ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS RE "™ ' e st orage zomsucxs January, 1866, to January, 1867, -A. TABLE O IP COINTE3NTS. Printed by order of the Corporation. GEORGETOWN, D. C.: Courier Print, 128 Bridge Street. 1867. 3Si* - > ' >,* •• ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. A RESOLUTION in favor of certain persons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay to the order of Bazil Burrows thirty-three dollars, ($33,) balance due him for paving East Market space, as per bill rendered; to*H. B. Walker, twenty dollars and twenty-five cents, ($20 25,) for work on watch-house, as per bill rendered and certificate of superintendent of police; to A. J. Radcliffe, q eighteen dollars and fifty-one cents, ($18 51,) for sundries furnished for use of Corporation in 1864 and 1865, as per bill rendered; to James F. Essex, ^ ninety dollars, ($90,) for livery of Corporation horse from September 30, 1865, to January, 1866, as per bill rendered; to Wm. II. Chamberlin, twenty-one dollars and twenty-seven cents, ($21 27,) for blacksmithing, as per bill rendered. Approved January 5, 1866. A RESOLUTION for fitting out new lamp posts on Jefferson street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of r- the Corporation of Georgetown , That Mr. Charles Memmert is hereby author- ® ized to furnish lamps to the posts lately placed on Jefferson street ; and the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay for the same when the bill is presented to 2 him, the charge to be the same as heretofore paid. ^ Approved January 5, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to night schools. £ Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of jthe Corporation of Georgetown , That the Board of Guardians of the public j^schools be, and it is hereby, authorized, in its discretion, to establish one or ^gmore night school or schools, in such locality as may be deemed best, and pay the expenses thereof out af the school fund. c Approved January 5, 1866. k AN ORDINANCE for the removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Coun- cil of the Corporation of Georgetoim , That the tenant, occupant, and in any 4 case where there shall be no tenants, the owners, or any person having the care ef any building or improved lot of ground bordering on any street or open space in this town, where there is any footway or sidewalk, shall, after the ceasing to fall of any snow, if in daytime, within six hours, and if in the night, before one o’clock in the forenoon succeeding, cause the same to be removed therefrom ; and in default thereof shall forfeit and pay a sum not less than two, nor more than five dollars; and for every five hours thereafter, that the same shall remaim on such footway or sidewalks, such tenant, occu- pant, or owner shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than fifty cents, nor more than two dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the provisions of the foregoing section shall also apply to the falling of the snow from any building. Sec. 3. And be it f urther ordained , That whenever the sidewalk, or any part thereof, adjoining any building or lot of ground on any street, shall be encum- bered with ice, it shall be the duty of the occupant, and in case there is no occupant, the owner, or any person having the care of such building or lot, to cause the sidewalk to be made safe and convenient by removing the ice therefrom, or by covering the same with sand or some other suitable sub- stance ; and in case the owner or occupant shall neglect to do so for the space of six hours during the daytime, he, she, or they shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than two, nor more than ten dollars for every day the same shall continue so encumbered ; said fines to be collected as other fines for the vio- lations of the ordinances of this Corporation. Approved January 5, 1866. AN ORDINANCE for paving footway on the west side of Yalley street. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Coun- cil of the Corporation oj Georgetown , That every proprietor of a lot of ground on the west side of Valley street, from West street to the intersection of Road street, be, and the same are hereby, required to pave, or to have paved by the first day of June next, the footway in front of all the lots and parts of lots aforesaid, to the full width, with good hard brick and sharp sand, and in conformity to the established grade of said street, and subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Streets. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That there be, and is hereby, levied and imposed a tax of seventy-five cents per front foot on all lots and parts of lots within the limits aforesaid, which shall remain unpaved on the first day of June next, and within twelve days thereafter, the Clerk is hereby directed to prepare and deliver to the Collector a table of said lots and parts of lots, in front of which said paving shall not have been done as herein directed, with the number of feet in each, and the name of the persons to whom the same are respectively assigned, who shall proceed to collect the •1 . : 5 said tax in the manner prescribed by the charter of the town, and pay over the same as collected to the Clerk, and close his collections on or before the first day of September next, retaining four per cent for his commission thereon. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That if the owners of any of the lots aforesaid, or parts of lots, shall not have their pavements laid on the first day of June next, as is required by the first section of this ordinance, then the said lots or parts of lots are declared liable to the tax levied and imposed by the second section of this ordinance,' or so much thereof as may be deemed necessary by the Commissioner of said improvement ; and upon the requisi- tion of said Commissioner in writing, stating the amount required from each proprietor, the Clerk is hereby required to furnish the Collector the table thereof as herein directed, and the Collector to make the collections as before provided. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That the Commissioner has full pow- er hereunto to draw and expend the net proceeds of said tax for the purpose aforesaid, who shall account therefor to the said Clerk on or before the first day of September next. Approved January 5, 1866. A RESOLUTION appointing water tappers. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That S. W. Waters & Brother be, and they are hereby, appointed water tappers of water mains of Georgetown, D. C., at the rate of three dollars and fifty cents per tap ; and that all ordinances or resolutions to the contrary be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved January 12, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Palmer & Bro. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk pay to the order of Palmer & Bro. eight dollars for repairing gutters and spouting on new market house as per bill, and charge same to market house fund. Approved January 12, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay claim of John P. Yon Essen. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, author- ized to pay to the order of John P. Yon Essen the sum of eleven dollars, amount of his account in full to date. Approved January 12, 1866. i 6 A RESOLUTION in relation to the vote in regard to negro suffrage. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor he, and he is hereby, re- quested to communicate to the President of the United States, the President of the Senate of the United States, and Speaker of the House of Represen- tatives, at his earliest convenience, the result of the election held in this town on the 28th of December last, in regard to negro suffrage; and that in said communication he do give a comparative statement of the votes polled in this town at elections held therein during the past four years. Approved January 12, 1866. AN ORDINANCE entitled an ordinance supplementary to “An ordinance respecting the sweeping of chimneys within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of George- town, and providing for the appointment of a superintendent of sweeps, approved 30th April, 1825,” and to an ordinance entitled “An ordinance amending an ordi- nance in relation to the sweeping of chimneys,” approved January 16. 1864. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That no other person than the superin- tendent or superintendents of sweeps provided for in the ordinance to which this is a supplement, or the person or persons employed by him or them, shall sweep chimneys within the jurisdiction of the Corporation of George- town, under the penalty of twenty dollars for each and every offence ; to be recovered as fines and penalties, under the ordinances of this Corporation, are recovered. Approved January 12, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of certain persons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay to the order of G. B. Barnard & Co., one hundred and twenty-six dollars and seventy-two cents, ($126 72,) and eleven dollars and twenty-five cents. ($11 25,) as per bills rendered. To the order of Charles Memmert. ninety- eight dollars and sixty cents, ($98 60, for repairing lamps, &c., as per bill rendered. To the order of the proprietors of the National Intelligencer, sixty-six dollars and twenty-five cents, ($66 25,) for advertising, as per bill rendered. To the proprietors of the rooms used for election on the 28th Decem- ber, 1865, — 1st precinct, $5, — 2d precinct, $5, — 3d precinct, $5, — and 4th precinct, $5, amounting to twenty dollars, ($20.) as per bill rendered. To the order of the President of the Georgetown Gaslight Company, one hundred and thirty-eight dollars and fifteen cents, ($138 15,) as per bill rendered. To the order of J. C. Hieston & Co., one hundred and forty-two dollars, ($142,) for al furnished for use of Corporation, as per bill rendered. Approved January 12, 1866. 7 AN ORDINANCE levying a general tax and special direct taxes, for the year 1866. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Coun- cil of the Corporation of Georgetown , That there shall be, and hereby is, levied and imposed a direct tax of seventy (70) cents on each and every one hundred dollars of the assessed value of real and personal property within the corporate limits liable to ‘taxation, as the same shall stand valued and assessed on the books of assessment for the year eighteen hundred 'and sixty- six, on file in the office of the Clerk of the Corporation, when the assessment for the said year is complete. And there shall also be, and hereby is, levied and imposed a special tax of five cents for the Metropolitan Railroad debt, fifteen cents for the gas tax, and ten cents for additional compensation to the Metropolitan police force ; the said several sums on each and every one hun- dred dollars of the assessed value of real and personal property liable to tax- ation, as the same shall stand valued on the books of assessment aforesaid : excepting, in each case, public burying-grounds, the Female Orphan Asylum, and houses of public religious worship ; and the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby directed to keep separate accounts of the receipts and expenditures of the taxes hereby levied and imposed, and to apply the five cents to the Metropolitan Railroad debt, according to the provisions of a law of Congress, entitled “An act authorizing the corporate authorities of Georgetown to impose additional taxes, and for other purposes,” approved March 2, 1865; and the ten cents for the additional compensation to the Metropolitan police, according to the provisions of the act of Congress, being the General Appro- priation Bill, approved June 25, 1864, and to no other purpose or purposes. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That so much of sections 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, of an ordinance of this Corporation, entitled “An ordinance levying a general tax, and special direct taxes for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and providing for the support of public schools,” approved February 14, 1863, as are applicable to, and not inconsistent with this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby, made and ordained a part of this ordinance. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That the collector of the taxes hereby imposed shall, on the closing of the respective accounts, be allowed, as com- pensation for his services, four per centum on the amount of taxes levied, any ordinance, or part of an ordinance, to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved January 12, 1866. JOINT RESOLUTION authorizing new assessment books. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Tax Collector be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to procure a book or books suitable and sufficient, to be labelled and known as the Assessment Rooks, in which he shall have 8 recorded a full, legal, and complete description of all real and personal property within the corporate limits assessed, or assessable for taxation, to be made under the direction of the Recorder. Sec. 2. And be it further resolved , That on the completion of said book or books, and their approval by the Recorder, the Assessors for the time being, and thereafter from time to time, as the assessment shall be made, shall certify the same on said book or books, in such form as the Recorder shall direct Sec. 3. And be it further resolved , That to enable the Collector to carry this resolution into effect, he is hereby authorized to employ some suitable person or persons, at a reasonable compensation, to be approved by the Mayor, who shall, under his supervision, and the direction of the Recorder, and for the faithful and proper discharge of whose duties said Collector shall be responsible, record the property as before mentioned ; and the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized to pay the needful expenses of said records, on the certificate of the Collector, approved by the Recorder, and charge the same to the general fund. Approved January 12, 1866. AN ORDINANCE establishing certain grades of flour, and for other purposes. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Coun- cil of the Corporaiion of Georgetown, That from and after the passage of this ordinance there shall be, and hereby is, established within these corpo- ate limits, the following grades of flour, to wit: First, Family ; Second. Extra ; Third, Superfine; Fourth, Fine; Fifth, 1st Middlings, and Sixth. 2 d Middlings, Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the Mayor be, and he hereby is. authorized to appoint, with the approval of the Board of Aldermen, three good and competent judges of flour, upon the recommendation of not' less than three millers and three dealers in flour, who are not practical millers, as Com- missioners of Flour Inspection, whose duty it shall be, on the first day of Feb- ruary next, and quarterly thereafter, to select a standard for each grade of flour named in the first section hereof, and to furnish the same to the Inspec- tor of Flour, for the time being for his government ; also, that there is here- by established two grades of Rye Flour, viz. : First and Second quality. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, That on any person or persons consid- ering himself or themselves aggrieved, the matter in dispute shall be sub- mitted to the Commissioners authorized by section 2d, for final decision, and if said decision is against the owner of the flour, said owner shall pay the cost of said reference ; and if against the Inspector of Flour, the Inspector shall pay said cost : and each of said three Commissioners is hereby author- 9 ized to demand and receive the sum of five dollars for each demand for his services as arbitrator. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That all ordinances or resolutions, or parts thereof, inconsistent or in conflict with this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved January 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION for laying a flag footway on Frederick street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets is hereby authorized and instructed to have a flag footway laid on the east side of Fred- erick street, across Third street, and the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized to pay for the same when the proper voucher is presented to him. Approved January 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION repealing that portion of the eleventh section of an ordinance for the government of the New Market that prohibits smoking. ’ Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That so much of the eleventh section of an Ordinance for the Government of the New Market House, and other pur- poses, approved May 27th, 1865, that prohibits smoking in the Market House and market limits, is hereby repealed. xVpproved January 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the Commerce of Georgetown. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor be requested to ask that the words “ and Georgetown” be inserted in the Bill 551, at the end of line 10, Sec. 4, reported by Mr. Morrill in the Senate of the United States, and ask such other alterations as the Mayor and the B.ecorder may deem best for the interests of Georgetown. Approved January 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the Clerk’s Salary. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the compensation for the services of the Clerk of the Corporation be at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum, payable monthly. Approved January 19, 1866. « 10 A RESOLUTION confirming the officers elected at the annual meeting of the Vigi- lant Fire Company, on the 4th of January, 1866. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetoivn, That the following gentlemen are confirmed as officers of the Vigilant Fire Company of Georgetown for the present year, viz. : Han. C. Addison, President; Antony Bodier, Vice-President; Hugh G. Devine, Secretary; John Q. Larman, Treasurer; "YVm. E. Owens, Chief Engineer; James Simmons, 1st Asst. Engineer; Edmund Pettit, 2d Asst. Engineer ; Travis Cocker, Keeper of Hall. Approved January 19, 1866. ORDINANCE defining the duty of the Collector of Taxes at the time of election. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That prior to each and every annual elec- tion for Mayor, Board of Aldermen, and Board of Common Council of this Corporation, and every special election by order of this Corporation for any purpose, that it shall be, and is hereby, made the duty of the Collector of Taxes, to appoint some suitable persons, as assistant Collectors, at each of the four voting precincts of this town, and said assistants are hereby author- ized to receipt in the name of the Collector of Taxes, for all school taxes that may be paid to them upon the day of election, and for that day only, and his receipt shall be a good and sufficient receipt against the Corporation for all taxes paid to and receipted for by him. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the Collec- tor of Taxes to have prepared a list of the voters resident in each of the four precincts of the town, with the amount of tax due and payable by them to the Corporation for school tax, and opposiie each name and amount shall be written “ paid” or “unpaid,” and the assistant collector shall be fur- nished with a copy of this list for the precinct to which he is appointed ; and further, that the Collector shall furnish to each of the said assistants tax bids in blank to be filled up and receipted upon the payment of the tax found to be due upon the said list at either of the four precincts of the town. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That in any case where the name of a qualified voter of the town may from neglect or other cause be left off the list in the possession of the assistant collector, he may call upon the Collec- tor at his office and pay his tax and take his receipt therefor, which shall be good and sufficient evidence to the judges of election that his taxes have been paid. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained \ That nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to release the Collector of Taxes, or his bond, from any 11 responsibility for the money, or any part thereof, that may be collected by the said Assistant Collector. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That the rate of compensation of the Assistant Collector of Taxes, provided for under this ordinance, shall be the same as one of the judges of election, and shall be paid out of any money in the treasury to the credit of the general fund, not otherwise appropriated. Approved January 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the Poor and Workhouse. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, ($250,) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the general fund, to be paid by the Clerk to the order of the Committee of the Poor and Work House, for the purpose of further repairs of the Poor and Work House. Approved January 26, 1866. RESOLUTION remitting fine imposed upon M. L. Williams. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the fine imposed upon M. L. Williams by Justice Buckey, for violation of market house law, be and the same is hereby remitted. Approved January 26, 1866. A 1 RESOLUTION for appointing some suitable person to take charge of the New Market House Hall. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Robert McPherson be, and is hereby, appointed to take charge of the hall over the new market house, whose duty shall be under the power and restriction as now governing the Market House Committee, provided in an ordinance approved May 27, 1865. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the said Robert McPherson to open and close said hall for parties, and be in attend- ance at all times when the hall is in use, to prevent thoughtless and malicious persons from injuring the hall and furniture therein ; and it shall be the duty of the said Robert McPherson to keep the hall in a neat and cleanly condi- tion at all times. For which services the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay to the order of the said Robert McPherson two hundred dollars per annum? in quarterly payments, and charge the same to the Market House Fund. Approved January 26, 1866. V 12 A RESOLUTION for paying deficiency for improvement on Frederick street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of seventeen and a half cents is hereby levied and imposed on all lots and parts of lots fronting or bounding on Frederick street, between Seventh and Fourth streets, for the purpose of paying deficiency on improvement of the same. Sec. 2. Resolved further , That the Clerk of the Corporation shall have power to pay the net amount of said tax when collected in defraying the deficiency for curbing and guttering Frederick street, between Fourth and Seventh streets. Sec. 3. Resolved further , That the above tax shall be collected in the manner set forth by an ordinance, passed and approved February the eigh- teenth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, entitled an ordinance for the improvement of Frederick street. Approved January 26 , 1866 . A RESOLUTION in favor of certain persons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay to the order of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, fifty-five dollars and one cent, fees in case of Elias A. Eliason and Charles D. Welch, as per bill rendered and Recorder’s certificate of correctness; to the order of Walter Godey thirteen dollars and fifty cents, ($13 50,) for ice furnished from May 17th to November 1st, 1865, one-half peck per day, as per bill rendered; to J. G. Kayser two dollars and fifty cents, ($2 50,) for making keys, &c., as per bill rendered. Approved January 26 , 1866 . A RESOLUTION in favor of certain persons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay to the order of T. H. Donohue & Co. one hundred and eighty-eight dollars and sixty-eight cents, ($188 68,) as per two bills rendered, one for $54 and one for $134 68; to the order of the proprietor of the Evening Star forty-nine dollars and fourteen cents, ($49 14,) for advertising, as per bill rendered; to the order of Charles Memmert forty-eight dollars and fifty cents, ($48 50,) as per bills rendered; to the order of J. F. Collins and E. J. Shoemaker forty-eight dollars, ($48,) for making and correcting new poll list, eight days each, at three dollars per day; to the order of the proprietors of the George- town Courier thirty-seven dollars, for advertising, as per bill rendered; to the order of 0. M. Palmer twenty-five dollars and three cents, ($25 03,) 13 I being one-fourth of amount expended for Orphan’s Court of Washington, D. C., as per voucher from" Clerk of Levy Court; to the order of Buckey & Marbury seventeen dollars and thirty-one cents ($17 31,) as per bill rendered; to the order of Jenkin Thomas eleveu dollars and seventy-five cents (11 75,) as per bill rendered; to the order of George M. Lightfoot nine dollars and thirty-five cents ($9 35) for glazing at market house, as per bill rendered nnd certificate of Market Master. Approved January 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for sweeping and cleaning the Market House. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of seventy-five dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated to he paid by the Clerk of the Corporation to the order of the market master, at the rate of twelve dollars and fifty cents per month, for sweeping and cleaning the New Market House until 1st July, 1866. Approved February 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing an additional appropriation for the purchase of a cart. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of fifteen dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated in addition to the sum of seventy-five dollars already appropriated by the Corporation for the purchase of a cart for the use of this Corporation. Approved February 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting the use of hall over New Market House to Potomac Hose Co., free of charge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Potomac Hose Co. be permitted to use the hall over the New Market House on the night of the 22d of Febru- ary for the purpose of giving a ball in it on that night. Approved February 2, 1866. . A RESOLUTION to pay certain bills. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of forty-five dollars and sixty- two cents is hereby appropriated and ordered to be paid to James V. Collins for work done to side walk bounding Mr. Chapman’s property, and fronting Mr. Beubin Daw’s property, and the Collector of Taxes is herbby instructed to collect their respective amounts from Messrs. Chapman and Daw. Approved February 2, 1866. 14 A RESOLUTION for laying flag footway, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets be, and he is hereby, authorized to have constructed the following flag footways, viz. : One across Water street, on the east side of Potomac street; one on the West side of Green street across Beall street, and one on west side of Green across Dunbarton street; also one across Market street on north side of Second street, and that the cost of the same be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation ' to the order of the Commissioner out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved February 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of certain persons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay to the order of Godey & Rheam twenty-two dollars and fifty cents ($>22. 50,) for nine barrels of lime as per bill rendered ; to the order of the Publisher of the Daily Morning Chronicle thirteen dollars ($13,) balance due for adver- tising as per bill rendered. Approved February 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to Lighting Washington street, between Bridge and Water streets, with gas. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown ) That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to request the President and Directors of the Georgetown Gas Light Co. to have laid on Washington street, from south side of Bridge street to north side of Water street, a gas main of sufficient size to supply gas to all property holders, and four lamp posts, to be located by the Mayor, viz. : two on north side of canal and two south side of canal. Approved February 9, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of John Oldfield & Brother. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of ninety-five dollars ($95,) be, and the same is hereby, appropriated to pay to the order of John Old- field & Brother for his bill for the repair of pumps by order of the Mayor, as per message of the Mayor, dated February 8, 1866. Approved February 16, 1866. 15 I A RESOLUTION for the purchase of stoves for the Market House Hall. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetoivn , That the sum of seventy-five dollars, or as much thereof as is necessary, he, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk to the order of the Market House Committee, for one large and two small stoves for use of Market House Hall. Approved February 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION for laying flag footway on First street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetoivn , That the Street Commissioner is hereby authorized and instructed t<^ have a flag footway laid across First street, on west side of Frederick street, and the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized to pay for the same on the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved February 16, 1866. AN ORDINANCE supplementary to an ordinance entitled an “ordinance for the renting and regulation of the fish wharf/’ approved February 5, 1853. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That hereafter the sealed proposals authorized by the ordinance to which this is supplementary, shall be accom- panied with security, to be approved by the Mayor, that the party proposing to rent the fish wharf shall take the same at the amount offered by him, if his bid be accepted. Approved February 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION in regard to the Channel. Whereas it is important to the general interest of this town that the chan- nel leading to its wharves should be kept open, and all facilities afforded to its large and increasing Coal and Flour trade, therefore Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the faith of this Corporation is pledged that the fund known as the Harbor Fund shall be expended in widening and deepening the Channel, together with any other aid, from time to time, as the funds of the Corporation may sllow. Approved February 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay expenses of Poor and "Work House for the quarter ending Dec. 31, 1865. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Boa;d of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation pay to the 16 order of the Trustee of the Poor and Work House eleven hundred and forty- two dollars and sixteen cents ($1142 16,) in full for expenses of Poor and Work House, for quarter ending December 31, 1865, the said Trustees fur- nishing to the Clerk the proper vouchers. Approved February 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the “Direct Tax,” payable by Georgetown. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of Vie Corporation of Georgetown , That Charles M. Matthews, of the Board of Aldermen, and Anthony Hyde, and W. H. Craig, of the Board of Common Council, be, and they are hereby, appointed and constituted a committee to confer and agree with the authorities of. the city of Washington and the Levy Court, as to the proportion of the “Direct Tax,” apportioned to the District of Columbia, payable by Georgetown. Approved February 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of certain persons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Godey & Bheam nine dollars and fifty cents ($9 50) for lime furnished, as per bill rendered ; to the order of Edward Hannaway fifteen dollars and twenty-five cents ($15 25,) for repairs of pumps, &c., as per bill rendered, with Mayor’s letter of the 8th of February, 1866. Approved February 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay the Board of Appeals. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporatian pay to the order of Geo. W. Beall, W. H. Godey, and Doctor C. H. Cragin fifty dollars each, for services as Board of Appeals on the late assessment. Approved February 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the removal of a gas post on West street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Trustees of the Presbyterian Church of Georgetown be allowed to move the ga§ post in front of their parsonage on West street, and place the same in front of West street Chapel, they pay- ing all expenses, and that the M. E. Church on Dunbarton street be allowed the privilege of removing the gas light on said street to and in front of said church, the trustees of said church paying the expenses for said removal. Approved February 24, 1866. 17 A RESOLUTION increasing the pay of the attending physician to the Poor and Work- house. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the first day of January, 1866, the salary of the physician to the Poor and Workhouse shall be one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, and any ordinance or part of an ordinance conflicting be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved February 24, 1866. JOINT RESOLUTIONS for the abatement of a nuisance. Whereas, by a communication from the Mayor, dated November 7th, 1865, the attention of the Council is called to the existence of a nuisance, in certain open streams running through the town, offensive to the citizens and delete- rious to health : Therefore be it Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the open stream running through the square bounded by First, Fayette, Second, and Frederick streets, and the open stream running through the square bounded by Washington, Beall, Green, and Dunbarton streets, are hereby declared to be nuisances. Resolved further , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, requested to notify the owners of the property through which said nuisances exist, to abate the same by the erection of suitable brick arches, to correspond in size and material with those with which they will have to connect, and to be approved by the Mayor. Resolved further , That if the said work shall not be completed within four months after said notification, it shall then be the duty of the Mayor, and he is hereby authorized and requested to have the said work done by contract, first giving at least ten days’ public notice, and awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, the cost of the same to be assessed in just propor- tion, to be determined by the Mayor, on the property binding on said arches, and may be collected by distress and sale of the same as in the case of other taxes due the Corporation, for the sum of the cost thereof, together with two per centum per annum interest thereon, from the date of the Mayor’s approval of the work. Approved February 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of certain persons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the order of T. H. Donohue & Co. sixty-one dollars and fifteen cents ($61 15,) as per bill rendered and recommendation of the Mayor; to the ojrder 2 18 of E. J. Shoemaker and J. F. Collins sixty dollars for services in making the additional assessment (new buildings, &c.,) for the year 1865, as per bill rendered, and to the order of the proprietors of the Georgetown Courier two hundred and thirty-five dollars ($235) for printing, &c., per bill rendered. Approved February 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION endorsing the policy of the President of the United States. Whereas the citizens of Georgetown, D. C., with a full knowledge of our position in favor of the policy of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, for the restoration of all the lately rebellious States to their former status in the Union, have, by an unprecedented majority, entrusted to us the interests and welfare of our beloved town, and thereby pledged themselves to sustain said policy : Therefore be it Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , at this our first meeting for business , That we hereby renew the pledge we gave to our constituents prior to the election, to support and uphold the President of the United States in his firm and unalterable purpose to stand by the Constitution of the country, and by a wise and generous statesmanship to restore union, prosperity, and happiness to a long-suffering and distracted people. Resolved , That the Mayor, Recorder, and President of the Common Coun- cil be appointed a committee to present a copy of the above preamble and resolution to the President of the United States. Approved March 9, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the renting of the fish wharf. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Charles M. Matthews, of the Board of Aldermen, and Esau Pickrell, of the Board of Common Council, be, and they are hereby, appointed a committee to act in conjunction with the Mayor in relation to the sale of the fish wharf for the ensuing year; and they are hereby authorized to act according to their best discretion and judgment, to effect a sale of said wharf in a manner the most advantageous to the interests of this Corporation. That all resolutions or ordinances inconsistent herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved March 9, 1866. JOINT RESOLUTION in relation to Green, Congress, Bridge, and High streets. Whereas at the intersection of Green and Bridge, Congress and Bridge, and High and Bridge streets, the gutters at each of these streets are so disar- ranged by the rails of the Washington and Georgetown Passenger Railroad 19 Oo. as to impede the passage of any large volume of water, endangering and inconveniencing the travelling public generally, be it therefore Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, requested to confer with the President and Directors of said road, and request them to have said gutters widened and deepened, and arched with suitable and secure iron flagging on a level with said streets ; and is requested to report the result of said conference to these Boards. Approved March 9, 1866. A RESOLUTION approving certain nominations. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen , That the appointment by the Mayor of A. Boss Bay, Benjamin Darby, and William Clabaugh as “Commission- ers of Flour Inspection,” be, and the same is hereby, approved. Passed March 15, 1866. A RESOLUTION appointing a Committee to represent the interests of Georgetown before Congress. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, Becorder, President of the Board of Common Council, Henry D. Cooke, and Wm. H. Bohrer, be a Com- mittee to represent the interests of the town before Congress until otherwise ordered. Approved March 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the New Market House. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, directed to have a footway (plank or otherwise, according to his discretion,) placed at the south end of the New Market House, so that a more easy access may be had to the fish market, and charge the expense of same to the market house fund. Approved March 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the payment of room rent of the Judges of Election. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and, Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized to pay, upon presentation of proper vouchers, the following sums : For room rent in the first election precinct, five dollars; for room rent in the second election precinct, five dollars ; for room rent in the third election pre- cinct, five dollars ; for room rent in the fourth election precinct, five dollars. Approved March 16, 1866. 20 A RESOLUTION granting the use of Town Hall for certain purposes. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the use of the town hall is hereby granted to the ladies of Georgetown, for the purpose of holding a fair, the proceeds of which is to aid in raising a fund to purchase a library for the Georgetown Public Schools. Approved March 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION to maintain the requisite depth of water in the channel of the Potomac River above the Long Bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That in order to maintain a depth of water in the channel of the Potomac River, above the Long Bridge, requisite to the commerce of the town, the Corporation do hereby pledge that all money, due as interest, and unpaid at the time of the passage of this resolution, or that may hereafter become due, on thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) Repair Bonds of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, and also on five thous- and dollars ($5000) Exchange Bonds of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, (now held by the Corporation,) when collected, be and hereby is, reserved and set aside for that especial purpose, and the Clerk of the Corpo- ration be, and hereby is, instructed to place the same to the credit of the Harbor Fund. Approved March 16, 1866. AN ORDINANCE to provide for keeping in repair the public hydrants of the town. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Coun- cil of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passage of this ordinance, the Water Engineer shall advertise for ten successive days, in some daily paper, printed and published in the District of Columbia, for proposals to keep the public hydrants of this town in repair for one year from the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the bidder to state, first, the amount per hydrant, including the whole number now stand- ing, and distinguishing between the different kinds now in existence; and. second, the amount per hydrant for furnishing and erecting complete, in running order, such new hydrants as may be ordered by the Corporation, specifying the style of the hydrant he may propose, as substitutes for such lamp-post hydrants as may become defective or unfit for use, or otherwise. Provided , that the number of hydrants now standing may be reduced, at the pleasure of this Corporation. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the Water Engineer be, and hereby is, required to submit such bids and proposals as he may receive un- 21 der said advertisements to this Corporation, for such award as said Corpora- tion may deem proper, and on the acceptance of such bid or bids, if any, the said Water Engineer shall enter into a written contract with the party or parties designated to keep in constant repair and fit for service, for one year, such hydrants as are now standing; and to renew any lamp-post hydrant, or substitute the same by a new one of such different description as may be ordered by the Corporation, upon such terms as may be set forth in the bid, and directed in this ordinance. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That the contractor, at the time of entering into contract, shall execute a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, with two good and sufficient sureties, said bond and sureties to be approved by the Recorder, for the faithful and prompt performance of his contract. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the con- tractor, within forty-eight hours after receiving written notice from the Water Engineer, or any officer of this Corporation, of the defective condition of any hydrant embraced in his contract, to complete the repairs of the same ; and on his refusal or neglect so to do, it shall be the duty of the Water Engineer to cause said work to be done by any other person, and charge the cost thereof, together with three dollars per day for each and every day after the expira- tion of said forty-eight hours that such defective hydrants may remain unfit for use, as liquidated damages against the contractor’s bond, and any moneys thereafter to become payable, or that may then be due and payable to said contractor. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That all work authorized and executed under this ordinance shall be payable and paid for out of the general fund j and the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized and required to pay the same quarter-yearly on proper vouchers, after the same shall have received the written approval of the Water Engineer, reserving ten per centum of the gross- amount thereof, until the final and complete fulfilment of the terms of the contract. Approved March 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION instructing the Committee before Congress. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Committee to represent the inter- ests of this Corporation before Congress be, and hereby is, instruced to pre- sent to Congress, at the earliest possible opportunity, the accompanying memorial, in relation to the Alexandria Aqueduct. Approved March 17, 1866. 22 A RESOLUTION in relation to cleaning the Fish Market. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized to have a service-pipe inserted in the south wall of the Market House, connecting with the pipe now there, in order to afford water for washing out the Fish Market, and that he purchase 25 feet of hose of proper size to be used on said pipe for the purposes aforesaid, and that the expense thereof be paid by the Clerk to the order of the Mayor, and charged to the Market House fund. Approved March 23, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the Market House. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the market master be, and he is hereby, authorized to procure for the use of the town market a correct Balance Scales, a Yark Stick, and a Standard £oz., loz., and 2oz. Weights, and that the expenses thereof be paid by the Clerk, to the order of the market master, on proper vouchers, and be charged to the market house fund. Approved March 30, 1866. A RESOLUTION for repairing Bridge street bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of forty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be neccessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, and subject to the order of the Street Commissioner, to defray the expense of the necessary repairs of Bridge street bridge. Approved March 30, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay claim of M. J. Adler. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation •of Georgetown , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, author- ized to pay to the order of M. J. Adler twelve dollars and thirty-five cents, the amount of his bill for articles furnished for the use of the poor and workhouse. Approved March 30, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of the proprietors of the Georgetown Courier. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of the pro- prietors of the Georgetown Courier the sum of thirty-one dollars and 23 seventy-five cents ($31 75,) being tbe amount of their bill for printing and for advertising from February 17, 1866, to March 10th, 1866. Approved March 30, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the repair of the pump at the corner of Sixth and Frederick street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, au- thorized to have the pump at the corner of Sixth and Frederick streets repaired so as to be capable of being used, at a cost of not exceeding fifteen dollars, and that the said sum of fifteen dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated for that purpose. Approved March 30, 1866. A RESOLUTION supplementary to a u resolution making an apprppriation for dredging the channel of the Potomac River, and for the purpose therein named, 57 approved November 8, 1865. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That there be, and is hereby, added to the amount appropriated by the resolution to which this is a supplement, the sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be provided for as is by said resolution prescribed. Approved March 30, 1866. A RESOLUTION of inquiry in relation to repair of pumps. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Water Commissioner be, and is hereby, requested to ascertain the number of pumps now out of repair, which have heretofore supplied good wholesome water for the use of the commu- nity, and report to these boards the probable cost of refitting said pumps, in order to make them available for the purposes herein mentioned. Approved March 30, 1866. A RESOLUTION making an additional appropriation for dredging the channel, and for the purposes therein named. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That in addition to the sums heretofore appropriated, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars be, and hereby is, appropriated for the purpose of dredging and deepening the channel of the Potomac River, and that a special committee, to consist of Messrs. J. C. Hieston and Jos. L. Simms, of the Board of Aldermen, and James Groddard, 24 William L. Dunlop, and Joseph Libbey, Jr., of the Board of Common Coun- cil, be appointed to request the appropriation of a like sum, for the same pur- pose, from the Corporation of Washington. Resolved further , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and hereby is, authorized to pay the same to the order of Messrs. Peter Berry, David Edes, George Bhinehart, and E. M. Linthicum, upon the presentation of proper vouchers that said work has been done to their satisfaction. Resolved further , That Peter Berry, David Edes. George Bhinehart, and E. M. Linthicum are hereby empowered to contract with proper parties for the performance of the work specified, and for the services of a superinten- dent of said work on the part of this Corporation, at a compensation not to exceed four dollars ($4 00) per day. Resolved further , That the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized, for the object aforesaid, to issue the stock of the Corporation to the amount of twenty-five hundred dollars, redeemable at the pleasure of this Corpora- tion, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi- annually. Resolved further , That the Clerk be authorized to pay the interest on the above stock out of the Harber Fund. Resolved further , That the Harbor Fund be, and hereby is, pledged to the redemption of said stock. Approved March 30, 1866. RESOLUTION in favor of Edward Hanaway. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Edward Hanaway, forty-five dollars ($45,) amount of his bill to February 24th, 1866, for work done on fire plugs, as per agreement with the Mayor. Approved April 6, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the removal of filth. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) be, and is hereby, appropriated to be expended under the direction of the Mayor in having removed all offensive and filthy matter from the prem- ises of all owners or occupants of property within the limits of this Corpora- tion ) said owners or occupants to have all such offensive matter collected and deposited in the street opposite or near their respective premises, to be taken away as above provided for. Approved April 6, 1866. 25 A RESOLUTION in favor of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of the Recorder the sum of twenty-six dollars and ninety-five cents, ($26 95,) being the amount of costs due the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in case 638 Equity Docket, instituted for the perfection of the title of this Corporation to part of Lot No. 47 in Peter, Beatty, Threlkeld, and Deakin’s addition. Approved Aprii 6, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the repair of scavenger cart. Resolved by the ftoard of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, author- ized and requested to have necessary repairs made to scavenger's cart, and that the sum of fifteen dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk to the order of the Mayor. Approved April 6, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of John E. Carter. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of this Corporation be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to John E. Carter the sum of two hundred dol- lars, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per centum per annum, from April 9th, 1863; and also forty-two dollars and thirty-eight cents, costs of suit in Cause No. 1072 on the Law Docket of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, being the cash and costs paid by said John E. Carter for part of Lot numbered eleven in Beatty & Hawkins’ amended addition, at a tax sale held on the said ninth day of April, 1863, and which sale was, by the said court, in the same cause, decided to be illegal ; together with all taxes subsequently accrued and paid on said Lot by the said John E. Carter. Resolved , That the Clerk is hereby directed to make out and deliver to the Collector a bill of said part of the unpaid taxes* owing on said part of said Lot, whether accrued before or after said sale, and that the Collector do proceed to collect the same in the speediest manner allowed by the laws of this Corporation, providing for the levying and collection of taxes. Approved April 6, 1866, 26 A RESOLUTION in regard to publishing notices of the’Mayor. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, aud he is hereby, requested to publish such public notices as he may have occasion to make in one paper in this town, and only some one daily newspaper published in Washington city. Approved April 13, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay certain claims. # Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Henry Polkinhorn & Son ten dollars, ($10,) amount of their bill for printing ; and to James F. Essex, seventy-five dollars, ($75,) amount of his bill of livery of Corporation horse, from Dec. 31st, 1865, to March 31st, 1866. Approved April 13, 186-6. A RESOLUTION appointing a committee of conference in relation to the market place. Whereas the owners of the premises known as the “Tobacco Warehouse,” and others doing business on said premises, are said to be desirous of conferring with the Corporation authorities, with a view to a settlement of the difficul- ties existing between said owners and others and said Corporate authorities, in relation to the occupancy of said premises, therefore Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Anthony Hyde and Joseph L. Simms, of the Board of Aldermen, and W. L. Dunlop, W. H. Wheatley, and George W. Orme, of the Board of Common Council, be, and they are hereby, appointed a committee to receive, consider, and report to this Cor- poration, any communication said owners and others may see fit to make, together with the views of the committee and the result of its examination and conference ; and that said report be made in writing as early as practi- cable Approved April 13, 1866. # A RESOLUTION in regard to the claims of the Coroner against this Corporation Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Charles M. Matthews, of the Board of Aldermen, and Wm. L. Dunlop and E. B. Barrett, of the Common Council, be appointed a committee on the part of this Corporation to arrange with the authorities of the city of Washington, and the Levy Court of this Dis- 27 trict, in regard to the claim of the Coroner against the authorities of the said District. Approved April 13, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of W. S. Cox. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of W. S. Cox the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, ($250,) being the amount of his bill for services as Recorder, for the year 1865. Approved April 20, 1866. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the Contingent Fund of the Clerk of the Corporation. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated as a Contingent Fund for the Clerk of the Corporation for the ensuing twelve months. Approved April 20, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Jesse D. Bright. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the assessment on the property of Jesse D. Bright be reduced to twenty-four thousand dollars, ($24,000,) for the year of 1865 and 1866, and that the Clerk of the Corporation credit the Tax Collector accordingly. Approved April 20, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Wm. L. Fletcher. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Wm. L. Fletcher the sum of thirteen dollars, ($13,) being the amount of his bill for repairing arches at Market House and at Bridge street bridge. Approved April 2 1, 1866. A RESOLUTION filling a vacancy in the Board of Trustees of the Corcoran Charity Fund. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Henry D. Cooke be, and he hereby is, appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the Corcoran Charity Fund, to fill a vacancy now existing therein. Approved April 27, 1866. 28 A RESOLUTION directing the Surveyor to make a plat of an alley. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Surveyor he, and he is hereby, directed to make a survey and plat of the alley which extends from J efferson street, to Congress street parallel with Bridge street, and in the rear of the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank and the buildings east of the same, which plat shall show its length, width, and proper grade, and the probable expense of placing the same in such condition as to secure the ready passage of water over its surface and prevent the accumulation of filth thereon, and to fit it for use as a public highway of the town. Approved April 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION for gravelling certain streets, and repairing of Paper Mill Bridge Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and fifty dol- lars be, and is hereby, appropriated to repair gravelled streets of the town, and the Clerk is authorized to pay the same to the order of the Commis- sioner of Streets, when the proper vouchers are presented. And be it further resolved , That twenty-five dollars be, ancT is hereby, appropriated for the repair of the Paper Mill Bridge. Approved April 27, 1866. RESOLUTION requesting the Mayor to organize a Board of Health in accordance with the ordinances of this Corporation. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, requested to organize immediately a Board of Health in this town, in accordance with the provisions of the ordinances of this Corporation, passed on June 26 and July 7, 1832. And be it further resolved , That the first section of the ordinance passed June 26th, 1832, be so amended as to read that the Board of Health shall be composed of one Physician and two citizens, not Physicians, for each pre- cinct into which the town is divided. Approved April 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of John Kaiser. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of John Kaiser the sum of fifty-one dollars and twenty-five cents, ($51 25,) being amount of his bill for repairing pumps, as per contract with the Mayor. Approved April 27, 1866. 29 A RESOLUTION for the Purchase of a carpet for the office of the Clerk of the Corporation. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, author- ized to purchase a suitable carpet for his office, and that the sum of seventy- five dollars, or so much as may be necessary, be appropriated for said purpose, Approved May 4, 1866, A RESOLUTION appointing a committee to revise the Charter. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Anthony Hyde, of the Board of Aider- men, and Wm. L. Dunlop, of the Board of Common Council, in conjunction with the Recorder, be, and they are hereby, appointed a Committee, with authority to compile and revise the existing Charter of the Town, and to modify or extend the same according to the present and future wants of the Town, with such changes or additions as said committee may deem advisable; and to report the result of their labors to the Councils as soon as practicable. Approved May 4, 1866. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to lay flag footways across Congress and Market streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets be requested to have a flag footway three feet six inches wide, of *suitable thickness, laid across Congress street, on the north line of Dunbarton, and the sum of thirty-five dollars, or so much as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay the cost of the same. And be it further resolved ', That thirty-five dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated to lay a flag footway across Market street, on the south side of Third street, to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets. Approved May 4, 1866. A RESOLUTION for restoring and repairing certain pumps. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to restore such of the public pumps of the town as may be worn out and unfit for use, and to make partial repairs of such others as may be found out of order, and that the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated for that purpose, and that the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized to pay that sum to the order of the 30 Mayor, from time to time, as the same may be needed, and on the presenta- tion of proper vouchers, approved by a majority of the Committee on Pumps; and provided, moreover, that none of the said pumps shall be repaired or restored, unless a majority of the Committee on Pumps shall approve of and sanction such repairs or restoration in writing. Approved May 4, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to dwelling-houses or tenements. Whereas it is reported by the Sanitary Officer, detailed by the Metropoli- tan Police Commissioners, that there are many dwelling-houses or tenements within the limits of this Corporation that are totally unprovided with privies, or any substitute therefor, thereby creating a nuisance and endangering the health of the town, and there being no law compelling owners or agents of said tenements to provide the same, therefore be it Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That on and after the passage of this resolution, and twenty days’ public notice shall have been given by the Mayor, it shall be unlawful for any owner or owners to occupy, rent, or cause to be rented, any dwelling-house or tenements, without providing for each and every dwell- ing-house or tenement a suitable privy for the use of the occupant of such dwelling-house or tenement; and if any owner, or owners, or agent shall refuse or neglect to provide such privy, he shall, or they shall, forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars ($5) for each and every week of such neglect or refusal ; said fine to be collected as other fines are under the laws of this Corporation. Seo. 2. And be it further resolved , That it is hereby made the duty of the Mayor to cause to be inspected any or all buildings or tenements as often as he may deem necessary or proper, to see if they are provided or being provided with suitable privies, and if not, then to enforce the penalties as provided in the foregoing resolution. Approved May 4, 1866. A RESOLUTION making an additional appropriation for dredging the channel. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That, in addition to the sums heretofore appropriated for said purpose, the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby author- ized to pay to the order of Messrs. Peter Berry, David Edes, George Rhine- liart, and Edward ftt. Linthicum, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of dredging and deep- ening the channel of the Potomac River: Provided , said amount be suffi- cient to finish said work ; said sum to be paid said parties upon presentation of proper vouchers that said work has been done to their satisfaction. 31 Resolved further , That the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized, for the object aforesaid, to issue the stock of this Corporation to the amount of twenty-five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, redeemable at the pleasure of this Corporation, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, interest payable semi-annually. Resolved further. That the Clerk be authorized to pay the interest on the above stock out of the Harbor Fund, and that said fund be, and the same is hereby, pledged to the redemption of said stock. Resolved further, That the sum of two hundred dollars, or so much there- of as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the payment of the balance due the superintendent of said work on the part of this Corporation ; and the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay the same to the order of the parties aforesaid upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved May 4, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing a contract with Win, Whelan & Co. Resolved hy the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he hereby is, authorized and requested to enter into a written contract with Wm. Whelan & Co. for erecting and repairing Hydrants and Fire Plugs and for tapping W ater Mains, for one year, in accordance with their proposal for the same, and that the Clerk of the Corporation pay the amount to become due under said con- tract, in four equal quarterly payments, from the date of the contract 4 reserving twenty per centum of said quarterly payments until the comple- tion of the contract. Resolved further , That the contract hereby authorized be prepared by the Recorder, empowering the Water Engineer, on failure of contractors to fulfil their contract, to procure the work to be done by any other party, and charge the cost thereof to the contractors as liquidated damages. Provided , That it is understood and hereby made a condition of the con- tracts provided for in this resolution, that the Bartholomew Hydrants “put down” at any time during the year, from the time of the making of said contract, are to be kept in repair by the said Wm. Whelan & Co. without cost to this Corporation. Provided further , That the “Meigs Hydrant,” at the corner of Bridge and Washington streets, be, and the same is hereby, included in the provision made for the repair of the other four Meigs Hydrants, under the aforesaid contract. Provided further , That said contract be made subject to the proviso in section one of an ordinance entitled “ an ordinance to provide for keeping in 32 repair the public hydrants of the town,” approved March 16, 1866, author- izing a reduction of the number of hydrants now standing. Approved May 4, 1866. A RESOLUTION for buoying Georgetown Channel. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, authorized and requested to wait on the Light House Board, to request them to have the Georgetown Channel, from the fork of the Channel at Gieeboro to Georgetown, buoyed out. Approved May 11, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay the expenses of the Poor and Workhouse for the quarter ending March 31st, 1866. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of M. Y. Buckey, Trustee of Poor and Workhouse, the sum of one thousand and sixty-three dollars and seven cents, ($1063 07,) amount of expenses of Poor and Workhouse for quarter ending March 31, 1866, as per bills accompany- ing trustee’s report. Approved May 11, 1866. A RESOLUTION to amend seetion 21 of the ordinance for the government of the new market house. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Word “Balls” in the latter clause of section 21 of the “Ordinance for the Government of the new market house and for other purposes,” approved 27th May, 1865, and also the words “ thirty-five dollars,” be stricken out of said section, and that the words “ sixteen dollars ” be inserted in the place of the said words “ thirty-five dollars ” in said section. Resolved farther , That the rate for balls, which are hereby authorized to be held in said market house hall, shall be not less than thirty-five dollars for a single night, subject to the restrictions of the 21st section aforesaid. Approved May II, 1866. A RESOLUTION instructing the Committee representing the interests of this town before Congress, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee representing the interests of this Corporation before Congress be, and are hereby, requested to take 33 immediate action to protest in the most emphatic manner possible against the passage of the bill now pending in the Senate for the resumption of the pow- ers delegated to Georgetown ; and that the Mayor be requested to obtain signatures of citizens to a protest to be presented to the Congress of the United States. Approved May 15, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the renting of the Magistrate’s office on High street, near the canal. Resolved by the Board of Aldermegi and Board of Common Council of the ' Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is, authorized to rent the office now occupied by Henry Reaver to said Reaver, for such a monthly rent as he may deem reasonable. Approved May 18, 1866. A RESOLUTION to suspend the ordinance entitled “ an ordinance for the improve- ment of Congress street,” approved December 5, 1865. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation, of Georgetown , That the execution of the ordinance entitled .“ an ordinance for the improvement of Congress street,” approved December 5, 1865, be, and the same is hereby, suspended until further notice. Approved May 18, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the renting of the wharf at the foot of High street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, author- ized and directed to rent to C. P. Houghton, Agent of New York and Wash- ington Steamship Line, the wharf at the southern termination of High street for one year, commencing from March 21st, 1866, at an annual rent of one hundred dollars, payable quarter-yearly, provided the aforesaid C. P. Hough- ton, agent, repair said wharf at his own expense, and shall not extend the wharf any further towards the channel of the river, and return the wharf to the Corporation at the expiration of twelve months in good repair. Approved May 18, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the repair of Bridge street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so much of the said sum as may be necessary, is hereby appropri- ated for repairing Bridge street, between High and Green streets, and the Clerk of the Corporation is instructed to pay to the Commissioner of Streets 3 34 the above sum, when the proper vouchers are presented, for said repair. The work to be done under the inspection of the Street Commissioner. Approved May 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION of thanks to the Commissioners on Channel Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That a vote of thanks is due, and is hereby tendered to Messrs. E. M. Linthicum, Peter Berry, George Rhinehart, and David Edes, commissioners for dredging the channel, and to TIenry Brewer. Esq., superintendent of the work, for faithfui services in prosecuting said work, with a saving to the Corporation of $637 from the appropriation for the prosecution of said work. Approved May 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the new market house. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Recorder be, and he is hereby, directed to examine and report upon the title of the Corporation to the ground occupied by the new market house, particularly with reference to the question of the reversion of the ground to the granters on its ceasing to be used as a market place. Approved May 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION instructing the Mayor in relation to a sewer on First street, near High. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, instruct- ed to notify the parties whose duty it is to keep in proper repair and condi- tion the private sewer on First street, near the intersection of High, that said sewer is now in want of repairs, and that he require them to have it properly repaired within ten days after his notice, requiring the repairs to be made, under a penalty of ten dollars per day for every day said sewer may remain unrepaired after the said expiration of ten days. Approved May 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the repair of cross gutters. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for the repair of cross gutters in the town, and the Clerk of the Corporation is instructed to pay to the Commissioner of Streets the above sum, when the proper vouchers are presented, for said repairs. The work to be done under tbe inspection of tbe Street Commissioner. Approved May 24, 1866, A RESOLUTION authorizing the purchase of a Surveyor’s Level, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That tbe Surveyor be, and he hereby is, authorized to purchase the Surveyor’s Level verbally reported by him, and to have the same put in complete order, the entire cost to be one hundred dol- lars, which sum is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund, to be paid by the Clerk to the order of the Surveyor, said level then to become the property of this Corporation. Resolved further , That the Surveyor be, and he hereby is, directed to dis- pose of the present level to the best advantage, and deposit the proceeds with the Clerk of the Corporation. Approved May &4, 1866, A RESOLUTION in favor of J, C. Hieston & Co. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of J. C. Hieston & Co. the sum of one hundred and two dollars and twenty-five cents, ($102 25,) being the amount of their bills against the Corporation for fuel furnished from January 17, 1866, to May 4, 1866. Approved May 24, 1866, AN ORDINANCE for the improvement of a part of West street. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, directed to prepare and deliver to the Collector a table of all lots and parts of lots of ground on each side of West street, between Montgomery street and as far east on West street as the curbing and gutter- ing has been laid, with the number of front feet of each, and the names of persons to whom they are respectively assessed. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That each owner of a lot or part of a lot of ground on said street as aforesaid, shall, by the 1st day of July next, pave or cause to be paved the footway in front of all lots or parts of lots aforesaid, not heretofore paved and not now in good order, with good hard brick, or good sharp sand, to the full width in front of improved property, and to the width of six feet front of improved property. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That there be, and is hereby, levied and imposed a tax of seventy-five cents per front foot on all lots and parts of 36 lots within the limits aforesaid remaining unpaved on the first day of July next, and within ten days thereafter the Collector shall proceed to collect the said tax in the manner prescribed by the Charter of the town, and pay over the same to the Clerk and close his collections on or before the first day of September next, retaining four per cent, for his commission thereon. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That if the owners of any of the lots aforesaid or parts of lots shall not have their pavements laid on the first day of July next, as is required by the second section of this ordinance, then the said lots or parts of lots are declared liable to the tax levied and imposed by the third section of this ordinance, or so much thereof as may be deemed necessary by the Commissioner of said improvements, and upon the requisi- tion of said Commissioner in writing, he shall have full power to draw and expend the net proceeds of said tax for the purpose aforesaid, who shall account therefor to the said Clerk on or before the first day of September next. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That flag footways be placed across Montgomery street on the north line of West street; across Mill street on the south line of West street; across West street on the east line of Mill street; and across Mill street on the north line of West street. The afore- said flag footways to be paved on each side with paving stone eighteen inches wide, with proper and suitable grade. And the sum of one hundred and forty dollars is hereby appropriated to be paid to the order of the Street Commissioner for that purpose. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That on the completion of the work herein authorized and provided for, the said Commissioner shall render his accounts and vouchers to the Clerk of the Corporation, to be laid before the Councils. x 4 Approved May 4, 1866. AN ORDINANCE amendatory of an ordinance, entitled 11 an ordinance 'for the improvement of a part of West street,” approved May 4, 1866. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the second section of the above ordi- nance be so amended as to add as follows: “ in accordance with the estab- lished grade of said street, and in a manner and with materials to be approved of by the Commissioner of Streets, and not otherwise. Approved May 25, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Wm. H. Harrover. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Wm. H. 37 Harrover the sum of six dollars and eighteen cents, ($6 18,) being the pro- portion due him from this Corporation for stove, purchased by the Levy Court, for the use of the Orphans’ Court. Approved May 25, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting Riley A. Shinn permission to tap water mains. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council oj the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby granted It. A. Shinn to tap the water mains, one on Washington and one on Bridge street, (near intersection of said streets,) with two inch taps, to enable him to sup- ply the Union Hotel Buildings with Potomac Water. Approved May 25, 1866. A RESOLUTION to abate a nuisance under the fish market. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, author- ized and instructed to have so much of the towpath of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal as lies immediately under the fish market, excavated to the depth of one foot, in order that the water of the said canal may flood the same, and thereby prevent the nuisance arising from the accumulation of filth under said fish market, and that the expense of the same be paid by the Clerk of this Corporation, to the order of the Mayor, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved June 1, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the appointment of additional Lamplighters. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Georgetown Gaslight Company be, and hereby is, authorized and directed to appoint two Lamplighters, in ad- dition to the two now in office, and perscribe their bounds and duties, so soon as it can be done without infringing upon the rights of the present incum- bents, in any existing contract with them : provided, that the compensation allowed the whole number, hereby authorized, shall not exceed, in the aggre- gate, the amount now allowed to those in service. Approved June 1, 1866. A RESOLUTION for laying a flag footway on Second street, across Frederick street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets is hereby instructed to have a flag footway laid across Frederick street on the north 38 line of Seeond street, and that the Clerk pay to the order of the Street Commissioner the sum of thirty-five dollars, for that purpose, upon the pre- sentation of proper vouchers. Approved June 1, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the repair of the Arch on the north side of Second * street, near High street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown . That the Commissioner of Streets is in- structed to have the chimney of the Arch on the north side of Second street, near High street, repaired, and the Clerk is hereby directed to pay to the order of the Street Commissioner the sum of eight dollars for that purpose, when the proper vouchers are presented. Approved June 1, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the repair of gutters. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred dollars is hereby appropriated for the repair of the gutters of the town, and the Clerk is instructed to pay the same to the order of the Commissioner of Streets, for said purpose, when the proper vouchers are presented. Approved June 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION to lay a flag footway across Prospect street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets be directed to have a flag footway laid across Prospect street parallel with the west side of Bank alley, and the Clerk is instructed to pay to the order of the Street Commissioner the sum of thirty-five dollars, for said work, upon the presenta- tion of proper vouchers. Approved June 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the repair of a flag footway across Washington street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets is instructed to have the flag footway across Washington street, on the south side of Bridge street, repaired in a suitable manner, and the Clerk is hereby directed to pay to the order of the Street Commissioner the sum of twenty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for said, work, when the proper vouchers are presented. Approved June 8, 1866. 39 A RESOLUTION for the .repair of the arch on Market street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor be, and is hereby, author- ized to have the arch on Market street, between First and Second, immedi- ately in rear of Joseph Libbey’s, Sr., repaired, and the Clerk be, and is hereby, authorized to pay to the order of the Mayor, on presentation of proper vouchers, such amount as is necessary to repair said arch. Approved June 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION to lay a flag footway across Bank Alley. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets be directed to have a flag footway laid across Bank alley, on the north line of Bridge street, aud the Clerk is instructed to pay to the order of the Street Commis- sioner the sum of twenty dollars, for said work, upon the presentation of proper vouchers. And that the Street Commissioner be, and is hereby, fur- ther instructed to have four stepping-stones set in proper manner across the alley between Bridge street and the Canal, on the west line of Jefferson street, and that the sum of ten dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed, be, and is hereby, appropriated, to be paid to the order of the Street Com- missioner, on presentation of proper vouchers. Approved June 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing an improvement on Water street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, author- ized and directed to have, the pavement at the intersection of Water street with Washington street and the adjacent gutters, so graded and repaired as to secure the passage of the water therefrom to the arch on the south side of Water street, at its intersection with Jefferson street: provided , that the cost of said work shall not exceed the sum of four hundred dollars, and that the Clerk pay the same to the order of the Mayor, on proper vouchers being produced to him. Approved June 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of W. D. Wallach. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk pay to the order of W. D. Wal- • Iach the sum of fifty-one dollars and twenty cents, ($51 20,) amount of his 40 bill for advertising Corporation notices in tlie Evening Star, from Feb. 19th, 1866, to April 7th, 1866. Approved June 15, 1866. RESOLUTION for a flag crossing. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of $35, or so much as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the purpose of laying a flag footway across Second street, on the east line of Warren street; to be done under the direction of, and to be approved by, the Commissioner of Streets, and payment made therefor on his order. Approved June 15, 1866. AN ORDINANCE to license, tax, and regulate Insurance Companies, or their agents. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Coun- cil of the Corporation of Georgetown , That it shall not be lawful for any Fire, Marine, Life, or other Insurance Company, established or located, either within or beyond the limits of this Corporation, to establish any company or agency within this Corporation, or for any person to act as agent or secretary for any such Insurance Company, within this Corporation, unless such Insur- ance Company or their agent or secretary shall first pay a tax and obtain a license from this Corporation, in conformity with the provisions of this ordi- nance. Sec. 2. And be it ordained , That the tax for a license for any fire, marine, life, or other insurance company, established or located beyond the limits of this Corporation, to establish an agency within this Corporation, to effect insurance of any kind therein, shall be one hundred dollars per annum, pay- able quarterly, to be paid to this Corporation by the insurance company or agent applying for such license, with a deduction of six per cent, if paid in advance for the whole year, and said license shall be issued by the Clerk of this Corporation, and shall express on its face the name of the insurance company authorized by it to establish an agency within this Corporation, where such company is established or located, the kind of insurance it is authorized to effect, and the name of its agent ; and such license shall confer authority to establish an agency within this Corporation only to the company and agent therein named. Sec. 3. And be it ordained , That from and after the first Monday of July next, the tax for a license for any fire, marine, life, or other insurance com- pany established or located within the limits of this Corporation, to effect insurance of any kind, shall be one hundred dollars per annum, payable quar- terly, to be paid to this Corporation by the insurance company, their agent 41 or secretary applying for such license, with a deduction of six per cent, if paid in advance for the whole year ; and such license shall be issued by the Clerk of this Corporation, and shall express upon its face the name of the insurance company, the kind of insurance it is authorized to effect, and the name of its agent or secretary, and such license shall confer authority only to the company, agent, or secretary therein named : Provided , however , That this license shall be in lieu of any other tax imposed on such insurance companies by this Corporation. And provided further , That this ordinance shall not interfere with any sub-agents the said companies may appoint after procuring their said license, and during the time for which said license is granted. Sec. 4. And he it ordained , That no person shall be authorized under one license to act 'as agent for more than one insurance company, and that one the company named in such license. Sec. 5. And he it ordained , That all licenses heretofore issued to any insurance companies, or agents of the same, for which a license is required under this ordinance, and which may run beyond the. first Monday of July next, shall continue valid until their expiration, after which licenses may be granted to such companies or their agents, in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, to run until the first Monday in January next ensuing, the party or parties applying for the same complying with the requisition of this ordinance : Provided , That the tax for the whole year shall not be required on such license, but only the proportion for the time the license may have to run, which proportion shall be paid as before provided in this ordinance. And provided also , That licenses may be granted to such companies or their agents, commencing business at any time after the first Monday in January in any year, to run until the first Monday in the then next ensuing January, on which license, if issued during the first three months after the first Mon- day in January, said parties applying for the same shall pay to this Corpora- tion the annual tax imposed by this ordinance on such license, to be paid as before provided in this ordinance ; if issued during the second three months, three-fourths of such tax; if issued during the third three months, one-half of said tax ; if issued during the last three months, one-quarter of said tax, in each case to be paid quarterly as aforesaid. And no payment on said licenses shall be received for less than one-quarter of a year, and all licenses granted under the provisions of this ordinance shall expire on the first Monday of January in each year. Sec. 6. And he it ordained , That any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance by acting as agent or secretary for any such insurance company, or assisting in effecting any insurance within the limits of this Corporation for any insurance company, without having first paid the tax and obtained a license therefor, as directed by the second and third sec- 42 ♦ tions of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every day said office or agency shall remain open for the transaction of business, and the same fine shall apply to any person or persons acting in any way as solicitors or brokers for any company; said fines to be recovered and applied as other fines under the laws of this corporation are recovered and applied, except as to one-half part of said fines, which shall in each case go to the use of the informer. Sec. 7. Arid be it ordained , That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance, so far as they relate to any tax or license upon insurance companies, except so far as the same relate to licenses heretofore issued, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved June 22, 1866. RESOLUTION to print report of the Joint Committee on Market House, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the report of the, J oint Committee on Market House be referred back to the joint committee, with instructions to fill the blanks, and have five hundred (500) copies of the report printed. Approved June 22, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting the use of the street roller to Henry Kengla. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the use of the street roller is hereby granted to Henry Kengla, upon condition that the said Henry Kengla shall, at his own expense, put it in good repair and take good care of it: Provided , the authorities of this town shall have it at any and all times, when required by them. Approved June 22, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting certain privileges to Georgetown College. Resolved by the Board, of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That authority is hereby given to the President and Directors of Georgetown College to enclose that portion of First street lying between Warren street and College street, provided the right of way to any private property is not invaded by such enclosure; and provided further, that the Corporation of Georgetown shall have immediate possession of said street when required by said Corporation. Approved June 22, 1866. 43 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the purchase of window shades for Market House Hall. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That for the purpose of assisting the Guardians of the Town Schools on their approaching annual exhibition and distribution of premiums, and hereafter to provide for the comfort and convenience of the children, that there be, and is hereby, appropriated the sum of forty-two dol- lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of purchasing seven window shades, and that the Clerk pay the same to the order of Wm. C. Magee, Esq., upon presentation of proper vouchers. Approved June 22, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the transfer of certain Corporation Stock, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Susan K. Williams. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of this Corporation be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to transfer all stock upon the books of this Corporation, now entered in the name of Mrs. Susan K. Williams,, to Dr. Joshua Riley and Walter S. Cox, trustees for Mrs. Ellen M. Boggs, when a certified copy of the will of Mrs. Susan K. Williams is deposited with the said Clerk. Approved June 22, 1866. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company to erect certain iron bridges across the canal. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company is hereby authorized to substitute permanent iron bridges in lieu of the present stone bridges, over the said canal, at Congress, Jefferson, Washington, and Green streets, in said town, in such manner as to allow the free passage of empty canal boats under said iron bridges : Provided , that the said change shall be made without unnecessary delay, and at the sole expense of the said canal company; and further, that the said iron bridges shall at all times be maintained and kept in the same good order and condi- tion now required in regard to the said stone bridges. And provided further , That no change shall be made in the grades of the said streets in the ap- proaches to the said iron bridges; the erection of said bridges to be done under the direction, supervision, and approval of the Commissioner of Streets, together with the Committee on Streets, and that in their erection proper provision for gas and water pipes be made. Approved June 26, 1866. 44 A RESOLUTION regarding the Rents of Stalls in the new Market House. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby authorized to rent the stalls in the new market house for one year from the first of July next, according to the rates named, and upon the terms specified in existing market house laws. Rent payable half-yearly. Approved June 29, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay the United States direct tax. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of four thousand three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and twenty-seven cents ($4,327 27) be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to pay the United States direct tax as per act of Congress, of August 5, 1861, as per letter of P. M. Pearson, Assessor Dis- trict Columbia. Resolved further , That the Clerk of this Corporation, for the purposes aforesaid, is hereby instructed to pay the said $4,327 27 United States tax out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, or by the issue and sale of the stock of the Corporation, or by borrowing the money from the Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank of Georgetown, at legal interest, as in his discretion may seem best or most to the interest of the Corporation. Approved June 29, 1866. A RESOLUTION restricting the issue of Licenses to Green Grocers and others. In order to allow further time for the adjustment of the difficulties in relation to the market house, and to facilitate tl\e settlement thereof within a reasonable time; therefore, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, directed not to renew any licenses to green grocers, hucksters, and butter dealers, which may become renewable under existing laws, on or after July 1, 1866, for a longer period than three months, and to renew the same quarterly thereafter, on the first days of October, January, April, and July, for a like period, subject in all other respects to existing laws, until the further orders of this Corporation, any ordinance or resolution heretofore enacted to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved June 29, 1866. V 45 AN ORDINANCE amendatory of an ordinance entitled “An ordinance authorizing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company to erect certain iron bridges across the canal.” Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company are hereby authorized to substitute draw or pivot bridges, to be approved of by the Corporation of Georgetown, across the canal at Washing- ton and Jefferson streets, for the present stone bridges, on the same condi- tions in regard to their being kept in order, as on the present grade of said streets in the above mentioned ordinance; and provided that the said com- pany shall bear all the expense of bridge-tenders. And be it further ordained , That so much of the ordinance aforesaid as is inconsistent herewith be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved July 6, 1866. A RESOLUTION Instructing the Committee before Congress. Whereas, appropriations have been oftentimes made by the Congress of the United States for the improvement of harbors in different parts of the United States; and whereas, Congress has exclusive jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, containing within its limits a port and harbor of considerable importance, for the improvement of which no appropriation has been made by the Government of the United States for many years; therefore be it Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee to represent the interests of this Corporation before Congress be instructed to urgently request the appropriation by Congre^ of a sufficient sum to thoroughly improve the channel of the Potomac River and the harbor of Washington and Georgetown. Approved July 6, 1866. A RESOLUTION of inquiry in relation to the repair of streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Recorder be, and he is hereby, directed to inquire into the expediency of enacting a general law to govern the assess- ment and collection of taxes for the improvement of streets, and the prosecu- tion and completion of the work, and to report by ordinance or otherwise. Approved July 6, 1866. P A RESOLUTION in favor of Chr. Ubhoff. • Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby given to Chr. Ubhoff to open the street from his cellar, on the north side of Bridge street, between 46 Congress and Washington streets, to the sewer in front of the premises of James Goddard, on said street: Provided , That he shall leave it in as good, substantial condition as it is now, and keep it so for twelve months thereafter. Approved July 6, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Charles Memmert, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Charles Memmert the sum of one hundred and three dollars and seventy-five cents, ($103 75,) being the amount of his account to April 26, 1866. Approved July 6, 1866. A RESOLUTION for laying a flag footway across Gay street, on the east side of Washington street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of streets is hereby directed to have a flag footway laid across Gay street, on the east side of Washington street, and that the sum of thirty-five dollars is hereby appro- priated for that purpose, to be paid by the Clerk to the Commissioner upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved July 13, 1866. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for sweeping and cleaning the Market • House. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation to the order of the Market Master, at the rate of eight dollars and thirty-three cents per month, for sweeping and cleaning the market house until the first of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. Approved July 13, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay certain claims. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of John F. Essex the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents, ($7 50,) being the expense incurred by him in having the station house cleaned ) and to Wm. Whelan & Co. the sum of fifty-eight dollars and sixteen cents, ($58 16,) amount of their bill of repairs to water pipes and hydrants, to March 12th, 1866. Approved July 13, 1866. 47 A RESOLUTION to place a hydrant on Bridge street, near Rock street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor have a Bartholomew hydrant erected on the north side of Bridge street, near its intersection with Bock street, in accordance with written contract with Wm. Whelan k Co. Approved July 20, 1866. A RESOLUTION to repair the gravelled streets of the town. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated to repair the gravelled streets of the town, and the Clerk of the Corporation is authorized to pay the same to the order of the Street Commissioner, upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved July 20, 1866. A RESOLUTION to clean the streets and alleys of the town. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and is hereby, appropriated to clean the streets and alleys of the town, the same to be done under the direc- tion of the Mayor, and the Clerk of the Corporation is authorized to pay the same to the order of the Mayor, upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved July 20, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of H. W. Brewer. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Clerk pay to the order of H. W. Brewer the sum of one hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty cents, ($181 50,) being the amount of his bill for services rendered, as surveyor, from February 3, 1866, to June 8, 1866, inclusive. Approved July 20, 1866. * A RESOLUTION in regard to the Alexandria Aqueduct. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, in conjunction with the Becorder, be, and is hereby, instructed to take such action in regard to the driving of piles in the Potomac river, between the piers of the Alexandria Aqueduct, thereby obstructing navigation, which is now being done under authority of the lessees of the same, as will most certainly and effectually 48 protect tlie interest of our town generally, and certain citizens of the same specially. Approved July 20, 1866. AN ORDINANCE in relation to the excavation of streets and alleys. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to take up any pavement, curb, or gutter, or excavate any street or public alley or sidewalk of this town, for any purpose whatever, between the first day of November and the first day of March in each year, except for necessary repairs to sewers, water and gas pipes. Sec. 2. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to make any excavation in any sidewalk, pavement, gutter, street, or public alley, or to take up any curbing, without first obtaining the permission of the Mayor, in writing, to the same ; and any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each and every offence, to be recoverable as fines and penalties usually are. Sec. 3. That all ordinances or resolutions, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved July 20, 1866. AN ORDINANCE to purchase a Steam Fire Engine, and to organize the Fire Depart- ment in the Corporation of Georgetown. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That immediately after the passage of this ordinance there shall be elected, as other Corporation officers are elected, • four (4) persons of good character and standing, one (1) from each precinct of the town, who shall be, together with the Mayor, styled the Fire Commis- sion of the Corporation of Georgetown, and who shall draw for the term of their respective offices, say one (1) for the term of four (4) years, one (1) for the term of three (3) years, one (1) for the term of two (2) years, and one (1) for the term of one (1) year; and annually thereafter, on the first Monday of January, there shall be elected in the same manner one person of like character to serve for the term of four (4) years, provided, however, that the terms of office of the four (4) commissioners first elected shall not # be considered to expire until one, (1,) two,\2,) three, (3,) and four (4) years from the first Monday in January, 1867. Sec. 2. And be it ordained , That in the event of a refusal or neglect to perform the duties of their office on the part of any one or more of said 49 commissioners, or in the event of a vacancy occurring from any cause, the Mayor, being duly certified thereof, by any two or more of said commis- sioners, shall fill such office or offices by new appointment, to serve the full term of those refusing or neglecting to serve, or where a vacancy arises from any cause; provided, however, that such appointments have the approval and confirmation of the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council. Sec. 3. And be it ordained , That the Clerk of the Corporation shall act as clerk for the fire commissioners, and shall receive as compensation for the additional services thus imposed upon him the sum of fifty dollars annually. Sec. 4. And be it ordained , That the fire commissioners shall have power to appoint the requisite number of persons to perform the duties of their several positions as set forth in this bill, who shall hold their places during good behavior, to suspend or expel any member of the company attached to the steam fire engine or the chief of the fire department, and if they deem it best, to adopt a suitable uniform or badge, to be worn by them and by the chief of the fire department; and the said fire commissioners shall adopt such rules and regulations for their own government and of the fire depart- ment as they shall deem best for the interest of said department, providing they are not inconsistent with the laws of this Corporation. They shall keep a record of all their proceedings, and proper vouchers of all their expendi- tures, subject to the inspection of the Corporation Councils; they shall have full control over all volunteer fire companies in the Corporation of George- town, excepting that such volunteer fire companies shall have the right to select their own members and choose their own officers. Sec. 5. And be it ordained , That the, fire department as thus organized shall consist, for the steam fire engine, of an engineer, hostler, foreman, and six (6) paid extra men, and as many extra men not exceeding ten, (10,) and serving without pay, as the commissioners may think necessary, and of a chief of the fire department of the Corporation of Georgetown, who shall have control of all fire companies in the Corporation of Georgetown. Sec. 6. And be it ordained , That the steam fire engine company shall have one (1) steam fire engine, one (1) hose reel, two or three horses, as the com- missioners may deem necessary, and not less than seven hundred and fifty (750) feet of serviceable hose. Sec. 7. And be it ordained , That the salaries of the paid officers and men comprising this department shall be of the following sums per annum, payable monthly out of the general fund. The chief of the fire department shall receive two hundred and fifty (250) dollars ; the engineer, seven hun- dred (700) dollars; the hostler, five hundred (500) dollars; the foreman, one hundred (100) dollars, and the six extra paid men, each fifty (50) dol- lars, and the engineer and hostler shall give their undivided attention to their respective duties. 4 50 Sec. 8. And be it ordained, , That the steam fire engine shall he located in the building belonging to the Corporation, known as the Vigilant Engine House, and the fire commissioners shall have power to make what alterations or additions they may judge necessary to make it suitable for the purpose designated, provided, the first cost of such alterations or additions shall not exceed the sum of eight hundred dollars ($800.) Sec. 9. And be it ordained , That the fire commissioners shall have power to sell to the best advantage any of the fire apparatus belonging to this Corporation which they may not deem necessary for the efficiency of the fire department, and the amount of money obtained by the sale of such fire apparatus shall be by them used towards defraying the contingent expenses of the department, to be accounted for by proper vouchers, the same as other expenditures are provided for in this ordinance. Sec. 10. And be it ordained , That it shall be the duty of the paid mem- bers of this department, in case of fire, to immediately repair to the place of such fire, and to render their services, under the direction of the chief of the fire department^, to aid in its extinguishment and for the preservation of property. Sec. 11. And be it ordained , That the chief of the fire department shall have the sole command at fires over all other officers and members of the department, and all other persons who may be present a: fires, and shall take all the proper measures for the extinguishment of fires, the protection of property, and the preservation of order ; and it shall also be his duty to examine the condition of the engines and all other apparatus belonging to the Corporation as often as necessary, or whenever the Mayor or fire com- missioners may direct, and annually to report the same to the-Mayor and Councils; also to cause a full description of the same, together with the names of the officers and members, and the amount of property destroyed by fire, and the amount of insurance on the same, to be published annually in a Georgetown newspaper ; and it shall be the duty of the chief of the fire department to receive and transmit to the fire commissioners for the use of the councils annually all the returns of the officers, members, and fire appa- ratus, and of all the property belonging to the fire department. Sec. 12. And be it ordained , That in case of the absence of the chief of the fire department, the foreman of the steam fire engine company shall temporarily exercise the duties of his office ; and it shall be the duty of the foreman, in conjunction with the chief of the fire department, to see that all fire plugs are in working order, and, if not in order, to give immediate notice to the Mayor. Sec. 13. And be it ordained , That immediately on the appointment and organization of the fire commissioners herein provided for, it shall be their duty to prepare rules and regulations for the government of the steam fire 51 engine company, and such general rules as may be necessary for the whole fire department, and to furnish each member of the fire department with a copy of said rules, and to have said, rules posted hi and about the engine house or houses, and to give notice that they are prepared to receive applica- tions for membership in the steam fire engine company and for the office of chief of the fire department. Sec. 14. And be it ordained , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, author- ized and requested to issue and dispose of the stock of this Corporation in the sum of $7,500, bearing six per centum per annum, at not less than par, which sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be applied to the purchase of a steam fire engine and the equipment of the steam fire engine company provided for in this ordinance, and be subject for said purpose to the order of the said commissioners; provided, that no contract for engine, &c., shall be made until the amount herein provided for shall be raised from the sale of stock, and the said amount shall be used for that pur- pose and no other, and shall be known as the steam fire engine fund. Sec. 15. And be it ordained , That should any person or persons, not a member of the Georgetown fire department, or properly authorized to do so, use the uniform or badge that may be determined upon by the fire commis- sioners, or any part thereof, such person or persons shall each be fined not less than five nor more than twenty (20) dollars ; to be recovered as other Corporation fines are recovered — one-half to the informer, the other to thfc use of the Corporation. Sec. 16. And be it ordained , That should any person or persons injure, deface, or in any manner destroy any Corporation fire apparatus, or should any person or persons hinder or obstruct any Corporation fire apparatus, or any member of the fire department while going to or returning from a fire, or in any manner hinder or prevent any of the fire companies or members thereof from operating at any fire, each and every such person or persons shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty (20) dollars ; to be re- covered as other Corporation fines are recovered. Sec. 17. And be it ordained , That the chief of the fire department and the foreman shall have full police powers while going to, while at, or when returning from fires or alarms of fires. Sec. 18. And be it ordained , That this ordinance shall take effect imme- diately after its passage. Sec. 19. And be it ordained , That all ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Approved July 27, 1866. 52 A RESOLUTION in favor of J. D. McGill. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of J. D. McGill the sum of one hundred and two dollars and fifty-five cents, ($102 55,) amount of his bill for advertising and printing from March 24th to June 16th, 1866. Approved. July 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of J. F. Essex. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of J. F. Essex the sum of seventy-five dollars, ($75,) being the amount of his bill for livery of Corporation horse from March 31st to June 31st, 1866. Approved July 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of W. T. Duvall. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of W. T. Duvall the sum of two hundred and thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents, amount of bill for work done for the Corporation. Approved July 27, 1866. # _ RESOLUTION in favor of W. L. Fletcher. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of W. L. Fletcher the sum of thirty dollars and forty cents, ($30 40,) amount of his bill for work done on Washington street. Approved July 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the repair of Water street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, together with one hundred and thirty-four dollars, the unexpended part of appropriation for the improvement of Washington street, at its intersection with Water street, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated for the thorough repair of Water street, from the Aqueduct to Rock Creek Bridge, the work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets, and the Clerk is instructed to pay to the order of the Commissioner of Streets the above amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved July 27, 1866. 53 A RESOLUTION in favor of barbers. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passage of this resolution, parties carrying on the business of barber are hereby permitted to open their places of business on Sabbath mornings, from the hours of 5 o’clock A. M., to 10 o’clock A. M. Be it further resolved , That it is hereby made the duty of the police authorities to see that all barber shops are closed at 10 o’clock precisely on. Sabbath mornings ; and any barber or barbers whose places of business are opened after such specified time, shall be subject to a fine of not less than one dollar (Si), nor more than fiye dollars ($5), for such offence, to be recov- ered as other fines and penalties are recovered by the laws of this Corpora- tion. Approved July 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting certain privileges to Richard Pettit. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby given to Richard Pettit to have a water trough in front of the pump on the north-west corner of First and Market streets. Approved August 3, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of the Vigilant Fire Company. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby given to the Presi- dent of the Vigilant Fire Company to sell the running gear of the old truck belonging to this Corporation, the proceeds of the sale to be applied to the repair of the truck recently purchased by the said fire company. Approved August 3, 1866. A RESOLUTION giving the assent of the Corporation to the removal of a stop-cock. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the assent of this Corporation be, and the same is hereby, given to any person or persons interested to the removal of the stop-cock now in the water main on Congress street, opposite the new buildings of Joseph Libbey, Sr., from its present position to the said main at the intersection of Congress and West streets; provided, that the same be done subject to the approval of the engineer in charge of the Potomac Water Works, and without expense to this Corporation. Approved Augnst 3, 1866. 54 A RESOLUTION for the improvement of Frederick street, between Fourth and Seventh streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Counc il of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the sum of four hundred dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated to grade and gravel Frederick street, between Fourth and Seventh streets, and the Clerk is authorized to pay the same to the order of the Street Commissioner, upon the presentation of proper vouchers ; the work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets, and charge the same, or so much thereof as may be due and unpaid, to Frederick street, between Fourth and Seventh streets. Approved August 3, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay expenses of Poor and Workhouse for quarter ending the 30th of June, 1866. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of M. V. Buckey, trustee of Poor and Workhouse, the sum of eight hundred and fifty- six dollars and nineteen cents, ($856 19,) amount of expenses of Poor and Workhouse for quarter ending 30th of June, as per bills accompany trustee’s report, and that the trustee be directed to act in future in compliance with the existing law requiring the trustees to ask for proposals to furnish sup- plies. Approved August 3, 1866. AN ORDINANCE to license and regulate bill-posting in the city of Georgetown, and to prevent the defacing of buildings, &c. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons within the limits of this Corporation to post, or set up, any placard, bill, or advertisement in any of the streets, alleys, or sidewalks, without first obtaining a license there- for, under a penalty of not less than one nor more than five dollars, to be col- lected as other fines and penalties are recovered. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained , That hereafter any person or persons applying for such license, shall deposit the sum of five dollars to the credit of the general fund, which license shall expire on the first day of July in each year. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained , That any and every person obtaining a license under the provisions of this ordinance, shall have the full and exclu- sive use of bill boards, provided by them, to be placed in such places and thoroughfares as may be designated by the Mayor, for the purpose of post- ing bills, placards, and other advertisements thereon; and any person or per- 55 sons interfering with the said licensed bill posters, or using the bill boards of such bill posters without their consent, shall forfeit and pay to this Corpora- tion not less than five ($5) nor more than ten dollars ($10), to be recovered as fines and penalties are recovered. Sec. *4. Be it farther ordained. That from and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to post, or cause to be posted, upon any building, fence, wall, lamp-post, tree or tree box, car- riage stoop, or telegraph pole, within the limits of this Corporation, any paster, bill, or show card of any description, or in any way deface any build- ing, fence, wall, lamp-post, tree or tree box, carriage stoop, or telegraph poles with inscription of letters, under a penalty of not less than five (5) dollars or more than ten (10) dollars for each and every violation of the provisions of this ordinance. The fines herein imposed to be collected and applied as other fines of this Corporation are collected and applied. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained , That ail laws or part of laws, inconsistent with the provisions set forth in this ordinance, are hereby repealed. Approved August 3, 1866. AN ORDINxYNCE for the improvement of Congress street, and repealing an ordi- nance entitled “an ordinance for the improvement of Congress street,” approved Dec. 5, 1865. Be it ordained by the Board of A ldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause the curb stones to be set and the gutters paved with stone, with two courses of bricks, on edge, in the centre, on both sides of Congress street, to correspond with the curb and gutter now laid on the west side, near West street, according to the estab- lished grade thereof, where the same is not now so curbed and gravelled, in conformity to said established grade, from West street to Road street. Sec. 2. And be it further or donned, That for the purpose of defraying the expenses thereof, a tax of eight cents per front foot be, and the same is hereby, levied and imposed on all lots and parts of lots fronting on said street. Sec. 3. And be it further ordained , That immediately on the passage of this ordinance, the Clerk of the Corporation shall furnish the Collector of Taxes with the usual statement of all lots and parts of lots fronting on said street, with the names of the parties to whom they are assessed, and the said Collector shall proceed to collect said, tax, as the same may be needed, and pay the same, as collected, to the Clerk of the Corporation, reserving there- from two per centum of the amount collected as commission for collecting the same ; and the amount so paid over to the Clerk shall be held by him subject to the order of the said Commissioner of Streets, accompanied by proper vouchers. 56 Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That the Surveyor be, and he is here- by. authorized and directed to allow and certify to the Collector an equitable- amount for work already done before lots and parts of lots charged by sec- tions 1 and 2 of this ordinance, in accordance with the established grade and the requirements hereof, or for materials now before such lots and parts of lots, which can and may be used in recurbing and reguttering the same, and the said Collector shall credit each party respectively with the amount so certified, and collect the residue as directed by this ordinance. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That the Commissioner of Streets and the Surveyor be, and they are hereby, authorized, if they deem it expedient or desirable, to vary the curb line, if necessary, on the east side of Congress street, between West and Stoddard streets, so as to save the trees on or near said curb line without contracting the legal width of the footway, but in all other respects the curb line, as now existing on other parts of said street, shall remain, and all new curb shall be laid in conformity to the same. Sec. 6. And be it further ordained , That immediately on the passage of this ordinance, the Commissioner of Streets shall advertise for proposals for five days in some daily paper circulating in Georgetown for the work and mate- rials needful for said improvement, to be done under his direction, and to receive the approval of himself and the Surveyor before payment, and at the end of said five days to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained , That the work authorized by this ordi- nance shall be completed by the first day of October next, and all taxes hereby levied that shall remain unpaid on the first day of September next, the Col- lector shall proceed to collect by sale of the property of the owners, in accor- dance with the charter and laws of this Corporation; provided, that the said Commissioner and the said Surveyor may, if found impracticable to complete the work hereby ordered by the said first day of October, defer a portion thereof, in their discretion, until the spring of 1867. Sec. 8. And be it further ordained , That within ten days after the com- pletion of the work hereby ordered, the Commissioner shall make up his accounts and transmit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the President of the Board of Common Council. Sec. 9. And be it further ordained , That the ordinance entitled “An ordi- nance for the improvement of Congress street,” approved Dec. 5, 1865, and all other ordinances and resolutions inconsistent herewith, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved August 10, I8G6. RESOLUTION in relation to certain arches on Bridge and First streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georyetov:n , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, author- Dl I ized and directed to have constructed a sheet iron gate, of sufficient size and dimensions, to be placed at the entrance of the main or well hole of arch crossing Bridge street, near the intersection of Green street, in front of the residence of J ohn M. Stake, Esq. Be it further resolved , That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to have placed flag stones of sufficient size, dimensions and thickness over the main or well holes of the arch crossing 1st street, in front of the residence of H. M. Sweeny, Esq., and adjoining the residence of George W. Orme. Be it further resolved , That the Clerk be, and is hereby, directed to pay, on the order of the Mayor, the sum of thirty-five dollars, or so much as is necessary thereof, for the objects aforesaid. Approved August 10, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of T. H. Donohue k Co. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and is hereby, directed to pay to the order of T. H. Donohue & Co. the sum of twenty dollars and sixty-five cents, in settlement of their bill for repair of the water closets of the market house proper to this date, and charge the same to the market house fund. Approved August 10, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay certain claims. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to T. H. Donohue & Co. eight dollars, ($8,) amount of their bill for work done at market house hall; to E. Pickrell & Co., thirty-seven dollars and forty-six cents, ($37 46,) amount of their bill for lumber furnished the Corporation to October 30, 1865 ; to Wm. IT. Chamberlin twelve dollars and seventy-nine cents ($12 79,) amount of his bill for blacksmithing from March 5th, to June 29th, 1866; to the proprietor of the Daily Times fourteen dollars, ($14,) amount in full of his bill for advertising to March 20th, 1865. Approved August 10, 1866. A RESOLUTION appropriating certain sum of money to purchase disinfectants. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of ten dollars ($10) is hereby appropriated for the purpose of purchasing a amount of disinfectant, to be used as proposed by a message of the Mayor. The Clerk of the Corpora- tion is hereby directed to pay the. same on the order of the Mayor. Approved August 10, 1866. 58 A RESOLUTION directing the redemption of Stock of the Corporation of George- town, D. C. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk he, and he is hereby, directed to redeem the stock of the Corporation with the sum of fifteen thousand dol- lars, the amount received of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company on account of thirty thousand dollars due on Kepair Bonds of said Company, according to the provisions of an ordinance entitled “An Ordinance provid- ing for the redemption of the funded debt of the Corporation and for other purposes, approved February 20, 1859. Approved August 10, 1866. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the opening and condemnation to public uses of the alleys extending through parts of lots 56, 57 , 58, 59, in Old Georgetown, between Congress and Jelferson streets, next south of Bridge street. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board, of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to institute the necessary proceedings, provided in the 4th section of an act of Congress supplimentary to an act entitled “an act to amend the charter of Georgetown ” approved March 3, 1809, in order to open and condemn to public uses the alleys extending through parts of lots 56, 57, 58, 59, in Old Georgetown, next south of Bridge street, between J efferson and Congress streets ; said alley to be of the following dimensions : to extend from a point on the east side of Congress street 139 £ feet from the south-east corner of the intersection of Congress and Bridge streets, to run eastwardly and parallel with Bridge street, and of width of 10 11 £-12 feet, one hundred and two and 8-12 feet to the alley, 97 6£-12 feet in length and twenty 6-12 feet in width, lying in front of the stables belonging to the houses known as “ Faxhall’s Row” on Bridge street; to include all of last- mentioned alley, and to continue to Jefferson street by an alley beginning on the west line of Jefferson street at a point 109 4-12 feet from the south-west corner of the intersection of Bridge and Jefferson streets, and extending westwardly of the width of ten feet, one hundred and two and 6-12 feet to the alley in front of said stables. Approved August 10, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to lighting Bridge and High streets. Whereas the Congress of the United States failed, at the session just closed, to provide, as heretofore, for the lighting of Bridge and High streets, after June 30, 1866, And whereas, to continue the same would involve an expenditure beyond 59 the income and resources of the town, and render a reduction of that grea privilege not only expedient but necessary ; therefore, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to make a contract with the Georgetown Gas Light Company to light all the lamps within the limits of the town heretofore lighted by the United States and this Corporation, to be extinguished throughout at twelve o’clock, (midnight,) and that the burners now on Bridge and High streets be exchanged and made to conform, in size and consumption, to those now in use in other parts of the town, the contract now existing to be cancelled : Provided , that the number of lights on Bridge and High streets bears the same proportion to the squares in said streets, and no more than obtains in other parts of the town. Approved August 10, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of the Market Master. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown ,* That the Clerk pay to the order of Wm. N. Appelby (Market Master) the sum of fourteen dollars and twenty five cents ($14 25) for patent balance, yard stick, and weights, as authorized by the committee on market house and purchased by him. Approved August 17, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Joseph Libbey, Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of nine dollars and ninety cents ($9 90) be appropriated to liquidate the bill of Joseph Libbey, for joist furnished at Chain Bridge. Approved August 17, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting certain privileges to C. B. Jewell. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby granted to C. B. Jewell to open a sewer from his house on Dunbarton street to connect with the arch between Green and Washington streets, provided the said C. B. Jewell leave the said street in as good condition as when opened, and keep the same in good order for the space of twelve months. Approved August 17, 1866. A RESOLUTION endorsing the action of the Philadelphia Convention. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board, of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That we most heartily and cordially endorse the Declaration of Principles enunciated by the National Union Convention assem- bled at Philadelphia, being fully convinced that the peace, unity, and pros- perity of our beloved country depend upon their adoption and unwavering support. Be it further resolved , That the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby directed to send a copy of the foregoing resolution to the Hon. J. R. Doo- little, President of the National Union Convention. Approved August 17, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to Stoddard street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Committee on Streets be, and is hereby, directed to inquire into the expediency of opening, grading, curb- ing and guttering Stoddard street, from Montgomery to High streets, and to report by ordinance or otherwise. Approved August 17, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting power to the Mayor to advertise # for the repairs of certain bridges. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be requested to advertise in a Georgetown daily paper for three times, inviting proposals for the repairs of Bridge street Bridge and the Paper Mill Bridge, and the contract be awarded by him to the lowest responsible bidder. Approved August 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION approving the plan for certain Bridges. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the plans of bridges to be erected over Congress, Jefferson, Washington and Green streets, proposed by W. T. Duvall & Co., and approved by the Canal Company, and for the erection of which said Company has made a contract with said Duvall & Co., be, and the same are hereby, approved. Approved August 22, 1866. A RESOLUTION amending a resolution in relation to lighting Bridge and High streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the resolution entitled “A resolution 61 in relation to lighting Bridge and High streets,” approved the 10th of August, 1866, be, and the same is, so amended that the Mayor be authorized to enter into a contract with the Georgetown Gaslight Company, for lighting all the lamps now on Bridge and High streets, with four-feet burners, and to extend the time named in said resolution for extinguishing all the lamps within the corporate limits to one o'clock A. M. Provided the cost of all the lamps within the town does not exceed four thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum. Approved August 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing flag ways to be placed on North street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of fifty dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of laying two flagways across North street, at its intersection with West street; the work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets, and the Clerk is directed to pay the same to the order of the Commissioner of Streets upon the pre- sentation of proper vouchers. Approved August 24, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of H. B. Walker. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of II. B. Walker the sum of ten dollars and seventy-five cents, ($10 75,) amount of his bill of August 7th, 1866. Approved September 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the repair of the Metropolitan Police Station House. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, authorized and requested to have the prison cells in the Metropolitan Police Station House supplied with closets, of substantial construction. Be it further resolved , The Mayor is hereby requested to advertise, for one time in the Georgetown daily papers, inviting “Proposals" for fitting up the cells in said station house with proper water closets, and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder. Approved September 7, 1866. 62 A RESOLUTION to place a flagway across Prospect street, on the east line of Market street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , Tliat the sum of thirty-five dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to place a flagway across Prospect street, on the east line of Market street, to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets, and the Clerk is directed to pay the above amount to the order of the Commissioner upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved September *7, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with night scavenger for certain purposes. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the consent of this Corporation is hereby granted to the Mayor to enter into a contract with the night scavenger for cleansing the towpath lying immediately under the market house, and adjacent bridges, as per communication of August 23, 1866. Be it further resolved , That all laws inconsistent with the above resolution are hereby repealed. Approved September 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing a new contract with the Georgetown Gas Light Com- pany. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, authorized and requested to enter into a new contract with the Georgetown Gas Light Company to light, not exceeding seventy, of the lamps on Bridge and High streets heretofore lighted by the United States, with four feet burners, at such points on said streets as he may designate; and to light the residue of the lamps in the streets of the town with four feet burners, in number as in the existing contract, the entire number so authorized to be lighted to be extinguished at one o’clock A. M., provided that the cost thereof for gas alone, exclusive of repairs of lamps, &c., shall not exceed the sum of four thousand six hundred and fifty dollars Resolved, further, That the said gas light company be authorized to make temporary provision for lighting the additional lamps, if necessary, at the expense of this Corporation, until the further action of the same in that behalf. Resolved further, That the resolution of August 10, 1866, in relation to lighting Bridge and High streets, and of the 24th of August, 1866, amending / 63 the same, together with all other laws or resolutions inconsistent herewith, he, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved September 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION remitting certain fines. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the fines of two dollars and fifty cents each imposed on the 2d September, A. D. 1866, by Justice Buckey (for violating the Sunday law, approved April 2d, 1814,) upon Smith Pettit, John King, and Patrick Sheeley, be, and the same are hereby, remitted. Approved September. 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION to print the opinion of the Recorder. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be directed to have one hundred copies of the opinion of the Recorder on the liability of the Corporation for the repair of the upper road leading to the Little Palls printed, and pay the expense thereof out of the general fund ; and that he transmit a copy of the same, when printed, to each member of the Levy Court, Approved September 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Wm. Whelan & Co. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Wm. Whelan & Co. two hundred and fifty-one dollars and thirty-three cents, ($251 33,) being the amount of their bill for quarter ending July 31st, 1866, under a contract with this Corporation, (approved March 16th, 1866,) for keeping hydrants of the town in order. Approved September 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the printing of the annual report of the Guardians of the Public Schools. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation have two hundred and fifty copies of the report of the Guardians of the Public Schools printed for public use, and pay the expense thereof out of the general fund. Approved September 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION suspending the sale of a lot of ground belonging to the Corporation. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, requested 64 to suspend the sale of the lot on the corner of Prospect and Lingan streets, until the further orders of this Corporation. Approved September 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION authorizing the Mayor to have the water main on Congress street lowered. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Mayor he, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to have the water mains on Congress street, between Stoddard and Road streets, lowered to a suitable depth, made necessary by the repair of said Congress street now in progress, and that the Clerk of the Corpora- tion charge the cost thereof to the tax levied on said street for said repairs. Approved September 14, 1866. AN ORDINANCE to amend an ordinance entitled “An ordinance to license and regulate bill posting,” &c., approved August 3, 1866. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the ordinance entitled “An ordinance to license and regulate bill posting,” &c., approved August 3, 1866, be so amended that the fourth section thereof shall not be construed to inflict the penalty therein provided upon any one who shall obtain the consent of the owner and occupant of the property to place bills upon his premises or upon the tree boxes or fenees belonging or attached thereto, provided said consent shall be in writing, and filed with the Clerk of the Corporation. Approved September 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION of welcome to the President of the United States. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That we hereby agree in our corporate capacity to unite with the authorities of Washington city, and other associations of our fellow-citizens, in paying that respect to Andrew J ohnson, President of the United States, upon his return to the seat of the Federal Government from his visit to the tomb of the illustrious Douglas, which his eminent ser- vices, in this trying ordeal through which our beloved country is passing, so justly entitle him to receive at our hands. Resolved further , That a committee of three members of this Board, and two members of the Board of Aldermen, be appointed to confer with the committee appointed by the authorities of Washington, to make arrangements to carry the foregoing resolutions into effect. Approved September 14, 1866. 65 A RESOLUTION for the relief of John Callahan. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, requested to have the fence in front of the property owned by Nancy Lee removed as soon as possible ; said fence encloses the entire line of the pavement. Approved September 21, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay certain claims. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to Wm. Whelan & Co. forty- two dollars, ($42,) amount of their bill of May 25th, 1866 ; to Collison & Talbot, thirty-three dollars and seventy-five cents, ($33 75,) amount of their bill, May 7th, 1866, to July 9th, 1866; to Robert E. Talbot, twelve dollars and seventy-five cents, ($12 75,) amount of his bill, July 20th to July 24th, 1866 ; to Wm. Fletcher, eighty-three dollars and thirty-one cents, ($83 31,) amount of his bill of work done on arch on 2d street. Approved September 21, 1866. A RESOLUTION supplying a deficiency in the appropriation for the improvement of Frederick street, ^ Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of ninety-eight dollars and sixty- five cents be, and is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to meet a deficit in the appropriation for the improvement of Frederick street, between Fourth and Seventh streets, and the Clerk is directed to pay the same to the order of the commissioner of streets upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved September 21, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay certain claims. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of R. R. Hazard twenty-four dollars and fifty cents, ($24 50,) being balance due him for re- pairing pumps; to Robert E. Talbot six dollars and twenty-five cents, ($6 25,) amount of his bill for repairing lamps, August 30th and 31st, 1866; to Wm. Masten sixty-four dollars and seventy-five cents, ($64 75,) amount of his bill for work done on Paper Mill Bridge. Approved September 28, 1866. 5 66 A RESOLUTION to purchase a horse, (to supply the place of the oce recently killed,) Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to purchase or cause to be purchased, for the use of this Cor- poration, a good and suitable horse, and that the sum of two hundred dollars, ($200,) or so much thereof as may be necessary, is duly appropriated to ena- ble the said Mayor to carry this resolution into effect. Approved September 28, 1866. A RESOLUTION to advertise for proposals to keep the street lamps in order. j Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and he is hereby, requested to advertise, in his discretion, for proposals to keep the street lamps in order, by the year, and transmit said proposals to the Councils, with his views, at the earliest moment practicable. Approved September 28, 1866. A RESOLUTION leasing part of College street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, authorized and requested, to lease to Mr. John T. Cook, all that part of College street, fronting on the north side of Bridge street, and running back therefrom ninety feet, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, upon the same terms and conditions that it was leased to Mr. John T. Pettit for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Approved September 28, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Thomas Blackman. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , , That permission is hereby granted to Thomas Blackman to erect a frame dwelling-house on Back street, west of High street, provided the said Thomas Blackman shall remove said house and otherwise place said portion of said street in as good condition as when first occupied by him whenever required' so to do by the corporate authorities. Approved September 28, 1866. 67 A RESOLUTION for the relief of Dennis Sullivan. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the fine of $20 and cost, imposed on Dennis Sullivan by Justice Buckey, for doing business with an improper licence, be, and the same is hereby, refunded. Approved October 5, 1866. A RESOLUTION requiring temporary bridges over certain streets. Whereas the obstruction of the passage of Congress street and others by Messrs. Duvall & Co., under their contract with the Canal Company and the permission of this Corporation, is a serious public inconvenience, and will be of longer duration than the corporate authorities were led to anticipate; therefore — Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the Commissioner of Streets be, and he is hereby, directed to request said contractors to have temporary, but sufficient, bridges for foot passengers erected over said streets while so obstructed. Resolved further , That in case said contractors refuse or neglect to erect said bridges immediately, the said commissioner is hereby directed to have the work done when and where necessary, at a cost not exceeding thirty-five dollars ; and the Clerk is hereby authorized to pay the same out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved October 5, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay the claims of Schell, Collins, Garrity, and the Levy Court. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of J. V. Col- lins twelve hundred and twenty-six dollars and fifty cents, ($1226 50.) being the amount of his account for constructing a sewer through the square bounded by Frederick, First, Fayette, and Second streets ; to the order of James Garrity, one hundred and seventy-seven dollars and twenty-five cents, ($177 25,) being the amount of his account for excavating and cleaning the bed of said sewer; to the order of Seth Schell, two hundred and eighty- five dollars and twelve cents, ($285 12,) the amount of his account for build- ing a sewer through 'the square bounded by Washington, Green, Beall, and Dunbarton streets; and to the Collector of the Levy Court, fifteen dollars and thirty cents, ($15 30,) being the amount of taxes due by the Corporation for the years 1865 and 1866, on ten acres of land. And be it further resolved , That the Tax Collector be, and he is hereby, directed to proceed to the immediate collection of the cost of the sewers 68 mentioned in the first resolution, with the interest thereon, according to the terms of the act requiring the work to be done. Approved October 5, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of H. B. Walker. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of H. B. Walker four hundred and sixty-two dollars and seventy-seven cents, ($462 77,) amount of his bill for work and material on Bridge street bridge. Approved October 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION to supply certain missing volumes of the “United States Statutes at Large,” belonging to this Corporation. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the- Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of thirty dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purchase of volumes 9, 11, 12, 13, of the sessions of 1865-6, of the “United States Statutes at Large/' belonging to this Corporation; said sum, or the necessary part thereof, to be paid by the Clerk to the Recorder upon presentation of proper vouchers. Approved October 19., 1866. A RESOLUTION to preserve certain street lamps. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor is hereby authorized and re- quested, with the consent of the Commissioner of Public Buildings, to have the street lamps on Bridge and High streets, not now in use, taken down and kept in some safe place, in order that they may supply the places of those now used whenever they may become unfit for further use. Approved October 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION instructing the Mayor to advertise for proposals for water closets in the station house. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor is hereby instructed to advertise three (3) times in a G-eorgetown daily paper, and one time in a weekly paper, for proposals to erect in each cell of the station house water closets, according to the plan as approved by the Board of Police Commissioners, and as speci- 69 fied in a communication to the Mayor from Messrs. O’Hare & Noonan, and award the same to the lowest responsible bidder. Approved October 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay certain claims. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Hr. Grafton Tyler, .President Board of Health, twenty dollars, ($20,) for book for record- ing deaths; to James F. Essex fifty-two dollars and fifty cents, ($52 50,) amount of , his bill for livery of corporation horse from January 30th to Sep- tember 4th, 1866; to the proprietor of the Daily Times thirty-eight dollars and forty-nine cents, ($38 49,) amount of his bill for advertising from August 7th to August 21st, 1866. Approved October 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION to repair the gravelled streets of the town. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to repair the gravelled streets of the town ; and the Clerk of the Corporation is directed to pay the same to the order of the Commissioner of Streets, upon presentation of proper vouchers. Said work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets. Approved October 19, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of the Mayor’s contingent fund. 4 Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk to the order of the Mayor, (accompanied by proper vouchers,) for contingent purposes. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION establishing a hack stand. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sanction of this Corporation is hereby given to establish a hack stand on the east side of Washington stroet, south of Bridge street. 70 And be it further resolved , That the resolution entitled 11 A resolution establishing a hack stand,” approved June 4, 1864, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. • Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION providing for cleansing the streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred dollars, or so^much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid to the order of the Mayor, for cleansing the various streets and alleys of the town. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting certain privileges to the Bankers’ and Brokers’ Telegraph. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby granted to the Bankers’ and Brokers’ line of Telegraph to erect telegraph poles on streets bordering on and crossing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Wm. L. Fletcher. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Wm. L. Fletcher thirty dollars, ($30,) amount of his bill for repairing arches, &c. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION making an appropriation to pay sums in the condemnation of the alleys through parts of lots 56, 57, 58, and 59, in Old Georgetown. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to each member of the jury in the recent condemnation of the alleys through parts of lots 56, 57, 58, and 59, in Old Georgetown, the sum of three dollars, ($3,) in full of services in said condemnation. Approved October 26> 1866. 71 A RESOLUTION to rebuild the Paper Mill Bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, in conjunction with the Com- mittee on Streets, be, and are hereby, authorized and requested to advertise for and receive plans and proposals * for rebuilding the Paper Mill Bridge, similar to the one recently destroyed by the freshet, and award the same to the lowest responsible bidder. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Francis Dodge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby granted to Francis Dodge . to open Dunbarton street, between Congress and High streets, and across High street to the arch at the corner of High and Second streets, for the purpose of laying sewerage pipes from his residence to said arch y provided, said Francis Dodge puts said streets in .as good condition as when opened, and keeps them so for the space of twelve months. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the repair of the gutters of the town. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- priated, for the purpose of repairing the gutters of the town ; and the Clerk is directed to pay the same to the order of the Commissioner of Streets, upon the presentation of proper vouchers ; said work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION to repair the road leading to Paper Mill bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to repair the road which leads from the eastern termination of West street to the Paper Mill bridge; the work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets. And the Clerk of the Corporation is directed to pay the above sum to the order of the Commissioner of Streets, upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved October 26, 1866. 72 A RESOLUTION in favor of V. B. Boggs. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That permission is hereby granted to W. B. Boggs to tap the “ high service ” main water pipe at intersection of Congress and West streets with an inch and a half pipe, for the purpose of supplying his premises with Potomac water, subject to the approval of the Engineer in charge of the Washington Aqueduct; and permission is also granted said Boggs to open Beall and Congress streets for the purpose of laying said pipe. Sec. 2. And be it farther resolved , That permission is hereby granted said Boggs to lay a drain pipe from his premises on Beall street to connect with the sewer passing along Washington street at its intersection with Beall street; provided, that said streets where opened be kept in repair by said Boggs for one year from this date. Approved October 26, 1866. AN ORDINANCE relating to the footways in Georgetown. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That from and after the passage of this ordinance all breaches in the paved footways in any of the streets or public alleys of this Corporation shall be, and the same are hereby, declared to be nuisances, inconveniences, and annoyances. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That it shall be the duty of the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, or the agent or agents of said owner or owners of the property bordering on said footway so broken, to cause the same to be repaired within ten days after a notice from the Mayor requiring said repairs to be done. Sec. 3. And be it farther ordained \ That if the said breach or breaches be not repaired within ten days from the time of the delivering of said notice, there shall be imposed upon said owner or owners, agent or agents, or occu- pant, a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, for each and every day that said repairs be not made after the expiration of said ten days. Sec. 4. And be it further ordained , That in all cases when any paved footway shall pass in front of any alley, stable, or any building, tenement, lot, or premises to which it is necessajy to have access for horses, carriages, or any vehicle, it shall be the duty of the owner or owners of any such alley, stable, building, tenement, lot, or premises, fronting on such footway, to pave it, according to the established grade of such footway, with suitable paving stone, except five feet next to the curb-stone, which five feet shall be paved with paving brick set up on edge ; or said space may be paved in whole with paving bricks set up on edge, at the option of the owner or occupant of the 73 premises ; provided, such portion of brick paving shall not apply to the lum- ber, wood, and coal yards, and mercantile houses of the town, the entrances to which shall be paved with cobble stone ; nor to those premises the entrances to which are already provided with flag footways according to the estab- lished grade. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained , That all persons paving said portion of the footways mentioned in the preceding section of this ordinance in a man- ner different from the provisions of the same, or who shall not within twenty days after notice, requiring said portions of the footways to be paved, shall be delivered to them by the Mayor, cause said portions of the footways to be paved according to the provisions of the preceding section of this ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each an$ every day the paving of the same remain undone after twenty days ; said fine to be recovered as fines and penalties usually are. Approved October 26, 1866. A RESOLUTION remitting a fine. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the fine of twenty dollars imposed on H. Schwarzenberger, by Ju^lice Buckey, on the 3d inst., for selling liquor to minors, be and the same is hereby, remitted. Approved November 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the relief of James Hartigan. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and is hereby, directed to pay to the order of James Hartigan the sum of fifteen dollars, being the amount paid for one quarter’s license, which he did not use. Approved November 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Henry B. Walker. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation pay to the order of Henry B. Walker the sum of twenty dollars, being in full of his bill for the repair of College Bun Bridge. Approved November 2, 1866. 74 A RESOLUTION for the repair of pumps. Resolved by the Board, of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , -That one hundred dollars is hereby appropri- ated for the repairs of pumps ; and the said sum, or such parts of it as may be required, shall be paid by the Clerk of the Corporation to the order of the Mayor, when recommended by the majority of the Committee on Pumps. Approved November 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION appointing a Joint Committee. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Esau Pickrell, (President,) Jon. B. David- son, and E. B. Barrett, on the part of this board, and Charles M. Matthews and Jenkin Thomas, of the Board of Aldermen, be, and are hereby, appointed a committee to consider the Memorial and Petition of citizens in relation to the Alexandria Aqueduct. Approved November 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION directing a further redemption of stock of the Corporation of Georgetown, D. C. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board Of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, directed to redeem the stock of the Corporation, with the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, the amount received from the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1866, (the balance due on the “Repair Bonds” of said company,) according to the provisions of an ordinance entitled “an ordinance providing for the redemption of the funded debt of the Corporation, and for other purposes,” approved Feb. 26, 1866. Approved November 2, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of Robt. E. Talbot. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Robt. E. Talbot eleven dollars and seventy-five cents ($11 75,) amount of his bill for repairing gas lamps, August 14th, 1866. Approved November 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION relating to the Alexandria Aqueduct Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown ) That this Corporation will, by liberal appro- 75 priations, and to the full extent of its corporate powers, co-operate with par- ties interested, in the use of such proceedings as will, in the speediest man- ner possible, secure to this town and its citizens the removal of the obstruc- tion offered to the navigation of this port by the Alexandria Aqueduct, and the advantages to be derived from such removal. Approved November 8, 1866. AN ORDINANCE repealing a portion of an ordinance entitled “an ordinance regu- lating and licensing the retail of fermented and spirituous liquors, approved Feb. 26, 1853.” Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That so much of an ordinance entitled “An ordinance regulating and licensing the retail of fermented and spirituous liquors, approved Feb. 26, 1853,” as requires parties, taking out a license under said ordinance, to provide and keep “suitable and proper accommodations for travellers and guests, with at least three good bed-cham- bers, exclusive of those used by him or herself, or by any members of his or her family or domestics, with two good beds and bedsteads and suitable bed- ding therefor, in each of such chambers, or the same number of beds, bed- steads, and bedding, in a greater number of such chambers,” be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved November 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION to advertise for proposals to repair the arch between Fayette and Frederick streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor, in conjunction with the Com- mittee on Streets, are hereby authorized and requested to advertise for, and receive proposals for, the repair of the arch between Fayette and Frederick streets, lately injured, and award the same to the lowest respbnsible bidder ; said work to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets. Approved November 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION to repair the breakwaters of Bridge street bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets be, and he is hereby, authorized and requested to have the breakwaters to piers of Bridge street bridge repaired, at a cost not to exceed fifteen dollars ; and the Clerk 76 of the Corporation is directed to pay the above amount to the order of the Street Commissioner, upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved November 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION appropriating one thousand dollars for repair of Little Falls Bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of B. B. French, Esq., Commissioner of Public Buildings, the sum of one thousand dollars, to be expended in the immediate repair of the said Little Falls Bridge, in accordance with the suggestion of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in his letter to the Mayor, dated November 7, 1866. Approved November 8, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay expenses of Poor and Workhouse for quarter ending Sept. 30th, 1866. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of M. V. Buckey, Justice, the sum of one thousand and thirty-five dollars and eighty- eight cents, amount of expenses of Poor and Workhouse for quarter ending September 30th, 1866, (exclusive of one hundred and fifty-five dollars and seventy cents, for product of farm, and fifty dollars received from Mrs. Walker for board,) as per bills accompanying trustee’s report. Approved November 16, 1866. A RESOLUTION to fill a vacancy in the Board of Trustees of 11 The Corcoran Charity Fund.” + * Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Anthony Hyde, Esq., be, and he is hereby, appointed to fill the vacancy in the said Board of Trustees, occasioned by the resignation of John Marbury, Esq. Approved November 23, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of S. M. Waters & Bro. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of S. M. Waters & Bro. eight dollars, ($8,) amount of their bill for repairing water works at new market house, April 3d, 1866. Approved November 23, 1866. 77 A RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the Paper Mill Bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That the sum of five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated as part of contract price of rebuilding Paper Mill Bridge. The same to be expended for that work by the Mayor, he taking receipts for the same. And the Clerk is directed to pay the above amount to the order of the Mayor upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved November 23, 1866. A RESOLUTION granting the use of Market House Hall on Sunday afternoons. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That Herschel Hudson, as the representative and on behalf of the Joint Committee of the “ Sons of Temperance” and “ Good Templers” of Georgetown, D. C., be, and he is hereby, permitted to hold temperence meetings in the new market house hall on Sunday after- noons, bejyreen the hours of two-and-a-half and four-and-a-half o’clock, until the first of April next. Approved November 23, 1866. AN ORDINANCE making an appropriation for the payment of additional compen- sation to the Metropolitan Police. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of one thousand and eighty- six dollars and eighty cents be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of the General Fund to the payment, until January 1st, 1867, of additional compensation to the “ Metropolitan Police,” as provided for in section 6 of the act of Congress, entitled “an act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June 3d, 1867, and for other purposes, approped July 28th, 1866, and appropriations to be here- after provided for in the general and special tax bill for the year 1867.” Sec. 2. And be it ordained , That the Clerk is hereby instructed to pay said amount in the same manner in which the additional compensation of the police is now paid by this Corporation. Approved November 23, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the relief of James Clancy. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and is hereby, directed to pay to the order of James Clancy the sum of twenty dol- 78 lars, ($20,) being the amount of fine imposed on him by Justice Buckey, for a supposed violation of the license law. Approved November 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the applicants for admission to the public schools. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Board of Guardians of the Public Schools of Georgetown be, and they are hereby, instructed, until further public school accommodations can be provided, to grant admission to appli- cants from among the bona fide citizens of the town first, and in preference to those applicants who are not such bona fide citizens. Approved November 27, 1866. AN ORDINANCE for the erection of Bartholomew hydrants on High, Congress, Jefferson, Washington, and Green streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Water Engineer be, and he is hereby, authorized and instructed to enter into a written contract with Wm. Whelan & Co., on the conditions and under the restrictions as provided in an ordinance, entitled “ An ordinance to provide for keeping in repair the public hydrants of the town/’ approved March 16, 1866, for the erection of one Bartholomew hydrant along side of each of the “ Meigs” hydrants now standing at the corner of Bridge and High, Congress, Jefferson, Washington, and Green streets. Provided , said hydrants shall be of the same quality, fur- nished and erected at the same price, and kept in repair on the same condi- tions as the other hydrants of the town now are, under said Wm. Whelan & Co/s written contract with this Corporation, provided that the said William Whelan & Co. will agree to keep the said “ Meigs” hydrants in repair for the residue of their contract year, free of charge. Approved November 27, 1866. A SUPPLEMENT to an ordinance for the improvement of Congress street, approved August 10, 1866. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Commissioner of Streets is hereby instructed to receive as the legal grade the line of curb and gutter now laid on the west side of Congress street, from West street to the north line of the property of Joseph Libbey’s heirs, and thence to the south line of the inter- section of Stoddard street, to be raised to the grade established in 1846, 79 provided that the contractor now engaged upon the improvement of said Congress street doth agree that said change as provided for in this ordinance Shall not operate as a change or violation of his said contract, and will agree to perform such additional work as said change may make necessary at the same rates as those of his present contract with the Corporation. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained , That the Surveyor of this Corporation be instructed to make a plat of the change, as provided for in this ordinance, and file the same with the Clerk of the Corporation. Approved November 2 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay certain claims. % Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay, out of the general fund, to the order of the proprietor of “ The Daily Times’' twelve dollars, ($12,) being the amount of his bill of September 20th, 1866, for printing 500 reports; to the Judges of Election twenty dollars, ($20,) for house rent in the four precincts at the late special election; a»nd to Walter G-odey nineteen dollars and sixty cents, ($19 60,) the amount of his bill of November 17th, 1866, for ice furnished the Mayors office. Approved November 27, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of R. E. Talbot. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Robert E. Talbot the sum of thirteen dollars; ($13,) amount of his bill of October 15th, for stove. Approved December 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of the proprietor of the “Daily Evening Union.” Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the account of the pro- prietor of the Daily Evening Union twenty-one dollars, ($21,) amount of bill advertising from October 5th to November 9th, 1866, inclusive. Approved December 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION to pay expenses of auditing the account of the Coroner. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of fifty dollars, or so much thereof 80 as may be necessary, be appropriated, to be paid by tbe Clerk to tbe order of Messrs. Dunlop, Barrett, and Matthews, joint committee of the two Boards of this Corporation, for the payment of expenses for auditing the account of the Coroner. / Approved December 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION instructing the Mayor to present a claim of this Corporation against the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be instructed to present the claim of this Corporation against the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company for repairs of bridges in this town, at various times, and ask payment of the same. Approved December 7, 1866. A RESOLUTION to place a flag footway across Congress street at its intersection with Road street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the sum of thirty-five dollars is hereby appropriated to place a flag footway across Congress street at its intersection with Road street, the work to be done under the supervision of the Commis- sioner of Streets. And the Clerk is directed to pay the above amount to the order of the Commissioner, upon the presentation of proper vouchers. Approved December 7, 1866 . v A RESOLUTION in favor of Jos. F. Birch. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Jos. F. Birch eighty-eight dollars, ($88,) amount of his bill from January 29th to December 3d, 1*866, inclusive, for burying paupers. Approved December 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the relief of John Fuss. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, directed to refund and pay to John Fuss the sum of twenty dol- lars, the amount of fine collected from him. Approved December 14, 1866. 81 A RESOLUTION in favor of Seth Schell. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk pay to the order of Seth Schell one hundred and sixty dollars, ($160,) amount of his bill for repairing sewer between First and Second, Frederick and Fayette streets. Approved December 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the relief of George Yarnell. Resolved by the Board 6f Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and is hereby, directed to refund and pay to George Yarnell the sum of twenty dol- lars, the amount of fine collected from him. Approved December 14, 1866. * A RESOLUTION for the relief of Conrad Wolz. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and is hereby, directed to refund and pay to Conrad Wolz the sum of twenty dol- lars, the amount of fine collected from him. Approved December 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION amending a resolution entitled “ A resolution fixing the Salary of the Market Master,” approved October 7th, 1865. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the resolution, entitled “A resolution fix- ing the salary of the Market Master, approved October 7th, 1865,” be amended by striking out of the same the words “six hundred,” and inserting in lieu thereof the words five hundred. Resolved further , That this Resolution shall take effect from and after the first Monday of January next. Approved December 14, 1866. • AN ORDINANCE amendatory of “An ordinance providing for the appointment of a Harbor Master and for other purposes,” approved September 10, 1864. Be it ordained, by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown, That Section 3d, of the “Ordinance pro- 6 82 Tiding for the appointment of Harbor Master and for other purposes/* approved Sept. 10th, 1864, be amended by striking out the words “except same section/* after the words as follows, viz. : “ From those of less than fifty tons register/* and insert in all vessels under fifty tons register a harbor fee of seventy-five cents. And be it further ordained , That section 6th of the said ordinance be, and the same is hereby, repealed. This ordinance to go into effect and be in force on and after the first Mon- day of January, 1867. Approved December 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION in relation to the erection of a new School House. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Board of Guardians be, and it is hereby, requested to obtain a plan and estimates for the erection of a two story brick or frame building (or both in the discretion of the Board) on the lot belonging to this Corporation on the corner of Lingan and Prospect streets, or some other suitable place ; pay the cost of the same, if any, out of the school fund, and report said plans and estimates to this Cor- poration. And be it further resolved , That said Board of Guardians report its views upon the propriety of erecting such school house on the west end of Pros- pect street, fronting Lingan street, with the consent of this Corporation, provided the Corporation will donate said lot towards the erection of the building. Approved December 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION amending a resolution entitled “A resolution for appointing some suitable person to take charge of the New Market Hall,” approved January 26th, 1866. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the resolution entitled “A resolution for appointing some suitable person to take charge of the New Market Hall/* approved January 26th, 1866, be amended by striking out of the same the words “ Robert McPherson/* wherever said words occur in said resolution, and inserting in lieu of the same the words Market Master. Resolved further , That so much of said resolution as provided for an annual salary to be paid to said hall., keeper for his services as such be, and the same is hereby, repealed. 83 Resolved further , That this resolution shall take effect from and after the 26th day of January next. Approved December 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION amending a resolutien entitled u A resolution in relation to small- pox cases, and for other purposes,” approved December 29th, 1865. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the words three hundred, in the clause “at an annual salary of three hundred dollars each/’ in a resolution entitled “A resolution in relation to small-pox cases, and for other purposes,” approved December 29th, 1865, be striken out of the same, and that in lieu thereof the words “two hundred” be inserted. Resolved further , That the two physicians provided to be appointed by said resolution shall, in addition td their other duties as prescribed by said resolution, be, and they are hereby, required, without additional compensation, to attend to and perform all the duties now required by law of the physician appointed to attend the “ poor and work house,” belonging to this Corpora- tion, and shall act as general physicians for the out-door poor in their respec- tive wards. Resolved further , That all ordinances and resolutions, and parts thereof, inconsistent with this resolution, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Resolved further , That this resolution shall take effect from and after the first Monday of January next. Approved December 14, 1866. A RESOLUTION in favor of William A. Hammer. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Clerk of the Corporation be, and he is hereby, authorized and instructed to pay to the order of William A. Ham- mer eight dollars and twenty-five cents, in settlement of his bill for glass furnished and glazing done at the new market house to this date, and charge the same to the market house fund. Approved December 21, 1866. A RESOLUTION for the improvement of Beall street, between Montgomery and Monroe streets. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Surveyor of the town be, and he is 84 hereby, requested to furnish this Corporation with a plat descriptive of the grades of that portion of Beall street lying between Montgomery and Monroe streets; and also an estimate of the cost of grading, curbing, and guttering said portion of Beall street, within the limits aforesaid. Approved December 21, 1866. A RESOLUTION calling on the Fire Commissioners for information. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Fire Commissioners be requested to give information to these Boards of what progress they have made towards obtaining a steam fire engine, as contemplated by the ordinance for the organization of the Fire Department, approved August 27, 1866. Approved December 21, 1866. A RESOLUTION instructing the Mayor in relation to the improvement of Little Falls bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, requested to confer with the Commissioner of Public Buildings (Washington) with regard to the propriety of so conducting the repair of Little Falls Bridge as not to obstruct the travel while such improvement is in progress. Approved December 21, 1866.^ A RESOLUTION to repair Bridge street bridge. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor be, and is hereby, authorized and requested to advertise for three times in the paper of the town for proposals to do certain work on Bridge street bridge (as per plan of surveyor), said pro- posals to be submitted to these boards for their ratification or rejection. The above work, if agreed upon, to be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets. Approved December 21, 1866. A RESOLUTION ordering certain improvements at the Station House on High street. Resolved by the Board of Aldermen and Board of Common Council of the Corporation of Georgetown , That the Mayor is hereby authorized to have the following improvements made at the station house : new wooden porch on the north side, to paint the tin roof and repair the gutter thereof, and repair the floor of lower story near the cells. To pay the cost thereof the sum of eighty dollars, or so much thereof as is necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be paid by the Clerk to the order of the Mayor, on presentation of proper vouchers. Approved December 21, 1800. * OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION, CHARLES D. WELCH Mayor. WILLIAM LAIRD Clerk and Treasurer. WM. H. TENNEY Clerk to Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. R. A. EDMONSTON Tax Collector. Board of Aldermen. C. M. MATTHEWS, Recorder and Prest., SAMUEL CROPLEY, ANTHONY HYDE, • JOS. L. SIMMS, J. C. HIESTON, JENKIN THOMAS. Board of Common Council- C. H. CRAGIN, ESAU PICKRELL, EDW’D J. SHOEMAKER, C. S. RAMSBURG, LEVI DAVIS, THOMAS BROWN, WM. H. ROHRER, A. J. RADCLIFFE, WM. CLABAUGH, JOHN B. DAVIDSON. ISAAC BIRCH, Messenger to the two Boards and to Major and Clerk. WM. H. SIMMS, Inspector and Marker of Lumber. J. H. REYNOLDS, Market Master and Sealer of Weights and Measures. J. D. ROBINSON, Flour Inspector. W. H. CRAIG, Weigher of Hay, Straw, and Fodder. D. O’LEARY, Wood Corder and Measurer. M. V. BUCKEY, Trustee of the Poor and Police Magistrate. EBENG. BROWN, Harbor Master. HENRY ADDISON, Commissioner of Streets and Water Engineer. SAMUEL P. TRESCLER, Chimney Sweep. Guardians of the Georgetown Schools. ANTHONY HYDE, C. M. MATTHEWS, W. C. MAGEE, T. A. NEWMAN, W. L. DUNLOP, J. H. WILSON, JOS. LIBBEY. 88 Assessors. EDWARD J. SHOEMAKER, J. C. HIESTQN, JOSEPH COLLINS. Board of Appeals. GEORGE W. BEALL, WM. H. GODEY, C. H. CRAGIN. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. GEORGE W. BEALL, H. CAPERTON, W. KING, H. D. COOKE, SAMUEL CROPLEY, THOMAS BROWN, E. M. LINTIIICUM, P. T. BElfeY. Trustees of Corcoran Charity. * W. S. COX, HENRY D. COOKE, ANTHONY HYDE. Physicians for Small Pox and Vaccination. LEWIS W. RITCHIE, District east of middle of High street. CHARLES McCORMICK, District west of middle of High street. Judges of 1st Precinct. G. W. STROUD, JOSEPH F. BIRCH, A. H. JONES. 2d Precinct. W. H. BIRCH, C. H. DEMAR, W. H. CRAIG. Election. 3d Precinct. GEORGE RHODES, J. W. HUNTER, J. A. DONNELLY. 4th Precinct. E G. BROWN, JACOB RAMSBURG, H. G. DEVINE. Board of Health. 1st Prceinct. Dr. A. PETER, JENKIN THOMAS, WM. L. DUNLOP. 2d Precinct. Dr. G. TYLER, ANTHONY HYDE, JOHN B. DAVIDSON. 3d Precinct. Dr. C. McCORMICK, WM. CLABAUGH, G. W. ORME. 4th Precinct. Dr. H. MAGRUDER, E. PICKRELL, J. J. KANE. 89 Fire Commissioners. WILLIAM T. DUVALL, ANTHONY RODIER, FRANCIS WHEATLEY, JOHN FOWLER. * APPOINTMENTS BY THE MAYOR. Wardens. Northwest Ward. HENRY KINO, EDWARD J. SHOEMAKER. Southwest Ward. Dr. J. RITCHIE, JAMES GODDARD. Northeast Ward. JOHN M. STAKE. W. H. CRAIG. Southeast Ward. W. H. CRAIG, SAMUEL CROPLEY. On Party Walls and Partition Fences. JOS. L. SIMMS, J. T. KELLY. One Vacancy. GEORGE HARRISON, Scavenger. JOHN HESS, Jr., Night Scavenger. - . ; 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Assessment book, ’joint resolution authorizing new 7 Adler, M. J., resolution to pay claim of 22 Alley, resolution directing the surveyor to make a plat of an 28 Arch, resolution authorizing the repair of, on north side of Second street, near High 38 Arch on Market street, resolution fojr repair of 39 Alexandria aqueduct, resolution in regard to the 47 “ appointing a joint committee 74 Arches on Bridge and First streets, resolution in relation to 56 Alleys between Congress and Jefferson streets, ordinance authorizing the open- ing of 58 Advertising, resolution granting power to the Mayor 60 Alleys, resolution making an appropriation to pay sums in the condemnation of.... 70 Arch between Fayette and Frederick streets, resolution to advertise for proposals to repair the 75 Board of Appeals, resolution to pay the 16 Bridge street bridge, resolution for repairing 22, 84 “ “ the breakwater of 75 Bright, Jesse D., resolution in favor of 27 Board of Health, resolution requesting the Mayor to organize a 28 Bridge street, resolution for repair of 33 “ to place a hydrant on 47 . “ in relation to lighting 58 “ 11 “ amended 60 Brewer, H. W., resolution in favor of 47 Barbers, resolution in favor of. 53 Bill-posting, ordinance to license and regulate 54 “ “ “ amended 64 Buildings, ordinance to prevent defacing 54 Bridges, resolution approving plan of certain % 60 “ requiring temporary 67 Blackman, Thomas, resolution in favor of 66 Bankers’ & Brokers’ Telegraph, resolution granting certain privileges to 70 Boggs, W. B., resolution in favor of 72 Birch, Joseph F., resolution in favor of 80 Beall street, resolution for improvement of 83 Certain persons, resolution in favor of 3, 6, 12, 14, 16,' 17, 67 Chimney-sweeping, supplementary ordinance in relation thereto 6 Commissioners of Flour Inspection, ordinance establishing 8 resolution approving nomination of 19 92 Page Commerce of Georgetown, resolution in relation to 9 Clerk’s salary, resolution in relation to 9 contingent fund, resolution making an appropriation for 27 office, resolution authorizing purchase of a carpet for 29 Collector of Taxes, ordinance defining duty of at time of elections 10 Cart, resolution authorizing additional appropriation for purchase' of. 13 Certain bills, resolution to pay 13 Channel, resolution in regard to 15 Committee to represent the interests of Georgetown before Congress, resolution appointing .- 19 Committee before Congress, resolution instructing the 21, 32, 45 Clerk of the Supreme Court of the District, resolution in favor of. 25 Carter, John E., resolution in favor of 25 Certain claims, resolution to pay 26, 46, 57, 65, 69, 79 Coroner, resolution in regard to the claims of..*. 26 “ to pay expenses of auditing account of 79 Cox, W. S., resolution in favor of 27 Corcoran Charity Fund, resolution fillipg a vacancy in the Board of Trustees of 27, 76 Charter, resolution appointing a committee to revise the 29 Congress street, resolution to suspend the ordinance for improvement of 33 ordinance for improvement of 55 “ u supplement thereto 78 Commissioners on channel, resolution of thanks to 34 Cross gutters, resolution for repair of 34 Canal, ordinance authorizing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company to erect iron bridges across the 43 Canal, ordinance amending an ordinance to erect iron bridges across the 45 Callahan, John, resolution for relief of 65 College street, resolution leasing part of 66 Clancy, James, resolution for relief of 77 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, resolution instructing the Mayor to present claim against 80 Dunbarton street, resolution to remove gas-post on 16 Dwelling-houses, resolution in relation to 30 Duvall, W. T., resolution in favor of 52 Donohue, T. H., & Co., resolution in favor of 57 Disinfectants, resolution to purchase 57 Dodge, Francis, resolution in favor of 71 Daily Evening Union, resolution .in favor of the proprietor of 79 Essex, J. F., resolution in favor ot 52 Flour, ordinance establishing certain grades of ! 8 Inspector, ordinance establishing 8 Frederick street, resolution for laying flag footway on 9 “ for paying deficiency for improvement on 12, 65 “ for improvement of 54 Flag footways, resolution for laying 14 “ making an appropriation to lay across Congress and Market streets 29 93 PagB Flag footways, resolution making an appropriation to lay across Congress, at the intersection of Road street 80 Flag footway, resolution to lay on Second street, across Frederick 37 * 11 11 across Prospect street 38 “ “ “ Bank alley •. 39 “ “ “ - Gay street 40 “ authorizing the repair of, across Washington street 38 First street, resolution for laying flag footway on 15 Fish wharf, supplement to ordinance for renting and regulation of 15 . resolution in relation to the renting of. 18 Fish market “ “ “ eleaning the 22 “ to abate a nuisance under the 37 Filth, resolution in relation to the removal of ...24 Fletcher, William L., resolution in favor of 27, 52, 70 Flag crossing, resolution for a 40 Fire Department, ordinance to organize the 48 Flagway, resolution to plate across Prospect street 62 Fines, resolution remitting certain 63 Footways, ordinance relating to the 72 Fine, resolution remitting a . 73 Fuss, John, resolution for relief of 80 Fire Commissioners, resolution calling for information 84 Georgetown Courier, resolution in favor of the proprietors of 22 Channel, “ for buoying 32 College, “ granting certain privileges to 42 Gutters, resolution for the repair of 38, 71 Gaslight Company, resolution authorizing new contract with 62 Guardians of Publie Schools, resolution to print annual report of 63 Ground, resolution suspending sale of a lot of 63 Hydrants, ordinance to provide for keeping in repair the 20 Bartholomew, resolution for erection of 78 Hanaway, Edward, resolution in favor of 24 Hieston, J. C., & Co., resolution in favor of 35 Harrover, William H., resolution in favor of 36 High street, resolution in relation to lighting 58 “ “ “ amended 60 Horse, resolution to purchase a 66 Hack-stand, resolution establishing a 69 Hartigan, James, resolution for relief of 73 Harbor Master, ordinance amendatory of ordinance for appointment of 81 Hammer, William A., resolution in favor of ..83 Insurance companies, or their agents, ordinance to license, tax, and regulate 40 Jefferson street, resolution for fitting out new lamp-posts on 3 Judges of Election, resolution for payment of room-rent of 19 Jewell, C. B., resolution granting certain privileges to 59 Kaiser, John, resolution in favor of 28 Kengla, Henry, resolution granting use of street roller to 42 Lamplighters, resolution authorizing appointment of additional 37 Licenses, resolution restricting the issue of to green grocers and others 44 94 Page Libbey, Joseph, resolution in favor of 59 Levy Court, resolution to pay claim of 67 Liquors, fermented . and spirituous, ordinance repealing portion of ordinance regulating and licensing the retail of 75 Little Falls bridge, resolution for repair of 76 “ instructing the Mayor in relation to improvement on . 84 Market House Hall, resolution appointing Robert McPherson to take charge of 11 “ amended 82 “ granting use of 13, 20, 77 “ for purchase of window shades 43 “ “ “ stoves 15 Market House, resolution making appropriation for sweeping and cleaning 13, 46 “ in relation to 19, 22, 3*4 “ to amend section 21 of the ordinance for the govern- ment of 32 Market House, resolution to print joint report of committee on 42 “ regarding the rent of stalls in '. 44 Mayor’s notices, resolution in regard to publishing 26 contingent fund, resolution in favor of 69 Market place, resolution appointing a committee of conference in relation to 26 Magistrate’s office on High street, near the canal, resolution authorizing the renting of 33 Memmert, Charles, resolution in favor of 46 McGill, J. D., resolution in favor of .52 Market Master, resolution in favor of. 59 “ amending resolution fixing salary of. 81 Metropolitan Police, resolution for payment of additional compensation to 77 Night schools, resolution in relation to 3 Negro suffrage, resolution in relation to the vote in regard to 6 Nuisance, joint resolution for abatement of. 17 North street, resolution authorizing flagways to be placed on 61 Night scavenger, resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into contract with 62 Officers of Vigilant Fire Company, resolution confirming the election of. 10 Oldfield, John, & Brother, resolution in favor of. 14 Officers of the Corporation 87, 88, 89 Palmer & Brother, resolution in favor of 5 Poor and Workhouse, resolution in relation to 11 “ to pay expenses for quarter ending Dec. 31, '65... 15 « “ “ “ “ March 31, '66. ..32 “ “ « “ “ June 30, ’66 54 “ “ “ “ “ Sept. 30, '66 76 “ increasing the pay of attending physician to 17 President of the United States, resolution endorsing the policy of. 18 “ of welcome to 64 Pump, resolution for repair of, at the corner of Sixth and F.ederick streets 23 Pumps, resolution of inquiry in relation to repair of. 23 “ for restoring and repairing certain 29, 74 95 Page Paper Mill Bridge, resolution for repairing .....28 “ to rebuild 11 “ to repair road leading to 11 “ making an appropriation for 77 Pettit, Richard, resolution granting certain privileges to 53 Philadelphia Convention, resolution endorsing the action of. 60 River channel, resolution to maintain requisite depth of water in, above the Long bridge 20 River channel, supplementary resolution making an appropriation for dredg- ing the .23 River channel, resolution making an additional appropriation for dredging the . 23, 30 Recorder, resolution to print the opinion of 63 Sidewalks, ordinance for removal of snow and ice from . 3 Superintendent of sweeps, supplementary ordinance relating thereto 6 Smoking in new market, resolution repealing the prohibition 9 Streets, joint resolution in relation to Green, Congress, Bridge, and High 18 resolution for gravelling 28 “ of inquiry in relation to the repair of 45 “ to repair the gravelled 47, 69 Scavenger’s cart, resolution authorizing the repair of 25 Sewer on First street, near High, resolution instructing the Mayor in relation to. ..34 Surveyor’s level, resolution authorizing the purchase of 35 Shinn, Riley A., resolution granting permission to- tap water mains 37 Street roller, resolution granting use of 42 Streets and alleys, resolution to clean the 47, 70 ordinance in relation to the excavation of 48 Steam Fire Engine, ordinance to purchase a 48 Stop-cock, resolution giving assent to the removal of 53 Stock of Corporation, resolution directing redemption of 58, 74 Stoddard street, resolution in relation to 60 Station-house, resolution for the repair of .61, 84 “ instructing the Mayor to advertise for proposals for water closets in 68 Street lamps, resolution to advertise for proposals to keep in order the 66 “ to preserve certain 68 Sullivan, Dennis, resolution for relief of 67 Schools, resolution in relation to applicants for admission to 78 Schell, Seth, resolution in favor of 81 School House, resolution in relation to erection of. 82 Small-pox cRses, resolution amending resolution in relation to 83 Tax for 1866, ordinance levying a general and special direct 7 Tax, Direct, resolution in relation to the 16 Talbotf, Robert E* resolution in favor of 74, 79 United States direct tax, resolution to pay the 44 Statutes at Large, resolution to supply certain missing volumes of... 68 Ubhoff, Chr., resolution in favor of 45 Valley street, ordinance for paving footway on west side of 4 Von Essen, John P., resolution to pay claim of 5 3 0112 105648296 96 Page Vigilant Fire Company-, resolution in ffyvor of Varnell, George, resolution for relief of HI Water tappers, resolution appointing I ;,«M Williams, M. L., resolution remitting fine. '. 11 Washington street, resolution in relation to lighting... 14 West street, resolution to remove gas-post on 16 ordinance for improvement of part 35 11 “ amended Whelan, William, & Co., resolution authorizing contract -with “ in favor of Wharf foot of High street, resolution. authorizing the renting of Water street, resolution authorizing improvement on “ “ repair of... '. Wallach, W. D., resolution in favor of Williams, Mrs. Susan K., resolution authorizing transfer of stock belonging to the estate of ..... Walker, H. B., resolution in favor of 61, 68. Water main on Congress street, resolution to have it lowered Waters, S. M., & Brother, resolution in favor of Wolz, Conrad, resolution for relief of 36 31 63 ,33 39 52 .39 43 73 64 .76 .81