V .MF* / C £ NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Medical School Alumni Service Number UNIVERSITY CF (U!M!$ f MAY 2 3 191 Vol. XVIII No. 29 March 23, 1918 Northwestern University Bulletin is published every week by Northwestern University, at 31 West Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois. Entered as second- class matter, November 21, 1913; at the Post-office, Chicago, Illinois, under Act of Congress, August 24, 1912. / CAPTAIN ROBERT TRACY GILLMORE—Med. ’92 Died in Service, January 20, 1918 Robert Tracy Gillmore, of the class of 1892, Captain in the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States Army, aged fifty, died at Camp Green- leaf, Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia, January 20, 1918, after an illness of four days, from a virulent gas bacillus infection following a splinter wound of the arm. . Dr. Gillmore was a native of Chicago and although he entered the class of 1892 in the senior year, was much esteemed and greatly beloved by his classmates. After graduation he devoted himself to the specialty gynecology and soon attained and maintained high raink among the prac¬ titioners of that specialty in the west. He soon became a member of the Faculty of his Alma Mater and at the time of his death was Assistant Clinical Professor of Gynecology. He was a Fellow of the American Medical Association and of the American .College of Surgeons, and also served acceptably as secretary of the Chicago Medical Society. He was surgeon for the South Side Elevated Railroad for several years. He ac¬ cepted his commission as Captain in the Medical Reserve Corps and was ordered on active duty at Camp Greenleaf and left Chicago for his station January 10, only ten days before his untimely and regrettable death. The funeral services were held and the body was interred in the National Cem¬ etery, Chattanooga, Tennessee, January 21. In the death of Dr. Gillmore his classmates suffer the loss of a beloved comrade; his Alma Mater an efficient and esteemed faculty member. To his bereaved and devoted wife, Dr. Emma Gillmore, the Alumni and Faculty of the Medical School extend their heartfelt sympathy. (Signed) Frederick Menge, President. S. R. Stanton, Secretary. Class 1892, Northwestern University Medical School. — 2 — / if Through the courtesy of Major S. Cecil Stanton, M. R. C., Class of 1892, the following list of the Alumni and Faculty of Northwestern University Medical School in the Army and Navy Medical Corps has been prepared. The list is practically complete to January I, 1918. Additional information and corrections should be sent to Dean Arthur I. Kendall, N. U. M. S., 2421 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. FACULTY LIST \PO o FACULTY MEMBERS IN THE ARMY AND NAVY MEDICAL CORPS M. R. C.—Medical Officers Reserve Corps. In service unless otherwise stated. N. H. U.—Northwestern Base Hospital Unit No. 12. In France. NAME RANK Dr. E. Wyllys Andrews Major M. R. C. Inactive Dr. Frederick A. Besley Major N. H. U. France Dr. Edward S. Blaine Captain M. R. c. Dr. James H. Bloomfield 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Dr. Eugene Cary 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Dr. James T. Case Major M. R. c. France Dr. Martin R. Chase Captain N. H. u. France Dr. Arthur H. Curtis Captain M. R. c. Dr. William R. Cubbins Captain M. R. c. Dr. Emilius C. Dudley Major M. R. c. Inactive Dr. Robert W. Eaton 1st Lieutenant N. H. u. France Dr. Charles M. Fox 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. 1 Dr. Joseph C. Friedman Captain M. R. c. 1 Dr. Frank D. Francis Captain M. R. c. Dr. Jesse R. Gerstley 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Dr. Willis S. Gibson 1st Lieutenant N. H. u. France *Dr. Robert T. Gillmore Captain M. R. c. Died in’ Dr. Winfield S. Hall Army Y. M. C. AJ Dr. David S. Hillis Surgeon U. S. Navy Dr. Marcus H. Hobart 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Dr. Wm. H. Holmes 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Dr. Ralph Hamill Captain M. R. c. Inactive Dr. Roy G. Hoskins Captain Sanitary Corps, U. S. Dr. Joseph F. Jaros Captain N. H. u. France Dr. Allen B. Kanavel Major M. R. c. Dr. Sumner L. Koch Captain N. H. u. France Dr. Gerald N. Krost Captain N. H. u. France Dr. Joseph J. Lebowitz Captain N. H. u. France Dr. Milton Mandel Major N. H. u. France Dr. Frederick Menge Major M. R. c. Inactive Dr. Philip J. Murphy Asst. Surgeon U. S. Navy Dr. Charles L. Mix Major M. R. C. Inactive Dr. Walter H. Nadler Captain N. H. u. France Dr. Marcus P. Neal 1st Lieutenant N. H. u. France Dr. Benjamin Novy 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Dr. Payson L. Nusbaum Captain 1st Lieutenant N. H. u. France Dr. Lester Palmer M. R. c. Dr. Frank E. Pierce Captain M. R. c. Dr. Lewis J. Pollock Captain M. R. c. Dr. Robert B. Preble Major M. R. c. Inactive ^Deceased, January 20, 1918. NAME RANK Dr. John Ridlon Major M. R. C. Harry C. Rolnick Lieutenant M. R. C. Dr. Lewis C. Schmidt Captain M. R. C. Inactive Dr. Sydney S. Schochet 1st Lieutenant M. R. C. Inactive Dr. Kellogg Speed Major N. H. U. France Dr. Eugene Talbot, Jr. 1st Lieutenant M. R. C. Dr. Frederick Test Captain M. R. C. Dr. Frank X. Walls Major M. R. C. Inactive Dr. Herbert B. Woodard Captain N. H. u. France Dr. William Henry Woolston 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Dr. Charles B. Younger 1st Lieutenant M. R. c. Recommended for appointment in Medical Reserve Corps, Dr. Arthur F. Beifeld. ALUMNI LIST IN ACTIVE SERVICE AND IN MEDICAL RESERVE CORPS Alexander, Wm. G. Allen, David K. Allen, Robert A. Allison, Harold T. Allport, Walter H. Andrews, Frank T. Ankenbrandt, Alb. A. Aplin, Floyd W. Asher, Harvey C. Avery, Ralph W. Balch, Ralph E. Bane, William M. Barancik, Henry Barksoale, George H. Barry, Shirley D. Bartling, Carl H. Barton, h gh P. Batt, George W. Bayard, Walter D. Beffel, John M. Belknap, Fred W. Bell, Herbert Y. Bell, James S. Benyas, Nathan M. Bernard, Emil L. Bernhardt, Harry B. *Besley, Frederick A. Best, Floyd E. Binet, H. E. Billings, Frank *Bird, John T. Blackstone, George R. Blesh, Abraham L. Bodine, Charles D. Booker, Arthur J. Boren, Clarence H. Boren, John W. Bradley, Stephen C. 1904 Captain 1914 1st Lieut. 1906 “ “ 1911 (c a 1887 Captain 1884 Major 1905 Captain 1904 1st Lieut. 1907 u a 1903 u u 1897 Captain 1912 1st Lieut. 1914 u « 1908 Captain i 9°5 1st Lieut. 1913 U “ 1910 << a 1911 a a 1917 u a 1898 Captain 1894 “ 1911 1st Lieut. I 9 I 3 << u 1912 u u 1909 u ll 1909 u << 1894 Major 1911 1st Lieut. 1916 u u 1881 Major 1909 Lieut. 1900 1st Lieut. 1889 Major 1902 Captain 1906 1st Lieut. 1917 “ “ 1912 U « 1908 U ( i Brand, George D. Brazeau, Nelson G. Bressmer, Walter A. Brooks, Earl B. Brothers, William W. Brown, Earle G. Bruins, Dirk Budde, Alford E. Bunten, Joseph C. Burry, James Byford, William H. Carr, Walter A. Carriel, Henry B. Cartwright, Emor L. Caveney, Martin W. Chapin, Clarence W. *Chase, Martin R. Cheatham, A. W. P. Cheney, Volney S. Clapper, Manford M. Claridge, Ralph A. Clarke, Thomas C. Clinton, Lloyd B. Cochems, Frank N. Collins, Lorin C., Ill Conley, John M. Conover, John L. Corper, Franklin J. Coss, Osman A. Cowles, Robert Craig, Cole C. Cubbins, Wm. R. Culbertson, Carey Cummins, Erwin J. Daly, J. Joseph Daly, William T. Dargan, Clarence M. 1917 1st Lieut. 1894 “ “ 1915 “ “ 1905 Captain 1914 1st Lieut. 1913 “ “ 1906 Major 1908 1st Lieut. 1914 “ “ 1875 Captain 1915 1st Lieut. 1905 Captain 1888 “ 1912 1st Lieut. 1915 “ “ 1899 “ “ 1912 Captain 1909 1st Lieut. 1902 “ “ 1909 “ “ 1909 “ “ 1912 “ “ 1917 “ “ 1891 “ “ 1900 Captain 1897 1st Lieut. 1906 “ “ 1917 “ “ 1897 Captain 1913 1st Lieut. 1893 “ “ 1900 Captain 1898 1912 1st Lieut. 1898 Captain 1899 “ 1914 “ *In service abroad. — 4 — Dewey, Lorenzo S. 1907 ist Lieut. Grieger, Hubert Griffin, Patrick J. 1893 1st Lieut. Dishmaker, Dana 1910 “ “ 1913 “ “ Doane, Bert L. 1905 “ “ Groenlund, Wilho A. 1909 “ “ Doering, E. J. 1874 Captain Gunderson, Nordahl 0 . 1916 “ “ Donahue, William E. 1910 1st Lieut. Hall, Andy 1890 Captain Donnelly, Francis J. 1891 “ “ Hall, Clarence W. 1911 1st Lieut. Doust, Horace T. Dudley, Roy E. 1915 “ “ Hall, Emory S. 1908 “ “ 1898 Captain Hall, Frank W. 1911 “ “ Dumke, Ezekiel R. 1910 1st Lieut. Hall, John C., Jr. 1910 “ “ Dunlavy, Harry C. I 9 I 7 “ “ Halstead, Albert E. 1890 Major Dye, Willoughby G. 1901 “ “ Hamilton, B. C., Jr. 1909 1st Lieut. Eaton, Robert W. 1915 “ Hankee, Paul R. 1910 “ “ Eberhard, Fredk. G. 1912 “ “ Hanly, Harry H. 1910 “ “ Eckstein, John W. Edgerly, E. T. 1916 “ “ Hannah, Ward 1911 “ “ 1889 “ “ Hansen, Clinton 1902 Captain Egloff, George E. 1905 “ “ Hansen, Theodore L. 1916 1st Lieut. Egloff, William J. 1887 Captain Hanson, Edward W. 1914 a (( Eisenstaedt, Joseph 1909 1st Lieut. Hargreaves, Oliver C. 1904 “ “ Eldred, Charles D. J 9?4 “ Harney, Louis G. 1903 “ “ Elliott, William T. 1915 “ Hartman, Evert C. 1908 a a English, Leo V. 1916 “ “ Hatch, Walter E. 1907 “ “ Eisendrath, Danl. N. 1891 “ “ Haug, Lorenza 1916 a a Farmer, Frank C. 1909 “ Hayes, Daniel F. 1912 “ “ Farnham, Waldo C. Fell, Egbert W. 1910 “ “ Heath, Clifford J. 1906 “ “ 1903 Captain Hedge, Harry I 9 I 7 (< a Felts, Harvey A. 1913 1st Lieut. Hein, Gordon E. 1916 “ “ Fenton, Ralph A. 1906 Captain Hendrickson, Herman 1910 “ “ Finegan, Thos. F., Jr. 1910 1st Lieut. Henkel, Herbert B. 1911 “ “ Fisk, Eugene W. 1916 “ “ *Henkin, John Henry, George H. 1915 “ “ Fisk, William B. 1898 Captain 1910 “ “ Fletcher, Arthur J. 1909 i st Lieut. Herman, Lester R. 1915 a . a Fletcher, Lindsay Z. 1916 “ “ Hertzler, Ralph H. Hickman, John S. 1908 a a. Flynn, Leo H. 1912 “ “ 1915 “f “ Fortin, Harry J. Fosse, Benjamin 1916 “ “ Hill, Chalmers A. 1907 Captain 1904 Captain Hoag, J. C. 1882 \“ Foster, Jess W. 1910 1st Lieut. Hobart, Wilson K. Hobart, Marcus H. 1913 ist)Lieut. Foster, Thomas Fountain, Edwin R. 1900 Captain 1915 a/ “ 1911 1st Lieut. Hoffman, Ernst H. 1908 «/ « Fowler, Edson B. Fox, Charles M. 1896 Captain Hogan, John H. 1908 / a 1901 1st Lieut. Hogue, G. I. 1899 Major Francis, Frank D. 1903 Captain Holberg, Edmond A. 1967 U Frazin, Nathaniel D. 1911 1 st Lieut. Hole, Berton W. Hole, Melvin L. 1892 ist Lieut. Freed, John E. 1912 “ “ 1911 a a Frothingham, H. H. 1885 Captain Holiday, Oliver M. - 1906 Captain U U Fyfe, Malcolm B. 1903 1st Lieut. Holm, Marinus L. Holmes, Jesse G. 1907 George, Shaul 1904 “ “ 1904 “ “ Gerhardt, August E. 1909 Captain 1901 “ Holmes, William H. 1910 Captain Geyer, Clarence W. Hottinger, E. S. 1906 ist Lieut. Ghent, Charles H. 1911 1st Lieut. Howard, William A. 1905 a a *Gibson, Willis S. 1 9 1 3 “ Hoyt, Benjamin F. 1902 Captain Gill, George P. 1906 “ “ Hromadka, August B. 1907 ist Lieut. Given, Milton A. 1911 “ “ Huene, Harry J. Huff, Fred C. 1904 a a Gleason, Bert F. 1907 “ 1908 Captain Gooder, William V. 1905 “ Hutcheson, B. S. 1906 Goodman, Jacob 1912 “ “ Hyslop, Clayton J. Isacowitz, Harry T. 1916 ist Lieut. Gosin, Donne F. 1910 “ “ 1913 a a Grace, Frank G. 1902 “ “ Jackson, Arthur D. 1899 a a Grant, John F. 1917 “ James, Lora D. 1906 Captain Green, Frederick R. Greensfelder, L. A. 1898 Captain *Jaros, Joseph F. 1912 ist Lieut. 1887 Jirka, Frank J. 1910 (( U *In service abroad. - 5 — Johnson, Cecil E. 1910 1st Lieut. Morgan, Edwin C. Morton, Dwight F. 1910 1st Lieut. Johnson, William G. Johnston, Ellis A. 1908 1902 Captain 1904 “ “ Morton, Edward C. 1888 Jones, Daniel D. 1909 U U Mueller, Clive P. Munn, Wayne A. 1916 1st Lieut. Jones, Edward W. 1906 “ “ 1906 a a Jones, Harold E. 'Kanavel, Allen B. 1909 “ “ *Nadler, Walter H. i 9 G Captain 1899 Major Napheys, William D. 1906 “ Kelley, John E. 1905 Captain Nesbitt, Pleasant P. 1903 1st Lieut. Kelsheimer, Ira D. 1907 1 st Lieut. Neseth, Ole S. 1917 “ “ Kelso, Leon 1915 a a Newell, George W. 1905 Captain Kenyon, Paul E. Kerr, Ellis K. 1896 a a Nichols, Roscoe T. 1902 “ 1900 Captain Noble, Robert A. *Nusbaum, Payson L. 1901 1st Lieut. Keyes, Albert B. 1890 “ 1911 Captain King, Oran W. 1903 1st Lieut. Nystrom, Elmer E. 1909 1st Lieut. Kinsey, Frank C. 1903 Captain Orr, Harry D. 1904 Major *Koch, Sumner L. S. 1914 Owens, Edmund B. Packard, Robert G. 1890 1st Lieut. Kretschmer, H. L. 1904 1 st Lieut. 1912 “ “ *Lebowitz, Joseph J. 1914 Captain Paddock, Charles E. 1891 Captain Lee, William A. 1911 1st Lieut. Paine, Claude J. 1898 1st Lieut. Lewis, James L. 1901 “ * “ Palmer, Frank A. 1:897 Captain Lewis, Paul J. 1915 a a Palmer, Lester J. Parker, Albert S. Patee, Eliphalet T. i 9 r 4 1st Lieut. Linowiecki, A. J. 1914 a a 1901 Captain Lockwood, Charles D. 1896 Major 1910 1st Lieut. Long, Lester L. 1915 1st Lieut. Paulsen, Thomas C. 1914 Captain Louis, Isaac Samuel Loving, Royal S. 1900 1902 << U Paulus, David D. Payne, William H. 1914 1901 1st Lieut. Lovewell, C. H., Jr. 1898 Captain and 1902 “ “ Lynch, Daniel E., Jr. 1905 1st Lieut. Pederson, Oluf J. 1915 “ “ Lynch, Robert J. 1906 Captain Pember, John F. Pence, John R. 1883 it a Lyon, Fred B. 1903 1909 a a McCauley, Wm. B. 1910 1st Lieut. Peterson, Alvin A. 1916 a a McCUnahan, Thos. S. 1916 a a Pfeifer, Edward C. i 9 J 3 McClure, William L. 1909 a a Phalen, Charles S. Piper, Edward D. Pittenger, Fred A. 1913 a a McCornb, Earl V. 1907 a a 1898 (i a McCown, Thomas B. . 1893 Major 1904 Captain McCrory, Thomas J. 1905 1st Lieut. Plummer, Henry S. 1898 1st Lieut. McDeid, Winfield G. 1904 Captain Plummer, Samuel C. 1886 Major *McEv;an, John S. 1905 Porter, James A. 1912 1st Lieut. McKenna, Charles H. 1913 Captain Porter, John R. 1911 “ “ Mabee, Melbourne 1911 1st Lieut. Preble, Robert B. Pretts, William W. 1891 Major Magee, Ira J. 1913 a a 1900 1st Lieut. Malone, Francis F. 1904 a a Pritzker, Louis J. 1891 Captain *Mandel, Milton 1904 Major Purves, George K. 1900 1st Lieut. Mangan, Louis -A. Markson, David E. 1914 1st Lieut. Quillin, Laurence* J. 1910 “ “ 1912 a a Rainey, Warren R. 1910 Captain Marshall, George L. 1910 a a Ranney, Thomas P. 1905 1st Lieut. Martin, Dale L. 1909 a a Ravn, Erling O. Redman, Fred E. 19 1 5 << U Martin, Franklin H. 1880 Major I 9°7 Maurer, Franklin Mayo, Charles H. 1908 1st Lieut. Redmon, James 1914 a a 1888 Major Reed, Walter K. 1916 “ Minnick, Clarence E. 1905 Captain Rendleman, Geo. F. 1915 a a Mitchell, Claire H. Mitchell, Edward C. 1907 1st Lieut. Richards, Hyrum Y. 1915 “ a 1907 Captain * Richman, Samuel H. Ristine, Earle F. 1909 a a Mitchell, Ezra J. Mitchell, John 1903 1st Lieut. 1910 a a 1916 “ “ Rivard, G. J., Jr. 1916 a a Mitchell, John M. 1916 a a Roberts, Philip F. 1906 .« . * Mix, Harry C. 1909 Captain Rogers, Elton B. I 9°7 a a Moeller, Fredk. W. Moore, John H. 1906 “ Rogers, Ford B. 1905 44 1916 1st Lieut. Rogers, Philip F. Roler, Albert H. 1897 Captain Moore, William N. 1909 a a 1893 a *In service abroad. - C - Rosenblum, Phillip Rosenstiel, Max Ross, Hiram E. Rudolph, Solomon F. Rudolph, Louis Russell, Frank H. Ryan, Albert F. Sandow, Bruno F. Sanford, Willard C. Schoenfeld, Charles J. Schroeder, Wm. E. Schurmeier, Harry L. Schwartz, Benjamin Schwartz, Charles W. Scupham, Geo. W. Sharpe, Walter S. Short, Charles A. Siberts, Paul R. Sims, Leslie B. Smith, Charles H. Smith, Clyde T. Smith, Edgar A. Smith, James W. Smith, Lawrence T. Snyder, Karl A. Sorgatz, Frank Sorgatz, George F. Souder, Carl Spilman, Harold A. Spurck, Peter T. Stanton, S. Cecil Stebbings, Albert L. Steele, D. A. K. Steele, Pierre A. Stevens, Charles A. Stiers, John W. *Stranberg, Walter L. Streeter, Edward C. Sullivan, Charles P. Sullivan, Walter J. Swift, George W. Sybenga, Jacob J. Tallman, Claude A. Tallmann, Homer H. Tarnowsky, Geo. de Taylor, William R. Thomas, Gilbert J. Thomson, William J. Thorpe, Samuel L. Tilton, Welcome B. Troy, Edward P. Tupper, George Turck, Fenton B. Turner, John W. Vanatta, Frank C. Van Buren, Fred A. Van Camp, Elijah Van Pelt, Roscoe S. Wade, Benjamin N. Waid, Edward P. Walls, Francis X. 1913 ist Lieut. Warner, W. A. Webster, George W. Wendt, Alfred 1894 ist Lieut. 1914 “ “ 1882 Captain 1911 “ “ 1910 ist Lieut. 1905 “ Whitaker, Ben. T. White, Seward 1912 “ “ 1911 “ “ 1909 “ “ 1902 “ “ White, Solon M. 1897 Major 1913 “ “ Whitley, Wm. R. 1915 “ “ 1891 “ “ Whitmore, F. W., Jr. 1915 ist Lieut. 1890 “ “ Wiley, Edwin H., Jr. 1901 Captain 1899 “ “ Wilkinson, M. R. 1893 “ 1891 Captain Wilson, Horace P. 1896 1911 “ Wolfe, Channing E. 1903 ist Lieut. 1916 ist Lieut. Wolfermarin, S. J. Wolff, Harry D. 1911 “ “ 1897 Captain 1898 “ “ 1916 ist Lieut. Wood, Cyrus B. 1914 “ 1906 Captain Woodward, Asa G. 1911 “ “ 1915 ist Lieut. Woodward, Frank A. 1912 “ “ 1903 “ Woolston, Wm. H. 1915 “ I 9°7 “ Wray, Clarence M. 1902 “ “ 1912 “ “ Wyckoff, Hulett J. 1916 “ “ 1911 “ “ Yeakel, Earl L. 1916 “ “ 1899 “ “ Young, Frank W. 1917 “ 1894 Captain Younger, Chas. B. 1902 Captain 1898 ist Lieut. Zimmerman, Harold 1914 ist Lieut. 1910 “ “ Zimmerman, H. S. 1896 “ “ Captain ist Lieut. Major ist Lieut. Major ist Lieut. Captain ist Lieut. 1907 1911 1898 1913 .1909 1892 1896 1873 1914 1899 1914 1911 11 “ 1901 “ “ 1912 “ “ 1915 “ “ 1907 “ “ 1911 “ “ 1900 Captain 1900 ist Lieut. 1900 Major 1912 ist Lieut. 1908 “ “ 1899 “ “ 1893 “ “ 1912 “ “ 1914 “ 1890 Captain 1891 1908 1909 1904 1903 1909 Major Captain ist Lieut. Captain ist Lieut. 1909 1887 “ “ 1891 Captain U. S. NAVY Brooks, Overton 1906 Asst. Surg. Carroll, Benj. H. 1917 “ “ Corcoran, Wm. J.. 1917 “ “ Larsen, Reuben L. 1916 “ “ Locy, Francis E. 1915 “ ^ Meador, Clarence N. 1917 MorCom, Thomas 1917 Morse, William E. 1917 Murphy, Philip S. 1915 Tainter, Rolfe 1917 “ / “ Whitehead, Ely M. 1917 “( “ NAVAL MEDICAL RESERVE Brooks, Overton 1900 Asst. Surg. Courtenay, G. T. 1908 “ “ Dooley, Harry J. 1911 “ “ Hillis, David S. 1898 Surgeon Richardson, Wm. W. 1890 Asst. Surg. Rosser, Curtice 1917 “ “ Shaweker, Max 1914 “ “ Slominski, Harry H. 1914 “ “ Vehe, Karl L. 1915 “ “ Walsh, Grosbeck 1902 “ “ NATIONAL GUARD MEDICAL CORPS ist Lieut. Captain ist Lieut. Captain ist Lieut. Captain ist Lieut. Boler, Thomas D. 1908 Byrne, John G. 1894 Chamberlain, E. F. 1910 Chichester, Jacob G. 1900 Church, Chas. G. 1899 Cole, Fern M. 1898 Dodge, Horace C. 1902 Hanson, David T. 1908 *In service abroad. —7— 3 0112 105802182 Hogue, Gustavus I. Hunt, Charles E. Johnston, Louis C. McKinley* James J. Neal, John R., Jr. Orr, Harry D. Parks, Charles W. Patton, Ambler B. Prudden, Clyde E. Robeson, Thomas J. Scantbeton, John M. Wesley, Allen A. Wheeler, John A. MEDICAL OFFICERS RESERVE CORPS INACTIVE LIST Brown, Rexwald 1903 Phy. dis- 1899 Major 1913 1st Lieut. 1911 << U 1910 Captain 1909 1st Lieut. 1904 Major 1912 1 st Lieut. 1911 u a 1909 Major 1893 “ 1913 1st Lieut. 1887 Major 1896 Menge, Frederick qualified 1892 Major HONORABLY DISCHARGED Egeland, Gustaf R. 1903 Captain Hudson, Harry H. 1913 . Ingraham, Eben R. 1906 1st Lieut. Whitcomb, Orrin J. 1904 “ “ RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINT¬ MENT IN THE MEDICAL RESERVE. CORPS >'A * ^ j, * '* * Adams, OrtuU-F. 1901 1st Lieut. Totten, Laurie L. 1914 ‘ Allen, Thomas G. 1898 * Anderson, Harry J. 1911 V Barth, Henry N. 1909 ‘ Becker, Louis 1888 ‘ Beeh, Edward F. 1914 ‘ Bevins, Nathan S. 1911 1 Bleifusu Walter F. 1912 “ “ Carlin, Ixbyes W. 1909 “ “ *Crow, Lloyd B. 1911 “ “ Cummins, Keeran C. 1892 “ “ Duckett, Franklin W. 1894 “ “ Ebersole, Harry G. 1917 “ “ Elam, William T. 1890 Captain Fifield, George W. 1896 “ Ganaway, Alfred M. 1892 “ Gibson, Paul W. 1908 Major Hallberg, John W. 1912 1st Lieut. Hawthorne, Roy O. 1913 “ “ Hecker, William 1902 Captain Hein, Gordon E. 1916 1st Lieut, von Hess, Charles L. 1914 Hoesley, Henry F. 1912 Hogue, Hal. W. 1913 Johnson, Hugh B. 1892 Johnson, Norton T. 1911 Karshner, Warren M. 1904 Lang, Oscar F. 1909 Leviton, Nathan D. 1911 Lynch, H. Meyer 1908 Lyons, Horace R. 1916 McGauley, Francis M. 1905 McGuire, Wm. A. 1912 Mattison, Samuel J. 1904 Max, Samuel 1916 Mensing, Edmund H. 1909 Miller, Hugh M. 1902 Miller, Joseph L. 1895 Mowry, Albert E. 1898 Munson, Samuel E. 1893 O’Meara, James J. 1911 Penney, Warren B. 1906 Phillips, Albion B. 1902 Ross, Wilbur W. 1908 Rowe, Edward W. 1905 Rupp, Will 1900 Sandberg, Carl L. 1908 Schaefer, H. L. 1891 Schneck, Sereno W. 1898 “ “ Schroeder, Ernest L. 1914 “ “ Scott, John C. 1917 “ “ Seeger, Stanley J. 1911 “ “ Seymour, William A. 1910 “ “ Shalett, Benjamin J. 1911 “ “ Sincock, Henry A. 1911 “ “ Singleton, Eustace M. 1891 “ Sissakian, Avedis H. 1897 “ “ Smith, Wallace P. 1893 “ “ Stevens, Edwin L. 1892 “ “ Stewart, Lynn D. 1911 “ “ Tollefsen, Adolph D. 1910 “ “ Torell, Gerhard J. 1916 “ “ Traub, Hugo 1908 “ “ Trimmer, Frank M. 1909 “ “ Tullar, Arthur 1906 “ “ Vedder, James B. 1905 “ “ Walden, Walter 1896 Captain Walker, Guy R. 1917 1st Lieut. Young, Joseph H. 1913 “ “ Captain Major 1st Lieut. Captain 1st Lieut. << (i Captain 1st Lieut. Captain 1st Lieut. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION TO ARMY OFFICERS During the present session, Professors Ridlon, Ranson, Becht and Zeit gave two courses in Orthopedic Surgery, and Professor Ranson, Dr. Johnson and Mr. Billingsley gave two courses in Oral and Plastic Surgery, for certain groups of Army Medical Officers. Professors Ranson and Becht also participated in a course in Brain Surgery, given at the University of Chicago. ^Served in French Army. —8—