The Library
John & Edward Bumpus, Ltd.,.
Crichel House Library.
Library (or Organ Room)
Long Drawing Room
F and G.
Smoking Room
Gun Room
I, J, and K.
Lord Alington's Sitting Room
New Wing Passage
.. . ... M and N.
Red Drawing Room . . .
Steward's Room
2 small wall cases
A s
— -■
N.B. — The following Letters' explain the Rooms and Cases.
A signifies Lord Alington's Sitting Room ... L
Long Drawing Room ... ... F and G.
Gun Room ... ... ...I, J, and K.
Library ... ... ... ... A to E.
New Wing Passage ... ... M and N.
Smoking Room ... ... ... H.
Steward's Room ...
Red Drawing Room ... ... Table.
Author and Title. | s 'I %
Aberdeen (Earl of) Principles of Beauty in
Grecian Architecture, i2mo 1822 n. n. i. 2
Adam (Alex.) Summary of Geography and
History, ancient and modern, 8vo 1802 s. h. 3. 2
Adams (George) Essays on the Microscope,
4to, with oblong 4T0 atlas, 2 vols 1787 l. a. 2. 8
Addison (C. G.) The Temple Church, post
8vo 1843 n. m. 1. 4
Addison (Right Honble. Joseph) Works.
Baskerville edition, 4 vols, 4to
Birmingham, 1761 l. a. 3. 8
Adolphus (John) Memories of the French
Revolution, 2 vols, 8vo *799 s - H - 3- 2
Agricultural Society of England. The
Journal. 3 vols, 8vo 1901-3 a. l. i. 4
Aids to Faith, Theological Essays by
several writers, edited by Wm. Thom-
son, D.D., 8vo 1861 s. h. 3. 2
Ainsworth (Robert) English and Latin
Dictionary, edited by Thomas Morell,
2 vols, 4to 1773 l. a. 2. 3
Do., 8.vo 1821 n. m. 2. 5
Ainsworth (W. H.) Jack Sheppard, a
romance, illustrated by George Cruik-
shank, 3 vols, post 8vo 1839 l. e. 2.2
Akerman (J. Y.) Coins of the Romans
relating to Britain, 8vo 1844 s. h. 3. 2
Akerman (J. Y.) Numismatic Manual.
Guide to the study of Greek, Roman,
and English Coins, fcap 8vo 1832 s. h. 3. 2
Alamanni Coltivazione : Rucellai Le Api ;
Redi Toscana, i2mo Venezia, 1812 l. d. 3. 1
Alban (Dr. E.) High-Pressure Steam
Engine, 8vo 1848 n. n. 1.2
2 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | « | %
Albery (R. J.) Our Conservative Statesmen,
a gallery of photographs, in six parts,
4-to n.d. s. h. 2. 6
Albin (E.) Natural History of Birds, 250
coloured plates, 3 vols, 4T0 1738 l. a. 3. 8
Albin (E.) Natural History of English
Insects, 100 hand-coloured plates, 410
1735 L. A. I. 2
Album of 100 large Photographs of Italian
Cities, Architecture and Paintings,
imp 4to, padded morocco n.d. d. table
Alexander (J E.) The Colonies of Western
Africa, and a Campaign in Kaffir-Land,
2 vols, 8vo T 837 n. n. t. 5
Alexis, ou la Maisonette dans le bois, 4
vols, i2mo Grenoble, 1789 l. c. 2. 1
Alfien (Vittorio) Tragedie, &c, 5 vols, i2mo
Pisa, 1 817 l. c. 3. 1
Alfieri (Vittoria) Vita Di, i2mo Italia, 1817 l. c. 2, 1
Alison (iirchibald) Essays on Taste, 2 vols,
8vo Edinburgh, 1815 l. c. 5. 2
Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Biographi-
cal Sketch and Letters, 8vo 1844 n. n. 2. 2
Alison's (Sir A.) Europe during the French
Revolution, 10 vols, 8vo 1835 L - E - 2 - 3
Alison (Sir A.) History of Europe, from
the commencement of the French
Revolution in 1789 to the Restoration
of the Bourbons in 1815, 13 vols, cr
8vo 1853 N. N. 2. I
Allason (Thos.) Picturesque Views of the
Antiquities of Pola in Istria, plates on
India paper, folio 1809 l. a. 3. 11
Almon's Remembrancer of Public Events,
8 vols, 8vo 1775 — 79 l. a. 4. 3
America. Colton's Map of the Southern
States, folded into 8vo case n.d. n. m. 1.4
America. Papers relative to the Dispute
between Great Britain and America,
1764-75, 8VO _ I777 L. A. 4. 3
Library Catalogue. 3
Author and Title. | i | |
America. The Votes and Proceedings of
the American Congress at Philadelphia,
1774, 2 vols, 8vo Philadelphia, 1774 L. a. 4. 3
America. Tour thro' Parts of the United
States and Canada, 8vo 1828 n. m. 1.5
America. Travels through the Interior
parts of, by T. Anburey, 2 vols, 8vo
1789 s. h. 2. 3
Ancient and Modern, a Record of the
Earldom of Mar, roy 8vo
Printed for Private Circulation, 1875 s. h. 3. 5
Anderson (Rev. J. S. M.) Memoir of the
Chisholms, i2mo 1842 n. m. i. i
Andrews (Dr. John) History of the War
with America, France, Spain and
Holland, 1775- 1783, 4 vols, 8vo 1785 l. a. 3. 7
Anson (George, Lord) Voyage round the
World in the years 1740, 1, 2, 3 and 4,
compiled and edited by Richard
Walter, 4to 1776 l. a. 4. 8
Ansted (D. J.) The Ancient World, post
8vo Van Voorst, 1848 n. m. 1.3
Anstey (F.) Vice Versa, post 8vo (two
copies) 1883 n. n. 2. 2
Apparition, The, a tale, by a Lady, 2 vols,
i2mo 1788 N. M. I. I
Arabian Nights Entertainments (The),
edited by Dr. Dulcken, roy 8vo n.d. a. l. 2. 4
Archseologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts
relating to Antiquity, published by the
Society of Antiquaries of London, vols
1 to 21 (wanting vol 3), 4to 1770- 1826 l. a. 4. 7. 8
Archbold (J. F.) Jervis's Acts, concerning n. m. i. i
Justices of the Peace, i2mo (2 copies) a. l. 2. 6
Archbold (J. F.) Practice of the County
Courts, post 8vo 1850 a. l. 2. 6
Archbold (J. F.) Practice of the Quarter
Sessions, with forms, post 8vo 1836 a. l. 2. 6
4 Library Catalogue.
Author and Titde. g » | -
... « <_> 5 33
Architecture. Glossary 01 terms used in
Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic
Architecture, also the companion vol,
3 vols, 8vo 1845 s. h. 2. 3
Architecture. Glossary of terms used in
the Grecian, Roman, Italian, and
Gothic styles, 8vo 1838 s. h. 2. 3
Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, 6 vols, 121110,
Venezia, 181 1 l. d. 3. i
Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, plates by
Eisen and Bartolozzi, the Baskerville
edition, 4 vols, Svo, full crimson
morocco, (2 copies) d. f. 2. 2
Birmingham, 1773 a. l. 2. 3
Arnold (E. L.) Bird Life in England, cr
8VO 1887 N. M. 2. 4
Arnold (Mathew) New Poems, cr 8vo 1867 m. m. 2. 2
Arnold (Thos., D.D.) History of Rome,
3 vols, 8vo, cloth J 844 s. h. 3. 1
Arnold (Thos., D.D.) History of the later
Roman Commonwealth, 2 vols, Svo
1843 S. H. 3. I
Arnott (Dr. N.) Elements of Physics, 2 vois,
8vo 1829 l. c. 2. 2
Arnott (Dr. N.) On Warming and Ventila-
ting, 8vo 1838 a. l. 2. 6
Art Journal. Annual Volume for 1869
(new series), vol 8, 4to 1899 a. l. 2. 5
Astley's (Thos.) Collection of Voyages and
Travels, 4 vols, 4to : 745 L - A - 2. 3
Astronomical Diagrams, 4to 1850 s. h. i. 5
Athenaid, The, a poem, 3 vols, i2mo 1787 l. c. 4. 1
Atlantic Neptune, for the use of the Royal
Navy, pub. by the Admiralty : vol 1,
Charts of Coasts and Harbours of New
England ; vol 2, Gulf and River of St.
Lawrence, New York l. a. 2. 10
Atlantic Neptune, No. 2, vols 3 and 4, Sea
Coast and Harbours of Nova Scotia,
4 vols, tall folio I 777, & c - L - A - 2 - I0
Library Catalogue. 5
Author and Title. I si 1 %
mo 5 5
Atlas, The English, 4 vols (wanting vol 4),
atlas folio Oxford, 1680 l. a. 2. 10
Atlas. Jeffery's (Thomas) American Atlas,
with especial maps of the British Colo-
nies, folio 1 77& L - A - 3- ll
Atlas to accompany Second Report of the
Railway Commissioners, Ireland, folio
1838 l. a. 2. 10
Ayckbourn's Chancery Practice, post 8vo
1858 A. L. 2. 6
Bacon (Lord Francis) Complete Works,
10 vols, 8vo 1819 l. a. 3. 7
Bailey (Francis) Tables for Purchasing
and Releasing Cases, 8vo 1812 n. m. i. 4
Baker (Sir Richard) Chronicle of the Kings
of England, folio 1 ^ ) 79 L - a. 3. 2
Baker (Sir Samuel) The Albert Nyanza,
great basin of the Nile, and Explora-
tion of the Nile Sources, 2 vols, 8vo
1866 s. h. 1. 2
Bakewell (R.) Introduction to Geology,
8vo 1815 l. c. 2. 2
Ballantine (Serjeant) Some Experiences of
a Barrister's Life, 2 vols, 8vo 1882 a. l. 3. 5
Bankes (Henry) Civil and Constitutional
History of Rome, 2 vols, 8vo 1818 s. h. i. 4
Barbieri (G.) Orazioni Quaresimali, 8vo
Napoli, 1847 n. n. 1. 5
Barratt (A. C.) Companion to the Greek
Testament, i2mo 1878 n. m. 1. 1
Barrow (Isaac) The Theological Works of,
6 vols, 8vo Oxford, 1818 l. c. 3. 3
Barry (Martin) Ascent to the Summit of
Mont Blanc in 1834, 8vo 1836 n. m. i. 5
Bateman (J.) Great Landowners of Great
Britain and Ireland, cr 8vo n.d. n. m. 2. 3
Baudrand (L'Abbe) L'ame affermie dans
la F01, iSmo Paris, 1829 L - D - 3- 1
6 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. I % | |
« U S in
Baxter (J.) The Library of Agricultural and
Horticultural Knowledge, roy 8vo
1832 S. H. I. 4
Bayldon (J. S.) Art of valuing rents and
tillages, 8vo 1824 n. m. 1. 6
Ditto, 8vo 1840 n. m. 1. 6
Bayldon (J. S.) On Valuation for Poor's
Rate, 8vo 1834 n. m. i. 6
Bayle (Peter) Biographical Dictionary,
5 vols, folio 1734-38 l. a. 2. 2
Bazalgette (C. N.) The Law relating to
County Councils, roy 8vo 1888 a. l. 3. 6
Bazancourt (Le Baron de) L'Expedition
de Crime jusqu's la prise de Sevas-
topol, 2 vols, 8vo Paris, 1856 l. c. 2. 3
Beaconsfield (Lord) Cartoons relating to,
for ten years, from il Judy," 4to n.d. s. h. 3. 4
Beaconsfield (Earl of) Endymion, 3 vols,
post 8vo 1880 d. g. 3. 1
Beaufort (Duke ot) Hunting, cr 8vo 1885 n. m. 2. 4
Beauharnais (Madame) Life of, by A. A.
Bonneau, edited by Lady Herbert,
post 8vo 1870 n. m. 1.4
Beaumarchais (W.) CEuvres Completes de,
6 vols, 8vo Paris, 182 1 l. b. 2. 2
Beaumont (A.) Travels through the Lepon-
tine Alps, folio 1800 l. a. 3. 9
Beaumont (Augustus) Erin's Hope and
other Poems, cr 8vo 1869 a. l. i. 3
Beaumont and Fletcher, Works of, edited
by Henry Weber, 14 vols, 8vo
Edinburgh, 18 12 l. c. 4. 3
Beauvoir (Marquis de) Pekin, Jeddo and
San Francisco, post 8vo 1872 n. m. 2. 2
Beauvoir (Marquis de) Voyage autour du
monde, 3 vols, post 8vo Paris, 1874 n. m. 2. 2
Beckford (Peter) Familiar Letters from
Italy, 2 vols, 8vo Salisbury, 1805 s. h. 3. 2
Library Catalogue.
Author and Title.
| 6
Beechey (Capt. F. W.) Voyage to the
Pacific and Beermg's Strait in 1825-2S,
maps and plates, 2 vols, 8vo 1831 l. d. 1. 3
Bell (Major Evans) Annexation of the
Punjaub and the Maharajah Duleep
Singh, 8vo 1882 n. m. 2. 5
Bell (John) The New Pantheon Dic-
tionary of Mythology, 2 vols, 4T0, 1790 l. a. 3. 8
Bell (Thomas, F.R.S.) History of Briiish
Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea,
8VO 1837 A. L. I. 5
Bell (Thomas. F.R.S.) History of British
Reptiles, 8vo 1839 a. l. i. 5
Benezet (Anthony) Historical Account of
Guinea, 8vo 1788 s. h. 3. 1
Benson (A. C.) Fasti Etonensis, a Bio-
graphical History of Eton, 8vo
Eton, 1899 a. l. 2. 4
Bentinck (Lord George) A Political Bio-
graphy by Benjamin Disraeli, 8vo
1852 a. l. 1. 4
Berrington (Joseph) History of the Reign
of Henry II., &c, 4to 1790 s. h. 2. 4
Berkley (The Honble. Capt. Geo.) Naval
History of Britain, folio 1756 l. a. i. i
Berkeley (Earl of) Pedigree, Minutes taken
before the Committee of Privileges,
2 vols, sm folio 181 1 l. a. 3. 8
Berkeley (George) The Works of, with
life and letters, 3 vols, 8vo 1820 l. c. 3. 4
Berkeley (Hon. Grantley F.) Tales of
Life and Death, 2 vols, post 8vo 1869
Bescherelle (M.) Dictionnaire National ou
de Langue Francaise, 2 vols, 4to,
Paris, 1850 a. l. 2. 5
Best (Thomas) Art of Angling, i2mo
1822 l. c. 3. 1
Library Catalogue.
3- 2
Author and Title.
Bett's Road and Railway Maps of Scot-
land and Ireland, 2 vols, post 8vo n.d.
Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, with
engravings on wood, 2 vols, roy 8vo,
large paper copy Newcastle, 1805
Beza (Theodore) Novum Testamentum
domini nostrijesu Christi, iamo n.d.
Bible. Doyly and Mants' Family Bible,
plates, 3 vols, 4T.0 1818
Bible (Family) Printed in large type, within
rubricated borders (printed title miss-
ing) ; The declared Family Bible, con-
taining five pages of MSS. relating to
the family, folio, old crimson morocco,
gold back and sides Oxford, 1685
Bible (The Holy) 2 vols, 8vo n.d.
Bible (The Holy) edited by the Rev. Thos.
Scott, 6 vols, 4to 1852
Bible, The Study of the, cr 8vo 1862
Biddulph (Capt.M. A.) Two Topographical
and panoramic sketches of Sevastopol,
folio n.d. m. n. 2. 7
Biographia Britannica. Lives of Eminent
Persons, 7 vols, folio 1746 — 66
Bishops of England, Catalogue of the,
since the first planting of Christian
religion in this Island, by F. G. (Sub-
deane of Exeter), small 4to, printed in
Black-letter type 1601
Blaauw (W. H.) The Baron's War, includ-
ing the Battles of Lewes and Eve-
sham, sq 8vo !844
Blacklock (Ambrose) Treatise on Sheep,
i8mo 1841
Blackstone (Sir W.) Commentaries on the
Laws of England, 4 vols, 8vo 1809
Blackwell (Dr. Thos.) Memoirs of the
Court of Augustus, 3 vols, 4to, calf
1716 l. a. 3. 8
i- 3
2- 5
i- 3
L. A. 2. 2
N. M. 2. 2
N. M. I. 4
4 . I
4. 4
Library Catalogue. 9
Author and Title. is I |
Blair (Dr. John) Chronology of the World
in 56 tables, folio 1754 L. a. 2. 9
Blair (Mrs. F.) The Henwife, cr 8vo, 1862 n. m. 2. 1
Blanc (Louis) Organisation du Travail,
post 8vo 1845 N. M. I.I
Bligh (Lieut. W.) Voyage to the South
Sea, undertaken for the purpose of
conveying the Bread-fruit Tree to the
West Indies, in H.M.S. " Bounty,"
4to 1792 l. a. 4. 8
Blore (Edward) Sepulchral Antiquities of
Great Britain, large paper, roy 8vo
1826 l. a. 1. 7
Blunt (Rev. J. J.) The Reformation in
England, i2mo 1833 a., l. 2. 6
Blunt (Rev J. J.) Veracity of the five
books of Moses, post 8vo 1835 l. a. i. 8
Boccaccio (G.) Decamerone, con note dal,
D. G. Ferrario, 4 vols, 8vo
Milano, 1803 d. f. i. i
Boileau (M. Despreaux) CEuvres de,
vignettes, 5 vols, cr 8vo, Paris, 1747 l. c. 5. 1
Bolingbroke (Henry, Lord Viscount) Com-
plete Works of, with life, by Dr.
Goldsmith, 8 vols, 8vo 1809 l. a. 2. 6
Bolton (James) History of Fungusses
growing about Halifax, 182 hand-
coloured plates, 3 vols bound in 2, 4to
I788 L. A. 2. 8
Boner (Charles) Chamois Hunting in the
Mountains of Bavaria, 8vo x 853 a. l. 1.5
Boniface (A.) Dictionnaire Francais-
Anglais et Ang-Franc, stout 8vo
Paris, 1839 N - N - 2. 6
Bonnycastle (Sir R.) The Canadas in
1841, 2 vols, post 8vo 1841 n. n. 2. 2
Booth (General) In Darkest England and
the way out, 8vo n.d. n. m. 1.5
Library Catalogue.
Author and Title.
S. H.
N. M.
N. M.
N. M.
Borlase (Wm.) Antiquities of the County
of Cornwall, small folio 1769 l. a: 2. 9
Bossuet. Discours sur l'histoire univer-
selle, 3 vols, 241x10 1823 l. a. 3. 1
Boswell (James) An Account of Corsica,
and memoirs of Pascal Paoli, 8vo
1768 l. e. 2. 1
Bosworth (Rev. J.) Dictionary of the
Anglo-Saxon Language, roy 8vo 1838
Botany, Conversations on, post 8vo 1825
Bouillet (N.) Dictionnaire Universal d'His-
toire et de Geographie, roy 8vo
Paris, 1869
Bouilly (J. N.) Conseils a ma fille, i2mo
Bourdaloue (Du P.) CEuvres Completes,
16 vols, 8vo Paris, 1826 l. b. i. i
Bowditch (Mrs. T. E.) The Fresh-water
Fishes of Great Britain, with hand-
coloured inserted plates by the
Authoress, imp 410 1838 l. a. 3. 9
Boys' Own Volume, The, 8vo 1864 n. m. 1.5
Brabazon (Captain) Soldiers and their
Science, cr 8vo 1866 h. m. 2. 3
Brabazon (Lord, Earl of Meath) Prosperity
or Pauperism ? Physical, industrial
and technical training, 8vo 1888 n. n. 2. 6
Brabazon (Lord) Social Arrows, cr 8vo
1887 N. M. I. 3
Brand (Lieut. Chas.) Journal of a Voyage
to Peru, 8vo 1828 l. d. i. 3
Brandon (R.) Open Timber Roofs of the
Middle Ages, roy 4to 1849 s. h. 1.6
Brandon (R.) Analysis of Gothic Architec-
ture, 2 vols, roy 4to 1847 s. 11. 1. 6
Brandon (R. & J.) Parish Churches, views
of English Ecclesiastical Structures,
roy 8vo 1839 A - L - 3- 6
Brassey (Lady) A Voyage in the "Sun-
beam," 8vo 1878 a. l. 1. 3
Brassey (Thos ) Life and Labours of, by
Arthur Helps, 1805-1870, 8vo 1872 n. n. 2. 4
Library Catalogue. 1 1
Author and Title. § g | |
05 U S in
Braye (John) Svvanage, its History, etc.,
8vo T890 n. m. 1.5
Brewer (E. C.) The Reader's Handbook,
cr 8vo 1898 n. m. 2. 3
Bright (H. A.) A Year in a Lancashire
Garden, cr 8vo 1889 n. m. 2. 4
Bright (The Right Honble. John) Speeches
on Questions of Public Policy, 2 vols,
8VO l868 N. M. 2. 5
British Chronologist (The) 3 vols, 8vo 1775 s. h. 2. 3
British Merchant (The) Nos. 1 to 103, sm.
folio 1713-14 l. a. 3. 2
Britton (John) Architectural Antiquities of
Great Britain, 4 vols, roy 4to 1807 l. a. 2. 8
Britton (John) Picturesque Antiquities of
the English Cities, 4to 1830 l. a. 2. 9
Broadhurst (J.) Political Economy, 8vo
1842 N. N. 2. 6
Brodie (George) History of the British
Empire, 4 vols, 8vo Edinburgh, 1822 l. d. 2. 2
Bronte (Charlotte, " Currer Bell") Jane
Eyre, an autobiography, 3 vols, post
8vo 1847 D - G - 3- I
Brooks (Geo.) Industry and Property, post
8vo 1893 a. l. 2. 6
Brookes (Dr. R.) General Gazetteer, 8vo
1815 s. H. t. 1
Brougham (Henry, Lord) Historical
Sketches of Statesmen who flourished
in the Reign of George III., with por-
traits, 3 vols, roy 8vo 1840-3 a. l. 1.6
Brougham (Henry, Lord) Speeches of,
4 vols, 8vo 1838 l. a. 2. 7
Brougham (Henry, Lord) A Discourse of
Natural Theology, post 8vo 1835 n. m. 1.3
Brown (J. H.) Spectrophia, or surprising
spectyal illusions, 4to 1864
Brown (Thos.) Elements of Conchology,
8vo 1816 n. m. 1.6
Browning (Mrs. E. B.) Aurora Leigh, cr
8vo New York, i860 n. n. i. 2
12 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | » | %
Browning (Robert) Sordello, cr 8vo
Boston, 1864 m. n. 1. 2
Bruce (James, of Kinnaird) Travels to
discover the source of the Nile in the
years 1768 to 1773, 5 vols, ato 1790 l. a. 4. 2
Bryan (Michael) Dictionary of Painters
and Engravers, 2 vols, 4to 1816 d. g. 3. 3
Buchez (J. B. et P. C. Roux) Histoire Par-
limentaire de la Revolution Francaise,
40 vols, 8vo Paris, 1834-38 l. b. 2. 1 &2
Buck (S. & N.) Views of the Ruins of
Castles and Abbeys of England, 420
engravings, 5 vols, oblong 4to n.d. l. a. 2. 3
Buckingham (J. S.) Travels in Mesopo-
tamia, 2 vols, 8vo 1827 L - D - I * 3
Buckland (Frank) Fish Hatching, post 8vo
1863 n. m. 1. 2
Buckland (Frank) Life of, by G. C.
Bompas, 8vo 1885 n. n. 2. 2
Buckland (Rev. W.) Geology and Mineral-
ogy, 2 vols, 8vo 1836 l. c. 2. 2
Buckland (Rev. W.) Reliquiae Diluvianae,
or the organic remains incaves, fissures,
and diluvial gravel, attesting the action
of an universal deluge, 4to 1824 L - A - 1 - 7
Buckler (J. C. & C. A.) History of the
Abbey Church of St. Alban, 8vo 1847 s - H - 3- l
Buckley (A. S.) The Fairy-land of Science,
post 8vo 1879 n. n. 2. 2
Buffon (Count de) Natural History, general
and particular, translated with notes
and observations by Wm. Smellie,
9 vols, 8vo 1785 l. e. 2. 2
Bunhill Fields Burial Ground. Proceed-
ings in reference to the Preservation
of, 8vo 1867 n, n. 1. 6
Burchett (Josiah) History of the Transac-
tions at Sea, sm. folio 1720 l. a. 3. 8
Library Catalogue. 13
os p 3 it
Burckhardt (J. L.) Notes on the Bedouins
and Wahabys, 4to 1830 s. h. 3. 6
Burckhardt (J. L.) Travels in Syria and the
Holy Land, 1 vol ; Travels in Nubia,
1 vol ; 2 vols, 4to 1822 s. h. 2. 4
Burgoyne (Sir John F.) Military Opinions,
8vo 1859 n. m. 1. 5
Burke (Edmund) Collected Works, 3 vols,
4to 1792 l. a. 3. 3
Burke (Edmund) Works complete, 16 vols,
8vo 1826-27 l. a. 2. 7
Burke (Sir Bernard) Landed Gentry,
2 vols, royal 8vo i8g8 s. h. i. 5
Burn (R.) Ecclesiastical Law, 4 vols, 8vo
1775 l. c. 3. 4
Burnaby (Frank) On Horseback through
Asia Minor, 2 vols, 8vo 1887 a. l. i. 3
Burnaby. A Ride to Khiva, 8vo n. d. a. l. 1.3
Burnet (Bishop) Exposition of the 39
Articles, 8vo Oxford, 1796 l. d. 2. 4
Burnet (Bishop) History of his own Times,
4 vols, roy 8vo Oxford, 1818 l. a. 1. 10
Burnet (Bishop) History of the Reforma-
tion, 3 vols in 6, roy 8vo Oxford, 1816 l. a. i. 10
Burns (Robert) The Works of, with a life,
criticism of his writings, and remarks
on the Scottish Peasantry, 4 vols, 8vo
1813 d. f. 1. 1
Burton (Rev. Edward) Antiquities and
other Curiosities of Rome, 8vo
Oxford, 1 82 1 l. d. 2. 4
Burton (VVm.) Commentary on Antoninus's
Itinerary through Britain, sm. folio
1658 l. a. 1. 5
Bury (James) Pickings Up in Ireland, post
8vo 1859 n. n. 1. 3
Butler (C.) History of the Revolution of
the Empire of Germany, 8vo 1812 n. n. i. 5
Butler (Joseph) The Works of, 2 vols, 8vo
Edin., 1817 l. c. 3. 3
(HO O »)
14 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title.
Butler (Samuel) A Sketch of Modern and
Antient Geography, 8vo 1851 n. n. 2. 6
Butler (Dr. S.) Atlas of Ancient Geography,
roy 8vo 1877 n. n. i. 5
Butler (Samuel) Hudibras, in three parts,
with a preface, &c,, by Zachary Grey,
LL.D.. 2 vols, 8vo Cambridge, 1744 s. h. 3. 2
Buxton (Charles) The Ideas of the Day on
Policy, 8vo 1866 n. m. 1. 5
Byron (Lord) Don Juan, complete, 2 vols,
post 8vo 1828
Byron (Lord) Works, 6 vols, 8vo 1821-23
Byron (Lord) Sardanapalus, 2 vols, 8vo
Byron (Lord) Marino Faliero, 2 vols, 8vo
Caldecott (Randolph) Collection of Pictures
and Songs, with a preface by Austin
Dobson, large 4to 1887
Camden ( Wm.) Britannia, 2 vols, folio, n.d.
Campaigns of the British Army at Wash-
ington and New Orleans, by an Officer,
8vo 1821 n. n. 1. 4
Campbell (John, Lord) Lives of the Lord
Chancellors and Keepers of the Great
Seal of England, 7 vols, 8vo 1845-7 L - c - 2 - 3
Canada. The Fashionable Tour Guide to
Visitors to the Middle and Northern
States and Canada, i8mo 1830 l. d. 4. 1
Canning (Ihe Right Honble. Geo.)
Speeches, 8vo Liverpool, 1825 s. h. 2. 2
Capefigue (M.) Les Cent Jours, 3 vols,
i2mo Bruxelles, 1841 l. c. 2. 1
Cardonnel (Adam de) Picturesque Antiqui-
ties of Scotland, etched vignettes in
brown tint, 4to 1788 l. a. 1. J
Carew (Richard, of Antonie) The Survey
of Cornwall, 8vo 1602 a. l. i. 4
Library Catalogue. 15
Author and Title. is v %
on .£ j=
« U Q u>
Caricatures. Large collection of Carica-
tures, Satirical Prints, &c, mostly
coloured, but several tinted, and a few
plain, by Gillray, G. Cruickshank,
Rowlandson, Bunbury, Woodward,
Morland, and others, together about
1,000, folio and 4to, mounted and
bound into 4 large atlas folio volumes
Circa 1800 — 1820 l. a. 2. 10
Carlyle (Thomas) Chartism, post 8vo 1842 n. m. 2. 4
Carnot (L. N. M.) Reponse de, [2rao 1799 l. d. 4. 1
Carnot (L. N. M.) Reply of, 8vo 1799 s. h. 3. 2
Caroline de Lichfield, par Madame de ,
2 vols, i2mo 1786 l. c. 1. 1
Carstares (Wm.) State Papers and Letters
addressed to, 4to Edinburgh, 1774 l. a. 1.6
Cartwright (Dr. Edmund) Life and Writings
of, post 8vo 1843 n. m. 1. 3
Cary's Atlas of County Maps, 4to 1809 l. a. 3. 8
Cary's Roads, cr 8vo n.d. n. m. i. i
Catlin (Geo.) Manners, Customs and Con-
dition of the North American Indians,
400 illustrations, 2 vols, roy 8vo 1842 a. l. 2. 4
Caxton. Some Rules for the Conduct of
Life, a Caxton Memorial, post 8vo 1877 a. l. 2. 6
Cellini (Benvenuto) Vita di, da G. P. Car-
pani, 3 vols, 8vo Milano, 1806 l. c. 2. 4
Ceremonies and Customs of the Nations of
the known world, represented in cop-
perplates by the famous Picart, 6 vols,
folio 1731 l. a. 2. 9
Cervantes (M'guel de) Don Quichotte de
la Manche, 3 vols, 8vo 1799 d. f. 3. 1
Chalmers (Alex.) General Biographical
Dictionary, 32 vols bound in 16, 8vo
1812-17 L. E. I.I &2
1 6 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. Is f %
Chalmers (Thos., D.D.) The Christian and
Civic Economy of large towns, 3 vols,
8vo Glasgow, 1821 l. c. 4. 3
Chalmers (Thos., D.D.) On Political
Economy, 8vo 1832 l. c. 3. 3
Chambers (C. R.) Treatise on Leases and
Terms for Years, roy 8vo 1819 s. h. 1.4
Chambers (E.) Universal Dictionary of
Arts and Sciences (vol 2), folio 1738 l. a. i. i
Charlemont (James Caulfield, Earl of)
Memoirs of, by Francis Hardy, 4to
Charles (Mrs. R.) The Bertram Family,
post 8vo 1882 s. h. 2. 5
Charnock (John) History of Marine
Architecture, 3 vols, 4to 1800 l. a. 3. 8
Cbenier (M.) Present State of the Empire
of Morocco, 2 vols, 8vo 1788 l. d. 4. 2
Chetwynd (Sir G.) Racing Reminiscences,
2 vols, 8vo 1891 a l. 3. 4
Chevreul (M. E.) Principles of Colour, 8vo
1855 N. N. 2. 2
Chillingworth (Wm.) Works, 3 vols, 8vo
1820 l. c. 3. 4
Chippendale (Thos.) The Gentleman and
Cabinet Maker's Director, with 160
copperplates, folio 1755 l. a. 3. 9
Churchill (C.) The Works of, 4 vols, cr 8vo
1774 l. a. 1. 8
Cicero, Delectus Commentariorum in, ex
editione Josephi Oliveti, 3 vols, 8vo
1819 l. d. 3. 2
Cicero, Opera Omnia ex recensione J. A.
Ernesti, 8 vols, 8vo 1819 l. d. 3. 2
Cicero, the Orations of, translated into
English by W. Guthrie, 3 vols, 8vo
1745 l. d. 2. 4
Cicero, Life by Dr. C. Middleton, 2 vols,
8vo 1819 l. d. 3. 3
Library Catalogue. 17
Author and Title. | aj I |
Cabinet des Fees; Contes merveilleux, l. d. 3.4
41 vols, 8vo Pans, 1785 l. d. 4. 4
Chichelle. Stemmata Chicheleana, or
Genealogical Account of the families
derived from Thos. Chichele, of
Higham-Ferrers, and founder of All
Souls' College, Oxford, with 5 pages
of MSS. additions, showing the con-
nection of the Chichelle Family with
that of Humphrey Sturt, Esq., by
Rev. G. Bingham, Rector of Long
Critchell, 4to Oxford, 1765 l. a. 1. 4
Clarendon (Earl of) History of the Rebel-
lion and Civil Wars, 3 vols, folio
Oxford, 1704 l. a. 3. 2
Clarendon (Earl of) Collection of Tracts
by, folio 1747 l. a. 3. 2
Clark (Marcus) For the Term of his
Natural Life, 3 vols, post 8vo 1874 s. h. 2. 5
Clerk (John) On Naval Tactics, part I, 4to,
calf 1790 s. h. 2. 4
Clive (Lord), by Lord Macaulay, post 8vo
Cluveri (Philippi) Germanise Antiquse,
sm. folio, vellum 1616 l. a. 3. 8
Cobbett (W.) Rural Rides, cr 8vo 1853 n. m. 2. 2
Cobbett (Wm.) The Woodlands, a practical
treatise, 8vo 1825 l. c. 4. 3
Cobden Club. Essays on Local Govern-
ment and Taxation in the United
Kingdom, edited by J. W. Probyn,
post 8vo 1882 n. m. I. 2
Cobden (Richard) The Three Panics, cr
8vo 1884 a. l. 2. 6
Cobden (Richard), by Richard Gowing,
post 8vo 1885 a. l. 2. 6
Codes. Les cinq Codes du Royaume,
i8mo 1817 l. d. 3. 1
1 8 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | | | %
Cochrane (Capt. J. D., R.N.) Pedestrian
Journey through Russia and Siberian
Tartary, 2 vols, post 8vo 1825 L - A - 4- 9
Coke (Sir E.) Commentary on Littleton,
sm. folio 1670 l. a. 3. 2
Coke (Sir E.) Commentary on Littleton.
folio (2 copies) 1788 l. a. 2. 2
Collection des Memoires relatifs a la
Revolution Francaise, 3 vols, 8vo 1825 l. b. i. 3
Collier (Jeremy) Ecclesiastical History of
Great Britain, chiefly England, 2 vols,
folio 1708 l. a. 3. 9
Collier (W. F., LL.D.) History of English
Literature, cr. 8vo 1884 n. m. 2. 2
Collins (A.) Peerage of England, 5 vols,
8vo 1756 L. a. 3. 6
Colman (George) Prose, with a few pieces
of verse, 3 vols, post 8vo 1 7^7 L - A - 4- 9
Colman (Henry) The Agricultural and
Rural Economy of France, &c, 8vo
1848 S. H. I. 2
Common Prayer, The Book of, with en-
graved text throughout, vignettes,
initials and borders engraved on cop-
per, by James Sturt, post 8vo, full
morocco, with fine design in blind
tooling 1717 d. g. 3. 1
Common Prayer, The Book of, folio
London, 1706 l. a. 3. 1
Common Prayer, Book ot, interleaved.
8vo n.d.
Common's Derby, 1891. A large collec-
tion of Newspaper cuttings relating to
"Common" and the winning of the
Derby, 1891, imp. 4to, full morocco a. l. 2. 5
Conservative Speeches and Pamphlets, by
Sir Robt. Peel and others, 8vo v.d. n. n. 1.4
Constable (H. Strickland) Fashions cf the
day in Medicine and Science, 8vo
Kingston-upon-Huli, 1879 n. m. 1. 5
Library Catalogue. 19
Author and Title. | g | |
Conybeare (Rev. W. D.) Outlines of the
Geology of England and Wales, post
8VO l822 N. N. I. I
Cook (Capt. James) Voyage towards the
South Pole and Round the World, in
1772 to 1775, 2 vols, 4to, with folio l. a. 4. 2
atlas 1784 l. a. 3. 11
Cook (Capt. James) Voyage to the Pacific
Ocean, for making discoveries in the
Northern Hemisphere, in 1776-80,
with a description of the voyage by
Capt. King, 3 vols, 4to 1785 l. a. 4. 2
Cook (Capt. James) Life of, by Andrew
Kippis, F.R.S., 4to 1788 l. a. 4. 8
Cooke (G. W.) Act for the Enclosure of
Commons in England and Wales,
post 8vo 1846 n. m. 2. 2
Cooper (Fredk.) The Crisis in the Punjaub,
pOSt 8VO 1858 N. M. I. 4
Coreggio (Antino Allegri) Memorie istoriche
di, by Pungileoni, vols 1 and 2, 8vo
Parma. 1817 d. g. i. 2
Corneille (P.) CEuvres de, edited by
Voltaire, 12 vols, roy 8vo Paris, 1801 s. h. 2. 1
Corneille (P.) CEuvres complete, with
engravings by Gravelot and others, 12
vols, 8vo Paris, 1801 l. d. 3. 4
Cornelii Nepotis Vitse, roy. 4to 1790 l. a. 1.3
Cornhill Magazine, bound, vols 13-34, an d steward's
45-46, 24 vols, 8vo 1866-82 ROOM.
Costume of China. Sixty coloured en-
gravings, text in French and English,
by G. H. Mason, 4to Miller, 1800 l. a. 3. 9
Cottin (Madame) Mathilde, 4 vols, i2mo
1809 n. m. 1. 1
Cour des Pairs. Assassinat de la Duchesse
De Praslin, Procedure, 1 vol ; Extraits
de Lettres, 1 vol ; together 2 vols, 4to
Paris, 1847 l. a. 1.2
20 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. 1 « | sj
« U S w
Cowdell (Charles) On Pestilential Cholera,
8vo 1848 n. m. 1. 3
Cowper (William) Poems by, 2 vols, cr.
8vo 1788 l. a. 1. 8
Cowper (William) Life of, by Robert
Southey, 3 vols, post 8vo 1836 l. c. 5, 1
Coxe (Wm.) History of the House of
Austria, 5 vols, 8vo 1820 l. e. 1. 2
Coxe (Wm.) History of the Kings of Spain
of the House of Bourbon, 5 vols, 8vo
1815 l. e. 1. 2
Coxe (William) Travels into Poland,
Russia, Sweden and Denmark, 2 vols,
410 1785 l. a. 4. 8
Crabbe (G.) English S>nonymes Explained,
8vo 1829 a. l. 3. 1
Crabbe (Rev. George) Works of, 5 vols,
8vo 1823 d. f 1. 2
Craik (G. L.) The Pursuit of Knowledge
under difficulties, 2 vols, fcap. 8vo
1830 l. c. 4. 1
Cramer (Rev. J. A.) History of Antient
Greece, 3 vols, 8vo Oxford, 1828 l. d. 1.2
Cramer (Rev. J. A.) History and Descrip-
tion of Ancient Italy, 2 vols, 8vo
Oxford, 1826 l. d. 1. 2
Cranmer (Archbishop) Life of, by Le Bas,
2 vols, i2mo 1833 a. l. 2. 6
Crantz (David) History of Greenland,
translated from the High-Dutch, 2
vols, 8vo 1767 s. h. 1.3
Crimean War. The Siege of Sebastopol,
maps and plans of the Engineers'
operations, in thick 4to case
Longman & Co. s. h. 1.6
Crimean War. Description of a View of
Sebastopol, shewing the progress of
the War, exhibited at Leicester Square,
8vo 1856 n. m. 2. 5
Library Catalogue. 2 i
Author and Title. is | |
So 5 w
Croker (J. W.) Correspondence, edited by
L. J. Jennings, 3 vols, 8vo 1885 a. l. 3. 5
Cromwell (Oliver), by Frederick Harrison,
post 8vo 1888 n. m. 1. 2
Crowe (E. E,) History of France, 3 vols,
i2mo 1830 a. l. 2. 7
Crowe (E. E.) History of France, 5 vols,
8vo 1858 s. h. 2. 1
Curtis (Wm.) Flora Londinensis, plates
and descriptions of plants in the En-
virons of London, 2 vols, folio
1777-98 l. a. 3. 11
Cushing (Caleb) The Treaty of Washing-
ton, post 8vo 1873 s. h. 3. 2
distance (Henry) Riding Recollections
and Turf Stories, large paper, 4to, 1864 a. l. 3. 4
Custine (Le Marquis de) La Russie en
1839, 4 vols, post 8vo Paris, 1843 l. c. 1. 1
Cuvier (Baron) Recherches sur Les
Ossemens Fossiles de Quadrupedes,
plates, 4 vols, 4to Paris, 181 2 l. a. 3. 8
Dallas (G. M.) A Series of Letters from
London, written during the years
1856, 57, 59 and i860, 2 vols in 1, 8vo
1869 s. h. 3. 3
Dallaway (James) Constantinople and the
Islands of the Archipelago, 4to
Bensley, 1797 l. a. 2. 3
Dalrymple (Sir David) Annals of Scotland,
2 vols, 4to 1776 l. a. 4. 8
Dalton (Michael) Justices of the Peace,
sm. folio l. a. 3. 8
Dalton (Rev. W.) Commentary on the
New Testament, 2 vols, 8vo 1848 a. l. 3. 1
Dante. La Divina Commedia, 3 vols, 4to
1796 l. a. 1. 3
Dante, The Inferno by H. F. Cary, 2 vols,
i2mo 1805 l. c. 2. 1
22 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. i i | |
Dante (Alighieri) La Durna Commedia di,
Le Principali cose appartenenti Alia
Durna Commedia, Correlta sprejata e
disesia dal P. B. Lombardi, 8 vols, zito,
Roma, 1815-1817 d. f. 3. 3
D'Aubigne (J. H. Merle) Histoire de La
Reformation du Seizieme Siecle,4 vols,
8vo 1839 a. l. 2. 4
D'Aubigne (Theodore A.) The Life of,
8vo 1772 l. d. 3. 3
Davidson (Samuel, D.D.) The Text of the
Old Testament considered, thick 8vo
1859 n. n. 1. 6
Davies (B. R.) Large Folding Map of
Central Europe, post 8vo n.d. n. m. i. 3
Davies (Sir John) Historical Tracts, 8vo
1786 s. h. 2. 2
Davies (J. Trevor) The Voters' Guide,
i2mo 1885 a. l. 2. 6
Davila (Arrigo Caterino) Dell' istoria delle
guerre ciyili di Francia, 6 vols, post
8vo Milano, 1807 l. c. 4. 2
D'Avrigni (C. J. L.) Jeanne D'Arc a
Rouen, post 8vo 1819 n. m. 2. 5
Day (Wm.) The Racehorse in Training,
with hints on racing and racing re-
forms, 8vo 1880 a. l. 3. 4
Day (Wm.) Reminiscences of the Turf,
8vo 1886 a. l. 3. 4
Day (Wm.) Turf Celebrities I have known,
8vo 1891 a. l. 3. 4
De Calonne (M.) Requete ou Roi, sm. 4to
1787 L. A. 2. 8
De Calonne (M.) Reponse a l'Ecrit de
M. Necker, 1787, 410 1788 l. a. 2. 8
Defoe (Daniel) History of the Union
between England and Scotland. 4to
1786 l. a. 1. 4
Library Catalogue. 23
mo 5 c/)
Delane (W. F. A.) Decisions in the Courts
for revising the lists of Electors, post
8vo 1836 a. l. 2. 6
De La Rochette. Map of South America,
folded in morocco case, 4to 1807 l. a. 1.2
De Lolme (J. L.) The Constitution of
England, 8vo 1777 s. h. i. 3
Delphino (San Joseph) New Spanish
Grammar, 8vo 1880 n. n. 2. 4
Derby (Earl) Translations of Poems,
Ancient and Modern, cr 8vo 1862 n. m. 1.4
Desodoards (A. F.) Histoire Philosophique
de la Revolution de France, 6 vols,
8vo Paris, 1817 d. g. i. 2
De Stael (Madame) CEuvres Completes,
17 vols, 8vo Paris, 1820 d. g. 2. 2
Destailleur (M. H.) Recueil d'Estampes
Relatives a l'Ornamentation des
Appartements aux 16th du 18th
Siecles, 2 vols, folio Paris, 1858 l. a. 2. 9
Devon. Ordnance Map, folded in 4to
case n.d. l. a. 1. 2
Dickens (Chas.) Works, 10 vols, post 8vo,
" Charles Dickens' Edition " s. h. 2. 5
Dickens (Chas.) Little Dorrit, 8vo 1857 a. l. 1. 4
Dickens (Chas.) Pickwick Papers, cr. 8vo
N.D. N. M. 2. 4
Dickens (Chas.) Life of, by John Forster,
8VO 1878 N. N. 2. 2
Dickson (R. W.) Practical Agriculture,
2 vols, 4to 1805 g. j. 5.
Dictionary. Historical, Geographical and
Poetical, 2 vols, folio 1694 l. a. i. i
Dictionary of Quotations from the Greek,
Latin and Modern Languages, post
8vo 1859 n. m. 2. 2
Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 2
vols, sm. 4to a Paris, 1814 d. g. 3. 3
24 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. § » 1 =2
Dirom (Major) Campaign in India against
Tippoo Sultan, 1792, 4-to 1793 l. a. i. 4
Disney (John) The Acts relative to Elec-
tions, 8vo 1811 n. n. 1. 1
Disraeli (Benjamin) Earl of Beaconsfield,
K.G. Cartocns from " Punch," 4to
1878 s. h. 3. 4
Disraeli (Benjamin) Henrietta Temple,
3 vols, cr. 8vo !837 n. n. i. 2
Disraeli (Benjamin) Lothair, 3 vols, post
8vo 1870 n. n. 1. 3
Dixon (Capt. George) Voyage Round the
World, particularly the N.W. Coasts
of America, in the years 1785 to 1788,
4to 1789 l. a. 4. 2
Dixon (Rev. E. S.) Ornamental and
Domestic Poultry, cr. 8vo 1850 a. l. 2. 7
Dixon (W. Hepworth) Spiritual Wives,
2 vols, 8vo 1868 s. h. 2. 2
Dobell (H.) On Diet and Regimen, cr. 8vo
1872 N. M. 2. 4
Donaldson (John) Enemies to Agriculture,
8vo 1847 N. M. I. 6
Donovan (E., F.L.S.) Natural History of
British Fishes, with hand-coloured
plates, 5 vols, roy. 8vo 1802-8 s. h. 3. 4
Donovan (E.) Natural History of British
Insects, with fine series of coloured
plates, 16 vols, roy. 8vo 1804 s. h. 3. 4
Dorset. A Chronicle of Cranbourne Town
and Chase, 8vo 1841 a. l. 3. 4
Dorset. Another copy n. n. 2. 4
Dorset. Catalogues of the Birds, Shells,
and Rare Plants of Dorsetshire, by
Richard Pulteney, folio 1813 l. a. 3. 9
Dorset. Civil Division of the County of
Dorset, by Edward Boswell, 8vo (3 n. m. 1. 5
copies) Dorchester, 1833 n. m. 1.6
Library Catalogue. 25
Author and Title. i s | %
« u 5 o)
Dorset. Cranbourne Chace ; account of
negociation for obtaining the disfran-
chisement of, 4to 1791 s. h. 3. 5
Dorset. Damon (Robert) Handbook to
the Geology of Weymouth and the
Isle of Portland, i2mo i860 a. l. 2. 6
Dorset. Domesday Book ; facsimile of
the part relating to Dorsetshire, 4to
(10 copies) 1086-1862 a. l. 2. 5
Dorset. History of the Town and County
of Poole, by John Sydendem, 8vo
Poole, 1839 s - H - l - 2
Dorset. Hutchins (John) History and
Antiquities of the County of Dorset,
2 vols, folio 1774 a. l. 2. 5
Dorset. Hutchins (John) History and
Antiquities of the County of Dorset,
third edition, edited by Shipp and
Hodson, with engravings, pedigrees,
&c, 4 vols, folio 1861-70 l. a. 3. 9
Dorset. Illustrated by a series of tinted
plates, from photographs by J. Pouncy,
4 vols in 2, oblong folio (2 copies) 1859 n. n. 2. 7
Dorset. Poll-book for the County of, 8vo
Dorchester, 1857 n. m. 2. 4
Dorset. Rules and Standing Orders of
the Dorset Quarter Sessions, 8vo, (2
copies) 1867-8 n. m. 1. 3
Dorset. Sketches in Prose and Verse, in,
round and about Weymouth ; presen-
tation copy from the Princess of Wales,
i2mo, bound in watered silk, gilt
tooled Weymouth, n.d. a. l. 2. 6
Douglas (General Sir Howard) Modern
Systems of Fortifications, 8vo 1859 n. m. 1. 5
Douglas (Genl. Sir Howard) Treatise on
Naval Gunnery, thick 8vo i860 s. h. 3. 3
Drinkwater (John) History of the Siege of
Gibraltar, 41.0 1786 l. a. i. 4
26 Library Catalogue.
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(SO Q 1/3
Dryden (John) Complete Works, with
notes and life by Sir Walter Scott,
18 vols, 8vo 1821 l. a. 2. 7
Ducarel (Doctor) Antiquities of Normandy,
folio 1767 l. a. 3. 9
Du Chaillu (Paul) Explorations and Adven-
tures in Equatorial Africa, 8vo 1861 a. l. 1.3
Dumouriez (General) La Vie de, 3 vols,
i2mo Hamburg, 1795 n. m. i. i
Duval (M. Georges) Souvenirs de La
Terreur de 1788 a 1793, 2 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1 841 l. b. 1. 2
Dyer (T. H.) History of Modern Europe,
1453-1857, 4 vols, 8vo 1861 a. l. 1. 5
Dyson (C. E.) Bird-keeping, cr. 8vo 1878 n. m. 2. 2
Eagles (W.) Acts for the Commutation of
Tithes, post 8vo 1837 A - L - 2 - 6
East-India. Pilot (The) Complete Col-
lections of Charts, Maps, Plans, &c,
for the Indian and China Seas, and
the Seas between the British Is^s and
the Cape of Good Hope, 2 vols, atlas
folio 1783, &c. l. a. 2. 10
Ebel (J. G.) Manual du Voyageur en
Suisse, 4 vols, post 8vo Zurich, 1810 n. n. 2. 1
Ebel (J. G.) Manual du Voyageur en
Suisse, 4 vols, 8vo, parchment
Zurich, 1810 s. h. 1. 3
Ebel (J. G.) Manuel du Voyageur en
Suisse, i2mo 1816 n. m. 2. 4
Ecclesiologist, The, vols 1 and 2, 8vo
Cambridge, 1843 s. h. 3. 3
Echard (Lawrence) History of England to
James I., 3 vols, folio 1718 l. a. 2. 2
Education. Minutes of Committee of
Council of, 8vo 1842-3 n. m. 1.6
Ecton (John) Thesaurus Rerum Eccle-
siasticarum, 4to 1754 l. a. 3. 3
Libyayy Catalogue. 27
Author and Title. | s | |
Ede (James) Complete View of all the
Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations,
sq. i2mo n.d. a. l. 2. b
Edge and Hardy on the Management of
Parliamentary Elections, 8vo 1885 n. n. 2. 5
Edgeworth (Maria) Harrington and
Ormond, 3 vols, i2ino 1817 l. c. 4. 1
Edgeworth (Maria) Moral Tales, 3 vols,
i2mo 1816 l. c. 4. 1
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i2mo 1814 l. c. 4. 1
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Life, 6 vols, 121x10 1815 l. c. 4. 1
Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal,
vols 1-98, from 1802 to 1853, 99 vols,
with index, 8vo Edinburgh, 1802-53 g. 1. 1 to 3
Edinburgh Review. Selection of the best
articles, edited by Maurice Cross,
4 vols, 8vo 1833 s. h. 3. 1
Edmondson (Joseph) Baronagium Genea-
logicum, or the Pedigrees of the
English Peers, originally compiled by
Sir William Segar, Kt., 6 vols, folio
1784 l. a. 3. 11
Edmondson (Joseph) Complete Body of
Heraldry, copper plates, 2 vols, folio
I780 L. A. 3. II
Edward and Sophia, a novel, by a lady,
2 vols, post 8vo 1787 N. M. I.I
Edwards (Bryan) History of the British
Colonies in the West Indies, 2 vols,
4to !794 L - a. 1. 6
Egerton (Lady Frances) Journal of a Tour
in the Holy Land, 8vo 1841 n. m. 1.4
Egerton (Lady Frances) Another copy n. n. 1.6
Eight Months on Active Service, a diary
of a General Officer of Cavalry in
1854, 8vo n.d. n. m. 1. 5
28 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | « | =
Elegant Epistles. A copious collection of
familiar and amusing letters, roy. 8vo
1794 a. l. 3. 6
Elgin (Earl of) Pursuits in Greece, 8vo
1811 n. n. 2. 6
Eliot (Geo.) Adam Bede, post 8vo n.d. n. n. i. 3
Eliot (Geo.) The Mill on the Floss, post
8vo, 3 vols i860 n. n. 2. 3
Eliot (W. G.) The Bombardier and Pocket
Gunner, i2mo 1827 l. d. 4. j
Ellicott (Bp.) Historical Lectures on the
Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 8vo
1876 n. n. 1. 6
Elliott (Sir Gilbert, first Earl of Minto)
Life and Letters of, by the Countess
of Minto, from 1751 to 1806, 3 vols,
post 8vo 1874 a. l. 1. 2
Ellis (Hon. G. A.) On the Character of
Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, cr
8vo 1827 l. a. 1. 8
England. History of, in a series of
Letters from a Nobleman to his Son,
2 vols in 1, cr 8vo 1834 n. m. i. 2
English Baronetage (The) 5 vols, 8vo
1741 l. a. 3. 6
Erasmus, Life of, by J. Jortin, 4to 1758 l. a. i. 5
Ermeler's German Reader, cr. 8vo 1844 n. m. 2. 2
Essex Ordnance Map, folded in 4to case
n.d. l. a. 1. 2
Essays, critical and miscellaneous, with
extracts from a Tourist's Journal, post
8vo Bath, 1839 n. m. 1. 4
Este (C.) Journey in the year 1793,
through Flanders, Brabant, and Ger-
many to Switzerland, 8vo 1795 L - D - 3- 3
Etat General des Routes de Poste de
l'Empire Frangaise, post 8vo 1812 n. m. i. 3
Eustace (J. C.) A Classical Tour through
Italy, 3 vols, 8vo Leghorn, 18 18 n. n. i. i
Library Catalogue. 29
Author and Title. | % | j
a 3 3 5
Evans (A. J.) Through Bosnia and the
Herzegovina, 8vo 1876 n. n. 2. 5
Evans (John) The Denominations of the
Christian World, i2mo 1802 a. l. 2. 6
Evanson (Dr. R. T.) On the Management
and Diseases of Children, 8vo
Dublin, 1847 n. m. 2. 5
Evelyn (John) Memoirs and Correspon-
dence, with letters of Charles I., ed.
by Wm. Bray, 2 vols, 4to 1819 l. a. 1.2
Evelyn (John) Silva, a discourse on
Forest Trees, 4to 1776 l. a. 3. 8
Executors, The office and duty of, by
T. M., Esq., i8mo 1676 l. d. 3. 1
Exhibition of 1851. Art Journal, Illus-
trated Catalogue of, 4to 185 1 s. h. 3. 6
Eyre (Lieut. Vincent) Military Operations
at Cabul, post 8vo 1843 n. m. 2. 3
Falconer (Wm.) Marine Dictionary, 41.0
I784 L. A. 2. 3
Farningham (M.) Poems, cr. 8vo 1869 n. m. 2. 2
Farrar (Canon F. W.) Life of Christ,
2 vols, 8vo n.d. n. n. 1. 4
Farrar (Canon F. W.) Life and Work of
St. Paul, 2 vols, 8vo n.d. n. n. 1. 4
Favenc (Ernest) History of Australian
Explorations from 1788 to 1888, roy.
8vo n.d. a. l. 1. 6
Favourite (The) of Nature, a tale, 3 vols,
i2mo 1821 l. c. 4. 1
Felibien (Mons.) The Tent of Darius
explained, or the Queens of Persia at
the Feet of Alexander, folio I7°3 n. n. 2. 7
Fellows (Charles) Discoveries in Lycia
and Asia Minor, imp 8vo 1841 a. l. 2. 4
Fellows (Charles) Journal of an Excursion
in Asia Minor in 1838 1839 A - L - 2 - 4
Fenelon, CEuvres de. to vols, 8vo
Paris, 1822 d. g. 2. 1
30 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title, | g | |
« o 5 c/5
Fenn on the English and Foreign Funds,
i2mo 1854 a. l. 2. 6
Fenn. Another Edition, i2mo i860
Ferguson (Adam) History of the Roman
Republic, 3 vols, 4to 1783 l. a. 3. 3
Ferguson (Adam) Moral and Political
Science, 2 vols, 4to 1792 l. a. 2. 8
Fergusson (J.) System of Fortification,
imp. 8vo 1849 l. a. 2. 8
Ferrieres (Marquis de) Memoires du, par
M. Berville et Barriere, 3 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1 82 1 l. d. 2. 3
Ferry (Benjamin) Antiquities of Christ-
church, Hants, 4to 1834 s - H - 2 - 6
Feiullet (Octave) Le Roman d'un Jeune
Homme Pauvre, cr. 8vo Paris, 1858 n. m. 2. 2
Fielding (Henry) Works, edited by Arthur
Murphy, 10 vols, 8vo 1821 a. l. 2. 3
Filicaia (Vincenzio da) Poesie Toscane,
2 vols, i2mo Venezia, 181 2 l. d. 3. i
Flechier, Oraisons Funebres. i2mo
Paris, 1810 n. m. 1. 1
Flora von St. Moritz. Pontresina und
umgebung, natural specimens, mounted
in small 4to case n.d. d. table
Florian (M. de) Estelle, pastorale, i8mo
1798 l. d. 4. 1
Formularies of Faith during the Reign of
Henry VIII., 8vo Oxford, 1825 L -. D - 2 - 2
Forrest (Thos.) Voyage from Calcutta to
the Mergui Archipelago, 4to 1792 l. a. 2. 8
Forster (George) Voyage Round the
World, 3 vols, 4to 1777 l. a. 4. 2
Forster (The Rt. Hon. W. E.) Life, by
T. Wemyss Reid, 2 vols, 8vo 1888 s. h. 2. 3
Forsyth (Rev. J. H.) Memoir of, by the
Rev. E. Wilson, 8vo 1850 a. l. 3. 3
Fox (Rt. Hon. C. J.) Speeches of, 6 vols,
8vo 1815 l. a. 2. 7
L ibva ry Catalogue . 3 1
AUTHOK AND TlTLE. | jjj | |
Frampton (Mary) Journal of, from 1779 to
1846, edited by H. Georgiana Mundy,
8VO 1885 N. N. 2. 5
France. Collection Universelle des
Memoires particuliers relatifs a L'His-
toire de France, 66 vols, 8vo 1785-90 l. g. i. 2 to 4
France. Description of the Maritime parts
of France, including fortifications, &c,
with coloured atlas of plans, maps,
and views, by T. Jefferys, 2 vols,
oblong 4to (London) 1765 l. a. 2. 3
Francis (Francis) Fish Culture, post 8vo
1865 N. N. I. 2
Francis (John) History of the Bank of
England, its times and traditions,
2 vols, 8vo ^47 s. h. 3. 2
Franklin (John) Journey to the Polar Sea,
1819-22, coloured plates, 4to 1823 l. a. i. 4
Fraser (James) Handbook for Ireland,
post 8vo 1849 n. m. 2. 4
Frederic II. Roi de Prusse, CEuvres com-
pletes, 17 vols, 8vo 1790 l. a. 2. 5
Frederick III. (King) Memoirs of the Life
and Reign of, by J. Towers, 2 vols,
8VO I788 N. N. 2. 4
French Coasting Pilot, folding maps, 4to
1793 l, a. 1. 6
Frezier (M.) Voyage to the South Sea and
the Coasts of Chili and Peru, 1712-14,
sm. 4to 1717 l. a. 1. 7
Froissart (Sir John) Chronicles of England,
France, Spain, and the adjoining
Countries, translated by Tliomas
Johnes, 13 vols, 8vo 1805 l. e. 2. 1
Froude (J. A.) History of England, vols
1 to 8, 8vo
Froude (J. A.) Oceana, cr. 8vo
Froude (J. A.) Short Studies
Subjects, 4 vols, cr. 8vo
S. H.
I. I
N. M.
2. I
A. L.
I. I
32 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | s •§ |
a o 5 w
Froude (J. A.) Short Studies on Great
Subjects, 3 vols, cr. 8vo 1 &77 N - M - 2 - x
Froude (J. A.) The English in Ireland,
3 vols, cr 8vo 1886
Fry (Caroline) The Scripture Readers'
Guide, i2mo 1828 l. d. 3. 1
Fuller (Thomas) Church History of
Britain, 3 vols, 8vo 1837 L - c - 3- 2
Fuller (Dr. Thos.) History of the Worthies
of England, folio 1662 l. a. i. i
Futurity, by the Author of " Emanuel,"
8vo Cork, 1837 n. n. 1. 5
Galerie du Musee Napoleon publie par
Filhol, 10 vols, imp. 8vo Paris, 1804 d. f. i. 3
Galerie Royale de Dresde, Catalogue
des Tableaux, i2mo Dresde, 1817
Galignani"s Picture of Paris, i2mo 1819 l. d. 3. 1
Garnett (Dr. T.) Tour through the High-
lands and the Western Isles of Scot-
land, 52 aqua tinta plates, 2 vols, 4to
1800 l. a. 1. 4
Gartenlaube (The) 2 vols, 4to 1874 a. l. 2. 5
Gatty (Mrs. Alfred) Parables from Nature,
2 vols, i2mo 1868 a. l. 2. 6
Gell (Sir Wm.) and Gandy (J. P.) Pom-
peiana, the topography, edifices and
ornaments of Pompeii, roy 8vo
1817-19 n. m. 2. 6
Genlis (M. de) Les Voeux Temeraires,
3 vols, i2mo Paris, 1807 l. c. 3. 1
Gentleman's Magazine (The), first series,
vols 1 to 58, 1 73 1 to 1787, 62 vols, 8vo l. a. 3, 4&5
Geographia Antiqua. 22 Maps of the
Ancient World, folio n.d. l. a. 2. 10
George III. History of the Second
Decade of, 8vo 1782 s. h. 3. 3
Giannone (P.) Istoria Civile del regno di
Napoli, 5 vols, 4to 1762 l. a. 3. 3
Library Catalogue. 33
Author and Title. Is f |
Gibbon (Edward) History of the Decline
and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6 vols,
4to 1777 D - G - 3- 3
Gilbart (J. W.) History and Principles of
Banking, 8vo 1834 n. m. i. 6
Gillies (Dr. John) History of Ancient
Greece, 4 vols, 8vo J 7^>7 L - A - 3- 7
Gillies (Dr. John) Orations of Lysias and
Isocrates, translated, 4to 1778 l. a. 3. 3
Gladstone (Rt. Honble. W. E., M.P.)
Ancient Greece, an address, 8vo 1865 n. n. 2. 4
Gladstone (Rt. Honble. W. E.) The State
in its relation to the Church (2nd copy), s. h. 3.3
8vo 1838 n. m. 1. 5
Gladstone Memorial (The) being the
Graphic Special Number, folio 1898 n. n. 2. 7
Gleig (G. R.) The Subaltern, a romance,
fcap. 8vo 1855 a. l. 2. 6
Godwin (Wm.) Mandeville, a tale of the
17th Century, 3 vols, i2mo
Edin., 1817 l. c. 1. 1
Godwin (Wm.) Political Justice, 2 vols,
4to l 793 L - A - 2 - 8
Godwin (Wm.) St. Leon, 4 vols, 121x10 1816 l. c. 2. 1
Godwin (Wm.) Things as they are, the
Adventures of Caleb Williams, 3 vols,
i2mo 170,6 l. a. 3. 10
Goethe's Faust. Retsch's Illustrations to,
oblong i2mo Stuttgart, 1820 n. n. 2. 5
Goldsmith (Oliver) History of England,
cr. 8vo 1848 a. l. 2. 7
Goldsmith (Oliver) History of the Earth
and Animated Nature, 8 vols, 8vo
1779 l. d. 2. 4
Goodhugh (Wm.) Lectures on Biblical
Literature, 8vo 1838 N. m. i. 4
Gordon (Chas.) Life of, by A. Forbes, cr.
8vo 1884 n. m. 1. 2
34 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. g g | =
K 6 Q 55
Gordon (Lady Duff) Letters from Egypt,
post 8vo 1866 N. N. i. 2
Gordon (Wm, D.D.) History of the
Independence of the United States of
America, with an account of the late
War and the Thirteen Colonies, 4 vols,
8vo 1788 l. d. 4. 3
Goschen (G. J., M.P.) Theory of the
Foreign Exchanges, 8vo 1864 n. n. 2. 6
Gould (F. Carruthers) The Khaki Cam-
paign, Westminster Cartoons, General
Election, 1900, folio 1900 a. table
Gould (John) The Birds of Great Britain,
with 367 plates, painted from nature,
5 vols, folio 1873 l. a. 3. 11
Gould (Rev. S. Baring) Conscience and
Sin, post 8vo 1891 a. l. i. i
Graeci Poetae, selecta ex, in usum regiae
Scholae Etonensis, 8vo 1806 n. n. 2. 6
Graecis. Selecta ex scriptoribus ; in usum
regiae Scholae Etonensis, post 8vo n. m. i. 4
Graglia (C.) Pocket Dictionary of the
Italian and English Languages, with
a Grammar, i8mo 1815 l. d. 3. 1
Graham (T.J.) Modern Domestic Medicine,
8vo 1840 N. m. [. 6
Granger (Rev. J.) Biographical History of
England, 4 vols, 8vo 1779 d. f. i. 2
Granger (Rev. J.) Biographical History of
England, two volumes, enlarged to
eight volumes by the insertion of
hundreds of fine portraits, 4to 1769 l. a. i. 6
Granger (Rev. James) Supplement to a
Biographical History of England,
2 vols, sm. 4to J 774 L - A - *• I0
Graphic (The) An Illustrated Newspaper,
volumes 27 to 48, 20 vols, folio n. m. 1.7
1883-97 N M - 2 - 7
Grattan (T. C) History of the Nether-
lands, i2mo 1830 a. l. 2. 7
Library Catalogue. 35
Author and Title. § g J |
Pi U Q co
Gray (John) Lectures on the Nature and
Uses of Money, 8vo 1848 n. m. 2.6
Gray (Mrs. Hamilton) Tour to the
Sepulchres of Etruria in 1839, post
8vo 1841 n. m. 2. 3
Greece, History of, from the earliest times,
8vo 1829 l. d. 3. 3
Another copy n. n. 2. 6
Greenwood (W.) Map of the County of
Middlesex, in roy. 8vo case n.d. l. a. 2. 3
Greenwood (C.) Map of Wiltshire, coloured
and folded in calf case, roy. 8vo 1820 s. h. 2. 4
Grenadier Guards. Costumes of the First
Regiment from 1660, oblong folio 1854 l. a. 2. 10
Gresset (N.) GEuvres de, 2 vols, i2mo
Rouen, 1788
Greville Memoirs (The) 3 vols, 8vo 1874
Grey (Earl) Essay on Reform of Parha-
ment, 8vo i8=;8
Grimestone (Ed.) History of the Nether-
lands to 1608, small folio 1608
Grose (Francis) Ancient Armour and
Weapons, 48 plates, 4to 1786
Grose (Francis) Antiquities of England
and W T ales, extensive series of plates,
8 vols, roy. 8vo 1787 d. f. 2. 3
Grose (Francis) Provincial Glossary, with
local proverbs and popular super-
stitions, 8vo 1787 l. d. 3. 3
Guarini (B.) II Pastor Fido, 4to 1793 l. a. 1.3
Second copy a. l. 2. 5
Guarini (B.) II Pastor Fido, 8vo
Milano, 1807 l. d. 3. 2
Guicciardini (Francesco) Delle Historie
d'ltalie, 8 vols, 8vo 1818 n. n. i. i
36 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | & J |
Guicciardini (Francesco) History of Italy,
1490-1532, translated into English by
A. P. Goddard, 10 vols, 8vo 1753 l. a. 3. 6
Guizot (M.) L'Eglise et La Societe Chre-
tiennes en 1861, 3 vols Paris, 1861 l. c. 2. 4
Gustavus Adolphus, History of, by B.
Chapman, 8vo 1852 n. m. i. 5
Guthrie (Dr. T.) The City : its Sins and
Sorrows, post 8vo 1857 n. m. 1.3
Guthrie (Wm.) System of Modern Geo-
graphy, 4to 1786 s. h. 1.4
Gwilt (J.) Encyclopedia of Architecture,
8vo 1842 s. h. 2. 3
Gwilt (J.) Notitia Architectonica Italiana,
8vo 1818 s. h. 2. 2
Hall (Captain Basil) Forty Etchings from
sketches made in North America,
1827-28, 4to 1830 l. a: 1. 4
Hall (Capt. Basil, R.N.) Travels in North
America in 1827 an d 1828, 3 vols,
post 8vo 1830 n. n. 1. 2
Hall (Mrs, S. C.) Animal Sagacity, sq. 8vo
n.d. l. c. 3. 4
Hallam (Henry) Constitutional History of
England, 2 vols, 4to 1827 L - A - 3- 3
Hallam (Henry) History of Europe during
the Middle Ages, 3 vols, 8vo 1822 l. d. 2. 2
Hamilton (Sir Wm.) Campi Phlegrsei, 2
vols, folio 1776-1779 l. a. 2. 9
Hampshire (North) Farm Reports in, 8vo
n.d. n. n. 1. 6
Hamstead (Capt. John) Treatise on Naval
Tactics, 4to 1808 l. a. 2. 8
Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, 1st
series, 41 vols, complete ; 2nd series,
25 vols, complete ; 3rd series, vols 1
to 193, and 204 to 332 ; together 387
vols, 8vo 1803 to 1888 1. j. & K
Library Catalogue. 37
Author and Title. Is f j
Hansford (L. M. P.) War contrasted with
Peace, i2mo Weymouth, 1840 a. l. 2. 6
Hardy (Thomas) Far from the Madding
Crowd, post 8vo 1885
Hare (Augustus J. C.) Venice, i2mo 1888
Harleian Miscellany (The) Collection of
scarce Pamphlets and Tracts, 8 vols,
4to 1744-46
Harrington (James) Oceana, and other
Works, with life, 4to 1771
Harris (James) Three Treatises on Art,
&c, 2 vols, 8vo 1765 l. d. 3. 2
Harris (John) Lexicon Technicum, English
Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vols,
sm. folio 1723 l. a. 3. 2
Hart's Army List for 1884, 8vo, cloth
1884 s. h. 1. 4
Hastings (Warren) Articles and Charges
of High Treason against him, pre-
sented to the House by Edmund
Burke, 8vo 1786 s. h. 2. 2
Hatsell's Precedents of Proceedings in
the House of Commons, 4 vols, 4to
1818 s. h. 2. 4
Hawkins (A.) History of the Turkish, or
Ottoman Empire, from its founda-
tions to the peace of Belgrade in 1740,
4 vols, 8vo 1787 l. a. 3. 6
Haydn, Dictionary of Dates, edited by
B. Vincent, roy. 8vo 1885 s. h. i. 5
Heeren (A. H. L.) The Political System of
Europe and its Colonies, 2 vols, 8vo
Oxford, 1834 N - N - i-4
Helvig (Capt. Hugo) Operations of the
Bavarian Army, 1870-71, 2 vols, 8vo
1874 n. m. 2. 5
Henpecked Husband (The) a novel, 3 vols,
cr. 8vo 1850 a l. 1.1
38 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | i | |
Henry the Second, by Mrs. J. R. Green,
post 8vo, English Statesmen Series, 1888 n. m. i. 2
Herbert (Rev. G. W.) Notes on Cate-
chisings for the use of Clergy and
Teachers, cr. 8vo n.d. n. m. 2. 2
Herbert (Nicholas) and Jenkin (A. F.)
The Councillor's Handbook, 8vo 1888 a. l. i. i
Herculaneum. Catalogo degli Antichi
Monumenti di Ercolano, per ordine
della maesta Di Carlo, folio
Napoli, 1755 l. a. 2. g
Herculaneum. Le Pitture Antiche
D'Ercolano, incise con qualche spie-
gazions, 5 vols, folio Napoli, 1757 l. a. 2. 9
Heron (Robert) Information concerning
the Powers presently at War, 8vo
Edin., 1794 l. d. 4. 2
Heylyn (Peter) Cosmographie of the
World, sm. folio 1677 l. a. 3. 2
Hill (Dr. John) Timber Trees, Growth and
Construction, folio J 774
Hill (S. S.) Travels in Siberia, 2 vols,
post 8vo 1854 l. a. 4. 9
Histoire de la Revolution de France, 19
vols, i6mo Paris, 1792 l. d. 2. i
Histoire de la Restauration par un Homme
d'Etat, 2 vols, roy. 8vo
Bruxelles, 1837 s. h. 3. 4
Hoare (Sir Richard Colt) The Ancient
History of Wiltshire, 2 vols, folio 1812 l. a. 3. 11
Hobson's Fox Hunting Atlas, 42 maps,
of the Counties, coloured, folio n.d. s. h. 2. 6
Hodde (Lucien de la) Histoire des Societes
Secrets de 1830 a 1848, 8vo
Paris, 1850 n. m. 1.4
Hodson (Major) Twelve Years of a Soldier's
Life in India, post 8vo 1859 n. n. i. 2
Hogarth (Wm.) The Analysis of Beauty,
4to 1753 l. a. 1. 6
Library Catalogue. 39
Ai'thor and Title. § si I ^
S5 U
Hogarth (Wm.) Works, from the original
plates, edited by John Nichols, atlas
folio Baldwin & Cradock, n.d. l. a. 2. 10
Holcroft (Thos.) The Adventures of Hugh
Trevor, 6 vols, i2mo 1794 l. a. 1.8
Holdsworth (W. A.) The Allotments Acts,
1887, cr. 8vo 1888 a. l. 2. 7
Homer, The Iliad and Odyssey, trans-
lated by Alex. Pope, 9 vols, post 8vo
1771 l. a. 4. 6
Homeri Ilias, 2 vols, 8vo 181 1 l. d. 3. 2
Homeri Odyssea, 2 vols, 8vo n.d. l. d. 3. 2
Homilies and Sermons appointed to be
read in Churches in the time of Queen
Elizabeth, 8vo 1882 l. d. 4. 3
Hood (Charles) On warming buildings by
hot water, 8vo 1837 n. m. 1.6
Hooke (N.) The Roman History from the
Building of Rome to Ruin of the
Commonwealth, n vols, 8vo 1818 l. d. 3. 3
Hooker (Richard, D.D.) The Works of,
3 vols, 8vo Oxford, 1807 s. h. 3. 1
Hooker (Richard, D.D.) The Works of,
with life, by Isaac Walton, 2 vols, 8vo
Clarendon Press, 1865 a. l. 2. 5
Hope (Thomas) Historical Essay on
Architecture, with a volume of plates,
2 vols, roy. 8vo 1840 s. h. 1. 4
Horatii, Opera Omnia, edited by Dr.
Anthon, post 8vo 1838 l. a. 4. 9
Horatii Flacci Elogse, ed. Gesner, 8vo
1809 l. d. 4. 2
Horatius, Notes on the Odes of, i2mo
N.D. N. M. I. I
Horatius. Juvenal et Persius ex Editione
J. C. Tenner, i2mo Londini, 1817 a. l. 2. 7
Home (Bp.) Commentary on the Psalms,
2 vols, 8vo 1820 l. d. 2. 4
4-0 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title, it | ~
(So 5 5
Home (Bp.) Discourses, 3 vols, 8vo 1812 l. d. 2. 4
Home (Bp.) Introduction to the Scriptures,
4 vols, 8vo 1822 l. c. 3. 4
Horses. Comparative View of English
Racer and Saddle Horse during the
last and present centuries, 4to 1836 s. h. 2. 4
Horses Hints to Purchasers, i2mo
C. Knight, n.d. l. d. 3. 1
Horsley (Bishop) Nine Sermons on the
Resurrection, 8vo 1817 l. d. 2. 4
Horsley (Bishop) Sermons, 3 vols, 8vo
1816 l. d. 2. 4
Howard (Lady Constance) Sweetheart
and Wife, 3 vols, post 8vo 1882 n. n. i. 3
Howard (John) State of Prisons in England
and Wales, 4to Warrington, 1777 l. a. 4. 8
Howard (R.) Revelations of Egyptian
Mysteries, 8vo 1850 n. m. 2. 4
Howard (R.) Salt, the Forbidden Food,
etc., 8vo 1851 n. m. 2. 4
Howell (T. B.) Complete Collection of
State Trials, 1 163-1820, 34 vols (in-
cluding index) 1816-28 L.A.4. IO&II
Howson (Dean) and Rimmer (Alfred)
Chester as it was, 4to 1872 l. a.. 2. 8
Hozier (Capt. H. M.) The Franco-
Prussian War, its causes, incidents,
and consequences, 6 vols, 4to n.d. s. h. 3. 4
Hozier (Capt. H. M.) The Seven Weeks'
War, its antecedents and its incidents,
2 vols, 8vo 1867 s. h. 3. 3
Hudson (Corrie) Practical Guide to the
payment of legacy and succession
duties, 8vo 1869 n. n. .1.6
Hughes (R. E.) Two Cruises with the
Baltic Fleet, post 8vo 1855 l. d. 1.2
Hugo (Victor) Notre-Dame de Paris, 2 vols,
post 8vo 1841 l. c. 1. 1
Library Catalogue. 41
Author and Title. | £ § %
m u Q c/)
Hull (Edward) Coal Fields of Great
Britain, post 8vo 1861 n. n. 2. 4
Humboldt (Alex, de) Essai sur le Royaume
de la Nouvelle-Espagne, 4to, with
folio atlas 181 1 l. a. 3. 2
Humboldt (Alex, de) Le Gisement des
Roches, 8vo 1823 l. c. 4. 3
Humboldt et Bonpland, Relation His-
torique du Voyage, 2 vols, 4to 1814 l. a. 3. 2
Humboldt et Bonpland, Voyage aux
Regions Equinoxiales du Nouveau
Continent en 1:799-1814, 2 vols, 4to, l. a. 3. 2
and folio atlas l. a. 2. 10
Humboldt et Bonpland, Voyage de. Atlas
Pittoresque vues des Cordilleres, et
monumens des peuples indigenes de
PAmerique, imp. folio Paris, 1810 l. a 3. 11
Hume (David) Essays and Treatises,
2 vols, 8vo Edinburgh, 1817 l. d. 2. 3
Hume and Smollett's History of England
to George II., 15 vols, i8mo 1809-10 l. d. 4. 1
Humphreys (E. R.) British Government
in India, i2mo 1857
Humphreys (Hy. Noel) Ten Centuries of
Art, 4to 1852 s. h. 2. 4
Hunt (De Vere) England's Horses for
Peace and War, 8vo l &74 n. m. 2. 4
Hunter (John) Journal at Port Jackson
and Norfolk Island, discoveries in New
S. Wales and Voyages of the Sirius,
between 1787-1792, 4to 1793 l. a. 4. 1
Hunters' Improvement Society, Record
of Prize Mares, vols 1 to 9, 8vo
1886-91 a. l. 3. 3
Hutchinson (Col.) Memoirs, 4to 1808 l. a. 1.6
Huxtable (Edgar) The Sacred Record of
Creation, vindicated and explained,
8vo 1861 n. n. 1. 5
S. H.
N. N.
N. N.
42 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title.
Illustrated London News, vols 50, 51, 54,
55, 60 to 69, and 82 to 89, together
31 vols, folio 1 867- 1 89 1
India. Narrative of the Insurrection in
the Zemeedary of Banaris, 1781, by
Warren Hastings, 4to Calcutta, 1782 l. a. 2. 8
India. A History of the Military Transac-
tions of the British Nation in Indostan,
4to 1763 l. a. 1.6
Indian Records, with a view of the rela-
tions between the British Government
and the Nawabs Nazin of Bengal, 8vo
187O S. H. 3. 3
India. Ihe Rajah and Principality of
Mysore, with a letter to Lord Stanley,
8VO 1865 N. N. 2. 4
India. War with the Sikhs, Minutes by
the Governor-General of India 1845 n. n. 2. 4
Ionian Antiquities, published with permis-
sion of the Society of Dilettanti, by
R. Chandler, N. Revett, and W. Parks,
folio 1769 l. a. 3. II
Irwin (Eyles) Adventures in a Voyage up
the Red Sea and Travels in the East,
2 vols, 8vo 1787 l. d. 4. 2
Italy. A Map. 8vo n.d. n. n. i. 5
Ives (Edward) Voyage to India in 1754,
Army Operations under Clive, &c,
4to 1773 l. a. 2. 3
Jacob (Dr. G. H.) Ecclesiastical Policy of
the New Testament 1871 n. n. 2. 4
Jacob (Wm.) Travels in the South of
Spain, i8og-io, 4to 1811 l. a. i. 4
Jalland (G. H.) The Sporting Adventures
of Mr. Popple, oblong 4to n.d. s. h. 2. 6
Jamaica Stud Book, with historical sketch
of the turf by J. T. Palache, vol 1,
oblong 8vo Jamaica, i8g2 n, n. 2. 6
Library Catalogue 43
Author and Title. S 3 1 2
James (Charles) Universal Military Dic-
tionary in English and French, 8vo
1816 l. d. i. 4
James (Rev. J. T.) The Flemish, Dutch,
and German Schools of Painting, 8vo
1822 s. h. i. 3
James (Thos.) History of the Straits of
Gibraltar, 2 vols in i, 4to 1771 l. a. 3. 8
James (Wm.) Naval History of Great
Britain, from 1793 to 1820, 6 vols,
8vo 1826 n. n. 2. 1
Jebb (J.) Military Handbooks: vol 1, On
Defence of Outposts ; vol 2, Attack
of Outposts ; vol 3, Duties required at n. n. 1.5
a Siege, 3 vols, 8vo 1848-9 n. n. 2.6
Jebb (Col.) Report on the Convict Prisons,
8vo 1851 s. h. 3. 5
Jenkins (A. F.) Law relating to Parish
Councils, being Local Government
Act, 1894, 8vo 1895 n. m. 1.5
Jenyns (Soame) Works of, 4 vols, post 8vo
1790 l. a. 4. 6
Jessop (W. R. H.) Flindersland and
Sturtland, or the inside and outside of
Australia, 2 vols, post 8vo 1862 n. m. 2. 2
Johnson (C. W.) On Fertilizers, 8vo 1854 a. l. 3. 4
Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Dictionary of
English Language, 2 vols, 4to 1785 l. a. 3. 3
Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Prayers and Medi-
tations, 8vO 1796 N. N. 2. 4
Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Works, with life and
notes by Sir John Hawkins, 11 vols,
8vo 1787 L. a. 3. 6
Johnson (Dr. Samuel) Life by J. Boswell,
4 vols ; Tour to the Hebrides, and
Letters, uniform set, 7 vols, 8vo
1795-98 N. N. 2. 4
Johnson (Dr. Samuel) BoswelPs Life of
Dr. S. Johnson, ed. by Percy Fitz-
gerald, 3 vols, 8vo 1874 a. l. 2. 4
44 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. g j | i
ohnston (J. F. W.) Lectures on Agricul-
tural Chemistry and Geology, 2 vols,
8vo 1844 l. c. 2. 2
ohnston (Keith) Royal Atlas of Modern
Geography, folio 1866 n. m. 2. 7
ones (Edward) Index to Records called
Originalia and Memoranda, 2 vols,
folio 1793 l. a. 3. 2
ones (Col. J. T.) Account of the War in
Spain and Portugal, 8vo 1818 l. d. 2. 2
ones (Col. J. T.) Journal of Sieges by
Wellington's Army in Spain, 1811-14,
2 vols ; and a volume of maps, &c,
8vo 1827 L - D - 2 - 2
ones (Owen) The Grammar of Ornament,
with 100 coloured plates, folio
Day, 1856 l. a. 3. 11
ones (Sir Wm.) Christianity and Common
Sense, 8vo 1863 n. m. 1.6
ones (Wm., F.R.S.) Physiological Dis-
quisitions, 4to 1781 l. a. 2. 3
onson (Ben) Works, edited with notes
and life by W. Gifford, 9 vols, 8vo, 1816 l. a. 3. 7
osephus, Works translated by E.
Thompson and W. C. Price, 2 vols,
4to 1781 l. a. 2. 3
osephus Works, translated by Thos.
Lodge, sm. folio n.d. l. a. 3. 2
ourdan (General) Operations de l'Armee
du Danube, 8vo Paris, 1799 n. n. 2. 6
ournals of House of Commons, vols 1, 2, 3,
folio I7I5-I773 l. e. 3. 1
ournals of the House of Commons, vols 1
to 24, and 31, 35, folio 1547-1774 L.A.2&3. s.i
ournal of the House of Lords, vols 13, 16,
18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 29, 30, folio
1673-1764 l. a. 3. 1
Library Catalogue. 45
Author and Title. i i g |
Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society
of England, vols 1 to 19, 8vo 1840-58 l. a. 2. 5
Joyce (Rev. J.) Dialogues on the Micro-
scope, 2 vols, i6mo 1812 l. d. 3. 1
Juvenal and Persius, New and literal
translation of, by Rev. M. Madan,
2 vols in 1, 8vo 1813 l. d. 4. 2
Keate (George) Account of the Pelew
Islands, 4to 1788 l. a. 4. 8
Kennedy (Alex. W. M.) Robert the Bruce,
a Poem, cr. 8vo 1884 a. l. 1. 2
Another copy n. n. 2. 2
Kent, Ordnance Map of, folded in 4to case
N.D. L. A. I. 2
Kentfield (Edwin) The Game of Billiards,
plates, folio 1839 s. h. 1. 6
Kidd (Dr. J.) Geological Essay, 8vo
Oxford, 181 5 l. d. 3. 4
Kidd (Dr. J.) Outlines of Mineralogy,
2 vols, 8vo Oxford, 1809 l. c. 2. 4
Kiesewetter (R. G.) History of the Modern
Music of Western Europe, translated
by R. Miiller, 8vo 1848 s. h. 3. 3
King (Edward) Morsels of Criticism, 4to
I788 L. A. 3. 3
King (Capt. P. P.) The Inter-tropical and
Western Coasts of Australia, 1818-22,
2 vols, 8vo 1827 L - D - I - 3
Kinglake (A. W.) The Invasion of the
Crimea, vols 1-4, 7 and 8, 8vo a. l. i. 2
King's Majestie's Speeches (The) delivered
in the House of Parliament to the
Lords and Commons, with tracts on
the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot,
together 8 vols in 1, sm. 4to 1603-9 n. m. 2. 2
Kingsley (Chas.) Glaucus, or the Wonders
of the Shore, i2mo 1855 n. n. i. 2
Kirby and Spence. Introduction to Ento-
mology, plates, 4 vols, 8vo 1822 l. c. 3. 3
46 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. i i | |
ai u Q in
Kirkpatrick (Col.) Account of the Kingdom
of Nepaul, roy. 4to 1811 s. h. 3.6
Klaczko (M. J.) The Two Chancellors,
Prince Gortchakof and Prince Bis-
marck, 8VO 1877 N. N. I. 4
Knapp's Journal of a Naturalist, post 8vo
1829 n. n. 2. 2
Knight (Charles) Library of Entertaining
Knowledge, comprising Architecture of
Birds, Insect Transformations, Insect
Architecture, Timber Trees, New Zea-
lander's Pursuit of Knowledge, Pompeii
and History of Paris, 9 vols, post 8vo
1831 a. l. 2. 7
Knight (Henry Gaily) Ecclesiastical
Architecture of Italy, from the time of
Constantine to the Fifteenth Century,
plates, lithographed by Owen Jones,
2 vols, folio 1843 l. a. 3. 11
Knox (John) Life of, by M'Crie, 2 vols,
8vo 1831 l. d. 3. 3
Korff (Baron de) Avenement au trone de
l'Empereur Nicolas I., 8vo 1857 l. d. 2. 2
Korff (Baron de) The Accession of
Nicholas I., 8vo 1857 l. c. 4. 3
Labilladiere (M.) Voyage in Search of La
Perouse, atlas of plates to, 4to 1800 s. h. 2. 4
La Fontaine (J. de) Contes et Nouvelles
en vers par, plates, 2 vols, 8vo 1777 d. f. 2. 1
La Fontaine (J. de) Fables de, editee par
C. A. Walckenaer, 2 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1822 d. f. 2. 1
Lamartine (A. de) Histoire des Girondins,
8 vols, 8vo Paris, 1847 l. e. 2. 3
Lamartine (A. de) Histoire de la Retaura-
tion, 8 vols, post 8vo 185 1 l. c. 1. 1
Lamartine (A. de) Histoire de la Revolu-
tion de, 1848, 2 vols, 8vo Paris, 1849 s. h. 2. 1
Lamb (Charles) Essays of Elia, second
series, cr. 8vo 1836 a. l. 1.3
Library Catalogue. 47
Author and Title. | » f ~
« u ia 5
Landlordism. The Remedy for Land-
lordism, or Free Land Tenure,
cr. 8vo 1889 n. m. 2. 2
Landor (W. Savage) Imaginary Conversa-
tions of Literary Men and Statesmen,
5 vols, 8vo 1826-9 L - c - 2 - 2
Lanzi (Lingi) Storia Pittorica della Italia,
6 vols, i2mo Pisa, 181 5 l. d. 3. i
Larochejacquelein (Madame la Marquise
de) Memoires, 8vo Paris, 18 16 d. g. 3. 2
Latham (G. R.) Dictionary of the English
Language, roy. 8vo 1882 s. h. 1. 4
Lauri (M.) Le maitre Italien, nouvelle
grammaire practique, 8vo 1815 s. h. 3. 3
Lavoisne's Genealogical, Historical, and
Geographical Atlas, folio !834 l. a. 2. 9
Lawrence (G.) Sans Merci, or Kestrels and
Falcons, 3 vols, post 8vo 1866 n. n. 1.3
Lawrence (G.) Sword and Gown, cr. 8vo
i860 N. N. I. 3
Layard (A. H.) Nineveh and its Remains,
2 vols, 8vo J 849 a. l. 2. 4
Leech (John) Pencillings from " Punch,"
4to n.d. a. l. 2. 5
Leech (John) Pictures of Life and Charac-
ter, five series bound in 3 vols, oblong
folio n.d. d. table
Leichardt (Dr. L.) Journal of an Overland
Expedition in Australia, from Moreton
Bay to Port Essington, 1844-5, 8vo
1847 l. d. 1. 3
Another copy n. m. 2.5
Le Keux (J.) Memorials of Cambridge,
with descriptive and historical papers
by T. Wright and H. L. Jones, 2 vols,
8vO T847 S. H. 2. 2
Le Marchant (Denis) The Proceedings of
the House of Lords on the Claims to
the Barony of Gardner, 8vo 1828 n. m. 1.6
48 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | | | |
Lempriere (J., D.D.) Classical Dictionary,
8vo 1815 n. m. 1. 3
Lempriere (J., D.D.) Classical Dictionary,
4to, enlarged edition ^39 s. h. 2. 4
Leo X. (Pope) Life of, by Thos. Roscoe,
2 vols, 8vo 1876 d. g. 2. 2
Le Maudit, par l'Abbe***, 3 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1864 l. b. 1. 1
Leonard (M.) Lettres de deux amans
habitans de Lyon, i2mo Paris, 1792 a. l. 2. 6
Le Sage. Histoire de Gil Bias de San- .
tillane, 3 vols, 8vo 1820 d.'g. 3.2
Lethbridge (Sir John Hesketh, Bart., of
Sandhill Park, Co. Somerset) Royal
Descents of, 4to 1871 s. h. 3. 6
Letters to my Unknown Friends, by a
Lady, i2mo 1846 l. c. 2. 1
Lever (Chas.) Barrington, 8vo 1863 a. l. 1.3
Lever (Darcy) Young Sea Officer's Sheet
Anchor, 4to Leeds, 1808 l. a. 3. 3
Lewis (Samuel) Topographical Diction-
ary of England, 4 vols, 4to 1833 l. a. 1.2
Lewis (Wm.) Chess for Beginners, i2mo
1835 N - M - 2 - 5
Liberationism : Its Principles, &c. Ex-
posed, 8vo. n.d n. m. 2. 5
Liebig's Chemistry of Agriculture, 8vo
1842 n. m. 1. 4
Lilly (John) Practical Conveyancer, sm.
folio 1732 l. a. 3. 2
Lindley (Capt. A.) Adamantia, or the
S. African Diamond Fields, 8vo
1872 s. h. 1. 3
Lindsay (Adelaide) A Novel, 3 vols,
cr. 8vo 1850 n. n. 1. 3
Lindsay's Voyage to the Northern Ports
of China, 8vo 1834 l. d. 1.3
Liturgie (La), ou formulaire des Prieres
Publiques, i8mo 1 7^9 L - D - 3- 1
Library Catalogue . 49
Author and Title. § s f |
Livii Historiarum edidit Drakenborchii,
4 vols, 8vo Oxonii, 1821 l. d. 3. 2
Lock Hospital. The Collection of Psalm
and Hymn Tunes sung at the Lock
Hospital. 2 vols in 1, roy. 8vo. n.d. s. h. 1.4
Locke (John) On the Human Understand-
ing, sm, folio 1694 l. a. 3. 2
Locke (John) Life with extracts from
his works, by Lord King, 4to
1829 l. a. 1. 4
Locke (John) Life by H. R. Fox
Bourne, 2 vols, 8vo 1876 n. n. 2. 5
Locke (J.) Treatise on the Game Laws of
England and Wales, cr. 8vo 1866 a. l. 2. 7
Locker (Frederick) London Lyrics, post
8vo 1881 a. l. i. 3
Lodge (Edmund) Portraits of illustrious
personages of Great Britain, with bio-
graphical memoirs, from 1502 to 1833,
12 vols, roy. 8vo 1823-34 D - F - 2 - 3
Lodge (John) Peerage of Ireland, 4 vols,
8vo 1754 l. a. 3. 6
London. An Account of the City of
London, roy. 8vo 1884 n. m. i. 6
Long (Dr. Roger) Astronomy, 2 vols, 4to
1742 l. a. 3. 3
Longinus de Sublime Gr. et Lat, folio
1793 l. a. 3. 9
Loraine (Nevison) The Voice of the Prayer
Book, post 8vo 1877 n. n. 2. 5
Lorraine (Claude) Collection of about 70
Engravings (by Woolman) after
Claude Lorraine, mounted and bound
in atlas folio volume Circa 1770 l. a. 2. 10
Lorraine (Claude) Liber Veritatis, a col-
lection of prints after the original
designs, by Richard Earlom, 3 vols,
folio Boydell, 1777-9 l. a. 2. 9
Lounger (The) a Literary Paper, 3 vols,
post 8vo 1788 l. c. 1. 1
50 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. § » | =
Lounger's Common Place Book,
4 vols, 8vo 1805-1807 a. l. 2. 3
Lowenthal (J.) Morphy's Game of Chess,
post 8vo i860 n. m. 2. 1
Lucan's Pharsalia, translated into English
Verse by Nicholas Rowe, folio 1718 l. a. 3. g
Lucanus, Pharsalia, ed. R. Bentleii, 8vo
1816 l. d. 3. 2
Lucanus, Pharsalia sive de Bello Civili,
i6mo 1815 l. d. 4. 1
Lucretii, De Rerum Natura, i6mo, 182 1 l. d. 4. 1
Lumley (Viscount) The coming of age of,
imp. 8vo 1878 s. h. 3. 5
Lushington (Henry) Poems by, i2mo
1855 a. l. 2. 6
Lyell (Charles) Antiquity of Man, 8vo
1863 n. n. 2. 5
Lyell (Charles) Elements of Geology,
2 vols, post 8vo 1841 l. a. 4. 9
Lyell (Charles) Principles of Geology,
4 vols, post 8vo 1835 l. c. 5. 1
Lyell (Charles) Principles of Geology, 8vo
1847 l. c. 2. 2
Lynch (W. S.) Narrative of the
United States Expedition to the
River Jordan and the Dead Sea, 8vo,
1849 S. H. I. 4
Lyttleton (Lord) and Gladstone (Rt. Hon.
W. E.) Translations, sm. 4to 1863 a. l. 3. 5
Lytton (Lord) Novels, 21 vols, cr. 8vo
Pocket ed., 1888 s. h. 2. 5
Lytton (Lord) The Parisians, 2 vols, thick
post 8vo 1874 n. m. 1.2
Macaulay (Lord) Critical and Historical
Essays, 3 vols, 8vo 1843 s. h. 2. 3
McCarthy (Justin) History of our own
Times, 5 vols, thick 8vo 1880 s. h. 3. 1
Library Catalogue. 51
Author and Title. i i | j
McCarthy (Justin) and Mrs. Campbell
Praed, The Right Honourable; 3 vols,
post 8vo 1886 n. n. 1. 3
McClintock (Capt.) The Fate of Sir John
Franklin and his Discoveries, 8vo, 1859 s. h. i. 3
McCullock (J. R.) On Succession to Pro-
perty, 8vo 1848 n. m. 1.6
McCulloch (W.) Industrial History of
Free Nations — Greeks and Dutch,
2 vols, 8vo 1846 n. n. 1.4
Macdiarmid (John) Lives of British States-
men, 2 vols, 8vo 1820 l. c. 2. 3
Macdonald (D. Forbes) Estate Manage-
ment, 8vo 1868 a. l. 3. 4
Machiavelli (Niccolo) Opere, 10 vols., 8vo
Milano, 1805 d. g. 3. 2
M'Intosh (Charles) The Orchard, post 8vo
1839 d. f. 2. 2
Macintosh (Rt. Hon. Sir J.) 'History of the
Revolution in England in 1688, 41.0
1834 s - H - 3- ^
Mackintosh (Sir J.) History of England,
2 vols, cr. 8vo 1830 a. l. 27
Mackenzie (Sir G. S.) Travels in the Island
of Iceland, 41.0 181 1 s. h. 3. 6
Mackenzie (Sir Morell) The fatal illness of
Frederick the Noble, post 8vo, 1888
Mackintosh (James) Defence of the French
Revolution, 8vo x 792 n. m. i. 5
Macpherson (James) History of Great
Britain, 2 vols, 4to 1776 l. a. 2. 8
Macpherson (James) Original Papers, con-
taining the Secret History of Great
Britain, 2 vols, 4to 1776 l. a. 2. 8
Magazine oi Domestic Economy, vols 1
and 2, 8vo 1836-7 n. n. i. i
Maitland (Dr. Charles) The Church in the
Catacombs, the Primitive Church of
Rome, 8vo 1847 s. h. i. 2
j. ILL. LIB.
52 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | g | |
05 O S 1/3
Maffei (S.) Merope, Tragedia, cr. 8vo
Firenze, 1817 n. m. i. i
Major (Thomas) The Ruins of Paestum,
otherwise Posidonia, in MagnaGraecia,
plates, folio 1768 l. a. 3. 11
Malcolm (Sir John) Central India including
Malwa, its History and condition,
2 vols, 8vo 1824 L - D - I - 2
Malcolm (Sir John) Political History of
India, 2 vols, 8vo 1826 l. d. 1.2
Male (A.) Law and Practice of Elections,
8VO l820 N. N. I. I
Malmesbury (James Harris, 1st Earl of)
Diaries and Correspondence, edited
by his Grandson, 4 vols, 8vo 1844 l. c. 3. 3
Malmesbury (Earl of) Memoirs of an
Ex-Minister, 2 vols, 8vo 1884 n. n. 2. 5
Malthus (T. R.) Essay on the Principle of
Population, 3 vols, 8vo 1817 l. c. 3. 3
Malthus (T. R.) Principles of Political
Economy, 8vo 1820 l. c. 3. 3
Mantell (Gideon) Geology of the South-
East of England, 8vo 1833 l. c. 2. 2
Manzoni (Da Aless.) I Promessi Sposi,
3 vols, i2mo Parigi, 1828 l. c. 5. 1
Maps. Carte de L'Archiduche d'Autriche
de l'Ancienne Souabe, folded in large
folio case 1814 l. a. i. i
Maps. Europe, France, Lombardo-
Venito, Italia, Napoli, &c, folded in
large folio case n.d. l. a. i. i
Map of Spain and Portugal, by W. Faden,
coloured, folded in 8vo case n.d. l. a. 2. 3
Marcet (Mrs.) Conversations on Natural
Philosophy, i2mo l. a. 4. 9
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" Physiology, 2 vols, i2mo 1832 l. a. 4. g
Library Catalogue. 53
Marchmont (Earls of) Selection from
Papers, illustrative of events from
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Margetts (George) Longitude Tables, 4to
N.D L. A. I. 4
Marie Antoinette. Memoires sur la vie
privee, par Madame Campan, 2 vols,
8vo Londres, 1823 d. g. 2. 1
Marivaux (M. de) La vie de Marianne, ou
les aventures de Madame la Comtesse
De , 3 vols, post 8vo Paris, 1781 l. c. 2. 1
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by Wm. Coxe, 6 vols, 8vo, and atlas, l. e. 1.2
4to 1820 l. a. 2. 8
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l862 N. M. 2. 4
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post 8vo n.d. s. h. 2. 5
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Porcelain, coloured plates, 8vo 1850 l. c. 2. 2
Marsh (Mrs.) Adelaide Lindsay, a novel,
by the author of Emilia Wyndham,
3 vols, post 8vo 1850 n. n. 1. 3
Martial Achievements of Great Britain,
from 1799 to 181 5, with coloured prints
of engagements, by W. Heath, 4to n.d. l. a. 3.9
Martin (Benjamin) Young Gentleman and
Lady's Philosophy, 3 vols, 8vo 1781 l. d. 2. 4
Martineau (Harriet) The Hour and the
Man, cr. 8vo n.d. n. m. 2. 3
Mary, Queen of Scots Vindicated, by John
Whitaker, 3 vols, 8vo 1781 l. d. 4. 2
Massillon, CEuvres Complets, 13 vols,
8vo Paris, 18 10 d. f. 3. 1
Mate (W.) Then and Now, letters connec-
ted with Dorset, &c, 50 years ago,
sm. 4to 1883 n. m. 2. 5
Mate (W.) Second copy s. h. 1. 5
54 Library Catalogue.
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Michael Angelo Buonarotti, by R. Duppa.
Life with his poetry and letters,
4to 1807 l. a. 2. 8
Mignet (F. A.) Histoire de la Revolution
Francaise, 1789-1814, 8vo
Bruxellcs, 1838 l. b. 2. 2
Miles (E. E.) Our Home Beyond the Tide,
cr. 8vo Glasgow, n.d. a. l. 2. 7
Military. Rules and Regulations for the
Formations, Field exercise, and Move-
ments of His Majesty's Forces, 8vo
War Office, 1798 l. d. 2. 4
Mill (James) History of British India,
6 vols, 8vo 1826 l. d. 1. 2
Mill (John Stuart) Autobiography, 8vo
1873 s. h. 3. 3
Mill (John Stuart) Principles of Political
Economy, post 8vo 1866 n. m. i. 2
Millar (John) Historical View of the
English Government, 4to 1787 l. a. 2. 8
Miller (Hugh) First Impressions of England
and its People, post 8vo I 847 n. m. 1.4
Miller (Hugh) My Schools and School-
masters, pOSt 8VO 1854 N. M. I. 4
Miller (Philip) Gardener's Dictionary, folio
1731 l. a. 2. 9
Miller (Thomas) Rural Sketches, post 8vo
1839 N - M - 2 - 3
Millington (Rev. T. S.) The Testimony of
the Heathen to the Truths of Holy
Writ, imp. 8vo 1863 s. h. 2. 4
Milman (Dean) Fall of Jerusalem, 8vo
1820 l d. 3. 3
Milman (Dean) History of the Jews, 3 vols,
i2mo 1829 A - L - 2. b
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8vo 1822 L. j). 3. 3
Milman's (H. H.) Samor, Lord of the
Bright City, 8vo 1818 l. d. 3. 3
56 Library Catalogue.
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Milne (David) The Philosophy of Dispen-
sations, post 8vo 1883 n. m. 2. 2
Milton (John) Poetical Works, with plates
by Westall and others, 8vo 1840 d. g. 3. 1
Milton (John) Works, edited by Thos.
Newton, 3 vols, 4to 1749 l. a. 3. 8
Mirabeau, Souvenirs, par Etienne
Dumont, 8vo 1832 l. b. i. 3
Mirror of Parliament, edited by John
Barron ; George IV. and William IV.,
35 vols, 4to 1828-37 g. 1. 5 & 6
Missal of the 15th Century, beautifully
illuminated in gold and colours, on
vellum, sq. i2mo 1428 d. g. 3. 1
Mitchell (Sir T. L.) Three Expeditions
into the Interior of Eastern Australia,
&c, 2 vols, 8vo 1838 l. d. 1. 3
Mitchell (Sir T. L.) Journal of Expedition
into the Interior of Tropical Australia,
8vo 1848 l. d. 1. 3
Mitford (Wm.) History of Greece, 10 vols,
8vo 1814-20 l. d. 1. 2
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Moleville (A. F. B. de) Annals of the
French Revolution, translated by K. C.
Dallas, 4 vols, 8vo 1800 l. e. 2. 2
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7 vols, 8vo 1817 l. c. 1. 2
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Bulgaria and Rumelia, in 1828 and
1829, 8vo 1854 l. c. 4. 2
Molyneux (Rev. C.) Gethsemane. Lectures
delivered in the Lock Chapel, post 8vo,
1854 N. M. 2. 4
Monstrelet, The Chronicles of, trans
lated by Thomas Johnes, 13 vols, 8vo
1810 l. e. 2. 1
Library Catalogue. 57
Author and Title. i g f j
K U S to
Montaigne (M. de) Les Essais avec
remarques, &c, par Coste, 3 vols, _Lto
1724 S. H. 2. 4
Montaigne (M. de) Essays translated into
English, 3 vols, roy. 8vo 181 1 n. f. 2. 2
Montalambert ('La Comte de) De l'Avenir
Politique de l'Angleterre, i2mo 1856 l. c. 2. 1
Montesquieu, CEuvres, 2 vols, 8vo 1817 d. g. 3. 1
Montgaillard (L'Abbe de) Histoire de
France, depuis la fin du Regne de
Louis XVI, 9 vols, 8vo Paris, 1834-35 d. g. i. i
Montgomery (James) The World before
the Flood, post 8vo 1814 l. c. 3. 1
Monti (V.) Poesie, roy 8vo Napoli, 1843 n. m. 2. 6
Monumenta Historica Britannica, or
materials for the History of Britain,
from the earliest period to Henry VII.,
vol 1, all published, folio
Published by command of Her Majesty,
1848 l. a. 3. 9
Moore (General Sir John) Campaign of
the British Army in Spain, 4to 1809 l. a. 1.7
Moore (Thos.) Odes of Anacreon, 2 vols,
i2mo 1815 l. c. 2. 1
Moorsom (W. S.) Historical Record of the
Fifty-second Regiment (Oxfordshire
Light Infantry), from the year 1755 to
1858, imp. 8vo i860 a. l. 1. 6
Morier (Sir J.) Adventures of Hajji Baba,
3 vols, i2mo 1824 L - c - 3- :
Morier (Sir J.) Adventures of Hajji Baba
in England, 2 vols, i2mo 1828 l. c. 3. 1
Morier (Sir J.) Zohrab the Hostage, 3 vols,
post 8vo 1832 l. a. 4. 9
Morland (George) Memoirs of his Life, by
J. Hassell, illustrated, with an original
pencil drawing by G. Morland, 4to
1806 a. l. 2. 5
58 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. § «> f =
Morse (Jedidiah) American Geography, 4to
1794 l. a. 2. 3
Mortimer, Dictionary of Trade and
Commerce, 2 vols, folio 1766 l. a. 3. 2
Morton (John) The Nature and Property
of Soils, 8vo 1843 s. h. 2. 2
Mosheim (J. M.) Ecclesiastical His-
tory, Ancient and Modern, 6 vols,
8vo 181 1 l. d. 4. 3
Mosse (R. B.) Parliamentary Guide, i8mo
1838 L. D. 3. I
Mozley (Rev. T.) Reminiscences, chiefly
of Oriel College and the Oxford Move-
ment, 2 vols, post 8VO 1882 N. N. 1.2
Muir (J. B.) Ye Olde New-Markett Calen-
dar of Matches, Results and Pro-
grammes, from 1619-1719, 8vo 1892 s. h. i. 4
Miiller (Max) Languages of the Seat of
War in the East, 8vo ^54 n. m. i. 2
Munro {Maj.-Genl. Sir Thos.) Life, by
Rev. G. R. Gleig, 3 vols, 8vo 1830 l. d. 4. 2
Murchison (Sir R.) Siluria, the History of
the oldest Fossiliferous Rocks, their
foundation and distribution, Svo 1859 s. h. 1.4
Murray (Rev. E.) Enoch Restitutus, 8vo
1836 n. m. 1. 3
Murray (Mrs.) Companion to the Beauties
of Scotland, 8vo 1799 l. d. 3.3
Napier (Col. C. J.) Colonization in S.
Australia, with remarks on small
farms and over-population, 8vo 1837 n. m. 1.6
Napier's (Lieut. -Gen. Sir W.) History of
the Peninsular War, 1807-14, 6 vols,
8vo 1828-40 l. d. 2. 2
Napier (Lieut. -Genl. Sir W.) English
Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula,
post 8V0 1855 N. M. I. 2
Library Catalogue. 59
Author and Title. § g | %
c; u S «i
Napoleon. Essai sur le systeme militaire
de Bonaparte par C. H. S. (Muscovite),
post 8vo 1810 n. n. 1. 5
Napoleon, Histoire de, par P. Lanfrey,
5 vols, cr. 8vo Paris, 1870 a. l. i. i
Napoleon. Is it Peace, Jehu or Buona-
partism, by an Ex-Cabinet Minister,
post 8vo i860 n. m. 1. 2
Napoleon. Memoires pour servir a l'His-
toire de France sous Napoleon, Dicte
au General Gourgaud, 4 vols, 8vo
1823-24 d. f. 1. 2
Napoleon. Memoires sur Napoleon, par
M. De Bourrienne, 10 vols in 5, 8vo
1831 s. h. 2. 2
Napoleon. Recuiel des Manifestes, Pro-
clamations discours, Decrets, &c,
8vo Londres, 1810 l. b. i. 2
Napoleon Bonaparte, Life, by Sir Walter
Scott, 9 vols, cr. 8vo 1827 l. a. 4. 6
Nares (Edward, D.D.) General History,
Ancient and Modern, 3 vols, 8vo 1831 s. h. 2. 1
Naval Achievements of Great Britain,
1793-1817, with 55 coloured prints,
folio n.d. l. a. 3. 9
Naval Chronicle (The) 40 vols, roy 8vo
1799-1818 l. a. 2. 4
Neale (A.) Letters from Portugal and
Spain, 4to 1809 s. h. 3. 5
Nelson (Lord) Life, by J. S. Clarke and
J. McArthur, 2 vols, 4to 1809 l. a. 2. 9
Nelson (Lord) Life, by Southey, 2 vols,
i2mo 1814 l. c. 4. 1
Newcastle (Duke of) Thoughts in Times
Past, post 8vo 1837 n. n. 2. 2
Newman (Edward) Illustrated Natural
History of Butterflies, roy 8vo 1871 a. l. i. 6
Newnham (W.) Human Magnetism, post
8vo I 845 n. m. 1. 3
60 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. t i | |
« 6 5 5
Nicholas (Harris) Synopsis of the Peerage
of England, 2 vols, i2mo 1825 L - c - 3- 1
Niel (General) Siege de Sebastopol, Journal
des operations du Genie, with large
folio atlas of plans, 2 vols, 4to and l. a. 1.4
folio Paris, 1858 l. a. 2. 10
Nimrod. The Chace, the Turf, and the
Road, post 8vo 1870 n. n. 2. 2
Nisbet (Mrs.) Leonora, a love story, 3 vols,
post 8vo 1841 n. n. 1. 3
Noble (Rev. Mark) Memoirs of the Protec-
toral House of Cromwell, 2 vols, 8vo
Birmingham, 1787 s. h. 3. 2
Noel (Baptist W.) Notes of a Tour in
Ireland in 1836, post 8vo 1837 n. n. 2. 5
Noel et Chapsal, Dictionnaire de la
Langue Francaise, roy 8vo
Paris, 1843 n. m. 2. 6
Nolan (E. H.) The History of the British
Empire in India and the East, 8 vols,
roy. 8vo, wanting vol 7 n.d s. h. 3. 4
Northbrook (Rt. Hon. Earl of) Descriptive
Catalogue of his Collection of Pictures,
various Schools, by W. H. J. Weale
and Dr. Jean P. Richter, with 25 pho- red dg.
togravures, 4to 1889 room.
Norton (E.) National Finance and Cur-
rency, cr. 8vo !873 a. l. 2. 7
Norton (Hon. Mrs.) The Lady of La
Garaye, 8vo 1862 n. n. 2. 4
Novum Testamentum Grsecum, i2mo
1836 l. d. 4. 1
O'Bryon (Christopher) Naval Evolutions,
or Sea Discipline, 4to 1762 l. a. i. 7
O' Byrne (W. R.) Naval Biographical
Dictionary, roy. 8vo 1849 s. h. 1. 4
Ofhcium Hominis, i2mo J 704 l. a. i. 8
Library Catalogue. 61
Author and Title. § i g %
as u S i/)
Ogilvy (John) Africa, description of its
Countries, Peoples, Customs, Natural
History, &c, maps and plates, 2 vols,
folio 1670 l. a. 3. g
Ogilvy (John) America, discovery and
description of the New World, its
Empires, Peoples, &c, maps and
plates , 3 vols, folio 1671 l. a. 3. 9
Ogilvy (John) Asia, its Countries,
Monarchs, and Peoples, &c, folio
1673 l. a. 3. 9
Ogilvy (John) Britannia, or the Kingdom
of England and Wales, folio 1698 jl. a. 3. 9
Ogilvy (John) Embassy to China, with
description of the Empire, 3 vols,
folio 1673 l. a. 3. 9
Ogilvy (John) Embassy to Japan, its
Territories, Peoples, &c, folio 1670 l. a. 3. 9
O'Halloran's History of Ireland, 2 vols, 4to
1778 l. a. 2. 8
Oliphant (Laurence) Memoir of, and his
Wife, by Mrs. Oliphant, 2 vols, 8vo
1891 n. m. 1. 4
O'Meara (Barry, Surgeon) Napoleon in
Exile, and his opinions and reflections,
2 vols, 8vo 1822 l. d. 2. 3
Onslow (Earl ot) Landlords and Allotments,
cr. 8vo 1886 a. l. 2. 7
Oratorio Dominica in CLV Linguas, folio
1806 l. a. 2. 9
Orlando and Seraphina, a Turkish story,
2 vols, i2mo 1787 l. c. 2. 1
Ortis (J.) Ultime Lettere, cr. 8vo
Londra, 181 1 a. l. 2. 7
Osborne (The Honble. and Rev. S. G.)
Gleanings in the West of Ireland, 8vo
(2 copies) 1850 n. m. 2. 4
Ossian, Poems translated by James
Macpherson, 2 vols, i2mo
Edinburgh, 1792 l. a. 3. 10
62 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. I g -| %
. . . OS (J Q c/3
Ovidii Opera ad notis D. Crispinus ad
Delphmi, 4 vols, 4to Luqduni, 1689 d. f. 3. 2
Owen (Richard, F.R.S.) Palaeontology,
8VO i860 N. M. I. 5
Oxford. Black Gowns and Red Coats, or
Oxford in 1834, 8vo 1834 n. m. 2. 5
Oxford. Guide to the Architectural
Antiquities in the neighbourhood of
Oxford, 8vo Oxford, 1846 s. h. 2. 3
Oxford. Poems that have at various times
obtained prizes in the University of
Oxford, i2mo Oxford, 1819 n. m. i. i
Page (David) Past and Present Life of the
Globe, post 8vo 1841 n. m. i. 2
Paget (Lord) Light Cavalry Brigade in the
Crimea, post 8vo 1881 n. n. 2. 2
Paley (F. A.) Illustrations of Baptismal
Fonts, 8vo 1844 n. n. 2. 5
Paley (Dr. Wm.) Horse Paulinse, 8vo 181 9 l. c. 2. 3
Paley (Dr. Wm.) Natural Theology, 8vo
1819 l. c. 2. 3
Paley (Dr. Wm.) Principles of Moral and
Political Philosophy, 2 vols, 8vo 1788 s. h. 1.3
Paley (Dr. Wm.) Sermons and Tracts, 8vo
1819 l. c. 2. 3
Paley (Dr. Wm.) Sermons on several
subjects, 8vo 1818 l. c. 2. 3
Palgrave (Sir F.) Rise and Progress of the
English Commonwealth, 2 vols, 4to
1832 s. h, 3. 6
Palgrave (F. T.) Golden Treasury of
Songs and Lyrics, cr. 8vo 1861 n. m, 2. 1
Palmerston (Viscount) Life by the Hon.
Evelyn Ashley, 3 vols, 8vo 1876 a. l. 2. 4
Parini (Guiseppe) II mattino, il merriggio,
il vespro, post 8vo 1818 n. m. 2. 4
Paris, Tableau de, 3 vols, i2mo
Amsterdam, 1782 l. c. 5. 1
Library Catalogue. 63
Author and Title. § « f *
03 V Q CO
Paris. Vues de Paris, forty-nine litho-
graphic plates, some tinted, oblong
4-to n.d. s. h. 1. 5
Park (Mungo) Travels in the Interior of
Africa, 1795 — 97, 4to 1799 l. a. 2. 3
Parker (F. R.) Election of County Councils,
8VO, l888 N. M. I. 5
Parker (J.) Church Questions, cr 8vo, n.d. a. l. 2. 7
Parkinson (James) Organic Remains of a
Former World, 3 vols, 4to 1811 l. a. 1.7
Parkinson (James) Study of Fossil Organic
Remains found in British Strata, cr
8vo 1822 l. a. 1. 8
Parliament. Rotuli Parliamentorum ;
Tempore Edwardi R. III., vols 2, 3,
4, 6, folio N.D. L. A. 3. I
Parliamentary Debates, 7 vols, (wanting
vol 4), 8vo 1743—74 l. a. 4. 3
Parliamentary Debates on the Dissenters'
Chapels Bill, 8vo 1854 n. n. 2. 6
Parliamentary Debates in the House of
Commons : 1786, vols 1, 2, 3 ; 1787,
vols 1, 2 ; 1788, vols 1, 2, 3; 1789, vol
2 ; g vols, 8vo l. a. 4. 4
Parliamentary History of England, from g. j. 1. 1
1066 to 1803, by Cobbett, 36 vols, roy g. j. 2. 1
8vo ■ 1806 — 20 g. j. 3. 1
Parliamentary, or Constitutional History
of England, to the restoration of
Charles II., by several hands, 24
vols, 8vo, with index volume 1762 — 3 l. a. 2. 6
Parliamentary Papers, a complete collec-
tion of King's Speeches, from 1660 —
1796 ; Lords' Protests, 1242 — 1796, &c.
3 vols, 8vo J 797 s. n. 1. 2
Parliamentary Record, 8vo, 1861 1861 n. n. 2. 6
Parliamentary Register of the House of
Commons, 10 vols, 8vo 1784 — 1801 l. a. 4.3
64 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. § & '% %
(§ U 5 03
Parnaso Italiano ouvero, raccolta de Poeti
classici Italiana, v'gnettes, 56 vols,
i2mo Venezia, 1784 — 91 l. a. 3. 10
Parry (W. E.) Discovery of the North-
West Passage, &c. ; Third Voyage to
the N.W. Passage; 2 vols, 4to 1821-6 s. h. 2. 4
Pascal (Blaise) CEuvres, 5 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1819 d. g. 3. 1
Pascoe (C. E.) Our Actors and Actresses,
cr 8vo 1880 n. m. 2. 1
Passion Play (The) at Ober-Ammergau,
small 4to 1890 n. m. 2. 4
Patents Office Reports, 1847 and 8, 8vo
Washington, 1848 & g n. m. 2. 6
Paterson (Lieut. W.) Narrative of Four
Journeys into the Country of the
Hottentots and Caftraria in the years
I 777> 1 77& an d 1779, 4to 1789 l. a. 4. 8
Peel (Sir Robert) Speeches, 1834 — 35, with
address to electors, 8vo 1835 l. d. 3. 3
Peel (Sir Robert) An Historical Sketch,
by Dalling and Lord Bulwer, 8vo,
1874 s. h. 1. 2
Peerage (English) with an account of
Extinct Titles, 3 vols, sm folio 1790 l. a. 2. 8
Pellico (Silvio) Memoires de, par A. de
Latour, i2mo Bruxelles, 1834 a. l. 2. 6
Pellico (Silvio) Le Mie Prigioni, 121x10 l. d. 4. 1
Peninsula War. Memoirs to an Atlas of
the Battles, &c, in the Spanish Penin-
sula and South of France, 1808-14, 4to,
4to 1841 s. h. 3. 6
Pennant (Thos.) Arctic Zoology, 2 vols,
sm 4to 1784 l. a. 1. 5
.Pennant (Thos.) British Zoology, en-
gravings, 4 vols, sm 4to,
Warrington, 1776 l. a. 1.5
Pennant (Thos.) Genera of Birds, plates ;
and Buffon's Histoire naturelle des
Oiseaux, 2 vols in i,sm 4to 1781- — 6 l. a. i. 5
Library Catalogue. G5
Author and Title. § « | ^
es u 5 5)
Pennant (Thos.) History of Quadrupeds,
2 vols, _tto 1 78 1 l. a. 1.5
Pennant (Thos.) Journey from Chester to
London, 4to 1782 l. a. 1.5
Pennant (Thos.) Tour in Scotland and
Voyage to the Hebrides, 3 vols,
4to 1776 l. a. 1. 5
Pennant (Thos.) Tour in Wales, 2 vols,
4tO I784 L. A. I.3
Pepys (Samuel) Diary and Memoirs, edited
by Lord Braybrooke, 2 vols, 4to 1825 l. a. 1.2
Perouse (J. F. G. de la) Voyage Round the
World in the years 1785, 6, 7 and 8,
edited by L. M. A. Milet-Mureau,
3 vols, 8vo 1798 s. h. 2. 1
Persius, The Satires of, translated, cr. 8vo
1833 n. m. 2. 5
Petiscus (A. H.) Der Olymp, oder Mytho-
logie der Griechen und Romer, post
8vo 1875 N - M - I - 3
Petit (Rev. J. L.) Remarks on Church
Architecture, with plates, 2 vols, 8vo
1841 l. d. 2. 2
Philidor (A. D.) Studies of Chess, 8vo
1817 L. D. 2. 2
Philips (Dr. A. P.) The Nature and Sleep
of Death, 8vo 1834 n. m: i. 5
Phillips (J.) Life on the Earth, its origin
and succession, post 8vo i860 m. n. 1.2
Phillips (T.) History and Antiquities of
Shrewsbury, 4to Shrewsbury, 1779 l. a. 1.6
Pignotti (Lorenzo) Favole e Novelle del,
i8mo 1791 l. d. 4. 1
Pignotti (Lorenzo) Storia Delia Toscana,
Sulle Scienze, Lettere E. Arti, g vols,
8vo Pisa, 18 1 3 l. b. 1. 3
Pinkerton (Dr. Robert) Russia, its past and
present state, and its inhabitants, 8vo
1S33 s. h. 1. 3
66 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. § j 1 %
Pinkney (Lt.-Col.) Travels through the
South of France, &c, in 1867 — 8, 4to
1809 s. h. 3. 6
Pitt (Rt. Honble. Wm.) The Speeches of,
in the House of Commons, 3 vols, 8vo
1817 L. A. 2. 7
Planche (J. R., " Somerset Herald ") Ex-
travaganzas, edited by T. Dillon
Croker and Stephen Tucker, 5 vols,
8vo Testimonial Edition, 1879 s. h. 3. 3
Planting, useful and ornamental, 8vo, 1832 n. m. 1.6
Pleydell (J. C. Mansell) The Birds of
Dorsetshire, 8vo n.d. a. l. 1.3
Plimsoll (S., M.P.) Our Seamen, an appeal,
4to (2 copies) 1873 s. h. 3. 5
Poetry Book for Schools, cr 8vo 1866
Political Magazine, 8vo 1785 n. m. i. 6
Political Tracts. The Rights of Princes ;
Happy Reign of George the last ; also
Paine's tracts on the Age of Reason,
3 parts; together 15 tracts in 1 vol,
8vo 1790, &c. s. h. 2. 2
Pollok (R.) The Course of Time, cr 8vo
1846 a. l. 2. 7
Porny's Elements of Heraldry, 8vo, 1771 s. h. i. 3
Poor-Laws. The Administration and
Operation, 8vo 1833 n. n. i. 6
Pope (Alexander) Works, complete with
his last corrections, 4 vols, 8vo 1778 d. g. i. 2
Porter (G. R.) The Progress of the Nation,
8vo 1847 s. h. 1.2
Portlock (Capt. Nathaniel) Voyage round
the World, particularly the N.W.
Coast of America, 4to 1789 l. a. 8.4
Postans (T.) Observations on Sindh, its
inhabitants, &c, 8vo 1843 n. n. 2. 6
Potter (Thomas) Concrete, its use in build-
ings, post 8vo n.d. n. m. 1.3
Pownall (Thos.) Administration of the
British Colonies, 8vo 1774 s. h. 2. 2
Library Catalogue. 67
Author and Title. | s I |
Pradt (M. de) Histoire de l'ambassade
dans le grand duche de Varsouvie en
1812, post 8vo 1815 n. n. 1. 5
Pratt (John T.) Property Tax Act, post
8vo 1842 a. l. 2. 6
Pratt (John T.) Statutes relating to Jus-
tice of the Peace passed 1835-7, 3 v °l s >
8vo 1835-1837 n. n. 1. 6
Prescott (W. H.) History of the Conquest
of Peru, 2 vols, 8vo 1847 s. h. 1. 3
Prescott (Wm. H.) History of the Con-
quest of Mexico, 3 vols, 8vo 1843 s. h. I. 3
Prideaux (Humphrey) Old and New Testa-
ment connected with the history of the
Jews, 4 vols, 8vo 1821 n. n. i. 4
Prince Consort (H.R.H.) The early years
of, by Honble. C. Gray, 8vo 1867 s. h. i. i
Prince Consort (H.R.H.) Life of, by Sir
Theodore Martin, 5 vols, 8vo, 1875-80 s. h. i. i
Prince Consort (H.R.H. the) Principal
Speeches and Addresses of, 8vo, 1862 s. h. i. i
Probyn (J. W.) Systems of Land Tenure
in various Countries, post 8vo n.d a. l. 2.6
Proceeding of the Libel Case of the Earl
of Cardigan v. Lt.-Col. Calthorpe, 8vo
1863 s. h. 1. 2
Protestant Dissention. Bishop Hoadley's
Refutation, and other tracts concern-
ing the Test and Corporation Acts,
together g vols in 1, post 8vo v.d. s. h. 2. 2
Prout (S.) Facsimiles of Sketches made in
Flanders and Germany, folio n.d. l. a. 2. 10
Pufendorf (Baron) Law of Nature and
Nations, folio 1749 l. a. 3. 2
Pugin (A. W.) Architectural Antiquities of
Normandy, 4to 1828 l. a. 2. 8
Pugin (A. W.) Contrasts, or a parallel
between the noble buildings of the
middle ages and those of the present
day, 4to 1841 s. h. 2. 4
68 Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. § « | i
Pugin (A. W.) New parallel of the orders
of Architecture, with plates by Nor-
mand, folio 1829 l. a. 3. g
Pugin (A. W.) The present state of Eccle-
siastical Architecture in England, 8vo
1843 s. h. 3. 3
Pugin (A. W.) Examples of Gothic Archi-
tecture, 2 vols ; and History and
Antiquities of the Vicar's Close, Wells,
together 3 vols, 4to 1836 l. a. 2. 8
Punch, vols 40, 92 to 100, 112 and 113,
12 vols, 4to 1887-97 s. h. 3. 6
Pye (H. J.) Poems on various subjects,
2 vols, 8vo 1787
Quarles (Francis) Emblems, 8vo 1861
Quin (F. H. Foster, M.D.) A Memoir of,
by Edward Hamilton, M.D., 8vo, 1879
Racine (Jean) Choix des Tragedies, 2 vols,
i8mo Londres, 1825
Racine, CEuvres de, 2 vols, i2mo
Paris, 1 72 1
Racine, CEuvres de, 3 vols, 8vo 1 7^4
Racing Calendar, The, edited by Edward
and James Weatherby, 73 vols, cr 8vo,
1 824- 1 903, (wanting 1854 to 1859,1879) n.
Radcliffe (Mrs.) Romance of the Forest,
3 vols, i2mo 1791 l. c. 1. 1
Raleigh (Alex.) The Little Sanctuary and
other meditations, post 8vo 1873 N - M - *■ 4
Ramsay (David, M.D.) History of the
Revolution of South Carolina, 2 vols,
8vo Trenton, 1785 l. d. 4. 2
Rapin (M. de) History oi England, as well
Ecclesiastical as Civil, translated by
N. Tindal, 15 vols, 8vo 1728 l. d. i. 4
Rawlinson (G.) The History of Herodotus,
new English Version, with notes, &c,
4 vols, 8vo 1858 s. h. 2. 3
Reade (Charles) Griffith Gaunt, or
Jealousy, 3 vols, post 8vo 1867 n. n. 2. 3
. N,
Library Catalogue. 69
Author and Title. I g % %
o « .5 ja
D4 (J Q 1/)
Reade (Chas.) Peg Woffington, cr 8vo
1857 n. n. 2. 2
Regent's Classics (pocket edition), : —
comprising Cicero, i2vols, 1820; Livy,
5 vols, 1819; Plautus, 3 vols, 1823;
Tacitus, 3 vols, 18 17 ; Ovid, 3 vols,
1815 ; Quintilian, 2 vols, 1822 ; Caesar,
1822 ; Curtius, 1826 ; Pliny, 1821 ;
Valierius Maximus, 1819 ; Claudianus,
1819 ; Silius Italicus. 1824 ; Sallust and
Justinian, 1818 ; Florus et Paterculus,
1818; Martialus, 1816 ; Catullus Tibel-
lus et Propertius, 1819 ; Seneca, 1823 5
Terentius, 1819 ; Lucanus, 1820 ;
Cornelius Nepos, 1819 ; Phaedrus,
1823 ; together 43 vols, i8mo v.d.
Reeves (John) History of the English Law,
4 vols, 8vo 1787
Reece (Dr. R.) Medical Guide, 8vo 1820
Reichard (H. A. O.) Guide des Voyageurs
en Europe, 3 vols, i2mo 1818
Report and Evidence on the Royal Dublin
Society, 8vo Dublin, 1836
Report of Inquiry into Practices of Inter-
ment in Towns, 8vo !843
Report of the Poor-Law Commissioners,
post 8vo 1840
Report of the Poor-Law Commissioners,
8vo 1834
Report on the Training of Pauper Children,
8vo 1 84 1
Reports of Commissioners' Inquiry into
State of Large Towns, Health and
Disease, Vol 1, 8vo 1844
Reports on the Sanitary Condition of the
Labouring Population of England,
8vo 1842 n. n. 1. 5
Reports. Poor-Law Commissioners on
the Employment of Women and
Children in Agriculture, 8vo 1843 n. n. 2. 5
. 1
. 1
'jo Library Catalogue.
Author and Title. | s I %
Return of Owners of Land in England,
Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, 4 vols,
4to 1873-6 s. h. 2. 6
Retz (Cardinal de) Memoires de, et la
Duchesse de Nemours, 6 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1820 d. f. 1.1
Revue des Deux Mondes, 76, roy 8vo,
1855-57, 1863-66 a. l. 2, 1 & 2
Reybaud (Louis) Jerome Paturot a la
Recherche d'une Position Sociale,
2 vols, roy 8vo Paris, 1849 s. h. 2. 4
Reynolds (J. R.) Epilepsy, its Symptoms,
etc., 8vo 1861 n. n. 2. 6
Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Literary Works
with Lives by Edward Malone and
Joseph Farington, 3 vols, 8vo 1819 d. g. i. 2
Richardson (Sir John) Arctic Searching
Expedition in Search of Franklin,
2 vols, 8vo 1851 l. d. 1. 3
Rickman (Thos.) Gothic and other Styles
of Architecture in England, 8vo 1825 s. h. 2. 3
Rhodes (G. M.) The Nine Circles of the
Hell of the Innocent, cr 8vo 1892 a. l. 2. 7
Riley (H. T.) Liber Albus, The White
Book of the City of London, translated
from the Latin, sm 4to 1861 a. l. 2. 4
Robertson (David) A Tour through the
Isle ot Man, with a Review of Manx
History, roy 8vo 1794 l. a. 1.4
Robertson (Dr. Wm.) Historical Works,
12 vols, 8vo Edinburgh, 1819
Roche (Antonin) Les Poetes Francaise,
cr 8vo n.d. n. m. 2. 2
Rochefoucauld (Due de la) Maximes du,
i2mo Paris, 1850 l. a. 1.8
Roland (Madame) Memoires de, ecrits par
elle-meme, 2 vols, 8vo 1835 l. c. 2. 3
Rollin's Histoire Ancienne, 18 vols, i8mo
Paris, 181 5 l. d. 2. 1
Rollin's History of Rome, 10 vols, 8vo,
1768 l. d. 4. 3
Library Catalogue, 71
Author and Title. % i | |
Rome. Veduta di Roma, a Gallery of
Large Folding Engravings on Copper,
by Rossini, large folio 1823 l. a. 2. 10
Rome. Vedute antiche e moderne di
Roma, 4to n.d. s. h. 2. 4
Romilly (Sir Samuel) Memoirs of the Life
of, by Himself, 3 vols, 8vo 1840 d. g. 1.2
Roscoe (T.) The Tourist in France, cr 8vo,
1834 n. m. 1. 2
Rose (Rt. Hon. G.) Observations on the
Historical Work of the late Rt. Hon.
C. J. Fox, 4to 1809 s. h. 3. 6
Ross (Capt. Sir J. C., R.N.) Voyage to
the Southern and Antarctic Regions
in 1839-43, 2 v °l s > 8vo 1847 s. h. 1. 2
Rosse (Earl of) The Monster Telescopes,
post 8vo Parsonstown, 1844 n. m. 2. 5
Rousseau (J. J.) La Nouvelle Heloise ou
Lettres de Deux Amants, 4 vols, 8vo,
Paris, 1808 l. b. 1. 3
Rousseau (J. J.) QEuvres completes de,
plates by Moreau and others, 20 vols,
post 8vo Paris, 1801 d. f. 2. 1
Rovigo (Due de) Memoires du, pour servir
a l'Histoire d'Empereur Napoleon,
8 vols, 8vo Paris, 1828 l. b. i. 3
Rush (Richard) A Residence at the Court
of London, 8vo 1833 n. n. 1.6
Rushworth (John) Historical Collections
of Private Passages of State, Weighty
Matters in Law, etc., 1618-48, with
Tryal of Stafford, 8 vols, sm folio, 171 1 l. a. 4. i
Ruskin (John) Stones of Venice, The Fall,
royal 8vo 1853 a. l. 2. 5
Russell (Dr. Alex.) Natural History of
Aleppo, 4to 1856 l. a. 1.4
Russell (Rev. M.) Nubia and Abyssinia,
i2mo 1833 a. l. 2. 7
Russell (William, Lord) Life of, by Lord
John Russell, 2 vols, 8vo 1820 l. c. 2. 4
72 Library Catalogue.
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Russell (W. H.) My Diary, North and
South, 2 vols, pOSt 8VO 1863 N. N. 2. 2
Russsll (W. H.) The War, post 8vo 1855 n. m. 2. 1
Russell (W.) History of Modern Europe,
7 Vols, 8\ T l8l8 A. L. 3. I
Ryde and Thomas, Local Government
Act, 8vo 1888 n. n. 1. 5
Sacheverell (Dr. Hy.) Trial of, sm folio,
1710 l. a. 3. 2
Saint-Arnaud (Marechal de) Lettres du,
2 vols, 8vo Paris, 1855 s - H - 3- 2
St. Leonards (Lord) On Property Law,
fcap. 8vo 1858 a. l. 2. 6
Saint-Pierre (Bernardin de) La Chaumiere
Indienne, 24010 1791 l. d. 3. 1
St. Stephens, a poem, i2mo i860 n. m. 2. 2
Salame (A.) The Expedition to Algiers in
1816, under Lord Viscount Exmouth,
8vo 1819 n. n. 2. 4
Sale (Lady) Journal of the Disasters in
Afghanistan, 1841-2, post 8vo 1843 n. m. 2. 3
Salem Chapel, cr 8vo 1863 n. n. 2. 2
Sallusti. Orationes ex Sallustio collectae,
post 8vo 1780 n. m. 2. 4
Sallusti. Opera Omnia, 8vo 1784 n. n. 2. 4
Sallusti. Opera, 2 vols, roy 4to 1799 l. a. i. 3
Salmon (C. S.) Crown Colonies of Great
Britain, cr 8vo n.d. a. l. 2. 7
Salmon (J.) The Works of Art of Ancient
and Modern Rome, 2 vols, 8vo 1798 l. e. i. 2
Salmon's Universal Traveller, 2 vols, folio
1752 l. a. 2. 2
Sandford (Sir D. K.) Greek Extracts,
post 8vo 1 ^>37 N. M. I. I
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Sargent (F.) The Peers of the United
Kingdom, etched by F. Sargent, with
family arms and memoirs, folio 1882 s. h. 2. 6
Sarratt (J. H.) Treatise on the Game of
Chess, 2 vols, 8vo 1808 l. d. 2. 3
Sarratt, a New Treatise, 2 vols, 8vo 182 1 l. d. 3. 4
Saunders (T. W.) Militia Acts, i2mo 1852 n. m. 2. 4
Sauseuil (Chevalier de) The Manoeuverer,
or Skilful Seaman, 4to 1788 l. a. 1.4
Sauvestre (M. Charles) On the Knee of
the Church, 8vo 1869 n. n. i. 3
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adressee au Due de, par Baron de
Gfimme et par Diderot, 4 vols bound
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Schiller (F.) Fridolin, or the Road to the
Iron Foundry, translated by Collier,
4to 1824 s. h. 2. 4
Schiller. The Song of the Bell, illustrated
by Moritz Retsch, oblong 8vo 1843 s. h. 2. 6
Schiller (Von) Wallenstein, post 8vo
Stuttgart, 1852 n. m. 1. 1
Schwan (C. F.) Dictionnaire des Langues
Francois and Allemande, 4 vols, 8vo
Francfort, 1810 g. j. 1.
Scholar Armed, The, against the Errors
of the Time, 2 vols, 8vo 1800 l. d. 3. 3
Schuyler (Dr. S.) Turkistan, Notes of a
Journey in Russian Turkistan, 2 vols,
8vo 1876 n. m. 1. 4
Scott (Leader) A Bunch of Berries, cr. 8vo
1885 N. M. 2. I
Scott (Sir Walter) The Abbott, 3 vols,
i2mo Edin., 1820 l. a. 4. 5
Scott (Sir Walter) The Antiquary, 3 vols,
i2mo Edin., 1816 l. a. 4. 5
Scott (Sir Walter) The Fortunes of Nigel,
3 vols, i2mo Edin., 1822 l. a. 4. 5
, 1822
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W.j The Pirate, 3 vols.
, post
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W.) Red Gauntlet, 3
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W.) Rob Roy, 3 vols,
4- 3
i- 5
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Scott (Sir Walter) Guy Mannering, 3 vols,
!2mo Edin., 1815 l. a. 4. 5
Scott (Sir Walter) Ivanhoe, 3 vols, i2mo
Edin., 1820 l.
Scott (Sir Walter) Lay of the Last Min-
strel, 8vo 1806 l.
Scott (Sir W.) Lay of the Last Minstrel,
8vo 1808 N.
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Rokeby ; Lay of the Last Minstrel ;
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border;
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i2mo Edin., 1820 l. a. 4. 5
Scott (Sir W.) Peveril of the Peak, 4 vols,
a. 4. 5
a. 4. 5
d. 4. 5
Edin., 1818 l. a. 4. 5
Scott (Sir W.) St. Ronan's Well, 3 vols,
i2mo Edin., 1824 L - A - 4- 5
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26 VOls, post 8V0 N.D. N. N. 2. 3
Scrap Book, containing a large number of
newspaper cuttings relating to the
Crimean War and Family Matters,
Correspondence, &c, folio n.d. d. table.
Scrivener (F. H., M.A.) Plain Introduc-
tion to the Criticism of the New Tes-
tament, 8vo 1861 n.n. 1.6
Scrope (G. P.) The Geology and Extinct
Volcanoes of Central France, 8vo 1858 s. h. 3.2
Scrope (G. P.) Another copy n. m. 1.4
Scrope (G. P.) Volcanoes, the Character of
their Phenomena, 8vo 1862 s. h. 3. 2
Scrutator. Letters on the Management
of Hounds, 8vo 1852 a. l. 3. 4
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Seally (John) and Lyons (Israel) Geo-
graphical Dictionary, or Universal
Gazetteer, 2 vols, 4to n.d. l. a. 2. 3
Sebastopol, A Month in the Camp before,
by a Non-combatant, post 8vo 1855 n. n. 2. 2
Seccombe (Major) Army and Navy
Drolleries, sm. 4to n.d. a. l. 2. 5
Segur (Comte de) Histoire de Napoleon
et dela grande-armee, 2 vols, 8vo 1825 l. b. 1.3
Senior (Nassau W.) Biographical Sketches,
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Davenport and John Preston, 3 vols
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Sevigne (Madam ede) Lettres de, de sa
famille, et de ses amis, 12 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1823 d. g. 2. 2
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8vo 1855 s - H - I - 2
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London and Westminster, enlarged
from Stowe's Survey, vol 1, folio 1733 l. a. i. i
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isticks of Men, Manners, Opinions and
Times, 3 vols, 8vo 1737 d. f. 2. 2
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Letters and Speeches of the, by
W. D. Christie, 8vo 1859 n. m. i. 5
Shaftesbury (Earl of) Speeches, cr 8vo
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E. Hodder, 3 vols, 8vo 1886 n. m. 2. 6
Shaftesbury (Lord) Reflections on the
Ballot, 8vo 1 83 1 n. m. 1. 5
Shakspeare, Works. Bell's Complete
Edition, with notes, critical and illus-
trative, 9 vols, post 8vo 1773 l. a. 4. 9
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Shakspeare, The Complete Works of, with
notes, roy. 8vo Stockdale, 1784 n. m. 2. 6
Shakspeare, Plays. Johnson and Stevens'
Edition, revised by Isaac Reed,
21 vols, 8vo 1813 l. e. 1.3
Shakespeare (Wm.) The Works of, edited
by Barry Cornwall, 3 vols, royal 8vo
1843 a. l. 2. 3
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J. R. Pitman, 8vo 1822 n. n. 2. 6
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by Thos. Price, fcap. 8vo 1853 n. m. i. 6
Sharpe (Edmund) Architectural Parallels,
tinted plates, folio 1848 l. a. 2. 10
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History, 8vo 1787 l. d. 2. 4
Shelford (L.) Acts for the Commutation
of Tithes in England and Wales, post
8vo 1842 a. l. 2. 6
Shepherd (H. J.) Election of Members of
Parliament, Law and Practice of, post
8vo 1836 a. l. 2. 6
Sheridan (R. B.) Works, 2 vols, 8vo 1821 l. d. 3. 3
Sheridan (Thomas) Dictionary of the
English Language, both with regard
to sound and meaning, 4to 1789 s. h. 2. 4
Short (Bp.) Sketch of the History of the
Church of England to the Revolution
of 1688, 2 vols, 8vo 1832 l. c. 3. 2
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France and Belgium in 181 5, with
atlas, 2 vols, 8vo and 4to 1844 s. h. 3. 2
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their Remedies, i2mo (2 copies) 1799 l. d. 3. 1
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Siege of Antwerp, by Capt. the Honble.
C. S. W , i2mo 1833 l. c. 2. 1
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Simpson (Wm.) Sketches of the Seat of
War in the East, plates, 2 vols, folio
1856 l. a. 3. 11
Sismondi (S. de) Histoire des Republiques
Italiennes du Moyen Age, 16 vols, 8vo
Paris, 1826 d. g. 2. 1
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de l'Europe, 4 vols, 8vo Paris, 1819 l. d. 3.4
Sismondi (J. C. L. de) Histoire des Fran-
gais, 6 vols, 8vo 1821 n. m. i. 5
Smith (Dr. Adam) Wealth of Nations,
3 vols, 8vo 1789 l. d. 2. 2
Smith (Dr. Adam) Wealth of Nations,
edited by Thorold Rogers, 2 vols, 8vo
Clarendon Press, 1869 a. l. 2. 4
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British Flora, post 8vo 1829 L - A - 1 - 8
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4 vols, 8vo 1828-30 l. c. 2. 2
Smith (Sir J. E.) Physiological and Sys-
tematical Botany, 8vo 1825 l. c. 2. 2
Smith (John) Select Views in Italy," with
topographical descriptions, 72 engrav-
ings, 2 vols, oblong 4to 1796 l. a. 2.3
Smith (J. & H.) Rejected Addresses, 121x10
1817 l. a. 1. 8
Smith (J. W.) Leading Cases, edited by
Willes and Keating, 2 vols, roy. 8vo
1856 a. l. 1. 6
Smollett (T.) History of England, from
the Revolution to George II., 5 vols, l. a. 3. 7
8vo (2 copies) 1788 l. d. 4. 2
Smyth (Capt. W. H.) The Hydrography
of Sicily and Malta, and adjacent
Islands, 1814-16, atlas folio, with
accompanying volume of text l. a. 2. 8
Printed for the Admiralty, 1823 L - A - 2. 10
Smyth (W.) Lectures on Modern History,
2 vols, 8vo 1840 n. m. 1.3
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and the Operations of Sir Archibald
Campbell's Army, 8vo 1827 l. d. 2. 2
Somerset (Duke of) Monarchy and
Democracy, 8vo 1880 n. m. 1. 4
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engravings, i2mo 1773 n. n. i. 3
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tuations in 3 per cent. Consols, 4to
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Sonnini (C. S.) Travels in Upper and
Lower Egypt, 4to 1800 s. h. 2. 4
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Tales, 2 vols, post 8vo 1841 l. c. i. i
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2 vols, 8vo 1824 s - H - 3- 3
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Progress and Prosperity of Society,
2 vols, 8vo 1829 l. c. 4. 4
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and Political, 2 vols, i2mo 1832 l. c. 3. 1
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4to 1810 l. a. 1. 7
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War, 3 vols, 4to 1823 l. a. 1. 7
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figures of British Plants, with essential
characters, synonyms, and places of
growth, with index, 37 vols, roy. 8vo
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B.C. IOOO tO A.D. 1814, 8V0 1833 N. N. 2. 6
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Isabella della Villearea, 2 vols, post
8V0 I787 N. M. I. I
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Spectator (The), 8 vols, post 8vo n.d. l. a. i. 8
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Ricordo Pitterico Militare della, 25
plans, oblong folio Torino, 1857 l. a. 2. 10
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Poets and the remains of Antient l. a. 2. 9
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Companion, plates, 4to 1785 l. a. 2. 8
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the Mississippi Valley, 4to
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Bible, 2 vols, folio 1749 l. a. 2. 2
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in Central Africa, 8vo 1872 n. n. 2. 5
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Britain, from Magna Charta to the
Union of the Kingdoms of Great
Britain and Ireland, 10 vols, 4to 181 1 s. h. i. 5
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the 14th Year of King George II.,
vols 7, 8 and 9, folio 1759 l. a. i. i
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Britain and Ireland, from 1801-41,
George I., to 1819-59, George III.,
edited by Tomlins, 7 vols, 4to 1804-19 s. h. 1.6
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book, post 8vo 1847 n. m. 2. 1
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Staunton (Howard) Chess Praxis, post 8vo
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Kennett, 8vo igoo n. n. 2. 6
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patches, with life by Sir Geo. Rad-
clifTe, 2 vols in 1, folio 1 739 L - A - 2. 2
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tion, 8vo 1849 n. m. 1.6
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etc., in different countries, post 8vo
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World, their history and romance, 8vo
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8VO l886 L. A. 2. 7
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dalene, 8vo 1848 n. n. 2. 5
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the establishment of the Reformation
to the Death of Queen Mary, 2 vols,
8vo 1783 l. d. 4. 2
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tralia, 1858 — 62, 8vo 1865 l. d. 1. 3
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Horses, &c, 18 vols, 8vo 1827 — 1893 a. l. 3. 2 & 3
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France in 1809, 8vo 1810 n. n. i. 4
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