WATER RATES IN 161 KANSAS CITIES Together with a directory of All the Waterworks Plants in the Cities of Kansas. !■ ; ■ Compiled and mimeographed by the Municipal Reference Bureau of the University Extension Division University of Kansas. . f. ' " ! February 10, 1921. Lawrence, Kansas. 7 . INTRODUCTORY NOTE This compilat i on of water rates in the. cities of Kansas has been made possible by the cooperation of the city officials of this state- It is the pur-peso and duty of this information service to collect such information as writ be useful to the city officials in the admiralsbrajjon of their city affairs. The value and usefulness of this serv.ics for city officials depends on the cooperation of the cities and city officials,. When a dry official has a difficult problem to solve for his city, or is in doubt about a legal question or ordinance fornp a detailed descript ion of vhe problem or question sent to this office will secure prompt and reliable assistance* It is also necessary that city officials cooperate with this office by sending in the ideas, plans ard systems which they have found helpful in the administra¬ tion of their duties Annual city reports and ordinance books are very useful,' Copies of now ordinances, city plans and any other new and original undertaking will be valuable to hare-' or file* The pooling of municipal information in this office greatly increases the resources of the ser-r-e iary fw* at-swar * ing inquiries and px epa ring bull at ins * This it'forma;- on is also made available for publication and d...at nib at l on to all the city officials thru KANSAS HUhb'.CIPALiTIhf s the city officials* magazine, published by the League oi Kansas Manicjpalities* John Gr* S.tutz, Lawrence, Kansas*. Secretary. February 10, X921. ^populations taken from 1920 cens All other populations taken from 1915 Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture. ydyvv/ o-c*" G .i-T ir.k CITY ■PAPWLaBIGN Ad i1one 4,895 i-;.mena - 545 A j t ox ■ 428 Altoona 1,279 Anthony 2,435 Arcadia ’§.• 74.6 m.-. Argonia 450 ■: ■ ‘ Arkansas Cityll,253 Ai-oa, 1,792 Army City** -■ At gen cine Ash.'.and 904 At chi non 12,630 Attica 639 . Atwood 503 W ■ Augusta 4,219 Baldw in 1,231 Barrier Spring- si,843 'feeHe FI?-ins- ei7 Bela a ri He 2,216 * Beloit 3,240 Eerr mg ton 402 Blue Rapids 1,326 Bonner Springs1,541 1 Bucklin 778 *’ Eunhsrhill ' 235 Burden 410' Burlingame 1,474 Burlington 2,251 •• Bums •WV417 - Burr Oak • 723-;- " Burnt on ' ;; 655 Caldwell 2,1.91 Caney 3,104 Canton 659; Cawker City 840 Cedcrvale 978 Chanute 10,286 Chapman 746 ■ Cheney 662 - * privately owned' ** 4 under construction IN KANSAS HAVING WATER PLANTS SOURCE ■TREATMENT , . 0 J i r * v 1 JU * v Sand Spring •, Shallow Wells L - . it «« " if f Verdigris River Sedimentation, Shallow Wells ./Coagulation and : Filtration , Deep Y/ells . . Shallow Wells r • ti i? Deep Wells 3hal 1 ow Wells • ! ■ • . ■ Kansas City , . Shallow Wells ; Missouri River Sea & Coag* Shallow; Wells t» « Walnut River Spring Keep Well Shallow Wells u « Solomon River Shallow Wells »* ti »» ii i» n Sed*,coag. and filt* Sed., coag*, fiXU Spring Shallow Wells , w: Dragoon Creek Sed,, Coage, Neohho River " filt* 11 Shallow Wells- tr n n n it ii Caney River Shallow Wells- it ti Caney River Neosho River Shallow Wells l! II Sed, Coag* Filt< Cherokee 1,149 Beep Wells Cherryvale 4,325 Verdigris Riv. - Sed.,coag.,filt. Chetopa 1,899 Beep Wells Cimarron 559 Shall ow Wells Clay Center 3,715 i» ft Clearwater 630 t! tt Clifton 638 tl ft Clyde 1,211 II II Coffeyville 13,452 Verdigris Riv. Sed.,coag.,filt* Colby 767 Shallow Wells Coldwater 1,088 H n Columbus 3,078 Beep We11s Concordia 5,229 Shallow Wells Conway Springs* 941 Springs City Cottonwood Falls921 Shallow We11s- supplied from Strong Council Grove 2 f 405 Neosho River Sed*, coag*,filt. Court'land# 441 Shallow Wells BeIphos 879 H it Bight on 272 it it Bodge City 5,061 u it Bouglass 633 Walnut Riv. Sed*,coag*,filt* Downs 1,552 Shallow Wells EldoradQ 10,995 Walnut River ii n it Elk City 653 Elk River Elkhart 1,485 Shallow Wells Ellinwood 1,032 it it A Ellis 1,457 n ii Ellsworth 2,065 it it Emporia 11,273 Neosho River II It If Englewood 446 Shallow Wells Enterprise 778 ii it Erie 1,202 ” M Filter plant under Esbon 337 it it construct ion Eureka 2,606 Fall River Sed.,coag.,filt« Ft, Leavenworth 1,258 Mo. River Supp*1 from Leaven - worth Florence 1,258 Spring Fort Riley** Shallow Wells Ft, Scott 10,693 Marmaton River Fowler 490 Shallow Wells Frankfort 1,256 11 M Fredonia 3,954 Fall River Frontenac 3,339 Beep Wells Funston** Shallow Wells Galena 5,926 Beep Wells Garden City 3,016 Shallow Wells M flo v»- ‘ '** t* i - - f* 0 V 1,992 Cedar Creek Sedo ..coagn ,1 ilt<> Gc.s 631 Hecsiio liver - Suppled from Ida Gouda Springs 268 Shallow Well Girard 2 >317 Peep Wells Glasco 860 Shallow Wells ’• 1 ' Glen Elder « «* 506 > ■ ‘it Goodland 2,674 ti •* W • Great Bend* 4,823 tt ti Green 291 tt ti *., Sreenleaf 797 it H Greensburg 1,215 it Halstead 1,040 it ; if it Hanover 1,000 II i» Harper 1,458 it it Haven # 545 if it Havensviile 535 tt Hays 11 tt Eerington 4,255 Spring. Chlorination Hiawatha 2,878 ti i Highland 736 Shallow; Wells Highland Park Supplied from Topeka Hill City 647 Shall ow Wells Hoisington 2,089 n ti Holton 2,666 ti t» * Holyrood 438 n tt A' * Hope ,570 m It Horace 135 it It Horton 3 v 839 ' ’ Impounding Reservoir. Sed., Coag Hugoton 308 Shallow Weils filt. Humboldt 2,131 Neosho Rivar Sed.,coag. Hutchinson;* 23,298 Shallow Wells Inde cendence11,920 Verdigris River Sad.,coag.,filt. Iola 8,513 Keosho River ” n James t own 577 Shallow Wells . , jet mo re 391 , , ti n ■ Jewell City 775 Junction City 7,516 Karopolis 658 Kansas City 101,177 Kensington 608 Impounding Res. Shallow Wells H it Ho. River Shallow Wells tt m u m « it Kingman Kinsley Kiowa Kir win La Crosse 2,255' 1,734 954 584 767 Spr ings. Shallow Wells tt »» « it. •i ti (filtration plait under const. La Cygne 997 La Harpe 1,182 Lake of the Forest Warned 2,900 Lawrence 12,456 Leavenworth 16,901 Lebanon 695 Lewis 412 Liberal 2,314 Lincoln 1,142 Lindsborg 2,123 Little River 625 Logan 670 Lucas 658 Luray 469 Lyndon 808 Lyons 2,516 KcCraken 371 McCune 662 McPherson 4,595 Macksville 753 Madison 628 Manhattan 7,989 Mankat o 1,054 Shallow wells Elm Creek Shallow Veils it « Kansas River Mo. River Shallow Wells it n it it n it it it ii IS ii ■ u it ti it it Salt Creek Shallow Wells it n ti ii ... Tf ii i> n n ti ii n ti IV (Marais des Cygnes River) Sed.,coag.,softening and filt. Sed., coag. Sed. ,coag.,filt. • Marion 1,951 Marquette 751 Marysv i 1 le >> 3,450 Meade 764 Midian ^ Mud Creek Shallow Wells Blue River Sea., coag.filt. Shallow Wells Little Ark. Riv. Filt & sterlization Me die ine L odge 1,3 04 Shal 1 ov; Wells Milt onvale 912 M II Minneapolis 1,922 11 »» Minneola # 448 11 It Mol ine 910 1? II < Moran 685 Reservoir Hound City 718 Sug;ar Creek Mound Rigde 694 Shallow Wells Mulberry 2,662 Deep Wells Mu1vane 1,024 Shallow Wells Munden 244 11 IV Fat ona 561 II If Feodesha 3,943 Fall River Fewt on 9,781 Shallow Wells Fickerson 1,167 H n Sed*,coag.,filt, it « n it ii i» (e) Norton 1,513 Shallow Wells Ogden 275 u u Oakland 1,651 - Supplied from Topeka Oakley 542 Shallow Wells Oberlin 1,019 ii ii f. .. Oil Hill * Little Ark. Riv, Sed.,coag.,filt. Olathe 3,335 Cedar Creek H it , ii Cnaga 617 Shallow Wells Osage City 2,823 Impounding Res. it ». m , n Osawatomie 34870 Marais des Cygnes ti ti n Osborne 1,601 Shallow Wells Oskalocsa 808 Spr ing Oswego 2,256 Heosho River it ti it Ottawa 9,018 Marais des Cygnes ” ” ” under Oxford 641 Shallow Wells construction paola 3,392 Bull Creek Sed.,coag., filter Parsons 16,028 Labette Creek " M filt. Peabody 1,401 Shallow Wells Peru 540 n « Phillipsburg 1,237 it h Pittsburg 18,052 Deep wells PlainviXle 1,008 Shallow Wells Pleasanton 1,516 Impounding Res. Sed. ,coag. ,f ilt. Potwin 251 Shallow wells Pratt 5,111 ii it Preston 278 it it Pretty prairie # 379 ti ii Protection 721 ii ii Rose&ale 7,674 Mo. River Supplied from K. C. Mo. Bussell 1,601 Impounding Res. ■ Sed.,coag.,filt. Sabetha 1,856 Shallow Wells St, Francis 498 it ti St, John 1,657 it it St, Marys 1,071 n H Salina * 15,085 it ii S cannon 2,364 Deep Wells Scan&ia 621 Shallow Wells Scott City 772 n n Sedan 1,454 Caney River *" Sedgwick 673 Shallow Wells Seneca 1,961 Springs. Sharon Springs 645 Shallow Wells Simpson 290 ii it Smith Center 1,405 « ii Solomon 1,110 ii it- (f) Spearville 719 Shallow Wellg Stafford 1,728 ti if Sterling 2,214 n it Stockton 1,291 ii » ii Strong City 858 ii ii Sylvan Grove 555 ii n Syracus e 900 v n it Tipton 240 ■ ■ it it Tonganoxie 954 it ii Topeka 50,022 it ti Towanda 718 it it Turon . 567. ii it Udall 323 II- ii Utica # 243 *■ it ti Valley Center 356 ii it Valley Falls 1,244 Spring Wakeen ey 702 Shallow it Wakefield 520 ii it Waldo 260 ii it Wallace 175 Spring Wamego 1,572 Shallow Wells Washington 1,4’05 Mill creek Waterville 638 Shallow Wells Waverly 689 n ti Weir City* 2,159 Beep Wells 'Wellington 7,048 Shallow ” West Mineral 1,000 v Westmoreland " ' 469 Wichita * 72,128' Wilson 1,026 Winfield 7,933 Yates Center 2,199 West Plains 323 There are 259 waterworks plants in Kansas, Municipally owned-246 Privately owned-11 Government owned-2 Cities having treated water*42 Beep J/ells Shallow Weils 1» ‘ It 11 II II II * * ' I Sed. ,coag. ,f il t under co instruct ion sed,,coag., filt. 1 ' "STATER RATES IF KANSAS CITIES Cities of the First Class ATCHISON (.Private) Meter Rates For each mete reel service there shall he a service and meter charge in accordance with the following schedulej, and payable monthly*, 5«8 ,s meter charge $ «-,6C payable monthly tar tt tl la 00 tt It 1" tt II 1,50 tl l# 1 <1 It 2,00 it II 2» tt II 3,00 » If 3” tt If 5,00 it It 4" It II f.OO tl tt In addition to the above charge the customers shall pay for all water consumed as shewn' b'y the meter read— ing in accordance with the following schedule; (2) Meter Rates• * For Gallens Rate 1st 15,000 $ 0.35 2nd 15,000 .32 4th 10,000 .27 5th 10,000 • 22 2nd 50,000 .17 2nd 100,000 .15 3rd 100,000 .13 next 200,000 .12 next 500,000 .11 next 1,000,000 .10 All additional water 4 .09 *■ Flat Rates , * ; Borne Stic Uses, Four Rooms and Up Fo, of Rooms Boarding & Rooming * 4 or less «jp4#‘x0 $>6*0Q * ,5 5,20 6.50 ' 6 5# 60 7.00 7 * 6.00 8.00 8 ■ ■ , 6.40 9.00 9 *’ 6.80 10.00 10 • 7.20 11.00 Fo rate for domestic use shall be less than $6*00 per annum. Ra$es effective since Jan* 22,1920 20% of consumers no taxed-; 50% of total pumpage metered* Meters installed and maintained by Co* C OFFCYVILIE (13,452} 25 25,00 Each additional wagon per-mo, 20,00 Yteter for filling cistern 1,00 Water,* per tank ,15 Water, per barrel ,05 Circuses, per day $5,00 to $10,00 4 ' Fort Scott (cont*d) 2,000 services, 1V50 rooters and 2- 250 Flat P.ates, Meter paid for by consumer HUT CHIPS OH (United Water, Gallon per 5000 5000 to 10000 10000 to 15000 ... 15000 to 30000 , ’ 30000 to*60000 60000 to 90000 . on 900C0 to 120000 120000 to 150000 1500C0 to 200000 200000 vo 400000 4QOOOO to 600000 600000 to 9C0000 800000 to 1000000 Over 1000000 gal* Gas & Electric month M 30$ per ii ‘27-1$ " ; >»; ; • 25$ ,» M , ■■ 20$ ' ♦» It 18$ " n { J * 16$ » it 14$ '» ti 12$ « h 10$ " n 9$ » ii 8$ " ti 7$ " .it 6$ '» n 5$ *«» Any consumer using water for sprinkling lawns and using 10000 gal. or more per month shall have a rebate of 3$ per 1000 gal. fycm the foregoing meter rates. On meters owned by the Company the minimum monthly bill will be on '•- : - 5/8* ‘ inph $ 1.00 *' f ' ” 2.00 li ” 6.00 .. k 2 *• 12.00 *' ; Rates unchanged in last five years. System 100$ metered. KA1TSAS CITY { 101,177) dates effective since Dec. 1, 1916. For - - - — ; - - T Cu. F c . Rate per Costs w Summary Summary 200cu.ft. Cu. Ft. Costs First 2000 .17 3.40 2000 3,40 next 2000 .16 3,20 4000 6.60 next 3000 •15 4.50 7000 . 11.10 next 3000 .14 4.20 10000 15,30 next 5000 *. i » t • 13 6.00 15000 21.80 5- KANSAS cm (cont*d) For Cu.Ft. Rate per lOOcu.ft Costs Summary Cu. Ft. Summary Costs next 5000 .12 6.50 20000 $ 27o 80 next 10000 .11 11.00 30000 38,>80 next 20000 .10 20.00 50000 58*80 next 50000 ,08 40 o 00 100000 98 c 80 next 400000 .07 280,00 500000 378*80 All additional water to be charged for at the rate of 6$ per lOOcu.ft. Hydrant Rental $35.00 per annum* System 50% metered* Consumer pays for meter* and its installation and maintenance. PARSONS (16*026) Municipal since May 1920* Rates effective since Feb, 2* 1920 ' Meter Rates • 1000 gal• per day 40$ 1000 to 2500 " ii it 35$ 2500 to 5000 “ ti ii 30$ 5000 to 10000 »» » n 27$ 10000 to 25000 » n it 24$ 25000 to 50000 ” a it 20$ 50000 to 100000” it it 17$ 100000 upwards ii it 134 $ Minimum bill 50$, Flat Rates. Rooms not modern modern 4 $ .70 $ 1.25 5 .80 1.35 6 .90 1.50 7 1,00 1*. 60 8 1,15 1*70 9 1.25 1.60 10 1.55 1.90 11 1.45 2o00 12 1.55 2.15 Fire Hydrants $50.00 per year. Water for public use same charge as Domestic consumer*^ System 92% meter u. Owner pays for installation and main¬ tenance of meters* Pittsburg (18,052) J/B3+ ■er Rates' Gross 100500 ga.. . or less per mo. $ .25 per M 100500 ' 0 doOCOO 11 ti .22 it 11 150000 to 300000 11 it *19 it ti 300000 to 45OC00 it 11 0I6 13 it All 07 G ■ y 4 :5C .000 11 11 .13 On all meter bills a discount of 10 % will be giver, when paid on or before the 10th day of the month when bills are due* V’here meters are owned by the city the minimum nontli-ly’rate shall be as follows; 5/8 inch meters $3. *00 3/4 ti 11 1*50 1 ti * ■. 1 « A-:* • 2.00 ib tl. v 4 * i» : 3.00 2 VI 5.00 discount of 2 (jfo if paid before the 10th* The monthly minimum where meters are owned by consumers shall be as follows; 5/8 inch meters . $ ,60 3/4 " » 1.50 1 •» « ' 2,00 !§■ ** » 3o00 2 « ” * 5«00 Discount of Z0% if paid before the 10th, Annual water rate of residences, for each family including’ for all household purposes, each residence of four rooms or les $6.00o Each additional room $1,00* Rates have been changed within the last five years, • . ' l ' System 40^ metered. SALIM '15,085) (private) 3335 gal. Hydrant 64 $70,30 Hydrant 11 56,25 All others 37,50 * $ 1 , 00 - * 04 SALIM (cont*&) ITo charge made for v/ater for public use* System entirely metered. V/ater Company pays for meter and install¬ ation and maintenance. TOiEKA (50,022) (Private) Cu.Ft. Gal. Rate. 1st xooo 75000 45^ per M $3.37 2nd 1000 If 40c it n 3.00 '6., 37 3rd 1000 v * • It 3 2d n !1 2« 40 8 77 4th 1000 ... It 26£ it II 1, 25 10.72 5th 1000 tl 24^ ii It 1.30 12 ,,52 2nd 5000 37500 22^ it M 8.25 20 o 77 3rd' 5000 ti 21£. ii l» ' 7,87 28*85 4th 5000 it 16$ ii It 6.00 34. 85 5th 5000 it 12$ ii It 4.50 39.15 Minimum bill id « 40p per month. Public v/ater at cost. Hydrant rental $37.50 per year. System 100^ metered. Meter installed at cost to property ov/ner less labor. Maintenance charged to property ov/ner. WICHITA (72,128) (Private) Water Rates. rate per H cost total cost First 25,000 gal. .25 6.25 Iiext 25,000 it .20 5.00 50000 11-25 Next 25,000 it .15 3.75 75000 15,00 Next 25,000 it .14 3.50 100000 16c 50 Next 100,000 it .13 13.00 200000 3.1 50 Next 200,000 ii .12 24.00 4C0000 55 >50 Next 200,000 ii .10 20.00 600000 75.50 Hext 200,000 t» .08 16.00 800000 51.50 Hext 200,000 it .06 12.00 1000000 103.50 All ovei 1,000,000, 5$ per M gallons • 6 - WICHITA (Cont*dj Meter Minima 5/ 8 M Meter in private residence *75 per mo* 5/ 8” Meter in all premises other than residence of one family. 1*00 ti 11 3/4" Meter 1*44 11 11 1 " 11 2,56 it it li " 11 5.76 n it 2 » it 10o24 it it 3 “ n 23*04 ti it 4 » 11 40.96 it ti 6 » 92.16 it it 8 " 11 163.84 it tt Rates not changed within the last five years* System 90 % metered* Meter installed and maintained, at expense of Water Company* # cities qe ® secosl cats© ABILENE-, (4,895) 1 st 10000 ; gal# at 25$ per M#' 2 nd 10000 it 20 $ n n next 30000 it it 15$ it ti¬ next 20000 it it 10 $ it ll. balance tt 05$ it ti Rates not changed within the last five years Annual charge of $3000*00 for water for public use# * f System 100% metered# Property owijer payd for rcetef, installation and maintenance# t ■ , S. ' r ' ' ■ ANTHONY (2,435) ''Minimum $1*00 for 3,000 gal# Rates changed July 1, 1920# No charge made for water for public use# Consumers, 98% metered# Consumers pay for meters# installation and maintenance# ■ , ARKANSAS/CITY (11,253) Meter Rates# 15,000,gal. or less per mo# per M gal 25$ 15#000 to 30,000 ti M it tt tt 20 $ 30,000 to 125,000 It it ti it 15$ 125,000 to 200,000 tt tt ti ti it 12 $ 200,000 and up It V tt tt tt it 10 $ Minimum 75$ per month# Rates changed in 1920# " ’ Met or s ins tal le d and ke jffc ■ in re pa ir by the waterworks department# AUGUSTA (4,219) - Meter Rates# 1st 10000 gal# at 25$ per M gal# next 15000 » •* 20$ 11 *» ” — 10 ** AUGUSTA (Cont *&)) All over 25,000 gal. at 15$ Minimum. $1.00. Rates changed Hov, 16,1920. Hydrant charge #12.00 per year per fire plug. Water for sprinkling streets sold at cost, about 17$ per M gal. System 100)b metered. City requires customer to deposit #5 on motor. A charge of $15 is made for tap from main, to curb. City ma^es tap and sets meter and keeps in repair* BAXTER SPRINGS (1,345) (Private) Water, rates on deters. There shall 'be a minimum, charge of $1 per month for any number of gallons of water used less than 1,000 gallons, the rate per thousand gallons is as follows: From 1000 gal to 5000 gal 60$ ii .5000. •i it 10000 ; 11 fU- 50$ ti 10000 ii »» 15000 lt 45$ it 15000 ti ti 20000 11 40$ it 20000*' n 30000 It 35$ ii 50000 ii it 40000, 30$ it 40000.. ti ii 60000 ii 25$ ii *60000 it n GOQO.O it 22-|$ ii 80000 • , ** it 100000 ii 20$ Over iOqooo »S ' it 15$ Flat Rates. $1.50 per month for modern house. fliOO t " . 11 hydrant only. System 20% metered. Customer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. c •* 4 , < V * ' , i * . BSLLS.V'XLIEl (2,216) ■ » ‘ * Flat Rates. * ‘ i 9 90$ per month, 30$ extra for bath* *• .» stool. -11 BEL ISV TL IE. (Cent * d} Meter Rate* 100 to Boo gal-j per day, per M gal 50$ 500 to 10C0 »• " . »» •» 40$ Minimum rate per month for each meter. $1*50 • , «. * » - * * . Rates not charged, within last five years, No charge /fcatle tor water f^r : public use. System dc not fully metered* ■ Customer pays for meter v installation and ma int enanc e« ; , •, r , , \ BELOIT (3,240) . . ‘ ~ . Water Rates # ( .v ' * 5 • 01*1 ’ '' . All water shall be sold on a metered basis. a pad, the rate to be charged shall be as follows i 40$ ,per K gal • for the firs t 10000 gal per quarter 35^ n 11 i» 11 11 next 20000 » m * * it 30$ 11 11 11 11 ■ 11 11 30000 » ti it 25$ 11 ti n it *■ 11 it 40000 » ir ti 23$ ir * 11 11 11 11 11 5C000 ‘ it it 2 Od * - ti ti 11 ti 11 H 100000 » 11 ti 10$ 11 11 11 11 11 II 100000 » n 11 15$ n • 11 it for all .over 350000' '» ii 11 * The .minimum rate under this schedule shall be one dollar per month, payable quarterly on the first day ot January, .April, July and October© 10 % di sooau’t- ' l 5:f ' paid before the 10th of the month. Eat aft changed October XS20 o System :>0Cvf> mete redo* * * * Cons iiduQ:" pays for meter and its installation and maintenance... BOWER SPRINGS (1,541) Meter Rates,. Up to : gal .per mo# 72$ From 1700 t;6 it'”# r*' f " g . f n 35$ *» 31000 to 30$ 21700 t o 3,1700 t} » 25$ In excess of S1700 " " « 20$ Rates changed September*1919© System metered,- 30 hydrants at $20-00 per year. Meters installed and maintained by consumers# I CALDWELL '(2,191) Meter rate* 20^ per 1,000 gallons. Rates not changed within last five years. -City pays $150.00 per month for fire hydrants, sewers and street sprinkling. System 100$ 'metered, .Consumer pays cost price for meter, and installation. City maintains meters free of charge. C M .EY (3,105) Meter Rates. fraction thereof (minimum) $1.50 Next Add.- 1 2000 .35 it ii d •• 1 ■ 2000 .25 ii it . r V mo, : .22 i>*? 1 h ; ■ " 2000 r. . .21 • || • 4000 u . 20 -ii . 5000 .19 ! iM u ii ;i 10000 .16 i|i • « ii • 20000 t • .17 vW m ii 50000 •• • .16 *1 i- ii 400000 1 1 1 ,09 l» ii ' 500000 .06 All over 1000000 .06 Minimum rate for each service $1 per quarter. Rates changed 1918. No charge for water for public use. System 100$ metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance, ■ ; - 71 CHAMJTE (10,286). < / ; •" ’*■ 4 * ' “ Meter Rates Plater rates shall be computed monthly, The minimum charge per month shall be fifty cents. The rate per gallon shall be as follows t • ' -4 10000 gal. 25^ per M 10000 to 100000 gal. 17^ »* if 100000 to 1000000 gal. « « y -13- CHAFUTB (Oont-d) 1000000 to 10000000 10$ per M 10000000 to I5 n 00~0Q 9$ II ii 15000000 to ?. 000:0000 8$ M ii 2CCOOOOO to 25000000 II it 25000000 to 30000000 e|$ II ii 3O000COO oO 35000000 6$ II ti All ever 35000000 s|$ II ii Rate* changed October 1919* Fo charge made fur water fo? public use* System 1-C (f/c mete redr $5<,00 dc posited by consumer before water is turned on and refunded when thru using watero * CHEBRYVAIB (4,325) lie ter Bates 1C00 gal per month 2000 « »* " 3000 « '* »» 4000 ! » « »» .5000 « »» " 50$ 45$ per M 40 $ " «. 36 $ *» « 32$ » " All water used in excess of '500C gallons by individual consumers up to 200,000 gallons shall be at the rate of .12$ for all water used in excess of the 5000 gallons. Minimum charge for any water shall be 50$. Fo charge made for water for public use. System 3 00^ meto redo City buys and installs meter and consumer pays a deposit on meter of $3 a • i CHSTGPA (I .,899} Meter Rates. !:■ it X0 9 000 ga U or’less 65$ pdr M. Minimum $1 per month* *< 6 , - * Vj f* Ra.tes changed within the la*3v five years. Fo charge made of wafer for public use. System 7 met erode City pays for mer.er, ; its installation and maintenance, and customer ma^es a meter deposit at the time of application of $5. ■ 14 - CLAY CENTER (3,715) Minimum 65$ "er month. 25$ per month per 1000 gal# if minimum is exceeded P ’• 50000 to 200000 gal. per mo. 15$; per M 200000 to 550000 " » ” 9$ » ” Ovor 550000'- " " » 8$ “ " k i • ‘ Rates clanged August 1920# 00 fire hydrants $200*00 per month. System fully motered# Consumer pays for meter, city for installation and maintenance# COLUIvEBUS (3 # 078) . V " * Meter Rates : : Minimum 50$ per month per M gal 0 1000 to 10000 it ii ti 40$ per mo# ; 10000 to 20000 V": w 1! ■-U, - 35$ it i ii 20000 to; .30000 - 8 $ ii it ii.ll over five, million gallons , per M; minimum charge 60$ per month. Rates have been' clanged within the last five years. Ho charge made for water for public use. System lOOjb metered. City owns, installs and maintains meter. EUREKA. (2 t 606) ' Meter Rates. Sch^kule A. For mechanical or manufactur ing purposes, public Schools, Public Buildings, using 1000 gal. per month up to 25000 gal. per month 25$ per 1000 gal; all over 25000 gal. up to 50000 per month 20$. All in excess of 50000 up to 100000 gal. 15$; all in excess of 100000 gal. 10$. All to be computed on first day of each month; if not paid by tenth day of the month a penalty of 10 % will be added; if not padd by the 20th of the month water will be turned off. Schedule 3. For dwellings, store buildings, hotels, restaurants, barber shops, offices, garages and all other uses not included in Schedules A and B,for. the first 10000 gal. in each quarter 35$; all in excess of 10000 gal. 25$ per M gal. All rates computed quarterly, on first days of January, Apri}, July and October and shall be paid on or ■17 EUREKA (COntHl) before the 10th day thereafter; if not paid on or before the 10th a penalty of 10% will be added;, if not paid on or before the 20th day day the water will be shut off* A minimum charge of §1 per month under Sche¬ dule A ; j • and a minimum of 75# quarterly under Scheduler^ . •Hates ha^e not bee changed within the last five yearSo No charge made, for water for public use. System 100% meter. Consumer pays for meter, and its install¬ ation and maintenance. FREDONIA (3,954) Meter Hate. $9.00 per annum with 36,000 gal. per year 10# 1 1000 gal. to 25# per 1000 gal. per year. House use only flat rate 50# per month. i « * • . * Rates not changed within the last five years. No charge for water for public use. Consumers 75% metered. Total pumpage 90% metered. Meters installed and maintained by water¬ works company# L GARDEN CITY (3,016)‘ j ’ < -S 1 10# per 100© gal-. Hates not changed within the last five years. No charge made for water for public use. System 100% metered. ’ City installs and maintains meter. GARNETT (1,999) . * j ■* 1000 gal* per mo* 75^ 4000 »* »♦ > 45# *•< 15000 ” »» »' 35# Over 50,000 per month 16# Hates changed within the last five years.’ No charge for water for publio use. System 66 2/3 % metered. Consumer pays $2.50 for meter* GIHAHD (2,917) Minimum charge 75$ for 2000 gal, 37$$ ;;;er M. Rate decreases 3|$ per Ivl up to 20000gal, All in excess of 20000 at 20$ per M* Rates have not "been changed within the 'last five years. Levy amounting to about $15 per year for v;ater for public use. System 75^ me teredo Meters installed by city without charge to consumer c GOGDIAHD (2,674) $1 minimum. 27fr$ up to 2100 cu, ft., all over, 21$ Rates have not been changed within the last five years, No charge made for water for public use, .System is being fully metered* Consume 1 !:' pays for meter, its installation and maintenance, ;Vj ' . • ' / HARPER (1,456) <. < Water Schedule. Minimum rate for city water will bo $1.25 for the first 1,000 gallons used monthly, or fraction thereof, and for all amounts over the first 1,000 gallons, the charge will be 15$ per 1,000 gallons. „ • 1 i * BAYS (2,339) • ‘ Meter Rates. 25$ per 1000 22-J$ ” » 20 d » » 17-|$ » » 12 $ »» ” Rates changed August 1919. Ho charge made for water for public use. System 100$ metered 0 . , , City pays for mefcer 9 customer pays $14 per tap and for its maintenance. for 1st 10000 *• 2nd 11 it 3 r g tl •» 4th « *• all over 40,000. - 19 ' HER INGTON (4,2.55) 153ter Rates. 1st 5000 gal. 20£ per M next 10000 » 15$ » « balance at 10$ " M Rates not changed within the last five yearso No charge for water for public use. System 10C$ metered* City maintains and installs meters,a .$5 deposit Charged on all meters. HIAWATHA (2,876) Meter Rates. less than 500 gal. per day 40$ per M 500 to 1000 " it it 30$ « i» 1000 « 2000 " ii n 25$ »» n 2000 " 10000 11 ii it 20$ « ii 10000 •* 20000 « it it 15$ ” it Special rates per M when 20000 gal. and over are consulted per day; provided that the minimum water rate for any three months period shall not be less than one dollar© The rates for water finished to property located outside the corporate limits of the City of Hiawatha shall be 60$ per M when less, than 500 gal. per day are consumed? 50$ when 500 gal. or more per day. are consumed. Rates not chaiged within the last five years. No charge made for water for public use. System 10Op metered® Consumer pays $15 for each outside meter and $13 for each inside meter, and $25 for install¬ ation with an additional $5 if the ground is frozen six inches or over© HGISINCrTON (2,069) Minimum 7500 gal. $5.00 All over minimum ,30 per M Rates changed July 1919. System loop metered© Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. - 20 - HDLTCN (2*666) Meter Rates, 1st 1000 gal. $1,00 per M next 4000 ii ,50 ti ii u 5000 It ,40 ii ii it 100C0 II ‘ .30 n n 20000 II „20 ii ii over 40000 II • 15 it n Minimum $1 per month* Rates changed Jan, 1, 1920, One half mill levy amounting to $1800 is made for rental of 55 hydrants. System 100$ metered. Meters are furnished by city, paid for by consumer, and actual cost of installation and maintenance is charged' to consumer. BQRTON (3,639)* 1 If Meter Rates, 1st 7500 gal 75$ per m 2nd n » m; it it 3rd it n 50$ »» « over 22500 »i 40$ it h Meter rental 45^ it quarter. Minimum rate $ 1*50 » it Rates clanged October 1920 No charge made for water for public use. System 100$ metered* HUMBOLDT (2,131) Mster Rates, first 5000 gal 35$ per M next 5000 ti 28$ ii it it 40000 «i 21$ it ii it 50000 it 12-i$ » i* over 100000 ii 10$ ii it Minimum rate, 75$ per quarter. Rates changed within the last five years. No charge made’for water for public use. Consumer pays a meter deposit and for in«* stallation, city pays maintenance. -21 (11,920) Meter Hates gal. rate cost it ot al total first 200Q 30^ $ .60 gal ’cost next 3000 25^ .75 5000 i 1.55 »« 5000 20?! 11.00 10000 ' 2.35 it * - 5000 15^ ,75 . 1.5000 3.10 it „ 1COOO m 1,30 2,5000 4.40 it 25 COO V4 2o*7 5. ; 50000 7 >15 it 50000 10q 5.00 1Q0000 12,15 i» 400000 % 36*00 500000 48.15 it 500000 40.00 1000000 66.15 over 1000000 minimum lit .50 Hates changed June 1920. Ho charge made for water for public use. Consumers 75$ metered* . Total pumpage 90$ metered. City pays for meter, installation and main¬ tenance, IOLA |8,513 )’ l \ Meter Hates. T * • Minimum charge per quarter $1,50 Rate’for consumption under 20,000 cu.it, per mo. 1st 250 cu .ft. '20^ per cu. ft. next, 500 it it 18$ it u n it 1000 it' itt 15$ it tt it' it 4000 it 12# tt n n it 10000 11 11 10$ 11 11 11 it 20000 it »i 8$ 11 ' it it Hate for consumption over 20,0Q0cu.ft. per mo. iTor consumers using over 20 rj 000cu,ft, per mo. 9 d per' lOOcu. ft* All over 23,000cu.ft. and under 200 9 000cu t ft, per.month f Cfi per jLOCcu.fto ' All over 20(),000cu u ft u ' per month (to be com¬ puted and paid monthly) 5$ per lOOcu.ft. , . < Rates changed within the last five years. System only partially met erode Meters purchased by the consumer. JUNCTION CITY (7,516) Lieter Rates. . 1 • • per quarter 6 ,000cu.ft. and less per cu.it. 6,000 to '12,000cu,ft. 16 2/3 <£ ” ” 12,000 ” 60,000'’ H 14$ 11 It 60,000 » 120 ,000” U ll|$ ti II 120,000 ” 240,000” II 9§$ n 11 240,000 ” 600,000” II M II all over 600,000” II 6 $ II It Minimum 75^ per month. / * » , * .. Rates changed April 1920. Hydrant rental $35 per annum. No charge for water for public use. System 10C$ meterdd* City owns^ installs and maintains the meter. KINGMAN' (2,255) .• • . X - ! f i'd . ' ; ■ . 7 : • v> : • _ .y.. :• Meter Rates - .. first 50,000 gal. p£r M next 25,000 » 10$ '* * all over 75,000 »» ; G^‘ • » ” Tap rent $1.50 per quarter in advance. •• ■ ' V • " - . , . . ili. Rates not-changed within the last ! fiVe years. No charge made for hydrant rental or water for public use, .-p;- ;/- 11 System 100/b.'.metered. '■ • • 3" City pays fdr meter, ,f its ‘ installation and maintenance. ' 1 r «■' •» •, /' # .' ■ f • LA HAHPE (1,102) • w Meter Rates. - ‘ 35$ per l,000gal. -with-a minimum of $1.50 for 3 months. Rates changed in 1919. No charge made for water for public-use. System 50fo metered. 't U Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. ...•? ?: 23- LAI mm (2,900} Meter Rates $.2,25 minimum for 3,000gal. or, less r>er quarter. 3,000 to 15,000 gal. 16$* per M »' •* over 15,000 •• 10^ » «» " « Rates changed in 191G. Hydrant rental $30 for each, hydrant. Street sprinkling, sewer flushing, $125 per month. /- v : . , i System 100$ metered. Meters owned by city, first installation no charge. . , Charge of $1 for cleaning. . LA17RMGE, i (12^456) '• i i * Meter Rates. . . » f ' . * ' ' ' first ‘ 60,000 gal. per mo. 45^ per M. next « . » " »» 36^ " » over this amount ” ” 27$ *' 11 unless covered by special contract. ^ . The minimum charge per month under this schedule shall be according to the size meter required, as follows: 5/o inch meter $1.15 3/4 •» 2.25 • ’ one » 3.374- Rates changed within the last five years. System practically-all metered. City owns meter. LIBERAL (2,314) 1 st 2,000 gal. $1.00 minimum 2,000 to 10,000 gal. .25 per M all over 10,000 »» , .20 " ” Rates not changed within last five years. No charge made for water for public use. System 100$ metered. Meter deposit made by consumer, meter installed by consumer, arid maintained by city. -24 / mmmTm (?,9o9) lie ter Hates# ■rl 1st 0,000; cu.ft. ' . $1#50 per M 6,000 to 20,000 cu#ft# i.m ■ It tt 20,000 11 50,000 n it i.i4 tt tt 50,000 n ICO v 000 M tt .75 n tt ove-r 100,000 It ft .52J- tt u Meter rental per quarter l/2 inch 25^ * . 3/4 M ' • 40^ 1 1 ” 50£ over 1 ** ' 75£ Minimum of 100(*> cu.ft# $1*50 per quarter plus meter rental# Rates not changed within the 3ast five years# Hydrant rental $35 pgr hydrant per year# No charge for water for public use# System 100% metered. Meters owned - / installed and maintained by the city. - . \ t MARION (1,951) Meter Rates. 1st 10,000 gal* : ‘ 20^ per M per mo. all over 10,,000 g&L 10^ « “ »* " Minimum 50d per month. ■Rates changed in 1916# No charge* for -hydrant rental. Schools h.hve water free 0 System \0')% meteled > City pay?; for meterj consumer for’ its installation end the city for ordinary, main¬ tenance y - *" * •. * * MARYSVILLE *3,450) (Private) Meter Rates. 30 (f. per M gal# 50^ minimum up to 10,000 gal. at 30^ per M 10,000 T .0 EC 5 000 gal •* 259*' “ « Over 20 c ,000 at 20^ per M " 30,000 »» 15^ »» •’ .-25- ’ MP.Y3 VIL13 (Cent* cl) Pates changed march. 1920. Hydrant rental $40 per year. System 10meteied. Meters furnished and maintained ♦y .company* , JUcsPHEJRSCBT (4,595) ... ; j ' • ' '** '• Meter Hates. _ ;i . ... 1,000. to 5,000 £al. 25^ per H 6,000 tl 15,000 it 20^ 1! n 16^000 It • v ♦ ■ r 25,000 it 15^ II »> 26,000 tr 50,000 m 10£ it 11 51 5 POO .and ,up O9I , It n Minimum charges follows; 5/G inch meter 60^ per; .mo bj^ » li f «* r ) • * 75^ 11 »1 >n 1 * ti * *■ <•*•'* ‘ $. 1. .00 11. it li " 2 ,00 II it 2 *» n > k 3, ..50 11 ti Hydrant rental, $56 for-each hydrant per year. System 1004 metered. City pays for meter, consumer.installs and city maintains • * k MBte^OLlS (1,922) ■ Meter rates. Minimum 00£. . 1st 10,000 pal 40^ nex t20,000 11 S5£ , • u .20,000 ?5^ :v . 1 4 ;; all over 50,000 iod Hates changed October 1920.., , Ho charge made for hydrant rental, or water for public use. ,pm . System \QQffr metered. Consumer-pays for meter,; gitymlhs tails and consumer pays for .maintenance. 1 ■ $ i • • -26- MUL3LHHI (2,662) * Meter Rates. * : Up to 2000 gal. 30# -0. per M 2000 to 50000 '» 2 5# ti 11 50000 » 100000 20 #. 11 ti 100000 » 200000m" 19# <1 11 200000 *' 250000 « 10 # n 11 250000 » 500000 « 17# 11 11 All over 500,000 » 15# ti 11 60 $ minimum of 2,000 gal. for Domestic use. Bates not changed within the last five years* Fo charge made for hydrant rental or water for public use. System 90% metered. City pays for meter, installation and maintenance. •... , FEV7TGN ( 9,701) Meter Rates# Minimum rate 1st 300 cu.ft next 6000 •* ” next 7000 " *» all over 13,300 M 75£ per mo, • 25^ per 100 cu.ft 16 2/3£ « »» 14 l/3£ " » 11 # 11 '* Rate changed January 1920 Fo charge for hydran.t rental, interest on bonds being paid by general tax levy. Consumers 100% metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. ORATES (3,335) Meter Rates. Less than 250 cu. ft. $ 1.00 251 to 500 it it • 30 per 100 501 11 1000 it 11 .36 it n 1001 u 1500 11 11 .34 11 it 1501 it 2000 ii it .32 11 11 2001 u 3000 it ti .29 ti 11 jt % r&r. QlA'fHE, (Cent 2 cl) 3001 to 4000 cu.ft. 26$ per 100 4001 it 5000 11 !! 24$ ii it 5001 it 7000 ti i: 20$ ri it 7001 and over 1C$ Rates changed May 1920. Mo charge for hydrant rental or water for public use* System loop metered* • Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance* OSAGE CITY (2,023) Meter Rates. . C b .< 0 v«l .g * J Minimum, charge per month 1 C .1 35$. , \ 1st 5000 gal. . •• 40$ .= • ^ .»..-2nd " ”.7'- i" * • ’ /: 3'ri'$ 3rd . " . \H 4th ; V •- " 5th • *"■ f r :& ' 6th " ^ ». - 7th * t ”, ' -■ ;V-. ■ ■ Gth " « « all over 40,000 gal. n * 1 **• ». '36$ «?4$ * . sii ' . • 27$ ; , - 23$" 1 19$ .*15$ per M r K System 100$ nai&rfed. * ' .• , r -t. ■ Consumer pays for meter 9 its. inst'al 1 ation •. and maintenance. • OSA.TATOMIE (3,079) \ - n * r 7 Meter Rates. Minimum rate First 5000 gal. Next ii O' n it 75$ per mo. 35$ ■»* MM 30$ 25$ 15{i All water and. light bills are payable monthly on or before the 20th of,tie ’ month. . ;i ” 90000 M " efe II i» tt it over 100000 It " 4-fe! n ti tti it Special rate of 3§$ per 100 cu .ft. for not less than 800,000 cu.ft. per month. ~29 OTTAWA (Cant’d) i ' , , .. v v 0 Flat Rates. Bath tub f or v private houses in addition to house rates., each $5.00 Cows per- head in private stables $1.50 Cows, per head in pasture during pasture .Reason $1 • 00 Fire hydrants installed before July l f 1906 each $42.50 Fire hydrants installed after July 1, 1906 ’ $4o.OO Fire protection on private, property • at special rate. Horses in private stables per head $1.50.. Lavatories in residence,-..hut no charge where domestic house rate is paid, each $2.00 Lavatories for private rise in stores, offices banks, lodge rooms and similar places, not including barber shops and other services required on meters, each $3.00 Residence of three rooms or less for domestic us e ■ $3« 00 Residences of four, five or six rooms for domestic use, per roc-m $1.00 ^Residences, for each room, in addition to six rooms, domestic use “ v- .50 Sinks in stores, offices, banks, lodge rooms and similar places, not requiredon a meter rate, each $6.00 Street sprinkling, special. Urinals - 9 same as for water closets for private and public uses respectively. Water closets in residences, per bowl $5.00 water closets in residences when .used by two families, per bowl $5.00 Each additional water closet in residences per bowl $2.00 'water closets in churchesper bowl $5.00 water closets in stores, offices, banks, lodge rooms, and similar places, net required on meter rate, per tcal ~ - $6.00 For each additional bowl to same' customer $3.00 The foregoing flat rates for water closets will be allowed only where the equipment is modem and flushing from tanks• Philadelphia hopper closets and similar old style closets must be supplied through meters. «oO« 0 TTAV/A (Cont’d) Mater rates changed 1915. Some flat rate withdraw 191C-. System 55% metered. City eei? L s meter to consumer at cost, installed at consumers expense. City rents meter, if desired at 25d per mon t "* PKATl ( Seo page 32) KOSi I>AiK (7,6Vi) Meter I iate s • summary 7 2,000 gal. 7 Op minimum* 55-fe cost 1 st 10,000 PS 1 o c - — cost $3*55 $ 2 nd "'.If It 30£ ■ it 5.00 6.55 3rd II It 2 C 4 n 2.'CO O rzr, o 4th 11 II t 26^ • u 2.60 11.95 5th fl n 24 ir II 2.40 lOr.35 2 nd 50,000 a v. 22 £ r: - It 11.00 25.35 2 ndl00,000 il 2 GfT II 20.00 45.35 3rd t» - OA II 1C. 00 DO . o 5 4th . ii 16^ II 16.00 79.35 5th ii ' 14'$> • It 14.00 93.35 next 1 ,000, ,000 II 125.00 21C.35 each , add 1 * o o o m 000 12^ per il t Hate s changed within the last five years;. He ter rate charge for water for public use* System 100% metered* Consumers pay for meter,- its installation and 1 maintenance* • SABEIHA (1,C56} Meter Kates First 7500 gal, 40 d per H pent 10000 • 35^ » Ii ti TI »• - 30? " M ii II " 25£ « M ' over 37500 ” 20tf " 11 ‘ Minimum charge of per month l Hydrant rental paid-, no charge for water for public use. Consum ers 5 Op metered. Total 1 unpage 75% metered; City p ays for meter, consumer for its install- at ion and the city for its maintenance* JSl ' ' v SCA?4;0^ ' ’364) ■ Flat rate 75^ par month* a Meter Hates. 1 st 3 COO a 2 - 1 - ® G5£ ' next 5000 ii 55^ per M over 6000 ii 10 $! n " If pa id by 10 th of month IO 9 per M rebate. Rates changed October 1910. Fo charge made for hydrant rental, or water for public use. Consumers 55% metered* Total pumpage 90;.! metered. City pays fcr meter, its installation and maintenance. SBE71CA (1,961) Meter Hates* 1000 to 9000.0 gal 354 per 1SL 90000 to 1G.Q00Q H 25^ ii n 1 C0000 « 270000 i» 20 p f it it 270000 " 450000' t» 15p it it 450000 " , 900000 it it it $1.50 minimum per quarter. Hates chanced M§y 1917. ITc charge made for water for public use. System 100 % metered* City pays for meter, installation and maintenance * vklXIFGTOF (7,04C) Meter Hates. 1st 20000 gal. Z0$ per M all over 20000 M ' 15$j '» 11 Rates have not been changed in last five years. Fo charge made for water for public use. System 100%; metered. Consumers may buy meter or rent from city at 25d per month. - 52 - W INFIELD (7,955) Meter Rates. First 3000 gal. 25$ per M next 4000 it 23$ it M next 4000 it 20 $ ii 11 next 3000 ii 10 $ it It next 5000 ii 15$ t< tl next 5000 it • 12$ n It over 20000 u 10 $ 1 ! It. Minimum chare ,e 75$ it month No services extended for- less than $1* Consumers allowed 2 transfers of service each year without .charge, a clarge of 50$ made for each additional transfer. Special monthly rates as follows: 1st 400,000 gal, or less $>36.00 per mo. 400,000 to 5,000,000 9$ per Id M " over 5,000,000 0$ " » “ " Water hills due arid "payable monthly on 1st of month, if paid on or before 10th, 10% discount allowed, except special rates. If not paid by 20th water will be turned off and not renewed until.arrearages- are paid, together with fee of $1 for turning: water on again* Rates changed January 1919. Hydrant rental $50 per year per hydrant* Levy of 5/l0 mill on the dollar for water for public use* System 100% metered* City buys, installs and maintains meter* YATES CENTER (2,199) (Private) 50$ per M Rates have not been changed within the last five years* 42 hydrants in use* First 16 at $50.00 per month, all over 16 $45.00 per year. Consumers 100% metered* Consumer buys, installs and maintains meter. PRATT (5,111) Meter Rate. $1.35 minimum* 12 $ per 100 cu.ft* Rates have been changed within last five years* $30 hydrant rental* System 100% metered. Consumer pays f or meter, city installs and maintains* C If IBS OF IHO THIRD CIA30 i AnMEFA (5 HO) ;■'• *. x. Meter'Rates. •'• ' #0*00 per year for 40,000 gal. 15£ per M for all over .40,000 gal, , ** ■ .• • , Rhteshave not "been .changed within, the last five years* Ho charge made .for water for public use* System 10Op metered* City pays for meter;,, consumer..for install at ion and'.' city for maintenance. AXTGOHAj: (1,279) .' * *• Meter Kates. : . Minimum $1 per month* Water haulers,.at rate of 5£. per barrel. Churches free.; , 4000 •gal , t $1.75 5000 ti 2.00 6000 tt 2 , 2 a 7000 n '2.40 GO 00 tt 2.60 9000. • jf 2.CO 10000 t! : 3.00 10000 to 1500# gal 16yj per II 15000 t! 20000 " I4yi It u 20000 tt 50000 » 13d tt )! over 30000 gal. special rote is made at not less- than 9d per M, Kates changed au, us-1 1919. Ho charge made for water for public use. System 100$ metered. City ; ays for meter, consuioer for install¬ ation, and city for maintenance. MRGOFLd (450) Minimum 75,1 per month for 3 M gal. $9.00 per year minimum of 56 M gal. Rates have not Keen changed in the last five years. S ys t era 100,4 me t e re d. Consumer deposits $7.50 for meter, city installs and maintains. -34- ARML (1,792) Domestic consumers minimum 75>i per month for 2,000 gal.. Over this amount 57y£ per M. Special rate to large consumer. Hates not changed within the last five years. System lOOp metered. City owns meter, installs and maintains. ASHLAKD (S04) Minimum $1.50'per month,' .. 20$- per II for 1st 10000 gal. 15£ per M for nemt 15000 gal. All over 25000 gal. 10^. Hates not changed within the last five years- Ho charge made for water for public use. Consumers GO % metered. Total pimpage S5fo metered. Consumer pays for meter, its. installation and maintenance. ATTICA (639) Minimum $1.50 per month for 3000 gal. Hext 5000 gale 25^.per M. it n it ,r Hates changed May 1920. $600.00 yearly for hydrant rental and water for public use, covered by one mill tax. Consumer deposits $5 for v/ater meter, city installs and maintains* BAUM 7 Hi:. (1,231) Meter Hates. Hirst 2000 cu.ft Hext 1533:; « *• »» 3333, " »» 35$/ per 100 cu.ft. 32^ it !l II 30$2 it II . It 25£ n tl tl its installation it 13333 " ” Minimum $1.50 per month * r Rates changed September 1 , 19 £ $50 per month hydrant rental •System 100p metered. Consumer pays for meter and maintenance. (402) 20 $.per M gal. HiriiMr& 50 ^ : ’per'month*.- 0•"■ .. ... ... - Ektes hoi • ‘chhng-eflt with. in the: last; -five years* UO c h-irgre made for Wat er.f o r pub lie use* System 10of: metered.- •■■. ... . . .. Cdnsurner: for meter*; installation and loainteijanc©* BUCELIN (7?a) 5 4000 gal* or less $1.00 All ever, 20$ per M* i';; ;. Rates ’changed' March 19202 d :•? 0. ITo charge male for water of or ’public use. System 100% Meter'd. Cd-w Consumer- pays for meter,wits..installation and maintenance. BUNKEKEII& •. (235 ) ." ; ’'. '■ . Flat Rates. . _ .... Private residences $1.00 per month. Public places 1«$£5 n ” Stock per head *32 n " . 1 , c;,:; i Rates not changed.p/ithin.;'the last five years. ITo charge made for water for public use. System, not metered. - .. B T JRDSK (410) : w • ' 35$ per 11 pal. with a 50$ minimum. Rates not Changed'w.iri;in.. last five years* ITo charge 'made for water for public use. City pays for me ter r :lt& - installation, and maintenance. Consumer maizes $1 ^deposit ^/hich -is returned when he is thru with merer. 3UBLIET3AMS (1,474) .‘•y j ; ‘ * ... . ■ w . _ . ; ’Meter Rates. ; •.. g j 50$ per M 1 st . i 3000 gal. - 25$ r ’’" • ' " .2nd ' 3000 . » 20$ » 2>rd' . 3000 .«•? . , ; , 15$ ■ " *» all over 90Q0,gal* ■ ~36~ BUKL IHGAME. (Coht*d) Minimum $1*50 where connected with sewer, $1 where not connected. Hates not changed within the last five years. Ho charge made for water for public use. System 100% metered. Consumer pays, for meter, its installation and maintenance. BUMS (417) Meter Hates. 1 st 200 OH gal per mo $1.50 2000 to 3000 it u .40 3000 " 4000 it ft .35 4000 " 5000 tt tl .25 5000 and over •20 Hydrant rental paid by tames. System 100% metered. . - . City owns meter and installs it. Consumer maintains. BUBRTOM (655) - 15^ for 1st 3000 gal, 12 -J-t^ for all over. Hates have not been changed within the last five years. System 100% metered. Consumer pays $10 for meter and city maintains. CAMKEH CITY (MO) Meter Hates. . .. : , ' * ■ . 1 : l 1st 50000 gal. 1G$2 per 11 per quarter, nezt u '* 15^ " » » all over 100,000 12^ .« !{ » «» HI at rate for water from all curb hydrants installed by city for family, office, store, or other mercantile use, window washing, street or sidewalk sprinkling or use of any other kind other than general transient" or drinking purposes be at the rate of 60£ per month or fractional part thereof payable quarterly. 57 CAY/KEH CITY (Cont*d) / t . » Hates not changed within the last five years* System not fully metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. . .... CKBHQKSE (1,149) lie ter Hates. Firs t 1000 gal 1000 to 2000 2000 S! 3000 3000 II 5000 5000 H 10000 10000 II 50000 50000 II 100000 100000 II 500000 500000 -1000000 over 1000000 Flat rates. 50$ per mo. 45$ n ti per M 40$ it ii ti 35$ || ft it i» 30$ ii it ii 25$ ti il it ii 20 $ ti t» ii ii 15$ n it it it 12 $ it it I! tt 10 $ ii It A n Unil" meters may 1 ' he installed on every service pipe, the flat rate shall he 65$ per month hut such rates shall apply to residences only for household use. Hates have not "been changed within the last five years. No charge made for water for public use. System 100,5 metered. City pays for meter, installation and maintenance• Consumer makes a $5 deposit. CIE/iHJAEEE ,(650) lie ter Hates. Minimum $1.25 i er month. 1 st 2000 gal. 30$ per M next 3000 11 25$ ” it « 5000 « 20 $ « » all over 10000 15$ ” ii Hates changed May 1920. ilo charge for water for public use. System iCQp metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. CLIFTON (636) If city owns meter 15£ per M gal. Minimum 5000 pal. at $1,50 per-quarter. If coasurer owns meter 10^ per M gal. Minimum 10000 gal, at $lo50. ‘ jt Hates have not changed within the last five years. No charge made for water for public use, •System 44$■ mete red. Consumer pays for installation and main¬ tenance. of meter, and has option of owning meter* CONDV/ATLH (1,000) Meter Hates. : • J. First 5000 gal. 25^ per M Next " M 20V ti it over 10000 " 15tf « . »t Hates not changed within last five years. No cl large made for v;ater for .public use. System 100% mete-red. Consumer pqys $50 tapping fee, meter $15,50 concrete box $1,50, cast iron lid, $3,50* City maintains meter, CONWAY SPHIN3S (941) (Private ) m g ; Meter Hates. . ■ .. 4 $1 for 300 cu„.ft, per month provided consumer has a deposit of $10 on meter. $1 for 100 cu.ft. if no meter deposit is made, extra water 10^ per 100 cu.ft. Water rent is due monthly in advance if no meter deposit is made by consumer, but if deposit is made may be paid .quarterly in advance. Yearly plan may be had by payment for one year in advance providing meter deposit has been made, which gives 3600 cubic feet ahy time during the year and all over 3600 cu.ft, at 15^ per 100 cu.ft. Hates not changed within last five years. System 100% metered, / .. Consumer pays for installation of meter, city maintains •• ; g • COJKTCWl'OCD FALLS ( 921 ) Pieter Hate 30f per M. Hinlffium $2 ©50 per quarter. Bates net changed within .last five years. No charge cade fer water for public use. Consumer pays for’meter, its installation and maintenance . DELHI CS (079) liinimum 70$i 2000 gal 35p per PI nent 5000 it 30p « It 11 10000 it 25? It IS ‘ . /* •« ** 10000 u 20$ It it over 27000 ti Vo$ tt tl ♦ Rates have not been changed within the last five years. ... Cliarge for hydrant rental. $2.50. Public drinking fountain 1*50 ” watering troughs 2.00 g Parks . 15*00 -*• • h -* • ‘ BIGHTCN (272); Pieter Rates. Miniimun 3000 gal. 7000 gal 10000 " $1.50 :: . .20 per PI , .15 " " Rates have been changed within the last ,, five years* No charge for public use. System lOCgb metered. Consumer rays for meter, its installation and maintenance. 4 DOUGLASS (635) ; , • j. $1 minimum per mo* 25$> per thousand. -40 DCUC-LASS (Cent*&) 4000 to 7000 2 Zi per M 7000 ii 15000 20'; ” n 15000 n 30000 15£ » it 30000 it 40000 12; ” it Kates clianged within the last five years. 1:o charge made for water for outlie use. dystem 100;S metered. City charges consumer 10£ per month meter rental. Ba/ITS (1152) He ter Hates. 20£ per 1000 cal. Hates have not been changed within the last five years. Ho charge made for hydrant rental or water for public use# System 100;' metered. Consumer pays for meter. its installat and maintenance. ELK CITE (653) Meter Rates. 1st 1000 cal $1.25 2nd and 3rd " t» .50 each. 4th 11 5th « it op; si • Gs%J all over 5000 11 .20 per Iff ELLIS (1 *57 ) Minimum 5000 gal 75^ Hates have not teen changed within last five years. ho charge made for water for put lie use. System 100;; metered. Consumer may am meter or rent it for 25^ per month. Consumer pays for installation and maintenance. ** 41 “ ELLS'..-ORTH 12,065) lie ter Rates. Minimum: 50^ up to, 5 ,000 gal 30d 15,000 to 30,000. . 25£ 30,000 60,000 ZOy over 60,000 15^ Spr ini: ling— all over 4,000 gal' 10£ Rates not changed within last fire years. Hydrant rental $1 each. No charge for water for public use. Syr ten 100$ metered. Consumer males deposit of $15 for meter, pays for installation. City pays for maintenance. jSMiiuKPRISS (77G) : *• ■ Minimum — $2 per quarter. 20^ ter 1000 gal. 300,000 to 600,000 gal $1 per-II per quarter Rates changed July 1919. No charge made for water for- public use. System 100$ metered. Consumer pays for meter and installation, city maintains. ERIE (1,202) ■* 1st 2,000 5 6$ per M next 3,000 . : 30^ » » 5000 -and up 20£ • « " ■' >• • Rates, changed 1919. System 100$ metered. Consumer pays for meter and installation and maintenance. • ■ FGwLER (490) . (0 •" Minimum 2500 gal. $1.25 over ” " *15 per M Rates changed July 1920. No charge mp.de for water for public use. System 100$ metered. FOV/ISR (Cont*d) Property owner pays for meter and installation. The city then rebates one-half of water bill each month until the price paid is covered. Then city owns and maintains# * GAS (651) Flat Rates# A $5 per year for Borne Stic use. $1.00 " '* *» stock. , v lie ter Rates. 20^ per M fox 1 private use. 9£. to 10p for manuf8cturing. Rates not changed within last five years. Re charge made for hydrant rental or water for public use. Consumers 5Op metered. Total pumpage 76 % metered. Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance CUEDA SPRINGS (260) Minimum $1 for 2000 gal. All over 1000 gal 25£ per 1000 gal. Rates not changed within last five years. Ro charge made for water for public use. System 10 0% metered. Consumer pays de-p.osit of $10 for meter. City maintains. GLASCQ (060) 1 to 9000 gal 30y! per M 9001 to 15000 25£ » '* 15001 up 20^ " Minimum $2.25. it 45- GR2 EH (291) *■ Minimum $1.50 per "quarter for 400 cu.ft. All over* 1{# per 100,cu.ft* >• / . Rates changed Ma# 1910* No charge for water for public use. System 100$ metered. Consumer pays for meter and its maintenance* HOPE (570) 1 1st 5000 gal 40$ pse.r M 2nd ii ii 35^ »» «» w next *1.0000 ft 30$ II •*!» it 10000 ii : 25$ It II all over 25000 gal 20$ » V • • . * Rates have not been changed -within last five .years* * . \ g't fto charge''made for* water for hydrant rental or water for public use. System 100$ meteied. Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. 45' , JAMES T cm {577) Zb$ per 1000 gal. .per month. Minimum 75^ per month. Rates not changed within last five years. Ho charge for water for public use. System 50% metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance• • ’ JETMORE. (391) - . , ; i tl : • Minimum of 50$ for 1st 1000 gal. 60$ for next 3000 gal. 90$ for next 6000 gal and 10^ per M for all over. . , : • .• .i ■ * * Rates have not been changed. Hydrant charge of $1 per hydrant. Ho charge made for water for public use. System 100% metered. City pays for meter and, maintenance, con¬ sumer for installation. JEvELl (775) • for 1st 2000 gal per month. 25$ for 1000 gal, on all over. Minimum of $2.25 per quarter. Rates changed Nov. 1919 and again in May 1920. Fq charge made for water for public use. System 100% ‘metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance.. ; . , . . •: <* ‘ . t KAFOPOIilS (658) $1 minimum,for,3000 gal. next'2000 ; gal. Z5$ per M. over 5000 V Z0$ » " Rates changed: May*1918. No charge for water for public use. System 100% metered* City pays for meter,- its installation and consumer maintains and makes a meter deposit. KEFSIFGION {608} §6 per year or, 15$ per LI gal. Rates have not changed within last five years« System 100$ metered. Consumer may cr may not purchase meter. KIM IF (584) Minimum 3000 gal 50$ all over "’ '• 15$ Rates changed 1918. Fo charge made for hydrant rental or water f.c r public use* System 100% metered. Consumer pays for meter its installation and maintenance, ♦ IA CYGFE (697) First £000 gal 50$ Next u " 40$ »» » «• 30 $ Rates changed within last five years* Hydranv rental $2 per month per hydrant. System 90$ metered* Meters installed by city. Customers make dejpsit for full value which is redeemed upon^ return to the city of the meter* LEBANON (695) Minimum for six months, up to J4302-|- gal $7*50 14302-| to 29932 -gal. 5§$ per 100 gal. 29932 ” 49865 » 4-J$ ; *v < Rates changed July 1919. Fo charge made ; for water for public use* System 100$ metered, * LQGAIT (670) 15$ per w f City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance * McCR AKEM (.271) Minimum $1,50 per month for 4000 gal. All over 4000 gal. 20$ per M. Rates changed ITov. 1918. Fire hydrant rental $10 per year. Mo charge for water for public use. System 100% metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. Consumer makes deposit to cover ccet of . meter and service pipe and fittings. Deposit is credited on consumers water account. / * a ( nr a \ Minimum 85$ per month, 5000 gal. SO$ per M. 5000 to 10000 gal 25$ per M. over 10000 gal- 20$ " '» Rates not changed within last five years. Mo charge made for water for public use. System 100$ metered. Consumer pays for meter at its installation and is allowed one-half of the monthly water bill until meter is redeemed by city. . 1 t 49- MIITQKVAIB (912) The minimum charge for water shall he §3 per quarter payable in advance on the f irst day of January, April, July and October in each year for which the customer shall rec eive 6,000 sal. cess of 6,000 gal. _000 gal 15,000 ” over 30,000 " next 9 tt per quarter. Any ex- shall ■ A paid as follows M tt 20$ per 12f& » 3 0 $- " tt Rates changed July -1920. No charge made-for water for public use. System 100$ mete red. City owns and maintains all meters. Consumer pays §35 installation fee. - •• • • '■ •••>•-• • ? I MOLI1C (910) " •• I 4000 gal minimum at 50$ per 11. all over.4000. gal 25$ : ** n payable •(Quarterly. Rates clanged January 1^19. No charge for water for'public use. .System 100$ metered. City pays fcr meter, it's installation and ma i nt erance • HORAN (685) 1st V v 0 gal' 2nd and 3rd 'll 4th 11 over 5000 n tt tn. tt tt tt per month §1.00 minimum. .35 per M \ .25 " " .20 u " 'within- last five Rates have not changed- years. No charge made for water for public use. System 100$ metered except for water for public use. - • City pays for meter its installation and maintenance. Consumers charged §21.50 and a deposit of Ktz S| >b. ■ 50 - MULVAH3 (1,024) 1st 5000 gaL 25$ per M 2nd t? «i 20$ M n for 40000 15$ it it ove: M tl *1 10$ ii it Rates net cluanged within last five ; - years* Fo charge mafje for hydrant rental or ; ' . water for rjublic use. ’ fi\- , System iOCf/o iue tereeL * City pays for meter* its installation.ard maintenance, consumer cakes a #5 deposit. FAT3MA (561) 25$ per M up ♦to 3000 gal. ppr month. 15$ “ « over? *• « »•' M Rates not changed within last 'five years. Fo charge ms.de for water for public use. Consumers 100% metered. , t> iota.1 pumpage metered. City pays for raster, its installation and maintenance. / GAZIRY (3142) $ 1.00 .15 per M .12-|$ " ** .10 » » .07 » ” Minimum charge raised from 75$ to--$.1.00 is on^i change ft in rates within last five years. Fo charge made *fcr water for public use. Consumers 100% .tie te red. One pump not metered. City pays for dieter and installation for which a set is charge which covers most of t' o expense®, 3000 gal 3000 to 15000 15000 to 30000 30000 to 50000 all over M (BERLIN- (1,019) 18$ per 1,000 gal. Hates charged 1919, No charge made for water for public use, By stem 100% metered. Consumer pays for meter and installation, city for maintenance. i 0NAGA (817) 1 to 1000 gal 60$ per M minimum, 1000 16,3000 s! 50$ " » 3000 «' 5000 »» 40$' " “ 5000 ” 10000 « 35$ ” " Rates have not been changed within last five years. Ho charge for water for public use. System 100% metered. Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. •PHILLIPS BURG (1,2-37) 5000 gal per quarter $3.00 minimum 5000 to 15000 ” .30 per M 15000 " 50000 " .25 " » over 50000 " .20 » " Minimum rates payable in advance. Excess water used, payable at meter rates at end of each quarter. Rates changed in 1920.' No charge made for water for public use. System 50% metered. Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maint e nance • PLAINVILLE (1,008) 15$ per M gal. Rates have not been changed within last five years. No charge made for water for public use. System 100% metered. City charges $20 per tap and furnishes all material and meter. - 52 - PLEASANTCN (1*516) Lietered water shall be 50^ per M for 1st 3,000 gal. and 25£ per M for each additional thousand used in any one quarter. Minimum rates for each service, house fcr family attached to any meter of $1.50 per quarter, except as to consumers using 20,000 or more per month, to whom the -following rates apply: 1st 2.0000 gal 25yi per IK next ^0000 " 20J “ « ” do000 " 15^ ” " all over 100,000 gal 10^ per M. water by ten-barrel tank or less, 25^ Rates changed February 1920. No charge for water for public use. System 50% metered. City furnishes meter, consumer pays for installation. SEDGWICK (673) Minimum charge per month 75^ 1st . 5000 gal 25y* per M next - 6000 tt 20^ " » »« 10000 ii 159* " »» ovei •20000 ii 1053 SR MS CM (290). ■51*50 for 4 9 50P ; .gal..*pe? : quarter, minimum. 20,000 25£ per M over-this amt. 20^ ” M 4 ■ Rates not Ho charge Con supers City peys changed within last five years. Bade for water -for public use. 90;3 metered.. for meter and maintenance* Con sumar pay •15 tag .clip a5 on meter deposit and. J2 meter ban deposit* S OLOROR ( 1 , 110 ) $1 minimum for 2000 gal. next 3000 gal 35 l/S£ per M over thi s amount 25^ " ,f Rates not changed within last five years* Hydrant rental 030 per year. ITo charge .for pater for public use. System 100% metered* Consumer makes ,15 deposit for meter. City owns, installs and maintains meter. ST, FRxdTCIS (498) 15<5 per ll gal. Rates have not. been changed within last five years. ho charge made for water for public use. System 100% metered. Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. ST. JOUR (1,673) Minimum per month. v x • 1st 10,000 gal 12 U per M 2nd ” " ' 11 } it it over 20,000 " 100 t» u per month Hates have not been changed within last five ye ars • . 'Hydrant rental pi per month. Consumers 90a metered. City pays for meter, it- installation and maintenance. Also pays expense of tapping the mains and connecting to meters at prop¬ erty line. ••54r* ST. EEYS (1,051) 10p per M gallons discount for cash. All meters to be placed in curb "bones. Conne ction charge $20.00 Min charge per mo.(gross) 1.12 First 10,000 gal. per M .45 Next M " M " .35 Over 20,000 » ” ” .20 Rates changed 1920. $85 per month for fire hydrant. No charge for water for public use. System 100% metered. STAFFORD (1,728) 15$ per 1,000 gal. Minimum §1. Rates not changed within last five years. No charge made for water for public use. Sys tem 95% metered. Consumer pays for meter,- city for install- ati 6n and mai nten aice • SYRACUSE (900) Minimum $1.50 per 5,000 gal, Rates changed within last five years. System 100% metered. City pays for .meter, its installat ion and maintenance. TONGMMOXIE (954) Minimum $1. 1st 5,000 gal. 45$ Decrease of 5$ per H gal. to latest rate of 20$ Rates not changed within, last five years. NO charge made for water for public use. System 100% metered. Consumer jays for meter, and maintenance. Tapping fee is charged for installation. -55 TURON (567 ) 75£ minimum for 5,000 gal. Rates changed within last five years. ITo charge made for water for tub lie use. System 90% metered. Consumer pays for meter and installation, city pays for maintenance. UDALL (323) Flat Rates ' per year Bank $ 6.00 Barber Shops 16.00 Water Rotors .50 Billiard Halls 6.00 Boarding houses 12.00 Drug store with fountain 12.00 Halls 6.00 Ice cream saloons 12.00 Office or sleeping rooms 6.00 Photo Galleries 6.00 Residences 9.00 Stores 6.00 Hotels and Restaurants 16.00 Stock per head per month .25 Washing cars .50 Rates have not been changed within last five years. IIo charge made for water for public use. Sys tern not met ered. VALLSY FAILS (1,224) For first 2,000 gal. per quarter $1.25 n 3,000 " ii it 1.35 tl 4,000 ” ii tt 1.50 tt 5,000 " ii ii 1.75 ii 6,000 ■ " ii it 2.04 ti 7,000 ,f ti mi 2.31 ii 6,000 " it ii 2.52 tt 9,000 " ii n 2.79 if 10,000 M ii M 3.00 ii 11,000 " ii 11 3.19 ti 12,000 " . u II 3.36 if 13,000 " ii It 3. 51 li 14,000 " ii II 3,64 tt 15,000 M ti II 3.75 66 ' VALLEY FALLS (Cont'd) For 16,000 gal per quarter £ 5*84 it 17,000 " n it 3.91 h 18,000 " ii ii 3.96 n 19,000 " M " 5.99 A * ' * * M 20,000 " ti it 4.00 20,000 to 80,000 it ii .20 over M it .15 Rates changed 1918# System 100 jo metered* Consumer may or may not own meter. Consumer may rent for 25£ per month. VAilCEEHETY' ' (702) 15p per If gal'. Mini mum ,)6 pe*r -ye ar . Rates not changed nithin last five years. Tan of \ mill for vater for public use. System 100^ metered. Charge of $15 for installation of meter. City maintains meter. • ♦ V/AKEFELD (52) First 2,000 gal per mo« 80£ minimum 2,000 to 10,000 ” " 25£ per 11 plus min. all over 10,000 " " 15£ " ” plus £2.60 on the first 10,000 gallons. Rates changed August 1920. Fo charge made for water for public use. System lOCyb metered; • Consumer pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. 'CALK)' ( 260 ) « . f ^1.00 flat rate, no meter. ' wA'TERVILjuR (658) Minimum 75q per month for 1,000 gal. 1,000 to 5,000 gal. 45d per'M over 5,000 gal 50cL " » WATERY HIE (Comt«d) Rates chained July 1920. Ho charge for water for public use. System 8 Op metered. City pays for meter, its installation and maintenance. WaVSRLY (689) 50