The Mormons . BY Rev E. O, Guerrant, l). D / Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library tj-l i ^Pr, ~~o 1; i J dPlf 94 b 14685-S THE MORMO BY REV. E. O. GUERRANT, I). I). L!EP ■ Y GF 7 .iE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS RICHMOND, YA. : Pkesbytekian Committee of Publication. Copyrighted by JA.S. K. HAZEN, Secretary of Publication, 1899. Printed by Whittet & Shepperson, Richmond, Ya. Ss'g Q9^vn THE MORMONS. My reply to your request to write something about the Mormons has been delayed by other matters, and the hope that more competent hands would do it. The conviction that some- body should expose this monster iniquity of the cehtury, only, impels me to comply with your kind request. I shall have time now only to give an outline '{of their origin and teachings. It would take