments anD elaDorate necklaces nener toeeping attke forfeiting of ker Ditiine anD keanenlp aDorn» ing! jSakeD tpou art, tftougk garDeD in foreign Draperies anD filken roDes. ^tuDDeD toitk golD anD pearls anD gems, OiU tbou art unfigfttlp, if 0oD’s Deautp is toanting. ^t. Cpprian. 4 4 “CtljE 'Cttoo 'Ctrees. O ^iferalile contiition of tnanfeinD, tljat ta0 loiJ t{)at fot tD{)tcf) 1)0 toas createo ! alas ! teiftat &at() be loll f ano tobat ftatf) fte founfl i lj)e ball) lofl {)appin 0 fs for tD{)ic{) U teas mane, anD fount) mtfcrg for ti 3 l)ic& U teas not mane. anfelm. " J 'Y inflrument of firife, Wttn €00 to Qn htt foul DiO proOttutt; 3 tr00 is noU) tl)0 inUrumrnt of lifr. ®il 0 S jFl0tc{)0r. ♦ 6 4 (Soti crcateH man to be immortal, anti mate bint to be an image of ^iis oton eternity* ii5ebertbelef0 tbrougl) enbg of tbe Debit came Death into the tcorlD : anD tbep that Do bolD of bis GDe Do finD it, 2 iaaifDom,ii, 23^ 4 4 7 tttoo X> angers;. us grace to ibolD a miDtile coutfe 6e= ttoeen ^cglla ano Cftarpbois, tftat, fiotft Dangers efcapeD, toe map arrine at tfte port fe» cure. ®t. augufiine. (Site me neitfjer potiertp nor ricfjes* IProtJ* jc?:;:* C 9 "Ctbe 'CttDO CCrotons. is t{)e potoec of Cfjrifl. C{)e cftain furpaCeD tU feinglp croton, ano tftis apparel toas ftoton more firilliant tftan tftat. Clotf)eD in filtibp rags, as tfte inhabitant of a prifon, be turncD all epes upon the chains that hung on him, rather than on the purple robe. Let us, mg belobeb chilbren, be imitators of Paul, not in his faith onlg, but in his life, that toe mag attain unto heabenlg glorg, anb trample upon that glorg that is here. @t. ChrgfoQom. 'CCjje ‘Cttoo CCl)oitES. toilt repent \JL Ctjat for ttje lone of Drof0, ttjou liaO Defpifeo jaiifDom’0 DtPine embrace j liie tooulb babe borne tbee 2 Dn tbe rich toing0 of immortality j TBut noui go btoell vuitb care0, anb quicbly bie. Defefeer. "Cf be ‘Ctrufts, tD{)0 feaiae built tbemfcltjcs nefls in VX beauen toece maoe belplefs ano bile out» caQs, to tbe cnfl that being bumblefl ano im= poberilbeb, tbep might learn not to flp toitb their objn toings, but to truft unber feathers. Chomas i Eempis. H ffl)r theg learn to truO in the proteftion of hcabenlg aCSfiance tohcn theg fee that mang habe fallen from their objn flrength. ^t. ®regorg the ®reat. ‘5 an toars ano jars ant fierce contention, ©tooln fiatret ant confuming entg fpring JFrom pietg f Bo, ’tts opinion Cfjat mafees tfie riten fieaten toitfj trumpets ting, ant tfiuntering engine murterous tails outfling, ant lent men’s groaning gtofls to lotoer Qjate SDf fjorrit tell. Ctis tfje toite toorlt tott firing Co tetiaflation, makes manfeint to fate, @ucfi tireful tfiings totfi falfe religion perfuate. TBut true religion fprung from ®ot afiofie 31)5 like fier fountain, full of efiaritp, Cmfiracing all tfiings toitfi a tenter lotie, jFul! of goottoill ant meek erpefianep, jFull of true juflice ant fure teritp, 3[n fieart ant fioice free, large, eten, infinite, Bot toetget in Crait patticularitg, TBut grafping all in fier tali aftite fprite, 'iBrigfit lamp of ®ot, tfiat men tooult jog in tfip pure iigfit ! IJjenrg ^ote. ^t)e Graven images of tfjeir gotis ijjall gc burn toitb fire : tijou Ibalt not liefire t^e filter or golt that is on them, nor tabe it unto tijee, lefi tbou be fnaret therein : for it is an abomination to tlje ILort tb2 ^ot^ Deut* tii* 25* IPure religion ant untefilet before (Sot ant tbe jfatber is tijis, ^0 tifit tbe fatberlefs ant toitotos in tbeir afiSiSion, ant to beep bimfelf unfpottet from tbe tnoilt* Karnes, i* 27* "CttDO 'Ctrinities, *^3lLefs’D jFatf)Er, ©on, anti ^olp rXl# Dne (©on in perfons tiiree, COfjat is tfjere toftereof man can boaQ, (JBrccpt C{)g lone it 6c ! 3 nD fane t6is 3 nti 4 tinitp, C6s tootlD, t6c fled), t6c Dctiil, Ci^ftat foe on our ftumanitg l^at6 potocr to 6rin0 an coil f C®it6cr. are Zl)xec tijat bear record in b^aben, ti^e JFatber, tije SiaHovti, anti tbe I §[o|)n, ti» 33ut if ^e babe bitter enbring anb ftrife in gour b^arrs, clorg not, anb lie not acainfl tbe truth* ^bt^ toifbom befcenbetb not from abcte, but i0 eartblH, fenfual, bebililb* Ifames, iii* 14, 15* ♦ '9 ♦ “CftiE “Cttoo €C ternities. J&cte are but tfeio toag0 for tt)i0 foul to bane, \JL Olben parting from tfje boDg forth it purge0, Co flg to lj)eatien, or fall into the grane, cohere tDhip0 of fcorpion0 toith the flinging fcourge0 jFeeD on the hotoling ghofl0, anD fierp furge0 2Df hrimflone roll about the cane of night, cohere flame0 Do burn anD get no fparfe of light, 9nD fire both ftie0 anD free?e0 the blafpheming fpright. ©ile0 jFletcher. 20 'CClje © araioj:. O utrange conjunftion anD alienationj to&at 31 feat 31 embrace, anb tubat 31 lobe 31 am afraiD of; before 31 mabe toar, 31 am reconctleb} before 31 emop peace, 31 am at parlance. ^t. ©regotp Ji3aflan?en. W\t\) x\)Z minti J mgfelf feitie tl;e lato of ®oti ; but tuitb t^e flelb tbe lato of fin. iRoman0, bit. 25. 23 is tf)C golDen toarlO of aiTgrians, V-/ ©f tofjom i^tng j|3inus teas firfl ano principal, ®ane is tht QlPer teiarlP of Pcrfians, C{)e copper toarlD of ©reefers noto is tftrali, Cf)e toarlD of iron, tD{)ilfe toas lafl of an, Comparit to tfje Romans in tf)eir glorc are gane rigfjt fae— 31 Sear of tijem no more. ^ir DaPiQ HgnDfag. H ^ came to tio atoap Uiit& tf)e olD t&ings, ano to call us to a greater country. ®t. Cbrpfoflom. 24 e 25 4 ©relent. X am a little tooclD mane cunninglp, Df elements anti an angelic fptigtt, TBut filacfe On Oatf) tietrapel) to enoiefs nigfit toorlD’s botf) parts, ano oO ! Ootf) parts mufl Die! gou toOicf) OeponD tOat Oeanen tnOicfi mas mofl Oigt it)aDe fount neto fpOeres anD of neto lant can torite, pour neto feas in mp epes, tltat fo 31 migfjt Oroton mp toorlD toitfi mp toeeping earneflip. Donne. MU are fearfull? anti toontieifullg mane* 1P0» 27 'Ctjje E^uture. X C mull fie Done, mg foul, but ’tig a Orange, a Difmal anD mgfletious change, aaaben thou Oialt leatie this tenement of dag 9nD to an unlmoton fometobere toing atoag, caiben time ftall be eternitg, anD thou ^balt be thou bnoto’fl not tobat, anD libe tbou fenoto’fl not boto. 3obn jSorris. 28 Zl}e enn of tffis time anti tpe beeinninc of t^e immortality for to come» 2 (Efftiras, iii* 43 ♦ 29 :o tlgrimaar. O Sit tears to jop, our fears to faitfj are turneo, anD toe fee Cf)at our fieffinning:, as one faitb, ^{)otos to&at our enn toill be. 3lof)n 'Bunpan. <2Ee iboto great a biflance t{)is is to tun ober! ^ee boto great is tbe afcent! CDitbrr toe mufl flp up toitb tbe toings of tbe Spirit, otbertoife it is impoCKble to furmount tfjis bright. 3|f tbou fall, rife up again. (BMm thus mapell tbou obtain tbr oiftorp. @t. Cbrpfoaom. 30 2iaHe are journeBing unto place of Horn fain, 31 toill giPe It pou ; come tljou Voitt) U 0 , anti tne toill no tljee coon : for tl)e Horn Ijatl) fpo6en coon concermnc ^fraeH jJ5umf>er0, p* 29 * 31 CXbrift jtLflecp. flcep of Cbrifl is a mgfletp. Cfte \JL failorg are t^e foul0 palling oner thz toovlD in toooP. C{)at Itjip alfo tDa0 a figure of tbe Cburcl). 3 nD all inDlPiDuallg inoeen are temple 0 of ®on, anfl f)i0 otnn fieart 10 tf)e Pefiel in tofiicf) eacf) fail 0 j nor can fie fuffer Ifilptorecfi if fii0 tfiougfit0 are onlp gooD. Cfiou fiaO fiearD an infulf, it i0 tfie toino ; tfiou art angrg, it i0 a toane. ®t. augufiine. 32 I t 33 ^UHatcfjing. 0ooti UeeDs toe fie fleepp, anli to ill V-L atoafie anfi toatcfiful. €fien 3 utias Slfcariot for tfie tofiole nigfit tfirousfi toa0 toafee* ful, anti fie folD tfie vigfiteou0 filooti tfiat fiio purcfiafe tfie tofiole toorlti. Cfie fon of tfie tiarfe one put on iiarfenef0, fiafiing artppen tfie ligfit from off film j anti tfie creator of fllner for filfier tfie tfiief Diti fell. ^t. Cpfirem. ^ee tirotofp Peter, fee tofiere 3 lufia 0 toafieo. ®ile0 JFIetcfier. ¥ 2 D fool0 ! anil Goto of |)cart» Hu&e, ]C)cib» 25. €)toift to HietJ blooD* IRom* in* 15* 35 CCup of !6abjlom B afiglon is tfje golten cup.” jFor txjijat is PeOgnatcti tip tbe name of TBatiplon but tbe glorp of tiiis toorili } ano this cup is faiD to be tjolben becaufe tobile it IJotos tbe beautp of temporal things it fo intoxicates fooU® minbs toitf) its concupifcence that thep oelire temporal Difplap, anb befpife inbifible beauties. JFor in this gclben cup ®tie toas the firC toho teas maoe brunlten of her oton accoro, of tohom the hiOorp of truth faps, that tohen Ihe neflteb the forbitmen tree Ihe fate that it teas beautiful to the fight ano Delightful to the loob, anD ate thereof. 'Babplon is therefore a golDen cup. ^t. ©regorp the ®reat. 36 ^abplon Ijati) been a colben cup in t^e ILorli’g banb, tljat matie all ti?e eartb brunben : tffe nations babe brunben of toine ; therefore the nations are mab* Iferemiab, U* 7* h 37 ♦ jtLnger. X C toctc goon to tie Client, goon to bane no communication 0 toit{) anp man in aft or toorn, until toe toere able to ebarm tbe toilti beau that is tnitbin us. Cbe tnilb bead, 31 Cap, for inbeeb is it not toorfe than tbe attack of ang toilb beau token toratb anb lull make toar upon us j* UXzW then bo tbou dm tame tkg lion, anb fo leab bim about, not for tke purpofe of receib- ing moneg, but that tbou magefl acquire a gain to tokicb there is none equal. jFor there is nothing equal to gentlenefs, tohich both to thofe that polTefs it anb to thofe toho are its objefts is erceebing ufeful. ^t. Chrgfoflom. t\)t fooli® mait* lob, t* 2 , ®eafe from anger, anb forfabe toratb* IP 0 . ;c;:jctiu» 8» 39 '-m — f^fe 10 not a plapt^ing, or rather our pre» ,-1-JL font life 10 a plaptliing:, but tbe t{)in00 to come are not fuep ; or perc&ance our life 10 not a plagtbing on!g, but epen far toorfe than tf)i0. JFor it enti0 not in laughter, but rather bring0 erceebing aainage on them toho are not minbeti to orber their oton 10050 Uriftlg. jFor tohat, 3! prag thee, 10 the oifference bettoeen chilbren toho are placing at builbing houfe0 anb U0 tohen toe are builbing our fine manfiono f ^t. Chrpfoflom. 40 JFor toi?at w pour life ? 3It 10 ebeit a tapour, tl)at appearetl) for a little time, ann tljen PaniQjetl? atoap^ 3(ame0, it* 14* ♦ Xtyrann? of t!)0 'Sfforlli. ‘ y ■'(gain on tbe conttarp fitie alfo toe unDet* 00 tfte fame mifcbief. as toealtft is counteo a goon ttong, ano pcioe, ano pomps, anti to fie confpicuous : accorfiinglp tfiis again toe piirfue, not eitfier in tfiis cafe from confioer* ing tfie nature of tfie tiling as goofi, fiut perfuatieti fij? tfie opinion of our maQers. JFor tfie people is our mafler j anti tfie great mofi is a fapage maflcr ano a feoere tprantj not fo mucf) as a commano fieing neeoeo in orOer to mafte us liflen to l)im j it is enougi) tiiat toe jufl fenoto tofiat fie toills ano toitfiout a commano toe fufi- mit : fo great gooOtoill oo toe fiear totoarOs fiim. ^t. Cfirpfoflom. 42 4 ^ntiulgente. H OQ is a ftarp fpur to Pice, tpfjicl) alpjaps puttetl) t\)Z affeftions in a falfe gallop. ^t. amPtofe. 3f l?atie toal&cti toitf? tjanitp, or if mg foot |)at|) l^afleti to tieceit* ^ob, xm. 5* 45 ♦ f)eart is a fmall thing:, but teCiceth great matter 0 . 3It is not fufBcient for a bite’s Dinner, anD get the tohole toorlD is not fufficient for it. Ibugo. G Dntent thee, greetg heart, ^oDefl anD moDerate jogs to thofe that hane Citle to more hereafter tohen theg part are paiBng hrane. ©eo. Herbert. ♦ JFor toic&cti boafletl) of ijio Ijeart’g licGre, anti blcCfeti) tlje cobetouo, toi)om tt)z ILorti abbomtl)* IPfalmo, jc» 3* 4 XL uxurp* FOrurg is an enticing pleaCute, a ftaflato JLJL mittf), tobict) batb bonep in bet moutb, gall in bet heart, ana a Oing in bet tail. ^ugo. 3!tbal ftneet tafies bane four clofes, ano be repents in tborns, that fleeps in bens of rofes. jFra. £iuatles. j^corn Delights ana line laborious aaps. ^ilton. 48 33r-ati of deceit 10 ftoret to a man, but aftcitoartis l)iis troutb Qjall be filleti toitb erabel. liypocrtfp. % are tbofe apples pleafant to tf)e epe, TBut full of fmofee toit{)in, toftat ufeo to groto JSear tijat grange lafee toljere ®oii poureo from tbz ffep l^uge gjotoersof flame toorfe flames to opertflroto, ^uc{) are tfjefr toorfes tflat toitfl a glaring lljoto ®f flumble floUnefs in nirtue’s Oge aBoulD colour mifcflief, toflicb tnitflin tflep gloto caiitfl coals of fin, tflo’ none tfle fmofle oefeep j TBut is tbat angel tflat erfl fell from IJ)eaPen TBut not fo flao as fie, nor in toorfe cafe, ffiHfio fiioes a traiterous mino toitfi fmiling face, ano toitfi a Dope’s tofiitefeatfiers clotfiesarapenj €acfi fin fome colour fias it to aDorn, ^gpocrifp aimigfitg ®oD Dotfi fcorn. aBilliam DrummonD. Xt is a ferpent mod tofien mofl it feems a tone. jFra. ©uarles. 5 ati E ruit. ^TV SDn, tai fell ibou loae ano fjerte ®n toorlDes ftltlTe, that nout ne laQ i Wi tjiolieli tftou t{)tn fjerte fmerte jFor fotie t^at f0 ounOuliefaO f Cf)ou licfeeli {)oni of tfjorn i=tDi0, Cbat fed thi loue on toorlDes blis. temp. €Dto. 31 . a conupt tree bringetf) foitf? etJil fiuit* ^ cooli tree cannot bring fortf? tbil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth gooti fruit* iilatt* bii. 17* 53 E alftjjool). V/TT ^0 fiatb not ftoorn f get tfjis tfjing is of tbe (JEiflil ®ne, Wbo fjatft not for* ftoorn i)jmfelfi’ TBut tf)is man is fometfting: more tftan of tfte is lato rejeft. ®eo. ©afeoigne. 92 93 ♦ O Cfter fountation can no man lap than tftat tofticl) is laiD. 23pon tfjis tbcn let us ImilD, anD as a founflation let us cleane to it as a firaneft to a nine, ano let t&ere be no internal bettoeen us anb Cbrifl. Jfor if there be anp internal, immeniatelp toe peri®. JFor fo the branch bp its anherence bratos in the fatnefs, anb the builbing: Oanbs becaufe it is cementeb together. 3ll thefe things inbicate Onitp, anb thep alloto no noib internal, not enen the fmallefl. Jfor hr that remones but to a little biflance tnill go on till hr has beeome nerp far biOant, jFor fo thr bobp rrceining through it but a fmall ftnorb=cut prriftrs; anb thr builbing, though thrrr br but a fmall chinh, falls to becap ; anb thr branch, though it be but a little tohilr tut off from the root, becomes ufelefs. %o that this tribe is no trifle, but men almofl the tohole. ^t. Chrpfoflom. a GOoH founuation acaina tl)e time to come, tijat tfjeg ma^ lap ijolU on eternal life, 1 ^imotI)p, tii, 19* “Ctlje G^ofpels. E ®t: tijofc fileO penmen of C 6 g SiCIorD, Wbo bane epangeU^eo of Cfjee, sale magnify Cftp Jl 3 ame, ffl) lorD, 9 nD thankful toe nefire to fie. Cfie toelcome netos Cfip ©ofpel 6ring0 COitf) jogful fiearts toe Do emfitace, 3 nD prt^e afiope all eartfilp tfiings Cfiat preciou0 earnefl of Cfig gtace. Cnafile U0 to juDge anD fenoto, aBfien toe neto Doftnne0 Do tecelPe, 3 lf tfieg agreeing fie ot no Co tofiat a Cfirlflian IfioulD fieliepe. ®eo. aaxitfier. 96 0 97 Humtlttp. r^Y>5)e merlin cannot enet foat fo l)i0{), il3or grectig gtegbouno Hill putfue ttz cibafe } Cbc tenner larfe toill fino a time to flg, ann fearful bare to run a quiet race ; \0z that bi0b 0roto)tb on ceiiar0 niD befloto, ®ane alfo lotolg mulbrooms leane to 0roto. iRobert ^outbtoell. g~>r 2Ien fo tbe 0reat ann potoerful Cbree in VjL SDne, Cbat fit0 upon lj)i0 all=enli0btenin0 tbrone, Doe0 not Deng to let ^i0 mercie0 croton Cbe poorefl peafant toitb a0 much renoton 90 tbe moil flateliefi emperor. 3lobn €ruarle0. 98 99 4 4 GCtUpfc. ‘lyrr^o can cntiure ttz fierce raps of t&e ^un of 3IuQtcei’ COfio ftall not fie confumet) fip ^is fieams ? Cfierefore tfie ^un of 3Iuflice took flefij, tfiat, tfirougfi tfie conjunftion of tfiat ^un anfi tfiis fiuman fioiip, a Ifiafioto map fie mafie. ©nil. lOI 4 Xiature. 77Tr|)o 6atf) atorneti tbz fecatienstoitf) Oar0i' Who {jatft florefl tf)C ait ttijtft fotul, tbe toatcr0 toitlj fill), tfic eattfi toitfi plant0 anfi flotoer0i’ TBut infiat arc all tfiefe, fiut a fmall fparfe of Dloine ficautp i 'Bonaocntuta. 02 4 iJi'slJt. ftom tofjat goltien quiiacrs of tbe fit? Do all tf)V toingeo arroto0 flp } ^tolftncfs ano potocr 6 p iJittl) arc tljlnc, jFrom t&p a Kobe of rifibtcoufnefg* 3 lfaiab> Ijci* to* ^I)ou Qjalt lotje t\)z Horli (Son toitl? all Ijeart, anu all foul, ann toitl) all tl?2 mmti* Zl)ou ftalt lone tt)2 neiai)bour ao 2Dn tijefe tteo commanTimento Jjang all tf?c lato antj tl?e propijeto^ iHatt* jcjcii, 37, 39, r ♦ of tl^e Clrof0* 'I J ®tti, let mg foul aec from tbc fcorcaing: taougats of tfte toorlD unrier thz cooert of C{)g toings j t{)at, being refretbeo bg tbe mo= beration of Cbg Ibaboto, fte mag fing merrilg, “ 31n peace twill 3! lag me botwn anb refi.” ^t. auguQine. 122 J fat tioton untier O^atioto toitf) gteat ©olomon’0 S)onfi, u* 3. 23 C is toell faio to ^ofes, “ Cfte fire on t-M — rfie altar ftall alfiiag 0 turn tofiicfi tbe priefl fljall feeo, putting: toooti on it euerp Dap in tfie morning:.” j?or tfie aitar of ®oD is our fieart, in tobiefi tfie fire is orDereD altoaps to burn } fiecaufe it is necelTatp that tfie flame of lotie IfioulD conflantlp afcenD tfierefrom to ®oD, anD tbe priefl IboulD put toooD tbereon eoerp Dap lefl it ll)oulD go out. jFor eperp one tobo is enDotoeD toitb faitb in Cbrifl, is maDe fpeciallp a member of tbe ®reat 5)igb priefl, as Peter tbe 3poflle faps to all tbe faithful, “ TBut pe are a cbofen race, a ropal prieflbooD.” ^t. ©regorp tbe ®reat. J toill offer to Zffce t!?e facrififee of tl?an6faitinc, ant) toill call upon tl?e name of tl)e ILorti* Jlmprefe. C’tie nothing: 6ut ourfclues, ant fcatce tbat ncit{)cr j iitt ant clap j get it is foft ant map Slmpteffion tafee. accept it, Lott, ant tap, tf)is C{)ou l)atfl rather; ^tamp it, ant on t^is fortit metal mafee C{)p l^olp 3mage, ant it lljall outliiine C&e beautp of tlje gotten mine. amen. 3leremp Caplor. 1 26 30 toe Ijatje borne t^e imace of tbe eartljp, toe Uall alfo bear tbe image of t^e beatenip* 1 dor. jcti. 49. 27 'CtjjE (Xrofs. ^jjTTT^o can Slot out tfic crofs, tofjicf) tft’ in= arumcnt ©f ®oti lietoieti on me in t&e Sacrament j* aBf)0 can Deng me potoet anD lifaectg Co iJretclb mine arm0 anD mine oton crofs to be ? ^toim, anD at eoerg Orofee tbou art tbg crofsj Cbe mafl anD garD mabe onembece teas Do tof0j Loofe Doton, tbou fpiefl out croO‘e0 in fmall tbing0 j Hook up, tbou feefl fairD 0 raifeD on croffeD toing0, Donne. B Dtb aboDe anD belobj, toitbout anD ttiitbin, tobicb toag foetier tbou Doll turn tbee, ebergtobere tbou Ibalt finD tbe crof0, Cboma0 i Kempio. 128 (SoTj forbto tl?at 31 ftouin clorp, fate ita t!;e crof 0 of our Horn 31efu0 (Saif ti. i4» 1 29 0 CContraft^ (B teas crotoneti toitf) ttiorns aBf)o crotons r^JE martBts toitf) eternal flotoers ; JJ>e fmlt= ten on ttz face toitf) palms 2Bfto gieltis true palms to tbem tbat conquer } l^e flrtppeo of ^is eart{)lp raiment Ctaijo clothes others toith the rohe of 3mmortalitg ; ^e recetoeD gall for fooD aBho gape the foon of lt)eapenj anp Jj>e hao Pinegar to Prinfe aBho inflituteD the Cup of Palpation. ^t. Cgprian. ohfequies of ^im that coulD not Die, \JL 3nD Death of life, enD of eternity, ^oto toorthilp l|)c DieD, that DieD untoorthilp. ®iles jFletcher. a jt)rifl’s crofs is thz c{)riOccois of all our {jappincfs} it Deliticrs us from all 6lino= nrfs of error, ano enricljes our oarfenefs toitb ligijtj it refloretf) tpe troubleo foul to tefl} it Pringct^ flrangers to ®o0’s acquaintances it mafeetf) remote foreigners near neigbPours s it cuttetf) off DifcorP, concluPetp a league of eper* laOing peace, anD is tpe bounteous author of all gooD. @t. 3ugulline. JI3 tpe + is faltiation, in tpe + is life, in «-■ — tpe 4 - is proteftion againO our enemies, in tpe 4- is infufion cf peaoenlp ftoeetnefs, in tpe 4- is IJrengtl) of mint, in tpe 4- iop of fpirit, in tpe 4- tpe peigpt cf Pirtue, in tpc 4- tpe per-- feftion of fanftitp. Cpomas a Ciempis. J33 fpiratton. /^^Y^^ence gathering: plumes of perfeft fpccu* vX lation, Co imp tftc toings of {jigb^flping minti, ^ount up aloft tprougp pcaoenlp contemplation jFrom tf)is oatfe toorlD, topofe tamps tbe foul to tlint, ant, lifee tpe natite ttoot of eagles’ feint, SDn tfeat firigfet fun of glorg fix tfeine epes, Clearet from grofs mi0s of frail infirmities. %penfer. W+- Ml- 4 ^Jnto lift 31 up mine eges, 2D Ziion t^at titDclIcCt in t^e I)eaPen 0 * 1P0. cwiti* I ♦ 4W4- ■W4 >35 GCytelfior. Cfiou ®reat liQtt, tobom li)cp&etti0 loto atiorc, Ceacft me, ® Do Cjjou teacf) Cfjp {)umfile ftoain Co ratfe mp cteeping: fong from eattbig floor j jFill Cflou mg emptg bread toitfl loftg Crain, Cflat, finging of Cbg toaro anD DreaDful figbt, ^g note 0 mag tflunDer out Cbg conquering might, anD ’ttoirt the golDen flar0 cut out her totoering flight. Phinea0 jTletcher. ¥m^- 36 ^toa&e up, mg elorg ; atoa&e, pfalterg anu ijarp* IPu. 8» ♦ r Jiaitj) anti ^LULorKs* flotoers unDerGano faitfj ; ftp fruit, gooli rC3 toorfts. 9s tftc Gotoer or ftloGom is fte= fore tfte fruit, to is faitft ftefore gooft toorfes t fo neither is tGe fruit toit{)out tftc Gotoer, nor gooti tootGs toit&out faiti). ^t. TBernam. .38 JFaitJ) lj)all Uiay Cironc, anH tlje h:ot6 fljall folloto* 2 ([Bfrira0, tJii* 34* '39 CDe Hisbt of tjje ^Cllovlli. ’^11 5 )at tatfenefs clouDs mg fenfesJ f }t)atf) tfje Dag jForgot f)ts feafon, ano tht fun Us toag } iDotf) ®oD toitfjDrato !t)is all=fufiainmg mig{)t, anD tocrfe 0 no more toitf) lj)is fair creature— ligftt, 2aif)ile beanenanteartf) for fuc{), alao! complain, anD turn to ruOe, unformcD fteaps again i’ ^g paces toitf) entangling briars are bounD, anb all t{)is foreU in Deep filence DrotoneD ; l^ere mufl mg labour anD mg journeg ceafe, T5g tobicb, in bain, 31 fougbt for red anD peacej 'But noto perceine that man’s unquiet minD 3In all bis toags can onlg Darfenefs finD. l^iere mufl 31 flarbe anD Die unlefs fome light Point out the paflage from this Difmal night. ^ir John Teeaumont. 140 art lamp, 2D Horn : anti tl?e Horn toill IiG!)ten m 2 narfencfe* 2 S)am> jtjcii. 29* 142 ‘43 ll 145 47 CCftrtft’s ‘Ctrtump!). Y e IlotXi’0 fonc in a Grance lanu ? /T\ g folfe tbat long: in (lEgppt liali been 6arteD, cailjose cties ftane entereo Qieaucn’s eternal 0ate, £Dur jealous mereg openlg {jearD, lKneelin0 in tears at our eternal ^tate. ^icb. Dragton. •59 tar* JRigbt flat, l|)ot from a firigfttec place, COfjere Seams furtouno mg ^asiour’s face, Canll tSou fie angtofiere ^0 toell as tfiere i get if tfiou fijilt from tfience Depart, Cafie a fiaD loDging in mg fieart j jFor tfiou canfl mafie a Defitor, anD mafie it Setter. @ure tfiou toilt fog fig gaming me, Co flg fiome lifie a lafien See, Onto tfiat fiifie of Seams anD garlanD Creams. ®eo. }t)erfiert. 'CCjie J0^oul. ^ere is nothing: to toeigb againiJ a foul, not cnen tfte to^ole toorio. ^t. C&rgfoflom. W^\)diX 10 a man profitcli, if |)e ISall gain tl)e toljolc toorlTi, anti lofe l5i0 oton foul ? i^lam jUi. 26* Xliutabdttp. X Bflafiilitp 10 tf)c cfiaraaeriflfc of tf)mg0 toe fee. JSeitfier tointer nor fummer, nor fpring nor autumn, 10 permanent? all are running. Aging, anO Aotoing paA. 221 {)g A)OulD 3i fpeafe of falling 0otoer0, of liignitie0 of Aing0 tfiat are to^tiag anti to^morroto eeafe to 6 e, of ricb men, of magniAcent f)oufe0, of nigbt anD Dag, of tU fun anD tbe mooni* for tfie moon toane0, anD tfie fun i0 fometime0 eclipfeD anD often DatfeeneD toitfi clouD0. ffl)f tAing 0 Difible, in Aiort, i0 tAere angtAing tftat enDure0 for ener?' JSotliing ! no, not angtliing in U 0 but tbe foul, anD that toe negleft. ^t. CbrgfoAom. 164 €Lbaneftente. "| r Dofe l)oto tfit flotoer \aWh lingetinglp r-*- ^ tiotb fate, C 6 e mornin0’0 tarling, late t{)e fummet’s queen, ^poilct of tijat juice tftat kept it fre® ant green, 90 fjigl) a0 it tit raife, 6otn0 loto t{)e Ijeat j iRigtt fo tfje pleafure0 of mp lote being teat, ©r in tbeir conttarie0 but onip feen, cajitb ftoiftet fpeet tecline0 than etQ it fpreat, 9 nt (biaflet) fcarce noto l!)oto0 tobat it batb been. mm, Drummont. an dcUb 10 30 craf0» i IPeter, u 24* comcti? fort!? Ufec a floUier, ann 10 cut tioten : l?e fleet!? alfo ao a ftanoh?, anti continuetl? not^ 3[ob, jit?* 2. OLanttp. 5)cre is f)C tfjat teas clat) in raiment of goltif IDe tf)at rone in tbe cfjariotf J^e that ftan armie0, tf)at ftan tfie girnie, riiat San tf)c f)erainst' lj)e that toa0 flawing tibefe, anD caQing tftofe into prifon } ^e tf)at put to neatf) tt)i)om fte toouin, ann fet free tofjom fte tna0 minoen f 31 fee nothing 6ut tione0, ann a toorm, ann a fpiner’0 tneb j all tfjefe tl)ing0 are eart{), all tljefe a fafile, all a nream, ann a Uanoto, ann a fiare relation, ann a pifture, or ratjjer, not fo mucl) a0 a pifture. j?or tbz pifture toe fee at lean i0 a lifeenef0, but Sere not fo muc{) a0 a lifeenef0. ^t. CiJtpfoQom. r4^Y»l^>efe (all tfte poor remain0 of Gate !) \JL 3norn tU rieft or praife tfje great, 2aj|)0, to^bile on eartft in fame tftep line, are fenrelef0 of tfte fame tfteg gine. C. Iparnell. i68 169 Bit oc ita. *i f 3lfec to tfte falling of a Gar, 2Dr as tf)t Gigftts of eagles are, ®r lifee tl)e fre® Spring’s gautip fjue. Dr QlPer nrops of morning seto. Dr lifee a toino tftat cibafes tbe Goon, Dr fauPbles tol)ic{) on toater Good : €Pen fuel) is man, toftofe fiorrotoeO ligpt 3ls Graigfjt calleo in, ano paio tomigfjt. C{)e tointi Plotos out, tl)z Pubfile Dies ; Cbe Opting entomPeD in autumn lies ; epe Detti Dries up, tpe Gar is Hot, epe Gigpt is paG,— anD man forgot. IJjenrp filing. 4 - 170 * jFor hjljat 10 gour life ? is eten a tiapour, tijat appearetlj for a little time, anB tijen PaniQjeti? atoap^ 3!ame0, it). 14* 'CCfje XB-ourning liarp^ H ®r 31 iJatie feen tfte pine, jFamen for its tranels o’er tfje fea, 'Broken toitf) florms ann age, Decline, 9nD in fome creek unpitieD rot atoap. 31 kape feen ceDars fall, anD in tkeir room a mulkroom groin ; 31 kane feen comets, tkreatening all, Oanilk tkemfelnes j 3 kane feen princes fo. fiJain tritiial Dufi, toeak man, aukcre is tkat nirtue of tkp kreatk Ckat otkers fane or ruin can, aoken tkou tkpfelf art calleD to account bp Deatk i' aBken 3 confiDcr tkce, Cke fcorn of time anD fport of fate, IJioin can 3 turn to jollitp ill=arung karp, anD court tkc Delicate ^ aiOm. ^abingDon. 172 •73 «74 2Dn mp e5eUti0 10 t|?c ftatioto of Xieatl?^ 3Iob, 164 4 4 O^ootJ Uife. X C is not grotoing like a tree 3|n kulk Dotf) make man better be, 2Dr Oanbing long an oak three bunbreb pear, Co fall a log at laft, brp, balb, anb fere ; a lilp of a bap 3ls fairer far in ^ap ; although it fail anb bie that night, 31t toas the plant anb flotoer of light. 3ln fmall proportions toe jufl beauties fee, anb in Ihort meafure life map perfeft be. ■Ben 3[onfon. 176 Cmieafe anl) jS^trong. E £Dr fafec marfe tftat flp, ^ce totat a poor tocafe little tiling: it i 0 ! caJlien tfiou liafl marlteD ano icorneo it, fenoUi t&at tliis, Cliis little, poor, toeafe flg ^as fiilleD a pope, can mafee an emperor Die. TBebolD gon fparfe of fire, 5)otn little liot, fioto near to nothing: ’tis ! cajlien tliou fiafi Done Defpifing:, fenoto tliat tliis, Cfiis contemn’D fparfe of fire, ^as burnt toliole totems, can burn a toorlD entire. Cbat crateJling: teiorm there fee, ponDer bote) uglp, filtbg. Pile is be! aBben tbou bail feen anD loatbeD it finote) that this, Cbis bafe tuorm tbou Dofi fee, 5)as quite DePoureD tb? parents, Iboll cat tbee. lt)onour, tbe teiorlD, anD man, aBbat trifles are tbep l fince moll true it is Cbat this poor flp, this fmall fparb, this ®o much abborr’D tuorm can IDonour Deflrog— burn tuorlDs— DePour up man. Patriefe Careg. *79 4 J0^j)orttomtngs of GCartj). |gsr23c{) is tf)e toeafenefs of all mortal {jopet %o ticfele is tbe Gate of eartblg things, Cbat, ere tftep come into tfjeir aimen fcope, Cf)eg fall too IJjort of our frail reefeonings, ant firing us fiale anu fiitter forrotoings, SlnOeafi of comfort, tofiicfi toe lljoulli emfirace. C{)is is tfie Gate of feeafars ann of kings : net none, tfierefore, tkat is in meaner place. Coo greatlg griefie at anp bis unluckp cafe. Climunli %penfer. 4W4- 8o DaffoUtls. H air t)affotiil 0 , toe toecp to fee gou {)a0e atoag fo foon j as get t^e eatlg rifing fun ^as not attaineo ftis noon. ^tag. Gag, Ontil tbe laGing oag JJ)as run TBut to t&e eoen=^fong : ano, ftatiing prageo together, toe aHill go toitf) gou along. Eofiert ^errtcfe. lEaretoell! ^UJLorU) ! E aretuell, pc gilDcD foUicjs, pleaQng troufiles ! jratctDcU, pc {)onoureD rags, pc glorious iJubMcs! jFamc’s but a bolloto ccbo j golD, pure clap j l£)onour, tbc Darling but of one Qjort Dap ; TBcautp, tb’ epe’s iDol, a DamaffecD (bin } ^tate, but a golDcn prifon to line in, anD torture free-born minDs j cmbroiDereD trains, ^erelp but pageants for prouD ftoelling ueins i anD blooD allieD to greatnefs is alone JnberiteD, not purebafeD, not our oton : jFame, honour, beautp, Oate, train, blooD, anD birtb, are but tbe faDing blolToms of tbe eartb. ^ir ^enrp CSotton. lauli Uall be utterly emptieb, anb utterly fpoileb ; for t^e Horb batb fpoben ti)i0 toorb* Zt)t eartf? mournetb anb fabetb abapt tbe toorlb lanauilbetb anb fabetb atoap, tbe People of tf)e eattf? bo languilbf Jlfaiab, mb* 3,4* li li 18^ ♦ OCictffitulie. lopp^D tree in time map groto again, vA. ^oli nafeeP plants teneto faotft fruit ano flotoer, C()e forriefi toigtt map finp releafe of pain, Cfje triefl foil fucfe in fome moifiening ftotoer j Cime goes bp turns, anP chances change hp courfe, jFrom foul to fair, from better hap to toorfe. IRobert ^outhtoell. H art a Bap of niirtf), vJw 9nti tobere tbe tocefe-liago trail on grounS Cbp flight i 0 higher, as thp hirth > ® let me take thee at the bouno. Leaping toith thee from feoen to fenen, Cill that toe both, being tolTeti from earth, j?lp hanD in hanb to htaben. ®eo. lt)etbert. 1 88 4 ♦ 191 Bitter jSkieet, "y jufl a0 tfje roots of tears arc fiittcr, anD get tbeg proDuce our ftoeetefl fruits; fo tierilg 0OOIg forroto toill bring: us an abunOant pleafure. Cbcg fenoto, tobo babe often prageb b3itb anguilb anb Ibeb tears, tobat glabnefs tbeg babe reapeb ; bobj tbeg purg:eb tbe confcicnce ; bobj tbeg rofe up toitb fabourable hopes. @t. CbrgfoQom. 92 »93 ♦ 4 - 'Ctlje Eisjjt. X j? there be no enemp, no fight j if no fight, no biftorp ; if no biftorg, no crobjn. ^abanatola. mn. g jop, mp life, mp croton. {jcart toas meaning all tbe flap, ^ometbing it fain tooulD fap ; 9nfl flill it runnetl) mutt’ring up anfl Doton SMitf) onlp tfiis, 30^ top, mp life, mp croton. ®. C)ert)ert. be to ®oti, tobicf? cibetlj uo tlje tiiaorg tbroucb our Horn 31efu0 eTbrifl* 1 ^or* rtJ* S7* H d 201 202 amtirofc (^t.) aifttngui'fljeti prelate toasf botit at acletf, VJL. 3 i. 3 D. 340, atiD, after Ijatji'ng: been for fibe pearg ffobernor, toag electeli In'fljop of a^t'lan. litg btgoroug Denunciation of torong: ig IjlftocltaUp Important, ag ljab= Ing: fubDueD tlje bought? fplrlt of tlje (Emperor'Sfl) tobofiug. &t. ambrofe bleb at ^llan, Si. 3 D. 397. p. 44. anfclm, lf?e founber of logit, anb one of the moll learneb torlterg of the nth tentur?, toag born at aolla, ^©lebmont, 31 , 3 D. 1033, anb, on totulng to (Englanb, be= came arcbbliTjop of Canterbur? In tlje reign of aailUlam lR,ufug. il?e toag tlje firft to pertelbe anb Inculcate the balue of iliatural ^btoloff?* bleb at Canterburg, a[,3D. 1109, P. 6. 203 auguQine B 31 (l)i)p o£ i^ippo, toaji bocn at 'ZEapfte, fit Slfcita, a. 2 D. 354. %\)i 0 leameb and acute fatbcc of tbe Cljutcl) torote dolummouap asai'nft fectan'an tenden= tte^, and l)i's pioug and pcactital fecmong toatrant tl)e bi'fflj ranb be boldsi in ettlefialittal Utetatuct. date of 1)10 death IS untectai'n. Pp. 2, 8, 32, 78, 84, I 12, 1 18, 120, 122, 132, 174. TBeaumont (%)it 3lof)n), Hotbec of fcanci'0 Beaumont, tlje poetical al[o= rVJ tiate of jfletcbec, toa0 born a. 2 D. 1584, became fudge under 2Duten (Elijabetl), torote a bolume of fatred poetri?, and died, a. 2 D. 1628, after bating been bm'gbted bp Cbarle0 3|. p. 140. TBernarti (®t.) <^^^1^10 reUg(ou0 toriter toa0, in tbe iztlj tenturp, abbot of Clairtal. f^e toa0 tbe great ettlen= afttcal tljampionof tbe Crufade0, and tlje tigocou0 oppo» nentof tbe dottrine of tlje ^Immaculate Contepttonof tlje HUirgin Sl^arp. I^e died a. 2D. 1153. fp.60,138. 204 TBonatientura. {lajn'tec on ptiloCoptiital tlicologp, tojofe toorfes liabo been clatteti toi'tb tijofe of Silbectu 3 91 ^ao:= nus and ^Ijoinass aqumaef. jan incidental inteceft at-- taebeg to Ijis name in tbe fact of 1)13 babing been tbe friend of laetcareb. ^e toasi born at ISadua in tlje firft half of tbe i4tb tenturp, and fuffeced a biolent death, )a.3D. 1386. p. 102. TBungan (3lo{)n), r^Y^l^e author of (England ’3 great “ISuritan (Epic,” tlje ^ailgrim’sf Progref^, boas the fon of a trabelling tinfeer, l^e became a preatber at iBedford, bjljere, in confinement for bi3 religious opinionsc, Ijr tompofed bt 3 immortal toorfi. l^e toasi born a. 2 D. 1628, and died a. 2 D, 1688. 30. Careto (C{)oma 0 ). B fl)cn a. 2 D. 1577, died a.2D. 1639. poet ce= ceibed bi 3 education at Corpus Cbrifti College, jaDrford. l?e boas elebated to tlje pod of (Gentleman of tlje Pribg Chamber b? Charles 31 - and IjtS “ Sl^afques” boere boell receibed at court. ID. 82. ir Careg (l^atticfe). felt ffllalfec ^tott tss Sue tlje Ijonouc of ficft \JL, mafet'nn; t^c public atquaintcb tottl) tbe poemsi of Patcitb Caccg. ISLittle (3 fenoton of bini) tbcept that Ijc teas an (EngUa) tljuccljman anb loi^alift. 'nflje pocinsf toljtclj ^ic (HUaltec cbiteb beac tlje bate 2 L. 2 D. 1651, f.178. Ct)rgfo0om (©t.) X jaDljanneg! feetunbuss, commonlj bnoton bp tbe title of &t. Cljtpfoftom, from Ijisi eloquence, toasi a natibe of antioclj, anb fijoctlp after bisJ orbination toass taifeb to tl)e pattiarcljate of Condantinople. ll?isi popu= lacitp botoebec toas! fruitful of jealoufp, anb tbe patriartb toajS bepofeb, anb ebentuallp banilbeb bp tlje (Emprefss Cubotia. lie bieb a. 2 D. 407- ferrnon^, bappilp preferbeb, abounb in bebotional tljouffljt anb original tj;po(ition. i&p. 10, 24, 30, 38, 40, 42, 54, 56, 62, 70, 76, 94, 162, 164, 168, 192. Cotolep (abrajiam). quaint poet toaiS born a. 2 D. 1618. iDn ^ J[ leabing Iflleltminller »icl)Ool be bjent firtt to Cambribge, tljen to jXirforb, anb aftertoarbss to jftante. Hje bjag a molt jealous lopalift, anb alfilleb 2Dueen l^en-- rietta Sl^aria in torrefponbing toitb l^opal Contort, at tbe Eettoration be rcteibeb a grant of propertp at Cljertfep, tobere be bieb, a. 2 D. 1667. pp. 104, 108. 206 CraftatD (iRicljatD). ! 3 atc of tlji's autl)OC’s( bi'rtlj is unctmin. teas eDucated at tl)c Ctjamc^ijoufe and toofe l)iS dtgtte at Cambcidge. after embcattnff tl)t Eoman faitft 1)0 repaired to 3 |talp,tol)ete l)edied,a.aD. 1650. % toas a perfonal friend of Cotolej?. Coleridp teas a peat admirer of l)is poetrj. P.86. Cpprian B 3 |fl[)Op of Cartliap in tlje 3rd tenturg, teas ti)e fueeeaor of aconatus, during: tije reign of tlje (Emperor 2 Deeius ®rajan. it?e fureeiffitUp argued tl^at tl)ofe tol)0 Sad deferred tSe tljureS tljrougS fear of mar= tprdom eould not toitSout penante de readmitted toitSin its pale. il?e teas tSe autljor of a dolume of epiftles, and fuffered martyrdom, a. 2 D. 258, Pp. 4 , 130. B Cpril (^t.) i3|if)op of lerufalem in tlje 4tS tenturp, and tje autljor of fome diftourfes delivered in tljat titp. p. 150. 207 ♦ Daiaies (^ir 3Iol)n), jSDrn 3 L. 2 D. 1570, retetijeu Iji'g etiucatton at flDrfocti. toas fem'ff^teD on tljc atcetConoflting'iame^ 3 |. ano toass etentuaUp raifeO to tlje office of Cfii'ef 3 |uttfce of tlje Bt'ng’g Bentf). Oeatfi ottucceli Si. 3 d. i6a6. principal toorfi, a noble poem on tbe 3!inmortal(t? of tfie ^oul, full of bipcouss tljouffbt anb poetical treat= ment. ¥>. 68 . Defefeer (Cfiomas). 0 | 3 e of tfie (Elijabetfian bcamatittsf, of tobote life but little i£( fenoton. cfilef ebent in bis billorp b 3 bitb Ijas come boton to us is bi^ biolent quarrel toitb Ben lonfon. 3 Debbec’S mod noteb performance is tbe brama of “ flDlb ifortunatus.” ^@. 12 . Donne (3Io{)n), “ jfounber of tbe Sl^etapbpfital School of PottcPi” as* bt bas been termeb be 2br. Jobn: fon, teas born in ILonbon, Si. 3 D, 1573. l^is earl? toorbs bab little of ferious fentiment, but bis! talents fiotoeb into a genuine religious cljannel after bisi orbination. l^e became 3 Dean of ^t. Paul’s, anb bieb Si, 3 D, 1631, leaping a croVob of entbufiattic abmirers. pp, 26, 128, IDrapton (^icbael). at ll?aiil)all fit (MlactofckiTjtte a. 2 D. 1563, eOtitateD at €)tEota. 3 n joutl) Ije toass a page ; in aCtec life obtaineti tl)e fcitn&itjip anP patcon-- age oE tlje totalti)? anP Ijtfflj=boni, anP became ^aoet laureate oE CitglanP. Il?e PieP 3 [. 2 D. 1631. Pp. 56, 158. DrummonD (223illiam), *#’’^lK,ummonP oE!l?atotl)OcnPen, tlje Con of »»it 31 o|)n A HDtummonP, toaei bom a. 2 D, 1585. abanPom tng: tje pcoEeflion of tlje lato, toliitlj lie IjaP embcaceP, lie retlceP to Ijip ^cottlili eftate, anP padeP SIS ItEe in tlje poetical eniojment oE litetatp leiCute. l^e PieP, SI. 2 D. 1649, of ffrtfE occattoneP b» tlie et'ctution of Hing Cliatleg 31 * lap, 50, 166. €pbrem (^t.) [Gy '3r. Cplicem or feit. (Epljcaim, t^e Syrian, toaeJ one of tlie moft poetical anP PePotional toritecef of tlie 4tlj tenturg. lt?e is principally remarkable for Ijiss attacks on Ijeretital Pottrine anP IjiS eluciPations of tlje ^atreP aittorP, 34. e e 209 jFlatman. ijacfouDj etteemeo toci'tec toass liortt SI. 3 D. \^JL 1633. toass often pleaflng:, altljouffl) nctjee fuMi'me. ll?e Dt'eD 31 , 3 d. 1688. p. 152. jFlctctjer (®iles), '■'~v (E toass born SI. 3 D. 1588, anb batifn0: been pce« ftnteb to tl)e Itbmg: of Slltiecton, ^uffolfe, bico tfiere, 3 [. 3 D. 1623. !l?e nebec tocote a bulsac line, or a berfe beftitute of tbe ftoeetett manlp pietp. pp. 6, 20, 34, 130, 148. jFIetcfjct (Pftlneas). 3 D, 1584 toa^ born tbe remarbable aittljor of “ ' 3 Df)e Purple 31 tlanb.” 3 lt a noble tompo= (ltion,beftetpttbe, in ^penferian berfe, of tbe ptipfital anb moral tonftitution of man. pijineasS jfleteljer, tobo boas tlje elber brother of tlje foreffoing:, Ijelb the libing: of K^ilpp, in jRorfolfe, for tbjentpminej^ear^, anb bieb circa SI. 3 D. 1650. p. 136 becfes are unufuallp meloDtou^. Il?e Dieb a.2D. 1577. i?p. 84, 92. ®re 0 org of iSplTa B ^Iibop of IJpCCa S 1 . 2 D. 372, and one of tbe mott potoetful fupportetss of tbe dottcfne of tlje ll?olp ^rtnitp. I^e dteto up tlje jpitene eteed at tbe tounei'l of Conttantlnople, and died a. 2 D. 396. 58. ©regorp tf)c ©teat (^t.) famous ettleliattle toas bocndurinp: tlje firft half of tbe 6tb tentutg in Eome. SHtljoufflj tlje autljoc of epi'ftles and dialogues, bt is cljieftj knoton as tlje great patron of auguttlne’S Cbrlftlan mlllton to (England. l!?e Voas a man of moft oppofite qualities ; to an unbounded |eal for tlje taufe of trtitlj Ijt united a fuperttltlous reberente for toortblefs forms, and IjiS noblett Intentions toere often ftultlfied bp tbe lntro= ductlon of pitiful details, ^e died 21 . 2 D. 604. Pp. 14. 36, 1 14, 124. 4 ®uUelmu 0 . gZTT 31 lUam oE Eljetms, a Debout tocitec oE tl)e latl) tenturj tolioEe tocirfe^ abounli I'n pcatti'tal ptetp, Eoc tlje motE pact unti'ngeli toitb tlje etttntctt minutiae common to tl)e pcobuttionsJ oE l)i£i tontemporacitci. 100 . 5)a6mgton (jaJilHam). poet toafi born at E^enblip in Jl£aorcefteri?)ive, \^JL S[.3D. 1605. toa0 ebucateb in jfrante, mac-- rieb ILutia, baugbtec oE E^tcbect, fieft %orb ^^otoig, anb bieb a. 3 D. 1654. % publiflbeb a bolume oE potm0 tojicb be entitleb “ Caflaca,” a bcama, anb Eome pcoEe bi(ttcta» tion0. pp. 106, 172. SJ)er&ett (®eotgc). r4^^E^i0moftcelebrateboEaU(En5li(bpoetitalbibines toa0 born at Sl^ontgomerj Cattle, in Hfllale?, a. 3 D. 1593. ll?e teiajs a Etion oE tbe noble IjouEe oE 4 Dem= broke, anb became l^eitor oE 2Bemecton, near »)alirbucp, toljece be bieb, 2 [. 3 D. 1632. I^p, 46, 88, 154, 160, 188, 200. JDmicfe (Eofaert). fpn'gljHj? tocitec toas liont (n %cmtion, a. 3D. \_Jt_ 1591 . Sl^aft of Ijiss poemsj gloto toi'tl) pnial gooP=^umottc anp fterlfttg; fenfe. toass preCcnteO bp Bi'ng: Cljacleg 3 . to tl)e bitarap of 3Dean ^Dcior, I'ti 2D£S)Oiifl[)ire. p. 182 . ^eptoooti (Cf)omas). boUimi'nouss (Eli'jabetlian poet beboteb IjisS \ X talentsJ tljieflp to braniatit toorbso, but l)e alfo torote, ticca a, 3 D. 1635 , “ lljiecactljieg of tl)t blefTeb atitgels,” anb otijer poem0. 'Sflje bate^ of l)is bictl) anb beat!) ace not pcetifelp tetocbeb, not ace all Jiss toctttnp et:tant, ja. 142. JJiugo (tticrman), '~jpr Hatin tjeolosital tocitec anb poet, toljo toass J m ^ bocn in Belgium, Si, 3D, 1588 , anb bieb at E!)inbecg, a,3D. 1629 . !©p. 46 , 48 . 113 ♦ 3lonfon (TBcn). famouiS Dramatic poet paleD a cljcqucreD \JL anD cDentful life ; at one time toorking ass a bricklayer, at anotljer tbroton into priCon for DueUints:, at anotljer IjonoureD by tljc title of l^oet laureate anD penboneD by tlit court. ll?e teas tbe frienD of feiljake= fpeare. Ben ^anfon toas born SLM. 1574, bieD Si.D. 1637, anD toass burieD in aaiettmintter abbey. 11 ?iss laconic epitaplj, “ sB rare Ben 3 onfon,” bass almolt palCeD into a proberb. 176. Eempi0 (Cliomag d). r^^Y^l^isS popular toriter toa 0 born in tlje Diocefe of \JL Cologne, a. 3D. 1380. l^iss great book, “< 1 : 11 ? gimitation of Cljrift,” iss too toell knoton tljrougbout CbrittenDom to require any Deftription. ll?e DieD a. 3D. i47i^ pp. 14, 128, 132, 194, 196, 198. l&ing (IJienrg), SBrn a. 3D. 1591. Il?etoa0 a toriter tol)o DifplayeD in biiS poemss muclj of tlje quaint tijougbt of tlje QElijabetljan era, conbeyeD in particularly barmoniousi berfe. l^e DieD, a.3D. 1669, in tbe potttion of Bilbop of Cljicbtttoo* Ipnflfag (^ir Datiili). feitottiiT) poet toag born at (Barmplton, \^J[_ K?alibm5toniT){ce,a[.3D. 1490. ©e, tolji'le pap to tbe poung: l&fnff ilames (LT. tompoCeb tlje poemss, HDceam,” anb “ ®l)t Complaint, ” anb toa. 1608, anb bieb a. 3 D, 1674, Pp. 48, 80, ^ore (l®>enrp). l^iS poet anb pljilofopber teas born at (Ecantbam, in iintolnibice, a. 3 D, 1614, anb became pcebenb of ffiloucettec, refuCng anp b>ffbtc promotion, l^e bieb a. 3D. 1687. p. 16. 216 j^a^ian^cn (^t. ®tegorg), ®n of tljc IBi'Bjop of il^aji'anjum I'tt Cappaijoti'a, anP a frienP of »it. Banl, toa0 born 0.2)* 324. ??e toasf eUtteP Siflpop of Conftanti'itople, 3 . 2 ). 380. Ilje JaiS obtaiiteP a Perg honourable poan'on among tbe tljeo= logical toritccss of Ijtg era for tlje gracefulnef0 anP pttn'tg of bis ftgle. Pearl) toofe place 21 . 2 D. 389, p. 22, JI3otris (3lo&n). B €mecton IRegorg, after ba'Jiirs htw renPereP flluftn'otts bg tlje oteupancg of (Beorge Il?erbert, teas PeftmeP to be tonnetteP toitb tbe name of another (Engltlb poet, the lUeb. % Horn's. ll?e toas born 2 [. 3 D. 1657, anP proPuteP a number of torltings both In profe anP berfc, % PleP at JBemerton, a. 2 D. 1711- iB. 28. Parnell (Cbomas). author teas born in 2 Dublm, a. 2 D. 1679. \JL ??e help the potttion of SlreljPeaeon of Clogher, anP teas the fn'enp both of pope anP ^toi'ft. 21 . 2 D. 1717 he PleP at Chetter, on hlS journeg from i.onPon to hlS natibe cltg. p. 168. ff 217 Ciuarles (jFtancis). aut^oc of “ ;ailuat:les’ (Einblemgi,” a toorfe \.JL toliitlj liagf pne tljtroufflj a taft number of ebitfonef, toasf born SI. 3 D. 1592, at ^tetoarbss, near ftom: forb, (Effet;. !^e teas ebucateb at CoUep, Cam= bn'bp, anb afterbjarbb became cupbearer to Cli'jabetJ of ©ot)fn»'a, bauffijter of lame^ 31 - patt of Iji'es life toajs, Ijotoeber, fpent in literarp retirement, lljisf lojaltp to CljarlcjS 31 - brougbt bim into bifpace toiti) tbe parliament, anb bebieb Sl.^, 1644, after tbe fequettration of Ijtss property anb paperef. Pp- 48, 50, 66, 72. £Vuatlcs (3Iol)n), fon of ifrancisf ^DuarlejS, toaef born a. 3 D. 1624. !^e teas tlje author of manj poetical toorbs, all of a religious tljararter. l^e bleb of tbe plape, ^.3D. 1665. 98. IRanDolpf) (Cfiomas). poet toa0 tbe abopteb fon of 26 en 3Ion0on. xJL toasi born ^. 3 D. 1605, anb bieb 2 i. 3 D. 1634. l^ifi tompofition0 toob for tlje mod part a bramatic form. ^Dp. 146, 190. 218 ^anops ((©eorge), /^rflStonti ton of arcl)ln'(T)op ^ansps of forfe, toass J5^ torn at 2 Bi'fl)op’g='i;i)ocpt?^' 3 t- 1 587, anp ePucattP at ®rforP. Sl^uti) of Iji'ss time toap fpent abroap, aitP on Ijtss return to (EnjlanP Ije publtflpeP an account of bt'ss trabelsJ. ^^iss beft to orbs are parapljrafe^ of ??olj> ^crip= ture. l^e Pt'eP ^, 3 D. 1643. p. 156. ^ajjanarola (Jerome). Pebout precurfor of t^e lR,eformatton toap born at jferrara, ^.2D. 1452, anp became a 3 Dommican. l?i'ss entIjuGafti't Penunct'ati'on, Ijotoeber, of tbe corruption^ anP abufep of tlje Cljurcb of lK.ome brouffljt Poton upon Iji'm tljt bengeance of tlje papal autljorltt'e^, anp Ije toass tomnutteP to tlje flamess at jflorente, ^. 2 D. 1498, bearing: Iji'ti fate toltl) fortltuPe anp redgnatlon. piss tblef proPuctlon is “ %\it 'JErtumplj of tbe Ccof0.” p. 194. •^{laftefpcare (aBiUiam). ILlamatic poet. 1616. JBorn a. 3 D. 1564, PteP SI. 3 D. p. 190. 2 19 4 ^&er6utnc (^ir COtuarti), Catljolfc poet anil an entijufiattic lopalift. l^e l)elP an official poll unPec Cljarlc^ 3 ]. anP after tl)e Eertocatlon toas bnlffljteP bp Cljarle^ ll. l^i's attatbment to 3 |amef! Ill- ottaQoneP a rebecfe of bis* fortuned, anP bt Pltb in pobettp, a. 2 D, 1702. P. 64. ^outfttoell (Eofiert). Uttle=bnoton poet toass born at ^t, jfaltb’si, 315 orfoIfe, SI. 2 D. 1560. l^e toag a lR.oman €8= tboli't, anP toasi et:ecuteP at 'HTpburn, SI. 2 D. 1595. Pp. 98, 142, 186. ^penfct (dBUmunti). r 4 ^v*l^fe( mafterlp poet toasi born in HonPon tlrta VJL SI. 2 D. 1553, anP ePutateP at Pembrobe Ifeall, Cambn'Pge. H^i'si peat toorb, “ 'Cbt ifaen'e 2 Dueene,” (sf one of tbe fined poemsi In tbe (Entfllffi lanpage. fepenfer toasi patronljeP bp 2 Dueen Clljabetb anP btr court, anP recei'bcP tbe pant of an edate In IrelanP. ll?c PieP in %onPon of a broben btart, Si. 2 D. 1599, anP toasi burteP in Mledmlnder abbep bp tbe (Earl of (Eder. pp. 90, 134, 180, Caplor (3iercmp), mott illuftctouss of (Enffltfl) pceaclicciS, teas \JL born at Cambci'tip, a[. 3 D. 1613. llitff pcofe toorbs are all of tlje nobleft orbcr, anb Ijls feto Ijpmns aitb poem0, blprou^ anb bebotlonal. lt?e toass CJaplatn to Cljarleb 3 |. toajs ttolte Impclfoneb buclng tlje Com* montoealt^, anb after tl)e Eeftoratton abbanteb to tje ©llljoprlc-of HDoton anb Connor, l^e bleb a. 2 D. 1667. p. 126. Ccrtullian (IXuintus JF.) ^Ig earlj befenber of C^rlftlanltp toasf bp blrtl) a Cartljafffnlan. lt?e toasi learneb anb eloquent, anb beboteb l)ts genius tljleflp to blnbtcattng tlje botCrlnes of Cljrltttanltp In tl)e reign of tlje (Emperor feeberus. ^IS “'ZIfreattfe agatnft tlje ItW is open to manp ob» legions ; but Ijls “apologp for tl)e Clirlttlans,” bp tojltlj l)e is bctt bnoton, Ijas altoaps been ^Igljlp cfteemeb. Ilje bleb circa a. 2 D. 245, p.116. Qau 0 &an (|>enrp). ’ 0 accompllif)eb poet, born at J15etoton, In IBrecb- nocbfljlre, ^.2D. 1621, l^ls toorbs are blf= tlngulfpeb bp fine Imagination anb bebotlonal feeling. It^e bleb SI. 2 D. 1695. 144. 22 caialler (oEDmunti), ' ^ ^ elegant anU melotn'ouss poet of tje tcoublouss _ JF 1 times! of tlje ClPfl aiUacs!, toag born, 33 . 1605, at Coleflfjlll, ll?ectg, anb ebucateb at Cambribge. ®n= fortunately for Ijlg treblt bt alike flattereb Cljarleg 31 . ®ltber Cromtoell, Cljarleg 33 - anb 3 ameg 33 I* as fortune feemeb to fabour btni. ll?e bleb at 2Beatonffielb, 3 . 2 D. 1687. ^E>-74. aajitber (®eot0e), ^|yT|r 3 g born at TBrenttoortl), neat 3 lton, In l!?amp-- 3 . 2 D. 1588, anb there are feto torlterg toboft poemg babe been more barlouQy etteemeb. ll^e probuceb a great number of toorkg, both political anb rellgloug ; tbe molt noteb being “ 3 bufeg »itclpt anb aaiblpt,” anb “ CEmblemg.” l^e bleb 3 . 2 D. 1667. ^Dp. 18, 96. SBotton (^it I£)enrp). berfatlle bjclter toag born at TBougbton \_J[^ l^all, Bent, 3 . 2 D. 1568. life toag bartouOy employeb, both by (Elljabetb anb 3 anieg 3. profe toorkg are for tbe mott part of a political tljaracCer, altbougb fome are bebleateb to religion ; biS pocmg are peculiarly ftoeet anb noble. Ige bleb 3 . 2 D. 1640. 184. 222 223 224 Y '• r r V ■ ■i ■ H: f'y