FOURTH Catalogue of Books OF THE S' Sc X URBANA, ILLINOIS 1808 URBANA, ILL. PRESS OF THE HERALD II ADVERTISEMENTS. C. A. BESORE' URBANA, ILLINOIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Doors, Sash, Cement, Hair, Coal OUR COAL IS FROM THE BEST MINES IN THE STA' HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR GRAIN OFFICE: NORTH MARh U @xppe§§ioE ppequer If eapd ip (Mpfeana i n If you can’t find it at Baddeley & B is not in the market.” The Best of Everything is none too Good for Out and we Always have it. OUR STORE IS FILLED WITH BARGAINS. COME AN BADDELEY & BARTl The Up-to-date Grocers Cantner Block Main Street ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill on l Vr \ C F U R N IT U R UJ IF YOU WANT THE BEST FURNITURE AT THE LOWEST PRICE CALL AT THE C. T. BUSCH FURNITURE HOUSE Leaders in Every Line They Carry ALSO 45* Undertakers and Funeral Directors 21J West Main Street, Urbana T. J (3 O LV X 444 444 444 City Meat Market A FULL SUPPLY OF BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, LAMB AND VEAL OF OUR OWN BUTCHERING ALWAYS ON HAND ALSO HAM AND SALT MEATS We use a Buffalo Machine Chopper in the manufacture of our Sausage 103 MAIN STREET BELL THONE 186 STOLTEY’S BAKERY HEADQUARTERS FOR Bread, Pies, a nd Calces FRESH EVERY DAY WEST ELM STREET_URBANA, ILLINOIS p 10939 V ADVERTISEMENTS. B. F. BOGGS B. F. B0QQ5 & CO. F. S. BOGGS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance First Door North of Kirkpatrick’s Grocery Store MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AND GOOD CITY PROPERTY HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE AT BARGAINS ' HOUSES TO RENT Call on us when you want to buy or sell property, or exchange goods for property R. T. ROBINSON ***—^Urbana mil and Elevator-*— Manufacturer of ^ Best Grades of Flour, Feed, Etc. Buckwheat, Graham and Whole Wheat FLOUR CONSTANTLY ON H AND _ BELL 158 PH(ENIX^20 . . URBANA, ILLINOIS CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT Telephones Nos. UO and 402 E. h. RENNER & BRO. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE 206 East Main=st., Urbana We keep first-class Single and Double Drivers. Orders for Carriages for Parties Promptly Filled. Special attention to Funeral Work. ADVERTISEMENTS. V THE URBANA HOME LOAN ASSOCIATION Organised in July , 1887, as a serial co-operative loan and building associ- tion. It. has proved a boon and blessing to hundreds of families in the Twin Cities. Strictly mutual. Conservative in management . EFFICIENT OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS George M. Bennett, President Vinton W. Shuck, Vice=President Patrick Richards, Treasurer Cunningham & Boggs, Attorneys Milton S. Parks, Secretary Office in Ijams Block, West of Library Building, Urbana, Ill. H. LOWENSTERN & SON .... DEALERS IN *»L^Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing, Hats, Caps, -s*4»Boots and Shoes ___ URBANA, ILLINOIS The Leading Merchants of Champaign County ESTABLISHED IN 1364 HARRY M. SHUCK & COMPANY Dealers in-^|^ Hardware, Stoves, Steel Ranges, Furnaces, Bicycles, Tinware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Etc. ... BUILDERS’ IMRE IID TIN WORK Of EL KINDS OUR SPGGUL1T... GIVE US A CALL Corner Main and Race Streets URBANA, ILLINOIS VI ADVERTISEMENTS. Citizens Building Association WHY PAY RENT? By investing: the money you pay in rent in the Citizens Building Association you can in 76 months be the owner of a house and home. In the ten years of the life of this association it has been the means of providing more than one hundred homes to people who never could have had them by any other means. A new series opens in July of each year. Its management is safe and conservtive. John H. Savage, Rres. George Besore, Vice=Pres. M. W. Busey, Treas. R. A. Webber, Sec. H. M. Russell, M. W. Kaucher, Geo. Hubbard, John C. Thomas, W. I. Saffell, Board of Directors 105 SOUTH MARKET STREET R. A. WEBBER Abstracter, Conveyancer and Notary Public ABSTRACTS OF TITLE FURNISHED FOR ANY LANDS OR LOTS IN CHAMPAIGN COUNTY .. DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND ALL FORMS OF INSTRUMENTS OF CONVEYANCE CAREFULLY DRAFTED . 105 S. MARKET STREET NEXT CITY BUILDING LOAN OFFICE OF GEO. P. BLISS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Money to Loan on Farms and City Property and on Personal Security Notary Public and Conveyancer GEO. P. BLISS . . . Main Street, Urbana ADVERTISEMENTS. vn DR. F. O. SALE • DENTIST • Gold Filling inserted in a manner that makes them permanent ... ARTISTIC CROWN, BRIDGE ID 111 IRK DONE... I have experience, knowlege and facilities for doing best work at reasonable prices Office over Known 8 mm Drug store, corner main and Race sireeis, urtona C. N. CLARK D. P. BAGLEY C. N. CLARK & CO. Proprietors of Urbana Harble and Granite Works URBANA, ILLINOIS Orders for Cemetery Work of all Kinds Promptly Filled and Satisfaction Guaranteed w. h. OWENS BEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES Teas, Coffees and Canned Goods Specialties 'N ORDERS BY PHONE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Masonic Temple Building Phoenix Phone 474 Urbana, Illinois VIII ADVERTISEMENTS. MILT S. PARKS Real $ Rotate * Agent 3 k- CONVEYANCER AND NOTARY PUPLIC AGENT FOR RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Special Attention to Selling- Farms in Champaign County, Illinois, and City Property in Urbana Office in Ijams Block, Over J20 South Race Street URBANA, ILLINOIS E. BLMCKSHHW s» DENTIST ^ Established in 1858 * \ Office Masonic Temple Building Urbana, Illinois ALL WORK WARRANTED and will Receive Prompt Attention ^ WE CARRY THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN ALL KINDS OF DftY GOODS :oijsbe:y Sz co. --eRBTSNPC, ILLINOIS 7UVKIM STREET CATALOGUE URBANA FREE LIBRARY. History and Travels. AFRICA. Kinsley, M. H., Travels in West Africa.. .966 K6 Drummond, H., Tropical Africa.967 D84 Theal, G. M., South Africa.968 T34 Latimer, E., Europe in Africa in the Nine¬ teenth Century.960 L35 Poole, S. L., Barbary Corsairs.961 P78 Gobat, S., Three Years Residence in Abyssinia.916.3 G53 Fink, H., Spain and Morocco.916.4 F49 Bridgman, F., Winter in Algeria.916.5 B76 Baker, S. W., Ismalia.916.6 B17 DuChaillu, P., Equatorial Africa.916.6 D85 Schweinfurth, G., Heart of Africa, 2 volumes.916.6 Sch9 Stanley, H. M., Achievements of, and Other African Explorers, by J. Headley.916.6 St2 Stanley, H. M„Coomassie and Magdala,916.6 St2c Stanley, H. M., Through the Dark Con¬ tinent, 2 volumes.916.6 St2t Thompson, G., Western Africa.916.6 T37 Baker, S. W., Albert N’Yanza.916.7 B17 DuChaillu. P., Journey to Ashongo- Land.. 916.7 D85 Ellis, W., Three Visits to Madagascar .916.7 E15 Hall, A. W., Three Hundred Miles in a Hammock.916.7 H14 Livingstone, David, 3 volumes.916.7 L76 1 Explorations in Africa. 2 Last Journals, by H. Waller. 3 Travels in South Africa. Taylor, B., Journey to Central Africa. .916.7 T21 Baldwin, W. C., African Hunting.916.8 B19 Cummings, R. G., Hunter’s Life in South Africa, 2 volumes.916.8 C91 Pike, N., Sub-Tropical Rambles; Mau¬ ritius.916.9 P63 NORTH AMERICA. Abbott, J., Aboriginal America.970.1 Ab2 Browne, J. R., Apache Country.970.1 B81 Bryant and Murch, Indian Massacre in Minnesota..970.1 B84 Drake, S., Aboriginal Races of North America.970.1 D78 Jackson, H., Century of Dishonor.970.1 J13 Larimer, S., Life Among the Sioux... .970.1 L32 McIntosh, J., Origin of the North Amer¬ ican Indian.970.1 M18 BRITISH AMERICA. Bourinot, J. G., Canada.971 B66 Parkman, F., Fontenac and New France under Louis XIV.971 P23 Parkman, F., Jesuits in North America.971 P23j Parkman, F., Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 volumes.971 P23m Parkman, F., Old Regime in Canada. .971 P23o Parkman, F., Pioneers of France in the New World.971 P23p Prowse, D., Newfoundland.971.8 P94 Cozzens, F. S., Acadia.917.1 C83 Thoreau, H. D., Yankee in Canada... .917.1 T39 Traill, Mrs., Wilds of Canada.917.1 T68 American and Hudson Bay Company’s Territories.917.9 Am3 SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Andrews, C. C.,Brazil.981 An2 Kidder and Fletcher, Brazil and the Bra¬ zilians.981 K53 Prescott, W. H., Conquest of Peru, 2 volumes.985 P92 Washburn, C. A., History of Paragua, 2 volumes.989 W27 Tregarthen, G.. Australasia.993 T71 Taylor, W., Our South American Cousins, 918 T21 Orton. J., Andes and the Amazon.918.1 Or8 Bourne, B. F., Captive in Patagonia. . .918.2 B66 Dixie, Lady, Across Patagonia.918.2 D64 Whymper, E., Great Andes of the Equa¬ tor...918.6W62 Vincent, F., Through and Through the Tropics..919 V74 Ballou, M. M., Equatorial America.972.8 B2 Walker, W., War in Nicaragua.972.8 W15 Central America.917.28 D29 Seeley, C., Lost Canyon of tho Toltecs,917.28 Se3 Sheldon, H., Nicaragua Canal.917.28 Sh4 Vincent, F., In and Out of Central America.917.28 V74 ANTIQUITIES, ARCHAEOLOGY OF SPECIAL COUNTRIES. Becker, W., Gallus, or Roman Scenes.. .913 B38 Brand, J., Popular Antiquities of Great Britain, 3 volumes.913 B73 9 HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Mallett, M., Northern Antiquities.913 M29 Morgan, L., Ancient Society.913 M82 Myers, P. V. N., Remains of Lost Em¬ pires .913 M99 Rich, A., Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.913 R37 Salkeld, J., Roman and Grecian An¬ tiquities .913 Sa3 Yaggy and Haine’s Museum of Antiquity. .913 Y1 Zimmerman, A., Home Life of Ancients Greeks.913 Z6 McLeod, W., Geography of Palestine, 913.3 M22 Donnelly, I., Atlantis; the Antidelu- vian World.913.3 D71 Durbin, J., Observations in the East, 2 volumes.913.3 D93 Layard, A. H.,Discoveries of Nineveh, 913.5 L45 Baldwin, J. D., Ancient America.913.7 B19 Rieves, M. E., Peruvian Antiquities.. .913.8 R44 Conder, C. R., Heth and Moab.913.9 C74 Curtis, G. W., Howadji in Syria.913.9 C94 ASIA. Gibbin, E., (The) Saracens.953 G35 Gilman, A., (The) Saracens.953 G42 Creasy, E., Ottoman Turks.956 C86 Poole, S. L., Turkey...956 P78 Atkinson, T. W., Oriental and Western Siberia.957 At5 Cottrell, C. H., Siberia, 1840-41.957 C82 Burton, R. L., El Medinah and Meccah, 915.3 B95 Burton, R. L., Gold mines of Midian.. 915.3 B95g Burton, R. L., Land of Midian, 2 vol. .915.3 B951 Napheggi, G., Among the Arabs.915.3 N16 Arnold, A., Through Persia by Caravan, 915.5 Ar6 Fogg, W. P., Arabistan.915.6 F68 Taylor, B., Lands of the Saracens... .915.6 T21 Warner, C. D., In the Levant.915.6 W24 Field, H., Among the Holy Hills... .915.69 F45 Lynch, W. L., River Jordan and the Dead Sea..915.69 L99 McGregor, J., ‘Rob Roy’ in the Jordan 915.69 M17 Montague, E. P., Expedition to the Dead Sea..... .915.69 M76 Neil, J., Palestine Explored.915.69 N31 Newman, J. P., From Dan to Beer- sheba.915.69 N46 Prime, W. C., Tent-Life in the Holy Land. 915.69 P93 Tweedie, W. K., Ruined Cities of Bible Lands.. .•.915.69 T91 Wilson, E. L., In Scripture Lands.. .915.69 W69 Wright, T., Early Travels in Pales¬ tine.915.69 W93 Atkinson, T. W., Upper and Lower Amoor.915.7 At5 Bush, R. J., Reindeers, Dogs and Snowshoes.915.7 B96 Collins, P. M., Voyage Down the Amoor.915.7 C69 Erman, A., Travels in Siberia, 2 vol.. . .915.7Er5 Burnaby, F., Ride toKiva.915.8 B93 Leonowens, Mrs., English Governess at Siamese Court.915.9 L55 Leonowen, Mrs., Romance of the Harem.915.9 L55r CHINA AND JAPAN. Oliphant, L., Earl of Elgin’s Mission to China and Japan.951 013 Sears, R., China and Japan.951 Sel Eden, C. H., Japan, Historical and Des¬ criptive ...952 Ed2 Griffis, W. E., Mikado’s Empire.952 G87 Murray, H., Travels of Marcos Polo... .915 M96 Taylor, J. I., Gyre Through the Orient. .915 T21 Towle, Travels of Marcos Polo.915 T65 Wright, T., Travels of Marcos Polo.915 W93 China and the English.915.1 C49 Davis, J. S., Sketches of China.915.1 D29 Fay, G. T., Chinese as They Are.915.1 F29 Hue, M., Tartary, Thibet and China, 2 volumes.915.1 H86 Lawrence, E., Missions in the East... .915.1 L43 McCurzon, G., Problems of the East.. .915.1 M13 Oppert, E., Voyages to Corea.915.1 Op5 Stern, S. A., Travel in China and Japan915.1 St4 Wheeler, L. N., Foreigners in China. .915.1 W56 Williams, S., Middle Kingdom, 2 vol. .915.1 W67 Alcock, R., Three Years Residence in Japan, 2 volumes.915.2 All Rand, E. A., All Aboard for Sunset Land.915.2 R15 EGY^PT. DeLeon. E., Khedive’s Egypt.962 D37 Lane, E. W., Modern Egyptians, 2 vol. .962 L24 Y r ates, W. H., Modern History of Egypt, 2 volumes...962 Y2 Baker, S. W., Nile Tributaries.916.2 B17 Curtis, G. W., Nile Notes of a Howadji,916.2 C94 Davis, R. H., Rulers of the Mediter¬ ranean .916.2 D29 Field, H., On the Desert.916.2 F45 Kluusinger, C. B., Upper Egypt.916.2 K71 Lepsius, Dr. R., Letters from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sinai.916.2 L55 Prime, W. C., Boat-Life in Egypt and Nubia.916.2 P93 Speke, J., Discoverv of the Source of the Nile.“.916 Sp3 Stevens, J. L., Notes of Travel in Egypt and Nubia.916.2 St4 Taylor, B., Egypt and Iceland.916.2T21 Thousand Miles Up the Nile.916.2 T39 ENGLAND. Brewster and Humphrey, England and its Rulers.942 B75 Dickens, C., Child’s History of England .942 D55 Froude, J. C., History of England, 12 vol,942 F93 HISTORY AND TRAVELS. 3 Green, J. R., History of the English Peo¬ ple, 4 volumes.942 G82 Green, J. R., Readings from English History.942 G82r Green, J. R., Short History of the Eng¬ lish People.942 G82s Hume, D., History of England.942 H88 Knight, G., Half-Hours of English His¬ tory, 2 volumes.942 K74 Latimer, E., England in the Nineteenth Century.. 942 L35 Lossing, B. J., History of England.942 L89 McCarthv, J., History of England, 1837- 56... 942 M12 McCarthy, J., History of Our Own Times, 2 volumes.942 M12h Neele, H., Romance of the History of England.942 N29 Church, A. J., Early Britain.942.01 C47 Froissart, J., History of England.942.02 F92 Jewett, S. O., Story of the Normans.. .942.02 J55 Cameos from English History, to Ed¬ ward II.942.03 C14 Stubbs, W., Early Plantaganets.942.03 St9 Creighton, M., Age of Elizabeth.942.05 C86 Gardner, S. R., Puritan Revolution.. .942.06 G17 Hale, E., Fall of the Stuarts.942.06 H13 Macauley, T. B., History of England, 5 volumes.942.06 Mil Macaulay, T. B., History of England, 1 volume.942.06 Mila Morris, E., Age of Anna.942.06 M83 Wilson, D. Puritan and Pilgrim Fathers iu Englaud.942.06 W69 Crocker, J., Diaries, 2 volumes.942.07 C84 Powers of Europe and the Fall of Se¬ bastopol .942.08 P87 Larwood, J., Story of the London Parks,942.1 L32 Stanley, A., Westminster Abbey.942.1 St2 Timbs, J., Romance of London, 2 vol. .942.1 T48 Caine, H., Little Manx Nation.942.8 C12 Bailey, J., England from a Back-Win¬ dow.914.2 B15 Barrington, J., Personal Sketches.914.2 B27 Carnegie, A., Four-in-Hand in Great Britain.914.2 C21 Hawthorne, N., Passages from the Eng¬ lish Note-Book.914.2 H31 Hawthorne, N., Our Old Home.914.2 H31o Hoppin, J., Old England.914.2 H77 Miller, H., First Impressions of Eng¬ land .914.2 M61 Thwaites, R. G., Our Cycling Tour in England.914.2 T42 Wilkie, F., Sketches Beyond the Sea. .914.2 W64 EUROPE. Church, R. W., Beginnings of the Mid¬ dle Ages.940.1 C47 Hallam, H., Middle Ages.940.1 LI16 Bulfinch, T., Legends of Charlemagne, 940.3 B87 Johnson, A. H., Normans in Europe.. .940.3 J63 Cox, G. W., (The) Crusades.940.4 C83 Joiniville, J. De, Chronicles of the Cru¬ sades.940.4 J66 Proctor, G., History of the Crusades, 2 volumes.940.4 P94 Seebohm, F., Era of Protestant Revolu¬ tions .940.7 Se3 Alison, A., History of Europe, 1739-1815, 4 volumes.940.8 A14 Alison, F., History of Europe, 1815-1852, 4 volumes.940.9 A14 Boynton, C. B., Four Great Powers... .940.9 B71 Latimer, E., Europe and Africa in the Nineteenth Century.940.9 L35 Cox, S. S., Buckeye Abroad.914 C83 Durbin, J., Observations in Europe, 2 vol 914 D93 Fisk, W., Travels in Europe.914 F54 Forney, J. W.. Centennial Commissioner in Europe. 914 F73 Fox, D. T., Delights of Travel.914 F83 Fulton, C. C., Europe Viewed Through American Spectacles.914 F95 Hamerton, P. G., Painter’s Camp.914 H17 Havens, G., Travels in England, France and Germany.914 H29 Heine, H., Pictures of Europe.914 H36 Horwitz, O., Brushwood Picked Up on Two Continents.914 H78 Jennings, L. J., Field Paths and Green Lanes..:.914 J44 Lee, J. S., Nature and Art in the Old World...914 L51 Lodge. R., Student’s Modern Europe.. .914 L82 McGregor, J., 1000 Miles iu the Rob Roy Canoe.944 M17 Morrison, L., Rambles in Europe.914 M83 Ninde, M. L., We Two Alone in Europe, 914 N62 Prime, S. I., Travels in Europe and the East, 2 volumes.914 P93 Stolherg, F. L., Travels (Europe) 4 vol. .914 St6 Stowe, Mrs. H. B., Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands.914 St7 Taylor, B., By-Ways of Europe.914 T21 Taylor, B., Views Afoot...914T21v Urbino, S.R., American Women in Europe 914 Url Willis, N. P., Pencilings by the Way.. .914 W67 Wood, C.. Saunterings in Europe.914 W85 FRANCE. Abbott, J. S. C., French Revolution, 1789. 944 Ab2 Abbott, J. S. C., Napoleon at St. Helena.944 Ab2n Barnes, A. S., Brief History of France. . .944 B26 Broglie, Due De, (The) King’s Secret, 2 volumes.944 B78 Carlyle, T., French Revolution, 2 vol... .944 C19 Cousin, J., French Court.944 C83 Creighton, L., First History of France... .944 C86 Duruy, V., History of France.944 D93 Fetridge, W. P., Paris Commune, 1871. .944 F43 Gleig, G. R., Battle of Waterloo.944 G48 Jarves, J. J., Parisian Sights, 2 volumes.944 J29 Lacombe, P. P., Growth of a People... .944 L12 4 HISTORY AND TRAVELS. Lamartine, A. De, French Revolution, 1848.944 L16 Lamartine, A. De, (The) Girondists 3 vol.944 L16g Latimer, E., France in the Nineteenth Century.944 L35 McCabe, J. D., Paris by Gaslight and Sunlight .944 M12 Masson, G., Medieval France.944 M38 Michelet, M., History of France, 2 vol.. . 944 M58 Moore, J., Cause and Progress of the French Revolution, 3 volumes.944 M78 Pardoe, Miss, Louis XIV and the Court of France, 2 volumes.944 P21 Ritchie, L. R., Romance of History of France.944 R51 Taylor, W. C., France and Normandy. . .944 T21 Tenot, E., Paris in December, 1851.944 T25 Thiers, M. A., Consulate and Empire of France.944 T34 Thiers, M. A., French Revolution.944 T34f Adolphus, F., Memories of Paris.914.4 Ad7 Hawthorne, N., French and Italian Note- Books .914.4 H31 Marguerittes, J. De, Ins and Outs of Paris.914.4 M33 Moore, J., Society and Manners in France, 3 volumes.914.4 M78 Moore, J., Travels in France.914.4 M78t Mulock, Miss, Fair France.914.4 M91 Thackeray, W. M., Paris Sketch-Book. 914.4 T32 GERMANY AND AUSTRIA. Brockett, L. P., Franco-German War... .943 B78 Brodley, H., (The) Goths.943 B782 Busch, M., Bismarck and the Franco- German War.943 B96 Gould, S. B., Germany.943 G73 G uizot, M., France and Prussia.943 G98 Kohlrausch, F., Germany, 2 volumes.,. .943 K82 MallesoD, G. B., Refounding the German Empire.943 M29 Menzel, W., History of Germany, 3 vol. 943 M52 Prescott, W. H., Charles the Fifth, 3 vol.943 P92 Robertson, W., Charles V, 3 vol.943 R54 Schiller, F., (The) Thirty Years War... .943 Sch3 Zimmeru, H., Story of the Hansa Towns. .943 Z7 Maurice, C. E., Bohemia.943.7 M44 Browne, J. R., American Family in Ger¬ many .914.3 B81 Howard, B. W., One Year Abroad.914.3 H83 Fletcher, J., Poland.943.8 F63 Saxton, L. C., Fall of Poland, 2 vol... .943.8 Sa9 Tefft, F., Hungary and Kossuth.943.9 T23 Vambery, A., Hungary.943.9 V25 INDIA. Gaunter, H., Romance of History, India.954 C31 Frazer, R. W., British India.954 F85 Malcolm, H. F., War in India.954 M28 Ragozin, Z. A., Vedic India.954 R12 Robertson, W., History of India.954 R54 Baker, S. W., Eight Years Wandering in Ceylon...915.4 B17 Baker, S. W., Rifle and Hound in Cey¬ lon.915.4 B17r Burton, R. F., Sind Revisited, 2 vol... .915.4 B95 Taylor, B., India, China and Japan... .915.4 T21 Vigne, G. T., Travels in Kashmir, 2 vol.915.4 V68 Vincent, F., Land of the White Elephant,915.4 V74 Wright and Brainerd, Incidents and Life in India.915.4 W93 Wright, C., India and its Inhabitants, 915.4 W93i IRELAND. Cusack, M. F., Present Case of Ireland, 941.5 C95 Hulbert, W. H., Ireland Under Coercion,941.5 H87 Lawless, E., Ireland.941.5 L42 McGee, T., Attempts to Establish Prot¬ estant Reformation in Ireland... .941.5 M19 McGee, T., History of Ireland, 2 vol. .941.5 M19h Mitchel, J., History of Ireland.941.5 M69 Rosa, O’D., Irish Rebels in English Prisons.941.5 R71 Sullivan, A. W., New Ireland.941.5 Su5 Thebaud, A. J., Irish Race in the Past and Present.941.5 T34 ITALY. Capes, W. W., Early Empire.945 C17 Latimer, E., Italy in the Nineteenth Cen¬ tury.945 L35 McFarlane, C., Romance of History, Italy.945 M16 Mackenzie, R. S., Italy and the War of 1859 .945 M19 Procter, C., History of Italy.945 P94 Oliphant, Mrs., Makers of Venice.945.3 013 Wier, A., Venice. 945.3 W42 Oliphant, Mrs., Makers of Florence... .945.5 013 Oliphant, Mrs., Makers of Modern Rome,945.6 013 Adams, W. H. D., Queen of the Adriatic; Venice, Past and Present.914.5 Adi Castelar, E., Old Rome and New Italy, 914.5 C27 Edwards, A., Untrodden Peaks and Un¬ frequented Valleys.914.5 Ed9 Harland, M., Loiterings in Pleasant Paths.914.5 H22 Howells, W. D., Italian Journeys.914.5 H83 Leland, H. P., Americans in Rome... .914.5 L53 Willis, N. P., Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean.914.5 W69 MEXICO. Cooke, P. St. G., Conquest of Mexico and California. 972 C77 Frost, J., Mexico and the Mexican War. .972 F93 Hall, S., Mexico.972 H14 Noll, A. H., History of Mexico.972 N72 HISTORY AND TRAVELS. 5 Prescott, W. H., Conquest of Mexico, 3 volumes.972 P92 Ballou, M., AzticLand.917.2 B31 Evans, A. S., Our Sister Republic.917.2 Evl Schwatka, F., In the Land of the Cave and Cliff-Dwellers.917.2 Scli9 Smith, F.H., White Umbrella in Mexico,917.2 Sm5 Davis, R. H., Three Gringos in Vene- zeula and Central America. D29 MINOR COUNTRIES OF EUROPE. Metley, J. L., John of Barneveld, 2 vol. 919.2 M85 Motley, J. L., United Netherlands,! vol.949.2 M85u Rogers, J.T., Holland.949.2 R63 Young, A., (The) Netherlands.949.2 Y8 Hug and Stead, Switzerland.949.4 H87 Comstock. J. L., Greek Revolution... .949.5 C73 Field, H. M., Greek Islands and Turkey After the War.949.5 F44 Kneeland, S., American in Iceland.. .914.91 K73 Gibbons, P., French and Belgians... .914.93 G35 Brockedou, W., Passes of the Alps.. .914.94 B78 Hale, E. E., Family Flight Through Switzerland.914.94 H13 McCracken,W., Romance, Switzerland,914.94 M13 McCracken,W., Teutonic Switzerland,914.94 M13t Tyndall, J., Hours of Exercise in the Alps.914.94 T97 Baird, H. M., Modern Greece.914.95 B23 Browne, J. R., Yusef; a Crusade in the East.914.95 B81 Oliu, S., Greece and the Golden Horn, 914.95 013 Taylor, B., Travels in Greece, Rome and Crete.914.95 T21 Travels in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland, 2 volumes.914.95 T69 Hauser, Mrs., (The) Orient and Its People.914.96 H29 Knox, T. W., Life in the Orient.914.96 K41 Miller, M., Letters from Constanti¬ nople.914.96 M61 Paine, C., Tent and Hai^m.914.96 P16 Sketches of Travel in 1831-32.914.96 Sk2 Smyth. W. W., Year With the Turks.914.96 Sm9 Spencer, Capt., Turkey, Russia, Black Sea and Circassia.914.96 Sp3 Warburton, E., Crescent and Cross. . .914.96 W19 OCEANICA AND POLAR REGIONS. Bickmore, A. S., Travels in East India Archipelago.919.1 B47 Higginson, S. J., Java, the Pearl of the East...919.2 H53 Ballou, M., Under the Southern Cross. .619.4 B21 Sidney, S., Three Colonies of Australia.919.4 Sil Adventures in the South Pacific.919.6 Ad9 Belcher, Lady, Mutineers of the Bounty,919.6 B41 Bliss, W. 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Adams.St7 Sumner, C., Life; by E. Nason.SuG Swisshelm, J. G., Half a Century.. SwG Talmage, T. DeW., Life.T14 Tasso, Life; by E. Hasell ....T18 Taylor, B., Life; by R. Couwell.T21 Taylor, J. B., Memoir; by J. H. Rice.T212 Taylor, Z., Life.T218 Taylor, Z., and His Staff.T218s Tecumseh, Life; by E. Eggleston.T22 Thomas, Gen., Life; by Coppee.T36 CLASSICAL LIBRARY. 15 Thoreau, H. D., Life; by F. B. Sanborn.T39 Trenck, Baron, Life.T72 Trollope, A., Autobiography.T74 Tyler, J., Life; by W. Stoddard.T97 Vallandingkam, L., Life; by J. L. Vallanding- ham.Y2I YanBuren, M., Life; by D. Crockett.V27 VanBuren, M., Life; by C. Shepard.V27s Vanderbilts, The; by W. Croffutt.V28 Voltaire, Life; by Hamley.V88 Walker, G. W., Memoirs; by C. Elliott.W15 Ware, M., Memoirs.W22 Washington, G., Life; by J. S. C. Abbott... . W27 Washington, G., Life; by A. Bancroft.W27b Washington, G., Memoirs; by G. Custis... . W27c Washington, G., Life; by W. Irving, 5 vol.. W27i Washington, G., Life; by H. C. 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Reference Books. Ft CYCLOPAEDIAS. American Cyclopaedia, 16 volumes.Am3 American Cyclopaedia, Condensed, 4 vol. . .Am3c American Annual Cyclopaedia, 1861-75, 15 volumes.An7 American Annual Cyclopaedia, Index.An7i Brown, J., Cyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge.B81 Chambers’ Cyclopaedia, 10 volumes.C35 Encyclopaedia Britanica, 25 volumes.Enl Goodrich, C., Famity Encyclopaedia.G62 Webster & Parks, Encyclopaedia of Do¬ mestic Economy.W39p DICTIONARIES. Century, 6 volumes.C33 Standard, 2 volumes.St2 Webster’s.W39 OTHER REFERENCE BOOKS. Allibone, S., Dictionary of British and American Authors, 5 volumes.A14 Andrews, E. B., Last Quarter Century in U. S., 2 volumes.An2 Appleton, Cyclopaedia of American Bi¬ ography, 6 volumes.Ap5 Brewer, Historic Note-Book.B75 Brewer, Miracles, 4 volumes.B75m Brewer, Phrase and Fable.B75p Brewer, Reader’s Handbook.B75r Darby, W., Brooke’s Universal Gazetteer... .D24 Edwards, E., Words, Facts and Phrases ... .Ed9 Gordon, T., Gazetteer of Pennsylvania.G65 Havens, E. O., Columbus and American Progress.H3 Hole, C., Biographical Dictionary.H71 Important Events, 1776-1876.Im7 Larned, J., History for Ready Reference, 5 volumes.L32 Leslie, Z., Soldiers of the Civil War, 2 vol.. .L56 Leverett, F., Latin Lexicon.L57 Loaring, H., Common Sayings, Words and Customs.L78 Lossing, B., Field Book of the Civil War, 3 volumes.L89 Mackay, C., Extraordinary Popular De¬ lusions.M19 Marlow, Pronouncing Gazetteer.M34 Prebble, G., Flags of the U. S.P9 Proverbs of all Nations.P94 Rand, McNally & Co., Gazetteer.R15 Riverside Natural History, 6 volumes.R52 Rowbotham, J., French Dictionary.R58 Roosevelt, J., In Sickness and Health.R67 Watson, J. T., Poetical Quotations.W33 Ward, A., Quotations in Prose.W21 Ward, A., Quotations from English and Americans Poets.W21p Webster, Dictionory of Quotations.W39 Wheeler, W., Familiar Allusions.W57 Wheeler, W., Noted Names of Fiction.W57n Fletcher, W. I., Public Libraries in U. S.,027 F63 Baldwin, J., Booklover.02S B19 Burton, J., Bookhunter.028 B95 Davenport, B., Best 50 Books.028 D32 Hill, G., About Autographs.091 H55 Magazines. Atlantic Monthly, vol. 13, 14, 15, 16.A Centur} T Magazine, vol. 18-39.C Common School Journal, 1837, 1840 .Co Harpers’ Monthly, vol. 1, 65-91.H Mothers’ Magazine.M North American Miscellany.N Saint Nicholas, vol. 7-19.S Scribner’s Magazine, vol. 19-22.Scr Religion and Philosophy. lOO PHILOSOPHY. Bowen, F., Modern Philosophy.104 B67 Mahan, A., Intellectual Philosophy.104 M27 Ladd, G,, Introduction to Philosophy... .107 L12 Cousin, M., History of Modern Philosophy, 2 volumes.109 C83 Fischer,K., History of Modern Philosophy,109 F52 Ueberweg, F., History of Philosophy, 2 v.109 Uel Browne, B., Metaphysics.110 B81 Marey, E., Movement.116 M33 Bowne, B., Theory of Thought and Knowl¬ edge ...» .121 B67 Lancaster, A., All’s Dross but Love.129 L12 Bain, A., Mind and Body.130 B16 Butler, M., Regeneration.-.131 B97 Carpenter, Mental Physiology.131 C22 Nordau, M., Degeneration.131 N75 Lloyd, J., Etidorplia.131 L77 Maudsley, H., Responsibility in Mental Disease.132 M44 Sears. E. H., Regeneration.132 Sel RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. 17 Bismont, A., Hallucinations.133 B54 Brewster, D., Letters on Natural Magic. .133 B75 Dendy, W., Philosophy of Mystery.133 Dll Salverte, E., Philosophy of Magic, 2 vol. . 133 Sa3 Calvert, Illustrations of Phrenology.139 C13 Fowler, C., Phrenology.139 F82 Cook, J., Transcendentalism.141 C77 Holmes, N„ Realistic Idealism of Philos¬ ophy, 2 volumes.141 H73 Browne, B. 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W., Papacy and the Civil Power.262 T37 Andrews, J.; History of the Sabbath... .263 An2 Earle, A., Sabbath in Puritan New Eng¬ land.263 Ea7 Edwards, J., Sabbath Manual.263 Ed9 Littlejohn, W., Religious Amendment to the Constitution.263 L72 Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church.264 B79 Prime, S. J., Fifteen Years of Prayer in Fulton Street Meeting.264 P93 Bailey, G., Manual of Baptism.265 B15 Campbell, A., Christian Baptism.265 C15 Campbell, A., Debates with N. L. Rice on Baptism.265 C15d Wise, I., Origin of Christianity.270 W75 Clarke, J. 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Church. .287 B17 Crook, W., Centenary of American Meth¬ odism .287 C 88 Gaddis, M., Footprints of An Itinerant. 287 Gil Finley, J., Sketches of Western Method¬ ism ...287 F49 Graves, J., Great Iron Wheel.287 G78 Wise, D., Objections to Methodism An¬ swered ..287 W75 Farley, F., Unitarianism Defined.288 F22 Norton, A., Statement of Reasons.288 N81 Wilson, J., Unitarian Principles.288 W69 Burge, L., Aryas, Semites and Jews; Je¬ hovah and Christ.289 B91 20 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. Campbell, A., Christian Sjstem.289 C15 Davis, A., Great Harmonia.289 D29 Edmonds, J., Spiritualism.289 Ed5 Gregory, O., History of the Christian Church.289 G8G Guild, E., Universalist’s Book of Refer¬ ence . 289 G94 Manford, E., Discussions with J. S. Sweeney.289 M31 Manford, E., Twenty-five Years in the West ,.289 M31t Powers, J. S., Exposition of Universalism,289 P87 Priest, J., Anti-Universalist.289 P93 Smith, M. 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C., Pagan Origin of Partialist Doctrines.290 PG8 Ivennan, G., (The) Koran.297 K36 Beadle, J., Life in Utah.298 B35 Beers, R., Mormon Puzzle.298 B39 Stenhouse, T., Experience in Mormonism. 298 St4 Turner J., Mormonism in All Ages.298 T84 Waite, Mrs., Brigham Young and His Wives.298 W13 Oahspe, A New Bible.299 0a3 MYTHOLOGY. Anderson, R., Norse Mythology.291 An2 Fiske, J., Myths and Myth Makers.291 F54 Gould, S. B., Curious Myths of the Middle Ages.291 G73 Knightley, T., Fairy Mythology.291 K24 Larned, A., Old Tales from Grecian Myth¬ ology.291 L32 Murray, A., Manual of Mythology.291 M96 HISTORY OF RELIGION. Abrahams, I., Jewish Life in the Middle Ages.922 Ab8 Marty n, W. C., A History of the Huge- nots.922 M36 Ranke, L., History of the Popes, 3 vols. .922 R16 Rieley, J., Martyrs of the Coliseum.922 R45 Smiles, S., The Hugenots in England.. .922 Sm4 Smiles, S., The Hugenots in France After the Revocation.922 Sm4f Sciences SOCIOLOGY. 300 Hittell, J., History of Culture.301 HG3 Youmans, E., Culture Demanded by Mod¬ ern Life.301 Y8 Cary, H., Principles of Social Science, 3v. 309 C25 Spencer, H., Study of Sociology.310 Sp3 Ostrander, D., Social Growth and Stability .312 Os7 Bowker, R., Economics for the People... 320 B67 Fish, J., American Political Ideas.320 F52 Lieber, F., Essays on Property and Labor. 320 L62 Nordhoff, C., Politics for Young Ameri¬ cans.320 N75 Paine, T., Political Works.320 PIG Rabb, K., National Works.320 Rll Woolsey, T., Political Science, 2 vol... .320 W88 Ashley, W., English Economic History and Theory.321 As3 Bagehot, W., English Constitution.321 B14 and Arts. 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S.329 1138 Stickney, A., Political Problem.329 St5 Bowen, F., American Political Economy.330 B67 Cairnes, J., Political Economy.330 C19 Johnston, A., American Politics.330 J64 Kilson, A., Scientific solution of the Money Question.330 KOI Kuight, C., Knowledge is Power.330 K74 Mill, J. S., Political Economy, 2 vol.330 M59 Perry, A., Political Economy.330 P42 Platt, J., Business, Money, Economy... .330 P69 Wayland, F., Political Economy.330 W36 About, E., Hand-Book of Social Economy,331 Abl Ely, R. T., Problems of To-Day.331 E19 George, H., Progress and Poverty.331 G29 Gladden, W., Working People and Their Employers.331 G45 Goodale, F., Literature of Philanthopy. .331 G61 Hale, E. E., How They Lived in Hamp¬ ton.331 H13 Hale, E. E., Sybaris and Other Homes. .331 H13s Lloyd, H., Strike of the Millionaires Against Miners.331 L77 Poor in the Great Cities.331 P79 Porter, R. P., Bread-Winners Abroad... .331 P83 Riis, J. E., Children of the Poor.331 R44 Riis, J. 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P., Our Penal Machinery.343 A17 Bovee, M., Capital Punishment.343 B66 Stoltz, J., Cause and Cure of Crime.343 St6 Carey, H., Unity of Law. 347 C25 McDonald, J., Secrets of the Great Whisky Ring..347 M14 Snyder, W., Geography of Marriage.347 Sn9 Putnem, Words from Great Americans. .351 P98 Conkling, A., City Government in the U.S.352 C76 Brooks, N., How the Republic is Gov¬ erned.353 B79 Cooper, J. F., U. S. Navy.353 C78 Hickey, W., Constitution of the U. S... .353 H52 Ingersoll, L. D., History of the U. S. War Department.353 In4 Maclay, E., History of the Navy,2 vol.. .353 M13 Mill, j. S., Representative Government. .353 M59 Young, A. W., Civil Government.353 Y8 Casey, S., Infantry Tactics.356 C26 Infantry Tactics.356 In3 Wayne, H. C., Sword Exercise.356 W36 Simpson, E., Ordnance and Naval Gun¬ nery .359 Si4 Ward, J. H., Manual of Naval Tactics. .359 W21 ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS. Warner, A., American Charities.361 W24 Packard, E., Insane Asylums Unveiled. .362 P12 Parkhurst,C., Our Fight with Tammany; 363 P22 Quinby, G. W., Gallows, Prison and Poor- house.364 Q4 Cord, H., Knight Templar Abroad.366 C81 Fort, G. F., Antiquities of Free-Masonry, 366 F77 Homer, M., Odd-Fellowship.366 H75 Lights and Shadows of Free-Masonry.. .366 L62 Masonic Ladder.366 M38 Moore, C., Masonic Review, v. 16, v. 17. .366 M78 Porter, C. B., Golden Chain.366 P83 Secret Societies of the Middle Ages.366 Se2 Stewart, K., Masonic Manual.366 St4 EDUCATION. Boone, R., Education in theU. S.370 B64 Compayre, G., History of Pedagogy.370 C73 Davidson, T., Education of the Greek People.370 D28 Froebel, F., Education of Man.370 F92 Henderson, J. T., Jefferson’s Views on Public Education.370 H38 Ogden, J., Science of Education.370 Og2 Painter, T., History of Education.370 P16 Spalding, J., Education and the Higher Life.370 Spl 22 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Spencer, H., Education, Intellectual, Moral and Practical.370 Sp3 Fouillea, A., Education from a National Standpoint.370 T61 Agassiz, L., Methods of Study.371 Agl Froebel, F., Pedagogics of the Kinder¬ garten.371 F92 Howe, E. G., Systematic Science Teach¬ ing .,.371 H83 Mann, C., School Recreations...371 M31 Page, D., Theory and Practice of Teach¬ ing.371 P14 Hinsdale, B., How to Study and Teach History.372 H59 Sully, J., Studies of Childhood.372 Su5 Gouin, F., Teaching and Studying Lan¬ guage .373 G73 Blackie, J., Self-Culture...'.374 B58 Clark, J. F., Self-Culture.374 C54 Walton, G., Metric System of Weights and Measures.389 P92 CUSTOMS. Chambers, R., Book of Days, 2 vol.390 C35 Mason, O. T., Woman’s Share in Prim- . itive Culture.391 M38 Woolson, A., Dress-Reform.391 W88 Brace, C., Home-Life in Germany.392 B72 Bulfiuch, T., Age of Chivahy.1. .. .394 B87 Dyer, T. F. T., British Popular Customs,394 D98 Hervey, T. 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A., Volapuk Grammar.427 So6 Appleton, Fifth Reader.428 Ap5 Educational Reader.428 Ed8 Edwards, Fourth Reader.428 Ed9 Edwards, Fifth Reader.428 Ed9a Edwards and Warren, Analytical Speller,428 Ed9s Harper, Fourth Reader.428 H23 Harper, Sixth Reader.428 H23s Harvey, Fourth Reader.428 H29 McGuffey, Third Reader.428 M17 McGuffey, Fifth Reader.428 M17f McGuffey, Spelling Book.428 M17s National Fourth Reader.428 N21 Saunders, Fourth Reader.428 Sa8 Saunders, Fifth Reader.428 Sa8f French, R. C., English, Past and Present,429 F88 Marsh, G., Origin and History of Eng¬ lish Language.429 M35 Whitney, W. D., Life and growth of Lan¬ guage.429 W61 Whitney, W. D., German Grammar... .435 W61 OUendorf, Learning the German Lan¬ guage.438 014 Whitney, W. 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S., Leaves from the Book of Nature.504 D49 Glazebrook, R., Laws and Properties of Matter.504 G46 Good, J., Book of Nature.504 G59 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 23 Harvey, H., Progressive Age, or the Triumph of Scieuce.501 H28 Herschel, J., Familiar Lectures on Scien¬ tific Subjects.501 H43 Humboldt, A., Views of Nature.504 H88 Huxley, T., Critiques and Addresses.... 504 H98 Lardner, D., Lectures, on Science and Art, 2 volumes.504 L23 Peterson, P., Familiar Science.504 P39 Proctor, R., Light Science for Leisure Moments.504 P94 Reason Why; General Science..504 R23 Somerville, M., Connection of Physical Sciences.504 So5 Belden, Guide to Science and History.. .507 B41 Colburn, Z., Intellectual Arithmetic.511 C67 Davies, C., Arithmetic.511 D28 Felter, Arithmetic.511 F34 Fisk, Practical Arithmetic.511 F54 PrestoD, L., Interest Tables.511 P92 Ray, Arithmetic.511 R21 Robinson, Arithmetic.511 R56 Harvey, J., Algebra.512 H26 Flint, Geometry, Trigonometry and Sur¬ veying .513 F64 Grand, F., Geometry.513 G75 Peck, W., Geometry.513 P33 Davies, C., Geometry and Trigonometry .514 D28 Aster, J., Journej 7 in Other W 7 orlds.523 As8 Burritt. E., Geography of the Heavens.. 523 B94 Flammarion and Carr, Milky Way.523 F61 Flammarion, C., Urania.523 F61u Kedzie, J., Solar Heat, Gravitation, and Sun-Spots.523 K23 Mitchell, O., Astronomy.523 M69 Proctor, R., Works, 5 volumes.523 P94 1 Expanse of the Heavens. 2 Orbs Around Us. 3 Other Worlds than Ours. 4 Our Place Among the Infinities. 5 Pleasant Wa} r s in Science. Tod, M., Total Eclipse of the Sun.523 T56 Gibson, R., Surveying.526 G35 Gore, T., Geodesy.526 G66 Bowditch, American Practical Navigator, 527 B67 Davies, C., Surveying and Navigation.. .527 D28 Cooley, L. 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L., Elements of Chemistry, 540 C73 Cooke, J. jr., New Chemistry.541 C77 Gray, A., Elements of Chemistry.541 G79 Mixter, W., Chemistry.541 M69 Murray, J., Elements of Chemical Science,541M96 Porter, J. A., Principles of Chemistry... .541 P83 Youmans, E. L., Class-Book of Chemistry,541 Y8 Johnston, J. F. W., Agricultural Chem¬ istry.542 J64 GEOLOGY. Agassiz, L., Geological Sketches, 2 vol..551 Agl Ball, R., Cause of the Ice Age.551 B21 Dana, J., Corals and Coral Islands.551 D19 Donnelly, I., Ragnarok.551 D71 Figuier, L., Ocean World..551 F46 Geikie, A., Geological Sketches.551 G27 Geikie, J., Great Ice Age.551 G27g Hickson, S., Funga of the Deep.551 H52 Humboldt, A., Cosmos, 5 vol.551 H88 Humboldt, A., Travels, 3 vol.551 H88t Lyell, C., Elements of Geology.551 L98 Mangin, A., Mysteries of the Ocean.551 M31 Marsh, G., Earth as Modified by Human Action.. 551 M35 Miller, H., Foot-Prints of the Creator.. .551 M61 Miller, H., Old Red Sandstone.551 M61o Murray, M. F., Physical Geography of the Sea.551 M96 Reclus, E., (The) Earth.551 R24 Reclus, E., (The) Ocean.551 R24o Spencer and Upon, Origin of Alpine and Italian Lakes.551 Sp3 BIOLOGY. Tyndall, J., Forms of Water.551 T97 Winchell, A., World-Life.551 W72 Wright, G., Man and the Glacial Period,551 W93 Dieulafait, L., Diamonds and Precious Stones.,553 D56 Huxley, T., Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews.570 H98 Spencer, H., Principles of Biolog}^ 2 vol, 570 Sp3 Baldwin, J,, Pre-Historic Nations.571 B19 Berthet, E., Pre-Historic World.571 B46 Cook, J., Biology.571 C67 Figuier, L., World Before the Deluge.. .571 F46 Foster, J., Pre-Historic Races of the U. S.571 F81 Keary, C., Dawn of History.571 K21 Lee, G., Pre-Adamite Man.571 L51 Lubbock, J., Origin of Civilization.571 L96 Lubbock, J., Pre-Historic Times.571 L96p Nicholson, H., Ancient Life-History of the Earth.571 N51 Tyler, E., Early History of Mankind... .571 T97 24 SCIENCES AND ARTS. Tyler, E., Primitive Culture, 2 vol.571 T97p Dawson, J., Story of the Earth and Man, 572 D32 Figuier, L., Primitive Man.572 F46 Guyot, A., Earth and Man.572 G99 Pickering, C., Races of Man.572 P58 Rau, C., Early Man in Europe.572 R19 Taylor, I., Origin of the Aryans.572 T21 Fontaine, E., How the World is Peopled, 578 F73 McLean, J., Antiquity of Man.573 M22 Marsh, G., Man and Nature.573 M35 Bingley, W., Animal Biography, 2 vol.. .575 B-51 Clodd, E., Pioneers of Evolution.575 C64 Cook, J., Heredity.575 C67 Cramer, Y., Method of Darwin....575 C84 Darwin, C., Descent of Man, 2 vol.575 D25 Darwin, C., Origin of Species.575 D25o Dawson, J., Origin of the World.575 D32 Drummond, H., Ascent of Man.575 D88 Fiske, J., Darwinism and Other Essaj^s. .575 F54 Fiske, J., Destiny of Man.575 F54d Fiske, J., Excursions of an Evolutionist, 575 F54e Gray, A., Darwiniana...575 G79 Haeckel, E., History of Creation, 2 vol. .575 Hll Huxley, T., Origin of Species.575 H98 Mivart, St. G., Genesis of Species.575 M69 Romanes, G. J., Mental Evolution in Animals.575 R66 Schmidt, O., Descent and Darwinism.. .575 Sch5 Winchell, A., Doctrine of Evolution.575 W72 Winchell, A., Sketches of Creation... .575 W72s Hogg, J., (The) Microscope.578 H67 BOTANY. Cheevey, C., Recreations in Botany.581 C41 Figuier, L., Vegetable World.581 F46 Gray, A., How Plants Grow.581 G79 Henderson, P., Practical Floriculture... 581 H38 Willis, O., Practical Flora.581 W68 Wood, A., Class-Book of Botany.581 W85 Cook, M., Fungi.589 C77 Colton, B. P., Practical Zoology.590 C72 Gosse, P. H., Evenings at the Microscope,590 G69 Chadbourne, P., Instinct in Animal and Man. 591 C34 Pettigrew, J., Animal Locomotion.591 P45 Romanes, G. J., Animal Intelligence... .591 R66 Romanes, G. J., Jelly-Fish, Star-Fish, and Sea-Urchins.593 R66j Darwin, C., Journal of Researches.595 D25 Darwin, C., Formation of Vegetable Mould...595 D25f Darwin, C., Naturalist’s Voyage Around the World.595 D25n Taylor, J., Play-Time Naturalist.595 T21 Figuier, L., Insect World.597 F46 Cope, E. 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P., Side-Valve Practically Considered.621 B91 Burns, R., Steam-Engine.621 B93 Colburn, Z., Locomotive Engine.621 C67 SCIENCES AND ARTS. 25 Forney, M., Catechism of the Locomotive,021 F7G King, J. W., Steam, Steam-Engine, Pro¬ peller .021 K58 Practical Mechanic and Engineer’s Magazine, 0 volumes.021 P88 Smith, C., Steam-Making, or Boiler Practice.021 Sm5 Watson, E. P., Modern Practice of Amer¬ ican Machinists and Engineers.021 W33 Haupt, H., Bridge Construction.024 H29 Borden, S., Locating and Constructing Railroads.025 BG4 Gillespie, W. M., Principles and Practice of Road-Making.025 G41 Simms, F. W., Principles and Practice of Levelling.025 Si4 Mitchell, D. G., My Farm at Edgewood. 030 M09 Mitchell, D. G., Rural Studies.030 MG9r Mitchell, D. 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Coffin, Works, 4 volumes.C 65 1 Cakes and Ale. 2 Castles in the Air. 3 Matrimonial Iufelicities. 4 Out of Town. Coffyn, (Iota), Works, 3 volumes.C 658 1 Children of Circumstances. 2 (A) Comedy in Spasms. 3 Yellow Aster. Collins, W., Works, 22 volumes.C 69 1 After Dark. 2 Antonina. 3 Armadale. 4 Basil. 5 Black Robe. 6 Blind Love. 7 Dead Secret. 8 Evil Genius. 9 Hide and Seek. 10 I Say No. 11 Law and the Lady. 12 Legacy of Cain. 13 Man and Wife. 14 My Miscellanies. 15 Moonstone. 16 New Magdalen. 17 No Name. 18 Poor Miss Finch. 19 Queen of Hearts. 20 (A) Rogue’s Life. 21 Two Destinies. 22 Woman in White. Colmore, G., Daughter of Music.C 71 Cornin’ Thro’ the Rye.C 73 Constance Aylmer.C 76 Conway, H., Works, 8 volumes .C 764 1 Bound by a Spell. 2 Called Back. 3 Cardinal Sin. 4 Dark Days. 5 Family Affairs. 6 Living or Dead. 7 Missing Will. 8 Slings and Arrows. Cooke, J., Works, 3 volumes.C 77 1 Canalles. 2 Doctor Vandyke. 3 Her Majesty, the Queen. Cooper, J. 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E., Works, 6 volumes. , .C 84 1 Despot of Broomsedge Cove. 2 In the Clouds. 3 In the Tennessee Mountains. 4 Phantom of the Footbridge. 5 Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. 6 Storv of Keedon Bluffs. Craigie, C., An Old Man’s Romance. ,C 842 Crane, S., Third Violet.. .C 85 Crawford, F. M., Works, 17 volumes. .C 856 1 Adam Johnston’s Son. 2 Casa Braccio, 2 volumes. 3 Doctor Claudius. 4 Don Orsino. 5 Katherine Lauderdale, 2 volumes. 6 Love in Idleness. 7 Marzio’s Crucifix. 8 Mr. Isaacs. 9 Paul Patoff. 10 (The) Ralstons, 2 volumes. 11 Roman Singer. 12 Rose of Yesterday. 13 Sant’ Ilario. 14 Saracinesca. 15 Tale of a Lonely Parish. 16 Taquisara, 2 volumes. 17 Witch of Prague. Crockett, S. R., Works, 9 volumes.C 87 1 Bog-Myrtle and Peat. 2 Cleg Kelly. 3 Gray Man. 4 Lad’s Love. 5 Lilac Suubonnet. 6 Mad Sir Uchtred. 7 Play-Actress. 8 Raiders. 9 Sticket Minister. Crommelin, For the Sake of the Family... .C 88 Crossland, Hubert Freith’s Prosperity... .C 881 Crown from the Spear.C 882 Cummings, M., Haunted Hearts.C 91 Cummings, M., Lamplighter.C 911 Curtis, G. W., Prue and I.C 94 Curtis, G. W., Trumps.C 94t Dahlgren, M., Washington Winter.D 13 Daintrey, L., Arrows of Love.D 14 Damin’s Ghost. D 18 Darling, M., Gladys.D 24 Dash, Mmselle, Fifty Millions.D 26 Daudet, A., Works, 5 volumes..D 265 1 Apostate. 2 Jack. 3 Little Good-for-Nothing. 4 Nabob. 5 Sidonie. Davies, T. Losing to Win... .D 28 Davis, E., New Broom.D 29 Davis, Reb. H., Works, 4 volumes.D 296 1 Dr. Warrick’s Daughters. 2 John Andros. 3 Kitty’s Choice. 4 Law Unto Herself. Davis, Richard H., Works, 6 volumes.D 297 1 Cinderella. 2 Exiles and Other Stories. 3 Princess Aline. 4 Our English Cousins. 5 Soldiers of Fortune. 6 Van Bibber and Others. De Forest, J., The Wetherell Affair.D 365 De Koven, Mrs. A., Sawdust Doll.D 367 Deland, M., Works, 5 volumes.D 37 1 Mr. Tommy Dove. 2 Philip and His Wife. 3 Sidney. 4 Story of a Child. 5 Wisdom of Fools. Delpit, A., Odette’s Marriage. Delpit, A., Tallahassee Girl. DeMille, J., Works, 4 volumes. 1 Comedy of Terrors. 2 Dodge Club. 3 Lily and the Cross. 4 Living Link. Dennison, M., Days and Ways of the Cocked Hats. Dennison, M., Every-Day Heroines... Derry, Tale of the Revolution. Des Chesney, Lady Green-Satin. De Stael, Mme., Corinne. .D 385 D 385 t .. .D 39 .D 42 D 42 e D 445 .D 45 .D 47 FICTION. 37 De Wille, E., Johannes Olaff.D 51 De Witt, G., Marie Derville.D 515 Dhu, H., Stanhope Burleigh.D 537 Dickens, C., Works, 15 volumes.D55 1 Barnaby Rudge and Edwin Drood. 2 Bleak House. 3 David. 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Dimitry, C., House in Balfour Street.D 59 Disreali, B., Works, 4 volumes.D 634 1 Coningsby. 2 Endymion. 3 Lothair. 4 X&ncrBcl Ditlef, C., Dead to the World.D 635 Ditlef, C., Valentine, the Countess.D 635 v Doe, C., Buffets.D 67 Dole, E., (The) Stand-By.D 685 Dood, A., Glorinda.D 72 Dood, A., Struthers.D 72 s Double Trial, 3 volumes.D 742 Dougall, L., Madonna of a Day.D 745 Dougall, L., What Necessity Knows... .D 745 w Douglas, A., Works, 24 volumes.D 747 1 Bertha Wray’s New Name. 2 Claudia. 3 Foes of Her Household. 4 Fortunes of the Faradays. 5 Floyd Grandon’s Honor. 6 From Hand to Mouth. 7 Heirs of Bradley House. 8 In the King’s Country. 9 In Trust. 10 In Wild-Rose Time. 11 Larry. 12 Lost in a Great City. 13 Modern Adam and ~Eve. 14 Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe. 15 Osborne of Arrochar. 16 Out of the Wreck. 17 Seven Daughters. 18 Sidnie Adriance. 19 Stephen Dane. 20 Whom Kathie Married. Douglas, A., Sherburne Series. 21 Sherburne House. 22 Lyndell Sherburne. 23 Sherburne Cousins. 24 Sherburne Romance. Doyle, A. C., Works, 17 volumes.D 77 1 Beyond the City. 2 Captain of the Polar Star. Doyle, A. C.» Works, Continued.D 77 3 Exploits of the Brigadier Gerard. 4 Firm of Girdlestone. 5 Great Shadow. 6 Micah Clarke. 7 Mystery of Cloomber. 8 Refugees. 9 Rodney Stone. 10 Round the Red Lamp. 11 Scandal of Bohemia. 12 Sherlock Holmes, Adventures of. 13 Sherlock Holmes, Memoirs of. 14 Sign of the Four. 15 Study in Scarlet. 16 Surgeon of Gaster Fell. 17 White Company. Drachman, H., Paul and Virginia of the Northern Zono.D 78 Du Bois, C., Columbus and Beatriz.D 85 Du Boisgobey, F., Works, 3 volumes.D 854 1 Blue Vail. 2 Golden Tress. 3 Red Camelia. Duchess, see Hungerford, Mrs. Dumas, A., Works, 26 volumes.D 89 1 Andre De Traverney. 2 Chevalier. 3 Conscript. 4 Conspirators. 5 Count of Monte Cristo. 6 Countess of Charny. 7 Countess of Monte Cristo. 8 Diana of Meridor. 9 Edmond Dantes. 10 Foresters. 11 Forty-Five Guardsmen. 12 Jeste Chicot. 13 Knight of the Red-Castle. 14 Louise La Valliere. 15 Love and Liberty. 16 Man with Five Wives. 17 Marguerite of Valois. 18 Memoirs of a Physician. 19 Nanon and the Two Dianas. 20 Queen’s Necklace andCountessDeCharney. 21 Regent’s Daughter. 22 Royal Life-guard. 23 Taking the Bastile. 24 Three Guards-men. 25 Twenty Years After. 26 Viscounte De Bragelonne, 2 volumes. Dumas, A. Jr., Camille.D 891 Du Maurier, G., Works, 3 volumes.D 893 1 (The) Martian. 2 Peter Ibbetson. 3 Trilby. Dunning, C., A Step Aside.D 92 Durivage, F., Life Scenes.D 93 Ebers, G., Works, 12 volumes.Eb 3 1 Bride of the Nile. 2 Burgomaster’s Wife. 3 Cleopatra, 2 volumes. 4 Egyptian Princess. 5 Homo Sum. 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Erckman-Chatraiu, Works, 5 volumes.Er 2 1 Blockade of Phalsburg. 2 Brigadier Frederick. 3 Conscript of 1813. 4 Illustrious Dr. Matheus. 5 W aterloo. Esler, F., Mid Green Pastures.Es 4 Evelyn, C., Ida Hatherley at School.Ev 2 Faithful Lover.F 17 Falkner, Lost Strtdivarius.F 18 Fanchette.F215 Farjeon, B., Joshua Marvel.F 22 Fate of Fenella.F 26 Faustus.F 27 Fawcett, E., Works, 4 volumes.F 28 1 Adventures of a Widow. 2 Ambitious Woman. 3 Fabian Dimitry. 4 Gentlemen of Leisure. Female Jesuits.F 34 Fenn, G. M., Works, 13 volumes.F 36 1 Beneath the Sea. 2 Cormorant Crag. 3 Crystal Hunters. 4 Devon Boys. 5 Diamond Dyke. 6 Dick o’ the Fens. 7 In Houor’s Cause. 8 In the King’s Name. 9 Master of Ceremonies. 10 One Maid’s Mischief. 11 Seven Frozen Sailors. 12 Treasure Hunters. 13 Young Castellan. Fergus, R., Brierfield Tragedy.F 38 Feuillet, O., Led Astray.F 435 Field, E. 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Hamilton, Cachet.H 18 40 FICTION. i i.milton, K., Parson’s Proxy.H 18 p Hi mmond, W., Works, 4 volumes.H 188 1 Lai. 2 Mr. Oldmixon. 3 On the Susquehanna. 4 Strong-Minded Woman. Ha dy, A. S., But Yet a Woman.H 22 Ha dy, A. S., Passe Rose.H 22 p Ha.dy, T., Works, 5 volumes.H 225 1 Far From the Madding Crowd. 2 Life’s Little Ironies. 3 Pair of Blue Eyes. 4 Tess of the D’Urbervilles. 5 Two on a Tower. Harland, M., Works, 15 volumes.H 227 1 At Last. 2 From My Youth Up. 3 Gallant Fight. 4 Handicapped. 5 Helen Gardner’s Wedding-Day. 6 Husbands and Homes. 7 Husks. 8 Jessamine. 9 Miriam. 10 Moss-Side. 11 Mr. Wayt’s Sister. 12 My Little Love. 13 Phemie’s Temptation. 14 Royal Road. 15 With the Best Intentions. Harmonia.H 23 Harraden, B., In Varying Moods.H 232 Harrington, G., Inside.H 24 Harris, Mrs.. Works, 8 volumes.H 242 1 A Perfect Adonis. 2 Frank Warrington. 3 Happy-Go-Lucky. 4 Louie’s Last Term. 5 Missy. 6 Richard Vandermarck. 7 Rutledge. 8 St. Phillip’s. Harris, J. 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Hay, M., Works, 8 volumes.H 33 1 Arundel Motto. 2 Dorothy’s Venture. 3 For Her Dear Sake. 4 Lester’s Secret. 5 Old Middleton’s Money. 6 Squire’s Legacy. 7 Victor and Vanquished. 8 Wicked Girl. Helen of Troy.H 36 Her Crime.H 42 Hey wood, J., How Will It End.H 51 Hillern, N., Grave-yard Flower.H 55 Hillern, N., Higher than the Church.H 55 h Hoey, C., Blossoming of an Aloe.H 67 Holbrook, J., Ten Years Among the Mailbags,H 69 Holland, J. G., Works, 5 volumes.H 72 1 Arthur Bonnicastle. 2 Bay-Path. 3 Miss Gilbert’s Career. 4 Nicholas Miturn. 5 Seven Oaks. Holloway, C., Story of Five.H 724 Holmes, M. A., V 7 orks 3 volumes.H 73 1 What Will the W 7 orld Say? 2 W T hat Would You Do, Love? 3 Woman’s Vengeance. Holmes, M. 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Reade, C., Works, 16 volumes.R 225 1 Christie Johnson. 2 Cloister and Hearth. 3 Eighth Commandment. 4 Foul Play. 5 Good Fight. 6 Griffith Gaunt. 7 Hard Cash. 8 Love Me Little, Love Me Long. 9 Never Too Late to Mend. 10 Nightbridge Mystery. 11 Perilous Secret. 12 Put Yourself in His Place. 13 Simpleton. 14 Single Heart and Double Face. 15 Wandering Heir. 16 White Lies. Reade, A., Slaves of the Sawdust.R 226 Ready-Money Mortiboy.R 229 Redd, R., Brierfield Tragedy.R 24 Reeve, J., Vawder’s Understudy.R 25 Reid, C., Works, 4 volumes.R 27 1 Hearts and Hands. 2 Land of the Sky. 3 Land of the Sun. 4 Miss Churchill. Reuter, F. Seedtime and Harvest.R 315 Reverend Idol.R 32 Richards, T., Summer Stories of the South.R 39 Richardson, A., Secret Service. ...R4 Riddell, A,, Head of the Firm.R 43 Riddell, A., Nun’s Curse.R 43 n Riddle, A., Alice Brand.R 435 Rinaldo Rinaldino.R 47 Rita, Laird O’ Crockpen.R 51 Rita, Man in Possession.R 51 m Rives, A , Works, 5 volumes.R 515 1 Barbara Dering. 2 Brother to Dragons. 3 Quick or the Dead. 4 Virginia of Virginia. 5 Witnesses of the Sun. Robbins, Huldah Brent’s Will.R 535 Roberts, E., Shoshone.R 54 Robinson, S., Hot Corn.R 56 Roche, R., Children of the Abbey.R 58 Roe, A. S., Works, 3 volumes.R 62 1 Long Look Ahead. 2 May and June. 3 Time and Tide. Roe, E. P., Works, 18 volumes.R 623 1 Barriers Burned Away. 2 Day of Fate. 3 Driven Back to Eden. 4 (The) Earth Trembled. 5 Face Illumined. 6 From Jest to Earnest. 7 He Fell in Love With His Wife. 8 His Sombre Rival. 9 Knight of the 19th Ceutury. 10 “Miss Lou.” 11 Nature’s Serial Story. 12 Nearer to Nature’s Heart. 13 Opening of a Chestnut Burr. 14 Original Belle. 15 What Can She Do? 16 Without a Home. 17 Young Girl’s Wooing. 18 Unexpected Results. Romance of a Germau Court, 2 volumes... .R 66 Ropes of Sand.R 68 Round, Achsah.R 76 Royce, J., Feud of Oakfield Creek.R 81 Russell, M., Forger’s Daughter.R 91 Russell, W. C., Works, 15 volumes.R 913 1 Copsford Mystery. 2 Emigrant Ship. 3 Good Ship Mohock. 4 Honor of the Flag. 5 Jack’s Courtship. 6 John Holdsworth. 7 List Ye, Landsmen. 8 Master Rockafellow’s Voyage. 9 My Danish Sweetheart. 10 Phantom Death. 11 Ocean Free-Lance. 12 Romance of a Transport. 13 Sailor’s Sweetheart. 14 Three-Stranded Yarn. 15 Wreck of the Grosvenor. St. Pierre, B., Paul and Virginia.Sa 2 Saintine, Picciola.Sa 21 Saltus, E., Works, 3 volumes.Sa 3 1 Imperial Purple. 2 Pace that Kills. 3 Tristem Varick. Samuels, A., Daisy Travers.Sa 4 Sand, G., Works, 8 volumes.Sa 5 1 Antonnia. 2 Consuelo. 3 Countess of Rudolstadt. 4 Fanchon, the Cricket. 5 Indiana. 6 Mau prat. 7 Rolling Stone. 8 Snow-man. Sargeant, A., Works, 7 volumes.Sa 7 1 Christine. 2 Idol-makers. FICTION. 47 Sargeant, A., Works, Continued.Sa 7 3 Mistress of Quest-. 4 No Saint. 5 Rogue’s Daughter. 6 Roy’s Repentance. 7 Story of a Penitent Soul. Sauzade, J., Mark Gildersloeve.Sa 8 Saxe Holm’s Stories.Sa 9 Say brook, E., Sabrina Hackett.Sa 91 Scapegoat.Sea 6 Schofield, C., Subtle Adversary.Sell 6 Schreiner, O., Story of an African Farm.... Sch 7 Schreiner, O., Trooper Peter Halket.Sch 7 t Scott, M., Tom Cringle’s Log.Sco 8 Scott, Sir W., Works, 24 volumes.Sco85 1 Abbot. 2 Anne of Geierstein. 3 Antiquary. 4 Bethothed. 5 Biack Dwarf and Old Mortality. 6 Bride of Lammermoor. 7 Chrouicles of the Canongate. 8 Count Robert of Paris. 9 Fair Maid of Perth. 10 Fortunes of Nigel. 11 Guy Mannedug. 12 Heart of Mid-Lothian. 13 Ivanhoe. 14 Kenilworth. 15 Monastery. 16 Peveril of the Peak. 17 Pirate. 18 Quentin Durward. 19 Red Guautlet. 20 Rob Rov. 21 St. Ronan’s Well. 22 Waverly. 23 Waverly Dictionary. 24 Woodstock. Seaton, J., Soldier and Sorceress.Se 1 Seawell, M. E., Sprightly Romance of Marsac.Se 11 Seawell, M. 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Thackeray, W. M., Works, 13 volumes.T 324 1 Adventures of Philip. 2 Burlesques. 3 Catherine. 4 Christmas Book. 5 Great Hoggarty Diamond. 6 Henry Esmond and Lovel. 7 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. 8 Memoirs of C. J. Yellowplush. 9 Miscellanies. 10 Newcomes. 11 Pendennis. 12 Vanity Fair. . 13 Virginians. That Young Man.T 325 Thomas, A., Works, 4 volumes.T 36 1 He Cometh Not, She Said. 2 No Alternative. 3 Sloane Square Scandal. 4 Utterly Mistaken. Thomas, K.,'°Not All the King’s Horses... .T 364 Thomas, W., Slaver’s Adventure.T 367 Thompson, £>., Works, 3 volumes.T 37 1 Green Mountain Boys. 2 Locke Amsden. 3 Mey Martin. Thorne, I., Flock of Four.T 39 Thorne, I., Sister Sue.T 39 s Thorpe, K., Little Joanna.T 392 Thurber, A., Quint Crippen.T 42 Tilton, T., Tempest Tossed.T 47 Thicker, M., San Salvador.T 49 Todkill, A., My Lady Pokahontas.T 56 Tolstoi, L., Works, 3 volumes.T 58 1 Anna Karenina. 2 Long Exile. 3 War and Peace, 2 volumes. Topelius, Z., Gustave Adolf.T 62 Tourgee, A. 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Forest and Stream Series. 4 Joe Way ring. 5 Snagged and Sunk. 6 Steel Horse. Frank Nelson Series. 7 Snowed Up. 8 In the Forecastle. 9 Boy Traders. Go-Ahead Series. 10 Tom Newcombe. 11 Go-Ahead. 12 No Moss. Gunboat Series. 13 Young Naturalist. 14 On the Gunboat. 15 In the Woods. 16 Before Vicksburg. 17 On the Lower Mississippi. 18 On the Prairie. Rocky Mountain Series. 19 Among the Rancheros. 20 At Don Carlos’ Rancho. 21 In the Mountains. Rod and Gun Series. 22 23 24 Don Gordon’s Shooting-Box. Rod and Gun Club. Wild-Fpwlers. Young Roughing It Series. 25 In Camp. 26 At the Wheel. 27 At the Fort. Sportsman's Club Series. 28 In the Saddle. 29 Afloat.. 30 Among the Trappers. 54 JUVENILE BOOKS. Castlemon, H., Works, Continued.C 27 Lucky Tom Series. 39 Our Fellows. 40 Elam Storm. 41 Missing Pocketbook. 42 Young Game-Warden. 43 Mystery of Lost River Canon. 44 House-Boat Boy\ Catherwood, M. 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''"'3 Old Times in the Colonies. 4 Freedom Triumphant. 5 Marching to Victory. 6 Boys of ’61. 7 Story of Liberty. 8 Redeeming the Republic. 9 Life of Lincoln. 10 Winning His Way. 11 Days and Nights on the Battlefield. 12 Following the Flag. Collingwood, H., Works, 4 volumes.C 69 1 Congo Rovers. 2 Log of the Flying-fish. 3 Log of 4. Privateersman. 4 Missing Merchantman. Compton, M., Brockers and His Chum Peggy...C 73 Conanghy, J., Capital for Working Boys... .C 74 Conklin, J., Other Folks.C 76 Coolidge, S., A Round Dozen.C 77 Coolidge, S , Just Sixteen.C 77 j Cox, G., Tales of Ancient Greece.C 83 Cox, P., Works, 5 volumes.C 837 1 2 3 4 5 Brownies; “Their Book.” Brownie Book. Brownies at Home. Brownies Around the World. Brownies Through the Union. Coyner, D., Lost Trappers.C 838 Crompton, F., Master Bartlemy.C 88 Dalton, W., Works, 4 volumes.D 17 1 Tiger Prince. 2 War Tiger. 3 White Elephant. 4 Wolf-Boy of China. Davenport, E., Constance and Nellie.D 27 Day, T., Sanford and Merton.D 33 DeFoe, D., Plague in London.D36 DeFoe, D., Robinson Crusoe.D 36 r DeMille, J., Seven Hills.D 39 DeMille, J., Treasures of the Sea.D 39 t DeSegur, French Fairy Tales.D 45 Dickens, C., History of England.D 55 Dielitz, T., Hunters of the World.D 563 Dodge, M. E., A Few Friends.D 66 Dodge, M. M., Works, 4 volumes.D 664 1 Donald and Dorothy. 2 Hans Brinker. 3 Land of Pluck. 4 Theophilus and Others. Dodge, N., American History Stories.D 665 Douglas, A., Works, 7 volumes.D 74 1 Little Girl in Old New York. Kathie Books. 2 In the Ranks. 3 Kathie’s Aunt Ruth. 4 Kathie’s Harvest Days. 5 Kathie’s Soldiers. 6 Kathie’s Summer at Cedarwood. 7 Kathie’s Three Wishes. DuChaillu, P., Works, 5 volumes ...D 85 1 Apingi Kingdom. 2 Country of the Dwarfs. 3 Gorilla Country. 4 Lost in the Jungles. 5 Wild Life Under the Equator. Eastman, J., Works, 6 volumes.Ea 7 1 Beulah Romney. 2 Kitty Kent. 3 Romneys of Ridgemont. 4 Short-Comings and Long-Goings. 5 Striking for the Right. 6 Young Rick. Edgar, J., Boyhood of Great Men.Ed 3 Edgar, J., Sea Kings and Naval Heroes.. .Ed 3 s Eggleston, E., Great Americans for Little Americans. .Eg 3 Eggleston, E., Queer Stories for Boys and Girls.Eg 3 q Eiloart, Boy with an Idea. ,, .Ei 5 JUVENILE BOOKS. 55 Ellis, E., Works, 29 volumes. Boy Pioneers. 1 In the Blockhouse. 2 In the Woods. 3 On the River. Brave and Honest. 4 Brave Tony / 5 Honest Ned. 6 Righting the Wrong. Deerfoot. .. .El 5 7 Hunters of the Ozark. 8 Camp in the Mountains. 9 Last War-Trail.' Forest arid Prairie. 10 Great Cattle Trail. Log Cabin. 11 Lost Trail. 12 Camp-Fire and Wigwam. 13 Footprints in the Forest. Through on Time. \ / 14 Four Boys. 15 Young Conductor. 16 Eye of the Sun. Wildwood Library. 17 Through Forest and Fire. 18 Across Texas. 19 On the Trail of the Moose. Wyoming Series. 20 Wyoming. 21 Storm Mountain. 22 Cabin lu the Clearing. Separate Works, 23 Adrift in the Wilds. 24 Among the Esquimaux. 25 From the Throttle to the President's / Chair. \ / 26 Jaunt Through Ja't^. 27 Phantom of the Riv£i 28 Shod with Silence. 29 Young Hero. Ewing, J. H., Works, 10 volumes .Ew 5 1 Flat-Iron for a Farthing. 2 Great Emergency. 3 Jackanapes, and Daddy Darwin’s Dovecot, Etc. 4 Jan of the Windmill. 5 Lob-lie-by-the-fire. 6 Melchior’s Dream. 7 Mrs. Overtheway. 8 Short Life. 9 Six to Sixteen. 10 We and the World. Farmer, L., Girls’ Book of Famous Queens. .F 22 Farrar, F., Works, 3 volumes.F 24 1 Eric. 2 Julian Home. 3 St. Winifred’s. Fell, A., Tover Tangle.F 33 Fiske, J., Washington and His Country ... .F 54 Francillon, R,, Gods and Heroes.F 84 Fraser, J., Youth’s Golden Cycle.F 86 Frith, H., King Arthur and His Knights... .F 91 Frost, J., Wild Scenes in a Hunter’s Life.. .F 92 Frost, W., Court of King Arthur.F 928 Frost, W., Wagner Story-Book.F 928 w Frothingham, C., (The) Patriarchs.F 93 Grady, S., Ulrich, the Ready.G 75 Gray, W., Bad Boy at Home.G 798 Gravdon, W., In the Da} r s of Washington ...G8 Green, H., Blind Brother.G 82 Griffin, W., Civics for Young Americans ... .G 87 Griffis, W. E., Japanese Fairy-Tales.G 873 Griffith, R., Boys’ Useful Pastime.G 875 Grimm, Fairy Tales.G 88 Grote, G., Alexander, the Great.G 91 Gurley, E., Edith Somers.G 96 Habberton, J., Who Was Paul Grayson ... .H 11 Hale, E. E., Works, 6 volumes.H 13 1 Adventures. ^-s=-2 Discovery. 3 Invention. 4 New England Boyhood. ^ 5 Sea. 6 War. Hale, L., Last of the Peterkins.H 136 Harris, A., Authors for Young People.H 24 Harris, J. C., Works, 7 volumes.H 244 1 Daddy Jake. 2 Little Mr. Thimblefinger. 3 Mr. Rabbit at Home. 4 Nights with Uncle Remus. 5 On the Old Plantation. 6 Story of Aaron. 7 Uncle Remus and His Friends. Hartelius, T., Home Gymnastics.H 256 Hartley, C., Hunting Sports of the West . .H 258 Hawthorne, N., Tanglewood Tales.H 31 Hawthorne, N., True Stories from History and Biography.H 31 t Hazleton, M., Aunt Mattie.H 33 Headley, P., Miner Boy.H 34 Henty, G., Works, 20 volumes.H 39 1 At Agincourt. 2 Bonnie Prince Charles. 3 Bravest of the Brave. 4 By England’s Aid. 5 By Pike and Dyke. 6 By Right of Conquest. 7 Captain Bayley’s Heir. 8 Dash for Khartoum. 9 Dragon and Raven. 10 For Name and Fame. 11 For the Temple. 12 In Freedom’s Cause. 13 Lion of the North. 14 Reign of Terror. 15 St. George of England. 16 True to the Old Flag. 17 With Clive in India. 18 With Cochrane, the Dauntless. 19 With Wolfe in Canada. 20 Young Carthaginian. 56 JUVENILE BOOKS. Higginson, T. W., American Explorers.H 53 Higginson, T. W., United States.H 53 u Hildreth, C., Adventures in Orbello Land . .H 54 Holland, B., Works, 12 volumes.H 67 1 Affectionate Brother. 2 Alicia and Her Aunt. 3 Barbadoes Girl. 4 Blind Farmer. 5 Clergyman’s Widow. 6 Daughter of a Genius. 7 Ellen. 8 Good Grandmother. 9 Merchant’s Widow. 10 Officer’s Widow. 11 Sisters. 12 Son of a Genius. Hope, A., Black and Blue.H 77 Hope, A., Heroes of Young America.H 77 b4— Hosmer, M., John Hartman.H 79 Humphrey, F., Dean Stanley with the Children.H 88 Humphrey, F., Wonder-Stories of His¬ tory .H 88 w Indoor Amusements.In2 Ingersoll, E., Silver Caves.In 4 Jackson, H. H., Letters from a Cat.J 13 Jackson, H. H., Nelly’s Silver Mine.J 13 n Jamieson, C., Works, 3 volumes.J 24 1 Lady Jane. 2 Seraph. 3 Toinette’s Philip. Jenks, T., World's Fair Book.J 42 Jenness, Piokee and Her People.J 44 Jolly Summer.J 68 Kieffer, H., Recollections of a Drummer-Boy,K 26 Kellogg, E., Works, 28 volumes.K 29 Elm Island Stories. / Whispering Pine. 23 Spark oPGenius: 24 Sophomores of Radcliffe. 25 Whispering Pine. 26 Winning His Spurs. 27 Turning of the Tide. 28 Stout Heart. > Kelly, M. A., Our Shy Neighbors.K 3 Kemptons, The.K 32 King, P., Christine's Career.K 58 Kingsley, C., Greek Fairy Tales.K 61 Kingsley, C., Water-Babies.K 61 w Kingston, W., Works, 12 volumes.Iv 68 1 Among the Indiaus. 2 Hendricks, the Hunter. 3 Heroic Wife. 4 Twice Lost. 5 Mark Seaworth. 6 Midshipman Merry. 7 Milicent Courtnay’s Diary. 8 Peter, the Whaler. 9 Ronald Morton. 10 Round the World. 11 SaltWater. 12 Y T oung Foresters. Kirby, M. and E., Aunt Martha’s Corner- Cupboard .K 63 Kirby, M. and E., Thiugs of the Forest...K 63 t Kirkland, E. S., Works, 4 volumes.K 634 1 Dora’s Housekeeping. 2 Englaud. 3 France. 4 Six Little Cooks. Knox, Works, 19 volumes.K 77 1 Life of Grant. 2 John Boyd’s Adventure. ^3 Marco Polo. 1 Lion Ben. 2 Charlie Bell. 3 Ark. 4 Boy Farmers. 5 Young Ship-builders. 6 Hard-Scrabble. Forest Glen. 7 Sowed by the Wind. 8 Wolf Run. 9 Brought to the Front. 10 Mission of Black Rifle. 11 Forest Glen. 12 Burying the Hatchet. Good Old Times. 13 Live-Oak Boys. 14 Unseen Hand. 15 Strong Arm. 16 Good Old Times. Pleasant Cove. , 17 Arthur Brown. 18 Young Deliverers. 19 Cruise of the Casco. 20 Child of the Island Glen. 21 John Godsoe’s Legacy. 22 Fisher Boys. Boy Travelers. 4 In Wild Africa. 5 In Africa. 6 In Australasia. 7 In Central Europe. 8 In China and Japan. 9 In Ceylon and Iudia. 10 In Egypt and the Holy Land. 11 In Great Britain and Ireland. 12 In the Levant. 13 In Mexico. 14 In North Europe. 15 On the Congo. 16 In Russia. 17 In Siam and Java. 18 In South America. 19 In South Europe. Laing, Seven Kings of the Seven Hills.L 14 Lakeman, M., Ruth Elliot’s Dream.L 147 Landers, S., Works, 3 volumes.L 23 Spectacles for Young Eyes. 1 Berlin. 2 Pekin. 3 St. Petersburg. Larkin, Iv. D., Glimpses of the World.L 32 JUVENILE BOOKS. 57 Larkin, K. D., World and its People.L 32 w Larned, A., Old Tales Re-Told... .L 324 LeBaron, G., Little Daughter.L 49 Lee, M. and C., Lucy’s Campaign.L 51 Lee, R., Birds, Fishes and Reptiles.L 51(1 Lee, R., Habits and Instincts of Animals, L 516 h Leigh, How Dick and Molly Saw England. .L 53 Leslie, M., Works, 4 volumes.L 56 1 Art and Artlessness. 2 I’ll Try; Young Housekeeper. 3 Little Agnes. 4 Trying to be Useful. Library of Wouders, 20 volumes.L 61 1 Acoustics. 2 Balloon Ascents. 3 Bottom of the Sea. 4 Engravings. 5 Escapes. 6 Great Hunting-Grounds. 7 Heat. 8 Heavens. 9 Human Body. 10 Intelligence of Animals. 11 Inventions. 12 Italian Art. 13 Lighthouses and Lightships. 14 Marvels of Nature. 15 Pompeii. 16 Strength and Skill. 17 Sublime in Nature. 18 Sun. 19 Thunder and Lightning. 20 World. Lillie, L., Eleanor Belden.L 62 Lillie, L., Colonel’s Money.L 62 c Lockyer, L., Child’s Influence.L 817 Lyall, E., How the Children Raised the wind,L 98 McKeever, H., Eleanor’s Three Birthdays.. M 19 McKeever, H., Lucy Forrester’s Triumph, M 191 McQuoid, K., Norway, Pictures and Legends,M 24 Mannering, M., Cruise of the Dashaway... .M 31 Manson, G., Choosing an Occupation.M 317 Marsh, J., Robin Hood.M 35 Marshal], E., Rochemonts.M 358 Mateaux, C., Brave Lives and Noble.M 41 Mathews, J., Works, 8 volumes.M 42 1 Uncle Rutherford’s Attic. 2 Uncle Rutherford’s Nieces. Bessie Books. 3 Seaside. 4 City. 5 Friends. 6 Mountains. 7 Travel. 8 School. May, C., Brownie Sandford.M 45 May, C., Sylvia’s Burden.M 45 8 Meade, L. T., Works, 16 volumes.M 46 1 Bashful Fifteen. 2 Betty. 3 Catalina. 4 Children of Wilton Chase. 5 Girls, New and Old. 6 Honorable Miss. 7 Merry Girls of England. 8 N. or M. 9 Palace Beautiful. 10 Playmates. 11 Polly. 12 Princess of the Gutter. 13 Red Rose and Tiger Lily. 14 Ring of Rubies. 15 Sweet Girl Graduate. 16 World of Girls. Milman, H., Uncle Bill’s Children.M 63 Mitchell, D. G., Old Story-Tellers.M 69 Montgomery, D. (Editor,) Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.. . M 76 Montgomery, D., United States.M 76 u Morgan, T., Patriotic Citizenship.M 82 Mowry, W., Talk with My Boys.M 87 Mulock, D. M., Works, 6 volumes.M 91 1 Cousin from India. 2 Is It True? 3 Little Sunshine’s Holiday. 4 Miss Moore. 5 Only Sister. 6 Twenty Years Ago. Munroe, K., Works, 5 volumes.M 92 1' Fur-Seal’s Tooth. 2 Rich Dale. 3 Snow shoes and Sledges. 4 Through Swamp and Glade. 5 Wakulla. Munsey, F., Boy-Broker.M 924 Neely, K., Works, 6 volumes.N 3 Proverb Series. 1 Actions Speak Louder than Words. 2 Birds of a Feather. 3 Fine Feathers. 4 Handsome is that Handsome Does. 5 One Good Turn Deserves Another. 6 Wrong Confessed is Half Redressed. Nelly.N 32 No Name Series, 4 volumes.N 73 1 Half-Hours in the Deep. 2 Half-Hours in the East. 3 Half-Hours in the Far North. 4 Half-Hours in the Finny World. Nordhoff, C., Works, 4 volumes.N 75 1 Man-of-War Life. 2 Merchant Vessels. 4 Politics for Young Americans. 3 Whaling and Fishing. Norton, F. Days of Daniel Boone.N 82 Notes for Boys.N 84 Noyce, E., Manufactures and Industries....N 87 Ober, F. A., Mexico.Ob 2 Old Friends..01 1 Optic, O., Works, 84 volumes.Op 7 All Over the World, I. 1 Missing Millions. 2 Millionaire at Sixteen. 3 Young Knight-Errant. 4 Strange Sights Abroad. JUVENILE BOOKS. 58 Optic, O., Works, Continued.Op 7 All Over the World, II. 5 American Boy Afloat. 6 Up and Down the Nile. 7 Asiatic Breezes. 8 Young Navigator. Boat Builders. 9 All Adrift. 10 Snug Harbor. 11 Square and Compasses. 12 Stem to Stern. 13 All Taut. 14 Ready About. Boat Club. 15 Boat Club. 16 All Aboard, 17 Now or Never. 18 Try Again. 19 Poor and Proud. 20 Little b} 7 Little. Blue and Gray; On Land. 21 Brother Against Brother. 22 In the Saddle. 23 Lieutenant at Eighteen. 24 On the Staff. Blue and Gray; Afloat. 25 Taken by the Enemy. 26 Within the Enemy’s Lines 27 On the Blockade. 28 Stand by the Union. 29 Fighting for the Right. 30 Victorious Union. Great Western. 31 Going West. 32 Out West. 33 Lake Breezes. 34 Going South. 35 Down South. 36 Up the River. Lake Shore. 37 Through by Daylight. 38 Lightning Express. 39 On Time. 40 Switch Off. 41 Break Up. 42 Bear and Forbear. Sailor Boy. 43 Sailor Boy. 44 Yankee Middy. 45 Brave Old Salt. 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E., Works, 4 volumes.Se 17 1 Little Jarvis. 2 Paul Jones. 3 Quarterdeck and Fo’ksle. 4 Through Thick and Thin. Sedgwick, Miss, Home.Se 2 Self-Reliance.Se 4 Sewall, Black Beauties.Se 8 Shamrock Leaves.Sh 1 Shepherd, H., Historical Reader.Sh As' Shields, G., Hunting in the West.Sh 62 Sidney, M., Works, 11 volumes.Si 12 1 Half-Year at Bronckton. 2 How They Went to Europe. 3 Little Paul. 4 Little Red Shop. 5 Our Town. 6 Rob. 7 St. George and the Dragon. 8 Tom and Dorothy. Five Little Peppers. 9 How They Grew. 10 Midway. 11 Grown Up. 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Smith, C., In-Door Games.Sm 5 Smith, M. C., Life in Asia.Sm 55 Smith, M. C., Our Own Country.Sm 55 o Smith, Z., Kentucky..Sm 6 Soley, J., Boys of 1812.So 4 Soley, J., Boys of ’61.So 4 b Sprague, H., Irving’s Sketch-Book.Sp 7 Sprague, H., Number 49, Tinkham Street.Sp 7 n Stanley, W., Our Week Afloat.St 2 Starrett, H., Letters to a Little Girl.St 26 Steel, J., Steam, Steel and Electricity.St 3 Stephens, C. A., Works, 7 volumes.St 4 1 Camping Out. 2 Left on Labrador. 3 Off to the Geysers. 4 Lynx Hunting. 5 Fox Hunting. 6 On the Amazon. 7 Young Moose Hunters. Stockton, F. R., Works, 3 volumes.St 6 1 Clocks of Rondaine. 2 Floating Prince. 3 Round-About Rambles. Stoddard, W. 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