»S2KSWS rffCitl f (jf ByiPiJi ^ ; y&wm ■' - -V‘t|fH j f j&lfblP L* fe'! *t vPfjl -". THIRD ALUMNI RECORD OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE ->• 1908 pMaBi KiP : :4i • iti'l, ’.; j * >i',' ■ ?tM£ fottre K* v ‘*; * *.? < ». y»i® 1 RdigPS^SM THIRD RECORD OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION —OF— HILLSDALE COLLEGE HILLSDALE, MICH, ORGANIZED 1865 FIRST REUNION 1867 QUINQUENNIAL REUNIONS 1870, 1875, 1880, 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, 1905 FIRST RECORD 1876 SECOND RECORD 1898 PRINTED BY HILLSDALE STANDARD HILLSDALE, MICHIGAN 1908 CAMPUS AND MAIN BUILDINGS INTRODUCTION At the meeting of the Alumni Association, during the Reunion of 1905, it was decided that a revision of the Alumni Record should be made and the record of Alumni be completed to date. Mr. Elon G. Reynolds was, in July, appointed Editor. When he left for California in Janu¬ ary, 1906, he placed the Alumni list in the hands of the Secretary, practically correct at that date. Hillsdale Alumni, however, are characteristic Americans, fertile in plans and swift in execu¬ tion, so their changes of residence and occupation are many and frequent. It requires, therefore, constant watchfulness and the co-operation of the whole student body to keep the records up-to- date. Any mistakes or omissions which occur may be due to the inexperience of the new Secretary or the failure of the Alumni to remember that what is not announced cannot be published. The previous Records contained all articles delivered at the different reunions. We have no apology to offer that so few are given in this, only the statement that the Alumni Reunion of 1905 was so merged into the General Semi-Centennial of the College that no addresses were given before the Alumni Association proper. Of the many brilliant and witty speeches of commencement week, most were by Alumni, but all were extempore, and to our regret not preserved. To all who have assisted by word, letter or newspaper clipping in making this record, thanks are tendered, also to the Alumni of Hillsdale, who have given much encouragement and help. By order of the Committee, Abbie Dunn Slayton Secretary of the Alumni Association. CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We, the Alumni of Hillsdale College, in order to pre¬ serve our identity as such, to renew former associations and further our acquaintance with each* other, and to promote the best interests of ourselves and our Alma Mater , do hereby form ourselves into an Association with the following Constitution: ARTICLE I This organization shall be known as the Alumni As¬ sociation of Hillsdale College. ARTICLE II Any person who has graduated from said College shall be considered a member of this Association. ARTICLE III Officers. The officers of this Association shall con¬ sist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, and a Prudential Committee of five members. ARTICLE IV Duties of Officers. Sec. 1.—The President, Vice- Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer, shall perform the duties usually devolving upon such officers in Associa¬ tions of a similar character.—(Amended June 11, 1870, as follows: The Secretary shall be required to complete the record at each General Assembly and deposit the book with the Treasurer of the College.) Sec. 2. —It shall be the duty of the Historian to col¬ lect, as far as possible, all matters of interest pertaining to the Association, or any of its members, and report the same in writing at each General Assembly. A copy of his report shall be deposited with the Librarian of the College. Sec. 3. —It shall be the duty of the Prudential Com¬ mittee to have charge of the finances and expenditures, to have general superintendence of the arrangements for all meetings of the Association, to prepare and report an order of exercises at each General Assembly for the next succeeding one, to nominate members to take part in such exercises, to fill all vacancies occurring in any ap¬ pointment, and to give notice of the time of holding each General Assembly at least three weeks previously. The Chairman shall act as Corresponding Secretary. ARTICLE V Election of Officers. Sec. 1.—The officers of this Association shall be elected at each General Assembly. Sec. 2. —All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present. ARTICLE VI Personjs nominated by the Prudential Committee to take part in the exercises at any General Assembly shall be elected in the same manner as the officers. ARTICLE VII Duties of Members.— It shall be the duty of mem¬ bers to attend as far as practicable the meetings of the Association, to report themselves by letter at each Gen¬ eral Assembly, when not personally present, and to en¬ deavor to secure as far as possible the objects of this or¬ ganization. ARTICLE VIII Meetings. Sec. 1.—The Association shall hold its meetings on the afternoon of Commencement Day, each year, at such hour as shall be arranged by the Prudential Committee. Sec. 2. —The Association shall hold a General As¬ sembly once in every five years, at such time as shail be arranged by the Prudential Committee. Sec. 3. —The Association, in all its business transac¬ tions, at all meetings, shall be governed by the rules and regulations of general legislative bodies. ARTICLE IX This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any General Assembly. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS The following is a condensed account of the important measures voted by the Association since its organization: 1865. The Alumni first met in convention June 15, 1865. Prof. Hiram Collier, ’64*, was chosen President, Miss H. Laura Rowe ’65, Sec’y, and J. J. Hopkins, ’62, Historian. F. F. Hopkins, ’62, J. R. Foster, ’65, and Marie M. Cooper, ’60,. were appointed a committee to submit a Constitution for adoption at the meeting in The second gathering was on the 14th of June, 1866. The Constitution as given on previous page was adopted. H. C. Noe, ’60, was elected President; I. H. Bates, ’62, C. C. McDermid, ’65, and Sarah Pierce-Meeker, ’63, were chosen Vice-Presidents; H. Laura Rowe, ’65, Secre¬ tary; P. C. Tolford, ’63, Treasurer; J. J. Hopkins, ’62, Historian; and L. N. Keating ’64, M. M. Cooper, ’60, Grace F. Reed, ’65, P. P. Randolph, ’62, and G. W. Burchard, ’66, Prudential Committee. At this session it was voted that a tax of one dollar be levied on each member of the Association, to be paid within one year after becoming members. (Amended in 1880, making it payable at graduation.) It was also voted that members deliver to the Historian a statement of their place of nativity, age, residence, pro¬ fession, time of entering College and of graduation, with any prospective changes, etc., necessary to a good report. Voted that the first General Assembly, as provided for in Art. 8 of the Constitution, be held in 1867, and the second in 1870. 1867. The association held its next meeting June 20, 1867, having a dinner in the College Dining Hall at 3 p. m., to which members of the Faculty and some others were invited. At 5 o’clock, met in College Chapel to listen to the oration of F. W. Dunn, ’62, whose subject was “Wishing.” A poem was delivered by J. J. Hopkins, ’62. The President and First Vice-President being ab¬ sent, C. C. McDermid, ’65, officiated. The following officers were elected for the next three years: President, P. P. Randolph, ’62; Vice-Presidents, J. C. Patterson, ’64, H. W. Magee, ’67, and Mary E. Curtiss, ’60; Secretary, Elizabeth V. N. Smith, ’65; Treasurer, E. G. Reynolds, ’66; Historian, J. J. Hop¬ kins, ’62; Prudential Committee, F. F. Hopkins, ’62, Adeline Burch, ’67, Ellen Smith, ’66, M. A. Luce, ’66, and F. W. Dunn, ’62. 1869. June 1st, 1869, a special meeting of the Association was called and C. P. Brown, ’68, J. C. Patterson, ’64, and J. B. Drew, ’63, were appointed a committee to raise $10,000 among the Alumni, during the next year for the endowment of an Alumni professorship. 1870. June 11, 1870, the Association voted thatW. E. Am¬ bler and J. M. Rice, and Alumni of other Colleges gen¬ erally, be invited to attend the Alumni Reunions of Hillsdale College hereafter. June 15th the following officers were chosen for the next five years: President, M. A. Luce '66; Vice Presi¬ dents, N. S. Harwood, ’69, Ella Wade, ’68, Mrs. Addie Penfield-Stayt, ’63; Secretary, Emily A. Benedict, ’68; Treasurer, E. G. Reynolds, ’66; Prudential Committee, O. A. Janes, '68, E. K. Abbott, ’69, E. G. Chaddock, ’63, Mrs. Marie Cooper-Pierce, ’60, and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith-Mosher, ’65. At 7 p. m., Minnie Wanl-Patter- son, ’64, and Rena Richards, ’65, delivered poems, and J. J. Hopkins, ’62, made the Historian’s report. June 17th the Board of Trustees of the College, having resolved, “That the Alumni be invited to undertake the endowment of a professorship, whichever one they please to select,” and the Alumni Committee appointed the pre¬ vious year not having solicited and secured subscriptions for this purpose, it was voted “That a commit¬ tee of five be appointed to devise a plan for the endow¬ ment of an Alumni Professorship,” and H. E. Whipple was chosen Chairman; E. G. Reynolds, ’66, L. N. Keating, ’64, W. M. Jenkin’ ’65, and M. A. Luce, ’66, filled the committee. No active canvass having been made during the followingyear, and some of the members declining to serve, the President of the Association ap¬ pointed the second member Chairman, named R. W. Melendy, ’70, in place of Mr. Keating, and Mrs. Sara Pierce-Meeker, ’63, fifth member, and that all the Liter¬ ary Societies might be represented upon the committee, Miss Rena Richards, ’66, and J. S. Copp, ’69, were added. 1875. June 16,1875, the Association met, and no President or Vice-President being present, D. Boudeman, ’70, was chosen acting President for the sessions of the present year. The Alumni Endowment Committee reported $6,000 pledged, and $3,877.65 paid, at a total cost of $101.68 for printing and postage during the four years, the commtttee having served gratuitously. The Associa¬ tion then voted to select the chair of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres as the Alumni Professorship. Rev. John Scott Copp (A. B., ’69 A. M., ’73, graduate of Theological Seminary at Andover, Mass., ’72, and Professor of Homiletics in Hillsdale College, ’72, to ’75,) was nomi¬ nated by the Association to the position chosen, and the nomination was unanimously confirmed by the Board of Trustees. A committee of five, consisting of J. T. Hoke, *The Figures denote the year of graduation. ’60, H. J. Macomber, ’63, Mrs. Jennie Fitch-Beers, ’70, Mrs. L. M. Dodge, '72, and J. M. Vanfleet, ’66, was 1 appointed to confer with the Board of Trustees in relation to a room for the Alumni Professor, and reported that the Trustees tendered the north room on the second floor of “Knowlton Hall,” whereupon the Association voted ‘‘to accept the room tendered by the Trustees as an Alumni Hall, that it be finished in the same style as the recitation rooms, and that it be set apart by the Associa¬ tion for the use of the Alumni Professor, as study and class rooms.” The supervision of the improvements was referred to the following committee: O. A. Janes, ’68, J. S. Copp, ’69, and E. G. Reynolds, ’66. It was voted that the Alumni Prudential Committee have power to call a meeting of the Association at “commencement” any year to confer with the Trustees in regard to the Alumni Professorship, to arrange details or to make nomi¬ nations to fill vacancies in that chair whenever they may occur. It was voted to recommend the College Faculty to give names, residences, degrees, etc., of the Alumni in College Catalogue, in such form as the usual triennial catalogues of other colleges. Also that the literary exer¬ cises of the present reunion be published by the Associa¬ tion, together with the names of the members, their places of residence, vocations, nativity, etc. At 7 P. M. the literary exercises were held in the Col¬ lege Church. J. T. Hoke, ’60, of Keyser, West Va., delivered the oration; Minnie Ward-Patterson, ’64, of Marshall, Mich., the poem; and J. J. Hopkins, ’62, of LaRue, O., made the Historian’s report. Subject of the oration, “The Laws of Sociology; ’ of the poem, “Night and Morning.” The following wese chosen officers for five years: President, J. B. Drew, ’63; Vice-Presidents, C. S. Bent¬ ley, ’70, Jennie Fitch-Beers, ’70, Corrie S. Colburn, ’70; Secretary, Emily A. Benedict, ’68; Treasurer, A. E. Haynes, ’75; Prudential Committee, O. A. Janes, ’68, E. G. Reynolds, ’66, Marie Cooper-Pierce, ’60, A. E. Haynes, ’75, Ellen Green-Myers, ’68, J. S. Copp, ’69. The appointments made for 1880 exercises were: Oration—Hiram Collier, ’64. Alternate—G. R. Holt, 73. Poem—Will M. Carleton, ’69. Alternate—Ella Wade-Drake, ’68. History—Callie H. Vineyard, ’74. Alternate—E. G. Reynolds, ’66. Some of the Alumni Endowment Committee having re¬ signed the committee was reconstructed as follows: E. G. Reynolds, ’66, J. S. Copp, ’69, H. J. Macomber, '63 ( J. B. Drew, ’63, A. E. Haynes, ’75, Marie M. Pierce, [ ’60, and Ellen A. Copp, 73. The amount credited to this endowment was at that time $4,028.22, of which $4,000 was invested and drawing interest. 1880. June 16, 1880, the President of the Association being absent, J. F. Meeker, ’62, was chosen President pro tem. At this session the action of 1866 levying a tax of one dollar on all members, “to be paid one year after gradu- uation,” was amended so as to read, “To be paid at graduation.” The paid Alumni Endowment was reported at $4,951.32, with $4,545.29, invested, and $4,390.00 of notes, pledges and real estate. The following literary program was given at the Col¬ lege Church Wednesday at 2:30 p. m.: Address—Rev. Geo. R. Holt, 73—“Lessons of Life.” History—Miss Callie Vineyard, 74. “The Student’s Reveille,” a poem prepared by Will M. Carleton, ’69, was omitted because of his absence on account of illness. At the banquet held in the Chapel Wednesday evening the following toasts were responded to: Our Alumni: — The Ancients—Rev. D. M. Stuart, ’61. The Mediaevals —Dallas Boudeman, 70. The Moderns—Rev. W. A. Myers, ’80. The Lawyers—Hon. N. S. Harwood, ’69. The Clergymen—Rev. I. B. Smith, 73. The Doctors—J. T. Everett, A. M., 79. The Teacher—Olive H. Bentley, 75. The Non-Professionals— Hon. J. J. Hopkins, ’62. The Professorship—Rev. J. L. Higbee, ’66. The following officeis were chosen for the next five years: President—J. C. Patterson, ’64. Vice-Presidents—J. W. Mauck, ’75, Eva J. Root, ’74, L. M. Green-Dodge, 72. Secretary—Marie Cooper Pierce, ’60. Treasurer—A. E. Haynes, 75. Historian—E. G. Reynolds. Prudential Committee—O. A. Janes, ’68, F. H. Stone, 77, Ellen Green-Myers, ’68, Libbie Henry- Stewart, ’76 J. S. Copp, ’69. The appointments made for 1885 exercises were as follows: Oration—L. N. Keating, ’64; Alternate —W. W. Heckman, 74. Poem—Will M. Carleton. ’69; Alternate—May Preston, 78. Historian—E. G. Reynolds; Alternate —Ellen Cross- Copp, 73. One hundred and twenty one graduates, representing twenty classes, were present at this Commencement. 1885. A committee consisting of E. G. Reynolds, ’66, J. W. Mauck, ’75, and J. S. Copp, ’69, was appointed to de¬ termine what studies belong to the Professorship of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres. The amount of Alumni Endowment in the treasury was reported to be $6,806.32, with accrued interest and pledges, notes, etc., of $4,351.67 more, (total $11,157.99). $6,615.03 invested. The program of literary exercises that year was as follows: Oration—W. W. Heckman, 74. Poem— Will M. Carleton, ’69, “Our March Through the Past.” History— Mrs. Ellen Cross-Copp, ’73. (Some of the exercises were published in former Record ) The toasts given at the banquet were as follows: “Our Alumni in Business and Business Professions: We rejoice in their prosperity as the best evidence of the worth of the College work.”—O. C. Whitney, ’75. “Our Workers in the Moral and Religious Fields: May their labors multiply, many fold, the good influence of our Alma Mater.”—Rev. L. A. Crandall, ’73. “Our Brothers in the War of the Rebellion: Their patriotism confers honors upon us all, and should prove to us an inspiration of loyalty to every good cause.”— Rev. G. R. Holt, ’73. “Old College Days: Always young in memory, we would wish their pleasure and profit forever repeated.” — Dallas Boudeman, ’70. “Our Alma Mater: She has our love, our devotion; she shall command.”—J. W. Mauck, ’75. The officers elected for 1885-1890 were as follows: ^President—J. W. Mauck, ’75. Vice-Presidents—G. R. Holt, ’73, Evangeline A. Fowler, ’73, A. J. Hopkins, ’70. Secretary—Marie Cooper-Pierce, ’60. Treasurer—Arthur E. Haynes, ’75. Historian — Ellen Cross-Copp, ’73. Prudential Committee—C. D. Dudley, ’73, Kate A. Cook, ’81, E. G. Reynolds, ’66, Cynthia R. Mills, ’82, W. W. Heckman, ’74. The following were appointed for the exercises desig¬ nated, for 1890. Oration L. V. Dodge, ’72; Alternate, L. A. Cran¬ dall, ’73. Poem—May Preston, ’78; Alternate, J. R. H. Latchaw, ’81. History—Marie Cooper-Pierce, ’60; Alternate, A. E. Haynes, ’75. 1890 President J. W. Mauck, ’75, delivered an address at the Business Meeting, June 18th, on “The Relation of Hillsdale Alumni to their Alma Mater.” Elon G. Reynolds, Treasurer of the College, presented a printed statement of the Alumni Endowment paid to date, with names of donors and amount paid by each, the total credit to the fund being $8,128.20, the expense of raising which was $120.00. Notes, etc., on hand amount to $4,360.00, The Association at this session voted an as¬ sessment of one dollar per year on each member, to be used upon salary of the Alumni Professor. The original motion was to make the assessment five dollars per year, and some few voluntarily paid that sum for one, two or three years, but only a small amount was raised, perhaps not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars all told. A new Alumni Endowment Committee was appointed consisting of N. S. Harwood, ’69, W. D. Bishopp, ’71, and H. M. Ford, ’79. Prof. J. S. Copp having been transferred from the Alumni Professorship to the Theo¬ logical Faculty by the Board of Trustees in 1888, S. W. Norton, ’82, was Acting Alumni Professor for two years, and at this session W. W. Heckman, ’74, J. L. Higbee> ’66, Jennie Perry-Parmlee, ’72, H. B. Johnson, A. M., ’74, and L. M. Gates, ’76, were appointed a Commit¬ tee on Alumni Professorship. This Committee recom¬ mended the nomination of Charles H. Gurney, ’73, and their report was adopted. A. W. Augir, ’99, taught the classes during the following year, and Prof. Gurney thereafter. It was voted at this meeting that all former students of the College who afterwards receive degrees from Hillsdale College shall thereby become members of the Alumni Association. The names of those thus add¬ ed to its membership will be found following those of the regular graduates in this book. The literary exercises for that year were as follows: Oration—“4 he Small College as a Factor in Ameri¬ can Civilization,”—Rev. L. A. Crandall, D. D., ’73. Poem—“Res Quae Remanent.”—Miss May Preston, ’78. History—Mrs. Marie Cooper-Pierce, ’60. (The first two of these were published in 1898.) The Toasts responded to at the Banquet in the Chap¬ el, following the public exercises at the church, were as follows: “Hillsdale College: The Co-Educational School where we Found our Sweethearts.” — H. M. Ford, ’79. “Our Old Teachers and Tutors: They were Stern but Good.”—Ellen Smith, ’66. “Our Alumni: Their Early Aspirations were Prophe¬ cies.”—W. W. Heckman, ’74. “Our Babies: We Hear the Tramp of the Millions Yet to Come.”—Ellen Cross-Copp, ’73. “Our Alma Mater: From Her Proceeds Our Life; To Her Belongs Our Love.”— N. S. Harwood, ’69. The officers elected for 1890 to 18 ( >5 were as follows: President—Marie Cooper-Pierce, '60. Vice-Presidents A. J. Hopkins, ’70, Lillian Hart, ’84, J. T. Ward, ’70. Secretary—Emily Benedict-Reynolds, ’68. Treasurer—John S. Copp, ’69. Historian—Eliza Cole-Lewis, ’63. Prudential Committee—O. A. Janes, ’68, Kate A. Cook, ’81, E. G. Reynolds, ’66, J. W. Mauck, ’75, Julia Reed-Shattuck, ’60. 1895 The Treasurer, J. S. Copp, ’69, reported one hundred and forty-nine dollars collected on the “One Dollar An¬ nual Alumni Tax,” (some, as heretofore stated, paid $5.00 one or more years,) and that this amount had been paid to the Alumni Professor. H. M. Ford, ’7°, reported for the Endowment Com¬ mittee that since 1890 pledges for $1,675.00 had been se¬ cured, of which $835.00 had been paid. E. G. Rey¬ nolds, ’66, as Treasurer of the College, reported amount of Alumni Endowment in the treasury as $9,750.50, and that the aggregate amount of Alumni mortgages was $ 10 , 000 . A new Endowment Committee was appointed, consist¬ ing of E. A. Merrill, ’72, M. B. Koon, LL. D., ’86, and A. E. Haynes, ’75, and this committee was author¬ ized to appoint, on behalf of the Association, such agents and committees as their discretion may dictate. It was voted at this session that the Prudential Com- j mittee of the Association confer with committees from the | various literary societies of the College in relation to holding re-unions of the societies and Alumni without banquets and having all Alumni and students come to¬ gether for renewing and forming acquaintance, at some time during the week of Commencement. Literary exercises were held at the College Church at 6 p.m., as follows: Oration—“Our Opportunity.”—Rev. J. L. Collier, ’63. Poem— ‘Reunion Memories.”—Rev. J. C. Smith, ’92. History “ Alumni et Alumnae.” — Mrs. Elizabeth Henry- Stewart, ’76. (These exercises were published in former Record.) At 8:30 p. m. , the Alumni Banquet was held in the College Chapel and the following toasts were responded to: “The College: Its Founding and Mission”—Rev. Ransom Dunn, D. D. “Our College Days”: (Poem.)—Mrs. Ella Wade- Drake, 68. “The Hope of the College: The little Alumni et Alumnae —May they have the same Alma Mater their Fathers and Mothers did.”—Rev. Henry M. Ford, ’79. “The Woman’s Commission.”—Mrs. Helen Jackson - Gougar, A. M., ’92. “The Alumni et Alumnae .”—Hon. Charles S. Bentley, ’70. There were present at more or less of the exercises of the week about one hundred and seventy graduates of the College, being representatives of all classes since its open¬ ing in 1855 except the class of 1861. The following officers for 1895 -1900 were chosen: President, Will M. Carleton, ’69. Vice-Presidents, Julia Reed-Shattuck, ’60, A. M. Gould, ’73, M. Frances Randolph, ’92. Secretary, Emily Benedict-Reynolds, ’68. Treasurer, Duncan M. Martin, ’81. Prudential Committee, C. H. Gurney, ’73, O. A. Janes, ’68, E. G. Reynolds, ’66, L. M. Gates, ’76, E. W. Adkinson, ’68, Katheryne A. Cook, ’81, Elizabeth Henry-Stewart, ’76, Julia Reed-Shattuck, ’60. The following appointments for the exercises in 1900 were made: Oration—Hon. A. J. Hopkins, ’70; Alternate, Rev. R. D. Lord, D. D., ’77. Poem—Ella Wade-Drake, ’68; Alternate, James N. Greene, ’91. History—Elizabeth Henry-Stewart, ’76; Alternate, Cora E. Cummings, ’87. 1900. The Treasurer reported receipts to have been $608.81. Of this sum $284 was Alumni Tax collected principally by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Reynolds. Mrs. Emily Reynolds reported the completion of the Alumni History, at a total cost of $249.51. The Alumni Endowment Committee reported notes for Endowment, $680; cash, $22. The following Endowment Committee was elected: Joseph Cummins, ’85, L. E. Dow, ’87, Bion J. Arnold, ’84, E. P. Lyon, ’92, J. W. Mauck, ’75. ’ The Literary exercises given were as follows: Address by the President, Will Carleton; subject, “What Brings Us Here.” Poem, James N. Greene. (These two appear in full later.) Hon. Washington Gardner and Hon. Henry C. Smith gave interesting impromptu addresses. The officers for the ensuing five years were: President, H. W. Magee, ’67. First Vice-President, Martha Cook Keating, ’68. Second Vice-President, Delaven B. Reed, ’88. Third Vice-President, Anna Burgoyne Stebbins, ’87. Secretary, Emily Benedict Reynolds, ’68. Treasurer, Charles H. Gurney, ’73. Executive Committee, Paul Chase, ’96, Elon G. Rey¬ nolds, ’66, Elizabeth Henry Stewart, ’76, JohnT. Ward, ’70, Grover A. Jackson, ’88, Ellen A. Copp, ’73, Jen¬ nie A. Hulce, ’96, Stephen B. Harvey, ’87, John Patter¬ son, '64, Bion J. Arnold, ’84. Appointments for Program of 1905: Orator—Hon. Joseph T. Hoke, LL. D., ’60, Wind¬ sor, Nova Scotia; Alternate, Rev. Rivington D. Lord, D. D., ’77, Brooklyn, N. Y. Poet—Franc Buck Sherman, ’62, Kansas City, Kan¬ sas; Alternate, George C. Alborn, ’98, Burnett Junc¬ tion, Wisconsin. Historian—Emma Shafer, ’83, Hillsdale, Mich.; Al¬ ternate, Elon G. Reynolds, ’66, Hillsdale, Mich. At the banquet, which occurred June 20, Will M. Carleton was the toast master. The following toasts were given: “Then and Now,” Ransom Dunn, D. 1). “The Beginnings of Hillsdale College,” Mrs. Eliza A. Scott Potter, ’56. “The Moral Influence of Our College,” Miss Kate Stoddard, ’87. “The Alumni Debt,” Lorenzo E. Dow, ’87. “The Alumnus at Large,” Mrs. Lottie Bailey Ewing, ’92. “Universitas Universitatum” Rev. John A. Cole, ’92. These were followed by a great many minute speeches. The occasion was marked by many tributes to the Alma Mater and the last of the first faculty, Dr. Dunn, for whom, as he said, it was “the last banquet.” 1905. The Endowment Committee reported progress in the work of planning for an enlarged Endowment of the school. Funds for work upon the proposed plan had been raised and the outlook was encouraging. Mr. J. E. Cummins, the Chairman of the Endowment Com¬ mittee, gave a stirring address upon the relations of the Alumni to the College and its endowment. The same Committee was continued, with power to increase its membership or to fill vacancies. The officers elected for the term 1905 to 1910 were: President, John F. Downey, ’70, University of Minn¬ esota. Vice-Presidents, Bion J. Arnold, ’84; Prof. H. B. Larrabee, ’75, Keuka, N. Y., Mrs. Harriet Eaton,.’60. Secretary, Abbie Dunn Slayton, ’72, Hillsdale, Mich. Treasurer, Prof. Charles H. Gurney, ’73, Hillsdale, Mich. Historian, Rev. Henry M. Ford, ’79, Hillsdale, Mich. Orator, Moses A. Luce, ’66, San Diego, Cal.; alter¬ nate, Mart B. Koon, Minneapolis, Minn. Poet, Ella Magee Adkinson, ’68, Chicago, Ill. Prudential Committee, Prof. S. B. Harvey, ’87, Eliza- abeth Moody, ’95, Prof. Leroy Waterman, ’98, Harriet Reynolds, *84, George W. Myers. It was by motion ordered that a tax of one dollar be levied upon each member of the Association for the pur¬ pose of publishing a revised Alumni Record, and that when this tax should be collected this record should be published and a copy given to each person paying said tax. The arranging for publication of this Record was placed in the hands of the Prudential Committee. The Treasurer, C. H. Gurney, reported collections of annual Alumni Tax, $71; total amount in treasury as $133.56. He called attention to the fact that care was being taken to collect this money at graduation and that those of the old students who had not received the Alum¬ ni Record had forgotten to pay the tax. During the week of Commencement there were over two hundred of the Alumni in Hillsdale and the whole week was practically an Alumni meeting, the attendance of old students and friends being the largest ever known. There was no formal banquet, but class reunions were many and pleasant. ’75 had largest attendance, ’76 largest per cent, of those living, ’72 second. The informal reception held in the Central Building Thursday ..evening was attended with pleasure by the Alumni and their families. The list of Alumni speakers through this memorable week is too long for insertion, and the speeches too spon¬ taneous to be caught by cold type. 10 ALUMNI ET ALUMN7E No. Year Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 1 1856 Clariet Capron (Aldrich) *Aug. 1, 1882 2 Eliza Scott (Potter) 1708 W. 23d St., Los Angeles, Cal. 3 1860 Francis Cadwell LeSueur, LeSueurCo., Minn. Att’y, Ex. Circuit Judge A. K. P. 4 Joseph Thatcher Hoke Windsor, Nova Scotia Attorney, U. S.. Consul Amp. 5 Henry Clay Noe Laporte, Ind. Prin. Business College A. K. P. 6 Charles B. Stayt Kettle Falls, Wash. Amp. 7 Henry V. Perrin Jackson, Mich. Banker “ 8 Marie Cooper (Pierce) (Root) Odell, Ill. L. L. U. 9 Mary Curtiss (Bayles) *Feb. 25, 1874 10 Juliette Hall (Perry) *Aug. 26, 1897 < < ( (Lindsley) “ 11 Lydia E. Higday ] (Thompson) 1229 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis, ( (Todd) [Ind. “ 12 Ethalinda Noe (Holcomb) Burr Oak, Mich. “ 13 Julia Reed (Shattuck) *Feb. 2, 1904 G. S. S. 14 Ellen Watkins (Perrin) Jackson, Mich. L. L. U. 15 Harriet Wilbur (Morrison) (Eaton) Bryan, O. “ 16 1861 Eugene C. Bartholomew Austin, Texas Capitalist Amp. 17 William Bouton 2909 Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Surveyor 18 William Henry Sherman *May 7, 1882 Attorney “ 19 David M. Stuart Tropico, Cal. Clergyman * ‘ 20 Mary Laing (Seaman) *Aug. 24, 1866 L. L. U. 21 Lucinda Piper (Griffith) 392 4th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Physician ‘ ‘ 22 1862 Ira H. Bates *Feb. 21, 1907 Insurance Amp. 23 George W. Case Portage, Wis. Clergyman “ 24 Francis Wayland Dunn *Dec. 13, 1874 Prof. H. C. ‘ ‘ 25 Newell Ransom Dunn *March 25, 1862 A. K. P. 26 Fernando F. Hopkins 2501 14th St., Tacoma, Wash. Amp. 27 John James Hopkins *Dec. 31, 1899 Manufacturer - 28 Daniel Wesley Leavitt *Oct. 11, 1863 ‘ ‘ 29 Samuel Rodman Manning Wenatchee, Wash. Farmer ‘ ‘ 30 Phineas Potter Randolph *Dec. 10, 1872 Farmer 4 4 31 Thomas Jay Slayton *July 15, 1875 Attorney 4 4 32 James Hawley *Sept. 20, 1863 4 ‘ 33 Elias W. DeCamp *Oct. 28, 1883 F armer 4 ‘ 34 J. Franklin Meeker Marshalltown, Iowa Attorney A. K. P. 35 Rebecca Barnum (Bunyan) Kendallville, Ind. L. L. U. 36 Franc Buck (Sherman) 649 Orville Ave., Kansas City, Kan. 4 4 37 Amanda Hopkins (Rippey) *Aug. 23, 1901 4 ‘ 38 Dora Hopkins (Booth) *Feb. 8, 1879 4 4 39 1863 Irvin D. Adkinson *Feb. 25, 1875 Clergyman A. K. P. 40 Emory G. Chaddock 1500 W. 20th St. Los Angeles, Cal. Dried Fruit Dealer “ 41 John Locke Collier *April 5, 1899 Clergyman Amp. 42 James Bryant Drew *April 8, 1903 Clergyman 43 Hiram J. Macomber *March 25, 1897 Druggist A. K. P. 44 George W. Mitchell *April 7, 1879 Attorney Amp. 45 William Wallace Payne Northfield, Minn. Prof. Ast’y Carleton Coll. A. K. P. 46 William L. Seaman *May 19, 1891 Amp. 47 Porter Sherman 649 Orville Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Attorney and Banker 4 ‘ 48 Philip Curran Tolford Sand Creek, Mich. 49 John J. Weage *Feb. 11, 1898 Clergyman 50 Sarah Douglass (Slayton) 1947 Maple Ave., Evanston, Ill. L. L. U. 3 51 Hepsie Laing (Gill) *June 3, 1867 ‘ 4 52 Alice Stoddard (McKee) *Oct. 31, 1887 4 4 53 Periam B. Cook *Oct. 24, 1884 Clergyman A. K. P. 54 Harvey Newton Fox Tipton, Ind. Physician Amp. 55 Theron Van Ostrand Mason, Mich. Produce Broker 56 Mary Barnum (Hawley) (Young) East Palmyra, N. Y. L. L. U. j 57 Mary Cavender (Sinclair), *Feb. 6, 1880 “ 1 *Dtceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 11 repeat No. Degree At Graduation. Degrees In Course. Place of Birth. Date of Birth. Date of Marriage To Whom Marr.ed 1 tL.C. Providence, Providence Co , R. I. April 18, 1835 Mar. 17, 1835 Nov. 25, 1856 * B. F. Aldrich 2 < < Java, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Chesterfield, Fulton Co., O. Nov. 21, 1859 * E. R. Potter 3 A.B. A.M. ’66 May 28, 1842 Mar. 19, 1867 Sarah A. Matthews 4 “ “ ’63 Berkley Co., Virginia. Feb. 6, 1835 Jan. 16, 1868 Jan. 12, 1893 * Rachel Wood Ellen Hammond 5 i 4 “ ’66 Scipio, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Oxfordshire, England. Nov. 9, 1839 July 8, 1862 Mary Dixon 6 4 4 “ ’66 Jan. 28, 1835 May 17, 1865 * Adeline Penfield 7 B.S. M.S.’74 Stockton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Sept. 12, 1833 Jan. 29, 1830 Nov. 6, 1862 Ellen Watkins 8 L.C. Hinsdale, Berkshire Co., Mass. June 26, 1866 May 4, 1894 * H. Pierce S. P. Root 9 4 4 Green Creek, Sandusky Co., O. May 20, 1835 Dec. 28, 1870 Jonathan Bayles 10 Brooklyn, Jackson Co., Mich. April 12, 1839 June 23, 1861 May 1, 1855 April 4, 1862 Sept. 4, 1867 P. W. Perry * William J. Lindsley 11 4 4 Solon, Cortland Co., N. Y. May 12, 1834 * William E. Thompson John M. Todd 12 “ Scipio, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hartford, Hartford Co., Conn. April 24, 1837 Nov. 8, 1860 * Vincent C. Holcomb 13 4 4 June 17, 1836 Jan. 2, 1866 L. Brace Shattuck 14 “ Brooklyn, Jackson Co., Mich. Nov. 14, 1837 Nov. 6, 1862 H. V. Perrin 15 Brighton, Monroe Co., N. Y. Aug. 20, 1833 Aug. 6, 1863 Nov. 5, 1873 * Dr. Wm. C. Morrison * Oscar Eaton 16 A.B. A.M.’66 Hanover, Jackson Co., Mich. Jan. 3, 1839 Feb. 1, 1870 Libbie E. Brown 17 “ “ Penfield, Calhoun Co., Mich. Dec. 17, 1838 Feb. 19, 1868 Mary R. Conklin 18 * ‘ “ Homer, Calhoun Co., Mich. July 14, 1842 April 14, 1864 Sarah A. Northam 19 * ‘ 4 4 Springwater, Livingston Co., N. Y. Feb. 17, 1838 Dec. 3, 1861 Mary M. Day 20 ‘ ‘ 4 4 Hebron, Washington, Co., N. Y. Sept. 21, 1836 July 15, 1836 Jan. 14, 1860 * W. L. Seaman 21 L.C. M.S. ’80 West Oxford, Ontario. Aug. 21, 1861 * Aaron Griffith 22 A.B. A.M.’66 Vernon Center, Oneida Co., N. Y. Sept. 18, 1833 Mar. 6, 1866 Oct. 12, 1888 * Carrie M. Allen * Mary Clark 23 24 25 ,, « Newsted, Erie Co., N. Y. Wayne, Wayne Co., Ohio. Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. Sept. 30, 1835 Jan. 29, 1843 July 13, 1841 July 27, 1863 Nina E‘ Nash 26 Ontario, Wayne Co., N. Y. Feb. 22, 1840 June 18,1864 Nancy M. Weir Jennie Frye 27 28 Cochranton, Marion Co., Ohio. Richfield, Summit Co., Ohio. Aug. 4, 1838 June 19, 1837 May 25, 1865 * Avis Thomas 29 “ “ Smithville, Chenango Co., N. Y. April 21, 1838 Aug. 10, 1862 Carrie M. Dunten 30 “ “ Walworth, Wayne Co. N. Y. Nov. 8, 1832 Dec. 15, 1869 Sophia E. Baker 31 “ “ Middlesex, Yates Co., N. Y. Groveland, Livingston Co., N. Y. Jan. 9, 1837 April 4, 1864 Sarah V. Douglass 32 “ Jan. 19, 1838 July 29, 1863 Mary Barnum 33 B.S. M.S. 74 Farmington, Wayne Co., N. Y. Dec. 19, 1832 Oct. 3, 1865 * Marian Packard 34 4 4 “ McDonah, Chenango Co., N. Y. Dec. 15, 1837 July 5, 1865 Sara T. Pierce 35 L.C. Woodstock, Lenawee Co., Mich. Sept. 2, 1837 Nov. 12, 1868 Oct. 6, 1859 James R. Bunyan 36 1 ‘ M.S.’86 Rutland, Rutland Co., Vt. Oct. 21, 1835 Porter Sherman 37 * ‘ Alexander, Genessee Co., N. Y. Dec. 22, 1837 Jan. 14, 1868 William D. Rippey 38 ‘ ‘ Ontario, Wayne Co., N. Y. Sept. 10, 1838 Nov. 11, 1862 Wilbur C. Booth 39 A.B. A.M.’66 Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind. Nov. 11, 1837 June 18, 1868 Dec. 17, 1868 Mary J. Elden * Matilda Le Valley 40 Bennington, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Aug. 27, 1839 Dec. 18, 1889 Jan. 27, 1906 * Agnes Brewer Ella M. Thompson 41 * 1 4 4 Jay, Franklin Co., Me. Sept. 21, 1829 Nov. 22, 1852 * Susan M. Ball 42 4 4 Saco, York Co., Me. Nov. 11, 1838 Jan. 12, 1865 June — , 1897 * Harriet A. Sibley Kate Apfeld 43 ‘ ‘ 4 4 Parkman, Piscataquis Co., Me. June 14, 1839 Aug. 31, 1865 * Eliza C. Messick 44 ‘ ‘ 4 4 Leroy, Lake Co., Ohio. Dec. 22, 1837 July 27, 1864 Lucv E. Bailey 45 ‘ * 4 4 Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. May 19, 1837 June 8, 1870 Josie Vinecore 46 ‘ ‘ Otto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Nov. 11, 1831 Jan. 14, 1860 ■* Mary A. Laing 47 48 •«' 4 4 North Java, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Danbury, Grafton Co., N. H. Feb. 28,1832 Jan. 16, 1822 Oct. 6, 1859 Franc M. Buck 49 4 4 4 4 Napoli, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Aug. 1, 1830 Nov. 19, 1858 Mary C. Dudley 50 4 4 4 4 Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. April 27, 1S39 April 4, 1864 *T.J. Slayton 51 4 4 4 4 Hebron, Washington Co., N. Y. Litchfield, Litchfield Co., Conn. Aug. 15, 1838 Mar. 15, 1864 * W. E. Gill 52 4 6 MS. 75 June 14, 1841 Sept. 28, 1864 * William E. McKee 53 B.S. Greenwood, Steuben Co., N. Y. June 2, 1833 Nov. 28, 1855 Mary Byron 54 4 4 “ 74 Union, Warren Co., Ohio. May 13, 1840 Nov. 4, 1868 Maggie E. Ayres 55 “ 74 Perrinton, Monroe Co., N. Y. June 9, 1836 Mar. 13, 1865 Dec. 16, 1899 * Jennie Crapo Mrs. Belle Drew 56 L.C. Woodstock, Lenawee Co., Mich. Nov. 14, 1S40 July 29, 1863 Nov. 1, 1866 * James Hawley C. W. Young 57 L.C. Canandaigua, Lenawee Co., Mich. Nov. 1, 1837 Oct 13, 1870 D. M. Sinclair t Ladies Course * Deceased NO. 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE Name P. O. Address Eliza Cole (Lewis), Sophronia Fisher (Miller), Adeline Penfield (Stayt), Sara Pierce (Meeker), Sarah L. Smith, Avis Thomas (Hopkins) Hezekiah C. Baggerly, Hiram Collier, Bela P. McKoon, Hillsdale, Mich. 7336 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. *Dec. 24, 1887 Marshalltown, Iowa *May 13, 1866 *June 29, 1870 *May 14, 1876 *June 19, 1880 *Feb. 9, 1899 John C. Patterson Henri Lovejoy Ambler Loftus Nano Keating Elizabeth Barnum (Craw) Sarah Gibson (Sutton) Minnie Ward (Patterson) Sylvester F. Dwight John Reynolds Foster Ora J. Graves Marshall, Mich. 1088 E. Madison Ave., Cleveland, O. Muskegon, Mich. *May 12, 1903 *March 1, 1899 Marshall, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Merriam, Kan. 203 3rd St., Jackson, Mich. William M. Jenkins Charles Edward Soule H. Laura Rowe Clark Wesley Glasgow Charles C. McDermid Lydia Bouton (McDermid) Mary Cooper (Graves) Grace Reed (Hill) Rena Richards (McClanahan) Elizabeth Smith (Mosher) George W. Burchard Lyman Cleveland Chase Jerome L. Higbee Moses Augustine Luce Elon Galusha Reynolds Morton W. Spencer Samuel Johnson Tuttle Arthur Lee Wells William W. Williams Erwin, So. Dakota Grand Haven, Mich. *Nov. 21, 1873 *March 30, 1886 Battle Creek, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. *Jan. 7, 1891 *March 6, 1879 *Dec. 4, 1880 Sandwich, Ill. 64-88 Washington St., Chicago Ill. Marvin, Kan. *Feb. 27, 1907 1744 2nd St., San Diego, Cal. 712 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. Tavares, Fla. 3012 O. St., Lincoln, Neb. *July 19, 1901 *Feb. 11, 1894 Ellen Smith Edwin W. Cunningham John McKee Van Fleet Margaret Ayres (Fox) Eleanor Barnum (Johnson) Sarah Green (More) Mary A. Hitchcock M. Juliette Moltroupe Roxa Tyler (Paldi) Charlotte Willard (White) Frederick A. Herring Henry W. Magee Eugene Castle Olney John Orlando Packer Will M. Smith Russell Tibbets Stanley W. Davis Orlando W. Bates Charles B. Fisher Amariah Hitchcock J. Reader Meroney *Feb. 19, 1903 *Aug. 16, 1905 Elkhart, Ind. Tipton, Ind. 3902 Lakeside Terrace, Chicago, Ill. *Nov. 25, 1883 Grass Lake, Mich., R. F. D. *Feb. 4, 1870 910 W. 60th St., Chicago, Ill. *Jan. 29, 1888 *Aug. 3, 1902 807 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Paragould, Ark. Trinidad, Colorado *Oct. 9, 1886 El Dorado Springs, Mo. 443 So. Claremont Ave., Chicago, Ill. *Feb. 21, 1875 Honoka, Hawaii *March 20, 1905 Topeka, Ind. Irving L. Stone Battle Creek, Mich. William H. Fuller Jennie Bansill (Clifton) Adeline Burch (Wheelock) Elizabeth Corey (Spencer) Adelaide Hanaford (Stoddard) Hastings, Neb. Auburn, Ind. *Feb 26, 1901 Tavares, Fla. *April 27, 1885 *Deceased Occupation Literary Society G.S.S. L.L.U. Teacher A.K.P. Prof. Neb. State Univ. Amp. Fruit Culturist Attorney A.K.P. Prof. Dental Surgery “ Attorney i i L.L.U. Author G.S.S. Attorney A.K.P. Attorney “ Real Estate and Loans Amp. Clergyman < t Attorney A.K.P. Teacher L.L.U. Attorney A.K.P. Farmer Amp. L.L U. G.S.S. L.L.U. Attorney A.K.P. Clergyman Amp. Clergyman A.K.P. Attorney 4 4 Insurance Amp. Clergyman A.K.P. Attorney 4 4 Attorney 4 4 Manufacturer Registrar Neb. University L.L.U. Judge District Court A.K.P. Judge Circuit Court L.L.U. G.S.S. Attorney A.K.P. Attorney A.K.P. Attorney Amp. Attorney Farmer A.K.P. i i Bookeeper Amp. Farmer ‘ ‘ Merchant Manufacturer “ Broker A.K.P. L.L.U. G.S.S. L.L.U. G.S.S. OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 13 Degrees in Course Place of Birth Date of Birth A.M.’67 < < Scituate, Providence Co., R. I. Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo, Co., Mich. Dover, Lenawee Co., Mich. Franklin, Lenawee Co., Mich. Barre, Orleans Co., N. Y. Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co., Mich. Clifton Springs, Ontario Co., N. Y. Jay, Franklin Co., Me. Hume, Alleghany Co., N. Y. Dec, 9. 1833 July 11, 1843 Feb. 25, 1838 Nov. 25, 1839 May 22, 1838 Sept. 23, 1842 Jan. 28, 1842 Mar. 14, 1S32 April 1, 1840 M.S.’68 A.M.’74 “ ’74 “ ’74 Eckford, Calhoun Co., Mich. Medina, Medina Co., Ohio Monroe, Monroe Co., Mich. Leoni, Jackson Co., Mich. Lewiston, Niagara Co., N. Y. Niles, Berrien Co., Mich. Woodhull Township, Steuben Co., N. Y Hudson, Laporte Co., Ind. Cherry Creek, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Mar. 27, 1838 Sept. 10, 1843 Oct. 15, 1840 Nov. 16, 1842 Sept. 20, 1835 Feb. 26, 1841 Mar. 27, 1836 Dec. 18, 1840 Oct. 19, 1839 “ >74 “ ’71 “ ’69 M.S.’74 A.M.’70 “ ’69 “ ’73 “ ’74 *• ’70 “ ’74 “ ’71 “ ’74 “ ’74 West Topsham, Orange Co., Vt. Russell, Geauga Co., Ohio Portland, Ionia Co., Mich. Auburn, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Waukesha, Waukesha Co., Wis. Penfield, Calhoun Co., Mich. Medina, Lenawee Co., Mich. Hartford, Hartford Co., Conn. Clyde, Sandusky Co., Ohio Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Rutland, Meigs Co., Ohio New Albion, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Payson, Adams Co., Ill. Lyons, Ionia Co., Mich. Schroeppel, Oswego Co., N. Y. Dover, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio Fenner, Madison Co., N. Y. Thompson, Seneca Co., Ohio May 26, 1837 Sept. 20, 1841 Aug. 5, 1839 April 28, 1842 Feb. 22, 1844 Aug. 17, 1841 Jan. 30, 1842 Jan. 7, 1843 Nov. 8, 1841 An g . 29, 1846 June 8, 1844 Oct. 2, 1839 Feb. 16, 1839 May 14, 1842 May 7. 1841 Feb. 21, 1836 Aug. 2, 1845 Nov. 7, 1938 April 28, 1842 M S. M. M.S. < t ’69 ’74 ’74 ’71 ’74 ’70 ’74 ’74 ’74 ’74 ’74 ’74 ’74 ’74 Orwell, Ashtabula Co., Ohio Clarksfield, Huron Co., Ohio Constantine, St. Jo. Co., Mich. Ganges, Richland Co., Ohio Leoni, Jackson Co., Mich. Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., Ohio Sharon, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Attica, Genesee Co., N. Y. Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y. New Sharon, Franklin Co,, Me. Elberfeld, Prussia Meadville, Crawford Co,, Pa. Cato, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Pleasant, Switzerland Co., Ind. Wright’s Corners, Dearborn Co., Ind. Bloomfield, Trumbull Co. Ohio Henrietta, Lorain Co., Ohio Schoolcraft, Kalamazoo Co., Mich. Sharon, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Polk, Huntington Co., Ind. Feb. 14, 1838 Aug. 31, 1842 Jan. 28, 1842 Jan. 18. 1842 Sept. 26, 1846 Dec. 11, 1840 Mar. 18, 1844 May 5, 1836 May. 28, 1840 Mar. 14, 1842 Aug. 5, 1845 Dec. 4, 1840 Feb. 14, 1844 Jan. 27, 1846 Oct. 13, 1841 Nov. 17, 1834 Mar. 4, 1836 April 17, 1844 Feb. 27, 1841 Oct. 9, 1844 Nov. 21, 1844 E. Berkshire, Franklin Co., Vt. Oct. 6, 1841 M.S. ’74 Erie, Erie Co., Pa. Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Steuben, Steuben Co., Ind. Dereham, Oxford Co., Ont. Underhill Center, Chittenden Co., Vt. Aug. 21, 1843 Nov. 11, 1841 Feb. 24, 1845 June 6, 1845 April 10, 1845 Date of Marriage Feb. 9, 1865 Aug. 23, 1870 May 17, 1865 July 5, 1865 May 25, 1865 May 18, 1856 June 25, 1874 May 23, 1889 Aug. 22, 1867 Sept. 11, 1877 Nov. 10, 1869 Sept. 12, 1867 Mar. 28, 1861 Aug. 22, 1867 June 8, 1869 April 15, 1874 Sept. 12, 1*65 Aug. 12, 1891 Sept. 28, 1868 Nov. 20, 1867 June 15, 1871 Aug. 15, 1866 Aug. 15, 1866 Sept. 12, 1865 June 20, 1872 July 27, 1876 Jan. 12, 1869 Nov. 24, 1873 Mar. 9, 1882 Jan. 24, 1869 Dec. 14, 1870 Nov. 24, 1880 July 24, 1867 June 1, 1870 Mar. 15, 1870 April 9, 1868 Nov. 9, 1881 Mar. 12, 1867 Aug. 16, 1865 Nov. 4, 1868 Oct. 24, 1872 April 30, 1868 Aug. 31, 1869 Oct. 8, 1874 May 31, 1875 Oct. 10, 1878 Aug. 20, 1872 April 13, 1880 Sept. 29, 1872 Sept. 2, 1884 Oct. 12, 1871 June 21, 1867 Sept. 28, 1870 Aug. 30, 1866 Aug. 27, 1874 Oct. 25, 1904 Nov. 30, 1871 Oct. 26, 1870 July 24, 1871 July 24, 1867 Sept. 2, 1876 To Whom Married *Rev. E. D. Lewis Philip D. Miller C. B. Stayt J. F. Meeker *J. J. Hopkins Jane E. Ball Alice G. McCrea Alice Adams Minnie E. Ward Mrs. Tilly Merwin Martha A. Cook *Edwin R. Craw W. M. Sutton John C. Patterson *Jennie D. Dyer Mary Milburn *Mary E. Cooper Mary E. Turner *M. Abbie Harmon Linnie S. Hall Elora M. Wade Lydia E. Bouton C. C. McDermid O. J. Graves *Samuel Hill P. D. McClanahan Frederic S. Mosher Alice E. Boyd Hattie Lawson Mattie A. Christie R. Adelaide Montania Emily A. Benedict Elizabeth Corey Biancy F. Kies Lucina Register *Susan C. Wood Mary Woodworth Debbie A. Rowland Ellen C. Wick H. N. Fox *H. B. Johnson Lyman A. More J. L. Paldi Benjamin White Kate Lonergan Hattie B. Pratt Imogene J. Miller Ida M. Trabin Anna Macdonald Hattie Griggs Mary Humphrey Myra F. King Belle L. Latta *Effie B. Christie *Cordelia M. Cake Harriet P. Phillips Jennie Hait James Clifton Lewis L. Wheelock M. W. Spencer S. A. Stoddard ^Deceased 14 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE No. YEAR Name p. o. address Occupation Literary Society 122 Jennie McLouth (Cheney) Kinderhook, Mich. L. L. U. 123 Vira Watkins (Root) *Aug. 14, 1900 G. S. S. 124 1868 Elmer W. Adkinson 160 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Attorney A. K. P. 125 Samuel Lewis Beal *April 31, 1906 Clergyman Amp. 126 Ephraim Meacham Corey Bellaire, Mich. Clergyman “ 127 Bonham M. Fox 3339 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sec’y Enterprise Bed Co i C 128 Samuel Adelbert Kennedy Lansing, Mich. Atty., Dept’y Sec. of State 129 Harrison J. Payne *Oct. 13, 1868 Clergyman 6 C 130 Cyril Peck Brown Spring Lake, Mich. Physician “ 131 Charles S. Fassett Hitchcock, So. Dak. Furniture Dealer A. K. P. 132 James Alson Felch *April 29, 1886 Attorney Amp. 133 Harvey Austin Fuller Hillsdale, Mich. Author and Lecturer “ 134 William Cheney Hulse Winneconne, Wis. Clergyman A. K. P. 135 Oscar Albartus Janes 73 E. Willis Ave., Detroit Mich. U. S. Pension Agent Amp. 136 Fred L. Kimmey Morgan Park, Chicago, Ill. Atty. and Real Estate a 137 Isaac N . Wade Champaign, Ill. With Amer. Book Co. A. K. P. 138 Emily A. Benedict (Reynolds) 712 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. L. L. U. 139 Martha Cook (Keating) Muskegon, Mich. 66 140 Jennie Dyer (Dwight) *June 2, 1906 i 6 141 Ella Magee (Adkinson) 5540 Wentworth Ave., Chicago 111. G. S. S. 142 Hattie Magee (Fox) 3339 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Ill. Physician < < 143 Ellen Green (Myers) *June 25, 1897 L. L. U. 144 Carrie Phillips (Keyes) *April 20, 1896 “ 145 Hattie P. Phillips (Stone) Battle Creek, Mich. 146 Nellie C. Sturges *July 10, 1892 G S. S. 147 Lavinia H. Todd *Jan. 24, 1897 a 148 Ella Wade (Drake) So. New Lyme, O. L. L. U. 149 1869 Edwin Kirk Abbott Salinas, Cal. Physician Amp. 150 Roscoe Ammi Chase Plymouth, Ind. Teacher i i 151 John Scott Copp *June 19, 1896 Teacher << 152 Nathan Sylvester Harwood *Jan. 6, 1900 Attorney 6 c 153 Frederic E. Watson 63 Avon St., St. Paul, Minn. Pres. Watson-Thompson Co. A. K. P. 154 Mary Cook (Harwood) *Sept. 17, 1878 L. L. U. 155 Maria Putnam (Stowitts) Brewster, N. Y. 156 Will M. Carleton 44J Green Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Journalist, Poet A. K. P. 157 Charles Augustus Cornwell *Nov. 9, 1898 Attorney Amp. 158 Eugene S. Garvin *Oct. 30, 1875 Physician A. K. P. 159 Joseph D. McCleverty *May 31, 1904 Attorney 160 Willis J. Meader *April 10, 1906 Merchant CC 161 Stephen G. Updyke Compton, Calif. Clergyman 162 Carrie Cressy (Fuller) 1624 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. L. L. U. 163 Elvira Hazard (Chattin) G. S. S. (Oakley) Angwin, Napa Co., Cal. 164 Selina W. Sturgis (Riggs) Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. G. S. S. 165 1870 Charles S. Bentley 1427 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland, O. Attorney A. K. P. 166 Andrew N. Buck *Feb. 5, 1872 Clergyman Amp. 167 George W. Emerson *July 26, 1897 Attorney i C 168 B. Frank Herrick Colfax Ave., N. Minneapolis, Minn. Thea. 169 Albert J. Hopkins Aurora, Ill. Atty. and U. S. Senator A. K. P. 170 Benjamin F. Newton 2408 So. 18th St., St. Louis, Mo. Clergyman Amp: 171 George E. Stewart *Dec. 7, 1904 Life Insurance Thea. 172 Dallas David Tibbetts Eldon, Iowa. Clergyman and Farmer << 173 John Tefft Ward Hillsdale, Mich. Clergyman, Prof, in Hillsdale Amp. 174 Charlotte T. Abbott 457 Fremont St., Fostoria, O. Teacher [Coll. L. L. U 175 Jennie Fitch (Beers) 14518 Union Ave., Harvey, Ill. C i 176 Alfred Bayliss • Macomb, Ill. Teacher Amp. 177 Dallas Boudeman Kalamazoo, Mich. Attorney A. K. P 178 John F. Downey 1806 5th St., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Prof. Math. State Univ. Amp. 179 Byron A. Dunn Waukegan, Ill. Editor A. K. P. 180 Osmon Streeter Ferris 145 Hawthorne Ave., Cleveland, O. Attorney “ 181 John F. Fitzsimmons Hillsdale, Mich. Pres. Tel. Co. 182 John H. Goff 71 Melbourne Ave., Detroit, Mich. Attorney Amp. *Deceased u. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 1 89 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 15 Place of Birth Worthington, Hampshire Co. Mass. Brooklyn, Jackson Co., Mich. Cotton, Switzerland Co., Ind. Jefferson, Clinton Co. Ind. Dereham, Oxford Co., Ont. _ Blanchester, Warren Co., O. Copley, Summit Co., O. New Albion, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Medina, Lenawee Co., Mich. Sandstone, Jackson Co., Mich. Somers, Kenosha Co., Wis. Mannsville, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Canandaigua, Ontario Co., N. Y. Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis. Bethlehem, Albany Co., N. Y. Lockland, Hamilton Co., O. Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Abbyville, Medina Co., O. Chicago, Cook Co., III. Meadville, Crawford Co., Pa. Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. Jellasore, India. Jellasore, India. Scipio, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Redding, Fairfield Co., Conn. Jonesville, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hatley, Stanstead Co., P. Q. Killingly, Windham Co., Conn. St. Albans, Somerset Co., Me. Three Rivers, St. Joseph Co., Mich Bangor, Penobscot Co., Me. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Constantine, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Hudson, Lenawee Co., Mich. Princeville, Peoria Co., Ill. Genoa, De Kalb Co., Ill. Stormont Co., Canada. Ottokee, Lucas Co., O. Enfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Nottawa, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Scipio', Hillsdale Co., Mich. Aurora, Portage Co., O. New Milford, Litchfield Co., Conn. Perry, Logan Co., Ohio. Chester, Geauga Co., O. Cortland, De Kalb Co., III. Peoria, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Lawrenceburg, Dearborn Co. Norway, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vt. Perry, Allen Co., Ind. Bledington, Eng. Valley, Montour Co.. Pa. Hiramsburg, Noble Co., O. Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Marion, Marion Co., O. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. B1 issfield, Lenawee Co., Mich. Ind. Date of Birth Date of Marriage. To Whom Married Sept. 21, 1842 Jan. 2, 1884 Alfred Cheney. July 10, 1844 Sept. 6, 1871 Walter Root. Nov. 28, 1844 June 9, 1870 Ella R. Magee. June 24, 1840 Mar. 28, 1875 Lizzie P. Swcetser. Sept. 12, 1848 April 15, 1873 Mary A. West. Aug. 20, 1845 Sept. 30, 1874 Harriet E. Magee. May 15, 1846 May 23, 1887 Seraph R. Stewart. Jan. 19, 1841 Mar. 31, 1866 Emma C. Squier. Nov. 22, 1844 Mar. 30, 1869 *Clara Ames. June 11, 1901 May 12, 1870. Jennie Johnston. Aug. 27, 1838 Louisa M. Bickford. May 4, 1847 June 29, 1875 Mrs. Emily Kane. Nov. 1, 1834 Dec. 2, 1874 *Etta Fish. Nov. 5, 1885 Sadie Warner. Aug. 21, 1839 June 16, 1871 Etta H. Chase. July 6,1843 Nov. 25, 1873 *Vinnie E. Hill. June 13, 1878 Julia M. Mead. Nov. 3, 1844 Sept. 15, 1870 Azema J. Palmer. May 13. 1846 Aug. 21, 1870 Nanna Brian. Jan. 24, 1844 Nov. 24, 1880 E. G. Reynolds. Mar. 28, 1848 Nov. 10, 1869 L. N. Keating. July 12, 1833 June 8, 1869 S. F. Dwight. Aug. 24, 1845 June 9, 1870 E. W. Adkinson. Sept., 1841 Sept. 30, 1874 B. M. Fox. Jan. 10, 1843 June 10, 1865 Rev. A. A. Myers. Sept. 19, 1843 April 8, 1870 James A. Keyes. Mar. 11, 1848 Aug. 31, 1848 Dec. 2, 1843 Oct. 25, 1904 Irving L. Stone. Oct. 1, 1842 Feb. 10, 1874 Rev. T. H. Drake Dec. 27; 1840 April 3, 1873 Philomela French. Dec. 25, 1847 June 20, 1869 Carrie E. Paine. Jan. 17, 1843 Nov. 25, 1874 Ellen A. Cross. June 18. 1843 May 29, 1872 *Mary E. Cook. July 25, 1883 Celia E. Harris. Sept. 7, 1846 Sept. 21, 1874 Frank M. Polleys. Feb. 16, 1850 May 29, 1872 *N. S. Harwood. Aug. 11. 1847 May 19, 1875 C. S. Stowitts. Oct. 26, 1845 Mar. 2, 1882 *Adora Niles. Nov. 24, 1846 Feb. 22, 1848 Aug. 7, 1878 Clara Bryner. June 1, 1844 Oct. 18, 1876 *Retta Van Fleet Mar. 5, 1885 Mary Richardson June 30, 1843 Jan. 28, 1874 Eugenie Abbott Jan. 18, 1845 Sept. 7, 1871 Nancy Ann Patten April 2, 1849 Mar. 12, 1873 Jesse B. Fuller July 22, 1848 Mar. 11, 1875 *Edward Chattin Sept. 15, 1888 Lucien A. Oakley June 28, 1845 Dec. 18, 1877 John J. Riggs Sept. 5, 1846 May 6, 1874 *Belle Kempton July 21, 1839 July 3, 1889 Mary E. Logan Dec. 19, 1849 Sept. 10, 1875 Laura V. Nichols Mar. 8, 1845 Nov. 22, 1867 Lizzie S. Fuller Aug. 15, 1846 Sept. 9, 1873 Emma C. Stolp Aug. 9, 1842 Mar. 5, 1879 Mrs. Florence C. Mann April 17, 1844 June 10, 1875 *Julia A. Benedict Feb. 5, 1883 Ellen S. Brown Jan. 20, 1847 May 18, 1839 Feb. 17, 1875 Mrs. Mary E. Cowell Oct. 15, 1844 Dec. 24, 1873 Levi Beers Mar. 22, 1847 June 28, 1871 Clara M. Kern Jan. 20, 1846 Nov. 15, 1871 Jennie M. Oernst Jan. 10, 1846 Dec. 14, 1875 Stella Osborne Aug. 4, 1842 June 1, 1845 June 25, 1873 Ida Saunders Nov. 9, 1876 Ellen R. Rhinehart June 16, 1851 Dec. 24, 1874 Lizzie Gilmore Mar. 22, 1849 May 22, 1872 Myra M. Webb ^Deceased 16 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE No. Year Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 183 George Anderson Groot 310 The Arcade, Cleveland, O. Attorney A.K.P. 184 Archibald Wilson Hopkins Peru, Ill. Farmer, Capitalist Amp. 185 Lester H. Salsbury *July5, 1903 Attorney A.K.P. 186 Frank H. Titus Portsmouth, O. Physician 66 187 Anson E. Wells *Feb. 7, 1881 188 Lucia M. Barry (Bishopp) *Jan. 6, 1890 L.L.U. 189 Corrie S. Colburn (Carbine) Cambria, Mich. G.S.S. 190 Philomelia French (Abbott) Salinas, Cal. L.L.U. 191 Millie A Herrick (Brickett) Marion, Mass. G.S.S. 192 Emily Phillips (Marshall) Leaf River, Minn. L.L.U. 193 Ella Russell (Hall) Glendale, Cal. 44 194 Maria Wooster 995 W. Jefferson St., South Bend, Ind. 66 195 Richmond Warner Melendy *Sept. 9, 1882 Attorney A.K.P. 196 William Pike Phelon *Dec. 29, 1904 Physician 197 1871 Jerome G. Abbott 7044 Yah Ave., Chicago, Ill. Real Estate 66 198 Weller D. Bishopp 1618 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill. Real Estate Amp. 199 Adelbert E. Bolster Danville, Ill. Clergyman A.K.P. 200 Samuel E. Fenton *April 28, 1871 Amp. 201 Albert H. Hill *Sept. 18, 1873 Teacher “ 202 Alfred Haynes Johnson 1407 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. U. S. Custom House 203 Jeremiah Phillips, Jr. Kingsville, O. Clergyman 204 Solomon Hogue Spencer *March 25, 1906 Clergyman, Editor 66 116 Irving L. Stone Battle Creek, Mich. Manufacturer Amp. 205 Polk E. Tibbetts Iantha, Mo. Farmer A.K.P. 206 Willis J. Fowler Care Controller Cur’y, Washington Clerk 66 207 Timothy B. French *May 4, 1874 Amp. 208 Roscoe A. Hoyt Fernando, Cal. Fruit Culturer 209 Albion S. Jaquith *June 21, 1892 Teacher A.K.P. 210 Irving W. Marsh Aberdeen, So. Dak. Teacher and Farmer Amp. 211 John R. Parker 530 32nd St., Seattle, Wash. Attorney A.K.P. 212 Judson L. Sibley Pontiac, Mich. County Treasurer 6 6 213 Truman W. Whitney St. Louis, Mich. Attorney 6 6 214 Julia Benedict (Tibbetts) *Dec. 31, 1879 L.L.U. 215 Mary E. Butterfield (Hobart) Lincoln & Ohio Sts., Bellingham, Wash. Author and Lecturer 6 6 216 Clara Kern (Bayliss) Macomb, Ill. Author 6 6 217 Emarette Waterbury (Wilson) Lexington, Mich. “ 218 Ruth E. Brockett Rio Grande, O. Lady Prin. Rio Grande Coll. 219 Carrie M. Chamberlin *Sept. 24, 1873 4 4 220 M. Myrtilla Davis Hillsdale, Mich. Prof. Elocution Hills. Coll. L.L.U. 221 1872 Le Vant Dodge Berea, Ky. Prof. Math. Berea Coll. Amp. 222 David Duguid Oakdale, Ill. Teacher and Farmer Thea. 223 Levi B. French Yankton, So. Dak. Attorney Amp. 224 Alfred C. Hogbin Laramie, Wyoming Clergyman, Author Thea. 225 George A. Slayton Hillsdale, Mich. Farmer and Teacher Amp. 226 Stephen Decatur Smith Orlando, Fla. Clergyman 66 227 James D. Williams 4599 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, Ill. American Book Co. A.K.P. 228 Willis Blair Allen *May 1, 1879 66 229 Zina R. Ashbaugh Midland Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. With Rand, McNally & Co. 66 315 Orange Scott Clark Battle Creek, Mich. Attorney Amp. 230 Charles M. Copp *Aug. 19, 1890 Amp. 231 Eugene A. Merrill 2116 2nd Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. Att’y, Pres. Minn. Loan & 232 Lysander K. Parks 1116 Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Calif. Attorney [Trust Co. A.K.P. 233 Lewis P. Rhinehart 5539 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. Real Estate Dealer i 6 234 Charles R. Schurtz *Sept. 9, 1885 Amp. 235 John Horace Greeley Weaver Eureka, Cal. Attorney A.K.P. 236 David George Wilder Cleveland, O. Physician “ 237 Dan M. Harvey Constantine, Mich. Farmer Amp. 238 Lucinda Green (Dodge) *Sept. 25, 1895 [L.L.U. 239 Alice Timms (Hogmire) Bangor, Mich. 240 Frances M. Dickerson *Aug. 15, 1873 G.S.S. 241 Abbie Dunn (Slayton) Hillsdale, Mich. L.L.U. 242 Georgia Fitzsimmons (Burch) Reading, Mich. G.S.S. 243 Edith J. Manning (Henry) * Aug. 20 1890 4 4 244 Mattie L. McCowan (Webster) *July 20, 1897 L.L.U. 245 Celestia L. Rowe (Ammerman) Hillsdale, Mich. i 6 *Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 17 repeat No, Degree at Graduatioi Degrees ii< Course Place of BIrth Date of Birth Date of Marriage To Whom Married 182 B.S. M.S. 7: Shushan, Washington Co., N. Y. Aug. 3, 1843 Dec. 12, 1872 Maora Agnes Sage 1 84 “ “ Granville, Putnam Co., Ill. Jan. 4, 1845 April 14, 1898 Cara L. McVay 182 Ci “ Dover, Lenawee Co., Mich. June 25, 1842 Sept. 29, 1881 Sue M. Quinn r 186 i C “ Powellsville, Scioto Co.,40. Albion, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Nov. 17, 1850 Sept. 10, 1890 *Louise C. King 187 ( < 44 Nov. 13, 1848 Oct. 23, 1872 Clara Conant 188 fL.C. M.S. 74 Cambridge, Lamoille Co. Vt. Mar. 10, 1845 May 29, 1879 Weller D. Bishopp 189 L.C. Marshfield, Washington Co., Vt. Dec. 14, 1842 Dec. 21, 1901 Theodore P. Carbine 190 fL.C. 4 4 Sharon, Medina Co., O. May 13, 1841 April 3, 1873 E. K. Abbott 191 tL.C. 4 4 Elberfeld, Prussia Jan. 10, 1849 Aug. 5, 1885 Harry L. Brickett 192 L.C. 4 4 Jellasore, India Petersburg, Monroe Co., Mich. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dec. 24, 1850 July 15, 1873 A. J. Marshall 193 194 fL.C. L.C. « Mar. 29, 1847 Feb. 22, 1842 Dec. 11, 1873 Henry H. Hall 195 B.S. M.S. 75 Bainbridge, Chenango Co:, N. Y. Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng. Feb. 8, 1833 Jan. 1, 1866 *Belle Mason 196 A.B. A.M. 75 Sept. 28, 1834 Jan. 31, 1849 Mar. 27, 1858 *Lamira R. Morse 197 i < A.M. 74 Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Mar. 23, 1881 Lou A. Crane 198 C C Lenham, Kent Co., Eng. Oct. 6, 1843 May 29, 1879 *Lucia M. Barry 199 “ 4 4 Ontario, Wayne Co., N. Y. April 16, 1849 Dec. 6, 1845 May 25, 1873 Rosa V. Wilson 200 “ Goshen, Elkhart Co., Ind. Lafayette, Medina Co., O. Nov. 30, 1869 Cornie M. Henshaw 201 July 3, 1847 July 26, 1869 Nellie McMillan 202 c c A.M. 74 Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Oct. 20, 1850 Aug. 28. 1888 Elizabeth H. Edmunds 203 i 4 Balasore, India Dec. 24, 1846 June 8, 1875 Alta Wright 204 4 4 Loydsville, Belmont Co., O. Nov. 10, 1841 July 8, 1878 Aug. 30, 1866 Frances Stickler *Effie B. Christie 116 E. Berkshire, Franklin Co., Vt. Oct. 6, 1841 Aug. 27, 1874 Oct. 25, 1904 *Cordelia M. Cake Harriet P. Phillips 205 4 4 ‘ ‘ Wright’s Corners, Dearborn Co. Ind. May 11, 1842 Mar. 12, 1872 *VilIa Hazard 206 207 B.S. M.S. 74 Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., O. Sharon, Medina Co., O. Feb. 14, 1851 Oct. 29, 1846 Feb. 18, 1880 Edith O. Bourie 208 209 44 4 4 44 Waterford, Racine Co., Wis. Wright’s Corners, Dearborn Co., Ind. May 31, 1847 May 1, 1847 June 15, 1871 Hannah M. Cottrell 210 4 4 4 ( Osseo, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Jan. 4, 1850 June 19, 1890 Emma J. Drake 211 4 4 4 4 Grandview, Spencer Co., Ind. Aug. 12, 1847 Sept. 29, 1875 M. Josephine Daniels 212 44 44 Wixom, Oakland Co., Mich. Oct. 29, 1846 Sept. 23, 1873 Lucia E. Banks 213 4 4 Bunkerhill, Ingham Co., Mich. July 29, 1847 June 29, 1873 Eunice Marsh 214 44 Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. May 14, 1847 June 10, 1875 D. D. Tibbetts 215 44 Lempster, Sullivan Co., N. H. Jan. 27, 1845 June 16, 1876 Homer Hobart 216 44 Porter, Van Buren Co., Mich. Mar. 5, 1846 June 28, 1871 Alfred Bayliss 217 218 219 220 L.C. 44 44 44 Lexington, Sanilac Co., Mich. Bristol, Trumbull Co., O. Rochester, Lorain Co., O. Belleville, Dane Co., Wis. June 13, 1848 Mar. 9, 1840 May 3, 1852 June 16, 1853 Nov. 14, 1873 *Lewis D. Wilson 221 A.B. A.M. 75 Trumbull, Ashtabula Co., O. May 9, 1838 June 15, 1862 Sept. 9, 1896 *Lucinda M. Green Mary H. Lamson 222 44 4 4 Fremont, Steuben Co., Ind. May 18, 1845 Dec. 29, 1873 May 17, 1878 *ElIa A. Chadwick. Sarah S. McLean 223 44 4 4 Tekonsha, Calhoun Co., Mich. Dover, Kent Co., Eng. Oct. 24, 1845 Aug. 20, 1879 Jeanette L. Wells 224 4 4 May 9, 1846 Oct. 4, 1876 Flora A. Preston 225 44 Grattan, Kent Co., Mich. Jan. 9, 1847 April 4, 1873 S. Abbie Dunn 226 “ 4 4 Manchester, St. Louis Co., Mo. Feb. 5, 1846 Dec. 28, 1875 L. Belle Williams 227 228 4 4 B.S. Caledonia, Livingston Co., N. Y. Newton Falls, Trumbull Co., O. Newbury, LaGrange Co., Ind. Sept. 15, 1846 Nov. 12, 1848 June 22, 1875. Eva Winchester 229 44 M.S. ^ 75 Nov. 13, 1848 Sept. 17, 1885 Kittie Kump 315 230 4 4 44 “ Hector, Tompkins Co., N.Y. Detroit, Somerset Co., Me. Dec. 26, 1848 Oct. 21, 1844 Jan. 10, 1887 Nov. , 1896 *Clara J. Watson Mrs. Eda E. Mason 231 44 “ • Byron, Genesee Co., N. Y. Aug. 26, 1847 Sept. 6, 1876 Ada M. Keith 232 4 4 4 4 Sheffield, Lorain Co., Ohio. Nov. 30, 1846 Feb. 17, 1881 Mary A. Sibley 233 4 4 4 4 Porter, Cass Co., Mich. Nov. 13, 1*46 Dec. 16, 1874 Alice M. Custard 234 44 4 4 White Pigeon, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Dec. 6, 1848 Dec. 30, 1874 Augusta S. Walker 235 44 44 Quincy, Branch Co., Mich. Sept. 6, 1846 Aug. 18, 1875 Flora Williams 236 4 4 4 4 Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y. Dec. 15, 1846 Aug. 25, 1874 Alma H. Hickox 237 4 4 4 4 Constantine, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Feb. 18, 1842 July 25, 1867 Mary E. Harvey 238 4 4 4 4 Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. Sept. 6, 183S June 15, 1862 L. V. Dodge 239 240 4 4 Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Oct. 2, 1851 Feb. fr, 1853 Mar. 12, 1879 M. E. Hogmire 241 4 4 4 4 Spring Arbor, Jackson Co., Mich. Aug. 19, 1853 April 4, 1873 Geo. A. Slavton 242 4 ‘ 4 4 Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Nov. 18, 1852 Sept. 16, 1883 Orville G. Burch 243 4 4 << Greenwood, Crawford Co., Penn. Feb. 9, 1849 Nov. 7, 1885 A. J. Henry 244 44 44 Tecumseh, Lenawee Co., Mich. Nov. 24, 1850 Oct. 7, 1884 G. D. Webster t B. S. 1871 * Deceased 18 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE No. Year Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 245 Celestia L. Rowe (Ammerman) Hillsdale, Mich., L. L. U. 246 Luthera I. Wilson(Mills) *Dec. 26, 1883. G. S. S. 247 Jennie Perry (Parmelee) Charlevoix, Mich., L. L. U. 248 1873 Newell G. Augir Cor. Ave. N and 10th St., Brooklyn, Attorney A. K. P. 249 Franklin H. Bailey Rochester, N. H., Box 601, [N. Y., Author, Manufacturer Thea. 250 Lathan A. Crandall 2200 Hennepin Boul., Minneapolis, Clergyman Amp. [Minn., 251 Charles D. Dudley *July 12, 1886, Clergyman 4 4 252 Robert D. Frost Bowdoinham, Me., Clergyman Thea. 253 Charles Henry Gurney Hillsdale, Mich., Alumni Prof. Hillsdale Col. Amp. 254 Richard M Lawrence 342514th St., Brookland, Wash., D. C., Thea. 255 Bruce Samuel Hunting *Sept. 25, 1898, Prof. Latin Berea College Amp. 256 Irving B. Smith *M ay 12, 1906, Prin. Academy A. K. P. 257 Frank P. Wiley *Dec. 6, 1898, Attorney < i 258 I. Newton Crittenden Amp. 259 Orphens E. Davis 6 Antisdale Court, Grand Rapids, Piano Tuner A. K. P. 260 Durelle F. Glidden Tucson, Arizona, [Mich., Attorney ‘ ‘ 261 Amos Montraville Gould Kalamazoo, Mich., Clergyman Amp. 262 Zeno L. Kent Chagrin Falls, O., Of Deerick Oil Stone Co. A. K. P. 263 George Ketcham *May 7, 1899, Attorney * 4 264 Robert Freeman Pouley *Feb. 3, 1907, Farmer Amp. 265 Arah H. Randall *June 29, 1900, Miller A. K. P. 266 Edward Payson Simpson Melbourne, Fla., Fruit Raiser Amp. 267 John Melancthon Timms *Feb. 16, 1895, Farmer A. K. P. 268 Henry S. Williams Aberdeen, So. Dak., Editor ‘ ‘ 269 Herbert E. Winsor Marshall, Mich., Attorney i i 270 John Wooster Dowagiac, Mich., Attorney < < 271 David L. Zook 1001 Ashland Block, Chicago, Ill., Real Estate 4 4 272 Emily M. Ames (Mauck) *April 26, 1879, L. L. U. 273 Carrie Bowman (Baber) *Oct. 20, 1885, G.S.S. 274 Ellen Cross (Copp) 704 University Ave., Madison, Wis., Clergyman ( i 275 Evangeline A. Fowler Sherman, Tex., Artist L. L. U. 276 Mary Fox Hillsdale, Mich., 4 * 277 J. May Johnson *Dec. 27. 1874, 4 4 278 Amelia D. Oakley (Hallock) 1575 Summit Ave., Seattle, Wash., G. S. S. 279 Israel P. Bates Paw Paw, Mich., Clergyman Thea. 280 George R. Holt Jackson, Mich., Clergyman 281 Albert J. Marshall Leaf River, Minn., Farmer “ 282 Abram B. Taylor *Jan. 28, 1876, * ‘ 283 1874 Samuel S. Ashbaugh 1216 N. Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Kan., Attorney A. K. P. 284 David L. Bishopp Anderson, Ind., Attorney Amp. 285 Spencer D. Bishopp Hillsdale, Mich., Attorney i i 286 Austin A. Brainer *July 22, 1875, A. K. P. 287 Amos H. Gleason Colvin Park, Chicago, Ill., Attorney Amp. 288 Sigler W. Mauck Cortland, O., Principal Schools “ 289 Wesley Sears Jackson, Mich., Recorder of Deeds A.K.P. 290 Lillian Steward (Wells) Morgan Place, Hollywood, Cal., L. L. U. 291 Mary A. Stratton (Blackman) Wales Center, N. Y., 4 4 292 Samuel D. Crane Garden City, Kans. Teacher A.K.P. 293 William W. Heckman 4505 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill., Attorney “ 294 M. Bentley Kent Chagrin Falls, O., Of Deerlick Oilstone Co. 295 John M. Melendy Eureka, Cal., Real Est., Ins. and Loans “ 296 James W. Simmons Owosso, Mich., Sup’t. of Schools Amp. 297 George Whitman Smith Pontiae, Mich., Circuit Judge A.K.P. 298 Frank B. Van Auken Pleasant Lake, Ind., Farmer “ 299 Mary H. Fulton Canton, China, Missionary G.S.S. 300 Mary E. Mott *Sept. 2, 1905, L.L.U. 301 Hortense Olney (Downing) *Nov. 11, 1903, 302 Effie Z. Stockwell(Pouley) Cadmus, Mich., 303 Roxie C. Tyler (Dennett) *June 2, 1890, 304 Millie Mills (Logan) G. S. S. (Bentley) 104 Elsinore St. E., Cleveland, O., *Deceased HU. 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 387 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 19 Place of birth Portland, Ionia Co., Mich. Windham, Portage Co., O. Woodstock, Ont. Wvocena, Columbia Co., Wis. Happy Hollow, Orange Co., Vt. Plymouth, Chenango Co., N. Y. Agency City, Wapello Co., Ia. Sugar Grove, Kane Co., Ill. Stanfordville, Duchess Co., N. Y. Dover, Kent Co., Eng. Elgin, Kane Co., Ill. Middlebury, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Leroy, McLean Co., Ill. Spring, Boone Co., Ill. Beloit, Rock Co., Wis. Clarendon, Orleans Co., N. Y. Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Co., O. Mason, Cass Co., Mich. Blackberry, Kane Co., Ill. Tekonsha, Calhoun Co., Mich. Sherman, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y. Sterling Hill, Windham Co., Conn. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Monroe, Richland Co., O. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Blair, Waterloo Co., Ont. Omro, Winnebago Co., Wis. Kingsville, Ashtabula Co., O. Blanchester, Warren Co., O. Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y. Genoa, De Kalb Co., Ill. Harmony, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Lykens, Crawford Co., O. Shelby, Orleans Co., N. Y. Iona, Elgin Co., Canada. Newbury, La Grange Co., Ind. Lenham, Kent Co., Eng. Lenham, Kent Co., Eng. South Butler, Wayne Co., N. Y. Guilford, Winnebago Co., N. Y. Cheshire, Gallia Co., O. Knox, Waldo Co., Me. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Strykersville, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Milford, La Grange Co., Ind. Date of Birth Feb. 12, 1846 Feb. 20, 1840 Nov. 19, 1838 Dec. 15, 1849 Mar. 4, 1845 Sept. 20, 1850 June 14, 1852 Oct. 15, 1846 July 17, 1847 Feb. 29, 1848 June 27, 1847 Sept. 30, 1845 1853 Feb. 13, 1850 Feb. 5, 1849 June 12, 1850 Dec. 29, 1845 June 22, 1849 Jan. 9, 1848 Nov. 1, 1847 April 9, 1848 Mar. 1, 1851 July 17, 1848 June 9, 1844 Oct. 22, 1850 Feb. 1, 1847 Mar. 1, 1846 Mar. 26, 1853 Aug. 3, 1849 Feb. 26, 1849 Aug. 30, 1852 Oct. 22, 1853 Oct. 21, 1850 May 24, 1850 Dec. 30, 1835 May 26, 1844 Nov. 3, 1847 April 29, 1847 Mar. 25, 18^2 Oct. 17, 1845 Oct. 17, 1845 Feb. 22, 1847 May 4, 1846 Jan. 16, 1849 Oct. 22, 1851 May 25, 1850 Oct. 14, 1847 Feb. 22, 1844 Date of Marriage Nov. 26, 1880 Sept. 3, 1876 Jan. 2, 1860 June 19, 1867 Feb. 21, 1895 July 16, 1872 Dec. 8, 1892 Oct. 25, 1877 Oct. 1, 1885 April 3, 1878 Dec. 17, 1878 May 1, 1884 July 25, 1878 Dec. 26, 1882 Dec. 3, 1869 Nov. 30, 1882 Nov. 8, 1880 Dec. 21, 1874 Oct. 5, 1875 Oct. 9, 1895 Oct. 10, 1877 Nov. 9, 1876 June 25, 1873 Dec. 24, 1896 Oct. 6, 1887 Dec. 23, 1876 Oct. 10, 1876 April 2, 1876 July 23, 1884 June 26, 1877 Sept. 1, 1874 Nov. 25, 1874 Feb. 27, 1878 Dec. 1, 1864 July 1, 1868 Jan. 28, 1897 July 15, 1873 April 27. 1873 Sept. 17 1884 Sept. 24, 1874 Oct. 17, 1877 Aug. 31, 1905 Dec. 5, 1869 Feb' 24, 1885 Dec. 29, 1880 Aug. 25, 1875 April 16, 1892 July 1, 1869 1886 Center, Morgan Co., O. Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Co., O. California, Branch Co., Mich. Farmington, Oakland Co., Mich. Orangeville, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Co., O. Ashland, Ashland Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dover, Lenawee Co., Mich. Compton, Sherbrooke Co., O. Shalersville, Portage Co., O. May 22, 1851 June 9, 1847 Aug. 8, 1850 Aug. 6, 1849 Mar. 27, 1850 Nov. 13, 1850 May 31, 1854 Aug. 23, 1854 April 18, 1848 Sept. 20, 1850 April 14, 1848 Aug. 1, 1845 Nov. 16, 1881 Sept. 15, 1887 May 7, 1885 Aug. 6. 1874 July 9, 1902 May 21, 1879 Nov. 23, 1873 Oct. 21 1875 Nov. 9, 1876 Oct. 5, 1881 Mar. 28, 1872 July 3, 1889 To Whom Married D. C. Ammerman. David W. Mills. Horatio P. Parmelee. Minerva Greenfield. Cora Bell Meader. *Mary Nichols Nellie Louise Hart. Caroline G. Jenney. Hattie G. Parrott. Mary A. Rising. *Frances S. Millard. Jennie Ford. *Mary L. Neely. Julia Scott. Amelia R. Miller Bettie Hammond. Belle S. Noe. Lynn Van Antwerp. Lottie Newman. Mary A. Foote. Minnie Wethey. Effie Z. Stockwell. Ada Tucker. Olive Brookes. Minnie B. Voorhees. Ella L. Durkee. Mary G. Eldridge. Florence Howard Alice Foster J. W. Mauck James M. Baber *John S. Copp George E. Hal lack Sarah A. Church *Marilla Waller Mrs. Annette M. Myers Emily L. Phillips. Grace Van Alstine. Louise Mansfield. Josephine Foss. *Margaret C. Chase. Nina Kempton. Vilena Norris. Gertrude W. Coplin. *Nellie O. Law. *James D. Wells. Henry E Blackman. *Emmergene Nichols. Asenath C. Grimes. Tillie C. Howe. Eleanor Nichols Nellie Clark. *Eva A. Motley. Ella M. Grubb. Ida J. Donaldson. R. H. Sanders. Edward Downing. *Robert F. Pouley. W. E. Dennett. *Wm. H. Logan. Charles Bentley *Deceased V. 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 308 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 Alumni et alumna Lva J. Root bailie H. Vineyard (Erwin) ^ucius D. Boynton Egbert O. Dickinson oseph William Mauck 'ranklin H. Nibecker Charles Williams Pratt r red Aretus Williams )live H. Bentley (Jones) lelen S. Wyllis (Snell) )range Scott Clark .ee E. Brown Villiam Wallace Cole )tto Fowle Arthur Edwin Haynes Cheney D. Ingell r olney Kent iadley B. Larabee Charles E. Mitchell Edward Wayland Porter Marshall B. Webber )rville C. Whitney oseph E. Williams Della Beers (Howell) Lva C. Durbin .aura E. Hamilton (Fay) iusan J. Henry (Hubbard) day Hewitt (Haynes) darion E. Perkins (Manwaring) 'Jellie M. Phillips Vnna P. Stockwell (Skeel) darilla C. Wooster Egbert O. Dickinson Albert N. Eldred dilo J. Coldren ames Stewart Curtis 'rank L. Durgin lansom L. Stillman oseph A. Weitz Elizabeth M. Henry (Stewart) 'aroline Weaver (Leland) 'lora A. Preston (Hogbin) Vlice D. Sandborn (Coldren) 'yrus Cline .owell M. Gates Jeorge D. Lay lugh Dennis Long larriet E. Butler (Putnam) lelen A. Dunn (Gates) lelen I. Fay (Weitz) dary F. Latta (Barstow) .ucy M. Phillips (Durgin) ames W. Parsons lascom L. Prescott rhomas S. Roberts )zro Gaius Augir Vayland B. Augir ohn C. Grover tivington D. Lord .ewis C. McLain ohn A. Wolford dary M. Nutten (Hopkins) P. O. Address 217 W. Chippewa St., Dwight, Ill., 536 Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo., Riley Center, Mich., Big Rapids, Mich., Hillsdale, Mich., Glen Mills, Pa., Edgerton, So. Dak., Ashtabula, O., 1104 Virginia Ave., Spokane, Wash., Douglas, Kans., Battle Creek, Mich., Hillsdale, Mich., Geneseo, Ill., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., 703 River Road East, Minneapolis, Ravenna, O., [Minn., Marshalltown, la., Keuka Park, N. Y., Sand Creek, Mich., Bay City, Mich., Winona, Minn., 7J4 Cary St. Binghamton, N. Y., *Oct. 3, 1881 Poplar, Tulare Co., Cal. 6565 Yale Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1298 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal. 213 25th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. 703 River Road East, Minneapolis, Mishawaka, Ind. [Minn. *March 7, 1906 770 Republic St., Cleveland, O. Kalamazoo, Mich. Big Rapids, Mich. Colon, Mich. Chandbali, India *Nov. 2, 1889 Winnebago, Minn. *Nov. 25, 1901 Montpelier, O. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Laramie, Wyoming *March 29, 1879 Angola, Ind. 802 Mulberry St., Scranton, Pa. La Porte, Ind. Oakland, Cal., Care J. H. Long Charlevoix, Mich. 802 Mulberry St., Scranton, Pa. Montpelier, O. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Winnebago, Minn. 56 Fillmore Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Downer’s Grove, Ill. *Aug. 26, 1899 Grafton, W. Va. 509 Colman Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Quincy, Ill. 593 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. *Feb. 1, 1904 *Oct. 30, 1898 Vilhsca, la. ____ Occupation Teacher Clergyman Clergyman Pres. Hillsdale College Supt. House of Refuge Attorney Insurance Teacher Attorney Farmer Real Estate Law Attorney, Banker Prof. Math. Minn. Univ. Attorney Attorney Dean Keuka College Farmer Attorney Attorney Wholesale Produce Teacher Teacher S. Div. High [School Clergyman Medical Missionary Teacher Clergyman Clergyman Missionary Physician Attorney Physician Teacher Attorney Physician Coal Merchant Miner Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Supt. Manufactory Attorney Farmer Clergyman Attorney Literary Society L.L.U. Thea Amp. G.S.S. L.L.U. Amp. Thea. Amp. A.K.P. Thea. A.K.P. Thea. Amp. G.S.S. L.L.U. G.S.S. L.L.U. 66 66 Thea. Amp. A.K.P. Amp. L.L.U. G.S.S. L.L.U. G.S.S. A.K.P. Thea A.K.P. Amp. G.S.S. L.L.U. G.S.S. L.L.U. Amp. Thea Amp. A.K.P. Amp. Thea. Amp. L.L.U. *Deceased IU. 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 308 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 21 Place of Birth. Date of Birth. Date of Marriage To Whom Married Liberty, Jackson Co., Mich. Vevay, Switzerland Co., Ind. Bethany, Genessee Co., N. Y. Ulster, Ulster Co., N. Y. Aug. 6, 1853 June 23, 1853 Oct. 20, 1846 Aug. 31, 1844 Cheshire, Gallia Co., O. Aug. 17, 1852 Buffalo, Erie Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pa. Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Co., O. Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hector, Tompkins Co., N. Y. Oct. 15, 1854 Mar. 2, 1854 Feb. 11, 1853 May 15, 1852 Jan. 28, 1854 Dec. 26, 1848 Bethany, Genesee Co., N. Y. Portland, Whiteside Co., Ill. Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Van Buren, Onondaga Co., N. Y. Mantua, Portage Co., O. Haw Patch, La Grange Co. Ind. Jackson, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Aug. 6, 1849 June 26, 1846 Jan. 9, 1852 May 23, 1849 July 20, 1848 Dec. 14, 1848 Aug. 18, 1849 Madison, Lenawee Co., Mich. Metamora, Lapeer Co., Mich. Raymond, Racine, Co., Wis. Thomson, SuqUehanna Co., Penn. Gabon, Crawford Co., O. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich., Texas, Henry Co., O. Mt.Pleasant, Jefferson Co., O. Bainbridge, Geauga Co., O. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Bolton, Warren Co., N. Y. Balasore, India Dover, Lenawee Co., Mich. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Ulster, Ulster Co., N. Y. May 3, 1850 Mar. 4, 1851 Aug. 2, 1850 Oct. 13, 1849 Aug. 3, 1*48 Jan. 20, 1851 Mar. 24, 1853 Jan. 24, 1853 April 20, 1853 Jan. 30, 1851 Sept. 12, 1842 June 15, 1853 Oct. 12, 1852 Mar. 7, 1851 Aug. 31, 1844 Richmond, Ontario Co., N. Y. Eden, La Grange Co., Ind. Mar. 26, 1848 June 8, 1850 Jamestown. Chatauqua Co., N. Y. Saco, York Co., Me. Chester, Geauga Co., O. St.Joseph, Williams Co., O. Bainbridge, Geauga Co., O. Wood, Sundusky Co., O. Ilion, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Sycamore, DeKalb Co., Ill. Mansfield, Richland Co., O. Sherman, Wayne Co., Pa. Mason, Cass Co., Mich. Angola, Steuben Co., Ind. New Hampton, Belknap Co., N. H. Chelsea, Suffolk Co., Mass. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Eoen, La Grange Co., Ind. New Hampton, Belknap Co., N. H. Potter, Yates Co., N. Y. Greenville, Crawford Co., Pa. Pultney, Steuben Co., N. Y. Wyocena, Columbia Co., Wis. Alden, McHenry Co., Ill. Columbus, Adams Co., Ill. June 7, 1850 Dec. 23, 1851 Aug. 18, 1851 Nov. 30, 1849 Dec. 1, 1854 Oct. 19, 1840 Aug. 28, 1854 April 17, 1854 July 12, 1853 Mar. 26, 1852 Jan. 29, 1847 Oct. 8, 1852 May 2, 1855 Dec. 21, 1857 Nov. 9, 1853 June 9, 1856 Sept. 6, 1854 Dec. 13, 1845 July 9, 1844 Jan. 7, 1848 May 8, 1852 Jan. 14, 1853 April 22, 1854 Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Rostraver, Westmoreland Co., Pa. Green Camp, Marion Co., O. Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Aug. 13, 1858 Mar. 7, 1848 Mar. 15, 1853 May 2, 1854 Dec. 31, 1883 Dec. 31, 1874 June 22, 1875 April 29, 1903 June 26,1877 Dec. 25, 1884 Dec. 9, 1880 Aug. 30, 1883 Nov. 9, 1887 June 16, 1889 Jan. 5, 1893 Jan. 10, 1887 Nov. —, 1896 Jan. 12, 1888 Oct. 18, 1877 June 30, 1880 June 24, 1875 April 15, 1891 June 5, 1878 June 30, 1875 Nov. 29, 1894 July 2, 1885 July 3, 1883 Jan. 2, 1879 June 30, 1875 June 10, 1880 Sept. 9, 1891 Chas. O. Erwin. *Marilla M. Reynolds. *Ella Cook. Emma H. Perkins. *Emily M. Ames. Frances M. Ball. Belie S. Pendleton. Carrie Schleede. Elizabeth Giddings. Thomas R. Jones. Robert H. Snell. *Clara J. Watson. Mrs. Eda E. Mason. Mary S. Brown, Carrie Weston. Jennie E. Mead. May Hewitt. Belle C. Catlin. Anna L. Allen. *Ella Rood. Myrtle Bostetter. Lena Payne. Alma Welsh. Agnes Robertson. Mate S. Savory. Ada R. Gochenour. James L. Howell. Oct. 16, 1878 Aug. 7, 1888 June 24, 1875 Sept. 24, 1883 Fred E. Fay. Win. M. Hubbard. A. E. Haynes. *J. M. Manwaring. Dec. 31, 1889 John C. Skeel. June 22, 1875 April 29, 1903 June 26, 1873 Oct. 9, 1878 Nov. 8, 1882 Oct. 4, 1883 Aug. 6, 1877 Oct 13, 1880 Mar. 10, 1880 Sept. 20, 1877 Aug. 10, 1862 Oct. 4, 1876 Oct. 9, 1878 Oct. 6, 1880 Nov. 30, 1880 Dec. 4, 1879 Dec. 15, 1887 July 11, 1883 Nov. 30, 1880 Mar. 10, 1880 Dec. 15, 1888 Aug. 6, 1877 May 27, 1869 Feb. 22, 1866 Mar. 18, 1880 Aug. 1, 1881 *Ella Cook. Emma H. Perkins Celinda Decker. *Alice D. Sandborn. Emma Smith. Katie Tingle. Lucy M. Phillips. Ida J. Murray. Helen I. Fay. Frank M. Stewart. *Warren Leland. Alfred C. Hogbin. Milo J. Coldren. Jennie Gibson. Helen A. Dunn. Mary F. Dunakin. Anna M. Kellogg. Holden A. Putnam. Lowell M. Gates. Joseph A. Weitz. Edward Barstow. Frank L. Durgin. Nan E. Cribb. Maggie McDonald. Nellie Allison. Zana M. Powell. Aug. 15, 1877 April 26, 1887 Jan. 19,1885 Aug. 24, 1875 Nov. 1, 1877 Dec. 20. 1881 *Ella M. Woodworth Martha Huston Etta L. Chesney Annie Gween Mary A. Johnston H. Miles Hopkins * Deceased u. 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 338 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 749 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 /IOC ALUMNI ET ALUMNzE Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society Fred Henry Stone Hillsdale, Mich. Attorney Amp. James C. Strickland *Sept. 8, 1879 A.K.P. Lou B. Winsor Reed City, Mich. Attorney Amp. Allie B. Garside (Martin) 918 W. 8th St., Los Angeles, Cal. G S. S. Mary A. Johnston (Wolford) Marion, O. L.L.U. Ida O. Phillips *July 5, 1889 Missionary G. S. S. Mary E. Russell (Wilson) *June 14, 1891 New Decatur, Ala. L.L.U. Millie M. Troy Teacher 1 ‘ Ella M. Woodworth (Grover) *May 12, 1885 “ Judson B. Palmer Sec’y Y. M. C. A., Galveston, Tex. Clergyman Thea. Wellington DePuy Grand Ledge, Mich. Clergyman “ Dwight R. Higbee 2305 Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Real Estate Amp. George Camber McClure Brodhead, Wis. Clergyman Thea. Spencer G. Millard *Oct. 25, 1895 Lieut, Gov. California Amp. Joseph Harvey Walrath *Sept. 1, 1892 Clergyman Duren James H. Ward 130 W. Laurel St., Fort Collins, Colo. Clergyman, Lecturer Achsa V. Hoffman *Jan. 27, 1887 G. S. S. Barton Stewart Lobdell Janesville, Wis. With Maynard, M. & Co. Amp. Fred W. Nichols 932 Hinman Ave., Evanston, Ill. Supt. Schools Dist. No. 2 Arthur S. VanDeMark 4406 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Electrical Engineer A.K.P. Flora M. Abbey (Sherwood) Hydro, Okla. L.L U. Mary E. Chase Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher < < Azia Bentley (Butler) Olympia, Wash. G.S.S. Mary F. Dunakin (Lay) LaPorte, Ind. L. L. U. Josie Norris (Dunton) 3001 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. ‘ ‘ Olive E. Olney *Oct. 16, 1878 G.S.S. May Preston (Slosson) 530 W. 123rd St., New York, N. Y. Poet i C Edith Wallbridge (Carr) 919 Vine St., Scranton, Pa. L. L. U. Elizabeth Yost 104 Washington St., Grand Rapids, [Mich. Teacher George R. Laybourne 14 Phoenix Blk., Duluth, Minn. Attorney A.K.P. Hattie A. Brewster Billings, Mont. Teacher L. L.U. Milo J. Coldren Chandbali, India Missionary Thea. David D. Mitchell Sofia, Mercer Co,, N. Dak. Clergyman “ John C. Shannon Wixom, Mich. Farmer < < Mary Garard (Andrews) 3431 Hawthorne Ave., Omaha, Neb. Clergyman G.S.S. Adolphus Aikin Sanborn, N. Y., R. F. D. No. 16 Farmer Thea. Rowley M. Barrus Keuka Park, N. Y. Prof, in Keuka College 4 4 Charles Carmichael Toledo, O. Stock Buyer Amp. Dudley E. Clarke *Nov. 24, 1884 Clergyman Henry Mead Ford Hillsdale, Mich. Cor. Sec. Free Will Bap. Thea. Emma L. Jenne (McGee) Benzonia, Mich. Ass’d Ed. Benzie Banner G.S.S. Herbert Emilius Blake *March 28, 1891 Thea. Alfred Aldis Dunton, Jr. 3001 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. Physician, Druggist Amp. James Albert Hanks 808 E. Third St., Duluth, Minn. Attorney A.K.P. Eli Hughes Stillwater, Okla. Physician Amp. Hiram Theodore Smith Sycamore, Ill. Attorney 4 4 John Charles Turner 1123 Broadway, cor, 25th, New York. Wholesale Lumber Dealer C i Virgil Kossuth VanDeVenter Dundee, Mich. Traveling Salesman Thea. Clara B. Cone (Brown) Cambridge, Neb. L. L. U. Agnes E. VanValkenburgh Milwaukee, Wis. Librarian Public Library “ Lester Adoren Goodrich Hillsdale, Mich. Pharmacist, Merchant A.KP. William H. Scribner Cleveland, O. Local Dept. L S & M S Ry. “ Joseph L. Wagner Ontonagon, Mich. Teacher ‘ ‘ James D. Williams *Aug. 10, 1896 4 4 Frank O. Dickey Angelica, N. Y. Clergyman Thea. John N. Crow E. 5th and Burr Sts., Mitchell, S. D. Attorney A.K.P. George W. Lawrence Unicoi, Tenn. Teacher Thea. William Arthur Myers 2004 Brainard Ave., Cleveland, O. Clergyman ‘ ‘ Harriet G. King Scoville Place, Oak Park, Ill. Grand View Park, Lincoln, Neb. Teacher G.S.S. Luella Pierce Hartley L. L. U. Charles Harper Baker 712 Washington St., Bay City, Mich. Physician Thea. Will Clarke Burns Monroe, Mich. Clergyman James Luscombe Callard Kenosha, Wis. Civil Engineer .Dceased ’EAT 0 . 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 338 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 749 417 418 419 420 421 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 23 Place of Bi?.th. Date of Birth Date of Marriage. Huntsburg, Geauga Co., O. La Grange Center, Ind. Providence, Providence Co., R. I. Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Pa. Port Colborne, Ontario Co., Can. Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y. Petersburg, Monroe Co. Mich. Three Rivers, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Danielsonville, Windham Co. Conn. Hartford, Trumbull Co., O. Mt. Morris, Livingston Co., N. Y. Lenox, Ashtabula Co., O. St. Louis Gratiot Co., Mich. Pewamo, Ionia Co., Mich. Canajoharie, Montgomery Co. ,N. Y. Dorchester, Middlesex Co., Ont. Benton, Elkhart Co., Ind. Spring, Boone Co., Ill. Marengo, Calhoun Co., Mich. Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y. Philadelphia, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga Co., O. Eckford, Calhoun Co., Mich. Bingham, Clinton .Co., Mich. Cato, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Ilion, Herkimer Co., N. Y. > North East, Erie Co., Pa. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Springfield, Clark Co,, O. Girard, Branch Co., Mich. Eden, La Grange Co., Ind. Madison, Lenawee Co., Mich. Paris, Brant Co., Ont. Clarksburg, Harrison Co., W. Va. Java, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Freedom, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Oneida, Eaton Co., Mich. Mantua, Portage Co., O. DeWitt, Clinton Co., Mich. Detroit, Wayne Co., Mich. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Pleasant Unity. Westmoreland Co., Troy, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. [Pa. Dundee, Monroe Co., Mich. Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. New Haven, Oswego Co., N. Y. Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Salmionie Huntington Co., Ind. Genesee, Livingston Co., N. Y. Three Mile Bay, Oswego Co., N. Y. Durbin’s Corners, Williams Co., O. Dover, Kent Co., Eng. Goshen, Clermont Co., O. Barton, Tioga Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Ulster, Scotland. Plymouth, Devonshire, Eng. Feb. 17, 1854 Feb. 10, 1851 Jan. 24, 1858 Sept. 26, 1857 Feb. 3, 1853 July 24, 1856 June 23, 1854 Aug. 18, 1856 Sept. 21, 1855 April 25, 1851 Aug. 20, 1849 May 14, 1856 Oct. 18, 1856 July 10,1856 Jan. 14, 1847 June 17, 1851 Feb. 19, 1857 May 28, 1853 Feb. 28, 1858 Oct. 2, 1856 May 18, 1859 Nov. 4, 1857 Aug. 1, 1849 May 9, 1856 April 29, 1858 Nov. 27, 1857 Sept. 10, 1857 Oct. 2, 1855 Sept. 14, 1859 Oct. 22, 1857 Aug. 6, 1859 June 8, 1850 Oct. 12, 1847 Mar. 4, 1848 Mar. 3, 1851 May 22, 1849 July 6, 1853 Sept. 1, 1856 July 19, 1856 April 24, 1853 Dec. 17, 1854 June 19, 1855 April 1, 1S54 Oct. 13, 1855 Oct. 28, 1853 Dec. 17, 1853 June 22, 1860 April 6, 1852 Jan. 13, 1859 Aug. 10, 1859 Mar. 2, 1852 Sept. 5, 1856 Jan. 4, 1851 July 3, 1856 July 10, 1846 June 5, 1855 June 2, 1854 July 16, 1853 April 27, 1853 Feb. 21, 1859 Dec. 18, 1859 Feb. 10, 1855 April 14, 1849 Oct. 28, 1881 June 29, 1907 Sept. 16, 1886 Dec. 25, 1884 Nov. 1, 1877 Sept. 12, 1882 Aug. 15, 1877 Sept. 20, 1886 Oct. 7, 1885 June 28, 1882 Aug. 28, 1878 June 17, 1885 Nov. 5, 1874 Aug. 18, 1875 Dec. 31, 1890 Mar. 22, 1877 July 20, 1881 May 21, 1881 Jan. 30, 1884 Mar. 3, 1877 Dec. 4, 1879 Oct. 17, 1882 Aug. 12, 1891 May 13, 1886 May 14, 1885 Aug. 21, 1905 Oct. 9, 1878 Nov. 28. 1882 Mar. 13, 1878 Feb. 20, 1879 April 10, 1888 Feb. 24, 1883 June 3, 1880 May 8, 1885 June 9, 1880 Sept. 8, 1880 Nov. 19, 1884 June 16, 1881 Oct. 17, 1882 May 4, 1883 Dec. 28, 1882 May 16, 1900 Dec. 29, 1887 June 27, 1881 June 19, 1883 June 1, 1892 Jan. 25, 1883 June 9, 1883 Oct. 10, 1882 Dec. 28, 1870 Sept. 16, 1875 June 5, 1895 June 22, 1882 June 30, 1880 Aug. 2, 1881 Dec. 13, 1882 Sept. 9, 1885 Jan. 16, 1888 To Whom Married *Julia Ferris. Mrs. Charlotte Tyler. Emma Adams. James N. Martin. *John A. Wolfoid. Altus T. Wilson. John C. Grover. Marion M. Hume. Ella Reynolds. Sadie Fish. Frankie H. Walrath. Ida Hall. Lydia M. Mount. *Zuba A. Cross. Lizzie A. Cheney. Mary D. Smith. Viola Wilson. Lillie F. Augir. David E. Sherwood. John H. Butler. George D. Lay. A. A. Dunton. Edwin E. Slosson. Henry J. Carr. *Clara M. Hank. Charlotte J. Holton. *Alice D. Sandborn. Emma Smith. Ursula Woods. Violette M. Kelsey. *Isaac R. Andrews. Jennie O’Neill. Cora J. Chapin. June Upton. Ella Dunn. Sadie Searle. Zelos F. McGee. Carrie A. Cammeron. Josie Norris. Sarah A. Grace. Josie Everett. Stella Rogers. Louise Andrews. Mary J. Gane. Clinton M. Brown. M. Adelaide Farnam. Cora B. Farr. Mae Nichols. Carrie V. Monteith. *Nellie E. Sage. Mary Bell. Cora Boise. Angelia L. Green. Lizzie Bryan. Ellis T. Hartley. Jennie A. Crake. Allie M. Collins. Mrs. J. F. Norton. ^Deceased 24 ALUMNI ET ALUMNA No. Year Name 427 Newton John Corey 428 Frank Auron Houghton 429 James Nelson Martin 430 Clarence Davis Rogers 431 Silas S. Sears 432 Angelia L. Green (Lawrence) 433 Carrie B. Hitchcox (Clark) 434 Esther E. Patton 435 Merton Meeker 436 Anna M. Cottrell 437 John S. Harrington 438 1881 Benjamin Franklin Boiler 439 Herbert Lester Horton 440 John Roland H. Latchaw 441 Edgar Eugene Moss 442 Katheryne A. Cook (Baldwin) 443 Edmund Fairfield Augur 444 Orman Joseph Bates 445 Clinton Mahlon Brown 446 William Henry Haggerty 447 Mervin Henry Lobdell 448 Duncan McLaren Martin 449 Lewis Powell Williams 450 Viola J. Augir 451 Libbie Cilley (Griffin) 452 Hattie P. Clough (Pritchard) 453 Gertrude W. Coplin (Mauck) 454 Elma L. Root (Van Buskirk) 455 Fred Sherburne Gaige 456 Edwin Alexander Hogg 457 Maria H. Mills (Farr) 458 Willis H. Swift 459 Etta M. Kirby (Swift) 425 Will Clark Burns 403 Dudley Edson Clarke 460 Zebina FlaviusGriffin 461 1882 Samuel Wilbur Norton 462 Avery Foster Schermerhorn 463 Charles R. Wheeler 464 Anna W. Fite 465 William Eisenman 466 Leonidas Llewellyn Evans 467 William H. Fanning 468 Elliott Eugene Kidney 469 Adelbert D. McIntyre 470 Silas Levi Smith 471 Gertrude Avery (Shields-Staed) 472 Nettie Dunn (Clark) 473 Christine J. Herring 474 Mary S. McKibben 475 Cynthia R. Mills (Moss) 476 Mary O’Meara (French) 477 Cora E. Reynolds (Hunt) 478 Lora June Reynolds 479 Ella Van Aken (Augur) 480 Charles Hamilton Meeker 481 Orville Taylor 482 Clara I. Bulkley 483 Harriet E. Searle (Faulkner) 484 1883 Clinton Cromwell Durgin 447 Mervin Henry Lobdell 485 Charles Henry Pierce 486 Walter Scott Varnum 487 Adelbert Eugene Davis 488 Fremont Dayton Davis P. O. ADDRESS 38 Woodward Ave. Terrace, Detroit, 10554 S. Leavitt St. Chicago, III. [Mich. 918 W. 8th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Sycamore, III. Klondike, N. W. T. Unicoi, Tenn. 418 Jefferson St., Elkhart, Ind. Kolhapur, India, S. M. C. York, Neb. Whitewater, Wis. Littleton, N. H. 1463 W. Washington St., Los Angeles, [Cal. *Jan. 19, 1882 Muncie, Ind. 112 Allis Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Muskegon, Mich. 452 Lake St., Los Angeles, Cal. Cambridge, Neb. *March 31, 1904 Belvidere, Ill. Camp Martin, Needles, Cal. *Dec. 22, 1883 1011 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hatigarh, India 3553 Farnim St., Omaha, Neb. Cortland, O. 217 W. Grove St., Pontiac, Ill. 3 Willard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Trenton, Neb. *Sept. 27, 1887 *May 4, 1905 Hillsdale, Mich. Monroe, Mich. *Nov. 24, 1884 Hatigarh, India Ashland Blk., Chicago, Ill. Charleston, Me. Marian, O. Montpelier, O. Lordsburg, Cal. Crawford, Neb. Rosebud, So. Dak. 2535 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill. *Oct. 6, 1895 Detroit, Mich. Lahore, India *Oct. 26, 1893- Azusa, Cal. Pulaski Heights, Little Rock, Ark. Litchfield, Mich. 16 Dolphin St., Winthrop, Mass. *March 13, 1883 Los Angeles, Cal., 452 Lake St. Monterey, Cal. Bayard, Neb. White Pigeon, Mich. Waukesha, Wis., R. F. D. No. 3 9 Newcastle Road, Boston, Mass. Belvidere, Ill. Portland, Ore. *April 9, 1898 Escanaba, Mich. Occupation Literary Society Teacher Piano Forte, etc. Teacher A. K. P. Surgeon “ Attorney 4 4 Miner Amp. Teacher G.S.S. Missionary L. L. U. Attorney A. K. P. Teacher State Normal L. L. U. Clergyman Thea. Clergyman 4 4 Clergyman 4 4 Attorney A. K. P. L.L.tJ. Attorney, Abs. of Titles A. K. P. A. K. P. Banker Amp. Attorney “ Teacher 4 4 Civil Engineer Thea. Amp. Ass’t Mgr. Woman’s Dept. L. L. U. [Mut. Life Ins. Co., N. Y. Missionary G.S.S. L. L. U. 44 Insurance 44 A. K. P. Stock Raiser, Farmer 44 L.L.U. Teacher, Farmer A. K. P. Clergyman Thea. Clergyman Amp. Missionary Thea. Attorney Amp. Clergyman Thea. Atorney Amp. Teacher G.S.S. Supt. Public Schools A. K. P. Supt. Public Schools 44 Attorney 44 Furniture Dealer Amp. Physician A. K. P. Clergyman Thea. L.L.U. Missionary 44 G.S.S. Teacher “ L.L.U. G.S.S. L.L.U. G.S.S. Supt. City Schools A. K. P. Groceryman Amp. Attorney A.K.P. Teacher Amp. 44 44 Supt. City Schools 44 A.K.P. *Deceased HU. 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 425 403 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 48 1 447 485 486 487 488 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 25 Place of birth Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Clover, Illinois. Warren, Bristol Co., R. I. Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y. North Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. Union, Cass Co., Mich. Goderich, Huron Co., Ontario. Smithfield, Chenango Co., N. Y. Mentor, Lake Co. O. East Zorra, Canada Wooster, Wayne Co., O. Sand Lake, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Barkeyville, Venango Co., Pa. Maple Rapids, Clinton Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Vlt. Gilead, Morrow Co., O. Crooked Creek, Steuben Co., Ind. White River, Muskegon Co., Mich. Belvidert*, Boone Co., Ill. Bryon, Genesee Co., N. Y. . Wheatland. Hillsdale Co., Mich. McHenry, McHenry Co. III. Boston, Ionia Co., Mich. Providence, Providence Co., R. I. lonesville, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich, lonesville, Hillsdale Co., Mich. West Columbia, Mason Co. ,W.Va. North Berwick, York Co., Me. Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Adams, Hillsdale Lo., Mich. Ulster, Scotland Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., O. Byron, Ogle Co., HI. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Ellington, Chatauqua Co., N. Y. Three Rivers, St.Joseph Co., Mich. Vlarion, Marion Co., O. Petersburg, Monroe Co., Mich. Madison, Jackson Co., O. Aurora, Kane Co., Ill. Florence, Erie Co., Pa. Oshkosh, Winnebago Co., Wis. Oregon, Dane Co., Wis. LaCrosse, LaCrosse Co., Wis. Yarren, Jo Daviess Co. Ill. Elberfeld. Prussia Chatfield, Cravtford Co., O. Vassar, Tuscola Co., Mich. Syracuse, Onondaga Co., N. Y. Dundee, Monroe Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich, fefferson, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Bennington, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Henderson. Knox Co., III. Freedom, Portage Co., O. Muskego, Waukesha Co., Wis. Hampton, Rockingham Co., N. H. Belvidere, Boone Co., III. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. N. Dorchester, Middlesex Co., Ont. Flint. Steuben Co., Ind. Drland, Steuben Co., Ind. Date of Birth Date of Mar riage To Whom Married Jan. 31, 1860 Jan. 1, 1858 Sept. 1, 1902 Mrs. Ada Benedict June 29, 1852 Dec. 25, 1884 Allie B. Garside Aug. 3, 1850 April 12, 1859 Aug. 27, 1885 Elizabeth A. Rowley April 6, 1857 June 22, 1882 George W. Lawrence Dec. 4, 1857 Aug. 16, 1857 Jan. 31, 19 0 Alfred Clark April 14, 1854 Jan. 30, 1849 Dec. 20, 1883 Ida Hampton Dec. 17, 1848 Aug. 28, 1870 E. A. Bingham Aug. 30, 1851 Oct. 20, 1854 July 26, 1876 April 14, 1886 *Mercy R. Wright Emeline S. Phillips Sept. 7, 1851 April 27, 1875 Zella A. Kimball Oct. 14, 1858 Dec. 11, 1890 Cynthia R. Mills Oct. 6, 1861 Feb. 2S, 1900 F. B. Baldwin July 13, 1858 Mar. 14, 1855 Aug. 20, 1884 Ella Van Aken Feb. 2, 1859 June 19, 1883 Clara B. Cone Mar. 19, 1854 June 27, 1883 Delia S. Howard Feb. 2, 1855 May 14, 1854 Dec. 29, 1886 Jeanette Concannon Mar. 5, 1856 Nov. 6, 1855 June 15, 1881 Ida White Feb. 28, 1851 Feb. 28, 1881 Zebina F. Griffin Oct. 13, 1858 June 27, 1882 P. M. Pritchard Mar. 6, 1862 Feb. 24, 1885 Sigler W. Mauck Dec. 14, 1859 Aug. 6. 1884 Wm. F. Van Buskirk Nov. 12, 1860 June 29, 1849 Aug. 3, 1886 *S. Anna M. McMahon Dec. 23, 1«52 July 2, 1884 Eben Farr April 21, 1857 June 30, 1881 Etta M. Kirby Sept. 5, 1861 June 30, 18'1 *Willis H. Swift Feb. 10, 1855 Sept. 9, 1885 Allie M. Collins July 19, 1856 June 9, 18^0 Ella Dunn Nov. 14. 1814 July 22, 1865 Feb. 28, 1881 *Mary Harwood S. Libbie Cilley Jan. 15, 1857 Aug. 16. 1900 Alice S. Caldwell Dec. 23, 1854 June 29, 1882 Eva A. Miller Nov. 11, 1856 Feb. 12, 1861 Jan. 7, 1890 Mattie Millette Aug. 26) 1855 Nov. 27, 1856 July 15, 1885 Cordelia E. Crow Oct. 10, 1858 Feb- 15, 1894 Aug. 21, 1889 Anna M. Morley May 27, 1857 Charlotte A. Root Jan. 31. 1856 Dec. 26, 1884 Della M. Reynolds Oct. 9, 1859 Aug. 28, 1883 Mary E. Gardner June 22, 1862 Mar. 20, 1889 July 21, 1905 Alfred Shields Valentine Staed Nov. 9. 1863 Mar. 23, 1859 May 7, 1859 July 12, 1893 Walter J. Clark June 22, 1856 Dec. 11, 1890 Edgar E. Moss Oct. 4, 1861 May 27, 1890 James French Jan. 9, 1859 June 22, 1860 July 29, 1897 Arthur C. Hunt Mar. 18, 1861 Aug. 13, 1860 Aug. 20, 1884 Edmund F. Augur Oct. 13, 1860 Dec. 3, 1853 Sept. 4, 1883 Josephine E. Porter May 10, 1856 Mar. 6, 1883 R. A. Faulkner May 28, 1861 Aug. 21, 1898 Nellie Palmer Feb. 2, 1855 Nov. 22, 1862 Dec. 29, 1886 Jeanette Concannon April 8, 1855 May 10, 1885 *Alice Case Jan. 7, 1856 Nov. 3, 1897 Elizabeth Barr Feb. 2. 1859 June 27. 1889 Minnie Green ^Deceased u. 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 472 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 52S 53C 531 532 381 532 53 4 53' 53€ 53: 53£ 531 54C 541 54: 54: 54< 54: 54( 54: 54: 54! 551 55 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE Name Milbourne J. Davis Osmar Lysander Waller Sarah Benedict Jeannette Fite Susie Gilman Elizabeth A. Rowley (Rogers) Emma Shafer Emma Waterman (Jackman) Annie E. Woods Hubbard McKee Hoyt Hugh Ayres Myers Edmund Fairfield Parmelee Jessie E. Lieb Sara E. Parker Lina Seibly Emma Smith (Coldren) Ada Proctor (Butcher) Isabel Toan Nellie E. Weir (Gregg) Wilbur Eugene Dennett P. O. Address Berlin Heights, O. Pullman, Wash. Winnebago, Minn. Marion, O. Pasadena, Cal. Sycamore, Ill. 32 Avenue A, Canton, Ill. Waterloo, Ind., R. F. D. St. Anthony, Idaho. 319 14th St., Pacific Grove Cal. 3802 N. 17th St., Omaha, Neb. San Diego, Cal. Elkhart, Ind. 504 S. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich. *Sept. 30, 1887. Chandbali, India. 252 55th St., Chicago, III. Seattle, Wash. Genoa, O. Pascoag, R. I. Occupation Literary Society With Beers History Co. A.K.P. Prof of Math. Agr. College Thea. Teacher Parker College G S. S. 4 < Teacher L.L.U. Teacher Ger. and English G.S.S. Teacher L. L. U Physician A.K.P. Attorney Journalist A.K.P. G.S.S. Missionary Missionary Teacher L.L U. Clergyman Thea. amuel Solon Schnell Charles Clark Jeorge Bentley Hopkins ohn Lincoln Johnston dla Jane Ball Jettie Dunn (Clark) .illian Hart (Cazier) larriet Laura Reynolds Charles Elbert Robertson Charles Elmer Root idmer Ellsworth Woodman VIice Case (Varnum) Itella Ruth Root lion Joseph Arnold Lmanuel Wesley Brubaker r rank Miner Kerry Charles Warren Laverty ohn Hugh McGill Element Jacob Olmsted imma M. Mosher ustina Peterson (Mowry) ohn Russell Mowry ienry Scott Roblee Charles Irwin Taylor Jrrin Wyant Waldron 3uren James H. Ward 2813 Carnegie Ave.. Cleveland, O. Elton, N. Y. Columbia City, Ind. Larned, Okla. Keuka Park, N. Y. Lahore, Ind. Rogers Park, Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Lansing, Mich. *Nov. 2, 1888. Vermillion, Kan. *April 24, 1896. 704 S. 5th St., Springfield, Ill. 4713 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Okolona, O. 145 Brunson Ave., Benton Harbor, Moline, Ill. [Mich. *April 1, 1892. Hudson, Mich. Ripleyville, O. *July 22, 1899. Wilton, N. Dak. Benton Harbor, Mich. Grand Blanc, Mich. Ithaca, Mich. 130 W. Laurel St., Fort Collins,' Colo. Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Teacher, Keuka College Missionary Teacher Bank Clerk Farmer Teacher Civil and Elec. Engineer Farmer Physician Attorney. Physician, Merchant Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman, Lecturer L. L. U. A.K.P. Amp. L.L.U. < < A.K.P. Amp. A.KP. G.S.S. L.L. U. Thea. 66 Amp. oseph Cummins 3ertha M. Brown (Dayton) ared Maurice Arter Harey Winslow Dunton Slorman Edgar Goodrich 31ark Lincoln Herron 160 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Hudson, Mich. Cairo, Ill. Manistique, Mich. 1105 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Attorney Prin. Manning Bible School With Manistique R. R. Co. Ptrb. Carleton s Everywhere Prof. Hillsdale College A.K.P. G. S. S. Thea. Amp. A.K.P. Amp. Alfred B. Loomis Frank Smith Robert Elmer Taylor Lida C. Dillon (Hall) Edith Fox (Smith) Anna B. Martindale Gertrude R. Haning (Bowles) Ida B. Haning (Brandebuury) Cynthia J. Simpson John Franklin Thompson May Mills (Thayer) Lucy Adella Sloan Estella Shepard (Hollenbeck) Carson City, Mich. 913 W. California St., Urbana, Ill. Kewanee, Ill. Hudson, Mich. *Nov. 15, 1888. Hillsdale, Mich. Dingess, W. Va. *Feb. 10, 1904. Arvada, Col. Richmond, Ind. *Aug. 8, 1895. Mount Pleasant, Mich. Phoenix, N. Y. Hardware Merchant Prof. Nat. Hist. Univ.of Ill. Bank Cashier Capitalist Prin. Public Schools Teach, of Lit. State Normal G. S. S. L. L.U. Amp. L. L. U 1G. S. S Deceased REPE No. 4 4 4 4! 4! 4! 4! 4! 4! 41 4< 5( 5( 5( 5( SC 5C 5C 5C 5C 50 51 51 51 51 47 51 51 51 51 51! 51! 52! 52 52: 52: 52 ' 52‘ 52f 52: 52£ 52£ 53( 531 532 381 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 27 Place of Birth. Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Lykens, Crawford Co., O. Drland, Steuben Co., Ind. VTarion, Marion Co., O. Slorth East, Erie Co., Pa. V4oscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Mien, Hillsdale Co., Mich. N aterloo, DeKalb Co., Ind. Buffalo, Erie Co., N. Y. 'forth Monroeville, Huron Co., O, ^ooperstown, Venango Co., Pa. leading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. .aGrange, LaGrange Co., Ind. Angelica, Alleghany Co., N. Y. .ansing, Ingham Co., Mich. Donald, Ionia Co., Mich, larlem, Winnebago Co., Ill. -yons, Ionia Co., Mich, lillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. !uxton, York Co., Me. iverpool, Medina Co., O. 'rafalgar, Halton Co., Ontario, akfield, Genesee Co., N. Y. skaloosa, Mahaska Co., Ia. uffalo, Erie Co., N. Y. barren, Jo Daviess Co., Ill. acine, Racine Co., Wis. illsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich, ambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich, irmingham, Schuyler Co., Ill. aw Paw, VanBuren Co., Mich, eneseo, Henry Co., Ill. )merset, Hillsdale Co., Mich, asnovia, Muskegon Co., Mich, lorida, Henry Co., O. endall, Orleans Co., N. Y. arrisburg, Dauphin Co., Pa. roy, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. [est Union, Steuben Co., N, Y. ipley, Brown Co., O. lien’s Grove, Scott Co., Ia. mns, Clinton Co., Ia. 3rth Creek, Warren Co . N. Y. ne Run, Genesee Co., Mich. 3rth Creek, Warren Co., N. Y. archester, Middlesex Co., Ontario. ontpelier, Williams Co., O. ttsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich, arper’s Ferry, Jefferson Co., W. Va. alamazoo. Kalamazoo Co., Mich, adson, Lenawee Co., Mich, ableville, Van Buren Co., Mich. wamo, Ionia Co., Mich, inneconne, Winnebago Co., Wis. nal, Venango Co., Pa. nandaigua, Ontario Co., N. Y. igola, Steuben Co., Ind. rtland, Lake Co., O. bany, Tuscarawas Co., O. bany, Tuscarawas Co., O. llersburgh, Iowa Co., Ia. cyrus, Crawford Co., O ;emont, Tuscola Co., Mich. : erson, Hillsdale Co., Mich, iroeppel, Oswego Co. ,N .Y. Date of Birth. aster of Divinity Mar. 10, 1859 Nov. 30, 1857 Feb. 3, 1861 July 15, 1859 Feb. 20, 1860 Jan. 3L, 1858 Oct. 21, 1861 Feb. 23, 1862 Oct. 18, 1854 Oct. 8, 1858 Nov. 13, 1858 Mar. 14, 1861 Jan. 21, 1862 Mar. 19, 1860 April 11, 1859 June 22, 1853 Aug. 31, 1861 Nov. 29, 1863 Dec. 5, 1861 June 23, 1852 April 22, 1865 Sept. 30, 1848 April 11, 1855 June 22, 1861 May 3, 1858 Nov. 9, 1863 June 4, 1864 Oct. 2, 1861 Oct. 1, 1861 Oct. 2, 1862 Jan. 31, 1863 Dec. 15, 1861 Jan. 19, 1863 Aug. 14, 1861 June 30, 1857 Feb. II, 1859 Mar. 13, 1864 Sept. 2, 1861 Feb. 26, 1859 Dec. 27, 1861 May 26, 1857 Oct. 30, 1853 Nov. 17, 1858 Feb. 15, 1859 July 13, 1859 June 17, 1851 Sept. 13, 1862 Sept. 18, 1865 Jan. 29, 1853 June 25, 1864 Sept. 15, 1861 Jan. 24, 1861 Jan. 27, 1858 Feb. 18, 1857 May 21, 1862 Sept. 7, 1862 Feb. 11, 1864 Jan. 23, 1861 April 4, 1862 April 8, 1860 Jan. 17, 1861 Feb. 25, 1860 June 22, 1858 Jan.10, 1853 Dec. 15, 1857 Date of Marriage April 25, 1889 Aug. 14, 1885 Aug. 27, 1885 Dec. 28, 1889 Sept. 13, 1893 Dec. 25, 1888 Sept. 10, 1885 Nov. 28, 1882 Jan. 4, 1888 Dec. 2, 1885 Oct. 5, 1881 Feb. 21, 1893 July 18, 1883 Oct. 4, 1883 June 7, 1888 Oct. 21, 1890 July 12, 1893 Oct. 9, 1890 Aug. 11, 1886 Feb. 2, 1888 May 10, 1885 Jan. 14, 1886 June 2,1887 Sept. 2, 1896 Oct. 11, 1904 Aug. 4, 1881 Aug. 4, 1881 Aug. 22, 1880 Sept. 17, 1886 Aug. 5, 1884 Aug. 18, 1875 Dec. 31, 1890 June 19, 1896 Feb. 11, 1891 July 14, 1890 Oct. 11, 1893 Dec. 27, 1888 Aug. 18, 1895 Oct. 26, 1887 Sept. 8, 1887 July 12, 1890 Oct. 29, 1896 Nov. 26, 1891 Sept. 8, 1887 Jan. 26, 1886 July 7, 1887 To Whom Married Alberta Wincenreid. Belle Brown. C. D. Rogers. Harry E. Jackman. Julia E. Boise. Mabelle Ittner. Essie J. Buttars. Milo J. Coldren. J C. Butcher. Edwin F. Gregg. *Roxie C. Tyler. Mrs. Eva Delano. Jennie B. Elliott. Mary E. Feld. Dora J. Murphy. Emma Hanna. Walter J. Clark. Marion H. Cazier. Sarah McKee. Laura Mudgett. W. S. Varnum. *SteIla Berry. Lydia Ruggles. Lucy S. Rice. Ada Bryant. J. R. Mowry. Justina Peterson. Alma L. Partridge. Frona Sparks. Mary E. Phillips. Zuba A. Cross. Lizzie A. Cheney. Hattie Fleming. G. W. Dayton. *EmiIy A. Carter. Edith C. Bennett. *Bertha Harvey. Martha N. Sisson. Celestia J. Mitchell. *Edith Fox. Isa Dora Stamats. Charity R. Palmer. Charles S. Hall. Frank Smith. H. G. Bowles. H. A. Brandebury. June 12, 1890 Mar. 5, 1895 Oliver D. Thayer A. C. Hollenbeck * Deceased NU. 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 553 103 4- 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 -586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 588 609 610 611 612 613 274 Name Nellie V. Ward Orion Sumner Belden William Homer Wagner William Kellogg Jackson Eva J. Boots (Belknap) Edith L. Coombs (Rider) Charles Gustavus Elmore Arthur Lee Guernsey Herbert Alfred Kerns Hoyt Perry Parmelee Willard Ansel Prince Cressy Livingstone Wilbur Francis Harvey Callow Orrin Scott Dolby, Alfred Rollin Heckman Charles Nixon William J. Perry Amos Eugene Russell Rose Emerson (Armstrong) Lydia J. Ruggles (Brubaker) Julius Perry Hewes Augustus Ripley Toothacre Ada Montgomery (Kennan) Emma H. Proctor (Dyer) Minnie O. Turner Bath) Mattie S. Brown (Railsback) Benjamin Winsor Aldrich Orion Sumner Belden James E. Davidson Fred Norton Dewey Lorenzo Everett Dow Edwin Ewell Stephen Benjamin Harvey John Ortho Lansing Daniel Burket Martin Elmer Lyman Janes Mills William Hawley Perry Smith George Albert Clark Carlton D. Garlough Fred Homer Johnson William Fitch Kelley Henry Alvin Parker Frank Willard Pease Anna J. Bates (Ewell) Cora E. Cummings (Hawkes) Kate M. Stoddard Charles Isaac Barker Howard Eugene Crum Roscoe Byron Fisher Orthonette Brown (Rood) Anna C. Burgoyne (Stebbins) Florence E. Davis Oliver Willard Pierce Cora I. Root Jessie C. Sheldon (Moore) (Helmer) Minnie E. Stockwell (Abbott) Emma M. Wamsley E. Louise Aldrich (Williams) Holmes Bishop Crosby Carlton D. Garlough Grover Abraham Jackson Delevan Bloodgood Reed Wiliam Oscar Robinson Bernard Tyrrell Willis Arthur Warren Ellen A. Cross (Copp) ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE P. O. Address Hillsdale, Mich. *July 9, 1889. Rising Sun, O. *Oct. 11, 1893. 2524 N. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. Grand Junction, Col. Adrian, Mich. Hiilsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. 435 W. 60th Place, Chicago, Ill. Grand Island, Neb. Washington, D. C. Mt. Morris, Mich. Lake Charles, La. Rogers Park, Chicago, Ill. *Sept. 1, 1900. *April 14, 1890. Grand Ledge, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Okolona, O. *Feb. 22, 1907. 83 Bellevue St, Lowell, Mass. *April 14, 1894. 20 2d Ave., Detroit, Mich. Evart, Mich. 1 >38 Cambria St., Los Angeles, Cal. Moores Hill, Ind. *July 9, 18*9. 710 Center Ave., Bay City, Mich. Elkhart, Ina. 160 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Anoka, Minn. H illsdale, Mich, Dryden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mancelona, Mich. Dale, N. Y. Yankton, So. Dak. Brookston, Ind. Stamford. Conn. 1st Nat l Bank Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. *May 3, 1904. Postville, la. Anoka, Minn. Waseca, Minn. Sterling. Ill., 92 La Salle St., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. 139 Columbus Ave., Sandusky, O. 1318 South St., Elgin, Ill. 216 Sycamore St., Lansing, Mich. 40 Erskine Ave., Detroit Mich. 824 N. Penn’a St., Indianapolis, Ind. *Jan. 29, 1892. 220 Riverside Drive, New York. Occupation Literary Society L. L. U. Clergyman Thea. Clergyman, Farmer, Clergyman Thea. L.L.U. Thea. Attorney Amp. Clergyman Mgr. Traveling Libary A. K. P. Attorney Amp. Vital Statistics, Dept, of A.K P. Physician [State Thea. Real Est. and Invest. Broker A. K. P. Attorney 1 * Mgr. Manfg. Co. Thea. Insurance, Banker A. K. P. L. L. U. Clergyman Thea. Clergyman G. S. S. L. L. U. Artist G.S.S. Prof. Greek, Moores Hill A.K.P. Clergyman [College Thea. Shipbuilder Physician A.K.P. Amp. Attorney A. K. P. Clergyman Thea. Prof. German Hills. College Amp. A. K. P. Clergyman Thea. Bank Cashier A. K. P. Clergyman i i Prof. Chem. Yankton Col. Amp. Prin. Public Schools A. K. P. With Beers History Co. ‘ ‘ Attorney i < Literature * i Clergyman Thea. L. L. U. Teacher G.S.S. Teacher L. L. U. Attorney Amp. Rural Mail Carrier Attorney A. K. P. G. S. S. In Pension Office L. L. U. Metropol’n School Music Amp. L. L. U. 18 Dennis St., Adrian, Mich. Cedar Springs, Mich. Moores Hill, Ind. Decorah, la. Brookston, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. . Hillsdale, Mich. Tribune Bldg., New York 1307 12th St., Lynchburg, Va. *J > i ly 8, 1888 704 University Ave., Madison, Wis *Deceased Teacher Music [Col. Prin. Music Moores Hill Circuit Court Stenog’phr Prin. Public Schools Sec. & Treas. Hills. College Prof. Ecc’l Hist. Hills. Col. Real Estate Clergyman, Prof, in Sem. Clergyman Amp. A. K. P Thea. Amp. Thea. A. K. P G.S.S. . 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 S59 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 57 * 576 577 578 553 L034 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 58* 609 610 611 612 613 274 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 29 Ph.M. ’90 M.S. ’89 A.M. ’90 A.M. ’97 A.M. ’90 C l C6 i t c c Ph,M. ’90 Ph.M.’90 Ph.M’90 M.S.’94 A.M. ’88 A.M.’ 00 A.M. ’91 < i A. M. ’91 A. M. ’93 A.M. ’88 Place of Birth Date of Birth Date of Marriage Stone Church, Genesee Co., N. Y. Wheatland, Kenosha, Co., Wis. Upper Sandusky, Wyandot Co., O. May 12, 1864 Mar. 22, 1857 Aug. 14, 1858 Sept. 1, 1887 Dec. 21, 1887 Dec. 24, 1891 Cameron, Steuben Co., N. Y. Waterford, Erie Co., Pa. Burlington, Racine Co., Wis. Addison, Lenawee Co., Mich. Ouaquaga, Broome Co., N. Y. Burbank, Wayne Co., O. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Pierpont, Ashtabula Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. London, England. Lucas, Richland Co., O. Kingston, DeKalb Co., Ill. Delta, Eaton Co., Mich. Canandaigua, Ontario Co., N. Y. Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., Mich. Feb. 14, 1859 Feb. 7, 1861 July 13, 1865 Feb. 5, 1858 May 6, 1861 June 9, 1859 Oct. 21, 1862 Sept. 3, 1864 Mar. 16, 1865 June 1, 1852 Nov. 2, 1857 Sept. 29, 18. 9 Sept. 13 185S Mar. 23, 1862 Aug. 28, 1862 Salem Center, Steuben Co., Ind. Rome, Jones Co., Ia. Vinland, Winnebago Co., Wis. Glendale, Jefferson Co , Ia. Madison, Lake Co., O. South Bend, St. Joseph Co., Ind. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Marilla, Erie Co., N. Y. Kenosha, Kenosha Co., Wis. Wheatland, Kenosha Co., Wis. Buffalo, Erie Co., N% Y. Fremont, Steuben Co., Ind. Gray, Cumberland Co., Me. Wyoming, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Monroe, Monroe Co., Mich. Moravia, Keuka Co., N. Y. Fredonia, Mercer Co., Pa. Mayville, Tuscola Co., Mich. Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., Mich. W. Jefferson, Madison Co., O. Green, Clark Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Fremont, Sandusky Co., O. Belmont, Alleghany Co., N. Y. Parkman, Piscataqua Co., Me. Camden, Oneida Co., N. Y. West Bethany, Genesee Co., N. Y. Como, Whiteside Co., Ill. North Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Lansing, Ingham Co., Mich. N. Monroeville, Huron Co., O. Marilla, Erie Co., N. Y. Woodhull, Shiawassee Co., Mich. Johnstown, Rock Co., Wis. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Napoleon, Henry Co., O. April 10, 1862 July 27, 1866 Mar. *0, 1852 Aug. 9, 1857 June 4, 1839 June 15, 1867 Sept. 1, 1865 Jan. 18, 1862 Mar. 26, 1866 Mar. 22, 1857 Dec. 7, 1860 Jan. 29, 1864 Dec. 11, 1858 Aug. 7, 1859 Feb. 20, 1860 Dec. 5, 1861 Aug. 5, 1859 Feb. 15, 1863 July 15, 1860 Sept. 6, 1863 Oct. 16, 1863 Jan. 18, 1863 Dec. 2, 1864 Mar. 31, 1862 June 17, 1858 Sept. 21, 1863 April 20, 1865 July 12, 1859 Sept. 9, 864 Sept. 13, 1859 Feb. 2, 1862 Mar. 30, 1864 May 13, 1867 Mar. 28, 1866 Feb. 19, 1869 Nov. 21, 1859 Feb. 22, 1866 Dover, Lenawee Co., Mich. Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Providence, Providence Co., R. I. Little Valley, Cattaraugus Co., N .Y. Greene, Clarke Co., O. Linden, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Sardinia. Erie Co., N. Y. Knox, Vinton, Co., O. Earlysville, Albemarle Co., Va. Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich. Omro, Winnebago Co , Wis. July 14, 1864 Jan. 26, 1859 Aug. 19, 1862 Jan. 9, 1859 Oct. 16, 1863 Nov. 24, 1865 June 12. 1855 Sept. 10, 1865 Mar. 15, 1859 Dec. 25, 1867 Feb. 26, 1849 June 17, 1885 Sept. 19, 1888 Feb. 5, 1890 Oct. 13, 1886 Aug. 13, 1891 Dec. 26, 1888 June 30, 1891 Dec. 24, 1873 Dec. 25, 1888 May 3, 1893 Jan. 3, 1889 Oct. 4, 1894 Feb. 16, 1887 June 2, 1887 Mar. 8, 1876 Aug. 5, 1885 Dec. 1, 1859 July 2, 1893 Dec. 1, 1886 Aug. 30, 1888 July 2, 1895 Sept. 1, 1887 Feb. 12, 1890 July 17, 1889 July 17, 1890 July 22, 1891 Sept. 21, 1887 Aug. 22, 1889 Aug. 10, 1882 Dec. 1, 1892 Aug. 20, 1888 Dec. 25, 1888 , Oct. 31, 1894 Aug. 14, 1890 July 22, 1891 Dec. 28, 1898 Dec. 25, 1893 Dec. 24, 1891 Oct. 6, 1891 Aug. 30, 1888 Sept. 22, 1892 Sept. 2, 1903 Dec. 27, 1888 Mar. 5, 1898 Oct. 30, 1889 June 14, 1882 July 23, 1890 Dec. 25, 1888 Aug. 7, 1890 April 4, 1878 July 8, 1891 Sept. 12, 1894 Nov. 25. 1874 To Whom Married Nellie Kane. *Rose B. Winchell Edith A. Simon. Eliza M. Lyon. W. A. Belknap. Edgar A. Rider. May A. Wheeler. Laura Shidler. Carrie Roberts. Blanche S. Mead. Sarah E. Hendrick. *Dettie E. Everett. Alice Curtis. *May Turnbull. Lena O. Tisdale. Chas. M. Armstrong. E. W. Brubaker. Rosa M. Rideout. Belle Smith. *George Kennan. Arthur C. Dyer. Oliver C. Bath. Charles P. Railsback. Zoa Cockrum. Nellie Kane. June L. Cobb. Jennie B. Winship. *Lillian Kirkwood. Anna J Bates. Flora Woodward. Maggie Hyslop. Cora M. Combs. Let a M. Patterson. M. Franc Ellis. Mattie T. Bolser. May McClure. Eloise Bates. Edwin Ewell. Allen S. Hawkes. Carrie E. Charles. Nellie T. York. M. Dell Campbell. H. H. Rood. Arthur C. Stebbins. Grace E. Clark. Willis Moore. Fred D. Helmer. Geo. C. Abbott. Wm. H. Williams. Hortense M. Hantley. Mattie T. Bolser. Arda M. Hyatt. Martha Johnston. Minnie W. Smith. Lizzie Wilkinson. *John S. Copp. _ * Deceased 30 ALUMNI ET ALUMNA No. Year Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 614 Frances Stewart (Mosher) 107 Howland St., Boston, Mass. 615 Hugh Morton Coldren Bellaire, Mich. A.K.P. 616 Chauncey Rowe Reynolds *June 30, 1896. Amp. 617 Ellsworth Fremont Rideout Portsmouth, O. Sec’y. Y. M. C. A. 618 Herbert Hamlin Rood 1318 South St., Elgin, Ill., Clergyman Thea 619 Fannie G. Bishop Northfield, Minn. Teacher L.L.U. 620 Mignon M. Kern Green Castle, Ind. Instructor in French De G.S.S. 621 Kittie C. Mills (Coldren) Bellaire, Mich. (Pauw Univ. “ 622 Minta A. Morgan 916 Garden St., Bellingham, Wash. Teacher ‘ * 623 Martha Johnston (Reed) Hillsdale, Mich. L.L.U. 624 Jessie VanValkenburg (Nash) Eau Claire, Wis. “ 625 Jennie B. Winship (Dewey) Elkhart, Ind. G.S.S. 626 Harry Lincoln Rood 258 Clancy St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Clergyman Thea. 627 David Anderson Shaw Butler, Ind. Clergyman “ 628 Fredrick Wallen Brown *Dec. 31, 1899. Missionary «< 629 Chester H. Jackson Hillsdale, Mich. Clergyman ‘ ‘ 630 Albert L. Spears * Clergyman ‘ ‘ 631 Corwin Vincent Mancelona, Mich. Clergyman 632 Mary M. Dibell *March 4, 1890. L.L.U. 633 Josephine L. Wade (SheDard) Fennville, Mich. Music Teacher 634 Birdie Hults (Kenyon) Wauseon, O. 44 635 Lou M. Martindale (Ellis) Benzonia, Mich. Teachrrof Art. Benzonia Ins. G.S.S. 636 1889 John Owen Duguid, Springfield, So. Dak. Physician Amp. 637 Erastus Devillo Palmer St. Johns, Mich. Supt. of Public Schools 592 Frank Willard Pease Postville, la. Clergyman Thea. 638 Luke Allen Emerson Cando. N. Dak. Clergyman A.K.P. 639 Alexander Hamilton Hiller 1353 Emerson St., N. E. Washington, Civil Service Commissioner “ 640 Daniel Victor Richardson *July 3, 1904. [D. C. Attorney Amp. 641 Cyrus Abram Varnum, Shoshone, Idaho. Clergyman 642 Alice M. Conger Jonesville, Mich. G.S.S. 643 Charles Wesley Dennis *March 9, 1901. Clergyman Thea. 592 Frank Willard Pease Postville, la. Clergyman 4 4 610 Delavan Bloodgood Reed Hilisdale, Mich Prof. Ecclesiastical History 4 4 644 Carrie B. Osgood (Bradshaw) Ida Grove, la. (Hillsdale Col L.L.U. 645 1890 Allison Wix Augur 2709 Winchester Ave., Chicago, Ill., Amp. 646 Albert Leland Kennan Lalgarh, India. Medical Missionary Thea. 647 Charles Edmund Mark 972 Liberty St., Alliance, O. Civi lEngineer A.K.P. 648 George Alfred Reedy *Dec. 29, 1892. Thea 649 Harrison A. Stites Cor. 63rd St. & Stewart Ave., Chicago, Dentist Amp. 650 Dixon J. Churchill *Jan. 1, 1901. [Ill. Prof, of Music i ( 651 William Eugene Heckenlively Angola, Ind. Attorney 4 4 652 George Guilford Kenny 2015 Webster St., San Francisco Cal. Clk U. S. Custom House. A.K.P. 653 William Fairfield Mercer Athens, O. Prof. Biology Chamberlain i i 654 Etta C. Deffler 6027 Ellis Ave., Chicago, HI. Teacher [Inst. G.S.S. 655 Grace Payne Higbee (Mark) 972 Liberty St., Alliance, O. L.L.U. 656 Winifred A. Root (Dewey) Bellevue, O. “ 657 Shirley H. Smith Balasore, India. Medical Missionary “ 658 Isa Dora Stamats (Smith) 913 W. California St., Urbana, Ill. G.S.S. 659 Paul Rideout 1081 Westminister St., Providence, R. I. Map Publisher Amp. 660 L. Luella Anderson Hillsdale, Mich. Music Teacher L.L.U. 661 Angie G. Edwards (Baldwin) Petoskey, Mich. G.S.S. 662 M. Estella Green (Stone) 2 East St., Jamestown, N. Y. L.L.U. 663 Genevra D. Hopper (Fowler) North .Adams, Mich. R. F. D. “ 664 Maria Z. Pingrey Estherville, la. Teacher, Co. Supt. Schools L.L.U. 665 Mayme R. Randall 3323 Newton St., Denver, Col. Teacher G.S.S. 666 Ulysses Grant Baker Pierce Cor. 14th & L. St., Washington, D. C. Clergyman Amp. 274 Ellen A. Cross (Copp) 704 University Ave., Madison, Wis. Clergyman G. S. S. 667 S. Ada Bailey (Rising) Reading, Mich. 668 Emma J. Ewing (Laing) Battle Creek, Mich. * 669 Edward Leeson Powers Marion, Ala. Dir. of Music Judson College 670 Lelia I. Smith (Gier) Hillsdale, Mich. 671 Issalina M. Fisher North Monroeville, O. Teacher of Art. L.L.U. 672 Harriet E. Rice (Bates) Hillsdale, Mich. G.S. S. 673 1891 Harley A. Bates Hillsdale, Mich. Editor Amp. 674 Ralph Rollin Kennan 3226 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Ill., Clergyman Thea. 675 Charles Ward Macomber Cheney, Wash Supt. Public Schools A.K.P, 676 Timothy Dwight Martindale *July 20, 1891 *Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 31 Repeat No. Degree at Graduation Degrees in Course Place of Biuth. Date of Birth Date of Marriage. To Whom Married 614 A.B. Laconia, Belknap Co., N. H. July 6, 1846 Sept. 25, 1871 George F. Mosher. 615 Ph. B. Ph. M ’91 Haw Patch, Lagrange Co., Ind. April 18, 1864 Aug. 8. 1889 Kittie C. Mills. 616 ‘ ‘ Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Sept. 10, 1865 June 12, 1895 Laura May Copeland. 617 Paris, Washington Co., Pa. Aug. 19, 1861 Jan. 24, 1893 Nov. 7, 1901 *Elizabeth| Burr. Edith Selma Herms. 618 619 620 CC i < i c Lenoxville, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Gays, Moultrie Co.. Ill. Oct. 8, 1860 Oct. 17, 1866 Feb. 4,1864 Aug. 30, 1888 • Orthonette Brown. 621 622 t 6 Mayville, Tuscola Co., Mich. Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Aug. 19, 1865 Dec. 6, 1868 Aug. 8, 1889 Hugh M. Coldren. 623 6 4 East Otto, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Aug. 16, 1859 April 4, 1878 Delavan B. Reed. 624 “ Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Aug. 9, 1868 Dec. 23, 1896 Elliot E. Nash. 625 < 4 Conneaut, Ashtabula Co., O. Mar. 4, 1866 July 17, 1889 Fred N. Dewey. 626 B.S. Lenoxville, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Oct. 8, 1860 Aug. 1, 1893 Mary M. Rose. 627 B.D. Wawaka, Noble Co., Ind. April 10, 1861 Mar. 26, 1887 Mrs. Ella Dunn Clark. 628 Eng. T. 4 4 Spafford, Onondaga Co., N. Y. June 1, 1860 Oct. 1, 1891 Kate D. Lawrence. 629 630 Arcade, Wyoming Co., N. Y. Pettis Co., Mo. Oct. 21, 1835 Nov. 15, 1852 Sept. 24, 1861 Sarah M. Grover. 631 632 Mus.P. Ransom, Hillsdale Co. Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale, Co., Mich, July 17,1862 July 17, 1862 Jan. 7, 1897 Lillian J. Armstrong. 633 “ Ganges, Allegan Co., Mich. Feb. 27, 1868 Jan. 1, 1904 Leon Shepard. 634 Art. Flint, Steuben Co., Ind. May 27, 1866 June 21, 1888 F. E. Kenvon. 635 “ Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. April 18, 1866 Sept. 14, 1898 E. J. C. Ellis. 636 A.B. California, Branch Co., Mich. Mar. 19, 1864 Dec. 24, 1895 Isabella G. Mead. 637 A.M. ’94 Wellsville Alleghany Co., N. Y. Dec. 8, 1861 July 10, 1890 Ettie M. Muscott. 592 4 4 A.M. ’93 Parkman, Piscataqua Co., Me. June 17, 1858 Aug. 14, 1890 Eloise Bates. 638 Ph. B. Salem Center, Steuben Co., Ind. Nov. 19, 1864 Oct. 3, 1889 Sept. 11, 1907 *Martha M. Kelso. Mabel Mowbray 639 4 4 Ph.M.’93 Hudson, Lenawee Co., Mich. Jan. 26, 1861 Dec. 24, 1894 Laura Sprague. 640 44 Big Springs, Adams Co., Wis. July 29, 1864 Nov. 2, 1894 Hattie Cowles. 641 642 4 4 4 4 Ph.M. ’95 N. Dorchester, Middlesex Co., Ont. Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Feb. 9, 1859 Nov 10, 1867 April 30, 1891 Sadie L. Tyler. 643 B.D. Rutland, Dane Co., Wis. Aug. 13, 1849 Mar. 2, 1871 Charity L. Martin. 592 “ Parkman, Piscataqua Co., Me. June 17, 1859 Aug. 14, 1890 Eloise Bates. 610 4 4 Sardinia, Erie Co., N. Y. June 12, 1855 April 4, 1878 Martha Johnston. 644 Mus.V. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich. July 13, 1859 Sept. 18, 1896 ^Horner Bradshaw. 645 A.B. Pardeeville, Columbia Co., Wis. Oct. 11, 1865 Sept. 1, 1896 Carrie G. Leverett. 646 “ A.M. ’95 Menasha, Winnebago Co., Wis. Dec. 26, 1864 June 23, 1890 Belle P. Ranney. Grace P. Higbee. Unknown. 647 648 649 4 4 ( 4 A.M. ’98 Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Deanville, Armstrong Co., Pa. Elk Rapids, Antrim Co., Mich. Aug. 7, 1869 July 30, 1862 Oct. 14, 1860 Aug. 30, 1893 650 Ph.B. Ph.M ’95 Branford, Norfolk Co., Ont. Nov. 12, 1864 Sept. 5, 1893 Frances M. Mi11 in. 651 “ York, Steuben Co., Ind. Dec. 6, 1861 Nov. 22, 1900 Mary E. Main. 652 4 4 Northfield, Summit Co., O. Mar. 24, 1869 Sept. 5, 1898 Bertha Habish. 653 . 654 4 4 Ph.M.’93 Ph. M. ’96 Mansfield, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Jan. 22, 1864 Dec. 29, 1869 Sept. 6, 1886 Belle Eddy. 655 Hudson, Lenawee Co., Mich. Mar. 13, 1869 Aug. 30, 1893 Charles E. Mark. 656 657 Ph.M. ’95 Ph.M.'00 Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Oct. 20, 1868 May 17, 1870 Aug. 15, 1894 Herman R. Dewey. 658 4 4 Boke’s Creek, Union Co., O. July 21, 1866 July 12, 1890 Frank Smith, 659 660 B.L. Nor. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Wright, Hillsdale Co., Mich. July 19, 1869 Oct. 5, 1865 Aug. 12, 1891 Ida Ford. 661 u Jefferson, Hillsdale Co., Mich. June 25, 1870 Mar. 30, 1893 Frank Baldwin. 662 li Sinclairville, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Dec. 26, 1868 Sept. 23, 1903 Victor L. Stone. 663 664 665 4 4 4 4 Moscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Estherville, Emmet Co., Ia. Des Moines, Polk Co., Ia. Feb. 2rt, 1869 Feb. 13, 1866 May 13. 1868 July 1, 1897 Fred Fowler. 666 B.D. Providence, Providence Co., R. I. July 17, 1865 July 27, 1891 Florence Lonsbury 274 “ Omro, Winnebago Co., Wis. Feb. 26, 1849 Nov. 25, 1874 *John S. Copp. 667 Mus.P. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. July 25, 1866 July 23, 1890 J. H. Rising 668 4 4 9 Woodbridge, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Feb. 3, 1865 Sept. 7, 1891 Watson E. Laing. 669 Bronson, Branch Co., Mich. July 13, 1872 June 12, 1902 Frances Betz. 670 671 Mus. V. Art. Sidney Plains, Delaware Co., N. Y. North Monroeville, Huron Co., O. Mar. 31, 1867 May 8, 1869 Jan. 1, 1896 Samuel J. Gier. 672 4 4 Fremont, Sandusky Co., O. Mar. 13, 1868 June 15, 1893 Harley A. Bates. 673 A.B. Marion, Marion Co., O. Oct. 6, 1868 June 15, 1893 Harriet E. Rice. 674 A.M. ’95 Mankato, Blue Earth Co., Minn. Sept. 16, 1866 June 18, 1891 Stella D. Cole. 675 676 “ A.M. ’94 Greenville, Darke Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. June 9, 1868 Nov. 11. 1868 Aug. 24, 1898 Josephine Shepard. ^Deceased. 32 ALUMNI ET ALUMNA No. Year Name P. O. ADDRESS Occupation Literary Society 677 John Curtin Newcomer Boxwood, Va. Clergyman Amp. a 602 Oliver Willard Pierce 824 N. Penn. St., Indianapolis Ind. 258 Clancy St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Prin. Met’n Sch’l of Music 626 Harry Lincoln Rood Clergyman Thea. 678 Orris O. Force Pardeeville, Wis. Physician Amp. 679 James Nelson Greene 2414 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Manufacturer 680 Nelson Blair Hadley Riverside Drive, N. Y. City [Mo. State Life Insurance Inspector A.K.P. 681 James Jean Heckman SO Adams St. Chicago, Ill. Attorney U 682 William Joseph Leverett 1295 E. Pierce St., Council Bluffs, la. Real Estate Amp. 683 Elias Potter Lyon 2353 Albion Place, St. Louis, Mo. Prof. Washington Univ 684 Earl Dewey Reynolds Blake Blk.,Rockford, III. Attorney A. K. P. 685 Clarence Levi Roys 75 Weybosset St., Providence R. I. Dentist Thea. 686 Riusei Watanabe No. 4 Nereibei-cho, Shitaya-ku, Tokio, Statesman “ 687 688 689 690 691 Herbert Blowers Woodward Adah F. Brown (Loomis) Anna A. Ellis (Hamilton) Florence A Lonsbury (Pierce) Luna M. Van Vleck (Nutten) Benzonia, Mich. [Japan. Townley, Mich. Pecan, Miss. Cor. 14th, & L. St., Washington, D. C. 139 Milwaukee Ave., E. Detroit, Mich. Sec’y Tele. Co. A. K. P. L.L.U. G.S.S. L.L.U. G.S.S. 692 693 Josephine E. Graham (Hollenger) Henry A. Spear *March 7, 1905. Room 500 P. O. Dept., Washington, Teacher Music & German 694 695 Arvilla M. Jones. Albert William Bolt Chinook, Mont. [D. C. Washington, D. C. Teacher L.L.U. Thea. 696 Charles M. Brodie Delaware, O. Clergyman << 697 Albert Atherton Glovier Mukwonago, Wis. Clergyman C i 698 Miron D. Mack Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. Clergyman 699 Dempster Disbrow Martin Albion, Mich. 2425 Hermitage Ave., Chicago, III. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. Clergyman a 700 701 Fred Vermilia Hawley Emma Dean (Mack) Clergyman L.L.U. 702 703 Mattie E. McCrea (Weaver) Ethel I McNair (Varden) Montpelier, O. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Teacher Piano Forte < t 704 Effie M. Richards Milwaukee, Wis. Tchr. Piano Downer Col i{ 650 Dixon J. Churchill *Jan. 1 1901. Prof. Music. Amp. 705 John Francesco Seeley Yew Park, Hines St., Salem, Oregon. Prof. Mus. Willamette Un A. K. P. 706 James Milton Thompson Hillsdale Place, Joliet, Ill. Sup’t Music Public Schools Thea. 707 Julia M. Reynolds (Leverett) 1295 E. Pierce St., Council Bluffs, la. Teacher of Music L. L. U. 708 Belle Aldrich Pittsford, Mich. Teacher i 709 1892 Jean Martin Hillsdale, Mich. Librarian H. C. ‘ ‘ 710 Clyde Cicero Carlin Angola, Ind. Leslieville, Alberta, Canada. Attorney Amp. 711 John Abram Cole Clergyman Thea. 712 Louis Martin Hardenburg Hurley, Wis. Mining Engineer A. K. P. 713 Birney Stillman Hudson Hammond, Ind. Clergyman Thea. 714 Thomas Charles Lawrence 1536 E. 78th Place, N. E., Cleveland, O. Clergyman < < 683 Elias Potter Lvon 2353 Albion Place, St. Louis, Mo. Prof. Washington Univ. Amp. 715 Milo Newton Shoemaker Middlesex, N. Y. Clergyman Thea. 716 George Burr Smith Somerset, Mich. Attorney A. K. P. 717 James Crawford Smith Port Townsend. Wash. Clergyman Amp. 718 Carrie L. Bates '‘tewartville, Minn Teacher L. L. U. 719 720 Cora L. Main M. Frances Randolph (Miller) Plattsburg, N. Y. *Dee. 25, 1904. White J-figeon, Mich. Prin. of School G.S.S. L.L.U. 721 Albert J. Collins Prin. Public Schools Amp. 722 Grant Conklin Scipio, Mich. Bellevue, O. Jamestown, N. Y. Springfield, So. Dak. Farmer 723 724 Herman Russell Dewey Archibald Daly Falconer Physician Attorney 725 John Adelbert McLouth Merchant A. K. P. L. L. U. G.S.S. L. L. U. G.S.S. L. L. U. Amp. A. K. P. G.S.S. L. L. U- 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 James Sheldon Parker Dora B. Andrus (Gardner) Charlotte W. Bailey (Ewing) Ina E. Dunn (Warren) Kate B. King (Bostwick) Evelyn M. Smith (Clippinger) Henry Joseph Leggett Anson T. Martin Abbie L. Brown (Falconer) Eugenie C. Farley Eunice C. Far'ey (Ferguson) Flint, Mich. 380 S. Sherman Ave., Denver, Colo. 114 Charles St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 477 W. Adams St.,. Chicago, Ill. Chardon, O. *Nov. 6, 1904. Racine, Wis. *Nov. 6, 1896. Jamestown, N. Y. 407 Kishwaukee St., Rockford, Ill. Attorney 736 407 Kishwaukee St., Rockford, Ill. [Hillsdale College Thea. a 609 737 738 Grover Abraham Jackson Calvin Willard Lane Charles Harrison Myers Hillsdale, Mich. Staffordsville, Ontario. Mukwonago, Wis., R. F. D. 40 Clergyman, Sec & JTreas. Clergyman Clergyman Deceased I u. 677 602 626 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 650 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 683 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 609 737 738 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 33 Place Of Birth. Waynesboro, Franklin Co., Pa. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Lenoxville, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Scott, Columbia Co., Wis. Mexico. Oswego Co., N. Y. Wheeling, Livingston Co., Mo Kingston, DeKalb Co., Ill. Warren, Jo Daviess Co., Ill. Cambria, Hillsadle Co., Mich. Van Buren, Hancock Co., O. Williamson, Wayne Co., N. Y. Tokio, Japan. Maple Grove, Hennepin Co., Minn. Rollin, Lenawee Co., Mich. Cambridge, Lenawee Co., Mich. Allegan, Allegan Co., Mich, Sturgis, St. Joseph Co., Mich. Hudson, Lenawee Co., Mich. Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Park Hill, Dorchester Co., Can. Lisbon, Ottawa Co., Mich. Perthshire, Scotland. Landaff, Grofton Co., N. H. Topsham, Orange Co., Vt. Sumpter, Wayne Co., Mich. Bath, Clinton Co., Mich. Green Lake, Green Lake Co., Wis. Dungannon, Columbia Co., O. Pulaski, Jackson Co., Mich. Prairieville, Barry Co., Mich. Townsend, Norfolk Co., Ont. Geneva, Crawford Co., Pa. Townsend, Norfolk Co., Ont. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y. Angola, Steuben Co., Ind. Potter, Yates Co., N. Y. Cattaraugus, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Oakfield, Fond du Lac Co., Wis. Brampton, Canada. Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. West Newton, Westmorland Co., Pa. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Coleraine, Derry Co., Ireland. Wooster, Wayne Co., O. Ellington. Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Delaware, Defiance Co., O. Scipio, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Jamestown, Steuben Co., Ind. Kennedy, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Clear Lake, Steuben Co., Ind. Corunna, Shiawassee Co., Mich. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Newaygo, Newaygo Co., Mich. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Chester X Roads, Geauga, Co. ,0. Monroeville, Huron Co., O. Watson, Allegan Co., Mich. Bedford, Monroe Co., Mich. Woodbridge, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Cherry Valley, Winnebago Co., Ill. Cherry Valley, Winnebago Co., Ill. Linden, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Boges Creek, Logan Co., O. Bloomingdale, Van Buren Co., Mich. Date of Birth Date of Marriage To Whom Married Sept. 4, 1863 Feb. 19, 1869 Oct. 8, 1860 Mar. 1, 1863 Feb. 17, 1865 Mar. 18, 1867 Nov. 8, 1863 Sept. 1, 1867 Oct. 20, 1867 Jan. 17. 1866 June 4, 1863 April 24, 1894 Sept. 2, 1903 Aug. 1, 1893 Aug. 21, 1895 June 29, 1892 May 24, 1905 Sept. 29, 1896 Aug. 10, 1893 Sept. 1, 1897 Dec. 25, 1892 July 17, 1890 Celeste E. Brackett. Grace E. Clark. Mary M. Rose. Belle Lobdell. Kittie L. Closson. Nellie A. Jones. Elizabeth R. Black. Julia M. Reynolds. Nellie P. Eastman. Florence Keith. Mabel O. Ross. Oct. 14, 1866 Sept. 5, 1869 June 12, 1868 Sept. 4, 1866 June 1, 1871 Sept. 10, 1861 Mar. 11, 1872 July 29, 1872 Oct. 12, 1865 Nov. 14, 1860 Dec. 22, 1856 Sept. 19, 1850 April 1, 1862 Nov. 2, 1862 Feb. 10, 1856 Mar. 4, 1870 April 11, 1870 June 21, 1871 Nov. 12, 1865 Nov. 5, 1867 April 24, 1866 July 25, 1865 Oct. 13, 1870 Oct. 20, 1864 July 28, 1870 Feb. 23, 1865 Jan. 27, 1868 June 5, 1868 June 19, 1865 Oct. 20, 1867 June 11, 1864 Dec. 12, 1868 Mar. 19, 1864 Jan. 17, 1870 Jan. 4, 1862 Aug. 9, 1871 Nov. 27, 1861 June 10. 1865 April 11, 1868 Oct. 12, 1871 July 7, 1869 Jan. 15. 1872 Feb. 16, 1872 Nov. 11, 1870 Sept. 13, 1870 May 14, 1868 Sept. 4, 1870 Aug. 20, 1848 Oct. 7, 1874 Aug. 26, 1873 May 13, 1870 May 13, 1870 Nov. 24, 1865 Dec. 19, 1861 Mar. 31, 1849 Dec. 25, 1903 Aug. 28, 1895 May 31, 1896 July 27, 1891 Dec. 25, 1895 Dec. 8, 1898 Dec. 22, 1892 Feb. 9, 1892 Sept. 21, 1891 Nov. 24, 1880 July 9, 1891 Dec. 13, 1882 April 23, 1884 Aug. 3. 1891 Dec. 13, 1882 Mar. 8, 1893 June 22, 1898 Sept. 5, 1893 Sept. 6, 1893 Jan. 27, 1892 Aug. 10, 1893 Sept. 24, 1893 Dec. 18, 1901 Aug. 27, 1890 Sept. 28, 1892 Sept. 1, 1897 Jan. 9, 1895 June 29, 1898 Oct. 23, 1895 Aug. 9, 1901 Nov. 7, 1891 Dec. 28, 1898 Aug. 15, 1894 Oct. 20, 1896 Aug. 23, 1894 Sept. 9, 1896 June 26, 1895 Mar. 31, 1893 July 5, 1892 June 3, 1896 July 8, 1903 Aug. 11,'1881 Oct. 20, 1896 June 16, 1897 Aug. 7, 1890 June 27, 1893 Dec. 25, 1876 Dec. 10, 1893 Sadie E. Bedell. Leonard S. Loomis. Alex. D. Hamilton. Ulysses G. B. Pierce. Weslev L. Nutten. Amos Hollinger. May E. Dillon. Angie M. Parratt. Bird B. Hess. *Etta P. Farr. Elizabeth Feather. Emma M. Dean. Ora A. Van Horn. Mary Washburn. Miron D. Mack. Frank Weaver. Ernest M. Varden. Frances M. Millin. Etta Squire. Annie Clouse. Wm. J. Leverett. Carrie M. Ousley. May D. Hoaf. Lilia M. Burgess. Lena Seeley. Nellie P. Eastman Ethel A. Munger. Millie Burr. Mabel A. Clizbe. Fred W. Miller. Eva J. Cleveland. Ella Armstrong. Winifred Root. Abbie L. Brown. Ethel G. Fulton. Mertie A. Young. Edward V. Gardner. Alvin E. Ewing. Homer G. Warren. Hubert O. Bostwick. Richard D. Clippenger. Cora A. Atkins. Archibald D. Falconer. C. W. Ferguson. Arda M. Hyatt. Helena Hatch. *Jennie Donaldson. Jessie Pangburn. _ *Deceased 34 ALUMNI ET ALUMNA No. YEAR Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 739 May B. Austin (Kelley) *Feb. 11, 189S G S. S. 74( Gertrude McCall ( Hughes) Saxonville, Mass. L. L. U. 741 Mary R. (Jviatt (Janes; Gender Springs, Kan. G.S.S. 742 Catherine B. Smith Somerset, Mich. Music L. L. U. 743 Edith M. Andrus (Dunlevv) Winfield, Kan. “ 744 Cora V. Coombs (Hill) Hillsdale, Mich. Stenographer “ 745 1893 Orin Thomas Bolt 39 Houston Ave , Muskegon, Mich. A.K.P. 746 George Knowlton March Hill.'dale, Mich. State Agt. N. H. Fire Ins. « ( 747 Clark Bishop Chaffee Tawas City, Mich. Prin. Public Schools Amp. 732 Henry Joseph Leggett Racine, Wis. 748 Lena R. Judd (Green) Dowagiac, Mich. G. S. S. 749 Joseph Lansing Wagner Ontonagon, Mich. Teacher A.K.P. 750 George Wallace Foote Hart, Mich. Attorney “ 751 Frances G. Marshall (Voice) Empire, Mich. L.L. U. 752 Irene Morton Homer, Mich. Teacher G. S. S. 753 William James Gray Fairfield, Mich. Clergyman Thea. 754 Emma Eddy (Hoskinson) *Oct. 31, 1896 755 G. Anna Graham (Clark) 4035 E. 18th St., Denver, Colo. G.S.S. 756 Cora M. Kennedy ^McReynolds) Defiance, Ohio Teacher of Music L.L.U. 757 Emily M. Kirby (Gray) Hillsdale, Mich. G.S.S. 758 Mary C. Jorgensen Grayling, Mich. 759 Jeanette M. Whitaker Eureka, Mich. Artist 760 1894 Irven James Bricker 129 S. Bond St., Saginaw, Mich. Prin. Public Schocls Amp. 761 Burt Frances Green Hillsdale, Mich. Physician “ 762 Ernest Marion Lussenden 3 Hope Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Valley City Milling Co. “ 763 Eben Perry Sturges Miller Keithsburg, Ill. Physician A.KP. 764 Oliver Miles Washburn Berkeley, Cal. Prof. Archeology Amp. 765 Frank M. Webster Whiting, Ind. Clergyman Thea. 766 Alice A. Lewis Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher G S.S. 767 Jay C. Ambler Manchester, Tenn. Real Estate A.K.P. 768 Judson Harrison Payne Cattaraugus, N. Y. u 7«9 Charles Herbert Vaughan Beaver Falls, Pa. Draughtsman Amp. 770 Alice R. Dewey Academy, So. Dak. Teacher L. L. U. 771 Cornelia Lillibridge Portage, N. Y. T eacher G.S.S. 772 William Herbert Lewis Henderson, Ky. Teacher Thea. 773 Jennie L. Baker Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Teacher G.S.S. 774 Carrie L. Coville (Converse) Clifton Springs, N. Y; Teacher L.L U. 775 Carrie McDougal (Morse) Elk Rapids, Mich. G.S.S. 776 Edward Vincent Gardner 380 S. Sherman Ave., Denver, Colo. Clergyman Amp. 777 Ethel G. Fulton (McLouth) Springfield. So. Dak. Music Teacher L. L. U 77* Violet L. Lewis Hillsdale, Mich. Music Teacher G.S.S. 779 Myrta M. Phelps (North) Battle Creek, Mich. G.S.S. 780 A. Louise Randolph (Rorman) Frost, Minn. L.L.U. 781 1895 Fred Bonham Fox Tipton, Ind. Bookkeeper Amp. 782 George W. Green Dowagiac, Mich. Physician “ 783 Charles Parkyn Hulce Spring Valley, Ill. Supt. Schools “ 784 Harry Silas Myers Hillsdale, Mich. Ass’t Cor. Sec. of F. Bapt. Thea. 785 Florette M. Bonney Kelley) Reed City. Mich. Teacher L.L.U. 7*6 E. Winnifred Hill (McNabb) 2233 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, HI. Teacher ‘« 787 Mae E. Steele (Myers) Hillsdale, Mich. ‘« 788 Lewis Eugene Ashbaugh Colorado Springs, Colo. Prof. Math. & Civil Eng’r’g A.K.P. 789 Clayton Irving Collins Holly, Col. Prin. Public Schools Amp. 790 Frank Miller Falconer *Jan. 11, 1901 Real Estate A.K.P. 791 Elihu Arthur Martindale Hillsdale, Mich. Physician < C 792 Orlando S. Rapp Marion, O. Attorney Amp. 793 Ana G. Closson (Green) Hillsdale, Mich. L.L.U. 794 Alonzo F. Dove Hamilton, Kan. Teacher Thea. 795 Dilla M. Allis (Cole) Onsted, Mich. G.S.S. 796 Mary L. Carter (Lamb) *Oct. 14, 1902 L.L.U. 797 Winnifred Lynch (Marvin) Jonesville, Mich. 1 ‘ 798 Anna L. Nichols True) Oelwein, la. G.S.S. 799 Emma L. Russell (Coon) Adrian, Mich. L.L.U. 800 Frederick Wilbur Corbett 16 Budlong St., Adrian, Mich. Clergyman Amo. 801 Lettie B. Burns Jamaica, N. Y. Teacher Normal School G.S.S. 802 George Eli Barnard Marion, O. Clergyman Thea. 803 Ernest Grow Bryant 1016 Decker Ave., Cleveland, O. Carpenter it 804 Elbert Edison Carr Los Angeles, Cal. Clergyman CC 805 Frank McLean Johnson Hillsdale. Mich. Clergyman, Farmer Thea. *Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 3^ Repeat No. Degrees at Graduation Degrees in Course Place of Birth. Date of Birth. Date of Marriage To Whom Marr.ed 739 Mus. P. Waverly, Van Buren Co., Mich. June 5, 1867 Aug. 30, 1893 S. E. Kelley. 740 “ Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich. Mar. 18, 1873 Sept. 9, 1896 H. P. Hughes. 741 742 << Rochester, Monroe Co., N. Y. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Nov. 23, 1871 Dec. 29, 1874 April 2, 1895 Charles Janes. 743 Art Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Sept. 14, 1869 June 22, 1897 June 9, 1892 R. B. Dunlevy. 744 “ Racine, Racine Co., Wis. Sept. 7, 1870 Robert J. Hill. 745 A.B. Chester, Ottawa Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dec. 28, 1867 May 11, 1897 Libbie M. Ragen. 746 * 4 Dec. 12, 1870 April 20, 1861 June 14, 1905 Bessie L. Chapman. 747 Ph.B. Ph. M. ’98 Middlesex, Yates Co., N. Y. July 15, 1896 Lottie L. English. 732 “ Watson, Allegan Co., Mich. Aug. 20, 1848 Aug. 11, 1881 Aug.20 , 1898 Cora A. Atkins. 748 4 ‘ Ph. M. ’00 Dowagiac, Cass Co., Mich Feb. 21, 1871 Geo. W. Green. 749 4 4 Salmionie, Huntington Co., Ind. Jan. 4, 1851 June 9, 1883 Mae Nichols. 750 B.L. Fitchville, Huron Co., O. Dec. 30, 1869 June 4, 1902 Marne Russel. 751 752 Nor t 6 . V Nashville Center, Martin Co., Minn. Homer, Calhoun Co., Mich. Aug. 17, 1870 Dec. 11, 1874 Aug. 17, 1903 Earnest A. Voice. 753 B.D. Coleraine, Londonderry Co., Ireland Sept. 14, 1863 May 10, 1863 May 15, 1894 Letta R. Lewis. 754 Mus. P. Bankers, Hillsdale Co., Mich. York, Steuben Co., Ind. Jan. 10, 1883 *Emery Hoskinson. 755 44 Sept. 22, 1873 June 3, 1896 J. Fred Clark. 756 4 4 Liberty, Jackson Co., Mich. Nov. 17, 1870 lune 27, 1895 Peter W. McReynolds. 757 758 759 Art Jefferson, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Felster, Denmark. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Fremont, Steuben Co., Ind. May 26, 1865 April 25, 1867 Jan. 21, 1869 Oct. 16, 1894 Edwin W. Gray. 760 A.B. A.M. ’97 Feb. 27, 1869 Nov. 29, 1899 Bertie M. Kennedy. 761 44 Antwerp, Van Buren Co., Mich. Boltonville, Washington Co., Wis. Dec. 16, 1869 June 29, 1899 Ana G. Closson. 762 4 ‘ Feb. 5, 1867 July 9, 1896 Sadie Kershner. 763 764 Mansfield, Richland Co., O. Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. Jan. 17, 1873 Mar. 1, 1873 June 1, 1904 S. Gertrude Eddy. 765 766 A.M. 97 Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Rock Creek, Carroll Co., Ill. Nov. 6, 1867 April 3, 1867 June 20, 1894 Carrie L. Jewett. 767 768 769 770 771 Ph.B. Pentwater, Oceana Co., Mich. New Albion, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Springville, Lenawee Co., Mich. Jamestown, Steuben Co., Ind. East Koy, Wyoming Co., N. Y. May 6, 1873 Aug. 20, 1866 Jan. 17, 1871 Feb. 28, 1866 June 21, 1870 Feb. 1, 1900 Isabel Bentley. 772 773 B.L. Nor Rock Creek, Carroll Co., Ill. Madison, Lenawee Co., Mich. Oct 5, 1868 May 8, 1876 Oct. 21, 1904 Anabel McFarland. 774 44 Farmington, Ontario Co., N. Y. Nov. 17, 1867 April n < , 1897 Howard D. Converse. •' 775 < < Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. July 20, 1876 June 17, 1896 H. B. Morse. 776 B.D. Cirencester, Gloucester Co., Eng. Oct. 9, 1864 June 26, 1895 Dora B. Andrus. 777 778 Mus. P. Winchester, Jefferson Co., Kan. White Creek, Adams Co., Wis. Dec. 3, 1873 April 19, 1873 Aug. 23, 1894 John A. McLouth. 779 44 Fredonia, Calhoun Co., Mich. Oct. 5, 1872 Dec. 24, 1901 Walter H. North. 780 4 4 Somerset, Hillsuale Co., Mich. Jan. 27, 1873 Aug. 22, 1900 John E. Rorman. 781 A.B. A.M.’00 Wyoming, Stark Co., Ill. Nov. 7, 1871 Feb. 14, 1900 Grace Hostetter. 782 “ Antwerp, Van Buren Co., Mich. June 27, 1871 Aug. 20, 1898 Lena R. Judd. ■ 783 44 “ ’99 Richmond, Walworth Co., Wis. Aug. 14, 1867 Oct. 9, 1901 Grace S. Hall. 78 J 44 “ ’98 Bloomingdale, Van Buren Co., Mich. July 23, 1870 Aug. 2, 1898 Mae E. Steele. 785 44 “ ’99 Bronson, Branch Co., Mich. Coldwater, Branch Co., Mich. Feb- 9, 1871 July 2, 1901 Samuel E. Kelly. 786 14 “ ’00 Jan. 13. 1871 Nov. 26, 1-903 Duane T McNabb. 787 4 4 Villenova, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. June 20, 1869 Aug. 2, 1898 Harry S. Myers. 788 Ph.B. “ ’07 Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. June 14, 1872 June 14, 1898 May Williams. 789 4 4 Adams, Hillsdale Co , Mich. Jan. 29, 1871 Aug. 24, 1897 H. Genevieve Spencer. 790 4 4 Ph. M. ’00 Kennedy, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Sept. 10, 1872 May 13, 1896 Mabel Patterson. 791 4 i Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Jan. 1, 1871 Sept. 10, 1896 Sadie Sayles. 79_> 4 6 Marion, Marion Co., O. June 14, 1872 Dec. 31, 1901 Mary J. Hane. 793 4 4 Prairie City, McDonough Co , Ill. May 28, 1872 June 29, 1899 Burt F. Green. 794 Nor. Otter Creek, Greenwood Co., Kan. Dec. 11, 1873 July 13, 1905 Rosalind Proeger. 795 4 4 Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. May 2, 1875 Sept. 3, 1902 William F. Cole. 796 44 Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. June 12, 1875 Dec. 16, 1896 Howard Lamb. 797 4 4 Fayette, Hillsdale Co., Mich. May 15, 1874 Sept. 1, 1898 Albert J. Marvin. 798 1 11 Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y. April 1, 1876 June 22, 1899 Ernest L True. 799i 44 Bronson, Branch Co”, Mich. Aug. 9, 1877 Oct. 24, 1901 Frank W. Coon. 800 801 , 44 Palmyra, Lenawee Co., Mich. Orange. Cuyahoga Co., O. Nov. 7, 1858 Jan. 27, 1867 Oct. 25, 1885 Alice C. Cushman. 802 B.D. Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Ia. Oct. 11, 1860 July 31, 1881 Cora A. Field. 803 4 4 No. Jackson, Susquehanna Co., Pa. Mar. 11, 1865 Mar. 29, 1900 Elise Heger. 804 Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. Sept. 30, 18 55 Nov. 12, 1884 June 2, 1890 ^Amelia Flint. Carrie Van Aken. 805 4 4 La Rue, Marion Co., O. Feb. 5. 1809 June 17, 1897 Eva \T. Crofoot fMaster of Divinity * Decease^ 36 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE NO. Year Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 806 Phoebe Elizabeth Moody Hilllsdale, Mich. Clergyman G.S.S. 807 William A. Taylor 84 Meachen Ave., Battle Creek, Mich., Clergyman 808 Charles Nelson Breariey Lewiston, Idaho, Music Teacher 809 Millicent A. Hill (Merrill) Sterling, Colo., (Cameron) Teacher Music i ( 810 Sara D. Wade (Werden) Schofield, Wis., 811 Carrie L. Derby (Wolcott) Hillsdale, Mich., Teacher of Music 812 Henriette Fitzsimmons Assumption, III., Tchr. Music Pub. Schools 813 Etha M. Smith (Ditmars) *May 10, 1901, < £ 814 Grace E. McEnally Winterpock, Va., 815 Carrie L. Ashbaugh (Willisford) Madelia, Minn., 4 4 816 Edith E. Marsh (Edwards) 5616 Monroe Ave., Chicago, Ill., Reader 817 1896 Paul Washburn Chase Hillsdale, Mich., Attorney A. K. P 818 Albert W. Dorr Mt. Vernon, O., Tchr. of Latin & Biology Amp. 819 Grant Eber Douglass Belleville, Mich., Fruit Raiser Thea. 820 Walter Melville French American Bank, Seattle, Wash., Attorney Amp. 821 Edwin Hellaby Willisford Madelia, Minn., Clergyman Thea. 822 Fred Rial Miller. Hillsdale, Mich., Salesman A. K. P. 823 Walter Harper North Battle Creek, Mich. Circuit Judge Amp. 824 Jesse P. Robinson Morral, O. Farmer 825 W. Weir Wood Angola, Ind. Hospital Surgeon A. K. P. 826 Grace L. Higbee (Scholl) Cattaraugus, N. Y. Teacher G. S. S. 827 Elizabeth Robinson (Estabrook) Athens. Pa. L. L. U. 828 E. Clair Sands (Newcomer) Bryan, O. “ 829 William Ambler 76 Lincoln Ave., Cleveland, O. Electrical Engineer A. K. P. 830 Charles Wells Whitney Brockton, N. Y. Co. Commissioner of Schools Amp. 815 Carrie L. Ashbaugh (Willisford) Madelia, Minn. G.S S. ^831 Jennie A. Hulce Crerar Librarv, Chicago, Ill. Librarian L. L. U. 832 Franklin P. Wells, Jr. DeValls Bluff, Ark. A. K. P. 833 F. Edith Myers *Nov. 28, 1906. Teacher L. L. U. 834 Minnie L. Pettit Hudson, Mich. Teacher “ 835 Bertha C. Van Atta Eloise, Mich. Teacher G.S.S. 836 Blanche B. Shipley (Snowden) Richwood, O. “ 674 Ralph Rollin Kennan 3226 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Ill. Clergyman Thea. 837 Alice L. Rarkyn (Hulce) *Dec. 4, 1906. L. L. U. 838 Frank M. Watkins Blanchester, O. Clergyman Thea. 660 L. Luella Anderson Hillsdale, Mich. Music Teacher L. L. U. 839 Zoa E. Leonard (Keyes) Marvsville, O. 44 G. S. S. 813 Etha M. Smith (Ditmars) *May 10, 1901. ( £ < < 840 Zoa M. Smith (Bradley) 9064 Pleasant Ave., Chicago, Ill. < < L. L. U. 841 Francis Joshua Haynes Brookings, So. Dak. ‘ 4 842 Juva N. Higbee Cattaraugus, N. Y. 4 ‘ 843 J. Veva Higbee (Whitney) Brockton, N. Y. ‘ ‘ 844 Stella A. Washburn 616 N. Gordon St., Pomona, Cal. 845 Elnora Barnis (Killinger) Angola, Ind. Artist G. S. S. 846 Epha M. Deffler (Brown) 6202 Madison Ave., Chicogo, Ill. ‘ 4 847 Mattie Mitchell (French) Hillsdale, Mich. 4 4 848 Addie M. Melton (Politte) *March 8, 1902. ‘ 4 849 Genevra E. Parker Pipestone, Minn. Elocution Teacher “ 813 Etha M. Smith (Ditmars) *May 10, 1901. Music Teacher 4 4 850 Nellie A. Sfrong (Lewis) Salem Center, Ind. L.L.U. 851 1897 Laurens Potter Davis 309 Main St., Niles, Mich. Engineer A. K. P. 852 Clayton Adolphus Langworthy Needles, Cal. Amp. 853 Henry Temple McDonald Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. Pres. Storer College Thea. 854 Robert Porter Sims Bluefield, W. Va. Teacher, Prin. State Normal Amp. 855 Norman Bert Sloan 735 W. Michigan Ave., Lansing. Teacher of Science A. K. P. 856 Joseph Marion Weaver Culebra, Canal Zone, Panama. Teacher Thea. 857 Mabel Copp (Price) Miamisburg, O. G. S. S. 858 Grace I. Dewey (Russell) Benton Harbor, Mich. L. L. U. 859 Nellie A. Montgomery Poplar Bluff, Mo. Teacher 4 4 860 Alfrieda M. Mosher 107 Howland St., Boston, Mass. Sec. Y. W. C. A. 4 4 861 Bessie S. Mosher (McDonald) Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. Teacher Storer College 4 4 862 Louis Bennett Austin Waukesha, Wis. Prin. Public Schools Thea. 863 Clarence Luther Catherman Fairview Farm, Elkhart, Ind. Manufacturer. Amp. 864 Clara L. Hughes West Side, Saginaw, Mich. Teacher G. S. S. 865 Eva M. Crofoo( (Johnson) Hillsdale, Mich. £ £ 866 Jessie G. McNair (Kahn) Beaumont, Tex. L. L. U. 867 1 Allie Curtis (Skinner) Buckley, Mich. G. S. S. 868 I Laura Miller (Moody) Shelby, O *Deceased u. 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 815 831 832 833 834 835 836 674 837 838 660 839 813 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 813 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE Place of Birth Date of Birth Date of Marriage Adrian, Lenawee Co., Mich. Port Huron, St. Clair Co., Mich. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Ganges, Allegan Co., Mich. Auburn, Cuyahoga Co., N. Y. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. North Adams, Hillsdale Co. Mich. Castalia, Erie Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co , Mich. Madison, Dane Co., Wis. Manchester, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. California, Branch Co., Mich. Derby, England. Mattison, Branch Co., Mich. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Shellrock, Freeborn Co., Minn. Pleasant, Steuben Co., Ind. Randolph, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. Shellrock, Freeborn Co., Minn. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Pentwater, Oceana Co., Mich. Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Richmond, Walworth Co., Wis. Lansing, Ingham, Co., Mich. Potosi, Washington Co., Mo. Hudson, Lenawee Co., Mich. Meridian, Ingham Co., Mich. Lowell, Middlesex Co., Mass. Mankato, Blue Earth Co., Minn. Arkwright, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Blanehester, Clinton Co., O. Wright, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Montgomery, Marion Co., O. North Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Woodstock, Lenawee Co., Mich. Hudson, Lenawee Co., Mich. Villenova, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Villenova, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Lenox, Berkshire Co., Mass. Alexandria, Columbiana Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Rushsylvania, Logan Co., O. Alaedon, Mason Co., Mich. Algansee, Branch Co., Mich. North Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Kinderhook, Branch Co., Mich. Lansing, Ingham Co., Mich. Edmeston, Otsego, Co., N. Y. Joe Davis, Faribault Co., Minn. Berryville, Clark Co., Va. Medina, Lenawee Co., Mich. Washington, Kosciusko Co., Ind., Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Fremont, Steuben Co., Ind. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dover, Stratford Co., N. H. Dover, Stratford Co., N. H. Burlington, Calhoun Co.. Mich. Buffalo, Union Co., Pa. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Almena, Van Buren Co., Mich. Pulaski, Jackson Co., Mich. Middleton, Norfolk Co., Ont. Fall River, Halifax Co.. Nova Scotia April 7, 1864 May 15, 1852 June 1, 1874 Nov. 5, 1875 Sept. 19, 1869 Aug. 6, 1861 Oct. 17, 1870 Dec. 14, 1874 May 10, 1868 Jan. 17, 1875 Aug. 21, 1874 Dec. 16, 1873 Jan. 29, 1870 May 15, 1869 Jan. 30, 1874 April 11, 1866 June 18, 1868 Nov. 1, 1871 Nov. 19, 1872 Jan. 14, 1874 Jan. 29, 1874 Sept. 21 1874 Oct. 24, 1874 Oct. 30, 1876 Nov. 18, 1874 June 17, 1875 Aug. 9, 1866 Sept. 13, 1874 Dec. 20, 1871 Feb. 26, 1870 Mar. 3, 1873 April 17, 1879 Sept. 16, 1866 June 26, 1844 June 18, 1857 Oct. 5, 1865 Sept. Z6, 1874 Dec. 14, 1874 Nov. 4, 1877 Oct. 26, 1867 Mar. 31, 1877 Mar. 31, 1877 Jan. 19, 1875 Mar. 8, 1860 Oct. 6, 1876 July 2, 1850 Sept. 21, 1873 July 26, 1871 Dec. 14, 1874 July 5, 1872 May 8, 1874 June 26. 1874 May 8, 1872 Sept. 25, 873 Dec. 19, 1867 April 15, 1868 Oct. 1, 1875 Aug. 25, 1877 July 17, 1872 Sept. 19, 1873 May 11, 1877 May 27, 1871 Mar. 15, 1873 Sept. 1, 1872 Feb. 11, 1869 Jan. 15, 1872 Oct. 8, 1865 Jan. 26, 1868 Mar. 18, 1874 June 21, 1899 Aug., 1905 Dec. 25, 1895 May 20, 1885 June 15, 1897 June 18, 1896 Sept. 26, 1906 April 11, 1900 June 16, 1904 April 12, 1904 Jnne 18, 1896 Sept. 26, 1900 Dec. 24, 1901 Aug. 5, 1902 Sept. 2, 1902 Nov. 12, 1905 Oct. 21, 1902 Oct. 10, 1905 June 28, 1900 June 18, 1896 July 28, 1897 June 18, 1891 Nov. 8, 1864 Dec. 25, 1879 May 2, 1900 June 15, 1897 Sept. 2, 1901 June 28, 1900 Dec. 26, 1899 May 20, 1873 Sept. 20, 1898 June 15, 1897 June 1, 1898 Nov. 1, 1906 June 4, 1903 June 12, 1901 June 25, 1901 June 26, 1901 Dec. 24, 1900 July 1, 1902 Aug. 23, 1904 June 12, 1901 June 17, 1897 Jan. 1, 1905 Dec. 25, 1903 June 26, 1899 37 To Whom Married Della A. Mosher. John M. Merrill. Clarence A. Cameron. Chester H. Werden. Charles S. Wolcott. Wm. H. Ditmars. Edwin H. Willisford. John T. Edwards. Vinnie Walrath. Cora Spangler. Bessie Carkeek. Carrie L. Ashbaugh. Florence L. Birdsall. Myrta M. Phelps. Effie DeTay B. Brown. Merle Saylor. John Scholl Frank L. Estabrook. Chauncy L. Newcomer. J. Vc-va Highbee. Edwin H. Willisford. Chas. B. Snowden. Stella D. Cole. *Elisha Hulce. Sarah J. Hawkins. W. J. Keyes. Wm. H. Ditmars. F. F. Bradley. Charles W. Whitney. Charles R. Brown. E. I. French. Louis K. Politte. Wm. H. Ditmars. B. R. Lewis. Mrs. Frances Platt, Clark. Lottie Culler. Bessie S. Mosher. Stella James. Katherine Cook. Belle Blanchard. Albert C. Price. James M. Russell. Henry T. McDonald. Frank M. Johnson. H. Clay Kahn. Louis A. Skinner. Ira E. Moody. * Deceased 38 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE No. Year Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 869 Charles Ernest Sickley Charlotte, Mich. Teacher Amp. 870 Edwin Henry Lougher Balasore, India. Missionary Thea 871 Otto Lynn Nichols Troy, Penn. Clergyman 872 John Henry Wolfe Tecumseh, Nebr. Clergyman “ 873 Delia Scriven (Wolfe) Tecumseh, Nebr. Clergyman G.S.S. 874 Reuben E. Benjamin Pierpont, O. Clergyman Amp. 875 Benjamin Henry Ellis Pecan, Miss. Clergyman 876 Charles E. Minor Mongolia, S. C. Clergyman Thea. 877 William R. Wood Fairport, N. Y. Clergyman 528 Justina Peterson (Mowry) *July 22, 1899. L.L.U. 878 F. Ethel Gurney (Chappell) Danville, N. H. * ‘ 879 Will Frederic Gaskins Valparaiso, Ind. Music Teacher Amp. 880 Ernest H. Barnes Hillsdale, Mich. Student of Art A.K. P. 881 Alfred Clarence Church Buffalo, N. Y. Clergyman “ 882 Alta T. Bush (Chase) So. Haven, Mich. 883 Nina D. CooDer 34 Clarkson St., Dorchester, Mass. Elocution Recitals 884 Eva M. Lyle (Plant) 710 W. Chestnut Ave., Carthage, Mo. G.S.S. 885 Marilla E. Morris (Pierce) *March 11, 1906. 886 Mae L. Selden (Munger) Springfield, Mo. L.L.U. 887 Ethel M. Stetson Lima Center, Wis. 888 Maud Wolcott Jonesville, Mich. 889 1898 John R. Armstrong Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Insurance Amp. 890 M. Augusta Wade (Bachelder) Ocean Park, Me. 891 William M. Costley Berwick, Pa. T eacher A.K.P. 892 John Paul McDonald Columbus, O. Amp. 893 Fred William Miller 308 S. Broadway, Lexington, Ky. Teacher 4 4 894 Chauncy Lee Newcomer Bryan, O. Attorney A.K.P. 895 Leroy Waterman Hillsdale, Mich. Prof, of Hebrew Thea 896 Alfred Kendall Jenkins Sterling, Ill. Teacher Amp. 884 Eva M. Lyle (Plant) 710 Chestnut Ave., Carthage, Mo. G.S.S. 897 Bertha I. Myers (Kempton) Hillsdale, Mich. c c 89" Florence M. Stetson (Pollock) *April 9, 1906. L.L.U. 899 Austin Franklin Jones Detroit, Mich. Prin. of High School Amp. 900 Jessie J. Lockwood (Griffeth) 469 E. 56th St., Chicago, Ill. L.L.U. 901 George Clarence Alborn Allendale, Wis. Clergyman Thea. 821 Edwin Hellaby Willisford Madelia, Minn. Clergyman 4 4 902 Allan Max Laird Lynxville, Wis. Clergyman 784 Harry Silas Myers Hillsdale, Mich. Ass’t Cor. Sec’y of F. B. 4 4 765 Frank M. Webster Whiting, Ind. Clergyman 4 4 903 Ira B. Buffum Sparta, Mich. Clergyman 904 Mott L. Dewey Houston, Minn. Clergyman ‘ 905 Jasper C. Warren 232 Hickory St., Argentine, Kan. Clergyman 906 Frances G. French Wallingford, Conn. Vocal Music Teacher 907 Myrtle L. Jones (Bradley) 125 Morris Ave., Toledo, O. 809 Millicent A. Hill (Merrill) Sterling, Colo. G.S.S. (Cameron) 778 Violet L. Lewis Hillsdale, Mich. Music Teacher 4 4 908 Earl Harland Foust Marshall, Mich. Physician A.K.P. 909 E. Mabel Armstrong (Moyer) Charlotte, Mich. L.L.U. j 910 Erminie O. Holmden (Hobart) Unadilla Forks, N. Y. 911 Olive H. Irene Our *Jan. 12, 1908 4 4 912 Rosamond Shackleford (Clark) Chicago, Ill. G.S.S. 802 1899 George Eli Barnard 410 State St., Marion, O, Clergyman Thea. 913 Harvey Cade Colburn 341 S. Ohio St., Columbus, O. Clergyman Amp. 914 Walter William Deckard 116 Gladstone St., Arlington, R. I. Clergyman Thea. 915 Samuel Eugene Kelly Reed City, Mich. Clergyman i 916 Duane Thomas McNabb 2233 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Ill. Attorney Amp. 1 917 Elbert Wayland VanAken Winnebago, Minn. Pres. Parker College A.K.P. 918 EffieD. B. Browne (Robinson) Morral, O. L. L. U. 840 Zoe Norah Smith (Bradley) 9064 Pleasant Ave., Chicago. 111. Music Teacher “ 1 919 Clarence Melville Chase 268 Savin Hill, Dorchester, Mass. Piano Instructor A.K.P. 920 Dwight J. Douglas Belleville, Mich. Fruit Raiser. Thea. 921 Cora H. Bailey (Dimmers) Hillsdale, Mich. L.L.U. ! 922 Rose P. Langworthy (Fullerton) 473 W. 5th St., Columbus, O. 923 Lora Almira Marsh Keuka Park, N. Y. Teacher 924 Rose McDougal Monrovia, Cal. G.S.S. 925 Emily Corintha Sage (Morgan) 407 W. 2d St., Elyria, O. L.L.U, ' *Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 39 Repea NO, r Degree a Graduatio Degrees i n Course M Place ofBirth 86 d Nor. Woodstock, Lenawee Co., Mich 87 3 B.D. London, Ontario Co., Can. 87 Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y. 87 2 Jones Co., Ia. 87 3 Steuben Co., Ind. 87< 1 Eng.T. Pierpont, Ashtabula Co., O. 87- Milo, Yates Co., N. Y. 87( Speedwell, Wythe Co., Va. 87' 7 Cameron, Steuben Co., N. Y 522 Allen Grove, Scott Co., Ia. 872 Mus. P Shenandoah, Page Co., Ia. 8 7< Mus. V. Wheeling, Ohio Co., W. Va. 88r Art. Portland, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. . 881 Eloe. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 882 “ Bloomingdale, Van Buren Co., Mich 885 * * Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. 884 Bloomington, Van Buren Co., Mich 885 Madison, Williams Co. O. 886 Mt. Pleasant, Racine Co., Wis 887 Lima, Rock Co., Wis. 888 Scipio, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Pulteney, Steuben Co., N. Y. 889 A B. 890 Parkman, Piscataquis Co., Me. 891 Mt. Pleasant, Frederick Co., Md 892 A.M. ’02 Monroe, Perry Co., O. 893 Mapleton, Blue Earth Co., Minn. 894 * 6 Pulaski, Williams Co., O. 895 Ph.B. Pierpont, Ashtabula Co., O. 896 Aplington, Butler Co., Ia. 884 B.L. Bloomingdale, Van Buren Co. Mich. • 897 “ Bloomingdale, Van Buren Co. Mich. 898 6 * Lima, Rock Co., Wis. 899 Nor. London, Monroe Co., Mich. 900 B.D. Clyde, Oakland Co., Mich. 901 Emerald, Faribault Co., Minn. 821 Derby, England. 902 i C Scott, Steuben Co., Ind. 784 i i Bloomingdale, Van Buren Co., Mich. 765 4 < Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 903 Eng.T. 6 4 46 Elma, Erie Co., N. Y. 904 905 Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y. Chatham, Tioga, Co., Pa. 906 Mus P. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 907 44 Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 809 Mus. V. Allen, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 778 4 4 White Creek, Adams Co., Wis. 908 Eloc. Superior, Williams Co., 6. 909 4 4 i Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., Mich. 910 4 < i Geneva, Ashtabula Co., O. 911 4 < i Wilton, Muscatine Co., Ia. 912 4 4 ] KJentland, Newton Co., Ind. 802 A.B. < Cedar Falls, Black Hawk Co., Ia. 913 4 4 ( Charleston, Charleston Co., S. C. 914 4 4 1 Huntington, Gallia Co., O. 915 ( Chepachet, Providence Co., R. I. 916 4 4 1 Cremont, Steuben Co., Ind. 917 4 4 1 Cittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 918 4 4 I VIorral, Marion Co., O. 840 4 4 Ph.B. iVoodstock, Lenawee Co., Mich. 919 J Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Me. 920 \ Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 921 ££ I Ransom, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 922 4 4 I Sdmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y. 923 4 4 ( Jlymer, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. -ansing, Ingham Co., Mich. 924 I 925 1 Huntington, Lorain Co., O. Date of Birth Date of Marriage. To Whom Married April 15, 1873 July 16, 186 > Jan. 1, 18^9 Minnie M. Whitney. Feb. 17, 1863 Mar. 12, 1884 Alice C. Sarle. Jan., 7, 1863 Oct. 14, 1884 Delia L. Scrivtn. Oct. 14, 1863 Oct. 14, 1884 John H. Wolfe. April 10, 1868 Sept. 20, 1888 Cora Bolton. July 15, 1862 June 29, 1898 Clara Cheever. May 5, 1865 Sept. 28, 1898 Estelle May Alexander. July 1, 1872 Aug. 1, 1“93 Minnie M. Dennis. May 26, 1857 Aug. 4, 1881 J. R. Mowry. Aug. 12, 1881 Dec. 26, 1875 June 20, 1906 William C. Chappell. June 8, 1905 Geneveve R. Baum. May 10, 1873 Oct. 11, 1876 June 28, 1899 Myra Bell Lamb. . June 9. 1878 July 20, 1897 A. B. Chase. July 4, 1870 . April 28, 1878 April 2, 1878 Dec. 13, 1898 Harry V. Plant. Nov. 3, 1903 Lewis D. Pierce. July 3, 1869 Aug. 27, 1901 Allison W. Munger. April 26, 1879 Mar. 17, 1872 June 27, 1876 Jan. 29, 1851 June 27, 1877 *Kingsbury Bachelder. July 16, 1862 Aug. 24, 1874 Feb. 12, 1874 Oct. 17, 1871 Aug. 9, 1901 *M. Frances Randolph. Oct. 10, 1905 E. Claire Sands. July 4, 1875 July 24, 1906 Mabelle A. Walrath. Nov 20, 1871 June 19, 1900 Frances Reed. April 28, 1878 Dec. 13, 1898 Harry V. Plant. Feb. 11, 1873 Sept. 26, 1901 Jan. 1, 1902 Clinton H. Kempton. May 26. 1877 David H. Pollock. May 12, 1878 Sept. 7, 1901 Jennie M. Carleton. Mar. 26, 1875 Aug. 24, 1904 Ray K. Griffeth. April 11, 1877 June 21, 1898 Grace Hubbell. April 11, 1866 June 18, 1896 Carrie L. Ashbaugh. Jan. 13, 1872 Aug. 15, 1894 Grace Anderson. July 23, 1870 Aug. 2, 1898 Mae E. Steele. Nov. 6, 1867 June 20, 1894 Carrie L. Jewett. Mar. 9, 1864 Aug. 3, 1873 Mar. 24, 1887 Nellie B. Austin. Aug. 26, 1903 Rae S. Patchen, Jan. 19, 1858 Dec. 24, 1877 *Florence Pope. Sept. 14, 1877 Mar. 23, 1881 Angeline Moyer. Mar. 2, 18"6 Jan. 10, 1900 Charles C. Bradley. Nov. 5, 1875 June 21, 1899 John M. Merrill. April 19, 1873 Aug. 5, 1877 Aug. 1905 Clarence A. Cameron. Aug. 6, 1898 Nellie Hard. July 25, 1879 Jan. 1, 1901 H. Allen Moyer. Nov. 22, 1876 June 27, 1899 Geo. H. Hobart. Nov. 13, 1871 July 4, 1876 Elmer Clark. Oct. 11, 1860 July 31, 1881 Cora A. Field. Nov. 12, 1875 i May 22, 1907 Mary Scott Mar. 20, 1867 Ian. 1, 1896 Gertrude M. Ledlie. Feb. 4, 1865 Aug. 30, 1893 < *May B. Austin. Nov. 7, 1877 ] luly 2, 1901 Florette M. Bonney E. Winnifred Hill Mov. 26, 1903 Dec. 5, 1873 J June 21, 1904 Lydia E. Franke Nov. 7, 1876 j Aug. 5, 1902 Jesse P. Robinson. Nov. 4, 1877 < sept. 2, 1901 Franklin F. Bradley. Helen Harwood. July 13, 1871 1 7 eb. 25, 1901 Sept. 16, 1871 , Aug. 8, 1900 Theo. A. Sickley. Albert W. Dimmers. Aug. 22, 1874 ( Jet. 11, 1900 Dec. 30, 1870 J uly 3, 1901 ( -has. H. Fullerton. H. B. Morgan. Oct. 21, 1875 Mar. 11, 1877 May 6, 1872 |l July 2, 1902 *Deceased. 40 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE NO. Year Name P. O. ADDRESS Occupation Literary Society 926 Homer E. Phelps Dowagiac, Mich. Salesman Thea. 927 Mabel E. Cunningham Los Angeles, Cal. L.L.U. 751 Frances E. Marshall (Voice) Empire, Mich. ‘ ‘ 798 Anna L. Nichols (True) Oelwein, la. G.S.S. 928 James Goodrich Whipple Hillsdale, Mich. Director Athletics A.K.P. 929 Burton Henry Cheney Monona, Clayton Co., Ia. Clergyman Thea. 914 Walter William Deckard Arlington, R. I. Clergyman 930 Nelson Winfield Harrington Effingham Falls, N. H. Clergyman 931 Nicholas Elza Musser Walled Lake, Mich. Clergyman 932 George William Stansbury Winnebago, Minn. Clergyman i < 933 Alonzo Newton Denny Fulton, N. Y. Clergyman “ 934 Ira Edward Moody Shelby, O. Clergyman A. K. P. 935 Gertrude Ledlie (Deckard) 116 Gladstone St., Arlington R. I. 919 Clarence Melville Chase 268 Savin Hill, Dorchester, Mass. Teacher Piano Forte < C 936 Charles Verne Smith 7 Chowringher, Calcutta, India. Dentist << 937 Mae C. Ferris (Fleming) Hillsdale, Mich. 938 Bessie Ellen Gardner (Miller) Hillsdale, Mich. G.S.S. 939 Clara St. John (Brown) 1002 7th Ave., Sterling, Ill. L.L.U. 892 John Paul McDonald 5 Yi W. Broad St., Columbus, O. Amp. 940 Chestora McDonald (Carr) 205 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. 941 Edna Gertrude Dodge Wood River, Neb. 942 1900 Charles Judson Bready Saugatuck, Mich. Clergyman 943 Clarence Edison DePew Wolf Lake, Ind. Amp. 944 EvartsVaine DePew Del Rio, Texas. Physician 6 6 945 Edwin William Gray Hillsdale, Mich. Clergyman Thea. 946 James Hamilton Lash Rialto, Cal. Clergyman 947 Verne George Myers *Feb. 1, 1905. Amp. 948 Elsie Space (Jackson) Keuka Park, N. Y. Teacher L. L. U. 949 Guy J. Shaughness Angola, Ind. A. K. P. 950 Grace Wilder Bailey Howell, Mich. Teacher L. L. U. 951 May B. Gurney (Lash) Jonesville, Mich. 952 Julia M. Turner (Mitchell) Pawtucket, R. I. 953 Mabel Mae Moore (Mvers) Grand Forks, N. Dak. 954 Lutie Myers (DeYoe) Los Animas, Cal. G.S.S. 955 Forest W. Baker Hillsdale, Mich. Express Agent A. K. P. 956 Howard R. Murphy Contai, India. Missionary Thea. 895 Leroy Waterman Hillsdale, Mich. Prof, in Hillsdale College 957 Charles Herman Batson Brunswick, Minn. Clergyman 958 DeWitt Durgin Lash 471 E. 61st St., Chicago, Ill. Prof. Music. A. K. P. 959 Iliff Curtis Garrison Paris, France. Piano Instructor 960 Edith Lockwood (Barrett) Holly, Mich. L. L. U. 961 Myra Marie Walworth (Shaw) Jackson, Mich. 962 Louise M. Martindale Kirtland, O. 963 1901 Bliss Stewart Alward Camden, Mich. Druggist Amp. 964 Charles Edward Greenlee 1828 Boone Ave., Spokane, Wash. Teacher Thea. 965 Harry Colville Hull New Hampton, N. H. Clergyman 966 Denis G. Clancy Bay C.ity, Mich. Supt. Public Schools A. K. P. 967 Alexander Fremont Doyle 6746 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Amp. 968 Paul G. Agnew 3341 17 N. W. Washington, D. C. Electrician A. K. P. 969 Frank Ernest Bunting Copemish, Mich. Farmer Amp. 869 Charles Ernest Sicklev Charlotte, Mich. Teacher 970 Sarah May Putnam Litchfield, Mich. Teacher L. L U. 971 Charles Caldwell Mitchell Pawtucket, R. I. Clergyman Amp. 972 Bret Harte Taylor Imlay City, Mich. Clergyman 917 Elbert Wayland VanAken Winnebago, Minn. Pres. Parker College A. K. P. 973 Shannon H. Dull Temperance, Mich. Clergyman Thea. 974 Leonard Sherman Slaybaugh Grass Lake, Mich. Clergyman A. K. P. 975 Grace Munroe (Langworthy) Burr Oak, Mich. G.S.S. 976 Marguerite Moore (Gardner) 639 S. Lafayette St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 977 Lena Ramsdell (Kerr) Clark’s Lake, Mich. MusicTeacher 978 Emma Fink (Lyon) Hillsdale, Mich. 97 £ » 1902 ! Lynn Crandal Bisbee Oakland City, Ind. College Prof. Thea. 98C ) Will Charles Chappell Danville, N. H. Clergyman Amp. 981 Fred H. Copp *May 3, 1905. “ 982 ► Charles Allen Eastman Constantine, Mich. Clergyman L.L.U. 982 Elva C. Bailey (Griffin) Laramie, Wyo. 984 Mary Corbett Cincinnati, O. Coll. Sec’y. Y. W. C. A. G.S.S. *Deceased i 'J • 926 927 751 798 928 929 914 930 931 932 933 934 935 919 936 937 938 939 892 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 895 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 869 970 971 972 917 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 41 Place Of Birth. Marshall, Calhoun Co., Mich. Eckford, Calhoun Co., Mich. Nashville Center, Martin Co., Minn Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Jefferson, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Huntington, Gallia Co., O. East Zorra, Oxford Co., Ont. Rutland, Meigs Co., O. Rutland, Meigs Co., O. Springfield, Gallia Co., O. Adrian, Lenawee Co., Mich. Middleport, Meigs Co., O. Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Me. Addison, Lenawee Co., Mich. Hillsdale. Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Genesee, Whiteside Co., Ill. Monroe, Perry Co., O. Monroe, Perry Co., O. Wood River, Hall Co., Neb. Northport, Lenawee Co., Mich. Noble, Noble Co., Ind. Noble, Noble Co., Ind. Bethel, Branch Co., Mich. Pleasant Hill, Athens Co., O. Globeville, Van Buren Co., Mich. New Maysville, Clarion Co., Pa. 3tsego, Steuben Co., Ind. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. V'illisca, Montgomery Co., Ia. Millgrove, Steuben Co., Ind. VIerriam, Noble Co., Ind. Gobleville, Van Buren Co., Mich. Somerset, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dsolia, Clark Co., Ia. Pierpont, Ashtabula Co., O. Northville, Rice Co., Minn. Bloomville, Seneca Co., O. Edon, Williams Co., O. Highland, Oakland Co., Mich. VIoscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Logansport, Cass Co., Ind. Camden, Hillsdale Co., Mich. ECingsville, Ashtabula Co., O. Stoughton, Dane Co., Wis. Somerset, Hillsdale Co.,’Mich. Vlarlette, Sanilac Co., Mich. Ransom, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Colfax, Benzie Co., Mich. Woodstock, Lenaweee Co., Mich. Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. 'Jew Castle, Lawrence Co., Pa. Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. 3 ittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Samaria, Monroe Co., Mich. Steuben, Steuben Co., Ind. 7 ayette, Hillsdale Co., Mich, ackson, Jackson Co., Mich. Hoscow, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Wilmot, Stark Co., O. r remont, Steuben Co., Ind. Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Horinth, Orange Co., Vt. Ransom, Hillsdale Co., Mich. \dams, Hillsdale Co.. Mich. Date of Birth Nov. 10, 1875 Aug. 21, 1874 Aug. 17, 1870 April 1, 1876 Aug. 15, 1875 Dec. 5, 1873 Mar. 20, 1867 Dec. 1865 Sept. 14, 1861 Aug. 23, 1858 Oct. 6, 1864 June 15, 1868 Jan. 9, 1872 July 13, 1871 May 31, 1876 April 15, 1878 Oct. 31, 1874 Aug. 4, 1872 Aug. 24, 1874 Sept. 15, 1862 May 15, 1879 Aug. 2, 1878 July 28, 1874 Jan. 2, 1876 Feb. 4, 1867 June 18, 1872 May 26, 1878 Jan. 8, 1881 July 13, 1874 Jan. 12, 1880 July 7, 1879 Feb. 22, 1877 June 22, 1879 Nov. 5, 1877 Nov. 17, 1874 Mar. 15, 1870 July 4, 1875 Aug. 3, 1868 Aug. 4, 1877 Feb. 8, 1879 Dec. 4, 1875 April 20, 1878 Oct. 16, 1881 July 29, 1879 Nov. 7, 1868 June 16, 1877 June 17. 1878 April 22, 1862 July 3, 1881 Feb. 11, 1873 April 15, 1873 May 2, 1878 Feb. 21, 1870 Nov. 13, 1871 Dec. 5, 1873 April 19, 1872 Feb. 16, 1865 April 3, 1879 Aug. 18, 1877 Feb. 18, 1876 Sept. 25, 1864 July ,22 1879 Mar. 6, 1878 Aug. 11, 1879 May 27, 1873 Aug. 13, 1878 Nov. 14, 1880 Date of Marriage June 8, 1904 Oct. 7, 1905 Aug. 17, 1903 June 22, 1899 Jan. 13, 1900 Aug. 1, 1899 Jan. 1, 1896 Dec. 28, 1898 Sept. 20, 1888 Aug. 29, 1901 April 19, 1880 Sept. 15, 1903 June 26, 1899 Jan. 1, 1896 Feb. 25, 1901 June 15, 1899 June 7, 1900 Oct. 29, 1902 July 3, 1881 Sept. 10, 1906 Oct. 16, 1894 Aug. 29, 19.06 June 30, 1903 July 2, 1902. Oct. 15, 1902 Sept. 29, 1906 June 21, 1904 Oct. 3, 1900 Sept. 1, 1891 July 24, 1906 Aug. 14, 1901 Aug. 11, 1903 June 28, 1906 Apr. 24, 1907 May 3, 1884 Oct. 15, 1902 Aug. 28, 1901 June 21, 1904 April 29, 1893 Oct. 1, 1887 June 29, 1905 Dec. 12, 1905 Dec. 21, 1904 Aug. 5, 1885 July 6, 1905 June 20, 1906 Sept. 3, 1900 July 19, 1905 To Whom Married Hazel S. Ismon. May Sumner. Ernest A. Voice. Ernest L. True. Alta Huested. Anna S. Moore. Gertrude M. Ledlie. Martha M. Cook. *Emma M. Cather. Mary V. Lawson. Ida B. Hooper. Sarah E. Slawson. Laura Miller. Walter W. Deckard. Helen Harwood. Duane J. Flemming. Harry C. Miller. Harry W. Brown. John H. Carr. Lois Nickerson. Emily Kirby. Frances R. Colyer. Nelson A. Jackson. Homer C. Lash. Chas. C. Mitchell. Elmer A. Myers. Frank E. DeYoe. Marion I. Chandler. Emma B. Gehman. Mabelle Alice Walrath. Esther L. Walrath. Fremont J. Barrett. Carl M. Shaw. Bertha Travis. Mary A. Pettibone. Julia M. Turner. Eva L. Doyle. Lydia E. Franke. Emma Ackerman. Martha E. Flower. Floyd M. Langworthy. Charles V. Gardner. R. B. Kerr. Frank A. Lyons. Estelle E. Wise. F. Ethel Gurney. Delia L. Harvey. Walter B. Griffin. *Peceased 42 ALUMNI ET ALUMNA No. Year Name P. O. ADDRESS Occupation Literary Society 985 Maude B. Corbett Valparaiso, Ind. Teacher, Sec’y. Y. W. C, A, G.S.S. 986 Caroline Dudley Ottumwa, la. Teacher L.L.U. 987 Annie Vernor, (McKinley) Lorain, O. Teacher G.S.S, 988 Charles E. McKinley Lorain, O. Merchant Amp. 989 Orlan B. Read Winnebago, Minn. Prof, in Parker College 66 990 Clifford C. Ward Hillsdale, Mich. Editor < 6 991 Mabel Estelle Nash Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher L.L.U. 992 Almeda Marion Todd Burr Oak, Mich. Teacher G.S.S. 993 Mary A. Wells (Mather) Evart, Mich. < 66 994 Frances J. Woodward Frankfort, Mich. L. L. U. 995 George Hosea Curtice Yacolt, Wash. Clergyman Thea. 996 Ernest L. True Oelwein, la. Clergyman 4 4 997 Florence E. Fox *Feb. 18, 1907. Teacher G.S.S, 998 Louise Whipple (Clark) Hillsdale, Mich. 999 Vivian L. Stroud (Derham) Detroit, Mich. L.L.U. 1000 1903 Wayland Dunn Gates Han-yang, China. Clergyman, Missionary A. K. P. 1001 Clarence J. Timms Sherburn, Minn. Teacher 66 1002 J. Bennett Whelan Lincoln, Neb. Teacher Amp. 1003 Inis Ella Coon Gallup, N. M. Teacher L. L U. 878 F. Ethel Gurney (Chappell) Danville, N. H. 66 1004 Melesin K. Sowles (Slade) Ashton, N. D. Bank Cashier G.S.S. 1005 Mrs. Dora Hall (Stockman) Lansing, Mich., R. F. D. No. 4. L. L. U. 1006 H. Madge Vandeburg Wardner, Idaho. G.S.S. 1007 Jesse Simmons Hyatt Libertyville, Ill. Civil Engineer Thea. 1008 Blanche A. Bradley Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher G.S.S. 1009 Cora E. Adams Hillsdale, Mich. L. L. U. 1010 Mary L. Cole Hillsdale, Mich. < 6 881 Alfred C. Church Buffalo, N. Y. Clergyman A. K. P. 1011 Charles A. Collett Balasore, India. Missionary Thea. 1012 Charles P. Collett Batavia, N. Y. Clergyman 946 James Hamilton Lash Rialto, Cal. Clergyman Thea. 1013 Alva J. Osborn Blanchester, O. Clergyman 4 4 1014 David E. Hall Hillsdale, Mich. Clergyman 1015 Ida A. Chapin Winslow, Ill. Music Teacher 1016 Blanche E. Curtiss Reading, Mich. Music Teacher 1017 May E. Lewis. Andover, O. MusicTeacher G.S.S. 1018 Flossie E. Whitney 129 Session St., Defiance, O. Music Teacher 1019 Mabel C. Ledlie (Jones) Arlington, R. I Music Teacher L.L.U. 1020 1904 William Vance Beers Manistee, Mich. Teacher Amp. 1021 William James Boone Chicago, Ill. Athletic Coach A.K.P. 1011 Charles Alfred Collett Balasore, India. Missionary Thea. 1022 John Seybert Deabler Benton Harbor, Mich. Clergyman 1023 Heber Babe DePew Wolf Lake, Ind. Medical Student Amp. 6 i 1024 LeRoy O. DuRoss Fremont, Ind. Teacher 1025 Allen P. Rice Paso Estencia, Cuba. Mngr. Ill. Cuban Land Co. A. K. P. 1026 Judd Melchior Schaad Winnebago, Minn. Teacher of Science “ 1027 Fern Earl Taylor Ellensburg, Wash. Teacher Amp. 1028 Bessie I. Allen (Read) Winnebago, Minn. Teacher Parker College G.S.S. 1029 Mayte H. Collins (Tripp) Ann Arbor, Mich. “ 1030 Rae Patchin (Dewey) Houston, Minn. 66 1031 Helen Abbott (Mills) Hoopeston, Ill. Teacher 66 1032 Anna L. Sands Benzonia, Mich. Teacher L.L.U. 1033 Jennie M. Updyke Nashville, Mich. Teacher G.S.S. 1034 James E. Davidson 1710 Center Ave., Bay City, Mich. Ship Builder A. K. P. 982 Charles Allen Eastman Constantine, Mich. Clergyman Amp. 1035 Frank Richard Fenn 502 W. 173rd St, New York, N. Y. Music Student, Teacher Thea. 1036 Casper L. Rowe Jackson, Mich. Y. M. C. A. Sec’y 1037 William G. Mason Enosburg Falls, Vt. Y. M. C. A. Sec’y 6 6 1038 L. Louise Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. Music Teacher L.L.U. 1039 Wilma L. Benedict Little Cedar, la. W. C. T. U. Worker G.S.S. 1040 1905 Elmer F. Bates Kalamazoo, Mich. Engineer Amp. 1041 Durlin Serenus Benedict Gen. Del. Chicago, Ill. Clergyman 1042 Walter B. Griffin Laramie, Wyo. Priv. Sec. & Int. Inst. Amp. 1043 Jay R. Inman Manchester, Iowa. Teacher Thea. 1044 Walter E. Jack . Hillsdale, Mich. Stenographer “ 1045 Floyd M. Langworthy Burr Oak, Mich. Teacher 6 6 1046 Leroy C. Partch Olmsted Falls, O. Clergyman 4 4 1047 James A. Wescott Green Bay, Wis. Teacher Amp. 1048 Charles J. Wood Ridgeville, Ind. Law Student 6 6 *Deceased. OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 43 REPEAT No, Degree at Graduation Degrees in Course Place ofBirth Date of Birth Date of Marriage. To Whom Married 985 A.B. Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Nov. 14, 1878 986 “ Ashland, Grafton Co., N. H. Feb. 1, 1880 987 “ Appleton, Outagamie Co., Wis. Feb. 23, 1880 Jan. 12, 1907 Charles E. McKinley. 988 Ph.B. Montpelier, Williams Co., Ohio Oct. 12, 1881 Jan. 12, 1907 Annie Vernor. 989 “ Carbondale, Osage Co., Kan. Oct. 18, 1871 July 25, 1905 Bessie I. Allen. 990 “ Flint, Genesee Co., Mich. May 17. 1880 991 “ Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dec. 25, 1879 992 i (. Burr Oak, St. Joseph Co., Mich. May 16, 1880 993 “ Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Oct. 6, 1875 April 17, 1907 Rev. E. O. Mather. 994 “ Frankfort, Benzie Co., Mich. July 9, 1880 995 B.D. Pierpont, Ashtabula Co., O. Mar. 11, 1872 Sept. 11, 1901 Sarah E. Hyatt. 996 ‘ 6 Prairie City, McDonough Co., III. May 12, 1875 June 22, 1899 Anna L. Nichols. 997 Mus.P. Pleasant Plains, Warren Co., O. Nov. 26, 1882 998 < C Cambridge, Henry Co., Ill. May 4, 1879 April 21, 1906 Henry C. Clark. 999 Eloe. Pleasanton, Manistee Co., Mich. May 9, 1882 Sept. 5, 1906 Albert G. Derham. 1000 A.B. Scranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa. April 18, 1883 1001 Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dec. 20, 1881 June 18, 1902 Edna L. Browning. 1002 Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich, Feb. 6, 1883 July 17, 1902 Louella I. Beers. 1003 Antrim, Wyandotte Co., O. Mar. 14, 1879 878 Shenandoah, Page Co., Ia. Aug. 12, 1881 June 20, 1906 William C. Chappell. 1004 Bangor, Franklin Co., N. Y. Jan. 20, 1883 Nov. 10, 1904 Claudius Slade. 1005 Marilla, Manistee Co., Mich. Aug. 4, 1872 Aug. 8, 1889 F. M. Stockman. 1006 Rochester, Olmstead Co., Minn. Aug. 22, 1880 1007 Ph.B. Dale, Wyoming, Co., N. Y. fuly 31,1881 Jan. 1, 1906 Mertie C. Briggs. 1008 “ Blissfield, Lenewee Co., Mich. Nov. 19, 1879 1009 B.L. Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. April 29, 1880 1010 Potter Center, Yates Co., N. Y. Aug. 16, 1877 881 B.D. Hillsdale,.Hillsdale Co., Mich. Oct. 11, 1876 June 28, 1899 Myra Belle Lamb. 1011 Jay Co., Ind. Feb. 22, 1877 June 25, 1903 Dora Jenkins. 1012 C < Madison, Jay Co., Ind. May 4, 1867 Feb. 28, 1891 Amy F. Mills. 946 i i Pleasant Hill, Athens Co., O. June 18, 1872 Aug. 29, 1906 Frances R. Coyler. 1013 < i Gaines, Orleans Co., N. Y. June 25, 1871 Sept. 2, 1902 Margaret L. Burke. 1014 Eng.T. Plato, Kane Co., Ill. Sept. 1, 1845 Oct. 18, 1868 Martha M. Laurence. 1015 Mus.P. Wayne, Lafayette Co., Wis. Feb. 17, 1881 1016 C i Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Mar. 19, 1879 1017 c c Andover, Ashtabula Co., O. Feb. 11, 1881 1018 i i Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Nov. 9, 1879 1019 Mus.V. Springfield, Sangamon Co., Ill. Mar. 28, 1882 Oct. 16, 1907 Chester D. Jones. 1020 A.B. Hecla, Whitley Co., Ind. Feb. 16, 1873 1021 “ Woodbridge, Hillsdale Co., Mich. July 17, 1879 1011 “ Jay Co., Ind. Feb. 22, 1877 June 25, 1903 Dora Jenkins. 1022 i t Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Mar. 8, 1876 1023 i l Noble, Noble Co., Ind. June 30, 1879 1024 l i Green Camp, Marion Co., O. April 20, 1880 1025 Chatham, Medina Co., O. Nov. 27, 1881 1026 < i Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Sept., 1 1880 1027 Cherry Valley, Ashtabula Co., O. June 8, 1873 1028 Mound, McDonough Co., Ill. Nov. 14, 1882 July. 25, 1905 Orlan B. Read. 1029 Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dec. 13, 1880 Sept. 19, 1906 M. E. Tripp. 1030 Nashville, Martin Co, Minn. Jan. 27, 1876 Aug. 26, 1903 Mott L. Dewey. 1031 Warren, Allegheny Co., Pa. April 5, 1862 Dec. 37, 1878 Frank H. Mills. 1032 i i Lewiston, Androscoggin Co., Me. Jan. 20, 1881 1033 i 6 Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. April 13, 1881 1034 U Buffalo, Erie Co., N. Y. Dec. 7, 1865 Feb. 12, 1890 June L. Cobb. 982 6 < Corinth, Orange Co., Vt. May 27, 1873 Sept. 3, 1900 Delia L. Harvey. 1035 B.D. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Dec. 17, 1877 Jan. 2, 1900 Ella Smith. 1036 ( i Franklin, Huntington Co., Canada. July 8, 1876 July 2, 1903 LuDell Whedon. 1037 Eng.T. Oxford, Oxford Co., Eng. April 10, 1870 Oct. 29, 1889 Emma Burgess. 1038 Mus. P. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Nov. 2, 1882 1039 Eloc. Liberty, Mitchell Co., Ia. July 11, 1878 1040 A.B. Batavia, Branch Co., Mich. Dec. 4, 1878 Nov. 30, 1905 Lena I. Daniels. 1041 << Columbia Co., Wis. May 15, 1871 1905 Sal 1 ie J. Bodemer. 1042 i i Gordo, Palo Pinto Co., Texas. Aug. 6, 1881 July 19, 1905 Elva C. Bailey. 1043 < i Spencer, Medina Co., O. July 26, 1877 June 17, 1903 Estella Oakley. 1044 Pierpont, Ashtabula Co., O. Jan. 31, 1883 June 19, 1906 Gertrude S. Warren. 1045 a West Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y. Mar. 15, 1876 June 29, 1905 Grace D. Monroe. 1046 i i Beaver, Crawford Co., Pa. Nov 21, 1879 June 21, 1905 Pearl E. Cramer. 1047 “ Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dec. 15, 1884 10481 (i Franklin, Randolph Co., Ind. Nov. 16, 1882 44 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE NO. Year Name P. O. Address Occupation Literary Society 1049 Bertha A. Baker Swan, Ind. Teacher G.S.S. 1050 Gladys A. Barker (West) Hoopeston, Ill. ‘ 4 1051 Lelia R. Soule Grand Haven, Mich. Teacher < C 904 Mott L. Dewey Houston, Minn. Clergyman Thea. 1052 Brooks A. Warren Sherburne, Minn. Amp. 1053 Abel L. Cook Sedan, Kansas ( 6 1054 Vivian E. Lyon Hillsdale, Mich. G. S. S. 1055 Ethel M. Augir (Studebaker) Ashland, Oregon L. L. U. 1056 Pearl E. Cramer (Partch) Olmstead Falls, O. G. S. S. 1057 Fanny L. Northrop Hillsdale, Mich. L. L. U. 1058 Emma A. Roy Hillsdale, Mich. ‘ 4 1059 Anna R. Leonardson Pittsford, Mich. 1060 1906 Frank E. Baker Hastings, Mich. Teaeher Amp. 1061 James Lauren Barker Honor, Mich. Bank Cashier A. K. P 1062 Laurin D. Chase C. H. & D. Ry, Cincinnati, O. Civil Engineer Amp. 899 Austin Franklin Jones 178 Kirby St. W., Detroit, Mich. Teacher 4 4 1063 Benjamin Rood Larrabee Elmira Heights, N. Y. Clergyman 4 4 10H4 Rae Hilton McIntosh Green River, Wyoming Teacher 4 4 1065 Leon B. Reynolds Palo Alto, Cal. Student 4 4 1066 Laurel Wayland Slayton Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher A. K. P. 1067 Lowell Pardee Smith Manchester, Mich. Student Amp. 1068 Clinton DeWitt Thornton Mayville, Mich. Clergyman Thea. 1069 Rey Church Woodworth Kewanee, Ill. Teacher A. K. P. 1070 Laura Belle Ammerman 227 Manning St., Hillsdale, Mich. 1 ‘ L. L. U. 1071 Bessie M. Camburn Burr Oak,‘Mich. i ( G.S.S. 1072 Edith Cold Hillsdale, Mich. C < L. L. U. 1073 Elizabeth May Dudley Bryan, O. i < 4 4 1074 Edna Harris Ford Hillsdale, Mich., r R. F. D. i < G.S S. 1075 Evelyn D. Gates 802 Mulberry St., Scranfon, Pa. ‘ 4 1076 Ruth V. Kishpaugh Hanover, Mich. i < L. L. U. 1077 Helen Elizabeth Slayton Hillsdale, Mich. c c 4 4 1078 Mabelle A. Walrath (Waterman) Hillsdale, Mich. 4 4 1079 Winifred Davis Whaley New Carlisle, Ind. 4 4 4 4 1080 George Henry Hobart Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Clergyman Thea. 1081 Fred Cornell Langley Davison, Mich. Clergyman < ( 1082 Ernest Harley Osborn Cherry Creek, N. Y. Clergyman < < 1083 Elmer E. Prillaman Hillsdale, Mich. Clergyman 4 4 1084 Inis Genevieve Haggerty Pittsford, Mich. Student L. L. U. 1085 Mary Adelaide Proctor Morris, Minn. Teacher 1086 Ethel Maud Reed Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher of Drawing 4 4 1087 Sarah Marie Schmidt Hillsdale, Mich. 4 4 1088 Abbie Grace Temple Adrian, Mich. Student 1089 Martha Louise Whaley Seneca, Mich. G. S. S. 1090 N. Emeline Walls Reading, Mich. “ 1091 1907 Lena Florence Adams Poplar Bluffs, Mo. Teacher 1092 Grace M. Campbell Hillsdale, Mich. “ L.L. U. 1093 Hattie Marcatelle Cherryman Benzonia, Mich. << “ 1094 James Edgar Hogan Elgin, Ill. Amp. 1095 Forrest Parker Knapp North Adams, Mich. “ A. K. P. 1096 Verner Wright Main 351 Olnev Ave., Marion, Ohio 1097 Charles Henry Mann Scott, Ind. C ( “ 1098 Ruth Viola Mauck Hillsdale, Mich. L. L. U. 1099 Della Kate McIntosh Hanover, Mich. tc 1100 Walter Ransom Mawhorter Galesburg, Ill. tc Amp. 1101 Edith C. Murray Reading, Mich. L. L. U. 1102 Yoichi Ogawa Iowa City, Iowa. Student Thea. 1103 Ruby Louise Prior Dixon, Ill. Teacher L. L. U. 1104 Florence E. Robertson Hillsdale, Mich. Student 1105 George F. Slayton Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher Thea. 1106 Arthur A. Willoughby Hillsdale, Mich. Journalism Amp. 1107 Ina Claire Wisner North Adams, Mich. Commercial Agent L. L. U. 1108 George E. McTaggart Saline, Mich. Clergyman Amp. 1035 Francis R. Fenn 502 W. 174 St., New York, N. Y. Music Student Thea. 1109 Dorothy M. Kline Homer, Mich. Music Teacher G. S. S. ' 1110 Frances A. Weeks North Adams, Mich. Student mi Polly Evanora Branch Kingston, Ill. G.S.S. 1112 Edith May Stanley Hillsdale, Mich. Teacher No. 1049 1050 1051 904 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 899 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1035 1109 1110 1111 1112 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 45 Place of Birth Swan, Noble Co., Ind. Mt. Pleasant, Racine Co., Wis. Grand Haven, Ottawa Co., Mich. Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. S. Walsingham, Norfolk Co., Ont. Quincy, Branch Co., Mich. Pomona, Putnam Co., Fla. Medina, Lenawee Co., Mich. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Jackson, Jackson Co., Mich. Jefferson, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Swan, Noble Co., Ind. North Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. London, Monroe Co., Mich. Bethany, Wayne Co., Pa. Frankfort, Benzie Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Wilton, Muscatine Co., Ia. Delta, Fulton Co., O. Newton, Jasper Co., Ind. Wheatland, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Blissfield, Lenawee Co., Mich. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., O. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Jefferson, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Scranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa. Raisin Center, Lenawee Co., Mich. Salem, Richardson Co., Neb. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., O. Erie, Erie Co., Pa. Albion, Orleans Co., N. Y. Bear Creek, Jay Co., Ind. Pittsford, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Woodbridge, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Ypsilanti, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Adrian, Lenawee Co., Mich. Camden, Hillsdale Co., Mich. N. Fairfield, Huron Co., O. Fayette, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hscoda, Iosco Co., Mich. Broadway, Union Co., O. Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Ashley, Delaware Co., O. Spencer, Medina Co., O. Minneapolis, Minn. Frankfort, Benzie Co., Mich. Elkhart, Noble Co., Ind. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Usuki, Bungo, Japan. Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Rio Grande, Gallia Co., O. Huron, Co., O. Adams, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Dntario, Huron Co., Can. roronto, Ontario, Can. Homer, Calhoun Co., Mich. Moscow, Hillsdale Co () Midh. Kingston, DeKalb Co., Ill. Eamden, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Date of Birth. Dec. 11, 1884 Feb. 3, 1881 Sept. 13, 1882 Aug. 3, 1873 Sept. 15, 1877 Dec. 25, Nov. 25, 1887 May 16, 1882 April 19, 1882 April 22, 1884 Sept. 7, 1883 Oct. 4, 1884 Feb. 4, 1882 Mar. 31, 1881 Oct. 27, 1879 May 12, 1878 Dec. 25, 1882 May 11, 1882 Dec. 29, 1884 June 15, 1876 Mar. 10, 1885 May 4, 1875 July 13, 1882 Aug. 26, 1881 Mar. 27, 1886 Feb. 22, 1879 April 10, 1885 Feb-24, 1877 Oct. 5,1884 Nov. 15, 1886 Sept. 3, 1879 Jan. 15, 1878 Nov. 1, 1884 June 23, 1875 Aug. 14, 1875 Aug. 8, 1873 Feb. 14, 1882 Nov. 9, 1887 July 3, 1883 Mar. 4, 1885 May 14, 1882 Nov. 23, 1884 Oct. 20, 1885 Nov. 10, 1880 Jan. 11, 1872 June 12, 1885 Nov. 5, 1883 Feb. 27, 1883 May 18, 1883 Dec. 16, 1885 June 21, 1881 Dec. 16, 1886 Mar. 31, 1885 June 1, 1881 Mar. JO, 1879 April 15, 1882 Nov. 23, 1883 Oct. 31, 1885 Nov. 19, 1877 Sept. 25, 1883 Feb. 5, 1868 Dec. 17, 1877 Oct. 5, 1886 Mar. 20, 1885 Feb. 24, 1883 Feb. 18, 1887 Date of Marriage To Whom Married Aug. 9, 1905 Milton West. Aug. 26, 1903 Rae S. Patchin. Jan. 25, 1888 Viola V. Johnston. Oct. 14, 1906 June 21, 1905 Robert Studebaker. Leroy C. Partch. June 21, 1907 May 22, 1907 Florence Z. Myers. Emily Godfrey. Sept. 7, 1901 Jennie M. Carleton. Dec. 2, 1897 July 24, 1906 June 27, 1899 Jan. 25, 1899 Oct. 30, 1906 Jan. 17, 1904 June 26, 1907 Harriet C. Sheffer. Leroy Waterman. Erminie O. Holmden. Jessie L. Wakelee. Nettie Bates. Lulu A. Logan. Minnie C. Rowe. BACHELORS OF PEDAGOGY In 1893 the Michigan Legislature authorized certain colleges in this state to give teachers’ certificates to those graduates from ny four years’ college course who should complete an approved “course in the science and art of teaching equivalent to five and one-half hours a week for a college year,” and the Trustees of Hillsdale College have voted to confer the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy upon those who take said course. The following is a list of those who have thus far received it. 1893 William O. Robinson 1894 Alice Almena Lewis Eben P. S. Miller William H. Lewis Alice Dewey Burt F. Green Irven J. Bricker Ana G. Closson Carrie Ashbaugh Hellaby Paul W. Chase Grant E. Douglass Walter M. French Edwin W. Hellaby Grace L. Higbee Louis B. Austin Clarence L. Catherman Mabel Copp Eva M. Crofoot John R. Armstrong J. Paul McDonald Fred W. Miller Cora H. Bailey Florette A. Bonney Effie DeTay Bretz Brown Dwight J. Douglass Grace Bailey E. V. DePew Frank E. Bunting Denis Clancy 1895 Clayton I. Collins George W. Green 1896 Jennie A. Hulce Marion Perkins Manwaring Fredd R. Miller F. Edith Myers Walter H. North Minnie L. Pettit 1397 Grace I. Dewey Clara L. Hughes Clayton A. Langv\orthy Henry T. McDonald 1898 Chauncey L. Newcomer Alfred K. Jenkins Eva M. Lyle 1899 Rose Pope Langworthy Laura A. Marsh Frances G. Marshall Rosa McDougal 1900 Lutie X. Myers Mabel M. Moore 1901 Alex. F. Doyle Verne G. Myers James N. Greene Jesse P. Robinson E. Claire Sands Bertha C. Van Atta Charles W. Whitney. Nellie A. Montgomery Norman Bert Sloan Joseph M. Weaver Bertha I. Myers Florence M. Stetson Ella S. Nichols Homer E. Phelps Emily C. Sage Elsie M. Space Julia M. Turner Sarah A. Putnam Charles E. Sickley BACHELORS OF PEDAGOGY.— Continued. 47 Elva C. Bailey Will C. Chappell Mary Corbett Harry S. Myers M. Estelle Nash Lynn C. Bisbee Cora E. Adams Blanch E. Bradley Mary L. Cole Inez E. Coon Bessie I. Allen William Beers William J. Boone Heber B. DePew Bertha A, Baker Gladys A. Barker Leila R. Soule Laura Belle Ammermatl James Lauren Barker Bessie Marian Camburn Edith Cold Elizabeth May Dudley Grace Marie Campbell J. Edgar Hogan Verner Wright Main Ruth Viola Mauck 1902 Fred H. Copp Maude B. Corbett Charles E. McKinley Emily J. Shafer Orlan B. Read Annie Vernor 1903 H. Madge Vandeburg Jesse S. Hyatt Melisin K. Sowles Dora Hall Stockman 1904 LeRoy DuRoss Judd M. Schaad Mayte H. Collins Mrs. Rae Patchen Dewey 1905 Elmer F. Bates Walter B. Griffin Jay R. Inman 1906 Edna Harris Ford Evelyn Delcie Gates Rey Church Woodworth Ruth Vale Kishpaugh Rae Hilton McIntosh 1907 Florence Elizabeth Robertson Hattie Marcatelle Cherryman Forrest Parker Knapp Kate Adelle McIntosh Mary A. Wells Chailes E. Greenlee Jessie G. McNair Marion A. Todd Frances J. Woodward Clarence J. Timms J. Bennett Whelan Mrs. Helen A. Mills Anna Sands Jennie M. Updyke. Floyd M. Langworthy LeRoy C. Partch James A. Westcott Helen Elizabeth Slayton Laurel Wayland Slayton Clinton DeWitt Thornton Mabelle Alice Walrath Winifred Davis Whaley Edith Cordelia Murray George Francis Slayton Ina Claire Wisner Members of the Alumni Association not Graduates of Hillsdale College By vote of the Alumni Association in 1890, former students of the college receiving Honorary degrees from it thereby become members of the Alumni Association. The following is the list of such members to date of this publication: A. M. 1871 Cyrus D. Roys Elkhart, Ind. Attorney. 4 % 1872 Lewis W. Day *March 12, 1899 Superintendent of Schools. “ 1873 Rev. Stephen E. Root *Feb. 11, 1904 *April 9, 1»97 Physician and Surgeon. “ 1874 Herbert B. Johnson Attorney. Sec’y and Treas. Realty Company. 4 4 1875 William E. Ambler The Arcade, Cleveland 4 4 “ John M. Rice Chicago, III. Attorney. ‘ ‘ Jacob B. Yeagley Guthrie, Okla. Solicitor of Patents. B. S. 1876 Edwa.d D. Curtis Portland, Oregon Teacher. 4 4 “ William S. Eastman Tiffin, O. Life Insurance. “ Philo D. Patterson *Sept. 26, 1903 Physician and Surgeon. M. S. 1878 Albert W. Long Angola, Ind. County Treasurer. A. M. 1879 Hugh D. Wood Angola, Ind. *April 3, 1897 Physician and Surgeon. “ “ John T. Everett Physician and Surgeon. ‘ ‘ Joseph B. Moore Lansing, Mich. Justice Supreme Court. M. S. 4 4 1880 Mary Baldwin (Fairfield) Henrietta Vance (Churchill) *March 25, 1881 *Dec. 30, 1896 D. Mus. w Saretta VanFleet (M’Cleverty) Fenelon B. Rice *March 27, 1880 *Oct. 26, 1901 Director Conservatory Music. A. M. 1881 Samuel A. Redding *March 28, 1883 Clergyman. M. S. 1884 1885 Robert V. Carlin Marcus A. Merrifield Angola, Ind. Union City, Mich. Attorney. LL. D. 1886 Martin B. Koon Minneapolis, Minn. Attorney. A. M. 1 * Rev. Robert Taylor Kasson, Minn. Clergyman. M. S. 4 4 John A. Wadhams 2465 Court, Chicago, Ill. Principal of Tilton School B. S. 4 ( 1887 1888 Belle Brown (Waller) Charles A. Segur Pullman, Wash. La Fayette, Ind. Merchant. 4 4 1890 Clarissa L. Merriman San Jose, Cal. Teacher. A. M. 1891 Rev. George N. Howard Franconia, N. H. Clergyman. 44 1892 Helen M. Gougar *June 6, 1907 Lecturer. Ph. M. 1898 Angell Ambler (Weaver) Cleveland, O. Teacher. LL. D. 1899 William W. Cook New York, N. Y. Attorney. 4 i M. Lit. 1904 1906 Frank D. Baldwin Julia M. Janes Detroit, Mich. General U. S. A. D. D. 1907 Peter W. Perry Western Springs, Ill. Clergyman. 4 4 1907 Alvah W. Adkinson Los Angeles, Cal. Clergyman. *Deceased Honorary and Additional Degrees of Alumni et Alumnae List No Degree Year Name Class List No Degree Year Name Class 4 LL.D. 1871 Joseph Thatcher Hoke 1860 322 A. M. 1895 Hadley B. Larrabee 1875 72 A. M. 1875 Minnie Ward (Patterson) 1864 355 A. M. 1895 Lucy Phillips (Durgin) 1876 156 A. M. 1876 Will M. Carleton 1869 261 D. D. 1895 Amos Montraville Gould 1873 65 LL.D. 1876 Hiram Collier 1864 362 D D.! 1895 Rivington D. Lord 1877 137 A. M. 1877 Isaac N. Wade 1868 319 D. S. 1896 Arthur Edwin Haynes 1875 178 A. M. 1879 John F. Downey 1870 610 D. D. 1897 Delavan Bloodgood Reed 1888 319 Ph.M. 1879 Arthur Edwin Haynes 1875 13 A. M. 1898 Julia Reed (Shattuck) 1860 69 A. M. 1879 Loftus Nano Keating 1864 356 D. D. 1898 Jame W. Parsons 1876 231 A. M. 1886 Eugene A. Merrill 1872 404 D. D. 1899 Henry M. Ford 1879 8 B. S. 1887 Marie Cooper (Pierce Root) 1860 169 LL.D. 1899 Albert J. Hopkins 1870 521 Ph.M. 1889 Bion Joseph Arnold 1884 LL.D. 1903 Joseph B. Moore 1879 250 D. D. 1889 Lathan A. Crandall 1873 97 LL.D. 1903 John M. VanFleet 1866 440 D. D. 1890 John Roland H. Latchaw 1881 521 T. D. 1903 f Bion J. Arnold 1884 45|Ph. D. 1 1890 William Wallace Payne 1863 421 D. D. 1905 W. A. Myers 1880 173 D. D. 1 1893 John Tefft Ward 1870 699 D. D. 1905 D. D. Martin 1891 156 Lit. D. 1 1895 Will M. Carleton 1869 36 A. M. 1905 Franc Buck Sherman 1862 309 LL.D.' 1895 Joseph William Mauck 1875 535 D. D. 1906 Jared Maurice Arter j-4 *'~r' _• i n* l__ >> 1885 t“Testimonial Diploma.” OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 49 Alumni et Alumnae have held positions in Hillsdale College as follows: Of The Board of Trustees 42 1863 James B. Drew 1870-1885 173 1870 John T. Ward 1889-1898 237 1872 Dan M. Harvey 1872-1887 404 1879 Henry M. Ford 1891- 256 1873 Irving B. Smith 1874-1875 318 1875 Otto Fowle 1891-1893 19 1861 David M. Stuart 1875-1880 529 1884 John R. Mowry 1895-1900 280 1873 George R. Holt 1876-1891 714 1892 Thomas C. Lawrence 1896- 67 1864 John C. Patterson 1876- 890 1898 Mary A. W. Bachelder 1896- 135 1868 Oscar A. Janes 1878- 837 1896 Alice L. Hulce 1897-1907 90 1866 Elon G. Reynolds 1879-1906 177 1870 Dallas Boudeman 1899-1900 88 1866 Jerome L. Higbee 1880-1900 352 1876 Helen Dunn Gates 1900- 309 1875 J. William Mauck 1881-1892 880 1887 Lorenzo E. Dow 1900- 326 1875 Orville C. Whitney 1883-1898 609 1888 Grover A. Jackson 1900- 341 1876 Ransom L. Stillman 1884-1894 784 1895 Harry S. Myers 1901- 319 1875 Arthur E. Haynes 1884-1894 582 1885 Joseph E. Cummins 1901 151 1869 John S. Copp 1885-1895 521 1889 Bion J. Arnold 1902- 156 1869 Will M. Carleton 1887- 1034 1887 James E. Davidson 1902- 231 1872 Eugene A. Merrill 1887-1905 169 1870 Albert J. Hopkins 1905- 421 1880 William A. Myers 1887- 106 1867 Henry W. Magee 1905- 293 1874 Wallace W. Heckman 1887- 11-6 1867 Irving L. Stone 1905-1906 176 1870 Alfred Bayliss 1907- The following, made members of the Alumni Association by action of 1900, have also been Trustees: A.M., 1875 William E. Ambler 1878- LL.D., 1886 Martin B. Koon 1891- A.M., 1872 Lewis W. Day 1888-1890 A.M., 1892 Helen M. Gougar 1893-1896 A.M., 1871 Cyrus D. Roys 1890-1905 A.M., 1879 Hugh D. Wood 1896-1903 Members of the Faculty. 65 1864 Hiram Collier 1864-1872 Professor of Natural Science. 66 1864 Bela Phillips MacKoon 1864-1865 Tutor in Languages. 8 1860 Marie M. Cooper 1865-1866 Lady Principal (4 terms). 78 1864 H. Laura Rowe 1865-1866 Assistant Lady Principal. 95 1866 Ellen Smith 1867-1871 Assistant Lady Principal. 24 1862 F. Wayland Dunn 1871-1874 Professor of Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 78 1864 H. Laura Rowe 1871-1873 Lady Principal. 151 1869 John Scott Copp 1873-1875 Professor of Homiletics. 255 1873 Bruce Samuel Hunting 1873-1874 Tutor in Greek. 8 1860 Marie Cooper (Pierce; 1873-1874 Lady Principal and French. 274 1873 Ellen A. Cross 1873-1874 Assistant Principal’ German, Elocution. 305 1874 Eva J. Root 1874 Assistant Lady Principal (1 term). 151 1869 John Scott Copp 1875-1888 Alumni Professor of Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 319 1875 Arthur Edwin Haynes 1876-1890 Fowler Professor of Mathematics and Physics. 309 1875 Joseph William Mauck 1876-1877 Tutor in Greek. 309 1875 Joseph William Mauck 1877-1880 Professor of Greek. 67 1864 John C Patterson 1877-1879 Lecturer on Constitutional Law. 309 1875 Joseph William Mauck 1881-1883 Waldron Professor of Latin. 251 1873 Charles Densmore Dudley 1883-1886 Burr Professor of Systematic Theology. 540 1885 Frank Smith 1886-1892 Professor of Chemistry, Biology and Geology. 8 1860 Marie Cooper Pierce 1887-1888 Lady Principal. 461 1882 Samuel Wilbur Norton 1888-1890 Acting Alumni Professor of Belles-Lettres. 151 1869 John Scott Copp 1888-1896 Burr Professor of Systematic Theology, etc. 614 1888 Frances Stewart Mosher 1888-1902 French and History. 610 1888 Delavan Bloodgood Reed 1888- Marks Professor of Ecclesiastical History. 253 1873 Charles Henry Gurney 1890- Alumni Professor of Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. 448 1881 Duncan McLaren Martin 1891-1902 Hart Professor of Mathematics. 582 1887 Stephen Benjamin Harvey 1896- Professor of Modern Languages. 550 1885 Lucy Adella Sloan 1896-1897 Lady Principal, English. 274 1873 Ellen Cross Copp 1897-1900 Lady Principal, Latin and English. 650 1890 Dixon J. Churchill 1892-1896 Professor of Voice Culture and Chorus Director. 173 1870 John T. Ward 1898- Professor of Systematic Theology. 895 1900 Leroy Waterman 1900- Professor of Hebrew. 220 1871 M. Myrtilla Davis 1901-1902 Acting Woman’s Dean 714 1895 Harry S. Myers 1902- Professor of Mathematics 528 1885 Clark L. Herron 1901-1903 Principal Preparatory Department. 309 1875 Joseph W. Mauck 1902- President. Note.—Fenelon B. Rice, D. Mus., 1880, was Professor of Vocal and Instrumental Music 1864-1867. 50 MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY— Continued INSTRUCTORS 78 1864 H. Laura Rowe 1866-1867 1 95 1866 Ellen Smith 1866-1867 78 1870 John F. Downey 1780-1871 90 1866 Elon G. Reynolds 1871-1872 151 1869 John S. Copp 1872-1873 319 1875 Arthur E. Haynes 1875-1876 249 1873 Franklin H. Bailey 1879-1880 274 1873 Ellen Cross (Copp) 1879-1881 352 1876 Helen A. Dunn 1880-1881 316 1875 Lee E. Brown 1880-1883 | 439 1881 Herbert L. Horton 1881-1882 540 1885 Frank Smith 1885-1886 135 1868 Oscar A. Janes 1887-1888 | 543 1885 Edith Fox (Smith) 1887-1888 j 8 1860 Marie Cooper (Pierce) 1888-1891 502 1883 Sara E. Parker 1888-1890 420 1880 George W. Lawrence 1889-1890 515 1884 Harriet L. Reynolds 1889-1890 609 1888 Grover A. Jackson 1889-1890 563 1886 Cressy L. Wilbur 1889-1890 645 1890 Allison W. Augir 1890-1891! 274 1873 Ellen Cross (Copp) ! 1890-1891 683 1891 Elias P. Lyon ! 1891-1892 732 1892 Henry J. Leggett . 1892-1893 712 1892 Louis M. Hardenburg 1892-1893 764 1894 Oliver M. Washburn 1895-1896 784 1895 Harry S. Myers ! 1895-1898 720 1892 M. Frances Randolph | 1897-1896 770 1894 Alice R. Dewey 1895-1896 859 1897 Nellie A. Montgomery 1897-1898 830 1896 Charles W. Whitney 1897-1898 607 1887 E. Louise Williams 1889-1894 670 1890 Lelia I. Smith 1890-1894 650 1890 Dixon J. Churchill ! 1890-1892 703 1891 Ethel lone McNair ; 1891-1895 778 1894 Violet L. Lewis 1895-1898 831 1896 Jennie A. Hulce 1896-1897 220 1871 M. Myrtilla Davis 1898- 99 ! 1866 Eleanor B. Johnson 1898-1900 387 ! 1878 Mary E. Chase | 1899-1901 943 1900 Clarence Depew 1 1900-1901 660 1890 L. Luella Anderson 1 1900-1901 979 1902 Lynn C. Bisbee 1902-1903 980 J 1902 Will C. Chappell 1902-1904 1009 1 1903 Cora E. Adams 1904-1905 899 1898 Austin F. Jones I 1904-1906 1021 1904 William J. Boone 1906-1907 928 1 1898 James G. Whipple ! 1907- I Teacher of Languages. Teacher of Mathematics. Instructor in Natural Science. Teacher of Latin and German. Instructor in Ecclesiastical History and Homiletics. Instructor in Physics and Mathematics. Instructor in Natural Science. Instructor in Elocution. Instructor in Latin. Instructor in Paleontology. Instructor in Normal Department. Instructor in Mathematics. Instructor in U. S. and Roman History and Civil Government. Instructor in Ancient History. Instructor in Ancient History. Instructor in Roman History. Instructor in Latin. Instructor in Latin. Instructor in Latin. Instructor in Qualitative Analysis. Instructor in Mathematics. Instructor in German, Logic, Rhetoric, etc. Instructor in Latin. Instructor in History. Assistant in Chemistry and Biology. Instructor in Latin. Tutor in English. Tutor in Mathematics. Instructor in German. Tutor in Latin. Assistant in Chemistry, Tutor in Mathematics. Teacher of Piano-forte. Teacher in Vocal Culture. Teacher of Voice Culture, Sight Reading and Chorus. Accompanist in Music Department. Accompanist in Music Department. Instructor in History and French. Instructor in Elocution and Oratory. Instructor in English and Science. Instructor in Preparatory Department. Tutor in Mathematics. Accompanist in Music Department. Instructor in Physics. Instructor in Mathematics. Instructor in Mathematics. Instructor in English. Director of Athletics. Director of Athletics. Secretaries and Treasurers 135 90 1 1868 1866 Oscar A. Janes, Elon G. Reynolds, 1884-1888 1888-1898 1 915 1 | 609 | 1899 1 1888 1 Samuel E. Kelly, Grover Jackson, 1898-1899 18 Q 9- Auditors 90 1866 1 Elon G. Reynolds, 1880-1887 J35 1868 |Oscar A. Janes, 1894-1900 Addresses Unknown Repeated efforts fail to discover the present whereabouts of the following Alumni Isaac Newton Crittenden 73; Orman J. Bates ’81; Charles R. Wheeler ’82; Charles H. Pierce ’83. Information in regard to any of these will be gladly received by friends and classmates. SUMMARY. Si Number Gentlemen Ladies Living Dead Married Unmarried A LI Ti Q < JMN 1 \X Q < 0- z Alumni Endow¬ ment Paid pq < C/3 pq U U < pq EC Oh h4 pq Nor. B. Ped. d PQ h oi w u EC h | Mus. [ Art J o j W 1856 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1860 13 5 8 10 3 13 12 $800.00 4 1 8 1861 6 4 2 4 2 6 4 200.00 5 1 1862 17 13 4 7 10 14 3 13 1 400.00 11 2 4 1863 25 14 11 11 14 23 2 19 280.00 14 3 8 1864 9 6 3 4 5 8 1 8 1 4 2 3 1865 13 7 6 8 5 12 1 13 410.00 6 2 5 1866 19 11 8 12 7 16 3 18 475.00 10 2 7 1867 19 13 6 12 7 17 2 18 425.00 7 6 6 • 1868 25 14 11 17 8 23 2 22 1 560.00 6 8 11 1869 16 11 5 9 7 15 1 14 1 600.00 7 6 3 1870 32 23 9 25 7 28 4 27 4 800.00 12 16 4 1871 25 18 7 18 7 20 5 15 4 190.00 10 12 3 1872 27 17 10 19 8 24 3 22 1 400.00 7 20 1873 35 28 7 24 11 30 5 30 4 505.00 10 21 4 1874 24 14 10 20 4 20 4 21 2 200.00 9 12 3 1875 31 20 11 29 2 28 3 29 2 750.00 8 22 2 1876 21 12 9 17 4 21 18 2 400.00 9 9 3 1877 17 10 7 11 6 13 4 14 1 100.00 7 9 1 1878 25 13 12 21 4 20 5 22 1 35-00 7 12 2 1 3 1879 19 16 3 16 3 18 1 15 2 50.00 6 1 9 2 1 1880 19 13 6 19 14 5 18 1 200.00 5 2 11 1 1881 25 17 8 19 6 20 5 19 2 5.00 5 3 12 2 3 1882 23 11 12 20 3 16 7 17 5 4 1 15 3 1883 28 14 14 26 2 18 10 25 2 5.00 4 7 11 3 2 1 1884 24 16 8 20 4 17 7 21 1 50.00 6 6 5 2 5 1885 25 12 13 20 5 19 6 24 6.00 2 3 13 2 2 1 2 1886 20 14 6 17 3 16 4 18 2 8 6 2 1 2 1 1887 31 20 11 28 3 24 7 30 39.00 10 5 10 6 1888 30 17 13 26 4 24 6 22 4 5.00 9 1 11 1 4 2 2 1889 11 9 2 9 2 10 1 8 1.00 3 5 3 1 1890 29 12 17 27 2 21 8 26 1 5 9 1 6 2 4 2 1891 40 27 13 36 3 34 6 29 7 15.00 7 14 1 2 5 2 7 2 1892 37 20 17 33 4 31 6 30 5 12 10 1 5 2 1 4 2 1893 16 7 9 15 1 13 3 13 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 4 2 1894 21 11 10 21 13 8 17 4 7 5 1 3 5 1 4 1895 36 17 19 33 3 30 6 34 2 26.00 7 6 8 5 5 1 6 1 2 i 896 38 15 23 35 3 25 13 21 13 12 4 4 1 16 1 2 8 1 16 1897 39 19 20 38 1 28 11 26 11 11 3 2 3 11 4 5 2 1 8 1898 30 17 13 29 1 24 6 16 9 7 1 3 2 8 5 3 4 5 1899 34 18 16 34 27 7 23 11 8 7 4 1 11 5 3 3 2 2 3 1900 22 13 9 21 1 9 13 22 6 4 2 1 6 2 1 4 1 l 1901 18 13 5 18 10 8 11 7 3 2 4 6 3 2 3 1 1902 21 9 12 20 1 8 13 16 5 9 7 17 2 2 1 1903 23 10 13 23 11 12 14 9 8 2 2 10 5 1 5 H 1904 22 14 8 22 9 13 13 9 16 11 3 1 1 1 1905 21 12 9 21 11 10 13 8 12 9 2 1 5 1 1906 32 15 17 32 6 26 20 12 21 15 2 2 1 5 1 1907 23 10 13 23 1 22 17 6 17 11 1 3 2 1158 671 487 972 186 860 298 919 165 $7,934.21 377 202 65 3 186 26 50 142 81 36 83 24 29 *Less 46 32 14 41 5 40 6 1112 639 473 931 181 820 292 Total Alumni endowment, $10,324.78. 1* Repeated, being in two classes. Attention, Alumni If you change your address, please send word to the Secretary of the Alumni Association. When you change your occupation, inform the Secretary. Do not forget to give to the Secretary, the date of your marriage and the name of the other party to the contract. Please be prompt in reporting data concerning friends or classmates. All such facts will be kept on file, and information with regard to the Alumni can be obtained of the Secretary. Address of the present Secretary: ABBIE D. SLAYTON, 194 Hillsdale St., Hillsdale, Mich. The Alumni Endowment June 17, 1870, the Trustees of the College invited the Alumni to endow a professorship, and the Alumni Association the same year appointed a committee to raise funds for that purpose. No active canvass was made until in October, 1871, when pledges were secured to the amount of $1,000. In December, 1872, the committee issued its first circular. Subsequent to that time circulars and printed statements have been issued in 1873, 1876, 1890, 1900 and 1905. During these years there has been raised and paid in to the College Treasury $10,334.98. There is also in hand an assignment of a paid-up life insurance policy of $2,500, and notes amounting to about $275. The Alumni Professorship should be endowed with at least $25,000, and the alumni of the College are especially requested to make provisions for increase of this fund and bring the alumni endowment up to the full $25,000. A number of the endowments of the College have been named at $15,000, but with such a large and loyal body of alumni, we believe that $25,000 should be the amount for which we should strive. The president of the present Alumni Endowment Committee is Mr. Joseph Cummins, 910, 160 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill., and he would be very glad to enroll your name as one who will contribute to this fund. Of the amount already raised for this endowment, nearly all has been paid in by members of the classes from 1860 to 1876 in¬ clusive. The records show less than two hundred dollars paid in by those graduating since 1876. Does this mean that the classes of the last thirty years are less loyal to Alma Mater, or, have they failed to appreciate her needs, or, has the endowment committee neglected to call their attention to these needs? If every alumnus of the institution will loyally accept the situation and do his best, this Alumni Endowment can soon be completed to the full amount desired, $25,000. What Brings Us Here? Address Before the Eleventh Reunion of the Alumni oi Hillsdale College, June 20th, 1900, by Will M. Carleton Class ’69. We have come from all points of the compass. For several days the glittering metals of every trunk line of railroad have borne the weight of students bound for Hills¬ dale; some of them for the last time—none of them for the first. It is not necessary for me' to say with what joy they are greeted; with what smiles they accost each other. The old Alma Mater, decked as ever in June days like a bride for her wedding, would primp still more jauntily if she could. The trees upon the campus—each a flagstaff waving its own dainty streamers of green—act almost as if they knew that those who planted them had come back to see how tall they had grown. The flowers smile at us as if they would inform us that they are descendants of the boquets that we used to throw at each other on festal nights and days. The humble grass beneath our feet seems to crave a part in the grand chorus of welcome, and to whisper to us that it is feebly trying to appear as green as did we, when we first came here! But was it really the trains that brought us? No! not the huge caravans of iron that travel with steel hoofs from edge to edge of the Continent; but something more powerful than they: something without which they could never have existed; or, having existed, could not have been moved. And that something was Sentiment—Sentiment—without which our earth would be only a planet-skeleton, fit for the residence of neither gods nor men; Sentiment—which pushes and pulls and magnetizes, all at once; Sentiment—without which an education is a mere package of more or less accu¬ rate statistics; Sentiment—without which government is only an assortment of great and petty tyrannies; Sentiment— without which business is nothing but a series of alternate and reciprocal robberies; Sentiment—without which a college is a mere factory of human phonographic cylinders, expected, whenever the machinery is set in motion, to give out the same dismal mechanical sounds; Sentiment—without which a student is to be most profoundly pitied; because the more he knows the less he gets out of life. Heaven help the man who lacks it; and especially those nearest him! The women —God bless them—all possess it, and are its rightful treasur¬ ers and custodians. But the great edifice of Sentiment, with its foundations in the heart and its domes looming from the utmost height of intellect, has within it different apartments—different shrines. We are here today partly from that sentiment which clings around the love of locality; which takes you back amid alternate smiles and sobs, to the homestead where you wept as a baby, romped and shouted joyously as a child, and left regretfully though determinedly as man or woman. The same sentiment that makes you dream sometimes that you returned to that homestead, found all of the former inmates there—found part of them there—or found none of them there. It is the same sentiment that makes you love the furrows upon the wrinkled cheek of the old farm, or the tanned walls of the old shop, or the lazy, floating dust of the old office, stabbed in twain by a shaft of light from Mem¬ ory’s sun. It is the same sentiment that bids us rear memor¬ ials upon memory-hallowed ground, until every historic hiiltop gleams with monuments -exclamation-points of fame! But that sentiment alone is not enough to secure a gather¬ ing of the clans. Old localities fade and change, and are often, so to speak, covered with new ones. Dig thirty feet in Roman soil, if you would find the real place where Antony delivered his oration over the dead Caesar! Re¬ member that Byron could in the last years of his life have bought the whole plain of Marathon for a few pounds—it was a little more than a strip of desert The battlefield of Waterloo is now only an acreage of farm-land, and the trolly-car runs where cannon-wheels scarred the hills of Gettysburg. The sun shines as brightly, the birds sing as sweetly, the ripples upon yonder lake as silvery as ever; but in the re-greeting of any locality we have to withstand the opposi¬ tion of two forces: change in the locality and change in ourselves. If some of us see a phantom college where the new one stands, we are not to be blamed. We remember that for years it had been an intellectual light upon the hill that irradiated all the surrounding region; we remember that on one dread night it shed abroad the lurid and mourn¬ ful glow of distruction, and shrank into dust. No! the love of locality—however dear it may be—might not alone serve to bring us back! We are here partly from that sentiment which loves Reminiscense. It is a joy sometimes, to get off the monotone of today and run the sweet-sounding scales of the yesterdays. Time is a clarifier; it purifies the memory. We get the gleam of the past, without its edge, the journeys without their fatigue; the feasts without the bills; the midnight pranks without the daylight discipline. The fragrance of the roses is wafted to us, long after the thorns have decayed forever. It is this that renders old men so tenacious of old methods and old times; it is this that has made Auld Lang Syne the battle-song of the great never-conquered past! But Reminiscence alone would not have called us here: it can be indulged anywhere; alone; or better, with one or two or more old friends chancing to meet, as alumni will, in various parts of the world. How often in my travels have I lingered till daylight commenced putting the stars to bed— talking over old Hillsdale reminiscences! And this brings us, past the sentiment of locality—past the sentiment of reminiscence—into that of comradeship. To those who have hearts that cling, whether with demonstrative or undemonstrative methods, it is a joy to gather within their own the hand of an old friend—an old comrade. It is a pleasure to see the bloom of the nature of which we knew the germ; to mark how that sketch of a character, whose youthful outlines we knew so well, has been filled up and rounded into the completeness of its mission. It is a pleasure to meet old friends when the rivalry itself is so dead that we cannot even find its grave; it is a joy to meet former comrades 54 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE and co-workers, when the friendship has grown from blossom to fruitage. It is at least interesting to meet even those who did not understand us, or understood us too well; and to feel that we have benefited by the petty persecutions they took such pains to apply. The word comrade, in these days, is a greater one even than that of brother; for all brothers are not comrades, while all comrades are brothers! It would naturally seem that one of the greatest delights of Heaven must be, that acquaintances can there meet and live over again all that was best and purest and sweetest and truest in their former days of association, and leave out all that was unworthy, and malevolent, and poisonous, and malignant—when comradeship has come out of the wilder¬ ness—has come back from the wild variations of narrowness and selfishness, to those grand harmonies of the soul that live forever. But comradeship, as the years go on, has its penalties; it is bitter-sweet. You cannot clasp a hand here to day, but it may remind you of s:me other one for which you may reach, but cannot find. I do not need to call upon our dead by name; they mention themselves to us at every step. Since the last reunion, Death has delighted in throwing its gloom over some of the brightest of our number. Let me for a moment quote the dead in behalf of the dead: let the cold lips of one we all loved peculiarly well, and who lately started for the great reunion above—let those lips speak a few words to us. A quarter of a century ago, he said, in the course of an alumni history which he had been asked to prepare: “Those dead of ours—how shall we honor them? They were the brightest and the best—the noblest of us all! And they are gone, like stars from out the sky, leaving the world a little darker than it was. “Yet love will dream, and truth will trust (Since He who knows our need is just), That somehow, somewhere, meet we must! Alas for him who never sees The stars shine thro the cypress trees; Who has not learned in hours of faith The truth to sense and flesh unknown, That Life is ever lord of Death, And Love can never lose its own!” And so it is, Alumni who yet live in this last year of the century; so far as this world is concerned, comradeship grows mournful, and fails. The twenty men who dined together and vowed to meet again each year thereafter, found, you remember, only nineteen there next time—then seventeen— thirteen—eleven—and so on—till the last one sat by himself and died at that very table from loneliness. Some are here from a sentiment of gratitude to those who made this place ready for them. We paid for our education —and we did not; we could not. We found the buildings here—the recitation-rooms with doors ajar—the instructors, equipped and paid. Not for a hundredth part of that did all the money taken here from students suffice. We paid for it about as much as, when procuring our tickets, we bought the railroad trains that carried us here. No: strong, study men and faithful women and not undergraduates, made this col¬ lege; and we as alumni should be grateful to them. How? By repaying it. Not to them directly: most of them are gone. You cannot lift a frozen hand and put back into it money it has bestowed; but you can pay it by furthering the objects that were so near their hearts. There are some who get the benefit of a college course, and then give the institution a kick, and leave it; never paying any attention to it afterwards, except to administer to it now and then an additional kick. I am not here to criticize such, for probably I do not know all the circumstances connected with the matter; they may have grievances or limitations of which I am not aware. But I believe in reciprocity—both before and after one receives a favor. Some are here from a sentiment of benevolence. They see students struggling, just as they used to struggle, and they want to aid them, and to learn how to best aid them. Few investments are so profitable as judicious help to an industri¬ ous and honest student. But like all good acts, this can be overdone. Thete is such a thing as helping a student so much that you help him into helplessness; of writing all over a college your name in gold letters, and leaving out all the remainder of the alphabet. But when you help people just enough to aid them to help themselves you are aiding God—for that is His kind of helpfulness. I earnestly hope the time will come when rich men’s edu¬ cational benefactions will be sprinkled among the smaller and livelier colleges, instead of poured upon one until it grows gross and unwieldy through its very surplus of nutri¬ ment! There are some here from a sentiment of ambition—both for themselves and the college with which their names have been and must forever be associated. This is a most prais- worthy feeling. It is never creditable to an alumnus, to let his old cherishing mother die for the lack of a little cherishing. Hillsdale College has been put to death a number of times on paper, and on the red page of the vituperative tongue. It has been “laid out” again and again, with grave-clothes draped arouud its inanimate form and upon its eyes one of the smallest coins of the realm; but this present reunion looks as if it still lived, and was bound to do so in spite of all detraction; in spite of those who would rule or ruin, or, worse, would rule and ruin. Once, when a great and sudden sorrow had befallen the institution, one of the professors declared, in public, with tears flowing down his cheeks, that the college would live on and on, in spite of all that mis¬ fortune and malice could do! and who is not glad that his prophecy, though made many years ago, has thus far been fulfilled; that the college lives, and—for which we are all thankful—so does the professor. Let no one who enrolls himself among the progressives of the world, throw an obsta¬ cle in the way of a college. If this country is to be the richest on earth, then it ought to be the most intelligent. Property without knowledge is like great quantities of food without oxygen mixed in it; a burden and a curse. But all these sentiments are as nothing, if we leave out a sentiment of the hereafter; if we forget the fact that time, on this earth, is only one golden grain and one leaden grain out of eternity’s unfenced and unbounded harvest-field—that stretches in all directions far out and beyond the utmost range of human sight and comprehension. Six months from now we may be many miles from here, we think? Six months from now we will be a hundred and eighty million miles from here—for the earth will have swung to the other side of its orbit. And yet that immense distance is not enough even to form the base of a triangle with which to measure an itinerary to the nearest constellation. In the same way Time cannot even furnish a parallax for eternity. Through whatever lens we may look into the stupendous firmament of the future, we must look; it is all around us and above us, and beneath us. No thread of thought but is intertwined with the mysterious hereafter; no banner of learn¬ ing but must flutter and lean agninst the sky. No deed but must depend for its endorsement upon millions of ages yet to come. We have aeons in which to work; not a note in the loud chorus of humanity, but will be heard when the glitter¬ ing present that flashes around us has become a mere frag¬ ment of antiquity. Let us at each step of our progress, be prepared to do our OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 55 part of the great duty of the world. When, like the iluls- trious Hillsdale student whose monument Hillsdale will some day erect, we are asked if we are ready, let us, like him, be ready, and evince that readiness with prompt action; and though it is not ours to throw new colors upon the map of the world—though it may not be ours to write across the pages of the Orient the autograph of our young Republic, yet we can every one of us have something to do—have much to do—with shaping the greet map of eternity. Thus have I, brothers and sisters of the Eleventh Re¬ union, tried to review the different sentiments that have brought us here; and now I plead that all these sentiments be cultivated and cherished from year to year and from dec¬ ade to decade—in spite of the difficulties that assail them— and let us strive for the continued upbuilding of our glorious institution, remembering that the ways of Providence are many and unexpected, and we never know what splendors the mysterious future may have in store for steadfast faithful¬ ness; believing that because of Hillsdale’s days of usefulness the day of its exaltation may come, and hoping that the great and mighty lakes that border this peninsula will some time be famous chiefly because of their nearness to Hillsdale College. The Things Which Remain J. N. GREENE, Class *91 Read at the Quiquennial Alumni Exercises, Hillsdale College, June 20, 1900 The Hand of Time hath penned on Nature’s page, The laws of Change, Decay and final Death; That all things earthly sometime pass away, And all things mortal lose their vital breath. We sometimes question in our finite minds, If aught of this mortality remains, If, in this passing of the Seen, is left A part Unseen, which lives and moves and reigns? A tiny acorn drops upon the ground And falls into Death’s cold and hard embrace, Decay, Death’s ally, comes with impious hand And robs it of its nature and its place; And yet, when years have sped with storm and shine, And left their silent trace upon the earth, Lo! where this acorn fell and passed away, A giant oak reveals a gloriohs birth, A babbling brooklet ripples on and on, And sings its song and journeys toward the sea, Yet thousands from its waters quench their thirst, And from its song contented learn to be. A poet writes some lines and sends them forth, Into the wide, wide world, he knows not where, In weary hearts they find a resting place, And lighten all their load of want and care. Alas! in thoughtless error we are prone To judge of things by what we merely see, And reckon not behind the great Unknown, What lives Unseen through all eternity. Death comes through life, and life from death is born, The endless process e’er goes on and on, Naught dies butwhat still j lives, somewhere, somehow, Naught lives but what must die and pass beyond. The question sometimes comes to each of us, When living o’er in memory College Days, What is there left of all the years we toiled, What now remains that for our effort pays? Let’s only stop and, in our minds compare, Our thoughts, our aims, our purpose now and then, Our views of life and duty, hope and faith, Our attitude toward God and fellow men; And in the broader vision of life’s plan, The nobler aspirations of the heart, The loftier ambitions of the mind, The Will to do, which Truth and Grace impart, We find the answer which we sought to know, We see how far we’ve climbed the upward slope, And gladly turn our backs on vales below, And struggle upwards toward the Star of Hope, We may forget some lessons we have learned, Forget advice, though given with good will, But their effect, unconscious, still remains And hovers round our minds and memories still. We may forget how Caesar conquered Gaul, How Alexander all the world subdued, The truth remains that lands by conquest won, Have to their victors brought no lasting good. We may forget the famous siege of Troy, And all the havoc lovely Helen wrought, We may forget the tale of Dido’s wrongs, And all the train of woes Aeneas brought, The fact remains that Sin and Fraud and Wrong, Must in the end a fearful tribute pay, To Right and Justice and Long-suffering Truth, 56 ALUMNI ET ALUMNAE Who, though defied, still hold eternal sway, We may forget the Sines and Cosecants, The Tangents and the Parallelograms, The famous Mount in Algebra we climbed, And round whose summit once we skipped like lambs. Yet in their place there is an added power To grasp life’s problems with a firmer will, A stronger purpose to go on and up, Whate’er the path, however high the hill. “Amo” and “Luo” may on memory’s page Have left a blurred and scarcely visible trace, And yet, the gems we found while delving deep Among their roots, have not yet lost their grace, The melons, grapes and apples, too, are gone We cooned so many, manv years ago, The aches and pains they caused have left no trace, Yet memory with their taste is still aglow. The girls are gone on whom we used to smile In youth’s fair morn, when life was but a dream r And yet, those smiles so sweet, those glances coy, If we would own the truth, how real they seem! Those maidens now proud matrons have become, And others feel the power of their will, Yet many of you can proudly say with me. The dearest one of all is with us still. Gone are the escapades of Hallowe’en And other E'ens when nature riot ran, Gone are the foolish things we said and did, When youth was just a budding into man, And yet, how oft in sober after days, The memories of those times come flocking back, And leave an after-glow of tender joy, That makes us wish that we could call them back. Oh College Days! how crowded to the brim With joys and pains, with pleasures sad and sweet. And yet the happiest days in all life’s span, In hopes the greatest and the most complete, But greater still than all the gifts we’ve named, As coming from our Alma Mater’s hand, Is that she gave to every one of us, An inspiration, great and good and grand. A man inspired, no power on earth can stay, Base earth born passions cannot keep him down, Thrones tremble at his power, and tyrants quail, Whene’er he reaches out to grasp their crown. A man inspired is not content to dwell Amid the vales where ignorance abounds, But with his soul on fire, is looking up And striving e’er to stand on higher grounds. For half a century has our Mother Fair With burning words been setting hearts on fire, Imbuing them with glorious discontent Which urges them yet higher still and higher. Where’er you go throughout our broad domain, O’er mountain heights, o’er hill or dale or dell, You’ll find her sons and daughters in whose hearts Her words of inspiration ever dwell. So when our Country in her hour of need, Calls loud for men to meet the angry foe, Our Mother girds the sword about her sons, And with a cheerful summons bids them go. For every battle of Manilla Bay, She always has her Gridley on the spot, To help uphold the glorious Stars and Stripes And from their folds wipe out each stain and blot. And when Columbia calls for men of worth, To come and sit within her Council Hall, Help make her laws, and guide the Ship of State, She sends her Gardner ’n Hopkins at the call. Whene’er a sad or pleasure loving world, Sends forth a hungry cry from heart or brain, Our Carleton hears the cry and quickly sends His songs of Hope which have no minor strain. Against the hordes of Ignorance and Sin She sends a host of valiant men and strong, Who led by Haynes and Bayliss, Crandall, Lord, Win victories grand o’er Ignorance and Wrong, No field where duty calls or honor waits, But there you’ll find her sons and daughters too, E'en far away as “India’s Coral Strand” Still working, striving something good to do, All praise and honor to those Teachers true, Who give the best of life and strength and soul. To moulding, crystallizing into form, The untrained hearts and minds ’neath their control. Though small the pittance which their efforts bring, Though few the words of cheer which reach their ears, Yet great will be the harvest of their toil, And rich the fruitage of the coming years. To them may length of years and grace be given, To carry on the work so well begun, And may the glory of a well spent life, Surround the pathway of their setting sun. With special thanks let’s lift our hearts in praise, That by the power of Heaven’s gracious Will, Our Mother’s father—good old Dr. Dunn— Is with us still today, is with us still, The one shall live till both have passed away, Forgetfulness may cling to them in vain, For though hearts die and pass beneath the sod, Heart’s love, heart’s hopes and heart’s desires remain. And may the throng which gathers here today, Like glad and happy children trooping home, Fill full their Mother’s heart with proud new joy. Which shall remain through ail the years to come. And from her Welcome Home may we receive, An added inspiration, great and good, To nobler thoughts, to grander acts and deeds, To purer lives of man—and womanhood. GENERAL STUDENT LIST The following list includes the names of all persons matriculating in the literary department of the col¬ lege. The list is chronologically and alphabetically arranged. This is inserted by vote of the Alumni and is the result of years of work, and thousands of letters and circulars have been issued to secure data for making the list. Additions and corrections sent to the College Treasurer will be kept on file, and it is hoped a more correct list historically may be the result of such, co-oper¬ ation on the part of old students. No. Name. Old Address. YEAR 1856. 1 Eliza Abbott (Berry) Reading, Mich. 2 Salome A. Abbott (Stevens) Woodbridge, Mich. 3 Walt T. Alan Hillsdale, Mich. 4 Herman W. Alexander Blue Island, Ill. 5 A. Marvin Allen Sharon, Mich. 6 Mary E. Allen Ypsilanti, Mich. 7 Serena M. Ames St. Anthony, Minn. 8 Geo. W. Amidon Salmon Creek, N. Y. 9 Wesley P. Andrus Hillsdale, Mich. 10 Eyron Archer Reading, Mich. 11 Seth C. Archer Salmon Creek, N. Y. 12 Joseph Arnold Cambria, Mich. 13 William D. Avery Saline, Mich. 14 Albert D. Badcock Maple Grove, Mich. 15 Lucy E. Baily (Sinclair) Reading, Mich. 16 Sara A. Bailey Reading, Mich. 17 Angelina P. Baker Moscow, Mich. 18 Charles N. Baker Sacramento, California 19 George W. Baker Fayette, Mich. 20 John Baker Fayette, Mich. 21 Sophia E. Baker (Randolph) Sturgis, Mich. 22 Annette J. Balcom (Galloway) Allen, Mich. 23 Mariette Balcomb Allen, Mich. 24 William Balcomb Hillsdale, Mich. 25 Mary A. Baldwin (Fairfield) Ellington, N. Y. 26 Delos S. Barber Wheatland, Mich. 27 Ellen L. Barker (Darror) Homer, Mich. 28 Orrin Barker Amboy, Mich. 29 Emory Barnes Burchville, Mich. 30 Ira Bartlett Newark, Ill. 31 Wilford Bates Hillsdale, Mich. 32 E. W. Beach Coldwater, Mich. 33 DeWitt Beadle Hillsdale, Mich. 34 David S. Beamer Burford, C. W. 35 Mary Eeamer (Starr) Burford, C. W. 36 Mary J. Bell (Sheldon) Woodbridge, Mich. 37 Archibald C. Betts Adams, Mich. 38 Margaret L. Betts (Hammond) Jefferson, Mich. 39 Sarah M. Blackman (Marshall) Allen, Mich. 40 Mary E. Blackmar (Bruson) Moscow, Mich. 41 Richmond Blackmar Moscow, Mich. 42 John W. Boodry Clayton, Mich. 43 Emma Bolles (Weir) Hillsdale, Mich, 44 William B. Boutwell Chicago, Ill, Present Address. Quincy, Mich Camden, Mich. Greenville, Pa. Deceased Adrian, Mich. Lake Odessa, Mich. Deceased Newell, Iowa Deceased Deceased Frost, Minn. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Reading, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1. Deceased Deceased Homer, Mich. Deceased Deceased Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Camden, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 224 Spearing St., Jacksonville, Fla. Deceased Deceased Genoa, Ohio Deceased No. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 7 5 76 77 78 .7 9 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. George W. Bradford LaSalle, Mich. Sarah Brearly (Rosencrant/.) Addison, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Charles R. Bridgeman Wiota, Wis. Darlington, Wis. David C. Bingham Hadley, Mich. Deceased Frederick W. Bronson Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Harmon Bross North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Edwin M. Brown Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Eugene M. Brown Wheatland, Mich. Hudson, Mich., R. F. D. Levi F. Brown Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Mary A. Brown (Haslett) Wheatland, Mich. Addison, Mich. Orestus A. Brown Wheatland, Mich. White Bird, Idaho James J. Buck Moscow, Mich. Emporia, Kans. Mary Franc Buck (Sherman) Algansee, Mich. 649 Orville Ave., Kansas City Kans. Caroline Bucknell Joliet, Ill. Daniel W. Burch Steuben, Ind. Ottumwa, la. Edwin Burt Hillsdale, Mich. Ransom, Mich. James Burt Hillsdale, Mich. Gentryville, Mo. Thomas Burt Hillsdale, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Melissa Byron (Van Gieson) Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Darius C. Calkins Palmyra, Mich. Albert H. Campbell Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Clariet Capron (Aldrich) Chicago, Ill. Deceased H. Matilda Carmichael (Doty) Wheatland, Mich. Deceased John Carmichael Wheatland, Mich. Eliza A. Carr (Douglas) Medina, Ohio Deceased Caroline Carter (Haggerty) Pleasant Lake, Ind. Deceased Gilbert Carter Adams, Mich. Deceased Roswell Cary Johnson, Wis. Deceased George A. Champlain Plymouth, Ind. Albert F. Chandler Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. James S. Chandler Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased William Henry Chandler Hillsdale, Mich. Nellie A. Chaney Attica, Ind. Mary L. Chase (Kingsland) Eckford, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. Gilbert C. Childs Parma, N. Y. Monson W. Church Albion, Mich. Deceased Albert C. Clark Adams, Mich. Portland, Mich. Henry C. Clark Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich Elizabeth R. Colvin Palmyra, Mich. William H. Colvin Palmyra, Mich. Lucy E. Colwell (James) Hudson, Mich. Chapel Hill, N. C. Mary E. Colwell (Cutler, Wheatland, Mich. Deceased Lucinda T. Conant (Novess) Adams, Mich. Mulberry St., Owosso, Mich. Charlotte A. Conger Hudson, Mich. Deceased Thestor H. Cook Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Lorenzo D. Coombs Rochester, Wis. Ypsilanti, Mich. Alvina M. Coon Bruce, Mich. Ephraim B. Cooper Hillsdale, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Lucy A. Cooper (Lowe) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Marie M. Cooper (Root) Hillsdale, Mich. Odell, Ill. Alanson B. Coplin Jonesville, Mich. 1171 Broadway, Oakland, Cal. Joanna Corbett Hillsdale, Mich. Ebenezer F. Corsaut London, C. W. Lucinda Corsaut London, C. W. James Corsaut London, C. W. Charles W. Cowan Princeton, C. W. Mary I. Cressy (Fuller) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Eloise P. Cross Ypsilanti, Mich. Deceased Alexander S. Cruikshank Canning, C. W. Caroline Culver (Smith) Scipio, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Dell Culver Scipio, Mich. Conway, Ark. Mary E. Curtis (Bayles) Hillsdale, Mich, Deceased Gershom H. Damon Hinkley, Ohio Deceased Judson S. Davis Fayette, Wis. 807 E. 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Abel S. Day Wackford, Wis. Hiram Dayton Deceased Eveline E. Delano (Brigham) Hadley, Mich. Deceased Esther Delevan (Hill) Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Helen Delevan (Timms-Reeve) Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. No. 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 1.59 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 59 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Emma L. Devoe (Worth) Rachel Devoe (Berry) Caroline Devoe (Miner) Alvan K. Dibble Etta Dickinson Alvan Dodge Joseph W. Doolittle Laura J. Doolittle (Dibbell) S. Dwight Douglass Francis J. Douglass Sarah Y. Douglass (Slayton) Jasper M. Dresser George H. Drury John R. Duguid Robert C. Duguid Addison E. Dunbar Robert H. Dunlap Warren C. Dunning, Anna E. Durham Nelson W. Duryea Ariel A. Eastman Andrew C. Edwards Susan Angie Edwards (Emery) Nathan F. Ellis Almira Emerson (Chapin) Sophronia Emerson David Emery Lewis Emery, Jr. Oliver G. Emery Benjamin G. English Sarah T. English (Watkins) Susan M. English (Lowe) Albert H. Ewing Sarah E. Farnham (Noyes) Carlton M. Fast John H. Felch Lura A. Felch (Rogers) Augustus H. Ferris Josie Field (Woodworth) Andrew D. Finch James* K. Fisher James Fleetwood James H. Foote Caroline L. Ford Edwin Ford Helen M. Foster (Conradt) Hanford Fowle Susan M. Fowle (Stevens) Edw. K, Fowler Edward H. Fowler Melissa K. Fowler (Rogers) Fannie M. French (Moore) Milford French Douglass K. Fuller Eli A. Fuller Jesse B. Fuller Charlotte Galloway (Moss) Amanda Agnes Gaeberich William L. Gates Mary Gifford Theressa J. Gilchrist (Bower) Electa A. Gillett Walter W. Gillet Edw. A. Gilman Margaret Gilmore (Ranney) Annette Gilson (Weaver) Emily A. Godfrey (Case) Horace H. Goodwin Ingham Goodwin Wright, Mich. Wright, Mich. Wright, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Clarendon, Mich. Fenner, N. Y Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Fremont, Ind. Monroe, Mich. LaSalle, Mich. Bellevue, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich Wayne, Wis. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hartstown, Pa. Angola, Ind. Angola, Ind. Fayette, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Scott, Ind. Fremont, Ind. Kewanee, III. Somers, Wis. Racine, Wis. Reading, Mich. Hinckley, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Emerald Grove, Wis. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Adams, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Salmon Creek, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Ronald, Mich. North Plain, Mich. Bay Shore, Emmet Co., Mich. Reading, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Deceased Chattanooga, Tenn. Owatonna, Minn. Deceased Deceased Dunlap, Iowa 1947 Maple Ave., Evanston, Ill. Deceased Deceased Ray, Ind. Deceased Monroe, Mich. Deceased South Wayne, Wis.. Hillsdale, Mich. Titusville, Pa. Deceased Fort Wayne, Ind. Kendalville, Ind. Deceased Bradford, Pa. Oklahoma City, Okla. Deceased Manchester, Mich. Paterson, N. J. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Providence, R. I. Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased Ann Arbor, Mich. Lewisville, Ore. Moscow, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Redlands, Cal. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. 16 2 4 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Deceased Deceased Findlay, Ohio Deceased Dell Rapids, So. Dak. Hillsdale, Mich. 72 Congress St., Bradford, Pa. Deceased. Walloon Lake, Mich. Deceased 60 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Old Address. Present Address. 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227- 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 Lucinda Gould (Hamilton) Wesley Gould Arthur S. Graham Henry Gray Cornelius M. Hadley Marcia Hadley Harriet Hamilton Jerome B. Hamilton Thomas V. Hamilton Kate E. Hammond (Fowle) Eliezur W. Hard William C. Harper Heman Harwood Nancy S. Harwood Oliver Harwood Lucius L. Haskins Amarancy R. Hatch Harriet L. Hathaway (Jennings) Harrison Hathaway Jane M. Hathaway Wilson J. Hathaway Viola E. Hawkes (Ludden) Herbert P. Hayes James Hawley Albert H. Higday S. Melissa Hill (Carlton) James M. Hitchcock Mary Hitchcock (Barber) Sarah Hitchcock (Hitchcock) Sophia E. Hoag Frederick L. Hodgeman Vincent C. Holcomb Harrison Holdridge Lydia M. Holdridge (Phillips) Geo. A. Holloway Leroy Holloway John T. Holmes Luther M. Holt Dora E. V. Hopkins (Booth) Ferando F. Hopkins Emma A. Hosmer (Hall) Mary A. Howe Mary E. Huff (Caskey) Sarah E. Huff (Vrooman) Wm. H. Huff Geo. W. Hughes Wellington Hughes Harriet E. Hulce (True) Chas. Humphrey Byron E. Hunt Jennie Jackson (Lanphere) Sewall A. Jenison Wm. H. Jenkins Abner L. Jennings Anna M. Johnson Arvilla M. Johnson (Martin) Mary H. Johnson Mary A. Judd (Smith) David Judson Albert Keating Loftus N. Keating Elizabeth Keefer Melissa A. Keefer Wm. E. Kelley Mary J. Kellogg (Chapin) Charlotte Kennedy Jane A. Kendrick (Davis) Seth Ketchum Horace H. Keyes Wayne, Wis. LaGrange, Wis. Sturgis, Mich. Adams, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Dover, Mich. East Randolph, N. Florence, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Alto, Wis. Alto, Wis. Constantine, Mich. Union City, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Pierpont, O. Hillsdale, Mich. Pierpont, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Eckford, Mich. Ronald, Mich. Evansville, Wis. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Bellevue, Mich. Orange, Ind. Reading, Mich. Madison, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Plymouth, Ind. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Johnstown, Wis. Wheatland, Mich. Big Foot, Wis. Loda, Ill. Eckford, Mich. Millard, Wis. Nora, Ill. , Pittsfield, Mich. Farmington, Ill. Pittsfield, Mich. Adams, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Angola, Ind. Sylvania, Ohio Adams, Mich. Niles, Mich. De Kalb, Ill. Y. Warren, Ill. Deceased Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Ionia, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Conneaut, Ohio Deceased 315 67th St, Chicago, Ill. Eckford, Mich. Deceased Deceased Reading, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Wyoming, Iowa Deceased Reading, Mich. Long Beach, Cal. 171 Lasalle S., Chicago, Ill. Janesville, Wis. Deceased 1049 W. 21st St., Los Angeles, Cal. Deceased 2501 14th St., Tacoma, Wash. Deceased North Adams, Mich. Des Moines, Wash. Deceased Eskridge, Kansas Hillsdale, Mich. Winneconne, Wis. Adrian, Mich. Joplin, Mo. Deceased Deceased Clarinda, la. Deceased Deceased Deceased Muskegon, Mich. Deceased Socorro, N. M. Toledo, Ohio Angelica, N. Y. Deceased No. 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 6i Name. Old Address. Present Address. Homer H. Kidder Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Lydia A. Kingsbury (Bross) Niles, Mich. Deceased Brainerd Kingsley Sharon, Mich. James H. Kipp Blanford, C. W. Deceased Francis N. Kirby Adams, Mich. Deceased Louisa A. Kirby (Brainard) Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sarah E. Kirby Lasalle, Mich. Francis Kreiter Hillsdale, Mich. Butte, Montana Lavier A. Kyte Sturgis, Mich. Deceased Geo. W. Lamb Wheatland, Mich. -, Texas Jas. M. Lamb Somerset, Mich. Dorothy L. Lancaster (Fowle) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Edwin O. Lanphere Kalamazoo, Mich. William M. Lanphere Kalamazoo, Mich. Nellie Lawrence (Breckenridge) Hillsdale, Mich. 2268 Robinwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio Daniel W. Leavitt Pittsford, Mich. Deceased Elijah Leland Quincy, Mich. Deceased Elizabeth Limbocker Hudson, Mich. Deceased Sophia E. Lincoln (Kelley) Coldwater, Mich Deceased Lydia E. Lindsley (Mrs.) (Todd) Hillsdale, Mich. 1229 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis, Indiana Margaret E. Lindsley Hillsdale, Mich. Wm. J. Lindsley Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Emma J. Lord (Kipp) Ransom, Mich. Deceased Chas. O. Loring Fayette, Mich. Deceased Thos. J. Lowery Jerome, Mich. Jerome, Mich. Moses A. Luce Webster, Ill. 1744 2d St., San Diego, Cal. Jas. Lyon Vergennes, Mich. Henry W. Magee Spring, Pa. 807 Fisher Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Stephen H. Mallery Reading, Mich. Cincinnati, Ohio Juliette Mallory Adams, Mich. Deceased Samuel R. Manning Burnett, Wis. Wenatchee, Wash. Minerva C. Martin (Burdick) Fremont, Ind. Bellaire, Mich. Chas. N. Marvin Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Nettie T. Marvin Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Mary J. Marvin California, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sabra A. Mathews Coldwater, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Julia A. McCarty (Pond) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jno. J. McDermid Cambria Mills, Mich. 7 7 Board of Trade, Chicago, Ill. Jane McGee Wheatland, Mich. Deceased Joel McGee Wheatland, Mich. Deceased Myron W. McGee Wheatland, Mich. Deceased Michael McIntyre Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Jerusha McKnight Wayne, Wis. Almeria, Neb. Joseph McKnight W'ayne, Wis. Leroy, Minn. Archibald McNaughton Fremont, Ind. Deceased Maria McNaughton Fremont, Ind. Deceased Robert McNaughton Fremont, Ind. Sarah J. McNaughton (Ellis) Fremont, Ind. Ray, Ind. Addie E. McNeil (Pound) Cambria, N. Y. Deceased Manila Meachem Porter, Mich. Porter, Mich. John Mead Cambria, Mich. Deceased Mary J. F. Mead Deceased Richmond W. Melendy Fayette, Mich. Deceased Euphemia R. Merrill (Lance) Farmington, Ill. Middle Grove, Ill. Clara L. Merriman Montaville, Montana San Jose, Cal. Silas D. Merriman Montaville, Montana Manila Helen Merritt Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Irving J. Metcalf Burr Oak, Mich. Deceased Geo. F. Mickle Reading, Mich. Deceased Geo. W. Mitchell Gibbsville, Wis. Deceased Mary A. Morford Johnstown, Mich. Jabez H. Moses Reading, Mich. Deceased Juliette M. Moultroupe California, Mich. Deceased A. W. Munger Mukwonago, Wis. Deceased Colby O. Munger Mukwonago, Wis. Deceased Mary E. Murray (Reynolds) Albion, Mich. Concord. Mich. William Nestlerode Deceased Marcellus F. Nethaway Clayton, Mich. -, California GENERAL STUDENT LIST 62 No. Name. Old Adcress. 320 Nelson Nethaway Adams, Mich. 321 Jason Newton Adams, Mich. 322 Abbey I. Nichols Flat Creek, N. Y. 323 Stephen L. Noble Hillsdale, Mich. 324 Ethelinda E. Noe (Holcomb) Jonesville, Mich. 325 Henry Clay Noe Jonesville, Mich. 326 Linus North Jonesville, Mich. 327 Collie P. Noyes Lafayette, Ind. 328 Franklin Noyes North Adams, Mich. 329 Agnes L. Nutten (Lynch) Moscow, Mich. 330 Wm. V. Older Adams, Mich. 331 Edwin E. Olin Eckford, Mich. 332 Benj. L. Olney Hillsdale, Mich. 333 Eugene C. Olney Hillsdale, Mich. 334 Caroline Osgood (Dunbar) Bedford, Mich. 335 Cynthia Osgood Bedford, Mich. 336 Jno. S. Page Wayne, Wis. 337 Jno. A. Parmelee Hillsdale, Mich. 338 Harriett M. W. Parmelee Cambria, N. Y. 339 Marilla Jennie Parmelee Woodstock, C. W. 340 Martin H. Parmelee Reading, Mich. 341 Mary B. Parmelee Cambria, N. Y. 342 Geo. R. Palmer Ransom, Mich. 343 Wm. W. Payne Somerset, Mich. 344 Augusta Pearl (Peabody-Daird) Albion, Mich. 345 Mary J. Peck (Thiell) Hillsdale, Mich. 346 Mary R. Peck (Thiell) Hillsdale, Mich. 347 Laura A. Pembroke (Park) Ontario, Ind. 348 David M. Perry Woodstock, C. W. 349 Emma Peters (Merritt) Hilsdale, Mich. 350 Wm. P. Phelon Warwick, R. I. 351 Jane A. Phenicie (Fansham) Fremont, Ind. 352 Susan A. Phenicie (Holcomb) Fremont, Ind. 3-53 Harriet N. Pierce Reading, Mich. 354 Hiram Pierce Lexington, Mich. 355 Horatio F. Pierce Reading, Mich. 356 Joseph W. Pierson Atlas, Mich. 357 Milton Pinney Cambria, Mich. 358 M. DeLafayette Post Adams, Mich. 359 Anna Pratt Porter, Mich. 360 Henry A. Pratt Chester, Ohio 361 Julius C. Pratt Elgin, Ill. 362 Delia F. Price Chicago, Ill. 363 Geo. Prowdley Scipio, Mich. 364 Almira Quatermass Mt. Elgin, C. W. 365 Ann S. Quimby New Diggins, Wis. 366 Hannah M. Ramsdell Moscow, Mich 367 Oberlin N. Ramsey Ames, N. Y. 368 Ann B. Randolph (Wescott) Somerset, Mich. 369 Catherine B. Randolph (Smith) Somerset, Mich. 370 Elizab. V. Randolph (Doolittle) Wheatland, Mich. 371 Phineas P. Randolph Somerset, Mich. 372 Reuben A. Randolph Somerset, Mich. 37 3 Jas. W. Raymond Coldwater, Mich. 374 Sylvia Sophronia Reed New Lyme, Ohio 375 Edwin D. Reeve Hillsdale, Mich. 376 Rhoda A. Reeve (Nestlerode) Hillsdale, Mich 377 J. Geraldine Reynolds (Arnold) Liberty, Mich. 378 Ely H. Reynolds Lyons, Mich. 379 Ethan L. Reynolds Elk Creek, Pa. 380 Hannah M. Reynolds Litchfield, Mich. 381 Wm. H. Reynolds Lyons, Mich. 382 Orville N. Rice Hillsdale, Mich. 383 C. Richmond 384 Ann E. Rising Reading, Mich. 385 Jas. S. Robbins Reading, Mich. 386 John A. Roberts Angola, Ind. 387 Jno. C. Roberts Green Bush, Wis. 388 Calvin Robertson Hillsdale, Mich. Present Address. Deceased Deceased Adrian, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. La Porte, Ind. Brevard, N. C. Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Auburn, N. Y. Paragould, Ark. Monroe, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1 Deceased Charlevoix, Mich. * Deceased Deceased Northfield, Minn. Denver, Colo. 355 Park Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Three Rivers, Mich. Deceased Olathe, Kan. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Constantine, Mich. Deceased Deceased San Francisco, Cal. North Adams, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Oberlin, Ohio Deceased Deceased 4713 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Jonesville, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased No. 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 •42 9 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 4.54 455 456 457 Name. Cyrus Robertson Sam V. Robertson Eli B. Rogers Geo. E. Rogers Jacob V. Rogers Obadiah Rogers Stephen E. Root Elias O. Rose Martha C. Rowe (Carey) Milo Rowe Sam H. Rowe Amanda M. Rowley (McLean) Martha C. Russell (Marvin) Mary L. Russell (McIntyre) Menezo Salisbury Stephen W. Schoonover Eliza A. Scott (Potter) Lucy C. Seamans (Hadley) Wm. R. Sears Barney Service, Jr. Sophia A. Shaw Oscar Shepard Fanny M. Sheriff (Mise) Thos. J. Slayton Abbie Smith (Crane) Joseph Smith Orange C. Smith Oscar D. Smith , Philinda Smith Abner Snyder Abbie W. Southworth (Parrish) Edw. Spokesfield Phebe Sprague (Burdick) OrceliaE. Staples Allen Stedman Thos. M. Steele Eliza St. John Silas Curtis Stephens Chas. W. Stewart Jno. Sullivan Margaret Sullivan John H. Sweet Kate Swift (Wilbur) Oscar Talcott Helena J. Terpening Mary Jeanette Terry (Welling) Albert Porter Thomas Arvid S. Thomas Alexander C. Thompson Cecelia E. Thompson (Hancock) Darwin H. Thompson Harriet N. Thompson (Austin) Lydia F. Thompson (Morley) Rocilia W. Thompson Agustus F. Thrasher Henrietta P. Thum Olivia M. Tibbets (Holloway) Andrew J. Tiffany Geo. S. Tiffany Miles D. Tillotson Joshua P. Tolford Philip C. Tolford Anna J. Tripp Chas. M. Tucker Horace N. Turrell Julia A. Tuttle (Carbine) Sam B. Tuttle Emma J. Tyer (Flagg) Geo. H. Tyler OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 63 Old Address. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Addison, Mich. Adams, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Raisin, Mich. Royalton, Vt. York, Ind. Manchester, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Addison, N. Y. Parma, Mich. Lafayette, Ind. Spring Arbor, Mich. Dearham, C. W. Lee Center, Ill. Centreville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Grattan, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Lima, Ind. Adams, Mich. Girard, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. New Haven, Ohio Allen, Mich. Wayne, Wis. Coldwater, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Orleans, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Quincy, Mich. New Haven, Ohio Cambria, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Adams, Mich. Ronald, Mich. Ridgeway, Mich. Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Gilead, Mich. Corunna, Mich. Corunna, Mich. Spring Arbor, Mich. Magnolia, Iowa Hillsdale, Mich. Southfield, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Palmyra, Mich. Dover, Mich. Dover, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Erie, Mich. Addison, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Bedford, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Fayette, Mich. Present Address. Boyden, Iowa Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Angola, Ind. 25 36Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ill. Lansing, Mich. Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased 1708 W. 2 3d St., Los Angeles, Cal. West Lafayette, Ind. 3405 Sheridan Road, Chicago, Ill. Deceased Delta, Madison Parish, La. 327 O’Farrel St., San Francisco, Cal. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Allen, Mich. Deceased 324 E. Chicago St., Coldwater, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Plymouth, Ohio Marysville, California Woodstock, Ill. Deceased Tecumseh, Mich. Deceased Allen, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Morrice, Mich. Deceased Chicago, Ill. Jonesville, Mich. , Tecumseh, Mich. , 145 La Salle S., Chicago, Ill. Sand Creek, Mich. Sand Creek, Mich. Deceased Deceased Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Deceased Woodlawn Park, Chicago, Ill. Deceased No. 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Etta B. Vance (Churchill) Sarah Van Valer Cornelius Viele Washington Vosburg Ella Wade (Drake) Chas. B. Wadsworth Addie E. Walker (Case) Geo. B. Walker Lucina C. Warren Jane A. Watkins (Morley) Henry D. Weatherwax Austin Wedge Chas. F. Weed Wm. H. Weed Robert A. Weir Elizabeth Welch Kate E. Wellington Frank P. Wells Ansel W. Westgate Lucy J. Westren,, Roscius E. Whipple David H. White George A. White James White Mary White Geo. H. Whitely Levi Widner Parker R. Wilbur Foster N. Wilcox Mary Emma Williams James R. Wilson Marion Wilson Charles Witherell Jerome B. Witherell Justus Witherell Sarah M. Wolford Jane Wood (Day) Levi Wood Mary A. Wood (Church) Nettie M. Wood James Wooden Horace G. Wdodworth Isabella Woodworth Dorothy D. Wyllys Silas A. Yerkes Thomas J. Young Celia Abbott Julia Abbott (Baldwin) Amelia A. Aikens Hannah M. Aikins David K. Allen Hiram A. Ambler Jeremiah C. Anderson James G. Archer Jeremiah Arnold Charles D. Ashley Franklin P. Augir Orlando D. Augir Cortland Austin Burrill T. Bailey Julia N. Bailey Clara Baker (Willis) Myron Baker Imogene Barber (Farmer) James A, Barnes Martha Barnes Old Address. Lima, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Root, N. Y. Litchfield, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mendota, Ill. Rush, Ill. Allen, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Present Address. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased South New Lyme, Ohio Duluth, Minn. Deceased Deceased Grand Rapids, Mich. Galen, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Allen, Mich. Rives, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Middlebury, Ind. Middlebury, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Big Foot, Wis. Shawano, Wis. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased The Kenilworth, Buffalo, N. Y. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Dallas, Texas , Deceased Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Ovid, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Cato, N. Y. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Lima, Ind. Pulaski, Mich. Warren, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Vergennes, Mich. Wolf Lake, Ind. French Gulch, Shasta Co., California Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Hudson, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Albion, Ind., R. F. D. YEAR 1857. Dover, Ohio Reading, Mich. Vernon, Ohio Vernon, Ohio Butte des Mortes, Wis. Scipio, Mich. Foster, R. I. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ransom, Mich. McHenry, Ill. East Troy, Wis. Rives, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Reading, Mich. Middle Grove. Ill. Morenci, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Galen, Ind. Aurelius, Mich. Deceased Trinidad, Ohio Pueblo Viego, Vera Cruz, Mexico Ionia, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased San Jose, Cal. Deceased Clarinda, Iowa Deceased Leslie, Mich. Auburn, Ind. No. 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 .537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 .579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 Name. James H. Barrett Eugene G. C. Bartholomew George W. Bates Ira H. Bates Luther Bates Theresa M. Beall (Evans) Rhoba Eerry (Emery) Jesse K. Bignall Edwin Blackmore John Blackmore Eliza Blair (Flickinger) George W. Blount Mary A. Boone (Wolcott) Leander Boughton William Bouton Clarissa Bowerman (Northrop) David Boyd Horace C. Bradish Lucian M. Bradley Lovice Bride Alma C. Briggs Arthur Briggs Caroline Briggs (Spencer) Ansell D. Brockett Henry J. Brown Clara J. Burchard William Wallace Burden Mercy C. Burdick Betsy Burt (Ely) George Burt Nancy Burt (Proctor) Matthew Burt Sarah Burt (Hile) Minnie Bushnell (Currier) Pauline Byron Francis Cadwell Adelaide Campbell (Turner) Frank Campbell Louisa Carbine (Adams) Charles E. Carrier Franklin D. Carrier Alice Carroll (Weir) Emory G. Chaddock Jane M. Chase (Wilson) Juliette Chester (Huggett) Orson D. Chester Giles E. Chittenden Harrison Clark Louisa J. Clark (Pierce) Mary A. Clark William Clark Louisa Coates David T. Cobb Eliza Cole '(Lewis) John L. Collier John M. Colwell Maria L. Cone (Divine) Elizabeth Conklin (Willard) Almeda L. Cook Anna S. Cook Charles H. Cook Danforth Cook Gilman M. Coombs Mary Cooper (Graves) Julia Corning (Taylor) N. Frank Cotton G. W. Crandall Ira Crandall Albert F. Crane OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 65 Old Address. Present Address. Jonesville, Mich. Rolling Prairie, Ind. Mecca, Ohio Rolling Prairie, Ind. Berlin, Wis. Reading, Mich. Salem, Mich. Rives, Mich. Rives, Mich. Defiance, Ohio Woodbridge, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Batavia, N. Y. Penfield, Mich. Allen, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich. Madison, Mich Spring Arbor, Mich. St. Albans, Ill. Clinton, Mich. Worth, Ill. Quincy, Mich. Bristolville, Ohio Middleburg, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Swan, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Greenfield, Ohio Woodbridge, Mich. Vandalia, Mich. Vandalia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bennington, N. Y. LaPorte, Ind. Camden, Mich. Camden, Mich. Genesee, Mich. North Scituate, R. I. Adams, Mich. Reading, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Royalton, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Providence, R. I. East Liberty, Ohio Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Fayette, Wis. Peru, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Wis. Rochester, Wis. Fayette, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sandwich Center, N. H. Austin, Texas Deceased Hot Springs, S. D. Reading, Mich. Rives, Mich. 1703 Jefferson St., Toledo, Ohio Deceased Deceased. 29 09 Park Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Deceased Deceased Adrian, Mich. Deceased Hamilton, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Battle Creek, Mich. Deceased Ransom, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Eldorado, Kansas LeSueur, Minn. Chicago, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 1 North Fairfield, Ohio Woodburn, Iowa Woodburn, Iowa 2 526 Portland Av., Minneapolis, Minn. 1500 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Cal. LaPorte, Ind. Reading, Mich. Deceased Providence, R. I. Deceased Deceased Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Jackson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Fairfield, Ohio Deceased Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Burlington, Mich. Madison, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Deceased 66 No. 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 6 55 656 657 658 659 660 661 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. William J. Crane Ellen Crossett (Rose) Charles R. Cummins Emily A. Curtiss (Coombs) Levi Damon Ruth Damon (Finch) Phoebe A. Davis Stanley W. Davis Ursula Davis (Haynes) Elias W. DeCamp Franklin J. Dennis John P. Dibble Linus M. Dillon Ferdinand A. Dimm Esther Divine (Lownsbury) Alfred W. Dodge David Dodge John G. Dorrance George A. Douglass Oscar H. Dow Helen Doyen (Beebe) Caroline Drake Moses A. Dumass George W. Dunn Isaac H. Eaton Elizabeth Eberhard Asa S. Edgerly Josiah D. Emerson William H. Enos Spencer E. Ensign Frank Evans James B. Ewing Ella M. Farnam John M. Fenner Cornelius Ferris Emma Ferris (Dunton) Helen Finch (Damon) Eden H. Fisher Mary E. Fisher (Underhill) Spencer O. Fisher Orlando P. Fisk Maria Foote (Warren) Helen Fowler (Merriman) Martha Fowler (Smith) Frederick G. Freeman Charles S. French Adeline Gage Elizabeth Gaige Asahel Galloway Lathan M. Garlick Mary E. Gates Erastus George Ann Gilchrist (Crippen) William E. Gill William C. Gowdy Amanda Graham Ellen Graves (Laubaugh) Ora J. Graves F. Jane Gray (Parkenson) Eliza Green (Griswold) Emily Gregory Charles V. Gridley Lindley H. Gripman Edward A. Haight Salmon E. Haight Elijah A. Harmon Lucy J. Harmon Albert HartsufE William R. Hawkins Madison, Mich. Courtland, Ill. Bethany, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hinckley, Ohio Hinckley, Ohio Jackson, Ind. Burns, Ill. Wheatland, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Macon, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. New Haven, Ohio Woodbridge, Mich. Woodstock, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Florence, N. Y. Wheatland, Mich. East Liberty, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hannibal, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Spring Valley, Wis. Madison, Mich. New Hampton, N. H. East Liberty, Ohio Tekonsha, Mich. Hamburg, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Scott, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Providence, R. I. South Butler, N. Y. Reading, Mich. Hinckley, Ohio Ligonier, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ronald, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Leonidas, Mich. Peru, N. Y. Grand de Tour, Ill. Algansee, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Green, Ohio Warrenton, Ill. Bear Creek, Ili. Yorkton, Ill. Yorkton, Ill. Fayette, Wis. Prophets Town, Ill. Wayne, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich. Royal Oak, Mich. Royal Oak, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Unadilla, Mich. Kankakee, Ill. Deceased Sycamore, Ill. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased 443 S. Claremont Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Pittsford, Mich. Deceased Olivet, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Bellefontaine, O. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 2012 W. Congress St., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Denver, Colo. Reading, Mich. Medina, Ohio Deceased Deceased Bay City, Mich. Deceased Sandusky, Ohio Bankers, Mich. Deceased Wellesley Hills, Mass. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Woodward, Iowa 203 3d St., Jackson, Mich. Madison, Wis. Deceased Deceased. Coldwater, Mich. Deceased. Deceased Deceased 633 Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Deceased No. 662 663 664 66.5 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 67 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Sam N. Haines Elizabeth R. Hathaway Eenj. F. Haviland Ellen S. Hazelton Joseph Hendricks Elmira Hendry Ashbel H. Herron Jane M. Hoffman Elizabeth Hoke (Stayt), Joseph T. Hoke Lydia Holbrook Amasa H. Holt Anna Hopkins Harriet Hopkins Martha Hopkins (Chandler) Alice M. Horton Sarah Hostetter Rosa L. Howe George Howell Edw. J. Howes Marion S. Hubbell Emma S. Hubbell Henry W. Hungerford E. Adeline Hunt (Waterman) Albert P. Hunt Edwin D. Hunt Cyrus C. Inman Helen M. Jackson (Gougar) Albert H. Johnson Diantha Joy Wellington Joy Chauncy Judd Margaret L. Kelley Isaac H. Kellogg Edw. M. Kelly George W. Kinne Claudius C. King Betsy Kinne (Russell) William Kirby Margaret C. Knevels (Stevens) Sherman J. Koon Christian Kreiter Mary E. Lane Luzerne Lanphere Mary Lanphere (Lyons), Louise A. Lathrop Eden R. Latta Wilmot A. Laurent Mary J. Little Sarah N. Lyman Addison D. Lewis Albert Limbocker Charles P. Lincoln Jehu M. Long Reuben R. Loveland Amos Lynch Harriett Marquette Helen Maynard (Reed) Ellen McDermid (Robertson) Bela P. McKoon Olive L. McKoon Eliza Mickley (Russell), Ebbie McNeal (Sabine) Helen Medcalf (Lisk) Edw. V. Merritt John R. Moffett Florence Moon William C. Moore Oscar L. Morgan LaPorte, Ind. Sparta, Wis. Common City, Minn. Aurelius, Mich. Amboy, Mich. Jackson, Ind. Bloomingdale, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. Grand de Tour, Ill. Grand de Tour, Ill. Barre, N. Y. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Sbmerest, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. East Liberty, Ohio Macon, Mich. Allen, Mich. Bedford, Mich. Bedford, Mich. Algansee, Mich. Somerset, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Spencer, Ohio Loda, Ill. Wheatland, Mich. Union, Mich. Union, Mich. Leon, N. Y. Monroe, Mich. Reading, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Montpelier, Ohio Macon, Mich. Reading, Mich. Adams, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Racine, Wis. Ligonier, Ind. Little Falls, N. Y. Eddington, Me. Fly Creek, N. Y. Macon, Mich. Fairport, N. Y. Coldwater, Mich. Leesburg, Ind. New Haven, Ohio Fayette, Mich. St. Charles, Ill. Jefferson, Wis. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Cambria, N. Y. Constantine, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Albion, Mich. Medina, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Deceased Deceased Pontiac, Mich. Oakville, Wash Windsor, N. S. Deceased Jerome, Mich. Deceased Tecumseh, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich. Temperance, Mich. Deceased Deceased Hudson, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Deceased Toledo, Ohio Deceased 2 86 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. Deceased Deceased Augustine, Kans. Deceased Deceased Gutenberg, Iowa -, Kansas El Reno, Okla. Deceased Deceased Manchester, Mich. Jefferson, Wis. Deceased Deceased Deceased Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. No. 5 8 58 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Deceased Deceased Deceased Whatcom, Wash. 68 No. 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 7 55 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 7 87 <88 7 89 790 791 792 793 7 94 7 95 796 797 798 799 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Thomas R. Morrison Martha Morse (Mead) George A. Moss Milo H. Mott George F. Mount Isadore G. Munger C. Carroll Nelson William S. Nelson Alex. Newbold Joseph H. Newbold Wm. W T . Noe Philip S. Nottingham Cornelia Nutten Mary O’Donoughue (Woods) John Orewiler Augusta Orr (Page) Ellen Osborne Andrew J. Palmer Julia Palmer (Kingsley) Chloe Parsons Charles Pease Frank Peabody Albert Peck Lucy Peck (Heacock) Jerusha Peters Charles T. Pettit David L. Phenicie Daniel Phenicie Lucinda Piper (Griffith) Richard J. Posten Calvin B. Powell Samuel Rainey Louisa J. Randall Harriet Reed (Ricaby) Julia B. Reed (Shattuck) Louisa W. Reilay Ethan D. Reeve Elon G. Reynolds George Richards Sarah Richardson (Baker) Sarah E. Richfield (Farby) Lucy B. Robbins (Lyke) Cornelia Root (Thompson) Warren Seeley Helen Selden (Judson) Tracy N. Sexton George A. Shepard Volney F. Shepard William H. Sherman Clara Shumway (Cole) John H. Siddall William R. Sirrine Homer H. Slosson Charles A. Smith James M. Smith, Laura Smith (Buskirk) Mary A. Smith Reuben K. Smith Linus T. Squire J. Arthur Stayt Charles B. Stayt Enos S. Stedman Charles M. Stedman Arthur Stewart Alice Stoddard (McKee) William S. Strong Julia Strunk Zeruah A. Strunk Charles Z. Sutton Hillsdale, Mich. Peru, Ohio Vienna, Wis. Gilead, Mich. Mukwonago, Wis. Newberg, Mich. Arcada, Mich. Hillsboro, Iowa Hillsboro, Iowa Jonesville, Mich. Franciscoville, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Reading, Mich. Evansburg, Ohio Cambria, Mich. Bristol, Ind. Holland, Wis. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Otto, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Park, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Fremont, Ind. Ingersoll, C. W. Athens, Ohio Vandalia, Wis. Litchfield, Mich. East Liberty, Ohio Princeton, Ill. Princeton, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lyons, Mich. Ypsilanti, Mich. Defiance, Ohio Eckford, Mich. Reading, Mich. Omaha City, N. T. Castleton, Mich. Racine, Wis. Madison, Mich. Allen, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Madison, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. York, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Medina, Mich. North Plains, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Ronald, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Otisco, Mich. Osisco, Mich. Mason, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Kankakee, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Greenwich, Ohio Deceased Cleveland, Ohio Deceased Mukwonago, Wis., R. F. D. No. 40 Cassopolis, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Ann Arbor, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Cambria, Mich. Deceased Deceased Fremont, Ind. Deceased 342 4th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Addison, Ohio -, N. Y. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. 712 Bryant St., Palo Aito, Cal. 313 N. 17th St., Omaha, Neb. Kalamazoo, Mich. Galesburg, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Quincy, Mich. Deceased Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. No. 5 Deceased Paw Paw, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Yankee Springs, Mich. Greeley, Colo. Treasurer’s Dept., Washington, D. C. Oakville, Wash. Kettle Falls, Wash. Deceased Deceased 1147 Lexington St., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. No. 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 82 8 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 69 Name. Old Address. Present Address. George E. Swan Levi H. Swan Sarah Sw'ift (Aulsbro) Amos Taylor Robert Taylor John Taylor William H. Thiell A. Willy Toms Jennie Thurbur (King) Carrie F. Tichenor Mary H. Tichenor (Buck) Alfred Trousdale Lyman Trumbull Mary E. Tyler Roxana Tyler (Paldi) Charles M. Van Nest Elizabeth VanDuzer (Stone) Theron Van Ostrand John J. Wade Sarah Wade (Lindsey) Lucy Waldo (McKee) Allen R. Walker Octavia Walker (Middleton) Jeremiah C. Warner Sarah Warner (Hunt) Alma A. Warren (Eastman) Alzina Warren (Clark) William H. Warren Ann Weaver (Bradley) Celia Weaver (Price) William R. Weaver Rebecca Wellington (Deo) Charles D. West Orlando Westgate Albert W. Westfall Mary Westfall (Chapman) Nelson H. Westfall Mrs. Lenore Wetherbee Mary Whaley (Allison) Mary A. Wheeler (Sampson) Lucy Whipple (Mills) Andrew J. Wigent Albert M. Wilbur David E. Wilbur Randolph H. Wilbur Elenor A. Wilcox (Miner) Henry A. Wilcox Adaline A. Willetts Isaac Wilson James H. Winsor Helen Witherell (Williams) Charles F. Wood Henry D. Wood J. W. Woolsey Anna Worthington (Lancaster) Catherine Wright (Wilcox) John A. Wyllys Herbert L. Yates Horatio Yates Perry, Mich. Innerkipp, W. C. Adams, Mich. Zanesville, Ohio Canal, Pa. Canal, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Alpine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Edwardsburg, Mich. Edwardsburg, Mich. Fayette, Wis. Rives, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Rutland, Wis. Dover, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hinckley, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. . Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Evansville, Wis. Rush, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Raisin, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Camden, Mich. Lima, Mich. Fond du Lac, Wis. Camden, Mich. Greenfield, Ohio. Thompson, Ohio Reading, Mich. Medina, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. North Royalton, Ohio Royalton, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Bear Creek, Mich. Providence, R. I. Wheatland, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Mason, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Ronald, Mich. Wolf Lake, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Kasson, Minn. Lincoln, Neb. Deceased Rockford, Mich. Deceased Deceased 805 Constitution St., Emporia Kans. Deceased Deceased. 910 6 0th St., Chicago, Ill. LaPorte, Ind. 1253 S. 15th St., Denver, Colo. Mason, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Hinckley, Ohio Deceased Santa Monica, California Deceased Girard, Mich. Deceased. Martinsville, Ind. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Deceased Springport, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. No. 5 Adrian, Mich. Harper, Kans. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased West Unity, Ohio Troy, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1. North Royalton, Ohio Deceased Deceased Deceased Angola, Ind. Deceased Peone, Wash. Reading, Mich. Deceased Deceased Irving D. Adkinson Louisa Archer, Samuel L. Armstrong Alexander B. Austin Mary J. Backus William J. Ball Jennie H. Bansill (Clifton) E. J. Barber YEAR 1858. Moorefield, Ind. Reading, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Pleasant Grove, Ind. Moscow, Mich. Allen, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Auburn, Ind. Allen, Mich. 70 No. 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Elizabeth Barnum (Craw) Medina, Mich. Emma Barnum (Hine) Medina, Mich. Mary Barnum (Young) Medina, Mich. Rebecca Barnum (Bunyan) Medina, Mich. Laura A. Beaman Hiram, Ohio Columbus C. Beane Benton, Ind. James M. Birce Gilead, Mich. James M. Bird Martha Bird George Blair Batavia, Mich. Uzal B. Monar Burns, Ill. Jerome Bowen Butler, Mich. William H. Bowen Hillsdale, Mich. Ira A. Boynton Hillsdale, Mich. Susan C. Bradley (Sillick) Spring Arbor, Mich. Samuel B. Brightman Adrian, Mich. Mary H. Briggs Dover, Mich. Lorenzo D. Brown Alpine, Mich. Minerva J. Buchanan Norwalk, Ohio Addie M. Burdick (Church) Quincy, Mich. Elmina Eurr (Miller), Dorset, Ohio John F. Burr Dorset, Mich. S. Gemella Caldwell (Hampshire) Vistula, Ind. Edwin D. Campbell Pike, N. Y. Lyman A. Campbell Pike, N. Y. Edwin P. Champlin Jonesville, Mich. Giles R. Chapel Erie, Mich. Manila Chapel (Barritt) Cambria, Mich. Addie E. Chapman Omaha City, Neb. Charles C. Churchill Hillsdale, Mich. Phineas K. Clark Elkhart, Ind. George W. Clemans Allen, Mich. B. Coe Coldwater, Mich. Nelson H. Coleman Montrose, Ohio Henry J. Conger Litchfield, Mich. Phebe Conger (Moore) Litchfield, Mich. Elizabeth Corey (Spencer) Fayette, Mich. T. C. Corey Wellersville, Ohio Lydia A. Cotton Hillsdale, Mich. John E. Crane Hillsdale, Mich. George W. Cutler Adams, Mich. John Cutler Adams, Mich. Caroline O. Daggett Kankakee, Ill. George A. Daggett Kankakee, Ill. Cynthia A. Damon Hillsdale, Mich. George W. Davis Burns, Ill. Rachel C. Deviney East Liberty, Ohio Leonard Dewey Varysburg, N. Y. J. W. Dillon Philo G. Dodge New Lyme, Ohio Lodema L. Doolittle (Dunn) Adams, Mich. Daniel Driggs Hillsdale, Mich. Phebe Driggs Hillsdale, Mich. Newell Ransom Dunn Hillsdale, Mich. Francis Wayland Dunn Hillsdale, Mich. Jennie Dyer (Dwight) Spencer, Ohio William S. Eastman Republic, Ohio James W. English Manchester, Mich. John G. English Manchester, Mich. Anna Falley (Bolan) Hillsdale, Mich. Albert Fobes Lima, Ind. Carlos Forbes New Royalton, Ohio Thomas J. Foster LaPorte, Ind. Harman Fowle Moscow, Mich. James L. Fowle Moscow, Mich. Millie A. Fowler Wheatland, Mich. Juliette Fox (Dickinson) Orland, Ind. Samuel Fox Schoolcraft, Mich. Mary French (Hewes) Medina, Ohio Adelia Fritts Reading, Mich. Deceased 196 Ferry Ave., E., Detroit, Mich. East Palmyra, N. Y. Kendallville, Ind. Leesburg - , Ind. Deceased Deceased Deceased Harbor Springs, Mich. West Toledo, Ohio Chicago, Ill. Deceased Quincy, Mich. Deceased Bradford, Pa. Deceased Muskegee, Okla. Marion, Alabama Deceased Elkhart, Ind. Deceased Dixon, la. Deceased Litchfield, Mich. Tavares, Florida Whittemore, la. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased New Lyme, Ohio Shelby, Otsego Co., Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Tiffin, Ohio Duluth, Minn. Deceased Butler, Ind. Deceased Deceased Moscow, Mich. Ionia, Mich. North Adams, Mich., R. F. D. Waterloo, Ind. Medina, Ohio Deceased No. 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 94 5* 946 947 948 9‘49 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 95 7 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 99 5 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 Name. Omar German Diana N. German Charles H. Gilmore Alma Green (Smith) Fannie Green Horatio Greene Elmer H. Green Uriah Gripman Josiah Hall Sarah J. Hanford Laura P. Hathaway Jonathan Harding Charles Hardy Charles B. Harris Electa Harris (Varden) J. W. Harrison Kimmel Harrison Harriett Harroun (Riker) Clara A. Hawkins Charles J. Heath John W. Hewitt Lewis H. Heydlauff Maria Hiles (Van Frank) Myron E. Hill J. Wesley Hodge Nathan C. Holland Mary Holmes (Bissell) Matthew Holmes Milton H. Hostetter Benjamin F. Hoyt Sarah Louise Hughes (Matthews) Ansel H. Huling Harriet Hullinger (Withered) Albert M. Hunt Emory B. Hyde Mary Jocobs (Pittididier) William B. Jacobs Marie E. Johnson (Spears) Ichabod S. Jones John Kennedy Chauncey W. Kerstetter Edwin R. Kerstetter Almira King (Phillips) Emma Koon (Nichols) Victoria Kuhlke (Filkins) Abram Lamb Janette Lancaster (Everett) Elizabeth Leonard (Huntington) Jonathan Leonard William H. Long William T. Luce Henry Mabbs Hiram J. Macomber Jane Malloch Alma Martin John S. Martin Socrates Martin Sarah McMechan (Kyle) J. Frank Meeker Elizabeth Meritt (Bangs) Jacob Michael Mary J. Mickley Sibel A. Mickley (Welch) Clara P. Miles Nina H. Miles Emily J. Mills Catherine Morehouse (Roys) Clinton P. Morehouse Charles Morse Marcellus Richard Moxley OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 71 Old Address. Present Address. Cambria, Mich. Deceased Camden, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cherry Valley, Ohio West Andover, Ohio Kinderhook, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich. Erie, Mich. Erie, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Whiteford, Ohio Liberia, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Goshen, Ind. U. S. Consul, Austria-Hungary Mount Elgin, C. W. Springford, Ontario Greensburgh, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Kankakee, Ill. Scipio, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Ronald, Mich. Muir, Mich. Bristol, Ind. Kasson, Minn. Wheatland, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Spencer, Ohio Deceased Ellington, N. Y. Deceased Bronson, Mich. Springfield, Mo. Maple Grove, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Deceased Paw Paw, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Mendota, Ill. 511 Crocker Eldg., Des Moines, la. Reading, Mich. Deceased Ronald, Mich. Duplain, Mich. Goshen, Ind. 7126 Euclid Ave., Chicago, Ill. Goshen, Ind. Room 820, 140 Dearborn St., Chicago Napoleon, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Clear Spring, Ind. Clearleaf, Wis. Olena, Ohio Goshen, Ind. Deceased Goshen, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. 1758 Chicago St., Denver, Colo. Allen, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Saginaw, Mich. Attica, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Bushnell, Ill. Deceased Osseo, Mich. Deceased New Paris, Ind. Deceased Pulaski, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Three Oaks, Mich. Plymouth, Ind. Three Oaks, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Heigh Grove, California Sycamore, Ill. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Fremont, Ind. Fremont, Ind. Fairfield, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Dover, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Newburgh, Ohio Deceased Newburgh, Ohio Deceased Elkhart, Ind. Elkhart, Ind Ionia, Mich. Wheelersburg, Ohio Elkhart, Ind. Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Carson City, Mich. Deceased 72 No. 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043' 104.4 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. William H. Myrick Theodore Nelson Clarence S. Ocobock Samuel H. Olds Sarah J. Oviatt Marion Packard (DeCamp) Junia E. Paddleford Laura P. Paddleford David H. Parmelee John H. Palmer Jay Parker William E. Pease Jerusha L. Perry Milton M. Perry Richard E. Perry Martin V. B. Phillips Francis E. Pierce Sarah Pierce (Meeker) Halsey Porter William R. Porter Anna Powers Rufus H. Pratt Hiram Preston Henry "S. Prior Isaac R. Prior Frank K. Proctor Celia A. Purdy Elijah Putnam Mary E. Ralph Delphina D. Ransom Elizabeth P. Ransom Melora A. Reeve Nathaniel Reeve John D. Reighard Fenelon B. Rice Samuel H. Riley William Reilay Minerva W. Robb Daniel V. Rogers William H. Rogers Eliza J. Root Phineas T. Rose Sarah Rowe (Morris) Cyrus Dustan Roys Mary J. Salsbury (King-Cook) William A. Savage James W. Scoville H. J. Scribner Eliza F. Seager Minerva Sheldon Alta Sherd (King) Jeanette Shepard (Conklin) Isaac F. Sheriff Henry Sherman Porter Sherman J. Warren Shively Watson A. Sibley Mary Elizabeth Sinclair (Wisner) George W. Sisson Joseph Slick Ansel G. Smith Clarence A. Smith Sarah L. Smith James W. (Smith) Willett Charles E. Soule Jacob H. Stark Isaac P. Stark Irving N. Starkweather Eliza Jane Starr John G. Stedman Waterford, Wis. Ithaca, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Richfield, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Sylvania, Ohio Wheatland, Mich. Dorset, Ohio Moscow, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Dorset, Ohio Wolcottville, Ind. Medina, Mich. Madison, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Freeport, Ill. Franciscoville, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. Montville, Ohio Carona, Mich. Manila, N. Y. Moscow, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Adams, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Dover, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Madison, Mich. Butte des Morts, Wis. South Butler, N. Y. Portland, Mich. Woonsocket, R. I. Hudson, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Angola, Ind. Ogden, N. Y. Conewango, N* Y. Quincy, Mich. Tecumseh, Mich. Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Girard, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Commerce, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Sheffield, Ohio Kewana, Ind Ronald, Mich. Medina, Mich. Montrose Station, Mich. Montrose Station, Mich. Adams, Mich. Waterloo, N. Y. Plymouth, Mich. Defiance, Ohio Unadilla, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Lowell, Mich. Deceased Marshalltown,* la. Adrian, IVlich. San Bernardino, California Deceased Grass Lake, Mich. Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. 52 W. 12 3d St., New York City, N. Y. Deceased LaPorte, Ind. Deceased 500 New Eng. Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Deceased Osborn, Mo. Adrian, Mich. Deceased Deceased Elkhart, Ind. Deceased Reading, Mich. Spring City, Tenn. Deceased Deceased Allen, Mich. Deceased Deceased 64 9 Orville Ave., Kansas City, Kans. Deceased Muskegon, Mich. Deceased Elm St., Lincoln, Neb. Deceased Deceased Grand Haven, Mich. Deceased No. 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 Name. Uriah Stedman J. Corydon Steele Helen Stephens Mary A. Stephens Benevolent H. Stevens Henry Stevens John S. Stevens William H. Stevens Leander Stiles William G. M. Stone Orrin M. Stone Amanda Strong (Savage) Emily Strong (Barber) Francis H. Strong Helen M. Strunk Althina Taft R. W. Thomas Freeman L. Thomson Susan Tompkins (Baker) Catherine Town Mary E. Trimble George G. True. Cynthia A. Turrell William Tuttle Emma J. Tyler George L. Underwood Mary Van Duzer George H. Vosburgh Charles C. Vosburgh Eliza Wade (Conger) William Walter Collatinus D. Warner Clara Warren (Breckenridge) Charles M. Weaver Isaac L. Weaver Orland F. Weaver George R. Weed Dwight Weston Alvin M. Whaley Mary L. White (Dillingham) Joel C. Whitney Alvin J. Wilbur Harriet Wilber (Eaton) Fred L. Wiley Richard Williams L. Root Williams Luther L. Wilson Hugh D. Wood Theodore F. Wood Maria Wooster Sarah J. Worden John L. Wyatt D. Editha Wyllys (Sebring) Thomas H. Wyllys Cyrus B. Abbott Henry H. Abbott John C. Abbott John A. Alden Abram B. Allen Carrie Allen (Bates) Charles Allen Henry C. Allen Cornelius C. Alpaugh Eva L. Alpaugh Henri L. Ambler William E. Ambler OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 73 Old Address. Present Address. Unadilla, Mich. Springville, N. Y. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Lyons, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Portland, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Salem, Mich. Aberdeen, Ind. New Lyme, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lyons, Mich. 1253 S. 15th St., Denver, Colo. Deceased Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Columbia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Onondaga, Mich. Marseline, Ill. Ogden, N. Y. Woodstock, Mich. Adams, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Oshkosh, Wis. Oshkosh, Wis. Litchfield, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Centerville, N. Y. Somerset, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Adams, Mich. Dale, N. Y. Ellington, N. Y. Hudson, Mich. Medina, Mich. Medina, Mich. Boston. Mass. Fairport, N. Y. Gilead, Mich. Ontario, Ind. Metz, Ind. Edgerton, Ohio Wheatland, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Milroy, Ind. Woodbridge, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased 34 West Irving St., Oshkosh, Wis. Oshkosh, Wis. Jonesville, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Coldwater, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Beaver Dam, Wis. New Buffalo, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 1060 30th St., Des Moines, la. c/o J. W. Doane & Co., Chicago, Ill. Lakeside, Cal. Bryan, Ohio Laconia, N. H. Deceased Angola, Ind. Angola, Ind. 1523 Kimble Ave., South Bend, Ind. Deceased YEAR 1859. Dover, Ohio Reading, Mich. Dupagne, Ill. Akron, N. Y. Manchester, Mich. Butte des Morts, Wis. Deceased Deceased Reading, Mich. Deceased Oberlin, Ohio Deceased Pomfret, Vt. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased 1088 E. Madison St., Cleveland, Ohio 76 Lincoln Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 74 No. 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 Name. Anna Ames (Porter) L. It. Anderson Albert Andrus Charles H. Applegate Edw. Armstrong F. E. Austin, George E. Austin Wilson E. Austin Hezekiah C. Baggerly Imogene Bailey (Davis) Zelotes Bailey Thomas D. Baird Francis E. Baker Princes Baker (Smith) Volney C. Baker Gideon L. Barber Frances E. Barnes Levantia M. Barnes (Frisbie) William H. Barrett Amelia Barrows Eliza Bates (Johnston) Israel P. Bates Imogene Beane (Barton) Mary Beers (Blanchard) Phebe Bell (Wildey) William Bell, Jr. Francis A. Bellamy Rhoda Benjamin (Trimmer) Charles W. Bennett Leonard Bickford Francis M. Bissell Arabella Blackmar (Gifford) George P. Blanchard Lafayette Blood Franc A. Botsford (Edwards) Lydia Bouton (McDermid) William J. Bowen Orin H. Bradish Mary Jane Bradley (Bates) S. B. Brayton Mary A. Briggs (Baker) Elizabeth Britton (Hood) Sarah H. Brockway Eliza Brott (Bowen) Butler Brown Willis Brown William T. Buchanan Adaline Burch (Wheelock) Cecelia Burch (Hotchkiss) Isaac W. Burch George W. Burchard Angeline Buzzell (Hombell) Elizabeth Caldwell (Emery) B. H. Calkins Horace Carbine Mary A. Cavender (Sinclair) A. H. Chamberlin Lucy A. Chittenden Francis G. Clark Silas M. Clark William H. Clark Sylvester Colburn Hiram Collier P. B. Randall Coltrin Benjamin B. Comstock Letitia L. Cook Warren D. Coon Anderson Covell Adaline F. Cragin Elon Crane GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Present Address. Hudson, Mich. Little Prairie Ronde, Mich. Clarendon, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Allen, Mich. Ottawa, Ill. Adams, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Forest City, Iowa South Bend, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Marvin, Ohio Addison, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. San Bernardino, Cal. Homer, Mich. Deceased Mendota, Ill. Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Deceased Adrian, Mich. 215 Jackson Park Ter., Chicago, Ill. Ellington, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Spring, Pa. Spring, Pa. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Rome, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pierpont, Ohio Butler, Mich. Eckford, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Newark, N. Y. Springville, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Penfield, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Madison, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Spring Arbor, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Allen, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Zanesville, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Pleasant Lake. Ind. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Litchfield, Mich. Elgin, Ill. Vistula, Ind. Butler, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Canandaigua, Mich. Woodstock, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Wheatland, Wis. New Lyme, Ohio Somerset, Mich. Somerset, Pa. Butterville, Ohio Homer, Ill. Franklin, N. Y. Clarendon, Mich. Rush, Ill. Ligonier, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Chatfield, Minn. Deceased Marion; Ala. Deceased 221 N. 12th St., Chicago, Ill. Paw Paw, Mich. Alma, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Pacific Grove, Cal. Coldwater, Mich. Deceased Deceased Coldwater, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Battle Creek, Mich. Deceased Adrian, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Star,(Gratiot Co.), Mich. Deceased Corona, California Bay View, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased 6488 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Bradford, Pa. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Chicago, Ill. Fort Wayne, Ind. Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 75 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 1213 Dexter N. Crowell 1214 Kate A. Cummings Plymouth, Ind. 1215 L. Maria Curtiss Lyons, N. Y. Deceased 1216 Romaine J. Curtiss New Haven, Ohio Deceased 1217 Susan A. Daggett Hillsd le, Mich. 1218 Charles W. Davis Wheatland, Mich. Deceased 1219 Jasper M. Davis 1220 M. A. Davis Wheatland, Mich. 1221 Orrin S. Davis Jefferson, Mich. Deceased 1222 Frances Marion Day (Howell) Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 1223 Lewis W. Day Galion, Ohio Deceased 1224 Charles Dennis China, N. Y. Pike, N. Y. 1225 John A. Dewey South Bend, Ind. South Bend, Ind. 1226 Clark J. Dewitt Bridgewater, Ohio 1227 Julia M. Doolittle North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 1228 Lucy L. Doolittle North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 1229 Augustus W. Douglass Wheatland, Mich. Deceased 1230 Harriet Douglass (Tyler) Ann Arbor, Mich. Vermontville, Mich. 1231 William D. Dow East Liberty, Ohio 1232 Henry G. Dow Fowlerville, N. Y. 1233 Charles M. Drake Hillsdale, Mich. Kansas City, Mo. 1234 Solomon R. Dresser Litchfield, Mich. Bradford, Pa. 1235 Caroline Ducke Hillsdale, Mich. 1236 Charles S. Duncan Lodi, Wis. 1237 Sylvester F. Dwight Addison, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. 1238 R. O. Edwards Barker, N. Y. 1239 Miranda M. Elliott Jefferson, Mich. Deceased 1240 George Engle Sherman, Mich. Centerville, Mich. 1241 William W. Evans Hillsdale, Mich. 1242 Amelia W. Evarts (Patterson) Hillsdale, Mich. El Reno, Okla. 1243 Lucretia M. Everett East Liberty, Ohio 1244 Mahlon Everett J 1245 William B. Everingham South Butler, N. Y. 1246 Z. Smith Farrand Townsend, Ohio Soldiers’ Home, Sandusky, Ohio 1247 James Faurot Cambria, Mich. 1248 Jacob D. Ferrier Metz, Ind. Deceased 1249 Eunice Field (Black) Ransom, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 12.50 Weltha Field (Siddall) Ransom, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 1251 Rosalie Fobes (McKee) Lima, Ind. Deceased v 1252 Elizabeth M. Foote Sherman, Mich. 1253 Belinda Fouat (Wigent) Cambria, Mich. Reading, Mich. 1254 Anna A. Fowler Wheatland, Mich. Deceased 1255 James Freeland Benton, Ind. 582-822 E 165th St. New York City. 1256 James C. Freeman Spencer, Ohio Deceased 1257 E. J. Gratton Bennington, N. Y. 1258 Helen M. Gray (Johnson) Coldwater, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 1259 Aaron Griffith Salem, Ohio Deceased 1260 Lydia J. Griggs Sherman, Mich. 1261 Mary E. Guinip Rochester, N. Y. 1262 Helen M. Hackett (Tyler) Cambria, Mich. 1263 Edwin Haft Townsend, Ohio Hudson, Mich. 1264 William A. Hague Auburn, Ind. Lynnwood, Nebraska 1265 Juliette Hall (Perry) Brooklyn, Mich. Deceased 1266 William Harding Jamestown, Ind. Butler, Ind. 1267 Edwin E. Hart Cambria, Mich. 1268 Albert E. Hastings Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 1269 Nathaniel Hatfield Springfield, Ohio Deceased 1270 Sarah A. Haynes (Lusk) Hillsdale, Mich. Hooper, Nebraska 1271 Adelia Heath (Smith) Cooks Prairie, Mich. Des Moines, la. 1272 Charles M. Heaton, Jr. South Bend, Ind. Washington, D. C. 1273' Henrietta Heddon (Hiddon) Goshen, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. 1274 Abbott B. Hemingway Hillsdale, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 1275 Alanson L. Hill Marcy, Ind. 1276 David M. Hoag Niles, Mich. Deceased 1277 Georgiana Hoeg (Bartholomew) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 1278 Abbie Hoke (Merritt) Grand de Tour, Ill. Covert, Mich. 1279 Cornelia A. Hopkins (Rippey) Millersburgh, Ind. Deceased 1280 Horace N. Hopkins Cook’s Station, Ind. Deceased 1281 Sarah L. Howe Moscow, Mich. 1282 Selden N. Howe East Liberty, Ohio 76 No. 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Charles Huggins Orange Prairie, Ill. Deceased James Hullinger Reading, Mich. 3247 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo. Mary M. Hutchins Reading, Mich. Fen T. Ingalsbe Alabama, N. Y. Hamilton Ingersoll East Leon, N. Y. Chester H. Jackson China, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. William M. Jenkins West Topsham, Vt. Erwin, S. Dak. William L. Kane Union, Mich. St. Joseph, Mich. Margaret J. Kelley Monroe, Mich. Lucy R. Kelly Quincy, Mich. Marie E. Kenny (Lloyd) Pierpont, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. George Kinney Adams, Mich. Deceased Stephen H. Kinney Lawton, Mich. T. B. Kinney Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Reuben S. Kirby Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Luther Kitchell Jonesville, Mich. Bell M. Ladd Hillsdale, Mich. Joseph W. Lasley Cheshire, Ohio Benjamin Little, Jr. Larue, Ohio Loretta Mann (Hammond) Rome, Mich. 415 College Ave., Rosedale, Kansas City, Kans. Hiram May Townsend, Ohio Deceased Henry Mayo Ottawa, Ill. Ottawa, Ill. John M. McBride Millsburgh, Ind. Goltry, Oklahoma Eliza T. McKnight Hillsdale, Mich. Leroy, Minn. Eliza J. McNeal Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio William H. Melvin Litchfield, Mich. 881 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Cal. William P. Miner Somerset, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. Darius A. Morehouse Sweden, N. Y. Hancock, N. H. Amanda Morris (Hall) Seneca, Mich. Yankee Springs, Mich. Myron W. Morris Seneca, Mich. Bakerfield, Cal. Justis Mudge Castleton, Mich. Alexander F. Murphy Burns, Ill. John E. Myers Larue, Ohio Thomas J. Nethaway Adams, Mich. Deceased George Nichols Cambria, Mich. Reading, Mich. Mary Nichols Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Elisha B. Odell Colesburgh, la. Emily E. Odell Colesburgh, la. Colesburgh, la. Henry W. Packer Litchfield, Mich. Trinidad, Colo. Mary A. Parsons (Dennison) Hannibal, N. Y. Oswego Falls, N. Y. Electa Patterson (Reynolds) Eckford, Mich. Deceased John C. Patterson Eckford, Mich. Marshall, Mich. Amos T. Perrin Sturgis, Mich. New Hartford, Ill. Thomas P. Perrin Sturgis, Mich. Fremont, Mich. Peter W. Perry Rome, Ohio Western Springs, Ill. Christopher W. Pettys Lakeport, Mich. Marinda M. Pettys Lakeport, Mich. Emma Powers Emma Prior (Wetherby) Cook’s Prairie, Mich, -, Iowa Samuel D. Proctor Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Margaret A. Pulver Sodus, N. Y. Robert Purdy Gilead, Mich. Deceased Theodore Purdy Hillsdale, Mich. Daniel Quimby LaPorte, Ind. — 1 -, Montana Jane M. Randolph Somerset, Mich. Jerome, Mich., R. F. D. Knight Record St. Anthony, Minn. St. Anthony, Minn. George W. Reed Hillsdale, Mich. 6 025 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Glover C. Reed Hillsdale, Mich. Grace Reed (Hill) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Henry C. Reed Hillsdale, Mich. >; Princeton, Ill. William Reed Hartford City, Ind. William J. Ribley Bellevue, Ohio David A. Rice West Andover, Ohio Henry Wm. Rich Dayton, N. Y. Goodell, Pa. Mary Calista Richards (Losee) Clyde, Ohio 620 Knower St., Toledo, Ohio Samuel G. Richards Townsend, Ohio Hurlbut Riggs Litchfield, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Horace A. Rockwell Spring, Pa. Deceased Minard F. Rose York, Ind. Angola, Ind., R. F. D. No. 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 77 Name. H. Laura Rowe Lewis P. Russell Oliver H. Russell Warner J. Sampson James H. Sayle Abraham Schutt Ned D. Shaw Corell Sheldon Allen M. Shepard Watts Sherman Leander Smith Orland C. Smith William W. Smith Morton W. Spencer Wellington G. Sprague William H. Sprague Malchus F. Stamets Franc St. John Frank A. Stover M. B. Strickland Sidney S. Stults Joseph Sutton Aaron Taylor Samuel M. Terry Hiram A. Tucker William Turner Mary Van Osdale (Monroe) Hannah E. Van Ostrand (Wilson) Anson Victory Bethuel A. Virden Anson J. Waldo Sarah J. Wallace Virginia Wallace Walter R. Wallace Charles C. Wakefield Daniel C. Warren Ellen Watkins (Perrin) Elvira Watkins (Root) Frances E. Watkins David S. Way Emma Webb (DuBois) Abram Webber Delia M. Welch (Galbraith) Oscar J. Wells Sarah Wells (Olney) Randall West Ross C. West E. D. Wheeler H. N. Wheeler Emanuel Whitacre Wilford Whitacre Albert C. White Cyrus Wilcox Laura A. Willett Orville Williams Jules L. Williams Mary J. Wilson M. Estella Winsor (Fisk) Amelia E. Abbott (Bartholomew) Robert L. Albin John Anderson Seth C. Anderson Charles Armstrong Susan T. Armstrong William H. Ashley Eleanor M. Barnum (Johnson) Old Address. Portland, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Bridgewater, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Elkhart, Ind. Wayne County, Ohio Hamlet, N. Y. Oakland, Wis. South Wright, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Bennington, Ind. Gilbert’s Mills, N. Y. Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Cochranton, Ohio York, Ohio Allen’s Prairie, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Present Address. Deceased Adrian, Mich. Deceased Deceased Minneapolis, Minn. Deceased Deceased Travares, Florida 1343 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Deceased Deceased New Lyme, Ohio Centerburg, Ohio Zanesville, Ohio Townsend, Ohio Coldwater, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Butler, Mich. Cochranton, Wis. Hinckley, Ohio Jefferson, Mich. Pittsburg, Pa. Brownstown, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Middleburg, Ind. Brooklyn, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lawton, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Oakfield, Wis. Cook’s Prairie, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Dale, N. Y. Kenton, Ohio East Liberty, Ohio Salem, Ohio Grand Rapids, Mich. Adams, Mich. East Hamburgh, N. Y. Adams, Mich. Princeton, C. W. Hinckley, Ohio Pleasant Lake, Ind. Orwell, Ohio Clyde, Ohio Greenville, Mich. Deceased Deceased. Hinckley, Ohio Deceased Deceased Morenci, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased 1917 E 2nd St., Spokane, Wash. Fond du Lac, Wis. Calcutta, India Little Sioux, Iowa Eaton Rapids, Mich. Deceased Tekamah, Neb. 215 N. 21st St., Columbus, Ohio North Adams, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Deceased Hinckley, Ohio Pleasant Lake, Ind. YEAR 1860. Reading, Mich. Springfield, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Adamsville, Mich. Medina, Mich. Deceased Lotus, Champaign Co., Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased 3902 Lakeside Terrace, Chicago, Ill. 78 No. 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Washington I. Bartholomew Leverett E. Bayles Nelson M. Beckwith Robert Bell Caroline A. Bevier Alpheus Bigelow Edson Blackman Matilda Blackman (Randolph) William W. Blandin James Boss Omer C. Bowen Esther Bradley (St. John) Henry Bradley Lydia A. Brintnall Harriet Britten (Anderson) Ruth E. Brockett Charlotte Brockway (Webster) Harriet Brock way (Riford) Andrew N. Buck Altha O. Bugbee Orange Bugbee Abbie L. Burnam Harriet A. Carpenter (Gray) Theron E. Carpenter Edna Case (Borden) George W. Case Lyman C. Chase Mary L. Chase (Kingsland) Daniel A. Childs Adelaide Clossen (Forward) Mary Clossen (Dudley) Jane C. Clayborn Almon B. Cole Francis Cole Norman R. Collins Helen Cook (Whitbeck) Martha Cook (Keating) Periam B. Cook Sylvia W. Cook Loretta E. Crane H. Jones Culver Leander Curtis Anna E. Davis Jennie E. Davis Lucy A. Davis (Harter) Mary A. Davis (Hurch) Elizabeth Day (Harley) Rolla E. J. Dean Isaiah M. DePew Mary DePew Maud DePew Parmeas C. Dodd Albert W. Doty Evaline Doty (Hartson) Horace B. Doty Justus F. Douglass James B. Drew Alexander M. Duguid Byron A. Dunn Cassius Eastman William Eastman Alonzo P. Eddy Martin L. Edwards Cora E. Eggleston William Eldridge Phebe H. A. Ellsworth Lucretta Emerson (Randolph) Princess M. Everett (Davis) E. Burritt Fairfield Frances A. Farnham Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Galena, Ohio Allen. Mich. Moscow, Mich. Fulton, Ill. Hudson, Mich. Butler, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Elroy, Wis. Pittsford, Mich. Bristol, Ohio Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Alpine, Mich. Homer, Mich. Homer, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Springport, Mich. Springport, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Heart Prairie, Wis. Rutland, Ohio Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Summerville, Mich. Portland, Mich. York, Ind. Adams, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pioneer, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Brookfield, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. South Wright, Mich. South Wright, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Scales Mound, Ill. Ransom, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Saco, Maine. Fremont, Ind. Mason, Mich. Wayne, Wis. Wayne, Wis. Harmony, N. Y. Salem, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. York, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. East Liberty, Ohio Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Irvington, Ind. Deceased Deceased Salt Lake City, Utah Quincy, Mich. Hastings, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1 Cleveland, Ohio Manistique, Mich. Camden, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Rio Grande, Ohio Los Angeles, Cal. Benton, Harbor, Mich. Deceased Deceased Wichita, Kans. Petoskey, Mich. Petoskey, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Portage, Wis. Marvin, Kansas St. Joseph, Mich. Deceased Deceased Orland, Ind. Deceased Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased Muskegon, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Larned, Kansas Deceased Pittsford, Mich. Deceased Galion, Ohio Silver Mines, Mexico Ransom, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Deceased Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Fremont, Ind. Waukegan, Ill. Deceased Deceased Salem, Ohio 1031 *4 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 79 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 1488 N. H. Farr Mason, Mich. Norwood, R. I. 1489 Olivia L. Fassett Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 1490 Larmon P. Ferguson Lyons, Mich. 1491 Augustus F. Ferris Hillsdale, Mich. 138 N. Carpenter St., Chicago, Ill. 1492 Frank S. Fifield • Jackson, Mich. Jackson, Mich., R. F. D. 1493 Ellen M. Flemming Lima, Ind. 1494 John R. Foster Terra Coupee, Ind. Merriam, Kansas 1495 Bonham M. Fox Hillsdale, Mich. 270 S. Clinton St., Chicago, Ill. 1496 David M. Fox Allen, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich. 1497 Harvey N. Fox Hillsdale, Mich. Tipton, Ind. 1498 Emma Francisco (Cary) Three Rivers, Mich. Centerville, Mich. 1499 John Freeland Millersburg, Ind. Pension Bureau, Washington, D. C. 1500 Jerome Fullerton Amboy, Mich. Deceased 1501 Harriett Gallopp (Wright) Medina, Mich. Morenci, Mich. 1502 John M. Gardner Lee Center, Ill. 1503 John Coleman Gates Monroeville, Ohio Bellevue, Ohio 1504 Emerson R. Gibbs Richmond, Ind. 1505 Caroline Gaylord (Woodhull) Pleasant Lake, Ind. Angola, Ind. 1506 Henry D. Gaylord Pleasant Lake, Ind. Angola, Ind. 1507 Charles Glines Mason, Mich. Deceased 1508 Isaac N. Green Jefferson, Mich. Osseo, Mich. 1509 J. H. Gregg 1510 Marcelia Hadley (Cole) Jefferson, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 1511 Amos W. Hale Omro, Wis. 1512 Alice P. Hayes Homer, Mich. Deceased 1513 Lewis C. Hall Brooklyn, Mich. Deceased 1514 Charles L. Harker Mottville, Mich. Denver, Colo. 1515 Eli Harrington Wheatland, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 1516 Albert Henry South Milford, Ind. 1517 Aurelia Hewitt (Proctor) Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 1518 Jerome L. Higbee Cattaraugus, N. Y. Deceased 1519 Meritt H. Higby Madison, Mich. Adrian, Mich. 1520 Martha Hill (Sibbald) Ontario, N. Y. Jonesville, Mich. 1521 Edw. W. Hilton Erie, Mich. Erie, Mich. 1522 Hiram Hitchcock Adams, Mich. 1523 William H. Hix York, Ind. 1524 George Holbrook Coldwater, Mich. Deceased 1525 Isaac Holland Ellington, N. Y. Deceased 1526 Albert Holt Leighton, Ohio 1527 Amos H. Hopkins Cook’s Station, Ind. Deceased 1528 John J. Hopkins Hardin, Ohio Deceased 1529 Nancy A. Hopkins (Copeland) Dudley, Ohio LaRue, Ohio 1530 William C. Howell Jefferson, Mich. Deceased 1531 Lucien Hubbard Terra Coupee, Ind. South Bend, Ind. 1532 Edw. T. Hubbell Goshen, Ind. Deceased 1533 Elizabeth Irving (Timms) Adams, Mich. Deceased 1.534 Agnes Isles Quincy, Mich. Deceased 1535 Jonathan B. Jones Clymer, N. Y. Mayview, Mo. 1536 Melzar Jones Cattaraugus, N. Y. 1537 Franklin Judd Dayton, N. Y. 1538 Melvin B. Keith Reading, Mich. Chelsea, Mich. 1539 Harrison Kelley Sturgis, Mich. Constantine, Mich. 1540 William Kile Mt. Liberty, Ohio 1541 John L. Kimball Brooklyn, Mich. Deceased 1542 Robert H. King Larue, Ohio 1543 Edward Kingsland Eckford, Mich. St. Joseph, Mich. 1544 Charles H. Knapp Wheatland, Mich. Vestaburg, Mich. 1545 Frances M. Knapp Hillsdale, Mich. 1546 Martin B. Koon Allen, Mich. 350 Temple Court, Minneapolis, Minn. 1547 Frances J. Kuhlke Hillsdale, Mich. 1548 Charles W. Lane Victor, N. Y. 1549 Frederick Larue Melmore, Ohio 15.50 Franklin Larue Melmore, Ohio < Lykens, Ohio 1551 William H. Lefler Florence, Mich. Deceased 1552 Mary J. Leonard Jefferson, Mich. Deceased 1553 Matilda Letcher (Warner) Metz, Ind. Metz, Ind. 1554 James B. Lincoln Canandaigua, N. Y. El Reno, Okla 1555 Daniel S. Mann Concord, Mich. Deceased 1556 Mary Mann (Findlay) Concord, Mich. Concord, Mich. 1557 Caroline McConnell (Updyke) North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 80 No. 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1.576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 Name. William McCowan Andrew J. McKnight John T. McKnight Theodore S. Mead Mary S. Mellen (Whitney) M. A. Merrifield Mary E. Merrifield (Millard) Nancy Millard (Bell) F. William Miller Irving S. Miner Lawrence W. Mix William H. Mix Charles Moody Maria Moore Charlotte Morgan (Clark) Caroline Mosher Jennie Mosher (Riggs) Martha J. Munger John W. Murdock Hamilton Newland Virginius Nicar Elverton R. Nickerson Fayette Nutten W. R. Olmstead DeEtte O’Neil (Bailey) Jennie Owen (Saviers) Edw. A. Packer Marcella A. Parker Harrison J. Payne John A. Payne Adeline Penfield (Stayt) Lewella Perfect (Lockwood) Henry V. Perrin Kate J. Phillips Jane Powers Carrie A. Quackenbush Eunice L. Race (Clifton) Charles H. Randolph Charles A. Randolph Laura A. Randolph Oliver Readfearn Sarah Reynolds (Janes) Fletcher C. Rice John M. Rice George M. Rice Rena A. Richards (McClanahan) Henry B. Richey Marion J. Ridgeway Mary Ridgeway (Morrison) Almon B. Riford James A. Rippey John Rippey Matthew J. Rippey Douglas G. Risley Charles Rogers Adelaide P. Rood (Archer) Frank L. Rood Mary Rood (Smith) Adelia Russell (Camp) Harriet L. Russell (Livesay) Helen N. Ryder James A. Sample Adeline M. Sampson (Morris) Andrew Scott Augustus Scott Mrs. Mary A. Seaman William L. Seaman Robert Seeley James M. Shaw Cyrus Sherman GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Moscow, Mich. Wayne, Wis. Wayne, Wis. West Andover, Ohio Quincy, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Summerville, Mich. Mason, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Allen, Mich. DeWitt, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Newton, Ohio South Bend, Ind. Adamsville, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Allen, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Niles, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Somerset, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Stockton, N. Y. South Jefferson, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Woodstock, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Georgetown, D. C. Wheatland, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Lyons, Mich. Beloit, Wis. West Andover, Ohio Beloit, Wis. Clyde, Ohio Eckford, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Middleburg, Ind. Leesburg, Ind. Leesburg, Ind. Benton, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. Madison, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Allen, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. York, N. Y. Hamlet, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Castleton, Mich. Lee Center, Ill. Oakland, Wis. Present Address. Deceased Deceased Lincoln, Neb. Deceased Flora Home, Florida Union City, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. 1322 Corona St., Denver, Colo. 300 Beardsley Ave., Elkhart, Ind. Reed City, Mich. Traverse City, Mich. Deceased Mosherville, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Bloomingdale, Mich. Deceased Jackson, Mich. Deceased Trinidad, Colo Niles, Mich. Deceased Kalamazoo, Mich. Deceased Deceased Jackson, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased Galesburg, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Leesburg, Ind. Deceased Adrian, Mich. Deceased Deceased North Adams, Mich., R. F. D. Weston, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. East Lake, Alabama Deceased Deceased Flint, Mich. No. 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 81 Name. Old Address. Present Address. George Shires Clermont, Iowa Thomas Shires Clermont, Iowa Mortimer I. Shrontz Coldwater, Mich. Cyrus W. Simonds Moscow, Mich. Deceased Gustavus J. Skidmore East Liberty, Ohio Calhan, Colo. David T. Smith Campton, N. Y. Elizabeth Smith (Mosher) Litchfield, Mich. Sandwich, Ill. Sarah Smith (Poor) Scipio, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. George W. Snyder Marion, Ohio Deceased Jane Spaulding Lewiston, N. Y. Santa Barbara, Cal. Edw. F. Spencer Woodstock, C. W. Julius A. Spencer Scruple, N. Y. Dwight, Ill. Russell L. Squier Hudson, Mich. Deceased Frank G. Stark Brunswick, Ohio John H. Steel Louisville, Ky. Kate Stevens (Kern) Lyons, Mich. Bay City, Mich. Vesta Stimson (Dresser) Fayette, Mich. Deceased John T. Storer Lawrence, Mass. Deceased* Myron S. Stout Chester, Ohio Pres. 1st National Bank, Denton, Tex. Charles B. Stowell Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Liberty N. Straw Adams, Mich. c/o Soldiers’ Home, Milwaukee, Wis. Gertrude Strong (Kelley) Morenci, Mich. 1819 California Ave., St. Louis, Mo. David M. Stuart Springwater, N. Y. Tropico, Cal. Selina Sturges (Riggs) Scipio, Mich. Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. Frederick W. Taggart Bronson, Mich. Deceased Mary J. Taggart LaPorte, Ind. George H. Taroni Lexington, Mich. Deceased Charles Taylor Zanesville, Ohio Thomas S. Taylor South Bend, Ind. Washington, D. C. Edwin Thayre Blendon, Mich. Deceased Eunice Thayre (Wagner) Blendon, Mich. Deceased George B. Thompson Orland, Ind. Deceased Marietta Thompson (Warburton) Ransom, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. Sarah E. Thompson (Lamb) Orland, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Francis Thorington (Cool) Homer, Mich. Deceased George W. Tibbets Oshkosh, Wis. Seattle, Wash. Orris C. Todd Allen, Mich. Deceased Curtiss M. Tucker Coldwater, Mich. Deceased Stanley W. Turner Reading, Mich. Deceased Alonzo C. Turrell Fayette, Mich. Deceased Chauncey E. Tuttle Fayette, Mich. Thomas B. Tuttle Adams, Mich. LeRoy, N. Y. Edw. Van Demark Clinton, Mich. Clinton, Mich. Charles Vanderburgh Camden, Mich. Deceased Ira R. Watkins Allen, Mich. Deceased John J. Weage Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Edw. E. Webb Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Mary Weeks (Ostrom) Wheatland, Mich. Jerome, Mich. John Weir LaGrange, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. Arthur L. Wells Cattaraugus, N. Y. Deceased Mary S. Wells McHenry, Ill. George Westlake Barney E. Wheeler Wright, Mich. Deceased James H. C. White Wheatland, Mich. Corpus Christi, Texas William G. Whitney Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Ella Wick (Van Fleet) Bristol, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. John N. Williams William H. Wood Newton, Ohio Rebecca Wooden Woodbridge, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Darius A. Woodworth Middlebury, Ind. Deceased Amanda E. Woodworth Middlebury, Ind. Deceased Lafayette Young Litchfield, Mich. Deceased YEAR 1861. Charlotte T. Abbott Denver, Ohio Fostoria, Ohio Abbie Alden (Whitcomb) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Samuel Alden Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Abram J. Aldrich Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 82 No. 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Phoebe Aldrich (Tripp) Louise Allen (Vosburgh) Mary Allen (Dobson) Palmyra A. Anderson Lucretia L. Andrews Susan A. Anthony Alexander Archibald William Archibald Oscar F. Avery Ann Elizabeth Babb Charlotte A. Baggerly (Bowen) J. Frances Baker Gertrude E. Baker Jennie M. Baker Eva M. Banker (Gray) Angeline Barber (Lang) Ellen L. Barber (Nichols) William H. Barry Lovina Bates (Williams) Perry Bates Patrick Baylor Samuel L. Beal Elizabeth Beane (Roller) Anna Bibbins Elizabeth P. Birce (Kamball) Jerome W. Blair Edwin J. Blandin Odelia Blinn Isaac Blood Daniel B. Blue Luna Bos worth (Tuxbury) Hiram L. Bouton Joseph A. Bowen Alma Jane Bowerman Joseph E. Boynton Jane Bradford Clement A. Brown Cyril P. Brown Easton A. Burch Smith Burdick Ellen H. Burnett James Guilford Cameron Frank D. Carlton Adaline M. Carter (Slocum) Sarah Carter (Croxton) Edw. Cary Euphina Cavender (Tompkins) Laura Chaddock (Olney) M. L. Chambers Amelia Chapin (Remley-Norris) Josiah B. Chapin Mary A. Chapin (Beebe) Lucius Chapin Martin L. Chapin Clarence H. Chapman Elbridge R. Chapman Marvin H. Chamberlain Albert Champion Frank Chase Isaac Chase Lucretia A. Chase (Russell) Daniel Church Oscar C. Churchill Orcelia Clark (Matson) Orlando G. Clark George D. Cleveland Eliza Clossen Hamlin A. Coe Dighton Coffin William Collett Old Address. Present Address. Litchfield, Mich. Butte des Mortes, Wis. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Potter, N. Y. Adams, Mich. Leesburg, Ind. Leesburg, Ind. Allen, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Rochester, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Girard, Mich. Rundleton, Pa. Rundleton, Pa. Angola, Ind. Jacksonville, Ind. Cook’s Station, Ind. Albion, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Dayton, Ohio Boston, Mass. Vernon, Wis. White Pigeon, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hinsdale, N. Y. Butler, Mich. Allen, Mich. Tipton, Iowa Spring Arbor, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. London, C. W. Jefferson, Mich. Metz, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Adams, Mich. Canandaigua, Mich. Alexander, N. Y. Deceased 34 W. Irving St., Oshkosh, Wis. Litchfield, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Walworth, N. Y. Odell, Ill. Elkhart, Ind. Deceased 1021 34th St., Omaha, Neb. Kalamazoo, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Stanton, Mich. Shelby, Mich. Glasco, Kansas. Deceased Deceased Altamont, Kans. Deceased Orland, Ind. Litchfield, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Deceased Mukwonago, Wis., R. F. D. No. 40 White Pigeon, Mich. Tonawanda, N. Y. Deceased Deceased Spring Arbor, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Spring Lake, Mich. Ottawa, Kans. Deceased Deceased Elkhart, Ind. -, Minn. Angola, Ind. Deceased c/o Toledo Bee, Toledo, Ohio. Hinsdale, Ill. Jefferson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Newport, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Ash, Mich. Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Rock Creek, Ohio Eckford, Mich. Adams, Mich. Rutland, Ohio Prospect Hill, Wis. Sycamore, Ill. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Conneaut, Ohio Clarendon, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Mason, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Haw Patch, Ind. Blissfield, Mich. Plainville, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Deceased , Deceased Detroit, Mich. Sweetzer, Ind. f Deceased Centralia, Ill. Fargo, N. D. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Deceased Homer, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased No. 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 83 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Silas H. Comfort Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Henry C. Cole Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Selwyn L. Conger Salem, Ind. William F. Cook Adams, Mich. Deceased Ephraim M. Corey, Fayette, Mich. Bellaire, Mich. Sarah M. Cornell Girard, Mich. Fedilia Crane Hamilton, Mich. Harriet Z. Crane Hillsdale, Mich. Lucy A. Crane (Smith) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Charles Crater Wheatland, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Lyman Crater Wheatland, Mich. North Adams, Mich. John C. Creves Buffalo, N. Y. Etta L. Crocker (Tuttle) Batavia, N. Y. Leroy, N. Y. A. G. Culver Nettie Culver Fayette, Mich. Deceased Roswell C. Curtis Medina, Ohio Deceased Thomas J. Curtis Rome, Mich. Rome, Mich. Elizabeth Cutler A. Elvira Cutler (Ashbaugh) Hillsdale, Mich. 535 W. Fifth St., Los Angeles, Cal Millard F. Cutler Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Elmira E. Dale (Williams) Schoolcraft, Mich. Deceased Marcus Daniels Florence, Mich. Maro F. Daniels Florence, Mich. Ann Eliza Davis (Fuller), Beaver, Dam, Wis. Deceased Mary O. Davis (Forbes) Hillsdale, Mich. Beatrice, Neb. Mons Davison Warren, Ill. Wellington, Kans. Ed. C. Delevan Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. J. F. Dewey Deceased Volera Divine (Kidder) Woodbridge, Mich. Deceased Job G. Dotson Wilton, Iowa Henry C. Dresser Litchfield, Mich. Rushford, N. Y. John Frank Dugan Ransom, Mich. Deceased Lovisa R. Dombolton Leeds, Wis. Sarah A. Duryea Jefferson, Mich. Los Angeles, Cal. John W. Dutton Marion, Ohio Julius J. Eddy Albion, Mich. Jamestown, N. D. John Ellison Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Daniel F. Ellsworth Hillsdale, Mich. Nicholas Engle Centreville, Mich. Amanda L. Everett Girard, Mich. James Ewing Scott, Ind. Deceased T. B. Felkner Milford, Ind. Deceased Thos. Felkner Milford, Ind. Deceased , William H. Felkner Milford, Ind. Challis, Idaho Thomas D. Ferguson Moscow, Mich. Deceased E. Sophronia Fisher (Miller) Schoolcraft, Mich. 7336 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. Orson W. Fisk Sturgis, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Cornelius J. Fonda Three Rivers, Mich. Deceased Amarillys C. Ford Moscow, Mich. Deceased Porter H. Foskett Medina, Ohio Medina, Ohio George R. Foster Gilberts Mills, N. Y. Oswego Falls, N. Y. Solomon Franklin Wheatland, Mich. Old Mission, Mich. Isaac Gardner Bennington, Ohio Ellen Gilbert Jefferson, Mich. Deceased Julia Gilbert (Langford) Jefferson, Mich. Deceased Virginia M. Gilman Middlebury, N. Y. Caroline E. Glasgow Pleasant Lake, Ind. Deceased Clark W. Glasgow Allen, Mich. Deceased Frank Goff Burr Oak, Mich. Deceased A. Helen Goodrich NewBuffalo, Mich. Laura C. Graham Jonesville, Mich. Deceased J. H. Grannis LaPorte, Ind. Byron P. Gray Wolf Lake, Ind. Wolf Lake, Ind. Josina Green (Kingsley) Osseo, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Jesse L. Hadley Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Jesse F. Hadley Jefferson, Mich. Pioneer, Mich. Anna L. Hall Alexander, Va. Caroline Hamlin (Sheriff) Allen, Mich. Michigan City, Ind. William T. Hart Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Henry L. Hartshorn Orwell, Ohio Deceased 84 No. 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. James Hatfield Adna Benjamin Hawley Hila F. Haynes Lafayette R. Herbert Caroline Hibbard (Snow) Helen M. Hitchcock E. E. Holcomb Anna Holcombe (Haynes) Mary Hosmer (Abbott) Alma Hostetter (Barney) Ira Hostetter James Hostetter Charles Howe James W. Hyatt Martin V. Jacobs Ella Jaquith (McMullen) Andrew E. Jeffries R. Ermina Johnson Rosetta Judd Edw. J. Keevill, Jr. Eliza Kellogg (Bement) William W. Kempton Harriet Kies Thomas D. Kimball Louise M. Kinne David M. King Frank Kyte Edw. T. Ladd Asher B. LaFleur Hepsie Laing (Gill) Amon Lake Alzina Lane (Foote) William W. Latta Almon M. Lee Hamilton Lee Ferdinand Lewis William Lewis Albert H. Lillie Irene F. Locke Nancy D. Locke Charles W. Lockwood Esther E. Lockwood (Austin) Ella Long (Adams) James Lucas William H. Lutz Elijah A. Macomber John L. Macomber Jesse W. Madry Harlan A. Main William H. Mallory Charles Mann John T. Mann Frederick A. Marsh Perry A. Marsh Wallace W. Marsh Charles S. Mather Elenor McConnell Wesley McHenry Mary J. Merony (Schurtz) Florence Metier (Bunt) Samuel J. Mickley Myron Moe Allen E. Moody Daniel Moon John Moon Caroline Moore (Phelps) Martha A. Morgan Elial J. Mugg Harriet L. Mugg (Bovee) Springfield, Ohio Ronald, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Lima, Ind. Dover, Mich. Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. Reading, Mich. Mendon, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Wrights Corners, Ind. Newton, # Mich. Paris, Wis. Adams, Mich. Prospect Hill, Wis. Adamsville, Mich. Adams, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Middleburg, Ind. Reading, Mich. Rives, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Griffin’s Mill, N. Y. Hebron, N. Y. Girard, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Haw Patch, Ind. Chesterfield, Ohio Wheatland, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Haw Patch, Ind. Waverly, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Girard, Mich. Fish Dale, Ind. New Paris, Ind. New Paris, Ind. Eattle Creek, Mich. Clarendon, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Rome, Mich. Palmyra, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Middlebury, Ind. Adams, Mich. Mt. Sterling, Ind. Benton, Ind. Adrian, Mich. Dover, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Mason, Mich. Leesburg, Ind. Leesburg, Ind. Medina, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Mason, Mich. Mason, Mich. Clifton, Ohio Carson City, Mich. Dwight, Ill. Deceased Greenfield, Tenn. Deceased North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Deceased Millersburg, Ind. Deceased Allen, Mich. Fort Worth, Texas Aurora, Ind. Deceased Deceased Kilbourn City, Wis. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Rochester, N. Y. Deceased Deceased Deceased Goshen, Ind. Kalamazoo, Mich. Demeron, Kansas Demeron, Kansas Deceased Quincy, Mich. Deceased Kalamazoo, Mich. Deceased Deceased Rago, Kansas Cassopolis, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased East Jordan, Mich. Deceased Middlebury, Ind. Deceased Vevay, Ind. Eton, Ohio Deceased Deceased Deceased Rochester, Minn. Topeka, Kansas Ionia, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. 3709 Downing Ave., Denver, Colo. Edwardsburg, Mich., R. F. D. No. 1 No. 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 85 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Colby O. Munger Charles V. Munro Mortimer Monroe Aaron Myers George W. Myers Ellen Norton (Blair) David B. Nusbaum Charles J. Olin Addie Olney (Fox) Martin P. Ormsby Stephen Ostrander Henry J. Osborn J. Orlando Packer George A. Paddock James C. Palmer Florence H. Parish John H. Parish William Parks Philo D. Patterson Romantha C. Peck Matthew H. Peters Harriet Phillips (Stone) Julia Phillips (Burkholder) Clara W. Platt Samuel S. Porter Helen Potter (Church), John Powers Charles A. Price Abbie Putnam Benj. F. Randell Julia E. Ransom Jane E. Reed John W. Rex William H. Reynolds A. M. Rice Sarah O. Richards Silas Lester Richards Simon G. Richards John J. Riggs James A. Roach Sarah Rockwell (Alexander) Irving B. Russell Martin S. Sage R. Watson Seage Frank Shadbolt Elizabeth Shaw L. Albert Sherman Amanda M. Sherman (Brokaw) Harriet Sibley (Drew) Abbie W. Smith J. Cissna Smith Charles H. Smith Charles V. Smith Franc M. Smith Lucy Smith (Hodges) Mary J. Smith Sallie M. Smith William Ed. Smith Lewis N. Smith Jona H. Summers Royal Southworth C. Maria Spencer (-Rockwell) Jerry Sprague Anna M. Squires Daniel F. Stearns John W. Steller Duncan Stewart Fannie Stiles (O’Conner) W T ray T. Stiles Mukwanago, Wis. Butler, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Homer, Ill. Waverly, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Middlebury, Ind. Liberty, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Amboy, Mich. Harmony, W 7 is. Litchfield, Mich. Concord, Mich. Camden, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Haw Patch, Ind. Eckford, Mich. Muskegon, Wis. Springfield, Ohio Prairie City, Ill. Prairie City, Ill. Sturgis, Mich. Meadville, Pa. Rome Center, Mich. Farmington, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Big Bend, Wis. Lexington, Ill. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Florence, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Concord, Mich. Noble Center, Mich. Townsend, Ohio Townsend, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Benton, Ind. Rollin, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Adamsville, Mich. Girard, Mich. Geneva, Mich. Nora, Ill. Jackson, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Walled Lake, Mich. Deerfield, Mich. Girard, Mich. Girard, Mich. Schoolcraft, Mich. Girard, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Coventry, N. Y. Litchfield, Mich. Mt. Vernon, Ill. Spring Hill, Ohio Allen, Mich. Gilbert’s Mills, N. Y. Hanover, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Alabama, N. Y. Benton, Ind. Centreville, Mich. Mishawaka, Ind. Hudson, Mich. Deceased Litchfield, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Collinwood, Ohio. Goshen, Ind. Girard, Mich. Deceased Trinidad, Colo. Hart, Mich. Deceased Allen, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Deceased Watseka, Ill. Battle Creek, Mich. Balasore, India Deceased Marietta, Ohio Onsted, Mich., R. F. D. No. 2 Hudson, Mich. Deceased 3323 Newton St., Denver, Colo. 52 W. 124th St., New York City. Concord, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased New York City, N. Y. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Jacksonville, Fla. Coldwater, Mich. Deceased St. Louis, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Denver, Colo. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Grenola, Kansas. Deceased 86 No. 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Zalia Stocker (Cowan) Angola, Ind. Terrace, Pa. Olive Stockwell (Shaw) Dover, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Samuel N. Straw Elkhart, Ind. Deceased Mary Strong (Pierson) Somerset, Mich. Deceased John Sutherland Medina, Mich. Shelby, Mich. William L. Sutherland Medina, Mich. Medina, Mich. N. James Sutton Haw Patch, Ind. H. Ada Swan Boston, Mass. Deceased George Taft Ionia, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Avis Thomas (Hopkins) Schoolcraft, Mich. Deceased Charles W. Thomas Detroit, Mich. £ George W. Thompson Osseo, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. James Thompson Loretta Thompson Florence, Mich. Omaha, Neb. (Whipple-Schubert) Ionia, Mich. San Jose, Cal. Russel Tibbets Fort Madison, la. Eldorado Springs, Mo. John Todd Litchfield, Mich. San Diego, Cal. Rose Tooth Ransom, Mich. Deceased Sheldon Tucker Erie, Mich. Deceased Maria E. Uncapher Marion, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Olive C. Uncapher Marion, Ohio Deceased James Underhill Osseo, Mich. Hammond, Ind. Stephen G. Updyke Reading, Mich. Deceased Daniel S. Van Blarcum Girard, Mich. Girard, Mich. John M. Van Fleet White Pigeon, Mich. Deceased Elizabeth Viele (Bowditch) Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Jacob Waldorf Wheatland, Mich. Charles W. Walker Middlebury, Ind. Deceased Charlotte Walker (Ashbaugh) Middlebury, Ind. A. George Walker Hillsdale, Mich. H. James Walker Hillsdale, Mich. Los Angeles, Cal. Clark Warren Evansville, Wis. Emily M. Warren Hillsdale, Mich. Emily Weir (Price) LaGrange, Ind. Deceased Nancy Weir (Hopkins) Big Bend, Wis. Annis S. Welch South Haven, Mich. Lacota, Mich. William M. Welch South Haven, Mich. Orting, Wash. Julius E. Wells Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. Emogene Westgate (Beers) Allen, Mich. Sherwood, Mich. Sophia L. Whiting (Sikes) Ladoga, Wis. Waupun, Wis. Sarah A. Wilbur Quincy, Mich. Deceased Charles L. Wilcox North Adams, Mich. Newton E. Willets Cambria, Mich. Deceased Eveline Willets (Card) Cambria, Mich. Laingsburg, Mich. Mary L. Williams (Turner) Pittsford, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Sarah A. Williams Woodbridge, Mich. Deceased Warren W. Williams Gilead, Mich. Ira B. Wilson Kendallville, Ind. Henry F. Wogan Pomeroy, Ohio Wogansport, N. D. Mahala Wogan (Kille) Pomeroy, Ohio Deceased Isaac L. Work Forest Grove, Ind. Deceased John W. Work Forest Grove, Ind. Deceased lone Wood (Currier) Lima, Ind. Deceased Charles Wooster Wheatland, Mich. Silver Creek, Neb. Lloyd F. Wright Calvin, Mich. Deceased Jacob Yeagley Wright, Mich. Waldron, Mich. O. Durfee Young Marion, N. Y. Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y. Hiram H. Young Wolf Lake, Ind. Albion, Mich., R. F. D. YEAR 1862. Eugenia Abbott (Meader) Reading, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. John Q. Adams Wait Station, Ohio Josephine Adams (Morgan) Cambria, Mich. 916 Garden St., Bellingham, Wash. Mary Adams (Johnson) Porter, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Elmer W. Adkinson Allensville, Ind. 5552 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. Melissa Adkinson (Hart) Moorefield, Ind. Moorefield, Ind. Oliver C. Adkinson Moorefield, Ind. Deceased Mary Aiken (Hubbard) Litchfield, Mich. Hanover, Mich. No. 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 20.58 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 87 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Buckley A. Alden Alfred E. Aldrich Nathan P. Aldrich Sarah Aldrich (Branch-Choate) John W. Arnold Frank L. Avery George W. Ayers Jackson A. Barber Wellington L. Barrows Edward Payson Bates Clark W. Blair Elizabeth J. Blount Joseph M. Bowerman Maria S. Boynton Edgar D. Brown Frederick N. Bush Alfred F. Caldwell Mary A. Camp Sarah C. Camp Charles H. Campbell Will M. Carleton Charles Carter Lucy J. Carter Marcella Chadwick (Hale) Helen A. Chaffee Delora A. Childs (Randall) Emeline E. Childs Harriet Childs (Patterson) Aaron Clark Eliza Clark (Shaughniss) Cyrus P. Cobb Aimer M. Collins Eliza A. Collins (Buck) Charles A. Cornwell Mary Cotton (Ogle) George Crane Marietta Cronk Perla Curtis Adelaide Cutler (Williams) Ellen Davis (Butler) Maxwell H. Davis Stephen B. Davis Caliste Demming 0 Frank Dennison Emma Driscal (Kinney) William H. R. Dunn Clovis Dyckman Jennie Dyckman (McCartney) Charles J. Easterly William C. Egan Caroline L. Emerson George W. Emerson John T. Everett Andrew Ferguson Abbie A. Fifield (Morrill) Henry M. Fowler Palmer Q. French Caroline A. Fuller William H. Fuller Marian M. Gardner Aurilla J. Gates George E. Gates Achsah Giddings (Gowdy) Cassius Gilson Charles P. Gleason Adelia O. Goodwin Jane B. Gowdy Frank M. Graham Eliza A. Griffin Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Fredonia, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Gilead, Mich. Allen, Mich. Rome, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. London, C. W. Mecca, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Allen, Mich. Boston, Mass. Schoolcraft, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Wakeman, Ohio Wakeman, Ohio Reading, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Columbia, Ohio Pleasant Lake, Ind. Three Rivers, Mich. Girard, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Thornapple, Mich. Otsego, Ind. Litchfield, Mich. Dayton, Mich. Adams, Mich. Princeville, Ind. Vevay, Ind. Somerset, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Rome, Mich. Adams, Mich. Beaver Dam, Wis. Wheatland, Mich. Mottville, Mich. Marion, Ohio Milan, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Adams, Mich. Schoolcraft, Mich. Schoolcraft, Mich. Lyons, N. Y. Blue Island, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hustisford, Wis. Wheatland, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Reading, Mich. Attica, N. Y. Adams, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Monroe, Mich. Reading, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Waukegan, Ill. Jonesville, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. Deceased Quincy, Mich. 916 Genesee St., Lansing, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Holloway, Mich., R. F. D. L Nelson, Neb. Deceased 420 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Deceased Deceased Minneapolis, Minn. 179 Evanston Ave., Chicago, Ill. Pullman, Ill. Angola, Ind. Litchfield, Mich. North Adams, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased 118 Woodruff Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Mountain Grove, Mo. New York City, N. Y. Deceased 1412 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Lincoln, Neb. Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased 152 5 Sherman Ave., Denver. Colo. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Jackson, Mich., R. F. D. No. 3 Camden, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Hastings, Neb. Reading, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Reading, Mich. Walloon Lake, Mich. Deceased Deceased 88 No. 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Alvira Hadley (Hale) Laura Hadley (LaFleur) Seth M. Hall Loren M. Hammond Albert Hancock Jeremiah Hapeman Dan M. Harvey Daniel W. Harwood George S. Hastings George W. Hattie Jacob H. Haviland Mary O. Hendry Amariah Hitchcock Elizabeth Hitchcock Mary A. Hitchcock Ellen A. Hoard Charles A. Holbrook Cicero J. Holmes Augustus W. Hough Abel N. Howe Allen C. Howe William C. Hulse Henry Humphrey Horatio A. Hunt Fannie Huckins (Norman) Rose Jackson (Harper) Serena Jaquith (Kyle) Lucinda L. Julian Ransom D. Kee Fletcher Keefer John F. Keefer Willard J. Killicut John G. Kennedy Mary J. Kennedy Robert L. Kennedy Mary M. Kerstetter Olive Kinney (Johnson) Sarah J. Kinney Mary J. Kitchen Sarah E. Kitchen Marquis D. Lake William H. Lampman William R. Lee George Lemon John Locke Emily Mabee Aristene Marsh Elizabeth McCowan (Roy) Isaiah McNitt Mary Melendy (Lindsley) J. Reader Meroney David S. Merritt Leroy C. Metcalf Daniel F. Miller Lucinda Morgan (Huff) Sarah J. Morse Oliver Nichols Elliott B. Norris Melissa Norris John B. Nutten Washington W. Olin Henry R. Osborne Angeline Pack Helen C. Page John Q. Page Stephen E. Page Caroline E. Parsons James B. Payne Zachary Payne Jefferson, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Wayland, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Lafayetteville, N. Y. Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Bristol, Ind. Penfield, Ohio Grass Lake, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich. Eenton, Ohio Allen, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Middleburg, Ind. Banby, Ill. Moscow, Mich. Johnstown, Wis. Wheatland, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Lexington, Mich. Adams, Mich. Wright’s Corners, Ind. Spencer, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Richmond, C. W. Richmond, C. W. Richmond, C. W. Goshen, Ind. Metz, Ind. Metz, Ind. Selma, Ohio Selma, Ohio Mecca, Ohio Butler, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Jarvis, C. W. Dayton, Ohio Scipio, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Wright, Mich. California, Mich. Benton, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Randolph, N. Y. Schoolcraft, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Girard, Pa. Cambria, Mich. Sodus, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Windsor, Ohio Sturgis, Mich. Lexington, Mich. Lockport, Pa. Marion, Ohio Ionia, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Allegan, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Constantine, Mich. Deceased Deceased Goshen, Ind. Deceased Deceased Kalamazoo, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich., R. F. D. Bronson, Mich. Joplin, Mo. Deceased Winneconne, Wis. Lansing, Mich. Girard, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Osage, Iowa Deceased Creston, Iowa Creston, Iowa Chagrin Falls, Ohio Bristol, Ind. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. 401 14th Ave., Detroit, Mich. Topeka, Ind. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Moscow, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. 533 Third Ave., Detroit, Mich. Deceased Deceased St. Louis, Mich. No. 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 89 Name. Richard G. Platt Adelaide Powell (Brown Elizabeth Powers (Wood) Celestia Reed (Kidder) Dwight C. Rice Mark A. Rice Virginia E. Rice Jesse Robinson Mary Rood (Smith) Morris Roode Stephen N. Rowley Albert N. Russell Mary Russell (Eastman) Charles W. Slayton Robert C. Sloan Albert C. Smith Alice Smith Antoinette S. Smith (Mather) Clementine F. Smith Ellen Smith George W. Smith Calista A. Somes Maria Stamp (Kirk) Allen M. Stearns John Stebbins Catherine S. Stevens Harriet Stevens (Daniels) Mary D. Strickland (Treer) Delos A. Strong Cornelius D. Struble Josephine E. Tabor Benj. P. Taggart Tompkins E. Taggart Mary Taylor (Cochran) George W. Teachout Barnard P. Thomas Josephine A. Tracy Sarah J. Trumble Josephine Turner (Henderson) John H. Tuxbury Jacob S. Upper Margaret Upper Leroy Vanatta Anson E. Walker William H. Webb Lois A. Wells Phebe Wells Charlotte C. Willard (White) Daniel A. Wisner Gilbert Wood Phillip J. Woolever George W. Worden Mary E. Worden (Brown) Gilbert S. Yates Solomon W. Yeagley Edwin K. Abbott Mary C. Ackley George Adams Dexter A. Aldrich Mary A. Allen Royal N. Allen Emma J. Allison (Samson) George F. Allison Mina Ames (Hoskins) Delora J. Ashley (Wheeler) Charles E. Austin Old Address. Present Address. Waterford, Pa. Constantine, Mich. Fish Creek, Ind. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Clyde, Ohio Grattan, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Girard, Mich. Middlebury, Ind. Middlebury, Ind. Orwell, Ohio Noble Center, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Mottsville, Mich. Allen, Mich. Centreville, Mich. Horseheads, N. Y. Woodbridge, Mich. Dover, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Schoolcraft, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Bronson, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. North Royalton, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich Allen Prairie, Mich Wheatland, Mich. Reading, Mich. Saco, Me. Jarvis, C. W. Jarvis, C. W. Hanover, Mich. Raymond, Wis. Austinburg, Ohio McHenry, Ill. McHenry, Ill. Freedom, Ill. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. Reading, Mich. Adams, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Wright, Mich. Deceased Searcy, Ark. Angola, Ind. Chillicothe, Mo. 124 West Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 1049 W. 30th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Deceased North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 470 Eglehart St., St. Paul, Minn. Day, Taney Co., Mo. Republic, Ohio Hart, Mich. Deceased Deceased Homer, Mich. 6807 Union Avc., Englewood, Ill. Middlebury, Ind. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Somerset Center, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Bronson, Mich. Deceased Atchison, Kans. Deceased 64 Madison St., Adrian, Mich. Deceased Deceased Salt Lake City, Utah Tonawanda, N. Y. Quincy, Mich. Deceased Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased Reading, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Waldron, Mich. YEAR 1863. North Kingston, Ill. Pulaski, Mich. Nebraska City, Neb. Bristol, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Centreville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Adamsville, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Salinas , Cal. Deceased Deceased Allen, Mich. Deceased Concordia, Kans. Deceased 90 No. Name. 2241 Cornelia O. Avery (Whipple) 2242 Margaret Ayers (Fox) 2243 Eben O. S. Bacon 22 44 Harry G. Bailey 2245 Aurelia A. Baldwin 2246 Charlotte F. Baldwin 2247 Sarah Mella Barber 22 48 Amos H. Bartholomew 2249 Emma Bartholomew (Work) 2250 George W. Barton 2251 Alfred Bayliss 2252 William Beebe 22 53 George W. Beelman 2254 Sheldon F. Belden 2255 Aletha A. Bingham 2256 Gertrude L. Bingham 2257 Harriet M. Bishop 2258 Fannie Bixby (Pitts) 2259 Edgar A. Blackmar 2260 Mary L. Blackmar 2261 Norman Blake 2262 Milton J. Bolan 2263 Milton E. Bordine 2264 Mary Bowen (Allen) 22 65 Richard A. Brand 2266 George Brink 2267 Nelson F. Brockway 2268 Leroy Brown 2269 Ella F. Brundage 2270 Joseph B. Brush 2271 Mary Burnside (Kelley) 2272 Charles F. Butler 2273 Frank A. Butler 2274 Thomas Callen 2275 Robert Cameron 2276 Robert V. Carlin 2277 Charles C. Carmien 2278 Frances J. Choate (Dawly) 2279 Adeline A. Clark (Plum) 2280 Augustus Cleveland 2281 Anna W. Clisbe (Wilcox) 2282 Jennie M. Coates 2283 John A. Coates 2284 Nelson L. Cobb 2285 Ambrose B. Coe 2286 Antoinette Cole 2287 ' Ruth C. Cole (Bruce) 2288 Ophelia L. Collins (Ingham) 22 89 Thomas A. Colwell 2290 Mary Cook (Harwood) 2291 John S. Copp 2292 Albert H. Cronin 2293 Caroline Dake 2294 Adolphus Dalton 2295 Delia Davis (Forbes) 2296 Manning J. Davis 2297 Janette Dillon 2298 George T. Dimm 2299 Joseph L. Divine 2300 Oscar A. Divine 2301 Martha M. Dockey 2302 Lucy H. Dolph (Tyndall) 2303 George P. Dorr 2304 Edwin N. Douglass 2305 M. Alice Drake (Rosyell) 2306 John C. Early 2307 Asa A. Edwards 2308 Anna E. Eldridge (Fitch) 2309 Luella P. Elliott GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Lockport, Mich. West Unity, N. Y. Johnstown, Wis. Ransom, Mich. Canandaigua, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Benton, Ind. Benton, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. New Haven, Ohio Benson, Vt. Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Allen, Mich. Mansfield, Pa. Moscow, Mich. Allen, Mich. Warren, Ohio New Paris, Ind. Allen, Mich. Deerfield, Pa. Scipio, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Allen, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Townsend, Ohio Lima, Ind. Ottawa, Ill. Ophir, Ill. Cprcreca, Ireland Metz, Ind. Richland, Ind. Goshen, Ind. Somerset, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Royalton, N. Y. Quincy, Mich. Royalton, Ohio North Royalton, O. Litchfield, Mich. Adamsville, Mich. Portland, Ill. Jefferson, Mich. North Adams, Mich. New Lenox, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Flushing, Mich. Otto, N. Y. Overton, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Green Springs, Ohio Woodbridge, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Colebrook, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Vandalia, Mich. Adams, Mich. York, Ind. Kingsville, Ohio Present Address. Three Rivers, Mich. Tipton, Ind. Deceased Deceased Deceased Prospect, Pa. Elkhart, Ind. Painesville, O. Macomb, Ill. Jackson, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Seattle, Wasi:. 4500 Vincennes Ave., Coudersport, Pa. Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Allen, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Deceased Chicago, Ill. Deceased Winslow, Iowa Deceased Angola, Ind. Goshen, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased, Litchfield, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Cambria, Mich. Shelby, Mich. Deceased Chatsworth, Ill. Deceased Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. No. 30 140 E. Main St., Lexington, Ky. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 91 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 2310 Samuel K. Ernst Bristol, Ill. 2311 Ellen M. Evarts Paris, Mich. 1595 Burton Ave., Gd. Rapids, Mich. 2312 Mary C. Everhart Richmond, Ind. 2313 Phebe Everhart Richmond, Ind. 2314 Alice Failing Osseo, Mich. Deceased 2315 Eli A. Farnham Edgerton, Ohio 2316 Maria Fifield (Hitchcock) Blackman, Mich. Deceased 2317 Charles B. Fisher Schoolcraft, Mich. Honoka, Hawaii 2318 Andrew S. Flagg Lima, Ind. Deceased 2319 Oscar Folger Allen, Mich. 2320 Mary A. Ford Jefferson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 2321 John D. Franklin Scipio, Mich. 2322 2323 Edwin French Orrin P. Gay Pioneer, Ohio 2324 Nathaniel C. Gibson Saginaw, Mich. Deceased 2325 Walter M. Gibson Saginaw, Mich. 2326 Mary Julia Gilbert (Langford) Jefferson, Mich. Osseo, Mich., R. F. D. 28. 2327 Mary Gilbert Cambria, Mich. 2328 Jennie Gilman (Averill) Paw Paw, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. 2329 Esther A. Godfrey Moscow, Mich. Deceased 2330 Russell L. Goodrich New Buffalo, Mich. 2331 Marion Goodwin (McNeely) Jonesville, Mich. San Miguel, Cal. 2332 Augustus S. Gowdy Waukegan, Ill. 2333 Fannie Green Prophetstown, Ill. 2334 Jennie L. Griggs Sherman, Mich. 2335 Nancy J. Grinnell Quincy, Mich. 2336 Elizabeth M. Grow Ripley, Ohio 2337 Anna M. Hagaman Hillsdale, Mich. 2338 Betsey Hall (Delibar) Wheelersburg, Ohio Washington, D. C. 2339 John Hamilton Blue Island, Ill. Blue Island, Ill. 2340 George W. Harding Jamestown, Ind. Coldwater, Mich. 2341 Hannah Harris Wright, Mich. 2342 Joseph B. Hasbrouck Centerville, Mich. Jackson, Mich. 2343 Emily Hatfield (King) Springfield, Ohio Deceased 2344 Delos H. Hathaway Pierpont, Ohio Deceased 2345 Oscar D. Haven Worcester, Mass 2346 Margery L. Hazen California, Mich. Deceased 2347 Elvira Hazzard (Oakley) Centerville, Mich. 2348 Franklin Hendricks Amboy, Mich. 2349 Frederick A. Herring Goshen, Ind. Deceased 23.50 Orlando W. Hicks Woodbridge, Mich. Deceased 2351 Ellen Higley (Ditmars) Ransom, Mich. Receased 2352 Lafayette A. Hill Webster, N. Y. 2353 Leon L. Holbrook Camden, Mich. Maryville, Mo. 2354 Anna D. Holcomb Kendallville, Ind. 2355 Ellen Holloway (Reed) Fayette, Mich. 2356 Samuel Holmes Bronson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. 2357 Margaret A. Hopkins (Sinclair) Waterloo, Ind. Deceased 2358 Amaretta M. Howard Allen, Mich. Deceased 2359 Theodore C. Howe Litchfield, Mich. Deceased 2360 Achsah L. Howland Jefferson, Mich. 2361 Don A. Hubbell Ronald, Mich. Deceased 2362 Adelia Hunt (Pettitt) Osseo, Mich. 2363 Thomas U. Iddings Florence, Mich. Lewisburgh, Pa. 2364 William A. Jackson Benton, Ind. Deceased 2365 Oscar A. Janes Johnstown. Wis. U. S. Pension Agt., Detroit, Mich. 2366 Joseph H. Johnson Vandalia, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. 2367 Minnie B. Johnson Adrian, Mich. 2368 Josephine F. Kennedy (O’Donahue) Hanover, Mich. Albion, Mich. 2369 Summit R. King, Rives, Mich. Deceased 2370 Calvin W. Kyte Sturgis, Mich. R. R. Supt., Minneapolis, Minn. 2371 Comfort W. LaRue Melmore, Ohio 2372 Louise Lay (Whipple) Mason, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 2373 Byron S. Leonard Penn Line, Pa. 2374 Jonathan S. Leonard Attica, Ohio 2375 Alma Letcher (Goodrich) Fremont, Ind. Metz, Ind. 2376 Jeremiah S. Letts Hillsdale, Mich. -, California 2377 Imogene Lewis (Bowen) Addison, Mich. Addison, Mich. 92 No. 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. John B. Lewis Olive A. Lewis Philo E. Little Henry C. Lord Ellen Lovejoy (Rann) Lillie H. Macard Delana Malloch Daniel W. Mann Mortimer J. Martin Lovina Mauck (Guthrie) Viola Mauck (Kerr) Antoinette McCarty Emily H. McCarty Eugene F. McClintock John C. McCowan Charles C. McDermid Mary McDonough (Phillips) Jane McLouth (Cheney) E. Henry Mead Henry E. Merrick Emma A. Millard Horatio M. Miller Wayland E. Miller. Dana J. Mooney Edwin R. Moore Charles H. Morgan Mary J. T. Morton Lucy Moyer (Warrick-Griffith) Lydia J. Moyer Sarah Moyer (Reynolds) Adelaide Mullen Lovina Murdock (Melvin) O. L. Needen Elizabeth Nesbit Eliza Nichols (Phenicie) Isaac J. Nichols Oscar D. Nutten Hortense Olney (Downing) Alma Paine (Stone) Caroline Paine (Chase) William J. Palmer Jane Parsons Emma Pease (Pool) George H. Pease Mary Pease (Drake) George C. Peck William L. Penfield John J. Pettys Robert T. Phillips Willard A. Place Winton J. Plumb George E. Poole George E. Pratt John Pratt Mary A. Prowdley Sarah E. Purdy Margaret S. S. Rainey Winfield S. Ralph Rose Randall Joseph Rank Mary C. Reilay Adelia Reynolds (Porter) Emma Rice (Messmore) Frank Rich Simeon J. Rich Sarah J. Richards (Parkhurst) William B. Richards Mary D. Riggs Adeline Roberts Saline, Mich. Addison, Mich. Somerset, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. Rome, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cheshire, Ohio Cheshire, Ohio Bridgewater, Ohio Bridgewater, Ohio Blue Island, Ill. Moscow, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Adams, Mich. Clear Lake, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Milford, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Lima, Ind. New Lyme, Ohio Alton, N. H. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Chesterfield, Ohio Chesterfield, Ohio Chesterfield, Ohio Jefferson, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. York, Ind. York, Ind. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Blissfield. Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bridgewater, Ohio Eckford, Mich. Bridgewater, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Leslie, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Fairport, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Lima, Ind. Toledo, Ohio Scipio, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Homer, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Lexington. Mich. Brockville, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y, Clyde, Ohio Clyde, Ohio Mosherville, Mich, Hillsdale, Mich. Present Address. Deceased Deceased Deceased Morrice, Mich. Wallowa, Ore. Middleport, Ohio Deceased Blue Island, Ill. Novi, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Milford, Ind. Deceased Hanover, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Deceased Howell, Mich., R. F. D. No. 3 Deceased Fremont, Ind. Houston, Texas Moscow, Mich. Deceased North Scitrate, R. I., R. F. D. 1 Plymouth, Ind. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Eckford, Mich. Deceased Washington, D. C. Petoskey, Mich. Chesterton, Ind. Toledo, Ohio Gridley, Butte Co., Cal. 41 E. Church St.,Adrian, Mich. -, Missouri Deceased Deceased Cambria, Mich. Deceased Clyde, Ohio Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 93 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 2447 Charles W. Robertson Eckford, Mich. Marshall, Mich. 2448 George A. Robertson Albion, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. 2449 Josephine O. Rogers Pioneer, Ohio 2450 Frances A. Root Hartland, N. Y. 2451 Celestia L. Rowe (Ammerman) Maple, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 2452 Edw. G. Russell Hillsdale, Mich. Second St., Kalamazoo, Mich. 2453 Harriet S. Russell Bridgewater, Ohio 2454 Julia A. Savage Litchfield, Mich. Deceased 2455 Isaac N. Shelley New Paris, Ind. Deceased 2456 Emmons E. Sherd Tecumseh, Mich. Deceased 2457 Charles F. Sherman Grass Lake, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich. 2458 Helen A. Sherman Hillsdale, Mich. 2459 Silas W. Sinclair Fayette, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 2460 Helen D. Skidmore Litchfield, Mich. Deceased 2461 Christopher C. Smith Blackberry, Ill. Deceased 2462 James T. Smith Hillsdale, Mich. 2463 C. Lorenzo Smith Kingsfield, Ohio 2464 Rachel M. Snyder Amboy, Mich. Deceased 2465 Phebe E. Snyder West Unity, Ohio 2466 Edgar A. Sprague Linden, Wis. Deceased 2467 Ellen Squier (Hicks) Ransom, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 2468 Sarah Squier (Bailey) Ransom, Mich. Deceased 2469 Elizabeth Stafford (Samm) Adrian, Mich. 38 West St. S., Hillsdale, Mich. 2470 Margaret M. Stanford Martin, Mich. 2471 Lida Stebbins (Mosher) Lockport, Mich. Centerville, Mich. 2472 Mary C. Stevens Jefferson, Mich. 2473 Levantia Stilson (Hullinger) Fairfield, Ohio 3247 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo. 2474 Giles E. Stillwell Litchfield. Mich. Deceased 2475 Angeline E. Stone (Fuller) Townsend, Ohio Clyde, Ohio 2476 Delia Strong (Kennedy) Litchfield, Mich. Deceased 2477 Ellen Sturges Mosherville, Mich. Deceased 2478 John T. Sutton Jefferson, Mich. Deceased 2479 Martha A. Sutton Hillsdale, Mich. 2480 Sarah Gibson Sutton Saginaw, Mich. Deceased 2481 William L. Swan Owosso, Mich. 2482 James H. Teachout North Royalton, Ohio North Royalton, Ohio 2483 Caroline E. Thomas. (Hamlin) Allen, Mich. 2484 Henrietta Thomas Richland, Ind. Deceased. 2485 John W. Thomas Deceased 2486 Anna R. Thompson (Oursler) Moravia, Ind. Plainfield, Ind. 2487 Caroline Thompson Spring Arbor, Mich. 2488 Ellen C. Thompson Vevay, Mich. 2489 Hannah J. Thompson (Converse) Arcadia, N. Y. Deceased 2490 James H. Thompson Allen, Mich. 2491 Mary E. Thompson Moravia, Ind. Deceased 2492 Ovid M. Thompson Ransom, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. 2493 Ellen J. Thorn (Snow) Jefferson, Mich. 528 E. 11th St., Oakland, Cal. 2494 Eugene W. Thorn Jefferson, Mich. Deceased 2495 James B. Thorn Jefferson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. 2496 Sarah M. Thorn Jonesville, Mich. 2497 Mary A. Tiffany Pittsford, Mich. Deceased 2498 Luna E. Tuller Jefferson, Mich. 2499 Samuel J. Tuttle North Dover, Ohio Burr Block, Lincoln, Neb. 2500 Lucy L. Tyler Pulaski, Mich. 2.501 Martin L. Upp Kinderhook. Mich. Kinderhook, Mich. 2502 Catherine A. Upper Jarvis, C. W. 2503 Henry Van Aernam Waterford, Wis. 2504 Amelia Wade (Darby) Dover, Ohio Wauseon, Ohio 2505 Jane D. Wade Clifton, Ohio 2506 Mary A. Wallace Jefferson, Mich; Deceased 2507 Martha A. Warn Allen, Mich. 2508 Darius C. Warner Reading, Mich. Deceased 2509 Frederick E. Watson, Litchfield, Mich. 63 Avon St., St. Paul, Minn. 2510 Sylvia D. Wattles (Dullar) Blue Island. Ill. 293 Walnut St., Blue Island, Ill. 2511 James H. Weaver Ottawa, Ill Deceased 2512 Henry S. Wells Wheatland, Mich. Bushnell, Ill. 2513 Etta Westren Jackson, Mich. 2514 Thomas M. Wheeler Waterford, Wis. 2515 Elizabeth A. Whitcomb Paw Paw, Mich. 94 No. 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2.552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Betsy Whitehead (Fuller) Ethan E. Whiting Anna E. Whitney Emma M. Whitney Webster N. Wilbur Colin G. Wilcox Sibyl B. Willard Ellen Williams (Bridgman) Isaac B. Williams Eliza Wines (Phillips) Cassius M. Winsor Frank K. Winsor Catherine M. Wood (Smith) Daniel W. Woodward Mary Worthington (Belden) Addie L. Wyllis (Weston) Frances M. Wyllis (McNair) Jay R. Wyllys Betsy Young (DeFoe) Pleasant N. Zane Mary J. Zinn Betsy Archer (Angevine) Jane E. Armstrong Lizzie M. Armstrong Anna Arnold Adell Bailey (Clizbe) Leroy Bailey Benjamin H. Baker Hannah Baker Lotta Baldy (Fuller) Louis H. Baldy Alonzo Banta Annette Barnum (Chapman) Sarah Barr (Henry) Michael Barry Grove S. Bartholomew Louise Beckhardt (Thomas) Harley R. Bement Stella G. Bender Emma A. Benham Sylvanus N. Bixby Belcher Blackmar Esbon R. Blackmar Jennie Bosworth (French) Chas. C. Bradish James W. Brand Appleton S. Bridges Frank P. Burchard John H. Butler Eliza F. Campbell Clara G. Canfield Morton D. Carrel Tollis Carrel (Ketcham) Adelbert R. Chapman Ellen Chapman (Woodworth) Laura Cheney (Cole) Eugene Childs Charles B. Clay Eleazer M. Coldren Lewis A. Cook Ellen Cooper (Weller) Delia Cooper (Adams) Joshua S. B. Coplin Anna M. Cottrell Hannah Cottrell (Hoyt) Albert A. Crane Old Address. Present Address. Clyde, Ohio Clyde, Ohio, R. F. D. Ladoga, Wis. Brandon, Wis. Allen, Mich. Deceased Wheatland. Mich. Quincy, Mich. Hudson, Mich., R. F. D. Ransom, Mich. Deceased Freedom, Ill. Deceased Scales Mound, Ill. Darlington, Wis. Scales Mound, Ill. Sulphur Springs, la. Jefferson, Mich. Petoskey. Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Petoskey, Mich. Lima, Ind. Jefferson, Mich. Clyde, Ohio, R. F. D. Adams, Mich. Peone, Wash. Pulaski, Mich. 46 Reed Ave., Monessen, Pa. Pulaski, Mich. Hanover. Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Deceased Litchfield. Mich. Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. Cassopolis. Mich. Benton, Ohio Cassopolis. Mich., R. F. D. ] YEAR 1864. Reading, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Columbia, Ohio Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Benton, Indiana Paw Paw, Mich. Flint, Ind. Northumberland, C. W. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adamsville, Mich. Geneva, Mich. Dover, Mich. York, Iowa Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adrian, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Orland, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Gorham, Ohio Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. South Boston, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Fingal, C. W. Haw Patch, Ind. Waukegan, Ill. Warrensville, Ohio Warrensville, Ohio LaPorte, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Detroit, Mich., Balmoral Flats Deceased Benton, Indiana Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago, Ill. Flint, Ind. Deceased South Haven, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Seattle, Wash. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Adrian, Mich. Deceased San Diego, Cal. 783 Walnut St., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Traverse City, Mich. Marcellus, Mich. Hyde Park Hotel, Chicago, Ill. Chandler, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hudson, Mich., R. F. D. Scottville, Mich. Oberlin, Kans. Fort Bragg, Cal. 1361 Masonic Av., San Francisco, Cal. Texas Whitewater, Wis. Fernando, Cal. Deceased No. 2.582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 260.5 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 95 Name. Anna E. Crane (Kuck) Helen M. Crane John W. Cross James Cross James C. Cudworth George F. Curtis Samuel K. Dale Albert M. Davis George M. Davis Orpheus E. Davis Orrie A. Davison Mary J. DeGeer William W. DeGeer James Delevan Sarah J. DePuy (Doty) James K. Dillon Augusta M. Dodd Nellie C. Dodd Henry F. Doty Arthur E. Doud Manila L. Douglass Fernando E. Dow Alonzo H. Drake Charles E. Dresser Ella Dresser (Woolsey) Sarah Abbie Dunn (Slayton) Electa D. Durga Addie Dyer (Eastwood) Louise Falley (Drake) James A. Felch Amanda Fenton Samuel Fenton George W. Fifield William T. Fogg Oscar M. Folger Mary E. Fowler (Brearly) Willis J. Fowler Lewis S. Fox Myron W. Freeman Philomela French (Abbott) Timothy B. French Anna C. Frink (Doud) Morris R. Fuller Cyrus F. Garland Noah W. Garman Henry Gibson Mary Glasgow (Gould) Thomas J. Goble Charles W. Goodale Orville F. Goodale Sarah Green (More) Elvira J. Hadley Edgar S. Hagaman Edson B. Hagaman Seth E. Hall Ellen Hancock (Lane) Gertrude Hardenburg (Stewart) Emorette Harding (Reynolds) Abbie Harmon (Jenkins) Francis M. Harwood Charles McLean Haslet Jennie Hawkins (Jones) Olive Hawkins (Kitchen) Oncella Hawley (Pettis) Lurinda Herring (Wiswold) Mary Herring (Schafer) Calista M. Herrington Lucy R. Hewes (Weeden) Albert H. Hill Old Address. Present Address. Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Butte des Mortes, Wis. Butte des Mortes, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Aurora, Ohio Schoolcraft, Mich. Howell, Mich. LaRue, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Marengo, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Scales Mound, Wis. Scales Mound, Wis. Reading, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cortland, Ill. Amboy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Amboy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Racine, Wis. Warsaw, Ind. Warsaw, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Moscow, Mich. Medina, Ohio Medina, Ohio Reading, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Elkhart, Ind. Bridgeport Center, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Plymouth, Ind. Metz, Ind. Metz, Ind. Cherry Valley, Ohio Jefferson, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Smyrna, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Lone Rock, Wis. Allen, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn. Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Springfield, Ohio Springfield, Ohio Ronald, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Adams, Mich. Medina, Ohio Medina, Ohio 64 Hoyt St., Buffalo, N. Y. 27 01 Colfax Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Allenville, Wis. Topeka, Kan. Howell, Mich. 16 Antisdel Ct., Grand Rapids, Mich. Wellington, Kan. Wardner, Idaho Deceased Reed City, Mich. Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Ft. Wayne, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased 419 W. Clinton St., Jackson, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Vermontville, Mich. Hudson, Mich. % Comp. Currency, Washington, D. C. Chicago, Ill. Fennville, Mich. Salinas, Cal. Deceased Reading, Mich., R. F. D. 17 Toledo, Ohio Rolling Prairie, Ind. Chillicothe, Mo. Deceased Angola, Ind. Deceased Osseo, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Reading, Mich. 1411 P St., Sacramento, Cal. Coldwater, Mich. Deceased Bay View, Wis. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Goshen, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased 96 No. 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Lizzie Hoadley (Townsend) James C. Holt Archibald W. Hopkins Selden R. Hopkins Amanda E. Howe Mary Humphrey (Davis) Jennie Humphreys (Buckles) Sarah J. Hunt Susan G. Ingalls (Clizbe) Rufus H. Jackson Josiah W. Jacoby Herbert H. Johnson Sarah Judd (Schaad) Josephine Keefer (Crane) Bella Kempton (Bentley) Lottie Kempton (Fuller) Edward A. Kenrick Edwin H. Kenrick Edward M. Ketcham Olive L. Keyes George D. Cline Lizzie A. Koon M. Burton Lemmon Josephine Lemmon (Everrett) Warren Leonardson Elva J. Lewis Samuel J. Lewis Esther E. Lockwood Franklin W. Lott Albert J. Lovejoy Andrew W. Luther Ella Magee (Adkinson) Sylvia M. Magee Mary A. Mahan Mercy Mann (Eggleston) Isabel Manning (Constantine) Laura Manning (McKeeler) Delia A. Mansfield George H. Mason Hettie Mason (Robertson) Joel Masters Harvey A. McClellan Thomas J. McConnell William McKee Perley J. McKercher John A. McKinlay Alpheus M. McNeil Mary B. Meader Georgiana F. Merritt Eliza C. Messick (Macomber) Margaret Middleton (Clizbe) Frank R. Millard Amelia Miller (Smith) Hattie L. Monroe Thomas C. Montgomery Emma Moore (Fox) Samuel O. Morgan Arlette Morrison (Bangs) Josephus Mosier George H. Moulton Elizabeth Northrop (Warboose) Mary J. Nowlin Celestia Nutten (Morgan) Lucy J. Olin (Youngs) Nellie M. Olney (Ferris) Valerius W. Palmer Ettie G. Parsons Amelia Partridge (Richards) Eliza Partridge (Van Slyke) Old Address. Present Address. Metz, Ind. Melmore, Ohio Granville, Ill. Milwaukee, Wis. Point Commerce, Ind. Wheatland, Mich. Wolf Lake, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Adams, Mich. Plymouth, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Jamestown, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Kankakee, Ill. Townsend, Ohio Townsend, Ohio Sparta, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Sycamore, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Dayton, Mich. Spring, Pa. Spring, Pa. Cleveland, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Bedford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Amboy, Mich. LaRue, Ohio Columbia, Ohio Centerville, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Fayette, Mich. Hillsdale Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Constantine, Mich. W. Union, la. Pleasant Valley, N. J. Pulaski, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Winsor, Ohio Meridian, N. Y. Camden, Mich. Corunna, Mich. Orland, Ind. Orland, Ind. Angola, Ind. Bloomingville, Ohio Peru, Ill. > 4 43 S. Claremont Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased North Adams, Mich. Deceased North Adams, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Deceased Albion, Mich. West St., Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Marcellus, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Minneapolis, Minn. Litchfield, Mich. 55 40 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. .5540 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Three Rivers, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Warrensville, Ohio Cambria, Mich. San Jose, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. San Diego, Cal. Deceased Cresbard, S. Dak. Warsaw, N. Y. Poplar Bluff, Mo. Lemoore, Cal. Coldwater, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Hart, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Fairmont, Neb. No. 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 27,59 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 Name. Joseph W. Partridge Corwin N. Payne Harrison J. Payne Sarah M. Peck Charles O. Perry Carrie Phillips (Keyes) Helen M. Pierce Martha A. Pouley (Baker) George W. Powers Helen Pulsifer (Robertson) Sarah F. Pulver George W. Puterbaugh Oscar F. Rakestraw Walter Redding Frederick W. Reilay David L. Reynolds Rollin L. Rice Andrew J. Rider Mary J. Rininger (Ernest) Charles L. Ross Daniel D. Rowley Mary J. Rutan Josephine C. Sanford Mary Sargeant Bela.L. Sawyer Nancy M. Shafer Alice M. Smith Alexander Stewart William P. Steward Agnes L. Stockwell(VanOstrand) Eva Stone (Dickerman) Jennie Stone (Campbell) Annette Stookey (McGee) Walter B. Straw Washington M. Sutton Anzonetta A. Swan Lydia Swan Elizabeth Swegles (Cranson) Josephine Taylor Albert D. Thompson Priscilla Thompson Augusta Travis (Fowler) Thomas Tribe Charles H. True Mary Updyke (Northrop) Clara F. Upham (Marvin) Ellen Van Driesan Josephine Yinecore (Payne) Alonzo W. Vineyard John M. Warren, Jr. Thomas W. Watkins Eliza O. Wean Edgar A. Webb Andrew C. Weir James D. Wells Augustus F. White Cyrus B. White William M. Wicks Noah W. Wilbur Warren J. Wilbur Angelia Wilkinson (Gregory) Sarah S. Wilson Delia Newton Wilton Mary Woodworth( Sanford) Louise Young (Wheeler) OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 97 Old Address. Present Address. Orland, Ind. Conneaut, Ohio New Albion, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Wright, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Blackberry, Ill. Metz, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Metz, Ind. Dayton, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Genoa, Mich. Attica, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Somerset, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Metz, Ind. Scipio, Mich. Reading, Mich. Girard, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Dover, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Oxford, N. Y. Pulaski, Mich. Adams, Mich. Saginaw, Mich. Innerkip, C. W. Quincy, Mich. St. Johns, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Oak Grove, Mich. Marshall, Mich. Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. York, la. Reading, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Craig, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. New Paris, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Terre Coupe, Ind. Terre Coupe, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Orland, Ind. Conneaut, Ohio Deceased Deceased Deceased Westmoreland, Kan., R. F. D. 3 Angola, Ind. Howard City, Mich. Deceased Angola, Ind. Deceased 1346 W. 25th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Attica, Ohio Rushton, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Hanover, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Grand Ledge, Mich. Deceased Deceased Cadmus, Mich. Deceased Moscow, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Deposit, N. Y. Deceased Detroit, Mich. 49 Willis Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Edgewood, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Northfleld, Minn. Bryan, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Edwardsburg, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lima, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Marion, N. Y. Liberty, N. Y., Sullivan Co. 360 Burling St., Chicago, Ill. LaGrange, Ind. 3438 Pillsbury, Av.,Minneapolis, Minn. Chester, Ill. 08 No. 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. William A Able Josephine Ackerly (Ransom) Barbara A. Alan (De Lane) Albert Alford Mrs. Mollie Allen Willard P. Allen Cornelia P. Alvord Ida Ames (McCowen) Seneca S. Andrews Henry A. Arnold Benjamin F. Bainum Erwin E. Baker Theoda Baker (Evans) Frank D. Baldwin Mattie E. Ball (Williams) Orville Ball Oliver P. Barker Delia Z. Barnes Augustine Barnum Martha O. Barnum (Dickinson) Ellen C. Bates Maggie Bates Orlando W. Bates Sarah A. Bates Lizzie M. Bellamy Mary L. Bellamy Emily Benedict (Reynolds) Alge R. Berry William F. Bevitt Isaac B. Bickford James C. Bioren Frederick S. Blackmar Jay Blodget Adelbert E. Bolster Jennie A. Booth Ozro A. Bowen George E. Boyles Nancey E. Brewster Franc E. Brown Peres E. Brown, Jr. Howard W. Bryant George M. Bucknell Lydia C. Burchard (Cropsey) Mary A. Burchard Charles H. Burke Menzo R. Burlingame Rana A. Calvin (Childs) Martha A. Cary Lavinia Chapman (Messenger) Ada M. Chase Roscoe A. Chase Della Chester (Walls) Ellen Chester (Worden) James G. Clark Eugene B. Clizbee Washington B. Coates Herman L. Colgrove John G. Colleps Louis Colley Ruth Comfort Sarah M. Comfort Sophia E. Compton Calvin W. Conner Dexter Cook Jennie L. Cook (Timbries) Martha S. Cooley Old Address. Present Address. YEAR 1865 Bath, Mich. Bath, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Manitowoc, Wis. Goshen, Ind. Deceased Chicago, Ill. LaPorte, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Jonesville, Mich. Harbor Springs, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Novi, Mich. Girard, Mich. Vistula, Ind. Aurora, Ind. Morenci, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Bonner Springs, Kansas Constantine, Mich. Oklahoma City, Okla. Blanchester, Ohio Maj. Gen. Retired Blanchester, Ohio Hamer, Ohio Morenci, Mich. Oregon Wheatland, Mich. Waterloo City, Ind. 531 Unity Bldg., 79 Dearborn Waterloo City, Ind. Chicago, Ill. 45 7 Ashland Ave., S. Paul, Minn. Rundleton, Pa. Columbia, Ohio Kipton, Ohio Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 712 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Cincinnati, Ohio 329 S. Fountain, Springfield, Ohio Bement, Ill. Attica, Ohio Newark, N. H. Moscow, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Reading, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Chandler St., Danville, Ill. Cleveland, Ohio Quincy, Mich. Manistique, Mich Burr Oak, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Mendota, Ill. Centerville, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 1532 W. Madison, St., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. 316 3 Dover St., Chicago, Ill. Newburgh, Ohio Afton, Wis. Deceased Metz, Ind. Kendallville, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Niles, Mich. Osage, la. New Lyme, Ohio Plymouth, Ind. Camden, Mich. Reading, Mich. Camden, Mich. Reading, Mich. Waverly, Mich. Deceased Quincy, Mich. Ypsilanti, Mich. Monticello, Wis. Medina, Ohio Harlem, Mont. Minooka, Ill. Kendallville, Ind. Deceased Woodbridge, Mich. Union, Ind. Friendship, N. Y. r Rolling Prairie, Ind. Cambria Mills, Mich. Deceased Lima, Ind. Alma, Mich. Allen, Mich. Deceased St., No. 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 99 Name. Old Address. Maggie E. Cooper Charles M. Copp Adelbert Corey Hiram N. Corey Lovina E. Cotton (Belding) Susan Cough (Whaley) Samuel Couter Harvey Crane Kate H. Crane (Fisher) Carrie Cressy (Fuller) Edwin W. Cunningham Mary Curl (Cavin) Austin Cutler Lydia Cutler (Wilbur) George A. Cutting H. Maggie Dale (Clipfell) Frank E. Damon John F. Daugherty Edwin W. Davis Willard H. Davis • John W. DeCeu James W. DeGeer Christina Dillon (Ingersoll) John T. Donahue John M. Doyle Elmer Drake Nelson A. Drake Henry C. Draper Albert H. Dunakin William O. Dunlap Emma Dunn (Miller) Alvin Dyer Jesse P. Earl Robert E. Eastland Jessie Edmonton (Dailey) Augustus E. Edmunds Rachael E. Elgin Byron C. Ellis M. Amelia Everett (Smith) William B. Everett Emma Fairfield (Wiltse) Minard B. Fassett Isaac N. Felch Frank J. Fellows Sylvia Ferris (Haynes) Mary Fisher (Underhill) George R. Fitzsimmons John A. Forbes Florence E. French (Hayden) Emma I. Gaines (Atcherson) Jane M. Gleason (Bristol) Mervin H. Goddard John Hadley Frederick Hagenbuch S. Addie Hanaford (Stoddard) Lewis M. Hartwick James Mark Harvey Albert E. Harwood Nathan S. Harwood Charles J. Hayden Mary L. Haynes (Craig) Franc Herbert Franklin Herrick Charles D. Hewes Mary Hewes (Reynolds) Sarah Hiller (Allen) Emeline Hinshaw (Johnson) Sarah Hinshaw (Stamp) Alice E. Hoadley LaCroix, Ind. Flushing, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Vevay, Ind. Camden, Mich. Mansfield, Ohio Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. E. Clarksfield, Ohio Haw Patch, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Adams, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. White Pigeon, Mich. Harrisburg, N. Y. Rensselaer, Ind. Trenton, Mich. Fayette, Wis. Port Dover, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Grand View, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Homer, Mich. Rochester, Ind. Sturgis, Mich. Darian, N. Y. Schoolcraft, Mich. Vistula, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Parma, Mich. Racine, Wis. Schoolcraft, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Orwell, Ohio Adrian, N. Y. Constantine, Mich. Beloit, Wis. Litchfield, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich, Janesville, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Dayton, Minn. LaPorte, Ind. Camden, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Present Address. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale,Mich. Jefferson, la. Osceola, la. Bay City, Mich. 16 24 Geary St., San Francisco, Cal. Deceased Deceased LaPorte, Ind. St. Ignace, Mich. Deceased Redwood Falls, Minn. Salem, Neb. Novi, Mich. Spokane, Wash. Kansas City, Mo. Deceased Coldwater, Mich, Deceased Stockton, Cal. Quincy, Mich. Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Marion, Ohio Chattanooga, Tenn. Spring Arbor, Mich. Racine, Wis. Schoolcraft, Mich. Wheeling, Mo. Deceased Reading, Mich. Beatrice, Neb. Chicago, Ill. Columbus, Ohio Deceased Orwell, Ohio Constantine, Mich. Deceased Orange, Cal. Constantine, Mich. Monrovia, Cal. Deceased Chicago, Ill. Lincoln, Neb. Denver, Colo. 10856 Mich. Ave., Chicago, Ill. Reading, Mich. 538 8th St., San Bernardino, Cal. Casopolis, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Deceased Deceased 100 No. 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Lud G. Hollister Sylvester W. Holsinger William T. Holsinger Sam J. Huff Helen A. Hughes Charles L. Ingraham Alonzo Inman Amos Philander Ireland Margaretta Irving (Timms) George A. Janes Austin W. Jefferson Nathan L. Jennings Alfred H. Johnson Marshall M. Johnson May M. Johnson Walter S. Johnson Winslow R. Johnson Diantha L. Kane Webster W. Kempton Ellen A. Kendrick Emma Ketcham (Wolfe) Hannah Ketcham (Castle) Biancy Kies (Tuttle) Frederick L. Kimmey George W. Knapp Lottie Knowlen (Keightley) Mary J. Kyte Frances A. Lacy Theron Landon John B. Lash David A. Latta Myra Lee (Dietrich) Avery H. Leonard Levi Leonard Edgar C. Lewis Leander M. Locke Franklin T. Lord Herbert J. Lord Louise A. Lyons (Morgan) Hattie Magee (Fox) Harriet N. Mallory (Hubbard) Emma Mann (Carrol) Irving W. Marsh Ellen Martin (Meddick) Edwin F. Mason Mattie McCowan (Webster) George M. McCurdy Robert McDougal Julia M. McElhiney Robert J. Mclntire Newell McIntosh Eliza J. McKee William J. Meader Emma Meddick (Monroe) Mi i'on M. Merritt Stewart S. Metier George H. Middleton William R. Miller Hattie Millis (Mead) Irene S. Miner (Ball) Julius E. Miner Maria J. Miner (Millard) Kate Mitchell (Barre) Franklin H. Moore Joseph B. Moore Webster O. Moore Charles G. Morgan Laura A. Morse Matilda A. Morseman (Puffer) Union City, Mich. Northport, Ind. Northport, Ind. White Pigeon, Mich. Reading, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Marble Rock, Iowa Rolling Prairie, Ind. Adams, Mich. Johnston, Wis. Nora, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Walled Lake, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Mud Creek, Mich. Reading, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Adams, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Belvidere, Ill. South Hill, N. Y. Constantine, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Adamsville, Mich. Camden, Mich. Athens, Ohio Bronson, Mich. Tuscola, Mich. New Washington, Ohio Attica, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Cincinnati, Ohio Morgan, Vt. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Spring, Pa. Moscow, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. W. Andover, Ohio Moscow, Mich. St. Louis, Mich. Cambria Mills, Mich. St. Louis, Mich. Mendota, Ill. Rome, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Jonesville, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Pontiac, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Paris, Wis. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Walled Lake, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Orwell, Ohio Sturgis, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Present Address. Pasadena, Cal. Abington, Ill. Deceased Kendallville, Ind. Marble Rock, Iowa Deceased Deceased 350 Willis Ave., W., Detroit, Mich. Care Custom House, Indianapolis, Inc Walled Lake, Mich. Deceased Deceased Grand Ledge, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Centerville, Mich. Deceased Lincoln, Neb. Morgan Park, Chicago, Ill. Verdon, Neb. Constantine, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Doty, Wash. Deceased Deceased Battle Creek, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 3339 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, Ill. Lampasas, Tex. Deceased. Aberdeen, S. D. Lamar, Mo. Deceased McBain, Mich. Monrovia, Cal. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Burr Oak, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Hudson, Mich. 3022 Dupont Ave., Minneapolis, Min Hersey, Mich. Deceased 230 Broadway, New York City, N. Y Lansing, Mich. 2 821 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, In Deceased Deceased No. 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 1033 ! 5034 15035 5036 5037 15038 ' 5039 • 5040 5041 5042 ; 5043 044 045 046 047 048 | 049 ' 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 Name. Clara Newberry (Etheridge) George W. Newbury Nellie H. Norris (Doty) Kingsley F. Norris Albert Norton George Norton Helen F. Norton Theodore Norton Walter E. Norton Robert L. O’Mealey Patrick H. Otis. Thomas M. Parsons Payson P. Partridge Phebe Patton (Young) Dallas M. Pendleton Emma A. Pendleton Lewis B. Perrin Emily Phillips (Marshall) Jeremiah Phillips, Jr. Emma Powers (Keep) Mary B. Pratt Maria Putnam (Stowits) Samuel D. Ray Hiram Rex David B. Reynolds Marilla Reynolds (Boynton) Eliza Rhodes (Sutliff) Alphonso Rice Byron W. Rice Harriet I. Rice (Blauvelt) James P. Richards Mary L. Roberts Henry Robertson Alice Roe (Burley) Leona Rogers (Rogers) John W. Rowley William I. Roy Alonzo Rudd Eveline Rudd (White Elias P. Sans Galusha A. Sawyer Roscoe Sears Alexander P. Seeley John H. Sherman Judson L. Sibley Alexander McClain Simonton Helen E. Slocum Edna P. Smith (Malttne) Florence A. Smith Helen M. Smith Jacob P. Smith Louise M. Smith Matilda J. Smith Ella Sparrow (Bowen) Hiram Stark Louise E. Stark Hattie Stewart (Hatfield) Henry A. Stonex Wilber L. Stonex Anna Sutton John Sutton Theresa Sweetman George D. Taggart Asher C. Taylor Benjamin F. Thomas James C. Thomas Fanny Thompson (Clark) Gertrude Thompson (Sanderson) Wray T. Thorn OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 101 Old Address. Present Address. Quincy, Mich. Burlington, W T is. Hillsdale, Mich. Sodus, N. Y. Leslie, Mich. Leslie, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Leslie, Mich. Bath, Mich. Nettle Lake, Ohio Marseilles, Ohio Summerville, Mich. Fair Haven, Minn. Allen, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Parkville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Metz, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Mantua, Ohio South Bend, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Kendallville, Ind. Hillsdale,Mich. Hillsdale,Mich. Clyde, Ohio East Saginaw, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Kirtland, Ohio Moscow, Mich. Ringold, Ind. Cassopolis, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich. Joliet, Ill. Undine, Mich. Monticello, Wis. Sandy Creek, Pa. Quincy, Mich. Walled Lake, Mich. Level, Ohio Cambria, Mich. Geneva, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Sandusky, Ohio Morenci, Mich. Ovid, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Springfield, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Haw Patch, Ind. Haw Patch, Ind. Cascade, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Oak Center, Wis. Constantine, Mich. Spring Lake, Ohio Allen, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Sparta, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Reading, Mich. Sodus, N. Y. Deceased Bates City, Mo. Deceased Deceased Deceased Three Rivers, Mich. Leaf River, Minn. Burghill, Ohio Waterloo, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Brewster, N. Y. South Bend, Ind. Deceased Deceased Lansing, Mich. Deceased Jonesville, Mich. Netawaka, Kansas Deceased Hanover, Mich. Lorain, Ohio Deceased Cassopolis, Mich. Penn, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Pontiac, Mich. Springfield, Ohio Deceased Geneva, Mich. Deceased Harbor Springs, Mich. Clifton, Ohio Dexter, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Deceased Deceased Linnens, Mo. Cottonwood, Cal. Stanwood, Mich. 3981 Drexel Boul., Chicago, Ill. Allen, Mich. Hanover, Mich. 102 No. 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. David Throne Francis D. Tobey Lavina H. Todd William H. Townsend Leo A. Trisket Alice Tucker (Rideout) Saretta Van Fleet (McCleverty) Josie Vaughn (Mallory) Margaret Viele W. Harvey Weand George H. Weaver. Horace A. Weller Milo J. Weller John Wellington Susan Wells (Bagley) Simeon O. Whaley Clara E. Wheaton Merton J. Wheaton Mahala M. Wheeler Frank B. Whipple Ellen M. White Ellen Williams (Campbell) James D. Williams Melissa M. Williams William H. Wirt Frederick B. Wood Carrie A. Woodworth Ira J. Woodworth Cecelia E. Wright Florence Wright (Delevan) Jerome G. Abbott Lemuel A. Allis Genie J. Allison (Akey) Mattie A. Allison (Russell) Margaret Ambler (Gray) Oliver H. Anderson John D. Ashbaugh Edgar A. Bagley Franklin H. Bailey Marcus F. Bailey Grattan H. Baker John M. Baker Kitty Baker (Wicks) Ellen A. Balcom Whittaker) Emma Balcom (Baggerly) Emma J. Baldy (Thompson) Albert E. Banks Imogene L. Barber (Farmer) Mella Barber Anna Barker (Corbett) Luke H. Barr M. J. Barr Dallas F. Bates John G. Bayles David S. Beardsley Henry P. Bellamy Sylvanus A. Beman Ella Benjamin (Haggerty) Anna Louise Bentley Martha Bevier Weller D. Bishopp Charles M. Bliss William Bloomer John Blue Benjamin J. Boody Dallas Boudeman Old Address. Present Address. North West, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Mt. Pleasant, Wis. Dixon, Ill. Deceased Dewitt, Mich. Nettle Lake, Ohio Lansing, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Tacoma, Wash White Pigeon, Mich. Deceased Jonesville, Mich. 4620 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Farmington, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Athens, Pa. Fort Bragg, Cal. Athens, Pa. Fort Bragg, Cal. Jonesville, Mich. Deceased Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Nettle Lake, Ohio Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Kenton, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Fort Bragg, Cal. Port Mitchell, Ind. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. 459 9 Oakenwald Ave., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Mendota, Ill. Metz, Ind. Deceased Middlebury, Ind. Deceased Middlebury, Ind. Deceased Moscow, Mich. Deceased Moscow, Mich. Deceased YEAR 1866. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Centreville, Mich. Centreville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Selma, Ohio Ontario, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Florence, Mich. Melmore, Ohio Hudson, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Brownsville, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Orland, Ind. Orland, Ind. Nettle Lake, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Freedom, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Avoca, N. Y. Reading, Mich. LaFox, Ill. Plymouth, Ohio Watseka, Ill. Blissfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Albion, Mich. Flowerfield, Mich. 7044 Yale Ave., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Centreville, Mich. St. Marius, Idaho Deceased Los Angeles, Cal. 535 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Alma, Mich. Box 6 01, Rochester, N. H. Constantine, Mich. Deceased Jonesville, Mich. Deceased Deceased Providence, R. I. Deceased Lansing, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Deceased Geneva, Ohio Reading, Mich. 1618 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill. Toledo, Ohio White Pigeon, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. i ' ' No. 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 1154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 1 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 103 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Carlton B. Bowdish Stockbridge, Mich. Gettysburg, S. D. Frances E. Broklebank (Decker) Hillsdale, Mich. Hesperia, Newaygo Co., Mich. Nancy H. Brown (Perkins) Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Albert B. Buck North Adams, Mich. Deceased Edwin K. Burch Hillsdale, Mich. Ella A. Caldwell (Potter) Quincy, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Chester J. Carrel Quincy, Mich. Deceased Frank G. Carrel Hillsdale, Mich. 6 3 37 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, Ill. Moses G. Carrel Hillsdale, Mich. G. P. A., C. L. & W. R.R., Cleveland, O. Daniel D. Case, Johnston, Wis. Henry A. Clark Carlisle, Ind. Libbie Collins (Buck) Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. George A. Cook Lima, Ind. Strawn, Tex. Jesse H. Copeland Rolling Prairie, Ind. Samuel D. Crane Lima, Ind. Garden City, Kansas Sarah L. Crouch Phelps, N. Y. Samuel A. Curl Ligonier, Ind. Los Angeles, Cal. Lucius Daniels North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Joseph H. Davis Kenton, Ohio Edwin Dean Tekonsha, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. James W. Donovan North Adams, Mich. 32 Bagley Ave., Detroit, Mich. Agnes P. Dow Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased. Lewis W. Drake Hillsdale, Mich. Frank Drummond Rolling Prairie, Ind. Deceased Daniel Duguid Fremont, Ind. Deceased David Duguid Fremont, Ind. Oakdale, III. Adam E. Dunn Somerset, Mich. Chicago Av. and Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Allen W. Dunn Somerset, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Winfield P. Dunn Somerset, Mich. 20—167 Adams St., Chicago, Ill. Ira Durand LaGrange, Ind. Zora J. Eggleston Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased. Russell Elder Selma, Ohio Deceased Gilmore D. Engle Centreville, Mich. Mary E. Estabrooks Square Grove, Ill. Deceased Charles S. Fassett Parma, Mich. Hitchcock, S. D. Osmond S. Ferris Mantua, Ohio 145 Hawthorn St., Cleveland, Ohio. Byron A. Finney Hudson, Mich. University Library, Ann Arbor, Mich. Frederica M. Fitch Oakland, N. Y. Eva A. Fowler Hillsdale, Mich. %North Texas College, Sherman, Tex. Mary Fox Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. William R. Frazier Flowerfield, Mich. Edwin French Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Levi B. French Tekonsha, Mich. Yankton, S. D. James B. Fullerton Wheelersburg, Ohio Wheelersburg, Ohio Washington Gardner Marengo, Iowa Albion, Mich. Frank D. Garland Chicago, Ill. Eugene S. Garvin Sycamore, Ill. Deceased Frederick W. Godfrey Moscow, Mich. Deceased Elizabeth Goodwin (Coates) Jonesville, Mich. San Jose, Cal., R. F. D. Nellie Goodwin (Sherwood) Jonesville, Mich. Paso Robles, Cal. Charles E. Goff Burr Oak, Mich. Vicksburg, Mich. Franc Gridley Hillsdale, Mich. John W. Hallack Almont, Mich. Deceased Jesse P. Hallett Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Martin Hamburger LaPorte, Ind. Chicago, Ill. Rachel S. Harding (Thompson) Quincy, Mich. College View, Neb. Eudora S. Harrington (McLouth)Medina, Mich. Medina, Mich. Calvin C. Harris Kendallville, Ind. Kenton, Ohio Mary Harvey (Harvey) Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. L. Emma Hathaway (Bundridge) LaFox, Ill. Geneva, Ill. William H. Hecker Rolling Prairie, Ind. Charles Henry Vernon, Ohio Akron, Ohio DeWitt C. Henry Casnovia, Mich. Julia Henry (Chappell) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Hattie E. Herbert Macedonia, Ohio Macedonia, Ohio Milton P. Herring Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Jacob P. Hickman Rolling Prairie, Ind. Allen C. Higbee Mecca, Ohio Deceased George H. Higbee Mecca, Ohio Pacific Beach, Cal. 104 No. 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 Name. Jas. W. Higman Lyman A. Hix George R. Holt George B. Horton John H. Hosier DeWitt C. Hostetter Wyatt M. Howe Leonard Howland Roscoe A. Hoyt Ruth C. Hoyt Henry C. Huff Nelson A. Hughes Jacob M. Hunter Nathan Irving Edna H. Jackson (Collins) Joseph Jackson Alice Jenkins Manella A. Jenkins (Bourne) Webster Jipson Addie Johnson (Wogan) Frank P. Johnson James C. Kelley Samuel A. Kennedy Ellen Kenyin (McBain) David H. King Agnes Lacore (Crittenden) Frederick T. Lacore Levi G. LaRue Louise E. Leavitt Eliza A. Levens Alice Lewis (Crocker) John H. Lewis John L. Lewis George P. Linderman Oscar A. Loveland John S. Lovell Edith Manning (Henry) Mary Marks (Windus) Tener Marks (Clark) Almeron C. Maxson Frederick C. Maxson M. Louise Maxson (Weatherwax) Mattie Maxson (Woodruff) Edwin McAllister Joseph D. McCleverty Franc D. McEntire (Elliott) Henry P. McNaughton Amelia L. Meade Julia Mead (Janes) William W. Mendham Solomon W. Miles Carrie A. Miller Elizabeth M. Miller (Ray) Emma J. Miller (Olney) James M. Miller Theodore Miller William H. Miller Sidney Milligan Wallace W. Moak William H. Moffatt Harvey Montgomery Robert O. Morehead Jennie L. Morelle Freddie L. Morey Ada M. Morford Henry E. Mott Christopher Mowry George E. Munro James M. Munro GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Present Address. Hillsdale, Mich. York Centre, Ind. Barton, Wis. Adrian, Mich. Bourie, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. Lanark, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Rochester, Wis. Honey Creek, Wis. White Pigeon, Mich. Canandaigua, N. Y. Waverly, N. Y. Blanchester, Ohio Adams, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. Spafford, Wis. Spafford, Wis. Blissfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Reading, Mich. Montrose, Ohio North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Melmore, Ohio Sparta, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Upper Sandusky, Ohio Little Sandusky, Ohio Cortland, Ill. New Haven, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Adamsville, Pa. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Waterloo City, Ind. Bowensburg, Ill. Evansburg, Pa. Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Northport, Ind. Corydon, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich, Chicago, Ill. Rolling Prairie, Ind. Camden, Mich. Goshen* Ind. Pittsford, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Brockwayville, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Manteno, Ill. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mendon, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Jackson, Mich. Fruit Ridge, Mich. Reedsburg, Wis. Sumner, Wash. Deceased San Fernando, Cal. Deceased 413 Clinton St., Jackson, Mich. Deceased Pueblo, Colo. Wogansport, N. D. Constantine, Mich. Deceased Lansing, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Detroit, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Harpster, Ohio Paw Paw, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Dayton, Wash. jj North Adams, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 2408 E. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo. Hillsdale, Mich. 7 3 E. Willis Ave, Detroit, Mich, Elkhart, Ind. Deceased Muncie, Ind. Brighton Ave. Sta., E. Orange, N. Toledo, Ohio Eugene, Ore. Goshen, Ind. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Brockwayville, Pa. Elizabeth, N. J. Sherwood, Mich. Deceased Detroit, Mich. OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 105 No. Name. Old Address. 3262 James P. Nesbit Rolling Prairie, Ind. 3263 William P. Northrop Reading, Mich. 3264 Charles F. Osborn Bourie, Ind. 3265 Orson Z. Oviatt Aurora, Ohio 3266 Albert A. Packer Jonesville, Mich. 3267 Kendall L. Paine Hillsdale, Mich. 3268 Rush H. Palmer Ottawa, Ill. 3269 Louise Pachby (Hull) Constantine, Mich. 3270 Nancy A. Patten (Updyke) Hillsdale, Mich. 3271 Etta A. Pettigrew Evansville, Wis. 3272 Josiah Phelps ■ Marshall, Mich. 3273 Cyrus Post Mendon, Mich. 3274 Samuel M. Post Hillsdale, Mich. 3275 Robert F. Pouley Blackberry, Ill. 3276 Rowena A. Powers Mottville, Mich. 3277 Stephen Powers Metz, Ind. 3278 Ada Prentiss Hillsdale, Mich. 3279 Whiting G. Press Quincy, Mich. 3280 M. Sophia Quereau Quincy, Mich. 3281 James W. Randolph Hartstown, Pa. 3282 E. Mary Reilay (Nelson) W. Elizabeth, Pa. 3283 Nathan J. Reynolds Mud Creek, Mich. 3284 Franc S. Richards (May) Clyde, Ohio 3285 George Richards Clyde, Ohio 3286 Lucy J. Richards (Stone) Clyde, Ohio 3287 Orson I. Riley Farmington, Mich. 3288 Dallas Rogers Nettle Lake, Ohio 3289 Letcy Rogers Kirtland, Ohio 3290 Sarah A. Root Milan, Ohio 3291 Charles E. Rosecrantz Tekonsha, Mich. 3292 Ransom W. Rosecrantz Butler, Mich. 3293 Allie Ross (Drummond) Summerville, Mich. 3294 George M. Ruggles Hillsdale, Mich. 3295 Ellen Russell (Hall) Hillsdale, Mich. 3296 Jane A. Russell Hillsdale, Mich. 3297 Jennie Rutherford (Gooden) Centerville, Mich. 3298 Charles H. Schermerhorn Cedar Falls, la. 3299 Samuel T. Shirley Ogle, Ill. 3300 Andrew J. Shorb S. Whitley, Ind. 3301 Thomas J. Shorb S. Whitley, Ind. 3302 George A. Slayton Grant, Mich. 3303 Frank T. Smith Fairwater, Wis. 3304 James C. Smith Reading, Mich. 3305 Irving B. Smith Dale, N. Y. 3306 Timothy Smith Union, Mich. 3307 John Snyder Macon, Mich. 3308 William R. Southworth Allen, Mich. 3309 Daniel L. Sower Kendallville, Ind. 3310 Samuel E. Sower Kendallville, Ind. 3311 Emma C. Squier (Payne-Higbee) Hudson, Mich. 3312 Martin V. Stamp Mottville, Mich. 3313 Abiel F. Stephens Hillsdale, Mich. 3314 Anthony Stevens Lawrence, Mass. 3315 Julia Stewart (Elder) Springfield, Ohio 3316 Carrie E. Stillwell (Howard) Litchfield, Mich. 3317 Belle F. Stone (Mizner) Burr Oak, Mich. 3318 Irving L. Stone Hillsdale, Mich. 3319 Effie C. Stone Hillsdale, Mich. 3320 Charles A. Strong Elkhart, Ind. 3321 James M. Sullivan Ringwood, C. W. 3322 Cleon A. Taft Medina, Mich. 3323 Marcus A. Thompson Ransom, Mich. 324 Dallas D. Tibbetts Fort Madison, la. 325 Polk Tibbetts Fort Madison, la. 326 Alice Timms (Hogmire) Hudson, Mich. 327 Frank H. Titus Wheelersburg, Ohio 328 Willard H. Titus Florence, Mich. 329 George E. Tompkins Arlington, Ill, 330 Hiram L, Townsend Metz, Ind, Present Address. Deceased Kendallville, Ind. Deceased Los Angeles, Cal. Goldfield, Nev. Constantine, Mich. Compton, Cal. 7 08 N. Prospest St., Marshall, Mich. Deceased St. Johns, Mich. Deceased Deceased Angola, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. 615 4 Sheridan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Los Angeles, Cal. DuQuesne, Pa. Deceased Clyde, Ohio, R. F. D. 1 2 403 Warren St., Toledo, Ohio Deceased Marion, Kan. Marshall, Mich. Marshall, Mich. 42 5 Lincoln St., Topeka, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Glendale, Cal. Mendon, Mich. Columbia City, Ind. Cape Girardeau, Mo. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Oklohoma City, Okl. Deceased Deceased Rome City, Ind. Newark, Mich. 2206 Gallatine St., Marion, Ind. Deceased Deceased Deceased Pitchin, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. Deceased Elkhart, Ind. Meeker, Okla. 302 Broadway, New York Eldon, la. Iantha, Mo. Bangor, Mich. Deceased Oshkosh, Wis. Buffalo, N. Y. Deceased 106 No. 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 Name. David A. Tucker William H. Van Buren Jonathan Van Orden Fayette Vincent Alice F. Vineyard (Brown) Olive Vineyard (Waterhouse) Boykin B. Wade John A. Wadhams Matilda J. Wallace Sarah K. Watts Janette Way Adella M. Weaver (Keith) Amos Wells Anson E. Wells Jasper J. Wells George W. Werth Jeremiah F. Whaley Myron H. Whaley Minnie Wheeler (Olney) James F. Whipple Mary Whitcomb (Benedict) Emeline A. White Alrah Whitman Newell D. Whitney Truman W. Whitney Abraham H. Whittaker Alice B. Whittaker William Whittaker Albert Wm. Wight Edwin A. Williams Elida Williams (Wood) Sophia Ann Williams (Thompso: William W. Williams James B. Wilson Emma S. Wirt Orrin Wogan Samuel J. Wolf Lucy E. Wood (Lovejoy) Robert L. Wood Simon S. Woodruff John T. Woods Charles H. Woolley Homer Wooster Delia A. Wright. GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Milhousen, Ind. Centerville, Ohio Casnovia, Mich. Amboy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Brownsville, Mich. Flue Island, Ill. Sparta, Mich. Makeson, Wis. Hudson, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Cattaraugas, N. Y. Cattaraugas, N. Y. North Adams, Mich. Union, Mich. Nettle Lake, Ohio Nettle Lake, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Waterford, Wis. Thompson, Pa. Stockbridge, Mich. Blanchester, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Blanchester, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Burlington, Wis. Wheatland, Mich. l) Hudson, Mich. Bellevue, Ohio New York City, N. Y. Youngstown, Ohio Pomeroy, Ohio Centerville, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Centerburg, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Marseilles, Ohio Wheatland, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. -. Present Address. Huntley, Minn. Centerville, Ohio Portland, Ore. Bryan, Ohio Deceased Deceased 2 453 Lowell Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Rochester, Ind. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Marion, Kan. Marion, Kan. Auburn, N. Y. 843 Pine St., San Francisco, Cal. Dowagiac, Mich. Deceased Hurley, Wis. Deceased St. Louis, Mich. Carson City, Mich. Falls City, Neb. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Hudson, Mich. Deceased Pomeroy, Ohio, R. F. D. 3 Centerville, Mich. Big Rapids, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Clay Center, Kan. Deceased Luella Abbott (North) Willis Adkinson William J. Allis Amos Anderson Joseph Apperson Helen Archer (Wilber) Eli Arnold Zina R. Ashbaugh Jennie S. Armstrong (Mrs.) Newell G. Augir Ardelia Austin Freeman E. Austin Guy A. Bailey Valorus Bailey Lester Baldwin Edgar L. Banker Estella Barnard (Van Wert) George B. Barnes Lucia Barry (Bishopp) Addison M. Beach Julia Benedict (Tibbetts) YEAR 1867 Genoa, Ill. Remington, Ind Hillsdale, Mich. Ontario, Ind. Oglethorpe, Ga. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Dwight, Ill. Milford, Mich. Centreville, Mich. Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Burghill, Ohio Litchfield, Mich, Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Lake Odessa, Mich. Deceased Midland Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. HI Ave. N and 10th St., Brooklyn, N. I Milford, Mich. Vermillion, S. Dak. Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased No. 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 107 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Charles S. Bentley Mantua, Ohio 104 Fismore Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Harry W. Book Harlansburg, Pa. Austin A. Bramer Law'ton, Mich. Deceased Mary Butterfield (Hobart) Goshen, N. H. Lincoln and Ohio Sts., Bellingham, Wash. Lizzie Cady (Douglass) Albion, Mich. Deceased Charles G. Canfield Mantua, Ohio 8620 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Oscar A. Cecil Upper Sandusky, Ohio Haller E. Charles Princeville, Ill. Peoria, Ill. Clara Clapp Clyde, Ohio Clyde, Ohio Esther Clifton (Sparks) West Unity, Ohio Urbana, Ill. Samuel Clifton West Unity, Ohio Deceased Frank D. Cobb Schoolcraft, Mich. Stockton, Cal. Alice M. Constantine Paw Paw, Mich. Catherine A. Cook (Holt) Homer, Mich. Marengo, Mich. Helen E. Cook (Sweet-Stone) Marshall, Mich. 2 333 Le Grande St., Los Angeles, Cal. James A. Cook Elkhart, Ind. Albert W. Cooper Whitestown, N. Y. Greene, N. Y. William H. Crafts Mantua, Ohio Euclid Ave. Trust Co., Cleveland, O. Addie L. Crandall Belvidere, Ill. Susie P. Crane (Cole) Somerset, Mich. Hastings, Neb. S. Elorine Culver Jonesville, Mich. Deceased Henry J. Curran Reading, Mich. Deceased Edward D. Curtis Clyde, Ohio Portland, Ore. Lyman W. DeGeer Lexington, Mich. Deceased Edgar M. Devoe Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Asaph C. Dewey Fort Madison, la. LeVant Dodge Hillsdale, Mich. Berea, Ky. Lucinda M. Dodge (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Newton H. Dodge Wawaka, Ind. Deceased Ira Doud Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. John F. Downey Parkville, Mich. 806 S. E. 5th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Frank E. Duncan Schoolcraft, Mich. Deceased William T. Duncan Schoolcraft, Mich. Denver, Col. Austin M. Edwards E. Rockport, Ohio Jennie Ellison (Freygang) Angola, Ind. Deceased Abram Elwood Sycamore, Ill. G. Taylor Everett Marion, Ohio Morral, Ohio Mary L. Fenton Warsaw, Ind. Jennie Fitch (Beers) Perry, Ind. 14518 Union Ave., Harvey, Ill. James R. Fitzpatrick Three Rivers, Mich. Georgia Fitzsimmons (Burch) Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Albert F. Foster Newburg, Ohio Litchfield, Minn. Rachel Fowler (Marshall) Amboy, Mich. Robert D. Frost Marble Rock, la. Bowdoinham, Me. Jane J. Fulton Hillsdale, Mich. Chalmers Garberich Galion, Ohio Alonzo A. Garrison Wasioja, Minn. Holland Geizendorf Rome City, Ind. Albert H. Gleason Dwight, Ill. John H. Goff Blissfield, Mich. 71 Melbourne Ave., Detroit, Mich. Perry N. Gordon Fullers Mills, la. Jennie Griffin (Ensign) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Josiah H. Griffith Jenner Roads, Pa. George A. Groot Kipton, Ohio 346 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio Lawson M. E. Hampton Blanchester, Ohio Edwin C. Hanselman Angola, Ind. Deceased Henry Harrington Medina, Ohio Medina, Ohio Wm. Wallace Harvey Constantine, Mich. Deceased Mary J. Harwood Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. George A. Hathaway Pierpont, Ohio Deceased James M. Heater Havana, Ohio Susie Henry (Hubbard) Hillsdale, Mich. 213 25th Ave., Duluth, Minn. Edward E. Henry Pond, Ohio Ashtabula, Ohio Albert F. Hibler Crevecour, Mo. Vinnie Hill (Janes) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Albert J. Hopkins Cortland, Ill. Aurora, Ill. Mathew F. Howie Roscoe, Ill. Frank Hull Florence, Mich. Constantine, Mich. 108 No. 3464 3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Phaortes Humphreys Florence M. Jones Alice A. Joslin (Redfield) Newton Kane Walter M. Keenan James A. Kellogg Cordelia J. King (Gray) Edward W. King Margery L. King (Bruce) Millie E. Kipp Henry A. Knott Ella S. Lanphere Sidney C. Leland Miles S. Lewis John W. Lilly Ellen H. Linderman John A. Logan Frank O. Lord Benjamin F. Marsh Enoch W. Marsh Hattie M. Martin (Cook) Kittie McAllister (Spring) Agnes P. McDougal Laura McGee Charles McKinster John T. McKnight Pauline Meade (Casey) Charles H. Mereness Jay B. Millard Frances Millard (Lawrence) Augustus Moffatt Elanore Myers (Herron) Frank P. Myers Delos V. Near Laura Newkirk William A. Noble Lucy Nutten (Booth) Amelia Oakley (Hallock) Ozem A. Oakley Edwin W. Ober Jennie Oernst (Boudeman) Sheridan Osborne Azema Palmer (Kimmey) Frank B. Palmer Emma A. Peck (Briggs) Charles A. Pinney Asahel Plumb Eliza Pouley (Winters) Sarah S. Pratt James M. Priddy Joseph W. Priddy Thomas G. Rainey Arah H. Randall Knott C. Randall Martha C. Randolph Sophia C. Randolph (Weaver) Dell Reed Frank E. Reynolds Mina R. Reynolds John T. Roberts James P. Robins Eva J. Root Lorinda Rosekrans (Wright) Orson U. Rosekrans Olivia E. Rudd (Chapman) Franklin Sanborn W. Owen Sayles Wolf Lake, Ind. Fowler, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. LeRoy, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. LeRoy, Ill. Jefferson, Mich. Woodstock, C. W. Toledo, Ohio Cambria Mills, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Upper Sandusky, Ohio Gorham, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Bernadotte, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hilsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Colon, Mich. Spafford, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Ames, N. Y. Pewamo, Mich. Pewamo, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Raymond, Wis. Lancaster, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Ottawa, Ill. Adrian, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wayne, Wis. Waterford, Mich. Blackberry, Ill. Hebron, Ind. Warren, Ind. Warren, Ind. Jonesville, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Napoleon, Ohio Somerset, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Four Corners, Ohio Rolling Prairie, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Auburn, N. Y. Nettle Lake, Ohio Somerset, Mich. Pewamo, Mich. Pewamo, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Pascoag, R. I. Brockwayville, Pa. Deceased Battle Creek, Mich. Reading, Mich. 3037 Oakland Av., Minneapolis, Minn Coldwater, Mich. Howton, N. Y. 15 Ritchie St., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Toledo, la. Deceased Grand Ledge, Mich. Deceased 1009 Field Ave., Detroit, Mich. 36 52 Lake Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1595 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. Monrovia, Cal. Deceased Minerva, Ohio Rome, N. Y. 6 38 S. Alvardo St., Los Angeles, Ca Deceased Boyne, Mich. Deceased Deceased Adrian, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Box 211, Seattle, Wash. Hampshire, Kane Co., Ill. Deceased Kalamazoo, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Morgan Park, Chicago, Ill. Cleveland, Ohio Lyons, Kan. Maple Park, Ill. North Topeka, Kan. North Topeka, Kan. 1017 Rose Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Deceased Deceased Jerome, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased 217 W. Chippewa St., Dwight, Ill. Pewamo, Mich. D. & 20th Sts., Bellingham, Wash. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Burr Oak, Mich. Box 2817, New York City, or East Orange, N. Ridgway, Pa. Myrton J. Schram No. 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 Name. Wesley Sears Oscar J. Shannon John P. Shirley Mary Small (Eldridge) Frances Smith (Whipple) George Smith George W. Smith Julia Smith (Daniels) Marietta Smith (Bickel) Mary E. Smith Stephen D. Smith William F. Soule George Sparks Susan Stevens (White) George E. Stewart Peter C. Stire Joseph B. Stockwell John W. Stone Cornelius S. Stowits Seneca C. Strickland William Summerfeldt John M. Timms Lizzie Tuck Charles J. Vaughn Justus H. Vincent Callie Vineyard (Erwin) Isaac N. Wade John R. Wagner Henry S. Walworth John T. Ward Emarette Waterbury (Wilson) Marshall B. Webber Francis E. Weller Lida Wellman (Dunlap) Livona White (Hazelton) George A. Whitehead Henry T. Wight Constantine Wiley Franklin P. Wiley Harriet N. Williams Henry S. Williams Henry P. Willis Albert E. Wilson Nelson Wiseman Mary J. Wolverton Oliver Woods Eugene A. Woodward John Wooster Marilla C. Wooster Alvah W. Adkinson Nannie Adkinson (McCulloch) Willis J. Aikins Amelia Alvord (Sparson) Frank Andres Samuel S. Ashbaugh Arvilla L. Augir Edgar B. Bailey Ralph Baker Irving J. Bechnell Samuel Bechtel Jennie Bingham David Bishopp Spencer D. Bishopp Mary E. Blair Hattie Bowerman (Colburn) John M. Bowser OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 109 Old Address.. Present Address Hillsdale, Mich. Ripon, Wis. Port Clinton, Ohio Potosi, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Mongoquinon, Pa. Commerce, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ottawa, Ill. Manchester, Mo. Muir, Mich. West Unity, Ohio Lyons, Mich. California, Mich. Prairie City, Ill. Dover, Mich. Clyde, Ohio Flat Creek, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Victoria Spuare, C. W. Hudson, Mich. Wolcottville, Ind. Disco, Mich. Rome City, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Lockland, Ohio Huntington, Ind. Moscow, Mich. Evans Mills, N. Y. Lexington, Mich. Raymond, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Defiance, Ohio Middlebury, Ind. Clyde, Ohio Litchfield, Minn. LeRoy, Ill. LeRoy, Ill. Somerset, Mich. Lawton, Mich. New Lebanon, Ill. Pleasant, Mich. Manchester, Mo. Wheatland, Mich. Leonidas, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Deceased Deleware, Ohio, R. F. D. 7 Sheldon, la. Fort Bragg, Cal. Pontiac, Mich. Topeka, Kan. Elkhart, Ind. Ionia, Mich. Urbana, Ill. Portland, Mich. Deceased Randolph, la. Deceased Toledo, Ohio Brewster, N. Y. South Haven, Mich. Deceased 1440 S. Hajnlin Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6048 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, Ill. Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Champaign, Ill. Deceased Jerome, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lexington, Mich. Winona, Minn. Defiance, Ohio Elkhart, Ind. Deceased Deceased Deceased Aberdeen, S. Dak. Elgin, Ill. Deceased Tampa, Fla. Iron Mountain, Mich. Dowagiac, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich, YEAR 1868. East Enterprise, Ind. East Enterprise, Ind. Spafford, Wis. Volga City, Iowa North Fairfield, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Melmore, Ohio Milford, Ind. Goshen, Ind. Milton, Wis. Watseka, Ill. Watseka, Ill. Centerville, Mich. Allen, Mich. Goshen, Ind. 2115 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Cincinnati, Ohio Dept, of Justice, Washington, D. C. Deceased Reading, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Deceased Anderson, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Harlan, Iowa Deceased 110 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. 3598 Ledra F. Breed Dundee, Ill. 3599 Lina E. Brewer (Olmstead) Hillsdale, Mich. 3600 Frankie H. Brown Webb’s Mills, N. Y. 3601 John Brown Genoa, Ill. 3602 Lee E. Brown West Bethany, N. Y. 3603 Milton F. Brown Hudson, Mich. 3604 Nellie V. Brown (Carleton) Somerset, Mich. 3605 Ervin W. Bruce Pittsford, Mich. 3606 Clarence E. Burke Cleveland, Ohio 3607 Mary F. Burr Kingsboro, N. Y. 3608 Joseph M. Byler Leesburg, Ind. 3609 Eleazur E. Byrum Stockton, Ill. 3610 Mary E. Byrum Stockton, Ill. 3611 Sarah Carpenter Junction Grove, Ill. 3612 Carrie M. Chamberlin Hillsdale, Mich. 3613 Samuel A. Cherry LaGrange Center, Ind. 3614 O. Scott Clark Grass Lake, Mich. 3615 John S. Clifton West Unity, Ohio 3616 Melvin L. Cline New Paris, Ind. 3617 Ellis G. Clizbe Quincy, Mich. 3618 Adelbert S. Coates Schuyler’s Lake, N. Y. 3619 Corrie S. Colburn (Carbine) Cambria, Mich. 3620 Warren J. Cole Osseo, Mich. 3621 Isadore Copp (Wenk) E. Trumbull, Ohio 3622 James Coleman Hillsdale, Mich. 3623 Nellie Clough (Snyder) Hillsdale, Mich. 3624 Linnie Clugston (Brown) LaGrange, Ind. 3625 Myron Crandall Blue Island, Ill. 3626 William I. Cutler North Adams, Mich. 3627 Noyes A. Darling Lake Ridge, Mich. 3628 Hugh V. Davis Covington, Ohio 3629 M. Myrta Davis Reading, Mich. 3630 Selah J. Day Hanover, Mich. 3631 Peleg S. Dodge Naperville. Ill. 3632 Charles R. Donahue Oak Hill, Ohio 3633 Alice Doolittle (Harrington) Clarendon, Mich. 3634 Benjamin C. Downey Parkville, Mich. 3635 Alma Dunakin (Owen) Homer, Mich. 3636 Allison W. Dunham Colebrook, Ohio 3637 Josie Dunton (Beach) Orland, Ind. 3638 Martha F. Eggleston Reading, Mich. 3639 Charles W. Elkins Chicago, Ill. 3640 Alice C. Elliott (McCallister) Middlebury, Ind. 3641 William Emmett Paris, Wis. 3642 Wallace Evans Middleburg, Ind. 3643 Frank J. Fairbrother Ontario, N. Y. 3644 Allen C. Fast Princeville, Ill. 3645 Mary J. Felch Racine, Wis. 3646 Julia A. Felker (Ulrich) Parkville, Mich. 3647 Drusilla Fellows (Parks) Hartford, Mich. 3648 George W. Fellows Hartford, Mich. 3649 George H. Ferris Hillsdale, Mich. 3650 Benjamin Fisher Hillsdale, Mich. 3651 Don Randolph Flowers Morenci, Mich. 3652 May H. Flowers Morenci, Mich. 3653 William H. Fox Parkville, Mich. 3654 L. Jennie French (Fulton) California, Mich. 3655 John W. French Tekonsha, Mich. 3656 Belle Gardner (March) Hillsdale, Mich. 3657 Stephen A. Gilbert Girard, Mich. 3658 Urank Gilman Churchville, N. Y. 3659 Mary J. Gilman (Dole) Paw Paw, Mich. 3660 Amos H. Gleason Belvidere, Ill. 3661 Durelle F. Glidden Paw Paw, Mich. 3662 Joseph C. Gowdy Waukegan, Ill. 3663 Herman M. Green Chicago, Ill. 3664 Minnie Green Wakeman, Ohio 3665 Charles H. Gurney Kewanee, Ill. 3666 Edwin A. Hadley Osseo, Mich. Present Address. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased. Somerset Center, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Battle Creek, Mich. West Unity, Ohio Deceased Boloxi, Miss. 2 609 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Cal. Cambria, Mich. Nickerson, Kan. Deceased 3307 S. 1st St., Tacoma, Wash. 140 N. Church St., Waynesboro, Pa. Fowler, Ind. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1 Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased LaGrange, Ind. Deceased South Bend, Ind. Deceased Princeville, Ill. Deceased Grand Rapids, Mich. Deceased Deceased 4306 Calumet Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sturgis, Mich. Idana, Kan. Sherwood, Mich. 109 E. Bridge St., Grand Rapids, Micl Deceased Lowell, Mich. Deceased 122 LaSalle St., Chicago, Ill. Tuscon, Ariz. Coldwater, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 3667 Samuel B. Hagenbuch Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. 3668 Edward A. Hamilton White Pigeon, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. , 3669 Georgia Haskins (Miller) Quincy, Mich. Fresno, Cal. 3670 Carrie D. Hastings Warsaw, N. Y. 3671 George L. Hayden Fairbank, Mich. 3672 Alpheus A. Hayes Homer, Mich. Norman, Okla. 3673 Sophia Hayward Hillsdale, Mich. 3674 B. Frank Herrick Hillsdale, Mich. Hager City, Wis. 3675 Mary Hill (Redner) Ontario, N. Y. Deceased 3676 Alfred C. Hogbin Fairwater, Wis. Laramie,' W T yo. 3677 William H. Holdeman New Paris, Ind. 3678 Florence A. Holmes (Beardsley) Bronson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. 3679 Albert Holsinger Rome City, Ind. Deceased 3680 Luther J. Hopkins Mattawan, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich. 3681 Marie C. Hubbard Tedrow, Ohio Toledo, Ohio 3682 Bruce S. Hunting Byron, Ill. Deceased 3683 Sarah Janes (Walsh) Johnstown, W r is. Deceased 3684 Susie Janes (Chillson) Johnstown, Wis. Mason City, la. 3685 Emogene L. Jenkins Spafford, Wis. Deceased 3686 Joseph K. Julian Lock, Ind. 3687 Manasseh Kempton Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 3688 Clara Kern (Bayliss) Lawton, Mich. Macomb, Ill. 3689 George Ketcham Adamsville, Mich. Deceased 3690 Mary E. Ketcham (Haas) Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. 3691 Adelaide S. Kies (Wheadon) Moscow, Mich. Jackson, Mich. 3692 Della Kies (Ditmars) Moscow, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 3693 Mary C. Kline (Rile) Centerville, Mich. South Bend, Ind. 3694 Frank J. Knapp Wheatland, Mich. Deceased 3695 Mary V. Ladue Angola, Ind. Deceased 3696 Milton G. Lamb Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 3697 Alzina Lane (Foot) North Adams, Mich. Rochester, N. Y. 3698 Sanford F. Leonardson Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 3699 Robert Liles Seven Mile House, Ohio 3700 Kate Lisk Blandinville, Ill. 3701 William H. Littlejohn Wheelersburg, Ohio Washington, D. C. 3702 Mary Livermore Wheatland, Mich. Deceased 3703 R. Verna Lockman Stanton, Mich. 3704 Levi O. Lockwood Denmark, la. 3705 Ernest M. Luce Osseo, Mich. Osseo, Mich., R. F. D. 3706 Isaac N. Mauck Cheshire, Ohio Cheshire, Ohio 3707 Millie C. Mauck (Fessler) Cheshire, Ohio Deceased 3708 Sigler W. Mauck Cheshire, Ohio Cortland, Ohio 3709 Frank McCrary Sherwood, Mich. Union City, Mich. 3710 John W. McDonald Wolcottville, Ind. Deceased 3711 Harvey X. McGee Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. 3712 Eugene A. Merrill Geneseo, Ill. 2116 2d Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 3713 Ella A. Meigs (Frazier) Reading, Mich. Conneaut, Ohio 3714 Elmer P. Millis Pontiac, Mich. Lapeer, Mich. 3715 Mattie Mitchell (French) California, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 3716 Ella E. Moore (Hauley) Lexington, Mich. Bad Axe, Mich. 3717 Hattie N. Moore (Beal) Adrian, Mich. Deceased 3718 Mary Morrow (Jameson) California, Mich. Fairgrove, Mich. 3719 Albanus A. Moulton Concord, N. H. Deceased 3720 Clara J. Moulton Hillsdale, Mich. 3721 Dwight W. Moulton Oak Grove, Wis. Deceased 3722 Edith N. Mugg Franceville, Ind. Deceased 3723 John B. Mugg Clyde, Ohio Angola, Ind. 3724 Charles L. Mumford Jonesville, Mich. Jonesville, Mich.,R. F. D. 3725 Susan M. Myers (Foulk) Hillsdale, Mich. Des Moines, la. 3726 Orlando C. Nash Hopkinton, la. Hillsdale, Mich. 3727 Eleanor J. Nichols Tecumseh, Mich. 3728 L. Leroy Nickel Connelsville, Pa. 3729 Charles S. Norris Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 3730 Smith Osterhout Schoolcraft, Mich. Deceased 3731 Emma L. Pack Lexington, Mich. Deceased 3732 John R. Parker Kingston, Ill. Seattle, Wash. 3733 Charles Patten Hillsdale, Mich. 3734 Ella A. Pendleton Hillsdale, Mich. 3735 Amos B. Perrin Parkville, Mich. Deceased 111 112 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794 Lewis S. Perrin George L. Peterson Helen M. Phillips (Nellie) James A. Pitzer William Pound Henry C. Priddy Robert S. Priddy John C. Pugh John W. Radabaugh Arthur G. Randall Sarah C. Randall (McGeagh) Theodore B. Randall Noel J. Rice Lewis P. Rinehart Willie C. Rogers Ellen C. Ross Sylvester S. Royce Carleton G. Rumsey Leila C. Russ (Bagley) Herbert C. Sanborn Lester H. Saulsbury Clara Schafer (Ray) Adaline Schenck (Mason) Charles R. Schurtz George F. Schwab James M. Shelly George P. Skinner Frank M. Smart Addison M. Smith Boles C. Smith Timothy Smith Newton R. Stark Emmett H. Stevens Effie Z. Stockwell (Pouley) G. H. Stuart S. Maria Taggart (Bushnell) Edwin W. Thompson Julius A. Towne Alice E. Tuttle Roxana Tyler (Dennett) Emma A. Walters Almon D. Way Ira H. Weaver Noah Weaver Mary E. Webster (Thompson) Will H. Webster Sarah A. Weir Henry C. Welty Llewellyn Wheaton Emmett T. White John N. White Seth M. Whitten Frank P. Wilcox James H. Williams Luther Williams Frank E. Williamson Maria T. Wilson Luthera I. Wilson (Mills) William F. Yaxley Parkville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Santipore, India Warren, Ind. West Walworth, N. Y. Warren, Ind. Warren, Ind. Melmore, Ohio Byron, Ohio Tekonsha, Mich. Medina, Ohio Whittlesey, Ohio Albion, Mich. Bristol, Ind. Oberlin, Ohio North Adams, Mich. Johnsonburg, N. Y. Osseo, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Lexington, Mich. Geneva, Mich. Allen, Mich. Lexington, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. New Prairie, Ind. Tontogany, Ohio Girard, Mich. Eddyville, N. Y. Union, Mich. Union, Mich. Northville, Mich. Bay City, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Medina, Ohio Bronson, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Owatonna, Minn. Cleveland, Ohio Big Spring, Wis. Clay Mills, la. Osseo, Mich. Prairie Center, Ill. Dayton, Mich. Allen, Mich. Pontiac, Mich. Vernon, Wis. Nevada, Ohio Rush, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Addison, Mich. Lawton, Mich. Flowerfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Edgerton, Ohio Edgerton, Ohio Wheatland, Mich. Deceased Calhoun, Ill. Williamson, N. Y. North Topeka, Kan. Topeka, Kan. Deceased South Haven, Mich. Deceased 553 9 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. North Adams, Mich. E and 16th Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Deceased Alma, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Port Huron, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Toledo, Ohio Deceased Deceased Clayton, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Bronson, Mich. Deceased Owatonna, Minn Deceased Deceased Waldron, Mich. Ottawa, Ill. Allen, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn., Lumber Ex. Waynesville, N. C. Deceased Pomeroy, Wash. Deceased 39 35 Archer Ave., Chicago, Ill. 3795 Ortugal I. Abbott 3796 Arthur S. Abbott 37 97 Alvinza J. Adams 3798 Charles Arnold Allen 3799 Frank J. Allen 3800 Robert A. Allison YEAR 1869 Salinas, Cal. Reading, Mich. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Salinas, Cal. Deceased Jonesville, Mich. 8 09-812 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. j Quincy, Mich. Deceased L \No. 38,01 3 SO 2 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 Name. Ella Anshutz (Long) Alfred L. Arner Wayland B. Augir Mason N. Bagley Marshall G. Barber Della Beers (Howell) Andrew M. Beisel Leafy R. Benham (Anderson) Elmer L. Bennett Estelle A. Bennett (Herman) Amanda Bentley (Butler) (Azia) Olive Bentley (Jones) Josephine Bishop (Holden) Minnie J. Blackmar Ida L. Bonney Albert J. Booth Lucius D. Boynton James D. Bristol B. Wells Brockway Alice Brott (Bailey) John A. Bush Charles Carmondy John C. Carmondy Ella Chadwick (Duguid) Elliott W. Church Margaret A Clancy Ellis H. Clark Marian M. Clipfell (Taggart) Georgie Clugston (Long) Milo J. Coldren Amelia J. Conwell Ida M. Coombs (Cockroft) Nannie Coyl (Lash) Gene W. Crane George W. Crittenden Isaac N. Crittenden William Cross Charles A. Daugherty Ada E. Davis Albert H. Davis Charles E. Davis Florence Davis (Roberts) Lydia Denham (Kinyon) Fannie M. Dickerson Francis M. Dodge Richard H. Dodge William J. Donavan Lillian E. Doolittle (Marshall) John A. Dorris S. Neil Downey Belle Dryer (Hill) Charles D. Dudley Barbara Duguid (Paul) Helen A. Dunn (Gates) Frances L. Dunton (VanDevort) Albert N. Eldred Joseph F. Elmers Esmiralda V. Elmore Adda Everett (Hunt) Rebecca H. Ewing Jay R. Failey Clark A. Fay Elias J. Fenton Helen Ferris (Gould) William I. Ferris Eulalia Fowler (Dickinson) Rosa C. Fox (Hagenbuch) Delamore D. Frazier OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE Old Address. Vevay, Ind. Andover, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. S. Newberry, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Allen, Mich. Lima, Ind. Constantine, Mich. Bronson, Mich, Bronson, Mich. Mantua, Ohio Mantua, Ohio Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Gilead, Mich. St. Johns, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Allen, Mich. Reading, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Georgetown, Ill. Georgetown, Ill. Philadelphia, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Buchanan, Mich. Bronson, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. Minneapolis, Minn. Rochester, Wis. Wheelersburg, Ohio Addison, Mich. Reading, Mich. Belvidere, Ill. Butts Des Morts, Wis. Mishawaka, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Rush, Ill. Litchfield, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Grant Mich. Hudson, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Wenona, Ill. Constantine, Mich. Prairie City, Ill. Fremont, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Girard, Mich Chicago, Ill. Hudson, Mich. Onondaga, Mich. Angola, Ind. Walworth, N. Y. Quincy, Mich. Warsaw, Ind. Mantua, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Flowerfield, Mich. 113 Present Address. Deceased Jefferson, Ohio Seattle, Wash. Allen, Mich. Poplar, Tulare Co., Cal. Lima, Ind. San Jose, Cal. Deceased Burr Oak, Mich. Olympia, Wash. 1104 Virginia Ave., Spokane, Wash. Quincy, Mich. Seattle, Wash. Gilead, Mich. Riley Center, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Chandbali, India Rockford, Ill. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Childs, Minn. South Bend, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. 1302 Chicago Ave., Evanston, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased Pittsford, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Ray, Ind. 802 Mulberry St., Scranton, Pa. Peoria, Ill. Colon, Mich. Deceased Onondaga, Mich. Deceased Deceased Aurora, Ohio Deceased Orland, Ind. Constantine, Mich. 114 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. 3869 Samuel Fulton New Bremen Ill. 3870 Whitfield G. Furey Florence, Mich. 3871 John A. Gale Vevay, Ind. 3872 Scott W. Gardner Constantine, Mich. 3873 Ida Gee (Reed) Hillsdale, Mich. 3874 Wallace B. Gilbert Newberry, Ohio 3875 Silas W. Glasgow Jonesville, Mich. 3876 Andred G. Gongwer White Pigeon, Mich. 3877 Hiram W. Goodrich Hadley, Mich. 3878 Rhoda E. Goodrich (Hillard) Ransom, Mich. 3879 Ithamer R. Granger Tekonsha, Mich. 3880 Marshal Grant Goshen, Ind. 3881 E. Belle Gunn LaSalle, Ill. 3882 Dexter H. Hadley Osseo, Mich. 3883 Harriet A. Hancock Reading, Mich. 3884 George F. Harrison Schoolcraft, Mich. 3885 Martin L. Hart Ransom, Mich. 3886 Henry B. Hatch Schoolcraft, Mich. 3887 David A. Heffner Bellevue, Ohio 3888 Nettie Henderson (Davis) Bronson, Mich. 3889 Lizzie F. Herrick (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. 3890 Hannah Herring (Brickett) Goshen, Ind. 3891 Mary Hewitt (Haynes) Hillsdale, Mich. 3892 Charles A. Hilton S. Parsonfield, Me. 3893 Mary Ann Hoag Hillsdale, Mich. 3894 William J. Hollinghead Cambria Mills, Mich. 3895 Hattie Horton (Jewett) Adrian, Mich. 3896 Merritt G. Howard Tekonsha, Mich. 3897 Perry A. Hull Williamsfield, Ohio 3898 Emma J. Hurlbut Pittsford, Mich. 3899 Cheney D. Ingell Mantua, Ohio 3900 W. Scott Jenks Salt Lake, Utah 3901 Mary Johnston (Wolford) Hillsdale, Mich. 3902 George W. I. Jones Wolf Lake, Ind 3903 John L. Jones West Unity, Ohio 3904 Samuel H. Jones Makunda, Ill. 3905 Franc M. Kean (Driggs) Bronson, Mich. 3906 Joseph H. Kennedy Goshen, Ind. 3907 Lucy I. Kenney (Briggs-Kenrick) Hillsdale, Mich. 3908 Stanton A. Kenton Rolling Prairie, Ind. 3909 Mary S. Kimball Lansing, Mich. 3910 Henry E. Kline Bellevue, Ohio 3911 John H. Knevels Three Rivers, Mich. 3912 Richard M. Hogbin-Lawrence Fairwater, Wis. 3913 Samuel C. Makemson Wilmot, Ind. 3914 Azuba A. Mallory Chicago, Ill. 3915 Flora R. Manning Hillsdale, Mich. 3916 Elizabeth Mansfield (Irving) Clockville, N. Y. 3917 Mary Martin (Cook) Hillsdale, Mich. 3918 William T. Martin Oswego, N. Y. 3919 Frederick W. May Tekonsha, Mich. 3920 Charles J. May Tekonsha, Mich. 3921 Wilson McConnell Goshen, Ind. 3922 Samuel McElhinney St. Louis, Mo. 3923 Benjamin F. McKenney Hillsdale, Mich. 3924 Malcom McKercher Centerville, Mich. 3925 Hiram H. McMurtrie Three Rivers, Mich. 3926 John M. Melendy Centerville, Mich. 3927 Chandler B. Merrill Geneseo, Ill. 3928 S. Wright Miles Lawrence, Mich. 3929 Charles W. Millard Three Rivers, Mich. ‘ 3930 Bessie Millington (Schellhouse) Constantine, Mich. 3931 Marv E. Mills (Logan-Bentley) Spring Prairie, Wis. 3932 Austin W. Mitchell Hillsdale, Mich. 3933 Sarah E. Morse Angola, Ind. 3934 Benjamin F. Newton Oberlin, Ohio 3935 William A. Norton Bath, Mich. 3936 Elizabeth Nutten (Durga) Moscow, Mich. Present Address. Deceased 1702 S. Figuerva St., LosAngeles.Cal. Jonesville, Mich. Deford Mich. Ransom, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Washington Chambersburg, Ill. Schoolcraft, Mich. Woodward, Okla. Hart, Mich. Clyde, Ohio Geary, Okla. Colfax Ave. N., Minneapolis, Minn. Marion, Mass. 703 River Rd. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 3113 Fremont Av„ Minneapolis, Minn. Des Moines, la. Dayton, Ohio Tekonsha, Mich. Ravenna, Ohio Marion, Ohio Deceased Bronson, Mich. Colorado Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Elkhart, Ind. 3425 14th St., Brookland, Washington, D. C. Denver, Col. New York City, N. Y. Deceased 1025 Grand Ave., Toledo, Ohio Michigan City, Ind. Tekonsha, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Deceased Deceased Winona, Minn. Morley, Mich. Nashville, Tenn. Eureka, Cal. Deceased Deceased Constantine, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Deceased Angola, Ind. Deceased St. Johns, Mich. Deceased No. 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 3985 3986 3987 3988 3989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 115 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Mary Nutten (Hopkins) Moscow, Mich. Villisca, la. Reuben H. Ober S. Newberry, Ohio Frederick B. O’Neal Vevay, Ind. Deceased Lena R. Orcutt Burton, Ohio Nellie J. Orcutt Burton, Ohio Ira F. Palmer Bristol, Ind. Lysander K. Parks Sheffield, Ohio 1116 Alvarado St., Los Angeles, Cal. Henry C. Patrick Blue Island, Ill. Deceased William V. Paxson Bristol, Ind. George P. Peddicord Marseilles, Ill. Charles C. Phillips Edwardsburg, Mich. Bangor, Mich. Nellie Phillips (Mrs.) Edwardsburg, Mich. Bangor, Mich. Samuel M. Porter Walled Lake, Mich. Caney, Kan. Daniel L. Pratt, Jr. Hillsdale, Mich. Sioux City, la. Frank Quereau Clyde, N. Y. San Diego, Cal. John B. Quereau Quincy, Mich. Deceased Frank W. Ralph Jonesville, Mich. Deceased Franc I. Remington Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Ada Reynolds (Stid) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Mary Roberts (Chapman) Wolcottville, Ind. Wolcottville, Ind. Robert A. Robertson Cleveland, Ohio William H. Ross North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Julia A. Schenck Hamlin, N. Y. Deceased Ornie Schmerhorn Centerville, Mich. Deceased Isaac Schoonmaker Three Rivers, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. William H. Schoonmaker Three Rivers, Mich. Moorepark, Mich. Ida V. Seamans Hillsdale, Mich. George A. Shepard Batavia, N. Y. Parma, Mich. John W. Silcox Iona, C. W. James W. Simmons Mottville, Mich. Owosso, Mich. Edward P. Simpson Victor, la. Melbourne, Fla. Madison M. Small Cooperstown, Pa. Cooperstown, Pa. Emma J. Smith Reading, Mich. Frances D. Smith (Armstrong) Commerce, Mich. 1233 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Almira Starkweather (Parker) Hillsdale, Mich. Memphis, Tenn. Jennie Stickel (Jones) Constantine, Mich. Knox, Ind. Ellen A. Stillman (Drane) Mulberry Corners, Ohio 2 33 Thorne St., Los Angeles, Cal. John J. Stears Constantine, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Lillian Steward (Wells) Wheatland, Mich. 426 E. 25th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Flora Stone (Corbaley) Hillsdale, Mich. 22 38 Atherton St., Berkley, Cal. John W. Stoner Wilmot, Ind. Wilmot, Ind. Jennie Stout (Stevens) Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Lincoln L. Taylor Hillsdale, Mich. Cassius M. Thompson Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Nellie Thompson (Phillips) Spring Arbor, Mich. Deceased William H. Thompson Castalia, Ohio William E. Thorne Baldwin’s Mills, Mich. James B. Townsend St. Louis, Mo. Henry Thorne North West, Ohio Ottumwa, la. Charles E. VanAlstine S. Boston) Mich. Deceased H. Clay Wagner LaPorte, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Joseph L. Wagner Huntington, Ind. Ontonagon, Mich. Emily C. Ward (Griswold) Hillsdale, Mich. Stone Church, N. Y. Henry E. Ward Hillsdale, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. John H. Ward Jonesville, Mich. ‘ Batavia, N. Y. Samuel H. Ward Mattawan, Mich. John H. G. Weaver Quincy, Mich. Eureka, Cal. Sylvia M. Wells (Wilton) Kalamo, Mich. Brookfield, Mich. Francis M. Welty Nevada, Mich. Thomas C. Whitehead Clyde, Ohio Adrian, Mich. Belle WTckwire (Sanders) Angola, Ind. Angola, Ind. Chauncey H. Wilson Hillsdale, Mich. Herbert E. Winsor Dwight, Mich. Marshall, Mich. Libbie Winters (Knickerbocker) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jennie O. Woodward (Lampman( Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Rebecca L. Woodworth Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Frederic C. Wright Moscow, Mich. Moscow, Mich. John R. Wyllie Toronto, C. W. Cleveland Trust Co., Cleveland, Ohio 116 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 4005 Helen Wyllis (Snell) Moscow, Mich. Douglass, Kan. 4006 Theodore F. Wyllis Hillsdale, Mich. Frontier, Mich. 4007 Eliza Young (Dallas) Wolcottville, Ind. Logansport, Ind. 4008 Aaron S. Zook Goshen, Ind. Goshen, Ind. 4009 David L. Zook Goshen, Ind. 140 Dearborn St., Chicago, YEAR 1870 4010 Mary Abbott Tedrow, Ohio 4011 Arthur S. Alden Sycamore, Ill. 4012 Nellie Aldrich (Weber) Waterloo City, Ind. 4013 Elitha Allen (Palmer) Lithchfield, Mich. 4014 Wyllis B. Allen Barton, Ohio 4015 Emily Ames (Mauck) Hudson, Mich. 4016 Charles A. Baker Rome Center, Mich. 4017 Hattie J. Barnard Litchfield, Mich. 4018 George N. Barnes Elk Creek, Pa. 4019 Cordelia I. Bates Hillsdale, Mich. 4020 Louisa Beardsley Huntsburg, Ohio 4021 Orpha Beecher (Hoxie) Wheatland, Mich. 4022 William J. Bell North Adams, Mich. 4023 Doak R. Best Huntington, Ind. 4024 Lettie Black White Deer Mills, Pa. 4025 Lizzie Bope (McNabb) Orland, Ind. 4026 Alfred L. Bowen Quincy, Mich. 4027 Lena Norris Bramer (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. 4028 Louisa Brown Parma, Mich. 4029 Alice A. C. Buck Hillsdale, Mich. 4030 Cyrus J. Bulhand Adamsville, Mich. 4031 Thomas W. Burkholder Harrisburg, Pa. 4032 William C. Burns North Solon, Ohio 4033 Charles H. Calder Hillsdale, Mich. 4034 James K. Calder Hillsdale, Mich. 4035 Russell Calder Hillsdale, Mich. 4036 Arah A. Carleton Mantua, Ohio 4037 Ida L. Carrel (Finney) Quincy, Mich. 4038 Alice J. Cass Ransom, Mich. 4039 Riley Charles McLanesboro, Ill. 4040 Willis Charles McLanesboro, Ill. 4041 Marcus Chase East Killingly, Conn. 4042 Henry D. Cheney Hillsdale, Mich. 4043 Nettie Churchill Jones Station, Ind. 4044 Delorum D. Clark Osseo, Mich. 4045 Warren F. Clark Bronson, Mich. 4046 Aaron B. Coddington Tekonsha, Mich. 4047 Adelia L. Coddington Tekonsha, Mich. 4048 Daniel K. Cole Pittsford, Mich. 4049 Cora Collier (Keller) Hillsdale, Mich. 4050 Orlando Collins Mt. Elgin, Ont., D. ( 4051 Emma Comstock (Mason) Hillsdale, Mich. 4052 Clara E. Corning Hillsdale, Mich. 4053 Catherine Cosgrove Defiance, Ohio 4054 Lathan A. Crandall Ames, N. Y. 4055 Charles F. Crowell Whitestown, N. Y. 4056 Flora Culbertson Centerville, Mich. 4057 William Culbertson Centerville, Mich. 4058 Frank Curtis Toledo, Ohio 4059 James S. Curtis Hillsdale, Mich. 4060 Byron P. Dague Minneapolis, Minn. 4061 Thomas A. Dailey Somerset, Mich. 4062 M. Josephine Daniels (Parker) Kendallville, Ind. 4063 Ella L. Davis Hillsdale, Mich. 4064 Leonard Dewey Varysburg, N. Y. 4065 Egbert O. Dickinson Paw Paw, Mich. 4066 Herbert J. Doolittle Tekonsha, Mich. 4067 Sarah E. Doust Hillsdale, Mich. 4068 James S. Drake LaGrange, Ind. 4069 Hattie Dresser (Chandler) Hillsdale, Mich. •4070 Lilah H. Dunton Homer, Mich. 6 Detts Flats, 13th St.,Toledo, Ohio Deceased Deceased Deceased Fostoria, Kan. 410 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Cal. North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Angola, Ind. Bad Axe, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Deceased Hobart, Ind. Deceased Monroe, Mich. Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Mantua Station, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Deceased Chicago, Ill. Deceased St. George, Ont. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 22 03 Hennepin Ay.,M inneapolis, Minn. Deceased Deceased Deadwood, S. Dak. Adrian, Mich. 530 32d St., Seattle, Wash. Deceased Deceased 2417 N. VanBuren St., Bay City, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Deceased Goshen, Ind. 4 4 Chapman St., Cleveland, Ohio Homer, Mich. No. 4071 4072 4073 4074 4075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 4081 4082 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4088 4089 4090 4091 4092 4093 4094 4095 4096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 Name. Alfred Farmer Morris Fawkes George H. Fay Cornie M. Fenton (Mrs.) Henry M. Ford Mary A. Ford Abraham France Alfred* French Lizzie Gilmore (Fitzsimmons) Amos M. Gould Flora Greer Harry H. Groot Jacob P. Haber James W. Hadcock Josephine Hall Charles H. Hallock Edward O. Hamilton Emma Harkness (Butcher) Ida Harper (Martin) Seward F. Harper Squire C. Hayden Arthur E. Haynes Lavilla Hazard (Tibbetts) Wallace W. Heckman Achsa V. Hoffman John G. Holmes Jessie A. Holly Hannah Hopkins (Booth) Maggie Hopkins (Brown) Robert A. Howard Truman A. Howard Montraville S. Hewes Arthur A. Hugg George Humphrey Frank A. Hunt Edward Hunter Mariel Huntington, (Gormley) Priscilla Hutchinson (Crozier) Isabella J. Iddings (Butler) Thomas A. Jackson Albion S. Jaquith Abner D. Jennings Alice Jewell Hattie B. Johnson Greenhill Jones Della E. Joy Albert A. Keith Jennie L. Kellogg Mary E. Kelsey C. Roberta Kent (French) Zeno L. Kent Emma H. Kies Charles L. King Frank T. King James M. Lamb Edward S. Lane Julia M. Lay Caroline W. Leland (Mrs.) Belle Lewis Edward Littlebrant Albert W. Long Lizzie Long Herbert M. Lusk Eleazur B. Mabrey Charles E. Makemson Jesse B. Mann Cassius R. Manning Rial J. Mapes Willard Marble OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 117 Old Address. Present Address. Cambria, Mich. Edinburg, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Rolling Prairie, Ind. Tekonsha, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Adamsville, Pa. Kipton, Ohio Neenah, Wis. Mt. Elgin, Ont., D. C. Brooklyn, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Flint, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Ceresco, Mich. Ceresco, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Reading, Mich. Centerville, Mich. North Kingston, Ill. Millersburg, Ind. Buchanan, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Brighton, Ind. Brighton, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Calhoun, Mich. Mendon, Mich. Middleport, Ohio Palmyra, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Mt. Elgin, Ont., D. C. Richland, Wis. Cambria, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Leesburg, Ind. Wrights Corners, Ind. Addison, Mich. Willsborough, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Mound City, Ill. Pioneer, Ohio Minneapolis, Mipn. Van Slyke, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. Coldwater, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Liberty, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lowell, Mich. Richmond, Ind. Adams, Mich. Cambridge, Ill. Quincy, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Angola, Ind. Wilmot, Ind. Pawtucket, R. I. Hillsdale, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Dayton, Mich. Deceased Coleman, Mich. Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich Osseo, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Kipton, Ohio Deceased Woodstock, Ont. Chicago, Ill. Coldwater, Mich Ceresco, Mich. 23 S. Union St., Battle Creek, Mich. Franklinville, N. Y. 703 River Rd. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Deceased 4505 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Boone, la. Deceased Gilead, Mich. Angola, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Middleport, Ohio Quincy Mich. Woodstock, Ont. Lewisburg, Pa. Deceased North Adams, Mich. 10 Fairview St., Dorchester, Mass. Grand Lake, Ark. 950 W. Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. 1107 Michigan Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Deceased 70 S. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Lowell, Mich. Standard Oil Co., Detroit, Mich. Peoria, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Angola, Ind. 1808 Riverside Drive,Jacksonville,Fla. Quincy, Mich. Hastings, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 17 S. 1st St., San Jose, Cal. South Bend, Ind. 118 No. 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 4151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 4160 4161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 4178 4179 4180 4181 4182 4183 4184 4185 4186 4187 4188 4189 4190 4191 4192 4193 4194 4195 4196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 Name. Joseph Wm. Mauck Mary C. Mayard Lewis C. McClain Emma McClung (Benedict) Irene McElhinney Belle McNaughton William H. McNeal Josiah Means Elias H. Miller John J. Mills DeWitt F. Merritt Carrie E. Moffatt Henry R. Nathurst Worthy T. Newcomb Moses J. Nutting William L. Nutting Loana Otto Clara Paxson (Sherwin) Harlan T. Penfield Frank G. Perkins Minnie Perkins (Jones) Aaron Perrin Lucy Perrin (Mrs.) Hattie A. Pettibone Norman I. Phillips William B. Phillips Luella Pierce (Hartley) Perry P. Pitcher H. Nellie Pratt (White) Edgar Randall Albert D. Randolph Sue Raper William H. H. Raper Kate F. Reynolds Elta Rice Helen Roberts (Aldrich) Aidwin D. Robinson Isaac A. Rowell Clark S. Rowlson Mary S. Royce Frank D. Ruick William L. Russ Mary Russell (Wilson) Monroe E. Russell J. Willard Russell Charles E. Sabin John Schoonmaker William M. Scott Marie Sears Charles A. Segur Diesta M. Shelby Jennie Shepard Frank Slaughter Edward W. Smith Hattie Smith (Clark) Marshall F. Smith Isaac W. Spencer Solomon H. Spencer Boyd Steele Auretta Stevens (Gill) S. H. Stevens F. Emma Stewart (Lemmon) Ransom L. Stillman Anna Stockwell (Skeel) Fred H. Stone Mary Straehley (Holmes) Mary Stratton (Blackman) Alfred H. Stuck GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Present Address. Cheshire, Ohio Defiance, Ohio Jacob’s Creek, Pa. Orland, Ind. St. Louis, Mo. Fremont, Ind. Thurman, Ohio Powellsville, Ohio Collamer, Ind. Chagrin Falls, Ohio LaGrange, Ind. Fayette, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Hiram, Ohio Union,Mich. Union, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Benton, Ind. Adrian, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sycamore, Ill. Coldwater, Mich. Burlington, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Crawfordsville, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind. Rolling Prairie, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Orland, Ind. Marshall, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Strykersville, N. Y. LaGrange. Ind. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Milford, Ind. Milford, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. Marshall, Mich. Monticello, Wis. Angola, Ind. Bronson, Mich. Rochester, Ind. Campbell Hall, N. Y. Huntington, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Noble Center, Mich. Lodgeville, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Mound City, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Waterford, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Mulberry Corners, Ohio Clayton, Mich. Xewanee, Ill. Bronson, Mich. Strykersville, N. Y. Vermontville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Geneva, Neb. Ray, Ind. Deceased Deceased S. Whitley, Ind. Deceased LaGrange, Ind. Deceased Deceased Fairfield, Neb. 45 Charlotte St. Rochester, N. Y. Bristol, Ind., R. F. D. Bristol, Ind. Mishawaka, Ind. Chicago, Ill. Osseo, Mich. Deceased Deceased i Grand View Park, Lincoln, Neb. i Detroit, Mich. Grand Blanc, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. Deceased University Place, Evanston, Ill. South Haven, Mich. Santa Anna, Cal. 31 Madison Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Lawrence, Kan. Adel, la. Moorepark, Mich. Deceased Jackson, Mich. Deceased Deceased Latham, Kan. Junction City, Kan. Bronson, Mich. Deceased Long Beach, Cal. care Mrs. Jennie Truax Deceased Deceased 76 2 Republic St., Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Wales Center, N. Y. . sT No. 4208 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4234 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 119 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Ellen S. Surdam (Cornell) Bronson, Mich. Dubuque, la. Olive S. Sweet Darlington, Wis. Abram E. Taylor Iona, Ont., D. C. Deceased Henry W. Thompson Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Horace A. Tibbetts Oshkosh, Wis. Samuel O. Titus Wheelersburg, Ohio Dover N. H. Francis Towsley (Watson) Albion, Ind. Johnson City, Tenn. Phillip P. Upp Kinderhook, Mich. Spearville, Kan. Frank B. Van Auken Pleasant Lake, Ind. Angola, Ind. Jacob J. Van Auken Pleasant Lake, Ind. Auburn, Ind. Jerome Vandevanter Gilead, Mich. Deceased J. I. Van Doren Cato, N. Y. Phoenix, N. Y. Samuel C. Van Riper Little Prairie Ronde, Mich. Robert J. Walker Cairo, Ill. Mark A. Washburn * Manchester, la. Fannie W T aterman Hillsdale, Mich. Orson M. Webb Gilead, Mich. Deceased Joseph A. Weitz Edgerton, Ohio Montpelier, Ohio John E. Weldon Springfield, Pa. Deceased Charles N. White Middlebury, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. Emma A. Whitford (McLain) LaPorte, Ind. Evanston, Ill. Isabella Whitford (Vaugh*i) LaPorte, Ind. Detroit, Mich. Orville C. Whitney North Jackson, Pa. Binghamton, N. Y. George H. Wilcox North Adams, Mich. North Adams. Mich. David G. Wilder DeRuyter, N. Y. 211 Clinton St., Cleveland, Ohio Fred A. Williams Ashtabula, Ohio Ashtabula, Ohio Louie B. Winsor Hillsdale, Mich. Reed City, Mich. Susan Wood (Fuller) Church’s Corners, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Elva A. Woodward (Ladd) Brooklyn, Mich. Hersey, Mich. A. Edna V r oodworth Fayette, Mich. Helen M. Wooser (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Altie Wright (Phillips) Kingsville, Ohio Kingsville, Ohio Nellie E. Wright (Weber) Geneva, Ohio Toledo, Ohio Chauncey F. York Wexford, Mich. Alvin A. Young Barton, Wis. Deceased Henry C. Young Ford’s Ferry, Ky. YEAR 1871 Angus H. Abbott Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. William E. Armes Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Deceased George A. Armstrong Hillsdale, Mich. 68 King Ave., Detroit, Mich. Tunie Armstrong (Marsh) Hillsdale, Mich. Ludington, Mich. Mack Ashley Adamsville, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich. Lillie Augir (Van de Mark) Hillsdale, Mich. Ave. N and 10th St., Brooklyn, N. Harriet Bagley (Kempton) North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Jennie Bailey (Carrel) Reading, Mich. The Randall, Cleveland, Ohio Frank S. Baldy Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Eli R. Barrick Addison, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Joseph A. Bartholomew Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Diana Bates Coldwater, Mich. Emma Eeebe (Marquette) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Sarah J. Belcher Hudson, Mich. Deceased Dora C. Betts Reading, Mich. Lillian Bidlake (May) Mantua, Ohio Mantua Corners, Ohio Lou M. Blake (Hathaway) Mantua, Ohio Kent, Ohio Elnora Blakeman Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Carrie Bowman (Baber) Corinth, Mich. Deceased Hattie A. Brewster Hillsdale, Mich. Billings, Mont. Emma A. Brigham Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Grant P. Bristol Moscow, Mich. James S. Brown Melmore, Ohio Garden Grove, la. George G. Burley Mt. Etna, Ind. Huntington, Ind. Bayard T. Byrns Bronson, Mich. Moscow, Idaho Jefferson T. Burns LaGrange, Ind. Margaret Burns (Hawkins) Jonesville, Mich. Edwin L. Camp Algansee, Mich. Herbert E. Carleton Mantua, Ohio Akron, Ohio Ellen A. Carter Houghton, Mich. 120 No. 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 Name. Melville L. Chase James T. Chestnut George H. Closson Mary Conwell (Barkley) Herman E. Cook Clara M. Cooper William H. Cooper Elsie E. Cottrell Ellen Cross (Copp) John S. Cross Laura Culbertson A. Wilbur Curran George W. Cutler Lewis Cutler Belle Davison (Dailey) Celestia Dean E. Florence DeGolyer (Libby) W. R. DeLamater Charles A. Dimm Benjamin F. Dimm William H. Dobbin Dora Donaghy (Hallett) Elliott L. Dresser Frederick H. Dunakin Ella T. Dunn (Doane) Henry C. Dunn Jay C. Eastman Samuel D. Egner Ella H. Emerick (Carrel) Mary A. Emerick Wellington J. Engleman F. Marie Everett (Drennan) Helen Fay (Weitz) Clayton D. Fish Rush A. Fleet James L. Fletcher Charles B. Foote Lyman P. Foster Otto Fowle C. U. France Mary Gardner (Smith) Mary Geer (Hastings) Dillie Graham (Cotton) Angelia Green (Lawrence) Calvin Hadley Addie Hamblen (Raplee) Laura Hamilton (Fay) Charles A. Hammond Emma Hammond Horace Hammond Forest S. Haney Oscar S. Hartson Charles Hasbrouck James M. Hatfield William M. Henry Henry Martin Herbert Edwin W. Higbee Clara H. Himebaugh (Fry) Ella J. Himebaugh Charles Houghtaling Thomas Hull Albert M. Hunter Ernest A. Hogmire Alice Jaquith (Paxon)- Willis J. Johnson Thomas J. Juday Harriet M. Kane Adam E. Karsner Napoleon B. Kiblinger GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Present Address. Homer, Mich. Edinburg, Mich. Prairie City, Ill. Norman, Okla. Minneapolis, Minn. 140 Hancock Ave. W., Detroit, Mich. Florida, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich Blackstone Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Omro, Wis. 7 04 University Ave., Madison, Wis. Bangor, Mich. Centerville, Mich. Deceased Reading, Mich. Deceased LaPorte, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. 124 Bluff St., Council Bluffs, la. Somerset, Mich. Belvidere Ill. Adrian, Mich. Addison, Mich. Auburn, Mo. Liberty, Mich. Deceased New Haven, Ohio Clyde, Ohio New Haven, Ohio Deceased Geneva, N. Y. Geneva, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Oberlin, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. 1404 R. St., Lincoln, Neb. Liberty, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. Deceased LaPorte, Ind. Detroit, Mich. Gorham, Ohio 206 Harrison Ave., Chicago, Ill. Gorham, Ohio 6 008 Union Ave., Chicago, Ill. Constantine, Mich. Sandusky, Ohio Constantine, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Montpelier, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Tiffin, Ohio Tiffin, Ohio Bath, Mich. Pine Lake, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Colburn, Idaho Middlebury, Ind. Idaho Moscow, Mich. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cherry Valley, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Reading, Mich. West Unity, Ohio Union City, Mich. St. Charles, Ill. New Haven, Mich. Milford, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen’s Prairie, Mich. Roanoke, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich LaGrange, Ind. Milford, Ind. Burr Oak, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Springport, Mich. Keyesville, Mo. Burr Oak, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Clayton, Mich. Benton, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Florida, Ohio Millersburg, Ind. Oberlin, Ohio Jackson, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Unicoi, Tenn. Deceased Allen, Mich., R. F. D. 1298 Orange St., Los Angeles, Cal. 5411 Ohio St.,Austin Sta., Chicago, lill Peru, Ind. Jackson, Mich. Huntington, Ind. 1106 10th St., Eureka, Cal. LaGrange, Ind. Milford, Ind. Burr Oak,Mich. Deceased Quincy, Mich. Eaton Rapids, Mich., R. F. D. Burr Oak, Mich. 815 Prairie Ave., South Bend, Ind. Deceased Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 121 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 4343 Ella Knapp (Stevens) North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 4344 Ella Lapham (Bates) Rome, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 4345 Mary E. Lapham Rome, Mich. Clayton, Mich. 4346 Hadley B. Larrabee Randolph Center, N. Y. Keuka Park, N. Y. 4347 Edward Lee Addison, Mich. Addison, Mich. 4348 Bartha Lewis (Woodward) Addison, Mich. Iron Mountain, Mich. 4349 Hugh Dennis Long Pleasant Lake, Mich. care J. H. Long, Oakland, Cal. 4350 Jane O. Long Pittsford, Mich. Deceased 4351 Jane Lumsden Jonesville, Mich. Deceased 4352 Louisa Mansfield (Ashbaugh) Hillsdale, Mich. Washington, D. C. 4353 Albert J. Marshall Monticello, Wis. Leaf River, Minn. 4354 A. Rose McGee (Woodward) Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Frankfort, Mich. 4355 William R. McNeil Adamsville, Mich. Deceased 4356 Alvah McWilliams Marion, Ohio Spencerville, Ohio 4357 Samuel McWilliams Marion, Ohio 4358 Homer P. Mead Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 4359 Jennie Mead (Fowle) Hillsdale, Mich. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 4360 H. A. Mills Cambria, Mich. 4361 Charles E. Mitchell Fairfield, Mich. Sand Creek, Mich. 4362 David S. Mitchell Edinburg, Mich. Montgomery, Mich., R. F. D. 34 4363 William Mitchell Hillsdale, Mich. Cadillac, Mich. 4364 Caroline de la Montagnie Brooklyn, N. Y. Deceased 4365 Edwin M. Montgomery Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 4366 Ella Moss (Gasser) Fish Creek, Ind. Angola, Ind. 4367 Mary E. Mott Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 4368 George N. Newton Orland, Ind. 1143 Clay St., Topeka, Kan. 4369 James Nott Cairo, Ill. 4370 Emma Nunn Medina, Ohio 4371 Orin O’Harrow Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. 4372 Henry A. Olney Hillsdale, Mich. 114 Scribner St., Grand Rapids, 4373 Wilson Oyer Springport, Mich. Deceased 4374 Addie L. Packard LaPorte, Ind. New Albany, Ind. 4375 Artemus T. Packard LaPorte, Ind. 9 St. James Place, Chicago, Ill. 4376 Florence N. Packard (Cook) LaPorte, Ind Buffalo, N. Y. 4377 Martha J. Parker Sycamore, Ill. 6325 Monroe Ave., Chicago, Ill. 4378 Arvilla Perkins (Chandler) Clayton, Mich. Mishawaka, Ind. 4379 Eugene J. Perkins Clayton, Mich. Mishawaka, Ind. 4380 Marian Perkins (Manwaring) Hillsdale, Mich. Mishawaka, Ind. 4381 Edward W. Porter Walled Lake, Mich. 1809 5th St., Bay «City, Mich. 4382 Charles W. Pratt Hillsdale, Mich. Geddes, S. Dak. 4383 George W. Prentiss Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. 4384 Bascom L. Prescott Ashland, Ohio Downers Grove, Ill. 4385 Flora Preston (Hogbin) Hillsdale, Mich. Laramie, Wyo. 4386 May Preston (Slosson) Hillsdale, Mich. 530 W. 123d St., New York City, 4387 Mary Purdy (Masters) Jonesville, Mich. Evanston, Ill. 4388 Merritt H. Quale Linden, N. Y. Linden, N. Y. 4389 Sophia Randolph (Weaver) Jerome, Mich. Jerome, Mich., R. F. D. 4390 Henry J. Raymond Hudson, Mich. Smith, Mich. 4391 Martha Reece (Whitinger) North Liberty, Ind. Teegarden, Ind. 4392 Reuben W. Reese Eau Claire, Mich. 4393 Arthur Rhodefer LaPorte, Ind. South Bend, Ind. 4394 James H. Ritter Ligonier, Ind. Topeka, Ind. 4395 Edwin Robbins Hudson, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 4396 Charles H. Rowlson Hillsdale, Mich. 114 50th St., Chicago, Ill. 4397 John Frank Runnels Huntington, Ind. 2 33 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. 4398 Nora M. Ruple (Quay) South Bend, Ind. South Bend, Ind. 4399 J. A. Russell Centerville, Mich. 4400 Madison J. Russell Milford, Ind. Deceased 4401 Adelbert Ryan Hanover, Mich. Deceased 4402 Nettie Samm (Pettitt) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 4403 Henry J. Scholey Coldwater, Mich. 4404 Francis Sell Adamsville, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. 4405 Anna Sheldon (Fogg) Jonesville, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. 4406 Jacob G. Sheets Pioneer, Ohio 4407 Adella Sloan Clarendon, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. 4408 Winfield S. Sloan Clarendon, Mich. Deceased 4409 William H. Sloan Clarendon, Mich. Albion, Mich. 4410 Isaac W. Sloan Clarendon, Mich. Homer, Mich. 4411 Charles E. Smith Coldwater, Mich. 122 No. 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. David T. Smith Lima, Ind. Lester Starr Dale, N. Y. Anna Stephenson (Chapman) Hudson, Mich. Abraham B. Stevens Angola, Ind. Cyrus B. Stevens North Byron, Mich. William H. Strong Somerset, Mich. Sarah E. Tabor Hudson, Mich. Florence E. Taylor (Waterman) Waterloo, Ind. Ella Titus Coldwater, Mich. Alonzo M. Towner Bath, Mich. Clarence A. Tuck Pittsford, Mich. Charles T. VanAkin Pittsford, Mich. Virgil K. Van De Venter Dundee, Mich. Mary F. Van Pelt Melmore, Ohio Belle Van Valkenburg (Pomposki) Hillsdale, Mich. Amelia L. Wade (Cole) Pittsford, Mich. Edison C. Walker Palmyra, Mich. Edith Wallbridge (Carr) St. Charles, Ill. John B. Wallbridge St. Charles, Ill. Joseph H. Walrath Ames, N. Y. Martin W. Walworth Moscow, Mich. Carrie H. Weir (Cutler) LaPorte, Ind. Joel K. Wendover Adamsville, Mich. Cynthia Wilcox Vandalia, Mich. Eva Wilder (Rose) Orland, Ind. Joseph E. Williams Gabon, Ohio Melvin H. Winegar Elkhart, Ind. John A. Wolford Green Camp, Ohio Charles F. Wood Hudson, Mich. Abbie C. Woods Hudson, Mich. Brosia Wyatt (Squares) Litchfield, Mich. Benjamin F. Yard Jacob’s Creek, Pa. Ella Yost (Mitchell) Hillsdale, Mich. YEAR 1872 George W. Abbott Mosherville, Mich. Walter C. Abbott Reading, Mich. Adolphus Aikin Warsaw, N. Y. May Atwood \ Mitchell) Dale, N. Y. Viola J. Augir Hillsdale, Mich. Edmund F. Augur Hillsdale, Mich. Edwin L. Bansill Jonesville, Mich. Franklin Barber Quincy, Mich. Burr Bartram Benton Harbor, Mich. Edmund Bayliss Waterloo, N. Y. Marshall Beaty Owensburg, Ind. Angus Beers Hillsdale, Mich. James R. Bell Chagrin Falls, Ohio John E. Bell Liberty, Mich. Charles E. Benjamin Adamsville, Mich. Ella Berry (Terpening) Reading, Mich. Rogers W. Berry Quincy, Mich. Lewis C. Bishop Adamsville, Mich. Charles B. Bow Cambria Mills, Mich. George D. Bow Cambria Mills, Mich. Lizzie Bowman (Wolfe) Corinth, Mich. Frederick R. Boyd South Wright, Mich. George W. Brown South Bend, Ind. Clarence A. Burbank Elsie, Mich. Clark Cady South Wright, Mich. Arad Calahan Scott, Ind. Hattie A. Caples (Howell) Fostoria, Ohio Jennie Card (Randall) Lexington, Mich. William N. Case Springville, Mich. John E. Chase Benton Harbor, Mich. Mary E. Chase Hillsdale, Mich. Orestes R. Chamberlin Hillsdale, Mich. Charles A. Chillson , Providence, R. I. Present Address. Lima, Ind. Deceased Grand Crossing, Chicago, Ill. Jackson, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Waterloo, Ind. Perry, Mich. Watertown, S. Dak. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Dundee, Mich. Tiffin, Ohio 3 34 Oakland Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Deceased 919 Vine St., Scranton, Pa. Hoopeston, Ill. Deceased Addison, Mich. 124 Bluff St., Council Bluffs, la. San Francisco, Cal. Orland, Ind. Deceased Deceased Quincy, Mich. Cadilac, Mich. Alma, Mich. Deceased Sanborn, N. Y., R. F. D. 16 Huntington, Ind. 1011 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1033 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Moscow, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. Vancouver, Wash. Hillsdale, Mich. 70 Bolton Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Addison, Mich. Niles, Mich. Reading, Mich. Great Falls, Mont. Adamsville, Mich. Deceased Hudson, Mich. Oberlin, Ohio St. Louis, Mo. Waldron, Mich. Fostoria, Ohio Port Huron, Mich. Vermontville, Mich. 133 Pavone St., Benton Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Kalamazoo, Mich. i' Harbor, Mich No. 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 123 Name. Old Address. Present Address S. Libbie Cilley (Griffin) Casnovia, Mich. Jellasore, India Edwin P. Clark Union City, Pa. Union City, Pa. Andrew S. Clement Blissfield, Mich. Britton, Mich. Viola A. Clizbee (Boone) Quincy, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Annie Clugston (Rowe) Valentine, Ind. LaGrange, Ind. , Cornelius Cobb South Butler, N. Y. Deceased William H. Coddington Tekonsha, Mich. Deceased William W. Cole Geneseo, Ill. Geneseo, Ill. Chauncey F. Cook Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Frances Cook (VanAkin) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Addie S. Coon (Armstrong) Hillsdale, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. Jerome F. Culp Athens, Mich. Genie Daniels (Campbell) Kendallville, Ind. Topeka, Ind. Frank C. Day Chicago, Ill. John A. Denny Ligonier, Ind. Eugene E. Divine Cambria Mills, Mich Reading, Mich. James M. Donnel Springfield, Ohio Deceased Solomon F. Downs Orangeville, Mich. William H. Downs Orangeville, Mich. John F. Duguid Fremont, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Mary Dunakin (Lay) Homer, Mich. LaPorte, Ind. Rachel C. Dunn Liberty, Mich. Deceased James A. Durand Lima, Ind. Lima, Ind. Eva C. Durbin Napoleon, Ohio 6 565 Yale Ave., Chicago, Ill. Frank L. Durgin Saco, Me. Winnebago, Minn. William H. Edgerton Plainfield, Wis. Lucius J. Elliott Racine, Wis. Racine, Wis. William G. Elliott West Unity, Ohio Deceased Winfield S. Ellis Palmyra, Ind. Deceased Ella Engle Mosherville, Mich. , Deceased Mary L. Engle (Randall) Burlington, Mich. Grand Blanc, Mich. Alfa Erskine Port Sanilac, Mich. Julia Everhard (Snediker) Spring Lake, Ohio Hartford, Kan. Charles S. Fitzsimmons Cambria, Mills, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Osmer H. Foster Middlebury, Ind. Goshen, Ind. Edward C. Fowler , Hillsdale, Mich. '215 Bethune Ave., Detroit, Mich. Mary H. Fulton Ashland, Ohio Canton, China Alice A. Gardner (Huntley) Jonesville, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Lowell M. Gates Hale’s Eddy, N. Y. 802 Mulberry St., Scranton, Pa. Juliana L. Gay Bridgeton, Mich. Amos Goble Huntington, Ind Deceased L. Adoren Goodrich Cambria Mills, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. George H. Gordan Ligonier, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Nettie Graham (Bullard) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Fannie E. Gregory Saline, Mich. John C. Grover Quincy, Ill. Quincy, Ill. Evart W. Hale Schoolcraft, Mich. San Jose, Cal. Marvin E. Hall - Tekonsha, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Charles W. Hamilton Prairie City, Ill. Sarah H. Hammond St. Charles, Ill. Austin Sta., 5411 Ohio St., Chicago Royal M. Hanna Palmyra, Mich. New Boston, Mich. Sands M. Hart Racine, Wis. Racine, Wis. Elbert L. Hayes Homer, Mich. Montrose, Col. Elizabeth Henry (Stewart) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Frank Higly St. Claire, Mich. William Hilderbrand Mount Etna, Ind. Huntington, Ind. Charles S. Hill Deer Lick, Ohio James R. Hilton Liberty, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Isaac F. Hoff Lima, Ind. Michael A. Hoff LaGrange, Ind. Deceased Richard J. Hopkins Brighton, Ind. Deceased Edna H. Horton Orland, Ind. Deceased George N. Howard Racine, Wis. Franconia, N. H. Haven Hubbard South Bend, Ind. Terre Coupee, Ind. Lucius M. Hubbard Hillsdale, Mich. Nellie E. Hubbard Jefferson, Ill. William M. Hubbard Sylvania, Ohio 1418 E. Superior St., Duluth, Minn. Mary J. Hunter Hillsdale, Mich. Belle E. Hurd Woodstock, Ill. 12- GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 4547 Daniel W. Irish Collins Cen., N. Y. 4548 Chloe E. Jackson (Sweezy) Addison, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 4549 Frank Jay Cambria Mills, Mich. Toledo, Ohio 4 5 5 0 Nellie Keefer (Crane) Hillsdale, Mich. Bay City, Mich. 4551 Harlan P. Kenney Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 4552 M. Eentley Kent Chagrin Falls, Ohio Chagrin Falls, Ohio 4553 Volney Kent Ligonier, Ind. Marshalltown, la. 4554 Brewster E. Kies Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 4555 J. Dallas Koher Syracuse, Ind. 4556 Charles H. Lane Blissfield, Mich. King City, Mo. 4557 David Lauferty Goshen, Ind. New York, N. Y. 4558 George D. Lay Cambridge, Ill. LaPorte, Ind. 4559 James E. Lewis Woodville, Ohio Liberty Center, Ind. 4560 Irene F. Locke Leonidas, Mich. 4561 Nettie Mallory (Fish) LaPorte, Ind. 8 Elizabeth Court, Oak Park, Ill. 4562 Frank E. Manning Jeffersonville 4563 Erwin S. Marsh Cambria Mills, Mich. Cambria, Mich. 4564 Clarence B. Mason Vicksburg, Mich. 4565 Georgiana Maxson (Weatherwax) Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 4566 Rezin A. Maynard Macon, Mich. Denver, Col. 4567 Charles H. McAllister Newburg, Ind. 4568 George C. McClure Linden, N. Y. Brodhead, Wis. 4569 Robert J. McClure Belle Center, Ohio 4 570 Clay McCrary Athens, Mich. 4571 Charles H. McElvy Cochranton, Ohio Cochranton, Ohio 4572 Zelos F. McGee Lansing, Mich. Benzonia, Mich. 4573 J. Duane McKercher Moscow, Mich. Deceased 4574 Frank Meech Roanoke, Ind. Deceased 4575 Morris Meigs Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. 4576 Spencer G. Millard Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 4577 Florantha J. Miller Madison, Wis. 4578 Nettie F. Miner (Dobbs) Montgomery, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. 4579 David D. Mitchell Fairfield, Mich. Sofia, Mercer Co., N. Dak. 4580 Willis Moore Cairo, Ill. 4328 Lake Ave., Chicago, Ill. 4581 Rollin J. Morse Wixom, Mich. Wixom, Mich. 4582 Flora Mosher (Maynard) Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. 4583 Helen Munro Litchfield, Mich. Deceased 4584 Wilson P. Myers Burnip’s Corners, Mich. 4585 Frank H. Nibecker Buffalo, N. Y. Glen Mills, Pa. 4586 Clara L. Osborne (Platt) Tekonsha, Mich. Santa Ana, Cal. 4587 Byron E. Paddock Lawton, Mich. 4.588 Charles Palmer Camden, Mich. 918 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 4589 Judson B. Palmer Hillsdale, Mich. Galveston, Tex. 4590 Julian A. Palmer Camden, Mich. Camden, Mich., R. F. D. 4591 Libbie H. Palmer Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 4592 James W. Parsons Phoenix, N. Y. 7 07 Prospect Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 4593 Lyman E. Parsons Chardon, Ohio Chardon, Ohio 4594 Maurice Perkins Ransom, Mich. Deceased 4595 Sylvester J. Phelps North Clymer, N. Y. 4596 Ida O. Phillips Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 4597 Lucy Phillips (Durgin) Hillsdale, Mich. Winnebago, Minn. 4598 Cassius M. Proctor Elkhart, Ind. Chicago, Ill. 4599 Jay J. Read Blackberry, Ill. 70 LaSalle St., 947 Pratt Av., Chicago 4600 Alice Remer (Mallicoat) Burr Oak, Mich. Nashville, Tenn. 4601 Della Reynolds (McIntyre) Hillsdale, Mich. 2711 N. Robey St., Chicago, Ill. 4602 Hattie L. Reynolds Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 4603 J. Wesley Rinear Vandalia, Mich. Spokane, Wash. 4604 Nellie A. Rinehart (Ferris) Union, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio 4605 Myron H. Rising Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. 4606 Thomas S. Roberts South Poultney, N. Y. Deceased 4607 Frank W. Rogers Kirkland, Ohio 4608 Roqua B. Rogers Kirkland, Ohio Kirkland, Ohio 4609 Albert Rozell Litchfield, Mich. Los Angeles, Cal. 4610 John B. Rupel North Liberty, Ind. 4611 Charles S. Sage , Elkhart, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. 4612 Thomas W. Secor Racine, Wis. 4613 Lyman A. Schofield Florida, Ohio 46] 4 John W. Shaver Addison, Mich. 4615 Joseph F. Smith Pittsburg, Pa. No. 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 1680 Of HILLSDALE COLLEGfi 123 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Marshal O. Snow Baldwin’s Mills, Mich. Eva L. Squire Bridgeton, Mich. James R. Sterling South Whitely, Ind. Abbie Stevens (Smith) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Oliver J. Steward Ashtabula, Ohio Lewis C. Taylor Napoleon, Ohio Deceased Philo J. Taylor Wolcottville, Ind. Carson City, Mich. William L. Taylor Wolcottville, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Charles H. Terpening Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Charles E. Tuck Pittsford, Mich. Coral, Montcalm Co., Mich. Ada A. Tucker (Randall) Tekonsha, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Vannie Tyler (Weston) Mosherville, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. , Florence Van Aken Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Arthur S. Van De Mark Hillsdale, Mich. Atlanta Ga., Gen. Del. Will W. Vaughan Washington, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Roswell A. Viall Manteno, Ill. Bettie K. Vineyard Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Lacelle C. Waite Orangeville, Mich. Charles L. Walrath Hillsdale, Mich. East St. Louis, Ill. Frankie Walrath (McClure) Hillsdale, Mich. Brodhead, Wis. Horace B. Wamsley Huntertown, Ind. Eau Claire, Wis. Arthur C. Waterman Athens, Mich. Libbie Waterstone Bridgewater, Ohio Deceased Joseph Weaver Mechanicsburg, Ohio Lelia M. Weldon Middleport, Ohio Eunice E. Wells (Peters) Kalamo, Mich. Charlotte, Mich. William H. Whedon Coldwater, Mich. Deceased Bion J. Whelan Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Alonzo White Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Aaron H. Willard Athens, Mich. Helen WTllits (Fisher-Starr) Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. John Wilson Washington Center, Ind. John F. Wilson Roanoke, Ind. Deceased Rosa Wilson (Bolster) Hillsdale, Mich. Danville, Ill. John H. Wilt Bellevue, Ohio Berkley, Cal. Russell M. Wing Lisbon, Ill. 1213-171 LaSalle St., Chicago, Ill. Zelora Wood (Knapp) Hudson, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Charles H. Woodruff Little Valley, N. Y. Annie E. Woods Hillsdale, Mich. St. Anthony, Idaho Ursula Woods (Mitchell) Hillsdale, Mich. Sofia, Mercer Co., N. Dak. Homer C. Woodward Brooklyn, Mich. Deceased , M. Ella Woodworth (Grover) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Waitie Woodworth (Hopkins) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Delphi H. Youngs Hillsdale, Mich. YEAR 1873 Flora Abbey (Sherwood) Hillsdale, Mich. Hydio. Caddo Co., Okla. Calvin Abbott Mosherville, Mich. Albion, Mich. Remus Abbott Reading, Mich. Deceased Dayton F. Ashworth Cheshire, Ohio Deceased Ozro G. Augir Rochester, Wis. Grafton, W. Va. Mary J. Austin Hecla, Mich. Columbia City, Ind. David W. Baird Wallen, Ind. Robert F. Baker Rome, Mich. Fort Morgan, Col. Isaac F. Beard Warren, Ind. Huntington, Ind. Clotilda E. Beatty (Divine) Whites, Mich. Camden, Mich. Mary C. Beatty Whites, Mich. Libbie M. Beers Hillsdale, Mich. Thomas Beckey Rome Center, Mich. Kansas Lewis F. Beckhardt Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Bates Benham Newton, la. Edwin L. Benton Reed, Mich. Ferry, Mich. Thomas H. Benton Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Herbert E. Blake Mantua, Ohio Deceased Millie Bodwell Cleveland, Ohio Benjamin F. Boiler Ligonier, Ind. 1463 W. Washington St., Los Angeles, Cal. Orville W. Bonney Rome Center, Mich. Deceased 126 No. 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 4709 4710 4711 4712 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Frank P. Bothwell Willis T. Bow Harvey H. Boyden Alcinous T. Bratton Nellie Brewer (Foote) Maria T. Brown Mary Brown (Joslin) Mary J. Buck Harriet Butler (Putnam) Franklin Cameron Charles Carmichael Alice J. Carpenter (Pittinger) Mary E. Carpenter (Elliot) Marcena A. Carrell Herman C. Carver Charles E. Case Alice M. Caulton (Podwell) Will F. Chalmers Louis Chambard Albert L. Chandler Marshal H. Chapel Charles S. Chase Dora E. Chase Hattie A. Chase Hattie S. Church (O’Connor) Naomi C. Cilley (Rexford) Celia R. Clark Dudley E. Clark Lewis A. Clark Lorin A. Clevenger Cyrus Cline Louisa M. Cole Sarah M. Coleman Clara Cook (French) William W. Cook Newton J. Corey Clarence S. Corse Frank C. Crego Sarah Cross (Hines) John N. Crow Manley J. Curtiss Eva C. Darbee Wallace W. Dewey Christian H. Dietrich E. Stella Donaghy (Jackson) Lizzie E. Duguid John S. Dunn Clinton C. Durgin Lillie Ellis (Clark) Randolph Everett Clara Fernald Julia Ferris (Stone) Clara Field (Springer) William W. Fletcher John E. Foley Flora V. Fowler Kate E. Fowler Mary A. Fuller (Winch) Minnie Gilchrist (Welch) Alexander C. Gillis George A. Gordon Ligonier, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Edon, Ohio , Litchfield, Mich. Conneaut, Ohio Parma, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Metz, Ind. Wheatland, Mich. Shelby, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Pentwater, Mich. Solon, Ohio Jonesville Mich. May, Mich. Lapeer, Mich. Fayette, Ohio Nottawa, Mich. Reading, Mich. Homer, Mich. Homer, Mich. Minot, Me. Sparta Center, Mich Casnovia, Mich. Pewamo, Mich. Winneconne, Wis. Center Square, Ind. Center Square, Ind. Angola, Ind. Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Jackson, Pa. Kelley’s Corners, Mich. Winneconne, Wis. Durfee’s Corners, Mich. Camden, Mich. Liberty, N. Y. Medina, Ohio Bremen, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Three Rivers, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Waverly, la. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. North Jackson, Pa. Homer, Mich. Church’s Corners, Mich. Blue Springs, Kan. Osseo, Mich. Allen, Mich. Spring Lake, Ohio Battle Creek, Mich. Millie P. Graham (Bassett-Hanna) Hillsdale, Mich. Champ Green John Green Mary E. Guilford Alvin T. Gurney C. St. John Hall John J. Handy John D. S. Hanson LaGrange, Ind. LaGrange, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Chester Cross Roads, Ohio Lansing, Mich. York Center, Ind. Clay Banks, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. San Francisco, Cal. Angola, Ind. Colburn, Idaho Conneaut, Ohio Downers Grove, Ill. Charlevoix, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Shelby, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Ludington, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Mt. Elgin, Ont. 734 21st St., San Diego, Cal. Corruna, Mich. Deceased Homer, Mich. South Haven, Mich. Kent City, Mich. Casnovia, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Deceased Muncie, Ind. 91 Arlington St., Newton, Mass. Angola, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 4 4 Wall St., New York City N. Y. 38 Woodward Terrace, Detroit, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Strickland, Mich. Oshkosh, Wis. Mitchell, S. Dak. Deceased Chicago, Ill. 1321 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 9 Newcastle Road, Boston, Mass. Marion, Ohio Deceased Deceased Shelby, Mich. Carbondale, Pa. Detroit, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Orland, Ind. Deceased ■ LaGrange, Ind. West St., Hillsdale, Mich. 699 Mayfield Roads, Cleveland, Ohio Flint, Mich. Hart, Mich. No. 4750 4751 47.52 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 479.5 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 Name. Fred M. Harlow Nat A. Herring Isaac N. Hilderbrand Grace A. Hill (Leonard) George W. (Hogbin) Lawrence James H. Hollingsworth Marvin R. Houghton Charles W. Huffman Eli Hughes Frank Hunter William C. Hutchins Julia A. Johnson David Jones Levi Jones Charles E. Keefer Robert Kelley Elizabeth Kern (Eldredge) George W. Kenner Bertha E. Kent George J. King Henry C. King Willis King Edward C. Kinsey Hattie Knight (Moffatt) J. Henry Kuntz William M. Lacy Ancil B. Lamb Dennis Leggett Isaac Leggett Perry D. Leonard Seward S. Lewis Esther Little Marcus V. Little Barton S. Lobdell Rivington D. Lord Eliza Lyons (Jackson-Kies) William T. Lyons, Jr. Martin L. Mapes Isaac W. Markley Emory F. Marsh George R. Martin Belle A. Martindale (Hallack) Rosa Martindale (Empey) Daniel B. Mauck Florie Mauck ( Besserer) Mary J. McBeth (Page) Thomas A. McConnel Frank R. McNamara Preston Meddaugh M. Jennie Middleton Maria Mills (Farr) John C. Mitchell William A. Myers Charles E. Nelson Jay L. Newberry Frederick W. Nichols Lillian Osborne (Platt) Amy W. Paine (Gilbert) Wilson B. Paine Almira A. Palmer George A. J. Palmer Samuel W. Parish Ernest J. Paul Sarah E. Perkins S. Frankie Perry Willie Pettitt Charles H. Pierce Sarah M. Porter Millard S. Post OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 127 Old Address. Present Address. Hanover, Mich. Goshen, lnd. Mount Etna, lnd. Hillsdale, Mich. Fairwater, Wis. Springfield, Ohio Wilmington, Ill. Bourbon, lnd. Quincy, Mich. Dowagiac, Mich. Port Huron, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Ligonier, lnd. Kinderhook, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adamsville, Mich. Medina, Ohio Roanoke, lnd. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Cochranton, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Mount Etna, lnd. Hillsdale, Mich. Bremen, lnd. Elkhart, lnd. Economy, lnd. Kelley’s Corners, Mich. Kelley’s Corners, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Thompson Center, Pa. Moscow, Mich. Warren, lnd. Belvidere, Ill. Reynold, Mich. Bankers, Mich. Bankers, Mich. Miles Station, Pa. Ligonier, lnd. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Sparta Center, Mich. Sparta Center, Mich. Cheshire, Ohio Cheshire, Ohio Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Allen, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Caroline Center, N. Y. Jonesville, Mich. May, Mich. Evansville Wis. Ayersville, Ohio Brunswick, Me. Arabella, Mich. Marengo, Mich. Ada, Mich. Stanton, Mich. Stanton, Mich. •Litchfield, Mich. Camden, Mich. Lambertville, N. Y. Geneseo, Ill. Morris, Ill. Concord Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Walled Lake, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Berien, Mich. Huntington, lnd. Huston, Mo. Uuicoi, Tenn. Clyde, Ohio Stillwater, Okla. Hudson, Mich. Cromwell, lnd. 408 Dix Ave., Detroit, Mich. Deceased Cassopolis, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Huntington, lnd. Deceased Oberlin, Ohio Deceased Deceased 358 Webster Ave., Chicago, Ill. Kelley’s Corners, Mich. Houston, Mo. 67 St. John Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Deceased 9 9 Gainsborough St., Boston, Mass. 203 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 593 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Columbia City, lnd. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Sparta, Mich. Portland, Ore. Proctorville, Ohio Middleport, Ohio Deceased 2 9 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Deceased Deceased Lebanon, N. H. 148 Brainard Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Bowdoinham, Me., R. F. D. 2 Petoskey, Mich. Evanston, Ill. Newport Beach, Cal. Deceased Aberdeen, Wash. Camden, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Deceased U. S. Army Wixom, Mich. Deceased 128 No. 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 Name. Harry A. Potter William F. Preston Willets H. Pursell Amasa D. Ransom Melvin J. Ransom Royal J. Raymond Ida Reade (Simpkins) George F. Reed Lora J. Reynolds Maggie Rosekrans (Woodworth) Alice Sanborn (Coldren) Ezra M. Sewell Frank E. Shepard Myron Mortimer Shepard Charles E. Shobe Rellah T. Smith Charles D. Snow Frank B. Snyder Elizabeth Stahler Will C. Stevens Aaron Strauss James C. Strickland Frank Sutton Edward B. Swygart Merton Tharp Frank P. Thomas Bartlett Thompson Ezra C. Thompson Merritt W. Thompson George R. Thomson Robert J. Thurston Oscar Titus Eugene A. Tower Millie Troy Carrie Turner (Blakey) Jennie Van Fleet (Cowdery) Ely J. Viall Alice M. Wamsley Duren J. H. Ward M. Jefferson Waterman Libbie Weaver (Foster) William Weaver Addie Wells (Lutted) Horace W. Wetherly Thomas C. Williams Dora A. Willey John W. Wolf J. Perry Wood Ida Woodward (Kaye) William J. Young Salelia Allen Henry C. Barrett Lewis C. Bordwell Louisa E. Branch Minnie E. Brewer George H. Carl Joseph H. Carl John C. Carpenter Horace A. Chase Mattie B. Chilson George M. Clark Hattie Clough (Pritchard) Frankie Coffin (Manee) Louisa O. Cone James S. Conwell May C. Corey (Percival) GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Killingly, Conn. South Wright, Mich. Schoolcraft, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Reed, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pewamo, Mich. Rochelle, Ill. Clarksville, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Adamsville, Mich. Baldwins Mills, Mich. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Rome Center, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Angola, Ind. Morenci, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Baldwins Mills, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. Fayette, Ohio Warren, Ind. Woodstock, 111. Union, Mich. Hamilton, Ind. Pleasant Plain, Mich. Addison, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Manteno, Ill. Huntertown, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Waterloo, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Attica, Ohio Lundy’s Lane, Pa. Sturgis, Mich. Medina, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Fremont, Ind. Cheshire, Ohio Shelby, Mich. South Killingly, Conn. YEAR 1874 Hillsdale, Mich. North Jackson, Pa. Marshall, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Bath, Mich. Bath, Mich. Kirtland, Ohio Quincy, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Chicago, Ill. Pewamo, Mich. Present Address. Onondaga, Mich. Schoolcraft, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Nickerson, Kan. Deceased Pewamo, Mich. Deceased Milwaukee, Wis. Ligonier, Ind. Greeley, Col. Marshall, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Hotel Majestic, Chicago, Ill. Deceased Marine City, Mich. Osseo, Mich., R. F. D. 26 Bryan, Ohio Marion, Ind. Deceased Deceased Minnesota New Decatur, Ala. 1305 Ainslee St., Chicago, Ill. 719 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, Ill. 130 W. Laurel St., Ft. Collins, Col. Waterloo. Ind., R. F. D. 77 Billings Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Honolulu, H. I. Sturgis, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. Deceased Fremont, Ind. Athens, Ohio Custer, Mason Co., Mich. Deceased Litchville, N. Dak. Deceased Deceased Deceased Quincy, Mich. . Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 3.5 53 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Deceased No. 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900 4901 4S02 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 Name. Josiah M. Cox Daniel W. Culp Edward C. Davis Sarah Densmore (Crommer) George C. Dimm Sophia J. Dodge Ella C. Douglass James F. Farnam Sophia Ferguson (Goodwin) Nellie O. Freeman (Roberts) William F. Garrison Mary J. Gilson Rosa J. Goff (Moreland) Laura E. Hamilton Minnie M. Harrington Ida May Hatch (Bassett) Lila Hatton (Mixer) Nellie Hill (Chase) Lorenzo D. Huff J. Weston Hutchins Zilpha E. Jenkins (Leighton) Eva Kelley (Flint) Frank L. Kelley Rebecca Kempton (Mobley) Sarah A. Kinyon (Olney) Charles F. Lewis Eugene P. Liddle Alice L. Long (McAllister) Willard D. Martindale Tena E. Miller (Rowe) Lillie L. Montgomery Carrie G. Mott Flora L. Moore M. Alice Nutten (Bleech) Lyman E. Page George W. Parker Charles D. Parsons Louis K. Patterson Edwin J. Perkins Jennie E. Pratt (Green) Lottie A. Raymond Oscar D. Reynolds Maggie E. Richards Emma J. Rising (Henry) Dora K. Rollins Albert T. Rumsey Kittie Russ Laura M. Sammons (Parker) James H. Sampson Emma Savory (Walters) Mate Savory (Whitney) William F. Schilt Myra Sears (Corbett) Ella Smith (Kesler) Genie E. Smith (Kerstetter) Spencer W. Smith Mary A. Snyder Lillie Steele (Baker) Abraham E. Sturtzman Frank S. Teachout Belle Thacher Ida R. Thacher Libbie A. Tower Frank P. Van Akin Esbon B. Van Valkenburg Joseph D. Veney Orrie A. Ward (McIntyre) Alvira E. Welch OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 129 Old Address. Farmington, Me. Athens, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. Osseo, Mich. New Haven, Ohio Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich; Hillsdale, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bristol, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Marysville, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hanover, Mich. North Jackson, Pa. Woodstock, Mich. Bristol, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Knowlesville, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Moscow, Mich. New York City, N. Y. Stony Point, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Homer, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hilldale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bryan, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo Mich. North Adams, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Jackson, Pa. North Jackson, Pa. Bremen, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Kendallville, Ind. Middlebury, Ind. Middlebury, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Napoleon, Ohio Ligonier, Ind. Osseo, Mich. California, Mich. California, Mich. Jerome, Mich. Wawaka, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. Hillsdale, Mich. Big Bend, Wis. Present Address. Jones, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Holton, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Hastings, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Thompson, Pa. Cement City, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 144 Sanborn St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Manton, Mich. Deceased Willoughby, Ohio Bowling Green Bldg.,lJ Broadway, New York, N. Y. Deceased Deceased Deceased St. Louis, Mo. Deceased Deceased Albion, Mich. Deceased Whitewater, Wis. Deceased Ellsworth, Kan. Reading, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Hanover, Mich. 7 y 2 Cary St., Binghamton, N. Y. 7 V 2 Cary St., Binghamton, N. Y. Bremen, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Brimfield, Ind. Goshen, Ind. Topeka, Ind. Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased 2240 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Deceased Rushville, Neb. c/o Wis Conserv. Music., Milwaukee 130 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. 49 53 Charles R Wheeler 4954 Charles P. Whitney 4 95 5 Ella A. Whitney (Matthews) 49 56 Willie M. Whitney 4957 William C. Wilson 49 58 Fred F. Woodruff 4959 Chauncey E. Worline 4960 Mercy Wright (Boiler) Flowerfield, Mich. North Jackson, Pa. North Jackson, Pa. North Jackson, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Webster’s Crossing, N. Y. Radnor, Ohio Kendallville, Ind. Muscogee, I. T. North Jackson, Pa. Susquahanna, Pa. Thompson, Pa. Spokane, Wash. Deceased 4961 Emma M. Adams (Kingsbury) 4 962 Sarah Adams (Parker) 4963 Charles D. Ashley 4964 Samuel A. Balliett 4965 Carrie J. Barber 4966 Rowley M. Barrus 4967 Adelbert Bates 4968 Orman J. Bates 496 9 Carrie L. Baxter 49 70 Benjamin Bell 4971 William T. Bishop 497 2 Eva Blair (Patterson) 497 3 Alphonzo C. Blake 49 74 Hurlburt A. Boomer 4975 David Brickies 4976 Charles E. Brightman 4977 John Brown 4978 William E. Brown 4979 James L. Callard 49 80 Hiram H. Calvin 4981 James A. Carl 4982 S. Libbie Case (Cook) 4 983 Marion H. Cazier 4984 William B. Chase 4985 Charles F. Clark 4986 Mary Clifton (Bansil) 4987 Elma E. Coe (Knapp) 49 88 Frances A. Coe 4989 Clara Cone (Brown) 4990 Daniel W. Cook 4991 Kate Cook (Baldwin) 49 92 Henry J. Cooley 4993 E. Carrie Cottrell 4994 Gertie Crapser 4995 Ida L. Cross 4996 Jennie Cross (Oliver) 4997 Charles E. Davis 499 8 Ernest J. Davis 49 99 Ralph A. Davis 5000 Henry Q. Dean 5001 James M. Densmore 5002 Rose DePuy (Tabor) 5003 Wellington DePuy 5004 Monte L. Divine 5005 Joseph O. Dobson 5006 Herman F. Dow 5007 James R. W. Duguid 5008 Nettie Dunn (Clark) 5009 A. Aldis Dunton 5010 William Eisenman 5011 Robert J. Emerson 5012 Frank Engle 5013 Annette English 5014 Bertha J. Ewing 5015 Nellie B. Fay 5016 Anna M. Fernald 5017 Chauncey W. Ferris, Jr. 5018 Loie E. Filmore (Mills) YEAR 1875 Bristol, Ind. Cambria, Mich. Homer, Mich. Belvidere, Ill. Jonesville, Mich Pike, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Columbia Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdald, Mich. Allen, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Horicon, Minn. Belvidere, Ill. Downington, Ohio Hillsdale Mich. Union, Mich. Elba, N. Y. Fentonville, Mich. Bryan, Ohio Vermontville, Mich. Cherry Valley, Ill. Brimfield, Ind. Lansing, Mich. New Haven, Ohio Northwest, Ohio Bristol, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lima Center, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Lyons, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Winneconne, Wis. Dowagiac, Mich. Reading, Mich. Ithaca, N. Y. Tekonsha, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Tecumseh, Mich. Tecumseh, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Sac City, la. Olathe, Kan. Ray, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Little Lake, Mich. Laud, Ind. LaGrange, Ind. Manchester, Mich. Woodbridge, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ortonville, Mich. Lima, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Columbus, Kan. Keuka Park, N. Y. Deceased Albion, Mich. Visalia, Cal. Morgantown, W. Va. Toledo, Ohio Beatrice, Neb. 4259 Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bellaire, Mich. Independence, Mo. Cambridge, Neb. Beatrice, Neb. Muskegon, Mich. Kenesaw, Neb. Deceased Deceased Cleveland, Ohio Deceased Tekonsha, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Madison, Wis. Grand Ledge, Mich. 311 S. Arno St., Albuquerque, N. M. Mitchell, S. Dak. Sioux City, la. Ray, Ind. Lahore, India 3001 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. Montpelier, Ohio S. Whitley, Ind. Manchester, Mich. Deceased Deceased 117 Cherry St., Seattle, Wash. Gaylord, Mich. No. 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 .5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 Name. John C. French Edith Fulton (McLouth) James F. Gallaher Sara M. Gardner Allie Garside (Martin) Hattie T. Graham Marie A. Graham James A. Grimes William H. Haggerty- Frank B. Hall Harshman A. Harrison Ella J. Hathaway (Brandon) Samuel S. Hayes Dwight R. Higbee Carrie Hitchcox (Clark) Medora Hopkins (Stevens) H. Lester Horton Frank A. Houghton Frank A. Janes Emma Jenne (McGee) Ella Jewett (McLaughlin) Alni M. Johnson Leslie W. Keyes Mariette Keys Hattie G. King James F. Knight Albertus LaRue John R. H. Latchaw Mary Latta (Barstow) Edwin C. Lewis Gerald A. Lewis Flora A. Loveland (Youngs) Milton E. Mapes Nelson J. Martin Amos J. McClung Marcus C. McGee Louisa J. McNaughton (Mitchell) Eliza J. Mills (Ward) James W. Mitchell Frank M. Money Flora Moon (Wood) E. Eugene Moss George E. Myers Charles F. Niblack Ella M. Nichols Hattie B. Noble Minnie M. Noble Josie Norris (Dunton) Anna M. Nye Anna Osborn (Stidson) Carrie A. Parker James W. Parker Jessie Parker (Mitchell) Sara E. Parker William H. Patten LaVerne Pease Alice Peterson (Crowl) B. Frank Pierce Charles L. Preston Charles D. Price Carrie L. Ramsdell George W. Riggs Clarence D. Rogers Cora I. Root Elma Root (Van Buskirk) Alice A. Rushton (Noggles) Nellie S. Rushton (Wellworth) Jackson L. Samms Libbie Schrutt (Stickler) OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 131 Old Address. Present Address. Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Zanesville, Ohio Union, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Stryker, Ind. Montague, Mich. Salem, Neb. Union City, Mich. Gilead, Mich. Northwest, Ohio Mecca, Ohio Union, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Sand Lake, N. Y. Cherry Valley, Ill. East Mendon, N. Y. Lansing, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Montague, Mich. West Killingly, Conn. Barton, N. Y. Horton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wilton, la. Ligonier, Ind. Liberty, Ohio Liberty, Ohio New Haven, Ohio Miller’s Station, Pa. Quincy, Mich. South Wright, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Ray, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Ray, Ind. West Unity, Ohio Fairfield, Ill. Maple Rapids, Mich. Ayersville, Ohio Cambria Mills, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Norwalk, Ohio Evansville, Wis. Evansville, Wis. Evansville, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. South Wright, Mich. Liberty Mills, Mich. Ceredo, W. Va. Mosherville Mich. Sycamore, Ill. Somerset, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Manchester, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Oakdale, Ill. Springfield, S. Dak. Michigan City, Ind. Ann Arbor, Mich. 918 W. 8th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Union, Mich. Bryan, Ohio Deceased Deceased 397 33d St., Chicago, Ill. Montpelier, Ohio 2 305 Portland Av., Minneapolis, Minn. Deceased Deceased 10554 S. Leavitt St., Chicago, Ill. Benzonia, Mich. Deceased Deceased Whitehall, Mich. Plymouth, Mass. Scoville Place, Oak Park, Chicago, Ill. Everett, Wash. Deceased Wilton, la. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. New Haven, Ohio Deceased 918 W. 8th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Chicago, Ill. 679 3d Ave., Detroit, Mich. Montgomery, Mich., R. F. D. Elkton, Mich. Montgomery, Mich., R. F. D. West Unity, Ohio Ellery, Ill. 112 Allis Bldg., Little Rock, Ark. Portland, Ind. Reading, Mich. Deceased 3001 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. Los Gatos, Cal. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Lebanon, N. H. 504 S. State St., Ann Aarbor, Mich. Valentine, Ind. Baraboo, Wis. 2023 W. Congress St., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Hudson, Mich. Deceased Conden, Ore. Sycamore, Ill. Deceased 207 W. Grove St., Pontiac, Ill. Manchester, Mich. Deceased LaGrange, Ind. 1520 10th Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. 132 No. 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. William H. Scribner Batavia, Mich. 52 3 Wilson Ave., Cleveland, < Ohno Edward Seibley Lansing, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Ray Sessions Matherton, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. John C. Shannon Hillsdale Mich. Wixom, Mich. Charles A. Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Eva Shepard (Keefer) Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ohio Florence A. Silver Hillsdale, Mich. Perry W. Sinks Pittsford, Mich. Youngstown, Ohio Edwin B. Smith Angola, Ind. Nickerson, Kan. Henry F. Smith Bellevue, Ohio Bellevue, Ohio F. Louisa Smith Cambria Mills, Mich. Leonidas H. Southard Bokes Creek, Ohio Athens, Tenn. John F. Steward Wheatland Center, Mich Addison, Mich. Christopher Steinmets Shelby, Mich. Belle Stimson (Ackerly) Hillsdale Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Adelle St. John (Eaton) Highland Station, Mich. Wayne, or Detroit, Mich. Clara E. Swain Hillsdale, Mich. Ida M. Taylor Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Charles H. Turner Napanoch, N. Y. John Chas. Turner Hillsdale, Mich. 171 W. 71st St., New York, N. Y. Lucius Van Slyke Pike, N. Y. Geneva, N. Y. Agnes E. Van Valkenburg Hillsdale, Mich. c/o Public Library, Milwaukee, Wis. William Van Wormer Kinderhook, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. j Martin L. Wagner Huntington, Ind. Deceased Frank W. Wait Sturgis, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. Frank M. Wallace Darien, N. Y. Nettie M. Walrath Hillsdale, Mich. Daniel P. Ward Hillsdale, Mich. Finney Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Zuba A. Ward Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Monroe W. Webster Lawville, Ind. David H. Wenger Ligonier, Ind. Salt Lake City, Utah George E. West Wolcottville, Ind. 4 Daisy M. Wheeler Hillsdale, Mich. 26 Waverly Place, Grand Rapids, g Midi Eugene D. Winfield Ayersville, Ohio Deceased James D. Williams Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Nellie A. Wilson (Taylor) Jonesville, Mich. Madison, Wis. William A. Wood Sparta, la. Earl L. Woods Hillsdale, Mich. Brooklyn, N. Y. M. Etta Woodworth Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased William D. Wright Bremen,. Ind. Bremen, Ind. Lizzie Yost Hillsdale, Mich. Cadillac, Mich. YEAR 1876 Fred J. Banks Weston, Ohio Francis J. Batersbee Amadore, Mich. Amadore, Mich. John C. Bateson Postville, la. Scranton, Pa. Dean A. Beckwith Centralia, Kan. Frederick L. Betts Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Miles C. Betts Litchfield, Mich. Cyrus L. Blanchard Wheaton, Ill. Deceased • Stella V. Booth Hillsdale, Mich. Emmet A. Bratton Edon, Ohio Angola, Ind. William Brewer Hillsdale, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Harriet Brewster Hamden, Ohio Lawsette A. Cary Liberty Mills, Mich. Jackson, Mich. George H. Chappell Centerville, R. I. Lettice H. Chappell Centerville, R. I. Herbert F. Clough Hillsdale, Mich. 31 Hinckley Blk., Seattle, Wash. Clayton G. Corse Susquehanna, Pa. Susquehanna, Pa., R. F. D. 1 Edwin H. Crandell Brighton, Ind. Deceased Robert Davis Jarvis, Ont. Ida Ellsworth (Burdick) Quincy, Mich. Deceased Edward L. Ely Sycamore, Iill Kansas City, Mo. Henry A. Fitzsimmons Reading, Mich. 3 3 Monroe St., Grand Rapids, Mich. James M. Foltz Ligonier, Ind. Foltz, Nev. Henry A. Foss Chicago, Ill. Board of Trade, Chicago, Ill. Allen C. Fouts West Milton, Ohio Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 133 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 5153 James B. Gale 5154 George M. Gardner, Jr. 51.55 Jesse F. Goodrich 5156 Harrison Green 5157 Myron C. Green 5158 James A. Hanks 5159 John S. Harrington 5160 Denton W. Harris 5161 Anna Heckman (Kepple) 5162 Curtis C. Hoadley 5163 Edith M. Hoffman 5164 Wilmer E. Hogeboon 5165 H. Miles Hopkins 5166 Lizzie James 5167 Frank A. Jewell 5168 Walter Johnson 5169 Orland W. Johnson 5170 Freeman Kenton- 5171 Clarence E. Kirkland 5172 Howard L. Laskey 5173 Belle B. Livengood 5174 Mervin H. Lobdell 5175 L. May Long (Mahoney) Moscow, Mich. JonesviUe, Mich. Hadley, Mich. Marshall, Mo. Hillsdale, Mich. Birmingham, Mich. Woodstock, Ont. Lansing, Mich. N. Kingston, Ill. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. New Lebanon, Ill. Granville, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Berlin, Wis. Scottsville, Pa. Marion, Ohio Rolling Prairie, Ind. Chicago Ill. Grand Rapids, Ohio Niles, Mich. Belvidere, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. 5176 Helen A. Lunn 5177 Matt. G. Mallery 5178 George W. Manee 5179 Alma U. Mauck 5180 George W. McLouth 5181 Charles T. Mitchell, Jr. 5182 Minnie R. Montgomery 5183 William H. Morgan 5184 George E. Mount 5185 Alvaro P. Myers 5186 Dora Neil (Millard) 5187 Samuel Wilbur Norton 5188 Olive E. Olney 5189 Anna R. Palin 5190 Esther E. Patton 5191 Samuel F. Pearl 5192 Julia A. Peters (Null) 5193 David Pettit 5194 Nellie M. Platt (Olsen) 5195 Edson D. Povemire 5196 Frank B. Pratt 5197 Flora M. Ramsdell (Wilson) 5198 Frank B. Raymond 5199 Olive Richardson (Crawl) 5200 Remus A. Rogers 5201 Nellie Rumsey (Leiby) 5202 Samuel S. Schnell 5203 Silas S. Sears 5204 Emma Seibly (Wells) 5205 Lina Seibly 5206 Emma Shafer 5207 Charles P. Sheaff 5208 Mary J. Sloan (Vandewalker) 5209 Hiram T. Smith 5210 Howard P. Smith 5211 Willis S. Smith 5212 Robert C. Spear 5213 Jonas H. Starr 5214 Francis M. Stockman 5215 Lola Sutton (Burns) 5216 William S. Sweet 5217 William G. Talbert >218 Alice Topping (Weld) >219 May Topping (Walbridge) 5220 Ella Van Aken (Augur) County Line, N. Y. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cheshire, Ohio Clayton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Columbianville, Ill. Ames, N. Y. Ayersville, Ohio Conneaut, Ohio Allen, Mich. Weedsport, N. Y. Bristol, Ind. Brooklyn, Mich. Duplain, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Marion, Ohio Sac City, la. Defiance, Ohio Weston, Ohio Ceredo, W. Va. Cortland, Ill. West Unity, Ohio Rensselaer, Ind. Osseo, Mich. Strongsville, Ohio North Adams, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bushnell, Ill. Clarendon, Mich. Pleasant Valley, Pa. Peru, Ill. Hudson, Mich. California, Mich. Somerset Center, Mich. Bear Lake, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Pike, N. Y. Verona Mills, Mich. DeWitt, Mich. DeWitt, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Deford, Mich. Carbondale, Ill. 808 E. 3d St., Duluth, Minn. Whitefield, N. H. Deceased Deceased Villisca, la. Arkansas Ironwood, Mich. 156 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Belvidere, Ill. 1808 Riverside Drive, Jacksonville, Fla. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Cheshire, Ohio Clayton, Mich. Deceased c/o L. S. Ry. Offices, Cleveland, Ohio Jackson, Mich. Napoleon, Ohio Deceased 409 Ashland Blk., Chicago, Ill. Deceased 595 WealthyAve., Grand Rapids,Mich. Kolhapur, India Ovid, Mich. Montgomery, Mich., R. F. D. 35 Deceased Idaho Falls, Idaho Ellensburgh, Wash. Deceased Elmira, N. Y. Klondike, N. W. Ter. The Kenilworth, Buffalo, N. Y. Deceased 32 N. Ave. A, Canton, Ill. Camden, N. Y. Sycamore, Ill. Omaha, Neb. California, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Lansing, Mich., R. F. D. Adamsville, Mich. Deceased High Grove, Cal. 127 College St., Elgin, Ill. St. Johns, Mich. 1033 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 134 No. 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 52.55 5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 5276 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Morey O. Veits Cora Vineyard (Wisner) Thomas D. Viner Esther M. Walters Julia C. Ward (McPherson) Walter W. Wildman James A. Williams Lewis P. Williams Lou M. Wilson Viola Wilson (Nichols) Samuel A. Wright Henry Young Carrie Edith Adams Mary Adams (Johnson) Cora Josephine Aiken Jessie Georgiana Aiken Henry Bishop Ames Eudora Augir Norton H. Bailey Charles H. Baker Edward Alonzo Balyeat Mary Louise Bates Salina E. Bath (King) E. S. Betts Clinton Mahlon Brown Stella Cannon Howard Carpenter Vickie Chaddock Lolanta VanVelzar Clark Della Clark (Austin) Charles H. Cook Frank P. Cook Mary S. Cooper Louisa J. Crane Ida May Cunningham A. Eugene Davis Fremont D. Davis George Ransom Davis Walter R. Davis H. Denham Emma DePuy H. A. DeWolfe Melville A. Dickerson Frank O. Dickey George Martin Dodge Simeon W. Duguid Ella Dunn (Clark-Shaw r ) John Thaddeus Eggers Fannie Emery Ella Thankful Evans Mary Ferris (Seiler) Mary Jeanette Fite Benjamin F. Flemming J. Paul Foreman Daniel B. Freese Mary Garard (Andrews) Charles H. Graham H. Albert Grantham Minnie L. Green (Tenny) Willie C. Green Alden Gregory Charles DeArmond Harrison Stella A. Hart John B. Hatch Edwin Alex. Hogg Old Address. West Gilead, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cortland, Ill. Clay Mills, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Wolcottville, Ind. Joliet, Ill Church’s Corners, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Goshen, Ind. Pleasanton, Mich. Present Address. Deceased New York City, N. Y. c/o Sherman House, Cheyenne, Wyo. Deceased Leroy, N. Y. Deceased Deceased Evanston, Ind. 932 Hinman Ave., Evanston, Ill. YEAR 1877 Tekonsha, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Rochester, Wis. Jackson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Middlebury, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Four Corners, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Cricket Creek, Ind. Bryan, Ohio Houlton, Me. Jonesville, Mich. Mayville, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Homer, Mich. West Unity, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. East Bloomfield, N. J. Bryan, Ohio Flint, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Burns, Ill. Quincy, Mich. Tecumseh, Mich. Marion, Ohio Spencer, Ohio Maple Rapids, Mich. Montague, Mich. Ray, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Lockridge, la. Bradford, Pa. Jackson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Marion, Ohio Cooperston, Pa. Maple Rapids, Mich. Brunswick, Ohio Des Moines, la. Denver, Ill. London, Eng. Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Granville, Ill. Geneva, Ohio Macon, Mich. Cheshire, Ohio Hudson, Mich. Deceased Deceased 712 Washington St., Bay City, Mich Kalamazoo, Mich. Pasadena, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. Cambridge, Neb. Bryan, Ohio Deceased Deceased Jackson, Mich. Deceased Deceased Escanaba, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Deceased Angelica, N. Y. Grand Haven, Mich. Fremont, Steuben Co., Ind. Butler, Ind. Deceased Titusville, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Marion, Ohio Franklin, Pa. care Auditor’s Office, D. & R. G. R. R, Denver, Col 3431 Hawthorne Ave., Omaha, Neb. Denver, Ill. 127 Grand Ave., Ocean Park, Cal. Englewood, Ill. Quincy, Mich. Racine, Wis. Seattle, Wash. California No. 5286 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 5352 5353 5354 Name. Frances Julia Hogg Susan B. Hogg Frank Horton Byron A. Hubbard Edward A. Hudson Alice Huff Albertina Hummel (Rowlson) James W. Kitchen Percy Lyford Lang Eli Lewis Latchaw Louise Lawrence (Mead) George R. Laybourn Lura A. Mains Jacob C. Mallory Will Mansfield Adelbert Whitney Mansur Adams Marks Duncan McLaren Martin Ray. F. Matteson Adelbert J. McKercher Merton Meeker Berdelle Meritt (Merritt) Ezekiel Finley Mills Martha Mills (Davis) Mary Mills (Thayer) William Merritt Monroe Frank W. Montgomery Collins A. Moss Hugh A. Myers William Harmon Mylander Homer Newberry Ida Newton (Fuller-Skuse) Allie C. Nichols Frank F. Noyes Seward S. Palmer Charles Henry Perry Frank E. Perry John M. Pittinger George H. Potts Charles S. Preston Thirza Alice Prickett Ella A. Pulver Seward Edw. Ramsey Arthur Richards George W. Robbins Stella Rogers (Smith) Chord S. Rupel Mattie M. Russ Charles Edward Russell Luke B. Sawyer Thomas Clovis Sawyer Sarah Searle (Ford) James F. Showalter Francis Rufus Shumway George C. Stillman Frances St. John Mary Amie St. John Will St. John Marcus D. Sutherland Walter Sutherland William A. Swain Charles R. Swayne Charles Ward Thompson Caius Edw. Triplet Louisa E. Truesdell Barret Dyer Varnum Walter Scott Varnum Alva V. Viner Geraldine F. Vineyard (Latta) OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 135 Old Address. Present Address. Cheshire, Ohio Cheshire, Ohio Camden, Mich. South Wright, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sarpy Center, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Waverly, N. Y. Wilton, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Springfield, Ohio Burlington, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Houlton, Me. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. LaRue, Ohio Hanover, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Albion, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Oak Harbor, Ohio Angola, Ind. Cooperston, Pa. Oak Harbor, Ohio Woodstock, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Hartford, Ohio Albion, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Adrian, Mich. South Wright, Mich. Benton, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Dungannon, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Sycamore, Ill. South Bend, Ind. Wilton, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Prattville, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Leavenworth, Kan. Fish Lake, Ind. Fairfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Highland Station, Mich. Highland Station, Mich. Highland Station, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Four Corners, Ohio Forest, Ont. LeMars, la. Cortland, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. California California Deceased Toledo, Ohio 114 50th St., Chicago, Ill. Spencer, Ohio Findlay, Ohio Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 14 Phoenix Block. Duluth, Minn. Deceased Deceased “Mira Monte,’’ Pasadena, Cal. Council Grove, Kan. Needles, Cal. Denver, Col. York, Neb. Crowley, La.' 1604 London Road, Duluth, Minn. Deceased Bronson, Mich. Elwood, Neb. Angola, Ind. 3802 17th St., Omaha, Neb. Hanover, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Lockport, Ill. Deceased Des Moines, la. Deceased Deceased Hanoverton, Ohio Ft. Wayne, Ind. Sycamore, Ill. Glendale, Cal. Ithaca, Mich. McPherson, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Needles, Cal. Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Monroeville, Ohio Sarnia, Ont., Canada Seattle, Wash. Morrison, Ill. Deceased 136 No. 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369 .5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 Name. John Vogel L. J. Weaver Mary A. Wilson (Beasley) A. Mary Woodward (Seip) Lena R. Wright Helen G. Adams (Rood) Cash C. Agnew Galen Cay Andrew Frank Baird Austin D. Blanchard Albert Bonnell J. B. Burns Gertrude W. Coplin (Mauck) Cora Crow (Eisenman) Spencer Curtis Almon Emory Davis William Starbuck Denison Almon C. Denman Carrie Durgin (Doggett) Clara Eggleston (Washburn) Ida L. Ela William Montgomery Ela Charles Agustus Elmore Charles Everett Engle Anna W. Fite Fred S. Gaige Joshua B. Gattshall Erastus Brooks Greenough Zebina Flavius Griffin Oscar A. Harding Frank Levi Higgins John Parson Hight Grant A. Hobbs Edwin Hogle Alice Eugenia Hoppough S. P. Hutchinson Willis Wallace Inman Mary M. Johnson Elliot Eugene Kidney James Franklin Knapp Clarence Seymour Lanphere Arthur B. Lathrop Edward E. Lathrop Ruliff Vorhees Leonard Jessie Mansfield (Emerson) Carrie Marks (Tenney) Hiram Marks Candace Martin (Tarbell) Edwin Martin Charles Arthur M.cCartney Tillie Estella McCowan A. D. McIntyre Thomas A. McNeal Charles H. Meeker Cynthia Mills (Moss) Bert Ladue Moffatt Inez May Morse (Jack) Georgie Janet Mosher E. Barton Mott John R. Mowry Florence Estella Names Henry Alvin Parker John Clayton Paxson Nettie Pearl (Wilkinson) Edgar J. Pendell GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Present Address. Oak Harbor, Ohio Eethel, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Shelby, Mich. North Batavia, Mich. Oak Harbor, Ohio 809 Wealthy Av., Grand Rapids, Mich. Holland, Mich. YEAR 1878 Montgomery, Mich. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. St. Charles, Ill. Medina, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Rome, Mich. Centerville, Mich. East Paris, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Rochester, Wis. Rochester, Wis. Addison, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Marion, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Marion, Ohio Tuscola, Mich. Woodstock, One Sturgis, Mich. Dale, N. Y. Metz, Ind. Detroit, Mich. Stevens Point, Ohio Smyrna, Mich. Napoleon, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Middlesex, N. Y. Oakley, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Berkey, Ohio Berkey, Ohio Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Republic, Ohio Moscow, Mich Silver Creek, N. Y. Iberia, Ohio Cortland, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. North Richmond, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Calamus, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bristol, Ind. Duplain. Mich. Casnovia, Mich. Reading, Mich., R. F. D. Homer, Mich. S. Chicago, Ill. New Orleans, La. Three Rivers, Mich. Cortland, Ohio Montpelier, Ohio Adrian, Mich. Goshen, Ind. 66 6 Wealthy Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 71 Northampton St.,Springfield, Mass. Litchfield, Mich. Rochester, Wis. Rochester, Wis. Adrian, Mich. Marion, Ohio 3 Willard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Jellasore, Orissa, India Sturgis, Mich. Toronto, Can. Toledo, Ohio Middlesex, N. Y. Rosebud, S. Dak. Butler, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Swanton, Ohio Berkey, Lucas Co., Ohio Prattville, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind., R. F. D. Ocean Park, Cal. Council Grove, Kan. Lexington, Neb. Iroquois, S. Dak. Weldon, la. Hillsdale, Mich. 2535 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill. Monterey, Cal. Little Rock, Ark. 411 E. 57th St., Chicago, Ill. Pierpont, Ohio Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Deceased Weeping Water, Neb. No. 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 Name. Frank A. Pettibone Curtis E. Pierce Frank Hall Purdy Alonzo, B. Ranier Cora Reynolds (Hunt) Charles E. Root Stella Ruth Root W. A. Rounds Josephine L. Rowley (Wells) Libbie Rowley (Rogers) Edward Sawbridge Emma Jane Saxton A. F. Schermerhorn LaFayette B. Shirley Clarence Levi Smith Frank Everett Smith Lucy Winifred Spaulding Mary J. Speer (Burch) Mary Frances Stone (Baer) Jessie Stowe (Spence) Willis Hemans Swift Cora Belle Tarr (Boyd) Ella M. Tarr (Thompson) Emma A. Treat Fred W. Van DeMark Freeland G. Varnum Osman Lysander Waller Irus H. Wells William Walter White Joseph S. Williams Altus Thomas Wilson Charles Wilson Elmer Ellsworth Woodman Watson Hale Woolsey Frank H. Zinn Moses R. Ackles Minnie Allen (Whelan) Gertrude Avery (Shields) William M. Baker Andrew O. Barnes Minnie Bates Olive C. Bath Henry A. Beam Maud E. Beers Sarah A. Benedict Bertha Benton William A. Bingham Charles Blake Merrill Hastings Blake Charles Franklin Bowers E. Wesley Brubaker Harry T. Buchanan Clara I. Bulkley John D; Caldwell Minnie May Card (Branch) Edwin H. Carleton Alice M. Case Charles O. Case Harvey O. Case George F. Catton Cora Chapin (Barrus) Edward P. Chase John Clancy Florence Clark Ruth Coe (Harnden) Leonard Christian Coller OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 137 Old Address. Present Address. Hillsdale, Mich. East Saginaw, Mich. Evanston, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Dundee, Mich. DeKalb, Ill. Somerset, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Fayette, Mich. Farmington, Mich. Kennedy, N. Y. Cherry Valley, Ill. Cromwell, la. Bonus, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. California, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Bryan, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Lykens, Ohio Chicago, Ill. Ottawa Lake, Mich. Swedepoint, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Peach’s Grove, Tenn. Benton, Ind. Bay City, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 16 Dolphin Ave., Winthrop, Mass. Deceased 704 S. 5th St., Springfield, Ill. Cambria, Mich. Sycamore, Ill. Sycamore, Ill. Charleston, Me. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Dale, N. Y. Long Beach, Cal. California, Mich. Areata, Cal. M. E. Mission, Unalaska, Alaska Deceased 2407 Park St., Evanston, Ill. Arlington Heights, Ft. Worth, Tex. Bryan, Ohio Deceased Jonesville, Mich. Pullman, Wash. Deceased Deceased 612 16th St., Denver, Col. Deceased Vermillion, Kan. Ottawa, Kan. 1213-100 State St., Chicago, Ill. YEAR 1879 Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Akron, Ohio Roxand, Mich. Nettle Lake, Ohio Four Corners, Ohio Grand Rapids, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Orland, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Ortonville, Mich. Napier, Ont. Mantua, Ohio Sugar Creek Mills, la. Florida, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Aina. Me. Geneseo. Ill. Geneseo, Ill. Geneseo, Ill. Constantine, Mich. Lenox, Ohio Minot, Me. Somerset, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Angola, Ind. Ridgeway, Mich. Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. Hillsdale, Mich. 2 33 Garfield Ave., Detroit, Mich. Evart, Mich. Winnebago, Minn. Deceased Junction City, Kan. Mantua Station, Portage Co., Ohio Okolona, Ohio Deceased White Pigeon, Mich. Deceased Lansing, Mich. Deceased Phoenix, Ariz. Deceased Constantine, Mich. Keuka Park, N. Y. Deceased 3005 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. Coldwater, Mich. 138 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 548 6 Frank M. Cook 5487 Mildred A. Corning 5488 Elmer E. Crawford 5489 Cora Cummings (Hawkes) 5490 Frank Cummings 5491 George Everett Cummings 5492 Clinton Cummins 5493 Joseph Cummins 5 494 Edgar S. Darling 5 49 5 Milbourn J. Davis 5496 Emma Deen (Hinman) 5497 David A. Dellinger 549 8 Isaiah Frankhouser 5499 Frank Leslie Garland 5500 Frank M. Gier 5501 Susie Gilman 5502 Edwin Forrest Gregg 5503 Arthur Lee Guernsey 5504 Margaret A. Hagar 5 505 Horace Hathaway 5506 George Washington Helzel 5507 Lettie Hitchcox (Clemmons) 5508 Frederick Morton Hollister 5509 Xira E. Houghton 5510 Charles Robert Johnson 5511 George Allan Kennan 5512 Lorin E. Ketchum 5513 Minnie E. Kimball 5514 Mary Etta Kirby (Swift) 5515 William Gardner Knight 5516 Lillie E. LaBarre (Campbell) 5517 Elmer E. Landen 5 518 George Albert Landen 5519 Cory L. Lane 5520 William Lane 5521 Susie E. Lathrop (Tredway) 5522 Frank C. Latta 5 523 Jessie Lawrence 5 52 4 Mason H. Leonard 5 5 25 Frankie R. Lewis 5526 John Hamilton Lowry 5527 James H. Magruder 5 52 8 Charles Wesley Martin 552 9 George Thomas McCollum 5530 Duncan S. McDermid 5 531 Mary McKibben 55 32 Chattie Meroney (Mooney) 5533 Elmer Lyman Janes Mills 5534 Dora Jane Murphy (Hopkins) 5 5 35 George Washington Murphy 5536 Homer D. Newman 5537 Mary O’Meara (French) 5538 George Cole Osborn 5539 Abraham Overholt 5540 Justina Peterson (Mowry) 5541 Arvilla S. Phillips (Denman) 5542 Myrtie M. Phillips (Boley) 55 43 Ira Henry Plummer 5544 Josephine Porter (Taylor) 5545 Hattie A. Potter 5546 Frank Potts 5547 Byron B. Power 5 548 Holden AdelmorePutiiam 5549 Chas. Palmer Railsback 5 550 Chauncey Rowe Reynolds 5551 Rush W. Reynolds 5552 Rufus Newton Sanborn 5553 Horace E. Sayles 5554 John Henry Schrider Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Vernon, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mitchell, la. Republic, Ohio Montpelier, Ohio Paw Paw, Mich. Church’s Corners, Mich. Portland, Mich. Bloomville, Ohio Monroe, Mich. Homer, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Genoa, Ohio Allen, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Nettle Lake, Ohio Bedford, Pa. Union, Mich. Coral, Mich. Auburn, Ohio Vicksburg, Mich. Oshkosh, Wis. Coral, Mich. Douglass, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. Stockport, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Lenoxburg, Ky. Lenoxburg, Ky. West Mansfield, Ohio Blissfield, Mich. Berkey, Ohio Ligonier, Ind. Grass Lake, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Addison, Mich. Florida, Ohio Port Clinton, Ohio Marysville, Ohio Foster, Ky. Kent, Mich. Lykens, Ohio Constantine, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Atkinson, Ill. Atkinson, Ill. South Milford, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich. Hammond, Mich. Wilton, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Miuh. Foster, Ky. Atkinson, Ill. Medina, N. Y. Adrian, Mich. Wixom, Mich. Hinkley, Ohio Argos, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Waldron, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fayette, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Waseca, Minn. Deceased Wallula, Wash. Prospect, Ohio 910-160 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Salt Lake City, Utah 9 Beacon Ave., Providence, R. I. Clinton, Wash. Home Ins. Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pacific Grove, Cal. Genoa, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Jamestown, Kan. Cromwell, Conn. Mantua, Ohio Deceased Arizona Hillsdale, Mich. 2215 Potswood Ave., Toledo, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Seattie, Wash. Bellefontaine, Ohio King City, Mo. Berkey, Lucas Co., Ohio Ligonier, Ind. Deceased Aberdeen, Wash. Jackson, Mich. Florida, Ohio Deceased Azusa, Cal. Three Rivers, Mich. Mancelona, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Atkinson, Ill. Litchfield, Mich. Deceased Deceased Pittsford, Mich. Quincy, Mich. 3050 N St., Lincoln, Neb. Deceased Kansas Traverse City, Mich. 1538 Cambria St., Los Angeles, Cal. Deceased Waldron, Mich. Wixom, Mich. Bryan, Ohio No. 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 ■ 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 •5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 139 Name. Florence Sevison Fremont G. Sevison Charles L. Shawk George Edw. Smith Silas L. Smith George M. Stadden Minnie A. Stow Fred J. Straight Fred Stranahan. Minnie L. Strickland Fannie Lou Tarr Olin W. Tarr Alanson Orville Taylor R. Elmer Taylor Thomas Cox Taylor Mary E. Teachout (Tupper) Henry E. Thayer John F. Trowe Martin Ward Clifford A. Warner Emma Waterman (Jackman) Etta Watkins (Whittemore) Ida Watkins (Weir) Irving H. Welch William Bidwell Wendell Frederick Wm. Westfahl Ettie M White Phebe White Nellie Wier (Gregg) Nettie Winchester (Knickerbocker) J. Otis Woodworth John O. Zimmerman Ezra Willard Allen Charles B. Alward Phineas M. Armes Eugene F. Arnold Bion J. Arnold George H. Axtell Ella Jane Ball Selma R. Barber Rose Lee Bartlett (Mullins) David Q. Barry Charles B. Beach Samuel Wright Bell Libbie J. Bevier Gustave A. Bleech Charles E. Blocher George Washington Bolt Jas. Ingram Bonar William B. Borton David E. Bottomly Oscar D. Bowell Elwood E. Briggs Henry W. Brooks Emma A. Bruce (Bates) George C. Burgess Lettie A. Burns Harvey F. Carbaugh Allie M. Carmichael (Rickmire) Roscoe E. Carrington Georgie Chappel (Sutton) Cephas J. Chase Guy M. Chester Mary E. Childs (Haller) Alpha J. Clark (Landen) George A. Clark ♦ Old Address. Present Address Constantine, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Brokensword, Ohio Cromwell, la. Oregon, Wis. Centreville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 1 Hillsdale, Mich. Kewanee, Ill. Kewanee, Ill. Cleveland, Ohio North Royalton, Ohio Paloma, Ill. Dwight, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Waterloo, Ind. Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Irvington, Mich. Unadilla, N. Y. Clyde, Mich. Waldo, Ohio Waldo, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Zion City, Ill. Constantine, Mich. Longmont, Colo. Deceased Deceased Deceased Cleveland, Ohio 343 S. Division St., Gd. Rapids, Mich. 2 407 Park St., Evanston, Ill. 2 407 Park St., Evanston, Ill. 3050 N St., Lincoln, Neb. Kewanee, Ill. North Royalton, Ohio -, Missouri Rushville, Neb. Stockville, Neb. Summit, Ind. Quincy, Mich. Allen, Mich. Deceased Genoa, Ohio Allen, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. 171 Beaufait Ave., Detroit, Mich. Monroe, Mich. YEAR 1880 Erie, Mich. Camden, Mich. Lapeer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ashland, Neb. Isle St. George, Ohio Buffalo, N. Y. Dundee, Ill. Martin, Tex. Tuscola, Mich. Black Hawk, Col. North Adams, Mich. Waterloo, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Millington, Mich. Evansville, Ind. Falmouth, Ky. North Adams, Mich. Capac, Mich. Rolling Prairie, Ind. Whiteford Center, Mich. Lickley’s Corners, Mich. Wheatland Center. Mich. Redford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Collins, Mich. Wheatland Center, Mich. Port Austin, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Rutland, Ohio Camden, Mich. Corunna, Ind. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Springfield, Ohio 33 9 Islington St., Toledo, Ohio Camden, Mich. Lapeer, Mich., R. F. D. Battle Creek, Mich. 4713 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, Ill. Keuka Park, N. Y. Plymouth, Mass. Davison, Mich. Deceased Jerome, Mich. Deceased Deceased Rincon, N. Mex. Deceased Deceased Hudson, Mich. Redford, Mich. State Normal School, Jamaica, N. Y. Battle Creek, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Corunna, Ind. Seattle, Wash. Yankton, S. Dak. 140 No. 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 56 76 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 5686 5687 5688 5689 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Henry M. Clark Annie M. Clough (Sherman) Adelbert F. Clutter Minnie Collocott (Goldbach) Carrie H. Cook Charles F. Cooley H. Eugene Crum Alice A. Curtis M. A. Dailey Ida E. Davis Mary Davis (Shattuck) Wilbur E. Dennett Della DePuy Alfred James Dickey James Warren Divine Emma Drake (Marsh) C. Winslow Dunton George Edw. Dwight Jennie L. Dwight TMabel G. Dwight Nathaniel M. Eggers William Albert Elliott Ed. J. Carpenter Ellis Mollie Ellis (Bagley-Jones) Sue Ellis (Holland) Stella M. English (Bowins) Leonidas L. Evans Ella Ferris (Brisco) Mary Ella Fields (Clark) Charles Henry Foster Edith Mary Fox (Smith) Delcie Gates (Browning) O. H. Gibbins Archibald Gibbs Jesse S. Gibbs Willie B. Griffith Robert Griswold George Frederick Grosse H. E. Grow Charles Edw. Hagenbuch Jason E. Hammond Ruby A. Harding William W. Harnden Albert Edw. Harter Frances H. Haskell Emma J. Hatcher Samuel Hatcher John T. Hay Christine J. Herring George Rex Hibner Florence L. Hoag Samuel F. Hodges George B. Hopkins Hubbard M. Hoyt Henry Earl Hunt Minnie B. Hunt (Leach) Frank W. Hunter E. Warren Jackson Sarah Lillian Jackson Jerome Johnson Minnie R. Johnson John Johnston Rachael K. Jones Homer S. Kent Frank M. Kerry David Klepser Marion Knapp Jessie E. Leib Alfred B. Loomis Hunts, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Waterloo, Ind. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Peoria, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Munroe, Ohio Swan Creek, Ill. Cortland, Ill. Montague, Mich. Sextonville, Wis. Reading, Mich. Cornwell, la. Cambria Mills, Mich. Dundee, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Vermontville, Mich. Vermontville, Mich. Vermontville, Mich. Lockridge, la. Osseo, Mich. Springville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Thurman, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. West Oconta, N. Y. Syracuse, Ind. Crooked Creek, Ind. Sherman, Pa. Republic, Ohio Mayfield, Mich. Mayfield, Mich. Centralia, Kan. Litchfield, Mich. Heidelburg, Baden Vernon, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Ransom. Mich. Ridgeville, Ind. Samaria, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Ashtabula, Ohio Zanesville, Ohio Zanesville, Ohio Weeping Water, Neb. Goshen, Ind. Carson City, Mich. Samaria, Mich. Fife Lake, Mich. Indian Falls, N. Y. N. Monroeville, Ohio De Kalb, Ill. Montague, Mich Pecatonica, Ill. Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fennville, Mich. Wolf Lake, Ind. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Murray, N. Y. Weeping Water, Neb. Jackson, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Carson City, Mich, Deceased 1606 11th Ave., Seattle, Wash. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Deceased Hot Springs, Ark. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 517 N. Central St., Knoxville, Tenn Pascoag, R. 1. Deceased Atkinson, Ill. Deceased Aberdeen, S. Dak. Manistique, Mich. Cogswell, S. Dak. Deceased Deceased 927 12th Ave., Lorain, Ohio Benzonia, Mich. Muskegon, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Lordsburg, Cal. Lowell, Mich. Strathallan, Ont. Deceased 1604 Sanderson Ave., Scranton, Pa. Traverse City, Mich. Deceased Centralia, Kan. Emporia, Kan. Quick, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Lansing, Mich. 3005 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. Ashtabula, Ohio Deceased Mt. Vernon, Wash. Kingsley, Mich., R* F. D. 2 Hillsdale, Mich. 319 14th St., Pacific Grove, Cal. De Kalb, Ill. Aberdeen, Wash. Charlotte, Mich. Evanston, Ill. Deceased Deceased Detroit, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Benton Harbor, Mich. Deceased Elkhart, Ind. Carson City, Mich. OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 141 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 5690 H. B. Magruder Port Clinton, Ohio Port Clinton, Ohio 5691 Carrie Manning (Rice) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 5692 Anna B. Martindale Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 5693 Fannie L. Matteson Hillsdale, Mich. 216 S. Tracy St., Bozeman, Mont. 5694 Julius Matteson Hillsdale, Mich. Manchester, Mich. 5695 Mary R. Matteson Hillsdale, Mich. 216 S. Tracy St., Bozeman, Mont. 5696 James Umbra Maynard Portland, Mich. Portland, Mich. 5697 Matthew Duly McCone Hillsdale, Mich. Butler, Mich. 5698 Jasper H. McLennand Sunville, Pa. Titusville, Pa. 5699 Warren James McLennand Sunville, Pa. Sandy Lake, Pa. 5700 Charles R. Meeker Syracuse, Ill. Decatur City, la. 5701 John F. Miller New Carlisle, Ind. 5702 Jennie Mudgett (Woodman) Reading, Mich. Vermillion, Kan. 5703 Lawson W. Murray Carson City, Mich. Carson City, Mich. 5704 Charles Myers Ashley, Ill. Deceased 5705 May Nichols (Wagner) Grand Ledge, Mich. Charlotte, Mich. 5706 Albert L. Norton Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. 5707 John N. Norviel Van Wert, Ohio 5708 E. S. Owen Bloomville, Ohio 5709 Jacob Perego Camden, Mich, 885 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. 5710 Florence H. Peterson Atkinson, Ill. Deceased 5711 Bowell Porter Atkinson, Ill. Deceased 5712 Viola Porter (Pysart) Atkinson, Ill. Eagle, Neb. 5713 Edmund N. Post Wheatland, Mich. 5714 Henry G. Potter Millfield, Ohio 5715 Mary Powell Ionia, Mich. Ionia, Mich. 5716 Arthur D. Prentice * Hillsdale, Mich. South Haven, Mich. 5717 Bryant C. Preston Centralia, Kan. 5718 Franklin L. Preston Fremont Center, Mich. 5719 Mary J. Preston Fremont Center, Mich. 5720 Clarence C. Reed Prattville, Mich. Deceased 5721 Elmer E. Reed Prattville, Mich. Leslie, Mich. 5722 Charles M. Rice De Kalb, Ill. Colorado Springs, Col. 5723 Sarah Richolt (Emery) Florida, Ohio Deceased 5724 Eva Richtmyer (Pothln) Constantine, Mich. 504 Eigue Rosa, Flat 7, Los Angeles, Cal. 572.5 Charles E. Robertson Hillsdale, Mich. 2 08 W. Ionia St., Lansing, Mich. 5726 Henry Scott Roblee North Creek, N. Y. St. Joseph, Mich. 5727 James C. Rossman Ontario, Ind. 5728 Charles Finney Ruggles Hillsdale, Mich. Fresno, Cal. 5729 Lydia Ruggles (Brubaker) Hillsdale, Mich. Okolona, Ohio 5730 Erwin Rumsey Osseo, Mich. Deceased 5731 Hugh Fred Schunk Toledo, Ohio Toledo, Ohio 5732 Harriet Searle (Faulkner) Prospect Hill, Wis. Waukesha, Wis., R. F. D. 2 5733 Fred W. Shiveley Coldwater, Mich. Deceased 5734 Cynthia J. Simpson Colorado Springs, Col. Arvada, Col. 5735 Alice L. Smith (Davis) Cornwell, la. Deceased 5736 Tobias Frederick Smith Dale, N. Y. Deceased 5737 Marvin Wm. Spears Carson City, Mich. 601 16th St., cor. Welton, Denver, Col. 5738 Clara Stafford (Crisp) Church Corners, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. 5739 Jessie Stimson (Russell) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 5740 Emma Sutton (Curtis) Elkhart, Ind. Edwardsburg, Mich., R. F. D. 3. .741 George D. Tait Joliet, Ill. 5742 Charles I. Taylor Pine Run, Mich. 5743 Oliver D. Thayer Mayville, Mich. Mayville, Mich. 5744 Emma Luella Thompson Kent City, M^ph. Deceased 5745 William Ross Thompson Harrisburg, Pa. 5746 William A. Tidd Brimfield, Ind. .747 Augustus R. Toothacre Glendale, la. 8 3 Bellevue St., Lowell, Mass. 5748 Angeline Truesdale (Zimmerma ) N. Monroeville, Ohio Fremont, Ohio 5749 Amelia Turner (Coller) Hillsdale, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 5750 Ida Turrell (Cole) Litchfield, Mich Litchfield, Mich. >751 Abe Lincoln Tuttle Samaria, Mich. 5752 George M. Vanatta Pine Lake, Mich. Winfield, Kan. 5753 Rcsa E. Vanatta Pine Lake, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. 5754 Nelson G. Van de Venter Dundee, Mich. 123 LaSalle St., Chicago, Ill. 575.5 Will A. Wagner Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. <756 Orrin W. Waldron North Creek, N. Y. Ithaca, Mich. .757 Josie Walter (Mack) Milidlebury, Ind. Pony, Mont. 142 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 5758 Lucien D. Walworth Jerome, Mich. 5759 Nellie V. Ward Jonesville, Mich. 5760 Jasper C. Warren Chatham, Pa. 5761 Emma Watkins (Cushman) Manchester, Mich. 5762 John Henry Watkins Hillsdale, Mich. 5763 William Henry Williams Kendal Mills, N. Y. 5764 Luther B. Woodard Allen, Mich. 5765 Mabel F. Young (Heimway) Parma, Mich. 5766 George Zimmerman Frederick, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 232 Hickory St., Argentine, Kan. Ann Arbor, Mich. . Kalamazoo, Mich. Fremont, Ohio 5767 Laura B. Albaugh (Ditmer) 5768 Benjamin W. Aldrich 5769 Way land L. Arnold 5770 Edmund D. Ashley 5771 Howard W. Aulsbro 5772 Lulu Austin (Clizbe) 577 3 Seth S, Avery 5774 Jennie Babcock 5775 George H. Baker 5776 George Balcom 5777 Morris Balcom 5778 Frances Ball (Mauck) 5779 Ida M. Ball (Ball) 5780 Charles I. Barker YEAR 1881 West Milton, Ohio Pierpont, Ohio Ashland, Neb. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Angola, Ind. Somerset, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Canandaigua, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 E. H. Barringer John F. Bates Lillie L. Bates (Lyon) Charles W. Beal John Beal Jennie S. Beaney Sidney Beaney W. Beaty W. E. Beaty C. Estella Berry (Arnold) Frank Bevier George R. Bisbee Henry C. Blackman Cora Bliven (Sisson) Benjamin J. Boutwell Olive Brandebury Lyman A. Brewer Charles R. Brigham Clara B. Broad Charles M. Bross Bertha Brown (Dayton) Edward A. Brown Libbie M. Burger Frank Camburn F. W. Campbell Charles R. Carey Florence A. Carpenter (Keller) Fernando E. Carter Cassius M. Coldren Charlotte J. Clark (McDermid) Mary H. Clark Lizzie E. Cline Mary E. Colgrove Wilbur F. Comstock Hattie Conklin (Hazleton) Belle Cook (Frankhauser) Harris Cook Edith L. Coplin Frederick W. Corbett Lizzie Culver (Amsden) May Daley (Gates) Elvira M. Damon Allen P. Daniel Hillsdale, Mich. Nettle Lake, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Laddonia, Mo. Laddonia, Mo. Macedonia, Ohio Macedonia, Ohio Macedonia, Ohio LaGrange, Ind. Reading, Mich. Waterloo, Ind. Pine Lake, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Metz, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Erie, Mich. Lyons, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Homer, Mich. Erie, Mich. Liberty, Ohio Portland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Napier, Ont. Napier, Ont. Cooper, Mich. Ashtabula, Ohio Manchester, Mich. W. Bethany, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hinckley, Ohio Shady Springs, W. Va. Holmden Ave. S. W., Cleveland, Ohio Moores Hill, Ind. 3800 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. Columbus, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Ypsilanti, Mich. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 1119 Lunt Ave., Rogers Park, Chicago, Illl 739 Unity Bldg., Chicago, Ill. DeWitt, la. Broken Bow, Neb. Laddonia, Mo. Geneva, Ohio LaGrange, Ind. Deceased Waterloo, Ind. Wrightsville, Ga. Tecumseh, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Angola, Ind. Toledo, Ohio Toledo, Ohio 3842 M St., San Diego, Cal. Hudson, Mich. Deceased Homer, Mich. Concord, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Milford, la. Borden, Saskatchawan, Can. Deceased . 7 Manchester, Mich. Leroy, N. Y. 7 28 Winthrop Ave., Chicago, Ill. Michigan City, Ind. Detroit, Mich. 16 Budlong St., Adrian, Mich. Deceased Deceased Brunswick, Ohio, R. F. D. Harpers Ferry, W. Va. No. 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 Name. Eva L. Davis Frank W. Davis Lillie G. Davis Wirt B. Davis William Dawson George V. Deal Frederick A. Dean L. Decker Lida Dillon (Hall) Orin S .Dolby Cassius M. Dolph Della E. Doud Lorenzo E. Dow H. C. Easterly E. R. Eggleston Benjamin Henry Ellis Emma L. Ellis (Chisholm) W. P. Elmore Nellie W. Epler Gena E. Everett (Yon Zastrow) William H. Fanning Stanley S. Fast N. A. Ferguson Ella Foust (Strang) Ettie Foust (Watkins) Angeline Fowler (Loudick) Jennie Gaige C. E. Gallup Adah Gardner (Yates) A. F. Gertstell Benjamin L. Gibbs Hattie Goodell Norman Edw. Goodrich Lucius T. Gould Herbert A. Graham James N. Gray Sarah H. Grimm L. J. Gripman H. Hall William Hall Mary D. Hallock Alice Hart (Urch) Lillian Hart (Cazier) Samuel Hart Stephen B. Harvey George L. Hastings F. W. Hawkins Alfred R. Heckman Richard P. Henderson Clark L. Herron A. Hamilton Hiller Charles Francis Hoag Ida Holmes (Marks) John C. Hoyt Sadie Hunsberger Anna Huston (Spears) F. L. Johnston Arthur E. Kalder Lizzie Kelso Milo D. King Emily Kirby (Gray) Hiram R. Lamb Mary E. Lane Clara L. Lane (Bird) Charles W. Laverty Mary M. Leonard Clyde S. Lewis Achsa Lieb (Gould) Fred C. Love OP HILLSDALE COLLEGE 143 Old Address. Hillsdale, Mich. Cortland, Ill. Cortland, Ill. LaFox, Ill. Rolling Prairie, Ind. Jonesville, Mich. Nashville, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Durbins Corners, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Grey, Me. Marshall, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Springville, Mich. Springville, Mich. Addison, Mich. Virginia, Ill. Anamosa, la. Onarga, Ill. Camden, Mich. Grand Junction, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Amboy, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Morenci, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Keyser, W. Va. Gibbsville, Wis. Mantua, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Belvidere, Ill. Union, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. St. Joseph, Mich Kinderhook, Mich. Erie, Mich. Erie, Mich. Howard City, Mich. Vernon, Mich. Racine, Mich. Shreveport, La. Addison, Mich. Reese, Mich. Rome City, Ind. Kingston, Ill. Saybrook, Ill. Paw Paw, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Samaria, Mich. Vernon, Mich. N. Monroeville, Ohio Earkeyville, Pa. Vassar, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Marion, Ohio Liberty, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. DeKalb, Ill. Present Address. Jonesville, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Lake Charles, La. Deceased Deceased 160 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Deceased Scranton, Miss. Madisonville, Ohio Adrian, Mich. Deceased Crawford, Neb. Deceased Redlands, Cal. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Noblesville, Ind. Deceased Hudson, Mich. Ida Grove, la. 1105 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Milwaukee, Wis. Elkhart, Ind. Morgan Park, Chicago, Ill. St. Joseph, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Toledo, Ohio * Toledo, Ohio 206 2 3d St. N., Seattle, Wash. Clarkston. Mich. 4259 N. Ashland Boul’d, Rogers Park, Ill. College St., Hillsdale, Mich. Menominee, Mich. Rogers Park, Ill. Gladstone, N. Mex. Fayette Terrace, Hillsdale, Mich. 112 S St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Lamar, Prowers Co., Col. Vernon, Mich. Eldorado, Kan. Deceased Vassar, Mich. Deceased Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Hasting, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. London, Can. Deceased Detroit, Mich. Moline, Ill. Marion, Ohio Deceased Milwaukee, Wis. DeKalb, Ill. 144 No. 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925' 5926 5927 -5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Henrietta Lovett (Hill) John Phillip Lovett Austin I. Mabbs Frank B. Marshall Pliny N. Martindale Hattie Mason (Browning) Clara Matthews (Gordon) Joseph P. McCarthy E. J. McKay Kate McKenna H. G. Merryman Clara Metzger (Guess) Kittie Mills (Coldren) Ida F. Moody Margaret Ann Moss Sarah Murray (Bemis) Lewis Niblack Charles Nixon Clement J. Olmstead Cora B. Openo F. J. Page John W. Parent Edward Pimlott Minnie Proctor (Rogers) Minnie Ramsdell (Turner) Delavan B. Reed Martha J. Reed (Mrs.) W. Reed Herbert Reid John E. Reynolds Julia Reynolds (Leverett) A. E. Richards Gertrude Alma Richards Nathan C. Richards Daniel V. Richardson Edward H. Roberts Ruth Robbins William P. Robinson Alma L. Partridge Roblee (Mrs. Carrie Rochelle (Fuller) Willamine Rochelle (Russell) Carrie L. Rowley (Schenck) Amos E. Russell Gilbert L. Sackett Linda Schermerhorn (Hibner) Clara B. Sheldon (Bail) Edwin J. Shepard Florence J. Silvernail Alfred M. Skeels Alice Smith (David) Emma Smith (Coldren) J. B. Smith Christopher W. Sparling John W. Sparling Philip E. Sparling William L. Steele Augustus Stock E. J. Stowe Emily C. Theure (Harmon) Addison Thompson John Franklin Thompson May Town James I. Towner Edgar C. True Minnie Turrell (Hawley) Fred S. Vedder Bertie L. Veness Minnie Voorhees (Peck) Elmer R. Walker Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Ransom, Mich. Rolling Prairie, Ind. Sparta, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Liberty, Mich. Butler, Mich. Sandusky, Ohio Brimfield, Ind. Buffalo, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. Wapakoneta^ Ohio Carson City, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Wellsville, N. Y. Clyde, Mich. Garden Prairie, Ill. Redford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Moscow, Mich. E. Concord, N. Y. E. Concord, N. Y. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Coldwater, Mich. Mindon, La. Hillsdale, Mich. Clyde, Ohio Clyde, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Spencer, Wis. Orland, Ind. Churchs Corners, Mich. Bloomville, Ohio ) North Creek, N. Y. Amboy, Mich. Amboy, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Kennedy, N. Y. Paw Paw, Mich. LaFox, Ill. Clyde, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Greenville, Mich. Greenville, Mich. Republic, Ohio Fife Lake, Mich. Fife Lake, Mich. Fife Lake, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Geneva, Ohio Montague, Mich. Delta, Ohio Ray, Ind. East Toledo, Ohio Pine Lake, Mich. Stewart, Wis. Litchfield, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Prattville, Mich. Addison, Mich. Sundale, Ohio Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Deceased Sherburne, N. Y, 2135 Pash wood Ave., Toledo, Ohio j Paw Paw, Mich. 9 8 Turner St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Bellaire, Mich. Carson City, Mich. Hudson, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Hudson, Mich. Clyde, Mich. Deceased 504 N. 22d St., Omaha, Neb. Mosherville, Mich. 193 Hillsdale St., Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. care Boggs & Bull, Pittsburg, Pa. 36 Bluff St., Council Bluffs, la. Deceased Deceased Goldfield, Nev. Deceased Maywood, Ill. Adrian, Mich. St. Joseph, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 4 Frontier, Mich., R. F. D. 47 Valparaiso, Ind. Grand Ledge, Mich. Deceased Paw Paw, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Rome Center, Mich. Alto, Mich. Chandbali, Orissa, India Tiffin, Ohio Deceased Kingsley, Mich. Deceased Summerton, Mich. Deceased 2361 Jefferson Ave.. Ogden, Utah j Whitehall, Mich. Topeka, Kan. Richmond, Ind. I Grand Ledge, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis. Litchfield, Mich. St. John, Kan. Monessen, Pa. Addison, Mich. Deceased No. 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5978 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 5986 5987 5988 5989 5990 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999 6000 6001 6002 6003 6004 6005 6006 6007 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 Name. Burton C. Ward Marian Waters (Beecher) Herbert Watkins Bentley K. Webb Mina White Cressy L. Wilbur Grace Willett (Miller) George P. Williams Sarah J. Williams (Hoyt) Florence N. Willis Flora Woodward (Harvey) Lena Woodward (Mount) Rosa L. Woodward (Morris) William S. Yates S. E. Yoder C. H. York Lewis M. Young Margaret C. Abel John E. Abrahamson John P. Ackerson Charles N. Anthony Mark B. Anthony Leroy Armes Jared M. Arter Robert Atkinson Royal Barber Clara A. Bath (Mansfield) Frank Beasom Dix Beesom Grace Beesom E. T. Benedict Perry T. Benton Lester H. Benton Frank S. Boldrey Frederick W. Borusky Birdie Bottriell (Jones) W. H. Burroughs George W. Briggs Agnes H. Brown Frederick W. Brown Jennie Brown (Bennett) Mara Belle Brown (Waller) Orthonette Brown (Rood) Oscar Wesley Buckner Rettie Burkett Rachel Burns John H. Buttelman Ida M. Calhoun Francis H. Callow Ada M. Carter Mary E. Chillson Daniel R. Clapham Roy Y. Clark Hugh M. Coldren Hattie L. Comstock Laura M. Comstock (Putnam) Truman O. Comstock Jennie Conger (Pendell) Stanton W. Conkling J. Fletcher Cook Z. A. Crain Hannah E. Creswell Holmes B. Crosby Wilbur M. Cross Clarence L. Curtis Emily I. Daggett OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 145 Old Address. Present Address. Hillsdale, Mich. Wheatland Center, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Parkersville, Pa. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. Hastings, Neb. N. Monroeville, Ohio Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Cleveland, Ohio Whiteford Center, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Olivet, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Washington, D. C. Detroit, Mich. Deceased 106 S. Park Ave., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. 23 W. Wesley. St., Jackson, Mich. Ravenswood, Chicago, Ill. Bellaire, Mich. Wymore, Neb. YEAR 1882 Houston, Minn. Flower Creek, Mich. Denver, Col. Denver, Col. Lapeer, Mich. Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Elkhart, Ind. Hudson, Mich. Monroeville, Ohio Chicago, Ill. Redfield, Mich. Redfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Milan, Ind. Gowanda, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Fremont, Ohio Whiteford, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Moravi, N. Y. Reading, Mich. Newark, Ill. Newark, Ill. Long Rapids, Mich. Warsaw, Ind. Adamsville, Mich. Flower Creek, Mich. Somerset Center, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ontario, Ind. Irvington, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Manchester, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Bellefontaine, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. East Kendall, N. Y. Dundee, Mich. Angola, Ind. Harveysburg, Ohio Atlanta, Ga. Winneconne, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Six Corners, Mich. Lapeer, Mich., R. F. D. c/o Manning Bible School, Cairo, Ill. Pasadena, Cal. Green Bay, Wis. 213 Melrose Ave., Toledo, Ohio Elizabethtown, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Camden, Mich. Pullman, Wash. 318 South St., Elgin, Ill. Lansing, Mich. Warsaw, Ind. Menominee, Mich. Montague, Mich. Deceased Mt. Morris, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Chicago, Ill. Bellaire, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Marshall, Mich. Holley, N. Y. Boise, Idaho Redfield, S. Dak. Decorah, la. Deceased Reading, Mich. 146 No. 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6050 6051 6052 6053 6054 6055 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 ‘6094 6095 6096 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. James E. Davidson Florence E. Davis William J. Davis James G. Day Minnie L. Dixson (McIntosh) Mark Donaldson Fred L. Dresser Fannie Ellis (Whitney) Luke A. Emerson Rose E. Emerson (Armstrong) Fred G. Engle Charles E. Enlow May Ferris (Cook) Lizzie Ferris William Edw. Fields Milan W. Fisher Roderick P. Fisher Mary E. Fitzgerald (Russell) Orris O. Force Elmer E. Frazier Mary Frazier (Barker) Charles W. Frink Clara Frost Wealthy D. Fry Edna Gannett (Bradley) Carrie Gardner (Cunningham) Carleton D. Garlough Rolla Garlough Agnes Gilbert Emma Gillette (Norlin) Rena Graham (Hays) William J. Granger Thurlow M. Greenman Ella F. Gregan (Wheelock) Nelson B. Hadley Walter Hadley Hattie Halleck (Knowles) Hettie Halleck (Jones) Pitt Halleck May E. Harrington Archibald Hart Elmer W. Hart Brightie E. Hazen (Johnson) Nellie L. Hecox William Henck Henry N. Henderson Luella Hermon William E. Herrick Leslie E. Herron Samuel M. Hertsler Julius P. Hewes Rosa M. R. Hewes (Mrs.) Florence M. Hoege (Myers) George M. Hoke Clye E. Holden Grace Howard Charles P. Hughes Milton E. Imes Ellen E. Jackson (Black) William K. Jackson Kate B. Johnson (Shaefer) Daniel C. Judson Belle Kalder George C. Keeslar Blitz G. Kenny Alla Kenyon Ida I. Kern James H. Kidney Charles Kirby v Old Address. Present Address. Buffalo, N. Y. Reading, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Bryan, Ohio Carson City, Mich. Rome City, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Salem Center, Ind. Salem Center, Ind. Tekonsha, Mich. Riley Center, Kan. Litchfield, Mich. Carson City, Mich. Flemingsburg, Ky. Rome City, Ind. Thornton, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Bellefontaine, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Carson City, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Jackson, Mich. Howard City, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Wheatland, Mich. Springfield, Ohio Springfield, Ohio Litchfield, Mich. Manton, Mich. Union, Mich. Centralia, Kan. Coudesport, Pa. Jonesville, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. * Litchfield, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Shreveport, La. Racine, Wis. Wheatland, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Gobleville, Mich. Erie, Mich. Fairwater, Wis. Fairwater, Wis. Irvington, Mich. Fort Seneca, Ohio Brooklyn, Mich. Ortonville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Brimfield, Ind. Reading, Mich. Cameron, N. Y. Dundee, Mich. York Center, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Orland, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. East Kendall, N. Y. Homer, Mich. Angola, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Bay City, Mich. 4 0 Erskine Ave., Detroit, Mich. Allegan, Mich. Rome City, Ind. Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Metpleton, N. Dak. Litchfield, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Woodstock, Ill. South Haven, Mich. Alma, Mich. Deceased 4th Natl. Bank, New York, N. Y. Boyne, Mich. Pardeeville, Wis. Adrian, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Elkhart, Ind. Morley, Mich., R. F. D .3 Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Hudson, Mich. Brookston, Ind. Springfield, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. 408 Colorado Ave., Gd. Junction, Col. Deceased Oneida, Kan. Deceased 814 N. Edwards St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Litchfield, Mich. Quaker, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Abilene, Kan. Lordsburg, Cal. Welton, la. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Kalamazoo, Mich. Deceased Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Brimfield, Ind., R. F. D. 5 Camden, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Ypsilanti, Mich. Ray, Ind. Stroh, Ind. Havelock, Neb. Homer, Mich. Angola, Ind. Hudson, Mich. No. 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120 6121 6122 6123 6124 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141 6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 6156 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164 Name. Emma Kitchen (Thorne) Warren Kitchen Mabel Knapp Ella LaDue (Perego) Agnes L. Landen (Campbell) Lillian Lewis Frederick Little Albert H. Lutes George A. Mackie Milford M. Marcy William L. Marsh Daniel B. Martin Evelyn McDougal Agnes McCuin Cora McClellan (Martin) William C. McCurdy John H. McGill Sarah McKee (Robertson) Edward L. McLouth Grace Mead Lewis R. Mead Ella Merchant Hattie Merchant (Lovell) L. J. Miller Sula E. Miller (Balcom) Alice N. Mills Zaidee Mitchell Daniel M. Monroe Mattie Monroe (Davey) Alice F. Mortimore Lida Murray (Kellogg) Edward W. Myers Minnie A. Myers Rolla G. Myers Elton J. Nealley Emma Niblack (Cunningham) Julia C. Nutting (Trout) Edmund F. Parmelee Frank W. Pease Charles H. Perry Walter E. Perry William C. Philiips Alta A. Pierce Ernest M. Pierce Oliver W. Pierce Imogene A. Post Willard A. Prince Ada Proctor (Butcher) Arthur C. Proctor Miles A. Ramsdell Neva E. Reed (Lane) George A. Reedy E. R. Reynolds Libbie Rhinehart (Grant) Minnie Rhinehart (Brown) Leila Rice Ellsworth F. Rideout Fannie Riggs (Dorris) Florence Riggs Stephen D. Roderick Herbert H. Rood John S. Rood Minnie Russell Calvin I. Sandfurt Herbert A. Sanford Mary Schermerhorn William Schrader Evelyn A. See OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 147 Old Address. Present Address. Selma, Ohio Selma, Ohio Plainwell, Mich. Angola, Ind. Springport, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Jerome, Mich. Middle Bass, Ohio Hart, Mich. Fayette, Wis. Liberty, Mich. Fredonia, Pa. Litchfield, Mich Fremont, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. White Pigeon, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Reading, Mich. Homer, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ithaca, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Sac City, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio Reading, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Goshen, Ind. Gobleville, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Pittsford, Mich. Union, Mich. Reading, Mich. Easton, Minn. Dowagiac, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Lexington, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pierpont, Ohio Wallace, Ill. Wallace, Ill. Madison, Mich. Potter Center, N. Y. Deansville, Pa. Dundee, Mich. Union, Mich. Union, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Paris, Pa. Homer, Mich. Homer, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Lenoxville, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Portage, Wis. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Bangor, Mich. Whiteford, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Selma, Ohio Springfield, Ohio 88 5 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. Parma, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased San Jose, Cal. Clarks Lake, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Fremont, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Lansing, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Reading, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 325 W. 66th St., Chicago, Ill. Lowell, Mich. Reading, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Nappanee, Ind. Ranny St., Kalamazoo, Mich. 555 63d St., Chicago, Ill. Pittsford, Mich. Jones, Mich. care San Diego Union, San Diego, Cal. Postville, la. 8521 Carpenter St., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. 1435 Pennsylvania Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Flint, Mich. Grand Island, Neb. Lahore, India Fowlerville, Mich. Deceased Rockford, Ill. Frankfort, Ky. Constantine, Mich. Deceased 455 New 5th St., Portsmouth, Ohio Homer, Mich. Homer, Mich. Deceased 1318 South St., Elgin, Ill. Sleepy Eye, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Ottawa Lake, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 148 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 6165 Joseph Whitfield Shepard LaFox, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. 6166 F. R. Sherwood Rome Center, Mich. 6167 Susie S. Simonds Pioneer, Ohio 6168 Martha Skillen Mt. Morris, N. Y. 6169 William H. Slaght Grand Blanc, Mich. 6170 Fred Wm. Slayton Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 6171 Grace L. Smith Hillsdale, Mich. 6172 John P. Smith Long Branch, Mich. North Branch, Mich. 6173 Marian Spaulding (Bishop) Hillsdale, Mich. 1145 American Ave., Long Beach, Cal. 6174 Christopher C. Spayd West Unity, Ohio Deceased 6175 Clara E. Standish Litchfield, Mich. 6176 Albert C. Steinbarger Wawaka, Ind. Deceased 6177 Kate M. Stoddard Sterling, Ill. Sterling, Ill. 6178 Ira J. Stoner Fort Seneca, Ohio Ransom, Mich. 6179 George B. Sweezy Wheatland, Mich. Jackson, Mich., R. F. D. 6180 Will T. Thompson Howard City, Mich. Howard City, Mich. 6181 Isabel Toan Lyons, Mich. Seattle, Wash. 6182 Willis E. Tracey Appalachin, N. Y. 6183 Minnie Turner (Bath) Hillsdale, Mich. Evart, Mich. 6184 William Vandeburg Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 6185 William W. Van Wegens Freelands, Mich. 6186 Charles W. Varnum LaMars, la. Ernest Cramner Blk., Denver, Col. 6187 Minerva Vaughan (Post) Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. 6188 Corwin Vincent Frontier, Mich. Mancelona, Mich. 6189 William H. Wagner Upper Sandusky, Ohio Rising Sun, Ohio 6190 Milo S. Waller Lykens, Ohio Central City, la. 6191 U. Grant Weatherby West Newton, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. 6192 Jay G. Weatherwax Stanton, Mich. 6193 William H. Webster Mecosta, Mich. 6194 Sherman Wenger Haw Patch, Ind Lincoln, Neb. 6195 Clara M. Westgate (Balcom) Bankers, Mich. 6196 Wilfred B. White Morton, Mich. Allen, Mich., R. F. D. 6197 J. F. Whitmyre Goshen, Ind. 6198 Fred Wilcox North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 6199 Jennie A. Willard (Moyer) Samaria, Mich. Pension Dept., Washington, D. C. 6200 Carrie Williams (Patrick) Churches Corner, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. 6201 Edwin Cutler Williams Chicago, Ill. 4405 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6202 Mary L. Williams Churches Corners, Mich. 6203 Mary J. Williams (Allen) Litchfield, Mich. Texas, Mich. 6204 Frances E. Winslow Samaria, Mich. 6205 Chauncey A. Wise Pine Grove, Mich. 232 W. 41st St., Los Angeles, Cal. 6206 Justin H. Wixom Mendota, Ill. Mendota, Ill. 6207 Arthur L. Wyllis Moscow, Mich. Somerset Center, Mich. 6208 John M. Young Wykoff, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. YEAR 1883 6209 Millie Andrus Homer, Mich. Flint, Mich. 6210 Frederick Baker Fremont, Ind. Fremont, Ind. 6211 Edward E. Baldwin Hillsdale, Mich. • Deceased 6212 Elmer E. Barker Morris, Ill. 3716 Lake Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6213 William W. Baylor Fleetville, Pa. Scranton, Pa. 6214 Hattie Beaman Fruitford, Mich. 6215 Elmer L. Belden Somerset, Mich. Diamondale, Mich. 6216 Orion S. Belden Whiting, Kan. Deceased 6217 Joseph A. D. Bennett Jonesville, Mich. 6218 Warren F. Bentley Hersey, Mich. 6219 Annie B. Billings Hillsdale, Mich. 1715 Madison St., Toledo, Ohio 6220 Detie L. Billings Hillsdale, Mich. 1715 Madison St., Toledo, Ohio 6221 Nellie J. Bordine (Darling) Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 6222 Ernest S. Bowen Owasco Lake, N. Y. Troy, N. Y. 6223 George M. Bowen Owasco Lake, N Y. Auburn, N. Y. 6224 Mary M. Brown Boke’s Creek, Ohio Deceased 6225 Anna Burgoyne (Stebbins) Bridgeport^ Mich. 216 Sycamore St., Lansing, Mich. 6226 James O. Buswell Flower Creek, Mich. Lumber Ex., Minneapolis, Minn. 6227 Potter G. Card Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. 6228 Delos R. Carmichael Wheatland, Mich. • 6229 John J. Carpenter Woodbridge, Mich. 6230 Frank J. Clark Belvidere, Ill. No. 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 149 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Alice M. Conger Jonesville, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Eugene D. Conger Litchfield, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Lois M. Cooper Hanover, Mich. Clark Gilbert Corey Honey Creek, Minn. Winona, Minn. Frank D. Crissman Romeo, Mich. Augusta, Me. James Cummings Mitchell, la. Estelle M. Curran (Putnam) Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich., R. F. D. John O. Damon Hinckley, Ohio Hinckley, Ohio Elmer E. Darling Paw Paw, Mich. Salt Lake City, Utah Edward C. Delevan Prospect, N. Y. A. R. Dennis Vineland, Wis. Deceased Charles W. Dennis Stoughton, Wis. Deceased Charity M. Dennis (Field) Stoughton, Wis. Amery, Wis. William R. Dennis Ransom, Mich. Deceased Alice Dewey Fremont, Ind. Academy, S. Dak. Fred N. Dewey Fremont, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. John O. Duguid Ray, Ind. Springfield, S. Dak. Lillie Dunn Big Rock, la. Eertha M. Edwards Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Charles Mayhew Elliott Amboy, Mich. U. S. Army Anna A. Ellis (Hamilton) Hillsdale, Mich. Pecan, Miss. Mary Ellis (Clark) Hillsdale, Mich. Yankton, S. Dak. Edwin Ewell Dale, N. Y. Anoka, Minn. Mary E. Flynn Marshall, Mich. Avarette L. Frank (Lowe) Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich., R. F. D. Nellie Gray (Graves) Coldwater, Mich. Olds, Branch Co., Mich. Warner W. Green Erie, Mich. Newport, Mich. Elbert H. Greenman Coudersport, Pa. Boulder, Col. Virgil E. Gregg Genoa, Ohio Bessie Griffin (Bryant) Gilbert’s Mills, N. Y. care 11 Isham Court, Cleveland, Ohio Burr G. Griswold Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Walter M. Grove Davison, Mich. Bert Halleck Churches Corners, Mich, Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Harry E. Hawkins Rome, Mich. Onsted, Mich. William Hawkins Rome, Mich. George A. Hayward Hillsdale, Mich. Irving J. Heckman Kingston, Ill. Hinckley, Ill. James J. Heckman Kingston, Ill. 1402 W. Jackson Boul., Chicago, Ill. Lotta M. Hendrick St. Charles, Mich. John C. Hibbard Ransom, Mich. Deceased William M. Hill Chicago, Ill. Charles S. Hitchcock Willits, Mich. Judson P. Holden Central City, la. Roscoe L. Hoover Huntington, Ind. Deceased Lily E. Hopper (Fulton) Middleburg, Mich. Pontiac, Ill. Hattie Hull Aztalan, Wis. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Ella M. Hummel (Lowman) Firth, Neb. Galesburg, Ill. Avis Percy Humphrey Somerset Center, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Horace G. Jackson Hart, Mich. Deceased Charles H. Johnson Chicago, Ill. William F. Kelley Toledo, Ohio Lincoln, Neb. Archibald Kent Chagrin Falls, Ohio Jennie M. Kenyon Hillsdale, Mich. Herbert A. Kerns Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. Robert Kurka Spring Arbor, Mich. Athens, Greece Frank G. Lake Eissells, Ohio 155 Beechwood, Cleveland, Ohio Julia I. L’Amoreaux (Chard) Lake View, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Orren W. Laughlin Granger, N. Y. Edgar A. Lewis Aimer, Ont. Newton J. Lickley Somerset, Mich. Lickley’s Corners, Mich. George H. Lockwood Crooked Creek, Ind. Emma Dean Mack (Mrs.) Mazeppa, Minn. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. Miron D. Mack Mazeppa, Minn. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. Mary J. Mackie Hart, Mich. Stephen Makeson Princeton, Ind. Richard F. Malaby Malaby, Ohio Ellsworth, Kan. Jennie Alberta Mauck (Humphrey) Cheshire, Ohio 2235 Maplewood Ave., Toledo, Ohio Ruth Maudler Hillsdale, Mich. Norman J. McConoughey North Solon, Ohio 150 No. 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361 6362 6363 6364 6 36 5 6366 6367 6368 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Add Present Address. Charles S. McLouth Effie L. McLouth (Mitchell) John A. McLouth Jennie H. McKercher Rochester M. Montgomery Emma Mosher Wilford Mowry Eenjamin F. Myers Robert Nesbit Viola Osfall (Thomas) Cora B. Palmer Eva D. Palmer Eird W. Pease Emma C. Perry (Nelson) William I. Perry Clyde P. Platt James E. Potter Dorr J. Rackley Earl D. Reynolds Waltham C. Richards Oscar C. Rogers Harry L. Rood Kate Ross Minnie L. Rowley (Fink) Hattie Ruggles (Kern) Fred C. Sanford Grace Scrafford John Frank Seeley Luther J. Sevison Harry L. Sexton C. C. Shafer Elmer Shattuck Charles E. Shaves Dora E. Sheneman (Brown) Estella Shepard (Hollenbeck) Milo N. Shoemaker Norman B. Sloan Aaron O. Smith George B. Smith George M. Smith Frank R. Smith Morton E. Smith Rosa M. Smith (Buckner) William H. P. Smith James Spaulding Isadora Stamats (Smith) John Stephen Andrew B. Stephen Harmony N. Stevens Florence G. Stickney Myron W. Stiles Harry A. Stites Julius C. Stoddard Cora E. Taylor Edith Ioane Taylor Lucius L. Taylor Charles Terry Willard M. Tichenor Uri Tower Helen E. Tuttle Sadie Tyler (Varnum) Bernard Tyrrell Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ripleyville, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Defiance, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. York Center, Ind. Rome City, Ind Rome City, Ind. Jackson, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Eyron, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. LaFox, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Waldron, Mich. Clyde, Ohio San Jose, Cal. Lenoxville, Pa. Evart, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Seneca, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Elsie, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fenton, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Batavia, Mich. Gilberts Mills, N. Y. Deanville, Pa. Clarendon, Mich Coldwater, Mich. Fremont, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Angola, Ind. Pine Lake, Mich. Dale, N. Y. LaFox, Ill. Boke’s Creek, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Lapeer, Mich. North Adams, Mich Hudson, Mich. Easton, Minn. Camden, Mich. Sterling, Ill. Batavia, Mich. Milburn, Ill. Waupun, Wis. Silver Lake, Ind. Waupun, Wis. Grand View, Mich. East Tawas, Mich 'Gilbert's Mills, N. Y. McGaheysville, Va. Mollie Van Valkenburg (Rowlson) Hillsdale, Mich. Jessie Van Valkenburg (Nash) Hillsdale, Mich. Ada E. Ward (Armstrong) Hillsdale, Mich. Edson H. Ward Jonesville, Mich. Norman E. Ward Whiteford Center, Mich. Robert A. Ward Jonesville, Mich. Effie Warner Chagrin Falls, Ohio Ray, Ind. Reading, Mich. Springfield, S. Dak. Deceased Deceased Ripleyville, Ohio Defiance, Ohio Deceased Angola, Ind. Myersdale, Pa. Myersdale, Pa. West Windsor, N. J. Allen, Mich. Deceased Deceased 112 W. Jackson St., Lansing, Mich. Rockford, Ill. 411 S. 11th St., San Jose, Cal. 2 58 Clancy St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Coyle, Okla. Clare, Mich. Willamette Univ., Salem, Ore. Port Huron, Mich. Deceased Deceased Coldwater, Mich. Phoenix, N. Y. Middlesex, N. Y. Lansing, Mich. Sandusky, Ohio LaGrange, Ind. Somerset, Mich. Deceased Dale, N. Y. 913 W. California St., Urbana, Ill. Deceased Ocean Park, Cal. Wentworth, S. Dak. 62d St. and Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sterling, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Rib Lake, Wis. Waupun, Wis. N. Duluth, Minn. Shoshone, Idaho 1307 12th St., Lynchburg, Va. 31 Madison Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Eau Claire, Wis. Rushville, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Ottawa Lake, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Deceased Westfield, N. Y. No. 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432 6433 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 151 Name. Clyde C. Weatherwax Fred E. Weir Eert A. Wessel Peter B. Wickoff Edwin S. Wilbur Sadie M. Williams (Dutter) Clinton W. Wilson Channing Wise Isaac L. Wolfe Minnie E. Woodman (Thompson) Herbert B. Woodward Winthrop H. Wright David C. Yoder Justin Andrus Susie A. Anshutz Lewis E. Ashbaugh Louzilla Ashbaugh Eunice J. Avery Effie Ballard (Morehouse) James Bates William H. Bennett Beatrice Betz Fannie E. Bishop Edgar F. Blanchard Wilbur H. Bridgman Elton Broughton Wilson E. Brown Mattie Sara Brown (Railsbach) John E. Buchanan Moses C. Buswell Sadie G. Callett (Dillman) Marion E. Case Minnie Case Clark B. Chaffee Winifred Clark (Jay) Anna E. Clark Dell Clement John A. Cole Charles F. Comstock Cora Coombs (Hill) James Davis Elmer E. Decker Libbie Eastman (Seaman) Gilbert K. Ellis Edwin Espie Clara Farrand (Mueller) Roscoe B. Fisher Winsor W. Fisk Jennie Fulkerson Alba A. Glovier J. Nelson Greene Washington I. Hadley George Hamblen Almeda Hammond (Storms) Lenora Harper (Silvers) Reuben H. Harris Lizzie Hazen (Bates) William E. Heckenlively Ella M. Hibner William H. Horton Nellie Hubbard (Service) Jason D. Huston Elida Jones Daniel H. Kaylor Clarence F. Kellogg Old Address. Stanton, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich, York Center, Ind. Adrian, Mich. N. Monroeville, Ohio Lansing, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Stanhope, N. J. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Ligonier, Ind. Present Address. Aberdeen, Wash. Ligonier, Ind. Angola, Ind. Orland, Ind. Lincoln, Neb. Los Angeles, Cal. Irving, Kan. Benzonia, Mich. Bald Butte, Mont. Deceased YEAR 1884 Hillsdale, Mich. Ft. Scott, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Honesdale, Pa. Somerset, Mich. Camden, Mich. Matteson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. W. Farmington, Me. Darlington, Wis. Swan, Ind. Cambria, Mich. Newark, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Somers, Minn. Mexico, Ind. East Penfield, N. Y. Coldwater, Mich. Middlesex, N. Y. Somers, Minn. Somers, Minn. Hudson, Mich. Potter, N. Y. Manchester, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Belvidere, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Republic, Ohio Buffalo, N. Y. Mosherville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. N. Monroeville, Ohio Pleasant Lake, Ind. Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Franconia, N. H. Vine Valley, N. Y. Pioneer, Ohio Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Miph. Hudson, Mich. Metz, Ind. Columbia, Dak. Somerset, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Ypsilanti, Mich. Wolf Lake, Ind. Princeton, Ind. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Colorado Springs, Col. Dorr St., Toledo, Ohio Deceased Marshalltown, la. Camden, Mich. Deceased Northfield, Minn. Patterson, Neb. Darlington, Wis. Swan, End. Hillsdale, Mich. 1538 Cambria St. Los Angeles, Cal. Corunna, Ind. Kalamazoo, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. 16 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, Ill. Tawas City, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Vermillion, Ohio' Potterville, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 139 Columbus Ave., Sandusky, Ohio Ft. Wayne, Ind. Honey Creek, Wis. 2 414 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Waldron, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Deceased Lansing, Mich. Angola, Ind. 82 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio Jasper, Mich. Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho Wolf Lake, Ind. Reading, Mich. 152 No. 6434 6435 6436 6 437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6.469 6470 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6 495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Albert L. Kennan Ralph R. Kennan Addie Kimball (Leason) Eva L. Kimball (Lamb) Alsa Kitchen Calvin W. Lane Elsie M. Lewis Fred W. Lewis Lewis C. Locklin Eldridge Lockwood Milo B. Loughlen Milton Lyons Sinclair Mainland Clark Matson Charles B. McClellan Joseph G. McConnell Mary McDonald Grace E. McEnally (Harding) Ella McGuire Fred McKean Eugene S. McKnight Clara Merritt (Paul) Maynard E. Miller Minta A. Morgan Walter S. Morse Charles E. Moxley Hattie Murray (Archer) Luther W. Newcomer Viola E. Nichols (Ruhl) Matilda Norviel Erastus D. Palmer Jessie L. Pampell Hoyt P. Parmelee Frederick Partridge Flora M. Patch Grace D. Patch Willis A. Post John D. Powderly Charles Preston * E. M. Raplee Fred E. Randolph Joe B. Richey Paul Rideout Bertha E. Rogers George S. Root Winnifred Root (Dewey) Susie Schermerhorn Minnie Schermerhorn Fred E. Schermerhorn Franz Sigel Schermerhorn Trella P. Sears (Lampson) Fred W. Severns Jessie A. Sevison C. Birney Seymour Walter Shankland David A. Shaw Jessie B. Simkins (Anthony) George Smith Hattie M. Smith Jennie B. Smith P. B. Smith Shirley H. Smith (Thompson) Carrie Stites (Tichenor) Horace Swartwort John W. Teeters May E. Vander (Dillon) Alice J. Van Ness Cyrus A. Varnum Old Address. Present Address. Mankato, Minn. Mankato, Minn. Jonesville, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Springfield, Ohio West Mansfield, Ohio Java, N. Y. Tekonsha, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Granger, N. Y. Jerome, Mich. Somers, Wis. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Jonesville, Mich. Naples, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. Leroy, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. South New Lyme, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Fostoria, Kan. Gibson, Pa. Bankers, Mich. Polo, Ill. Burr Oak, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Clare, Mich. Bryan, Ohio Reading, Mich. N. Creek, N. Y. Roseville, Ill. Roseville, Ill. Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Swan, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Jerome, Mich. Sunville, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Kennedy, N. Y. Kennedy, N. Y. Kennedy, N. Y. Kennedy, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Mt. Vernon, Ohio Constantine, Mich. Saginaw City, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. Wawaka, Ind. Fremont, Ohio Fremont, Ohio Freeman, N. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. LaGrange, Ind. Addison, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Charlevoix, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Lemars, la. Hillsdale, Mich. 2 978 S. Park Ave., Chicago, Ill. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 3 00 S. Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio Straffordsville, Ont. Nunda, Ill. Trumwater, Wash. Green Bay, Wis. Jackson, Mich. 929 Sherwin Ave., Chicago, Ill. Prattsburg, N. Y. Norwood, Va. South Bend, Ind. 203 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill. Minneapolis, Minn. Dodgeville, Ohio 916 Garden St., Bellingham, Wash. Wilsie, Morris Co., Kan. Halsted, Pa. cor. Hall and Mission Sts., Santa Barbara, Cal. Polo, Ill. Burr Oak, Mich. St. Johns, Mich. 435 W. 60th Place, Chicago, Ill. Roseville, Ill. Roseville, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Jerome, Mich., R. F. D. McKeesport, Pa. 1081 Westminster St., Providence, R. I. Eckford, Mich. 1129 L St., Lincoln, Neb. Bellevue, Mich. Kennedy, N. Y. Kennedy, N. Y. Kennedy, N. Y. Kennedy, N. Y. Neillsville, Wis. Constantine, Mich. 101 Bunker St., Chicago, Ill. Butler, Ind. Sandusky, Ohio Fremont, Ohio Hastings, Neb. Tataghur, India Waupun, Wis. North Adams, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Shoshone, Idaho No. 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6.516 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521 6522 6523 6524 6525 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6531 6532 6533 6534 653 5 6536 6537 6538 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 6547 6548 6549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 153 Name. Benno Von Zastrow E. S. Wagner Estella M. Warner (Fisher) Laura O. Warner Arthur Willis Warren Frank S. Wigent Jennie Winship (Dewey) Alice A. Wolcott (Storrs) Ona Grace Wolcott Leona C. Wolcott (Thorpe) Charles M. Woodring Florence Woodring Elmer Young Ella F. Anderson (Rollings) Jessie Anderson (Richards) Edith May Andrus (Dunlevy) Dora Belle Andrus (Gardner) Sadie Armstrong (Douglass) Ward Sanford Arnold Allison W. Augur Lewis Burt Avery Thomas James Avery Lottie Bailey (Ewing) Mittie Bailey (Muffitt-Mclntosh) William Cadwell Baker Frank Elwin Baldwin Anna Cora Bartlett (Porter) Anna Jane Bates (Elwell) Eloise Amelia Bates (Pease) Charles O. Bell Grace Benham (Feugarde) Elmer Jonas Betts Walter Bolton Rose B. Boynton Willis Ashley Boynton Baby May Bradley Frank I. Brown Myra Olive Brown Ralph N. Brown Ernest Albert Bryant Douglas Cameron Amelia Frances Carr Clara B. Carr Elbert Edison Carr Frank Henry Carter Grace Elizabeth Carter (Jones) Cary Thomas George Carveth Eli Alexander Childs Frank W. Childs James Clampitt Kittie Closson (Greene) Ore Mansel Coldren Grant Conklin Arthur Herbert Coombs Rufus Alton Cory Daniel W. Courtwright Hattie E. Crosby Mary W. Cullum Fannie A. Daniels (Doty) Ella Day Lulu M. Day Etta Cornelia Deffler Irena Denny (Mrs.) J. W. Denney Old Address. Present Address. Fairbury, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich. Antioch, Ill. Allegan, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Pierpont, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Camden, Mich. Camden, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Baltimore, Ind. 489 Belden, Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased 211 Watson St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Muskegon, Mich. Deceased Camden, Mich. Angola, Ind. Ionia, Mich. YEAR 1885 Burr Oak, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Newark, Ill. Ashland, Neb. Welaka, Fla. Clinton, Mich. Honesdale, Pa. East Paris, Mich. Reading, Mich. Racine, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. E. Dixmont, Me. Marilla, N. Y. Vernon Center, N. Y. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Boltonville, Wis. Etna, Minn. Etna, Minn. Midland, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Newark, Ill. Van Wert, la. St. Paul, Minn. Marshall, Mich. Poestenkill, N. Y. Pittsford, Mich. Stephentown Sem., N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Saranac, Mich. Wrightstown, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Whiteford, Mich. Prairie City, Ill. Haw Patch, Ind. Mosherville, Mich. Burlington, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. E. Liverpool, Ohio Wacousta, Wis. Macon, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Athens, Mich. Winfield, Kan. 380 S. Sherman Ave., Denver, Col. Marseilles, Ill. Royalton Heights, St. Joseph, Mich. 27 09 Winchester Ave., Chicago, Ill. Clinton, Mich. Deceased 111 Charles St., Grand Rapids, Mich. 316 W. Court St., Flint, Mich. Petosky, Mich. Dixmont, Me., R. F. D. 2 Anoka, Minn. Postville, la. Camden, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Montgomery, Mich., R. F. D. 33 Deceased 6110 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased 5008 May St., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Deceased Deceased Truman, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 329 N. Prospect St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Deceased Ottawa Lake, Mich., R. F. D. 1 2 414 Independence Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Negaunee, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Kansas City, Mo. Deceased Homer, Mich. Deceased Deceased Macon, Mich. Deceased 6027 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. 154 No. 6566 6 567 6568 6569 6570 6571 6572 6 57 3 6574 6575 6576 6577 657 8 6579 6580 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591 6592 6593 6594 6595 6 5 96 6597 6598 6599 6600 6601 6602 8603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6615 6616 6617 6618 6619 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 6633 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Edwin A. Dibble Fanny C. Dibble Minnie Jennie Divine Mary E. Doolittle Minnie Leola Douglass (Miller) Mary Almeda Drake (Means) May H. Ela (Willard) Metta Sophronia Ellis (Slocum) Alvin Enoch Ewing John Caleb Ewing Archie D. Falconer William D. Fast Ethel Miriam Fisk (Moore) Ida Ford (Rideout) Sylvaron French Fanny Augusta Gardner Julia Gardner (Madery) Lizzie Gardner (Cole) Wilbur Sherman Garlough Wells Smith Gilbert Eben B. Gower George F. Gray Samuel Lincoln Green William Henry Greene Mabel Griffin (Henderson) Carrie Emma Hafer (Gilbert) Ella E. Hamilton Lillie Hammer Gertrude R. Haning (Bowles) Ida B. Haning (Brandebury) Fred V. Hawley Lila Hawley (Crisp) Frank Leslie Hixson Mary E. Hoffman (Lay) Ettie L. Howard (Peck) Birdie Hults (Kenyon) Harmon R. Hyatt Anna Timms (Irving-Markley) Ella Jackson (Black) Grover A. Jackson Isolette V. Jefferson Clara Ellen Kellogg (Cooney) Millard Kepner Mignon May Kern Carrie Belle Kidder (Rieman) Maud Lamson (Anderson) Bertha Agnes Lapham Fred Elmer Lee Seneca Green Lewis Ernest M. Lussenden Clarence Eugene Maltman Hiram Latham Maltman George K. March Gertrude March (Sutton) Charles Elmore Mark May Martin (Burmister) Thomas J. Mawhorter Lelia McConnell J. Richard Meader Alton M. Meek Jennie May Miner (Mrs.) Melville C. Miner Amelia S. Moench (Krebs) Henry Lewis Moench William R. Moon Willis Moore Leslie Elias Moyers Thomas E. Murphy Old Address. Present Address. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Lee, Ohio Rochester, Wis. California, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Kennedy, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Poestenkill, N. Y. Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Springfield, Ohio Mecosta, Mich. Odell, Ill. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Rio Grande, Ohio Rio Grande, Ohio Perry, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Grand Ledge, Mich. Millsborough, Ind. Middlebury, Ind. Flint, Ind. Gifford Village, N. H. Wheatland Center, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Kirkland, Ill. Gage, Ill. Reading, Mich. Bridgewater, Ohio Lansing, Mich. Ceres, Cal. Hillsdale, Mich. Boltonville, Wis. Geneva, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wawaka, Ind. Allen, Mich. Providence, R. I. Badger, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Bone Gap, Ill. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Fairfield, Ill. Wenona, Ill. Kingston, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Cement City, Mich. 12 3 Congress St., Pasadena, Cal. Honey Creek, Wis. Albion, Mich. Ill Charles St., Grand Rapids, Mich j Jamestown, N. Y. Camden, Mich. 7 4 W. 12 4th St., New York, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Hudson, Mich. Three Rivers, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Bloomington, Ohio Goldendale, Wash. Odell, Ill. Jonesville, Mich. Inglewood, Cal. Calcutta, India Deceased Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. Dingess, W. Va. Deceased 242 9 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill. Church, Mich. Balfour, N. Dak. Toledo, Ohio South Bend, Ind. Wauseon, Ohio Deceased j Public Library, Grand Rapids, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Greencastle, Ind. HI Reading, Mich. HI Bryan, Ohio care Winchester Armes Co., Hartford, Conn j 3 Hope Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Bloomingdale, Mich, Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 972 Liberty St., Alliance, Ohio 27 0 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Wawaka, Ind. Albion, Mich. Brookston, Ind. West Oneonto, N. Y. West Oneonto, N. Y. Deceased Gowanda, N. Y. Friend, Neb. 4532 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Geneva, Ill. No. 6634 6635 6636 6637 6638 6639 6640 6641 6642 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657 6658 6659 6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6667 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698 6699 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 155 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Mary E. Osius (Collins) Enos E. Palmer Martin Palmer Benjamin Franklin Paul Judson H. Payne Victoria Payne (Rich) Daniel Alvin Pelton William D. Perry Ulysses G. B. Pierce James Robert Potts Elizabeth Prentice (DeWolfe) Florence M. Randell Minnie Rose Randell M. Fanny Randolph (Miller) Ida Lee Ransberger Bertha E. Raymond (Knoble) Hattie E. Rice (Bates) Franklin C. Rochelle Adelpha M. Sackett Jacob C. Sawyer Mattie J. Shaw (Smith) Mary A. Sheldon (Beck* Lizzie Sims Leon C. Smith Minnie W. Smith (Robinson) Louisa Snyder (Buchanan) Albert L. Spears Helen C. Squire (McQueen) Delmer C. Squires Francis P. Stevens George L. Stewart Rose G. S.trawn (Armstrong) Charles W. Taylor Ellen A. Thomas Raymond R. Tombaugh Clyde S. Twitchell Clara Van Buskirk (Coles) Ora Van Wickle Edwin Vorhees Isaac D. Wade John M. Williams Leroy R. Wilson Rosa M. Wingrove Walter G. Woodruff Arthur F. Young Hillsdale, Mich. Prairie Center, Ill. Ridgeway, Mich. Pharsalia, N. Y. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Providence, R. I. Clayton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Hillsdale, Mich. Troy Grove, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Fremont, Ohio Woodbridge, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ripon, W. Va. Somerset, Mich. Marshville, Pa. Montpelier, Ohio • Marshall, Mo. Syracuse, N. Y. Orland, Ind. Angola, Ind. Odell, Ill. Poestenkill, N. Y. Bankers, Mich. Odell, Ill. Orland, Ind. Odell, Ill. Matawan, N. J. Rome, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Waldron, Mich. Alpena, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pioneer, Ohio Edmore, Mich. Ottawa, Ill. Jackson, Mich. Porto Rico Cattaraugus, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. cor. 14th and L Sts., Washington, D. C. Cadmus, Mich. Laurens, la. Deceased Deceased Brooklyn, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. 131 Martin Ave., Columbus, Ohio Deceased Hudson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Deceased Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. Homer, Mich. 1917 Park Row Bldg., New York, N. Y. Petoskey, Mich. Deceased Bishop, Cal. Orland, Ind. Deceased Marseilles, Ill. Deceased Deceased Orland, Ind. Odell, Ill. North Adams, Mich. Waldron, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Burt Smith Alley Celia E. Augir (Squier) Warner Cheney Augir Grace Nellie Austin (Phelps) Charles E. Baker William Baldwin Amie Marie Barker (Tucker) Emilie E. Barnes Gertie E. Bates (Prescott) Clara N. Belcher Reuben Eli Benjamin Elmer Ellis Billmeyer Carl W. Bleech Albert W. Bolt Augusta Booth Frank Leslie Bowen Eva Boyles (Mrs.) Charles M. Brodie Ada F. Brown (Loomis) Edith Brown Helen Burdick YEAR 4886 Jerome Mich. Pomona, Fla. Pomona, Fla. Reading, Mich. Allen, Mich. New Moorefield, Ohio Homer, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Boulder Valley, Mont. Pierpont, Ohio Montgomery, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bailey, Mich. Cambridge, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Trinidad, Col. E. Hamilton, N. Y. Addison, Mich. Van Wert, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Crooked Lake, Mich. Rockford, Ill. 221 Walnut St., Chicago, Ill Petoskey, Mich. Petoskey, Mich. Concord, Mich. Hatigarh, India Camden, Mich. Pierpont, Ohio Fargo, N. Dak. North Adams, Mich. Washington, D. C. Springfield, Ohio Townley, Mich. Deceased Deceased 156 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 6700 Edna Cameron Edon Ohio 6701 John W. Carnahan . . Cochran’s Mills, Pa. 629 1st St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 6702 T. Irving Ceperley Oneonta, N. Y. Deceased 6703 Eva A. Chester (Crane) Camden, Mich. Camden, Mich. 6704 Cora A. Church (Dawley) Hillsdale, Mich. 505 E. Ohio St., South Bend, Ind. 67 05 Dixon J. Churchill Dowagiac, Mich. Deceased 6706 George Henry Clark Napier, Ont. Berlin, Ont. 6707 Mary F. Cleveland Homer, Mich. Homer, Mich. 6708 Celia O. Cole (Rawson) Townhouse, Mich. 6709 Stella D. Cole (Kennan) Hillsdale, Mich. 2978 S. Park Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6710 Gertie Consolus (Disbrow) Reading, Mich. Cursick, Wash. 6711 Lottie C. Coombs Hillsdale, Mich. Ypsilanti, Mich. 6712 Effie May Corey (Rice) Hillsdale, Mich. 132 E. 4th St., Oswego, N. Y. 6713 L. May Copeland (Reynolds-Drybread) LaRue, Ohio Fostoria, Ohio 6714 Frand Coward Eronson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. 6715 Adelbert Frank Crane Adrian, Mich. 6716 Charles A. Cutler Homer, Mich. 6717 James M. Davis LaGrange, Ind. Hurley, Wis. 6718 Cassius A. Day Hillsdale, Mich. 6719 Minnie E. Dean (Parsons) Mazeppa, Minn. Manchester, Mich. 6720 Mary DePuy (Goleena) Reading, Mich. 6721 Herman R. Dewey Freemont, Ind. Bellevue, Ohio 6722 Edwin A. Dew're Edon, Ohio 6723 James Burton Dorman Republic, Ohio 6724 Ray Sibley Drew Minneapolis, Minn. Los Angeles, Cal. 6725 Clara Dunn 6726 In?. E. Dunn (Warren) Kelley’s Corners, Mich. 477 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. 6727 John Russell Eastman Republic, Ohio Kenosha, Wis. 6728 Angie Edwards (Baldwin) Hillsdale, Mich. Petoskey, Mich. 6729 Lari Horatio Edwards Hillsdale, Mich. Petoskey, Mich. 6730 Fannie Louise English Hillsdale, Mich. 6731 Frank B. Ewing White, Mich. Cherry St., near Charles, Grand Rapids, Mich. 6732 Addie Essie Eyer (Albee) Reading, Mich. Adrian, Mich. 6733 Eldora Eyer (Terpening) Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. 6734 C. Eugenie Farley Cherry Valley, Ill. 407 Kishwaukee St., Rockford, Ill. 6735 C. Eunice Farley (Ferguson) Cherry Valley, Ill. 40 7 Kishwaukee St., Rockford, Ill. 6736 Genevieve Foust (Boger) Hillsdale, Mich. Redlands, Cal. 6737 Horace R. Fowle Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 6738 Frank B. French Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 6739 Jefferson D. Fry Hillsdale, Mich. 6740 Lewis B. Galloup Sheridan, Mich. Sheridan, Mich. 6741 Ella A. Garwood (Fuller) White, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 6742 Eugene D. Giles Hillsdale, Mich. 6743 Joseph Lawrence Glovier Littleton, N. H. Ardsley, N. Y. 6744 Fred Justin Gray Hillsdale, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. 6745 Amanda Gross Edon, Ohio 6746 Edith Halleck Churches Corners, Mich. 6747 Martha E. Hanson Caledonia, Ill. 6748 Ethel Haynes Somerset, Mich. Normal, Ill. 6749 Henry D. Hayter Alviston, Ont. 6750 Cora B. Hubbell (McGregor) Montgomery, Mich. Camden, Mich. 6751 Birney S. Hudson Oakfield, Wis. 1132 W. 3d St., Hastings, Neb. 6752 Lilian Ethel James Trinidad, Col. 6753 Charles W. Jones Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 6754 Frances L. Jones (Hall) Hillsdale, Mich. • 6 7 5 5 Florence Keith (Reynolds^ Cherry Valley, Ill. Rockford, Ill. 67 56 Mattie Kelso (Emerson r Orland, Ind. Deceased 6757 George G. Kenney Hillsdale, Mich. 2015 Webster St., San Francisco, Cal. 6758 Frank E. Kenyon Hillsdale, Mich. Wauseon, Ohio 6759 Georgianna Kerr (Wyllis) Somerset, Mich. Somerset Center, Mich. 6760 Mary Kerr Pioneer, Ohio Three Rivers, Mich 6761 Lilian E. Kirkwood (Dow; Negaunee, Mich. Deceased 6762 William Burr Kitchen Selma, Ohio Springfield, Ohio 6763 Charles D. Kreps Mottville, Mich. 8415 Union Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6764 Hubert D. LaFleur Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 6765 Elsie Irene Lang (Halleck) Pittsford, Mich. Deceased 6766 John Ortho Lansing Homer, N. Y. Dryden, Mich. 6767 Frank S. Leverett Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 3386 25th St., San Francisco, Cal. ! No. 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832 6833 Name. William J. Leverett Florence Lewis (Duguid) Melville B. Lewis Melvin A. Lewis Elias Potter Lyon Charles Ward Macomber Timothy D. Martindale Edward B. McCarty Belle C. Mercer (Mrs.) William Fairfield Mercer Fredd R. Miller Fred Tracy Millham John A. Murray Aileen Nutten (Frowine-Rich) William R. Oakley Frank Dean Patterson Grace Payne-Higbee (Mark) Edwin C. Peck Mary E. Powers (Frankhauser) Frank K. Proctor Sarah Frances Proctor Nellie Quear (Bishop) Charles H. Rittenhouse Frank G. Robertson Agnes Robinson (Bailey) Florence Ross Frank Ernest Ruggles Wally Schermerhorn John L. Schaffner Wilson Shaughniss Eugene A. Shepard Hiram Bassett Sherman Lebbeus Smith Shumaker Herbert F. Smith Lawrence E. Smith Herbert A. Sprague Dimitere Staneff Nettie Stephenson (Gray) Thomas W. Stewart Fred W. Stock, Jr. Mary A. Sweeney Milo Thompson William John Toland Vernon W. Van Fleet Leslie M. Wallace Herbert Daniel Walker Adelia Walworth John W. Waterman Mary Wilder (Kimball) Jink Greenleaf Wooding Edward Milton Wright Maud C. Wyllis (Bibbins) Belle Aldrich Luella L. Anderson Jemain H. Andrew Robert Bailey Harley A. Bates Josephine Bishop Azel H. Brown Luther Buswell Charles C. Carnahan Dollie Cleveland (Smith) Albert J. Collins Charles Edgar Conant Fred Culver William R. Curtis OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 157 Old Address. Present Address. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Bremen, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Phoenix, N. Y. Cottage, N. Y. Otto, N. Y. Mattison, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Auburn, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Danville, Mich. Marshall, Mich. Marion, Ind. Ainger, Ohio Metz, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale Mich. Bronson, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bath, Mich. Bartondale, Kan. Hillsdale Mich. Mayville, Mich. Blackhawk, la. Angola, Ind. Jefferson, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Deanville, Pa. Minneapolis, Minn Angola, Ind. Union City, Mich. Gradets, Bulgaria Hudson, Mich. Rochester, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. 36 Bluff St., Council Bluffs, la. Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. 2353 Albion Place, St. Louis, Mo. Cheney, Wash. Deceased Athens, Ohio Athens, Ohio Manning St., Hillsdale, Mich. Rochester, N. Y. Pueblo, Col. Thief River Falls, Minn. Alliance, Ohio Bryan, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Angola, Ind. Coldwater, Mich. Bay City, Mich. Deceased Angola, Ind. Deceased 1057 West St., Oakland, Cal. Buffalo, N. Y. Angola, Ind. Union City, Mich. 1382 Lucretia Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 523 Board of Trade, Boston, Mass. Orland, Ind. Brooklyn, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. White Rock, Kan. Odell, Ill. Hiltedale, Mich. Van Wert, la. Orland, Ind. Haddam, Kan. Bremen, Ind. Moscow, Mich. Orland, Ind. Sand Lake, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Odell, Ill. Orland, Ind. Bremen, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. YEAR 1887 Pittsford, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Lincoln, N. Y. Haddam, Kan. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Lexington, Mich. Haddam, Kan. Cochran’s Mills, Pa. Homer, Mich. Ainger, Ohio Ovid, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Rome, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ontario, N. Y. Fort Morgan, Col. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Port Huron, Mich. Beatrice, Neb. 388 Ashland Bould., Chicago, Ill. Homer, Mich. Orland, Ind. Owosso, Mich. Onsted, Mich., R. F. D. 158 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 6834 George Wm. Dalton Woburn, Mass. 6835 Frank C. Davis Thompsonville, Wis. 6836 Bennie A. Deffler Hillsdale, Mich. Logansport, Ind. 6837 Merton E. DeWolfe Laurens, la. 6838 John C. Divine Lexington, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 6839 Frank Burke Draper Hillsdale, Mich. 1010-100 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. 6840 Ira H. Durfee Mentor, Ohio 6841 Anna Laura Eddy (Howell) Adrian, Mich. 29 Riopelle St., River Rouge, Mich. 6842 Albert R. Elliott Hillsdale, Mich. 606 Wisconsin St., Toledo, Ohio 6843 Irene Elliott (Bergher) Osseo, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 6844 William A. Elliott Hillsdale, Mich. , Lorain, Ohio 6845 M. Lorn Evans Quincy, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 6846 Sarah Farmer (King) Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. 6847 Byron Ferguson Pittsford, Mich. Weston, Mich. 6848 David H. French E. Poestenskill, N. Y. 6849 George W. Fritz Durand, Ill. Durand, Ill. 6850 Edward V. Gardner Marion, Ohio 380 S. Sherman Ave., Denver, Col. 6 8.51 Charles M. Gill Pentwater, Mich. DeSoto, Mo. 6852 Josephine E. Graham (Hollinger) Hudson, Mich. Deceased 6853 William James Gray Chagrin Falls Ohio Fairfield, Mich. 6854 Sarah Gregan (Wheeler) Jonesville Mich. Jonesville Mich. 6855 Franklin W. Guiteau Battle Creek, Mich. Deceased 6856 Edwin DeWitt Hand Hillsdale, Mich. 6857 Louis M. Hardenburg Tecumseh, Mich. Hurley, Wis. 68.58 M. Almeda Hart (Gill) Spencer, Ohio 6859 Bertha M. Hart Spencer, Ohio 6860 William Hazen Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. 6861 Pearl Hershey (Campen) Hillsdale, Mich. Canal Zone, Panama 6862 Lillian Higbee (Ward) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 6863 Winifred E. Hill (McNabb) Hillsdale, Mich. 2233 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6864 Henry Hinkle Worthington, Minn Camden, Mich., R. F. D. 6865 Jacob C. Holland Haddam, Kan. 1175 Perry St., Chicago, Ill. 6866 Grace Holmes Hermatite, Miss. 6867 Mary Belle Howard Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 6868 I. Luella Huffman (Kaufman) Attica, Ohio 6869 Sarah Emma Hults Flint, Ind. 6870 Lawrence McKendry Idleman Marion, Ohio Portland, Ore. 6871 Mabelle Ittner (Myers) Berlin Heights, Ohio 3802 N. 17th St., Omaha, Neb. 6872 Ada Jones Hillsdale, Mich. Railroad St., Hillsdale, Mich. 6873 Edith Jones (Carter) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 6874 Harry Chase Jordan North Adams, Mich. 6875 Katie Kane (Eckles) Hillsdale, Mich. 127 Ledyard St., Detroit, Mich. 6876 Samuel E. Kelley Providence, R. I. Reed City, Mich. 6877 Gertrude Kelso (Imhoff) Orland, Ind. Orland, Ind., R. F. D. 6878 Floretta M. Kempton (Locklin) North Adams, Mich. Green Bay, Mich. 6879 Kate I. King (Bostwick) Chester, Ohio Chardon, Ohio 6880 Grant S. Kintigh Northwest, Ohio Montpelier, Ohio 6881 Justus Grant Lamson Hillsdale, Mich. Holly, Mich. 6882 Thomas C. Lawrence Livingston, N. Y. lllsham Court, Cleveland, Ohio 6883 Augusta C. Linquist Chicago, Ill. 6048 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6884 Genevieve Lyon (Lewis) Hillsdale, Mich. Auburn, N. Y. 6885 Stella Maloney (Morey) Hillsdale, Mich. 1595 Humboldt Boul., Chicago, Ill. 6886 Dempster Disbrow Martin Hillsdale, Mich. Albion, Mich. 6887 Robert Norris Martin Brooklyn, N. Y. Battle Creek, Mich. 6888 John McClements Brighton, Mich. 6889 Andrew J. McDougal Hillsdale, Mich. 692 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago, Ill. 6890 Vinnie B. McDougal (Morehouse) Hillsdale, Mich. 412 S. 6th St., Chicago, Ill. 6891 John Wesley McElhenie Northwest, Ohio Montpelier, Ohio 6892 Etta Miner (Rising) Pittsford, Mich. Fayette, Ohio 6893 Edgar C. Molby Hillsdale, Mich. Richmond Hall, Oak St., Long Island, N. Y. 6894 Minnie L. Moon (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Friend, Neb. 6895 Orrin Dwight Moon Hillsdale, Mich. Farmington, Ill. 6896 Hoyt G. Muffitt Reading, Mich. Whiting, Ind. 6897 Willie C. Muffitt Hillsdale, Mich. Spring Arbor, Mich. 6898 Rissa B. Mumford (Booth) Taylor, Tex. Taylor, Tex. 6899 John C. Newcomer Polo, Ill. Boxwood, Va. 6900 Charles Samuel Newton Oberlin, Ohio 6901 Marcus H. Norman Lexington, Mich. Hillsdale, S. Dak. No. 6902 6903 6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935 6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 6952 6953 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 6959 6960 6961 6962 6963 6964 6965 6966 6967 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 159 Name. Nellie Norris (Downen) Willis D. Osborne Byron H. Pelton Edwin L. Pelton Jennie Elizabeth Phillips Henry Wm. Pollock P. Belle Ranney (Kennan) Lillian Ray (Beers) Andrew Reese Ella M. Riford (Carroll) Sara B. Riford (Worth) Edward H. Riggs Etta Robbins McGee) Eva Robbins (Ferguson) Samuel E. Rochelle Jessie Russell James A. Shaughniss Alvin D. Shepard Ida Frances Smith (Armitage) James C. Smith Walter C. Squier Fremont Starr Emma M. Stimson John S. Sweazey Ralph C. Taylor Jennie M. Thomas (Bird) Mary Emma Toner Luella Maude Treat (Holbrook) Grant C. Underhill Alice May Van Ostrand Edith Van Valkenburgh Minnie May Ward J. Whitney Watkins Frank M. Webster Helen A. West William D. Westfall Alberta A. Wincenread (Davis) Mattie Louise Woodruff (McKee) Charles W. Zavitz S. Ada Bailey (Rising) Carrie Bailey Herman E. Baker Milo R. Ballinger Rea W. Bates Delos Barber Cora A. Barnard (Mrs.) George E. Barnard John Wm. Bennett Lemuel B. Benton Elbert A. Berwick Grace L. Bickford William H. Blauvelt Orin Thomas Bolt M. Georgena Boutwell (Stock) Watson Ernest Bristol Arthur Robert Brown Ernest Grow Bryant Mabel G. Carlton Sarah E. Carnes (Marble) Maggie Cary Winnifred Cobb (McLain) Clayton I. Collins Warren Hugh Comstock Lucy B. Conklin Herman A. Corbett Carrie L. Coville (Converse) Old Address. Present Address Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Innerkip^ Ont. Wingham, Ont. Hillsdale Mich. Milburn Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Northwest, Ohio Benton Harbor, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Churches Corners, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Angola, Ind. Pike, N. Y. Minneapolis, Minn. Solon, Ohio Pomona, Fla. Somerset Center, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Milburn, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Allen, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Berlin Heights, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Poplar Hill, Ont. Las Minas, Cuba Hillsdale, Mich. 37 0 W. VanBuren St., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. 52 Briggs Court, Grand Rapids, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Frontier, Mich., R. F. D. 46 Bronson, Mich. Angola, Ind. Odessa, N. Y. Deceased Rockford, Ill. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Milburn, 111. Daette, Idaho Deceased Deceased Benton Harbor. Mich. 762 Republic St., Cleveland, Ohio 31 Madison Av., Grand Rapids, Mich. Deceased Allen, Mich. Whiting, Ind. Boston, Mass. Hillsdale, Mich. Berlin Heights, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. YEAR 1888 Reading, Mich. California, Mich. Wichita, Mich. West Mansfield, Ohio Ransom, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Batavia, Mich. Batavia, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wixom, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bailey, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Oakfield, Wis. Newark, Ill. North Jackson, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Pike, N. Y. Kendallville, Ind. Litchfield, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Reading, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Walworth, N. Y. Reading, Mich. 166 Park Ave., Delaware, Ohio Deceased Deceased Marion, Ohio Marion, Ohio Onsted, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Napoleon, Mich. Osseo, Mich. New Hampden, N. H. Jonesville, Mich. Muskegon, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Oakfield, Wis. 1016 Decker Ave., Cleveland, Ohio South Boise, Idaho Elton, N. Y. Allen, Mich. Holley, Col. Selden, Kan. Hanover, Mich., R. F. D. Deceased Clifton Springs, N. Y. 160 No. 6968 6969 6 970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Charles A. Cronk Zell D. Dally Edward Darling Eddie B. Davison David E. Dudley Bertha M. Elliott Lazettie Elliott L. Belle Ellsworth (Rockwell) William Benjamin Fite George Wallace Foote William J. Gibbs Nellie Gilbert Marian Estella Green (Stone) J. Delmer Grissinger Clarence W. Harris Myrtilla E. Harris Dora Harter Frank Leslie Heckman Edward G. Henkel Floyd P. Hoagland Grace Alice Howe Charles Parkyn Hulce Ernest A. Ittner Horace Hill Ittner Birdella E. Jones George Thayer Jordan Teresa Kane Artinsia Kile Samuel King Bertha Harriet Le Fevre Jesse J. Lybarger George W. Lyon L. Estelle Mason J. M. McClelland Bert J. McLouth George Ransom Millard Jennie Miller (Gibbs) Lida A. Mills (Russell) Alfrieda Marian Mosher Bert B. Murray Wesley Lee Nutten James Sheldon Parker Maria Z. Pingrey A. Louise Randolph (Rorman) Burt James Rigdon John Sheridan Robertson Henrietta M. Root (Palmer) Mary Maria Rose (Rood) Clarence Augustus Ross Mabel Oraetta Ross (Roys) Jennie Leora Rouse (Deering) Clarence L. Roys Helen Russell (Holdridge) May L. Shanks (Morehouse) Fred A. Shepard Rienzi S. Spotts Edwin Wm. Stevens Myrt A. Storms (Green) John V. Tharrett Clarence G. Thomas Florence P. Timms (Jewett) Kate J. Toner (Brown) James Wm. Tolly Luna May VanVleck (Nutten) Hattie M. Walworth (Deline) John F. Warner Charles E. Whitaker Jeanette Marian Whitaker Charles L. Williams Cambria, Mich. West Mansfield, Ohio Oakfield, Wis. Somerset, Mich. Bombay, India Hillsdale, Mich. Englewood, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Ellington, N. Y. Spencer, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. New Haven, Mich. Mexico, Ind. Belvidere, Ill. Chicago, Ill. West De Pere, Wis. Rogers Park, Ill. Whitewater, Wis. Berlin Heights, Ohio Berlin Heights, Ohio Kinderhook, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Farmer’s Creek, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Geneva, Ohio Millwood, Ohio North Adams, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Ray, Ind. Montgomery, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Corunna, Mich. Estherville, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lincoln, Neb. Lyme, Conn. Galt, Ill. Georgiaville, R. I. Homer, Mich. Lincoln, N. Y. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Middlesex, N. Y. Mosherville, Mich. Warren, Mich. Dodge’s Corners, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Towers Hill, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Clayton, Mich. Providence, R. I. Jonesville, Mich. Cherry Creek, N. Y. Deceased Somerset, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Constantine, Mich. Ithaca, N. Y. Hart, Mich. Indiana Deceased 2 East St., Jamestown, N. Y. Seville, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Iowa 1009 W. Congress St., Chicago, Ill. McKinley Court, Minneapolis, Minn. Spring Valley, Ill. 2520 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Can. Kinderhook, Mich. Citronelle, Ala. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased care Spencerian College, Cleveland, O. Ray, Ind. Vicksburg, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Atlanta, Ga. 107 Howland St., Boston, Mass. Mt. Pleasant or Grand Rapids, Mich. 139 Milwaukee Ave., Detroit, Mich. Flint, Mich. Estherville, la. Frost, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Lincoln, Neb. 256 Clancy St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Bellingham, Wash. 72 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. Albion, Mich. 72 Weybosset St., Providence, R. I. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. 9 7 N. Norwood Ave., Hillsdale, Mich. 71 W. 11th St., New York, N. Y. Jonesville, Mich. Mukwanago, Wis., R. F. D. 40 Husum, Wash. 5008 May St., Chicago, Ill. Sherman, Mich. 139 Milwaukee Ave., Detroit, Mich. Deceased Elkhart, Ind. Eureka, Mich. No. 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056 7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 706 7 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082 7083 7084 708.5 7086 7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7(M)4 7095 7096 7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 161 Name. Mary Wood (Perry) Charles S. Woodworth James P. Woodworth Old Address. Hillsdale, Mich Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Present Address. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Dilla M. Allis (Cole) Bertha Anderson Alice M. Ashbaugh (Pierce) Louis B. Austin Ella D. Baldwin (Stout) Fred H. Barringer Carrie L. Bates Clyde R. Bates Nettie Bates George F. Beck Hattie A. Beecher Arthur L. Benton Lawrence J. Benton N. Maud Bigler (Ruckman) Charles C. Bradley Fred Brooks Marcus Brooks Abbie L. Brown (Falconer) James Callahan Clyde C. Carlin Fred B. Chase Minnie Chilcote (Shafer) Cyrus W. Cobb Mabel A. Colburn (Phair) Ella D. Collins (Denning) Mabel G. Copp (Price) Nettie M. Coward (Brooks) Mattie R. Crawford Frank Curth Charley Curtis William H. Ditmars Grace L. Donaghy Irving A. Doty Ethel E. Edmunds (Benser) Edith C. Ela Agnes M. Ellis Edna L. Farr Earl J. Fellows Hattie G. Fish (Smith) Isalina M. Fisher Thaddeus L. Fowle Fred B. Fox Silas B. Frankhauser Robert A. Fulford Edgar O. Galloway John C. Garlough Archer J. Gilbert Lila M. Green (Zimmerman) Minnie Green (Williams) Alena Greer (Corlero) Charles P. Hall Cora L. Halladay (Waters) Charles S. Hayes Justin A. Harsh Louis W. Hartwick Herman Higley M. Louise Holmes (Galloway) Genevra Hopper (Fowler) Leander J. Hostetter Alfred A. Howell Wilbert R. Howell Jennie Alice Hulce Ralph E. Jennings YEAR 1889 Hillsdale, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Moxville, Ohio Burlington, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wooster, Ohio Waldron, Mich. Eagle, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Angola, Ind. Hudson, Mich. Rome Center, Mich. Rome Center, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Stony Fork, Pa. Angola, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Homer, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Ransom, Mich. Calamus, la. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Rochester, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Michigan Center, Mich. Homer, Mich. Monroeville, Mich. N. Monroeville, Ohio Moscow, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Romulus, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pitchin, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Norvell, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. California, Mich. Salem, Neb. Norvell, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Pentwater, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Atlantic, la. Kendallville, Ind. Arkdale, Mich. Arkdale, Mich. Whitewater, Wis. Paw Paw, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Great Falls, Mont. Waukesha, Wis. Walworth, N. Y. 1450 Grace St., Chicago, Ill. Stewartville, Minn. Chicago, Ill. Eagle, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 705 S. Pleasant St., Jackson, Mich. Phil. Islands Hillsdale, Mich. 125 Morris Ave., Toledo, Ohio Grand Rapids, Mich. Onsted, Mich., R. F. D. 2 Jamestown, N. Y. Stony Fork, Pa. Angola, Ind. Deceased Deceased Litchfield, Mich. Homer, Mich. Homer, Mich. Miamisburgh, Ohio Bronson, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. 1321 Dean St., Brooklyn, N. Y. St. Louis, Mich., R. F. D. 8200 Washtenaw Ave., Chicago, Ill. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Monroeville, Mich. N. Monroeville, Ohio 16 3 3 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Ill. Tipton, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Blind River, Ont. Battle Creek, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. South Bend, Ind. Clayton, Mich., R. F. D. Manchester, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Grand Ledge, Mich. 29 Riopelle St., River Rouge, Mich, care John Crerar Library, Chicago, Ill. Paw Paw, Mich. 162 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Frank M. Johnson Neil B. Johnson Arvilla L. M. Jones Lena R. Judd (Green) Lillie Keith (Post) Ernest A. Knibb Lena E. Lamb Ralph H. Lancaster Alice M. Lane James W. Lane Leila Lane (Smith) George Henry Lapp Stella M. Latham Seth L. Learned Henry J. Leggett Carrie G. Leverett (Augur) Alice A. Lewis William H. Lewis Cora L. Main Minnie Main Elihu A. Martindale Nora L. Masters (Bell) Clara A. McClymond (Hooser) Nina McCoy Edith A. McDougal Jessie G. McNair (Kahn) Austin Neil Montgomery Elizabeth Moody Lois E. Muffitt (Lottier) Harry S. Myers Frank E. Newberry Walter H. North Maud Nutten (Hughes) May Nutten Ralph W. Osborn James E. Oviatt Mary R. Oviatt (Janes) Bert E. Owen H. R. Parish Linus S. Parmelee Ransford R. Pelton Daisy F. Platt (Horton) Robert N. Potter Kate L. Powell (Bell) Clara Belle Prentiss Hazen C. Randall Evie Reynolds (Hinkle) James W. Rochelle Katie M. Rose Michael Scanlon Orlen Byron Segner Edna L. Sheldon (Blair) Alfred Shields May Slayton Bruce C. Smith Evelyn M. Smith (Clippenger) Howard R. Smith Linnie A. Smith Zoe N. Smith (Bradley) Burton Snow Henry A. Spear Marion, Ohio Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Dowagiac, Mich. Spencerville, Ohio Columbiaville, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Limerick, Me. West Middleburg, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Stephentown, N. Y. Monroeville, Ohio Arcadia, Neb. Lisbon, Mich. Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ellington, N. Y. Ellington, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Grayling, Mich. Clinger Lake, Mich. Ionia, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Lake Geneva, Wis. Jerome, Mich. North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Homer, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Innerkip, Ont. Hillsdale, Mich. Davison, Mich. Lawton, Mich. Monroeville, Ohio Burlington, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Frontier, Mich. West Windsor, N. Y. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Escanaba, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Monroeville, Ohio Somerset, Mich. Butler, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Crooked Creek, Ind. Pittsford, Mich. Blanch J. Spencer (Davenport) St. Augustine, Fla. Nellie Strong (Lewis) Emory C. Thompson James M. Thompson Fannie E. Tucker Mary Lucy Van Akin Nellie M. Vincent Crooked Creek, Ind. Colebrook, Ohio Waterford, Ont. Millhousen, Ind. Coldwater, Mich. Toledo, Ohio West St., Hillsdale, Mich. Ontario, Ohio Chinook, Mont. Dowagiac, Mich. Columbiaville, Mich. Limerick, Me. x Evart, Mich. Mode, Ill. Racine, Wis. 2709 N. Manchester St., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Henderson, Ky., R. F. D. Plattsburg, N, Y. Ellington, -N. Y. West St., Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Deceased Beaumont, Tex. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 23 St. Cyrelle, Quebec Hillsdale, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. Janesville, Wis. Alamo, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Batavia, N. Y. Allen, Mich. Flint, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Fort Pierce, Fla. Deceased Negaunee, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Kinderhook, Mich., R. F. D. 1 Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Oak St., Hillsdale, Mich. 1947 Maple Ave., Evanston, Ill. Oklahoma City, Okla. Deceased Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Butler, Mich. 906 4 Pleasant Ave., Chicago, Ill. Room 500 P. O. Dep., Washington, D. C. Garfield, N. J. Salem Center, Ind Spencer, Ohio Hillsdale Place, Joliet, Ill. No. 7171 7172 7173 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231 7232 7233 7234 7235 Name. Perley F. Ward Oliver M. Washburn Riusei Watanabe Edwin B. Wheeler Emma Wiltsie Charles W. Whitney Blanch Wolcott Delia S. W'olfe (Mrs.) John H. Wolfe Bert M. Wooley Dell A. Wright John A. Yeagley Lena F. Adams Leila M. Alley Walter J. Alley Charles H. Alvord Jay C. Ambler Ernest H. Arnold Elizabeth B. Baker (Strang) William T. Baker Eddie D. Ball Edith A. Barkman Channing W. Barrett William H. Bath Fred Bauchop Irvin E. Beers Floyd E. Bell Nellie L. Berry Sallie Best Day Bird Agnes L. Bolt Florette Bonney (Kelley) Mabel Boutwell (Vandersee) Celeste Brackett (Newcomer) Walter S. Brewster James I.Bricker Frank Brisbin Florence Buck (Monroe) Edward R. Burt Libbie Carlton Charles L. Cass Florence P. Chase (Cass) Bertha L. Cheever Mabelle A. Clizbee (Smith) Edward Cooper Nellie M. Cox Nathan B. Crabtree George F. Craig Eva Crowfoot (Johnson) Manella Curtis (Rushton) Richard H. Dempsey Ida L. Deuel (Hayes) Grace Dewey (Russell) Bertha C. Dibble Grant E. Douglass Nellie Eastman (Lyon) Abraham Ebersole Elsie E. Eddy (Hemmerly) Clement S. Edwards James W. Erkenbeck Lena M. Erkenbeck Frank M. Falconer Daisy E. Felch Roy B. Felch Clara Fish (Parker) OF HILLSDALk COLLEGE 163 Old Address. Present Address. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Tokio, Japan Stephentown, N. Y. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Elsie, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Berkeley, Cal. 4 Nereibei-Cho Shitayu Ku, Tokio, Japan Allen, Mich. Brocton, N. Y. 101 S. Howell St., Hillsdale, Mich. Tecumseh, Neb. Tecumseh, Neb. Elsie, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Angola, Ind. YEAR 1890 N. Fairfield, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pentwater, Mich. Ashland, Neb. Allen, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Corydon, Ky. Jonesville, Mich. Hudson, Mich. N. Monroeville, Ohio Waterford, Wis. Batavia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Romulus, Mich. Bailey, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. Gaines, Pa. Fremont, Ind. Church, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Galesburg, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Reading, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Cambria, Mich. LaRue, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Almena, Mich. Rome, Mich. Ari, Ind. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Churchs Corners, Mich. Limerick, Me. Sterling, Ill. Cadmus, Mich. Albert Lea, Minn. Paw Paw, Mich. Paw Paw, Mich. Jamestown, N. Y. Amherst, Wis. Amherst, Wis. Coldwater, Mich. N. Fairfield, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Chippewa Station, Mich. Texas Agr’l College Manchester, Tenn. Deceased Weston, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. 346 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill. N. Monroeville, Ohio Reading, Mich. Daette, Idaho Reed City, Mich. Boston, Mass. Boxwood, Ya. 129 S. Bond St., Saginaw, Mich. Huntley, Minn. North Adams, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Moreno, Cal. Coffeyville, Kan. Grand Rapids, Mich. Port Townsend, Wash. Deceased Portsmouth, Ohio Union City, Mich.. Hillsdale, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Montpelier, Ohio 233 Broadway, Benton Harbor, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Belleville, Mich. 2353 Albion Place, St. Louis, Mo. Benton College, St. Louis, Mo. New Straitsville, Ohio Guadelajara, Mex. Deceased Deceased Amherst Junction, Wis. Coldwater, Mich. 164 No. 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 7252 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Lula H. Fowle (Harris) Moscow, Mich. Moscow, Mich. Martha Frankhouser (Chester) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Walter M. French Hillsdale, Mich. American Bank Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Ethel Fulton (McLouth) Ray, Ind. Springfield, S. Dak. Bessie Gardner (Miller) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Grace Gleason Manchester, S. Dak. Edwin W. Gray Batavia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Libbie Gray Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Burt F. Green Paw Paw, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Charles E. Greenlee Amboy, Ohio E. 1828 Boone Ave., Spokane, Wash. . Ira Hammond Villa Nova, Ont. Lida Harper (Rickerd) Somerset, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Alexander Harrison Fulton, Ky. Oklahoma Zack Harrison Fulton, Ky. 316 Smith St., Edgewood, Providence, R. 1. Thomas R. Hawks Chicago, Ill. Courtland R. Hazen Calamus, la. Calamus, la. Adolph Hempel Gotha, Fla. Champaign, Ill. Georgia Howard (Knapp) Sparta, Mich. 358 Thomas St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Lilia M. Hudson (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. 1132 W. 3d St., Hastings, Neb. Ella E. Irish (Vreeland) Big Spring, Mich. Deceased Nettie M. Ittner (Bliss) Hillsdale, Mich. 41.5 Columbus Ave., Sandusky, Ohio Arda H. Jackson (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Aaron S. Jennings Harpersville, Ala. Deceased Henry Kelso Orland, Ind. Orland, Ind. Abraham L. Kitchen Pitchin, Ohio Deceased J. Forest Kitchen Springfield, Ohio 300 S. Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio Ervin J. Knickerbocker Clarendon, Mich. Tekonsha, Mich Milton E. Kreidler Clinton, Mich. Tecumseh, Mich. Cora A. Leggett (Mrs.) Lisbon, Mich. Racine, Wis. Guy W. Lewis Coldwater, Mich. Cornelia Lillibridge East Koy, N. Y. Portageville, N. Y. Florence H. Lounsbury (Pierce) Allegan, Mich. Washington, D. C. Lillian Lowell (Clark) Hillsdale, Mich. 4727 Sylvan Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Anson T. Martin Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Barkley A. Martin LaPaz, Ind. Elmer P. Martin Hillsdale, Mich. Colorado Springs, Col. Sarah M. Mayo (Kinney) North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Gertrude McCall (Hughes) Jackson, Mich. Saxonville, Mass. Jessie McNaughton (Oswald) Ray, Ind. South Bend, Ind. Eben P. S. Miller Pentwater, Mich. Keithsbury, Ill. J. Iantha Mitchell (Sinclair) Newell, la. Ladysmith, Wis. Virgil Monroe Prospect, Wis. Waukesha, Wis. William J. Moody Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Winton L. Moody Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bessie S. Mosher (McDonald) Hillsdale, Mich. Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. Nellie A. Mosher Hillsdale, Mich. Stephen L. Mosher Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Howard R. Murphy Firth, Neb. Midnapore, India Emma Musser (Mrs.) Rutland, Ohio Deceased Nicholas E. Musser Rutland, Ohio Davison, Mich. Richard A. Norton Millington, Mich. Carrie L. Palmer Olean, N. Y. Jessie Pangburn (Myers) Burlington, Mich. Kingston, Ill. Edward M. Parsons Spencer, la. Bessie E. Post (Shepard) Hillsdale, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Herman S. Post Hudson, Mich. 920 N. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. Edward L. Powers Bronson, Mich. Judson College, Marion, Ala. u Carrie E. Roberts Burlington, Mich. Burlington, Mich. l John C. Roberts Kennard, Pa. Deceased Elwood E. Ross Galt, Ill. Bellingham, Wash. t Sadie Sayles (Martindale) Hillsdale, Mich. West St., Hillsdale, Mich. Lena Seeley (Lawrence) Hillsdale, Mich. 11 Isham Court, Cleveland, Ohio James E. Shakespeare Central City, la. U Marshal S. Shoemaker Deanville, Pa. Spragueville, N. Y. \ Ernest C. Sickley Somerset, Mich. Charlotte, Mich. I Catherine B. Smith Somerset, Mich. Somerset, Mich. Shiloh Selwyn Smith Hillsdale, Mich. Traverse City, Mich. Levi H. Sroufe Hecla, Ind. Columbia City, Ind. OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 165 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 7304 Belle B. Stimson Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7305 Lena M. Stockwell (Tolford) Cadmus, Mich. Sylvania, Ohio 7306 John H. Stuart Cameron, N. Y. Deceased 7307 Charles D. Thomas Moscow, Idaho 7308 Colby N. Thomas Dodges Corners, Wis. 1050 E. 50th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 7309 Cora E. Thompson Colebrook, Ohio Cambria, Mich. 7310 Charles P. Tinkham Fairwater, Wis. Fairwater, Wis. 7311 Laura L. Tracy Onsted, Mich. 8th and E St., Washington, D. C. 7312 Herbert T. Underhill Pentwater, Mich. Holland, Mich. 7313 Bertha Van Atta Pine Lake, Mich. Eloise, Mich. 7314 Octa Van Atta Pine Lake, Mich. Haslett Park, Mich. 7315 Frankie Van Wert Litchfield, Mich. Deceased 7316 Charles H. Vaughn Springville, Mich. Beaver Falls, Pa. 7317 Julia G. Walter Middlebury, Ind. Deceased 7318 Edith E. Watkins (Daley) Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo, Mich., R. F. D. 7319 Charles H. Watrous Marshfield, Pa. 7320 Will D. Wood Burlington, Mich. Deceased 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 73.51 7352 7353 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 Luella M. Alvord (Barrett) Angel Ambler (Weaver) William Ambler Walter B. Ashley Harry H. Austin Jennie I. Baker Nellie Baker (Monigan) Ernest H. Barnes Albert E. Baxter Grant R. Baxter Daisy Blackman (Galloway) Willis W. Blossom Mattie L. Blue (Foutz) Rolland N. Bouck Mabel Bowditch (Harris) Carrie B. Bricker (Jordan) Lulu E. Brown Will M. Brown Wellington W. Bryant Minnie Burlingame (Thomas) Harry T. Burt George W. W. Carroll Franklin B. Cather Clarence L. Catherman Addison W. Chamberlain Paul W. Chase Ana G. Closson (Green) Harvey C. Colburn Lizzie Coons (Nickens) Verne Crego Asa E. Crofoot Mabel E. Cunningham Mabel E. Curtiss Carrie E. Deuel Albert W. Dorr Nettie C. Doud Wilbert S. Drew Georgia B. Edwards (DuBois) Edwin Fuller Judson L. Fuller Reuben J. Fuller George N. Gillett Anna Graham (Clark) Ed. J. Grasser Minnie Austin Graves (Mrs.) George W. Green Grant S. Hadley Lillie Haight (Lockwood) Matilda H. Hanson YEAR 1891 Hillsdale, Mich. Pentwater, Mich. Pentwater, Mich Beebetown, Ohio Burlington, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Union City, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. Greenwood, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Haskell, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Flemington, W. Va. Mottville, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lincoln, Neb. Cambria, Mich. Pitchin, Ohio Fairfield, Mich. Almena, Mich. Homer, Mich. Reading, Mich. Camden, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambridge, Mass. Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Angola, Ind. Toledo, Ohio Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. S. Butler, Mich. Grayling, Mich. 346 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Ill. The Randall, Cleveland, Ohio 76 Lincoln Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, Kan. Jackson, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Donnybrook, N. Dak. Hillsdale, Mich. Los Angeles, Cal. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. White Pigeon, Mich. 2129 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa. Deceased 16 09 Western Ave., Toledo, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. 1050 E. 50th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 1115 Marmoin Ave., Toledo, Ohio North East, Pa. Fairview Farm, Elkhart, Ind. Oshtemo, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 341 S. Ohio Ave., Columbus, Ohio Selma, Ohio., R. F. D. 1 Deceased Almena, Mich. 3009 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal. Reading, Mich. Deceased Mt. Vernon, Ohio 2 70 Center St., Winona, Minn. Bankers, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 403 5 E. 18th St., Denver, Col. Deceased Dowagiac, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Lockeford, Cal. 166 No. Name. 7370 Grace Harrington (Brown) 7371 Ina Harrington (Miner) 7372 Nelson W. Harrington 7 373 Grace E. Hartman (Planck) 7374 Lodema Hathaway 7375 Cora R. Henry 7376 Richard B. Hicks 7 377 Robert J. Hill 7 37 8 Albert E. Hoag 7379 Loella Hopkins (Pelton) 7380 James H. Howell 7381 John W. Hueston 7382 Clara L. Hughes 7 383 Roy P. Irving 73 84 Leon A. Jeffrey 7385 Alfred K. Jenkins 7386 Daniel A. Jenkins 7387 Sadie M. Jordan (Kerns) 7388 Lena C. Kimball (Babcock) 7 3 89 Will M. Kimball 7 390 Ara D. Lane 7391 Mae M. Lansing 7392 Charles E. Lasher 7393 Edwin H. Lougher 7394 Darwin E. Lowe 739 5 Victor E. Lowe 7396 Charles H. Lyons 7397 Joseph Manus 7398 Hattie L. Martin (Lefingwell) 7399 John P. McDonald 7400 Carrie McDougal (Morse) 7401 Alma McNaughton 7402 Gertrude Meacham 7403 Seth E. Miller 7404 Ernest E. Monroe 7405 Hurd F. Montague 7406 Nellie A. Montgomery 7407 Irene Morton 7408 George A. Murray 7409 Edith F. Myers 7410 Carrie S. Nichols 7411 Otto L. Nichols 7412 William A. Noble 7413 Vinia Owen (Wolkenshaw) 7 414 Carl W. Palmer 7415 Lewis L. Pangburn 7416 Alfred Parmelee 7 417 George L. Patterson 7418 Mabel Patterson (Falconer) 7419 Minnie L. Pettit 7420 Homer E. Phelps 7 421 Arthur L. Pierce 7422 Minnie M. Randall 7423 Orlando S. Rapp 7424 Lena A. Read (Wimple) 7425 Effie M. Richards 7426 Joseph S. Roberts 7 427 Sherman C..Roberts 7428 Fred M. Rossiter 7429 Claire E. Sands (Newcomer) 7430 Thomas J. Sawyer 7431 Florence E. Secor 7 432 Charles Verne Smith 7 433 Lelia I. Smith (Gier) 743 4 Morris K. Snyder 7 435 Julia A. Soule 7436 Mae Steele (Myers) 7 437 Charles M. Stockwell 7438 William E. Stoddard GENERAL STUDENT LIST Old Address. Addison, Mich. Addison, Mich. Woodstock, Ont. Union, Mich. Edgerton, Ohio Zanesville, Ohio Ava, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Samaria, Mich. Columbiaville, Ohio Attica, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bangor, Mich. Orland, Ind. Sterling, Ill. Ogden Center, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Orland, Ind. West Middleburg, Ohio Lincoln, Neb. Estherville, la. Jackson, Mich. North Solon, Ohio North Solon, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Tahlequah, I. T. Allen, Mich. New Lexington, Ohio Cambria, Mich. Ray, Ind. Union, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Agency, la. New York City, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Reading, Mich. DeSoto, Mo. Hillsdale, Mich. S. Edmeston, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Eckford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Marshall, Mich. Charlotte, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Butler, Mich. Burlington, Mich. Marion, Ohio Onsted, Mich. Middleville, Mich. Lakewood, Ill. Kennard, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Grass Lake, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Grand Haven, Mich. Wallula, Wash. Cadmus, Mich. Rome, Mich. Present Address. Hillsdale, Mich. San Francisco, Cal. Effingham Falls, N. H. Bristol, Ind., R. F. D. Ava, Ill. Denver, Col. Mt. Vernon, Wash. Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Saginaw, Mich., West Side Foreman, N. Dak. Louisville, Ky. Sterling, Ill. -Z Ida, Mich. 183 Winthrop Ave., Chiqago, Ill. Bay City, Mich. Deceased Deceased Deceased Montevideo, Minn. Balasore, India Deceased Peoria, Ill. Tahlequah, Okla. Allen, Mich. Columbus, Ohio Elk Rapids, Mich. Deceased Kipton, Ohio N. Cambridge, Vt. Poplar Bluff, Mo. Homer, Mich. Reading, Mich. Deceased Elmira, N. Y. Elmira, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Los Angeles, Cal. Deceased Battle Creek, Mich. 208 Warren Ave., Chicago, Ill. Greely, Col. Charlotte, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Dowagiac, Mich. Deceased Homer, Mich. Marion, Ohio Onsted, Mich. care Downer College, Milwaukee, Wis. 614 Church St., Evanston, Ill. Bryan, Ohio Ann Arbor, Mich. Findlay, Ohio Calcutta, India Hillsdale, Mich. Pullman, Wash. Evanston, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 167 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 7439 William B. Stover Hillsdale, Mich. 7440 Alverda M. Strickland Hillsdale, Mich. 97 3 W. Harrison St., Chicago, Ill. 7441 Frederick G. Strickland Hillsdale, Mich. 973 W. Harrison St., Chicago, Ill. 7442 Dennis F. Strong Fairfield, Mich. Adrian, Mich. 7443 Anna Tanner (Black) White, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 2 7444 Effie Tanner (Bell) White, Mich. .Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 2 7445 Albert A. Thomas Dodge’s Corners, Wis. Dodge’s Corners, Wis. 7446 Eunice M. Thomas Lewiston, Me. 7447 James W. Thompson Jackson, Mich. 2 975 Dorcas St., Lincoln, Neb. 7448 Eva M. Toothaker Glendale, la. Deceased 7449 Mary E. Trimble Hillsdale, Mich. 7450 Elbert W. Van Aken Pittsford, Mich. Winnebago, Minn. 7451 ' Reuben M. Van Slyke Haw Patch, Ind. Topeka, Ind., or Ligonier, Ind. 7452 Henry Van Wagner Millington, Mich. 7453 Morris W. Vaughn Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. 7454 Owen W. Walters Spencer, Ohio 7455 Minnie R. Walworth (Deline) Clayton, Mich. Weston, Mich. 7456 Stella A. Washburn Hillsdale, Mich. 36 5 Bott St., Pomona, Cal. 7457 Milton M. West Fairfield, Mich. Hoopeston, Ill. 7458 James G. Whipple Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7459 Edith Wilbur West Unity, Ohio West Unity, Ohio 7460 Clifford H. Wolcott Stony Point, Mich. Indiana 7461 Mina Wolcott Jonesville, Mich. 7462 Will Wier Wood Angola, Ind. Chicago, Ill. 7463 Henry C. Worling Prospect, Ohio 7464 Minnie Zell (Shoemaker) Springfield, Ohio Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. YEAR 1892 7465 Elsie L. Abbott Kalamazoo, Mich. 7466 James P. Allen Mussoorie, India 7467 Everton B. Arnold Chicago, Ill. Deceased 7468 Carrie Ashbaugh (Willisford) Hillsdale, Mich. Mankato, Minn. 7469 Maude Atcherson (Albaugh) Columbus, Ohio 349 W. 5th St., Columbus, Ohio 7470 May Austin (Kelley) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 7471 Cora Bailey (Dimmers) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7472 Joseph C. Bailey Cromwell, Ind. Cleveland, Ohio 7473 Clara A. Baker Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. 7474 Fred L. Baker Hillsdale, Mich. care Fairbanks, Morse & Co., Chicago, Ill. 7475 Forest W. Baker Somerset, Mich. Somerset, Mich. 7476 Lee H. Baker Adrian, Mich. 7477 Edith Beebe (McDougal) Capac, Mich. La Grand, Ore. 7478 Preston G. Beerman Muskegon, Mich 7479 John E. Bonar Caddo, Ky. Rincon, N. Mex. 7480 Carrie Boyle Buchanan, Mich Buchanan, Mich. 7481 Maud Brearley (Johnson) Hillsdale, Mich. Reed City, Mich. 7482 Clara Breed (Northrop) Hillsdale, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. 3 7483 Katie Brewster Coldwater, Mich. 7484 Benjamin W. Brockway South Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. 7485 Hattie Brockway Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. 7486 Inez Brockway Allen, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 7487 Victoria Brockway (Weeks) Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. 7488 EfRe M. Brunt Samaria, Mich. 7489 Jessica C. Burdick Hillsdale, Mich. Bellaire, Mich. 7490 Mary Carter (Lamb) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 7491 Ira H. Chamberlin Kalamazoo, Micji. 112 E. Main St., Kalamazoo, Mich. 7492 Alfred C. Church Hillsdale, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. 7493 Silas T. Clark Ayersville, Ohio Wauseon, Ohio 7494 Julia Davis Jefferson, Mich. Jefferson, Mich. 7495 Laurens P. Davis Hillsdale, Mich. Niles, Mich. 7496 Ernest J. Deffler Hillsdale, Mich. 6027 Ellis Ave., Chicago, Ill. 7497 Clarence Dibble Hillsdale, Mich. Jackson, Mich. 7498 Grace E. Dickinson (Crane) Cadmus, Mich. 1427 Thurston Ave., Racine, Wis. 7499 Charles M. Doolittle Tecumseh, Mich. Deceased 7500 Elmer R. Drinkwater Butler, Mich. ’ Butler, Mich. 7501 Shannon H. Dull Samaria, Mich. Temperance, Mich. 7502 Amos A. Ebersole Sterling, Ill. Sec’y Y. M. C. A., Newark, Ohio 7503 Wella Edwards (Brown) Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo, Mich. 168 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 7504 Marshall H. Eldred Romeo, Mich. Blissfield, Mich. 7505 Sadie Fay (Schofield) Norvell, Mich. Norvell, Mich. 7506 Emerson D. Fite Marion, Ohio Marion, Ohio 7507 William H. Folsom Burnett, Wis. Wakesan, Wis. 7508 Ulysses S. Franklin Kenesaw, Neb. 7509 Charles H. Good Casco, Mich. 7510 Alice M. Gray (Williams) Hillsdale, Mich. Decatur, Ill. 7511 Mollie E. Grebner (McMurray) LaPorte, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. 7512 Clark A. Green Gilead, Mich. Gilead, Mich. 7513 Raymond K. Griffith West Campbell, Mich. 4 9 E. 56th St., Chicago, Ill. 7514 Gertrude Hagerty Wixom, Mich. Hortonvile, Wis. 7515 Amy Hahn Grand Mound, la. 7516 Philip Harkness Coldwater, Mich. Deceased 7517 Edwin Hellaby Willisford Murray, N. Y. Mankato, Minn. 7518 Harry B. Hemmerly Marion, Ohio Tuscola, Mich. 7519 Grace L. Higbee Hillsdale, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. 7520 Jessie Higbee (Whitney) Hillsdale, Mich. Brocton, N. Y. 7521 Juva N. Higbee Hillsdale, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. 7522 Fred T. Hill South Bend, Ind. 7523 Millicent Hill (Merrill-Cameron) Hillsdale, Mich. Sterling, Col. 7524 Nora Hill (Gaylord) Ayersville, Ohio Defiance, Ohio, R. F. D. 6 7525 Thomas Holt Long Pine, Neb. 7 526 Jay P. Hopkins Cassopolis, Mich. Fort Schuyler, N. Y. 7527 Jacob Hygema Dutton, Mich. 7528 H. M. Jacobson Grand Rapids, Mich. 7529 Cora E. Jardon (Gray) Olds, Mich. Coldwater, Mich., R. F. D. 1 7530 Myrtle Jones (Bradley) Hillsdale, Mich. 125 Morris Ave., Toledo, Ohio 7531 Benjamin M. Kennan Hillsdale, Mich. Denver, Col. 7532 Charles T. Kimball Jonesville, Mich Jonesville, Mich., R. F. D. 7533 Clara LaFleur (Schmitt) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7534 Gertrude A. Lamb Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 7535 Clayton A. Langworthy West Edmeston, N. Y. Rockford, Ill. 7536 Hammond Ling Barry, Ohio 7537 Eldora Lockwood (Smith) Clyde, Mich. 3030 N. Pico St., Riverside, Cal. 7538 Jessie J. Lockwood (Griffith) Clyde, Mich. 469 E. 56th St., Chicago, Ill. 7539 William H. Lockwood Clyde, Mich. Lockeford, Cal. 7540 Donald N. MacLean Attica, N. Y. 4 8 Canal St., Lyons, N. Y. 7541 Fanny Marshall (Voice) Pittsfield, Mass. Empire, Mich. 7542 Henry T. McDonald Blue Earth, Minn. Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. 7543 Algie R. McDougal Cambria, Mich. Virginia, Minn. 7544 Rosa McDougall Hillsdale, Mich. Monrovia, Cal. 7545 Nettie McNaughton Ray, Ind. Gore, Kan. 7546 Lowell E. Meek Brookston, Ind. Hudson, Mich. 7547 Laura Miller (Moody) Waltham, Mass. Shelby, Ohio 7548 Ira E. Moody Hillsdale, Mich. Shelby, Ohio 7549 Martin T. Moody Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 7550 Sarah Morgan (Rifenberg) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7551 Alice Morous (Sherrard) Somerset, Mich. Onsted, Mich. 7.552 Ina Morris (Brown) Hillsdale, Mich. 7553 Libbie Mowry (Bennett) Sherwood, Mich. Sherwood, Mich. 7554 James A. Murray Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich., R .F. D. 7555 Nettie Nelson Hickernell, Pa. 7556 Chauncey L. Newcomer Bryan, Ohio Bryan, Ohio 7557 Anna L. Nichols (True) Oelwein, la. 7558 Milon B. Northrop Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich., R. F. D. 7559 Mary V. Oberlin (Bonbrake) Hillsdale, Mich. Ashland, Ind. 7560 Gertrude Older (Bartlett) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7561 Addie E. Osborn Brimfield, Ind. 7562 Clayton A. Patterson Genoa, Ill. 7563 Albert C. Price South Byron, Wis. Miamisburgh, Ohio 7564 Hattie M. Ranney Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7565 Minnie L. Reed DeWitt, la. 7566 Anna Robb DeWitt, la. 7567 May F. Roberts Marion, Ohio Marion, Ohio 7568 Elizabeth Robinson (Estabrook) Chester Cross Roads, Ohio Athens, Pa. 7569 Jesse P. Robinson Chester Cross Roads, Ohio Movral, Ohio 7570 George E. Robuck Brooklyn, N. Y. 7571 Jessie M. Roode Bankers, Mich. 7572 Barnis B. Rose Hillsdale, Mich. Honey Creek, Wis. OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 169 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 7573 Florence L. Rose Hillsdale, Mich. Honey Creek, Wis. 7574 Emma Russell Rochester, Wis. 7575 Katherine B. Searle (Suhr) Topeka, Kan. Provo, Utah 7576 Fronia Elmira Severance (Drew) Walled Lake, Mich. Los Angeles, Cal. 7577 Irvin L. Simmons Hanover, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 7578 Leonard S. Slaybaugh Pleasant Lake, Ind. Grass Lake, Mich. 7579 Emma M. Slick Lambertville, Mich. 7580 Etha Smith (Ditmars) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 7581 Nellie Smith Montpelier, Ind. 7582 Mary L. Soule Grand Haven, Mich. Grand Haven, Mich. 7583 H. Genevieve Spencer (Collins) St. Augustine, Fla. Holley, Col. 7584 Robert J. Stanfield Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. 7585* Thomas Stanfield Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale Mich. 7586 Guy B. Stone Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7587 J. L. Tatum Percy, Ill. Percy, Ill. 7588 David R. Tibbetts Ft. Madison, la. Ft. Madison, la. 7589 Martha A. Tolley Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 75 90 Selena G. Tracey Ayersville, Ohio Oakwood, Ohio 7591 Sanders Van Aken Pleasant Lake, Ind. 7592 Shirley I. Vanderhoef Harbor Springs, Mich. Harbor Springs, Mich. 7593 Colbert Van Gieson Butler, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 7594 Edwin J. Wade Butler, Mich. Butler, Mich. 7595 Vinnie Walrath (Chase) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7596 George E. Walworth Clayton, Mich. Clayton, Mich. 7597 Joseph M. Weaver Pierceton, Ind. Springfield, Mo. 7598 John R. Weedon Campbell Hill, Ind. Deceased 7599 Julius E. Wells Buffalo, N. Y. Devalls Bluff, Ark. 7600 Abbie M. Wheeler White, Mich. 7601 A. L. Maud Whitney (Fowler) Allen, Mich. Bronson, Mich., R. F. D. 7602 H. J. May Whitney (Parish) Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich., R. F. D. 7603 Henry Williams Church, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. 7604 Ina C. Wisner North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 7605 Charles E. Wolverton Elissfield, Mich. 7606 Emma Wyman (Gorham) Oshtemo, Mich. Oshtemo, Mich., R. F. D. 43 YEAR 1893 7607 Hugh E. Agnew Hillsdale, Mich. Dowagiac, Mich. 7608 George C. Alborn Blue Earth, Minn. Allenville, Wis. 7609 William C. Alleger Ransom, Mich. 4.22 5th St., Detroit, Mich. 7610 Florence B. Alvord (Crofoot) Hillsdale, Mich. Adrian, Mich. 7611 Bennie R. Alward Camden, Mich. Camden, Mich. 7612 Belle Bentley (Ambler) Bryan, Ohio Deceased 7613 John G. Biery Camden, Mich. Athens, Mich. 7614 Mattie Boley (Harris) Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 7615 Sadie M. Brackett (Costello) Phillips, Me. care Daily Sun, Lewiston, Me. 7616 Gertrude Branch Omaha, Neb. 425 Georgia Ave., Omaha, Neb. 7617 Bessie Briggs (Murray) Hart, Mich. Reading, Mich. 7618 Daniel L. Brown Church, Mich. Canandaigua, N. Y. 7619 Effie D. B. Brown (Robinson) Morral, Ohio Morral, Ohio 7620 Ralph E. Caskey Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F .D. 7621 William A. Chambers New Windsor, Md. Deceased 7622 Will C. Chappell Cambria, Mich. Danville, N. H. 7623 Harry Clifton Clark Brooklyn, Mich. 4726 Sylvan Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. 7624 Phillip Clark Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 7625 Nina Cole Hillsdale Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7626 Joseph Copeland East Penfield, N. Y. U. S. Army 7627 William M. Costley Mt. Pleasant, Md. Berwick, Pa. 7628 Floy Culbertson (Daley) Cambria, Mich. Swanton, Ohio 7629 Laura Cullum East Liverpool, Ohio 7630 Octa N. Curtis (Hicks) Rome, Mich. Hudson, Mich. 7631 Edna D. Dancer (West) S. Milford, Ind. Stroh, Ind. 7632 Gratia I. Dancer S. Milford, Ind. Deceased 7633 Katherine Desmond Linden, Mich. 7634 Harley A. Divine Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased 7635 Dwight J. Douglass Church, Mich. Belleville, Mich. 7636 Alonzo F. Dove Eureka, Kan. Box 53, Hamilton, Kan. 7637 Lottie B. Dwyer Hillsdale, Mich. Crosswell, Mich. 7638 Minnie M. Frisbey LaGrange, Ind. LaGrange, Ind. 170 No. 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650 7 651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 766 5 7666 7667 7668 7669 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 7678 7679 7680 7681 7682 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 7693 7694 7695 7696 7697 7698 7699 7700 7701 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Mayme Fuller (Smith) Fred Garlough Lewis D. Greenlee Almond B. Griffin Dwight M. Halsey Micajah Harris Sterling W. Harris Sophia Haynes (Bolich) William A. Helm Anna M. Homer Abbie A. Hutchins Katie L. Johnson Grandison A. Jones Richard W. Jones Emily D. Jordan (Mrs.) Ezra C. Keeler Edward J. Kirbye Gertrude A. Kniffen Howard M. Lamb Myra Lamb (Church) Charles F. Latchaw Philip S. Latchaw Alvah H. Lawrence Winifred Lynch (Marvin) Robert E. Manly Wiliam L. Mann John F. McNaughton Julia McReynolds (Custer) Peter W. McReynolds Rose B. Merrell J. Allen Miller Edgar B. Moody Andrew Mumaw Mary A. Munson Edith C. Murray Bertha Myers (Kempton) Verne G. Myers J. C. Northrop Fallie Nutten (Wells) Homer L. O’Brien Bert Onsted Olive Irene Our Arthur Parker Howard L. Parker Mazie A. Patterson Susie Rochelle (Case) Emma L. Russell (Coon) George Schmitt James T. Scriven Elbert L. Selleck Robert P. Sims Anna Slaybaugh (Emerson) Charles D. Slaybaugh Clara St. John (Brown) William A. Taylor Cora V. Tickner Alta Treadwell Allen B. Tucker Cora Twitchell (Jeffrey) Eulalia IJpp vMcCuenrand) Frank W. Wakeman Ella Walters Brooks A. Warren Lewis E. Warren Frank M. Watkins Nellie Wilder (Dudley) William R. Wood Frank H. Woodworth Agnes Wright North Adams, Mich. Pitchin, Ohio Amboy, Ohio Eaton Rapids, Mich. Addison, Mich. Lock Spring, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Orland, Ind. Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Youngstown, Ohio Lake Creek, Ill Limerick, Me. Blissfield, Mich’. Eureka, Mich. Britton, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Findlay, Ohio Findlay, Ohio Cherry Creek, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Colby, Mich. Ray, Ind. Kokomo, Ind. Kokomo, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Elkhart, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Brownsville, Mich. Jerome, Mich. Denver, Ill. Onsted, Mich. Greenfield, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Orland, Ind. Angola, Ind. Frontier, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Towner, Col. Adrian, Mich. Rippon, W. Va. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Sterling, Ill. Jonesville, Mich. Bronson, Mich. Amboy, Mich. Tuckertown, Ind. Orland, Ind. Montgomery, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Orland, Ind. Cameron, N. Y. Camden, Mich. San Francisco, Cal. Eldora, la. Steinway Hall, Chicago, Ill. Ashtabula, Ohio Blissfield, Mich. Defiance, Ohio Deceased Wadsworh, Ohio Orland, Ind. Johnson City, Ill. Limerick, Me. Blissfield, Mich. Medina, Ohio Osseo, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. Findlay, Ohio Findlay, Ohio Indiana Harbor, Ind. Jonesville, Mich. Cattaraugus, N. Y. Gove City, Kan. Logansport, Ind. Defiance, Ohio Deceased Dean Ashland College, Ashland, Ohio Deceased Winona, Minn. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Jerome, Mich., R. F. D. Onsted, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Orland, Ind. Chicago, Ill. College Court, Albion, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Granada, Col. Bluefied, W. Va. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Geneva, N. Y. 1002 7th Ave., Sterling, Ill. Battle Creek, Mich. Yakima, Wash. Ross, King Co., Wash. Culebra, Canal Zone, Panama Louisville, Ky. Jackson, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Marion, Ohio Sherburn, Minn. Washington, D. C. Blanchester, Ohio Monroe, Mich. Fairport, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. No. 7708 7709 7710 7711 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 7719 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 ■7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 171 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Lewis C. Wright Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mary Wright (Johnson) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. William C. Wright San Francisco, Cal. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Ida Elizabeth Zimmerman (Anderson) Munson, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. YEAR 1894 Ruey Agnew (Kellar) Hillsdale, Mich. Shipshewanna, Ind. Lida J. Allen Erokenstraw, N. Y. John R. Armstrong Pultney, N. Y. Mt. Pleasant Mich. Howard F. Avery Hillsdale, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Mernie M. Bailey Virginia City, Mont. Virginia City, Mont. Roy R. Bailey Hillsdale, Mich. 561 62d St., Chicago, Ill. John E. Ball Hudson, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Florilla Bangs (Jackson) Jackson, Mich. Holley, N. Y. Leslie A. Beers Hillsdale, Mich. Allen, Mich. Allen R. Bemenderfer Dunlap, Ind. Ashland, Ohio Elmer J. Black Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Jay M. Blackman Quincy, Mich. Quincy, Mich. Ellen I. Boals White, Mich. Alice L. Brainard Chicago, Ill. Porto Rico Harold K. Bryant Davison, Mich. Eureka, Mich. W T arren W. Butts Cambria, Mich. Reading, Mich. Lulu M. Callow (Bray) Mt. Morris, Mich. Mt. Morris, Mich. Beulah Cameron Edon, Ohio Catherine Campbell (Collins) Hillsdale, Mich. 9 7 Essex St., Chelsea, Mass. James Carruthers Cambria, Mich. Cambria, Mich. George E. Case Putney, N. Y. Clarence M. Chase Hillsdale, Mich. Huntington Chamber, Boston, Mass. Burton H. Cheney Orange, Mich. Monona, la. Libbie Cilley (Bailey) Kent City, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Katherine Cook (Sloan) Homer, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Ada B. Cramer (Jones) Petersburg, Mich. Petersburg, Mich. Pearl Cramer (Partch) Locust, Mich. Olmsted Falls, Ohio R. C. Crossman Richfield, Mich. Richfield, Mich. Robert Currier Chicago, Ill. Grace Daley (Hadley) Cambria, Mich. 2 3 N. Jefferson St., Coldwater Mich. Walter W. Deckard Edna, Ohio Arlington, R. I. Franklin DeKleine Jamestown, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Alonzo N. Denney Harris, Ohio Gilbert’s Mills, N. Y. Essie Dennis (Kirby) Eureka, Mich. Deceased Evarts V. DePew Wolf Lake, Ind. San Antonio, Tex. Mott L. Dewey Sherburne, N. Y. Houston, Minn. Bertha L. Dibble Union, Mich. Union, Mich. Florence Dobbs (Bassett) Montgomery, Mich. Deceased Allen M. Douglass Bronson, Mich. 507 S. West St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Henrietta, G. Dudley Detroit, Mich. Charles P. Dunham Wichita, Kan. Oklahoma City, Okla. Maud Easterday Frontier, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Edna H. Ford Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Erie S. Frisbey LaGrange, Ind. LaGrange, Ind. Mellie D. Frost Pokagon, Mich. Charles H. Fullerton Wheelersburg, Ohio 474 W. 5th St., Columbus, Ohio Will F. Gaskins Hillsdale, Mich. Valparaiso, Ind. Edwin F. Green Vine Valley, N. Y. Rich-field, N. H. Orie C. Griffin Easton, Md. Coldwater, Mich. E. Waldo Hadley Pioneer, Ohio Pioneer, Ohio Nellie E. Hamilton Bronson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. George W. Hard Hillsdale, Mich. Albion, Mich. Glad A. Hendry Angola, Ind. Angola, Ind. Harry H. Herron Gobleville, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Bertha A. Houtz Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Harvey A. Huey Hillsdale, Mich. Casnovia, Mich. Alice L. Hulce (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Clara M. Hulce (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Miles T. Humiston Ransom, Mich. Ransom, Mich. Robert S. Ingersoll Hillsdale, Mich. Calcutta, India May L. Irving (Green) Buchanan, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Daniel E. Johnson Benton Harbor, Mich. 172 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 7774 Kenneth E. Kilbourne Petoskey, Mich. Petoskey, Mich. 7775 Elizabeth M. Lamb Duluth, Minn. 7776 George A. Lamb Duluth, Minn. 7777 Mabel E. Langlois (Wade) Racine, Wis. Pellston, Mich. 777 8 Arthur P. Lattin Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7779 Clarence C. Leffingwell Allen, Mich. Bradley Institute, Peoria, 111. 7780 Eva Lyle (Plant) Gobleville, Mich. 710 W. Chestnut St., Carthage, 7781 Myrta McConnell (Shafer) Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. 7782 Jessie I. Mead Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. 7783 Addie Melton (Politte) Mason, Mich. Deceased 7784 Grace D. Merriman LaGrange, Ind. 473 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. 7785 Adelbert H. Miller Manchester, Mich. 7786 Alice I. Miller (Mrs.) Manchester, Mich. 7787 Harry C. Miller Fall River, N. S. Hillsdale, Mich. 7788 William H. Miller Rossville, Ind. Cerro Gordo, Ill. 7789 Charles E. Minor Abingdon, Va. Magnolia, S. C. 7790 George E. Moench Cattaraugus, N. Y. 43 Franklin St., Chicago, Ill. 7791 Grace H. Morous Somerset, Mich. Jackson, Mich. 7792 Alice M. Nerber Buffalo, N. Y. 7793 Alice B. Newcomer (Hersch) Polo, Ill. Nokomis, Ill. 7794 Gertrude Nutten (Rose) North Adams, Mich. Marshall, Mich. 7795 Della M. Osborn Bronson, Mich. Bronson, Mich. 7796 Paul Prowdley Jonesville, Mich. 2209 Broadway, Toledo, Ohio 7797 Mae Quinlan (Null) Bankers, Mich. Jackson, Mich. 7798 Lillian R. Rayner Reed City, Mich. Pueblo, Col. 7799 Charles F. Rendel Cosperville, Ind. Mexico, Ind. 7800 Guy A. Ripley Hillsdale, Mich. Sibley, la. 7801 Henry G. Robertson Hillsdale, Mich. 6107 Madison Ave., Chicago, I 7802 Norman E. Roby Hillsdale, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 7803 Emanuel J. Rose Wawaka, Ind. Deceased 7804 Libbie Salmon Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7805 Guy Shaughnis Angola, Ind. Angola, Ind. 7806 Blanch Shipley (Scowden) Richwood, Ohio Richwood, Ohio 7807 Mattie I. Sickels Hillsdale, Mich. Elsie, Mich. 7808 Laurel Wayland Slayton Salem, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich. 7809 Albert E. Southall Buffalo, N. Y. Deceased 7810 George W. Stansbury Hillsdale, Mich. Winnebago, Minn. 7811 Isaiah H. Stevenson Arlington, Va. 7812 Ina L. Straw (Mrs.) East Gilead, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 7813 Roy J. Straw East Gilead, Mich Chicago, Ill. 7814 Stella Thomas (Leader) Sabbatus, Me. Sabbatus, Me. 7815 Blanche Tuttle Prattville, Mich. 7816 Sara E. VanOstrend (Mills) Mason, Mich. 88 0 4th Ave., Detroit, Mich. 7817 Herbert V. Wade Wixom, Mich. Albion, Mich. 7818 Edith M. Wagstaff Pultney, N. Y. Pultney, N. Y. 7819 Leroy Waterman Pierpont, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. 7820 Jennie H. Watkins (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Blanchester, Ohio 7821 William H. Willennar Pleasant Lake, Ind. Auburn, Ind. 7822 Ernest Windle Phoenix, N. Y. 7823 Maud Willits Ligonier, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. 7824 Bessie L. Wood (Prideaux) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7825 Willa S. Wood (Spillman) Angola, Ind. Manhattan, Kan. 7826 Cora Woodworth Peoria, la. 7827 William R. Wright North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. YEAR 1895 7828 W. B. Alsbury St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. 7829 Alice L. Anderson (Culver) Honey Creek, Wi$. Honey Creek, Wis. 7830 Grace M. Bateman (Olsen) Hillsdale, Mich. San Jose, Cal. 7831 Charles S. Bell South Milford, Ind. South Milford, Ind. 7832 Mary K. E. Bennett Denmark, la. 7 8:::; Mina Betts Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. 7834 William W. Betts Ray, Ind. Ray, Ind. 7835 Jessie Boag Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 7836 Harry C. Brown Angola, Ind. Angola, Ind. 7837 Jessie Bryan (Cooper) Cambria, Mich. Reading, Mich., R. F. D. 49 7838 Levi Buck North Adams, Mich. ! North Adams, Mich., R. F. D. 7839 Ira B. Buffum Hillsdale, Mich. Sparta, Mich. No. 7840 7841 7842 7843 7844 7845 7846 7847 7848 7849 7850 7851 7852 7853 7854 7855 7856 7857 7858 7859 7860 7861 7862 7863 7864 7865 7866 7867 7868 7869 7870 7871 7872 7873 7874 7875 7876 7877 7878 7879 7880 7881 7882' 7883 7884 7885 7886 7887 7888 7889 7890 7891 7892 7893 7894 789.5 7896 7897 7898 7899 7900 7901 7902 7903 7904 7905 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 173 Name. Old Address. Present Address Nina M. Bullock Milton, Wis. William O. Burton Lisbon, Mich. Elmer J. Butterfield Wright’s Corners, Ind. Will F. Carleton Hillsdale, Mich. Isabella A. Cass Hillsdale, Mich. Alfred B. Cheney Kinderhook, Mich. Amelia B. Chennell (Mathewson) Saginaw, Mich. Mary L. Cole Hillsdale, Mich. Austin Conrad Hillsdale, Mich. Marion V. Cooper (Ross) Temperance, Mich. Nina D. Cooper Temperance, Mich. William H. Cox Hamilton, Can. Allie Curtis (Skinner) Kingston, Mich. Clarence E. DePew Wolf Lake, Ind. Olive P. Duguid Ray, Ind. Philip A. Easter Hillsdale Mich. Robert M. Eyre Hillsboro, la. Arthur I. Field Angola, Ind. William R. Fieldhouse White Pigeon, Mich. Dorotha J. Fisher (Roby) Angola, Ind. Karl B. Ford Broadway, Ohio Earl H. Foust Washington, D. C. Barton J. Fox Elsie, Mich. David Fraser Vienna, Wis. Zoe E. Fraser (McLain) Allen, Mich. William J. French Cambria, Mich. Grace G. Garrison (Shaffer) Hillsdale, Mich. F. Ethel Gurney (Chappell) Hillsdale, Mich. May B. Gurney (Lash) Hillsdale, Mich. Lena A. Hardenburg (Foster) Tecumseh, Mich. Hugh K. Harris Toledo, Ohio Ada J. Hart Pioneer, Mich. Edward L. Heffron Hillsdale Mich. William Heller Morral, Ohio Lloyd E. Herrington Herrington, Mich. George A. Hilderbrand Norwalk, Ohio Grace Hubbell (Alborn) Temperance, Mich Frank E. Jacquith Wright’s Corners, Ind. Austin F. Jones Dundee, Mich. John Kenton Surrey, Ind. Margaret Kenton (Meads) Surrey, Ind. Everett R. Lake Bayfield, Mo. Rose P. Langworthy (Fullerto i) West Edmeston, N. Y. Ada M. Lyle Gobleville, Mich. Frank J. May Poplar Flat, Ky. Edna M. McLouth Hillsdale, Mich. Duane T. McNabb Fremont, Ind. Flora McNabb (Burgess) Hillsdale, Mich. Louis B. McDonald Springfield, Ohio Fred W. Miller Mapleton, Minn. Edith F. Miner (Russell) Kinderhook, Mich. Dorothy Moench (Bates) Cattaraugus, N. Y. Anna Moore (Cheney) Honey Creek, Wis Mabel M. Moore (Myers) Merriam, Ind. Harry E. Muir DeSoto, Mo. Lutie Myers (DeYoe) Gobleville, Mich Walter E. Nason Hillsdale, Mich. Minerva M. Naylor (Allen) Spencer, Ohio Nellie B. Newcomer Polo. Ill. Louie Nicholson Clarksville, Ohio Olive Pangburn (Katz) Burlington, Mich. Estella Generva Parker California, Mich. Lillie Parmenter Hillsdale, Mich. Ralph W. Paul California, Mich. Clayton A. Powell Pittsford, Mich. Sarah Putnam Hillsdale, Mich. Janesville, Wis. Bay City, Mich. Muncie, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Moreno, Cal. Kinderhook, Mich. Saginaw, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Watertown. Mass. 34 Clarkson St., Dorchester, Boston, Mass. Buckley, Mich. Wolf Lake, Ind. Fremont, Ind. Hillsboro, la. Angola, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. t Indianapolis Ind. Marshall, Mich. Greenville, Mich. Racine, Wis. Litchfield, Mich., R. F. D. 411 3d St., Toledo, Ohio Danville, N. H. Jonesville, Mich. Tecumseh, Mich. Geneva, N. Y. Allenville, Wis. Cleveland, Miss. West Side High School, Detroit, Mich. Deceased Janesville, Wis. Easton, Mo. 474 W. 5th Ave., Columbus, Ohio Gobleville, Mich. Deceased Ray, Ind. 1301 Bosland Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Bad Axe, Mich. 187 Catherine St., Springfield Ohio Lexington, Ky. Laoag, Phillipines San Juan, Porto Rico Monona, la. Chisholm, Minn. Las Animas, Col. 1017 Union St., Lansing, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Bryan, Ohio Clarksville, Ohio N. St. Louis and W. Berwyn Aves., Chicago, Pipestone, Minn. Ill. Evanston, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 174 No. 7906 7907 7908 7909 7910 7911 7912 7913 7914 7915 7916 7917 7918 7919 7920 7921 7922 7923 7924 7925 7926 7927 7928 7929 7930 7931 7932 7933 7934 7935 7936 7937 7938 7939 7940 7941 7942 7943 7944 7945 7946 7947 7948 7949 7950 7951 7952 7953 7954 7955 7956 7957 7958 7959 7960 7961 7962 7963 7964 7965 7966 7967 7968 7969 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Old Address. Present Address. Bertha M. Rice Three Rivers ,Mich. Marion L. Rossman Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Emily Sage (Morgan) Wellington, Ohio Wellington, Ohio William J. Seeley Centerbury, N. H. Mae L. Seldon (Munger) Hillsdale, Mich. Springfield, Mo. Rosamond C. Shackleford (Clark) Kentland, Ind. Chicago, Ill. Jim Shanks Clarkville, Mich. Albert I. Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. Plainwell, Mich. Benjamin A. Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. Plainwell, Mich. Maud G. Shepard (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Plainwell, Mich. Theo A. Sickley (Douglass) Somerset, Mich. Belleville, Mich. Charles E. Smith Sand Hill, Mich. Fayette F. Soule Grand Haven, Mich. 1616 Monadnock Blk., Chicago, Ill. Mae A. Southworth Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Harley B. Spotts Jefferson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Ethel M. Stetson Lima Center, Wis. Lima Center, Wis. Florence Stetson (Pollock) Lima Center, Wis. Deceased Hubert C. Storey Monee, Ill. Alda E. Thornberry (Swindler) West Newton, Ind. Danville, Ind. Clinton D. Thornton Surrey, Ind. Mayville, Mich. William Toothaker Sparta, Mich. Martin, Mich. Bertha Travis (Alward) Elsie, Mich. Camden, Mich. Ernest L. True Edgewood, la. Oelwein, la. Julia Turner (Mitchell) Orland, Ind. Pawtucket, R. I. Jennie M. Updyke Bankers, Mich. Reading, Mich., R. P. D. George H. Van Wormer Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Myra M. Walworth (Shaw) Moscow, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Preston C. West Fairfield, Mich. Saskatchewan, Can. Otis V. Wheeler Jones, Mich. 7123 St. Lawrence Ave., Chicago, Frank W. Witliey Ortonville, Mich. Hadley, Mich. Harry W. Wolf Fremont, Ind. Fremont, Ind. YEAR 1896 Bliss S. Alward Camden, Mich. Camden, Mich. Claude A. Bean Jonesville, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Grace Boone (Lyon) Cambria, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Matie Booth Gilead, Mich. Petoskey, Mich. Pearl Brisbin Church, Mich. Huntley, Minn. Edward L. Campbell Hillsdale, Mich. Hancock, Mich. Lafayette Cilley Kent City, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Perry B. Clark Lindenville, Ohio Fred A. Constable Kingston, Mich. Ferry, Wash. May Henry Cortright (Mrs) Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. (Lyon) George H. Curtice Pierpont, Ohio Yacolt, Wash. Alvin S. Cutler Pitsford, Mich. 1105 14th Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Mi: Gertrude Ledlie Deckard (Mrs.) Edna, Ohio 116 Gladstone St., Arlington, R. I. Fred DeLamater Brooklyn, Mich. Omaha, Neb. Hugh S. Douglass Church, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Lucy B. Dutton Stafford, Kan. Nickerson, Kan. Charles A. Eastman East Orange, Vt. Jones, Mich. Frank R. Fenn Cleveland, Ohio 502 W. 103d St., New York, N. Y. Clara L. Fisk (Hunter) Pleasant Lake, Ind. Phoenix, Ariz. Lily L. Fisk (Long) Pleasant Lake, Ind. Surigao, Philipines May Stella Fisk Pleasant Lake, Ind. Pleasant Lake, Ind. Franklin H. Ford Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Elmo V. Garlough Hillsdale, Mich. Waukegan, Ill. Francis E. Garlough Pitchin, Ohio Matthias M. Garrett Coldwater, Mich. Clara L. Guggenheim (Rosenbloom) Hillsdale, Mich. New York City, N. Y. Alice Harvey (Wheeler) Jones, Mich. Champlain and 72d Sts., Chicago, Clarissa Harvey (Mowry) Grant, Neb. Deceased Ara B. Hewes Medina, Ohio Adrian, Mich. Ora K. Hewes Medina, Ohio Medina, Ohio George S. Hill Hillsdale, Mich. 1616 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill. George H. Hobart Cleveland, Ohio Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Erminie Holmden (Hobart) Cleveland, Ohio Unadilla Forks, N. Y. \ No. 7970 7971 7972 7973 7974 79 7.5 7976 7977 7978 7979 7980 7981 7982 7983 7984 7985 7986 7987 7988 7989 7990 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 7998 7999 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8016 8017 8018 8019 8020 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 8026 8027 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 Of Hillsdale college 1*5 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Belle Hubbard Union City, Mich. Edith G. Ives Byron, Ill. Byron, Ill. Libbie M. Jaquith Wright’s Corners, Ind. Talbott Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Harry M. Kimball Orland, Ind. Orland, Ind. Florence M. B. Kimberly (Mrs.) Geneva, Mich. Willis D. King Kingston, Mich. Geneva, Pa. Darwin E. Kirby Eureka, Mich. DeWItt D. Lash Rome, Mich. 471 E 61st St., Chicago Ill. James H. Lash Cheshire, Ohio Rialto, Cal. Forest G. Lewis Moscow, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Arthur D. Lindslay Butler, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hazel Mabel Lord (Niles) Hillsdale, Mich. Ovid, Mich. Lora A. Marsh Keuka College, N. Y. Keuka, N. Y. William B. May Bellaire, Mich. Duluth, Minn. Grace McKercher Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Edward C. McMullen Aurora, Ind. Aurora, Ind. Dougald N. McPhail Oil Springs, Ont. Bertha E. Morris (Wilkins) Hillsdale, Mich. Delta, Ohio Harriet G. Muir Hillsdale, Mich. Lincoln, Neb. Sarah T. Muir Hillsdale, Mich. Lincoln, Neb. Allison W. Munger Dodge's Corners, Wis. Springfield, Mo. Emma G. Murphy (Mrs.) Lincoln, Neb. Midnapore, India Maud L. Murphy Maumee, Ohio Maumee, Ohio Elizabeth Palmer (Bates) Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Jay Pierson Addison, Mich. Addison, Mich. Pearl B. Randall Kingston, Mich. Kingston, Mich. Orlan B. Read Mills Corners, Ind. Winnebago, Minn. Milton E. Remmele Allegan, Mich. Hastings, Mich. Nellie L. Roy (Shaw) Moscow, Mich. Palmer Springs, Va. Estella M. Sherrard Springville, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Millie E. Snell Long Pine, Neb. Long Pine, Neb. Herbert D. Sorter Kinderhook, Mich. Deceased Harriet B. Storrs Painesville, Ohio Painesville, Ohio Maude Sweezy (Rickard) Wheatland, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Belle Underhill Stony Point, Mich. Hanover, Mich. George H. Van Fleet Elkhart, Ind. Elkhart, Ind. Lloyd Van Wagner Gage, Ind. Angola, Ind., R. F. D. Edward L. Vohgt Elba, Neb. Dannebrog, Neb. Howard F. Wertz Hagaman, Mich. Clyde M. Wolf Frontier Mich,. Frontier Mich. Elsie Wood (Perry) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. YEAR 1897 E. Mabell Armstrong (Moyer) Charlotte, Mich. Elva Bailey (Griffin) Hillsdale, Mich. Laramie, Wyo. Grace W. Bailey Hillsdale, Mich. Howell, Mich. Elmer Frank Bates Hillsdale, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Arthur A. Berry Quincy, Mich. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Grace Boegel Lorain, Ohio Ford M. Bolton Erie, Pa. Madelia, Minn. John R. Cartwright North Adams, Mich. Continental, Ohio Frank T. Cavin Spencer, Ohio Spencer, Ohio Claude L. Chamberlin Pioneer, Ohio Jane M. Charlick (Lemon) Clyde, Mich. Highland, Mich. Denis Clancy Jerome, Mich. Bay City, Mich. Hattie N. Cole East Gilead, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Della Collins (Lamb) North Adams, Mich. Winona Lake, Ind. Mayte H. Collins (Tripp) North Adams, Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich. Robert S. Collins Fennville, Mich. Novi, Mich. Frederick H. Copp Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased Mary Corbett North Adams, Mich. Y. W. C. A. Sec’y, Cincinnati, Ohio Maud B. Corbett North Adams, Mich. Y. W. C. A. Coll. Sec’y, Valpariso, Ind. Lela Culver (Southworth) Litchfield, Mich. Van Buren St., Battle Creek, Mich. John S. Deabler Litchfield, Mich. Benton Harbor, Mich. Mary L. Dohm (Hadley) Pioneer, Ohio Pioneer, Ohio Charles J. Douglass Church, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. Frank Ellery Douglass Church, Mich. Pittsford, Mich., R. F. D. 176 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. 8035 Caroline H. Dudley Hillsdale, Mich. 8036 Edgar A. Emmons Dowagiac, Mich. 8037 Bessie A. Fay Norvell, Mich. 8038 Clare G. Fitzsimmons Hillsdale, Mich. 8039 Raymond A. Gordan Cleveland, Ohio 8040 Bessie L. Grover Quincy, Ill. 8041 Harry L. Guggenheim Hillsdale, Mich. 8042 Pansy Hammond (Clark) Rosedale, Kan. 8043 Corvis B. Hart Reading, Mich. 8044 J. Harry Henderson Fennville, Mich. 8045 S. May Hewes (Dodge) Aurora, la. 8046 Harry C. Hull Honey Creek, Wis. 8047 Jay R. Inman Spencer, Ohio 8048 Nelson A. Jackson Pike, N. Y. 8049 Horace M. Jerome Hillsdale, Mich. 8050 Christian S. Johnson South Wayne, Wis. 8051 Florence L. Knapp Hillsdale, Mich. 8052 Allen M. Laird Elkhart, Ind. 8053 Edith Lockwood (Barritt) Clyde, Mich. 8054 R. Wilbert Longhouse Coldwater, Mich. 8055 Charles E. McKinley Camden, Mich. 8056 Anna R. Morley Allen, Mich. 8057 Chas. R. Mouser Hillsdale, Mich. 80.58 Fred B. Mouser Hillsdale, Mich. 8059 Lucius W. Munger Dodge’s Corners, Wis. 8060 Edith M. Murphy Maumee, Ohio 8061 Leo J. Myers Hillsdale, Mich. 8062 Julian W. Palmer Hillsdale, Mich. 8063 Ernest L. Powers Capac, Mich. 8064 Albert H. Price Rotherham, England 8065 Daisy B. Prideaux (Cook) Hillsdale, Mich. 8066 Herbert J. Randall Hillsdale, Mich. 8067 Bert E. Rifenbergh Oak Center, Wis. 8068 Chas. A. Robertson Hillsdale, Mich. 8069 Fayette N. Rogers Homer, Mich. 8070 Charles A. Sheldon Hillsdale, Mich. 8071 Kate Skinner Ortonville, Mich. 8072 Elsie Space (Jackson) Pike, N. Y. 8073 Irving Timms Hillsdale, Mich. 8074 Bertha Wilder Orland, Ind. 8075 Rex B. Wood Ridgeville, Ind. YEAR 1898 8076 Cora Adams Hillsdale, Mich. 8077 Tena Baker Hillsdale, Mich. 8078 Charles Herman Batson Winnebago, Minn. 8079 William Beers Ormas, Ind. 8080 Lynn C. Bisbee Fremont, Ind. 8081 Chase Spencer Bishopp Hillsdale, Mich. 8082 Blanche A. Bradley Hillsdale, Mich. 8083 Frank Ernest Bunting Nessen City, Mich. 8084 Laurin D. Chase Hillsdale, Mich. 8085 Gertrude B. Collins (Mrs.) Fennville, Mich. 8086 Inis E. Coon Little Sandusky, Ohio 8087 Louisa A. Curtis (Davis) Clyde, Mich. 8088 Heber Babe DePew Wolf Lake, Ind. 8089 Merton Fitzpatrick Hillsdale, Mich. 8090 Arthur L. French Hillsdale, Mich. 8091 Frances Gertrude French Hillsdale, Mich. 8092 Orda B. Galloway Cromwell, Ind. 8093 Iliff C. Garrison Hillsdale, Mich. 8094 Ralph L. Gary Brooklyn, Mich. 8095 John L. Gillispie Charleston, W. Va. 8096 Hamilton Harvey Gray Hillsdale, Mich. 8097 Clarence Jasper Green Hillsdale, Mich. 8098 Delia Harvey (Eastman) Jones, Mich. 8099 Waldo M. Hoffman Hudson, Mich. Present Address. Ottumwa, la. Norvell, Mich. Reading, Mich. 791 Jennings Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Quincy, Ill. New York City, N. Y. Kansas City, Mo. Los Angeles, Cal. Lansing, Mich. N. Islesboro, Me. Manchester, la. Keuka, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Cashton, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Lynxville, Wis. Holly, Mich. Lorain, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Morrow, Ohio Morrow, Ohio Alma, Neb. Maumee, Ohio Kalamazoo, Mich. Camden, Mich. Harvey, Ill. Albuquerque, N. M. Deceased Eckford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Homer, Mich. Jamestown, N. Y. 688 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich. Keuka, N. Y. Husum, Wash. Orland, Ind. Rome City, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Bakers, Mich. Brunswick, Minn. Niles, Mich. Oakland City, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Deceased care Chief Engineer’s Office C. H. & D. Ry., Chicago, Ill. Novi, Mich. Gallup, N. Mex. Toledo, Ohio Wolf Lake, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. N. Baltimore, Ohio Wallingford, Conn. Cromwell, Ind. care 411 3d St., Toledo, Ohio Addison, Mich. Charleston, W. Va. Deceased , Hillsdale, Mich. Jones, Mich. Hudson, Mich. No. 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8107 8108 8109 8110 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8116 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130 8131 8132 8133 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 8144 8145 8146 8147 8148 8149 8150 8151 8152 8153 8154 8155 8156 8157 8158 8159 8160 8161 8162 8163 8164 8165 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 177 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Lola E. Hughes (Shepard) East Gilead, Mich. Plaipwell, Mich. Dora Jenkins (Collett) S. Wayne, Wis. . Bhadrakh, India Claude Kimmell Hillsdale, Mich. Kimmell, Ind. Carlos Lane Wolf Lake, Ind. Kimmell, Ind. Eber M. Lash Stoddard, Mich. Rialto, Cal. Homer Coyle Lash Stoddard, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Sarah Elizabeth Lohness Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Joseph Luckey Hecla, Ind. Kimmell, Ind. Herbert E. Marsh Hillsdale, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Mabel L. Mather (Voyg) Middlebury, Ind. Mishawaka, Ind. Nellie I. McRitchie (Jordan) Hillsdale, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Mattie Miner Morral, Ohio Samuel E. Miner Marion, Ohio 809 W. 35th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Ina C. Millard Corunna, Mich. Owosso, Mich. Charles Caldwell Mitchell Beaver Falls, Pa. Pawtucket, R. I. Aureana Mullen (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. John Mullen S. Webster, Ohio Mabel Estelle Nash Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Lettie E. Nichols (Jones) Clarendon, Mich. Clarendon, Mich. Harley Jacob Newcomer Bryan, Ohio Bryan, Ohio Earl H. Norris Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 3 Gertrude Opdyke Montpelier, Ohio Montpelier, Ohio Alvan J. Osborn Indian Falls, N. Y. Blanchester, Ohio Melvi L. Peden Alice, Ohio Deceased Cora Mae Powell Lawton, Mich. 212 W. Cedar St., Kalamazoo, Mich Peter W. Ratzlaff Haslett Park, Mich. Earl N. Rittenhouse Decatur, Ind. Hillsdale. Mkh. J. Cloyd Simpson Day, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. D. George Francis Slayton Salem, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich. Helen Elizabeth Slayton Salem, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich. Blanche J. Stafford Orland, Ind. Orland, Ind. Guy H. Swan Bellefontaine, Ohio Anna Taylor Zanesville, Ohio Zanesville, Ohio Brete Hart Taylor Cleveland, Ohio Imlay City, Mich. Gertrude C. Thompson South Allen, Mich. Allen, Mich. Almeda Marion Todd Burr Oak, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Granville I. Trace Ft. Recovery, Ohio 313 Winthrop Ave., Chicago, Ill. Madge Vandeburg Homer, Mich. Blackfoot, Idaho Alice M. Van Wagner Hecla, Ind. Cromwell, Ind. Annie Vernor (McKinley) Hillsdale, Mich. Lorain, Ohio Mabelle A. Walrath (Waterman) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Clifford Chester Ward Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Vinton Owen Warren Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Mary A. Wells (Mather) North Adams, Mich. Evart, Mich. Frances J. Woodward Frankfort, Mich. Frankfort, Mich. YEAR 1899 Idella L. Akers Ligonier, Ind. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Clara Andrews (Read) S. Wayne, Wis. Topeka, Ind. Carl L. Bailey J Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Frank E. Baker Avilla, Ind. Reading, Mich. Lucy E. Baker (Whetzel) Swan, Ind. Ithaca, N. Y. Lulu M. Baker (Osgood) Fairfield, Mich. Deerfield, Mich. Clarence Bellamy Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Florence Birdsall (Miller) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Kyle Born Union, Mich. Elon P. Boynton Hillsdale, Mich. Madelia, Minn. Bernard Broughton Wolcottville, Ind. Wolcottville, Ind. Winnifred E. Buckles Wolf Lake, Ind. George Card Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich., R. F. D. Lulu M. Carpenter (Skinner) Fairfield, Mich. Monroe, Mich. Chestora McDonald Carr Hillsdale, Mich. 205 E. Broad St., Columbus, Ohio William F. Cole East Gilead, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Mildred M. Cronk Litchfield, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Genett Cuer (Shumway) Onsted, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Gertrude Dodge (Williams) Wood River, Neb. Wood River, Neb. Eva Lillian Doyle (Taylor) Capac, Mich. Port Austin, Mich.* LeRoy DuRoss Green Camp, Ohio Fremont, Ind. 178 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address. 8166 Griffith Gordon Hudson, Mich. Moore’s Hill, Ind. 8167 David E. E. Hall Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8168 David H. Hall Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8169 Jack Harding Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. \ 8170 Burnese Harkness Batavia, Mich. Batavia, Mich. 8171 Grace L. Hill Frontier, Mich. 8172 William E. Hill Davison, Mich. Davison, Mich. 8173 Katherine R. Hobson (Van Fossen) Crooked Creek, Ind. Columbus, Ohio 8174 May Bell Holcomb Ashtabula, Ohio Ashtabula, Ohio 8175 Homer E. Holsinger Wolcottville, Ind. 8176 Hugh L. Hughes East Gilead, Mich. East Gilead, Mich. 8177 Hulda Hughes East Gilead, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. 8178 Josephine Everett Hughes Hillsdale, Mich. Stillwater, Okla. 8179 Arthur L. Johnson Fairfield, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 5 8180 Florence M. Kepple (Haines) Kingston, Ill. Conneaut, Ohio 8181 Robert F. Kerr Springville, Mich. 8182 Cecil V. Kilgore Wolf Lake, Ind. 8183 Joseph E. Knapp Davison, Mich. Davison, Mich. 8184 Avery Albert Lyon Bay City, Mich. Detroit, Mich. 8185 Pauline May Newburg, Mo. Nebraska 8186 Herbert C. Munger Hillsdale, Mich. Springfield, Mo. 8187 Lucy Munger Hillsdale, Mich. Springfield, Mo. 8188 Heber L. Norman Blanchester, Ohio Blanchester, Ohio 8189 Leon H. Norris Frontier, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 8190 Melvin W. Parker Hanover, Mich. Jackson, Mich. 8191 Blanche I. Perkins Onsted, Mich. Albuquerque, N. Mex. 8192 Alta E. Phillips Centerburg, Ohio Ashtabula, Ohio, R. F. D. 4 8193 Edith A. Pouley (Cadoo) Cadmus, Mich. Cadmus, Mich. 8194 Laura S. Pouley (Walworth) Cadmus, Mich. Jackson, Mich. 8195 Louisa A. Pouley Cadmus, Mich. Cadmus, Mich. 8196 Olive J. Ranney Hillsdale, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. 8197 Tillie C. Reynolds Kendallville, Ind. Kendallville, Ind. 8198 Judd M. Schaad North Adams, Mich. Winnebago, Minn. 8199 Josephine Wheeler Schell (Sibbald) Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. 8200 Edith B. Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8201 Lena Iva Sherk (Stockwell) Litchfield, Mich. Bloomington, Ill. 8202 George Franklin Slater Temperance, Mich. 8203 Cora Slaybaugh (Severance) Hillsdale, Mich. Cheboygan, Mich. 8204 Mildred A. Smith Flint, Mich. 1018 Court St., Flint, Mich. 8205 Mabelle M. Stewart (Buell) Hillsdale, Mich. Union City, Mich. 8206 Delia Alberta Stone Fairfield, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. 8207 Eveline Tarbell Kendall, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. 8208 Fern E. Taylor Cleveland, Ohio Ellensburg, Wash. 8209 Henry L. Tenny Hamlin, N. Y. South Bend, Ind. 8210 Maggie Thomas Jefferson, Mich. 8211 Clarence J. Timms Church, Mich. Sherburn, Minn. 8212 Harry L. Topliff LaRue, Ohio LaRue, Ohio 8213 Clyde L. True Edgewood, la. Edgewood, la. 8214 Will S. VanFossen Orland, Ind. Columbus, Ohio 8215 Mary Ward (Phelps) Hillsdale, Mich. Kyoto, Japan 8216 Mabel Watkins (Tenny) Rensselaer, Ind. South Bend, Ind. 8217 William D. West Fairfield, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 5 8218 Alfred M. Wheeler Jones, Mich. Rush Medical College, Chicago, Ill. 8219 J. Bennett Whelan Hillsdale, Mich. Manhattan, Kan. 8220 Cecil C. Whitcomb East Gilead, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 8221 Elma Wilt (Gillespie) Jerome, Mich. Sturgis, Mich. 8222 Wilkins W. Wiswell Worcester, Mass. 8223 Ray C. Wolf Frontier, Mich. Frontier, Mich. 8224 Blanche Zuver White, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8225 Leroy B. Zuver White, Mich. Saginaw, Mich. YEAR 1900 8226 William H. Abbott Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. 8227 Loie B.Ackley Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 8228 Life E. Adams Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8229 Paul Agnew Hillsdale, Mich. 3341, 17 W. W, Washington, D. C. 8230 Bessie Allen (Read) New Philadelphia, Ill. Winnebago, Minn. 8231 Chauncey S. Allen Pulaski, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. No. 8232 8233 8234 8235 8236 8237 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 8252 8253 8254 8255 8256 82.57 8258 8259 8260 8261 8262 8263 8264 8265 8266 8267 8268 8269 8270 8271 8272 8273 8274 8275 8276 8277 8278 8279 8280 8281 8282 8283 8284 8285 8286 8287 8288 8289 8290 8291 8292 8293 8294 8295 Name. Ida Backus Bertha Baker Vida M. Baker (Sherrard) Abel Barnum Harry Archer Boies William Jas. Boone Ira J. Bradley Charles J. Bready Cora Briggs Fred I. Brown Blanche E. Chamblin Bessie Chapman (March) Birdie Collett (Mrs.) Charles P. Collett Wesley H. Cortright Sarah Emma Curtis (Mrs.) Carl A. Curtiss Cora D. Day Cloyd C. Drake Ina M. Fox (Brodt) Benjamin Franklin Luna K. French Wayland Dunn Grates Bert D. Gillett Celestine A. Gordon Edward Guy Green Benjamin Clifford Grover Burnidge Hall Grace Hill (Munger) Burt Ray Hoeg John Edw. Hughes Ira B. Hull Jesse S. Hyatt Ethel A. Jardon Nellie Johnson (Davis) Blanche Kagay Ora C. Kimball L. Raymond Langworthy Floyd M. Langworthy C. R. Miller Viola Monroe (Pierce) Walter E. Moore William C. Moore Fannie Louise Northrop John W. Payne Hartley Wells Porter K. Redman ? Eugene B. Reynolds Will Augustus Ribbeck Alvin R. Roush Casper L. Rowe Anna Louise Sands Lee S. Shumway Langdon L. Sowles Melesin K. Sowles (Slade) Idella St. John (Washburn) David Thompson Harry Vickers Paul Lewis Ward Gertrude Warren (Jack) Clara West Jud Wiley Harriette B. Wood Charles E. Yoger OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 179 Old Address. Present Address Hillsdale, Mich. Swan, Ind. Cambridge, Mich. Albion, Ind. Hudson, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Traverse City, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Steamburg, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pierpont, Ohio Camden, Mich. Macon, Mich. Bridgewater, Ohio Olds, Mich. Wilmot, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Scranton, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Charlevoix, Mich. Quincy, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Clarks Lake, Mich. Brooklyn, Mich. Hancock, Md. Honey Creek, Wis. Spragueville, N. Y. Coldwater, Mich. Riffey, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Swan, Ind. Onsted, Mich. Albion, Ind. Hudson, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Crowley, La. Saugatuck, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Brimfield, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Batavia, N. Y. Batavia, N. Y. 1118 Front St., San Diego, Cal. Yacolt, Wash. Camden, Mich. Macon, Mich. Montpelier, Ohio Strongs Island, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Han-Yang, China Chicago, Ill. Deceased Detroit, Mich. Quincy, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Alma, Neb. Brooklyn, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Lewiston, Me. Libertyville, Ill. Coldwater, Mich. Dayton, Wash. Orland, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. West Edmeston, N. Y. Bridgewater, Ohio Paw Paw, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale Mich. Bankers, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Reading, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wilmot, Ind. Keuka Park, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Sterling, Ill. Frontier, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Warren, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Wolf Lake, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Waterloo, Ind. Orland, Ind. Green River, Wyo. Burr Oak, Mich. Montpelier, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jerome, Mich. Toledo, Ohio Osseo, Mich. Reading, Mich. Addison, Mich. Wilmot, Ind. Y. M. C. A. Co. Sec’y, Jackson, Mich. Benzonia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ashton, N. Dak. Ashton, N. Dak. Camp Martin, Needles, Cal. Frontier, Mich., R. F. D. 46 Seattle, Wash. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 5 Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Waterloo, Ind. 180 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. YEAR 1901 8296 William F. Ahleman Ottawa Lake, Mich. 8297 Claude W. Aitken Grand Haven, Mich. 8298 L. Belle Ammerman Hillsdale, Mich. 8299 Marietta L. Avery (Crose) Ft. Collins, Col. 8300 Jessie Bailey (Hasencamp) Hillsdale, Mich. 8301 Luella Beers (Whelan) Middlebury, Ind. 8302 Harvey H. Beldin Durand, Ill. 8303 Lynn E. Bell North Adams, Mich. 8304 Maude I. Bertram (Baughman) Hillsdale, Mich. 8305 Dot C. Briggs Camden, Mich. 8306 Phillip J. Bristley Green Camp, Ohio 8307 Clifford D. Carpenter Bronson, Mich. 8308 R. LeRoy Coldren Hillsdale, Mich. 8309 Charles A. Collett Ridgeville, Ind. 8310 Ellsworth D. Collins Fennville, Mich. 8311 M. Evangeline Cory (Chamberlain) Bellaire, Mich. 8312 Myrtle J. Corey Hillsdale, Mich. 8313 Carl N. Corwin Cincinnati, Ohio 8314 John W. Cummins Montpelier, Ohio 8315 Charles A. Davis Hillsdale, Mich 8316 Alexander F. Doyle Bad Axe, Mich. 8317 Blanche Drake (Throne) Bridgewater, Ohio 8318 Cleo E. Dudley (Gay) Orland, Ind. 8319 Dennis W. Duguid North Adams, Mich. 8320 Charles S. Emerson Geneva, N. Y. 8321 Clyde E. Ford Winchester, Ind. 8322 Ruth Ford Hillsdale, Mich. 8323 Frank A. Foster Gorton, Mich. 8324 Myra Friend Ainger, Ohio 8325 Edward J. Green Charlevoix, Mich. 8326 J. Frank Hanan LaGrange, Ind. 8327 Harry Hayes Hillsdale, Mich. 8328 Beatrice C. Holmes Swan, Ind. 8329 Henry A. Hoon Camden, Mich. 8330 Helen Hyde Hillsdale, Mich. 8331 Walter E. Jack North Hichmond, Ohio 8332 Harry L. Johnson Northport, L. I. 8333 Junius R. Johnson Northport, L. I. 8334 Leta Kendall Hillsdale, Mich. 8335 Clara M. Knowles North Adams, Mich. 8336 Myrtle R. Marshall (Cutler) Pittsford, Mich. 8337 James Arthur Mason Severy, Kan. 8338 William G. Mason Amadore, Mich. 8339 Walter R. Mawhorter Wawaka, Ind. 8340 Bert McKercher Camden, Mich. 8341 Burt Merriman LaGrange, Ind. 8342 Anna S. Meyer (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. 8343 George Morrow New Philadelphia, Ill. 8344 Earl C. Neal Catawa Island, Ohio 8345 P. Floyd Parker Hanover, Mich. 8346 Leroy C. Partch Pierpont, Ohio 8347 Willard W. Perkins Onsted, Mich. 8348 Allen P. Rice Munson, Ohio 8349 Laura Schoolcraft (Lash) North Adams, Mich. 8350 Charlotte E. Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. 8351 John D. Shultz LaGrange, Ind. 8352 Donald J. Snyder Hillsdale, Mich. 8353 Horace J. Snyder Blue Earth, Minn. 8354 Lelia R. Soule Grand Haven, Mich. 8355 Elsie B. Stahler Frontier, Mich. 8356 Charles J. Stewart Hillsdale, Mich. 8357 Ferris D. Stone Hillsdale, Mich. 8358 M. Emmett Tripp Pittsford, Mich. 8359 Jeanette Van Fossen Orland, Ind. 8360 Lulu Van Wert (Condra) Litchfield, Mich. Present Address. Denver, Col. 16 5 Trowbridge St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ft. Collins, Col. Laramie, Wyo. Manhattan, Kan. Durand, Ill. North Adams, Mich. Albion, Ind., R. F. D Hillsdale, Mich. Ypsilanti, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bhadrakn, India Benton Harbor, Mich. 502 W. 103d St., New York, N. Y. Ashland, Ky. Montpelier, Ohio 66 0 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Pioneer, Ohio Orland, Ind. Napoleon, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Farmland, Ind., R. F. D. 16 Hillsdale, Mich. 31 Kendall St., Battle Creek, Mich. Montpelier, Ohio rf R.. F. D. Los Angeles, Cal. LaGrange, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Watsonville, Cal. Watsonville, Cal. Toledo, Ohio North Adams, Mich. 1105 14th Ave. S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Howard, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. Galesburg, Ill. Crowley, La. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. New Philadelphia, Ill. Jackson, Mich. Olmsted Falls, Ohio Albuquerque, N. Mex. Paso Estancia, Cuba Rialto, Cal. College, Hillsdale, Mich. LaGrange, Ind. Montpelier, Ohio Eden Prairie, Minn., R. F. D. 1. Grand Haven, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich. Orland, Ind. Allen, Mich. No. 8361 8362 8363 8364 8365 8366 8367 8368 8369 8370 8371 8372 8373 8374 8375 8376 8377 8378 8379 8380 8381 8382 8383 8384 8385 8386 8387 8388 8389 8390 8391 8392 8393 8394 8395 8396 8397 8398 8399 8400 8401 8402 8403 8404 8405 8406 8407 8408 8409 8410 8411 8412 8413 8414 8415 8416 8417 8418 8419 8420 8421 8422 8423 8424 8425 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 181 Name. Old Address. Present Address. Ida Van Wormer (Burns) James G. Walden Bertha B. Watkins (Swan) J. Alvin Watson James A. Wescott Sarah A. Whitford John W. Wilson Charles J. Wood Rey C. Woodworth C. E. Zimmerman Hillsdale, Mich. Scipio, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pleasant, Tenn. Hillsdale, Mich. Kendallville, Ind, Hillsdale, Mich. Ridgeville, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Ridgeville, Ind. Osseo, Mich., R. F. D. 317 S. Boyleston St., Los Angeles, Cal. South Bend, Ind. 416 Lasselle St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Waupun, Wis. Kendallville, Ind. _ Hillsdale, Mich. Ridgeville, Ind. Kewanee, 111. 22 Scott St., Chicago, Ill. Bernice Allen (Carrison) Orlie B. Ansted Ethel M. Augir (Studebaker) James Lauren Barker Jay Barmore Llewllyn C. Baughman Ralph L. Bixby Esther L. Branch Harry W. Brower Willis Q. Brown Edith Cold Estel L. Cramer Florence V. Davison (Aikin) YEAR 1902 New Philadelphia, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Grafton, W. Va. North Adams, Mich. Juda, Wis. Wolf Lake, Ind. Edgewood, la. Kingston, Ill. Manchester, Mich. Harper’s Ferry, W. Va. Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Vera Decker (Curtiss) Elizabeth M. Dudley Crowell D. Eddy Florence I. Eddy (Mrs.) Floyd Foster Frances L. Gaskins (Mrs.) Evelyn D. Gates Guilford Green Lewis B. Gregory Walter B. Griffin Blanche A. Hall Arthur L. Higbee Dorothy B. Hollister John L. Jones James A. Kaiser Ruth V. Kishpaugh Eva Klingensmith Forest P. Knapp Fred C. Langley Mabel C. Ledlie (Jones) Iva M. Leitch Belle G. Locklin (Bohm) Edith L. Long Martha J. Low Daniel B. Lutz Ralph P. Lyons Charles H. Mann Della K. McIntosh Rae H. McIntosh Arthur P. Mitchell Francis H. Mitchell Guy E. Morley Fred Neufang Blanche Nutten (Wisner) Ernest H. Osborn Margaret L. Osborn (Mrs.) Rae Patchin (Dewey) Charles S. Peterson Bessie A. Prescott Lela K. Prescott Leon B. Reynolds W. Burt Shepard LaGrange, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Clinton, Mich. Clinton, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Scranton, Pa. Logansport, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Keuka Park, N. Y. Bristol, Ind. Marion, Ind. East Concord, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Marion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hamilton, Ont. North Adams, Mich. Kendallville, Ind. Topeka, Ind. Rapatee, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Carlton Station, N. Y. Akron, N. Y. Truman, Minn. Decatur, Ind. Denver, Col. Denver, Col. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Adair, Ill. Amadore, Mich. Ashland, Ore. Honor, Mich. Juda, Wis. Albion, Ind., R. F. D. Edgewood, la. Kingston, Ill. Manchester, Mich. Lewiston, Me. 2704 Clark Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Pittsford, Mich. 165 Trowbridge St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Agl. College, Lansing, Mich. 802 Mulberry St., Scranton, Pa. Brainard, Minn. Laramie, Wyo. Marion, Ind. East Concord, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Davison, Mich. 116 Gladstone St., Arlington, R. I. Hillsdale, Mich. North, Adams, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Topeka, Ind. Rapatee, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Spencer, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Green River Wyo. Sand Creek, Mich. Woolsey, Saskatchewan, Can. Hillsdale, Mich. Reading, Mich. 6 30 Shelby St., Sandusky, Ohio Cherry Creek, N. Y. Blanchester, Ohio Houston, Minn. Littleton, Col. Littleton, Col. Palo Alto, Cal. Des Moines, la. 182 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. Name. Old Address. Present Address 8426 A. Cyrena Slayton Salem, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich. 8427 Lowell P. Smith Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8428 Dora H. Stockman (Mrs.) Benzonia, Mich. Lansing, Mich. 8429 Conney L. Taisey Mancelona, Mich. Mancelona, Mich. 8430 Hay B. Taylor Camden, Mich. Deceased 8431 Asa E. Tolly, Hillsdale, Mich. Monroe, Mich. 8432 Bertha Van Aken Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8433 Helen Waite Cleveland, Ohio 1066 Scranton Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 8434 Laverne A. Webster S. Wayne, Wis. Y. M. C. A. Secy., Chattanooga, Tenn 8435 Royce D. Webster Pittsford, Mich. 416 Concord Ave., Detroit, Mich. 8436 Winnifred D. Whaley Reading, Mich. Reading, Mich. 8437 Louise Whipple (Clark) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8438 Cecil White Amboy, Mich. Detroit, Mich. 8439 Arthur A. Willoughby Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8440 Charles F. Wolf Waldron, Mich. Pioneer, Mich. 8441 Ella A. Wood Ridgeville, Ind. Ridgeville, Ind. 8442 G. E. Wright Burlington, Mich. Burlington, Mich. 8443 Gladys A. Barker (West) YEAR 1903 Racine, Wis. Hoopeston, Ill. 8444 8445 James H. Barrett Paul S. Berry Bloomville, Ohio Ortonville, Mich. Theodore, Ala. 8446 E. Earl Bishopp Edwardsburg, Mich. Edwardsburg, Mich. 8447 Harley F. Bolton Hillsdale, Mich. Mapleton, Minn. 8448 Harriet M. Breahy Hillsdale, Mich. Manistee, Mich. 8449 Ruby Irene Calkins Wayland, Mich. Wayland, Mich., R. F. D. 1 8450 Bessie M. Camburn Burr Oak, Mich. Bangor, Mich. 8451 Grace M. Campbell Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. 8452 Elza A. Carnes Marion, Ohio Morral, Ohio 8453 Miles Cartwright North Adams, Mich. Lyons, Ohio 8454 Rosso W. Castle Union City, Mich. Winchester, Ind. 8455 Anna A. Damm Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Mich. 8456 Ulah J. Doyle Saginaw, Mich. Chicago, Ill. 8457 Robert D. Ford Hillsdale, Mich. College, Hillsdale, Mich. 8458 Ruth R. Gurney Hillsdale, Mich. College, Hillsdale, Mich. 8459 Clyde E. Hobart Auburn, Ohio Auburn, Ohio 8460 James E. Hogan Green Camp, Ohio Elgin, Ill. 8461 Celia Imogene Knight Hanover, Mich. Hanover, Mich. 8462 Verner W. Main Marion, Ohio 351 Olney Ave., Marion, Ohio 8463 Ruth V. Mauck Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8464 George E. McTaggart Allen, Mich. Saline, Mich. 8465 Lulu Merrifield Bloomingdale, Mich. Bloomingdale, Mich. 8466 Helen A. Mills (Mrs.) Detroit, Mich. Hoopeston, Ill. 8467 Melville Hawley Miner Morral, Ohio West Oneonto, N. Y. 8468 John A. Moore Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8469 Florence Z. Myers (Baker) Gobleville, Mich. Reading, Mich. 8470 Lena M. Rexford Chapel, Mich. Sparta, Mich. 8471 Florence E. Robertson Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8472 Addie Estella Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. College, Hillsdale, Mich. 8473 Leroy Shepard Hillsdale, Mich. College, Hillsdale, Mich. 8474 Hattie B. Shumway Adrian, Mich. Adrian, Mich., R. F. D. 5 8475 S. Augusta Slayton Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8476 James G. Slayton Salem, Neb. Hillsdale, Mich. 8477 Archie F. Soules Morgan, Mich. Diamondale, Mich. 8478 Edith Strickland Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. 8479 Maude Terwilliger Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8480 Edward O. Uncapher Marion, Ohio Marion, Ohio 8481 Helen C. Vernor Hillsdale-, Mich. Dexter, Mich. 8482 Dollie L. Webster Fenton, Mich. Fenton, Mich. 8483 Frances A. Weeks North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. 8484 Erwin Zeigler Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8485 F. Rensselaer Alger YEAR 1904. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8486 Clara P. Allen South New Lyme, Ohio Belle Vernon, Pa. 8487 Miriam E. Andrus Reese, Mich. Reese, Mich. 8488 George C. Baer Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. No. 8489 8490 8491 8492 8493 8494 8495 8496 8497 8498 8499 8500 8501 8503 8504 8505 8506 8507 8508 8509 8510 8.511 8512 8513 8514 8515 8516 8517 8518 8519 8520 8521 8522 8523 8524 8525 8526 8527 8528 8529 8530 8531 8532 8533 8534 8535 8536 8537 8538 8539 8540 8541 8542 8543 8544 8545 8546 8.547 8548 8549 8550 8551 8552 8553 8554 8555 8556 8557 8558 Name. Bertram A. Barber Luther V. Barker Kenneth H. Becktell Durlin S. Benedict Ethel M. Bishopp (Wolcott) Leo Blackmar Polly E. Branch LaVerne R. Bronson John W. Burnett Myra E. Chappell Hattie M. Cherryman Clark W. Clement Millie A. Cole (Powers) Abel L. Cook Maud E. Coon Harry J. Eisenman Alice L. Fuller Helen G. Fuller Emily Godfrey (Barker) Ina Goldsberry Pearl Goldsberry Arthur Gordon Clara E. Gordon Seward A. Green E. T. Greene Florence Hinkle Florence T. Hog-mire Virginia Holland N. Edna Howland William B. Jarman Ferris H. Jones Hattie E. Jones Leonard G. Johnson Ruth E. Johnson James Luke Keddie Ellen M. Kerman W. R. Knox Benjamin R. Larrabee Walter T. Lockwood Vivian E. Lyon Helen E. Mauck W. T. McGee Julius H. Moeller Clair A. Myers Clark C. Oliver Budd B. Palmer Katherine Pickett John Ray Pope Elmer E. Prillaman Ruby L. Prior Hugh O'Hanlon Charles E. Redman Ethel M. Reed Ralph W. Rowe Clara L. Seiler Fern L. Shannon George E. Sharp Carey Sheldon Mabel C. Sheldon Charles W. Shepard Lida Louise Shepard Frank Sietman Winfield J. Stanley Edward M. Steimle Llewellyn W. Stephenson Grace M. Strong Bonibel Turrell (Riggs) Benjamin F. Wade Minnie Louise Wade OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 183 Old Address. Present Address. Temperance, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Bear Lake, Mich. Holland, Mich. Anderson, Ind. North Adams, Mich. Kingston, Ill. Jones, Mich. DuQuoin, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Benzonia, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Temperance, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Central City, la. Central City, la. Macomb, Ill. Macomb, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bangor, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn. Adrian, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Chicago, Ill. Springville, N. Y. Sullivan, Ohio Sullivan, Ohio Bear Lake, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Southbridge, Mass. Keuka, N. Y. Broadway, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Cortland, Ohio St. Louis, Mo. Hillsdale, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. Camden, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Andover, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Springville, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Frontier, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Jackson, Mich. Ashtabula, Ohio Jefferson, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Atlantic Mine, Mich. Addison, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Butler, Mich. College, Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Gen. Del., Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Kingston, Ill. Jones, Mich. East St. Louis, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Deceased Hillsdale, Mich. Sedan, Kan. Jonesville, Mich. Temperance, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Honor, Mich. Central City, la. Central City, la. Deceased Macomb, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Bangor, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Adrian, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Springville, N. Y. Sullivan, Ohio Sullivan, Ohio Bear Lake, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Auburn, N. Y. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cortland, Ohio Marion, Ind. Gobleville, Mich. Camden, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Andover, Ohio Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Dixon, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. 1404 Congress Ave., Austin, Tex. East Aurora, N. Y. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Jefferson, Ohio Jefferson, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Schoolcraft, Mich. Union City, Mich. Chelsea, Mich. Fairfield, Mich. Mosherville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Butler, Mich. 184 No. 8559 8560 8561 8562 8563 856 4 8565 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 8571 8572 8573 8574 8575 8576 857 7 8578 8579 8580 8581 8582 8583 8584 8585 8586 8587 8588 8589 8590 8591 8592 8593 8594 8595 8596 8597 8598 8599 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8607 8608 8609 8610 8611 8612 8613 8614 8615 8616 8617 8618 8619 8620 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Name. Benjamin J. Waldo Albert L. Walrath Arthur C. Warner Mattie Whaley Robert L. Whaley Francis H. Winfield Dora B. Wolcott (Mrs.) Harry E. Wolcott Dwight K. Arnold Gordon M. Arnold David M. Beckhardt Lydia Lorilla Beckwith Harriet J. Bishopp Charlotte B. Blatchley Rome R. Bronson Lawrence Brown Walter Reid Bryan Elzie B. Carmen Wayne C. Collins Elsie May Dimmers Bertha Easterday W. C. Eldred John Evans Ira Dexter Fales Harriet M. French Edgar G. Gordon J. B. Graham Percy Holliday Bessie L. lies Jennie C. Jones (Mrs.) Willis E. Kenfield Caroline Laird Fannie L. Lane (Snyder) Lelia M. Langworthy Ernest Donald Leitch Charles E. Lewis Glenn Ward Marr Blanche G. Merrifield Frances I. Miller Amelia Moeller Byron Mott Vera Myers Alice Nachtrieb Nellie Nally (Mrs.) Mae L. Perry Lulu Mary Perry Charles Glenn Porter Marion C. Powers Florence Mae Rendel Volney Reynolds Celia B. Rine Alice A. Rumsey Florence L. Singer Charles J. Taylor E. M. K. Tremper (Mrs.) Eugene S. Van DeMark Josephine VanDorsten Grace E. Waldron Ben W. Ware Arthur Whiting Carl F. Wolcott Adelbert J. Zimmerman Old Address. Hinckley, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Seneca, Mich. Reading, Mich. Galion, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. YEAlt 1905 Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Dodgeville, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Kirkwood, N. Y. Jones, Mich. Britton, S. Dak. Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Bellaire, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Manton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Temperance, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Bear Lake, Mich. Allen, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Carson City, Mich. Hanover, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hamilton, Ont. Corey, Mich. Bear Lake, Mich. Bloomingdale, Mich. Belle Vernon, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Athens, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Sparta, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wawaka, Ind. Waldron, Mich. Scranton, Pa. Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale Mich. Hillsdale Mich. Merchantville, N. J. Hillsdale, Mich. Springville, N. Y. Coldjvater, Mich. Brandon, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Oelwein, la. Present Address. Hinckley, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Seneca, Mich. Reading, Mich. Deceased Lincoln, Neb. 905 S. 14th St., Lincoln, Neb. Chicago, Ill. Marengo, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. New Lyme, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Kirkwood, N. Y. Jones, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cleveland, Ohio Bellaire, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Manton, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Jonesville, Mich. Bear Lake, Mich. Allen, Mich. West Side, Detroit, Mich. Carson City, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Eden Prairie, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Corey, Mich. Bear Lake, Mich. Bloomingdale, Mich. Belle Vernon, Pa. Hillsdale, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Portland, Ind. Hudson, Mich. Athens, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Sparta, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Wawaka, Ind. Waldron, Mich. Hoboken, N. J. Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. South Haven, Mich. Champaign, Ill. Springville, N. Y. Brandon, Wis. Hillsdale, Mich. Oelwein, la. OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 185 No. Name. Old Address. Present Address YEAR 1906 ' 8621 Arthur E. Armstrong Frontier, Mich. Frontier, Mich. . 8622 Charles Silas Austin Davison, Mich. Lansing, Mich. 8623 Blanche B. Bacon Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. '! 8624 E. Dee Baker Avilla, Ind. Swan, Ind. 8625 Inez P. Baldwin Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8626 Charles R. Beauregard Murray, Ky. Murray, Ky. .8627 Della L. Beers Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8628 Chester W. Bisland Central City, la. Central City, la. 8629 Loren L. Bond Lamont, la. College, Hillsdale, Mich. 8630 Emily E. Broom Waldron, Mich. Waldron, Mich. 8631 James LeRoy Carson Chicago, Ill. Chicago, Ill. 8632 Bertha H. Clement Gobleville, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. 8633 Guy Chester Converse Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8634 Royal N. Covey Jackson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8635 Preston A. Cross Victoria Square, Can. Camden, Mich. 8636 Lural A. Denman Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 8637 Louise P. Deuel Coldwater, Mich. Coldwater, Mich. 8638 Carl B. Dimm Republic, Ohio Clyde, Ohio 8639 Eugene Dobbs Montgomery, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. 8640 lone Eggleston Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8641 Nellie E. Fiske Adrian, Mich. Adrian, Mich. .8642 Helen May Gates Scranton, Pa. 802 Mulberry St., Scranton, 8643 Robert L. Greenlee Conneautville, Pa. Conneautville, Pa. 86.44 Clarence L. Hagaman Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8645 Elmer B. Hagaman Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8646 Inis G. Haggerty Pittsford, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. 8647 Mabel Hakes Reading. Mich. Reading, Mich. 8648 A. Pern Harriman Marion, Dhio Marion, Ohio 8649 George Hartel Keokuk, la. Keokuk, la. 8650 Estus J. Hawkes Fulton, Mich. Cambria, Mich. 8651 James Hazleton LeRoy, N. Y. LeRoy; N. Y. 8652 Andrew J. Herron St. Louis, Mo. College, Hillsdale, Mich. 8653 Arthur J. Hewes Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8654 C. Sheldon Holt Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. 8655 Pearl E. Kepple Belvidere, Ill. Belvidere, Ill. 8656 Bess Lucile Kempf Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8657 Marjorie Koon Muskegon, Mich. Muskegon, Mich. 8658 Allen Lindsay Litchfield, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. 8659 Elizabeth C. Lockwood (Mrs.) Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8660 Gertrude A. Mauck Cortland, Ohio Cortland, Ohio 8661 Mabel R. Mauck Cortland, Ohio Cortland, Ohio 8662 Bessie Ann McClintic Pulaski, Mich. Pulaski, Mich. 8663 A. Beryl McDonald Benzonia, Mich. Benzonia, Mich. 8664 Merle M. McIntosh Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8665 Mae McNiel Springport, Mich. Springport, Mich. 8666 Gomer Wm. Mills Sandusky, N. Y. Sandusky, N. Y. 8667 Lida A. Moody Brookston, Ind. Brookston, Ind. 8668 Roy Morris Murray, Ky. Murray, Ky. 8669 Orpha Newcomer (Lees) Bryan, Ohio Bryan, Ohio 8670 Otto P. Norwalk Bear Lake, Mich. Bear Lake, Mich. 8671 Yoichi Ogawa Usuka, Bungo, Japan Iowa City, la. 8672 Walter M. Oliver Camden, Mich. Camden, Mich. 8673 Glenn L. Page Central City, la. Central City, la. 8674 Susan Fannie Peverly Iola, Kan. Hillsdale, Mich. 8675 Edgar Y. O’Rouke Bear Lake, Mich. 8676 Clifford H. Ranney Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8677 Walter S. Reed Chicago, Ill. 7134 Levington St., Chicago, 8678 Eleanor A. Ricaby Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8679 Alice L. Satterthwaite Tecumseh, Mich. Tecumseh, Mich. 8680 Jay Marie Sawyer Central City, la. Central City, la. 8681 Bliss J. Snow Blaine, Me. Hamilton, Ohio 8682 Phair G. Snow Hamilton, Ohio Hamilton, Ohio 8683 John B. Soules Reed City, Mich. Reed City, Mich. 8684 Leland B. Spooner Republic, Ohio Republic, Ohio 8685 Waldron E. Stewart Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. 8686 William Teglund Gilbert, Mich. Gilbert, Mich. 8687 Lutie Pf-a Thayer Gobleville, Mich. Gobleville, Mich. 186 GENERAL STUDENT LIST No. 8688 8689 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 8697 8698 8699 8700 8701 8702 8703 8704 8705 8706 8707 8708 8709 8710 8711 8712 8713 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 8727 8728 8729 8730 8731 8732 8733 8734 8735 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8743 8744 8745 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 8753 Name. Jesse Thompson Chester I. Treer Levi C. Tulloh Milo J. Walrath Earl E. Watkins Allen WTieat Donald B. Whelan Marjory Whitney Paul Willis Gertrude Worden Marian Adams Lena M. Alward Ruth Andrus Areelius Ashburn Jacob Ashburn, Jr. Mildred L. Austin Francis H. Ball T. Porter Bennett Alice L. Bond Anna Brown Hugh E. Brubaker Emma L. Burns Frank H. Burns Harry M. Burns Elsie Bushong Arner E. Clark Harry M. Clark Stacy A. Cole Winifred Collins Clara B. Corbett Clessie A. Corbett Hattie J. Cummins Harry E. Curtis Lura M. Curtis Charles E. Edinger Faith Elliott Austin B. Farwell William H. Field Fenton O. Fish Emilie L. Gartner Violetta M. Greenshaw Charles Griffith Smith Hamill Sterling Harvey William E. Hobart Myrtle Field Holmes (Mrs.) Roy H. Holmes Ettie B. Houghtalin William M. Hutchinson David R. Inman Ray A. Kimball Lyla L’Amoreaux Margaret Lancaster Elsie B. Lincoln Floyd Lords Viola Marshall Harley E. Mason Joy Mauck Harriett M. McCall Bella R. McLeod Fern McLeod Anna F. McRitchie Olive M. Merrifield Grace A. Miller Donald K. Moore Ethel Mosher Old Address. Marion, Ohio Kimmell, Ind. Rose City, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Union, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Murray, Ky. Hillsdale, Mich. YEAR 1907 Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Portsmouth, Va. Portsmouth, Va. Jackson, Mich. London, Eng. Cambria, Mich. Lamont, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Oscalona, Ohio ' Cassopolis, Mich. Cassopolis, Mich. Marion, 111. Hillsdale, Mich. Lockwood, Ohio Crosswell, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Pear Lake, Mich. North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Davison, Mich. Morral, Ohio Green Camp, Ohio Mishawaka, Ind. Hanover, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Keokuk, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Chagrin Falls, Ohio Sparta, Mich. Sparta, Mich. Meanwataka, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Spencer, Ohio Orland, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Charlotte, Mich. Conneaut, Ohio Central City, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Eloomingdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo, Mich. Present Address. Marion, Ohio Kimmell, Ind. Rose City, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Union, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Muiray, Ky. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Camden, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Portsmouth, Va. Portsmouth, Va. Jackson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Cambria, Mich. Lamont, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Oscalona, Ohio Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. Cassopolis, Mich., R. F. Marion, Ill. Hillsdale, Mich. Lockwood, Ohio Crosswell, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. Bear Lake, Mich. North Adams, Mich. North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Onsted, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Davison, Mich. Morral, Ohio Green, Camp, Ohio Mishawaka, Ind. Hanover, Mich. Adrian, Mich. Keokuk, la. Deceased Chagrin Falls, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Meanwataka, Mich. Chicago, Ill. Spencer, Ohio Orland, Ind. Hillsdale, Mich. Litchfield, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Montgomery, Mich. Pittsford, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Charlotte, Mich. Conneaut, Ohio Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Bloomingdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Osseo, Mich. d d No. 8754 8755 8756 8757 8758 8759 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 8776 8777 8778 8779 8780 8781 8782 8783 8784 8785 8786 8787 8788 8789 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE Name. B. Fauna Munro Vilas L. Newcombe Edward C. Nind Florence L. Patton Mildred Petchel Greta Pendell Harriet R. Peterson William J. Phillips Hattie E. Powers Belle Putnam Jessie P. Reem Donald B. Rogers Neta Y. Sawyer Zora V. Sawyer Louisa Schwartz Hazel E. Scott Elmer J. Shepard Ruth Shepard Wesley Shepard Harriet Silk May A. Smith Coila L. Start Mabel Stevens Murray L. Stillman Harold F. Stock Ethel C. Stone Henry L. Strickler Roy V. Strickler Alice E. Tuller Edward Lynne Underwood Jennie K. Updyke Margaret Vanden Grace Watkins Mary W. Webber Della Winney Martin L. Wottring l w 7 Old Address. Jackson, Mich. Fostoria, Ohio Greensburg, Pa. Kankakee, Ill. Hanover, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Davison, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Benzonia, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Central City, la. Central City, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Burr Oak, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Keokuk, la. Bear Lake, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Gallipolis, Ohio Osseo, Mich. Van Wert, Ohio Harbor Springs, Mich. Reading, Mich. Present Address. Jackson, Mich. Fostoria, Ohio Greensburg, Pa. Kankakee, Ill. Hanover, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Davison, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Benzonia, Mich. Central City, la. Central City, la. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Minneapolis, Minn. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Keokuk, la. Bear Lake, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Hudson, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Gallipolis, Ohio Osseo, Mich. Van Wert, Ohio Harbor Springs, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS Students of special departments formerly registered with Heads of Department instead of College Secretary. The following is a list not already included in previous list. Owing to change of Instructors and Officers and destruction of building the list is incomplete. From lack of data it has not seemed advisable to attempt to classify further or to obtain addresses. Facts regarding any on this list, if given to the College Treasurer, Grover C. Jackson, will aid in making the file of college students kept in the Treasurer’s office correct. MUSIC Lillie M. Poynter Emma Huey Proctor Hazel M. Penwick Elsie C. Shepard D. E. Hubbell Mrs. Earnes Annabel Lewis Anna Randall Porisia Wyatt Emma Pratt Cora S. Watkins Abbie G. Smith Libbie Holly Jennie A. Howard Minnie M. Patton Laura Youngs Lizzie L. Allen A. Marion Augir Clara Bernt Mary C. Camp Matie E. Goodrich May M. Green Belle C. Hogg Cord C. Pelham Mrs. F. E. Priddy Harriet H. Van Valkenburg (Wilbur) Cristene Wolf Ida G. Fuller Mrs. J. B. Castle Hattie M. Curtis W. Vina Johnson Carrie Stimson Emma Sutfin Daisy M. Wilson Alice M. Stiles Frank A. Hutchinson Jennie Baker Cora M. Cratis Grace C. Jackson Mrs. J. L. Latchaw Ollie J. Tyrrell Aggie Woods LeGrand Smith Alfred Stock Nellie LeBarre Ella Manning (Prescott) Edward G. Gardner Julia Baker Della L. Buell Clara Carbaugh Fennie Chester L. Louise Collins Carrie G. Gallagher Rachael M. Hill Vinnie M. Holmes Emma Hunt Eliza Kirkwood Franc C. Lull Mary Morford Emma J. Pierson Hettie M. Thomas E. Louise Aldrich (Williams) Kate Bates Amy J. Browning Mrs. Cephas J. Chase H. Inez Clark Mettie Cortright Emma F. Diebly Clara R. Dunlap Emma Eddy Emma J. Ewing Alta Gibbons Mary E. Hoodley Ora L. Meigs Emma J. Patterson Phebe M. Reader Clara M. Reed Ella Richards Alice R. Stickney Caroline M. Willitts JennieM. Whitten Genevieve F. Whitten Frank A. Jenne Alexander A. Stock Eva J. Bootes Ed. W. Browning John P. Swank Jennie E. Darling Mrs. Clara R. French Jennie L. Herron Mrs. Cora Martin Alice M. Reynolds Arabella E. Taylor May V. Toothaker Ella Upp Mrs. Eugene Smith Mame Sutton Emma J. Ausfahl Hattie A. Beerman Edith L. Coombs (Rider) Nellie S. Flynn Alice M. Holcomb Minnie Pierson May Sudborough Minnie O. Tromer Jennie L. Wagna Anna I. Campbell Agnes L. McKee Byron Beerman Fred E. Stiles Eliza Maloney Carrie L. Thomas Myrtle M. Bernard Carrie Ettie Hall Maud V. Montague Ermie E. Newamer Amanda E. Pomroy Mary E. Strong Edith B. Wells Mary M. Dibell Mrs. E. B. Gregory Etta M. Hill Cora M. Steets Ellen N. Tuller Jessie C. Shelden Minnie E. Stockwell (Abbott) Nellie Wickersham Mollie E. Ambrose Louise E. Abrahamson Lillie Dryer Carrie L. Elliott Emma Hoskinson Mattie E. McCrea Hattie Risedorph May Shumaker Bernice Turrell Josephine Wade Margaret E. Bolan Alice E. Barkman Charles Chapman Lillian F. Dyer Rodmon M. Drinka Lynn M. Drinker Maude N. Fuller Sarah E. Ferry Julia E. Haynes Margaret Hughes William W. McEnally Annie McGonegle 189 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE Lucy I. Potter Eva K. Sabger Nellie S. Valentine Allie M. Wilber Estella D. Whitten Minnie S. Eldred Hattie A. Stone Maggie A. Murphy Carrie B. Osgood Ethie M. French Sarah G. McCree Mrs. Bele Toothacre Mrs. A. J. Blakley Emma E. Conklin Carrie B. Charles Jennie Ritter Ada J. Waterton Ada E. Doolittle Byron Every Harriet Louise Reynolds Emma Wamsley Mary Beebe William E. Allen William B. Dresser Mrs. Emma Rudd Clara Anderson Etta Beebe Rose Cox Maggie J. Chesnut Nina M. Culver Emma Clement Mary Cooper Paul Gardner Frank J. Olmsead Mrs. E. Huss Josephine A. Millham Carrie Borden Laura Doolittle Burt Doolittle Mrs. Caroline Dudley Jeanette Fisher Mabel A. Ferry Mona R. Johnson Anna Olmstead Addie E. Stich Asmun T. Sally Lizzie Warren Carrie Whelan Eva Worthing (Bach) Minnie G. White Julia L. Baker Lois E. Campbell Mollie E. Culver Ida Hegner Edwin W. Lane Olive Perry Hattie Simpson Carrie Wyllis Mrs. Ella A. Ittner Will B. Allen Mrs. S. C. Rowlson Lulu P. French Jennie R. Hayes Mrs. E. E. Moore Ella L. Walters Ella S. Wood Mae Wolcott Eva L. Armstrong Mabel Broadbent Nellie M. Cowley Mary lone Cutler Ethel J. McNair Della A. Reid Jessie M. Raisor Mary Washburn Grace R. Allen Alice Culver Anna Clouse Frank F. Churchill Clara B. Diebley Mabel J. Dancey Alma G. Everett Jennie A. Fields Samuel G. Foster Marie Frankhauser Eva G. Hoverstock Hazel A. Howard Cora M. Kennedy Maud Kerr Vida L. Lyon Violet L. Lewis Lizzie Lambert Mabel C. Nix (Fellows) Belle C. Pressler Lottie L. Smith Grace E. Stevens Rosa Weigle Lizzie Benson Max Mather Maude Baldwin Frances Millin Mrs. A. E. Palmer Myrta M. Phelps Etta C. Squier Ada H. Stanfield Flossie Whitney Tena C. Bosenbark Cenith Chapman Jessie E. Chipman Mary E. Clark Mrs. Hattie Cummins Emma E. Gates Daisy M. Graves Minnie M. Kellog Lottie Locklin Mrs. E. H. Lougher Edna June Phelps Lottie M. Scott Myrtle E. Smith Nell F. Strong Mabel E. Webb Lillian Whitney Mrs. Charles Wolcott Mabel A. Barre Mrs. J. H. Berry Ambrose L. Bixler Frank J. Haynes Mrs. C. H. Judson Cora B. Kimble Leah B. McKercher Edith E. Payne Edwin K. Pearce L. Louise Shepard Sattie E. Stamats Frank H. Speer Mrs. A. A. Squier Jennie Stiles Carrie A. Taylor Frederick A. Thomas Mrs. J. M. Upp * Effie J. Wade Carrie Whitney Lou Willard Joe M. Williams Mrs. Minnie M. Wood Mrs. Edith Withrow Myrta Belcha Stella F. Card Katherine Davis Bertha Fairbanks Anna Fant Mabel S. Fisher Edna Freese Minnie I. Greene Dr. Howard A. Grube Mrs. A. W. Bolt Charles N. Brearley Maude Courtney Arthur G. Davies Vinnie E. Donovan Imo Ennis Henrietta Fitzsimmons Amarette J. Glasgoe Mrs. Mary R. Gurney Lulu M. Holcomb Jessie B. Judd Zoe E. Leonard Anna Loennecka Frank A. Lyon Grace D; Monroe Lottie V. Rand Lillian Ray Mrs. W. H. Sawyer Mabel M. Snyder Cora Sprangler Charlotte O. Stowe Myrtle B. Warner Charles Wolcott Mrs. D. H. Wood Mrs. Herbert Harris Mildred E. Abbott Nettie Arnold Gertrude D. Bowman Minnie Bryan Ada M. Curtis Effie Deffler Rose Guggenheim Gertrude Hawley Nathaniel L. Holmes Minnie E. Michan Blanche B. Moore Lena Ramsdell Jay C. Raplee Lloyd J. Rice Mrs. Carrie E. Shuart Sadie Stafford Mrs. C. F. Stewart Sarah D. Wade Mrs. Libbie D. Whitney Ella M. Pomeroy Mrs. E. E. Moore Lavina Allgie Eva J. Anderson Leota M. Arnolt Grace E. Austin Perry W. Boynton Rose A. Cole Sydney Cole Blanche Curtis May C. Ferris Pearl E. Fish Jessie E. Janes Mrs. F. A. Lyon 190 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Bertha A. Collett Mary A. Clancey Alice E. Meade Minnie D. Sherwood Joe A. Brokaw Alta T. Bush Ura H. Dohm Stella Edwards Mary R. Gordon Guy F. Greene Mary Harding Genevieve Hart Addie Laird Hamilton S. LaCount Minnie B. McDaniels Bertha E. Morris Georgia N. Palmer Edward T. Prideau Ethel Rippon (Garlough) Mabel A. Smith Edward W. Storms Mrs. Elizabeth A. Helmick Harley C. Alger Mrs. Lena Shepard Anderson Maud E. Babcock Frank P. Clarke Anna Comar Mrs. Hattie Gage Vinnie B. Harwood Nellie G. Jacquith Minnie M. Mead Anna Miller Nettie M. Morrison Mrs. Johanna E. Monsa Mabel C. Reynolds Frances W. Goddard Maude Vaughn Hal S. Legg Roy W. Stafford Hugh French Richard W. Hallett Gertrude Blair Bessie L. Fogg Wesley E. Heckert Lydia M. Kelley John W. Dodge Marguerite L. Perry Roland R. Schafer Rhoda A. Bready Josephine Winters Elmer R. Bradley Hazel M. Ackley Nellie B. Barmore Winifred Dingfelder Ella B. Dunham Mabel E. Farnam Bessie A. Goodrich Helen D. Goodrich Mrs. Fannie Cole Mrs. Molly E. Rogers Edith E. Marsh Epha M. Deffler Leta Kendall *Marilla E. Morris Bertha E. Morris Alta T. Bush Gertrude Hamilton Nellie G. Jaquith Jennie S. Whitney Edith Holdridge W. A. Lawrence Frank Elliott Marie Hall Mrs. Satie Kelso Maybell Roberts Aura W. Skinna Ruby Stubbs Ray Washburn Ludell E. Whedon Julia Bates Mrs. Daisy Bolton L. C. Feighton Grace R. Fitzsimmons Marie A. Gardner Caroline Hathaway Mabel B. Hayes Mrs. Frank Hollingshead Forest E. Jones Oleta A. Kellogg Pearl E. Shanks Mrs. Grace H. True Susie M. Wells Charles H. Lane Mrs. Lizzie Willitts Amy Willoughby Hessie Wilson John Chappell Albert G. Jacobs Dutton P. Jacobs Mrs. D. H. Mills Lulu V. Stone Clara Triplett Esther L. Walrath (Look) Sherman Cook June Dresser Emma E. Haynes Alice Houghlating Florence Ladd Marguerite Moore Carrie B. Robertson Nellie M. Rowley Harold C. Wolcott Nell Breezley Ida A. Chapin Florence E. Fox Anna M. French Mary A. Hall Harry Howe Lizzie M. Marsh Sarah L. Morgan Pearl Mosher Harry L. Perkins Mildred C. Reed Clyde E. Van Wormer William G. Woodward Roy J. Boynton ELOCUTION Maude Wolcott Jessie Lewis Fanny R. Mickle *K. Bachelder Margaret Gay Charlotte J. Kinyon Jettie Maloney Zena L. Perry (Townley) Inez Sheldon (Tyler) Beulah V. Stearns Eulalia F. Clark Cecile M. Corey Mabel J. Fick Gertrude M. Franks Mrs. Helen C. Flagg Corienne H. Humphrey Bertha Harford Coy A. Hodges Hal C. Johnson May E. Lewis Capitola L. Morley Lena J. Pearce Doris M. Spotts Iva H. Sly Dr. E. E. Schwartz Grace C. VanAken Alta M. Watkins Ethel Dot Wolf George Zang Edith M. Brunkhart Birney A. Beals Fr. C. E. Cahalan Sula B. Crago Belle Clark Maude S. Carr Rosalynd Eggleston Belle E. Ferris Hazel Harwood Rubie L. Kinyon Mrs. G. W. Millard Alice F. Meigs Emma Roy Mrs. Nellie Blackburn Jennie L. Stanfield Dessa M. Tanna Francis A. Webster Maude A. Woodruff Estelle Adamson Frieda E. Bause Emma C. Beck Lora A. Burch Edna L. Cheever Minnie A. Donihue Mrs. Marie A. Durst Mabel Etheridge Mabel E. Farnam Helen Fuller Vira A. Henry Mrs. Rose Madden Ethel B. Mallery Edwin D. Moore Homer W. Noyes Edith Ryon Addie E. Shepard Henry W. Tallman Blanche Thomas D. Marion Titus Mabel Langlois (Wade) Kate E. Ward Emily Lawless Mrs. Kate Wiser Anna Leonardson -Baker Elizabeth Whately Gladys Alsbro William R. Slayton Chestora McDonald Carr *Deceased OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE i9i E. Gertrude Dodge Vinnie Donovan Eleanore Ricaby Chloe G. Locy Lucien Packard M. J. Smith W. B. Gilbert Orion Taylor H. A. Mills Nicholas Smith Henry C. Drake William A. Russell George W. Wise Fannie E. Gregory Frank Higley Alice Remer Lelie M. Weldon Dora Woodworth Mrs. R. Woodworth Juliette Higley F. A. Blackburn Russel S. Bates Rose Culver D. M. Fisk Mate Corbin Emma Ingraham *Rev. A. A. Smith Wesley Stewart Mrs. S. A. Brant Mary B. Phillips Lillie Nichols *Mrs. Sarah L. Benham Annis Osborn Mrs. W. B. Wilson Joseph Walsh Mrs. Sarah A. S. Mott Miles Gardner Eva Dyke *Julia F. Ferris (Stone) R. Judson Knight Judson W. Van de Venter Mrs. Lucinda Van Akin Lulu Martindale Mrs. Etta Carter Mattie Corey Lydia Kirkwood Mattie Miller George W. Shafer George A. Painter Mrs. Mary E. Winchell E. N. Hunt C. D. Andrews W. A. Bansell J. P. Beers G. W. Bennett D. Blackmar G. D. Blyn Evans Brewer Myon Bunndl Bion M. Gardner E. W. Crane J. R. Cushing David Cuthbert E. H. Day F. Dibbell Vivian L. Stroud Lou Lawrence Celia L. Parker Wilma Benedict ART Thorshu Merriman E. Post Alice Richards Jennie Adams Mrs. W. E. Austin Jennie Dyer Lillie C. Draper Mrs. Laura Forster George Hankinson Mrs. Edward Lyon Mrs. T. Millincox Mrs. Spencer Alice Bixler G. Alton Martindale Walter E. Brown Ellen E. Gardner Clyde S. Lewis Henry A. Mumaw D. R. Norris Leah M. Barnhart Belle Corwin Marie Doyle Jessie E. Eddy Emma Koon (Stock) Edmund G. Gardner Mrs. M. A. W. Batchelder Emma E. Conklin Mrs. C. D. Dudley Jennie Egery Fred T. Field Hattie D. Green Margaret E. Reed Mary W. Sawyer Frank O. Hancock Cassie A. Reamer Eunice I. Allen Ada Hadley Mary E. Keating Mary Cooper Fanny Eddy Joseph Hunt Edward N. Pratt Charles Bowen Abbie A. Aldrich Mrs. Maggie Bowen Mrs. H. E. Cook Fred Fitzsimmons COMMERCIAL Ethel Mitchell N. Emil Walls Lynn Clancy Mrs. Lena B. Shepard Mrs. Dora Young Frank L. Molby Abbie E. Thomas Irene Hampton Belle B, Stimson Helen Walworth Mrs. Jennie Dewey Grace Gardner Lettie Dorn Louis V. Harvey Aphesa Van Wickle Kittie Clark Ellen M. Coddington Wm. A. Coddington Jean Martin Mary. Norman Nellie Burdick Mrs.' E. S. Clark Edna Fisher Mrs. Ella A. Ittner Wm. H. Smith Mary C. Jorgenson Forest A. Gussenbauer Hattie Wiley Amanda M. Cole Lily Belle Zuver Christopher Katz George Myers Mrs. Nellie G. Robertson B. A. Bowditch Clara Van Patten Elnora Killinger Minnie E. Michen *George E. Stewart Bert Donaldson *Roy L. Van Wormer Jennie M. Carlson Lewis Dillon Marion O. Cortwright Paulina M. Newburgh Florence Johnson Glenn M. Bates Edna C. Freese Mary Louise Martindale Nellie Brown W. Dickerson E. C. Dow W. Dresser F. W. Dunham F. Feazel George W. Fifield L. C. Fuller W. P. Green A. E. Gunn J. W. Hine W. D. Hitchcock F. Holdridge Wm. F. Howell E. Hunt Alfred B. Jefferay Charles Jefferay George H. Jefferay Arthur Jerome Alvin Joiner E. Kelly Jas. C. Kelly H. H. Kern Ed. E. Long Harry Marvin G. H. McDermid Henry McDermid J. L. McQueen S. A. Moon •"Deceased 192 GENERAL STUDENT LIST John W. Morehouse Eugene Murray Almon Nichols John C. Norton Walter Pettis George Post Thomas Randall G. A. Rising A. M. Rogers William Russell Herbert Samm Andrew Specht W. A. Stevens D. A. Strong H. D. Styles H. H. Tabor William Taffner Frank Terry Charles Vandelburg Wm. H. Van Valer L. D. Weaver B. L. Webb Henry L. Wood F. R. Woods N. R. Woods Chester Wright Lida Brown Addie C. Daw H. Ella Fraley Clara Garnett * Adelia Heath Lottie Howland Maggie Keeley Frankie Kline Cristina Miller J. E. Randall Alice Sampson Boardman C. Adams Edward T. Adams Miles L. Barber Edward T. Bloiss J. Wellington Chapman Charles S. Ellsworth Joseph T. Ely George W. Emory Edward D. Everett Clinton W. Ganiard Albert W. Haynes Herly Keating Byron F. Keefer George H. Keefer Edward L. Kellogg Roger J. Lanbach Willard Leach Eugene H. Libby Albert Osborn James Osborn Thomas J. Reece Horatio N. Rowley Delos Rupert Thomas W. Sinclair Sheldon P. Straub Charles W. Thomas William C. Walter George A. Warren James E. Wiltse Carrie Adams Delia A. Burnell Alice Clark Louis K. Ackley Amos Barnes William Bayliss Spencer L. Carver Edward Erskine George W. Hoff John Nachtrab Charles S. Norris Charles L. Ross Luther A. Robins Frank M. Smith Andrew J. Stansell Delos L. Staples Leopold Straus Henry Watkins Alvero V. Wilson Theodore F. Wyllys Nellie Buell Emma Gillis Agnes M. Robertson Jennie W. Woodruff William J. Allis Patrick Anderson Erastus Barnard Edward W. Barnes Albert T. Bryan Hartley E. Calkins Anson D. Cook John D. Danforth John Wm. Emmert Alfred Farmer James R. Flint Alphonse E. Garey John Gray Seth W. Gilbert Benjamin F. Goetz Walter S. Jacoby Hiram P. Keith Joseph B. Kelley Daniel B. Kinyon George L. Puffer Charles H. Lane James H. Long Ira P. Mann Hiram Marquette Frank H. McRoberts Alfred A. Miller Horace A. Miller John Patterson Oliver G. Soice William C. Wadsworth C. George Warren Frederick L. Westcott Nellie Anderson Ida H. Blois Edgar M. Baker F. Willie Brindle James K. Brink Moses Bugbee Henry B. Cooley Henry M. Dexereaux Mark L. Dunning Frank A. Estes Edward B. Gregory John H. Hayward Henry D. Heagy Charles W. Ketchum Adelbert Lane Oscar Lewis William C. Lucas Joseph McKee Lewis McLouth Riley Micham Rush C. Noyes Frank A. Percy Jerome Sager Garhardus W. Sly Norris Spencer Oscar A. Titus James Walworth Livingstone Woodworth Minnie H. Farrand Kate P. Fisher Deborah Heacock Alida Page Minnie F. Pinkham Etna Radabaugh S. Augusta Randall Susie Sands Minnie Thatcher David S. Bechtel Charles H. Bird Fremont Byers Julius A. Grant Charles H. Hallack George E. Hallack Henry C. Langdon Fred L. Mumford Everett L. Ranney Julius E. Reynolds William H. Rogers Alfred B. Rowley Albert L. Slosser Jonas M. P. Somers Lewis D. Springer Frank M. Timms Frank D. Warren Arthur H. Williams Adelaide Parcher Ada Prentiss Ada M. Spencer Horace C. Abbott John Quincy Adams Frank A. Brightman George W. Fisher Cassius L. Glasgow Charles H. Hopkins Frank H. Johnson William F. Lance Charles W. Lewis Samuel B. Newkirk Randall D. Power James D. Russ Lucius V. Tunis Frank W. Zimmerman Mildred M. Bodwell Mary F. Clark Diantha W. Danforth Clara L. Foltz Ida E. Hawkins Libbie M. Webster Albert E. Ammerman Charles M. Armstrong John C. Bachman George F. Beand Charles P. Brevoort Henry O. Briggs Martin L. Cary Eugene R. Clark Glenn D. Corey Edward Depue Charles E. Dickinson Alfred B. Dittenhauer Arthur C. Emery Frank Gillett Eugene Harris Loren J. Hendrick Francis E. Henry George W. McGill James D. Nichols Edward W. Skinner Howard F. Watkins Emma C. Fisher Alfred J. Barnes William H. Bellamy Fred Benedict George W. Breese Arthur W. Carl Herbert Chapman Howard Chapman Seward W. Clark William J. Clement George C. Cleveland Moses Cohn William H. Cortright John Fant Edwin J. Fleming William E. Fuller James K. Gillam Edward O. Green Frank E. Green Byron Jarvis ! William T. Keith Fillmore Krotz James M. McIntosh Marquis A. Miller Lemuel S. Ranney Elmer E. Ricker O. H. Risedorph Charles B. Rockwood Frank W. Rowlson Charles D. Sampson William Sawtell Isaac Solomon Charles E. Sutton Homer G. Townsend W. A. Van Orthwick Willis T. Welch William T. Willits Frederick M. Wilmer Mrs. William T. Buchanan Nora Crater Tenie Corwin Edith DeWitt Nellie M. Ingalls Mrs. Charlotte J. Mosher Clemie Pettys Emma Pettys Rose Tooth Catherine M. Trowbridge Harry E. Branch Stephen Crane Nathan S. Curtis Fred P. Dickinson Edward H. Dillon Elmore Dolson Richard E. Ela Frank L. Garland Willett Jones Eugene L. Ketchum John L. Lewis Beebe C. Mansfield John L. Martin George H. Myers Edward W. North OP HILLSDALE COLLEGE 193 Cortes E. Singer Edward Smith William O. Strickler Robert D. Strong Charles F. Waldron Clarence J. Westfall Villa L. Coggswell Cora Curtis Alice Darrow Madge Hagar Hattie B. Maze Mrs. N. R. Sanborn Louis Stock Mary D. Underwood Charles E. Case Henry F. Caven.augh Charles Clark Newton J. Collins Thomas C. Crumley Fred H. Curtis John E. Detweiler Fred J. Henning Homer Jones Rob Roy Knapp George Lawrence Daniel R. Leonard John W. Long H. LaFayette Brown Orrin B. Mosher Wm. P. Mudgett Albert Nichols Walter S. Palmer H. Lewis Payne E. J. Porter Wells H. Press Edmund B. Stone Philip Straw Samuel H. Sweet Frank O. Tappen Percy E. Terry Charles A. Underwood Fred W. Jefferay Bert E. Kemp Wilbur H. Latham Harry M. Raymond Kimball P. Ashley Dorr R. Close John W. Driver George W. Hinger Charles H. Hollaway Louie A. Jones Allen Shanton Edward E. Whitney Mate E. Barnard Eva F. Thompson Samuel O. Albaugh Rob Roy Knapp Elmer E. Avery William J. Beatty John B. Bradhurst Charles T. Brown E. J. Brown Frank C. Case Adelbert F. Clutter Ed. F. Collier Pierson F. Crow Myron J. Davis Delos Depue Matthew Dow Emmons Emerson Archie Espie William H. Ewing Fred Foster Travis Fowler Benjamin L. Gibbs George H. Gutzler Winnie Haines Albert Heath Robert C. Hess John C. Hoyt Fred W. Hall George W. Hull Williard H. Kennedy Albert R. Knight James F. Knight Ola R. Lieb George C. Norton Erastus Pierce Alfred Poole Will M. Rogers Thomas W. Settle Will F. Simmons George Skinner Levi N. Smith George E. Stevens Freeland G. Varnum Irving H. Welch Gary S. Westcott James F. Whelan William H. Williams Levi H. Wolford Leah M. Barnhart Eva Hoadley Anna Wilson Ova V. Adams James E. Bentley Charles F. Bowen George W. Briggs Abraham L. Brown Thomas M. Fant Irven Peck Somers V. Squiers Ernest Gardner Jesse Grant William W. Green Roscoe J. Groves Roscoe L. Hoover Thomas S. Hutchinson Emery B. Jones Samuel L. Lent William F. Marsh H. L. Merriman A. Miller William Miller Fred W. Nall Elmer Owiler Sidney H. Reynolds Harley D. Robertson Michael Ronan Charles Russell Clement L. Sheldon James W. Stambaugh Richard Starr Edmund Stock Homer W. Watson Frank Wellington Wixom Whitehead Jacob W. Whitmire Horace L. Wilbur Frederick Willson Tilden U. Wolf Rachel Hill 194 GENERAL STUDENT LIST Ida E. Heacock Pearl Morrison Ella F. Winslow Charles M. Appleman George Baker Will E. Barnard Walter Berwick Frank J. Clarke Clark Crissman Lewis A. Emerson Thad L. Fowle Harry W. Gamble Irving H. Hayes Vincent C. Holbar Fred M. Kelley Daniel Martin James D. Moohar Emma Overdear William S. Sawdey Daniel Segner Frank J. Smith Samuel H. Smith Andrew Stephens Walter A. Straw Willis L. Townsend Nellie Hollaway William R. Allen Mills I. Benjamin Eugene Blackmar Edmund C. Cullen Willis F. Curtis Elmer E. Decker James H. Driver Oscar P. Eggleston Edward W. Henning Clarence E. Janes Byron H. Joy Edward P. Kellogg Albert W. Lickley A. N. McGuire William C. Osius Edward E. Pomeroy Minor D. Strong George L. Taylor J. W. Troy Fred G. Turner William C. Wheelock C. S. Wilbur Melvin W. Willard William B. Woodward Etta Dickinson Nellie Hollaway Maud L. Pierce Minnie Tyler Emma Waring Carrie C. Whelan Willis B. Ackmoody Charles F. Barritt Wilbur Bates George W. Bell Irving F. Blurton Ulysses B. Collins Albert Frankinfleld Harland C. Green Frank L. Heckman William H. Jackson Harry Kauffman Howard P. Kinney Leslie Mayer E. D. Miller Charles E. Nelthorpe Salathiel L. O’Neal Locey Rice William H. Ritter Corydon B. Salter Ira A. Shanton Burton D. Shumaker Hal D. Slaughter Charles W. Smith George A. Smith Etha Abbott Claudia A. Betts (Betts) Maud D. Fuller Lillie White John Baker Frank F. Betts Mark C. Betts Anson Brown Oscar Cohn Frank L. Coward Frank Crisp Michael DeBolt Lawrence M. Delevan Henry Fowler Richard Frenzel Ashley W. Gurley John Haller Melvin L. Hammond Charles B. Honk Fred B. Hoyt Joseph Hunt William P. Jackson Cyrus E. Lord George F. Miller John Miller William S. Miller Frank J. Millis Frank O. Minor Edwin J. Monsell Edward Newman Charles T. Olcott Irven L. Seiler Henry S. Shaffer Thomas Smith Edmund Stanfield Isaac Stanfield William T. Stanfield Albert Stuck Delmer Stone Charles B. Sweaze Robert W. Swift Charles A. Wiseman Mary A. Haggerty Clara Kirby Hannah J. Porter Florence L. Rice Mary ^Walworth ADDENDA 196 NO. 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1125 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1111 1142 ALUMNI ET ALUMNA Name Vrcelius Ashburn acob Ashburn Reuben LeRoy Coldren iazel Flora Converse Crowell D. Eddy na Loann Goldsberry Rachel Pearl Goldsberry Florence Timms Hogmire Carrie Virginia Holland iarriett Estelle Jones >lia Imogen Knight vy Margaret Leitch iarah Elizabeth Lohnes /label Carrington Sheldon \bbie Cyrena Slayton ames Garfield Slayton Charles J. Stewart Italia Maude Terwilliger Margaret Vanden Albert Leland Walrath Gertrude Worden vy Margaret Leitch Myrtle Hayden )leta Agnes Kellogg ay Marie Sawyer Poland Lynn Schafer Horence S. Singer ’earl Eva Kepple p rancis T. Perkins Frances A. Weeks r lorence Hinkle ADDENDA P. O. Address Present Occupation Portsmouth, Va. Portsmouth, Va. Theological Student Theological Student Ann Arbor, Mich. Asst. Sec y Y. M. C. A. Hillsdale, Mich. Teaching Brookston, Ind. Central City, Iowa Clergyman Central City, Iowa Bangor, Mich. Teaching 1175 Perry St., Chicago, Ill. Nurse’s Training School Springville, N. Y. Teaching Hanover, Mich. Teacher of Science GrandView, Tenn. Teaching Hillsdale, Mich. Ashtabula, Ohio 194 Hillsdale St., Hillsdale, Mich. Teaching Owosso, Mich. Asst. Sec’y Y. M. C. A. Hillsdale, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich. Teaching Gallipolis, Ohio Teaching 219 West St., Hillsdale, Mich. Teaching 223 Manning St., Hillsdale, Mich. Post graduate work Grand View, Tenn. Teaching Point Place, Hillsdale, Mich. Reading. Mich. Photography and Music Centrai City, Iowa Hillsdale, Mich. Detroit Quartet Co. 96 Howell St., Hillsdale, Mich. Belvidere, Ill. Bookkeeping and Music 244 Bacon St. E., Hillsdale, Mich. Teaching and Singing North Adams, Mich. Hillsdale, Mich., R. F. D. No. 4. Munc Teaching Teaching SIo. 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128! 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1125 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1111 1142 OF HILLSDALE COLLEGE 197 Place of Birth Date of Birth Date of Marriage To Whom Married Bowers Hill, Norfolk Co., Va. Bowers Hill, Norfolk Co., Va. Balasore, Orissa, India Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Manchester, Washtenaw Co., Mich. Central City, Linn Co., Iowa Central City, Linn Co., Iowa Arlington, VanBuren Co., Mich. Cuba, Republic Co., Kan. Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. Pulaski, Jackson Co., Mich. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Kelloggsville, Ashtabula Co., Ohio Salem, Richardson Co., Neb. Salem, Richardson Co., Neb. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Gallipolis, Gallia Co., Ohio Waupun, Dodge Co., Wis. Camden, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Ree Heights, Hyde Co., So. Dak. Reading, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Central City, Lynn Co., Iowa Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Kingston, DeeKalb Co., Ill. Charlestown, Suffolk Co., Mass. Camden, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Woodbridge, Hillsdale Co., Mich. Aug. 8, 1882 Nov. 11, 1884 Nov. 13, 1885 Apr. 10, 1886 Aug. 28, 1880 June 7, 1885 April 4, 1882 July 29, 1886 Feb. 14, 1883 July 7, 1884 Sept. 25, 1883 Mar. 29, 1881 Sept. 9, 1877 Sept. 11, 1883 Sept. 5, 1884 Sept. 26, 1882 Sept. 27, 1884 Dec. 15,^1885 Oct. 23, 1887 Dec. 14, 1885 Oct. 10, 1878 Mar. 29, 1881 April 22, 1885 Mar. 25, 1887 Apr. 6, 1884 Feb. 21, 1888 Oct. 26, 1887 Sept. 23, 1885 March 10, 187 Feb. 18, 1887 Aug. 27, 1887 'June 15, 1901 Oct. 17, 1900 Florence Irene Killam Hazel J. Burtis BACHELORS OF PEDAGOGY 1908 Lena Adams Hazel Flora Converse Crov\ell D. Eddy Ina Loann Goldsberry Rachel Pearl Goldsberry Florence Timms Hogmire Carrie Virginia Holland Celia Imogene Knight Ivy Margaret Leitch Sarah Elizabeth Lohnes Abbie Cyrena Slayton James Garfield Slayton Charles J. Stewart Calla Maude Terwilliger Margaret Vanden Albert Leland Walrath CERTIFICATE FOR HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS 1907 Millie Abbie Cole Nina Dorothy Cole Florence Irene Eddy Zaida Minerva Emmons Nellie Elizabeth Fiske Elizabeth Caroline Lockwood Kate /\della McIntosh Frances Iva Miller Celia Bertrice Rine Grace Emma Waldron 1908 Inez Pearl Baldwin Bertha Hope Clement Zephie Cole Hazel Flora Converse Ruth Rising Gurney Inis Genevieve Haggerty C. Maude Terwilliger Bess Lucile Kempf Pearl Eva Kepple Ivy Margaret Leitch Ruth Viola Mauck Mae McNiel Lida Alice Moody Deaths No. Class Name Date of Death 34 1862 J. Franklin Meeker * Jan 8, 1908 58 1863 Eliza Cole Lewis April 16, 1908 97 1866 John M. VanFleet Dec. 23, 1907 161 1869 Stephen G. Updyke Dec. 12, 1907 170 1870 Benjamin F. Newton 186 1870 Frank H. Titus Jan. 14, 19 8 529 1884 John R. Mowry Feb. 11. 1908 717 1892 James C. Smith May 7, 1908 911 1898 Olive H. Irene Our Jan. 12, 1908 969 1901 Frank E. Bunting June 15, 1908 Marriages No, Class J Name Date of Marriage To Whom Married 657 1890 Shirley H. Smith Mar. 20, 1908 James Thomson 1021 1904 Wm. J. Boone June 20, 1908 May Brough 1024 1904 Leroy O. Duross June 23, 1908 *Winnifred Ellis 1063 1906 Benj. R. Larrabee July 14, 1908 Charlotte Blatchley * Deceased