Univ.of in. Libra 52 / %\)t ilapofcon Collection William 3. Eatta of pinlatodpbta, |3a. part I 1 %\)i Stitierson #allertfS ^UpatJtjsou atcitue at itforttetp Street Peto gorfi •* . ' (See No. 1055.) THE UNEQUALLED COLLECTION RELATING TO NAPOLEON AND THE FRENCH REVOLUTION OF ®>illtam 3. latta OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. CONSISTING OF PRINTS, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, AUTOGRAPHS, EBOOKS, MEDALS, BRONZES, SNUFF BOXES AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART PART I CONTAINING THE LIBRARY, BRONZES, AND IMPORTANT SELECTIONS FROM THE PRINTS AND AUTOGRAPHS TO BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE ON THE AFTERNOONS AISD EVENINGS OF APRIL 22, 23, AND 24, 1913 On Public Exhibition from April 11, 1913 AT Cl )t ^ntierscin ^allertes Metropolitan &rt Association Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street New York LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Napoleon. Early French Lithograph Portrait . Madame Buonaparte Mezzotint. By Citizen L’Auteur. . .. Bonaparte, Letter Signed May 16, 1796. . . Bonaparte Premier Consul. By Chataignier . Frontispiece No. 368 No. 624 No. 733 TIIU NAPO LEON COLLECTION OF WILLIAM J. LATTA To the modern collector, as well as to the student of history and the man of affairs, the name and career of Napoleon are and always will be pre-eminent. Large collections relating to Napoleon and his times have been made in recent years both in this country and abroad, but that of Mr. William J. Latta of Philadelphia stands unequalled. It has been declared by authorities familiar with the great collections of France and other countries to be “the finest in the world.” The following is a quotation from a letter of appreciation from an eminent French Bibliophile to a friend who had secured him an intro¬ duction to Mr. Latta: ‘ ‘ Allow me to thank you for the great pleasure you pro¬ cured me in letting me see Mr. Latta’s collection, which is doubtless the most important in the world—and I think I know all the Napoleon Collections of our Continent. If those known as the most complete, as M. Masson’s, Prince Victor’s and Prince Essling’s, include perhaps a greater number of pieces, they do not—by far—contain so many First Class Portraits and particularly all in so fine condition or First States. Not less was I surprised to find in this country such a marvellous series of Carica¬ tures, which also is unique of its kind, and there are many that I never saw. The collection of caricatures of Grand- duke Michael Nikolaievitch, reputed as one of the most important, did not even contain five hundred pieces. “But what I admire the most in Mr. Latta’s Collection is the skill and intelligence with which such a splendid 4 ensemble’ has been compiled piece by piece; that is a talent that not all collectors possess and certainly few in such a high degree. One feels that Mr. Latta lives with Napoleon and his History since a long time. Such is the estimate of the collection held by a French Con¬ noisseur, and it is impossible in a necessarily brief introduc¬ tion to mention more than a few of the rarities gathered by Mr. Latta during the last twenty-five years. Not only does the Collection excel in material relating primarily to Napoleon I., but the unsettled period that gave Napoleon his opportun¬ ity has not been neglected. In this division alone are historical documents of extreme importance and some remarkable por¬ traits. For instance, the letter of Charlotte Corday written on the morning she left her father’s house to assassinate Marat; the check-list used by Fouquier-Tinville at the scaffold, with the name of the victims scored through as each head fell successively into the basket; important letters of Desmoulins, Marat, Danton, Robespierre, and other notorious members of the ‘ ‘ Mountain ”; as well as those of their most noted victims, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Lavoisier, and Madame Roland. The portraits, views, caricatures, and battle scenes relating to Napoleon number many thousands, and it is scarcely neces¬ sary to dwell upon many prints so rare that they have never before been offered for public sale in this country, beginning with the early curious fictitious portraits issued before his features were well known; the superb lithographs of Raffet, Charlet, and the Men of 1830, their original water-color draw¬ ings of Napoleon, and other contemporary portraits which have not since been equalled in execution or in the display of the romantic sentiment inseparably connected in so many minds with the Napoleonic Era. The letters and historical documents of the Napoleonic Period comprise those of Napoleon himself beginning when he was only a Lieutenant of Artillery in 1794 and continuing throughout his military career and his captivity in Saint Helena. Among these is the original draft of his farewell speech to the “Old Guard” on his Abdication at Fontaine¬ bleau—a document that is perhaps unequalled in its relation to the Great Emperor. The civil marriage certificate of Napoleon and Josephine is of intense interest, as every reader of Napoleon knows his marriage had a considerable bearing on his rise in power. Letters of Napoleon’s family, marshals, generals, as well as his adversaries, are found in the collection, and it should be sufficient to note that there are letters of Wellington, Nelson, and Lady Hamilton, Blucher, Bernadotte, Moreau, Pitt and Alexander I of Russia, among many others to convey an adequate idea of the extent and importance of the Autograph Collection. In forming such a collection relating to French History of Napoleon interest, other documents or portraits will naturally be collected not strictly confined to the particular period of interest, and thus Mr. Latta will be found to have secured letters of Richelieu; the Great Conde; Anne de Montmorency, Constable of France in the XYIth Century; the great financier of Louis XIY, Marquis de Louvois; the famous victim of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, Gaspard de Colligny; Anne of Austria, Catherine de Medicis, and other equally famous- names among the makers of French History. The Caricatures form almost a complete political history of Napoleon as evidenced by the clever pencils of Rowlandson, Cruikshank, Gillray, and their contemporaries in England, France, Germany, and other nations. The medals in gold, silver, and copper are an important division of Mr. Latta’s collection, and they are supplemented by a small but exquisite selection of snuff boxes and miniatures. The Library, which contains volumes belonging to Napoleon, Josephine, and Marie Louise, is fully described in the follow¬ ing pages; likewise the bronze statues and plaques of Napoleon which include examples of the work of Barye, Boizot, and other artists, with a representative selection from the Prints and Autographs—the former including many rare engravings printed in color, proofs before letters and early states. The above very brief summary refers to a number of impor¬ tant items which do not appear in the first Catalogue, as Part I contains only an important selection from the Prints and Autographs, with a few Caricatures. It is proposed to issue additional catalogues describing these divisions of the collection with the Medals, Miniatures, and Snuff-boxes. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/unequalledcollec00ande_0 THE NAPOLEON COLLECTION OF ^tiltam % Hatta OF PHILADELPHIA PART I THE LIBRARY, BRONZES, AND AN IMPORTANT SELECTION FROM THE AUTOGRAPHS AND PRINTS FIRST SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, April 22, 1913, at 2:30 o’clock 1. ABBOTT (JOHN S. C.). The History of Napoleon Bonaparte. Maps and text illustrations. 2 vols. extended to 4, royal 8vo, dark green levant morocco, gilt backs with the crowned initial “N” in the panels, gilt sides, elaborately tooled in lines, dots, the figures of bees and the crowned initial “ N ” in corners, doublures of cream-colored morocco on which are tooled gilt flowers, inlays of brown leather, fancy silk end papers, gilt tops, by Ritter. N. Y. : Harper & Bros., 1855 * Fine copy of the First Edition, extra-illustrated by the insertion of over 90 portraits and views, mostly on India paper, including portraits of Napoleon, Josephine and Lafayette, views of the Battle of Eylau, surrender of Ulm, Jena, and other battles and scenes. 2. ABBOTT (JOHN S. C.). Confidential Correspondence of the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1856 3. ABELL (MRS. ELIZABETH). Recollections of the I Emperor Napoleon during the first three years of his Cap¬ tivity in the Island of St. Helena. Portrait and illustra¬ tions. 12mo, half calf, gilt top. Lond. 1845 4. ADAIR (RT. HON. SIR ROBERT). Historical Me¬ moir of a Mission to the Court of Vienna in 1806. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1844 * First Edition. Inscription on fly-leaf “ From the Author.” 5. ADVIELLE (VICTOR). La Bibliotheque de Napoleon a Sainte Helene. Small 4to, half green morocco gilt, gilt top (original cover-title on vellum bound in). Paris, 1894 6. [ALISON (SIR A.) and TYTLER (P. F.).] Travels in France, during the Years 1814-15. Comprising a Resi¬ dence at Paris during the stay of the Allied Armies, etc. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, old half morocco. Edinb. 1816 7. ALMANACH Imperial, An Bissextil M.DCCC.VIII, presente A. S. M. l’Empereur et Roi, par Testu. 8vo, white vellum, gilt back with eagles, sides gilt tooled and with the monogram of Marie Louise in the center, silk ends, gilt edges (ties broken). Paris, [1808] *One of the copies specially bound for the Empress Marie Louise, for presentation purposes. 8. ALMANACH Imperial, An Bissextil M.DCCC.XII, presente A. S. M. L’Empereur et Roi, par Testu. 8vo, white vellum, back tooled with eagles and other ornaments, the sides with gilt borders and arms of Marie Louise painted in the centre, silk ends, gilt edges. Paris, 1812 * Specially bound for the Empress, probably for presenta¬ tion to some member of the Court. 9. AMPERE (A. M.). The Story of his Love; beiug the Journal and Early Correspondence of Andre-Marie Ampere, with his Family Circle during the First Republic. Edited by Madame II. C. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond.1873 10. ANALYSIS of the Talents and Character of Napoleon Bonaparte; by a General Officer. Portrait. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1821 11. ANCEMONT (MLLE. R. D\). The Historical and Unrevealed Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of Napoleon Buonaparte; serving as an illustration of the Manuscript of St. Helena, 1781-1798. 12mo, half green calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1819 12. ANCEMONT (MLLE. R D’.). The Historical and Unrevealed Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. Translated by W. Kenny. Facsim¬ iles. 12mo, half red calf, gilt top, uncut. (Address of the Author inked over.) Lond. 1822 13. ANTES (JOHN). Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Egyptians; to which are added Bonaparte’s Expedition to Egypt, 1798. Folding maps. 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt top (some pages foxed). Dublin, 1801 14. ASHTON (JOHN). English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon I. 115 illustrations. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half red calf, gilt tops. Lond. 1884 10 /■- 3 '- .so y 7£ / 7-r 15. A SPIN (JEIIOSHAPHAT). The Naval and Military Exploits which have distinguished the Reign of George the Third. Frontispiece and 35 plates , beautifully colored by hand. Thick 12mo, old calf, gilt. Lond. 1820 * First Edition. Very scarce, and prized for both plates and text. 16. AUSTRIA and the Austrians. By J. G. Kohl. 2 por¬ traits. First Edition. 2 vols. in 1, thick 12mo, old half calf. Lond. 1837 17. AUTHENTIC MEMOIRS of the Revolution in France, and of the Sufferings of the Royal Family. De¬ duced principally from accounts by Eye-witnesses. Por¬ trait and vignette. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1817 18. T>AIN (NICOLSON). A Detailed Account of the Battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo: Preceded by a Relation of Events attending the Temporary Revolution of 1815, in France. Map of Waterloo (slightly repaired and mounted on linen). 12mo, half calf (half title repaired and remounted). Edinb. 1816 19. BAINES (EDWARD). History of the Wars of the French Revolution. Portraits and maps. 2 vols. 4to, old sheep (worn, some leaves missing). Lond. 1817 20. BAINES (EDWARD). History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from the breaking out of the War in 1792 to the Restoration of general peace in 1815 Portraits , maps , and charts. 2 vols. 4to, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1818 21. BAINES (EDWARD). History of the Wars of the French Revolution, from the breaking out of the War in 1792. Revised by William Grimshaw. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Phila. 1835 22. BARANTE (BARON DE). Bibliotheca Curiosa. The Chieftains of Vendee; Cathelineau, La Roche-Jacque- lein, Charette, Stofflet, and Sombreuil. Translated from the French. Edited by Edmund Goldsmid. 8vo, half calf. Edinb.: Privately Printed, 1887 * One of 75 copies on Large Paper. 23. BARING-GOULD (S.). The Life of Napoleon Bona¬ parte. Numerous full-page plates and text illustrations. Folio, buckram, gilt. Lond. 1897 24. [BARKER (HENRY ASHTON).] Description of the Field of Battle, June 18, 1815, near Waterloo, in the Panorama, Leicester-Square. Folding broadside of the Pano¬ rama. 8vo, half red straight grain morocco. [Lond.], 1817 11 s.is. : n~ /. - / 1X0 3. ^ /£2P J-.£? /•'' 25. BARR AS (PAUL, COMTE DE). Memoirs of Barras, Member of the Directorate. Edited, with a general Intro¬ duction, Prefaces, and Appendices, by George Duray. 7por¬ traits. facsimiles and maps. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1895 26. BARRAS (PAUL, COMTE DE). Autograph Let¬ ter Signed “ P. Barras.” 1 p. 4to, 20 Yendemiaire Pan 4 <1796). * Barras was instrumental in the rapid rise to fame of Napo¬ leon, and when appointed dictator in 1795, called the young Corsican to his aid. The present fetter is on the solution of certain questions by himself and his colleagues. 27. BARRE (W.). History of the French Consulate, under Napoleon Buonaparte; including a Sketch of his Life. Portrait by Chapman. 8vo, old mottled calf. Lond. 1804 28. BARRE (W.). The Rise, Progress, Decline and Fall of Buonaparte’s Empire in France. Portrait etched by Meyer. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top. * Scarce. Lond. 1805 29. BARRUEL (ABBlS). The History of the Clergy dur¬ ing the French Revolution. 8vo, old calf. Dublin, 1794 30. BARRUEL (ABBfi). Memoirs, illustrating the His¬ tory of Jacobinism. Translated from the French. 4 vols. 8vo, old half calf (broken). Lond. 1797-8 31. BASTILLE (THE). Historical Remarks on the Castle of the Bastille: with curious and entertaining Anecdotes of that Fortress, &c., from the French. View and plan. 8vo, half sprinkled calf. Lond. 1789 32. BASTILLE (THE). The History of the Bastille: with a concise account of the late Revolution in France. To which is added an Appendix. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top (a few pages stained). Lond. 1790 33. BATTY (CAPTAIN). An Historical Sketch of the Campaign of 1815, illustrated by Plans of the Operations and of the Battles of Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo. Second Edition, considerably enlarged. Half green calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1820 34. BAXTER (M.). Louis Napoleon, the Destined Mon¬ arch of the World. Maps and cuts. 12mo, half roan. Phila. [1862] 35. BEATSON (GEN. ALEXANDER). Tracts relative to the Island of St. Helena, written during a residence of five years. Illustrated with views and drawings. 4to, re¬ bound in cloth, uncut. Lond. 1816 12 36. BEATSON (GEN. ALEXANDER). Tracts relative to the Island of St. Helena; written during a residence of five years. Views engraved by William Daniel , after Sam- uel Davis. 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1816 * Extra-illustrated by the insertion of five finely colored views of the Island from drawings taken on the spot, with a concise account of the Island, by W. Innes Pocock. Six col¬ ored plates by Clark after James Wathen, and numerous litho¬ graphs. 37. BEAUCHESNE (A. DE). Louis XVII. His Life— His Sufferings—His Death. The Captivity of the Royal Family in the Temple. Translated by W. Hazlitt. Por¬ traits , facsimiles and maps. 2 vols. 12mo, half blue mo¬ rocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 185& 38. BEAUHARNAIS (EUGENE DE—Son of Josephine, favorite of Napoleon, by whom he was made Viceroy of ^ Italy). A page of Autograph Notes signed “E. N.” for Gen. Guilleminot, dated Aug. 26, no year. 4to. * He recommends the greatest care and watchfulness of the lines, permits an officer to go to Vienna, etc. yr 39. BEAUHARNAIS (QUEEN HORTENSE). Memoirs of Hortense Beauharnais, Duchess of St. Leu, Ex-Queen of Holland. 16mo, half calf, gilt top. Pliila. 1833 40. BEAUHARNAIS (QUEEN HORTENSE). Memoirs of Queen Hortense, Mother of Napoleon III. Compiled by Lascelles Wraxall and Robert Wehrhan. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1862 41. BEAUHARNAIS (HORTENSE—Daughter of Jo¬ sephine, married Napoleon’s brother Louis, mother of Na- *— poleon III). A. L. S., 2 closely written pages, 8vo, signed “Hortense Duchesse de St.Leu. ” Mannheim, March 14,1832. * In regard to the protection of her fortune. 42. BENVENUTI (F. F.). Episodes of the French Revo- *—. lntion from 1789 to 1795, with an Appendix embodying the • principal events in France to the present time. 8vo, half red calf, gilt top. Lond. 1880 43. BERALDI (HENRI). Raffet. Peintre National. Numerous illustrations. Folio, half red morocco, gilt top, ' original cover bound in. Paris, n. d. 44. BfiRANGER (PIERRE JEAN DE). Chansons Nou- velles. Full-page plates engraved by Corbould and others y vignette on title , and numerous vignettes throughout the text. —' Small 8vo, original stamped morocco, gilt. Paris: Chez Marchands de Nouveautes, 1825 * Fine copy of the rare First Edition, in the original binding, with the engraved plates, including several additional woodcut-vignettes inserted. A copy in a modern binding, but without the illustrations, brought $50.00 at the Robert Hoe sale in these rooms. 13 4£J? /- A^ s.*' 45. BERNADOTTE (GEN. CH. JEAN—Marshal of France and King of Sweden). Document Signed, 1 p. folio, le 13 Fructidor an 12 (1804). * To the Commissary at Hanover, ordering the payment of 3,000 francs to Gen. Kellerman. 46. BERNADOTTE (DESIREE—wife of the Marshal). Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, May 27, 1806, on paper with the Bernadotte monogram as water-mark. . * A letter written at the request of her husband in the inter¬ est of a French soldier. 47. BERTHIER (GEN. CAESAR—brother of Alexander). Letter signed, 1 p. folio, Aug. 18, 1810. On military affairs. 48. BEURNONVILLE (PIERRE—General in prison with Lafayette at Olmutz, exchanged by the Austrians for the daughter of Louis XVI.). Letter signed, four pages 4to. Cologne, le 7 Pluviose l’an 5 (Jan. 26, 1797). * Important military letter to Gen. Moreau in command ON the Rhine. Moreau had but just arrived, Beurnonville’s illness was forcing him to return to Paris, and in this letter he gives Moreau all the information he possesses in regard to the situation. Moreau had supplanted Pichegru on charges of the latter's treachery, in which Beurnonville was implicated as well. 49. BINDING. A small folio blank book of about 60 pages, lettered “Album,” bound in old French red mo¬ rocco, the sides covered with gold tooling of fans, etc., back to match, green watered silk linings, ornate borders, mottled gold edges. Joints weak. Handsome and interesting speci¬ men. Late XVIIIth century 50. BINDING. A blank book, 4to, about 16 leaves, heavy paper, full red morocco, gilt back, sides stamped in heavy gilt design surrounding the Arms of a Cardinal in blue and gold, inside double borders, maroon silk doublures and end-papers, gilt top. 51. BINDING. A blank book, 4to, about 40 leaves, heavy paper, red straight-grain morocco, panelled gilt back, one panel inlaid in light green morocco, sides with heavy gilt borders around centres of blind-tooled lozenge and other ornaments, inside gilt borders, light blue silk doub¬ lures and end-papers, gilt edges. 52. BINDING. A blank book, 4to, about 65 leaves, heavy paper, French red straight-grain morocco, back gilt- tooled in a design of scrolls and lines, with an inlay of dark green morocco, about 4 inches long, sides with wide ornamental gilt border, larger centre panels blind-tooled in a design of fancy ornaments, inside gilt borders, light blue silk doublures and end-papers, gilt edges. 14 53. BINDING. A blank book, 4to, about 70 leaves, heavy paper, French red straight-grain morocco, back gilt- r- 50 tooled in designs of scrolls and lines, with an inlay of dark . green morocco, about 4 inches long, sides with quintuple filleted border broken by scrolls in centres and corners, large centre frame design, inside gilt borders, light blue silk doublures and end-papers, gilt edges. 54. BINDING. A Blank book, small folio, about 22 leaves, heavy paper, red straight-grain morocco, gilt back, 0 sides with gilt border of vines between rules, in centres the arms in gold of Napoleon, and crowns and bees in corners, inside gilt borders, gilt top. 55. BINDING. Album bound in purple plush, 4to, with decorations of white and red inserted, stamped gold tool- ^ ing, Imperial arms in the center, gilt edges. In a slip- case of maroon levant morocco, emblematically tooled on the back and sides with bees, N’s, and coat of arms. 56. BINDING. Blank-book of 4to size, red straight- grain morocco, back decorated with eagles and crown, sides bearing Napoleon’s arms, double conventional borders, gilt edges. In a green morocco slip-case. i 57. BINDING. Blank Book. Royal 8vo, red morocco, gilt back and side panels, inside gilt borders, gilt top. n. p.—n. d. 58. BINGHAM (CAPT. THE HON. D.). The Bastille. So Portraits and other illustrations. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout. Loud. 1888 59. BIRE (EDMOND). The Diary of a Citizen of Paris / ft —during “ The Terror.” Translated and edited by John de ' Villiers. 2 portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1896 60. BLAYNEY (MAJOR-GENERAL LORD). Narrative — of a forced Journey through Spain and France, as a Pris¬ oner of War, in the Years 18L0 to 1814. 2 frontispieces. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1814 / 61. BOISSY-D’ANGLAS—Quelled the riots at the Na¬ tional Convention Autograph Letter Signed, 3 pp. 8vo. Paris, July 18, 1823. *To M. de Jouy asking him to come and visit his “Hermi¬ tage.” 7 62. BONAPARTE (ELIZA—Napoleon’s sister, Princess de Piombino). A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, signed “ Elisa” Mch. 22, 1807. (Piombino). * To Cardinal Fesch, her uncle, asking that one of his people execute various commissions for her. 15 r 104. BUTLER (ARTHUR JOHN—Translator). The 3* -* Memoirs of Baron Thiebault. Portraits. 2 vols. cloth, gilt tops. N. Y. 1896 105. BUTLER (CHARLES). Historical Memoirs of the / Church of France in the Reigns of Lewis XIV, XV, XVI, ( ' -- and the French Revolution. Portrait. 8vo, old calf (re- backed, and binding worn). Lond. 1817 106. BYGGfi (THOMAS). Travels in the French Re- w_ public: containing a circumstantial view of the present state of learning, etc. Translated by John Jones. Frontis¬ piece. First English Edition. 12mo, old tree-calf. * Bookplate of John R. Lucas. Lond. 1801 *5* 107. BYRON (LORD). Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte. From the third London Edition. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. Phila. 1814 19 2 .£? S’" / 7J~ S'. 108. /CAMPAIGNS of the Armies of France, in Prussia, ^ Saxony, and Poland, under the command of his Majesty the Emperor and King. Translated from the French by Samuel Mackay. Portrait. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. Bost. 1808 109. CAMPAIGN of General Bonaparte in Italy, 1796-7. By a General Officer. [R. J. de Dommereul.] Second Edi¬ tion, corrected. Portrait. 12mo, old calf (lacks map). Edinb. 1800 110. CAMPAIGNS of Napoleon Buonaparte, embracing the events of his unexampled Military Career, from the Siege of Toulon to the Battle of Waterloo. Compiled by an American. Folding frontispiece. 8vo, old mottled calf. Bost. 1835 * Bookplate and signature of F. W. Folger, Nantucket. 111. CAMPAIGN of Marengo (Sargent), Chicago, 1897; Folk-Tales of Napoleon (Kennan), N. Y. 1902; “Monsieur Henri” (Guiney), N. Y. 1892; Campaign of Waterloo (Jomini), N. Y. 1864; and 4 others. Together 8 vols., vari¬ ous sizes and bindings. 112. CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON. Original Journals of the Eighteen Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 vols. 8vo, half red calf. Lond., n. d. * Among the general officers by whom these narratives were compiled are Berthier, Massena, Denon, Regnier, Labaume, Girard, C. Petit, Beauchamp, Rocca, and M. J. Miot. 113. CAMPAIGN OF 1793. An Accurate and Impartial Narrative of the War. By an Officer of the Guard. 2 col¬ ored plates and other illustrations. 12mo, half calf, gilt top. Lond., n. d. * A poetical sketch of the campaigns of 1793-4-5. 114. CAMPAIGN of 1793. An Accurate and Impartial Narrative of the War, by an Officer of the Guards. Colored frontispieces and other plates. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut (title mended, some pages stained). Lond. [ca. 1800] 115. CAMPAN (MADAME). Memoirs of the Private Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France and Navarre. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1823 116. CAMPARDON (EMILE). Marie-Antoinette et le Proces du Collier, d’apres la Procedure Instruite devant le Parlement de Paris. Illustrations and facsimiles. 8vo, half straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt top. Paris, 1863 20 117. CAMPBELL (SIR NEIL). Napoleon at Fontaine¬ bleau and Elba, Being a Journal of Occurrences in 1814- 1815, with Notes of Conversations. Memoir of Sir Neil Campbell, by A. N. C. Maclachlan. Portrait. 8vo, half brown morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1869 118. CARLYLE (THOMAS). The French Revolution; A History. 3 vols. 8vo, half red polished calf gilt, gilt tops. * Fine set. Lond. 1848 119. CARNOT (LAZARE N. M.—Minister of War “ Organizer of Victory ”). Document Signed by Carnot, Merlin de Douai, Delmas and others. 2 pp. folio, 13 Vendemiaire, l’an 3 (1795). * Official document of the Committee of'Public Safety giving passports to the United States. 120. CARNOT (L. N. M.). Reply of Carnot to the Report made on the Conspiracy of the 18th Fructidor, 5th Year, by J. Ch. Bailleul. 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1799 121. CARR-GOMM (FRANCIS C.). Letters and Journals of Field-Marshal Sir William Maynard Gomm. From 1799 to Waterloo, 1815. Portraits. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1881 122. CATALOGUE of Pictures representing Christ Re¬ jected, Christ Healing in the Temple, and a Design of Our Saviour’s Crucifixion; with sketches from other Scriptural Subjects. Painted by B. West. 8vo, half leather. Lond. 1815 123. CATILCART (GEORGE). Commentaries on the War in Russia and Germany in 1812 and 1813. Plans and diagrams. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt. Lond. 1850 124. CAULAINCOURT (ARMAND DE). Recollections of Caulaincourt, Duke of Vincenza. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo, half brown calf, gilt. Loud. 1838 125. CAVALRY in the Waterloo Campaign (Wood). Bost. 1896; “1812” Napoleon in Russia (Verestchagin), N. Y. 1899; The Court and Camp of Buonapart. Lond. 1829; Decline and Fall of Napoleon (Wolselej^), Bost. 1895; and 2 others. Together, 6 vols. cloth, various sizes and bindings. 126. CEVALLOS (DON PEDRO). An Exposure of the Arts and Machinations which led to the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain, and of the means pursued by Bonaparte, etc. Translated from the Spanish. Edited by J. J. Stock- dale. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1808 127. CEVALLOS (DON PEDRO). Another copy. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1808 21 /£>.& / - ^ our legitimate Princes for the happiness of France and that of Europe. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1814 138. CHOIX de Rapports, Opinions, et Discours pro- nonces a la Tribune Nationale depuis 1789 jusqu’a ce jour. -Recueillis dans un ordre chronologique et historique. Por¬ traits. 13 vols. 8vo, old half calf. Paris, 1818-20 139. CHURCHILL (T. O.). The Life of Lord Viscount Nelson, Duke of Bronte. Numerous engravings of striking and memorable incidents. 4to, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut (name on title). Lond. 1808 * Large paper copy with proof plates (foxed). 140. CLARKE (HEWSON). The History of the War from the Establishment of Louis XVIII, on the throne of A 0 France, to the Bombardment of Algiers; including a copious narrative of the Battle of Waterloo ... of the Barbary States in General, and Algier in particular. Engraved plates. 4to, half olive levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1817 141. CLARKE (RICHARD). The Life of Horatio, Lord '' Viscount Nelson. Portrait and numerous engravings. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. [1813] 142. CLARETIE (JULES). Camille Desmoulins and his — Wife. Passages from the History of the Dantonists. • Translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Portrait and facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1876 143. CLERY (M.—Valet to Louis XVI). Journal of Occurrences at the Temple during the Confinement of Louis -—' XVI. Translated by R. C. Dallas. Engraving and fac¬ simile. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1798 144. [COATE (CHARLES).] The History of Modern Europe, from the Treaty of Amiens, in 1802, to the Paci- fication of Paris, in 1815. Portrait. 8vo, half crimson morocco gilt, gilt top, parti} 7 uncut. Keene, N. H.: John Prentiss, 1822 j-q 145. COBBETT (WILLIAM). A Collection of Facts and —- Observations, relative to the Peace with Bonaparte, ex¬ tracted from the Porcupine. 8vo, half calf. Phila. 1802 146! COBBETT (WILLIAM.). Letters to the Right Hon. _Z_^ Lord Hawkesbury, and to the Right Hon. Henry Adding¬ ton, on the Peace with Buonaparte. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1802 23 ?r /or sM 2 .~ S'- 3 . £_° SSr < 3 /. S o W/TH 147. COCKBURN (ADMIRAL SIR GEORGE). Buona¬ parte’s Voyage to St. Helena; Comprising the Diary of Rear Admiral Sir George Cockburn, during his passage from England to St. Helena, in 1815. 12mo, half red polished calf gilt, gilt top, original cloth-covered board, covers bound in. Bost. 1833 148. COCKBURN (ADMIRAL SIR GEORGE). Buona¬ parte’s Voyage to St. Helena. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top. Bost 1833 149. CODE NAPOLEON; or, the French Civil Code. By a Barrister of the Inner Temple. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. [By George Spence.] N. Y. 1841 150. COLLECTION COMPLETE des Portraits des Grands-Aigles’ des Grands-Officiers de la Legion d’Honneur, Precedee du Calendrier de l’Annee. Publiee par M. Meyer, Peintre. 12 portraits , and engraved title and calendar. 12mo, green cloth. [Paris], 1810 * The Scarce First Edition in the original binding. 151. COLLINGWOOD (G. L. N.). A Selection from the Public and Private Correspondence of Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood: interspersed with Memoirs of His Life. Por¬ trait and plan. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1829 152. COLMACHE (M.). Reminiscences of Prince Talley¬ rand. Edited by Madame Colmache. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1848 153. COLMACHE (M.). Revelations of the Life of Prince Talleyrand. Edited from the Papers of Colmache. Portrait. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1850 154. COLORED PLATES. Historic Military and Naval Anecdotes of Personal Valour, Bravery, and particular In¬ cidents which occurred to the Armies of Great Britain and her Allies in the last War, terminating in the Battle of Waterloo, lfi full-page plates in colors, by Dubourg after Atkinson , Manskirch, a?id others. Large folio, three- quarter olive green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lond.: Edited and Published by Edward Orme, 1819 * Fine copy, with the plates brilliantly colored. Large Paper copy. 155. COLORED PLATES. Another copy. 4to, crimson straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt side borders. (Contains a slightly different arrangement of the plates from above copy.) Lacks title. 156. COLORED PLATES. Bowyer (R.). An Illustrated Record of Important Events in the Annals of Europe, dur¬ ing the Years 1812-1815, Comprising a Series of Views of Paris, Moscow, The Battles of Leipsie, &c. With a History 24 of those Momentous Transactions. 11 full-and-double page colored aquatints. Large folio, half buckram, uncut. Lond. : Printed by T. Bensley, 1815 157. COLORED PLATES. Bowyer (R.). The Cam¬ paign of Waterloo, illustrated with Engravings of Les Quatre Bras, La Belle Alliance, &c., including a Correct Military Plan ... to which is prefixed a History of the Campaign. Map and plates , some colored. Large folio, half buckram, uncut. Lond.: Printed by T. Bensley, 1816 158. COMANDINI (ALFREDO). L’ltalia nei Cento Anni del Secolo XIX (1801-1900) Giorno per giorno Illus- trata. Profusely illustrated with reproductions of views , medals , titles , portraits , the. 12mo, crimson morocco gilt, gilt borders, gilt top. Milano, 1900-1 2 . 159. COMANDINI (ALFREDO). La tragica campagna di Russia. La nuova Constituzione in Sicilia. II prirno gran quadro di Hayez a Milano. Profusely illustrated. Thick 12mo, red morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. [Milano, 1902] 3r 160. COMBERMERE (MARY, VISCOUNTESS) and KNOLLYS (W. W.). Memoirs and Correspondence of Field-Marshal Viscount Combermere. From his Family Papers. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth (loose), uncut. Lond. 1866 161. CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE of Napo¬ leon Bonaparte with his Brother Joseph, sometime King of Spain. Selected and translated, with explanatory notes, from “Memoiresdu Roi Joseph.” 2 vols. 8vo, half red calf (rubbed). Lond. 1855 s0 162. CONSTANT’S MEMOIRS. Recollections of the *— Private Life of Napoleon. Translated by Walter Clark. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y., n. d. 163. CORONATION Ceremony of Buonaparte (The): to i VO which is added an Account of the Pope’s Journey to Paris. 8vo, half calf (lower margins of title and some other pages repaired). Lond. [1804] c. /s. 164. CORSICAN’S DOWNFALL (THE). The Rise, Name, Reign, and final Downfall of Napoleon, alias Nico- —.. lais Buonaparte; shown to have been predicted by the Prophet Daniel, 2,400 years ago, and by St. John, the Evangelist, 1,700 years ago. By a Royal Arch Mason. 8vo, half maroon levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Mansfield, ca. 1808 165. COSTUMES Fourth Year of the French Republic. 1795. Dresses of the Representatives, Members of the Councils, and of the Executive Directory. Engraved title and 15 full-page plates in colors , from the original drawings 25 given by the Minister of the Interior to Grasset S. Saveur. 8vo, green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1796 * Scarce. The plates are hand colored, probably at a some¬ what later date. 166. COTTON (SERGEANT-MAJOR EDWARD). A Voice from Waterloo. A History of the Battle. Map and Woodcuts . 16mo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in, by Oldach. Mont-St.-Jean, 1862 167. COURT and Camp of Buonaparte. [J. G. Lockhart.] Portraits and Chart. 16mo, half calf gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1829 168. COURT OF WESTPHALIA. Memoirs of the Court of Westphalia under Jerome Bonaparte; with Anecdotes of his Favourites, Ministers, &c. 8vo, half dark blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, lower edges uncut. Lond. 1820 169. COURTENAY (THOMAS PEREGRINE). A View of the State of the Nation, suggested by Earl Grey’s Speech in House of Lords, June 13, 1810. 8vo, half leather. Lond. 1811 170. CRAWFORD (CAPTAIN A.). Reminiscences of a Naval Officer, during the late War, with Sketches and Anecdotes of distinguished Commanders. Portraits of Sir Edward Owen and Sir Benj. H. Carew. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt. Lond. 1851 171. [CROLY (GEORGE).]. The Year of Liberation. A Journal of the Defence of Hamburgh against the French Army under Marshal Davoust. First Edition. 2 vols. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1832 172. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The Life of Napo¬ leon. A Hudibrastic Poem by Doctor Syntax. Embellished with 30 humorous colored plates by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, full tree-calf gilt, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. Lond.: T. Tegg, 1815 * Fine copv of the scarce First Edition, with all the colored plates, by George Cruikshank. 173. CRUIKSHANK (GEORGE). The History of Napo¬ leon Buonaparte. Reprinted from the Family Library. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. 12mo, half green morocco gilt, gilt edges. Lond. [1867] 174. CURRY (T.—Translator). The Secret Documents of the Second Empire, found in the Tuileries and Minis¬ tries in Paris after the Flight of the Empress. Translated from the French. 12mo, half blue calf gilt, gilt top, original covers bound in. Lond. 1871 175. CUSTINE (COMTE DE—Executed August, 1793, by the Revolutionists). Document signed, 2 pp. folio, Paris, April 12, 1791. * Political petition signed by Thurin, endorsed to the Na¬ tional Assembly through the signatures of Custine, Henry and others. 26 176. TAAENDELS (W. H.—Div. Commander in the j — Russian Campaign of 1812). A. L. S., 1 p. f' 4to, with leaf of address, Nymegue, Oct. 25, 1795. * Requesting passports for the return to Amsterdam of two Dutchmen. Mentions Gen. Moreau. 177. DAMAS (DUC DE—Voted for the death of Mar- . - shal Ney). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Palace of J, the Tuileries, Dec. 5, 1821. * Sending a yearly subscription for the “ Societe de la Provi¬ dence.” 178. DAMPIERRE (AUG. H. M. P. DE—Commander- imChief). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Feb. 21, J SO 1788. "' * Acknowleding permission for himself and wife to go to Rainey. A rare autograph as Dampierre was killed in BATTLE IN 1793. 179. DANTON (GEORGE JACQUES—Noted French Revolutionist). Document Signed, 1 p. folio, Paris, Sept. ^J^25, 1792. ^ * Pay Warrant for the Secretary of the Dept, of Justice. 180. DANTON (GEORGE JACQUES). Memoirs of M. Danton, late Minister of Justice to the National Con¬ vention, who suffered by the guillotine, April 5, 1794. 8vo, stitched, no covers (some edges frayed). Lond. 1794 181. DAVENPORT (R. A.). The History of the Bas- tile, and of its principal captives. Frontispiece . 12mo, old half leather. Lond. 1838 * Bookplate of Sir John N. Campbell. 182. DAVID (JEAN MICHEL). A History of the Campaigns of General Pichegru, 1794-5; with Anecdotes ~j of the Campaign and Memoirs of Pichegru, Jourdan, Moreau and others. 8vo, half cloth and boards. Lond. 1796 ?• 183. DAVIES (CATHERINE). Eleven Years’ Resi¬ dence in the Family of Murat, King of Naples. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Lond. 1841 184. DAVOUST (MARSHAL—Prince of Eckmuhl, Min¬ ister of War during the “ Hundred Days ”). Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Dunkirk, 1805. * Thanking an officer of the Marine Service for information. 185. DAVOUST (MARSHAL). Document Signed, 2 pp. folio, Jettingen, June 2, 1806. * Asking instructions from Berthier (Prince de Neufchatel), Endorsed by Berthier, with two lines signed and dated. 186. [DAVOUST (MARSHAL).] Autograph Letter Signed JT — of Princess Eckmuhl, wife of Marshal Davoust, 2 pp. 8vo, 'J' Savigny, Mch. 7, 1852. Letter of condolence. 27 2 V' /£>. 3 . Zf / ~ i-f. ^ / - ap 187. DAYOT (ARMAND). Napoleon. Raconte par Flm- age d’apres les Sculpteurs, les Graveurs, et les Peintres. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. small folio, green straight- grain morocco, emblematically tooled with crowns, Napo¬ leon’s arms, etc., gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1895 * Extra-illustrated by the insertion of over 100 portraits and views, a large number of which are portraits of Napoleon. 188. DAYOT (ARMAND). La Revolution Frangaise; Con- stituante—Legislative—Convention—Directoire. D’apres des Peinteurs, Sculpteurs, Graveurs, &c. Profusely illus¬ trated. 2 vols. oblong 4to, cloth gilt, gilt tops, original wrappers bound in. Paris, n. d. 189. DAYS OF BATTLE (THE); or Quatre Bras and Waterloo. By an Englishwoman. 12mo, half green mo¬ rocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. Lond. 1858 190. DE BATTSSET (L. F. J.). Private Memoirs of the Court of Napoleon, and of some Public Events of the Im¬ perial Reign. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phila.1828 191. DECAZE (COMTE). Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Paris, Feb. 13, 1820. Offering courtesies to a minister from Russia. 192. DECRfiS (DENIS DUC—Admiral and Minister of Marine). Letter signed, 2 pp. folio, Paris, March 6, 1809. On drafting deserters from two English vessels of war into the French army. 193. DELZONS (ALEXIS J.—General, killed in Russia in 1812). Autograph letter signed, 1 p. folio, Paris, 1802. * A very interesting letter on the bravery of an officer, writ¬ ten to Gen. Berthier, with a three-line endorsement by him. 194. DELOME (W. S.). The Life and Death of Maria Antoinette, late Queen of France. From the French of Mirabeau and others. 2 portraits and a plate. 8vo, half brown calf. Lond. [ ca. 1800J 195. DEMENT (RICHMOND S.). Napoleon, a Drama. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1893 196. DE MOLEVILLE (A. F. B.). Annals of the French Revolution; or, a chronological account of its principal events. Translated by R. C. Dallas. 4 vols. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1800 * Bookplates of Sir G. F. Hill. 197. DENON (VIVANT). Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pendant les Campaignes du General Bona¬ parte. 3 vols. 4to, 2 in cloth. Londres, 1802 * With the Atlas of Plates, folio, half cloth and boards. 28 198. DERMONCOURT (GENERAL). The Duchess of _ Beri in La Vendee; comprising a Narrative of her Adven¬ ts tures, with her private papers. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1833 199. DESGENETTES (BARON—Surgeon in Chief at f ^ Waterloo). Autograph Letter Signed, 2 pp. 8vo, Rosny, • Sept. 24, 1824. * Sending an article on Savages for the Universal Biography. 200. DESMOULINS (CAMILLE). The History of the Brissotins, or Part of the Secret History of the Revolution TT and of the first six months of the Republic, in answer to I 'Brissot’s Address. Translated. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Lond. 1794 201. DE STAAL (MADAME). Memoirs of Madame De SO Staal De Launay. Written by Herself. Translated by Selina Bathurst. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1877 202. DIDIER (EUGENE L.). Life and Letters of Ma¬ dame Bonaparte. 12mo, half light blue morocco, gilt top. * Out of print, and scarce. Lond. 1879 203. DORIS (CHARLES). Secret Memoirs of Napoleon. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1896 204. DULAURE (J. A.). Esquisses Historiques des 7S ^~Principaux Evenemens de la Revolution Frangaise. Por¬ traits and plates. 5 vols. 8vo, old half calf. Paris, 1823-25 205. DUMAS (COUNT MATHIEU). Memoirs of his o own Time; including the Revolution, the Empire, and the /. Restoration. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1839 S3S ^06. DUMONT (ETIENNE). Recollections of Mirabeau, O < .—. and of the two first Legislative Assemblies of France. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Phila. 1833 ^ 207. DUMOURIEZ (GEN.—Minister of War to Louis 3, XVI). Autograph Letter Signed. 1 p. 4to. Paris, May 18, 1791, with wax seal. * On the services of two companies raised in Corsica. j •JS' 208. DUMOURIEZ (GENERAL). Memoirs, compre- * ^ hending the Conferences and Correspondence with Louis XVI, etc. Portrait. 12mo, half cloth, uncut. Lond., n. d. 209. DUMOURIEZ (GENERAL). Memoirs, written by j X 0 himself. Translated by John Fenwick. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, ** original sheep. Phila. 1794 29 ?- 2 " U.2£ 3cr 210. DUNCAN (ARCHIBALD). The British Trident; or, Register of Naval Actions; including authentic accounts of all the most remarkable engagements at sea. Plates.. 6 vols. 12mo, old tree-calf. Lond. 1809 * Very scarce complete with all the plates, one of which is of the ACTION BETWEEN JONES AND CAPT. PlEKSON. 211. DU PAN (MALLET). Memoirs and Correspond¬ ence, illustrative of the History of the French Revolution. Collected and arranged by A. Sayous. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1852 212. DUPONT (GEN. PIERRE—Disgraced by Napoleon for the defeat at Bajden). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to. Paris, June 29, 1825, with leaf of address. * In reference to work done on his house. 213. DUPPA (RICHARD). A Journal of the most Re¬ markable Occurrences that took place in Rome, upon the Subversion of the Ecclesiastical Government in 1798. 8vo, half green calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1799 214. DURAND (MADAME LA GENERALE). Napo¬ leon and Marie-Louise, 1810-1814. 12mo, half blue mo¬ rocco, gilt top. Lond. 1886 215. DUROC (MARSHAL—Duke of Friuli, favorite of Napoleon). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to. Aug. 25, 1807. * Thanking Prince Dmitri Labauff de Rostelz for a portrait of the Emperor. 216. rTpATON (CHARLOTTE ANN).] Narrative of a Residence in Belgium during the Campaign of 1815; and of a Visit to the Field of Waterloo. By an Englishwoman. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1817 /£? 217. ELBA. A Short description of the Island of Elba, and Town of Porto-Ferrajo, illustrative of the view now exhibiting in Henry Aston Barker’s Panorama. Vignette of Bonaparte’s flag on title. 8vo, half roan, some pp. un¬ cut. [Lond.] 1815 218. ERNOUF (BARON—General, distinguished in Italy). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Jan. 23, 18^5. * To the Chev. de Bouteiller on arrangements for his visit. 3 . 219. ESSAI d’Instruction Morale; ou les Devoirs envers Dieu, le Prince et la Patrie, la Society et Soi-meme. 2 por¬ traits of Napoleon. 2 vols. 4to, old mottled calf, arms of Universite Imperiale on the sides, gilt edges. Paris, 1812 30 220. ESTRADA (D. ALVARO FLORES). Representa¬ tions to H. C. M. Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, in defence of the Cortes. Translated by Charles Toplis. 8vo, half brown leather. Lond. 1819 lS - 221. EUSTAPHIEVE (M.). The Resources of Russia, -—» in the Event of a War with France. 8vo, half roan. Lond.1812 222. EVERITT (GRAHAM). Guillotine the Great and % J~V her Successors. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1890 223. EXPOSE (THE); or, Napoleon Buonaparte un¬ masked, in a condensed statement of his Career and r Atrocities. First Edition. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt ^ top. [By Peter Coxe.] Lond. 1809 224. [T^ANE (JOHN).] Memoir of the Early Campaigns ^ > r of the Duke of Wellington, in Portugal and ' "Spain. 8vo, contemporary bine morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1820 225. FARIE (ROBERT). Campaign in France. Trans- .7/' lated from the German of Goethe. Map. 12mo, cloth, un¬ cut. Lond. 1858 226. FASTES (LES) du Peuple Frangais, ou Tableaux raisonnes de toutes les actions heroiques et civiques du Soldat et du Citoyen Frangais. Nearly 50 plates in colors engraved by Jacques Gr. Saint-Sauveur after designs by La- brousse. Small 4to, half maroon leather (portions of a number of leaves repaired). Paris: Chez Deroy, 1796 * Rare. A Series of full page beautifully colored plates of heroic actions of the Soldiers and Citizens of France during the French Revolution. Among the names selected for special commendation and illustration are—Volunteer Martin Vinay, Chef de Brigade De Rampon, General Causse, Adj.-General De Theuring, General Marceau, and others, many of whose names are not generally known. With French text. 227. FAURIEL (M.). The Last Days of the Consulate. . Edited, with an Introduction, by M. L. Lalanne. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1885 228. FAVART (C. S.). Memoires et Correspondance Litteraires, Dramatiques et Anecdotiques, precedes d’une Notice Historique par H. F. Dumolard. 3 vols. 8vo, old half leather. In a green morocco slip-case. Paris, 1808 * On the half-titles there are stamps reading “ Bibliotlieque du Citoyen Napoleon Bonaparte.” It is stated that this 0 COPY WAS THE property of Josephine, and that the books were rescued from the Tuileries. The bindings show the effects of smoke and water. 31 3 .^ . J"o s.- h' 1 ' 229. FELLOWES (W. D.). Paris; during the interest¬ ing Month of July, 1815. A series of letters addressed to a friend in London. Vignette portrait of Napoleon on title, also group of portraits of Louis XVIII., and four others as frontispiece, and a full-length figure of a grenadier (the two last named in colors, probably hand-colored at a later date). 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1815 230. F^TES a l’Occasion du Mariage de S. M. Napoleon, Empereur des Frangais, Roi d’ltalie, avec Marie-Louise, Archiduchesse d’Autriche. plates. Small 8vo, boards. * Scarce. Paris, 1810 231. FEZENSAC (LIEUT.-GEN. DE). A Journal of the Russian Campaign of 1812. Translated from the French. Introduction by Col. W. Knollys. Map. 12mo, sprinkled calf. Lond. 1852 232. FLEISCHMANN (GENERAL—Editor). Memoirs of Count Miot de Melito. From the French by Mrs. C. Hoey and John Lillie. 2 vols. thick 8vo, half light brown morocco gilt, gilt tops, by Tout. Lond. 1881 * Count Melito was a life-long friend of Joseph Bonaparte, whom he accompanied to Naples and Spain. He gives the details of the Spanish fiasco as they were never before given, and de¬ scribes the scene when the news reached Marie Louise of Napo¬ leon’s abdication. 233. FLOWER of the Jacobins, containing Biographical Sketches of the Leading Men at Present at the Head of Affairs in France. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1792 234. FORBES (JAMES). Letters from France, written in the Years 1803 & 1804, including a particular account of Verdun, and the situation of the British Captives. Frontis¬ pieces. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1806 235. FORSYTH (WILLIAM). History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena; from the Letters and Journals of the late Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe. Portrait and map. 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1853 236. FOUCHE (JOSEPH—Duke of Otranto, Chief of •Police). Letter Signed, 2 pp. 4to, Paris, 7 Brumaire, An 10 [Oct. 29, 1801]. * Authorising a passport for an Austrian officer. On official letterhead. 237. FOUCHfi (JOSEPH). Memoirs of Joseph Fouche, Duke of Otranto, Minister of the General Police of France. Portraits. 12mo, cloth. Phila. 1892 32 /?.' #- fr / 238. FOUQUIER-TINVILLE (ANTOINE Q.—the Public Accuser of the Revolutionary Tribunal). Autograph Letter Signed, 2 pp. 4to, Paris, 1794. * To Andre Dumont in regard to a meeting of the Committee on Safety at Bordeaux, mentioning Treillard and others. A FINE EXAMPLE OF AN AUTOGRAPH RARELY MET WITH IN FULL AUTOGRAPH letters. The writer was guillotined in 1795. 239. FOY (GENERAL). History of the War in the Peninsula* under Napoleon. Published by the Countess Foy. Translated from the French. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1827 240. FREDERICK (SON OF THEODORE, KING OF CORSICA). The Description of Corsica, with an Account of its Union to the Crown of Great Britain, etc. Folding map. 8vo, old tree-calf, gilt. Lond, 1795 241. FRENCH CONSTITUTION. An Authentic Copy of the French Constitution, as revised and amended by the National Assembly, and presented to the King on the Third of September, 1791. Translated from the Original. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1811 * Several other works are bound with the above. 242. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Address des Adminis- trateurs du Departement de Seine et Marne, aux Citoyens de la Ville de Nismes. 4 pp. 4to uncut. Melun, 1790 243. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Lettre Circulaire aux Departmens du Royaume. Melun, 6 Septembre, 1790. Signed “ Les Administrateurs composant l’Assemblee Di- rectoriale du Departement de Seine et Marne.” 6 pp. 4to, uncut. Melun, 1790 * Referring to the riots in Nimes between the Royalists and the “ Sans-culottes.” 244. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Authentic Memoirs of the Revolution in France, and of the Sufferings of the Royal Family, 1817; A Sketch of the History of France, from the Suspension of the Monarchy in 1792-1817; The Reign of Terror; a Collection of Authentic Narratives of the Horrors committed by the Revolutionary Government, 1826. Written by Eye-Witnesses. Portrait. Together 4 vols. 8vo, half olive morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1817-26 245. FRENCH REVOLUTION. An Historical Sketch j-p of the French Revolution, from its commencement to the -> year 1792. 8vo, half crimson calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1792 246. FRENCH REVOLUTION. Benvenuti (F. F.). Epi¬ sodes of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1795, examined / — from a Political and Philosophical point of View. 8vo, ' • cloth. Lond. 1880 33 SECOND SESSION Tuesday Evening, April 22, 1913, at 8:15 o’clock. BRONZES. By Barre, Conille, Blanc, Lavastre, Lambert, and others. 247. CARVED WOOD WALL POCKET. Oak, carved with a portrait of Napoleon in relief and the words “ Vive L’Empereur,” and painted. Prob¬ ably contemporary. 248. BRONZE DOOR KNOCKER. The shield formed with eagle and olive branches, the knocker as the head of Napoleon in cocked hat; Wall Pocket, the back shaped as figure of Napo¬ leon; Plaster Model of St. Helena in relief, colored and inscribed with key, 8x9. (3 pieces.) 249. PEWTER MUG WITH HINGED LID. Engraved with “ N ” and Napoleonic Crown, lettered also “ Voyage of” (somewhat battered). * Said by the owner to have been a part of Napoleon’s cook¬ ing equipment on the battlefield. 249a. MINIATURE GOLD BRONZE FIGURE OF NA¬ POLEON. Height, 3 inches. METAL PANEL WITH EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF NAPOLEON. Napoleon crossing the Alps. Signed W. T. 10 x 8 inches. (2 pieces.) 250. GOLD BRONZE STATUETTE OF THE DUKE OF REICHSTADT. As a boy on a square columnar base. Height, 5 inches. 251. BUST OF NAPOLEON (ANTIQUE) IN GOLD BRONZE. On small marble base. Signed C. de Franoz. Height, 3 \ inches. 252. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. On green marble base with ormolu decorations. Height, 6 inches. 253. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON WITH FOLDED ARMS. On green marble base, similar to the preceding. Height, 4f inches. 34 Bronzes — Continued. 254. BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON IN COCKED IIAT. Height, 2-J- inches. ^4 — 255. GOLD BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. Standing on columnar marble base, with hat in hand. Height, 6 inches. 256. LOUIS XVIIIth. Bronze statuette, grotesque, on red marble base. Height, 5 inches. * Inside is a miniature statuette in gold bronze of Napoleon. w-257. SMALL PORCELAIN BUST OF NAPOLEON. Decorated porcelain, with Sevres mark. . 258. SMALL BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, SIGNED H. MULLER. Surmounting a marble column with ormolu mounts. Height, 8 inches. 259. SILVER BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. /J"• In knee breeches, uniform, one hand behind him, on green marble base. Height, 9J inches. 260. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON /<-- On the battlefield, in hat and long coat, on yellow marble base. Height, 8 inches. /3. -261. BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON, BAREHEADED. On round yellow marble base. Height, 11 inches. /£ 262. EVE OF AUSTERLITZ: BRONZE PIECE. _ Napoleon asleep, seated in a chair, arms folded, one foot on a scroll; white marble base. The chair in gold bronze. Height, 5-J- inches. 263. EVE OF AUSTERLITZ: BRONZE PIECE. Similar to the preceding, Napoleon in gold bronze, with sword, and engraving on the map on which his foot rests; on colored marble base. Height, 5£ inches. 264. CIRCULAR BASE OF GREEN MARBLE Decorated with the Imperial Eagle in gold bronze. Height, 5£; diameter of the base, 10 inches. 265. BUST OF NAPOLEON IN DECORATED TERRA ?. r* COTTA. With folded arms, holding spyglass. Signed, T. Goldscheider, Wien, on a shaped base decorated with scroll in brown and “ N.” Height, 21 inches. 266. BRONZE EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF NAPOLEON. As Emperor, horse to left, on fiat base. Height, 7 /S ~4 inches. 35 Bronzes — Continued. 267. /£- /o. 268. 7 269. So 270. d 2 -.'""' 3 3 ~ 271. 272. 273. H- Cr J C /- 274. 275. 276. 277. SMALL BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON IN HAT AND HEAVY COAT. On square bronze base with the Imperial Eagle in relief. Signed Lambert. Height, 7-J- inches. * Beautiful piece with fine patina. SMALL BRONZE HEAD OF NAPOLEON IN DEATH. With laurel wreath on Sienna marble base. Height, 3 inches. * Finely executed. SMALL GOLD BRONZE GROUP. Napoleon, Marie Louise and the Due de Reichstadt standing on a base of green marble. Height, 3 inches. Base, 6x3 inches. BRONZE AND GOLD BRONZE EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF NAPOLEON. On green marble base divided by bands of ormolu. The horse rearing, Napoleon pointing to the field. Height, 14-J inches. IVORY STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. On the battlefield, arms folded, cocked hat; ebony base. Height, 12 inches. BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON IN COCKED HAT. Signed Chaudet. On circular yellow marble base. Height, 12 inches. GOLD BRONZE EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF NA¬ POLEON. On flat green marble base. Height, 7-J inches; length of base 7 inches. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON WITH CANNON AND BALLS. On flat bronze base. Height, 8-J inches. NARROW GOLD BRONZE PANEL. Amorini carving a bust of Napoleon in relief. 3x12 inches. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. On square green marble pedestal. Height, 10 inches. EMPIRE CLOCK WITH EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF NAPOLEON. In Gold bronze on rocky eminence inscribed “ Capit¬ ulation d’Ulm,” etc. The base of ormolu with relief of eagle and flaming torches, the feet as mortars. Height, 22 inches. 36 Bronzes — Continued. 278. 30 — 279. / X- 280. yc~ ^.- 281 . 282. /(- 283. 284. 37 ^ 285. 286. 287. $3 — 288. 3C.—" 289. / ocr NEIDERVILLE BUST OF NAPOLEON IN BISQUE. On fluted decorated column, Directory costume, no hat. Slight damage to the base. Height, 12 inches. MARBLE (ANTIQUE) BUST OF NAPOLEON. On circular red marble pedestal. Height, 16-£- inches. BUST OF JOSEPHINE IN OLD BISQUE. Beautifully modelled, on glazed porcelain base by L. B. Busby. IVORY EQUESTRIAN STATUE OF NAPOLEON. On wood base with ivory mounts. Height, 9 inches. BRONZE ANTIQUE BUST OF NAPOLEON. With laurel wreath of gold bronze. Height, 121- inches. * Finely executed. EQUESTRIAN BRONZE OF NAPOLEON BY CONILLE. Fine green patina, the base inscribed 1798; Napoleon in Directory costume. Signed. Height, 14|-inches; length of base 11 inches. BRONZE FIGURE OF NAPOLEON. Directory costume, embroidered long coat and hat, one hand folded on breast, sword in the other. On low green marble and bronze base. Height, 16 inches. * Fine patina and beautifully modelled. VENDOME COLUMN IN BRONZE. Fine patina, beautifully executed, surmounted by a figure of Napoleon. Height, 14 inches. PAIR OF GOLD BRONZE HEADS OF NAPOLEON AND JOSEPHINE. On square green marble pedestals with ormolu mounts. Height, 17-J- inches. ARC DE TRIOMPHE IN BRONZE BY BLANC. With removable top. Signed. Oval base. Height, 13 inches, length of base, 15 inches. * A perfect model beautifully executed with bas-relief figure decorations. BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON SIGNED. “ W. S.” Directory costume, no hat, with queue (very rare in this state). Height, 11 inches. EQUESTRIAN BRONZE STATUE OF NAPOLEON BY BARRE. Napoleon as Emperor holding a spyglass, on brass base. Signed. Height, 22^ inches; length of base, 18 inches. 37 Bronzes — Continued. 290. BRONZE OVAL PANEL IN HIGH RELIEF: SIGNED. Battle of Friedland, 1807; Napoleon giving directions to Marshal Oudinot. Signed F. Lavastre, 1853, after the painting by Vernet. Oval, 11 x 15 inches, mounted on a plush panel, in oak frame. 291. BRONZE PANEL IN HIGH RELIEF: SIGNED. // w Battle of Rivoli by Lavastre. Oval, 11 x 15 inches. Mounted on a plush panel in oak frame. 292. BRONZE PANEL IN HIGH RELIEF: SIGNED. JT/OC Napoleon steadying the Old Guard on the Field of * Battle. Signed F. Lavastre, 1853. Oval, 11 x 15 inches. Mounted on a plush panel in oak frame. 293. BRONZE PANEL IN HIGH RELIEF: SIGNED. Napoleon at Austerlitz, Rapp announcing the suc- O 3 60 cessful charge. Signed F. Lavastre, 1853. Oval, 11 x 15 inches. Mounted on a plush panel in oak frame. ALEXANDER I EMPEROR OF RUSSIA. 294. ALEXANDRE I’er EMPEREUR DE TOUTES LES __ RUSSIES. ) G* Dessine par Buguet d’apres M’lle Le Brun. Bust in oval, bare headed facing to left. Stipple engraving PRINTED IN COLORS. Folio. 295. ALEXANDER THE FIRST EMPEROR AND AUTO¬ CRAT OF ALL THE RUSSIAS, Etc. Full length in military uniform, bare headed, glove in right hand. Mezzotint by J. Walker after I. A. Atkinson. Large folio, open letter proof. London, 1814. Very fine and rare. 296. ALEXANDER 1st (title also in Russian). r - S O Full length in military uniform, holding cocked hat, ^ .- standing in a landscape. Line and stipple by Thos. Wright after G. Dawe. Large folio, London, 1826. 297. ALEXANDRE PREMIER, Etc. Full bust in oval, bare headed, resting on pedestal. j —, Line engraving by P. Audouin after Bourdon. Folio, ' fine impression. P. M. ALIX. 298. BUFFON: Famous French Naturalist. Aquatint after Garnerey. Full bust in oval on folio. * Brilliant impression printed in colors. Rare. 38 Engraved Views in Plain and Colored States OF Battles Fought by Napoleon and his Generals. BATTLE OF ALEXANDRIA (Egypt) July, 1798. 299. BATAILLE ET PRISE D’ALEXANDRIE PAR LES FRANQAIS le 25 Messidor, An 6 . Commandee par les Generaux Bonaparte et Dessex. Line engraving by Le Beau after Naudet. Oblong folio. BATTLE OF ALEXANDRIA : British and French. March 21 , 1801 . 300. THE BATTLE OF ALEXANDRIA (title in English and French). o Stipple engraving by Anthony Cardon after P. J. de Loutherbourg. Large oblong folio, London, 1806. * Brilliant open letter proof, showing the death of Gen. Abercrombie. BATTLE OF ARCOLA : Nov. 15, 1796. 301. BATAILLE D’ARCOLE. Aquatint by Charon. Oblong folio, Paris, chez Charon. * Brilliant original impression printed in colors. 302. (BONAPARTE AT ARCOLA). Lithograph by Gustave Janet, printed by Berthaut. _ Small oblong 4to * Superb impression, extremely rare. 303. PASSAGE DU PONT D’ARCOLE. Stipple engraving by Fiayn and Chaponnier from a drawing by Lembert from one made on the spot. Large oblong folio. 304. PASSAGE DU PONT D’ARCOLE. _ Curious old wood engraving in colors by Georgin. - Oblong folio. 305. PASSAGE DU PONT D’ARCOLE. Lithograph by Frilay. Small oblong 4to. 39 Napoleon's Battles— Continued. BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ: Dec, 2, 1805. 306. BATAILLE D’AUSTERLITZ. Lithograph by Victor Adam. Small folio. Fine impression. /ir 307. LA GRANDE BATAILLE D’AUSTERLITZ. Aquatint by J. L. Rugendas. Large folio (1813). * Brilliant original impression printed in colors. 308. DESCRIPTION CURIEUSE DE LA MEMORABLE BATAILLE DES TROIS EMPEREURS LIVRliE 3 4-0 A AUSTERLITZ * ~ Large folio broadside containing text in five columns with two engravings at the top, one of the battle and another of the interview between Napoleon, Alexander of Russia and Francis of Austria. De l’lmprimerie de Gauthier. Rare and probably unique. 309. (BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ). Line engraving by J. Duplessis Berteaux after C. Vernet. Oblong folio. * Artist’s trial proof. 310. (BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ). Aquatint by Gibel after Gericault. Large oblong folio. *A brilliant proof before the title. 311.''BATAILLE D’AUSTERLITZ GAGNIJE PAR LA GRANDE ARMEE, Etc. Engraved by Le Beau after Naudet. Oblong folio, slight stain to left. 312. BATAILLE D’AUSTERLITZ. Engraving (contemporary), printed by Basset of Paris. Oblong folio, in colors. Scarce but a little worn. 313. NAPOLEON IN DER SCHLACHT BEI AUSTER- / 0 ~ LITZ AM 2 DECR. 1805. Color print. Oblong folio. 314. (EVE OF AUSTERLITZ). Aquatint by Moreau after Gauthercourt. oblong folio. * A Touched proof. Large M TO 315. VEILLE DE LA BATAILLE D’AUSTERLITZ, Etc. Curious contemporary line and stipple engraving printed in colors. Small oblong 4to. Paris, chez Codoni, n. d. 40 Napoleon’s Battles— Continued. BATTLE OF BASSANO: Sept. 8, 1796. 316. BATAILLE DE BASSANO. Lithograph de C. Motte, Webert del. folio, full margins. Small oblong 317. LE GENERAL BONAPARTE VISITANT LE CHAMP DE BATAILLE DE BASSANO, 1796. /o- Aquatint by Jazet after H. Vernet. Large folio, open letter proof. BATTLE OF BAUTZEN: May 20, 1813. 318. BATAILLE DE BAUTZEN. 20 Mai, 1813. * Victor del et lith. Lithograph, oblong folio. SIEGE OF DANTZIC: May 26, 1807. 319. SIEGE DE DANTZICK PAR LES FRANQAIS, Etc. Line engraving, folio in colors. Repaired. Small oblong folio. 320 . napole'on visits des travaux de siege DE DANTZICK, etc. Line engraving by Dequevauvilliers after Swebach. Small oblong folio. BATTLE OF EYLAU: Feb. 8-10, 1807. 321. NAPOLEON ET SES GENERAUX SUR LE CHAMP DE BATAILLE. J 3, Mezzotint. Large oblong folio with full margins. Proof with the title only. 322. CHAMP DE BATAILLE D’EYLAU. Aquatint by Esbrard accompanied by a key plan to the principal characters in the print engraved by Zancon. Large oblong folio. (2) 323. VUE, DE LA DROITE DU CHAMP DE BATAILLE DE L’ARMEE RUSSE DEVANT PREUSSISCH- EYLAU, etc. Drawn on the spot by Baron Lejeune, engraved by Lameau and Misbach. Large oblong folio, fine impres¬ sion with large untrimmed margins. 41 Napoleon’s Battles— Continued. 324. LA BATAILLE D’EYLAU. Engraving by Le Banx after Nadet. Oblong folio. 325. VISITS DU CHAMP DE BATAILLE DE PRUSS- EYLAU LE 17 MARS 1807, Etc. Old line engraving. Oblong folio, colored, Paris, V’ve Chereau. BATTLE OF FRIEDLAND: June 14, 1807. 326. BATAILLE DE FRIEDLAND. Mezzotint by Jazet after Horace Vernet. Large oblong folio. 327. 1807: BY JACQUET AFTER MEISONNIER. Fine India proof engraving. Large oblong folio. 328. FRIEDLAND 1807. After Meisonnier. Facsimile in colors of the painting in the Metropolitan Museum. Folio. CONQUEST OF HOLLAND. 329. PRISE DES VAISSEAUX DE GUERRE HOLLAND- AIS PAR LA CAVALERIE FRANQAISE. Lithograph by F. Grenier. Small oblong folio. 1819. BATTLE OF LEIPZIG: Oct. 16-18, 1813. 330. THE BATTLE OF LEIPSIC. Aquatint by James Walker after J. A. Atkinson. Printed in brown. Large folio. London, 1817. * Open letter proof in a beautiful impression. 331. FURST SCHWARZENBERG UBERBRINGT DIE SIEGESNACHRICHT, 1813. Aquatint by J. L. Rugendas. Large folio. [Circa 1813.) * Brilliant original impression printed in colors. 332. DER SIEG BEY LEIPZIG. Line engraving by J. Scott after P. Krafft. Largo folio. 1820. * A very beautiful impression. 333. BATAILLE DE LEIPZIG Lithograph by Champion, published by C. Motte. Folio. Scarce. 334. NAPOLEON’S RETREAT THROUGH LEIPZIG. Facsimile of the painting by Brown. Small folio. 42 Napoleon ’s Battles— Continued. BATTLE OF LUBECK: Nov. 6, 1806. 335. BATAILLE DE LUBEC. 0 Aquatint by L. Rugendas. Large oblong folio. o.~" BATTLE OF MARENGO: June 14, 1800. G. 336. BATAILLE DE MARENGO. Line engraving showing Kellerman’s decisive charge, - with hundreds of figures, engraved by Coiny after Le Jeune. Large folio. * Brilliant Proof with title in open letters and large MARGINS. 337. BATAILLE DE MARENGO. ___ Line engraving showing the entire extent of the field of battle and vicinity, by Wexelberg after Ange Persico. Large oblong folio. Very rare. 338. BATAILLE DE MARENGO. Curious wood engraving in colors by Georgin. Oblong folio. BURNING OF MOSCOW: Sep. 15, 1812. 339. INCENDIE DE MOSCOU. 23 - Aquatint by P. Rugendas. Large folio, 1813. * Brilliant original impression with margin, printed in colors. y —340. INCENDIE DE MOSCOU. Line engraving by Beauvinet. Small folio. j —341. CONFLAGRATION OF MOSCOW SEPT’R 15, 1812. Line engraving by D. C. Johnston. Small oblong folio. * A rare example of an early and famous American Engraver. BATTLE OF RIVOLI: Jan. 14-15, 1797. J"£®^342. BATAILLE DE RIVOLI. Curious old wood engraving, colored. Oblong folio. 343. PLAN DE LA BATAILLE DE RIVOLI—PAR GEN. JOMINI. Engraving, folio, by Blandeau. The position of the troops marked in colors. * Proof signed by Blandeau ‘with his initial “BP* 43 Napoleon ’s Battles— Continued. RETREAT FROM RUSSIA: 1812. 344. RETRAITE DE MOSCOU. Marin Lavigne d’apres Leon Cogniet. Lithograph. Folio. * Brilliant impression of a rare, beautiful and famous print, with full margins. ~ — 345. TRAURIGES BILD DES FRANZOSISCHEN RE- TIRADE YON MOSCAU. Line engraving, small 4to. Printed in colors. Nurn- berg, n. d. 3 If • — 346. 1812; BY MEISONNIER. Line engraving by Jules Jacqnet, on Japan paper. *Brilliant proof before all letters signed by Jacquet. c. BATTLE OF THE MOSKWA (OR BORODINO), Sep. 7, 1812. 347. BATAILLE DE LA MOSCOWA. Curious old engraving printed in colors. 4to. [Circa 1812.] 348. NAPOLEON A LA BATAILLE DE LA MOSCOWA. Lithograph by Turgis, Paris. Folio. Prnted in colors. SIEGE OF TOULON: 1795. 349. SIEGE DE TOULON. Napoleon leading a charge against the British. Aqua¬ tint unsigned. Large oblong folio. Paris, chez Pomel. SURRENDER OF ULM: Oct. 18, 1805. 350. PRISE D’ULM le 25 Vend’re An 14. Mezzotint by Levachez and Swebach. Oblong folio. * Brilliant original impression. Rare. BATTLE OF WATERLOO: June 18, 1815. 351. PLAN OF THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Plan and four views printed in brown on chintz, show¬ ing the Taking of Buonaparte’s Carriage, the Battle, the Explanation of the Battle, etc. Large folio. * Rare and interesting piece. Among the views are repre¬ sentations of the two Observatories built on the field during the battle by the English and by Napoleon. The fact of the existence of the latter has been disputed by historians. 44 - BAUDREAN. 352. LE DUC D’ENGHIEN. Small oval bust portrait. 8vo. KING AND QUEEN OF BAVARIA. 353. MASSIMILIANO GIUSEPPE, Re di Baviera. Bust portrait, engraved in stipple and unsigned. 4to, printed in colors. Milan, n. d. 354. AUGUSTE AMELIE DE BAVIERE, VICE REINE DTTALIE. Full length. Stipple engraving by A. Conte after N. H. Jacob. Large folio, with margins. 355. AUGUSTA AMELIE DE BAVIERE, Vice Reine dTtalie Nee en 1789. Equestrian portrait. Curious old copper engraving. Small 4to, unsigned. MASO BENEDETTI. 356. PRINCE DE METTERNICH-WINNEBOURG, etc. Full bust. Line engraving after Molteni. Small folio with large margins, open letter proof on India paper. DUCHESS DE BERRI. 357. CAROLINE FERDINANDE DUCHESSE DE BERRI. Bust portrait, 8vo. Published 1820 for La Belle Assem¬ ble. AUG. BLANCHARD. 358. (ELIZABETH DE BOURBON). After Rubens. Full bust in dress trimmed with pearls and ruff. Folio, full margins. FIELD MARSHAL VON BLUCHER. 359. ENGAGED AT THE EVER MEMORABLE BATTLE OF WATERLOO THIS PRINT OF FIELD MAR¬ SHAL VON BLUCHER, Etc. _, Equestrian portrait, battle in the rear. Aquatint by R. Cooper and T. Sutherland, after Henry Aiken. Folio, small margins. * Open letter proof of a very rare print, unknown to most collectors of engravings after Aiken. 360 . FIELD MARSHAL YON BLUCHER, Commander-in- Chief of the Prussian Army. Full length, in uniform, hat in left hand, standing on a hillock, cavalry combat in the background. Engraved after W. Heath. Folio, printed in colors., with full margins. London, 1814. * Rare in colors. / 361. PRINCE BLUCHER. Full length in uniform, left hand on sword resting on the ground. Mezzotint by C. E. Wagstaff after Law¬ rence. Folio, London, 1839. Script letter proof. 362. FIELD MARSHAL BLUCHER, Prince of Wahlstadt Three-quarter length, right hand resting on the head of a deerhound. Stipple engraving by Henry Meyer after Singleton. Large folio. Lond. 1815. 363. FURST BLUCHER YON WAHLSTATT, Feld Mar- schall, etc. / £ _ Full bust to front, no hat. Stipple engraving by F. Fleischmann. Folio with full margins, Nurnberg, (1814). * Superb impression with large margins. 364. MARSCHALL YORWARTS. Photographic reproduction of the famous painting by F. Neuhaus, 1891. Large folio. 7 JOSEPHINE AND MEMBERS OF THE BONAPARTE FAMILY. FR. BASSET: Publisher. 365. MADAME BONAPARTE. Equestrian portrait, horse to left, Josephine in straw poke bonnet and long habit. Line engraving colored. 4to, with full margins. A Paris, chez Basset, etc. [Circa 1798] GASPARE CAGNONI. 366. M’e LAPAGERIE Moglie del Generale in Capo Bona- / Q '—“ parte. Preso appo Natur, Grave par C. Cag. Profile bust in oval with veil as headdress. Mezzotint, small 4to. * Extremely rare. One of the earliest engraved portraits of Josephine executed while Napoleon was in Italy in his first campaign. 4l> LOUIS F. CHARON. 367. EUGENE ET HORTENSE CONSOLANT LEUR MERE DANS SA PRISON. Aquatint after Martinet. Oblong folio, fine impres¬ sion, with margins. “CITIZEN L’AUTEUR.” 368. MADAME BUONAPARTE. Engraved from the Original Portrait drawn from the Life by Citizen 1’Auteur at Paris. Bust in oval, pro¬ file to left with oval border surmounted by the cap of liberty and trophy of arms. Mezzotint, folio. Lon¬ don, John Fairburn, May, 1797. * Excessively rare. A superb impression in perfect condition with large margins. (See illustration.) DAVID EDWIN. 369. JOSEPHINE, Late Empress, Queen of France Italy. Bust in oval within rectangle. Stipple engraving. and 8vo. JEAN GODEFROY. 370. JOSEPHINE, Imperatrice des Frangais. Aug. Desnoyers del’t, John Godefroy sculp’t. Bust in oval with engraved line border, Josephine wearing a crown. Stipple engraving printed in colors. 8vo. / 6. Very rare. 371. --. MACKENZIE. MADAME BUONAPARTE. After W. M. Craig. Oval bust, with tiara. Stipple engraving. 8vo. Lon¬ don, 1808. A. MAURIN. 372. (JOSEPHINE.) Full bust with pearl crown and necklace. Lithograph O by Villain. Proof Before Letters. Folio. -v 47 -. PAUQUET. 373. GRAND HABIT DE SA MAJESTE L TMPERATRICE JOSEPHINE LE JOUR DU COURONNEMENT. Etching after Isabey. Full length with crown and Court Dress. Small 4to, a tear has been repaired. In colors. From the Hoffmann Collection. 374. JOSEPHINE GEMAHL. NAPOLEONS DES 18n KAISERS DER FRANZOSEN IM KRONUNGS COSTUME. Engraved by Schenck, after Isabey, and similar to the preceding, but with curtain in the background, and different imprint. Small 4to, not in colors. UNSIGNED PORTRAIT. 375. LES GRACES ATTACHENT DES GUIRLANDE AU ' BUSTE DE L TMPERATRICE JOSEPHINE. '— Sculptured bust on pedestal surrounded with the three Graces in a landscape. Engraving printed in colors. Small folio. A Paris Chez Noel, Rue St. Jacques. * Very rare, with collector's stamp. L. CARDUIN. 376. LOUIS NAPOLEON ROI DE HOLLANDE. After C. Willemin. Equestrian portrait, Louis Napoleon S' O in Royal Robes. Stipple, small folio, crease toward the -- top right corner. Paris, chez Bassett [Circa 1808.] L. C. RUOTTE. 377. (LOUIS BONAPARTE.) Drawn by Gregorius after the bust of Casteillier. Half length, in Royal Robes, bareheaded. Stipple, folio, with full margins. * Brilliant proof of this rare portrait with the names of the artists and the Arms only. 378. EUGENE NAPOLEON VICE ROI DTTALIE. D’apres la Buste de Chinard, dessine par Gregorious. Half length in uniform, bareheaded, right hand on sword hilt. Stipple engraving, folio, brilliant origi¬ nal IMPRESSION WITH LARGE MARGINS. 48 M A 1) A M E B l O N A PA RT 1 MUJuJ uM 9 ^;,fyiobca ftiitan, ibp.Cliwl <*lVim*ellrr -V'j/t U'U>n (See No. 368.) GASPARE CAGNONI. 379. S. A. I. EUGENIO NAPOLEONE, Vice re d’Italia, etc. Half length in Court Dress, bareheaded, after Bosio. _Line engraving. Small folio, with full margins. Milan y 1807. LOUIS RADOS. 380. JEROME NAPOLEON ROI DE VESTALIE, etc. After J. B. Bosio. Full length in uniform, cocked hat - ._in left hand, river and walled city in the rear. Stipple, * large folio. Milan, 1810. * Brilliant open letter proof. L. C. RUOTTE. 381. JEROME NAPOLEON ROI DE WESTPHALIE, etc. After Kinson. Half length in uniform, bareheaded. -— Stipple. Folio. * Brilliant impression with full margins. 382. D. JOSEPH NAPOLEON ROI D’ESPAGNE, etc. //. Half length, in Royal Robe, bareheaded, engraved in stipple after Robert Lefevre. Large folio. Paris. * Brilliant impression, in perfect condition with full margins. LOUIS RADOS. c 383. D. JOSEPH NAPOLEON, Roi des Espagnes et des Indes. Grand Electeur de 1’Empire Francais. After J. B. Bosio. Full length in uniform, with the Order of the Golden Fleece, Milan in the background. Stipple engraving. Large folio, with margins. Milan, 1810. * Brilliant impression. C. S. PRADIER. iT 384. (JOSEPH BONAPARTE, King of Spain.) After Gerard. Full length in Royal Robes standing beside a throne. Line engraving. Large folio, 1813. _. * Superb impression in perfect condition with margins. Proof before the title. 49 F. BONNEVILLE. 3 ~ 2 - 385. THOMAS PAINE Ex Depute a la Convention Nationale. Oval bust. Stipple engraving. Small 4to. A. A. BOURGEOIS DE LA RICHARDIERE. 386. PIE VII. Half length, seated. Line engraving after David. Folio, with full margins. * Brilliant open letter proof with the engraver’s blind STAMP. WILLIAM BROMLEY. 387. THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN FAULKNOR. In the engagements between the Frigates Blanche and Le Pique. Line engraving, large folio, after Stothard. London, 1801. ARCHDUKE CHARLES OF AUSTRIA. Celebrated Opponent of Napoleon in his First Campaign. 388. THE ARCHDUKE. $0 Full length in uniform profile to left, right arm out- stretched. Caricature drawn from life by Lt. Swarts. Small folio, colored. London, 1796. 389. CHARLES LOUIS GENERAL EN CHEF DE L’ARMEE AUTRICHE’NE. Full bust in oval, facing to right, with view beneath of Charles receiving the Preliminaries of Peace. Line en¬ graving by P. Audouin after a miniature. Small folio. —. CONDEE. 390. VOLTAIRE. Profile statuary bust to right, engraved for the Euro¬ pean Magazine. 8vo, 1794. C. CORBUTT. 391. JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU. Half length in fur cap. Mezzotint after A. Ramsay. Folio, cut close. 50 G. FIESINGER. y. 392. THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD HOOD ADMIRAL. Bust in oval, facing to right. Stipple engraving after Northcote. 4to. London, 1793. * A very beautiful impression with large margins. FRANCIS I OF AUSTRIA. 393. FRANCOIS I’R EMP’R D’AUTRICHE, etc. G Full length in uniform, bareheaded standing in a land- a/. A _ scape, gloves in right hand. Stipple engraving by L. Rados after Zabuernix. Large folio. 394 (FRANCIS I.) Equestrian portrait on the battlefield with staff. Stip¬ ple engraving by F. Y. Durmer after Koninger. Oblong folio, Proof Before Letters. !. 395. FRANCIS, EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA. Equestrian portrait. Old copper engraving. S o Small 4to. FREDERICK WILLIAM KING OF PRUSSIA. 396. FRIEDRICH WILHELM, Kronprinz von Preussen. Full bust. Line engraving by Lignon after Steuben. — Small folio with full margins. (1816.) 397. FRIEDRICH WILHELM III, Konig von Preussen. . _ Full bust in oval, bareheaded. Lithograph by Rumel ■ after Gerard. Folio. 398. W’M FRED., KING OF PRUSSIA. ^ Equestrian portrait, engraved by Canton. 4to, colored. London, 1815. 51 1PRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS THIRD SESSION / h. cT" vT.ii' 7 ' /- 2 .- Wednesday Afternoon, April 23, 1913, at 2:30 o’clock 399. ALERIE de Portraits de Personnages Celebres. Square 16mo, full citron levant morocco, sides tooled in a design of inlaid flowers and gilt steins, gilt in¬ side borders, gilt edges, original wrappers bound in. Paris, n. d. [ca. 1800] * Very Rare. Includes portraits of Napoleon (2), Louis XVI. Louis XVIII. and others. 400. GARDNER (DORSEY). Quatre Bras, Ligny, and Waterloo. A Narrative of the Campaigns in Belgium, 1815. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. Bost. 1882 401. GAVARD (OIL). Galerie des Marechaux de France. Dediee a l’Armee de Terre et de Mer. Numerous illustra¬ tions after well known original paintings in the galleries of Versailles and elsewhere. Imperial 8vo, three-quarter red morocco gilt, gilt top. Paris, 1839 * The Tables of Services show the years that the number of these Marshals who served in America, among whom were Berthier, Jourdan, Duhoux, and others. 402. GENIN (THOMAS H.). The Napolead, In Twelve Books. 16mo, half red straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt top. St. Clairsville [O.], 1833 * Fine copy of the First Edition. 403. GENLIS (MADAME LA COMTESSE DE). Tales of the Castle; or, Stories of Instruction and Delight. Being Les Veillees du Chateau. Translated by Thomas Holcroft. 5 vols. 12mo, old calf (names on titles). Bond. 1787 404. GEORGE (MADEMOISELLE). Favorite of Na¬ poleon. Memoirs of Mademoiselle George. Edited from the Original Manuscript, by Paul Cheramy. Portraits. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1909 405. GIBBS (N. B.). Military Career of Napoleon the Great. Authentic Anecdotes of the Battlefield as told by the Marshals and Generals of the First Empire. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, leather back gilt, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1895 406. GIBSON (FRANCIS). Memoirs of the Bastile, translated from the Archives of the Castle. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf, uncut, original covers bound in. Whitby, 1802 52 407. GIFFORD (C. H.). History of the Wars occasioned / by the French Revolution, from the commencement of (i) y —. Hostilities in 1792, to the end of the Year 1816. Maps and plates. 2 vols. Thick 4to, half red morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1817 — - 408. GIRAUD (P. F. F. J.). The Campaign of Paris O.J- in 1814, with a Sketch of the Campaign of 1813. Map. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1815 409. GNEISENAU (GENERAL COUNT). The Life and Campaigns of Field-Marshal Prince Blucher, of Wahlstatt, JO from his birth to 1815. Translated with additions by J. E. Marston. Portraits and maps. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. Lond.1815 410. GODOY (DON MANUEL DE). Memoirs. Written by Himself. Edited by Col. J. B. d’Esmenard with His¬ torical and Biographical Notes. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1836 411. GOLDSMITH (LEWIS). The Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut (name on title and notes in text). 7 — 0 Lond. 1810 412. GONNARD (PHILIPPE). The Exile of St. Helena, i The Last Phase in Fact and Fiction. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, •'—- gilt top, uncut. Phila. 1909 /o: 413. GOODRICH (FRANK B.). The Court of Napoleon, '—or Society under the First Empire. Colored portraits by Jules Champagne. Imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges. N. Y. 1857 * Fine copy. Scarce in colors. 414. GOUDEMETZ (II.). Historical Epochs of the French Revolution. Translated from the French by Dr. Randolph. To which is subjoined the Third Edition of the Judgment and Execution of Louis XYI. King of France. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt top. Bath, 1796 415. GOURGAUD (GENERAL). Napoleon and the J °Grand Army in Russia, or a Critical Examination of the * — work of Count Ph. de Segur. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1825 416. GOURGAUD and MONTHOLON. Memoirs of the History of France during the Reign of Napoleon, dictated ' *7 i—' by the Emperor at Saint Helena to the Generals who shared 9 I his Captivity and published from the Original Documents corrected by Himself. Portraits , views , plans , Sc. 9 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1823 *Fine set. Scarce. First Edition. Napoleon devoted most of the time of his captivity at St. Helena to this work. 53 c3. — /A ^ / 3 -^ 3. £2- 3 . £2 3 . £2 7 Sv 417. GRAND-CARTERET (JOHN). Napoleon en Images, Estampes Anglaises. (Portraits et Caricatures). ISO re¬ productions d'apres les originaux. Royal 8vo, half crim¬ son morocco gilt, gilt top, partly uncut. Paris, 1895 418. GRAND-CARTERET (JOHN). L’Aiglon en Images et dans la Fiction Poetique et Dramatique. 138 reproduc¬ tions de Portraits et Estampes. 12mo, half crimson mo¬ rocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1901 419. GRIMSHAW (WILLIAM). The Life of Napoleon, with the History of France, from the Death of Louis XVI. Portrait of Napoleon, full lenqth in uniform. 12mo, half calf. Phila. 1849 420. GRONOW (CAPTAIN). The Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow. Portrait and 32 illus¬ trations by Joseph Grego , colored by hand. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1892 421. GROUCHY (EMMANUEL MARSHAL—Leader of the “Sacred Battalion,” blamed by the French for the loss of Waterloo). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Phila¬ delphia (where he retired in 1815). Dec. 6, 1819. * Sending foreign mail to Paris through his bankers in New York. 422. GUIBEGA (J.—Prefect at Corsica under Napoleon). Letter signed in his official capacity. Ajaccio, Sep. 14, 1814, 2 pp. folio. * In reference to affairs at Corsica. 428. GUILLEMARD (ROBERT). Adventures of a French Serjeant, during his Campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, etc., from 1805 to 1823. 12mo, half red calf, gilt top, uncut. Phila. 1826 424. GUILLOTIN (JOS. IGNATIUS—Whose name is associated with the Guillotine). Document signed, 1 p. folio, Sept. 29, 1788. * An official record of a Deputation to the Magistrates of Paris, written in Latin. The Guillotine was first used during the French Revolution at the suggestion of the above. 425. TTALL (CAPTAIN BASIL). Napoleon in Coun- cil, or the Opinions delivered by Bonaparte in the Council of State. From the French of Baron Pelet. Facsimile. 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edinb. 1837 426. HALL (CHARLES H.). Memoirs of the Life of Andrew Hofer; containing an Account of the Transactions in the Tyrol during the Year 1809. Taken from the Ger¬ man. Colored frontispiece. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1820 * The German work is ascribed to Baron Hormayr. 54 n- J.£? I- /- sT." Utr •zr Mr #r 427. HALL (RICHARD WILLMOTT). Memoirs of Military Surgery, and Campaigns of the French Armies. From the French of D. J. Larrey. 2 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops (some pages foxed). Baltimore, 1814 428. HAMILTON (SIR F. W.). The Origin and His¬ tory of the First or Grenadier Guards. Portraits , colored jpilates , maps , etc. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1874 * Laid in Vol. 1 is the Corrigenda and Addenda to the above history, 8vo, wrappers. Lond. 1877. This is generally missing. 429. HAMILTON (THOMAS). Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns. Revised and Enlarged by Frederick Hard¬ man. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top. Edinb. 1849 430. HATZFELDT (LE PRINCE D’—Convicted of treachery). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, July 19, 1810. * To a superior officer by whom he had been called to ac¬ count for a mysterious correspondence with Germany. After a somewhat sentimental explanation, he closes with the auda¬ cious request that any letters from Germany be forwarded to him at Lehonstein. 431. HAUSSONVILLE (VICOMTE D’). The Salon of Madame Necker. Translated from the French by Henry M. Trollope. 2 vols. 12mo, half polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut (rubbed). Lond. 1882 432. HAZLITT (WILLIAM). The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 4 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco gilt, gilt edges. ' Lond. 1830 * Fine Copy of the Best Edition. 433. HEADLEY (J. T.). Napoleon and his Marshals. Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1846 434. HEBERT (JACQUES RENE—Terrorist and Leader of the Exageres). Document Signed, 1 p. 4to, Paris, Aug. 2, 1793, on letter head “ Commune de Paris.” * On the suspension of Taxes on the “ Theatre Francais.” 435. HENRY (WALTER). Events of a Military Life; Being Recollections after Service in the Peninsular War, Invasion of France, the East Indies, St. Helena, Canada, and elsewhere. 2 vols. 12mo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, original cloth backs bound in. Lond.: William Pickering, 1843 * Author’s presentation copy with autograph inscriptions on fly-leaves of both volumes. 436. HERRICK (CHRISTINE T.—Editor). The Letters of the Duke of Wellington to Miss J., 1834-1851. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1889 55 /- / ^ < 3 ^ (W- 437. HERV35 (FRANCIS—Editor). Madame Tussand’s Memoirs and Reminiscences of France, Forming an Abridged History of the French Revolution. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1838 438. HE WESTON (W. B.). History of Napoleon Bona¬ parte, and Wars of Europe, from the Revolution in France, to the Termination of the Late Wars. Copper-plate titles , and other plates , some hand colored. 3 vols. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt edges (several pages of text stained and mended, and several plates stained, repaired and re¬ mounted). Lond. 1822 439. HILL (GEORGE J.). The Story of the War in La Vendee and the Little Chouannerie. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth. N. Y.,n. d. 440. HILLIS (WILLIAM J.). A Metrical History of the Life and Times of Napoleon Bonaparte. Photogravure por¬ traits. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1896 441. HISTOIRE du Couronnement, ou Relation des Ceremonies Religieuses, Poli-Tiques et Militaires, qui ont eu lieu pendant les jours memorables a celebrer le Cour¬ onnement et le Sacre de sa Majeste Imperiale Napoleon Ier. Portrait. 8vo, tree-calf gilt. Paris, 1805 442. HISTOIRE de la Famille Bonaparte. Par MM. Lucien Bessieres et D. M. Prat. Portraits. Paris, n. d.; Medaillier Napoleon le Grand. Par L. Bramsen. Premiere part. Paris, 1904. Together 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco and paper. 443. HISTORIC DOUBTS relative to Napoleon Buona¬ parte. 8vo, half red calf. Lond. 1831 444. HISTORIC, MILITARY, AND NAVAL ANEC¬ DOTES of Personal Valour, Bravery, and Particular Inci¬ dents which Occurred to the Armies of Great Britain and her Allies in the last long-contested War, terminating with the Battle of Waterloo. With brilliant impressions of the 40 COLORED PLATES AFTER HEATH AND OTHERS. Royal 4to, original half red morocco (rubbed), uncut. Lond.: Orme [1819] * Many of the plates contain portraits of famous British and other generals, including Wellington, Marshal Beresford, Mar¬ quis of Angelsea, Bliicher, Sir William Ponsonby, Sir Thomas Picton, Duke of Brunswick, Lord Nelson, General Paget, and others; view of the combat between the Chesapeake and the Shannon; the Battle of Trafalgar; etc. Name on one corner of title-page. 445. HISTORICAL and Critical Account of a Series of National Medals, Published under the direction of James Mudie. Embellished with outlines of the entire series. 4to, half calf, gilt (name on title). Lond. 1820 56 446. HISTORY OF THE CAMPAIGN. A Full, Ac- curate, and Impartial History of the Campaign; from the beginning of January, 1794, down to the present time. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, by Root. Lond. 1794 447. HISTORY of the Campaigns in the Years 1796,1797, ^ 1798, and 1799, in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, &c. Illus¬ trated with 16 maps and plans. 4 vols. 8vo, half blue mo¬ rocco, gilt tops. By Baron de Pompe. Lond. 1812 448. HISTORY of the Campaigns of Count Alexander __ Suworow-Rymnikski, Field-Marshal-General in the service * of the Emperor of Russia. Translated from the German. Portrait inserted. 8vo, half red calf, gilt top. Lond. 1813 * Scarce portrait of Count Suwarow inserted. 2 . 449. HISTORY of Napoleon Buonaparte. Engravings. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. Lond.: Family Library, 1829 450. HISTORY of Napoleon Buonaparte. Engraved plates by W. Finden and others , and woodcuts. 2 vols. 16mo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1829 451. - Another copy. 16mo, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt tops. 452. HISTORY of the Campaign of 1796, in Germany f % ^ .and Italy. 8vo, contemporary calf. Lond. 1797 453. HOARE (SIR RICHARD COLT). A Tour through y -. the Island of Elba. Illustrated with views drawn from na- /• ture by Sir E. C. Hoare and John Smith. First Edition. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1814 454. HOBHOUSE (J.). The Substance of Some Letters j- 0 written from Paris during the last Reign of the Emperor —" Napoleon and addressed principally to Lord Byron. 2 vols. Svo, half red calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1817 455. HOBHOUSE (J.). The Substance of Some Letters written from Paris during the last Reign of the Emperor Napoleon. Second Edition, with additional notes. 2 vols. Svo, old half calf. Lond. 1817 456. HODGSON (WILLIAM). The Life of Napoleon _Bonaparte, once Emperor of the French, who died in exile, it St. Helena, after a captivity of six years’ duration. Por¬ trait and plates. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond , n. d. 457. HODSON (W.). The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. y j- From the French of Bourrienne, Segur, and Las Cases. -^ Portraits. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt top. (Name on title.) Lond.1845 57 /- / 3 “ <2.“ a- t- 3 .^- ar 458. HORNE (R. H.—Editor). The History of Napo¬ leon. Many hundred engravings on wood after Rajfet and Horace Vernet. Royal 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Loud. 1840 459. HORNE (R. H.). The History of Napoleon. Many hundred engravings on wood after Rajfet and Horace Ver¬ net. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond 1841 460. HORTENSE (QUEEN). Memoirs of Queen Hortense, Mother of Napoleon III. Compiled by Sir L. Wraxall and R. Wehrhan. Portrait. 12mo, old half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1864 461. HOUSSAYE (HENRY). 1815: Waterloo. Translated by Arthur E. Mann, edited by A. Euan-Smith. Map. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1900 462. HOWARD (JACOB—Translator). Historical and Secret Memoirs of the Empress Josephine, First Wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. By M’lle. M. A. Le Normand. Trans¬ lated from the French. Portraits. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Phila. 1848 463. HUE (FRANCIS). The Last Years of the Reign and Life of Louis XVI. Translated by R. C. Dallas. Por¬ trait by the author. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1806 464. HULIN (COUNT). Memoir of Count Ilulin relative to the Military Commission appointed by the Consular Gov¬ ernment for the Trial of Duke d’Enghien. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1823 465. [HYDE (CATHERINE).] Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France, during the Revolution. Now first published from the Journal, Letters, and Conversations of the Princess Lamballe. Portrait and cipher. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. Lond. 1826 l- % 466. TCONOGRAPHIE Frangaise, ou Choix de Deux Cents Portraits d’Hommes et de Femmes qui se sont acquis en France, depuis le Regne de Charles VII jusqu’a la fin de celui de Louis XVI. 2 vols. ; Iconographie des Contemporains depuis 1789 jusqu’a 1829, 2 vols.; Cele- brites Contemporaines, 1 vol. Together 5 vols. royal 8vo, old half calf. Paris, 1833-42 467. IDEVILLE (COUNT H. D’.). Memoirs of Marshal Bugeaud from his Private Correspondence and Original Documents, 1784-1849. Edited from the French by Char¬ lotte M. Yonge. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1884 58 Joi-t. 468. ILLUSTRATED RECORD (AN), of Important Events in the Annals of Europe, during the years 1812, W/TA/ 1813 1814 and 1815. Comprising a series of views of 1ans, It/SG Moscow, the Kremlin, Dresden, Berlin, the Battles of Leip- sic, etc., ALL FINELY colored. Large folio, half cloth, ’ . Lond. 1815 uncut. 469. IMPARTIAL HISTORY (AN), of the late Revolu- i _ tion in France, from its commencement to the Death of the Queen, and the Execution of the Deputies of the Gironde Party. 2 vols. 8vo, half polished calf. Lond. It94 470. IMPERIAL GUARD of Napoleon (The), From Marengo to Waterloo (Headley), N. Y. 1888; Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle de Montijo (Saint-Amand), N.Y. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte (Scott), 2 vols., Phila. 1827, and 4 others. Together 8 vols., various sizes and bindings. 471. INTERCEPTED LETTERS on board The Admiral Aplin, captured by the French and inserted by the Frenc i Government in the Moniteur, and two supplementary sheets, of the 16th September, 1804. Published m French and English. 8vo, half polished calf gilt, gilt top, partly uncut. (Tops of title and pages of preface re-margined.) 472. INVASION of France in 1814 (Erckmann-Chatrian), N. Y. 1871; Life of Alexander the Great (Williams), Lond. — 1829; The French Revolution and First Empire (Morris), N. Y., n. d.; History of Napoleon Bonaparte (Bourne), Bal¬ timore, 1806. Together 4 vols. 12mo, various bindings. 473. IRELAND (W. H.). The Life of Napoleon Bona¬ parte. Portraits of Napoleon , Josephine , etc., and a series of very fine folding colored plates by George Cruiksnanfc. 4 vols. 8vo, blue levant morocco, emblematically tooled with bees, eagles, etc., gilt edges, by Riviere. Lond. 182b * An exceptionally fine copy of this very SCARCE WOlk, which contains some of the best of Cruikshanks etchings. Both the plates and text are clean and fresh. Volume 1 is undated, and published by John Cumberland, the others aie dated 1838. 474. IRELAND (W. H.). The Last Will and Testament > _ of Napoleon Bonaparte, late Emperor of the French; with Prefatory Address and Notes. 8vo, half brown calf (rubbed). Lond > n ' d - 475. ISLAND EMPIRE (THE); or, the Scenes of the first cr \ exile of the Emperor Napoleon I. By the Author of — “Blondelle.” Portrait in colors. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Lond. 1855 59 3S~ air n- 3. 476. [JARVIS (JAMES J.).] Parisian Sights and ^ French Principles. Seen through American Spectacles. Numerous characteristic engravings. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1853 477. JOBSON (D. WEMYSS). History of the French Revolution. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1847 478. JOMINI (BARON). Life of Napoleon. Translated from the French. With Notes by HI. W. Halleck. With atlas. 5 vols. royal 8vo, and 4to, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1864 479. JONES (GEORGE). The Battle of Waterloo, with those of Ligny and Quatre Bras, described by eye-witnesses and by a series of Official Accounts. Portrait , maps , and plates. (2 repaired.) Eleventh edition, enlarged and cor¬ rected. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1852 480. JONES (COLONEL JOHN T.). Journals of Sieges carried on by the Army under the Duke of Wellington in Spain between the years 1811 and 1814, with Notes. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1827 481. JONES (COLONEL JOHN T.). Memoranda relative to the lines thrown up to cover Lisbon in 1810. Maps and plans. Old gilt calf, gilt edges. Lond.: Printed for Private Circulation, 1829 482. JOSEPHINE (EMPRESS OF NAPOLEON). Early Autograph Letter Signed “ Lapagerie Bonaparte,” 1 p. small 4to, no place or date, with leaf of address, soiled and mounted. * On a political matter in which she takes great interest. (See also No. 228.) 483. JOSEPHINE. Document Signed, 1 p. folio, Paris, Jan. 10, 1808, with seal. * To her cousin in reply to his felicitations on the New Year. 484. JOSEPHINE. The bills of Shop-keepers in 1809 for “ Farina Cologne,” furnished “ sa Majestie Imperatrice et Reine,” four dozen pairs of white gloves, “ superfine Eng¬ lish lace ” and other interesting items. (3 pieces.) 485. JOSEPHINE. Memes (John S.). Memoirs of the Empress Josephine. Frontispiece. 16mo, half cloth and boards, uncut. Edinb. 1831 * Laid in are about 24 portraits, &c., from magazines, &c. 486. JOSSELYN (CHARLES). The True Napoleon. A Cyclopedia of Events in his Life. Colored frontispiece and numerous illustrations. Small 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1902 60 487. JOURNAL of a Party of Pleasure to Paris, in the Month of August, 1802. Illustrations of French scenery in aquatint , from drawings hy the Author. Old calf (re- backed). Lond. 1803 488. JOURNAL of a Soldier of the 71st, or Glasgow 4 ) X r Regiment, Highland Light Infantry, from 1806 to 1815. 513. L’ARDECHE (M. LAURENT DE). History of 'Napoleon. 500 illustrations after designs by Horace Vernet and 20portraits by M. Jacque. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue mo¬ rocco, gilt edges, by Tout. Lond. 1842 514. LAROCHE JAQUELEIN (MARCHIONESS DE). Memoirs of the Marchioness de Laroche Jaquelein. With a map of the theatre of war in la Vendee. Translated from the French. 8vo, half green calf (foxed). Phila. 1816 63 /— / 6 . & f°~ Qr 0s- 3 .£° tf-M' a 7 ^ £p 515. LAROCHE JAQUELEIN (MARCHIONESS DE.) Memoirs. Map of the theatre of war in La Vendee. 8vo, half morocco (name on title). Edinb. 1816 * Plate inserted. 516. LARREY (BARON—Surgeon in Egypt and at Waterloo). Document signed, 1 p. folio, margins strength¬ ened, Vienna, Aug. 3, 1809. * Certifying to an amputation on the field of battle. Signed twice. Napoleon entered Vienna in May of that year, and at this time was negotiating for peace. 517. LARREY (BARON). Memoir of Baron Larrey, Surgeon-in-Chief of the Grande Armee. Translated from the French. 12mo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond.1861 518. LAS CASES (COUNT DE), Memoirs of Emanuel Augustus Dieudonne, Count de Las Cases, communicated by Himself; also a Letter to Lord Bathurst. 8vo, half pol¬ ished calf gilt. Lond. 1818 519. LAS CASES (COUNT DE). Memorial de Sainte Helene. Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon at Saint Helena. Maps and plans. 8 vols. 8vo, half red calf, gilt tops, uncut (stamp removed from several pages and other pages with the stamp on) * Original and best edition. Very scarce. Lond. 1823 520. LAS CASES (COUNT DE). Memorial de Sainte Helene, ou Journal ou se trouve consigne, jour par jour, ce qu’a dit et fait Napoleon durant dix-huit mois, 8 vols.; Suite au Memorial de Sainte-Helene, 2 vols. Portraits. Together 10 vols. 12mo, paper, uncut (somewhat shaken, 2 covers missing). Bruxelles, 1822-5 521. LASKEY (CAPTAIN J. C.). A Description of the Series of Medals struck at the National Medal Mint by order of Napoleon Bonaparte, commemorating the most re¬ markable Battles and Events during his Dynasty. Portraits and vignettes. Royal 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1818 522. LATE NEGOCIATION (THE). The Whole of the Correspondence and Original Notes relating to the late Ne- gociation with France, as they appeared in The Moniteur of the 26th ult. 8vo, half roan, red edges. Lond. [1806] 523. LAVALLETTE (COUNT). Memoirs of Lavallette. Written by Himself. 2 vols. 8vo, old half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1831 524. LEACH (LIEUT.-COL. J.). Rough Sketches of the Life of an Old Soldier, during a service in the West Indies, at Copenhagen, &c., including the Battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. 8vo, half polished calf gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1831 64 525. LEACH (LIEUT.-COL. J.). Rough Sketches of the IT Life of an Old Soldier: in the Peninsular and the South of France Campaigns from 1808 to 1814, etc. 8vo, half black morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1831 526. LE BRUN (CH. FR.—Duke of Piacenza, appointed ~ ^I*-Third Consul by Napoleon in 1799). Autograph Letter O '— Signed, 1 p. 4to, Paris, ler Vindemiaire, An. 8 (Sept. 23, 1799). * A political letter to a Colleague. 527. LEE (HENRY, of Virginia). The Life of Napoleon f S*0 Bonaparte, down to the Peace of Tolentino and the close of Cp;—* his fi rst Campaign in Italy. Portrait and map. 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt top (foxed). Lond. 1837 528. LEECH (JOSEPH). The Apothegms of Napoleon: a Lecture delivered at Bristol. 12mo, original limp boards. Lond. 1854 _ 529. LEGG (L G. W.). Select Documents, Illustrative J. of the History of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 12mo, doth. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905 ~ 530. LEJEUNE (BARON). Memoirs of Baron Lejeune, //, i_Aide-de-Camp to Marshals Berthier, Davout, and Oudinot. Translated by Mrs. Arthur Bell. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond.1897 / -y r~ ^1. LEN6TRE (G.). The Last Days of Marie Antoi- / nette. Translated by Mrs. R. Stawell. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Phila. 1907 532. IjENOTRE (G.). A Gascon Royalist in Revolution- ary Paris The Baron de Batz, 1792-1795. Translated by y,'*' Mrs. Bodolph Stawell. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y . 1910 533. LENZ (DR. MAX). Napoleon. A Biographical J Study. Translated from the German by Frederic Wythe. 50 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1907 534. LETTERS FROM FLUSHING: containing an Ac- / ^ ) count of the Expedition to Walcheren, Beveland, and the Mouth of the Scheldt, under the command of the Earl of Chatham. Maps. 8vo, half orange morocco, gilt top, un- cut - Lond. 1809. 535. LETTERS on the Events of the Revolution in 1Z France. By a French General Officer. Addressed to his Friends in New-York. 8vo, original calf. N. Y. 1817 536. LEVY (ARTHUR). The Private Life of Napoleon. O. Translated by Stephen Louis Simeon. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N, y. 1894 65 c 537. LEWES (G. H.). The Life of Maximilien Robes- 3 pierre; with extracts from his unpublished Correspondence. Wmo, half red calf, gilt top. Lond. 1849 *Very scarce. c- j/~ Liz 538. LIDDELL (COL. R. S.). The Memoirs of the Tenth Royal Hussars (Prince of Wales’ Own), Historical and Social. Portraits and colored plates by Oscar Norie. Thick 4to, half red morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. Lond. 1891 539. LIFE and Military Achievements of Buonaparte, in¬ cluding a full account of all the battles and victories fought and gained by the armies under Buonaparte, Moreau, Brune, etc. Portrait. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. Sommers Town, 1802 540. LIFE of Bonaparte from his Birth to the Peace of Luneville, with Anecdotes of his Different Campaigns. Translated from the French. Portrait and plate. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1802 541. LIFE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE (THE), from his Birth to the present period; comprising his Cam¬ paigns in Italy, Germany, Egypt, etc. From the original information of a Gentleman resident in France. 12mo, half blue calf, gilt top, uncut (slight repairs to margins). * Very Scarce. Manchester [1808] 542. LIFE of the Empress Josephine (Hartley), Phila. 1866; Robespierre (Galdemar), N. Y. 1899; Napoleon, War¬ rior and Ruler (Morris), N. Y. 1893; Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica (Bangs), N. Y. 1895; Letters from St. Helena (Warden), Phila. 1817. Together 5 vols. 12mo, various bindings. 543. LOMENIE (LOUIS DE). Beaumarchais and his Times. Sketches of French Society in the Eighteenth Cen¬ tury. Translated by H. S. Edwards. 4 vols. 12mo, half green calf (rubbed, blind stamps on several pages). Lond. 1856 544. LONDONDERRY (MARQUESS OF). Narrative ‘—' of the Peninsular War, from 1808 to 1813; with an Appen¬ dix of Correspondence. Map. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, old half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1829 545. LONG (GEORGE). France and its Revolutions. J ® A Pictorial History. Portraits , woodcuts , etc. , extra-illus¬ trated by the insertion of over 50 fine portraits of the prin¬ cipal characters of the French Revolution , maps, plans , etc. Royal 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1850 546. LOUIS XVI. Williams (Helen M.). The Political and Confidential Correspondence of Lewis the Sixteenth; with Observations on each Letter. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1803 66 547. LOUIS XVI. A Graphic History of Louis the Six¬ teenth, and the Royal Family of France; Represented in Six Large Engravings from Celebrated Pictures , Painted ' _ on the spot by D. Pelegrini , and engraved by Mariano \ jL- Bovie , a pupil of Bartolozzi. Large folio, half red morocco gilt, gilt top, original wrappers bound in (slight repairs to the folds of several plates). Lend, 1806 * Scarce. With brilliant impressions of the Double-Page plates. jo 548. LOUIS XVI. Document Signed, 1 p. folio, . — sailles, Dec. 1, 1788, left margin trimmed away. Ver- * Fine example of the King’s signature on a printed letter re¬ lating to the Duchy of Bretagne. 549. LOU VET (JOHN-BAPTISTE). An Account of the 1 Dangers to which I have been exposed, since the 31st of ’ May, 1793. 16mo, half blue calf. Perth, 1795 i y* 550. LOWELL (EDWARD J.). The Eve of the French ~~ Revolution. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1892 3 i_° 551. LOYD (LADY MARY—Translator). New Letters of Napoleon I. Omitted from the Edition published under the Auspices of Napoleon III. Portrait. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y. 1897 /°- 552. lyTACDONALD (E. J. J.—Duke of Tarentum, ^ famous Marshal at many noted battles). Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Paris, Feb. 17, 1822. * Conferring a benefit on the daughter of a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Fine example of his signature. 553 MACDONALD (MARSHAL). Recollections of Mar¬ shal Macdonald, Duke of Tarentum. Edited by Camille Rousset. Translated by S. L. Simeon. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1892 554. MACERONI (FRANCIS). Interesting Facts relat¬ es j~o ing to the Fall and Death of Joachim Murat, King of Naples; and the Second Restoration of the Bourbons. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1817 555. MACERONI (FRANCIS). Memoirs of the Life __ a,nd Adventures of Col. Maceroni, Aide-de-camp to Murat. ^ ‘ Lithographic portrait on India paper. 2 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1838 556. MACERONI (FRANCIS). Defensive Instructions j for the People: Containing the New and Improved Com¬ bination of Arms, called Foot Lancers, — Marie Antoinette, late Queen of France, containing all the charges, the private interrogatory of the Queen and the Ex¬ amination of the witnesses, etc. With the rare stipple portrait of the Queen. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond.: J. S. Jordan, 1793 574. MARIE ANTOINETTE. Weber (Joseph). Memoirs of Maria Antoinette, including several important periods > vTOof the French Revolution, from its Origin to the Day of her . Martyrdom. Translated from the French by R C. Dallas. Portraits. 3 vols. half green calf, gilt. Lond. 1805 575. MARIE LOUISE (EMPRESS OF NAPOLEON). — Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, with blank second sheet. Vienna, April 5, 1828. * To the King of Bavaria congratulating him on the birth of a son. (See also Nos. 8 and 9.) 576. MARMONT (MARSHAL DE—Duke of Ragusa) Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, December 17, 1811. ‘—-- * Requesting a furlough for M. Buhot from Joseph Napoleon then King of Spain. 69 577. MARTIAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF GREAT BRITAIN and her Allies from 1799 to 1815. 52 brilliant impressions of the richly colored aquatints , after W. Heath , showing the famous battles in which Great Britain was engaged from 1799 to 1815 , ending with Waterloo. Royal 4to, half straight- grain morocco (joints weak, binding slightly rubbed), uncut. Loud. [1815] * Very scarce. Included are views of the Battles of Bada- jos, Maida, Storming of St. Sebastian, Quatre Bras, Waterloo, Leipsic, and others. Many of the plates contain portraits of eminent soldiers, among whom may be mentioned Wellington, Sir Ralph Abercromby with some of his staff, Sir John Stuart, General Laborde, Sir John Moore, General Laval, Marshal Beresford, Sir Thomas Picton, Napoleon (2), Moreau, etc. 578. MASSON (FREDERIC). Josephine, Empress and Queen. Translated by Mrs. Cashel Iloey. Colored frontis¬ piece and numerous portraits and illustrations. 4to, wrap¬ pers, uncut. N. Y. 1899 * One of the Goupil Historical Monographs. y- 579. MASSON (FREDERIC). Napoleon, Lover and — Husband. Translated by J. M. Howell. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. [1894] yj~~ 580. MASSON (FREDERIC). Napoleon and the Fair Sex. Translated from the French. Portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 So 581. MASSON (FRfiDfiRIC). Napoleon and the Fair ' ' Sex. Translated from the French. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1896 582. MASSON (FREDERIC). Napoleon and the Fair Sex. Translated from the French. Portraits , in colors. 8vo, full dark green levant morocco, gilt back with the crowned initial “ N ” in the panels, sides tooled to a design of vine and leaves, with the crowned initial “ N ” in corners, doublures of light and dark morocco in panels with flowered inlays and flies, with the crowned “N” in corners, fancy silk end papers, gilt top, partly uncut, by Ritter. Lond. 1894 * Extra-illustrated by the insertion of about 20 portraits and views in colors. ^ 583. MASSON (JAMES). Napoleon at Home. The daily life of the Emperor at the Tuileries. Translated by James E. Matthew. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo s cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 So 584. MAUPAS (M. DE). The Story of the Coup d’Etat. Translated by Albert D. Vandam. 2 vols. 12mo, half red calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1884 585. MAYER (L.). Death of Bonaparte, and Universal Peace; a New Explanation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Great Im¬ age. Frontispiece. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1809 70 586. MEMOIRS relative to Egypt, written in that Country during the Campaigns of General Bonaparte, in 1798-9. By the Learned and Scientific men who accompanied the French Expedition. Maps. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt top. Bond. 1800 * Contains contributions by Andreossi, Denon, Berthollet, Langles [keeper of the MSS. of the National Library], and others. JO 587. MEMOIRS Of Madame de Remusat, N. Y. 1880; Four Frenchwomen (Dobson), N. Y., n. d.; Eighty Years Ago (Gibney), Lond. 1896. Together 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 588. MEMOIRS of the Late War: comprising the Per¬ sonal Narrative of Captain Cook; the History of the Cam- ~~ paign of 1809 in Portugal, by the Earl of Munster; and a Narrative of the Campaign of 1814 in Holland, by T. W. D. Moodie. 2 vols. 12mo, half red calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.1831 589. MENEYAL (BARON C. F. DE). Memoirs illus- trating the History of Napoleon I. from 1802 to 1815. — Edited by his Grandson. Portraits and facsimiles. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1894 590. MEREDITH (WILLIAM G.). Memorials of Charles _ John, King of Sweden and Norway; Illustrative of his Character; of his relations with the Emperor Napoleon, &c. 8vo, half blue morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1829 _ 591. MICHAUD (CLAUDE I. FR.—General, succeeded Pichegru as Commander-in-Chief). Letter Signed, 1 p. folio, 16 Germinal, An 2. (April 5, 1794). * Written when in command of the Army of the Rhine, on military affairs; on official letterhead. 592. MIGNET (A. F.). History of the French Revolu- _ tion, from 1789 to 1814. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1826 593. MIKHAILOFSKY-DANILEFSKY (A.). History of the Campaign in France. From the Russian. Plans and maps. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1839 594. MILITARY PANORAMA (THE); or Officer’s Com¬ panion. Embellished with numerous portraits and maps. 3 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt tops. [Lond. 1812-14] 595. MILITARY and Political Life, Character, and Anec¬ dotes of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his Origin to his Death on the rock of St. Helena, etc. 12mo, half red calf, gilt top. Hartford, 1823 596. MIRABEAU (COMTE DE—Statesman). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Paris, March 11, 1790. * Letter to an intimate friend referring him to a letter for details of a meeting and expressing friendship for him in warm terms. Fine example of a scarce autograph. 71 jo ro So Hr 597. [MIRABEAU (COMTE DE) ] Letter Signed of his father Marquis de Mirabeau, known as the “ Friend of Men,” 2 pp. 4to, Aix, Oct. 7, 1785, long and friendly letter. 598. MITCHELL (LIEUT.-COL. J.). The Fall of Napo¬ leon: an Historical Memoir. 3 vols. 12mo, half red mo¬ rocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1846 599. MOGES (ADMIRAL DE). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 8vo, Paris, April 3 (1828), with seal. * On the merits of a telescope. 600. MOLLIEN (COMTE DE—Napoleon’s Minister of the Treasury). Autograph Letter Signed, July 31, 1806. * To M. De Lavalette on official business. / 601. MOLLIEN (COMTE DE). Letter Signed, 1 p. 8vo, Aug. 23, 1804, on official business. 602. MONEY (J.). History of the Campaign of 1792, between the Armies of France and the Allies, with an Ac- so count of what passed in the Thuilleries the 10th of August. Plans. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. (Name removed from title.) Lond. 1794 * Of much yalue in explaining the mystery attaching to the conduct of General Dumouriez. 3 P 603. MONTALIVET (J. PIERRE COMTE DE—Minister under Napoleon). Letter Signed, 1 p. folio, Paris, Jan. 31, 1814. * Official letter as Minister of the Interior, in the interest of a bookseller. c- H-r 9 ^ 604. MONTMORENCY (LIEUT.-COL. HERYEY DE). Proposed Rules and Regulations for the exercise and man¬ oeuvres of the lance. Colored frontispiece and numerous plates. First Edition. 4to, red straight-grain morocco gilt, gilt edges (rubbed). Lond. 1820 * Presentation copy to Baron de Vincent from Chevalier de Montmorency, cousin of the Author. 605. MONTORGUEIL (GEORGES). Bonaparte. Nu¬ merous full-page illustrations in colors, by Job. Royal 4to, decorative cloth. Paris, 1910 606. MONTPENSIER (DUC DE). Further Consider¬ ations on the Marriage of the Due de Montpensier, with reference to the Treaty of Utrecht. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond. 1849 * On the title is written “ With the author.” 5 So 607. MONTRICHARD (GENERAL—at Trebbia, June, 1799). Autograph Letter Signed, 2 pp. 4to. Kempsten, 17th Brumaire, An. 9 (Nov. 8, 1800). * Military letter to Gen. Bessolle on preventing a surprise by the Enemy, the establishment of reserves, etc. 72 f nb’USUQUE F&AMCAISE 1 LIBEHTE EGALITE . i Qpaitier General 0*~ / JL/fi&'t/**' jL $^ » <$e 1' an 4/ de la Ripublique Fran$aise unc et Indivisible SOM AP A&TE General en Chef de F arroec? d’ It^le • A a . '■ ' 'c£^ ; - * ‘ > *• " *3m ■ ^ 1 /J&ca4U6~^ • \ . 3* (See No. 624.) May 16, 1796. 608. MOORE (JAMES). A Narrative of the Campaign of the British Army in Spain, commanded by Lieut. General — Sir John Moore. Authenticated by Official Paper and Orig¬ inal Letters. Portrait and maps. 4to, half brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1809 609. MOREAU (JEAN VICTOR—One of the most fa- Q ^ mous French Generals opposed to Napoleon and exiled for the conspiracy with Pichegru). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to. Quartier General, Armee du Rhin, 3 Pluviose, An, 8 (Jan. 23, 1800). * As commander of the Army of the Rhine. An important letter written just before Hohenlinden and stating that he awaits the arrival of St. Cyr with impatience. 610. MOREAU (GENERAL). The Life and Campaigns of Victor Moreau, comprehending his trial, justification and other events. Portrait. 16mo, half calf. N. Y. 1806 611. MOREAU (GENERAL). The Defence and Justi- _ fication of the late Illustrious General Moreau before the French Tribunal. Translated by Samuel Mackay. 8vo, half calf, uncut. Bost. 1814 // 612. MORTIER (EDOUARD A. C. J.—Duke of Treviso, celebrated Marshal). Letter Signed, 2pp. 4to. Paris, Jan. 6, 1832. * To Count Clausel, stating that the Legion of Honor has no funds to pay off arrears. 2 . 613. MOUNTENEY (BARCLAY). An Historical In¬ quiry into the Principal Circumstances and Events relative to the late Emperor Napoleon. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1824 614. MUDFORD (WILLIAM). Historical Account of the Battles of Waterloo, Ligny, and Quatre Bras, under the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Prince Bliicher, &c. Colored emblematic frontispiece , portraits of the General Officers , colored double plate of the Battle of Waterloo , all (j If. by George Cruikshank, and 27 colored plates descrip¬ tive of the country between Brussels and Charlevoix , <£c. Thick 4to, contemporary calf (rebacked). Lond. 1817 * The rare original edition of this important work. Unusu¬ ally large copy, with the publisher’s name at foot of engraved title, cut away in most copies. One map torn. * c _ _ 615. - Another copy, with some of the plates uncol- / $ * ored. 4to, half red morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. Lond. 1817 616. MUFFLING (BARON C. VON). Passages from my J w Life; together with Memoirs of the Campaign of 1813 and 1814. Edited by Col. Philip Yorke. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1853 73 ya. 617. MUFFLING (BARON C. VON). A Sketch of the Battle of Waterloo. With the Official Dispatches of Wel¬ lington and Blucher. Folding map. 16mo, half red mo¬ rocco, gilt top, uncut. Brussels, 1842 * 2 portraits on India paper, inserted. 618. MUHLBACH (L.). Napoleon and Blucher. An Historical Novel. Translated by F. Jordan. Illustrated . 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1867 619. MURAT (JOACHIM—Famous Marshal, married Caroline Bonaparte). Autograph Letter Signed, 2 pp. 4to. Milan, 16th Nivose, An. XI (Jan. 5, 1803). * To General - entirely on military matters, mentions other officers. yCruJ/^ 620. '^’’AHUYS (M. T. C. F. N.). Histoire Numisma- tique du Royaume de Hollande sous le regne de S. M. Louis-Napoleon, &e., recit detaille des evenemens historiques de cette epoque, &c. Reproductions , SOME colored. 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, original wrap¬ pers bound in. Amsterdam-Paris, 1858 * Copy contains signature of the author. 621. NAHUYS (M. T. C. F. N.). Histoire Numismatique de la Hollande, pendant la reunion a L’Empire Frangais . . . avec Documens et Planches. Precede d’un Supplement a l’Histoire Numismatique du Royaume de Hollande sous le Regne de S. M. Louis-Napoleon. Numerous reproductions of medals , &c. 4to, half red morocco gilt, gilt top, original wrappers bound in. Utrecht, 1863 622. NAPIER (W. F. P.). History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the year 1807 to 1814. Atlas and numerous engravings. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth (one back torn). Phila. 1842 1 623. NAPLES. The Wishes of the Neapolitans. In answer to the Journals of Sicily, of October 14 and 17, 1814. Small 8vo, half cloth. Naples, 1814 * Inscription on title reads “ Printed by Mr. Street but never published.” 624. NAPOLEON IN 1796. Letter Signed, “ Bonaparte,” 1 p. 4to, with leaf of address, Milan, 1796. 27 Floreal, l’an 4 [May 16, 1796]. * To General Cervoni at Parma, ordering horses for himself and staff, and that ten of them be sent to Gen. Serrurier. Early and fine signature in the rare form “ Bonaparte” after he had dropped the “u.” Napoleon was preparing for the Italian Campaign in which the battles of Areola and Rivoli were fought. (See Illustration.) 74 625. NAPOLEON (IN 1800). Vellum Document Signed, 1 p. folio, with seal. * Giving a Grenadier a Decoration of the Legion of Honor for <3 3-' bravery at Marengo in defending himself against three charges of the Enemy. Signed “Bonaparte,” and also signed by Maret. The writing is rubbed, and the date very difficult to determine. # 6 .- 626. NAPOLEON IN 1800. Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Paris, 6 Brumaire, ano 9 [Oct. 28, 1800], with blank second sheet. To the Minister of the Interior. * On the erection of a Signal Station at Luneville. With the RARE SIGNATURE IN FULL “BONAPARTE.” 627. NAPOLEON IN 1803. Letter Signed, “ Bonaparte ” 1 p. 4to, Marlefontaine, 19 Fructidor, an 11 [Sept. 6, 1803]^ with blank second sheet. * To the President of one of the Swiss Cantons, advising him of an Electoral meeting. More clearly written than many of Napoleon’s signatures, as at this period he had more leisure and was devoting himself to the reconstruction of the civil institu¬ tions of France. 628. NAPOLEON IN 1802. Vellum Document signed 0 “ Bonaparte,” l p. folio, Paris, le seize Frimaire de Pan Onze [Dec. 7, 1802]. With seal. Signed by Hugues de Maret, also. * Granting a pension to Pierre Henry Moreau. 629. NAPOLEON IN 1810. Letter Signed “ Napoleon ” <3 C- (contraction of the same), 1 p. 4to, Fontainebleau, Oct. 31, 1810, with blank second sheet. * To Count Collin on the export of French Merchandise. 630. NAPOLEON IN 1811. Document Signed “Nap,” 1 p. folio, Amsterdam, October 20, 1811. On Napoleon’s own paper with his portrait as watermark. *A communication to Napoleon from the Due de Feltre (Clarke) and signed by him regarding the promotion of General Deriot, and referred in four words by Napoleon to Gen¬ eral Du roc. 631. NAPOLEON BULLETINS. Disposition pour la Fete du I.er Vendemiaire, anniversaire de l’an 7 de la Republique frangaise, en execution de l’ordre du General jo en chef en date du 11 Fructidor. 4 pp. 4to, uncut, Cairo, “ de l’imprimerie de Marc Aurel, Imprimeur de PArmee ” (1798). * An interesting and very rare Napoleon item, being the pro¬ gramme of the Fete at Cairo in honor of the Seventh Anniver¬ sary of the French Republic [Sept. 22, 1798J. “ Chef-de Brigade ” Junot is named as one of the judges of the Races. 632. NAPOLEON BULLETINS. Au Palais de Saint- Cloud le 13 Prairial (an 12). Napoleon par la Grace deDieu et les contitutions de la Republique, Empereur des Frangais, voulant marquer le moment de son avenement & l’Empire par des actes d’lndulgence et de Bienfaissance. Decret Imperial. 4 pp. 4to, uncut. [Paris, June 2, 1804] 75 SO 633. NAPOLEON BULLETINS. Bulletin des Lois No. 432. Decret Imperial . . . qui determine les cas ou les Generaux on Commandans militaires peuvent capituler, ect, 4 Mai, 1812. 4 pp. 4to, uncut. [Paris, 1812] NAPOLEON: A PRESENTATION COPY. (Franco). Pausania Tra- gilt borders, gilt edges. Milan, n. d. [1800] * The volume is dedicated to Marshal Brune, but this copy was evidently a Presentation Copy from the Author to Napo¬ leon, and has stamped on the cover in gilt letters “A Bona¬ parte.” 10 634. [NAPOLEON.] Salfi 5"° gedia. 8vo, crimson morocco, 635. NAPOLEON. Copies of the Original Letters and Despatches of the Generals, Ministers, Grand Officers of State, etc., at Paris to the Emperor Napoleon at Dresden. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1814 • 636. NAPOLEON. A Year of the Life of the Emperor Napoleon; or, An Historical Account of all that happened from the 1st of April, 1814, to the 20th of March, 1815. Translated from the French of A. D. B. M*****. Portrait ( inserted , as it does not belong to the tuorlc). 12mo, half blue crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Name on title. * Scarce. By A. B. D. Monnier. N. Y. 1815 637. NAPOLEON. Memoirs and Drawings of Napoleon while at St. Helena. By Frederick Allison, his Orderly from 1815-1821. Neatly inlaid and bound in half calf, by Riviere. Folio. * Contains thirty pages of original manuscript, which is unpublished, in the autograph of Frederick Allison, a British soldier who was at St. Helena at the time with his regiment, and who was appointed Orderly to the Emperor, and had many opportunities of seeing him. There are also twenty-two pages of manuscript in another hand. The water-color drawings (four in all, and a pencil drawing), are also the work of Allison, and include three portraits of Napoleon, one hitherto unknown, views of the grounds, etc. An ITEM OF UNUSUAL INTEREST. 638. NAPOLEON. A collection of forty-nine highly col¬ ored double-page plates, illustrating scenes in the life and death of Napoleon, with letterpress descriptions. Bound in a folio volume, half cloth. * Probably issued as supplements to a Parisian newspaper. Such a long and interesting series must be scarce. 639. NAPOLEON. Anecdotes of the Court and Family of Napoleon Bonaparte. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1818 *By Mine. Durand, in the service of Marie Louise. 76 640. NAPOLEON. Facts illustrative of the Treatment of Napoleon Bonaparte in Saint Helena, being the result of f jC> Minute Inquiries and Personal Research in that Island. .— With three beautifully colored views, by Clark. 8vo, three-quarter brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1819- 641. NAPOLEON. Manuscrit de L’lle d’Elbe. Des Bourbons en 1815. Publie par le Comte****. 8vo, old half calf. Dusseldorf, 1819 * On the title page is an inscription “ Pour mon frere Louis,” signed with an initial, which looks like a J. A former owner has written a note to state that the book is from the library of the King of Holland, and another note intimates that the in¬ scription is by Napoleon. The latter is incorrect, but the writ¬ ing bears a strong resemblance to that of Jerome Bonaparte, and is probably his. 642. NAPOLEON. Vie de Napoleon. Redigee par une Societe de gens de lettres sur les nouveaux documens dictes etcorriges a Ste Helene, par Napoleon lui meme. Ouvrage orne de planches lithographiees d'apres les premiers peinires, 2 ?ar Madou. 2 vols. in 1, oblong 4to, half blue morocco gilt, gilt top. Bruxelles, 1827 643. NAPOLEON. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, with copious Historical Illus- j £>. trations and Original Anecdotes, from the MS. of Count Labedoyere. Portraits , etc. Thick 8vo, half calf. Lettered on title as vol., but complete. Lond. 1827 644. NAPOLEON in the Other World. A Narrative writ¬ ten by himself: and found near his tomb in the Island of ) St. Helena, by Xongo-Tee-Foh-Tchi. Frontispiece. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. Lond. 1827 * Ascribed to Baron de Jomini. 645. NAPOLEON GALLERY; or, Illustrations of the Life and Times of the Emperor of France. Engravings sZL h y Reveil and other eminent artists. 16mo, red calf gilt, ' ' gilt edges, by Tout. Lond. 1837 * Original issue. Fine copy. Scarce. 646. NAPOLEON MUSEUM (THE). The History of France Illustrated from Louis XIV to the end of the Reign /LPO and Death of the Emperor. Comprising Marbles, Bronzes, ' .— Carvings, Gems, Decorations, Portraits, Pictures, etc. Col¬ lected, arranged, and described by John Sainsbury. Fac¬ similes. Imperial 4to, old half morocco, gilt edges (rubbed). Lond. 1840 647. NAPOLEON. A series of 17 plates (lithographs) * gS illustrating the scenes in the Second Funeral of Napoleon, * with seven other plates (views, etc.) (also lithographs) at end. The whole bound in one vol. oblong folio, old half binding. [Paris, ca. 1841] 77 648. NAPOLEON DYNASTY (THE): or the History of the Bonaparte Family. An entirely new work by the Berkeley Men. 22 authentic 'portraits. 8vo, half blue levant morocco. N. Y. 1854 U~ 649. NAPOLEON’S Last Voyages. Being the Diaries of Admiral Sir Thomas Ussher, and John R. Glover. Illus¬ trations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1895 650. NAPOLEON; La Republique—Le Consulat—L’Em- ' pire—Sainte Helene. Profusely illustrated. Oblong 4to, half red morocco gilt, gilt top. Paris, n.d. 651. NAPOLEON COLLECTION. Catalogue of the 1 A. D. S. Bell Collection of Books, Broadsides, etc., of Na¬ poleon. Priced. 8vo, half red morocco. Bost. 1907 652. [NAPOLEON III.] The Poetic Works of Louis Napoleon. Now First Done into Plain English. Numer¬ ous illustrations by H. Gr. Nine. 16mo, half red morocco JO gilt, gilt top, original pictorial covers bound in. Lond. 1852 * A collection of humorous and satirical poems, with clever illustrations. The author has never been definitely ascertained, but there is a strong suspicion that many—if not all of the pieces—were written by W. M. Thackeray. Among the poems are “Napoleon setting the Thames on Fire,” “Napoleon shoot¬ ing the bookseller David Bogue,” &c. 78 FOURTH SESSION. Wednesday Evening, April 23, 1913, at 8:15 o’clock BRONZES By Barye, Boizot, Jullien, Pradier and others, including a Death Masque with Dr. Antommarchi’s Seal. 653. BRASS PANEL. 2 so Napoleon on horseback being saluted by a French sol¬ dier; trees at the ends. 6y 2 by 13 inches. GOLD BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. As Emperor on Columnar base. Height, 4y 2 inches. 655. G~ TWO STATUETTES OF NAPOLEON OF BRONZE. One mounted as a seal; one in long coat. Height, 5% and 3 inches. 656. jriS 657. 658. 659. 660. 7 ~ 661. /?.- TWO STATUETTES OF NAPOLEON. Bronze and gold bronze, one marked Chabrol. Height, 3 and 4% inches. CUIRASSIER’S BRASS HELMET. With the plume. GOLD BRONZE EQUESTRIAN STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. On Bronze base. Height, 5 inches. BRONZE GROUP INKSTAND. A Schoolmistress shows a small statuette of Napoleon to two children. The base decorated with shield bear¬ ing the word ‘ ‘ Beranger. ’ ’ BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. Standing with folded arms beside a broken column. Height, 5 inches. NAPOLEON (AS ANTIQUE BUST) IN BRONZE. Lettered and signed “Chaudet. ” Height, 3 y 2 inches. 79 Bronzes — Continued. 662. J' 2S: 663. 664. ^ _ 665. 667. 668 . 3 4 — 670. /J.- METAL PANEL WITH PICTURE OF NAPOLEON IN RELIEF. Probably contemporary. 15% x 12 inches. SMALL GOLD BRONZE STATUE OF NAPOLEON. On square bronze base. Height, 8 inches. NAPOLEON ON THE BATTLE FIELD: SMALL BRONZE. On fluted bronze column, square marble base. Height, 9 inches. BUST OF NAPOLEON IN GOLD BRONZE. On square bronze base. Height, 10% inches. NAPOLEON WITH FOLDED ARMS: BRONZE STATUETTE. On columnar bronze base. Height, 8 inches. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. On gold bronze column on square green marble base. Height, 6% inches. SMALL BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON BY BAR YE. In Directory Costume with hat. Signed “Barye.” Beautiful piece with fine patina. Height, 5 inches. STATUETTES OF NAPOLEON AND MARIE LOUISE. On rectangular bronze base. Height, 5 inches. BRONZE STATUETTE. Napoleon seated leaning on back of a chair on white marble base. Height, 4 inches. 671. THE ABDICATION, 1814. BRONZE PIECE. Napoleon in Roman Toga laying a wreath on gold bronze pedestal on which is inscribed “J’ai gouverne sans peur et j’abdique sans crainte”; opposite him is Lictor’s axe and rods. On bronze base. Height, 9 inches ; length of base, 6 inches. 672. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON WITH FOLDED ARMS. Standing beside a bronze column, on square green marble base with relief bronze eagle, Napoleon’s hat, etc. Height, 14% inches. 80 Bronzes — Continued. 673. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. With hat and folded arms on pedestal and bronze base. Height, 14 inches. square 674. BRONZE FIGURE OF NAPOLEON: SIGNED “PRA- DIER.” With hat and long coat, his arms behind him. On low bronze base. Height, 12 inches. * Fine piece of beautiful patina. 675. BRONZE AND MARBLE PIECE. Bronze of Napoleon without hat standing beside a ped¬ estal on which is an open book and map, on green mar¬ ble and bronze base. Height, 10^ inches. 676. BRONZE PLAQUE: HEAD OF NAPOLEON WITH WITH QUEUE. By Boizot. Directory Period. Signed “Boizot Ano VI R. (1798)” Diam. 9 inches. The bronzes by Louis Simon Boizot were considered by Joseph Bonaparte to be among the best portraits of Napoleon of the Directory Period, and he had one in his own private collection. 677. J3-- BUST OP NAPOLEON IN BISQUE. Directory costume, blue coat, on bleu-de-roi porcelain base. Height, 8 inches. 678. STAFFORDSHIRE BUST OF NAPOLEON. Decorated porcelain, lettered “Buonaparte” and / trophy of Arms with Cap of Liberty. Height, 8 < inches. Fine and scarce old piece. 679. SMALL SILVER BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON WITH QUEUE. By Boizot. ** _ On circular gold bronze base. Signed Boizot. Height, J ( s ' 4% inches. * Very fine signed piece. Rare with queue. 681. )3 BRONZE PANEL: BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ. In high relief in mahogany frame. 4f/2 x 13 inches. LEAD STATUE OF NAPOLEON. Hat and sword in either hand. On low base. Height, 18 inches. 682. SMALL CIRCULAR BAS-RELIEF: NAPOLEON IN DEATH. In uniform with hat. In ormolu frame. Diameter, 3% inches. 81 Bronzes — Continued. r S' 0 683. BRONZE BAS-RELIEF OF NAPOLEON AND ^ .- MARIE LOUISE. Oval in oak frame. Diameter, 5 inches. 684. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. In long coat, pointing. On r'ed marble pedestal deco¬ rated with bronze eagle. Height, 10 inches. 685. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. Standing with folded arms beside a draped column, on a bronze pedestal with ormolu mounts. Height, 16% inches. 686 . / 3 ^ 687. 688 . 689. 690. it 691. 692. s/. — NAPOLEON IN EGYPT ON A CAMEL. In bronze, BY MeUBENT. Directory Costume, signed piece. Height, 14% inches; length of base, 11 inches. NAPOLEON IN RUSSIA: BRONZE EQUESTRIAN FIGURE. 1813. On white marble base, inscribed “1813”; the figure and horse in fine green patina. Height, 13% inches; length of base, 11 inches. ORMOLU AND MARBLE EMPIRE INKSTAND. Figure of Napoleon in gold bronze standing between two urns (ink-wells), the base with bands of ormolu on four button feet. Height of figure, 9 inches. BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON BY E. PIC AULT. In Directory Costume with hat and queue (rare in this form). Signed. Height, 12% inches. EQUESTRIAN FIGURE OF NAPOLEON IN GOLD BRONZE. On green marble base. Height, 10% inches; width of base, 7 inches. CAPA DI MONTE BUST OF NAPOLEON LIFE SIZE. In uniform, no hat. Signed crowned “N” in blue. Height, 26 inches. * Made under the Reign of Ferdinand IV. of Naples, who was deposed by Napoleon in 1806. EMPIRE CLOCK WITH NAPOLEON POINTING A CANNON. Ormolu Clock with base decorated in relief with a figure of Napoleon and trophies. The clock as the wheel of a cannon, which Napoleon is preparing to fire. Height, 18 inches. 82 Bronzes — Continued. 693. 2 s- 694. " 3 /. - 695. 696. 2 7 £^ 697. BRONZE STATUETTE OF NAPOLEON. BY Y. RIVIERE. Directory Costume, hat, embroidered long coat, one arm folded, gloves in left hand. On low yellow mar¬ ble square base. Height, 9 inches. * Finely modelled and beautiful patina. BRONZE BUST OF NAPOLEON. Bareheaded, Directory period, inscribed “Bonaparte Consul. ” Height, 10 inches. * Finely executed. JOSEPHINE: BRONZE BUST. With crown and pearl necklace, on low square bronze base. Height, 17 inches. BRONZE OF NAPOLEON AS IMPERATOR. In Roman toga and laurel wreath, on bronze and mar¬ ble pedestal. Height, 16 inches. * Very fine and old piece. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. Equestrian bronze, horse to left. Height, 12% inches; width of base, 11 inches. 698. HEAD OF NAPOLEON IN BRONZE. Nearly life size, bareheaded, Directory Period. Signed S/. ~ “Canova 1808.” * Rare and fine piece. 699. DEATH MASQUE OF NAPOLEON IN BRONZE. q _ _„ By Dr. F. Antommarchi. * The excessively rare original with Dr. Antommarchi’s seal. 700. NAPOLEON CROSSING THE ALPS. Bronze equestrian figure, on red Italian marble base. Height, 18 inches; length of base, 13 inches. 701. RETOUR D’EGYPTE: BRONZE PIECE. Napoleon seated in an Egyptian chair, his right arm resting on a table supported by Egyptian winged S4- figures, on bronze base lettered as above. Height, 18 inches; base, 12x12 inches. *An unusual piece, the work of an eminent French sculptor, but unsigned. 8k> PORTRAITS OF MARIE LOUISE. J. L. BENOIST. 702. (MARIE LOUISE.) After Alex. Vigneux. Half length in turban with feathers. Stipple en¬ graving printed in colors. Cut down and mounted. 8 vo. T. BOGGI. 703. MARIE LOUISE ARCHID’E D ’AUTRICH’E, Etc. Stipple engraving after Bosio. Half length in Court Dress with Crown of Italy beside her on table to left. Small folio, printed in colors, with margins. Milan, circa 1812. A. DALBON. 704. MARIE LOUISE. After P. Mayer. Half length in oval, wearing a turban with three droop¬ ing feathers. Stipple engraving. 4to. Augsburg- [circa 1810.] DAVID EDWIN. 705. MARIA LOUISA: Empress of the French. Stipple engraving after Guerard. 8vo. ADOLPHE PORTIER. 706. MARIE LOUISE. Three-quarter length, wearing the crown of Italy. Line engraving, 8vo. JEAN NEIDL. 707. MARIE LOUISE IMPERATRICE DES FRANCAIS, Etc. Half length in oval, pearls in her hair and high ruff. Stipple after Hechele. Printed in brown. Small folio. Vienna, ches Jean Neidl, circa 1812. 708. MARIE LOUISE IMPERATRICE DES FRANQAIS. The same engraving without imprint or names of artists and the title in different type. -. PROT, / & — 709. MARIE LOUISE D’AUTRICHE, Etc. After Bosselman. Three-quarter length standing hold¬ ing a miniature of Napoleon. Stipple engraving, folio. Paris [circa 1812]. 84 LOUIS RADOS. /*'. 710. MARIE LOUISE ARCHID’E D’AUTRICHE, Etc. After J. B. Bosio. Full length in a garden. Stipple S' “O engraving, large folio, with margins, imprint cut away. LUIGI RADOS. 711. MARIA LUIGIA D’AUSTRIA, Etc. Half length in oval, no head dress, high lace ruff. Stipple engraving printed in colors. Small 4to with 3 . v margins. Milan [ circa 1810.] L. C. RUOTTE. 712. MARIE LOUISE, Archiduchesse d’Autriche, Etc. Drawn after the bust of Bosio by Durand Duclos. Half length in tiara, pearl and cameo necklace. Stipple — engraving printed in colors. Folio, Paris [circa 1812]. * Very fine and rare with good margins. UNSIGNED PORTRAIT. 713. (MARIE LOUISE.) Full bust in oval, necklace with medallion of Napoleon, tiara and hair dressed high. Line engraving. 4to. Proof Before Letters with full margins. PORTRAITS OF NAPOLEON. 714. 7 " JACOPO ALIPRANDI. NAPOLEONE BONAPARTE Ex Imperatore dei Fran- cesi, &c. Three-quarter length, folded arms, battle in the back¬ ground, below an oval vignette showing Napoleon em¬ barking on board the Bellerophon. Oval on 4to, full margins. ALEXANDER ANDERSON. 715. NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE, Etc. Full bust to right. Woodcut after David. 12mo, S'- New York, Longworth (1815). 85 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. J. F. BADOUREAU. 716. NAPOLEON. Equestrian portrait, horse to left. Stipple engraving, THE PACE PRINTED IN TINTS. Small folio, OPEN LETTER Proof, published by the artist, circa 1825. * Brilliant impression with full margins. A. BARRE. 717. (NAPOLEON.) Relievo bust, bareheaded, in uniform, surrounded by laurel wreath, and similar medallion portraits in relief of the principal Marshals of Napoleon. From the bot¬ tom is suspended the Cross of the Legion of Honor. Engraved by the “Procede d’Achille Collas. ” Large folio. FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI. 718. N. BONAPARTE. A. Appiani, pinx. Three-quarter length, Directory —* Costume, bareheaded. Stipple engraving, large folio, full margins. Printed in colors and touched by hand. J. L. BENOIST. 719. NAPOLEON PREMIER EMPEREUR DES FRAN- CAIS: MARIE LOUISE D’AUTRICHE IMPERA- TRICE DES FRANQAIS. Busts in circle facing each other, in Royal Robes. Stipple engraving printed in colors and heightened with gold. Small 4to. ( Paris, 1810.) * Very rare and fine. MADAME BENOIST. 720. ANAGRAMME. NAPOLEON EMPEREUR DES FRANQAIS, Etc. After Fragonard. Statuary bust, looking to front, on square pedestal en¬ graved with the above wording. On each side of the pedestal are figures of an amazon standing and a woman kneeling with laurel branch. Line engraving. Folio. Printed in colors. 86 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. G. BODMER. 721. NAPOLEON EN 1815. After Horace Yernet. Equestrian portrait, horse to right with review of troops in the rear, Napoleon with whip in hand. Litho¬ graph. Large folio. Imp. chez Hanfstaegel a Munic. Lithographies par 0. Bodmer. * A very fine impression. -. BORDES: Painter. 722. NAPOLEON Ier. Bordes, pinx, a PEpoque des cent jours. Full bust in oval, no hat; beneath facsimile autograph from Na- ' — poleon and quotation from his will. Lithograph, small folio, with full margins. J. B. BOURGOIS. 723. NAPOLEON Per. EMPEROR DES FRANCAIS ET ROI DTTALIE. Cameo portrait, profile to right, engraved in Amiens in the year 1802 after a medal by Auguste. Small 4to. * Fine proof in colors. BROADSIDE PORTRAITS. 724. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE KAYSER DER FRANZ- OSCH. Small folio broadside, having an equestrian portrait of Napoleon in Directory Costume at the top, engraved on wood, in colors, beneath a letterpress biography of the life of Napoleon, ending with 1806. * Very rare early broadside published in Germany. 725. BUONAPARTE ET AUGEREAU, Etc. (At the Bridge of Areola.) Folio broadside with portraits surrounded by the text of the Treaty of Peace of 1797 and 11 Tableau Histori- / * que des Guerres dTtalie.” Woodcut with line border. Marcant, auteur et editeur. *A very rare broadside with Collector’s stamp. French broadsides of this date referring to Napoleon are almost un¬ known. WILLIAM BROMLEY. English Engraver and Painter. 726 . /sc f NAPOLEON AND HIS GENERALS. After Le Gros. Mezzotint. Fine early proof. Folio. London, 1840. 87 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. THOMAS BROWN, LONDON, Publisher. 727. THE CELEBRATED MARSHAL NEY. Designed from Nature as he Appeared at the Hos¬ pital of Maternity two hours after his death, Decem¬ ber the 7th, 1815. Aquatint and stipple printed in brown tints. Large folio. London, 1821. * Eeproduced from the original drawing made on the spot by David, the noted French Painter. A. CARLONI. 728. DEDIE A LA NATION. Allegorical scene representing a bust of Napoleon sup¬ ported by an eagle resting on his sarcophagus; at the base allegorical figures, the dead lion, etc. Hotel des Invalides to the left. Lithograph by Kaeppelin et Cie (Paris). Folio, first state with the imprint of the ARTIST, AND DATE 1840. 729. (DEDIE A LA NATION.) Another issue of the same print with the title as above, the name of the lithographer as Formentinet Cie, and without the imprint. LOUIS F. CHARON. 730. NAPOLEON PREMIER Empereur des Frangais, Etc. After Mottet. Equestrian portrait, horse to right, camp and troops in the background. Line engraving, folio with margins. Paris, circa 1810, with imprint of Charon and Vance. * A very fine proof printed on papier velin. v5T 731. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Another copy of the same print with altered title, and imprint of Paris “V’e Turgis.” CHARON: Publisher. 732. NAPOLEON. Ut>~ Equestrian portrait, horse to left, followed by staff; combat of Infantry in the left background. Aquatint PRINTED IN COLORS AND HEIGHTENED WITH GOLD. Large folio. Paris, circa 1812. * A very rare proof in perfect condition with large margins. 88 (See No. 733.) Napoleon Portraits— Continued. ALEXIS CHATAIGNIER. 733. BONAPARTE PREMIER CONSUL. Equestrian portrait, horse to right, Napoleon in Di¬ rectory Costume, artillery and a town in the back¬ ground. Stipple engraving. Printed in colors and touched by hand. Folio, with margins, the lower mar¬ gin slightly rubbed and wormed. Paris, chez Basset circa 1800.] * Brilliant original impression, extremely rare. (See illustration.) J. CHEREAU (Publisher). 734. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Premier Empereur des Francais, Etc. Equestrian portrait, horse to right, Napoleon in Royal coat and mantle and wearing a crown. Stipple en¬ graving printed in colors. 4to. Paris, circa 1804. JEAN BAPTISTE COMPAGNIE. 735. BONAPARTE Premier Consul de la Republique Fran- caise. After Appiani. Half length in Directory Costume with t hat, holding rolled map in his left hand, right hand on sword hilt. In the background, the Battle of the Pyra¬ mids. Line engraving. Small 4to, full margins. Paris, chez Bonneville [circa 1800]. 736. -. COPIA. EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT. Horse to left, Napoleon in Directory Costume inspired by Fame, who floats just over his head. River in background with long arched bridge. Etching, folio. Proof before letters with scratched name of the engraver. [Paris, circa 1800.] * Extremely rare. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. 737. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE on his celebrated White Charger. J TQ Equestrian portrait, horse to left. Aquatint printed in colors after C. Yernet. Small 4to. London, 1823. 89 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. -. DALBON. 738. (NAPOLEON.) [Dessine et grave dans 1 ’lie de l’Elbe par M’r. Dalbon.] Bust, no hat, to left but facing the front. Stipple en¬ graving, small 4to, with full margins. [1814.] * Proof before letters. Drawn and engraved from life by the artist while Napoleon was at Elba. A very rare portrait. DANNECUN: Printer. 739. BUONAPARTE I. CONSUL DE LA REP. FRAN. Allegorical etching containing medallion profile por¬ trait of Napoleon surrounded by allegorical figures, the oval surmounted by the Gallic Cock; below a smaller engraving of the Treaty of Amiens, 1802, escorted by Cavalry, descriptive letterpress at the bottom. Folio. Paris, [1802.] LOUIS DARCIS. 740. BUONAPARTE General en Chef de l’Armee d’ltalie. C. Vernet del. Equestrian portrait, horse to right, Napoleon in Directory Costume, the passage of the Bridge at Areola in the background. Stipple engrav¬ ing, 4to. [Circa 1800.] PAUL DELAROCHE: Painter. 741. NAPOLEON. Kauffmann lith., 1842. Fine lithograph in colors after the famous painting. Small folio. 742. (NAPOLEON.) Facsimile in colors of the original painting by Dela- roche, showing Napoleon at half length. 4to, India proof before letters. PH. LOUIS DEBUCOURT. 743. NAPOLEON I’ER. A la Legion d’Honneur. Equestrian portrait, horse to left, Napoleon in Imperial — Costume, staff and troops in woods in the background. Mezzotint, large folio. [Paris, circa 1812.] * Brilliant original impression with margins. Very rare. 90 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. DELION: Publisher. 744. A LA POSTERITE: Campagne de 70 Jours An XIV. 1805. Broadside, with portraits of Napoleon and Josephine engraved on wood in medallions to upper right and left. The broadside contains Napoleon’s Address to his Army in 1805 and a table “Epoques Memorables de la Campagne.” Dedie a sa Majeste, Napoleon le Grand. Large folio [Circa 1806.] 745. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: Empereur des Francais, etc. JOSEPHINE IMPERATRICE: des Francais, etc. Stipple engravings, equestrian portraits, both with crowns. Small 4to, crudely colored, and wormed. (2) DEMACHI AND N. DE VILLENEUVE. 746. BONAPARTE Pacificateur de 1’Europe. After Velin. Equestrian portrait, horse to right, Napoleon in Direc¬ tory Costume holding scroll “ Preliminaires de Paix, etc.,” cavalry combat in the background. Mezzotint, _folio. Paris, chez Bonneville [1802]. Slight crease at * centre. * Brilliant impression with full margins from private collec¬ tion with stamp. DESHAYES: Publisher. 747. NAPOLEON. //. Half length, right arm in vest, no hat. Lithograph, small folio printed in colors. [Circa 1815.] -. DURIEZ. 748. NAPOLEON 1805, Full bust profile to left, bareheaded. Lithograph folio. * Brilliant proof. G. ENGELMANN. 749. y £? NAPOLEON I’er, Accompagne de ses braves rentrant en France le 1 ’er Mars, 1815. Lithographie de G. Engel- mann a Mulhouse, haut Rhin, le 20 Mars, 1815. Folio. * An extremely rare portrait of Napoleon and one of a very few known examples of early dated lithography. -In perfect condition with large margins. Brilliant impression. 91 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. FREY: Publisher. 750. CRANOSCOPIE ET PHYSIOGNOMONIE de Na¬ poleon Bonaparte et des ses principaux competiteurs, etc. Broadside with printed text; at the top are lithograph portraits of Napoleon, profile and full face sectional and cranial measurements of Napoleon’s skull, beneath which is a row of portraits of Berthier, Fox, Pitt, Well¬ ington, and seven others, and three plans of the cam¬ paign in Italy. Very large folio, varnished and backed with linen. * A very curious and rare broadside, printed probably about 1821. FRY AND T. SUTHERLAND. 751. NAPOLEON. After W. Heath. Equestrian portrait, horse to left, Napoleon followed by Ney and Aides-de-Camp; a cavalry charge in the left background. Aquatint in colors. Large folio. London, 1836. A. G. v/T- 752. NAPOLEON CONDUIT A LTMMORTALITE. Napoleon on Pegasus, to right. Aquatint. Large folio. Paris, chez Offroi. * Excessively rare proof printed on papier velin, with full margins. . GALARD. 753. (NAPOLEON.) Bust, profile to left, cocked hat within outline circle. Galard del. et sculp. 1809. Stipple engraving in colors. 12mo. * At the bottom is written: 11 This* splendid color engraving has been engraved by Galard at Bordeaux, 1809. He became afterwards a distinguished lithographer. This portrait must be of the greatest rarity as I have never seen or heard of another copy. ’ ’ ANTONIO GIBERT AND G. LONGHI. NAPOLEONE IL GRANDE a Monte S. Bernardo. After David. Line engraving, large folio, with full margins. Milan, 1809. 92 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. . GODEFROY. 755. NAPOLEON Per. Bust, profile to right, bareheaded, in circle. Mezzotint, 12mo. * Proof of a very rare and exquisite engraving. 3 A. GRADVOHL. 756. NAPOLEON LE GRAND, Etc. Bust, profile to left, in cocked hat, in oval on rectangle. . Line engraving. Small 4to, full margins. Proof on _ papier velin. 757. HENRI DE GREUX. (NAPOLEON.) Bust, life size, barehead, heavy coat. Large folio, litho¬ graph on India paper. *The copy sent by the artist for copyright purposes with stamp, on which he has inscribed 1 1 Etude pour un portrait de Napoleon. No. 2 (epreuve de Per etat) Henri de Greux. F. GUIMPEL. 758. NAPOLEON I. Premier Empereur des Frangois, etc. Equestrian portrait, horse to left, followed by his staff. __ Line and stipple engraving, small 4to, colored. [Circa 1812,] G. HEMMERLE. 759. NAPOLEON. Full bust to right, left hand in vest. Lithograph printed in colors. Small folio, no date. * Open Letter Proof. Rare. From the Hoffmann Collection. J. JEHOTTE. 760. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: Premier Consul, visite et releve le Faubourg d’Amercoeur de le Ville de Liege incendie en 1793 par les Autrichiens, etc. Three-quarter length, right hand in vest, stone entabla¬ ture, the lower panel containing a view of Liege. Line engraving, large folio. Dessine et grave par L. Jehotte a Liege, 1804. 93 Napoleon Portraits— Continued. /v.- r 829. NARRATIVE of the Most Remarkable Events which Occurred in and near Leipzig, from 14th to 19th October, 1813 (Shoberl); Account of the Battle of Waterloo (Lond. 1815); Field of Waterloo (Sir Walter Scott, 1815); Battle of Waterloo (Buchan, 1816). Maps. Bound in 1 vol. 8vo, half calf. Lond. and Edinb. 1814-16 830. NECKER (JACQUES—Financier of Louis XVI). Administration de M. Necker. Analyse des fidits, Arrets, Lettres-patentes, declarations, ordonances, reglemens et memoires, emanes de departments de la finance. Sous le ministere de M. Necker. Du 22 Xbre 1776, au mois de Mai 1781. A very beautifully written manuscript of 43 leaves (96 pages), with the following inscription on the title-page: “ Presente a M. Gojard, premier Commis des finances. Par son tres humble et tres-obeissant Serviteur Accard. Xbre 1781.” Small 8vo, contemporary calf gilt, the back stamped with the Royal Lily, gilt edges, binding a little worn. Paris, 1781 831. NECKER (JACQUES—The Financier, Father of Mdme. de Stael). Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Nov. 3, 1782. * Necker met with such dissatisfaction after his public ex¬ posure of the revenue and expenses of the State in 1781 that he was retired. He mentions his ministry in this letter, but refers the query made him to the proper officer. 832. [NELSON (LORD).] Copies of Original Letters from the Army of General Bonaparte in Egypt, intercepted by the Fleet under the command of Admiral Lord Nelson. Map. 3 vols. 8vo, half polished calf, gilt. Lond. 1798 833. NELSON (LORD). The Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton; with a Supplement of Interesting Letters by Distinguished Characters. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards. Lond. 1814 834. NEUVILLE (G. G. HYDE DE—Active Royalist and Minister to the U. S., 1816-21). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Compiegne, March 23, 1819, with leaf of address. * A letter of a friendly nature on an impending visit to Paris. 835. NEY (MICHEL—Duke of Elchingen, shot on Dec. 15, 1815). Letter Signed, 1 p. 4to, Recques, 3 thermidor An. 13 (July 21, 1805). * Official letter to Gen. Dutailles on the disposition of troops, shortly before lie defeated the Austrians at Elchingen. 104 836. NEY (MARSHAL). Trial of Marshal Ney, Prince of Moskwa, for High Treason. By Court Martial, and by ) the Chamber of Peers, at Paris ... the Official French De- scription of the Conflicts at the Battle of Waterloo. Por¬ trait. 8vo, half crimson calf, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1816 837. NEY (MARSHAL). Military Studies. Written for the Use of his Officers. Translated from Original Manu¬ scripts by C. H. Caunter, with Introduction and Diagrams by Maior A. James. 8vo, half maroon morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1833 838. NEY (MARSHAL). Memoirs of Marshal Ney. Pub¬ lished by his Family. Illustrated with portrait , maps , and plans. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1833 839. NICHOLSON (WILLIAM). History of the War Occasioned by the French Revolution, the Early History of France, and Circumstances which led to the Revolution. With a complete History of the Revolution, and Biographi¬ cal Sketches. 22 fine full-page colored plates of Napoleon , Gen. Picton , the Duke of Wellington and others , the Battle of Waterloo , etc. Folio, old calf (rebacked). Lond. 1816 * A RARE COLORED plate book. It contains the first account, so far as known, of the actual operation of the submarine boat, and gives a description of the diving boat which at Nor¬ folk, U. S. A., tried to destroy the Ramillies. 840. NICOLAS (SIR N. H.). A Statement of the means ^ by which the Nelson Coat, presented by H.R.H. Prince Albert to Greenwich Hospital, was obtained; etc. Frontis¬ piece. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. L ° nd - 1846 841. NOEL (F. M. J.). The Vision, A French Poem on _the Murder of the Duke D’Enghien. ... An Ode to Lewis the Eighteenth; and Stanzas to the Duchess D’Angou leme. 12mo, half orange morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1809 * Contains both French and English versions. 842. NOLHAC (PIERRE DE). La Dauphine Marie- Antoinette. Colored frontispiece , numerous full-page _ plates , and vignettes. 4to, red morocco, gilt back and elaborate side borders, decorated with the arms of Marie- Antoinette in the centre of each cover, gilt edges, original covers bound in, by Durvand. Paris [1896] * Limited issue. Fine copy. Very scarce. 843. NORRY (CHARLES). An Account of the French Expedition to Egypt: comprehending a view of the Country of Lower Egypt, etc. Translated from the French. Plan and map. 8vo, old tree-calf. Lond. 1800 * This volume also contains “ Report of the Commission of Arts, Lond. 1800”; and “The French Expedition in Syria, Lond. 1799. 105 844. NORVINS (SIG. DI). Storia di Napoleone. Prima edizione Italian a con note e Tavole. Portraits , maps, and numerous folding plates. 6 vols. 8vo, old vellum, uncut (some labels loose). Bastia, 1833-4 845. NORVINS (M. DE). Histoire de Napoleon. Illus¬ trated with portraits , plates and maps. 4 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt. Paris, 1839 * Written from personal observations. The author served under Napoleon. 846. NOTES on the Battle of Jena, 14th October, 1806. By an Officer of the R. Staff Corps. Illustrated. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut (name on title). Lond. 1827 847. QBER (FREDERICK A.). Josephine, Empress of the French. Illustrations. Small 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. [1895] 848. O’CONNOR (T. P.). Napoleon. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 849. OFFICIAL Correspondence between Great Britain and France, on the subject of the late negotiation, etc. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1803 850. OFFICER’S MANUAL. Military Maxims of Napo¬ leon. Translated by Col. d’Aguilar. 18mo, half calf. Dublin, 1831 851. O’MEARA (BARRY). Napoleon in Exile; or, A Voice from St. Helena. The Opinions and Reflections of Napoleon on the most important events of his Life and Government, in his own Words. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red calf gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1822 852. O’MEARA (BARRY). Napoleon. Memoirs of the Military and Political Life of Napoleon Bonaparte . . . chiefly from the writings of Dr. B. E. O’Meara. Plates , 2 worn and imperfect. 12mo, original sheep, poor copy (not re¬ turnable). Hartford, 1822 853. O’MEARA (BARRY). Memoirs of Napoleon Bona¬ parte, with Historical Illustrations and Original Anecdotes from the MS. of Count Labedoyere. Bringing the History to the Period of the Battle of Waterloo. Colored plates. 11 parts in 14. 8vo, original yellow WRAPPERS, uncut (name on front covers), in cloth wrapper and case. Lond. 1835 * Scarce. Fine copy in the original parts, with brilliant impression of the plates. 854. ORLEANS (L. PHILIPPE, DUC D’—“ Egalite ”). Document endorsed and signed, 2 pp. folio, Oct. 20, 1782. * A Pay warrant for provisions, signed at the Palais Royal, Paris, the hot-bed of the Revolution. Egalite voted for the death of Louis XVI and was himself guillotined in 1793. 106 855. "pAGET (SIR AUGUSTUS B.). The Paget Papers; diplomatic and other Correspondence. Notes bv Mrs. J. R. Green. 2 4 . portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt J ^ XT V 1 QQ« 856. PAINE (THOMAS). Letter to the People of France, and the French Armies on the Event of the 18th Fructidor—Sep. 4—and its Consequences. 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt edges. Paris: Printed, 1797; N. Y., Reprinted, 1798 857. PAMPHLETS. A Narrative of Events connected with the first abdication of the Emperor Napoleon (Ussher), Dublin, 1841; Of Buonaparte and the Bourbons (Chateau¬ briand), Lond., 1814; Short Description of the Island of Elba, 1815; Catalogue of the Napoleon Museum, Lond., 1843; Declarations of the King of Sweden, Emperor of Russia, etc., Lond., 1806; Letter to a Minister of State (Du Pan), Lond., n. d.; Letters addressed to Lord Liverpool (Calvus), Lond., 1814. Together 7 pieces, bound in 1 vol. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut. v. p. v. d. 858. PAQUES (JULIEN). Le Steele d’Or, ou le Bonheur de la France, Strophes en l’honneur de la Naissance^ du Prince, Roi de Rome, heritieu du Trone de grand Napoleon. Viqnettes. Folio, half green morocco gilt, gilt top. * Paris, 1811 859. - Another Copy, small folio, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops. (From the Bibliotlieque du Chateau de Valengay, with bookplate.) 860. PARDOE (MISS). Episodes of French History, during the Consulate and the First Empire. Illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf. Lond- 1859 861. PARQUIN (CAPITAINE). Recits de Guerre. Souvenirs du Capitaine Parquin, 1803-1814. Introduction par Frederic Masson. Illustrations by Myrbach, Dupray , Walker , and others. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Paris [1893] 862. PARSONS (LIEUT. G. S). Nelsonian Reminis¬ cences. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top. Bost. 1843 863. PASQUIER (CHANCELLOR). A History of My Time. Memoirs of Pasquier, edited by the Due d’Audiffret- Pasquier. Translated by C. E. Roche. Portraits. 3 vols. small 8vo, cloth. U. Y. 1893-4 864. PEACE OF 1814. An Historical Memento, repre¬ senting the Different Scenes of Public Rejoicing, which took place the First of August in celebration of the Glorious Peace of 1814. Colored plates. Large folio, half crim¬ son morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1814 / 107 865. PELTIER (JOHN). The Late Picture of Paris; or, a Faithful Narrative of the Revolution of the Tenth of August. Chart. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1792-3 866. PELTIER (JOHN). The Trial of John Peltier for a Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte. Caricature. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1803 867. PEYRE (ROGER). Napoleon Ier et son Temps. Ouvrage illustre de 13 planches en couleur et 1/.31 gravures et photogravures, dec. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, half green calf gilt, gilt tops. Paris, 1888 868. PHILIPPART (JOHN). Memoirs, etc., of General Moreau. Portrait, facsimile of the CeneraVs last letter, and plan of the siege of Kehl. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1814 * Scarce. 869. PHILIPPART (JOHN). Memoirs, &c., of General Moreau. Illustrated with a portrait, facsimile (map miss¬ ing). 8vo, half red calf, gilt edges. Lond. 1814 870. PHIPSON (DR. T. L.). The Storm and its Por¬ tents. Scenes from the Reign of Louis XVI. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1878 871. PICHEGRU (CHARLES—Revolutionary General, died in 1804 while under charges of conspiracy against Na¬ poleon). Letter Signed, with a line in his writing. 1 p. 4to, LaHaye. 29 Pluviose, An. 3 (Feb. 17, 1795). * Referring to a prisoner whom he agrees to release on parole. 872. PICHEGRU (GENERAL). A History of the Cam¬ paigns of General Pichegru, containing the Operations of the Armies of the North, and of the Sambre and the Meuse. By Citizen David. 8vo, old tree-calf. Lond. 1796 873. PICTON (G. W.). The Battle of Waterloo; or, A General History of the Events connected with that impor¬ tant Era; from the Period of Bonaparte’s Escape from Elba, to his arrival at St. Helena, &c. Plans, views, por¬ traits, (See., some colored. 8vo, full crimson calf gilt, gilt edges, by Tout (slight repairs to two maps). Lond , n. d. 874. PICTURE of the Empire of Buonaparte, and his Federate Nations; or, the Belgian Traveller. In a series of Letters from a Nobleman to a Minister of State. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top. Middletown, Conn., 1807 875. - Another Copy. 8vo, old calf (writing on title). Middletown, Conn., 1807 876. PINKNEY (COL.). Travels through the South of France and in the Interior of the Provinces of Provence and Languedoc, in 1807 and 1808. 4to, half cloth and boards, uncut. Lond. 1809 108 877. PITHOUD. La Vie et la Mort de Louis Capet, dit de Bourbon, Seizieme du nom et dernier Roi de France, et " celle d’Antoinette D’Autriche, sa femme. Engraved fron¬ tispiece. 8vo, boards, unctit (portion of 1 margin repaired). Paris, n. d. 878. PLAIN TRUTH; or, An Impartial Account of the Proceedings at Paris during the last Nine Months, Contain¬ ing a Statement of the Tenth of August and Third of Sep¬ tember. By an Eye-Witness. 12mo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1792 879. PLAYFAIR (WILLIAM). The History of Jacobin¬ ism, its Crimes, Cruelties and Perfidies. Thick 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1795 880. PLAYFAIR (WILLIAM). The History of Jacobin¬ ism, its Crimes, Cruelties and Perfidies, from the Com- ( mencement of the French Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo, old tree-calf (name on titles). Lond. 1798 881. PLAYFAIR (WILLIAM). Political Portraits, in this New Aera; with Explanatory Notes, Historical and Bio- graphical. 3 vols. 8vo, half green straight-grain morocco, uncut. Lond. 1813-16 w 882. POOLE (REGINALD LANE). A History of the Huguenots of the Dispersion. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1880 883. POORE (BEN: PERLEY). The Early Life, and First Campaigns, of Napoleon Bonaparte; with a History of the Bonaparte Family, and A Review of French Politics, to the Year 1796. Portrait. First Edition. 8vo, half morocco. Bost. 1851 884. PORTER (R. K.) and DUNLAP (WILLIAM). A _^ Narrative of the Campaign in Russia in 1812 (Porter); and, Narrative of the Events which followed Buonaparte’s Cam¬ paign in Russia, &c. (Dunlap). Portrait. 8vo, half morocco o-ip- Hartford, 1815 885. PORTRAITS. Collection Generale des Portraits de les Deputes a l’Assemblee Nationale tenue a Versailles le 4 Mai 1789. 159 engraved portraits by Coqueret , Allais, - (fee., after Sandoz, Lambert , Merrier, and others. Small folio, old green calf gilt (Lacks title, pencilled notes on portions of some margins, and parts of a number of plates stained). [Paris, ca 1<89] * Contains bookplate of Sir Ross O’Connell, and a note by him on the final end-paper, relative to the work. An Exceedingly Rare and Valuable Collection of Portraits. 886. PORTRAITS. Galerie de Portraits de Personnages S’O Cel^bres. Four pages of text followed by 16 miniature stipple portraits by Bosselman, including separate portraits 109 /«>- / 7 - A “ of Napoleon, Marie Louise, Duke of Reichstadt, Louis XVI and Louis XVIII, etc. Square 18mo, original blue paper wrappers, uncut. Paris: Ostervald, n. d. [ circa 1818] * A very rare series, several being miniature portraits. 887. PORTRAITS de tons les Souverains de l’Europe, et des Hommes Illustres Modernes; accompagnes d’un Texte Biographique de leur vie Civile, Politique ou Militaire. Dessines d’apres Nat are ou Tableaux Originaux , et graves par d’habiles Artistes. Par Madame Meyer, Peintre. Folio, half green levant morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1817 * Scarce with all the portraits, which includes many persons of note. 888. PORTRAITS. Rois & Reines de France. A collec¬ tion of about 70 portraits from Pharamond, to Marie-Amelie. Royal 8vo, half calf. n. p. [probably Paris, ca. 1845] * Includes portrait of Napoleon. 889. POTEMKIN (PRINCE). Memoirs of the Life of Prince Potemkin; Field Marshal and Commander-in-chief of the Russian Army; comprehending Original Anecdotes of Catharine the Second and of the Russian Court. Por¬ trait 8vo, calf. Lond. 1812 890. PRADT (M. DE). Narrative of an Embassy to War¬ saw and Wilna, with Personal Attendance on the Emperor Napoleon during the disastrous campaign in Russia. 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1816 891. PRITDHOMME (L.). Dictionnaire des Individ us envoyes a la Mort Judiciairement, Revolutionnairement et Contre-Revolutionnairement pendant la Revolution. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1796 *The half-titles read “ Histoire Generale des Crimes commis pendant la Revolution Fran$aise, etc.” Scarce and interesting. 892. PULITZER (ALBERT). An Idyll under Napoleon. The Romance of Prince Eugene. Translated from the French by Mrs. B. M. Sherman. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1895 893. PULLY (C. J. BANDON, COMTE DE—General in the Revolution). Autograph Document Signed, 1 p. 4to, Hornebach, Apl. 25, 1793. * Interesting document written shortly before abandoning the camp at Hornebach, for which Pully was suspended. 894. YAUEEN OF ETRURIA. Memoir of the Queen of Etruria, written by herself. An Authentic Narrative of the seizure and removal of Pope Pius VII. on the 6th of July, 1809, with genuine Memoirs of his Journey from Rome to France, and thence to Savona. Translated 110 from the Italian. 8vo, boards, paper label. Some pages stained. Lond. 1814 * Scarce. It is said that the MS. was seized and destroyed, and that few copies of the printed work got into circulation. The author was Maria Louisa of Bourbon. 895. X> ABAUT (J. P.). The History of the Revolution in France. Translated from the French of J. B. Rabaut by James White. 8vo, full calf, gilt. Lond. 1793 896. RAPP (GENERAL). Memoirs of General Count Rapp, First Aide-de-camp to Napoleon. Written by him¬ self. Portrait 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. Lond. 18'^3 897. RAMEL (JEAN PIERRE—French General assas- — sinated at Toulouse, 1815). Short Autograph Document Signed, 1 p. 4to, Paris, Feb. 15, 1795. A certificate. 898. “ REIGN OF TERROR,” or the Diary of a Volun- £0 teer of the year II. [1793] of the French Republic. Trans¬ lated from the French by Samuel Copland. 8vo, half maroon morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond., n. d. [1850] 899. REILLE (HONORE C. M. J. COMTE—At Jena, Napoleon’s Aide-de-Camp). Autograph Letter Signed, lp. 4to, Lerida, Aug. 4, 1812. * Letter of congratulation to a physician on being appointed to a Hospital. 900. RELATION of the Events of the last Campaign of B uonaparte, which ended in the Battle of Mont-Saint-Jean, called likewise of Waterloo, or of La Belle Alliance. By an Eye-Witness. Maps. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh, 1815 /U. 901. RELLSTAB (LOUIS). Eighteen Hundred and Twelve: or, Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia. An Historical Romance. Frontispiece. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1849 902. REVOLUTIONS ALMANACH von 1794-1804. Nu¬ merous engraved portraits , maps and illustrations. 11 vols. 16mo, half calf. Gottingen, 1794-1804 * Among the portraits are those of Napoleon and all the notables of the French Revolution, a rare portrait of Washing¬ ton, famous Englishmen of the time, etc. There are numerous caricatures copied from famous artists of the period, many plates showing the cruelties and tortures of the early part of the Revolution, etc. 903. REYNIER (J. L. E.—Revolutionary and Napoleonic General). Letter Signed, 1 p. folio, Erstein, 10 Brumaire, An. 5 (31 Oct. 1796). To the General in command at Nancy. * Requesting him to watch carefully for deserters from the army w^ho might pass through Nancy and send them to the -- army at Strasburg. Ill 3 904. RICHARDSON (MRS. CHARLES). Memoirs of the Private Life and Opinions of Louisa, Queen of Prussia. Portrait. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1847 905. RITCHIE (T. E.—Translator). Campaign of Gen- i eral Buonaparte in Italy in 1796-7. By a General Officer. Translated from the French. With a Narrative of the Operations of the French Armies on the Rhine, &c. Por¬ trait and map. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Edinb. 1799 /or 906. ROBERTSON (J. W.). The Life and Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his Birth down to his de¬ parture for St. Helena. Portrait , engraved by J. Wright. 8vo, half red calf gilt, gilt top. Newcastle, 1815 3J- 907. ROBESPIERRE (MAXIMILIEN M. I.—Leader of the “Mountain 99 in the Revolution). Note Signed, Avig¬ non, 4 August, 1793. To the Minister of Justice. * A notification that the deputies to the Army of Italy find it impossible to proceed by one route, but will proceed by another, A rare autograph. si. - 908. ROBESPIERRE (MAXIMILIEN M. I.). Autograph Letter Signed, 1 p. 8vo (to St. Just and Lebas), Paris, Dec. 29, 1793. * Beginning: “ Robespierre a St. Just et Labas,” and signed as well. An important full Autograph Letter of Robe¬ spierre, and doubtless referring to the establishment of the guillotine on the Rhine whither Lebas and Saint Just were sent about this time. 909. ROBESPIERRE, COUTHON and COLLOT-D’HER- s- 0 ) S° BOIS. Document signed by the three, 1 p. folio, 12 Prairial, ^ ' An. 2 (21 May, 1794). /c£l * Authorization to the deputies to the Army of Italy to con¬ tinue their duties so long as necessary. A splendid example of a Revolutionary document with autographs of three of the most famous participants. 910. ROBESPIERRE. History of the Conspiracy of Maximilian Robespierre. Translated from the French of M. Montjoye. 8vo, tree calf. Lond. 1796 Illustrated. Vol. 1, No. 2, of the Western Galaxy. Royal -- 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound In- Salt Lake City, 1888 / 1009. TWO SKETCHES of France, Belgium, and Spa, in Two Tours, during the Summers of 1771 and 1816. By the author of “Letters from Paris, in 1802-3.” Illustra¬ tions. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1817 /t- 1010. [TJNDERWOOD (T. R.) ] A Narrative of Mem- ^ orable Events in Paris, preceding the Capit¬ ulation, in the year 1814. From the Journal of a Detenu. First Edition. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1828 1011. T7ANALSTINE (MRS. R. K.). Charlotte Cor- ’ day. First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1890 1012. VAUGHAN (CHARLES R.). Narrative of the Siege of Zaragoza. 8vo, half leather. Lond. 1809 1013. VIEUSSEUX (A.). Napoleon Bonaparte: his Say¬ ings and his Deeds - . 2 vols. 16mo, half blue calf, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1848 1014. VILLENEUVE (P. C. J. B. S.—French Admiral, y O defeated by Nelson at the Battles of the Nile and Trafal- — gar). Letter Signed, 3 pp. folio. Tarento, 19 Thermidor, An. 9. (Aug. 7, 1801). To the Minister of Marine and the Colonies. * On the disposal of sums forwarded for the army and navy. 1015. VON SYBEL (HEINRICH). History of the French Revolution. Translated by W. C. Perry. 4 vols. 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1867-9 * Scarce. Fine copy. 1016. rU/ALDIE (CHARLOTTE ANN).] The Days L * * of Battle; or, Quatre Bras and Waterloo. By an Englishwoman. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1853 1017. WALSH (THOMAS). Journal of the late Cam¬ paign in Egypt; including Descriptions of that Country, and of Gibraltar, Minorca, &c., with Appendix containing Official Papers and Documents. Numerous engravings of antiquities , views , costumes , plans , &c. 4to, half calf, gilt. . Lond. 1803 122 1018. WARDEN (WILLIAM). Letters written on board the Northumberland, and at St. Helena; in which the con- nbed gilt, gilt top, uncut. Loud. 1817 the Northumberland, and at fct. neiena; in wnicn mo c -TO duct of Buonaparte and his Suite are faithfully descri /*• and related. Portrait and plan. 8vo, half red calf £ 1019. WATERLOO. The Battle of Waterloo, contain¬ ing the series of accounts published by Authority, British w and Foreign, with circumstantial details relative to the 3 3.'“* Battle. By a Near Observer. Large folding panoramic view , and several smaller views , colored. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Lond. 1816 * The author was John Booth who calls himself on the title “A Near Observer”; he afterwards published the Military Library. 1020. WATERLOO MEMOIRS; or, Record of all the Events connected with, and arising out of, the Battles J fought in the Netherlands. Portraits. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1817 1021. WATERLOO, Etc. A series of 20 colored plates drawn and etched by W. Heath to illustrate the Battles of I . o'- Waterloo, Talavera, Assye Oporto, Victoria, Badajos, etc. / ’ Aquatinted by J. C. Stadler. Small folio, old half leather (several margins torn; not returnable). [Lond. 1818} * Scarce. J3~ 7 ~ r - 1022. WATERLOO. The Battle of Waterloo. A Cir¬ cumstantial Narrative of the Decisive Victory obtained by the Allies on the Plains of Waterloo. Collected from Offi¬ cial documents. Numerous portraits, plans , etc. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top (plates foxed). N. Y. 1819 1023. WATERLOO. Description of the Field of Battle, and Disposition of Troops engaged in the Action fought on the 18th June, 1815, near Waterloo; illustrative of that event in the Panorama, Leicester-Square. Folding plan. 12mo, half leather. [Lond.] 1820 1024. WATERLOO. Twelve Views of Waterloo. Plan of battle (mended in several places). 8vo, half maroon calf. [Bruxelles, n. d } 1025. WATERLOO. Album contenant un Plan de la Bataille de Waterloo, Dresse par Le General Baron de Jomini, et Douze Vues des environs du dit Champ de Bataille. Oblong 4to, half red morocco gilt, gilt top, orig¬ inal wrappers bound in (slight repairs to one cover). * An uncolored copy. Bruxelles, n. d. 1026. WELLINGTON. Gurwood(Lieut.-Col.). TheGeneral Orders of the Duke of Wellington, in Portugal, Spain, and France, from 1809 to 1814, &c. 8vo, original boards, paper label. Lond. 1837. 123 1027. WELLINGTONIANA. Anecdotes, Maxims, Opin¬ ions, and Characteristics of the Duke of Wellington. Se¬ lected by John Timbs. Illustrations. 12ino, three-quarter olive levant morocco gilt, gilt top, original covers bound in (name on front wrapper). Lond. 1852 1028. WERTHEIMER (EDWARD DE). The Duke of Reichstadt (Napoleon the Second). A BiographjL Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Howell. Lond. 1905 1029. WESTERMANN (FR. JOS.—Revolutionist and friend of Danton). Document Signed, 1 p. folio, July 25, 1792. * Military document, signed also by Hugel and Thiebaut, approved by Comte Dillon, who was guillotined by the conven¬ tion in 1794. 1080. WESTON (JAMES A.). Historic Doubts as to the Execution of Marshal Ney. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top. N. Y. 1895 1031. WHEELER (H. F. B.) and BROADLEY (A. M.). Napoleon, and the Invasion of England. The Story of the Great Terror. Numerous illustrations from contemporary prints , caricatures , Very large oblong folio. * Napoleon’s first sight of the Plains of Italy. Open let¬ ter proof. With collector’s stamp. 1141. BATAILLE D’ARENSBERG. Livree le 20 Avril 1809. Engraved by Bornet after Swebach, Couchi fils, aquaforti. Small oblong folio. 1142. BATTLE OF ASPERN: May 22, 1809. Aquatint by A. Pucherna after F. von Ilabermann. — Very large folio, printed in colors, has been folded. Very rare. With collector’s stamp “N.” on the re¬ verse. 1143. BATAILLE ET PRISE DE BURGOS, Nov. 10, 1808. Curious old line engraving in colors, unsigned. Ob¬ long folio. Paris V’ve Chereau. 1144. BATAILLE DE CASTIGLONE. Lithograph by Champion. Oblong folio. 137 Battle Scenes— Continued. 1145. BATTLE OF CORUNNA. Fuite precipitee des Anglais a la Corogne. Curious old line engraving in colors. Oblong folio. Paris, chez Jean. * With old French Collector’s stamp. 1146. COMBAT DE DIERSTEIN. (On the Danube.) Curious old engraving in colors, unsigned. Oblong folio. 1147. BATAILLE D ’ELCHINGEN. Sous le Commandement de Marechal Ney contre les Autrichines, Oct. 14, 1805. Aquatint by J. Volz. Large oblong folio, printed in colors. * Very Rare, with the title in both French and German. 1148. BATTLE OF MAIDA: July 4, 1806. Engraved by Anthony Cardon after De Loutherbourg. Very large oblong folio, the inscription cut into. * Brilliant Proof. 1140. BATAILLE DE MALOIAROSLAWETZ. Lithograph by F. Grenier. Oblong folio. 1150. FORTEZZA DI MANTOVA. Surrender of Mantua. Curious old Italian line engrav¬ ing, probably contemporary (1796). Oblong folio. 1151. PASSAGE DU MINCIO. Lithograph by L. Gudin. Oblong folio. 1152. BATAILLE DE MONTABOR. Lith. d C. Motte, Champion del. Oblong folio, with full margins. 1153. BATAILLE DE MONTMIRAIL. Line engraving by Le Beau after Nodet. Oblong folio. 1154. LE PRINCE DES PAYS BAS A LA TETE DES BAT AYES COMBATTANT LA.RMEE FRAN- gAIS AUX QUATRE BRAS. Line engraving by P. Yelyn after Yan Bree. Large oblong folio. 1155. QUATRE BRAS. Engraved by R. Joseoy after Miss Elizabeth Thompson (Lady Butler). Large oblong folio, open letter proof. 1156. SIEGE ET PRISE DE LA YILLE DE RAAB EN HONGRIE. Curious old line engraving in colors, unsigned. Small oblong folio. Paris, chez Jean. 138 Battle Scenes— Continued. )■ J. 1157. 1158. 1159. 9 . 1160. 3.- 1161. J. 1162. So- 1163. 3 . 1164. 1165. 1 - 1166. )8s 1167. BATTLE OF ROLE I A, Aug. 17, 1808. Aquatint by I. Sutherland after W. Heath. Small oblong 4to, India proof printed in colors. London, Jenkins, 1815. SIEGE ET PRISE DE ROSES. Feb. 3,1795. Lithograph by F. Grenier, 1819. Oblong folio, with full margins. SIEGE DE ST. JEAN D’ACRE. Lithograph by L. Goudin. Oblong folio. STORMING OF ST. SEBASTIAN. Aquatint by T. Fielding after Westall. Oblong 4to, printed in colors. London, 1819. COMBAT DE SAINT VINCENTE. Old line engraving in colors. Small oblong folio, un¬ signed. ' Paris, Veuve Chereau. PRISE DE SMOLENSK. Lithograph, Champion del., Lith. de C. Motte. Oblong folio. BATTLE OF SOMO-SIERRA. Count Segur at Somo-Sierra. Aquatint by Debucourt after H. Vernet. Large oblong folio. * Brilliant proof before letters of this very rare aquatint by Debucourt, in perfect condition with large margins. PRISE DE LA VILLE DE STETTIN LE 31 OCTO- BRE 1806. Curious old line engraving, unsigned in colors. Small oblong folio. Paris, chez Basset. PASSAGE DU TAGLIAMENTO. Lithograph by L. Gudin. Oblong folio. THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO JUNE 18, 1815. Aquatint by R. Reeve, drawn and etched by W. Heath. Oblong folio. * Proof printed in colors. HET BLESSEEREN Van de Kronprins der Neder- landen enz den Slag by Waterloo. Aquatint J. A. Langendyk fc. Large oblong folio PRINTED IN COLORS. VERY RARE. 139 Battle Scenes— Continued. Por- 3 ^ 4 - 1168. BONAPARTE JUST BEFORE HIS FLIGHT VIEWING THE ATTACK ON HIS IMPERIAL GUARDS. Aquatint by M. Dubourg, J. Atkinson, Del. Oblong folio, printed in colors. London, Aug. 1, 1815. * In the rear can be seen the Observatory built on the field of battle by Napoleon. 1169. BATAILLE DE WATERLOO. Title in French and Spanish. Lith. de Turgis. Oblong folio, PRINTED IN COLORS. * Showing the last stand of the Old Guard. Excessively RARE IN COLORS. 1170. BATAILLE DE WATERLOO. Aquatint, unsigned, large oblong folio. Paris, Chez Joly. * Napoleon being forced to leave the battlefield by Jerome and Marshal Ney. Very rare. 1171. WATERLOO Episode du Chemin Creux d’Ohain. Original etching by Desbrosses. Oblong folio, open Letter Proof, fine impression with the name of Delatre as the printer. n- c.- 1172. (THE FIELD OF WATERLOO AT NIGHT.) Mezzotint by F. C. Lewis after J. M. W. Turner. Large oblong folio, with full margin untrimmed. *A VERY RARE PROOF BEFORE LETTERS WITH TURNER’S NAME AS PUBLISHER, LONDON, MAY, 1830. 1173. NAPOLEON AT WATERLOO. Mezzotint by J. Rogers after W. Bromley. Large oblong folio, Open Letter Proof, N. Y. 1850. 1174. NAPOLEON IM BIVOUAC BEI WATERLOO. ' Lithograph by Schwabe. Folio, printed in colors. 1175. THE ATTACK ON THE CHATEAU OF HUGE- MONT. Fine facsimile of the painting by T. J. Barker. Oblong folio. Proof. 1176. (FRENCH CUIRASSIERS ATTACKING THE HIGHLAND INFANTRY.) Marshal Ney leading the charge. Etched by A. Boulard after Francois Flameng. Very large oblong folio. * Superb proof on vellum signed by both Flameng and Boulard. 1177. THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Description and positions of the Battles of the 15, 16, 17, and 18th of June, 1815, Map with descriptive text printed in colors. London, Ackermann, Aug. 1, 1815. Small folio. PORTRAITS OF THE ADVERSARIES OF NAPOLEON I. AND MISCELLANEOUS PORTRAITS. N. NAUDET del. 1178. 7 - GOURDON Capitaine en Chef, Commandant de la Flotille Francaise au Havre contre 1 ’Angleterre. Full length, standing with pistol and sword. Line en¬ graving colored. Small folio. * Count Gourdon served in the American War for Independ¬ ence, the portrait represents him on board the Frigate “L’Aim- able. ’ ’ 1179. /S~ 1180. 3l- 1181. 1182. J- 1183. 1184. ir LORD NELSON. ADMIRAL LORD NELSON OF THE NILE. Half length in uniform and cocked hat. Mezzotint by John Young after Keymer. 4to, brilliant impression. Yarmouth, 1800. THE IMMORTAL NELSON. The original Bust was executed in Marble from the Life, etc. Mezzotint, unsigned. Folio. London, Edw. Orme, 1805. NELSON. Bust in uniform, bareheaded. Lithograph by A. Maurin, 1834. Small 4to. India proof. (LORD NELSON.) Half length in cocked hat, in oval as a miniature. Stipple engraving by R. Shipster. Small 4to. London, 1797. * Proof Before the Title with full margins. Printed in brown. THE ARMY AND THE NAVY. Representing the only Interview between these two Great Commanders Wellington and Nelson. Full length in counsel. Mezzotint by Doney after Knight. Large folio, open letter proof. N. Y. 1846. * The original plate was engraved by S. W. Reynolds. LORD NELSON EXPLAINING TO THE OFFI¬ CERS THE PLAN OF ATTACK PREVIOUS TO THE BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR. Stipple engraving with key, with the Plan and position of the Fleets underneath. Engraved by Godby after W. M. Craig. Small folio. London, 1806. * Very rare in undivided state. 141 Portraits (Miscellaneous)— Continued. 1185. (DEATH OF LORD NELSON.) Line engraving. (By J. Heath after West.) Large folio [circa 1806], slightly foxed. * Proof before title or names of artists. FREDERICK WILLIAM OF ORANGE. 1186. WILLEM PRINS VAN ORANJE, Overwinnaar te Hasselt en Lenven, etc. Full length on the reviewing field. Aquatint by H. W. Hoogkamer. Small folio, pine proof on India paper. 1187. (FR. WILLIAM OF ORANGE, WELLINGTON AND BLUCHER.) Oval medallion portraits held by allegorical figures. Stipple engraving by Yander Meulen after Waard. Small folio. 1188. TER GEBOORTE van Zyn R. H. des Prins Wilhelm Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk. As an infant emerging from an orange with blossoms placed on a salver. Engraved by J. J. Wolff after Francois. Large folio, with full margins. D. ORME. 1189. (BRITISH NAYAL YICTORY June 1, 1794.) This Print of the Celebrated Yictory of Earl Howe, etc. Line engraving after M. Brown. Oblong folio. London, 1795. WILLIAM PITT. 1190. WILLIAM PITT. Full bust to left, looking to front, bareheaded. Mezzo¬ tint engraved by H. S. Goed after W. Owen. Large folio, with margins. London, 1799. * Scarce portrait. 1191. CAMPEMENT DE YOLONTAIRES ANGLOIS YISITES PAR PITT. Pitt at the Camp of the English Volunteers. Engraved by Aug. Zaffonato after Fr. Novelli. Small oblong folio IN COLORS. * A rare print. 1192. GUGLIELMO PITT, Ministro Inglese. Full length with book, leaning on a column. Stipple engraving by G. A. Sasso after G. B. Bosio. Small 4to. From the Hoffmann Collection. 142 Portraits (Miscellaneous)— Continued. GENERAL PLATOFF. The famous Cossack Leader and General active against Napoleon on his retreat from Bussia. 1193. THE HETMAN PLATOFF. Bust in uniform and sash, bareheaded. Stipple en- 2- graving by H. B. Cook after Rambauer. 4to, printed in colors. London, Colnaghi, 1814. 1194. COUNT PLATOFF HETMAN OF COSSACKS. Equestrian portrait. Stipple engraving by James Godby after Orslosfki. 4to. London, 1814. * Open letter proof, brilliant impression. Platoff’s daughter offered a large reward for Napoleon’s head. / T. V. POLL. 1195. MAR’ie THERESE CHARLOTTE, Madame, Fille du Roi, nee a Versailles le 19 Dec. 1778. After J. Miery. Half length in oval as a miniature. >— Small 4to. London, Colnaghi, 1795. * Imprisoned by the Terrorists in the Temple. / LOUIS RADOS. 1196. ANDREA APPIANI. After N. Melini. Painted portraits of Napoleon. Three-quarter length _ with palette. Stipple engraving, folio, with full mar¬ gins. RAFFET. Famous French Lithographer. 1197. (NAPOLEON BEFORE MOSCOW.) Lithograph, very large folio. 1*3; * Brilliant original impression. Oo. H. T. RYALL. 1198. THE RIGHT HON’BLE JAMES LORD DE SAU- MAREZ, G. C. B. K. S. Admiral of the Red, etc. Full length near cannon. Mezzotint after S. Lane. Large folio. London, 1840. TH. SAUVE. 1199. LOUIS XVIII. cr; - Full bust, life size. Stipple engraving by a pupil of David. Large folio. Printed in colors. 143 Portraits (Miscellaneous) — Continued. G. SCHEDLER. 1200. (ANDREAS HOFER.) Patriot of the Tyrol, headed revolt against Napoleon and was executed by him. Full-length portrait drawn from life in native costume. 4to. Printed in colors. GEORG FR. SCHMIDT. 1201. JOANNES BAPTISTA ROUSSEAU. Line engraving after Aved. Small folio. Original im¬ pression. C. A. SCHWERDGEBURTH. 1202. SCHILLER. Half length seated in the forest. Line engraving after Schmidt. 4to. Open Letter Proof. BENJAMIN SMITH. 1203. THE MOST NOBLE CHARLES MARQUIS CORN¬ WALLIS, &c. Half length in uniform, right glove in left gloved hand, which is resting on a rock, bareheaded. Stipple en¬ graving after Copley. Folio, lower margin shaved. London, 1798. * Scarce. T. SUTHERLAND. 1204. STORMING OF MONTEVIDEO, Feb. 3, 1807. Aquatint after W. Heath. Oblong 4to, printed in colors. [FIELD MARSHAL A. V. SUVAROFF.] Russian Commander defeated the French at Trebbia, Etc. 1205. CAMPEMENT DES RUSSES EN ITALIE, COM- MANDES PAR LE GENERAL SOUWOROFF. Stipple engraving by Cajetan after Fr. Novelli. Small oblong folio, in colors. 144 Portraits (Mi scellaneous )— Con tinned. CHARLES TURNER. Distinguished Mezzotint Engraver. 1206. VIEW OP THE FORT OF JOUX. With portraits of Col. Moulin and Capt. de Frotte, Girod & d TIauteroche. Aquatint after W. M. Craig, printed in colors. Small oblong folio. London, 1809. * The four captains shown in the engraving after an im¬ prisonment of nearly a year secretly tunnelled through the walls and made their escape. 1207. LIEU’T GENERAL SIR JOHN MOORE K. B. &c. Half length in uniform. Mezzotint after J. J. Halls. Folio, fine impression of a very handsome print. J. J. VANDEN BERGH. 1208. C. HARBOUVILLE Commandant de la Legion d’Hon- neur, etc. After M. J. Van Bree. Bust in oval, in official dress. Aquatint and stipple. Folio. vj) „ * Harbouville was nominated by Napoleon Governor of Ant¬ werp, but at the Restoration became an ardent Royalist. He was one of the judges of Marshal Ney and voted for his death. Beautiful impression of the first state with the title in scratch letters and with full margins. BARON VAN DER TRENCK. Prussian Officer in the service of Russia celebrated for his ferocity. 1209. OBRIST TRENK CHEF DER SCLAVONISCHEN PANDUREN. _ Full length as a Slavonian Chief. Engraving colored, unsigned. Small 4to. ANT. WILH. VON L’ESTOCQ. 1210. ANT. WILH. v.. L’ESTOCQ Konig Preusse General Lieutenant, Chef der Towarczys. __ Full length in uniform in a landscape in colors. Line and stipple engraving. Small folio, unsigned. O „ JAMES WALKER. 1211. CATHERINE THE SECOND [OF RUSSIA]. Full length in robes standing by her throne. Mezzotint after Lampi. Large folio, cut close but rare. 145 Portraits (Miscellaneous)— Continued. FRED. WEBER. 1212. EUGENIE. Bust with curls, profile to left. Engraved after Winter¬ halter. Folio. Paris, par Bingham. * Fine proof of the Empress Eugenie. DUKE OF WELLINGTON. 1213. FIELD MARSHAL HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Equestrian portrait, with an Aide-de-Camp. Aquatint by D. Havell, the portrait engraved by G. Maile after J. M. Wright. Large folio in colors. London, 1814. * Very Rare. 1214. THE MOST NOBLE ARTHUR MARQUIS OF WELLINGTON, K.B., &c. In India. Full length standing near a tent leaning on his sword. Mezzotint by I. C. Easting, pupil of C. Tur¬ ner after Robt. Home. Folio. London, 1813. * Superb impression. 1215. INVICTO WELLINGTON LUSITANIA GRATA. Full length in uniform, cocked hat and gloves on a table to the back, standing near a table covered with plans. Engraved in stipple by F. Bartolozzi in 1810 after D. Pellegrini. Folio, slightly creased. 1216. FIELD MARQUIS THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. Full bust in octagon. Engraved by H. T. Ryall after Lawrence. Small folio, India proof. 1217. ARTHUR HERZOG YON WELLINGTON. Full bust in uniform with Order of the Golden Fleece. Mezzotint by F. Tielker after Wm. Beechey. 4to, fine impression with full margins. 1218. (THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON.) Equestrian portrait. Etched by L. Ruet, after Law¬ rence. Small 4to. Signed remarque proof on parch¬ ment. 1219. FIELD MARSHAL THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, K.G., &c. Giving Orders to his Generals previous to a General Action. “Etched & the Engraving begun by the late Anker Smith, painted and finished by T. Heaphy.” Large oblong folio. London, 1822. * Superb Open Letter Proof on India Paper. More than fifty portraits of English Officers are included in the picture. The scene represents the field of the Battle of the Nivelle. Portraits (Miscellaneous)— Continued. THOS. WRIGHT. 1220. COUNT BENNIGSEN. Russian General who opposed Napoleon. Stipple en¬ graving after G. Dawe. Large folio, brilliant impres¬ sion. London, 1823. FIELD MARSHAL WURMSER. 1221. FIELD MARSHAL COUNT WURMSER, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army in Italy. Pro¬ file in uniform, full bust. Mezzotint by John Young after Brand of Vienna. Small folio. London, 1796. * Open Letter Proof. 1222. DAGOBERTO CO DI WURMSER. As a Miniature, profile to left, stipple engraving by Minatelli. 8vo, full margins, Venice. THE NEW ANDERSON GALLERIES Madison Avenue at Fortieth Street, New York »OUOL*» TAYLOR A CO.. NEW YORK