niv.of in. Library fa v^vs^vs^vz^vs?* Our Tenth Annual Want Book I? Is quite a departure from all preceding issues. It is larger, has more pages, i§> and contains a vast amount of infor¬ mation useful to every hardware dealer. In addition to printing all the changes in lists, we have illustrated almost all the new goods in Hardware and Cutlery which have been added to stock since || the publication of our last general cata¬ logue, January, 1899. <£IX All matter is arranged according to corresponding pages in oiir catalogue, making it exceedingly easy to refer from one book to the other without consulting an index. Our No. 6 general catalogue, made doubly valuable by the changes noted herein, will be sent to every dealer who m ^ si receives this book, should he be without * , ji T one. Do not fail to write or to include * 0 , 1* m m a copy in your next order. The changes and additions that ha’ been made in Sewing Machines, Jyp r writers. Guns, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, are included in separate catalogues of these m lines, which we issue each year. We i | call attention to our complete line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes and Painters’ Supplies, also included in a large special catalogue. We hope that our Want Book will v. v find favor in the hands of our many # friends, and that they will use it for their * daily memoranda. A complimentary order for goods selected by the aid of this book will be greatly appreciated. HIBBARD, SPENCER, BARTLETT & CO. Chicago, January 1,1901 3 > m m m m # m Consult All These PAGES i" No. 6 Catalogue 108 - Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list FILES. (Price List Adopted Nov. 1,1899.) Mill Bastard. 3 $3.00 4 5 6 . 7 8 3.00 3.20 3.50 3.90 4.30 9 10 12 14 16 $4.90 5.60 7.50 10.70 14.70 Mill Bastard, with One Round Edge. . 8 10 .$4.80 6.30 Flat Bastard. 4 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 $3.70 3.90 4.30 5.30 7.00 9.70 11.80 13.30 Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Hand Bastard. 8 $5.40 10 7.50 12 10.70 4 $4.80 Half Round Bastard. 5 6 8 10 12 5.40 6.10 7.50 9.10 11.80 ■Wading Bastard. 3 4 4i/ 2 $4.00 4.00 4.50 —- 109 14 15.50 4 $3.00 4 $3.80 m m New list - i 4 Inches, - 6 L # 1 A New list $4.80 r # m ik Inches, - 6 New list $6.70 FILES. Round Bastard. 5 6 8 10 3.20 3.50 4.30 5.60 Square Bastard. 5 6 8 10 4.10 4.60 5.50 7.40 Knife Bastard. 3 $5.40 Flat Second Out. 8 10 12 6.10 8.10 11.00 Half Round Second Out. 8 10 12 8.30 10.10 13.00 14 15.30 14 17.00 110 4 $4.70 FILES. Flat Smooth. 5 6 8 4.90 5.30 6.60 Hand Smooth. 8 $6.70 10 8.70 10 9.40 12 12.10 12 13.50 4 $ 6.10 Half Round Smooth. 5 6 8 10 12 14 6.40 7.10 8.90 10.70 13.90 18.30 12 8.40 16 17.80 14 15.00 16 20.60 12 14 16 7.50 10.70 14.70 12 14 16 10.20 13.90 18.70 4 5 6 i.40 6.10 6.90 16 20.10 16 22.05 14 16.70 14 18.20 16 24.20 ? w f w f # # # # w m f w w w w ' ■: * Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue m Inches, New list Inches, New list HO —Continued FILES AND RASPS. (Price List Adopted Nov. 1,1899.) Half Round Cabinet Files. 8 10 $10.10 13.70 Half Round Cabinet Rasps. 8 10 $12.80. 17.50 _____— -. in -- Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, Plain, Tanged, RASPS. Flat Wood. 10 812.80 Half Round Wood. 8 10 $10.10 13.70 Half Round Shoe. 6 - ' $ 8.10 Horse. 12 13 new list $12.80 15.20 14 17.80 23.10 12 18.70 14 24.80 12 22.80 14 29.60 12 17.50 14 23.20 12 18.70 14 24.80 8 10.10 10 13.70 15 20.90 16 24.40 32.20 AJAX PLAIN HORSE RASPS. Inches, Per dozen Superior Quality, Hand Cut. 12 $12.80 14 17.80 112 SAW PILES. Common Taper. Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list 16 24.40 CO CO ’ 4 41/2 5 5Y 2 $2.10 2.10 2.20 2.40 2.60 3.00 6 7 8 10 12 $3.40 4 30 5.40 8.10 12.50 Slim Taper. 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 5v 2 6 7 8 82.10 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.50 2.90 3.10 3.80 4.50 Double Ender Taper. _ 7 8 9 10 - 83.50 3.90 115 - - 4.40 4.90 CROSS CUT SAW FILES. 10 8.70 9.10 Inches, - 6 8 Pit Saw, - new list $6.10 7.50 Gant or Lightning, - “ 5.40 6.40 Great American, - 44 • . • • 7.50 Climax, - “ 7.50 .... w # w # w w ^ ^ ^ v5^2^ \S^ V? 7 V^ VS^ vs?" v? 7 V^ # m # m m m Consult All These PAGES i" No. 6 Catalogue 113 —Continued AUGER BIT FILES. aa-ui ^B For Auger Bite of All Sizes. No. 1-7 in., double ender, one end having flat file with smooth edges, the other end being smooth with file edges, one dozen on an easel back card, per dozen $3.50 This file is made especially for the purpose, and will do quick and fine work without the danger of ruining the lip. 114 FORD AUGER BITS. Extra Cast Steel, Single Concaved Twist, Extension Lip. Inches, 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/16ths Per dozen, $3.00 3.40 3.80 4.40 4.80 5.20 5.60 Inches, 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/16ths Per dozen, $6.10 6.60 7.20 7.80 8.40 9.00 Sets of 32^4 quarters, one each 4/, 5/, 6/, 7/, 8/, 9/, 10/, 11/, 12/, 13/, 14/, 15/ and 16/16ths in., in fancy cherry wood box, with hinged cover, - per set $6.25 The peculiar twist gives it a single cutting edge and a single projecting lip. The thread of the screw point is a continuation of the twist of the upper part, so that one merges into the other. The concave shape of the upper surface of the twist has the effect of drawing the borings toward the center or axis of the bit, thus preventing friction of borings against the sides of the hole, and thereby also preventing choking. For this bit. the necessity of constantly withdrawing for removing the chips does not exist. -- 117 -- SNELL’S SHIP AUGERS. 32/16ths -. new list 238.00 -—- 124 —- BLACKSMITHS’ TWIST DRILLS. No. 111-3/16 in., ------ each $0.50 No. 111-7/32 in., ------ “ .55 --- 129 - ANGULAR BORERS. f f # No. 35-Miller’s Falls, japanned frame, improved nickel plated chuck, adjustable to any angle, with set screw, ------ per dozen $24.00 This is a very serviceable tool. It can be attached to any brace, and will serve as an extension as well as an angular borer. The adjusting device is very simple, strong, and efficient. Please note that cuts of Barber’s Pattern Braces are transposed. w w w 4 Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue M m - 130 # HAND DRILLS. m m No. 01-Automatic, length 9 y 2 in., nickel plated but not polished, 8 cast steel drills in separate wood case, per dozen - - $20.00 No. 03-Automatic, length 9^ in., nickel plated but not polished, 8 cast steel drills inclosed in numbered compartments in handle, - - per dozen Extra Drills for Nos. 01 and 03, sizes 1 to 8, per set f # # w # # m m No. 041-Yankee, automatic, length 10 in., nickel plated, metal handle enclosing 8 cast steel drills, per dozen Extra Drills, for No. 041, 4/ to ll/64ths, - . per set Extra Drills, 4/, 5/, 6/, 7/, 8/, 9/, 10/ and 11/64, per doz. $28.00 .75 1.10 131 BREAST DRILLS. W W # f w # m w With Level Glass. No. 12-Miller’s Falls, japanned iron stock, nickel plated chuck for round or square shank drills, two speeds, extension crank, cocobolo handles, polished detachable breast plate, - - - per dozen $30.00 SCREW DRIVERS. Indies, 2 No. 6-new list $3.10 No. 16- “ 3.65 3 4 5 6 7 3.25 3.45 3.65 4.15 4.50 3.75 3.90 4.15 4.70 5.00 8 10 12 5.00 5.65 6.20 5.60 6.20 6.80 1 ^ § 1 ^. Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue -134---- YANKEE SPIRAL RATCHET SCREW DRIVERS. f # # A A Right or Left Hand Ratchet, or Rigid at Variable Lengths. No. 30-Nickel plated, stained cherry handle, length with bit 11 in., extended 19^ in., 3 forged steel bits, ------ per dozen $30.00 The change from right to left hand for either push or ratchet is made by simply moving the slide to either end of the slot. The ratchet move¬ ment can be used jn any part of the length of tool for either right or left hand. When slide is placed in center of slot, the rod is held rigidly and tool can be used as an ordinary screw driver, and this at any point in length of rod. When extended, this gives a very long screw driver. Neither pawls nor ratchets can bend, break or get out of order. The friction in ratchet mechanism is so slight as to be hardly felt, the back¬ ward movement is as easy as a good “ stem winder,” and quite as noise¬ less. YANKEE CHUCKS AND DRILLS. "YANKEE”, W. B-vJl m A For use with No. 30 Yankee Spiral Screw Drivers. No. 30-Steel chuck, with spring lock, complete with 8 cast steel drill points, - per dozen sets $12.00 Extra Drills, sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or ll-64ths, per dozen.1.10 135 # # # # # w FIBRE HEAD MALLETS. Polished Steel Ferrules, Screw Handle. No. 12 -Beech, 4%x2 in., No. 12Vk-Beech,.5^x2>£ in., - No. 13 -Beech, 5^x3 in., These goods take the place of Rawhide Mallets, which we no longer carry. SHEET IRON MALLETS. per dozen $6.50 “ 7.50 “ 9.00 No. 25t^-Round, hickory, 6x3 in., - per dozen $2.25 ? # jJr -^x3 in., figured electro bronzed front, electro bronzed ’strike and bolts, nickel plated flat steel key, 2 electro bronzed figured elongated escutcheons, electro bronzed knob, - per dozen sets 0594-5x3^ in., plain bronze metal front, strike and bolts, 2 nickel plated steel keys to night latch, 1 to lock bolt, bronze metal outside and small inside escutcheons, bronze metal knob, - per dozen sets 40.00 7.00 9.50 214 MORTISE KNOB LATCHES. No. 125-3^xly6 in., shingle pattern, bronze metal front, thumb knob, bolt and strike, - per dozen $3.50 # f # m ■ I b •-* * • !* I ' ' 1 1 ♦ i * * 1 ) ifl • ; ■ ■ 1 • — -,-■ r ^ m A m A A m A A m m A # A m A m m A A A A m Consult All These PAGES tn No. 6 Catalogue -- 220 - MORTISE DEAD LOCKS. No. P24-2j4xl?4 in., plain polished bronze metal front, strike and bolt, nickel plated steel key, per dozen §10.00 221 MORTISE LOOK SETS. Note new description. No. 1500-3^x3^ in., ornamental electro bronzed cast front and strike, bronze bolts, nickel plated steel key, 1 tumbler, complete with 2 electro bronzed cast elongated escutcheons and knob, per dozen sets $7 252 MORTISE KNOB LATCHES. W # ? # No. 0025-3^x1^4 in., polished old copper finish bronze metal front and strike, bronze bolt, - per dozen §3.25 The larger and better assorted your stock of any one line the better will be your sales. The buyer of to-day wants to see the goods. W oo m m m Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 252 — Continued MORTISE DOOR KNOBS. W m m m m m # m m m No. 0041-2^ in., polished old copper finish on steel, with roses,.per dozen $6.50 m m 262 LOOSE PIN BUTTS. No. WB40-2x2 in., wrought steel, polished old copper # finish, ------ per pair $0.35 m — - 263 — - m SASH LIFTS. No. 001621^-Stamped bronze metal, old copper finish, per dozen - - - - ' " $0. <5 Change description on No* 0095 Sash Lifts to read 4 old copper finish on iron*” --281 --- DRAWER PULLS. m A m ■ mmmm ^ No. CA 182-3^4 in., old copper sand finish, iron, per dozen ------- $0.85 FLUSH SASH LIFTS. No. WA163-3^xl^s in., wrought bronze metal, plain pattern, with beveled edges, old copper sand finish, with screws, - - - - per dozen $1.00 ----285-— SLIDING DOOR LOCKS. No. 2216-5x3^ in., astragal front, Baltic pattern, old copper sand finish, bronze metal fronts and trim¬ mings, for double doors, - - - per set $4.50 --286 - PUSH BUTTONS. No. 265-Baltic pattern, bronze metal, old copper finish, plate 2x6 in.,.per dozen $10.00 --289 -—- Make Nos* 92 and P92 Store Door Handles and Locks read 44 bronze metal*” f W ¥ W # T W r } V£^ Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue - 299 - CYLINDER WARDROBE LOCKS. o\ ^ /'-v \ %«t* No. W100-1 3 AxJi in., iron, 2 secure levers, solid square bolt, shoots right and left, 2 nickel plated flat steel keys, 12 changes in a dozen, brass cylinder, with r 3 e in. projection, - - - per dozen $5.50 319 WROUGHT STEEL PADLOCKS. No. 5-2 keys, new list.$6.60 330 Nos. 50 and 52. Nos. 60 and 62. Nickel Silver Springs, which Will Not Rust. No. 50-1)4 in., japanned steel case, ground name, polished forged spring shackle, self-locking, 5 levers, brass key hub, 2 corrugated steel keys, innumerable changes, - - - - “ P er dozen No. 52-1)4 in., brass case and inside mechanism, pol¬ ished bronze shackle, otherwise same as No. 50, per dozen - - - - " ' No. 60-2 in., japanned steel case, ground name, polished forged spring shackle, self-locking, 6 levers, brass key hub, 2 corrugated steel keys, innumerable changes, - ' P er dozen No. 62-2 in., brass case and inside mechanism, polished bronze shackle, otherwise same as No. 60, per dozen f # > 6.00 7.50 7.50 9.00 # # # w w f T W I - ’ Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 331 4 m 4 PADLOCKS. mm 4 4 4 4 4 4 m 4 4 wms^psaan h "w «■■«■ 4 ... 4 4 A No. 1920. Nos. 1910 and 1915. ^ No. 1920-2 in., brass plated wrought steel case and shackle, self-locking, spring shackle, 6 secure levers, 2 brass plated double bitted keys, per dozen $ 8 No. 1910-2 in., ivory black steel case, nickel plated spring shackle, self-locking, 6 secure levers, 2 nickel plated corrugated steel keys, - - per dozen 10. No. 1915-2 in., brass case and shackle, satin finish, otherwise same as No. 1910, - - per dozen 12. .50 w w w f w 4 4 4 W m 4 4 4 4 No. 1899. No. 905. No. 1899-2 in., wrought steel, old copper finish, self¬ locking, spring shackle, 3 secure levers, 12 changes, 2 nickel plated flat steel keys, - - per dozen $4.00 No. 905-2 in., tinned steel case, tinned steel spring shackle, self-locking, 2 secure levers, revolving key hub, 2 bent steel keys, 12 changes, - per dozen 3.00 No. 200. No. 1900. No. 1900-2^ in., heavy large japanned wrought steel case, bronze plated spring shackle, self-locking, 4 levers, revolving key hub, 2 flat steel keys, per dozen No. 200-2^ in., walnut bronzed iron case, self-locking, $4.25 w # w # w w # w spring shackle, 2 curved steel keys, per dozen 1.75 m 4 m k. :~i Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue ---- 334 - :- YALE PADLOCKS. W # # 4 m # 4 m 4 f w No. 8005. No. 833. No. 8005-2 in., rustless iron case, bronze metal spring shackle and inside mechanism, 4 tumblers, 144 changes, 2 flat steel keys, with 9 in. galvanized iron chain, ... - per dozen $19.20 No. 833-1^ in., solid bronze metal, self-locking, spring shackle, 3 brass tumblers, 48 changes, 2 nickel plated steel keys, - per dozen 26.40 No. - 805 8454 S53 A53 813 New list - $14.40 19.80 18.00 21.00 21.00 No. - 853 863 8053 8063 New list - 19.80 -336 31.80 39.60 44.40 DOOR PULLS. M No. 263-5 in., steel wire, japanned, No. 1263-5 in., steel wire, brass plated, per gross $2.70 3.00 No. 5151-6 in., cast brass, polished, with screws, per dozen - $3.00 338 • Change Nos. 27 and 28 Scranton Combination Barn Door Latches to read “Nos. 1227 and 1228,” to avoid confusion with other goods of same numbers. The merchant who carefully studies assortments and keeps a large line of shelf goods in stock has the advantage over the storekeeper who confines himself to staples. * * \ $ — —- i ---- \ j % ^ - . _ _.— ---—- * ' ■ ' 1 . \ 1 - • 4 ----- ___ -fl ---- ■ - ___I == -_J Consult All These PAGES * n Mo. 6 Catalogue A 339 AUTOMATIC DOOR HOLDERS. No. 5-J ap a nned , with screw, swings on con¬ tact with door and holds it open, prevents slamming, per dozen $1.25 343 BIGELOW AUTOMATIC DOOR BELLS. No. 50-4 in., nickel plated bell, old copper finish push but¬ ton, - - per dozen $18.00 No. 51-4 in., old copper bell, with push button to match, per dozen - - - 18.00 This bell gives a good electric ring, sound¬ ing repeatedly when the button is pressed and after being released. The bell is adjust¬ able to doors of any thickness and casings up to 12 inches by cutting the extra connecting wire the required length. - 343 - STAR SCREEN DOOR CATCHES AND PULLS. This latch is made expressly for screen doors and does not require mortising, a screw driver being the only tool required to put it on. The latch and pull are both secured to the outside of door, at any con¬ venient point. The latch bolt has a double bevel and holds the door only by the spring. A slight pressure will throw the bolt, but the spring is sufficient to hold the door against the wind. It also prevents the door from rebounding after striking, and in the case of weak hinges will insure the door being always closed. ^ No. 312-Japanned, with screws, per dozen $3.00 Nowhere can you get better Mixed Paints than “Our Very Best.” We carry a full line of Paints and Varnishes. W w w # w A-/^J '^ ’ r '©. Ball Bearing, Adjustable Tension. No. 2-Japanned iron, for 1 to in. doors, with top plates, - each 53.00 No. 032-Old copper finish, for l^i to lj4 in. doors, with top plates, - - - - -. each 3.70 No. 42-Old copper sand finish, for 1^6 to 1% in. doors, with top plates, - each 4.35 These hinges are very easily applied as they have a cylinder which will fit a hole bored in the floor. The door works on a ball bearing pivot. These hinges are made for % to 3 in. doors and in any desired finish, and can be quickly obtained from factory. We carry only the above num¬ bers in stock. 4 4 4 m m OS' m Consult All These PAGES No. 6 Catalogue 376—Continued. EASY DOUBLE ACTION SPRING HINGES. m Hinge or Blank as shown on door. Sectional view showing interior mechanism. Can be fitted to any swing door, and provides a simple and efficient construction which permits the door being readily hung and taken down. This is of itself a great feature, as one man can handle and fit the door! The hinge is readily detached and each part put on separately and then coupled together, the door being centered by the screws under the cover plate after it is hung. Tension of the spring is adjusted by screw in end of center plate, governing the swing of door and relieving screws from all strain. No swinging back and forth of the door, as the peculiar con¬ struction of this hinge is such that it equalizes the pressure at all points, permitting door to return to its initial point slowly and easily, which is a radical departure from any hinge ever constructed. After once adjusting the door is always in line. No unsightly springs; all parts concealed; no sagging of the door, whether tight or loose, as the hinge swings upon a fixed pintle. Blanks present the same appearance as the regular hinges. HINGES. No. Door, inches, Per pair No. Door, inches, Per pair No. Door, inches, Per pair No. Door, inches, Per pair No. Door, inches, Per pair No. Door, inches, Per pair Japanned Iron. 22 23 24 25 26 1/8 1/8 1/ 2 2/ $2.10 2.60 3.95 4.30 7.35 Bronze Plated, Unpolished. 32 33 34 35 36 1/8 1/8 1/4 2 2/ $2.45 3.20 4.60 4.95 8.95 Old Copper Finish, Unpolished. 62 63 64 65 66 1/8 13/8 ix 2 2/ $3.15 3.75 5.75 6.05 9.95 BLANKS. Japanned Iron. 022 023 024 025 026 1 / 1/8 1/4 2 2/ $1.65 2.00 3.05 3.30 5.65 Bronze Plated, Unpolished. 032 033 034 035 036 1/8 1/8 IX 2 2/ $1.90 2.45 3.55 3.80 6.90 Old Copper Finish, Unpolished. 062 063 064 065 066 1/8 13/8 1/4 2 2/ $2.40 2.90 4.40 4.65 7.65 — .•Ss._Ss.Ss. Si n A A A A A # A A A '^' w # # f w w # One gross in a box. m A A m m A m A m A A m A A # A A A m Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 444 CARRIAGE BOLTS. Oval Head, Forged Nuts. Revised Price List Adopted February 14, 1895. Price per 100. Inches , r 3 e & X A Vi re X H X $1.00 1 1.00 $1.20 $1.50 IX 1.00 1.20 1.50 IX 1.00 1.20 1.50 $3.00 lx 1.04 1.25 1.50 2 1.08 1.30 1.50 $2.20 3.00 $5.00 2 X 1.12 1.35 1.57 2 X 1.16 1.40 1.64 2.36 3.00 5.66 2 X 1.20 1.45 1.71 3 1.24 1.50 1.78 2.52 3.00 5.00 3X 1.28 1.55 1.85 3K 1.32 1.60 1.92 2.68 3.20 5.30 3X 1.36 1.65 1.99 4 1.40 1.70 2.06 2.84' 3.40 5.60 4X 1.44 1.75 2.13 4X 1.48 1.80 2.20 3.00 3.60 5.90 4X 1.52 1.85 2.27 6 1.56 1.90 2.34 3.16 3.80 6.20 5^ 1.64 2.00 2.48 3.32 4.00 6.50 6 1.72 2.10 2.62 3.48 4.20 6.80 6X 2.20 2.76 3.64 4.40 7.10 7 2.30 2.90 3.80 4.60 7.40 7/ 2 2.40 3.04 3.96 4 80 8 2.50 3.18 4.12 5.00 8.66 8 ^ 2.60 3.32 4.28 5.20 9 2.70 3.46 4.44 5.40 8.60 9K 3.60 4 60 5.60 10 3.74 4.76 5 80 9.20 iok 4.02 O . Ou 6.20 11 4 02 5 08 fi 90 Q an 12 4.30 5^40 u. o\j fi 00 y.ou i n An 13 U . Uu 7.00 1U.4U 11.00 11 fiO 14 7 40 15 7.80 11 . OU 19 90 16 8^20 14 . 4\J 19 80 18 9 00 14 . OU 14- 00 20 9^80 1 * 1 . uu 1 K 90 24 It) . 4\J 17.60 TIRE BOLTS. Revised Price List Adopted December 28, 1899. 3-16 Inch. Inches, - - 1?4 IV 2 1 % 2 2^4 21/2 List - - $0.60 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80 l -4 Inch. Inches, 1V4 IV 2 1% 2 2 y 4 2% 2% 3 31/2 List $0.95 .95 100 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.35 5-16 Inch. Inches, - IV 2 1 % 2 2 y 4 2% 2% '3 * CO List - $1.40 1.40 1.47 1.54 1.61 1.68 1.75 1.89 # f W # w w w f w w Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue m Inches, ^ Per 100 Inches, Per 100 Inches, Per 100 Inches, Per 100 Inches, Per 100 Inches, Per 100 Inches, Per 100 445 STOVE BOLTS. Flat and Round Head. Revised Price List Adopted December 28, 1899. 3-16 inch, Flat. % % % % 1 1^4 $0.75 .75 .75 .80 .80 .85 - - - - lYa 1 % 2 214 21/2 $0.90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1-4 inch, Flat. .% 3 A 1 H4 IV 2 $0.90 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 - - - - 1 % 2 2H 2i/ 2 3 $ 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.35 3-16 inch, Round. Vz % % % 1 1 H $0.85 .85 .85 .90 .90 .95 lYz 1 % 2 214 2Va 3 $1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.30 1-4 inch, Round. Vz % 1 H4 IV 2 1% 2 • $1.00 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 FLAT HEAD STOVE RODS. Vi in. length 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 in., per pound - - - . . PLOW BOLTS. W w w w w w w $0.20 w ® Inches, Per 100 0^ Inches, llik Per 100 No. 1, 3-8 inch, Key Head. l m iy 2 1% ■ $ 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.20 2 2 Yi 2V 2 2.30 2.40 2.50 No. 3, 3-8 inch, Square Shoulder. 1 1M 1 V 2 1 % 2 $2.00 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2i4 2.40 2 y 2 2.50 ^ Revised Price List Adopted October 1, 1899. m m m A 4 m m m Consult All These PAGES * n Mo. 6 Catalogue 446 MACHINE BOLTS. Price per 100. Inches. 1 IX IX 2 2X 3 3^ 4 4X 6 5X 6 6^ 7 7X 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 1-4 £1.70 1.70 1.70 1.78 1.86 1.94 2.02 2.10 5-16 $2.00 2.00 2.12 2.24 2.36 2.48 2.60 2.72 2.84 3-8 $2.40 2.40 2.40 2.56 2.72 2.88 3.04 3.20 3.36 3.52 3.68 3.84 7-16 $2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 1-2 5-8 3-4 $ 3.60 3.86 $ 5.58 4.12 5.96 4.38 6.34 $ 8.70 4.64 6.72 4.90 7.10 ' 9.70 5.16 7.48 5.42 7.86 10.70 5.68 8.24 5.94 6.20 8.62 11.70 6.46 6.72 9.38 12.70 6.98 10.14 13.70 7.50 10.90 8.02 11.66 15.70 8.54 12.42 9.06 13.18 17.70 10.10 14.70 19.70 11.14 21.70 23.70 COACH OR LAG SCREWS. With Square Head. Revised Price List Adopted October 1, 1899. Price per 100. Inches. 1-4 5-16 3-8 1-2 9-16 & 5-8 IX $2.25 $2.25 $2.70 2 2.45 2.45 2.96 $4.11 2^ 2.65 2.65 3.22 4.47 3 2.85 2.85 3.48 4.83 $ 6.00 3^ 3.05 3.74 5.19 6.50 4 3,25 3.25 4.00 5.55 7.00 4X 3.45 4.26 5.91 7.50 5 3.65 4.52 6.27 8.00 5K 4.78 6.63 6 5.04 6.99 9.00 8^ 7.35 7 7.71 10.00 8 8.43 11.00 9 9.15 12 00 10 9.87 13.00 W # W w- w # f Consuit A » Th ese PAGES in Mo. 6 Catalogue m 447 HOT PRESSED SQUARE NUTS. U. S. Standard. m m m m m Dimensions. Bolt. Hole. j Diameter. Thickness. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. X AS X X A X s 1 9 A X US n n A H If s If A X % X A ft ft A H X F 1 * X X X S ix X % ft s iiV X 11 S | 1/8 1 Blank. In Bulk. Per Lb. $0.13 .12 . 10 # .10 .09 .09 .08 r V • 08 % •08 A . 08 * Tapped. Sizes with suffix "S” are scant; with "F” are full measure. In ordering, state size of bolt. Two hundred pounds in a keg. SPECIAL STEEL WASHERS. Extra Thin G-auge. Bolt, inches, * * * # V Hole, inches , % * 3 / 8 * Diameter, inches, -A- Va. Vr 1 Wire gauge, - 18 16 16 16 In 5 lb. boxes, per lb. - $0.16.14* .13* .12* .11* .11* .11* .n .i 0 * These washers are higher in price than ordinary washers, but being thinner, there are a great many more to the pound. s We shall be glad to send upon appli¬ cation a Price List of Carriage and Tire Bolts, also Machine Bolts and Coach Screws, printed in large type, with figured discounts for retailing. W 4 4 4 m 4 4 m m 4 m 4 4 4 4 m m 4 m 4 4 # a 4 vE? 7 v^? 7 *25^ ■^ 7 '<^'2^'2^'1^'2^’2^ : ^757'Z^7 *2^*2^*25 7 v^ v? 7 v^ v? 7 v^"^, * Consult All These PAGES ‘ n No. 6 Catalogue -- 450 - STEEL WIRE AND STEEL CUT NAILS. Revised Schedule Adopted Dec. 1, 1896. Advance per Xegr. Common, Fence, Shingle, Tobacco, Flooring, and Common Brads. Advance. 20d to 60d, Base lOd, 12d, and 16d, - $0.05 8d and 9d, .10 6d and 7d, .20 4d and 5d, .30 3d, --- .45 2d, - .70 Barbed Common and Barbed Car Nails. 15 cents advance over Common. Casing and Smooth Box. lOd and larger, $0.15 8d and 9d, - .25 6d and 7d, - .35 4d and 5d, - .50 3d, - .70 2d, - - - 1.00 Barbed Box. 15 cents advance over Smooth. Smooth Finishing Nails. lOd and larger, $0. 25 8d and 9d, - •35 6d and 7d, - .45 4d and 5d, - .65 3d, .85 2d, 1.15 Lining. 1 inch, - $0.80 y inch, - 1.00 y inch, - 1.20 Fine Nails. 3d, (1^x15 wire), $0.50 3d Extra fine (1^x16), .65 2d, 1.00 Slating Nails. 2 inch, - 1 y 2 and 1 y inch, - 1 y inch, 1 inch, - Advance. $0.30 .40 .60 .80 Barrel. iy 2 inch, - - $0.30 iy inch, - - .40 iy inch, - - .50 iy inch, - - .60 1 inch, - - .70 y inch, - - .85 y inch, - - 1.00 Barbed Roofing. 2 inch, - - - $0.35 iy 2 and iy inch, - .45 iy inch, - - .55 1 and ly inch, ~ .60 y inch, - - .65 y inch, - - .75 Clinch Nails. lOd, 12d, 16d and 20d, $0.35 8d and 9d, - - .45 6d and 7d, - - .55 4d and 5d, - - .65 3d, .85 2d, 1.05 Hinge Nails. lOd and larger, - $0.50 8d, .60 6d, .70 4d, - - - .80 Spikes. All sizes, to 9 in., - $0.10 10 and 12 inch, - .25 Barbed Dowel Pins. iy, ly and 1 y inch, $1.00 1 y inch, - 1.15 1 inch, - 1.25 y inch, - 1.50 y inch, - 1.75 y inch, - 2.00 Galvanized, Annealed (except clinch) and Blued Wire Nails can be had at an extra charge. We carry the following special nails in stock: SPECIAL NAILS. 3d Iron cut nails, - per keg $ 4d Iron cut nails, ----- “ 6d Special hinge clinch nails, - 8d Special hinge clinch nails, - lOd Special hinge clinch nails, - 4d Galvanized cut steel nails, - 3d Galvanized wire shingle nails, 4d Galvanized wire shingle nails, yxl2 Galvanized wire barbed roofing nails, w w w W # f f # _ Consult All These PAGES «n No. 6 Catalogue 451 WIRE NAILS. (Price List Adopted July 20, 1899.) Bright, Smooth, in 1 lb. Papers. Inches, - % % % 1 1 i Wire gauge, - f 6 13 14 12 13 14 New list, per lb. #0.43 .34 .35 .30 .31 .32 Bright, Barbed, in 25 lb. Boxes. Inches, - % 1 Wire gauge, ... 16 14 i fc lfc i fc 12 14 12 .29 .31 .29 New list, Inches, New list, per pound #0.44 .33 Inches, - Wire gauge, New list, - Inches, - Wire gauge, New list, - In X lb- Papers. per dozen #3.24 2.79 ‘ - 1 lfc 17 17 per dozen #1.44 1.41 In 1 lb. Papers. fc % % % 20 19 18 18 per lb. #0.85 .65 .52 .45 In 25 lb. Boxes. J?. C ^ es> ' “ V2 % % % Wire gauge, - 19 19 18 17 New list, per lb. #0.74 .64 .51 .42 lfc lfc 1V 2 12 14 12 .30 .32 .30 Boxes. - % 3 i r pound i #0.59 .53 % 3 i % 19 18 18 2.19 1.80 1.59 1V 2 1% 2 16 15 15 1.23 1.14 1.14 Inches, Wire gauge, New list, 1 lfc lfc 1% 2 w 17 16 15 14 14 w .40 .34 .31 .29 .29 f # 1 lfc lfc 1% 2 # 17 16 15 14 14 # .39 .33 .30 .28 .28 # 452 “UNCLE SAM’S PEACEMAKERS.’ No. 300 Case contains 72 polished wood cartridges, with blue stained bullet or cover, red base and natural finish center, filled with silver steel carpet tacks 48 8-oz. and 24 10-oz. cartridges in each case" per gross - ’ ).00 PLYMOUTH ROCK TACKS. W 14 -lb. packages, coppered, large head, assorted 6, 8 and W 10 oz„ one gross packages in a case, - per case S7.50 W Our ninety-six page Catalogue of Fishing Tackle will be ready early in the year. Write us for prices. 4 - m A A # A A # 4 M A A m m m m a a Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 453 Ounces, New list, Ounces, New list, All sizes, Ounces, New list, All sizes, Ounces, New list, Ounces, New list, WIRE CUT TACKS. No. 70, Half Weight, Blued. 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 $1.15 1.35 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.00 3.40 WIRE CARPET TACKS. No. 72, Plat Head, Half Weight, Polished. 6 8 10 12 $1.80 2.20 2.60 3.00 No. 75, Flat Head, 2-oz. Papers, Polished. new list $1.20 No. 73, Oval Head, Half Weight, Tinned. . 6 8 .$2.50 3.00 No. 76, Oval Head, 2-oz. Papers, Tinned. .new list $1.60 CUT TACKS. No. 50, Half Weight, Blued. 1 1V 2 2 21/2 3 4 $0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 8 10 12 14 16 18 $2.20 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.20 Ounces, New list, Ounces, New list, Ounces, New list, FLAT HEAD CARPET TACKS. No. 58, Flat Head, Quarter Weight, Tinned. No. 51, Half Weight, Blued. 4 6 8 10 12 $1.50 1.80 2.20 2.60 3.00 No. 57, Half Weight, Tinned. 4 6 8 $2.10 2.50 3.00 10 1.90 14 3.40 10 3.65 12 4.30 “NEVER RUST” CARPET TACKS. No. 400-Japanned, large head, ^ lb. papers, 6, 8 and oz ->.per dozen $0.50 These Tacks are treated to four coats of japan and are warranted not to rust either in the paper or the carpet. Consult All These RAGES «n No. 6 Catalogue 454 2 214 3 4 6 8 10 12 $3.25 3.45 3.80 4.40 5.60 6.80 8.00 9.20 No. 45, in 25 lb. Boxes. 1V 2 2 21/2 3 4 6 $2.40 1.85 1.60 1.45 1.30 1.15 - 8 10 12 14 16 ~ $1.00 .95 .90 .85 .80 No. 77 Wire, Blued, in 25 lb. Boxes. - - 4 6 8 10 ■ - $1.30 1.15 1.00 .95 UPHOLSTERERS’ TACKS. No. 45, Full Weight, in Papers. Ounces, New list Ounces, New list Ounces, New list Ounces, New list BILL POSTERS’ TACKS. No. 55, Blued Steel, in 5 lb. Boxes. 4 6 8 .#1.30 1.15 1.00 No. 78 , Blued Wire, in 25 lb. Boxes. new list $1.30 CANVAS TACKS. In 25 lb. Boxes. per pound $1.30 DOUBLE POINTED TACKS. Blued, in Papers. 9 10 11 $1.20 1.30 1,40 Tinned, in Papers. - - 9 10 11 $1.55 1.65 1.80 Blued, in 25 lb. Boxes. 9 10 $0.46 .42 D. P. WIRE CLOTH TACKS. N°. 5-Blued, 100 count, .... per dozen $1.50 No. 5-Blued, in 10 lb. boxes, per pound 1.50 No. 46 GIMP TACKS. Ounces, 2 2^2 3 4 6 New list $2,20 2.40 2.55 2.85 3.45 No. 40 LEATHER HEAD TACKS. Ounces,. g New list. go.54 LINING TACKS. No. 47-Bright, No. 48-Japanned, Ounces, New list 4oz., 4 oz., No. - Per dozen No. - New list No. New list 12 1.60 12 2.05 11 .41 8 4.10 8 .57 per paper $0.10 “ .10 Profitable goods usually need helping. The goods which sell themselves are not the best money makers. Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue - 455 -- CLOUT NAILS. Inches, New list In 1 lb. Papers. 1/2 % 3,4 $0.39 32 .27 % .24 1 to 2 .23 Inches, New list In y 2 lb. Papers. Vz % % $0.43 .36 .31 % .28 1 to 1% .27 Inches, New list Tinned, in 1 lb. Papers. . % .$0.38 % .35 1 to ll/s .34 CANVAS NAILS. Inches, New list In y lb. Papers. V 2 % % % - $0.43 .36 .31 .28 --456 1 and 1^4 .27 FURNITURE NAILS. f # # # W w # No. 42N. No. 43N. No. 42N-Nickel plated, 1000 in box No. 43N-Nickel plated, 1000 in box ---457 STANDS AND LASTS. Note new description. per 1000 $1.75 “ 1.60 No. 1-Height, 14 in., with 3 lasts, No. 2-Height, 24 in., with 4 lasts, No. 3-Height, 21 in., with 4 lasts, per dozen $4.00 “ 7.25 “ 5.50 FLEXIBLE RUBBER HEELS. They can only be appreciated by being worn. They outwear the best leather; giving ease and elasticity to the step, preventing all jar when walking. Those who are called upon to stand or walk many hours a day will realize the luxurious ease they bring to tired feet. The testimony of thousands who are now using them is a guarantee of their universal adoption. When once worn, and their comfort fully experienced they will never be discarded. Packed one pair in a box, with nails and directions for applying. Dyke’s Improved, y s in. Thick. Men’s, sizes, 5/6, 7/8 and 8/9 Ladies’, sizes, 0/1, 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6 per dozen pairs $6.00 “ 14 5.50 SHOE PLATES. National, Steel, require no awl, one gross in a box.- per gross $1.00 w # w w # # w # # m Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue - 457—Continued.-- CAST IRON LAP LASTS. Round Toe. Pointed Toe. Pointed Toe, Japanned. No. 10-Small, 2^x5 in. and 2%x5>£ in., No. 11-Medium, 2^x5 in. and 3x5^ in., No. 12-Large, 3x5}^ in. and 3^4x6 in., Round Toe, Japanned. No. 21-Medium, 2^x4j4 in. and 3x5^ in., per dozen £2.10 No. 22-Large, 3^x5^ in. and 3^x5^ in., “ 2.70 per dozen $1.50 “ 2.10 “ 2.70 w # A m § m SOLE LEATHER STRIPS. Hemlock, all clear, .... Hemlock, 18% branded, Oak, all clear, - Oak, 18% branded, ----- These are heavy strips, about 6 A inches wide and varying in length from 12 to 30 inches. We cannot furnish strips of stated length. per pound $0.80 “ .72 41 .84 44 .76 <§ A A m . _______ _ _1 i \ if v m Consult All These PAGES in No- 6 Catalogue 408 CHAIN AND GRAB HOOKS. A A A Chain. Inches, y Chain Hooks, per 100 618.00 Grab Hooks, per 100 18.00 Grab. Inches, New list A H A X A 18.00 20.00 24.75 26.00 18.00 20.00 24.75 26.00 S HOOKS. 1V 2 2 21/2 3 86.00 7.25 9.50 11.50 Vz in., COLD SHUTS. per 100 85.25 469 CALIFORNIA TIRE RIVETS AND BURS. *4x2, 2*4 and 2 ^ in., - per pound $0.20 Extra Burs, ------ « 20 HAY RACK BRACKETS AND CLAMPS. Showing Parts. These brackets make the strong¬ est kind of hay racks, as the wood is not weakened by boring holes for bolts where strength is most essen¬ tial. By their use lighter material can be used. A hay rack made with these brackets is stronger and much more rigid than one made in the old way. Showing Use. No. 1-Consists of 8 14-inch wrought steel clamps, to clamp 2x4 in., 2x8 in., and 2x4 in., complete with brackets, upper washers, lower clips and nuts, per set $2.00 No. 2-Consists of 8 16-inch wrought steel clamps, to clamp 2x6 in., 2x8 in., and 2x4 in., complete with brackets, upper washers, lower clips and nuts, per set 2.10 There are many articles in addition to Mixed Paints included in this line that every hardware dealer will find profitable. Write for catalogue and prices. w W w w w w Consult AH These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 471 KRUSE CROSS CLEVISES. No. 100 10 holes, adjustable to any size beam, per dozen - $3.00 472 SINGLETREES. ^ No. 2-30 in., hickory, varnished, extra heavy ironed, P er dozen .$5.00 473 WAGON HARDWARE. No. 80-Ferrules and Rings, 1% in. ferrule, Ax3^ in. ring, ------- No. 55-Ferrules and Hooks, 1% in. ferrule, hook, - No. 34-Center Clips with Ring, in. ring, - each in. center clip, y$ - each 474 WAGON BOX STRAP BOLTS. Inches, New list, - Vfcxl2 9-16x12 %xl2 9-16x14 %xl4 %xl6 - $1.05 1.16 1.16 1.25 1.30 1.45 WROUGHT AXLE CLIPS. % # No. - H Flat part, inches, Per dozen - m 5-16 Inch Shanks, 7-8 Inch Wide. 12 3 4 sy 4 Y\ $0.80 .80 .85 1.00 T HEAD SHAFT BOLTS. m Inches, !4 in., - - 1 % per 100 $3.20 1 % 3.30 2 3.40 2% 2V 2 3.50 3.60 - — — — — ‘—*— »— ^ ^ Consult All These PAGES i« No. 6 Catalogue - 474—Continued. ----— T HEAD WHIFFLETREE BOLTS. W W Inches, • 5-16 in., 3-8 in., • - 3i/ 2 - per 100 $7.00 - per 100 8.00 4 7.00 8.00 41/a 7.00 8.00 m # m m m m m 475 BLACKSMITHS’ APRONS. W Sheepskin, Untrimmed. No. 20-Weight 20 to 25 lbs. to dozen, No. 25-Weight 25 to 30 lbs. to dozen, TUYERE IRONS. per dozen $22.00 “ 25.00 # Made of the best Dunbar pig metal; very durable; fire cannot spread; ashes do not blow; owing to shape, fire will keep clean and bright at all times; very econom- ical in the use of coal; especially adapted for heavy and constant work. Sutton, fire bowl cast with tuyere, weight complete 40 lbs.,.- - each $5.00 _ Consult All These PAGES i« No. 6 Catalogue ' m 475—Continued WAGON JACKS. No. 20. No. 18. m m No. 20-T. M. & S., malleable iron, japanned, wood handle, ------ p er dozen $18.00 No. 18- Winner, steel upright, iron base and lever, weight 5 lbs., will lift 800 lbs., - - per dozen 12.00 481 OILERS. m f # No. 700. No. 900. Copper Plated, Machine. Nos. 20 to 23. (?0 § per dozen $1.75 “ 1.75 No. 700-1 pint, 3 y 2 in. straight spout, No. 750-1 pint, 3 y 2 in. bent spout, Heavy Seamless Steel, Machine, Copper Plated and Highly Polished, Long Brass Screw. No. 900-1 pint, 5 in. straight spout, - per dozen $3.00 No. 950-1 pint, 5 in. bent spout, - “ 3.00 Cannon Engineers’, IXX Tin, Brass Spout Screw and Pump. 23 2 20 16.00 No. - 20 21 22 Pints, - 1 1^ Spout, in., Per dozen - 6 8 12 - $11.00 12.00 14.00 There has been a change in list of Leather Belting, page 482. I Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 483 m m m m m m m m m M COPPERED IRON BELT RIVETS AND BURS. No. 9 o 7 8 Separate sizes, in y 2 lb. boxes, new list .... $2.10 Assorted sizes, in y 2 lb. boxes, new list $2.22 2.28 2.34 SECTION RIVETS. No. 6. No. 5. No. 3. Flat Countersunk Head. No. 6 - t 3 f in. (full), length T 7 F , y, s/ 8f 7/ 8 and 1 in., per pound -------- $0.24 No. 5-sV in., length ft, ft, ft, s/ s , 3ft, ft and 1 in., per pound - 24 No. 3-ft in. (full), length ft, ft, ft, ft and 1 in., per pound - .24 In ordering Copper Rivets and Burs, state whether half or one pound papers are wanted. 484 RIVETING MACHINES. No. 90-Little Giant, .... p er dozen 810.00 # No. 01. No. # M # A Malleable Iron, Polished Steel Working- Parts. No. Ol-With anvil top and horn, 7x9 in., weight about 4 lbs., for No. 1 tubular rivets, - - each No. 1-With anvil top, horn and vise, 8x10 in., weight about 6 lbs., for No. 1 tubular rivets, - each No. 2-Extra strong, anvil top, pipe vise, inserted steel jaws, 10x12 in., weight about 12 lbs., 3 detachable dies for Nos. 1 and 3 tubular rivets, also for loop- " ‘ - - each These machines will set all lengths of No. 1 tubular rivets, split or shoe rivets, without change or adjustment, and do absolutely perfect work. i n r i V 5 tmg ’ the ^ vet * s Pl ac . ec l * n hollow upright in lower part of frame* . ea , down, resting on a solid base. The tubular upright surrounding this is held in place by a spring, disappearing under pressure into the base as the lever is forced down. The rivet is thus protected, and is always forced straight through the work. 2.00 4.00 10.00 & m 4 4 4 m 4 4 4 m 4 m 4 4 # 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue — - 484—Continued.- JAPANNED TUBULAR RIVETS. A % A Y& tV 50 in a box, 12 boxes in a carton. Inch, - 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 12/16ths. Per carton $1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.20 485 SPRING COTTERS. Note the new sizes. }4xli4 in., i4xl% in., per 1,000 $18.00 " 20.00 486 HARNESS SNAPS. Note the new sizes. No. 6-2 in., Judd’s pattern, tinned, - - per gross $18.00 2 in., German pattern, japanned, - - “ 8.00 487 DOUBLE EYE BOLT SNAPS. No. AAAin. eyes, tinned, length 3 in., - per gross $12.00 No. AA-^4 in. eyes, tinned, length 4 in., - “ 15.00 ANDREWS’ HARNESS SNAPS. 10. Tinned. Inches, % ~ 1 1% 1 V 2 1% 2 Per gross $10.75 11.50 14.00 15.00 18.00 22.50 These snaps have a flat steel spring, and are opened by pressing down a lever at the back of snap. COVERT’S NEW PATENT SNAPS. We now carry all sizes. No. - 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 Inches, 1 1# 1# 1% 1% 2 Per gross $5.50 5.80 7.50 8.85 10.50 11.50 13. Change description of No. 521 Covert’s Open Eye Snaps to read “ Chain Snaps.” 516 <(8?) 8.00 w # w w w w w f #. # w w 4g- 1 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 489 HARNESS BUCKLES. Roller. Bar Rein. Roller, Malleable Iron. Nn^n t V, " “ % % 7a 1 iy 4 iy 2 1% Noi&i; per gross SI.40 1.65 2.00 2.30 3.20 3.80 4.80 No. 150-XC plate, 1.65 2.00 2.30 2.60 3.80 4.80 5.80 Bar Rein, Malleable Iron. V2 % % 7 /q No 100 'xc n i d t per - gro ' $ ^° 1 2 ^° 8 25 3 '™ ^ 5-50 ?20 No. 100-XC plate, “ 2.00 2.30 3.10 3.60 4.50 5.40 6.50 8.20 # m m NECK YOKE CENTERS, m w # No> 40 - No 100. No. 40-Clinton, leather, steel loop, secured by 3 screws to plate and leather covered, for 1 y 2 , ls/ 8 , 13 / No n f, ck y° kes > -. - - per dozen No. 100 Adams , malleable iron, japanned, hinged to t0 any P 05 ^ 011 . leather lined and riveted, with 2 rivets and back plate, 2 sizes for 1 y 2 or 154 in. neckyokes, - - - - - per dozen ).00 9.00 490 HAME HOOKS. No. 155. no.issIdoS;, : : : ; Please make change in catalogue as noted above. # m # ib m m A m A m I V^ 'c^7'^7'<^7 '^7'^7^ '<£7 '<£7 'tZ7 '^7^^ Consult All These PAGES m No. 6 Catalogue 491 LEATHER HALTERS. W W No. 50. No. 55. No. 50-1# in. leather, riveted, 5 japanned rings, xc plate buckle, rope tie, per dozen $12.50 No. 55-1^ in. leather, riveted, 5 japanned rings, xc plate buckle, leather tie, - - - per dozen 17.00 Please note that cuts of Nos. 525 and 88 Rope Halters are transposed* --492--t- STANCHION IRONS. W w No. 1-Malleable iron, for fastening cattle in stalls, per 100.£10.00 --——— 493-- FELT SWEAT PADS. No. 4-Heavy salmon colored felt, scalloped edge, 4 japanned clips to attach to col¬ lar, length 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 in., per dozen.$9.00 See number above each item and con¬ sult this page in our No. 6 catalogue for similar goods. iHN§ it We have added to stock a complete line of Horse Blankets, and shall be glad to forward circular and prices on request. m No - 258 * No. 259. No. 258-Stiff, open cheek, nickel plated, - per dozen $2.00 No. 259-Jointed, open cheek, nickel plated, “ 2.00 No. 260. No. 261. No. 260-Stiff, solid cheek, nickel plated, - per dozen $2.50 No. 261-Jointed, solid cheek, nickel plated, “ 2.50 C » J a P an ned, per dozen $10.00 No. 238-J. I. C., xc plate, - “ 10.00 Can be used on a gentle horse or the most vicious, with equal and entire success. Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue No. 061. No. 412. No. 061-Skeleton, japanned, with rein holder, for leather dash, - - - - - - per dozen $4.00 No. 412-Tubular, japanned, for leather dash, will hold whip without rubbing, - - - per dozen 6.00 CURRY COMBS, No. 2UU. No. 202. No. 200-4 japanned circular bars, - - per dozen $2.65 No. 202-4 japanned circular bars, closed back, “ 3.70 Nos. 103 and 115. Noe. 109 and 110. Spring Steel, Close Back, Lacquered. No. 103-6 bars, .... - per dozen $2.25 No. 115-8 bars,. “ 3.50 No. 104-6 bars, with mane comb, - “ 2.50 No. 105-8 bars, with mane comb, - “ 3.75 No. 109-6 bars, with rubber scraper, - “ 2.75 No. 110-8 bars, with rubber scraper, - “ 4.00 The back of these curry combs is made of fine spring steel and is very elastic and flexible. The bars are held only at extreme ends, allowing the center to spring slightly. The eight bar combs have more spring than the six bar, on account of their extra length. c Consult All These PAGES i» No. 6 Catalogue --508—Continued.- - HORSE BRUSHES. m A No. 115-Leather covered wood back, tempered steel wre, very pliable, .... per dozen §12.00 ----509 ---- DANDY HORSE BRUSHES. M N° - 215-Walnut stained, hardwood back, 2^x9 in., M steel bristles 1% in. long, very soft and pliable, per dozen .. --612--- LARGE BELLS. m m m For Schools, Churches and Fire Engine Houses. Send for circular and prices. We can furnish large bells for any purpose. ----~513 -- : --- LEAVITT’S DEHORNERS. No. 13-V-shaped steel blades, for any size horns, iron frame and handles,. each g 10 .00 , , The y-shaped blades hold the horn rigidly in position, avoiding all tendency to twist, while cutting in four directions at once. The blades * the improved pattern cannot interlock nor cut each other. V Consult All These PAGES ' n Mo. 6 Catalogue -513—Continued. - i||., m BULL PUNCHES. No. 1-Polished steel punch, silver plated brass sheath, beech handle, length 6 in., - - per dozen $8.00 This instrument is used to perforate the membrane separating the two nostrils in order to insert a ring. Directions: Insert the punch in nose with sheath in place; withdraw the punch leaving sheath in nose; insert one end of bull ring in the small end of sheath; push the ring carefully through, at the same time leaving the ring in the nose. HORSE MUZZLES. No. 5-Extra heavy, made of No. 12 galvanized steel wire, ------ per dozen $2.25 515 PIG AND LAMB FORCEPS. # # W # W # w # m 4 m Barber’s, malleable iron, nickel plated, length about 17 in.,.per dozen $13.00 The loop end fits over the head, making a fast hold on the base of the skull; the other jaw has a ball end which exactly fits in the fork or point end of under jaw, and when pressed together, makes a secure hold on the head, giving full strength of animal to pull on. The reverse end can be used to catch the under jaw of the pig or lamb in this manner. Get the curved end in the mouth, the pointed end under the jaw holding the bone together and making it impossible to break the jaw. SUPERIOR PIG FORCEPS. 1 wak Superior, malleable iron, heavily tin plated, length ® 16 in., ------ per dozen $9.00 520 D HANDLE ROUND POINT SHOVELS. iBS jjjk Socket Strap. No. 33 V 2 -(Size 3) C. H. Conover’s, solid steel, black, per dozen -------- $13.00 Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 521 m 4 4 4 m m 4 4 4 m 4 4 m 4 # m 4 4 4 4 4 AMES’ SHOVELS AND SPADES. No. - 10 11 15 16 26 New list - $12.75 13.50 12.00 12.75 14.00 No. - 50 41 111 141 New list $513.50 -522- 13.50 13.50 13.50 AMES’ MINING SHOVELS. No. 59-New list - $12.50 No. 60-New list - 12.50 523 AMES’ SHOVELS AND SPADES. No. 18-Brick or Sewer Shovels, - - new list $12.00 No. 87-Nursery Spades, ... “ 16.50 526 Inches, New list No. 102 AMES’ POST SPADES. 14 $15.00 -528 - 16 15.25 18 15.75 20 16.25 AMES’ COAL SHOVELS. No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 New list - $12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 529 AMES’ SCOOPS. No. - 2 345 67 89 10 New list $14.50 14.75 15.25 15.50 16.00 16.50 17.00 17.75 18.50 530 AJAX LOCOMOTIVE SCOOPS. Substitute the following for catalogue sizes: No.. 3 4 5 Blade, inches, - - - 15^x11 16x11^ 16^x12 Per dozen - $15.00 16.00 17.00 531 TRIMMER OR BAG SCOOPS. No. 2-Reeds’, No. 3-Reeds’, new list $10.75 “ 11.00 The large and increasing sales of Gold Hibbard, C. H. Conover and Ajax Shov¬ els, Spades and Scoops is a gratifying testimony to the quality of these goods. The very high standard of excellence is maintained year after year, never varying. W # w # # # # 4 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 533 POST HOLE AUGERS. 4 4 4 m 4 4 4 m 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Showing tubing cut away and handle center and tips. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Rapid. Dalbey. No. 37-7 in. Rapid, No. 38-8 in. Rapid, No. 39-9 in. Rapid, per dozen $28.00 “ 30.00 “ 32.00 This auger is made for rapid, easy and constant work. The point, or auger, is of malleable iron to which the blades, made of tool steel, are riveted in such a manner that they will never become loose. The tubing is of wrought iron pipe of 1 y% in. external diameter, 28 inches long. The handle is 30 inches long, making it very easy to work hard ground. This auger will dig in all kinds of ground, goes down perfectly straight, with no side motion and brings out all the dirt. It frees easily and will stand very rough usage. Weight about 14 lbs. each. No. 48-8 in., Dalbey, cast base and blades, wrought tube, with handle, - per dozen $16.00 The teeth in one blade do not track after those in the other, but cut in between. The long tooth in the right hand blade acts as the worm. The points break up the earth much more rapidly than knife blades and are especially good in hard ground. 534 ASHTABULA HAY FORKS. Feet, - - 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 No. 10- -New list $ 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.50 No. 11- -New list 10.80 10.80 10.80 11.30 .... No. 19- -New list • • • • 7.25 .... .... .... No. 12- -New list 10.80 10.80 10.80 11.30 11.80 No. 13- -New list 12.60 12.60 12.60 13.10 13.60 No. 20- -New list .... 9.75 .... .... .... No. 14- -New list 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.90 12.40 No. 15- -New list 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.70 14.20 No. 16- -New list 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.50 16.00 No. 17- -New list 17.00 17.00 17.00 17.50 18.00 8 16.60 ^ I Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 535 ASHTABULA HEADER FORKS. No. • 1514 18 18% 18% 18% 18% 18% New list $17.75 21.25 20.25 22.25 21.25 25.00 25.00 m # m No. 24j^-Dakota pattern, 4 oval 16 in. tines, 12*4 in. wide at points, very square shoulders, strapped fer¬ rule, 4*/ 2 and 5 ft. bent handle, - per dozen $24.00 BARLEY FORKS. No. 35-New list, $36.00 538 GOLDEN EAGLE HAY FORKS. Feet, 4 4i/ 2 5 5Y 2 6 No. 012-New list - $10.80 10.80 10.80 11.30 No. 013-New list - 12.60 12.60 12.60 13.10 13.60 No. 014-New list - 11.40 11.40 1L40 11.90 No. 015-New list - 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.70 No. 017-New list - 16.80 16.80 16.80 17.50 GOLDEN EAGLE MANURE FORKS. No. 025-6 oval tines, plain ferrule, 4 ft. handle, per dozen.$29.25 No. 026-6 oval tines, strapped ferrule, 4 ft. handle, per dozen - -- -- -- - 31.25 539 D HANDLE BEET FORKS. # m m # m m No. 807-7 oval tines, ball ends, 16^ in. long, 15in. wide, 36 in. handle, strapped ferrule, * per dozen $48.00 D HANDLE COKE FORKS. No. 114-14 diamond tines, 17*4 in. long, 18 in. wide, per dozen -------- $66.00 No. 116-16 diamond tines, 17*4 in. long, 18 in. wide, per dozen - -- -- -- - 80.00 m -2^ *2^ *5^ *2^ *2^ *2^ *2^ vs 7 -2^ '^7 '<^7 vS^; Consult All These PAGES ' n No* 6 Catalogue - 540 -- NEW DIAMOND BRACED STEEL RAKES. Solid Brae© Shank, Light and Strong. 12 Teeth,.per dozen $15.00 14 Teeth,. “ 16.50 16 Teeth,. “ 18.00 These nicely finished steel rakes are made from one piece steel without welds, and highly polished. They take the place of Diamond Plain Steel Rakes. DIAMOND STEEL BOW RAKES. Teeth, New list 12 $18.00 14 19.50 16 21.00 541 Change description of No. 26 Automatic Lawn Rakes to read “ 22 wood teeth." 542 BEET HOES. No. 23-4^ in. cast steel polished blade, solid shank, 18 in. handle,.per dozen $12.50 No. 24-52 in. handle, otherwise same as No. 23, “ 13.00 ONION AND NURSERY HOES. No. 22-Diamond, solid shank, cast steel, gold bronzed, 7*4 in. blade, 4 ft. handle, - - per dozen $13.00 Ashtabula Diamond Steel Goods have a well earned reputation for quality. Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 542 HANDLED GARDEN MATTOCKS. m 4 m # # m m No. 3-Heavy cast steel blades, riveted to malleable iron eye, painted green, blades half polished, 5 ft. handle, per dozen - $13.50 FLORISTS’ GARDEN TROWELS. # m No. 26-6 in., English pattern, extra heavy, cast steel, one piece, ..... p er dozen $4.00 % ONION WEEDERS. No. 33-3 in. steel blade, solid shank, 8 in. handle, with ferrule, - ..... per dozen $5.00 Change No. JO Garden Forks to read “9 in. long.” _543 --- Lists on Cotton Hoes have changed. Write for prices. _547 ---- AUTOMATIC GRAPPLE HAY FORKS. # m No. 617-Myers’, 4 high carbon spring steel tines, sharpened and polished, double grapple, spread 68 in., weight 37 lbs.,.each $7.00 This fork is guaranteed to do good work when handled properly. It has a very large capacity. The load is discharged by means of atrip rope. Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 547—Continued. HAY CARRIERS. m 4 m m 4 4 m 4 4 m 4 4 4 4 4 # 4 4 $ 7.00 4 4 No. 518. Showing Splicing Block. No. 786. No. 519. Hanging Hook. Myers’ Imperial, Steel Track. No. 786-Myers’ Imperial Hay Carriers, for single steel track, with in. axles and oil openings, malleable iron, eac No. 518-Steel Track, I beam, wide lower flanges, com- plete with friction clamps or splicing blocks, per foot - - - - " " No 519-Hanging Hooks, 2 pieces bolted, easily removed,.P er dozen No. 301-Steel Rafter Brackets, An average outfit consists of 1 carrier, 50 feet of track, 25 hanging hooks, 25 rafter brackets, 5 pass knot pulleys and 2 floor hooks. Myers’ Imperial, Wood Track. No 785-Myers’ Imperial Hay Carriers, for single wood track, with ft in. axles and oil openings, malleable iron. * ' - ' : . ' * j e f. ch No. 267-Hanging Hooks, ftxlO in. (measured after bending), - P e *! dozen No. 268-Hanging Hooks, ^xl6 in. (measured after bending), ------ per dozen No. 301-Steel Rafter Brackets, - An average outfit consists of 1 carrier, 12 hanging hooks, 12 rafter brackets 5 pass knot pulleys and 2 floor hooks. The wood carrier is identical* in construction throughout with the steel track, with the exception of the size of track. It is adapted for 4x4 inch wood track. CENTER TRIP ADJUSTABLE HAY SLINGS. W W # # # W w f # w # w No. 620-Myers’, length adjustable from 17 to t r . 1 I a ^ /<■ m /I o h tn n 1 1 Q I ^ *1 T*( 20 ft., 4 ft cross bars of seasoned ash, malleable iron lock, ft in. ropes,. each $ 3.00 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue ---547—Continued. —- COMPRESSION SLING ATTACHMENTS. W f W m No. 629-Myers’, with center guide, - - each $2.80 This sling attachment is adapted for any style of carrier' and is especially recommended for unloading corn fodder, sheaf wheat, hay, etc. It has an automatic center guide, which prevents the draft ropes from becoming twisted or tangled. 543 —__ AMERICAN HAY KNIVES. m No. 7-Malleable iron frame with 4 riveted cast steel sickle edge knives, adjustable handle, per dozen $26,00 549 GRASS HOOKS. # ® No. 12 -Wood’s, flat oil finish steel blade, white handle, per dozen $3.00 GRASS SHEARS. W W # m m No. 1200-6 in., bent handle, black steel blade, reinforced ed g e> .per dozen $2.2o Better Sewing Machines are not made than we show in our Special Catalogue of these goods. Please write for it. w m m Consult All These PAGES in No - 6 Catalogue - 55C HAY FORK > --- HANDLES. No. 14 141/2 15 151/2 16 New list $1.30 1.50 1.70 1.95 2.25 No. 24 241/2 25 251/2 26 New list §2.00 2.25 2.55 2.90 3.30 No. _ 34-1/2 35 351/2 36 New list _ $4.75 5.05 5.40 5.80 No. 44 441/2 45 451/2 46 New list $1.70 1.90 2.10 2.35 2.65 No. 54 541/2 55 551/2 56 New list $2.40 2.65 2.95 3.30 3.70 No. „ - 641/a 65 651/s 66 New list - §5.15 5.45 5.80 MANURE FORK HANDLES. 6.20 No. 74 74i/o 84 84% 94 941/2 New list - §1.75 2.10 2.50 - 3.00 5.00 5.50 HOE, RAKE AND DRAIN CLEANER HANDLES. No - 104V 2 116 146 1241/2 125% 1341/2 New list §1.30 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.00 3.10 RAKE AND SHEPHERDS’ CROOK HANDLES. No.i55% 156 157 198 New list --- - §1.70 1.95 2.25 4.00 D HANDLES. No. 370-For Emperor shovels and spades, per dozen §4.00 No. 380-For coke forks, with strap ferrules and cap, per dozen - - - - * • " 6.50 No. 390-For Chisholm scoops, - - - per dozen 3.50 LONG SHOVEL HANDLES. No. 220-Emperor, ----- per dozen §3.50 No. 230-Chisholm,. -— 556- PRUNING SHEARS. 2.75 No. O-Cast steel blade, japanned cast iron handles, coiled brass spring, .per dozen §3.75 w # # w w w w No. 150-Cronk’s Star, made of fine steel and warranted, polished jaws, brass spring, - - per dozen §9.00 w # f # f w # # Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue BEET TOPPING KNIVES 14-Clyde, 9 in., extra heavy hand forged steel blade, oil tempered and polished, strongly riveted to handle,.per dozen $15.00 dozen $5.00 No. 15-Clyde, 12 in., polished steel blade, - TOBACCO SPUDS, No. 2. No. 1-Forged steel, round point, for J^xl^ in. wood, per dozen -------- No. 2-Forged steel, flat blade, for in. wood, per dozen - -- -- -- - HUSKING PINS :r’s, polished steel pin, Saranac leather th loop, - - - per gross $18.00 No. 2H-Muleskin, riveted loop and buckle, tinned steel hool^ ..per dozen $3.25 No. 3H-Sealskin, 2 riveted straps and buckles, tinned steel hook, ----- per dozen 4.25 No. lH-Sealskin, 2 riveted straps and buckles, tinned steel hook and plate, - - - per dozen 5.00 Consult All These PAGES in No * 6 Catalogue 560—Continued. HOOK HUSKERS. No. 102-Ideal, polished steel plate with detachable * hook, 2 straps and buckles, 1 extra hook, per dozen #5, 00 No. 101-Ideal, large polished steel plate with detachable hook, soft leather band and strap with 3 buckles, 1 extra hook, ----- per dozen #7.00 No. 100-Ideal,large polished steel plate, with detachable hook, large soft leather band and hand protector, with straps and buckles, 1 extra hook, per dozen #7.50 PINE TAR. m ® 1/2 Pint Cans, - 0® 1 Pint Cans, - A 1 Quart Cans, per dozen #0.80 “ 1.00 “ 1.75 # 4 m 4 4 4 m 4 m 4 4 ® 4 4 .# 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 560—Continued. MITTENS. No. 14-S oz. duck, - No. 9-8 oz. duck, tipped palm dozen pairs - No. 750-Light cotton flannel, - No. 16-8 oz. cotton flannel, No! 12 -12 oz. cotton flannel, - No! 20-Ticking, cotton flannel lined, per dozen pairs $1.75 and thumb, per - - - - 2.00 ■ per dozen pairs 1.30 1.60 2.75 “ “ 2.25 mM mm \ a mmi W9Sm&!M6 No. 11-8 oz. duck, reversible, with double thumb, tipped, - - - . - per dozen pairs $3.80 No. 10-10 oz. duck, double thumb, tipped, per dozen pairs ------- 3.75 No. 35-Heavy cotton flannel, leather palm and thumb, with steel pin attached, studded thumb, per dozen pairs.$5.25 WRIST SUPPORTERS. No. 135-3^ in. wide, calfskin, 3 straps and buckles, per dozen - -- -- -- - $3.25 ’ ^ ^ ^ ^ # # W w ? 0? No. 210-Duck, palm and thumb half faced with mule- skin, - - - - - per dozen pairs $3.50 No. 250-10 oz. cotton flannel, palm and thumb full faced with heavy waterproof muleskin, per dozen pairs. 4.75 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 562 HUSKING GLOVES. No. 180-Muleskin, riveted and studded, steel plate with hook, ... - per dozen pairs gll.00 563 HAND GRAIN SEEDERS. m m A Operated by a transverse motion of the crank, which re¬ volves the distributer and works the vibrator rapidly. Has a spring device which absolutely prevents the seed from clog¬ ging. Will sow from four to eight acres per hour, at common walking gait. The seed is not thrown upward, but distributed right and left uniformly, and will save at least one-third seed - used in hand sowing. Will sow - wheat fifty feet, buckwheat forty-eight feet, grass twenty- ^ seven to thirty-six feet. No. 10-Japanned iron frame and wheel, all parts de¬ tachable, adjustable to any position of the body and for any flow of seed, anti-clogging device, strong canvas bag, capacity 1 bushel, weight lbs., ------ per dozen $20.00 CORN SHOOK COMPRESSERS. m A No. 4-Star, japanned, in. sisal rope, automatic clamp, with 13 ft. per dozen $10.00 # w '<^^'^ '^'^'c^ V^V^ V^ v=5>^. Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue ---505 —- LAWN MOWERS. The Bartlett, Ball Bearing’. lO in. Driving Wheels f Five Solid Cast Steel Cutting Knives, Two Center Braces, Bicycle Ball Bearing, Easily Adjusted. Out, inches, - - - 15 17 19 21 Each .... $23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 The dust proof ball bearings are exactly the same as are used on high grade bicycles and the adjustment is as easily made. The mower makes hardly any noise, very easy to operate, and will give lasting satisfac¬ tion. The wheels are la rge and light, the reel is very rigid, each cutting knife being held firmly in position at four points. With the rapidly revolving reel and five cutting knives, very even work is secured. The adjustment of the roller permits of a very close to a high cut, as desired. The mower is beautifully decorated in gold and bright tints and striped. This mower is especially adapted for cutting golf putting greens. The Drummer. Three Knives, Rear Cut, 8 inch Wheels. Cut, inches, - - - 12 14 16 18 Each .... $10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 This is a low priced mower which will do good work and give good satisfaction. ROWLETT’S CHAMPION MOWERS. We recommend the Champion High Wheel and Low Wheel Mower as by far the best value to be had in medium price machines* We have sold over one hundred thousand of them during the last fifteen years and they have given almost universal satisfaction. The 1901 models are considerably improved in quality. We carry a complete line of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Girard, also Horse Mowers. Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 508 LAWN ROLLERS. m A m A m m As two sections in a roller are su¬ perior to one, for the same reason a roller with three sections is superior to one with two sections. They are handled with the least labor and will not injure the sur¬ face or sod of the finestlawns. The method of putting them together is such that the roller can be easily taken apart by ordinary workmen without the use of tools— weights,when used, taken off or put on, etc. They are simply constructed, and made for durability and hard usage. The “odd” numbers are the same as the “even” numbers, with the addition of a weight secured to the axle. Three Cast Iron Sections, Steel Braces, Tubular Handle. m A A m A A m A A No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Diameter, inches, 20 20 24 24 24 24 24 Face, inches, - 24 24 24 24 30 30 36 Weight, pounds, 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 Each $20.00 22.50 22.50 25.00 25.00 27.50 27.50 No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Diameter, inches, 24 28 28 28 28 28 28 Face, inches, - 36 24 24 30 30 36 36 Weight, pounds, 500 450 500 500 550 650 700 Each $30.00 27.50 30.00 30.00 32.50 37.50 40.00 569 GARDEN HOSE ON REELS. ? W w w # # # # w w Y w w Y # # # # # w m A A Yucatan, 3 ply, black, *4 and in., guaranteed for 100 lbs. pressure, sold only in reels of 500 feet, per foot - .$0.90 This is a high grade hose in every respect. It is firm, elastic and will stand any hydrant pressure. A reel or % inch hose is 25 inches high, 28 inches in diameter and weighs about 225 pounds. Our assortment of Guns, Rifles, Re¬ volvers, Ammunition and Hunters' Sun¬ dries is very large. We indude the full line in a separate catalogue. Please write for it. Y W Consult All These PAGES 5n No - 6 Catalogue 570 TURBINE LAWN SPRINKLERS. Can be used in water that is full of sand. It never gets out of order. It distributes the water very evenly, and gives, when desired, a half circle distinctly defined; besides which, it is capa¬ ble of quite a variety of adjust¬ ments. The ell on which the top of the sprinkler is screwed may be inclined in either direction at any angle, and, of course, may be set in an upright position. The turbine may be adjusted over the jet or at either side of it, thus giving a full circle or a half circle on either side. In addition to this, the top of the sprinkler may be unscrewed and attached directly to the end of the hose, and used in this way in connection with a hose holder. in., aluminum bronzed, nickel plated Head, adjustable to any angle, ----- per dozen $20.00 LAWN SPRAYERS. m m m m k m m Young’s Improved, brass, nickel plated, adjustable from finest spray to solid stream, with wire rod and sliding stand,.per dozen $13.00 Extra Discs, ------ each .25 Extra Cones,. ‘ It is adjustable to any pressure of water, and the tenderest plants can¬ not be injured or broken down by the force of water. It can be raised or lowered to cover any area from 2 feet to 5 feet, according to pressure. This sprayer found immediate favor with the park commissioners in Chicago. It is adapted to all work and pressures, and on account of the fine spray is especially useful for gardeners. REVOLVING LAWN SPRINKLERS. 4- firm ------ correct list to $60.00 I arm,. “ “ 72 00 t We also carry New Century Lawn Sprinklers and Rogers' Automatic Hose Nozzles, neither of which is illustrated in our catalogue. ---571 ---- HOSE COUPLINGS. Brass Plated, with brass nut, H in. only, - per dozen SI.30 HOSE MENDERS. 1/s in., Magic, .per gross £1.20 Consult All These PAGES i« No. 6 Catalogue 573 GENUINE GLIDDEN BARBED WIRE. We give below tables of weights on the different kinds of DeKalb wires. Weight per rod. Oz. Feet per Cwt. Distance per Cwt. Rds. Ft. Lbs. per mile. Ellwood Jr., Regular. Ellwood Jr., Thick Set. Ellwood Glidden, Regular .... Ellwood Glidden, Thick Set... Ellwood 4-pt., Regular.. Ellwood 4-pt., Thick Set. 13.25 13.75 14.50 15. 13.50 14.75 1992 1920 1820 1760 1955 1781 120 .. 116 6 110 6 106 11 118 8 108 8 265 275 290 300 270 295 i from 10# to 18# less than the ordinary. ___576 --—- BALE TIES. Adopted June 1st, 1899. List P er bUndlS ° f 250TieS Length in Feet. No. 16 Wire. $3.10 3.18 3.28 3.38 3.46 3.56 3.64 3.74 3.82 3.92 4.02 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.38 4.48 4.56 4.66 4.74 4.84 4.94 5.02 5.12 5.20 5.30 5.38 5.48 No. 15 Wire. $3.48 3.60 3.72 3.84 3.96 4.08 4.20 4.32 4.44 4.56 4.68 4.80 4.92 5.04 5.16 5.28 5.40 5.52 5.64 5.76 5.88 6.00 6.12 6.24 6.36 6.48 6.60 No. 14 Wire. No. 13 Wire. $3.83 3.97 4.12 4.27 4.41 4.56 4.71 4.86 5.00 5.15 5.30 5.45 5.60 5.74 5.88 6.03 6.18 6.33 6 47 6.62 6.77 6.92 7.06 7.21 7.36 7.50 7.65 $4.74 4.92 5.09 5.26 5.44 5.62 5.80 5.98 6.16 6.34 6.52 6.70 6.88 7.06 7.24 7.42 7.60 7.78 7.96 8.14 8.32 8.50 8.68 8.85 9.02 9.20 9.37 No. 12 Wire. $ 6.28 6.53 6.76 6.99 7.24 7.49 7.73 7.98 8.22 8.46 8.71 8.95 9.20 9.44 9.69 9.94 10.18 10.42 10.66 10.91 11.15 11.41 11.63 11.88 12.13 12.38 12.64 578, 579 McMULLEN’S WIRE FENCING AND GATES. Please make McMullen’s Fencing and Gates illustrated on pages 578 and 579 void. A great many changes have been made in sizes, lists, and in the manufacture of the goods. Please write for special catalogue of McMullen and Henley Fencing and Gates. In ordering Barbed ire be particular to state whether painted or galvanized, two or four point, regular or thick se t f genuine Glidden, Glidden pattern or other make is JL wanted. An extra charge is invariably made for small spools. Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue --580- STEEL TACKLE BLOCKS. Single. Double. Snatch. Steel Straps, Pins and Rivets, Gray Iron Sheaves and Shells. Block, inches, - 4 6 8 10 12 For rope, inches, - H 3 A 1 iy 8 \V A Single, with becket, each $0.90 1.25 1.85 3.10 5.00 Double, with becket, “ 1.75 2.25 3.20 5.10 8.25 Triple, without becket, “ 3.25 4.75 7.00 11.75 The steel straps of these blocks extend below the pin and support the entire strain. The sheaves are accurately turned and interchangeable. The shells are superior to soft steel and provide secure fastenings for pins. Automatic Snatch, Steel Strap, Loop and Rivet, Gray Iron Sheave and Shell. Block, inches, - For rope, inches, Sheave, inches, Each - - 7 8 H & H- 1 & l# 3}£xl}£ 4x1^4 $5.00 6.50 10 1 # & 13/6 554x1 ?4 10.00 12 1% &li 7x2 12.50 w # ¥ WOOD SNATCH BLOCKS. m 4 4 No. 213. Iron Bushed. Shell, inches, - 6 Size of sheave, inches, Sxljix] For rope, inches, - Each - - - $4.00 8 454x1 3/sxS/s 1 5.75 12 Shell, inches, - - 10 Size of sheave, inches, 5%xl^x^ 6 ^x 254 x% For rope, inches, - 15 ^ 15 ^ Each - - - $8.50 10.00 581 COTTON ROPE. A in., common, on reels, - per lb. T 5 ^ in., common, on reels, - “ A in., common, in coils, - “ in., common, in coils, - “ A in., Imperial, in coils, .... 44 T \ in., Imperial, in coils, - 44 The Imperial is a thread rope made of No. 1 all white cotton. ¥ ¥ w ¥ # w Consult All These PAGES in No * 6 Catalogue 582 No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list New list CONE TWINE AND HOLDERS. No. 13-3-ply cotton wrapping twine, in cones of about 2^4 lbs., per pound l No. 14-4-ply cotton wrapping twine, in cones of about 2 lbs., per pound No. 10-Sensible twine holders, japanned, height 11 in., with clamp screw; screws to counter, - per dozen FLAX TWINE. No. 18-% lb. balls, - - per pound No. 1S-^ lb. balls, No. 12-% lb. balls, - - per dozen HEMP TWINE. 2 ply, % lb. balls, - - per pound 3 ply, % lb. balls, -585 SAND AND EMERY PAPER. Star Sand Paper. 00 to 114 2 214 - g5.00 5.50 6.00 B. & A. Sand Paper. 00 to 114 2 214 . 85.00 5.50 6.00 B. & A. Emery Paper. 00 to ll/ 2 - $7.00 B. & A. Emery Cloth. 00 to IV2 $20.00 B. & A. Crocus Cloth. 2.50 3 Asst’d 6.50 5.00 3 Asst’d 6.50 5.00 2 21/2 8.00 10.00 2 21/2 22.00 26.00 _ $20.00 NAIL BAGS. ; &- Extra Quality Express Paper. 3 5 10 6^x7^ 7^x7}4 9}4x9 _ _ _ 4 5 ^4 $3.00 3.50 5.00 16 20 25 - 11^x9^ lly 2 xl0^ 11^x13 . . - 16 19 25 $6.50 7.50 9.00 The capacity given is obtained by filling with lOd wire nails, allowing ample flap to close the top. No. - Inches, Capacity, lbs., Per thousand No. - Inches, Capacity, lbs., Per thousand . ^ 7 . Consult All These PAGES «n No. 6 Catalogue 585—Continued. —-—---- CARPET LINING. Plain Cedar, 36 in. wide, - Corrugated Cedar, 36 in. wide, 50 yards in a roll, yard marked. per roll $1.20 “ 1.30 ASBESTOS MILL BOARD OR SHEET PACKING. m pLjm W&JZ ASSES'FQS WICKWfQKC; *'vy / asbestos imm f # 1-32 in., 40x40 in. 1-16 in., 40x40 in. 3-32 in., 40x40 in. 1-8 in., 40x40 in. 3-16 in., 40x40 in. 1-4 in., 40x40 in. 3-8 in., 40x40 in. 1-2 in., 40x40 in. sheets or 36 in. rolls, sheets or 36 in. rolls, sheets or 36 in. rolls, sheets or 36 in. rolls, sheets only, sheets only, sheets only, sheets only, 100 pounds in a roll. frer pound ASBESTOS PAPER. 36 in. rolls, 6, 10 or 14 lbs. per 100 square feet, 100 pounds in a roll, * per pound $0.07 ASBESTOS AIR CELL COVERING. 36 in. rolls, for furnace pipes, 300 square feet in a ro ^> " per square foot $0.04 ASBESTOS PACKING. Wick, y 2 or 1 lb. balls, - - - per pound $0.50 Kope, % to 1% in. diameter, on reels of 25 lbs., “ .50 TIN ROOFING DISCS. # # Tin Roofing Discs, a per pound $0.10 W w w Consult All These RAGES in No - 6 Catalogue 585—Continued m m m m m m i READY ROOK ASPHAXiT ROOFING. ft- long. A good roofing which can be laid by anyone, and equally desirable for flat or half pitched roofs. It combines all the essentials of a perfect roof, being remarkably durable, light, handsome and fire-proof. Being a poor conductor of heat it is cool in summer and warm in winter. Many railroads are using it, besides large factories and Illinois State buildings. 1. 15 lb. Asphalt Felt. 2. Trinidad Asphalt. 3. Burlap. 5. Screened Gravel. Trinidad Asphalt. Does not contract and expand with varying temperatures, or dry out and crack. No coal tar used in construction and does not run or evaporate. Will not make the water taste. Seams are invisible and water proof. The gravel is screened very fine and pressed into the asphalt by rollers. Will not become detached by the wind and weather. It is easily and quickly laid and requires no expert knowledge. It is shipped in rolls, securely packed, of 100 square feet (40 feet long by 32 inches wide) and weighs 130 pounds per square. Two inch space is prepared for the lap (making the net width 30 inches). A gallon of asphalt and one pound of nails are included with each roll of roofing. A knife and brush (for applying the cement) are furnished free of charge with each shipment. Ready Rock Asphalt Roofing (shipped from fac¬ tory), ------- per square $5.00 587 COPYING PENCILS. fEPHISltT QOpyiNG m No. 73B-Hardtmuth’s “Mephisto,” round, maroon, sil¬ ver stamp, finest quality violet copying composi¬ tion, - .per gross $12.00 PENHOLDERS. M No. 626-Small, straight, red polished handle, nickel A plated tip,.- per gross $1.50 No. 1883-Medium, swell, black handle, glass finish, nickel plated tip, double steel points, - per gross $ 6.50 No. 1884-Medium,swell, red handle, glass finish, nickel plated tip, double steel points, - - per gross 6.50 No. 294 -“Premier,”extra large, taper, glass finish, cork tip, one dozen on a card, - - per dozen cards 10.80 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 588—Continued. PENHOLDER ASSORTMENTS. m No. 300-Assortment consisting of three dozen com¬ mercial penholders, assorted small, medium and large, seamless nickel plated tips, swell and straight handles, two dozen black, one dozen red, glass finish, per box. $2.00 No. 200-Assortment consisting of six dozen school pen¬ holders, small, medium and large, swell, gilt tips, cerise, green, canary, nile green, pink and purple colored handles, glass finish, - - per box $2.50 No. 100-Assortment consisting of six dozen fancy pen¬ holders, small, medium and large, swell, assorted plain and spiral seamless gilt tips, marble, agate, malachite, onyx, tortoise and antique ivory colored handles, glass finish, - per box $4.00 ^ ^ V^ ‘^ VS^ -<^'^'^ '^ '£? -^-^'^ '^ Vcp^ . Consult All These PAGES in No - 6 Catalogue 590 COLORED SCHOOL CRAYONS. No. 16-6 assorted colors, all different, in a paper pack¬ age, half gross in a box, - per gross packages $1.60 BLACKBOARD ERASERS. No. 1. No. 1-Dustless, wool felt, No. 2-Chicago, cotton felt, No. 2. per dozen $1.00 “ .70 592 INKS, PASTE AND MUCILAGE We carry a complete line of Carter's i Celebrated Inks, Paste and Mucilage, in all size packages and for every use. mwmkm4 Write for circular and prices. 593 AUTOMATIC INKSTANDS. No. 50-Glass well, with wide base, removable funnel and soft rubber cover, height 3 in., - - per dozen $6.00 Always ready for use. Will not spill when upset. Easily cleaned and refilled. Automatically inks the pen, leaving all surplus ink, and does not soil the fingers. Mold and evaporation are impossibilities, hence saving its small cost in a short time. Write for special circular of Inkstands. W w w f w m ik m Consult AH These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 595—Continued. POUND’S MERCHANTS’ BILL BOOKS. In this small book can be kept an account of all transactions in complete and condensed form, en¬ abling the owner to know just where he stands every day in the year. Thousands now in use. The book is divided as follows: “Bills of Purchase,” 132 pages, suf¬ ficient for 3,000 items; “Bills Re¬ ceivable,” 32 pages, 650 items; “Bills Payable,” 10 pages, 220 items; “Inventory, Resources and Liabilities,” 5 pages, 88 items; “In¬ surance,” 6 pages, 132 items; “Sum¬ mary Accounts,” 6 pages, each divided into months. A Book of Ready Reference for all Merchants. No. 100-188 pages, size 11^x8^ in., cloth sides, Russia back and corners, good quality white paper, ruled with special reference to requirements, printed titles and column heads,.each $3.00 w w w w INVOICE BOOKS. Full Canvas, Russia Corners, Indexed in Front, Heavy Manila Paper. No. 202-180 pages, 10^x15 in., each.$1.80 No. 208-450 pages, 13x18 in., each - 4.00 NONPAREIL INVOICE BOOKS. 66y w # I - ' I *"**•*■* * Leather Back, Cloth Sides, Gummed Stubs. No, 15-10x12 in., for letters, 250 stubs, No. 19- 9x15 in., for invoices, 250 stubs, No. 20- 9x15 in., for invoices, 500 stubs, each $1.60 “ 1.80 “ 2.75 DAMPENING- BOWLS AND BRUSHES. For Copying Letters. No. O-Round bowls, japanned, diameter 4 in., per dozen $2.60 No. 1-Camel hair brushes, 3 in. cedar handle, “ 5.50 w Consult All These PAGES i" No. 6 Catalogue -- 595—Continued. - — MEMORANDUM BOOKS. No. 754. No. 822. No. 1525. No. 1525 1 / 2 . No. 858. Cover Turned in, White Paper, Ruled Dollars and Cents. No. 754 -2}4x4f4 in., 36 leaves, open end, black imitation alligator flexible cover, green edges, per dozen - -- -- -- - $0.80 No. 822 -2^4x4^4 in., 36 leaves, open side, blue leather flexible cover, imitation metal corners, green edges,.per dozen .90 No. 858 -2^4x5^ in., 48 leaves, open side, imitation alligator flexible cover, aluminum stamp, red edges, per dozen -------- 120 No. 1525 -2s/ 8 x5^ in., 40 leaves, open side, red leather flexible cover, red edges, - per dozen 2.10 No. 1525 1 / 2 ~ 2 44x5^4 in., 40 leaves, indexed through, otherwise same as No. 1525, - - per dozen 2.40 No. 902. No. 1258. No. 112. No. 439. Cut Flush, Whit© Paper, Ruled Dollars and Cents. 902 -3> 4 x 6 in., 48 leaves, open side, pressboard cover, decorated in red and gold, cloth back, per dozen - -- -- -- - $0.50 906 -3 }4x6 in., 48 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 902, - - ■» - - - per dozen .50 1258 - 3 ^ 4 x 6 in., 72 leaves, open side, imitation linen flexible cover, cloth back, - - - per dozen .75 1264 -3>4 x 6 in., 72 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 1258, ----- per dozen .75 112 - 3 ^x 6 ^ in., 60 leaves, open side, duck flexi¬ ble cover, black stamp, - - - per dozen .75 114 - 324 x 6^4 in.,- 60 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 112, - per dozen .75 439 _4 x 6^4 in., 40 leaves, open side, linen flexi¬ ble cover, black stamp, mottled edges, per dozen .85 439 1 / 2 -4 x 6^4 in., 40 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 439, per dozen .85 The Conover Typewriter will do as good work as a hundred dollar machine* No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. m k m # m m m m Consult All These PAGES < n No. 6 Catalogue - 595 — Continued. -—- r\l MEMORANDUM BOOKS. No. 255-6. No. 257-8. No. 960. No. 962. No No. Cut Plush, White Paper, Ruled Dollars and Cents. 255- 3^x6 in., 48 leaves, open side, stiff duck cover, black stamp, leather back, mottled edges, per dozen -------- $o. 257- 3^x6 in., 48 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 255, - per dozen 256- 4^x6^4 in., 72 leaves, open side, stiff duck cover, black stamp, leather back, mottled edges, per dozen.1. 258- 4^x6^4 in., 72 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 256, - per dozen 1.1 960-3^x6^ in., 72 leaves, open side, brown imita¬ tion alligator cover, aluminum stamp, green edges, per dozen -.1., 962-3^x6*4 in., 72 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 960, - per dozen l.J No. 506. No. 277*4. No. 3. 4.80 No. 500. Cover Turned in, White Paper, Ruled, Dollars and Cents. No. 506 -4^x6^ in., 96 leaves, open side, smooth black flexible leather cover, gilt edges, - per dozen $4.80 No. 507 -4y6x6^ in., 96 leaves, open end, otherwise same as No. 506, - per dozen No. 500 -3^x6 in., 60 leaves, open side, American Russia flexible cover, with flap, pocket and pencil loop, gilt edges,.per dozen No. 277^-3^x8^ in., 120 leaves, open side, duck stiff cover, with pencil loop, ... per dozen No. 3 -334x6^4 in., 60 leaves, open end, pressboard cover, cloth back, to fit Reynold’s order holder covers,.per dozen No. 03 -Red American Russia, cover only, to fit No. 3 Reynold’s order book, - - per dozen The Conover Typewriter indudes the desirable qualities of the very best machines. W w # m 4 Consult All These PAGES i» No. 6 Catalogue 595—Continued. SHANNON LETTER FILES. 4 4 m 4 A m 4 m 4 4 m 4 4 a m 4 4 4 4 4 m # 4 4 4 No. 4E-9 xl4^ in. board, for letters, No. 6E-9^xl7 in. board, for invoices, per dozen $7.20 “ 7.20 No. 4A-9 xl4^ in. board, with index, cover and per¬ forator, for letters, - per dozen 6A-9 24x17 in. board, with index, cover and perforator, for invoices, - - - per dozen 1 -Extra perforators, ... “ 2 -Extra indexes, - - - “ 3 -Extra protection covers, - - - “ SHANNON TRANSFER OASES. No. No. No. No. $15.80 15.80 4.50 .60 2.70 No. 4-924x1124 in., for letters, - - per dozen $5.60 No. 6-924x14 in., for invoices, “ 7.40 These cases are intended to receive the contents of the file of the corresponding number. Two upright rods retain the index in same position as in file. _596- BLANK SHIPPING- TAGS. Rope Manila Stock. No. 01 02 03 04 Size, inches, 13/6x224 15/8x324 1^6x324 224x424 Per thousand $0.50 .60 .70 .80 No. 05 06 07 08 Size, inches, 2/4x424 224x524 224x524 326x624 Per thousand $1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Stringing, - - - extra per 1000 $0.60 We are constantly adding to our assort¬ ment of Office Stationery. Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 596—Continued. AJAX RUBBER BANDS. # No. 200. Partitioned Box. Retail Assortments. No. 400-Assortment contains % and \y 2 in. thread, t Vx2, }£x2,' }4x3, %x2 and 3/ 8 x2y in., per dozen boxes.- $ 4.80 No. 300-Assortment contains 1 % in. thread, ^xl% } t Vx2, y 8 x 2, yx2, %x2y and ^x2^ in., per dozen boxes ------- No. 250-Assortment contains 1 and 1^4 in. thread, 1^, iy , iy and 2 in., heavy thread, J / 8 x2 y, }£x3 y, yx2 } yx2,y, y A x 3, 3^x2^, 3/ 8 x3 and y 2 x%y 2 in., per dozen boxes ------- No. 200 -Asso,rtment contains 1 % in. thread, T \xlX» *xi^, y 8 xiy 2t y 8 x 3 , ^x2, %x2y 2 , yx 3,^x2 and y 8 x2y 2 in., - - - - - per dozen boxes We carry rubber bands in large variety and can furnish all regular sizes in gross or quarter pound boxes or in bulk. PAPER FASTENERS. 9.60 14.40 16.00 No. 21R No. 22R No. 23R No. 2iR No. 25R No. 26R Round Head, 100 in a box. No. 27R No. 21R 22R 23R 24R 25R 26R 27R Inches, Vl k H 1 1 K IK 2 Per thousand $1.50 1.80 2.40 3.00 11.20 13.80 19.20 Flat Head, 1QO in a box. No. 21F 22P 23P 24F 25F 26F 27F Inches, W y 2 H 1 IK IK 2 Per thousand $1.20 1.50 1.80 2.10 8.00 9.60 16.00 Rubber Bands for all demands. W # w w w w m * ^ ^ ^ Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue ---597- - LETTER TRAYS AND BASKETS. No. 701 No. 7011/2 No. 702 No. 703 No. 704 No. 705 No. 706 No. 701. No. 702 - Plated Wire. -Trays, 10 xl4 in., height 3 in., per dozen -Trays, 11^x16^ in., height 5 in.,^ -2 space baskets, 10x14 in., height 6 in., each -3 space baskets, 10x14 in., height 9 in., -4 space baskets, 10x14 in., height 13 in., -5 space baskets, 10x14 in., height 16 in., -6 space baskets, 10x14 in., height 19 in., “ $5.00 9.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 PLATED WIRE WASTE BASKETS. No. 093. No. 694. No. 693 -Single wire, height 12 in., diameter at top 15 in., at bottom 10 in., - - per dozen $7.50 No 69314-Solid tin bottom, otherwise same as No. 693, •per dozen -------- 7.50 No. 694 -Double wire, height 12 in., diameter at top 15 in., at bottom 10 in., - - - per dozen 9.00 OFFICE BASKETS AND PAPER FILES. No. 691. Nos. 692 and 692J4. Nos. 696 and 69614* Plated Wire. No. 691 -Letter or envelope racks, 4x8 in., per dozen $ 6.00 No. 692 -Letter baskets, 8x 8x7 in., No. 69214-Letter baskets, 10x10x8 in., No. 696 -Door mail baskets, 10x7x5 in., - No. 69614-Door mail baskets, 12x9x6 in., - M “ No. 636 -Paper files, length 6 in., - -'per gross 6.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 6.00 m m m M m Consult All These PAGES i» No. 6 Catalogue 601 No. - New list No. - New list PICTURE KNOBS. - 127 125 122 $5.40 5.65 5.90 - 127i/ 2 125 i/ 2 122i/ 2 $4.25 4.50 4.75 BRASS LADDER CHAIN. 129 6.20 1291/s 5.00 No. 19-Light brass wire, per dozen yards o o WIRE PICTURE CORD. No. - 0 1 2 3 4 5 New list $ 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.50 8.00 No. New list * 10 $1.75 20 2.25 30 2.75 603 CURTAIN POLE TRIMMINGS. No. 695-Complete trimmings, consisting of 2 fluted brass knobs, 10 brass rings and 2 brass plated steel *T L U rE?°£ tS ’ , for l3//Q in * P oles > ■ per dozen sets $3.00 No. o9o—Brackets only, - per dozen pairs .70 SASH CURTAIN RODS. Bracket attached for outside Bracket attached for inside of window frame. of window frame. No. 2-% in., brass, adjustable from 24 to 44 in., reversible brackets, with brass pins, - - - per dozen $ 2.00 The brass rod is provided with a fastener at each end, which snaps into a small hole in the side or top of the brackets so that the rod can be used on the outside or inside of window frame. No. 1-xV in., brass, with brass knobs, adjustable from 30 to 56 in., with screw hooks, per dozen $4.00 m Consult All These PAGES !" No. 6 Catalogue --604- EYE PROTECTORS. No, Protect the Eye from Wind, Dust, Cinders and Sun. 155-Ajax, patent frameless clamp, assorted nickel and alloy (gold color) mountings, smoked lenses, one dozen in display compartment box (we do not break boxes),.- per dozen 85.00 612 # W W # # w W CORKSCREWS ON CARDS. m m m m- No. 425-Assorted, one dozen on a card, • per dozen $1 00 - ■ -- 613 - “OLD DOG TRAY” NUT CRACKERS. W w # ¥ w w # m ¥ ¥ # # # ¥ No. 15-Japanned, length 13 in., height 7 in., weight 5 155 ^ . . ... per dozen 87.50 This instrument is a very effective nut cracker, and a toy which any child will appreciate. It is strong, durable and will last a lifetime. A child of six can crack the hardest nuts. Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue ■ 613—Continued. --——- CORK PULLERS AND CORKSCREWS. #> m a # m m m m m # m # One up and down move¬ ment of handle draws the cork, the same movement releases it. The cork may be drawn part way only, when desired. No. lio. No. 56. No. 110-Modern cork pullers, nickel plated and pol- tji .- each $3 ihxtra Corkscrews, for No. 110 (state old or new model),.. each No. 56-Walker’s self-pulling corkscrews, with crown opener and wire cutter, polished apple handle, heavy cast steel carefully tempered screw which will not cut or pull through cork, nickel plated, per dozen • 00 # .50 6.00 614 BOYS’ TOOL CHESTS. rontT^tr^ anufa i? tllre P make slight chan £ es in the assortment of tools Wn ^ d m Ch Set ^ r0m ye , ar t0 year *. A11 of the sets on this P a ge have been improved since the catalogue was issued. 618 IDEAL ICE CREEPERS. W Folded Back. In Use. No. 4 Pressed steel, japanned, with spring, per dozen pairs, - - - . . •_ $2.25 Mcate Straps are sold by the single dozen and so quoted. We are headquarters for Barney & Berry Skates, and carry a large variety of styles and sizes. Write for prices. Consult All These PAGES i" No- 6 Catalogue 619 STEEL COASTERS. W # k m m m a m m m Nos. 25, 35, and 45. Bound Back Angle Steel Runners Japanned Braced Steel Frame, Wood Top, Hand Decorated. n No. 25-34x10 34 x43i in., 2 knees, - - per dozen $17.00 No. 35-37x11^x4^ in., 2 knees, - - „ 2100 No. 45-40x12^x5^ in., 2 knees, - No. 106-46x1234x434 in., 3 knees, STEEL SLEDS. per dozen $36.00 m A m A m No. 130. Round Back Angle Steel Runners, Japanned Braced Steel Frame, Wood Top, Hand Decorated, without Goose Neck No. 90-28x1034x7 in., 2 knees, - - per dozen $12.50 No. 100-30x12x734 in., 2 knees, - - u {“ XX No. 200-33x12x734 in., 2 knees, - - (i No. 300-36x12x734 in., 3 knees, - - ' il - Round Back Angle Steel Runners, Japanned Braced Steel Frame,Wood Top, Hand Decorated, Tinned Iron Goose Necks. No. 110-30x12x8 in., 2 knees, - - per dozen $20.00 No. 120-33x12x8 in., 2 knees, - - <( Sj’XX No. 130-36x12x8 in., 3 knees, - * ^ D - uu BALL BEARING STEEL BOB SLEDS. W ?? v..... W W # # Round Back Angle Steel Runners, Japanned Braced Steel ^ Frame, Wood Top, Hand Decorated Oscillating Front q,-. and Rear Bobs, Ball Bearing Steering Head. W No. 201-40x1034 in., - - - - Pet dozen $24.00 W No. 202-44x11 in., - - - - _ W Barney & Berry Skates are not new, ® but every boy and girl in the country JpJ knows they are the best. % oP Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogi 621 ECLIPSE TRICYCLE WAGONS. No. 22-Decorated steel body 14x32 in., malleable iron gearing, tinned steel wheels 12 and 18 in., wrought iron propelling mechanism, lock corner handle hinged seat and bottom, - - - per dozen A ,T his is a w? 11 finished and well made wagon, having many advantages As a tricycle it is easily propelled and guided; with hinged boards spread out closing the bottom, it has all the advantages of a steel express wagon STEEL CAB WAGONS. # # # # .00 ? # W No. 11-Body 13x26 in., painted and striped, with seat, 10 and 14 in. tinned steel wheels, - per dozen $40.00 GOAT SULKIES. No. 20-20 in. steel wheels, seat set on braces, 48 in shafts, woodwork varnished, wheels and braces tinned,.each 86.00 in No. 6 Catalogue Consult All These PAGES ___—- 622 to 631 BABY CARRIAGES — --656 to 663-- CHRYSOLITE ENAMELED WARE. w-. We have discontinued the Turquoise a line known as “ Chrysolite,” best finished ware yet produced, of enamel, and is absolutely pure . . For resisting acids it has no equal. Outside is green beautiful marbleized effect; inside is pure finely marked, well covered and beautiful We carry the same styles and numbers as we ried in Turquoise (pages 656 to 663) with numerous included in a special catalogue of the entire hne. rlease write f ° r In order to allow customers to test the selling qualities of this ware we have prepared an “Assortment A” of 51 pieces, embracing 25 different Inrl winds of our verv best selling goods. Please order a case and the handsomest, most serviceable and It is made of heavy iron with three coats and free from all harmful ingredients. L 0 ._~n and white with white, and edges black. It is in its color effect. previously car- additions, all Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue & 664 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Tea Steepers. m m A A A m A ’#> m m m m m m A A m No. 1-New list No. 2-New list No. - New list No. - New list No. - New list No. - New list No. - New list Tea Pots. 0 - $11.50 10 12.50 20 13.50 30 15.00 40 17.50 50 19.50 Coffee Pots. 5 - $11.50 15 12.50 25 13.50 35 15.00 45 17.50 55 19.50 Improved Coffee Biggins. 00 - $21.00 010 23.00 020 25.50 030 27.00 040 28.50 050 33.00 Flat Bottom Coffee Boilers. 50 - $18.00 55 19.50 60 22.50 70 25.50 80 28.50 90 36.00 Pit Bottom Coffee Boilers. 6 7 8 9 $22.50 25.50 28.50 36.00 665 No. - New list ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Flat Bottom .Tea Kettles. - 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 $16.50 19.50 21.00 22.50 25.50 30.00 31.50 Pit Bottom Tea Kettles. No. - New list 6 7 $22.50 25.50 8 30.00 9 34.50 No. - New list Milk or Rice Boilers. 14 16 18 20 22 24 - §18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 30.00 36.00 26 40.00 Quarts, New list V 2 1 $3.25 3.50 Milk Pans. 1V 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 4.25 4.75 5.50 7.00 7.50 8.50 10.00 10 11.50 Quarts, New list 1 - $4.50 Pudding Pans. IV 2 2 3 5.15 5.75 6.50 4 5 7.25 8.25 6 9.25 No. - New list - Bread Raisers. 10 $33.00 14 40.00 17 46.00 666 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list Lipped Preserving- Kettles. 14 16 18 20 §600 7.00 8.00 9.00 22 24 25 26 $10.50 12.00 Erase 13.50 28 30 32 36 40 $16.50 19.50 22.50 27.00 36.00 Berlin Kettles. 02 03 04 06 08 $9.00 11.50 13.50 16.50 2L00 $ 9.00 10.50 Consult All These PAGES >" "»■ 6 Catolot,ne 666—Continued. ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Straight Sauce Pots. No. New list : 118 $9.50 120 12.00 No. New list 126 128 - $20.50 24.00 Convex Sauce Pots. 122 14.00 130 28.50 No. 308-New list No. 312-New list 124 16.50 132 36.00 $36.00 40.50 __——-667-- adamant enameled ware m fa fa m M m fa fa fa No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list O $ 6.00 Lipped Sauce Pans. 10 12 14 16 §5.00 5 50 6.00 7.00 . 22 24 25 26 §10.50 12.00 Erase 13.o0 Straight Sauce Pans. lOO 200 300 400 §9.00 11.50 15.00 16.50 Berlin Sauce Pans. 02 03 04 - §9.00 11-50 13.50 Shallow Stew Pans. 3 4 - $5.00 625 Deep Stew Pans 16 20 $6.25 8.50 Fry Pans. 12 3 4 7.50 8.25 9.00 10.50 668 f w 18 8.00 28 16.50 600 22.50 06 16.50 20 9.00 30 19.50 800 25.50 08 21.00 22 10.00 24 11.50 5 12.00 6 13.50 26 13.50 7 15.00 adamant enameled ware. No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list No. New list Seamed Covered Buckets. 21 21 % $6.50 7.50 24 26 $12.00 15.00 Seamless Covered Buckets. 250 350 450 §11.50 15.00 16.50 Seamed "Water Pails. 08 010 §18.00 19-50 Seamless "Water Pails. 106 108 HO §16.50 19.50 22.50 Lipped Water Pails. 22 8.00 28 18.00 650 22.50 012 22.50 112 27.00 No. 250-New list • " ‘ _ No. 300-New list - W 23 W 10.00 m 30 # 22.50 ^ f. 850 # 25.50 § 014 W 25.50 ^ # 114 # 31.50 m f §36.00 # 39.00 m | Consu!t Mi These PAGES i« No. 6 Catalogue l " '--- 669 ---- ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Milk Kettles, with Handle. No. New list No. New list No. New list No. 601-New list No. 10-New list No. New list 81 82 $9.75 12.50 83 15.00 84 18.00 86 22.00 Milk Kettles, with Bail. 71 72 $9.75 12.50 73 15.00 74 18.00 76 22.00 Cullenders. 104 $10.00 205 12.00 306 13.50 407 15.00 Molasses Pitchers. Coffee Flasks. Oblong Dinner Pails. 11 $35.00 --670-- * 12 40.00 13 45.00 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE, Jelly Cake Pans. 5[°- 9 10 90 New llst - $4.25 4.75 4.75 Mountain Cake Pans. No. 900-New list . No. 1000-New list - - . Round Cake Moulds. 42 - ' - - $ 8.00 Sponge Cake Pans. No. New list 43 8.75 Square Pans. 100 5.75 $5.00 6.00 44 9.50 $8.25 $5.75 5.75 No. 30-New list No. 10-New list No. 20-New list. Bread Pans. No... i New list.$7.50 Oblong Stove Pans. No. 12 13 14 15 New list - $12.00 13.50 15.00 16.50 18.00 21.00 --—671 --- 2 3 9.00 10.50 16 17 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Shallow Pie Plates. No. - - 6 7 8 9 10 11 New list - $2.65 2.90 3.25 4.00 4.50 5.50 Deep Pie Plates. No. .. 09 010 011 New •ist.$4.25 5.00 6.00 Dinner Plates. No. 109-New list.$4.50 Soup Plates. No. 35-New list.$4.75 Consult All These PAGES '« No - 6 Catalogue ______ 671 —Continued.- ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Seamless Bowls. No. New list _ . - - - 12 $5.00 14 5.50 Drinking Cups. No. - New list 8 $3.50 9 3.75 10 4.00 Seamless Straight Cups. No. - New list O 6 $3.40 4.50 1000 6.75 1200 8.00 16 6.25 11 4.25 No. 10-New list No. 20-New list No. - New list No. - New list Miners’ Cups. Mugs and Tumblers. 3 5 $4.50 5.50 6 4.00 9.00 $ 9.00 12.00 7 4.50 Cups and Saucers. Saucers. 91 no l 1 V 2 56.50 7.50 2.75 3.00 672 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. No. - New list Oup Dippers. 08 09 OlO 53.75 4.50 5.00 Oil 5.75 012 6.75 013 7.50 No. - New list Flaring Dippers. 10 $4.50 11 5.00 12 5.75 13 6.75 No. - New list Windsor Dippers. no $5.50 112 7.00 114 9.00 Cocoa Shaped Dippers. $6.00 No. 55-New list - • No. - New list Flat Skimmers. 9 10 11 12 53.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 13 4.50 14 4.75 Soup Ladles. $3.50 No. 38-New list - - ■ No. - New list Deep Ladles. 9 10 - 53.75 4.50 11 4.75 12 5.25 13 5.75 No. - New list Pierced Ladles. - 09 010 - 53.90 4.65 -073- Oil 4.90 012 5.40 013 5.90 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Cake Turners. No. 14-New list. Basting Spoons. Inches ... - 10 12 14 Newlist .-- - $2.25 2.50 2.90 S4.00 w # m w '^•^'£7'£7 '£7'/Z? v^ vs^ vs?" rZT^ZT’rZ^^^Z? Consult All These PAGES ' n Mo. 6 Catalogue m m # # # m # m & m m m m 673—Continued. ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Thumb Scoops. No. O-New list No. 1-New list - - $3.25 3.50 No. - New list No. - - New list Grocers’ Scoops. 2 3 - $8.00 9.50 20 30 - $10.50 12.00 4 11.00 40 13.50 5 12.50 50 15.50 No. - New list Seamed Measures. 01 02 03 04 $4.50 6.00 7.50 10.00 05 13.50 06 16.50 No. 10-New list No. 20-New list Graduated Measures. - $ 9.00 15.00 No. - New list Pieced Funnels. 01 02 03 04 $4.00 4.50 5.25 6.75 05 9.00 06 12.00 No. - New list Fluted Funnels. 12 3 4 $5.00 6.00 7.50 9.00 5 12.00 6 15.00 No. 30-New list Fruit Funnels. $5.50 674 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. No. 24 Wash Bowls. 26 28 30 32 34 New list $5.50 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.00 11.50 Quarts, - Rinsing- Pans. 8 10 14 17 New list - $12.50 14.00 16.50 19.00 Quarts, - Dish Pans. 10 14 17 21 30 New list - $16.50 20.00 24.00 28.00 40.00 No. - Convex Water Pitchers. 401 402 403 404 405 New list $ 1 2.00 13.50 15.00 18.00 21.00 No. 10-New list Water Pitchers. $24.00 No. 20-New list - - 30.00 Pitchers and Bowls. No. 10-New list No. 20-New list $39.00 48.00 675 ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. Spittoons. No. 20-New list.- No. 30-New list - Cuspidors. No..1 2 New list - - - - $9.00 10.50 $16.50 19.50 3 12.00 P w f # f # w # # w w w M Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue # ^ --- 675—Continued. —- T ADAMANT ENAMELED WARE. (m Oval Foot Tubs. No. New list No. 2-New list No. 3-New list 1 - $27.00 Chamber Pails. Crumb Pans and Brushes. 2 31.50 No. 200-New list No. 060-New list No. 60-New list Wall Soap Dishes. Oblong- Soap Dishes. No. 050-New list - No. 50-New list - No. - New list 3 37.50 $33.00 39.00 $14.00 $4.25 4.50 $5.25 5.50 Chambers. IVz $10.50 13.50 16.50 No. - New list Chamber Covers. 676 1 lYa 2 $4.50 6.00 7.50 WHITE ENAMELED WARE. No. 499-10^8 in. Dinner Plates, No. 499- 6# in. Child’s Plates, _—---- - 678 per dozen $3.75 “ . 2.15 PERFECTION AGATE WARE. Tea Pots. No. - _ 05553 05554 05555 5556 New list • $18.00 20.00 Coffee Pots. 22.00 23.00 No. - 08563 08564 08565 08566 New list $18.00 Tea Pots. 20.00 22.00 24.00 No. 5753 5754 5755 New list - $27.00 Coffee Pots. 30.00 33.00 No. . 8764 8765 8766 New list - -679 — $36.00 39.00 42.00 PERFECTION GRANITE WARE. No. - New list No. - New list, - Tea Pots. 3153 3154 $30.00 33.00 • Coffee Pots. 4764 4765 $33.00 36.00 3155 3156 37.00 40.00 4766 39.00 w *2^ v^ *^ -^ v? 7 -^ -^ V^ VS 7 V^ 7 •/£? V^ 7 V5 7 V? 7 VS 7 Vi 7 V^ 7 Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 683 VANMARTER’S COFFEE EXTRACTORS. No. 9-Nickel plated on brass and copper, with ebony handles, glass globe, improved alco¬ hol lamp, capacity 6 large cups, height 17 y 2 in., without tray, each $10.00 No. 10-With 9 y 2 in. tray, otherwisesameasNo. 9, each - - - 10.75 The Outfit comprises lamp, standard, boiler and glass globe. All metal parts are beautifully finished and made for use. The extractor is not only a fine in¬ strument for making coffee, but is de¬ cidedly ornamental. It can be easily taken apart for cleaning. Can be used ifor tea as well as coffee. 684 ALUMINUM WARE. Wash Bowls. 2600 2800 $6.50 8.00 Lipped Sauce Pans. 1000 1200 1400 $3.50 4.00 4.50 2000 2200 2400 $8.30 10.00 11.70 Lipped Preserving- Kettles. 2200 2400 2600 10.00 11.70 13.00 Bellied Sauce Pans. No. 3000-New list - No. 4000-New list. ---685 —- No. New list No. New list No. New list No. 2000 New list $8.30 3000 9.50 1600 5.00 2600 13.00 2800 16.00 ALUMINUM WARE. Pudding Pans. 3200 10.50 1800 # 6.70 2800 16.00 3000 18.00 $16.00 18.50 No. 1600 1700 1800 1900 New list $3.60 4.50 5.70 7.00 No. .... 2000 2100 2200 New list Dish Pans. $8.50 10.00 11.50 No. 14r-New list . - - $28.00 i No. 17-New list i • Lipped Fry Pans. ' 36.00 No. 200 300 400 500 * New list $7.50 8.50 12.00 15.00 Consult All These PAGES «« No. 6 Catalogue 686 ALUMINUM DIPPERS. No 1300 1500 1700 1350 1550 1750 New list $6.50 7.00 8.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 ___ 688 ---- RETINNED BREAD RAISER COVERS. On art 5 ? - - - 10 14 17 21 pSdozen - - - §10.00 11.50 13.50 15.00 _____ 696---- Change No. 20 Laundry Dippers to read No. 020, as we have a No. 20 Pieced Tin Dipper. ___-- 698--- TINNED STEEL DESSERT SPOONS. 4 m m m No. 0900-Tipped pattern, per gross $12.00 702 BOILER COVERS. No. 019-Size 9, IC tin, 12^x23^4 in., __—-703 per dozen $4.50 TINNED TINNERS’ RIVETS. Ounces, New list Pounds, New list Pounds, New list No. New list 1 $0.37 8 10 12 - - $0.25 .28 .31 114 1V 2 1% 2 21/2 3 31/2 .42 .48 .55 .62 .80 .90 1.05 5 6 7 8 10 12 1.40 1.68 1.97 2.24 2.75 3.18 IRON RIVETING BURS. 7 6 _ . $0.43 .40 .38 705 TINNED LIGHT MALLEABLE KETTLE EARS. No.12 3 4 New list --- - $112 1.50 1.87 2.50 No - - - - 5 6 8 Long Neck. New list - - - $3.25 4.00 8.75 2.50 _--- 709---- EAVE TROUGH HANGERS. 4 in., Baker’s, - - - - - - P er g ross ^ 4 0 ° Our assortment of Tin, Japanned and Enameled Ware is very complete, com¬ prising a great variety of articles. W # w # # # m m *^ r ^ *^ *^ •^ vs^ v?^ ’^ •^ vs^ *^ '^ *^ *^ -^ '^ *<=^ Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue -710 - KIRCH’S FLUE STOPS. No. 10-6 in., corrugated and lac¬ quered, tancy landscape center, heavy sheet steel expander lock, - - - per dozen $4.00 Will prevent gas, smoke, water, soot or fire from passing into a room of the house from a pipe opening of the chimney flue. It is absolutely clean, as it holds soot back inches from the front. - - - front. CAST IRON CHIMNEY THIMBLES. No. 60-6 in., yi in. flange, 4 in. deep, - per dozen % No. 70-7 in., Y\ in. flange, 4 in. deep, 715 per dozen $4.00 “ 4.00 DAMP COFFEE BOILERS. IXX Tin, Flat Copper Gallons, - 3 4 Per dozen - $30.00 33.00 Bottom. 5 6 36.00 4500 720 OVAL DAIRY PAILS. The oval shape makes them much easier to hold in milking and in carrying than a round pail of same capacity. They are wired on the outside, the inner surface being perfectly smooth, removing all possibility of accumulations in recesses. In ordering Dairy Pails be sure to state whether IX or IXXX are wanted* qt., IXXX tin, malleable ears, smooth edge, outside wired, 2 pieces, - - per dozen $17.00 IRON CLAD DAIRY PAILS. IXXX Tin, Self-Bracing- Malleable Iron Ears, Heavy Wire Bail. Quarts, - - - - - - - 12 14 Per dozen - - - ■ - - - - $18 00 21.00 FIRE PAILS. Galvanized Iron, Round Bottom. Quarts, - - 12 14* 16 Per dozen - - $10.00 11.00 12.00 Tinware will reach you in much better condition if ordered in original cases or crates. This is especially true of Wash Boilers. is ifflP li 1 ! tew SH' w ¥ ¥ w ¥ # 5 m m m m m 40 40 40 40 40 43 9 v^ . Corasult AM These PAGES *** No* 6 Catalogue 721 OVAL STRAINER PAILS. No. 613-13 qt, IXXX tin, removable strainer, per dozen - - $20.00 This pail is the same as the oval dairy pail, with the addition of a detach¬ able strainer of stamped tin. It is secured by a wire clasp, and can be attached to either side of pail. The strainer is very largfe, and will strain milk as rapidly as it can be safely poured from a dairy pail. 723 MILK STRAINERS. No. 100-10 in., pieced tin, strainer bottom, with hoop, per dozen - $4.00 725 AURORA DINNER PAILS. No. 76-6 quart, ----- per dozen $22.50 -- 7 26 —--- CYLINDER GRATERS. No. 35-Length 6% in., circumference 9^ in., 3 grating surfaces, fine, medium and coarse, - per dozen $3.00 CHOCOLATE GRATERS. No. 10-Edgar's, circular, with self-feeding box, length w w w w T # # W w w w w # w w w w w w w # # w # # # # Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 730 MEASURING CUPS. No. 40-Pieced tin, marked in quarters, thirds and half cup, - per dozen $2.00 Change Nos* 2\ f 22 and 23 Milk and Cream Dippers to read Nos* \ f 2 and 3* 732 SEALING WAX. The great quantity of worthless sealing wax which has found its way into use has created a demand for a much better article. In Pontius we present a sealing wax of exceptional quality. It is as good as can be made. Will save its cost by making an abso¬ lute seal every time, and is clean, pure and satisfactory. Absolutely Pure. Pontius, red, made from beeswax, spermaceti, mutton tallow, resin and linseed oil, in paper box with slide cover, half gross in a case, - - per case $3.60 FRUIT JAR RINGS. No. 1-White, - No. 2-“Our Very Best,” pure gum, per pound $0.50 “ 1.00 UNIVERSAL TINWARE MENDER. Will Mend Tin, Copper and Enameled Ware. No. 10-Consisting of 3 strips of self-fluxing solder, sand paper and directions in paper package, - per dozen $1.50 A self-fluxing solder, containing a flux so that no acid or resin is necessary to make the solder flow. The flux is non-corrosive and does not contain any poisonous matter. The solder is made in wire form, easy to handle and apply. Most every form of household utensil in tin, copper, or granite ware can be easily soldered or mended without the use of any soldering iron. All that is necessary is to heat the article over a kerosene lamp, gas jet or tallow candle, and touch the solder to the part to be soldered, when it will flow and close the hole or crack. To mend enameled ware, scrape off the enamel around the part to be mended, before applying the solder. ? T W W Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 735 FOLDING LUNCH BOXES. Open. Cl0Md ' No. 5-7^x4^x4^ in., strawboard, covered with black cloth, patent fastenings, leather handle, - per dozen 85.00 The box is made of strong air dried board. The outside is covered with strong durable black cloth. This is an important feature of any box and must necessarily add to its durability. Every working part is well reinforced with the same cloth as outside covering. There are no weak parts to give out by constant folding. The inside of the box is lined with a leather colored jute lining. 730 DECORATED CANISTERS. W w Tea No. 10 . (OFFEE No. 20. §UGAR No. 30. Lithographed in Several Colors, Porcelain Knob. No. 10-2 lb., Tea, ----- per dozen 84.00 No. 20-2 lb., Coffee, No. 30-2 lb., Sugar, NUTMEG GRATERS. W 4.00 4.00 No. 20. No - 12 ' No. 20-Gem, rotary, perforated tin plate, enameled wood handles, a simple rotary grater without springs, grates all the nutmeg and is rapid and convenient. An easel is sent with each dozen, per dozen - - - - No. 12-Bright box, extra large, IXXX tin, per dozen 9 $1.75 1.00 4?i m m m m -S^jSs . Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue “ 736—Continued. -— DINNER HORNS. 742 MATCH SAFES. No. 064. No. 065. No. 064-4^x5 in., silverine, raised surface in assorted red, blue and green, per dozen No. 065-4^x5 in., silverine, raised surface in assorted red, blue and green, with glass, - per dozen One dozen in a box. We do not break boxes. $0.60 .90 744 COMB CASES. No. 5. Nos. 10 and 11. No. 5-8x8 in., silverine, bright, - - per dozen $1.00 No. 10-9x9 in., silverine, with glass and match recep¬ tacles, bright, - - - - per dozen 1.70 No. 11-9x9 in., silverine, with glass and match recep¬ tacles, raised surface, in assorted red, blue and green, per dozen.1.80 No. 5, one dozen; balance, half dozen in a box. We do not break boxes. 740 CUSPIDORS. No. 21-Nickel plated steel, larger and heavier than No. 11,.per dozen $4.50 ^ ^ ^= 5 ? ^ r % J w # Consult AH These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue — -749 DRIPLESS SPOUT STRAINERS. i £ Pm 1 f lotciM — m No. 25-Nickel plated on brass, fits any spout, for tea or 0 coffee, one dozen on an easel back card, per dozen $1.20 This is a very simple and effective article, which is as good as its name. ^p TEA OR COFFEE STRAINERS. W m m Black Enameled Handle, Twilled "Wire. No.. 1 2 2 Diameter, inches, ... - 3^4 %Vs Per dozen ..... §2.75 3.25 4.2o These strainers take the place of same numbers in our catalogue. They are hand made and have an extension to fit over the edge of cup. -750- CROWN BROILERS. w w m S m m m No. 1 10-Oblong, 10x14 in. Stamped Steel Body and Handles. per dozen §8.50 753 WIRE FLY KILLERS. m No. 7-Bigelow’s, 16 in., japanned' handle, spring steel, plated wire, a display stand with every dozen, per dozen - - - - - - - - §1.75 FLOUR SIFTERS. No. 65-Silver Queen, Hunter pattern, IX tin nickel plated, plated wire, .... per dozen §4.00 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue __ 759_ GEM WAFFLE IRONS. Revolving, Wood Handles, Wire Bail. No. . - 37 38 39 Inches, - - . 7 8 9 Per dozen • • - $10.50 - 760- 12.50 14.00 EXTRA FINISHED CAST STOVE HOLLOW WARE. Round Bottom Kettles. No. . • 7 8 9 New list ■* • $0.88 Flat Bottom Kettles. 1.00 1.20 No. . • 7 8 9 New list • $0.92 Round Bottom Pots. 1.04 1.24 No. . • 7 8 9 New list • • $1.08 Spiders. 1.20 1.40 No. . • 7 8 9 New list * $0.46 Handled G-riddles. .50 .56 No. • ..... 7 8 9 New list » * $0.36 Bailed Griddles. .40 .44 No. . 12 14 16 New list • • $0.68 Long- Griddles. .90 1.10 No. . • 7 8 9 New list - $0.56 .66 .82 761 ENAMELED STOVE HOLLOW WARE. Flat Bottom Stove Kettles. No. . . - 7 8 9 Each “ “ - $0.65 Flat Bottom Stove Pots. .70 .85 No. . _ . 7 8 9 Each • “ ■ - $0.75 Ham Boilers. .85 1.00 No. . . . 7 8 9 Each - - - - $1.90 2.25 2.50 Consult All These PAGES N »- 6 ti,talo<|,re 763 COFFEE ROASTERS. No. 10-Cast, ground, hinged cover, with turn buckle and covered peep hole, revolving agitator, diameter ^ of top 10^2 in., — 764 T- DRIPPING pans. Manufacturers of Dripping Pans have adopted the following list per dozen instead of by weight as formerly. Inches, ■ 6x9 7 x8 List, per dozen $1.75 1-80 Inches - - 8V 2 xl2 9x12 10x12 9x14 8x17 Ust per dozen - $2.55 2.60 3.05 3.00 3.45 Ustper dozen tfS* 'w* ^00 Sft doze'nS 6 l S # 1 Sb ? ^ ^ ^ _— 765 ------ 7V5x9 8x10 614x13 7x14 2.05 2.20 2.45 2.65 9x12 10x12 2.60 3.05 BRASS KETTLES. Inches, New list Inches, New list Inches, New list No. New list No. - New list - 7 8 9 10 11 _ $0.43 .64 1.07 1.28 1.50 12 13 14 15 16 $1.71 2.14 2.46 2.78 3.21 17 18 19 20 - ' - - $3.85 4.85 5.81 7.67 SOLON FARM BOILERS. 12 3 4 5 $12.00 14.00 15.00 16.50 18.00 6 7 8 9 10 . $19.50 22.00 26.00 32.00 36.00 Please state in ordering whether for wood or coal. W w Orders for Stove Hollow Ware should read either Cast, Enameled, Extra Finished or Steel, as we carry these four grades. Stove Pots and Stove Kettles of all kinds are made both Flat and Round Bottom; to avoid error your order should state plainly which is wanted. ’ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue -- 766 ENTERPRISE DRY BONE, SHELL AND CORN MILLS. No. 750-Height 17^ in., length 12 in., width 8 y 2 in., diameter of throat 3 x / 2 in., diame¬ ter of wheel 19 in., weight 60 lbs., capa¬ city iy 2 bushels of corn per hour, each $7.50 A good general mill for farmers and poultry men. Especially adapted for grinding bones (when dry only), shells, corn, roots, bark, grain, chicken feed, salt, etc. This mill is not in¬ tended for grinding green bones, as green bones have to be shaved and require a special machine. MANN’S NEW GREEN BONE CUTTERS. No. 1C No. IB. Nos. IBM and 4BM. No. 10 -5 in. cylinder, with crank, to bolt to bench, weight 30 lbs., ------ each $ 7.50 No. IB -5 in. cylinder, with crank, to bolt to bench, weight 55 lbs., ------ each 10.00 No. IBM-5 in. cylinder, with balance wheel and standard, weight 80 lbs., - each 15.00 No. 4BM-6^ in. cylinder, with balance wheel and standard, weight 105 lbs., - each 25.50 No. 2 -S}4 in. cylinder, with balance wheel and standard, weight 140 lbs., - each 27.60 The following are some of the manufacturer’s claims of superiority. They cut faster, finer and easier than any other. They are the strongest and most durable. They are the lowest in price. They will duplicate in every part. They will cut dry bones or green bones. They have less friction. They will cut the hardest bone in the animal. They can be run by a boy or woman easily. They have the only correct Automatic Feed. They leave both hands free to work with. They have finely tempered steel knives. The knives are adjustable to cut coarse or fine. The knives are easy to sharpen; any one can do it. Free knife holder and gauge with every machine. Will last a lifetime with ordinary care. Consult All These PAGES in No - 6 Catalogue - 768 ENTERPRISE FOOD CHOPPERS. "40 % w w M m # m # A A A A NO I 100 [ ENTERPRISE] j chopper! Chop Any Article of Food, Fine or Coarse. No. 100-Tinned iron, with clamp, phosphor bronze bearing, 3 cutters, weight 4^ lbs., - per dozen $18.00 This chopper is intended for general use and will chop almost anything. It is exceptionally well made; is easily cleaned; does quick and perfect work, and can be taken apart and cleaned almost instantly. The phosphor bronze bearing prolongs the life of the machine very materially; also adds to the ease in operating. IDEAL FOOD CHOPPERS. mm i 10 No. 25-Tinned, with clamp and 2 knives, cuts 2 lbs. per minute, weight 4 lbs., - P er dozen $24.00 Will cut all kinds of meat, celery, onions, spinach, potatoes, horse¬ radish and other vegetables; figs, dates, apples and other fruits. If 1S ver Y simple in construction, easily taken apart for cleaning, and has very tew parts. All parts are interchangeable and can be replaced if lost or broken. UNIVERSAL FOOD CHOPPERS. We have added two new sizes. No.. 1 Size of hopper, inches, - - - 3x2*4 4: Diameter of cylinder, inches, - - 2x3 Weight, pounds, - . - - - -44 Per dozen ------ $24.00 27 SMOKED BEEF SHAVERS. No. 23-Enterprise,. new f w f # w w 3 > 5x4 23/ 8 x4 8 36.00 list $7.50 'iM Consult All These PAGES in No - 6 Catalogue - 849 PROMEUS WROUGHT STEEL RANGES. 4mm*- t ;l900‘ Japanned Finish, without Reservoir. Without Closet. Each. With Closet. Each. Cooking Holes. Oven, Inches. Top, Inches. Without Closet, Pounds. No. 107 $36.00 No. 1070 $42.00 4-7 16x19x13 26x32 312 No. 108 36.00 No. 1080 42.00 4-8 16x19x13 26x32 312 No. 118 38.60 No. 1180 44.50 6-8 18x19x13 26x33 337 No. 128 43.00 No. 1280 49.50 6-8 20x20x14 27x35 379 No. 129 43.00 No. 1290 49.50 6-9 20x20x14 27x35 379 No. 138 62.60 No. 1380 59.50 6-8 22x22x14 29x39 408 No. 139 62.60 No. 1390 59.50 6-9 22x22x14 29x39 408 Blued Polished Steel Finish, without Reservoir. No. 207 No. 208 No. 218 No. 228 No. 229 No. 238 No. 239 $40.00 No. 2070 $48.00 4-7 16x19x13 26x32 40.00 No. 2080 48.00 4-8 16x19x13 26x32 42.50 No. 2180 50.50 6-8 18x19x13 26x33 47.00 No. 2280 55.50 6-8 20x20x14 27x35 47.00 No. 2290 55.50 6-9 20x20x14 27x35 56.50 No. 2380 65.50 6-8 22x22x14 29x39 56.50 No. 2390 65.50 6-9 22x22x14 29x39 312 312 337 379 379 408 408 Pipe Water Fronts, $3.00 List. Cast Water Fronts, $4.00 List. Closet, difference between list of Range with and without Closet. Shelf, $2.00 List Less than Closet. They are made from No. 14 gauge steel, lined throughout with x 8 f inch asbestos mill board; top plates and covers made of heavy castings; trim¬ mings first-class nickel plated. The back flues are made of No. 16 gauge steel, lined with W inch asbestos mill board with sheet steel cover on the inside. Ovens thoroughly bolted and braced. Asbestos bottom. Balanced oven door which does not fall with a crash. Combination feed door that swings for wood and drops for coal. Large ashpit door and with large bailed ash pan. Reversible Duplex grate, can be used for wood or coal and draw out front of range without disturbing fire linings. These ranges are substantially built and elegantly 'finished. All nickel work first class. The latest in design and up-to-date in every respect. Right or Left Hand. Brick Lining for Hard or Soft Coal. Iron Lining: for Wood. Be particular to specify fully in ordering:. w m m 1 '£/ •^•^•/^ '4x42>4 432 No. 308 45.00 No. 3080 51.00 4-8 16x19x13 25 >4x42 >4 432 No. 318 47.50 No. 3180 53.50 6-8 18x19x13 25>4x43>4 450 No. 328 53.00 No. 3280 59.50 6-8 20x20x14 26 >4x47 500 No. 329 53.00 No. 3290 59.50 6-9 20x20x14 26^x47 500 Blued Polished Steel Finish, with Reservoir. No. 407 $49.00 No. 4070 $57 00 4-7 16x19x13 25 >4x42 >4 432 No. 408 49.00 No. 4080 57.00 4-8 16x19x13 25>4x42>4 25 >4x43 >4 432 No. 418 51 50 No. 4180 59.50 6-8 18x19x13 450 No. 428 57.00 No. 4280 65.50 6-8 20x20x14 26 >4x47 500 No. 429 57.00 No. 4290! 65.50 6-9 20x20x14 26 >4x47 500 Pipe Water Fronts, $3.00 List. Cast Water Fronts, $4.00 List. Closet, difference between list of Range with and without Closet. Shelf, $2.00 List Less than Closet. Manufactured of cold rolled steel. Ovens thoroughly bolted and braced. Asbestos lined throughout and detail similar to ranges without the reservoir. The reservoir is cast iron, white enameled. The reservoir casing in which the reservoir sets is made of steel. The outer casing is painted on the inside and lined with asbestos mill board r a f inch in thick¬ ness. The inner casing is painted cn both sides. These two, the inner and outer casings, and mill board form the framework or body in which the reservoir is placed. The bottom of this casing or framework is also made of two thicknesses of steel, painted in the same manner as the inner and outer casings. This painting and double casing make the complete reservoir absolutely rust-proof and more durable than cast iron, and will last as long as any portion of the range. Left Hand only* Iron Lining for Wood* Brick Lining for Hard or Soft Coal. Be particular to specify fully in ordering. Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 851 “O. H.” ONE PIECE STOVE PIPE ELBOWS. 5 6 7 $1.25 1.35 1.75 1.60 1.75 2.25 4.00 4.40 5.60 Double Seamed on Outside, and Corrugated Full Circumference. Inches, - “B” Grade, Smooth, made from No. 30 sheet steel, per dozen “A” Grade, Smooth, made from No. 27 Woods’ smooth iron, per dozen Planished, - per dozen ---852 —- STOVE BOARDS. No. 400, Bound Aluminum, Paper Lined. Inches, - 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 New list - §6.00 6.72 7.56 8.64 9.84 11.40 13.20 No. 500, Square Aluminum, Paper Lined. Inches, - - 24x24 26x26 28x28 30x30 New list - - §6.00 6.72 7.56 8.64 Inches, .... 32x32 34x34 36x36 New list --- - §9.84 11.40 13.20 No. 600, Oblong Aluminum, Paper Lined. Inches, - 24x36 26x30 28x32 30x36 32x42 New list - §8.40 8.40 9.60 11.40 13.80 No. 80, Square Crystal, Wood Lined. Inches, - 26x26 28x28 30x30 33x33 36x36 New list - §10.20 11.40 12.60 14.40 16.80 No. 90, Oblong Crystal, Wood Lined. Inches, - 24x36 26x32 28x34 30x38 32x42 New list - §11.40 11.40 12.60 15.00 18.00 No. 85, Square Aluminum, Wood Lined. Inches, - - - 28x28 30x30 33x33 36x36 New list - - - §11.40 12.60 14.40 16.80 No. 95, Oblong Aluminum, Wood Lined. Inches, - - - 24x36 26x32 28x34 30x38 New list - - - §11.40 11.40 12.60 15.00 We carry a complete line of Coal Hods and Stove Fixtures. All illustrated in our No. 6 General Catalogue. mmm m m m Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue 853 Inches, New list Inches New'list Inches, New list Inches, New list STOVE BOARDS. Onyx or Mosaic Square, Paper Lined. 24x24 26x26 28x28 30x30 32x32 $6.00 6.72 7.56 8.64 9.84 Onyx or Mosaic Oblong, Paper Lined. 24x36 26x30 28x34 30x36 $8.40 8.40 9.60 11.40 Onyx or Mosaic Square, Wood Lined. 26x26 28x28 30x30 33x33 $10.20 11.40 12.60 14.40 Onyx or Mosaic Oblong, Wood Lined. 24x36 26x32 28x34 30x38 $11.40 11.40 12.60 15.00 853 35x35 13.20 32x40 13.80 36x36 16.80 32x42 18.00 OIL CLOTH BINDING. m m m m # m H., S., B. x8 Per pound - - - §4.50 4.75 5.25 5.75 We furnish first quality North Carolina regularly, but can supply the second grade if desired. 864 STOVE POLISH. No.^8-Blackene, benzine paste, in 1 lb. cans, per gross $16.00 NV ^^^ ^ w w * # m a A a a a A 4 A A a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 865 “OUR VERY BEST” STOVE PIPE ENAMEL. Dries with a brilliant luster. Prepared especially for gas stoves, boilers, smoke¬ stacks, registers, furnaces, ventilators, radi¬ ators, sewing machines, machinery and all iron work where a bright gloss black is required. Will not turn dull, crack, scale or rub off, and will resist heat. One dozen in a handsome box with hinged cover, containing small stove pipe showing enamel. Jet Black, Permanent and Elastic. y< 2 . Pint cans, with brush, - - - per dozen $1.80 1 Gallon cans, ------ each 1.80 DAMPERS. Inches, H., S., B. & Co.’s, American, new list $1.15 “ 1.15 4 1.25 1.25 5 1.35 1.35 6 7 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 AMERICAN LARGE DAMPERS. 8 in., for furnace pipes, 10 in., for furnace pipes, per dozen $2.75 “ 4.75 DAMPER CLIPS. No. 100 -Troy, cast, two piece, for any size damper, per dozen --------- $1.00 867 FLOOR VENTILATORS. Change No. 16 to read No. 166. Change No. 17 to read No. 177. These changes are necessary, as we have Nos. 16 and 17 Adjustable Ventilators, and where orders call for simply “Ventilators” it is impossible to tell which kind is wanted. 868 to 872 FERROSTEEL REGISTERS. Manufacturers have changed the lists on all kinds and sizes. Please write for new list. 876 TUBULAR LANTERNS. No. - New list 110 $9.50 249 9.50 244 10.50 242 9.50 243 13.00 w 363 W i3.oo m •tZ't?’ m m Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue - 877 - II HOUSE LANTERNS. m Klondike, brass, height 8 in., diameter of base 3 in., height of globe 4 in., top l3/ 8 in., bottom 1% in., takes No. 0 wick, burns either lard oil or kerosene, per dozen.$5.00 This lantern is specially designed for ladies’ use in the garden and about the house. 4 # m m TUBULAR LANTERNS. No. - New list 7 $9.00 258 16.00 2 C. B. 16.00 8 18.00 211 12.00 212 18.00 879 TUBULAR DRIVING LAMPS. No. 297-New list No. 299-New list $12.50 13.50 m 883 NEW CENTURY VAPOR LAMPS. 8 W W M A No. 5. No. 15. No. 25. Complete, with Burner, Shade, Chimney and Mantle. No. 5-1 light, bracket, maroon stationary reservoir, No. 15-1 light, hanging, maroon stationary reservoir, No. 25-2 light, hanging, maroon stationary reservoir, frame, polished brass each $4.50 frame, polished brass each 4.50 frame, polished brass - each 7.25 These lamps are made by a firm which has had long experience with gasoline burners. The lamps have been thoroughly tested and are giving excellent satisfaction wherever used. They have been approved by the underwriters representing the fire insurance companies. The burners are simple in construction and easily operated. In lighting, a small quantity of alcohol is poured into the cup at the base of burner; when this has burned out, the horizontal stop cock is opened by turning, and a match held to the top of chimney. The lower knob operates the cleaning needle, which is used to remove any sediment which may lodge in the aperture. f w w w w m 4 4 4 4 4 & i '£7'^'^ - ro Ketfr 74 _ 0 ^ in., Black Diamond, beechwood .handle, extra fine quality, hand forged, warranted, per dozen $3.55 —1 - 1102 -—-- BONING KNIVES, Our Very Best,” beechwood handle, per dozen $3.60 No. 3061/2-6^ in extra finish, Beechwood Handle, Extra Finish. 5051/2 506 5061/s 5C Conover’s Anvil Brand, No. - - 505 Inches, - - 5 Per dozen - $2.55 No. - - 508 Inches, - 8 Per dozen - $5.65 No. 506 -6 in., sticking No. 506 -6 in., skinning No. 5061/2-6^ in., bonin dozen $3.00 “ 3.75 “ 3.60 HUNTING KNIVES 206-6 in., “Our Very Best,” solid rosewood handle, extra finish, polished swage, - - per dozen *4.50 All goods branded “Our Very Best are the finest obtainable quality. ^ •&?’£7•<£?'£7^'£7'4 4 4)4 5 - $6.00 6.40 6.80 7.20 _ 11651/2 1166 11661/2 1167 £t 5)4 6 6)4 7 - $7.60 8.00 8.40 8.80 EMBROIDERY SCISSORS. No. 3393V£-3 V 2 in., gold plated bows, nickel plated blades,. per dozen $6.80 W No. 3394-4 in., gold plated bows, nickel plated blades, per dozen.7.25 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue ^ - 4 - 1117—- MANICURE FILES. m m A A A ? # No. 250-3^ in., fine steel, polished ends, in leather case, - - - - - - per dozen $3.25 NAIL CLIPPERS. # W % A A m A A A No. 2-Gem, nickel plated, length l]/% in., - per dozen $3.00 --1118- POCKET SCISSORS. # # w No. 0-4J4 in., japanned bows, polished blades, per dozen £1.00 m m I ffir-ln.: No. 1165-3)4 in., cast steel, gold plated bows, nickel plated blades, ----- per dozen £6 00 ® <§ f w w T ® Inches, Per dozen No. 21. Brass Bolt and Nut. f # 41/2 2.55 ^ ^ Y/ X/ X/ X/ XX XX XX 6X — — — — — — — Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 1122 - TOILET CLIPPERS. No. 17-Priest’s Olympia, nickel plated, cuts yi in., anti¬ friction ball bearing, per pair §2.00 CLIPPER COMBS. ft # # m No. 16-To attach to No. 16 Columbian Clipper, to cut hair T 3 ^- inch long, - - - - per dozen $6.00 No. 201-To attach to No. 201 Columbian Clipper, to cut hair T 3 g- inch long, - - - - per dozen 6.00 1123 HORSE CLIPPERS. No. 1895-Brown & Sharp’s, new pattern, with adjusting ® and check nuts, nickel plated, - - per pair $2.25 Our sales of Horse and Toilet Clippers amount to many thousands yearly. We have a very large assortment. Please || write for prices. w # Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue Nowhere will you find finer Razors than those sold under our own private brands: “Our Very Best,” “H* S. B. & Co/s,” “Hibbard ” “Mascotte” and others. These goods are fully warranted and are deservedly very popular with the trade. 1139 RAZORS. No. 16A.. No. 16A-Genuine Erik Anton Berg’s, Swedish, y 2 in. blade, plain,.per dozen $ 8.00 No. 16 -Genuine Erik Anton Berg’s, Swedish, y 2 in. blade, etched with fish, - - - per dozen 9.00 No. 6A-Genuine Erik Anton Berg’s, Swedish, % in. blade, etched with medals, - - per dozen 18.00 No. 1116 -Genuine Erik Anton Berg’s, Swedish, full hollow ground, £4 in. blade, plain, - per dozen 24.00 CORN RAZORS No. A2-Hollow ground, highly tempered, keenest possible edge, selected pearl handle, per dozen $18.00 IMPORTED GERMAN RAZOR HONES. No. 1 3-7x1 in., without case, - - per dozen $ 6.00 No. 14-7x1^ in., fine, in neat case, No. 15-7x124 in., choice, in neat case, - No. 16-7x1^4 in., extra choice, in neat case, No. 17-7x124 in., extra selected, choice, in neat case, per dozen - . No. 18-8x124 in., extra selected, choice, in neat case, per dozen - - - - - No. 19-9x2 in., extra selected, choice, in neat case, per dozen -------- WATER HONES. No. 21-3}4xl in., Japanese lacquered case, per dozen No. 12-6x1 in., genuine Escher, dark blue, with rub stone, ..per dozen No. 11-5x2 y 2 in., genuine Escher, dark blue, with rub stone,.per dozen 10.00 12.00 17.00 23.00 66.00 90.00 m w Consult All These PAGES i» No. 6 Catalogue - - 1144 -— NEW GEM SAFETY RAZORS. Razor Complete in Case. Frame, Blade and Handle in position ready for use. Frame with Swinging Guard ready for cleaning. No. 01-Round tin case, contains 1 safety frame and 1 blade, - .... - per dozen $24.00 No. 04-Leatherette case, contains 1 safety razor, 1 strop, and 1 stropping machine, - - - per case Extra Blades, in tin case, - - - per dozen New Gem Razor Strops, double, horsehide leather and flat linen web, 18x1% in., - - per dozen New Gem Stropping Machines, without strop, per dozen, - 3.45 13.50 5.50 18.00 Nos. Oil and OllH. In Morocco Leather Case. No. 02 -Case contains 1 safety frame per case - No. 020 -Case contains 1 safety frame and 1 stropping machine, - No. 06 -Case contains 1 safety frame soap, brush, cosmetique and comb, No. 011 -Case contains 1 safety frame, and stropping machine, No. 01 contains 1 safety frame, and stropping machine, No. 07 -Case contains 1 safety frame per case - with 2 blades, - - $ 3.90 with 1 blade, per case 4.15 with 2 blades, per case 6.00 2 blades, strop per case 7.20 7 blades, strop per case 14.00 , and 7 blades, 10.50 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 1145 - ALUMINUM COMBS. i!i No. 21. m m No. 22. No. 21-33^ in., mustache, in leather case, per dozen No. 22-4^6 in., pocket, in leather case, - “ No. 33-4^4 in., pocket, in leather case, “ No. 535-5^4 in., engraved pocket, in leather case, per dozen - $1.70 No. 42-7 in., barbers’, per dozen $1.35 No. 013-7j^ in., gentlemen’s dressing, per dozen $3.75 No. 71-7^4 in., ladies’ dressing, No. 52-6^4 in., gentlemen’s dressing, No. 61-6J4 in., ladies’ dressing, No. 944-7 ^4 in., ladies’ dressing, per dozen $2.40 “ 1.80 14 1.90 41 3.30 M No. 604-7^4 in., engraved, ladies’ dressing, per dozen $4.50 No. 223-7^4 in., ladies’ dressing, per dozen $2.70 M When ordered in sufficient quantity, these Combs will be stamped with name ^ and address, gratis except for die, $1.25 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue - 1 152 - RAZOR STROP ASSORTMENTS. sn/SfiHH Swivel" “"°^5Ck f W No. 90. No. 100. Twenty-five Cent Rough and Ready Assortment. No. 90-Assortment, consisting of 1 dozen barbers’ swing strops, as shown in cut, complete with hand¬ some antique oak display easel and price card, each Fifty Cent Swivel Assortment. No. 1 OO-Assortment, consisting of 1 dozen barbers* double swing strops, with solid metallic swivel, nickel plated, complete with handsome antique oak display easel and price card, ... each $ 3.00 $ 6.00 1153 SHAVING MUGS. W W No. 7. No. 10. No. 7-Imported German china, floral decoration on pure, white background, edges and handle traced with a fine gold line, medium size, - - per dozen No. 10-Imported Carlsbad china, with partition for soap, pure white transparent body, decorated with large floral clusters in natural colors, good size, per dozen No. 8-Imported Carlsbad china, pure white body, decorated with a wide gold band, extra large size, per dozen - - - - - - No. 9-Fine imported Austrian china, with partition for soap, new design, fancy shape, decorated with tasty floral design and gold traced embossed work, per dozen - . We carry a large assortment of Shaving Mugs. 3.75 4.50 5.50 Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 1155 ALUMINUM ANTISEPTIC LATHER BRUSHES. Compressed Aluminum Ferrule. No. lM-Small, 2 % in., fine bristles, - per dozen $6.00 No. 2M-Medium, 2^6 in., fine bristles, - “ 6-50 No. 3M-Large, 2^ in., fine bristles, - “ 7.50 An indestructible brush, so constructed that it holds nearly twice the ordinary amount of lather. The bristles cannot become loose nor the ferrule break. Bristles are cured in an antiseptic solution, which prevents spread of disease. With first order of one dozen or more of these brushes, a handsome glass front easel display stand will be furnished if requested, without extra charge. ---1158-- METAL POLISH. Liquid Putz, Red Liquid Polish. No. 24-1 qt. cans, No. 32- ^ gal. cans, No. 36-1 gal. cans, per dozen $ 9.00 “ 15.00 “ 27.00 Putz Pomade, Genuine Red Paste Polish. 4-3 % oz. boxes, .... per dozen $1.25 No No. 12- Y* lb. boxes, No. 16-1 lb. boxes, Burnishine, Liquid Polish. No. 3- Yi pt., screw top cans, - - No. 4-1 pt., screw top cans, - For cleaning and polishing brass, copper, nickel, zinc, tin and all metals. Contains nothing injurious to any metal. per dozen $2.50 “ 4.00 w m 3.00 4.50 Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue 1159 WINDSOR FOUNTAIN PENS. No. 06-Globe, best Para black rubber holder, No. 2 16k. gold pen, ----- per dozen $18.00 ? f w M M No. Ol-Windsor, best Para black rubber holder, No. 2 16k. gold pen (same pattern as No. 06), per dozen $24.00 No. 3 -Windsor, hexagon variegated rubber holder, No. 2 16k. gold pen, long nib, medium or stub point, -.per dozen $32.00 No. 12 -Columbian, round black rubber holder, gold mounted, No. 2 16k. gold pen, fine, medium, or stub point, - - - per dozen $42.00 w w # # # w # # # # # w # w m A No. 11 -Columbian, large hexagon black rubber holder, No. 5 16k f gold pen, fine, medium, or stub point, per dozen - - ----- $54.00 --1163---- HARMONICAS. No. 600. No. 1896-Genuine Hohner, marine band, 10 holes, single reed, brass lined, nickel plated case, per dozen.$4.50 No. 600-Genuine Hohner, 10 holes, single reed, brass lined, nickel plated case, - per dozen 5.00 No. 190-Genuine Hohner, 10 holes, double reed, newest and best, full concert, brass lined, nickel plated case,.per dozen 9.00 No. 230. No. 230-Clover, 10 holes, single reed, brass lined, nickel plated case,.per dozen $4.50 No. 240-Clover, 10 holes, double reed, brass lined, nickel plated case, - - - - per dozen 9.00 w w w w # w # # Consult All These PAGES ' n No. 6 Catalogue w -1163—Continued.- Mp HARMONICAS. W MADE No. 2078-Tivoli, 16 holes, best steel bronze double reed, German silver lined, nickel plated case, per dozen $5.00 HARMONOPHONES. No. 1-Clover, 10 holes, single reed, brass lined, nickel W plated case, detachable nickel plated phone, per w dozen - - -. $9.00 ® This phone not only gives the music remarkable richness and purity, ® but increases it in volume to a great extent. It acts like the metal horn **av of a phonograph, taking up every note however faint, from the softest w' tremolo to the fullest and most sonorous tones, and sending them forth v\Q/7 with wonderful effect. The phone is attached to the mouth organ by metal *ta% flanges and can be detached and attached instantly. V KNIFE POCKETS. ^fffjrtfrnrririfiTiiTirttwiiintTiMtrtwtiwitJTrrrnTirjnr,^^ Fin© Imported Smooth Kid, Silk Stitching, Nickel Button Clasp KB1 KB2 KB3 KB4 KB5 2 |§ 2 % 3 ^ SH ^ $1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 Inches, Per dozen The Conover Typewriter is adapted W * the everyday correspondence of every w isiness man. It is easily mastered. ^ Consult All These PAGES in No. 6 Catalogue 1165 to 1219 QUADRUPLE SILVER PLATED WARE. There have been many changes in list on these goods—so many, in fact, that it is hardly expedient to print them. Please write us stating what goods you desire and we will quote prices. In addition to the line of Plated Hollow Ware illustrated in our catalogue, we can send you a catalogue of new goods. 1222 WM. ROGERS & SON’S SILVER PLATED KNIVES AND FORKS. No. 1500-Medium knives, round end handle, triple plate, - per dozen $6.00 No. 1501-Medium forks, round end handle, triple plate, per dozen.. - ' T 6.00 No. 1502-Medium knives and forks, round end handles, triple plate,.per set 6.00 No. 1503-Dessert knives, round end handle, triple plate, per dozen.. 5.80 No. 1504-Dessert forks, round end handle, triple plate, per dozen - -- -- -- - 5.80 No. 1505-Dessert knives and forks, round end handles, triple plate,.per set 5.80 No. 1506-Medium knives, round end handle, cimeter swaged blade, triple plate, - - - per dozen 6.40 No. 1507-Medium knives and forks, round end handles, cimeter swaged blade, triple plate, - per set 6.20 No. 1508-Medium knives, Windsor handle, triple plate, per dozen * " $6.00 No. 1509-Medium forks, Windsor handle, triple plate, per dozen -------- 6.00 No. 1510-Medium knives and forks, Windsor handles, triple plate, - - - - per set 6.00 W W w # # w # m m m m m tk m # 4 1/ 6 42.00 26 3j4 1/ 6 43.50 46 3/ 1/ 6 44.50 45 3% 1/ 5 44.50 44 3/ 1/ 4 44.50 64 4 1/ 4 45.50 25 in a box, 500 in a case. 12 GAUGE, CHILLED. 18 CH 2/ 1/ 8 $39.00 58 CH 3 1/ 8 41.50 17KCH 2K 1/ 7 % 39.00 37y 2 CH 3 1/ 7/ 40.00 57J4CH 3 1/ 7/ 41.50 17 CH 2/ 1/8 7 39.00 37 CH 3 1 X 7 40.00 57 CH 3 1/ 7 41.50 KING’S SMOKELESS POWDER. Kegs, 25 lbs. (bulk), ----- each $22.00 Half Kegs, 12# lbs. (bulk), - “ 11.25 Quarter Kegs, 6^ lbs. (bulk), - “ 5.75 Canister, 1 lb. (bulk), - “ 1.00 Canister, 1 lb. (bulk), Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, for metallic cartridges,.each .90 A nitro powder, having wood pulp as the cellulose substance in con¬ nection with a number of modifying ingredients. This powder is a low power explosive, and nitro-glycerine, gun-cotton, picric acid and such high power and dangerous explosives are not used in its manufacture. King's Smokeless Powder combines the good qualities of every other make. # # W # # # w w w w w m m m f^f^ v5^\5^ '^ < ^^ 1 Z^^^'^*d?''d7 % £s r% d7 % d? 'tCT'^'d^ 'd? 'd? Consult All These PAGES in No - 6 Catalogue 1339 PETERS “REFEREE” LOADED SHELLS. m m m m # m Color, Rich Purple. Charged with King’s Semi-Smokeless, remarkable for its high velocity, low pressure, strength, accuracy, cleanliness, light smoke, and for its com¬ bination of all the best qualities of black and nitro powders. 2 '/* drams Semi-Smokeless Powder are equal to about 3 drams of Black Powder. 2 % drams Semi-Smokeless Powder are equal to about 3 % drams of Black Powder. 12 GAUGE. No. Drs. Powder. Oz. Shot. Size Shot. Per 1,000. AOO 2/ 1 10 $26.00 A09 2% 1 9 26.00 A08 2/ 1 8 26.00 A38 2/ IX 8 27.50 A58 3 IX 8 28.00 A57 ^ 3 IX 7/ 28.00 A07 2 ^ l 7 26.00 A37 2% IX 7 27.50 A57 3 IX 7 28.00 A06 2/ l 6 26.00 A36 2% IX 6 27.50 A56 3 IX 6 28.00 A25 2U 1 5 26.50 A35 2% IX 5 27.50 A55 3 IX 5 28.00 A24 2U 1 4 26.50 A34 2U IX 4 27.50 A54 3 IX 4 28.00 A53 3 1/8 3 28.00 A73 3/ 1/s 3 28.50 A52 3 ix 2 28.00 A72 3/ 1/8 2 28.50 A71 3* 1/8 1 28.50 A7BB 3% 1/s BB 30.50 4 1/8 8 30.00 B07 3 X 1/8 7 29.50 B27 3/ 1/8 7 30.00 B06 3/ 1/8 6 29.50 B26 3X 1/8 6 30.00 B25 3 X 1/s 5 30.00 B24 3X 1/s 4 30.00 B54 3/ 1 X 4 31.50 B23 3 l /t 1/8 3 30.00 B53 3/ 1% 3 31.50 B52 3 X 1/ 2 31.50 B51 3U 1/ 1 31.50 B5BB 3X 1/ BB 33.50 10 GAUGE. 018 2X X 8 $26.00 017 2X X 7 26.00 016 2X X 6 26.00 035 2 X 1 5 27.50 034 2/ 1 4 27.50 KING’S SEMI-SMOKELESS POWDER. each #10.00 5.25 “ 2.75 “ .50 Sizes, FFFG-, FFG, FG and CG. Kegs, 25 lbs. (bulk),. Half Kegs, 12j4 lbs. (bulk), - Quarter Kegs, 6^ lbs. (bulk), Pound Cans, (bulk),. Combines all the best qualities of black powder with the best qualities of nitro powder. Gives the highest velocity of nitro powder with the low bursting strain of black powder. Produces very little smoke and no offens¬ ive odor; leaves but the slightest deposit; does not cake or cause leading, pitting or discoloration of gun. Gives a fine pattern; is quick, strong, pene¬ trating, far reaching, always accurate and reliable, and is as safe as any black powder. Peters Cartridges are unexcelled for pen¬ etration, accuracy and cleanliness. Every one warranted. Consult All These PAGES * n No. 6 Catalogue -- 1337 - : - PETERS “LEAGUE” LOADED SHELLS. Color, Light Brown. League shells are loaded with King’s Celebrated Quick Shot Powder two card wads and two elastic felt wads over powder, one cardboard wad over shot, best quality shot, accurate to gauge and sure fire. 12 GAUGE. No. Drs. Powd’r Oz. Shot. Size Shot. Per 1,000. 720 3 1 0 $25.00 729 3 1 9 25.00 728 3 1 8 25.00 758 3/ l'/s 8 26.50 778 3 X 1/8 8 27.00 727 3 1 7 25.00 757 3/ 1/ 7 26.50 777 3/ 1/ 7 27.00 726 3 1 6 25.00 756 3/ i X 6 26.50 776 3/ l X 6 27.00 725 3 l 5 25.00 755 3/ 1/ 5 26.50 775 3/4 1/ 5 27.00 785 SU l X 5 27.50 724 3 l 4 25.00 754 3/ 1/ 4 26.50 774 3 / 1/8 4 27.00 784 su 1/ 4 27.50 753 3/ 1/ 3 26.50 783 3% 1/ 3 27.50 752 3/ 1/ 2 26.50 782 3X 1/8 2 27.50 781 3 % 1/8 1 27.50 78BB 3% 1 X BB 29.50 79BB 4 1/ BB 30.00 795B 4 1/ 5 Buck 30.00 10 GAUGE. 25 in a box, 500 in a case. GUARANTEE. We fully guarantee every Peters Loaded Shell we send out. (Signed) Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co No. Drs. Powd’r Oz. Shot. Size Shot. Per 1,000. 800 3/ 1/ 10 $28.00 809 3/ 1/ 9 28 00 818 3 ;% 1/ 8 28.50 838 4/ IX 8 29.50 858 4 1/ 8 30.00 817 3/ 1/ 7 28.50 837 4/ 1/ 7 29.50 857 4 1/ 7 30.00 816 3/ 1/ 6 28.50 836 4/ 1/8 6 29.50 846 4/ 1/ 6 30.00 835 4/ 1/ 5 29.50 845 4/ 1/ 5 30.00 875 4/ 1/ 5 31.00 834 4/ 1/ 4 29.50 844 4/ 1/ 4 30.00 874 4/ 1/ 4 31.00 843 4/ 1/ 3 30.00 873 4/ 1/ 3 31.00 872 4/ 1/ 2 31.00 871 4/ 1 31.00 88BB 5 ’ 1/ BB 33.00 894B 5 1/ 1 4 Buck 34.00 16 GAUGE. 948 2/ 1 8 $26.00 947 2/ 1 7 26.00 946 2/ 1 6 26.00 945 2X 1 5 26.00 954 3 1 4 26.50 25 in a box, 500 in a KING’S QUICK SHOT POWDER. A black powder well known to many sportsmen. The quickness of ignition, its uniform and high velocity, its moist burning qualities, have made it a favorite load for trap shooting. Sizes FFFFG, FFFG, FFG and FG. Kegs, 25 lbs.,.each $ Half Kegs, 12^ lbs.,.“ Quarter Kegs, 6% lbs.,.“ Pound Cans (24 in case), .... Half Pound Cans (24 in case), - Peters Shells are made and loaded by the latest improved machinery and are surpassed by none in efficiency. ^v M Consult All These PAGES '•" No. 6 Catalogue ^vl 1332, 1333, 1334 m m m m PETERS METALLIC CARTRIDGES. Loaded with King’s Semi-Smokeless or Smokeless Powder. No black powder is used in Peters Metallic Cartridges. Rim Fire. Caliber. Semi- Smokeless. Per 1000. Smokeless Powder. Per 1000. 92 Short . $ 5.00 $ 6.25 6.00 7.50 6.00 OO 17vtrQ T nn cr ... 9.00 9.00 OK Qfpypnc . 14.00 QO V vtra Short . ... 10.00 .22 Short . 10.00 12.00 11.50 q« dhnrf . 16.00 38 Long. 18.00 Central Fire, Pistol and Rifle. Caliber Name of Cartridge. Semi- Smokeless. Per 1000. Smokeless Powder. Per 1000. Primer Primed Shells. Per 1000. Bullets. Per 1000. 25-20 Marlin. $16.00 $19.00 1 $ 9.00 $4.00 32 Short Colt’s. 11.00 12.00 4 6.00 3.00 32 Long Colt’s... 12.00 13.50 4 6.50 3.00 32 Colt’s New Police.... 12.00 n 6.75 3.50 32 Smith & Wesson.... 11.00 12.00 n 6.00 3.00 32 Smith & Wesson Long 12.00 20.00 n 6.75 3.00 32-20 Marlin. . 16.00 i 9.00 4.00 32 Colt’s L. M. Rifle.... 16.00 20.00 i 9.00 4.00 32 Winchester. ... 16.00 20.00 i 9.00 4.00 38 Smith & Wesson. 13.50 15.50 4 7.50 4.50 38 Short. 13.50 15.50 4 7.00 4.00 38 Long Colt’s D. A. ...-. Marlin.. 14.50 16.50 4 7.50 4.50 38-40 19.00 24.00 l 10.00 5.00 38 Colt’s L. M. Rifle.... 19.00 24.00 l 10.00 5.00 38 Winchester. 19.00 24.00 l 10.00 5.00 41 Short Colt’s D. A- 15.00 4 7.50 4.00 41 44 44-40 Long Colt’s D. A. S. & W. Russian. Marlin. 17.50 20.00 19.00 24.00 4 2 1 8.00 9.50 10.00 6.00 6.50 6.00 44 Colt’s L. M. Rifle..., 19.00 24.00 1 10.00 6.00 44 Winchester. 19.00 24.00 1 10.00 6.00 45 Colt’s U. S. A. 22.00 2 10.50 7.00 Central Fire, Sporting and Target. Caliber Name of Cartridge. Semi- Smokeless Per 1000. Smokeless Powder. Per 1000. Primer Primed Shells. Per 1000. Bullets. Per 1000. 30-30 Winchester, Marlin, Metal Cased. $32.00 $38.00 2'A $18.00 $ 6.00 30-30 Winchester, Marlin, Soft Point. 32.00 38.00 .2% 18.00 6.00 32-40 Winchester, Marlin, Ballard. 27.00 32.00 2 a 15.00 7.25 38-55 Winchester, Marlin, Ballard. 33.00 40.00 2'A 18.00 9.50 38-56 Winchester, Marlin. 33.00 40.00 2'A 18.00 9.50 40-65 Winchester, Marlin. 33.00 40.00 2 'A 18.00 9.50 40-82 Winchester, Marlin. 36.00 43.00 2'A 24.00 9.00 45-60 Winchester, Marlin. 33.00 2'A 20.00 9.00 45-70 Government, 500 gr. bullet . 38.00 2 A 22.00 15.00 45-70 Government, 405 gr. bullet. 35.00 42.00 2 A 22.00 12.00 45-90 Winchester, Marlin.. 36.00 43.00 2'A 24.00 9.00 For Bullet Breech Caps and special Cartridges not mentioned above, see pages 1331 to 1334 of our catalogue. w w to f f w # w w w # w # m INDEX. A All of the goods in this book are indexed under the noun or last word; thus “Sewing Machines” will be found under “Machines.” The pages mentioned apply also to our No. 6 catalogue. Anvils. 151 Aprons, Blacksmiths’.475 Asbestos. 585 Augers, Post Hole. 533 Ship. 117 Axes.14-18 Bags, Nail. 585 Balances, Spring.797-799 Bands, Rubber.596 823 597 597 597 793 512 343 482 853 Bars, Towel.. Baskets, Mail. Space. Waste. Bells, Call. Church and School. Door. Belting, Leather. Binding, Oil Cloth. Bits, Auger. 114 Bridle. 495 Blacking, Shoe. 831 Blades, Saw. 68 Blankets, Horse. 493 Blocks, Meat. 829 Snatch.580 Tackle.580 Board, Asbestos Mill. 585 Boards, Bosom. 829 Pastry.829 Stove.852-853 Wash. 824 Boilers, Coffee.715 Farm.765 Bolts, Carriage.444 Chain.356 Machine.446 Plow.445 Shaft. 474 Square.351-352 Stove.445 Tire. 444 Wagon Box Strap. 474 Whiffletree. 474 Books, Blank.595 Memorandum. 595 Borers, Angular. 129 Bowls, Dampening. 595 Boxes, Lunch. 735 Mitre. 84 Brackets, Hay Rack. 469 Brads, Wire. 451 Broilers. 750 Brooms, Whisk. 834 Brushes, Copying.595 Floor. 836 Heather. 831 Brushes, Horse. PAGE. .508-509 Lather.. .1155 Scrub. . 831 Shaving_ .1155 Window. . 837 Buckets, Pump. . 814 Buckles, Harness. . 489 Buttons, Push. .286 Butts, Brass.. . 371 Loose Pin. . 262 Spring. .375-376 Wrought. .369 G Cabinets, Spice. 823 Candlesticks, Miners’.907 Canisters, Tea and Coffee.... 736 Carriages, Baby.622-631 Carriers, Hay.547 Carvers. 1075-1080 Cases, Comb. 744 Screw. 956 Transfer. 595 Casters, Furniture.402-404 Catches, Screen Door.348-380 Cement* Leather. 457 Rubber. 457 Centers, Neckyoke.489 Chain, Coil and Jack.462-465 Ladder. 601 Chains, Breast.466 Watch.1250 Checks, Door. 380 Chests, Tool. 614 Chimneys, Incandescent. 883 Chisels, Ice. 784 Choppers, Food. 768 Chucks and Drills. 134 Churns.820 Clevises. 471 Clippers, Horse.1123 Nail.1112 Toilet.1122 Clips, Axle. 474 Damper.865 Clocks.1264-1267 Coasters. 620 Cocks, Brass.810-811 Combs, Aluminum .1145 Clipper.1122 Curry. 506 Compressers, Corn Shock.... 563 Cord, Picture. 601 Sash. 391 Trolley. 391 Corkscrews. f .612—613- Cotters, Spring.485 Couplings, Hose. 571 Covers, Boiler.702 Bread Raiser. 688 # # 'f # f # W w # w INDEX—Continued. % 4 PAGE. Crackers, Nut.613 and 1230 Crayon, School. 590 Creepers, Ice. 618 Cups, Measuring. 730 Cuspidors.746 Cutters, Bone. 766 Food.. 768 Glass.... 920 Vegetable...822 D Dampers. 865 Dehorners. . 513 Discs, Roofing. 585 Drawers, Money. 820 Dressers, Emery Wheel.157 Drills, Breast... 131 Chucks and. 134 Hand. 130 Twist. 124 Drivers, Screw.133-134 E Ears, Kettle... 705 Elbows, Stove Pipe.851 Emery. 157 Enamel, Stove Pipe.865 Erasers, Blackboard. 590 Escutcheons, Drawer. 410 Extinguishers, Fire. 956 Extractors, Coffee. 683 Eyes, Screw.431 F Fasteners, Paper.. 596 Sash.362-363 Storm Sash.384 Faucets. 811 Fencing, Wire.578-579 Files and Rasps .108-113 Letter. 595 Manicure.1112 Paper. 597 Forceps, Pig. 515 Forks, Automatic Hay.547 Barley. 535 Beef..1245 Beet. 539 Coke. 539 Cold Meat.1245 Hay and Header. .534-538 Manure. 538 Oyster.1245 Pot.1086 Frames, Hack Saw. 64 Freezers, Ice Cream.786 G Gates, Molasses.811 Gauges, Marking. 88 Glass, Window... 920 Glasses, Eye.604 Gloves, Husking... 562 Goods, Bright Wire.430-435 Steel.534-543 Graters, Chocolate. 726 Cylinder. 726 Nutmeg.736 PAGE. Grenades, Hand. 956 Grinders, Emery. 157 Guards, Door. 357 Guides, Saw. 84 H Halters. • . . . 491 Hammers. 33-40 Handles, Agricultural. 550 Auger. 103 File.102 Hickory.. . .104-105 Saw. 56 Hangers, Barn Door.399 Eave Trough. 709 Parlor Door. 395 Storm Sash. 384 Hardware, Wagon...473-474 Harmonicas. . .1163 Hasps and Staples. . .436 Hinge. 383 Hatchets. 25-28 Headers, Barrel. 106 Heels, Rubber. . .457 Hinges, Gate. 385 Spring.375-376 Hoes, Garden. 542 Grub and Hazel..... 42 Holders, Barn Door. 339 Door. 396 Pencil. . . 137 Twine. 582 Hooks and Eyes.. ..434-435 Ceiling. 424 Chain and Grab. 468 Gra^s. 549 Hame.490 Harness. 425 Hay Fork. 815 Screw.430-434 Selecting. 438 Wrought S.468 Horns, Dinner. 736 Hose, Garden. 569 Huskers.560 I Ink. 592 Irons. Plane. 84 Sad. 840 Stanchion. 492 Tuyere. 475 Waffle... 759 Jacks, Wagon. K Kegs, Water.. Kettles, Brass. Keys, Door. Killers, Fly. Knives and Forks. Beet Topping. 475 820 765 206 753 1222 . 559 Boning.1101-1102 Bread.1086 Butcher.1103 INDEX—Continued. PAGE. Knives, Butter.1238 Carpenters’.1087 Carving.1075-1080 Fruit.1229 Hay. 548 Hunting. .1106 Paper Hangers’.1091 Paring.1088 Pocket.959-1027 Putty.. .1092 Silver Plated_1222-1225 Knobs, Door.252 Picture. 601 Shutter.361 Ladders, Step... 830 Lamps, Driving... 879 Miners’. 907 Vapor. 883 Lanterns.876-877 Lasts, Cobblers’. 457 Latches, Gate.385 Knob.214-252 Night. 178 Levels. 93 Lifters, Stove Cover. 862 Lifts, Sash.263-281-360 Lining, Carpet. 585 Locks, Dead. 220 Pad.319-334 Rim Knob. 195 Store Door.189-192 Wardrobe. 299 M Machines, Riveting. 484 Sewing.910 Washing. 825 Mallets.135 Mantles, Incandescent. 883 Mats, Door. 407 Mattocks, Garden. 543 Long and Short Cutter. 42 Menders, Hose. 571 Tinware. 732 Mica.863 Mills, Bone. 766 Coffee. 795 Mittens, Husking.560 Mops.839 Mowers, Lawn. 565 Mucilage.592 Mugs, Shaving.1153 Muzzles, Horse.. 513 N Nails, Canvas.455 Clout.455 Furniture. 455 Steel and Wire.450-451 Nippers. 148 Nut Picks and Cracks.1230 Nuts, Square. 447 O Oilers. 481 Organs, Mouth.1163 Outfits, Cobbling... 457 Ovens, Oil Stove.846 PAGE. Packing.585 Padlocks.319-334 Pads, Sweat. 493 Pails, Dairy.;. ... 720 Dinner.725 Fire. 720 Strainer. 721 Paints.914-917 Pans, Dripping. Paper, Sand and Emery.... Parers. Paste. Pencils. . Penholders . 587 Pens, Fountain.1159 Picks, Ice. 784 Nut.1230 Railroad. 43 Stone. 43 Pincers. 148 Pins, Husking.560 Pipe, Wrought Iron. 935 Planes.78-80 Plates, Shoe....457 Pliers.144-148 Plumbs and Levels.90-93 Pockets, Knife.1164 Points, Trammel. 87 Polish, Metal.1158 Shoe.835 Stove. 864 Protectors, Eye. 604 Pullers, Cork. 613 Pulleys, Frame...390 Screw.389 Swivel. 389 Pulls, Door. 336 Drawer.281 and 410 Pumps.813 Punches, Bull. 513 Conductors’. 143 R . 15 . 596 . 540 .848 .. 110-111 1139-1145 ..776-781 ..868-872 .732 Racks, Axe.. Letter.. Rakes. Ranges, Steel. Rasps. Razors. Refrigerators. Registers. Rings, Fruit Jar.... Rivets and Burs .... Section. Tinners'. Tire. Tubular.. Roasters, Coffee.... Rods, Curtain. Stove.. Rollers, Lawn. 568 Paper Hangers’.1091 Rolls, Wringer. 828 Roofing, Asphalt.585 Rope, Cotton. 581 Rules. 97 s Safes, Match. 742 Sawing Machines. 160 Saws, Miscellaneous.50-66 Scroll. 160 483 483 603 469 484 763 603 445 W INDEX— Continued. PAGE. Scales.797-804 Scissors. Scoops, Cheese.1090 Grain and Coal ... 529-531 Scrapers, Cabinet. 83 Screws, Cork.612, 613 Hand. 106 Lag.446 Machine.443 Wood. 442 Seeders, Grain. 563 Servers, Ice Cream.1245 Pie.1245 Tomato or Cucum- ' ber ..1245 Sets, Salad.1245 Butter Knife and Sugar Shell.1245 Child’s.-.1231-1245 Lock.210-213 Nail. 142 Saw.71-72 Screen Door.372 Shades, Incandescent. 883 Shavers, Beef. 768 Shears, Bank ers’....1110 Candy...1H0 Custom Cutter.1110 Desk.1110 Glass.1110 Grass. 649 Office.1110 Pruning. 556 Shells, Sugar.1238-1245 Shelves, Bathroom. 823 Shovels...520-528 Shuts, Cold.468 Sifters, Flour.753 Singletrees.472 Sinks. 813 Sleds. 620 Slicers, Ham.1086 Vegetable. 822 Slings, Hay. 647 Snaps, Harness.486-487 Sockets, Whip.603 Spades. 521-526 Spatulas ...1091 Spoons, Bar.1235 Ice Cream.1235 Soup.1245 — Table.1234-1245 Tea.1234-1245 Tinned. 698 Spreaders, Butter.1245 Springs, Door.380 Lock. 205 Sprinklers, Lawn.570 Spuds, Tobacco. 559 Squares, Iron and Steel. 85 Machinists’. 141 Sulkies, Goat. 621 Supporters, Wrist. 560 PAGE. Stands and Lasts. 457 Flower Pot.418 Ink. 593 Wringer.828 Stops, Flue. 710 Stoves, Air Tight. 848 Gasoline. 847 Oil.846-847 Strainers, Julep.1235 Milk.723 Tea and Coffee.... 749 Straps, Wagon Box... 474 Strips, Sole Leather.457 Weather. 406 Strops, Razor.1152 T Tacks.452-454 Tags, Shipping. 596 Tapes, Measuring. 98 Tar, Pine. 560 Thermometers. 791 Thimbles, Chimney.. 710 Ties, Bale. 576 Tills, Cash. .820 Tongs, Coal.859 Tools, Saw. 72 Trays, Letter... 597 Trimmings, Curtain Pole. 603 Trowels, Garden. 543 Twine. 582 Typewriters. 010 v Varnishes. 016 Ventilators, Floor..'. 867 W Wagon Hardware.473-474 Wagons, Children’s. 621 Ware, Adamant,Enameled 664-675 Aluminum.684-686 Chrysolite Enameled ...656-663 Cut Glass....1250 Perfection Agate... .678-679 Silver Plated.1165-1225 Sterling Silver.1250 Stove Hollow.760-761 White Enameled. 676 Washers, Steel. 447 Watches, Gold.1250 Wax, Sealing.732 Weeders, Onion. 543 Wicks, Lamp. . 904 Wire, Barbed. 573 Wrenches.154-155 Wringers, Clothes.826-827 Mop. 839 w ® Please do not forget that the changes and new goods in jjjjr Guns, Hunters' Sundries, Sporting and Gymnasium Goods, Fish¬ ily ing Tackle, Golf Cluhs and Supplies, Paints, Oils, Varnishes ^ and Paint Brushes, will be found in separate catalogues of these goods. n friendly Suggestion. The question of protection from fire by insurance is of vital importance to every one who owns property sub¬ ject to loss in this manner. Nowadays nearly all mer¬ chants carry an insurance of at least fifty per cent, of the value of their insurable property. The total or partial destruction of your stock and buildings by fire is always a possibility, even in the so- called fire proof structures. We do not know the total value of the property which went up in smoke in this country last year, but the insurance companies paid losses aggregating over $92,000,000, and their total disburse¬ ments exceeded, by $17,000,000, the premiums paid to them. In 1900 the fire losses have been even heavier. Among our own friends our attention is frequently drawn to unfortunate instances of the misguided economy of “Carrying your own insurance.” In recent months so many customers have suffered severely from this policy that we have determined to offer a “friendly suggestion” to those who carry no insurance or inadequate insurance. We urge: That every one should consider it a duty to himself and to his family to safeguard his future with ample insurance. His duty to his cred¬ itors in this respect should be held no less important. That the cost of insurance is an ordinary trade expense and should be paid as willingly as clerk hire or rent. That if your risk is so hazardous as to command high rates, the danger to you is more imminent. To the fully insured we suggest the continuance of their vigilance. To the partially protected we recom¬ mend that “a good work be not left undone.” To the uninsured we can but point out the trouble and loss which may - come and advise an immediate change of policy. If you are uninsured or have low insurance, ask your¬ self this question: “IN WHAT FINANCIAL CON¬ DITION WOULD THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF MY STOCK AND BUSINESS PROPERTY LEAVE ME? ” Should the answer be unsatisfactory, take out adequate insurance, and you will sleep better and strengthen your commercial standing. We have facilities for gaining information as to most stock insurance companies and shall be glad to' answer inquiries from our customers as to the standing of any one of them. WE CONSTANTLY CARRY AN INSURANCE OF OVER NINETY PER CENT. OF THE VALUE OF OUR MERCHANDISE. fiiMwd, Spencer, Bartlett $ Co. J5^ vr/’v£?’’*<£? r v^ 7 **^ Special Catalogues. Guns, Ammunition, etc., li Fishing Tackle, - " ' Sporting and Gymnasium Goods, Bicycles, • Bicycle Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., - Brushes (full line including Paint), H All the above are issued early in the year and are mailed direct to the trade. The following catalogues are sent only upon request. Please write us if you fail to receive catalogue regularly. Golf Clubs and Supplies, Is Cameras and Supplies, - Sterling Silver Ware, Silver Plated Hollow Ware, Silver Plated Flat Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery, etc. (pages 957 to 1174 of No. 6 catalogue), Cut Glass Ware, Clocks, • ■ • - _ Gold Watches and Jewelers Cases, Baby Carriages, Is Refrigerators, • Bird Cages (pages 632 to 739 of No. catalogue),. | House Furnishing Goods (pages 632 t 739 of No. 6 catalogue), Sewing Machines, Ice Tools,. Hardware Shelving and Cabinets Show Cases, .... Tinners’ Tools and Machines,- Chrysolite Enameled Ware, - Barney & Berry Skates, Window Glass, - McMullen and Henley Fencing, Horse Shoes, Fairbanks’ Scales, Air Tight Stoves, Registers, • Ice Cream Freezers, Mica Specialties, Game Boards, • Bath Room Supplies, School, Church and Fire Bells, Peters Cartridges, • Oiled Clothing, - - - * 108 W w f m w w 3 0112 058381960