LI B R.AFLY OF THE *^' UN IVLR5ITY Of ILLINOIS 510. 84 U6.r , no. 524- 33d cop. ,2 *N . The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University m University of Illinois Library ! JUN 2 3 I MM MAY 2 9 Rf OCT 2 1 1970 NOV J 4 1970 NOV - 7 1370 NOV 1 2 £7 Ml 19V5 SEP 3 1977 F£B i 1 ? W» fEB IQWH MAR i 4 1978 2004 Jilll 4 1971 OEC 1 9 RK* FEB - 1 1971 JAN 2 5 MAR ** 197 APR 20 W Mi c«p MAR MAR 8 1976 8 RECTI i r *W4 1377 L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 V aJ Report No - 328 4). 3 Z. f C00-1U69-0119 REPRESENTATIONS OF PROCESS PARALLELISMS by S. Wilkins June 1969 JttlU " Report No. 328 REPRESENTATIONS OF PROCESS PARALLELISMS* by S. Wilkins June 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 This work was supported in part by contract no U. S. AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science, June 1969- Ill TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. SURVEY 2 A. Definitions and Background 2 B. Explicit Parallelism 5 C. Implicit Parallelism 8 D. Technical Considerations 9 E. Advantages 11 III. PROPOSAL 12 A. Flowchart Programming System 12 B. Another Graphical Technique 16 C. Comparison 18 D. Conclusion 20 REFERENCES. 26 I . INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is twofold: l) To present a "brief survey of the literature on parallel processing. 2) To present a proposal for a flowchart programming system which provides facilities for the specification of parallel execution of tasks within a job and of computations within a task. The literature on parallel processing abounds in terminology whose definitions vary, reflecting the different points of view taken by the authors. In this paper a working set of definitions is first introduced. By tying the important concepts of parallel processing to this set of definitions the ambiguities reflected in the literature have been avoided in an attempt to emphasize points of agreement without dwelling on the differences in definitions. Investigations into task and subtask parallelism are going in two directions. The first is the introduction of programming facilities that encourage parallelism to be detected and used at the coding level. The other is the implementation of algorithms at the compiling level to investigate potential parallelism in sequentially coded tasks . Programming techniques which constrain problem solutions to a sequential order have merely hidden any inherent parallelism in these solutions. By introducing new programming techniques which relax sequential constraints, the programmer can re-introduce the inherent parallelism in a problem solution and use it to find algorithms which are faster and more naturally follow thought processes. The proposal in this paper is for a programming system which allows programmer specifi- cation of parallelism. II . SURVEY The following framework and definitions for a general discussion of parallel processing have been chosen as practical vehicles for this paper. They do not purport to cover all the nuances of a term which is used freely to describe many activities. A. Definitions and Background A process, P, is defined to be a single executable unit that once started may be completed. No other process is initiated by P's action, only possibly by P's completion. A processor is that which executes the process P, and parallel processors are a set of processors executing processes simultaneously. These definitions can be applied to computations on three levels of sophistication. 1. The most fundamental process in a computer is signal transmission. The processors are the gates which transmit the signals. Parallel processors are a set of gates activated simultaneously as the result of a former gating. Bit parallel adders are an example of parallel processors. 2. At the next level, a process is identified as an instruction cycle comprising decoding and execution. The processor is the central processing unit (CPU) composed of the control unit and the arithmetic /logic units (ALU). By duplicating the CPU or perhaps just the ALU, it is possible to execute instructions simultaneously. 3. The highest level process is identified with an instruction stream which obeys the constraints of the definition of a process. This could he as elementary as a single instruction. The processor is a CPU or an I/O channel and a memory for storing the instruction stream. The channel considered is capable of decoding and executing its own channel program. Although a channel requires the CPU for its initiation it is then capable of completing the action initiated independently of the CPU. Parallel processors could be multiple CPU's or channels sharing a common memory. Multiprooessi-ng is the term most generally used to describe multiple CPU's sharing a common memory. The primary inpetus behind parallel processing has been the search for methods of increasing execution speed, and secondarily, for ways to efficiently use increasingly more sophisticated hardware. The second statement above is open to controversy. Some would say that sophisticated hardware is a result of meeting the needs of rapidly developing concepts in software. More correctly, the two probably develop with little communication of future goals. However, without sophisticated hardware, the development of software for parallel processing discussed in this paper would be a futile pursuit. Pre-von Neumann computers were capable of executing arithmetic instructions in parallel. This feature was abandoned with the advent of stored program computers because the overall gain in speed was felt to outweigh the difficulties in adapting electronic circuits to this technique. Early attempts to rectify this loss resulted in the parallel gating concepts discussed above. Some computers were then designed with an advanced control which could scan ahead for neighboring arithmetic instructions that could be performed simultaneously using a second ALU. The next attempts to increase speed were found in the proposals for Solomon I and Solomon II, and later in ILLIAC IV, i.e. the replication of ALU's for simultaneous execution of a single instruction on different data. In the input-output world, the advent of faster memories found slow mechanical devices to be holding up execution time, so techniques were designed to make peripheral equipment independent of internal computation. Internal processing could continue while awaiting completion and notification from slower equipment. Time- sharing, in general, will not be called parallel processing since only one process is in control at any one time. However, channels capable of decoding and executing their own channel programs can execute in parallel with a CPU, so this will be called parallel processing even if used to implement a timesharing system. The rest of this discussion will be confined to one particular type of parallel processing included in category 3. This is the execution of instruction streams which are logically related in that they are initiated simultaneously by another single process. Specifically, the topics of interest will be coding, compiling and technical considerations. Two different schools of thought have arisen concerning parallelism at the source program level. B. Explicit Parallelism Those of the first school propose that potential parallelism be recognized "by the analyst and coded in a source language that allows explicit declaration of parallelism. Most existing widely accepted languages have no facility for expressing parallelism. This deficiency has been recognized by the designers of PL/I who included the 'TASK' option with the 'CALL' statement to initiate the simultaneous execution of a parallel task (Radin and Rogoway ) . [22] Tesler and Enea have proposed Single Assignment Languages in which all statements are assignments and no variable can be assigned a value by more than one statement. No explicit indication of sequence or concurrence is needed for the assignments would define dependence relations which in turn would define order of execution. Another approach to expressing parallelism is Sutherland's [21] graphical specification of computer procedures in which parallelism can be initiated by control or data flow lines simultaneously activating nodes of a graph representing executable operations. More will be said later of Sutherland's work. The most common solutions in lieu of a new language have been the proposals for implementing existing languages, generally ALGOL or FORTRAN, with statements necessary for explicitly declaring parallelism. The general ideas proposed are: 1. Some explicit declaration of the initiation of simul- taneous paths is necessary. The 'FORK' statement, T6 1 attributed to Conway , is the most widely known suggestion, and the concept is generally the same regardless of the various other names given to it. Two types of 'FORK' are generally recognized. la. The first 'FORK' proposed (see Conway and Opler ) establishes parallel paths which eventually converge to a point in the program beyond which no execution can proceed until all the activated paths have been completed. The usual implementation is a counter established by the 'FORK' which is decremented by each path on completion, and only the processor which sets the counter to zero will continue processing beyond the convergence point, the other processors having been released. lb. Anderson , and later Gosden , proposed the existence of circumstances in which parallel paths need not converge. So, a modified 'FORK' is needed to establish parallel paths which just release their processors at the end. 2. 'FORK' statements initiating paths that will converge also reference the point in the program to which they converge. This is normally called the 'JOIN' statement, which is the location of the counter, and acts as a 'WAIT' statement to which all the paths branch. The last processor to branch to the 'JOIN' will then go to the next sequential instruction. 7 3. Some statement is also necessary to terminate parallel paths that do not converge. This is generally called an 'IDLE' statement which releases the processor, and initiates no other action. k. Parallel paths conceivably will wish to use common data, so some statement is needed to prevent the destructive manipulation of data by other processes while one process wishes to have exclusive use of that data. Such statements are 'OBTAIN' or 'LOCK', and their counterparts to release exclusive use are •RELEASE' or 'UNLOCK'. Dennis and Van Horn 1 ' J have noted that it is important that once exclusive use is gained that it not be held indefinitely, such as might happen if an interrupt were to break the flow of the process, or the process were to go into an infinite loop. Either interrupts could be inhibited during 'LOCK' -'UNLOCK' separations or a timing limit could be set on the span of the ' LOCK' -'UNLOCK' . [21+] Wirth has proposed a procedure declaration called 'CRITICAL SECTION' for instruction streams common to several processes which must not be executed simultaneously. This would act like 'LOCK' and prevent other processes from entering that instruction stream while it is active. If explicit declaration of parallelism is going to be useful, computational techniques will have to be re-examined to re-introduce any parallelism that was abandoned in developing serial algorithms for a computer. Several interesting algorithms for parallel methods in numerical analysis have been proposed (Nievergelt ' , Pease ' , Gilmore , and Miranker and Liniger ' ) . The purpose here is not to survey this work, but merely to point out that progress is being made in the search for new algorithms. This work further emphasizes the need for methods of conveying this new parallelism to a computer. C. Implicit Parallelism Those of the other school of thought feel that coding is difficult enough and already too error prone. Further, the programmer should not be saddled with the added burden of recognizing parallelism and insuring determinancy in his parallel procedures. In his paper [2] Bernstein proposes a set of sufficient conditions based on data reads and writes for determining parallelism at the subprogram level. [3] Bingham, et al , have written an algorithm for determining parallelism in programs based on I/O set intersections and any known essential serial order. In his paper, Stone describes a one-pass algorithm for compiling arithmetic expressions such that the resulting expression is inherently parallel. He assumes the use of a CPU with several independent arithmetic units of the type discussed in category 2 above. The resultant code would yield a set of neighboring instructions which a scan ahead feature could recognize as independent and distribute to the arithmetic units. This paper is pertinent to this discussion because of the obvious extension to the multiple CPU environment. The compiler could compile simulated 'FORK'S and 'JOIN's to divide the work of computing the arithmetic expressions among several CPU's. D. Technical Considerations The following considerations are important at the time of execution no matter what the level at which parallelism is implemented. 1. The Critical Section . Instruction streams executing in parallel may have access to the same facilities, whether storage or I/O and the time that this access is desired is termed a critical section. The key problem is to assure that no two parallel paths enter their critical sections relating to the same facilities simultaneously. 2. Queuing . Closely related to the problem above is the queuing of processes for execution of their critical sections. It is important that no one process be T Pi 1 delayed indefinitely. Dijkstra was the first to propose an algorithm for queuing processes with common [12] critical sections. Knuth later pointed out that although not all processes would be blocked indefinitely by Dijkstra' s proposal, one single process could be blocked indefinitely. Knuth suggested a modification to the algorithm which hopefully would clear up this over- sight. Both of these proposals are instructive for anyone concerned with the implementation of parallel processing software. 3. Determinancy . When searching for potential parallelism at the compiler level, basic rules about data reads and writes (which are somewhat restrictive) must be assumed. 10 If an instruction stream, M, is changing the value of a data variable, C, and another instruction stream, N, is just reading C, then the algorithms should assume that the order of M relative to N must be maintained. The algorithms cannot anticipate that the order of M and H perhaps has no relevance. If the programmer were to code the algorithm explicitly specifying parallelism, two paths, M' and N' corresponding to M and N respectively, could conceivably be executed in parallel. The 'LOCK' -'UNLOCK' feature must be provided, however, to assure that M' does not destructively manipulate C while N' is using C, and N 1 does not attempt to access C while it is being modified by M' . In a sense the sub-instruction streams of M' and N' concerned with C are not so much parallel as commutative. The time relationship of the executions of the two sub-instruction streams is unimportant as long as the executions are not simultaneous, so the 'LOCK' -'UNLOCK' feature prevents true parallelism. To assure determinancy for implicit parallelism is to assume that the output at the end of a set of parallel paths is the same regardless of the time relationship of the executions of the individual paths as long as the serial order within the paths is maintained. Determinancy in explicit parallelism is the responsibility of the programmer, and interpretation of its meaning may be very broad for a particular problem solution. 11 E. Advantages Parallelism of the type discussed above has several advantages in both mult i -CPU and single-CPU environments. 1. Multi-CPU's . If there are not enough active tasks to use all the CPU's then parallel paths within a single task can use otherwise idle equipment. If there are high priority jobs with parallel specifications within the tasks comprising the job then several CPU's can be committed to that job to decrease the turn- around time. By running batch processes serially and dedicating several processors to one job, the turn- around time for a number of large jobs can be improved. System overhead time can be saved in overlays of data and program segments. As an economic factor, the number of memory hours (amount of memory occupied times the length of time of occupation) taken by a single job can be reduced. 2. Single-CPU' s . In a timesharing environment one task with outstanding priority could have alternate path specifications for I/O wait time rather than relinquishing control to a lower priority task. Again overhead time could be saved by reducing the number of overlays. 12 III . PROPOSAL A. Flowchart Programming System The following proposal for a programming system which provides for explicit declaration of parallelism is an extension of [19] work done by Fontaine K. Richardson on the Computer- Aided Programming System. The systems analyst uses the flowchart as a means of explicitly showing the logic flow between tasks comprising a job and the logic flow within a task. From the flowchart for a task a programmer produces coding, and the most important feature of the flowchart is lost, the explicit indication of control flow. The flowchart is seldom updated as the coding is debugged or altered and an important documentation tool is abandoned. Richardson's work consists of utilizing the symbols of a flowchart, the nodes and branches, as an extension of a higher level programming language called FPL/I to form a source programming language. The flowchart structure is used to show the control flow in the program; executable statements written in FPL/I are associated with the nodes, and the arrows determine the sequence of execution of the texts associated with the nodes. The flowchart and the program statements are constructed on an interactive graphics terminal using a light pen, and are then converted to digital information either for storage or immediate transmission to a flowchart interpretor for online execution . The nodes and branch, called collectively symbols, used by Richardson are: Nodes ; Process 13 Decision Connector Branch: Arrow The symbol types are used to reconstruct the flowchart internally in a linked list format. The executable statements are decoded and executed (interpreted) one by one as control flows from symbol to symbol. An entry point is a process symbol with no previous linkage whose associated text is taken as the entry point name. An exit point is a symbol with no succeeding linkage. Decision branching is handled by the setting of a condition register following the execution of FPL/I test statements. The condition register is compared with the text associated with the arrows leading from a decision symbol to determine which branch to take. (See Figure 1.). Ik The advantages of this programming system are summarized in the following: 1. Analysis, coding, and documentation are combined into one step. As an analysis of the problem solution is made in the format of a flowchart, the coding and a part of the documentation are created automatically. At any time that the program is later changed due to changes in specification, the coding and documentation are automatically updated. 2. Debugging facilities are provided that allow the programmer to trace the execution of the flowchart by blinking the symbols as they are executed. With the explicit control flow before him, the programmer can more easily determine the sources of his errors. As errors are detected and the program is changed, the flowchart is kept up to date. FPL/I provides the programmer with certain basic machine functions called primitives which include arithmetic capabilities. 15 Additional functions may be provided by means of flowcharts defined by the programmer. Programmer defined functions are then used just as the primitives are used. The extension of this programming system to parallel applications follows naturally. The counterpart of the 'FORK' to several paths can be implemented by multiple branches from a process, decision, or connector symbol. (See Figure 2.). In multiple branching from a decision symbol the only restriction is that the multiple paths be labeled with the same branch condition. PROCESS 0- ■ Cond ' ^DECISION XC ° nd - X - Figure 2, The counterpart of the join statement will require the introduction of a new symbol, the conjunction, which will signify to the flowchart interpreter that several paths will converge to this symbol. Control is not to pass beyond the conjunction until all the converging paths have been completed. The number of parallel paths that must be completed is indicated by the number of arrows leading to the conjunction. (See Figure 3.). 16 Figure 3. To control the use of common data at critical access times, two primitives will be provided. L0CK(varl,var2 , . . ) will make the data variables listed exclusive property of the branch issuing the LOCK. UNLOCK( varl,var2 , . . ) is the corresponding primitive to release previously locked variables. B. Another Graphical Technique A different approach to graphical specification of procedures is considered by W. R. Sutherland in his thesis, "On-Line Graphical [21] Specification of Computer Procedures." In contrast to the work described above where branches between nodes represent control flow, in Sutherland's graphs branches represent both control and data flow. A single symbol is allowed within a node which represents either a primitive function or a function previously defined in terms of other functions and primitives. Both primitives and functions operate on data received over the input branches. In Figure h the node represents the function addition with two inputs, A and B. Once A and B are defined the function can be performed, and the result is sent to the next node. Nodes are activated only when the inputs are defined. To prevent continuous activation, an indication of change is also transmitted with the data value. Data values can also be destroyed after use by allowing each branch to optionally have a visable data destruction marker. (See Figure 5.). The marker indicates that the input is set to an undefined state after its value is used. IT A^ B. J^+B A+B Fi gure k Figure 5. The use of explicit control flow introduces one or more branches other than the data branches as inputs to a node. These control branches pass no data values, just a signal that allows the node to operate if its data values are defined. In parallel operations forks are realized by the splitting of data or control lines to several operator nodes. These nodes are activated if the current condition of the other input lines is 'defined'. An example is given in Figure 6. 18 Figure 6. No mention of the problems of simultaneous accessing of data at critical time is made by Sutherland because data values are associated with branches rather than with fixed locations in memory, C. Comparison In the following paragraphs a comparison of the two graphic techniques, the flowchart and Sutherland's graph, is made using an example with inherent parallelism. In Figure 7 a flowchart is given of the method of false position for finding a zero of a function F using the proposed flowchart programming system. G(A,B,C,D) is previously defined as a flowchart function that computes the intersection of the line through the points (A,C) and (B,D) with the x-axis . The flowchart of G is given in Figure 8. F(X) is a previously defined flowchart function for determining the value of the function F for the parameter X. In Figure 9 the same example in its parallel form has been represented as a Sutherland Graph. G and F are previously defined graphs (not shown). 19 Several operator nodes have been defined whose meaning is not entirely- obvious, and these are explained in Figure 10. Two contrasting features of these two graphs are quite evi dent . 1. The construction of the parallel flowchart from the algorithm is quite straightforward in contrast to the construction of the Sutherland Graph. Determining the control and data lines in a Sutherland Graph with more than a few operations becomes a monumental task. 2. An even more apparent contrast is the ease of determining what the two graphs are intended to represent (accomplish). The inherent documentation value of the flowchart is made quite evident. The example above was chosen to bring to light the advantages of the flowchart technique for expressing parallelism in programs which are not trivial. The control flow remains evident and relatively simple in the flowchart in contrast to its obf us cation in the Sutherland Graph as the number of functions increases. The flowchart of Figure 7 brings to light a consideration not previously discussed. After process symbol (a) is executed three parallel paths are initiated, and two conjunction symbols are activated as termination points for these paths. Only one of the results calculated at (b) and (c) is used in later calculations, so only one conjunction symbol is deactivated, allowing control to pass through it. The other conjunction symbol remains active, when the real action should be that it become nullified without allowing control to pass through it. For flexibility in expressing parallelism, the ability to nullify parallel 20 paths as a result of calculations is a feature worth considering. D. Conclusion In the near future explicit parallelism -will probably enjoy more popularity than implicit parallelism for the following reasons . 1. The extent of potential parallelism that can be recognized at the compiler level is restricted, and the compiler algorithms are complicated to code. 2. The efforts to re-introduce parallelism into algorithms are proving fruitful. The need for ways to communicate this parallelism directly to the computer is becoming evident. 3. Specifying parallelism explicitly produces algorithms which express the highest degree of parallelism possible and which execute in the shortest time possible. The flowchart programming system is a proposed extension to an online graphical method of representing procedures as flowcharts. The extension will add the capability of explicitly specifying parallelism. This system has the following advantages : 1. The flowchart is a natural medium in which to study and design the control flow in a parallel algorithm. 2. Coding, and documentation are prepared and updated in one medium. 21 3. As a flowchart is executed the explicit flow of control can be followed by requesting that the symbols be blinked as their associated texts are executed. This is a useful debugging tool. 22 K=F(X) FP 1 - — [X,Y,W] X = w K = U w = z Y = W J = u W = V I A=ABS((X-Y)/Y) -.001 I + ,0 /SIGN \ A ^ N/ RETUEN Figure 7. 23 L_ Z=A-B A \J 1 G = W/Z Figure 8. RETURN In figures 7 and 8 the process symbols immediately following the entry process symbols contain the dummy parameters enclosed in brackets that are needed by these flowchart functions. II 2k to / \ o o O \ I ci a /-Y- X n \ r r— 3 r 7 x t^ ^\ xn \ \ V t,J o / t o -s » ^ •V. / 1./ 1 .r-* f~ \: X Pn X! On 0) bO •H 25 SWITCH SYMBOL — Passes through the data value of one of the input lines. The most currently passed data value is that one whose input line most recently became defined or signaled a change in data value. Care must he taken in using this operator to assure that no two input lines could ever change simultaneously. PASS-THROUGH SYMBOL — Passes the data value of the bottom input on if the top input signals that it is defined. The circle marker causes the top input to be reset to the undefined state when a signal is received. COMPARE SYMBOL — Compares the data values of the top and bottom input lines If top > bottom then the top output becomes defined. If top = bottom then the middle output becomes defined. If top < bottom then the bottom output becomes defined. The data value of the output lines has no significance so care must be taken in using these output lines as future input lines. If one of the output lines is omitted and the corresponding condition occurs then no signal is transmitted. Figure 10. 26 REFERENCES [l] Anderson , James P. "Program Structures for Parallel Processing," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 1965, pp. 786-788. [2] Bernstein, A. J. "Analysis of Programs for Parallel Processing," IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, Vol. EC-15 , No. 5, Oct. 1967, pp. 757-763. [3] Bingham, Harvey W., et al. "Automatic Detection of Parallelism in Computer Programs," ECOM-02463-^- prepared by Burroughs Corp. under Contract DA-28-0U3-AMC-02U63(E) , Nov. 1967. [k] Codd, E. F., et al. "Multiprogramming STRETCH: Feasibility Considerations," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1959, pp. 13-17. [5] Constantine, Larry "Control of Sequence and Parallelism in Modular Programs," AFIPS, Vol. 32, Proc. SJCC, Thompson Book Company, Washington, D. C, 1968, pp. ^09-^1^. [6] Conway, Melvin E. "A Multiprocessing System Design," AFIPS, Vol. 2U, Proc. FJCC, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Md. , 1963, pp. 139-1U6. [7] Dennis, Jack B. and Van Horn, Earl C. "Programming Semantics for Mult ipro gramme d Computations," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 9, No. 3, Mar. 1966, pp. 1^3-155. [8] Dijkstra, E. W. "Solution of a Problem in Concurrent Programming Control," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept. 1965 , p. 569. [9] Gill, S. "Parallel Programming," Computer Journal, Vol. 1, 1958, pp. 2-10. [10] Gilmore, P. A. "Structuring of Parallel Algorithms," Journal of the ACM, Vol. 15, No. 7, April 1968, pp. 176-192. [ll] Gosden, J. A. "Explicit Parallel Processing Description and Control in Programs for Multi- and Uni-Processor Computers," AFIPS, Vol. 29, Proc. FJCC, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Md. , 1966, pp. 651-660. [12] Knuth, Donald "Additional Comments on a Problem in Concurrent Programming Control," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1966 , pp. 321-322. 27 [13] Miranker, Willard L. and Liniger, Werner "Parallel Methods for the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations," Mathematics of Computations, Vol. 21, No. 99, July 196?, pp. 303-320. [l4] Nievergelt, J. "Parallel Methods for Integrating Ordinary Differential Equations," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 7, No. 12, Dec. 1964, pp. 731-733. [15] Nekora, M. R. "Comment on a Paper on Parallel Processing," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1961 , p. 103. [l6] Opler, Ascher "Procedure-Oriented Statements to Facilitate Parallel Processing," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 8, No. 5, May 1965, pp. 306-307. [17] Pease, Marshall C. "Matrix Inversion Using Parallel Processing," Journal of the ACM, Vol. l4, No. 4, Oct. 1967, pp. 757-764. [18] Radin, George and Rogoway, Paul "NPL: Highlights of a New Programming Language," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan 1965, pp. 9-17. [19] Richardson, Fontaine K. "Graphical Specification of Computation," Report No. 257, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. [20] Stone, Harold "One-Pass Compilation of Arithmetic Expressions for a Parallel Processor," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 10, No. 4, April 1967, pp. 220-223. [21] Sutherland, W. R. "On-Line Graphical Specification of Computer Procedures," Technical Report No. 405, Lincoln Laboratory, M. I. T. , 1966. [22] Tesler, L. G. and Enea, H. J. "A Language Design for Concurrent Processes," AFIPS , Vol. 32, Proc. SJCC, Spartan Books, Baltimore, Md. , 1968, pp. 403-408. [23] Thorlin, J. F. "Code Generation for PIE (Parallel Instruction Execution) Computers, AFIPS, Vol. 30, Proc. SJCC, Washington, D. C, Thompson Book Company, 1967, pp. 641-643. [24] Wirth, Niklaus "A Note on Program Structures for Parallel Processing," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1966, pp. 320-321. [25] Yarbrough, Lynn D. "Some Thoughts on Parallel Processing," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oct. i960, pp. 539-540. FormAEC-427 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION aeSJSoi UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S recommendation for DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIF C AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side I 1. AEC REPORT NO. COO-1U69-0119 2. TITLE REPRESENTATIONS OF PROCESS PARALLELISMS 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): K] a. Scientific and technical report I I b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference _ Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): Kl a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. I I b. 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