Form PS 3. May, 1911. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates U/fi & JL. Post Office Department, ' Washington , D. <7., April 1%, 1911. By authority of the act of Congress approved June 25, 1910, entitled “An act to establish postal savings depositories for deposit- ing savings at interest with the security of the Government for re- payment thereof, and for other purposes,” as amended by section 5 of an act of Congress approved March 4, 1911, the following in- structions governing the operation of postal savings depository offices are hereby issued for the guidance of postmasters at such offices and of all other postal officers and employees concerned. Frank H. Hitchcock, Postmaster General . 3 0 ^ *1 3 2S INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS AT POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY OFFICES. WHO MAY MAKE DEPOSITS. Sec. 1. An account may be opened and deposits made by any per- son of the age of 10 years or over, in his or her own name, and by a married woman in her own name and free from any control or inter- ference by her husband, but no person may at the same time have more than one postal-savings account. Sec. 2. Deposits will be accepted only from individuals, and no account will be opened in the name of any corporation, association, society, firm, or partnership, or in the name of two or more persons jointly. No account will be opened in the name of one person in trust for or on behalf of another person or persons. Sec. 3. Except when otherwise authorized by the Postmaster Gen- eral, postmasters will accept deposits only from persons who are patrons of their post offices. — (Revoked February 12, 1912.) OPENING OF ACCOUNTS. Sec. 4, When a person applies to open an account, the postmaster or his representative, after questioning the applicant and obtaining the necessary information, will carefully fill out an application on envelope Form PS 300, except as to the line marked “ Depositor’s signature.” Sec. 5. The postmaster must enter the name of the depositor on the first line of the envelope Form PS 300, but the depositor must personally sign his name on the line marked “ Depositor’s signa- ture.” If the applicant signs by mark, his signature on the form must be attested by a disinterested witness. The postmaster should make sure that the application is signed by the person who desires to open the account. A married woman who opens an account must sign her own Christian or given name and not that of her husband. Sec. 6. The envelope Form PS 300 combines the depositor’s appli- cation to open an account, a simple ledger record of his deposits and withdrawals showing the balance to his credit, and a receptacle in which the postmaster must file the duplicates of all certificates issued to the depositor. The postmaster will be instructed by the Postmaster General as to the method to be followed in arranging and filing en- velope Form PS 300 and his other office records. 5 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. When the ledger record of any depositor’s account on Form PS 300 has been filled the postmaster will record subsequent deposits and withdrawals by that depositor on card Form PS 300a, which will be kept in the envelope Form PS 300. Great care must be taken to comply with all the requirements of the regulations and instructions relative to envelope Form PS 300, and no account will be opened with any person until all the informa- tion called for by the application form has been furnished and the form signed by the intending depositor. Sec. 7. A number will be given to each new account in a depository office when it is opened, beginning with number one and continuing in numerical order; this number must be entered on envelope Form PS 300 and on all original and duplicate certificates issued in the name of the depositor to whom the account belongs. In no event may a depositor be given more than one account number at anj^ one time. A new account opened by a former depositor must receive a new number. ISSUE OF CERTIFICATES. Sec. 8. Postal- savings deposits will be evidenced by nontransfer- able and nonnegotiable certificates of deposit, to be supplied to postmasters in duplicate in fixed denominations of one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty, and one hundred dollars, each bearing a serial number, and containing blank spaces, in which before issue to de- positors the postmaster will enter the name of the depository office, the date of issue, the date on which interest begins, the number of the depositor’s account, and the name of the depositor. In entering the date on which interest begins, the month, day, and year must be written or stamped in the space provided, thus: Sept. 1, 1911. The name of the month may be abbreviated, but must not be indicated by figures. Deposits made on any day of a month will begin to bear interest on the first day of the next succeeding month. On receipt of a deposit the postmaster will prepare, in duplicate, a postal-savings certificate or certificates covering the amount of the deposit. The depositor will be required to sign the duplicate certificate, after which the postmaster may deliver the original cer- tificate to him as evidence of his deposit. The duplicate will be retained by the postmaster as part of his records and must be filed in envelope Form PS 300. On the reverse side of envelope Form PS 300 the postmaster must first make proper entry of the date and amount of the deposit and of the total balance then to the depositor’s credit. T^he postmaster will make proper entry of all certificates issued on the register of certificates issued (Form PS 509). Every depositor will be provided with a depositor’s envelope, Form PS 301, in which he may preserve his certificates of deposit, and on which is INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 7 printed, in addition to information for his guidance, a blank ledger record for keeping account of his deposits and withdrawals. Sec. 9. Before accepting a deposit from a person who has already opened an account the postmaster will, by reference to the depositor’s envelope Form PS 300, make sure that the proposed deposit will not make the deposits of such person for that calendar month exceed one hundred dollars, irrespective of withdrawals, nor cause his total balance to be more than five hundred dollars, exclusive of accumu- lated interest. Sec. 10. Certificates must be issued in regular order, beginning with their lowest serial number. Serial numbers must not be changed under any circumstances. Sec. 11. Certificates are valid until paid. The ten-year interest table on the back of each certificate is for the information of the depositor and does not limit the life of the certificate or the accumu- lation of interest to ten years. Compound interest is not allowed on an outstanding certificate, but a depositor may withdraw interest accrued and make a new deposit, subject to the restriction that deposits will not be received for less than one dollar nor for fractions of a dollar. Sec. 12. The postmaster must issue the smallest practicable number of certificates on account of a single deposit, a single certificate being issued for the whole amount if possible. For example: If a deposit is for seven dollars, certificates in the denominations of five and two dollars must be issued. If the deposit is for twenty dollars, a single certificate in the denomination of twenty dollars must be issued. If the deposit is for thirty-three dollars, certificates in the denomi- nations of twenty, ten, two, and one dollars must be issued. SAVINGS CARDS AND STAMPS. Sec. 13. Whenever a postal-savings card with nine ten-cent postal- savings stamps affixed is presented as a deposit for one dollar, the postmaster must cancel the card as well as the stamps with a special cancellation date stamp provided for that purpose. On the reverse of the card he will then place the depositor’s account number and imprint the postal-savings date stamp of his office. He will forward the canceled card with the stamps affixed with his next monthly report to the Postmaster General. Sec. 14. One certificate may be issued to cover a deposit made partly in cash and partly by means of savings cards with stamps affixed, but no savings card having less than nine savings stamps affixed will be accepted for deposit under any circumstances, nor will savings stamps not affixed to a savings card be accepted. 50194°— 12 2 8 POSTAL. SAYINGS SYSTEM. Sec. 15. Postal-savings cards and stamps will not be redeemed for cash, but are freely transferable and need not be presented for de- posit by the original purchaser. They may be sold to any person in any quantity desired. Sec. 16. On receipt of a supply of savings cards and stamps, the postmaster will enter their value in his cash and stock account (Form PS 508), and the amount of savings cards and savings stamps sold will be likewise entered by the postmaster in his cash and stock account at the close of business each day. This amount will be ascer- tained by deducting the sum of the credits from the sum of the debits on the savings-card and savings-stamp account. DEPOSITS NOT MADE IN PERSON. Sec. 17. When it is shown to the postmaster’s satisfaction that an intending depositor, because of infirmity or for other good and suf- ficient reason, can not appear personally to open an account, the postmaster will, on receipt of the amount of the deposit from the intending depositor’s representative, furnish a blank form of appli- cation (envelope Form PS 300), together with the duplicate of each certificate to be issued, fully made out except for the signature of the depositor, and will carefully instruct the depositor’s representative as to the method to be observed in filling out the application. The original certificates likewise must be fully made out before the duplicates are delivered to the representative of the depositor, and pending return of the duplicates the postmaster will retain the orig- inals. Proper entry of certificates thus prepared will be made in the register of certificates issued (Form PS 509) in the same manner as if the original certificates had been delivered to the depositor when pre- pared, and the amount of the deposit will be treated by the postmaster as a part of his receipts for the day on which accepted. When the application has been properly filled out and both it and the duplicate or duplicates have been signed and returned to the depository office, the postmaster will deliver the original certificates, together with depositor’s envelope Form PS 301. Sec. 18. When a person who is already a depositor is unable to appear in person to make a subsequent deposit, he may either send the amount through a representative or forward it to the post office by mail. When a deposit is sent through a representative the pro- cedure provided above will be followed, except that the issuance of the application envelope (Form PS 300) will be unnecessary. When a depositor forwards money by mail for deposit the postmaster will mail to him the duplicates of the certificates to be issued, and on ther return properly signed will forward to him the original certificate! Sec. 19. If the duplicate certificates sent to a depositor for signature are not returned within 6 days the postmaster will mail to the INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 9 depositor a request for their return. If they are not returned within 30 days after issue the postmaster must forward the original certifi- cates with his next monthly account to the department with a full statement, making a suitable memorandum of the transaction for retention in his records. If the duplicates are returned thereafter the postmaster should forward a request to the department for the return to him of the originals. If the duplicate certificates sent to a depositor are lost, or destroyed after being received, the postmaster will forward the original certifi- cates to the department with a report of the facts. The original certificates with new duplicates will be returned to the postmaster for the usual disposition. Sec. 20. Money forwarded to the post office for deposit by mail or through a representative is sent at the risk of the depositor. LOST CERTIFICATES. Sec. 21. When notified by a depositor of the loss or destruction of a certificate or certificates, the postmaster will furnish in the form of a blank affidavit (PS 307) an application for a certificate or certifi- cates in lieu thereof, and on its return properly executed will for- ward such affidavit to the Postmaster General (Postal Savings Sys- tem), together with the duplicate of the lost certificate and his report of the facts. The disposition of the duplicate must be shown by a memorandum slip (Form PS 306), replacing it in the envelope. Form PS 300, bearing the number of the depositor’s account. If it is deemed proper the Postmaster General will issue a new cer- tificate, distinguishable from the original and bearing the original date, number, and amount, and will certify such action on the face of the duplicate of the lost certificate. The new certificate, together with the duplicate of the lost certificate, will then be forwarded to the postmaster, who will deliver the new certificate to the depositor, replace the duplicate in envelope Form PS 300, and destroy the sub- stituted memorandum slip. Sec. 22. Postmasters are not permitted to receive postal-savings cer- tificates for safe-keeping. CORRECTION OF ERRORS. Sec. 23. If an error is made in issuing the original certificate the postmaster will stamp both the original and the duplicate “ Spoiled ” and will issue the certificate bearing the next serial number. He will transmit both the original and the duplicate of the spoiled certificate with his next monthly report. The series and serial number of such spoiled certificates will be entered on the register of certificates issued (Form PS 509) and the word “ Spoiled” written in red ink 10 POSTAL. SAVINGS SYSTEM. in the name column, the amount being left blank. Any clerical error on a duplicate certificate discovered before the depositor has signed it may be corrected by the postmaster. If an error is found in a certificate after it has been issued and entered on the records, the depositor will he requested to leave the certificate at the depository office, and the postmaster will stamp both the original and the duplicate as “ Spoiled ” and forward them to the department with a detailed description of the error made and the correction desired. A receipt (Form PS 305) will be issued in duplicate for the certificate, the original being given to the depositor and the duplicate placed in the envelope Form PS 300 as a memorandum. The Postmaster General will issue and forward to the postmaster a new certificate in duplicate, distinguish- able from the spoiled certificate by having the words “ Issued in lieu of spoiled certificate ” printed across the face. On receipt of the new original and duplicate certificate the postmaster, after securing the depositor’s signature to the duplicate, will deliver the original to the depositor and place the duplicate in the envelope Form PS 300. The original receipt returned by the depositor and the duplicate taken from the envelope will then be destroyed. The spoiled certifi- cate having been already entered in his records, the postmaster will make no entry of the new certificate issued in lieu thereof, but will make corrections on Form PS 509, if any are necessary, by drawing a line through the erroneous entries and interlining the correct entries immediately above. In case of error in making entry in the postal-savings records of his office, the postmaster must draw a line through such entry and initial it. The correct entry should then be made on the line imme- diately below, or, if subsequent entries have been made, by interlining immediately above the erroneous entry. If the postmaster discovers an error after he has rendered his monthly account current which would in any way affect its accuracy, he must make immediate report of the facts to the central office. Under no circumstances , except as above provided , must an attempt be made to erase or change an entry on either the original certificate or the duplicate , or in any postal-savings record , without authority from the Postmaster General. DEPOSIT OF FUNDS IN BANKS. Sec. 24. The postmaster at a depository office must deposit daily all moneys received by him on account of postal-savings business amount- ing to ten dollars or more in local banks which have qualified under the law. He will be instructed by the Postmaster General as to the banks in which such deposits will be made and as to the proportion of his receipts to be deposited in each bank. If no bank in the same city, town, or locality has qualified as a de- INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 11 pository bank, the postmaster will be directed and required to make daily remittances by registered mail of moneys received to other banks most convenient to the locality which have qualified as depository banks under the act of Congress. No deposit of less than ten dollars will be made, except at the end of a month, and receipts of less amount will be retained by the postmaster as cash on hand. Such deposits will in all cases be made to the credit of the Board of Trustees, Postal Savings System, except an amount which will be specified by the Postmaster General as an emergency credit for use by the postmaster in meeting withdrawals in cases of emergency. The amount thus fixed will be deposited by the postmaster in the desig- nated bank to his official credit and subject to his official check for the purpose mentioned, and will under no circumstances be used for any other purpose. The postmaster will maintain such emergency credit at the amount specified by the Postmaster General by deposits from his daily postal-savings receipts. The postmaster will be liable on his his official bond for funds so deposited subject to his official check. Sec. 25. At the close of business each day the postmaster will pre- pare a deposit slip covering all cash on hand, providing it amounts to ten dollars or more. On the following business day he should deposit the exact amount called for by this slip. If desired, such deposit may be deferred until shortly before the close of banking hours, and if necessary withdrawals by depositors before the deposit is made may be paid from the receipts of the preceding day, the amount to be deposited being made up from money taken in subsequently. If such receipts before the close of banking hours are insufficient to provide the amount called for by the deposit slip representing the preceding day’s business, the postmaster will draw a check on his emergency credit for the difference and include it with his deposit to the credit of the Board of Trustees. By this method the amount deposited on any given day will represent exactly the net receipts of the preceding business day, except when it includes cash on hand carried forward, and the amount of the deposit should accordingly be entered in the daily cash and stock summary (Form PS 508) for the day preceding that on which it is actually deposited. Sec. 26. At the close of business on the last day of a month the post- master will prepare a deposit slip covering all cash on hand even though it amounts to less than ten dollars. This balance on hand at the end of the month will be entered on the postmaster’s account current for that month as “ Balance cash on hand,” and the exact amount without deduction or increase will be deposited in bank on the first business day of the following month, and will be included by the postmaster in his report of deposits for the latter month on abstract C (Form PS 507) under the date on which the deposit was actually made. The “ Balance cash on hand ” reported by the 12 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. postmaster in his monthly account current will be be carried forward to his account current for the succeeding month as a debit entry, representing “ Balance cash on hand last account current.” Where banks will receive deposits on the last day of the month at an hour sufficiently late to enable the postmaster to deposit all of his receipts for that day, a special deposit should be made on the last day of the month and the procedure herein described will be unnecessary. Sec. 27. Where more than one bank has qualified to receive postal- savings funds from the same depository office, deposits will be made in qualified banks in proportion to the capital and surplus, and the postmaster will be instructed as to the percentage of deposits assigned each bank. He will ordinarily deposit funds in only one bank each day, and will make deposits in the several banks in such rotation and amounts as will keep the total deposits in each bank at sub- stantially the proportion to which it is entitled. For example, if there are two qualified banks, each of which is entitled to fifty per cent of the postal-savings deposits, deposits will be so alternated between the two banks as to give each bank approximately one-half of the deposits. Thus, if a deposit of two hundred dollars is made in the first bank and another of one hundred dollars is made in the second bank on the succeeding day, one or more additional deposits should be made in the second bank before making further deposit in the first bank. Care should be taken to preserve the proportion to which each bank is entitled as nearly as practicable, and if on any day the receipts are unusually heavy the postmaster will depart from the usual practice and make deposits in each qualified bank on the same day in the proportion to which it is entitled. Sec. 28. After the first apportionment of funds has been made to depository banks in any locality, additional banks may qualify on the first day of January, April, July, or October under the regulations adopted by the Board of Trustees. When additional banks so qualify as depositories the postmaster will be instructed in regard to the reapportionment of deposits. Such reapportionment will apply only to funds deposited after the date on which the additional banks qualify. Sec. 29. The duplicate certificates of deposit received by a post- master from depository banks in connection with his daily deposits of postal-savings funds will be retained by him as a part of the records of his office and made the basis for a record of his total de- posits in each bank. The postmaster will be informed as to the maxi- mum amount of funds which he may deposit in each qualified bank, and his total deposits, including the emergency credit fund, must under no circumstances exceed the amount so specified. Should funds be received from depositors in excess of the maximum amount which he is authorized to deposit in bank, the postmaster will retain such INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 13 excess as cash on hand, and will immediately notify the Postmaster General. The postmaster will be notified when withdrawals are made from any bank by the Board of Trustees and on receipt of each notice should deduct the amount of the withdrawal from the total amount shown by his records to have been deposited in that bank. When the deposits in any bank after deducting withdrawals reach seventy-five per cent of the maximum balance authorized, the postmaster will immediately call the attention of the Postmaster General to the fact and submit a recommendation as to the amount of additional securities which should be required from the bank. Sec. 30. Where the deposits of postal-savings funds required by the regulations are not made in a local bank, but are forwarded by regis- tered mail to depositories located elsewhere, postmasters will make such remittances, so far as is practicable, in paper currency of the highest denominations that can be obtained. Packages either of paper currency or coin must be securely wrapped and inclosed in a strong envelope. At least one reliable witness should be present at the preparation and dispatch of such packages. Official postage stamps covering the usual registry fee, in addition to official postage, must be affixed to every letter or package forwarded by registered mail in the course of postal-savings business. WITHDRAWALS BY DEPOSITORS. Sec. 31. Postmasters are authorized to meet withdrawals by deposi- tors, including both principal and interest accrued, by payment out of the daily postal-savings receipts at their offices. When sufficient funds are not on hand for that purpose, a post- master will draw his official check upon the emergency credit referred to in section 24 of these instructions. Such checks will be drawn only when absolutely necessary and for no other purpose than that speci- fied, and will be made payable to the postmaster or his representa- tive and not to depositors. If the emergency credit is at any time insufficient to meet the demands of depositors, the postmaster must immediately report the fact to the Postmaster General, by tele- graph if necessary, stating the amount of funds needed, in order that the bank may be directed to transfer the required amount to his offi- cial credit. When such transfers are requested by telegraph the postmaster will use the code word “Admerge,” meaning “ Please transfer to my official credit to meet withdrawals the sum of,” so that a request for the transfer of two hundred dollars will read “Admerge two hundred.” In order to avoid the cost of duplicate telegraphic advice from the Department the postmaster will in such cases request the bank holding his emergency credit to notify him at once on receipt of authority for the desired transfer of funds. 14 POSTAL SAYINGS SYSTEM. Sec. 32. A depositor presenting a certificate for payment of the principal with accrued interest must indorse it in the presence of the postmaster or his representative and surrender it ; if he signs by mark his signature must be attested by a disinterested witness. The postmaster must see that the indorsement corresponds with the original signature on the application to open the account (en\ velope PS 300), satisfy himself as to the identity of the depositor by asking test questions as to the personal facts shown on such applica- tion if necessary, and compare the certificate with the duplicate on file. If no radical difference in the signature of the depositor is noticed, and the certificate corresponds in every particular with the records of its issue and bears no evidence of alteration or erasure, payment must be made; otherwise, it should be withheld until the postmaster is satisfied that it is proper. If necessary the postmaster should transmit the certificate with the statement of the facts in the case to the Postmaster General for his decision, after giving the holder a receipt on Form PS 305 for the certificate surrendered. Sec. 33. When a certificate is paid, both original and duplicate should be canceled across the face with the special “ paid ” date stamp furnished postmasters, the original being forwarded as a voucher with the postmaster’s monthly report and the duplicate being retained on file. Payment should be entered on the register of certificates paid (Form PS 509a) and on envelope Form PS 300. Interest payments should be entered in the register of certificates paid. At the close of each day’s business all certificates and interest pay- ments entered in Form PS 509a must be posted to the register of certificates issued (Form PS 509) by recording the date of pay- ment of each certificate opposite the original record of its issue. PARTIAL PAYMENT OF THE VALUE OF A CERTIFICATE. Sec. 34. When any depositor desires to withdraw only a part of the amount called for by any certificate, the postmaster, upon presenta- tion of the certificate, will pay the desired amount, with all interest then payable on the full amount of the certificate, stamp the cer- tificate as paid, and issue a new certificate or certificates covering the amount to remain on deposit. new certificate is entitled to bear interest for the enti^perTTTdouring which it has been continuously on deposi^iher-postoiaster will enter on its face, in the space heade^U^fiferest begins on the following date,” the last anni^ei»€rry - ofthe date shown in the corresponding space onJh^rCffiScate which it in part replaces, or that date itself i i rt i Soethftrt . e ne J upg a rl . INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 15 "ffiho pootmootog writ ' Pooo w di . t l aQ ifiW M»aii«aJU«aa^ the register of certificates issued (Form PS 509), entering ,tne proper interest date. He will report the issue of all antedated ^rtifi- cates with his current monthly report on abstract Form^PS 505 with other certificates issued during the month, and wjli also make a separate report of all antedated certificates on FornyPS 505a, show- ing in each case the date of issue, name and accgunt number of de- positor, series and serial number, value, and date" from which interest begins on the new certificates, and the series^tnd serial number of the original certificate. To insure against omission all antedated cer- tificates should be entered on Form JPS 505a at the time of issue. Before transmission to the department, Form PS 505a must be checked carefully against the register of certificates issued (Form PS 509). If no antedated certificates are issued during the month, a blank Form PS 505a bearing the notation “ No antedated certifi- cates issued ” must be .transmitted with the account current. In all other respects tin postmaster will follow the procedure set forth in these instructions for the payment and issue of certificates and will majk^ proper entry of the canceled certificate and interest paid in Fpfms PS 509 arid 509a. Antedated certificates will be issued only in connection with the papfeial payment of a certificate, and must not be issued for the pur- pos e -of" ^oplft^ii^ ’e o f ^fi eQrt QQ ' - w 4 th erent* PAYMENT OF INTEREST ALONE. Sec. 35. A depositor may withdraw merely the interest payable on any certificate by presenting the certificate at his depository office, but in such case he must not indorse the certificate as in case of full payment. The postmaster, on presentation of such certificate, will obtain from the depositor two copies of a receipt on Form PS 308 for the amount of interest to be paid. The postmaster will then enter the date of payment, separately for each year’s interest paid, in the spaces provided for that purpose on the back of the certificate. The amount of interest may then be paid and the certificate returned to the depositor. The postmaster will enter the interest payment in his register of certificates paid (Form PS 509a), the column headed “Amount paid on certificate ” being left blank, and will attach one copy of the receipt taken from the depositor (Form PS 308) to the duplicate of the certificate on which the interest was paid and return the duplicate to its place in the depositor’s envelope Form PS 300. He will forward the other copy of the receipt taken from the deposi- tor (Form PS 308) with his next monthly report to the Postmaster General. 16 POSTAL# SAVINGS SYSTEM. All interest payments should be recorded in the register of certifi- cates issued (Form PS 509) opposite the original record of issue of the certificate on which the interest accrued. This may be done by posting from the register of certificates paid (Form PS 509a). WITHDRAWALS NOT MADE IN PERSON. Sec. 36. When it has been shown to the postmaster’s satisfaction that a depositor, because of infirmity or for other good and sufficient reason, can not appear in person to make a withdrawal, a blank order will be furnished for his use upon request. For every certificate to be paid in full with interest to such a depositor a blank order on Form PS 304 will be furnished. When such order has been properly filled in and signed by the depositor, with his signature attested by a disinterested witness, and has been returned to the postmaster, together with the certificate properly indorsed, payment will be made and recorded in the usual manner. The order the postmaster will attach to the corresponding duplicate certificate in envelope Form PS 300. When such a depositor desires to withdraw merely the interest accrued on any certificate, the blank order furnished for his signa- ture in duplicate should be Form PS 302, which includes a receipt. The postmaster will forward one copy to the Postmaster General and attach the other copy to the corresponding duplicate certificate, in accordance with section 35. When such a depositor desires to withdraw only a part of the amount called for by any certificate, the blank order furnished for his signature should be Form PS 303. The postmaster, upon receiv- ing such an order properly filled out, signed, and attested, will pro- ceed with respect to the payment of the withdrawal as instructed in section 34, and with respect to the issue of new certificates as in- structed in section 18. The order he will attach to the corresponding duplicate certificate filed in envelope Form PS 300. If a depositor dies after he has signed an order for a withdrawal and before its presentation for payment, the postmaster, if aware of such fact, will defer payment and proceed as provided in sec- tion 37. PAYMENT TO ADMINISTRATORS AND OTHERS. Sec. 37. In case of the death of a depositor payment of the amount to his credit, together with all interest payable thereon, will be made by the postmaster to the duly authorized executor or administrator of his estate upon delivery of a certified copy of an order of the proper court showing that the person demanding payment has duly INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 17 qualified as such executor or administrator. Certificates thus pre- sented for payment will be indorsed by the executor or administrator as “ Executor (or administrator) of the estate of , deceased,” and upon payment will be forwarded by the postmaster with his next monthly report in the usual manner, accompanied by the proof of administration upon which payment was based. The postmaster will make proper notation upon the duplicate certificates in envelope Form PS 300, and will close the account. No deposits must be accepted upon an account after the death of a depositor. In case of the death intestate of a depositor as to whose estate no formal administration is deemed desirable by his relatives, the post- master will report the facts to the Postmaster General, who may, in his discretion, authorize the postmaster to pay the amount of the deposit to the persons entitled to receive it under the laws of the proper State or Territory on submission of affidavits as to the facts in a form to be prescribed. When payment of a certificate or of any interest accrued thereon is demanded by any person other than the depositor, his executor or administrator, or the bearer of an order signed by the depositor as hereinbefore provided, the postmaster must defer payment and report the facts to the Postmaster General for instructions. CLOSING OF ACCOUNTS. Sec. 38. Whenever all funds to the credit of a depositor are with- drawn, the envelope Form PS 300 bearing the record of his account should be marked “ account closed ” and, together with its contents, placed in a separate file with other closed accounts in proper order. ACCOUNT or WOMAN WHO MARRIES. Sec. 39. A woman who opens an account and afterwards marries must present her savings certificates to the postmaster for indorse- ment as payable in her new name. The postmaster will make such indorsements on the face of the certificate, stating the new name of the depositor, and affixing his signature. He will then make a sim- ilar indorsement on the corresponding duplicates retained in the depositor’s envelope Form PS 300 and make proper change in the name on the envelope account. So long as such a depositor fails to present her certificates for proper indorsement the postmaster will receive no further deposits on her account nor make any partial or interest payment to her; but he may make full payment to close her account upon being sat- isfied as to her identity. 18 POSTAL, SAVINGS SYSTEM. <3o POSTAL-SAVINGS BONDS. Sec. 40. A depositor will be permitted to exchange the whole or a part of his deposits for postal-savings bonds upon proper application to his depository office. Such exchange may be made by a depositor as of date of January first and July first of each year, provided such bonds are available. A depositor desiring to convert his savings into postal-savings bonds must submit to the postmaster an application prepared in triplicate on Form FS 309, which will be supplied to him by the p ostmaster for that purpose. Such application must be made atleasFfiiteen days before either of the two dates named, in order to procure bonds as of such dates. At the time of application the de- positor must indorse and surrender to the postmaster postal-savings certificates covering the amount of the bonds desired. Care will be taken by the postmaster to see that all information called for by the application Form PS 309 is entered on all three copies of the application. The postmaster will certify the surrender upon the triplicate of the application and return it to the depositor as his receipt for the cer- tificates surrendered. He will make similar entry on both original and duplicate of the application, file the duplicate in the depositor’s envelope Form PS 300, and immediately forward the original appli- cation and the surrendered certificates to the Postmaster General, who will cause the bonds applied for to be furnished the postmaster and will return to him the surrendered certificates with appropriate nota- tion thereon. On their receipt the postmaster will notify the de- positor and will deliver the bonds to him after requiring the return of the triplicate of the application indorsed on the back by the de- positor to acknowledge receipt of the bonds. The date of receipt and delivery of the bonds should be noted on the back of the duplicate application, which will be retained in the depositor’s envelope Form PS 300. On delivery of the bonds the postmaster will pay to the depositor any yearly interest due on the surrendered certificates. No interest will accrue on the certificates between the date of issue of the bonds and the date of their delivery. The postmaster will be charged with the bonds forwarded to him for delivery to the depositor. He will be relieved of this charge on receipt of the depositor’s receipt for the bonds, which receipt will be forwarded by the postmaster with his monthly report. The sur- rendered original certificates will be stamped as paid on the date the bonds are delivered and forwarded to the Postmaster General with 1 the postmaster’s monthly account. Sec. 41. Savings deposits converted into bonds are not counted as a part of the maximum of five hundred dollars allowed one depositor, INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 19 and there is no limitation on the amount of available postal-savings bonds which may be acquired by a depositor. Sec. 42. Postal-savings bonds can be procured only by the conver- sion of postal-savings deposits and will not be issued to persons who are not depositors. USE OF OFFICIAL STAMPS AND ENVELOPES. Sec. 43. Postmasters at depository offices will be furnished a supply of official postage stamps and stamped envelopes for use in the trans- mittal of free mail resulting from the administration of the Postal Savings System. In the use of official postage stamps and stamped envelopes the -postage rates fixed for the several classes of mail matter will be observed. Care must be exercised not to confuse official post- age stamps with the ten-cent savings stamps, which are under no condition valid for postage. Sec. 44. Under no circumstances will a postmaster or any other pos- tal officer or employee sell or give to the public any of the special official postage stamps or official stamped envelopes provided for use in lieu of franked or penalty envelopes in the transmission of official mail resulting from the administration of the Postal Savings System. Sec. 45. The postmaster will keep careful account of the amount of official postage stamps and stamped envelopes actually used, in order that accurate report may be made to the Postmaster General at the close of each fiscal year as hereinafter required by section 59. REQUISITIONS FOR SUPPLIES. Sec. 46. All requisitions for nonaccountable supplies needed in con- nection with the Postal Savings System should be made on Form PS 310 and addressed to the Postmaster General (Postal Savings System), Washington, D. C. All requisitions for postal-savings certificates should be made on Form PS 311, addressed to the Postmaster General (Postal Savings System), Washington, D. 0. Postal-savings cards and stamps and official postage stamps and stamped envelopes will be obtained from the Third Assistant Post- master General, Division of Stamps, by requisition made in the blank spaces on Form 3201, plainly marked “ Postal Savings.” Sec. 47. Postmasters at offices of the first and second classes will order supplies in sufficient quantities at one time to meet the require- ments of their offices for a period of six months. Those at offices of the third and fourth classes will order sufficient supplies at one time to meet their requirements for a period of one year. Sec. 48. Postmasters must keep on hand a sufficient supply of postal- savings cards, ten-cent postal-savings stamps, and postal-savings cer- 20 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. tificates to meet the public demand, and such other supplies as may be necessary to enable them to transact all business in connection with the Postal Savings System promptly and with facility. They must make timely requisitions for new supplies, so that their stocks may not become seriously depleted. Sec. 49. Postal-savings cards and savings stamps and postal-savings certificates must not be loaned or sold by one postmaster to another. Depleted stock must in all cases be replenished by requisition as pro- vided in section 46 of these instructions. Sec. 50. No postmaster will be furnished with postal-savings cards and stamps or postal-savings supplies of any kind until his office shall have been designated as a postal-savings depository office, nor will any requisition be honored from a postmaster who is delinquent in rendering his accounts. RECEIPT OF SUPPLIES. Sec. 51. Packages of postal-savings cards, ten-cent postal-savings stamps, postal-savings certificates, official postage stamps, and offi- cial stamped envelopes must, upon receipt, be opened and counted jointly by the postmaster or his representative and a witness. If the number does not agree with the accompanying invoice, the post- master must immediately make a report of the discrepancy to the Department, attaching the invoice to the report and holding the shipment for instructions. The report must give the date of invoice, the registry number, and the full address of the shipment, and must state the condition in which it arrived. In case of shortage, the correctness of the claim must be certified by the postmaster on his oath of office and attested by the witness. Sec. 52. In every communication relating to postal-savings supplies received, postmasters must mention the date of the invoice of the Department therefor. SUPPLIES LOST OR DAMAGED. Sec. 53. If a shipment of postal-savings cards or ten-cent postal- savings stamps is received in a damaged condition or becomes dam- aged in possession of the postmaster by fire or otherwise, such damaged cards or stamps should be sent to the Third Assistant Post- master General, Division of Stamps, for credit. An itemized state- ment of the quantity returned and a full explanation of the cause of the damage must be prepared in duplicate. The original must accom- pany the returned cards and stamps, which must be counted, prepared for mailing, and dispatched in the presence of a witness. The dupli- cate will be retained by the postmaster as a voucher until formal authorization to claim credit for the damaged stock is received from INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 21 the Third Assistant Postmaster General. If the amount can not be ascertained from the face of the cards and stamps, they must never- theless be forwarded, and the Department will advise the postmaster whether the value can be determined. Shipments should be made tQ the Department not oftener than once a quarter. Postmasters must not claim credit for damaged postal-savings cards or postal-sav- ings stamps returned to the Department until authorized to do so. Requisitions should be made on Form 3201 if cards or stamps are needed to replace those returned for redemption, and such requisi- tions should be plainly marked “ To replace damaged stock returned.” Sec. 54. Postmasters will be held to the same responsibility for postal-savings cards, stamps, and certificates, sent them for issue, as for postal stock, and in case of loss while in their possession must immediately report the fact to the Department and to the inspector in charge of the division in which their post offices are located. If official postage stamps or official stamped envelopes are re- ceived in a damaged condition or are subsequently damaged in any way or stolen or lost, a full report as to the extent of such damage or loss must be made immediately to the Third Assistant Postmaster General, Division of Stamps. postmasters’ records and reports. Sec. 55. The postmaster at a depository office will maintain a daily cash and stock account book (Form PS 508), in which he will enter daily all postal-savings funds received and disbursed, all blank cer- tificates of deposit and savings cards and stamps received, issued, or otherwise disposed of, and other required information concerning the postal-savings transactions of his office as hereinbefore provided. Certificates of deposit as issued will be entered individually in a reg- ister of certificates issued (Form PS 509) as provided by sections 8, 17, 23, and 34, giving the date of issue, value, series and serial number, name and account number of depositor, and the date on which interest begins. Certificates paid will be entered in a register of certificates paid (Form PS 509a), as provided by sections 33 and 34, giving the date and amount of payment, series and serial number, name and account number of depositor, date on which interest began, and the amount of interest paid. The date to which interest is paid on a certificate and the date of its final payment will also be entered in the register of certificates issued (Form PS 509) opposite the record of issue of the certificate affected, as provided by sections 33 and 34. Payments of interest alone will be entered on Form PS 509a and posted to Form PS 509, as provided by section 35. The certificate registers will*be totaled daily and the totals carried to the daily cash and stock account kept on Form PS 508. 22 POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM. The daily cash and stock account will be closed daily and all bal- ances proved. Sec. 56. Promptly after the close of each month the postmaster will prepare an account current on Form PS 504, with accompanying abstracts (Forms PS 505, 505a, 506, 507), by combining the items shown by his daily cash and stock account and copying other required data from the registers of certificates issued and paid. Accounts current, when prepared, will be carefully checked to insure accuracy, and will then be promptly forwarded with accompanying vouchers to the Postmaster General (Postal Savings System). In checking the account current the total of the balances to the credit of the individual depositors, as shown by their accounts on envelope Form PS 300, will be ascertained and proved with the summarized balance given in the account current. Sec. 57. In case a change of postmasters occurs during the month, the retiring postmaster and his successor will each render a separate account covering the period for which he has served. The retiring postmaster will deliver to his successor a check for the amount depos- ited in bank as his emergency credit, taking receipt in duplicate for this amount and for all cash, savings cards, savings stamps, and certificates on hand, and will attach the original receipt therefor to his account current. The incoming postmaster will at once redeposit in the proper bank to his official credit the check given him to cover the emergency credit fund. STATISTICAL REPORTS. Sec. 58. Promptly at the close of each month the postmaster at each depository office will render a statistical report on Form PS 541 showing the number of accounts opened and closed, the number of deposits and withdrawals, and other required information concerning the postal-savings transactions of his office for that month. Sec. 59. At the close of each fiscal year the postmaster will render a statistical report for the fiscal year on forms which will be supplied him for the purpose, showing the proportion of the expenses of his office applicable to the operation of the Postal Savings System, the postage value of all official stamps and envelopes actually used, and the number of depositors whose accounts show a balance to their credit, with the following abstracted information as to each depositor : Males. Race or color. Occupation. Birthplace. Age at last birthday. Females. Race or color. Occupation. Birthplace. Age at last birthday. Married, single, or widow. INSTRUCTIONS TO POSTMASTERS. 23 The necessary information as to depositors will be compiled from the entries on the envelopes (Form PS 300) contained in the files of his office. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE DEPARTMENT. Sec. 60. All communications from a postmaster in regard to the business of the Postal Savings System should be addressed to the Postmaster General (Postal Savings System), Washington, D. C., and any concerning a depositor’s account must specify the name of the depositor and the number of his account. Frank H. Hitchcock, Postmaster General. INDEX. * [References are to section numbers.] Abstracts accompanying account Re- current 56 Accounts. See Deposits, savings. Account current 56, 57 Account numbers, to be assigned. 7 to be specified in communi- cations 60 Accountable stock not to be sup- plied to other postmasters . . 49 postmasters responsible 54 requisitions for supply 46 transfer to new postmaster. . . 57 Address of central office 60 Administrators of estates. 37 Age of depositor, minimum 1 Antedated certificates 34 Application to open account 4-6 Apportionment of deposits in banks 27,28 Bank deposits. See Deposits in banks. Bonds, postal- savings, conversion of deposits 40 issued only to depositors 42 not counted in maximum of deposits 41 Cancellation of certificates 33 Cards, savings. See Savings cards, and stamps. Certificates of deposit, banks’ 29 Certificates of deposit, savings, antedated 34 correction of errors 23 issue 8-12 loss or destruction 21 not to be supplied to other postmasters 49 payment. See Withdrawals by depositors. postmasters may not receive for safe-keeping 22 records of issue and payment. 55 Certificates of deposit, requisitions Sec. for supply 46 smallest practicable number to be issued 12 to be issued in numerical order 10 Closing of accounts 38 Communications to department. . . 60 Correction of errors 23 Damage to supplies 53, 54 Death of depositor. 36, 37 Demand for payment by person other than depositor or his representative 37 Deposits in banks, apportionment. 27, 28 emergency credit 24 daily entry of amount 25 in what banks 24 maximum 29 not less than $10 24 procedure, daily 25 procedure at end of month ... 26 record of total 29 remittance by registered mail. 30 to credit of Board of Trustees . 24 Deposits, savings, closing of ac- counts 38 conversion into bonds 40 evidenced by certificates 8 interest 8, 11 ledger record 6 made by mail 18, 20 maximum balance 9 maximum in one month 9 not made in person 17-20 one person, one account 1 who may make 1, 2, 3 Duplicate certificates, cancellation . 33 entry of interest payments 35 preparation 8 sent out for depositor’s signa- ture 17, 19 25 26 INDEX. Duplicate certificates, to be filed in Sec - PS 300 6 Emergency credit, deposit in bank . 24 included in bank’s maximum. 29 payment of withdrawals 31 replenishment by deposits 24 replenishment by transfer of funds 31 transfer to new postmaster ... 57 Envelope for depositors 8, 17 Envelope for filing duplicates, etc. See Form PS 300. Errors, correction 23 Executor, payment to 37 Filing method 6 Form PS 300 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 21, 23, 32,33, 35, 38, 59 300a 6 301 8, 17 302 36 303 36 304 36 305 23,32 306 21 307 21 308 35 309 40 310 46 311 46 504 56 505 34,56 505a 34,56 506 56 507 26,56 508 16,25,55 509 8, 17, 23, 33, 34, 35, 55 509a 33,34,35,55 541 58 Form 3201 46,53 Identity of depositor 32 Individuals only can open accounts . 2 ^Interest on savings deposits, ante- dating 34 compound not allowed 11 date of beginning 8 payment of interest alone 35 payment on order of depositor . 36 payment with principal 32 Issue of savings certificates 8-12 Limit to depositor’s account 9 Limit to deposits in one month ... 9 Limit, none to life of certificate. . . 11 Loss of certificates 21 Loss of supplies 53,54 Mail, deposits sent by 18, 20 Married woman. See Woman, mar- Sec. ried. Monthly report 56,57 Numbers, account. See Account numbers. Numbers, serial, of certificates 10 Official postage stamps. See Stamps, official. Opening of accounts 4-7 Partial payment of certificate 34 Patrons of post office only may deposit 3 Payment of certificates. See With- drawals. Postage, official. See Stamps, offi- cial postage. Postmasters, change during month . 57 liable for emergency credit fund 24 responsible for accountable stock 54 Records and reports 55-57 Registered mail, remittance of funds 30 Registers of certificates issued and paid 55 See also Forms PS 509 and 509a. Remittance of funds by registered mail 30 Reports and records 55-57 Savings cards and stamps, account- ing 16 are transferable 15 not redeemed for cash .... 15 not to be loaned or sold to .other postmasters 49 presented for deposit 13, 14 requisition for supply 46 Serial numbers of certificates 10 Signature of depositor, identifica- tion 32 to application form 5 to duplicate certificate 8 Stamps, official postage, amount used to be reported 45 annual report of value 59 rates of postage to be observed . 43 registry fee covered 30 report as to damage or loss. . . 54 requisition for supply 46 sale or giving to public pro- hibited 44 supply and use 43 INDEX. 27 Stamps, savings. See Savings cards Sec - and stamps. Statistical report, annual 59 monthly 58 Statistical information as to depos- itors, method of obtaining. . 4, 6 compilation 59 Supplies, date of invoice to be men- tioned in communications.. 52 furnished only to depository offices 50 lost or damaged 53, 54 receipt 51 requisitions 46,47 stock to be kept sufficient 48 Telegraph, request for transfer of funds 31 Sec. Trust accounts not received 2 Withdrawals by depositors, closing of accounts 38 not made in person 36 partial payment of certificate. 34 payment from daily receipts. . 31 payment of certificate in full . . 32 payment of interest alone 35 payment to administrators and others 37 Withdrawals from bank by Board of Trustees 29 Woman, married, account free from interference 1 change of name 39 must sign given name 5 o 4