CATALOGUE OF THE CENTRAL LENDING LIBRARY, ASTON MANOR. "A Free Library is a* sort of secular church: it is a temple where the greatest voices of the ages may be heard : it is the treasury of a wisdom gathered from all lands, and he who uses it aright has provided for him, without cost, a liberal education.” — W. J. Dawson, The Making of Manhood, \ \ \ \ \ \ O C- BOROUGH OF ASTON MANOR. Central Lending Department ASTON MANOR PUBLIC LIBRARY, Arranged on the Dihiionary Plan, SEVENTH EDITION. ( First Edition in this Form. ) ASTON MANOR: Printed for the Public Libraries Committee by PIuDSON AND Son, Livery St., Birmingham. 1906. C.jr^LOGUE OF THE OF THE CORRECTIONS. Canterbury Cathedral, by H. Withers Carlisle Cathedral, hy C. K. Eley Eley (C. K.) Carlisle Cathedral These are correctly entered under Cathedrals 1302B 1303B P R E F A‘C E . oin.v^ X ks.S'i. The change of form which has been made in this edition of the Catalogue, from a broadly classified series of lists to a fuller catalogue, arranged on the dictionary plan, may be justified on the ground that, while the works on any given subject may still be found grouped to- gether, and, in fact, a much larger number of grouped entries appear in this than in any previous edition of the Catalogue — all the works of a given author, and all works on a given subject (although belonging to different classes), are brought together and may be seen at a glance. An instance of the value of this method of arrangement is afforded in the entry under “ Kingsley (C.),” from which it appears that there are works by this author in every class in the Library except Music. Readers of Kingsley’s novels are thus introduced (perhaps for the first time) to his writings as a poet, a historian, a theologian, a writer on scientific and sociological subjects, and an essayist ; and the same may be said in a greater or less degree of many other writers. Biographies of authors also appear in juxtaposition with the list of their works. Considerations of space and cost of production have prevented the introduction of analytical entries of subjects dealt with in miscella- neous writings, but the 'chief contents of most of these have been given at the author-entries ; and it may be of service to readers to know that an extensive card-index of matters dealt with in works of this character has been prepared, and may be consulted at the Library. For the same reasons title-entries of works of Fiction are omitted, but a card-index of these is also in preparation, for the information of readers at the Library. A word may be added with reference to the alteration of the numbers in the Fiction class. This change has been made in order to bring all works by a single author together on the shelves, and also in the Indicator. A few minutes’ consideration of the method will make it clear to the borrower. Each author in this class has his own number, attached to the initial letter of his name, and the works by him are numbered in sequence. Grant Allen, for example, is 15 A, that is, the fifteenth author in the Fiction Class whose name begins with A, and his novels are numbered respectively 15A1, 15A2, and so on. In practice this will be found to facilitate reference to the Indicator to a considerable extent. BOROUGH OF ASTON MANOR. PUBLIC LIB RABIES COMMITTEE, 1905-6. HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR. (Alderman Alfred Taylor, J.P.) COUNCILLOR H. GUEST, J.P., Chairman. COUNCILLOR T. R BIRD. COUNCILLOR F. GOODRICH. COUNCILLOR A. HARRIS, J.P. COUNCILLOR G. HAYES. SIDNEY FISHER, J.P. JOHN HARVEY, M.D., J.P., Chairman of Book Sub- committee. THE REV. G. E. PRICE. THE REV. E. DALE ROBERTS, M.A. WILLIAM UNITE. Honorary Secretary — JOSEPH ANSELL, J.P. Hon. Assistant Secretary : WILLIAM THOMPSON. Chief Librarian — ROBERT K. DENT. Assistant Librarian'. THOMAS J. NEWELL. BOROUGH OF ASTON MANOR. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Catalogue OF THE CENTRAL LENDING DEPARTMENT. xAbbeys, Castles, etc., of England and Wales, by J. Timbs and A. Gunn, 3 v. 1872 191B Ruined Abbeys of Yorkshire, by W, C. Lefroy. 1891 . . 257B See also Beverley, Tewkesbury, Westminster, etc. Abbott (J. S. C.) Columbus, his Life and Achievements 768F Benjamin Franklin, Printer's Boy and Statesman 769F The Spanish Cavalier, or De Soto the Discoverer 770F The Terror of the Indians 77 iF These are not works of fiction, but popularly written Lives of Heroes and Adventurers. Abney (Capt.) Light and Colour. 1889 472D Colour Measurement and Mixture. 1891 770D Photography and the Spectroscope. 1882 48 3D Aberdeen, Earl of. Life of, by Sir A. Gordon. 1893 1036B .Vbout (E.) Novels and Tales ; The Fellah lAi Le Roi des Montagues j^French] 1A2 Trente et Quarante [French] 1A3 Abyssinia, Life in, by M. Parkyns. 1868 230B Ackworth (J. [pseud, of F. H. Smith]) Novels and Tales : Beckside Lights 2A i Clogshop Chronicles 2A2 The Coming of the Preachers 2A3 Doxie Dent, A Clogshop Chronicle 2A4 From Crooked Roots 2A5 The Mangle House 2A6 The Minder 2A7 A Ack ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. .\ckworth (J.) Novels and Tales {continued): Old Wenyon‘s Will 3A8 The Scowcroft Critics 2A9 .Acoustics, Elementary Lessons in, by C. L. Barnes. 1897. . . . 304D Acoustics, by H. Donkin 766D Wonders in Acoustics, by R. Radau 96D See also Sound. Acrostics and Enigmas 73G Acton (Lord) Letters of, to Mary Gladstone, ed. with Memoir by H. Paul. 1904 1449B Actors, Representative. Anecdotes and Criticisms of, ed. by W. C. Russell 328L .Acts of the Apostles, see Bible. Adams (H. C.) Juvenile Stories : Charlie Lucken 45 iF Fighting his Way 9F School and University 45oF White Brunswickers 45 3 F Wilton of Cuthbert’s loF Winborough Boys 45 2F Adams (H. G.) Beautiful Butterflies and Shells 561 D Adams (Mrs. Leith ^pseud. of Mrs. Laffan]) Novels : Colour-Sergeant, No. i Company 3A1 My Land of Beulah 3A2 Adams (W. D.) A Book of Burlesque. 1891 862L Sketches of English Stage, Travestie and Parody. Plain Living and High Thinking. 1880 2L .Adams (W. H. D.) Egypt, Past and Present 635 B Adcock (R. St. J.) More than Money (a Novel) . . . ; 4A1 Adderley (Jas.) Paul Mercier (a Novel) 5A1 Addison (J.) Essays by. See Spectator. Addison, Joseph, by W. J. Courthorpe. (Eng. Men of Letters) 1884 614L Addleshaw (P.) Exeter Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook). 1898.. 1307H Adeler (Max [pseud, of C. H. Clark]) Novels and Tales • Captain Bluitt 6A1 Elbow-Room 6A2 An Old Fogey 6A3 Out of the Hurly-Burly 0A4 A' 6-A5 Random Shots 6A0 I'ransformations 6A7 3 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Afr Admirals (The Great Dutch), by J. De Liefde. 1884 384B Adventure, The World of (Cassell’s), 3 v. 1899 1001 L Liooi— Two Races for Life. The Tale of Eyam. The King of the Gipsies. Curiosities ot Rescue. Prison Adventures. Tales of Treasure. The Story of the Eddy stone. Baron Trenck, etc. L1002 — The Charge of the Light Brigade. The Story of a Flood. A Leap for Life. Tale< of the North American Indians. Tales of the Settlers. A Brush with a Pirate, etc. L1003— The Romance of Ballooning. The Adventures of Certain English Prisoners of War. The Escape ot the Earl of Nithis- dale. A Convict on Dartmoor. A Celebrated Claimant. White Men and Red Men, etc. 1 Adventure and Peril, The Book of, ed. by C. Bruce. 1889. . . . 4L The Nimrod of the Sea, by W. M. Davis. 1874 894L Remarkable Adventures from Real Life 3 1 1 L Scenes of Travel and Adventure. 1851 b45B Adventures Ashore and Afloat 320F Aeronautics, Dissertation on, by J. B. Pettigrew. 1874 132D .Lschylus, The Tragedies of, trans. by E. H. Plumptre 335 ? .Eschylus, Introduction to, by R. S. Copleston. 1877 iiL .Esop, Fables of 26F Afghan Campaign, 1879, Scenes through the Battle Smoke, by A. Male 832L Aflalo (F. G.) Natural History of the British Islands (Verte bratps). 1898 . . , . 438D Africa : Exploration, Adventure, and Travel in Baker (Sir S, W.) The Albert N’Yanza. 1870 229B ” Ismailia “ (Expedition to Central Africa), 2 v. 1874 227B Bruce (J.) Life and Travels of. 1875 402B Butler (W. F.) Akim-Foo (Ashanti). 1876 594B Cameron (V. L.) Across Africa in 1873-6, 2 v. 1877 . 239B Camming (R. Gordon) Hunting Adventures in South Africa. 1888 237B Drummond (H.) Tropical Africa. 1888 792B Eden (C. H.) Africa seen through its Explorers 682F Eorbes (A. G.) Geographical Exploration and Christian Enterprise. 1874 238B Fox (W.) History of Wesleyan Missions on the West Coast. 1851 1074B Galton (F.) Tropical South Africa. 1889 739B Geddie (J). Lake Regions of Central Africa. 1881 ... 600B Hannington (Bp.) Last Journals of. 1888 82 iB Narrative of a Journey through Masai Land and U-soga, in 1885. Afr ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 4 Africa [continued ) : Kingsley (Mary H.) Travels in West Africa. 1897. . . . 1091B Congo Francais, Corisco, and Cameroons. Kingston (W. H. G.) Great African Travellers 317B Mungo Park. Clapperton. Barth. Speke. Livingstone. Baker. Stanle}', etc. Livingstone (D.) Travels and Researches in South Africa. 1857 23 iB The Zambesi and its Tributaries. 1875 232B Last Journals, 2 v. 1874 233B Life and Explorations of Livingstone 1431B Park (Mungo) Travels in Africa in 1795-6. 1885 .... 348B Schweinfurth (G.) The Heart of Africa, 2 v. 1868-71. . 863B Speke (J. H.) Source of the Nile. 1863 226B Stanley (H. M.) The Congo and its Free State, 2 v. 1885 867B — How I Found Livingstone. 1873 235B In Darkest Africa ; The Quest, Rescue and Retreat of Emin Pasha, 2 v. 1890 869B The Story of Emin's Rescue. 1890 742B Through the Dark Continent. 1887 293B Stanley and Africa, Travels, Adventures and Discoveries i looB Story of the Nile 626F Thomson (J.) Through Masai Land. 1887 1353B With Stanley on the Congo 70 iF Africa, South : The Cape, Natal, Rhodesia, Orange River Colony, and the Transvaal : Aylward (A.) The Transvaal of To-day. 1878 787B Bent (J. T.) Ruined Cities of Mashonaland. 1895 . . . 1161B Bryce (J.) Impressions of South Africa. 1897 1135B Burton (A. R. E.) Cape Colony for the Settler 1420B Churchill (Lord R. S.) Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa. 1895 976B Fitzpatrick (J. P.) The Transvaal from Within. 1899 1193B Fuller (A.) South Africa as a Health Resort. 1894. . . 940B Haggard (H. R.) Cetewayo and his White Neighbours. 1888 809B Harrison (C. W. F.) Official Handbook to Natal 1429B Ingram (J. F.) The Colony of Natal. 1895 1114B Newman (C. I.. N.) Malabeleland, and how we got it. 1895 iiul^ Began (W. F.) Boer and Uitlander. 189^) iiiiB History of tlie “ Raid. " Roche (H. A.) On Trek in the Transvaal. 1878 34tB 5 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Agtl Africa, South (continued ) : Russell (W. C.) A Voyage to the Cape. 1886 788B Selous (F. C.) Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia. 1896.. 1128B Stanley (H. M.) Through South Africa. 1898 1163B Tangye (H. L.) In New South Africa. 1896 1085B Theal (G. M.) South Africa (Story of the Nations). 1894 906B Trollope (A.) South Africa, 2 v. 1878 305B Worsfold (W. B.) History of South Africa. 1900 1296B The Story of South Africa 1255B Young (Sir F.) A Winter Tour in South Africa. 1890.. 992B Africa (South), The War of 1899-1902 ; — Cecil (E.) On the Eve of the War. 1900 1278 & 1279B Churchill (W. S.) London to Ladysmith, via Pretoria. 1900 1269B The Story of an escape from Pretoria, after having been taken prisoner by the Boers. Ian Hamilton’s March (from Bloemfontein to Pretoria). 1900 1270B Danes (R.) History of the Boer War (Cassell). 1901. . 1226B De Wet (C.) Three Years’ War 1268B Doyle (A. Conan) The Great Boer War. 1902 1215B Hobson (J. A.) The War ; Its Causes and Effects. 1900 1192B Steevens (G. W.) From Capetown to Ladysmith (during the War.) 1900 1276B Words by an Eye-Witness : The Struggle in Natal, by “ Linesman ” 1277B Africa, The Soudan : Gordon (C.) Journals of [at Khartoum]. 1885 636B Power (F.) Letters from Khartoum. 1885 S92B Slatin Pasha (R. C.) Fire and Sword in the Sudan, 1879- 1895. 1897 1127B Steevens (G. W.) With Kitchener to Khartoum. 1898. 1138B Traill (H. D.) From Cairo to the Sudan Frontier. 1896 1117B Wilson (Sir C.) From Korti to Khartoum, 1885 634B See also Abyssinia, Algeria, Carthage, Egypt, Sierra Leone. African Chiefs, Three Great, by E. Lloyd. 1895 1113B Khame, Sebelft, and Bathoeng. Agnus (Orme [pseud, of J. C. Higginbotham]) Novels and Tales : Jan Oxber (Village Stories) 7A1 Love in our Village (Stories). 7A2 Sarah Tuldon 7A3 Agr ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGDE. 6 Agriculture and Industries (British) at Stake, by R. Boyd. 1888 54C Aguilar (G.) The Women of Israel, 2v. 1853 3b6B Novels and Tales : The Days of Bruce 8A1 Home Influence 8A2 and 8A3 Home Scenes and Heart Studies 8A4 The Mother’s Recompense 8A5 and 8A6 Sequel to “ Home Influence.” The Vale of Cedars 8A7 Woman’s Friendship 8A8 Aidan (St.) The Apostle of England, by A. C. Fryer. 1902. . 1368B Aide (H.) Novels and Tales : Carr of Carrlyon 9A1 The Chff Mystery 9A2 Confidences 9 A3 Elizabeth’s Pretenders 9A4 In that State of Life 9A5 Morals and Mysteries 9A6 Penruddocke 9A7 Aimard (G.) Novels and Tales (in French) : Cornelio D’ Armor loAi Le Souriquet 10A2 Aids to Reflection, by S. T. Coleridge 26A Ainger (A.) Crabbe (English Men of Letters). 1903 1152L — Lamb (English Men of Letters). 1882 606L Ainsworth (W. H.) Novels and Romances : Auriol iiAi Boscobel 11A2 Crichton 11A3 Flitch of Bacon 1 1 A4 Guy Fawkes 11A5 John Law 11A6 Lancashire Witches 11A7 Leaguer of Lathom 11A8 . Manchester Rebels 11A9 Mervyn Clitheroe iiAio Miser’s Daughter 11 An Old St. Paul’s iiAi2and iiA 13 Ovingtlean Grange 11A14 St. James’s 11A15 Spendthrift iiAib 7 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Ale Ainsworth (W. H.) Novels and Tales {continued ) : Star Chamber iiAi7 Tower of London 11A18 and iiAi9 Windsor Castle 1 1A20 and 11A21 Air, see Atmosphere. Air Engines, see Gas Engines. Airy (Sir G. B.) Popular Astronomy. 1868 lOiD A’Kempis, see Kempis. Albemarle (G. T., Earl of) Fifty Years of my Life : 1804-1854. 1877 567B Albert, Prince Consort, Life of, by Sir T. Martin, 5 V. 1875.. S33B Alcohol, its Action and Use, by B. W. Richardson. 1875 495D Alcott (L. M.) Novels and Tales ; Eight Cousins 5F Jo’s Boys 4F Little Men 12A1 Little Women 12A2 Little Women Wedded (Good Wives) 12A3 Old Fashioned Girl 12A4 A Rose in Bloom 12A5 Shawl Straps 12A6 Spinning-wheel Stories 27F Work 12A7 Alderson (B.) Arthur James Balfour : The Man and his Work. 1903 1437B Aldous (J. C. P.) ed., Elementary Course of Physics. 1898.. 409D Aldrich (T. B.) Wyndham Towers : a poem 25 7P -Novels and Tales : Marjorie Daw 13A1 Prudence Palfrey 13A2 The Queen of Sheba 13A3 The Stillwater Tragedy 13A4 Story of a Bad Boy 824F Two Bites at a Cherry, etc 13A5 Alexander the Great, Life of, by J. Wilhams. i860 401B The Empire of, by J. P. Mahaffy. (Story of the Nations.) 1887 875B Alexander (Mrs.) [Mrs. Hector] Novels and Tales : Barbara, Lady’s Maid and Peeress 14A1 A Crooked Path 14A2 The Freres, . 14A3 Ale ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Alexander (Mrs.) Novels and Tales {continued) : Her Dearest Foe 14A4 The Heritage of Langdale 14A5 Look Before You Leap 14A6 Maid, Wife, or Widow 14A7 Ralph Wilton’s Weird 14A8 Which shall it be ? 14A9 The Wooing O’t 14A10 Alford (H.) How to Study the New Testament, 3 v. 1877.. . 58A The Queen’s English : A Manual of Idiom and Usage. 1875 8L For reply to this work, see “ The Dean’s English,” by G. W. Moon gL Alfred the Great, The Story of, by W. Besant. 1901 926B — [Popular Life of] by J. Page 1246B Life of, by T, Hughes, 1881 1009B Algebra for Beginners, with Answers, by H. S. Hall and S. R. Knight. 1901 326D Algeria, Artists and Arabs, by H. Blackburn. 1868 780B Alice (Princess) Life and Letters of. 1884 680B Alison (Sir A.) History of Europe (1774-1815), 13 v 81B For contents, see under Europe. All the Year Round, half-yearly volumes. Conducted by Charles Dickens, until his death in June, 1870 ; and subsequently by Charles Dickens, Junr. First Series, from Vol. i, 1859, to Vol. 20, 1868 {except Vol. 18). M331 to M 350. Second Se^-ies, from Vol. i, 1868, to Vol. 14, 1875, and from Vol. 21, 1878, to Vol. 43, 1888. M 351 to 364, M 371 to 393. Third Series, from Vol. i, i88g, to 1892. M 394 to 401. Allen (F. M.) Through Green Glasses [Ireland]. 1888 79SL Allen (Grant) Biographies of Working Men 966B Telford, Stephenson, Gilpin (sculptor). Millet (painter), Garfield. Thomas Edward (the Scotch Naturalist). -Charles Darwin : a Biography. 1885 721B — Colin Clout’s Calendar : The Record of a Summer. 1883 760I. Falling in Love, and other Essays. 1889 877!^ Other Essays ’. — Right and Left. Fossil Continent. Thunderbolts. The Milk in tlie Cocoa-nut. Go to the Ant. Ogbury Harrows, etc. Flashlights on Nature. 1899 434D Tlie Cows that Ants Milk. Plant that Melts Ice. A Beast of Prey (the Spider). A Woodbine Tragedy. Marriage among the Clovers. Those Horned Earwigs, etc. Flowers and their Pedigrees. 1886 433U Saxon Britain 1013B Story of the Plants. 1896 .37 iD 9 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. All Allen (Grant) Novels and Tales : An African Millionaire 15A1 At Market Value 15A2 Babylon 15A3 Beckoning Hand, and other Stories 15A4 Blood Royal. . 1SA5 The Devil’s Die 1 5A6 The Duchess of Powysland 1SA7 Dumaresq’s Daughter 15 AS The Great Taboo 1SA9 Hilda Wade 15A10 In all Shades 15A11 The Incidental Bishop 15A12 Kalee’s Shrine 15A13 Linnet : A Romance 15A14 Michael’s Crag 15A15 Miss Cayley’s Adventures 15A16 Philistia 15A17 Recalled to Life 15A18 The Scallywag 15A19 Strange Stories 15A20 The Tents of Shem 15A21 This Mortal Coil 1 5A22 Under Sealed Orders 15A23 What’s Bred in the Bone 15A24 Allen (J. Lane) The Blue Grass Region of Kentucky. 1900. . . 1095L The Blue Grass Region. Uncle Tom at Home. County Court Day in Kentucky. Kentucky Fairs. A Home of the Silent Brother- hood. Mountain Passes of the Cumberland, etc. Novels and Tales ; The Choir Invisible 16A1 The Increasing Purpose 16A2 A Kentucky Cardinal ; and Aftermath 16A3 The Mettle of the Pasture 16A4 Allen (Phoebe) From Life (a story) 17A1 Allen (W. B.) Cleared for Action 60 5 F A Story of the Spanish-American War. Allin (T.) Universalism Asserted as the Hope of the Gospel. 1892 47 3 A Alloys, by W. C. R. Austen. 1888 4S8D Used for Coinage, by W. C. R. Austen. 1884 476D Useful for Goldsmiths, etc., by G. E. Collins. 1871... . 504D Metalhc, by A. H. Hirons. 1890 S49D All ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. lO Allusions, Reader’s Handbook of, by E. C. Brewer. 1880 95 iL Almanack : Cruikshank’s Comic Almanack, from 1835 to 1853, 2 V 115L Alphabet, Story of the, by E. Clodd. 1900 904L Alpine Flowers for English Gardens, by W. Robinson. 1870. . 535D Alps : The Playground of Europe, by L. Stephen. 1895 .... 974B Sketches in the Italian Alps, by D. Freshfield. 1875 .. 188B Alsatian Mountains (In the) by K. Lee. 1883 779B Amazon and Rio Negro, Travels in, by A. R. Wallace. 1889. . 740B Ambulance Work ; First Aid to the Injured, by H. Drinkwater. 1900 3 5 2D America : Arnold (Sir E.) Seas and Lands. 1894 982B Gillmore (P.) Prairie and Forest [Hunting in N. America] 164B Kingsley (R.)] South by West (Rocky Mountains and Mexico). 1874 168B Lawrence (G.)] Silverland. 1873 167B Murphy (J. M.) Rambles in N. W. America. 1879 .... 777B Roberts (Morley) The Western Avernus : Toil and Travel in Further N. America. 1896 1116B America, The United States ; Allen (J. L.) The Blue Grass Region of Kentucky. 1900 1095L Bancroft (G.) History of the United States (to 1782), 6 V. 1876 155B Catlin (G.) Life among the [North American] Indians 169B & 18F Chittenden (H. M.) The Yellowstone National Park. 1895 733B Cumming (C. F. G.) Granite Crags (California). 1884. . 78 iB Dale (A.) Jonathan’s Home. 1885 752L De Tocqueville (A.) Democracy in America, 2 v. 1838 115C Dickens (C.) American Notes i 590B and 1591B Dixon (W. N.) New America, 2 v. 1867 161B White Conquest (America in 1875), 2 v. 1876. . 162B Drake (S. A.) The Making of New England. 1886. . . . 734B Earle (A. M.) The Sabbath in Puritan New England.. 91 3^ Fraser (J. E.) America at Work. 1903 1259B Goodspeed (E. J.) The Great Fires in Chicago and the West. 1871 154B Hawthorne (N.) American Note-Books, 2 v. 1868.... 707L Hughes (T.) ed., Gone to Texas : Letters from our Boys. 1884 *. 653L II ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Ame America, The United States {continued) : Lovett (R.) United States Pictures. 1891 1223B McCarthy (J.) Short History of the United States. 1898 1172B Nichols (T. L.) Forty Years American Life (U.S., 1820-60) 318B Manning (S.) American (U.S.) Pictures 850B Rae (W. F.) Westward by Rail [Union Pacific Railroad] 166B Raymond (H. J.) The Administration of Abm. Lincoln. 1864 466B Robinson (P.) Sinners and Saints : A Tour across the States. 1892 1073B Sala (G. A.) America Revisited. 1883 778B From the Bay of New York to the Gulf of Mexico. Stanley (H. M.) Travels and Adventures in N. America, 2 V. 1895 94 1 B Campaigfns ag^ainst the Indians, 1867. Steevens (G. W.) The Land of the Dollar. 1897 1348B Stevenson (R. L.) Across the Plains [to San Francisco]. 1895 1007L The Silverado Squatters. 1895 1006L Sweet (A. E.) and Knox (J. A.) On a Mexico Mustang through Texas. 1884 747L Trevelyan (Sir G. O.) The American Revolution, 3 v. 1905 1498B Twain (Mark) Life on the Mississippi. 1897 736L See also Lives of Franklin, Garfield, Lincoln, and Washington. America, Central and South : Mission Work in Guiana, by W. H. Brett (1840-80). ... 79 iB Cities and Provinces of Brazil, by W. Scully. 1866. . . . 643B Incidents of Travel in Central America, by J. L. Stephens 1854 751B Life on the Amazon, by A. R. Wallace. 1889 ... 740B Works on Canada are entered under Canada. American Commercial Trusts : The American Invaders, by F. McKenzie. 1902 136C American Girl (An) in London, by S. J. Duncan. 1891 920L American Humourists, by H. R. Haweis. 1883 159L American Humour, see Humour. American Impressions of England, see Holmes (O. W.) Our Hundred Days in Europe ; White (R. G.) England Without and Within ; and Winter (W.) Shakespeare’s England. American Lands and Letters, by D. G. Mitchell 1106L Sketclies of American Authors and their Homes. Ame ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 12 American Men of Letters and their Writings : L721 — Washington Irving, by C. D. Warner (1882). L722 — Noah Webster, bj' H. E. Scudder (1882). Ainiel (H. F.) Journal Intime, trans.. by Mrs. Humphrey Ward. 1892 476A “ There is hardly a literary criticism in [this] volume which is not masterU’, and which does not make one desire more the same kind .” — Matthew Arnold. “ His Journal was a safe shelter wherein his questionings of fate and the future, the voice of grief, of self-examination and confession, the soul’s cry for inward peace, might make themselves freely heard.” — Introduction! , hv Mrs. H. Ward. Amos (Sheldon) The Science of Law. 1874 4C Amphibious Carnivora, by R. Hamilton (Nat. Lib.) 165D Analogy of Religion, by J. Butler. 1876 23A Anatomy of Expression, by Sir C. Bell. 1888 567B Anatomy, Elementary, Lessons in, by H. S. Mivart. 1877. . . . 195T) See also Artistic Anatomy. Anatomy of Melancholy (abridged), by R. Burton. 1881 69L Ancient Cities, Ruins of, by C. Bucke, 2 v. 1840 263B Ancient Classics for English Readers, see Classics. Ancient History of the East, by P. Smith. 1871 712B Ancient History, by M. Rollin, 2 v. 1844 1093B The Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, and Macedonians. See also under separate nations, as Assyria, Chaldaea, Egypt, Media, Phoenicia, etc. Andersen (Hans. C.) Fairy Tales 182F' The Silver Shilling, etc 77F Sammtliche Marchen (Tales in German). 1882 792L Anderson (D.) “Scenes” in the Commons. 1884 638B Anderson (R. E.) Story of the Extinct Civilizations of the East 927B Anderson (W.) Practical Mercantile Correspondence. 1843... 764L Anderton (T.) The Wreck of the Hesperus. Cantata 242R Yule Tide. Cantata 243R Andreae (P.) Novels : A Life at Stake 18A1 The Mask and the Man 18A2 Stanhope of Chester 18A3 The Vanished Emperor 18A4 Andree [S. A.] and his Balloon, by Lachambre and Machuron. 1898 1126B Andrew (T.) Cyclopaedia of Domestic Medicine. 1844 289D 13 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Alii Anecdotes and Ana ; of Actors, by W. C. Russell 328L of Artists, by R. Kempt. i88i 257L of Celebrities, by Capt. Gronow. 1873 179L -Recollections and Anecdotes, by Capt. Gronow. 1877. 180L of Celebrities, by W. C. Hazlitt. 1872 ; 200L of the Pulpit, by T. Jackson. 1868 742L A Century of (1760-1860), by J. Timbs 37iL Clerical, by J. Larwood. 1881 263L The Jest Book, by Mark Lemon. 1864 268L of Law and Lawyers, by C. James. 1882 44 iL Moral and Religious, by E. Paxton Hood. 1870 240L ;Pulpit Table Talk, by E. B. Ramsay, 1866 853L Scottish, by E. Paxton Hood. 1883 155L -by E. B. Ramsay 884L by C. Rogers. 1867 317L The World of, by E. Paxton Hood. 1880 156L Angelo (Michel), see Michelangelo. Anglican Revival, History of the, by J. H. Overton. 1897. • • 47 5 A See also Oxford Movement. Angling Sketches, by A. Lang 56G 1 Go a Fishing, by W. C. Prime. 1873 57G — By Stream and Sea, by W. Senior 338L The Complete Angler, by I. Walton and C. Cotton. 1875 58G Anglo-Saxon Literature, by J. Earle 868L Anglo-Saxons ; Saxon Britain, by Grant Allen 1013B History of, by Sir F. Palgrave. 1861 62B The Celt, Roman, and Saxon in Britain, by T. Wright 189B See also England, History of. Angus (J.) Bible Handbook 12A Aniline or Coal-tar Colours, by W. H. Perkin. 1869 493H Animal Creation (The), by T. R. Jones. 1886 236D — Kingdom (The), by E. Swedenborg. 1858 246D Considered Anatomically, Physically, and Philosophically. ^Nature and her Servants, by T, Wood. 1890 . . 704D — -Handy Book to (illustrated) 198D Animal Life, Types of, by St. G. Mivart. 1893 417D Animal Life, The World of, ed. by F. Smith. 1902 814I) Animal Locomotion (Walking, Swimming, and Flying), by J. B. Pettigrew. 1874 132D Ani ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 14 Animal Magnetism, by A. Binet and C. Fere ' 5 / 1 ^ — See also Hypnotism. Animal Mechanism, by E. J. Marey. 1874 131 D Animal Parasites and Messmates, by P. J. Van Beneden. 1876 136D Animal World, Romance of the, by E. vSelous. 1905 809D Animal World, Strange Stories of, by J. Timbs 193H Animals, Geographical and Geological Distribution of, by A. Heilprin. 1887 57oD Industries of, by F. Houssay. 1893 717D The Senses of, by Sir J. Lubbock. 1888 5561 ^^ — -The Speech of : Professor Garner’s Theory refuted ; see The Speech of Man and Holy Writ (1894) 480A Uses of, to Man, by E. R. Lankester ■ 507D Wild Animals in Captivity, by A.D. Bartlett. 1898. . . 435D Anselm (St.) [Abp. Canterbury 1096-1109] Life of, by R. W. Church. 1870 27 1 B Ansted (D. T.) Geological Gossip 221 D In Search of Minerals (Nat. Hist. Rambles) 67 il) xVnstey (F. [psettd of T. A. Guthrie]) Burglar Bill, etc. (Burlesque Recitations) 212P Voces Populi (from Punch). 1890 835 L Voces Populi (2nd series). 1892 836L Novels and Tales : A Bayard from Bengal 19A1 The Black Poodle, etc 19A2 The Brass Bottle 19A3 ; A Fallen Idol 19A4 The Giant’s Robe 19A5 Love among the Lions 19A0 Lyre and Lancet 19A7 The Man from Blankley’s, etc 19A8 Paleface and Redskin, and other Stories 149F I The Pariah 19A9 'The Statement of Stella Maberley 19A10 The Talking Horse, etc 19A11 The Tinted Venus 19A12 Tourmalin’s Time Cheques 19A13 Under the Rose 19A14 Vice Versa 19A15 Antarctic Regions : First on the .'\ntarctic Continent, by C'. IL Horchgievink. 1901 1206B ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Arc \ \ AntKems and Songs from the Musical Times 3 V 353 ^ to 355 ^ Anthony (C.) Popular Sovereignty. 1880 38C Thoughts on Democratic Reform. Anthropology, the Study of Man and Civilization, by E. B. Tylor. 1881 616D Anti-Christ, The, by E. Renan 461 A Antiquities, Popular, Observations on, by J. Brand. 1877. . . 197B — See also Archaeology. Antiseptics, Chemistry of, by J. M. Thomson. 1887 47 iD Anti-Vivisection, see Vivisection. Antrim, Highways and Byways in, see Ireland. Antrobus (C. L.) Quality Corner (a Novel) 20A1 Ants, Bees, and Wasps, by Sir J. Lubbock. 1882 528D Apocalypse, see Bible (Revelation). Apostles, The by E. Renan 459A Apostles of Mediaeval Europe, by G. F. Maclear 1489B Apostles’ Creed, The, see Creed. Applied Mechanics, see Mechanics. Aquaria, Fresh- water (Water Plants, Fishes, Mollusca, etc.), by G. C, Bateman. 1902 761 D Arabian Nights Entertainments 28 Ai and 28 A2 Arabistan, The Land of the Arabian Nights, by W. P. Fogg. 1875 292B Arbuthnot (Sir A. J.) Lord Clive, and the Foundation of British Rule in India. 1899 1242B Arcady, for Better, for Worse, by A. Jessop. 1887 769L Arch, Joseph, Autobiography of. 1898 1094B Archaeology, British, Handbook of, by C. Boutell. 1897 542D Handbook of Archaeology (Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman), by H. M. Westropp. 1878 .... 5 5 3D -Essays on Archaeology, by T. Wright, 2 v. 1861 505L Archer (M.) William Hedley, the Inventor of Railway Loco- motion 1057B Archer (T.) The Highway of Letters. 1896 1059L Fleet Street and its Literary Associations. Archer (T. A.) and Kingsford (C. L.) The Crusades (Story of the Nations) 909B Archer (W.) About the Theatre. 1886 878L English Dramatists of To-day. 1882 loL Henry Irving, Actor and Manager 968 B Archibald (D.) Story of the Earth’s Atmosphere. 1897 382D Arc ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. t6 Architects (British) Lives ot. by A. Cunningham 399B William of Wykeham. Iiiigfo Jones. Sir Christopher Wren. .Sir John Vanbrug-h. Gibbs. Wm, Kent. Richard, Earl of Burling- ton. Sir W. Chambers. Architecture ; Bishop (H. H.) Pictorial Architecture of the British Isles. 1890 243 1) - — Pictorial Architecture of Greece and Italy. 1890 249D Lefevre and Donald, Marvels of Architecture 2D Fletcher (B. & B. F.) History of Architecture. 1896. . 737D Parker (J. H.) Introduction to Gothic Architecture. 1877 iD Parkes (S. T. H.) Study of Gothic Architecture 364D Richardson (C. J.) The Englishman’s House 41 D Rosengarten (A.) Handbook of Architectural Styles. 1889 725D Ruskin (J.) The Nature of Gothic. 1900 348 D A chapter from the “ Stones of Venice.” The Seven Lamps of Architecture. 1890 630D The Stones of Venice, 3 v. 1898-03 788D Statham (H. H.) Elements of Architectural Design. 1888 460D Weale (J.) Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture, etc., 1850 40D Cantor Lectures on Architecture. 1884 479D On the Building of Town Houses, by Edis. On the Decorative Treatment of Metal in Architecture, by Birch. See also Abbeys, Cathedrals, Churches, Houses, and under such entries as Florence, Italy, Pompeii, Rome, Venice, etc. Architectural Hygiene, by B. F. and H. P. Fletcher. 1899. . . . 736D Sanitary Science as applied to Buildings. Arctic, The : Beesly (A. H.) Sir John Frankhn 573^ Brown (J.) The North-West Passage and the Search for I Franklin. 1858 75-B Eden (C. H.) Frozen Asia. 1879 68 3F Hall (C. F.) Life with the Esquimaux. 1865 3C^B Hartwig (G.) The Polar World. 1874 225 D Kane (E. K.) Explorations in Search of Franklin, 2 v. 1857 251B Koldewey (K.) The German Arctic Expedition of 1869-70. 1874 249B Markham (C. R.) The Threshold of the Unknown Region 1875 247B 17 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Am Arctic, The {continued ) : Nansen (F.) Eskimo Life . 12136 Farthest North, 2 v. 1898 1131B ^The First Crossing of Greenland, 1892 1070B Nares (Sir G. S.) Voyage to the Polar Sea, 2 v. 1878 . . 313B Peary (J. B. and R. E.) Arctic Journal. 1893 1090B With an account of the Great White Journey across Greenland. Whymper (F.) Heroes of the Arctic. 1889 960B See also Antarctic. Argles (Mrs.), see Hungerford (Mrs.). Argosy, The, from vol. i (1866) to vol. 75 (1901) 51M First two years published by A. Strahan, and containingr stories and essays by G. MacDonald, Matthew Browne, Alex. Smith, etc. From 1868 to 1887 edited by Mrs. Henry Wood, and containing novels and tales by her ; afterwards edited by her son, C. W. Wood. Came to an end December, 1901. Argyll (George, Duke of) Commercial Principles applicable to Contracts for the Hire of Land. 1877 iiC The Reign of Law. 1877 86A The Supernatural Law. Contrivance a necessity arising out of the Reign of Law, Apparent Exceptions. Creation by Law. The Reign of Law in the Realm of Mind. Law in Politics. Argyll (John, Duke of), see Lome (Marquis of). Arians, The, of the Fourth Century, by J. H. Newman 54A Causes of the Rise and Successes of Arianism, by J. H. Newman (Tracts) 319A Aristophanes, Introduction to, by W. L. Collins. 1877 12L Aristotle, Introduction to, by Sir A. Grant. 1877 13L Armada, The Spanish Story of the, by J. A. Froude. 1895 ... . 1066B Armenia, A Year in, by R. Curzon. 1854 990B Arms and Armour, by C. A. Boutell. 1874 43D •Armstrong (Capt.) The Sailor Hero (A novel) 21 Ai Armstrong (F.) Old Caleb’s Will (A story) 22A1 Armstrong (H. E.) Organic Chemistry. 1874 97D Armstrong (R. A.) Man’s Knowledge of God. 1886 468A Armstrong (R. A., and others) Henry W. Crosskey (of Bir- mingham), his Life and Work 1233B Arnauld, Angehque (of Port Royal), Life of, by F. Martin, 1873 666B xArnold (Sir E.) The Light of Asia : a poem 174P The Life and Teaching of Gautama, or Buddha. The Light of the World : a poem 249P The Song Celestial 175P A metrical Translation of the Bhagavad Gita, Am ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 8 Arnold (Sir E.) Seas and Lands. 1894 982B America. The Pacific. Japan. Arnold (E. L.) Novels ; I'he Constable of St. Nicholas 23 A i Phra the Phoenician 23 A 2 Arnold (M.) Culture and Anarchy. 1889 48L An Essay in Political and Social Criticism. Essays in Criticism. 1875 6L The Function of Criticism. Literary Influence of Academies. Maurice du Guerin. Heinrich Heine. A Persian Passion-Play. Spinoza and the Bible, etc. Essays in Criticism (2nd series). 1896 7L The Study of Poetry. Milton. Gray. Keats. Wordsworth. Byron. Shelley. Count Tolstoi. Amiel. — — — Irish Essays, and others. 1891 49L The Incompatibles. An Un regfarded Irish Grievance. F.cce Con- verthnuf ad Gentes, The Future of Liberalism. A Speech at Eton. The French Play in London. Copyrig'ht. Prefaces to Poems. Literature and Dogma 38 2 A St. Paul and Protestantism. 1887 383 A — Poems of (selected) 21 iP -Poetical Works of (complete) 240P — The Study of Celtic Literature. 1891 50!^ Arnold, Matthew, by H. Paul (English Men of Letters). 1902 622L Matthew Arnold, by G. W. E. Russell (Literary Lives). 1904 145 1 B Arnold (Thos., of Rugby) Sermons, 2 v. 1874-7 46A Arnold, Thomas, Life and Correspondence of, by A . P. Stanley. 1890 • 74 iB .\niot (W.) Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth, 2 v. 1858 . . 34A Illustrations of the Book of Proverbs. Arnot (W., E.C.S.) Technology of the Paper Trade. 1878. . . . 493D Art : Bell (Sir C.) Anatomy of Expression. 1888 567D Colvin (S.) Connexion of Greek and Roman Art with the Classics. 1877 496D Crane (W.) The Bases of Design. 1902 335^ Line and Form. 1902 336D Haddon (A. C.) Evolution in Art. 1895 34oD Hamerton (P. G.) Thoughts about Art. 1873 6u)D Painting from N.iture. Painting from Memoianda. Plu>logr.aphy and Painting. Picture Buying. Art Criticism. .Vmaleur Painters. Picture Dealers. Picture Frames. The Philosophy Ktching, etc. 19 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Art Art {continued ) ; Harrison (J. E.) Introductory Studies in Greek Art. 1885 554!^ Martel (C.) Principles of Form in Ornamental Art. 1857 29D Midgley (W.) and Lilley (A. E. V.) Studies in Plant Form and Design 338D Moore (G.) Modern Painting. 1893 74oE> Nisbet (Hume) Where Art Begins. 1892 739D Palgrave (F. T.) Essays on Art. 1866 620D Tlie Royal Academy of 1863-5. Mulready, Herbert and Holman Hunt. Sculpture in Eng-land, etc. Phythian (J. E.) The Story of British Art. 1901 38sD Ruskin (J.) The Art of England. 1898 654D For contents, see under Ruskin. — The Eagle’s Nest. 1887 627D The relation of Natural Science to Art. Giotto and his Works in Padua. 1900 347^) A Joy for Ever (The Political Economy of Art). 1889. 628D Lectures on Art (Oxford, 1870). 1875 232D Modern Painters, 6 v. 1898 34 iD Vol. I— Of General Principles, and of Truth. Vol. 2 — Of the Imag^inative and Theoretic Faculties. Vol. 3 — Of Many Things. Vol. 4 -Of Mountain Beauty. Vol. 5 —Of Leaf Beauty. Of Cloud Beauty. Of Ideas of Relation. Vol. 6 — General Index, Bibliography, and Notes. Selections from Modern Painters. 1882 324L The Two Paths. 1887 629D Val D’Arno (Lectures on Tuscan Art). 1890... . 65 iD Selections from the Writings of, 2 v. 1894. 922L Sc 92 3L Seeman (O.) Greek and Roman Mythology : its Use in Art. 1877 38D South Kensington xArt Handbooks — 1) 732 — Furniture and Woodwork, Ancient and Modern, by J. H. Pollen (1875). D 731 — Ivories, Ancient and Mediaeval, by W. .Vlaskell (1875) D 733— Musical Instruments, by C. Engel (1875). R 734 — Textile Fabrics, by D, Rock (1876). Warren (H.) Half-hour Lectures on Drawing and Painting 1 5D Weale (J.) Dictionary of Terms used in Art. 1849-50.. 40D White (W.) The Principles of Art according to Ruskin. 1895 337D As illustrated by examples in the Ruskin Museum at Sheffield. Art ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 20 Art {continued ) : ('antor Lectures on Art Subjects 47oD Some Principles of Form : Design in Applied Art, by H. Stannus. On Design in Lettering, by L. F. Day. On Design Applied to Wood Carving, by L. F. Day. Japanese Art Industries, by E. Hart. On Decorative Bookbinding, by C. Davenport. Lectures on Painting by Royal Academicians. 1848... 4D Lectures by James Barry, John Opie, and Henry Fuseli. Art, see also entries under Artistic Anatomy, Book Illustration, Colouring, Decoration, Design, Drawing, Dress, Engraving, Illuminating, Ornament, Painting, Perspective, Plant From, Scuplture, Sketching, Tapestry. Art at Home Series, ed. by W. J. Loftie — D 461 — A Plea for Art in the House, by W. J. Loftie. 1879. D 462 — Suggestions for House Decoration, by E. Garrett. 1S77 D 463 — Music in the House, by J. Hullah. 1878 D 464 — The Drawing Room, by Mrs. Orrinsmith. 1878. D 465 — The Dining Room, by Mrs Loftie. 1878. D 466 — The Bedroom and Boudoir, by Lady Barker. 1878. D 467 — Dress, by Mrs. Oliphant, 1878. G 76 — Amateur Theatricals, b}' W. H. and Ladj' Pollock. 1879. D 469— Needlework, by E. Glaistcr. 1880. L 803 — The Library, by A. Lang and A. Dobson. i88i. .Art emus Ward, see Ward. Arthur (King) : Morte d'Arthur, by Sir T. Malory (revised for Modern Use by Sir E. Strachey) 282L See also Popular Romances of the Middle Ages, by G. W. Cox and E. H. Jones 99L -See also Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. .\rtistic Anatomy : Comparative Anatomy for Artists, by B. W. Hawkins. 1883 360D Cattle and Sheep, by B. W. Hawkins 7D of the Dog and Deer, by B. W. Hawkins 8D The Horse, by B. W. Hawkins loD The Human Figure, by H. Warren 9I) Artists (Contemporary) Biographical Anecodotes of, by R. Kempt (Pencil and Palette). 1881 Artists ; Lives of British Painters, by A. Cunningham, 3 v 39bB V'ol. I — The Earlv Painters, Hogarth, Wilson, Reynolds, Gains- borough. Vol. a. — West. Barry. Blake. Opie. Morland. Bird. Fuseli. Vol. 3. — Cosway. .Allen. Northcotc. Beaumont. Liversege. I.awrence. Burnet. Jackson. Artists (English), Homes, Works, and Shrines of, by F. W. Eairholt. 1873 48 5 ^^ 21 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. AsS Artists : Great Minds in Art, by W. Tirebuck. 1888 528B Gustave Dore. Albert Durer. Raphael. Rembrandt. Velasquez. Richard Wilson. Sir E. Landseer. Sir D. Wilkie. Modem Painters and their Paintings, by S. Tytler. 1885 730D -Old Masters and their Pictures, by S. Tytler. 1884. ... 51 3D ——Great Artists and their Works : B 501 — Titian, by R. F. Heath. 1879. B 502— Rembrandt, by J. M. Mollett. 1879. B 503— Vandyck and Hals, by P. R. Head. 1879. B 504 — RafFaelle, by N. D’Anvers. 1879. B 505 — Reynolds, by F. S. Pulling. 1880. B 506 — Turner, by C. Monkhouse. 1879. B 507 — Landseer, by F. G. Stephens. 1880. B 508 — Hogarth, by A. Dobson. 1879. B 509 — Tintoretto, by W. R. Osier. 1879. B 510 — Horace Vernet and Paul Delaroche, by J. R. Rees. 1880. B 511— The Figure Painters of Holland, by Lord R. Gower. 1880. B 512 — The Little Masters of German3% b\- W. B Scott. 1879. B 513— Giotto, by H. Quilter. 1881. B 514 — Ghiberti and Donatello, bj’ L. Scott. 1882. B 515— Cruikshank, by F. G. Stepliens. 1891. B 516 — David Cox and De Wint, by G. R. Redgrave. 1891. Arts (Society of) Past and Present, by S. T. Davenport 49 iD Arts : Pretty Arts for Leisure Hours, by E. A. Davidson. 1879 520D Workshop Receipts, by E. F. Spon and others. 5 v. 1895 816D Art Smithing, Handbook of, by F. S. Meyer. 1896 87 iD Aryans, Origin of the, by I. Taylor, junr 827L Ascham (R). Toxophilus, or the School of Shooting. 1545. (Reprint 1869) 3L An ancient treatise on Archery, temp. Henry VIII Asia, see China, India, Japan, Korea, Persia, Siberia. Asia, Central : Bnmaby (F.) A Ride to Khiva. 1881 222B Hedin (Sven) Through Asia, 2 v. 1898 1433B The Southern Pamirs. Across the Desert of Gobi to Lop-Nor. Through Northern Tibet and Tsaidam. From Tsaidam to Peking. Landor (A. H. S.) In the Forbidden Land [Tibet], 2 v. 1898 1133B Across Coveted Lands, 2 v. 1902 1425B To India by way of Southern Russia, the Caspian, Persia, etc. Asia Minor, On Horseback through, by F. Burnaby. 1878 .... 343B Assisi, Francis of, see Francis. Assyria : Nineveh and Babylon, by A. H. Layard. 1874 22 iB to the Fall of Nineveh, by Z. A. Ragozin (Story of the Nations). 1888 884B Ass ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Assyria : Its Princes, Priests, and People, by A. H. Sayce 708B See also Chaldaea and Media. .\ston Manor, Books relating to : see collection in Reference Library Catalogue ; also most hooks under Birmingham in this Catalogue. Aston Manor Reference Library Catalogue. 1898 429L Supplement to the Foregoing. 1904 I.SoL Aston School Board Report, 1875-1878 122C Astronomers, Lives of (Heroes of Science), by E. J. C. Morton. 1882 963B Astronomy : x\iry (Sir G. B.) Popular Astronomy. 1868 10 iD Ball (Sir R. S.) The Earth’s Beginning 1901 744L) ^In the High Heavens. 1893 747^ In Starry Realms. 1892 746D ^Star-Land : Talks with Young People. 1889 . . 63 iD The Story of the Heavens. 1890 248D Time and Tide (The Moon). 1889 634D Brewster (Sir D.) More Worlds than One. 1854 222D Buckley (A.) Through Magic Glasses 639D Chambers (G. F.) The Story of the Solar System. 1896 372D The Story of the Stars. 1896 37.30 Christie (W. H. M.) Manual of Elementary Astromony. 1884 69 1 D Clerke (A. M., etc.) The Concise Knowledge Astronomy. 1898 436T) Dade (A. Z.) Travels with a Sunbeam. 1894 283D Fison (A. H.) Recent Advances in Astronomy. 1898. . 423D Flammarion (C.) Popular Astromony. 1894 267 D Giberne (A.) Sun, Moon, and Stars. 1889 632 D This Wonderful Universe. 1897 424D Green (A. H.) The Birth and Growth of Worlds. 1890 767 D Herschel (Sir J. F. W.) Treatise on Astronomy. 1833. 104I) Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects. 1867 506D Lockyer (J. N.) Elementary Lessons in Astronomy. 1876 io20 Mitchel (O. M.) The Orbs of Heaven. 1856 103D Popular Astronomy, i860 icx)D Nasmyth (J.) and Carpenter (J.) The Moon. 1903 827D Newcomb (S.) Astronomy for Everybody. 1903 828D The Stars : A Study of the Universe. 1902. . . . 849D Ikmtou (M.) The Material Universe. 1863 .=!i4U 2 3 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Aud Astronomy {continued ) : Proctor (R. A.) Easy Star Lessons. 1882 515D Half-hours with the Telescope. 1889 663D Leisure Readings. 1896 41 8D Light Science for Leisure Hours. 2 v. 1873 • • • • 239D The Universe of Suns, etc. 1884 420D Our Place among Infinities. 1876 99D ^Pleasant Ways in Science. 1895 419L) -Other Suns than Ours. 1891 645 D Young (C. A.) The Sun. 1882 S26D Atalanta, the Victorian Magazine (Yearly vols.) Complete set, from 1887 to 1898, ii v M2801 to 2811 Atherton (G.) Novels and Tales : The Californians 24A1 Rulers of Kings 24 A 2 Senator North 24 A 3 The Splendid Idle Forties (Stories of California) 24A4 The Valiant Runaways (Juvenile Story) 912F Atkinson (Blanche) Novels : A Commonplace Girl 25A1 They Have their Reward 25A2 The Web of Life . 2 5 A3 Atkinson (J. C.) Forty Years in a Moorland Parish. 1891 .... 858L Reminiscences in Danby, Cleveland, Yorkshire. Walks, Talks, Travels, and Exploits of Two Schoolboys 75 iF Play-Hours and Half-Holidays 752F Sequel to the above. Atlantic Monthly (half-yearly volumes). From Vol. 47, 1881, to Vol. 70, 1892 M1887 to M1910 Atmosphere : Story of the Earth’s Atmosphere, by D. Archi- bald. 1897 382D Waves and Ripples, by J. A. Fleming 76ST) The Ocean of Air, by A. Giberne. 1891 63 3D Sounding the Ocean of Air, by A. L. Rotch. 1900 774D The Atmosphere. Clouds. Balloons. Ballon-Sondes for Great Altitudes. Kites, etc. Atoms : The Atomic Theory, by A. Wurtz. 1881 521 D Atonement, The, see Jesus Christ. Auber (D. F. E.) Crown Diamonds, Opera 327R Fra Diavolo, Opera 245 R Masaniello, Opera 246R Audran(E.) La Cigale, Comic Opera iR Aud ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 24 Audran (E.) La Mascotte, Cotnic Opera 3R La Poupee, Comic Opera 13R -Olivette, Comic Opera 2R Augustine (St.) Confessions of [trans.) 599A Aurelius (Marcus) Meditations of, trans. by Jeremy Collier. . . . 471 A Life of, by F. W. Farrar (“ Seekers after God ”). 1888 85A Austen (Jane) Novels and Tales : Emma 26A i Mansfield Park 26A2 Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion 26A3 Pride and Prejudice 26A4 Sense and Sensibility 26 A 5 Austen (W. C. R.) Alloys (Cantor Lectures). 1888 458D ——Alloys Used for Coinage (Cantor Lectures). 1884 4/6D Austin (A.) England’s Darling (a Dramatic Poem) 360P Fortunatus the Pessimist (a Poem) 361 P The Human Tragedy (a Poem) 362 P Narrative Poems 366P -Prince Lucifer (Dramatic Poem) 363P Savonarola : a Tragedy 364P The Tower of Babel ; a Celestial Love Drama 365 P Austin (Stella) Paul’s Friend (Juvenile Story) 592F Australasia : The Imperial Heritage, by E. E. Williams. 1898 1164B Australia : Bon wick (J.) Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days. 1890 1261B The Romance of the Wool Trade. 1894 295 D Dale (R. W.) Impressions of Australia. 1889 823B Dilke (C. W.) Greater Britain. 1872 152B Eden (C. H.) Australia’s Heroes. 1885 959B The Fifth Continent 684F Fitzgerald (J. F. V.) Australia (descriptive account). 1881 620B Hart (F.) Western Australia in 1891 958B Hill (F. & R.) What we Saw in Australia. 1875 33oB Mennell (R.) The Coming Colony (Western Australia). 1892 1058B Powell (G. Baden) New Homes for the Old Country. . . . 564B Praed (Mrs. ('ampbell) Australian Life, Black and White 1885 986L Shaw (F. L.) The Story of Australia. 1897 1253B Taylor (J. F.) Our Island Continent. 1886 973B 2 5 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bab Australia {continued) : Tregarthen (G.) The Australian Continent (Story of the Nations). 1893 904B Trollope (A.) Australia, 3 v. 1874 277B Victoria : The British “ El Dorado ” in 1869 153B Willoughby (H.) Australian Pictures, by pen and pencil. 1886 851B See also Life of Edward Gibbon Wakefield. Vustria (House of) History of (from 1218 to 1792), by W. Coxe, 3 V. 1847 i7SB The Story of, by S. Whitman (Story of the Nations). 1899 920B Austria-Hungary, Descriptive Account, by D. Kay. 1880 .... 62 iB Authr>rs : Yesterdays with Authors, by J. Field. 1873 174L The Best of all Good Company, by B. Jerrold. 1872 .... 479L Authors at Work, by C. Pebody. 1872 308L -My First Book, ed. by J. K. Jerome. 1894 999l- The experiences of Janies Payn, Walter Besant, W. Clark Russell, Grant Allen, J. K. Jerome, G. R. Sims, Conan Doyle, Miss Braddon, D, Christie Murraj’, H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling, and other authors, told by themselves. Letters to Dead Authors, by A. Lang. 1892 1038L Automatism, Winds of Doctrine, by C. Elam. 1876 95A Avebury (Sir John Lubbock, Lord), see Lubbock. Avery (Harold) Juvenile Stories : A Boy All Over 815F Heads or Tails ? 460F Mobsley’s Mohicans 914F Sale’s Sharpshooters 915F The Triple Alliance 916F Avon ; Shakespeare’s Avon, from Source to Severn, by C. Showell. 1901 1227B Rambles by the River Avon, by J. Thorne. 1845 61 8B Ay 1 ward (A.) The Transvaal of To-day. 1878 787B Aytoun (W. E.) Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers 248P Life of Richard I. (Cneur-de-Lion) 470B Aytoun (W. E.) and Martin (Sir T.) Bon Gaultier Ballads .... 243P Aztecs, Through the Land of the, by a “ Gringo.” 1892 957B B. (E. P.) God the Beautiful : An Artist’s Creed. 1902 .... 5 87 A Babington (C.) Manual of British Botany. 1843 205 D Babylon and Nineveh, by A. H. Layard. 1874 22 iB The Story of Media, by A. Z. Ragozin (Story of the Nations). 1889 889B Bab ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 36 Babylon : Babylonian Life and History, by E. A. W. Budge. 1884 705B Bach (J. S.) Christmas Oratorio 249R Compositions for the Pianoforte loi & 102R Organ Works, ed. by W. T. Best, 18 v 401 R Vols. 1-3. Preludes and Fugues. \’ol. 4. Fantasia, Toccatas, and Fugues. Vol. 5. Toccatas, Fugues, and Passacaglia. Vol. 6. Fugues, Alla Breve, Canzona, and Fantasias. Vol. 7. Eight Short Preludes and Fugues. Vol. 8. Six Sonatas for Two Claviers and Pedal. Vol. q. Preludes, Fugues, Fantasias, etc. Vol. 10. Four Concertos. Vols. 11-16. The Great Choral-Preludes. Vol. 17. Fift}- Short Choral-Preludes. Vol. r8. (Edited bj' E. H. Turpin). Choral Preludes, etc., for Manuals only. The Passion (St. Matthew) 250R -The Passion (St. John) 25 iR Preludes and Fugues (Organ) 248R Preludes and Fugues (Pianoforte) 244R A Stronghold Sure, Cantata 5R Bacheller (Irving) Novels : D’ri and I iBi Eben Holden (an American Story) 1B2 Bachelor Kings of England, Lives of, by A. Strickland. 1861 . . 38 iB Bacon (Francis, Lord Verulam) Essays, ed. by S. W. Singer. 1857 391- Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, by R. W. Church (English Men of Letters). 1884 61 5I. — The Story of His Life, by W. Hepworth Dixon. 1862. . 414B Francis Bacon the author of Shakespeare, by G. James. 1893 1030L Bacteria : The Story of Germ Life, by H. W. Conn. 1897. . . . 380I) -Our Secret Friends and Foes, by P. F. Frankland. 1893 769D — Bacteria in relation to the Economy of Nature, by G. Newman. 1900 847 D Baedeker (K.) Handbook for Northern Italy. 1879 81 iB Handbook for Switzerland, Savoy and Tyrol. 1893 .... 930B Bagehot (W.) Lombard Street : a Description of the Money Market. 1875 Physics and Politics. 1876 22C I'he Preliminary Age. The Use of Conflict. Nation-making. The Age of Discussion. W'rifiable Progress, politically considered. Bagnall (J. F.) Handbook of Mosses. 1886 534^ 27 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bal Bailey (J. M.) Folks in Danbury 42L Bailey (L. H.) Lessons with Plants. 1898 425D Bailey (P. J.) Festus : a Poem 4P Baillie (Joanna) Plays on the Passions, v. i 221P Baillot : Method of Instruction for the Violin 188R Bain (A.) Education as a Science. 1879 30C Mind and Body : the Theories of their Relation. 1876.. 98A Baker (E. A.) Moors, Crags, and Tors of the High Peak. 1903 1422B Baker (Harold) The Collegiate Church of Stratford-on-Avon (Bell’s Handbook). 1903 1335B Baker (Jas.) Guide to Bristol and Clifton, (1900) 1339B Novels ; The Cardinal’s Page (Historical Adventure) .... 2B1 The Gleaming Dawn : a Historical Romance .... 2B2 John Westacott 2B3 Baker (Jas., Lt.-Col.) Turkey in Europe. 1877 304B Baker (Sir S. W.) The Albert N’Yanza (Africa), 1870 229B Eight Years in Ceylon. 1884 216B — ‘ Ismaiha ’ : an Expedition to Central Africa, 2 v, 1874 227B True Tales for my Grandsons 98F Baker (W. M.), see Kirkes and Baker. Balfe (M. W.) The Bohemian Girl, Opera 247R — The Rose of Castille, Opera 4R Satanella, Opera 237R Balfour (A.) Novels : By Stroke of Sword 3B1 To Arms ! 3B2 Vengeance is Mine [Napoleonic Wars] 3B3 Balfour (A. J.) The Foundations of Belief. 1895 225A Balfour, Arthur James, The Man and his Work, by B. Alderson. 1903 1437B Balfour (C. L., Mrs.) Sunbeams for all Seasons. 1867 43L Balfour (J. H.) Manual of Botany. 1863 206D Balkans, The, by W. Miller (Story of the Nations). 1896 91 iB Ball (Sir R.) The Cause of an Ice Age. 1891 42 iD The Earth’s Beginning. 1901 744D In the High Heavens. 1893 747T) In Starry Realms. 1892 746D Star-Land; Talks with Young People. 1889 <33iD Story of the Heavens. 1890 248D — Time and Tide (The Moon), 1889 634D Bal ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 28 Ballad Book, The, ed. by Allingham 5P Ballads, Ancient and Modern 8P Ancient Spanish, trans. by J, G. Lockhart 97P -Legendary, of England and Scotland loP Ballantine (Wm,, Serjeant) Experiences of a Barrister’s Life. 1882 590B Ballantyne (R. M.) Tales (Juvenile) : The Battery and the Boiler 507 F The Buffalo Runners 510F Charlie to the Rescue 204F Coral Island ig6F Deep Down 192F Dusty Diamonds 193F Fast in the Ice 12F Gascoyne, the Sandal Wood Trader • 188F The Gorilla Hunters 195F Sequel to “ Coral Island.” The Island Queen 203F The Life-Boat 191F The Lighthouse 516F Post Haste 197F Red Eric 194F The Red Man’s Revenge 189F Silver Lake 190F Six Months at the Cape 506F Young Trawler 518F Ballard (F.) The Miracles of Unbelief. 1902 565 A Balloons, Wonderful Balloon Ascents, by F. Marion 408L Andree and his Balloon, by Lachambre and ^lachuron. 1898 1 126B — Sounding the Ocean of Air, by A, L. Rotch. 1900 774^^ Baltic, The “ Rob Roy ” on the, by J. Macgregor. 1867 242B Balzac (H. de) Novels (in French) : Le Lys dans la Vallee 15B1 Le Pere Goriot 15B2 Bamford (J. M.) Elias Power of Ease-in-Zion. 1884 744L An Allegory. Bancroft (G.) History of the United States (to 1782), 6 v. 1876 155B Bancroft (S. B. and Mrs.) On and Oft the Stage (Reininisct'nces) 2 v. 1888 801 B Banks (Fliz. L.) .Vutobiography of a Newspaper Girl. 1902 . . 948L Bannister (H. C^) Text Book of Music. 1903 511D 29 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bar Barbary Corsairs, The Story of the, by S. Lane Poole (Story of the Nations). 1890 892B Barclay (R.) Apology for the True Christian Divinity. 1869 The Poctrines of the Society of Friends, or Quakers. 127 and 1 28 A Bardsley (C. W.) English Surnames. 1875 47^ Barff (Prof.) Carbon : Its Uses for Heating and Illuminating Purposes (Cantor Lectures). 1874 49 5 T) Glass and Glass Painting (Cantor Lectures). 1872 493L) Barham, Francis, Memorials of, ed. by I. Pitman. 1846 650B Barham (R. H., Thos. Ingoldsby) The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels 12P Barham, Richard Harris {author of the foregoing) Life and Letters of, by his Son. 1880 274B Barker (H. J.) Our Boys and Girls at School 875L Curious Answers, Essays, etc., by Boys and Girls at School. Barker (Lady) The Bedroom and Boudoir (Art at Home Series). 1878 466D Station Life in New Zealand. 1874 1286B Barlow (Jane) Bog-Land Studies (Poems) 310P Novels and Tales : A Creel of Irish Stories 4B1 Kerrigan’s Quality 4B2 Barnaby (Sir N.) Naval Development in the 19th Century. 1904 823D Barnes (A.) Notes on Old Testament Books. 1847-1868 : A 521— Job. A 522-4 — Psalms (3 vols. ) A 525-7— Isaiah (3 vols.) A 528 — Daniel. Notes on the New Testament. 1832-51 ; A 140— Gospels : Matthew and Mark. A 141 — ,, Luke and John. A 142 — Acts of the Apostles. A 143 -Epistle to the Romans. A 144 — First Epistle to the Corinthians. A 145 — Epistles : 2 Corinthians to Galatians. A 146— ,, Ephesians to Colossians. A 147 — ,, Thessalonians to Philemon. A 148 — ,, Hebrews. A 149 — ,, James to Jude. A 150 — Revelation. Barnes (C. L.) Elementary Lessons in Acoustics. 1897 304D Barnes (W.) Poems of Rural Life 312P •Barnett (J.) The Mountain Sylph, Opera 306R Barnett (J. F). The Ancient Mariner, Cantata 305R ^Paradise and the Peri, Cantata 12R Bar ASTON manor lending library catalogue. 30 Barnett (L. J).) The Greek Drama (Temple Primer). 1900. . . . 843L Barnett (S. A. and Mrs.) Practicable Socialism. 1888 46(^ Essays on Social Reform. Barnum (P. T.) Struggles and Triumphs (Personal Recollections) 947L My Start as a Showman. The American Mi.seiim. (ieneral Tom Thumb. Jenny Lind. Curious Coincidences. Jumbo, etc. Barr (Amelia E.) Novels : Between Two Loves 5B1 The Bow of Orange Ribbon 5B2 ^ Cluny Macpherson 5B3 Feet of Clay 5B4 Friend Olivia 5B5 I, Thou, and the Other One 5B6 In Spite of Himself 5B7 Jan Veddar’s Wife 5B8 A Knight of the Nets 5B9 The Last of the Macalisters 5B10 Prisoners of Conscience 5 B 1 1 A Rose of a Hundred Leaves 5B12 The Squire of Sandalside 5B13 Trinity Bells 5B14 Was it Right to Forgive ? 5B15 Woven of Love and Glory 5B16 Barr (R.) The Unchanging East. 1900 95bL Humorous Sketches of a Voyage to Syria and Egypt. Novels : The Countess Tekla (historical romance) 6B i From Whose Bourne, etc 6B2 In a Steamer Chair, etc 6B3 In the Midst of Alarms 6B4 Jennie Baxter, Journalist 6B5 The Lady Electra (Stories) 6B6 The Mutable Many 6B7 Over the Border (a historical tale) 6B8 Prince of Good Fellows (historical tales) 6B9 Revenge (Tales) OB 10 The Strong Arm, etc. (historical tales) (iBii 'Die 'rempestuous Petticoat 6B14 'Die Victors (Modem American Life) 0Bi2» A Woman Intervenes (>Bi3 See also ('rane and Barr. 31 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bar Barrett (F.) Novels : The Admirable Lady Biddy Fane 7B1 Breaking the Shackles 7B2 The Error of Her Ways 7B3 Fettered for Life 7B4 Folly Morrison 7B5 The Great Hesper 7B6 Hidden Gold 7B7 The Justification of Andrew Lebrun 7B8 Kitty’s Father 7B9 Lieutenant Barnabas 7B10 The Missing Witness 7B11 Out of the Jaws of Death 7B12 A Recoiling Vengeance 7B13 A Set of Rogues 7B14 The Sin of Olga Zassoulitch 7B15 Under a Strange Mask 7B17 The Woman of the Iron Bracelet 7B18 Barrett (Wilson) The Sign of the Cross (a Novel) 8B1 and Barron (E.) In Old New York (a Novel) 8B2 and Hichens (R.) The Daughters of Babylon (a Novel) . . 8B3 Barrie (J. M.) An Edinburgh Eleven. 1889 816L Sketches of Lord Roseberj^, Professors Mason, Blackie, Tait, Fraser, Chrystal, and Sellar, Joseph Thomson, R. L. Stevenson, and the Rev. Walter C. Smith, D.D. Margaret Ogilvy. 1896 1142B A Memorial of His Mother, Margaret Ogilvy Barrie. My Lady Nicotine. 1890 81 5L Matrimony and Smoking Compared. My First Cigar. The Arcadia Mixture. My Pipes. My Tobacco Pouch. How Heroes Smoke, etc. Novels and Tales : Auld Licht Idylls 9B1 Better Dead 9B2 The Little Minister 9B3 and 9B4 The Little White Bird 9B5 Sentimental Tommy 9B6 Tommy and Grizel 9B7 Sequel to “Sentimental Tommy.’’ When a Man’s Single 9B8 A Window in Thrums 9B9 Barrie, J. M., and his Books, by J. A. Hammerton. 1900 1089L Barrows (E. P.) Introduction to the Study of the Bible 165 A Barry (Jas., R.A.) Lectures on Painting. 1848 4D Bar ASTON manor lending library catalogue, 32 Barry (W.) [Cardinal] Newman (Literary Lives). 1904 1452B Ernest Renan (Literary Lives). 1905 14S4B —The Papal Monarchy (Story of the Nations) 925B Novels : Arden Massiter loBi The Day-Spring (Paris, 1870-71) 10B2 The New Antigone 10B3 Bartholomew Fair, History of, by H. Morley 294L Bartlet (J, V.) Primer of Early Church History 1257B Bartlett (A. D.) Wild Animals in Captivity. 1898 43SD Experiences at the “ Zoo.” Bartlett (J.) Familiar Quotations 51L Bartram (G.) The People of Clopton ; a Novel iiBi Bate (J.) Talkers. 1878 759L Chapters on the use of the Tongue : The Monopolist. The False Humourist. The Flatterer. The Slanderer. The Grumbler. The Egotist, etc. Bateman (G. C.) Fresh-Water Aquaria : their Construction, arrangement, and management. 1902 76 iD Bath (Marquis of) Observations on Bulgarian Affairs. 1880. . 344B Batson (Mrs. S.) Dark: a Tale of the Down Country 12B1 Battles : Great Battles of the World, by S. Crane 1359B Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, by Sir E. Creasy. 1894 131B Deeds that Won the Empire, by W. H. Fitchett. 1898 1158B The Fight off Cape St. Vincent. The Heights of Abraham. The Great Lord Hawke. The Night Attack on Badajos. Nelson and the Nile. Mountain Combats. King-Making Waterloo. Trafalgar, etc. Fights for the Flag, by W. H. Fitchett. 1898 1 1 59B Blake and the Dutchmen. Blenheim. Dettingen. Minden. Corunna. Salamanca, Navarino. Inkermann. Famous Cavalry Charges, etc. Welhngton's Men, ed. by W. H. Fitchett 1280B Chapters of Autobiography by Men who scrv^ed under Wellington, from Torres Vedras to Waterloo. ^British Battles on Land and Sea, by J. Grant, 3 V 338B -Scenes through the Battle Smoke, by A. Male 832B The Afghan and Egyptian Campaigns, 1879-1882. -Told from the Ranks, ed. by E. M. Small. 1898 1236B Recollections of Famous Engagements, told by Privates and Non- Commissioned Officers. See also War Correspondence. Bauerman (H.) Text Book of Descriptive Mineralogy. 1884. . 5.'? 2D Bax (E. B.), see Morris and Bax. 33 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bea Baxter (J. A.) Harmonia Sacra. 1840 117R Chants, Sentences, Hymn Tunes, Responses, etc. Baxter (W. E.) Our Land Laws of the Past 29C Bayley (Dr.) Great Truths on Great Subjects. 1880 117A The Divine Unity and Trinit}^ The Atonement. The Christian Life. Death and Resurrection. Judgment. Bayley (Mrs.) Workmen and their Difficulties. 1861 28C Bayley (J. H. R.) Oscar and other Poems 13P Bayly (Ada E., Edna Lyall), see Lyall. Bayly (E. B.) Novels : Alfreda Home ijBi Forestwyk 13B2 Sequel to “ Zachary Brough's Venture.” Honor Greenleaf. . 13B3 Jonathan Merle : a West Country Story 13B4 Under the She-Oaks : an Australian Story 13B5 Zachary Brough’s Venture 13B6 Bayne (P.) Lessons from my Masters : Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. 1879 45 3L Bazin (Rene) The Italians of to-day. 1896 1169B A Blot of Ink (a Novel) 14B1 Beaconsfield (Earl of), see Disraeli (B.). Beal (S.) Buddhism in China. 1884 43?A Beale (S. S.) The Churches of Paris. 1893 137B Bear (W. E.) Payment for Value Received — the True Principle of Tenant Right. 1877 16C Relations of Landlord and Tenant in England and Scot- land. 1876 13C Beaumont (F.) and Fletcher (J.) Dramatic Works of, 2 v 16 iP P 16 1 — The Maid's Tragedy. Philaster. A King and No King. The Scornful Lady. Custom of the Country. The Elder Brother. The Spanish Curate. Humorous Lieutenant. The Faithful Shepherdess. The Mad Lover. The Loyal Subject. Rule a Wife and have a Wife. The Laws of Candy. The False One. The Little French Lawyer. Valentinian. Monsieur Thomas. The Chances. The Bloody Brother. The Wild-goose Chase. A Wife for a Months The Pilgrim. The Captain. P 162— The Prophetess. The Queen ot Corinth. Bonduca. The Knight of the Burning Pestle. The Double Marriage. The Knight of Malta. Love’s Cure. Women Pleased. The Woman’s Prize. The Island Princess. The Noble Gentleman. The Coxcomb. The Sea Voyage. Wit at Several Weapons. The Fair Maid of the Inn. Cupid’s Revenge. The Woman Hater. The Nice Valour. The Honest Man's Fortune. The Faithful Friends. The Two Noble Kinsmen. The Maid in the Mill. Love’s Pilgrimage. The Lover’s Progress. Masques. Poems, etc. B Bea ASTON manor lending library catalogue. 34 Beautiful, Elements of the, in Music, by E. Pauer 586D Becke (L.) Rodman the Boatsteerer, and other tales 16B1 and Jeffery (W.) A First Fleet Family : a Novel 16B2 Becker (A, W.) Charicles, 1886 577F The Private Life of the Ancient Greeks. Gallus, 1886 578F Roman Scenes in the Times of Aug-ustus. Becket (E. [Lord Grimthorpe]) Clocks, Watches, and Bells. 1883 48D Beddard (J. E.) A Book of Whales 846D Bede (Cuthbert [E. Bradley]) Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green (a Novel) 17B1 [Bedford (J. T.)] Robert: the Diary of a City Waiter 850L Beecher (H. W.) Lectures to Young Men 22A Industry and Idleness. Causes of Dishonesty. Gambling. The Strange Woman. Popular Amusements, etc. Life of Jesus the Christ. 1871 237A Life Thoughts. 1858 21A Royal Truths. 1873 293 A [Beeching (H. C.)] Conferences on Books and Men. 1900 .... 108 5L O.xford Wit and Humour. Abraham Cowley. Patriotic Songs. The New Criticism. Tears of the Muses. Cowper. The Poetry of Chaucer, etc. —Pages from a Private Diary. 1898 1086L Notes on Literarj’ Topics, Country Life, Recollections of Public Men, etc. Bees, Natural History and Management, ed. by Sir W. Jardine. . 174D Ants, Bees, and Wasps, by Sir J. Lubbock. 1882 528D Beesly (A. H.) Sir John Franklin : a biography. 1871 573^ Beet (J. Agar) Commentaries on St. Paul’s Epistles, 4 v. 1890 546A A 546 — Romans. A 547 — Corinthians. A 548 — Galatians. A 54Q — Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon. The Last Things. 1897 532A An Examination of various Theories of Future Punishment. Through Christ to God. 1897 A Study in Scientific Theology. Beethoven (L. Van) Choral Symphony 362R Fidelio, Opera 25 3R Mass in C 254R Mass in D 252R Mount of Olives, Oratorio 255R Sonatas for the Pianoforte 174^^ Symphonies for the Pianoforte 3^4^^ 35 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Ben Beetles, by J. Duncan (Nat. Lib.) 173D Beeton (Mrs. I.) The Book of Household Management.^ 1895 . . 50D Begbie (H.) Bundy on the Sea : a Child’s Story 802F Belfry, see Bells. Belgravia, three volumes a year. Commenced by M. E. Braddon, and ed. by her until 1876. From Vol. i. 1867 to 1891. [M 1181 to M 1256. The Vohtmes are made up ax follows : — March to June — July to October — November to February. Belief, The Foundations of, by A. J. Balfour. 1895 . 225 A Bell (C. D.) Henry Martyn, Missionary 656B Juvenile Stories : Kenneth and Hugh 121F Margaret Cecil 122F Mary Elliot 123F Bell (Sir C.) Anatomy of Expression. 1888 567D Bell (D. and C.) Standard Elocutionist (Pieces for Recitation). . 743L B[ell] (J. J.) Tales : Jess & Co. 18B1 Wee Macgreegor 18B2 Wee Macgreegor Again 18B3 Bell (M.) Deeds not Words : a Story 124F Bell (R. S. W.) Bachelorland : a Story of the Temple 19B1 Belles Lettres and Rhetoric, Lectures on, by H. Blair. 1838. . 991L Belle\v(C.) The Merry Circle (Parlour Pastimes) 65G Shadow Plaj^s, Fancy Portraits, Guessing Games, etc. Bellew (F.) The Art of Amusing 66G Making up Animals, Giants, Dwarfs, etc. Simple Tricks and Decep- tions, Puzzles, etc. Bellini (V.) Norma, Opera 2S6R 1 Puritani, Opera 257R La Sonnambula, Opera 259R Bells, Treatise on, by Sir E. Beckett [Lord Grimthorpe]. 1883 . 48D Electric Bells, and all about them, by S. R. Bottone. 1889 624D Curiosities of the Belfry, by J. P. Briscoe. 1883 7/iL Benedict (Sir J.) The Lily of Killarney, Opera 364R St. Peter, Oratorio 258R Benjamin (S. G. W.) Persia (Story of the Nations) 886B Bennett (Arnold) Novels : Anna of the. Five Towns 20B1 A Story of the Staffordshire Pottery Towns. Ben ASTON manor lending library catalogue. 36 Bennett (Arnold) Novels {continued)': A Great Man 20B2 The Grand Babylon Hotel 20B3 Teresa of Watling Street 20B4 Bennett (J.) Master Skylark : a Story of Shakespeare’s Time. . 63 iF Bennett (R.) Diseases of the Bible 710B Bennett (W. S.) May Queen, Cantata 260R , — The Woman of Samaria, Sacred Cantata. 261 R Benoni Blake, Surgeon at Glenaldie : a novel 21B1 Benson (A. C.) Edward FitzGerald (Eng. Men of Letters). 1905 11S9L Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Eng. Men of Letters). 1904. . . 1155L William Laud (Archbishop of Canterbury) : a Study. 1887 1238B Life of Alfred Tennyson. 1904 640B Life of Edward White Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, see Benson, E. W., below. Benson (E. E.) The Vintage : a novel 22B1 Benson (Abp. E. W.) Cyprian : his Life, his Times, his Work. 1897 1219B — Living Theology (Sermons). 1891 484 A Benson, Edward White, Archbishop, Life of, by his son, A. C. Benson 1221B Benson (J. W.) Time and Time-Tellers (Dials, Clocks, etc.). . . . 319D Bent (J. T.) Life of Giuseppe Garibaldi. 1882 1358B The Ruined Cities of Mashonaland. 1895 1161B Bentley, Richard, (Scholar and Critic) by R. C. Jebb (Eng. Men of Letters). 1882 605L Bentley (R.) Elementary Manual of Botany. 1888 692D Manual of Botany.' 1870 562D Berdoe (E.) The Healing Art and the Claims of Vivisection. . . . 660D Beresford (W.) Lichfield : Diocesan History 1019B Berington (J.) Literary History of the Middle Ages b37L Berlioz (H.) Faust, Dramatic Legend 361!^ Te Deum iiR Bernard, St. {of Clairvaux) Life and Times of, by J. C. Morison. 1868 7GJ8 Bernays (A. J.) Manual of Elementary Chemistry. 1883 6931.) Bernstein (J.) The Five Senses of Man. 1876 127D Berry (C. A.) Vision and Duty (Sermons). 1893 490A Berwick (J.) The Secret of St. Florel ; a Romance 23B1 Besant, Annie, Autobiography of. 1893 1146B 37 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bes Besant ([Sir] W.) The Art of Fiction : a Lecture. 1884 41 SL Eulogy of Richard Jefferies. 1888 849B Fifty Years Ago (1837-1887). 1888 800B — — Gaspard de Coligny (a Biography) 57iB London. 1892 1086B Pictures of the City from after the Romans to the Time of George II. Rabelais (Foreign Classics) - 518L Readings in Rabelais. 1883 75 6L Story of King Alfred. 1901 926L Novels and Tales : The Alabaster Box 24B1 All in a Garden Fair 24B2 All Sorts and Conditions of Men 24B3 Armorel of Lyonnesse 24B4 The Bell of St. Paul’s 24B5 Beyond the Dreams of Avarice 24B6 The Captain’s Room, etc 24B7 The Changeling 24B8 Children of Gibeon 24B9 The City of Refuge 24B10 The Demoniac 24B11 Dorothy Foster 24B12 The Doubts of Dives 24B13 For Faith and Freedom 24B14 A Fountain Sealed 24B15 The Fourth Generation 24B16 Herr Paulus 24B17 In Deacon’s Orders, etc 24B18 The Inner House 24B19 The Ivory Gate 24B20 Katherine Regina 24B21 The Lady of Lynn 24B22 The Master Craftsman 24B23 No Other Way 24B24 The Orange Girl 24B25 The Rebel Queen . 24B26 Revolt of Man 24B27 St. Katherine’s by the Tower 24B28 To Call Her Mine, etc 24B29 Uncle Jack, etc 24B30 Verbena, Camellia, Stephanotis, etc 24B31 The World went very well then 24B32 Bes ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 38 Besant^W.) and Rice (J.) Sir Richard Whittington (The New Plutarch) 579B Novels and Tales : By Celia’s Arbour 24B33 The Case of Mr. Lucraft, etc 24B34 Chaplain of the Fleet 24B35 The Golden Butterfly 24B36 The Monks of Thelema 24B37 My Little Girl 24B38 Ready-Money Mortiboy 24B39 The Seamy Side 24B40 The Ten Years’ Tenant, etc 24B41 This Son of Vulcan 24B42 ’Twas in Trafalgar’s Bay, etc 24B43 With Harp and Crown 24B44 Best (W. T.) Fifteen Celebrated Marches for the Organ 197R Bethell (A.) Helen in Switzerland (Juvenile Story) 303F Bethell, Richard, Lord Westbury, Life of, by T. A. Nash, 2 v. 1888 695B Bettesworth (W. A.) The Way About Warwickshire 993B Betting and Gambling : a National Evil, ed. by B. S. Rowntree. 1905 143C The Ethics of Gambling, by J. A, Hobson. The Extent of Gambling, by J. Hawke. Stock Exchange Gambling, by A. J. Wilson. Gambling Among Women, by J. M. Hogge. Crime and Gambling, bj’ Canon Horsley. The Deluded Sportsman, by a Bookmaker, Gambling and Citizenship, by J. R. MacDonald. Existing Legislation, by J. Hawke. The Repression of Gambling, by B. S. Rowntree. Bibliography. Beverley Minster, Handbook to, by C, Hiatt 1903 1331B Bhagavad-Gita (The) trans. in verse, by Sir E. Arnold (The Song Celestial) 175P Bible : Text, Expositions, and Commentaries : Old Testament : Separate Portions : Daniel, by A. Barnes. 1853 528A Ecclesiastes, Expository Lectures on, by S. Cox 34 1 A Ezekiel ; The Gospel in Ezekiel, by T. Guthrie. 1858. . 79A Genesis : The Method of Creation, by H. W. Crosskey. 1888 378A Isaiah, by A. Barnes, 3 v. 1847-8 5 25 A Job, by A. Barnes, 1847 521A Judges : Men of Faith, by L. H. Wiseman. 1870 396A Psalms, by A. Barnes, 3 v. 1868 5 22 A 39 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bib Bible : Text, Expositions, and Commentaries {continued) : Old Testament {continued ) : Proverbs, Illustrations of, by W. Arnot, 2 v. 1858 34 A Lessons on the, by R. C. Trench. 1853 37iA New Testament : New Testament (Greek), revised by Westcott and Hort. 1885 315A New Testament (English), Revised Version. 1881 316A Notes on the New Testament, by A. Barnes, II v. 1851 140A Separate Portions : Gospels ; The Living Christ and the Four Gospels, by R. W. Dale. 1890 394A — The Gospels, by E. Renan 462A Introduction to the Study of, by B. F. Westcott. 1875 108A Studies in the Gospels, by R. C. Trench. 1867. . 285A Gospel of St. John, The, by F. D. Maurice. 1877 .... 102A -of St. Mark, Word-Pictures from ; The Cartoons of St, Mark, by R. F. Horton. 1894 SiSA Acts of the Apostles, Lectures on, by C. J. Vaughan (The Church of the First Age), 3 v. 1873-5 • • • • 7^A Epistles ; Corinthians, Commentary on, by J. A. Beet. 1889 547A Corinthians, Expository Lectures on, by F. W. Robertson. 1877 43A Ephesians, Lectures on, by R- W. Dale. 1882. . 33SA Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon, Commentary on, by J. A. Beet. 1890 549 A Galatians, Commentary on, by J. A- Beet. 1888 548A — Commentary on, by J. Venn. 1878 289A Hebrews, Discourses on, by R. W. Dale. 1865. . 393A James (St.) Epistle of. Discourses on, by R. W. Dale. 1895 54 1 A Peter (St.) ist Epistle of, by R. Leighton, 2 v. 67A Romans, Commentary on, by J. A. Beet. 1890. . 546A Revelation Expounded, by F. B. Hooper, 2 v. 1861.. 263A Great Words and Visions of the Apocalypse (Memories of Patmos), by J. R. Macduff. 1871 . 314A The Apocalypse Explained, by E. Swedenborg, 6 v. 1854 181A The Apocalypse Revealed, by E. Swedenborg. 1877 187A Bib ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 40 Bible : Dictionaries, Handbooks, and other Helps to Bible Study : Alford (H.) How to Study the New Testament, 3 v. 1877 58 A Angus (J.) Bible Hand-Book 12A Barrows (E. P.) Introduction to the Study of the Bible 165 A Boutell (C.) Bible Dictionary 151 A By-Paths of Bible Knowledge : — B 701 — Cleopatra’s Needle ; its History and Hieroglyphics, by J. King. 1884. H 702— Galilee in the Time of Christ, by S. Merrill. 1886. 703 — Fresh Light from Bible Monuments, by A. H. Sayce. 1884. B 704 — Recent Discoveries on the Temple Hill, by J. King. 1884. B 705 — Babylonian Life and History, by E. A. W. Budge. 1884. B 706— Egyptian Life and History, by M. E. Harkness. 1884. B 707 — Egypt and Syria in relation to Bible History, by Sir J. W. Dawson. 1887. B 708 — Assyria ; its Princes, Priests, and People, by A. H. Sayce. B 709 — The Dwellers on the Nile, by E. A. W. Budge. 1888, B 710 — Diseases of the Bible, by R. Bennett. 1887. B 71 1— The Sanitary Code of the Pentateuch, by C. C. K. Gillespie. 1894. Church (A. J.) Stories from the Bible. 1890 65 2F Conder (C. R.) The Bible and the East. 1896 41 3 A Coleridge (S. T.) The Bible the Statesman's Manual (In Lay Sermons) 113L Cox(S.) Bible Expositions. 1874 161A An Expositor’s Note-Book. 1872 160A Cruden (A.) Concordance to the Bible 8 A Geikie (C.) Old Testament Portraits. 1878 243 A Gladstone (W. E.) The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture 1890 405A Green (S.) Bible Dictionary. 1841 297A Guthrie (T.) Studies of Character from the Old Testament, 2 V. 1884 399A Hessey (J. A.) Moral Difficulties connected with the Bible, 3 V. 1887 457A Illustrations of Scripture from Indian Life. 1878 298 A Jacox (F.) Secular Annotations on Scripture Texts, 2 v. 1875 4A Mackenzie (H.) Evolution Illuminating the Bible. 1891 481 A Modern Science Unlocking the Bible. 1892 482A Macmillan (H.) Bible Teachings in Nature. 1873 109A Maurice (F. D.) Patriarchs and Law-givers of the Old Testament. 1877 104A — Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament, 1871 1 05 A 41 ASTON MANOR LRNDiNG LIBRARY CATALOGUE. SlO Bible : Dictionaries, Handbooks and other Helps to Bible Study {continued)'. Moulton (J. H.) Introduction to the Study of New Testament Greek. 1895 520A Moulton (R. G.) The Literary Study of the Bible. 1896 518A Petrie (M. G.) Clues to Holy Writ. 1892 418A Rainy (R.) The Bible and Criticism. 1878 308 A Reade (C.) Bible Characters. 1888 37oA Ryle (H. C.) The Canon of the Old Testament. 1895. . 410A Smith (G.) The Chaldean Account of Genesis. 1876.-.. 178A Smith (J. H.) Greek Testament Lessons. 1884 374A Smith ([Sir] W.) Concise Bible Dictionary. 1865 .... 152A The Student’s Scripture History, 2 v. 1866. ... 401 A Smith (W. Robertson) The Old Testament in the Jewish Church. 1881 375 A Trail (W.) Literary Characteristics of the Bible. 1863 138A Trench (R. C.) New Testament Synonyms. 1855.... 372A Walters (W.) Claims of the Bible. 1873 71A Westcott (B. F.) The Canon of the New Testament. 1875 107A Whyte (Alex.) Bible Characters, 4 v. 1896 576A Bible, History of the : Borrow (G.) The Bible in Spain. 1889 737B Stoughton (J.) Our English Bible : its Translations and Translators. 1878 348L Taylor (I.) On the Transmission of Ancient Books. 1875 367L Westcott (B. F.) History of the English Bible. 1872. . 417A Bible Lands, see Works entered under Assyria, East, Egypt, Palestine, and Syria. Bible Society, Story of the, by W. Canton. 1904 554A Bidpai, The Fables of, see Hitopadesa. Billings, Josh., His Book of Sayings, [by H. W. Shaw] 60L Bindloss (H.) The Concession Hunters (a Story of West Africa) 25 Bi Binns (C. F.) The Story of the Potter 379D Biographical Essays, by F. Max Muller. 1870 439L Schiller. Wilhelm Muller. Joinville. Chasot. Shakespeare. Bacon in Germany. Baron Bunsen. Biographical Lectures, by G. Dawson. 1886 58 iB Sir Francis Drake, Milton. Cromwell. Bunyan. Defoe. Swift. Johnson. Goldsmith. Priestley. Charles Lamb. Carlyle. Thackeray. Hood, etc. Biographical Lectures, delivered at Manchester : D 85 — Charles Dickens, by A. W. Ward. D 86 — Life of Faraday, by Gladstone. D 87 — ^Joseph Priestley : his Life and Chemical Work, by Thorpe. John Dalton, by W. C..Roscoe. \ Bio Aston inIianor lending library catalogue. 42 Biographical Reminiscences ; Table Talk of “ Shirley," by J. Skelton. 1 895 1009L Reminiscences and Letters ot Fronde, Thackeray, Disraeli, Browning, Rossetti, Kingsle3^ Baynes, Huxley, Tyndall, and others. Biographies, Collected. Collected Biographies of well-defined classes, such as Lives of Archi- tects, Engineers, etc., are entered at the name of the class “Architects,” “Engineers,” etc. Biographies by Lord Macaulay. 1865 38^B Atterbur}'. Bunyan. Goldsmith. Johnson. Pitt. Boys (Brave) who have become Illustrious Men, by J. M. Barton 386B Carlyle. Ruskin. Cruikshank. Edward, the Scotch Naturalist. J. McGregor. J. B. Gough. John Bright, etc. Champions of the Right, by E. Gilliat. 1885 999B Collections and Recollections,' [by G. W. E. Russell.] 1898 1082B Russell. Shaftesburv. Manning. Sir Robert Peel. Gladstone. Disraeli, etc. Anecdotes and Recollections. Girls (Famous) who have become Illustrious Women, by J. M. Barton 3 9B Mrs. Hemans. Harriet Martineau. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Jenny Lind. Queen Victoria. The Princess of Wales, etc. Historical Gleanings, by J. E. Thorold Rogers, 2 v. 1869-70 53B Vol. I — Montagu, Earl of Halifax. Sir Robert Walpole. Adam Smith. Cobbett. Vol. 2 — Wicklif. Laud. Wilkes. Horne Tooke. Household of Faith (The), by G. W. E. Russell. 1903 . . 1408B For Contents, see under Author’s name. Lives [of 17th century Worthies], by Isaac Walton, 1899 1360B Dr. John Donne. Sir Henry Wotton. Richard Hooker. George Herbert. Dr. Robert Sanderson, Old World Worthies, from Plutarch 382B Themistocles. Pericles. Alcibiades. Demosthenes. Coriolanus. Julius Caesar. Cicero, etc. Our Exemplars, Poor and Rich, ed. by M. B. Hill. i860 362B Our Untitled Nobility, by J, Tillotson 372B Win. Smith, Geologist. Robert Raikes. David Nasmyth, founder of the City Mission, Captain Coram and the Foundling Hospital, ete. Peerage of Poverty, The, by E. Paxton Hood 436L John Clare. Pope Sixtus V. Pallissy the Potter. Michael Farada}'. Taylor the Water-Poet. James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd, etc. Portraits of the “ Sixties," by J. McCarthy. 1903 1415B Dickens. Thackeray. Carlyle. Tennyson. Richard Owen. The Brothers Newman. Cobden. Bright. Parliamentary Groups. Ruskin and the Pre-Raphaelites. Actors. Queens of Song. Queens of Society, etc. 43 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Bir Representative Men, by R. W, Emerson. 1870 37oB Plato. Swedenborg. Montaigne. Shakespeare. Napoleon. Goethe. Studies in Contemporary Biography, by J. Bryce, 1903 1413B Lord Beaeonsfield. Dean Stanley. Archbishop Tait. A. Trollope. J. R. Green. Bp. Fraser. C. S. Parnell. E. A. Freeman. Robert Lowe (Viscount Sherbrooke), W. E. Glad- stone, etc. Torch-Bearers of History, by A, H. Stirling. 1897 .... 1170B Homer. Sophocles, Socrates. Ale.xander the Great. ijulius Caesar. Virgil. Hypatia. King Arthur. Charlemagne. Dante. Robert Bruce. Joan of Arc. Columbus. Copernicus. Luther. Williaih of Orange. Drake. Gustavus-Adolphus. Richelieu. Cromwell. Newton. Peter the Great. Clive. Washington, etc. Universal Index of Biography, Haydn’s, 1870 39oB Biological Experimentation : its Function and Limits, by B. W. Richardson. 1896 413D Biology : The Story of Life’s Mechanism, by H. W. Conn, 1899 383D Principles of, by H, Spencer, 2v. 1872 831D Birch (G. H.) Decorative Treatment of Metals in Arcllitecture. 1884 479D Bird (I. A. [Mrs. Bishop]), see Bishop (Mrs.). Birch (W. de G.) Domesday Book. 1887. 871L A Popular Account of the Exchequer Manuscript so called, with notices of the principal points of interest. Birds : Atkinson (J. C.) British Birds’ Eggs and Nests. 1899. . 439D Buckley (A. B.) Birds (in Eyes and No Eyes). 1902. . 753D Figuier (L.) Reptiles and Birds. 1878 192D Gordon (W. J.) Our Country’s Birds, and how to know them 427D Headley (F. W.) The Structure and Life of Birds. 1895 286D Jardine (Sir W.) ed. Naturalists’ Library : D 141-4- Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, by Sir W. Jardine. D 145 — The Nectariniadae, or Sun-birds, by Sir W. Jardine. D 146-7 — Humming Birds, by Sir W. Jardine. D 148 — Game Birds, by Sir W, Jardine. D 149 — Pigeons, by P. J. Selby. D 150 — Parrots, by P, J. Selby. D 151-2 — Birds of Western Africa, by W. Swainson. D 153 — Flycatchers, by W, Swainson. D 154 — Gallinaceous Birds, by Sir W. Jardine. D 182 — Gould’s Collection of Humming Birds, by W. C. L. Martin. Kearton (R.) Our Bird Friends. 1900 440D Watts (E.) The Poultry Yard 201D Wood (J. G.) Wonderful Nests. 1887 643D Bir ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 44 Birds {continued) ; Wood (T.) Our Bird Allies. 1887 679D Wright (L.) The Practical Poultry Keeper. 1897 204D Birmingham : Bunce(J.T.) and Vince (C. A.) History of the Corporation, 3 V. 1878-1902 331B Burritt (E.) Walks in the Black Country, etc. 1868. . . 329B Contains several chapters on Birming-ham and Aston. Dent (R. K.) Gossiping Guide to Birmingham. 1905 . . 347B — The Making of Birmingham. 1894 16B Old and New Birmingham. 1880 20B Edwards (E.) Personal Recollections. 1877 214B [Green (J.)l Recollections of a Tradesman. 1864 713L Griffith (G.) Free Schools, Colleges, Hospitals, and Asylums of Birmingham. 1861 558B Hutton (W.) History of Birmingham. 1835 21 3B Langford (J. A.) A Century of Birmingham Life : 1741- 1841, 2 V. 1868 21 iB Modern Birmingham and Its Institutions, 2 v. 1873-7 334B Timmins (S.) ed. Industrial History, Products, etc., of Birmingham, etc. 1866 215B Saturday Half-Holiday Guide 327 and 328B Birmingham Men (Notable), (See Lives of) Benson (Abp.), Boulton (M.), Chamberlain (J.), Cox (D. ), Crosskey (H. W.), Dale (R. W. ), Eginton (F.), 1 lolyoake (G. J.), Hutton (W ), Mason (Josiah), Murdock (W.), and Watt (J-) Birrell (A.) William Hazlitt (Eng. Men of Letters). 1902 62 iL ^ — Andrew Marvell (Eng. Men of Letters) 1905 1160L Miscellanies. 1902 899L John Wesley. What Happened at the Reformation. Christian Evidences. Ideal of a University. J. A. Froude. R. Browning. Is it Possible to Tell a Good Book from a Bad One? The House of Commons. Sir Robert Peel. Obiter Dicta, 2 v. 1885-90 90 iL L 901 — Carlyle. The Alleged Obscurity of Browning’s Poetry. Truth Hunting. Actors. A Rogue’s Memoirs. The Via Media Falstaff. L 902 — Milton. Pope. Johnson. Burke. The Muse of History. Charles Lamb. Emerson. The Office of Literature. Worn-out Types. Cambridge and the Poets. Book-buying. Sir Frank Lockwood: a Biographical Sketch. 1898 .. 1136B Bishop (H. H.) Architecture of Our Parish Churches. 1886 . . 65 5D Pictorial Architecture of the British Isles. 1890 243D 45 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bla BisKop (H. H.) Pictorial Architecture of Greece and Italy .... 249D Bishop (Sir H. R.) Twenty-Eight Glees 72R Bishop (Mrs. Isabella Bird) Korea and Her Neighbours, 2 v. 1898 1179B A Narrative of Travel, with an account of the recent vicissitudes and present position of Korea. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. 1905 1501B Bismarck (Prince) Our Chancellor, by M. Busch, 2 v. 1884 . . . 827B Life of, by W. Gorlach. 1875 406B Bizet (G.) Carmen, Opera 302R Bjornson (Bjornstern) Novels : The Heritage of the Kurtz 26B1 In God’s Way 26B2 Black (Hugh) Culture and Restraint. 1901 97 iL Zion against Greece. The .Esthetic Ideal, Culture. Culture as Religion. Asceticism. Restraint. The Christian Solution. Black (W.) Goldsmith (Eng, Men of Letters), 1878 586L —Novels and Tales : Adventures in Thule 604F The Beautiful Wretch 27B1 Briseis 27B2 A Daughter of Heth 27B3 Donald Ross of Heimra 27B4 Green Pastures and Piccadilly 271^5 The Handsome Humes 27B6 Highland Cousins 27B7 In Far Lochaber 27B8 In Silk Attire 27B9 Judith Shakespeare 27B10 Kilmeny 27B11 Lady Silverdale’s Sweetheart, etc 27B12 Macleod of Dare 27B13 Madcap Violet 27B14 The Magic Ink, etc 27B15 Maid of Killeena, etc 27B16 New Prince Fortunatus 27B17 Penance of John Logan, etc 27B18 A Princess of Thule 27B19 Sabina Zembra 27B20 Shandon Bells 27B21 Stand Fast Craig Royston 27B22 Strange Adventures of a House Boat 27B23 Bla ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 46 Black (W.) Novels and Tales {continued) : Strange Adventures of a Phaeton 27B24 .Sunrise 27B25 Three Feathers 27B26 White Heather 27B27 White Wings 27B28 Wild Eelin 27B29 The Wise Women of Inverness, etc 27B30 Wolfenberg 27B31 Yolande 27B32 Black, William, a Biography, by Sir (T.) W. Reid. 1902 1405B Black Country, Walks in the, by E. Burritt. 1868 329B A Novelist’s Note-Book, by D. Christie Murray 1887 770L Black Forest, In the, by C. W. Wood. 1882 845B Blackburn (H.) Artists and Arabs. 1868 780B Argument : The Advantage of Winter Studies Abroad and the value of sketching’ in the open air, especially in Algeria.” The Harz Mountains : a Tour in the Toy Country. {Illustrated hy R. Caldecott). 1873 1394B Travelling in Spain. 1866 994^^ Randolph Caldecott : his early Art Career. 1890 843B Blackie, Professor J. S., his Sayings and Doings, by H. A. Kennedy 1896 928B Blackmore (R. D.) Novels and Tales : Alice Lorraine 28B1 Chris to well 28B2 Clara Vaughan 28B3 Cradock Nowell 28B4 Cripps the Carrier 28B5 Dariel : a Romance of Surrey 28B6 Erema, or My Father’s Sin 28B7 Kit and Kitty 28B8 Lorna Doone 28B9 and 28B10 Maid of Sker 28B11 Mary Anerley 28B12 Perly cross 28B13 Springhaven 28B14 Tales from the Telling House 28B15 Tommy Upmore 28B16 Blackwood’s Magazine ; half-yearly volumes. From Vol. 19, 1826, to Vol. 150, 1891. M 1619 to 1750. From Vol. 151, 1892, to the present time. M 2901, et seq. ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Boh Bl^kwood’s Magazine {conti'micd) ; ^V-Tales from, see Tales- ^Travel, Adventure, and Sport from, see Travel. Blaikie (W. G.) Better Days for Working People. 1864 58L Blair (H.) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. 1838. . . . 991L Blake (M. M.) When the Century was Young : a novel 29B1 Blake, Admiral Sir R. F., Life of, by D. Hannay. 1886 724B Blake (W.) Poems 171P Blake, William, his Life, Character, etc., by A. T. Story, 1893 1287B Blanchard (A.) Twenty Little Maidens (Juvenile Story) 183F Blandford (W. T., and others) Eastern Persia : Geography, Geology and Zoology, 2 v. 1876 767B The result of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission, 1870-1872. Blatchford (R.) Tommy Atkins of the Ramchunders : a novel 30B1 Blatherwick (C.) Recollections of Peter Stonnor : a novel .... 31B1 Blavatsky, Madame, sec Sinnett’s Occult World. Blight (J. T.) A Week at the Land’s End 933B Blind (M.) Dramas in Miniature ; and Lyrics 311P George Eliot. 1884 607B Tarantella: a romance 32B1 Blindness : The Lost Senses, by J. Kitto. 1853 256L Blouet (P., Max O'Rell), see O’Rell. Blowitz (H. S. de, Journalist) My Memoirs. 1903 1448B Blunt (H.) Lectures on Jacob. 1833 328A Lectures on Peter. 1833 3 29 A Board Schools, Studies in, by C. Morley. 1897 138C Bodkin (M. McD.) Novels and Tales : Dora Myrl, Lady Detective 34B1 In the Days of Goldsmith 34B2 Paul Beck, Detective 34B3 The Rebels (The Irish Rebellion) 34B4 A Stolen Life 34B5 White Magic 34B6 Bodley (J. E. C.) France. 1899 1191B The Revolution and Modern France. The Constitution and the Chief of the State. The Parliamentary System. Political Parties. Body and Mind, their relation, by A. Bain. 1876 98 A Boer War, see Africa (South). Boer and Uitlander : a History of the “ Raid,” by W. F. Regan. 1896 iiiiB Bohemia, The Story of, by C. E. Maurice (Story of the Nations). 1896 913B Boi ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 4 ? Boiler-Making, Handbook of, by a Foreman Pattern-maker, 1895 396 Boisgobey (F. dn) Novels (in French) : Acquit tee 33 ^1 La Bande Rouge 33B2 Les Aventurcs d une jeiinc fille pendant la Sieg'e et sous la Commune. Le Chene Capitaine 33B3 Double-Blanc 33B4 L’CEil-du-Chat 33B5 Boito (A.) Mephistopliiles, Opera 6R Boldrewood (Rolf., pseud, of T. A. Browne) Novels and Tales : Babes in the Bush 35B1 A Colonial Reformer 35B2 The Crooked Stick 35B3 The Ghost Camp 35B4 In Bad Company 35B5 The Miner’s Right 3SB6 My Run Home 35B7 Nevermore 3SB8 Plain Living : a Bush Idyll 35B9 Robbery Under Arms 35B10 The Sealskin Cloak 3SBii The Squatter’s Dream 35B12 A Sydney-side Saxon 35B13 War to the Knife 35B14 Bon Gaultier Ballads, [by W. E. Aytoim, and Sir Th, Martin.] 1889 243P Bonaparte (Napoleon), see Napoleon. Bonar (A. A.) Palestine for the Young 254B Bonney (T. G.) Elementary Manual of Geology 696D Volcanoes : their Structure and Significance. 1899. , . . 844D Bonwick (J.) Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days (Australia) 1870 1261B The Romance of the Wool Trade. 1894 295 D Book (My First), see Authors. Bookbinding and the Care of Books : a Text-book, by D. Cockerell. 1901 801 D — — — Decorative Bookbinding, by C. Davenport. 1898 47oD Book-collecting, a Guide for Amateurs, by J. H. Slater. 1892 872L Book Illustration, Old and New, by J. Comyns Carr. 1882. . . . 480D — Illustration and Decoration, by W. Crane. 1889 457^ — Illustration, by A. Dobson. 1881 803L 49 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. BoO Book-Keeping, Manual of, by J, Thornton. 1895 400D All About Book-keeping (Beeton) S45T) Book for every Day, ed. by J. Mason. 1876 65L Antiquarian Notes to the Cilendar, Poetr}^, Anecdotes, Facetiie, etc. Book of Common Prayer, Revised. 1874 I3A Published by the Prayer Book Revision Society. Book of Common Prayer, History of the, by F. Procter. 1884 55 5 A Book of Days, (The), ed. by R. Chambers, 2 v. 1888 423L A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar, including Anecdote, Biography and Histor)', Curiosities of Literature, and Oddities of Human Life and Character. L 423 — January to June. L 424 — July to December. Books : Conferences on Books and Men, [by H. C. Beeching.] 1900 1085L — The Book Hunter, by J. H. Burton. 1885 799L Nature in Books, by P. A. Graham. 1891 1028L Great Books as Life Teachers, by N. D. Hillis. 1900. . 873L The Private Library, by A. L. Humphreys. 1897 995L Adventures among Books, by A. Lang. 1905 1132L The Library, by A. Lang. 1881 803L The Friendship of Books, by F. D. Maurice. 1874 880L -Men and Letters, by H. Paul. 1901 1090L The Story of Books, by G. B. Rawlings. 1901 903L Familiar Studies of Men and Books, by R. L. Stevenson. 1882 576L — — —On the Transmission of Ancient Books, by I. Taylor. 1875 367L Booth (J.) ed. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern 317P Booth (W.) Darkest England and the Way Out. 1890 43C Boothby (Guy) Novels : Across the World for a Wife 36B1 The Beautiful White Devil 36B2 A Bid for Freedom 3663 Billy Binks, Hero, etc 36B4 Connie Burt 36B5 The Countess Londa 36B6 A Desperate Conspiracy 36B7 “ Dr. Nikola ” Series : — A Bid for Fortune 36B8 Dr. Nikola - 36B9 Dr. Nikola’s Experiment 36B10 Farewell Nikola 36B11 Boo ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 50 Bootliby (Guy) Novels {continued ) : The Fascination of the King 36B12 In Strange Company 36B13 The Kidnapped President 36B14 The Lady of the Island 3dBi 5 The League of Twelve 36B16 Long Live the King ! 3dB 17 Love Made Manifest 36B18 The Lust of Hate 3bBi9 A Maker of Nations 36B20 A Millionaire’s Love Story 36B21 My Indian Queen 36B22 My Strangest Case 36B23 The Mystery of the Clasped Hands 3^624 Pharos the Egyptian 36B25 A Prince of Swindlers 36B26 A Queer Affair 36B27 The Red Rat’s Daughter 36B28 A Sailor’s Bride 36B29 Sheilah McLeod 36B30 A Twofold Inheritance 36B31 The Woman of Death 36B32 Borchgrevink (C. E.) First on the Antartic Continent. 1901 . 1266B Borneo, Expedition for the Suppression of Piracy, by Captain H. Keppel, 2 v. 1846 7S4B Borrow (G.) The Bible in Spain. 1889 737B — — ^ — Lavengro, the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest (a novel) . . 37B1 The Zincali, or Gipsies of Spain. 1846 647B — Wild Wales. 1888 728B Boswell (J.) Life of Samuel Johnson 463B Botanical Drawing, by F. W. Burbidge. 1873 iiD Botanists, Lives of (Heroes of Science), by P. M. Duncan. 1882 962B Botany : Allen (Grant) Flowers and their Pedigrees. 1886 433^ Story of the Plants. 1896 37 iB Babington (C.) Manual of British Botany. 1843 205 D Bagnall (J. E.) Handbook of Mosses. 1886 534B Bailey (L. H.) Lessons with Plants. 1898 42 5 D Balfour (J. H.) Manual of Botany. 1863 206D Bentley (R.) Elementary Manual of Botany. 1888 . . . 692D Manual of Botany. 1870 562D 51 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bou Botany {continued) : Coleman (W. S.) Our Woodlands, Heaths, and Hedges. 1859 212D Cooke (M. C.) Rambles among Wild Flowers. 1898 . . 426D De Candolle (A.) Origin of Cultivated Plants. 1884.... 565D Duff (M. E. G.) Notes and Lists of Various Plants, British and Foreign, see Duff’s Notes from a Diary. Figuier (L.) The Vegetable World 191D Gordon (W. J.) Our Country’s Flowers 429D Heath (F. G.) The Fern World. 1885 189D Tree Gossip. 1885 647D Where to find Ferns. 1881 207D Henslow (G.) The Making of Flowers. 1891 768D Origin of Floral Structures through Insects. 1888 564D Story of Wild Flowers. 1901 386D Hole (S. R.) A Book about Roses. 1884 188D Hooker (Sir J. D.) The Student’s British Flora. 1878 . 668D Hulme (F. E.) Wayside Sketches 670D James (W. P.) Guesses at Purpose in Nature 666D With especial reference to Plants. Johns (C. A.) Flowers of the Field. 1890 703D Kirby (A. & E.) Talks about Trees 216D Macmillan (H.) Footnotes from the Page of Nature. 1861 224D Moore (T.) Popular History of British Ferns. 1859 . . . 314D Oliver (D.) Lessons in Elementary Botany. 1876 208D Setchell (W. A.) Laboratory Practice for Beginners. 1897 664D Taylor (J. E.) Half Hours in the Green Lanes. 1890 . 683D Thudichum (J. L.) Diseases of Plants. 1887 474D Ward (H. M.) Diseases of Plants 669D Bottone (S. R.) Electric Bells and all about them. 1889 624D Boucicault (D.) and Reade (C.) Foul Play (a novel) 6R6 Boulger (D. C.) The Story of India. 1897 1252B Boulger (G. S.) Wood : its Natural History and Industrial Applications. 1902 808D Boulton, Matthew, Life of, by S. Smiles. 1874 360B Bourinot (J. G.) Canada (Story of the Nations). 1897 91 SB Boussenard (L.) The Crusoes of Guiana 47 iF The Gold Seekers (sequel) 47 3F Boutell (C.) Arms and Armour. 1874 43D Bible Dictionary 151A Biography, History, Antiquities, Geography, Natural History, Results of Recent Explorations, etc. BOU ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, 52 Boutell (C.) Handbook of British Archaeology. 1897 542D Bouvier (A.) Les Yeux de Velours (novel in French) 38B1 Bowness and Windermere, Guide to. 1887 283B Boy Galloper, The, by the Intelligence Officer 7F Story of a supposed German Invasion of England, Boyd (A, K. H.) Autumn Holidays of a Country Parson. 1865 62T The Commonplace Philosopher in Town and Country. 1868 63L — Counsel and Comfort from a City Pulpit. 1868 82 A The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. 1864 81 A Leisure Hours in Town. 1865 64L Recreations of a Country Parson, 2 v. 1876 661. L 66— Concerning the Country Parson's Life. The Art of Putting Things. Two Blisters of Humanity. Work and Play. Tidiness. Moral Influence of the Dwelling. L 67 — Town and Country. Disappointment and Success. Giving Up and Coming Down. The Dignity of Dulness. Growing Old. Churchyards. Summer Day, etc. Recollections : Twenty-five Years’ at St. Andrew’s, 2 V. 1892 107 5B Boyd (R.) British Agriculture and Industries at Stake. 1888 54C Boyesen (H.) Norway (Story of the Nations). 1900 923B Boyle (F.) Chronicles of No Man’s Land (a novel) 39B1 Boy’s Book of Science, by J. H, Pepper and T. C. Hepworth. . 83D Boy’s Own Paper (volumes) 901 and 902F Boys (C. N.) Instrument for Measuring Radiant Heat. 1889 45 3D Soap Bubbles, and the Forces which Mould them, 1890 766D Braddon (M. E.) Novels : All Along the River 40B1 Asphodel 40B2 Aurora Floyd 40B3 Birds of Prey 40B4 Captain of the Vulture 40B5 Charlotte’s Inheritance 40B6 Sequel to “ Birds of Prey.” Cloven Foot 40B7 The Conflict 40B8 The Day Will Come 40B9 Dead Men’s Shoes 40B10 Dead Sea Fruit 40B11 Doctor’s Wife 40B12 Eleanor’s Victory 40613 The Fatal Three . 40614 53 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bra Braddon (M. E.) Novels {continued) : Fenton’s Quest Flower and Weed Gerard The Golden Calf Henry Dunbar His Darling Sin Hostages to Fortune In High Places The Infidel Ishmael John Marchmont’s Legacy Joshua Haggard Just as I am Lady Audley’s Secret 40B28 and Lady Lisle The Lady’s Mile Like and Unlike London Pride A Lost Eden Lost for Love Lovels of Arden Lucius Davoren Milly Darrell Mohawks Mount Royal One Life, One Love One Thing Needful Only a Clod Open Verdict Phantom Fortune Ralph the Baihff Robert Ainsleigh The Rose of Life Rough Justice Run to Earth Rupert Godwin Sir Jasper’s Tenant Sons of Fire Story of Barbara A Strange World 40B15 40B16 40B17 40B18 40B19 40B20 40B21 40B22 40B23 40B24 40B2 5 40B26 40B27 40B29 4oB3f) 40B3T 40B32 40B33 40B34 40B35 40B36 40B37 40B38 40B39 40B40 40B41 40B42 40B43 40B44 40B45 40B46 40B47 40B48 40B49 40B50 40B51 40B52 40B53 40B54 40B55 Bra ASTON manor lending library catalogue. 54 Braddon (M. E.) Novels {contuiued) : Strangers and Pilgrims 40B56 Taken at the Flood 40B57 Thou Art the Man 40B58 To the Bitter End 40B59 Trail of the Serpent 40B60 Under Love’s Rule 40B61 Under the Red Flag 40B62 The Venetians 40B63 Vixen 40B64 Weavers and Weft 40B65 Wyllard’s Weird 40B66 Bradley (A, C.) Shakespearean Tragedy. 1905 45 8L Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. Bradley (A. G.) Highways and Byways in the Lake District. 1901 1267B Highways and Byways in North Wales. 1899 1181B — Highways and Byways in South Wales. 1903 1419B Bradley (E., “ Cuthhert Bede ”), see Bede (C.). Bradley (H.) The Goths (Story of the Nations). 1888 881B -The Making of English. 1904 1121L Bradley (J. W.) and Goodwin (T. G.) Manual of Illumination. . 17D Brahe, Tycho, Life of, by Sir D. Brewster. 1870 373B Brain, Comparative Physiology of the, by J. Loeb. 1901 848D Braine (S.) To Tell the King the Sky is Falling (a Fairy Tale). 181F Bramston (M.) Tales : Blue Bell 400F Bugle Minor 404F The Carbridges 40 iF Esperance 42 3 F For Faith and Fatherland 403F Silver-Star Valley 402F The Panelled House 428F Brain well (F. J.) Expediency of Protection for Inventions. 1875 492D Brand (J.) Observations on Popular Antiquities. 1877 197® The Origin of Our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions. An Account of Old English Games and Sports, etc. Brandes (G.) Impressions of Russia. 1889 73^B Brandram (S.) ed. Brandram’s Speaker: Pieces for Recitation 1108L Brassey (Annie, Lady) In the Trades, the Tropics,^and the Roaring Forties. 1885 S^oB A Voyage in the Sunbeam. 1879 31 1 ® 55 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bri Brassey, Thomas (seiir.), Life and Labours of, by Sir A. Helps. 1876 423B Brassey (T. [Lord]) On Work and Wages. 1872 27C Bray (Capt. C.) Randall Davenant : (Juvenile Story) 91 iF Brazil, Its Cities and Provinces, by W. Scully. 1866 643B “ Brenda ” : Juvenile Stories : Froggy’s Little Brother 472F A Little Brown Teapot 469F Nothing to Nobody 47bF The Pilot’s House 47^L Brereton (Capt. F. S.) Tales ; A Hero of Lucknow 4 1 F In the King’s Service 42F One of the Fighting Scouts 43F Under the Spangled Banner 44F With Shield and Assegai (Zulu War) 37oF Brett (H.) The Cornet, with Exercises 5970 Brett (W. H.) Mission Work among the Indian Tribes in the Forests of Guiana. 1840-80 79 iB Brewer (E. C.) Dictionary of Phrase and Eable 68L Reader’s Handbook of Allusions, Plots and Stories. 1880 95 iL Brewster (Sir D.) The Kaleidoscope : its History, Theory, and Construction 123D Martyrs of Science 373^ Galileo. Tycho Brahe. Kepler. More Worlds than One. 1854 222D Natural Magic 41G Brewster (M. A.) Travels in Palestine 1351B Brewster (M. M.) Work : Plenty to Do, and Flow to Do It. 1858 70L Bridge (J. F.) Counterpoint 579D ^Double Counterpoint and Canon 582D ed. The Methodist Tune Book 115R ed. Songs from Shakespeare : the earliest known settings 175R Musical Compositions : Callirhoee, Dramatic Cantata 7R The Repentance of Nineveh, Dramatic Oratorio. . . 8R Rock of Ages, Hymn 363R Bridge (The Game of) : Modern Bridge, by “ Slam ” 6G Bridges (E. S.) Round the World in Six Months. 1879 563B Bridges (J. A.) Idylls of a Lost Village. 1889 825L Refers chiefly to King’s Norton. Bri ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 56 Brierley (J.) Ourselves ami the Universe : Studies in Life and Religion. 1903 5 96 A Problems of Living. 1903 597A Studies of the Soul. 1903 598 A Brigands, English Travellers and Italian Brigands, by W. J. C. Moens, 2 V. 1866 259B Briggs (W.) and Bryan (G. H.) Elementary Text-Book of Mechanics. 1895 39 5 U Bright (J.) Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. 1876. . . . 25C The Crimean War. India. The United States. Thirteen Speeches on Reform. The Representation of Minorities. The State of Ireland. The Irish Church, etc. Free Trade. Burdens on Land. Game Laws. Punishment of Death, etc. Bright, John, Life of, by J. M’Gilchrist 41 SB Life and Times of, by W. Roberston. 1877 409B Life of, by C. A. Vince. 1898 uSSB Cartoons illustrating the Career of (from Punch). 1846-1875 469L Brighton Road (The), by C. G. Harper. 1892 1098B Brightwell (C. L.) Difficulties Overcome (Life of Alex. Wilson, Ornithologist). 1861 493B Heroes of the Workshop. 1859 627F Sketches of the Lives of Celebrated Inventors, etc. Brillat-Savarin (M.) Gastronomy as a Fine Art. 1876 61L Brindley, James, Engineer, Life of, by S. Smiles. 1874 357B Briscoe (J. P.) Curiosities of the Belfry. 1883 77iL Bristol and Clifton, Guide to, by J. Baker. 1900 1339B Cathedral, Handbook to, by H. J. L. J. Masse. 1901. . 1301B Bristol Tune Book (Hymn Tunes), ed. by A. Stone 109R Britain, Early, Life in, by B. C. A. Windle. 1897 1154B See under England, Pre-Norman. Britain’s Naval Power : the History of the British Navy, by H. Williams, 2 v. 1896-8 1165B British Controversiahst, half-yearly volumes. 1859, part 2 — 1860, part 2 — 1861, part 2 — 1862, complete — 1863, part 2 — 1864-65-66, complete. M 10, 12, 14-16, 18-24. British Empire, The, by Sir G. Campbell. 1887 48C Deeds that Won the Empire, by W. H. Fitchett. 1898 1158B British Empire : “ Story of the Empire ” Series. 1897-9 : The Rise of the Empire, by W. Besant 1251B The Story of India, by D. C. Boulger 1252B The Story of Australia, by F. L. ShaTv 1253B The Story of Canada, by H. A. Kennedy 1254B The Story of South Africa, by W. B. Worsfold 1255B New Zealand, by W. P. Reeves 1256B 57 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bro British Isles, Pictorial Architecture of, by H. H. Bishop 243D Pictorial Geography, of, by M. E. Palgrave 1080B Their Physical Geography, etc., by T. Milner 5 5 51 ^ See also separately, under England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. British Quarterly Review, half-yearly volumes. From vol. i., 1845, to vol‘ 12, 1850. M 1151 to 1162. Brock (A. C.) York Minster (Bell’s Handbook). 1899 1328B Brodribb (J. W.) Demosthenes (Anct. Classics for Eng. Readers) 1877 . 17L See also Church and Brodribb. Bronte (A.) Novels ; Agnes Grey 41B10 Tenant of Wildfell Hall 41 Bi Bronte (C.) Novels : Jane Eyre 41B2 and 41B3 The Professor 41B4 and 41 B5 Shirley 41B6 and 41B7 Villette 41 B8 and 41B9 Bronte, Charlotte, Life of, by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. 1878 408B Monograph on, by T. Wemyss Reid. 1877 586B —and her Circle, by C. K. Shorter. 1896 1174B Bronte (C., E., and A.) Poems 41B4 and 41B5 Bronte (E.) Wuthering Heights (a novel) 41B10 Bronzing and Metal Colouring, by A. H. Hiorns. 1892 75 iD Brooks, James {Rajah), see Keppel’s Expedition to Borneo. Brooke (Stopford A.) Christ in Modern Life. 1873 403A — The Fight of Faith. 1877 80A The Poetry of Robert Browning. 1902 448L — — Sermons. 1876 87 A The Victory of Faith. The Denial of St. Peter. The 23rd Psalm. The Virgin’s Character. John the Baptist. The Interpreter. The Religion of Signs. Angelic Life. Tennyson : his Art and Relation to Modern Life. 1894 997L Introduction to Coleridge’s Poems, see Coleridge. Brooks (E. H.) “ Saint ” Jack (a Boy’s Story) 753 F Brooks (N.) Abraham Lincoln and the Downfall of American Slavery. 1894 1122B Brooks (Shirley) Wit and Humour, from Punch (verses) 173P Novels : Aspen Court 42B1 The Gordian Knot 42B2 Sooner or Later 42B3 Bro ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 58 Brookfield (Charles, actor, etc.) Random Reminiscences. 1902 1411B Brough (B. H.) Mine Surveying. 1892 45oD Brough (W.) and Burnand (F. C,) Burlesques 17P Broughton (R.) Novels : Alas ! 43B1 A Beginner 43B2 Belinda 43B3 Cometh up as a Flower 43B4 Doctor Cupid 43B$ Foes in Law 43B6 The Game and the Candle 43B7 Good-Bye, Sweetheart 43B8 Joan 43B9 Mrs. Bligh 43B10 Nancy 43B11 Not Wisely, but Too Well 43B12 Red as a Rose is She 43B13 Scylla or Charybdis 43B14 Second Thoughts 43B15 Brown (G. D., G. Dottglas), see Douglas. Brown (Hugh Stowell) Manliness and other Sermons. 1886.. 406A Brown (John, M.D.) Horse Subsecivae (Essays), 3 v. 1885... 1041L L 1041 — First Series : Locke and Sydenham. Dr. Andrew Combe. / rt and Science. Free Competition in Medicine. Henry Vaug-han, etc. L 1042 — Second Series : Dr. Chalmers. Dr. George Wilson. Her Last Half-Crown. Queen Mary’s Child-Garden. Our Dogs. Notes on Art. “ Oh, I’m wat, wat.” Education through the Senses. The Black Dwarf’s Bones. Rab and his Friends. “ With Brains, Sir ! ” Arthur H. Hallam. L 1043 — Third Series'. John Leech. Mystifications. Thackeray’s Death. Marjorie Fleming. ‘‘ In Clear Dream and Solemn Vision.” Jeems the Doorkeeper. More of our Dogs, etc. Brown (John, F.R.G.S.) The North-West Passage and the Search for Franklin. 1858 75 2B Brown (Rev. John) John Bunyan : his Life, Times, and Work. 1886 842B Brown (J. H.) Canada and the Colonists in 1851 641B Brown (Miss L. R. Y., Rowland Grey), see Grey. Brown (Mrs.), see Sketchley (A.). Brown (O. Madox) Gabriel Denver ; a novel 44B1 Brown (T. E.) The Doctor, and other Poems. . . 313P Guide to the Isle of Man 316R 59 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. BfO Browne (C. F.) {Artemns Ward), see Ward. Browne (Matthew, pseud, of W. B. Rands) Chaucer’s England, 2 V. 1869 677B Vol. I — The Poet of the Canterbury Tales. The Story and the Pilgrims. Chivalry. The Gay Science. Female Tj'pes in Chaucer. Merry England. The Heart of England. Motley. Mediaev al Nuditarianism. Vol. 2 — Food. House, Dress, and Minor Morals. Familiarities of Faith. Wonder. Knowledge. Belief and Criticism. Under Shadow of the Church. Town and Country. Trade and Travel, etc. Browne (P.) A Year’s Cookery : Dishes for every day, with receipts 502D Browne (Sir T.) Religio Medici, Urn Burial, etc 469 A Browne, Sir Thomas, An Appreciation (with selections), by A. Whyte. 1898 S72A Browne (T. A., Rolf Boldrewood), see Boldrewood. Browning (Mrs. E, B.) Aurora Leigh : a poem 322P Selections from the Poetry of 14P Selections : Second Series 15P Browning (O.) Modern England (Epochs). 1885 838B Browning (R.) [Earlier] Poetical Works of 222P P 222 — Pauline. Paracelsus. Strafford. P 223 — Sordello. Pippa Passes. P 224 — King Victor and King Charles. Dramatic Lyrics. Return of the Druses. P 225 — A Blot in the ’Scutcheon. Colombo’s Birthday. Dramatic Romances. P 226 — A Soul’s Tragedy. Luria. Christmas Eve and Easter Da)’. Men and Women. P 227 — In a Balcony. Dramatis Persona?. Aristophanes’ Apology 228P Asolando : Fancies and Facts 236P Dramatic Idylls, second Series 229P Ferishtah’s Fancies 230P Jocoseria 231P Parleyings with Certain People 232P The Ring and the Book, 3 V 233P Selections from the Works of 16P Selections : Second Series 178P Browning, Robert, by G. K. Chesterton (Eng. Men of Letters.) 1903 1155L Life and Letters of, by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. 1891 ... . 1056B Records of, by A. Thackeray- Ritchie. 1892 918L Bro ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALO’GUE. 6o Browning, Robert, Writings of ; The Poetry of Robert Browning, by Stopford A. Brooke. 1902 . 448L Studies of the Mind and Art of, by J, Fotheringham. 1898 1062L Stories from Browning, by F. M. Holland 449F Essays on Robert Browning, by Marian Little. 1899. . 723L Bruce (C.) ed. Book of Adventure and Peril 4L Bruce, James {African Traveller), Life of, by F. B. Head 402B Brunei, Isambard K. {Engineer), Life of, by his son 687B Bryan (G. H.) see Briggs and Bryan. Bryce (J.) The Holy Roman Empire. 1880 954® Impressions of South Africa. 1897 1135B- Studies in Contemporary Biography. 1903 1413B For Contents, see under Biography. Bubbles, see Soap-Bubbles. Buchan (J.) John Burnet of Barns : a novel 4SBi Buchanan (R.) Ballads of Life, Love, and Flumour. 1882. ... iiP A Look Around Literature. 1887 1088L From .lEschylus to Victor Hugo. The Character of Goethe. Free Thought in America. Rossetti. Thomas Love Peacock. Sydney Dobell. The Irish ‘ * National” Poet. A Talk with George Eliot. The Literature of Spiritualism. The Modern Stage, etc. Novels : Annan Water 46B1 God and the Man 46B2 The Master of the Mine ‘ 46B3 The Shadow of the Sword 46B4 Buck (D.) The Light of Asia, Cantata loR Bucke (C.) Ruins of Ancient Cities 263B Their Rise, Fall, and Present Condition. Buckland (F.) Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. 1875 560D At the Ro}'al Academj' without a Catalogue. Sir E. Landseer’s Favourite Exhibitions outside the Cattle Show. Singing Mice. Out Snaking. Jenny the Walrus. My Monkeys, etc. Natural History of British Fishes. 1883 682I) Their Structure, Economic Uses, and Capture. Buckland, Frank, Life of, by G. C. Bompas. 1885 674B Buckle (H. T.) History of Civilisation in England, 3 v. 1873 . . * 28B Buckley (A.) Eyes and No Eyes (Wild Life). 1902 753^ Life and her Children : Glimpses of Animal Life. 1882 508D Short History of Natural Science 500D 6l ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Bun Buckley (A.) Through Magic Glasses 639D The Telescope and the Spectroscope. The Stars. The Sun. Fairy Rings. Lichens and Mosses. History of a Lava Stream. Microscopic Life. The Dartmoor Ponies, etc. Winners in Life’s Race, or the Great Backboned Family. 1882 509D Buckley (R.) The Master Spy (Stories) 4/Bi Buddha, see Arnold’s Light of Asia. Buddhism, by T. W. Rhys Davids. 1886 43 A Sketch of the Life and Teachings of Gautama, the Buddha. Buddhism in China, by S. Beal. 1884 432x\ Budge (E. A. W.) Assyria : Its Princes, Priests, and People. . . 708B Babylonian Life and History. 1884 705B The Dwellers on the Nile. 1888 709B Budgets of Various Countries, Correspondence relating to, ed. by Probyn. 1877 12C Budgett, Samuel (The Successful Merchant), Life of, by W. Arthur. 1885 639B Buet (Ch.) La Princesse Gisele (novel, in French) 53^1 Building, Sanitary Science apphed to, by B. F. and H. P. Fletcher. 1899 736D Dictionary of Terms used in, by J. Weale. 1850 40D Building Construction and Drawing, by E. J. BurreU. 1889. . 61 3D Advanced Course, by C. F. Mitchell. 1894 41 Elementary Course, by C. F. Mitchell. 1894. . . . 414D Bulgaria, Observations on Bulgarian Affairs, by the Marquis of Bath. 1880 344B Bullen (F. T.) The Cruise of the “ Cachalot.” 1898 1103L Round the World after Sperm Whales. The Men of the Merchant Service. 1900 1098L The Rise of the Master. The Master’s Qualities and Duties. The Mate. Second and Third Mate. The Bo’sun. The Carpenter. The Sailmaker. The Steward. The Cook. The Apprentice. The A.B., etc. A Sack of Shakings. 1901 1097L Sea Sketches : Cats on Board Ship. An Old East Indiaman. The Floor of the Sea. The Skipper of the ‘‘ Amulet.” Sea Etiquette. Waves. A Battleship of To-Day, etc. Sea-Wrack. 1903 iiooL Sea Sketches : The Salvage of the “ Spindrift.” A Deep-Sea Armageddon. Literature at Sea. Life on Board a ‘‘ Tramp.” Boy Life at Sea. Whales at Home, etc. Bunce (J. T.) Fairy Tales : Their Origin and Meaning. .200F and 796L Josiah Mason : a Biography. 1890 603B Bun ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 62 Bunce (J. X.) and Vince (C. A.) History of the Corporation of Birmingham, 3 v. 1878-1902 33iB Banner (H. C.), see Matthews and Banner. Banyan (J.) The Holy War 20 A The Pilgrim’s Progress 1 1 Banyan, John, his Life, Times, and Work, by J. Brown. 1886 842B by J. A. Fronde (Eng. Men of Letters). 1880 59SL Life of, [by W. Hale White] (Literary Lives). 1905 .. 1453B Banyan Characters, by Alex. Whyte, 2 v. 1893 448 A Lectures on the Characters in the “Pilgrim’s Progress ” Barbidge (F. W.) Botanical Drawing. 1873 iiD Horticnltnre. 1877 718D Bnrgin (G. B.) Tuxter’s Little Maid (a novel) 48B1 Bnrke, Edmnnd, by J. Morley (Eng. Men of Letters). 1882 ... 59 iL Burke (P.) Romance of the Forum 74L Narratives, Scenes, and Anecdotes from the Courts of Justice. Burlesque, A Book of, by W. D. Adams 862L Burlesques, by W. Brough and F. C. Burnand 17P Burnaby (F.) A Ride to Khiva. 1878 222B On Horseback through Asia Minor 343^ Burnand (F. C.) Out of Town 80L Tales and Humorous Sketches : About Buying a Horse 49B1 Happy Thoughts 49B2 More Happy Thoughts 49B3 Mo Keanna ! etc 49B4 My Health 49B5 The New Sandford and Merton 49B6 The Real Robinson Crusoe 49B7 Round about My Garden 49B8 See also Brough and Burnand. Burne (J. B.) Parson and Peasant. 1891 1039L Some Chapters of their Natural History. Burnett (F. H.) Novels and Tales : The De Willoughby Claim 50B1 A Fair Barbarian 50B2 Fortunes of Phillippa Fairfax 50B3 Haworth’s 30B4 His Grace of Osmond 50B5 Sequel to “ A Lady of Quality.” Kathleen 50B6 A Lady of Quality 50B” 63 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. BuS Burnett (F. H.) Novels and Tales {continued) : Lindsay’s Luck 50B8 Little Lord Fauntleroy 176F and 50B9 Little Saint Elizabeth, etc 59 iF Pretty Polly Pemberton 50B10 That Lass o’ Lowrie’s 50B11 Through One Administration 50B12 Two Little Pilgrims’ Progress S93F Burney, Fanny [Madame D’Arblay], by A. Dobson (Eng. Men of Letters). 1903 1153L Burnham Beeches, by F. G. Heath. 1879. . S57B Burns (R.) Poems (Globe Edition) 18P Poems, Life, and Letters, ed. by Cunningham 9P Burns, Robert, Life of, by J. G. Lockhart. 1890 273B by J. C. Shairp (Eng. Men of Letters). 1879 589L Burrell (E. J.) Building Construction and Drawing. 1889. . . . 613D Burritt (Elihu) A Walk from London to John o’ Groats. 1864 1040B A Walk from London to Land’s End. 1868 824B Walks in the Black Country and its Green Borderland. 1868 329B Birmingfham, Dudley, Stourbridge, and Hagley. The Brades Works. The Wrekin. Willenhall. Brickmaking. Boscobel. Enville Gardens. Wolverhampton. The Lickey Hills. Lichfield. Coventry. Kenilworth and Warwick. Stratford-upon-Avon and Shakespeare. Burton (H. D.) see Hetherington and Burton. Burton (J. B.) Novels : A Gentleman Adventurer 51B1 In the Day of Adversity S1B2 The Intriguers’ Way S1B3 The Seafarers 51 B4 Burton (J. H.) The Book-Hunter. 1885 779l- His Nature. His Functions. His Club. Book-Club Literature. The Prowler and the Auction Hunter. The Gleaner and His Harvest. History of Scotland (1689-1748), 2 v 1083B Burton (R.) Melancholy Anatomized. 1881 69L An Abridgment of “ The Anatomy of Melancholy.” Bury (Lady) All for Greed : a novel 52B1 Busch (M.) Our Chancellor : Life of Prince Bismarck, 2 v. 1875 406B Bush (G.) Reasons for Adopting the Doctrines of Swedenborg. 1874 323A Business, by J. Platt. 1876 763L But ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 64 Butler (J.) Analogy of Religion, and Sermons. 1876 23A Butler (J. E.) Catherine of Siena; a Biography. 1894 1143B Butler (S.) Hudibras, with Notes by Grey 20P Butler (S.) and his Poems, by A. Ramsay 310T. Butler (W. F.) Akim-Foo : the Story of a Failure (Ashanti). 1876 594B The Great Lone Land [N.W. America, 1875] ^9SB Red Cloud, the Solitary Sioux (Juvenile Story) 697F — The Wild North Land [N.W. America, 1873] 596B Butterflies (Beautiful), by H. G. Adams 561D (British) by J. Duncan 169D (Foreign) by J. Duncan 171D Among the Butterflies, by B. G. Johns . 708D Our Country’s Moths and Butterflies, and How to Know Them, by W. J. Gordon 428D Buxton (E. N.) The A B C of Free Trade (Cobden Club) 50C Bygate (J. E.) Durham Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook). 1899.. 1306B Byron (Lord) Poetical Works of 22P Byron, Lord, Letters, Journals, and Life of, by T. Moore, i860 41 iB Life of, by J. Nichol (Eng. Men of Letters). 1880. . . . 599L Byzantine Empire, The, by C. W. C. Oman (Story of the Nations) 1897 917B Cabinet (The British) in 1853 642B Aberdeen. Lansdowne. Palmerston. Russell. Gladstone. Gran- ville, etc. Cable (G. W.) Novels : The Grandissimes : A Creole Story iCi John March, Southerner 1C2 Cactus Culture for Amateurs, by W. Watson. 1899 63D Caddy (Mrs.) Lares and Penates ; or the Background of Life. 1881 97L Descriptions of some famous houses ; furnishing’ ; home management; Life as a Science ; The Grace of Povertj- ; Peabody Buildings ; Pimlico, etc. Caesar, Commentaries on the Gallic War (Latin), ed. by C. Anthon 95 2L Caesar : a Sketch, by J. A. Fronde 71 SB Introduction to, by A. Trollope 14L Cahun (L.) Tales : Adventures of Captain Mago 474F The Blue Banner 47 5 F Caine (Hall) The Little Manx Nation. 1891 1007B Samuel Taylor Coleridge (short Biography). 1887 .... 1290B 6; • ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Cam Caine (Hall) Novels : The Bondman 2C1 The Christian 2C2 and 2C3 The Deemster 2C4 The Eternal City 2C5 and 2C6 The Manxman 2C7 and 2C8 The Prodigal Son 2C9 and 2C10 The Scapegoat 2C11 The Shadow of a Crime 2C12 A Son of Hagar 2C13 Caine (O. V.) Wanderer and King [Charles II. in exile] : a Story 959F Caird (E.) The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers, 2 V. 1904 174A Caird (Mona) The Daughters of Danaus (a novel) 3C1 Cairo, see Egypt. Calabrella (Lady) Evenings at Haddon Hall (Stories) 4C1 ('aldecott, Randolph, His Early Art Career, by H, Blackburn. 1890 843B Books illustrated by, see Blackburn’s Harz Mountains, Carr’s North Italia i Folk, and Irving’s Brace- bridge Hall, and Old Christmas. Calderon and His Writings, by E. J. Hasell. 1879 520L Caldwell (Mrs.), see Marsh (Mrs.). California : Granite Crags, by C. F. Gordon-Cumming. 1884. 78 iB Silverland [by G. Lawrence]. 1873 167B Calverley (C. S.) Complete Poetical Works of 314P Calvin, John, Life of ; St. Louis and Calvin, by F. Guizot. . . . 1488B Cambridge, Brief Historical and Descriptive Notes, by J. W. Clark. 1890 839B In Cambridge Courts, by R. C. Lehmann 926L Humorous Sketches of University Life. Camels, by Sir W. Jardine (Nat. Lib.) 161D Cameron (Mrs. H. L.) Novels : A Bachelor’s Bridal 5C1 Juliet’s Guardian qC2 Remembrances 5C3 Cameron (V. L.) Across Africa in 1873-6, 2 v. 1877 239B In Savage Africa 820F Campbell (Lady C.) Darrell Blake : a Novel 6C1 Campbell, Colin, Lord Clyde, Life of, by E, C. Phillips 616F c Cam ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 66 Campbell (Sir G.) The British Empire, 1887 48C Campbell (H.) Nervous Exhaustion, and the Diseases induced by it. 1874 268D Campbell (T.) Poetical Works of 24P Campin (F.) The Practice of Hand Turning, in ivory, wood, shell, etc. 1883 297D Canada : Bourinot (J. G.) Canada (Story of the Nations). 1897. 91 5B Brown (J. H.) Canada and the Colonists in 1851 641B Butler (W. F.) The Great Lone Land. 1875 59SB The Wild North Land [1873] 596B Canada in 1896 : An Official Handbook of Information . . 599B Colmer (J. G.) Across the Canadian Prairies (1894) .... 1152B Dilke (C. W.) Greater Britain [1868] 152B Fraser (J. F.) Canada as it is. 1905 . . . .* 1395B Haldane (J. W. C.) 3,800 Miles Across Canada. 1900 . 1352B Kennedy (H. A.) The Story of Canada 1254B Lome (Marquis of) Canadian Pictures, with Pen and Pencil. [1884] 852B Parkin (G. R.) The Great Dominion. 1895 mSB Taylor (C. C.) Toronto “Called Back” (1850-1886) ... 789B Young (E. R.) By Canoe and Dog-Train : Among the Cree and Salteaux Indians. 1894 93 5 B Indian Wigwams and Northern Camp Fires. 1894 936B Candle, Chemical History of a, by M. Faraday 98D Candles, Sermons in, by C. H Spurgeon. 1890 887L Caiman (E.) Elementary Political Economy. 1888 61C Canterbury Cathedral, Handbook to, by C. K. Eley. 1896. . . 1303B St. Martin’s Church, Handbook to, by C. F. Routledge 1898 1332B Canton (W.) Story of the Bible Society. 1904 554^ True Annals of Fairy Land]’ 374F Cape, A Voyage to the, by W. C. Russell 788B Capern (E.) Ballads and Songs 25P Poems 27P Sun-Gleams'"and ^Shadows 21P Wayside Warbles 23P Capes (B.) Novels : Adventures of the Comte de la Muette in the Reign of Terror 7B1 Joan Brotherhood 7C2 67 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Car Capes (B.) Novels {continued) : The Lake of Wine : A Romance 7C4 Our Lady of Darkness (The French Revolution) 7C3 The Secret in the Hill 7C5 Capital and Wages, see Labour Questions. Carbon ; Its Uses for Heating and Illuminating Purposes, by Prof. Barff. 1874 495D Cardiphonia, or the Utterance of the Heart, by J. Newton (Works, V. 3). 1809 503 A Cards : Sharps and Flats (the Secrets of Cheating), by J. N. Maskelyne. 1894 36G Carey (R. N.) Novels : At the Moorings 8C1 Aunt Diana 8C2 Averil 8C3 Barbara Heathcote’s Trial 8C4 and 8C5 Basil Lyndhurst ‘ 8C6 But Men Must Work ; and Mrs. Romney 8C7 Cousin Mona 8C8 Dr. Luttrell’s First Patient 8C9 Esther Cameron’s Story 8C10 For Lilias 8C11 Herb of Grace 8C12 Heriot’s Choice 8C13 The Highway of Fate 8C14 The Household of Peter 8C40 Life’s Trivial Round 8C15 Little Miss Muffet 8C16 Lover or Friend 8C17 Mary St. John 8C18 Merle’s Crusade 8C19 The Mistress of Brae Farm 8C20. Mollie’s Prince 8C21 My Lady Frivol 8C22 Nellie’s Memories 8C23 Not Like Other Girls 8C24 and 8C25 The Old, Old Story 8C26 and 8C27 Only the Governess 8C28 Other People’s Lives (Stories) 8C29 Our Bessie 8C30 A Passage Perilous 8C31 Car ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 68 Carey (R. N.) Novels {continued) ; Queenie’s Whim 8C32 and 8C33 Robert Ord’s Atonement 8C34 Rue with a Difference 8C35 Sir Godfrey’s Granddaughters ^C-36 Uncle Max 8C37 Wee Wifie 8C38 Wooed and Married 8C39 Carey, William, Missionary, Life of, by J. Culross. 1881 65 iB Caricature and the Grotesque, History of, by T. Wright. 1875 717L See also Furniss’s Confessions of a Caricaturist. Carleton (W., American) City Ballads 7P — Farm Ballads iP Farm Festivals 2P — Farm Legends 3P Carleton (W., Irish) Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry . 9C1 Carlisle Cathedral, Handbook to, by H. Withers. 1900 1302B Carlyle, Jane Welsh {Wife of T. Carlyle), Life of, by Mrs. A. Ireland. 1891 1232B Carlyle (T.) Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, 5 v. 1899 . . 82L W1I. I — J. P. F. Richter. State of German Literature. Life and Writingsof Weriier. Goethe’s Helena. Goethe. Burns. The Life of Heyne. German Playwrights. Voltaire. Fables and Verses. Vol. 2 — Novalis. Signs of the Times. On History. J. P. F- Rich ter Again. Luther’s Psalm [trans. of* line Feste Schiller. The Nibelungen Lied. German Literature, 14th and 15th centuries. Taylor’s Historic Survey of German Poetrj'. Goethe’s Portrait. Death of Goethe. Goethe's Works. \’ol. 3— Characteristics. Biograph}^ Boswell’s I.ife of Johnson. Corn-Law Rhymes. On Histor}" Again. Diderot. Count Cagliostro. Death of Edward Irving. The Diamom! Necklace. Mirabeau. Vol. 4 — Parliamentary History of the French Revolution. Sir Walter Scott. Varnhagen von Ense’s Memoirs. Chartism. Petition on the Copyright Bill. On the Sinking of the Vcngeur. Baillie the Covenanter. Dr. Francia. An Election to the Long Parliament. The Nigger Question. Two Hundred and Fifty Years A5;o. The Opera. Project of a National Exhibition of Scottish Portraits. The Prinzcnraub. Inaugural Address at Edinburgh, 1866. Vol. 5 — Shooting Niagara : and After ? Last Stage of the Franco- German War, 1870-1. Montaigne. Lady M. Wortley Montagu. Montesquieu Necker. The Netherlands. W. Pitt. Earl of Chatham. W. Pitt, the Younger. Cruthers and Johnson. The Early Kings of Norway. The Portraits of John Knox. Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches, with Elucidations, 5 v. 1871 416B 6g ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Car Carlyle (T.) The French Revolution, 2 v. 1900 10 iB ^Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History. 1901 81L History of Friedrich II. [Frederick the Great], 10 v. 1871 44 iB See cjntents under FreJerick. Last Words. 1892 840L Wotton Reinfred. Excursion to Piiris, 1851. Letters. — Latter-Day Pamphlets. [1850] 3C The Present Time. Model Prisons. Downing Street. New Down- ing Street. Stump Orator. Parliaments. Hudson’s Statue. Jesuitism. — Lectures on the History of Literature. 1892 824L -Life of Friedrich Schiller. 1872. 471B — Life of John Sterhng. 1871 47 3 B On the Choice of Books, with Memoir. 1875 89L Past and Present. 1899 90L — Reminiscences, ed. by C. E. Norton, 2 v. 1887 807B Vol. 1-2 — Janies Carl> le. Jane Welsh Cartyle. Vol. 3-4 — Edward Irving. Lord Jeffre)'. Southey. Wordsworth. Sartor Resartus 91L Translations : Tales by Musaeus, Tieck, and Richter, 2 V. 1874 92L Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister, 3 v. 1874 94L Carlyle, Thomas ; In Lessons from My Masters, by P. Bayne. 1879 453L Conversations with, by Sir Gavan Duffy. 1892 967L Life of, by J. A. Froude, 4 v. 1890 265 B Vol. 1-2 — Carlyle’s Early Life (1795 — 1835). Vol. 3-4 — His Life in I.ondon (1834 — 1881). Life of, by R. Garnett. 1887 1026B Life of, by E. Paxton Hood. 1875 21 9L Life of, by J. Nichol (Eng. Men of Letters). 1892 .... 619L Carmichael (J. W.) Marine Painting in Oil Colours 20D Marine Painting in Water Colours 21D Carnegie (A.) James Watt (a biography) 1495B Carpathians, A Girl in the Karpathians, by M. M. Dowie. 1891 99 iB Carpenter (J.), see Nasmyth and Carpenter. Carpenter (W. B.) The Microscope and Its Revelations 113D Carpentry : Home Carpentry for Handy Men, by F. C. Young. 1899 857D Carr (J. Comyns) Book Illustration, Old and New (1882).... 480D Carr (Mrs. Comyns) North Italian Folk {Ulus, by R. Caldecott). 1878 556B Car ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. /O Carr (Kent) Stories of School Life : Brought to Heel 962F A Rank Outsider 9^3^' Carriages, see Coach Building. Carroll (Lewis \pseud. of C. L. Dodgson]) Stories : Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 19F The Hunting of the Snark (in verse) 17F Sylvie and Bruno 20F Sylvie and Bruno concluded 23F Through the Looking-glass 21F Carter (R. B.) Doctors and their Work, or Medicine, Quackery and Disease. 1903 1131L Carthage (The Empire of Africa), by A. J. Church (Story of the Nations). 1887 874B Cartlidge (S. J.) Oil Painting for Beginners 369D Carved Ivories (Ancient), by W. Maskell 73 iL Carving and Furniture, by J. H. Pullen. 1885 489D Caryl] (Ivan) The Circus Girl, Musical Play 153R — The Earl and the Girl, Musical Play 169R The Gay Parisienne, Musical Play ISSR The Shop Girl, Musical Play 154R and Monckton (L.) The Messenger Boy, Musical Play 156R The Orchid, Musical Play 168R A Runaway Girl, Musical Play 1S7R The Toreador, Musical Play 152R Cashmere, Tibet, etc. ; Where Three Empires Meet, by E. F. Knight. 1895 1160B Caspian Petroleum District, The Region of Eternal Fire, by C. Marvin. 1888 99 SB Cassell’s Family Magazine, yearly volumes to 1896, afterwards half-yearly. From Vol. i, 1876, to the Present time. M 2101, et seq. Cassell’s Illustrated History of England, 9 v. 1898 1201B Castle (A. and E.) Novels and Tales : The Bath Comedy loCi The Pride of Jennico 10C2 Rose of the World loC The Secret Orchard 10C4 Castle (E.) Novels and Tates : Consequences 10C5 The Light of Scar they 10C6 71 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE CeC Castle (E.) Novels and Tales {continued) : Marshfield the Observer 10C7 Young April 10C8 Castles and Abbeys of England and Wales, by J. Timbs and A. Gunn, 3 v. 1873 191B Catechism of Music (Jousse’s) 71 iD Cathedrals : Our English Minsters, by F. W. Farrar and others 98 qB Cathedrals of England and Wales, Bell’s Illustrated Handbooks to. 1896-1904 ; fContainiiig, in each instance, a description of the fa.hric and a brief histor}' of the Episcopal See.] Bristol, by H. J. L. J. Masse i30[B Canterbury, by H. Withers Carlisle, by C. K. Eley 130.5^ Chester, by C. Hiatt 1304E Durham, by J. E. Bygate r^oSB Ely, by W. D. Sweeting 1308B- Exeter, by P. Addleshaw J307B Gloucester, b}' H. J. L. J. Masse 1310B Hereford, by A. H. Fisher 1311B Lichfield, by A. B. Clifton 1312B Lincoln, by A. F. Kendrick 1313B Manchester, by T. Perkins 13338 Norwich, by C. H. B. Quennell 1314-8 Oxford, by P. Dearmer £3i5B Peterborough, by W. D. Sweeting j, 1316B Rochester, by G. H. Palmer 13178 Saint Alban’s, by T. Perkins 1318B Saint David’s, by P. A. Robson 13228 Saint Paul’s, by A. Dimock 1321 B Salisbury, by Gleeson White 1323B Southwell, by A. Dimock 1324B Wells, by P. Dearmer . 1323B Winchester, by P. W. Sergeant 1326B Worcester, by E. F. Strange i337B York, by A. Clutton-Brock 132SB Cathedrals, see also Dublin, Paris, Rouen. Catherine of Siena, a biography, by J. E. Butler. 1894 .... 1143B Cathoheism, see Roman Catholicism. Catlin (G.) Life among the Indians [of North America]. . 169B and 18F Catlow (A.) Drops of Water and their marvellous inhabitants. 1851 82D Catullus, Introduction to, by J. Davis. 1874 15L Caunter (H.) Romance of History : India 320L Cavaliers, Scottish, Lays of the, by W. E. Aytoun 248P Cazalet (W. W.) Art of Singing 44D Cecil (Evelyn) On the Eve of the War [S. Africa, 1899] 1278 and 1279B Cecil (The Hon. Mrs. Evelyn) Children’s Gardens. 1902 .... 311D Ced ASTON MANOR RENDING ITBRARY CATALOGUE. 72 Cedar Creek ; A Tale of Canadian Life 129F R\' the same author, “The Foster Brothers of Doon ’’ 130F Celebrities at Home (from the World), 3 v. 1877-9 67 iL L 671 — The Prince of Wales. Tennyson. John Bright. W. E. Gladstone. Henry Irving. Lord Beaconsfield. C H. Spur- geon. Gustave Dore. Thomas Carlyle. Ouida. Dr. J. H. Newman. Charles Mathews, Miss M. E. Braddon. The Rev. H. W. Beecher, etc. L 672 -Sir Henry Thompson. The Pope (Pius IX.). Victor Hugo. J. L. Toole. Dr. Pusey. Sir F. Leighton. Richard Wagner. Professor Tyndall. George Augustus Sala. Mr. S.a ntley. Dr. Darwin. Prince Bism.ark Cardinal Manning. JohnRuskin. The Bishop of -Manchester. Sir Joseph Whitworth, etc. L 673 — The Marquis of Hartington. Archibald Forbes. Sims Reeves. Lord Chief Justice Cockburn. Mark Twain. Wilkie Collins. Sirali Brenhardt. Frank Buckland. Lord Wolseley. Lord Rosebery. W. Harrison Ainsworth, etc. Cellier (A.) Dorothy, Comic Opera 307R The Mountebanks, Comic Opera 14R Cellini, Benvenuto. Autobiography of, ed. by T. Roscoe. 1872 270B ('elt, Roman and Saxon Inhabitants of Britain, by T. Wright. 1875 189B Celtic Britain, see Britain. Celtic Literature, The Study of, by M. Arnold. 1891 50L Celts, Conversion of the, by G. F. Maclear lOoiB Century, The Life of a, see Nineteenth Century. Century Magazine, see Scribner’s Monthly. Ceremonials, Curiosities of, by F. Marshall. 1880 467L’ Cervantes Saavedra (M, de) Don Quixote iiCi and 11C2 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Life of, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1880 522L Life of, by T. Roscoe. 1861 404B Cetewayo and his White Neighbours, by H. R. Haggard. 1888 809B Ceylon, Eight Years in, by Sir S. W. Baker. 1884 216B Forest Life in, by W. Knighton, 2 v. 1854 988B Chaldea, to the Rise of Assyria (Story of the Nations), by Z. A. Ragozin. 1887 882B Challenger (H.M.S.) Voyage of the, by W. J. Spry. 1880 . . 61 iB Chalmers (J.) The Renegade ; A novel 12C1 Chalmers, James {Missionary, New Guinea, etc.). Life and Adventures of, by R. Lovett. 1904 374B Chalmers, Thomas, Life of, by D. Fraser. 1881 65 2B Life of, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1893 1145B Chamberlain, Joseph, Life of, by S. H. Jeyes 1119B [Life of], A Romance of Modern Politics, by A. Mee. 1901 1244B Chambers (G. F.) Story of the Solar System. 1895 372D 73 ASTON MANOR TENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Cha Chambers fG. F.) Story of the Stars. 1896 373^ Story of the Weather. 1897 38 iD Chambers (R.) ed. The Book of Days, 2 v. 1888 423L and Carruthers (R.) ed. Cyclopaedia of English Literature, 2 V. 1876 426L Chambers (R. W.) Novels and Tales : Ashes of Empire (Siege of Paris) . 13C1 The Cambric Mask 13C2 Cardigan (The Mohawks and the American War, 1774). . 13C3 A Gay Conspiracy 13C4 In Search of the Unknown 13C5 A King and a Few Dukes 13C6 Lorraine (Franco-German War) 13C7 The Maid at Arms (The Mohawks, 1774) 13C8 The Maids of Paradise (Franco-German War) 13C9 The Maker of Moons, etc 13C10 Outsiders 13C11 The Red Repubhc (Paris : the Commune) 13C12 Chambers (W.) France: Its History and Revolutions. 1886.. lOoB Stories of Remarkable Persons. 1878 355 B The Youth’s Companion and Counsellor 57oL On Sleep, Early Rising, The Toilet, School Days, Mental Culture, Memory, Public Speaking, Manners, Etiquette. Chambers’s Information for the People, 2 v. 1875 433K Chambers’s Journal ; half-yearly volumes to 1863, yearly volumes subsequently. Conducted by W. and R. Chambers. Second Se ies, from Vol. i, 1844, to Vol. 20, 1853. M 431 to 450. I hird Series, from Vol. i, 1854, to Vol. 18, 1862. M 451 to 468. Fointh Series, from Vol. i, 1864, to Vol. 20, -1883. M471 to 490. F:fth Series, from Vol. i, 1884, to Vol. 14, 1897. M 951 to 964. Sixth Series, from Vol. i, 1898. M 965, et seq. Chambers’s Journal, Tales from, see Tales. Chambers’s Miscellany of Tracts, 10 v 10 iL L loi — George Stephenson. Picciola. Abyssinia and Theodore. Circumstantial Eh’ldence. The Last Earl of Derwentwater. Lord Dundonald. L 102— Nelson. Story of the Indian Mutiny. Silvio Pellico. William Tell. Wallace and Bruce. Flora Macdonald, etc. L 103 — Napoleon III. The Plague in London. Mutiny of the Bo mty. Captain Cook. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. History of the Mormons, etc L 104 — Joan of .Arc. Gold and Gold Diggers. Anecdotes of Ele- phants. The Russian Campaign. Wonders of Architecture, etc. L 105 — William III. The Sun, by Stewart and Lock}'er. The Man with the Iron Mask. Sir Walter Scott. Life Insurance. 1 he Norman Conquest, etc. Cha ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, 74 Chambers’s Miscellany of Tracts {continued) : L 106— Peter the Great. The Stranger in Edinburgh. Wonders ot the Microscope. Columbus, etc. L 107 — Henry IV. of France. Anecdotes of Serpents. France: its Revolutions and Misfortunes. Life of Howard. The Gipsies, etc. L 108 — Life of William Hutton. Pearls and Pearl Fisheries. Gusta- vus yLdolphus. William Penn. The Crusades. Anecdotes of Shoemakers. Speculative Manias, etc. L 109 — James Watt. The Pilgrim Fathers. History of the Bastille. Life of Alexander Selkirk. Sir William Jones. The Old Witch- craft. The Stranger in London. Conquest of Mexico, etc. L no — Oberlin. Pea.sant Life in Norway. Quentin Matsys. Life and Travels of Burckhardt. Rob Roy. The Jews in England. Spectral Illusions, etc. Chambers’s New Reciter, ed. by Morrison, 1899 290L Champlin (J. D.) Chronicle of the Coach 768L From Charing Cross to Ilfracombe. Champness (T.) New Coins from Old Gold (Sermons). 1 1878. . 379A The Granary of God. The Farmer’s Gift. The Holy Tent. The Temptation of Christ, etc. Change, as a Mental Restorative, by J. M. Granville. 1880.... 497D Channing (W. E.) Works 88A John Milton. Napoleon Bonaparte. Fenelon. Calvinism. Educa- tion. Slavery. Catholicism. Creeds. Temperance. Self-Cul- ture. War. Unitarian Christianity. Likeness to God. Duties of Children. Immortality. Evidences of Christianity. Charac- ter of Christ. Spiritual Freedom. Self-Denial. Evil of Sin. Future Life. Christian Worship. Means of Promoting Christianity, Chapman’s Magazine of Fiction, three volumes a year. From Vol I, 1895, to Vol. ii, 1898. M 2971-2981. Charity Organization ; Experiences of a Charity Organizationist, by J. H. Wright. 1878 893L Charles I., Trial of, and of the Regicides 405B Charles V. (Emperor) History of, by W. Robertson. 1840. . . 1017B [Charles (Mrs.)] Novels and Tales : Against the Stream 14C1 Both Sides of the Sea 14C2 Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family 14C3 Conquering and to Conquer ; 14C4 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Tevelyan 14E5 Draytons and the Davenants 14C6 Joan the Maid 14C7 Charlesworth (M.) Ministering Children 213F Charpentier (A.) Un Amour Idyllique (novel in French) 25C1 Chartism, by T. Carlyle. 1899 8i;I, Chatrian (M.). see Erckmann and Chatrian. 75 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Che Chatterton ^T.) Poems r72P Chatterton, Thomas, Life of, by W. C. Dix. 1837 458B Story of, by D Masson, 1874 565L Chaucer (Geoffrey) Works of, ed. by A. W. Pollard and others. 1 004 70P The Canterbury Tales. Earlier Minor Poems. Troilus and Criseyde. The House of Fame. The Leg^end of Good Women. The Romaunt of the Rose. Translation of Boece, etc. Chaucer, Geoffrey: Chaucer’s England, by M. Brcwne, 2 v. 1869 677B For contents, see under author’s name. Tales from Chaucer, by Mrs, Cowden Clarke 487F Life of, by A. W. Ward (Eng. Men of Letters). 1879. . . 596L Chelsea : A Summer-Jay’s Stroll in Old Chelsea, by B. E. Martin. 1889 294B Chemistry : Armstrong (H, E.) inorganic Chemistry. 1874 97D Bernays (A. J.) Manual of Elementary Chemistry. 1883 093D Cooke (J. P.) The New Chemistry. 1876 107D Ellis (R.) Chemistry of Cieat’oii. 1880 665 D Faraday (M.) Chemical History of a CandL, ed. by W. Crookes . 98D Findlay (A.) The Phase Rule and its Applications. 1904 792D Fownes (G ) Manual of Elementary Chemistry, 1858 .. 47D Hillyer (H. W.) Laboratory Manual. 1899 282D Jago (W.) Elementary Text Book of Chemistry. 1892 403D Chemistr}/ for Advanced Students, 1893 404D Johnston (J. F. W.) Chemistry of Common Life, 2 v. 1855 , 109D Vol. I — The Air we Breathe. The Water we Drink. The Soil we Cultivate. The Plants we Rear. The Bread we Eat. The Beverages we Infuse. The Liquors we Ferment, etc. Vol. 2 — The Narcotics we Indulge In. The Poisons we Select. The Odours we Enjoj'. The Smells we Dislike. The Circulation of Matter, etc. Muir (M. M.P,.) Story of the Chemical Elements. 1897 378D Newth (G. S.) Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry. 1897 408D Parkes (S.) The Chemical Catechism 1834 75oD Perkin (W. H.) and Kipping (F. S.) Organic Chemistry, 2 V. 1894-5 320D Ramsay (vSir W.) Introduction to the Study of Physical Chemistry. 1904 79iL> Ramsay W.) Modern Chemistry (Temple Primers), 2 v. 1900 353D D353 — Theoretical. D354 — Systematic, Che ASTON MANOK LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 76 Chemistry {continued) : Roscoe (Sir H.) Lessons in Elementary Chemistry. 1892 108D Roscoe (Sir H.) and Lunt (J.) Inorganic Chemistry for Beginners. 1893 40 SD Sexton (A. H.) Elementary Chemistry. 1893 407D Tilden (W. A.) Progress of Scientific Chemistry. 1899 . 410D Williamson (A. W.) Chemistry for Students. 1868. . . . 106D Wright (C. R. A.) Experimental Chemistry [In The Threshold of Science]. 1891 66 iD Chemistry of Cookery, by W. M. Williams 51D of Gas Manufacture, by A. V. Harcourt. 1877 494D of Light and Photography, by H. Vogel. 1876 137D — for Photographers, by F. C. Townsend. 1899 333P of Pigments, by J. M. Thomson 48 5 D of Putrefaction and Antiseptics, by J. M. Thomson. 1887 47 iD Chemists, Lives of (Heroes of Science), by M. M. P. Muir. 1883 961B Cherubini (L.) Coronation Mass 262R Second Mass 263R Fourth Mass (in C) 75R Requiem Mass 264R The Water Carrier, Opera 308 R Chess for Beginners, by R. B. Swinton. 1897 iG Chess Players’ Handbook, by H. Staunton 2G Chester Cathedral, Handbook to, by C. Hiatt. 1897 1304B Chesterton (G. K.) Browning (Eng. Men of Letters). 1903... 1151L For the Defendant (Essays). 1903 1058L A Defence of Penny Dreadfuls, Rash Vows. Skeletons. Publicii>. Nonsense. Heraldr)’. Ugfl}' Things. Farce. Slang-. Detec- tive Stories, etc. Twelve Types (Essays). 1902 1052L Cliar’otte Bronte. \V. Morris and his School. The Optimism of Byron. Pope and the Art of Satire. Francis [of Assisi]. Rostand. Charles II. Stevenson. Carlyle. Tolstoi. Savona- r.'la. Sir Walter Scott. The Napoleon of Notting Hill : a novel 15C1 Chetwode (R. D.) John of Strathbourne : a novel 16C1 Chicago, The Great Fires in, by E. J. Goodspeed. 1871 i 54 B Child (The) His Nature and Nurture, by W. B. Drummond. 1901 1054L Children’s Garland from the Poets, ed. by C. Patmore 61 F Children’s Singing Games, ed. by A. Gomme 157F Children’s Ways, by H. Sully. 1897 1053L Child’s Guide to Knowledge 720F 77 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Chr China : Buddhism in China, by S. Beal. 1884 432A Wanderinfjs in, by C. F. Gordon-Cumming. 1900 1214B Social Life of the Chinese, by J. Doolittle. 1868 321B The Country and the People, by R. K. Douglas. 1878. 978B The Story of, by R. K. Douglas. 1899 92 iB —Laws, Manners, and Customs of, by J. H. Gray 2 v. 1878 757B In the Far East, by G. G. Guinness. 1889 320B Through Asia, by Sven Hedin, 2 v. 1898 1433B Journey from Shanghae to Bhamo, by A. Margary. 1876 756B see also Korea. China, Painting on, by Mrs. Morrell. 1883 607D Chitral : The Story af a Minor Siege, by Sir G. S. Robertson. 1899 1177B Chiitenden (H. M.) The Yellowstone National Park [U.S.]. 1895 733B Chivalry and Romance, Essays on, by Sir W. Scott 337L Cholmondeley (M.) Novels and Tales : The Danvers Jewels 17C1 Diana Tempest 17C2 Moth and Rust, etc 17C3 Red Pottage 17C4 Sir Charles Danvers 17C5 Sequel to “ The Danvers Jewels." Chopin (F.) Nocturnes 24 iR Christian Church, The, by E. Renan 463A Christian Doctrine : Discourses by R. W. Dale. 1894 407A Christian Family Annual ; yearly volumes. From 1881 to 1883, and 1887-8. M 26 to 30. Christian Singers of Germany [Hymn Writers], by C. Winkworth. 1870 665B Christian Year, The : Thoughts in Verse, by J. Keble 57P Christianity : The Conversion of the West ; Biooi — The Celts, by G. F. Maclear. B1002 — The Continental Teutons, by C. Merivale. B1003 — The English, by G. F. Maclear. B1004 — The Northmen, by G. F. Maclear. B1005 — The Slavs, by G. F. Maclear. Christianity in Harmony with Man’s Nature, by G. Legge. 1850 366A Origins of Christianity, by E. Renan, 5 V 45 9A For contents of series, see under author's name. Christie (W. H. M.) Manual of Elementary Astromony. 1884 691D Christie Redfern’s Troubles^: A Story 132F Chr ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 7S Christmas Annuals, etc. 1869 lOOoL Routledgfe's Annual. Bow Bells Annual, ed. by G. A. Sala. Fairy Water, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. Tl>e Circle Club Annual. Fun for the Million. Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family, the Author of : see Charles (Mrs.). Chronology, Dictionary of Dates, by J. Haydn. 1876 1060B Chrysostom (St. John), Life of, by W. Macgilvray. 1871 .. 272B Church (A.) Ovid (Ancient Classics for English Readers), 1876 28L Church (A.) and Brodribb (W. J.) Phny’s Letters (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1872 31L Church (A. H.) On Colour and Colouring. 1890 446D Church (A. J.) Carthage : The Empire of Africa (Story of the Nations). 1887 ^74B Early Britain (Story of the Nations). 1889 891B -Summer Days on the Thames. 1890 735B Recollections of Boating- and Fishing between Henlej’ and O.vford. Stories : Stories from the Bible 65 2F The Chantry Priest of Barnet 640E The Count of the Saxon Shore 64 lE Helmet and Spear (Wars of the Greeks and Romans) 649F Pictures from Roman Life and Story * 710F Roman Life in the Days of Cicero 642F Stories of Charlemagne 909E Stories of the East (from Herodotus) 643 F Stories from the Greek Tragedians 644F Stories from Homer 488F .Stories from Livy t>45F Stories of the Magicians 646F Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem 647F Story of the Persian Wars 648F A Traveller’s True Tale (from Lucian) 650F With the King at Oxford 651F Church (Mrs. R., Marryat), see Marryat (F.). Church (R. W.) Bacon (Eng. Men of Letters). 1884 61 5L Life of St. Anselm, Abp. of Canterbury. 1870 27 iB Spenser (Eng. Men of Letters). 1879 588L Church, The ; Its History : Primer of Early Church History, by J. V. Bartlet. 1897 1257B Acts and Monuments of the Church, by J. Eoxe, 3 v. 1875 L33B The Church of the Fathers, by J. H. Newman. 1868. . 320A Review of Ecclesiastical History, by J. Newton. 1809 505 A 79 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Cic Church (The Enghsh) : Leaders in the Northern Church, by J. B. Lightfoot. 1890 408 A The Church of England, its principles, etc., by W. Odam. 1883 386A History of the Anglican Revival, by J. H, Overton. 1897 History of the English Church, by D. H. M. Spence, icco 1293B Secret History of the Oxford Movement, by W. Walsh 245A See also Diocesan Histories. Church Choir Training, by T. Troutbeck 583D Church Folks [Sketches of Church Life], by Ian Maclaren [J. Watson]. 1900 1023L For contents, see under Maclaren. Church Music, see Music. Church Reform, Tracts^on (Laymen’s Defence Association). 1864-81 3 39 A Church Work : Its Means and Methods, by Bp. J. Moorhouse. 1894 49SA Churches : Our Parish Churches, b}^ H. H. Bishop. 1886 65 5 D The Churches of Paris, by S. S. Beale, 1893 137B See also Abbeys, and Cathedrals. Churches, Free, History of the, by Silvester Horne. 1903. . . . 1365B Churchill (Lord R. S.) Men, Mines, and Animals in South Africa (1895) 9/6B Churchill (Winston) Novels and Tales ; The Celebrity 18C1 The Crisis [American War of Secession] 18C2 The Crossing [Louisiana, i8th Century] 18C3 Richard Carvel [American War of Independence] 18C4 Churchill (Winston S.) Ian Hamilton’s March from Bloemfontein to Pretoria. 1900 1270B London to Ladysmith, via Pretoria. 1900 1269B The Story of an Escape from Pretoria, after having been taken prisoner by the Boers. Savrola : a novel 19C1 Churchmen : Leaders in the Northern Church, by J. B. Lightfoot. 1890 4l8A S. Oswald, S. Aidan. S. Cuthbert. Bede. Richard de Bury. Bernard Gilpin. John Cosin. Joseph Butler. Cicero, Introduction to, by W. L. Collins. 1876 16L and the Downfall of the Roman Republic, by J. L. S. Davidson. 1894 1121B Life of, by J. F. HoUings. 1861 41 jB Cir ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 8o Circumnavigators (English) Lives of, by Purves and Cochrane 352B City, The, Its Sins and Sorrows, by^T. Guthrie. 1884 397A Civil Society, History of, by A. Ferguson (1773) 124C Civilization, The Agents of, by W. Maccall. 1843 266L The Hero. The Poet. The Priest. The Prophet. Tlie Martyr, etc. — Curiosities of Civilization,^ by A. Wynter 416L Ultimate Civilization, by I. Taylor, junr. i860 363L Civilization in.England, History of, by H. T. Buckle, 3 v. 1873 28B Civilization of the East, The, by F. Hommell. 1900 1291B Civilization of India, The, by R. C. Dutt. 1900 1292B Civilizations (Extinct) of the East, by R. E. Anderson. 1896. 927B Clare (A.) Novels and Tales : Another Man’s Burden 20C1 The Carved Cartoon : a Story of the Plague and the Fire 20C2 Court Cards 20C3 Davie Armstrong 422F A Dream of Rubens ; . 42 iF Randal of Randalholme 20C4 A Sprig of White Heather 20C5 Clare, John, Life and Remains of [poetical and prose], ed. by J. L. Cherry 26P Claretie (J.) Candida! ! (a novel, in French) 24C1 Clark (C. H., Max Adeler), see Adeler. Clark (J. W.) Cambridge: brief historical and descriptive notes. 1890 839B Clark (Scotson) Fifteen Marches for the Organ 198R Clarke (C.) Novels and Tales : The Beauclercs 21C1 Charlie Thornhill 21C2 Chips from an Old Block 21C3 Crumbs from a Sportsman’s Table 21C4 The Flying Scud 21C5 Lord Falconberg’s Heir 21C6 [Clarke (C. C.)] Three Courses and a Dessert 22C1 Illustrated by G. Cruikshank. Clarke (E.) Handel (a biography) 61 5F Clarke (E. H.) Sex in Education, or A Fair Chance for Girls. 1875 82C Clarke (Mrs. H.) In Jacobite Days 904F Clarke (H. S.) A Little Flutter : Stage, Story and Stanza. 1893 927L “ A Little Flutter.” Dolly. An Adamless Eden, etc. ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Cle Clarke (L.) Objects of the Microscope. 1873 202D Clarke (Marcus)- His Natural Life ; a novel 23C1 Clarke (M. C.) Tales from Chaucer 4 ^ 7 ^ Clarkson (T.) Life of William Penn. 1849 474^ Classics, Ancient, for English Readers ; [Popular Introductions to, and Sketches of, the Works of Ancient Classic Authors.] L II — .(Eschylus, by K. S. Copleston. L 12 — Aristophanes, by W. L. Collins. L 13— Aristotle, by Sir A. Grant. L 14 — Caesar, by A. Trollope. L 15 — Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius, by J. Davies. L 16 — Cicero, by W. L. Collins. L 17— Demosthenes, by W. J. Brodribb. L 18 — Euripides, by W. B, Donne. L 19 — Greek x\nthologry, by Lord Neaves. L 20 — Herodotus, by G. C. Swayne. L 21 — Plesiod and Theognis, by J. Davis. L 22— Homer (Iliad), by W. L. Collins. L 23 — Plomer (Odyssey), by W. L. Collins. • L 24 — Horace, by Theo. Martin. L 25 — Juvenal, by E. Walford. L 26 — Livy, by W. L. Collins. L 27 — Lucian, by W. L. Collins. L 28 — Ovid, by A. Church. L 29 — Plato, by C. W. Collins. L 30— Plautus and Terence, by W, L. Collins. L 31 — Pliny’s Letters, by A. Church and W. J. Brodribb. L 3B — Sophocles, by C. W. Collins. L 33 — Tacitus, by W. B. Donne. L 34 — Virgil, by W. L. Collins. L 35 — Xenophon, by Sir A. Grant. Classics, Connexion of Greek and Roman Art with, by S. Colvin. 1877 496D Clear (Claudius [pseud, of W. R. Nicoll]), see Nicoll. Cleeve. (Lucas) The Man in the Street : a novel 27C1 Clemens (S. L., Mark Twain), see Twain. Clement (E. W.) Handbook of Modern Japan. 1904 1393B Clent Hills : dentine Rambles, by W. Harris. 1845 308B Cleopatra’s Needle : Its History and Hieroglyphics, by J. King. 1885 701B Clerical Life (The) : Letters to Ministers, by J. Watson, M. Dods, W. R. Nicoll, etc. 1898 537^. On Long Sermons. The Use of Anecdotes in the Pulpit. Want of Theology in Sermons. The Minister who becomes “ run do^vn,” etc. Clerke (A. M.) and others : The Concise Knowledge Astronomy. 1898 43b!) Cli ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 82 Clifford (Mrs. W. K.) Novels and Stories ; Aunt Anne 26C1 The Getting-Well of Dorothy 315F The Last Touches 26C2 Clifton (A. B.) Lichfield Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook). 1898.. 1312B Clifton, see Bristol. Climate in Relation to Health, by G. V. Poore. 1885 487b) See also Meteorology. Clive (Mrs. A.) Paul Ferroll : a novel 28C1 Clive, Lord, and the Foundation of British Rule in India, by Sir A. J. Arbuthnot. 1899 1242B Clocks : Time and Time Tellers, by J. W. Benson. 1902 319L Clocks, Watches, and Bells, by E. Beckett [Lord Grimthorpe]. 1883 48D The Clock- Jobbers’ Handybook, by P. N. Hasluck. 1889 726D Clodd (E.) Pioneers of Evolution, from Thales to Huxley. 1897 307D The Story of the Alphabet. 1900 904L The Story of Creation : a Plain Account of Evolution. 1888 559D Clouds, see Atmosphere. Clough (A. H.) Poems 19P Clough, Arthur Hugh, Monograph on, by S. Waddington. 1883 587B Clowes (J.) Illustrations of the Holy Word 34SA Clowes, Rev. John (Swedenborgian), Life of, by T. Compton. 1882 649B Club Cameos, Portraits of the Day. 1879 676L Clubs and Club Life in London, by J. Timbs. 1873 372L Clyde (Colin Campbell, Lord), Life of, by E. C. Phillips 616F Coach Building, History of the Art of, by G. A. Thrupp. 1876 496D Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, by W. O. Tristram. 1893 934^ Illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Coal Fields of Great Britain, by E. Hull. 1861 229D Story of a Piece of Coal, by E. A. Martin. 1896 37SD and what we get from it, by R. Mendola. 1891 772D Coal Gas, see Gas. Coal-Mining. Practical, by T. H. Cockin. 1904 82 iD Coal Tar Colours, see Aniline. Cobb (J. F.) Silent Jim : a Cornish Story 131F The Watchers on the Longships 186F \ ^ 83 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Coi Cobban (J. M.) Novels : An African Treasure 29C1 The Angel of the Covenant [Montrose] 29C2 Cease Fire ! (Transvaal War, 1881) 29C3 The Cure of Souls 29C4 The Golden Tooth 29C5 The Green Turbans 29C6 Her Royal Highness’s Love Affair 29C7 I’d Crowns Resign 29C8 The King of Andaman 29C9 Master of His Fate 29C10 Pursued by the Law 29C11 Tinted Vapours 29C12 Cobbe (F. P.) The Modern Rack ; Papers on Vivisection. 1889 617D The Scientific Spirit of the Age. 1888 839L Also : The Education of the Emotions. Progressive Judaism. Thougfhts about Thinking-. The Town Mouse and Countrj^ Mouse, etc. Cobbett (W.) Twelve’ Sermons. 1823 425A On Hypocrisy and Crueltj-. Drunkenness, Bribery. The Rights of • the Poor. Unjust Judges. The Sluggard. Murder. Gaming. Public Robber\'. Tne Unnatural Mother. Forbidden Marriage. Parsons and Tithes. Cobden (R.) Political Writings of. 1886 36C -Russia, Turkey and England. 1876 14C Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. 1878 37C Free Trade. Finance. The Russian War. The American War. Foreign Policy. India. Peace. Parliamentary Reform. Education. Cobden, Richard, “ An English Hero,” by F. E. Cooke 624F Life of, by R. Gowing 611F Life of, by J. Morley 1903 68 5 B Cockerell (D.) Bookbinding and the Care of Books : a Text- Book. 1901 801D Cockin (T. H.) Practical Coal Mining. 1904 821D Cockton (H.) Novels : Stanley Thorn 30C1 Sylvester Sound 30C2 Valentine Vox 30C3, 30C4 and 30C5 Cocoa, Popular Account of : The Food of the Gods, by B. Head. 1903 812D [Codner (E. R.)] Among the Brambles (Lessons from Life). 1880 292A Coignet, Capitaine [Jean-Roch] (soldat de la Repubhque), Les Cahiers du, (1799-1815) publics par L. Larchey. 1894 .... 1283B Coi ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, 84 Coinage, Alloys used for, by W. C. R. Austin. 1884 476D Coinage (British) The Story of, by G. B. Rawlings. 1898. . . . 384D Coins and Currency, Short History of, by Sir J. Lubbock, Lord Avebury. 1902 3 2 2D Colburn (G.) Poems on Mankind and Nature 252P Colchester, The Siege of (.^.n. 1648), by G. F. Townsend 9S2B Cole (A. S.) Egyptian Tapestry. 1889 454L> Art of Lace -Making. 1881 45 SL Embroidery and Taspestry Making. 1886 489D Means of Verifying Ancient Embroideries and Laces. 1895 455D Coleman (E.) The Ejectment of the Two Thousand Confessors in 1662. 1861 69B 7.e., the Ministers who refused to conform to the Act of L’ni- formity. Coleman (W. S.) Our Woodlands, Heaths, and Hedges (1859) 21 2D Coleridge (C. R.) Novels and Tales : An English Squire 31C1 Reuben Everett 424F The Tender Mercies of the Good 31C3 Coleridge (M. E.) The King with Two Faces : a novel 32C1 Coleridge (S. T.) Aids to Reflection. 1877 26A Biographia Literaria (My Literary Life and Opinions). 1876 1 13L Also Two Lay Sermons : i — The Statesman’s Manual, or the Bible the best guide to Political Skill and Foresight. 2 Sowing beside all Waters. [On the Existing Distresses and Dis- contents.] Poems and Dramas 28P Poems : The Golden Book of Coleridge [Selections], with Introduction by Stopford A. Brooke 41P Science of Method 402L Shakespeare, Jonson, Beaumont, and Fletcher : Notes and Lectures. 1875 114L Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, by Hall Caine. 1887 1290B by H. D. Traill (Eng. Men of Letters). 1884 616L Coleridge, Sara, Memoir and Letters of, 2 v. 1873 S19B Coligny, Gaspard de. Life of, by W. Besant. 1879 57iB Collections and Recollections, by One who has kept a Diary [G. W. E. Russell]. 1898 1082B For cotitents, see under author’s name. Collier (J.) Manual of Oil Painting. 1887 568D 85 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Col Collingwood (H.) Juvenile Tales : The Castaways 987F For Treasure Bound 73oF Jack Beresford’s Yarn 724F The Missing Merchantman 729F An Ocean Chase 98 8F A Pirate of the Caribbees 989F The Voyage of the “ Aurora ” 380F Collingwood (W. G.) Life of John Ruskin. 1900 1230B Collins (C. W.) Saint Simon (Foreign Classics). 1880 521L Sophocles (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1871 32L Collins (G. E.) Private Book for Goldsmiths (Alloys). 1872. . 504D Collins (J. Churton) Ephemera Critica : Plain Truths about Current Literature. 1901 1087L Collins (Mortimer) Thoughts in My Garden, 2 v. 1880 1129L Collins, Mortimer, His Letters and his Friends, ed. by his Wife, 2 V. 1877 745B Collins (M. and F.) Novels : Frances 33C2 Sweet and Twenty 33C1 The Village Comedy 33C3 Collins (Wilkie) Novels and Tales : After Dark 34C1 Antonina 34C2 Armadale 34C3 Basil 34C4 The Black Robe 34C5 Blind Love 34C6 The Dead Secret 34C7 The Evil Genius 34C8 The Fallen Leaves 34C9 The Frozen Deep 34C10 The Guilty River 34C11 The Haunted Hotel 34C12 Heart and Science . . . . 34C13 Hide and Seek 34C14 “ I say No ! ” 34C15 Jezebel’s Daughter 34C16 The Law and the Lady 34C17 The Legacy of Cain 34C18 Man and Wife 34C19 Col ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 86 Collins (Wilkie) Novels and Tales {continued) : Miss or Mrs. ? 34C20 The Moonstone 34C21 The New Magdalen 34C22 No Name 34C23 Poor Miss Finch 34C24 Queen of Hearts 34C25 A Rogue’s Life 34C26 Two Destinies 34C27 Woman in White 34C28 and 34C29 Collins (W. L.) Aristophanes (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1877 12L Cicero (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1876. . 16L — Homer ; The Iliad (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1871 22L Homer ; The Odyssey (Ancient Classics for English Readers) 1871 23L La Fontaine and other French Fabulists (Foreign Classics) 1882 S2SL Livy (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1871 ... . 26L Lucian (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1873. . . 27L Montaigne (Foreign Classics). 1879 517L Platus and Terence (Ancient Classics for English Readers) 1873 30L Virgil (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1877. . . . 34L Colmer (J. G.) Across the Canadian Prairies. 1894 1152B Colonies ; Oceana, or England and Her Colonies, by J. A. Froude. 1886 664B British Enterprise Beyond the Seas, by J. H. Eyfe. 1865 64B The Imperial Heritage, by E. E. Williams 1164B Her Majesty’s Colonies (Colonial Exhibition Papers, 1889) 783B See also British Empire, Baden Powell’s New Homes for the Old Country, and Dilke’s Greater Britain. Colossians, Epistle to, see Bible. Colour: Light and Colour, by Capt. Abney. 1889 472D Measurement and Mixture, by Capt. Abney. 1891 ... 770D Cantor Lectures on. 1890 446D On Colour and Colouringf, by A. H. Church. The Pigments and Vehicles of the Old Masters, by A. P. Laurie. Modern Chromatics, by O. N. Rood. 1879 524D With Applications to Art and Industry. 87 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Con Colour , The Sketcher’s Colour Manual, by C. Wallis 359D Colouring (Principles of) in Painting, by C. Martel 31D Columbus : Christophe Colomb, par A. de Lamartine 1281B olvin (S.) Connexion of Greek and Roman Art with ,, the Classics. 1877 496D Keats (English Men of Letters). 1887 618L Landor (English Men of Letters). 1881 603L Combe (W.) Dr. Syntax’s Three Tours 31P Combustion, The Story of a Tinder Box, by C. M. Tidy. 1889 63 5 D Comedy, Principles of, by P. Fitzgerald. 1870 45 ?L Comic Almanack (Cruikshank’s) from 1835 to 1853, 2 v 115L Commanders (Great) Memoirs of, by G. P. R. James . Henry V. Cromwell. Monk. Turenne. The Great Conde. John, Duke of Marlboroug-h. General Wolfe, etc. Commandments (The Ten), by R. W. Dale. 1872 336A Commerce ; Our Commerce in War, and How to Protect It, by J. T. Danson. 1897 78C The Wealth of Households, by J. T. Danson. 1886.. 79C Business [How to ensure Commercial Aptitude], by J. Platt. 1876 763L Commercial Federation of the British Empire, by S. S. Rigg. 1888 53C Sketches of Commerce on Land and Sea 648D See also entries under Tariffs. Commercial Trusts : The American Invaders, by F. McKenzie. 1902 136C Common Prayer (Book of), see Prayer Book. Communion, Holy, see Gore (C.) The Body of Christ, and Goulburn (E. M.) On the Communion Office. Composition : Art of Writing English, by J. M. D. Meiklejohn 1063L Composition (Musical), by J. Stainer 59oD Compton (T.) Life of the Rev. John Clowes (Swedenborgian). 1882 649B Comrie (M. S.) Tales ; Over Against Her House 36C1 Sir Josceline’s Hostage 93SF Conchology, see Shells. Conder (C. R.) The Bible and the East. 1896 41 3A With Illustrations from the researches of the Palestine Exploration Fund. Heth and Moab : Explorations in Syria. 1889 9S6B Judas Maccabeus (short biography). 1879 575B Con ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 88 Confucianism and Taouism, by R, K. Douglas. 1879 433A Congo (The) and the Founding of its Free State, by H. M. Stanley, 2 V. 1885 867B Congress of Nations, Prize Essays on. 1840 41C Congreve (W.) Poetical Works 27 5 P Congreve, William, Life of, by E. Gosse. 1888 1050B Conic Sections, Theory of, by J. R. Young. 1838 543B Conics, Geometrical, by J. J. Milne and R. E. Davis. 1894. . 327D Conjuring; Magic No Mystery, ed. by W. H. Cremer. 1876. 31G The Secret Out (Drawing Room Magic), ed. by W. H. Cremer 32G Magic at Home, by Prof. Hoffmann. 1890 35G Secrets of Conjuring and Magic, by R. Houdin, ed. by Hoffmann. 1878 39G Secrets of Stage Conjuring, by Robert Houdin . 1881 38G The Modern Conjuror and Drawing Room Entertainer, by C. L. Neil. 1903 37G Conn (H. W.) The Story of Germ Life. 1897 380D The Story of Life’s Mechanism. 1899 383D Connor (Ralph [pseud, of C. W. Gordon]) Novels and Tales : Black Rock 35C1 Glengarry Days 35C2 The Man from Glengarry 35C3 The Prospector 3SC4 The Sky Pilot 35C5 All the above are stories of life in the North West of Candida. Conrad (J.) Novels : Lord Jim 37C1 An Outcast of the Islands 37C2 Conscript, The, and other Stories 38C1 Conservation of Energy, see Energy. Conservative Policy, Speeches on, by B. Disraeli. 1874 23C Constable (H.) Duration and Nature of Future Punishment. 1886 602A Hades, or the Intermediate State of Man. 1893 601A Constantinople, A Month at, by Albert Smith. 1851 819B See also Byzantine Empire. Constitution of England, On the, by J. L. DeLolme 6C Rise and Progress of the English Constitution, by Sir E. Creasy. 1858 19C Constitutional History of England (Edward I. to Henry VII.), by H. Hallam 6C 8g ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. CoO Constitution of France, see Bodley’s France. Contemporary Review; three volumes a year to end of 1879; half-yearly volumes subsequently . From Vol. 31, December, 1877, ^tie present time. M 841, et seq. Continental Teutons, Conversion of the, by C. Merivale 1002B Conversation : Talkers, by J. Bate. 1878 759L Conversations, see Crawford’s with the Immortals, Helps’ Friends in Council, and Landor’s Imaginary Conversations. Conversion of the West, The, see Christianity, Conway (Hugh [pseud, of F. J. Fargus]) Novels and Tales : Called Back ' 39C1 Dark Days 39C2 A Family Affair 39^3 Living or Dead 39C4 Slings and Arrows 39^5 Conybeare (W. J.) and Howson (J. S.) Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 1877 89A Cook (Dutton) A Book of the Play, 2 v. 1876 iiiL Hours with the Players. 1883 71 6L — Nights at the Play. 1883 738L — Novels : Leo 40C1 Paul Foster’s Daughter 40C2 Cook (E. T.) Studies in Ruskin. 1890 823L Cook (Mrs. E. T.) Highways and Byways in London. 1902 . . 1418B Cook (Eliza) Jottings from My Journal, i860 714L Poems 33P Cook (Capt. James) Voyages of 346B Cooke (J. P.) The New Chemistry. 1876 107D Cooke (M. C.) Our Reptiles. 1865 236D An account of th.i Lizards, Snakes, Newts, Toads Frogfs and Tortoises indig'cr.ous to Great Britain. Ponds and Ditches (Natural History Rambles). 1898. 672D Rambles among Wild Flowers. 1898 426D Toilers in the Sea 68 iD Chalk-makers. Spong'e weas'ers. Coral-builders, etc. The Woodlands (Natural History Rambles). 1885 ... 673D Coombe (F.) Boys of the Priory School 372F Cookery : A Year’s Cookery, by P. Browne S02D Cassell’s Dictionary of Cookery. 1896 880D The Thorough Good Cook, by G. A. Sala. 1895 881D for the People, by A, So5^er. 1853 646D Coo ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. QO Cookery: Chemistry of Cookery, by W. M. Williams. 1885 . 51D Scientific Basis of Cookery, by W. M. Williams. 1884 488D See also Household Management. Cooper (J. A., of Aston) Counsels to Sunday School Teachers 136A Cooper (J. F.) Novels and Tales : Afloat and Ashore 41C1 Sequel to “ Miles Wallingford.” The Bravo 41C2 The Deerslayer (L. S.*i) 41C3 Kve Effingham (Home as Found) 41C4 Sequel to “ Homeward Bound.” The Headsman 41C5 Heidenmauer 41C6 Homeward Bound 41C7 Last of the Mohicans (L. S.*2) 41C8 Lionel Lincoln 41C9 Miles Wallingford 41C10 Oak Openings 41C11 The Pathfinder (L. S.*3) 41C12 The Pilot 41C13 The Pioneers (L. S.*4) 41C14 The Prairie (L. S.*5) 41C15 Precaution 41C16 The Red Rover 41C17 Redskins 41C18 Satanstoe 41C19 The Sea Lions 41C20 The Spy 41C21 The Waterwitch 41C22 Wyandotte 41C23 * These form portions of the Leatherstocking Series of Tales, and should be read in the order indicated b}' the numbers within the brackets. Cooper (Thomas, Chartist) Plain Pulpit Talk. 1872 25 A Autobiography of. 1872 602B Co-operation : Self-Help 100 Years Ago, by G. J. Holyoake. 1888 139B Copleston (R. S.) JEschylus (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1877 iiL Copsley ’Annals, preserved in Proverbs 215F Coral Reefs, The Structure and Distribution of, by C. Darwin. 1890 187D Coran, see Koran. 91 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Cor Corday, Charlotte, Life of, by J. Von Alstine. 1890 1022B Corder (F.) The Bridal of Triermain, Cantata 17R Cordery (B. M.) The Struggle against Absolute Monarchy in England (Epochs). 1881 •. . . . 835B Corea, see Korea. Corelli (M.) Free Opinions, freely expressed, 1905 1128L A Vital Point of Education. The Responsibility of the Press. “ Pagfan London.” The Social Blig-ht. The Vulgarity of Wealth. The Madness of Clothes. The Making of Little Poets, etc. Novels : .\rdath. . . * 42C1 and 42C2 Barabbas 42C3, 42C4 and 42C5 Boy 42C6 and 42C7 Cameos (Stories) 42C8 God’s Good Man 42C9, 42C10 and 42C11 Jane : A Social Incident 42C12 The Master Christian 42C13, 42C14 and 42C15 The Mighty Atom 42C16 and 42C17 The Murder of Delicia 42C18 and 42C19 A Romance of Two Worlds 42C20 The Sorrows of Satan 42C21, 42C22 and 42C23 The Soul of Lilith 42C24 and 42C25 The Strange Visitation of Josiah McNason . , . . • 42C26 Temporal Power 42C27, 42C28 and 42C2g Thelma : a Norwegian Princess 42C30 and 42C31 Vendetta 42C32 and 42C33 Wormwood : a Drama of Paris 42C34 and 42C35 Ziska 42C36 and 42C37 Cor field (W. H.) Treatment and Utilization of Sewage. 1871 278D Corinthians, Epistles to, see Bible. Corneille and Racine, by H. M. Trollope (Foreign Classics). 1881 523L Cornet, The, with Exercises, etc., by H. Brett 597L> Cornford (L. C.) Novels : Captain Jacobus 43C1 The Master Beggars 43C2 Sons of Adversity 43^3 Cornhill Magazine ; half-yearly volumes. Founded by W. M. Thackeray, afterwards edited by F. Greenwood, and subsequentl}'^ by Leslie Stephen, to 1883. First Series, from Vol. r, i860, to Vol. 47, 1883. M 141 to 187. Second Si? /-As (Edited by James Payn), from Vol. i, July, 1883, to Vol. 26, 1896, M 2251 to M 2276. Third Series (Edited by St. Loe Strachey, etc.) from Vol. i, i8g6. M 2277, et seq. Cor ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Q2 Cornish (C, J.) Life at the Zoo, 1895 285D Notes and Traditions ot the Regent’s Park Gardens. Cornwall (N.) Hallvard Halvorsen (Juvenile Story) 712F Cornwall : A Week at the Land’s End, by J. T. Blight. 1876. 93 3B — A Book of the West, by S, B. Gould. 1899 iS3iB A Week at the Lizard, by C. A. Johns. 1848 309B — From Paddington to Penzance, by C, G. Harper. 1893 1099B See also, via Cornwall to Egypt, by C. F. Gordon Gum- ming. 1885 786B and Devon, Highways and Byways in, by A. H. Norway. 1898 1183B Correspondence, Mercantile, by W. Anderson. i H3 764L Corri (C. C.) The Dandy Fifth, Musical Play 161R Corsairs (Barbary), see Barbary. Cortes, Hernando, Life of, see Prescott’s Conquest of Mexico, 2 v. 1855 104B Costa (Sir M.) The Dream, Serenata 19R Eli, Oratorio 16R — Naaman, Oratorio 18R Costume, British, History of, by J. R. PI nche. 1874 5 2D Cottages : Country Cottages, how to build and fit them up, by " Home Counties,” 1905 722D Cottages from .£130 to ;^ii,3oo.” Not especially dealing with the housing question. Cotswold Village, A : Country Life in Gloucestershire, by J. A, Gibbs. 1898 1188B Cotton (C.), see Walton and Cotton. Cotton Growth, and Manufacture of 701 D Couch (A. T., ” Q.”) Fairy Tales Far and Near 855F Gre n Bays : Verses and Parodies 286P Historical Tales from Shakespeare 44SF Novels : Adventures of Harry Revel 44Ci The Blue Pavilions 44C2 Dead Man’s Rock 44C3 The Delectable Duchy (Tales) 44^4 Fort Amity 44C5 Hetty Wesley 44C6 I saw Three Ships, etc 44C7 Ta 44C8 Noughts and Crosses (Tales) 44^9 The Ship of Stars 44C10 93 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. CoX Couch (A. T., “Q.”) Novels {continued) : The Splendid Spur 44C11 Troy Town 44C12 Wandering Heath (Tales) 44^1 3 Counterpoint, by J. F. Bridge 579T> Double and Canon, by J. F, Bridge 582D Counties of England, Guides to, see under the names of various Counties. Country Life : Colin Clout’s Calendar, by G. Allen. 1883 760L Wayside Sketches, by F. E. Hulme. 6/oD The Amateur Poacher, by R. Jefferies. 1889 828L Field and Hedgerow, by R. Jefferies. 1890 829L The Gamekeeper at Home, by R. Jefferies. 1890 .... 830L Round about a Great Estate, by R. Jefferies. 1880 . . 679L Wood Magic, by R. Jefferies, 2 v. 1881 677L Half-Hours in Green Lanes, by J. E. Taylor. 1890 ... 68 3D Walden, by H. D. Thoreau. 1886 57SL An Old Woman’s Outlook, by C. M. Yonge. 1892 . . . 909L Forest Tithes, by a Son of the Marshes. 1893 1021L With the Woodlanders, by a Son of the Marshes. 1893 1150L Country Towns (Our Old), by A. Rimmer 322B County Councils, see Local Government Act. 1888. Courthope (W. J.) Addison (English Men of Letters). 1884. . 614L The Liberal Movement in English Literature. 1885. . . 783L Wordsworth’s Theory of Poetry. The Revival of Romance. Scott Byron, Shelley. Coleridgre and Keats. Cousens (W. E.) Madagascar of To-Day. 1895 1039B Coventry : Life in an Old English Town, by M. D. Harris. 1898 1151B Cowen (F. H.) Ruth, Dramatic Oratorio 20R St. John’s Eve, Idyll 22R -The Sleeping Beauty, Cantata 266R -Thorgrim, Opera 2 1 R Cowper (W.) Poems (Globe Edition) 35P Poems 36P Cowper, William, by Goldwin Smith (English Men of Letters). 1880 597L Cox, David, by G. R. Redgrave (Great Artists). 1891 516B Cox (G. W.) and Jones (F^. H.) Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. 1871 99L The Story of King Arthur and his Knights. Merlin. Sir Tristram. Bevis of Hamtoun. Guy of Warwick. Roland. Olgar the Dane. Havelok. Beowulf. Cox ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 94 Cox (S.) Biblical Expositions. 1874 161A Brief Essays on Obscure or Misread Scriptures. An Expositor’s Note Book. 1872 160A The Hebrew Twins : Jacob and Esau. 1894 384A The House and its Builder. 1889 380A A Book for the Doubtful. The Quest of the Chief Good : Expository Lectures on Ecclesiastes 34iA Salvator Mundi ; or, Is Christ the Saviour of all Men. 1880 294A Coxe (W.) History of the House of Austria, from 1218 to 1792, 3 V. 1848 i7SB Coyne (J. Stirling) Pippins and Pies [Humorous Sketches, c. 1850] 98L Crabbe (G.) Poems 37P Crabbe, George, by A. Ainger (English Men of Letters). 1903 1152B Craddock (C. E. [pseud, of Miss Murfree]) The Despot of Broom- sedge Cove ; a novel 4SCi Craig (G. A.) From Parish School to University x . 260L Sketches of Scottish Life and Character. Craigie (Mrs., John Oliver Hobbes), see Hobbes. Craik (G. L.) Manual of English Literature and Language. . . . 152L Craik (D. M., Mrs. G. L., nee Mulock) Children’s Poetry 304F Fair France ; Impressions of a Traveller. 1871 183B — The Fairy Book • 3F —Our Year : (Poetry and Prose) 305F Poems 29P A Woman’s Thoughts about Women 117L Novels and Tales : Agatha’s Husband 46C1 A Brave Lady 46C2 Christian’s Mistake 46C3 Domestic Stories 46C4 Hannah 46C5 Head of the Family ! 46C6 His Little Mother 46C7 John Halifax, Gentleman 46C8, 46C9 and 46C10 King Arthur 46C1 1 The Laurel Bush 46C12 A Life for a Life 46C13 Miss Tommy 46C14 Mistress and Maid 46C15 My Mother and I 46C16 95 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Cfa Craik (D. M., Mrs.) Novels and Tales {continued) ; A Noble Life 46C17 The Ogilvies 46C18 Olive 46C19 Romantic Tales 46C20 Studies from Life 46C21 Two Marriages 46C22 The Unkind Word 46C23 The Woman’s Kingdom 46C24 Young Mrs. Jardine 46C25 Crane (Stephen) Great Battles of the World 1359B The Red Badge of Courage 4/Ci A Story of the American War. and Barr (R.) The O’ Ruddy : a romance 47C2 Crane (W.) The Baby’s Bouquet (Nursery Rhymes) 173F The Bases of Design. 1902 335U The Decoration and Illustration of Books. 1889.... 459D Line and Form. 1902 336D f.Taven (Lady H.) The Outcast Emperor : a Novel 49C1 Craven (I.) Idylls of Yorkshire Dales (Stories) 48 Ci Crawford (F. M.) Novels : Adam Johnstone’s Son 50C1 An American Politician 50C2 Casa Braccio 50C3 The Children of the King 50C4 A Cigarette Maker’s Romance 50C5 Corleone : A Tale of Sicily 50C6 Don Orsino 50C7 Dr. Claudius 50C8 Greifenstein 50C9 The Heart of Rome 50C10 In the Palace of the King 50C11 Katherine Lauderdale 50C12 Sequel to “ The Ralstons.” Khaled : a Tale of Arabia 50C13 Love in Idleness 50C14 Man Overboard S0C15 Marietta : A Maid of Venice 50C16 Marion Darche 50C17 Marzio’s Crucifix 50C18 Mr. Isaacs 50C19 Paul Patoff . . 50C20 Cra ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 96 Crawford (F. M.) Novels {continued) : Pietro Ghisleri 50C2T The Ralstons 50C22 A Roman Singer 50C23 A Rose of Yesterday 50C24 Saracinesca 50C25 Sant’ Ilario 50C26 Sequel to “ Saracinesca." A Tale of a Lonely Parish 50C37 Taquisara 50C28 The Three Fates ■ 50C29 To Leeward 50C30 The Upper Berth, etc 50C31 Via Crucis 50C32 Whoseover Shall Offend 50C33 The Witch of Prague 50C34 With the Immortals Imaginar)' Conversation with Caesar, Pascal, Dr. Johnson, Heine, Chopin, and others. Zoroaster 50C36 Crayfish, The, an Introduction to the Study of Zoology, by T. H. Huxley. 1880 .S29D Crayons (Painting and Drawing in), by H. Murray 25D Creasy (Sir E.) Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. 1851. 131B Rise and Progress of the English Constitution. 1858.. 19C Creation, The Story of : A Plain Account of Evolution, by E. Clodd. 1888 559D -The Method of, by H. W. Crosskey. 1888 3?8A Creation, Chemistry of, by R. Ellis. 1880 665D Creed, Lectures on the : The Historic Eaith, by B. F. Westcott. 1883 556A Creighton (Bp. M.) England a Continental Power (Epochs). 1886 832B Queen Elizabeth. 1899 1248B -The Tudors and the Reformation (Epochs). 1878.... 834B Cremer (W. H.), ed. Magic No Mystery (Conjuring, etc.). 1876 31G The Secret Out (Drawing Room Magic) 32G Creswicke (P.) Adventures of Robin Hood 97. U*' Cricket Reminiscences and Personal Recollections , by W. G. Grace. 1899 loG Popular Handbook of, by W. G. Grace and others 1 2G The Jubilee Book of, by K. S. Ranjitsinhji. 1897 iiG 97 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. CfO Cricket, Annals of, by W. W, Read. 1896 9G Crimea, Invasion of the, by A. W. Kinglake, 9 v. 1877-88. . . 71B B 71 — Orig-in of the War of 1853. B 72 — -Causes involving France and England in the War. B 73 — The Battle of the Alma. B 74 — Sebastopol at Ba}'. B 75 — The Battle of Balaclava. B 76 — The Battle of Inkermann. B 77— The Winter Troubles. B 78 — From the Morrow of Inkermann to the Fall of Canrobert, B 79 — From the Opening of Pelisser’s Command to the Death of Lord Raglan. Criminal, The, by Havelock Elhs. 1890 76C On Criminal Anthropology : see note under Ellis. Criticism, Essays in, by M. Arnold, 2 v. 1875 6L Ephemera Critica, by J. Churton Collins 1087L Curiosities of Criticism, by H. J. Jennings. 1881 25 iL Judgment in Literature, by W. B. Worsfold. 1900. . . . 842L Critique of Pure Reason, by I. Kant. 1897 217L Croal (T. A.) A Book about Travelling, past and present. 1877 253B Crockett (S. R.) Novels and Tales : Adventures of Sir Toady Lion 637F The Adventures in Spain 51C1 The Banner of Blue 51C2 The Black Douglas 51C3 Bog-Myrtle and Peat 5 1 C4 The Cherry Riband 51C31 Cinderella 51C5 Cleg Kelly, Arab of the City 51C6 The Dark of the Moon 51C7 The Firebrand 51C8 Flower o’ the Corn 51C9 The Grey Man 51C10 lone March 51C11 Joan of the Sword Hand 51C12 Kit Kennedy : Country Boy 51C13 Lad’s Love 51C14 The Lilac Sunbonnet ' 51C15 Little Anna Mark 51C16 Lochinvar 51L17 Love Idylls 51C18 The Loves of Miss Anne 51C19 Maid Margaret 51C20 The Men of the Moss Haggs ’ 51C21 D Cro ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Crockett (S. R.) Novels and Tales {continued ) : The Play- Actress ; and Mad Sir Uchtred of the Hills. . 51C22 The Raiders 51C23 The Red Axe 51C24 The Silver Skull 51C25 The Standard Bearer 51C26 The Stickit Minister, etc S1C27 The Stickit Minister’s Wooing, etc 51C28 Strong Mac 51C29 Sweetheart Travellers 51C30 Croker (B. M.) Novels : Angel 52C1 The Cat’s-Paw . .S2C2 A Family Likeness 52C3 The Happy Valley 52C4 Her Own People 52C7 Johanna 52C5 A Nine Days’ Wonder 52C8 The Old Cantonment 52C9 Proper Pride S2C6 Croker (T. C.) Irish Fairy Legends 659F Cromarty (Deas [pseud, of Mrs. Watson]) Novels : The Heart of Babylon S3C1 This Man’s Dominion 53C2 Crommelin (M.) Brown Eyes : a novel 54C1 Crompton (H.) Industrial Conciliation. 1876 39C Cromwell, Oliver, Letters and Speeches of, with elucidations by T. Carlyle. 1888 416B B 416 — Introduction. Life and Letters to the beg-inning- of the Civil War. Between the two Civil Wars, 1646-48. B 417 — Second Civil War, 1648, Campaign in Ireland, 1649. B 418 — War with Scotland, 1650-51. The Little Parliament, 1651-53. B 419 — First Protectorate Parliament, 1654. The Major-Generals, 1655-56. Second Protectorate Parliament, 1657-8. B 420 — Second Protectorate Parliament {conthmed). Death of Pro- tector. Appendix. ' Life of, by F. Harrison 1264B His Life, Times, and Battlefields, by E, Paxton Hood. 1882 604B Life of, by John Morley. 1900 1217B Cromwell, Oliver and Richard : The Two Protectors, by Sir R. Tangye 1 194B 99 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Cum Cromweirs Army : a history of the English Soldier during the Ciivl^Wars, the Commonwealth, and the Protectorate, by C.H.' Firth. [1905] 1478B Crosland (Mrs. Newton, Camilla Toulmin) Landmarks of a, Literary Life. 1893 943^ Crosland (T. W. H.) The Lord of Creation. 1904 1118L The Unspeakable Scot. 1902 1049B Crosskey (H. W., of Birmingham) The Method of Creation. 1888 378A The Book of Nature and the Book of Genesis. Crosskey, H. W., his Life and Work, by R. A. Armstrong. 1895 1233B With Chapters by E. F. M. MacCartliy and C. Lapworth. Crowe (Eyre) With Thackeray in America. 1893 1097B Crowe (Mrs.) The Night Side of Nature, or Ghosts and Ghosts Seers lOoL Crowes t (F. J.) Musical Groundwork : A First Manual of Musical Form and History. 1890 710D Crown. The, and the Cabinet, by Verax [H. Dunkley]. 1878. . 31C Cruden (A.) C ncordance to the Bible 8 A Cruikshank (G.) The Comic Almanack, from 1835 to 1853, 2v. iisL Cruikshank, George, by F. Stephens (Great Artists.) 1891. .. 515B Crusades, The, by T. A. Archer and C. L. Kingsford (Story of the Nations). 1894 909B History of the, by M. Michaud, 3 V. 1852 SSiB The Sea-Kings of the Mediterranean, by G. F. Townsend 350B Crystallization, Elements of ; Ethics of the Dust, by J. Ruskin. 1886 227D Crystallography, Elementary, Manual of, by H. P. Gurney . . . 694D Cudlip (Mrs. P., nee Thomas), see Thomas (A.). Culture and Anarchy, Essays, by M. Arnold. 1889 48L Culture and Restraint, by Hugh Black. 1901.. .* 97iL Culross (J.) William Carey, Missionary to India. 1881 651B Cumberland (Stuart) A Thought Reader’s Thoughts (Impressions and Confessions). 1888 444L — The Vasty Deep ; a novel SSCi Cumming (C. F. Gordon) Granite Crags [California]. 1884... 78 iB In the Hebrides. 1883 782B Via Cornwall to Egypt. 1885 786B Wanderings in China. 1900 1214B Cumming (J.) Voices of the Night. 1853 90A Cumming (L.) Electricity treated experimentally. 1898 389D Cumming (R. Gordon) Hunting Adventures in South Africa. 1888 237B Cum ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. lOO Cummings (W. H.) Rudiments of Music. 1878 572D Cummins (Miss) Novels : The Lamplighter 56C1 Mabel Vaughan S6C2 Cunningham (A.) Life and Correspondence of Robert Burns .. 9P Lives of British Architects 399B For Contents, see under Architects. Lives of British Painters, 3 v 396B For Contents, see under Artists. Cunningham (H. S.) Chronicles of Dustypore : a novel 57Ci Cunningham (J.) Poetical Works 275P Cunningham (J.) The Quakers : An International History. 1897 1140B Cunningham (W.) The Path Towards Knowledge. 1891 .... 1032L Marriage. Malthu^. Socialism. Money. Charit}'. Education, etc. Curiosities of Ceremonials, by F. Marshall. 1880 467L — of Civilization, by A. Wynter 416L of Heraldry, by M. A. Lower. 184(1 498L of History, by J. Timbs. 1877 379L of Law and Lawyers, by C. James. 1882 44iL of Olden Times, by S. Baring Gould. 1895 891L of the Pulpit, by T. Jackson 742L of Science, by J. Timbs. 1875 383L of Toil, by A. Wynter, 2v. 1870 821L Curwen (J.) Tonic Sol-Fa 588D Curzon (Hon. R.) Armenia. 1854 990B A Year at Erzeroum and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and Persia. Visits to the Monasteries of the Levant. 1851 1260B Cushing (P.) The Blacksmith of Voe : a novel 58C1 Cutting Out (Clothing), Text-Book of, by E. Rosevear 743^ Cycling for Health and Pleasure, by L. H. Porter 14G see q,lso Round the World on a Wheel, by J. F. Fraser. 1899 liSsB [Cyples (W.)] Too Much and Too Little Money : a novel 59Ci Cyprian : His Life, his Times, his Work, by Abp. E. W. Benson. 1897 1219B Dade (Z.) Travels with a Sunbeam (Astronomy). 1893 .... 283D Daily Life, Things to be Remembered in, by J. Timbs. 1872 388 L Dale (A.) Jonathan’s Home. 1885 75 2L Sketches of American Life. Dale (Darley) The Village Blacksmith : a novel 4D1 Dale (R. W., of Birmingham) The Atonement. 1878 295 A lOI ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Dar Dale (R. W., of Birmingham) Christian Doctrine. 1894 407A‘ Essays and Addresses. 1899 409A Christ and the controversies of Christendom. The Holy Spirit. The Idea of the Church. Congregationalism. The Doctrine of the Real Presence, etc. The Epistle of St. James, and other Discourses. 1895 . . 541 A The Evangelical Revival. 1880 296 A •Fellowship with Christ, and other Discourses. 1892... 543 A Impressions of Australia. 1889 823B -The Jewish Temple and the Christian Church : Discourses on Hebrews. 1875 393 A Laws of Christ for Common Life. 1884 542A Lectures on Ephesians. 1882 33SA The Living Christ and the Four Gospels. 1890 3 74 A Nine Lectures on Preaching. 1878 1S7A The Ten Commandments. 1872 336A Weekday Sermons. 1870 3 A Tale-bearing. Unwholesome Words. Anger. Cheerfulness. Discipline of the Body. Perils and Uses of Rich Men. Amuse- ments. Holidays. Christmas Parties, etc. Dale, R. W., of Birmingham, Life of, by A. W. W. Dale. 1898 1088B Dalton (W.) The White Elephant (Juvenile Story) 467F Daly (F.) Henry Irving in England and America (1838-1884) 608B Dana (R. H.) Two Years before the Mast ; a novel iDi Danby (Yorkshire), Reminiscences and Researches in, by J. C. Atkinson. 1891 858L “Forty Years in a Moorland Parish.” Dances, see Mvsic. Danes (R.) History of the Boer War (Cassell). 1901 1226B Daniel, The Book of, see Bible. Danson (J. T.) Our Commerce in War and how to Protect it. 1897 78C, The Wealth of Households. 1886 79^ Dante Alighieri, The Vision of. translated by H. F. Cary .... ' 34P Thirty-nine Cantos from the Divina Commedia, trans. by C. Potter 330P Dante Alighieri, Essay on, by R. W. Church. 1879 . . . ... . . 588B His Times, Works, etc., by E. Gardner. 1900. ....... 166L by Mrs. Oliphant (Foreign Classics). 1877 511L See also The Makers of Florence, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1888 793B D’ Anvers (N.) Raffaelle (Great Artists). 1879 504B D’Arblay (Madame), see Burney, Fanny. D’Arbourville (Countess) Three Tales ' 13? Dar ASTON manor ^.ending library catalogue. 102 Darby (C.) The Girlhood of Theo : a story 910F Darling, Grace, Life of, by E. Hope 424B Dartmoor, A Book of, by S. Baring Gould. 1900 1397B An Exploration of, by J. I., W. Page. 1889 729B Darton (J. M.) Brave Boys who have become Illustrious Men. 386B — Famous Girls who have become Illustrious Women. 1880 389B Darwin (C.) The Descent of Man ' I94D Journal of Researches in a Voyage round the World. 1889 614D The Origin of Species. 1872 186D On the Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs ; also Geological Observations on theVolcanic Islands and Parts of South America. 1890 187D Darwin, Charles, Life and Letters of, ed. by F. Darwin, 3 v. 1887 797B Life of, by Grant Allen. 1885 721B Descent and Darwinism, by O. Schmidt. 1876 13 3D Darwinism, see also Evolution. ^ Dasent (G. W.) Annals of an Eventful Life ; a novel 2D1 Dates, Dictionary of, by J. Haydn. 1876 1060B Daudet (A.) Recollections of a Literary Man. 1892 939L Emile Olivier. G imbetta. The Story of M}' Books. Theatrical Characters. Notes on Paris. In the Provinces, etc. Novels in French : Jack 3D I La Petite Paroisse 3D2 Soutien de Famille 3D3 -Novels, translated : Tartarin on the Alps 3D4 Tartarin of Tarascon 3D5 Davenant (F.) Hubert Ellis (Juvenile Story) 881F Davenport (R. A.) Narratives of Peril and Suffering, 2 v. 1862 26 iB Davenport (S. T.) The Society of Arts, past and present. 1877 49 iD Davenport (W. Bromley) Sport. 1888 80G Fo.K-hunting-, Salmon-fishingf Covert-shooting-. Deer-stalking-. David, Lights and Shadows in the Life of, by C. Vince. 1871 . 45 D Davids (T. W. R.) Buddhism : The Life and Teachings of Buddha. 1886 43iA Davidson (E. A.) Pretty Arts for Leisure Hours. 1879 520D Wood-carving. Fretwork. Modelling. Leatl-ierwork. Drawing-. Toy-making, etc. Davidson (J.) Fleet Street Eclogues (Poems) 3 iSP 103 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CVTALOGUE. Daw Davidson (J.) A Random Itinerary. 1894 1036B Rural resorts round London. Woodgreen Commoti. Blackheath and Greenwich Park. Epping Forest. Hampton Court. St. James’s Park, etc. Davidson (J. L. S.) Cicero, and the Downfall of the Republic. 1894 1121B Davies (C. M.) Fun, ancient and modern, 2 v. 1878 181L Heterodox London, 2 v< 1874 286A Sketches of various sects, and theistic and atheistic teachers, societies, and services. Mystic London. 1875 288 A Sketches of spiritualistic and psychical research societies and se-'clces. Davies (D. Ffrangcon) The Singing of the Future. 1906. . . . 598D What is Singing Breathing. Tone. Style. Oratorla. Opera. Davies (G. E.) Wildcat Tower (Juvenile Story) 73 iF Davies (J.) Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1876 15L Hesiod and Theognis (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1873 21L Davies (T.) The Preparation and Mounting of Microscopic Objects ii8D Davis (G. S.) St. Paul in Greece 443 A Davis (O. W.) Instructions for Interior Decoration 368D Davis (R. H.) Novels : In the Fog 5D1 The Lion and the Unicorn 5D2 Davis (W. M.) The Nimrod of the Sea, or the American Whale- man. 1874 984L Dawson (G.) Biographical Lectures. 1886 581B Good Queen Bess. Sir Francis Drake. Milton. Andrew Marvell. Bun5'an. Defoe. Johnson. Goldsmith. Pope. Cowper. Carlyle. Thackerat'. Thomas Hood, etc. Prayers : with a Discourse on Prayer. 1877 63A Sermons, 5 v. 1878 64A A 64 — On Disputed Points and Special Occasions. A 65 — On Daily I.ife and Duty. A 66— The Authentic Gospel. A 337 — Three Books of God. A 353 — Everj-Day Counsels. Shakespeare, and other Lectures. 1888 1531 - Inspiration of Shakespeare. Hamlet. King Lear. Romeo and . Juliet. The Sonnets of Shakespeare. Improvers of Shakespeare. Don Quixote, The Death of Chatterton. Free Libraries, The Staunton Warwickshire Collection. The “ Light of the World.’’ The “ Shadow of Death," etc. Dawson (J.) Peter Mackenzie : his Life and Labours. 1896. ... i i 18B Daw ASTON' MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. IO4 Dawson (Sir J. W.) Egypt and Syria in relation to Bible History 1887 707B Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives. 1883.. 563D Geological History of Plants. 1888 SS^D Life’s Dawn on Earth. 1875 234D Origin of the World according to Revelation and Science. 1886 532D Dawson (W. J.) Makers of Modern English 1890 826L A Popular Handbook to the Greater Poets of the iqth Centurx’. • — The Makers of English Fiction. 1905 966L Defoe. Richardson. Fielding-. Jane Austen. Scott. Thackeraj-. Dickens The Brontes. George Eliot Charles Reade. Charles Kingsley. George Meredith. R. L, Stevenson, etc. The Makers of Modern Prose 1889 965L A Popular Handbook to the Great Prose Writers of the 19th Century. The Making of Manhood. 1898 974L The Duty of Right Thinking. The Power of the Ideal. The Power of Purpose. The Gains of Drudgery. Money. Gambling. The Empty Mind. Patriotism. Leisure and Holidays. The Ministry of Books, etc. Quest and Vision. 1892 973L Essays in Life and Literature ; on Shelley, Wordsworthj Religious Doubt and Modern Poetr\ ; George Eliot, George Meredith, the New Realism ; the Poetrj- of Despair. The Threshold of Manhood. 1898 97SL Decision. A Young Man's Difficulties. Impulse and Opportunity. What is it that endures ? Purity. The Sin of Esau. Sins of Silence. Novels : - The House of Dreams 6D1 Judith Boldero : a tragic romance 6D2 London Idylls 6D3 The Redemption of Edward Strahan 6D4 , The Story of Hannah 6D5 Thro’ Lattice- Windows 6D6 Day (C. W.) Art of Miniature Painting 22D Day (T.) Sandford and Merton 217F Dead Man’s Rock, The Author of, see Couch (A. T. Q.). Deafness : The Lost Senses, by J. Kitto (1853) 256L see also Hearing. Dear, by the Author cf “ Tip Cat ” (a story) • 743F Dearden (H. W.) Modern Romanism txamined. 18 9 440A Dearmcr (P.) Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford (Bell’s Handbo k). 1897 131SB — Wells Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook^. 1899 1325B 10 5 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Dem Death : The Key of the Grave, by W. R. Nicoll. 1894 500A Debate and Public Speaking, Manual of, by G. J. Holyoake. . . . 1026L Debenham (M. H.) St. Helen’s Well (a story) 40SF De Candolle (A.) Origin of Cultivated Plants. 1884 5b5D De Chaumont (F. S. B. F.) The Habitation in Relation to Health. 1897 687F Decoration Instruction for Interior Decoration, by O. W. Davis 368 D Art of Mural Decoration, by F. Goodwin 23D House Decoration, by E. Garrett. 1877 462D Decoration in Painting, Sculpture, Art, Manufacture, etc. 1880 7-24D The Decorator’s Assistant. 1887 723D see also Design. Deeds that Won the Empire, by W. H. Fitchett 1158B For contents, see under Battles. Deer, Antelopes and Camels, by Sir W. Jardine (Nat. Lib.) . . 16 iD Deerhurst Priory, see Tewkesbury. Defoe (D.) Works of. 1903 42SL Robinson Crusoe. Life of Colonel Jack. Memoirs of a Cavalier. Duncan Campbell. The Great Plague. The True-born English- man, etc. Novels 7D1 Captain Carleton. Memoirs of a Cavalier. Dickory Cronke. Robinson Crusoe 7D2, 26F and 216F Defoe, Daniel, by W. Minto (English Men of Letters). 1879. . 587L Delamotte (P. H.) Trees, and how to Draw them 37oD Deland (M.) Novels : John Ward, Preacher 8D1 Philip and His Wife 8D2 Sidney 8D3 Delaroche, Paul, by J. R. Rees (Great Artists). 1880 510B De Liefde (J.) Great Dutch Admirals. 1884 384B De Lolme (J. L.) On the Constitution of England 6C Delpit (E.) Sans Merci [a novel, in French] 9D1 Deluge, The World before the, by L. Figuier. 1891. 277D Delusions, Extraordinary Popular, by C. Mackay. . 280L For contents, see under author’s name. Demaus (R.) Hugh Latimer : a biography. 1870 472B William Tyndale : a biography. 1872 47SB A contribution to the early history of the English Bible. Democracy in America, by A. De Tocqueville, 2 v. 1838 115C Democracy : an American novel . loDi Dem ASTON manor lending library catalogue. io6 Democratic Reform, see Anthony’s Popular Sovereignty. Demosthenes, by W. J. Brcdribb (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1877 17L [Dempster (C. L. H.)] Novels : Hotel du Petit St. Jean iiDi Iseulte 11D2 Vera 1 1D3 De Musset (A.) Comedies, trans. by E. L. Gwynn 278P De Musset, Alfred, by C. F. Oliphant (Foreign Classics)- 1890 528L Denmark, Descriptive Account of, by E. C. Otte. 1881 622B Under Northern Skies, by C. W. Wood. 1886 847B Dennis (G.) The Cid, a Chronicle. 1845 i3SL Dennis (J.) Heroes of Literature (English Poets). 1883 867L Dent (R. K.) Gossiping Guide to Birmingham. 1905 347^ The Making of Birmingham : a history. 1894 16B Old and New Birmingham. 1880 20B De Quincey (T.) Works of, 16 v 119L L 1 19— Confessions of an English Opium Eater. L 120 — Recollections of the Lakes, and of Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Southey. L 121 — The Spanish Military Nun. Last Days of Immanuel Kant. Lord Rosse’s Telescope. Joan of Arc. Modern Superstition, etc. L 122 — On Murder as one of the Fine Arts. Revolt of the Tartars. Dialogues of Three Templars on Political Econom}^ The English Mail Coach. L 123 — Shelley. Dr. Parr. Goldsmith. John Keats, Homer, etc. L 124 — Judas Iscariot. Richard Bentley. Cicero. Secret Societies. L 125 — Walking Stewart. Protestantism. The Pagan Oracles. Miracles. Casuistry. Greece under the Romans, etc. L 126 — Alexander Pope. Greek Tragedy. Language. Charles Lamb. Plato’s Republic. W. S. Landor, etc. L 127 — The Caesars. The Theban Sphinx. The Essenes. Aelius Lamia. L 128 — -The Incognito. Rhetoric. Life ot Milton. The Revolution of Greece. Style. The Dice, etc. L 129 — Ceylon. Coleridge and Opium-eating. Milton v. Southey and Landor. Falsification of English History, etc. L 130 — Carlisle on Pope. Mackintosh. Anecdotage. Herder. Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister. Lessing, etc. L 131 — Letters to a Young Man. Orthographic Mutineers. Richter. The Art of Conversation. Sopocles’ Antigone, etc. L 132 — Autobiographic Sketches. L 133 — Biographies of Shakespeare, Pope, Goethe, and Schiller, etc. L 134 — Suspiria de Profundis. (Sequel to the “Confessions”) Translations. Notes, etc. De Quincey, Thomas, Memorials of, ed. by A. H. Japp, 2 v. 1891 1067B by D. Masson (English Men of Letters). 1881 604L 107 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Die De Quincy (Q.) Life of Raffaelle. 1846 39SB Derbyshire : Moors, Crags, and Caves of the High Peak, by E. A. Baker. 1903 1422B Highways and Byways of Derbyshire, by J. B. Firth. 1905 1396B Black’s Guide to Derbyshire. 1881 61 5B Derry (E.) Rhymes of Road, Rail and River 325P Desart (Earl of) The Raid of the “ Detrimental ” ; a novel. . . . 12D1 Deschanel A. P.) Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy, trans. by J. D. Everett. 1886 -. 228D Design, The Bases of, by W. Crane. 1902 33SD Line and Form, by W. Crane. 1902 336D Principles of Decorative Design, by C, Dresser 242D Lessons on Decorative Design, by F. G. Jackson. 1888 244D Studies in Plant Form, by Midgley and Lilley. 1895. . 338D The Two Paths, by J. Ruskin. 1887 629D Principles of Form-Design in Applied Art, by H. Stannus. 1898 470D Practical Designing, ed. by Gleeson White. 1893 754^ De Swert (J.) The Violoncello [an instruction book] 592D De Tocqueville (A.) Democracy in America, 2 v. 1838 115C De Trueba (Don T.) Romance of History : Spain 322L Devereux (Roy) The Ascent of Woman. 1896 987L Of her Life \ Love, Marriage, the Maternal Instinct. TheSisterhooJ of Woman, etc. Of her Looks: The Progress of Fashion. Significance of Style. Ot Colours in Costume, etc. Devil, The : The Three Devils — Luther’s, Milton’s, and Goethe’s, by D. Masson 1874 567L Devonshire: A Book of the West, by S. Baring Gould. 1900.. 1530B A Book of Dartmoor, by S. Baring Gould. 1900 .... 1397B Rambles after Ferns in, by F. G. Heath (The Fern World). 1885 189D An Exploration of Dartmoor, by J. L. W. Page. 1889. . 729B An Exploration of Exmoor, by J. L. W. Page. 1890. . . 732B Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall, by A. H. Norway. 1898 1183B Dewar (G. A. B.) Hampshire and the Isle of Wight (Illustrated Guide). 1900 1341B De Wet (C.) Three Years’ War [South Africa, 1899-1902]. 1902 1268B De Wint, P., by G. R. Redgrave (Great A-tists). 1891 516B Dick, Robert, Geologist, Life of, by S. Smiles. 1878 - 430B Die ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. io8 Dickens (C.) American Notes 1 590 and 1591B A Child’s History of England. i 838 47B and 484F —Letters of, ed. by G. Hogarth and M. Dickens, 2 v. 1882 605B Pictures from Italy 1591B Readings from the Works of, ed. by J. A. Jennings 649L Reprinted Pieces 1590B Speeches, Literary and Social. 1870 428B To be Read at Dusk. 1898 838L Collected Sketches and Papers not elsewhere reprinted. -The Uncommercial Traveller. 1895 837L Sketches from Household H'oi ds and All the Year Round. ^ Novels and Tales : ; : Barnaby Rudge 13D1 and 13D2 Bleak House , , 13D3 and 13D4 Christmas Books 13B5 and 13D6 . „ A Christmas Carol. The Chimes. The Battle of Life. The Cricket on the Hearth. The Haunted Man. A Christmas Carol 485 and 486F Christmas Stories 13B7 Seven Poor Travellers. Holly Tree. Wreck of the Golden Mary. ' ' Perils of Certain English Prisoners. Going into Society. The Haunted House. A Message from the Sea Tom Tiddler’s Ground. Somebody’s Luggage. Mrs. Lirriper’s Lodgings. Mrs. Lirriper’s Legaej^ Dr. Marigold. Two Ghost Stories. The Bo}’ at Mugb_\ . No Thoroughfare. David Copperfield 13D8, i3D9and 13D10 Dombey and Son ,....! 3D ii and 13D12 Great Expectations 13 D13 and 13D14 Hard Times 13B15 and 13D16 Hunted Down and other Sketches 13D17 Little Dorrit 13D18 and 13D19 Martin Chuzzlewit 13D20, 13D21 and 13D22 The Mystery of Edwin Drood ; Hunted Down, etc. 13D23 and 13D24 For an attempt to elucidate The Mystery of Edwin Drood. see “Watched by the Dead, a loving story of Dickens’s Half-told Tale,’’ b}" R. A. Proctor, in the Reference Library. Nicholas Nickleby 13D25, 13D26 and 13D27 Old Curiosity Shop 13D28, 13D29 and 13D30 Oliver Twist 13D31, 13D32 and 13D33 Oliver Twist [abridged] 96 iF Our Mutual Friend 13D34, 13D35 and 13D36 Pickwick Papers 13B37, 13D38 and 13D39 Sketches by Boz 13D40 and 13D41 109 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Dio Dickens (C.) Novels and Tales {continued ) : Sketches by Boz ; Sketches of Young Gentlemen and Young Couples, by Quiz ; etc 13D42 Tale of Two Cities 13D43 and 13D44 ed. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, the clown 440B ed. The Pic-Nic Papers 648L Tales and Sketches by various writers, including' The Lamplighter’s Story, by Charles Dickens. Dickens, Charles, Memoir of, by his daughter, M. Dickens. 1885 612F The Story of Dickens’s Life told for children. Charles Dickens, as I knew him, by G. Dolby. 1885 . 609B —Life of, by J. Forster, 2 v 42 5 B -by G. Gissing. 1898 1156B The Story of his Life [by J. C. Hotten]. 1871 42 7B by A. W. Ward (English Men of Letters). 1882 607L Papers on Dickens’s Life and Works will also be found in Field (J. T.) Yesterday with Authors (174L) ; Jerrold (B.) Best of all Good Company (497 L) ; Lang- (A.) Essays in Little (861 L) ; Payn (J.) Some Literary Recollections (741 L) ; Yates (E.) Recollections and Experiences, 2 (672 B). Dickens (C., junr.) Life of Charles James Mathews {Actor), 2 V. 1879 699 B Dickens (Mary A.) Novels : Against the Tide 14D1 Prisoners of Silence 14D2 The Wastrel 14D3 Dickson (H, M.) Meteorology : The Elements of Weather and Climate. 1893 330D Dictionary (English Pronouncing), by P. A. Nuttall 136L of Phrase and Fable, by E. C. Brewer 68L Diet, see Food, ar^d Vegetarianism. Digby (W.) Natural Law in Terrestrial Phenomena. 1902. . . 829D A Study in the Causation of Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Wind, Storms, Temperature, and Rainfall. Diggle (Rev. J. W.) Short Studies in Holiness. 1900 5 74 A Dilke (Sir C. W.) Greater Britain. [1868] ic;2B America, Canada, India, Australasia, and other British Colonies and Dependencies. Dimock (A.) St. Paul’s Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook). 1900.. 1321B Southwell Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook). 1898 1324B Dining Room (The), by Mrs. Loftie. 1878 46 5D Diocesan Histories : B 1018 — Hereford, by H. W. Phillpott. B 1019 — Lichfield, by W. Beresford. B 1020— Worcester, ^y Smith and Onslow Dis ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. I lO Disease Germs, see Bacteria. Diseases of the Bible, by Risdon Bennett, 1887 710B see also Nervous Exhaustion. Diseases of Plants, see Plants. Disinfectants, by W. N. Hartley 68 5 D Disraeli (B., aft. Earl of Beaconsfield), Speeches on Conservative Policy. 1874 23C State of Ireland (1844). Reform. The Prince Consort.' Richard Cobden. Representation of the People. The Irish Church. The Crimean War, etc. Wit and Wisdom of. 1881 932L Novels : Alroy ; Ixion in Heaven, etc 15D1 Coningsby 15D2 Contarini Fleming 1SD3 Endymion 15D4 Henrietta Temple 15D5 Lothair 15D6 Sybil T5D7 Tancred 15D8 Venetia 15D9 Vivian Grey 15D10 Young Duke 15D11 Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, Life of, by J. A. Fronde. 1890 1030B Disraeli and his Day, by Sir W. Fraser. 1891 1055B Life of (to 1878), by T. P. O’Connor 410B Life of (to 1868), by J. M' Gilchrist 412B Cartoons from Punch, illustrating the Career of (1843-78) 460L Disraeli (I.) Curiosities of Literature * 137L Dissenters, see Nonconformists. Ditchfield (P. H.) Old English Sports, Pastimes, and Recreations 82G Our English Villages. 1889 818B Dix (E. A.) Deacon Bradbury [an American story] 16D1 Dix (W. C.) Life of Thomas Chatterton. 1857 438B Dixie (Lady F.) In the Land of Misfortune [Zululand]. 1882. . 866B Dixon (W, Hepworth) Free Russia, 2 v. 1870 179B Her Majesty’s Tower, 4 v. 1869-71 207B A History of the Tower of London and its most distingfuished and notorious prisoners. B 207 — The Pile, The White Tower, King and Cardinal, The Nine Days’ Queen, The Men of Kent, The Martyrs, Raleigh, etc. Ill ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Dol Dixon (W. Hepworth) Her Majesty’s Tower {continued) : B 208 — The Anglo-Spanish Plot, The English Jesuits, The Gun- powder Plot, etc. B 2oq — House of Villiers, Episodes of the Pirate War, Pirate and Prison, Nine Gentlemen in the Tower, A King’s Revenge, Charles the First, etc. B 210 — The Two Penns, Colonel Blood, Crown Jewels, Rye House Plot, James II., The Pretender, The Cato Street Plot, etc. The Holy Land. 1869 342B “ Studies of the Scenery and Politics of the Sacred Story.” New America, 2 v. 1867 161B London Prisons. 1850 * 204B Spiritual Wives, 2 v. 1868 235A A 235 — The Ebelians. The Agapemone. A 236 — Chauncey Dutton and Abram C. Smith. The Pauline Church Father Noyes. The School of Robert Owen. The Shakers, etc. Story of Lord Bacon’s Life. 1862 414B The Switzers. 1872 178B White Conquest : America in 1875, 2 v. 1876 162B Dixon (W. McNeile) A Primer of Tennyson. 1896 93 5L Dobson (Austin) Collected Poems 319P Fanny Burney (English Men of Letters). 1903 1153L Fielding (English Men of Letters). 1883 61 iL A Paladin of Philanthropy, and other Essays. 1899. . . 914L General Oglethorpe. Goldsmith’s Plays and Poems. Steele. Bos- well’s Predecessors and editors. Old Whitehall. John Gay, etc. -Richard Steele (English Worthies). 1886 726B Side-Walk Studies. 1902 917L Mrs. Woffington. St. James’s Park. Covent Garden Journal. ‘Dear Mrs. Delany.’ The ' Vicar of Wakefield’ and its illus- trators. Dr. Johnson’s Haunts and Habitations. Samuel Richardson (English Men of Letters). 1902. . . 625L Wilham Hogarth (Great Artists). 1879 508B Dobson (W, T.) Literary Frivolities, Fancies, Follies and Frolics. 1865 568L Doctors and their Work, by R. B. Carter. 1903 t 131L A Book about Doctors, by J. C. Jeaffreson 241L Dodd (W.) The Beauties of Shakespeare 88P Doddridge, Philip, Life of, by C. Stanford. 1888 65 3B Dodge (M, E.) Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates (Juvenile story) 38F Dogma, see Arnold’s Literature and Dogma. Dogs, by Hamilton Smith (Nat. Lib.) 158D Doherty (H.) Philosophy of History. 1874 376A Dolan (T. M.) Pasteur and Rabies. 1890 . . 714D Dolby (G.) Charles Dickens as I knew him. 1885 609B Dol ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. I 12 Dolman (F.) Municipalities at Work. 1895 91C The Municipal Policy of Six Great Towns, viz: Birmingham, Man- chester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Bradford, and Leeds. Domesday Book, A Popular Account of, by W. De G. Birch. 1887 871L Don, by the author of “ Tip-Cat ” : a story 12T2 For other Books, b^- the same author, see under “ Tip-Cat.” Donatello, [Donato], Sculptor, by L. Scott (Great Artists). 1882 514B Donegal and Antrim, Highways and Byways in, by S. Gwynn. 1899 1182B Donizetti (G.) La Figlia del Reggimento, Opera 267R Lucia di Lammermoor, Opera 268 R — Lucrezia Borgia, Opera 269R Donkin (B.) Text-Book of Gas, Oil, and Air Engines. 1900. . 402D Donkin (H.) Acoustics. 1884 766D Donne, Dr. John {Dean of St. Paul’s), Life of, by Izaak Walton 1360B Donne (W. B.) Euripides (Ancient Classics foT English Readers). 1876 18L Tacitus (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1877.. 33L Donovan (Dick [pseud, of J. E. Muddock]) The Crime of the Century : The Life Story of Richard Pigott {forger, etc.). 1904 1481B Novels ; Chronicles of Michael Danevitch 17D1 Eugene Vidocq 17B5 From Clue to Capture 17D2 Jim the Penman 17B3 Records of Vincent Trill, Detective 17D4 Dooley (Mr.), see Dunne (F. P.). Doolittle (J.) Social Life of the Chinese. 186S 321B A Daguerreotype of Daily Life in China. Doran (Dr. J.) Knights and their Days. 1856 140L Memories of our Great Towns. 1878 190B Doncaster, Cambridge, Bath, Birmingham, Liverpool, Brighton, Bristol, etc. : anecdotic gleanings concerning their worthies and oddities. Dorset : The Hardy Country : Literary Landmarks of [Hardy’s] Wessex Novels, by C. G. Harper. 904 1345B Double-Bass, The [Instruction Book], by A. C. White 596D Double Scales, Systematically Fingered, by F. Taylor 594L> Doudney (S.) Novels : Strangers Yet 18D1 Under False Colours 18D2 Where the Dew Falls in London 18D3 I 13 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Doy Dougall (L.)~ Novels : Beggars All 19D1 What Necessity Knows 19D2 Douglas (G. [pseud, of G. D. Brown]) The House with the Green Shutters : a novel 20D1 Douglas (M.) With Stanley on the Congo 70 iF Douglas (R. K.) China (Story of the Nations). 1899 92 iB China [The Country and the People]. 1887 978B Confucianism and Taouism. 1879 433-A- Dove'.on (F. B.) Mirth and Music (Poems) 35 iP Dowden (E.) The French Revolution and EngUsh Literature. 1897 950L Southey (English Men of Letters). 1879 594 L Dowie (M. M.) A Girl in the Karpathians. 1891 99 iB Dowling (R.) Ignorant Essays. 1888 866L The onlj' real Ghost in Fiction. The Best Two Books. My Copy of Keats. The Eng'lish Opium Eater. A Guide to Ig'norance, etc Indolent Essays. 1889 . 865L Other People’s Windows. Holidaj-Making-. Borrowed Robes. The Cockney Dog. An Unfortunate Tribe of Men, etc. Downes (R. P.) Seven Supreme Poets 1123L Homer. .^Eschylus. Sophocles. Virgil. Dante. Shakespeare. Milton. Downey (E.) Anchor Watch Yarns (tales) 21D1 Doyle (A. Conan) The Great Boer War. 1902 1215B Songs of Action 320P Novels : I Adventures of Gerard 20D1 Captain of the Polestar, etc. 22D2 The Doings of Raffles Haw 22D3 A Duet, with an Occasional Chorus 22D4 The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard 22D5 The Firm of Girdlestone 22D6 The Great Shadow, etc 22D7 The Green Flag, and other stories . 22D8 Micah Clarke. 22D9 The Refugees 22D10 Rodney Stone 22D11 Round the Red Lamp (stories) 22D12 Sherlock Holmes Series A Study in Scarlet 22D13 and 22D14 The Sign of Four 22D15 and 22D16 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes . . . 22D17 and 22D18 Doy ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 14 Doyle (A, Conan) Novels : Sherlock Holmes Series {continued) : Last Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 22D19 and 22D20 The Hound of the Baskervilles . . . 22D21 and 22D22 The Return of Sherlock Holmes .... 22D23 and 22D28 The Stark-Munro Letters 22D24 The Tragedy of the Korosko 22D25 Uncle Bernac 22D26 The White Company 22D27 Drake (S. A.) The Making of New England. 1886 734B Drama : British Theatre, ed. by Mrs. Inchbald, 25 v 127P P 127 — Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King" John, and Richard III. P 128 — Shakespeare’s Henry IV., Merchant of Venice, Henry V., and Much Ado About Nothing-. P 129 — Shakespeare’s As You Like It, Merry Wives of Windsor, Henry V^IIL, Measure for Measure, and Winter’s Tale. P 1 JO— Shakespeare’s King Lear, Cym’oeline, Macbeth, Julius C^esar, and Antony and Cleopatra. P 131— Shake.speare’s Coriolanu-*, Othello, Tempest, and Twelfth Night. Every Man in His Humour, bj' Jonson. P 132— Rule a Wife and have a Wife, by Beaumont and Fletcher. The Chances, b\' Beaumont and Fletcher. A New Way to Pay Old Debts, by Massinger. The Rival Queens, by Lee. All for Love, by Dryden. P 133 — Isabella, by Southern. Oroonoko, by Southern. The Distressed Mother, by Phillips. Zara, by Hill Gustavus Vasa, by Brooke. P 134 — The Constant Couple, by Farquhar. The Inconstant, by Farquhar. The Recruiting Officer, by Farquhar. The Beaux Stratagem, by Farquhar. Cato, by Addison. P 13s — The Provoked Wife, by Vanbrugh. The Provoked Husband, by Vanbrugh and Cibber. Lover makes a Man, by Cibber. She Would and She Wouldn’t, by Cibber. The Careless Husband, by Cibber. P 136 — Tamerlane, by Rowe. The Fair Penitent, by Rowe. Jane Shore, by Rowe. Lady Jane Grey, by Rowe. The .Siege of Damascus, by Hughes. P 137 — The Busybody, by Centlivre. The Wonder, by Centlivre. A Bold Stroke for a Wife, by Centlivre George Barnwell, b}' Lillo. Fatal Curiosity, by Lillo. P 138 — The Orphan, bj^ Otwa}\ Venice Preserved, by Otwaj'. The Conscious Lovers, bj^ Steele. The Revenge, by Young. The Beggar’s Opera, by Gay. P 139 — Love for Love, by Congreve. The Mourning Bride, by Congreve. Mahomet, by Miller. Tancred and SIgismunda, by Thomson. The Suspicious Husband, by Hoadley. P 140 — The Man of the World, by Macklin. The Foundling, b_v Moore. The Gamester, by Moore. The Roman Father, by Whitehead. Edward, the Black Prince, by Shirley. P 141 — Barbarossa, by Brown. The Way to Keep Him, by Murphy. All in the Wrong, by Murphy. The Grecian Daughter, by Murphy. Know your Own Mind, by Murphy. ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Dra 115 Drama : British Theatre, ed. by Mrs. Inchbald {continued) : P 142— The Country Girl, by Wycherley and Garrick. The Jealous Wife, b}' Col man. The Clandestine Marriage, by Colman and Gar- rick. The Countess of Salisbury, by Hartson. Douglas, by Home. P 143 — The Good-natured Man, by Goldsmith. She Stoop>s to Con- quer, by Goldsmith. Love in Village, by Bickerstaff. The Maid of the Mill, by Bickerstaff. Lionel and Clarisse, by Bickerstaff. P 144 — The Brothers, by Cumberland. The West Indian, by Cum- berland. The Jew, by Cumberland. First Love, by Cumberland. The Wheel of Fortune, by Cumberland. P 145 — The E irl of Warwick, by Franklin. The Rivals, by Sheridan. The Dueina, by Sheri Ian. The Belle’s Stratagem, by Mrs. Cowley. Bold Stroke for a Husband, by Mrs. Cowley. . P 146 — The Dramatist, by Reynolds. The Count of Norbonne, by Jephson. Inkle and Yarico, by Colman. The Battle of Hexham, by Colman. The Surrender of Calais, by Colman. P 147 — The Mountaineers, by Colman. The Iron Chest, by Colman. The Heirsat-Law, by Colman. John Bull, by Colman. The Poor Gentleman, by Colman. P 148 — The Castle of Andalusia, by O'Keefe. Fontainebleau, by O’Keefe. Wild Oats, by O'Keefe. The Heiress, by Burgoyne. The Earl of Essex, by Jones. P 149 — Such Things Are, by Mrs. Inchbald. Every one has his Fault, by Mrs. Inchbald. Lov'er’s Vows by Mrs. Inchbald. To Marry or Not to Marry, by Mrs. Inchbald. P 150— The Road to Ruin, by Holcroft. The Deserted Daughter, by Holcroft. The Stranger, by Thompson. Montfort, by Baillie. The Points of Honour, by Kemble. P 151 — The Way to get Married, by Morton. A Cure for the Heart- ache, by Morton. Speed the Plough, by Morton. The School of Reform, by Morton. The Honeymoon, by Tobin. Plays, by Kotzebue, Sheridan, etc The Fatal Sisters, by E. J. Eyre. The Maid of Normandy, by E. J. Eyre. Pizarro, by R. B. Sheridan. The Happy Family, by Kotzebue. False Shame, by Kotzebue. Lover’s Vows, by Kotzebue. Speed the Plough, by T. Morton. Chefs d’GEuvres Dramatiqiies P 163 — Corneille : Le Cid. Horace. Cinna. La Mort da Pompee. Racine : Brittanicus. Iphigenie. V \(>\—Rac ine \ Phedre. Athalie. : Atree et Thj este.. Rhada- misthe et Zenobie. Voltaire ; Alzire. La Fanatisrne. Merope. P 165 — Moliire : Le Misantrope. L’Avare. La Tartufe. Les Precieases Ridicules. Destouches ; Le Philosophy Mari. also Works by the following authors : — .(Eschylus, Baillie (J.), Beaumont and Fletcher, Blind (Mathilde), Brough and Burnand, Browning (R.). Byron (Lord), Clarke(H.S.), Coleridge (S. T.), Euripides, Gilbert (W. S.), Goethe, Gold- smith (O.), Henley and Stevenson, Ibsen (H.), Jerrold (D.), Jonson(Ben), Knowles (J. Sheridan), Lamb(C.), Lessing (G. E,), Lytton (E. B ), Massinger (P ), Moliere, Phillips (Stephen) Racine, Rostand (E.), Shakespeare, Shelley (P. B.), Sheridan (R. B.), Sophocles, Sturgis (J.), Swinburne (A. C.), Taylor (Tom) and Tennyson (A.) 300 P 163 P Dra ASTON manor tending library catalogue. ii6 Drama : The Greek Drama, by L. D. Barnett. 1900 843L Essays on the Drama, by Sir W. Scott 337L Dramatic Effect, see Stage. Dramatists (English) Notes and Lectures on, by S. T. Coleridge. 1875 114L Shakespeare, Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher. Dramatists, Eminent, Lives of, by Sir W. Scott 3^43 English Dramatists of To-day, by W. Archer. 1882. . , loL Draper (C. H.) Heat, and the principles of Thermodynamics. 1893 324D Draper (J. W.) History of the Conflict between Religion and Science. 1877 99 A Drawing (Botanical) Art of, by F. W. Burbidge. 1873 iiD Trees and how to Draw them, by P. H. Delamotte 370D Models and- their Uses, by J. D. Harding 12D in Crayons (Art of), by H. Murray 25D —Pen and Ink Drawing, by H. R. Robertson . . 367D and Design for Beginners, by E. R. Taylor. 45D Half-hour Lectures on, by H. Warren. 15D Art of Figure Drawing, by C. H. Weigall 13D Engraving and Etching, sec Pretty Arts, by Davidson. 1879 520D Drawing Room (The) by Mrs. Orrinsmith. 1878 464D Drawing Room Amusements and Evening Party Entertain- ments, by Prof. Hoffmann 45 G Dreams and Ghosts, The Book of, by A. Lang. 1897 1034L literature and Curiosities of Dreams, by Sir E. Seafield, 2 V. 1865 563L Dress, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1878 467D Dresser (C.) Principles of Decorative Design 242D Drewry (G. A.) Common-sense Management of the Stomach. 1876 SOiD Drinkwater (H.) First Aid to the Injured. 1902 3 5 2D Drummond (Hamilton) Novels : For the Religion 23D1 A King’s Pawn 23D2 A Lord of the Soil 23D3 On Behalf of the Firm 23D4 Drummond (Henry) The Ascent of Man. 1894 . 44 iD Baxter’s Second Innings 714F A Parable for Schoolboys, 1 17 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Dum Drummond (Henry) The Changed Life. 1891 421 A The Greatest Thing in the World. 1890 422A The Ideal Life, and other Sermons. 1897 545 A Natural Law in the Spiritual World. 1884 344 A Pax Vobiscum. 1890 42 3 A Stones Rolled Away: addresses to young men. 1900. 424A Tropical Africa. 1888 792B Drummond, Henry, Life of, by G. A. Smith 1175B Drummond (W. B.) The Child : his nature and nurture. 1901 1054L Drury (A. H.) Misrepresentation: a novel 24D1 Drury (W. P.) The Peradventures of Private Pagett (stories). . 25D1 Dryden (J.) Fables from Homer, Ovid, Chaucer, and Boccaccio 160P Poems (Globe edition) 38P Poems (Cooke’s edition), 3 V 279P Dryden, John, by G. Saintsbury (English Men of Letters). 1881 602L Dublin, St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Handbook to, by J. H. Bernard. 1903 1329B Du Chaillu (P. B.) The Land of the Midnight Sun (Norway). . 1210B Ducor (H.) Aventures d’un Marin de la Garde Imperiale .... 1083L Prisonnier de Guerre sur les Pontons Espag-nols dans Tile de Cabrera.” Dudevant (Madame, G. Sand), see Sand (G.). Duff, Alex., Life of, by T. Smith 65 8B Duff (M. E. Grant) Notes from a Diary (1851-1892), 10 v 1371B Notes on Passing- Events, .gossip, stories of various personages, etc. Dufferin (Lord) Letters from High Latitudes. 1858 iiB6B Iceland, Spitzbergen, and Jan Meyen Land. ' Dufheld (Mrs.) Art of Flower Painting 14D Duffy (B.) The Tuscan Republics (Story of the Nations). 1892 901B Florence, Siena, Pisa, and Lucia. Duffy (Sir G.) Conversations with Carlyle. 1892 967L Dulcken (H. W.) History of England (illustrated). 1889.... 9B Dumas (A., pere) Novels (in French) : Ascanio 26D1 Le Capitaine Paul 26D2 Le Comte de Monte Cristo, 2 v 26D3 and 26D4 Les Trois Mousquetaires 26D5 Vingt Ans Apres 26D6 Novels (in English) : Arranged in order of sequence of the various series. The Conspirators 26D7 The Forty-five Guardsmen 26D8 Dum ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. n8 Dumas (A., pere) Novels (in English {continued) : The Count of Monte-Cristo 26DQ Marguerite de Valois 26D10 Chicot the Jester 26D11 The^Regent’s Daughter 26Di2 Memoirs of a Physician 26D13 The Queen’s Necklace 26D14 Taking the Bastile 26D15 The Countess de Charny • 26D16 The Three Musketeers 26D17 Twenty Years After 26D18 The Vicomte de Bragelonne 26D1Q Du Maurier (G.) Novels : The Martian 27D1 Peter Ibbetson 27D2 Tiilby . 27D3 and 27D4 Duncan (J.) Beetles (Naturalist’s Library) 173D British Butterflies (Naturalist’s library) i6qD Foreign Butterflies (Naturalist’s Library) 171D Duncan (P, M.) Heroes of Science : Botanists, Zoologists, and Geologists. 1882 962B The Sea Shore (Natural History Rambles). 1886 674D Duncan (S. J.) An American Girl in London. 1894 920L His Honour and a Lady : a novel 28D1 Dunkley (H., “ Verax”) The Crown and the Cabinet. 1878.. 31C Letters the Royal Prerog-ative, and on Crown interference in Politics. Lord Melbourne (The Queen’s Prime Ministers). 1890.. 1031B [Dunne (F. P.)] Mr. Dooley, In Peace and in War. 1899. . . . 929L Mr. Dooley’s Opinions. 1902 92 5 L Dunton (T. Watts), see Watts-Dunton. Duplessis (G.) Wonders of Engraving 6D Duppa (R.) Life of Michael Angelo. 1846 39SB Durham (W.) Science in Plain Language. 1891 644D Evolution. Antiquity of Man. Bacteria. Disease Germs. Move- ment in Plants, etc. Durham Cathedral, Handbook to, by J. E. Bygate. 1899. . . . 1306B Dutch Admirals, Great, by J. De Liefdc. 1884 384B 1 I 9 ASTON lHANOR LENDINg LIBRAKY CATALOGUE. Eas Dutch Painters : The Figure Painters of Holland, by Lord R. Gower (Great Artists). 1880 511B Honhorst. Brouwer. A. Vau Ostade, Gerard Don, Wcuverman, I. Van Ostade, Jan Steen, Metou, Nich. Maes, Jan Ver Meer, P. De Hooch, etc. Dutch Republic, Rise of the, by J. L. Motley. 1876 127B see also Netherlands. Dutt (R. C.) The Civihzation of India. 1900 1292B Dutt (W. A.) Highways and Byways of East Anglia. 1901... 1187B Norfolk (Illustrated Country Guide). 1900 1342B Dvorak (A.) Requiem Mass 24R The Spectre’s Bride, Cantata 265 R Stabat Mater 25R Dwight (T.) System of Theology, 5 v. 1819 251 A Dye (F.) Popular Engineering. 1895 890D Chemical, Civil, Mechanical. Electrical, Marine and Naval Eng-ineer- ing. Military Arms of Precision. Mining, etc Dyeing (Cantor Lectures on) 493L) Dyer (O.) The Boy Patriot (General Jackson) 630F Dyer (T. H.l Pompeii, its History, Buildings, and Antiquities. 1887 814B Rome : its vicissitudes and monuments. 1883 .S98B “ Eadgyth ” Hereward Dayrell (Juvenile Story) 408F Eady (K. M.) Juvenile Stories : Adventurers All 426F Riverton Boys 905 F Ear, The, see Hearing. Earl (A.) Practical Lessons in Physical Measurement. 1894... 332D Earle (A. M.) The Sabbath in Puritan New England. 1892... 913L Earle (J.) Anglo-Saxon Literature. 1884 868L Earth : The World’s Foundations, by A. Giberne. 1890 637D Story of the Earth in Past Ages, by H. G. Seeley. 1895 377D The Constitution of the Earth, by R. A. Ward. 1880... 748D The Earth and its organic life derived from the Sun. Earth Sculpture : The Origin of Land Forms, by J. Geikie. 1898 843D Earthquakes, Causation of : Natural Law in Terrestrial Pheno- mena, by W, Digby. 1902 829D Earths in the Universe, and their Inhabitants, by E. Sweden borg. 1875 205A East, Extinct Civilizations of the, by R. E. Anderson. 1896... 927B The Unchanging East, by R. Barr. 1900 9S6L The Monasteries of the Levant, by R. Curzon. 1851... 1260B The Civilization of the East, by F. Homtnell. 1900... 1291B Eas ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 120 East, The Nations Around, by A. Keary. 1875 301A i.e.. The Nations round about the Jews in Palestine. Eothen, by A. W. Kinglake, 1878 325B Eastward, by N, Macleod. 1872 223A Eastern Life, present and past, by H. Martineau 245B Ancient History of the, by P. Smith, 1871 712B Sermons in the East, by A. P. Stanley, 1863 274A On the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales to the East. Sinai and Palestine, by A. P. Stanley. 1856 810B The Crescent and the Cross, by E. Warburton 224B East Anglia, see Norfolk and Suffolk. Ebers (G.) Novels : The Burgomaster’s Wife lEi The Emperor 1E2 Ecce Homo : The Life of Jesus Christ [by J. R. Seeley] iSSA Eccentrics (English) and Eccentricities, by J. Timbs. 1877,.. 373L Wealth and Fashion, Delusions, Impostures and Fanatic Missions, Strange Sights and Sporting Scenes, Eccentric Artists, Theat- rical Folks, Men of Letters, etc. Ecclesiastes, see Bible. Ecclesiastical Biography, Essays in, by Sir J, Stephen. 1867... 494B For contents, see under author's name. Ecilaw (Ary) Le Roi de Thessalie (novel in French) 18E1 Eden (C. H.) Africa seen through its Explorers 682F Australia’s Heroes. 1885 959B The Fifth Continent (Australia) 684F ^ — Frozen Asia (Modern Siberia) 68 3F The West Indies (descriptive account). 1880 632B Novels and Tales : The Fortunes of the Fletchers 2E1 Guinea Gold 68 7F The Prisoner of the Pampas 686F Queer Chums 689F Eden (Hon. E.) Novels : The Semi-Attached Couple 3E1 The Semi-Detached House .* 3E2 Eden, Traditions of, by H. Shepheard. 1871 168A Edersheim (A.) Elisha the Prophet 412A The Temple and its Services in the Time of Jesus Christ 137A Edgar (J. G.) Tales : Cressy and Poictiers 882F How I Won My Spurs [The Baron’s Wars] 883F Runnymede and Lincoln Fair [Magna Charta] 884F I2I ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE Edw Edgeworth (M.) Novels and Tales ; Castle Rackrent : and the Absentee 4E1 Helen 4E2 Moral Tales 28F Popular Tales 29F Tales [from the “Parent’s Assistant’’] 136F Edgeworth, Maria, by the Hon, E. Lawless (English Men of Letters). 1904 T157L Edinburgh : Royal Edinburgh : her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1891 98 iB Picturesque Notes on Edinburgh, by R. L. Stevenson. 1889 287B University, Sketches of : an Edinburgh Eleven, by J. M. Barrie. 1889 816L Lord Rosebery. Professors Masson, Blackie, Calderwood, Tait, Fraser, Chrystal, and Seller. Joseph Thomson. R. L. Steven- son. The Rev. Walter C. Smith. Edinburgh Review (The) and its Contributors, see Napier’s Corres- pondence. Edis (R. W.) On the Building of Town Houses. 1884 479L) Education as a Science, by A. Bain. 1879 30C Our Boys and Girls at School, by H. J. Barker 875L Sex in Education, by E. H. Clarke. 1875 82C Elementary Education Act, 1870-73, popularly explained, by W. H, Holdsworth 32C Thoughts concerning Education, by T. Locke. 1764... 84C Studies in Board Schools, by C. Morley. 1897 138C Household Education, by H. Martineau. 1876 7C see Life of W, B. Hodgson. Educator (Popular), see Popular Educator. Edward, Thomas {Scotch JSl aturalist). Life of, by S. Smiles. 1877 431B Edwardes (Mrs. A.) Novels : Archie Lovell 5E1 Leah : A Woman of Fashion 5E2 Miss Forrester 5E3 Ought We to Visit Her ? 5E4 A Point of Honour 15 E5 Steven Lawrence, Yeoman 5E6 Susan Fielding *. i;E7 A Vagabond Heroine 5E8 Edw ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, 122 Edwards (A. B.) Novels : Barbara’s History 6Ei Debenham’s Vow 6E2 Lord Brackenbury 6E3 Edwards (Eliezer of Bivm.) Personal Recollections [Birmingham and Birmingham Men], 1877 214B Edwards (M, B.) Novels • Doctor Jacob 7E1 John and I 7E2 Lisabee’s Love Story 7E3 Now or Never 7E4 The Parting of the Ways 7E5 The Sylvestres 7E6 Wild Flower of Ravensworth 7E7 Edwards (O. M.) Wales (Story of the Nations). 1901 924B Eggleston (E.) and Seelye (E. E.) The Indian Princess (Pocahontas) 772F Rival Warriors : The Chiefs of Five Nations 774F The Shawnee Prophet (Tecumseh) 775F These are not works of fictiv>n, but real stories from the History of the North American Indians. Eggleston (E.) Novels : The Circuit Rider 8E1 Roxy 8E2 Egypt : A ncient Egypt 'History, Descriptions, etc. : Budge (E. A. W.) The Dwellers on the Nile. ^ 1888 709B Dawson (Sir }. W.) Egypt and Syria in relation to Bible History. 1887 7<^VB Harkness (M. E.) Egyptian Life and History according to the Monuments. 1884 706B King (J.) Cleopatra’s Needle : its history and hiero- glyphics 70 1 B Rawlinson (G.) Ancient Eg3i^pt (Story of the Nations). 1887 877B Sayce (A. H.) Egypt of the Hebrews and of Herodotus. 1895 938B Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, 2 v. 1874 29 5 B Wilson (Erasmus) Egypt of the Past. 1887 083B Also in Westropp’s Archaeology. Modern Egypt : Descriptions and Travels : Adams (W, H. D.) Egypt Past and Present, 1885 b35B Cumming (C. F. G.) Via Cornwall to Egypt. 1885 789B 12^ ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Ele Egypt : Modern Egypt {continued) : Irby (C. L.) and Mangles (J.) Travels in Egypt, Nubia, etc., in 1817-18 7SPB Lane (E.) Modern Egyptians, 2 v. 1846 297B Manning (S.) The Land of the Pharaohs 854B Ottley (H. B.) Modern Egypt : its Witness to Christ. 1884 430A Poole (S. L.) Egypt [Descriptive Account]. 1881 623B Thackeray (W. M.) From Cornhill to Cairo. 1900 312B Traill (H. D.) From Cairo to the Soudan Frontier. 1896 1117B See also Works on the East, the Nile, and Palestine. Egyptian Campaign, 1882 : Scenes through the Battle Smoke, by A. Male 832L see also Works on the Soudan, under Africa. Ehrenfechter (C. A.) Art of Playing the Pianoforte 71 2D Eiloart (Mrs.) Novels : The Dean’s Wife 9E1 Some of Our Girls 9E2 Juvenile Stories : Cris Fairhe’s Boyhood 219F Ernie Elton 220F The Young Squire 218F Elam (C.) Winds of Doctrine : Modern Theories of Automatism and Evolution. 1876 95 A Electricity : Cumming (L.) Electricity treated experimentally. 1898 389D Jenkin (F.) Electricity and Magnetism. 1898 39oD Elementary Manual of Electricity 695D Muhro (J.) The Romance of Electricity. 1893 306D The Story of Electricity. 1896 376D Thompson (S P.) Elementary Lessons in Electricity. 1895 390D Tyndall (J.) Lessons in Electricity. 1876 iiiD Electricity, Applied : Dynamo Construction, by J. W. Urquhart. 1895 393D Electric Bells and all about them, by S. R. Bottone. 1889 624D Electric Lighting, Practical, by A. B. Holmes. 1889... 505D Electric Lighting and Power Distribution, by W. P. Maycock. 1894 392D Electrical Engineering, an elementary Text Book, by E. Rosenberg. 1903 872D Electricity in Town and Country, by P, E. Scrutton. 1898 394B Ele ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, 124 Electricity, Applied {continued) : Electricity in Modern Life, by G. W. Tunzelmann. 1889 716D up to Date, by J. B. Verity. 1894 39iD in our Homes and Workshops, by Walker. 1889 625D Cantor Lectures on, 2 v. ; D 484 — Distribution of Electricity, by G. Forbes. Secondary Batteries and Storage of Energy, by O. Lodge. Transmission of Energy, . b5’ Reynolds. Dynamo-Ekctric Machinery, by S. P. Thompson (1883).' D 445 — Developments of Electrical Distribution, by G. Forbes (1892). The Practical Measurement of Alternating Currents, by J. A. Fleming (1893). On Alternate Current Transformers, by J. A. Fleming (1896). On Electric Traction, by C. A. Carus-Wilson (1898). Electro-Metallurgy, Art of, by G. Gore. 1900 114D Eleven Possible Cases loEi Stories by F. R. Stockton, Joaquin Miller, A. K. Green, and others. Eley (C, K.) Carlisle Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook). 1900 1304B Elgar (E.) The Apostles, Oratorio 44R The Dream of Gerontius, Sacred Cantata 43R Elia, Essays of, and Eliana, by C. Lamb. 1881 261L Elijah the Tishbite, by F. W. Krummacher 365 A The Prophet of Fire, by J. R. Macduff. 1869 307A Eliot (George, pseud. 0/ M. A. Evans, aft. Mrs. Cross) : Essays. 1884 144L The Poet Young. German Wit. Heine. Dr. Gumming. Lecky’s History of Rationalism. Leaves from a Note Book, etc. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. 1879 138L How we encourage Research. A man surprised at his originality. Debasing the moral currency. The too ready writer. Diseases of small authorship. Moral swindlers, etc. The Legend of Jubal, and other Poems 176P The Spanish Gypsy, a poem 30P Novels : Adam Bede iiEi, 11E2 and 11E3 Daniel Deronda 11E4, 11E5 and 11E6 Felix Holt 11E7, 11E8 and 11E9 Middlemarch iiEio, iiEii and 11E12 Mill on the Floss 11E13, 11E14 and 11E15 Romola 11E16, 11E17 and 11E18 Scenes of Clerical Life 11E19, 11E20 and 11E21 Silas Marner 11E22, 11E23 and 11E24 Eliot, George, and her Writings, by M. Blind. 1884 607B Memoirs of, ed. hy J, W. Cross 60 iB by Leslie Stephen (English Men of Letters). 1902 620L 125 ASTON MANOR LENDING-LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Elz Elisha the Prophet, by A. Edersheim 41 2A Elizabeth, Queen, Memoir of, by M. Creighton. 1899 1248B Elizabeth (C.) Judah’s Lion : a novel 12E1 Ellacombe (H. N.) In a Gloucestershire Garden. 1895 1029L Ellerton (J. L.) Quartette for two Violins, Alto and Violoncello (4 parts) 140R Ellicott (C. J.) Historical Lectures on the Life of Our Lord. 1862 256A Elliot (F.) The Red Cardinal : a novel 13E1 Elliot (Admiral Sir G.) Spiritual Unitarianism, 1895 420A Ellis (A. J.) Sp:ech in Song, Pronunciation, etc 57bD Ellis (R.) Chemistry of Creation. 1880 665 D Ellis (E. S.l Tales of Adventure : Bob Lovell’s Career 43 3F The “ Boy Pioneer ” Series : 1. Ned in the Woods 412F 2. Ned on the River 41 iF 3. Ned in the Block-House 420F The “ Great River ” Series : 1. Down the Mississippi 364 F 2. Lost in the Wilds 365F 3. The Rubber-Hunters 366F The “ Log-Cabin ” Series : 1. The Lost Trail 382F 2. Camp-Fire and Wigwam 38 3F 3. Footprints in the Forest 384F A Strange Craft 414F Ellis (Havelock) The Criminal. 1890 76C An attempt to present a critical summary of the results of criminal anthropology, or the problems connected with the criminal as he is in himself and as he becomes in contact with societj'. Eimslie, Professor W. G., Memoir and Sermons, ed. by W. R. Nicoll and A. N. Macnicoll. 1890 392 A Elocutionist see Readings. Eloquence, see the various Orators, under Speeches. Elton (Sir A. H.) Below the Surface : a novel, 14E1 Ely Cathedral, Handbook to, by W. D. Sweeting. 1901 1308B Elze (K.) Essays on Shakespeare, 1874 45 2L The Date of the ‘'Tempest.” “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” “ The Merchant of Venice.” “All’s Well that Ends Well.” “ Henry Vi II. “ Hamlet” in France. The supposed Travels of Shakespeare. Sir W. Davenant. The Orthography of the Name. Emb ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARV^ CATALOGUE. iz6 Embroidery and Tapestry Making, by A. S. Cole. 1886 489D Means of Verifying Ancient Embroideries, by A. S. Cole. 1895 455D Emerson (P. H.) On English Lagoons 1089B The Voyag-e of the A'liateur Whefryman on the Norfolk anJ Suffolk Rivers and Broads. Emerson (R. W.) Works of, 2 v. 1897 168L L i68- Essays. Lectures. Representative Men. Poems. L 169 — English Traits. Nature. The Conduct of Life. Conduct of Life, i860 lA English Traits. 1856 141L Letters and Social Aims. 1877 142L Poetr}' and Imagination. Social Aims. Eloquence. Resources. The Comic. Persian Poetr}% etc. Representative Men. 1870 37oB Plato, Swedenborg, Montaigne, Shake.speare, Napoleon, Goethe. Society and Solitude. 1875 143L Society and Solitude. Art. Eloquence. Domestic Life. Works and Days. Books. Clubs. Courage, etc. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Memoir of, by O. W. Holmes. 1885,.. 584B Emin Pasha : The Quest, Rescue, etc., of, by H. M. Stanley, 2 V. 1890 869B The Story of Emin’s Rescue, by H. M. Stanley. 1890... 742B Emotions, Expression of the, see Bell’s Anatomy of Expression. Enault (L.) L’ Amour et la Guerre (novel, in French) 19E1 Encore Reciter (The), ed. by F. E. M. Steele 990L Energy, The Conservation of, by Balfour Stewart. 1875 135D An Elementary Treatise on Energy and its Laws. Englebach (A. H.) Dick Darlington (juvenile tale) 437F Engine Driving (Locomotive), by M. Reynolds. 1898 518D Engineering, Popular, by F. Dye. 1895 890D Chemical, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Marine and Naval Engineer- ing. Military Arms of Precision, Mining, etc. (Dictionary of Terms used in), by J. Weale. 1850 40D The Romance of Modern Engineering, by A. Williams. 1904 811D The Harnessing of Niagara. The Taming of the Nile. Dams and Aqueducts. Famous Modern Bridges, Tunnels, Canals, etc. Engineering, Electrical, see Electricity. Engineers, Lives of, by S. Smiles, 5 v. 18^4 357B B 357 — Brindley and the Early Engineers. B 358 — Smeaton and Rennie. B 359 — Metcalfe and Telford. B 360 — Boulton and Watt. B 361 — George and Robert Stephenson. 127 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Eng Engineers, see also Brunei, Hedley, Nasmyth, and Tangye. Engines, see Gas, Heat, Locomotive, and Steam. Engel (C.) Musical Instruments (South Kensington Handbook) 73 3D England : I. Condition of the People : Life, Habits, Population, Statistics, etc. II, General Topography and Antiquities. HI. History, subdivided into General History and History of Various Periods, with Books illustrative thereof. I. Condition, Habits, etc., of the People : Booth (W.) In Darkest England, and the Way Out. 1900 43C Carlyle (T.) Latter-Day Pamphlets. 1850 ' 3C Past and Present. 1899 90L Escott (T. H. S.) England : its People, Polity and Pursuits 637B Social Transformations of the Victorian Era. 1897 1 14C Gomme (G. L.) The Village Community in England. 1890 75C Lytton (E. B,, Lord) England and the English. 1874... 194B Maclear (G, F.) The Conversion of the English 1003B Nicholas (T.) The Pedigree of the English People. 1873 8c6B O’Rell (Max) John Bull and his Island 734L Strutt (J.) Sports and Pastimes of the People. 1876... 84G Taine (H.) Notes sur I’Angleterre.p^'^ 1890 1285B Notes on England. 1872 195B II. General Topography and Antiquities : Bishop (H. H.) Our Parish Churches. 1886 655D Brand (J.) Popular Antiquities. 1877 197B Burritt (E.) A Walk from London to John-o’-Groat’s, 1864 1040B A Walk from London to Land’s End. 1868 824B Champlin (J. D.) Charing Cross to Ilfracombe by Coach. 1886 768L Ditchfield (P. H.) Our English Villages. 1889 818B Emerson (P. H.) On English Lagoons. 1893 1089B Forbes (U. A.) and Burmester (A. C.) Our Roman High- ways [Roman Britain]. 1904 1398B Goadby (E.) The England of Shakespeare. 1881 681L Gould (S. B.) A Book of the West : Devon and Cornwall, 2 V. 1899-1900 1530B Harper (C. G.) The Brighton Road. 1892 1098B From Paddington to Penzance. 1893 1099B The Hardy Country. [Wessex], 1904 I34SB The Marches of Wales. 1894 1102B Hawthorne (N.) English Note Books, 2 v. 1871 bpiL Eng ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 128 England : General Topography and Antiquities {continued ) : Our Old Home (English Sketches), 2 v. 1873... 705L Hissey (J. J.) A Holiday on the Road. 1887 862B Wandering’s in Kent, Sussex, and Surrey. On the Box Seat : London to Land’s End. 1886 80 5 B Over Fen and Wold 1423B Through Ten English Counties. 1894 1424B Holmes (O. W.) Our Hundred Days in Europe. 1887... 803B Home (G.) What to See in England. 1903 1344B Lefroy fW. C.) Ruined Abbeys of Yorkshire. 1891 257B Le Gallienne (R.) Travels in England. 1900 94pL Selborne, Stratford, Evesham, Winchester, Stoneheng-e, The Cotswolds, etc. Mackintosh (D.) The Scenery of England and Wales : its character and origin. 1869 742D Manning (S.) and Green (S. G.) English Pictures by pen and pencil 85 3B Mateaux (C. L.) Around and About Old England 323B Miller (Hugh) First Impressions of England. 187c 324B Our English Minsters, by F. W. Farrar and others 98 5 B Palgrave (M. S.) Pictorial Geography of the British Isles. 1887 1080B Rimmer (A.) Our Old Country Towns. 188 r 322B Timbs (J.) and Gunn (A.) Abbeys, Castles, and Ancient Halls of England 3 v 191B Thornbury (W.) ’Cross Country. 1861 37oL Walford (E.) The Pilgrim at Home. 1886 998B Pleasant Days in Pleasant Places. 1885 276B White (R. G.) England Without and Within. 1881 833L An American View of England. Windle (B. C. A.) Early Life in Britain. 1897 1154H Winter (W.) Shakespeare’s England. 1886 657L Cathedrals of England and Wales, see Cathedrals. Highways and By-ways in England and Ireland : Derbyshire, by N. Erichsen. 1905 1396B Devon and Cornwall, by A. H. Norway. 1898... 1183B Donegal and Antrim, by S. Gwynn. 1899 1182B East Anglia, by W. A. Dutt 1187B Lake District, by A. G. Bradley. 1901 1267B London, by Mrs. E. T. Cook. 1902 1418B Sussex, by E. V. Lucas. 1904 1399B Wales (North), by A. G. Bradley. 1898 1181B 129 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Eng England : General Topography and Antiquities {continued) : Highways and By-ways in England and Ireland {continued) : Wales (South), by A. G. Bradley. 1903 1419B Yorkshire, by A. H. Norway. 1899 1184B III. History of England : General History : Annals of England (from Contemporary Writers), 3 v, 1865 568B Besant (W.) The Rise of the Empire. 1897 1251B Cassell’s Illustrated History of England (by W. Howitt and J. F. Smith), 9 v 1201B Dickens (C.) A Child’s History of England 47B and 484F Dulcken (H. W.) History of England. 1888 9B Forster (H. O. Arnold) History of England [Popular]. 1897 49B Gardiner (S. R.) Student’s History of England. 1895... 48B Green (J. R.) Short History of the English People... 50 and 65B Hume (H.) History of England (adapted for students). 1873 28B Jane (L. C.) The Coming of Parliament, 1350-1660 (Story of the Nations), 1905 1552B Knight (C.) History of England 58B An Abridg-ment of his “ Popular ” History. ed., Half-Hours of English History (from the best authors) ! 68B Milner (T.) History of England (School text-book) 114B Pictorial History of England, by G. L. Craik, C, Macfar- lane, etc.. 8 v. 1839 iB Sanderson (E.) The Story of England (for the Young). 1901 719F Sanford (J. L.) Estimates of English Kings. 1872 52B Strickland (A.) Bachelor Kings of England, 1861 381B Queens of England. 6 v, 1874 375B White (J.) History of England [Popular] 51B Willmore (B.) Lectures on English History 1859 931B Epochs of English History : B 831 — Early Eng-land, Y. Powell. B 832 — England a Continental Power, by M. Creighton. 1886. B 833— Rise of the People and Growth of Parliament, by J. Rowley. 1887. B 834. — The Tudors and the Reformation, by M. Creighton. 1878. B 835— The Struggle against Absolute Monarchy, by B. M. Cordery. 1881. B 836 — The Settlement of the Constitution, by J. Rowley. 1888. B 837 — England during the American and European Wars, by O. W. Tancock. 1885. B 838 — Modern England, by O. Browning. 1886. E Eng ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 30 England: History of 'Englsin^ {continued) : Various Periods ; Pre-Norman England : Allen (Grant) Saxon Britain 1013B Besant (W.) The Story of Alfred the Great. 1901 926B Church (A. J.) Early Britain. 1889 89 iB Freeman (E. A.) Old-English History (to 1066). 1890... 1150B Page (J.) Alfred the Great 1246B Palgrave (F.) The Anglo-Saxons. 1861 62B Rhys (T.) Celtic Britain lOiiB Scarth (H. M.) Roman Britain 1012B Wright (T.) The Celt, Roman, and Saxon in Britain. 1875 189B Norman and Plantagenet Period : Aytpun (W. E.) Life of Richard I. 1869 47oB Bateson (H.) Mediaeval England (1066-1350). 1903 1551B Browne (M.) Chaucer’s England, 2 v. 1869 677B Life in Kng''and, temf>. Edward III. and Richard II. Freeman (E. A.) Short History of the Norman Conquest. 1887 138B The fuller History may be seen in the Reference Library. Froissart (Sir J.) Chronicles (Edward II. — Henry IV.)... 61 B Gairdner (J.) The Early Chronicles of England 996B An introduction to the works of the Monastic Chroniclers, all of which may be seen in the Reference I.ibrar}'. Hallam (H.) Constitutional History of England (Edward I. — Henry VII.) 6C Hewlett (H. G.) Post-Norman Britain 1015B Hunt (W.) Norman Britain 1014B Jewitt (S. O.) The Normans. 1891 899B Tudor Period : Creighton (Bp. M.) Queen Elizabeth. 1899 1248B Foxe (J.) Acts and Monuments [England under Henry VHI. and Mary]. 3 v 31B Froude ( J. A.) History of England (Henry VIII. — Elizabeth) 12 V 31B Stuart and Orange Period : Coleman (E.) The Ejectment of the Two Thousand Con fessors in 1662. 1861 69B i.e. . the ministers who refused to conform to the Act of Uniformity. Carlyle (T.) Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches, with elucidations, 5 v. 1888 416B Also all Lives of Cromwell, for which see under Cromwell. I 31 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY- CATALOGUE. Eng England : History : Stuart and Orange Period {continued) : Macaulay (Lord) History of England (James II, — William III.), 4v. 1876 43B Pepys (S.) Diary (1659-1669) 4 v. 1876 1597B Trial of Charles I., and of the Regicides 40 5 B See also Benson’s, Abp. Laud, Hanoverian : The Georges : Fitchett (W. H.) How England saved Europe, 4 v. 1899- 1900 r 1271B B 1271 — England and the [French] Revolution. The Hour of England’s Peril. Bonaparte in the East. B 1272 — Nelson and the Struggle for the Sea. B 1273 - The War in the Peninsula. B 1274 — Waterloo and St. Helena. McCarthy (J.) Modern England (1800 — 1832). 1899.... 919B Martineau (H.) History of England (1800 — 1815). 1878 94B History of the Thirty Years’ Peace (1816 — 1846), 3 V. 1877 9SB Thackeray (W. M.) The Four Georges 371B William IV . — Victoria : Besant (W.) Fifty Years Ago (1837— 1887). 1888 800B Graham (P. A.) The Victorian Era. 1897 1148B Holmes (R. R.) Queen Victoria. 1901 1247B McCarthy (J.) Modern England under Queen Victoria. 1899 922B Short History of Our Own Times (1837 — 1880). 1885 70B The fuller History may be seen in the Reference Librarj . McCarthy (J. H.) England under Gladstone (i88o — 1884). 1884 284B Molesworth (W. N.) History of England (1832 — 1874), 3 v. 1874 SSB Mongredien (A.) History of the Free Trade Movement. 1881 67B Paul (A.) History of the Reform Movement. 1884 140B Jubilee of Queen Victoria, (1887) : a record. 1887 121B Life of Queen Victoria. 1887 861B The Queen’s Prime Ministers : B 1036 — Aberdeen, b}' Sir A. Gordon. B 1030 — Beaconsfield, by J. A. Froude. B 1032 — Gladstone, by G. W. E. Russell. B 1031 — Melbourne, b}" H. Dunkley. B 1033— Peel, by J. McCarthy. B 1035 — Palftierston, by the Marquis of Lome. B 1034— Salisbury, by H. D, Traill. B 1037 — Russell, by S. J. Reid. Eng ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 132 England : History {continued) : Books Illustrative of English History : Buckle (H.T.) History of Civilization in England, 3 v. 1873 28B Creasy (Sir E.) Rise and Progress of the English Con- stitution. 1858 19C De Lolme (J. L.) On the Constitution of England 6C Dixon (W. H.) Her Majesty’s Tower. 1869-71, 4 v 207B A Histor\ of the Tower of London and its most distinguished and notorious Prisoners. B 207 — Charles of Orleans to Sir Walter Raleigh. B 208 — The Anglo Spanish Plot to the Gunpowder Plot. B 2og — The Reigns of James I. and Charles I. B 210— From the Restoration to the Reign of Victoria. Doran (J.) Memories of our Great Towns. 1878 190B Firth (C. H.) Cromwell’s Army : a history of the English Soldier, temp. Cromwell. 1905 1478B Fitchett (W. H.) Deeds that Won the Empire H58B Fights for the Flag. 1898 it59B Grant (J.) British Battles, 3 v 338B Hodder (E.) The Life of a Century [the 19th century]. 1901 1106B Inderwick (F. A.) The King’s Peace. 1895 932B A History of the English Law Courts, The Forest Courts, The .Star Chamber, etc. Jusserand (J.) Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. 1889 859L Pauli (R.) Pictures of Old England. 1861 132B Rogers (J. E. T.) Historical Gleanings, 2 v. 1869 53B B 53 — Sketches of Montagu, Earl of Halifax, Sir R. Walpole, Adam Smith and Cobbett. B 54 — Wicklif. Laud. Wilkes and Horne Tooke. — The British Citizen. 1885 45C Seeley (J. R.) The Expansion of England. 1887 282B Smiles (S.) The Huguenots in England and Ireland 63B Stanley (A. P.) Memorials of Westminster Abbey 200B Englander (L.) The Casino Girl. Musical Play 201R English [Character]: The Egregious English, by A. McNeill. 1900 i io4l> English (The) in the West Indies, by J. A. Froude 79oB English Church, History of the, by H. D. M. Spence. 1900... 1293B English Eccentrics and Eccentricities, by J. Timbs. 1877 373L English Illustrated Magazine ; yearly volumes to 1895, afterward^ half-yearly. From Vol. L, October, 1883, to the present time. M 2371 et seq. English Language : The Queen’s English, by H. Alford. 1875 8L The Making of English, by H. Bradley. 1904 1121L 133 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Eng English: Makers of Modern English, by W. J. Dawson. 1890 826L The Dean’s English, by G. W. Moon. 1864 9L English as she is taught, by C. B. Le Row. 1887 794L With a Commentary thereon by Mark Twain. English Past and Present, by R. C. Trench. 1855 393L English Men of Letters and their Writings : L 614 — Addison, by W. J. Courthope. L 632 — Arnold, Matthew, by H. Paul. L 615 -Bacon, by R. VV. Churcb. L 605 — Bentley, by R. C, Jebb. L 1151 — Browning-, Robert, by G. K Chesterton. L 595— Bunyan, by J. A. Froude. L 591 — Burke, by J. Morlej-. L 1153 — Burney, Fanny, by A. Dobson L 589 — Burns, by J. C. Shairp. L 599 — Byron, by J. Nichol. L 619 — Carble, by J. Nichol. L 596 — Chaucer, by A. W. Ward. L 616 — Coleridge, by H. D. Traill. L 597 — Cowper, by Goldwin Smith. L 1152— Crabbe, George, by A. Ainger. L 587 — Defoe, by W. Minton. L 604 — De Quincej% by D. Masson. L 607 — Dickens, by A. W. Ward. L 602— Dryden, by G. Saintsbury. L 1157 — Edgeworth, Maria, by the Hon. E. Lawless. L 620 — Eliot, George, by L. Stephen. L 611 — Fielding, by A. Dobson. L 1159— FitzGerald, Edward, by A. C. Benson. L 583 — Gibbon, by J. C. Morison. L 386 — Goldsmith, by W. Black. L 608 — Gray, by E. W. Gosse. L 593 — Hawthorne, by H. James. L 621 — Hazlitt, William, by A. Birrell. L 1131 — Hobbes, by L. Stephen. L 585 — Hume, bv T. H. Huxley. L 381 — Johnson, by L. Stephen. L 618 — Keats, by S. Colvin. L 606— Lamb, by A. Ainger. L 603 — Landor, by S Colvin. L 601 — Locke, by T. Fowler. L 612 -Macaulay, by J. C. Morison. L 1160 — Marvell, Andrew, by A. Birrell. L 592 — Milton, by M. Pattison. L 598 — Pope, by L. Stephen. L 623 -Richardson, Samuel, by A. Dobson. L 1155 — Rossetti, D. G., by A. C. Benson. L 624 — Ruskin, John, by F. Harrison. L 582— Scott, by R. H. Hutton. L 584 — Shelley, by J. A. Symonds. L 613 — Sheridan, by Mrs. Oliphant. L 617— Sidney, by J. A. Symonds. L 1161 — Smith, Sydney, by G. W. E. Russell. Eng AStON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 34 English Men of Letters and their Writings {ooniimied) : L 594— Southej', by E. Dowden. L 588 — Spenser, R. W. Cburch. L 610— Sterne, by H. D. Traill. L 609— Swift, by L. Stephen. L 1154 — Ta5dor, Jeremy, by E. Gosse. L 623 — Tennyson, by Sir A. Lyall. L 590 — Thackeray, by A. Trollope. L 600 — Wordsworth, by F. W. H. Myers. English Seamen of the i6th Century, by J. A. Froude 95oB English Traits, by R. W. Emerson. 1856 141L Englishman (An) in Paris [by A. D. Vandam]. 1892 95 SB Englishwoman’s Love-Letters, The Author of, see Housman (L.). Englishwomen (Noble) The Book of, ed. by C. Bruce. 1876... 353B Anne Askew. Lady Jane Grey. Ladj^ Derby. I.ucy Hutchinson. I.adj^ Rachel Russell. Jane Austen. Miss Mitford. Grace Darling:. Charlotte Bronte. Mrs. Browning-. Mrs. Siddons, etc. Engraving (Wonders of), by M, Duplessis 6D Illustrated with engravings, after Rembrandt, Paul Potter, Ruysdael, Rubens, Vandyck, Durer, Hollar, Faithorne, Hogarth, Geoffroy Tory, Watteau, Callot, etc. on Wood (Art of), by T. Gilks 37D (Wood and Metal) : Ariadne Florentina, by J. Ruskin. 1890 653D see also Book Illustration. Entertainers, Public, Recollections of, see Furniss (H.), Grain (Corney), Grossmith (G.), Russell (Henry), and Wilder (M. P.). Enthusiasm, The Natural History of, by Isaac Taylor. 1830... 281 A Ephesians, Epistle to. see Bible. Epigrams, Ancient and Modern, ed. by J. Booth 317P Epictetus, Life and Views of : in Seekers after God, by F. W. Farrar. 1888 85 A Epistemology, a Study of ; The Groundwork of Science, by St. G. Mivart. 1898 841 D Epitaphs and Epigrams, by W. Tegg. 1875 56 iL Epochs of English History, see England, History of. Erasmus, Life and Letters of, by J. A. Froude. 1894 946B Erckmann (E.) and Chatrian (A.) Novels and Tales ; The Blockade 15E1 The Campaign in Kabylia 15E2 Citizen Bonaparte 1SE3 The Clarionet Player 15E4 The Conscript 1SE5 Friend Fritz 15E6 The Great Invasion 15E7 I 35 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Ess Erckmann (E.) and Chatrian (A.) Novels and Tales {continued : The Illustrious Dr. Matheus Madame Therese The Man-Wolf The Polish Jew The States General Stories of the Rhine Story of the Plebiscite Waterloo [sequel to the “ Conscript ”1 The Wild Huntsman Year One of the Republic Errors, Popular, Explained, by J. Timbs. 1876 Esau and Jacob, see Cox (S.). Eschatology, see Future State. Escott (T. H. S.) England : its People, Policy, and Pursuits. 1885 -Platform, Press, Politics, and Play, Pen and Ink Sketches of Contemporar}' Celebrities. -Social Transformations of the Victorian Age. 1897 The Aristocracy of Wealth. The New Era in Eng-land. Parishes and Counties. The Ladder of Education. “The Pla}’’s the thing".” The House of Commons. Newspaper Press. Trans- formation Scenes, etc. -A Trip to Paradoxia With other “ Humours of the Hour,” \'iz.. How I became Prime Minister. How the Party lost Mr Contang-o. The Prime Minister’s Love Affair, etc. Escreet (J. M.) Life of Edna Lyall (Ada Ellen Bayly). 1904... Eskimo, see Esquimaux. Esler (E. R.) The Way they Loved at Grimpat (Tales) Esquimaux, Life with the, by Capt. C. F. Hall. 1865 — Eskimo Life, by F. Nansen. 1894 Essayists, English, from Bacon to Ruskin. 1876 Essays by Bacon, Burton, Fuller, Milton, Temple, Locke, Addison, Steele, Pope, Swift, Shenstone, Goldsmith, Johnson, Cowper, Hazlitt, Coleridge, Lamb, Foster, Sydne}’ Smith, Jeffrey, Hugh Miller, Leigh Hunt, De Quince}", Macaulay, Carlyle, Ruskin, etc. Essays, see under the following names : Addison (J.) Allen (Grant) Arnold (Matthew) Birrell (A.) Boyd (A. K. H.) Brown (J.) Carlyle (T.) Cobbe (F. P.) Dale (R. W.) Dawson (W. J.) De Quincey (T.) Dobson (A.) 15E8 15E9 15E10 15E11 1 5E12 rSEiJ 15E14 15E15 15E16 15E17 380L 637B 1044L 114C 16E1 148 iB 17E1 315B 1213B 428L Ess ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, 36 Essays {continued) sec under the following names : Dowling (R.) Martineau (J.) Drummond (H.) Masson (D.) Eliot (George) Mathew (W.) Elze (K.) Maurice (F. D.) Friswell (J. H.) Montaigne (M. de) Froude (J. A.) Morley (J.) Gladstone (W. E.) Muller (F. Max) Goldsmith (O.) Murray (D. C.) Grahame (Kenneth) Newman (J. H.) Green (J, R.) Palgrave (F. T.) Guardian, The Pater (Walter) Guthrie (T.) Payn (J.) Hamerton (P. G.) Poe (E. A.) Hamilton (Janet) Repplier (A.) Hazlitt (W.) Runciman (J.) Helps (Sir A.) Ruskin (J.) Hollingshead (J.) Sala (G. A.) Holmes (O. W.) Scott (Sir W.) Hope (A. R.) Shenstone (W.) Hunt (Leigh) Smith (Alex) Hutton (R. H.) Smith (Gold win) Huxley (T. H.) Smith (Sydney) Jefferies (R.) Spectator. The Jessopp (A.) Stephen (Sir J. F.) Kingsley (C.) Stephen (Leslie) Lamb (C.) Stevenson (R. L.) Lang (A.) Swinburne (A. C.) La Touche (J.) Tatler, The Lee (Holme) Thackeray (A. I.) Lever (C.) Thackeray (W. M.) Lowell (J. R.) Tyndall (J.) Lubbock (Sir J.) Warner (C. D.) Lytton (E. B., Lord) Watson (E. H. L.) Macaulay (T. B., Lord) Wells (H. G.) MacDonald (G.) Wright (T.) Essays and Reviews. 1861 The Education of the World, bj- F. Temple. Bunsen’s Biblical Researches, by R, Williams. Study of the Evidences of Christianity, by Baden Powell The National Church, by H. B. Wilson. The Mosaic Cosmogrony, by C. W. Goodwin. Tendencies of Religious Thought in England, 1688 — 1750, by M. Paltison. The Interpretation of Scripture, by B. Jowett. I 56A 137 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Euf Etching : Etcher’s Handbook, by P. G. Hamerton. 1875 5D on Copper, Art of, by H. R. Robertson 36 iD — see also Pen and Ink Drawing. Ethnology, Primer of, by M. Haberlandt. 1900 3SiD -(British) The Pedigree of the English People, by T. Nicholas. 1873 806B (Comparative) Primitive Folk, by E. Reclus 71 5D The Origin of the Aryans, by I. Taylor, junr. 1890 827L Etiquette : The Habits of Good Society 940L Etruscan Archaeology, see Archaeology. Researches, by I. Taylor, junr. 1874 225B See note under author’s name. Euripides, The Plays of, ed. by H. Morley 292P Hippolytus, trans. by H. B. L 34oP — Ion, trans. by H, B. L 339P Euripides, Introduction to, by W. B. Donne. 1876 18L Europe : European History : Alison (Sir A.) History of Europe (1774 — 1815), 13 v. 1853 81B B 81 — To A.D. J791. — Causes of the Revolution. Taking- of the Bastile, etc. B 82 — 1791-3. — Republic, Death of Louis XVI., War in La Vendee. B 83— 1793-6. — Reig-n of Terror, Rise of Napoleon, etc. B 84—1797-1800. — Campaigfn in Italy. Expedition to Egypt. The Consulate, etc. B 85—1800-4. — Campaign of Marengo, Hohenlinden, Peace of Amiens, Napoleon’s Coronation. B 86 — 1805-7.— Trafalgar, Austerlitz, Jena, Eylau, etc. B 87—1807-8. — Tilsit, Rise of India, Peninsular War. B 88 —1808-1 1. — Corunna, Wagram, Walcheren Expedition, Torres Vedras, etc. B 89—1810-12. — Revolution in South America, Sieges of Salamanca and Badajos, Causes of Russian War. B 90 — 1812-14. — Moscow, Resurrection of Germany, Vittoria, Characters of Napoleon, Murat, Ney, etc. B 91 — 1813-14. — Dresden, Leipsic, Fall of Napoleon, etc. B 92 — 1814-15. — Restoration of Bourbons, American War, The Hundred Days, Waterloo, Death of Napoleon, 1821. B 93 — Index. Fitchett, (W, H.) How England Saved Europe [a history of the struggle against Napoleon, 1793 — 1815], 4 V. 1899 1271B For contents, see undee author’s name. Froissart (Sir J.) Chronicles of Europe 61B Hallam (H.) Europe during the Middle Ages 105B Eur ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. . I38 Europe: European History {continued) : Kingsley (C.) The Roman and the Teuton 1875 28 iB The Forest Children. The D5ing- Empire. The Human Deluge. The Gothic Civilizer. The Nemesis of the Goths. The Lom- bard Laws. The Popes and the Lombards, etc. Rose (J. H.) A Century of Continental History (1780 — 1880) 830B Taylor ( 1 .) Prehistoric Ethnology and Civilization in Europe 827L Zimmern (H.) The Hansa Towns. 1889 890B A History of the Hanseatic League. The Conversion of the West : B 1001 — The Celts, by G. F. Maclear. B IOD2 — The Continental Teutons, by C. INIerivale. B 1003 — The English, by G. F. Maclear. B 1004 — The Northmen, by G. F. Maclear. B 1005 — The Slavs, by G. F. Maclear. Eamous Historical Scenes (1492 — 1793). 1875 80B Selected from Standard Authors. Travel and Descriptions : Duff erin (Lord) Letters from High Latitudes. 1858 1186B Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzhergen. Holmes (O. W.) One Hundred Days in Europe. 1887... 803B Maegregor (J.) 1,000 Miles in the “Rob Roy’’ Canoe. 1867 241B Stephen (Leslie) The Playground of Europe. 1895 974B The Alps and Alpine Climbing. Stockton (E. R.) Personally Conducted. 1889 44SL Taylor (Bayard) Views Afoot. 1874 258B Twain (Mark) A Tramp Abroad. 1880 689 and 690L European Morals, History of, by W. E. H. Lecky, 2 v, 1877... 83A Evangelical Revival, The, by R. W. Dale. 1880 296A Evans, Christmas, The Preacher of Wild Wales, by E. Paxton Hood 1023B His country, his times, and his contemporaries. Evans (Marianne, George Eliot), see Eliot. Evans (Sebastian) In Quest of the Holy Grail. 1898 iiioL An Introduction to the Study of the Legend. Every Boy’s Annual (Routledge) 161, 875, 876, 877 and 880F Every Boy’s Book (Games, etc.), by E. Routledge 34G Every Little Boy’s Book 33G Indoor and Outdoor Games : Conjuring, Shows, etc. Evil, The Origin of, and other Sermons, by A. W. Momerie. 1888 538A . JQ ASTON MANOR LT-'NDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. EzC Evolution : Clodd (E.) Pioneers of Evolution, from Thales to Huxley. 1897 ■ 307D Plain Account of Evolution. 1888 5S9D Darwin (C.) The Descent of Man. 1890 194D The Origin of Species. 1882 186D Dawson (Sir J. W. ) Modern Ideas of Evolution. 1890 638D Origin of the World according to Revelation and Science. 1886 532D Durham (W.) In Science in Plain Language. 1891 644D Drummond (H.) The Ascent of Man. 1894 441 D Elam (C.) Winds of Doctrine. 1876 91; A Jessop (C. M.) Past and Future. 1892 430D Schmidt (O.) Descent and Darwinism. 1876 133T) Wallace (A. R.) Natural Selection. 1891 706D Evolution in Art, by A. C. Haddon. 1895 34oD Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers, by E, Caird, 2 V. 1904 174A Exercises, Two-Part (Music), by J. Greenwood. 1883 5930 Exeter Cathedral, Handbook to, by P. Addleshaw. 1898 1307B Exhibition at Vienna, 1873 273D Exhibits, Produces, etc., of the Empire of Brazil. Exmoor, An Exploration of, by J. L. W. Page. 1890 732B Exploration (Modern) Romance of, by A. Williams. 1905 13S4B Explorers (Early) Half-Hours with, by T. Frost 482B Explorers (English) Lives of 35 iB Mandeville, Bruce, Park, and Livingstone. Expression, Anatomy of, by Sir C. Bell. 1888 567D Physical Expression : its modes and principles, by F. Warner. 1885 53iD Extinct Civilizations of the East, The Story of, by R, E, Anderson. 1896 927B Ewing (Mrs. J. H.) Juvenile Tales : Brothers of Pity 202F A Flat-Iron for a Farthing 154F Jackanapes, and other Tales 146F Mary’s Meadow, and other Tales 148F Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances 155F We and the World : a Book for Boys 145F Eye, The, see Sight. Eyre (Sir J.) The Stomach and its Difficulties. 1869 71 3D Ezekiel see Bible, Fab ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. I40 Fabian Essays in Socialism, ed. by G. B. Shaw. 1889 47C For contents, see tmcier Socialism. Fable, Dictionary of, by E. C. Brewer 68L Fables of ^sop. The 26F Fables and Proverbs, from the Sanscrit, tran. by C. Wilkins. 1885 659L These are the fables commonly called Pilpay’s, or Bidpai’s — more correctlj- the Hitopadesa. Fabre (J. H.) Insect Life : Souvenirs of a Naturalist. 1901... 432D Fabulists : La Fontaine and other French Fabulists, by W. L. Collins. 1882 525L Fairbairn (A. M.) Christ in the Centuries (sermons). 1893 485A Fairholt (F. W.) Homes, Works, and Shrines of English Artists. 1873 435L Fairy Tales : In this list only traditional and collected Fairy Tales are included, not those invented by modern authors : Couch (A. T. Q.) Fairy Tales Far and Near 855F Craik (Mrs. G. L.) The Fairy Book. 3F Croker (T. C.) Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland ... 659F Gould (S.) Baring) A Book of Fairy Tales 857F Jacobs (J.) English Fairy Tales 699F Indian Fairy Tales 700F Kingsley (C.) The Heroes : Greek Fairy Tales 24 iF Lang (A.) The Blue Fairy Book iF The Crimson Fairy Book 34F — The Green Fairy Book 30F The Grey Fairy Book 31F The Red Fairy Book 15F The Yellow Fairy Book 22F Fairy Tales, Their Origin and Meaning, by J. T. Bunce. 1878 796L The Science of Fairy Tales, by E. S. Hartland. 1891... 819L Faith : The Will to Believe, by W. James. 1904 593 A Falconer (Lanoe [pseud, of Miss M. Hawker]) Novels ; Cecilia de Noel iFi Mademoiselle Ixe 1F2 Falconer (W ) The Shipwreck and other Poems 277P Family Doctor (The) A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine 5 3D Falkner (J. M.) The Lost Stradivarius : a novel 2F1 Family Friend ; quarterly and half-yearly volumes. First Series, Vols. 4 to 6, 1851-2. M 34-36. Second Series, from Vol. i, 1852, to Vol. 10, 1854. M 37 to 46. • Third Series, Vols, i and 2, 1866. M 47 and 48. 141 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Far Famous Girls who have become Illustrious Women, by J. M. Darton. 1880 389B Mrs. Hemans, Harriet Martineau, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jennj- Lind, The Queen, The Princess of Wales, etc. Fanaticism, by Isaac Taylor. 1833 280A Faraday (M.) Chemical History of a Candle 98D On the Various Forces of Nature 122D Fargus (F. J., Hugh Conway), see Conway. Farjeon (B. L.) Novels ; The Betrayal of John Fordham 3F1 Blade o’ Grass 3F2 Great Porter Square 3F3 Grif 3F4 Farrar (F. W., Dean) Early Days of Christianity. 1884 258A Eternal Hope ; five sermons. 1878 112A In the Days of thy Youth (sermons). 1878 159A Language and Languages ; being ‘‘ Chapters on Language,” and Families of Speech. 1878 13 9L Lives of the Fathers, 2 v. 1889 1061 B B 1061 — Igfnatius. Polycarp. Irenasus. Justin Martyr. Tertullian. Cyprian. Clement of Alexandria. Orig-en. Athanasius. Hilary. Martin. Gregory ot Nazianzus. B 1062— Basil. Gregory of Nyssa. Ambrose. Jerome. Augustine. Chrysostom. Life of Christ. 1881 158 A The Life of Lives. 1900 2 59 A Further Studies in the Life of Christ. Life and Work of St. Paul .' 257A The Lord’s Prayer (sermons). 1895 115A Mercy and Judgment : last words on Christian Eschat- ology. 1882 1 62 A Saintly Workers'. 1878 114A The Marty rs. The Hermits. The Monks. The Early Franciscans. Seekers after God 85A Seneca. Marcus Aurelius. Epictetus. The Silence and the Voices of God (sermons) 132A Truths to Live By 113A The Witness of History to Christ. 1878 133A Stories : Allegories 1 39F Darkness and Dawn 4F1 Scenes in the Days of Nero. Eric, or Little by little 141 and 233F Far ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 142 Farrar (F. W., Dean) Stories {continued) : Gathering Clouds 4F2 A Tale of the Days of Chrysostom. Julian Home 140F and 4F3 St. Winifred’s 142 and 310F The Three Homes 143F Farrar, Frederic William {Dean of Canterbury) Life of, by R. Farrar. 1904 1357B Farrar (T. H., aft. Lord) Free Trade versus Fair Trade. 1882... 50C Free Trade versus Fair Trade: enlarged edition. 1885 51C The Sugar Convention. 1889 55C Farrow (G. E.) Absurd Ditties 384P Juvenile Stories : Baker Minor and the Dragon 137F The Mandarin’s Kite 144F The Missing Prince 138F The Wallypug of Why .* 827F Fathers (The) Lives of, by F. W. Farrar, 2 v. 1889 io6iB For contents, see tutder Farrar. The Christian Fathers, by G. G. Perry lOOoB Sketches of the Lives of, by J. H. Newman (The Church of the Fathers). 1868 32 3A Basil the Great, Gregfory. Apollinaris. Antony. Augustine. Demetrius. Martin and Maximus. Faucit (Helena), see Martin (Lady). Fawcett (H.) Manual of Political Economy. 1876 24C Fawcett, Henry, Life ot by L. Stephen. 1885 669B Fawcett (Mrs. M. G.) Eminent Women of our Time. 1889 825B Elizabeth Fry. Mary Carpenter. Mrs. Somerville. Queen Victoria. Harriet Martineau. Florence Nightingale. The Brontes. Jane Austin, etc. Political Economy for Beginners. 1876 15C Female Life in Prison [by F. W. Robinson]. 1868 164L Fenn (G. M.) Novels : The Bag of Diamonds, etc 5F1 Begumbagh (The Indian Mutiny) 5F2 Black Blood 5F3 Black Shadows 5F4 The Canker worm 5F5 Commodore Junk 5F6 Cursed by a Fortune .., 5F7 Double Cunning 5F8 A Double Knot 5F9 143^ ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Fen Fenn (G. M.) Novels [continued) : An Electric Spark 5F10 Eli’s Children SFii High Play 5F12 In an Alpine Valley 5F13 In Jeopardy (stories) SFi4 It Came to Pass 5F15 King of the Castle 5F16 Mahme Nonsie 5F17 The Man with a Shadow 5F18 The Master of the Ceremonies 5F19 The New Mistress 5F20 Of High Descent 5F21 One Maid’s Mischief 5F22 The Queen’s Scarlet 5F23 Running Amok 5F24 So Like a Woman 5F35 The Star Gazers 5F25 Story of Antony Grace 5F26 Sweet Mace 5F27 This Man’s Wife 5F28 The Tiger Lily SF29 The Vibart Affair SF30 The Vicar’s People 5F31 The White Virgin 5F32 Witness to the Deed 5F33 , A Woman Worth Winning SF34 Juvenile Stories : The Black Bar 78 8F The Black Tor 845F Brownsmith’s Boy 45 8F Bunyip Land 660F Burr Junior • 694F Charge ! (Briton and Boer) 49 5 F Cormorant Crag 799F Crown and Sceptre -. 680F The Crystal Hunters 654F Cutlas and Cudgel 790F A Dash from Diamond City 489F Devon Boys 66ijr Diamond Dyke g p Fen ASTON manor lending library catalogue. 144 Feim (G. M.)"Juvenile Stories {continued) : Dick o’ the Fens 662F The Dingo Boys 69 5 F Draw Swords 498F Fire Island S04F First in the Field 847F Fix Bay’ nets ! 500F For the Old Flag S03F Frank and Saxon 863F Gil the Gunner 79 iF Glyn Severn’s School Days 99 5 F The Golden Magnet 663F The Grand Chaco 79 3 F In Honour’s Cause 849F In the King’s Name 664F In the Mahdi’s Grasp 494F Jack at Sea 850F Jungle and Stream 496F The King’s Esquires 992F The Kopje Garrison 505F Mas’ George 79 5 F Menhardoc 690F Middy and Ensign 39 iF Mother Carey’s Chicken 669F Nat the Naturalist. 589F Nic Revel 865F Nolens Volens (Adventures of Don Lavington) 670F Off to the Wilds 457F Patience Wins 66 5 F The Peril Finders 990F Quicksilver 666F The Rajah of Dah 696F Real Gold 797F Roy Roy land 79 8 F Sail Ho ! 796F Sappers and Miners 846F Shoulder Arms ! 996F The Silver Canon 59oF The Silver Salvors 497F Smith’s Weakness 800F Stan Lynn (Adventures in China) 99 iF 145 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Fig Fenn (G. M.) Juvenile Stories {continued) : Steve Young 7^9^ Syd Belton 65 3F A Terrible Coward — 667F Three Boys 994^ To the West 794^ Trapper Dan 998F Uncle Bart.. 49 3 F Vince the Rebel 864F Walsh the Wonderworker 99 3 F The Weathercock 792F Yussuf the Guide 668 F Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, Reign of, by W. H. Prescott. 1854 136B Ferguson (A.) Essay on the History of Civil Society. 1773 124C Fermentation, by P. Schutzenberger. 1876 134^ — —and Distillation, by W. N. Hartley 485F) Ferns : The Fern World, by F. G. Heath 189D Where to Find Ferns, by F. G. Heath. 1881 207D Popular History of British Ferns, by T. Moore. [1859]... 314B Ferryman (A. F. M.) Hemmed In : a tale of the Soudan 973F Festus, a poem, by P. J. Bailey 4P Feuillet (O.) Monsieur de Camors [novel in French] 29F1 Feval (P.) Les Habits Noirs [novel in French] 30F1 Fiction : Works of Fiction are entered under the names of their respective authors throughout this Catalogue. A Catalogue of Fiction is also issued separately. Fiction, The Art of, by W. Besant. 1884 41 SL The Makers of Enghsh Fiction, by W. J. Dawson. 1905 966L My Contemporaries in Fiction, by D. C. Murray. 1897 953L Field (Boswell) The Bondage of Ballinger : a novel 6F1 Field (E. M.) Denis (an Irish story) 7F1 Field (J. T.) Yesterdays with Authors. 1873 174L Pope. Thackeray. Hawthorne. Dickens. Wordsworth. Miss Mitford. Fielding, Henry, by A. Dobson (English Men of Letters). 1883 61 iL Fights for the Flag, by W. H. Fitchett 1 1S9B Figuier (L.) The Human Race (Ethnology). 1893 273D The Insect World. 1892 274D Mammalia : their various forms and habits. 1892 275D The Ocean World : a description of the Sea and some of its inhabitants. 1891 276D Fig ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 146 Figuier (L.) Primitive Man. 1876 238D Reptiles and Birds. 1878 192D The World Before the Deluge. 1891 277D Figure Drawing (Art of), by C. H. Weigall 13D Fijian Islands, Government Mission to, by B. Seemann. 1862 760B Fin-Bee [occasional pseud, of B. Jerrold], see Jerrold (B.). Findlay (A.) The Phase Rule and its Applications : with intro- duction to the Study of Physical Chemistry, by Sir W. Ramsay. 1904 792D Finland (Through) in Carts, by Mrs. Alec Tweedie 1178B Finnemore (J.) Novels and Tales : In the Trenches (The Crimea) 977F The Lover Fugitives 8F1 Story of a Scout 976F Firdusi, Heroic Tales from, retold by H. Zimmern 9F1 Fire Brigade, Stories of the, by F. Mundell 1031L Fires, and their Extinction (Society of Arts’ Reports on). 1874 491 and 492D (Great), see Chicago, and London. First Aid to the Injured, by H. Drinkwater. 1900 3 5 2D Firth (C. H.) Cromwell’s Army : a history of the English Soldier during the Civil Wars, the Commonwealth, and the Protectorate. 1905 1478B Firth (E. W.) Godfrey Malden (juvenile story) 577F Firth (J. B.) Highways and Byways of Derbyshire. 1905 1396B Fiscal Problem, see Tariffs. Fisher (A. H.) Hereford Cathedral (Bell’s Handbook). 1898... 1311B Fishes, British, Natural History of, by F. Buckland. 1883 682D Structure and Economical Uses of, by J. S. Bushnan 175D Our Country’s Fishes, by J. W. Gordon 40 iD British, by P. Hamilton, 2 v 176D —of the Perch Family, by Sir W. Jardine 178D of British Guiana, by R. H. Schomburgk, 2 v 179D Fison (A. H.) Recent Advances in Astronomy 1898 423D Fitchett (W. H.) Deeds that Won the Empire. 1903 1158B The Fight off Cape St. Vh'ncent. The Heights of Abraham. The Great Lord Hawke. The Night Attack on lladajos. Nelson and the Nile. Mountain Combats. King-Making Waterloo. Trafalgar, etc. Fights for the Flag 1159B Blake and the Dutchmen. Blenheim. Dettingen. Minden. Corunna. Salamanca. Navarino. Inkermann. Famous Cavalry Charges, etc. 147 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Fie Fitchett (W. H.) How England Saved Europe. 4 v. [899-1900 1271B B 1371 — England and the [French] Revolution. The Hour of England’s Peril. Bonaparte in the East B 1272— Nelson and the Struggle for the Sea. B 1273 — The War in the Peninsula. B 1274 — Waterloo and St. Helena. The Tale of the Great Mutiny [India, 1857-9]. 1901... 1282B ed. Wellington’s Men : Autobiographical chapters by Kincaid, Harris, Anton, and Mercer. 1901... 1280B FitzGerald (E., translator of Omar Khay'yam) Letters of, 2 v. 1894 1249B More Letters of. 1901 1243B FitzGerald, Edward, by A. C. Benson (Eng. Men of Letters). 1905 ■: 1159L Fitzgerald (J. F. W.) Australia (descriptive account). 1881... 620B Fitzgerald (P.) The Art of the Stage. 1881 786L A Commentar\' on Lamb’s Dramatic Essays. Principles of Comedy and Dramatic Effect. 1870 45 /L Romance of the English Stage, 2 v. 1874 50 iL L 501 — Theatrical Memoirs. The Stroller’s Life. Old York Theatre. Story of George Anne B^llam}'. Adventures of Tate Wilkinson. Great Dibuts : Garrick — Siddons — Kean. L 502 “The Ill-fated Mossop.” Love and Death upon the Stage. The Ireland Forgeries. Mrs. Robinson. George Frederick Cooke. Elliston. Gerald Griffin. The Young Roscius. — The Savoy Opera. 1894 9.15L Notices of the Series of Operas by Gilbert and Sullivan, which were chiefly produced at the Savoy Theatre. The World Behind the Scenes 569L Stage Illusions — Mechanism— Spectacles. The Actors, their Lives, Tastes, and Accomplishments. Theatres. Authors. Novels ; Bella Donna loFi Diana Gay 10F2 Polly : a Village Portrait 10F3 The Second Mrs. Tillotson 10F4 Seventy-five Brook Street 10F5 Three Weeks at Mopetown 10F6 Fitzpatrick (J. P.) The Transvaal from Within, 1899 1193B Flammarion (C.) Popular Astronomy. 1894 267D Flaubert (G.) Salammbo [novel in French] 12F1 Flaxman (J.) Lectures on Sculpture. 1865 . ... 3D Fleming (G. [pseud, of Miss C. Fletcher]) A Nile Novel iiFi Fleming (J., Canon) Art of Reading and Speaking 1025L Fie ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 48 Fleming (J. A.) Waves and Ripples, in Water, Air, and ^ther. 1902 765D Fletcher (B. and B. F.) History of Architecture. 1896 737^) A comparative view of the Historical Styles, with 115 plates. Fletcher (B. F. and H. P.) Architectural Hygiene, 1899 736D Fletcher (John, Dramatist), see Beaumont and Fletcher. Fletcher, John, of Madele.y, Life of, by F. W, Macdonald. 1885 659B Fletcher (J. S.) Novels and Tales : Adventure of Walter Trelawney 918F At the Gate of the Fold 13F1 Bonds of Steel 13F2 The Builders 13F3 The Diamonds 13F4 The Making of Matthias 826F Mistress Spitfire 13F5 A Story of the Civil War. Mr. Spivey’s Clerk 13F6 Old Lattimer’s Legacy 13F7 The Quarry Farm 13F8 The Secret Way 13F9 The Three Days’ Terror T3F10 Through Storm and Stress 919F When Charles the First was King 13F11 • Where Highways Cross 13F12 Th - Wonderful Wapentake (stories) 13F13 Fletcher (M.) Juvenile Stories: Every Inch a Briton (school story) 45 F Jefferson Junior (school story) 48F Flora of the British Isles, by Sir J, D, Hooker. 1878 668 D Florence, Handbook to, by A. J. C. Hare. 1887 812B The Makers of Florence, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1888 793B Mornings in Florence, by J. Ruskin. 1889 81 5B see also Baedeker’s Northern Italy, Tuscan Republics, and Savonarola. Flotow (F. F. Von) Martha, Opera 270R Flower Painting, Art of, by Mrs. Dufheld 14D Painting in Oils, Manual of, by W. J. Muckley 362D Flowers and their Pedigrees, by Grant Allen. 1886 433T) Rambles among Wild Flowers, by M. C. Cooke. 1898 426D Our Country’s Flowers, by W. J. Gordon 429D The Making of Flowers, by G. Henslow. 1891 768D 149 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Fof Flowers, Origin of Floral Structures through Insects, by G. Henslow. 1888 564D The Story of Wild Flowers, by G. Henslow. 1901 386D Flora of the British Isles, by Sir J. D. Hooker. 1878... 668 D Flowers of the Field, by C. A. Johns. 1890 703D see also Cactus, and Roses, and under Gardening. Flying, see Aeronautics, and Animal Locomotion. Flynt (J.) Tramping with Tramps : studies of Vagabond Life. 1901 - 77C Fogg (W. P.) Arabistan : the Land of the Arabian Nights. 1878 292B Folk Lore : Custom and Myth, by A. Lang. 1893 1037L Fontaine (J.) Memoirs of a Huguenot Family 170L Food : Common-sense Management of the Stomach, by G. O. Drewry. 1876 501 D Food for the Invalid : the Convalescent, the Dyspeptic, and the Gouty, by J. M. Fothergill. 1880 266D The Cupboard Papers [by B. Jerrold] 243L A Plea for Vegetarianism, by H. S. Salt. 1886 293D Factors in Life, by H. D. Seeley 688D Foods, by Edward Smith. 1876 119D Food and Feeding, by Sir H. Thompson. 1881 54oD The Ethics of Diet, by H. Williams. 1883 29 iD Manchester Vegetarian Lectures. 1889 292D see also Chemistry, Cookery, and Gastronomy. Football, Popular Handbook of, by Dr. Irvine, C. W. Alcock, etc. 16G For Britain’s Soldiers : stories by Besant, Crockett, Hornung, Kipling, etc 14F1 Published in aid of the Soldiers’ Relief Fund. Forbes (Arch.) Life of Wilham L, Emperor of Germany. 1888 829B Memories and Studies of War and Peace. 1896 1019L Ten Yeats of War Correspondence. Moltke before Metz. The Dark Days of Sedan. Paris in Prostration. The Crushing^ of the Commune. Soldiers I have known. Souvenirs of Some Continents. 1885 748L Skobeloff. How I became a War Correspondent The Emperor and his Marshal. MacGahan. Where was Villiers ? Wolseley : a Character Sketch. Interviewed by an Emperor. Christmas in the Khyber Pass, etc. and MacGahon (J.) The Russo-Turkish War, 1877-8 [Daily News War Correspondence), 2 v. 1878 301 B Forbes (G. A.) Geographical Exploration and Christian Enterprise in Africa. 1874 238B Forbidden Land (The), see Tibet, For ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 50 Forces of Nature, The, by M. Faraday 122D Foreign Classics for English Readers : [Introductions to, and Sketches of, the Writing's of Foreign Classic Authors.] L 520 — Calderon, by E. J. Hasell. L 522 — Cervantes, by Mrs. Oliphant. L 523 — Corneille and Racine, by H. M. Trollope, L 51 1— Dante, by Mrs. Oliphant. L 528 — De Musset, by C. F. Oliphant. L 515 — Goethe, by A. Hayward. L 525 — La Fontaine, by W. L. Collins. L 516 — Moliere, by Oliphant and Tarver. L 517 — Montaigne, bj’ W. L. Collins. L 513 — Pascal, by J. Tulloch L 514 — Petrarch, by H. Reeve. L 518 — Rabelais, by W. Besant. L 527 — Rousseau, bj' H. G. Graham. L 319 — Schiller, bj- J. Sime. L 524 — Madame de Sevigne, by Miss Thackeray. L 521 — Saint Simon, b}' C. W, Collins. L 326 — Tasso, by E. J. Hasell. L 312 — Voltaire, by E. B. Hamley. Foreign Countries -and British Colonies : Australia, by J. F. V. Fitzgerald 620B Austria-Hungary, by D. Kay 62 iB Denmark and Iceland, by E. C. Otte 622B i- Egypt, by S. Lane-Poole 623B France, by M. Roberts 624B Greece, by L. Sergeant 62 5 B Japan, by S. Mossman 626B Peru, by C. R. Markham 627B Russia, by W. R. Morfill 628B Spain, by W. Webster 630B Sweden and Norway, by F. H. Woods 63 iB West Indies, by C. H. Eden 632B Forest Tithes, by “ A Son of the Marshes ” 1893 102 iL Studies of Forest Life. Forester (Mrs.) Novels ; Fair Women 15F1 From Olympus to Hades 15F2 Form (Principles of) in Ornamental Art, by C. Martel 29D Forster (E.) Abraham Lincoln (The World’s Workers). 1885 617F Forster (H. O. Arnold) History of England [Popular]. 1897... 49 B Forster ( J.) Life of Charles Dickens, 2 v 425B Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith. 1863 .‘542B Forster, William Edward {Statesman), Life of, by T. W. Reid, 2 v. 1888 747B 151 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. FoX Fortnightly Review : half-yearly volumes. From Vol. 23, 1878, to the present time. M773, et seq. Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives, by Sir W. J. Dawson. 1883 563D Fossils : Our Common British Fossils, and where to find them, by J. E. Taylor. 1885.... 233D Foster Brothers of Doon (The) : a story 130F Fothergill (J.) Novels : Aldyth 16F1 Borderland 16F2 The First Violin 16F3 From Moor Isles 16F4 Healey 16F5 The Lasses of Leverhouse 16F6 A March in the Ranks 16F6 Probation 16F7 Fothergill (J. M.) Food for the Invalid, the Convalescent, the Dyspeptic, and the Gouty. 1880 266D Fotheringham (J.) Studies of the Mind and Art of Robert Browning. 1898 1062L Founder’s Work : The Pattern-Maker’s Handy Book, by P. N. Hasluck. 1887 728D Fouque (Baron De La Motte) Undine (a story) 33F Fouquet, Nicolas {Marquis de Belle-Isle), his identity with the Man in the Iron Mask, see Topin (M.). Fowler (E. H.) Novels : A Corner of the West 17F1 The World and Winstow 17F2 Fowler (F. T ) Novels : Concerning Isabel Carnaby 18F1 A Double Thread 18F3 The Farringdons 18F2 Fuel of Fire 18F4 . Place and Power 18F6 Sirius, and other stories 18F7 and Felkin (A. T.) Kate of Kate Hall ^ 18F5 Fowler (T.) Locke (English Men of Letters). 1880 601L Fowler (W W.) Tales of the Birds 277F Fownes (G.) Manual of Elementary Chemistry. 1858 47D Fox, George {Quaker), Journal of, abridged by R. L. Parker, with introduction by W. R. Nicoll. 1903 1367B Passages from the Writings of. 1881 3 24 A Fox ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 $2 Fox (J.) Tales : Christmas Eve on Lonesome, etc 19F1 Crittenden [American Civil War] 19F2 The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come 19F3 Fox (W.) Wesleyan Missions in West Africa. 1851 1074B Foxe (J.) Acts and Monuments of the Church, 3 v. 1875 133B The Book of Martyrs. 1863 13B France (Anatole) Le Lys Rouge (novel in French) 20F1 France, Descriptions and Topography of : Craik (Mrs. G. L.) Fair France. 1871 183B Hare (A. J. C.) North-Western France (Normandy and Brittany). 1895 170B Hawthorne (N.) Passages from the French Note-Books of, 2 V. 1873 693L Hopkins (Tighe) An Idler in Old France 1262B Pennell (E. R.) Our Sentimental Journey in France and Italy. 1888 620B [Roberts (M)] France [Descriptive Account]. 1881 624B Stevenson (R. L.) An Inland Voyage. 1893 lOOSL On the Oise, and the Oise Canal, N.E. France. Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. 1889... 810L See also Paris, Rouen, and Riviera. France, History of : General History : Jervis (W. H.) The Students’ History of France. 1898 1173B Earlier Elistory : Froissart (Sir J.) Chronicles (1326-1399) 61B Hassall (A. H.) Louis XIV. and the Zenith of the French Monarchy. 1895 1123B Masson (G.) Mediaeval France (Story of the Nations). 1888 887B Sergeant (L.) The Franks (Story of the Nations). 1898 918B Topin (M ) The Man with the Iron Mask. 1870 500B An attempt to identify Nicolas Fouquet, Marquis de Belle-Isle, as the Man ; [with an examination of other theories. See also Lives of Coligny, Jeanne D’Albret, Joan of Arc, Louis IX., and Louis XIV, The French Revolution : Carlyle (T.) The French Revolution, 2 v. 1900 lOiB Chambers (W.) France : its history and its revolutions. 1886 lOoB 153 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Fra France, History of : The French Revolution {continued) : Dowden (E.) The French Revolution and English Literature 1897 950L See also Lives of Charlotte Corday and Lafayette. Modern France : Bodley (J. E. C.) France. 1899 1191B The Revolution and Modern France. The Constitution and the Chief of the State. The Parliamentary .System. Political Parties. Cahiers (Les) du capitaine Coignet (soldat de la Repub- lique, 1799-1815), publies par L. Larchey. 1894 1283B Forbes (A.) The War and the Commune, 1870-71 {in Memories and Studies). 1896 1019L Hugo (V.) The History of a Crime 220L The story of the Coup-d’etat of Napoleon III., December, 1851. Inside Paris during the Siege (1870-71), by an Oxford Graduate. 1871 11.39B Labouchere (H.) Diary of a Besieged Resident in Paris (1870-71). 1872 184B Lebon (E.) Modern France (Story of the Nations). 1897 914B [Ollier (E.)] History of the Franco-Prussian War, 1870- 71, 2 V 18B Thiers (L. A.) History of the Consulate and the Empire of Napoleon I. 1847 1092B [Vandam (A.)] An Englishman in Paris. 1892 955^ Recollections of the Second Empire, etc. See also Lives of Napoleon I. and Napoleon III., and Fitchett’s How England Saved Europe. Francillon (R. E.) Novels and Tales : Gods and Heroes, or the Kingdom of Jupiter 477F Jack Doyle’s Daughter 21F1 Pearl and Emerald 21F2 Queen Cophetua 21F3 A Real Queen 21F4 Rare Good Luck 21F5 Francis of Assisi, Monograph on, by Mrs. Oliphant. 1879 583B Life of, by P. Sabatier. 1894 iioiB Francis (M. E.) Novels : Christian Thai 22F1 Fiander’s Widow 22F2 Maime o’ the Corner ! 22F3 Pastorals of Dorset 22F4 Fra ASTON manor lending library catatdgue. 154 Frankland (P. F.) Our Secret Friends and Foes [Bacteria], 1893 769D Franklin (Benjamin) Works of Q93L The Busy Bod}'. Advice to a Young- Tradesman. The Way to Wealth. Letters to Mr. Whatele}'. Electricity. Stilling of Waves by Oil. Musical Glasses. Effects of the Sun’s Rays. Account of the Arts and Sciences, etc. Franklin, Benjamin, Life of, by E. M. Tomkinson 61 3F Biography of 439B Franklin, Sir John, Life of, by A. H. Beesly. 1881 573B Franks, The, see France (Early History of). Fraser (D.) Thomas Chalmers : a memoir. 1881 b52B Fraser (Mrs. H.) The Looms of Time : a novel 23F1 Fraser (J. F.) America at Work. 1003 1259B Canada as it is. 1905 I39SB The Real Sibeiia. 1904 1391B Round the World on a Wheel. 1899 1185B Fraser (Sir W.) Disraeli and his Day [personal recollections]. 1891 1055B Recollections of Napoleon III 1147B Fraser’s Magazine ; half-yearly volumes. SecO)id Series, from Vol. 17, 1878, to Vol. 26, ending October, 1882. M 631 to 640. Longman’s Magazine took the place of /•'raser’s in October, 1882. Frazer (R. W.) British India (Story of the Nations). 1896 ... 912B Frederic (H.) Illumination (a novel) 24F1 . Frederick the Great (Friedrich II.), History of, by T. Carlyle, 10 v. 44 iB B 441 — Birth and Parentage. Of Brandenburg and the Hohenzollerns. The Hohenzollerns in Brandenburg, 1412 — 1713- Friedrich’s Apprenticeship, first stage, 1713 — 23. B 442 — Friedricli’s Apprenticeship, first stage {continued^). Double Marriage Project. Fearful Shipwreck of the Double Marriage Project. B 443 — Crown Prince Retrieved. Life at Custrin. Last Stage ot Friedrich’s Apprenticeship, 1732-1736. At Reinsberg, 1736-40. B 444— Friedrich takes the reins in hand, 1740. First Silesian War begins. B 445 -First Silesian War gets ended. The surrounding European War does not end. Second Silesian Wa-", 1744-5 B 446- -Second Silesian War f c The Ten Years ot Peace, 1746-56. B 447— The Seven Years’ War, to 1759 B 448— d he Seven Years’ War, 1759 to 1760. B 449 — The Seven Years’ War gr.adually ends. Afternoon and Evening of Friedrich’s Life. B 450 — Partition of Poland. A Chapter of Miscellanies. Friedrich’s last Illness and Death. A Day with Friedrich, etc. Free Churches, see Church. Free Trade, Works relating to, see Tariffs. 155 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE Fri Free Trade Movement, History of the, by A. Mongredien. i88i 67B Freeman (E. A.) Old-English History (to 1066). 1890 1150B Short History of the Norman Conquest. 1887 138B The fuller History may be seen in the Reference Library. Sicily : Phoenician, Greek and Roman (Story of the Nations). 1892 900B Freeman (H.) On Speech Formation as a Basis of Spelling. 1886 776L Writing Simplified. 1888 Freer (M. W.) Life of Jeanne D’Albret, Queen of Navarre. French, Works in : see under the following; names : About (E.) Feuillet (O.) Monselet (C.) Aimard (G.) Feval (P.) Ohnet (G.) Balzac? (H. de) Flaubert (G. ) Pe3’rebrune (G. de) Boisgobey (F du) France (A.) Rabusson (H.) Bouvier (A.) Gaulot (P. ) Racine (J.) Buet (Ch.) Greville (H. ) Rameau (J.) Charpe*tier (A.) Halevy (L.) Rostand (E.) Claretie (J.) Hugo (V.) Sageret (J.) Coignet (Capitaine) Karr (A.) Sand (G.) Daudet (A.) Lamartine (A. de) Souvestre (E. ) Delpit (E.) Le Sage (A. R.) Taine (H. A.) Ducor (H.) Malot (H.) Tinscau (L.) Dumas (A,*pere) Manzoni (A.) Tissot (V.) Ecilaw (A.) Merouvel (C.) Vigny (A. de) see also under Drama (Chefs-d’GEuvres Dramatiques). French and English, a comparison, by P. G. Hamerton. 1889 Education, Society, Politics, Religion, etc. French Conversational Preceptor, by Mabire and Le Blanc ... Poets and Novelists, by H. James. 1884 — Protestant, Autobiography of a, see Marteilhe, Jean. Revolution, see France. Songs, The Book of, v/ith irans. ed. by J. Oxenford Fresh Woods and Pastures New, [by E- Marston] 1887 •\ Week at a Farmhouse. Fishing. Country Life. In a Suburban Garden. Natural History Notes, etc. Ereshfield (D.) Sketches in the Italian Alps. 1875 Fret-Cutting and Wood-Carving, Manual of, by Sir T. Seaton. 1875 Friction, Lectures on, by Hele Shaw Friends in Council, by Sir A. Helps, 4 v. 1876-7 A series of readings, and discourses thereon. Friswell (J. H.) Essays on English Writers. 1869 The English Poets. The Essayists. Dramatic Literature. The Bible and its Translators. Letters and Letter Writing. The Satirists. Scottish Poets. Political and Metaphysical Writers. Novelists. Poets of the Present Century, etc. 79 iL 459B 797L 740L 647 95P 848L 188B 503D 482D 227L 173L Fri ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 1 56 Friswell (J. H.) The Gentle Life, 2 v. 1864 161L L 161 — The difference between leading the Gentle Life and being Genteel. On what is called Etiquette. On what is commonly called “I>uck in Life.” On Flirtation. On “ Going-a-Courting.’ Religion of the Gentle Life. The Lottery of Marriage, etc. L 162 — On a Certain Noble Animal. The Weaker Vessel. A New Race of Old Maids. Laughter and Tears. Gossip and Scandal. Book Lore. Snobs. Great Men, etc. — Other People’s Windows 163L A Window in the Sky. The Author’s Window. Music for the Million. The Police Court Window. “At Last ” — or fhe Story of a Woman's Heart. The Solicitor’s Window. The Club Window. The Haunted Window. Novels : Diamonds and Spades 25F1 Sham ! 25F2 Frith (W.) The Sack of Monte Carlo (a novel) 26F1 Frith (W. P.) My Autobiography and other Reminiscences, 2 v. 1887 795B Further Reminiscences. 1888 822B Froissart (Sir John) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. (1326-1399) 6iB Frost (T.) Half-Hours with Early Explorers 482B — — — Reminiscences of a Country Journalist. 1888 443L Eroude (J. A.) Bunyan (English Men of Letters). 1880 595^ -Caesar : a sketch. 1890 715B — The English in the West Indies. 1888 790B English Seamen of the i6th Century. 1895 95oB History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, 12 v. 1877... 31B —Life and Letters of Erasmus. 1894 946B Lord Beaconsfield (The Queen’s Prime Ministers). 1890 1030B Oceana : England her Colonies. 1886 664B Short Studies on Great Subjects, 4 v. 1898 147L L 147 — The Times of Erasmus and Luther. Philosoph}" of Catholi- cism. Criticism and Gospel Hi.story. The Book of Job. Spinoza. Homer. Representative Men. Reynard the Fox. The Cat’s Pilgrimage. Fables, etc. L 148— Calvinism. Newman’s Grammar of Assent. A Fortnight in Kerry. The Merchant and his Wife. Education. England s War. Ireland since the Union. L 149— Annals of an English Abbey. Revival of Romanism. Sea Studies. Lucian. The Uses of a Landed Gentry, etc. L 150 — Thomas Becket. The O.xford Counter-Reformation. Origen and Celsus. A Cagliostro of the Second Century. Cheneys and the House of Russell. A Siding at a Railway Station. 157 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Fus Fronde (J. A.) The Spanish Story of the Armada. 1895 1066B .\lso, Antonio Perez, an Unsolved Historical Riddle. Saint Teresa. The Templars. The Norw^iy Fjords. Norway Once More. Thomas Carlyle, 4 v. 1890 265 B Vols 1-2 — The First Forty Years of his Life, 17951835. Vols. 3 4 — His Life in London, 1834-1881. The Two Chiefs of Dunboy (a novel) 27F1 Fruit and Still Life Painting, Manual of, by W. J. Muckley 363D Fryer (A. C.) Aidan ; the Apostle of England. 1902 1368B — — — Llantwit Major : A Fifth Century University. 1893 1149B Fuel and Refractory Materials, by A. H. Saxton 32 5 D Fugal Analysis, by E. Prout. 1892 78 iD Fugue, by J. Higgs. 1878 580D by E. Prout. 1892 782D Fuller (Andrew) Theological Works. 1852 27A Memoir. The Gospel its own Witness. Calvinistic and Socinian Systems Examined, etc. Fuller, Andrew, Life of, by A. G. Fuller. 1882 661B Fuller (Arthur) South Africa as a Health Resort. 1894 940B [Fuller (J. F.)] Culmshire Folk 31F1 Fuller (T.) Joseph’s Party-Coloured Coat. 1867 61A Fullerton (Lady) Too Strange not to be True (a novel) 28F1 Fullom (S. W.) Marvels of Science, i860 88D Fun, Ancient and Modern, by C. M. Davies, 2 V. 1878 181L see also Jest Book, Wit and Humour, etc. Fungi : their nature, influence, and uses, by M. C. Cooke, ed. by M. J. Berkeley. 1875 129D Furneaux (W.) The Outdoor World. 1893 762D A Handbook for Youngf Collectors. The Sea Shore (Shells, Zoophytes, etc.), 1903 763D Furness (Richard) Poetical Works of 293P Furniss (Harry) Confessions of a Caricaturist (Autobiography), 2 V. 1901 1445B Flying Visits 969L Impressions g-athered in a Tour through Great Britain as a Public Entertainer. Furniture and Furnishing : Lares and Penates, by Mrs. Caddy, 1881 97L and Carving, by J. H. Pollen. 1885 489D and Woodwork, Ancient and Modern, by J. H. Pollen. 1875 732D Fuseli (H., R.A.) Lectures on Painting. 1848 4D Fut ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. I58 Future State : Allin (T.) Universalism Asserted as the Hope of the Gospel. 1892 *. 47 3 A Beet (J. A.) The Last Things. 1897 S32A Constable (H.) Duration and Nature of Future Punish- ment. 1886 602A Hades or the Intermediate State of Man. 1893 601 A Cox (S.) Salvator Mundi : or Is Jesus the Saviour of all Men? 1880 294A Farrar (F. W.) Eternal Hope. 1878 112A Mercy and Judgment. 1882 162 A Last Words on Christian Eschatologfy. Giles (C. A.) The Spiritual World, and our Children there. 1875 118A Heaven our Home. 1861 14A Patton (J. M.) The Death of Death. 1881 369A Sherlock (W.) The End of Man ; Death and Judgment. 1828 266A Swedenborg (E.) Heaven and Hell. 1875 207A White (E.) Life in Christ. 1875 173A Affirming; ‘ Conditional Immortality,’ and the Annihilation of the finally impenitent. Eyfe (J. H.) British Enterprise beyond the Seas. 1865 64B — Triumphs of Invention in Science and Art. 1874 84D Gade (N. W.) The Crusaders, Cantata 271R — The Erl King’s Daughter, Ballad 272R Spring’s Message, Cantata 77R Zion, Cantata 277R Gairdner (J.) The Early Chronicles of England 996B An Introduction to the writings of the Monastic Chroniclers, all of which may be considted in the Reference Library. Galatians, Epistle to, see Bible. Gale (Norman) Cricket Songs 306P A Country Muse (Poems) 305 P Songs for Little People 307P Galilee in the Time of Christ, by S. Merrill. 1886 702B Galileo, Life of : In Martyrs of Science, by Sir D. Brewster 373B Gallic War, Caesar’s Commentaries on (Latin), ed. by C. Anthon 95 2L Gallon (Tom) Novels ; Boden’s Boy iGi Dicky Monteith 1G2 The Lady of the Cameo 1G3 Rickerby’s Polly 1G4 I 5Q ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Gar Gallon (Tom) Novels {continued ) : A Rogue in Love 1G5 The Second Dandy Chater 1G6 Tatterley 1G7 Galt (J.) The Entail : a novel 2G1 Gallon (F.) Tropical South Africa. 1889.. 739B Gambling, see Betting. Games of Chance : the Secret of Cheating in (“ Sharps and Flats ”), by J. N. Maskelyne. 1894 36G Games and Recreations (Indoor) : a Popular Encyclopaedia for Boys, ed. by G. A. Hutchinson 20G Every Boy’s Book, ed. by Routledge 34G Every Little Boy’s Book (Routledge) 33G Sports and Pastimes (Cassell) 30G see also Cricket, Football, Golf, etc. Card Games, see Bridge, and Cards. Gamgee (J.) Plain Rules for the Stable. 1866 65D Ganot (A.) Natural Philosophy for general readers, trans. by E. Atkinson. 1877 95D Gardening : All about Gardening (Beeton) 60D Horticulture, by F. W. Burbidge. 1877 718D Children’s Gardens, by the Hon. Mrs. Evelyn Cecil. 1902 31 iD In a Gloucestershire Garden, by H. N. Ellacombe. 1895 1029L Culture of Flowers and Plants, by G. Glenny. i860 42D The Amateur’s Flower Garden, by S. Hibberd. 1871... 57D A Book about the Garden and the Gardener, by S. R. Hole. 1892 916L A Book about Roses, by S. R. Hole. 1884 188D The Gardener’s Calendar, by T. Mawe and J. Abercrombie. 1848 709D Villa Gardening, by W. Paul 58D Garden Recipes, ed. by C. A. Quin. 1877 59D Alpine Flowers for English Gardens, by W. Robinson. 1870 535D The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers, by Sutton. 1895 877D Cactus Culture for Amateurs, by W. Watson. 1899 63D Gardiner (S. R.) The Student’s History of England 48B Gardner (C. G.) Dudley Castle : a romance 3G1 Gardner (E. G.) Dante (Temple Primer). 1900 166L Garfield, Jas. Abram {President, _ U.S.), Life of : From Log Cabin to White House, by W. M. Thayer 54 iB Gar ASTON manor lending library catalogue. i6o Garibaldi, Guiseppe [Italian Patriot, General), Life of, by J. T. Bent. 1882 1358B Garland for the Year, by J. Timbs 38 iL Garnett (R.) Life of Thomas Carlyle. 1887 1026B Edward Gibbon Wakefield, and the Colonization of South Australia. 1898 1241B Essays of an Ex-Librarian. 1901 iiiiL On Translating Homer. The Date and Occasion of “ The Tempest.” The Poetr}' ot Coleridg-e Shelley and Lord Beaconsfield. Thomas Moore. T. L. Peacock. Matthew Arnold. Emerson, etc. Garnett (W'.) Heroes of Science : Physicists 964B Gamier (J.) Sin and Redemption. 1895 493A Garrett (Edward {pseud, of I. F. Mayo]) Novels : At Any Cost 4G1 By Still Waters 4G2 The Crust and the Cake 4G3 Family Fortunes 4G4 John Winter 4G5 Occupations of a Retired Life 4G6 Garrett (Elizabeth) Suggestions for House Decoration. 1877... 462D Garvice (C.) Novels ; A Coronet of Shame 5G1 Her Heart’s Desire 5G2 In Cupid’s Chains 5G3 Just a Girl 5G4 Linked by Fate 5G5 Love Decides 5G6 Love the Tyrant 5G9 Nance 5G7 The Outcast of the Family 5G8 Gas ; Chemistry of Gas Manufacture, by A. V. Harcourt. 1877 494D —Gas Works, their construction and arrangement, by S. Hughes and H. O’Connor. 1904 62D -Generation of Light from Coal Gas, by V. B. Lewes. 1893 451D Gas, Oil, and Air Engines, Text Book of, by B. Donkin. 1900 402D see also Heat Engines. Gaskell (Mrs. E. C.) Life of Charlotte Bronte. 1878 408B Novels and Tales ; Cranford 6G1 Lizzie Leigh, etc 6G2 Lizzie Leigh. A Dark Night’s Work. My Lady Ludlow, etc. l6l ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. GeO Gaskell (Mrs. E. C.) Novels and Tales {continued) : Mary Barton ; Cousin Phyllis, etc 6G3 North and South 6G4 Ruth 6G5 Sylvia’s Lovers 6G6 Wives and Daughters 6G7 Gastronomy as a Fine Art, by Brillat-Savarin.^' 1876 61L Gaul (A. R.) Harmony and Thorough-Bass (ist course) 785D The Holy City, Cantata 27 8R Joan of Arc, Cantata 37R Ruth, Cantata 279R The Ten Virgins, Cantata 38R Gaulot (P.) Les Chemises Rouges [novel in French] 7G1 Une Conspiration sons la Terreiir. Gautama (Buddha), see Arnold’s Light of Asia. Gavottes, Minuets, etc., by various composers 104R (Novello’s Pianoforte Album, No 4.) Gay, story, by the author of “ Tip-Cat ” 12T3 Geddie (J.) Lake Regions of Central Africa. 1881 600B Geikie (Sir A.) Geological Sketches. 1882 54iD Geikie (C.) Life and Words of Christ, 2 v. 1883 241A Old Testament Portraits. 1878 243 A Geikie (J.) Earth Sculpture : The Origin of Land Forms. 1898 843D Outline of Geology. 1886 608D Gems, Natural History of, by C. W. King. 1870 605D Gems of English Prose (One Thousand and One), ed. by C. Mackay 297L Generals (Our Living), by A. Temple. 1899 1237B Wolseley, Roberts, Stewart, Buller, Evelyn Wood, White, Russell, Brackenbury, Grenfell, Butler, Carringfton, Kitchener. — see also Commanders. Genesis, see Bible. see also under Creation. Gentleman’s Magazine ; half-yearly volumes. “ E?itirely A ew Senes,” commenced b}' Joseph Hatton ; from Vol i, 1868, to 1892. M igi to 220 (June, 1883), and M 2301 to M 2319. (December, 1892). Geographical Distribution of Animals, by A. Heilprin. 1887... 570D Geography, Modern, Manual of, by A. Mackay. 81 7B Physical Geography of the British Isles, by T. Milner.... 555D — — Pictorial Geography of the British Isles, by M. E. L fc. I Palgrave. 1887 1080B Geologists, Lives of, (Heroes of Science) by P. M. Duncan. 1882 962B F Geo ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. 162 Geology : Ansted (D. T.) Geological Gossip 22 iD Ball (Sir R. S.) The Cause of an Ice Age. 1891 421D Bonney (T. G.) Elementary Manual of Geology. 1886... 696D Volcanoes : their structure and significance. 1899 844D Darwin (C.) Geological Observations, S. America 187D Journal of Researches in a voyage round the World. 1889 614D Dawson (Sir J. W.) Fossil Men and their modern repre- sentatives. 1883 563D Geological History of Plants. 1888 S58D Life’s Dawn on Earth. 1875 234D — ; Origin of the World according to Revelation and Science. 1886 5 3 2D Drummond (H.) Geology of Tropical Africa. 1888 792B In “Tropical Africa,’’ pp. i8i — igg. Geikie (Sir A.) Geological Sketches. 1882 54 iD Geikie (J.) Earth Sculpture (Origin of Land Forms). 1898 843D Outline of Geology. 1886 608D Giberne (A.) The World’s Foundations. 1890 63 7D Green (A. H.) Geology for Students. 1880 615D Hartwig (G.) The Subterranean World. 1871 230D Heilprin (A.) Geological Distribution of Animals. 1887 570D Hull (E.) The Coal Fields of Great Britain. 1861 229D Judd (J. W.) Volcanoes : what they are, and what they teach us. 1881 527D Jukes (J. B.) School Manual of Geology. 1881 231D Kinahan (G. H.) Handy-Book of Rock Names. 1873... 422D Kingsley (C.) Town Geology. 1873 70D The Soil of the Field. The Pebbles in the Street. The Stones in the Wall. The Coal in the Fire. The Lime in the Mortar. The Slates in the Roof. Lubbock (Sir J.) The Scenery of Switzerland and the causes to which it is due. 1896 745 D Lyell (Sir C.) The Student’s Elements of Geology. 1865 66D Mackintosh (D.) The Scenery of England and Wales : its character and origin. 1869 742D Martin (E. A.) Stoiy of a Piece of Coal. 1896 375D Miller (Hugh) Footprints of the Creator. 1874 67D — - — Old Red Sandstone. 1874 68 D Testimony of the Rocks. 1874 69D 163 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Gcr Geology {continued) : Page (D.) Advanced Text Book of Geology. 1876 612D Philosophy of Geology. 1863 61D Page (D.) and Lapworth (C.) Introductory Text Book of Geology. 1888 61 iD Seeley (H. D.) Story of the Earth. 1895 377^ Taylor (J. E.) Common British Fossils and where to find them. 1885 233D Geometrical Conics, by J. J. Milne and R. F. Davis. 1894 327D Geometry, by Hirsch and Wright 544T) Conic Sections, by J. R. Young. 1838 543D George I. — IV. ; The Four Georges, by W. M. Thackeray 37 iB Gerard (D.) Novels : Lady Baby 8G1 The Wrong Man 8G2 Gerard (E.) Bis (stories) 8G3 Gerard (E. D.) Waters of Hercules : a novel '. 8G4 Gerard (Morice {pseud of J. J. Teague]) Novels : Adventures of an Equerry 9G1 A Lieutenant of the King 9G2 A Man of the Moment 9G3 The Man with the White Face 9G4 German (E.) Gipsy Suite ; four characteristic Dances 194R Merrie England, Comic Opera 35R Three Dances from Henry VIII 193R German Literature, Beauties of (translated) 5SL Selections from the works of Pichler, Richter, Zschokke, and Tieck. — Translations from the German, by T. Carlyle : L 92-3 — Translations from Musseus, Tieck, Richter, etc. L 94-6 — Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister. —Andersen’s Sammtliche Marchen (tales in German) 792L Germany : History of Frederick the Great, by T. Carlyle, 10 v. 1871 441B - — by S. B. Gould (Story of the Nations). 1887 873B Memories of the War of 1870-71, by A. Forbes. 1896... 1019L —The Franco-German War, 1870-71, by E. Ollier, 2 v 18B see also Black Forest. Trade with : see Williams (E. E.) Made in Germany, and Medley (G. W.) The German Bogey. Germs, and Germ Life, see Bacteria. Gerrare (W.) Greater Russia. 1903 1400B Siberia, Manchuria, Korea, etc. Ger ASTON manor lending library catalogue. 164 Gerson (J.) <^ee Kempis (Thomas a’). Ghiberti, Lorenzo {Sculptor), Life of, by L. Scott (Great Artists). 1882 514B Ghosts : The Night Side of Nature, or Ghosts and Ghost Seers, by Mrs. Crowe lOoL Cock Lane and Common Sense, by A. Lang. 1894 103 SL — The Book of Dreams and Ghosts, by A. Lang. 1897... 1034L Gibbon (C.) Novels : The Dead Heart loGi Fancy Free 10G2 For Lack of Gold 10G3 For the King 10G4 In Honour Bound loGt; In Pastures Green 10G6 Loving a Dream 10G7 Of High Degree 10G8 Queen of- the Meadow 10G9 Robin Gray loGio Gibbon (E.) The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 3 V 1 1 5B Gibbon, Edward, by J. C. Morison (English Men of Letters). 1878 583L Gibbon (F. P.) The Disputed V.C. (story of Indian Mutiny)... 804F Gibbs (J. A.) A Cotswold Village. 1898 1188B Country Life and Pursuits in Gloucestershire Giberne (A.) The Ocean of Air : Meteorology for Beginners. 1891 633D Sun, Moon, and Stars : Astronomy for Beginners. 1889 632D -—This Wonderful Universe. 1897 424D —The World’s Foundations : or Geology for Beginners. 1890 637 D Novels : Anthony Cragg’s Tenant i iGi Ralph Hardcastle’s Will 1 1 G2 Roy 11G3 Gibson (L.) Theory of Music (3 books) 77 5 U Gilbert (Lady, n6e Mulholland), see Mulholland (R.). Gilbert (W.) Novels : Dr. Austin’s Guests 12G1 James Duke, Costermonger 12G2 Ihis book was originallj- published under llie title De Profundis. The Inquisitor 12G3 Gilbert (W. S.) Fifty Bab Ballads 250P l 65 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Gif Gilbert (W. S.) Comic Operas 125P Patience. lolanthe. Princess Ida. The Mikado. Ruddigore. Foggerty’s Fairy and other tales 13G1 — Original Plays 39P P 30— The Wicked Word. Pyg-malion and Galatea. Charity. The Princess. The Palace of Truth. Trial hy Jury. P 126 — Broken Hearts. Engfag^ed. Sweethearts. Dan’I Druce. Gretchen. Tom Cobb. The Sorcerer. H.M.S. Pinafore. The Pirates of Penzance. -Songs of a Savoyard 343 P Comprising- most of the Songs from the Operas. and Sullivan (Sir A.) Operas : Music of, see Sullivan (Sir A.). O Gilbert and Sullivan Operas, Record of : The Savoy Opera, by P. Fitzgerald. 1894 915L Gilchrist, Anne, her Life and Writings, ed. by H. H. Gilchrist. 1887 841B Including- reminiscences of Thomas Carlyle and his Wife, George Eliot, D. G. Rossetti, and others. Gilchrist (R. M.) Willowbrake (a Peakland story) 14G1 Gilead, The Land of, by L, Oliphant. 1880 986B Giles (C. A.) The Incarnation, Atonement, and Mediation. 1877 325 A Man as a Spiritual Being. 1877 3 26 A The Spiritual World and our children there 1875 118A Gilfillan, George, Letters and Journals of, with Memoir, by R. A. and E. Watson. 1892 iob5B Gilks (T.) Art of Wood Engraving 37D Gill (C. H.) Manufacturing and Refining of Sugar. 1872 4950 Gill (F. A.) The Lord of Burleigh, Cantata 26R Gillespie (C. C. K.) The Sanitary Code of the Pentateuch. 1894 71 iB Gillespie (W.) The Necessary Existence of Deity. 1840 41 SA Gilliat (E.) Champions of the Right (Biographies). 1885 999B Gillie (E. A.) A Comrade’s Troth (a story) 15G1 Gillmore (P.) Prairie and Forest : Hunting in North America 164B Gilman (A.) Rome ; The Republic (Story of the Nations). 1888 87 iB The Saracens, to the Fall of Bagdad (Story of the Nations). 1888 879B Giotto, by H. Quil!er (Great Artists). 1881 513B [In The Makers of Florence, by Mrs. Oliphant]. 1888... 793B and his Works in Padua, by J. Ruskin. 1900 347L> Gipsies, English, and their I>anguage, by C. G. Leland. 1874... 196B of Spain, Account of, by G. Borrow. 1846 d47B — Their Life and Habits, see Smith, Gipsy [R.]. Girl’s Own Paper, 2 v, 501 and 502' Gis ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. l66 Gissing (G.) Charles Dickens : a critical study. 1898 1156B Novels : Born in Exile 16G1 Eve’s Ransom 16G2 The Nether World 16G3 New Grub Street 16G4 Thyrza 16G5 Gladstone (L.) Neil Macleod [a novel of Literary Life] 17G1 Gladstone, Mary {daughter of W. E. Gladstone), Eetiers, to, by Lord Acton. 1904 1449B Gladstone (W. E.) Gleanings of Past Years, 8 v. 1879 47iL L 471 — The Prince Consort. Court of Queen Victoria. The County Franchise. Kin Beyond Sea. L 472 — Blanco White. Giacomo Lepardo. Tennyson. Wedgwood. Bishop Patteson. Macaulay. Memoir of Dr. Norman Macleod. L 473 — The Theses of Erastus and the Scottish Church Establish- ment. On “ Ecce Homo.” The Courses of Religious Thought. The Influence of Authority in Matters of Opinion. The Sixteenth Century Arraigned before the Nineteenth. L 474 — On the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government. Farini on the States of the Church. Germany, France, and England (1870). The Hellenic Factor in the Eastern Problem. Aggression on Egypt, and Freedom in the East. L 475 — Present Aspect of the Church (1843). Ward’s Idea of a Christian Church. Remarks on the Royal Supremacy (1850). L 476 — On the Functions of Laymen in the Church. The Bill for Divorce (1857). Ritual and Ritualism. Is the Church of England worth Preserving ? Italy and her Church (1875). L 477 — The Work of Universities. Plan of Ancient Greece in the Providential Order. A Chapter of Autobiography. The Law of Probable Evidence. The Evangelical Movement. Later Gleanings : L 478 — Dawn of Creation and of Worship. “ Robert Elsmcre.” Ingersoll on Christianity. Professor Huxley and the Swine Miracle. The Atonement. The Lord’s Day, etc. Homer (Literature Primer). 1878 171L Homeric Synchronism. 1876 176L An enquiry into the Time and Place of Homer. The Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture. 1890 405 A Juventus Mundi : the Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. 1870 172L Speeches on Parliamentary Reform. 1866 20C Gladstone, William Ewart : a study, by L. Jennings. 1887... 437B —England under Gladstone (1880-84), by J. H. McCarthy. 1884 284B Life of, by J. Morlcy, 3 v. 1903 1441B Life of, by Sir T. W Reid. 1899 1199B l67 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE GoC Gladstone, William Ewart, Life of, by G. W. E, Russell. 1891. 1032B Life of (to 1880), by G. B. Smith 543? Recollections of (in Alg. West’s Recollections), 2 v. 1899 1211B In the Evening of his Days. 1896 1120B A study ot Mr. Gladstone in his retirement, with an account of St. Deiniol’s Library and Hostel, from the Westminster Gazette. Cartoons Illustrating the Career of (from PmwcA, 1855-1877) 470L Glaister (E.) Needlework. 1880 469D Glanville (E.) Novels and Tales ; The Despatch Rider [Boer War] 18G1 The Diamond Seekers 9S4F The Fossicker 18G2 The Golden Rock 18G3 Glass and Glass-Painting, by Prof. Barff. 1872 493D Transparency, Painting on, by E. Groom 34D Oil Painting on, by T. J. Gullick 365 D Stained Glass Work, by C. W, Whall. 1905 804D Glees of Sir H. R. Bishop 72 R Bossey’s National Glee Book 71R The Choral Union (40 Glees) 73R Gleig (G. R.) Life of the Duke of Wellington 484B Glen (W. C. and A.) The Public Health Act, 1875, and the Law relating to Local Government. 1878 40C Glenny (G.) Culture of Flowers and Plants, i860 42D Gloucester Cathedral, Handbook to, by H. J. L. J. Masse. 1900 1310B Gloucestershire ; In a Gloucestershire Garden, by H. N. Ellacombe. 1895 1029L -Country Life and Pursuits in, by J. A. Gibbs. 1898... 1188B Gluck (C. Von) Iphigenia in Auhs, Opera 299R Iphigenia in Tauris, Opera 300R Goadby (E.) The England of Shakespeare 68 iL God ; Man’s Knowledge of God, by R. A. Armstrong 468A God the Beautiful : an Artist’s Creed, by E. P. B. 1902 587A The Necessary Existence of Deity, by W. Gillespie. 1840 41 5 A Godfrey (H.) The Rejuvenation of Miss Semaphore (a novel)... 19G1 Gods of Olympos, The, or Mythology of the Greeks and Romans, by K. A. Raleigh. 1892 53L Godwin (W.) Caleb Williams (a novel) 20G1 Goethe (J. W. von) Faust, trans. by J. Anster 45P Faust, trans. by Bayard Taylor 184P Poems and Ballads, trans. by W. E. Aytoun and Th. Martin 309P Goe ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. I68 Goethe (J. W. von) Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship and Travels, trans. by T. Carlyle, 3 v 94L Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von {In Biographies, by T. De Quincey]. 1863 133L — and his Writings, by A, Hayward (Foreign Classics). 1879 515L The Story of his Life, by G. H. Lewes. 1873 422B Goetz (H.) Compositions for the Pianoforte 107R Gohre (P.) The Evangelical Social Movement in Germany 585 A Golden Fairy Book, The 698 F Goldie (Mrs.) Scroodles and the others (stories) '. 468F Goldsmid (Sir F. J.) Telegraph and Travel. 1874 76 iB Goldsmith (O.) History of Rome, 2 v 67 5B Poems and Plays 40P The Vicar of Wakefield 21G1 Works of (Globe Edition). 1874 175L The Vicar of Wakefield. The Citizen of the World. Essa}'s. The Bee. Biogfraphies. Poems and Dramas. Goldsmith, Oliver, by W. Black (English Men of Letters). 1878 586L Life and Times of, by J. Forster. 1863 S42B Goldsmiths, Useful Alloys for, by G. E. Collins S04D Golf, by H. G. Hutchinson (Badminton Library). 1892 61G The A B C of Golf, by J. A. Robertson. 1904 62G Golschmann (L.) Boy Crusoes (Story of Siberia) 920F The establishment of Telegraphic Communication with India. Golsworthy (A.) Novels ; Hands in the Darkness 22G1 The New Master (school story) 22G2 Gomme (A.) Children’s Singing Games, with their Tunes 157F Gomme (G. L.) The Village Community. 1890 75C With special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain Good Words ; yearly volumes. Edited bj' Norman Macleod imtil his death in 1872, and subse- quently by Donald Macleod. From Vol. 2, 1861, to the present time. M 532, etseq. Good Words for the Young (from 1869 to 1872), 4 v 871F Goodeve (T. M.) Manual of Mechanics 5690 Goodman (E. J.) The Fate of Herbert Wayne (a novel) 23G1 Goodspeed (S.) Great Fires in Chicago and the West. 1871 154B Goodwin (F.) Art of Mural Decoration 23 D Goodwin (T. G.) see Bradley and Goodwin. Gordon (Sir A.) The Earl ot Aberdeen (The Queen’s Prime Ministers). 1893 1036B ihg Aston manor LRNbiNG library catalogue, Gou Gordon (C. G.) Reflections in Palestine. 1884 361A Journals of, at Khartoum. 1885 636B Gordon, Charles George {General), Life of, by S. A. Swayne. 1892 861F Gordon (C. W., Ralph Connor), see Connor. Gordon (W. J.) Our Country’s Birds, and how to know them... 427D -Our Country’s Butterflies and Moths, and how to know them 428D Our Country’s Fishes, and how to know them 401 D Our Country’s Flowers, and how to know them 429D Our Country’s Shells, and how to know them 43 iD Gore (C., Bp.) The Body of Christ (the Doctrine of the Holy Communion). 1901 53iA The Incarnation of the Son of God. 1891, 5 35 A ed.. Lux Mundi : studies in the Religion of the Incarnation 5 34 A Gore (G.) Art of Elecro-Metallurgy. 1900 114D Gore (Mrs.) Novels : Castles in the Air 24G1 The Courtier 24G2 Greville 24G3 Peers and Parvenus 24G4 Pin Money 24G5 The Snow-Storm 24G6 Gorlach (W.) Life of Prince Bismarck. 1875 406B Gospel (The) in Ezekiel, by T. Guthrie. 1858 79A Man and the Gospel, by T. Guthrie, 1865 116A Gospels, see Bible. Gosse (E. W.) Gray (English Men of Letters). 1882 608L Jeremy Taylor (English Men of Letters). 1904 1154L Sir Walter Raleigh (Enghsh Worthies), 1886 72SL Gosse (P. H.) Evenings with the Microscope, 1884 707D The Ocean, 1849 214D Goths, The : The Conflict between the Goth and the Roman, In The Roman and the Teuton, by C. Kingsley. 1875 28 iB The Goths, by H, Bradley (Story of the Nations). 1888 88 iB -Theodoric the Goth, by T. Hodgkin, 1891 1 1 24B Gough (J. B.) Platform Echoes (Orations). 1885 446L Habit. Friend or Foe ? Blunders. “ As a Medicine,” In the Toils of the Tempter. Slippery Places. Danger Signals. For the Sake of Others. Goulburn E. M., Dean) On the Communion Office. 1864 28A Tffi^ die Word. 1864. 29A GOU ASTON MANOR LENDIN LIBRARY CATALOGUE. I/O Goulburn (E. M,, Dean) The Pursuit of Holiness, 1870 131A Thoughts on Personal Religion. 1863 30A Gould (F. C.) Who Killed Cock Robin ? (juvenile story) 856F Gould (S. Baring) A Book of Dartmoor. 1900 .' 1397B A Book of North Wales. 1903 1532B A Book of South Wales. 1905 IS33B A Book of the West : an introduction to Devon and Cornwall, 2 v. 1899 1530B Curiosities of Olden Times. 1895 89 iL The Meaning of Mourning'. Curiosities of Cypher. Strange Wills. Some Crazy Saints. Ghosts in Court, etc. — Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. 1881 t/8L The Wanderiiig Jew. Prester John. The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. William Tell. The Dog Gelert. Tailed Men. The Man in the Moon. The Piper of Hamelin. Bishop Hatto. The Sangreal, etc. —Germany (Story of the Nations). 1887 873B Nursery Songs and Rhymes 858F Old Country Life. 1890 97/L Old County Families, Countrj^ Houses. The Old Garden The Hunting Parson. Country Dances. The Village Musician, etc. Strange Survivals. 1892 97bL Foundations. Gables. Ovens. Beds. Striking a Light. Um- brellas. Dolls. Revivals. Broadside Ballads. Riddles. The Gallows, etc. Novels ; Bladys of the Stewponey 25G1 A Tale of Kinver and its Rock-Dwellings. The Broom Squire 2 5 G2 Cheap Jack Zita 25G3 Court Royal 25G4 Dartmoor Idylls 25G5 Domitia 25G6 The Frobishers 25G7 A Stor}' of the Staffordshire Potteries. The Gaverocks 25G8 Guavas the Tinner * 25G9 In the Roar of the Sea .... 25G10 John Herring 25G11 Mehalah 25G12 Mrs. Curgenven of Curgenven 25G13 Noemi : A Story of Rock Dwellers 25G14 I/I ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE, Gfa Gould (S. Baring) Novels {continued) : The Pennycomequicks 25G15 Perpetua : A Story of N’mes, a.d. 213 25G16 The Queen of Love 25G17 Red Spider 25G18 Royal Georgie 25G19 Gounod (C.) Faust, Opera 79 and 276R Messe Solennelle 275R The Mock Doctor, Opera 30R Mors et Vita, Sacred Trilogy 273R The Redemption, Sacred Trilogy 274R Romeo et Juliette, Opera 29R Gower (Lord R.) Figure Painters of Holland (Great Artists). 1880 511B Goyder (T.) Spiritual Reflections. 1879 3 49 A Grace (W. G.) Cricket Reminiscences and Personal Recollections. 1899 loG (and others) Popular Handbook of Cricket 12G Graham (H. G.) Rousseau and his Writings (Foreign Classics). 1882 527L Graham (J. W.) Neaera : a tale of Ancient Rome 26G1 Graham (P. A.) Nature in Books. 1891 1028L Richard Jefferies. Tennyson. H. D. Thoreaii. Scott. Carlyle. Burns. Wordsworth. The Red Scaur : a novel of manners 27G1 ■ The Victorian Era. 1897 1148B Graham (W.) Socialism, New and Old. 1890 58C Grahame (Kenneth) The Social Age (Essays). 1895 1027L A Holiday. A Whitewashed Uncle. Sawdust and Sin. The Burglars. The Roman Road. The Secret Drawer, etc. Grail (Holy) In Quest of the, by Seb. Evans. 1898 tiioL see also Arthur (King), and Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. Grain (Corney, Entertainer) Reminiscences : Corney Qrain, by Himself. 1888 78 7L Grainger (F., Headon Hill), see Hill (Headon). Grand (Sarah) Novels ; Babs the Impossible 28G1 The Beth Book 28G2 A Domestic Experiment 28G3 The Heavenly Twins 28G4 Ideala 28G5 Singularly Deluded 28G^ Gra ASTON manor tending library catalogue. 172 Grant (Sir A.) Aristotle (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1877 13L Xenophon (Ancient Classics for English Readers). 1871 35L Grant (J.) British Battles on Land and Sea, $ v 33§B — Novels : Adventures of an Aide-de-Cainp 29G1 Black Watch 29G2 Bothwell 99G3 The Cameronians 29G4 Cavaliers of Fortune 29G5 Constable of France 29G6 Derval Hampton 29G7 Did She Love Him ? 29G8 Frank Hilton 29G9 The Girl He Married 29G10 Harry Ogilvie 29G11 J ack Chaloner 29G 1 2 Jack Manly 29G13 Jane Seton 29G14 Laura Everingham 29G15 Letty Hyde’s Lovers 29G16 The Lord Hermitage 29G17 Mary of Lorraine 29G 1 8 Miss Cheyne of Essilmont 29G19 Morley Ashton 29G20 Only an Ensign 29G21 Phantom Regiment 29G22 Playing with Fire 29G23 Romance of War 29G24 Shall I Win Her ? 29G25 Si;x Years Ago 29G26 Under the Red Dragon 29G27 Violet Jermyn 29G28 White Cockade 29G29 Yellow Frigate 29G30 Granville (J. M.) Change as a Mental Restorative. 1 S8 ' 49/D The Secret of a Clear Head. 1880 53bD The Secret of a Good Memory. 1881 537L Sleep and Sleeplessness. 1879 538D —Youth : Its Care and Culture. 1880 539D 173 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. Gre Gras (F.) Novels : The Reds of the Midi 30G1 The Terror 30(^2 Stories of the French Revolution. Gratton (T. C.) Agnes de Mansfelt : a novel 31G1 Gray ( J. W.) China : a history of its Laws, Manners, and Customs, etc., 2 V. 1878 757B Gray (Maxwell, pseud of M. G. Tuttiett) Novels : A Costly Freak 32G1 Four-Leaved Clover 32G2 The House of Hidden Treasure 32G3 In the Heart of the Storm 32G4 An Innocent Impostor, etc 32G5 The Last Sentence 32G6 The Reproach of Annesley 32G7 Ribstone Pippins : a country tale 32G8 Richard Rosny 32G9 The Silence of Dean Maitland 32G10 Sweethearts and Friends 32G11 The World’s Mercy, etc 32G12 Gray (T.) Poems (Aldine edition) 189P Gray, Thomas, by E. Gosse (English Men of Letters). 1882... 608L Graydon (W. M.) Juvenile Stories : The Fighting Lads of Devon 708 F Lost in the Slave Land 709F Gray’s Inn (London), Chronicles of, by Andre Hope. 1887 95 iB Great Lone Land, The, (N.W. America), by W. F. Butler. 1875 595B Great Triumphs of Great Men, by J. Mason. 1875 354B Great Triumphs of Great Monarchs, Naval and Military Com- manders, Statesmen and Orators, Authors, Actors, Musicians, Divines, Physicians, Travellers, Engfineers, Inventors, etc. Greater Britain, by Sir C. W, Dilke. 1868 152B A rec»>rd of trav'el in Eng^lish-speakingf countries in 1866-7. Greece, Ancient : The Private Life of the Ancient Greeks : Charicles, by A W. Becker. 1886 577L St. Paul in Greece, by G. S. Davis 443 A Juventus Mundi : the Gods and Men of the Heroic Age, by W. E. Gladstone. 1870 172L History of Greece, by T. Keightley. 1839 95 3B Alexander’s Empire, by J. P. Mahaffy. 1887 875B Social Life in Greece, by J. P. Mahaffy. 1875 64 iL For contents, see under author’s name. Gre ASTON manor lending library catalogue. 174 Greece, Ancient {continued) : Student’s History of Greece, by W. Smith. 1854 119B Greek History, by H. Swoboda. 1900 1294B Greece, Modern (Descriptive account of), by L. Sergeant. 1880 625B The War of 1897 : With the Conquering Turk, by G. W. Steevens. 1897 1275B Greek Anthology [Introduction to the] by Lord Neaves. 1874 19L Greek Archaeology, see Archaeology. Greek Architecture (Pictorial), by H. H. Bishop 249D Greek Art, Introductory Studies, in, by J. E. Harrison. 1885... 554D Greek Classical Literature, History of, by J. P. Mahaffy, 3 v. 1883-90 579L Greek Drama, The, by L. D. Barnett. 1900 843L Greek and English Lexicon, by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott. 1852 173L Greek Mythology : The Gods of Olympos, by K. A. Raleigh. 1892 53L Greek New Testament, see Bible. Works on, see Moulton (J. H.) and Smith (J. Hunter). Greek Philosophers, The Evolution of Theology in the, by E. Caird, 2 v. 1904 174A Green (A. H.) The Birth and Growth of Worlds. 1890 767D Geology for Students and General Readers. 1880 61 5D Green (A. K.) Novels ; Hand and Ring 33^1 The Leavenworth Case 33G2 Marked “ Personal ” 33G3 That Affair Next Door 33G4 Green (E. E.) Novels and Tales : Cambria’s Chieftain 938F The Castle of the White Flag 924F The Chatterton Mystery 34G1 A Clerk of Oxford 34^2 The Conscience of Roger Treherne 34G3 Esther’s Charge 406F A Gordon Highlander 922F The Heir of Hascombe Hall 409F The Heiress of Wylmington 407F In Cloister and Court 34^4 The Master of Fernhurst 34^5 175 ASTON MANOR LENDING LIBRARY CATALOGUE. GfC Green (E. E.) Novels and Tales {continued): The Niece of Esther Lynne 34^6 The Secret of Maxshelling 923 F The Sign of the Red Cross 34^7 The Squire’s Heir 34G8 Tom Heron of Sax 34G9 Tom Tufton’s Toll 92 iF Tom Tufton’s Travels 816F Green (J. R.) Historical Studies. 1903 1 1 13L Gildas. The Conversion of England. Freeman’s “Norman Con- quest.” Longman’s “Edward III.” Pierre de Langtoft. Raleigh. The Poet Vaughan. Helps’s " Pizarro,” etc. Short History of the English People. 1877 50 and 65B —Stray Studies. 2 v. 1903 1114L Li 114. Sketches in Sunshine (Italy.) Lambeth and the Archbishops. The Florence of Dante. .