17, J. M. Keefeir, improvement of grounds 4.50 June 5, State Treasurer, ordinary 20,090.00 June 7, Alfred Bayliss, special 400.00 June 1 1, J. M. Keefer, improvement of grounds 21.60 June 27, Alfred Bayliss, special 100.00 July 8, State Treasurer, ordinary 15,000.00 July 8, State Treasurer, library 3,000.00 July 8, State Treasurer, improvement of grounds 3,000.00 July 8, State Treasurer, repairs 2,000.00 July 8, State Treasurer, trustees ’ expenses. . 500.00 July 8, State Treasurer, paving and concrete 5,000.00 Aug. 29, Alfred Bayliss, special 54.87 Sept. 23, State Treasurer, ordinary 15,000.00 Sept. 24, Alfred Bayliss, ordinary . 350.00 Western Illinois State Normal School 5 Sept. 25, J. M. Keefer, improvement of grounds 7.50 Oet. 5, Alfred Bayliss, special 200.00 Oct. 14, American Type Founders Company, ordinajry .20 Nov. 4, J. M. Keefer, ordinary 52.50 Nov. 9, J. M. Keefer, ordinary . 2.50 Nov. 18, J. M. Keefer, ordinary 35.00 Dec. 5, Alfred Bayliss, special 100.00 $ 95,167.41 DISBURSEMENTS. Biological laboratory $ 74.20 Building Fund 707.58 Drawing department 380.00 Fencing and drainage 25.50 Gymnasium 59.00 Improvement of grounds 4,798.58 Library 5,314.54 Manual training - 83.87 Maps and charts 7.50 Ordinary 56,066.37 Paving and concrete 1,643.25 Physical and chemical laboratory 907.24 Repairs 821.29 Seating assembly hall and additional rooms . 177.00 Seating society halls . 195.65 Trustees 9 expenses 154.87 Dec. 31, Balance on hand 23,750.97 $ 95,167.41 6 Report of the Trustees Receipts and Expenditures for the year 1908 to the date of this Report, December 26, 1908. RECEIPTS. Bate. From Whom Received — Fund. Amount. Jan. 1, Balance on hand $ 23,750.97 Jan. 22 Josie A. Tabler, special 100.00 Mar. 10, Alfred Bayliss, special 100 00 Mar. 23, State Treasurer, ordinary 15,000.00 Apr. 1, Alfred Bayliss, special 100.00 May 5, J. M. Keefer,, ord inary 0030 June 3, J. M. Keefer, imp. of grounds s£c75 Jane 3, W. F. T wyman, Special 200.00 Jane 10, State Treasurer, ordinary 15,000.00 June 10, State Treasurer, repairs 2,000.00 June 10, State Treasurer, library 3,000.00 June 10, State Treasurer, trustees ’ fund... 500.00 Aug. 5, J. M. Keefer, imp. of grounds 1.40 Sept. 1, Alfred Bayliss, special 138.03 Sept. 15, State Treasurer, ordinary 15,000.00 Sept. 19, Josie A. Tabler, special ......... 27.5(3, Oct. 1, Alfred Bayhsgfspecial 100.00 Oct. 5, J. M. Keefer, special - ./ 6.81 Oct. 24, H. K. *Smitlh, special 37.36 Oct. 24, J. M. Keefer, ordinary 1.00 Oct. 24, W. D. Allen Mfg. Co., ordinary . . . 14.85 Nov. 7, J. M. Keefer, special 20.00 Nov. 9, Fred Smith, Imp. of grounds 3.00 No\ . 10, Alfred Bayliss, special 100.00 Dec. 14. State Treasurer, ordinary . 15,000.00 2^, V. 97?. - 3. 7 " '/ '' — " 3d Western Illinois State Normal School 7 Dec. 18, J. M. Keefer, ordinary 3.24 Dee. 19, Alfred Bayliss, special 100.00 $ 90, ISIS " DISBURSEMENTS. Additional Furniture and furnishings Biological Laboratory Building Carpets Drawing department ,* Fencing and drainage Furniture for completed building Gymnasium Improvement of grounds Library Manual training Maps and charts Ordinary Paving and concrete Repairs Seating assembly hall and additional rooms. Seating society halls Trustees’ expenses Special December 26, Balance on hand j>A$r 874.37 62.69 rc 8 . 86 , .i m. tm$£ 208.90 WM&M 2,093.86 1,081.99 m&r CO#, m m 192.67 -Srsee.oo CbSo Id.lUO.lfr _ f J. * $ oo.setm YeV.Y? Respectfully submitted for the Board of Trustees, L. H. HANNA, President. JOHN A. MEAD, Secretary. a. a l &■ • • ft - - ~ ' i . ^ , - Y /£'.•, ! ^ > 2 ? f iisi .•■•• A *' € " Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/biennialreportof00west_4