I B RARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS . -37 \i\\W HRTWIM1 SHRYtt (Hliiil LBIMwIWl IPf IT BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF HIGHLAND, CLAY -MARION COUNTIES ILLINOIS ILLUSTRATED B. F. BOWEN & COMPANY, Publishers INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 1909 '. :0- : PREFACE, All life and achievement is evolution; present wisdom comes frorh past experience, and present commercial prosperity has come only from past exer- tion and suffering. The deeds and motives of the men that have gone before have been instrumental in shaping the destinies of later communities and states. The development of a new country was at once a task and a privilege. It required great courage, sacrifice and privation. Compare the present con- ditions of the residents of Richland, Clay and Marion counties, Illinois, with what they were one hundred years ago. From a trackless wilderness and virgin prairie they have come to be centers of prosperity and civilization, with millions of wealth, systems of intersecting railways, grand educational in- stitutions, marvelous industries and immense agricultural productions. Can any thinking person be insensible to the fascination of the study which dis- closes the incentives, hopes, aspirations and efforts of the early pioneers who so strongly laid the foundation upon which has been reared the magnificent prosperity of later days ? To perpetuate the story of these people and to trace and record the social, political and industrial progress of the community from its first inception is the function of the local historian. A sincere purpose to preserve facts and personal memoirs that are deserving of preservation, and which unite the present to the past is the motive for the present publication. The work has been in the hands of able writers, who have, after much patient *7. study and research, produced here the most complete biographical memoirs of Richland, Clay and Marion counties, Illinois ever offered to the public. Es- pecially valuable and interesting are the sketches of representative citizens of < these counties whose records deserve perpetuation because of their worth, ef- ^> fort and accomplishment. The publishers desire to extend their thanks to (ti these gentlemen who have so faithfully labored to this end. Thanks are also j__^ clue to the citizens of Richland, Clay and Marion counties for the uniform 57 kindness with which they have regarded this undertaking, and for their many ^ services rendered in the gaining- of necessary information. In placing the "Biographical and Reminiscent History of Richland, Clay and Marion Counties, Illinois." before the citizens, the publishers can con- scientiously claim that they have carried out the plan as outlined in the pros- pectus. Every biographical sketch in the work has been submitted to the U yd party interested, for correction, and therefore any error of fact, if there be -^ any, is solely due to the person for whom the sketch was prepared. Confident -) that our efforts to please will fully meet the approbation of the public, we are. Respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. NDEX Allen, Hon. James Cameron 84 Chapman, Robert H 481 Fritchey, Theo. Augustus.. 147 Anderson, Truman B 589 Church, St. James Lutheran 465 Fyfe, George S 519 Andrews, Sevmour 533 Church, St. Joseph's Cath- Fyke, John J 255 Arnold, James W 223 olic, of Olney, 111 504 Gaft'ner, Daniel I'.ni Bachmann, Adam H 273 Clark, Thomas J 117 Garner, E. P ;'.1'2 Bar of Southern Illinois Six- Cloud, Silas 279 Gassman, Henry 98 ty-five Years Ago 446 Combs, Lewis 392 Genoway, Daniel C i:< 7 Barnes, A. C 564 Coan, William E 500 Gerber, Lydia Phillips 327 Baughman, Edmund C 154 Conant, John B 96 Goodale, W. B 586 Bauer, F. H 598 Conant, W. S 136 Goodenough, Wilbur Adino. 120 Bateman, John A 91 Cope, Allen 304 Goss, Joseph 377 Bates, Francis M 577 Copple, Eli 569 Graham, Samuel H 411 Bayler, David 290 Copple, Elmer E 568 Graham, Samuel D 139 Beck, Daniel .3553 Copple, Jacob 549 Grav, John H :;n:; Beck, John 401 Copple, Samuel G 406 Gray, William H 416 Blankinship, Charles E 492 Cox, George 115 Green, Jonathan A r.i'7 Boatman, Catherine 407 Cunningham, Charles S 343 Hardman, Thomas A IM; Boggs, Franklin Gilbert 360 Cunningham Family 235 Hargrave, Thomas M n;s Bonney, Judge John R 362 Dace, James M 328 Hauser, John T 387 Bostwick, Landon M 320 Davis, C. R 486 Hasler, Christian 10S Bothwell, Henry C 306 Davis, John L 562 Hartley, William A 675 Bower, Hon. William 219 Dean Charles 429 Haynie D D 44 Bower, John 474 Delzell. James H 261 Heap, Benjamin F 484 Boynton, Frank A 78 Dew, Charles F 552 Heaver, George J 2!)S Bledsoe, E. Louis 276 Dillman, William H 41 Hedrick, Edwin 873 Bradford, Frank 259 Donovan, John F. 99 Heltman, Philip ..' 196 Branch, Levi 599 Doser, George Washington . 437 Henry, John O 477 Breeze, Jacob D 566 Downey, Geo. W 545 Hershberger, David linn Breeze, Sidney 574 Drapar, William L 174 Hester, David M 843 Brigham, Robert O 192 Dwight, Samuel L 535 Hi'ggins, Bryant 20 Brinkerhoff, Prof. J. H. G. 524 Eagan, Gustin L 532 Hiltibidal, George W :',](: Brockman, John C 49S Early Lawyers 426 Hodges, Isham E 312 Bronson, Horace 579 Eddings, John F 189 Holstlaw, Daniel S IM Brown, Douglas C 537 Eighth Illinois Infantry, Holstlaw D W 590 Brubaker Edgar F 365 419 Holstlaw Richard J ii;n Brubaker, Eli 205 Embser. Jerome N 463 Holt, Charles H. ..'..'.'.'.... 48 Brubaker, Jacob 188 Engle Joseph A 341 Hord Henry 18V Brims, Fr. John H 558 Evans, H. D 54 Holt, Luther :::'.! Bryan, Family 231 Erwin, Crawford S 66 Holt, Samuel Marion 2111; Bryan J. E 244 Eyer Jacob 404 Hopkins Charles W 339 Bryan, Hon. William J 17 Farquhar, Aaron B 263 Horrall, Kenneth D 202 Buenger, Rev. John 95 Farthing, William H 253 Howell. James F 80 Bundy, Charles E 291 Feltman, Carlos A 62 Huddleson, Charles S 588 Bundy, William F 336 Finch Family 211 Hudelson, William H 860 Bundy, William Kell 64 Finch, Solomon T 226 Huff, Nathaniel G ISO Burgener, Jacob 329 Fisher, Alex. W 516 Huggins, Earl C LOS Hurt, Charles V 606 Foster, Hon. Martin D 501 Hull, Hon. Charles E 32 Butler, George 382 Foster, Henry C 525 Hunter, James 543 Castle, J. E . 169 Fowler ( Brothers) 567 Hyatt, James F ITS C.imnboll. Georee W. .. 432 French. John R. . . 217 Idleman. G. A. 93 Ingram, William C Irwin, Walter C James, O. A Jennings, Charles E. . . ... 131 ... 28 ... 71 ... 51V 513 Morris, Ira C Morrison, George D Morrison, Col. Napoleon B Neal, Thomas B Newman William D . . 512 .. 137 .. 571 . . 319 604 Shriner, Hon. Harvey W... Simcox, George B Simer, Rev. William J. ... Singer, Judith M Skipworth J W 126 402 Jennings, Z. C Johnson, William T Jolly, John F ... 208 ... 472 ... 134 482 Norfleet, Benj. F Olney in Its Infancy .... Olney Sanitarium .. 332 . . 423 .. 149 159 Smith, Benj. M Smith, John Snively & Montgomery .,?r Jones, J. T Jones, Samuel W Joy, Thomas L Joy, Verne E Kagy, Levi Monroe . . . . .. 69 ... 221 . .. 540 ... 580 ... 237 191 Pace, H. T Palmer, Charles E Parkinson, Joseph C. ... Patton, Thomas A Peak, Joseph S Peddicord A M , . 42 . . 469 . . 368 . . 224 .. 294 176 Snuffin, Stephen Songer, A. W Spring, Henry Stratton, George W Stiindiford, George Washing- 4:11 lor, 443 Keith, L. B Kelchner, Henry F Kell, Charles T Kermicle, John Taylor . . . . 285 . .. 520 ... 128 ... 459 Peddicord, Andrew M. .. Peirce, John A Pllaum, John W Phillips, Samuel F . . 506 . . 435 . . 474 , . 240 Stanford, Samuel A Stonecipher, Judge John S.. Storment, William T Storer, Ben. W 101 Hi.-, 144 Kimberlin, James Henry Kinkade James M . .. 110 478 Porter, Albert G . . 530 Telford, J. D 27U 467 389 508 Knight, J. F Knoph, Aden Kocher Joseph Lacey, Winfield S Lane, Thomas M Larimer, John W Leseman, William H. . . . Lewis, James B Lewis, Richard Livesay, Alfred Loomis, Frank ... 542 . . . 494 . .. 413 . .. 386 . . . 594 . . . 281 . .. 430 ... 56 . . . 178 . . . 548 ... 295 510 Purceil, Francis M Pullen, Burden Purdue, James F Quayle, J. R Rainey, George S Rapp, Michael E Ratcliff, James M Ratcliff, Thomas Reed, Lewis H Reinhardt, Julius Reminiscent Sketch Rhodes Henry L . . 201 . . 596 !! 73 . . 152 . . 246 , . 487 , . 490 . . 559 .. 561 . . 419 556 Tolliver, Judge A. N Trenary, G. H Tufts, C. D Tully, Joseph E Umfleet, Harrison Utterbeck, Jeter C Van Alman, William Vawter, John H Walker, Joseph H Watldns, Bartlett Y Walton, Joseph W Walton Orville T Nil ,-,3!l ir.'l 23 835 497 471 811 McBride H S 410 Richardson Edward 283 76 McCawley, John I ... 309 D 87 Richardson, James R . 307 396 Watts, Edwin L Wells George C 588 \,\ i McGahey, George A McKnight, Roy H McLaughlin, Joseph K. . . . . 190 . . . 297 . .. 299 529 Robb, Francis M Robinson, Elbridge Rodgers, Benj. F , . 528 . 476 . . 272 586 Welton, Edwin L West, Charles H Wham, Henderson B Wham William rut; 118 325 265 McQuin, Robert T Madden, George Martin Benj E Sr . .. 26 . . . 451 29 Rogers, Frank A Rogers, Tilmon J . 60 .. 521 551 Wieland, Caleb F Wilkinson, William T Williams Augustine Robert 11 1 17 Martin, Gen. James S. . Martin, John C Martin, John E . .. 267 '.'.'. 262 126 Rose, Albert M Rose, Wiley Rowland, Elbert . 345 ,. 438 . 51 489 Williams, John P Williams, T. W Wilson, Hon. Edward S. . . Wilson George C 881 54 1C.7 no Martin, William J Matthews, Leander C. . . . Maxey, Bennett M May, Harvey D Meagher, Thomas F Merritt. Hon. Thos. E. Merz, Wilfred W Michaels. M. W Miller, Franklin P Mills, Israel Morton, James S .-. . 197 . .. 148 . . . 104 ... 204 . . . 601 . .. 347 ... 121 ... 292 . .. 581 . . . 314 ... 485 Sanders, Charles C Sayre, Perry Schwartz Brothers Schilt, Fred W Schultz. John M See, Henry William, Sr. . . Seller, Frederick Seiler, John Seymour, Mary A Shanafelt, Andrew Shook, Samuel . 256 . 390 .. 248 . 354 ,. 351 . 395 .. 456 . 356 . 461 . 357 ,. 555 Wilson, William Gilham . . . Wilson, Lucian O Wilson, Richard Wilson, Samuel C Wilson, William Henry . . . Woods, John Woodward, H. N Woodard, W. R Wolgamott, George Xander, John P Young, William J 112 583 468 1X2 i';'n:i :,--, ;!i7 I." JO HON. W. J. BRYAN. BIOGRAPHICAL. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. BY PROF. J. H. G. BRINKERHOFF. William Jennings Bryan, son of Silas L. Bryan (see biography) and Mariah Eliza- beth (Jennings) Bryan, was born in Salem, Illinois, March 19, 1860. As a boy he was not different from other healthy, hearty American boys, fond of play and fond of good things to eat, but rather given to seri- ous sport than to mischief^* Among his earli- est ambition was the desire to become a min- ister, but in early youth that desire was lost in the ambition to become a lawyer like his father and as that ambition seemed to be permanent his training was directed to that end. ~) When William was six years old the family moved to a large farm just outside of the corporate limits of Salem, and here he studied, played and worked until ten years old, his mother, a remarkably strong- minded, clear-headed, Christian woman, be- ing his teacher, his guide and task-master, his work being such chores as fall to the lot of boys in well regulated, prosperous farm homes. ^At the age of ten years he entered the Salem public school, which he attended five years, but was not particularly bright in his studies^) his examinations show thor- oughness rather than brilliancy, but his in- terest in the literary and debating societies was early developed and remained while he attended the school and still abides, as is shown by the Bryan oratorical contest held annually in this school, and for which Mr. Bryan provides a first and second prize of ten and five dollars respectively. In 1872 his father made the race for Con- gress, and William, then twelve years of age, became much interested in the cam- paign, and from that time on he cherished the thought of some day being a public man and a leader of the people. At the age of fourteen he united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Salem. While at Jacksonville he took membership with the First Presbyterian church, and upon his removal to Lincoln, Nebraska, he placed his letter with the First Presbyte- rian church of that place, and where his membership still remains. At fifteen years of age he entered the pre- paratory department of Illinois College, at Jacksonville, and for eight years was a stu- dent in that college, spending only his vaca- tions at home. (^Mr. Bryan while at college was not a great admirer of athletic sports, but took a mild interest in base ball and foot ball, and was rather an enthusiastic runner i8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF and jumper, and in a contest open to stu- dents and alumni, three years after his grad- uation, he won the medal for the broad standing jump, twelve feet and four inches being the distance covered.) f While at the preparatory school the first year he entered a prize contest and de- claimed Patrick Henry's great speech, and ranked near the fooyThe second year he de- claimed "The Palmetto and the Pine," and stood third. The next year as a freshman he tried for a prize in Latin prose and di- vided the second prize with a competitor. The same year he gained second prize in declamation. In his sophomore year he took first prize with an essay, and in his jun- ior year first prize in oration and was there- by made representative of his college in the intercollegiate oratorical contest at Gales- burg, in 1880, where he received the second prize of fifty dollars. That great orator, Gen. John C. Black, was one of the judges and marked him one hundred on delivery. At the close of his college life in 1881, Mr. Bryan stood at the head of his class and de- livered the valedictory. This much is given for the encouragement of young men, show- ing that improvement only comes with ef- fort, and to persevere, though the first at- tempt finds you near the foot. In the fall of 1881 Mr. Bryan entered Union Law College at Chicago, and spent much of his time in the law office of Lyman Trumbull. After graduation he returned to Salem for a short time, and won his fee in the county court of Marion county. July 4, 1883, Mr. Bryan began the prac- tice of law in Jacksonville, Illinois ; he had desk room in the office of Brown & Kirby, and now came the real test, waiting for busi- ness. The first six months were trying and he was forced to draw upon his father's es- tate for small advances, and at one time he seriously thought of seeking new fields, but the beginning of the year 1884 brought clients more frequently, and he felt encour- aged to stay in Jacksonville, and now feeling that he could see success, on October i, 1884, he was married to Miss Mary Baird, of Perry, Illinois. In the summer of 1887 business called Mr. Bryan to the West, and he spent one Sunday with a classmate, A. R. Talbot, who was located in Lincoln, Nebraska. So greatly was he impressed with the opportunities of the growing capital of the state that he re- turned to Illinois full of enthusiasm for the city of Lincoln, and perfected plans for re- moval thither. In October, 1887, a partner- ship was formed with Mr. Talbot, and during the next three years a paying prac- tice resulted. As soon as Mr. Bryan settled in Lincoln he identified himself actively with the Demo- cratic party, of which he had been a mem- ber in Illinois, and to the principles of which his whole being was bound, and made his first political speech at Seward, in the spring of 1888. Soon after he was sent as a delegate to the state convention, and in the canvass of the First Congressional District he made many speeches in favor of J. Sterling Mor- ton, and also spoke in thirty-four counties in favor of the state ticket. Mr. Morton HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. was defeated by thirty-four hundred, as the district was strongly Republican. In 1890 there was but little hope for the Democrats in the First District, and Mr. Bryan was nominated without opposition. W. J. Con- nell was the Republican nominee. A chal- lenge to conduct the canvass by a series of joint debates was issued by Mr. Bryan and accepted by Mr. Connell, and at the close Mr. Bryan won by a plurality of six thou- sand, seven hundred and thirteen. Mr. Bryan was elected to Congress again from a new district which had been formed when the state was re-apportioned in 1891. The Republican state ticket carried the district by six thousand, five hundred, but Mr. Bryan was elected by one hundred and forty plurality. During the four years he was in Congress, he was very active, taking part in every important debate and speaking many times. He declined to run again for Con- gress but later permitted his nomination for the Senate, but the Republicans carried the state and Thurston was chosen Senator. The Democratic National Convention convened at Chicago July 4, 1896, and for four days a battle of giants ensued over the monetary plank in the platform. Speeches were made for and against the free silver coinage plank by such men of master minds and national reputations before the conven- tion as Senator Tillman, Senator Jones, Senator Hill, Senator Vilas, ex-Governor Russell. Senator Tillman favored the ma- jority report of the committee, which fa- vored the free coinage; all the rest opposed. The debate was closed by Mr. Bryan in support of the majority report in a speech which rang so true and was such a master piece of oratory that the convention was swept off its feet and brought to Mr. Bryan the nomination for the Presidency on the fifth ballot on Friday, July loth. After a most remarkable campaign he was defeated by William McKinley being elected. Four years later Mr. Bryan, greater in defeat than other men in success, was again the choice of the Democratic party for the Presidency, and again suffered defeat, Mr. McKinley being re-elected. In 1904 the Democratic party nominated Alton B. Par- ker, of New York, for President, and he led the party to the most crushing defeat ever suffered by any party since the days of John Ouincy Adams. In 1908 the Democratic party again nom- inated Mr. Bryan, and the Republican party William H. Taft and again the decision was against the former. Thrice defeated yet with each defeat growing greater, ad- vocating great principles which he sees his political opponents adopt, he stands today the greatest living American. When in 1906 and 1907 he took a trip around the world, he was received every- where with such ovations as are seldom ac- corded to any, and were never before to a private citizen, and his welcome home in the city of New York was a demonstration of love and respect from Americans to an American that has never been equalled in the history of the nation. Mr. Bryan may never be President, but he has made an impress on the nation for good that can ilOC.KAPHICAL AND KK M I .\ ISCKNT HISTORY OF never be effaced and from his life the peo- ples of the world have received an uplift that will be felt to bless generations yet un- born. In his life of moral purity, in his sin- cere Christianity, and in his addresses on the duties and responsibilities of life he has given a new impulse to many a youth for better things and if his work closed now the one address "The Prince of Peace," will stand a monument, more enduring than chiseled marble or moulded brass, standing forever as it must in the higher aims, purer thoughts, nobler impulses and grander lives of the men and women of the America of the future. BRYANT HIGGINS. The family of our subject has been known in Richland county since the pioneer pe- riod, and, without invidious comparison, it can with propriety be said that no other name is better known or more highly es- teemed in Richland county. Honored and respected by all, there is today no man in the county who occupies a more enviable position in the estimation of the public, not alone by the success he has achieved, but also for the commendable and straightfor- ward policies which he has ever pursued and the blameless life he has lived. He has led a life of noble endeavor, a life not devoid of hardship and failure, but withal successful and happy and one that is calculated to ben- efit any locality, therefore those who know Mr. Higgins are glad to accord him the re- spect due him, and in his old age he has the cheer of loyal friends and the thought that his life has been lived in a manner that has resulted in no evil or harm to anyone. Bryant Higgins, an account of whose in- teresting reminiscences of the early days appears in this work, and who has been one of the leading business and public men in Richland county, who is now living in hon- orable retirement, enjoying a well earned respite, was born in Edwards county, Illi- nois, September 28, 1838. George Hig- gins, grandfather of the subject, was a na- tive of Connecticut, whose father, Willis Higgins, was born in Ireland, and was a follower of Cromwell. When that great leader went down in defeat, Willis Higgins soon afterward emigrated to America, lo- cating at Hartford, Connecticut, where he passed the remainder of his life. He used the prefix "O" to his name, O'Higgins. He was a military man most of his life, belong- ing to the English army. George Higgins. grandfather of our subject, was born in Hartford, Connecticut, and became a tan- ner, which profession he followed for a number of years. He came to Illinois in 1803 with his family, settling where is now Friendsville, Wabash county, then known as Edwards county, which included nearly one- third of the state. All was then wilderness west of the Alleghany Mountains. He was among the . early pioneers of this state. Many hardships were endured on his trip overland. He took up land, cleared and improved farms. He was a typical pioneer of sterling traits. George Higgins was a ICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. RICH LA Her. liavi r Revolutionary soldit iment of Connecticut infantry. 'ing been in a reg- The sub- \ ject has a pair of spectacles which his grandfather wore from Dorchester Heights to Yorktown. It is a relic which he prizes very highly. A well one hundred and fifty feet deep was dug at Friendsville in those days when it was inside of what was then Fort Barney, and George and Ransom Hig- gins, the latter the subject's father, helped dig the same. It is still in use. George Higgins died there at an advanced age. Our subject's father, Ransom Higgins, was born in Hartford, Connecticut, where he was reared, and in this state he married Ann Bullard, a native of South Carolina. In 1800 Ransom Higgins made the long trip over- land on horseback from Hartford to Vin- cennes. Indiana. It was a trip of inspec- tion to the vicinity of what is now Friends- ville for the purpose of finding a place for settlement of a colony which came in 1803, already referred to. He returned to Con- necticut in 1 80 1 and accompanied the colony west two years later. He was a millwright and probably built the first mill in this lo- cality in 1805 on the Embarass river. It was driven by water power. It was located where Billet Station now stands on the Big Four Railway, the mill having been built for a Mr. Brown. The father of our subject is described as a very humane man. He was a man of great physical endurance, six feet and four inches in height and weighed two hundred and seventy pounds. About the time he built the mill referred to he found an Indian in the woods with a broken leg. whom he carried to shelter and nursed. Soon after this the Indian warned him that Brown and his family would be killed. Mr. Higgins urged them to leave the mill and seek shelter, but they refused and were soon afterward killed. Mr. Higgins was after- wards known to the Indians as "Big Medi- cine Man." He was Justice of the Peace for many years, being among the first in the territory. He was also Overseer of the Poor. He was a man of great bravery and courage and made a gallant soldier in the War of 1812, and also in the Black Hawk war, and enlisted for the Mexican war, but was later sent home. He was at the battle of Tippecanoe. His death occurred in 1850 in Edwards county, at the age of sixty-eight years. His faithful life companion, a woman of many fine traits, passed to her rest in Ol- ney at the age of seventy-nine years. They were the parents of eight children, all de- ceased except the subject of this sketch, who was the youngest of the family. Bryant Higgins, our subject, was reared amid pioneer scenes on a farm. He attend- ed subscription and public schools, also had private tutors, and made good use of his opportunity, such as it was in those early days, to secure a fairly good education. He studied civil engineering and surveying un- der a Mr. Sloan, making rapid progress in this line of work, which he followed with gratifying results for many years. He lo- cated in Richland county in 1851, and has since resided here. He did much of the 'early surveying in Richland county and has seen the same develop from the wilderness mOGRAIMIICAL AXD REMINISCENT HISTORY OF to its present high position among the sis- ter counties of this great commonwealth, al- ways doing his just share in the work of progress. Mr. Higgins was one of the loyal sons of the Union who was glad to offer his services under the old flag when the dark days of rebellion came, having been among the ear- liest to enlist in April, 1861, in Company D, Eighth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infan- try, his enlistment having been for three months. The subject and John Lynch were instrumental in organizing Company D, which was the first company organized and mustered from Richland county. After his first term of enlistment had expired he en- listed in Company G, Twenty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he served in a most gallant manner until the close of the war, having been mustered out at Moscow, Tennessee, in 1865. During his service he was in the siege of Corinth and the battles there, also fought at luka. Farmington, the siege of Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge, the siege of Atlanta. He was wounded at Far- mington, Mississippi, May 9, 1862, having been hit in the right elbow by a piece of shell. He was examined for promotion twice and was on General Loomis' staff, but was not commissioned, being orderly ser- geant. Nineteen years after the war closed he was presented with a badge made at Meriden, Connecticut. It was given to Mr. Higgins by Gen. John Mason Loomis, who had it made in recognition of services ren- dered by the subject. The arrangement of the badge commemorates the Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Twentieth Army Corps, the subject having been a member of the Fifteenth, John A. Logan's Corps, which was never defeated, and was never set against a town it did not capture. The old cartridge box of forty rounds became the badge of the Fifteenth Army Corps. After the war Mr. Higgins returned home, having married in 1862 while on a trip to Springfield, Illinois, on military busi- ness. He took up surveying and civil en- gineering and did much work settling old disputed business. In 1892 he was elected County Surveyor, being the only Republican on the ticket elected in a Democratic coun- ty, which fact proved his great popularity in his locality. He has lived in Olney many years and has taken an active interest in the welfare of the community. In the spring of 1907 he was elected a member of the City Council, being the sixth year as a member of the same. He also served one term as City Surveyor. He now lives retired in a beautiful and comfortable home, modern and nicely furnished. The wife of Mr. Higgins was Sarah E. Marney before her marriage, the daughter of Robert and Sarah E. (Morris) Marney, pioneers of Richland county, where Mrs. Higgins was born. Her father was a na- tive of Scotland and her mother was born in Kentucky. The Morris family were great slave owners, bringing them to Illinois, and later freed them here. Colonel Morris, grandfather of Mrs. Higgins, also her father, Robert Marney, were in the War of 1812 and were in the battle of Tippecanoe, Col- RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. onel Morris being wounded there. Robert Marney was the first Probate Judge of Richland county. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins are the parents of five children, four boys and one girl, two of whom are living. Their oldest son. Lew K., is in the employ of the Wells Fargo Ex- press Company at Oakland, California, James, the youngest son, is fireman on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; Edward died in infancy ; Mary died at the age of sixteen years ; Robert was killed in a railroad wreck in Arizona when thirty years old, having been conductor on the Santa Fe Railroad. Mr. Higgins has been a keen and alert man of affairs, and long a man of power in his community. Over half a century has passed since he came to this county and his name is inscribed high on the roll of honored pioneers. JETER C. UTTERBACK. Prominent among the leading journalists of southern Illinois is the well known and highly esteemed gentleman whose name fur- nishes the caption of this article. As editor and proprietor of one of the influential pa- pers in his part of the state he has been a forceful factor in moulding sentiment in his community and directing thought along those lines which make for the enlighten- ment of the public and the highest good of his fellow men. Jeter C. Utterback is a native of Jasper county, Illinois, where his birth occurred on the 8th day of August, 1873. His father, B. C. W. Utterback, a Kentuckian by birth, was the son of Thomas Utterback, who was also a native of the Blue Grass state, and a member of one of the oldest pioneer families of Grayson county. In an early day Thomas Utterback became prominent in the affairs of his county and stood high in the confi- dence and esteem of his fellow citizens. In 1836 he migrated to Illinois and settled in the northwestern part of Richland county, where he also became a local leader and a man of wide influence. He was a farmer by occupation, and in due time accumulated a large and valuable estate in the county of Richland, in which he spent the remainder of his days, dying a number of years ago, deeply lamented by the large circle of friends and acquaintances who had learned to prize him for his sterling worth. B. C. W. Utterback was reared to matu- rity in Richland county, and, like his father, followed agricultural pursuits for a liveli- hood. In the early seventies he disposed of his interests in the county of Richland and removed to Jasper county, where he contin- ued farming and stock raising until 1878, when heturned his land over to other hands and took up his residence in Newton, where he is now living a life of honorable retire- ment. Nancy Ann Hinman, who became the wife of B. C. W. Utterback in January, 1856, was born in Bartholomew county, Indiana, where her father, Titus Hinman, a native of Ohio, settled in an early day. She bore her husband ten children, seven of whom sur- vive, namely : Eva, wife of George E. Hut- son, of Dundas, Illinois; Thomas H., As- sistant State Librarian, who lives in the i:io<;KApmcAi, AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF city of Springfield ; Hester, now Mrs. T. C. Chamberlin, of Newton; Charles C. resides in Salem; Albert L., of Caney, Kansas, where he holds the position of postmaster; M. T., of Newton, and Jeter C., whose name introduces this sketch. Jeter C. Utterback spent his early life in the town of Newton, grew up under the sturdy and invigorating discipline of an ex- cellent home environment and while still a lad laid his plans for the future with the object of becoming something more than a mere passive agent in the world of affairs. In due time he entered the schools of his native place and after attending the same until completing the prescribed course of study, in 1889 began learning the printer's trade in the office of the Newton Mentor, where he made rapid progress and soon became quite proficient, besides obtaining a practical knowledge of other branches of the profession. After mastering the trade he worked for a short time in Webb City, Mis- souri, and then accepted a position in the office of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, where he continued until 1891, when he came to Salem, Illinois, and entered the employ of Mrs. Belle C. Johnson, editress and man- ager of The Republican, with whom he continued until affecting a co-partnership with his brother, T. H. Utterback, for the purchase of a paper four years later. The Republican under the joint manage- ment of the Utterback brothers, continued to make its periodical visits about one year, when the plant passed into the hands of G. C. Harner, the subject going to the town of Carrollton, where he followed his chosen calling until his return to Salem in 1896, when he again became interested in The Re- publican, buying the paper that year from his brother, who in the meantime had suc- ceeded Mr. Harner as editor and proprietor. On becoming sole proprietor of The Repub- lican Mr. Utterback infused new life into the paper and it was not long until its influ- ence began to be felt throughout the county, not only as an able political organ, but as a clean, dignified and popular family paper, through the columns of which appeared all the latest news, also much of the best liter- ature of the day, to say nothing of the numerous productions from the pens of local writers. Since assuming control he has enlarged the paper as well as added to its interest and popularity besides purchasing new machinery, presses and other appliances and thoroughly equipping the office until the plant is now one of the most valuable of the kind in Marion county, and in all that con- stitutes a live up-to-date sheet The Repub- lican compares favorably with any other lo- cal paper in the southern part of the state. Mechanically it is a model of the printer's art, and politically is staunchly and uncom- promisingly Republican, being the official party organ of Marion county, while its in- fluence in directing and controlling current thought in relation to the leading questions and issues of the day has brought it promi- nently to the notice of party leaders through- out the state. As an editorial writer, Mr. Utterback is clear, forceful, elegant, at times trenchant, and in discussing the leading questions be- fore the people he is a courteous but fearless RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. and formidable antagonist. On all matters of public policy he occupies no neutral ground, but fearlessly and honestly advo- cates what he considers to be for the best interest of the people and regardless of con- sequences. In addition to its prominence and influence as a party organ, Mr. Utter- back has endeavored to make his paper answer the purpose of an educational factor and such it has indeed become, as its con- tents, both political and general, tend to improve the mind and cultivate the taste rather than appeal to passion and prejudice, after the manner of too many local sheets. In recognition of valuable political ser- vices as well as by reason of his fitness for the position, Mr. Utterback in February, 1907, was appointed by President Roosevelt, postmaster of Salem, the duties of which responsible position he has discharged with commendable fidelity, proving an able, cour- teous and truly obliging public official. At the time of his appointment the office was in the third class with a salary of $1,700 per year, but since then the business has in- creased to such an extent that it is now a second class office with fair prospects of advancing. Since the establishment of a post-office at Salem many years ago, no young man was appointed postmaster until the honor fell to Mr. Utterback, and to say that he has been praiseworthy of the trust and dis- charged the duties as ably and faithfully as any of his numerous predecessors is to state a fact of which all are cognizant, and which all, irrespective of political alignment, most cheerfully concede. The high esteem in which he is held as an editor, public servant and enterprising citizen, indicate the pos- session of sterling manly qualities and a character above reproach, and that he is destined to fill a still larger place in the pub- lic gaze and win brighter honor with the passing of years, is the belief of his friends and fellow citizens, based, they say, on the able and conscientious manner in which he has fulfilled every trust thus far confided to him. Mr. Utterback, although a young man, has achieved success such as few attain in a much longer career, and the hope the peo- ple of Salem and Marion county entertain for his future seems fully justified and well founded. Mr. Utterback is a splendid type of the intelligent, broadminded American of today, and personally as well as through the me- dium of the press he is doing much to foster the material development and intellectual growth of his city and county, besides exer- cising an active and potential influence in elevating the moral sentiment of the com- munity. He holds membership with the Pythian Lodge of Salem, and has labored earnestly to make the organization answer the purposes which the founders had in view, exemplifying in his daily life and con- duct the beautiful principles and sublime precepts upon which the order is based. He is a believer in revealed religion, and while subscribing to the Methodist faith is not narrow in his views, having faith in the mission of all churches and to the extent of his ability assisting the different organiza- tions of his city, although devoutly loyal to the one with which identified. HIOGKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Mr. Utterback owns one of the most beau- tiful and attractive homes in Salem, which is a favorite resort of the best social circle of the city, and within its walls reigns an air of genuine hospitality which sweetens the welcome extended to every guest that crosses the threshold. The presiding spirit of this attractive domicile is a lady of intel- ligence and gracious presence who presides over the family circle with becoming grace and dignity, and whose popularity is only bounded by the limits of her acquaintance. The maiden name of this estimable woman was Charlotte B. Merritt, and the ceremony by which it was changed to the one she now so worthily bears as the wife and helpmeet of the subject was solemnized on the 2nd day of November, 1898. Mrs. Utterback is the daughter of Hon. T. E. Merritt, of Salem, ex-Senator from Marion county, and a man of influence and high standing both politically and socially. Mr. and Mrs. Ut- terback have one child, a son, Tom C., who was born October 17, 1901, and for whose future his fond parents entertain many ar- dent hopes. ROBERT T. McQUIN. In the pursuit of his business career Mr. McQuin has displayed unfaltering devotion to the principles he has learned to cherish and his honesty and integrity have earned him a place among the representative and staunchest citizens of Marion county, Illi- nois. Robert T. McQuin was born in Johnson county, Indiana, October 16, 1853, the son of William I. McQuin, a native of Kentucky who went to Indiana when a young man. He was a carpenter by trade. He moved from Indiana soon after our subject was born, locating at Oconee, Shelby county, Il- linois, where he lived for three or four years. Then he moved to Salem, Illinois, in July, 1859. The first work he did here was on the Park Hotel, which was built in that year by Amos Clark and which was known then as the Clark House. William I. McQuin continued to live in Salem, where he was regarded as a man of integrity and influ- ence, until his death in October, 1899. The mother of the subject of this sketch was known in her maidenhood as Mary E. Stur- geon, who was a native of Kentucky and a woman of many estimable traits. Her moth- er lived to reach the remarkable age of nine- ty-seven years. One of her brothers was a policeman in St. Louis, Missouri. She died in April, 1908, in Denison, Texas, where she was living with her son, Edwin S. Mc- Quin. The father and mother of the subject were the parents of nine children, five of whom are living. Their names in order of birth follow: Tarlton, deceased; William F., deceased; Robert T., our subject; James S., who is living at New Castle, Indiana, and is secretary and treasurer of the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Company, which is doing an extensive business all over the world; Sarah E., deceased; Agnes, deceased; Ed- win S., living at Denison, Tex., being a con- ductor on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. -'7 Railroad Company's lines: John T., a car- penter, living in St. Louis; May lives with her brother in Denison, Texas. These children all received every advan- tage possible by their parents, who tried to raise them in a wholesome home atmosphere, setting worthy ideals before them at all times. Robert T. McOuin, our subject, lived with his father until he was twenty-five years old. assisting with the work about the place and attending the public schools of Salem, in which he diligently applied himself, and re- ceived a fairly good education. When twen- ty years old he began working as a harness maker and two years later commenced the shoemaker's trade, following this with much success until 1881, when he launched into the shoe business for himself, having con- tinued the same ever since with satisfactory results, building up a large and extensive trade by reason of his honest business prin- ciples and his uniform courtesy to custom- ers. His trade extends to all parts of the county and his store is well known to all the citizens of Salem and surrounding towns for his patrons have learned that he handles the best grade of footwear in the market and always gives good value. He augmented his business in 1889 by adding a complete stock of harness and by doing a general line of re- pair work. He now handles a full line of harness and similar materials. He manufac- tures most all of his heavy harness and some buggy harness, being recognized as the lead- ing dealer in this line in Marion county. Mr. McQuin was happily married to Jen- nie Slack, October 16, 1879, the refined and accomplished daughter of Frederick W. Slack, who lived in Salem at that time. Her family were natives of Kentucky. It was rather singular that this family moved from Kentucky to Oconee, Illinois, and then to Salem simultaneously with the McQuin fam- ily ; however the last move was made a few years after the McQuin family came to Sa- lem. Two children have been born to the subject and wife, namely : Maud, who is the wife of Dwight W. Larimer, in the abstract business in Salem ; Ralph is the second child and a student of the Salem public schools. Mr. McOuin has been twice honored by being elected City Council of Salem. He is associated with his brother-in-law, \Y. S. Slack, in the monument business in Salem, which is also a thriving business, the firm name being R. T. McQuin & Company. Our subject is a Modern Woodman in his fraternal relations and he belongs to the Presbyterian church, having been a consist- ent member of the same for a period of thir- ty-four years in 1908. Mrs. McQuin also subscribes to this faith. Our subject has been a deacon in the church and is now a ruling elder. Mr. McQuin has ever been known as a loyal citizen and has done his share in aid- ing the march of progress and development in this county, and during his residence in Salem his characteristics have won for him recognition as a man of upright dealing and by his many virtues he has won the respect and esteem of his fellow citizens. BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF WALTER C. IRWIN. One of the progressive and well known business men of Salem, Marion county, Illi- nois, is the subject of this sketch, who has spent his life in this vicinity, a life that has been very active and useful, for he has not lost sight of the fact that it is every man's duty to aid in the upbuilding of his county in all lines of development while he is ad- vancing his own interests, and because of the fact that he has ever taken an interest in the public weal, has led an honorable and consistent career, being at present one of the best known druggists of the county, the pub- lishers of this work are glad to give him proper representation here. Walter C. Irwin, of the Salem Drug Com- pany, was born in luka, this county, in Oc- tober, 1866, the son of Dr. J. A. Irwin, a native of Johnson county, Missouri, who came to luka at the close of the war, having been a surgeon in the Confederate army un- der General Price's command. He was at the battle of Wilson's Creek, near Spring- field, Missouri, and also the battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, in addition to many other smaller engagements. He successfully prac- ticed his profession from 1865 to 1905, and is now living at St. Augustine, Florida, where he went in 1905 on account of his health. The mother of the subject was Mary Dubbs, a native of Pennsylvania, who came to Illinois in 1865. She was a woman of many praiseworthy traits and passed to her rest in 1894 at luka. Four children were born to the parents of our subject, named in order of birth as follows : \Valter,subject of this sketch; Byrdie, the wife of Charles A. Bainum, cashier of the First National Bank at Bicknell, Indiana ; J. Max is practicing medicine at St. Augustine, Florida; Maggie Alice died in 1880. Walter Irwin was reared at luka, where he attended the common schools, later tak- ing a course in Lincoln University at Lin- coln, Illinois, which he attended for two years, making a brilliant record as a student. After this he attended the Business Univer- sity at Lincoln for one year, having grad- uated from the same. He then returned to luka and was engaged in general merchan- dising and the drug business until 1894, when he came to Salem and embarked in the drug business. While at luka he was postmaster under Cleveland and resigned to come to Salem, and his father was appointed postmaster in his place. Our subject has been in Salem ever since, with the exception of two years spent as a traveling salesman, when he resided in Bloomington, this state. The Salem Drug Company was organized August 26, 1907. Prior to that time Mr. Irwin owned the store, having established it in 1904, and with the exception of the two years noted he has been continuously identi- fied with it, building up an excellent trade with the people of Salem and the entire coun- ty, as the result of his unusual knowledge of this line of business and his courteous and impartial treatment of cutsomers. Mr. Irwin was married in 1892 to Maggie Stevenson, who was born in Stevenson HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. township, this county, the accomplished daughter of Samuel E. Stevenson, now de- ceased, for whom the township was named. lie was a prominent citizen of the county for many years. One son, a bright and interesting lad, has added cheer and comfort to the home of our subject, who bears the name of Eugene E., and whose date of birth occurred November 5, 1893, while the family was residing at luka. Mr. Invin has prospered as a result of his well directed energies and has considerable business interests besides his drug store, among which may be mentioned a half inter- est in the Fibernie Sweep Clean Company, manufacturers of a preparation for cleaning floors, carpets, etc., the main office being lo- cated at Salem with branches in Springfield, Missouri ; Memphis, Tennessee, and Fort Smith, Arkansas. The business of this con- cern is growing at a rapid stride. Mr. Ir- win is a stockholder and director in the Sa- lem National Bank. He is also proprietor of the White Foam Company, which manu- factures a preparation for cleaning fabrics without rubbing and which at present prom- ises to become in immense demand. Our subject is also a stockholder and director in the Oleite Manufacturing Company, of St. Louis, which manufactures leather dress- ings. Mr. Irwin has served in a most acceptable manner as a member of the Salem Board of Education. In his fraternal relations he is a Mason, a member of the Knights of Py- thias, the American Home Circle, Ben Hur and the Eastern Star, and Mr. and Mrs. Ir- win are members of the Presbyterian church. They live in a modern, comfortable and nicely furnished home, which is presided over with rare grace and dignity by Mrs. Irwin, who often acts as hostess to numerous admiring friends, and every- one who crosses its threshold is made partaker of the good will and hos- pitality that is always unstintingly dis- pensed here, and because of their genuine worth, integrity, uprightness and pleasing manners no couple in Marion county en- joy to a fuller extent the esteem and friend- ship of all classes than our subject and wife. BENJAMIN E. MARTIN, SR. It is safe to venture the assertion that no one attains eminence in business or any pro- fession without passing through a period of more or less unremitting toil, of disappoint- ments and struggles. He who has brought his business to a successful issue through years of work and has established it upon a substantial basis, and yet retains the ap- pearance of youth, who has in his step the elasticity of younger days and shows little trace of worry or care that too often lag the footsteps of the direction of large affairs, must be a man possessed of enviable char- acteristics. Such is a brief word picture of the worthy gentleman whose name forms the caption of this sketch, as he now appears, after a long, active and prosperous business BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF career, the peer of any of his contemporaries in all that enters into the make-up of the suc- cessful man of affairs or that constitutes a leader in important business enterprises. Therefore, by reason of the fact that Mr. Martin has attained worthy prestige as a business man, and also because he was one of the patriotic sons of the North who went forth on many a hard fought battlefield to defend the flag in the days of the Rebellion, and also because of his life of honor, it is eminently fitting that he be given just rep- resentation in a work of the province as- signed to the one at hand. B. E. Martin was born in what was for- merly Estillville. now Gate City. Virginia, February 27, 1845. the son of John S. Mar- tin, also a native of Virginia and the repre- sentative of a fine old Southern family. The father of the subject was Clerk of the Court in his home county for a period of twenty- four years. He moved to Illinois in 1846 and entered government land near Alma, the land that Alma now stands on. He laid out the town of Alma and there went into the mercantile business, in which he remained until the breaking out of the Civil war. He died in that town in 1866. He was a man of unusual business ability and became well known in his community. The mother of the subject was Nancy Brownlow, a native of Virginia. She dide shortly after she moved to Illinois. She is remembered as a woman of gracious personality. Seven chil- dren were born to the parents of our subject, four sons and three daughters, named in 01- der of birth as follows : Eliza, deceased ; Mrs. Nancy Bradford, of Greenville, Illinois, .Emily, deceased; Robert; Mrs. Kate Ben- nett, of Greenville, Illinois; Thompson G., of Salem; B. E., our subject, being the youngest. The father of these children was married three times, his first wife being Ma- linda Morrison, of Estillville, Virginia, to whom three children were born, two dying in infancy, the one surviving becoming Col. James S. Martin, now deceased, who lived to be eighty years of age, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. The sec- ond wife was the mother of the subject of this sketch ; the third wife was Jane See, to whom one child was born, who died in the Philippine Islands. B. E. Martin, Sr., was reared in Alma, this state, remaining there until he was six- teen years of age, attending the local school. When only sixteen years old he could not re- press the patriotic feeling that prompted him to shoulder arms in defense of the nation's integrity, consequently on July 25, 1861, he enlisted in the Fortieth Illinois Volunteer In- fantry. He was in many skirmishes and en- gagements, having fought in the great bat- tle of Shiloh, where his regiment lost two hundred and forty-seven men in the two days' fight, and he was in several small en- gagements as they advanced on Corinth. His brother, Thomas G.. was in every en- gagement and skirmish in which this regi- ment was involved, never being sick a day. and never missing a roll call. He enlisted in 1 86 1 and at the expiration of his term of three years re-enlisted as a veteran and served until the close of the war. Our sub- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. ject had three brothers and one half-brother in the army. After his career in the army Mr. Martin went into the drug business at Greenville, Illinois. He later went to Olathe, Johnson county, Kansas, where he engaged in the same line of business from 1867 to 1869; then he returned to Marion county, Illinois, and resumed the drug business here, in which he remained a short time. Selling out his stock of drugs, he began selling agricultural implements, adding the lumber business in connection with his brother. He made a success of all the lines in his vari- ous locations. In 1877 he established his present business, that of wholesale seeds, in which he has quite an extensive trade, hav- ing become known as the leading seed man in this locality, consequently his trade ex- tends to all parts of the country. He uses the most modern and highly improved ma- chinery for cleaning seeds. Our subject was united in marriage in November, 1866, to Florida Cunningham, who was born and reared in Salem, the daughter of John Cunningham, then a mer- chant of Salem. He was a man of honest principle and influence in his community. Eight children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, one of whom died in infancy, the others are now living in 1908. They are: Mary, the wife of Charles T. Austin, of Indianapolis; B. E., Jr., who is engaged in the general mercantile business in Salem ; Bertha is the wife of John Gibson, living in Manila, Philippine Islands; Nancy is living in Salem; John C. is cashier of the Salem National Bank ; Edith and Gena. The subject has achieved success in an eminent degree owing to his well directed energy and honesty and persistency. He is a stockholder and director of the Salem Na- itonal Bank. He owns a modern, comfort- able and nicely furnished residence. Mr. Martin has served as Supervisor of Salem township. He discharged the duties of this office with his usual business alacrity and foresight. He is a Democrat and has always been active in politics. In his fra- ternal relations he affiliates with the Ma- sons. He also belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, also the Gid- eons. He is an honorary member of the Woodmen, and he is well and favorably known in lodge circles, business life and social relations, being regarded as one of the most trustworthy and substantial citi- zens of Salem and Marion county. Before closing this review it would not be amiss to quote the following paragraph which appeared in a Salem paper some time since under the caption, "A Remarkable Record" : "There resides in this city four brothers who have a record which is remarkable and doubtless without a parallel among their fellow countrymen. They were all soldiers in the Civil war; two enlisting in the Forti- eth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in 1 86 1, and the other two in the One Hundred and Eleventh Regiment of this state in 1862. They participated in every battle in which their respective regiments were engaged. were never in a hospital, and none of them ever received the slightest wound, notwith- 3 2 niOGKAI'HICAL AND KK.MIXISCKXT HISTORY OF standing they were in the thickest of fights where thousands were slain or wounded. At the battle of Shiloh nearly three hundred of the Fortieth Regiment were killed or wounded, but 'Tom' and 'Ben' were among those who came out without a scratch. These four brothers with the remarkable record are James S., Thomas, Robert and Benjamin E. Martin, honorable, substantial citizens of Salem." HON. CHARLES E. HULL. One of the notable men of his day and generation, who has gained success and rec- ognition for himself and at the same time honored his county and state by distin- guished services in important trusts, is Hon. Charles E. Hull, of Salem, who holds worthy prestige among the leading business men of Southern Illinois. Distinct- ively a man of affairs whose broad and liber- al ideas command respect, he has long filled a conspicuous place in the public eye, and as a leader in many important civic enterprises as well as a notable figure in the political arena of his day, he has contributed much to the welfare of his fellow men and at- tained distinction in a field of endeavor where sound erudition, mature judgment and talents of a high order are required. Aside from his honorable standing in pri- vate and public life, there is further pro- priety in according him representation in the work, for he is a native son of Marion county, which has been the scene of the greater part of his life's earnest labors, his home being in the beautiful and attractive little city of Salem, where he it at present the head of a large and important business enterprise, and where he also commands the esteem and confidence of all classes and con- ditions of the populace. Mr. Hull belongs to an old and highly esteemed family that figured in the early history of Kentucky, to which state his great-grandparent, John Hull, emigrated from New Jersey in 1788. Here Samuel Hull was born in 1806. About the year 1815 the Hulls disposed of their interests in the South and migrated to Illinois, settling at Grand Prairie, Clinton county, where John Hull died in 1833. Before his death he sent his son, Samuel, into what is now the county of Marion to a place near the site of Wal- nut Hill, where he, in 1823, at the age of seventeen, attended the first school ever taught in the county. At this time Marion was created from Jefferson county and the young man remained here, marrying in 1831 Lucy, the daughter of Mark Tully, the founder of Salem. He was made Recorder in 1833, which office he held until 1837, when he was made Sheriff, filling the latter position by successive re-elections six terms, the most of the time without opposition. Later in 1849 he was further honored by being elected County Judge, this being un- der the old law which provided for two As- sociate Judges, but Mr. Hull's knowledge of law together with his fitness for the position enabled him to discharge his judicial func- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COTNTIES, ILLINOIS. 33 tions without much assistance from the hon- orable gentleman who occupied the bench with him. He proved an able and judicious judge, and during his incumbency of four years transacted a great deal of business and rendered a number of important decisions, but few of which suffered reversal at the hands of higher tribunals. Shortly after re- tiring from the bench he was appointed by President Pierce postmaster of Salem, and four years later he was reappointed by President Buchanan, holding the position during the latter's administration, and in this, as in the other offices with which he was honored, proving a capable and popu- lar public servant. Samuel Hull was a pronounced Demo- crat and influential member of the party un- till the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he became a Republican and a great admirer of President Lincoln, whom he supported in the election of 1860, and for whom he ever afterward entertained feeling of the most profound regard. He was a prominent fig- ure in the affairs of Marion county for over eighty years, during which period he be- came widely and favorably known, and his influence was always on the side of right as he saw and understood the right. During his later years he lived a life of hon- orable retirement at his beautiful rural home near Salem, having purchased the land from the Government shortly after coming to Marion county, building with his own hands in 1831 a double log house, which still stands the oldest building in Marion county. This sterling citizen and faithful 3 official lived to a good purpose and his mem- ory is cherished as a sacred heritage not only by his immediate family and friends, but by the entire community, all with whom he was accustomed to mingle, feeling his death as a personal loss. He reached a ripe and contented old age and it is a fact worthy of note that he and his faithful wife and helpmeet died the same night after a mutually happy and prosperous wedded ex- perience of fifty-nine years. Samuel Hull and wife were held in high esteem by near- ly every citizen of Marion county, their cir- cle of friends and acquaintances being large and their names familiar sounds in almost every household in both city and country. He served in the Black Hawk war, besides participating in many other exciting strug- gles during the pioneer period, as he was a leader among his fellow men and always stood for law and order, sometimes, too, at his personal risk. The land which he en- tered and improved and on which he spent the greater part of his life is now owned by his grandson, Charles E. Hull. This piece of land, now within the city limits of Sa- lem, has the unique distinction of the few- est transfers, it having been transferred by purchase from Samuel direct to Charles. Erasmus Hull, son of the aforementioned Samuel and father of the subject of this sketch, was born August 31, 1832, in Ma- rion county, Illinois, and spent his entire life near the place of his birth, having for many years been identified with the town of Salem, and a leader in its business and financial interests. He was a merchant and 34 I!I()C,KAIM!ICAI. AXI) KKM I \ ISCKNT HISTORY OF banker and in addition to achieving marked success in those capacities he was also an enterprising man of affairs, public spirited in all the term implies and wielded a strong influence in behalf of all measures and movements having for their object the ma- terial advancement of the community and the social and moral welfare of the people. A leading spirit in the organization of the Salem Bank, in 1869, and one of the orig- inal stockholders, he was a member of the board of directors from that time until his death, and to his mature judgment, sound business ability and familiarity with finan- cial matters were largely due the continued growth and signal success of the institu- tion. He was also interested in the Ma- rion County Loan and Trust Company, the predecessor of the bank, and always kept in close touch with the finances of the state and nation as well as with general business affairs, on all of which he was well in- formed and on not a few was considered an authority. Mr. Hull was the first Supervisor of Sa- lem township, also Chairman of the County Board for a -number of years, besides serv- ing a long time as School Director. In these different capacities he discharged his official duties faithfully and effectively, tak- ing a leading part in educational matters and using his influence in every laudable way to promote the prosperity of the com- munity and the happiness of the people: In addition to his mercantile and financial busi- ness he was quite prominently interested in the manufacture of flour and lumber, be- ginning to operate a mill in 1853, and con- tinuing the business with encouraging sue* cess as long as he lived. He also conducted a large packing house in Salem before the days of trusts and combines and built up an important and far-reaching industry, buying nearly all the hogs in the adjacent country and shipping his meats to the leading mar- kets, where they commanded good prices. He was a man of brain and of practical ideas, combined with solid judgment, wise foresight and he seldom failed in any of his undertakings. In politics he was an un- swerving Democrat, and an influential worker for the success of his party and its candidates, though not a partisan in the sense of aspiring for office. He discharged his duties of citizenship in the spirit becom- ing the progressive and broad minded Amer- ican of the day in which he lived, while the deep interest he manifested in his own lo- cality made him a leader in all laudable en- terprises for its advancement. His career, which was strenuous, eminently honorable and fraught with great good to his fellow men and to the world, terminated with his lamented death on the i6th day of June, 1896, in his sixty-fourth year; his taking off, like that of his father, being keenly felt and widely mourned in the town where he had so long and creditably lived, and where his success had been achieved. Before her marriage Mrs. Erasmus Hull was Dicy Finley. Her father, Rev. William Finley, a well known and remarkably suc- cessful minister of the Cumberland Presby- terian church, came to Marion county in an RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. early day and for many years labored zeal- ously to disseminate the truths of religion among the people and win souls to the higher life. During the years of his activ- ity, he traveled extensively throughout Southern Illinois, preaching and organizing churches, and it is said that the majority of Cumberland Presbyterian societies in the central and southern portions of the state were established by him, while others and weak congregations were strengthened and placed upon solid footing through his ef- forts. Mrs. Hull bore her husband three children and departed this life on May 16, 1903, beloved and respected by all with whom she came in contact. Of her family one of the children died in infancy, Mrs. Mary Bradford being the second in order of birth, and Charles E. Hull, of Salem, the subject of this review, the youngest of the number. On his father's maternal side the subject dates his family history to the earliest set- tlement of Illinois, his great-grandfather, Mark Tully, migrating to what is now Ma- rion county, while the feet of savages still pressed the soil and settling near the site of Salem, where there was no vestage of civili- zation within a radius of eight or ten miles, his rude cabin having been the first human habitation where the thriving seat of justice now stands. He moved here from Indiana and entered a tract of land from which in due time he cleared and developed a farm, and later when the county of Marion was set off and organized, he donated ground for the seat of justice, which was surveyed and platted in 1823, and to which he gave the name of Salem. In honor of the town in the Hoosier state from which he came. He took an active part in the county organiza- tion, was its first Sheriff and held a number of offices from time to time, and to him be- longs the credit of keeping the first tavern in Salem, which appears to have been quite well patronized, while the town was being settled and for eighty years thereafter, being kept after his death by a daughter. He also erected a mill, the first in Salem, which was highly prized by the pioneers for many miles around, although a primitive affair equipped with the simplest kind of machin- ery, and originally operated by means of a sweep. Later it was somewhat improved and operated by horses or oxen in what was called a tread, but after the lapse of several years the original structure was remodeled, a large addition built, and new and im- proved machinery' installed, and steam power introduced, this being the first mill in the county to be run by steam. Mr. Tully was a true type of the sturdy, strong willed pioneer of his day. He was energetic, pub- lic-spirited, distinctively a man of affairs, and to him as much perhaps as to any other, is the town of Salem indebted for the im- petus which added so materially to its growth and prosperity. As a leader among the pioneers of his time, he did a work that few could accomplish and wielded an influ- ence which had a decided effect in establish- ing the social status of the community upon a high moral plane. After a long and useful career he was called from the scenes of his BIOC.RAl'HTCAL AX1) RKM1XISCF.XT HISTORY OF earthly struggles and triumphs in the year 1867, leaving a number of descendants, some of whom still live in Marion county, and are among the substantial and respected people of the communities in which they re- side. Hon. Charles E. Hull was born Novem- ber 7, 1862, in Salem, and spent his early years like the majority of town lads, assist- ing his parents where his services were re- quired, and during certain months pursuing his studies in the public schools. While a mere child, he evinced a decided taste for books and his progress in his studies was so rapid that he completed the high school course and was graduated at the early age of fourteen, standing among the best stu- dents in the class of 1877. Actuated by a laudable desire to add to his scholastic knowledge he subsequently entered the Southern Illinois Normal University, at Carbondale, where he took the full classical course, which he finished in three years, one year less than the prescribed time, graduat- ing in 1880 with the class honors. Shortly after receiving his degree from the above institution Mr. Hull engaged in merchandising at Salem, continued to the present time a business established by Sam- uel and Erasmus Hull, in 1853, and since that time his life has been very closely iden- tified with the business interests and general prosperity of the town, in addition to which he has conducted several mercantile estab- lishments at other points and become a prominent figure in the public life of Marion county, and the state at large. Possessing sound sense, well balanced judgment, and a natural aptitude for business, his mercantile experience soon passed the experimental stage and within a comparatively brief pe- riod he built up a large and lucrative patron- age, and became one of the best known and most popular merchants of the town. Ad- vancing with rapid strides and outstripping all of his competitors, he was soon induced to project his business enterprises into other parts, accordingly, as already indicated, he established stores in various towns and vil- lages of the county, and at one time had five of these establishments in successful op- eration in addition to his large general mercantile house in Salem, all of .which proved successful and in due season made him one of the financially solid and reliable men of Marion county. After some years he closed out two of his stores but he still retains the other three, two in Salem and one in Kinmundy, and enjoys a well merited reputation as one of the most enterprising and successful business men in the southern part of the state. In addition to his large mercantile inter- ests Mr. Hull is connected with other im- portant business enterprises, having been a director of the Salem bank since 1895, and cashier of the institution during the years 1906-7, and in 1889 he organized the Salem Creamery, which he operated for a period of fifteen years, during which time he did an extensive and lucrative business, using as high as twenty thousand pounds of milk per RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. day, and making a brand of butter for which there was always a great demand. By rea- son of indifference on the part of the farm- ers in the matter of supplying milk, Mr. Hull disposed of the creamery at the expira- tion of the period indicated, the better to de- vote his attention to his other interests, which have become important and far reach- ing in their influence, adding much to the material prosperity of the city and to his fame as a leading spirit in business circles. Among the various enterprises of which he is the head, is the Salem Brick Mill, which, under the firm name of Hull & Draper, has become one of the successful industrial con- cerns of the place, also the Hull Telephone System, established in 1898, and of which he is sole proprietor. This important and much valued enterprise, one of the best of the kind in Illinois, extends to all parts of Marion county, connecting all the towns and villages and numerous private residences, besides having connection in the adjoining counties, thus bringing Salem in close touch with all the leading cities of the state and nation, and proving of inestimable value to the people as well as to the business interests of the various points on the line. Under the personal management of Mr. Hull, who has operated the plant ever since it was estab- lished, the system has been brought to a degree of efficiency second to no other. Since the year 1894, Mr. Hull has owned The Salem Herald Advocate, the oldest newspaper in Marion county, the history of which dates from 1853. The paper origin- ally was established by John W. Merritt, and since the above year has been the best patronized and most successful sheet in Ma- rion county, and one of the most influential in Southern Illinois, being the official organ of the local Democracy, and a power in the political affairs of this part of the state. Un- der the management of Mr. Hull it has steadily grown in public favor, and now has a large and continually increasing subscrip- tion list, a liberal advertising patronage, and with an office well equipped with the latest machinery and devices used in the art pre- servative, and its columns teeming with the news of the day as well as with able discus- sions of the leading questions and issues upon which men and parties are divided, it promises to continue in the future as it has been in the past, a strong influence in politi- cal affairs and a power in moulding and di- recting opinion on matters of general in- terest to the people. Aside from the various enterprises enu- merated, Mr. Hull for a number of years was quite extensively interested in the San- doval Coal and Mining Company, of which he was general manager until disposing of his shares in the concern, and he is now and long has been one of the largest holders of real estate in Marion county, being an en- terprising and up-to-date agriculturist. In the midst of his numerous and pressing du- ties, he finds time to devote to other than his individual affairs, being interested in the community and its advancement and in all worthy enterprises for the good of his fel- low men. Ever since arriving at the years of manhood he has been a leading factor in BIOGKAIMIICAl. AND RKM I N ISC K XT HISTORY OF public matters, and in a material way has been untiring in his efforts to promote the prosperity of Salem and Marion county, tak- ing an active interest in all movements and measures with this object in view besides in- augurating and carrying to successful issue many enterprises which have tended greatly to the general welfare of the community. In political matters and kindred subjects he has not only been interested but has risen to the position of leader. He has been a life-long Democrat, and since his twenty-first year has exercised a strong influence in the polit- ical affairs of Marion county, and became widely and favorably known in party circles throughout the state, a prominent figure in local, district and state conventions, he has borne a leading part in making platforms, formulating policies ; as a campaigner, he is a judicious adviser in the councils of his party, a successful worker in the ranks, and to him as much if not more than to any other man in Marion county, is the party in- debted for its success in a number of ani- mated and exciting political contests. In 1896 Mr. Hull was elected to repre- sent the Forty-second Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Clay, Washing- ton, Marion and Clinton, in the Upper House of the State Legislature, in the cam- paign of which memorable year he ran far in advance in his home town of any other can- didate on the Democratic ticket, receiving more votes than were polled for William Jennings Bryan, the popular head of the na- tional ticket, and the idol of Democracy. Mr. Hull's career in the General Assembly was eminently honorable, and he took high rank as an industrious and useful member, who spared no effort in behalf of his con- stituents, besides laboring earnestly and faithfully for the general good of his state. In 1904 he was renominated by his party, and in the ensuing election his Republican competitor withdrew from the race, it being evident that he would be overwhelmingly de- feated. The district that year was com- posed of the counties of Marion, Clay, Clin- ton and Effingham. In the senate he be- came the minority leader, and in addition to serving on a number of important com- mittees, took an active part in the general deliberations of the chamber, participating in the discussions and debates, and to him belongs the credit of leading in the fight for a direct primary, also of being the only mi- nority leader who ever succeeded in holding his party together on minority legislation. Mr. Hull's senatorial experience is replete with duty ably and faithfully performed, and such was the interest he manifested for his district that he won the confidence and good will of the people irrespective of po- litical alignment, all of whom speak in praise of his honorable course and the broad enlightenment spirit which he displayed throughout his legislative career. As already stated he is a familiar figure in the conven- tions of his party, both local and state, and for a period of twenty-eight years he has not missed attending a Democratic national convention. For several years Mr. Hull owned and occupied the place where Mr. Bryan was RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 39 born, but after the campaign of 1896 he sold it to Mr. Bryan, between whom and himself the warmest friendship has ever prevailed. The two were classmates when they at- tended high school, since which time they have labored for each other's interests, and as stated above, their attachment is stronger and more enduring than the ordinary ties by which friends are bound together. Mr. Hull has served the people of his city as School Director, and for a period of two years he was president of the Inter-State In- dependent Telephone Association, besides being for a number of years a member of the executive committee. He also served for a series of years on the executive commit- tee for the operators on the scale of agree- ment, with the United Mine Workers of America, a position of great responsibility and delicacy, as is indicated by the fact of his having devoted one hundred and twelve days in one year to the settlement of wage scales and of disputes between the contend- ing parties, besides having been called upon repeatedly to adjust differences and har- monize conflicting interests, which arose from time to time, between the two organi- zations. The domestic chapter in the life of Mr. Hull dates from May 10, 1883, when he was happily married to Miss Lulu Ham- mond, the accomplished and popular daugh- ter of Hon. J. E. W. Hammond, the latter a prominent merchant and influential politician of Marion county, Illinois, who served in the Legislature, on the County Board of Supervisors, and for many years was one of the public spirited men and rep- resentative citizens of Salem. On her mother's side Mrs. Hull traces to the Lov- ells and Hensleys, who were among the earliest settlers of Marion county, as is men- tioned elsewhere in this volume. Senator Hull's beautiful and attractive home on North Broadway, the finest and most de- sirable private dwelling in the city, is brightened and rendered doubly attractive by the presence of two intelligent and in- teresting daughters, namely: Lovell, born January 8, 1888, and Louise, whose birth occurred on the 3ist day of May, 1897, these with their parents constituting a happy and almost ideal domestic circle. Senator Hull's fraternal association rep- resents the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks', the Knights of Pythias, Inde- pendent Order of Red Men, and the Modern Woodmen, in all of which he has been an active and influential worker, besides being honored with important official positions from time to time. In the midst of his many strenuous duties as a business man and public servant, the Senator has not neg- lected the higher obligations which man owes to his Maker, nor been unmindful of the claims of the Christian religion to which deep and absorbing subject he has devoted much profound study and investi- gation, and in the light of which he has been led into the straight and narrow way which leads to a higher state of being here, and to eternal felicity beyond death's mys- tic stream. Subscribing to no human creeds or man-made doctrines, he takes the BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Holy Scriptures alone for his rule of faith and practice, and as an humble and consist- ent member of the Christian, or Disciple, church, demonstrates by his daily life the beauty and value of the faith which he pro- fesses. He has been identified with the re- ligious body since his young manhood, and for more than twenty years has been the able and popular superintendent of the Sunday school, besides filling other official stations. Mrs. Hull is also a faithful and devout Christian, an active member of the church, and deeply interested in all lines of good work under the auspices of the same. Since her fourteenth year she has been the accom- plished organist of the congregation in Sa- lem, as well as an efficient and enthusiastic teacher in the Sunday school. Senator Hull is a liberal contributor to benevolent enter- prises, and it was through his initiation and influence that the present handsome temple of worship used by the Christian church, was erected, his contributions to the build- ing fund being twenty-five dollars for every one hundred dollars contributed by the con- gregation. In addition to his munificence already noted, the Senator has given largely to various worthy objects of which the world knows nothing, in this way exempli- fying the spirit of the Master, by not letting the left hand know what the right hand doeth, or in other words, doing good in secret in the name of the Father who hath promised to reward such actions openly. Senator Hull is a splendid specimen of well rounded, symmetrically developed, vi- rile manhood, with a commanding presence and a strong personality, being six feet in height, weighing two hundred and thirty- four pounds, and moving among his fellows as one born to leadership. He is a notice- able figure in any crowd or assemblage, and never fails to attract attention, not only by his powerful physique, but by the amiable qualities of mind and heart, which show in his face, and always make his presence pleas- ing to all beholders. He has directed his life along lines which could not fail to ef- fect favorably the physical as well as the mental man, having from his youth been singularly free from thoughts which lower and degrade self-respect, and from those in- siduous habits which pollute the body and debase the soul, and which today are prov- ing the destruction of so many young men of whom better things have been expected. Mr. Hull is a total abstainer in all the term implies, having never tasted, much less taken a drink of any kind of intoxicants, nor used tobacco in any of its forms; neither has he ever taken the name of God in vain. He is pleasing and companionable, a favorite in the social circle, and a hale and hearty spirit, whose presence inspires good humor, and who believes in legitimate sports and pas- times and in the idea that fret and worry are among the greatest enemies of happi- ness. With duties that would crush the ordi- nary man, he has his labors so systematized that he experiences little or no inconveni- ence in doing them. He believes in rest and recreation and is an advocate of vacations, and he invariably takes one every summer, HIGHLAND. CLAY AND MARION CO1/XTIES, ILLINOIS. but not in the manner that many do, by locking his office and hieing away to the seaside, lake or forest, to spend the season in tiresome sports. His vacations, which are always enjoyable, are spent in the hay- field, where he finds the recreation condu- cive to good health and a contented mind. Personally Mr. Hull is a gentleman of unblemished reputation, and the strictest in- tegrity and his private character and im- portant trusts have always been above re- proach. He is a vigorous as well as an independent thinker, a wide reader, and he has the courage of his convictions upon all subjects which he investigates. He is also strikingly original and fearless, prosecutes his researches after his own peculiar fash- ion, and cares little for conventionalism or for the sanctity attaching to person or place by reason of artificial distinction, tradition or the accident of birth. He is essentially cosmopolitan in his ideas, a man of the peo- ple in all the term implies, and in the best sense of the word a representative type of that strong American manhood, which commands and retains respect by reason of inherent merit, sound sense and correct con- duct. He has so impressed his individuality upon his community as to win the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens and be- come a strong and influential power in lead- ing them to high and noble things. Measured by the accepted standard of ex- cellence, his career, though strenuous, has been eminently honorable and useful, and his life fraught with great good to his fel- lows and to the world. WILLIAM H. DILLMAN. William H. Dillman, the well known president of the Clay County State Bank at Louisville, Illinois, was born in Oskaloosa township, on the family homestead, where he grew to manhood. The date of his birth was July 14, 1867. He is the son of Louis Dillman, a native of Kentucky, who came to Illinois when fourteen years old and set- tled in Oskaloosa township on a farm, where he lived for many years. He is now retired, making his home in Louisville. He was formerly president of the State Bank and is well known in the county as a man of much ability. Vachel Dillman, grand- father of the subject, was also a native of Kentucky, who came to this state at an early day and developed a good farm. The subject's mother was Harriett B. Smith, whose people were natives of Tennessee, where she was born. She is still living. Eleven children were born to the subject's parents, namely: Dr. Asa E., of Steuben, Wisconsin; Mrs. Mary E. Graham, of Os- kaloosa township; Mrs. Sarah E. Burdick, of Oskaloosa township; William H., our subject; Dr. J. V., at Ingraham, Illinois; Lillie M., now deceased; Mrs. Ida Steeley, a i Louisville, this county ; Mrs. Delia Mont- gomery, also of Louisville; Dora, deceased; Polly Ann, deceased; Henry, deceased. William H. Dillman was united in mar- riage in 1898 to Cora P. Brown, the refined r.nd accomplished daughter of P. P. Brown, of Louisville, Illinois, and two children have been born to this union, namely : Howard B. BIOGRAPHICAL AND KK.M IN ISCKNT HISTORY OF and Robert V., ten and five years old re- spectively at this writing, 1908, both bright and interesting lads. Mr. Dillman acquired a good common school education, and after spending three years at the State Normal, at the Union Christian College of Merom, Indiana, and at the Orchard City College at Flora, Illi- nois, where he graduated with honors, Mr. Dillman entered the law office of Hagle & Shriner in that city, and in 1896 was ad- mitted to the bar, since which time he has been ranked as one of the leading lawyers of Clay county, and has built up an excellent business, practicing in all the courts in this and adjoining counties with great success. When Judge Farmer, now one of the Su- preme Judges of the state of Illinois, was on the bench of this, the Forty-second Senato- rial District, he selected Mr. Dillman as the Master in Chancery of this county. Later on, upon the death of William H. Hudelson, Mr. Dillman, by the terms of the will, was made the executor, the will conveying to him in trust for twenty years money and property representing over two hundred thousand dollars. No better testimony of confidence in a man's integrity has ever been paid to a citizen of this county. Mr. Dillman was Master in Chancery for six years. The directors of the Clay County State Bank elected him president of that institution in the summer of 1908. He was the Democratic nominee for Rep- resentative from this district in 1908, but was defeated. He has always been a stanch Democrat and has taken an active part in his county's affairs. Fraternally he is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows, the Home Circle. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dillman are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Dillman, busy with the management of the bank, which he gives the most care- ful attention and which is regarded as one of the solidest banks of the southern part of the state, finds insufficient time to carry on his law practice, although it is not entirely abandoned. Mr. Dillman throughout his ca- reer has been very active, progressive and de- termined, carrying forward in successful completion whatever he has undertaken in a business way. Mr. Dillman attributes a very large measure of his success to his many and faithful friends. He is clearly entitled to be classed among the leading citi- zens of Clay county a man whose strong individuality is the strength of integrity, vir- tue and deep human sympathy and no one has more friends than he throughout the district. H. T. PACE. A happy combination of characteristics is possessed by the honorable gentleman of whom the biographer now essays to write. for he has shown during his long residence in Salem, Marion county, Illinois, that he is a man of rare business acumen, foresight and sagacity, at the same time possessing lauda- ble traits of character such as integrity, in- dustry, sobriety and kindliness; these, com- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. bined with his public spirit and model home life, have resulted in winning for Mr. Pace the unqualified esteem of all who know him. H. T. Pace was born one and one-half miles south of Salem on a farm, February 3, 1850, and, believing that better opportu- nities awaited him right here at home, he early decided to cast his lot with his own people rather than seek uncertain success in other fields, and, judging from the pro- nounced success which has attended his sub-- sequent efforts, one must conclude that he made a wise decision. The subject's father was George W. Pace, a native of Kentucky, who came to Jefferson county, Illinois, when a young man, but soon after locating here he moved to Marion county, where he engaged in farming, later in the furniture business, having spent many years in this; he also learned the tailor's trade and conducted a tailor shop for a time soon after coming here. He was a man of considerable force and influence, honest, hard working and hospitable, who spared no pains in rearing his family in the best pos- sible manner, always holding out high ideals and lofty aims. He was noted as a great story teller as well as a kindly, neighborly man. He was born December 18, 1806, and passed to his rest June i, 1867. He was one of the oldest pioneers of Marion county, be- ing one of the best known and most beloved men in the county and familiarly called "Un- cle George." The mother of the subject, whose birth oc- curred oh the same day of the month as that of her husband, December i8th, in the year 1808, was known in her maidenhood as Ta- bithia J. Rogers, a native of Tennessee, the representative of a fine old Southern fam- ily, and she "crossed over the mystic river" to join her worthy life companion on the other shore February 26, 1881, at the age of seventy-three years, after closing a serene and beautiful life of the noblest Christian at- tributes and wholesome influence. One of the most commendable traits in our subject was his devotion to his mother, with whom he lived until her death, joyfully administer- ing to her every want and sacrificing much in his own life that she might be comfortable and happy. Nine children were born to the parents of the subject, only three of whom are living at this writing, 1908. The living are: O. H. Pace, of Mount Vernon, Illinois, at the age of sixty-eight years; Mrs. O. E. Tryner, living at Long Beach, California, at the age of sixty years; H. T., our subject. The parents of the subject were married May 13. 1830. H. T. Pace remained under his parental roof-tree during the lifetime of his parents. He attended the common schools in Salem, where he diligently applied himself and re- ceived a good education. However, thirst- ing for more knowledge, he attended college at Jacksonville, Illinois, for a short time. The stage having allurements and he having nat- ural talents as a comedian, he traveled for three years with some of the best companies on the road as a black-face comedian, win- ning wide notoriety through this medium. Tiring of the stage, he went to Denver in 1880, where he clerked for a while in a jew- 44 I!IO<;i<;KAPHICAL AND RKMIXISCKXT HISTORY OF farm, of which he was one of the principal supporters. The major portion of his neighbors were Indians when he first came to this county, and the woods and prairies teemed with wild game of nearly all species and varieties. There were but few settle- ments in the county at that time. The green flies were so thick and aggressive that people could not cross the prairies in the day time during part of the year. He man- aged this farm until his death which then fell to his heirs. All of the second genera- tion of Howells have passed on to their rest. Asa Warren, father of our subject, came from Tennessee to Illinois when a young man and entered land from the government. He sold out in time and moved to Texas where he died when fifty-five years of age, being survived by four children, three of whom were boys. He was a man of much influence, integrity and force of character. He was a gallant soldier in the Mexican war, having served until peace was declared after which he returned to Illinois. He fol- lowed farming all his life. Both he and his wife belonged to the old school Baptists. The subject's mother was called to her rest at about the age of forty years. She was a kindly and good woman in every respect. Henry Warren, our subject, was reared in Marion county, Illinois, having attended the common and district schools, part of the time in old log school-houses with their primitive furnishings. He worked most of the year on his father's farm during his school days. He was about twelve years old when he accompanied his father to Texas, and he returned from the Lone Star state to Illinois one year after his father's death, the home place in Texas having been sold. Then our subject worked out as a farm hand, sometimes receiving only eight dol- lars a month, continuing as a farm hand for twelve years. He then rented land for two years. Then he married and bought eighty acres of land which he improved and made into a good farm on which he lived for about thirty-eight years, which were prosperous, in the main, and during which he laid up a competency for the future. From time to time he added to his original eighty until he finally had eight hundred acres, all of which was in cultivation and kept in a high state of improvement and efficiency. He drained this large tract of land and securely fenced it with wood and wire. Substantial and modern buildings, a large dwelling, two barns and other out buildings were erected, and the place, which Mr. Warren still owns, is one of Marion county's model farms. While he still looks after the farm he keeps it rented. When our subject gave his personal attention to this place it was in somewhat better condition and he devoted him time largely to grass and stock. Mr. Warren moved to Kinmundy in 1896 and one year later opened under the most favorable auspices what is known as the Warren Banking Company's establishment, which met with instantaneous success and is today regarded as one of the most sub- stantial and safest institutions of its kind in this part of the state. He is president RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 77 of the same, having filled this position with much credit to his ability and the satisfac- tion of the many patrons of the bank since its establishment. His son, Henry L., who was made cashier at the organization of the concern, is still ably attending to these duties. Mr. Warren owns the substantial building in which the business of the firm is conducted. He also owns a large, com- fortable, modern and elegantly furnished dwelling house besides other buildings on the same street where he lives in Kinmundy. He deserves much credit for the wealth he has amassed partly because of the fact that he started life empty handed and has made it unaided, and partly because he has not a single dishonest dollar in his possession, hav- ing always been scrupulously honest in his dealings with his fellow men. During the last panic and bank depression his was the only bank that kept open in the county. Mr. Warren was first married in 1867 to Mary C. Nichols, a native of this county, the accomplished daughter of Robert Nichols, and to this union the following children were born : William, born October 6, 1868, now a farmer and minister in Jef- ferson county, Illinois, to whom two chil- dren were born; Harry L., born September i, 1871, is living in Kinmundy associated with his father in the banking business, and who is married and the father of one child ; Charley W., born March 21, 1874, is as- sistant cashier in the bank, being married and the father of one child, Lowel F., born October 27, 1897. Mr. Warren's first wife passed to her rest in 1903, and the subject was again married in 1906, his last wife being Ida Shriver, a native of Marion county and the daughter of William Schriver, who was a native of Ohio. One child has been born to this union, May Margaret, whose date of birth fell on January 14, 1908. Mr. Warren was one of the patriotic de- fenders of the flag during the dark days of the sixties when the fierce fires of rebellion were undermining the pillars of our national government, and he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he served with credit and distinction to the close of the war and was honorably discharged. He draws a disability pension of twelve dollars. One brother, Larkin A. Warren, was also a sol- dier, having been a member of Sixth Mis- souri Cavalry. He died at New Orleans while in the army, after having served out his first enlistment of three years, and it was toward the close of the struggle when he was attacked by a disease while in line of duty from which he did not recover. Our subject is a loyal Republican and in religious affiliations is a liberal subscriber and supporter of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Warren's methods are progressive and he is quick to adopt new ideas which he be- lieves will prove of practical value in his work. Indolence and idleness are entirely foreign to his nature and owing to his close application to his business and his honorable methods he has won prosperity that is richly merited, while he enjoys the friendship and esteem of the people of Marion county. IHOC.KAPHICAL AXI) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF FRANK A. BOYNTON. Through struggles to triumph seems to be the maxim which holds sway for the ma- jority of our citizens and, though it is un- deniably true that many a one falls ex- hausted in the conflict, a few by their in- herent force of character and strong men- tality rise above their environments and all which seems to hinder them until they reach the plane of affluence. It is not the weaklings that accomplish worthy ends in the face of opposition but those with nerve and initiative whose motto is, "He never fails who never gives up," and with this terse aphorism ever in view, emblazoned on the pillar of clouds, as it were, before them, they forge ahead until the sunny summits of life are reached and they can breath a breath of the purer air that inspires the souls of men in respite. Such has been the history of Frank A. Boynton and in his life record many useful lessons may be gained. Mr. Boynton was born four miles east of Salem in Stevenson township, April 18, 1 86 1, the son of John Boynton, a native of Haverhill, Scioto county, Ohio, who came to Illinois about 1859, settling on the farm on which his widow now resides. John Boyn- ton was a prosperous and influential farmer all his life. He ably served as school di- rector of Stevenson township for many years, and after a very successful and useful life he passed away in 1900. The grandfather of the subject on his pa- ternal side was Asa Boynton, who was a native of Haverhill, Massachusetts, who mi- grated to Ohio in an early day and settled on the French "grant" in Ohio, and the place where he settled was named Haverhill, after the Massachusetts town from whence he came. He was, like many of the early pioneers, a man of sterling qualities, brave and a hard worker. The subject's mother was Eliza Copen- hagen, born near Ironton, Ohio, on the land where the town is situated. Her people came from Virginia, having been among the fine old Southern families who migrated from that state to Ohio in the early days. She has made her home on the old home- stead in Stevenson township from that time to the present day, and there she is held in highest esteem by a host of acquaintances and friends. Eight children were born to Mr. and .Mrs. John Boynton, six of whom are living at this writing (1908). Their names are: Asa died when fourteen years old; Frank, our subject; Elmer, of Salem, Illinois ; Lucy who passed to her rest in 1905; Loren K., of Ruleville, Mississippi; John Ellis, who lives with his mother in Stevenson township; Delmont, who lives in Stevenson township on a farm joining the parental homestead ; Ida, who lives with her mother. Frank A. Boynton, our subject, spent his boyhood under the parental roof and re- ceived his primary education in the Bru- baker school in Stevenson township. He worked on the farm during his young man- hood and he has ahvavs been identified with HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 79 farming interests ; he now owns a fine farm, highly improved and very productive, lo- cated in the northern part of Stevenson township. It consists of over five hundred acres, and no more choice land is to be found in this locality. He went to Wheeler, Jasper county, Illinois, in 1891, and was a storekeeper and gauger there where he re- mained for two years, making a success of his enterprise, but he returned to his farm in Stevenson township and in about 1903 came to Salem and is now engaged in the real estate and loan business with offices in L. M. Kagy's law office. He helped organ- ize the Salem State Bank of which he is a heavy stockholder and director. He operated a threshing machine for twelve years with great success in Stevenson township, and he has been a stock shipper the greater part of his life. Thus we see that Mr. Boynton has been a very busy man, and also one that had unusual executive ability else he could not have carried to successful issue so many ex- tensive enterprises. Our subject was married in 1892 to Anna Stevenson, daughter of Samuel E. Steven- son, a well known family of Stevenson township. One winsome child was born to this union, Gladys. At the time of his mar- riage Mr. Boynton was living on his farm. His first wife was called to her rest Febru- ary 1 6, 1897, ar >d our subject was again married May 17, 1906, his last wife being Ethel Stevenson. No children have been born to this union. Mrs. Boynton presides over their modern, commodious, beautiful and elegantly furnished home on South Broadway with rare grace and dignity, and she is frequently hostess to numerous ad- miring friends of the family. Possessing the executive skill and pleas- ing personality that our subject does, it is not surprising that his friends should have singled him out for political preferment, consequently he has been honored with nu- merous local offices, all of which he has ably and creditably filled to the entire satisfac- tion of all concerned. He has served as Clerk of Stevenson township and later served two terms as Supervisor of that town- ship. He is now city Alderman from the Second ward of Salem. Useless to say our subject is a loyal Republican, and he was at one time the nominee of his party for Sher- iff, and at another time for Treasurer, but was defeated. He, however, made a most ex- cellent race, being defeated by only a few votes, although the county is strongly Demo- cratic. He is, indeed, a public-spirited citizen and witholds his co-operation from no move- ment which is intended to promote public improvement. What he has achieved in life proves the force of his character and illus- trates his steadfastness of purpose. He is now one of the men of affluence and his advancement to a position of credit and honor in the business circles of Marion county is the direct outcome of his own persistent and worthy labors, and it would be hard to find a more popular or congenial gentleman in this section of the state than Mr. Boynton. 8o riOC.KAPIIICAL AND REMIX ISCKXT HISTORY OF JAMES F. HOWELL. Examine into the life records of the self- made men and it will always be found that indefatigable industry forms the basis of their success. True there are other elements that enter in perseverance of purpose and keen discrimination which enable one to recognize business opportunities, but the foundation of all achievement is earnest, per- sistest labor. This fact was recognized at the outset of his career by the worthy gen- tleman whose name forms the caption of this article and he did not seek to gain any short or wondrous method to the goal of prosper- ity. He began, however, to work earnestly and diligently in order to advance himself in the business world, at the same time do- ing what he could for the welfare of the community at large, and as a result of his habits of industry, public spirit, courteous demeanor and honorable career he enjoys the esteem and admiration of a host of friends in Marion county, where he has long maintained his home and where he is known as one of the representative citizens of the great state of Illinois. James F. Howell was born in Marion county, this state, March 25, 1840, and he has elected to spend his entire life on his na- tive heath, believing that better opportuni- ties were to be found at home than in other and distant fields of endeavor. He is the son of Jackson D. and Agnes (Gray) How- ell. Grandfather Howell came to Illinois from Tennessee in 1825, settling in this county, having taken up land from the gov- ernment, eighty acres at the time of his com- ing. He afterward bought one hundred and twenty acres more from the government, a part of which was timbered and a part was on the prairie. He cleared the timber land, this being the part he first purchased, clear- ing and farming the timbered land first. There were not any settlements on the prai- rie at that time, all the settlements there were then being in the timbered lands. The first Monday in May each year was wolf day. All the settlers gathered on that day and made a general drive, often taking large numbers of prairie wolves. There were also large numbers of deer at that time and our subject has helped kill as many as forty or fifty at one time. Grandfather Howell lived on the land he secured from the government during the rest of his life, being known as one of the strongest characters of those pioneer times. He reached the age of eighty-five years, his wife having been called to rest at the age of fifty. There were ten children in this family, all of whom lived to maturity and reared families of their own. The subject's grandfather was the fifth in order of birth. Two of these children lived to be over eighty years of age. The others lived to be about seventy. The subject's father obtained what little education he could in the district schools of this county; however, there was but little op- portunity for schooling at that time. He worked on his father's farm until after he reached maturity, then he pre-empted land, and lived on it, finally owning three hundred and sixty acres, mostly prairie land, on which he carried on general farming. He made his home on this land during the rest RICHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 8l of his life, owning it at the time of his death. He died while on the road home from Cali- fornia. His remains were brought to Kin- mundy and laid to rest. He was a man of fine personal traits and exercised much in- fluence in the upbuilding of his community. There were ten children in this family, six of whom lived to maturity. Mr. Howell's first wife was called to her rest at the age of forty-one, and he was again married. To this union two children were born, one liv- ing, in 1908. The mother of the subject was born in Tennessee and was brought to Illi- nois by her parents when about six years old. James F. Howell, our subject, was born about one and one-half miles from where he now lives. The home he owns and oc- cupies is the fourth one in which he has lived since leaving his father's old home- stead. Our subject now owns twenty-six acres of the original purchase by his father from the government. He has always de- voted his time to agricultural pursuits, own- ing at this writing one hundred and six acres of as good farming land as may be found in the county, being kept in a high state of productiveness, general farming be- ing carried on in a manner that stamps the subject as one of the foremost farmers in this locality. Mr. Howell was married in 1858 to Isabel J. Robb, who was born in the township where she has always lived, being a repre- sentative of a well known and highly re- spected people. Her people came from Ten- nessee, being among the earliest settlers in 6 this county. Mrs. Howell was called to her reward February 3, 1907, at the age of sixty-six years, after a harmonious and beautiful Christian life. The children born to this union are named in order of birth as follows: Arminda H., born June 18, 1859, is the wife of H. A. Brown, and the mother of eight children: Reufinia E., born February 24, 1861, is the wife of Benjamin Garrett and the mother of five children; Leander, born April 24, 1863, who became the father of four children, is deceased ; Ida M. and Nettie, twins, were born September 23, 1866, the latter dying when four years old, the former becoming the wife of G. C. Warner; Charles H., born January 24, 1869, is married and has three children : Samuel E., born January 12, 1871, is married and has one child; Ellis M., born January 12, 1875, is married; Eva M., born November 14, 1877, became the wife of Lloyd Perrill and is the mother of two chil- dren : James E., born August 5, 1880, is married and has one child. He now lives in Roumania, in the employ of the Standard Oil Company. The subject has been twice married, hav- ing been united in the bonds of wedlock with his second wife February 20, 1908, his last wife being Martha Anglin, a native of this county, her people having come from Ten- nessee in 1839. The maternal grandfather of the subject's wife came from Ireland and her father's people from Scotland, first set- tling in Alabama, later moving to Tennessee and then to Illinois, where they spent the remainder of their lives. 82 MIOGKAIMIICAI. AM) KKM I N ISCKNT HISTORY (IK Minerva Howell, an aunt of the subject by marriage, was born in Tennessee in 1829. Her people were from old Virginia, who lat- er came to Illinois when she was one year old, her father settling in Marion county, later moving to Williamson county, Illinois, where he died when about seventy years old. Mrs. Howell remarried. She became the mother of eleven children, four of whom lived to maturity, two of them living in 1908. Her husband died at the age of seventy-six. He was also born in Tennes- see. James F. Howell is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in his political relations he affiliates with the Democratic party. The subject's first wife was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. In matters pertaining to the welfare of his township, county and state, Mr. Howell is deeply interested, and his efforts in behalf of the general progress have been far-reaching and beneficial. His name is indelibly asso- ciated with progress in the county of his birth, and among those in whose midst he has always lived he is held in the highest esteem by reason of an upright life and of fidelity to principles which in every land and clime command respect. BENJAMIN M. SMITH. In studying the interesting life histories of manv of the better class of men, and the ones of unquestioned merit and honor, it will be found that they have been compelled, very largely, to map out their own career and furnish their own motive force in scal- ing the heights of success, and it is such a one that the biographer is pleased to write in the paragraphs that follow. Benjamin M. Smith, the well known cashier of the Salem State Bank, was born in Central City, Illinois, December n, 1877, the son of Samuel J. Smith, a native of St. Clair county, Illinois, and a gentleman of many sterling traits who became a man of considerable influence in his community, some of whose commendable characteristics are inherited by his son, our subject. Samuel J. Smith came to Marion county when a young man and was engaged in the milling business of which he made pronounced suc- cess, having been in the county several years when the Civil war began, and he continued in this business during the progress of the Rebellion. He took much interest in public affairs. He was County Treasurer and County Clerk for twenty years and Deputy County Treasurer for four years. During his long official record he conducted the af- fairs that were entrusted to him in a manner that reflected great credit upon his ability and in a way that elicited much favorable comment but no criticism from his con- temporaries and constituents. He was called to his rest April 5, 1906, after an emi- nently successful and useful life. The subject's grandfather, Benjamin J. Smith, who was a native of the old Pine Tree state (Maine), is remembered as a man of unusual fortitude and courage, hav- RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. ing been a composite of the usual elements that go into the makeup of pioneers. He came west in early life and was one of the first settlers of St. Clair county, Illinois, of which county he was at one time Sheriff, one of the best, in fact, that the county ever had. He was an active business man all his life, having been in the commission busi- ness in Chicago for a number of years, where he became well known in the business circles of the city in those days. He was born in 1801, and after a remarkably active career, reaching a venerable age, passed to the silent land when in his ninetieth year. The mother of the subject was in her maidenhood Mary E. Martin, who was born in Ohio on a farm near Wellsville. She is in many respects a remarkable character, benign, affable and her influence has always been wholesome and uplifting, so that even in the golden evening of her life she is a blessing to those with whom she comes in contact. She is the mother of three chil- dren, namely: Irene, who died in infancy; Irma, a woman of fine traits; and Benja- min M., our subject. Thus after a resume of the subject's worthy ancestors we are not surprised that he has achieved unusual distinction in his community, and to him the future evidently has much of good in store. Benjamin M. Smith attended school in Salem, graduating from the high school where he had made a splendid record for scholarship and deportment. Feeling that he was destined for a business career, and following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, he early began preparations to enter the industrial field, and in order to prepare himself more thoroughly took a course in the Bryant & Stratton Business College at St. Louis, Missouri, standing in the front rank of his class when he gradu- ated in 1900. Mr. Smith has been actively engaged in business since he was sixteen years old and he showed at that early age that he was destined to the highest success. He seems to be best fitted to the manage- ment of banking institutions, although he turns everything into success that he under- takes. He has been cashier of banks for seven years in 1908. He was cashier of the Haymond State Bank, now the First National Bank at Kinmundy, Illinois, for two years, during which time the business of this institution greatly increased. Then he came to Salem and became associated with the Salem State Bank of which he is a stockholder and director and one of the or- ganizers, in fact, one of the moving spirits of the institution. Mr. Smith was also a director in the bank at Kinmundy and is still a stockholder in the same. Both these institutions recognize his unusual industrial ability and peculiar aptitude for managing the affairs of a banking concern and the of- ficials are not reluctant to give him all due credit for the great work he has done in placing these banks on a firm foundation and making them among the solid and well known institutions of their kind in this part of the state. Fraternally Mr. Smith belongs to the Masonic Order, Knights Templar; also the BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen and the Eagles, and one would judge from his con- sistent daily life that he believes in carrying out the sublime principles and doctrines of these worthy orders. In politics our subject is a loyal Democrat, but he has not found time to take an active part in political af- fairs. However, he believes in placing the best men possible in local offices and his support can always be depended upon in the advancement of any cause looking to the development and betterment of his com- munity and county. Mr. Smith has preferred single blessed- ness and has never assumed the responsi- bilities of the married state. Our subject is a very strong character in every respect and although he is yet quite a young man he has shown by his past excel- lent and praiseworthy record that he is a man of unusual industrial ability and the future will doubtless be replete with honors and success for him. HON. JAMES CAMERON ALLEN. An enumeration of the representative citizens of Richland county who have won recognition and success for themselves and at the same time have conferred honor up- on the community would be decidedly in- complete were there failure to make men- tion of the popular gentleman whose name initiates this review, who has long held worthy prestige in legal and political circles, and has always been distinctively a man of affairs, but is now living retired. He wields a wide influence among those with whom his lot has been cast, ever having the af- fairs of his county at heart and doing what he could to aid in its development. James Cameron Allen was born in Shel- by county, Kentucky, January 29, 1822, the son of Benjamin and Margaret (Youel) Allen, natives of Augusta county, Virginia, the former of Irish and the latter of Scotch descent. Grandfather John Allen was born in Ireland on the famous Shannon river, and when about twenty years old he came to America alone and settled in Xew Jersey, where he married and later moved to Rock- bridge county, Virginia, and engaged in farming, where he lived and died. Grand- father William Youel, was born in Scotland and came to America when young, located in Augusta county, Virginia, on a farm and became an extensive stock raiser for that time. He served in the Revolutionary war, being slightly wounded at the battle of Cowpens. After the British army had been driven away, he picked up a large powder horn, which had been used by an English soldier. It was given to one of his sons, and became a valuable historical relic. Our subject used the same when a boy, while squirrel hunting. Grandfather Youel died in Virginia, at an advanced age, after rear- ing a large family. The father of our sub- ject was a farmer and when young learned the trade of cycle maker. He kept a set of blacksmith tools as long as he lived. Short- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. ly after his marriage he emigrated to Shelby county, Kentucky, having made the trip on horseback, carrying all his earthly posses- sions on one pack horse. This was in 1803, when the country was covered with primeval woods and overrun by Indians. In 1830 he came to Parke county, Indiana, and located on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, having bought part of the land from the man who had entered it and which had on it a small cabin and a few acres which had been cleared. He improved the place and developed a good farm, which he later sold and retired. He died in Parke county, in 1849, his wife having died in 1832. They were people of much sterling worth, typical pioneers. To them were born ten children, of whom our subject was the seventh in order of birth, all now deceased except the subject and one sister, Elvina, who is living in West Liberty, Iowa. The subject was eight years old when the family came to Indiana. He remained at home until he was eighteen years old, help- ing clear the farm and assisting in the work about the place, in the meantime attending the country subscription schools during the winter months. When eighteen years old he went to Rockville, Indiana, and entered the County Seminary, from which he grad- uated three years later, having carefully ap- plied himself and making a splendid rec- ord. Being out of money at that time, he returned home and rented his father's farm for one season, having realized two hundred and eighty dollars as his share. With this he went to Rockville and began the study of law, in which he made rapid progress, and was licensed to practice two years later, in 1843. He located at Sullivan, Indiana, then the new county-seat, but was a small village in the woods. Here he practiced with much success attending his efforts until 1847. He held the office of Prosecuting At- torney for one term of two years, and was one of the leading young attorneys 6f that lo- cality. He then located at Palestine, Illinois, where he followed his profession for a period of twenty-nine years, becoming known as one of the ablest attorneys in the county, and having a very extensive clientele. He then located in Olney, in November, 1876, and he has since lived at this place, having built up a very large practice. He retired in 1907. While living in Crawford county, Illinois, he was elected to the Lower House of the Legislature in 1850, on the Democratic ticket and served with great credit. Such a splendid record did he make that he was nominated and triumphantly elected two years later to Congress from his district, at that time, the Fifth district, and was re- elected in 1854, serving two terms, making his influence felt in that body where his counsel was always respectfully listened to, and often followed with gratifying results. During his first term the Kansas and Ne- braska fight was up. During the second term the defeat for slavery for Kansas was accomplished. His voice was heard in the debates of those strenuous times. In 1856 Mr. Allen was not a candidate for re-election, but he became Clerk of the House during that session of Congress. In 86 nilXIK.UMlICAL AXI) UKM IN1SCKNT HISTORY OF March, 1860, he came home and in that year was the Democratic candidate for Governor of Illinois, against Yates. He made a splendid race and the election showed that he was a popular man throughout the state, notwithstanding his defeat. In April, 1861, he was elected Judge of the Circuit Court, and in the fall of 1863 resigned as Judge to accept tne place of Congressman-at-large, to which he had been elected in 1862. He was a candidate for re-election, but was defeated by Samuel Moulton. During his terms in Congress he witnessed stirring times for it was while the Civil war was in progress. Returning home Mr. Allen practiced law until 1873, when he was re-elected Judge of the Circuit Court, and after the passage of the law establishing appellate courts, he was appointed by the Supreme Court as Ap- pellate Judge, occupying both positions un- til 1879. He then engaged in practice until his retirement in 1907, having liked the practice better than being on the bench. He has been United States Commissioner since 1896, for Southern and Eastern Illinois. The happy and harmonious domestic life of our subject began January 22, 1845, when he was married to Ellen Kitchell, a native of Palestine, Illinois, the representa- tive of an influential family of that place. To this union three children were born, who died in infancy. The subject's first wife was called to her rest in 1853 and in 1857 he married Julia Kitchell, cousin of his first wife, by whom seven children were born, namely : Harry, who was court reporter for five years, is deceased; Frances is the wife of John T. Ratcliff, of Olney; Caroline is living at home keeping house for her father ; James H. resides in Robinson, Illinois; Frederick W. is deceased; William Y. is living at home; Margaret is also a member of the home circle. The second wife of our subject, a woman of many beautiful at- tributes, passed away in 1901. Mr. Allen has long been a pillar in the Presbyterian church, having been the ruling elder in the same since 1850. Thus standing out distinctly as one of the central figures of the judiciary of the great commonwealth of Illinois is the name of Hon. James Cameron Allen. Long prominent in legal circles and equally prom- inent in public matters beyond the confines of his own jurisdiction, with a reputation in one of the most exacting professions that has won him a name for distinguished ser- vices second' to none of his contemporaries, there is today no more prominent or honored figure in the southern part of the state which he has long dignified with his citizenship. Achieving success in the courts at an age when most young men are just entering up- on the 'formative period of their lives, wear- ing the judicial ermine with becoming dig- nity and bringing to every case submitted to him a clearness of perception and ready power of analysis characteristic of the learned jurist, his name and work for half a century have been allied with legal insti- tutions, public enterprises and political in- terests of the state in such a way as to earn him recognition as one 'of the distinguished HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. citizens in a community noted for the high order of its legal talent. A high purpose and an unconquerable will, vigorous men- tal powers, diligent study and devotion to duty are some of the means by which he has made himself eminently useful. He is honored and esteemed by all who know him for his life of honor and usefulness, his in- tegrity, kindness and genial manners and the good he has accomplished for his state cannot be adequately expressed. JOHN C. MARTIN. The subject of this sketch is a native son of Marion county, Illinois, and a represen- tative of one of its sterling and honored families. He is known as a young man of fine intellectuality and marked business acumen. He is cashier of the Salem Na- tional Bank, one of the most substantial in- stitutions of its kind in this part of the state. John C. Martin was born in Salem April 29, 1880, the son of B. E. Martin, Sr., a sketch of whom appears upon another page of this volume. Our subject attended the schools of Salem in his early youth where he applied himself in a most assiduous manner, having made excellent records for scholarship and general deportment, and as a result of his well ap- plied time to his text-books he received a good education which has subsequently been broadened and deepened by contact with the world and systematic home study. After finishing the prescribed course in the home schools he spent two years at Jacksonville, Illinois, one year at the Jacksonville College, and one at Brown's Business College, hav- ing stood high in his classes in each. At the early age of twenty-eight years, a period when most men are just launching into a career or tentatively investigating the world that lies before them in order to test their potential powers, Mr. Martin had al- ready shown that he is a man of marked ex- ecutive and business ability. He assumed the responsible and exacting position of cashier of the Salem National Bank in April 1907, whose duties he is faithfully perform- ing to the entire satisfaction of all con- cerned. He is a stockholder in this institu- tion, which is popular with all classes of business men in Salem and throughout Mar- ion county, where it has long maintained a firm reputation for soundness owing to its careful management and the unquestioned integrity and scrupulously honest characters of the gentlemen who have it under control. Fraternally Mr. Martin is a loyal mem- ber of the Masonic Order, the Woodmen and the Fraternal Order of Eagles. The daily life of the subject would indicate that he believes in carrying out the noble precepts of these praiseworthy orders. HON. HARVEY D. McCOLLUM. Clay county figures as one of the most attractive, progressive and prosperous divi- sions of the southern part of Illinois, justly BIOGRAPHICAL AND RKM I X ISCEXT HISTORY OF claiming a high order of citizenship and a spirit of enterprise which is certain to con- serve consecutive development and marked advancement in the material upbuilding of this section. The county has been and is signally favored in the class of men who have controlled its affairs in official capacity, and in this connection the subject of this re- view demands representation, as he is serv- ing the locality faithfully and well in a po- sition of distinct trust and responsibility, be- ing the Representative in the State Legisla- ture, having been elected to the Lower House in the fall of 1908, among the youngest members of that body ; but while the young- est, he is far from the least important. On the contrary he is an active, vigilant and potent factor in that honored body. He has achieved 'a brilliant record at the bar, while yet a young man, and to such as he the future augurs much in the way of success and honor. Harvey D. McCollum was born in Louis- ville, Clay county, Illinois, March 13, 1879, and he early decided to try his fortune with his own people, rather than seek uncertain fortune in other fields, as so many of his early companions have done. He is the son of James C. McCollum, also a native of Clay county, now residing in Louisville, retired, being one of the founders of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Louisville, and who is now one of its directors. James C. McCol- lum, grandfather of the subject, was a na- tive of Kentucky, and the subject's great- grandfather, Alexander McCollum, was one of the six men killed at the battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812, this battle hav- ing been fought in 1815, and his name is mentioned in President Roosevelt's history of naval battles. Members of the McCollum family were among the early settlers of Clay county and they have been prominently iden- tified with its history ever since the pioneer days, having always taken a leading part in the development of the community in every way. Robert McCollum, uncle of the sub- ject of this sketch, has lived in this county for a period of seventy-five years, is one of the oldest living pioneers of the county. The mother of the subject, a woman of many beautiful attributes, was known in her maidenhood as Fanny Long, a daughter of Darling Long, an old settler of Clay county. She is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCollum four children were bom, our subject being the only survivor. Our subject was reared in Louisville where he attended the high school from which he graduated, having gained a good common school education, for he was ambi- tious and applied himself in a very careful manner to his studies, outstripping may of the less ardent plodders. Not being satis- fied with what learning he had acquired up to this point, he attended the University of Illinois, taking the literary and law courses, in which institution he remained for six years, graduating in 1901, after making a splendid record for scholarship. After completing his course in the univer- sity, Mr. McCollum returned home and at once began the practice of law, his success being instantaneous. He at once attracted HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. the attention of the political leaders of the county, and he was the nominee of the Dem- ocratic party for County Judge in 1902, and while he headed his ticket, was defeated; however, the splendid race he made gave proof of his high standing with the people of Clay county and forecasted future victo- ries. He formed a law partnership that year with A. M. Rose, which continued until Mr. Rose was elected to the circuit bench. Mr. McCollum was appointed Master in Chancery for two terms, serving with much credit and satisfaction from 1904 until 1908. He is at this writing practicing law with John W. Thomason, having formed a part- nership, which still exists, in January, 1907. It is generally regarded as one of the strong- est law firms in this or adjoining counties, and their office is always a busy place, their many clients coming from all over the dis- trict. As already stated, our subject made a successful race for the Legislature during the last election (1908), which event caused general satisfaction throughout the county, not only from friends, but members of other parties, for everyone recognized Mr. McCol- lum's ability and fidelity to duty, therefore they know their interests will be carefully guarded by him. Mr. McCollum is unmarried. In his fra- ternal relations he is a member of the Be- nevolent and Protective Order of Elks No. 926, at Olney, the Knights of Pythias, the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows and the Woodmen, and Masonic Order at Louisville. Mr. McCollum is not a man who courts publicity, yet it must be a pleasure to him, as is quite natural, to know how well he stands with his fellow citizens throughout this dis- trict. The public is seldom mistaken in its estimation of a man, and had Mr. McCollum not been most worthy he could not have gained the high position he now holds in public and social life. Having long main- tained the same without any abatement of his popularity, his standing in the county is perhaps now in excess of what it has ever been. He has, by his own persistent and praiseworthy efforts, won for himself a name whose luster the future years shall only aug- ment. G. H. TRENARY. The enterprise of the subject has been crowned by success, as the result of rightly applied principles which never fail in their ultimate effect when coupled with integrity, uprightness and a congenial disposition, as they have been done in the present instance, judging from the high standing of Mr. Tre- nary among his fellow citizens whose un- divided esteem he has justly won and re- tained. G. H. Trenary, the influential and popu- lar superintendent of the Chicago & East- ern Illinois Railroad Company, with offices at Salem, Illinois, was born February 9, 1867, at Lafayette, Indiana, the son of Ran- dolph B. Trenary, a native of Ohio who came to Indiana when a boy. He was a lo- comotive engineer, having run an engine ilOCKAIMIICAL AND KKM I X ISCKXT HISTORY OF during the Civil war and he followed this profession all his life, becoming one of the best known railroad men in his community. He died in February, 1904, at Stone Bluff, Indiana. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Mollie Nor- duft, a native of Williamsport, Indiana, and the representative of a well known and highly respected family there. She passed to her rest in 1873. They were the parents of four children, three boys and one girl, namely: Charles W., of Kansas City, Mis- souri; G. H., the subject of this sketch; Evendar H., who died in 1888; Elizabeth, the wife of Charles Mallett, of Stone Bluff, Indiana. Our subject attended the common schools at Urbana, Illinois, leaving school when in the eighth grade for the purpose of begin- ning the study of telegraphy at Urbana. Becoming an exeprt at this exacting profes- sion he followed it together with that of agent at various stations for thirteen years with great satisfaction to his employers who regarded him as one of the most efficient and reliable men in this line of work in their employ. He spent four years at Og- den, Illinois; one year at Urbana, one year at Waynetown, Indiana ; one year at Cham- paign, Illinois ; two years at LeRoy, Illinois ; three years at Veedersburg, Indiana; one year at Hoopestown, Illinois. From 1896 to 1899 he was chief clerk to the general superintendent of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company at Chicago. For five years our subject held the responsible position of superintendent at Brazil, In- diana, from 1899 to 1904, since which time he has been superintendent of the Illinois division of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois road, with headquarters at Salem. The offices of this road were located here in De- cember, 1906, having been removed from St. Elmo, this state. This road employs about five hundred people in all departments. The local offices occupy the entire third floor of the Salem State Bank building and is the busiest place in Salem. Mr. Trenary's private office is also on this floor. Every- thing is under a splendid system. Mr. Trenary has jurisdiction over all transportation, a very responsible position, indeed, and one that not only requires a superior talent along executive lines, but a clear brain, sound judgment and steady hab- its, but he has performed his duties so well that the company deems his services indis- pensable. This road has a departmental di- vision system. Our subject 1 was happily married in De- cember, 1884, to Beulah R. Glascock, the refined and accomplished daughter of H. J. Glascock, an influential and highly respected citizen of Ogden, Illinois. The commodious, modern, cheerful and model home of the subject and wife has been blessed through the birth of the six children whose names and dates of birth follow in consecutive order: G. W., born April 12, 1886, lives in Salem; Nell, born December 30, 1887; Genevieve F., born March i, 1893 ; Robert F., born October 22, 1895; H. Kenneth, born January 29, 1901; Randolph Bryant, born January 26, 1904. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. These children have received every care and attention, been given good educations and each gives promise of bright and suc- cessful futures, exemplifying in their daily lives what a wholesome home environment and careful parental training can do in de- veloping well rounded and highly cultivated minds and bodies. Mr. Trenary moved his family to Salem in December, 1906. He has been honored by being chosen alderman for the city of Salem. Although a loyal Republican and well fortified in his political beliefs and anx- ious to see the triumph of his party's prin- ciples, Mr. Trenary has never aspired to positions of public trust at the hands of his fellow voters. However, his support can al- ways be depended upon in the advancement of all movements looking to the public weal in his community whether educational, moral or civic. In his fraternal relations, the subject is a member of the Masonic Order and the Mod- ern Woodmen, and one would soon conclude by a knowledge of his consistent and gen- tlemanly daily life that he believed in carry- ing out the sublime precepts of these commendable organizations. Both Mr. and Mrs. Trenary are members of the Christian church. They are pleasant people to meet, and their cozy home is often the mecca for numerous admiring friends who seek the cheerfulness and hospitality so freely and unstintingly dispensed here. No better or more popular people are to be found in Mar- ion county and they justly deserve the high esteem in which they are held. JOHN A. BATEMAN. There is much in the life record of the subject of this sketch worthy of commenda- tion and admiration, and his public career is especially notable. Like many other brainy, energetic young men who have left their impress upon the magnificent develop- ment of this part of the great Prairie state, he did not wait for a specially brilliant open- ing. Indeed, he could not wait, for his natural industry would not have permitted him to do so. In his early youth he gave evidence of the possession of traits of char- acter which have made his life exceptionally successful and he is today admittedly one of Clay county's foremost and best known citizens. John A. Bateman was born in Richlancl county, Illinois, September 20, 1863, the son of Thomas Bateman, who was a native of Queenstown, Ireland, where a sister, aunt of our subject, still resides. He came to America when ' he was eighteen years old, first settling in Ohio, near Cincinnati, where he lived about three years, after which he came to Richland county, Illinois, locating on a farm, having lived in 'Richland county two years, when he moved near Sailor Springs, Clay county, where he lived until his death, June 24, 1879. He was a man of much sterling worth and many of his praiseworthy traits seem to have been in- herited by our subject. Grandfather Michael Bateman was a native of Ireland, where he lived and died. Our subject's mother was Mary A. Mitchell, whose people r.lOOR.M'll ICAI. \NI> RKMIMSCKNT HISTORY OK were natives of North Carolina. She was born near Bedford, Indiana, and is still liv- ing at Sailor Springs, Clay county, Illinois. She is a fine old lady of beautiful Christian character. The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bateman: Lucinda Jane died in infancy; John A., the subject of this sketch; William, deceased; Charles, a well-to-do farmer at Sailor Springs, this county; Susanna, deceased; George P., liv- ing at Sailor Springs; Abraham, deceased; Robert, deceased. Mr. Bateman spent his early life on the farm and received his primary education in the schools of Sailor Springs. He later attended Hayward College at Fairfield, Il- linois, for two or three terms. He also at- tended the Teachers' Normal of Clay coun- ty, having made a splendid record for schol- arship in all these institutions. Not being contented to leave school before he received a high education, he borrowed money of old Uncle Jim McKinney, and attended the Mitchell College, at Mitchell, Indiana, com- pleting the course. His father dying when he was fifteen years old, Mr. Bateman became the head and support of the family, and although the struggle was hard, it merely tended to de- velop the sterner side of his nature and spurred him to achievements that he other- wise would never have known. After leaving school he taught for five years in the country with great success, becoming known as one of the leading educators of the county and his services were in great demand. After his experience in teaching he went into the real estate and insurance business at Sailor Springs, also buying and shipping wool and grain. He also opened the first furniture store in that town and while there he was elected the first Mayor of the town, having become one of the leading men of the community and who did a great deal for the town's development. This was in 1893. He remained there for ten years, making a success of whatever business he engaged in. In 1898 Mr. Bateman was elected Coun- ty Clerk on the Republican ticket, living at the time in Sailor Springs. On June 22, 1899, he moved to Louisville. He was elected to this office by twenty-four major- ity. He was counted out, but was finally seated by the Supreme Court. He was re- nominated in 1902, and re-elected by a ma- jority of three hundred and fifteen. Having made such a splendid record he was re- nominated in 1906 and re-elected by a ma- jority of four hundred and twenty-seven in the face of a strong fight. The Democratic party took their regular nominee off the ticket and placed the strongest man they could in the race against him. He is now (1908) serving his third term, and is re- garded by everyone concerned as an excep- tionally good officer, being careful and painstaking, courteous to all and giving his attention to the duties of the same with the same keen discernment that characterizes his own business affairs: in fact, he is said by his many friends to be the best County Clerk Clav ever had. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 93 Mr. and Mrs. Bateman are the parents of four children, namely : Dolores, who at this writing is fifteen years old; Chloe Irene is twelve years old; Mark Hanna is deceased, having died October 6, 1908; the fourth child died in infancy. Mr. Bateman was very much attached to his baby son. Mark Hanna. whose untimely death at the age of nearly eleven years great- ly grieved him. The little boy was the pride of his father's heart and upon him he lav- ished his affection and care of an indulgent lather. Fraternally Mr. Bateman is a member of the Masonic Order, the Knights of Pythias, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows ; also the Modern Woodmen, Ben Hur, the American Home Circle and the Rebekahs. He is a member of the Christian church and a liberal supporter of the same. Our subject is a purely self-made man, winning success by overcoming many ob- stacles, and he deserves the high esteem in which he is universally held, and is one of Clay county's most popular men, claiming a legion of friends in all parts of the county and throughout this district. He has a modern and elegantly furnished home, a good driving horse and many other con- veniences. His home place consists of five acres. Mr. Bateman enjoys the fullest measure of public confidence, because of the honorable business methods he has ever fol- lowed, and he is one of the most successful, prominent and honored men in this portion of Illinois. G. A. IDLEMAN. The subject of this sketch is one of those men who have met with success along the line of his chosen calling and he is today one of the prosperous and respected mer- chants of Salem, Marion county, where he conducts a modern and attractive store, hav- ing built up an extensive and lucrative busi- ness by reason of his peculiar adaptability for this line of work, his honesty of business principles and his courteous and kind treat- ment of customers whom he numbers by the scores. G. A. Idleman was born in Marion county, Ohio, in 1844, the son of Jacob J. Idleman, a native of Virginia, who moved with his parents to Ohio when he was a small boy. He devoted his life principally to agricultural pursuits, but he also devoted much time and labor along a higher plane of action, that of Methodist minister, becom- ing known as an able expounder of the Gos- pel and a man of good deeds wherever he went. He engaged in ministerial work for forty years, having worked hard on his farm during the week and preached on Sun- day, and to show that he was an extraor- dinarily sincere men and desirous to do good for the sake of being true to the higher life as outlined by the lowly Nazarene, he never accepted a cent for his ministrial labors in all those forty years, merely preaching for the love of the work and the good he could do, which was an incalculable amount. He was called to his reward by the Good Shep- 94 moCKAI'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF herd whom he had so faithfully followed, in 1887, while living on his farm in Marion county, Illinois, where he moved in 1865, settling two miles south of Salem where he resided the remainder of his life. The grandfather of the subject was Jacob Idleman, also a native of Virginia, and also a farmer who was known as a man of in- tegrity and many sterling qualities. He reached the advanced age of eighty years, dying in Marion county, Ohio, where he had removed in an early day when the country was wild and unsettled. The subject's mother was Hannah Jones, whose people came from Pennsylvania. Her people lived to be very old, her mother having reached the remarkable age of ninety years. The subject's mother, a woman of gracious per- sonal qualities, is still living in 1908, on the old farm homestead south of Salem at the still more remarkable age of ninety-four years. Ten children constituted the family of the parents of our subject, four having died in infancy and two having passed away after reaching maturity. Those living are : G. A., our subject; Samantha, the widow of E. W. Thompson, of Columbus, Ohio; Mrs. Gallic M. Kell, the widow of William Kell, living in Salem ; Mrs. Belle Sipes, who lives on a farm near Omega, Illinois. G. A. Idleman, our subject, spent his boy- hood days in Marion county, Ohio, where he received a common school education and where he remained until he was twenty years old, having assisted with the farm work while going to school. He came to Salem, Illinois, in 1865 with his parents, and has continued to make this his home. He farmed until he was thirty years old, thereby getting a good start in life. Since that time he has been engaged from time to time in various lines of business. He has been in the mer- cantile business here for a period of twenty- five years, most of the time in business for himself, but part of the time he was asso- ciated in business with others. He has been engaged in the grocery business for the past eight years, since 1900, and which he still conducts, having built up an excellent and lucrative trade as the result of courteous treatment to customers and his expert knowledge of the mercantile business, hav- ing always made this line of work pay, not only yielding him a comfortable living, but enabling him to gradually increase his busi- ness and at the same time lay up an ample competency for his old age. His customers are not confined to Salem and vicinity, but he is well known throughout Marion county, having always given his customers entire satisfaction as to the quality of goods he handles and to price, consequently he seldom loses a customer. Mr. Idleman built his present store building on First South street, which is one of the neatest and most sub- stantial stores in Salem. Mr. Idleman was united in marriage in 1870 to Mattie Clark, the representative of one of Salem's well known families. To this union one child has been born, Mrs. Lydia M. Hubbs, of Chicago. The subject was married again May 14, 1902, to Agnes Ray, the daughter of Riley Rose. She was RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 95 born and reared in Salem. They have no children. Their home is a commodious and nicely furnished one in the most de- sirable residence district of Salem, and is frequently the gathering place for numerous friends of the family. Our subject has served his community in a most efficient and commendable manner as assessor of Salem township, having been the first Republican assessor ever elected in this township. In his fraternal relations he belongs to the Red Men, of Odin, Illinois. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Our subject has ever taken an active interest in the wel- fare of the community and gives an earnest support to every movement for the public welfare. A man of fine personal traits, he is highly regarded by all who know him, and he is counted one of Salem's most pro- gressive and worthy business men. REV. JOHN BUENGER. The mission of a great soul -m this world is one that is calculated to inspire a multi- tude of others to better and grander things, and its subsequent influence cannot be meas- ured in meets and bounds, for it affects the lives of those with whom it comes in con- tact, broading and enriching them for all time to come. He who spends his life inter- pretating the Divine Word has one of the greatest missions to perform vouchsafed to man. The subject of this sketch is one of that number and worthily wears the honor in proper meekness and reserve. Rev. John Buenger, minister of the Ger- man Lutheran church in luka township, Marion county, was born at Burg, near Magdeburg, Germany, April 17, 1869, the son of Otto and Antonie (Ruehlmaun) Buenger, both natives of Germany, having spent their lives in that country. The sub- ject's father, who was a minister, is de- ceased. He did a great work in the Evan- gelical church in Germany. The mother of our subject is still living in the fatherland. They were the parents of eight children, namely: Max, Werner, Sophia, Emil; Adolph and John, our subject, are twins; Eliza. and Erich, who is also a minister. He and the subject are the only ones who ever came to America. The above named chil- dren are all living. The early education of Rev. John Buenger was obtained in Germany. He came to America in 1891 and attended Con- cordia College at St. Louis, Missouri, for two years. He then went to Madison county, Texas, in 1893, where he took charge of a church. He remained in Texas for ten years. He had very difficult charges in Madison, Fayette and Fannin counties, that state, but he did much good there in strengthening the congregations of his dif- ferent charges. In 1903 he came to his present pastorate in Marion county, Illinois, the German Lutheran Trinity church. He has done a great work here, having com- pleted in 1908 a beautiful and substantial church edifice, costing two thousand seven LIOGKAPHICAL AND RKM IX ISCKXT HISTORY OF hundred dollars. He also conducts the pa- rochial school near the church, ably assisted by his wife, whom he married in 1894, her maiden name having been Louisa Franke, who was born in Barmen, Germany, the daughter of Henry and Jane Menkhoff, both of whom died in Germany. Henry Menk- hoff was a teacher in the old country. Six children have been born to the sub- ject and wife as follows: Ruth, Gertrude, Hans, Antonett, Frieda and Paul. Our subject is well liked by his congregation and by everyone who has had the fortune to know him. He is an earnest and able ex- pounder of the Gospel. JOHN B. CONANT. This venerable pioneer and representative agriculturist of Kinmundy township, Ma- rion county, Illinois, has lived on the farm which is now his home practically all his life, and thus he has witnessed and taken part in the development of this section of the state from a sylvan wild to its present status as an opulent agricultural and industrial com- munity. He early began to contribute to the work of clearing and improving the land of its primitive forests, later assisted in estab- lishing schools and better public improve- ments and facilities, while his course has been so directed as to retain for him the un- qualified approval and esteem of the com- munity in which he has so long made his home, until today he is regarded as one of the most substantial and influential citizens of the township, deserving of the greatest credit from the fact that he began life un- aided and without the tender guidance of parents, being compelled to go it alone from early childhood, but such stern discipline, somewhat unpleasant and regrettable, was not without its value, for it fostered in the lad an independent spirit and gave him that fortitude and courage that has made for sub- sequent success. John B. Conant is a native of this county, having been born here February 17, 1839, the son of Airs Conant, who came to Mas- sachusetts from England, there being three brothers of the Conant family on the ship, one of whom settled in Baltimore, another in the North and one, Airs Conant, went to Georgia and joined the United States army for the purpose of taking part in the War of 1812, having fought faithfully throughout the struggle, being wounded in the hand. After the war he returned to Georgia, where he settled, and married Polly Pepper, to which union eleven children were born, John B. Conant being the youngest son. Airs Co- nant and wife moved to Marion county, Il- linois in an early day while the country was still a wilderness. He partly improved sev- en different farms, selling each and moved to Missouri, pre-empting all the land he had from the government. All the members of this pioneer family have passed away with the exception of our subject. The father of our subject also taught school in Marion county, having been hired to teach a subscription school four miles from home, the first term lasting three MR. AND MRS. J. B. CONANT. THE 1 INOIS. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS months, the second term being of the same duration; however, he taught only one month on the second term, when he stopped to put out a crop of corn. He worked too hard and drank too much water while over- heated, which caused his death in less than a week, leaving a large famaily to struggle with the wilderness and the clearing of a new country. The mother of our subject also passed away one week after her hus- band's death, leaving John B., then eight years old, to live with his older brother, Wil- liam, with whom he remained until he was fourteen years old, at which time he chose his own guardian, Mark Cole, who cared for our subject in a manly and fatherly man- ner and procured a land warrant for him, but the land was afterward sold for the lack of payment of one hundred dollars. Our subject's early education was limited to the district schools, his first school having been taught by his father, but he is well ed- ucated and he has always been a most suc- cessful farmer, beginning life with nothing, as before stated, he wisely applied his energy and managed his affairs with that foresight and discrimination that always brings suc- cess, and his farm properly consists of sev- en hundred acres of as fine land as is to be found in this locality. However, it has been divided up and apportioned among his chil- dren, there now being (1908) one hundred and ninety-three acres in the home place, which are kept in a high state of cultiva- tion and well improved, showing that a man of thrift and excellent executive ability has had the management of it. He lives in a modern, substantial and very comfortable dwelling, surrounded by convenient out- buildings, and everything denotes prosperity about the place. Our subject was united in marriage to Mary Atkins on April n, 1861, the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Atkins, natives of Georgia and Tennessee, respectively, and to this union the following children have been born, named in order of birth : Fannie, who married Isem Lansford and had four chil- dren, one of whom is living; Ayers married Maggie Door and has four children, all liv- ing ; Polly married Noble Neeper and is the mother of eight children, all living ; Mar- garette married Guy Neeper and has one liv- ing child ; Eli married Vinda Owens and has six living children; Ida married Mel Gray and has three living children, one having died; Martha married Francis Reese and has one child; May, Emmet, Hulda and Ruhe are all deceased; Ira is married to Hattie Hoovey and has one child. Politically Mr. Conant is a Democrat and he has been School Director in his township, also Road Overseer. In religious matters he subscribes to the Cumberland Presbyterian faith, although he was reared a Methodist, to which creed his father adhered. Our subject is at this writing sixty-nine years old and is well preserved, being in fairly good health. As the architect of his own fortunes he has builded wisely and well and the success that crowns his efforts is well merited. He is broad-minded, liberal, progressive, public spirited and is well known and highly respected in the commu- BIOGRAPHICAL AND RKM 1XISCKXT HISTORY OF nity which has been his home for so many years and where he has done so much faith- ful work, which has resulted in good not only to himself and family, but also to his neighbors and the community at large. HENRY GASSMANN. Among the progressive and enterprising business men of Olney, Illinois, who have achieved a definite measure of success in their line and have at the same time as- sisted materially in the upbuilding and de- velopment of their section of the county, is Henry Gassmann, who is deserving of men- tion in a work of the province assigned to the one at hand along with the other lead- ing citizens of Richland county, because he has led a life that is highly commendable in every respect. Henry Gassmann, the well known whole- sale ice cream manufacturer and dealer in soda fountain supplies, was born in New Albany, Indiana, April 22, 1868, the son of Lewis and Caroline (Spangler) Gass- mann, natives of Germany, who came to the United States when young and after their marriage in New York state they located at New Albany. During the Civil war they worked in a bakery and after its close began in a bakery business, which they continued successfully until 1878, when they came to Olney, where they established a similar en- terprise, carrying on the same in a most gratifying manner until the death of the subject's mother August 2, 1895, the father surviving until December 21, 1902, the for- mer at the age of fifty-two and the latter when sixty-eight years old. They were the parents of five children, three boys and two girls, the subject being the third in order of birth. These children received every atten- tion by their parents, who were regarded as people of the best grade in every respect. Henry Gassmann was reared in Olney, after his tenth year, having received a fairly good education in the common schools. When twelve years old he went to work in a bakery conducted by his father and learned the trade. When nineteen years old he start- ed out for himself and worked at his trade for three years at various places in Colorado and New Mexico. Returning to Olney he entered the employ of his father, continuing until the death of the latter, having in the meantime acquired an interest in the busi- ness and made himself very proficient in this profession. On October 31, 1902, their es- tablishment was destroyed by fire and the loss was most severe since no insurance was carried. This misfortune was followed in December, of the same year, by the death of the subject's father. Mr. Gassmann then purchased such interests as remained from the other heirs and, nothing daunted, he started in a small way in the confectionery and ice cream business, which he built up by patient toil and careful management to large proportions and became prosperous.- In the meantime he had built up an exten- sive wholesale trade in ice cream and in August, 1906. disposed of his retail inter- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. ests. In the winter following Mr. Gassmann built his present handsome, modern and con- venient brick structure, thirty-four by sev- enty-two feet and equipped the same with all the necessary appliances of latest design, purchasing all the up-to-date machinery necessary in the manufacture of ice cream on a large scale, having a capacity of one thousand gallons a day. He has long sup- plied a heavy trade within one hundred miles of Olney, and new territory is con- stantly being added, his ice cream being eagerly sought after, owing to its high grade. Mr. Gassmann started a few years ago with nothing and he now is prosperous, be- ing regarded by the people of Olney as a good, hustling, all-round busines man. He also does an extensive wholesale business in soda water supplies in the way of syrups, crushed fruits, etc. Mr. Gassmann was united in marriage on November 7, 1894, with Carrie B. Goudy. a native of Claremont township, Richland county, the daughter .of John Goudy. of Ol- ney, who for many years was a prosperous farmer in Claremont township. Two sons have been born to the subject and wife; Zean G., born in 1896, and Louis H., who is ten years old in 1908. In politics our subject is a Republican, and in his fraternal relations is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Olney. Mrs. Gassmann is a woman of refined tastes and a worthy representative of her noble parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. and Mary E. (Dayton) Goudy, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Pennsyl- vania. They were married in Ohio and came to Richland county, Illinois, in 1865. The present solid prosperity of Mr. Gass- mann is due entirely to his own efforts, di- rected along honorable channels, and today he enjoys an enviable standing among the leading men of his community and the fact that many of his warmest friends are those who have known him longest is proof that his life has been straightforward and honest. JOHN F. DONOVAN. The gentleman to a review of whose life and characteristics the reader's attention is herewith respectfully invited, is among the most progressive professional men of Mar- ion county, Illinois, who by energy and cor- rect methods has not only achieved success for himself, but has also contributed in a very material way to the commercial, indus- trial, civic and moral advancement of his place of residence. In the course of an honorable career he has established himself in a liberally remunerative enterprise and won the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. John F. Donovan was born in New York City November i, 1847, the son f William and Mary Donovan. The lineage of this family, as the name implies, is traced to Ireland, the father of the subject having been born there. He was a longshoreman, and was called from his earthly labors when P.10GKAIMIICAL AXI) KK.M I . \ISCK.\T HISTORY OF our subject was young. The mother of the subject was also born in the Emerald Isle, and passed away comparatively young in life. They were Roman Catholics and peo- ple of sterling qualities and fine traits. They became the parents of two children. John F. Donovan, our subject, was placed in the Juvenile Asylum in New York City, where he remained for about five years, or until he was twelve years old. He was then bound to a farmer in Randolph county, Illi- nois. After remaining in his new home for about eighteen months he took a leave of absence and never returned. In 1862 our subject, feeling that he could not conscientiously stand idly by and see the nation in the throes of rebellion, enlisted in 1862 in Company I, One Hundred and Tenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he served for six months, when, greatly to his regret, it became necessary to drop his name from the company's roll on account of physical disability ; but he later re-enlisted in Company C, Fifty-sixth Illinois Infantry, at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and served with dis- tinction until the close of the war, taking part in many hot engagements and famous battles. He was honorably discharged. His regiment was sent to Little Rock, Arkansas, after the grand review at Washington, and was finally mustered out at Springfield, Illi- nois, in August, 1865. After his career in the army Mr. Donovan came to Centralia, Marion county, Illinois, where he remained for about six years, then came to Kinmundy, where he has since re- sided. He was always a close observer and a diligent student, and early in life decided that the law should be his profession, con- sequently he began the study of the same and was admitted to the bar in 1874, since which time he has devoted himself almost exclusively to the practice of law, winning a great reputation throughout this and adjoin- ing counties as a learned, able and careful exponent of this profession, never erring in his cool calculating manner in drawing or presenting a case, whether criminal or civil, and he is also known as an orator of no mean ability. His success was instantane- ous and his office has always been filled with clients. Our subject was appointed postmaster of Kinmundy, first in 1877, having served in a most acceptable manner for eight years and was removed by President Cleveland. He was re-appointed in 1902 and is still ably serving in that capacity. He has been mayor of Kinmundy at different times for fifteen years. He was instrumental in organizing the Marion County Grand Army of the Re- public, being at the head of the Reunion As- sociation. He has served as inspector general of Illinois on the national staff, also on the department staff, also chief mustering officer for Illinois. Mr. Donovan was presi- dent of the Southern Illinois Emigration and Improvement Association, also officer of the day of the Southern Illinois Reunion Association. He has held various offices in the Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Donovan was united in marriage No- vember 3, 1880, to Ellen King, a native of Marion county, the daughter of John B. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. and Rebecca J. (Evans) King, a highly re- spected and influential family whose people were from Ohio. Her father was a soldier in the Civil war, from Illinois, having been a member of Company A, Eighty-eighth Chicago Board of Trade Regiment, in which he served throughout the war. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan have no children. In his fraternal relations our subject is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias, having filled all the chairs in the local lodges, and he has been representative of these lodges in the grand lodges. Mrs. Donovan is a member of the Presby- terian church. Mr. Donovan is a man of distinct and forceful individuality, of marked sagacity, of indomitable enterprise, and always up- right in his dealings with his fellow men, loyal and faithful to every trust imposed in him, public-spirited, and in manners courte- ous and kindly, easily approachable. His career has ever been such as to warrant the trust and confidence of the business world, and his activity in industrial, professional and civic lines and financial circles forms no unimportant chapter in the history of Mar- ion county. SAMUEL A. STANFORD. The subject of this biographical review is one of the eminent men of Clay county, both in business and civic affairs, whose indom- itable courage, persistent and aggressive ef- forts and his excellent management have brought to him the prosperity which is to- day his. He has ever stood ready to do what he could in pushing forward the wheels of progress and advancing commercial pros- perity in this vicinity and his career, both public and private, has been one worthy of the high esteem and praise which those who know him so freely accord. Samuel A. Stanford, the popular County Treasurer of Clay county, was born in Stan- ford township, this county, October 25, 1867, and, unlike many of his contempora- ries who sought precarious fortune in other fields, he has been contented to remain at home. He is the son of Oren \Y. Stanford, who was also a native of Stanford township, having lived all his life on a farm there. He was a member of Company A, Ninety-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served about two years in the Civil war. He died when our subject was twelve years old, in Janu- ary, 1879. Samuel A. Stanford, the sub- ject's grandfather, was of Scotch-Irish stock, having migrated from his homestead reservation in Pennsylvania to Illinois, when a young man, being one of the first settlers in Clay county, having located on a farm in Stanford township, which he purchased from the government on which he lived until his death in January 1879. The subject's mother was known in her maidenhood as Mary Michaels, whose people were natives cf Indiana. She is at this writing living in Flora. The parents of the subject were always known to be people of much sterling worth. Their family consisted of the fol- BIOGRAPHICAL AXD REMINISCENT HISTORY OF lowing children : Mrs. Emma Dunmoyer, of Flora, this county ; Samuel A.., our sub- ject; John and James are twins, the former living in Piedmont, Missouri, and the latter in Flora, this state; Mrs. Bertha Thomas, of Flora ; Mary died in infancy ; Charley O. lives in Odin, Illinois, where he is in the mercantile business. Mr. Stanford spent his boyhood days on a farm, where he attended the country schools, later attending the high school at Flora, but at the death of his father he gave up schooling and went to work on the farm. In 1892 he engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Flora, which was a success from the first. His was a grocery business and the manufacture of cigars and tobacco, having been thus engaged for about thirteen years, his business having constantly grown until he had an extensive trade throughout this locality. Then he sold out for the purpose of making the race for County Treasurer in 1906, on the Republican ticket, to which office he was duly elected and is at this writing, 1908, very creditably serving, with entire satisfaction to everyone concerned, being regarded by members of both parties as one of the best county officials Clay coun- ty ever had. He has a thorough knowledge of the affairs of the office and is courteous and obliging to everyone with whom he deals, thereby rendering himself popular with all classes. Mr. Stanford was united in marriage November 25, 1890, to Opha Dedrick, daughter of Perry Dedrick, of Loogootee, Indiana, and to this union have been born eight children, namely: Eulalie, Hallie, Or- ren Perry; Samuel A,, the fourth child is deceased; Robert Leland, Lester, William and Edwin. These children are receiving good educations and careful home training and they all give promise of successful ca- reers. In his fraternal relations Mr. Stanford is a member of the Masonic Order at Louis- ville; the Knights of Pythias at Flora, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Flora; also the Woodmen at Louisville, and the Eastern Star at Louisville. He is a mem- ber of the Christian church and Mrs. Stan- ford is also a faithful attendant of the same. Mr. Stanford is a staunch Republican in politics, and since moving to Louisville, De- cember 26, 1906, he has taken much interest in the development of the town and is re- garded as one of the representative citizens of the place. He is unswerving in his al- legiance to what he believes is right, and upholds his honest convictions at the sacri- fice, if need be, of every other interest. Everything calculated to advance the in- terests of Clay county, whether materially or otherwise, receives his support and hearty co-operation. EARL C. HUGGINS. Coupled with Mr. Huggins' innate ability as an attorney, his unusual clearness of per- ception, analytical tact and soundness of theory is his courteous manners, persistency E. C. MUGGINS. Of THE ttlNOIS. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. I0 3 and unswerving integrity, rendering him one of the strong young attorneys of this locality and one of the successful prac- titioners of this county, and to him the fu- ture is particularly bright owing to his nat- ural ability and past splendid record. Earl C. Huggins, whose law and insur- ance office is located in Kinmundy, Illinois, was' born in Marion county, this state, Sep- tember 9, 1877, and, unlike many of his early companions and contemporaries, who sought precarious fortunes in other fields, most of them finding merely the will-o'-the- wisp of success, Mr. Huggins preferred to remain on his native heath, believing that greater things awaited him right here at home than could be found otherwhere, and, judging from the success which has attended his efforts, such a decision was a most for- tunate one not only for himself, but also for the people of this vicinity. He is the son of Steven D. and Lena (Crundwell) Huggins, well known and influential family for many years in this county. Grandfather Huggins was a Kentuckian, having come to Illinois, settling in this county on a farm which he purchased, and on which he remained dur- ing the rest of his life, dying here at the age of seventy-five years. His widow, a grand old lady of beautiful Christian character, is still living in 1908, at the advanced age of ninety years. She is a faithful member of the Presbyterian church. Stephen Huggins, father of the subject, was born in Marion county, this state, at- tending the public schools here, working on his father's farm until he became of age, when he was married, after which he farmed for a time with much success, then moved to Kinmundy and followed teaming, later en- gaging in the coal mining business in this vicinity, being still interested in mining. His residence is in Kinmundy. Mrs. Lena Huggins, mother of our sub- ject, was brought to America from England when a child, and her people eventually set- tled at Salem, this county, where her parents died when she was young. She attended the public schools in Salem, where she remained until the age of sixteen. After the death of her parents she was taken into the family of Wily Cunningham, who was a soldier, hav- ing been killed in battle during the Civil war. After the death of Mr. Cunningham his widow married again, her second hus- band having been Mr. Samuel Jones. They moved to Stevenson township, Marion county, where our subject's mother re- mained until her marriage. The following children have been bom to the subject's parents: Roy, whose date of birth occurred March 21, 1876, is a pain- ter by trade, living at Granite City, Madi- son county, Illinois; and Earl C., our subject. Earl C. Huggins received his early edu- cation in Kinmundy, graduating from the high school here in 1897, after making a brilliant record for scholarship. Following this he clerked in the post-office for one year, then he acted as clerk in a grocery store for a period of one year, being an effi- cient clerk in both, but believing that his true calling lay along more worthy planes, io 4 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF he began the study of law under Judge C. H. Holt, at that time a resident of Kin- mundy, being County Judge at the time. He made rapid progress in his studies and en- tered the Illinois Wesleyan University, Col- lege of Law, from which he graduated high in his class in 1903, having won a record as one of the ablest pupils that ever passed through this well known institution. After leaving the law school, Mr. Huggins formed a partnership with his former instructor, Judge Holt, the partnership being a particu- larly strong one, and continuing in a most successful manner until August, 1904, when the judge moved to Salem, the county seat. Since that time our subject has continued the practice of law with his office in Kin- mundy, but the volume of business has been very large for one man to handle. However, Mr. Huggins has ably dispensed with it all and is keeping his usual large number of clients, his business extending well over Marion county and invading surrounding counties, being general in its nature. He is known as a very careful and conscientious worker. Although Mr. Huggins does not aspire to positions of official preferment, he is at present serving very efficiently as city attor- ney of Kinmundy, being in his second term. In politics he is a loyal Republican, and his influence can always be depended upon in placing the best men in the county offices and in support of all movements looking to the development of the community at large, whether political, educational or moral. Fraternally our subject is affiliated with the Masonic Order and the Knights of Pyth- ias, .having filled the chairs in the latter, and one would judge from a study of his daily life that he advocates the sublime principles of these praiseworthy orders. BENNETT M. MAXEY. The efforts of the subject of this sketch have proven of the greatest value to his fel- low citizens as well as to himself. He has shaped his career along worthy lines, and they have been discerningly directed along well defined channels of endeavor. He is a m!an of distinct and forceful individuality, of marked sagacity, of undaunted enterprise, and in manner he is genial, courteous and easily approached. His career has ever been such as to warrant the trust and confidence of the business world and his activity in in- dustrial, commercial and financial circles, forms no unimportant chapter in the history of Clay county. Bennett M. Maxey, publisher of the Flora Journal, was born in Johnsonville, Wayne county, Illinois, November 25, 1856, the son of Joshua C. Maxey, a native of Jefferson county, this state, where he spent the greater part of his life on a farm. He was a ser- geant in Company I, Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and took part in the bat- tles of Pittsburg Landing, siege of Vicks- burg and other noted battles. He was killed while in service at Louisville, Kentucky, near the close of the war. He was regard- ed by his comrades as a brave and gallant RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 105 soldier. Bennett Maxey, the subject's pa- ternal grandfather, was one of the original settlers of Jefferson county, where he de- voted his life to farming, and lived to an advanced age. Our subject is a descendant of a prominent pioneer family of Jefferson county. The subject's mother was Elvira A. Galbraith, whose people were early set- tlers of Wayne county. She passed to her rest in 1887. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua C. Max- ey were the parents of five children, three of whom are living at this writing. They are Bennett M., Mrs. Belle Sanders, of Du Quoin, Illinois, and Mrs. Mattie Vickrey, of Missoula, Montana. Mrs. Maxey was educated in the common schools of Johnsonville, Wayne county, and in Xenia. Clay county. He also attended school in Valparaiso, Indiana, having graduated from that institution in 1880, completing the teacher's course. After leav- ing the university he taught school for five years. In 1881 he engaged in the drug business at Xenia which he conducted until 1887, when he sold out and went to Cali- fornia, where he remained for four years, engaged in the real estate business and ranching. He returned to Clay county in 1889 and located in Flora, where he has since resided. He was associated with J. L. Black in the real estate and insurance business until 1898, in which year he launched in the mercantile business in which he engaged until 1904, when he bought The Southern Illinois Journal, the leading local paper of Flora, which he has continued to manage up to this writing with increasing success. Mr. Maxey has other interests of various natures, being interested financially in sev- eral local enterprises. He has served as City Alderman, during which time he looked well to the city's development in every way possible. Mr. Maxey was united in marriage in 1880, to Rosa Tully, of Xenia, a native of Clay county. No children have been born to this union. In his fraternal relations, our subject is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Masonic Fraternity and the Order of Eastern Star. Both he and Mrs. Maxey are members of the Methodist church. In politics he is a Republican and always loyal to its policies. His paper is an important factor in local political affairs. It is on a good footing and the plant is well equipped and modern, having a cylinder press and gas power. Mr. Maxey owns the building in which the plant is located, and he also owns his residence property. He deserves a great deal of credit for what he has accomplished, for his success in the va- rious lines of business he has followed has been won in the face of obstacles and by his unaided efforts. A. W. SONGER. Our subject possesses untiring energy, is quick of perception, forms his plans readily and is determined in their execution; his close application to business and his excel- lent management have brought to him the niOGKAPHICAL AX1) KKM IX ISCK.Vf HISTORY OF high degree of prosperity which is today his. Mr. Songer was one of the brave sons of the North who offered his services and his life, if need be, in the suppression of the great rebellion during the dark days of the sixties, which render it fitting that he should be given conspicuous notice in the present historical work. A. W. Songer, the well known and popu- lar president of the First National Bank of Kinmundy, Illinois, was born in Clay county, this state, November 2, 1832, the son of Frederick and Jane (Helms) Songer, a sterling pioneer family of that locality. Grandfather Songer was a native of Vir- ginia, a fine old southern gentleman. He devoted his life to agricultural pursuits, eventually moving to Indiana where he spent the balance of his days. His marriage occurred in Virginia and most of his family were born there. He was called from his earthly career when about sixty years old. He was a Lutheran in his religious affilia- tions. Eight children were born to this family, one of them having become a soldier in the Black Hawk war. Grandmother Songer, a woman of many strong attributes, survived her husband until she reached the advanced age of eighty years. Grandfather Helms was also a native of Virginia, who moved to Louisville, Kentucky, and from there to Tennessee, where he worked at his trade of blacksmith. Charles, one of his sons, moved to Indiana, where he spent the remainder of his life, having lived many years near Indianapolis. The balance of the family were early settlers in Illinois and from here scattered to the western states, principally to Nebraska and Texas. One of them was a soldier in the Black Hawk war and another fought in the Mexican war. The Songer family, represented by the great-grandmother of our subject, was from Germany. The great-great-grand- father of the subject died in Germany, his widow coming to America shortly after his death, one of her children dying on the ocean on the way over. She settled in Virginia. The father of the subject remained in Virginia until he was about twenty-two years old. He received only such education as the public schools afforded at that early day. However, he became a well informed man. He was a carpenter and builder of considerable note. He lived for some time in Indiana, where he was married, later moving to Illinois about 1821, settling in Clay county, where he remained until 1835, when he moved to Marion county, entering about two hundred acres of land from the government which he transformed into a fine farm through his habits of industry and skill as an agriculturist, living on this until 1872, in which year he moved to Kinmundy, where he died at the age of seventy-three years, owning an excellent farm which he left as an estate. He became a man of considerable influence in his community. He was an active and loyal member of the Methodist church as was also his wife. He was a Justice of the Peace for a num- ber of years. For a time he owned and successfully operated a saw and grist mill. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. There were ten children in this family, seven of whom lived to maturity. A brother of our subject, Samuel T., was a soldier in the Civil war, a member of Company G, Twenty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, having served for three years, engaging in all the campaigns and battles of his regi- ment up to the date of his discharge which was at the termination of his enlistment. He is living in 1908 and is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, in which he takes a just pride. William F., brother of the subject, was also a soldier, having per- formed conspicuous service in the Mexican war. He was at one time State Representa- tive in Oregon, in which state he still re- sides as also does Samuel T., another brother of the subject, living at Ashland. A. W. Songer, our subject, received his early education in the common schools of Illinois. Being a diligent student and am- bitious from the start he has become well educated. He remained on the home farm assisting his father with the work about the place during the months that he was not in school until he was twenty-one years old. Learning the carpenter's trade, he followed this for three years, then in 1861, when he felt his patriotic zeal inspired as the result of our national integrity being at stake when the fierce fires of rebellion were rag- ing in the Southland, he enlisted in Company G, Twenty-first Illinois Volunteer Regi- ment, having been mustered in as second lieutenant and was soon promoted to first lieutenant and consequently served as an officer of that regiment for four years and five days when he was honorably discharged at the close of the war in 1865, after having taking a conspicuous part in the follow- ing engagements: Perryville, Kentucky; Stone River, Tennessee; Chickamaugua, having been captured at this battle and was taken to Libby prison, where he remained three months, when he was sent to prison at Macon, Georgia, later to Charleston, South Carolina, thence to Columbia, South Carolina, then to Wilmington, North Caro- lina, where he was exchanged, after having been a prisoner seventeen months and eight days, and thirty days thereafter he was mus- tered out of the service at St. Louis, Mis- souri. After the war Mr. Songer returned to his home in Illinois and worked at his trade for a time. He then came to Kinmundy and entered into the milling business in which he continued with the most gratifying results until 1907, becoming known throughout the locality as one of the leading men in this line of business. He sold his mill and de- voted his attention to the banking business, in which he has been eminently successful. He had been connected with the State Bank of Kinmundy for some time, becoming president of the same. It was consolidated with the First National Bank, becoming the First National on August 26, 1906, the date of the consolidation, since which time Mr. Songer has been president. This is one of the solidest and most popular institutions of its kind in this part of the state and its prestige was greatly strengthened when Mr. Songer became its head for the public at 108 I'.HHIKAl'IIICAL AM) RKMIXISCF.XT HISTORY OF once realized that their funds would be en- tirely safe in his hands owing to his con- servatism, coupled with his peculiar business sagacity, and since then the business of the First National has grown steadily. The domestic life of our subject dates from 1868, when he was united in marriage with Margaret C. Nelm, of Cairo, Illinois, the daughter of Norflett and Lydia (Dick- ens) Nelm. Her paternal ancestor, Dick- ens, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, which rendered the wife of our subject eligible to the Order of Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. The grand- father of the subject's wife was a Bap- tist minister. Her father was a soldier in the Black Hawk war. One of her brothers, N. B. Nelm, was a soldier in the Civil war, having served until the close of the war. Three children have been born to the sub- ject and wife as follows: Mary E., born December 25, 1871, is the wife of J. T. Brown, of Marion county; Frederick is married and living in Kinmundy. Neither of them have children of their own. The third child of the subject and wife died in infancy. Mrs. Songer was called to her rest Sep- tember 9, 1907, after a most happy and har- monious married life and one that was beautified by Christian character and many kind and charitable deeds which made her beloved by all who knew her. She was a loyal member of the Methodist church, and a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, of which order Mary E. (Songer) Brown was also a member. Mr. Songer, as might be expected, is a consistent member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post 255, known as the Hix Post. He is now commander of the same. In politics he is a Republican and is well grounded in his political beliefs, his influ- ence always being felt for the good of his party and in support of the best men pos- sible for local offices. He has never aspired to positions of trust and emolument at the hands of his fellow voters. However, he has been Alderman of the city of Kinmundy several times. His efforts have proven of the greatest benefit to his fellow men of Marion county as well as to himself. CHRISTIAN HASLER. It is a well authenticated fact that suc- cess comes not as the caprice of chance, but as the legitimate result of well applied en- ergy, unflagging determination and perse- verance in a course of action once decided upon by the individual. Only those who diligently seek the goddess Fortuna, find her she never was known to smile upon the idler and the dreamer. The subject of this sketch clearly understood this fact early in life when he was casting about for a le- gitimate and promising line to follow, and in tracing his life history it is plainly seen that the prosperity he enjoys has been won by commendable qualities, and it is also his personal worth which has gained for him the good standing among his fellow citizens of Richland countv. HIGHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 109 Christian Hasler, the well known harness and saddle manufacturer, and dealer in hides, fertilizers, etc., of Olney, Illinois, is a citizen of the United States by adoption only, being one of that thrifty class from the little Republic of Switzerland, who has done so much toward promoting our insti- tutions, for he was born in the Canton of Berne, September 20, 1845, the son of Peter and Margaret (Von Alman) Hasler, also natives of that place. The father was a small farmer and gardener and died when the subject was a child. The Von Almans were also farmers. The mother came to the United States and brought a family of five children with her, having come direct to Olney, Illinois, in 1857. She passed to her rest here in 1865. Our subject was twelve years old when he came to Olney. He worked on a farm in the summer and attended school in the winter. He had lim- ited opportunities to attend school, but he gained a fairly good foundation for an edu- cation which he has since added to by home study and contact with the business world. Mr. Hasler early decided to learn the har- ness business and in the fall of 1863 he was apprenticed to a harness maker at Clare-* mont, where he worked faithfully until the spring of 1865, when he felt it his duty to no longer repress the feeling that he should stand by the Union in its hour of sore trial, consequently he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, and served until the close of the war in a most gallant manner, having been mustered out at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, in September, 1865. He did duty at Nash- ville, Tullahoma, and Murfreeboro, having been on guard duty the major part of the time on the railroads. After the war Mr. Hasler returned to Claremcnt township, and finished learning his trade, and in 1867, he opened a harness shop in Olney, which he has conducted con- tinuously since that time. It is among the oldest established businesses in Olney, and the oldest in this line in the county. It has become generally known throughout the lo- cality and his trade has been lively from the first, numbering his customers by the hundreds all over the county. He has not only made a comfortable living from his shop from year to year, but has been en- abled to lay by a competency for his old age. Mr. Hasler was united in marriage in 1869 to Susan Bohren. a native of Berne, Switzerland, who came to the United States with her father, Christian Bohren, when six years old. locating in Olney. Her father was a carpenter and died here. Her mother died in Switzerland and Mr. Bohren remar- ried in the United States. Xine children have been born to the subject and wfe, three of whom died in infancy. Those living are : Sue ; Robert, who is in the harness business in Vandalia ; Laura, the wife of E. S. Hoog, who resides in Chicago; Rosilla; Ellen is the wife of J. W. Mayhood, of Chicago: Charles Edward. Mr. Hasler always handles a good grade of material and the work he turns out is high- class. He has a carefully selected stock and never loses a customer as a result of handling inferior goods or unfair treatment. In politics our subject is a Bryan Demo- BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF crat. He served as Supervisor on the County Beard for two terms, from the third ward, which is strongly Republican ; this fact shows that the subject is popular and well liked in his own neghborhood. He was the only Dem- ocrat ever elected from that ward to that po- sition. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Masonic Blue Lodge and Chapter, also the Modern Woodmen of America. He and his wife are members of the German Reformed church and no members of that congregation stand higher in general favor than they, for they are re- garded as scrupulously honest, kind and wor- thy citizens in every respect, numbering their friends by the score. JAMES HENRY KIMBERLIN. Upon the roll of representative citizens and prominent and influential business men of Marion county consistently appears the name which initiates this paragraph. He has been a resident of Salem for many years, during which time he has gradually won his way into the affections of the people, for he possesses those sterling qualities of char- acter which commend themselves to persons of intelligence and the highest morality, so it is no cause for wonder that he has achieved so high a position in the general estimation of all who have come in touch with him. For many years he was a pro- fessional man, gaining wide popularity in this manner, but he is now rendering effici- ent service at the Salem post-office. James Henry Kimberlin was born in Richland county, Illinois, January 18, 1860, the son of W. O. Kimberlin, a native of In- diana, having been born February 2. 1826, near Scottsburg, Scott county. He left In- diana and came to Richland county, Illinois, in 1856, settling on a farm where he be- came known as one of the progressive agri- culturists of that community and made a comfortable living until the year 1884, when he was called from his earthly labors by the "grim reaper". His widow, who was Hannah E. Reed, born near Salem, Wash- ington county, Indiana, October 31, 1825, a woman of many praiseworthy traits, is living on the old homestead there at this writing (1908), being eighty-three years old, yet able to do her own house work. Her long life has been one of self-sacrifice for the good of her family and others so that now in her serene old age she can look back over the years without cause for regret. The father of our subject was a soldier in the Union ranks during the great Civil war, having been a member of Company F, Forty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was with Grant at Vicksburg and was in many other important battles. He was in the hospital service for some time, also did general duty at New Orleans, having re- mained in the service up to January 12, 1866, when he was discharged at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and arrived home Febru- ary 2d, following which was his fortieth birthday. He had two brothers killed in battle during this war. Their names were Daniel and Jacob. Another brother, Isaac RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. M., went through the service in the Seventh and Eleventh Missouri Volunteer Infantry, having been a member of Company G. Dr. H. L. Kimberlin, another brother of the subject's father, who is now living at Mitchell, Indiana, was a Government Re- porter on Governor Morton's staff. The paternal grandfather of the subject was Jacob Kimberlin, a native of Pennsyl- vania, who came to Indiana when a young man. He devoted his life to farming and died about 1871. He was well known about Greenfield, where he operated a foil gate, subsequent to the war. The subject's ma- ternal grandfather was Joseph Reed, of Scotch-English ancestry. Eight children were born to the parents of the subject, only two of whom are now living. George W., the subject's only living brother, is living at Noble, Richland county, with his mother on the old farm. Among the papers held by the Kimberlins is the original land grant by the government for their old homestead made to Joseph Reed and signed by President Franklin Pierce. James Henry Kimberlin, our subject, spent his boyhood on the parental farm in Richland county where he performed his part of the work about the place from year to year after he reached the age when he could be of valuable service to his father. He attended the neighboring schools in the meantime where he applied himself in a manner which insured a good education. After leaving school and working at vari- ous minor employments for several years he finally accepted a position as commercial traveler which he followed with marked success for three and one-half years, giving entire satisfaction to his employers, when, much to their regret he was compelled to tender his resignation on account of tem- porary ill health. After this our subject took up the study of ophthalmology, which he decided should be his life work, conse- quently he made rapid progress in this work, having attended the Northern Illinois Col- lege of Ophthalmology at Chicago, from which institution he graduated with high honors with the degree of Fellow of Optics in 1892. He at once began practice and his success was instantaneous, having prac- ticed at Olney, Shelbyville and Salem, hav- ing established his business in the last named city in 1900, since which time he has been a resident of this city. His work in this line was always considered first class and he achieved wide popularity in the same. Mr. Kimberlin was, however, induced to give up his profession to become deputy post-master of this city, which position he is filling to the entire satisfaction of all con- cerned, showing that he has rare executive as well professional ability. Mr. Kimberlin was united in marriage to Eva Myers, November 19, 1903, the daugh- ter of the late Theodore Myers, of luka, Illi- nois, and the accomplished representative of a well known family. One child, a bright and interesting lad, bearing the name of James Henry Kimberlin, Jr., was born to the subject and wife May 4, 1905. Mrs. Kimberlin is one of a family of five children. One child died after reaching ma- lilOCKAPIIlCAL AND RK.M IXISCKXT HISTORY OK turity. Theodore Myers was a farmer, and was a soldier in the Civil war. In his political affiliations our subject is a strong Republican, and he is a well informed man on political and all current questions. He is a Protestant in his religious belief. He is recognized as a man of sterling integrity and of strong convictions as to all matters affecting the best interests of the community and is always found on the right side of every moral issue. WILLIAM GILLHAM WILSON. The subject of this sketch occupies today a prominent position in the professional world of Marion and adjoining counties and he deserves all the more credit for this from the fact that he started out in life practically empty handed, therefore has been the archi - tect of his own fortunes, relying almost sole- ly upon his own resources for the start which lie had and for the success which he has achieved. In an analyzation of his char- acter we find many elements worthy of com- mendation and emulation. He did not seek for fortune's favors, but set out to win them by honest work, and the success which ever crowns earnest, honest toil is today his, and he easily stands in the front rank of attor- neys in this locality, which has long been noted for its high legal talent, and while yet a young man, vigorous and in the zenith of his mental and physical powers, he is rap- idly winning his way to a position of much credit and significance in the great common- wealth which he can claim as his native land , and while winning his way gradually up the steeps to individual success he has not neglected his duties to his fellow citizens, but has benefited very materially the com- munity is which he lives in many ways, thereby winning and retaining the well mer- ited esteem of all classes. William G. Wilson was born in Madison county, Illinois, in 1872, the son of John C. and Elizabeth (Gillham) Wilson. The Wil- son family has long been prominent and in- fluential in that part of the state. Grand- father John Wilson was born in Pennsyl- vania, but came to Pike county, Ohio, set- tling on a farm, later coming to Marion county, Illinois, in 1846, taking up one thou- sand and eight hundred acres of land on the prairie, which he developed until it became very valuable, still holding it at the time of his death, which occurred when he had reached the advanced age of eighty-nine. Both Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson were mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal church. The latter is supposed to have come from Ken- tucky. They were the parents of a large family. Mr. Wilson was Justice of the Peace for some time. John C. Wilson, father of the subject, was born in Pike county, Ohio, and there re- ceived his early education in a log school- house of pioneer days. Leaving the Buck- eye state he came to Illinois, settling in Ma- rion county in 1852, entering land from the government. He had about seven hundred acres of good prairie land, which he devel- oped into a valuable farm and which is now known as the John C. Wilson farm. Here our subject's father lived until his death, LIBRARY Of THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. which occurred at the age of seventy-seven years. He was a man of many sterling traits of character and bore an excellent reputa- tion. Both he and his faithful life companion were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Grandfather Gillham came from the At- lantic coast country and settled in Madison county, Illinois, during the earliest epoch of the pioneer days, before the state was ad- mitted to the Union, and when wild beasts and red men roamed the hills and prairies. He remained there until his death. In that locality the subject's mother was reared and was married there in the early sixties. She came to Marion county. The father was twice married, the name of his first wife being Hults. Eight children were born to this union. She passed to her rest in the fifties. The subject's mother was John C. Wilson's second wife, who bore him seven children, four of whom lived to maturity. The mother is living in 1908, at the age of seventy-four years. She is a woman of many fine personal traits and beautiful Christian character. William G. Wilson, our subject, first at- tended the district schools in Marion coun- ty, working on his father's farm in the mean- time. Being ambitious and a diligent stu- dent, he received a good common school ed- ucation. Leaving the public schools when nineteen years old he entered Austin College at Effingham, Illinois, where he made a bril- liant record for scholarship, standing high in his class. After leaving school he taught school for five years, devoting five years also to teach- ing in Champaign county, this state, where he became widely known as an able instruc- tor and where his services were in great de- mand. But, believing that his true life work lay along other channels, he began the study of law with Schaefer & Rhodes, of Cham- paign, under whose instruction he made rapid progress. He was then admitted to practice at Mt. Vernon, Illinois. Mr. Wil- son then began practice at Kinmundy, be- ing remarkably successful from the first, and it was plain to be seen that an attorney of unusual sagacity and innate ability had risen to command the attention of that part of the state. He has remained in practice at this place since that time with the most gratify- ing results, having frequently been called to other localities on important cases. He is cool and calculating, never erring in his le- gal proceedings, whether handling a civil or criminal suit, and he stands high in the esti- mation not only of the public but the legal profession throughout this part of Illinois. Mr. Wilson was happily married April 7, 1896, to Mollie Poole, a native of this county and the representative of a prominent and influential family, being the daughter of Abraham and Martha (Malone) Poole. Mr. Poole was born and reared in Marion coun- ty. He was a soldier in the Civil war, being a member of the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, receiving an honorable discharge after serving for three years. Four bright and interesting children have been born to our subject and wife as fol- IHOCUAPIIICAL AND RKM 1 X ISCK.XT HISTORY OF lows : Basil, born August 7, 1897, who is at- tending the public schools in 1908; Russell was born October 22, 1899; Ruth was born June 14, 1904; Byron first saw the light January u, 1906. The beautiful and nicely furnished home of the subject is presided over with rare grace and dignity by Mrs. Wilson, a woman of many commendable attributes, who delights in giving her children every care and attention. Fraternally our subject is affiliated with the Masonic Order and the Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows, having passed through the chairs of the latter lodge. In politics he is a loyal Republican, and he at one time per- formed the duties of Police Magistrate, with much credit to himself and with much satis- faction to all concerned. He was also Tax Collector. Mr. Wilson belongs to the class of citi- zens whose lives do not show any meteoric effects, but who by their support of the mor- al, political and social status for the general good, promote the real welfare of their re- spective communities and are therefore de- serving of honorable mention on the pages of history. CALEB F. WIELAND. The prominence of the subject of this sketch in connection with the industrial and civic affairs of Richland county is such that he is recognized as one of the leading busi- ness men and influential citizens of this lo- cality, being identified with enterprises of wide scope and importance, and being known as a progressive and public spirited citizen. The apparent ease with which he has mounted to his present commanding po- sition in the commercial world, marks him as the possessor of talents beyond the ma- jority of his brethren, and, being a close and critical student of men and affairs, he ex- periences no difficulty in sustaining the high reputation which his business talents and marked success have earned for him. Caleb F. Wieland, a member of the hard- ware firm of Jolly, Wieland & Richardson, one of the best known and extensive firms of this nature in Southern Illinois, was born in Muscatine, Iowa, June 25, 1858, the son of Frederick and Mary (Eberhart) Wie- land, natives of Canton Berne, Switzerland, where they were reared and married, soon afterward coming to the United States, lo- cating in Muscatine. The subject's father worked there for many years, then moved to Jefferson City, Missouri. He enlisted in a Missouri regiment in the Union army, and served for more than three years until the close of the war. He saw much active ser- vice and was in numerous engagements, but was not wounded. After the war he re- turned to Jefferson City, Missouri, and in 1866, came to Olney, Illinois, where he lived until his death in 1873, at the age of fifty years. His wife survived him several years, dying in 1896, at the age of sixty-five. They were people of much sterling worth and highly honored wherever they lived. They were the parents of six children, four of RICHLAN'D, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. whom grew to maturity, the subject being the oldest in order of birth. Caleb F. Wieland was a boy when he came to Olney, where he was reared and where he received a limited education, hav- ing been obliged to go to work when young and help support the family. He was am- bitious and fought against every obstacle and early in life decided to take up the hardware business, consequently when sev- enteen years old he entered the hardware store of William Rhode as clerk in the same building where he is now interested, and he has continued in this line ever since at the same location, having been with different firms until the present firm was organized in 1904, when he became a partner. They carry a stock of about twenty thousand dol- lars, consisting of all kinds of hardware, carefully selected and they also do an exten- sive plumbing, heating, tinware and galvan- ized iron work, their trade extending to all parts of the county and is always on the in- crease, having been built up to its present large proportions very largely through the efforts of our subject. The firm occupies a substantial and convenient building twen- ty-two by one hundred and eighty-five feet, three stories in height. The entire building is occupied. It is one of the largest and most successful lines of business in the county. Mr. Wieland was united in mar- riage in 1888 to Lulu St. John, a native of Olney, who was born, reared and married in the same house, the affable and genial daughter of M. M. and Mira Louise (Cralle) St. John, who were among the pio- neers of Richland county, and people of many praiseworthy traits. Five children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, namely: Esther Alean, Ber- nice May, Gerald Hazen, Mary Louise, Frank Clifford, all bright and interesting with promise of successful futures. In politics Mr. Wieland is a loyal Re- publican. He very ably and creditably served as Alderman for one term of two years, from the second ward. Mr. and Mrs. Wieland have earned and occupy a position of high regard in their community, being numbered among the most prominent citizens of Olney and whose efforts are always directed toward the moral, social and material uplifting of society GEORGE COX. In the field of political life, teaching and the railroad business in Marion county, Illi- nois, the subject of this sketch has won dis- tinction, and today is numbered among the leading, influential and honored citizens of Salem. He has figured prominently in pub- lic affairs, ever lending his influence in the development of all worthy causes looking to the development of the locality at large, be- ing an advocate of progressive measures. He is now filling the position of Deputy County Clerk and the promptness and fidelity with which he discharges his duties have won for him the favorable criticism of u6 BIOCK. \P1IIC.\L AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF leading representatives of both political parties. George Cox was born in Parke county, Indiana, July n, 1848, and came to luka, Illinois, September 4, 1868. His father was Alfred Cox, a native of Ohio, who migrated to Indiana when a very small boy. Joshua Cox, grandfather of George Cox, was a na- tive of Hamilton county, Ohio, who mi- grated to Indiana at a very early date and entered land when the United States land office was at Vincennes, he being compelled to go to Vincennes to make his payments, making the trip on horseback, and it was his custom to camp and hunt on the way. Grandfather Cox was a farmer -of great ability for those early times. His widow survived him several years. George W. Overpeck, grandfather of the subject on his mother's side, was born in Pennsylvania. His father and mother having died in early life he drifted to Hamilton county, Ohio, and died in the spring of 1867, having been survived several years by his widow. They spent their lives on a farm. The father of the subject is now a resi- dent of Illinois and makes his home among his children here and at Shattuc, this state. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Mary Overpeck, a native of Ohio. She passed to her rest in April, 1902, at Shattuc, Illinois, at the home of her daughter. Both the father and the mother of our subject were the oldest representa- tives of their respective families. Following children were born to them, seven of whom are living at this writing, 1908, named in order of birth as follows : George, our sub- ject; Mary Jane, wife of P. B. Anderson, of Shattuc, Illinois ; Sally Ann, wife of H. C. Brown, of Vandalia, Illinois; John, of Clinton county, near Huey, Illinois; Amanda, deceased ; Perry, of luka township, this county; Warner, of Decatur, Illinois; Eva, deceased; Julia is the wife of Milton Andrews, of Ouray, Colorado; Libby is de- ceased as are also the last two children born to this couple. George Cox was reared on the parental farm in Parke county, Indiana, and attended the common schools there, also the graded schools by working mornings and evenings to pay his tuition, as his parents were poor and could not defray the expenses of an edu- cation for our subject, but he was possessed of an indomitable will and forged ahead despite obstacles winning definite success in after life as a result of his energy and per- sistency. After completing the course of study laid down in the graded schools he at- tended school at Rockville for a time, after which he taught school with great success for several years, becoming known as one of the able educators of the county and his services were in great demand. He con- tinued teaching until his health failed. He then went to railroading, locating in luka September 4, 1868, as indicated before. He attended school that winter at Xenia, Illi- nois, passing the examination for teacher's license. He then took a course in the Wa- bash Commercial College at Vincennes, In- diana, after which he returned to railroading first as brakeman, then a freight conductor, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 117 later as passenger conductor on the old Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, now the Baltimore & Ohio, Southwestern Railroad. During all these years of railroad service he would at times return to teaching school in both Indiana and Illinois. In 1880 our subject moved on a farm in luka township and for twenty-one consecutive years taught school during the winter months, farming the re- mainder of the year. He made a success of whatever he undertook whether it was farm- ing, teaching or railroading. In the latter he won the confidence of his employers who regarded him as one of their most valuable employes. In April, 1908, Mr. Cox became Deputy County Clerk, which position he is holding with much credit to his innate ability and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. When teaching school our subject was principal of the luka schools. He was of- fered many important positions as a teacher but declined as he desired to teach near home and live at home. Mr. Cox was united in marriage in 1879 to Mary E. Young, the talented and accom- plished daughter of W. J. Young, of luka township, one of the pioneers of Marion county. Mr. Young was an influential citi- zen and served as a lieutenant during the Civil war. One child was born to the subject and wife who died in infancy. Mr. Cox still owns a valuable farm of eighty acres in which he takes a great inter- est, having improved it up to a high stand- ard of Marion county's valuable farms, it ranking with the best of them. It is located four and one-half miles southeast of luka. An excellent residence and several substan- tial out buildings stand on the place. Mr. Cox has been a candidate for County Superintendent of Schools at different times but was defeated by a few votes. In poli- tics he is a Democrat. In his fraternal re- lations he is affiliated with the Masons at luka and is an honorary member of the Modern Woodmen. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cox are members of the Methodist Episco- pal church and both belong to the Eastern Star. THOMAS J. CLARK. The subject of this biographical review is eminently deserving of mention in a com- pilation as is the nature of this one, owing to the fact that his has been an active life, fruitful of good results and among his friends and acquaintances he has ever held an honorable position. Thomas J. Clark, publisher of The Clay County Democrat and one of the men of influence in this part of the great Prairie state, was born in Hancock county, Indiana, August 4, 1853, the son of Aruna Clark, who was a native of Sevier county, Tennes- see, and who came to Indiana when twenty years old, settling in Rush county. He was a carpenter and a minister, thus emulating the life of the lowly Nazarene. He removed to Shelby county, Illinois, in 1860, and in 1865 moved to Effingham county, this state, n8 I'.IOCRAl'UICAI. AND RKMIMSCKXT HISTORY OF where he resided until his death in March, 1884. The Clark family originated in Ten- nessee. The subject's mother, who died in 1882, was Charlotte Furman. Her mother was a native of Scotland and her father of Pennsylvania, of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Aruna Clark were the parents of six children, two of whom died in infancy. They are, Jonathan E., of Chattanooga, Tennessee; Sarah Arnold, of Tucumcari, New Mexico; Mrs. Jennie Wood, of Beech- er City, Illinois; Thomas J., the subject. Thomas J. Clark spent his early life in Efnngham county, this state, receiving a limited education in the country schools there, and later attended the city schools of Effingham. After his school days he learned the blacksmith trade at which he worked for eight years. He then clerked in a gen- eral store for two or three years, after which he went to railroading, which he followed up to February, 1908, having given his em- ployers entire satisfaction in that line of work. In July, 1908, Mr. Clark bought the Clay County Democrat, which he now conducts in a manner that shows him to be a moulder of public opinion, his paper being a power for good in Clay county. He has a good plant, well equipped and his paper is well edited and the mechanical appearance of each issue shows that this part of the work is well looked after. Since assuming charge of the plant the circulation of The Democrat has increased as well as has the advertising. Mr. Clark was united in marriage to Mary Lilley, December 20, 1876. She was born and reared in Fayette county, Illinois, and to this union four children have been born; William Edwin, who is married and is living at Clarkson, Washington; Mrs. Gertrude Roseberry, of Pana, Illinois; Mrs. Caroline Myers, of East St. Louis; Don, a linotype operator, living in East St. Louis. Our subject served one term as school di- rector at Beecher City, Illinois, and was City Clerk of Flora, for a part of one term, having been appointed to fill a vacancy. In his fraternal relations Mr. Clark be- longs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen. In politics he is a loyal Democrat. He is thoroughly interested in the affairs of his party and does what he can in furthering the policies of the same. CHARLES H. WEST. The early pioneers of Marion county, Illinois, have about all "crossed the great divide." Year by year their numbers have continued to diminish, until of the hundreds who settled here in the twenties and thirties only a few of them remain. There are, how- ever, many men and women now living in the county, who, though coming here in what might be properly termed the second period after the pioneers, have borne well their part in making this a prosperous re- gion. They are no less worthy of praise in the part they bore in the labors and priva- tions of this early period than are their par- ot 'U.INOIS. WEST HOME. Kinmundy, Illinois. C. H. WEST. LWMY Of THP HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. ents. Among these is the subject of this sketch, who has spent the major part of his mature years in the county where he has become widely known and where his labors have benefited alike himself and the commu- nity at large. Charles H. West was born in Delaware county, Indiana, October 27, 1845, the son of George and Elizabeth (Brammer) West. The father of the subject left Pennsyl- vania when a young man, and settled in Delaware county, Indiana, and came to Illi- nois in 1865, in Jo Daviess county and in 1869 came to Marion county where he re- mained the balance of his life, having reached the advanced age of eighty-three years, after a life of hard work in agri- cultural pursuits. The subject's mother, a woman of many fine qualities and a worthy companion of her noble husband, lived to be seventy-three years old, and was in her religious belief a member of the old school Baptists. There were seven children in this family, six living to maturity. Samuel, the oldest brother of the subject, was a soldier from Indiana in the Union lines and was killed at Marietta, Georgia, where he was buried. A brother of the father of our sub- ject had a son, John T. West, who was also a soldier in the Civil war, having been in a Pennsylvania regiment. Charles H. West, our subject, came with his father to Marion county in 1869. He attended the public schools in Delaware county, Indiana, where he worked on his father's farm during the summer season, having remained a member of the family circle until he was thirty-one years of age. He then leased his father's farm in this county for a number of years, and after his father returned to Illinois he purchased the same which he has managed with the greatest success for a period of twenty- five years, developing it into one of the lead- ing farms of the community and gathering from its fertile fields from year to year bounteous harvests. Mr. West owns at this writing, 1908, twelve and one-half acres in Kinmundy in one section of the city and also a ten-acre orchard in another section of the city, also forty acres one-half mile east of the town, containing a fine orchard, all well located and good land. He also has excellent prop- erty in the central part of the town, and fifty acres of horticultural land, which is very valuable owing to the large and choice varieties of trees on it. This property claims much of his attention since Mr. West delights in horticultural work, being well versed in its various phases. He owns a modern, large, nicely furnished and alto- gether one of the most desirable residences in Kinmundy or vicinity. All this he has made himself practically unaided as a result of his genuine business sagacity, persistency and honesty. Mr. West was united in marriage in 1877 to Rose N. Dillon, a native of Marion county, whose father was from Kentucky ; her mother's people being from Ohio. Three children have been born to this union, BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF named in order of birth as follows : Harry T., who was born in 1878, is married and has two children ; Maud L. is the wife of A. G. Porter and the mother of one child; the third child died in infancy. Mr. West is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and their auxiliaries. In politics he is a Republican and is an Alderman in the City Council of Kinmundy, which position he fills with great credit. In township and county affairs Mr. West takes an active interest and when his judg- ment approves of any measure that is ad- vanced he is not hesitant in giving his ap- proval and active aid. In many ways he has given his time and service for the general good. He has a wide acquaintance and the favorable judgment the public passed upon him in the early days of his residence here has been in no degree set aside or modified as the years have gone by. WILBUR ADINO GOODENOUGH. In the history of Clay county, as applying to the milling industry, the name of Wilbur A. Goodenough occupies a conspicuous place, for through a number of years he has been one of the representative lumber deal- ers in this locality, progressive, enterprising and persevering. Such qualities always win success, sooner or later, and to the subject they have brought a satisfactory reward for his well directed efforts, and while he has benefited himself and community in a mate- rial way, he has also been an influential fac- tor in the educational, political and moral uplift of the community favored by his resi- dence. Wilbur Adino Goodenough was born in Jefferson county, New York, May 26, 1857, the son of Morris M. Goodenough, who was a native of Northern New York. Adino Goodenough, the great-grandfather of the subject, was a native of Scotland, who came to America with Lord Howe. He passed the winter with Washington at Valley Forge as one of his captains, having enlist- ed three times in the Revolutionary war. The third time he walked from Vermont to Boston to enlist. He spent his last days at Watertown, Jefferson county. New York, dying there in his eighty-seventh year. Most of his life while in America, was spent in Vermont. The subject's grandfather, John Banister Goodenough, a native of New York, died in 1864, at the age of eighty-two years. He devoted his life to farming. The subject's father was also a farmer, and, like his ancestors, was a man of influence in his community. He died at the age of seventy-two years in Jefferson county, New York, in 1899. The mother of the subject was Caroline Griswold, also a native of northern New York, where she lived all her life and where she ended her earthly labors in 1895, at the age of sixty-two years. Twelve children were born to the subject's parents, eight of wh<;m are living, in 1908, namely: Charles, Estella, Wilbur, Albert, Caroline, Ward, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Eaton, Morris, Emma, Belle, Mollie and Grace. Mr. Goodenough spent his boyhood days in Watertown, New York, where he attend- ed school and received a good education. He went from there to Copenhagen, New York, where he learned the trade of miller, after which he went to Ogdensburg, that state, where he worked for fifteen years with much success attending his efforts. In 1894 he came to Louisville and bought the Louisville Roller Mills, which burned down October 25, 1897. The plant was rebuilt the fall of 1898. His brother, Albert, has been associated with him in all his business. They have an extensive trade and carry on a growing industry, their customers coming from all parts of this locality, both in the flour and lumber business. Mr. Goodenough was united in marriage February 22, 1883, to Luella Stanford, of Lowville, Lewis county, New York, the rep- resentative of a well known family there, and to this union two children have been born: Luella, born April 15, 1894, and Stanford, born December 17, 1898. Our subject is a director in the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Louisville. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Masons, the Chapter and Knights Templar. In politics he is a Republican and both he and Mrs. Goodenough are members of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Goodenough is one of the substantial citizens of Clay county. He has persevered in the pursuit of a persistent purpose and gained a most satisfactory reward. His life is exemplary in many respects, and he has ever supported those interests which have for their object the welfare of the commu- nity and the benefit of humanity. WILFRED W. MERZ. The career of the subject of this review has been varied and interesting, and the his- tory of Marion county will be more interest- ing if a record of his activities and achieve- ments are given prominence, and a tribute to his worth and high character as a business man, a public-spirited and enterprising, broad-minded citizen, for although he is yet a young man he has shown by his persist- ency and eminently worthy career what can be accomplished by the young man who has thrift, energy, tact, force of character and honesty of purpose, and representing as he does one of the best and most highly es- teemed families of the country, whose an- cestors did so much in the pioneer days to prepare the country for the enjoyment and success of succeeding generations, Mr. Merz is peculiarly entitled to proper mention in this work along with other leading and hon- orable citizens of Marion county. Wilfred W. Merz, the popular and effi- cient agent of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, also of the Wells, Fargo & Company Express, at Salem, Marion county, was born at this place February 13, 1872, being the eldest child of Nicholas Merz, who is a member of the Council of Al- AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF dermen of the city of Salem, and an influen- tial and highly respected citizen who has lived in Salem practically all his life. Nicho- las Merz's parents were born in Germany and migrated to America in early life, and soon established comfortable homes in the new world and lived to a ripe old age. The mother of our subject was known in her maidenhood as Elizabeth A. Smith. She was born at Decatur, Illinois, and died at Huey, Illinois. Sarah S. Ritchie, the maternal grand- mother of our subject, is a native of Giles county, Virginia, born March 22, 1828, and at present resides near Shattuc, Illinois, in her eightieth year. Her first husband was John H. Smith, who was born September i, 1831, at Chillicothe, Ohio, and died at Metropolis, Illinois, October 2, 1888. He was the father of nine children (the mother of our subject being the eldest), only one of whom is living, John Lewis Smith, of Car- lyle, Illinois. Nicholas Merz by his first wife is the father of five children, of whom four are liv- ing in 1908, and whose births occurred in the following order: Wilfred W., our sub- ject; Nellie, the wife of Richard Ellington, of St. Louis; John L. , living in Chicago; Nona died in Chicago, July 8, 1905 ; Orval Nicholas living in Salem, Illinois. To Nicho- las Merz and his second wife one child was born, Mabel, who is living with her parents in Salem. These children received a fairly good education and are comfortably located, each giving promise of successful careers. Wilfred W. Merz was reared in Salem, having attended the city schools where he applied himself in a most assiduous manner, outstripping many less ambitious plodders until he graduated from the high school as salutarian with the class of 1900, having made an excellent record for scholarship. After leaving school Mr. Merz farmed on his father's place for two years, making agriculture a success. He then left the farm and accepted a clerkship with the mercantile firm of Cutler & Hays in Salem in whose employ he remained for one and one-half years, giving entire satisfaction as a sales- man and by reason of his adaptability for this line of work and his courteous treat- ment of customers did much to increase the firm's popularity and trade. In 1893 Mr. Merz entered the railroad business with the Baltimore & Ohio, and was assistant agent at Salem during 1893 an ^ 1894. On January 16, 1895, he was ap- pointed agent for the Chicago, Paducah & Memphis Railroad Company at Kell, Illi- nois. This road later passed into the control of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois in 1907, and after about eight months of acceptable service at Kell, Mr. Merz was promoted to the position of agent at Salem for the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois road, and he has since been their faithful employe at this im- portant post, with the exception of five months as agent at Tuscola, Illinois, from January to June, 1904, and as assistant cash- ier of the Salem State Bank from October, 1904, to October, 1905, which position he held with honor and resigned the same to RICHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. re-enter the railroad service. He is regarded by the company as one of the most conscien- tious and reliable agents in their service. Since the division was established at Salem in 1905, this office has become one of the most important along the company's line. Mr. Merz was happily married August 24, 1897, to Nettie Kell, daughter of J. M. Kell and wife, a well known family of old Foxville. Mrs. Merz is a representative of one of the oldest families of Marion county, and one of a family 'of nine children, seven of whom are yet living, Maudie and Robert dying in infancy. Her father and mother are still living at the time of this writing, the mother being one of ten sisters all of whom, are! living in 1908, a most remarkable record. Her father, John M. Kell, was a soldier in the Union ranks during the war between the states and was one of a family of twelve children, one of his brothers being killed in the last skirmish of the Civil war after a service of three years. Mrs. Merz's grandfather, on her maternal side, was Robert Wham, a well-to-do pioneer of Marion county who rendered distinguished services as a soldier in the Mexican war. He had a brother, French L., who died in Andersonville prison. Mr. Wham passed away January 10, 1905, at a very old age. Mr. and Mrs. Merz are the parents of three bright and interesting children who have added cheer to the cozy, modern and nicely furnished home which is so graciously presided over with rare dignity and grace by the subject's wife, the names of their chil- dren being as follows: Robert W., born July 6, 1898; Helen Louise, born February 6, 1900; Gladys Roberta, born June 6, 1902. The fact that the birth of these children all occurred on the sixth of the month is a singular coincidence. Mr. and Mrs. Merz own their own beauti- ful home on East Main street. Both are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and are known as among the best members of the congregation with which they have always been popular. The subject has spent his entire life in Salem where he is well and favorably known, having gained and retained undivided respect of all as a result of his sober, industrious and honor- able career. He is always to be found on the right side of all questions looking to the betterment of his community and may well be said to represent Marion county's best citizenship in every particular. SNIVELY & MONTGOMERY, LIVERYMEN. Though no land is richer in opportunities or offers greater advantages to its citizens than America, success is not to be attained through desire, but must be persistently sought. In this country "labor is king," and the man who resolutely sets to work to accomplish a given purpose is certain of success if he has but the qualities of perse- verance, untiring energy and practical com- mon sense. William A. Montgomery, the BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF well known liveryman of Olney, Illinois, through his diligence and persistent efforts, has attained definite success and has won the respect of all who know him through his fair dealing with the public. William A. Montgomery was born in Ol- ney, Richland county, October 22, 1860, the son of Thomas and Sarah (Brillhart) Mont- gomery, natives of Virginia and Pennsyl- vania, respectively, who came to Richland county in an early day. Thomas came with his parents when a small boy. The fam- ily entered land in Edwards county, where Thomas was reared, assisting with the work of improving a farm in the wilderness. When only sixteen years old, he began car- rying the mail from Fair-field to Mt. Car- mel, and he had charge of the route from Olney to Grayville, for years. He also op- erated a stage. He later became a pros- perous farmer in Richland county. The Brillharts were pioneers in Richland county and became influential in their com- munity. The parents of the subject of this sketch died in Richland county, the father at the age of seventy-eight and the mother when sixty-eight years old. They were people of many sterling and praiseworthy traits, and were hard workers all their lives. William A. Montgomery was reared on a farm in Edwards county, and received his education in the country schools of Edwards and Richland counties. He remained at home during the lifetime of his parents, working on the farm until the spring of 1903, when he came to Olney and engaged in the livery business, which he is still con- ducting with great success, giving the pub- lic entire satisfaction and handling an ex- cellent grade of horses and vehicles. The firm is known as Snively & Montgomery. They began business in their present loca- tion in 1906, building a modern and con- venient brick barn which was completed in June of that year. The building is sixty- eight by one hundred and ten feet and is one of the most complete and best equipped in Olney or any of the surrounding towns. They keep an average of twenty head of driving stock, also a considerable number of boarding stock. In politics Mr. Montgomery is a Demo- crat and a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Benevolent and Protec- tive Order of Elks, No. 926, of Olney. Edmund C. Snively, partner of Mr. Mont- gomery, was born in Madison township, Richland county, and what has been said of the former regarding untiring persistence and application to business is equally ap- plicable to him, and they make a strong combination in their special line. The date of Mr. Snively's birth was December 26, 1872. He is the son of Amos B. and Sa- rah E. (Parker) Snively, residents of Mad- ison township. Mr. Snively was reared on a farm and was educated in the country schools and at the Southern Normal at Car- bondale for one year. He received a good education for he applied himself well to his books and successfully taught school for one term. He worked on a farm, in a saw-mill and operated a threshing machine for sev- eral seasons. In 1904 he came to Olney, HIGHLAND, CLAY AM) MARION COl'XTIES, ILLINOIS. 125 and became a member of Snively & Mont- gomery, and has continued in the same ever since. Mr. Snively was united in marriage on June 12, 1907, to Laura D. Yelch, a native of Olney township, the daughter of Daniel and Margaret (Swallen) Yelch, the former now deceased and the latter is a resident of Olney. In politics Mr. Snively is a Demo- crat, and in his fraternal relations he be- longs to the Modern Woodmen of America and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Olney. Fair dealing has been the watchword of this firm and as a result they have built up an extensive patronage, which is still grow- ing. Both Messrs. Snively and Montgom- ery are regarded as among the substantial citizens of Olney, and are well spoken of by all who know them. GEORGE B. SIMCOX. The subject stands as the exponent of one of the extensive noteworthy enterprises of the city, where he maintains a real estate business, which is pre-eminent in the honorable bearing and careful methods em- ployed, and in the discriminating delicacy of treatment which the nature of the business renders expedient, and he has thus retained as his own the respect and confidence of the community, even as has his noble father, the latter having likewise assumed a position of priority in the business and social life of Marion county, where he still resides at an advanced age. George B. Simcox was born in Kentucky in 1864, the son of W. K. Simcox, now living at Patoka, Illinois, a native of Penn- sylvania, who migrated from the old Key- stone state to Illinois in 1866, locating at Patoka, where he has since resided. He was in the mercantile business of which he made a success, but he is now living retired, hav- ing reached the advanced age of eighty- three, and his good wife that of seventy-eight. They are held in high esteem in their neighborhood where their latter years have been so honorably and happily spent. Twelve children were born to them, seven of whom are still living. They are : Anna M., the widow of Dr. T. N. Livesay, and she makes her home near Patoka ; Rob- ert A., of Patoka; John L., also of Patoka; Bettie, the wife of Dr. W. W. Murfin, of Patoka; Mary A., the wife of A. T. Eaglin, of Henton, Oklahoma; Joseph W., of Pa- toka; George B., whose name appears at the head of this review. Mr. Simcox spent his boyhood in Patoka, Illinois, where he received a common school education, having applied himself closely to his books. When about eighteen years old he went to railroading and was subsequently in the employ of various roads. Longing for more varied experiences than could be gained at home, he went to the Southwest and his rise in the railroad business was rapid there owing to his natural ability, carefulness and personal address, conse- quently he soon became conductor on the 126 ItKiK APHICAL A XI) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Mexican National Railroad in Old Mexico, holding this responsible position to the satis- faction of the superior officials when only twenty-one years old. After following the railroad business for ten years he returned to Salem, Illinois, in 1895, and has been in Marion county ever since. He first launched in the mercantile business in Patoka, where he was doing nicely and building up an excellent trade, when he lost heavily by fire after two years in this line. Then he went into the real estate and newspaper business at Patoka, in which he made a success and became known as the moulder of public thought and opin- ion. Being thus able and popular with his fellow voters, he was soon slated for local political offices, and held every township office in that township. He was appointed Deputy Sheriff in 1902 and served with great credit for a period of four years. In- deed, all his duties in an official capacity were attended to with the greatest alacrity and good judgment. He was nominated by the Democrats in 1906 as a candidate for sheriff, but was defeated. In 1906 Mr. Simcox went into the hard- ware business in Salem, in which he re- mained for eight months, when he sold out to C. W. Vensell, and since then he has been interested in the real estate business, making a specialty of city lots and booming special sales, and his efforts have been crowned with gratifying success, for he has the confidence of the public and conducts his business along safe and conservative lines. Mr. Simcox was united in marriage May 24, 1896, to Florence Wasem, of Patoka, the cultured and refined daughter of Jacob E. Wasem, a well known citizen of Patoka. Two bright and interesting children have been born to this union, namely: Maude Ellen, whose date of birth occurred August 13, 1897, and Minnie May, who was born November 24, 1903. Our subject in his fraternal relations be- longs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at Centralia Lodge No. 493 ; also the Marion Lodge No. 525, Knights of Pythias; also the Modern Woodmen of America No. 761, of Patoka. He also be- longs to the Order of Railway Telegraphers. Our subject has always taken a great in- terest in political matters and public affairs, and he was chairman of the Democratic Central Committee during two campaigns, and he is now a member of the County Ex- ecutive Democratic Committee of Marion county. In public office he has been found most loyal to the public good, and in his business affairs he is ever straight-forward and trustworthy. ROBERT MARTIN. It is signally consonant that in this work be incorporated at least a brief resume of the life and labors of Mr. Martin, who has long been one of the influential citizens of Marion county, and through whose loyal efforts the city of Salem and surrounding RICH I. AM), CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 127 locality have reaped lasting benefits, for his exceptional administrative capacity has been directed along lines calculated to be for the general good. A man of forceful individu- ality and marked initiative power, he has been well equipped for leadership, while his probity of character and his genial personal- ity have gained for him uniform esteem and friendship in the city where he has so long made his home, and of which he is regarded by all classes as one of its most distinguished citizens in connection with the business world. Robert Martin was born in Estilville, now known as Gate City, Scott county, Virginia, April n, 1839, the son of John S. Martin, also a native of Virginia, and a man of rec- ognized ability, being the representative of a fine old Southern family, noted for its high ideals and unqualified hospitality, his ancestry being Scotch-Irish. John S. Mar- tin was County Clerk for a period of twenty years or more, and he held many other county offices, including a judgeship, and he won universal praise for the able manner in which he discharged his every duty to the public. He was called from his earthly labors in 1865 while living at Alma, this county. The mother of the subject was a Stewart before her marriage, a woman of rare mental equipoise and culture; she passed to her rest soon after the family came to Illinois in 1846. Our subject spent his early boyhood on his parental farm at Alma, having been only five years old when the family came here. He attended school at Alma and Salem. He also attended the Southern Illinois Female College at Salem, which institution ceased to exist soon after the war. He gained a liberal education which has stood him in such good hand during his long and emi- nently active and successful business career. Our subject was one of those loyal sons of the North, who, when the tocsin of war sounded calling loyal sons to defend the old flag, offered his services, enlisting in Company A, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, one of the fa- mous regiments of the state, which was or- ganized at Salem. Mr. Martin was then twenty-one years old. The company left Salem and went to Columbus, Kentucky, and from there to Paducah, that state, later to Pulaski, Tennessee, and from there marched to Chattanooga, where it united with Sherman's army and remained with the same through its historic march to the sea, and also its strenuous campaigns, having participated in the battles at Atlanta and many other notable engagements. After re- maining with him until the close of the war, he took part in the grand review at Wash- ington City, after a very commendable ser- vice of three years. He was mustered out at Springfield, Illinois, where he came soon after the review in Washington. After his career in the army, Mr. Martin launched in the grocery business at Salem, in which he remained for one year, when he sold out and went into the more lucrative grain and lumber business, in which he has been engaged for a period of forty-one years during which time an enormous volume of 128 nor.KAl'lIICAL AXI) KKM IN ISC KXT HISTORY OF business has passed through his hands, and he has become widely known as one of the leading men in these lines in Southern Illi- nois, being recognized by the leading dealers throughout this and adjoining states as well as remote parts of the country as a man of the highest business integrity and acumen. He is still conducting a large lumber yard, and carries on a very extensive and thriving business, numbering his customers by the thousands, not only from Salem and vicin- ity, but throughout the county and to remote parts of the country. He owns a beautiful, modern and well furnished residence in one of the most desirable portions of Salem. Our subject was happily married in 1867 to Alice Scott, a native of Vincennes, In- diana, a woman of affable personality and rare refinement, the daughter of a highly respected and influential family. Three children have been born to this union, one of whom has passed away. They are: Mabel Dora, the wife of W. H. Parsons, of Salem; C. C. Martin, of Salem, and John Lewis Martin, formerly of Salem, now de- ceased. These children received every possible at- tention from their parents, being given good educations and careful home training. Mr. Martin assisted in the organization and became one of the first directors and stockholders in the Salem State Bank. He is also a director of the Salem Building and Loan Association, and his sound judgment and able advice is always carefully weighed by the other members of these organizations in their deliberations, for Mr. Martin has a reputation among local business men for remarkable foresight into all business propo- sitions. Having always been interested in educational affairs, he served as a member and also as president of the School Board of Salem for several years, but he is not at present connected with the board, but during the time that he was the schools of Salem were greatly strengthened. In his fraternal relations Mr. Martin is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Woodmen. He has been a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist church since he was thirteen years old. CHARLES T. KELL. This enterprising farmer and representa- tive citizen is a native of Marion county, Illi- nois, and belongs to one of the old and high- ly esteemed pioneer families of Haines town- ship, where his parents, Thomas and Mary (Luke) Kell, settled in an early day and bore an active and influential part in the devel- opment and growth of the community (see sketch of William Kell). Charles T. was born a short distance west of the village of Kell, September 18, 1854, from which date to the present time his life has been very closely identified with Haines township, and as stated above, he now holds worthy pres- tige among the leading agriculturists and public spirited men of the section of country honored by his citizenship. Reared in close touch with nature in the healthful outdoor life of the farm, he earlv acquired a vigorous physique and an inde- pendence of mind characteristic of the sturdy MR AND MRS. C. T. KELL. Of THE UNIVERSITY w ILLINOIS, RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. I2 9 son of the soil, and while still quite young he became familiar with the varied duties of agriculture and learned to appreciate the honor and dignity which belong to those who earn their bread by the sweat of the brow. At the proper age he entered the schools of the neighborhood, which he attended at in- tervals until acquiring a practical knowledge of the subjects taught, the meanwhile assist- ing his father on the family homestead and contributing his full share to its cultivation, After remaining with his parents until at- taining his majority, Charles T. entered into partnership with his brother, John M. Kell. by purchasing a half interest in a saw and grist mill at Foxville, and during the ensu- ing ten years devoted his attention to the manufacture of flour and lumber, meeting with encouraging success in the enterprise and becoming widely known as a wide- awake and thoroughly honorable and reli- able business man. Disposing of his interest in the mill at the expiration of the period in- dicated, he located on his present home farm in Haines township, adjoining the town of Kell on the south, having previously become the possessor of another tract consisting of one hundred and twenty acres in another part of the same township, both of which places he has brought to a high state of cul- tivation and otherwise improved. At the time the railroad was constructed he sold twenty acres, which is now a part of the village of Kell. As a farmer, Mr. Kell easily ranks with the most enterprising and successful men of his calling in Marion county, being progres- 9 sive in his methods and using the latest mod- ern implements and machinery and by judi- cious rotation of crops he seldom fails to realize abundant returns from the time and labor devoted to his fields. He also pays considerable attention to the raising of live stock, which he finds quite profitable, and his domestic animals, including horses, mules, cattle, sheep and hogs, are among the finest breeds obtainable, and from their sale no small share of his liberal income is derived. Mr. Kell has not been sparing of his means in the matter of improvement, and the beautifying and rendering attractive his home, the large two-story house with its many modern conveniences, being among the most desirable country residences in the township, while his commodious barn, out- buildings, wells, fences and other evidences of prosperity compare favorably with the best in his part of the country. He keeps in close touch with the advancement in agri- cultural science, and fully abreast of the times in reducing the same to practical tests, being progressive in all the term implies, and believes in the latest and most approved methods of modern farming. In his political faith Mr. Kell is a Repub- lican, and while interested in the success of his party, he has never been a politician, much less an office seeker or aspirant for leadership. In religion he subscribes to the Missionary Baptist creed, and for a number of years his name has adorned the records of that church, having held the office of dea- con five years in the local congregation, to which himself and entire family belong, be- 1 3 o BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF sides being otherwise interested in religious and benevolent work. He is superintendent of the Sunday school which he attends, has long been an influential leader in this depart- ment of religious endeavor, and with his wife has been instrumental in arousing an in- terest among the young people of the neigh- borhood and leading not a few of them to the higher life. Mr. Kell was married in the year 1881 to Rebecca C. Purdue, of Haines township, daughter of Richard and Caroline (Har- mon) Purdue, early settlers of Marion coun- ty and among the highly respected people of their locality (see history of the Purdue family). Mr. and Mrs. Kell have four chil- dren, the oldest of whom, a daughter by the name of Iva May, is the wife of R. A. Jef- fries, of Haines township, and the mother of one child, Trevor Jeffries. The other chil- dren, two daughters and one son, are still under the parental roof, their names in order of birth being as follows: Myrtle, Ellis and Ethel. Mr. Kell has taken great interest in the rearing and educating of his children and they in turn have responded to his every effort in their behalf. The children all re- ceived liberal educational advantages in the public schools and also at Ewing Baptist College at Ewing, 111. Ethel graduated at the age of seventeen from that institution in instrumental music. The family is one of the best known and most highly esteemed in the county and the name which is an old and honorable one has long been synonymous for noble manhood and womanhood and a high order of citizenship. HENRY HORD. Aside from his connections with the civic affairs of Clay county, the subject of this sketch has long been an influential factor in the general business and industrial interests of the county during his entire life, which has been spent here, everything calculated to advance the community, materially or otherwise, receiving his support and hearty co-operation. He is unwavering in his al- legiance to what he believes is right, and upholds his honest convictions at the sacri- fice, if necessary, of every other interest. Conscientious in the discharge of his duties of citizenship, he is a valued member of the body politic, and his aim has ever been to shape his life according to the highest stand- ard of excellence, therefore he has won the esteem and confidence of all who know him. Henry Hord, the popular Sheriff of Clay county, is a native of the same, having been born in Blair township, December 8, 1863, the son of Thomas B. Hord, who was a na- tive of Indiana, and who came to Illinois when a boy, being one of the early settlers of Clay county, locating in Blair township, where he now lives and is a prosperous farmer, well known in his township. "Judge" George Hord, grandfather of the subject, was also a native of Indiana and a man of considerable influence in his community. The subject's mother was known in her maidenhood as Alice Beal, whose people came from Tennessee. She passed to her rest when our subject was two years old. Two children were born to the parents of HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. our subject, the other child dying in in- fancy. They gave their son all the advan- tages possible, wholesome home environ- ment and a fairly good education, and he owes much of his subsequent success to his solicitous parents. He was reared on a farm where he laid the foundations for a hardy manhood, for he devoted the summer months to work in the fields and attended school in the winter in his native township, which was the only schooling he had ; but he made good use of his time. After leav- ing school he continued farm work on the home place until he married when he went to farming for himself in Blair township. Mr. Hord was united in the bonds of wedlock with Percilla Eytchison, the daugh- ter of J. W. and Charity A. Eytchison, a well known family of Blair township, the date of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Hord being October 18, 1884, and to this union nine children have been born, named in or- der of birth as follows: Jesse, deceased, having died when about thirteen years old; Lillie, William, Mimmie, Roy. Elbridge. Rol- la, Everett, the youngest child died in in- fancy. In 1906 Mr. Hord was elected Sheriff of Clay county, on the Republican ticket, and he is now serving his term of four years in a manner that elicits praise from everyone having occasion to know of his work, for he is discharging his duties in a most con- scientious and able manner, and generally regarded as the best Sheriff the county has ever had. Previously Mr. Hord had faith- fully served Blair township as Supervisor and Assessor. He owns a good farm in Blair township, which he rents. In his fra- ternal relations he is a Mason. Mrs. Hord died of typhoid fever Sep- tember 1 8, 1906, between the time Mr. Hord was nominated and elected Sheriff. Our subject was married a second time, his last wife being Miss Dora Manifold, a daughter of Reverend Manifold, now deceased. Mrs. Hord formerly resided in St. Louis, and she taught school in Clay county for five years. In his career Mr. Hord has seen the gath- ering clouds that threatened disaster, but his rich inheritance of energy and pluck has enabled him to turn defeats into victory and promised failures into success. He enjoys in the fullest measure the public confidence, because of the honorable methods he has ever followed, and is one of the prominent and honored men of Clay county. WILLIAM C. INGRAM. Standing in an eminent position among the industrial representatives of Marion county is the subject of this sketch, who is recognized as one of Kinmundy's lead- ing citizens, having for many years been interested in the local flouring mill the repu- tation of which has spread all over this lo- cality as a result of his able management. In this regard he is controlling an exten- sive and important industry, for the product of his mill is large and the annual shipment 1 3 2 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of flour made to the city markets bring in return a very desirable income to the stock- holders of the company. His success has been won entirely along old and time-tried maxims, such as "honesty is the best policy" and "there is no excellence without labor." William C. Ingram was born in Indiana in 1848, the son of Samuel and Minerva A. (Powers) Ingram. Grandfather Ingram is supposed to have been born in Kentucky and moved to Warrick county, Indiana, where he engaged in farming and where he spent the balance of his days in honest and use- ful toil ; there raising his family and passing from his labors into the great beyond, after reaching a very advanced age. His faithful life companion also lived to an advanced age. They reared a large family, all but one of whom lived to be men and women and reared families of their own. A number of their sons were gallant infantrymen in the Union ranks during the war between the states. The Ingram lineage is from Eng- land, and were early settlers in Kentucky, having come there in the brave days of Daniel Boone when the principal tasks of the pioneers were the clearing of the pri- meval forests and the banishment of the wary red men. Samuel Ingram, the father of the subject, was reared in Indiana, and was almost wholly without educational advantages. His date of birth is recorded as 1824, conse- quently his boyhood was during a time when schools had scarcely been established in the Hoosier state. He devoted his life to agri- cultural pursuits of which he made a suc- cess being a hard worker. He left Indiana in 1854 and moved to Edwards county, Illinois, but came on to Marion county, land- ing here April 6, 1857, ar >d bought a farm on which he remained and greatly improved, living there in comfort until 1866, when he moved to Kinmundy, still working his farm ; continuing this for ten years when he sold out and retired from active work. He is still hale and active at this writing (1908), having attained the ripe age of eighty-four. As a result of his well spent life his old age is happy, for it is free from want and worry and pervaded with no unpleasant memories or regrets and compunctions over a misspent past, for his life has been one of honor and industry, most worthily lived. There were eight children in his family, six of whom are now living and have families of their own. The mother of the subject, a woman of beautiful Christian character, passed to her rest at the age of seventy- eight years. This fine old couple were al- ways devout Methodists. The great-grandfather 'Powers of the subject spent most of his life in Indiana, living to an old age. He was a Democrat and a Baptist. Grandmother Powers died in middle age. One of Mrs. Ingram's brothers, John Powers, was a soldier in the Civil war. William C. Ingram, our subject, was brought to Illinois by his parents when six years old and to Marion county three years later, having been placed at once in the pub- lic schools here where he received his edu- cation, and in other similar schools of HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 133 this state. He worked on his father's farm and for others as a farm hand until he was twenty-one years old, when he rented a farm and worked it on his own account for two years, making a good start in this way. He then purchased a farm of one hundred and fifty acres in this county on which he re- mained for a few years when he went to carpentry and farming, later purchasing a saw mill which he successfully operated for twenty-five years, which he recently sold. He has also owned two other saw mills, and has been known as one of the leading mill men of this locality for many years Some time ago he came to Kinmundy and pur- chased an interest in the Songer flouring mill which has been in operation for forty years, the subject now owning forty shares in this mill and is a director in the same, which has a wide reputation for the excellency of its products, customers not only coming in per- son from all parts of the county, but many orders are constantly pouring in from ad- joining counties and distant cities. The sub- ject's son is also a part owner in the mill. He also owns and controls thirty shares of the capital stock. Our subject has also been a merchant, and owing to his honesty in business, his natural ability and his discriminating fore- sight, he has always made a success at what- ever he undertook, so that today he is re- garded as one of the financially substantial men of the county, every dollar in his pos- session having been honestly earned by hard work. Mr. Ingram was united in marriage in 1869 to Mary R. Gray, a native of this county, daughter of James H, and Susanna Jane (Hannah) Gray. They were from Tennessee and lived on a farm. Her father was president of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Kinmundy at the time of his death, which occurred at the age of seventy-seven years. In their family were ten children, seven of whom lived to maturity, but were short-lived people. Six children were born to the subject and wife as follows: Jane who was born in 1871, died when two and one-half years old; Charles H., who was born in 1874, is now living in Oklahoma and is the father of six children : Nellie A., who was born in 1876, is the wife of M. E. Huston, who lives at Maroa, Illinois, and is the mother of one child; Isaac D. was born in 1879 and is now associated with his father in the mill, is mar- ried and has three children ; Robert L., who was bom in 1880, is living in the state of Washington, is married and has one child; William G., born in 1882, died at the age of twenty-one years. The subject's first wife passed away in 1883. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. Mr. Ingram was married a second time, the date of his last wedding occurring in 1888. Nancy I. Gray (nee Booth), who was then the mother of two children, was his second choice. W. H. Gray, a sketch of whose life appears in this work, is her son. Her other child is dead. There has been no issue by the subject's last union. Mr. Ingram is a member of the Ma- sonic Fraternity and he attends the Metho- 134 UOGKAl'HICAL AND KK M I X 1SCF.XT HISTORY OF dist church, of which his wife is a faithful member. In politics he supports the Re- publican ticket and he takes a keen interest in public affairs, though he has no ambition for the honors or emoluments of public of- fice, preferring to give his attention to his own business affairs. JOHN F. JOLLY. The most elaborate history is necessarily an abridgement, the historian being com- pelled to select his facts and material from a multitude of details. In every life of honor and usefulness there is no dearth of incident, and yet in summing up the career of any man the writer needs touch only those salient points which give the keynote of the character, but eliminating much that is superfluous. Thus in giving the life rec- ord of the gentleman whose name initiates this sketch sufficient will be said to show that he is one of the enterprising and pro- gressive citizens of Richland county, being a well known horticulturist and hardware merchant. John F. Jolly was born at Grayville, White county, Illinois, December 2, 1850, the son of John B. and Elizabeth (Ferri- man) Jolly, the former a native of Edwards county, of English parents, and the latter of Jamaica, who came with her parents to Edwards county when a child, settling in Albion. Stephen Jolly, grandfather of our subject, emigrated to America from Eng- land, locating at Albion, Edwards county, this state, where he died soon after the birth of J. B. Jolly, who is now eighty-four years old and the oldest resident at Grayville, hav- ing removed to the latter place about 1847, where he engaged in merchandising for many years. He accumulated a comfortable competency and is now retired. His wife passed away in 1851. The subject is the only child of his parents, his mother having died when he was an infant. He was reared in Grayville, having been educated in the public schools there, also went to school at Normal, Illinois. He became deputy post- master at Grayville, which position he held for about four years, when he engaged in the mercantile business under the firm name of Jolly, Spring & Hollister, for about four years. Soon afterward, in 1877, he came to Olney and engaged in the hardware busi- ness under the firm name of Prunty & Jolly, in which business he has continued success- fully ever since. A few years later the firm name became J. B. & J. F. Jolly. In 1904 the present firm organized as Jolly, Wie- land & Richardson. These two men had been with Mr. Jolly as clerks for many years, the former as manager of the store and the latter as manager of the manufacturing depart- ment of plumbing, tinning and heating. The change was due to the impairment of Mr. Jolly's health. They carry an extensive line of hardware, stoves, tinware and in fact a complete and carefully selected stock of such things at all times, and they carry on a very extensive trade throughout the county. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 135 Mr. Jolly was united in marriage in 1880, to Mary Morrison, a native of Olney, the daughter of George D. and Kate (Snyder) Morrison, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Lawrence county, Illinois. The Morrisons were originally from Virginia, and the Snyders of Kentucky. The mother resides with her daughter, Mrs. Jolly, in Ol- ney. The father died in 1873, at the age of forty-one years. One daughter has been born to our subject and wife, George Eliza- beth, who was educated at Olney in the high school and at Wellesley College. She is a winsome and talented young lady and popular in whatever society she enters. Mr. Jolly is an active Republican. He was chairman of the County Central Com- mittee for twelve years, and was Mayor of Olney from 1895 to J 896, during which time he did many things that will be of per- manent benefit to the town, leaving more money in the treasury at the expiration of his term than ever had been and has been since. His was a most excellent business administration. In his fraternal relations he belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Mrs. Jolly is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal church, and is president of the Ladies' Guild, which has raised more money than any similar organization, being largely responsible for the erection of the new church building. In 1889, owing to poor health, Mr. Jolly went to California and after many months returned to his home much improved. When he came back to Olney it was with the in- tention of quitting the confinement of the store and engaging in outdoor pursuits, and he accordingly became interested in horti- culture, and in the spring of 1890, planted the second commercial orchard in Richland county of eighty acres adjoining Olney. Since then he has bought adjoining tracts and planted additional acreage until now he owns two hundred acres of fine fruit land, set a well selected variety of trees, nearly all of which are bearing. He has been very active along these lines and is one of the best posted and well known horticulturists in Southern Illinois. His work and practical experience and demonstrations, have con- tributed much to the interest taken by others in bringing Richland county to the front as one of the leading fruit sections in this part of the state, and he now has one of the finest and best kept orchards in the state, from which in 1902 from one hundred acres he sold the apple crop for ten thousand dol- lars, it having produced ten thousand bar- rels. He employs modern methods in his horticultural work, and his farm buildings and equipment are of the latest and most up- to-date in this section of the state. The spraying plant is without doubt the most complete in Southern Illinois, if net in the state. He has tanks for manufacturing spray, and the cooking of the same for four thousand gallons capacity, the cooking be- ing done by steam, and gasoline engines for power in spraying. Being enthusiastic in horticulture, it naturally follows that he is a student and active in societies of this na- ture. For the past ten years he has been : 3 6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF president of the Richland County Horticul- tural Society, which was organized about 1888, although its greatest and best work has been accomplished of late years. He has also been a member of the Illinois Hor- ticultural Society, and for more than seven years a member of its advisory committee, which has been of great benefit to horticul- tural interests of Richland county. The state makes appropriations for experimental work in various parts of Illinois and the money is judiciously expended by the advis- ory committee at such points wherein their judgment the best results can be obtained. Mr. Jolly is a public-spirited man, always ready to do what he can in furthering the interests of the county, and he is regarded by all as one of the county's most useful citizens, and numbers his friends by the scores. W. S. CONANT. Marion county, Illinois, is characterized by her full share of the honored and faith- ful element who have done so much for the development and upbuilding of the state and the establishment of the institutions of civ- ilization in this fertile and well favored sec- tion. Among these worthy native sons the name of the subject of this sketch is properly installed. W. S. Conant was born in this county, September 22, 1854, the son of William R., and Fannie (Swift) Conant. Grandfather Conant was a native of Massachusetts, who moved from that state to Georgia and then to Illinois, settling in Marion county, com- ing here in an early day and being the first school teacher in the county. He entered land here and farmed for some time, having passed to his rest about 1840, at the age of about fifty years. His wife died within one week of her husband. Grandfather Swift was a native of Tennessee, who moved to this county about 1830, entering land here which he developed into a farm and where he reared his family. He died a short dis- tance from where he first located, having moved to the former place, his death occur- ring about 1870, when he was about sev- enty years old. His widow survived him about ten years. She was a Presbyterian. There were five children in this family, all of them living to maturity. The father of the subject was born in Georgia and came to Illinois with his par- ents when he was but a boy. His father being a teacher, he received some education, but the father of the subject was a hard- working man and did not take time to prop- erly improve his education. He was always a farmer. He entered land which he later added to by purchase until he had a valu- able farm of two hundred acres, which he left at his death. The mother of the sub- ject died when she was two years old, in 1856, his father having died at the age of forty. He was a Democrat in political be- lief.' W. S. Conant. our subject, had the ad- vantage of a common school education, and having applied himself in a diligent manner he became fairly well educated, not leaving RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 137 the school room until he was nineteen years old. He worked on his father's farm until he was twenty, when he went to work on his own account. He farmed with his brother- in-law, then rented a farm and so continued for four years. He then bought a farm in 1 88 1 of three hundred and twenty acres. It was unimproved prairie land, but the sub- ject devoted seven years of hard work on the place and developed a fine and well im- proved farm. He still owns this place. He then bought a residence property, and in time sold that and purchased the farm where he has since resided, which consists of twenty-four acres on which there is a modern and substantial residence together with convenient out-buildings. The subject carries on general farming in a most suc- cessful manner, skillfully rotating his crops so as to keep the soil in good productive condition. He also devoted much time to stock-raising, being a good judge of all kinds of live stock, especially cattle and horses. He frequently feeds for the mar- ket, but is now selling his stock for other purposes. He raises a good class of horses. For six years he engaged in buying and sel- ling live stock in connection with his farm- ing and made this business a success in every particular. Our subject was united in marriage in November, 1877, to Agnes I. Morgan, daughter of J. B. and Martha (Doolen) Morgan, who came to this county at an early day. There were two of the Doolen brothers who went through the Civil war, and are living in 1908. Six children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, as follows : Martha, born in 1880, who died in infancy; Gracie; Flor- ence, who was born in 1881, died when three years old ; William, who was born September 22, 1885, died when six years old; George, who was born July 8, 1887, is a farmer, married and has one child; Clarence C. was born July 14, 1894; Lewis was born in 1897, is single and living at home. The subject is a member of the Independ- ent Order of Odd Fellows, in his fraternal relations, and also a Modern Woodman, be- longing also to the Royal Neighbors, having filled all the chairs in an able manner in the Woodmen. In his religious affiliations he subscribes to the Methodist Episcopal church, South, as does also his wife. Mr. Conant is a loyal Democrat although he does not find much time to devote to polit- ical matters. GEORGE D. MORRISON. The biographer is glad to herein set forth the salient facts in the eminently successful and honorable career of the well remem- bered and highly esteemed citizen of Rich- land county whose name appears above, the last chapter in whose life record has been closed by the hand of death, and the seal set thereon forever, but whose influence still pervades the lives of those with whom he came in contact. For many years he was closelv identified with the industrial develop- 138 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ment of the county, and aided in every way possible in promoting the general good of the community. George D. Morrison was born at Zanes- ville, Ohio, April i, 1832, the son of George W. and Rebecca (Potter) Morrison, the for- mer a native of Loudoun county, Virginia, the latter of Maryland. During his earlier years, the subject's father was a freighter, keeping numerous teams and transporting merchandise from Boston and other Eastern markets to the interior before the days of railroads. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was severely wounded, suffering from the wound for a number of years, ren- dering finally the amputation of his limb a necessity. After his marriage he moved to Ohio and for several years engaged in the hotel business. Later he came to Richland county, and died in Olney when about eighty years of age, his wife having died a few months previous at a ripe old age. They were the parents of twelve children. Four of their sons were soldiers in the Civil war, and five of their sons were ministers of the Gospel. One of their sons started east from Ohio in the early days with a load of sup- plies but was never heard from afterwards. The six horse team and wagon of supplies all mysteriously disappeared in the wilder- ness. Foul play by bandits or the Indians was suspected. Our subject was the ninth in order of birth. He was reared in Ohio where he received a good common school education, and after removing to Illinois at- tended an advanced school at Evanston, Il- linois. He became clerk in a store. About 1855 he came to Olney and followed clerk- ing for a time. He later established a dry goods store just before the outbreak of the Civil war. His health beginning to fail he sold out and served one term as Circuit Clerk of Richland county, giving entire sat- isfaction in this capacity. He was elected County Treasurer and died during his in- cumbency of this office in 1873, at the age of forty-one years. He was married in 1860 to Kate Snyder, a native of Lawrence county, Illinois, the daughter of John and Clarissa (Spencer) Snyder. They were na- tives of Kentucky, where they were reared and where they were married, and in an early day emigrated to Lawrence county, Illinois. Soon afterward in 1838, they came to what is now Richland county, and located on a farm in Claremont township, for years known as Hickory Point. This farm was entered from the government by the father of John Snyder, who was among the first' settlers of what is now Richland county. Samuel Snyder was the subject's grandfather. He was a native of Pennsyl- vania, was reared in Kentucky and moved from Rockport, Indiana, to Illinois. One of his sons, Maurice B. Snyder, was Circuit Clerk after the organization of Richland county, for a number of years. Grandfather Spencer was a native of Virginia, and he moved to Kentucky in an early day. Both the subject's grandfathers served in the War of 1812. Three of grandfather Spencer's sons were in the War of 1812, also in the Black Hawk war. Spencer county, Indiana, was named in honor of this family. John Snyder, father of Mrs. Morrison, was a farmer during his lifetime and im- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 139 proved a fine farm in Claremont township, where he died at the age of fifty-seven years in 1861. His wife survived several years and died at the home of her daughter at Poplar Bluff, Missouri, at the advanced age of eighty-three years. She was the mother of five children, four of whom are still liv- ing. Her only son, John Snyder, was a sol- dier in the Civil war, having enlisted as soon as old enough, in the Seventh Illinois Cav- alry. He was in many engagements, and his health was impaired while in the service. He now lives in Douglas county, Missouri. Mrs. Morrison is the mother of three children ; Mary, the wife of J. F. Jolly, of Olney; Mattie, wife of J. L. Clevlen, of Poplar Bluff, Missouri; Kate, the wife of E. A. Powers, of Olney. Mrs. Morrison makes her home with her children, spending most of her time in Olney. She is one of the oldest residents of the county now living. Her life has been one of the usual hardship and pleasure, of victory and defeat, but lived in such a manner as to result in no harm to others, as was also that of her worthy hus- band, both being faultless in honor, fearless in conduct and stainless in reputation, com- manding the uniform regard and esteem of their many friends. SAMUEL D. GRAHAM. The enterprising citizen whose name heads this article needs no introduction to the people of Marion county. He has been for some time prominently identified with the financial and industrial interests of the community where he resides and always manifesting an active interest in the pub- lic welfare. His long life has been a most active and useful one in every respect, and has resulted in the accumulation of an ample competence for his closing years as well as in much good to his fellow men and the community at large, where he has many warm friends. Samuel D. Graham was born in Rush county, Indiana, in April, 1836, the son of Hezekiah and Sarah (Smith) Graham. Grandfather Graham was born in Scotland and came to Pennsylvania in the seven- teenth century. Both he and his brother, Isaac, came from Scotland and both fought in the Revolutionary war. Grandfather was a captain and he had his eyes burned by the explosion of a gun in the hands of one of his own soldiers and eventually lost his eyesight from the effects of it, having been blind for twenty years before his death. He never drew his pension although it was al- lowed. It is in the hands of the govern- ment yet. He was about eighty years old when he died, leaving eight children living out of a family of nine, all of whom lived to maturity, five of whom moved to Ohio, where they made homes and reared families and where they died. Grandfather was dea- con in the Baptist church for forty years, and he and Grandmother Graham were Baptists and always lived the Christian life. Grandfather Smith was a native of Penn- sylvania, who moved from there to Butler HKICKAI'IIICAI. AM) UK M I ,\ 1SC1CNT HISTORY OF county, Ohio, after the death of his first wife. He and our subject's father were married by the same minister and with the same ceremony. In Grandfather Smith's family there were seven children, who lived to maturity. The youngest daughter by this marriage, Rebecca McClelland, was the mother of Gen. George B. McClelland. There was no issue from the second mar- riage. Grandfather Smith lived to be well advanced in years. After his remains had been buried twelve years, they were taken up for removal and it was found that his body was petrified. Grandfather Smith was a Revolutionary soldier and one of his sons- in-law, Oren Davis, was with him as a sol- dier, and his son, Charles was in the Black Hawk war. The father of the subject left Pennsyl- vania when twenty years old. He did not have early school advantages, but in time became educated and a well read man through his own persistent efforts, being particularly well informed on historical mat- ters and events. He settled in Butler county, Ohio, buying timbered land which he cleared and developed into a good farm, living there for about twelve years, when he moved to Rush county, Indiana, in 1831, remaining there until his death, which oc- curred at the age of seventy-two years, his date of birth having occurred on August 6, 1799. His wife was born in October, 1800. He was twice married, his first wife being the mother of our subject. She died at the age of thirty-seven years, having given birth to eleven children, seven of whom lived to maturity. The father was married again, there being born to the last union ten children, all of whom lived to maturity. The father and mother were Baptists. The former spent his entire life on a farm, leaving a farm and a goodly share of money to his heirs, and also left land in Iowa, all of which shows that he was a thrifty and prudent man of affairs. Hezekiah Graham, father of the subject, in addition to his own family of eighteen children took four orphan boys and one girl and kept them until they reached ma- turity and in addition to these he was al- ways hunting and finding homes for other orphan children, and his own smoke-house and granary were always open to the poor and needy. He believed with the great philosopher, Henry Drummond, that "The greatest thing a man can do for his Heavenly Father is to be kind to some of His children." Samuel D. Graham, our subject, had but little opportunity to attend school, having spent altogether less than six months in the school room. He worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-six years old, then hired out as a farm hand for ten years, dur- ing which time he saved his earnings and bought a farm in Fayette county, Indiana. He lived there for ten years, then sold out and bought another farm in Union county, Indiana, and sold this at the end of two years, when he moved to Illinois, settling in Marion county, buying a farm of one hundred and eighty-five acres of improved land, near Kinmundy in 1882. In 1903 he RICIILAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. bought his splendid modern residence and two acres of ground in Kinmundy, where he has since resided. He sold his farm here and bought a farm in Butler county, Missouri, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres of improved bottom land on which his son resides and success- fully manages. Since coming to Kinmundy our subject has lived in peaceful and hon- orable retirement, conscious of a well spent life, which has been a very active one and has resulted in success in an eminent degree. He always benefited himself in his land deals and was an unusually good farmer, keeping his farms well improved and in a high state of cultivation. Our subject was married in 1870 to Mrs. Rhoda E. Prichard, nee Patterson, a native of Union county, Indiana. Her father, Alexander Patterson, was born December 7, 1815, and came to Ohio when fifteen years of age, later to Union county, Indiana, where his father had purchased an eighty- acre farm. He lived and died on that farm. Mrs. Graham became the mother of three children by her first marriage, all of whom are deceased. One of the oldest brothers, James M. Patterson, was a soldier during the Civil war from Indiana, and was killed at Winchester, Virginia, in the battle of September 19, 1864. Her people were of Scotch-German descent. Her grandparents on her father's side were married Septem- ber 6, 1798. Grandfather Patterson was born April 14, 1769, and Grandmother Pat- terson was born July 29, 1776. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Graham: Harvey McClel- land, born August 23, 1871, was accident- ally killed in 1904; William H., was born in 1873, is living on a farm in Missouri, is married, but has no children living: Tillie Alma, who was born December 15, 1878, died January 28, 1879; Katie L., born May 6, 1880, is the wife of Melvin Hamilton, and is living in Indiana. They have two children living. Both Mr. and Mrs. Graham are active members of the Baptist church. Our sub- ject is a loyal Democrat, but seldom takes much interest in political affairs, however, his support is always for the good of the community in all questions. Our subject has been a great reader, hav- ing read the Bible through not less than six or seven times, besides scores of other good books and much pure literary matter. He relates that he has been acquainted with not less than five hundred of the Grahams and that he never knew or heard of one of them who ever used intoxicants of any kind or character, and but few of them who ever used tobacco., and about one-half of them are church people. ERASTUS D. TELFORD. Only those who come in personal con- tact with the gentleman whose name appears above, the popular and well known City At- torney of Salem, Illinois, can understand how thoroughly nature and training, habits 142 BIOGRAPHICAL AM) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of thought and action, have enabled him to accomplish his life work and made him a fit representative of the enterprising class of professional people to which he belongs. He is a fine .type of the sturdy, conscientious American of today a man who unites a high order of ability with courage, pa- triotism, clean morality and sound common .sense, doing thoroughly and well the work that he finds to do and asking praise of no man for the performance of what he con- ceives to be his simple duty. Erastus D. Tel ford was born in Raccoon township, Marion county, April 23, 1874. J. D. Telford, whose life history is embod- ied in another part of this volume, who has long been a well known and influential char- acter about Salem, is the father of our sub- ject. Samuel G. Telford, who lives in Haines township, and who was born in 1827 in this county, and who is still making his home two and one-half miles west of where he was born, is the subject's grandfather. His great-grandfather was James Telford, a native of South Carolina, who settled in Marion county in 1822, died in 1856. Our subject's father was the first Republican Sheriff of Marion county, having been elected in 1882. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Ann Wyatt, a native of Tennessee and the rep- resentative of a fine old southern family. Her father sold all his possessions in that state and came to Illinois in 1860, settling on the farm now owned by J. D. Telford, father of the subject of this sketch, to whom and his worthy and faithful life companion seven children were born, all living at this writing, named in order of birth as follows : Dr. A. T., of Olney, Illinois; Erastus D., our subject; Ula, of the United States Life Saving Station of Chicago ; Omer, who lives on a farm three miles west of Salem; Oran is living at .home; Erma, who is still a member of the family circle; J. D., Jr. These children were reared in a wholesome home atmosphere and were given every ad- vantage possible by their parents. E. D. Telford has lived in Salem for twenty-six years, or since his father moved here. He worked on the parental farm un- til he was twenty-one years old, where he received valuable training in the out door life of the country, not the least advantage of which was the acquisition of a robust con- stitution which is a necessary prerequisite for the battle of life in any field of endeavor. He attended the public schools in his neigh- borhood and later graduated in 1890 from the Salem high schools where he made a splendid record, for our subject early de- termined to secure a good education and fit himself as best he possibly could for life's ardent duties. After leaving school he decided to teach and consequently followed this line of work with marked success for a few years, during which time he became widely known throughout the county as an able instructor. But not being satisfied with the education he already possessed, and with the routine and somewhat obscure work of the teacher, he gave up his work and entered McKen- dree College, a denominational school at HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 143 Lebanon, Illinois, from which institution he graduated with high honors in 1897, with the degree Bachelor of Science. Having decided to make the profession of law his life work, Mr. Telford in the fall of 1898 went to Washington City and entered the law department of Georgetown University, where he made a brilliant record and from which institution he graduated in 1900. In the meantime he had been appointed to a po- sition in the United States Treasury depart- ment, his unusual talents having attracted the attention of authorities in this depart- ment. Mr. Telford remained in the Treas- ury department, where he gave the greatest satisfaction to the higher officials and where his work was very creditably and faithfully performed until April i, 1906, when he re- signed and returned to Salem, Illinois, for the purpose of engaging in the practice of law, and, useless to say that his success was instantaneous, and he at once had a large clientele, his office being sought by clients with a wide range of cases, and his fame soon overspread Marion county, extending to other fields, consequently he was fre- quently called to other localities on import- ant cases and his cool, careful, determined manner in presenting his arguments before a jury seldom failed in bringing a verdict in his favor. Mr. Telford was soon slated for political preferment, leaders in his party being quick to detect unusual ability as a public official in him, consequently in April, 1907, he was elected City Attorney of Salem, which posi- tion he now very creditably fills to the satis- faction of the entire community. At the primaries in August, 1908, he was nomi- nated by the Republicans for State Attorney for Marion county. Mr. Telford's domestic life dates from November i, 1900, when he was united in marriage with Coral M. Wright, the accom- plished daughter of William Wright, a well known and influential citizen of Lincoln, Nebraska. The following bright and inter- esting children have come into the cozy and pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Telford, bringing additional sunshine: Elbridge Wright Telford, whose day of birth oc- curred September 29, 1901 ; Dorothy Mar- garet, who first saw the light of day on August 1 8, 1905. Mr. Telford has been a careful business man as well as a successful attorney, and he has accumulated rapidly, now being a stock- holder in the Salem National Bank, also the Salem Building and Loan Association. He is the owner of a modern, substantial and beautiful residence on North Broadway. In his fraternal relations, our subject is a member of the ancient and honorable order of Masons, the Blue Lodge and the Royal Arch Chapter; also a Modern Woodman. And both he and his wife are consistent and faithful members of the Methodist Episco- pal church. Mr. Telford is one of the sub- stantial and popular men of Marion county, and his home which is presided over with rare grace and dignity by Mrs. Telford, is the center of a genial hospitality. He is liberal in his support of all religious and charitable movements, and no one takes a greater pride in the progress of his commu- nity. 144 '.lor.K.MMIICAl. A\l> KKMIXISCKNT HISTORY OF \VILLIAM T. STORMENT. The gentleman whose name introduces this sketch is one of the leading farmers and fruit growers of Marion county, and also enjoys the distinction of being a representa- tive of two of the old and highly esteemed pioneer families of the township in which he lives. John Stormenit, his grandfather, a South Carolinian by birth, moved to Marion county about the year 1838, and purchased a large tract of govern- ment land, principally in what is now Haines township, the patents for which bearing the signature of President Van Buren are now in the possession of the subject of this re- view. John Storment became a prosperous ^ farmer and representative citizen and wielded a strong influence among the early settlers of Haines township, having been a man of great force of character and deter- mination of purpose. He did much to pro- mote the interests of agriculture and will long be remembered as one of the sterling yeomen to whose labors and influence the present flourishing condition of Haines township is largely due. William K. Storment, son of John Stor- ment and father of William T., was a native of Marion county and for many years one of the progressive farmers and enterprising- citizens of the township of Haines. He, too, was public spirited and a natural leader among his fellow men, stood high in the es- teem of all with whom he came into contact and belonged to that large and eminently re- spectable class who in a quiet but forceful way do so much for the material progress of the country and give moral tone to the body politic. At the breaking out of the late Civil war he enlisted in the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Infantry and devoted three of the best years of his life to the serv- ice of his country, participating in all the campaigns and battles in which his regiment was engaged and earning an honorable rec- ord as a brave and gallant defender of the Union. When a young man William K. Stormem married Miss Martha I. Wham, of Marion county, and in due time became the father of five children, namely: Elmer (deceased: Minnie (deceased); John R., a farmer and fruit grower of Mississippi ; William T., of this review, and one that died in infancy. The parents of these children were esteemed members of the United Presbyterian church and spared no pains to impress upon their young minds and hearts the principles of re- ligion and the beauty and value of a living Christian faith. William K. Storment was not only an influential man in the affairs of his church, but was also a local politician of considerable note, having been one of the leading Republicans of his township, though never a partisan, much less a seeker after the honors and emoluments of public office. He died some years ago on the home farm in Haines township, lamented by all who knew him, leaving to his descendants the memory of an honored name, which they value as a priceless heritage. Mrs. Storment is the daughter of William Wham, one of the early settlers of Marion county and an RESIDENCE OF W. T. STORMENT, OF WE ti|t .. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 145 influential factor of the pioneer period. She is still living and enjoys the acquaintance of a large circle of friends, who hold her in the highest personal regard. William T. Storment, to a brief review of whose career the following lines are de- voted, was born in Haines township on the farm one mile north of Kell, which he now owns and occupies, September 10, 1867. Like the majority of country lads, he was reared to habits of industry, early became familiar with the various duties of farm life and in the public schools, which he attended at intervals during his minority, received his educational training. Manifesting a decided taste for mechanical pursuits while still young, he turned his abilities in this direc- tion to practical use by learning carpentry, at which he acquired more than ordinary pro- ficiency and which he followed for some years in his own and neighboring localities, a number of residences and other edifices bearing witness to his ability and skill as a builder. After a time, however, he discon- tinued his trade and purchasing the home farm, has since given his attention to agri- culture and fruit growing, meeting with most encouraging success and achieving much more than local repute as a progres- sive and up-to-date tiller of the soil. In the meantime he has made many valuable im- provements on the place, remodeling the house and converting it into a first class mod- ern dwelling with all the latest conveniences, including among others a heating plant that adds greatly to the comfort of the home, be- sides lessening in no small degree the ex- 10 pense of providing fuel. The barn, which is one of the largest and most conveniently ar- ranged buildings of the kind in the neigh- borhood, is a model of architectural and mechanical skill, while all the other improve- ments are in keeping therewith, the farm consisting of one hundred and twenty-five acres of highly improved land, being one of the most valuable as well as one of the most desirable places of its area in Marion county. Mr. Storment takes a pardonable pride in his home and has spared neither pains nor expense in making it beautiful and attractive and it is now conceded to be one of the fin- % est country seats not only in Marion county, but in the southern part of the state. Be- lieving this section of Illinois to possess the necessary characteristics for successful fruit growing, Mr. Storment some years ago planted a part of his farm in choice apple, pear and peach trees, the results in due time more than realizing his highest expectations. Encouraged by the success of the venture, he continued planting from time to time, un- til he now has one hundred and ten acres in fruit, the income from which far surpasses what he ever received from the raising of grain. He makes horticulture not only his chief business, but pursues it with the en- thusiasm and delight of a pastime. He de- votes much time to the study of the subject, reduces his researches to practical tests, and in this way has made the business very re- munerative. By employing scientific meth- ods, such as proper fertilizing, spraying, pruning, etc., he never fails to realize abun- dant crops of the finest fruits raised in this i 4 6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF part of the state, and that, too, when other orchards fail entirely or at least bear but a scanty supply and of a poor and inferior quality. Among the improvements of which he makes use is a portable gas engine for the purpose of spraying, the value of which in the saving of time as well as of insuring full yields is many hundred fold in excess of the amount the contrivance cost. Mr. Storment is not only the leading hor- ticulturist in Marion county, but as a farm- er he also occupies a place in the front rank. making use of modern implements and ma- ,chinery and employing only the most ap- proved methods in the cultivation of the soil. He is essentially progressive in his ideas, be- lieves that satisfactory results can only be ob- tained from the exercise of sound judgment and wise discretion and possessing the abil- ity to foresee with remarkable accuracy the future outcome of present action, he is sel- dom if ever disappointed in any of his plans or undertakings. A man of strong charac- ter and inflexible integrity, he stands high as a citizen, takes an active interest in pub- lic matters both general and local and all measures and enterprises for the material progress of the country and the social and moral advancement of the people are sure to enlist his hearty co-operation and support. His political views are in harmony with the principles and traditions of the Republican party, and while firm in his convictions and earnest and fearless in maintaining the soundness of his opinions, he cannot be called a partisan, nor has he ever disturbed the even tenor of his life by aspiring to of- fice or leadership. He is first of all a credit- able representative of the ancient and hon- orable calling of agriculture and as such he ranks among the most enterprising and suc- cessful men in the state, this, with the simple title of citizen, being sufficient to make him contented with his lot, as well as an example to his fellow men in correct living. The domestic life of Mr. Storment dates from 1892, in which year he was united in marriage with Esta Davis, of Marion coun- ty, daughter of Bloom P. and Mariah (Al- bert) Davis, both natives of Illinois, the fa- ther of Jefferson county, the mother of the county of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Storment are esteemed members of the United Presby- terian church, belonging to what is known as the Romine Prairie congregation and active in all lines of religious and charitable work under the auspices of the same. Socially they are numbered among the best people of the community in which they reside and their popularity is limited only by the circle of their acquaintance. The Davis family, to which Mrs. Storment belongs, has long oc- cupied a conspicuous place in the confidence and respect of the people of Marion county and its reputation for honorable manhood and womanhood is second to that of no oth- er family in this part of the state. For many years the name has been identified with the Christian church of Marion and neighboring counties, Mr. Davis and his wife having been prominent members of that body and influential in religious work in their own and other localities. Mrs. Storment is the oldest of a family of four children, three sisters and HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. a brother, namely: Maggie, who married Ernest Kell, of Marion county ; Anderson, who lives on the home farm, and Minnie, who is unmarried and also a member of the home circle. JUDGE THEODORE AUGUSTUS FRITCHEY. When it is stated that the subject of this sketch has served as postmaster of Olney for three terms, or since 1897, the significance is so patent that nothing further need be said as indicating the confidence and esteem in which he is held by the people of Richland county. As an able official and representative and popu- lar citizen, we are pleased to record in this work a sketch of the life of Mr. Fritchey, who is one of the best known men in the county, and who for many years was among the most prominent members of the bar and bench in this locality, and who, during his long residence here has done so much for the material, civic, educational and moral advancement of the county, ever having its interests at heart and losing no opportunity to help others in the work of progress while advancing his own interests. Theodore Augustus Fritchey was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, near Dayton, April 24, 1855, the son of Benjamin and Eliz- abeth (McQueeny) Fritchey, natives of Pennsylvania where they were reared and where they married, later moving to Mont- gomery county, Ohio, locating in Baltimore, where the father engaged in merchandising. In 1870 he came to Olney where he continued in the mercantile busines until his death in 1876, at the age of seventy years. His worthy life companion passed to her rest in 1900, at the age of seventy-five years. They were people of many praiseworthy traits and hon- orable at all times. They were the parents of eight children, all deceased except the sub- ject of this sketch and one daughter, Mrs. J. I. Moutray, of Kokomo, Indiana, the sub- ject having been the fifth in order of birth. He was reared in Ohio and Illinois, receiving a public school education. He was an ambi- tious lad and when twenty years old began the study of law with Wilson and Hutchin- son, for years the leading law firm of South- ern Illinois. He made rapid progress and was admitted to the bar in 1879. He then formed a partnership with Judge J. C. Allen, which continued until 1907. They did ar. immmense business, the combination being one of peculiar power and their clients came from all parts of the county and surrounding counties, it being generally recognized as one of the best firms in the locality. The subject became prosperous through his successful practice and since the date mentioned ha= been practically retired, having given up all legal practice, preferring to devote all his time to the post-office and his business inter- ests in Richland and adjoining counties. He has large interests in oil. In his political relations our subject is a Republican, always loyal to his party's prin- ciples and always active. When he was twenty-one years old he was elected City i 4 8 I'.IOCKAPHICAL AND RKM I X ISfKXT HISTORY OF Clerk by a majority of one, and he so faith- fully did his work that he was re-electe'J to serve four years in all. In 1881 he was elected City Attorney for one term of two years. Then for two terms of four years as County Judge. He made a splendid record both as City Attorney and as Judge, dispos- ing of many important cases in a manner that stamped him as an able and learned jurist and well versed in the law. In 1897 he was ap- pointed postmaster of Olney by President McKinley and is now (1909) serving his third term with entire satisfaction. Judge Fritchey's happy domestic life be- gan in 1889, when he was united in mar- riage with Mary Eliza Bucher, a native of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, the daughter of John E. and Mary E. (Eby) Bucher, also na- tives of Pennsylvania. They moved to Ohio, where her father became the head of graded and high schools and where he died. Mrs. Bucher lives with her daughter, wife of our subject. Mr. and Mrs. Fritchey are the parents of two children, both giving promise of suc- cessful futures, and who are receiving every care and attention from their fond parents. They bear the names Paul B. and Theodore A., Jr. In his fraternal relations Judge Fritchey belongs to the ancient and honored Masonic Order, Knights Templar, also the Shrine. He is a charter member of Olney lodge No. 926, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Mr. and Mrs. Fritchey are faithful and consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church. They have a beautiful home in which is a fine library of choice volumes, where the judge spends many hours in reading and reflection, and they are known as people of kindness, integrity and culture. Judge Fritchey stands admittedly in the front ranks of Richland county's distin- guished citizens, possessing a thorough knowledge of law and keeping in close touch with the trend of modern thought. He has ever maintained his high standing, never de- scending beneath the dignity of his profes- sion nor compromising his usefulness by countenancing any but legitimate practice. LEANDER C. MATTHEWS. The subject has spent his entire life in this county and he has always had deeply at heart the well-being and improvement of the county, using his influence whenever pos- sible for the promotion of enterprises cal- culated to be of lasting benefit to his fellow men, besides taking a leading part in all movements for the advancement of the com- munity along social, intellectual and moral lines. Leander C. Matthews was born South of Salem, in the edge of Jefferson county, May 25, 1848, the son of Andrew J. and Hulda (Swafford) Matthews, natives of Tennessee and Illinois, respectively, and both repre- sentatives of honorable and well known families in their own communities. Our subject remained under his parental roof until he reached man's estate and at- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 149 tended the district schools in his native com- munity and in Centralia, where he applied himself in a careful manner and received a good education. Mr. Matthews early decided to devote his life to a business career and he has bent every effort to this end with gratifying re- sults. He commenced a general business in 1883 at Fairman, Marion county, Illinois, where he remained ten years with much success at- tending his efforts. He is at this writing engaged in the hay, grain and implement business in Kinmundy, this county, and is conducting a thriving business, his trade extending to all parts of the county and penetrating to adjoining counties, in fact he is one of the best known dealers in these lines in this part of the state and the able manner in which he conducts his business and his courteous treatment with those with whom he deals insure him a liberal income from year to year. Mr. Matthews was united in marriage Oc- tober 8, 1873, to S. Elizabeth Lydick, who was born near Odin, this county, December 24, 1854, the refined and affable daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Sugg) Lydick, a well known family of that locality. The following family has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Matthews: Lillian, Baby, Hallie, Hulda, Carl. They have all gone to their rest except Hulda, who is the wife of Albert C. Dunlap, of Champaign, Illinois. In his fraternal relations Mr. Matthews is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of Kinmundy, also of the Knights of Pythias of this place. In politics he is a loyal Democrat and takes a vital interest in his party's affairs, however, he has never aspired to positions of public trust. Both he and his wife are members of the Chris- tian church, and our subject is regarded as one of the substantial church workers of Kinmundy, and he has long taken an active part in all religious affairs. He is a man of large public spirit and enterprise, and per- sonally is of the genial and sunny type, pleasant to meet and makes friends readily. He likes a good story and enjoys a good joke, and because of these qualities of com- mendation and genuine worth Mr. Mat- thews has won a host of warm friends which he retains, being popular with all classes in his community where he maintains a home that is comfortable, substantial and pleasant in all its appointments and which is regarded as a place of generous hospitality and good cheer. THE OLNEY SANITARIUM. One of the important institutions of Rich- land county, Illinois, in fact, one of the best known in the southern part of the state, is the Olney Sanitarium. Its phenomenal growth in a short time from a modest begin- ning to a prominent place, has been due to the untiring efforts and extraordinary surgi- cal and business ability of the founder, Dr. George T. Weber. Fourteen years ago, 1894, he had just received his degree of Doctor of Medicine and had begun practice as a young AX1) KKMIX1SCKXT HISTORY OF man without means ; however, he was always ambitious and an assiduous worker and made a good record in school, and it was predicted by his instructors and friends that the future held great things in store for him. His first practice was in the village of Ingraham, Clay county, near his birthplace, where he re- mained for four years with growing popular- ity and success, during which time his work in surgery and special cases had attracted more than ordinary attention and had sug- gested to him the necessity and desirability of a central point, where patients could be cared for better than at their hofnes. Accord- ingly in 1898 he came to Olney and purchased the old Arlington hotel building, a three- story brick structure which was duly remod- eled and equipped for hospital purposes. The hospital was thrown open for the re- ception of patients in the fall of 1898 and from the first the success of the undertaking was assured. It soon became necessary to em- ploy assistants and in due time Doctor Ziliak became a partner. During the years 1900 and 1901, a three-story addition, which now constitutes the main part of the structure, was erected, making possible the care of twenty- four additional patients in as many rooms. In the latter part of 1905, a brother of the founder, F. J. Weber, who had recently graduated from a medical college, bought the interest of Doctor Ziliak, since which time the business has been owned and conducted by Webers. In 1907, another brother, J. C. Weber, also a physician and surgeon, be- came interested in the sanitarium, also two sisters, Catherine and Philomena Weber, both of whom are graduated and very pro- ficient nurses. A stock company was accord- ingly formed and incorporated March 5, 1907, with a capital stock of forty thousand dollars and the following officers were elected which continue to serve at this writing: George T. Weber, president; Frank J. Weber, secretary and treasurer. The stock- holders include the above and Joseph C. r Catherine and Philomena Weber. No institution of a similar nature ever had a more rapid growth and it is today regarded as one of the best in the state. The busi- ness of the sanitarium is devoted principally to surgical and special cases, also chronic cases and some mild forms of nervous dis- eases. Hundreds of operations are annually performed here and are uniformly successful. The Olney Sanitarium is a three-story brick structure, with a basement underneath the entire building with accommodations for thirty-six patients. It is operated at the limit of its capacity all the time and plans are being considered for further enlarging the building, the numerous application of pa- tients all over the country rendering more room a necessity. The basement is used for a drug department, storage purposes and the. keeping of fruits, vegetables, etc. The first floor is devoted to reception rooms, offices, consultation rooms, dining room and kitchen, rooms and verandas for canvalescents, etc. The upper floors are devoted to wards for patients. The operating room is on the sec- ond floor. It is sixteen by sixteen feet and contains everything in modern equipment usually found in institutions of like character. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Fourteen trained nurses are employed con- tinually and six ether employes are constantly in the building, helping in various ways. Dr. Frank J. Weber is the house physician and Miss Catherine Weber is the superintendent. George T. Weber, M. D., was born in In- graham, Clay county, Illinois, September 10, 1868, the son of Benedict and Regina (Scha- fer) Weber, the former a native of Germany, who came to the United States when twenty- six years old, and the latter was born in Gib- son county, Indiana, of German parents. They were married in Indiana and in 1865 settfld in Jasper county, near Ingraham. His father was a carpenter and farmer. The sub- ject of this sketch was reared on a farm in his native township. He received a common school education there and an academic training at Princeton, Indiana, from which institution he graduated, having taught school in the meantime to get money for a higher education. His parents were poor and reared a large family, there being nine children in number, of whom our subject is the oldest son living. He entered Washing- ton University at St. Louis in 1891, taking a medical course and graduating in 1894. He located in his home town and practiced for four years, his success having been instanta- neous, especially in surgical cases. He came to Olney in 1898, having purchased a build- ing here and he had some equipment before moving. Dr. George T. Weber's domestic life began November 28. 1894, when he married Eliza- beth Hausner, daughter of Joseph and Ger- trude (Nix) Hausner, former residents of Clay county, a well known and influential family there for many years. Mr. Hausner, who was a cabinet maker, is deceased, as is also his wife. The subject and wife are the parents of nine children, namely : Gertrude, Helen, Pauline ; George, Jr., was killed in an accident by colliding with a horse and buggy in 1907, having been knocked from a wheel and receiving a fracture to the skull ; Ber- nard, Elizabeth, Mary, Martha, George, sec- ond junior. In politics our subject is a Democrat, but is not active. However, he takes an interest in whatever relates to the development of his community. Fraternally he is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Knights of Columbus. He and his family are faithful followers of the Catholic church. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medi- cal Society, the Southern Illinois State Medi- cal Society, the Richland County Medical Society, being influential and prominent in all. He is a very progressive man, is a stu- dent at all times and devotes his entire time to his profession. In 1907 he took a post-gradu- ate course at the Post-Graduate School in Chicago, giving special attention to surgery. Joseph Cornelius Weber, M. D., was born in Jasper county, Illinois, October i, 1875, and was reared on the farm, receiving his ed- ucation in the public schools, the high school at Ingraham and Austin College, Effingham, Illinois. In the fall of 1896 he entered the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis, from which he graduated in 1899. He ranked high in his class and was successful from the 152 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF first. He practiced one year at Newton in the place of Doctor Crawley, whose health was impaired. During the following seven years he was at Clay City, Clay county. He then came to Olney and joined his brother in the fall of 1907, becoming a stockholder in the Sanitarium corporation, as already intimated. The married life of Dr. Joseph C. Weber began in 1900 when he was united in the bonds of matrimony with Zula Kepp, a native of Ingraham, Illinois, the daughter of Corne- lius and Mary (Pew) Kepp, natives of Clay county, the former having died there in 1906. Two children have blessed the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Weber, Paul and Frank. In politics he is a Democrat, and a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, also a member of the American Medical As- sociation, the Illinois State Medical Associa- tion, the Southern Illinois Medical Associa- tion, the Richland and Clay county Medical societies. Frank J. Weber, M. D., was born on a farm in Jasper county, Illinois, July 23, 1878, where he was reared. He attended the com- mon schools at Ingraham, also Austin Col- lege at Effingham. He entered \Vashington University at St. Louis in 1900, having grad- uated with honor from the medical depart- ment in 1904. He located in Clay City and was there engaged in practice with his broth- er, Dr. J. C. Weber, for seven months, after which he came to Olney and purchased Doc- tor Ziliak's interest in the sanitarium and joined his brother. Dr. George T., in the work. When the corporation was formed he became the secretary and treasurer, as already stated, and the resident physician. He is a member of the Richland County Medical Society, the Illinois State Medical Society and the Amer- ican Medical Association. He was united in marriage, May 29, 1908, to Gertrude Loftin, a native of Spencer, Indiana, and the daugh- ter of J. C. and lola (Hoover) Loftin, now residents of Marion, Indiana. Dr. Frank J. Weber is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, No. 926. and in politics he is a Democrat. Like his brothers he is a man of many commendable character- istics and they all make friends easily. GEORGE S. RAINEY, M. D. Good intellectual training, thorough pro- fessional knowledge and the possession and utilization of the qualities and attributes es- sential to success, have made the subject of this review eminent in his chosen calling, and he stands today among the enterprising and successful physicians in a community noted for its high order of medical talent, while at the same time he has won the con- fidence and esteem of the people of Marion and adjoining counties for his upright life and genial disposition. Dr. George S. Rainey was born in Salem, Illinois, May 18, 1849, and he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey, Scotch-Irish people of the best ancestry as far back as it can be traced. The father was a Kentuckian, who came to Illinois as early as 1832, settling in Marion county on a farm HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 153 which he transformed from a practically wild tract to a highly improved and produc- tive farm. When the doctor was two years old, his father moved on a farm near Wal- nut Hill, Marion county. He was a man of many sterling qualities, like those of most pioneers, and he became a man of consider- able influence in this- county, being known as an honest and worthy citizen in every respect. He was called from his earthly labors in 1868. The subject's mother, a woman of praiseworthy character, was known in her maidenhood as Margaret Cunningham, and was also a native of Ken- tucky; her father, a man of unusual forti- tude and sterling character, moved to Illi- nois in 1824. Seven children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey died in infancy. Their other children are: Dr. J. K. Rainey, the oldest child, died in Florida; Matthew was a surgeon in the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the Union Army, and was the first soldier from Marion county to fall in the Civil war, having lost his life at the battle of Bellmont while a member of the Twenty-second Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry; Dr. A. H. Rainey, of Cen- tralia, Illinois. Our subject was a mere lad during the war between the states, but he felt it his duty to sever home ties and offer his services in defense of the flag, consequently he en- listed in the Thirty-ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry when he lacked two months of being sixteen years old, but his bravery and gallantry were equal to that of the oldest veteran in the regiment. He served in the campaign around Petersburg, Richmond, and was at the surrender of Lee at Appa- mattox, thus being in some of the bloodiest engagements of the war. After receiving an honorable discharge he returned home and assisted his father with the farm work, attending the neighboring schools, complet- ing the high school course at Salem, stand- ing in the front rank of his class, for he was a diligent student and made the best use possible of his time. Believing that his tal- ents lay along medical lines he began study- ing for a career as a physician. He graduated in medicine in 1875 at the Louis- ville Medical College. He at once began practice in Salem, his success being instan- taneous, and he has been here ever since, having always had a very large practice in this vicinity and throughout the county. Dr. Rainey has taken a post-graduate course in the New York Polyclinic Institute of Physicians and Surgeons, having spent the winter of 1888 in the school just men- tioned. Dr. Rainey has also taken special courses in medical colleges in St. Louis and Chicago, consequently he is today and has been for many years at the head of his pro- fession, being so recognized by the eminent practitioners of medicine in other parts of Illinois. He has also been connected with the Baltimore & Ohio and Chicago & East- ern Illinois railroads as surgeon ever since he has been in practice. The subject has been a member of the United States Pension Board of Salem for twenty-five years. The doctor is at all times patriotic and ever ready to serve his 154 KIC.K.U'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF country, consequently when the war with Spain broke out he offered his services and was commissioned a surgeon in the United States army, but the war terminated before he saw active service. Doctor Rainey's happy and tranquil do- mestic life dates from 1878, when he was married to May McMackin, the cultured and accomplished daughter of Col. W. E. McMackin of the Twenty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Colonel McMackin was for many years one of the best known and most influential men in his community. To doctor and Mrs. Rainey one son has been born, Warren R., who, in 1908, is a student in the medical department of the Northwestern University at Chicago, where he is making an excellent record. Doctor Rainey is the owner of a large and fine fruit farm which is very valuable, and he takes a great interest in it and horticul- tural subjects, devoting considerable time to the culture of fine fruits. He has been in general practice ever since his graduation, and as indicated above, not only stands high in his immediate community but also with his fellow practitioners at large, being a member of the County, State and National Medical Association, also of the American Railway Surgeons of America. Fraternally he is a loyal member of the Masonic Order and carries out its sublime doctrines in his relations with his fellow men. He is a Presbyterian in his religious faith, and in politics he is a stanch advocate of the principles and policies of the Repub- lican party, with which he has always been affiliated. Though never animated with ambition for political preferment he has ever lent his aid in furthering the party cause, and is well fortified in his political convic- tions, while he is at all times public-spirited to an extent of loyalty. EDMUND C. BAUGHMAN. Agriculture has been the true source of man's dominion on earth ever since the pri- mal existence of labor, and has been the piv- otal industry that has controlled for the most part all the fields of action to which his intelligence and energy have been devoted. Among this sturdy element of Richland county whose labors have profited alike themselves and the community in which they live, is the gentleman whose name ap- pears at the head of this sketch. . Edmund C. Baughman, a well known farmer and stockman of Olney, was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, December 27, 1837, the son of Jacob and Matilda M. (Houser) Baughman, the former having been, born near Baltimore, Maryland, and the latter on the Potomac river, Virginia. Grandfather Baughman was a native of Maryland and was a contractor in Balti- more for many years, where he also carried an extensive factory for those times in the manufacture of sash and doors, blinds, etc. In an early day in the history of Coshocton county he went there and entered land, hav- ing crossed the Alleghany mountains on HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARIOX COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 155 horseback, and had bear meat and wild honey on the trip. However, he did not live in Ohio but died in Baltimore, where his wife also died. Jacob Baughman was reared on a farm near Baltimore, and when young went to Coshocton county, Ohio, where he bought land and erected a hewn log cabin in the heavy timber, in which there was all kinds of wild game, deer, wild turkey, bear, etc. He married in Coshocton county, his wife having come to the county from Vir- ginia with her parents who were pioneers. They cleared and improved the land, and there they lived and died. He was a mem- ber of the state militia but was never called upon to serve in any war. He died of pneu- monia at the age of sixty-eight years, and his wife survived for several years, dying at the advanced age of ninety-two. Eight children were born to them, six of whom are living. Two sons served in the Civil war, George and Zenos, the latter with Sherman's army, both serving until the close of the war, receiving honorable discharges. Zenos suffered from sunstroke from which he never fully recovered. The subject, who was the fourth child in order of birth, was reared on the old homestead in his native county and received a good education, first in the country schools, later at the academy in West Bedford, Ohio. He remained at home until he was twenty years old, assist- ing with the farm work, finally going to In- diana, where he taught school for awhile, but in the spring of 1860 he came to Rich- land county, bringing all the earthly pos- sessions he had a team, wagon, a shepherd dog, a trunk and less than one hundred dol- lars in money, having driven the entire dis- tance. After reaching here he located on one hundred and twenty acres of land given him by his father in Madison township, which had previously been entered by his father, on which he went to work and im- proved it, making an excellent farm, build- ing a house, barn, etc. Our subject was a good manager and was- successful. After he married he purchased six hundred acres in Wayne county, on which he lived for a time, later moving to Olney, where he has recently built a beauti- ful home, up-to-date in every detail. For many years he has been extensively engaged in stock raising, being an excellent judge of stock and always keeping many good varie- ties. He is a man of great energy and a hard worker, possessing excellent judgment, conservative in his business transactions. He deserves a great deal of credit for what he has accomplished, for he started with only one hundred and twenty acres of raw land and has gradually increased his holdings until he now owns four thousand acres of valuable land in the Yazoo Valley, Missis- sippi, also three thousand acres of timber land, together with lands in Texas and the old homestead in Ohio, which he bought from the heirs. In 1890 Mr. Baughman organized the bank at Tuscola, Illinois, under the name Baughman, Orr & Company, with a capital stock of thirty-five thousand dollars, which was successful from the first, and has con- tinued with increasing prestige ever since,. 156 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF the stock having been increased, it being one of the soundest institutions in this part of the state. One of the subject's sons is look- ing after his interests. In 1902 he disposed of his interest in the bank to his partners. Mr. Baughman is still very active but does not handle stock on a very extensive scale at present, which proved to l>e so profitable during his earlier business career, making a fortune, being easily the richest man in Richland county, and not a dishonest dollar has passed through his hands. Mr. Baughman was married March 28, 1 86 1, to Gabriella Reeder, who was born in Cincinnati, the daughter of Elijah and Lu- cinda (Smith) Reeder, who were born near Dayton, Ohio, and who came to Richland county in the fall of 1853, settling on a farm in Madison township. In 1871 they moved to Kansas, later to Missouri, and died in Harrison, Arkansas. Our subject and wife are the parents of eight children who grew to maturity and are still living, as follows: Edmund J. resides in Duncan, Mississippi, where he owns a plantation and also manages that of his father, and is a very successful business man; Lucinda married James Wilson, who resides on a farm in Wayne county, where she died in 1900; Lottie married J. M. Wi- nans, a groceryman of Olney; Harry C. re- sides in Greenville, Mississippi, where he owns and operates an extensive plantation ; William R. resides in Southwestern Texas, being engaged in farming and the land busi- ness; Ola married George H. Bainum, who died in Independence, Missouri, in 1904, leaving one daughter, Ella M., who lives with the subject and wife; Frank graduated from the Olney schools in 1901, then spent three years at the University of Illinois, at Champaign, having stood at the head of his class in chemistry and making an excellent record as a student. During certain experi- mental work he was poisoned by gases from which he died in February, 1907. Carl R., the subject's youngest child, resides at Rich- land, Washington, where he is engaged in the fruit industry. These children are in- dustrious and well situated in reference to this world's affairs. Mr. Baughman is a Republican, but he is not a politician, not having time to devote much attention to the affairs of his party. He was appointed by Governor John P. Altgeld one of the trustees of the State Nor- mal University at Carbondale, having been on the financial and building committees. He served as Supervisor of Richland county for one term, during which time bonds were re- funded to the amount of two hundred thou- sand dollars, which redeemed the bonds over which there had been litigaton to the amount of more than three hundred thousand dol- lars. Mr. and Mrs. Baughman are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Olney, and liberal subscribers to the same, Mr. Baughman having been one of the principal supporters of the new church building recent- ly erected, which would be a credit to cities much larger than Olney. In business matters Mr. Baughman is prompt, energetic, trustworthy. He has a RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS 157 good fund of that quality too often lacking in the business world common sense. Since starting out in life for himself he has been self-reliant and progressive. It is all attributable to the splendid qualities of head and heart of which he is possessed, and which he has most judiciously exercised. And because of his honest and active career no resident in Richland county is more de- serving of honorable mention in this vol- ume. WILLIAM JASPER YOUNG. The subject of this biographical review is among the pioneer farmers of luka town- ship, Marion county, where he has long maintained his home, being one of the na- tive sons of the county who have done so much to develop Marion in all her phases until she ranks with the leading counties of the great Prairie state, and now in the golden evening of his life this venerable citizen is enjoying the fruits of a well spent life and the esteem of a wide circle of friends. . William Jasper Young was born in Mar- ion county, Illinois, June 21, 1826, in Cen- tralia township, the son of Edward and Sarah C. (Duncan) Young, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Ten- nessee. Edward Young grew up in Vir- ginia, and when he reached maturity he moved to Kentucky, later came to Indiana and prior to 1826 settled in Marion county, Illinois. He was a plasterer and bricklayer, and he made his home in several different places after coming to Illinois, among them being Alton, St. Louis, Belleville, Centralia and Salem. Later in life he settled on the farm. Edward Young was born June 8, 1803, and died June 9, 1876. He was a sol- dier in the Black Hawk war. He was, early in life, a Democrat, and he cut down the first Whig pole ever erected in Salem. However, he later became a Republican. These children were bom to Edward Young and wife, as follows: Lysander Franklin, William Jasper, our subject; Julia Ann, de- ceased; Letta Jane, deceased; James, de- ceased; Harriet, deceased; Edward, living in Minnesota ; Sarah also lives in Minnesota. Sarah C. Duncan, mother of the subject, was born July 22, 1808, and died November 9, 1886. She was a woman of many beau- tiful traits of character. The subject of this sketch worked on his father's farm from the time he was old enough to work, and he has followed farm- ing all his life. In 1852 he came to his present farm in luka township, Marion county, having bought a part of it from the government or state. At that time the for- ests abounded in much wild game, such as deer, wolves, wild turkey. He has seen many a herd of deer from his cabin door. He cleared up the land and now has a model farm and modern farm buildings, all well kept, and his home is nicely and comfort- ably furnished. A glance over his well tilled and well fenced fields is sufficient to show that he is a man of thrift and rare soundness of judgment. He has in all about BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF three hundred acres, but he now rents out the land and is practically retired. He han- dles some good stock of various varieties. April 13, 1847, Mr. Young was united in marriage with Sarah J. Songer, who was born in Washington county, Indiana, Au- gust 7, 1828, the daughter of Frederick and Jane (Helm) Songer, natives of Virginia, but they came to Washington county, In- diana, when -young and married there, and in 1828 came to Clay county, Illinois, where they lived for a time. In 1835 they came to Marion county, settling in Omega town- ship, where they farmed and where they died. They were members of the Metho- dist Episcopal church. Eleven children have been born to the subject and wife, namely: Amanda Elmira died in childhood; Marcus D. married Sarah Bobbett and they have two children. Franklin and Ada; Mary E. is the wife of George Cox, of Salem, Illinois; Emily El- vina is the wife of William Robinson, a farmer living in luka township, and she is the mother of two children, Ernest Roy and Flo; Eliza Alice, deceased, was the wife of Perry Cox and she left two children, Wil- liam Jasper and George; Jennie is the wife of Grant Bumgarner, who lives in Texas; Douglas married Irena Buffington and they have two children, Charles and Ruth ; Paul married Martha Criffield; Fred married Elva Wooden and they have three children, Pearl, Winafred and Verl ; the tenth and eleventh children of the subject died un- named. Our subject has three great-grandchil- dren. He and his good wife are now both more than eighty years old and are remark- ably bright and active people for their years and considering the long years of hard work they both have done. Their happy, pros- perous and harmonious wedded life extends over sixty years of time and they have cele- brated their golden wedding anniversary. They are among the highly respected and prominent citizens of the county and greatly admired and beloved by everyone who knows them. Our subject is a loyal Demo- crat. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at luka. They have always contributed liberally to church work, also have helped out school work and all kinds of public enterprises. Fraternally Mr. Young has belonged to the Masons since 1863. Mr. Young was one of the brave and patriotic supporters of the Union who of- fered his services and his life in its defense during the War of the Re- bellion, having enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Eleventh Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry, August 8, 1862, and served in a most gallant manner until the close of the war. He was mustered in at Salem, Illinois, and mustered out in Washington, District of Columbia, and dis- charged at Springfield, Illinois. He was in the Second Brigade, Second Division, Fif- teenth Army Corps, under General John A. Logan. He first did post duty at Columbus, Ohio, awhile, and then, in 1864, joined Sherman in his campaign about Atlanta, and was in the first battle of Resaca and in HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 159 the last battle of Shiloh. He also fought at Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain and Atlanta; in fact, he was in all the fighting around At- lanta. The last hard fight he was in was at Atlanta, Georgia. He was taken prisoner in front of Atlanta July 22, 1864, and after being transferred to various prisons in the South for a period of seven months, was finally paroled and later exchanged at Wil- mington, North Carolina. Mr. Young has always been a man of in- dustry and he has honestly made what he has, having been a hard worker and a good manager. He has led a life of which no one might be ashamed in any way, for it has been one of sobriety and filled with good deeds. HIRAM ORR. Now that the summertime of life has ended and the autumn winds of old age have come, the subject of this review can look backward over a career that has been well spent, resulting in good to those whom it touched and has brought comfort to him- self. Hiram Orr was born in Licking county, Ohio, December 16, 1828, the son of Zach- ariah and Mary (Dusthimer) Orr, early settlers of the Buckeye state, where it is snpposed they were born. Zachariah was a farmer, a Democrat, and a member of the Baptist church. He passed away in Lick- ing county, Ohio, in 1891, his wife having died there at an earlier date. Six children were born to them, namely: Robert, living in Licking county, - Ohio ; Hiram, our sub- ject; Sarah, deceased; John, who is living in Kansas, a retired farmer; Cyrus, de- ceased; Eliza, also deceased. Zachariah was married a second time. When he died he had accumulated quite a competency, having been a very successful farmer. Our subject remained at his parental home, assisting with the work about the place and attending the old pioneer schools in cabins with puncheon floors and seats and windows where greased paper was used for panes, until he was twenty-one years old. He has since added very much to the rudiments of education he gained there by systematic home reading and study, and close observation. When of age Mr. Orr decided to devote his life work to farming and consequently bought a farm in his na- tive county, having managed it in a most successful manner until October i, 1868. when he moved to Marion county, Illinois, believing that still greater advantages ex- isted here on the less crowded western prairies than in the East and where land was much cheaper, having sold his Ohio farm at good figures. Mr. Orr purchased two hundred and sev- enty-four acres of land in Stevenson town- ship on which he continuously lived, bring- ing it up to a high state of improvement, in fact, making it one of the "show" farms of this locality, the fields being well fenced and well drained and kept in first class pro- ductive condition through the careful rota- tion of crops and the application of home i6o BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF fertilizers, and on this place may always be found large numbers of all kinds of live stock of the best grade, Mr. Orr having ever taken a great interest in stock of vari- ous kinds. A modern, substantial and nice- ly furnished residence is owned by Mr. Orr and good bams and outbuildings in gen- eral are found about the place. Mr. Orr at present rents most of his land, but still over- sees it, keeping it up to the high standard of former years. In 1849 our subject was united in mar- riage with Mary Basom, who was born in Perry county, Ohio, about 1830, the daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth Emery, natives of New England. Three children were born to this union, namely: Frances, who is the wife of Peter M. Mechling, a farmer living in Perry county, Ohio. They are the paraits of four children, namely: Hiram Orvil, Bertha, Frank and Fred, the last two twins; Martha, the second child of our subject, is the wife of Marion Tolliver Stevenson, who is living in Alma township, Marion county, this state, and are the par- ents of these children, Edgar, Mabel, Orin, Roy, Edna, Claud and Lloyd. Edith, the subject's third child, is the wife of John P. Brubaker, who is also living in Alma town- ship, being the mother of two children, Ha- zel and Ada. These children received all the home training possible and were given good edu- cations, each being .well situated in life. Mr. Orr is a staunch Democrat in his political affiliation, although he has never taken a very active part in public affairs. He ably filled the position of School Director and his support is always to be depended upon in any issue having for its object the betterment of the community in any way. The subject and wife are kind, hos- pitable and good natured, making all who enter their home feel like they were among friends. RICHARD J. HOLSTLAW. Among the best known and highly re- spected families of Marion county is found the one bearing the name that forms the caption of this article. Richard J. Holstlaw was born in this county on the 3d of April, 1837. He still lives on the farm where he was born and during this span of life he has witnessed most wonderful changes in the progress and development of the country. Mr. Holstlaw is descended from those hardy pioneers that crossed the mountains into Kentucky and Tennessee, blazing the way through the wilderness, opening up for colonization and occupancy the rich hunting grounds south of the Ohio. This tide of immigrants gradually worked its way westward and northward, crossing the Ohio into Indiana and Illinois and blending here with the settlers coming from Pennsylvania, New York and New England. Our subject's father, Daniel S. Holstlaw, was born near Glasgow, Kentucky, in 1813, toward the close of the second war with R. J. HOLSTLAW. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 161 England. The treaty at the conclusion of this war stimulated the westward movement and when Daniel was eight years old he came to Paoli, Indiana, with his parents. His mother, Ruth (Middleton) Holstlaw, a native of Tennessee, was the eleventh of fourteen children and came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1833. At the age of nineteen years, Daniel Holstlaw left the Hoosier state and immigrated to Marion county, Illinois. Here he entered a claim and also purchased some land, paying seven dollars per acre. At this time the country was still in its primitive state, and the six children, of whom our subject was the sec- ond, became quite familiar with early day methods of getting along. Among other things that Mr. Holstlaw relates are his school experiences. The ex- pense of paying for an instructor was met on the subscription plan, and all the neigh- bors joined in to obtain the privilege of a schooling for their children. Wild game of all kinds still abounded in the forests and furnished part of the food for the settlers. One morning Mr. Holstlaw counted thirty- seven deer after a night when the prairie was on fire, when they could be seen clearly to say nothing of other game, so abundant then, but so rarely seen now. When we re- flect over to the fact that such a span of years has witnessed so great a contrast be- tween the present conditions and those of that day, it seems almost a fiction. Yet one needs but to ponder over the wonderful changes of the last decade to convince him ii that we are even now already in the shadow of what will come tomorrow. While now the traction engine pulls the series of break- ing plows rapidly through the sod, Mr. Holstlaw recalls the time when he followed the four yoke of patient oxen that com- posedly drew through the virgin soil the hand-made plow of hickory wood. Today the hay-loader puts the sweet-scented prod- uct of the meadow on the wagon and at the driver's feet, while then the dogwood fork, whittled by hand, was the only tool avail- able. Fur and hides were hauled to St. Louis, seventy-five miles away, and court was held in a log structure at the county seat of Salem. We shall now turn our attention to the domestic relations of our subject. In 1863 he was joined in marriage to Mary (Gag- ger) Barry. This union, though happy, was destined to be brief, for ere long the young wife was called hence, followed soon after by her infant child. On July 18, 1869, Mr. Holstlaw took as his second wife Ra- chel Barry, this union resulting in the birth of the following children: Effie I., who became the wife of Louis Barksdale; the son is Forrest D., the second daughter of the family, Carrie A., has become the wife of Walter K. Shook. In his political affiliations Mr. Holstlaw has adhered to the Democratic party, and he is a devoted member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He and his wife are well known in the entire community as ex- emplary and worthy citizens. 1 62 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF HENRY SPRING. This biographical memoir has to do with a character of unusual force and eminence, for Henry Spring, whose life chapter has been closed by the fate that awaits us all, was for a long lapse of years one of the prominent citizens of Richland county, hav- ing come to this section in pioneer times, and he assisted in every way possible in bringing- about the transformation of the county from the wild condition found by the first settlers to its later day progress and improvement. While he carried on a special line of business in such a manner as to gain a comfortable competence for himself, he also belonged to that class of representative citizens who promote the public welfare while advancing individual success. There were in him sterling traits which com- manded uniform confidence and regard, and his memory is today honored by all who knew him, and is enshrined in the hearts of his many friends. Henry Spring was born near Sheffield, England, December 2, 1806, the son of Thomas and Margaret (Bishop) Spring, also natives of England. Thomas Spring was a professional landscape gardener. He was the father of five sons, namely : Sidney, Archibald, Henry, John and George. The family emigrated to America in 1819, the father dying in Pennsylvania on the over- land trip to Illinois. The mother and chil- dren located on a farm in Edwards county, near Albion, this state. Henry and John remained on the farm during the lifetime of their mother. Henry Spring, our sub- ject, was thirteen years old when he came to Illinois, and where he received most of his education in the subscription schools. However, he began his education in England. The mother was highly educated and taught at home. Henry was in business a short time near Evansville, Indiana, later return- ing to Edwards county, where he married in January, 1842. He came to Olney and was the second merchant to engage in busi- ness. His store was located in a small room belonging to T. W. Lilley, being a part of his residence. He was a typical pioneer and had a country stock of goods which he bought on credit, which proved to be the foundation of a later fortune. In the fall of 1842 he built a frame building at the corner of Main and Fair streets, with living rooms in the rear. About 1855 he sold out to P. P. Bower. In 1856 he built a brick building at the southwest corner of Main and Boone streets, and about 1859 again engaged in the merchandise business. The ground on which the building stands was bought from the government by T. W. Lilley, transferred to John Allen and then to the subject of this sketch, and is still owned by his family. In 1848 he built a two-story frame building for a residence at the southeast corner of Main and Fair streets, which was very pretentious for those days. In 1866 he retired from the mercantile business and in the store build- ing now owned by his sons, plans for the organization of the First National Bank were consummated in December, 1865, he being one of the instigators and the leading RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. i6 3 spirit in the enterprise, and Mr. Spring was made its first president, which position he held with great credit to his ability for a pe- riod of twenty years, with the exception of one year. In the same store room in 1883 plans were formulated for the organization of the Olney National Bank, and our sub- ject having severed his connection with the First National Bank, became president and principal stockholder of the new bank, re- maining at the head of the same for six years. He became known as a man of the strictest integrity, his word being as good as his bond, and those dealing with him were required as much. His life was de- voted to his family, for he avoided society, not caring for any public display, and he be- longed to no secret orders and was affiliated with no church, neither had he any political aspirations except to vote the Republican ticket, having originally been a Whig. He was a very successful business man, being conservative, careful and exercised various English traits of character, and he accumu- lated an honest fortune. He was a patriotic man and served in the Black Hawk war. After a long, honorable and successful career, Henry Spring was called from his labors August 20, 1890, being nearly eighty-four years old, having been active and in possession of all his faculties up to within a few years prior to his death. He was a man of great strength and vitality in his prime. Henry Spring was united in mariage De- cember 31, 1841, to Caroline Russell Mount, a native of Nantuckett Island, the daughter of Freeman Marshall and Mary Ann (Russell) Mount, natives of Massa- chusetts. Twelve children were born to the subject and wife, four of whom died in infancy. The eight living children are as follows : Mary, who was the first white child born in what is now the town of Olney, having been born November 22, 1842; she married Thomas W. Scott, who was in partnership with her father in 1865. He is now Attor- ney General of Illinois. Florence is the second living child, and is the wife of John H. Senseman, cashier of the Olney bank; Edward M., is a business man in Olney; Caroline M. is living at home; Elizabeth is the wife of Medford Powell, of Olney; Laura is a member of the family circle; Harry B. is in business in Olney; Kate L. is the wife of Doctor Watkins, of Olney. Mrs. Spring, a woman of gracious per- sonality, survived her husband until June 20, 1904, when she passed to her rest, being past eighty-three years of age. Edward M. Spring, son of our subject, was born in Olney, Illinois, July 30, 1852, being reared in Olney, where he received his education in the public schools. He also attended Asbury College, now DePauw University, but he did not graduate from that institution, however, he made a splen- did record for scholarship. When eighteen years of age he went to Kansas, where he spent two years. In 1872 he engaged in the seed and produce business, and has success- fully continued in the same ever since, be- ing in the store room formerly built and oc- 164 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF cupied by his father. James G. Hollister was his partner for sixteen years, and in 1888 the firm became Spring Brothers, which is still the name of the firm. A very large business has been built up and a good trade is carried on throughout this locality. Edward M. Spring was united in mar- riage December 25, 1873, to Kate Radens- croft, a native of New Albany, Indiana, the daughter of William E. and Anna C. (Jack- son) Radenscroft, formerly of England, who came to Philadelphia. The father of the subject's wife was formerly a Methodist minister. Both are now deceased. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spring: Lawrence E.. who lives in Owensboro, Kentucky, in the milling business ; Ethel is living at home. She was educated at Olney and in Indianapolis, and received a musical education in Cincinnati and Chicago, becoming a proficient musi- cian. She is at this writing (1909) super- visor of music in the public schools of Ol- ney. Mr. Spring is a Republican but not a politician. He served one term as Alder- man. He is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Modern Woodmen and the Knights of Pythias. He has a beautiful home and there is a large oak tree in his yard under which John A. Logan made his first speech in behalf of the Republican party, October 12, 1866, as a candidate for Congressman at large. At that time the place of residence of the sub- ject was a part of the splendid grove adjoin- ing the village of Olney, where picnics and rallies were held. Harry Bishop Spring, son of Henry Spring, our subject, was born in Olney, Il- linois, where he was reared and where he received his education in the public schools. He was also a student of the University of Illinois at Champaign. He obtained a good education, and after leaving school spent six or seven years in the South and West, being on the coast for some time. After return- ing to Olney he engaged in the seed and pro- duce business in 1888, with his brother, un- der the firm name of Spring Brothers. Harry B. Spring was united in marriage June 17, 1890, to Victoria Eckenrode, a na- tive of Sumner, Illinois, the daughter of Sylvester J. and Mary Eckenrode, a former business man of Olney. One daughter was bom, a winsome little girl named Marjorie. Mrs. Spring was called to her rest January 4, 1905. Harry Spring is a Republican in politics, and is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The family of our subject has long been recognized as leaders in industrial affairs in Richland county, being people of the high- est integrity and worth, for when Henry Spring passed away he left his family the priceless heritage of an untarnished name, to the county the value of good citizenship, and to the young an example well worthy of emulation. Public opinion in passing judg- ment upon his life work, classed him with the men of honor and worth, and with the pioneers of Richland county his name is for- ever inscribed, shinging out with peculiar luster. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. JUDGE JOHN S. STONECIPHER. No history of Marion county could be consistent with itself were there failure to make specific mention of the honored pio- neer family of which the subject of this sketch is a worthy scion, and no better or more significant evidence as to the long identification of the name with the annals of this section of the state can be offered than implied in the simple statement that the rec- ord of this interesting and representative family has been one of highest honor for a period of sixty-five years to the time of this writing. The subject has passed his entire life in Marion county, and has ably upheld the high prestige of the honored name which he bears. He is one of the prominent and influential representatives of the legal and industrial world of the county, and it is with much satisfaction that we offer in this work a review of his genealogical and personal history. Judge John S. Stonecipher, like scores of our best citizens in every line of endeavor, was born on a farm, the old homestead be- ing located about ten miles southeast of Salem, his birth occurring on July 7, 1868. His father was Samuel Stonecipher, a Ten- nesseean who came to Marion county, Illi- nois, about 1843, having successfully fol- lowed agricultural pursuits and became a man of considerable influence in his com- munity. He here erected a primitive dwell- ing which was the family domicile for a number of years. The tales of the pioneer days have been often told, and it is needless to here recapitulate the same, for privations, vicissitudes and strenuous labors of the early settlers have been so recorded as to make special mention superfluous, though it is well in such connection to refer to those who lived and labored so earnestly in laying the foundation for the opulent prosperity which marks this favored section of the state at the present time. Samuel Stonecipher was called from his earthly labors in 1898, while living on a farm in Haines township, two and one-half miles east of old Foxville. The mother of our subject was Susan (Ross) Stonecipher, also a native of Tennessee who passed to her rest when Judge Stonecipher was one and one-half years old. Eight chil- dren were born to the union of Samuel and Susan Stonecipher, four of whom are living in 1908. These are, besides the subject of this sketch, Alexander, a farmer in Haines township, Marion county; Joseph C, a far- mer in southeastern Kansas; M. C, a Pres- byterian minister at Troy Grove, Illinois. Samuel Stonecipher, father of the subject, was three times married. His first wife was a Miss Henderson ; the second a Miss Ross, mother of the subject; and the third was Mary Chance, who died three months after her husband's death. Grandfather Stonecipher reached almost the unprecedented age of one hundred and ten years. He was reared in Knox county, Tennessee. Judge Stonecipher was reared on the parental farm, and after attending the country schools he entered Ewing College in Franklin county, Illinois, where he made 1 66 RIOGUAPHICAL AM) KKM I MSCKXT HISTORY OF a brilliant record for both scholarship and deportment, taking a two years' general course. He then attended the Southern Illi- nois Normal School for two years, and be- gan teaching school, which he continued for three successful terms, but believing that his true life work lay in another channel he be- gan reading law with Judge John B. Kagy, of Salem. After reading law for one year he attended the Valparaiso University, law department, for one year, in which he made rapid progress. He was admitted to the bar at Salem in 1891 and began practice soon afterward. His success was instanta- neous, and his friends were not mistaken in their prediction that the future held many honors in store for him. He was early in life singled out for political preferment and served as Deputy Sheriff from 1889 to 1890, while reading law. He has ably served two terms as City Attorney of Salem, and was Master in Chancery for four years, from 1896 to 1900, having first been appointed by Judge Burroughs, and later by Judge Dwight. In 1906 our subject had attained such general popularity in the legal world that he was elected Judge of Marion county on the Democratic ticket in which capacity he is still serving in 1908, with entire satis- faction to his constituents and all concerned. He was chairman of the Democratic County Central Committee at the time of his elec- tion to the judgeship. He was selected as alternate to the Democratic national conven- tion held in St. Louis in 1904. Having become so well known in the political arena of his native community the judge will doubtless be honored by many other offices of public trust by his party in the future. Judge Stonecipher has been equally suc- cessful in industrial affairs, being something of a wizard in organizing, promoting and carrying to successful issues various lines of business, and it is due to his clear brain, well grounded judgment and indomitable energy that many of Marion county's suc- cessful industrial institutions owe their ex- istence. At present he is vice-president of the Salem State Bank, president of the Salem Box Company, the leading manufac- turing enterprise of Salem; he is also trus- tee of the Sandoval Coal and Mining Com- pany, now bankrupt, a large and important trusteeship. He is also a stockholder in the Salem National Bank and a director of the Salem Building and Loan Association. He was chairman of the building committee that built the new Methodist Episcopal church in Salem, one of the finest in Illinois, and it was largely due to his energy and keen busi- ness sagacity that this handsome structure, which will ever be a monument to his mem- ory as well as a pride and splendid adver- tisement to the city of Salem, assumed definite form. Fraternally Judge Stonecipher is a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, the Knights of Pythias and the Woodmen. He has occupied the chairs in the Odd Fellows, and his daily life would indicate that he believes in carrying out the noble precepts advocated by these praise- worthy orders. Judge Stonecipher's domestic life dates HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. :6 7 from August 17, 1904, when he was hap- pily married to Amy Bachman, the refined and cultured daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Bachman, the latter the well known and influential president of the Salem National Bank. Mrs. Stonecipher received a good education, having applied herself diligently to her educational work and the success of her worthy life companion is due in no small measure to the encouragement and sympa- thy of this most estimable woman, who pre- sides over her model and harmonious household with grace and dignity. Two bright and interesting children have blessed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stone- cipher with cheer and sunshine. They are: Frank G., born July 8, 1905, and Maude Louise, born July 24, 1907. Judge Stonecipher has been very success- ful in both his business and political life. He is regarded as a man of exceptional sound- ness of judgment, and when his name is connected with any business institution the public knows that the same is sound and does not hesitate to place its funds at his disposal, whether it be in a banking institu- tion or manufacturing enterprise. HON. EDWARD S. WILSON. It will invariably be found, if an examina- tion be made into the life records of self- made men, that untiring industry forms the basis of their success. It is true that many other elements enter in, such as fortitude, perseverance, keen discernment and honesty of purpose which enables one to recognize business opportunities, but the foundation cf all worthy achievements in earnest, per- sistent labor. The gentlemen whose name forms the caption of this article recognized this fact early in life and did not seek to gain any short or magical method to the goal cf prosperity. On the contrary, he began to work earnestly and diligently in order to advance himself along laudable lines and from a humble beginning he has become one of the prominent men of the great Prairie state. As a lawyer, Hon. Edward S. Wilson had few equals in Southern Illinois for up- wards of half a century. He was for years a leading member of the bar in Olney and is one of the old and highly esteemed citizens of this place, now living in quiet retirement, enjoy- ing the respite due a long and strenuous ca- reer. Finding him in a retrospective and rem- iniscent mood we quote from an interview with this distinguished character as follows : "My grandfather, James Wilson, migrated frcm Hardy county, Virginia, to South Bend, Indiana, in the year 1813, and the next year removed to Palestine, Crawford county, Illi- nois, bringing with him a numerous family of sons and daughters, among them my fa- ther, Isaac N. Wilson, who was born July 21, 1804. On October 13, 1829, he married Hannah H. Decken, who was born December 13, 1810, at the town of Vincennes, Indiana, to which place her father moved from Rom- ney, Virginia, in 1808 or 1809, from whence he soon moved to a farm three miles north of Palestine. There were nine boys and two 1 68 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF daughters born to my father and mother. Three of us still survive. I was born June 2 5- J ^39- I was educated in the common schools of Palestine, and was always of a reading rather than of a studious disposi- tion. Any book of history or romance could attract my attention from more serious study. So my mind is a hotch-potch of useless lum- ber. I know a great amount of 'worthless things and nothing well. "I can distinctly remember the pioneer days of Illinois when the flax and cotton with which we were largely clothed were raised by the farmers of Crawford county, which were spun and woven by the mothers and daughters of the farmers who were entirely from the Southern States, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Kentucky and Tennes- see. The wheels of the wagons consisted of sections sawn off a log, usually a sycamore. Oxen were more common than horses. "The principal amusements in those days were bear basting, horse racing, and last, but not least, fist fighting. Residents of the county would gather at Palestine every Sat- urday and most of them would fill up on old Monongahela whisky and by noon the fighting would begin. I have seen sixty fights in progress at one time. When the fight was over there was no malice nor de- sire for revenge, and the victor was the best man until at a later date the fight could be repeated, if the conquered was not satisfied, when frequently the outcome was reversed. I was eighteen years of age before I saw a railroad or a train of cars. "When about eighteen years old I began the study of law in the office of James C. Al- len, of Palestine, then a member of Con- gress from the Tenth District from Illinois. I was admitted to the bar in 1861, and com- menced the practice of law at Robinson, Crawford county, Illinois. In 1864, I re- move to Olney, Richland county, where I still reside. I practiced in the courts of this and adjoining counties until 1890, at which time I was nominated by the Democratic party for State Treasurer and was elected to that of- fice. For many years my hearing had been defective and it grew worse, and after retir- ing from the office of State Treasurer I never resumed practice on account of my hearing. Since that time I have lived the life of a farmer and man of leisure, reading much, but only for entertainment. I have pursued no settled line, but have read everything from theology to the flimsiest romance, but I have spent more time on history than any other line and would be a good historian if I had been a student instead of a mere reader. "On June 17. 1867, I married Ann C. Rowland, daughter of Townsend and Eliza S. Rowland, of Olney, Illinois. To us have been born four sons, three living, and one daughter, who died leaving one son. One son died in infancy. My wife is still living, and divides with me the burden of reading all the latest works, historical and fiction." Agriculture, horticulture and stock raising have occupied Mr. Wilson's attention of late years. He owns about one thousand acres of valuable land in Richland county, a part of which is devoted to the propagation of fruit for commercial purposes. Part of the farm is in the city limits of Olney where he has a modern and commodious residence, sur- HIGHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS 169 round by beautiful grounds, extensive and carefully kept. His home is one of the most pretentious in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are widely known for their hospital- ity and their home is often the gathering place for their numerous friends and admir- ers where good cheer is always to be found. For a number of years Mr. Wilson paid con- siderable attention to the breeding of Clydes- dale horses and Shetland ponies, and he pro- duced some fine specimens which were prize winners at state fairs. The subject was large- ly instrumental in securing the state fair for Olney for two years, 1887 and 1888. Mr. \Vilson is the founder and principal stock- holder of the ice plant at Olney. where large quantities of artificial ice are manufactured, in connection with a cold storage, packing in- dustry, etc. Mr. Wilson has always been a staunch Democrat and active politically. He has al- ways been interested in whatever tended tc promote the interests of his city and county. For twenty years he was Master in Chan- cery. Because of his public-spirit, his hon- esty of purpose, genuine worth and congenial disposition, no man is better or more favor ably known in Southern Illinois than he. J. E. CASTLE. Those who belong to the respectable mid- dle classes of society, being early taught the necessity of relying upon their own exer- tions, will be more apt to acquire that information and those business habits which alone can fit them for the discharge of life's duties, and, indeed, it has long been a no- ticeable fact that our great men in nearly all walks of life in America spring from this class. The subject of this sketch, whose life history we herewith delineate is a worthy representative of the class from which the true noblemen of the Republic spring. J. E. Castle was born in Gallipolis, Ohio, in 1845, the son of George W. Castle, also a native of the Buckeye state, where he was born in Zanesville in that conspicuous year in American history, 1812. He came to Illinois with his family in 1861, settling at Salem. By profession he was a contractor and builder, but he was in the drug business while in Salem, and was also interested in farming, however, he did some contracting here, and in all made a success, for he was a man of much business ability. While a resident of Ohio he was for some time a Justice of the Peace, having always taken considerable interest in political and public affairs. He was called from his earthly la- bors in 1872 after an active and useful life. George Washington Castle was the sub- ject's grandfather, of Irish ancestry. He was loyal to the American government and was a captain of a company in the War of 1812, having met his death while gallantly leading a battalion of volunteers at Fort Erie in 1812, the same year the father of our subject was born, as already indicated. The original Castle family is related to the Newtons, a prominent and influential family of Cincinnati, Ohio. Grandfather Castle's family consisted of three children, two sons and one daughter. The mother of our subject was known in BIOC.RAI'IIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF her maidenhood as Eliza Bing, a native of Gallia county, Ohio, her people being natives of the Buckeye state. She was a woman of many praiseworthy traits, and she was united in marriage with George W. Castle about 1832. She was called to her rest in 1858 while living at Gallipolis, Ohio. Six children constituted the family of this couple, of whom our subject is the only sur- vivor. The names of these children follow in order of their birth: Dr. W. H., who died in St. Louis in 1882; Captain George E., who died in Salem, Illinois, in 1887; Eva M., who died at Tonti, Marion county, June 30, 1903 ; Dr. Charles E., who died at Great Bend, Kansas, in 1897; John E. died at Gallipolis, Ohio, in 1859, when eight years old; J. E., our subject, was the fourth in order of birth. J. E. Castle spent his boyhood in Gal- lipolis, Ohio, where he attended the public schools and received in part a good educa- tion, for he was always an ambitious lad and applied himself in a commendable manner to his text-books. He came to Salem, Illinois, in 1 86 1, and in the spring of 1862, immedi- ately after the battle of Shiloh, he enlisted in the Union army, believing that it was the duty of loyal citizens of the Republic to sever home ties and do what they could in saving the nation's integrity. He was in the Fifteenth Army Corps under John A. Logan, with General James Stewart Martin in Company H, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, having been sergeant of the company of which his brother, George E. Castle, was captain. He served with distinction in this regiment, the operations of which is given in detail in the sketch of General Martin in this work, until the close of the war, and he passed in the grand review in Washington City before the President and all the generals of the army. He brought home a Confederate flag. On June 27, 1864, the subject was in the battle of Kenesaw Mountain when the whole of Sherman's army charged the forces of General Johnson entrenched on the moun- tain. He took part in two months of continuous fighting about Atlanta, July 22 and 28, 1864, being memorable dates in that city's history. On the first mentioned date, Gen- eral McPherson was killed and on this date, General James S. Martin, of Salem, was made a brigadier general. On July 28th was fought a desperate battle lasting all day, on which day General Martin's line received seven terrific charges and never moved a foot. On August 3d another hard battle was fought in the siege of Atlanta, when Sherman's army escaped from Hood. On August 3 ist the subject was in the capture of Atlanta, after which he went with Sherman on his march to the sea. On De- cember 1 4th, following the battle at Fort McAllister was fought and captured by Hazen's division, which meant virtually the capture of Savannah, as Johnson then evacu- ated this place. The army then went on to Hitton Head, South Carolina, and then Co- lumbia, Couth Carolina, was captured. At Fort McAllister our subject and his brother HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 171 captured a Confederate flag and many other relics which they brought home. After his career in the army Mr. Castle returned to Salem and took a course in the high school, after which he went to Wes- leyan University at Delaware, Ohio, taking a three years' course in the sciences and making a brilliant record in the same. Upon his return to Salem he went into the hard- ware business in which he remained until 1878, building up an excellent trade in the meantime. He then traveled for ten years for the Champion Harvesting Machine Company, giving entire satisfaction to this company, the patronage of which he caused to be greatly increased. Then, much to the regret of his employers, he severed his con- nection with the Champion people and en- gaged with his brother, Captain George E. Castle, in the cattle business in Southwest Kansas, which enterprise was continued with the most gratifying results up to the time of the latter's death. Since then our subject has been farming. He has an excel- lent farm property which is kept in a high state of improvement, and which yields a comfortable income from year to year through the skillful management of the sub- ject. On this farm is to be found an ex- cellent orchard of thirty acres, Mr. Castle having been an enthusiastic horticulturist for several years. He has a substantial dwelling house and many convenient out buildings on his farm which he oversees, but does not live on. The domestic life of Mr. Castle dates from 1897 when he was united in marriage with Arabella Whittaker, the refined and affable daughter of R. H. Whittaker. The parents of Mrs. Castle were both born in Ireland. They came to Salem, Illinois, in 1852, the father of our subject's wife hav- ing been one of the civil engineers that sur- veyed the route for the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, at that time known as the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. R. H. Whittaker passed away in June, 1889, at Salem, his life companion having preceded him to the silent land in 1881. The subject's wife was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Whittaker. She is a highly accomplished woman, well educated and talented. She is an able and noted teacher of both music and painting, being the only art teacher in Salem. She is re- garded by every one who has seen her work as being a finished and accomplished artist and she has a beautiful studio in connection with her home. She reveres the memory of her parents and likes to tell of the happy days when R. H. Whittaker was station agent for the Baltimore & Ohio Southwest- ern road at Salem, which position he held for several years. He was also fuel agent for many years and had a wide acquaint- ance among railroad men. He quit railroad business several years before he died, and engaged in the lumber business in Salem, which he was engaged in at the time of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Castle have no children. Mr. Castle is a member of the ancient and honorable order of Masons, also the Knights Templar and the Grand Army of the Re- UIOCKAPIIICAL AXI) KEM I MSCKXT HISTORY OF public. And Mr. and Mrs. Castle are both ardent members of the Episcopal church. Our subject was a member of the building committee that erected the handsome new edifice in Salem, and he takes a special in- terest in all the affairs of this church. In the modern, substantial and beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Castle which stands on Whittaker street in Salem, is to be found many curios and relics, especially of the Civil war. The beautiful art treasures of Mrs. Castle are numerous, the walls being hung with many excellent pictures, the han- diwork of Mrs. Castle, and their elegantly furnished home is regarded as a place where hospitality is always unstintingly dispensed. JAMES. F. HYATT. "Through struggle to triumph" seems to be the maxim which holds sway for the ma- jority of our citizens, and, though it is un- doubtedly true that many fall exhausted in the conflict, a few by their inherent force of character and strong mentality, rise above their environment! and all which seems to hinder them, until they reach the plane of affluence toward which their face was set through the long years of struggle that must necessarily precede any accomplishment of great magnitude. Such has been the history of Mr. Hyatt, proprietor of the well known Linden Lawn Dairy, and in his life record many useful lessons may be gleaned. James F. Hyatt was bom in Versailles. Indiana, January 7, 1855, the son of Hiram and Bythynia (Alley) Hyatt, the former a native of Indiana, and the latter of Ken- tucky. The subject's father was a stockman and farmer, and for many years carried on a stock business on an extensive scale near Versailles, having died in Clay City. Indi- ana, in 1905. His widow, a woman of many praiseworthy traits, like those of her hus- band, is still living at this writing (1908). They were the parents of five children who grew to maturity, and who reside in Indi- ana, with the exception of the subject, who is the eldest of the family. He was reared in his native county where he received a common school education, having attended the Quaker Academy for two years at But- lerville, Indiana. He decided to become ac- quainted with the manufacture of woolen goods, and accordingly early in life went to work in a woolen mill, also worked in a flour mill owned by his father, where he remained for several years. When twenty years old he went to what is now Clay City, Indiana, it being a railroad terminus before a post- office was established. A coal mine had been developed there. He secured employment with the coal company as weigh boss, later in a clerical capacity, having given the com- pany entire satisfaction in this work. In 1878 he started a small merchandise busi- ness which was successful from the first, and also became interested in coal mining, brick manufacturing, milling and various enter- prises which he carried on with his usual successful methods, and operated stores in a number of different places, in fact, he pur- chased large stocks of goods in various east- ern cities, shipping the same to different states and closing them out. His advance- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 173 ment was rapid and most successful. In 1894 to 1896 he sold all his interests in In- diana, having previously got possession of large tracts of land in Arkansas, establish- ing a colony in northeastern Arkansas, and has been instrumental in locating many fami- lies from the northern and eastern states on the same. He still carries on this business with gratifying results. He went to Chicago to live, where he resided until coming to Ol- ne\ in 1900. At the time he came to Olney he pur- chased the Linden Lawn Dairy, which he has since managed in a most successful manner, having made many improvements, increasing the capacity of the dairy, enlarg- ing the barns, improving the fertility of the land, and in many ways making it one of the model dairies of the state. He has one hundred head of dairy stock. There is a great demand for all that his dairy produces in Olney, where all his dairy products are readily disposed of. This business was orig- inally established by the Linden Lawn Fanning Company, - a corporation organized or promoted by C. S. Mace, now deceased. Mr. Mace conceived the idea of forming a corporation for carrying on farming and dairying on an extensive scale, with the idea of also making it a co-operative institution. All employes invested twenty-five per cent, of wages in stock and received pro rata of pro- fits of the business. It grew to extensive proportions, consisting of farming, horticul- ture, dairying and stock raising. Modern buildings and equipment were provided. At the time of the death of Mr. Mace, the pro- moter, in 1900, the stockholders decided to close the corporation and sell the property. Accordingly in September of that year, James F. Hyatt, our subject, purchased the same and has since carried on the work on a paying basis, assisted by his wife, who is actively connected with the management. The dairy has eighty stalls for milch cows, besides large sheds in close proximity. There is a silo with four hundred tons capacity, which was one of the first built in this county. Linden Lawn consists of one hun- dred and sixty-three acres, all inside the corporate limits of Olney. Land on part of three sides is platted and partly improved. The land is in a high state of fertility. Six- ty-five acres are in bearing order in fine con- dition. The dwelling is of pressed brick, stone trimmings, slate roof, is commodious, convenient, and has all modern conveniences and appliances, large verandas, stone, brick and concrete walks, large well, beautifully shaded lawn. The building occupies elevated ground, giving a splendid view of the city. The barn is metal roofed and has every modern equipment for furnishing high grade, sanitary milk. The barn has steam and electric power, electric lights, running water, concrete floors, and is in every way up-to-date. The dairy herd is mostly full blood Jersey. In fact, this is without doubt one of the very finest farms in Illinois, and one would be compelled to search long and far to surpass it in any state. Mr. Hyatt was united in marriage in 1888 to Iva Grim, a native of Coal City. In- diana, the daughter of Henry and Charity (Gray) Grim, natives of Ohio, both now de- ceased. The father of Mrs. Hyatt was a 174 BIOGRAPHICAL AXI) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF farmer and merchant, a civil engineer and surveyor, and a pioneer of Coal City. One son, Frederick, a lad of much business pro- mise, now seventeen years old, has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt. In 1902 Mr. Hyatt purchased the opera house block, a three-story brick structure. He remodeled the interior and converted the top floors into a modern opera house, refur- nished and entirely overhauled the same. The interior decorations and arrangements compare favorably with the smaller opera houses in the large cities. This splendid, safe and comfortable play-house is greatly appreciated by the citizens of this commu- nity and much credit is given the owner for its establishment. In his political relations Mr. Hyatt is a Republican. He is a member of the Benevo- lent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge No. 926, at Olney. He is president of the Business Men's Association of Olney. Mrs. Hyatt is a member of the Christian church. James F. Hyatt is a thoroughly practical business man, which fact, coupled with his undoubted ability as an organizer and pro- moter, contains the secret of the success of the institution of which he is the head. WILLIAM L. DRAPAR. Mr. Drapar has for many years been an honored resident of Marion county, whose interests he has ever had at heart, and who has, while advancing his own welfare done much toward promulgating the civic, in- dustrial and moral tone of the vicinity. His career has been one of hard work and in- tegrity, consequently he is deserving of the respect in which he is held by everyone. William L. Drapar was bom in Fayette county, Illinois, October 29, 1850, the son of John B. Drapar, a native of Tennessee, who came to Illinois when a mere lad, in the days when the inhabitants wore buck- skin breeches and when the forests abounded in wild game and the hills and prairies were overrun by the red men. Grandfather Dra- par was also a native of Tennessee, who brought his son, father of our subject, to this state, settling in Fayette county. Grand- father was a well known lawyer in his day and served as Judge of Lafayette county. Vandalia, the county seat, was then the state capital. Judge Drapar, like most pio- neer men, was the father of a large family, he and his faithful life companion becoming the parents of fifteen children, three pairs of twins. He was a Jeffersonian Democrat and a soldier in the Mexican war. He sub- sequently moved to Salem where he was called from his earthly labors at the age of fifty-six years, and he was buried at Xenia, Clay county. John B. Drapar moved to Salem in 1856. He was 1 a blacksmith of extraordinary skill, and for some time drove a stage-coach on the old Vandalia line. He enlisted in the Union army during the Civil war, but never saw service. He died about 1896. The mother of the subject of this sketch was known in her maidenhood as Jeanette RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 175 Abel, who was born in Bowling Green, Kentucky, the representative of a South- ern family of honorable repute. The date of her birth occurred February 16, 1828, and she was summoned to join the "choir invisible" in 1904, while living at the home of our subject in Salem and she is buried in the cemetery here. The follow- ing children were born to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Drapar: Margaret, widow of Eli- sha Ledgerwood, who is living in the state of Washington; William L., our subject; Edwin, who died when four years old; an infant girl, deceased. William L. Drapar, the subject of this sketch, was reared in Salem where he re- ceived the customary common school edu- cation. At an early age he assisted his father in a blacksmith shop. When twenty- one he was thrown on his own resources, but being a youth of indomitable energy and courage, he went to work with a will and has prospered all his subsequent life. He went into the milling business in 1872 at Salem and has been thus engaged since that time, becoming known as one of the leading milling men in this part of the state, having been eminently successful in this enterprise from the first. He worked for E. Hull, father of Senator C. E. Hull, for eighteen years. Since January, 1890, he has been associated with Senator Hull in business, op- erating the Salem Brick Mill, the style of the firm being Hull & Drapar. The present building which this firm occupies was erected in 1860, but has since been remod- eled into a modem and substantial build- ing. They do a general milling business and their products are known not only throughout Marion county where they have a very extensive trade, but all over this part of the state and to remote sections of this and other states. Mr. Drapar was united in marriage first in 1872 with Sarah J. Fair, whose parents died when she was two years old and she was reared by a family named Castle who came to Salem from Ohio at the close of the war. She was a woman of many com- mendable traits of character, and to this union the following interesting family was born: Ira and Louie, twins, born July u, 1874. The first named is living in Holden- ville, Oklahoma, where he is Assistant Cashier of the Second National Bank. He is also City Recorder of Holdenville. He is a graduate of the Salem high school in which he made a splendid record, and he is also a graduate of the Flora Business College. For three years he was manager of a large lumber company in Oklahoma in which state he is very popular. Louie lives in Chicago where he has a responsible position with the Santa Fe Railroad Com- pany, which regards him as one of their most faithful and trusted employes. Leslie, the third child, was born July 28, 1878. He is also a graduate of the Salem high school. He is now living in New Mexico in the employ of the Harvey Dining Service Company. He has been a dining car con- ductor for years. He had the distinction of serving for one year as superintendent of the dining service at Yale University. He , 7 r, BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF is an expert at this line of business and has gained wide notoriety among the peo- ple of this business. George, the fourth child, was born November 12, 1882. He holds the responsible position as cashier and bookkeeper of the Sherman House in Chicago. Babel, the winsome and accom- plished daughter of the subject and wife, was born March 5, 1890, and she is yet a member of the family circle, keeping house for her father. Mrs. Drapar passed to her eternal rest on August 15, 1894, after a useful and beautiful life. Mr. Drapar was again mar- ried on June 14, 1899, to Isabel Bell, daugh- ter of Philo Bell, of Sumner, Illinois. Mr. Bell was a stage driver on the old Vin- cennes & St. Louis line before the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad was built. This wife died without issue May 3, 1907, of a paralytic stroke. She was a woman of strong char- acter and had many faithful friends. Mr. Drapar has always taken consider- able interest in political affairs. He served as City Alderman for six years in a most creditable manner. He was school director for five years, during which time the local schools felt a great impetus. He was tax collector for one year, refusing to serve longer, much to the regret of every one con- cerned. Fraternally, Mr. Drapar has been a mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows since 1874, occupying all the chairs, both Subordinate and Encampment. He has attended the Grand Lodges regularly for twenty-two years. He met with the Sovereign Grand Lodge at St. Louis several years ago. Mr. Drapar has been a mem- ber of the Presbyterian church since a boy. He belongs to that class of citizens who by their support of the moral, political and social status for the general good, promote the real welfare of their respective commu- nities. A. M. PEDDICORD. It is interesting to study the life record of such a man as the gentleman whose name appears above owing to the fact that he began life under no favorable auspicies and has had to battle his own way through the world, but he has succeeded remarkably well and has shown how a man can "go it alone" when once his face is set in the right direction and he has the courage of his convictions. Therefore, for this and many other reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he is one of the brave veterans of the great war of the Rebellion, efficiently serving his country during its dark days, we take pleasure in giving him a place in this work. A. M. Peddicord was born in Bracken county, Kentucky, June 4, 1841, and he was about fourteen years old when he came to Marion county, Illinois, and spent most of the time since then in Carrigan township. He is the son of Nelson and Rebecca Peddi- cord, the subject's parents having been cousins. The father died when the subject was very young and he has but little recol- A. M. PEDDICORD. Of THE UNIVERSITY < ILLINOIS. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COfNTIKS. ILLINOIS. 177 lection of him. The subject's mother was born in Mason county, Kentucky, and died about fifteen years ago. There were six children in the family of Nelson Peddicord and wife, namely: Emanuel J., who first married Hester Lawrence, and they became the parents of three children ; his second wife was Sallie Hooker and they became the par- ents of five or six children ; Emanuel's third wife was Nancy Roberts ; A. E., the second child of Nelson and Rebecca Peddicord, served in the Union army in the One Hun- dred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, having remained single, and he died soon after the close of the war ; F. M. mar- ried a Miss Faggin and they are the parents of five children ; A. M., our subject, was the fourth child in order of birth ; Sarah M. was twice married; Priscilla died when young. The subject of this sketch was compelled to make his own way after he was four- teen years old and he has succeeded admir- ably well. When he reached maturity he was married to Eliza Britt in August, 1869, in Marion county. She was the daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Roderick) Britt. Her parents lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio and In- diana and finally settled in Marion county, Illinois, and they died here. Mr. Britt was a farmer. The subject's wife was the ninth of a family of ten children. The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Peddicord: Francis M., who is forty-one years old in 1908, married Mary E. Foltz and they are the parents of seven children; Mary E. died when four- 12 teen months old; Sarah E., who is now thir- ty-nine years, married Thomas P. Walker, and they have three children living and two dead. As already intimated Mr. Peddicord was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war, having enlisted in Company K, Thirty- first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, on August 10, 1 86 1, under the command of Gen. John A. Logan. He served in a most gallant manner for a period of four years. He was taken prisoner on the march to the sea at Meridian, Mississippi. He was in the bat- tle of Fort Donelson, was in the siege of Vicksburg and Champion's Hill. He was in Andersonville prison for a period of six months, later being moved to Florence. He contracted the scurvy while in prison, hav- ing been in prison when peace was declared. Our subject has an excellent farm con- sisting of two hundred and sixty acres of valuable land in section 34, seventy-seven acres of which are in timber. The subject has made most of the improvements of his farm which now holds high rank with Marion county's best farms. It shows good management and is well stocked. He has a comfortable residence which is well fur- nished. Mr. Peddicord was Road Commissioner for two terms and gave entire satisfaction. He is a loyal Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Peddicord are faithful members of the Bap- tist church. Our subject deserves much credit for what he has accomplished, for he had little chance to attend school in his youth. The only school-house in his com- BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF munity was built of logs, and the terms of school were very short. But he has been a hard worker and has succeeded despite early disadvantages, until today he is one of the county's most representative agriculturists and has many friends throughout the same. RICHARD LEWIS. Energy, sound judgment and persistency of effort, properly applied, will always win the goal sought in the sphere of human en- deavor, no matter what the environment may be or what obstacles are met with, for they who are endowed with such characteristics, make stepping-stones of their adversities to higher things. These reflections are sug- gested by the career of Mr. Lewis, who has forged his way to the front ranks, and stands today among the representative men of Rich- land county. Richard Lewis, the well known proprietor of the Metropole Hotel in Olney, Illinois, was born in Breckenridge county, Kentucky, Au- gust 17, 1844, the son of Thomas and Sa- rah (Mattingly) Lewis, the former having been born near Harper's Ferry, Virginia, and the latter in Kentucky. The father was reared in his native state and came to Ken- tucky with his parents when young, where he married and became a farmer. James Mat- tingly, grandfather of the subject, was a planter and a slave owner in Kentucky where he lived and died. Thomas Lewis removed to Illinois with his family in 1846 and set- tled at Pond Grove, near St. Marie, Jasper county. Soon afterward he changed his place of residence to another part of Jasper county. He was one of the pioneers of that section and improved a good farm, consisting of one hundred and twenty acres six miles south of Newton, which in late years he gave to his youngest son. He died at the home of the subject in Olney in 1883, at the age of sev- enty-three years. His wife had previously died at the age of sixty-three years. Their family consisted of six children, three boys and three girls, two of the youngest daugh- ters being deceased. The subject is the fifth in order of birth. He was two years old when the family located in Jasper county. His par- ents being poor, his early education was very limited on account of his having to work hard to help support the family, working on the farm early and late. There were only a few schools in the county which was new at that time, so he was enabled to attend school only about six months; later he did a great deal of home reading and by practical experience became generally educated and is today a well informed man. During his youth the family was so poor, according to our subject, that it took all their money at one time to buy one hoe, which was turned over to an older brother, William, for use. He, however, was not satisfied to do all the work and made a wooden hoe which he insisted on our subject using to help. Dick says he accordingly put in many days of hard work with a wooden hoe. which has probably been the experience of but few peo- ple now living in Illinois. The family lived HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 179 in a log house for a number of years without windows, but the father finally sawed out a small place for one window, in which they lived until the house was destroyed by fire. The nearest neighbor was three miles away. \Yild game of all kinds was plentiful, includ- ing deer, bear, wild turkey, and wolves were numerous and sometimes troublesome. The father was compelled to get up at night many times for the purpose of driving them out of the dooryard and away from the sheep and hogs. The father was a shoemaker and made all the shoes and boots for the family. Rich- ard was allowed one pair of shoes per year, being compelled to go barefoot from early spring until snow fell in the late fall. Mr. Lewis was one of the supporters of the national government during the trouble in the sixties, having enlisted in 1861, but not being old enough and being opposed by his family, he did not go to the front. He then took charge of the home place and for a few years was very successful. He sold hogs at Olney during the war for twelve dollars per one hundred pounds. In 1865 he en- listed in Company B, One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and immediately went into the field. He was first sent to Louisville and then to Nashville, also to Tullahoma, Tennessee, returning to Mur- freesboro, where he remained until he was mustered out. After the war he came back home and located on a farm of forty acres, which he had bought with two wagon-loads of hogs prior to enlisting. In the mean- time his father bought forty acres more with the money the subject had sent him. mak- ing him eighty acres in all, with which to start life. In 1866 and 1867 he raised crops of wheat and sold wheat the latter year for two dollars per bushel. On one occasion he took thirty bushels to Olney for which he re- ceived sixty dollars. Meeting an' old com- rade, Jim Clark, son of "Old Sam Clark," after the war, the young men repaired to a place for social refreshment and being looked upon by the proprietor of the place as young and unsophisticated, were induced to try their luck at a game. It was the subject's lucky day and he made fifteen dollars very easily. It became a puzzle to his father how the son could come home with so much money for thirty bushels of wheat. During those days Mr. Lewis was on his way to the polls at St. Marie to vote and passed a place where a young lady was breaking flax with a flail and casually made the remark, "That is the girl for me." He did not know her, but after- ward met her quite unexpectedly and it is a coincidence worth recording here that she is his wife today. After the marriage of Mr. Lewis he con- tinued on the farm and was prosperous for several years, buying more land until he had a splendid place, consisting of one hundred and twenty acres. He was ambitious to get ahead and bought a threshing machine out- fit, going in debt on his credit, which was unquestioned. The panic of 1873 came on and it was impossible to get money, so he lost all. After he had turned over all his property except a homestead interest which he traded for two houses and lots in Olney, he found judgment still hanging over him. i8o IJKHiRAPIlICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF He paid one judgment of six hundred dol- lars by disposing of one house and lot and went to work at whatever he could find to do for several years. In September, 1897, he bought a hotel business opposite the Illinois Central depot in Olney, which he conducted for about a year. He then conducted a similar business on West Main street for two years, after which he took charge of the old Commercial House, \vhich he christened the New Olney House, and conducted the same for three years. He then sold out and leased the Metropole ho- tel, which he soon after sold. After a trip to St. Louis he returned to Olney and again engaged in the hotel business on West Main street for about a year. Selling out, he again took charge of the Metropole hotel, which he has since conducted successfully. It is the leading hotel in this part of the country and would be a credit to larger cities, being carefully conducted and managed in such a manner as to constantly gain prestige with the traveling public. It is a three-story brick structure, modern in every detail, with thirty- six rooms, electric lights, steam heat, hot and cold water, and all other equipment that can be found in an up-to-date hotel. Its cuisine is excellent and courteous treatment is al- ways accorded guests, so that the place is popular with the traveling public. Its genia! and pleasant proprietor is familiarly known as "Old Dick Lewis." Mr. Lewis was married December 26, 1867, to Sarah Anderson, a native of near Madison, Indiana, the daughter of Felix and Martha (Underwood) Anderson, both of whom died in Jasper county, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are the parents of eight chil- dren, two of whom are living. Anna is the wife of Victor Bolmar, who resides in Mat- toon, Illinois; May is the other daughter. In politics Mr. Lewis was formerly a Dem- ocrat, but in later years he has voted the Republican ticket. He is a member of the Eli Boyer Post, No. 92, Grand Army of the Republic. He has held many positions in the same, being at present quartermaster. He is also a member of Olney Lodge, No. 926, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He and his family are members of the Catholic church. NATHANIEL G. HUFF. The subject of this sketch has long been identified with the progress and ad- vancement of this favored section of the great Prairie state, where he has maintained his home for more than the Psalmist's al- lotted three score years, having been born within her borders, having spent his long; active and useful life here and where he has attained gratifying success in connection with the development of its resources, being one of the representative farmers and stock growers in Stevenson township and having one of the most productive landed estates in this part of the county. Nathaniel G. Huff was born in Stevenson township, this county, February 6, 1841, the son of William H., Sr., and Mary A. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 181 (Crane) Huff, the former a native of Vir- ginia and the latter of Kentucky. The sub- ject's grandfather was Samuel Huff, also a native of Virginia who later removed to Tennessee and finally came to Marion county, Illinois, settling among the pioneers on government land on what is now Rac- coon township. He later moved to Haines township, where he cleared land and made a comfortable home, spending the rest of his days there. Leonard Huff was the great-grandfather of the subject. He was born in Germany and came to America in a very early day, settling in Pennsylvania where he spent his life and where he died. Mary A. Crane, our subject's mother, was the daughter of William Crane, who was a native of Virginia, having lived and died in Kentucky. William Huff, father of our subject, was raised in Tennessee and spent several years in Mississippi and Alabama. About April 22, 1840, he came to Marion county, Illinois, where he married and where he purchased four hundred acres of wild land in what is now Stevenson town- ship, spending the remainder of his useful and very busy life here, dying March 10, 1863. His widow, a much beloved old lady of fine Christian character, is still living. William Huff was regarded as a successful farmer. He joined the Christian church sometime prior to his death. He was twice married, his first wife having been Nancy Dukes, whom he married in Mississippi. She died leaving one child, William H., Jr. He married Mary Crane April 22, 1840. Eleven children were born to this union, namely: Nathaniel G., our subject; Benja- min F., deceased; Andrew J., deceased; James K. and George M. Dallis, twins, are both living; Joshua is living in this state at Jacksonville; Marj J. is the wife of Wil- liam Brasel; Henderson P. lives in Steven- son township ; Harriet C. is the wife of Wil- liam Porter Gaston; Virginia is the wife of John B. Brasel ; Steven A. is deceased. The subject of this sketch spent his youth on his father's farm, having remained under the parental roof-tree until he reached man- hood. He was educated in the old subscrip- tion schools and having applied himself in a diligent manner received a fairly good edu- cation. His father gave him a piece of land in this township which he at once set about improving, but which he sold in 1868 and bought his present fine farm of one hun- dred and seventy-eight acres, which lies in section 30, Stevenson township, and section 25, Salem township. It was almost all in the woods when he took possession of it, but he has been a hard worker and has im- proved the place up to its present high state of efficiency, having been enabled from year to year to reap bounteous harvests from the same through his skillful manipulation of crops. He did most of the work in con- nection with his place himself, and also on his buildings, having an excellent and well furnished house and a good barn. Every thing about the place shows thrift and pros- perity and his farm is regarded as one of the most desirable in Stevenson township. Our subject's first marriage was in 1862 to Julia A. Hill, a native of Marion county, [82 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF and eight children were born to this union, namely: Thomas, who lives in Stevenson township, married Orela Cutchin; Viola is living at Jacksonville, Illinois ; William mar- ried Frankie Evans and resides in Salem township; Seymour, who is living in Salem township, married Elizabeth Guth ; Mary A. is deceased ; Laura is single and resides in Jacksonville; Osceola, who is living in Flora, this state, married Maggie Babb ; Au- gustus L. married May Stone and lives in Eureka, Illinois, being a minister of the Christian church. The subject's second marriage was solemnized November 8, 1885, to Martha E. Mercer, a native of Marion county and the daughter of Silas and Rebecca Mercer, early settlers in Marion county. The sub- ject has sixteen grandchildren and five chil- dren dead. He has two great-grandchil- dren. The subject and wife are members of the Christian church at old Mt. Maria, the first church organized in Marion county. The subject is a Jeffersonian Democrat, but is not a Bryan Democrat, believing that the old school democracy is preferable to the new. He filled the office of Justice of the Peace in a most able manner for a period of eighteen years. Mr. Huff has in his possession an old squirrel rifle over one hundred years old which belonged to his father. It has killed over one hundred deer and bear. He also has the old powder-horn and shot pouch which his father carried. Mr. Huff has a note made in. payment for a clock which was given him by his father-in-law. He also still has the clock. He has among other relics of the past a spinning-wheel and a Southern dagger, which was discovered in a layer of cane. SAMUEL C. WILSON. The dominating spirit of self-help is what has conserved the distinctive business suc- cess and prestige of the gentleman whose career we now take under consideration, who stands at the head of one of the leading industrial enterprises of Richland county, where from modest inception, he has built up one of the leading flouring mills in this part of the state, controlling a trade which ramifies throughout a wide area of country, and having the high reputation which is ever significant of personal integrity and honorable methods. Samuel C. Wilson, of S. C. Wilson & Company, proprietors of the Butler Street Flour Mills at Olney, Illinois, was born near Maryville, Tennessee, March 17, 1844, the son of Joseph and Ann (Gault) Wilson, na- tives of Virginia, where they were reared. They married after coming to Tennessee. The subject's father was a farmer and a man of influence in his community. In April, 1852, the family moved to Crawford county, Illinois, where they settled on a farm. The same year Mr. Wilson bought a farm in Denver township, Richland county, which was developed into valuable property. Joseph Wilson died at the age of sixty-nine KICIILAND, CLAY AND MARIOX COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. years, his wife having passed away at the age of fifty-four years. Mr. Wilson was twice married. Eight children were bom of the first union and two of the second, the subject of this sketch being the youngest of the first marriage. Samuel C. Wilson came with his parents to Richland county in 1852. He was reared on a farm, and his education in those early days was very limited, but by home reading and study he gained a fairly good founda- tion for later learning, which he has received by contact with the world and general study. He remained under his parental roof until he was twenty-two years old, at which time he inherited a part of the old homestead, which he conducted in a very successful manner until 1876, having in the meantime bought additional land. He has been prosperous owing to his conservative methods, his care- ful business principles. He at one time owned six hundred and fory acres. In 1876 our subject came to Olney and bought a mill, the main part of the present building having been erected in 1861. When he purchased this property it was of the old burr system, with a capacity of fifty barrels per day. Since then the progress of the business has been constant, reaching its present propor- tions, large building and modern equipment, consisting of fourteen sets of rollers, with a capacity of two hundred barrels per day. Mr. Wilson has been very prosperous and he does a general milling business, handling large quantities of flour and feed. He manu- factures the famous brand known as "Our Daily Bread" ; this special grade of flour having long ago become known throughout this locality, and it took first premium at the state fair at Springfield, Illinois, 1908. The firm consists of Samuel C. Wilson and John C. Page, under the name of S. C. Wilson & Company, and they employ con- siderable help, are always busy, and con- stantly adding new territory to their list. The domestic life of Mr. Wilson dates from October, 1865, when he was first mar- ried to Emily J. Welty, a native of Hills- boro, Ohio, the daughter of Isaac and Mary A. (Barker) Welty, natives of Ohio. Seven children were born to the subject and wife, all of whom are now living, namely : Mary A., Martha A., Isaac N., William E., Charles F., Edwin O., and Thomas C. Mrs. Wilson passed to her rest March 3, 1901. and the subject married Jennie (Bradshaw) Lough, a native of Wayne county, Illinois. Mr. Wilson in his political relations is a Democrat, having long been active in his party's affairs. In 1890 he was elected Treasurer of Richland county, and ably served one term of four years. In 1899 he was elected Mayor of Olney, serving one term of two years, being the first anti-saloon candidate ever eleced Mayor of this city. His administration' was regarded by the community as one of the best the town ever had and numerous improvements were in- augurated. After their license had expired all saloons were closed during the remain- der of his administration. In the spring of 1908 Mr. Wilson was elected a member of the City Council. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Masons and the 1 8 4 nior.KAI'JUCAI. AND K K M I MSCKXT HISTORY OF Knight Templars. In religious matters he is a faithful attendant of the Presbyterian church, being one of the oldest elders in the church. Mr. Wilson is a man of marked business enterprise and capability, and he carries for- ward to successful completion whatever he undertakes. The subject has long been an important factor in business circles and his popularity is well deserved, as in him are embraced the characteristics of an unabat- ing energy, unbending integrity and indus- try that never flags. DANIEL S. HOLSTLAW. It is with a degree of satisfaction that the biographer has an opportunity at this junc- ture to write the following biographical memoir of the well remembered citizen, whose name appears above, now deceased, who was for many years prominent in the affairs of Marion county, .for the readers of this book will doubtless gain inspiration from perusing these paragraphs to lead more industrious, kindlier and worthier lives, seeing what the life of the subject ac- complished not only individually but gen- erically, affecting the whole community in an uplifting manner. He came to this sec- tion of the state in pioneer times and he assisted in bringing about the transforma- tion of the county in the wild condition in which it was found at the time of his ar- rival to its later-day progress and improve- ment. . Daniel S. Holstlaw was born in Barren county, Kentucky, November 15, 1813, the son of Richard and Mary (Smith) Hoist- law, the former a native of Virginia, who came in an early day to Indiana, settling in Orange county and later came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1830. Richard Holtslaw took up government land and set about making a farm of his holdings with very flattering prospects ahead of him, but his life was brought to a close August 18, 1834, at the age of forty-six years. Mary, his wife, continued to live on the farm where she reared the children and made a comfortable living, being a woman of many sterling traits and of indomitable courage. Their children were eight in number, seven of whom grew to maturity and named in order of birth as follows: Henry E., Daniel S., our subject; Lucinda, John Andrew, Elizabeth Ann, Malinda H., and Richard V. All of these children have now joined their parents in the eternal sleep of the just. Daniel S. Holstlaw was sixteen years of age when he came to Illinois and located in what is now known as Stevenson township, where he spent the remainder of his long, busy and useful life, having been called to his reward by the Shepherd who giveth his beloved sleep, on December 2, 1905, con- scious of the fact that his life had not been lived in vain; that he had fought a good fight and kept the faith, as did the great Apostle, Saint Paul, in the days of our Saviour, and that there was laid up for him a reward in the Father's house which was not made with hands. KICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Mr. Holstlaw upon coming to this county bought a claim, having that rare foresight and sagacity that penetrated into the future years, bringing them within his horoscope, and which enabled him to see the great pos- sibilities that lie ahead. This first pur- chase was added to from time to time until he owned a large tract of land, which, un- der his able management was developed into one of the best, most productive and most highly improved farms in this locality. He was a hard worker, and, believing that it was his duty as well as his privilege to eat his bread by the sweat of his brow, never ignored any task that he found awaiting disposition at his hands. He split the rails that fenced his land and also put up a log house, and, infact, did the usual work of the pioneer. But having prospered by reason of his indomitable energy and good man- agement he was soon enabled to erect a more substantial nine room house, which was comfortable, cozy and well arranged, and in which the family now resides. The subject was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a lib- eral supporter of the same ; he and his worthy life companion both having pro- fessed religion the same night at a camp meeting held on Tennessee Prairie. In 1862, when the local Methodist church with which they were affiliated was divided up- on the question which precipitated the Civil war this intensely religious couple united with the Cumberland Presbyterian church in which the subject remained an ac- tive and faithful member until his death. Our subject was a staunch Democrat and took considerable interest in political af- fairs, having had the interest of his commu- nity at heart and lending his support at all times to whatever proposition that present- ed itself looking to the betterment of the community whether in a political, educa- tional, religious or moral sense. He was school director at one time and materially aided the local public school through his advice, counsel and influence. Mr. Holstlaw was united in marriage with Ruth W. Middleton on June 9, 1836. She was a native of what later became Campbell county, Tennessee, and the rep- resentative of an influential old family, the .date of her birth falling on Janu- ary 23, 1819, the daughter of Wil- liam and Sarah J. (Harris) Middleton, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of South Carolina. After their mar- riage they moved to Tennessee and in 1831 came to Marion county. Illinois, locating three miles east of luka, in what is now luka township. They were sterling pio- neers and made a most comfortable living in the new country where they became known as honest, hard-working people. Their family consisted of fourteen children, named in order of birth, as follows: Thomas L., Lydia P., Harvey, William H., Elizabeth, John B., Joel, Martha, Jane, Sa- rah, James A., Josephus W., Ruth W., the wife of our subject; Lucy and Dicy E. Mr. Middleton was a local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal church, having be- come well known as an able expounder of 1 86 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF the Gospel and doing a vast amount of good in his work here. His wife was also a faithful worker in this church. To our subject and wife eleven children were bom, six sons and five daughters, named in order of birth as follows : Richard J., who was first married to Mary A. Jag- ger, and later to Rachel Berry; John H., who married Lucy Downing; Thomas, who married Aleatha E. Kite; Hattie, who is living at home; Mary is also a member of the home circle at this writing, 1908; Sarah became the wife of Omer Squibb; Daniel W., married Clara Stevenson; Joel W., married Lucretia Stevenson; Ruth Emma is the wife of Daniel Crayton Ste- venson; Marion C. married Lelian Bru- baker; Martha A. is single and living at home; the last two children named are twins. The widow of our subject, a gracious old lady of beautiful Christian character and praiseworthy attributes, is living on the old homestead, being idolized by her children, and much admired and loved by a host of friends. Many are the homes in the sur- rounding country where she has nursed the sick and brought sunshine and happiness. She takes a great interest in the lives of her children, her eighteen grandchildren and eighteen great-grandchildren. On the old home place, which is still well kept and in an excellent productive state, live three of the daughters with their beloved mother, the family being well known in Stevenson township and highly respected by all. In this home are to be found many old and in- teresting relics of the pioneer days, such as spinning wheels and machines for spinning flax, and many similar things. THOMAS A. HARDMAN. When the business interests of a town or city are in the hands of worthy, capable and enterprising men, an important step has been taken toward the growth and development of the place. Had her merchants, men of busi- ness in general, been less worthy, capable and enterprising than they were, Chicago would lack much of being the city that it is today. Cities, like persons, have a dis- tinct individuality. One may be sluggish, plodding, shiftless, while its neighbor only a few miles distant, may be alert, energetic, progressive. It is the inhabitants who give character to a town or city ; if they are drones the place can not disclose either development or progress. To the merchants, contractors and business men in general, most of the credit is due for the desirable condition of affairs in Olney, Illinois, today, and among this class none hold a more worthy place nor has done more for the advancement of the city than the subject of this sketch. Thomas A. Hardman, the well known con- tractor, of Olney, Richland county, was born near Manchester, England, July 14, 1847, the son of Alfred and Elizabeth (Bishop) Hardman. the former a native of England and the latter of Scotland. The subject's father was a machinist. Both he HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. i8 7 and his wife died when our subject was a child. When eight years old Thomas A. Hardman was brought to the United States by an aunt, who located in Franklin county, Indiana. He had a limited chance to attend school only a few months during the win- ter. He was bound out to a farmer when twelve years old and when sixteen ran away and started in life for himself. He worked on a farm during the summer months and went to school in the winter. When eighteen years old he began teaching, having ac- quired a good education by close application to his studies. He taught in the winter and worked on a farm in the summer. He also attended school at Lebanon, Ohio, having saved money enough to defray his expenses there, finally securing a liberal education. When tewenty-four years old Mr. Hard- man was elected county Surveyor of Frank- lin county, Indiana, his certificate being signed by Governor Hendricks. He served in a most faithful and capable manner for nearly two years when he resigned to accept a position with the Smith Bridge Company, of Toledo, Ohio, with whom he remained two years as engineer. He proved to be an excellent office man and all his time was de- voted to draughting. But the confinement was too much for him and he resigned on account of failing health. He returned to Franklin county, Indiana, and was appointed by the County Commissioners as County Engineer to look after bridge work at a time when many bridges were being built, several costing from twenty-five thousand to forty- thousand dollars. \Vhile engaged in this work he began contracting, his first work of this nature being for the county over which and southern Indiana, he built many bridges. Then he began railroad work and in 1883 built eighteen bridges on one railroad, most of them being in the Southern States. His bridges were considered of the most modern and careful construction, always satisfactory in every detail. He continued that line of work until 1890, when he came to Olney and since which time he has been engaged in con- tracting water works plants and engineering and improvement work in general. For a number of years he has done engineer work for the city of Olney, particularly the street grades. He has put in the majority of the sewer systems. Mr. Hardman's work extends all over Illi- nois and into adjoining states; also to the Southern States. He built the water works at Olney which are high grade in every re- spect and would be a credit to any city. He has built the water works for many of the towns and cities of this state and Indiana. He has been uniformly successful and his name has gone all over the country, synonymous with high class work in this line of contract- ing. He constructs everything of good ma- terial and is scrupulously honest in all his business transactions, so that the results of his contracting are always satisfactory to all concerned. Mr. Hardman was united in marriage in 1876 to Julia St. John, a native of Frank- lin county, Indiana, daughter of D. H. and Kate (Lefforge) St. John, natives of Frank- lin county, Indiana, and at present residents 1 88 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of Olney. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hardman, namely : Catherine, the wife of J. Q. Davis, a grocer of Olney; Thomas Thornley. who is living at home ; the eldest, Alfred, was killed while on a va- cation to visit his father in South Carolina, at the age of thirteen years. In his fraternal relations our subject is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Or- der of Elks at Olney; and in politics he is a Democrat. He is a man of fine personality, and in every respect merits the high regard of his fellow citizens which they freely ac- cord wherever he is known. JACOB BRUBAKER. It is not the intention of the biographer to give in this connection a detailed history of the subject's life, but rather to note inci- dentally his connection with the various enterprises with which his name has been linked and to show the marked influence he wielded in advancing the interests of Ste- venson township, Marion county. Jacob Brubaker was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1825, the son of Abraham Brubaker, a native of the Buckeye state as was also his wife who was known in her maidenhood as Elizabeth Myers. They came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1842 and took up government land and remained here the balance of their lives. Abraham was a man of influence in his community. He passed away March 10, 1854, and his faithful life companion joined him Febru- ary 3, 1867. The number of children born to them was six. Jacob Brubaker, our subject, came to Illi- nois with his parents when he was sixteen years of age and received his education in the pioneer schools where the advantages were very limited and the terms lasted only a few months out of each year, but he ap- plied himself as best he could and laid the foundation for a good mental development which he later received by home reading and personal observation. Mr. Brubaker was united in marriage to Jane Davis, who was born in Virginia. She was taken to Pennsylvania when two years of age and reared there, later coming to Illinois when she had reached maturity, remaining in this state until her earthly la- bors closed in 1895. She was a good woman, kind and gentle of disposition, and in her religious affiliations was a member of the Presbyterian church. Ten children were born to Jacob and Jane Brubaker, named in order of their birth as follows: Clifford, who lives in Stevenson township on a farm ; Lillie is the wife of M. C. Hoist- law, a farmer of Stevenson township; Ella is single; John is a fanner living in Alma township, this county; Walter, who was born February 7, 1864, lives on a farm in Stevenson township. He was reared on a farm and in 1887 went to Colorado, but returned to this county and married Laura Rodgers, a native of Marion county. He has one hundred and forty acres of good land and he is regarded as an excellent farmer and neighbor. He is the father of one child, Blanche. Frank is the name of HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. i8 9 the sixth child of our subject, who is liv- ing on a farm in Stevenson township; Anna is the wife of Charles Craig, a farmer on the old Brubaker homestead; Herman is a farmer in luka township; the ninth and tenth child died in infancy. Jacob Brubaker, after an eminently use- ful and active life, passed to his rest on June 30, 1908, lamented by a host of friends who regarded him as one of the leading men of the community and who will greatly miss him. In politics he was a Democrat and he served as school director of Stevenson township. He was known as a loyal citizen and a good man. JOHN F. EDDIXGS. The climate, soil and general conditions prevalent in southern Illinois are well adapted to the purposes of general farming and stock raising. One of the men who has shown by their success that they were mas- ters of the art of farming in luka town- ship, Marion county, is the subject of this biography. However, he is at present en- gaged in other business, having given up his former life work. John F. Eddings was born in luka town- ship, Marion county, Illinois, Feburary 22, 1844, the son of James B. and Rhoda Ann (West) Eddings, both natives of North Carolina. They emigrated to Kentucky and Tennessee when very young, arriving in the latter state in 1842. They later came to Marion county, Illinois, and set- tled in luka township, where they remained a short time and then returned to Tennes- see, but returned to Marion county in 1855, settling again in luka township, where they remained during the rest of their lives on a farm. The death of the subject's father oc- curred February 28, 1901, and his wife died January 19, 1902. The former was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and after the Civil war he voted the Re- publican ticket. He was justice of the peace for two terms. There were nine children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. James Eddings, namely: Nancy, who lives in luka, is the wife of William Nicks ; John F., our subject, was second in order of birth; Mary E., deceased, was the wife of L. L. Jones; Minerva H. is the wife of William Milburn, living in luka; James T. is a fanner living in luka township; Jesse J. lives in St. Louis; Martha Ann is the wife of William Morgan, living in Alma; William L. is deceased; Sarah, step- daughter of the subject's father, is de- ceased. John F. Eddings was reared on the home farm and educated in the common schools of the county, remaining under the pa- rental roof until he was seventeen years of age, when he showed his patriotism by en- listing in Company I, Fortieth Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry, serving four years in a most gallant manner. So efficient was his service that he was promoted to corporal, and then to first lieutenant. He served with Sherman's army, having been in all his campaigns, with the exception of when he was wounded at Shiloh, hav- 190 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ing been shot through the shoulder in that great battle. His throat was also pierced by a bullet. He remained in the general hospital for one and one-half months, after which he received a furlough home of from forty to fifty days at the ex- piration of which he rejoined his regiment and served until the end of the war. After his return from the army, he fanned a while. Selling out, he came to luka and engaged in the real estate and insurance business, also as pension attorney which he has since been following with marked suc- cess. Mr. Eddings is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Picket Post, hav- ing been commander, adjutant and quarter- master of the same. Fraternally he is a member of the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows, having passed all the chairs and he has attended the grand lodge four times. He has been sec- retary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, lodge No. 694, for eighteen years. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Useless to add that in politics Mr. Ed- dings is a loyal Republican. He is in 1908 Supervisor of luka township, having been first appointed in December, 1903, to fill out an expired term, taking the place made va- cant by the death of William Gray. Mr. Eddings was elected in 1907 for a period of two years. Our subject has long been interested in public affairs and always did his part in furthering the interests of his community in any way he could. GEORGE A. McGAHEY. The life of the subject of this review has been such as to bear aloft the high standard which has been maintained by his father, who was one of the early residents' of this section of the Prairie state, and whose life was signally noble, upright and useful, one over which falls no shadow of wrong in thought, word or deed. Such was the type of men who laid the foundation and aided in the development of this state, and to their memories will ever be paid a tribute of rev- erence and gratitude by those who have profited by their well-directed endeavors and appreciated the lessons of their lives. George A. McGahey, one of the leading grocers of Olney, Illinois, was born in this city, October 28, 1868, and decided to direct his life work along channels here, rather than seek uncertain advantages in other fields. He is the son of David Herman and Sarah E. (Swaim) McGahey, the former having been born near Palestine, Illinois, and the latter in Hamilton county, Ohio. The mother moved with her parents to Illi- nois when thirteen years old, settling near Olney on a farm in Richland county, where she grew to maturity. The father of the subject lived in Jasper county for a number of years, where he improved a farm. He later moved to Richland county where he married and bought a farm in Preston township, being among the early settlers here. About 1862 he moved to Olney where he lived until his death in 1897, at the age of sixtv-two vears. His wife, a woman of HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. beautiful Chrisian faith, survives, living in Olney. They were the parents of two chil- dren, George A., our subject, and a sister, Mrs. E. W. Reef, of Carbondale, the for- mer being the older. He was reared in Ol- ney, where he attended the public schools, graduating from the high school, having received a good practical education. He was assistant postmaster under J. C. Allen for some time, after which he went on the road selling wholesale groceries for a Cin- cinnati house, having been clerk in a grocery store for four years, during which time he thoroughly mastered this line of business, which he decided to make a life work. He was on the road for two years. In 1897 he purchased an interest in a grocery store in Olney under the firm name of Winans & McGahey, which firm successfully continued for three years. In 1900 our subject es- tablished his present grocery store, one of the largest in Olney or this locality any- where. It occupies a space of eighteen by one hundred and seven feet, and a complete line of staple and fancy groceries is carried. A liberal trade has been built up within the city and surrounding country, and his cus- tomers are on the increase owing to the fair and courteous treatment that is accorded to all who visit this neat and well kept store. Mr. McGahey has never assumed the re- sponsibilities of the married state, but lives at home with his mother and administers to her comfort. In politics Mr. McGahey is a Democrat, having long taken an active part in the af- fairs of his party, being a member of local Democratic committees, etc. He is a director in the Business Men's Association of Olney, which has done much to promote the inter- ests of Olney. He was one of the founders of the same, and has been one of its leading advocates. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In all the relations of life Mr. McGahey has proved signally true to every trust. He possesses a social nature and by his genial and kindly attitude to those about him, has won the respect and confidence of everyone. He has been very successful, being known as an able and careful business man and one whose integrity of purpose is beyond ques- tion. SHANNON KAGY. The memory of the worthy subject of this memorial biography is revered by a host of friends and acquaintances among whom he labored, having spent his energies through a long life of strenuous endeavor to make the most of his opportunities as well as to assist as best he could his neighbors to im- prove their condition. Shannon Kagy was born in Marion county, Illinois, May 26, 1844, and he was called from his earthly labors in 1889, after a life of usefulness and success in even- particular. He was the son of Christian and Anna (Hite) Kagy, natives of Ohio, and early settlers in Marion county. Il- linois. The subject was reared on his father's farm in Omega township, and was edu- cated in the common schools of Marion 192 riOGIIAPIIICAI. AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF county. He married Anna E. Brubaker, born in Stevenson township, this county. daughter of Eli and Ann (Warner) Bru- baker. Mr. and Mrs. Kagy were the par- ents of five children, namely : Myrtle, single and living at home, is one of the popular teachers of Marion county; Corwin, who lives in Oregon, married Pearl Crippen ; Clark lives in Salem, this county, and mar- ried Quette Leckrone, and has two children, Donald and Harvey; Frank married Nellie Boring, living in New Mexico and they have one child, Fay ; Ellis married Ora Dru- endike. He is a farmer and has two chil- dren, Keith and Rex. After his marriage our subject moved to Nebraska, where he remained for three years, then returned to Marion county and went to farming in 1882, on the place where his widow is still living in Stevenson town- ship, three miles east of Salem. Our sub- ject remained on this place until his death. He was a most excellent farmer and always managed his fields to best advantage, reap- ing rich harvests from year to year, making a comfortable living and laying by an ample competence for his family. He raised good stock and the buildings on his place were comfortable and convenient. Mr. Kagy was one of the patriotic sons of the great Prairie state who offered their lives on the field of battle to save the Union, having enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry and served three years. He saw much hard service, but was never wounded nor taken prisoner. Mr. Kagy was a loyal Democrat and held some of the minor public offices of Stevenson township. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church. He was regarded by everyone as a good man, honest and upright at all times and always interested in the welfare of his community, lending what aid he could in its development at all times. Mrs. Kagy, the widow of our subject, lives on the home farm with her daughter. She manages the entire farm with skill and profit, being a women of rare business abil- ity and force of character. She understands the proper rotation of crops so as to get the best harvests and the maintenance of the soil to its original fertility. She also under- stands the proper handling of live stock. Her farm is regarded as one of the best in Stevenson township. The buildings are modern, and always kept in good order. She is held in high esteem by her neighbors and many friends for her many admirable traits of character and her kind heart and cheerful disposition, being a pleasant woman to meet, as is also her daughter. ROBERT O. BRIGHAM. No business man of Centralia is regarded with higher favor than is the subject of this sketch, who, while looking to his own in- terests does not neglect to discharge his duties in fostering the upbuilding of the community in general. CENTRALIA ENVELOPE CO. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 193 Robert O. Brigham, manager of the Cen- tralia Envelope Company, was born in Clinton, New York, May 23, 1861, the son of Lewis and Sophia (Johnson) Brig- ham, the former having been born in Ver- non Center, New York, December 4, 1820. His parents were of English extraction on both sides of the house. Lewis E. Brigham was a contractor and carpenter, and was educated in the public schools of his native state. The subject's parents reared a fam- ily consisting of eight sons and one daugh- ter, Robert O., our subject, being the sev- enth in order of birth. The subject's father died in Clinton, New York, February 22, 1907, at the age of eighty-seven years. His wife was born in that city April 29, 1825. She was educated in the common schools in her native community. The parents of the subject were married in 1843 in the state of New York. The mother of our subject, an elderly woman of beautiful Christian character, is still living in Clinton, New York. Robert O. Brigham received his early ed- ucation in Clinton, New York, in the public schools. He quit school when fifteen years of age and went to Boston to learn the ma- chinist's trade. Here he took advantage of the Boston night schools and applied him- self with his accustomed vigor to technical drafting and the necessary commercial branches. He served his apprenticeship with the National Sewing Machine Com- pany, for which he worked for ten years, at the end of which time he was called to take charge of the Whitmore Sewing Machine 13 Company, in the employ of which he contin- ued for one year ; the then went to Los An- geles, California, then to Denver, Colorado, and worked for W. E. Scott, machinery com- pany, having charge of the model and re- pair work, after which he worked for the J. C. Teller Envelope Opener Company, of Denver, Colorado. Robert O. Brigham invented an attach- ment to an envelope machine for placing a string in the envelope and then formed a company to put such an envelope on the market. The manufacture was continued with much success until 1896, when he and two other men bought the interest of the former manager, forming the Western En- velope and Box Company. They continued for one year in Denver, but finding that they were too far west for the successful working of such a plant, they moved to Omaha, Nebraska, remaining there one year, after which they moved to Centralia, Illinois. After operating the plant for eight years in Centralia, it was reorganized and called the Illinois Envelope Company, and moved to Kalamazoo, Michigan. After one year's residence in Kalamazoo, Mr. Brigham re- signed his position with the Illinois En- velope Company and returned to Centralia and helped to organize a new envelope company with only Centralia capital. This company is known as the Centralia Envelope Company, and is capitalized for one hun- dred thousand dollars, fully paid in. This company is now only two years old and is doing a thriving business. Its capacity at i 9 4 JIIOGKAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF the beginning was one and one-quarter mil- lion envelopes every ten hours, and has been increased to one and one-half million per day. The order for the machinery for the plant was the largest ever given at one time for a like enterprise. The view accompanying this article is of thirty of the latest improved envelope ma- chines in the plant of the Centralia En- velope Company mill. These machines are marvels of ingenuity. The paper is cut to the proper size and shape, then taken to these machines in which they are gummed, folded, dried and counted at the rate of one hundred to one hundred and thirty per minute, according to size. The picture shows only the envelope machines. There is also a large printing department equipped with latest improved printing machinery and all the necessary equipment that goes to make a complete printing establish- ment, cutting department, box department, case department, handfold department, ma- chine shop, in fact, everything that goes to make up a complete envelope mill. The capacity of the mill, as already stated, is one and one-half million envelopes every ten hours, making it one of the largest in the United States, and one of the lead- ing industries of Southern Illinois. Its goods are known far and wide for their high quality. This mill is owned and controlled by Centralia capital. Its directors are com- posed of the following well known busi- ness men : C. C. Davis, Ferdinand Kohl. Jr., Harry Warner, F. F. Noleman, Jacob Erbes, Ed Cornell, J. G. Goetsch, R. O. Brigham, W. E. O'Melveny. Officers: C. C. Davis, president; F. Kohl, Jr., vice pres- ident; H. M. Warner, secretary: Harry Kohl, treasurer; R. O. Brigham, general manager. Our subject is particularly well fitted to be manager of such a gigantic and success- ful enterprise. His native constructive abil- ity for technical mechanics and intricate ma- chinery has eminently fitted him in this special line. His economic foresight of proper management, good machines, good workmen, good material all contribute to the success of the company. All the machinery in the plant is modern, up-to-date in every respect, and high grade work is turned out rapidly. Our subject has had. a wide experience in the manage- ment of such concerns. He is the originator and inventor of many of the improvements to be found in the present highly developed envelope machine. This company under his superior management now operates thirty envelope machines, ten printing presses and ten box machines. The factory also has a complete machine shop and repair depart- ment, also a complete case department. The buildings are two stories high, built of brick and frame. The main building is two hun- dred feet long and fifty feet wide. The shipping and stock room is one hundred and thirty-five by eighty-five feet. A switch from the main track of the Illinois Central Railroad runs to the door of the big ship- ping room, all under cover of spacious sheds. The Illinois Southern tracks also RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. run into the sheds of the shipping depart- ment. The machines of the plant are run and the buildings are lighted and heated by a one hundred and sixty-horse power steam plant and a sixty horse power engine. A four hundred light dynamo furnishes the lighting of the great plant. Eighty girls and twenty-five men and boys are constant- ly employed to operate the plant, the daily capacity of which is one million and five hundred thousand envelopes. This new but successful enterprising company was started by thirty-five of the business men of Centralia, and it is owned by Centralia people, being capitalized at one hundred thousand dollars, which was raised in a very short time. The capacity of each machine runs from sixty-five to sev- enty-five thousand each ten hours. It is an interesting plant in every detail and one of the rapidly growing large industrial con- cerns of Southern Illinois. Robert O. Brigham was married to Min- nie G. McDonald, the accomplished daugh- ter of James and Rebecca (Nicholson) Mc- Donald, a well known family of Quincy, Illinois, to which family there were four children, Minnie being the youngest. To our subject and wife one daughter was born, who passed away when eighteen years old. Our subject is a member of Centralia lodges, Knights of Pythias and the Benevo- lent and Protective Order of Elks. He served as a member of the school board for one term. In politics he is a Republican, and he was reared a Baptist, but he at pres- ent worships with the Christian Scientists, and is president of the Church Board of Centralia. His beautiful home just west of the Public Library is nicely furnished, be- ing also well filled with choicest books of an excellent variety, also a large number of beautiful oil paintings by his sister and daughter. He is a genial gentleman of good habits and modest demeanor. PHILIP HELTMAN. An honorable retirement from labor in which to enjoy the fruits of former toil and the enjoyment which life can offer, is the fitting reward of a useful and active career, in which one, through keen discernment, in- defatigable labor and honorable methods advanced steadily toward the goal of pros- perity. Such, briefly stated, is the record of Philip Heltman, who is now living re- tired in Olney, Richland county, and through his long connection with agricul- tural interests he not only carefully con- ducted his farm, but so managed its affairs that he acquired thereby a position among the substantial residents of the community. Moreover he is entitled to representation in this volume because he was one of the sons of the Northland who stood by the flag dur- ig the days of the rebellion. He came to this county over a half century ago, and from those early times down to the present day he has been an interested witness of its development, taking a just pride in what he has accomplished and the high rank the 196 BIOGRAPHICAL AND KKM I X 1SCKXT HISTORY OF county has among her sister counties of the great Prairie state. Philip Heltman was born in Clermont county, Ohio, December 6, 1834, the son of John and Elizabeth (Weaver) Heltman, na- tives of Pennsylvania, of German parentage. John Heltman grew up in the old Keystone state and married there. In 1809 he emi- grated with his wife and two children to Cincinnati, Ohio, going down the Ohio river in skiffs. He was a distiller and came to Ohio for the purpose of following that business. This was in an early day, and he was obliged to take refuge in a fort in the Miami valley more than once on account of the Indians. He later located on a farm which is now located in Clermont county, Ohio, near the Hamilton county line, where he died at the age of sixty-eight years, his wife having previously passed away in 1840. Our subject is the youngest of fourteen chil- dren and the only one living at this writing. He was about fifteen years of age when his father died. He then went to live with an older brother and was reared on a farm in Clermont county, where he attended pub- lic school in the winer in an old log school- house, and one term in a frame, but he ap- plied himself and laid a good foundation for an education which has later been added to by home reading and a contact with the world of men. In February, 1857, Mr. Heltman came to Richland county, Illinois, and soon after- ward bought over four hundred acres of raw land in Denver township, on which two log cabins had been built. He at once began work on the place and in time made exten- sive and radical improvements. When the war between the states broke out, our subject was not long making up his mind to offer his services in behalf of the nation, consequently he enlisted in June, 1 86 1, in Company D, Eleventh Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and after a faithful ser- vice was mustered out in Memphis, Tennes- see, in August, 1864, and was paid off in St. Louis. His regiment was assigned to the Mississippi, and opened up the same, raising the blockade on Island No. 10. He soon afterward went to Tiptonville by transport, where his regiment took about five thousand prisoners. Later Mr. Heltman was in the siege of Corinth, his regiment forming the left wing of the army in the fighting there. It was later sent against Bragg and Price at luka, where the Confed- erates were defeated. Then came the en- gagements at Raymond, Mississippi, the Siege of Vicksburg, and during the latter part of the siege this regiment was in front. After the surrender there, the regiment went to Jackson, Mississippi, -and captured that place, the subject having charge of the pro- vost guard the first night at Jackson, when the city was taken. It then returned to Vicksburg and soon afterward went up the Red river to Alexandria. After the Red river expedition, it was sent to Memphis where it was mustered out, and from which place our subject went home. After the war Mr. Heltman engaged in farming and stock raising for many years, making a success in these lines, for he was HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 197 a man of good judgment in buying and sell- ing stock, and a most careful farmer, be- sides a hard worker. He improved a good farm in Denver township, which he still owns, consisting of seven hundred and twenty acres, of very productive soil, having been so carefully ad skillfully tilled that the land is just as strong today as when he took possession of it. It is well fenced, has an excellent dwelling and outbuildings on it, in fact, everything about the place shows that a man of thrift and energy has had its man- agement in hand. In October, 1874, Mr. Heltman located in Olney, owning one hundred and twenty acres of valuable land just outside the city limits and eight acres within the city limits, on which he lives. He has a beautiful resi- dence where the many friends of the family often gather and always find good cheer and hospitality unstintingly dispersed. All this Mr. Heltman has made unaided, and in a most honorable manner, therefore he de- serves the great credit he is given by his friends who are limited only by the circle of his acquaintance. Mr. Heltman's married life began in 1854 when he was united in the bonds of wedlock with Laura E. Smith, a native of Clermont county, Ohio, the daughter of Or- rin Smith. Four children have blessed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heltman, namely: Georgiana, the wife of William J. Eichin, of Olney. Illinois ; Cora is the second child ; Mamie is residing in Arvada, a suburb of Denver, Colorado; Hattie is the wife of Benjamin Holscher. of Linton. Indiana. In politics our subject was a Republican all his life up to 1896, since which time he has voted the Democratic ticket, except in 1904, when he voted the Prohibition ticket. He says he is a Lincoln Republican or a Bryan Democrat one and the same thing and he has always taken an active interest in politics. He has served several terms on the Board of County Supervisors from Denver and Olney townships. He is a mem- ber of the Protestant Methodist church, as is also his noble wife. His children are members of the Episcopal church. Mr. Heltman won definite success in life because he persevered in the pursuit of a worthy purpose, gaining thereby a most sat- isfactory reward. His life is exemplary in every respect, and he has always supported those interests which are calculated to uplift and benefit humanity, while his own moral worth is deserving of the highest commen- dation. WILLIAM J. MARTIN. A list of Marion county's prominent fami- lies would certainly be incomplete were there failure to make specific mention of the well known farmer and representative citizen, and his relatives, whose name introduces this sketch, for his life has been one of use- fulness and honor, resulting in good to everyone with whom he has had dealings whether in business or social life. William J. Martin was born in Gibson county, Tennessee, January 15, 1859, the i 9 8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF son of Caleb and Martha J. (McHaney) Martin, the latter a native of middle Ten- nessee and the former of South Carolina. Jacob Martin, the subject's paternal grand- father, came to Tennessee from South Caro- lina in an early day and farmed there until his death. The parents of the subject mar- ried in Tennessee. Martha McHaney was the daughter of William McHaney, a native of Tennessee. She first married David Young, who died and left two children, Frances, the wife of Atlas Hammond. The second child died in infancy. Caleb Martin first married Miss Susan Batie, who died leaving the following children : Jacob, George, Amos, America, Jane, Parthene, Martha and Mary Susan. The parents of our subject married in Tennessee and in November, 1862, settled in Salem township, Marion county, Illinois. Caleb Martin was a strong Union man and left the South on account of the war. His wife, a noble old lady, is still living with her son, our subject. The subject's father farmed in Marion county, Illinois, until his death, July 1 1, 1888. He and his wife were members of the Christian church. He was a strong Republican. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Martin, as fol- lows: William J., our subject; Monroe, Houston, Benjamin Van Buren, John A. Logan, Sarah Ida. Our subject was about three years old when the family came to Illinois. They made the trip from Tennessee with ox teams and camped out on the way, having all ox teams with the exception of one team of horses. William J. Martin was reared on his father's farm and educated in the com- mon district schools of this county. On his farm now stands the little old school house in which he was educated. He pur- chased it and moved it on this place, which he now uses for a store house and granary. It was built about 1850. Mr. Martin re- mained at home and worked on the farm until he was twenty-five years old. This was in 1884, in which year his happy and harmonious domestic life began, having then married Elizabeth Hershberger, who was born in Crawford county, Ohio, the daugh- ter of Henry and Catherine (Snavely) Hershberger. (For a full history of this family the reader is directed to the sketch of David Hershberger in this work.) Four children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, namely: Minnie, born Oc- tober 3, 1886, is a member of the home circle; Claude was born in April, 1888, and died in January, 1895; William Franklin was born December 26, 1890, and died January 16, 1891 ; Nellie Zada, born August 14, 1892, is at home attending school. Mr. Martin's highly improved and pro- ductive farm consists of one hundred and sixty acres. He has a beautiful country home, substantial, comfortable and nicely furnished, and a good barn and other con- venient out buildings, everything about the place showing thrift, good management and industry. He keeps an excellent grade of cattle and other live stock, and is regarded as a good judge of stock and one of the leading farmers of Salem township. His RICHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 199 hogs are of good breed and he raises some fine horses. Mr. Martin also owns two hun- dred acres of his father's old farm in this township, which he keeps well improved and the soil in good productive condition. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are members of the Christian church at Young's chapel. Mr. Martin is a trustee in the church and a liberal subscriber to the same. In politics he is a Republican. In the social and pri- vate walks of life no man bears a more enviable reputation for sterling worth. In short, Mr. Martin is an honorable, upright citizen, belonging to the somewhat rare class that direct and control public sentiment without pushing himself forward and with- out incurring the ill will of those with whom they come in contact and leave the impress of their strong personality indelibly stamped upon the community, winning the friendship of all classes. DAXIEL GAFFXER. The honored subject of this sketch is now living in retirement in Olney, Illinois, en- joying the respite due the closing of a long and useful business career. He has been prominently identified with industrial move- ments of no mean scope and importance and the name which he bears has stood for pro- gressiveness and large enterprise ever since the pioneer days in this section of the state, while he is a scion of an old family of Swit- zerland, being numbered among that ele- ment of foreigners in this country who have greatly benefited America by their pres- ence. So important have been the business and industrial undertakings with which he had been connected, and so high is the confi- dence and esteem in which he is held in Rich- land county, that it is imperative that he be accorded recognition in a publication like the present volume. Daniel Gafrner was born in Interlacken, Switzerland, July 7. 1831, the son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Gerber) Gaffner, also na- tives of Switzerland where they lived and died. The subject's father was a farmer in the mountains of that country and was sev- enty-eight years old when he died, his wife having died at the age of seventy-five. The family of Gaffner was originally French, one branch passing to Switzerland many years ago. The father of the subject was in the military service of his country for some time. Grandfather Gerber was of Swiss birth and parentage, but took part in a number of bat- tles under Xapoleon. A remarkable fact is that the subject remembers the funeral of his grandfather who died in 1833, when the sub- ject was a trine over two years old. Seven children were born to the parents of the sub- ject, five of whom grew to maturity. Daniel being the fourth in order of birth. Three members of the family came to the United States. Our subject was reared in his native land on a farm and there developed that sturdy manhood and sterling character that have made for his later success in new environ- ments. He received a common school educa- BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF non. He left home when sixteen years old and was apprenticed to a shoemaker, at which trade he worked in several parts of Switzerland. When twenty-three years old he came to the United States, landing in New York and went direct to La Porte, Indiana, where he arrived without money. His father was reluctant to have him come to America, but after consenting gave him money enough to pay his passage. He at once began work at his trade in LaPorte, but soon afterward went to Highland, Illinois, where he worked for three years, being regarded as a high grade workman by his employers. In 1858 he came to Olney and resumed working at his trade, but at the end of two years he went to Edwards county on account of failing health, having traded property in Olney for a two- hundred-acre farm. Two years later he sold the same for two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, besides realizing about one thou- sand dollars from his personal property. Thus we see how our subject prospered from the first in his adopted country. His next move was to Albion, where he worked at his trade for three years, having been in partner- ship one year in a shoe shop and store. He had bought property in Albion which he traded for property in Olney, then taking up his permanent residence in the latter town where he has since resided continuously, hav- ing carried on business here in a most suc- cessful manner for many years. He first opened a shoe store and later was engaged in wholesale and retail hide and leather busi- ness, gradually accumulating property. In 1882 he built a three-storv brick business block on Main street, twenty by eighty-five feet with a good basement, in addition to a large warehouse. It is one of the most pretentious blocks in Olney, modern, substantial and convenient. He also owns an- other brick block two stories in height, twenty by one hundred and eighty-five feet, located on Main street. He also owns a valuable building, thirty by one hundred and eighty feet, on Vaile avenue, together with two stores on Railroad street, besides valuable residence property. He is one of the stock- holders of the First National Bank and for some years was one of its directors. Mr. Gafifner was first married in 1852 to Susanna Schneiter, a native of Switzerland, who came to the United States with her fa- ther, her mother having died in Switzerland. To the subject and his first wife six chil- dren were born, four of whom are living, as follows : Robert, a druggist in Olney ; Tell, Charles and Walter, all reside in Seattle, Washington. They are all young men of much business ability. Their father gave each one ten thousand dollars to start them in life. Mrs. Gaffner passed to her rest in August, 1898, and the subject subsequently married Mrs. Fannie (Suardet) Emerson, who was born in De Vand, Switzerland, of French- Huguenot descent, who came to the United States with a brother, who soon afterward went to California during the gold excite- ment and subsequently died there. Mr. Gaffner is a Republican in politics, but he has never aspired to public office and he is not a partisan, believing in men rather than HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 201 measures. His first presidential vote was for Stephen A. Douglas. Mr. Gaffner was reared in the German Reformed church. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian church. This review of Mr. Gaffer's life history is necessarily general in its character. To enter fully into the interesting details of his ca- reer would require a much larger space than possible in this volume. Sufficient, however, has been stated to show that he is entitled to a place in the front ranks of successful men who have engaged in industries in Richland county. He, by his pluck, energy and enter- prise, controlled by correct principles and founded upon unswerving honor, has at- tained to a position meriting the respect and admiration of his fellow citizens which they gladly give. FRANCIS M. PURCELL. The subject is a representative business man and citizen of Marion county, man- aging one of the largest lumber establish- ments in the county, the well known firm being F. M. Purcell & Company, doing business at Kell. Our subject was born in Wilson county, Tennessee, July 2, 1843, the son of Hiram and Parthena (Williams) Purcell, natives of Tennessee, and a fine old Southern family. Hiram was a prosperous fanner and lived and died in Tennessee. He and his faithful life companion were members of the Missionary Baptist church. The subject's father was a gallant soldier in the Seminole Indian war in Florida. To Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Purcell five children were bom, namely: Lavina, Ella; Frances M.. our subject; L. B. and Hiram. The subject's father first married a Miss Jones and they became the parents of two children, Eliza and Henry. Our subject grew up in Tennessee on a farm. He remained in that state on a farm until he was twenty-seven years old. In 1870 he came to Jefferson county, Illinois, and engaged in farming, also the lumber business, making a success of each. In the fall of 1904, he came to Kell, Illinois, where he is now located and where he has built up an extensive business by means of his industry, his careful methods and fair treatment of customers. He is in partner- ship with Omer V. Cummings in the lum- ber business. They supply a large scope of country with lumber and all kinds of build- ing material as well as much hardware. They also handle paints, cement, lime, nails, in fact, everything that a builder uses in a house, barn or other structure. They al- ways handle a good line of material and their prices are always right, according to the statement of many of their customers. They have extensive sheds and their office is a nice place and is always a busy place. Our subject's happy domestic life began in 1866, when he was united in marriage with America Penuel, who was born in Tennessee, the daughter of Frederick and Lucinda (Jennings) Penuel, natives of that state. Eight children have been born to the sub- lilOC.RAPHICAL AXI) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ject and wife as follows: Amanda, the wife of W. W. Hay, who lives in Jefferson county, this state ; Samuel married Dora Ri- ley and they live in Carrier Mills, Illinois; Lucinda is the wife of George Snyder. liv- ing in Jefferson county, Illinois ; Robert married Anna McCormick, and they also live in Jefferson county; Otis J. married Tosie Hawkins ; William Edgar is single ; Nora is the wife of Adolphus Caldwell, also of Jefferson county; Fred is single. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell are members of the Missionary Baptist church. The former is a loyal Democrat. He very ably served for six years as Supervisor of Rome town- ship, Jefferson county, this state. He was chairman of the Board of Supervisors for one year. He takes considerable interest in political matters and his advice is often sought in the local affairs of his county. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Masonic Order, the .Knights Templar. Mr. Purcell owns a valuable and well improved farm, near Kell, on which he lives, having a modern, substantial and nice- ly furnished dwelling, an excellent barn and convenient out-buildings. He is a very busy man, for he successfully conducts the affairs of his lumber establishment in town and at the same time superintends the work on the place, being an excellent judge of live stock of all kinds, and he is regarded as one of the leading business men of Haines township. He deserves much credit for what he has accomplished, having started in life under none too favorable circum- stances, but he has been a hard worker and a good manager and success has attended his efforts from the first. He is a gentle- man of pleasing demeanor, easily ap- proached, and while not an aspirant for high political favors, he has done much in a quiet way, as already intimated, to pro- mote the good of the community where he lives. He occupies a commendable stand- ing among his fellow citizens and has a large circle of friends who have learned to esteem him for his industry and many- manly qualities. KENNETH D. HORRALL. Kenneth D. Horrall, the well known hardware merchant of Olney, Illinois, which business he established in 1856, and which he has conducted continuously ever since in a most successful manner, his busi- ness having steadily grown from a modest beginning until now it is one of large pro- portions. He carries a stock of about fif- teen thousand dollars, often reaching twenty thousand dollars, his store room being twen- ty by one hundred and sixty-five feet, and two floors, and one hundred feet on three floors. In 1866 he erected his present brick block. His is the oldest business in Olney, and the oldest hardware business in Rich- land county. His business is known all over the county, and his customers come from all sections of this locality. Kenneth D. Horrall was born near Wash- ington, Daviess county. Indiana, June 9, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 203 1838, the son of John and Rebecca (John- son) Horrall, the former a native of Vir- ginia and the latter of Illinois. They were among the early settlers of this section of the state, being sterling pioneers and people of force of character. The father of the sub- ject served in the wars under General Har- rison and took part in the battle of Tippe- caoe. He devoted his life to farming and died in Daviess county. Indiana, at the age of fifty-two years. His wife survived him for several years and passed to rest while living in Richland county, Illinois, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-five years. Our sub- ject was the youngest of seven children, only two of whom are living at this writing. Mr. Horrall was reared in his native state and was educated in the country schools, where he applied himself in such a manner as to gain an education despite lack of op- portunities. When he was fourteen years old he came to Olney and entered the hard- ware store of John Banks in order to learn the tinner's trade, at which he worked suc- cessfully for about fifteen years. In 1856 he began business for himself in a small way, having a stock of about three hundred dol- lars. He built up his business to its present proportions by years of hard' work and close application to business, and by his fair treatment of customers. In politics our subject is a Republican, but he has never been active in his party's affairs. However, he served very faithfully for two years as a member of the City Council. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, having held about all the offices in the same and he has been one of the main pillars of this church. Mr. Horrall's domestic relations began in 1858 when he was married to Sarah J. Baird, a native of Olney, Illinois, and the- daughter of Asa and Lucy (Tanner) Baird, natives of Vermont, who were among the pioneers of Richland county, where they spent their active and useful lives, and where they died. Asa Baird was a contractor and he built a large part of the national road to Vincennes. At one time he was one of the officials of the county. His death oc- curred in 1849. His wife was a relative of ex-Governor Tanner. The subject and his wife are the parents of seven children, namely: Adelbert, George Lewis, Charles Asa: Carrie, de- ceased ; Edward Eugene, Walter Lewis and Henry Cliff. Adelbert. Charles and Walter assist their father in the management of his large store. Adelbert is bookkeeper, having graduated in a business college in Buffalo, Xew York. George is a tinner by trade and he manages a farm two miles north of Ol- ney, which is owned by himself and father. It is a valuable farm, well improved and highly cultivated. Charles also learned the tinner's trade and also telegraphy. Edward is a druggist and owns and operates a drug store at Decatur, Illinois. Henry Cliff is engaged in the hardware business at Bridge- port, Illinois. These children have all re- ceived good educations and are well estab- lished in life. No man in Richland county is better or more favorably known than Mr. Horrall. 204 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Because of his public spirit, his honesty in all his dealings with his fellow men, his gen- erous and kindly nature, he has won and re- tained a host of warm personal friends throughout this locality. HARVEY D. MAY. By a life of persistent and well applied industry led along the most honorable lines, the gentleman whose name appears above has justly earned the right to be repre- sented in a work of the character of the one at hand, along with the other men of Marion county who have made their in- fluence felt in their respective communities. Harvey D. May, the present popular Trustee of Haines township and a well known dealer in harness, saddlery and hard- ware in the town of Kell, Illinois, was born in Raccoon township, Marion county, Oc- tober 12, 1879, and while yet a young man he has shown what properly applied energy and a business mind can do toward wrench- ing success from seeming insurmountable obstacles. He is the son of Jesse H. and Mary (Williams) May, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Tennessee. Anderson May, the subject's grandfather, was also a native of Kentucky and was one of the early settlers in Marion county, Illi- nois, having settled in Raccoon township. Jesse H. May, who has devoted his life to farming and is still living in that township, is a highly respected citizen. Three chil- dren were born to the parents of our subject, Amos is a farmer in Raccoon township; Laura, who is deceased, was the wife of Orvil Prater, and they were the parents of two children, Etha and Henry, who are still living; Harvey D., our subject, was the second child. Our subject was reared on a farm where he assisted with the work about the place. He attended school in Raccoon township, having applied himself in such a manner as to gain the foundation for a good edu- cation. Deciding early in life that he de- sired to be a harness maker and dealer, Mr. May learned the harnessmaker's trade and became quite a proficient workman early in life, and he finally opened a shop in Kell, this county, establishing his present business, in which he was successful from the first and which has steadily grown, his business now extending through a wide scope of country on every hand, owing to the fair dealing he gives his customers and the intimate knowledge he has of the har- ness business. He does a general repair business and is always very busy. His shop is equipped with all the latest appliances and improvements known to the harnessmaker's art and his work is all of a high grade. Mr. May's domestic life was begun in 1903, when he was united in marriage with Ava Williams, who was born in Jefferson county, Illinois, and is the daughter of N. A. and Jane (Rice) Williams. Mrs. May was called from her earthly labors January 14, 1908. She was a member of the Baptist church. She was a woman of many esti- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 205 mable traits of character, a good wife and was beloved by all her neighbors. Mr. May is a member of Romine Lodge No. 663, Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows. He has represented this lodge at the Grand Lodge on two different occasions, and has passed all the chairs in the local lodge. Our subject is a loyal Republican and has taken considerable interest in his party's affairs. He was elected Trustee of Haines township in the spring of 1908. He is regarded as an energetic, honest and in- fluential citizen, enjoying the respect of all who know him. ELI BRUBAKER. The man who has made a success of life and won the honor and esteem of his fel- low citizens deserves more than passing notice. Such is the record, briefly stated, of the gentleman whose name heads this review, the record he left behind being one of honor in every respect, for a more whole-souled and popular man never lived in Stevenson township where he long main- tained his home and where he labored for the general good of the community, and, although his life work has been closed by the good angel, who has set the seal on the record of his life history, his influence still permeates the lives of those who knew him best and loved him for his fortitude, fidel- ity, honor and industry. Eli Brubaker was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, December n, 1819, and he was called from his earthly labors in 1907, after a long and eminently useful and suc- cessful life. He was the son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Myers) Brubaker, and was reared on his father's farm in Ohio, where he assisted with the work about the place un- til he reached manhood, attending the com- mon schools in the neighborhood until he received a fairly good education, such as the old pioneer schools of those times afforded. The school house which he attended had puncheon seats and greased paper was used for window panes. For a full history of the Brubaker family the reader is referred to the sketch of Noah Brubaker, which ap- pears in another part of this volume. The subject of this sketch came to Ma- rion county, Illinois, in 1843, and settled among the pioneers on new land in Steven- son township, where, by dint of hard work, he made a home and developed a good farm. The old Brubaker homestead is to- day one of the best farms in Stevenson township. Eli Brubaker was a hard worker and an excellent farmer, and he made a comfortable living. Our subject was first married to Mary Ann Warner January 20, 1842, daughter of William Warner, an early settler of Ma- rion county, Illinois. She was born in Lancaster county, Ohio. She passed to her rest in 1872. She was the mother of eleven children, namely : Isaac, who lives in luka, this state ; Christina, deceased ; Annie, E., widow of Shannon Kagy, lives in Ste- venson township; William is a prosperous 206 IIIOGKAPIIICAL AND KKM I MSfKXT HISTORY OF farmer in Stevenson township; Edgar and Edward are twins; Logan is a farmer, liv- ing in Stevenson township; Mary Jane is the eighth child; the ninth, tenth and elev- enth child died in infancy. On February 4, 1875, the subject married a second time, his last wife being Emma Squibb, who was born in Ohio county, In- diana, the daughter of George Y. and Mary Ann (Harpham) Squibb, natives of Indi- ana, who moved to Stevenson township, Marion county, Illinois, where the mother is still living, the father having died soon after coming to this county. Mrs. Bru- baker is living on the old homestead in Stevenson township, which she manages successfully. Our subject was a member of the Cum- berland Presbyterian church and a liberal supporter of the same. He was a good everyday Christian, always strictly honest in his dealings with his fellow men, a good neighbor, father and husband. In politics he was a Democrat, but never held office. The different members of his family are well settled in life and are highly respected in their respective communities. They reflect great credit upon their parents, who gave them every advantage possible, and no doubt they will ever uphold the honor of the family name which is one of the high- est integrity. The subject of this sketch was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church and was ordained elder in this church in 1847. He was superintendent of the Sunday school at Brubaker chapel for the long period of over forty-two years, after which he was elected honorary superintendent for life. He was a leader in church work for many years and was foremost in promoting everything which makes for the betterment of human- ity. It was largely due to his efforts that the new and modern church edifice was erected and dedicated June 20, 1896, which he christened New Bethel, he not only do- nating the land, consisting of four acres for the manse, but also gave freely of his ser- vices and money to the building fund. Mr. Brubaker gave each of his children a farm. SAMUEL MARION HOLT. The subject of this review, who, though past the meridian of life many years, is still in the same physical and mental vigor that have characterized his earlier years of en- deavor and he is almost as capable in bear- ing his part in the concerns of his neighbor- hood as he was in former days. Samuel Marion Holt is a native of Ma- rion county, having been born in Foster township, June 25, 1845, the son of John F. Holt, who was born in Georgia in 1806, and came to Marion county, Illinois, when a young man, where he took up government land in Foster township, settling on North Fork creek among the pioneers, there being then only four families here, the first settlers of this creek being Isaac Agan, Hardy Fos- ter, John F. Holt and Moses Garrett. The subject's grandfather was Harmon Holt, KICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 207 who was born in Georgia and came to Ma- rion county, Illinois, where he died at a ripe old age. He was of Irish descent. Har- mon Holt's wife was named Ibby Holt, whom he married in Georgia. The maiden name of the subject's mother was Elizabeth Jones, who was born in the state of Dela- ware, and who came with her parents to St. Clair county, Illinois, when five years old. Eleven children were born to the subject's parents, five of whom are living. They are : Martha, Henry, Mary, Matilda. Harmon. Salina, Samuel M., Sally, John D., Hardy F. (twins) and Isabelle. The Indians made a treaty with the gov- ernment to hunt in the new country which was still partly a wilderness after his par- ents had come. Our subject spent his early life on his father's farm and attended the common schools, such as they were in those early days. When he reached maturity he married, on July 21, 1864, Susan F. Atkins, who was born in Marion county, July 16, 1847, tne daughter of John Atkins, who was born in Franklin county, Tennessee. He moved to Alabama with his parents when a boy. He was about thirty years of age when he came to Illinois and took up gov- ernment land. He was the father of four children, an equal number of boys and girls. He spent the remainder of his life here, with the exception of the last fifteen years, dying at the age of seventy-three years, in Texas, where he had gone fifteen years previous. Our subject is the father of seven chil- dren, named in order of birth as follows: Mary M., who married Eli M. Arnold, liv- ing in Shawnee, Oklahoma, and who are the parents of five children; Margaret E., who married Oscar Chance, of Salem, Illinois, and who is the mother of six children; Emma F., who married James A. Arnold, living in Fort Worth, Texas, and the mother of two children; Rhoda A., who mar- ried Ed. Jones, of Salem, Illinois, and who is the mother of two children; John A. was married to Maud Davis, December 13, 1908, and lives at home: the sixth child was an infant, who died unnamed : Lulu B., the youngest child, is the wife of Will Harkey, who lives in Fayette county, near St. Peter, this state, and she is the mother of one son. Our subject is the owner of a fine landed estate in Kinmundy township, consisting of three hundred and eighty-five acres, of well improved land, which he has successfully managed until it is one of the most valuable farms in the township, being under a high state of improvement and the 1 fields well fenced and well drained. Much good stock of various kinds is to be seen in the sub- ject's barns and fields, and he always keeps good horses, cattle and hogs. He has an ele- gant and comfortable dwelling which is nicely furnished and is surrounded by a beautiful yard and convenient out-buildings, in fact, the entire place has an air of evident thrift and prosperity. Our subject is a Democrat in his political affiliations and he has long taken an active part in his party's affairs. His wife is a devout Christian and a faithful mother, be- ing a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Holt is not a member of the 208 ilOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF church and does not hold to any Orthodox creed, yet he is a believer in good citizen- ship, honesty and fair dealing and is highly respected for his good citizenship. The different members of the family are well settled in life and highly esteemed in their respective communities. They reflect great credit upon their parents and no doubt will ever uphold the honor of the family name, which thus far has not been dimmed by the commission of a single unworthy act. Z. C. JENNINGS. The life history of the subject of this sketch goes back to the pioneer days, since which Mr. Jennings has been a very potent factor in the affairs of Marion county, in which he is regarded as a foremost citizen in every respect, therefore, for many rea- sons, it is deemed entirely consistent to give him conspicuous mention in this volume. Z. C. Jennings was bom February 14, 1838, in Marion county, Illinois. Israel Jen- nings, the subject's grandfather, was a na- tive of Maryland and when he reached young manhood went to the state of Kentucky and while at Marysville married Mary Waters in 1808. In 1818 he came to Marion county, Illinois, and settled six miles southeast of Centralia, being among the very first set- tlers there, having Indians as his neighbors, and the dense woods abounded in an abun- dance of wild game. He was one of the squatters at Walnut Hill until 1827. This section was then a part of Jefferson county. It was here that Mr. Jennings entered land, which he developed and where he died in 1860. His first wife passed away in 1844 and he married a second time, his last wife being Lear Sterling, of Centralia, this county. There were no children by his sec- ond wife. The following are the names of the children by his first wife: Israel, Jr., who married a Miss Davidson, was the father of eleven children; Charles W., the subject's father; William W. left home in 1847 an d went to Wisconsin. He was in the mining, mercantile and grain business, in which he made a fortune. In 1853 he went to California and engaged in gold mining, but on account of failing health and trou- ble with his eyes, came back to Marion county where he remained for several years, at one time engaging in railroad contract- ing in northern Missouri. In i86t he en- listed in the Union army and served during the war, after which he settled in Marion county and in 1875 he went to Austin county, Texas, where he lived until 1890, when he came to Alvin, Illinois, and built a modern home, having become prosperous. He first married Margaret Noleman. The date of his death was 1904. He was highly respected by all. Aftn, the third child of the subject's grandfather, married Rufus McElwain. a farmer in Centralia township, who later lived at Salem, this county. Mary, the fourth child, who was known as "Aunt Polly," married a Mr. White. They lived near Walnut Hill where he conducted a tan- yard. John, the fifth child, died when he MR. AND MRS. Z. JENNINGS. RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 209 reached maturity. The sixth child died when young. In Marion county, in the early days, no citizen was more' prominent than Israel Jennings, who was one of the largest land owners of the county. He was a faithful member of the Methodist church, and a good Democrat. In 1827 he was elected a member of the Legislature when Vandalia was the capital of the state. He was a member of the house contemporane- ous with Peter Cartwright. He was post- master at Walnut Hill, Illinois, for many years, beginning in 1834. He was a slave- holder and owned the only male slave ever held in this county. He came here before there were any steam railroads, but during his life he noted wonderful changes, being instrumental in bringing about much of the progress of the county. He opened a store and gave dry goods and groceries in ex- change for produce which he hauled to St. Louis by wagon, bringing back supplies. At the time of his coming to this county he had two daughters who had reached ma- turity. They were taken sick while he was away in Shawneetown on one of his usual trips and one of them died. There was no lumber in the community, so a white-oak tree was cut and a coffin hewn from it, in which to bury the young lady, whose grave is on the old place he owned. He was known to be a very eccentric man, and ten years before his death he bought a metallic coffin, which he kept in the house until his death, and he was buried in it, dying April 20, 1872. His wife died April 3, 1885. Charles W. Jennings, the subject's father, H was born in Kentucky, and he came to Ma- rion county, Illinois, with his parents, set- tling one-half mile from his father, where he made a home, and became owner of nine hundred acres of land. He married Mariah Davidson, a native of Kentucky, and the fol- lowing children were born to them: Sarah, deceased, married Capt. R. D. Noleman, who is also deceased ; Josephus W., deceased, was born October 29, 1827, lived on the old place and was educated in the district schools. He was a merchant at Walnut Hill, Illinois, until 1856, when he moved to a farm one-half mile west of that place, where he died November 20, 1890. He married Amanda Couch, who was bom January 8, 1834, the daughter of Milton and Mary (Beard) Couch. They were the par- ents of the following children : Edgar, Frank, Mary, Lizzie and Nancy. Harriett, the third child, married B. F. Marshall, who lived at Salem, Illinois. They are both de- ceased. Maria E. married Silas Bryan, who was county Judge, and lived at Salem, Illi- nois; Z. C., the subject of this biographical sketch, was the fifth in order of birth. Nan- cy married James Davenport, who is de- ceased. She is living at Salem, this county. America married William C. Stites. Both are now deceased. Docia married Alram Van Antwerp, who is deceased. She is living in St. Louis, Missouri. The subject's father was a man of excel- lent business ability and a good manager, he having become wealthy. He was a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church and in politics was a Democrat. BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Z. C. Jennings, the subject of this sketch, grew to manhood on the old home place and was educated in the home schools and the high schools at Salem and Centralia. When twenty-two years old he married Mary J. Baldridge, daughter of James C. Baldridge, of North Carolina, and Margaret (Rainey) Baldridge, a native of Kentucky. At the age of nine years, James C. Baldridge came to Marion county with his parents. Dorn- ton and Mary (Boggs) Baldridge, who set- tled near Walnut Hill, Illinois. James Bal- dridge and wife died in Jefferson county, Illinois. He married a second time, his last wife being Tabitha, the widow of Isaac Casey. The subject started on the place where he now lives to make a home. He first owned forty acres of land, but being progressive he added to it from time to time until he now owns a fine farm of four hundred and twelve acres, which is in a high state of cultivation and one of the best stock farms in the county. He has raised some high- grade horses and cattle and has made all the improvements on the place himself, be- ing regarded as one of the foremost agri- culturists of the county, holding high rank among the stockmen of this locality. Six children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, as follows: Dr. Dwight was born September i, 1860, and he graduated at the St. Louis Medical College in 1890, having previously attended the Carbondale Normal School, and he read medicine with Dr. Richardson, of Centralia, Illinois. He took up his practice at 4101 Washington avenue, St. Louis, where he has since been residing and has built up a large practice. He married Cora Locy, of Carlyle, Illinois, and three children were born to this union, Beatrice, Dorothy and Dwight L. Charles Emmett, the subject's second child, was born January 4, 1862. He is a farmer at Mosco, Washington, also a dealer in stock and grain. He married Angeline S. Creed, of Centralia township, and they have one son, Fred Allen. Maggie D., the subject's third child, was born December 17, 1863. and married Lewis E. Thomas, of Centralia, Illinois. He is a carpenter in the employ of the Illinois Central Railroad. Their only son, Charles, is deceased. Samuel R., who was born December 24, 1865, has always been a farmer and lived at home. Maria, who was born January 22, 1871, died in August the same year; Harriett G., who was born October 7, 1873, married E. M. Jones, of St. Louis. He is traveling freight agent for the Southern Railroad. They have three children, namely : Leona, Dwight and Grace. The subject of this sketch lived at home until 1859, and was in the lumber business with his father for awhile, then he located on his present place. During the past few years he has devoted a great deal of his at- tention to raising fruit. For two years he successfully manufactured crates and berry boxes at Walnut Hill, Illinois. Mr. Jennings has always taken a great deal of interest in politics. He ably filled the office of Supervisor for four years and other minor offices in the Democratic party, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a well read man on all leading topics. He has a substantial, beautiful and well furnished home, presided over by a most estimable helpmeet, his wife being a woman of culture and refinement. Our subject is an uncle of Hon. William Jennings Bryan. He is well and favorably known throughout the county, being regarded by all classes as a man of force of character, stability, in- dustry and honesty. FINCH FAMILY HISTORY. Sir Heneage Finch was the first Earl of Nottingham, England (1682), and was Lord Chancellor of England. He was de- scended from an old family, many of whose numbers had attained a high eminence in the legal profession; and he was the oldest son of Sir Heneage Finch, the Recorder of London. He was born in Kent, December 23, 1621, educated at Westminster and be- came a member of the Inner Temple, 1638; he was admitted to the bar in 1645, and be- came one of the leading members thereof, being called the "English Cicero". He was chosen a member of the Convention Parlia- ment in 1660, and shortly afterward ap- pointed Solicitor-General, and in 1675 Lord Chancellor. In 1660 he was also created a baronet, and in 1670 he was made Attorney General. He died in Great Queen Street, Lincoln Inn Fields, December 18, 1682, and was buried in Ravenstone in Bucks. He was spoken of as the father of equity, and was the originator of the Statutes of Frauds, which are accepted in America and Eng- land as universal law and justice. He also published some of the speeches in the trials of the Judges of King Charles I, in 1660, and later emulated himself with other publi- cations appertaining to the execution of King Charles I, but was not their author. Sir Daniel Finch was the second Earl of Nottingham, and the son of Sir Heneage Finch, was born in 1647, and died January i, 1730. He entered Parliament in 1679. and was one of the privy counsellors who in 1685 signed the order for the proclamation of the Duke of York, but kept away from the court during the reign of James the II. After the abdication of James II, he was one of the leaders of the party who were favor- able to the establishment of the Regency. He declined the office of Lord-Chancellor under the reign of William and Mary, but accepted that of Secretary of State, and filled that position until December, 1693, and he also held the same office under Queen Anne in 1702, and retired in 1704. On the accession of George the First he was made President of the Council and withdrew from office in January, 1716; on the 9th day of September, 1729, he succeeded to the Earl- dom of Winchelsea and died on the ist day of January, 1730. Sir John Finch was a son of Sir Daniel Finch, the second Earl of Nottingham, was counsel to the Crown under George II, in the early part of his reign, and for his strong liberal views, and the active interest he took in espousing the cause of liberalism he was BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF by King George the Second, banished from the realm, and coming to America, landed at the port of Boston, and married some- where in the eastern part of Massachusetts, and after a time emigrated to New York, and founded what is taken to be the North- em branch of the Finch family. To Sir John Finch, the banished counsellor of the court of King George the Second, were bom two sons, whose names were respectively, Isaac F. Finch and John Finch ; Isaac Finch and John Finch left their homes in the State of New York and settled in Wyoming Val- ley in Pennsylvania, sometime previous to the Revolutionary war ; they engaged in the milling business in an extensive way; and when the Revolutionary war broke out they were each at the head of a large family. Isaac Finch enlisted in the Revolutionary war, and John remained at home to look af- ter the families of his brother Isaac and his own, and also their property ; they were then living in Wyoming Valley, at Fort Forty. Isaac Finch was killed in the battle of the Wyoming Massacre, July 3, 1778, and John and his entire family were massacred at the same time. Unto Isaac Finch and Amy Finch, his wife, were born five sons and five daughters, and the names of these children were: Isaac, Moses, John, Enos, Amy, Re- becca, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mary and Solomon. On the 4th day of July, 1778, Amy Finch, the widow of Isaac Finch, with the aid of faith- ful servants, loaded her household effects into a wagon drawn by a pair of oxen, and with all the children, excepting Isaac Finch and Amy Finch, who were then visiting in Mas- sachusetts, prepared to fly from the recent scene of the bloody carnival. As the wagon was about to pull out with the household goods and children, a number of Indians see- ing one of the servants standing by the wagon, with savage yells and flourishing tomahawks rushed upon him and with their tomahawks dashed out his brains, bespatter- ing with blood and brains the five-months- old baby of the deceased Isaac Finch and his widow, who was lying upon the bed-clothing in the wagon. The name of this five-months- old baby was Solomon Finch, the last born. The widow of Isaac Finch, together with these children, then took their departure from the scene of the massacre and after many days of tedious, tiresome and danger- ous travel, made their way through swamp and wilderness for some three hundred miles to Genesee county, New York, where they were finally given shelter, food and clothing, and abided until they were joined by the son and daughter who had gone on the visit to Massachusetts. They finally built them a house of logs and remained in this settle- ment for some years, and until the children were grown and married. It seems that all the children of Isaac and Amy Finch were married in this part of New York, except Solomon, who again re- turned to the scene of the battle where his father and other relatives had met their death, and there married a Sarah Gardner, whose father owned the battlefield on which had been fought the bloody battle of Wyoming, and here he was married, and soon afterward returned to Genesee county, New York, and joined his relatives. He was married on the 1 3th day of March, 1804. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 213 Solomon Finch was born on the 3ist day of January, 1778, married to Sarah Gard- ner on the 1 3th day of March, 1804, and died on Elm Creek farm, Clay county, Illi- nois, in June, 1851, at the age of seventy- three ; and to this union were born Rebecca, Mary, James Gardner, Almena, Solomon, Tomkins and Amos Farm Finch, Rebecca Finch was born January 5, 1805, in the Wyoming Valley, in Pennsylvania, married to George Shirts in Indiana, November 29, 1821, and to this union were born Wil- liam Shirts, February 12, 1823, who died in 1885 ; Augustus Finch Shirts, Novem- ber 26, 1824; Mary E. Shirts, July 26, 1826; Angeline Shirts, November 26, 1828; Sarah Shirts, November 29, 1830, and Hiram G. Shirts, July 15, 1834; in May, 1842, after the death of George Shirts, Rebecca Finch Shirts was married to Jay Ridgeway, to whom was born Solo- mon Ridgeway. Rebecca Finch Shifts died in 1873. Mary Finch, born January 24, 1807, in Genesee county, New York, and was mar- ried to Hiram Finch, son of John Finch, who was the son of Isaac Finch, Novem- ber 28, 1829, and to this union was born one son, Henry Clay Finch; Mary Finch died December 29, 1839. James Gardner Finch was born Octo- ber 1 6, 1809, in Rochester, New York, and was married to Sarah Woodborn, November 28, 1833, settled in Clay county, in Novem- ber, 1839, and to this union was born one son, Francis M. Finch, April 29, 1837, wno died in Andersonville prison, July 27, 1864. After the death of Sarah Woodburn Finch. James Gardner Finch married Mary Ann Purdom on the 2ist day of July, 1839, and to this union were born Walton H. Finch, October 13, 1840, and he died in Pamona, California in 1894, leaving a large family. Cynthia C. Finch was born February 24, 1845; John C. Finch, born January 23, 1847; George W. Finch, born June 21, 1849, and died in Harper county, Kansas, in 1896, leaving a large family; Henry Clay Finch, born October i, 1852; Charles Sumner Finch, born July 24, 1856; Flor- ence Evaline Finch (Kelly), born March 24, 1858; Almena Finch, born in the State of New York, January 13, 1812, married to Stephen Knolton, afterwards to Benjamin Creus, and later to Gabriel Man- ly, the latter to whom she bore one daugh- ter, Emma Manly, July 28, 1832; Emma Manly married A. J. Hurlock in 1862, and after his death she again married John Ryan, in Kansas, 1876. Emily Finch was born to Solomon and Sarah Finch, May 12. 1816. and died Oc- tober 13, 1871. Augustus H. Finch was born to Solomon and Sarah Finch September i, 1818, and died November 12, 1820. Solomon Tompkins Finch was born to Solomon and Sarah Gardner Finch in Hamilton county, in the state of Indiana, on the 2 ist day of November, 1820, and in February, 1847, he moved with his parents to Clay county, Illinois, where his mother, Sarah Gardner Finch, died June, 1847, and on the 22d day of July, 1847, he was joined in marriage with Bethsheba Long, who was born April 15, 1831, and 214 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF who was the second daughter of Rosamond and Hanna Stanford Long, and to this union were born Rebecca Margaret Finch in April, 1852, and who died with premature con- sumption in March, 1868. Mary Elizabeth Finch, who was born in Flora, Clay county, Illinois, on the 25th day of September, 1854 (being the first child born in the city of Flora), and Solomon Tompkins Finch on the 23d day of February, 1857, in the town of Flora, Illinois. On the I4th day of April, 1857, Solomon T. Finch died, leav- ing surviving him Bethsheba Long Finch, his widow, and the three children, viz : Re- becca Margaret, Mary Elizabeth and Solo- mon Tompkins Finch. Solomon Tompkins Finch, son of Solomon Finch and Sarah Gardner Finch, was the first business man in Flora, Clay county, Illinois, having em- barked there into business with one George Harter, under the firm name of Finch & Harter, which continued until his death. In 1870 Bethsheba Long Finch on the I5th day of February was married to John Re- sen Finch, who was a son of Aaron, and grandson of John Finch, who was a brother of Moses and Solomon Finch. To this union was born one child, Martha Luella Finch, on the 7th day of February, 1871, and on the i6th day of July, 1871, Beth- sheba Long Finch departed this life. Amos Farm Finch was married to Lou- isa Griffith August 10, 1852, and to this union was born one son, Hiram Clayton Finch, on the nth day of May, 1854, and after the death of Louisa Griffith Finch, Amos Farm Finch married Sarah Eliza- beth Davis on the 5th day of December, 1860, and to this union were born Rosa Belle Finch, August 21, 1861 ; Henry Ern- est Finch, August 28, 1868; he married Sarah E. Sibler; Clarence A. Finch, Febru- ary 6, 1872, married Lulu Morrean on No- vember 17, 1895, an( l Maggie Elizabeth Finch, November 3, 1875. Mary Elizabeth Finch was on the 3d day of February, 1876, married to John Minor Cunningham, whose father was an early settler in Clay county, Illinois, and to this union were born three children, viz : Fre- mont Cunningham, born on the 29th day of November, 1876, and died six years later. Nelle Cunningham was born September 19, 1878, and was married to Jerry J. Bow- man, October 22, 1902. Max Finch Cun- ningham was born April 14, 1883. Solomon Tompkins Finch was on the 28th day of May, 1884, married to Lillie Es- tella Pearce, the youngest daughter of Fred- erick and Martha Ingrahm Pearce. The father, Frederick Pearce having been born in Leeds, England, came to this country with his father when he was but twelve years of age ; first settled in Western Penn- sylvania, and afterward moved to the city of Pittsburg. When at the age of man- hood he married Martha Ingrahm, and in 1858, moved with his family, which con- sisted of his wife and two children at that time, to Ingrahm Prairie, Clay county, Il- linois; engaged in the milling business, and was among the first settlers of Flora. After his removal to Flora, Illinois, his youngest daughter. Lillie Estella Pearce, was born on HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 2I 5 the 1 3th of January, 1862. To the mar- riage of Solomon Tompkins Finch and Lil- lie Estella Pearce were born two sons ; Earle D. Finch, born in the city of Flora on the I4th day of March. 1865; and Rollae D. Finch was bom in the city of Flora on the 7th clay of September, 1887. Solomon Tompkins Finch, after taking a preparatory course at Loxa College, entered the Michigan University, from which col- lege he graduated in the law department, in 1879, and after being admitted to the bar of Illinois commenced the law practice in Flora, Clay county, Illinois, the home of his birth. Hiram Clayton Finch, after graduating in medicine, entered into the practice, and in 1882 moved to Iowa, continuing the practice and on the 6th day of October, 1882. was married to Ausis Oliva Mat- thews in Jasper county, Iowa, and to them was born one daughter, Ethel Finch, on the 2Qth day of December, 1884. Moses Finch, son of Isaac and Amy Finch, was born in the Wyoming Valley, April 15, 1771, and was married to Sarah Beanon in 1789, and to them were born eleven sons ; their names were : Isaac, Kin- ney, Charles, Beanon, Abraham Wheeler, Benoni Wheeler, Moses, Archibald Wheel- er, James Beanon, Nathaniel, Walter and John. Sarah, the mother of the above sons, died in Indiana, June 17, 1831. The sons all grew to manhood. Moses Finch, after the death of Sarah, his wife, married Alan- da Grange, a widow with three sons and two daughters. To Moses Finch and Man- da Grange Finch were born two daughters, Florilla and Rebecca. Rebecca married in 1860, and she and her husband died in 1 86 1. Florilla married a Doctor Graydon. of Southport, Indiana. To John Finch, son of Isaac Finch and wife, were born three sons, viz ; Jubal, John and Cyrus. The mother of these children died, after which John Finch married again, and by his second marriage he begot four daughters, viz : Sarah, who married a Dr. Amos Palmer; Elizabeth, who married a man by the name of Davidson ; Margaret, who never married, and Laura, who mar- ried a man by the name of Meak. After the death of the mother of these children, John Finch married the third time, and unto this marriage were born, Hiram C. Finch, John Finch, Fabious M. Finch, who was a prominent lawyer and judge in In- dianapolis, Indiana, and lived to an ad- vanced age. Rebecca, who married James Holl ; Angeline, who married a man by the name of Williams, Cynthia married Dr. Na- thaniel Mall, and Horatio Finch studied law, and afterwards died in San Francisco, California. Hiram C. Finch was married to Mary Finch, on the 28th day of November, 1829, and to this union was born one son, Henry Clay Finch. Mary Finch died December 29, 1839. and after her death, Hiram G. Finch married his second wife, and to this union were born Frank, Allice, who was married to John Connor, and Horatio Finch. The name of the second wife of Hi- ram G. Finch was Mariah Passwatter. BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Fabious M. Finch was married in 1810 to Mariah Allen, and to this union were born John A. Finch and Alice Finch. John A. Finch, after having studied law, made a specialty of the insurance law, and being associated with his father in the law practice under the firm name of Finch & Finch, became one of the first insurance lawyers in the United States, and compiled what is known in the law practice as Finch's Insurance Reports. John A. Finch died suddenly in Minneapo- lis, Minnesota, while on business in that city. Fabious M. Finch soon followed the death of his most honored son, and left surviving his widow and Alice Finch, a most estimable and accomplished daughter, unmarried. Aaron Finch was married in Indiana, 1823, to Mary Waddell, and after- wards moved to Clay county, Illinois, and settled on a farm eight miles southeast of Flora, Illinois. To Aaron Finch and his wife were born : James Austin Finch and John Resen Finch ; also a daugh- ter, Laura. Aaron Finch died in the early fifties. James Austin Finch was joined in wedlock with Mary P. Grif- fith and studied medicine and died in the early sixties. To this union was born one son, James Austin Finch, Mary P. Finch died in 1898. James Austin Finch was married to Florence Brissanden, studied law, became well up in his profes- sion, and was elected to the office of Prosecuting Attorney of Clay county in 1876, and afterwards located in Olney, Il- linois, where he died in the summer of 1 88 1. To this union of James Austin and Florence Brissanden Finch were born four children, viz: Mary, William, Laura and James Austin. John Resen Finch was born in Indiana, moved to Clay county, Illinois, with his father, arid settled on the farm with his father. He first married Sarah Schooley, and to this marriage were born one daugh- ter and one son, viz: Mary Matilda and William Fabious Finch. After the death of his first wife he married Rachel Schooley, a sister of his first wife, and to this union were born one son and one daughter, viz: Aaron and Amy Finch. After the death of Rachel, the second wife of John Resen Finch, he then married Bethsheba Long Finch, and to this union was born one daughter, viz : Martha Louella Finch. After the death of Bethsheba Long Finch, John Resen Finch then married one Sarah War- math, and departed this life in 1879, having continued to reside on the farm upon which he and his father located upon moving to Clay county, Illinois. Augustus Finch Shirts, who was born to George Shirts and Rebecca Finch Shirts, was born November 26, 1824, married to Nancy Barnhill, and to this union were born three children, viz: George Shirts, Mary Shirts, who married a man by the name of Baker, and Elbert Shirts. Augustus Finch Shirts studied law. settled at Noblesville, Indiana, became very prominent as a law- yer, and as a politician, also became noted as the author of the history of Hamilton HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 217 county, Indiana, and retired from the law- practice in 1900. George Shirts, son of Augustus Finch Shirts, studied law, graduated at the law department of the University of Michigan, in 1876, entered the law practice at Nobles- ville, Indiana, became eminent as a corpora- tion lawyer, and in 1903, was selected by the Governor of the state of Indiana, as one of the Codifying Commission, and se- lected by that body as their clerk. In the early spring of 1814, Amos Farm, John, Moses and Solomon Finch, together with their families, went in wagons from Genesee county. New York, to Olean Point, New York, a point on the tributary of the Ohio river, and building a flat-boat there, they floated down the river to the Ohio riv- er, and thence down the Ohio river to North Bend, Ohio, the present site of Cincinnati, Ohio, and after landing there, Solomon T. Finch took service under Gen. William H. Harrison (Old Tippecanoe), and after the war was over still remained with him for a time as superintendent of his plantations, the old log cabins that were famous during the campaign of Gen. William H. Harrison as a candidate for President. Enoch Finch settled somewhere in the eastern part of Ohio, and Moses and John went to Brook- ville, Indiana, engaged to some extent in the milling business there, and afterward went to Connersville, and were there joined by Solomon Finch. Soon afterward Moses went to Michigan, and died there at an ad- vanced age. In April, 1819, Solomon Finch and his family and part of the family of John Finch, moved from Connersville to Hamil- ton county, Indiana, and settled on what was then known as Horse Shoe prairie, about two miles from the present site of Noblesville, Indiana, the county seat of Hamilton county, and they were followed in the following September by John Finch, and the remainder of his family. John Finch lived to a ripe old age, and as shown many were his sons and daughters. He died in Hamilton county, Indiana. The compiler of these accounts, including deaths, births, marriages and events, has relied upon statistics furnished him by old members of the family in its various brandies, and on the war records fur- nished him from the department at Wash- ington, and on letters from the Lord Mayor of Nottingham, England, and on the true historical data as furnished by reliable au- thors. He has compiled this short history not for any compensation, but because he has felt that it ought to have been done by some member of the family, but up to this time, they have all been too busy a lot of Finchs to give it their attention. JOHN R. FRENCH. The subject is the obliging and well known hotel proprietor, insurance and real estate dealer of Kell, Haines township, Marion county, who has spent his life with- in the borders of the same, having been nior.KAI'HICAL AXD REMINISCENT HISTORY OF identified with the growth and taken no small part in the same. He was born Au- gust 4, 1861, the son of Gilbert W. and Louisa (O'Bryant) French. John R. French's father, a native of Tennessee, came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1835. He was a native of Tennessee and the son of John P. and (Hartman) French. John P. French was a native of Pennsyl- vania, who moved to Tennessee in an early day and in 1835 came to Marion county, Illinois, locating in Tonti township, where he devoted his life to farming, having died in the town of Alma. The subject's grand- father was a soldier in the War of 1812. Gilbert French and his first wife were the parents of four children, namely : Angie, the wife of Mathew Organ; Louisa, who was the wife of J. N. Jones, is deceased; John R., the subject of this sketch; Amanda is the wife of J. W. Ross, of Centralia, this county. The subject's father married Mary Howard, and three children were born to this union, Thomas, living in Kinmundy, this county; Harry B., of Odin, Illinois; Rachel is the wife of E. W. Wilson, of Alma, Illinois. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm near Alma and was educated in the common schools. After farming for a while, he learned the plasterer's and brick layer's trade. In 1891 he clerked in a store at Alma, this county, and in 1894 he en- tered business in a general store in Alma which he successfully conducted for a peri- od of eight years, when he sold out aud went back to farming, which he followed for a while, then he moved to Newton, Il- linois, and bought a furniture factory and a restaurant, ice cream parlor and bakery, all of which he conducted with great success- until in May, 1907, when he came to Kell and bought the hotel here, which he has since conducted in such an able manner that it has become known to the traveling public as a comfortable and well conducted hostelry, where no pains are spared to make guests feel at home and comfortable. He has built up a good business which is con- stantly growing. He also finds time to do considerable business in insurance and real estate. Mr. French was united in marriage in December, 1886, to Etta Sweet, who was born in Alma township, the daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Carnes) Sweet, a well known family of their community. The subject and his wife are the parents of the following children: Edward is single and living at home and is engaged in the restaurant and bakery business. He has a modern and fully equipped bakery and does an extensive business, shipping bread to many outside towns ; Cora, the second child, is living at home; Bessie is the wife of Wesley Howard; Gladys, who is living at home attending school; Clara is living at home; Clifford is a baby at this writing, (1908.) Mr. French is a Democrat. He has ably served as Justice of the Peace for eight years in Alma township and he was School Treasurer for four terms of two years each. In 1892 he made the race for the nomina- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 2I 9 tion on the Democratic ticket for County Clerk, but was defeated, however, the re- sults showed that our subject was a popu- lar man in the convention. Mr. French helped incorporate the village of Alma. He was also a member of the first board that organized the Building and Loan Associa- tion at Alma, Illinois. Our subject is a member of the Modern Woodmen of Amer- ica, being a charter member at Alma. His son, Edward, is also a member of the Mod- ern Woodmen of America at Kell. Mr. French is known to be a man of strictly honest business principles, industrious, pleasant and agreeable, making both friends and visitors feel at home. HON. WILLIAM BOWER. It is both gratifying and profitable to en- ter record concerning such a man as he whose name appears at the head of this life record, and in the following outline suffi- cient will be said to indicate the forceful in- dividuality, initiative power and sterling character, which have had such a decided in- fluence in making their possessor a leader in enterprises requiring the highest order of business talent, and to gain for him wide publicity among those who shape and direct policies of more than ordinary consequence. William Bower, the well known druggist of Olney, Illinois, was born May 21, 1842, the second child of Philip P. and Mary (Dundore) Bower, the former a native of Germany, and the latter of Pennsylvania. The father was bom in Hesse-Darmstadt in 1804, and when twenty years old emigrated to the United States and lived in Pennsyl- vania, first settling in Philadelphia in 1840. His first wife died in the old Keystone state and he married the subject's mother, a na- tive of Lancaster, and the daughter of Philip Dundore, of German descent. Philip Bower moved to Jeromeville, Ohio, and in the spring of 1840 came to Olney, Illinois. He worked at the cabinet maker's trade for sev- eral years, and also engaged in merchandis- ing and farming. His death occurred in the fall of 1873, at the age of sixty-nine years. William Bower, our subject, is a member of a family of six children, born to Philip P. Bower by his second wife, being the second white male child born in what is now the city of Olney. The mother of the subject was called to her rest in 1856. Our subject attended school at the old log school-house of Olney, having finished his education at the Olney Seminary, where he applied him- self in such a careful manner that he re- ceived a good education. He began to make his own way in the world soon after his mother's death, leaving his parental fireside at that time. Beginning life as a teacher, he taught a six months' term at Macksburg and afterward two terms in Olney, making a success in this line, but not feeling that this should be his life work, he began learn- ing the trade of marble cutter and later en- gaged to learn the trade of watch maker, having worked a few months at each, but he never finished either. He then engaged with BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF K. D. Horrall, then as now, a hardware merchant in Olney. He was to receive three dollars per month for the first year, four dollars per month during the second year, and an increase of one dollar each month for the third year, also board and lodging. After remaining at this for a period of two years, Mr. Bower could not restrain the pa- triotic fervor he felt when the War of the Rebellion began, consequently he enlisted in the spring of 1861 in Company D, Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel Oglesby, afterward Governor of Illinois. After serving his enlistment of three months, proving to be a very capable sol- dier, he returned home and taught school, working at night at the tinner's trade. In the spring of 1863 he engaged to Charles Schultz as sutler clerk. While thus em- ployed he was captured by General Whee- ler's forces, shortly after the battle of Chat- tanooga, but after being held prisoner for a few days, was paroled and sent north. In October. 1863, Mr. Bower bought a stock of tinware and stoves and carried on a business in Olney until the following De- cember, when he sold out and bought a half interest in the drug store of Dr. E. W. Ridgway. Fifteen months later he pur- chased his partner's interest and has since conducted the business alone, now being the oldest druggist in point of years of continu- ous trade in Richland county. He was suc- cessful in this line from the first and his business has gradually increased until he has quite an extensive trade throughout this lo- cality. Mr. Bower is the second oldest busi- ness man in years of uninterrupted dealing in Olney. He has been actively identified with the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association for many years, having served as its first vice president and chairman of the commit- tee on legislation during the period when the Illinois pharmaceutical law was first en- acted. On November 29, 1864, Mr. Bower was married to Sarah E. Ridgway, a repre- sentative of a well known family. Her father having been the late Dr. E. W. Ridgway. She was born in Mansfield, Ohio. Four children have been born to the subject and wife, as follows : Catella, now the wife of M. E. Sebree, now superintendent of the Indiana Southern Railroad Company ; Ernst Zeledon, who is in the store with his father, also owner and manager of the "Bower Knoll Stock Farm", the home of "John G. Carlyle" and other high bred horses ; Emma died at the age of four years and Nina when two years old. The children of Mr. Bower have received good educations and are cul- tured and popular. Mr. and Mrs. Bower are members of the New, or Swedenborgian church. In politics our subject is a Democrat. He served as Alderman from the second ward in Olney in the early seventies, and was elected by a large majority from the forty- fourth dis- trict as representative to the Thirty-first Il- linois General Assembly, where he served as a member of the Committee on Education, Printing and Militia. He was the author of some important measures and proved a most industrious and useful member, show- ing that he was thoroughly alive to the in- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. terests of his constituents and he succeeded in making his influence felt in that body, gaining the admiration of all concerned for his clear and logical counsel. Mr. Bower was elected Mayor of the city of Olney in the spring of 1901, serving one term during which the city's interests were carefully con- served and many new policies inaugurated that will be of lasting benefit to the commu- ity. During the two years in which he served as Mayor, among the more important things accomplished for the public good was the building of the reservoir, costing over six thousand dollars, the city building remod- eled, the Bower Park established and over four thousand dollars expended for water pipes, and there was an unusual activity in all departments of the city, while the debts of the city were not increased, but on the contrary, were somewhat reduced. During Mr. Bower's term an epidemic of smallpox was wiped out at a cost of over fifteen hun- dred dollars. Socially Mr. Bower is a Royal Arch Ma- son, also belongs to the Richland Lodge No. 1 80, Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, and he is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Bower has one of the most extensive drug stores in this part of the state, carrying a very carefully selected stock ranging from twelve thousand to fifteen thousand dollars, consisting of all kinds of drugs, physicians' supplies, books, paints, wall paper. He oc- cupies his own building, a substantial two- story stone structure, twety-five by one hun- dred and sixty-five feet, running from Main to Market streets, and lie also has a very pleasant home. In all the relations of life our subject has proven true to the trusts imposed upon him, and because of his past honorable record, his public-spirit, his genial disposition and his honesty of purpose, he is held in high es- teem bv all who know him. SAMUEL W. JONES. The honored subject of this sketch is a representative of one of the sterling pioneer families of Marion county and is personally identified with the industrial interests of this section of the state where he has spent his life, being the owner of a fine farming property in Kinmundy township. Samuel W. Jones was born in Marion county, Illinois, September 15, 1858, and he has preferred to spend his entire life within the borders of the same, where he believed he would have better advantages among the people where the Jones family had long been noted for their industry and honesty, than he would have in other coun- ties of this or any other state of our great Union. He is the son of Jackson C. and Margaret (Whiteside) Jones. A history of the subject's father and mother and their ancestry will be found under the head of James R. Jones, whose sketch appears in another part of this volume. Our subject received his early education in the district schools where he applied him- lilOGU.U'HICAL AX1) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF self in a diligent manner to his books and received a fairly good education, having fed a large herd of his father's cattle in the meantime. He left school at the age of nineteen and began farming, which enter- prise he has since been identified with and which he has made a great success, being recognized today as one of the leading ag- riculturists of his community. He has pros- pered until he has become the owner of a valuable farm consisting of one hundred and thirty-five acres. His land is under a high state of cultivation and the soil has been kept in a very good condition through proper management until excellent crops are reaped from it year by year, the sub- ject being thus enabled to make a comfort- able living and also lay by something for the future. He has a good income also from his stock, being especially interested in the raising of Poland China hogs and Shropshire sheep, both being noted for their excellent quality, for Mr. Jones certainly understands the successful handling of stock. He has a nice, modern and com- fortable dwelling and a large number of good outbuildings, in fact everything about his place shows excellent management and prosperity. Our subject was united in marriage Sep- tember 20, 1877, to Hannah Atkins, who was born in Foster township, Marion coun- ty, December 24, 1861, the daughter, of Nathan Atkins, who was born August 28, 1817, in Alabama. He came to Illinois when a young man and took up govern- ment land, cleared a farm which he contin- ued to work the rest of his life and on which he reared a family of twelve children, eight boys and four girls, five of whom are still living. Their names are James, Moses, John, Thomas, Barbara, Margaret, George, all deceased: Joseph, Richard, Hannah, Eliza- beth and Catherine, all living. Nathan At- kins has long since passed to his rest. He married Mary Garrett, the daughter of Moses and Hannah Garrett, pioneers of this county. Our subject and wife are the parents of three living children and one child that is dead. Their names are, Charles W., Wil- liam O., deceased; Bessie C, and Mary J. Charles W. J'ones married Susie Pearson, and they have one son, named Carroll G. William Pearson, the father of Charles W. Jones's wife, was born in Marion county. Her. mother's name was Emiline Anglin, who was also born in this county. William Pearson was the father of six children, two boys and four girls. Mrs. Hannah Jones was educated in the country schools of this county where she diligently applied herself until she was sixteen years of age when she was married to our subject who was nine- teen. She is a good housewife and mother, of a cheerful disposition and is beloved by all who know her for her many beautiful traits of character. Our subject, while not a member of any church, is a believer of the principles of Christianity and good government. He is a stanch Democrat and his support can al- ways be depended upon when any measure looking to the public good are at issue. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 223 JAMES W. ARNOLD. The subject of this sketch is a citizen of Foster township, Marion county, and he is so loyal to what he considers his duty that no personal consideration will deter him from its accomplishment. It is such worthy citizens as Mr. Arnold who have made this county the productive and prosperous region that it is today. James W. Arnold was born in section 9, Foster township, February 14, 1847, the son of John Wesley Arnold, who was born in Alabama, he the son of John Arnold, of Georgia. He married Elizabeth Webb and they came to Illinois, settling near Charles- ton in 1825, where they remained for one year, when they went back to Alabama. Twelve years later they located near Leba- non, Illinois, where they remained until 1844, when they moved to Foster township, Marion county, buying land there. Later they went to Ellis county, Texas, where Mr. Arnold died in 1887, at the age of eighty- seven years. His wife died in Foster town- ship, this county. Mr. Arnold was a farmer and also owned a mill. The following chil- dren were born to them : William ; Nancy, of Cairo, Illinois ; John W., Joseph ; Adeline, who is living in Missouri ; Margaret, Esther, Ivey, living in Oklahoma; James A., Felix, Nathan of Texas; Fletcher was killed at Atlanta, Georgia, during the Civil war. John Wesley Arnold married Nancy Jones, of Foster township, Marion county, the daughter of James and Laura Jones. He settled in section 9, Foster township, where he secured- wild land and made a home. He was always a farmer and stock raiser and owned five hundred acres of good land. He was active in politics, being a Re- publican, and was at one time Supervisor of Foster township. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He was born in 1820 and his death occurred in 1889. His wife was born in 1827 and died in February, 1905. Seven children were born to them as follows: James W., our subject; Mary E., who married Alexander Mussey, living near Vernon, Illinois; John I. is living re- tired in Foster township; Elizabeth married John Doolen, living at Kinmundy, this county; Joseph T. lives at Kinmundy; Eli M. is in the oil business at Shawnee, Okla- homa; Rosie E. married Isom W. Doolen, living at Vernon, this county. James W. Arnold, our subject, attended the home schools. He remained a member of the family circle until his marriage, No- vember 1 8, 1869, to Permelia J. Robb, who was born in Kinmundy township, the daughter of Samuel and Agnes Pruitt, who were pioneers of this county and who died here. The following children have been born to the subject and wife : Cyrus Elmer, a farmer in Foster township, who married Ann Green and who has one child, Gladys; Samuel W., living in section 3, Foster township, was married first to Jennie Green, and his second wife was Isabelle Nichols. He had two children by his first wife, Doris and Dale, and two children by his second wife, Thelma and an infant born in 1908. Lola Etta is the name of the subject's third 22 4 BIOGRAPHICAL AXI1 RKM I XISCKXT HISTORY OF child, who is the wife of Cyrus Green, of Foster township, and the mother of four children, Glen, Lovell, Anna and Russell; Orin M., graduate of the Business College of Dixon, Illinois, married Laura Garrett, of Foster township, is farming and they have two children, Florence and Harold D. The subject's children were educated in the home schools, receiving careful mental train- ing, and they all give much promise of suc- cessful futures. After Mr. Arnold's marriage he lived on the old home place for two years when he bought the place where he now lives, con- sisting of one hundred and eighty-three acres. He at one time owned considerably more but gave it to his children. Besides his farming Mr. Arnold successfully oper- ated a saw mill for a while. He also managed a store at Lester, Illinois, for two years and was also successful in this venture. He was postmaster of that town, giving en- tire satisfaction to all concerned. He made all the improvements of his farm which now ranks among the best in Marion county. He has a most excellent and valuable apple and peach orchard, consisting of forty acres, also of small fruits. He carries on general farming and stock raising. He is active in politics, being a Republican, and he has filled all the township offices. He is a mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church. In his fraternal relations he is a Mason, the Blue Lodge, No. 398, at Kinmundy, Illi- nois. Mr. Arnold is well known through- out Marion county for his industry and his honesty in dealing with his fellow men. THOMAS A. PATTON. For various reasons the subject of this sketch is deemed eligible for specific men- tion in this volume, not the least of which is the fact that he was one of the brave "boys in blue" who offered his services in defense of his country during the dark days of the sixties. His life has been one of hon- est endeavor and filled with good deeds throughout, and now in its golden evening he is enjoying a respite in his serene home in Centralia township, Marion county. Thomas A. Patton was born in Mt. Ver- non township, Jefferson county, Illinois, De- cember 8, 1837, the son of Austin and Ange- line (Thorne) Patton, the former a well known physician, both natives of Virginia, of which state William Patton, the subject's grandfather, was also a native. Austin Patton grew up in Virginia, receiving only a limited education, but he was ambitious and became self-educated, reading medicine with Dr. Frost, of Jefferson county, Illinois, beginning practice at Walnut Hill, where he located about 1830. He secured a farm of three hundred acres, but devoted most of his time to his practice, which was always large. He became widely known, and is re- membered as a very jolly man, resulting in his winning hosts of friends. Although a good Democrat, he never held office. His death occurred in 1896. His first wife died December 24, 1837, and he was married a second time to Ann Bateman, a native of Jefferson county, Illinois. She is now liv- ing at Walnut Hill. Austin Patton and HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 225 wife were the parents of three children, namely : William, deceased ; Mary, also de- ceased; Thomas A., our subject. Nine children were born to Austin Patton and his second wife, as follows : James L., de- ceased, was a farmer at Walnut Hill; Li- vona J., deceased; Lewis J. is a farmer, liv- ing at Newton county, Kansas; Joseph T. is a farmer in Harvey county, Kansas; Iduma A., deceased : George B. is a farmer, living in Jefferson county, Illinois; Carula, who first married Bell Talbott and then Frank Gore, of Walnut Hill; Ila C, who married Willa Copple, of Centralia town- ship ; Omer P. is farming on part of the old homestead in Centralia township. He mar- ried Helen Telford. Our subject had only a limited chance to attend school, having studied in a sub- scription school for a time. Living at home until he was twenty-three years old, he then started in business for himself in Centralia township, section 36, and farmed there with great success for seven years, when he bought a farm in Raccoon township, con- sisting of forty acres of new and unim- proved land on which he remained for four years, then selling it and renting near Wal- nut Hill in Jefferson county. In 1881 he bought one hundred and fifty acres in Rome township, Jefferson county, which he worked with most gratifying results until he retired in 1902, when he sold out and moved to Walnut Hill, having since lived retired. Mr. Patton was first united in mar- riage in 1861, to Alena Smith, of Walnut Hill, and she passed to her rest May 19, 1901. He married again, his second wife being Augusta Maltimore, whom he married October 5, 1905. She was the widow of Christopher H. Maltimore, of Ohio, and she was the daughter of Benjamin F.Nelms, who married Nancy Bailey, the former was of Virginia and the latter of Kentucky. Benjamin Nelms was the son of Jerry Nelms, a native of Virginia. His father was also a Virginian. The first of the fam- ily to come to Illinois was Jerry's wife, Mary A. He died in St. Genevieve, Mis- souri, and his wife, in 1854, came to Marion county, Illinois, and located on a farm near Walnut Hill, where she died, in 1897. He now lives at Decatur, Illinois. Mrs. Pat- ton had one daughter, Mary L., by her first marriage. Five children were born to the subject by his first wife, namely: William L., who is living in Centralia township on a farm, and who married Cordelia Snow; Zina D. married Alta Kell, and is living on a farm in Jefferson county, Illinois; May married Oscar Breeze, of Jefferson county; Mary married Edward Watts, of Centralia, Illi- nois ; Frank L. is a stationary engineer in the mines, now located in North Dakota. Our subject has always been a farmer, and being interested in public affairs, he has been entrusted with various local offices. He was Highway Commissioner at one time and School Director for twenty years. He has always voted the Republican ticket, hav- ing cast his first ballot for Abraham Lin- coln in 1860. Fraternally he is a member BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having 1 been identified with lodge NQ. 710, at Walnut Hill for the past thirty-five years. Our subject enlisted August 12, 1862, in Company H. Eightieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, at Centralia, under Colonel Allen. He was sent to Louisville, and later to Per- ryville, Kentucky, being in the battle there, October 8, 1862. He was in the battle of Stone River, also at Knoxville, and at Chat- tanooga in the spring of 1863. He was picked out of a division of men to go on an expedition into Georgia. At Rome the whole number of men on this expedition, consisting of fifteen thousand, were cap- tured and sent to Belle Isle Prison, where they were held for fifteen days and paroled. They went to Camp Chase, Ohio, where they remained for ten days, when they were sent to St. Louis, Missouri, where they remained fifteen days. On July 4, 1863, they reor- ganized and went to Nashville, Tennessee. They opened up the valley leading to Look- out Mountain, and after remaining there for about forty days, they went to Mission- ary Ridge and engaged in the battle there, also at Lookout Mountain, after which they went into winter quarters in Chattanooga. The subject contracted rheumatism and could not go on the Atlanta campaign, con- sequently he was transferred to the veteran reserve and was detailed to the hospital steamer for Washington City, District of Columbia, and was sent to City Point, Vir- ginia, to look after the sick and wounded of Grant's army. Part of the time the sub- ject was located in Washington City, New York, Annapolis, Fortress Monroe, Vir- ginia, having served in this capacity until the close of the war, and was discharged June 15, 1865, at Washington City. He re- ceived two scalp wounds and was shot through the hat once. These wounds have troubled him a great deal since the war. Mr. Patton is a good scholar, is well posted on current topics and is a fine con- versationalist. He is held in high esteem by the people of Marion county for his life of industry, his honesty and friendly man- ners. SOLOMON T. FINCH. One of the men who has stamped the im- press of his strong individuality upon the minds of the people of Clay county in a man- ner as to render him one of the conspicu- ous characters of this locality, is the sub- ject of this sketch, one of the prominent at- torneys of the southern part of the common- wealth of Illinois. Faithfulness to duty and a strict adherence to a fixed purpose, which always do more to advance a man's inter- ests than wealth or advantageous circum- stances, have been dominating factors in his life, which has been replete with honor and success worthily attained. Solomon T. Finch was born in Flora, Clay county. February 23. 1857, the son of Solomon T. Finch, who was born in Indiana, and who came to Illinois in 1849, settling in Clay county. He was the first merchant in Flora, and was influ- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 227 ential in the affairs of the pioneer days of this community. He was in business here until his death in 1857. The subject's pa- ternal grandfather was also named Solo- mon. He was a native of New York, having removed from the Empire state to Southern Indiana, and was superintendent of the log cabin display in General Har- rison's campaign in 1832. He came to Il- linois with his father in 1849. His death occurred in 1851. The subject's mother was Bathsheba Long, who was a native of Virginia. She passed to her rest in 1872. She was a representative of a fine old southern family. Three children were born to the subject's parents, namely: Rebecca was born in 1852, and died when fifteen years old; Mary is the wife of J. M. Cun- ningham, of Flora, she having been the first child born in Flora, the date of her birth being 1854; Solomon T., the subject of this sketch, is the youngest child. The father of the subject moved to Flora in 1853, ar >d engaged in the dry goods busi- ness. Mr. Finch received his preliminary schooling in the common schools of Flora. He attended Loxa College in Coles county, this state. Desiring a higher education, he entered the University of Michigan in 1876, from which he graduated in 1879, from the law department, having made a brilliant record in the same. He was admitted to the bar in 1880, and has been engaged in practice ever since. He removed to Spring- field in 1900, where he practiced for five vears with his usual success, but he moved back to Flora in 1905, much to the satisfac- tion of his many clients and friends in Clay county. Mr. Finch was united in marriage May 28, 1884, to Lillie E. Pearce, daughter of Frederick Pearce, who was born in Eng- land, having emigrated to the United States in 1858, when he was twenty years old. Lillie E. Pearce was born in Flora within one block of where Mr. Finch was born. Two sons have been born to the subject and wife, Earl D., who is associated with his father, is a graduate of the Springfield high school and also a graduate of the law department of the State University ; Rollae D. also graduated from the Springfield high school, and is in 1908 a student in the medical department of Washington Uni- versity, St. Louis. They are both bright young men, who give promise of brilliant careers. Mr. Finch was nominated by the Demo- cratic party for County Judge in 1898, but was defeated, however, by only one vote, although the county was largely Repub- lican. He was also his party's nominee for State's Attorney in 1908, but went down in defeat with the rest of the ticket. He is engaged in the law and abstract busi- ness and his office is always a busy place. In his fraternal relations he belongs to the Blue Lodge, Royal Arch and Knights Templar Masons. He organized and was the first chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias in Flora. He also be- longs to the Woodmen. He is a loyal Democrat. He belongs to the Presbyterian BJOr.KAl'HICAL AM) KKM I X 1SCK XT HISTORY OF church. Mrs. Finch and their youngest son are members of the Methodist church. Mr. Finch has seen many changes in Clay county during his lifetime. Progress has been made, doing away with the old landmarks and substituting in their places all the evidences of advanced civilization, and in all matters pertaining to the general good and improvement he has been deeply interested, nor has he withheld his aid when it has been solicited for the advancement of any public measure of worth, but on the contrary he has often been the instigator of movements that have resulted in permanent good to the community honored by his residence. He is a highly respected citizen, held in uniform regard by those who have known him through long years. JAMES F. PURDUE. The subject was born in Montgomery county, Tennessee, March i, 1833, the son of Jarrut and Rebecca (Farmer) Purdue, the former a native of Georgia, and the lat- ter of North Carolina. They went to Ten- nessee when young and married there, and removed to Illinois in 1838, settling in what is now Haines township, where they took up government land. They made the trip from Tennessee in ox carts. When they settled here among the pioneers there was much wild game. They developed a good farm and worked hard. They died on the place, after becoming the parents of eight children: Margaret, Mary, Richard, Wil- liam C., John W., Jacob H., James F., our subject, and Andrew V. Jarrut Purdue was a Democrat. His wife was a member of the Baptist church. Our subject was six years of age when he came with his parents to Marion county, Illinois. He was educated in the common schools of the early days, and he has spent the balance of his life here, having re- mained at home until he reached manhood. He was married the first time in 1855, to- Louisa Brasel, a native of Tennessee, and three children were bom to them: Nancy Jane, who is living in Haines township, is the wife of Zach Brasel; Joseph H. is a farmer living in Haines township ; John R. is also a farmer living in Haines township. The subject's second mariage was in 1867, his second wife being Loretta Price, a na- tive of Ohio, to whom one child has been born, Louisa, now the wife of Harry Alvis, of East St. Louis. The third marriage of the subject was to Vilinda Murphy, the ceremony having been performed in 1876. To this last mar- riage two children were born, Tence and Harry. Mr. Purdue is a Democrat in his political relations. He has devoted his life to farm- ing and has been very successful. He is now living retired, having moved to his neat, comfortable and pleasant home in Kell in September, 1908. He is well known throughout the county, being a member of old and prominent families of this region in which he himself was one of the earliest pioneers. RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 22 9 HARVEY F. PIXLEY. The able and popular president of the First National Bank of Flora, Illinois, is most con- sistently accorded recognition in a work of the province assigned to the one at hand, since it has to do with the representative citi- zens of Clay county, of which number he unquestionably is a worthy member and has long played well his part in the development of the interests of this locality. Harvey F. Pixley was born in Ingraham, Clay county, November 25, 1869, the son of Osman Pixley, who was a native of New York, having settled in Edwards county in 1852. The subject's father was a merchant and for many years was the president of the First National Bank of Flora. He was a prominent man in this community, and was Representative in the Legislature in 1871 and 1872, representing this district, having been elected on the Republican ticket. He was for many years a leading and influential citi- zen here. He was postmaster of Ingraham for the long period of forty years. He re- ceived a request from Postmaster General Wanamaker for his photo to be used at the Chicago World's Fair. He was the fourth oldest postmaster in point of service in the United States. After an active and useful life he was called to his rest April 7, 1903. Asa Pixley, the subject's grandfather, was a native of Vermont, but he removed to Western New York and finally settled near West Salem, Edwards county, Illinois, about 1830, being among the pioneers. He was born March 26. 1805, and died February 9. 1883. The Pixley family is of Puritan stock. The mother of the subject was Frances Wood, a native of near Allendale, Wa- bash county, this state, where she was born June 29, 1832. She was a woman of beau- tiful attributes, and she passed to her rest May 16, 1907. Nine children were born to the parents of our subject, Harvey F. being the seventh in order of birth. Four girls and one boy are deceased. Dewitt C. is living in Orange, California, a prominent business man of that place, is married and has five children: Arthur H.. who lives in Chicago, is a member of the Board of Trade and is as- sociated with Ware & Leland. The subject's mother was a member of a large family, con- sisting of nine children. Her father was Spencer Wood, who was born near New Haven, Vermont, February 14, 1788, and died December 5. 1846. Her mother was Matilda Flower, who was born in Hardins- burg, Kentucky, March 19, 1791, and died March 12, 1855, the mother being the last surviving member of the family. Mr. Pixley's father's mother was Amanda Ingraham. The township of Pixley was named after Mr. Pixley's father, and the town of Ingraham was named after Mr. Pixley's grandmother, who was born February 22, 1806, and died September 26, 1844. Her parents are buried in Ingraham cemetery. Philo Ingraham, her father, was born June 28, 1768, and died April 21, 1842. Her mother was Arvilla Barney, born September 12. 1782, and died September 19, 1854. They are supposed to be the first white people buried in Clay county. 230 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF . Harvey F. Pixley, our subject, spent his life up to 1899 in Ingraham. After receiving a common school education there he attended Eureka College, in which institution he spent two years, making an excellent record. Then he began work in his father's store, having remained there for twelve years, assisting to build up an excellent trade. In August, 1899, he came to Flora and began work in the First National Bank, becoming its cash- ier January i, 1900, serving four years. He was then elected vice president of the in- stitution, serving four years in this capacity, and was made president of the bank at the January, 1909, meeting of the board of direc- tors. He has done much to increase the prestige of this bank and place it on a solid foundation so that it is today recognized as one of the soundest in Southern Illinois. Mr. Pixley is treasurer of the Breese- Trenton Mining Company, which operates three coal mines at Breese, Beckemeyer and Trenton. He is also treasurer of the Ebner Ice & Cold Storage Company, operating four plants, one at Vincennes, Seymour and Washington, Indiana, and one at Flora, Illi- nois. He is also a director and large stock- holder in both the above named companies. Mr. Pixley also has an interest in the Flora Canning Company, and is also a stockholder and one of the organizers of the Flora Tele- phone Company ; also interested as a stock- holder in two wholesale houses in St. Louis. He was one of the executors of the late Gen. Lewis B. Parsons, of Flora, having left an estate of one hundred thousand dollars with a will. Mr. Pixley was married on October 22, 189., to Gallic Cisel, daughter of John Cisel, of Allendale, Wabash county, Illinois. She was born on the adjoining farm to where Mr. Pixley's mother was reared. To this union one son has been born, December 10, 1892. He is a bright lad and is attending the West- ern Military Academy at Upper Alton, Illi- nois. In his fraternal relations our subject is a member of the Blue Lodge, No. 204, Free and Accepted Masons, and Royal Arch Chap- ter No. 154. He is a member of the Order of Eastern Star, as is also Mrs. Pixley. They are members of the Christian church, the sub- ject being a member of the official board. He was also a member of the building commit- tee that erected the new church, a splendid edifice that would be a credit to a much larger city. Mr. Pixley is one of the trus- tees of the Carnegie library of which he is treasurer. He has been trustee of the same since it was built and he was a member of the building committee. He was at one time president of the school board. He is now a member and one of the directors of the Flora Mutual Building, Loan and Homestead As- sociation. In politics he is a Republican. Something of the subject's ability as a financier may be gained from the statement that when he became associated with the First National Bank there was a surplus of only twelve thousand dollars; it is now twenty- five thousand. The undivided profits were less than one thousand dollars. They are now over sixteen thousand. The dividends are now five per cent., payable semi-an- nually. Mr. and Mrs. Pixley have one of the finest HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS 231 homes in the county, modern, and is presided over with rare dignity by Mrs. Pixley, who is a woman of refinement. Mr. Pixley has always taken a great inter- est in the advancement and prosperity of Clay county and endorses every movement which he believes will prove a benefit to hu- manity. He is a sociable gentleman and is held in the highest regard by all who know him. His achievements represent the result of honest endeavor along lines where ma- ture judgment has opened the way. He possesses a weight of character, a native sa- gacity, a discriminating judgment and a fidelity of purpose that command the re- spect, if not the approval, of all with whom he is associated. He takes first rank among the prominent men of this locality and is a leader in financial, business, educational, so- cial and civic affairs. THE BRYAN FAMILY. (By Mrs. Anna Torrence.) In giving the genealogy of the Bryan family, who have long been considered among the most noted and highly esteemed of Marion county, Illinois, there are some characteristics which the reader will at once note as being particularly strong and plainly marked throughout the entire line- age. First, as a family whose veracity is never questioned ; second, they are noted for being strictly honest in every detail of social, political and business life; third, those who are Christians are very devoted, believing emphatically in a prayer hearing and prayer answering God, believing that He guides man in every right act of life. The pub- lishers of this work are glad to be able to give their readers an insight into the life records of this remarkable family and can state with all authenticity that the sketches contained herein are to be relied upon. William Bryan, the great-grandfather of Hon. William J. Bryan, was born in Eng- land and was married there, having come to America before the Revolutionary war, set- tling in Culpeper county, Virginia. Five children were born to them, namely : James, John, Aquilla, Francis and Elizabeth. James moved to Barren county, Kentucky. Aquilla went to Ohio. One of the girls mar- ried a man named Baldwin. Nothing fur- ther is known of these families at present. John Bryan, the second son and grand- father of Hon. William J. Bryan, was born in 1790. In 1807 he married Nancy Lillard, a representative of one of the finest old southern families of Virginia, and she is re- membered as a very refined and cultured woman, endowed with more than ordinary intelligence. In 1828 they moved to Cobal county, Virginia, and lived there two years. From there they moved to Mason county, Virginia, where they lived and passed to their rest and where they lie buried. To them ten children were born. The oldest, William W., was born in 1808. He mar- ried Emily Smith and about 1838 moved to Lincoln county, Missouri, near Troy. They IJIOCKAIMIIfAI. AXI) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF were the parents of four children, namely: William Hamilton, John J., Gallic and Vir- ginia. William W r . Bryan reached an old age and died a few years ago, his wife fol- lowing him to the other shore only a few months later. William H. Bryan is an honored and respected citizen of Troy, Mis- souri, and he has a nice Christian family. Gallic and Virginia are noble Christian women. John J. is deceased. John J. Bryan, Sr., died in early manhood. Howard died in infancy. Jane, the eldest daughter, married Joseph Cheney, a wealthy hat man- ufacturer of Gallipolis, Ohio. She was left a widow with six small children whom she reared to be useful women and men. Their names were : Robert, Mary, Russell, Linna, Harriet and Emma. She spent the last few years of her life at various places, wherever she preferred to stay, spending seven years with the family of Judge Silas L. Bryan. The last three years of her life she lived with Mrs. Mollie Webster, one of her nieces, whom she comforted in her early widow- hood. She was the idolized aunt around whom all the nieces and nephews clustered, who regarded her as an earthly saint. She was never heard to utter an unkind word against any of God's creations. The night she was called from earth she praised God aloud with every shortening breath. Nancy Bryan married George Baltzell and moved to Walnut Hill, Illinois, where she died. Two sons were born to them, Silas L. and Russell B. Both are active business men, the former living at Ham- mond, Louisiana, and the latter at Cen- tralia, Illinois. Nancy is described as a very handsome woman, refined and cul- tured. To her early training, motherly care and prayers, Judge Silas L. Bryan owed much of his success in life. Martha Bryan married Homer Smith, of Gallipolis, Ohio, and moved to Illinois. She was left a widow with two small girls, Jane and Mary. She was called from earth before the girls were grown. Jane made her home with Russell Bryan and Mary with Judge Bryan's family. Jane was a suc- cessful school teacher for several years. The mother was a very devoted Christian and always had family prayers and is today a sainted mother. The youngest daughter, Mary, now Mrs. Mollie Webster, has been a widow several years. She manages a large farm very successfully, and she is a great temperance and church worker. She has been county president of the White Ribbon Army for a number of years and is also treasurer of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in the Twenty-first Con- gressional District of Illinois. It was she who taught Hon. William J. Bryan his little infant prayers. She taught and trained him in his first boyhood speeches. When he was in Salem once visiting his old home they re- viewed some of the scenes and incidents of their interesting childhood days. Dr. Robert Bryan was killed in a steam- boat explosion. Silas L. Bryan, father of Hon. William J. Bryan, was born in Culpeper Court House, Virginia, in 1822. He came to Illi- nois in 1842, where he lived, died and was HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 233 buried. He worked on a farm at nine dollars a month, saving his money to defray his ex- penses at McKendree College. During the winter while at college he would chop wood on Saturdays to help pay expenses. Many of his colleagues made fun of him, but in after years many of them, came to borrow money of him and to seek his legal advice. He was a man of sterling qualities, the kind that always make for success when rightly and persistently applied. He was a very devout Christian, always had family prayers, and he promised the Lord if He would prosper him to get through college he would pray three times a day the rest of his life. This promise he faithfully kept, praying morn- ing and evening at his home, and at noon wherever he happened to be. He would drop on his knees and ask God's blessings. He was a member of the Marion county bar for a period of thirty years, a member of the State Senate for eight years, and for twelve years was Circuit Judge of this judicial district. He was a member of the convention that framed the present state constitution of Illinois. He was a man of unusual tact, shrewdness, soundness of judgment and force of character, and it was from him that Hon. William J. Bryan in- herited his gift of oratory and his brilliant intellect. He imbued the boy with lofty ideals and taught him by example and pre- cept how to make a grand and noble man. Silas L. Bryan married Mariah Elizabeth Jennings, a woman of many praiseworthy traits and a devoted Christian wife and mother. She gave the best part of her life to the care of her family. She was truly "a mother in Israel." To this union were born nine children, namely: John H., Virginia, William J., Russell, Harry, Frances, Charles, Nancy and Mary. John and Vir- ginia died within six weeks of each other when young. William J. was born March 17, 1860. He was taught at home until ten years of age, after which he attended the public schools for five years, during which time he gave evidence of being a most pre- cocious child and one to whom the future augured great things. He afterward at- tended college at Jacksonville, Illinois, where he made a brilliant record for both scholarship and deportment. He then studied law in Chicago in the office of Ly- man Trumbull, making rapid progress from the first. He was admitted to the bar and successfully practiced for some time, finally entering the political arena, since which time his career has been too meteoric to need reviewing here, since his record is well known to all, and is given in detail in an- other part of this volume. Russell Bryan died in early manhood. Frances has a nice comfortable home in Shaw, Mississippi, and is a jolly, whole-souled woman, loved by everyone. Charles is a very successful busi- ness man in Lincoln, Nebraska. Nancy is a quiet, refined and modest girl. She was at one time William J.'s private secretary. Mary, the youngest of the family, became a successful school teacher. She has winning ways and is a great favorite. Russell Bryan, the youngest brother of Judge Bryan, came to Salem in 1841. He was 334 BlOGKAl'HICAL AND KEM IXISCKXT HISTORY OF familiarly known to all as "Uncle Russ," being well known throughout the county. He was endowed with a wonderful memory. Often when dates or records of events seemed obscure he was referred to, and sel- dom failed to give the correct names, dates or places desired. He had stock scales in Sa- lem for thirty years, or since 1878, and his weights were never questioned. He never went in debt for anything, and he never had a law suit, and as a result of his upright life he was honored and respected by all who knew him. He married Amanda L. Tully, who was always a very bright and active woman, a fine financier and business woman of unusual ability and acumen. Twelve children have been born to this union as follows : Anna E., Alice J., John E., Lewis O., Andrew R., Mark T., Silas L., Rosa A. The ninth in order of birth died in infancy. Minnie M. was next in order ; then Emma A. and Adis M. Anna chose the teacher's profession when quite young. She success- fully taught for twenty-four years, and after she became a widow and had reached the meridian of life attended one of the state normals and graduated therefrom, since which time she taught in a normal train- ing school in Chicago and later in Salem. Alice J. is a very domestic woman, and her's is one of the coziest homes in Salem. She is a natural artist and at one time was quite a cultured singer. John E. is a prosperous lawyer in Salem. He was a school teacher for many years, and has served as Master in Chancery for eight years. He is noted for his honor and integrity. (A fuller sketch of John E. Bryan appears elsewhere in this volume.) Lewis O. is a lawyer at Van Buren, Arkansas, and is quite wealthy. He is noted for his true philanthropy and is the poor man's friend. Andrew R. lives in Salem and is highly esteemed by all who know 'him. Mark T. died when six years old. Silas L. died in infancy. Rosa A. lives a mile from Van Buren, Arkansas, on a fine fruit farm. She is a woman of thrift and has a bright, interesting family. Min- nie M. is a resident of Indianapolis. Emma A. resides in Centralia, this county. Adis M. is in the real estate business at Van Buren, Arkansas, and has become noted as a politician. Elizabeth Bryan, the judge's youngest sister, married George Baltzell, and they live at Deer Ridge, St. Louis county, Mis- souri. She is the mother of the following children, namely: Anna, Albert, Florence, Edwin. The last named died while in col- lege. They are influential and highly re- spected in their community. Thus it is no wonder that this family should become so useful and influential and should be leaders of society in its various phases, when we consider how they have kept the even tenor of their way, how they were reared in "the fear and admonition of the Lord," and how they have kept the faith of their worthy ancestors, maintaining in all the relations of life that strict in- tegrity and loyalty of principle to lofty ideals and honorable records in private, commercial, professional and public life. The influence for good to humanity and HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 235 the amelioration of the human race of such a noble family is too far-reaching and in- scrutable to be measured or contemplated with any degree of accuracy. Truly such characters are as "a shining light which grows more and more unto the perfect day," purifying, refining, strengthening and en- couraging the wayworn traveler on life's rugged steeps, teaching the less courageous that he who would ascend to the heights of life where the purer atmosphere that in- spires the souls of men may be breathed, must be true, loyal, ambitious, energetic, honorable and of indomitable energy THE CUNNINGHAM FAMILY. The name of Cunningham has long been an honored one in Clay county, Illinois, where for several generations have lived most worthy representatives of the family, who were, and are, always to be found associated with every movement which promised an addition to the community's wealth and ma- terial advancement. Especially is this true of the late John M. Cunningham, for many years a valued and honored citizen of Flora, and his son, Charles S., the prominent busi- ness man and present head of the city govern- ment. The family is of Scotch origin and descends from an old and honored one of Vir- ginia, where was born Benjamin F. Cun- ningham, who, when a young man, made his way westward and settled in Clay county, becoming one of its earliest pioneers. He first located in the southern part of the county along Cottonwood creek and there engaged in the milling industry. His equipment was crude and his labor arduous, but by sturdy industry he succeeded. Later he came to Flora and engaged in the banking business under the firm name of the Cunningham and Harter Savings Bank. It was one of the pioneer institutions of the locality. This business he conducted with much ability un- til withn a year of his death which occurred in 1876. He possessed many rare and excel- lent traits of character, and abounding in- dustry and was much honored and es- teemed. Among his children was John M. John Minor Cunningham was born near Flora, March 24, 1844, and was there reared and grew to manhood. He acquired such an education as the community afforded which was broadened in later life by reading, association, contact and native intelligence. He was associated with his father for some time in various enterprises, finally embark- ing in the jewelry business which he con- ducted profitably for many years. He was directly and indirectly connected with vari- ous other enterprises, ever putting his shoul- der to the wheel of progress, and was deeply interested in the growth and advancement of his native county, and in all that per- tained to its welfare. Mr. Cunningham first married on January i, 1866, Jennie E. Hawkins, whose early death occurred on September 24, 1874. To this yqion three children were born, one of whom died in infancy. Those living are Charles S., and Clyde L., the latter a resident BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of Julesburg, Colorado. The mother of these, whose death was sincerely mourned, was of Scotch ancestry, her mother and grandmother having emigrated from Scot- land. On February 3, 1876, Mr. Cunningham again married, the lady being Mary Eliza- beth Finch, a direct descendant of Sir Hene- age Finch, who was born in Kent, England, in 1621, and whose eldest son, Heneage, was first Earl of Nottingham and was Lord Chancellor of England. Mrs. Cunningham was born September 25, 1854, and was the first white child born in Flora. To this marriage there came children as follows: Fremont, who died in infancy; Nelle, born September 29, 1875, and married Jerry J. Bowman, October 22, 1902, and Max F., born April 14, 1883. Mr. Cunningham was a member of Flora Lodge No. 204, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Order of the Eastern Star No. 105, Royal Arch Chapter No. 154, and of Grand Commandery No. 14, Knights Templar. He was much attached to these orders and highly prized the associations there enjoyed. He attended the Knights Templar conclaves at Boston, Louisville and Denver. At his death the funeral auspices were conducted by Gorin Commandery No. 14, of Olney. He and his wife were for many years regular attend- ants and liberal contributors of the First Presbyterian church of Flora and of whose board of trustees he was an honored mem- ber. At the death of Mr. Cunningham. which occurred suddenly and unexpectedly March 13, 1906. fitting and appropriate reso- lutions were adopted by the various commer- cial, religious and fraternal units with which he was connected, and from these we quote the following: "From among us there has been taken a loving husband, a kind and in- dulgent father, a faithful friend, a genial companion, a successful business man and honored citizen and one whose place can not be filled." At a special meeting of the directors of the Flora National Bank, of which he was a director from January, 1893, to his death, suitable resolutions were drawn and spread upon the minutes. In part these resolutions said : "His counsels were always wise and at all meetings he took a prominent part. We feel our great loss and will miss the sound advice which he was ever ready and compe- tent to give, and his good judgment in all matters pertaining to the bank." Resolutions of like character were adopted by the Ma- sonic and other bodies. Of Mr. Cunningham on eld friend has written: "A grand life indeed was that of John Minor Cunningham, a life set to the Golden Rule, to kind acts and ways, helpful at needed times, a friend to his fellowman, assisting, if it were a loss to him, aiding, if the sacrifice fell on him, and in an active business career covering many years he was ever fair and just in his dealings. He was associated with Flora from its infant state, aided in its growth, assisted in the introduc- tion of its schools, churches and public itu stitutions. He was foremost in establishing business in Flora, co-operating with the best interests of the city 'and its rural districts. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 237 daring and bold in the advocacy of social order, sober living, good government and fair and honest transactions of business." Charles S. Cunningham, son of John M., was born in Flora, March 27, 1870, and, like his father, has lived there all of his life. He attended the public schools, afterwards en- tering the jewelry store of his father. He long ago mastered every detail of the busi- ness and conducts perhaps the leading estab- lishment in that line of trade in Southern Illinois. Mr. Cunningham married in 1890, Eva L.. daughter of John Jackson, of Allegan, Michi- gan. To this union two sons have been born, Rexford J., and Charles J. He has figured somewhat conspicuously in the politi- cal affairs of Flora and was first elected City Treasurer, in which capacity he served two years; he was then Alderman for two years and in the spring of 1907 he was elected Mayor of Flora and has given the city an economical, efficient and thoroughly moral administration, taking the same care and interest in public affairs as he does in those of purely personal nature. Mr. Cunning- ham, it may be here stated, has not sought for or accepted office because of the honor that might be attached thereto, but has been actuated solely by a desire to lend the best efforts that is in him toward the maintenance of law and order and the growth and ad- vancement of the city and its commercial, moral and material worth. He has been es- pecially vigorous in the enforcement of lo- cal option laws and is earnestly advocating a system of water and other municipal advan- tages. Aside from his official duties and his personal affairs, Mr. Cunningham is also prominently connected with various other enterprises, being a director and vice-presi- dent of the First National Bank of Flora, a director of the Breese-Trenton Coal and Mining Company and of the Friend Tele- phone company of Flora. He is a Repub- lican in politics ; fraternally he is a member of the Flora Lodge No. 204, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of the Knights of Pythias, and of the Ben-Hur lodge. He is a member of the Illinois State Historical So- ciety of Springfield, and both he and Mrs. Cunningham are members of the Methodist church of Flora. Mr. Cunningham appears entirely capable of emulating the example of his worthy progenitors and is closely follow- ing in their footsteps. He possesses an un- blemished character, a strict integrity, an in- telligent appreciation of his responsibilities and a faculty of accomplishment. He fully realizes that these traits of character have described through the blood of his ancestry and to whatever heights he may be destined to ascend, his most valued possession, his greatest pride shall ever be that priceless her- itage of his forefathers an honored name. LEVI MONROE KAGY. In the collection of material for the bio- graphical department of this publication there has been a constant aim to use a wise discrimination in regard to the selection of BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF subjects and to exclude none worthy of rep- resentation within its pages. Here will be found mention of worthy citizens of all vo- cations, and at this juncture we are per- mitted to offer a resume of the career of one of the substantial and highly esteemed, in fact, one of the leaders of the industrial world of this section of the state, where he has long maintained his home and where he has attained a high degree of success in his chosen field of labor and enterprise. Levi Monroe Kagy, the popular and well known president of the Salem State Bank, of Salem, Marion county, Illinois, was born near Tiffin, Senaca county, Ohio, December 15, 1855, the son of David Kagy, also a native of Seneca county, who came to Marion county, Illinois, in the year 1859. He devoted his life to agricultural pursuits which he made successful and at the time became a man of much influence in his com- munity and well known as a scrupulously honest and public-spirited citizen. He was called from his earthly labors February 8, 1887, after a very active and useful life. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Sarah Milley. She is a woman of many estimable traits and is the recipient of the admiration and esteem of a large coterie of friends and acquaintances in the vicinity where she is still living in 1908 on the old homestead where she and her worthy life companion settled nearly a half century ago. To Mr. and Mrs. David Kagy were born only two children, Alice A. a woman of fine attributes, who is making her home with her mother; and Levi Mon- roe, our subject. The parents spared no pains in giving these children every pos- sible care and advantage and the wholesome environment of their home life is clearly re- flected in the lives of the subject and his sister. Our subject lived on the parental farm until he was twenty-five years old and as- sisted his father with the farm work, giving him all his earnings up to the time of his maturity, and it was while thus engaged in the free outdoor life of the farm that he acquired many qualities of mind and body that have assisted very materially in his sub- sequent success in life. He attended the neighborhood schools where he applied him- self in a most assiduous manner, outstrip- ping many of his classmates, and therefore gained a broad and deep mental foundation which has since been greatly developed by systematic home study and contact with the world. After receiving what education he could in the home schools Mr. Kagy taught several terms of school in a most praise- worthy manner, teaching in the winter months and farming in the summer, having possesed not only a clear and well defined text-book training, but also the tact to deal with his pupils in a manner to gain the best results, at the same time winning their good will and lasting friendship. After reaching young manhood, Mr. Kagy decided that his true life work lay along a different course than that of farm- ing and school teaching, so he accordingly began to save his earnings in order to de- fray the expense of a course in Union Col- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 239 lege of Law at Chicago, now the North- western University, and he graduated from that institution with high honors on June 14, 1883, after having made a brilliant rec- ord in the same for scholarship and de- portment. He at once began practice at Salem, where his success was instantaneous, and with the exception of one year spent on the farm after his father's death, he has been in Salem ever since where he is now recog- nized as one of the most potent factors in her civic, industrial and social life. Mr. Kagy practices with uniform success in county, state and federal courts, and his ser- vices are in constant demand in cases re- quiring superior ingenuity and apt ability. His untiring energy, indefatigable research and persistency have made him successful where less courageous characters would have quailed and been submerged. Something of the subject's peculiar and unquestioned executive ability is shown from the fact that he was one of the princi- pal organizers in 1903 of the Salem State Bank, one of the most substantial, popular and sound institutions of its kind in south- ern and central Illinois. Mr. Kagy is presi- dent of the same, the duties of which he performs in a manner to gain the unqualified confidence of the public, and the citizens of Salem and Marion county do not hesitate to place their funds at his disposal, knowing that they could not be trusted to safer and more conservative hands. He is also stock- holder in the First National Bank of Kin- mundy, Illinois. He also helped organize the Haymond State Bank of Kinmundy, and afterwards was instrumental in merging this institution with the First National Bank of that city. Mr. Kagy was appointed Master in Chancery of Marion county in 1889, and afterwards twice re-appointed. He has served as president of the Salem School Board and declined re-election. In all these public capacities he displayed unusual adroitness in handling the affairs entrusted to him. Mr. Kagy's happy and harmonious do- mestic life dates from May 18, 1887, when he was united in marriage to Alice Larimer, the youngest daughter of the late Smith Larimer, an ex-Treasurer of Marion county, an influential and highly respected citizen. Mrs. Kagy is a cultured and highly accom- plished woman of many estimable attributes and possessing a gracious and pleasing per- sonality which makes her popular among a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, and she presides over the modern, cozy, elegantly furnished and beautifully appoint- ed home of the subject and family with modest grace and dignity. Into this model home two bright and interesting children add sunshine and cheerfulness. They are: John Larimer, who was born February 22, 1888, now a student, in 1908, in the Uni- versity of Illinois, where he is making a splendid record; and Leigh Monroe, who was born March 15, 1901 ; a girl died in in- fancy. In 1898, during the Spanish- American war, Mr. Kagy was active in organizing a company, and was elected captain of the 240 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF same ; after much drilling it was ready to go to the front. Later Mr. Kagy was appointed by Gov. John B. Tanner, major of Pitten- ger's Provisional Regiment. Although it was fully ready to go to the front it was not called upon to do so. Levi M. Kagy was one of the twenty-two men who subscribed twenty-two thousand dollars in order to induce the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad shops to locate in Salem. The public-spirited and energetic disposition of the citizens of this progressive city can be ascertained by the statement that this sum was raised in one night. Mr. Kagy was in San Francisco at the time, but his friends volunteered to vouch for him for eleven hundred dollars, and he promptly paid the full amount upon his return home. Mr. Kagy always practiced law alone until January, 1907, when he took E. B. Van- dervort, of Portsmouth, Ohio, as an as- sociate. They have a splendid and well equipped suite of rooms in the Kagy Build- ing. Mr. Kagy, although interested in many industrial enterprises, gives his time almost exclusively to his law practice which is very large and which requires the major part of his time. Fraternally our subject is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Woodmen. He has occupied the chairs in the local Odd Fel- lows lodge, and is one of the trustees of the I. O. O. F. Old Folks' Home of Illinois, of Mattoon, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Kagy and their oldest son are members of the Presbyterian church. In politics he is a stanch advocate of the principles and policies of the Democratic party, with which he has been affiliated from the time of attaining his majority, and he has ever lent his aid in furthering his party's cause, being well fortified in his political convictions, while he is essentially public- spirited and progressive. In all the rela- tions of life he has been found faithful to every trust confided in him and because of his genuine worth, splendid physique, courteous manners and genial disposition he has won and retains the warm regard of all with whom he associates. SAMUEL F. PHILLIPS. Among the members of the many families of early settlers who have forged to the front in the realm of public life and in their daily avocations in Marion county, Illinois, few indeed, have reached a higher standing than the subject of this sketch, whose long life has ever been associated with the prog- ress of the county, especially in the township where he resides. Samuel F. Phillips was born October 20, 1829, in the vicinity of Clarksville, Mont- gomery county, Tennessee. His fatherjona- than Phillips, came of a well known family in the state where he resided, and his moth- er's maiden name was Sarah Fowler, who came of a family equally well connected. Jonathan Phillips' father was Samuel Phil- lips, who, together with his wife. Nancy MRS. XAXCY. PHILLIPS. S. F. PHILIPS. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 241 (Crow) Phillips, born in Virginia, were among the earliest settlers in Tennessee. The elder Phillips was a hardy and industrious farmer and he and his wife lived a long life on their farm in Davidson county, Tennes- see, where they reared a family of eight children; four sons and four daughters. The sons were David, Thomas, George and Jonathan, the father of Samuel F. Jonathan Phillips spent the early part of his life on his father's farm, and he re- ceived a limited education in the common schools in the neighborhood of his home. When he had reached manhood he married and in 1831 he and his wife drove in the an- tiquated vehicles of the period across the long stretches of country, starting from Montgomery county, Tennessee, finally landing and settled in section i, Centralia township, Marion county, Illinois. At this time he obtained one hundred and sixty acres of government land at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, which farm he added to at different times until he had six hundred acres, becoming a farmer of more than average industry and he succeeded in improving and changing the appearance of the property. Though well known and widely respected in the locality, he never aspired for public patronage. In politics he was first a Whig and on the disappear- ance of the older party became a Democrat. He was a member of the Presbyterian brotherhood in religious life and a sturdy upholder of that belief. As a man and an active farmer, he was well known and 16 widely esteemed. The date of his birth was in the year 1799, and his death occurred on April 2, 1856. His wife was born July 20, 1806, and died July 10, 1893. Her father, William Fowler, lived in Montgom- ery county, Tennessee, where he died. He had married a Miss Fyke and their union brought forth four children, two sons and two daughters, namely: Drury, Richard, Sarah, the mother of the subject of our sketch, and Mary. Jonathan Phillips and his wife reared six children, James George Washington, died 1856, was a farmer, married Margaret Sugg, and lived at home until his death. Another was Samuel F., the subject of this sketch. William, who married Rebecca Al- len, was a farmer in Centralia township where he died in 1859. Joseph R. died April 2, 1862. Nancy married Isaac Phil- lips and lived at Cobden, Illinois. She, as well as her husband, is dead. John P., a farmer in Centralia township, married three times: first, Vitula Cazy; second, Martha Norfolk ; and third, Ida Johnson. As a boy, Samuel F. Phillips had little chance to go to school. However, he attend- ed the local subscription schools at infre- quent intervals. The circumstances of his youthful schooling did not affect him in after life, for he was always of an observant and intelligent turn of mind and in this way as- similated much useful information. He was of much assistance to his father in im- proving the paternal residence, and he re- mained there in a useful capacity until his 242 inoGKAPHICAL AXIJ REMINISCENT HISTORY OF thirtieth year. In 1859 in Davidson county, Tennessee, he married the daughter of Thomas and Eliza (Chadwell) Phillips, of the same county and name, his wife's first name being Nancy Jane. This Phillips fam- ily had come to Marion county, Illinois, set- tling there in section 12, Centralia township, in 1852. The father spent his life on the farm in his new surroundings where he died; his wife died in Odin, Illinois. The children of the marriage were : Nancy Jane, the wife of Samuel F. Phillips, the subject of this sketch; Martha E., who married Noah Wooters, both deceased ; Mary K., who was the wife of James Stroup, both of whom are dead ; Minerva T., the wife of Dr. J. J. Fyke, of Odin; Sarah B., the wife of W. D. Farthing, attorney-at-law, at Odin; George died young, at home; William H., druggist at luka, Illinois, lives in Centralia township. He married Frances Summer- ville; Samuel D., druggist at Odin, married Jessie Lester; John G. married Laura John- son, and lives in Oklahoma. Samuel F. Phillips and his wife lead a happy domestic life and have had nine chil- dren. His sons and daughters are mostly all married and are important factors in the life of the community. William W. is 1 a farmer in Centralia township and is married to Malissa Rial. Sarah E. married John H. McGuire, engineer on the Illinois Central Railroad at Centralia ; they have two chil- dren, Tressa and Erma. Etta, the widow of G. W. S. Bell, lives near Centralia. Patra married John F. Guymon, of Cen- tralia, and they have one daughter, Beulah. Martha B. is the wife of Charley Whit- church, of Centralia township, and the moth- er of three children, Carl, Boyd and Harry. Allie married W. B. Carr, of Raccoon town- ship. Alphia married Joseph L. Hill, of Ewing, Illinois. Samuel T. married Nora Sutherland, of Centralia township, and has two children, Hazel, born October 17, 1905, and Samuel Howard, born March 7, 1907. Samuel T. is a farmer in Centralia township. George Robert, another son, who is at home working with his father, is unmarried. In the year 1860, Samuel F. Phillips lo- cated on his present property. Since then he has striven to enhance the value of the land. It consists of two hundred and fifty acres. He principally engages in stock raising and does a general farming business. Samuel F. Phillips is a member of the Missionary Baptist church and is influen- tial in church advancement matters. In politics he gives his support to the Demo- cratic party. The first time he exercised his right to vote he recorded it for Granville Pierce. The subject of this sketch has received fitting public recognition. His record as Jus- tice of the Peace is of forty-four years' standing, and he has been a Notary Public for fourteen years. He has been associated with the Board of Trustees of Centralia township for twenty years. For sixteen years he has been Township Assessor. He is also a member of the board of township high school. He is still in harness, his seventy-nine years weigh but lightly upon him, and it is the wish HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 243 of a large circle of friends that he be long spared to his affectionate family, and to the people of his township for whom he has worked so diligently. CHARLES S. CUNNINGHAM. The subject of this sketch occupies a prominent place in the esteem of the people of Flora and Clay county, and is universal- ly respected and as a business man fair dealing is his watchward in all his trans- actions. He is optimistic, looking on the bright side of life and never complains at the rough places in the road, knowing that life is a battle in which no victories are won by the slothful, but that the prize is to the vigilant and the strong of heart. Charles S. Cunningham, the present pop- ular Mayor of Flora, Illinois, was born in this city, March 27, 1870, the son of John M. Cunningham, who was a native of Clay county. He was the founder of the jewelry business now conducted by our subject, which he carried on successfully until 1896, when our subject bought the business. In March of that year John M. Cunningham was called from his earthly labors. B. F. Cunningham, grandfather of the subject, was a native of Virginia, who came to Clay county when a young man and was one of the first settlers, having first located in the southern part of Clay county, called Cotton- \vood creek, and there engaged in the mill- ing business. Later he came to Flora and established the Cunningham & Harter Sav- ings Bank, which he conducted until about 1875. He died in 1876. The Cunningham family is of Scotch origin. The mother of the subject was Jennie Hawkins, whose people were also of Scotch descent, her mother and grandmother having emigrated from that country. Mrs. John M. Cun- ningham passed to her rest about 1875. Three children constituted this family, one of whom died in infancy; the subject's brother, Clyde L. Cunningham, lives in Julesburg, Colorado. Charles S. Cunningham has spent all of his life in Flora, where he attended the pub- lic schools and received a good education. He went to work when eighteen years old in his father's jewelry store, and has been identified with the same ever since. He long ago mastered every detail of the busi- ness and is one of the leading jewelers of this part of the state, having a mod- ern and nicely furnished store, and an ex- cellent and carefully selected stock. Mr. Cunningham was united in marriage in 1890 to Eva L. Jackson, the daughter of John Jackson, of Allegan, Michigan, and to this union two sons have been born. Rex- ford J. and Charles J., whose ages at this writing are fifteen and twelve, respectively. They are attending school and making ex- cellent progress in their studies. Mr. Cunningham has figured somewhat conspicuously in the political affairs of Flora, and was first elected City Treasurer in which capacity he ably served for two vears. He was then Alderman for two BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF years, and in the spring of 1907, he was elected Mayor of Flora, and he has given the city a very economical administration, managing its affairs with as much care as he does his individual business. He has been vigorous in his fight against illegal liquor selling, the saloons having been voted out when he was elected. In many ways he has benefited the community in a last- ing and material way. At the present time plans and specifications are making for a system of water works, and Mayor Cun- ningham is very much interested in secur- ing this for the city. The subject has won definite success in the financial world through his close appli- cation to business and his honorable meth- ods. He is a director and vice-president in the First National Bank, also a director in the Breese-Trenton Coal Mining Company, the head offices of the company being in St. Louis. He is also a director in the Friend Telephone Company, of Flora. Fraterally he is a member of the Flora Lodge No. 204, of Masons, also the Ben Hur and the Knights of Pythias. He is a member of the Methodist church as is also Mrs. Cunningham. Mayor Cunningham is a member of the Illinois State Historical Society of Springfield, and in politics he is a Republican, always taking an active in- terest in his party's affairs. His fearless- ness in the discharge of his duties and his appreciation of the responsibilities that de- volve upon him are such as to make him a most acceptable incumbent of the Mayor's office, and his worth is widelv acknowl- edged, while his record as a business man has been so honorable that he has gained the confidence and trust of all with whom he has been brought in contact. J. E. BRYAN. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch has long enjoyed prestige as a lead- ing citizen of the community in which he resides, and as an official against whose record no word of suspicion was ever uttered he has been for years an important factor in the history of Marion county, Illinois. His prominence in the community is the di- rect and legitimate result of genuine merit and ability, and in every relation, whether in the humble sphere of private citizenship, or as a trusted public official, his many ex- cellencies of character and the able and im- partial manner in which he discharged his every duty won for him an enviable repu- tation as an enterprising and representative self-made man. He was for some time a prominent figure at the local bar, but desir- ing the more prosaic routine of the abstrac- ter, he abandoned the legal profession and has for many years successfully conducted an abstract office in Salem, being known throughout the county in this line of work. J. E. Bryan was born two and one-half miles north of Salem, July 4, 1851, the son of A. R. Bryan, a native of Virginia and a fine old southern gentleman, who came to Illinois when a boy. He was a tanner by RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 245 trade and after a busy, successful and hon- orable career passed to his rest in 1901. He lived first at Shawneetown, then at Mt. Vernon, later at Walnut Hill, then at Salem, where he spent the balance of his life. The mother of the subject was Amanda Tully, whose people came from Tennessee and were among the first settlers in Marion county, having come here when the prairies were overrun by red men and wild beasts, but they were people of sterling qualities and surmounted every obstacle, winning a com- fortable home as a result of their habits of industry and economy. The maternal grandfather of the subject was the first Sheriff of Marion county. This family con- sisted of twelve children, nine of whom are living in 1908, namely: Mrs. Anna Tor- rence, who resides on the old homestead, where the mother of the subject was born, in Salem; Mrs. Alice J. Kite, who is also living at the old homestead in Salem; J. E., our subject ; Lewis O., living in Van Buren, Arkansas; Andrew R., of Salem; Mrs. Rosa Kagy, living in Arkansas; Mrs. Minnie Fisher, of Indianapolis, Indiana; Mrs. Emma Shepherd, of Centralia, Illinois; Ad- is, living at Van Buren, Arkansas. The mother of the subject, who was a woman of many praiseworthy traits, passed to her rest several years ago. Mr. Bryan's father, A. R. Bryan, was a brother of Silas Bryan, father of W. J. Bryan. J. E. Bryan was reared in Salem, and he preferred to risk his fortunes in his native community rather than see uncertain success in other fields, consequently he has spent his life right here at home. He attended the common schools at Salem, applying himself most diligently to his text books and at the age of twenty began to read law, making rapid progress from the first, and in 1876 he was admitted to practice, his success be- ing instantaneous and he soon became widely known as an able practitioner in all the local courts; but after twenty years of arduous work at the bar, during which time he built up an extensive business and won the unqualified confidence and esteem of a large clientele and of his brothers in the legal profession, he abandoned the law and opened an abstract office in Salem since since which time he has devoted his time and attention to this business with gratify- ing success as indicated above. In his fra- ternal relations Mr. Bryan is a member of the Knights of Pythias. Mr. Bryan was married in 1876 to Jo- sephine W. Pace, a native of Salem and the accomplished representative of an old and highly respected family. No children have been bom to this union. Something of the confidence which the people of Salem repose in our subject will be gained when we learn that he has been School Treasurer of Salem township for over thirty years at the time of this writing, 1908. He has devoted much attention to the development of the local public school system with the result that much has been accomplished toward making the Salem schools equal to any in the country. Mr. Bryan was also Master in Chancery for Marion county for a period of eight years, 2 4 6 B10CKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OE which responsible position he filled with great credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction to all concerned. In business he has always been successful and is at present one of the stockholders of the Salem State Bank, He has ever had the welfare of his community at heart and has always been found willing to devote his time to any movement looking to the development of the public weal, and as a result of his genuine worth, his pleasing demeanor, integrity of principal and honesty of purpose, he is to- day recognized as one of Marion county's foremost citizens. MICHAEL E. RAPP. Michael E. Rapp was born in Wurtenburg, Germany, April 3, 1843, the son of Leon- hart and Margaret (Eberhardt) Rapp, both natives of Germany, where they were mar- ried and where they lived on a farm until 1853, when they emigrated to the United States, having come across the Atlantic in a sailing vessel, the voyage requiring fifty days. They did not encounter many storms on the way, but the slow passage was caused by the absence of winds. They landed in New York, where they remained a few days when they went to Buffalo, touching at Al- bany, Philadelphia and other points on the way, having been three days making the trip. The parents of the subject settled at Buffalo and remained there until their death, the father dying about 1891, at the age of nearly seventy-five years, having been sur- vived by his widow for about two years, she dying in 1893, having reached the age of seventy-five. Both are buried in the city cemetery there. They were the parents of five children, only two of whom grew to ma- turity, three having died in childhood, the subject being the oldest in order of birth. He remained with his parents until he was about twelve years of age, when he came to Ohio to live with an uncle who was engaged in the smelting business where he remained for nearly two years, when he came to Indiana, and later returned to Buffalo, New York, where he undertook to learn the brass fin- ishing business, but he remained at this for only about two years, when hard times caused the shop to practically close down. The subject then went back to Indiana, working on a farm in Vanderburg county by the month until the war broke out, when he en- listed and on August 18, 1862, was mustered into service at Indianapolis, Company E. Thirty-second Indiana Volunteer Infantry, under the command of Captain Eslinger. The subject was at once sent south and im- mediately marched to the front, joining the regiment just after the battle of Shiloh. From that time on he was in all the engage-' ments of his regiment, but was never cap- tured or wounded, however, he had many "close calls" from both. Some of the prin- cipal battles in which he fought in a most gallant manner, according to his comrades, were: Stone River, Liberty Gap, Chicka- mauga. Missionary Ridge. The regiment was later sent to Knoxville to re-enforce RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 247 Burnside, where they remained during the winter of 1863 and 1864, having suffered greatly from cold weather and exposure, and lack of clothing. In the following summer the subject took part in every en- gagement from Tunnel Hill to Atlanta, Georgia, and endured many great hard- ships and privations. He was mustered out of service at the close of the war, June 25, 1865, having been honorably discharged. Mr. Rapp then returned to Indiana and on November 24, 1868, was united in marriage with Catherine Frye, in Evansville. She was born in Posey county, Indiana, December 24, 1848, the daughter of Michael and Charlotte ( Stauff) Frye, both natives of Wurtenburg, Germany, where they married. They came to the United States about 1840, landing in New York, but soon came on to Indiana, set- tling in Posey county on a farm in the midst of the wilderness where they experienced many hardships in clearing the land and de- veloping a home for themselves and family. They remained there the rest of their lives, their home having been in Parker township. The mother of Mrs. Rapp died in August, 1850, at the age of thirty-two years, the father having survived several years, later remarrying. They were the parents of six children, four of whom grew to maturity, Mrs. Rapp being the youngest of the number. Mr. Frye's death occurred February 16. 1 86 1, at the age of fifty-one years. He was buried in the St. Peter cemetery and his wife in the Methodist cemetery of the old Brick church, Parker township. Mrs. Rapp re- mained at home with her parents until her father's death when the home was broken up and she went to work out for herself, which she continued to do until her marriage with the subject. Her education was obtained in the German schools of Posey county, but she never learned to read or write English, for she was not permitted to attend school long in those early days. The same was true with our subject who attended school for a time in Germany before he came to the United States. He also went to school a short time in Buffalo, New York, learning to read and write German, but received only a meagre English education. When our subject and his wife were mar- ried they lived in Evansville, where Mr. Rapp worked as a stationary engineer until he moved to Illinois in March, 1876, when they settled in Richland county, in Denver township, near the Clay county line on a farm where they lived for about two years, when they moved to the place where they now live. Ten children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Rapp, nine of whom have grown to maturity, one having died in childhood. They are: George M., Edward Frederick, de- ceased ; Michael, deceased ; John Henry, Car- oline, Catherine, Daniel W., Margaret, Eve Charlotte and Mary E. George M., who mar- ried Celia Ruppert, resides on a farm in Den- ver township. Catherine is the wife of Wal- ter Coffee, residing in Stonington, Christian county, Illinois. The other children are all single and make their home with their par- ents on the farm. Mr. Rapp has served on the County Board 2 4 8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF as Supervisor in Denver township for two years, and an unexpired term of Township Clerk, also served as School Trustee for a period of nine years. His son held the office of Township Clerk at the time of his death. Mr. Rapp has always been a Republican. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Re- Public. Mr. and Mrs. Rapp and some of their children are members of the Methodist church in Denver township, having long taken an active part in church work, the sub- ject having been a steward in the church for several years, which office he now very creditably holds. THE SCHWARTZ BROTHERS. Eminent business talent is composed of a combination of high mental and moral at- tributes ; although these are essential, there must be sound judgment, breadth of capa- city and rapidity of thought, justice and firmness, the foresight to perceive the course of the drifting tides of business and the will and ability to control them. The sub- jects of this review afford a striking exem- plification of this talent, in a very high order of development and of such character as to gain them worthy prestige in business cir- cles and positions of commanding influence. The Schwartz brothers, Joseph and Frank, are not only twins but their lives and interests have been so closely inter- woven, their purposes and ideals so nearly identical and their achievements of such similar character that the history of one is practically the history of both. As the name indicates the Schwartz fam- ily is of German origin, the subject's father, Bernard Schwartz, having been a native of Luxemburg, where his ancestors had lived for many generations. When a young man Bernard Schwartz came to the United States and located at Worcester, Massa- chusetts, where he worked for some years at the tailor's trade and where in due time he married Christina Lacroix, who was also of German birth. Disposing of his inter- ests in Massachusetts in 1855 he moved to Salem, Illinois, where he opened a shop and conducted a very successful tailoring busi- ness for a number of years, the meanwhile by judicious investments and careful man- agement becoming the possessor of a large amount of valuable property in various parts of Marion county, and earning the reputation of an enterprising and praise- worthy citizen. From 1868 until his death in the year 1906 Bernard Schwartz lived a life of honorable retirement, but kept in close touch with business matters, amassed considerable wealth and for a number of years was classed with the financially solid and reliable men of Salem. He was a fine type, of the successful German-American, possessed to a marked degree of the ster- ling qualities for which his nationality is distinguished, did much to promote the ma- terial interests of his adopted city and his death was deeply lamented by all who knew him. Bernard and Christina Schwartz were earnest and devout Catholics in their RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 249 religious belief and trained their children in the faith of the Holy Mother church, to the teaching of which they have been ever true and loyal. Their oldest child, a daughter, by the name of Flora, is the wife of Mi- chael Berens, and lives in Salem ; the twins, Frank and Joseph being the next in order of birth; Christine died when four years of age and Bernard, the youngest of the famv- ily, a young man of fine business ability and high social standing, departed this life on the 1 5th day of January, 1907. Like his older brothers, Bernard Schwartz pos- sessed much more than ordinary powers of mind and had reached an important and in- fluential position in the business world, when his brilliant and promising career was untimely terminated by the stern hand of death. He was a graduate of the Salem high school with the honors of his class, after which he took a pharmaceutical course in which he became especially proficient and for a number of years served on the State Board of Pharmacy, to which position he was first appointed by Governor Tanner, and later by Governor Yates and had not death intervened he doubtless could have held the place indefinitely as Governor De- neen signified his intention of reappointing him a short time prior to his demise. Joseph and Frank Schwartz, to a brief re- view of whose career the reader's attention is here respectfully invited, were born on August agth, of the year 1859, in Salem, and spent their childhood and youth in their native town. As indicated in a preceding paragraph their lives having been passed under similar circumstances were in most respects strikingly similar, nevertheless to a better understanding of the purposes and ambitions of each it is deemed proper to give their early lives separately. Joseph Schwartz was reared under ex- cellent home influences and during his youth received from his parents a thorough instruction in the basic principles of moral- ity and correct conduct so that while a mere lad he became so imbued with these princi- ples as to make them a rule by which his sub- sequent life should be governed. At the prop- er age he entered the public schools of Sa- lem and in due time completed the pre- scribed course of study graduating from the high school with the class of 1877. Ac- tuated by a laudable desire for a more thor- ough scholastic training he subsequently became a student of the State University at Champaign, where he prosecuted his studies and researches until 1881 when he was graduated with an honorable record, im- mediately after which he engaged in the drug business with his brother Frank, their place of business being the store room on the site originally occupied by the house in which he was born. By diligent attention and successful man- agement the Schwartz brothers soon built up a large and lucrative patronage and it was not long until they led the drug busi- ness in Salem, their establishment being the largest and most popular of the kind not only in the city but in the county. From the beginning the enterprise prospered be- yond their highest expectations and proved 250 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF the source of an ample income which being judiciously invested in due time placed them on the high road to fortune. Frank Schwartz, like his brother, spent his early life pretty much after the manner of the majority of town lads but unlike many was not permitted to eat of the bread of idleness, during the formative period of his character when fancy paints with glow- ing colors the future and holds out to the unwary those pleasures which have no sub- stantial foundation and which if identified invariably terminate in regret and remorse. Under the guidance of his parents he grew up to the full stature of well rounded man- hood with a proper conception of life and its duties and responsibilities and with the idea ever paramount that all true success and advancement must depend upon con- secutive toil and endeavor. After obtaining a good practical education in the public schools of Salem, he entered at the age of sixteen the drug store of D. K. Green & Son, where he clerked for a period of four years, during which time he devoted his at- tention very carefully to the business with the object in view of ultimately engaging in the trade upon his own responsibility. At the expiration of the time indicated he pur- chased an interest in the establishment, which during the following year was con- ducted under the name of Green & Schwartz; his brother, Joseph, then bought Mr. Green's interest and under the firm name of Schwartz Brothers, the business grew rapidly in magnitude and importance and, as already stated, soon became the leading establishment of the kind in Salem, and proved to be the source from which no small part of their subsequent fortune grew. Meanwhile the Schwartz Brothers turned their attention to various other lines of business becoming largely interested in real estate, agriculture and horticulture, which with other enterprises of an industrial and financial nature paved the way to the high position they now hold in business circles, and gave them much more than local re- pute as capable, judicious and eminently honorable business men. Without follow- ing in detail the different lines of enterprise to which the Schwartz brothers have given attention, suffice it to state that all of their undertakings have been prosperous and they are today not only the leading business men of their own city and county, but occupy a conspicuous place among the leaders of in- dustry in the southern part of the state. In 1907 they disposed of their drug house, since which time they have not been active- ly identified with any particular enterprise, devoting their attention to their large prop- erty interests and other investments, being heavy stockholders in the Salem State Bank and owning extensive tracts of real estate in Marion and other counties, including one fruit farm of one hundred and sixty acres, two and a fourth miles southeast of Salem, another consisting of eight hundred acres within a reasonable distance of the county seat, besides being associated with Mr. Rogers in the fruit evaporating business, under the firm name of Rogers & Schwartz Brothers, they do an immense and far- reaching business. They are also mem- bers of the real estate firm of Telford & HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 251 Schwartz, which with loans and insurance, constitutes the most successful business of the kind in the city. They own the Schwartz Block, one of the largest and most valuable properties in Salem, and as mem- bers of the firm of Rainey & Schwartz, own Rainey Lake, also a large pear orchard which adds much to their liberal and con- stantly growing income. In addition to the interests enumerated the Schwartz broth- ers have many other valuable holdings in both city and country, including the busi- ness block occupied by the Sweeney & Company's drug stock, a large lot at the rear of the State Bank, also quite a num- ber of private dwellings in various parts of the town to say nothing of a vast amount of valuable personal property and bank ac- counts, comparing favorably in bulk with those of any other depositor in the county. Under the name of Schwartz Brothers, by which the firm has always been known, Joseph and Frank Schwartz have filled a prominent place in the business affairs of Salem and Marion county, and from the be- ginning their careers present a series of continued successes which have placed them among the most progressive men of their day and generation in southern Illinois and earned them state wide reputation in busi- ness and financial circles. They are politicians of the Democratic school and alive to all that concerns the best interest of their party. Religiously they are loyal to the tenets of the Roman Catho- lic church in which they were reared and for which they have the most profound love and regard contributing liberally to its ma-, terial support and by their daily lives ex- emplifying the beauty and value of the principles and doctrines upon which it is based. Joseph Schwartz was married in the year 1886 to Clara Rose, of Salem, daughter of Gordon Rose, an engineer on the Baltimore & Ohio road, and a most excellent and praiseworthy citizen. The pledges of this union are two bright and interesting daugh- ters, namely : Helen, born in 1893, and Chris- tine, whose birth occurred in the year 1905. The domestic life of Frank Schwartz dates from the 8th day of July, 1896, at which time he was united in the holy bonds of wedlock at Indianapolis, Indiana, with An- nie Trimpe, of that city, a union terminated by the death of the wife on Thanksgiving day, 1903, after bearing her husband two children, Mattie Christine and Emma Ger- trude, born in 1897 and 1901, respectively. On September 19, 1907, Mr. Schwartz chose a second wife and companion in the person of Mrs. Fannie Simpson, of Salem, a lady of many estimable qualities, who presides over his household with grace and dignity and who is deeply concerned in all of his undertakings making his interests her own and contributing not a little to his suc- cess. Fraternally Joseph Schwartz is iden- tified with the ancient and honorable Ma- sonic brotherhood and also holds member- ship with the Orders of Woodmen and Ben Hur, in all of which he is an active and in- fluential worker, which may also be record- ed of his brother, Frank. 252 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF HON. HARVEY W. SHRINER. Mr. Shriner stands admittedly among the leaders of the legal profession in Southern Illinois, where he has long been practicing in all the courts, often handling some of the most important cases on the various dockets. Being courteous, genial, well in- formed, alert and enterprising, he is rec- ognized as one of the representative men of Clay county a man who is a power in his community. Harvey W. Shriner was born in Vinton county, Ohio, October 25, 1861, the son of Silas Shriner, also a native of Ohio. He was a farmer and came to Clay county, Il- linois, in October, 1864, remaining here un- til his death in June, 1906. His grand- father was Francis Shriner, a native of Pennsylvania, who afterward removed to Ohio. He also devoted his life to agricul- tural pursuits. The subject's mother was Susan Luse, whose people were from Ohio. She is living in Flora, and is a woman of gracious personality. Six children were born to the subject's parents, five of whom are living. They are : Ibbie. deceased ; Mrs. Louisa Frame, of Chicago; Harvey W., the subject; Albert G.. of Springfield, Illinois ; Mrs. Ida McGregor, of Flora : Pearl V., who is living on the old home farm, five miles northeast of Flora. Mr. Shriner received his primary educa- tion in the Flora public schools, and then attended business college at Carmi, Illinois. Then he attended the National University at Lebanon, Ohio, making a splendid rec- ord for scholarship. He taught school for six winters in Clay county. He made his way through school. Believing that the legal profession was best suited to his tastes, he began the study of law and was admitted to the bar in February, 1887. In June fol- lowing he formed a partnership with D. C. Hagle, a prominent lawyer. This partner- ship proved' to be a very strong one and lasted up to the death of Mr. Hagle in 1897, since which time the subject has been practicing alone. He was successful from the first and his practice has steadily in- creased until he Is now a very busy man. He has a well equipped law library, which is kept stocked with the latest legal books and decisions. He was elected State's Attorney of Clay county, in 1888, on the Republican ticket. And he was re-elected in 1872 and in 1892, having faithfully performed the duties of this office. He was again elected in 1896. He has been a member of the Board of Education for several terms and also Supervisor of his township. In 1904 Mr. Shriner made the race and was tri- umphantly elected to the Legislature, serv- ing one term in a manner that proved the wisdom of his constituents in selecting him for their representative. He voted for and was one of the original advocates of local option. A conclusive proof of his popular- ity is the fact that he ran ahead of his ticket when elected to the Legislature. In November, 1905, Mr. Shriner was ap- pointed Deputy Revenue Collector for Di- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 253 vision No. 4, of the Thirteenth District of Illinois, which he has very creditably held to the present time. Mr. Shriner was happily married in Sep- tember, ; 1885, to Emma Critchlow, of Louisville, Clay county, the representative of an influential family of that place. To this union three sons were born: Austin D., Carlton C. and Silas. Mrs. Shriner was called to her rest in January, 1896. After- wards the subject was married again, his last wife being Frances Higginson, of Flora, and to this union one winsome daughter, Mabel, has been born. Mr. Shriner owns a valuable and well improved farm in Standford township, this county, five miles northeast of Flora, in which he takes much interest. He is a good judge of stock, and some good breeds may be found on his place. Fraternally he be- longs to the Masons and the Woodmen. Mr. Shriner takes an abiding interest in local affairs and labors for the welfare of the county, looking beyond the exigencies of the moment to the possibilities of the fu- ture, working not alone for what will bene- fit his fellow citizens today, but also for what will be of advantage at a later time. He is a man of distinct and forceful in- dividuality, as is evidenced by the fact that he started out in life on his own account, without money or influential friends to aid him. He looked at life, however, from a practical standpoint and placed his de- pendence upon elements that are sure win- ners in the race for success persistent pur- pose, indefatigable industry and unabating- energy. WILLIAM H. FARTHING. The subject has long been recognized as one of Marion county's foremost business men, holding high rank among the finan- ciers of the community in which he lives and whose interests he has ever had at heart and which he has ever striven to promote in whatever laudable manner that presented it- self. The life of Mr. Farthing has been led along high planes and has been true to every trust that has been reposed in him. William H. Farthing, the well known banker of Odin, Marion county, Illinois, was born in Odin, February 2, 1869, and not being lured away by the wanderlust that caused so many of his contemporaries to leave the old hearth stone he has pre- ferred to live here. He is the son of George and Susan (Michaels) Farthing, natives of the state of Mississippi, Grandfather Farthing was from Kentucky, having come to Marion county, Illinois, in the fifties and settled in this vicinity where he worked a farm, and where he spent the remainder of his days having died in the seventies. Both he and his wife were Bap- tists. They were the parents of five chil- dren. The father of our subject was born in Logan county, Kentucky, and received his education in the Blue Grass state. He de- voted his life to farming and railroading, and was about sixty years old at the time of his death. He left a widow and six children. The subject's mother is living at the age of fifty-three. Our subject was the second child in order of birth. He received 254 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF his education in the public schools of Odin, but was obliged to leave school at the age of twelve years, when he commenced clerk- ing in a store in which he continued for ten years, in the meantime developing into an excellent salesman. Being economical, he was enabled at the end of that time to pur- chase one-half interest in the store from his savings. He continued in this store for an- other period of ten years, during which time the trade of the firm rapidly increasd, cus- tomers coming from all parts of the county, because of the reputation of the firm for fairness and courteous treatment had ex- tended to all localities roundabout. Mr. Farthing finally sold his interest in the store. He then handled real estate and other lines for two years with gratifying success. Then he purchased the bank at Odin, which had been started some time previous. Under Mr. Farthing's management it was soon placed on an excellent basis and it was pat- ronized by the local people and by the farm- ers in that locality, for Mr. Farthing's name gave the bank a sound prestige, for every- one knew that their funds would be entirely safe entrusted to him, owing to his natural ability as a financier and his reputation for honesty in all his business dealings. The bank is still under his management, he be- ing the sole owner. This bank was first opened for business in May, 1905. Our subject was first married on Novem- ber 15, 1893, to Effie Sugg, a native of Odin. Four children were born to this union, one of whom is living, Ira J. F., whose date of birth occurred August 17, 1898. The subject's first wife was called to her rest April 12, 1901, and Mr. Farthing was again married on September 12, 1906, to Ida A. Kell, of this county, the daugh- ter of James and Martha (McWham) Kell, natives of this county. Joseph McWham is paymaster at the present time in the United States Army. The grandfather, Robert McWham, was a soldier in the Civil war in the One Hundred and Fifty-Third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he served about two years and was honorably discharged at the close of the war. Our subject has one child by his last wife, Mar- tha, who was born September 7, 1907. In his fraternal relations Mr. Farthing is a member of the Masonic Blue lodge, the Chapter, the Knights Templar, also the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Woodmen and Eastern Star. He has passed all the chairs in the Blue lodge and the Odd Fellows. He has been a delegate to the grand lodge of the state of Illinois. Mrs. Farthing is a member of the Presby- terian church. Mr. Farthing is a Demo- crat in his political relations and has al- ways been interested in his party's welfare, giving his time and influence to the work of his party in the county. He was elected and served in a most creditable manner as City Clerk, Alderman and was also presi- dent of the Town Board and is at this writ- ing Treasurer of the city of Odin. He has long been noted throughout the county for his honesty, integrity and fair dealing, and his interest in all movements tending to pro- mote the county's welfare in any manner RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 255 possible, and as a result of his sterling worth his integrity and his pleasing manner, he is held in high regard by all classes and has hosts of friends. JOHN J. FYKE, M. D. One of the representative members of the medical fraternity in Marion county is the subject of this sketch, who is engaged in practice in Odin, and who holds high rank in his profession, while his ability and cour- tesy have won him the confidence and es- teem of all who know him. Dr. Fyke is a successful, self-made man. Peculiar honor attaches to that individual, who, beginning the great struggle of life alone and unaided, gradually overcomes un- favorable environment, gaining at last the g'oal of success by the force of his own in- dividuality. Such is the record, briefly stated, of this popular citizen of Odin, Il- linois, to a synopsis of whose life and char- acter the following paragraphs are devoted. Dr. John J. Fyke was bom in Marion county in 1842, the son of Joshua A. and Margaret (Wilson) Fyke, the latter being the first female white child born in the coun- ty, a distinction of which anyone might be justly proud. The date of her birth was in 1822, and in 1908 she is still living, being in possession of her full faculties. It is in- teresting to hear her tell of the great development she has seen here since the early pioneer days wonderful, indeed, the most wonderful progress in the history of the world, having been made during the lapse of her long life. Her people came to Illinois from North Carolina, in 1818, and settled among the earliest pioneers in this locality. They took up government land, and developed excellent farms. Her parents reared their children here and died here at advanced ages. There were three boys and three girls in this family. Grandfather Fyke was reared in North Carolina and moved to Tennessee, where he spent the balance of his days. The father of the subject was born in 1812, an historic year in our national his- tory. His father was a farmer and lived to an advanced age, having reared a large fam- ily. His wife also lived to be very old. The father of our subject came to this county in 1839. His early educational advantages were limited, but he was a great reader and finally became well informed. He was a Methodist and an exhorter. He made polit- ical speeches, and was a loyal Democrat. He was Justice of the Peace for thirty years. His family consisted of twelve chil- dren, five boys and one girl having lived to maturity. Two brothers of the subject liv- ing in Kansas City, Missouri, are practicing attorneys. The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the common schools of this county and one year in McKendree College, Lebanon, Illinois. He then com- menced reading medicine under the direc- tion of Doctor Davenport, of Salem, where he continued for three years, making a 2 5 6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF splendid record for scholarship. During this time he attended medical college, part of the time at Chicago and the balance at St. Louis, making splendid records at both places. He commenced practice in 1866, having located in Odin, where he has con- tinued practice ever since. He was success- ful from the start and his patients are now so numerous that he can hardly find time to do anything outside of his regular work. Doctor Fyke was united in marriage in 1867 to Minerva Phillipps, a native of Ten- nessee, the daughter of Thomas and Eliza (Chadwell) Phillipps. They were natives of Tennessee, having moved to Marion county, Illinois, in 1855. They settled on a farm here where they spent the remainder of their lives and where they died, both having lived to an old age, having reared a family of eight children. Three children, all boys, have been born to our subject and wife, namely: Edgar E., who was born in 1868, who is now a prac- ticing physician, and the father of three children, all girls. The second and third children of Dr. Fyke and wife were twins, Thomas Emmett and Josiah Harley, who were born in 1872. They are both living on a farm near Odin. Our subject in his fraternal relations is a Mason, having passed all the chairs in the local lodge. He is a trustee of the Metho- dist church, of which both he and his wife are faithful members and liberal supporters. The doctor is a loyal Democrat. He is a member and president of the pension board. Dr. Fyke is one of the well known men in Marion county, where his long and success- ful career has been spent, and has a pleas- ant and well furnished home in Odin. CHARLES C. SANDERS. The subject has seen the development of Marion county from an obscure wild prairie district to one of the leading counties- of the state, and he has done his full share in promoting the industrial and civic affairs of the county, ranking today among her best known and most highly honored citizens. Charles C. Sanders was born in Centralia township, Marion county, December 21, 1848, the son of Robert and Nancy (Cop- pie) Sanders, both natives of Indiana. The father came to this county a single man in an early day and married here. He was al- ways a farmer and blacksmith, having bought a farm in Centralia township which he sold and went to Missouri, where he re- mained a short time, then came back to Centralia township and bought another farm on which he lived until his death in 1855. His wife died in 1854. They were the parents of six children, namely: Cath- erine, deceased; Charles C., our subject; John, deceased; Samuel, Robert and the youngest child was a boy. The subject's parents died when he was small and he went to live with John Thomas for three years in Centralia township, also three years with John McClelland, who was his guardian until 1865. When seventeen years old our subject RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 257 went to enlist in the Union army as a sub- stitute, but his uncle prevented him from en- listing. He then went to work out at different places, until he was nineteen years old. On December 28, 1867, he married Martha Jane Hudlow, who was born De- cember ii, 1849, m Jefferson county, Illi- nois, the daughter of James and Roxanna (Hildibiddle) Hudlow. James Hudlow died in 1849. His widow then married Alexander Garren; her third husband was John Sprouse, and her fourth husband was George Birge. She died in 1898. Mrs. San- ders had one sister who married Thomas Groves. She lived in Indiana. After his marriage the subject lived on his father!s place for a time, then he traded for his present farm in section 25, Centralia township, where he has one hundred and twenty acres. It had only a few improve- ments on it when he took charge, but being a hard worker he developed a good home and a fine farm, about half of the place now being cleared, on which highly productive land he raises corn, hay, apples, peaches, pears and much small fruit, and he also raises some good horses, hogs and cattle, and carries on a general farming business with great success, being a good manager. He has always been a farmer, but he found time to operate a threshing machine for twenty-seven years and did a thriving busi- ness. Mr. Sanders is a Democrat and he has held minor offices, having served on the school board. He is a member of the Chris- tian church. The subject and wife are the parents of six children, namely: Robert C., a farmer in Clinton county, this state, married Addie J. Cameron and they have five children, namely : Fred, Dwight, Claude, Melinda and Menzo. Mary Etta, the second child of the subject, married Elmer Satterfield, of Rac- coon township, and they have the following children : Frank, Bert, Clara, James, Sarah and Ottie. Nancy, the subject's third child, married Edgar Morrison, lives at Odin, Il- linois, and has three children, Jessie, Charlie and Mary. Lillie, who married George Day, lives at Odin, Illinois, and has one daughter, Pearl ; Edgar is a farmer in Rac- coon township, this county, who married Delle Martin, and they have two children, Ruby and Floyd; Dicey May is living at home. Our subject is a well known man in this county where he has many friends and bears an exemplary reputation. DANIEL C. GENOWAY. The people of Denver township, Rich- land county, Illinois, point to Daniel C. Genoway as one of their most valued citi- zens, admiring him for his high moral character, for his life among them for more than a half century may well be likened unto an open book. That they place implicit confidence in him is evidenced by the fact that they have elected him to several town- ship offices, the duties of which he dis- BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF charged with credit. He made his advent into the world in the pioneer days, and spent his boyhood days upon the farm. Mr. Genoway was born in Clermont county, Ohio, September 7, 1831, and in his early "teens" left the farm to become an apprentice to a carpenter. He also learned the cooper's trade, but did not work at it for a great length of time. The father of the subject was Joseph Genoway. His mother's maiden name was Rebecca Crum- baugh, born in Ohio in 1799. The paternal grandfather of the subject, Joseph. Geno- way. came from his native France, as one of General LaFayette's soldiers to aid the America colonists in the Revolutionary war. Liking the country, he remained here becoming a citizen of the young republic, and finally settling in Connecticut. Mr. Genoway's maternal grandfather. Jacob Crumbaugh, emigrated from Germany to this country, settling in Kentucky, and a few years later was married to Mary Baker, of Maryland, whose ancestors were from Germany. The subject came to what is now Denver township, Richland county, in 1855, and worked industriously at his trade, building many dwellings and bams. He and Philip Heltman, well known in this locality, were engaged in building a barn in Jasper county during the days of the Civil war, when a recruiting officer happened to pass, and de- scending from the roof Mr. Heltman en- listed on the spot. Mr. Genoway was mar- ried to Ruth McGuire in January, 1861. Their children were Charles Vanlanding- ham, bom October 27, 1862; Peter Elmer, born February n, 1865. The first named was educated for the medical profession, and after some local practice being anxious to advance, studied medicine in New York City, Vienna, Austria and Rome. He is now an eminent physician in Spokane, Washington. He has a wife and three chil- dren. Peter Elmer was educated at Olney, and is now a professional teacher. He holds a high official position in the Ben Hur fraternity. He married Miss Eva McLain, and has two children. Some time after the birth of these children the wife of the sub- ject died, and on March 7, 1869, he es- poused Martha Washburn. His second wife was born in Denver township, Febru- ary 22, 1851, and was the daughter of Hen- ry and Eleanor (Gard) Washburn. Her pa- ternal grandparents were Willis and Nan- cy (Allender) Washburn, born respective- ly in 1799 and 1801. Her uncle, Joseph Washburn, was a soldier in Wilders' fa- mous brigade, as was her uncle, James Washburn. who died in the army hospital at New Albany, Indiana. Her ancestors were generally members of the Baptist faith. The subject and his wife had six chil- dren : Harry E. was born February 9, 1870. He has traveled extensively, but is now at home with his parents ; Rebecca E., born November n, 1871, died the same year; John H., born March 5, 1873, married to Florence Watts in 1894, and lives near Fred- ricktown, Missouri, being a miner: Lemuel T., born September 6, 1874. served in the Spanish war and died October 19, 1904; HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. Lillie M., born February 2, 1877, now the wife of Clifton O. Walker, of Piatt county, with three children, Fern, Martha and Del- bert; George Andrew Louis, born Novem- ber 7, 1883, married December 24, 1905, to Bertha Cook, was in the regular army as telegrapher in Alaska for three years, and received from the government one hundred and sixty acres of land near Wendt, South Dakota, where he is now operator and ex- press agent, and where he owns in addition to government land a tract of equal size which he purchased. The father of the wife of the subject, Henry R. Washburn, is still an active man at the age of eighty-three years, and lives in Piatt county, Illinois. He was twice married and the fruit of each union was nine children. When he first came to Il- linois he worked for fifty cents a day, and through his own efforts acquired a farm of two hundred acres. Mr. and Mrs. Geno- way are known as very charitable people, and they are now raising two little girls, who were left homeless, Frances Steward and Cora Cagel. The former was taken into the home when eleven years old, and the latter when two years old. FRANK BRADFORD. The subject of this review enjoyed dis- tinctive prestige among the enterprising men of Marion county, having fought his way onward and upward to a prominent position in industrial circles and in every relation of life his voice and influence were on the side of right as he saw and under- stood the right. He was always interested in every enterprise for the general welfare of the community and liberally supported every movement calculated to benefit his fel- low men; and although the last chapter in his life drama has been brought to a close and he has been called to a higher sphere of action, his influence is still felt for good in his community and he is greatly missed by hosts of friends and acquaintances. Frank Bradford was born in Weymouth, Medina county, Ohio, August 10, 1852, where he spent his boyhood days and at- tended the common schools. About 1865 he came with his father, George Bradford, and family to Flora, Illinois, where the father conducted the old Buckeye House and where Frank engaged successfully in farming and trading until 1879, in which year he was happily married to Mary E. Hull, the only daughter of the late Erasmus Hull, and to this union a son and a daughter were born, the former having died in infancy ; the latter is now Mrs. Roland C. Brinkerhoff. Of Mr. Bradford's own family but two sisters survive in 1908, namely: Mrs. Minnie Bettis, of Arkansas, and Rose Lebus, of Ardmore, Oklahoma. Mrs. Bradford, a woman of many fine traits, is living in Salem in the cozy, substantial and well furnished Bradford residence. Frank Bradford was a descendant of the ninth generation of Gen. William Bradford, of Revolutionary fame. George Bradford, father of our sub- 200 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ject, was born in Rowley, Essex county, Massachusetts, and he was called to his rest while living in Arkansas. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Abalinda Russell, who was born in Hart- ford, Connecticut, April 10, 1823, and she was called to her reward while living in Flora, Illinois, February 27, 1872, at the age of forty-eight years. The subject's parents were of the best blood and reputa- tion and were much admired in whatever community they lived for their honest and hard-working lives. When but a mere lad Mr. Bradford united vvith the Methodist Episcopal church at Flora, Illinois. He was received into the Methodist church in Salem by letter on De- cember 12, 1879, under the pastorate of Rev. Fred L. Thompson and he remained in that faith, an ardent supporter of the church un- til his death. Soon after his marriage, Mr. Bradford located in Salem and entered upon a long and honorable business career of which all speak with words of praise. Being of a jolly disposition and having a kind word for everyone, he commanded, perhaps, the largest patronage of any single salesman in the community. His scrupulously honest methods and his natural ability also at- tracted scores of customers. He first en- tered the mercantile establishment of Hull and Morris. In 1880, Mr. Hull having purchased the interest of Mr. Morris and also the interest of Scott Muggy in the firm of Atkin & Muggy, the two stocks were combined under the firm name of Hull & Atkin, and Mr. Bradford took a position with this firm which soon became E. Hull & Son, . changing later to the Hull Dry Goods Company and then to C. E. Hull. Mr. Bradford remained through all these changes, having been regarded as indispens- able to the firm's business, until he went as manager for the firm to Kinmundy, where he remained for a short time building up the trade in a very substantial way, and later he was manager for Hammond & Hull in Salem. While conducting the latter busi- ness Mr. Bradford suffered an attack of ner- vous prostration and was very sick for a time. Both for recreation and as a means, of regaining his health he began managing his farm, spending only an occasional day in the store; but improvement was not so rapid as was expected for the long and strenuous life in the commercial world had undermined his health so extensively that rapid improvement and even recuperation could not be expected, consequently on Wed- nesday night, February 6, 1907, when he was planning to attend a meeting of the Pythian Sisters in company with his wife, about 5 130 o'clock in the afternoon, he was seized with an attack of apoplexy while at his home. This soon developed into paraly- sis of the left side which soon became com- plete. He remained in an unconscious state until 6 150 the following morning, when the white winged messenger came. The funeral services were conducted at the residence Saturday afternoon following, by Rev. J. G. Tucker, of the Methodist Episcopal church and interment was made in the RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 26l family lot in East Lawn Cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful and elaborate from the many friends of the deceased and also from the Knights of Pythias and Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows lodges, the Pythian Sisters and the Rebekahs, of which orders either he or Mrs. Bradford had been consistent members. And the great throng of sorrowing friends and acquaintances that came to pay a last tribute to their much loved friend attested as fully as was possible the love and high esteem in which Mr. Bradford was held by every one who knew him. Public-spirited and liberal he was ever in the forefront of all plans for im- provement and the betterment of Salem and his sudden calling away was a distinct loss to the entire community, for his life had been industrious, scrupulously honest and kind. JAMES HARVEY DELZELL. James H. Delzell is justly proud of the fact that his ancestors were among those hardy pioneers who endured with great for- titude the numerous perils and hardships that beset men and women who sought homes in the wilderness of the new republic in its earlier days. Mr. Delzell is one of the striking figures in Denver township, Richlancl county, Illinois, not only from a physical, but a mental standpoint. He is a man who has seen much of the world, and has kept in touch with human events. He ranks among the heaviest land owners in the township, and such possessions as he holds he has accumulated through the prac- tice of honest and straightforward business methods. The subject is the son of John N. Delzell, and was bom in Tennessee August 13, 1845. His father, who was born December 29, 1818, in Blount county, died December 12, 1903. He was educated in a college at Marysville, Tennessee, and after leaving that institution became a teacher, and later engaged in mercantile business. He re- moved to Denver township in 1861 with his family and team, and with eighty-four dollars in his pocket. Through his indus- try he eventually accumulated farm land amounting to four hundred acres, a large portion of which he cleared for cultivation. The grandfather of the subject. Robert Del- zell, came to Denver township in 1853, and died there. He was born about 1788, and was a soldier in the War of 1812. His wife, whose maiden name was Dorcas Da- vis, was of Scotch ancestry, and her father served as a soldier during the Revolution- ary war. The subject had five brothers and two sisters. Daniel, bom July 5, 1847. was educated for the ministry, while John, whose birth occurred September 9, 1849, became a teacher, and was for many years Clerk of Olney, Illinois. Both of these brothers were educated at McKendree Col- lege, Lebanon, Illinois, and both are now dead. William H. was born April 27, 1852, and is now a resident of Wichita, Kansas, having retired from active life. Charles was born October 27. 1855, and died in 262 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF early manhood. The birth of Alice (Del- zell) Adams occurred February 28, 1858, while Laura (Delzell) Mitchell was born No- vember 24, 1860. The date of George's birth was August 24, 1868, ad he lives at Newton, Illinois. The subject married Martha Lowe March 24, 1868, and their children were D. W. and Mrs. Ora (Delzell) Hoel. The former was married to Teressa Tippett, and they have six children, Mattie, Howard, Grace, lister, Edna and Mabel. Mrs. Hoel, daugh- ter of the subject, is the mother of three children. The subject has been married four times, his second wife having been Emma Monroe, his third Nancy Adeline Hardin. His present wife, whose maiden name was Mary Jackson, was born Novem- ber 22, 1854, and married May 10, 1877. Their children are: John, born March i, 1 88 1, a merchant at Palestine, Illinois; Mrs. Sadie Dauwalder, born November 27, 1882; Mrs. Dora Seessengood, born July 26, 1884; Elsie, born September 21, 1888; Ed- ward, born October 26, 1890; Myrtle, born May 6, 1893; Raymond, October 31, 1895. The father of Mrs. Delzell, Cornelius Jackson, died April i, 1894, aged sixty years. The subject of this sketch is the owner of two hundred and twenty acres of well improved land, and has been one of the most active agriculturists in this com- munity, combining the cultivation of the soil with stock raising and shipping. The family of which he is a member has al- ways preserved an honorable name, and is highly esteemed in this county. Mr. Delzell was made a Mason in 1866. He has strong religious convictions, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of long standing. JOHN E. MARTIN. John E. Martin has spent his entire life in Salem, Illinois, having been born here December 24, 1857, the son of Gen. James S. Martin. His mother was known in her maidenhood as Jane Elston, of English ancestry. The parents of the subject were married in Salem. To them were born seven children, three of whom are living, namely : John E., our subject; Luther, living in Salem; and Mrs. Grace M. Webster, also of Salem. They all received the most care- ful training possible by their parents and were given good common school educations. The subject's father, whose life history is given in detail on another page of this work, passed away in 1907, after a long and busy career, and the mother of the subject, who was a woman of beautiful attributes, was called home in 1889. John E. Martin, our subject, spent his boyhood in Salem, where he attended the common schools, making a splendid record in the same. He later attended the Claverack (New York) Military School, and a private school at Kennett Square, Penn- sylvania, which was later moved to Media, that state. He also went to school at Boon- ville, Missouri, to the Kemper Family school. In both of the latter he made rapid HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. progress and came out well fitted for life's duties. After leaving school Mr. Martin launched in the dry goods business in Salem in which he continued with marked success attending his efforts for a number of years, finally moving his store to Sandoval, Illi- nois, where he also remained for several years, building up an excellent trade by rea- son of his minute knowledge of this line of business and his courteous treatment of customers, always giving them value re- ceived. In 1888 our subject assisted his father, who was State Chairman of the Re- publican State Committee, in the clerical work, and after the campaign he accepted a position with J. B. Farwell Company at Chicago, as salesman, and he remained with this firm for five or six years, giving entire satisfaction in his work. He came back to Salem about 1890 for the purpose of ac- cepting a position with the Salem Na- tional Bank which he has been connected with since that time, giving the managers of this institution entire satisfaction and handling his position in such a way as to increase the prestige of the bank and reflect much credit upon his innate ability. He has prospered by reason of his executive ability and modern business methods until he has accumulated considerable property, owning at this time valuable farming lands. He is also a stockholder in the Salem Na- tional Bank. Mr. Martin's domestic life dates from June 1 8, 1894, when he was united in mar- riage with Clara Merritt, the accomplished daughter of Hon. T. E. Merritt, an old and respected family of Salem. This union has been blessed by the birth of five children, two of whom are living and three deceased. Their names are: The first child died in infancy, unnamed ; James Stewart and Mar- garet Merritt, twins, are both deceased; Merritt Elston and Alice Jane are living, both bright and interesting children. Mr. Martin takes a great interest in church work, being a member of the Episco- pal church, to which his wife also belongs. He has been interested in helping build the new church on West Union street, which is one of the most attractive and subtsantial little churches in Salem. In politics Mr. Martin is a loyal Republican, always ready to lend a helping hand to promote the in- terests of his community whether along po- litical, educational, moral or religious lines. The home of the subject is nicely furnished, and presided over with rare grace and dignity by Mrs. Martin, who is often host- ess to numerous friends of this popular family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are pleasant people to meet, always courteous and kind. AARON BUGHER FARQUHAR. Another of the representative farmers of Richlancl county is the subject of this sketch, who is the owner of a fine landed estate in sections 22 and 23, Denver township, and is carrying on the various departments of his enterprise with that discretion and diligence that insures success. Aaron B. Farquhar was torn in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, January 5, 1841, the son of William and Sarah (Moss) Farquhar. 264 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF They were both natives of Washington coun- ty, Pennsylvania, and were married in Fay- ette county, that state, living on a farm there the remainder of their lives, the father dying January 26, 1856, at the age of fifty- five years ; his wife survived him many years, dying about 1898, at the advanced age of eighty-five and was buried in Red Stone cemetery, Fayette county, Pennsylvania, while the remains of her husband rest in the Quaker- cemetery, near Fayette City, Penn- sylvania. They were the parents of six chil- dren, five of whom grew to maturity, one dying in childhood, the subject of this sketch being the youngest in order of birth. Aaron B. Farquhar remained at home on the farm and attended the free schools there until about eighteen years of age, his father having died when he was about fifteen years of age, he remained on the place with his mother for three years after his father's death. In 1860 the subject came by rail to Illinois where he worked on a farm by the month in Knox county, near Galesburg. He left Knox county in 1861, returning to Penn- sylvania and began the study of dentistry and began practicing the same in Knox county, Illinois, in 1861, to which place he had re- turned from Pennsylvania. He was very successful in his practice and he remained in Knox county until 1862. In May of that year he went to California, where he prac- ticed his profession part of the time, also did some gold mining while there. In Octo- ber, 1863, he returned to his old home in Pennsylvania, where he remained that win- ter and on March 24, 1864. gave way to his patriotic feeling and enlisted his services in defense of his country, in Company H, Eight- eenth United States Infantry, under Cap- tain Mills, in which he served until October, 1866, when he was transferred to Company C, Second Battalion, where he remained un- til he was mustered out of service, March 24, 1867, at Fort Philip Kearney. Dakota. This was at the place of the Sioux Indian massacre, December 21, 1866. Eighty- four men were sent out to protect a wood train from the Indians and not a man returned alive, all having been killed and scalped, by the Indians, and had it not been that the subject was on guard duty at that time he would have been with the unfortunate sol- diers that fell a prey to the Sioux. During the Civil war Mr. Farquhar served gallantly in the battles of Resaca, Buzzard's Roost, Missionary Ridge, Kenesaw Mountain, Chickamauga and many others, comprising ten principal battles, from Missionary Ridge to Jonesboro, Georgia. He returned ' to Lookout Mountain and did picket duty during the winter of 1864. In March, 1865, he was detailed to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he did recruiting service. He was also at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and Chicago, on the same mission. In April, 1866, he again joined the regiment and moved to the Da- kotas, where he remained until mustered out. He returned to Pennsylvania where he re- mained one year after he had been mustered out, enjoying a rest after the many hard- ships of an army career. Mr. Farquhar then came to Illinois, first settling near Galesburg, where he had for- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. merly lived. He remained there for one year, then moved to Richland county and pur- chased the farm which he now owns in Den- ver township, consisting of two hundred and forty acres in this township and thirty-two acres just across the border in Noble town- ship. It was on February 14, 1870, that the subject came to this county, paying as high as twenty-five dollars per acre for some of this land. He has an excellent farm which he has greatly improved and he has good buildings on it; also keeps some good stock on the place. Mr. Farquhar was married January 18, 1870, in Fayette City, Pennsylvania, to Ma- ria Eckard, who was born April i, 1839, m Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Rhine- hardt) Eckard, also natives of Pennsylvania, where they were married and where they lived all their lives, Mr. Eckard dying in 1876, and his wife in 1888. Both are buried in the Fayette City cemetery, Fayette county, Pennsylvania. They were the parents of eight children, all of whom grew to maturity, only three of them now living, Mrs. Far- quhar being the fourth in order of birth. She remained with her parents at home until her marriage to the subject. Mr. and Mrs. Far- quhar are the parents of four children, three of whom grew to maturity, one having died in childhood, namely : Frank D., who mar- ried Ida Cope, resides in Olney, Illinois, where he is interested in the marble works. One child born to them, died in in- fancy. Following are their children : lola, who at this writing, 1909, is eleven years old : Alora, age eight ; Aaron, age seven ; John, age six; Ersula, age four; Ira Ennis, age one. Ennis M., the second child of the subject and wife, is single and is still a mem- ber of the home circle on the farm ; Dessie B. is the wife of Walter Hall, residing on a farm in Denver township. Mrs. Farquhar has been an invalid for the past three years, totally helpless. Our subject has held the office of Town- ship Trustee for twenty-one years in a very acceptable manner in this township. He is a very staunch Republican, although he never aspires for any political office. He voted first for Abraham Lincoln for his second term. The subject and his wife have always been active in church work, always attending the Methodist church, giving assist- ance to its work, both morally and finan- cially, although neither of them are members. The subject has held the office of trustee of the church for twenty years or more. The subject has been very successful finan- cially and now owns one of the modern and valuable farms of Denver township, also a very desirable home. He is now sixty-eight years old and his wife is two years his senior. They live as nearly a retired life as a farm will permit and they are both held in high esteem by their neighbors. WILLIAM WHAM. He of whom this sketch is written is a representative of one of the honored pioneer families of Marion county, Illinois, where he has passed practically his entire life, and 266 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF he is one of the successful and prominent citizens of Cartter, where he is the leading merchant, being well known to the people of that vicinity as a man of clean business prin- ciples and public-spirited, having attained prosperity through his own well directed ef- forts. William Wham was born in this county in 1853, the son of William Wham, a na- tive of Tennessee, who came to Illinois when a young boy and settled in Marion county where he developed a good farm and always made a comfortable living. He was a charter member of the Masonic lodge, Xo. 130, at Salem. He became well known and influential. He passed to his rest in 1893. The mother of the subject was Lou- isa Anna Rainey, a native of Hopkinsville, Kentucky, who came to Illinois, when elev- en years old. She was a woman of many praiseworthy traits. She died some six years prior to her husband's demise. Eight children were born to the parents of the subject, four of whom are living in 1908. They are named in order of their birth as follows: Margaret is the widow of James Mount, of Kell, Illinois; Martha I., living at Cartter, is the widow of William K. Storment; H. B. owns a farm near Cart- ter, Illinois; William, our subject, who spent his boyhood on a farm near Cartter, working during the summer months, and attending the country schools the balance of the year. His early life was spent in farming, trading and dealing in stock, of which he made a success. After abandoning this he went into the mercantile business in 1895 at Cartter, Illinois, and has been thus engaged since that time, having built up an excellent trade by reason of his courteous treatment of customers and his natural abil- ity. His store is known throughout this locality as the place where the best goods in the market can be obtained at reasonable prices, and his trade has constantly grown from year to year. Mr. Wham has pros- pered by reason of his well directed energy, and he has become the owner of the Park Hotel at Salem, the leading hostelry of that city, and he is also a director of the Salem National Bank. He also has a large inter- est in the Robinson oil fields in Crawford county. He was chairman of the building committee for the new building for the Sa- lem National Bank, which was erected in 1908. He also has valuable farm lands. All this our subject has attained by reason of his own unaided efforts, and every dollar he possesses was obtained in an honest man- ner. Mr. Wham was united in marriage in 1874 to Emma C. Adams, the refined and accomplished daughter of James Adams, of near Salem. Her father is a well known farmer. One child, born to the subject and wife, died in infancy. Mrs. Wham is postmistress at Cartter, which position she has creditably filled for the past fourteen years, having been appointed by Grover Cleveland and re-appointed by every Pres- ident since. She is a woman of rare execu- tive ability as well as many pleasing traits which renders her popular with all classes. Mrs. Wham's mother. Mrs. Paulina Adams. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 26 7 is living at Springfield, Illinois. The father of the subject's wife is deceased. They were both natives of Virginia and scions of well known old southern families. Mr. Wham's grandfather was also named Wil- liam Wham. He was a native of Ireland, and a man of sterling qualities. Our subject is a member of the Masonic Blue Lodge, Chapter at Salem., and the Commandery at Centralia. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. Wham are mem- bers of the Christian church at Cartter, be- ing liberal subscribers to the same. Mr. Wham was Chairman of the Board of Su- pervisors of Marion county, having been elected as an independent and was a good official, having ably disposed of the duties of this important trust in a manner that re- flected much credit upon his ability. GEN. JAMES STEWART MARTIN. It is a great badge of honor to have the distinction of serving the government in the conflict with Mexico, assisting in the ardu- ous campaigns until the stars and stripes were unfurled on the citadel of the Monte- zuma, and also, less than two decades later to have been permitted to serve the na- tional Union in the four years of polemic struggle between the states. Among the conspicuous figures of these great inter- necine conflicts is the well remembered gen- tleman whose name forms the caption of this biographical memoir, who, although his life history has been closed by death, his influence continues to pervade the lives of those with whom he came in contact. He was always mindful of his duty to his fellow men and ready with word or deed to assist them in the struggle up life's steep path. No man in his day and generation in this locality exercised a greater influence for the civic, material and moral uplift of the community than General Martin, for his life was that of the patriot, the Christian gentleman, the true American nobleman. General James Stewart Martin was born August 19, 1826, in Estillville, now Gate City, Scott county, Virginia, the son of John S. and Malinda (Morrison) Martin, pioneers of that part of the Old Dominion state and a fine old Southern family of great influence in their day, his father having been a man of considerable political prominence and highly educated. He served as County Clerk, Circuit Clerk, and Master of Chan- cery for about twenty years. The mother of the subject, who was born in Sullivan county, Tennessee, was a woman of many commendable attributes, noted for her broad charity and high culture, and before she was called to her rest, in 1828, she emancipated her slaves. The subject's father moved to Illinois in 1844 and settled on a farm seven miles north of Salem, where his son, our subject, resided for a period of three years, assisting in develop- ing the farm from its primitive state into a highly productive place. James S. Martin, our subject, received his 268 HIOGKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF education in the public schools of his native community in Virginia, making such notable progress and manifesting such a thirst for the higher learning that he was subsequently placed in Emery and Henry College, Wash- ington county, Virginia, where he made a brilliant record for scholarship. A lad of strong patriotism from his early youth which continued to increase with advancing years, he was glad to have an opportunity to enter the army during the Mexican war, having enlisted in Company C, First Regi- ment, Illinois Volunteers, in the spring of 1847, and he made such an excellent soldier that he was made third sergeant of his com- pany. The regiment was mustered into ser- vice at Alton, then transported to Fort Leavenworth and marched across the plains to Santa Fe, New Mexico. He performed conspicuous service during the strenuous campaign against the Mexicans. After the war, while on the homeward trip, his com- pany nominated him for County Clerk of Marion county, and the people here ratified their action upon the arrival of the men at Salem. He was duly elected and in a most able and creditable manner discharged the duties of the same for a period of twelve years. He was also Master in Chancery for two terms, in which he also showed his su- perior ability in official capacity. Being an ambitious man he sought every means pos- sible to improve himself and to be of the greatest service to his fellow men, conse- quently while holding these offices he de- voted his spare moments to the study of law, and upon admittance to the bar, July 4, 1 86 1, formed a partnership with B. F. Marshall and D. C. Jones and opened an of- fice in Salem. Owing to the great strength and prestige of this well known trio their legal business was heavy from the first and the reputation of the firm soon spread throughout this part of the state. In 1862, when the clouds of rebellion were the darkest and the lambent flames of discontented citizenship of the South were the most direful, our subject realized that every loyal son of the North should do what he could toward preserving the integrity of the Union, consequently he sought and ob- tained permission from Governor Yates to raise a regiment, with the result that the famous One Hundred and Eleventh was mustered, and Mr. Martin was selected as the man most worthy and able to command it, therefore he became colonel of the same. It was composed of seven companies from Marion county, one from Clay and one from Clinton county, the regiment comprising nine hundred and thirty men and officers, and it was mustered into service September 1 8, 1862, and joined General Davies at Co- lumbus, Kentucky. Our subject served in the capacity of colonel all through the war, his services showing that he was a man of much military courage and genius, having from time to time led his men into the brunt of the fighting. During 1863 he was in command of the post at Columbus and later at Paducah, Kentucky. From there he went to Florence, Alabama, whither he was or- dered by General Sherman, and he later went into winter quarters at Pulaski, Ten- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 26 9 nessee. From March 16, 1864, he served with the Sixteenth Army Corps, until the close of the struggle, having seen much hard service during that time, being with Sherman on his march to the sea and having led his regiment at the great battles of Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Fort McAllister and received the surrender of the commander of this fort. He was brevetted brigadier general in July, 1864, and participated in the grand review in Washington City, and was mustered out in Springfield, Illinois, in June, 1865. After the war General Martin plunged into the active affairs of civil life and won signal distinction in the field of politics and business. He launched into banking in Sa- lem, building up the nucleus of a large for- tune through his wonderful executive abil- ity. Taking an interest in Republican poli- tics after the war he was elected County Judge in 1866, overwhelming a Democratic majority of six hundred. He was nominated for Congress in 1872 and was elected over Judge Silas L. Bryan, father of Hon. Wil- liam J. Bryan. He ably served one term in Washington. General Martin was appointed Commis- sioner of the Southern Illinois Penitentiary by Governor Cullom, September 4, 1879, which position he creditably served for four years. He served as a member of the Re- publican State Central Committee for a period of nearly twenty years, and was chair- man of the same during the canvass which elected Governor Fifer. He was a delegate to the National Convention in 1876, when he voted for the nomination of James G. Elaine for President. As might be expected he was an interested member of the Grand Army of the Republic and was honored in the same by being elected department com- mander of Illinois for two terms. He was largely instrumental in 1882 in organizing the Southern Illinois Soldiers and Sailors Reunion Association, of which he continu- ously served as commander. In all the offi- cial positions, General Martin conducted himself as a most able and worthy exponent of the country's good, and proved at all times to be an unselfish public servant of the most humanitarian and altruistic mo- tives and principles. The domestic life of our subject dates from 1852, when he was united in marriage with Jane Elston, of Salem, Illinois, to whom four children were born, three sur- viving. They are : Grace M., the wife of George O. Webster; Luther and John E. A complete history of the last child named is to be found on another page of this work. The subject's first wife passed to her rest in 1889, and in 1903 General Martin was married to Margaret Savage, of Ashland, Kentucky, who, with their daughter, Daisy, a cultured and refined lady, survive in 1908. Three brothers of the subject, Robert, Ben- jamin and Thomas, are also living in Salem. Thus after a most active, useful and ex- emplary life which the kind Heavenly Father greatly prolonged he passed to his rest, November 20, 1907. The city of Salem owes a great debt of gratitude to General Martin for he aided in 2JO BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF many ways in its upbuilding and general development as he did also Marion county, where he was for many decades held in the highest esteem by all classes, for he was universally regarded as a hero both in war and in peace, one of the component parts of the nation's substantial pillars, and the rev- erence with which the citizens of this lo- cality cherish his memory will serve as a greater monument than marble shaft or bronze obelisk. He was truly a brave and good man whose life was a continued sacri- fice for others, a benefactor in the true sense of the term. His career was fraught with untold blessings to the world, and when in common with all things human his earthly course was ended and he was called to a higher plane of action, the memory of his noble deeds and honorable achievements continued to constitute a record to which each passing year will give additional luster. ]. D. TELFORD. In such men as Mr. Telford there is pecu- liar satisfaction in offering their life his- tories justification for the compilation of works of this character not that their lives have been such as to gain them particularly wide notoriety or the admiring plaudits of men, but that they have been true to the trusts reposed in them, have shown such attributes of character as entitle them to the regard .of all. J. D. Telford was born in Marion county, Illinois, September 2, 1848. He is the son of Samuel G. Telford, a native of Jef- ferson county, Illinois. Grandfather James Telford, a native of South Carolina, came to Jefferson county as early as 1822, and moved to this county in 1836, when the father of the subject was nine years old, and like most of the sturdy pioneers of that early time, was compelled to undergo many pri- vations and do much hard work in estab- lishing a home, but being a man of sterling qualities and indomitable energy he con- quered the many obstacles that confronted him and led a useful and influential life as a farmer there, as did also his son, father of our subject, who seemed to inherit much of the older Telford's better traits, and, indeed, the family characteristics have come on down to our subject, who is carefully order- ing his life so as to carry out the early praiseworthy characteristics of his ances- tors. Samuel G. Telford spent his life on the farm, having lived on the same farm for sixty years. This was taken out of the new prairie land, but the wild soil was soon transformed into highly productive fields. He was a soldier in the Union army, having enlisted in the One Hundred and Thirty- sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and ren- dered gallant service until the winter of 1864. He is still living in 1908 near Cartter, Marion county. The mother of the subject was called to her rest in 1882. Her maiden name was Mary Baldridge. She was a na- tive of Illinois, but her people came from North Carolina. James Telford was an Abolitionist and RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 2 7 I was an historic character in his day, having played an important part in the famous un- derground railway when Illinois was ad- mitted as a free state in 1818. He came to this state because he was opposed to slavery. His wife's maiden name was Kell, and she was also a native of South Carolina. They were the parents of eight children, five of whom are living at this writing, the father of the subject being the only one of the boys living. Samuel G. Telford and wife were the parents of nine children, named in the order of their birth as follows: J. D., subject of this sketch; Joseph, of Alma township, Marion county; Margaret J., deceased; Eva, who is married and living in Ashville, North Carolina ; Alice, the wife of William Wyatt, of Durant, Oklahoma ; Kate, wife of Doctor Richardson, of Union City, Okla- homa ; George B., who is living in Kansas ; Arthur, a -farmer of Marion county ; Belle, who became Mrs. Arnold, is deceased. J. D. Telford, our subject, lived with his father until he was twenty-three years old, assisting with the work on the old home- stead and attending the country schools during the winter months. Having applied himself well to his text-books he became fairly well educated, and later has added to this by home reading and coming in contact with the world. The happy and harmonious domestic life of the subject dates from January 19, 1872, when he was united in marriage to Sarah A. Wyatt, the estimable daughter of John and Margaret Wyatt, a highly respected family of Marion county, natives of Tennessee, who came to Marion county in 1860. The following children have been born to the subject and wife, all of whom are well established in life and give promise of suc- cessful futures: Dr. A. T., who lives at Olney, Illinois; E. D., is an attorney at Salem, this county; Ula, is a stenographer in the Life Savings Station at Chicago; Omer F. is a farmer in Marion county; Oran is a member of the family circle at their home in Salem, as is also J. D., Jr. The Telford residence is modern and always cheerful. The subject is engaged in farming and real estate, largely interested in fruit grow- ing, at which he is highly competent, having long taken an abiding interest in horticul- ture. He has two large orchards containing six thousand and five hundred apple trees of excellent variety and quality. He de- votes much of his time to the care of his orchards, which are among the most valu- able in this part of the state, and useless to add that the financial returns from the sale of his fruit are usually quite satisfactory. Politically Mr. Telford is a stanch Repub- lican and having been actuated by a laudable desire for political preferment, his friends elected him to the important office of Sher- iff of Marion county, the duties of which he faithfully performed to the satisfaction of all concerned for a period of four years, having been elected in 1882 and serving until 1886. He is well grounded in his po- litical convictions, and always lends his aid in supporting his party's principles, en- 272 IUOGKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF deavoring to place the best men possible in local offices. He is a well informed man, not only on political matters and current events, but he is well read on scientific, liter- ary and diverse subjects which make his conversation interesting as well as instruc- tive, and he is generally regarded as one of the substantial men of Marion county. BENJAMIN F. RODGERS, M. D. In giving the life record of the subject of this sketch the publishers of this work be- lieve that it will be an incentive to the young who may peruse it to lead nobler lives, have higher ambitions and accomplish more for their fellow men, for his life has always been led along a plane of high en- deavor, always cdnsistent with the truth in its higher forms and ever in keeping with honorable principles. He is the scion of pioneer ancestors of the most sterling qual- ities who did much in their day for the com- munities in which they lived, and Doctor Rodgers is a worthy descendant of his for- bears, thus for many reasons, not the least of which is the fact that he was one of the patriotic sons of the North, who, when the tocsin of war sounded, left his hearthstone and business to do what he could in saving the country from treason, the biographer is glad to give him just representation in this work. Dr. Benjamin F. Rodgers was born in York, Pennsylvania, in 1829, the son of Joseph D. and Mary (Hamilton) Rodgers. Grandfather Rodgers, who came to America in 1776, settling in Maryland, was a weaver by profession and a soldier in the Revolu- tionary war. He lived to be ninety-four years old, and the grandmother of the sub- ject lived to her ninety-sixth year. They were the parents of a large family. The father of the subject, who was born in Maryland, moved to Pennsylvania when a boy, later to Ohio, where he spent the bal- ance of his days on a farm. There were eleven children in this family, six of whom lived to maturity. The subject's parents were Presbyterians and the father and moth- er both died at the age of sixty-four years. The subject of this sketch was nine years old when he moved to Ohio, where he re- ceived a fairly good education by attending the subscription schools of his community. He clerked in a store in Ohio for two years, then learned to be a shoemaker; but neither of these lines seemed to suit his tastes, be- lieving that he was capable of rendering a better service to humanity, consequently he began the study of medicine, in which he made rapid progress and he soon entered a medical college. After completing the pre- scribed course with honor, he began prac- tice in Ohio, and later located at Elizabeth- town, Kentucky, having soon gained a firm foothold. But believing that better oppor- tunities awaited him at Belleville, Illinois, he removed thereto in 1849, an d afterwards removed to Jacksonville, and at that place the doctor enlisted in September, 1861, in the Union, enlisted in September, 1861, in B. F. RODGERS. M. D. .*** HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 273 the Second Illinois Light Artillery, and so efficient were his services that he was com- missioned captain of Company K. His rec- ord in the army is a most creditable one. He was at the battle of Fort Donelson, at Jack- son, Mississippi, and was in the siege of Vicksburg. Engraved on a monument erect- ed at Vicksburg, Mississippi, in honor of Company K, Second Illinois Light Artillery, are the words : "Battery K, Second Light Artillery, Capt. Benjamin Rodgers, "Fourth Division Sixteenth Corps. "Entered Campaign About May 20, 1863. Served with the Division Dur- ing siege." He takes great pride in his military life and relates his battery was nearer the en- emy's works than any other battery of the siege, which occupied forty-two days. He was Chief of Artillery on the staff of Gen- eral Lauman, Gen. Crocker Gresham, Logan, and was Chief of Staff of General Ranson at Natchez. He was also in the southwestern cam- paign and the battles subsequent to that. He was mustered out at Memphis, Tennessee, December 31, 1864. After the close of the war Doctor Rodgers located in Patoka, where he has practiced his profession ever since. Doctor Rodgers was united in marriage on November 3, 1848, with Mary K. Chiell, daughter of Casper Chiell. He has four children living, also fourteen grandchildren, 18 and seven great-grandchildren. Mrs. Rod- gers was called from her earthly labors at the age of seventy-two years. In politics our subject is a loyal Repub- lican, and he has ever taken a great interest in public affairs, having made his influence felt for the good of his community in many ways and served in a most able manner as postmaster and also Mayor of Patoka; in fact, he might be called the father of this town. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and has been commander of the local post. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Masonic fraternity, the lodge at Jacksonville, Illinois. No man in this part of Marion county is better or more favorably known than he, known for his professional skill, his public spirit, his integ- rity and kind heartedness. ADAM H. BACHMANN. The United States can boast of no better or more law-abiding class of citizens than the great number of German people who have found homes within her borders. Though holding dear and sacred the beloved mother country, they are none the less de- voted to the fair country of their adoption. Among this class is the subject of this sketch, who for a number of years has been one of the foremost citizens of Marion county, Illinois, where he has labored not only for his own advancement, but also for the good of the community, his efforts hav- 274 r.IOCK. UMIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ing been amply repaid with abundant finan- cial success and the esteem of his fellow men. Adam H. Bachmann, the well known and popular president of the Salem National Bank, was born in Saxony, Germany, No- vember 28, 1845, the son of George Bach- mann, a man of sterling qualities, who was also a native of Germany, and who died there in 1860. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Mocklin Sputh, also of the Fatherland, who was called to her rest in 1866. Of the six chil- dren born to the elder Bachmann, there are living the following in 1908: Mrs. Lizzie Sputh and Ernest Bachmann, both of Ger- many, and the subject of this sketch. These children received every care and attention possible by their parents who were people of industry and uprightness. Adam H. Bachmann left Germany in March. 1866, landing in America the fol- lowing April, having barely attained his ma- jority. He had received eight years of schooling in his native land, receiving a fairly good education for he was an am- bitious lad and diligently applied himself to his school-books and this careful founda- tion has since been greatly strengthened and built up through his contact with the world and his habits of home reading, so that Mr. Bachmann's conversation is at once learned, interesting and instructive. Our subject lo- cated at Lebanon. Illinois, shortly after coming to the New World, where he worked as a cabinet maker. In the spring of 1868, he came to Salem, this state, and engaged in the furniture business with which he has since been identified, and which was a successful venture from .the first and by reason of the subject's careful attention to duty, his natural ability as a far- sighted and cautious business man, coupled with his kind and courteous treatment of customers, his trade has gradually grown all these years, his place of business being generally known as one of the safest, most reliable as well as up-to-date furniture estab- lishments in this locality. After building the business up to its present high state of effi- ciency, Mr. Bachmann turned it over to his two sons, Frank and Charley, both very able and progressive young men, who are con- ducting a modern and well stocked store, being numbered among the leading young business men of the county, to whom the fu- ture holds unbounded success and honor, since they are not only young men of sound business principles, but also of the finest personal traits. Mr. Bachmann was united in marriage November 15, 1868, to Mary Alkire, the representative of a highly respected and influ- ential family of Lebanon, Illinois, who was born in Pennsylvania. Eleven children have been born to the subject and wife, seven of whom are living at the time of this writing. 1908, named in order of their birth, as fol- lows : Mrs. Lizzie Kolb, of Lebanon, Illinois ; Frank, of Salem, this county; Mrs. Amy Stonecipher, also of Salem ; Maud, living at home: Charley, Adam H., Jr.. and Paulina, all live with their parents in Salem. Mr. Bachmann deserves much credit for HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 275 the well defined success he has attained since casting- his lot among Americans, partly be- cause he has been the architect of his own fortunes, beginning his business career ab- solutely empty-handed, and with no one to encourage or assist in any way, and partly because he has made his competency by hon- est, straight-forward business methods that no one can question. When he first landed on our shores he had a capital of only three cents and today he is the wealthiest man in Marion county. He had the insight, the rare sagacity and perceptive instinct to grasp situations as they arose and the splen- did business acumen to turn seemiing ob- stacles into ultimate sucess. Such men are born leaders in the financial world and they are not any too frequently met with. Mr. Bachmann is president of the Salem National Bank, president of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank at St. Peter, Illinois; besides being an extensive land owner, hav- ing nine large farms in Marion county. They are all very valuable, well drained, se- curely fenced, the soil being highly produc- tive and the buildings on each modern and convenient. Besides these he has much other real estate. Also owns about as much prop- erty in East St. Louis as he has here. Mr. Bachmann has large property interests at Mattoon and Oakland, this state. His large real estate holdings and financial loans oc- cupy the major part of his time and atten- tion, however, he finds time to assist in for- warding any movement for the betterment of his community. In fact, he is a pioneer in the development and progress of Marion county. He came to Salem, when there was only one brick house here, but he had the sagacity to note the possibilities in the place and soon decided to cast his lot here with the result that he has benefited not only himself, but also the entire community, more, perhaps, than any other man has done or is likely to do in the years to come. In other words, the wonderful things that the future held seemed to be within Mr. Bach- mann's horoscope, and he began on the ground floor, developing with the country, which is wonderfully rich in resources and possibilities. While Mr. Bachmann has been too busy to devote much time to polit- ical matters, never having entertained an ambition for political preferment, he has ever assisted in any way he could the de- velopment of the community whether polit- ical, educational, moral or civic, and he did much in making the 1 city a clean and de- sirable place in which to live, principally while ably serving it as Alderman. In his fraternal relations our subject is a Mason. The Bachmann residence, which is one of the finest, most modern, substantial and beautiful in Salem, is elegantly furnished and a place where the many friends and ad- mirers of this popular family delight to gather, being presided over with rare grace and dignity by the subject's wife who is a charming hostess, congenial and talented. Mr. Bachmann is a pleasant man to meet, jovial, and at all times agreeable, never pompous or phlegmatic. His is a well rounded character, in which the different in- terests of life are given their due proportion 2 7 6 IIIOCKAPHICAL AND REM1 XISCKXT HISTORY OF of attention. One line of thought or work to the exclusion of all others produces an abnormal development and makes the in- dividual narrow in his views of life. Mr. Bachmann has never followed such a course for while giving his chief attention to his business, as do the majority of men, he finds time and opportunity to take an in- terest in matters pertaining to the progress and growth of his county, state and nation, and to mingle with hisi friends, enlarging the circle of his acquaintance and broaden- ing his mind through the interchange of thought with others. E. LOUIS BLEDSOE. The names of those men who have dis- tinguished themselves through the posses- sion of those qualities which daily contrib- ute to the success of private life and to the public stability and who have enjoyed the respect and confidence of those about them, should not be permitted to perish. Such a one is the subject of this review, one of the leading lumber dealers in Marion county. E. L. Bledsoe, president of the Bledsoe Lumber Company, of Salem, was born in Bradford, Indiana, in 1858. His father was William J. Bledsoe, a native of Tennessee, who came to Indiana when a young man. He was a United Brethren minister. Wil- liam J. Bledsoe was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil war, having been a member of the Thirty-seventh Iowa Volun- teer Infantry. He died in a hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, from illness contracted while in line of duty. Two sons, William J., Jr., and James W., were also in the army, having enlisted in Company H, Twenty- fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. They fought side by side in twenty-seven battles. Both re-enlisted after their time was up and served until the close of the war. James W. was wounded twice. Both 1 were with Sherman on his famous march to the sea. They are both living. The father died May 5, 1867. The mother of the subject was Martha Ridgeway, a native of Chillicothe, Ohio, who married the subject's father in Franks- ville, Indiana. She was a woman of many- fine traits and was called to her rest in 1883 while living at Rock Island, Illinois. The following children were born to this union : James W., of Rock Island; William J. Jr., also of Rock Island ; George B. died at Rock Island in 1906; J. P., of Davenport, Iowa; E. L., our subject; Frank A., of Rock Is- land; Mark S., of St. Louis; Mattie J., who is a physician located at Chickasha, Okla- homa. Our subject was taken to Iowa by his parents when about three years old. The family located at Washington, but most of the subject's boyhood was spent in Mar- shall. He received only a common school education, his course of study being inter- rupted by reason of the fact that his father frequently moved from town to town in car- rying on his ministerial work, but he is a well educated man, nevertheless, having- gained it first handed from the world. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 277 Mr. Bledsoe has been twice married, first in 1876 to Minnie Dizotell, of Eldon, Iowa, the ceremony having been performed in that city. She was born in Canada. Her father was of French lineage and her mother was Irish. After bearing the subject one child, she was called to her rest in 1901 at St. Louis, Missouri. The child bom to this union is Truman C. Bledsoe, manager of the Bledsoe-McCreery Lumber Company, of St. Louis. He married Stella Farrell, of that city, and they are the parents of two children, Barbara Louis, and Truman C, Jr. The subject was married in 1903, his second wife being Lillie Mattox, of Terre Haute, Indiana. One son has blessed this union, Maurice William, who was bom on September 2, 1904. The following history of Mr. Bledsoe's railroad career, which forms the lengthiest and one of the most important chapters in his life history, is based on a sketch which the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway system issued in book form, containing a history of the road's representative em- ployes, which article shows the high regard this company had for Mr. Bledsoe. When only a lad of fifteen our subject began working as a water boy for Howell's corps of engineers in 1870. A survey was then being made from Washington, Iowa, to Princeton, Missouri, the line being an ex- tension of the Chicago and Southwestern Railway, which was later absorbed by the "Rock Island System." The lad was famil- iarly known as "Squire," which soubriquet has clung to him through life. He worked his way to more important positions in this corps, having remained with them until the survey was completed and the corps was disbanded at Princeton. Our subject then returned to Eldon, Iowa, to which point his mother had moved during his absence. In the fall of 1872 he determined to become a brakeman, to which idea his mother strong- ly protested, arguing that such a life was too hazardous for her son to undertake, but the son began his career as head brakeman on a very cold night the following winter, his duties being partly to watch for dangers ahead and to watch the lights on the ca- boose. The rear cars had broken loose on this particular occasion and were running down grade as if about to crash into the section of the train ahead. There were no air brakes on freight trains at that time, and the old square draw bar was danger- ous and hard to handle. It was up grade and down grade from Eldon to Washing- ton, but the boy stuck faithfully at his post and all came out well, and from that night of somewhat exciting initiation to the last one on which he pulled the brakes, he proved loyal to his trust, having laid off only about ten days during his entire service. Mr. Bledsoe was a model young man and soon all who formed his acquaintance learned to admire him. and up to this writing, 1908, not a drop of intoxicating liquor has ever touched his lips or a profane word ever passed them, and up to the time of the death of his first wife he had never used tobacco, but since that time he has been accustomed to smoke, having been greatly shocked at 27 8 P.IOGKAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF her demise from which he has never fully regained his former vivacity. His word has always been as good as his note and he has been all his life an exemplary character, which is the result of careful teachings by a Christian mother. He has always been a modest and retiring man, unassuming and never in the least pompous or found seek- ing notoriety, according to the friends who know him best. He has always been cool and calculating and this fact has doubtless saved him accidents while in the railway service, however, death stared him in the face twice during his service on the road: once when he was assisting the fireman in taking coal at Perlee, Iowa, he was caught between the cob and the apron of the schute, but the engineer, Frank Hudler, prevented the accident. At Washington, Iowa, while making a coupling he was pressed into a very close place by the giving way of a draw bar, but the rear car received the impact and rebounded away preventing an accident. In due time Mr. Bledsoe was promoted for his faithful service and wore the badge of con- ductor. When he resigned it was after nine years of freight runs on the first Iowa di- vision of the southwestern branch of the Rock Island System, his resignation taking place in 1881, which was tendered for the purpose of retiring permanently from rail- road life, but he was induced to accept a po- sition on the St. Louis division of the Chi- cago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, with which he remained for three years, and then resigned to accept a position as sleeping car conductor for the Pullman Palace Car Com- pany. He remained with that company for four years, during the latter part of which he was inspector of all the company's cars entering St. Louis. He had the distinction of placing in the union station at St. Louis the first Pullman vestibuled train, it being under his personal inspection. He subse- quently resigned this position to accept an offer from the Huttig Sash & Door Com- pany, of St. Louis, and in 1900 he was trav- eling representative of this firm in southern Illinois. He remained with this firm for eighteen years, during which time he ren- dered them services of the most efficient type and was the cause of their business rapidly increasing. And during his long services with the above mentioned companies he was held in the highest esteem by his employers who placed in him implicit confidence and had unqualified faith in his ability and in- tegrity. Mr. Bledsoe came to Salem, this county, in 1904 and organized lumber companies here and at Sparta, Illinois, known as the Bledsoe Company, retail yards, wholesale; the Bledsoe-McCreery Lumber Company, being interested in all of them, and by reason of his knowledge of this line of business and his reputation for square dealing, coupled with his courteous manners, he has built up a very extensive business throughout this local- ity which is constantly growing. In his fra- ternal relations our subject is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He also belongs to a lumber dealers' association, the Con- catentated Order of Hoo-Hoo, and both Mr. and Mrs. Bledsoe are members of the RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 279 Christian church, and they are among the popular and highly respected residents of Salem. SILAS CLOUD. Among the venerable and highly re- spected citizens of Denver township. Rich- land county, Illinois, who deserve special mention in a work of this character, is Silas Cloud, for his life has been one of consecu- tive and honest endeavor, resulting in good both to himself and family and those of his community, which he has seen develop through all its stages. Silas Cloud was born in Clinton county, Ohio, January 7, 1833, the son of Henry and Anna (Laymon) Cloud, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of North Car- olina. They were married in Ohio, settling on a farm in Clinton county soon after- ward, where they remained until the death of the subject's father, which occurred in 1835, when Silas was two years old. Henry Cloud was not fifty years old when he died. He is buried in the old Masonic cemetery at Lynchburg, Ohio. His widow remained on the farm in Clinton county until about 1850. The subject was then seventeen years of age. Mrs. Henry Cloud was re- married, her second husband being Chris- tian M. Foster, who was also a native of North Carolina. They both remained in Clinton county the remainder of their lives, the subject's mother dying first in 1880, when nearly seventy years of age. She is buried in the same cemetery with her first husband. Her second husband survived her about three years. No children were born to them. The subject's father and mother were the parents of seven children, all boys but one, all of whom grew to ma- turity, Silas being the sixth child in order of birth. Silas Cloud's early education was ob- tained in the common schools of Clinton county, Ohio, having first attended a select school and later a free school in the days when pupils sat on rude benches, which were usually too high for the feet to touch the floor. He did not get much education until after he became of age, then he fitted himself for a teacher which profession he followed with much success for a period of twenty-eight years. The subject remained at home with his mother until his marriage on October 26, 1860, to Mary E. Montgom- ery in Clinton county, Ohio, in which place she was born, November u, 1839, the daughter of William and Mary Ann (Ex- tel) Montgomery, both natives of New Jer- sey, the father of Irish descent. Mrs. Cloud's parents were married in New Jer- and moved to Ohio, buying a farm in Clin- ton county, upon which they lived the re- mainder of their lives, Mr. Montgomery dying -in 1867, at the age of seventy years, and Mrs. Montgomery survived until 1884, dying at the age of eighty-one years. Both are buried in the Masonic cemetery at Lynchburg, Ohio. They were the parents of twelve children, ten of whom grew to maturity, two having died in infancy, the 280 lUnCkAI'HICAI. AM) KK.M I \ ISC'IC \T IIISTOKV OK subject's wife was the eighth child in order of birth. Mrs. Cloud attended the common schools in Ohio. When she and the subject were married they rented a farm in Clinton county, Ohio, where they lived a few years, the subject farming during the summer months and teaching school in the winter. In September, 1863, they moved to Illinois, settling in Richland county, where they bought a sixty acre farm of unimproved land in Denver township, forty acres being on the prairie and twenty acres in timber. He at once erected a log house and other similar buildings, making rapid and exten- sive improvements and later buying an ad- joining farm of forty acres. They finally owned a substantial frame dwelling. Mr. Cloud taught school during the winter months in Richland county. In 1873 they sold their principal farm and moved to the eighty acres upon which they have since re- sided. It is now well improved and nearly all under cultivation. Mr. Cloud at one time owned one hundred acres of good land in Denver township, but he has since sold twenty acres of timber land, now owning eighty acres of improved land. He has never lived out of Denver township since coming to Richland county in 1863. Al- though both Mr. and Mrs. Cloud have seen may years of hardship and privation during their lives, their old age is comfortable and happy. They have always worked hard and have been successful. Mr. Cloud's record as a farmer is worthy of praise, but that of school teacher is especially worthy of commendation, for it covers a long stretch of time, twenty-eight years in Ohio and Illinois, and twenty-six years without missing a year. After he had taught two years he attended college in Lebanon, Ohio, for two years. He intended teaching for thirty years, but thought it advisable to give it up on account of trouble with his eyes. He won a wide reputation as an able edu- cator and his services were in great demand. To Mr. and Mrs. Cloud six children have been born, three of whom grew to maturity, only two of them now living. They are: Ida, deceased; John L., living; William Henry, deceased ; Thomas W., deceased ; Albert, deceased ; Wylie L., living. John is single and is living at home with his par- ents. Wylie, who is also single, is engaged in the laundry business in Chicago where he has lived for eight years. In his fraternal relations Mr. Cloud be- longs to the Lynchburg lodge, No. 151, In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows, at Lynch- burg, Ohio, where he joined in 1855, in which order he has passed through all the chairs in the subordinate lodge. He has also been a member of various other secret orders, such as the Illinois Grange, and the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association. In politics he is a Republican, and once ran for the office of County Treasurer on the Farm- ers' Mutual Benefit Association ticket in his county. He has been treasurer of the Com- mission of Highways for sixteen years in Denver township, which position he has very faithfully filled. He now holds the office of School Trustee, and he has been president of the School Board for nearly HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 28l thirty years. Mr. and Mrs. Cloud are members of the Methodist church at Marion chapel in Denver township. Mr. Cloud has been active in church work and in the duties of the same for many years, having been a member of the church for thirty years. He has been steward and recording steward for twenty-five years, having never missed but one meeting during that time. He has been superintendent of the Sunday school for the past fifteen years. He is now one of the trustees of Marion chapel, also trustee of the parsonage of the circuit. Mr. Cloud has now reached the age of seventy-six years, ad he has always been blessed with good health, now being hale and hearty for one of his age. His good life companion is now sixty-nine years old and she has not enjoyed her usual splendid health for the past few years. They are a fine old couple and ad- mired by all Denver township and sur- rounding country for their lives of whole- some influence and their kindness of heart, and for the great good they have accom- plished in material, educational and re- ligious work. JOHN W. LARIMER. The gentleman whose name forms the caption of this biographical review is now recognized as one of the leading organizers, promoters and all around business men and representative citizens of Marion county, Illinois, where he was born in what is now Stevenson township, May 14, 1852. John W. Larimer's father was Smith Larimer, a native of Ohio who came to Marion county, this state, about 1846. He devoted his life very largely to agricultural pur- suits. He was elected Treasurer and As- sessor of Marion county, serving twelve years with great satisfaction to his constitu- ents. He moved to Salem in 1858. He was a loyal Democrat and was elected to office on this ticket. The offices of Treasurer and Assessor were conducted as one at that time. Smith Larimer died in Salem in 1887, at the age of seventy-six years, after a use- ful and very active life. Robert Larimer, grandfather of the subject, was a native of Ireland who emigrated to America when a boy, devoting his life to the farm. He lived to be an old man. The mother of the subject was known in maidenhood as Sarah Brown, a native of Ohio, who traced her lineage to Scotland. She was a woman of fine traits of char- acter and she passed to her rest in 1861, when the subject of this sketch was nine years old. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Larimer were the parents of eight children, six of whom are living, namely: Andrew Jack- son, who was first lieutenant of Company H, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volun- teer Infantry, which was mustered largely in Marion county, and this brave young officer met his death in the great battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864; Wilson S. was a member of the same company, having gone through the war, dying in the spring of 1888: Mrs. Sarah M. Kite, of St. Louis; 282 lUOC.RAIMIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Mrs. Xancy J. Moore, of Salem, Illinois; W. F., of Denver, Colorado; John W., our subject; Ann E. Irvin, also living in Den- ver ; and Mrs. Kagy, wife of L. M. Kagy, president of the Salem State Bank. John W. Larimer, our subject, was born on the farm, and when six years old moved with his parents to Salem where he attended school and when fourteen years old went into the court house with J. O. Chance, who was engaged in the abstract business and who afterward became Clerk of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Our subject began learn- ing the abstract business at this early age, and in 1870 he was appointed Deputy County Clerk for one year under J. O. Chance, who was then Clerk. Shortly af- terward Mr. Chance and Mr. Larimer formed a partnership in the abstract and real estate business, which partnership con- tinued for about four years, when Mr. Chance was elected Clerk of the Supreme Court, then Mr. Larimer continued the busi- ness himself up to the present time, becom- ing known as one of the ablest, most ac- curate and reliable abstracters in this part of the state and his office is always a busy place. Our subject was married May 6, 1871, to Rosa Andrews, daughter of Seth S. An- drews, now deceased, formerly a representa- tive citizen of Salem. Three bright and in- teresting children have been born to the sub- ject and wife as follows: Dwight W., who is associated with his father in the abstract business ; Sarah Louise and Kathryn. Mr. Larimer has ever taken an active part in politics and as a result of his innate ability and his loyalty to his party's prin- ciples he has been chosen to positions of public trust by his fellow voters, having been elected Town Clerk in 1877. He has also been City Clerk, and he represented the old third ward as Alderman, also was honored by one term as Mayor. He served as a member of the Board of Education for four years, and in 1896 he was a member of the State Board of Equalization, serving four years. This was an elective office and Mr. Larimer carried Marion county by over one thousand votes, which speaks for his popularity in his home county. He received ten more votes than William J. Bryan. He was Secretary and a member of the Board- of Directors of the Salem Building and Loan Association, having organized this associa- tion of which he has been secretary for twenty-five years in 1908, or ever since its organization. Our subject is also president of the Business Men's Association, and president of the Marion County Agricul- tural Board. Thus we see that our subject has the confidence and good will of the pub- lic who have entrusted him with these vari- ous positions of honor and trust, and that he has conscientiously and ably discharged his duties at all times goes without saying, in fact, no man in the county is more popu- lar than Mr. Larimer, who is regarded as one of the county's most valuable men and one of its foremost citizens. His business interests have been varied; he is one of the stockholders in the Salem State Bank. He is a prominent Mason, hav- RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 283 ing been through all the offices in both the lodge and the chapter, being a Thirty-second degree member. He is also a member of the Knights Templar. Both Mr. and Mrs. Larimer are members of the Presbyterian church. They reside at Walnut and Church streets in a beautiful modern home which they own. EDWARD RICHARDSON. Individual enterprise which is so justly the boast of the American people is strikingly exhibited in the career of the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this sketch. While transmitting to posterity the record of such a life, it is with the hope of instilling into the minds of those who come after the important lesson that honor and station are sure rewards of individual exertion. That the career of such a person besides being treasured in the hearts of relatives and friends, should have its public record also, is peculiarly proper because a knowledge of men whose substantial fame rests upon their attainments and character must exert a wholesome influence upon the rising gener- ation. The life of Mr. Richardson has in- deed been a busy and successful one and the record is eminently worthy of perusal by the student who would learn the intrinsic essence of individuality and its influence in mould- ing public opinion and giving character and stablity to a community. Edward Richardson, the well known edi- tor of the Olney Democrat, of which he is owner, also publisher of the Olney Review, both now popular, and one of the influential men of Richland county, Illinois, was born in Lawrence county, this state, October 7, 1867, the son of Thomas H. and Eliza J. Richardson, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of North Carolina, both repre- sentatives of old families of sterling char- acter. The early education of our subject was ob- tained in the public schools of Olney, where he carefully applied himself, evincing an ear- ly liking for literary studies and deciding when a mere boy to devote his life to news- paper work in some form. The business career proper of Mr. Rich- ardson began October 22, 1891, when he commenced the publication of the Olney Democrat with C. L. V. Tinker, who sold his interest to become city editor of the Vin- cennes Sun. Since that time, twelve years ago, Mr. Richardson has owned and edited the Democrat alone, building up the paper until it now has a wide circulation and its mechanical appearance shows that he has a modern plant, the office being one of the best equipped in this section of the state. The Olney Review was established by our subject early in 1908 and it has been a suc- cessful venture, supplying a long felt want in the field it seeks to serve. These papers have been especially noted for their strong sup- port of all moral questions and they have en- joyed the support of the best citizens. Aside from the political phase of these papers they are designed to vibrate with the public pulse and in addition to the news of the day, their columns teem with much of the best current literature and they are clean, dignified family I1IUCUAPHICAL AND RKM I MSCKNT HISTORY OF papers as well as popular and influential po- litical organs and their steady growth in public favor bespeak for them futures of still greater promise and usefulness under the able management of Mr. Richardson, who is not only an editorial moulder of pub- lic opinion, but he also makes his influence felt in directing the affairs of the county, be- ing an enterprising, public-spirited citizen with the affairs of his county at heart. Our subject was united in marriage with Hulda Strathmann, on February 9, 1898. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Strathmann, who became Mrs. Richardson, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, January 17, 1877. Her father is now deceased and her mother is now Mrs. Emma L. Busefink. The subject and wife are the parents of three children, namely: Paul, nine years old in 1909; Martha and Mary, twins, who are five years old. Mr. Richardson is a member of the Meth- odist Episcopal church and in his political relations he supports the Democratic party. He is a forceful factor in directing thought along those lines which make for the en- lightenment of the public and the highest good of his fellow men. JOHN H. VAWTER. Improvement and progress may well be said to form the keynote of the character of our subject, and he has not only been inter- ested in the work of advancement in indi- vidual affairs but his influence is felt in up- building the community, where he has al- ways resided. Mr. Vawter has been a very industrious man all his life, striving to keep abreast of the times in every respect, and as a result every mile post of the years he' has passed has found him farther advanced, more prosperous, more sedate and with a larger number of friends than the preceding. John H. Vawter was born in Salem, Illi- nois, in 1860. His father was Reuben T. Vawter, a native of Tennessee who came to Marion county about 1850, when he was yet a young man, settling in Salem, where he established a tailor shop, having always been a tailor by trade and a first class workman in this line. He lived here and met with worthy success until his death which oc- curred in 1862. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Eleanor M. Kimball, a native of Tennessee, who was a woman of many beautiful traits, who was called to her rest in 1903. Besides the subject of this sketch Mr. and Mrs. Reuben T. Vawter were the parents of another child, A. K. Vawter, now living in Oklahoma, where he is known as a man of good char- acter and much business ability. The sub- ject's mother's second marriage occurred about 1867, to William Metcalf. John H. Vawter made a splendid record while attending the common schools in Sa- lem. After reaching maturity he went into the coal and teaming business, later entered the produce business, prosper- ing at each of these, but he decided that the hardware business was more to his liking HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. and consequently he entered this field in his home town in the spring- of 1901. His suc- cess was assured from the first, and his busi- ness has rapidly grown, making it necessary for him to gradually increase his stock, which he has done until at present he has one of the most complete and carefully selected hardware stocks in Marion county. He has been in his present location ever since he en- tered the business and he numbers his cus- tomers from all parts of the county, and owing to his courteous treatment and the excellent quality of goods he handles, to- gether with the fact that they are always sold at reasonable figures, his reputation has been firmly established and gained for him not only hundreds of loyal customers, but at the same time hosts of friends. Mr. Vawter was married in 1883, to Maggie T. Garner, the refined daughter of Albert C. Garner, a well known and highly respected family of Salem, and to this union four interesting children have been born, as follows : Lillian G., whose date of birth oc- curred in 1886; Hattie N., who was born in 1889; Marietta's birth occurred in 1891; and Irene first saw the light of day in 1901. Mr. Vawter has always taken a conspicu- ous part in public affairs and as a result of his humanitarian impulses his fellow citi- zens have honored him by electing him Mayor of the City of Salem, which respon- sible office he at present (1908) holds, the duties of which he ably performs to the en- tire satisfaction of this vicinity, and during his administration he has done much for the betterment and material progress of the city, with the result that Salem is one of the cleanest, most inviting and well gov- erned cities in this part of the state. He also served faithfully for four years as Al- derman. Mr. Vawter is a staunch Democrat and well fortified in his political beliefs, being at all times ready to lend his support to the party's good, and his counsel is often sought and always heeded in local conventions and elections, for the public knows that Mr. Vawter always stands for the best man pos- sible in local offices, and whoever he places the stamp of approval on is sure to be ac- ceptable to the public at large. In his fra- ternal relations, he is a member of the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Woodmen. Sa- lem is glad to number him as one of her leading merchants and among its representa- tive citizens. The record of his busines ca- reer might be summed up in the terse ex- pression that he is "above want and below envy." L. B. KEITH. It is not every man who succeeds in giv- ing his name to a town, but this distinction fell to Peter Keith, who emigrated from Pennsylvania during the first half of the last century and found his way to Noble county, Ohio. He there entered a section of land from the government and by hard work eventually whipped it into the condi- tion of a fairly productive farm. Gradual 286 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF increase of population in the neighborhood led to the demand for a town, which was eventually established on Peter Keith's land and named in his honor. He continued to reside there until his death in 1865. He left a son, P. C. Keith, who was born on the Noble county homestead, became a mer- chant later in life and still resides in' the town which bears his family name. He married Susan Coffey, whose parents emi- grated from Scotland to America in 1826 and settled near Caldwell, Ohio, where they spent the remainder of their days, the father dying in 1872, and his wife in 1876. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Keith had ten children, whose births are thus recorded : Clara Frances, deceased; L. W., deceased; L. B. subject of this sketch; Mary Eliza Groves, of Caldwell, Ohio; Charles, of Keith. Ohio; Asa, of Waterford, Ohio ; Edward, of Gree- ley, Iowa; O. W., a merchant at Water- ford, Ohio; W. O., of Detroit, Michigan; Raymond C., of Phcenix, Arizona. L. B. Keith, who is number three in the above list, was born in Noble county, Ohio, October 12, 1862. He attended school at Keith, and in 1888 he removed to Illinois, locating at Reinard in the county of Wayne. He engaged at once in the mercantile busi- ness, which he prosecuted diligently until his removal to Flora in 1900. At this point he resumed in the same line and so con- tinued for two years. Being appointed City Marshal, he devoted two years of his time to the duties of this office and then accepted the position of lieutenant of police in the service of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. This he held for one year and in 1904 engaged in the seed and implement business under the firm name of Borders & Keith. In politics he is a red hot Democrat and always at the front when a campaign is in progress. His fraternal relations are with the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, Red Men, Modern Woodmen and Maccabees. In 1892 Mr. Keith married Miss Julia A. Neff, a native of Reinard, and they have three children; Harry, born in 1893, Marie born in 1896, and Eddie Fay, born in 1898. Mrs. Keith departed this life January 9, 1907, and was mourned as a good wife and mother. JOSEPH A PRATHER. This venerable citizen of Raccoon town- ship, Marion county, has been a very active man in the development of this part of the Union, having spent his long life in this and her sister state on the east. He has seen the wonderful growth of the country from its wild prairies, dense forests, inhabited by red men and wild beasts to one of the rich- est and best countries in the world. Joseph A. Prather was born in Clark county, Indiana, January 31, 1824, the son of Sihon and Elizabeth (Williams) Prather, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Virginia. The subject's father grew up in the Tar Heel state and moved to Clark county, Indiana, where he lived on a farm and where he and his wife both died. He was a Democrat and held the office of RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 28; Justice of the Peace several years. He was a member of the Methodist church, well known and influential. They were the par- ents of the following children : Louisa, de- ceased; Samantha, deceased; Thomas, de- ceased; John, deceased; Joseph A., our sub- ject; William, deceased; Margaret lives in Clark county, Indiana. Several children died young. Joseph A. Prather, our subject, had few opportunities to become educated, however he attended subscription schools for a time and lived at home until he was twenty-one years of age, when he went to Floyd county. Indiana, and in 1844 married Sarah Ann Patrick, a native of Clark county, that state, where she was born December 3, 1827, the daughter of William and Nancy (Harris) Patrick, the former a native of North Caro- lina and the latter of Virginia. They lived and died in Clark county, Indiana, on a farm. There were twelve children in their family as follows : Jeremiah, Rebecca, John, Elizabeth, Mary, William, Solomon. James, Nancy, Lewis, Sarah Ann, and Eliza. They are all deceased except the wife of our sub- ject. Mr. and Mrs. Prather became the par- ents of nine children, three deceased, name- ly : Nancy, who married Roland Warren, lives in Centralia, Illinois, and is the mother of eight children : Margaret, who is now de- ceased, having died January 24, 1908, mar- ried Lewis Patton, having become the moth- er of ten children, one of whom is deceased ; John, who married Belle Oldfield. is a fanner and teamster at Centralia, and has for children: Eliza J.. who married Thomas Shaw, of Centralia township, is the mother of eight children; Emmons R., a farmer in Raccoon township, first married Mollie Gas- ton and later Lillie Blair, of Raccoon town- ship, having had four children by his first wife and two by the second ; Etha is the wife of Charles Bundy, of Raccoon township, a full sketch of whom appears in this work ; Orville, who is living on part of the old home place in Raccoon township, married, first Laura May, and his second wife was Annie Howard, had three children by each wife; William died at the age of seven years : George died when two years old. The subject has fifty-three grandchildren and thirty-four great-grandchildren. After his marriage our subject lived in Floyd county, Indiana, having come to Marion county, Illinois, in 1854. where he pur- chased two hundred and twenty acres of land in sections 29 and 32. He made all the improvements on the place, there having been but very little when he took charge, but being a good manager and a hard worker he soon developed a most excellent farm and established a comfortable home. He carries on general farming, raising all kinds of grain, fruit and stock and making a success of all that he undertakes. He is a Democrat in politics and has held some of the offices in Raccoon township, always taking much interest in the affairs of his township. He is a member of the Metho- dist Episcopal church at Walnut Hill. He has always been a hard working man and is still very well preserved for a man of his years, having a good business mind and able IIIOC.KAIMIK-AL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF to manage the many details of his fine farm with profit from year to year. He is a very well read man, keeping well posted on all current topics. As a result of his life of in- dustry, honesty and kindness he has scores of warm friends and if a single enemy he does not know it. Everybody in this part of Marion county knows "Uncle Joe" Pra- ther, as he is familiarly called and every- body respects him very highly. J. W. SKIPWORTH. This venerable and highly hnored citi- zen of Centralia is eminently entitled to con- spicuous mention in this history, owing to the fact that he might properly be called a pioneer of this section, having seen and par- ticipated in the development of the same from the early days and the life he has led is one of commendation and worthy of emu- lation by younger generations, for it has been led along lines of usefulness and integ- rity. J. W. Skipworth was born in Maury county, Tennessee, September 25, 1823, therefore he is at this writing in his eighty- sixth year, hale and hearty as a boy, active and in possession of all his faculties as if he were many years younger. His parents, Hosea and Cassander (Ward) Skipworth, were both natives of North Carolina, the former having been born in 1776. The pa- ternal grandfather of the subject, Nathan Skipworth, was in the American army at the time of the Revolutionary war for a pe- riod of six years. Our subject was present at his death. Eight children were born to the parents of the subject, four boys and an equal number of girls. J. W., the youngest of the number, is the only one liv- ing in 1908. Captain Ward, the father of our subject's mother, owned and operated a merchant sailing vessel on the Atlantic ocean from Wilmington, Delaware, to Liverpool , Eng- land. This was before the days of the Revo- lution. Hosea Skipworth, the subject's father left Tennessee and came to Illinois because he was opposed to slavery and the seceding of the Southern states from the Union. Our subject was five years old when his parents moved to Lebanon, Illinois, settling on a farm. Hosea Skipworth died at Leb- anon in 1832, his widow having survived until 1846, having died two miles south of Centralia, Marion county. Our subject's education was obtained at Centralia. He lived in that vicinity until he was sixty years old, when he moved to Centralia in 1873. He followed farming, trading and stock shipping. Our subject saw Centralia grow from a wilderness which abounded in wolves, deer, wild cats and some bear, when there were no houses except cabins in the woods, from one-half to three miles apart. The country round about was open prairie. Most of the residents of this community lived on wild meats during the winter, such as deer, prairie chicken, quail, wild turkey and squirrels. Often as many as one thou- sand prairie chickens were seen in one flock. Deer was more plentiful than cattle is now. J. W. SKIPWORTH. Of THE UNIVERSITY Of 1LLINOI. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. The wolves killed the sheep and pigs. The bridges were all built by the nieghbors, being constructed of heavy logs. The subject recalls the campaign of James K. Polk for President, when the wagons throughout the country were decorated with polk-berry stain and those taking part in the parades and rallies used polk-stalks for canes. The market post for all trade was sixty-five miles away, St. Louis. The hogs were fattened for the most part on wild nuts or mast. It was then the custom for several neighbors to place their hogs in one drove and drive them to St. Louis for mar- ket. Mr. Skipworth says that the amuse- ments in those days consisted principally in shooting-matches, dances or "hoedowns," also horse races. The first choice of a beef was its hide, tallow and horns; meat was the second choice. July 4th always called for a big barbecue of beeves, mutton or pork, cooked in large trenches. The Dec- laration of Independence was always read, the drum and fife were very popular and the orator of the day was in evidence. Dur- ' ing election times the candidates furnished kegs of whisky, which was poured into buckets, by which sat a tin cup, and each one helped himself. The bucket always bore the name of the candidate. Where the railroad yard is now located in Centralia our subject says, he once saw a thousand wild geese and as many ducks in the water. The swampy place was filled with cinders and made solid. It was 1835 when our subject came to Marion county, through which no railroad 19 was built until 1854. Coal mines were then unknown and government land and "squat- ter sovereignty" were the conditions prevail- ing here. Not one man in twenty owned his land. It was the cheaper not to own land, for then there were no taxes to pay. The first land sold for one dollar and twen- ty-five cents per acre, then two dollars and fifty cents per acre. When the Vandalia Railroad came through in 1852 the farmers bid in all their land; then came the specu- lators. This land now sells for one hun- dred dollars per acre. Mr. Skipworth was married to Martha Crabtree, daughter of William and Mary Crabtree, who lived in Jefferson county, lat- er moved to Southwest Missouri. They were the parents of four children, the subject's wife being next to the youngest in order of birth. The date of the subject's wedding was January 3, 1841. The subject's wife had three brothers in the Mexican war. Four children were born to our subject and his first wife, namely: Julian, deceased; John H., deceased; Ellen, living; Virenda, de- ceased. The first wife of the subject passed away April 4, 1854, and on May 29, 1855, Mr. Skipworth was married to Nellie Hos- kins. Eight children have been born to this union, namely : Louisa, who married Phillip Straus, living in Chicago ; Charles, who died in 1875; Rhoda married Edward Root, liv- ing in Chicago, and they are the parents of one son, Charles. The other five children of the subject and his last wife have all passed away. Mr. Skipworth ably served his commu- 2 9 2 1MOGKAIMIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF township, the former on August 9, 1838, the son of John, known as Jack, Bundy. The subject's father grew up and married in Raccoon township and lived there all his life. He was one of the prominent farmers and stockmen. He was a Republican, was Justice of the Peace and served in many minor township offices. He and his wife were members of the Christian church. He died July i, 1904, and she died January 30, 1900. He was not only popular but high- ly esteemed. The subject of this sketch was their only child. George Bundy was one of the patriotic citizens of the Prairie state who responded to the call for volunteers to save the na- tion's integrity during the sixties, having enlisted in the Union army, August 12, 1862, and served faithfully in Company H, Eightieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and he was mustered out June 19, 1865. He was a flag bearer. He met with an acci- dent while on duty in the service. While car- rying the flag, he caught his foot on a grape vine, fell and was very badly injured. After the war our subject returned to Raccoon township and being a hard worker he se- cured two hundred and thirty-nine acres in this township. He had only a common school education in the home schools. He has always lived on a part of the old home- stead. Our subject, Charles E. Bundy, was united in marriage October 29, 1885, to Effie Jane Prather, who was born in Raccoon town- ship, the daughter of Joseph Prather, a na- tive of Indiana. He was one of the old and favorably known residents of Raccoon town- ship. Eleven children have been born to- our subject and wife as follows: Sarah Gladys, Earl, Iva May, George Ashton, Carroll Ashton, Thomas Oren, John Guy; Lola Elizabeth; Ula Violet; Paul Sherman, and Charles Deward. Our subject has always been a man of industry and has made many valuable and lasting improvements on his place. He re- modeled his fine home in 1908, making it a very attractive, substantial and comfortable one. He has a most excellent and valuable orchard of forty acres. He carries on gen- eral farming and stock raising with that rare foresight that insures success. While Mr. Bundy is a loyal Republican, and anxious to see his county develop along all lines, he has never aspired for public office. He is a member of the Fanners' Union. He is known to be a man of thor- oughly honest principles, public-spirited and agreeable to all his neighbors and many- friends. M. W. MICHAELS. Mr. Michaels, of this review, is one of those strong, sturdy characters who has con- tributed largely to the material welfare of the community and township in which he re- sides, being a modern agriculturist and a business man of more than ordinary sagac- ity and foresight, and as a citizen public- spirited and progressive in all that the terms imply. For a number of years he has been HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 293 an important factor in promoting the prog- ress of Marion county. M. W. Michaels was born near Sumner, Lawrence county, Illinois, May 19, 1861, the son of Samuel Michaels, a native of Pennsylvania, who was born in 1815, and came to Illinois when a young boy, before Chicago was known. He was a sturdy pio- neer and braved the dangers, inconveniences and obstacles of the early days, securing a wild piece of land which he transformed into a valuable and highly productive farm, devoting his entire life to agricultural pur- suits. He came to Marion county in 1880 and was called from his earthly labors in Romine township, Illinois, in 1897. The mother of the subject was also a woman of the strongest mould and possessed the ster- ling qualities of the typical pioneer woman. Samuel Michaels was three times married and had a family of twenty children, eight- een of whom are living in 1908, a somewhat remarkable record. His first wife was a Ea- kas, who became the mother of six children, all now living, as follows: Mary A., wife of W. J. Jones, of luka, Illinois; Anna, the wife of Joseph Clevy. of Pomona, Kansas; Adline, the wife of Isaac Williams, of Browns, Illinois; Mrs. Lafe Jones, of Cal- houn, Illinois; Mrs. Martha Jones, of Sum- ner, Illinois; William' B. lives at Kremlin, Oklahoma. The second wife of Samuel Michaels was Mary A. Collins, daughter of William Collins, who was murdered near Lawrenceville, Illinois, in the seventies. The following children were born to this union : M. W., the subject of this sketch; Samuel, of Gettysburg, Washington; L. G., of Franklin, Alaska; C. J., of luka, Illinois; R. B., of Centralia, Illinois; W. N., of luka, Illinois ; Rose, widow of John Meadows, liv- ing in St. Louis, Missouri; Charlie, who is living in one of the Western states. The mother of these children passed to the other shore December 13, 1879. The third wife of the subject's father was Caroline Turner, a native of Illinois, who became the mother of the following children : Cora, wife of Charles Bryan, of luka, Illinois; Elizabeth, who was the wife of Charles Williams, is now deceased; Alvin, Ida and Minnie all live in Romine township ; Albert died in in- fancy. L. J. Michaels, brother of 'the sub- ject, has been in Alaska since about 1897, and has made a great success at placer min- ing, refusing fifty thousand dollars for his claims. The subject of this sketch lived with his father, assisting with the farm work and attending the neighboring schools in the winter, until he became a young man, when he went west, where he spent several years in the railroad business, gaining a fund of valuable experience and information. He finally returned home and married, Novem- ber 6, 1883, Maggie Taylor, daughter of P. A. Taylor. Both he and his wife were natives of Kentucky. Mr. Michaels went west again in 1887 with his family and worked from Colorado to New Mexico, but was in California most of the time. He re- turned to Illinois in 1897, and began farm- ing in Romine township. He made a signal success of farming, having improved a good tract of land and skillfully managed the same until he soon had not only a comfort- 294 1UOGKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF able living, but quite a competency laid by. Mr. Michaels is a stockholder in the First National Bank at Salem, however, he de- votes his attention to farming interests principally and is known as one of the best and most painstaking agriculturists in the township and his farm shows unmistakably that a man of thrift and industry manages it. Mr. Michaels is a member of the Ma- sonic fraternity, also the Woodmen, and both he and his wife are members of the Christian church. The subject and wife are the parents of two children, namely: Clarence, who was born July 18, 1885. He is a bright young man who gives prom- ise of a brilliant and successful future. The second child, Everett, died in infancy. Mr. Michaels has always taken consider- able interest in political matters and of re- cent years has been influential in local elec- tions, being well grounded and well read in his political opinions and on political sub- jects. Having a laudable ambition for offi- cial preferment, and being a popular man in his party, his Republican friends selected him for Sheriff, having been elected to this important office in 1906, by a big majority in a county nominally Democratic, which shows that he is regarded as a strong man in his community. He also served as a member of the County Board for two terms, representing his township. He has shown himself eminently capable in all the offices or positions of public or private trust that have been proffered, giving entire satisfac- tion to all his constituents and, in fact, every- one concerned. JOSEPH S. PEAK. The state of Maryland contributed her proportion of emigrants to form the army of pioneers who crossed the Alleghanies in the earlier part of the nineteenth century to grap- ple with the western wilderness. Among the number was Joseph Peak, whose birth oc- curred about the time of the Revolutionary war, and who, after marrying Lucy Leach, started on the perilous trip to the "Dark and Bloody Ground," south of the Ohio river. He does not seem to have been pleased with the opportunities offered by Kentucky, as we find him soon crossing over to the more con- genial soil of the Buckeye state. He settled in Butler county, then as now, one of the best sections of Ohio and made his living by farming until his death in 1835. He had eight children and among them William B. Peak, whose birth occurred on the Butler county homestead, September 25, 1812. He also followed the occupation of farming, but concluding late in life that the Illinois prai- ries offered better inducements, he removed to that state in August, 1864, and settled in Flora, where he engaged in business until his death, January 7, 1896. Aside from agricul- tural pursuits, he became a preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church and did much religious work during the active period of his life. He married Cynthia Planner, a native of Butler county, Ohio, who made him a faithful companion until her death in 1874. This worthy couple had eleven children, all but one of whom lived to ma- turity and eight are still living. Of RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 295 these. Mrs. Angelina Chidester is a resident of Flora, Mrs. Mary Floyd is a resident of Dublin, Indiana. Rev. T. De Witt Peak is a citizen of Litchfield, Illinois. Mrs. Caro- line Major makes her home in Flora. Rev. R. F. Peak holds forth at Oakland, Califor- nia. Mrs. S. C. Manker is the sixth in order of birth. Mrs. C. E. Beckett resides at Cen- tralia, Illinois. Joseph S. Peak, the second in order of birth of the surviving children, was born in Butler county, Ohio, March 16, 1837. He accompanied his parents to Clay county during the latter part of the Civil war, after obtaining a fair common school education, partly in his native county and partly n Shel- by county, Indiana, where the family so- journed for a while. For many years after reaching Illinois, he combined farming and school teaching as a means of livelihood. In August, 1 86 1, he enlisted in Company D, Thirty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteer In- fantry, with which he served nine months, being discharged on account of sickness. He farmed and taught school in Indiana before he came to Illinois, where he spent his time on a farm until the winter of 1893, when he removed to Flora, Illinois. In 1884 he was elected Surveyor of Clay county on the Re- publican ticket, in which office he served ac- ceptably for four years. In 1888 he obtained the nomination for the same office, but was defeated, at the polls. He tried again in 1894, and was triumphantly elected, but after serving his term, aban- doned politics for the real estate and gen- eral notary business. In 1896 he was elected Justice of the Peace and has continued to exercise the duties of that office by repeated re-elections. He had served in this capacity also while a resident of the country, previous to his removal to Flora. Mr. Peak is a hale and vigorous man for his age and possessed of a cheerfufl disposition, fortified by many of the sterling virtues. He has resided in or near Flora for forty-five years and is known to every one in the county. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and for five years was secretary of the International Sunday School Association. He is com- mander of the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic. On October 7, 1857, Mr. Peak Married Susan E. Lick, who was born and reared near the town of Hope in Barthol- omew county, Indiana. Their marriage re- lations have continued harmonious for over fifty-one years. Of their seven children, those living are Mrs. Addie Lewis, of Oma- ha, Nebraska ; Charles A. Peak, of the same city ; Mrs. Mary Chapman, also of Omaha ; W. B. Peak, Omaha ; E. E. Peak, of Detroit, Michigan; Miss Stella Peak, of Flora. FRANK LOOMIS. Among those men of Marion county, who by the mere force of their personality, have forged their way to the front ranks of that class of citizens who may justly be termed progressive, is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, who has a fine farm in Tonti township, which he has taken a great interest in and which he has improved 29 6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF in a most systematic way until it is the equal of any in the vicinity where it is so admir- ably located. Frank Loomis was born in this township, March 20, 1865, the son of S. E. and Mar- garet (McMurray) Loomis, a highly re- spected family and for several generations well known in Marion county. S. E. Loomis was a native of Ohio, where he was bom October 12, 1841, and came with his parents to Marion county, Illinois, in 1846, and after a life of hard work in practically a new country, he passed to his rest in 1885. Almon Loomis, the grandfather of our sub- ject, also came to this county from Ohio, settling on the farm where Frank Loomis now lives. He was one of the pioneers in this part of the county and reclaimed the farm in question from the wilderness. He is remembered as a hard worker and a good man in every respect. He passed to his rest in this township July 26, 1893. S. E. Loomis was married in Marion county, his wife having come to this country from Scotland, where she was born. Four children were born to this marriage. Three sons are now living, namely : Frank, our subject; Byron C, and Louis L. Frank Loomis was reared upon his father's farm in Tonti township and worked during the summer months on the farm, attending the district schools during the winter months until he had a fairly good common school education. He remained at home until he was twenty-one years old, and at the age of twenty-three was united in marriage with Ida M. Martin, the affable and congenial daughter of Caleb and Martha J. (Mc- Heney) Martin. Her father was born in North Carolina, and he moved to Tennessee, later coming to Marion county, Illinois. The mother of Mrs. Loomis was born in Tonti township, this county. Ida M. was the sixth child in order of birth in this fam- ily. She was educated in the dis- trict schools, where she applied her- self in such a manner as to become well educated. Two children were born to the subject and wife, namely: Glen M., born September 12, 1890, and Omer F., who was born April 23, 1895. They are both bright boys, and will, no doubt, make their mark in the world. Mr. Loomis is the owner of a farm consisting of one hun^ dred and twenty acres on which he carries on general fanning which yields him a com- fortable living from year to year and at the same time permits him to lay up a compe- tency for old age and to give his children every necessary advantage in launching them successfully in the battle of life. His fields are well tilled, the crops of heavy grain being rotated with clover so as to re- tain the strength of the soil. He has a comfortable and substantial residence which is well furnished and nicely kept. Many and convenient out buildings also stand on the place, and much good stock of various kinds is to be found in his fields and barns. In politics Mr. Loomis is a staunch Re- publican, but he does not take a very active part in party affairs, being contented to spend his time on his farm. Fraternally he is a member of the Ben Hur lodge, Odin, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 297 No. 226. Mrs. Loomis is also a member of this organization. He is regarded as one of the substantial and best citizens of Tonti township. ROY H. MCKNIGHT, M. D. The grandfather of this popular physi- cian was James A. McKnight, a native of Indiana, who became an early settler of Il- linois. He located at Ingraham, in the county of Clay, and prosecuted his trade as a miller, a business of much importance in a pioneer community. His death occurred in 1895, when he was quite advanced in years. He had been accompanied to Il- linois by his son, Frank, who was born in Indiana, learned his father's trade of mill- ing, and continued in this calling during the working period of his life, which ended at Ingraham, in 1894, at the comparatively early age of forty-seven years. Frank Mc- Knight was married in early manhood to Lou Shriner, a native of Ohio, who is still residing in Chicago. The chil- dren of this union, three in number, were: Roy H.. Rolla, now at Minnie, Arkansas, and Hazel, a resident of Chicago. Roy H. McKnight was born March 14, 1 88 1, at Ingraham, Clay county, Illinois. Af- ter the usual elementary course in the district schools at home, he was graduated in 1899 from the Jefferson high school in Chicago. In 1900. he matriculated in the medical de- partment of the Illinois University and spent three years in diligent prosecution of his studies. After leaving this institution, three additional years were spent at the Dearborn Medical College in Chicago, from which he was graduated in the class of 1906. After practicing a year in Chicago, Dr. McKnight opened an office in Clay City in the fall of 1907 and since then has continued in busi- ness at that place. He had a lucrative prac- tice in the hospital at Englewood, but was forced to give this up and seek the country on account of ill health. The doctor's early career was at once a test of his ambitious determination and a guarantee of his success in life, as he early learned the valuable les- son of self-denial and saving. When his fa- ther died, he was thrown on his own re- sources at the tender age of thirteen. He bought a pair of overalls and a cap, took a freight train to Chicago and found employ- ment at four dollars per week. All but fifty cents of this went for board, but on this scant surplus he saved money. When by hard work and faithful service he was promoted to a stipend of four dollars and fifty cents a week, he was correspondingly happy. His first work was for the Thompson (bicycle) Man- ufacturing Company and his next job was with the Western Electric Company. His hard labor extended through seven years, at the end of which time he found himself in possession of the, to him, munificent remuner- ation of twenty-five dollars per week. In the seven years he saved four thousand dollars, every cent of which was spent in procuring his education as a physician. It is hardly necessary to add that the doctor is a pro- gressive young man, of boundless ambition 2 9 8 HIOC.KAPHICAL AND KK M I X ISC K NT HISTORY OF and possessing especial aptitude and ability. Dr. McKnight is a member of the American, Clay County and Cook (Chicago) County Medical societies. He is a Mason and holds membership in Union Park Lodge, No. 610, of that order in Chicago. In 1903, Dr. McKnight was married to Bertha May Hill, of Wheeling, West Vir- ginia, and they have one child, Mildred, born July i, 1904. The parents are mem- bers of the Christian church at Clay City. GEORGE J. HEAVER. The gentleman to whom the biographer now calls the reader's attention was not fa- vored by inherited wealth or the assistance of influential friends, but in spite of this, by perseverance, industry and a wise economy, he has attained a comfortable sta- tion in life, and is well and favorably known throughout Tonti and surrounding town- ships, Marion county, as a result of the in- dustrious life he has lived there for over a half century. George J. Heaver was born in Crawford county, Ohio, December 8, 1838, the son of George Jacob and Christena (Fritz) Heaver, both natives of Wertenburg, Ger- many. They married in the Fatherland where two children were born to them. Deciding that greater opportunties were to be found in the United States they landed at Sandusky, Ohio, July 3, 1838, and be- fore becoming hardly established in the new country the father died December I, 1838. His widow re-married in 1841, her second husband being Levi Kline, of Crawford county, Ohio, and in 1849 they emigrated to- Marion county, Illinois, locating west of Salem, where they lived until 1854, when Mr. Kline died, and his widow was again married, her third husband being George Kline; both are now deceased. The first marriage of Christena Fritz re- sulted in the birth of four children, two boys and two girls, all deceased but the sub- ject of this sketch. George J. Heaver re- mained at home under the parental roof-tree until he reached maturity. His educational advantages were very limited but he early acquired enough schooling to read and write, but being by nature an intelligent man, he has succeeded admirably well without tech- nical training. Our subject was one of those loyal sons of the North, who, when the fierce fires of rebellion were raging in the Southland, felt it his duty to forsake home ties and offer his services in behalf of the stars and stripes, consequently he enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Eleventh Il- linois Volunteer Infantry, on August 12, 1862, under Capt. Amos Clark, of Salem, Il- linois, and was in camp at that place. He was called to Camp Marshall where he re- mained until October 31, 1862, when his company was sent to Columbus, Kentucky, and was assigned to the Army of the Cum- berland, later taking part in the battle at Re- saca, Georgia, and the strenuous Atlanta campaign, also in Sherman's famous march to the sea. Our subject also came back with HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 299 Sherman's army through the Carolinas to Washington City. He was mustered out here after rendering conspicuous and valu- able service, and returned to Springfield, Illinois, on June 6, 1865. He was wounded on May 13, 1864, which resulted in his be- ing absent from duty for some time. He rejoined his regiment at Rome, Georgia, af- ter he had recovered. After his career in the army our subject returned to Salem, this state, and engaged in farming. Mr. Heaver was united in marriage in 1866 to Maggie Williams, of Salem, who was born in Ohio, February 13, 1838. She was a woman of many fine characteristics, and after a harmonious wedded life of twenty-six years she was called to her rest in the fall of 1902. Four children were born to our subject and wife as follows: George W. was born February 19, 1870; Louie C. was born September 29, 1874; William W. was born October i, 1869, died aged seven years; Charles W. was born in 1879. Mr. Heaver was in Texas for a period of eight years where he made a financial suc- cess of his labors, but he returned to this county in 1885. He is now the owner of sixty-five acres of land in Tonti township which he farmed with the greatest results at- tending his efforts, for he understands well all the details of managing a farm success- fully. His fields are well fenced and cleanly kept. Most of the corn the place produces is fed on the farm to various kinds of stock. He has a nice and comfortable dwelling and plenty of good out buildings. His son, George W., and daughter, Louie C., live with him. In his social relations our subject is a member of the Salem Post, No. 202, Grand Army of the Republic, in which he takes a great interest, as might be expected. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, a regular attendant at the local gatherings of this denomination in which he has long taken a delight. In his political affiliations he is a loyal Democrat, and faithfully served the public as Commissioner of Highways and Road Supervisor. He is regarded by every one who knows him as a man of sound business principles, honest and kind. JOSEPH K. MCLAUGHLIN. Our subject is the present Supervisor of Raccoon township where no man is better known or is held in higher respect than he, for his life has been led along honorable lines and he has always had the interest of his county at heart. Joseph K. McLaughlin was born in Wal- nut Hill, Marion county, September 26. 1850, the son of James and Ann E. (Lyons) McLaughlin, both natives of Ireland, where they married. They came to the United States in 1845 an d settled in Randolph county, Illinois, later came to Marion county and in 1848 settled near Walnut Hill, about 1855 locating in Raccoon township. They were members of the Reformed Presbyterian church. The subject's father was a Repub- 3 oo BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF lican. He and his wife were the parents of the following children: Ann Eliza, Eliza- beth, Nancy, Thomas J., Joseph K., our sub- ject; Annie E., Jane, James A. and Ann- ette E. The subject's father devoted his life to farming. He died February 7, 1878, at the age of sixty-two years, and his wife died February 14, 1908. The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the home schools. In 1 882 he bought his present farm of one hun- dred and twenty acres in Raccoon township. He carries on general farming and stock raising in a most successful manner, being a man of sound judgment and a hard worker. His farm is highly improved and very pro- ductive. He raises much good stock and his dwelling and other buildings are substantial and comfortable. Mr. McLaughlin was united in marriage in 1870 with Tirzah E. Morton, who was born in Raccoon township, the daughter of James and Mary Morton, a well known family in their neighborhood. Nine chil- dren have been born to the subject and wife : Charles, who married Dorothea Huff, has three children, Merlyn, Paul, Dorothea; James C. married Mora Bennett and they have two children, Bennett and Collin C. ; Harry married Kate White; Stella married Willis R. Burgess and they have two chil- dren, Buford and Nellie ; Hugh Archie mar- ried Lulu Kell; Joseph is a law student at Champaign, Illinois; John is a member of the family circle and is a teacher; Walter is also teaching and living at home ; Elma lives with her parents. These children are bright and have received good educations. Mrs. McLaughlin is a member of the Presbyterian church and a faithful attend- ant upon the same. Mr. McLaughlin is a Democrat and is serving his second term as Supervisor, giving his constituents entire satisfaction in this capacity. DAVID HERSHBERGER. The subject of this sketch was reared to the sturdy discipline of the homestead farm and during all the succeeding years of his life he has not wavered in his allegiance to the great basic art of agriculture. To the public schools he is indebted for the early educational privileges that were afforded him, and he duly availed himself of the same, while he has effectually broadened his knowledge through active association with men and affairs in practical business life. He has become the owner of a fine stock farm and devotes his attention to diversified agriculture with the discrimination, energy and constant watchfulness which inevitably make for definite success and prosperity. He has spent practically all of his life in Marion county. David Hershberger, living two miles west of Salem. Illinois, was born October 20, 1865. in Crawford county, Ohio, the son of Henry and Catherine (Snavely) Hershber- ger, the former being a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, where he was born February 14, 1824, and the latter of Leb- anon county, Pennsylvania, both having been reared in the Keystone state. They moved to Crawford county, Ohio, where HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 301 they farmed for several years and then in 1 866 moved to Marion county, Illinois, set- tling in Salem township where Henry bought a large tract of land, becoming the owner of about two thousand acres in Ma- rion county. He improved this land and -it became very valuable. He died August 29, 1898. He is remembered as a thrifty farmer and a highly respected citizen. Both he and his wife were members of the Ger- man Baptist church, or Dunkards. Jacob Hershberger, grandfather of the subject, was also a native of Lancaster county, Penn- sylvania, and the great-grandfather of the subject, Henry Hershberger, was also a native of that place. Henry, the father of the subject, and Catharine Snavely were married February 10, 1848. They were very active in the church and Henry was a preacher for many years, having done a great amount of good in his work. He was a Republican in politics. He and his wife were the parents of nine children, named in order of birth, as follows : Jacob, a promi- nent farmer in Marion county ; Samuel, de- ceased; Mary, widow of John Schanafelt; Elizabeth is the wife of W. J. Martin, a prominent farmer in Marion county; Anna is the wife of S. A. Schanafelt; Sarah is the wife of C. W. Courson. who lives in Marion county; John lives in Salem town- ship on a farm; Henry lives in Centralia, Illinois; David, our subject, is the youngest child. The mother of the subject passed to her rest April 14, 1906. The subject remained at home on his father's farm until he married. He was one year old when he came to Marion county, he was married December 31, 1888, to Lida Dickens, the daughter of Eli- jah and Elizabeth (Tate) Dickens, both natives of Tennessee, but pioneer settlers of Marion county, Illinois, both now deceased. The subject's wife was born in this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Hershberger six children have been born as follows: Leland, de- ceased; Walter E., Lottie M., Loren D., Henry R., and Wayne D. The subject and family are members of the German Baptist church in Salem town- ship, and the subject is a deacon in the church. He is a loyal Republican, having served his township as Highway Commis- sioner in a most acceptable manner. He lives on the old home farm, this together with his own farm constitutes two hundred and eighty acres. He is regarded as one of the leading farmers of Marion county, and always keeps excellent stock. He has a beautiful home which is elegantly fur- nished, and everything about the place is kept in first class order. MRS. JUDITH SINGER. Words of praise or periods of encomium could not clearly convey the personal char- acteristics of the noble woman of whom the biographer now essays to write in this con- nection, for only those who have had the good fortune to know her personally can see the true beauty of her character and in- 3 02 ISIOCKAPHICAL AND RE MIXISCKXT HISTORY OF dividual traits, which have been the resul- tant, very largely, of a long- life of devo- tion to duty, a life filled with good deeds to others and led along worthy planes. Mrs. Singer lives in Tonti township, Marion county, where she successfully manages a fine landed estate, exercising rare sagacity of foresight and business acumen, which always result in definite success, and as a result of her commendable characteristics she enjoys the friendship of a large circle of acquaintances in this community. Mrs. Judith Singer was bom in Berks county, Pennsylvania, June 24, 1838, the daughter of Peter and Lyda (Mildenber- ger) Beisel. The Beisel family came to America from Germany in an early day and settled in Pennsylvania, where they devel- oped farms and made comfortable homes. The parents of our subject always lived on a farm, and when her father died, Grand- father Beisel moved to Illinois, and the mother of the subject was married and came to Illinois in 1867, settling in Marion coun- ty. She was a good woman and her home life was calculated to foster right principles in her children. The father of the subject was a man of many sterling traits of charac- ter, always bearing a good name. Judith Beisel was given every advantage possible by her parents, and while her early educational training was not extensive, she applied herself in a diligent manner and has since been an avid reader of the best gen- eral literature with the result that she is an entertaining and instructive talker, especial- ly when she elucidates on the pioneer clays and the aftermath of commercial develop- ment of this section of the country. Our subject was married to Oscar Singer January 2, 1858, the ceremony having been performed in Northumberland county, Pen- sylvania. Mr. Singer was born in Germany on June 18, 1834. He was educated in the Fatherland, and came to the United States with his parents when eighteen years old, where he learned to be a mechanic of no mean ability. He worked at his trade in Centralia, Marion county, Illinois, being re- garded as one of the best men in the insti- tution where he was employed. He later moved to St. Louis, where he went into business on his own account, and in which city he was living when he was called from his earthly labors on November 20, 1882. His remains were interred in the cemetery at Salem, Illinois. He was a good business man, honest and industrious and made friends wherever he went. He was a public spirited man, being a loyal Republican in politics. Mrs. Singer purchased an eighty acre farm in Tonti township, Marion county, in 1883, and moved thereto soon afterward, having resided there ever since. It is a splen- did place, well managed and highly im- proved in every respect, producing excellent crops from year to year and yielding a com- fortable income for the family. Mrs. Singer's home is one of the most attractive in the community. Good stock of various kinds and a fine variety of poultry are to be seen about the place. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 303 Singer. Two boys and three girls are living at this writing, namely : Ida is the wife of Will W. Langridge, who lives in Terre Haute, Indiana; Lillie is the wife of Lewis Parks, who lives on a farm; Ollie travels for an Indianapolis firm; Oscar married Maude Kline and lives on a farm; Rose L. is a bookkeeper at Salem, Illinois. All these children had careful training and all re- ceived a good common school education. JOHN H. GRAY. He to whom this sketch is dedicated is a member of one of the oldest and most hon- ored pioneer families of Marion county, Il- linois, and he has personally lived up to the full tension of the primitive days when was here initiated the march of civilization, so that there is particular interest attached to his career, while he stands today as one of the representative citizens of Tonti town- ship, for his life has been one of hard work which has resulted in the development of a good farm which he owns and which yields him a comfortable living. John H. Gray was born in this county January 14, 1839, anc ^ believing that he could succeed as well here as anywhere de- cided to stay in his native community where he would have the added advantage of home associations. He is the son of James and Mariah E. (Nichols) Gray. Both the Gray and Nichols families were born in Tennes- see, being of that hardy pioneer stock that invades new and unbroken countries and clears the wilderness, developing farms from the virgin land. It was for such purpose that they came to Illinois. The parents of the subject came to Marion county in their youth and were married here, having first settled in this locality during the Black Hawk war. James D. Gray, our subject's father, moved to Tonti township in 1851. He was a man of many sterling qualities, a good neighbor and citizen, and, as already inti- mated, was industrious and a hard worker. He was also a minister of the Methodist church for many years. His family con- sisted of nine children, three boys and one girl living at this writing, 1908, all fairly well situated in reference to this 'world's af- fairs. John H. Gray, our subject, received a lim- ited schooling in his native community. However, he applied himself well and did the best he could under the circumstances. He remained at home, working on his father's place until he reached maturity. He was united in marriage in 1860 to Susan Bal- lance, a member of a well known family. After a brief married life she passed to her rest in 1864. This union resulted in the birth of one child, which died in infancy. In 1866 the subject was again married, his sec- ond wife being Rebecca A. Boring, who is still living, having proven to be a most faith- ful and worthy helpmeet and a woman of gentle disposition. She was born in 1848 and attended the district schools in her maidenhood. Four children have been born to the sub- 304 IlIUGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ject and wife, three girls and one boy, whose names follow : Susan E., Mattie E., Etta and William A. They have received what schooling that is available in their community and are all interesting children with every prospect for future success. Mr. Gray in his political affiliations is a loyal Democrat and has taken considerable interest in local political affairs, his support always being on the right side of all ques- tions affecting the public good. He has ably served as Highway Commissioner, giving entire satisfaction in this work, and he is known to all as a man of industry, honesty and integrity, thereby winning and retaining a large circle of friends. ALLEN COPE. For nearly half a century the subject of this review was a well known resident of Marion county. He was a man of many talents, having been a successful lawyer for several years prior to 1861, at which time he located upon a farm in Tonti township and turned his attention to agricultural pur- suits. He also became an enthusiastic stu- dent of horticulture and for many years was recognized as one of the leading authorities upon this subject in Southern Illinois, as well as a practical demonstrator of the same. He was one of the first citizens of Marion county to engage in the fruit business upon an extensive and systematic scale, develop- ing one of the largest and most successful fruit industries in the pioneer history of hor- ticultural pursuits in the county. Allen Cope was born near New Water- ford, Columbiana county, Ohio, August 4, 1827, where he resided until 1845. For nine years he resided at Salem, Ohio, where he was engaged in a mercantile business. In 1854 he came to Fairfield, Illinois, where he studied and practiced law with Judge Charles Beecher. Owing to ill health he retired from the law in 1860 and the following year located upon a farm in Tonti township, Marion county, where he developed one of the finest fruit farms in the county. It was here that he passed to his reward, October 24, 1907, at the age of eighty years. Mr. Cope's career as a horticulturist be- gan with his removal to Marion county. He planted forty acres of apples in the springs of 1861 and 1863, a very large area indeed for that period. It is worthy of note, too, in this connection that he was one of the first to plant largely of the Ben Davis vari- ety. This venture proved successful and as this orchard began to fail he planted again from time to time, and indeed his labors ceased only with the coming of his long rest. Mr. Cope was an active member of the State Horticultural Society and of its subordinate society, the Southern Illinois Horticultural Society. He was a member of the Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows, and was born and reared a Quaker. Originally a Whig in politics and a strong abolitionist, it was but natural that he should ALLEX COPE. SARAH A. COPE. .HOIS. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 305 become a Republican upon the birth of that party, and for many years he was an ardent supporter of its principles and an active worker in the ranks. In late years, how- ever, he espoused the cause of Democracy, believing- that the latter party adhered more closely to the principles of Lincoln Repub- licanism. Having been a lawyer of more than ordinary ability and always a student and an observer^, Mr. Cope wielded no small amount of influence in his community and his opinions upon the leading questions of the day were always treated with great re- spect. He was a man of many sterling qualities, successful in business and influen- tial in his community, and was also known as a public spirited man of the most scrupu- lously honest type. Mr. Cope was united in marriage at Sa- lem April 16, 1856, with Miss Sarah A. Ray, who was born near London, Madison county, Ohio, June 30, 1834, Mrs. Cope be- ing a daughter of Jesse and Helen (Warner) Ray. The Ray family was of English de- scent, the grandparents on the Ray side be- ing natives of Virginia, who later settled in Madison county, Ohio. The Warners were of Scotch-Irish descent, the great-grandfa- ther of Mrs. Cope having been born in Dub- lin. Jesse Ray, the father of Mrs. Cope, wa3 one of the well known and highly honored pioneers of Marion county, having secured land from the government near Salem and locating thereon in 1839. He entered seven hundred acres of land in Tonti township, the present Cope home being a portion of the 20 original grant. Mr. Ray developed and im- proved a good farm and became one of the largest and most successful farmers and stock growers in the county. He moved from the farm to Salem in order to give his children an education, where he operated a hotel and also engaged in merchandising, in the meantime carrying on farming opera- tions. He finally returned to the farm, where he died August 27, 1859. Mr. Ray was one of those patriotic sons who participated in the Mexicon war, having enlisted in 1847. He was with his regiment until the close of hostilities and experienced many hardships and privations in the long and tedious march across the desert to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and back again, every mile of which was covered on foot. He was a man of much sterling worth and influence in his commu- nity and accomplished much for the improve- ment and development of his section of the county. Mrs. Cope was five years old when she came with her parents to Marion county. She attended the country schools and later went to Salem with the family, where she received a liberal education, having applied herself in a most assiduous manner to her studies. After her marriage with Mr. Cope, as above indicated, she resided in Fairfield, this state, for a few years, where her hus- band was engaged in the successful practice of his profession. Since locating on the farm in Tonti township in 1861, Mrs. Cope has continued to make this place her home, where her children have also been reared. Their names are as follows: Laura Isbell and 3 o6 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Lenora are both deceased; Walter Lincoln and William Abraham were twins, the lat- ter dying in infancy. Walter L. Cope, the only surviving child, was born May 27, 1864. He received a common school education and also attended the University of Illinois at Champaign for three years. June 6, 1888, he was married to Miss Anna Vaughan, of Odin township, Marion county, and seven children have been born to them, as follows : Allen, Bessie, Lo- rin, Leila, Howard and Margaret, all of whom are living. One child, Raymond, died in infancy. Walter Cope is a member of the Masonic Order at Salem and his wife affiliates with the Order of the Eastern Star at that place. The Cope home is one of the finest coun- try houses in Marion county, being commo- dious, comfortable and having modern im- provements and conveniences. The house is heated with hot air. A system of water works has been installed, together with baths, etc. The furnishings are up-to-date and tastefully arranged, and this beautiful home is presided over with rare grace and dignity by the Mesdames Cope, who often show their unstinted hospitality in enter- taining their numerous friends. HENRY C. BOTHWELL. This family name was familiar among the early settlers of three states and its members figured both in Ohio and Illinois during the pioneer period. James Both- well, the founder, was a Pennsylvanian. who migrated into Ohio at an early day, settled on a farm purchased from the gov- ernment, reared a family and ended his earthly career about 1863. His son, James K. Bo'thwell, was torn in Vinton county, Ohio, near McArthur, during the first quar- ter of the nineteenth century and removed to Illinois in 1840, settling at old Maysville, then the county seat of Clay. He was a cabinet maker by trade, but afterward en- gaged in the mercantile business. In 1863, he removed his store to Clay City and con- tinued in business until 1887, when he re- tired to his farm of seventy acres, within the corporate limits of the town. At this homestead he passed peacefully away. May 24. 1899, in the eighty-first year of his age. He married Mary A. Brissenden, who was born near Albion, in Edwards county, Il- linois, her parents being of English stock. She died July 16, 1898, at the age of sev- enty-seven years. This pioneer couple had seven children, of whom four are living, the complete list being as follows: Henry C., subject of this sketch; J. Homer, an attor- ney at Sedalia, Missouri ; Florence ; Camil- la, deceased, and William, who died when ten years old; James K., in the loan and in surance business at Seattle, Washington and Frank, deceased. Henry C. Bothwell, the oldest child, wa? born in old Maysville. April n. 1847. Ht was reared in Clay City, where he attended the local schools. During the years 1863- 64, he was a student at McKendree College RICHLAXD, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 307 in Lebanon, Illinois, afterwards attended Nelson's Commercial College at Cincinnati, Ohio, and then accepted a clerkship in his father's store, folding this position and later as a partner, he spent the years from 1865 to 1886 iii this line of business. In the year last mentioned he became a can- didate on the Republican ticket for Treas- urer of the county, and was elected. In 1894 he was re-elected to the same office, and served during the four following years. After retiring he devoted some time .to the abstract business, continuing in this line until 1899, when he was made Chief Clerk of the Joliet Penitentiary, which position he held two and a half years. Returning to Clay City he formed a partnership undei the firm name of Bothwell & Gill, and this business engaged his attention until 1907, when he received the appointment of post master at Clay City. This was no new ex- perience, as he had previously served as postmaster for sixteen consecutive years, while in the mercantile business. Besides this, he had served as Tax Collector of Clay City township a number of times and was county collector for eight years. He was always popular and successful both in his business pursuits and official holdings, be- ing regarded as one of the prominent and influential men of the county. His fra- teral relations are extensive and conspicu- ous, especially in the Masonic Order. He is a member of Blue Lodge No. 488. at Clay City, Chapter at Flora, Commandery at Olney and the Shrine at Medina Temple in Chicago. He is also an Odd Fellow and a Woodman. In 1869 Mr. Bothwell married Mary C. Myers, who was born near Wilmington, Ohio. They lost four children in infancy, but have three living, to-wit: Lucy, E. L., who is practicing law at St. Joseph, Mis- souri, and Ada, a teacher in the Hillsboro (Illinois) high school. JAMES R. RICHARDSON. One of the sterling citizens of Marion county is he whose name initiates this para- graph, being engaged in farming in Tonti township. As a result of his industry, in- tegrity and genuine worth he is held in high esteem by the people of this vicinity, mainly as a result of his principal life work the noble profession of teaching. James R. Richardson, the son of John and Sarah A. (Chandler) Richardson, was born in Williamson county, Illinois, at Bolton, December 19, 1841. The Richardson fam- ily are of Irish descent. John Richardson was born in Licking county, Ohio, and he was eight years old when his parents died. He was reared by a family named Decker, a farmer at Groveport, Ohio. He received his educational training in the public schools in the Buckeye state, which was somewhat limited, owing to the primitive condition of the public schools of that early day. He was a man of no extraordinary ability but he was a hard worker and succeeded in 3 o8 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF making a comfortable living. He came to Illinois about 1838, settling near Peoria, where he remained a few years. He moved to St. Clair county, Illinois, and thence to Williamson county and later he came to Marion county in 1853, buying a farm in Tonti township, where he lived until his death in March, 1856. The Chandler family came from Penn- sylvania. The father of Sarah A., our sub- ject's mother, came to Ohio and engaged in farming, but not on an extensive scale. The mother of the subject was educated in the public schools of Franklin county. She was a woman of many estimable qualities. Eleven children were born to this couple, ten girls and one boy. Sarah A. was mar- ried to John Richardson about 1838, and she passed to her rest in 1870. Mr. Rich- ardson was a large land owner in Marion county, this state, and he was regarded as a man of many sterling qualities. James R. Richardson, our subject, was the second child in a family of eight chil- dren. He remained under the parental roof tree until he was seventeen years old. He refleiy^d his education in the district schools and later at Salem. He was an ambitious lad from the start and outstripped most of his contemporaries. After finishing the public school course, he was not satisfied with the amount of text-book training he had received and consequently entered the State Normal School at Bloomington, Il- linois, where he made a splendid record for scholarship, and where he graduated in the class of 1871, with high honors. After leaving school Mr. Richardson at once began to teach, first in the county schools, having soon become principal, and he was principal in several places. Becoming known as an able instructor, his services were in great demand. He was principal of the schools at Woodson, Franklin, Stan- ford, Morton and Marseilles, all in Illinois, and he also taught a year in Kansas. He gave the greatest possible satisfaction as an instructor, being well grounded in the texts then included in the public school curricu- lums, and he was very popular with his pu- pils, owing to his friendliness and kindness. His teaching extended over a period of twenty-six years during which time his reputation extended not: only to adjoining counties but he attracted -the attention of the ablest educators of the state, receiving much laudable comment on his work in the school room. Mr. Richardson could not restrain the wave of patriotism that pervaded his whole being when, in the dark days of the sixties, our national integrity was threatened, and, believing that it was his duty to sever home ties, leave the school room and offer his ser- vices in defense of the flag, he accordingly enlisted in Company G, Twenty-first Il- linois Volunteer Infantry, and was in the regiment assigned to Grant's army during the first part of the war. He was in the great battle of Stone River and the still bloodier conflict of Chickamauga, and many other smaller engagements. He was taken prisoner at Chickamauga, and was in -prison at Richmond and Danville for six months. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 309 He effected his escape, but was recaptured, and later exchanged. After performing gallant service for a period of three years, he returned home and entered the Univer- sity of Illinois in 1864, where he completed his education. Our subject's domestic life dates from December 25, 1876, when he was united in marriage with Sarah Martin Williams, a highly educated woman, a native of Cass county, Illinois, where she was born March 10, 1856. She lived in Morgan county, this state until seventeen years old, when she en- tered the State University at Bloomington, and was a student there for several years, where she made a brilliant record for schol- arship. No children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. Mrs. Richardson is a faithful member of the Christian church in Salem. Our subject is a Prohibitionist in his political affiliations. JOHN I. McCAWLEY. Few men on the threshold of the anniver- sary of the eightieth year of their age pos- sess the remarkable energy and activity of the subject of this sketch, John I. McCaw- ley, who is ^nd has been for years, the lead- ing spirit in every big enterprise that has been launched in Clay county, Illinois. He is not only the wealthiest man in that county, but has the distinction of being the oldest native born citizen thereof. He is the son of parents who penetrated the un- broken wilderness of Illinois, when hidden dangers menaced their every step. In those early days the great forests of that state were filled with hostile Indians and fero- cious beasts. The subject experienced all of the hardships and privations that fell to the lot of the youth of those days, but he had inherited many of the rugged qualities of his courageous ancestors, and the great wealth that he possesses today is the reward of perseverance and industry. Mr. McCawley was born on the Little Wabash river, about two miles and a half from Clay City, Illinois, August 20, 1829, and has spent his entire life in Clay county. He is a son of John McCawley, a native of Kentucky, who came to Illinois in 1810. Soon after this pioneer had located in Clay county the Black Hawk war broke out, and he was warned by friendly Indians to leave the country, add realizing that to remain meant sure death he heeded the admonition. He started back to Kentucky with an escort of Indians who accompanied him as far as Vincennes, Indiana. In 1816, when peace had been restored he returned to Clay coun- ty, and remained there until his death, in 1854. He was one of the first settlers in this section of Illinois, having been born in Jefferson county, Kentucky, December 24, 1782. The grandfather of the subject was James McCawley, a native of Scotland, who afterwards moved to the north of Ire- land, where he married, and came to America, settling in Jefferson county. 3 io BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF The mother of the subject was Martha Lacey, who was born in Jefferson county, Kentucky, February 4, 1791. She died Oc- tober 14, 1844. Her parents were of Irish extraction. Mr. McCawley remained upon his fa- ther's farm until he was twenty years of age, and then traveled about the country, spending three or four years in St. Louis, where he traded in stock. He finally en- gaged in the grocery business at Maysville, then the county seat of Clay county. He was thus engaged for fifteen years, having added dry goods to his stock, after starting. When the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern, then the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, was finished, in 1856, he moved to Clay City, where he re-embarked in the mercan- tile business, and until 1898, he had one of the largest establishments in the city. It was at the close of that year that he retired from active business affairs, although his local interests are large and varied, and he gives them personal attention. On May 17, 1856, the subject was mar- ried to Maria L; Moore, who was born in Johnson county, Tennessee, February 9, 1840. Seven children were the fruits of this union: Arthur H., born May 14, 1857, resides in Clay City; Sarah L., wife of John T. Baird, of Olney, Illinois, born De- cember 7, 1858; Martha Maria, wife of Dr. T. L. Leeds, of Michigan City, Indiana; Mina Julia, wife of Oscar W. Gill, of Chi- cago, born June 25, 1865; John G., born March 5, 1871, lives in St. Louis, in the commission business; Mary Eliza, wife of Richard S. Rowland, lawyer of Olney, Il- linois, born September 9, 1873; Lewis W., born February 24, 1871, died August 17, 1905. Mr. McCawley is a director in the Olney Bank, of Olney, Illinois. He has much money invested in real estate, and owns sev- eral large and substantial business blocks in Clay City. At one time he was the owner of three thousand acres of land, but .he has disposed of the greater portion of this as it required too much of the time that he de- sired to devote to his other interests. His wealth is the result of his own thrift and enterprise. He was compelled to enter the battle of life at a very early age, receiving a limited education. The subject's father was blind for twenty years previous to his death, and dutiful son that he was, Mr. Mc- Cawley gave him the most tender attention. The subject belongs to both the Masons and Odd Fellows' lodges, and in politics is a Democrat. He was the candidate of his party for State Senator ten years ago, but the district being strongly Republican, was de- feated with the rest of the ticket. Mr. Mc- Cawley was the first Baltimore & Ohio ticket agent at Clay City. The subject is a man of commanding presence, intellectual features, with a kindly and genial disposition, and is held in high esteem by the people of Clay City, regard- less of class or condition. Few men have done as much toward the material progress of this community. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. JOSEPH WILLARD WALTON. M. D. Indiana was decidedly a wild and wooly territory when Joseph Willard Walton in- vaded her borders in search of work and a career. Born in North Carolina in 1801, he left his native state in early manhood to cast his fortune with struggling pioneers cf the West, lie was lucky in his location, as the county he chose was Washington and the land he settled was a part of the alluvial bot- toms which in later years gave fame to the White river valley. Land was cheap when this newcomer arrived from the South, and he was able to secure a full section, which at the present time is worth at least one hundred and fifty dollars an acre. It is the region of great corn crops, unsurpased in the produc- tion of fine melons, as well as all the cereals and varieties of fruit. The old pioneer pros- pered as a fanner for those days, but wealth was then out of the question for a tiller of the soil, owing to lack of market and transporta- tion facilities, which the prices of products as well as the land placed at a low level. This patriot survived until 1901, and had rounded out a full century of existence before the final summons. He left a son named Daniel R., who caught the roving fever in early man- hood and decided to move farther west. He formed a satisfactory location in Clay coun- ty, Illinois, where he farmed until his death, which occurred in Harter township, north of Xenia, in 1862. After reaching Illinois he met and married Ellen Golden, who though a native of the state, was of Indiana parentage. She survived her husband fifteen years and passed away in 1877. Their 'five children, all living, are Samuel, who resides on grandfather Golden's place, northwest ot Flora; Mrs. Maria Abel, of Santa Rosa, California ; Joseph W., subject of this sketch. Marlow Walton, of North Dakota; Thomas J. Walton, of Eagle Grove, Iowa. Joseph Willard Walton, third in order of birth in the above list of children, was born in Clay county, Illinois, July 5, 1869. As he was only seven years old when he lost his father, the struggle of this boy towards suc- cess was rendered unusually difficult. He was, however, a bright and courageous boy, obedient to his uncle, with whom he lived near Flora, and doing cheerfully the chores that fell to him, while also proving a diligent student in -the district schools. After the usual elementary course, he entered as a pupil in Orchard City College at Flora, and later took a course in Austin College at Effing- ham. For ten years subsequent to leaving col- lege,, he taught school in his native county. He had, however, always been ambitious to become a physician, and in 1902 entered the Medical Department of St. Louis Univer- sity, from which he was graduated in the class of May, 1906. On July, of the same year he hung out his shingle in Clay City and has since diligently prosecuted his profession. Dr. Walton belongs to the American, State and Clay County Medical societies and is the official examiner for the New York Life, Prudential, Springfield, Woodmen, Royal Neighbors and other insurance orders. His fraternal connections are with the Odd Fel- lows, Woodmen and Ben Hur societies. He I;KK;RAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF has a commodious office well equipped with all the modern appliances suitable for his business. The doctor has made his own way from orphanage and poverty to a command- ing and prosperous condition in life. In 1893, Dr. Walton married Miss Josie Nash, a native of Clay county, and they have had three children, Violet Evelyn, Daph- ney Ruth, and Charles Willard, deceased. The parents are members of the Christian church. ISHAM E. HODGES. Among the sterling Tennesseans who have settled in Marion county since the pio- neer days, none have shown more worthy traits of character or been more active in the development of the county than the gen- tleman whose biography we herewith pre- sent. Mr. Hodges is the owner of a fine farm in Raccoon township which has been brought from a wild state to one of the best in the locality through his skillful management. Isham E. Hodges was born in Sumner county, Tennessee, July 30, 1840, the son of Marcus A. and Elizabeth (Marcum) Hodges, the former a native of Sumner county, Tennessee, where he grew up, made a farmer and where he died, and the latter a native of Abbyville Court House, Virginia, who died in Montgomery county, Tennessee. They were members of the Christian church. Our subject was their only child. His father married a second time, his last wife being Susan Hodges, of Sumner county, Tennessee. She is still living there on the old place. Nine children were born to the subject's father by his second union. He was a soldier in the Indian war in Florida in 1836, being a prisoner of that struggle. Our subject's great-grandfathers on both sides served in the Revolutionary war, being in General Starke's and General Green's command. Isham E. Hodges had little opportunity to attend school. However, he obtained some education in subscription schools of the early days. He left home when seventeen years of age and came to Marion county, Illinois, where he worked out and carried the mail from Fairfield to Salem. He also farmed in Salem and Raccoon townships. On Oc- tober 31, 1865, choosing as a life partner Frances Hays, of Raccoon township, the daughter of Elijah M. Hays, whose sketch appears in full on another page of this work. Eleven children have been born, eight of whom are living: Effie, deceased, married Harvey England, who lives in St. Louis, Missouri. She was born August 23, 1866, and died August 8, 1883. Iva E., the sec- ond child, was born October 28, 1867, mar- ried Harvey Mercer; they live in Sadora, Arkansas, and are the parents of five chil- dren, Clinton, Sylvia, Stewart, Howard and Opal. Clara B., the third child, was born March n, 1869, died February 8, 1892, married Charles Anderson, of Chicago, Illi- nois; John D., who was born March 21, 1873, first married Lucy White and second Lydia Kell, having had two children by his HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 313 first wife, Clayton and Robert, and one child by his second wife, named Donald. He has been postal clerk for several years on the Chi- cago & Eastern Illinois Railroad. He was first on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad, his first run being between Mc- Leansboro and Shawneetown, Illinois. He runs between Marion and Villa Grove. Ralph Waldo, the fifth child, was born June 6, 1874, and died October 25, 1875; Mark Ainsly was born January 2, 1877, married Indiana Stonecipher, and they have four children, Delta, Isham, Charles and Mary; Grace was born September 13, 1878, mar- ried Levi Bigham, a farmer in Raccoon township; Mabel J. was born August 28, 1880, married Henry F. March, station agent at Cartter, Illinois, on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad, and they are the parents of three children, Everett, Franklin and Marie ; Minnie Blanche, born September 26, 1882, married Elisha Harmon, a car- penter of Raccoon township; Elaine E., born November 8, 1884, who married Clara Pitts, is a farmer in Raccoon township; Dwight E., born October 28, 1886, is an operator on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at Herrin, Illinois, married Xellie Dukes, and they have one child, Clara. The subject's children have been educated in the home schools, John D. and Iva went to Carbondale, and Elaine attended the agri- cultural department of the University of Missouri at Columbia. In 1865, after the subject of this sketch was married, he rented land in Raccoon township. After farming here for a while he went to Idaho, also the state of Wash- ington, also the Shoshone agency and the Red Cloud agency in Wyoming. He was in the West from 1869 to 1871. He was a clerk and did office work most of the time. After 1871 he worked in the United States Pension Agency at Salem, Illinois, under Gen. J. S. Martin, from March 4, 1872, to March 4, 1873, having given entire satisfac- tion in this capacity, after which he entered the railway mail service on the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad and run be- tween Cincinnati and St. Louis for three years, when he was transferred to the Illinois Central Railroad, his run being between Cairo and Centralia for three years, and on the northern division from Centralia to Chi- cago until April 20, 1889. During this time he lived in Centralia, from 1878 to 1880. In 1869 he bought the farm he now lives on in Raccoon township. In 1880 he built his fine brick house and made all the other improvements on the place which is one of the choice farms of this locality. It con- sists of one hundred and forty acres in sec- tions 24 and 25, Raccoon township. One hundred and twenty-five acres are under a high state of cultivation. He has a very valuable orchard of one thousand apple trees, three hundred peach trees as well as pears, cherries and small fruits. He also raises much good stock, horses, mules and cattle and fine Chester White hogs. His farm is also well stocked with fine chickens, White Wyandotte and Rhode Island Red chickens. Mr. Hodges was one of the patriotic sons IMOCKAl'lllCAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of the North who fought to preserve the Union during the dark days of the sixties, having enlisted July 4, 1861, in Company G, Twenty-second Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, under Capt. J. S. Jackson and Col. Henry Dougherty, having been mustered in at Casseyville, Illinois. He and his com- pany were sent to Birds Point, Missouri, and was in the engagement November 7, 1861, at Belmont, Missouri. They joined General Pope and was at the surrender of Tiptonville, Tennessee, where they cap- tured about seven thousand prisoners. They then went down the Mississippi river to Ft. Pillow and after the battle of Ft. Donelson and Pittsburg Landing, they went up the Tennessee river and were at the siege of Corinth, and, after several skirmishes, marched to Nashville, Tennessee ; and oc- cupied that city until December 26, 1862. Our subject was in General Sheridan's di- vision, McCook's corps, General Rosecrans commanding. They were in the marches and battles from Nashville to Murphysboro, Tullahoma, Bridgeport, Alabama, and Chickamauga, Georgia, being wounded in the latter battle September 20, 1863, where he was shot in the thigh and sent to the field hospital at Crawfish Springs, where all the wounded men captured were paroled next day and sent to Nashville and Louisville, later to Quincy, Illinois, and then to Benton Barracks. Then the subject was on detail duty and in the commander's office until July i, 1864, and he was sent to Springfield, Illinois, and mustered out July 7, 1864. Mr. Hodges is a loyal Populist. He has been Supervisor of his township for two- years, has also been School Director and held minor offices. ISRAEL MILLS. The streams of emigration, pouring from Pennsylvania and Virginia in the pioneer period usually united in Ohio, the first of the western states to be reached. Marriages often resulted between the descendants of the northern and southern branches and the in- fusion of blood often produced fine types for future citizenship. We find this working out well in the Mills family which, on the fa- ther's side, came from the state of Pennsyl- vania, and on the mother's side boasted of origin in the Old Dominion state. It was far back in the nineteenth century that Thomas Mills, with his wife, Hannah, crossed the Alleghanies from one of the counties of Pennsylvania. To the same locality in Ohio where he settled came Hugh and Mary Downing from the western part of Virginia. Jonathan Mills, a son of the first mentioned couple, eventually found a wife in the person of Sarah Downing, both the con- tracting parties being natives of Ohio. The former, who was a farmer, passed away in the early seventies, but his wife survived until 1894, being eigh- ty-two years old at the time of her death. This couple became the parents of twelve children, the six still living being as follows : Hugh, a resident of Clay City township: RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 315 Thomas, a resident of Oklahoma ; Israel, the subject of this sketch; James D., of Carroll county, Ohio ; Josephine Fry, of Tuscarawas county, Ohio; and William, of Tobacco Plains, Washington. Israel Mills, who was the sixth in this iarge family, was born in Tuscarawas coun- ty, Ohio, April 18, 1843. He assisted his father on the farm until June, 1862, when he enlisted in Company K, Eighty-seventh Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until taken prisoner at Harper's Fer- ry in September of that year. Being speed- ily paroled and discharged on October 3rd, he took a rest until June 29, 1863, when he re-enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he served until the ex- piration of his term, March 5, 1864. For the third time, he took up his musket as a private in Company H, One Hundred and Seventy-Eighth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which he served until the close of the war and was honorably discharged June 29, 1865. . In October of that year, he came to Clay City, where he has since re- sided for forty-three consecutive years. He settled at first one mile south of town and engaged in farming, paying particular at- tention to the breeding of stock, in which line he acquired a high reputation. With the ex- ception of seven years spent in merchandis- ing, Mr. Mills has devoted practically all his time to breeding, handling and dealing in stock, with a preference for the fine grades in all varieties. Though he has other and varied interests, his heart has been set upon and his attention always turned to the noble animals that have brought wealth and fame to Illinois. He is an extensive land owner, his possessions in this line lying in Clay City and Standford townships. At present he owns five hundred and seventy-five acres, though at one time he was proprietor of twice that amount. He is a thorough-going, practical and scientific farmer, well informed in everything relating to advanced agricul- ture, and an enthusiast in all movements to educate and improve conditions in the farm- ing industry. Appreciation of his qualifica- tions was shown by Governors Tanner, Yates and Deneen, when they appointed him delegate during six years to the B'armers' National Congress. He has held the position of director from his Congressional district for the State Farmers' Institute. He is an able and forceful speaker in the debates at county, state and national farmers' institutes. It may be said in short, that there is not i man in Clay county whose business judg- ment is more highly valued than that of Israel Mills. A man of the loftiest integrity and most benevolent impulses, he has been an honor and a treasure to his adopted county. Mr. Mills is president of the Clay City Banking Company, and for twenty years has held the same position with the Clay City Loan and Homestead Association. He is also president of the Opera House Company and president of the Clay County Farmers' Institute. He has been frequently honored with positions of trust in his township, serv- ing as a member of the board of supervisors, school trustees and as collector. He has BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF never desired office and never had a lawsuit during all the years of his active business life. He is a director of the Farmers' and Merchants' 'Bank at Louisville, Illinois. As president of the Clay City bank, he insisted during the panic of 1907, that all depositors should be paid on presentation of their checks. ' He is a Mason, and Eastern Star and a member of the Grand Army of the Re- public. September 10, 1867, Mr. Mills married Elizabeth L., daughter of Thomas and Din- iah E. (Whitman) Bogwell, very early set- tlers of Clay county. The children from this union were: Edna M., born July 2, 1870, died April 2, 1905. Edna married Jabez Edwin Coggan, April 29, 1891. Ont son survives her, Kenneth M., born June 23, 1896; James B., born October 22, 1881, married to Annettie Crackles December 28, 1904. One child, a daughter, Ethel, was born to them December 5, 1906. Mrs. Mills is a member of the Christian church and the entire family enjoy the highest social consid- eration and popularity. GEORGE W. HILTIBIDAL. The subject of this biographical review has well earned the title to be addressed as one of the progressive, self-made men of Marion county, being the owner of a very valuable landed estate in Raccoon township, where his labors have benefited alike him- self and those with whom he has come in contact. George \V. Hiltibidal was born in Grand Prairie township, Jefferson county, Illinois, March 15, 1867, the son of George and Elizabeth Bradford, both natives of Indiana. They moved to Marion county, Illinois, and finally located in Raccoon township. After building a dwelling house and making ex- tensive improvements on his farm here he moved to Grand Prairie, Jefferson county, where he died in 1869, on a farm which he had improved, and where his wife also died in 1876. He was a strong Republican and he and his wife were members of the Chris- tian church. They were the parents of five children, namely: Mary is living in Wash- ington county, this state, having married Neil Kingsley ; Ella, who married Robert Birge, lives at Walnut Hill, this county ; John died young; Sarah, who married James Sprouse, lives in Jefferson county, Illinois; George William, our subject, was the youngest child. The subject's mother died when he was nine years old. He had not been to school up to that time. He then went to live with his uncle, George Bundy, in Raccoon town- ship, with whom he remained for eleven years. He then located on his present farm in Raccoon township, section 28, having secured forty-five acres known as the May place. It had an old log house and stable on it. The subject has been a hard worker and a good manager and he built his present fine substantial and modern home in 1907, and his excellent barn in 1906, and he has made all the extensive improvements on the place. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 317 Mr: Hiltibidal was united in marriage April 5, 1888, to Josie Heyduck, the daugh- ter of Jacob and Phillimina Heyduck, na- tives of Germany, having lived in the River Rhine country. They came to America and secured wild land in Raccoon township, which they developed and on which they made a good home where they lived until 1903, when Mr. Heyduck retired and moved to Centralia. The subject's wife was born in Raccoon township, this county. Mrs. Heyduck died in 1890. Ten children were born to them as follows: Lizzie, who lives in Decatur, Illinois ; Ricca is deceased ; Lucy is deceased; Kate lives at Odin, Illinois; Josie, wife of our subject ; John is deceased, Emma lives on the old place in Raccoon township ; Henry lives at Centralia ; Ben- nie lives in Centralia ; Laura also lives in Centralia. Five children have been bom to the sub- ject and wife as follows: George, Gracie, Esther, Bertha, Julius. The subject carries on a general farming business with great success. He is considered an excellent judge of live stock and raises some good horses. He has always been a farmer, but for many years has worked at the carpenter's trade. He has put up all his own buildings and done all his own work. He is regarded as an excellent carpenter and his services are frequently sought by those desiring to build. Our subject has faithfully served as a member of the local school board for six years. He is a Republican in his political affiliations. He is a member of the Farm- ers' Educational Co-Operative union at Bun- dyville, Illinois. He has gained his success not through the assistance of relatives or friends, but by his own efforts. JOHN PETER XANDER. Scientific methods of farming dissem- inated through the medium of the agricul- tural schools throughout the country have come- as a great blessing to those pursuing agricultural callings. Yet the farmers in our younger days had no such advantages. They had tc depend upon their own judg- ment, their own foresightedness, their own intuition, as it were, to overcome many a perplexing agricultural problem; Their success was more often than not almost phe- nomenal ; and we can pardon them if they look askance upon our newer methods. The subject of the present sketch began his farming career (on his own land) about the Civil war period, and his well cultivated land today shows that his efforts did not go unrewarded. John P. Xander, of Richland county, Claremont township, was born May 26, 1833, in Lehigh county, Pennsylvania. He was the son of Joseph and Mary (Dorney) Xander, natives of that state, who in the year 1834, took a boat on the Ohio river from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, to Evans- ville, Indiana, enroute to Illinois. They brought with them on the boat their horses, wagons and all belongings. During the voyage one of the deck hands happened to I'.IOCUAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF throw one of their wagon wheels overboard and the voyage had to be interrupted to fish it but. They landed in Evansville, In- diana, April 28, 1834, when they crossed the Wabash river on the ferry boat and set forth on a journey by land settled in Wabash county, Illinois. Mrs. Xander's parents also came along at the same time and set- tled in Illinois. Grandfather Dorney took a farm there at that time and Joseph Xan- der and his wife went to live with them for several years. Later they took up eighty acres of government land, paying one dol- lar and twenty-five cents an acre for it in Wabash county, and on this place they con- tinued to live until their death. John P. Xander's mother died about five years be- fore his father. He remained with his par- ents assisting them on their farm until his twenty-sixth year when he started on his own account. At the age of thirty years he married Mary Betebenner on August 23, 1863. He then rented a farm in Wabash county, where he remained about seven years, at the end of which period he bought a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Claremont township, Richland county, and moved onto same where he remained for thirty years, again removing to the home he now occupies. His farm life was all the time marked with industriousness and his improvements did much to enhance the value of the land he settled on. He built every portion of the substantial house he now lives in. John P. Xander's wife was born Novem- ber 1 8, 1839, in Frederick county, Mary- land. She was the daughter of Geor and Lydia Betebenner, her mother's ov name being Everheart, who were natives Pennsylvania. She was the fourth of ni: children. Her parents came to Illinois the year 1856, coming by train over t early railroad, where they settled in W bash county, Mrs. Xander then being seve teen years of age. She remained with h parents on their farm until the time of h marriage. Her mother died at the age sixty and her father survived about fi years, dying at the age of eighty-five. Bo died on the farm they occupied and we buried in the Lutheran cemetery in W bash county, where the parents of Jol Xander are also interred. John P. Xander's married life has bei blessed with seven children, one of who died in infancy. In the order of birth h children are: Ida A., who is the wife < Peter Crum, and resides on her husbanc farm in German township; Furman, wl has married, and lives at home with his pa ents; William H. is married and resid near Altus, Oklahoma, on a farm. Ev the wife of George Bragunier. who residi in Emporia, Kansas. James E. is marri< and lives in Lincoln, Illinois. John H. single and resides in Ogden, Utah, whei he is employed by a large meat packin concern. At the time of the Civil war John 1 Xander was drafted for service in 186 having responded to the call to arms, bl upon arriving in Cairo, Illinois, he was r turned home on account of a sufficier HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 319 number of soldiers having already been ob- tained. In his yonth and early life, John P. Xan- der attended the subscription schools in Wabash county, where he imbibed all the knowledge that institution could give him. His school days were at the period of the elementary spellers, first, second and third; and McGuffey's readers. Arithmetics were also in use in the log 1 school-house. The old hewn planks, pin supported, were the seats, and the desks along the wall were of the same quality. In politics the subject of this sketch is and has been a Democrat and a loyal sup- porter of W. J. Bryan. The first Presiden- tial candidate for whom he exercised his right as a voter was James Polk. In for- mer days he took a man's part in the poli- tics of the township and county. He was for three terms Township Assessor in Claremont township. John P. Xander, his wife and the mem- bers of his family, belong to the English Lutheran church. He has been very active himself in church circles, holding both the office of deacon and elder, and is a man looked up to by all of his co-religionists. The subject of this sketch is now living quietly upon his farm of eighty acres which through his industry and zeal has been brought to its present state of cultivation. His health, which has always been of a rugged character, has failed somewhat within the past year and he is consequently a sufferer to some extent. He has always "been unsparing in his hardworking efforts to irnprove his land, and as a result his labors have marked his frame. Aside from his ill health, his home life is extremely happy. THOMAS B. NEAL. The gentleman whose name heads this re- view is one of the leading farmers in his community in Marion county, and this volume would be incomplete were there fail- ure to make mention of him and the enter- prise with which he is identified. Tireless energy and honesty of purpose are the chief characteristics of the man. Thomas B. Neal, a native of Marion county, Illinois, was born October 31, 1830. the son of Thomas and Rossanna (Walters) Neal. The former came to this county from Kentucky about 1828 and located near Owens Hill where he spent the remainder of his life, having made a comfortable living from his farming pursuits, being a hard worker and a man of highest integrity. The Walters people were born in Georgia and came from that state to this county. The father and mother of our subject were mar- ried in Kentucky. Thomas B. Neal, our subject, was reared on a farm which he helped develop from the wild country into which the father had moved, but this was an industrious family and soon a good and productive farm was developed. His early schooling was some- what limited owing to the fact that it was necessary for him to work on the farm and 320 BIOGRAPHICAL AND KKM I X ISC H.\T HISTORY OF schools were of the most primitive type in those days, taught only a few months out of each year. Our subject showed his loyalty to the "old flag that has never touched the ground" during the forties when this country was in war with Mexico. Being unable to restrain his patriotism when he heard the call for troops to fight the descendants of the Montezumas, and he is today one of the few highly honored sur- vivors of that famous conflict in this coun- try, and it is indeed a privilege to meet and to show proper courtesy to such heroes. Mr. Neal enlisted in Company C, First Illi- nois Volunteer Regiment, and served with marked distinction in the same throughout the war. He is now remembered by his government with a pension of twenty dol- lars per month, as the result of his valor in this war. The only other living Mexican war veteran in Marion county besides our subject is William Bundy. After his experience in the army, Mr. Neal returned home and was married in 1851 to Julia H. Chandler, whpse people were from Wilson county, Tennessee. To this union eight children were born, all de- ceased but four. Mr. Neal's first wife passed away May 2, 1898, and he was married again April 10, 1900, to Manda S. Cozad. No children have been born to this union. The names of the subject's children by his first wife follow: Alexander, deceased; John A., deceased; Etta, Delia, Rose A., de- ceased ; Cora, Charley and Ben, deceased. Our subject has six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, of whom he is justly proud. Mr. Neal owns a fine farm of forty acres in Tonti township, which he has de- veloped to a high state and which has yield- ed him a comfortable living from year to year and enabled him to lay up a compe- tency for his old age. This place shows that a man of good judgment has had its man- agement in hand, and while he is now in the evening of life he is able to still successfully manage his affairs. He lives in section 9 of Tonti township in a substantial farm house which is surrounded by convenient outbuildings, and his farm is properly stocked with various kinds of live stock and poultry. He delights to see the advance- ment of his community and county, and he formerly took an active part in the affairs of the Democratic party. LANDON M. BOSTWICK. It is always pleasant and profitable to contemplate the career of a man who has made a success of life and won the honor and respect of his fellow citizens. Such is the record, briefly stated, of the well known and progressive gentleman whose name forms the caption of this article, than whom a more whole-souled or popular man it would be difficult to find in the business cir- cles within the limits of Marion county, where he has long maintained his home and whose interests he has ever had at heart, for in all the relations of life he has proven true to every trust reposed in him and few cit- iens of the county are worthier of the high RESIDENCE OF L. M. BOSTWICK. Centralia, Illinois. L. M. BOSTWICK. Of THE 0' 'LLINOIS. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 3 2I :steem which they enjoy than Mr. Bost- vick, who is known as one of the leading umbermen of this part of the state. The subject of this review is descended rom a long line of sturdy ancestors, the :arliest generations being easily traced to he settlement of the Bostwick family at stratford, Connecticut, prior to 1650. John 3ostwick, the subject's great-great-great- >reat-grandfather, was born at Stratford, Connecticut, May 4, 1667, and he became deputy to the General Court of Connecticut, erving during twenty-one sessions, from September, 1725, to October, 1740, and he icrved in the army as lieutenant and major, fhe great-great-great-grandfather of the ubject, Ebenezer Bostwick, was born in 693, and he was captain of the First Com- iany or train band, of Danbury, Connecti- ut, in October, 1743. Edmond Bostwick, he great-great-grandfather of our subject, vas born September 15, 1732, and died Feb- uary 2, 1826. The subject's great-grand- ather, Ebenezer Bostwick, was born June !2, 1753, and died March 16, 1840. He lad an excellent war record, like his an- estors, having been an orderly sergeant in he Revolutionary army and he was a pen- ioner until his death. This family remained ti the state of Connecticut through many generations and the subject's grandfather, Andrew Bostwick, was born at New Mil- ord, that state, November 3, 1778, but he nigrated to the West and died at Berrien springs, Michigan, October 21, 1838. The ather of our subject was a merchant at >Iiles, Michigan, his store having been the 21 first brick building in that town. At Pres- ident Lincoln's call for volunteers he en- listed as a private in Company E, Twelfth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and he was made a prisoner of war at the battle of Shiloh and served nine months in Ander- sonville and Libby prisons. After his re- lease he received several promotions and finally was made captain of the company, serving as such in a very creditable manner until the close of the war. He died at Niles, Michigan, in the year 1876, when fifty-six years old, and was given a military and Masonic funeral, which was very largely attended. . Among the subject's ancestors on the ma- ternal side of the family was Rev. Peter Pruden, one of the founders of the colony at Milford, Connecticut, and in 1639 the founder of the First Church of Christ. When the two hundred and fiftieth anni- versary of Milford was celebrated, a memo- rial window was placed in the church in honor of his memory. There is also in the memorial bridge a stone in his memory, bearing the text of his first sermon, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness." Of him the noted Cotton Mather says, "His death was felt by the colony as the fall of a pillar which made the whole fabric to shake." Another distinguished ancestor of the subject's mother was Capt. Thomas Willets, the first Mayor of the city of New- York. Landon M. Bostwick, one of the fore- most business men of Centralia, Illinois, was born December i, 1862. He received 3 22 BIOGRAPHICAL AM) KI.M I X ISCKXT HISTORY OF his early education in the public schools and afterward was instructed in the higher branches by a private tutor, the course of study including some travel. The death of the subject's father made it necessary for him to give up study and seek means of self-support, which he found in the locomo- tive department of the Michigan Central Railroad, becoming an engineer at the early age of nineteen years. While serving in the capacity of fireman and engineer, he took a course in mechanical mathematics and draughting, and otherwise fitted himself for work other than locomotive engineering. At the age of twenty-four he designed and built the machinery plant at the Michigan State prison at Jackson, Michigan, which, at this writing, twenty-two years after com- pletion, is still in active service with prac- tically no alteration or change. After acting as manager of this plant for one year, Mr. Bostwick was offered, and accepted, a position as engineer on the Panama Canal, when it was owned by the French government, and was being con- structed by the famous French engineer De Lesseps;,but by a curious turn of fortune's wheel, Mr. Bostwick gave up the Panama Canal project, while enroute and also the mechanical line of business in which he had so successfully launched. At this time the South was just beginning to be called upon to take the place of the North in supplying lumber, and Mr. Bostwick grasped an op- portunity to become a lumberman, making his initial beginning in the backwoods of Howell county, Missouri. The pay was poor and the work was hard, but opportu- nity had knocked at the door and the sum- mons were willingly and gladly answered. After working up through every depart- ment to the position of manager and finally stockholder in some of the best mills of the South, he has no regrets over the humble beginning in the backwoods of Missouri. The Bostwick Lumber Company of Cen- teralia, Illinois, is a corporation of which our subject is president and the heaviest stock- holder. He knows the lumber business thor- oughly and always gives his customers a fair deal, consequently his trade, which has steadily grown, is now very extensive. Landon M. Bostwick was happily married February 3, 1892, to Frances Pease, a na- tive of Wilson, New York, the daughter of A. Douglas and Abigail Pease. One of her ancestors received a grant of land from King George, this family having been originally from England. The subject and wife are the parents of three children, name- ly: Willard D., born January 26, 1893, ar >d who is at this writing attending the public schools; Dorothy was born November 17, 1900; the date of Allen L.'s birth is Oc- tober 1 8, 1903. They are interesting chil- dren and add much sunshine to the modern and pleasant home of the Bostwicks. In his fraternal relations Mr. Bostwick is a member of the Masonic lodge at Cen- tralia, No. 201, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Centralia Chapter No. 93; also Centralia Council No. 28, and Cyrene Com- mandery No. 23 ; he also belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, No. 493, and the United Commercial Trav- elers; the Modern Woodmen and the Hoo- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 323 Hoo, the latter an organization of lumber- men, purely social, now consisting of nearly thirty thousand members. The mystic num- ber of this association is nine, every mem- ber having a number, and is fortunate if there is a nine in it. President Roosevelt's number is 9999. The Bostwick family for nlany generations have been members of the Episcopal church. Mr. Bostwick is now and for many years has been senior ward- en of St. John's Episcopal church at Cen- tralia. Our subject is a member of the Episcopal church as is also his estimable wife. In pol- itics Mr. Bostwick is a Republican, and while he has not been prominent in the af- fairs of his party, he has ever assisted in whatever way he could the furthering of good city government and the welfare of his community. He is now president of the Board of Education. Whatever of success has attended our subject's efforts has been entirely owing to his own endeavors, his energy, industry and natural ability. From small beginnings he has gradually attained a prominence in his county which entitles him to be regarded as one of its leading citizens. DANIEL BECK. The name Daniel Beck, of Claremont township, needs very little introduction to the people of Richland county for it is a name that has ever been associated with the mate- rial and spiritual progress of the community for an extended period. No aspersions can be made on any action of his during a pil- grimage of upwards of sixty-three years. He has been one of the original promoters of the establishment of St. James Lutheran church, and he has lent himself at all times to all movements for the betterment and ad- vancement of the people of the locality in which he resides. Daniel Beck was born in Olney township on the i gth of October, 1845, on what was known as the "Hooverler'' farm. He was the son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Phillips) Beck, both natives of York county, Pennsyl- vania, in which county they were married. His parents at the time of their marriage soon moved to Ohio, where they lived for a few years in Stark county. In the year 1842 they migrated overland in a one-horse wagon to Illinois, where they settled in Richland county and moved onto the "Hooverler" farm in Olney township, which they rented, living there for three years. In their family they reared Bessie Hooverler for six years, for which they received sixty dollars. With this money they entered forty acres of tim- ber land in German township, although they had intended to enter the land where the St. James Lutheran parsonage now stands in Claremont township. There was not a sin- gle effort at improvement made in the land they entered. They set to work and cleared enough space to build a log house, after which they started to clear the rest for farm- ing purposes, and bring it to perfection. Here, Daniel Beck's parents remained until BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF the time of their deaths. His mother died in April, 1872, having passed her sixtieth milestone. His father survived her several years, dying in April, 1882, at the age of eighty-four. Both are laid to rest in Goss cemetery, German township, which is about two miles from the spot in which they lived for so many years. They were the parents of ten children, seven of whom grew to ma- turity, three dying in infancy. Daniel, the subject of our present sketch, was the ninth in order of birth. He remained with his parents on the home farm until his marriage to Susan Ditch, which took place December 24, 1867. His wife, who was born Decem- ber 25, 1851, in Stark county, Ohio, was the daughter of John and Catherine ( Boatman ) Ditch, her father being a native of Pennsyl- vania, and her mother of Ohio, their mar- riage taking place in Ohio. Her parents came to Illinois in the spring of 1852, com- ing along down via the Ohio river to Evans- ville, Indiana, thence overland to Illinois, where they settled on a farm in Claremont township, Richland county, where her father bought forty acres, for which he paid two hundred and fifty dollars, and which con- sisted of unimproved land. He started in and built a log house for his family, and put the land into the shape of a farm. Here they lived until the death of her mother which occurred December 23, 1880, at the age of fifty-four years. Her father survived five years longer, dying January 16, 1885, at the age of sixty-six. Both were buried in Goss cemetery, German township. They were the parents of fourteen children, of whom half the number arrived at maturity ; seven dying in childhood. Mrs. Daniel Beck was the seventh in order of birth. For a year after their marriage Daniel Beck and his wife lived with his parents on the German township homestead. At the end of that time Daniel took a lease on ten acres in German township. This was all timber. He built a log house, a rather small one, and cleared the land, remaining there for four years. He then moved upon the farm he now occupies in section 28, Claremont town- ship. During his early days in Richland county, as is well known, deer and wild tur- keys were very numerous, and the many wolves which inhabited the timber made life precarious for the sheep. In his early days Daniel Beck met with some hardships and ill-luck which might have daunted a weaker man. Application and industriousness brought prosperity, however, and he has now a well kept farmstead. In order to build his house there he cut the tim- ber on his land, hauled it to the saw mill, and had it sawed into lumber, and hauled it back again, unaided. He employed his brother- in-law, John Ditch, to build the house. He and his wife have had six children. Four grew up and two died in early life. Sarah E. is the wife of Eli Sager in Clare- mont township; Rachael C. died at the age of fifteen ; Mary Matilda married Sam Cer- ber, deceased, and is now the wife of Adolph Scherer in German township; John Luther died aged eight years; Ira J. lives on a farm in Madison township ; and Emma Eunice died in infancy. Daniel Beck and his wife RICHLAND, CLAY AXD MARION* COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 325 also reared three orphan children, two boys and one girl. One of the boys, Charles Smith, is now married and lives in California near Long Beach. Leslie Dickerson, the other boy, and Carrie Shaw, the girl, still live at home on the farm. They are receiv- ing a good education; Miss Shaw is a grad- uate of home schools and possesses three diplomas. Daniel Beck before he was quite five years old attended subscription school in Clare- mont township ; afterwards at a subscription school in German township ; and for another term in Claremont township with Ben Law- yer as teacher. He attended school off and on irregularly until his twenty-first year. The "three R's" were principally the studies en- gaged in, and considering the schooling of the day he received a very good education. The hewn pin-legged seats, without backs, were then in use, and wide planks set against the sides of the wall were the desks used to write on. In politics Daniel Beck is a Democrat, with a lasting admiration for both Stevenson (once Vice-President) and the silver-tongued William J. Bryan. He is, or at least has been, somewhat active in local affairs. He was once elected poundmaster, an office which he declined. He served several terms as a School Director in the school district of Hick- ory Point. He lives in section No. 28. He has never sat on a jury, and though he was summoned several times as a witness the few cases never came to trial. He and his wife and family have always been members and faithful workers of the St. James Lutheran church in Claremont. He is an elder of the church, having been chosen to fill a vacancy. He can lay the claim also, as before stated, to be one of the originators of the church, which is now in its third building, being at one time an old log structure. In everyday life, Daniel Beck is a man whose word is as good, if not better, than the bond of many. Honesty and integrity are no meaningless words with him and his records as a man and citizen are without blemish. HENDERSON BOYAKIN WHAM. A native of Haines township, Marion county, and having spent the sixty years of his life there, naturally the subject of this sketch is known to every man, woman and child in that section of the state. Mr. Wham has been very much in the public eye, in various capacities, having on more than one occasion been closely identified with the affairs of the township in an official way, and it may not be amiss to state, in this connection, that his constituents never had cause to regret the fact of having conferred upon him their suffrages. He is known as a devoutly religious man. Mr. Wham was born in Haines township March 25, 1848, being the offspring of Wil- liam and Louisa (Rainey) W r ham, the for- mer a native of Tennessee, while the latter was born in Kentucky. The grandfather of the subject was a native of Ireland, and BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF came to America shortly after the Revolu- tionary war, settling in South Carolina on a farm. Later he went to Tennessee, where he died, and the father and grandmother of Mr. Wham moved to Marion county, set- tling in Haines township, where later the former was married. The couple entered a farm of prairie and timber land in Haines township that was purchased from the gov- ernment. He broke the land and built upon it what was then considered a very com- modious dwelling. He was a very progres- sive man, and did much to develop the region. After improving his own land he did much work for his neighbors in the way of breaking the sod, using an ox team, and to him was also due the construction of many good roads. He was a Whig and later a Republican. His wife died in 1883, and he survived her ten years. He was born in 1817, and his helpmate in 1818. They were both devout members of the Presby- terian church for many years, but in later years became members of the Methodist denomination. There were born to the couple eight children, namely: Margaret Ann, widow of James M. Mount; Martha, widow of William K. Storment, living at Cartter, Illinois; Elizabeth, deceased, was the wife of John R. Morrison ; Minerva, de- ceased, was the wife of Thomas J. Holt; Jerusha, deceased, was the wife of Mathew M. Gaston; H. B., our subject; Mathew R., deceased, and William R., living at Cartter, Illinois. The early life of the subject was spent on a farm in Haines township. He attended the common schools and later the high school at Centralia, Illinois. In 1871 he married Nancy Jane Stonecipher, daughter of Joshua and Nancy A. (Hall) Stone- cipher, both being natives of Tennessee and early settlers of Marion county. The sub- ject and his wife had ten children, viz. : Prof. George D., a teacher of pedagogy in the State Normal School at Carbondale, who married Edith Page, of Olney, Illinois, and who is the father of one child, John Page Wham; Nellie Eunice, wife of T. E. Maulding, East St. Louis, has one child, Howard B. ; Phoebe, wife of E. P. Gaston, Centralia, Illinois, has one child, Helen, Edgar B., a successful merchant of Cartter, Illinois, married Anna Blair; Frederick, senior in law department of the University of Illinois at Champaign, Illinois; Charles, in school at Champaign, taking a literary course; Florence, at home; Benjamin in school at Carbondale, normal course; Wil- liam J., died in infancy; infant, unnamed, deceased. Joshua Stonecipher and wife, parents of Mrs. Wham, had fourteen children and they are all dead but five, Hiram, Phoebe, Mary, Curtis and Mrs. Wham. The Stone- cipher family is very highly respected in Marion county. William Wham, grand- father of the subject, was the father of eight children, Joseph, John, Benjamin, William, Isabella, Ann, Jane and Elizabeth. Mathew Rainey, the maternal grandfather of the subject, also had eight children, all of whom are dead. They were: Louisa Ann, Jeru- sia, Jane, Sarah, Patsey, William, Robert and Samuel. The subject has one of the most attractive HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 327 farms in Haines township. He has con- structed a spacious dwelling and ample barns. He has been a stock raiser for many years, and handles the very best grade of horses, mules, cattle and sheep. Although he is a very busy man Mr. Wham has a great love for literature, and spends much time among his books. The subject began teaching school in 1867, and spent alto- gether twenty-five years as a pedagogue. He was a successful instructor and did much for the cause of education in Marion county, and particularly Haines township. He early became an enthusiastic champion of the State Normal School located at Car- bondale, and it is a matter of record that Marion county stands first in the state out- side of the county in which the school is lo- cated in the number of students attending that institution. It is also a fact, of which Mr. Wham may feel justly proud, that Haines township, where he taught for so many years, has furnished more students for the State Normal than any other township in Marion county. He is a Republican and has been Supervisor of Haines township twice, Town Clerk one term, besides serving as Assessor. As an evidence of his popu- larity it may be stated that Haines town- ship is Democratic normally, but Mr. Wham received an unusually large plurality. He has rarely been defeated for public office, but when he ran for County Treasurer in 1906 he was defeated by forty-two votes. Mr. Wham has been a Sunday school teacher and superintendent for a number of years, and has taken a great interest in church work. LYDIA PHILLIPS GERBER. Of the older residents of Claremont township there are few that are better known and more widely respected than the subject of this brief notice, who was born July 14, 1834, in Stark county, Ohio, the daughter of David and Sarah Phillips, her mother's name being Hosier and a native of Stark county. Her father was a Pennsyl- vanian and moved from there with his par- ents when almost at the age of manhood. His parents settled in Stark county, Ohio, where they lived for some years before coming to Illinois. About the year 1840, they moved and settled in Claremont town- ship, Richland county, one year before Richland county was surveyed. Lydia Phillips was then but six years of age. In Richland county her parents entered forty acres of unimproved land, the greater part of which was covered with timber. This land he (her father) bought from the gov- ernment at one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre. He started to clear and improve the land and built a crude log house of hewn logs. Industriously he kept adding to his property until he had two hundred acres at the time of his death. When two years in Illinois his parents left Ohio and made their home with the younger family, where they remained until their deaths, which took place when they were well on in the eighties. Lydia Phillips remained with her parents on their farm until her marriage to Wil- liam Gerber, which was celebrated on June 20, 1856. She and her husband settled on I'.lor.KAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF forty acres of land in Claremont township, at a later period they bought more, making a total of one hundred acres. Here they remained in peaceful married life and work- ing hard until the death of William Gerber, which event occurred on January 3, 1896, when he had reached his sixty-sixth year. He was the son of Phillip and Susannah Gerber, his mother's name being Sager, both of them being natives of Pennsylvania, where William was born on February 24, 1830. He moved with his parents to San- dusky, Ohio, then to Indiana, and later re- turning again to Ohio. Afterwards they moved to Illinois and settled in Richland county, where his parents died. They are buried in Claremont township cemetery. Lydia Phillips was the eldest of eight children born to her parents, all of whom grew to maturity. She herself was blessed with eight children. All of them grew to maturity, but four have since died. In the order of their birth, they are : Sarah Jane, Elizabeth, Matilda K., John P., George W., Levi D., Ellen and Henry. George is the only child who married. He and his wife live on the homestead with his mother and are the parents of four children, all of whom live. They are: Inez Myrtle, Charles Os- car, Grace A., and Francis W. Lydia Phillips Gerber attended in her early days the free schools in Claremont township near her home. The building was an old log house with a fireplace which was built of mud and sticks. The seats were four log slabs balanced upon four pegs which stood for legs. The books used were McGuffey's readers and the elementary speller and a few others which were the principal text-books of the time. Here she attended school for seventeen years and ob- tained a good share of information. Her husband during his life was a Demo- crat in politics. In religion she and her husband and the grandparents were mem- bers of the Lutheran church in Claremont township. During her long life she has never omitted to give her church duties a proper share of attention. She has always been respected in the congregation to which she belongs. JAMES M. DACE. Among the representative business men of Marion county is the subject of this sketch, who is at present proprietor of a well known and flourishing restaurant in Odin, and who is carrying on his line of business with that enterprise and discretion which are sure to find their sequel in definite suc- cess. James M. Dace was born in Monroe City, Monroe county, Illinois, on April 18, 1861, but was educated in the public schools of this county, where he applied himself in a careful manner and received a good educa- tion. He later took a commercial course in the Bryant and Stratton Business College of St. Louis. After leaving school, our subject devoted himself to fanning, having while attending school worked on his fa- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 329 ther's farm. This he followed with success attending his efforts until 1888, then he traveled for a period of seven years for the D. M. Osborn Company, successfully han- dling a line of agricultural implements, and obtaining a large amount of trade for them. In 1895 Mr. Dace gave up his position on the road and opened his present business in Odin, that of conducting a restaurant. His success was instantaneous, and he has since conducted the same with much satisfaction attending his efforts, his neat, well equipped and carefully managed restaurant being known far and wide to the transient visitors to Odin, as well as to numerous local pa- trons. Here is served the very best grade of materials that the market affords and all guests are accorded the kindest considera- tion and most courteous treatment, so that a customer is never lost, but all speak in praise of our subject's place of business, which would be a credit to any town, much less one the size of Odin. Mr. Dace has long taken considerable in terest in public affairs, his unusual talents having been recognized early by his many political friends, so that he was sought out for public office, with the result that he has been Supervisor of his township for the past twelve years which position he has held with great credit to himself and with satisfaction to all concerned. In politics he is a loyal Democrat. The married life of Mr. Dace dates from 1884, when he was united in the bonds of wedlock with Lulu Charlton, a native of this county and a daughter of Sidney and Henrietta (Gaines) Charlton, natives of this county. The paternal grandfather ot our subject's wife came to this county in an early day, taking up twelve hundred acres of land, which he developed and on which he raised his family and where he died, hav- ing lived to an old age. His wife, who is still living, is very old. The subject and wife have no children living. Mrs. Dace belongs to the Christian church. Our subject in his fraternal rela- tions is a member of the ancient and honor- able order of Masons, the Knights of Pythias and the Woodmen, having filled many of the chairs in the latter. He at present holds offices in two of these lodges. He also belongs to the Red Men. Mr. Dace has always been known as a man of sound business principles, kind hearted, liberal and pleasant to all. JACOB BURGENER. It is almost unnecessary at this time to speak of the part played by European exiles in the upbuilding of this nation. They came here prior to the Revolution, the stream grew larger and more constant at its close, and they have still continued to come in large numbers. We have always plenty of room for them and they pay us back, and have paid us back, by their industrious and frugal lives and by their contributions to the pros- perity of our United States. The subject of this sketch comes of a mid European race the hardy Swiss mountain- BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF eers. Jacob Burgener was born in the Can- ton of Bern, Switzerland, on June 3, 1845, the son of Jacob and Anna Burgener. His parents were both natives of Switzerland, where his father was born. In April of the year 1847 the subject of this sketch came with his parents to the United States, land- ing in New York harbor. The voyage across the vast stretches of the Atlantic ocean was a tedious one in those days and their trip in a sailing vessel was of forty-six days' duration having been beaten out of their course sev- eral times by storms; many hundred sharks followed at times in the wake of the ship; and many, of the emigrants died at sea, their bodies being sewed in a sack in lieu of a shroud and then thrown overboard to make food for the sharks. On their arrival in New York they set out for Richland county, Ohio, where they rent- ed a farm and remained for two or three years. In the year 1850 they migrated over- land in wagons from Ohio to Illinois, where they settled in Richland county, Preston township. Here they worked on the farm of an old inhabitant named Jacob Yoggy, and some few years later they entered eighty acres bought from the government at the current price of one dollar and a quarter an acre in Preston township, and later added forty acres. Eighty acres of this land was mostly prairie land, and forty acres con- tained timber, and there was not even a fence or a well on the property. Jacob Burgener began at once to improve his holding and built a log house with a long shed on the side running the full length of the house. In this shed the cows were kept and the noise of the cow-bells ringing every night sounded almost like alarm clocks to the family. A log stable was also built and fences were put up, and in this work the family were helped by an uncle, William Van Alman, who broke many an acre of the ground. At this time the subject of our sketch was nine or ten years old. His grandfather Burgener was also with them, having come from Switzer- land. He also settled in Preston township where he lived until his demise, being buried in the German Reform cemetery, Preston township, aged eighty years. Jacob Burgener was about fourteen or fif- teen years old when his mother died. She is buried in the German Reform cemetery in Preston township. Her mother and fa- ther were born in Switzerland, when mother died father came to the United States, and she had two brothers and three sisters who helped to swell the tide of emi- gration to the United States. Some time after his mother's death his father mar- ried again, his second wife's name being Margaret Stucchi. She died in the year 1903 and is also buried in the German Re- form cemetery in Preston township. Jacob Burgener remained with his father on the farm until about twenty-two years of age. During his years on his father's farm rattle- snakes abounded there. Herds of wild deer, wolves and wild game were also in evidence, the wolves, especially, being so numerous and ferocious that they did not dare let the sheep out at night. At the age of twenty-two Jacob Burgener RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 331 left his father's farm and went to work for some neighbors, obtaining a wage of about thirteen or fourteen dollars per month. In December, 1871, he married Anna Combs, who was born in Claremont county, Ohio. She was the daughter of Abner and Eliza- beth Combs, her mother's name being Eliza- beth Smizer, natives of Ohio, who came to Illinois and settled in Preston township in the year 1860, where they built a fine house and barn and spent about two thousand dol- lars in improvements upon their farm of over three hundred acres. Mrs. Burgener's fa- ther died in 1884 and her mother still sur- vives, living in Preston township at the age of ninety-two years. On his marriage Jacob Burgener settled on a farm of forty acres in Olney township, which his father-in-law had given him, and there he remained until his removal to his present farm of two hundred acres in Clare- mont township in the year 1881. While liv- ing in Olney township his wife died on Feb- ruary 23, 1878, in her thirty-first year, and was buried in Olney. Three children were born of the marriage, two boys and one girl, all of whom are now married and have fami- lies of their own. Their names are: Wil- liam A., Harry L., and Winona. William A. lives in Olney township on a one hundred and sixty acre farm. Harry L. lives in Clare- mont township on forty acres of fine im- proved land. Winona is the wife of Charles Elliott and lives in Montana. Jacob Burgener re-married on October 15, 1 88 1, Sophia (Fritchle) Garber, widow of John Garber. She was born September 2, 1845, in Olney township, Richland county, Illinois, being the daughter of Jacob and Lydia (Strathe) Fritchle. Her father was a native of Germany and her mother of Pennsylvania. They were married in Ohio and lived for some time near Canton, Ohio, afterwards, about the year 1839, coming to Richland county, Illinois, and settling on the farm on which they lived until their deaths. Her mother died in the year 1857 an< ^ ner father in 1899, at the age of eighty-one or eighty-two years. Both lie buried in the Lutheran cemetery in Claremont township, situated near where the old log church used to stand. By her first marriage the second Mrs. Burgener had four children, only one of whom is living. They were: Jake P., Daniel, Charles, all deceased, and Mary E., who is living and is married to William H. Haulterman, the owner of a splendid farm in Jasper county, Illinois. Jacob Burgener in his young days attend- ed about two winter terms at the free school in Preston township. His work at home on the farm interfered with his school attend- ance and he consequently did not receive much education. He was quick to learn, however, and became proficient in reading, writing, spelling, and some arithmetic. He has been active in the life of the township and county, is a Democrat in politics, and has served a term on the county grand jury at Olney. He and his wife and the members of their family all belong to the Lutheran church, his first wife being a Methodist. The Burgeners have always been known to take an active part in church affairs. 332 BIOGRAPHICAL AND RKM I MS( ' I-.NT HISTORY OF During his lengthy life Jacob Burgener has worked hard and prospered and as a re- sult has two hundred acres of fine farm land well improved. He is now past his sixty- second year, with his present wife the same age, and he enjoys fairly good health. He is an influential man in the township and well known and respected by his neighbors. BENJAMIN F. NORFLEET. This venerable and highly honored citi- zen of Raccoon township, represents that class of noble American citizens who spend their lives in the rural districts, the great producers, on whom the rest of the world depends, and his life has been so active and carefully lived that success has attended al- most his every effort. Benjamin F. Norfleet was born in Mont- gomery county, Tennessee, May 29, 1832, the son of Marmaduke and Malinda (Mc- Fadden) Norfleet, natives of Montgomery county. The subject's grandfather was James Norfleet, a native of North Carolina. He married in that state, but lived in Mont- gomery county, Tennessee, most of his life. He was a farmer and raised a good deal of fruit. He was noted for the fine apple and peach brandy which he made. He and his wife died in that county. They were the parents of three sons and four daughters. He was of Welsh descent. There were three brothers of the Norfleet family who came to America, namely: James, Marmaduke and Starkey. They settled in North Caro- lina. The subject's grandfather, David McFadden, was a native of Ireland. He married Elizabeth Elliott. He came to America shortly after they were married. He came first to this country and in six months sent for his wife. He settled in Montgomery county, Tennessee, on the Red river. He got six hundred and forty acres of government land. He cleared a great deal of the land and built a fine home on it. He was a farmer and a successful business man. They lived the rest of their lives in Montgomery county and reared a large family. The subject's father and mother were both born in Montgomery county, Tennessee. The former was educated in the home schools and was a self-learned man and became a good scholar. He was a carpenter and farmer. In 1855 he went to Stewart county, Tennessee, and bought a farm there. He was Justice of the Peace, was active in Democratic politics. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Norfleet died in Stewart county, Tennessee. They were the parents of thirteen children, namely : Ben- jamin Franklin, our subject; David, a farmer in Stewart county, Tennessee; Hen- ry A., a farmer in Stewart county, Tennes- see; George, a farmer in the same county; Virginia, who lives in the same county; Josephine L. also lives in that county ; Mary Elizabeth became a resident of Wil- liamson county, Illinois, where she died. The rest of the children are all deceased. The subject of this sketch had only a lim- ited education, obtained in the subscription schools. He lived at home until he was RICHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 333 twenty-two years of age. He was united in marriage October 10, 1855, to Josephine Hamlett, of Montgomery county, Tennes- see, the daughter of James and Jane (At- kins) Hamlett, the former of North Caro- lina, and the latter of Montgomery county, Tennessee, to which county the former went when ten years of age. He was a carpen- ter and cabinet maker, and he and his wife lived in that county the rest of their lives. They were the parents of eight children, namely: James, deceased; Frank is a car- penter in Marshall, Texas; Mary Jane is deceased; the fourth child died in infancy; Jackson is deceased; Josephine, the sub- ject's wife; Maria, of Nashville, Tennes- see; Margaret, of Clarksville, Tennessee. Eleven children have been born to the subject and wife, one of whom is deceased, namely : Emma is the wife of F. G. Boggs, of Raccoon township, whose sketch appears in full on another page of this volume; Marmaduke, a farmer in Raccoon township, married Lucy Boggs ; Edgar, who is con- nected with "The Houston Post," at Houston, Texas, married Belle Clayburn; Ella died young; Jefferson, who married Minnie Brown, is a farmer at Springfield, Illinois; Dora, who married Ira Richard- son, lives at Muskogee, Oklahoma ; Thomas M., who is an engineer in a coal mine at Springfield, Illinois, married Hattie Few; Sidney, a carpenter living at St. Louis, Mis- souri, married Nettie Stader; Beulah, the widow of William Stewart, lives at Centra- lia, Illinois; Benjamin F., Jr., who lives in Lexington, Kentucky, married a Miss Mc- Murphy. He is a well known professor in that city, being connected with a correspon- dence school there. Starkey, the youngest child, who married Ava Davis, is a farmer at Muskogee, Oklahoma. After our subject married he and his wife lived in Montgomery county, Tennessee, until 1865, when he went to Trenton, Ken- tucky, where he purchased a farm. He also worked at the carpenter's trade until 1870. He came to Marion county, Illinois, lo- cating in Raccoon township, on Tennessee Prairie, where he rented land for one year and bought eighty acres in section 22 and twenty acres in section 27, on which he built a house and lived there for twenty years, when he bought his present place of forty acres known as the Wesley Willis place in Raccoon township. He has worked at the carpenter's trade since he was sixteen years old, and, being thus naturally gifted, he became a very fine workman. He has worked at his trade with much success. He has been a most excellent farmer. He re- tired in 1905. He learned his trade from his father. A great deal of the time he pre- ferred to rent his land and follow carpentry. Mr. Norfleet has served as Highway Commissioner for five years, and two terms as school trustee; also two terms as director. He is a Democrat in his political relations. Mrs. Norfleet is a member of the Christian church and the subject is a member of the Free Will Baptist church. Members of the Norfleet family are well known in Marion county and they have a modern and nicely furnished home. 334 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF LUTHER HOLT, M. D. Although but in the meridian of life the subject of this sketch has had wonderful success in alleviating the ills and sufferings of his fellow men, and in Haines township, Marion county, he is regarded as a credit to the noble profession in which he has been engaged for more than twenty years. His boyhood days were spent on a farm, but early in life he showed a desire to become a medical practitioner, and when his school days came to an end his parents decided that the longing of his heart should be realized. Dr. Holt was born in Haines township, May 14, 1862, the son of Charles Wesley and Violindia (Wilkins) Holt. The father of the subject first saw the light of day in West Virginia, November 20, 1834, and was the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Jack- son) Holt, the latter a native of South Caro- lina. Joseph, after going South, where he was married, settled in Virginia, and final- ly removed to Tennessee, where he lived until 1837, when he decided that he could better his condition by moving further west, and as a result, emigrated to Marion coum ty, settling at Centralia. Later he took up his residence in Washington county, Il- linois, and remained there until the death of his wife, Elizabeth (Jackson) Holt, which occurred in 1847. After this sad event he went to Texas, and died there a few years later. The couple were survived by eleven children, Joseph, John, Eliza, Gordon W., Lee, Sarah J., Thomas J. Charles W., Nathaniel. Albert and Fletcher L. Charles W. Holt, father of the subject, has spent all of his life in Marion county, Illinois. He was only three years old when the family removed to the state, making the trip with an ox team and pack horses. When a young man he worked on farms, and was employed at times as a laborer on public improvements. He helped to grade the Illinois Central road when it was con-, structed, and this work was done with shov- els and wheel-barrows. Later he began farming for himself on forty acres in sec- tion 12, settling on his present farm in sec- tion 15, in 1865, which was almost an un- broken prairie at the time. This farm now consists of 220 acres of well tilled land. The mother of the subject is a native of Marion county, being the daughter of Ben- jamin and Cloanna (Brewer) Wilkins, the latter a native of Kentucky. Her parents were early settlers of Marion county, and are both dead. The father and mother of the subject are members of the Baptist church at Pleasant Grove. Mr. Holt is a Democrat and has served in the capacity of school director. In connection with the cul- tivation of his farm, he gives considerable attention to stock breeding, raising a high grade of mules, horses, cattle, sheep, hogs. Dr. Holt, the subject of this sketch, lives on the farm with his father and mothW, upon which is a building which is utilized by him as an office. He received a common school education, and in 1884 entered the St. Louis Medical College, and three years later graduated in medicine and surgery. He then returned to Illinois and began prac- ticing with Dr. A. P. Kell, at Fortville, but RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 335 after a short time went to Xenia, Illinois, where for one year he practiced with T>r. Shirley. At the end of that interval he re- turned to his father's farm, and since then has conducted his practice from that place. In 1889 the subject was married to Josie Huff, who was born and raised in Haines township, and is the daughter of Thomas and Emma (Fulton) Huff. Seven children were born to the subject and his wife, six of whom survive. They are Hallie, Althia, Edna, Earl, Edgar, Ida and Roy. Althia is dead; Edna lives with her parents, and Hallie is a teacher in the Marion county schools. Dr. Holt is a member of the Ma- rion County Medical Society, and in politics he is a Democrat. He has served as School Director, and is a stockholder in a Salem bank. He has always taken a great interest in public affairs. WILLIAM VAN ALMAN. One of the owners of extensive farming interests in Richland county is the gentle- man whose name initiates this sketch, who resides in Preston township. His valuable property has been acquired through his own efforts his persistency of purpose and his determination, and the prosperity which is the legitimate reward of all earnest effort is today his. William Van Alman was born in Switzerland. July 5, 1828. the son of Christian and Anna (Milliman) Van Al- man, also natives of Switzerland, where they lived and died. The father of the sub- ject was a farmer and died when the latter was ten years old, and he was only three years old, when his mother died. They were the parents of seven children, four girls and three boys, William being the youngest. He was reared in his native land and received a common school education. When nineteen years old he went through the regular drill required of all able bodied young men. He had left home when six- teen, having secured the required passport to leave his native section of Switzerland. He worked on farms and at dairy work for several years. In the latter part of 1849 in company with two older brothers and a cousin, he came to the United States in an old-fashioned sailing vessel, being fifty-four days making the ocean voyage, landing at New Orleans, where he says he saw his first "nigger." He came up the Mississippi and Ohio rivers to Louisville, Kentucky, where he arrived January i, 1850. He soon went to Ripley county, Indiana, where his cousin lived, and in the following March went to Mount Vernon, Illinois. That same spring he came to Richland county, and went to work on a farm for seven dollars per month. He saved his money which he add- ed to what he had when he came to the United States. In 1852 he entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in Preston township, eighty acres of prairie and eighty acres of bottom land. He at once built a log cabin and began improving his place, having bought a yoke of cattle and began 336 inOGKAPHICAL AXU REMIXISCEXT HISTORY OF breaking the prairie land, and being a hard worker, he was not long in making many changes on his farm. He bought more oxen and continued breaking land for his neighbors for ten years rover one thousand acres in all. He operated a threshing ma- chine for thirty years, wearing out six ma- chines during that time, and doing a large and prosperous business in this line. He became prosperous and at one time owned three hundred acres. He is at this writing the owner of two hundred and fifty acres. Olney was a hamlet of only a few houses mean wooden structures when Mr. Van Alman came here. William Van Alman was united in marriage October 7, 1862, to Elizabeth Mattingly, who was born in Jasper county, Illinois, the daughter of George and Elizabeth Mattingly. The sub- ject and wife are the parents of thirteen children, six of whom grew to maturity. They are, Matilda, Stephen, died when thir- ty-two years old ; Charles, Emma is the wife of William Lamkin, who lives in Louis- ville, Kentucky; Fred W. is a farmer in Preston township ; Louise is the wife of Ed. Williams, living on the old homestead. Politically Mr. Van Alman is a Demo- crat, having always supported the principals of that party. He and his wife are mem- bers of the German Reformed church in Preston township. Mr. Van Alman was the first person to break the banks of the Ambrose river to cross with a wagon in this section. He was the first person to subscribe fifty dollars for the construction of a bridge across this stream, where a ferry used to be main- tained. He built the first ferry across the Ambrose river in the pioneer days; in fact, he built four ferries before a bridge was constructed. His name is associated with progress in the county of his adoption and among those in whose midst he has so long lived and labored, he is held in the highest esteem by reason of an upright life of fidel- ity to principles. WILLIAM F. BUNDY. Holding distinctive prestige among the enterprising citizens of Marion county, is William F. Bundy, whose record here briefly outlined, is that of a man who has been the architect of his own fortunes, a self-made man, who, by the exercise of talents with which nature endowed him, has successfully surmounted unfavorable environment and rose to the position he now occupies as one of the influential attorneys of the city hon- ored by his residence. He is a creditable representative of one of the old and highly esteemed pioneer families of southern Il- linois, and possesses many of the admirable qualities and characteristics of his sturdy ancestors who figured in the history of the early days in this section of the great Prairie state. Isaac Bundy, the subject's father, was born October 4, 1828, in Rac- coon township, this county, where he de- voted his manhood years to agricultural pursuits and became known as a most ex- emplary citizen, for many years a minister in the Methodist Episcopal church, always doing his full share in the promotion and RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 337 growth of his part of the county. On June 7, 1849, he was united in marriage with Amanda M. Richardson, after he had re- turned home from the Mexican war, in which he served with distinction, having en- listed in Colonel Newby's First Regiment, on June 8, 1847, and soon afterward began the long and arduous march from Kansas City, Missouri, to Albuquerque, New Mex- ico; after the close of hostilities, marching back over the same route. John A. Logan, afterwards a conspicuous general in the war between the states, was then a second lieu- tenant of Company H, of the famous First Regiment, which did such effective work in the land of the ancient Montezumas, in which regiment Mr. Bundy served until his honorable discharge on October 13, 1848, having been a member of Company C. This was usually referred to as the Illinois Foot Volunteer Regiment, in which General James S. Martin, whose sketch appears in this volume, was a private. Isaac Bundy was also in the Civil war, having enlisted as a private at Springfield, Illinois, Novem- ber 1 8, 1 86 1, remaining at Camp Butler, near that city for a time. He was appointed chaplain, October 7, 1862, and after serving faithfully until October 24, 1864, resigned on account of illness and returned home in Raccoon township, where he spent the re- mainder of his life, passing to his rest De- cember 13, 1899, his death having been deeply lamented by the people among whom he had so long lived and by whom he was held in such high esteem. Amanda M. (Richardson) Bundy, moth- 22 er of the subject, was the daughter of Rev. James I. Richardson, of the Methodist Eis- copal church, who came to this state in an early days, and for some time was presiding elder of the Southern Illinois Conference, of the above mentioned denomination, hav- ing been located at Salem, McLeansboro, Benton, Spring Garden, Central City and many other charges in the southern part of the state. Although his education was gained by the pine knot and tallow candle, with a short term in the common schools, he developed a strong mind, and this, coupled with an indomitable will, enabled him to sur- mount many obstacles and accomplish much good. He was a large man physically, hav- ing stood six feet two inches in height. Be- ing a strong Abolitionist, he took an active part in "underground railroad" work, as- sisting to free the negro from slavery when- ever an opportunity came. His talents at- tracted public attention wherever he went, and he was sought for positions of public trust and very ably served as a member of the sixteenth General Assembly, from Ma- rion county. Many of his associates in the House at that time later became noted in many walks of life. Reverend Richardson served in the Black Hawk war of 1832, hav- ing been a member of the Spy Battalion, Mounted Volunteers, under Capt. William Dobbins, which was mustered in June 17, 1832, taking part in the battle of Kellogg's Grove, eight days later, June 25th, under eral Atkinson, in which engagement this company had fourteen horses killed, six wounded and three captured. The Spy Bat- 338 mnCKAl'IIlCAI, AXI) KKMIMSCKNT HISTORY OF talion, which was first organized in Marion county, May 4, 1832, was mustered out on August i6th, following. For his war rec- ord, his political service and his ministry, covering a period of over thirty years, Rev- erend Richardson was a noted character in Southern Illinois. The subject's paternal great-grandfather, Jonathan Bundy, was also a well known character in this part of the state in its earli- est pioneer period. He came from North Carolina in 1817, having made the trip over- land with his family, consisting of the fol- lowing sons: William, Robert, Frederick and John. William, who remained single all his life, was a soldier in the War of 1812, having fought at New Orleans, under Gen- eral Jackson. Robert and Frederick reared families, the descendants of whom still live in Marion county, among whom is Wil- liam K., the oldest son of Frederick Bundy. John Bundy's family consisted of five sons, namely: Isaac, Bailey, Alexander, George and Samuel. To Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bundy, parents of our subject, the following children were born: Elizabeth Jane, who married Noah E. Barr, is living near Salem, Dent county, Missouri, their family consisting of four boys and three girls; Asbury and Samuel both died in infancy; Laura Alice married James N. Adams, and they are the parents of four boys and one girl, namely: Ernest J. Sanford, James O., Rollin and Maud, all living in Centralia, with the exception of James O., who is living in Idaho. William F., the subject of this sketch, was fifth in order of birth, having been born in Rac- coon township, Marion county, Illinois, June 8, 1858. He was educated in Southern Illinois Normal University, at Carbondale, Illinois, and decided to study law. He was married to Mary E. McNally, daughter of James J. and Sarah A. (Carter) McNally. Mr. McNally was born in Ireland, Septem- ber 8, 1836. After coming to America, he located in New York state, and when the Civil war broke out he enlisted in the Thir- ty-fifth New York Infantry and later in the Twentieth New York Cavalry. In the latter he became second lieutenant in Company E. Mrs. McNally was born in Constableville, Lewis county, New York, April 16, 1843. She married Me McNally September 21, 1862. To Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bundy the following children have been born : Donald M. (deceased) ; Dorothy E., Sarah Pauline, and Margaret M. Politically Mr. Bundy is a Republican, and he has been called upon to serve in va- rious official capacities, among which was that of City Attorney, also City Clerk of Centralia, for several terms each. When he was young in the practice of his profession he represented the Forty-second District of Illinois in the General Assembly in the House of Representatives, both in the forty- second General Assembly (1901 to 1903), and in the forty-third General Assembly, (1903 to 1905). During the forty-second General Assembly he was chairman of the important committee of Senatorial Appoint- ment and he was also a member of the Steering Committee of the Republican party, and in the forty-third General As- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 339 sembly he was chairman of the Committee on Judicial Department and Practice. Mr. Bundy took a very active part in the Legis- lature while a member and won a record of which anyone might be justly proud. He was a member of the Republican State Cen- tral Committee for the Twenty-third Con- gressional District of Illinois from 1906 to 1908. Under the appointment of the Gov- ernor, our subject is serving as one of the trustees of the Southern Illinois Normal University at Carbondale, his alma mater, having been appointed early in 1908. He has ever kept in touch with the interests of his city and county and is an ardent advo- acte and liberal patron of all worthy enter- prises, making for their advancement and prosperity. As a lawyer he is easily the peer of any of his professional brethren through- out the southern part of the state and the honorable distinction, already achieved at the bar is an earnest of the still wider sphere of usefulness that he is destined to fill, as he is yet in the prime of manhood and a close observer of the trend of the times and an intelligent student of the great questions and issues upon which the thought of the best minds of the world are centered. CHARLES W. HOPKINS. Charles W. Hopkins, retired hardware merchant of Clay City, Illinois, is well and favorably known at the present time as the owner of one of the "banner" farms, for- merly the property of his parents, of Clay county. For fifteen consecutive years Clay City was the scene of his successful en- deavors as a hardware merchant. He has not yet reached his fiftieth year, and while he has already "made good" as a citizen and a business man, many years of in- creased prosperity await him in his farming pursuits. The subject of our sketch was born in Mason county. West Virginia, on January 12, 1860, and was the son of William and Adriana (Donnelly) Hopkins. Both par- ents were natives of old Virginia, and came of good stock. William Hopkins married in his native state, resided on a farm there, and was a member of the convention called to partition the state into the present di- visions of east and west. He ran boats on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers for thirty- five years. During that time he was cap- tain of "The Tigress," which General Grant pressed into service at Cairo, Illinois, dur- ing the progress of the Civil war. All through its meteoric career in the military service he remained its captain under com- mand of the gallant Grant. At Pittsburg Landing, Grant made his headquarters upon on the boat, and he and the elder Hopkins had many chats together. Later then ran the blockade at Vicksburg successfully, but when they had safely passed the last battery "The Tigress" sank, having been shot through the hull. At this time Captain Hopkins was home on a furlough, and ow- ing to the loss of his boat was discharged from the service. He then moved with his 340 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF family to Illinois, and settled in Clay county, in the winter of 1865, having bought nearly one thousand acres of land. This he was easily able to do as at the time of his arrival in Illinois his capital amount- ed to something like seventy-five thousand dollars. He had previously sold a farm in Virginia for forty-three thousand dollars. The farm settled in Clay county is now the property of the subject of our sketch. In 1883 William Hopkins retired from his farming activities and moved with his fam- ily to Flora, Illinois, where he afterwards died on July 25, 1887, aged sixty-nine years. William Hopkins married three times. Our subject was the youngest of three children, and his mother died when he was only three years of age. One of his brothers, Andrew, by name, is now dead. His father afterwards married Marian Kel- ly, who died in 1873. Later he espoused Kate Wilson, who still continues to survive him. His second marriage brought Wil- liam Hopkins three children, all of whom grew to maturity though only one is now living. His third marriage brought him one son, Frank, who lives with his mother in Evansville, Indiana. Charles W. Hopkins remained in the pa- rental home up to the time of his marriage which occurred on the I5th of March, 1883, with Mary E. Brissenden in Clay county, Illinois. For a number of years he lived on a farm near Clay City. In the spring of 1886, he and his wife removed to Fur- nas county, Nebraska, where he purchased a farm of three hundred and twenty acres. There they remained three years, when Mrs. Hopkins returned to Clay coun- ty, Illinois, on a visit. There she died on May 25, 1887, being buried in the Clay City cemetery. Our subject soon sold his Nebraska property and went back to live in Illinois in the fall of 1888. His marriage resulted in the birth of two girls, Adrianna, now the wife of Clayson Black, of Clay City, who is engaged in the grocery busi- ness, and Sarah A., who lives at the family residence. Shortly after his return to Il- linois, Charles W. Hopkins engaged in the hardware business in Clay City, continuing in the same for fifteen years to a day. De- cember 24, 1889, he married Mary Barnes, of Clay county, where she was born April i, 1 86 1. She was the daughter of Joseph and Ellen (Gardner) Barnes, natives of In- diana. They married in the Hoosier state and came to Illinois in 1857, settling in Clay county, where they remained until their deaths. Mrs. Barnes died December i, 1866, aged thirty-three years. Her hus- band married secondly Lou Chapman, a widow, but their married life was of short duration as she died within two years. Jo- seph Barnes died April 27, 1891, aged fifty- five years, and was buried in Xenia. His first wife was buried in Oskaloosa. They were the parents of five children, of whom two died in infancy, our subject's wife be- ing the third in order of birth. Charles W. Hopkins sold his hardware business on February 19, 1904, remained in Clay City until April 29, 1906, and then moved to the old homestead of his parents. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 341 where he now lives. He owns approximate- ly five hundred and seventeen acres of some of the best land in Clay county. His pres- ent married life has also been a happy one, three children having been born to him; two boys and a girl William B., Charles L. and Hazel all of whom live at home with their parents. Our subject has always been politically a Republican and has served as Supervisor, as member of the County Board in Clay county for two years, as President of the Town Board in Clay City for three terms. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, Jefferson Lodge No. 1437, at Clay City. Mrs. Hopkins is a. member of the Methodist church in Clay City, and has always taken an active part in church af- fairs. JOSEPH A. ENGLE. The present Mayor of Claremont, Rich- land county, Joseph A. Engle, is a veteran of the Civil war. He was born December 12, 1829, in Vigo county, Indiana, and was the son of John and Hannah Engle. His father was a native of the Blue Grass state, coming from Kentucky to Indiana with his parents in early life. There they settled upon a farm in Vigo county, where subse- quently the older couple died. John Engle at the time of his marriage bought a farm of eighty acres in Parke county in the same state. The newly married couple remained there but a short time, returning to Vigo county and purchasing a farm of one hun- dred and twenty acres. About this time Joseph A. Engle, the subject of our present sketch, was born. Later ninety-six acres adjoining land was added to the family property. Work upon the farm went on steadily with good results, and it became the permanent family residence. Here his father's death occurred in 1863, and his mother's the following year. At the time of his father's death he was in the army, but was home on wounded furlough when his mother's death took place. His parents are buried in Sulphur Springs Meeting- house cemetery, which is but a mile and a half from the farm where they died. Jo- seph worked manfully on the farm in early life and was of much assistance to his par- ents. In his youth the homestead was a log- cabin and the land was in a very raw state. He helped materially to change the existing condition of affairs. His mother was born on the loth of Jan- uary, 1812, and belonged to an old Indiana family. Up to the time of her marriage she lived with her parents on a farm on the banks of Deer creek in Perry county. Her father's death preceded her mother's by several years. During her married life she reared ten children, the oldest of which was Joseph. In his sixteenth year Joseph A. Engle was apprenticed to the blacksmith trade in Terre Haute. At the end of his term he opened shop for himself, where he contin- ued to work and prosper until the outbreak of the Civil war. His business as a black- 342 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF smith necessitated the use of three furnaces and the help of several skilled assistants. Plows were manufactured in his establish- ment and numerous wagons and buggies were quipped. At this period of his life his marriage with Rhoda C. Howell took place in February, 1851. His wife was born in the state. Her father died when she was quite young; her mother, whose maiden name was Gookins, survived him for sev- eral years. His marriage resulted in a family of five children three boys and two girls. Four grew to maturity, one child dying at the age of two years, while its father was away on active military service. His wife closed a happy life at the age of sixty-six on June n, 1897. She is buried at Sod- dom cemetery. Her children's names are: Olive, John H., Samuel A., William and Mary, who died in infancy, as above record- ed. Joseph A. Engle in July, 1862, joined Company B, of the Eighty-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, under Col. John P. Beard, in the western division of the army commanded by Sherman. His company moved to the front via Indianapolis, Cin- cinnati and Covington, his company first engaging the enemy at Thompson Station. Being unwell at this crucial period he did not participate, but his brother, who was also on the ground fought in the engage- ment. He was a flag bearer to the company and was captured, being immediately shipped to Libby prison, from which place he was later discharged on account of chronic sick- ness. Joseph's indisposition, however, was only temporary. He was destined to go through the thick of the struggle. He par- ticipated in nine of the fierce engagements which took place in the vicinity of Georgia. He fought at Buzzard's Roost, Georgia, May 8, 1864; at Burned Church on May 26, at Calfsville, May igth to the 22d; Gulp's House, June 22d; Dallas, also known as Burnt Hickory, May 25th to June 5th ; Dai- ton, May 9th and August I4th to i6th and October I3th; Lost Mountain, June Qth to 30th; near Dalton, January 21, 1864; New Hope Church, May 25th to June 5th ; Battle of Resaca, May I3th to i6th; Peach Tree Creek, July 2Oth. In this last encounter he received a serious wound, a ball striking him on the head. After he had lain uncon- scious on the field for half an hour he was found and taken to a hospital. From there he was shortly afterwards invalided home, where he remained. He received his dis- charge at Indianapolis during the latter part of 1864. On recovering from his wound and the wear and tear of the terrible conflict, he moved with his family to Richland county, where he had some time before acquired one hundred and twenty acres. At the end of seventeen years of a peaceable farm life, he moved to Olney, where he engaged in the grocery business for a few years, when he once more moved to Claremont town- ship, where his wife died in 1897. Shortly afterwards he again sold his farm and moved into Claremont, where he purchased property. Here a second marriage took HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 343 place on January 18, 1898, when he es- poused Laura Stevens, daughter of Edward and Melissa ( Shepherd) Stevens, natives of Illinois. She was born in Lawrence coun- ty, February 7, 1860. Her father was a Civil war veteran. Her mother still lives in Lawrence county with a young daughter. Her mother was born in 1835, an< ^ ner father in 1836. On the mother's side the grandfather of Mrs. Engle was the first white child born in Lawrence county. In after life this relative took an active part in the Black Hawk war. Joseph A. Engle's second matrimonial venture has proved to be as much a success as his first. He has been blessed with two more children, Joseph L., and Mary Jo- sephine, aged nine and six years respective- ly. In early life the subject of our sketch at- tended about three terms in the old sub- scription schools in Parke county, and after- wards attended for an equal period the schools at Sulphur Springs, Indiana. The old time elementary speller and Ray's arith- metic were then used ; blackboards were un- known; plain rough planks, propped with stout wooden "pins," were used as seats, and the high desks ranged along the sides of the room for the pupils to write upon. Joseph A. Engle's mind is still as vig- orous as ever, his health also, though not as robust as formerly, is still good. His public life has been a most popular one and he well maintains his place as Claremont's premier citizen. He is well and favorably known in fraternal and social circles. He was formerly a member of the Ancient Or- der of United Workmen, and is a member of the Grand Army Post at Olney, Illinois. Joseph A. Engle's public life began as a Ward Supervisor in the Third ward at Ol- ney, serving in that capacity for four years. The esteem in which he is regarded by his fellow citizens may be determined from the fact that he is now serving a third term as Mayor of Claremont. In politics he has been an active Republican from the days of the Civil war, and is a vigilant party worker. The first time he cast his vote at a Presidential election it went to Henry Clay, who was then running in the old regime as a Whig candidate. He and his wife are both active and devoted members of the Christian church. They are diligent church workers. DAVID M. HESTER. Among the men of Marion county who have appreciated present day opportunities and have profited by his ingenuity and per- sistency in the business world as a result of the favorable conditions existing in the great commonwealth of Illinois, is the sub- ject of this sketch, David M. Hester, who was born in Centralia township, this county, August 16, 1841, the son of Milton P. Hes- ter, of Clark County, Indiana, who married Christina Copple in 1840 in Centralia town- ship. Matthias Hester, the subject's grand- father, was born in Hanover, Germany, and 344 ISKHiKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF came with his parents to America. He mar- ried a Susannah Huckleberry. He was a farmer and he and his wife lived and died in Clark county, Indiana. They were the parents of twelve children. Grandfather David Copple lived near Walnut Hill, Illi- nois, on a farm. The father of the subject came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1839 when he was still single and settled near Centralia on a farm, remaining here until his death in 1905. His first wife died in 1855 and he was again married, his second wife being Martha O. Johnson, of near Mt. Vernon. She died in 1890. He was noted as a great stock raiser. In politics he was a Republican, and was active in church work. He was also a promoter of the gen- eral good of the public. There were eight children born to him by his first union, namely: David M., our subject; Julia, de- ceased, who married Mark Young, who lived in Salem township; William A. is liv- ing on a farm near Mt. Vernon; John C. is a farmer near Jefferson, Kansas; Sarah E. married A. H. Young, of Centralia; Isaac is single and living on a farm in Centralia township ; Samuel M. is living on a farm in Clinton county, Illinois; Mary is single and living on the old place. Four children were born to Milton P. Hester by his second wife, namely : Ella is single and living in Centralia ; Albertus V. is farming near Dallas, Texas; Carrie married Mark Anthony, who is a lumber dealer in Streator, this state; Lillian, the fourth child, is the wife of George Cams, a locomotive engi- neer, living in Centralia. As already intimated the subject's father located on a farm which he secured from the government near Walnut Hill, Marion county, in 1839, securing from five hundred to eight hundred acres. Our subject lived at home attending the common schools in the winter months until he was twenty-one years of age. He then went to Kansas and located in the eastern part of that state, where he remained a short time. When the call for troops was issued to put down the rebellion he was one of the patriotic sons of the North who responded, having enlisted in November, 1861, in Company H, Ninth Kansas Cavalry, under General Blunt, re- maining in this branch of the service for two years. He was in many battles and skir- mishes in Arkansas and Missouri, being wounded in the left arm and shoulder at Cain Hill. He was laid up at the camp hospital for some time and came home on a furlough, but returned to the service, re- maining three years and three months, hav- ing re-joined his regiment at Duvalls Bluffs, Arkansas. He served in such a gallant man- ner that he became first lieutenant. After the war Mr. Hester returned to Kansas and resumed fanning for one year then he came back to Centralia. He had a farm in Kan- sas consisting of eighty acres. Our subject married Sarah A. Young, of Salem township, in 1867. She was the daughter of Matthew and Sarah (Ware) Young. Nine children have been born to the subject and wife, four of whom are de- ceased. Their names are: Ella, who mar- ried J. P. Rogers, of Salem township; Rose, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 345 who married William Gaines, of Stevenson township; Mathew married Pearl Hopkins and is living in Salem township ; William is living on a farm, having married Effie Mc- Coy; Daisy is living at home. These chil- dren received good educations at the home schools. Mr. Hester is considered one of the best farmers in his community, having made all the improvements on the excellent farm which he has owned for two score years. He successfully carries on general farming and raises some excellent stock of all kinds. He has about five hundred acres of excellent land all in Salem township. He is a loyal Republican, but has held no offices, being content to lend his influence in placing the best men available in the local offices, but prefers to manage his business affairs and keep out of politics as much as possible. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Chandler Post, at Salem. Both he and his wife attend the Christian church. They are both pleasant people and they have a comfortable home. JUDGE ALBERT M. ROSE. A member of one of the honored pioneer families of Clay county, the name Rose has long been closely associated with the history of this section of the state, and the subject of this review, like his father, is numbered among the worthy citizens of this locality. In business he has always been known to be straightforward and reliable, is patriotic in citizenship, and his social relations ever wholesome. He is esteemed for these com- mendable traits of character together with his cordial disposition and genuine worth, but his name stands out more prominently in connection with the bench and bar of Southern Illinois, where he has long been a prominent figure. Albert M. Rose, Judge of the Fourth Ju- dicial Circuit, was born in Bible Grove township, Clay county, September 26, 1862, the son of Drury Rose, a native of Grayson county, Kentucky, who came to Illinois in 1856, settling first in Edwards county, then in a short time removed to Clay county. By trade a carpenter, but he always took an interest in local public affairs and very ably served his community as Justice of the Peace for a period of sixteen years. He moved from Bible Grove township to Clay City in 1891, where he lived until his death in 1897, closing a busy and useful career, mourned by a host of people to whom he was known as a kindly and honorable man. the paternal grandfather of the subject was also a native of Kentucky, who came to Illinois when a young man, settling in Clay county among the pioneer element, where he played well his part in the early struggles of the locality and established a good home amid primitive conditions. The mother of Judge Rose was known in her maidenhood as Caroline Ackison. whose people were from Pennsylvania. She was born in Illinois, spent her life here and passed to her rest in 1905, remembered by a wide circle of friends as a woman of many 346 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF beautiful attributes of character. To Mr. and Mrs.. Drury Rose the following chil- dren were born : Mary Jane, wife of Henry Crum, of Bible Grove township; Albert M., the subject of this sketch; Rosa, wife of George Stang, of Watertown, Illinois; Ophelia, wife of Frederick Lyons, of Water- town, Illinois; Stephen H., also living in Watertown, where resides the next child, Addie, the wife of William Ausbrook; La- vina, Althea, wife of Godfrey Peterson. The ninth and tenth children are deceased. Thomas B., died in the Philippine Islands, while a soldier in the regular United States army in 1904. George died in infancy. Judge Rose spent his boyhood days on the farm, where he remained until twenty- one years of age, assisting with the work about the place and storing up the qualities of a sturdy manhood, successfully managing the farm while his father, who was a car- penter, as already intimated, worked at his trade. Not satisfied with a common schooling and actuated by a desire to fol- low the legal profession, Albert M. Rose entered Vincennes University from which institution he graduated in 1888, having made very creditable grades and estab- lished an excellent record for scholarship. After leaving college Mr. Rose turned his attention to teaching which he followed with much success until 1891, winning the hearty approbation of both pupils and pa- trons, studying law in the meantime, first under Barnes & Ramsey, attorneys of Louisville, in 1888, making rapid progress. He was admitted to the bar in August, 1890, at Mount Vernon, and began practice in the spring of 1891 in Louisville, where he has been practicing continuously ever since, his success having gradually increased until he now has a liberal patronage and has be- come one of the leading attorneys in the southern part of -the state. The local leaders of the Democratic party early noted his talents and general favor with the public and sought him for office, first serving as Trustee of Louisville for a period of six years, during which time he assisted in securing the installation of electric lights and water works, also se- cured sidewalks and in many ways rendered lasting good to the town. In November, 1906, Mr. Rose was elected to fill a vacancy in the Fourth Judicial circuit, the term ex- piring in June, 1909. He has so ably and faithfully performed the duties of this re- sponsible position, that he is regarded by all concerned as one of the best jurists in the district, his decisions showing a trained and acute legal mind and a desire to be fair and unbiased in all cases, weighing carefully in the judicial balance all details of whatever case he has in hand, feeling the weight of his responsibility and ever desiring to dis- charge his' duties in a manner that meets the approval of his constituents. The domestic life of Judge Rose began December 28, 1892, when he was united in marriage with Lulu Branson, of Wayne City, Illinois, the talented daughter of Dr. J. M. Branson, a well known physician of that place. To this union one son, Robley Branson Rose, now a bright lad of fourteen years, has been born. In his fraternal relations the judge is a HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 347 member of the Masonic Brotherhood, also the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in politics he affiliates with the Demo- cratic party, as intimated in a preceding paragraph. Mr. and Mrs. Rose are faith- ful members of the Christian church. The law office of our subject is always a busy place where numerous clients and friends of the judge gather, and it is equipped with one of the most extensive law libraries to be found in this locality. When he first began practice, he formed partner- ship with John A. Barnes in 1891, the firm being known as Barnes & Rose, but the for- mer left the firm in 1896, and the subject has had different partners since then. Yet in the prime of vigorous manhood and hav- ing accomplished so much that merits the praise of his fellow men and gained a firm standing in the affections of the people of this vicinity, the future to such a man as Judge Rose must necessarily be replete with honor and success. HON. THOMAS E. MERRITT. During the dark days of the Revolution, the colonies had no defender more loyal than Ebenezer Merritt, our subject's grand- father, who served with valor until captured by the British when he was placed in an old hulk of a ship in New York harbor. In after years he was wont to say that the sweetest morsel of food he ever tasted was a rotten Irish potato, which he found in his prison. The father of our subject, Hon. John W. Merritt, was born in the city of Albany, New York, July 4, 1806, and in his early youth evinced a very decided literary taste, contributing articles to many of the most prominent magazines of that day. Entering the practice of law, he built up a lucrative business in that line in connection with J. J. Brady. Meantime he also invested in real estate and so fortunate was he in his speculations that he became independent at a comparatively early period of life. How- ever, the crisis of 1837 destroyed the value of his investments and made him a poor man once more. Deciding to seek a home in the West, Mr. Merritt came to Illinois in 1840, and settling in St. Clair county es- tablished The Belleville Advocate, which he successfully conducted from the year 1848 until 1851. Meantime he also superin- tended the management of his farm and con- tributed to eastern magazines and New York papers. He also wrote and published a novel called "Shubal Darton." Coming to Salem in 1851, he established The Advo- cate, of which he was proprietor and editor for many years. In 1 86 1 he was elected Assistant Secre- tary of the Constitutional Convention and in the following year became a member of the Legislature. The State Register at Springfield having lost its prestige, Mr. Merritt with his son, Edward L., assumed editorial charge of the paper in January, 1865, and attempted to place it upon a substantial footing. The enterprise though not prudent proved a sue- 348 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF cess. For some years Mr. Merritt conducted its editorial columns with great ability and during a portion of that time supplied The St. Louis Republican with its Springfield correspondence. As an editor he justly at- tained celebrity throughout the country and was one of the most successful journalists of the day. His county may well feel proud of his life and labors. He was modest, un- assuming, never ambitious for worldly dis- tinction and preferring the success of his friends to his own. In politics he was an old-school Democrat and was one of the most influential workers in his party throughout the state. He was devoted to the doctrines of the Episcopal church and was a faithful member of that denomination. In disposition mild, he never used profanity and was also a man of temperate habits, never tasting intoxicating liquor through- out his life. He married in Rochester, New York, in August, 1827, Julia A. De Forrest, who was born in Oswego, New York, and there received a good education. Ten chil- dren blessed this union, of whom five are now living. During his residence in New York, John W. Merritt served as Alderman and aided in formulating a new plat of the Fifth Ward, which he represented in the Council. In 1860 he was a member of the state dele- gation to the National Democratic Conven- tion at Charleston, South Carolina, later was present at the recall of that convention in Baltimore, Maryland, where Stephen A. Douglas was nominated for the Presidency. He was president of the first Press Associa- tion held in the state of Illinois, and was at the time of his demise the oldest Odd Fellow in Salem. While uniformly success- ful in business enterprises, he nevertheless met with reverses and at one time lost by fire two valuable blocks of buildings in Brooklyn. By his long and virtuous life he left a name to which his descendants may point with pride and when, November 16, 1878, he departed this life, he left many warm friends to mourn their loss. The fu- neral services were largely attended by the citizens of Salem and Marion county, as well as many friends from a distance. Thomas E. Merritt, our subject, was born in the city of New York, April 22, 1832. He was brought in childhood to Illinois and received a good education in the schools of Belleville. Before attaining his majority he went to St. Louis, where he learned the trade of carriage and omnibus painting in the shops of Theodore Salom, serving a three years' apprenticeship at the trade. Afterward he followed the occupa- tion for four years in St. Louis. He then came to Salem and in 1859 began to read law with P. P. Hamilton, an attorney of this place, now deceased. In 1862 he was ex- amined before the Supreme Court and was admitted to the bar, after which he opened an office in Salem and has since made this city his home. Always a stanch Democrat, reared in the faith of that party, Mr. Merritt early became an active worker in its ranks. In 1860 in Romine township, Marion county, he made his first political speech and since then has participated in every cam- HIGHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 349 paign. Until 1875 he stumped every town- ship in the county each campaign year. The first National Democratic Conven- tion that he attended was held in St. Louis when S. J. Tilden was nominated President in 1876. Later, he was sent as a delegate for the state-at-large to the convention that nominated Gen. W. S. Hancock, in 1880, and the night before the convention met he made a speech in favor of Col. W. R. Morri- son on the steps of the Burnet House, Cin- cinnati. At the next national convention he was alternate-at-large, and as Col. W. R. Morrison, who was delegate-at-large, was appointed on the Committee on Resolutions, and obliged to give his entire time to the work of that body, Mr. Merritt took his place in the convention. It was this assem- bly that nominated Grover Cleveland at the time of his first term. Our subject was a delegate from the Nineteenth Congressional District to the convention at St. Louis that nominated President Cleveland the second term. In 1892, he attended as a citizen the convention at Chicago which nominated Cleveland the last time. During the three campaigns in which that famous man was the presidential candidate, our subject made fifty-six speeches in Illinois, and at the time believed that his party promised more than it could fulfill. In 1868 Mr. Merritt was elected to the State Legislature and was a member of the House of Representatives for fourteen con- secutive years. In addition he served as State Senator for eight years, from 1882 to 1890, thus making a legislative experience of twenty-two years. He was a member of the joint session which elected John A. Lo- gan three times and defeated him once, also the joint session that elected Richard Oglesby United States Senator and those that elected Shelby M. Cullom and John M. Palmer. In 1875, he was a leading member of the House when the city judge of East St. Louis was to be impeached, and through his influence the measure was reconsidered and laid on the table. During the same year he secured the passage of the first coal mine bill through the legislature, which was the first act ever passed in the state in the inter- est of the coal miners. Hon. John M. Pal- mer, State Auditor and Secretary of the State, gave to Mr. Merritt the honor of passing the bill assessing the capital stock of corporations, and he was banqueted after- ward. In 1871, he introduced and secured the passage of the bill compelling railroads to pay for burning property along their lines, which has since been warped by the construction placed on that act by the Su- preme Court. He was prominent in the at- tack made upon state officials for extrava- gant expenditures, and in that way saved to the tax payers of Illinois more than enough to pay the entire expenses of that General Assembly. His services in that capacity were so greatly appreciated throughout the state, that many of the papers advocated his nomination as Governor of Illinois. Another bill introduced by Mr. Merritt was that of allowing parties to sue before the Justice of the Peace for killing stock along the rail- roads. The anarchist bill introduced by him 350 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF in 1887, and passed June i6th of that year, was the cause of the greatest fight of his life. Afterward it was published by Great Britain, France and Russia, while at the meeting of the United States National Bar Association at Saratoga, New York, the President gave one hour to its consideration before that body. Mr. Merritt worked long and faithfully upon the bill which finally passed, receiving one hundred and eighteen votes in the House. The Anti-Trust bill, January 22, 1889, was the first ever introduced in the state. This passed the Judiciary Committee by one majority, . and the House by one hundred votes, but was hung up in the Senate by the two-thirds rule. While a member of the Senate, Mr. Merritt introduced a bill to compel insurance companies to pay the full value of the policy for destruction of prop- erty. This he passed twice through the Senate, and it was defeated in the House. He passed it twice in the House and it was as many times defeated in the Senate. In 1868 he introduced in the House a bill se- curing the investigation of the proceeds for the sale of lands and other moneys connected with Irvington Agricultural College. After investigation, the State Auditor and Secre- tary of State took possession of the institu- tion, and from the wreck saved to the state a large amount of money. In 1868 Mr. Merritt introduced a resolu- tion calling upon the Secretary of State to account for the interest received by him on about three million dollars of surplus money that was lying idle in the treasury and could be used only to pay off the old state indebt- edness which was held by English capital- ists in the shape of state bonds, this money being set aside to pay the bonds as they be- came due. It had been collected from the Illinois Central Railroad as seven per cent, of its gross earnings, and was invested in United States ten per cent, gold interest- bearing bonds. The resolution introduced by Mr. Merritt was to the effect that the Governor and Attorney-General of Illinois should look after the interest of this money and report their action to the next session of the General Assembly. He passed the resolution through the House, but by a strong lobby it was defeated in the Senate. In 1872 three million dollars' worth of these bonds became due and were paid in New York in gold, to the English bondholders, the Secretary of State having to purchase the gold in New York. He notified Gould and Fisk that he would require so much gold on that day. By bulling the market, gold advanced one-third of one per cent., so that the three million dollars paid that much premium. The State Treasurer making by this deal the interest on United States bonds that this money was invested in, came out four hundred thousand dollars ahead, which was a loss to the people of the state by the defeat of the resolution in the Senate. During Mr. Merritt's entire legislative experience, covering a period of twenty-two years, it cannot be shown that he ever cast a vote against the interests of the people. As one of the delegates of the state-at-large, he attended the conventions at St. Louis in RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 351 July, 1892, and at New Orleans in Febru- ary, 1893, in reference to the Nicaragua canal. At the latter place, he made a speech for Illinois before the convention. He was one of the commissioners to locate the In- stitute for the Feeble Minded at Quincy, Illinois (now at Lincoln), also the Asylum for the Incurable Criminal Insane at Ches- ter. For ten successive years he served as Alderman of Salem. From the above account it will be seen that Mr. Merritt has been one of the most prominent Democrats in Illinois, and he still occupies a foremost position among the leaders of that party. His work in behalf of the people of the state entitles him to a high place in their regard, and his name will be deservedly perpetuated in the annals of the state as a loyal, able and eminent man. From the press of the country he has re- ceived the highest of commendation for his unwearied services in the interests of the people as well as for his great ability. The State Register said of him that, "The man who wields the keenest satire is Merritt, of Marion". The Mount Vernon Free Press paid him the following tribute: "He is always awake to the interests of southern Illinois, and no influence, let it come from what source it may, is ever able to swerve him from the path of duty to his constituents and the people generally". An- other paper says of him : "Merritt is a wit, besides he is a good fellow and everybody likes him. He never rises but he commands the attention of the House. He is a Bour- bon of Bourbons". In addition to his other services, previously mentioned, he was a member of various committees of import- ance. To him belongs the honor of having nominated both William R. Morrison and John M. Palmer for United States Senator. On the 3d of February, 1862, Mr. Mer- ritt was married to Alice McKinney, a na- tive of Jefferson county, Illinois, and a daughter of William McKinney, who was killed in battle in the Civil war. Four daughters and three sons have blessed this union, as follows: Addis D., Frank F., Clara, Harriet, Lottie, Edith and Harold. In religious belief Mrs. Merritt is a devoted member of the Episcopal church. JOHN M. SCHULTZ. No man in Marion county is more de- serving of the success he has attained in business and political circles than John M. Schultz, not alone because of the splendid results he has achieved, but also because of the honorable, straightforward business pol- icy he has ever followed. John M. Schultz, Circuit Clerk, was born in Salem, Illinois, January 30, 1867. He is the son of Ephraim Schultz, a native of Kentucky, who came to Illinois when a young man, first settling in Alma township on a farm. He moved to Salem a short time before the Civil war, and continued to live in this place up to his death about 1895. He was successful farmer and business man and retained the 352 IMOCKAl'llICAL AND KK M I N ISCK.NT HISTORY OF well-wishes of those who knew him. David Schultz was the subject's grandfather, a na- tive of Germany. Mrs. Becky Frizzell, who is living in Foster township, an aunt of our subject, has reached the advanced age of ninety years. She is a sister to Ephraim Schultz. The subject's father was twice married, his second wife being the mother of the subject of this sketch. His first wife was a Miss Crawford, who was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Five children were born to his first wife, two of whom are liv- ing at this writing. The mother of the sub- ject's father was Hannah Hull, who was born in Hull, England. The maiden name of the subject's mother was Kissie Mar- shall, a native of Tennessee, who came to Marion county in an early day. She was called to her rest twenty years ago, in 1888. Eight children were born to the father and mother of the subject, four of whom are living, namely: Mrs. Millie Siefman, of Centralia, Illinois; Mrs. Charles Martin, of Davenport, Iowa; Elizabeth Schultz, who is living in Salem; Joseph Schultz, de- ceased ; Christian and Mary died in infancy. David and Samuel Schultz, of Salem, Il- linois, who were both in the Twenty-first Il- linois Volunteer Infantry, were sons of a former marriage, also John Schultz, who was killed when seventeen years old on the battlefield of Resaca, Georgia. He was in the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. William Schultz, an- other son of the first marriage is de- ceased; also a daughter, Lydia, who mar- ried George Jennings, of Patoka, this coun- ty, and died several years ago. Hannah Belle, another daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Schultz, and sister of our subject, who became the wife of L. G. Finch, was a teacher in the public schools of Salem for several years. She passed to her rest two years ago, in February, 1906. Joseph Schultz, a brother of the subject's father, was captain in the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was afterward Sheriff of Marion county, also postmaster of Salem and Revenue Col- lector. David Schultz, another brother of Ephraim Schultz, was wagon master in the One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volun- teer Infantry. John M. Schultz, our subject, spent his boyhood days in Salem, attending the local schools in which he made a splendid record, receiving a fairly good education. Mr. Schultz was an industrious lad and soon cast about for the best way in which to direct his life work. He decided to be a mechanic. He is always a very busy man, for his work is satisfactorily done and his business has steadily grown, owing to the fair treatment he accords his customers. Fraternally he is a member of the Wood- men. He is a loyal Democrat, and was nominated and triumphantly elected Circuit Clerk in 1908, his election being regarded as a most fortunate one by his many friends. Mr. Schultz has remained unmarried. His sister, Elizabeth, keeps house for him. He is well known in Marion county, being in- terested in whatever has tended to promote the interests of the county in any way. He is accurate, persistent and painstaking in his business affairs. RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 353 H. N. WOODWARD. The subject of this sketch is a man of courage, self-reliance and of the utmost in- tegrity of purpose, as a result of which he has, during his entire life stood high in the estimation of his neighbors and friends and is therefore deserving of a place in this book. H. N. Woodward was born in Des Moines county, Iowa, in 1855, the son of Abner M. and Silvia (Scogin) Woodward. His paternal grandfather was born in New Jersey. He moved to Ohio and devoted his life to farming. Like all his people, he was a Quaker in his religious affiliations. Grand- mother Scogin was born in Kentucky, and lived to be eighty-two years old, rearing a large family of fifteen children. She was twice married. Grandfather Scrogin was born in November in the memorable year in our country's history 1812. The father of the subject of this sketch was born in Ohio and received his early ed- ucation in the public schools there and after that he received an academic education. He left Ohio before he was twenty-one years of age and went with his mother to Iowa, and settled on a farm near Burlington, where he remained for some time. He later went South about the close of the war to the Polk plantation, for the purpose of managing negroes under the Freemen's Bu- reau, and from there he went to Mississippi, later spending two years in Tennessee, hav^ ing spent one year in Mississippi in a very responsible position, which was filled to the 23 entire satisfaction of the Bureau. They gave him fine letters commending his course and the results of his work while there. He then bought a farm in Marion county, Illinois, in 1866, and farmed with much suc- cess for a period of thirteen years. He then formed a partnership with Colonel Morri- son, in Odin, for carrying on a grain busi- ness which partnership continued for a period of eight years, when he bought out Colonel Morrison's interests and Mr. Wood- ward retained his interest until his death. In 1886 the Odin Coal Company was put in operation, and Mr. Woodward financed the corporation. He was secretary and later treasurer of the same and always a director, having remained such until his death which occurred in 1890. He was a loyal Mason. The mother of the subject is living in 1908, at the age of eighty years. She is a fine old lady with many beautiful attributes. There are six children in this family, four of whom lived to maturity. H. N. Woodward, our subject, first at- tended the public schools in Marion county, but thirsting for higher learning he entered the University of Illinois, where he made a splendid record for scholarship. After leav- ing college he decided to continue the work which he knew the most about farming, and he followed this until he was twenty- seven years old. He went into the grain and hay business by purchasing Colonel Morrison's business. He was successful in this from the first, more so, in fact, than at farming; however, every year he devoted to farm work added to his competence, for he 354 I'.IUCR.U'IIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OK was a careful and conservative manager. He has enlarged his latter line of business until he now carries on a general merchandising establishment. In 1902 the same was in- corporated since which time Mr. Woodward has been president and is the largest stock- holder, being the active manager, under whose able direction the business has in- creased to a satisfactory state and is rap- idly growing. After the death of his father, our subject was director and treasurer of the Odin Coal Company, which position he ably retained for a period of twelve years. He is at pres- ent connected with the Marion County Coal Company, of Junction City, a corporation. Mr. Woodward was a director in the same, but is not at present. In all his business deal- ings he has been regarded by every one as a man of unusual tact and shrewdness and ever fair and honest. Success seems to at- tend his efforts in whatever line he under- takes. Mr. Woodward was united in marriage in 1883 with Agnes Ferguson, daughter of William and Eliza (Hildreth) Ferguson, natives of Ohio, where they lived on a farm. Five children have been born to the subject and wife, named in order of birth as follows : Grace, born in 1884, is living at home with her parents ; Lucile, the second child, was born in 1886, is single and living at home; Nelson was born in 1888, and is deceased; having died in 1890; Edwin was born in 1893, and is attending high school in 1908; Agnes, who was born in 1897, is also a pu- pil in the Odin schools. Mr. Woodward, in his fraternal relations, is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Woodmen. In politics he is a Repub- lican, taking considerable interest in the af- fairs of his party, especially in reference to the local officials. Both he and his wife are faithful members of the Methodist church. The former takes a great interest in educa- tional matters. He is known as a man of industry and frugality. He has a beautiful home at Odin. FRED W. SCHILT. The subject of this sketch is one of the progressive agriculturists of Richland, whose fine farm ranks with the best in this locality, having been improved by Mr. Schilt to its present high state of excellency by years of patient toil and skillful man- agement. His success has been won entire- ly along lines of old and time-tried max- ims, "honesty is the best policy," and "there is no excellence without labor." Fred W. Schilt was born in the township where he now resides. March i. 1868, the son of Christian and Barbara (Schilt) Schilt, natives of Canton Bern, Switzer- land, who came to the United States with their parents. John Schilt. the subject's pa- ternal grandfather, also emigrated to the United States, bringing his wife and chil- dren in 1852, and settled in Claremont township, Richland county. He improved a good farm on which he lived until his RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 355 death. Christian was a young man when the family came to this country. He soon afterward bought a farm in Preston town- ship which he improved and he married here. He had a brother in the Civil war. He remained on his farm in Preston town- ship until his death. May 12, 1889, at the age of sixty-two years. His widow is still living on the old homestead. Of nine chil- dren born to them, six are living in 1908, our subject having been the seventh in or- der of birth. Fred W. Schilt was reared on a farm in Preston township and received a common school education, having remained at home assisting with the work on the place until he was twenty-one years old. He then bought a farm of ninety acres in German township, where he soon located and where he lived and prospered for twelve years, during which time he bought forty-five acres more. In the fall of 1902 he became a candidate for County Treasurer on the Democratic ticket and was subsequently elected. This resulted in his removal to Olney, where he carried on the duties of this office in a manner that reflects much credit on his native ability and careful busi- ness methods. When his term of four years expired his successor found the affairs of this office in a most excellent shape. He had previously served in a praiseworthy manner as Supervisor for two terms of two years each, having been chairman of the County Board for one term. After retiring from the Treasurer's office he resided in Ol- ney for one year, and in 1907 located on his present fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Preston township, about four and one-half miles north of Olney, which he had recently bought. It is one of the best farms in the township, well fenced, well drained, and on it stand a commodious dwelling and convenient outbuildings, in- cluding a large barn, recently erected. Gen- eral farming is carried on and much atten- tention is given to stock raising, especially cattle and hogs, the latter of the Berkshire breed, of which Mr. Schilt always has some fine specimens to show. He has an orchard of sixteen acres of carefully selected trees, which bear a good quality of fruit. Mr. Schilt was united in marriage Au- gust 25, 1889, to Anna Jorris, a native of Poland, Indiana, daughter of Peter and Al- etta (Mermon) Jorris, natives of Germany, having been born near the Rhine river, who came to the United States when young, married here and settled in Wisconsin, later lived in Indiana and Illinois. Mrs. Schilt's father died in Poland, Indiana, October 25, 1891, and his wife died in 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Schilt are the parents of four children, namely: Verna May, Chris- tian Franklin Jorris ; Esther Magdalena and Paul Frederick Foster. The subject in his fraternal relations is a member of the Moodern Woodmen of America at Dundas. He and his wife are members of the German Reformed church in Preston township, the former being a deacon in the same, having served several years as such. In manner Mr. Schilt is cordial, in disposition, genial : in tempera- 356 H10CRAIMIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ment, kindly, and his many sterling traits have won for him the warm friendship of those with whom he has been brought into contact. JOHN SEILER. Switzerland is a small country, but no foreign nation has sent to the United States a larger number of law-abiding and indus- drious citizens in proportion to its size. They are almost without exception, pro- gressive, honorable, thrifty and among our best citizens. The subject of this sketch, one of Preston township's substantial farm- ers, is a worthy representative of this type, having spent many years in Richland coun- ty, during which he has not only benefited himself, but also those with whom he has come in contact. John Seiler was born in Bern, Switzer- land, September 12, 1833, the son of Wil- liam and Anna Seiler, also natives of Switzerland, where they were reared and where they married. They emigrated to the United States in 1851, crossing the At- lantic in an old sailing vessel, encountering a severe storm on the way which delayed them and they were seven weeks making the voyage. The lives of all on board were imperiled, the waves having washed over the vessel, and the baggage was thrown from one side to the other of the ship and members of the Seiler family narrowly es- caped being injured by coming in contact with the baggage, etc. Many times the passengers thought that it was impossible to save the ship, but it finally arrived at New Orleans on Christmas day, 1851. The Seilers soon afterward took a boat up the Mississippi and Wabash rivers to Vin- cennes, Indiana. The first week in Jan- uary they secured a four horse team to car- ry their effects to Richland county, where William Seiler bought one hundred and twenty acres of land in Preston township, on which the family located. The trip from Vincennes was a very difficult one, the roads being poor and very muddy. The older members of the family walked to their destination. It cost one thousand dollars to bring the family to this country under the most trying conditions and poor con- veniences in transportation. The land on which the Seilers located was prairie, a few acres of which had been broken, and on it stood a log house and stable. These im- provements had been made by the predeces- sor of Mr. Seiler, the former having lived on it two years. The new comers at ince began work on the place and improved it, building a comfortable home and making a good living. William Seiler did not live- long after coming to the United States, having died on his farm at the age of fifty- seven years. His wife survived until she reached the age of seventy. They were the parents of seven children, all of whom grew to maturity, John being the fourth in order of birth. One son, Peter Seiler, served in the Civil war a short time before the close, and continued in the regular army for three years. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 357 John -Seiler, our subject, was reared in his native land, in which he remained un- til he was nineteen years old and there re- ceived a good common school education. He came to the United States with his par- ents and continued to reside on the home- stead after his father's death for several years. In the meantime he began buying land, at first securing fifteen acres which is a part of the present farm. He later add- ed to the same and built a good frame house on the place on which he located in 1861. Here he has continued to live ever since, having prospered from the first as a result of his good management. At one time he owned five hundred acres in Rich- land and Jasper counties, but in late years he has sold much of it to his children, now owning two hundred and sixty acres. His is one of the model farms of Richland county. He has been enabled to live well all these years and to give his children a good start in life. He is now living in re- tirement from the active working of his lands. Mr. Seiler was united in marriage No- vember 22, 1855, to Mary Zerbe, a native of Stark county, Ohio, the daughter of Amos and Susanna (Klingman) Zerbe, the former a native of Maine, and the latter of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. Her fa- ther came to Ohio when a small boy and was reared in Stark county, where he was married and in 1848 he came to Richland county, settling in Preston township. He later returned to Ohio, but died in Preston township at the age of seventy years. His widow survived for several years and died in Richland county when seventy-five years old. Mr. and Mrs. John Seiler are the parents of twelve children, namely : John, who died at the age of seven years; Susan, Anna, Christian, Peter, Elizabeth, Mary, Rosetta, Henry Amos, Emma Louisa, William Charles, Ernest Wesley. They have been educated in the home schools. In politics Mr. Seiler is a Republican, but has never taken a very active part in his party's affairs. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church in Preston township. Since coming to this county Mr. Seiler has lived to see great changes, towns and villages have sprung up and fertile farms have been developed from the wild prairie and the wilderness, and marked progress has been made along educational, social and moral lines. What has been accomplished for the substantial benefit and material im- provement of the county has been of much interest to our subject and the active co- operation which he has given to measures for the general good is worthy of notice in the reckoning of what has been accom- plished here. ANDREW SHANAFELT. Among the well known citizens of Ma- rion county who have finished their labors and gone to their reward, the name of An- niOC.KAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF drew Shanafelt is deserving of especial no- tice. He was a pioneer himself and the son of a pioneer. He was one of the sterling yeo- men, whose labors and self-sacrifice made possible the advanced state of civilization and enlightenment for which southern Illi- nois has long been noted. Andrew Shanafelt was born August 5, 1821, in Licking county, Ohio, where his parents, Peter and Catherine (Cover) Shan- afelt, settled in a very early day, making the journey from their native state of Pennsyl- vania by means of a sled and experiencing many hardships and suffering on the way. Peter Shanafelt purchased a tract of heavily timbered land which by dint of hard work he finally succeeded in clearing and reduc- ing to cultivation and on which he died, shortly after becoming situated so as to live comfortably. His wife, who survived him a number of years and for some time prior to her death, which occurred in Marion county, Illinois, at the age of seventy-seven, made her home with her children. The fam- ily of Peter and Catherine Shanafelt con- sisted of nine children, seven sons and two daughters, the subject of this sketch being the youngest of the number. Both parents were of German extraction and representa- tives of old families which immigrated to the United States in an early day and set- tled in Pennsylvania, where numerous de-> scendants still live. Andrew Shanafelt was reared on the home farm in Ohio, early learned by prac- tical experience, the true meaning of hard work and grew up strong and vigorous and well able to cope with the difficulties and discouragements which life had in store for him. After remaining in his native county until 1847, he disposed of his holdings there and came to Marion county, Illinois, where for some time he labored as a farm hand, subsequently renting a farm near the vil- lage'of Odin. On March 22, 1849, he was united in marriage with Katherine Johnson, of Licking county, Ohio, and two years fol- lowing that event, purchased forty acres of land near Odin, on which he lived and pros- pered until the summer of 1856, when he sold the place and bought one hundred and twenty acres, which he made his home to the end of his days and on which his widow still resides. Mr. Shanafelt labored long and diligently to reduce the latter place to cultivation and make it profitable, the land being about half timber and half prairie, on which no im- provements of any kind had been previously attempted. He addressed himself resolutely to his task, however, and after working for a number of years and experiencing many hardships and privations, finally suc- ceeded in developing a fine farm and placing himself in independent circumstances. Methodical in directing his labors and emi- nently progressive in his methods of cul- tivating the soil, he became widely known as a model farmer while in business matters his sound judgment and wise forethought enabled him to take advantage of unfavor- able conditions and mould them to suit his purposes. As a citizen he ranked high and was ever public spirited in matters relating RICHLANDj CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 359 to the material improvement of the county and the moral progress of those about him. Few men in the community were as much esteemed or showed themselves more wor- thy of the regard of the people of the com- munity and throughout a long and emi- nently useful life he discharged his every duty as he would answer to his conscience and his God. Mrs. Shanafelt, who is still living. at the ripe old age of seventy-eight years, is a daughter of William and Rachel (McClel- land) Johnson, the former a native of Mary- land, the latter of Licking county, Ohio. She shared her husband's fortunes and vicis- situdes, encouraged him by her wise counsel and judicious advice and being in every sense of the word a helpmeet, contributed not a little to the success which he achieved. Ten children were born to this couple, three of whom are deceased, viz: Elizabeth, Wil- liam and Isaac; those surviving are Adam, a farmer of Salem township; Rachel, wife of T. M. Branch, of Salem township ; Mary, who married John R. Branch, of Marion county ; Susanna, now Mrs. Riley Farthing, of Salem ; Martha ]., wife of Frank Young, also of Salem; Samuel and David, prosper- ous farmers of the township of Salem. In his political views, Mr. Shanafelt was a Democrat, but aside from serving as School Director and Supervisor, never as- pired to public position. He was always in- terested in what made for the advancement of the county and the development of his re- sources, believed in enterprise in all the term implies and had great faith in the future of Marion county and the progress of its peo- ple. He lived with the greatest good of his fellow men ever in view and reached the ad- vanced age of eighty years, retaining to a marked degree, the possession of his phys- ical and mental powers. On May ist of the year 1901, he died very suddenly of heart failure, and it goes without the say- ing that his loss was deeply felt and pro- foundly regretted by the large circle of neighbors and friends with whom he had been so long associated. Since his death, his widow has resided on the family home- stead and although nearly eighty years old, she feels few of the infirmities incident to advanced age, having remarkable action, and able to attend to all her household du- ties, besides manifesting a lively interest in the labors of the farm. She has spent her entire life within the geographical lim- its of Marion county and has yet to take her first ride behind a locomotive. Although circumscribed within a narrow area, she is quite intelligent and well informed and keeps in touch with the times on all matters of general and local interest. William Johnson, father of Mrs. Shana- felt, was taken to Ohio when thirteen years old, and grew to manhood in Licking county. He was reared a farmer and in due time married Miss Rachel McClelland, who bore him four children before he disposed of his interests in Ohio and moved, in 1842, to Marion county, Illinois. He made the jour- ney to his new home by wagon and after purchasing eighty acres of wild prairie land, addressed himself to the labor of improving 3 6o BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF a farm and providing for those dependent upon him. His first dwelling was a hewed log building with a large fire-place for heat- ing and cooking, such modern articles as stoves and carpets being unknown in the pioneer homes of those days and the good wife and mother was obliged to attend to her many duties with but few of the con- veniences now found in the humblest of households. Mr. Johnson and family lived after the manner of the typical pioneers of the early times and experienced not a few hardships and privations ere the farm was fully devel- oped and capable of producing a comfort-, able livelihood. In the course of time, how- ever, he added to his original purchase and became one of the enterprising and well-to- do farmers of his township, besides taking an influential part in the development of the community along other than material lines. He lived to see Marion county grow from a sparsely settled prairie to one of the most enterprising and progressive sections of Southern Illinois, and with strong arm and clear brain, contributed his share to- wards bringing about the many changes that are now apparent. He departed this life at the ripe old age of eighty-one, his wife dying several years later, when seventy- eight years old. A daughter, Mrs. Lavina Ross, lives on the family homestead at the present time and a son by the name of Isaac served in the late Civil war as a mem- ber of the One Hundred and Eleventh Illi- nois Infantry, Mrs. Shanafelt being one of the seven surviving members of the family. FRANKLIN GILBERT BOGGS. The subject was born November 30, 1854, on the old Boggs homestead in Rac- coon township, Marion county, the son of James Clark Boggs, who was born in Jef- ferson county, this state, April 3, 1828, and reared, educated and married in Marion county. He married Margaret Hicklin, who was born February 23, 1834, in Lin- coln county, Tennessee. James C. Boggs was the son of Spruce Boggs, who married Martha H. Kell, January 21, 1825. They were of North Carolina. They were mem- bers of the Reformed Presbyterian church, and gave the land on which to build the church, and were active in church work. He was born May 9, 1808. They came to Jefferson county, Illinois, in the early twen- ties and were the first settlers in Rome town- ship, the north part. He got wild land here, and in those days the Indians were quite troublesome and ate most of his crop the first year. There was an abundance of wild game then. He was a hard working, rugged man, and won success despite obstacles, through his agricultural labors. He and his wife died on the place. They were the parents of fourteen children, seven of whom grew to maturity. They are all now de- ceased. Those who grew up were : Thomas, Clark, William, John, Sarah, Joseph and Hugh. The subject's grandfather, William Hicklin, was a native of South Carolina. He married Ann Sloan, of that state. They went to middle Tennessee where they re- mained for a number of years after their HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. marriage, and they went later to Randolph county, Illinois, and then to Marion county, settling in Raccoon township, where they secured wild land in section 27, having got eighty acres of government land, which they developed into a good farm, and on which they died. They were the parents of four children, John, Margaret, Betsy J. became the wife of T. B. Parkinson, of Raccoon township, this county; Florida A. lives in Raccoon township, the widow of Benjamin Cook. The subject's father received only a limited education. However, he was self- learned. When a young man he taught school. He was reared on his father's old homestead and lived at home until he was twenty-one years old, after which he was at different places for awhile. When he bought eighty acres of land in section 34, Raccoon township, on which he made his home until in April, 1862, when he enlisted in Company H, Eightieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He was in several engagements, among which was the great battle of Stone River. In fording the river there the troops had to wade the water up to their arm pits. The subject's father was very warm at the time, and the cold water caused him to take a severe cold, which resulted in his death on April 6, 1863. He was buried in the Na- tional cemetery at Murfreesboro, Tennessee. His wife remained on the place until her death, September 3, 1893. They were mem- bers of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Mr. Boggs was a Justice of the Peace and a Republican in politics. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark Boggs were the parents of four chil- dren, namely: William, who died single at the age of nineteen; Franklin Gilbert, our subject; Mary A., the wife of E. R. Davis, who now lives on the old Boggs place in Raccoon township; Florida married Joseph C. Telford, a farmer in Raccoon township. The subject of this sketch was educated in the home schools and lived at home until he reached the age of twenty-four years. He was united in marriage December 6, 1877, to Emma Norfleet, who was born in Tennessee, the daughter of Benjamin F. and Josephine (Hamlett) Norfleet, who now live in Raccoon township, and whose sketch appears in full in this work. Three sons have been born to the subject and wife, as follows : Vivian O., was born December 25, 1878. He is in the mercantile business in Mounds and Dongola, Illinois, making his home in the latter town. He married Anna May Eimer, of Bellville, Illinois, and they have one son, Leland. Vivian O. was a stenographer and teacher previous to going into the mercantile business. He attended school at Carbondale, Illinois, and took a business course at Centralia. He is a bright young business man. Victor, the subject's sdneco child, was born September 30, 1880. He attended school at Carbondale, Illinois, and at the University of Valparaiso, Indi- ana, where he made a brilliant record for scholarship. He is a graduate in pharmacy. He is now in St. Louis, engaged in carpen- try and building, also real estate. He buys lots and builds on them for investment pur- 3 62 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF poses. He married Iva Wyatt on Septem- ber 24, 1908. Earl, the subject's youngest son, was born August 22, 1887. He is a farmer and carpenter at Fruti, Colorado, where he is doing well. He attended the Centralia schools. After 1877 the subject located on his pres- ent farm in section 34, Raccoon township, where he purchased forty acres. It was a new place, but the subject was a hard worker and soon developed a fine farm, well improved in every respect, and his home is one of the finest in Raccoon township. He does most all his own carpenter work, being naturally a skilled workman. He also owns one hundred and thirty-one acres of well improved and very productive land in sec- tions 27, 34 and 35, in this township. He has a very valuable orchard. He raises fine fruits of all varieties, and he used to raise a great many strawberries. No small part of Mr. Boggs' income is derived from his live stock. He always keeps a good grade, his Duroc and Jersey hogs being especially well bred. He has also been extensively engaged in the poultry business for the past seventeen years, raising mostly Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. He carries on a general farming, and his place shows thrift, good management and industry, being all in all one of the most desirable farms in the town- ship. Mr. Boggs is a stanch Republican and a faithful member of the United Presbyterian church. He is well read on modern topics, and he makes all his friends and acquaint- ances feel at home when thev visit him. JUDGE JOHN R. BONNEY. To present the leading facts in the life of one of Clay county's busy men of affairs and throw light upon some of his more pro- nounced characteristics is the task in hand in placing before the reader the following biographical review of Judge John R. Bon- ney, who has, while yet in the prime of vig- orous manhood, won a conspicuous place in the legal world of this locality, who, for many years has stood in the front rank in his profession in a county well known for its splendid array _ of legal talent. He long ago succeeded in impressing his strong per- sonality upon the community in which he now lives, and where for a quarter of a cen- tury he has been a forceful factor in di- recting and controlling important move- ments looking to the development of Clay county, whose interests he has ever had at heart, and where he has labored for the general good while advancing his own in- terests, which he has done in such a man- ner as to win the hearty commendation of all who know him. John R. Bonney was born on a farm in Monroe county, Illinois, April 27, 1848, the son of Philip C. Bonney, a native of Cum- berland county, Maine, who came West in 1840, settling at Waterloo, Monroe county, Illinois. The subject's father was a mem- ber of Company A, Thirty-first Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which was commanded by Gen. John A. Logan. He was through all the Vicksburg campaign and partici- pated in many battles. He died in Jackson HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 363 county, Illinois, in 1863, from the effects of exposure while in the service, having lived only three days after he returned home from the army. Thomas Bonney, the subject's grand- father, was born in England. The mother of the judge was Mary Fisher in her maid- enhood, whose people were from Tennessee. She lived to the advanced age of eighty- seven years, having died in Louisville, Il- linois, May 12, 1908. The judge's parents were people of much sterling worth and reared their children in a wholesome home atmosphere which has had a marked effect upon their subsequent lives. The names of their eight children follow : Marshall and DeGrass both died in infancy; Lyman died in 1887; John R. was the fourth child in order of birth ; Rowland died in 1875 ; Wil- liam died in 19x55 ; Samuel died when three years old; Olive is the wife of A. L. Bar- nett, Sheriff of Searcy county, Arkansas. Judge Bonney received a good common school education, despite the fact that op- portunities for being educated in the early days were limited, yet he was an ambitious youth and applied himself as best he could to whatever books that fell into his hands. His business and professional career briefly stated, is as follows: He was one of the men of Illinois to offer his services in behalf of the Union during the Rebellion, having enlisted in 1865, and served until the close of the war. Return- ing home he began blacksmithing, at which he worked with success from 1866 to 1873. Being still desirous of gaining a higher ed- ucation, he then entered Shurtliff College, Upper Alton, Illinois, in 1873, in which he remained for two years, making rapid progress, after which he began teaching in Clay county, having taught during 1876 and 1877, in a manner that won much fa- vorable comment from all sources. He was Justice of the Peace and Township Treas- urer of Hoosier township from 1881 until 1898. Having made rapid strides in the study of law, he was admitted to the bar in 1896, and in a short time had a good legal business. He was elected County Judge on November 8, 1898, and served with much credit and entire satisfaction to his constit- uents until his term expired December i, 1902. Having given such splendid service in this office, he was re-elected in 1902 and served four more years, retiring in Decem- ber, 1906. During these eight years many cases of great importance were handled by him with the usual dispatch and clearness in analysis, also fairness to all concerned. He will, no doubt, be remembered as one of the ablest jurists the county has ever had. Judge Bonney was married November 7, 1869, to Samantha Erwin, the representa- tive of a well known family. She was called to her rest November 26, 1888. Six chil- dren were born to this union, namely: Laura, the wife of J. H. Chandler, of Clay county; Etta is the wife of George W. Mc- Glashon, of Louisville, Illinois; Lillian is the wife of E. G. Johnson, of Mill Shoals, Illinois, where he is agent for the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern Railroad Company; 364 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Roscoe lives at Monta Vista, Colorado, in the government service ; Maude is employed by the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company in St. Louis; Jessie is living at home. The Judge again married, on November 7, 1890, his second wife being Jennie Wolfe. One child has been born to this union, Harold, who is ten years old in 1908. Mrs. Bonney is a woman of many commendable traits. Our subject is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and is a Republican in politics, having long been active in his party's affairs. The keynote of his charac- ter are progress and patriotism, for, as al- ready intimated throughout his career he has labored for the improvement of every line of business or public interest with which he has been associated. JUDGE A. N. TOLLIVER. It is with a great degree of satisfaction to the biographer when he averts to the life of one who has made a success in any voca- tion requiring definiteness of purpose and determined action. Such a life whether it be one of prosaic endeavor or radical ac- complishment, abounds in valuable lesson and incentive to those who have become dis- couraged in the fight for recognition or to the youth whose future is undetermined. For a number of years the subject of this sketch has directed his efforts toward the goal of success in Clay county, and by pa- tient continuance has won. A. N. Tolliver, the well known County Judge of Clay county, Illinois, is a native of the same, having been born October 12, 1870, the son of John H. Tolliver, who was a native of Lawrence county, Indiana, and who came to Clay county, Illinois, when a young man. He has spent most of his life engaged in farming, but he has been in the drug business at Ingraham, this state, for many years. Isom Tolliver, the judge's grandfather, was also a native of Indiana, who came to Clay county, Illinois, being among the first settlers here. He died in 1874. The judge's mother was Margaret Sanchner, whose people were from Tennes- see. She passed to her rest in November, 1905. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tolliver, as follows: A. N., the subject; Fred D., living in Hoosier township: Dora S., of Hoosier township; Mrs. Minnie O'Dell, living in the same community; Myrtle; Mrs. Cora Erwin. of Hoosier township; Claud, deceased. A. N. Tolliver spent his boyhood days on the parental farm in Hoosier township, where he developed a sturdy manhood. He attended the country schools during the winter months, applying himself in a most assiduous manner and becoming well edu- cated. Deciding to take up the teacher's profession, he had no trouble in finding an opportunity and for a period of ten years taught in an able manner, becoming known as one of the popular educators of the county, but believing that the law was his proper calling, he began the study of the same while teaching, and he was admitted HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 365 to the bar in Clay county in 1902, soon be- ginning practice. Successful from the first, he soon built up an excellent business, be- coming active in political affairs, it was not long until the party leaders singled him out for public office. He was the choice of the Republican party for the nomination of County Judge, and he was triumphantly elected to this office in 1906, and is now serving in that capacity in a manner that stamps him as an able jurist, thoroughly versed in the law and fair and unbiased in his decisions. His term is for four years, and before it is half gone he has shown that his constituents made no mistake in select- ing him for the place. He had held various minor township offices prior to his election to the judgeship, and his services were al- ways characterized by a strict fidelity to duty. He was principal and superinten- dent of the Louisville schools from 1898 to 1901. Judge Tolliver was united in marriage, June 15, 1892, with Elizabeth A. Bryan, daughter of Josiah Bryan, of Hoosier town- ship, and to this union five children have been born as follows: Zola A., Flossie E., Lowell S., Elizabeth and Bryan. They are attending the local schools. The judge devotes his entire time to the duties of his office and to the practice of his profession. His clients come from all over this locality and he handles some very important cases, always with satisfaction to his clients. In his fraternal relations, he belongs to the Masonic Order, the Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen and the Tribe of Ben Hur. He has occupied the chairs in the Masonic fraternity, and is secretary of the Knights of Pythias. He is a member of the Baptist church. Mrs. Tolliver was called to her rest De- cember 10, 1905. Judge Tolliver takes an abiding interest in the progress and improvement of the schools in Clay county and, in fact, all mat- ters that pertain to the development of the community. He belongs to the class of substantial citizens whose lives do not show any meteoric effects, but who by their sup- port of the moral, political and social status for the general good, promote the real wel- fare of their respective communities, and are therefore deserving of honorable men- tion on the pages of history. EDGAR F. BRUBAKER. The subject of this sketch, Edgar F. Bru- baker, is a man who is an important fac- tor in the farming and mercantile business in the county in which he lives. The son of one of the pioneer residents of Marion county, a man who held a record as a large farmer and merchant, and as a church worker and a prominent citizen, entitled him by birth to a place in the life of the community. He has, however, had the ad- vantages of a present-day education, and his trained brain and industrious habits have brought him success in life. Edgar F. Brubaker, a twin brother of 3 66 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Edwin M. Brubaker, was born in Alma township, on October 6, 1859, and was the son of Eli Brubaker and Mary Warner, his wife. His father, who was born December 11, 1818, and who died July 10, 1907, was universally known and respected in the com- munity. He was one of the pioneers of Ma- rion county, where he made a name for him- self. He helped to establish a Presbyterian church in Stevenson township, and was an active, conscientious, and untiring religious worker. For over forty years he held the position of superintendent of Sunday schools, after which he was elected hono- rary superintendent for the remainder of his life. He was noted and known through- out the county as a raiser and breeder of Durham cattle. His farm at one time com- prised fourteen hundred acres of as good land as there was in the county. For many years he turned his attention to the mer- cantile business in an extensive way in Sa- lem. He was a life-long Democrat and one of the most popular and important men in his section of the county. His family con- sisted of seven children. They were : Isaac B., who married Dolly Kagy, and has one child; Christian M., who married Wood- son Cheely and has eight children ; Anna B., who married Shannon Kagy, has five children ; William A. married Marindy Van Gilder, and has five children ; Edwin M., the twin brother of the subject of our sketch, married Catherine Byers and has two chil- dren; and Logan E. married Rachel Kagy and has two children. Edgar F. Brubaker married Marietta Kagy, on April 3, 1888. No children have been born to them. In his youth he was educated at the common schools, afterwards attending Lincoln University, where he took a scientific course. Like his father before him, he started ex- tensively in the farming business and with much success until about eleven years ago, when he decided to go into the mercantile business in Brubaker. His venture along mercantile lines was an assured success, and his business has a turnover now of about twenty thousand dollars. In addition to his large mercantile interests, Edgar F. Bru- baker still holds about four hundred acres of land and is a breeder or Polled-Angus cattle on an extensive scale, the Polled-An- gus herd which he now has on his farm being of a remarkably good quality. In the past he has been quite a large raiser of sheep and has the reputation of being a shrewd and experienced agriculturalist. In politics Edgar F. Brubaker is a Demo- crat. In the political life of his township he has been as active as his business inter- ests could permit him to be. He has served a term as Road Supervisor, and twice as a Justice of the Peace. His reputation along agricultural lines gained him the distinc- tion of serving on the Board of Agricul- ture at the State Fair at the time of its be- ing held at Peoria, Illinois. In the social and religious life of the township and county, the names of Edgar F. and Mrs. Brubaker are well to the fore. Their names have rarely been absent from social and religious functions in the neighborhood. As HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 367 a citizen and a representative business man, the subject of our sketch is admired and respected. He has all the qualities which go to the making of the desirable and conscien- tious member of the community. JOHN W. THOMASON. Mr. Thomason is known as a man of high attainments and practical ability as a lawyer, and as one who has achieved suc- cess in his profession because he has worked for it persistently and in channels of honest endeavor. His prestige at the bar of Clay county stands in evidence of his ability and likewise serves as a voucher for intrinsic worth of character. He has used his intel- lect to the best purpose, has directed his energies along legitimate courses, and his career has been based upon the wise as- sumption that nothing save industry, perse- verance, sturdy integrity and fidelity to duty will lead to success. John W. Thomason was born in Blair township. Clay county, July 5, 1874, the son of William B. Thomason, who was a native of Indiana. He came to Bible Grove township when a boy, where he settled on a farm and continued to* live in this county until his death, about 1878, when only about twenty-eight years old. Allan Thomason was the subject's grandfather, a native of North Carolina, who emigrated to Kentucky and then to Indiana, residing on a farm in Washington county. He was a soldier in the Mexican war. The sub- ject's mother was known in her maiden- hood as Caroline Kellums, whose people were natives of Indiana, she having been born in Greene county, that state. She was called to her rest in 1900, when living at lola, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Thomason were the parents of three chil- dren, only two of whom are living at this writing, Walter L. Thomason living at Madison, Illinois, and John W. Mr. Thomason spent his early life on the farm. His father was called to his reward When John W. was four years old, and the mother and son lived with the latter's ma- ternal grandfather. The mother remarried when John W. was eight years old. His step-father was J. W. Fender, of lola, Il- linois, by which union six children were born. Mr. Thomason attended the district schools until he was eighteen years old, when he entered Orchard City College, at Flora, from which he graduated in 1894, having made a splendid record for scholar- ship. He taught school one year before graduating and a few terms afterward, with much success attending his efforts. He then went to Mercer county, this state, where he engaged in the grain and stock business with an uncle, having been asso- ciated with him for four years, making a success of this line of work in every par- ticular. But a business life was too prosaic for him and he decided to enter the profes- sion of law, and accordingly began study at Aledo, Mercer county, this state. He 3 68 lUOCKAIMIICAI. AM) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF attended Kent College of Law one term, in Chicago, and was admitted to the bar in 1899, in Clay county, where he at once be- gan practice and has continued ever since in a manner that has stamped him as one of the leading representatives of the bar in this part of the state. He first practiced alone. In 1900 Mr. Thomason was elected State's Attorney on the Democratic ticket, for a term of four years, which office he filled with much credit and to the satisfac- tion of all concerned. He was a candidate for re-election, but was defeated by one vote only, the rest of the ticket being de- feated by majorities ranging up to four hundred and seventy-three. This shows Mr. Thomason's great popularity in the county with his party. He then formed a partnership with H. R. Boyles, which con- tinued until Mr. Boyles died in 1905. He practiced alone then until 1907, when he formed a partnership with H. D. McCollum, which now exists. The firm has a very large and complete library, which is kept well replenished with late decisions and the most standard works, in fact, it is one of the best in Clay county, and few firms do a more extensive business than this one. Mr. Thomason was united in marriage March 28, 1900, to Margaret L. Downing, daughter of John Downing, of Joy, Mercer county, this state. She is the worthy rep- resentative of an influential family of that locality. To this union two winsome daughters have been born; Corrinne and Helen. Mr. Thomason has a farm in Blair township, and he is interested in the stock business, always keeping some good breeds on hand. His farm is a valuable one and is kept well improved. Our subject is chairman of the Demo- cratic County Central Committee, and is very active in politics. He was appointed Master in Chancery in March, 1908. and is now ably serving in this capacity. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Masonic Order, and at this writing Master of the Louisville Lodge No. 196. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, being Chancellor Commander. He is also a mem- ber of the Woodmen and Ben Hur. It stands to Mr. Thomason's credit that he has attained prosperity and definite suc- cess through his own efforts, since he started out in life with no further reinforce- ment than that implied in a stout heart, willing hands and a determination to suc- ceed through honest and earnest effort. JOSEPH C. PARKINSON. No family in Marion county is better or more favorably known than the Parkin- sons, who have been identified with the growth of this locality since the early pio- neer days, and who have in every instance played well their parts in the county's his- tory. The subject of the present sketch is a worthy representative of his ancestors. Joseph C. Parkinson was born on the old Parkinson homestead in Raccoon township, February 27, 1869, the son of Brown and Mary J. (Leuty) Parkinson, the former a native of Tennessee, and the latter of Jef- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. "369 ferson county, Illinois. He married in Jef- ferson county and came to Marion county, locating in Raccoon township, where he se- cured one hundred acres of land in section 23, all wild land, but he was a hard worker and cleared it, making a good home. He de- voted his life to farming, and was School Director, a Republican, and he also held several minor offices. He and his wife were members of the Reformed Presbyterian church. He died in October, 1883, and his wife died August 29, 1905. The father of the subject was not only well known but well liked. To the parents of the subject the following children were born : John, a farmer in Raccoon township, living on part of the old place ; Luella married B. F. Mer- cer, of Raccoon township; William K. is a farmer in Raccoon township; Nettie is de- ceased; Charles A. is superintendent of the public schools at Glen Carbon, Illinois; Jo- seph C, our subject, is the youngest child. Joseph C. Parkinson lived at home with his mother until he was twenty-two years old. He attended the neighborhood schools there and got a fairly good education. He was happily married February 5, 1891, to Flaura J. March, of Raccoon township, the daughter of John S. March (whose sketch appears in full in this volume). To the sub- ject and wife seven children have been born as follows: Maude, Hattie, Harris, Roy, Helen, May and Merle. After his marriage Mr. Parkinson located on a part of his father's farm and lived on the old homestead, making a success of his farming operations until the spring of 1901, 24 when he moved to the south line of the old homestead, where he has since resided. He owns fifty acres of the old place and twenty- six and one-half acres adjoining it, making his a very valuable and desirable farm, highly improved and one of the most pro- ductive in the township. The subject car- ries on a general farming business. He raises all kinds of grain, horses and cattle, good hogs; his cattle are Jersey and Dur- ham, and his hogs are Poland-China and Duroc Red. His fine stock is known all over the county, and no small portion of his income is derived from this source. He has always been a farmer and is considered an excellent one by those who know him. He has a comfortable home and convenient out- buildings. Mr. Parkinson has ably served his com- munity as Township Clerk for two years and School Director for three years. He is a stanch Republican, and always takes an interest in the affairs of the county, doing what he can to promote his interests, whether politically, socially or materially. He and his wife are faithful members of the United Presbyterian church. WILLIAM H. HUDELSON. The history, biographical record or mem- oir of Clay county or of Southern Illinois, would be singularly incomplete without mention of William H. Hudelson, deceased. Therefore the following article has been KIOGRAPI1ICAI. AND KKM 1 \ ISC'KXT HISTORY OF compiled from facts available and quota- tions from the utterances and writings of those who knew him intimately throughout his long career as a citizen of Clay county. In every community there is to be found a man, or a few men, whose names are pre- eminently and unmistakably identified with the community's material growth and development, and who are always to be found associated with every movement that seems to promise an addition to that com- munity's wealth, resources and enterprise, and to enhance the importance of its loca- tion and surroundings. Such men are sel- dom obtrusive, though always on the alert, and always to be found when called upon. The masses feel their presence, though it is not thrust upon them, and almost insensi- bly, but no less surely, do they leave their impress upon the character, institutions and developments of that community. Such a man was \Yilliam H. Hudelson. He was born on a farm three miles south of Princeton, Gibson county, a son of Sam- uel Hudelson, a pioneer of that community. He was not exactly a child of the wilder- ness, but wilderness features surrounded . the rude cradle in which he was rocked. The trail of the wolf was yet to be seen in the snow and the alarm of the rattle-snake at the base of the hill. It was the period of the legendary cabin and fire-place, the old family Bible and alphabet, and the school- house with its floors of puncheon, its un- hewn logs and roof of boards. It was the day of the hasty, primitive education, when the subjects taught were reading and writ- ing, spelling and arithmetic, when grammar was catalogued with, the natural sciences, and geography among the classics. It was the time of day of the pious mother, who had her pleasant legends and fairy tales, with which she suppressed the rising sighs and kept open the leaden eye-lids of the little ones, as she plied her spinning-wheel and waited for the return of her husband from his labors, when perchance, driving snowstorm delayed him far into the hours of thickest night. Amid such scenes our subject spenthisboy- hood and the revolving years on to his man- hood, until, in April of 1852, he located in Louisville, Clay county. Illinois. With a limited financial capital, he established in the grocery and "general store" business with John McGriffin as a partner. This was some years before the advent of Rail- roads, and their stock of goods was brought by wagon from Evansville, In- diana. By industry and fair dealing the firm was successful and endured for a pe- riod of five years, when in 1857, Mr. Hud- elson exchanged his interest for the farm of Harrison Rayburn. Here from dawn far into the night he labored and toiled. His tremendous industry, his splendid phys- ical strength and endurance made him known throughout the countryside and many are the tales related of his wonderful powers. In 1866 he sold his then titled farm and he again became a resident of Louisville village. At about this time the building of the court-house was agitated, and bonds providing for same were issued by the county. Clay county was even then much in the "back woods'' and the financial RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 37 1 men of the East to whom the then young West looked for its cast supply, did not take kindly to the court-house bond issue. In consequence they were not greatly sought and were offered at a most liberal discount. With a far-seeing wisdom and an abiding faith in the community and its citizens. Mr. Hudelson invested his capital and savings in these bonds and the subse- quent years fully warranted his faith and trust in the county's future. His first ven- ture in the whirlpool of finance proving suc- cessful, he for some years, devoted himself to investments and private banking. In about 1870, with Henry Watson as a part- ner, a savings bank was established, known as the Bank of Louisville, and this he con- ducted until in about 1879, the business was closed, after which he continued as a pri- vate banker and an investor in lands and real estate. At one time his land holdings were estimated at between thirty-five hundred and four thousand- acres, and his wealth, a portion of which he inherited from deceased relatives, was said to have been about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. He was one of the organizers of the Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Louis- ville, in 1892. and served as its president for a number of years. Some years pre- vious to his death he launched a series of philanthropical movements, which it was his aim should result in advancing the cause of Christianity, education and the betterment of mankind. He gave lavishly of his wealth to Ewing College, of Ewing, Illinois, and erected a handsome building and grounds in Clay county, known as Hudel- son Academy, which flourished during his life largely through his contributions for its maintenance. He was a Democrat in his political faith though in no respect a politician. He held the office of Justice of the Peace for some time and in 1868, he was a candidate against Hon. L. S. Hopkins for County Judge, which contest resulted in a vote whereupon Mr. Hudelson magnanimously relinquished his claim and Mr. Hopkins was seated. He was of deeply religious temper- ament, and joined the Baptist church at Lou- isville in 1868, continuing his membership there for many years, though a few years before his death he withdrew from that congregation and became a member of the Wabash Baptist church. He contributed much to the church and was largely re- sponsible for the erection of the church edi- fice at Louisville, a building which would do credit to a much larger city. Mr. Hudelson was twice married, his first wife being Frances C. McCawley, of near Clay City. They were married Octo- ber 26. 1854, and her death occurred Au- gust 12, 1856. One child, Cornelius, who died in infancy, was born to them. On Oc- tober 12, 1858, he married Mrs. Pennina Bentley (nee Bundy), who died May 13, 1903. Mr. Hudelson died March 9. 1905. "Uncle Bill" and "Aunt Piney" Hudel- son will live long in the memories of the citizens of Clay and adjoining counties, where one or both of them were known al- most universally. "Aunt Piney" was an affectionately comforting and ' devoted woman, deeply attached to her husband. 372 BIOGRAPHICAL AND KKM I XISCEXT HISTORY OF and wholly consecrated to his well being. His circle of home was cheerful, tranquil, and in that charmed spot he 1 ever seemed as happy as a child, and when after forty- five years she was taken from him, he felt an irreparable loss, for his devotion to her was the echo of hers for him. "Uncle Bill" and "Aunt Piney" found great pleasure in the association of friends and deeply enjoyed their society. To those in whom the former had confidence and with whom he became most intimate; to those who merited and won his friendship, he was indeed a friend, tried, trusted and true. In his dealings with his fellow men he was honorable, fair, punctual, his word as good as his bond. If he was your debtor he would repay to the last farthing and he exacted the same treatment, the same ster- ling integrity from those who were in his debt. He possessed a genius for execution and management and of that quality of personality which accompanied by deed de- termination is bound to rise no matter what the environment or circumstances. E. P. GARNER. The subject of this sketch has well earned the honor to be addressed as one of the progressive, public-spirited men of Marion county. His early labors were devoted to railroad work, but the latter years up to the time of this writing, 1908, were spent in the management of a grocery store in Salem, where he held high rank as a merchant and successful business man. E. P. Garner was born in Salem, Illinois, March 4, 1856, the son of Albert Garner, a native of Tennessee, who came to Illinois when a young man, settling in Salem. He drove a stage coach on the old Mayesville and St. Louis lines ; in latter years he was a stock trader and butcher. He died in Sa- lem after an active and useful life replete with success and honor. The mother of the subject was known in her maidenhood as Letitia Pace, who was born in Mt. Ver- non, Illinois. She is a woman of beautiful Christian character and admirable traits and is living in Salem in 1908, at the age of sev- enty-five years. The parents of the subject had a family of seven children, four of whom are deceased at this writing. They are: Florence, deceased; Ann, deceased; Albert, deceased; E. P., our subject; Blanche, deceased; Maggie, the wife of J. H. Vawter, of Salem; Frankie, who is liv- ing in Salem. Mr. Garner was reared in Salem, having attended the common schools until he was fiften years old. His first position was as a brakeman on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road, on a passenger train, having followed this from the time he was nineteen until he was twenty-four years old. He then fired a locomotive on the same road for one year, between East St. Louis and Vincennes. Af- ter this he went to work for the Wabash Railroad at East St. Louis as a car account- ant, having followed this up to 1906, on which date he abandoned railroading and went into the grocery and meat business in Salem, which business he has handled with success, building up an excellent trade. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 373 Our subject was happily married March 8, 1883, to Janie Jackson, a daughter of John W. Jackson, of Frankfort, Kentucky, who is a brother of the late Capt. James S. Jackson, of Salem. This family has always been influential. Three interesting children have been born to the subject and wife, as follows: Carrie J., whose date of birth occurred March 17, 1884, in Salem; Sherrill P., who was born February 25, 1889, in East St. Louis; Ralph E., born De- cember 23, 1898, in Salem, is in the public schools at Salem. These children have re- ceived every care and attention at the hands of their parents and they all give promise of successful futures. Our subject is a charter member of the Modern Americans, and in his religious af- filiations he subscribes to the Christian church. Mrs. Garner and the three boys are also members of this church. Mr. Garner was on the Executive Com- mittee of Salem township in 1880, with W. J. Bryan at the organization of the Hancock and English club. This was Mr. Bryan's first political act, he being only twenty years old at that time. Mr. Bryan was chairman of the committee on permanent organization. EDWIN HEDRICK. The student interested in the history of Richland county does not have to carry his investigations far into its annals before learning that Edwin Hedrick has long been a leading representative of its agricultural interests, and that his labors have proven a potent force. More than half a century has passed away since he came to the county. There was much difficult work before the early settlers, like the Hedricks, in clearing the land for improvement and for many decades Edwin has successfully carried on the various lines of farming, and while he has prospered in this he has also found ample opportunity to assist in the develop- ment of the county. Edwin Hedrick, whose farm lies in Deck- er township, Richland county, was born in Ohio county, Kentucky, January 23, 1830, the son of Samuel and Sarah (Lucas) Hed- rick, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of South ' Carolina. Grandfather Philip Hedrick was bom in Germany, where he was reared and where he mar- ried. He came to the United States and settled in Clark county, Ohio, where he en- tered a great deal of land, and became very wealthy. He reared a large family of fif- teen children and carried on a big dairy. He made large quantities of cheese which he hauled to Cincinnati by the wagon load every two weeks. He continued to buy government land, and acquired many sec- tions, dividing it among his children, giv- ing each a large farm. He was a German to the core, and did not acquire much Eng- lish education. His cousin was Colonel Hedrick in the Revolutionary war. After the war the colonel returned to Germany, where he had invested money and became a millionaire. He never married and his 374 1UOGKA1M1ICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF fortune finally went to the German govern- ment. Philip, the father of the subject, ac- quired a farm from his father and consid- erable money from the estate. He sold out in Ohio, and went to Kentucky, where he married and engaged in farming for sev- eral years. He then sold out and in 1841 came to Richland county, Illinois, settling in Decker township, where he entered about one thousand acres of land, paying one dol- lar and twenty-five cents per acre. It was a wild, unsettled country at that time, and later he went to Palestine to enter land. There were no roads at that time, and there was plenty of wild game of all kinds, tur- keys, deer, by the hundreds. He lived only five years after coming here, having died in 1846, at the age of fifty-three years. He had been a minister in the Cumberland Presbyterian church for several years. His wife survived him twenty-five years, and she married a second time, her last husband having been a Mr. Harrison. She was sev- enty-six years old when she died on the old homestead in Decker township. She be- came the mother of eight children by her first husband, of which number our subject was the third in order of birth. Three of them are living at this writing; a younger brother. Mason Hedrick, was a major in the Union Army during the Civil war, in the Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry, having en- listed from Davis county, that state, and served' until the close of the war. He is now living at Odin, Illinois. Edwin Hedrick was eleven years old when he came to Richland county. Reared on a farm he received what education he could in the public rural schools, which was somewhat limited, school having been taught in the primitive log cabin, with rude furnishings. He attended only a few months during the winter. However, after the death of his father he went to Ken- tucky, and lived for several years, where he secured a good education and taught school in that state in an acceptable man- ner for a period of eight years. He was a fine penman and taught penmanship during vacations. In 1857 he returned to Rich- land county and settled on the old home- stead, having bought the interest of the other heirs and he has since lived here. But few improvements had been made on the place. About that time he got married and began housekeeping in a small log cabin. There were but few roads through the country, and he endured a!5 the privations and hardships of frontier life. Forty acres having been left him by his father, he bought forty acres more from his mother, going in debt for the same. He prospered from the first and bought more land, which he improved, and is now the owner of six hundred acres, comprising one of Rich- land county's model farms, besides having given six hundred acres to his children. For forty years he was widely known as an able farmer, trader and stockman, dealing in live stock on an extensive scale. He was a large dealer in mules for many years, and usually had from one hundred and fifty to two hundred head of cattle every year for many years. He has been unusually successful in whatever he has undertaken. Mr. Hedrick was united in marriage RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 375 June 23, 1857, to Mary A. Adamson, a native of Union county, Kentucky, the daughter of Aaron and Martha Jennings (Thompson) Adamson, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Tennessee. She moved to Edwards county, Illinois, with her parents, when young. Her father died in Kentucky when about forty years old. The subject's wife's mother died in Wayne county, Illinois, when she had at- tained the advanced age of eighty-four years. Grandfather Thompson served in the \Yar of 1812. He was a native of Louisiana, and came to Edwards county, Illinois, among the early pioneers and lo- cated here. Eight children were born to the subject and wife, seven of whom grew to maturity. They are Elvira ; Francis Marion ; Samuel Aaron, Eva McClelland, Mara Martha, Mary Elizabeth, Edwin, a prominent law- yer in Chicago. All these children are liv- ing except Eva McClelland, who died when thirty-six years old. These children have received good educations. In politics Mr. Hedrick is a Democrat, and has always been very active, being one of the local "wheel-horses" for many years in local affairs, and was for quite a long time very influential in his township, but since he has reached old age he does not take much part in political matters. He has never aspired to positions of public trust, preferring to give all his attention to his business and in rearing and. educating his children. In June, 1907, Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick celebrated their golden wedding anniver- sary on the homestead. There were sixty- five relatives present. Both our subject and his wife received beautiful gold watches in remembrance of the occasion, which they prize very highly. Mr. Hedrick has been a faithful member of the Presbyterian church for sixty-five years, and he was an elder of the same for many years. Mrs. Hedrick has also been a member of that church for many years. Our subject deserves the great credit which he is given for his success, for not a dishonest dollar ever passed through his hands, and his lands, money and stock ag- gregate from forty to fifty thousand dol- lars, all the result of his own efforts, for he started in life with only forty acres of wild land. W. R. WOODARD. The subject is now practically living re- tired in Salem, Illinois. Through his long connection with agricultural interests he not only carefully conducted his farm, but so managed its affairs that he acquired thereby a position among the substantial residents of the community. Moreover he is entitled to representation in this volume because he is one of the native sons of Ma- rion county, and his mind bears the impress of its early historical annals, and from the pioneer days down to the present, he has been an interested witness of its develop- ment. 376 lilOGKAPHICAL AND REMIXISCICXT HISTORY OF \V. R. Woodard was born in Marion county, about five miles northwest of Sa- lem, August 8, 1844, the son of Charles Woodard, a native of Ohio, who came to Illinois in 1840, settling on the farm where our subject was born, and he continued to live there until 1904, developing an excel- lent farm and reaping rich rewards for his toil from year to year, for he was a thrifty man of the best type of agriculturist. In 1904 he moved to Salem where he spent his old age, surrounded with the comforts of life, which his manhood years, in the youth and "noon" of life had accumulated, having passed to his rest in Salem, Febru- ary 10, 1907, more than eighty-seven years old. He was at one time postmaster at Tonti. He worked in a carding mill in Salem for some time, and had the weave made up into clothes. The paternal grandfather of the subject was Joshua Woodard, who was a native of Pennsylvania and who migrated to Ohio and then to Illinois with his son, the father of our subject. He made a suc- cess of whatever he undertook, being a man of sterling qualities, like most of the pio- neers of the country of those early days. He finally went back to Ohio where he died. The mother of our subject was Ann All- mon in her maidenhood, the representative of a fine old family in Tennessee. Her peo- ple finally moved to Marion county, Illinois, where she passed to her rest in 1884. Four children were born to the subject's parents, W. R.. our subject; A. J., who lives on a farm near the old home place: Elizabeth Ann, widow of J. H. Scott, living near Tonti; Ann, who died in infancy. Our subject was reared on his father's farm and attended the country schools in that neighborhood, having applied himself in such a manner as to gain a fairly good education for those primitive school days. He lived on the old farm where he made a decided success at agricultural pursuits un- til he moved to Salem in 1904. He erected a house on the old homestead for himself, where he spent his years of labor in com- fort and plenty. Mr. Woodard was united in marriage in 1871 to Mrs. Martha N. (Deeds) Nichols, whose parents came to this state from Virginia when she was one year old. She was always known as a wo- man of many fine personal traits. Four children were born to the subject and wife, all deceased, three having died in infancy, and the fourth after reaching maturity. Our subject always took considerable in- terest in public affairs and he was ap- pointed postmaster of Tonti after his father gave it up. He has also been hon- ored with township offices in Tonti town- ship. Mr. Woodard is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Salem, and his wife is also a consistent member of this church, both ranking high in the con- gregation of the same. Our subject has spent his long and useful life in Marion county, and it is interesting to hear him tell of the early days when Salem was a small hamlet with but a few houses and much wild game was in the great forests and on HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 377 the uncultivated prairies roundabout. He has been a man of good business judgment and a hard worker, consequently he has made a success of his life work which has always been carried on in an honest man- ner. He owns a good residence in Salem, where he is regarded as a good law abiding citizen, and where he has many personal friends. JOSEPH GOSS. We rarely find two persons in every-day life who attribute their success in their dif- ferent spheres to similar qualities. Hard work and plodding industry paved the way for one. good judgment and a keen sense of values for another, intuition and a well balanced mind for the third. An admix- ture of some of the qualities above named, emphasized by hard work and plodding in- dustry, has been responsible for the success of the subject of the present sketch in his battle for the spoils of victory. Joseph Goss of German township, Rich- land county, is a familiar figure in the life of his township and county. He was born on the 3d of October, 1833, in Stark coun- ty. Ohio, the son of Jacob and Margaret (Bolinger) Goss, both natives of Stark county, Ohio. His grandparents on the father's side, came from Germany. They married in New Jersey, and after having spent a short time in Pennsylvania, moved to Stark county, Ohio, where the father of our subject was born, and where they lived until the death of the elder Mrs. Goss. At that time Grandfather Goss came to Illi- nois, where he died at the age of ninety- five, being buried in Goss cemetery in Ger- man township. The father of Joseph Goss remained with his parents until his mar- riage to Margaret Bolinger in Stark county, where he removed to a farm of his own on which he remained until he came to Illinois in the year 1840. The journey to Illinois was made overland, bringing with him his fam- ily of eight children, one of whom was Jo- seph, then only seven years of age. In German township they entered one hundred and twenty acres of government land, pay- ing one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre for it. It was all timber land and totally unimproved. They set about clearing it, cut down trees and hewed out logs with which a rough log house was built. It was a small family dwelling, eighteen feet by twenty in area, and having four windows and two doors. A log stable was also built. As fast as Jacob could clear the land he planted wheat and corn and from time to time added adjoining land, and owning at the time of his death about two hundred acres. His death took place on the farm, his wife having preceded him to the un- known, in the year 1861, he, himself dying in the year 1873. on April 28th, at the age of seventy-five years. Both are buried near the family home in German township. Ten children were born during their married life, of which Joseph was the fourth in or- der of birth. Joseph Goss remained with his parents, 378 IlKIC.RAl'HICAL AND RK.M I XISCKXT HISTORY OF helping them in their arduous tasks until his twenty-seventh year, at which time he married Julia Gerber, on May 14, 1860, their marriage taking place in Richlancl county. His wife was born in Pennsyl- vania in the year 1831, and was the daugh- ter of Philip and Mrs. Gerber. Her family came to Richland county from Pennsyl- vania, in the year 1845, where they re- mained until their deaths. Julia Gerber re- mained with her parents until her marriage in 1860. At the time of his marriage, Joseph Goss bought some timber land, ninety acres in Claremont township, and for many years he put in much hard work clearing, fencing and improving it. He built a frame house for himself and his wife. The outbreak of the Civil war occurred just then, and in the warmth of his patriotism, he volunteered for service. His sen-ices were refused, however, on account of one of his hands being somewhat crippled, but his family was well represented on the field of battle, having had two brothers and two nephews in active service, his nephews both being killed one at the battle of Fort Donelson. His brothers luckily escaped, neither being injured nor taken prisoner. About the year 1869, Joseph Goss sold his property in Claremont township, and bought one hun- dred and twenty acres in German town- ship, the place on which he now lives. Since coming into possession he has added more land and now owns one hundred and forty acres of well improved land. His wife died in January, 1875, aged forty-four years, and is buried in Goss cemetery. Four children were born to them, all are living, and in order of their birth they are: Johrr Mathias, Jacob, Daniel and Emma : all are married. John M. lives at home with his father; Jacob and Daniel both own farms and live in Jasper county, Illinois; Emma is the wife of Ernest Kennedy, a farmer,, and lives in Lawrence county. Joseph Goss remarried in July, 1888. This time he took for a wife Salome (Seil- er) Gerber, the widow of Edwin Gerber, who was a brother of his first wife. The second Mrs. Goss was born in Stark county, Ohio, September 3, 1837. Joseph Goss did not receive a very ex- tended education two or three terms was his limit, for farm work was urgent in his young days, and the school was five miles away, so he had to bow to circumstances. In politics he is a Democrat and he has made his influence felt in his locality, hav- ing been in his younger days very active. He served for several years as a School Di- rector in district No. 4. He and his wife and family are frequent in their attendance at St. James Lutheran church in Claremont township, all being in- fluential and active members of that per- suasion. His first wife was also active in the same church. Joseph Goss's honesty and genial good fellowship have given him a recognized po- sition in the community and his life in the declining period is peaceful and sunny. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 379 GEORGE WOLGAMOTT. George Wolgamott was born January 22, 1826, in Cambridge, Guernsey county, Ohio, the son of David and Sophia (Shee- ley) Wolgamott, both natives of Maryland, in which state David Wolgamott remained until his marriage at which time he re- moved to Ohio, coming overland with his wife, and encountering the usual quota of hardships which traveling in those days en- tailed. He entered three hundred acres from the government, paying one dollar and twenty-five cents an acre, in Guernsey county. It was all timber land with no improvements of any kind, but he imme- diately erected a home for his family in which he and his wife remained until their deaths. David Wolgamott died about 1878, having passed his ninetieth milestone. His widow survived ten years, dying in 1888, having also reached her ninetieth year. Both are buried in the Liberty cem- etery in Guernsey county, Ohio. David Wolgamott served about one and a half years in the Civil war in an Ohio regiment, mostly as one of the home guards in the vicinity of Columbus, Ohio. He was the father of a family of ten children, eight of whom grew to maturity, two dying in early life. Joe Wolgamott, one of his eldest sons, went through the Mexican war under command of General Taylor. George Wolgamott remained at home until his fourteenth year when he ran away from home and volunteered for the Mexi- can war. On account of his youth he could not be taken as a soldier and served as a hostler. Later, when he became older, he got into the regular service. The first battle he took part in was that of Buena Vista, in whrch he received a wound in the leg, which was the only wound he received throughout the campaign, but it did not hinder him from service, and he remained with his regiment until the close of the war. He then returned to his parents in Guern- sey county, Ohio, and resumed work on the farm. At the age of twenty-one, he came to Illinois and entered eighty acres of prairie land in German township. Rich- land county, in the fall of 1847, and he came in company with Billy K. Johnson, a banker of Coshocton county, Ohio, who also entered a great deal of land surrounding our subject's eighty acres. He thai went back to Ohio in the spring of 1848, and once more farmed with his father. In 1850 his marriage with Nancy Jane Rogers took place. They left Ohio in 1852 and came overland to Illinois and settled on the land which he had already entered. On their arrival he built a log cabin, broke prairie and raised corn and wheat, and otherwise improved the land. At the out- break of the Civil war he enlisted at Olney in the winter of 1860. He had had small- pox when a boy and therefore was placed in the Union hospital in Springfield, Illi- nois, where he served as an attendant. This occupation proved too irksome for him and he ran away to New Orleans, rejoining his regiment, the Sixty-third Illinois, Com- pany A, two years later. The company 3 8o r.lOC.KAIMIICAI. AND KK M I \ iS( K \ T HISTORY OF was commanded by Captain McClure. George Wolgamott in active service then went through many of the principal en- gagements of the war. He marched with Sherman to the sea and took part in the battles of the Wilderness, Buzzard's Roost, Lookout Mountain, Big Shanty, Atlanta, Missionary Ridge and many others. At the close of the war he was mustered out at Springfield, Illinois. He was with his regiment at Raleigh, North Carolina, when the war ended, marched to Washington, D. C, and came to Parkersburg in open stock cars, then taking boat to Louisville, Ken- tucky, and thence to Springfield, Illinois. His wife had returned to Ohio during the war to which place he went to bring her back to Illinois. On their return home his wife soon died. Two children were born of this marriage; they were named Lemon and Emma; the former lives in Iowa, and the latter at Lewiston, Illinois: she is the wife of Anderson Whites. The subject of our sketch then married Eliza Thomp- son in 1868: she died about four years later. Three children were born to this union; one, Savannah, married William Campbell, and lives in German township. The other two children died in childhood. George Wolgamott married shortly after, taking for his third wife Jane Foster. On November 30, 1879, he again ventured into matrimony. marrying Nancy (Fisher) Carr, the widow of David Carr, a sol- dier of the Civil war, who died in 1874, and is buried in Bridgeport cemetery, Guernsey county, Ohio, his death occurring at the age of forty-six. To them were born three children, namely: Sylvester (deceased); Lillis and Ida. Lillis married Heldon Travis and lives in Topeka, Kansas; Ida is the wife of Edward Stradge, and resides in Curtis, Frontier county, Nebraska. Nancy (Fisher) Carr was born in 1838, February 27th, of that year, in Troy,. New York. She lived in Troy with her parents until about three years of age, when they moved to Schenectady county, New York. Here she lived until her fourteenth year, when her parents moved to Ohio and settled in Tuscarawas county, later moving to Guern- sey county. Her parents came to Richland county, Illinois, prior to the date of her marriage to our subject. Both her parents died in Richland county, her father dying in 1879; her mother survived him for many years, dying at the age of eighty-eight, years about the year 1906. Her parents are in- terred in the Wagner cemetery, German township. George Wolgamott in his early years at- tended the subscription schools in Ohio. His present wife was also educated in the subscription schools in New York state, but she left school at the age of fourteen. Mr. Wolgamott has always voted the Republican ticket, taking an active part in local politics. He was a school, director for about sixteen years in his home district. He has also been for many terms road over- seer in German township. He is a member of the local camp of the Grand Army of the Republic Post No. 745, in Chancey. Lawrence countv, Illinois. He was elected HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. post commander several times. Both he and his wife attend the Christian church, though neither are members of any par- ticular church. JOHN P. WILLIAMS. The subject of this sketch belongs to that class of men who win in life's battles by sheer force of personality and determination, and in whatever he has undertaken he has shown himself to be a man of ability and honor. John P. Williams was born in New York City, May 10, 1849, the son of Robert Wil- liams, a native of Wales, who came to America when a young man. He was a pat- tern-maker and ship carpenter of great skill. He left New York in 1853, an d went to Licking county, Ohio, where he remained until his death in 1854. The subject's mother was Margaret Parry, also a native of Wales, who came to America when very young. She is re- membered as a woman of many fine traits and a worthy companion of Robert Wil- liams. She passed to her rest while living with our subject in Salem, July 10, 1882, to which place she had come four years pre- vious. Three children were born to the par- ents of the subject of this sketch, the only one living being John P. Williams. Row- land H., his brother, died in Salem, Decem- 10, 1890. He was appointed postmaster of Salem by President Harrison, and his death occurred after he had served only about eighteen months. Robert, the subject's other brother, died March 10, 1877, in Licking county. Ohio. These children recived ev- ery advantage possible that their parents could give them. John P. Williams was reared in Lick- ing county, Ohio, making his home there from the time he was three years old un- til he was twenty-eight. He received his education in that county, having applied himself in a manner that resulted in a fairly good common school education. After leav- ing school Mr. Williams engaged in the shoe making business, which he followed for. twelve years and in which he was eminently successful. He came to Salem in 1878 and worked as a solicitor for his brother who was then in the monument business, fol- lowing this in a most satisfactory manner until 1882 when he went into the life and fire insurance business, spending consider- able time on the road as a special agent in life insurance and making a marked success in this line of business. Mr. Williams was appointed postmaster of Salem, April i, 1898, in which capacity he served with entire satisfaction to the au- thorities and in a manner that reflected much credit upon his natural executive ability, un- til 1907. This appointment was made by President McKinley, and he was re-ap- pointed by President Roosevelt. After leav- ing the office, Mr. Williams opened a real estate and insurance office in 1907 and has been conducting the same to the present time, building up an excellent patronage and IMOCKAI'IIICAI. AND RKMIXISCKXT HISTORY OF is now doing an extensive business through- out this community. He represents eight old-line companies and the business of these could not be entrusted to better or abler hands, owing to Mr. Williams' popularity in Marion county, his genuine worth and integrity. Our subject was happily married in 1873 to Laura A. Ruton, an accomplished daugh- ter of E. E. Ruton, a native of New York state. The ceremony which united this con- genial couple was performed in Ohio and their subsequent life history is one of the utmost harmony and happiness, and to this union six interesting children have been born, named in order of their birth as fol- lows: Margaret, the wife of James N. Chance, a merchant tailor of Salem; Lucy, the wife of William P. Morris, a wholesale cigar dealer of Salem; Frances, the wife of L: W. Fellows, a broker, of New York City ; Lena, who is living at home ; R. Carl, who is a train dispatcher on the Missouri Pacific Railroad at Jefferson City, Missouri ; Rowland L., who is living at home, and is assistant time-keeper for the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company at Salem. Mr. Williams, in his fraternal relations, belongs to the Salem Blue Lodge, Council and Chapter, Masons, and judging from his daily life one would conclude that he be- lieves in carrying out the noble precepts of this ancient and praiseworthy order. Both he and his wife are members of the Cum- berland Presbyterian church. The career of Mr. Williams clearly illustrates the possibili- ties that are open in this country to earnes persevering men who have the courage c their convictions and are determined to 1 the architects of their own fortunes. GEORGE BUTLER. George Butler was born in Richlar county on July 9, 1844, being the son ( Samuel and Nancy (Baker) Butler, bol natives of Muskingum county, Ohi George Butler's father and mother wei married in Ohio, where three children wei born to them. They came to Illinois in tl year 1842, making the trip overland : wagons, being four weeks on the journe and they endured the customary hardshi] of that tedious system of travel, arriving German township, Richland county. 111 nois, in September, 1842, and entered tw hundred acres at the government price < one dollar and twenty-five cents an acr all timber land, on which stood one sms log house and a log stable capable of hou ing two horses; these had been erected t Gabriel Reed, who had taken a squatter claim on the place, for whose good will ar the improvements Samuel Butler paid tl sum of sixty-five dollars. He had to go Palestine on horseback to make entry of tl land and was but twenty-four hours ahe; of a man named Lathrop (since decease* who intended making entry of the san place. Samuel Butler having successful entered the land proceeded at once to cle; RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 383 and improve same. He moved into the log house, and a few years later built a double log house, and erected other buildings. Wild animals and game, including wolves, wild turkey and deer, were in abundance. Mrs. Samuel Butler died November n. 1860. aged about sixty years. Her husband survived her about twenty years, dying November 14, 1880. aged eighty. Both are buried in Mount North cemetery, in Ger- man township. Our subject remained in the paternal home assisting his father and mother until the Civil war broke out, when he enlisted July 9. 1861. though not quite seventeen years of age at the time, having obtained his father's consent to fight for his country. He was sent to St. Louis and was attached to Company E, Eleventh Mis- souri Infantry, under Captain Levenston. He was then transferred to Cape Girardeau, Missouri, for a course of training of three months. He was ordered from there to the front where he participated in some of the historic battles of the conflict, such as Island No. 10, at Fort Donelson, Pittsburg Land- ing, Corinth. Mississippi; the battle of luka : Holly Springs, and the siege of Vicksburg, in which he was wounded by a shell striking him in the side, which broke several ribs and inflicted other injuries. He remained for only two or three weeks in a field hospital, and again returned to his regiment with which he remained in active service until mustered out at St. Louis, Missouri, on January 23, 1866. George Butler then returned home to his parents in Richland county, and again took up his agricultural calling in which he con- tinued until his marriage which took place on March 2. 1869. On that date he mar- ried Buleau Burnell in Richland county. His wife was a native of Richland county, being born there on August 6. 1850. She was the daughter of Hizer and Sophia (Sumner) Burnell. Her father was born in Ohio, and her mother in Lawrence coun- ty, Illinois. The former came with his par- ents from Ohio, when only a small boy. They settled on a farm in Wabash county. where his father died when he was still young. His mother survived her husband for many years, and married a second time, a Mr. McMullen, who afterwards died. Mrs. Butler's father continued to make his home with his mother until he married Sophia Sumner, about the year 1845. He then settled in Lawrence county for three or four years, after which he came to Richland county and entered one hun- dred and sixty acres of land in Preston township, where he remained until his death, August 26, 1854, being buried in Springfield cemetery, Lawrence county. Mrs. Burnell married secondly in March. 1865, William Musgrove, and came with her family to reside in German township, where she remained until her death. Wil- liam Musgrove, the step-father of the sub- ject of our sketch, died January 13, 1895 ; her mother born July 21, 1826, died April 24, 1903. Both are buried in Butler cem- etery in German township. Mrs. Butler's parents had a family of three children. They were, besides herself, Quintes and Mul ford, who died in childhood. Her mother by her second marriage had seven niOCKAPHICAL AND KKM1N ISCKNT HISTORY OF children, namely: Symmia, deceased; An- drew; Mauzella, deceased; Filina; Effie. de- ceased; Warren and Erdie, deceased; Bu- leau Burnell remained at home with her parents until her marriage in 1869. From the money which George Butler received and saved while serving in the Civ- il war, he bought eighty acres of raw tim- ber land in German township. On this he built a log house and made a clearing on the land and at the time of his marriage moved with his wife into the place where they lived for several years. About the year 1882 he sold the land and changed to another farm in German township in which they now reside. Their property now con- sists of three hundred and sixty-two acres of the choicest land, all of which is in Ger- man township. In 1888, the subject of our sketch had built upon his land a two- story house of seven rooms, which cost about two thousand dollars. Our subject and wife are the parents of four children, only two of whom grew to maturity, one dying in infancy. The others are Bertha E., Burton E., and Bennie H., who died aged seven years. Bertha E. is the wife of Harvey Stoltz, residing in Zal- ma, Missouri, where Mr. Stoltz is engaged in the moving and transfer business; they are prosperous and are the parents of three children, Marrietta, Hester and George. Burton Butler married Glennie Bauman ; they reside on a portion of his father's property in German township and are very successful; three children were born to them, Lady June, Trail and Katie Jean. George Butler in his early years attended only the subscription schools, but never continued in attendance for three months altogether. Owing to his heavy farm du- ties and his enlistment in the army at the age of seventeen, his schooling was almost entirely neglected. He did not even learn to read at school, and never held a pen in his hand. These necessary accomplish- ments he had to acquire in after life through self-study. His wife met with much the same experience during her early life, although she is now well able to read and write. George Butler is a member of the Bour- ier Post, Grand Army of the Republic No. 92, at Olney, Illinois. In politics he has always been a Republican. His first bal- lot for President was cast while in the army and went to Abe Lincoln. He has always taken an interest in local politics, and served as Road Commissioner for over nine years in German township, and as School Director for over thirty years. He and his wife and all members of his family are regular attendants of the Methodist church. GEORGE C. WELLS. The fact that the subject was one of the patriotic sons of the north who offered his services and his life, if need be, on the field of battle in defense of the flag during the dark days of the rebellion, entitles him to the high honor which is due everyone ot the gallant boys in blue. George C. Wells was born in Washing- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. ton county, Rhode Island, January 20, 1844, the son of Peter C. and Elizabeth (Stillman) Wells, both natives of the same county, in Rhode Island. He was a farmer and died in 1872, at the age of sixty-six years; she passed away in July, 1888, at the age of seventy-eight years. The sub- ject's parents had seven children, namely; Anna Elizabeth ; Maria, of Alleghany county, New York; Harriett, living in Rhode Island ; George Clark, our subject ; Adeline, Emeline and Oscar, all living in Rhode Island. The subject of this sketch was educated in the home schools and Alford College, New York. In July, 1862, he enlisted for a period of three years in Company A, Seventh Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, at Hopkinton, Rhode Island. He was in the army of the Potomac, Ninth Army Corps. He was in the great battle of Fred- ericksburg and was shot in the right hip, December 13, 1862, and was sent to Wash- ington, District of Columbia, where he re- mained for one month, and he was in the home hospital for one year, was then dis- charged and came home. He. served six months. After the war he went to Westerly, Rhode Island and engaged as a mechanic until December 10, 1865, when he came west and located in section 4, Meacham township, Marion county, Illinois. He first bought forty-four acres of land, but being thrifty and a good manager, he gradually added to this until he owned two hundred and ninety acres. He made all of the improvements on 25 the place and was considered one of the best farmers in the township. Our subject was united in marriage Feb- ruary 1 6, 1868, with Emma L. Brown, a native of Niagara county, New York, and three children have blessed this union, namely: Oscar C., who married Inez Ran- dolph. He is a farmer and poultry raiser in Meacham township, and the father of five children, Gale, Glenn, Ora, Elsie and George. Harriett, the subject's second child, is living at home; Lena, the young- est, is also a member of the home circle. Oscar Wells taught school for many years. Lena is now in the Farina high school. The subject carries on a general farm- ing business, raises Red Polled stock, Red Comb and Brown Leghorn chickens, Pekin ducks and several varieties of good live stock. Since 1896 Mr. Wells has been liv- ing in practical retirement, however, he still oversees his farm. He has for many years dealt very successfully in poultry, feed and fertilizers. He has held several of the township offices, and is a Republican of pronounced convictions. Mr. Wells is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, No. 426, at Farina, Illinois. He has been commander of the same, having held all the offices of this post. He is a member of the Seventh Day Baptist church at Farina. Mr. Wells de- serves a great deal of credit for what he has accomplished. He started life poor, but being ambitious he worked hard and has achieved eminent success, being today 3 86 lUOC.KAI'IllCAL AM) KICM I .\ ISCKX T JIISTOKV ( ) F one of the solid and substantial men ot his township and well and favorably known by every one. He is remembered as a teacher of more than ordinary ability, hav- ing taught school for six years, one year in the Farina, Illinois, high school. What his hand and mind have found to do he has done with his might, and having attained a commanding position among his contem-- poraries he wears his honor in a becoming manner. WINFIELD S. LACEY. Among the citizens of Meacham town- ship, Marion county, whose lives have been led along such worthy lines of endeavor that they have endeared themselves to their fellow citizens, thereby being eligible for representation in a volume of this nature, is the gentleman whose name appears above. Winfield S. Lacey was born in Morrow county, Ohio, September 30, 1849, the son of Hiram G. and Sophia (Sell) Lacey, the former a native of Ohio, who grew to man- hood there and married before leaving that county. He lived in Ohio until 1855. when he brought his family to Marion county, Illinois, settling in Meacham town- ship. He drove through the country from Ohio, bringing twenty-two head of cows with him, also three teams. He secured one hundred and twenty acres of land in sections 10 and 15. It was partly improved and had an old house, eighteen by thirty-six feet, of split timber, and there was an old log stable. These soon gave way to com- fortable and substantial buildings, and the place was put under a high state of im- provements. Being thrifty he soon bought more land and lived on this place until his death. His wife died in Farina, this state. They were Methodists. Mr. Lacey was a Republican, but never aspired to office. The following children were born to them : Gabriel S.. who lives in Meacham town- ship; Mahala also lives in Meacham town- ship; Thomas S. lives in the same town- ship; Francis M., enlisted in the Union army when eighteen years old and served during the war. After the war he mar- ried and moved to Cowley county, Kansas; Abram F., was also a soldier in the Federal ranks, who served three years. After the war he returned to his home in this county, where he remained until his death; A. H., resides on the old place, and was also a soldier; Nancy married Michael Butts, and is living in Meacham township; W. S., our subject; Anthony and Catherine were twins, the former is deceased, and the lat- ter is the wife of Jacob Althon, of Clay county, Illinois; Hiram is living in Meach- am township, this county ; Hugh is de- ceased; Mary is the wife of Douglas Roberts, who lives in Fayette county. Illinois. The subject of this sketch had only a lim- ited education, not having an opportunity to attend school very long in his youth. He remained a member of the parental family circle until he was twenty- four years old. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. He was married February 27, 1873, to Nancy Hitchcock, of Harrison county, Ohio, the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Hitch- cock. Her parents moved to Marion county, Illinois, in 1870, and located in Omega township, where they remained two years and then moved to Meacharr town- ship, remaining here one year, then they went to Iowa, where Mr. Hitchcock died. His wife is living at this writing in Ne- braska. Seven children were born to the subject and wife as follows : Edward, who is farming in Meacham township, married Margaret Gotshall, of Ohio; Lydia, who is now deceased, was the wife of Lon Myres : Haman is living in Farina, Illinois, en- gaged in the hardware business, and in mar^ ried to Olive Warren; Orville is deceased; Hugh is also deceased; Ollie married Jesse Norman, and is living in Meacham town- ship ; Milton is living at home. These children attended the local schools, receiving fairly good educations. After his marriage the subject bought forty acres of land in Meacham township lives, in section 4, Meacham township. It was raw land, but Mr. Lacey was always a and lived there for three years, when he sold out and bought the place where he now hardworker and a good manager, and he rapidly improved the place up to its present high state of efficiency. The subject now owns three hundred and forty acres, which lie rents, being now retired. His farm is well up to the standard of Marion county's choice farms, being well fenced, and in every way in fust class condition. He has a substantial and beautiful dwelling and a good barn and other out buildings. No little part of Mr. Lacey's income has been derived from live stock, raising an ex- cellent grade of hogs, cattle and sheep. He is also a good judge of horses and has al- ways kept some fine ones. He has devoted his life to farming, consequently he has mastered every detail of this class of busi- ness. In politics he is a Populist, but has never held office. He started in life in a small way, but he is now one of the sub- stantial men of the township, having gained all his property unaided, by his careful man- agement and hard work. The subject's first wife was called to her rest in February. 1903, and he married Rebecca Minard, of Harrison county, Ohio, in October, 1905. Mr. Lacey is known by the people of Mea- cham township for his honesty and useful life. JOHN THOMAS HAUSER. The people in the vicinity of Claremont township and we might say of Richland county in general, are well acquainted with the life history of its pioneer inhabitants, and the story of the career of John T. Hauser is not the least known. He was born on the 28th day of December, 1817, in Stokes county, now known as Forsythe county, in North Carolina, the son of John and Annie Hauser. both of his parents na- tives of the state in which they lived : his mother's maiden name being Canuse. 3 88 BIOCKAPHICAl. AND KKM I \ ISCKXT HISTORY OF When six years old his father died and he came to be of much assistance to his mother on the family farm. At the age of fifteen he started in to learn the trade of shoe- maker and, upon becoming a proficient workman, he left home. His travels took him over various portions of the Carolinas and the state of Kentucky, successfully ply- ing his trade as he went along. On the outbreak of an epidemic of cholera during his stay in Kentucky he decided to return home, traveling by way of the famous Cum- berland Gap. A short time after his re- turn his mother died and once more he set about to seek a change. He was then about twenty-three years of age and upon settling upon a small farm in .the state of Ohio, he soon married. His choice fell upon Lucy Ulrich, but their married life was unfortu- nately a brief one, his wife dying in the following year, being buried at New Phil- adelphia. On March 21, 1851, he married Elizabeth, the widow of Oliver Weaver. She was the daughter of Jacob and Eliza- beth Cable, natives of Pennsylvania, who came to the state prior to the War of 1812, both of whom were well known and respect- ed in the community. John T. Hauser's life in Ohio was not an uneventful one. Those were early Ohian clays; many Indians still lingered in the western part of the state, reluctant to leave their patrimony; game abounded in large quantities; marauding bears and ferocious wolves were not uncommon visitors, and consequently many hardships were suffered. In the year 1867, once more a prey to wandering instincts and possibly with a view of taking a hand in "the winning of the West," the subject of our sketch pressed onward to Illinois, where he settled on a farm in Richland county. On his arrival he set to work and built a rude house, and two months later, his wife and family ar- rived in the new surroundings in which they were destined to live. Year after year has. seen improvements made on the property. The land today is in an admirable state of cultivation. A substantial brick house has. been erected. The death of his wife occurred on the 26th of September, 1908. Seven children resulted from the union, all of whom are still living. In order of birth they are: Anna Elizabeth, Cable, Ira A., Susie, John L., Benjamin F., and Harvey E. John T. Hauser has now reached the ripe age of ninety-one years an age not reached by very many nowadays. Such a man as John T. Hauser could not fail to be drawn into the whirlpool of at least one of the struggles for supremacy that convulsed the country in the early half of the century. He passed through the Civil war, serving four arduous years in an Ohio regiment. At different periods of the time he served under Grant and Sherman. He is a member of Grand Army, Post No. 92, at Calhoun. In religion Mr. Hauser is a member of the Methodist communion, though formerly he was affiliated with the German Moravian church for many years. While his health permitted he was ever active in church work. RICHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. His wife was for twenty years a German Lutheran, but at the time of her death she was a Methodist. Mr. Hauser has ever been a Republican in politics and, had his delicate health per- mitted him, would have attended the elec- tion of November, 1908. Had he done so he would have voted for eighteen consecu- tive Presidents of the United States. SAMUEL PUFFER. Prominently identified with the industrial and civic affairs of Marion county is the subject of this sketch who is one of the leading farmers of this locality, residing on a beautiful farmstead in Meacham township, which he has improved. Samuel Puffer was born in Effingham county, Illinois, June n, 1848, the son of John Puffer, a native of Maury county, Tennessee. He married Martha J. Gray, in Illinois. He was the son of Samuel Puffer, a native of the New England states, who came to Tennessee in an early day. About 1833 he came to Marion county, Illinois, and settled near Kinmundy. His father came later and lived with him until the latter's death. His wife died in Tennessee. He married a Miss Eagan. His second wife was a Miss Caldwell. He had two sons and a daughter by his first wife and two daughters by his second marriage. The subject's father located in Effingham county, Illinois, about 1836, taking up government land on Fulfer creek, where he lived until about 1857, when he went to Collins county, Texas, where he secured eighty acres of land and in 1862 he went to Bates county, Missouri, where he owned a farm of one hundred and twenty acres. He died there in 1862, having been preceded to the other world by his wife in 1851. He married a second time, this wife being Lovina New- man, who died in Texas. He again mar- ried, his third wife being a Miss Degraften- read, of Texas. There were two children by his second wife, one dying when small John, who grew to maturity, lived in Mis- souri, and went to Colorado in 1890. The subject of this sketch came to Ma- rion county, Illinois, in 1862, and located near Kinmundy, where he lived until 1878, when he bought a farm of one hundred acres in Meacham township, section 7, where he has since lived. He made all the improve- ments on his farm, which is considered equal in every way to any in the county, and he has a beautiful, well furnished and comfortable home. On February 12, 1872, the subject was united in marriage with Sarah Eagan, of Kinmundy township, the daughter of Isaac and Athlina Tulley, the former of Tennes- see, where his youth was spent. They were pioneers of Marion county, first set- tling at Salem, later at Kinmundy. He was the owner of a large tract of land, part of which is the present site of Kinmundy. He died in 1874 and his wife passed away in 1888. They were the parents of eight chil- dren, of whom four are living at this writ- 39 IIIOGRAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ing, namely: John, who resides in Kin- mundy township; Sarah, the subject's wife; Ras, of Salem, Illinois ; Harriett, widow of James Hayworth, of Kinmundy. Two chil- dren have been born to the subject and wife, namely: Myrtle, the wife of Charles E. Wenck, who lives east of Farina, Illinois; Mae, who was maried June 24, 1903, to Mark Boyd, of Meacham township, and who is the mother of one son, Richard F. Mark Boyd lives with the subject and as- sists him in managing the place. Mr. Puffer has lived on his present place since 1878. He carries on general farming in such a man- ner as to gain a comfortable living from year to year and lay by a competency for his old age. His farm is well improved and he raises not only good crops of various kinds, but also excellent horses, hogs and cattle. He has held some of the township offices, and is a loyal Democrat. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He de- served a great deal of credit for what he has accomplished. Having started in life a poor boy, he has, by hard work, achieved success. PERRY SAYRE. Action is the keynote of the character of all who achieve success on this planet of ours action subtilly planned and carefully carried out. The successful life story of the subject of this sketch is a case in point, be- ing one of a determined struggle for a definite purpose. He is now comfortably established on his farm of two hundred and forty acres, which he has wrested from a resisting nature and improved year by year, and which through his efforts is now as good land as Richland county contains. He was born in November, 1857, a short distance from Waverly, in Ross county, Ohio, and was the son of David O. and Frances Sayre. His mother, whose maiden name was Lee, belonged to an old Virginia family. His father came at an early age from Virginia with his parents, who set- tled on a farm in Ross county. Here he as- sisted his parents on the farm until his mar- riage with Perry's mother, at which time he purchased a farm of forty acres in the same county. There Perry was born and there his life was spent until the family, including the grandparents, who also wished to come further afield, migrated to Illinois. As no railroad communication was established at the time the itinerary was made overland, the tedious journey was not performed with- out a mishap, however, for in the accidental breakdown of a light wagon Grandmother Sayre sustained injuries from which she never completely recovered. The two fam- ilies finally landed in Jasper county, Illinois, where they bought farms and settled in the vicinity of Newton, Perry being then in his seventh year. Shortly afterwards his grand- father and grandmother passed away, the space of three or four weeks only separating their demise. They were buried near New- ton. In the spring of 1865 the following year his parents sold their property and re- moved once more. Claremont township, Richland county, was the destination on HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 391 this occasion. Here the parental farm con- sisted of forty acres which continued to in- crease until it comprised one hundred and twenty-eight acres. The land they settled was mostly unimproved. At first the build- ings thereon consisted of a small log house and stable, and only eight acres had been cleared for cultivation. Clearing the land, making important improvements and build- ing a substantial homestead were the occu- pations of the following years, a period in which the youthful Perry underwent a strenuous apprenticeship. The subject of our sketch is the third member of a family of four children. The other members living are Ellen and Henry Clinton. Another brother, named Harrison, died a few years ago. On February 5, 1900, his father died at the age of seventy-two. The family burial lot at Antioch contains the remains of his father and brother. His mother is still alive, being in her seventy- fourth year and enjoying good health. Perry had two uncles who saw active ser- vice in the Civil war, each one sacrificing his life for the Union cause. Their fate was very sad. One languished as a prisoner of war in Salisbury prison, where he was allowed to starve to death ; the other was killed in battle. Both served in Ohio regi- ments, and in General Grant's division. We have already touched upon his moth- er's antecedents. She was born in 1834, and like her husband, came to Ohio from Virginia with her parents in early life. Her mother died in 1885 and her father in 1890. She was the fourth eldest of a family of nine children three boys and six girls. Her eldest brother also is a Civil war veteran. Perry remained with his parents on the farm up to the time of his marriage to Amanda E. Chaplain on September 9, 1882, when he moved onto the farm he now occu- pies. The property had then a very prim- itive appearance. It boasted a log cabin and the land around was almost totally uncleared. The soil was marshy and in the springtime it closely resembled a frog-pond. Then it was that Perry Sayre performed by far the most strenuous work of his life. He cleared, drained and ditched the land. In time he was repaid for his efforts. It became as good a farm as any in the vicinity. An in- stance of his industriousness at this period may not be amiss. In wintertime when farm work was at a standstill he cut and made railroad ties and fence posts, etc., selling the posts at three cents and the ties at twenty- eight cents a piece. In the course of time he built a substantial frame structure where- in he still lives. Each year has seen im- provements, which go to make his the home of a prosperous farmer. His family life has been happy. Two of his children have grown to maturity, the only other dying in early life. His two sons, Clarence and Roy, live in St. Louis, where they are skilled workmen, and a constant source of comfort and satisfaction to their parents on the farm in Illinois. Mrs. Perry Sayre was the daughter of Perry and Ellen Chaplin, Ohio folk, who came to Illinois in the year 1851. Her mother died some years ago. but her father still 392 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORV OF survives at the age of seventy-five. She is the fifth in order of succession of a family of ten children, six of whom grew to matu- rity. In the regular order her living sisters and brothers are: Otis O., Milton F., Nanna B., Ellen and Curtis. Outside of agricultural pursuits, Mr. Sayre is a good business man. As a boy he attended the Claremont common schools, at- tending whenever possible until his twen- tieth year, and receiving all the education that the institution could give him. Rutherford B. Hayes was the first Presi- dent for whom he voted. Though not ag- gressive in politics he takes a passing inter- est in the game, and when election time comes he is always found solidly Repub- lican. In the spring elections of 1908 pressure being brought to bear upon him to come forward as a candidate. He did so and came within a vote of being elected Township Supervisor of Claremont. Strange to say he was himself responsible for his opponent's victory. He chivalrously re- corded his vote for him, thereby placing him in office by the slender margin of one. Perry Sayre and his wife have been ever active in Methodist church affairs. LEWIS COMBS. Eighty years have dissolved in the mists of time since the venerable subject of this sketch first saw the light of day and they have been years of failures and triumphs, victories and defeats, sorrows and joys, but withal, satisfactory as most lives of honest endeavor as his has been. Lewis Combs was born in Dubois county, Indiana, November 20, 1828, the son of John Combs, of Tennessee. His mother's name was Delila Vancouver, a na- tive of Scott county, Indiana. John Combs went with his parents when a boy to Du- bois county, Indiana, where they were pio- neers. They secured wild land which they cleared, made a comfortable home and on which they died. John Combs lived to about 1842. He came by wagon, bring- ing seven head of horses to Walnut Prairie, Clark county, Illinois, and later to Marion county, settling in Meacham township on Scritchfield Prairie, where he stayed two years and went back to Indiana, remaining there one year when he returned to Marion county, Illinois, where he remained for six years. Then he went to Missouri where he remained for two years, moving then to Arkansas, where he died. His wife died in Indiana. They were the parents of six children, as follows: Lewis, our subject; Starling ; Wesley, Smith, Minerva Lytle ; the last four named are all deceased. Lewis Combs, our subject, had no chance to go to school and learn to read and write. He remained with his father until twenty years old when he began working out at various places. He first bought forty acres of land in Omega township, Marion county, Illinois, in 1864. He sold this the following year and located where he now lives in sec- tion 35, Meacham township, then known as HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 393 Miletus township. He served as postmaster for a period of fourteen years. He was married three times, first to Martha Schritchfield, a native of Indiana. His sec- ond wife was Isabelle Simonds, a native of Kentucky, and his third wife was Caroline Melton, a widow of Christopher Melton and a daughter of Charles and Rebecca Lock- hart. The latter was a native of Orange county, Indiana. The subject's wife was born in Clay county, Illinois, in 1841. Her parents located in Oskaloosa, Illinois, and in 1860 went to Arkansas. Her husband in 1862 enlisted and was taken sick at Helena, Arkansas, and died at St. Louis in a hospital in October, 1862. The family came to Clay county, Illinois, and the mother died in March, 1895. Three chil- dren were born to them, namely: Martha, who died in April, 1862; Caroline, the wife of our subject; May, who died April 10, 1863. Our subject has six children by his first wife, namely: Frances, widow of Thomas Garner, and she lives near Salem, Illinois; Louisa married Austin Hanks, of Omega township ; Logan is a farmer in Meacham township; Julia is the wife of Lorenzo Phillips, of Omega township ; Aus- tin is a farmer in Clay county, Illinois; Samuel, the sixth child, is deceased. The subject had four children by his second wife, namely: Nellie, the wife of Frank Dravance, of Effingham county, Illinois ; Ella is the wife of Henry Smith, living near Salem, Illinois; Lee is a farmer in Omega township; Edgar died when young. Two children have been born to the sub- ject and his third wife, namely : Mae, who is the wife of Jesse Payon, a teacher of Marion county; Bessie is the wife of Loyd Hanks, of Meacham township. Mrs. Combs had eight children by her first husband, six of whom are still living, namely : Louisa, who married Allen Smith, of Clay county, Illinois; Belle is deceased; Emma married Edward Threewit, of Meacham township; Lockhart, of Sharpsburg, Illinois ; Martha is the wife of Walter King, of Meacham town- ship; Franklin is living in McCoupin county, Illinois, and he is engaged as engineer in the coal mines; James is deceased; Ellen is also deceased. The subject of this sketch purchased eighty acres of land where he now lives and first started to make a home. He kept add- ing to this by thrift and economy until he now has a farm of two hundred and sixteen acres, in Meacham and Omega townships and where he carries on a general farming in such a manner as to stamp him as one of the leading farmers of the township. He has always been a stock dealer and is re- garded as one of the best judges of stock in the county. His farm has always been kept to a high standard of excellence and the soil has been so skillfully manipulated by the proper rotation of crops until it is as rich today as when he first took posses- sion of it. Mr. Combs has always been a loyal Democrat but he has never aspired to office, being content to devote his time to his work of the farm. Both he and his wife are faithful members of the Christian church. 394 BIOCKAPIIICAL AND REMIXISCEXT HISTORY OF WILLIAM HENRY WILSON. The ancestors of the Illinois family of this name were early pioneers of Ohio, set- tled in Licking county. In 1851 the gran- parents of our subject removed to St. Paul, Minnesota, and entered four hundred and eighty acres of government land in Anoka county. The grandmother, whose failing health had caused the removal to the north- west, died there in 1852, but her husband long survived her, his death occurring in West Virginia in 1883, when he was more than eighty years old. He left a son, Wil- liam O. B. Wilson, who remained with his parents on the Ohio farm until 1850, when he married Mary Margaret Seymour, when they settled on a rented farm and worked it until 1853. Deciding then that they could improve their fortunes by going farther west, they emigrated to Illinois in wagons and encountered the usal hardships of trav- eling overland. Purchasing eighty acres of land in German township, Richland county, some years were spent in its improvement. Later, forty acres additional of timber was bought, and from this the rails were cut and split for building fences and necessary dwell- ing and out houses. In 1861, Mr. Wilson enlisted in Company E, Eleventh Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, commanded by Captain Levinson, of Olney, Illinois. After serving a year an attack of erysipelas compelled him to return home on a furlough. After returning to the army at the end of sixty days there was a relapse, necessitating his removal to the hospital at Cape Girard- eau, Missouri, where he died and was bur- ied February, 1862. His wife died June 24, 1861, shortly before his enlistment in the Union army. They had four children, of whom only two grew to maturity. William H. Wilson, one of the survivors of the family, was born in Licking county, Ohio, March 18, 1853, and was conse- quently about nine years old when he be- came an orphan at the death of his father. He went to live with his mother's parents, who had come to Illinois in 1852, and set- tled on a rented farm in Richland county. In 1859 they purchased eighty acres of land in Lawrence county and it was here that their orphaned grandchild joined them. The grand- mother died at the age of sixty-eight years and her husband survived until 1872. when he passed away at the age of seventy years. This venerable couple were buried in Wag- oner cemetery by the side of their daughter. At the death of his grandfather, Mr. Wilson was nineteen years old and removed to Allen county, Kansas, but after a few months went back to Illinois. In 1874 he again took up his abode in Kansas, but eventually re- turned to his old home, residing a while in Lawrence county, but eventually taking up his permanent residence in Richland. He has prospered in his undertakings as the re- sult of hard work and good management. He owns eighty acres of well improved land as good as the best in Claremont township besides thirty-five acres in Minnesota, in- herited from his grandfather. March i8th, Mr. Wilson was married to Phoebe Miller, who was born in Carroll HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 395 county, Ohio, January 18, 1856. Her par- ents were Jacob and Phoebe (Lewis) Miller, natives of Ohio, who came to Illinois in 1 864, and settled in Richland county, where the latter died December 6, 1891, and her husband November 27, 1894, aged seventy- six years. They had nine children, all of whom are still living, Mrs. Wilson being the sixth in order of birth. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son have five children : Charles, Clifford, Clyde, Cloy and Cora. The first two men- tioned are married and both are prosperous farmers in Claremont township. The other three children, one son and two daughters, still remain with their parents. Mr. Wilson is a member of Amity Lodge, Court of Honor, in German township. Though not a member he attends services at the Meth- odist church and is interested in all good works undertaken by the denomination. In politics he is a Republican and takes an act- ive interest in all local campaigns. His first Presidential vote was cast for Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876, when he was twenty-three years old. Mr. Wilson has a comfortable home and an excellent farm which he has made by dint of much toil and trials that come to fanners. HENRY WILLIAM SEE, SR. Our subject is the representative of an honored pioneer family of Marion county, so that a consideration of his genealogical and personal history becomes doubly inter- esting and doubly apropos in connection with the prescribed province of this publi- cation. Mr. See is one of the prominent farmers of Kinmundy township, having a finely improved landed estate of two hun- dred and forty-four acres and he is carrying forward his operations with that energy, foresight and careful discrimination which ever betoken the appreciative and model yeoman. Henry William See, Sr., is a native of Marion county, where he has been satisfied to spend his entire life, having been born April 30, 1849, in Kinmundy township, the son of Michael See, who married Elizabeth Allman May i, 1848, and to this union the subject of this sketch was born, the mother dying when the son was seven months old. Our subject received his early education in the district schools of his native county where he applied himself in a careful man- ner to his studies. He spent his boyhood on his father's farm assisting with the work about the place until he reached maturity when he was married to Mary Alice Black- burn June 29, 1869, in Hillsboro, Mont- gomery county, Illinois, the ceremony which made them one having been performed by a Justice of the Peace. The family from which Mrs. See came were, many of them, known as eminent lawyers, doctors arid preachers. On her mother's side of the house many of the family were Baptist ministers. Mary Alice was born March 16, 1849, in Medora, Macoupin county, Illinois. Her father was George P. Blackburn, who was born in Huntsville, Alabama, May 24, 396 ISIOCRAI'll ICAI. AM) KKMIMSCKNT HISTORY OF 1826, and who was married February 14, 1848, in St. Louis, Missouri, to Emily E. Farrow, who was born in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, December 9, 1830. Seven chil- dren were born to them, five girls and two boys, all of whom lived to be grown and all married, the subject's wife being the oldest of the number. Our subject and wife are the parents of eight children, named in order of their birth as follows: Harry M., deceased; Ollie E., who married James Lasater; they live in Redlands, California, and are the parents of six children, an equal number of boys and girls. Ernest B., the subject's third child, is deceased; Sabyon G. is also deceased; Mabel I. married J. R. Kelly, a Baptist min- ister of Highland, Illinois, and they are the parents of four sons; Emma A. married Dellis Malone and is the mother of one son. She lives in Taibin, New Mexico; Michael J. and Richard E. are both deceased. These children have received good educations and are fairly well situated in life. The subject has eleven grandchildren, all living but one girl. Mr. See has devoted his life to agricul- tural pursuits, of which he has made an eminent success, now owning a fine farm. No small part of his income from year to year is the result of the successful handling of stock, he being an extensive breeder of Polled-Angus cattle, and good horses. His farm is also well stocked with many fine varieties of chickens, among the principal breeds being the Black Langshan, which has often taken prizes at fairs and poultry shows. Mr. See is regarded as one of the best farmers in Kinmundy township as the general thrifty appearance of his place would indicate. He is always at work and never neglects anything about his place that needs his attention. Mr. See is a Democrat in his political relations and takes considerable interest in political affairs, always casting his ballot for the man whom he believes to be the best fitted morally and intellectually for the of- fice sought. He and his family are Mis- sionary Baptists as was also his ancestors, among whom was one minister. The Sees are regarded as people of the highest in- tegrity and are known as substantial citi- zens wherever they reside. Our subject's well improved property is a monument to his thrift and well directed efforts. He is a man of earnest purpose and upright life. JAMES AUSTIN RICKEY. Mr. Richey is the owner of one of "the banner" farms of his county, and there are very few indeed among his friends and neighbors who envy him the success which his honest efforts and steady onward plod- ding has brought him. James Austin Richey, of German town- ship, Richland county, Illinois, was born August 10, 1848, in Meigs county, Ohio, near Pomeroy, the county seat. He was the son of Thomas L. and Elizabeth (Frank) Richey. His father, who was born May 5, 1810, was a native of Pennsylvania; HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 397 his mother, who was born March 2, 1808, was a native of Germany. Grandfather Richey was a native of Ireland. Thomas L. Richey came from Pennsylvania to Meigs county, Ohio, with his parents and re- mained with them on the family farm until they died, his father dying first, and his mother survived for several years. Thomas L. Richey then worked for a man who was engaged in running produce boats down the Ohio river. He later worked on steam- boats running from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, to New Orleans, continuing in this employ- ment for several years. In Meigs county, Ohio, about the year 1834, he married Eliza- beth Frank. At this time he bought forty acres of land which he improved and sold, and with the proceeds of the sale he bought an eighty acre farm nearby, on which he re- mained until he sold out in 1855, and started with his wife and four children for Illinois. They took the riverboat at Racine, Ohio, down the Ohio river, landing in Evansv'ille, Indiana, in the fall of 1855. Thomas L. Richey then made a prospecting trip to Illi- nois, where he bought one hundred and twenty acres in German township, Richland county, then returned to Evansville and brought his family to their n^w home, ar- riving in November, 1855. /About thirty acres of the land was already cleared and a combination log and frame house stood in the clearing. This land had first been en- tered by Joseph Basden, his deed from the government being written on a piece of sheepskin. It was from Mr. Basden that the father of our subject bought the farm. At the time of the family migration to Illinois James Austin Richey was but seven years old. As soon as he was large enough to work his services were enlisted in the hard work of the clearing and farming pro- cesses. In those far off pioneer days great herds of deer roamed the woods and prairies and flocks of wild turkey and much wild game of all kinds were abundant. He worked hard and faithfully assisted his par- ents until their deaths, his father dying in the fall of 1874, at the age of sixty-five. His mother died in January, 1877, aged sixty- six years. Both are buried in Lone Tree cemetery in Prairieton, Lawrence county. They were the parents of six children, only four of whom grew to maturity, James Aus- tin being the youngest in order of birth. John Andrew and Sarah Matilda are de- ceased. Mary died some years ago ; the two other children dying in infancy. James Austin Richey, the only living member of his family, was married to Mary W. Richey on the 1 4th of October, 1879. Mary Richey was born in Meigs county, Ohio, on the 1 9th of February, 1857. She was the daughter of Hugh David and Cyrena (Nease) Richey, both natives of Ohio. Her grandparents on both sides are now dead and are buried in Meigs county, Ohio. Her parents were married in April, 1856, and lived in Syracuse, Ohio, until they came to Illinois in the same year, where they re- mained but a few months. Her father had bought a farm in Richland county and his son, David, had come to live upon it. After a few months the family returned to Ohio, 398 BIOGRAPHICAL AND KKM I X1SCKXT HISTORY OF where Mary W. Richey was born. They remained in Ohio till 1864, when they again returned to Illinois and settled in Richland county, where they remained on a farm in Claremont township until 1881, when a change was made to Flora, Illinois. Here Mrs. Richey's father died on January 30, 1904, at the age of seventy-one years, and was buried in the cemetery at Flora. His widow still survives him and lives in Flora, reaching the age of seventy-two years on September 30, 1908. Mrs. Richey's parents had four children born to them. Her brothers Arthur and William E., are still living and a sister, Ida, died when eighteen months old. James Austin Richey and his wife at the time of their marriage settled on the farm in which they still live. Previous to his marriage he built the present substantial house at the cost of one thousand dollars. Other good improvements on the farm were also made. Upon the death of a sister, James Austin Richey, together with the members of his family, moved to Arkansas, where the family lived for about two years and a half in Green county. After the death of his elder brother in Illinois, the subject of our sketch and the members of his family re- turned to Richland county in the year 1905. During his farming career in German town- ship he has been successful and is. now the possessor of a farm which embraces two hundred and forty acres. Three boys and two girls constitute the family of Mr. and Mrs. Richey ; all are now grown up, the youngest being fourteen years old. In the regular order their names are: Thomas E., who is married to Clara B. Al- sey, and they live on a farm in German township ; Clem D. is the husband of Mamie Young; they reside on a farm in German township. Bessie Blanche, Cerena Maude and William Earl, all three reside at home with their parents and are single. The subject of our sketch attended several winter terms of the free common school in Amity school district. When sixteen years of age he had to devote himself entirely to farm life and thus his education was not of a very complete nature. He obtained a good general training, however, becoming pro- ficient in reading, writing, arithmetic and spelling. James Austin Richey's father and elder brother, John, served through the Civil war, his father having enlisted December i, 1861, and his brother in 1862. Father Richey joined the- Sixty-third Illinois Regiment, Company A, under Captain Glaze (after- wards promoted to colonel, Captain Mc- Clure taking charge of the company). Thomas L. Richey was soon promoted to the rank of sergeant and went to the sea on the march with Sherman. On the I3th of July, 1864, he was mustered out of ser- vice, obtaining surgeon's certificate of total disability, his term of service having covered two years and eight months. John Richey served but a little over a year, being dis- charged in St. Louis in the spring of 1863, from the hospital there on account of his broken health. He was attacked with the measles at Memphis, Tennessee, brought about by the hardships entailed and lack of shelter. James Austin Richey has served as School HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 399 Director in the home distfijfil for twelve years, while his wife served' in the capacity of post mistress at Amity post-office in Ger- man township, for over three years. He also served as Road Supervisor for two terms in German township. He has a good record as a resident of German township, having lived for fifty-two consecutive years in the same school district. He was in the township when the first school-house was built in the year 1855. In the arena of party politics, James Aus- tin Richey is a strong Republican, having always voted a straight national and state ticket. His first vote went to Lincoln to help him into office for a second term. He has never taken a very active part in local politics as he has always strenuously object- ed to be foisted into public office. Mr. and Mrs. Richey are members of the Methodist Episcopal church in German town- ship, where they have always held member- ship with the exception of the two years spent in Arkansas, when membership was transfered to the church there. The Richeys have always been active in church work and church duties. JOHN SMITH. The subject of this sketch early in life realized the fact that success never smiles upon the idler or dreamer and he has ac- cordingly followed such an aphorism, de- voting his life to ardent toil along lines that cannot but insure success. The prosperity which he enjoys has been the result of energy rightly applied and has been won by com- mendable qualities. John Smith, one of the progressive farmers of Tonti township, Marion county, Illinois, was born in this locality October 7, 1838, the son of Britton and Mahala (Fos- ter) Smith. Great-grandfather Smith was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, having taken part in many of the famous battles and strenuous campaigns of the same. This old family finally settled in North Carolina, where Britton Smith was born in 1811, on November 7. He came to Tennessee and then to Marion county, Illinois, in 1829, among the pioneers and overcome the ob- stacles always to be encountered in such a country, however, he remained here only about a year when he returned to Tennes- see, but soon returned to Illinois bringing his father, having been enthusiastic of the prospects in the new country, believing that the future was filled with great possibilities. The entire family made the trip from Ten- nessee as soon as they could arrange to do so and they set to work at once making a home here, where their labors were richly rewarded by mother nature, who seldom fails in just compensation for labor expended in her domain. Our subject's father was united in mar- riage in 1836 to Mahala Foster and settled in section 28, in Tonti township. His wife was the daughter of the well known Hon. Hardy Foster, who was an early settler in this county, having come here from 400 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OK Georgia, becoming popular and a leader in political affairs, having represented this district in the legislature. Fos- ter township was named in honor of this pioneer. Britton Smith at one time owned two hundred acres of land in this county, being one of the best known farmers in this locality and he also took much interest in local politics, having served as Deputy Sheriff of Marion county for about seven- teen years, during which time he rendered much valuable service to the public. He was a Democrat in his political faith. From time to time he held several township offices. John Smith, our subject, was born here and worked upon the farm, having a poor chance to receive an education. However, he applied himself as best he could and has since broadened his intellectual horizon by general reading and travel. When twenty-one years old Mr. Smith went to Texas, where he remained a short time. In 1862 he was united in marriage with Flotiller Nichols, who passed away fourteen months after her marriage, and on October 2, 1868, Mr. Smith married Eliza- beth Smith, who was reared in this part of Illinois, and who was called to her rest in November, 1877. Two children were born to the subject, one of whom, Charles B., is living in this county. His date of birth oc- curred in 1873. Our subject was again married, his third wife being Lenora E. Coe, who is also now deceased. He was married a fourth time to Martha C. (Mea- don) Lawson, who has also been called to her rest. Four children were born to in. Smith by his third wife, three of whom art living. Our subject has devoted his life principally to farming with the result that he has achieved definite success in this field of endeavor, for he has great ability in ag- ricultural lines and is a hard worker. He at present owns eighty-one acres of land in this township, which have been developed into an excellent farm, being very produc- tive and yields excellent crops from year to year. He has an excellent residence, well furnished and all the necessary equipments for carrying on successful farming in a general way. Although Mr. Smith has now retired from the farm, he still oversees its management. Our subject is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, being one of the Stewards of the local church, and is at this writing (1908) superintendent of the Sunday school. Fraternally he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Patoka, Lodge No. 860. In poli- tics he is a Democrat and takes a lively in- terest in local political affairs, having served as Township Assessor, also as Township Clerk, and Township Treasurer, which office he still holds, having had charge of the same since 1885. This would indicate that he has given entire satisfaction in the dispensation of all his public duties, and is held in strictest confidence by his constitu- ents else he would not have been entrusted with so many important public offices, nor retained so long. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES. ILLINOIS. -401 JOHN BECK. The history of Mr. Beck has for many years been entwined with that of German township, Richland county, in which he lives, where he has always been regarded as a valuable and influential citizen and one who possesses all the higher qualities of the successful farmer. John Beck was born in Stark county, Ohio, on the 3orn April 20, 1888. is also a resident of Canada. Mr. Chapman was a carpenter, fanner and lumber dealer until he removed to Lake Arthur, Louisiana, in 1888, where he con- fined himself to his first named trade. In 1892 the family made another change, re- moving to Richmond. Texas, where Mr. Chapman combined the pursuit of agricul- ture with mechanical labor. The great Gal- veston storm and tidal wave of 1900, which created so much devastation, moved him to dispose of his interests in Texas, and to re- move to Noble township, where he worked as a blacksmith until 1901, when he de- cided to try his fortunes in Alberta, Can- ada, where the majority of his children were living, and shortly upon his arrival there he acquired a homestead. After five years' residence in Canada the family re- turned to Noble, where they purchased a de- sirable farm on which they have placed many improvements in the way of modern machinerv for its cultivation. Throughout his life Mr. Chapman has been imbued with the war spirit, and his first attempt to serve his country was dur- ing the civil strife, when he tried to enter as a drummer boy, but much to his chagrin was refused on account of his tender years. He volunteered for Spanish-American war service at Rosenburg. Texas. 1898, but failed to pass the examination, hence he has given up all hope of ever satisfying his thirst for military glory. He has been a life- long Democrat. He is the possessor of a modest competence, and he and his wife live in a very comfortable dwelling, happy in the knowledge that they will be able to live a life of ease in the declining years of their life. ELI W. JONES. The honored subject of this sketch has lived to see Marion county develop from the wild prairie and primeval forests in- habited by wild animals and a few pioneer settlers to its present magnificent prosperity, its elegant homes, comfortable public build- ings, fertile farms and thriving cities; and he has played no small part in this great work of transformation. Eli W. Jones was born in Marion county, Illinois, April 20, 1839, the son of James and Laura (Luelen) Jones, the former hav- ing been born in October, 1795, in Georgia, near where Atlanta now stands. He came to Illinois in 1814 and was in the War of 1812, having served two short terms guard- ing the surveyors when the state was sur- UCHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. veyed. He was in Captain Schurtz's com- pany. He married in Bond county, Illinois, at Keysport, in 1823, and came to Marion county soon afterward, where he settled among 1 the earliest pioneers and where he lived until his death, August 29, 1865. He devoted his life to farming. He was a very- pious man, a member of the Methodist church and an exhorter. He entered gov- ernment land in this county which he im- proved and put a part of it in cultivation. There were some Indians here at the time. He was a Democrat until the time of Frank- lin Pierce, when he turned Republican. He was always opposed to slavery. He never took much interest in politics, but devoted his time to the farm and the church. The mother of the subject was born in Kentucky, December i, 1806, and died February 26, 1885. Eli W. Jones spent his boyhood days much like the other boys of his time, in as- sisting with the work on his father's farm and attending school in the country district for a short time during the winter, receiv- ing a meager education. When the national government was in need of loyal supporters to defend its in- tegrity it found no more willing patriot than our subject, who enlisted in 1861 at the beginning of hostilities in the Twenty- sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, being as- signed to Company H, under command of Colonel Loomis and Capt. A. B. Morrison. He faithfully and gallantly served for four years when he had a leg shot off, having been shattered bv a minie-ball in Sherman's last big fight, which fact causes him to wear an artificial leg. He never missed a battle or a march until losing his leg. He was in the famous march to the sea, in the battle of Corinth, the siege of Vicksburg, the battle of Missionary Ridge and out of fifty-seven smaller engagements was never defeated. He is remembered by his gov- ernment for his gallantry with a pension of forty-six dollars. He was never in the hos- pital a day while in the army until he was wounded. He spent ten days in the ambu- lance beore finding a hospital. Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Mary Rymon, August 28, 1860. When he went away to war he left a little baby, three months old. His wife was born December 31, 1839, the daughter of Justus R. Rymon, who was born November 14, 1808. The mother of the subject's wife was Martha Dickens in her maidenhood. She was born July 26, 1816. Mr. and Mrs. Rymon were married May 4, 1836. Mr. Rymon was a preacher and a doctor and was a prominent man in his community. He was called from his earthly labors February 24, 1878, and his wife passed to her rest January i, 1881. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jones: J. T., a well known physician of Salem, Illinois, who is at pres- ent unable to practice on account of failing health. He married Carrie E. Bennett and they are the parents of two children. Logan M., the subject's second child, was born November i, 1864, and died in 1873; Flora was born May 10, 1868, and died Novem- ber 9, 1873. 4 8 4 moCKAI'lIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Our subject was for many years a breeder of fine horses and hogs and the owner of some high grade imported stallions and others of fine variety. Mr. Jones has always been a loyal Re- publican, having cast his first vote for Abra- ham Lincoln. In 1872 he was elected Cir- cuit Clerk of Marion county, being the first Republican clerk the county ever had. This shows Mr. Jones's great popularity in his own county. He faithfully served in this capacity, giving entire satisfaction to all concerned. He has also served his town- ship as School Trustee, was the first Town Clerk of Foster and is at present Justice of the Peace. He is regarded as being en- tirely fair in his decisions. He served as Supervisor of Patoka township for one term of two years. He is well known politically, and he is held in high favor by all who know him. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HEAP. Benjamin Franklin Heap, living in sec- tion 23, Olney township, was born January 26, 1847, in this township. He is the son of Isaiah and Rachael (Powell) Heap, the former 3 native of Guernsey county, Ohio, where he was reared. When a young man he came to Richland county, Illinois, and entered government land in Olney town- ship, where he lived until his death, April 27, 1 88 1, having improved a farm. He was among the pioneers of that section. Isaiah Heap was a soldier in the Union army in the Civil war, for about a year, having been a member of Company E, Sixth Illinois Cavalry. His wife survived him. dying February 23, 1905. She was born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, in 1824, and when two years old was taken to Win- chester, Guernsey county, Ohio, where she was reared. When ten years old she was left an orphan. In 1840 she came to Rich- land county, Illinois, with James Wilson and family, who were relatives. She entered land with a warrant issued to her by her father for services in the War of 1812. She joined the United Brethren church in 1842, at a log school-house, a short distance from her home and in the winter of 1877 united with the Methodist Episcopal church at Calhoun. She lived to see four genera- tions of her family living. She was a woman of beautiful characteristics. Benjamin F. Heap, our subject, was reared on the old homestead, where he re- mained assisting with the work until eight- een years old, attending school in the winter months. Like his father he was patriotic, and on March 28, 1865, enlisted w r ith the former, becoming a member of Company E, Sixth Illinois Cavalry. A year earlier he quit school and offered his services, but was rejected on account of his youth. He was mustered out at Selma, Alabama, and was discharged December 25, 1865. He was on the march most of the time during his service in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida. After the war he was sick about a year as a result of his exposure in the service, then he began work as a farm HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. hand, later renting land and began for him- self. He now owns a farm of eighty acres, three and one-half miles south of Olney, where he has lived many years and which he lias improved and which produces ex- cellent crops from year to year under his efficient management. He devotes consid- erable time to the manufacture of brooms, finding a ready market for his product which is of fine quality and excellent work- manship. He raises large quantities of broom-corn on the farm. Mr. Heap was united in marriage March 6, 1 870, to Mary D. Wilson, who was born March 19, 1847, ' n Guernsey county, Ohio, then living in Coles county, Illinois. Mrs. Heap is the daughter of William J. and Mary (Powell) Wilson, the former a na- tive of Virginia, who emigrated to Ohio with his parents, his wife having been born in Pennsylvania and moved to Ohio with her parents when seven years old. The subject's great-grandfather Powell was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and Grandfather Powell was a soldier in the War of 1812. The latter also had three brothers, David, John and Benjamin, in the War of 1812. Two brothers of Mrs. Heap, Abel and Wil- liam Wilson, served in the Civil war, Wil- liam dying in the service of the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, at Little Rock, Arkansas, about a year after his enlistment. The par- ents of Mrs. Heap emigrated to Coles coun- ty. Illinois, in 1861. where her father died at the age of sixty years. The mother died in Wright county, Iowa, at the age of eighty-four years. Mrs. Heap is from a family of long longevity. Her grandfather lacked but a few days of being one hundred years old when he died. Three children have been born to the sub- ject and wife: Carrie, who was born April 22. 1871, is the wife of Owen Hudson, of Vancouver, Washington; Mark O. was born March 8, 1874, is a carpenter in Rich- land county; Karl L., born September 22, 1876, is a veteran of the Spanish- American war, and a farmer in North Dakota. He served one year in Cuba with Company H, Fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Mr. Heap is a stanch Republican and a member of the Ed. Ketchell Post, No. 662, Grand Army of the Republic. He is honest in his dealings with his fellow men and one of the well known citizens of the countv. JAMES S. MORTON, M. D. Concentration of purpose and persistently applied energy rarely fail of success in the accomplishment of any task however great, and in tracing the career of Dr. Morton, a well known physician of Vernor, Marion county, it is plainly seen that these things have been the secrets of his rise to a po- sition of prominence and respectability. Moreover he possesses genuine love for his work and regards it as a privilege to carry comfort and aid to the sick and suffering. Dr. James S. Morton was born in Clin- ton, Alabama, September 8, 1864, the son of Samuel and Julia (Bizzell) Morton. His 4 86 nnxiKAI'IIH'AL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF father was born in Belfast, Ireland, March 28, 1827, and came to the United States in 1852, landing in New Orleans, soon af- terward coming on to Clinton, Alabama, where he remained for a short time when he began the study of medicine, later attend- ing the University of Pennsylvania from which institution he graduated with honor, after which he returned to Alabama and became one of the state's most able physi- cians. He came to Patoka, Illinois, in 1868 and went to farming, five miles northwest of that town. He came to Vemon in 1872 for the purpose of resuming the practice of medicine which he continued with much success until his death July 10, 1906. He was one of a family of ten children and he came to America unaccompanied. The mother of our subject was born near Golds- borough, North Carolina, in 1841. The parents of our subject were married in 1860, and to them the following children were born : Andrew B., who became a physician, died at the age of thirty-eight; James S. was the second in order of birth ; John died in infancy; Eliza P., who is thirty-eight years old at this writing, married William Binnion. They have three children and are living in Vernon, Illinois. Samuel, the third child of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Morton, died when three years old ; George died in in- fancy ; Anna is thirty-five years old, is single and living with the subject. Doctor Morton received his early educa- tion in Vernon, this county, where he at- tended the common schools and made a splendid record. Being ambitious to follow in the footsteps of his worthy father in the medical profession, he went to Valparaiso, Indiana, where he took a course in the uni- versity from 1880 to 1883, after which he entered Rush Medical College in Chicago in 1884, from which institution he graduated with high honors in 1887, and he has been engaged in practice in Vernon, Illinois, ever since, being the oldest doctor here. C. R. DAVIS. Any volume which ventures to give any- thing like a comprehensive enumeration, biographically, of the prominent citizens of Clay county, Illinois, must necessarily be incomplete without inclusion of the life his- tory of C. R. Davis, the popular editor and proprietor of two newspapers of large cir- culation The Toledo and The Louisville Republican. In his sphere of endeavor he has earnestly sought to expound and incul- cate the higher ideals of citizenship; and not even the modesty characteristic of him has prevented his obtaining recognition as a moulder of public opinion in his section of the state. Our subject was born in Maysville, then the county seat of Clay county, on the 28th day of January, 1844. He was the son of John W. Davis and his wife, whose maiden name was Mary Bishop. John W. Davis was a well known figure in the political life of the state in his day, and for many years of his life held responsible official positions of trust. He provided well for his family and lived a well ordered life. C. R. Davis spent his youth in the shelter of the paternal HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. homestead and being eighteen years of age during the Civil war he enlisted in July of the year 1862 and served as a soldier, par- ticipating in many engagements, until Sep- tember. 1865. His first vote as a citizen was recorded during this time and was cast for Abraham Lincoln while at the front in Georgia in 1864. On returning from the war he entered a printing office in Louis- ville and there learned the various phases of the printing trade, serving an apprenticeship of three years. In the year 1871, in partnership with an- other, he launched the publication of a newspaper in Greenup, Illinois, which he sold in the spring of 1872. He then re- turned to Louisville and took charge of the official Republican paper of Clay county, which he conducted with marked success. In 1874 he became the publisher of The Baptist Banner for Reverends Kelly and Allen at Ewing. Franklin county. In 1876 he was in Louisville as editor and pub- lisher of The Louisville Ledger. In 1882 he started The Farina News at Farina. Il- linois, which he conducted for over nineteen years, disposing of the plant on the loth of January, 1902. On the I7th of December, 1901, he purchased The Pinckneyville Ad- vocate, the official Republican paper of Perry county. Here he remained for four years and built up the paper when, having made it one of the best circulating in the southern part of Illinois, he sold it for a good price and purchased a job office in Centralia, where for a year he did excellent business and finally disposed of it to a company. In October of the year 1907, gaining control of The Toledo Argus, he re-named it the Toledo Republican and added ma- chinery and new material, making it an up- to-date modernly equipped newspaper plant. The paper from the time of its reorganiza- tion gained in popularity, and each suc- ceeding week saw an increase in its circu- lation. At the present time C. R. Davis also controls the destiny of The Louisville Republican which was established in 1894. Both papers are ably edited with undi- minished vigor and receive all the benefits of the foresight and judgment of our sub- ject. The veteran Republican newspaper edi- tor and soldier of the Civil war is now in his sixty-fifth year and indications point to his still being in the harness many years from today. He is a well known figure at the gatherings of Republican newspaper editors and is popular with his confreres. In fraternal and social circles the subject of our sketch is a memljer of the Grand Army of the Republic, local post; of the Masonic Order up to the Royal Arch de- gree, and of the Eastern Star. In religion he is a member of the Methodist church. JAMES MILLER RATCLIFF. To his own efforts is the success of James M. Ratcliff attributable, for he started out upon his business career practically without capital or aid from anyone, but being am- bitious and industrious he forged ahead and 4 88 lUOC.k.U'HICAL AND KKM I N ISCKXT HISTORY OF is the owner of a good farm in Olney town- ship, Richland county. This, too, is the visible evidence of his prosperity and in- dustry, for when it came into his possession it was only partly improved and not nearly so productive as it is at this writing. Such a man deserves the high regard in which he is held by his neighbors. James M. Ratcliff was born in Noble township, Richland county, August 20, 1848, the son of John and Mary (Bullard) Ratcliff, the former a native of England, the latter of Noble township, this county. John Ratcliff came to the United States when twelve years old with his parents, William and Mary Ann (Miller) Ratcliff. locating in Ohio, where they remained for a short time, and, later came to Richland county, taking up one hundred and sixty acres of land in what is now Olney town- ship. The country was then wild and un- inhabited. They were among the early pioneers. Here William and Mary Rat- cliff lived a number of years, developing a good farm, and died on the same, the for- mer November 8, 1868, at the age of sev- enty-eight years, his wife surviving him sev- eral years. John Ratcliff, father of our subject, born January 27, 1823, was twelve years old when he came to the United States with his parents. He grew to manhood in Rich- land county, and bought an unimproved farm in Olney township which he devel- oped into a good farm, selling the same in a few years and engaging in merchandising at Louisville. Illinois, for a few vears, later going to Texas where he died October 27, 1900. His wife, born May 29. 1827, also died in the Lone Star state, February 10, 1907. They were the parents of thirteen children, seven of whom grew to maturity, five of them living at this writing, the sub- ject of this sketch being the third in order of birth. When he was six years old the family located on a farm in Olney town- ship, where James was reared and where he attended the common schools, receiving a fairly good education. The father of the subject being a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal church, James was compelled to do much of the work on the farm and he did not have the advantages of an educa- tion that he desired. He remained under his parental roof until he was twenty-two years old, when he married and settled on a farm which he rented, consisting of one hundred and twenty acres in Madison town- ship, where he remained for twenty years, having thrived from the first owing to his habits of industry and economy. Besides engaging in general farming he raised much good stock. In 1903 Mr. Ratcliff bought forty acres where he now lives in section 27, Olney township, having previously bought forty acres in Madison township. His farm shows that a man of good judgment and business ability has managed it, for it ranks well with the modern farms of this county in every respect, on which is to be found an excellent, comfortable and con- venient residence. Mr. Ratcliff was united in marriage RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 4 8 9 August 27, 1870, to Levina Stauffer, a na- tive of Olney, and the daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (Lutz) Stauffer, natives of Pennsylvania, who were early settlers in Richland county, near Calhoun. The par- ents of Mrs. Ratcliff died in Olney. The subject and wife are the parents of three children: Cora, born July 2, 1871, the wife of Harvey Barnes, of Madison township; Oris, born June 15, 1874, who is living at home; Ira, born April 10, 1879, married Elsie Kite and lives in Vinton, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ratcliff also have a (foster) daughter, Lena, who has' been in their home since she was two and a half years old, and is now over fifteen years old. In politics Mr. Ratcliff is a Republican. He faithfully served on the School Board for a number of years. In his fraternal re- lations he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America at Calhoun. He and his family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he has been a steward, class leader, etc., for many years. He and his family are held in high favor by their neighbors and all who know them for their clean and industrious lives. HERBERT D. RYMAN, M. D. The subject of this sketch, although yet a young man, has won a wide reputation in the medical profession and shown what a man of careful mental training, honesty of purpose and an abundance of zeal and per- sistence can accomplish, although his early advantages were none too nattering. He is naturally endowed with the capacities of the successful practitioner of medicine, at least this would be inferred, judging from the eminent success he has attained. Dr. Herbert D. Ryman was born April II, 1878, in Vernon, Illinois, the son of Samuel T. and Martha S. (Jones) Ryman, the former having been born near Salem, this county, in 1850. He was a successful merchant in Vernon for many years, but in later life was a farmer, having died on his farm in 1882. He was a well known Re- publican and took quite an active part in local political affairs in Marion county. He ably served as Collector, Assessor, Super- visor and in many other township offices. He was the son of old Doctor Ryman, of Salem, who was known to everyone in the county during his residence here. The Ry- man family came from Heidelburg, Ger- many, being the descendants of the royal family. One of them who was entitled to high rank in Germany died in 1882. The grandmother of our subject on his father's side was a direct descendant of Charles Dickens, the famous English novelist. The mother of the subject was bom in Foster township in 1860 and passed to her rest in 1902. She belonged to the Methodist Epis- copal church. The subject's paternal grand- father was a preacher, a doctor and a tailor at Salem. The subject had one brother who is de- ceased ; one sister also deceased, and two half sisters, one of whom is deceased. Our 490 I',I( (GRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY GE subject is from a family of physicians and it is quite natural that he should take to the medical profession. He is the cousin of Doctor Jones, of Salem, and the grandson of old Doctor Ryman, of Salem. His grand- mother's father was also a physician. Dr. Herbert D. Ryman received his early education in Marion county, first attending the public school at Vernon. Being an am- bitious lad he applied himself in a most as- siduous manner and made rapid strides in his studies. He entered the medical col- lege at Topeka, Kansas, from which he graduated with high honors. He is both a registered physician and pharmacist of Kan- sas and a registered doctor of Illinois. After leaving college, Doctor Ryman practiced for a short time in Shawnee coun- ty, Kansas, with much success from the first. Then he moved back to Vernon, Illinois, and has been engaged in practice here ever since, having built up an excellent patron- age. Only about two years of the subject's life was spent out of the school room since he was six years old. He taught school for several years in Kansas where he became known as an able educator. He was prin- cipal of the Richmond, Kansas, schools. He was also principal of the schools at Roches- ter, just north of Topeka. Through years of study and experience in teaching and practice he has become a well educated man and is an interesting conversationalist. His practice is not confined to Patoka township, but it extends to remote parts of the county, being often called on serious cases and in counsel with other physicians, and his ad- vice is invariably followed with flattering results. Doctor Ryman was happily married to Cora B. Norris, of Vernon, this county, September 7, 1898. She is an accomplished and refined lady, the representative of an ex- cellent family, being the daughter of J. P. Norris, whose sketch appears in full in this work. Two interesting children have been born to our subject and wife, namely: Christene, who was six years old in Febru- ary, 1908; and Lucile, who was two years old in June, 1908. Our subject was mar- ried at high noon and left at one o'clock for Kansas. His wife is also a teacher of much ability, having taught school in Kan- sas with her husband. Doctor Ryman served as Town Clerk in Richmond, Kansas. He is a loyal Republican. The future to such a man as our subject holds much of promise, for he is a man of genuine worth, ambi- tious and popular, being well liked by all who know him. THOMAS RATCLIFF. (1824-1909.) Richland county is characterized by her full share of the honored and faithful ele- ment who have done so much for its de- velopment and upbuilding and the establish- ing of the institutions of civilization in this fertile and well favored section. In this work are comprised many biographical and memorial sketches of this class of citizens HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 491 and it is not in the least too early to record in print the principal items in the lives of such honest people, giving- honor to whom honor is due. Among those sturdy pio- neers, if not pioneers in settlement, at least in certain lines of business that have de- veloped along with the rest of the county, the gentleman whose life history we now take under review is properly installed, for his eminently useful career which has now been closed by the inevitable fate that awaits us all, resulted in incalculable good to this locality as many who revere his memory can attest. Thomas Ratcliff. long one of the most widely known business men of the county, but who lived in retirement in the town of Olney for several years prior to his death, was born in the County of Kent, Canterberry, England, April 24, 1824. the son of William and Mary Ann (Miller) Ratcliff, who emigrated to Amer- ica in 1830, locating at Buffalo, New York, where they remained two years, then moved to Richland county, Illinois. William Rat- cliff had previously entered one hundred and sixty acres in what is now Olney town- ship, five miles south of Olney. Here the family located, built a log house and began making improvements, developing a good farm, being among the pioneers. William Ratcliff died on the farm he entered, having reached the age of seventy-nine years, and his good wife passed to her rest a year later at the age of seventy-six. They were the parents of fourteen children, three of whom died in infancy, only one of the number is now living, Elijah, who is residing in Osh- kosh, Wisconsin. He was the eighth in order of birth and our subject was the sev- enth. The family was nine weeks and three days in crossing the Atlantic from Liverpool to New York, making the trip on the "Mount Vernon," an old sailing vessel. James M. Ratcliff, brother of Thomas, was a soldier in the Civil war, having served three years. Two brothers of the subject's mother, George and John Miller, came to the United States in an early day and became farmers in Richland county, Ohio, where they died. Thomas Ratcliff was six years old when he came to the United States, and in his fourteenth year when he came to Richland county, Illinois. He was here reared on a farm and attended the subscription schools, such as they were in those early days, and received a good foundation for an education which in later life was supplemented by home reading and contact with the business world. He helped clear and improve his father's farm, experiencing many hardships and privations, remaining at home until 1842 when he began the trade of black- smith in the village of Olney, in a shop lo- cated on the lot owned by the subject until his death. He served an apprenticeship of three years under James Urie, who had come from Ohio and opened a shop here. He received three dollars and fifty cents per month, board and washing. Mr. Rat- cliff succeeded his employer in business in a little frame shop. He later erected a two- story brick on the lots and conducted the 492 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY ()!- business for about thirty years with splen- did success, after which the work was car- ried on by his son for several years. In early days he manufactured tools, plows, wagons and many other things used by farmers. Thomas Ratcliff was united in marriage September 19, 1844, to Catherine Ransted, a native of Vigo county, Indiana, who came with her step-father and mother to Richland county, Illinois, in 1839, her father having died previously. Her mother mar- ried Thomas Ellingsworth, a farmer, own- ing a farm adjoining the village of Olney; he later sold the same and bought a farm in Claremont township, where he died. Her mother died in Olney at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ratcliff. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ratcliff nine children were born, four of whom are deceased. They are Albert, William F.. Luther, John, Oscar, George W., died when young; Caroline, Julia Ann. Ida Eudora. Albert, the eldest child, en- listed in Company B, Ninety-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. without mishap, having been in many engagements. He became a blacksmith and machinist and carried on this business very successfully for many years after his father retired. He later moved to Princeton, Indiana, where he en- gaged in similar work, and where he died. After retiring from blacksmithing Mr. Ratcliff was engaged in the sale of agricul- tural implements for several years. By years of hard work and good management he laid up a comfortable competence. In politics Mr. Ratcliff was a Republican, and served in several local positions, having been one of the Supervisors at the time the court-house was built, and he was also on the building committee. He also served as Alderman of Olney. On September 19, 1908, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ratcliff celebrated the sixty-fourth anniversary of their marriage, one of the leading events in the history of such gather- ings in the county. They were then both in good health and in full possession of all their faculties, but the dawning of another year meant the closing of their beautiful lives on earth and the breaking of a new day in the mystic beyond, for death, "like a friend's voice from a distant field," called them hence, only a few days apart, the summons coming to Mrs. Ratcliff on Jan- uary 8, 1909, and on January 23, 1909, to her honored and faithful husband. CHARLES E. BLANKINSHIP. He whose career we now take under con- sideration and to whom the reader's atten- tion is respectfully directed is numbered among the progressive and successful busi- ness men of Marion county, of which he has been a resident for many years, while he has gained prosperity through his own honest efforts in connection with the development of the natural resources and the subsequent business prosperity. Charles E. Blankinship was born in Fay- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 493 ette county, Illinois, August 8, 1861, the son of Edward and Susannah (Lollar) Blank- inship. Grandfather Blankinship was a na- tive of Tennessee, who came to Illinois about 1837 and settled in Fayette county, on a farm and where he lived until his death in 1860. The father of the subject was born in Tennessee and was brought here by his parents when a child. After he reached manhood he first engaged in farming and later engaged in merchandising the balance of his life, having passed to his rest in 1871, at the. age of thirty- four years. The sub- ject's mother was also about the same age when she died in 1877. The father was a member of the Methodist church and the mother of the Christian church. The for- mer was a Democrat. They were the par- ents of five children, all having died young except our subject. Charles E. Blankinship attended the pub- lic schools at Patoka until he was seven- teen years old. He then attended school at Valparaiso, Indiana, and at Eureka, Illinois, receiving a good education, having made a splendid record in each. After leaving school he went to farming on his own account. He inherited a farm from his father in Marion county on which he remained for a period of five years, mak- ing agriculture a paying business. He then moved to Patoka and became postmaster under President Harrison, and served four years under that appointment and four years under McKinley's administration. He made a most efficient public servant and won the approbation of all in the community. and the high favor of the Post Office De- partment. Since' he left the office he has been en- gaged in the hay, grain and coal business, also has been handling farming implements and is still in this line of business which he has built up until he has a lucrative patron- age, his trade constantly growing by reason of his sound business principles and his courteous and kind consideration of custo- mers. He is vice-president of the local bank. Mr. Blankinship was married on March 9, 1882, to Albertine F. Clark, daughter of Henry I. and Mary J. Clark. Her parents were natives of Virginia, who settled in McLean county, Illinois. Her father died in Woodford county, this state. He was over eighty years old at the time of his death and he had been a soldier in the War of 1812. Her mother, a woman of fine traits, is still living at the age of eighty years. The subject's wife has one brother, two sisters and two half-sisters. Four children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, namely: Leta C, whose date of birth occurred in January, 1883, is the wife of Robert A. Ward, and the mother of one son; Dean Francis, who was born in August, 1885, is now cashier of the bank at Patoka and is married; Nellie M., who was born in 1887, is the wife of Albert J. Earl and the mother of one son ; Clark J., who was born in October, 1898, is living at home. The subject of this sketch is a great Ma- son, belonging to six lodges in this frater- 494 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF nity, namely: Patoka lodge No. 613, An- cient, Free and Accepted Masons, Centralia Chapter No. 93, Cyrene Commandery, Knights Templar, No. 23, Centralia Coun- cil No. 29, Royal and Select Masters, Ori- ental Consistory (thirty-second degree) of Chicago; also Chapter 253 Order of the Eastern Star, of Patoka. He is also a member of the Modern Wood- men. He has filled all the chairs in the local lodge of the Free Masons. Mrs. Blankinship is a member of the Christian church. Our subject has long taken an active part in political and public affairs, having served as Supervisor of the township, also Township Collector. He was a member of the School Board for nine consecutive years, and was Mayor of Patoka for two terms. In all these public offices he served the people in a most capable and praiseworthy manner, eliciting nothing but favorable comment from everyone, and be- cause of his past honorable record, his in- tegrity and his successful enterprises, to- gether with his gentlemanly bearing to both stranger and friend, he is popular with all. ADEN KNOPH. Aden Knoph, the well known president of the First National Bank, of Olney, Illi- nois, was born in Lawrenceville, this state, December 18, 1843, tne son f Thompson and Lucinda (Brunson) Knoph, a former resident of Copenhagen, Denmark, where he was born. The latter was a native of Ohio. The subject's father came to America in 1830 and engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Evansville, Indiana, operating a wholesale grocery in 1835, which was a large undertaking in those early days. In 1839 he located at Lawrenceville, Illinois, and continued in the merchandise business. He was one of the original pork packers of that place, having built up an extensive business for that time, giving a market for most of the hogs raised in Southern Illinois. He retired from the packing business in 1855. In 1859 he located in Vincennes, Indiana, and engaged in the mercantile business and in 1 86 1 he came to Olney, Illinois, where he was engaged in business until 1865 when he retired. He was successful in whatever he undertook and was a man of many ster- ling traits of character that made him in- fluential wherever he went. He was called from his earthly labors in 1867, at the age of sixty-seven years. His first wife died many years previous and he re-married the sister of his first life companion, who passed away in Washington before it was a state. The subject's paternal grandfather was bom on the day that Commodore Nelson bombarded the city of Copenhagen, Den- mark. When he was twelve years old he went to sea as cabin boy and as he grew to manhood he worked his way up until he became master of the ship and he made many long voyages to foreign lands and was several times around the globe. Aden Knoph. our subject, was reared in Lawrenceville, Illinois. His educational ad- vantages were limited owing to the re- KICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 495 verses of his father and the death of his mother shortly after his birth. When nine years old he entered the store of his father to help with the work and he stood on a box behind the counter when he measured goods. Yielding to his patriotic spirit when the war between the states began, he tried to enlist, but was rejected when he sought to become a private in the Eighth Regiment, Illinois Volunteers. He was later rejected by the Fourteenth and Twen- ty-fourth Indiana regiments. Still persist- ent lie finally enlisted in the Ninety-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry in January, 1864. This regiment was first assigned to the Army of the Cumberland, later to the Wild- er Brigade. He served in a most gallant manner until the close of the war, taking part in many closely contested engagements. In September, 1864, Mr. Knoph was pro- moted to sergeant and on December 5, 1864 he was promoted to adjutant of the regiment. He participated in all the battles in which this regiment was engaged. He was wounded at Selma, Alabama, being shot twice through the left leg; one of the bullets he carries today. He was mustered out at the close of the war. July 7, 1865. at Nashville, Tennessee. After the war our subject returned to Olney and entered the store of his father, where he remained for about a year, when the business was closed out on account of the failing health of the subject's father. Mr. Knoph then turned his attention to the study of law. entering the law office of Hay- ward & Kitchell. where he remained for one year, making rapid progress. Mr. Kitchell was later colonel of the subject's old regi- ment. The father's health now gave way and he met with financial reverses, so our subject began clerking in the store to assist in supporting the large family, during the year 1867-68. During the latter year he was elected Clerk of the Circuit Court, and was twice re-elected, but he resigned at the close of the third term, each term being of four years, after having given his constitu- ents entire satisfaction in the faithful dis- charge of his duties. He was a Republican in a strong Democratic county, but his pop- ularity was such with all parties that he was chosen without serious opposition for this office. Mr. Knoph assisted in the organization of the Olney Electric Light Company, in 1887, and was its secretary and treasurer. He organized the Olney Elevator Com- pany and one of the largest and most com- plete elevators in the southern part of the state was built, having a capacity of sixty thousand bushels. Mr. Knoph afterwards became its sole owner. Mr. Knoph became traveling salesman in 1880, for the Cincinnati Wholesale Dry Goods Company, giving his employers en- tire satisfaction and showing that he had much native ability in this line of work. In 1882 our subject was elected president of the First National Bank, of Olney. The honor came unsolicited and as a surprise. He quit the road and entered the bank and has continued as its president ever since, with a most excellent record, having built 49 6 5IOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF up the institution until it is regarded as one of the soundest institutions in the southern part of the state. It was organized De- cember 6, 1865, with a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars, and its first offi- cers were: Henry Spring, president; An- drew Darling, cashier: the first board of directors was William Newell, M. O. Kean, H. Hayward, J. H. Parker, Jacob Kramer and Robert Byers. In 1877 on account of excessive taxation the capital stock was re- duced to fifty thousand dollars, at which it has since stood. In December, 1885, the charter expired and was renewed. The bank first occupied a small frame building in the east part of town, but it prospered and went gradually forward and in a very few years became one of the solid institutions of the state, being so recognized generally. It was moved to its present splendid location several years ago and a modern block was purchased in which to house it properly. It has the latest designs in safety deposit boxes and all other necessary equipment. The deposits in 1908 are four hundred thou- sand dollars, loans and discounts two hun- dred and sixty thousand dollars. The pres- ent officers are Aden Knoph, president; Deuel Gould, vice president; John T. Rat- cliff, cashier; Nellie Levering, assistant cashier. In 1878 our subject was a candidate for Supreme Clerk of the Southern District of Illinois, embracing thirty-six counties, all Democratic, but he was defeated. In 1894 Mr. Knoph made a tour through Illinois with Major McKinley, . being an original McKinley man. At the request of Mr. Mc- Kinley our subject became the candidate for delegate to the national convention from this district. After the election he received a letter from President McKinley, asking him to call at the White House when con- venient, for he desired to thank Mr. Knoph for his interest in the election. This he did later, and lunched with the President. He prizes McKinley's letter very highly. In 1898 Governor Tanner, who was in the subject's old regiment and a personal friend, sent a message to the subject ask- ing him to organize a regiment for the Spanish-American war, which resulted in his organizing the Nineteenth District Vol- unteer Infantry, and Mr. Knoph was elect- ed colonel of the same, but it was not called on to go to the front, although it became well drilled and everything was in readiness due to the subject's untiring interest in the same. Mr. Knoph's domestic life began July i, 1869, when he was united in marriage with Carliette Morehouse, a native of Richland county, the daughter of O. B. and Mary (Elliott) Morehouse, natives of Connecticut. The Morehouse family was among the first settlers in Richland county, which then in- cluded a large territory. The father of Mrs. Knoph was the first white child born in the county. He was a farmer and later a merchant of Olney. He and his wife are now living retired. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Knoph has been blessed with the birth of three children, namely: Ada died at the age of twenty-two HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 497 years ; Edward, who married Mary Clutter, resides in Freeport, Illinois, being conduc- tor on the Illinois Central Railway, and Maud married Edgar P. Cochennour, and they reside in Pratt, Kansas. Her husband is a conductor on the Rock Island Railway. In his fraternal relations our subject is a member of the Masonic Order, being past eminent commander of the Templars. He is also a member of the Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks, and belongs to sev- eral fraternal insurance societies. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, while his wife beongs to the Episcopalian church. Mr. Knoph has always been in the public eye and his friends have often sought him for various public offices. At their solicita- tion he was a candidate for nomination for State Treasurer in 1904, and although he received a large vote in the convention, he failed. The home of Mr. Knoph is a modern and imposing one. His private library is next to the largest in Olney, consisting of many choice and carefully selected vol- umes. Because of his genuine worth, his past record of usefulness and honor, his honesty of purpose and his friendly dispo- sition, Mr. Knoph is held in high esteem by all who know him, and is regarded as one of the foremost citizens of the county. JOSEPH H. WALKER. The life of this venerable and highly re- spected citizen has been led along lines of 32 honorable and useful endeavor and has re- sulted in the accomplishment of much good not only to himself but to those with whom he has been associated. He has seen the development of the West and has taken a leading part in it, consequently in his old age he can look back over a life well spent and for which one should have no regrets. Joseph Hill Walker was born in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, twenty miles from Pittsburg, October 19, 1822, and he lived there until 1848 when he moved to Jackson county, Ohio, and then to Marion county, Illinois, in 1862. Our subject is the son of William Walker, who was born in Beaver county, the old Keystone state, in 1773. He was a Democrat and a Presbyterian. Our subject is one of nine children, six boys and three girls. Joseph Walker obtained what education he could in the pioneer schools of his day. He bought land in Marion county and be- gan farming, but when the war between the states began he gladly left his work and his home and offered his services in de- fense of the flag, enlisting in the army in the quartermaster's department and served three enlistments as a wagon maker, one in West Virginia, one at Nashville, Tennes- see, and one at Little Rock, Arkansas, hav- ing been foreman of the wagon department at the last named place. He learned the trade of wagon making in Pittsburg, in which city he worked at his trade for many years. After the war he returned to Marion county and resumed farming. He has been a hard worker and has made all the ex- tensive improvements on his farm which 49 8 r-IOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ranks well with Marion county's excellent farms. He has a good residence and barn and everything about his place shows thrift. Our subject was married to Josephine Miles, who was born in Jackson, Ohio, Sep- tember 17, 1834. She came to this county when twenty-six years old. There was no town where Vernon now stands when she came here. She was the daughter of Bran- son and Angeline (Sargent) Miles. Bran- son Miles was born in 1808, in Shenandoah valley in Virginia. His wife was born in Ohio in 1821. Our subject and wife mar- ried October 9, 1850. His wife and family drove from Ohio to Vandalia on the old National Turnpike and from Vandalia to Marion county during the war. The follow- ing children have been born to the subject and wife. Angeline, born December 3, 1851, married Abner Moore, who is in the real estate and insurance business at Irving, Illi- nois. They are the parents of four chil- dren. Frank, the subject's second child, was born in 1854, and died in March, 1875; Miles, born August 29, 1857, married Emily Johnson. He is engaged in the creamery business in Ewing, Missouri. They have four children. Thomas B., born February 25, 1860, married Nora Jackson, later mar- rying Mary Taylor, three children having been born by the first union and one by the second union. Thomas B. is station agent at Patoka. Ellen, the subject's fifth child, was born June 5, 1864. She married Charles King, a factory manager in Chi- cago, and they are the parents of two living sons; Henry was born April 26, 1868, mar- ried Mary Mealy. They live in St. Louis and are the parents of three children. Mr. Walker has devoted his life to farm- ing and stock raising with great success, and he now lives retired in Vernon. In politics he is a stanch Republican, having first voted for Henry Clay in 1844, although our sub- ject never took a very active part in politics. In religion he is a faithful supporter of the Methodist church. Mr. Walker is widely known in this section of the country and he numbers his friends by the score, for he is known to be thoroughly honest, a fine and friendly old gentleman to meet, making all feel at home who visit him. JOHN C. BROCKMAN. It requires considerable personal courage and strong resolution to sever the ties which bind one to home, friends, kindred and na- tive land and seek a home in a foreign country, where the language is unknown, where manners and customs are strange and where the future is uncertain, but John C. Brockman took the risk incident to such a course, nor has he been dissappointed in the hope which led him to 'eave Germany and come to the United States, a young man of eighteen years at the time of his ar- rival, possessing no capital save a willing- ness to work and a strong determination to succeed, which he has admirably done, as we shall see by the study of the following paragraphs, which will show the ease with HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 499 which thrifty Germans come to this coun- try, achieving such financial success that it is astonishing to most Americans. It need not. however, be wondered at. The German is more industrious and less extravagant than the average American, for he realizes the value of money and hoards his earnings. He knows its power and ability to earn other money for him in the way of interest. The average American is much more a suc- cess at spending money than he is at getting or saving it. The record of Mr. Brockman is not only one of industry but also of honor. John C. Brockman, now living in retire- ment at Olney, Richland county, Illinois, was born in Hanover, Germany, January 31, 1830, the son of Peter and Anna (Gieschen) Brockman, also natives of Ger- many, where they died; the former was a carpenter and farmer. Our subject re- mained in his native country until he reached maturity and received a common school education. He came to the United States in 1848, believing that better oppor- tunities existed here than in the Fatherland for a man of his ambition. He first located in St. Louis, Missouri, where he secured work in a drug store, remaining in the same for a few years and giving his employer entire satisfaction. He was without money when he landed there, but soon got a start through his industry and economy. Later he managed a confectionery store for a time. In January, 1857, he located in Xewton. Jasper county. Illinois, and in 1 86 1, in company with Walter Patrick. raised a company for the Union army, our subject being loyal to the stars and stripes and espousing the national cause, giving vent to his patriotism in a most laudable manner. This company became Company K, of the Fifty-fourth Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, and he and Patrick became partners as sutlers of the regiment. Later the sub- ject sold his interest and returned home. Then he joined David Scott in the sutler business of two companies in the Hitchcock Battery, also at a later date had the sutler- ship of the Eighth Kansas Regiment in which he continued until the close of the war. In the meantime a friend of John C. Brockman had taken charge of the treas- urer's office and was later elected to suc- ceed him. The friend made a settlement at the expiration of the term of the subject while he was in the army and everything proved satisfactory. After the war Mr. Brockman and his partner came to Olney in 1866, where the firm name of D. Scott & Company, jobbers and retail grocers, produce, etc., was formed. They also established a small stock of dry goods. They had a large busi- ness in a short time which extended to remote parts of this locality. They shipped the first carload of dressed poultry from Olney or Southern Illinois. Just after the war was a time of high prices, and while they did a big business for a few years it was usually on a falling market and not al- ways successful, but it brought much trade to Olney and helped immeasurably to build up the town. The partnership of this firm lilOGKAPHICAI. AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF was dissolved in 1887, and the business closed out. The subject then operated a cafe and eating house which he successfully conducted for a number of years. His res- taurant was popular and he fed large num- bers continuously. Mr. Brockman owns a fine business prop- erty on Main street and also a beautiful residence property, having retired from ac- tive business a few years ago, being one of the oldest business men in town. Our subject's domestic life began in 1854, when he was united in matrimony with Mrs. Johanna Greninger, widow of John Greninger, and who had two children, Mary and William. She is a native of Switzerland, who came to the United States with her parents in 1845, locating in St. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. Brockman has been a faithful helpmeet. Five children have blessed their home, namely : Anna, Caroline, Louisa, Agnes, John F. They have re- ceived educations and all give promise of happy futures. Mr. and Mrs. Brockman and their chi- dren are adherents to the Catholic faith, and faithful attendants of this church. Mr. Brockman very ably and creditably served as County Supervisor for one term, during the time when the county was sued for two hundred thousand dollars in rail- road bonds. The splendid success our subject has won in life is due entirely to his own efforts. There are few men who begun in a humble way as he did when coming to this country, who can show as much for their time and talents as he can. It is all attributable to the splendid qualities of head and heart of which he is the possessor and which he has so judiciously exercised. WILLIAM ELICE COAN. Among the residents of Richland county. Illinois, who are especially worthy of no- tice as having been active in the improve- ment and prosperity of the county, and have built up reputations which shall en- dure for decades to come, none have figured more prominently in their respective com- munities or exerted a more beneficial influ- ence on those about him than Mr. Coan r whose life since coming to this county has been closely interwoven with the progress of the same. His leading aim has been to provide well for his own and do good to others, and those who have reason to know are authority for the statement that no one has dispensed his means with more liberal hand to the deserving poor than has the large-hearted, generous subject of this brief review, whose long and unusually active life has been so full of incident and worthy deeds that it would be impossible here to set forth all of them in detail. He early realized the necessity for good citizenship, and with strong mind and determined pur- pose addressed himself to bringing about this deserved result. His life has been a power for good and hi si influence has al- ways been exerted in behalf of whatever HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 501 tended to promote morality in his neighbor- hood. When a mere boy he determined to become a good man and a useful citizen, and that he has successfully carried out his original intentions is attested by a long life fraught with so many beneficial results to humanity. He has always been optimistic enough to look on the bright side of life, partly due to the encouragement and sym- pathy of his worthy life companion, and, unlike the majority of old men, he still re- tains much of his youthful spirit and is popular with all who know him. He has indeed, borne well his part, and now as life wanes and he proceeds toward the twilight and the joureny's end, he car- ries with him the respect and love of nu- merous friends whose prayers are that his years may yet be many in the land of the living. William Elice Coan. the scion of a sturdy Southern family, was born in the state of South Carolina, November 16, 1826. He is the son of Isaac Coan, a man who bore well his part in the pioneer days of the old Palmetto state, established a good home and reared a good family. The parents of the subject of this sketch were natives of Ireland and Virginia, the mother's side of the house being well known and influential in their native locality. Mr. Coan had little opportunity to ob- tain a high intellectual training, owing to the fact that during his youth primitive schools were taught only a few months out of each year, and also the children of the pioneers were compelled to assist in the im- portant work of home building, but Wil- liam E. has been a close observer and has done much extensive miscellaneous reading so that he is well informed on general topics. When he reached man's estate Mr. Coan was united in marriage with Mary Ann Whaley, daughter of a sterling old Hoosier family, having been born in Pike county, Indiana. Her father was William Whaley. To Mr. and Mrs. William Elice Coan four children were bom, namely: Francis, Allen, William and Malica. Mr. Coan has devoted his life principally to agricultural pursuits which he has made a success, having always been a hard work- er and economical, so that in his old age he is enjoying the well earned fruits of the labor of his earlier years. In his political relations Mr. Coan loyal- ly supports the Democratic ticket. HON. MARTIN D. FOSTER, M. D. An enumeration of those men of the present generation who have won honor and public recognition for themselves and at the same time have honored the state to which they belong would be incomplete were there failure to make prominent refer- ence to the one whose name initiates this review. He is characterized as a man of great breadth of wisdom, indomitable per- severance and strong individuality and yet in his entire life there has not been one esoteric phase, his history being as an open 502 I1IOCUAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF scroll, inviting the closest scrutiny. There is, however, in him a weight of character, a native sagacity and fidelity of purpose which commands the respect of all and he has left his impress for good, while yet a young man, upon the political, medical and business circles of Richland county, whose interests he has ever had at heart. Dr. Martin D. Foster was born in Ed- wards county, Illinois, September 3, 1861, the son of Blashel and Emily (Houser) Foster, the former having been born near Lexington, Indiana, and the latter at Sa- lem, North Carolina. Grandfather Martin Houser was a minister of the Moravian church, one of the greatest, in fact, in this country. He was a native of North Caro- lina and moved in the early days to Indi- ana, where he was identified with the early history of the state, having established the town of Hope, which he laid out. He later moved to what is now West Salem, Ed- wards county, Illinois. Grandfather Wil- liam Foster was born in England, and be- came a minister in the Christian church. After coming to America he located on government land near West Salem, in an early day, many English settlers having come to the same locality. Grandfather Houser had eight daughters. He drove from Hope, Indiana, to Salem, North Caro- lina, taking two daughters at a time, taking two every two years. They were educated in a female seminary there. He made sev- eral trips in that way. He preached on Sundays and farmed through the week days. He took up much land and became wealthy for those days. The father of the subject was reared and educated in Ed- wards county and became a farmer, rearing his family there. He and his wife now live in Monmouth, Oregon, to which state they moved in 1888. Five children were bom to them, all of whom are living, the subject of this sketch being the third in order of birth. Doctor Foster was reared on the farm and received his early education in the public schools. Being ambitious he studied hard and later entered Eureka College. In 1880 he entered the Eclectic Medical Insti- tute at Cincinnati, from which he grad- uated with high honors in 1882. He later graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College in Chicago in 1894. In the fall of 1882 he located in Olney and began prac- tice which he continued for many years, his success being instantaneous from the first and he built up a very large business, his practice extending to all parts of the county, being known as one of the best gen- eral practitioners in this part of the state. He continued to practice medicine until he was elected Congressman. In the fall of 1904 he was a candidate for Congressman on the Democratic ticket from the Twenty- third district, but was defeated in the Roosevelt landslide. In 1906 he was the unanimous nominee for this office and was elected by a majority of one thousand three hundred and fourteen votes, and the able and conscientious manner in which he served his constituents soon proved their wisdom in his selection. He was on the HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 503 Committee of Pensions, Mines and Mining, and he made a splendid record, especially was his work commendable in reference to pensions. In the fall of 1908, Doctor Fos- ter was nominated without opposition to succeed himself, and with one exception he carried every county in the district, includ- ing' one county which Taft carried. His home township, which is one hundred and fifty Republican, he carried by three hundred and fifty majority, and carried the county by seven hundred and thirty- one. This shows his high standing and popularity in Rich land county and the Twenty-third district. Doctor Foster was elected Mayor of Olney in 1895, ^ or a term of two years and was again elected in 1903 for two years. During his incum- bency of this office he did many things that will be of permanent benefit to the city and community, making a record that was high- ly praised by all. He served for four years as president of the School Board, and he was a member of the Board of Pension Examiners for eight years. The harmonious domestic life of Doctor Fostor began in 1888 when he married Alice Igo, who was born in Shelbyville. Il- linois, the talented daughter of Samuel and Catherine Igo. Mrs. Foster was called to her rest in 1889. No children were bom to this union. The subject was again mar- ried, his second wife being Lulu B. Clifre, a woman of gracious personality, whom he married October 27, 1891. She is a native of Olney, the daughter of Rev. William and Martha (White) Cliffe, the former a native of England and the latter of Indiana. Reverend Cliffe was chaplain of the Ninety- eight Illinois Regiment during the Civil war and was a prominent minister of the Methodist Episcopal church for many years. He died in 1869. His wife is also de- ceased. Doctor Foster is a member of the Ma- sonic Order, the Knights Templar, being Past Eminent Commander of the latter ; he is also a member of the Shrine, and is a charter member of the Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks, No. 926, and is Past Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. He belongs to the Modern Woodmen of Ameri- ca. He is a liberal subscriber to the Chris- tian church of which he is a member. Mrs. Foster is a faithful attendant of the Metho- dist Episcopal church. Our subject is a member of the National Eclectic Medical Society and also the Illinois State Medical Society. Doctor Foster is widely and favorably known throughout the state, his -abilities well fitting him for leadership in political and social life. The terms progress and patriotism might be considered the keynote of his character, for throughout his career he has labored for the improvement of every line of business or public interest with which he has been associated, and at all times has been actuated by a patriotic love for his county and her welfare. No man in Richland county is better known or held in higher esteem, and because of the high position he has gained so young in life, the future must necessarily hold much of good and promise for him. 504 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF HISTORY OF THE ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CONGREGATION OF OLNEY, RICHLAND COUNTY, ILLINOIS. In the beginning of the last century this section of the country was but thinly set- tled. Most of the country was timber. The first Catholic settlement in this neighbor- hood was that of Ste. Marie. In 1838, J. Picquet landed on the shores of this country from Alsace to seek for himself and countrymen a home in the new world. He journeyed on horseback from Philadelphia to Chicago, which was then a little town. He did not tarry long but started out for St. Louis, Missouri, from which city he came to Jasper county, Illinois. This sec- tion of the country with its wide prairies and extensive timber lands along creeks and rivers pleased him. He secured a grant of one thousand two hundred acres of land from the government. With his few com- panions he repaired to the spot he had se- lected for his home. His first act was to erect a cross on a little hill and kneeling down he and his com- panions sang the "Salve Regina," in honor of the Heavenly Queen. The spot was named "Ste. Marie." In the course of time a church was built and the spiritual wants of the little faithful band were attended to from Vincennes. Later on a resident priest, or rather a missionary, was located at Ste. Marie, with headquarters at that place. The various missions in the surrounding neighborhood such as Mt. Carmel, Flora, Carlyle and others were attended from here. When the parish had grown to such an extent that two priests were required for all the work, an assistant was sent to Ste. Marie to attend to the outlying missions. Meanwhile the town of Olney had sprung up on the Baltimore & Ohio line, fifteen miles southwest of Ste. Marie. Some few Catholic families from Ste. Marie moved to the new place. The first priest to visit them was Father Loghren. He came in July, 1859. Services were held in a brick building, the so-called O'Donnell home. This l house is still in good condition at 122 West North Avenue. Father Logh- ren attended Olney until June, 1860, when Father Sandrock, pastor of Ste. Marie, took charge until February, 1861. So far no services had been held on Sundays. In February, 1861, Father John Vahey was in- trusted with the Olney mission. Father Vahey was a good organizer. It seems to have been his particular work to visit dif- ferent places with the result of establishing churches. His principal work in Olney was to collect funds for a church building. Father Vahey was originally an Irish law- yer and very fond of debating. He was called away in July, 1861. For the next six months Father Sandrock had no as- sistant. The continuation of the work was left to him. He succeeded in building the church in the fall of the same year. The site was donated by Tom Lilly. The church was erected by the firm of Gadus & Lutz. It was situated on what in now Fair street. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 505 From January until July, 1862, the Rev. H. J. Koven attended to Olney and was succeeded by Father Thomas Walsh in Oc- tober, 1862. Father Walsh was a fine speci- men of manhood physically and a neat dresser. He left in December, 1862. For the next eighteen months no records of baptisms are found on the books. During this time Father Sandrock was without an assistant and baptisms were conferred at Ste. Marie. He would, however, occasion- ally come to Olney and minister to the spiritual wants of the faithful. In June, 1864, the Rev. James Harty was assigned to Olney as its first resident pas- tor. He boarded for the greater part with private families notably Frank Gillespie. Father Harty was true to his name, a hearty, genial gentleman, and a good "mixer." He was in consequence well liked by both Catholics and non-Catholics. His health, however, was not robust. He stayed but one year. From July until De- cember, 1865, Father Sandrock again took charge of Olney. In December, 1865, the Rev. Patrick Dee was sent to Olney. He boarded with a family named Hines. He was a young energetic priest. During his administration of the parish two acres of ground were secured in the extreme south- western part of town and set apart for a Catholic cemetery. Father Vahey also or- ganized a private school for Catholic chil- dren with Miss Gillespie as first teacher. Father Vahey went from here to Alton, but soon after died in the St. Vincent hospital at St. Louis. Rev. A. "T. David succeeded him in June, 1868, but remained only until October of the same year. Father David was an elder- ly gentleman. In the fall of 1868 he built an addition to the parsonage, added a steeple to the church and placed bells in the belfry. Messrs. Gallagher and Schilt were the contractors. In January, 1869, Rev. P. Kearney came to Olney and stayed until October of the same year. He was ad- vanced in years. Next came Father Meckel, who is at present in Alton, Illinois. He had just ar- rived from the old country and was at once assigned to Olney parish. He was pastor from November, 1869, until August, 1874. In 1871 Father Meckel built a school and engaged a private teacher. Heretofore the school had been conducted in the parsonage. He was succeeded by Rev. J. B. Molitor, who is now Rural Dean of the Alton diocese and stationed at Newton, Illinois. Father Molitor was in charge until January, 1877, when Rev. J. W. Merscher was called to Olney. In September, 1884. Rev. F. H. Budde, who is now in Mt. Carmel, took charge of Olney. He stayed until March, 1888. During his time the mission of Stringtown was added to Olney. In March, 1888, the Rev. J. B. Schnelten was commissioned to the congregation at Olney, which he faithfully held until No- vember, 1906. In 1893 Father Schnelten moved the church building to the corner of East Chestnut and South Elliott streets. The property consisted of three lots and was bought of the Dowling estate and is IIIOCRAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF favorably situated. A new parsonage was also built in connection with the old church. In 1906 Father Schnelten resigned the pas- torate on account of ill-health. He retired to Carrollton, Greene county, Illinois. Father Schnelten was very well liked by all who knew him. He was very genial and gentlemanly in his character and diplomatic in his ways. His successor is the present incumbent, the Rev. J. B. Henken. The Rev. John B. Henken was born Sep- tember 4, 1870, near Germantown, Clinton county, Illinois, of German parents. He received his early education in country schools. At the age of sixteen he began to study Latin, and in the year 1888 entered the Franciscan College at Teutopolis, Illi- nois. The next year found him in Ouincy, where he finished his classical studies. In 1893 he took up theological studies at the St. Francis Seminary near Milwaukee, Wis- consin. He was ordained priest June 16, 1895. His charge was as assistant at the Belleville cathedral where he stayed one year. For the following twelve months he acted as substitute for different priests in the diocese, viz: Four months at Ridgway, six months at Damiansville, six weeks at New Baden, six weeks at Centralia. In 1897 he was sent to Rosiclare, Illinois, as the first pastor of that congregation. Here he remained six years when he was trans- ferred to Sandoval, Illinois. Here he stayed three years, but through all that time he was in poor health owing to a siege of typhoid fever. In 1906 his bishop asked him to take charge of Olney. During his stay here Father Henken has succeeded in erecting a two-story, brick building which now serves the manifold purpose of school, church and sisters' dwelling. The school was opened January i, 1908,- with a roster of forty-five. In the fall of the same year four Ursuline sisters from Paolo, Kansas, took charge of the school which now has about seventy pupils. In February, 1908, the furniture was moved from the old church building to the second story of the new school building which for the present serves the purpose of a church. The con- gregation now numbers eighty-five fam- ilies. The parish is well organized, having different societies which look to various needs of church and parsonage. The old church building serves as a hall for enter- tainments. All in all the parish is prosper- ing and bids fair to become one of the fore- most in this section of the country. ANDREW M. PEDDICORD. The life record of this venerable citizen of Patoka township is one of interest and in- struction, for it has been active, always so modulated as to be of the greatest service to those whom it touched. He has lived to see the transformation of a great country from the primeval forests and the wild prairies and he has performed well his part in this great work. Andrew M. Peddicord was born May 9. 1822, in Mason county, Kentucky, where HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 507 he lived in 1851, when he came to Jackson- ville, Illinois, having- farmed sixteen miles from Jacksonville, paying only two dollars per acre for rent of land, the first cash rent ever paid for land in that part of the county. He was at the first state fair ever held in Jacksonville. A few years later he came to Marion county for the purpose of engaging in farming. He first landed in Salem and bought wild land here, which he improved. Our subject is the son of Andrew and Delilia (Eaton) Peddicord, being one of fourteen children born to them, consisting of seven boys and an equal number of girls. They were said to be the healthiest and finest looking family in Kentucky. The sub- ject's father was born in Mason county, Kentucky, and the subject's mother was born in Harrison county, the Blue Grass state, both being representatives from large families. Mr. Peddicord was united in marriage on August 29, 1845, to Mary Foley, born September 29, 1829, the daughter of Daniel and Mildred (Mastison) Foley, the former having been born in Virginia and the latter in Kentucky. Ten children have been born to our subject and wife as follows : Daniel E., born May 18, 1848, married Katherine Weeks and they are living in Decatur, Il- linois; William M., born November 27, 1851, married Mary Tune; they are living in Vernon and are the parents of six chil- dren, two children being deceased ; Mollie L. married E. Robinson; James L., born January i, 1854, married Belle Mann, they have one son and live near Odin; Martha L., was born November 22, 1855; Ora An- na, bom March 20, 1858, married Charles Tillman, and they live in Springfield; Clay- brook B. was born October 31, 1860, and died in infancy; Charles M. was born Sep- tember 26, 1862, and is deceased; John Henry was born May 21, 1865, married Ulga Friar, and they have three children. He is engaged in the livery business at Vernon. Mr. Peddicord was one of those brave sons of the great Prairie state, who offered his assistance in saving the nation's integ- rity during the dark days of the sixties, hav- ing enlisted in Company G, Seventh Illinois Cavalry in 1865, and served with credit until the close of the war. Our subject is a great lover of horses and he has always kept some good ones about him. His place used to be stocked with very fine ones. He was said to have been the finest horseman in Marion county in his younger days. He had the reputation of bringing more good stock to Marion county than any other man. He was a well known character in his younger days, and is today possibly the best known man in the county. He was a loyal friend of Judge Bryan, father of William J. Bryan. Our subject ' saw the great Commoner when he was only three days old. Mr. Peddicord has been a man of thrift, unusual business ability and foresight and he laid up an ample compe- tence to insure his old age free from want. He has been living in quiet retirement for the past ten years. He has been a stanch Mason, having been identified with the or- 5 o8 lilOliUAL'MlCA], AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF der in Mason county, Kentucky. He is a good Democrat, but notwithstanding his ability and popularity he never took much interest in politics. Our subject has been a very able bodied man in his day, strong, of fine appearance and much endurance, but now his great weight of years is telling on him and his eyesight and hearing have failed considerably. He is an uncle of A. M. Ped- dicord in Carrigan township, a well known man whose sketch appears in full in this work. Mr. Peddicord has a comfortable home in Vernon. He gets a pension of twenty dol- lars a month. He has numerous friends who are always glad to pay him the respect due a man of his years and who has led a useful and influential life. HOX. THOMAS TIPPIT. Illinois has been especially honored in the character and career of her public and professional men. In every county there are to be found rising above their fellows, individuals born to leadership, men who dominate not alone by superior intelligence and natural endowment, but by force of character which minimizes discourage- ments and dares great undertakings. Such men are by no means rare in the great Prairie state and it is always profitable to study their lives, weigh their motives and. hold up their achievements as incentives to greater activity and higher excellence on the part of others just entering upon their struggles with the world. Such thoughts are prompted by a study of the life record of the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article who has long been one of the prominent figures in Richland county whose interests he has ever had at heart and sought to promulgate. Hon. Thomas Tippit was born in Olney, Illinois, June 6, 1851, and he has been con- tented to spend his life in his native com- munity. He is the son of Matthew L. and Sarah (Ellingsworth) Tippit, the former a native of Tennessee, and the latter of Ohio. Grandfather Tippit was a native of Vir- ginia. He moved to Tennessee and in T82O came to Illinois and located about six- teen miles south of Olney, in what is now Edwards county at a point now known as Samsville. He was among the early pio- neers in that wild country, but he did not live long after coming to this state. Matthew, the oldest of the two sons and one daughter, was only about six years old when his father died. The family experi- enced many hardships in their struggle for existence. Matthew, by hard work assisted his mother in rearing the family, caring for his crippled brother and sister. He had no educational advantages other than what he acquired himself by home study. The family located in what is now Rich- land county prior to the settling of Olney. They took up land, a portion of which is now within the corporate limits of Olney. Matthew bought and sold much land in the county and eventually became well-to-do. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 509 In 1849 ne went to California, having been one of that famous band who crossed the plains with an ox team. He remained in that state two years and was successful in mining. After returning to Richland county he carried on extensive farming and stock raising for years and died on the place adjoining Olney at the age of fifty- five years, in 1871. His wife passed away in 1903, at the advanced age of eighty-six. They were the parents of seven children, five boys and two girls, the subject of this sketch being the sixth in order of birth. Thomas Tippit was born in a log cabin north of Olney. He was reared on a farm and received his education in the common schools, assiduously applying himself to his studies and took advantage of what oppor- tunities he had, and attended high school in Olney. When the subject's father died he took charge of the farm and he has con- tinued farming ever since, at present own- ing one hundred acres of highly improved land, all within the corporate limits of Ol- ney, also owns land in Wayne county. For years he has been extensively engaged in the stock business, paying particular atten- tion to horses, of which he is regarded as an excellent judge. Until 1890 he bred draft horses of a fine quality, but in that year he discontinued draft horses and be- gan breeding roadsters and trotters. He now has from twenty-five to thirty head almost all the time. They attract much at- tention, being of a high grade and well kept. His first horse to gain special prom- ise was "Redbrook," registered and sired by good masters. "Favorite Prince," with a record of 2-22 1-4, in Indiana and Illi- nois, gained some prominence and is now nineteen years old in 1908. "Royal Prince" is generally regarded as one of the best horses ever in this part of trie state. Mr. Tippit has also bought many good horses, having raced them in a number of states. The subject is known as one of the leading horsemen of the state. He has a beautiful, commodious and modern residence, with well kept lawn and grounds. He also has large and convenient bams and outbuild- ings, in fact, everything about the place shows prosperity, good taste and careful management. In politics Mr. Tippit is a Democrat. He was Circuit Clerk by appointment to fill a vacancy and so faithfully did he perform his duties that he was elected three terms, having served over twelve years in all. He served as Master in Chancery from 1892 to 1896. In 1894 he was elected to represent his district in the state Legislature, having been re-elected in 1898, 1902, 1904. Dur- ing his tenure of (his important office he served his constituents in a most acceptable manner, showing that he possessed rare in- sight into the workings of the body politic, was conservative, careful and calculating, just as if he had been managing his own business, and his counsel was often sought and followed with gratifying results while he was a member of that body. Many things were accomplished by him in this capacity that resulted in incalculable good not only to the people of his own section lilor.KAI'IIICAI. AM) REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of the state but throughout the common- wealth. One of the most important acts of our subject was securing the adoption of a resolution providing for the submittal of the vote of the Legislature to elect a United States Senator by direct vote of the people. He was candidate for Speaker of the House in 1901 and was defeated by only two votes. In 1905 he was one of the four in his party for candidate for Speaker of the House, being elected and became by reason of his candidacy the minority leader at that session of his party. He was always active and among the leaders of his party. In 1908 he was also the candidate of his party for election to the Legislature, and was successful in this race. Mr. Tippit was married in 1877 to Eva Leaf, a native of Richland county, the tal- ented daughter of George and Nancy (Moore) Leaf, natives of Ohio, who came to Richland county in 1854. The home of the subject and wife has been blessed by the birth of three boys and one girl, namely: George M., who is living in Oklahoma; Mabel, the wife of H. C. Horrall, of Bridgeport, Illinois: Albert V. is living at home: Thomas. Jr., is living in Birmingham, Alabama. Mr. Tippit is a Mason in his fraternal relations, also a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Knights of Pythias, the Knights Templar and the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, having been past commander and held other stations of the former. From the foregoing brief outline of a busv career, it is not difficult to arrive at a just estimate of Mr. Tippit's character or to fix his proper standing in the community. Beginning life in moderate circumstances, he has not only gained an honorable posi- tion in the business world, but has also lived to become a power in the political af- fairs of the state and one of the most influ- ential men in the development of his com- munity. Interested in all that tends to benefit his fellows, materially, educational- ly and morally, his influence has always been exerted in the right direction and from what he has accomplished along the lines to which his talents have been directed it is clearly demonstrated that the world has gained by his presence. AMEL LUCAS. The subject of this sketch, who is one of the well known fanners of Foster township, is a scion of one of the sterling French fam- ilies whose presence in America has always been most desirable, for it is a well known fact that the French people are thrifty, en- ergetic and intellectual wherever found, therefore they always contribute much to the development of any country, and the subject's people were not unlike the rest of the immigrants from that country. Amel Lucas was born in Southern France on January 16, 1842, the son of Pascale and Louisa Lucas, both natives of Sonti, France, the former being a farmer and came to America in 1855 on a sailing vessel which was thirty days in making the voyage, hav- ing landed in New York City. He went HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. from there to Taylor county, West Virginia, and purchased a farm of eighty acres. It was partly improved. He lived on this place until 1871 when he sold out and moved to Grafton, West Virginia, where he conducted a hotel until his death in August, 1892. His wife died in August, 1904. They were members of the Catholic church. He was a man who started in life in a small way and by hard work and good manage- ment he became well situated before his death. Eight children were born to the sub- ject's parents, namely; Marie, Frank and Mary Ann, all three deceased; Amel, our subject; Victor, who is living in Taylor county, West Virginia, on a farm; John, who is living at the same place, is a butcher ; Albert is an engineer on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad at Grafton, West Virginia, having been an engineer on this road for the past thirty years, in 1908; Louisa is living in Grafton, West Virginia. Our subject had only a limited education. However, he attended the common schools for several terms. He lived at home until he was twenty years old and worked at teaming for several years. He saved his money and in 1872 came to Marion county, Illinois, and located in Carrigan township, where he secured one hundred and twenty acres of land on which he lived, making a success at farming for ten years, when he sold out and moved to Foster township, where he got two hundred acres at first and being thrifty and a good manager, he added to this until now he has a very fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres. It was .known as the old Lee place. The subject built a comfortable, substantial and commo- dious home, also a convenient barn and in many ways improved the place, making it equal to any in this township; everything about the place shows thrift and prosperity. He carries on general farming with that discretion and foresight that always insures success. He is also considered an excellent judge of live stock and devotes much of his time to stock raising, no small part of his income being derived from this source. No more up-to-date farm is to be found within the borders of Marion county, and no better farmer than Mr. Lucas lives in this locality. Our subject was happily married March 15, 1870, to Sarah E. Osborne, of Mononga- hela county, West Virginia. She is the re- fined and affable daughter of Richard and Elinore (Britt) Osborne. They formerly lived in Pennsylvania, then came to West Virginia and lived there the remainder of their lives. Mr. Osborne was a wheel- wright, wagon maker and carpenter. He died in 1881 and his wife passed to her rest in 1851. Mrs. Lucas was their only child. They were known as influential and highly respected people in their community. To the subject and wife eight children have been born, namely: Theodore Britt, who runs teams and a dray at Cement, Oklahoma; Frank is a farmer in Foster township ; Lou married E. Lynch, of Foster township; Mollie is the wife of Isaac Walk- er, of Patoka township; Annie is the wife of Otis Davidson, of Tonti township; Os- borne, Magnes and Millicent are all living at home. Mr. Lucas served very creditably as a 512 HOCKAI'IIJCAT. AND KK M I MSCK.XT HISTORY OF member of the local school board of Foster township for a period of twenty years, dur- ing which the cause of education in this township received an impetus which had never before been known. He has held other minor offices, always with credit. He is a loyal Democrat. Mr. Lucas deserves much credit for what he has accomplished in the business world, having started life a poor man, and he has gained a position of ease and prominence in his community through his own unaided ef- forts, by hard work, good management and sound common sense which always brings tangible results when properly exercised. Because his industry, his honesty of pur- pose and his public-spirit and his loyalty to all movements looking to the good of the locality where he lives, he is highly respected by all who know him. IRA C. MORRIS. It is a pleasure to investigate the ca- reer of a successful, self-made man. Pe- culiar honor attaches to that individual who, beginning the great struggle of life alone and unaided, gradually overcomes unfavor- able envi'ronment, removes one by one the obstacles from his pathway to success and by the force of his own individuality suc- ceeds in forging his way to the front and winning for himself a position of esteem and influence among his fellow men. Such is the record, briefly stated, of the popular citizen of Marion county, Illinois, to a brief synopsis of whose life and character the following paragraphs are devoted, and while yet a young man has shown himself to be able to successfully compete with all classes of men in the business world. Ira C. Morris was born in Marion county, May 5, 1883, the second son of William and Elizabeth Morris, whose family consisted of six children. Our subject attended the public schools in his native community where he diligently ap- plied himself and where he made much headway in his studies. He also went one term to Alma College in Marion county. After leaving school he decided that the life of the farmer offered the greatest ad- vantages for a man of his temperament, con- sequently he soon entered this work and has devoted his time and undivided attention to it ever since with the result that he is today one of the most progressive and sub- stantial of the younger farmers of Kin- mundy township, where he owns a fine and highly productive farm of sixty-seven acres. Our subject was united in marriage to Laura Lewella Lambom, the pleasant and congenial daughter of I. M. and Margaret Lamborn, both natives of Jasper county, Indiana. The subject's wife was born in Indiana, being a native of Jasper county at Rensselaer, November 28, 1882. Her mother is deceased. Mr. Lamborn is living in Tennessee. Mrs. Morris has three brothers and one sister living, all married with the exception of one of the brothers. RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 513 She was educated in the public schools of her native city and her subsequent life has been filled with good deeds to others, being a woman of gracious demeanor and kind hearted to anyone in need. Two children have been born to our sub- ject and wife, a boy and a girl, namely: Vera L., whose date of birth occurred April 16, 1903; and Billie Morris, Jr., who is four years old, having been born June 20, 1904. They are bright and interesting children, who are receiving ever care and attention possible at the hands of their fond parents. Our subject is a loyal Democrat in his political affiliations, and while he does not aspire to public office, he takes considerable interest in political matters always casting his vote for whom he deems to be the most honest and best fitted to fill local offices, where the interests of the public must be conserved. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Order, Kinmundy Lodge No. 398, and is junior deacon in the same. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Rosedale Lodge No. 354, at Kinmundy. THE JENNINGS FAMILY. This old and well known family has lived so long in America that little of its early history can be learned and it is not posi- tively known from what country the found- ers of the American branch came, though from the name, the nationality is supposed to be English. Sufficient has been learned, 33 however, to fix the date of immigration to the colonies at a very early period, inasmuch as several generations have been identified with the settlement and development of dif- ferent parts of the United States and for over ninety years various representatives of the family have figured prominently in the history of Marion and other counties of Southern Illinois. Israel Jennings, the first ancestor of whom anything definite is known, is supposed to have been a native of Maryland, where his birth occurred about the year 1774. When a youth he went to Mason county, Kentucky, and settled at Maysville, where about 1799 or 1800 he married Miss Mary Waters, of whose na- tivity or genealogy there is no record. After living in the above state until about 1818, Mr. Jennings moved to Illinois and located six miles southeast of Centralia, the country at that time being almost as nature had made it with only a few sparse settlements long distances apart, the majority of the inhabit- ants consisting of straggling bands of In- dians, whose principal village was near the present site of Walnut Hill. Entering a tract of government land, he at once ad- dressed himself to the task of developing a farm and founding a home in which laud- able undertaking he succeeded admirably, for in due time he became not only the lead- ing farmer and stock raiser of his section of the country but also one of the most en- terprising and public-spirited citizens of Jef- ferson county, to which this part of the state then belonged. It is a matter of inter- est to note that his entry was the second riOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY purchase of government land in what is now Marion county, and that it was made in 1819, one year after Illinois became a state. Mrs. Jennings departed this life October 30, 1845, tne mother of eight children, whose names are as follows: Israel, Jr., who is survived by eleven children; George, de- ceased; Charles Waters, deceased, who had a family of eight children; William W.; Elizabeth, who married William Davidson; America, wife of George Davidson; Mary, married Edward White, and Ann, who be- came the wife of -Rufus P. McElwain. All are deceased. William W. died recently at Alvin, Texas. Mr. Jennings was again married, but the second union was without issue. He died August 7, 1860. For a number of years Israel Jennings held worthy prestige among the prominent citizens of Marion county and took an ac- tive and influential part in the development of the country. He was a leader in many enterprises for the social and moral ad- vancement of his fellow men, a liberal con- tributor to churches and educational institu- tions and all laudable measures for the good of the community found in him a warm friend and earnest advocate. He early be- came prominent in public affairs and in 1827 was elected to the lower house of the Legislature, being the third representative from Marion county. He was one of the leading Democrats of the county and his in- fluence as a politician, together with valu- able services rendered his party, made him widely known and led to his appointment in 1834 as postmaster at Walnut Hill, which position he held for many years. He was more than ordinarily successful in business matters and accumulated a handsome for- tune, being at one time the largest land owner in the county and one of the only two men in this part of the state to own slaves. A man of strong character, un- questioned integrity and upright Christian principles, he exerted a wholesome influ- ence on all with whom he mingled and his death, which occurred in the year 1860, re- moved from Marion county one of its lead- ing citizens and prominent men of affairs. Charles Waters Jennings, third son of Israel and Mary Jennings, was born Janu- ary 8, 1802, in Mason county, Kentucky, and accompanied his father to Illinois in 1818, settling within a half mile of the lat- ter and like him becoming a successful tiller of the soil. He was married on December 14, 1826, to Maria Wood Davidson, who bore him the following children : Josephus Waters, deceased, who lived near the home of his father ; Harriet married B. F. Mar- shall and died at Salem, Illinois, May 3, 1901 ; Sarah married Robert D. Noleman, of Centralia, both deceased; Mariah Eliza- beth, deceased, was the wife of the late Judge Silas L. Bryan, of Marion county, and mother of Hon. William Jennings Bry- an; America, deceased, married William C. Stites, then a resident of Marion county; Nancy, wife of Dr. James A. Davenport, lives in Salem; Docie, now Mrs. A. Van Antwerp, lives at St. Louis, Missouri, and Z. C., who is living near the town of Walnut Hill. Charles W. Jennings died August 1 8. 1872. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 515 Charles Waters Jennings was a man of high standing in the community, successful as a farmer and stock raiser, and his char- acter was ever above the suspicion of re- proach. Courteous in his relations with his fellows and the soul of honor in all his dealings, he measured up to a high stand- ard of manhood and citizenship and made the world better by his presence. By good business management he succeeded in amas- sing a sufficiency of this world's goods to place him in easy circumstances, owning at the time of his death one thousand acres of valuable land, the greater part improved, and the source of a liberal income. He was called from earth on August 18, 1872, his wife following him to the grave April 3d, of the year 1885. Josephus Waters Jennings, the oldest of the family of Charles W. and Maria W. Jennings, was born on the homestead near Walnut Hill, Marion county, October 29, 1827. He was reared under excellent pa- rental influences, received the best educa- tion which the schools during his childhood and youth afforded and while still a young man, engaged in merchandising at Walnut Hill, to which line of trade he devoted his attention with gratifying success until 1856. Disposing of his business that year, he moved to his farm near by and during the encuing forty-four years followed the life of a tiller of the soil in which pursuit he was also successful as his continued advancement bore witness. Amanda Couch, whom Mr. Jennings married on the 24th day of November, 1850, was born in Marion county, Illinois, Janu- ary 8, 1834, being the daughter of Milton and Nancy (Baird) Couch, early residents of the county and representatives of well known and highly esteemed families. Dur- ing the three years following their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings lived at Walnut Hill, but at the expiration of that time, changed their residence to a farm in section 26, Centralia township, where Mr. Jennings engaged in agriculture and stock raising on quite an extensive scale and met with finan- cial success commensurate with the energy which he displayed in all of his undertak- ings. He also manifested an active interest in public and political matters and was long one of the leading Democrats and influential politicians of the county, besides achieving much more than local reputation in party circles, throughout the southern part of the state. He served for some years as As- sociate Judge of Marion county, the duties of which position he discharged very accept- ably, also filled the office of Supervisor sev- eral terms, and in 1850 was elected Coroner. During the Civil war he was Deputy Col- lector of internal revenue, later served as Deputy Sheriff and for several years was Justice of the Peace, an office for which his sound sense, well balanced judgment and love of justice peculiarly fitted him. His official career was eminently honorable and he proved an efficient and very popular pub- lic servant, adorning every position to which he was called and fully meeting the high ex- pectations of his fellow citizens. The children, of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, lilOCKAI'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF nine in number, are as follows: Mary R., who married I. N. Baldridge, of Walnut Hill; Charles E., who is noticed at some length further on; Frank E., of Centralia; Daisy, deceased, who married O. V. Kell, also of that city ; Hon. William S. Jennings, ex-Governor of Florida; Mrs. Nannie D. Stover, Mrs. Eva Shaw and Thomas J. are three living at Walnut Hill, and Mrs. Eliza- beth Wheeler, whose home is in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Mr. Jennings was a man of pro- found religious convictions and in early life united with the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he continued a faithful and con- sistent member to the end of his days. He died November 20, 1890, in the full assur- ance of a triumphant resurrection. His widow, who lives on the old homestead, has reached the age of seventy-six and retains to a remarkable degree the possession of her powers, both mental and physical. She is one of a family of six children, three are living. Robert Couch, whose home is at Marissa, Illinois, and Porter, who resides at the town of Sparta, this state. Milton Couch, the father, was a son of James and Elizabeth Couch, the former a native of North Carolina and among the early pio- neers of southern Illinois. ALEXANDER W. FISHER. An illustration of skill as a farmer as well as the ability to concentrate efforts along some special line until success is achieved in that undertaking is found in the case of our subject, who is not only a successful farmer as that term is understood but has also made a specialty of breeding Poland- China hogs, Mr. Fisher being a standard authority in this remunerative industry. Alexander W. Fisher was born in Marion county, Illinois, on the i6th of Janu- ary, 1870, the son of E. A. and Susan (Louis) Fisher, both of whom are among the county's substantial and highly respected citizens. They are members of the Metho- dist denomination and were the parents of a robust family of eleven children, of whom Alexander was the eight in order of birth. This family circle was one typical of its kind, the tie of kindred fellowship being strong, and the fireside brightened with the light of domestic happiness and harmony. Our subject received his early education in the Kagy district school, but farm life was also an instrument in his trainings, develop- ing in him that sturdy independence and wholesome self-reliance that has character- ized his subsequent career. On August 6, 1890, Mr. Fisher was mar- ried to Nannie H. Stevens, daughter of Le Roy and Mary Stevens, resident of this county. She is the youngest of five chil- dren , is a woman of excellent tastes and refined judgment, and is proving to be a most excellent mother. In this latter ca- pacity she has adorned the home with four children, all of whom show the results of uplifting parental influence and affection. The children are: Georgia B., born Octo- ber 27, 1891 ; Milton E., born January 9, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 1894; Clarence S., born February 16, 1895, and Mamie M., born March 12, 1896; Clar- ence S. died March 31, 1895. Mr. Fisher owns and operates a farm of seventy acres, all under cultivation. It im- presses the visitor at once as bearing the marks of thrift and industry and shows economy in its management. The Fisher homestead is one where neighbors and friends find at all times a hearty welcome, and is surrounded with an atmosphere of friendliness and sociability. Mr. Fisher takes an active interest in the general affairs of the community and affili- ates with the Democratic party, but has never aspired to political prominence. He is satisfied to discharge his obligations as a citizen by lending his support at the bal- lot box to such men as will discharge their official duties with the utmost conscientious- ness and integrity. CHARLES EDGAR JENNINGS. The subject of this sketch has not only gained recognition and prestige as a promi- nent and successful member of the Marion county bar, but has also kept in touch with all that relates to the material progress and general prosperity of his home city, being known as one of the enterprising and pub- lic-spirited citizens of Salem, having con- tributed both by influence and tangible aid to all legitimate projects which have tended to conserve the best interests of the com- munity. In the legal circles of Souther Illinois, his reputation is second t none of his contemporaries, indeed ther are few lawyers in the state whose succes has been so continuous and uninterrupted c who have achieved as high distinction i their profession. Endowed by nature wit in active and brilliant mind which has bee cultivated and strengthened by much stud and discipline, he has made rapid progres in his chosen calling and today he stand admittedly at the head of the bar in the fiel to which the major part of his practice i confined, besides yielding a commandin influence among the leaders of his profe; sion in other parts of the state. Charles Edgar Jennings, second child an oldest son of Josephus Waters and Amand (Couch) Jennings, is a native of Mario county, Illinois, and dates his birth fror January 7, 1855. After receiving a pn liminary education in the public schools, h entered Irvington Illinois Agricultural Co' lege, where he took a scientific course an from which he graduated June 16, 187; with an honorable record as a diligent an critical student. He taught one term in th public schools, prior to his collegiate cours< and after graduating took charge of th school at Walnut Hill, which he had attend ed in his childhood and youth, meetini with encouraging success as an instructo and disciplinarian and fully satisfying bot pupils and patrons. Having decided to make the legal profe< sion his life work, Mr. Jennings in 187 became a student of the Union College o BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Law, Chicago, Department of North Wes- tern University, where he prosecuted his studies and received his degree on June 5, 1878, the diploma from this institution be- ing his passport to admission to the bar by the Supreme Court without further exam- ination. This court being in session at Mount Vernon the month of his graduation, he presented his diploma and was duly ad- mitted to practice, following which he formed a partnership with the late Judge Bryan of Salem, which lasted until the death of the latter in 1880 and which in the meantime became known as one of the strongest and most successful legal firms not only in Marion county, but in Southern Illinois. His license to practice which bears the date of June n, 1878, was signed by Hon. Sidney Breese, the distinguished pio- neer jurist of Illinois, this being among the last official acts in the long and eminently honorable career of this eminent man. Mr. Jennings was Master in Chancery from 1885 to 1889, resigning the position the latter year to assume his duties as State's Attorney to which office he was elected in 1888 and the duties of which he discharged with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the public for a period of twelve years. A pronounced Democrat, he has long been a power in local politics and to him as much as any one man is due the success of his party, in a number of cam- paigns to say nothing of his influence in con- tributing to the triumph of the district, state and national tickets. As stated in the begin- ning Mr. Jennings has kept in close touch with enterprises and measures, having for their object the material progress and social, intellectual and moral advancement of the city in which he resides. He served a number of years on the local school board, part of the time as president of the body and dur- ing his incumbency, labored earnestly to promote an interest in educational matters and advance the standard of the schools of the city in which laudable endeavor his suc- cess was most gratifying. Believing knowl- edge when properly disseminated, to be tot the perpetuity of the state and the happiness and best interests of the people, he has been untiring in his efforts in behalf of institu- tions of learning, especially those of the higher grades, and his advice to young peo- ple has been to take advantage of the oppor- tunities which the high school, the college and the university present in the way of pre- paring for the duties of life and the obliga- tions of citizenship. Since the death of Judge Bryan, Mr. Jen- nings has been alone in the practice of law and as already indicated he is now one of the leaders of the bar of Southern Illinois, with a large and lucrative professional busi- ness in the courts of his own and neigh- boring counties. The keynote of his charac- ter seems to be an intense and absolute fix- ety of purpose, a dominating resolve to rise and make his influence felt and in the court as well as the public arena, he has not been content to occupy a second place. He moves in only one direction and that is forward and the success and eminent standing al- ready achieved bespeak still greater ad- RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 519 vancement in his profession and higher hon- ors in years to come. Mr. Jennings has been twice married, the first time on May 5, 1880, to Daisy Martin, youngest child of Gen. James S. Martin, of Salem, the union resulting in the birth of two children; Hazel, and a son that died in infancy. Mrs. Jennings died July 12, 1894, and on June loth of the year 1903, Mr. Jennings entered the marriage relation with Maude Cunningham, daughter of M. R. Cunningham, of Salem. Fraternally, Mr. Jennings is a Mason of high degree, having passed all the chairs in the local lodge to which he belongs, be- sides representing it at different times in the Grand Lodge. He has spent his entire life within the bounds of his native county, has labored hard to reach the high place in professional circles which he now occupies, and in the true sense of the term, he is a self-made man and as such is certainly en- titled to the universal esteem in which he is held and the high honors with which his career has been crowned. GEORGE S. FYFE. Although the character of the immigrants that come to America today seems to be changing, yet there is not a single doubt but that in years past some of the most sturdy, energetic and progressive people liv- ing upon our soil were the ones that come to us from foreign lands. They have brought to us not only the spirit of thrift and en- durance, but have contributed to the loyal American spirit to a degree which can hardly be overestimated. Among the many worthy of mention in this connection we refer to Mr. and Mrs. George S. Fyfe, of Alma, Illinois. Mr. Fife was born at Dun- dee, Scotland, January 20, 1820, and his life experiences have been most interesting and varied. He became a machinist by trade, serving as an apprentice in his native town, at the end of which period he went to London, and there followed his trade for two years, but not being fully satisfied with the confinement incident to the work in which he was engaged, he kept alert for an opportunity for a wider experience and this came to him, when he enlisted in the Turkish navy as an engineer. His father, George Fyfe, was a sea captain before him and the son seemed to inherit the father's spirit for a life of travel and adventure. He remained in the Turkish navy for three years and during this time and thereafter he traveled in many countries, spending considerable time in Palestine and Egypt, sailing up the Nile from Alexandria to Cairo, where Moses was born, and where Paul wrote his speech to the Philistines. Here he saw the noble Egyptian obelisk, that famous shaft of stone that lay for centuries prostrate upon the sands, but which was later, -at great expense, taken to New York and set up once more to mark the path of the sun by day and at night to point again to the same glittering stars that have studded the clear Egyptian skies since the daybreak of time. Here, also, he stood under the shadows of the pyramids, those wonders of ages past that 520 i:i(M,U AI'IIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF have been the marvel of mankind through- out all history. Mr. Fyfe also had a brother who was a sea captain, now deceased, and another whose home was in Melbourne, Australia. After coming to America, Mr. Fyfe spent some time in Boston, and it was here that he was married to Miss Hutchinson Spinks, on February 5, 1852. Miss Spinks is also of Scotch descent, having emigrated to America from her native land when sailing vessels were the ones most used for cross- ing the broad Atlantic. Ten children were born to this union. When Mr. Fyfe came west he bought mostly prairie land from the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad. Mr. Fyfe now has a fine farm to show for his energy and application. Both he and his wife have used good judg- ment in their work, and Mrs. Fyfe, though seventy-seven years old, has never worn glasses. They belong to the Baptist church, although their parents before them were Scotch Presbyterians. Mr. Fyfe affiliates with the Republican party and through his calm judgment and broad minded experi- ence has done much to advance the cause of good citizenship in the community. HENRY F. KELCHNER. When we state in an initiative way that the honored subject of this sketch has re- sided for fifty-six years in Marion county, having devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits during that time, the significance of the statement is evident in that it must necessarily imply that he is one of the pros- perous farmers of the community. Henry F. Kelchner was born in Pennsyl- vania, September 23, 1828, the son of David and Elizabeth (Follmer) Kelchner, who were the parents of four children : Henry, our subject being the second in order of birth. He has one brother and two sisters. Our subject attended the common schools in his native community in the Keystone state, where he received a fairly good edu- cation, assisting his father with the work about the place. As already indicated he came to Illinois in 1852, arriving here in the month of June and after working at whatever he could secure that was honor- able and remunerative, he married on Jan- uary n, 1855, Lucy C. Lovell, and to this union these children were born: Robert B., who married Belle Ritter, and to whom one daughter was born; Eugene married Hattie Samuels, living in Tazewell county, this state, and they are the parents of one daughter; Ida married George Asher and they have seven children; Katie married G. E. Brandeberry, and is the mother of one son; Harvey F. married Clara Millican, the daughter of Filmore and Maggie ( Porter) Millican. Henry F. Kelchner was one of the sturdy and patriotic sons of the North who be- lieved it his duty to do what he could in suppressing the great rebellion, consequent- ly he enlisted at Springfield. Illinois, in September, 1861, in Company K. Thirty- RICH LAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 521 third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel Hovey and Charles E. Lippencott, as captain. His first battle was at Freder- icksburg and he took part in many other battles and skirmishes in which this regi- ment was engaged, always conducting him- self as a brave soldier. He was mustered out in Springfield in September, 1864, and as a reward for his faithful services he is remembered by his government with a pen- sion of twenty dollars per month. Our subject is the owner of a fine and highly improved farm, consisting of one hundred and thirty acres, sixty-five acres of which are in cultivation. He carried on general farming, but now in his old age he is leading a practically retired life at the home of his son, Harvey. Mr. Kelchner has always been a public- spirited man and in 1882 he was nominated on the Union Labor ticket for Circuit Clerk. He has very ably and acceptably filled the offices of Town Clerk, School Director and Township Treasurer. He votes a mixed ticket, always believing in honesty in politics and preferring to place the best men possible in local and na- tional offices. He is a Prohibitionist at heart, and he believes in a Democratic gov- ernment. Religiously he is a member of the Christian church. Although Mr. Kelchner is eighty years old he still has a very bright mind and is well read and keeps abreast of the times. Having during his entire life been closely identified with the interests and develop- ment of whatever section of the country he lived in. By close application to the duties which lay before him, he has won his way into the hearts of the people who know him. TILMON J. ROGERS. There can never be aught but apprecia- tion of the services of the men who fol- lowed the stars and stripes on the sanguin- ary battle fields of the South during the most crucial epoch of our national history. One of the honored veterans of the war of the Rebellion, who went forth as represen- tative of Marion county patriotism is the subject of this tribute, who has passed the greater portion of his useful life in this county. Tilmon J. Rogers was born in Maury county, Tennessee, February 24, 1842, the son of Jesse and Elizabeth (Alderson) Rogers, the former a native of Tennessee, where he was born in 1801. The latter was also born in that state, the date of her birth occurring in 1811. There were ten chil- dren in this family, an equal number of boys and girls, our subject being the eighth in order of birth. Tilmon J. Rogers came with his parents to Marion county, Illinois, when ten years old, in 1852. The family rented a farm and made a good living in the new home. Our subject drove an ox team to break the ground in this county, and assisted with the farm work until he reached maturity, having gone to school but very little. How- ever he learned to spell, read and write but 522 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF he never studied arithmetic a day, but prac- tice in the business world has been his edu- cator and he counts interest and all meas- urements mentally. His first school was in Tennessee, a subscription school. He has always been a hard worker and is even now a strong man both physically and mentally, keeping well posted on current events and is therefore an interesting conversationalist. Mr. Rogers was united in marriage in 1866 with Martha C. Clack, daughter of B. B. and Cornelia (Vanduzen) Brown, who were the parents of seven children, six girls and one boy. Mrs. Rogers' mother was born in Edgar county, Illinois, in 1825. Seven chil- dren have been born to our subject and wife, three boys and four girls, namely: Emory J., who was married to Lora Keller, is the father of two children, both girls; Laura Stella married Frank Arnold, and they have five children, four of whom are living, three boys and one girl ; Vantoliver married Lu- ella Stevens, and they have one son ; Henry O. married first Leona Arnold, by whom he has one daughter; his second marriage was to Edith Southward and one daughter has also been born to this union ; Martha C. married John Davis; Nellie E. married Lu- ther Beard and they are the parents of two sons; Bessie T. died at the age of eleven years. These children all received fairly good common school educations and are comfortably situated in reference to this world's affairs. Tilmon J. Rogers was one of the patriotic citizens of the fair North who believed that it was his duty and privilege to offer his services and life, if need be, in defence of his country's integrity, which was threat- ened during the dark days of the sixties, consequently he enlisted August 14, 1862, in Company E, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under J. M. Martin, and was in the service nearly three years, having taken part in many a hard- fought battle, being wounded at Resaca, Georgia, May 14, 1864, having been struck in the right arm by a musket ball which took effect near the shoulder. He was in the hospital but a short time as a result of this wound. He was in a number of en- gagements while in Sherman's march from Atlanta to the sea. He was discharged June 28, 1865, at Washington City, after which he went to Springfield, Illinois, where he received his pay, then he came back to Marion county and took up farming, at which he has prospered ever since. In politics Mr. Rogers is a loyal advocate of the principles fostered by the Democratic party, and while he has never found time to take much interest in active political affairs his vote is always cast for the men whom he believes will best serve the public inter- ests. In religious matters his parents were Missionary Baptists on his mother's side. Personally Mr. Rogers adheres to the prin- ciples of good citizenship and believes in at- tending strictly to his own affairs. He owns a valuable and highly improved farm of one hundred and eighty-five acres, having lived on the same since the fall of 1867, and during his lapse of years he has seen this county undergo great changes. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 523 ORVILLE T. WALTON. The subject of this sketch has passed his life in Marion county, and as a representa- tive of one of the honored families early set- tled in this section he is well entitled to rep- resentation in this volume. Orville T. Walton was bora in Patoka township, Marion county, November 6, 1868, the son of Iradell and Louisa (Fos- ter) Walton, both natives of Illinois. They lived mostly in Patoka and Foster town- ships, having come to the latter in 1869 and settled in section 19. He first purchased sixty acres and later sixty acres more were added and then another sixty acres, still later, forty-eight acres, all in Foster town- ship and twenty acres in Patoka township, having always been a farmer, well known and highly respected by all ; an active Dem- ocrat, having served as Town Clerk and Treasurer, and he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His death occurred April 17, 1897, and his wife passed to her rest April 27, 1900. The subject's grandfather and grandmother Walton both died of cholera in 1849. Iradell Walton and wife were the parents of eleven chil- dren, namely: Monroe, a farmer in Foster township, who married Harriet Friend, the latter dying January, 1908; Rosie Maud, now deceased, married Arthur Irvin ; Rachel married Marshall Livesay, of Foley, Mis- souri; Lillian married Thomas Bundy, of Fayette county, Illinois; Orville T., our subject ; Effie married Leonard Arnold, of Foster township; Abbie is the wife of David M. Giddeon, of Slater, Missouri; William A., who married Annie Grouse, of Patoka, this county; Edna is the wife of Charles Meadows, of Patoka; Delia is a nurse, liv- ing in Foster township ; Robert lives on the old home place in Foster township and mar- ried Lizzie Ballance. The subject of this sketch had only a limited education, attending the home schools for a short time. He remained a member of the family circle until he was twenty-three years old. Orville T. Walton was united in marriage March 17, 1891, with Florence Chance, of Foster township, daughter of Willis J. and Matilda (Foster) Chance. They were both born in Marion county and lived in Foster township. They are farmers and have four children, namely : Florence, the subject's wife; Mary, the wife of Eli Logan, of Pa- toka township; Elza is a traveling salesman with headquarters at Clay Center, Kansas ; John is living at home. The subject and wife are the parents of two sons, Charles Addis, born December 27, 1895, and Kenneth O., born March 31, 1899. After the subject's marriage he located on the George McHeny place in Foster township, where he remained for one year, also one year on the Chance place and one on the Foster place. He then bought forty acres in section 18, the J. H. Walker place, where he lived for five years and then moved to Harvey, Illinois, where he lived two years, when he moved back to Foster township in the fall of 1907, locating where 524 lilOGKAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF he now lives. He bought the John Chick place, consisting of forty acres. He was al- ways a hard worker and thrifty, consequent- ly he has been enabled to add on to his place until he now has ninety acres of as good land as can be found in this locality, which is well improved and managed so that abundant harvests are reaped from year to year. He raises good horses, cattle and hogs and carries on a general farming business. He has ii comfortable dwelling and convenient out buildings. He has al- ways been a public-spirited man and has ably served as school director and Town Clerk. He is a loyal Democrat and a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and is regarded by his neighbors as among the leading young farmers of Foster township. PROF. J. H. G. BRINKERHOFF. The biographer in wrting of the repre- sentative citizens of Marion county, Illinois, has found no subject worthier of representa- tion in a work of the province of the one at hand than Professor Brinkerhoff, author of the historical portion of this history, who is known as a man of high attainments, and practical ability, as one who has achieved success in his profession principally because he has worked for it. His prestige in the educational circles of this locality stands in evidence of his ability and likewise stands as a voucher for intrinsic worth of char- acter. He has used his intellect to the best purpose, has directed his energies in legiti- mate channels, and his career has been based upon the wise assumption that nothing save industry, perseverance, sturdy in- tegrity and fidelity to duty will lead to suc- cess. The profession of teaching which our subject has made his principal life work offers no opportunities to the slothful, only to such determined spirits as that of Mr. Brinkeroff. It is an arduous, exacting, dis- couraging profession to one who is unwill- ing to subordinate other interests to its de- mands, but to the true and earnest devotee it offers a sphere of action whose attractions are equal to any and whose re- wards are unstinted. That the subject pos- sesses the qualities enumerated is undoubted owing to the success he has achieved and the high regard in which he is held by all who know him. Prof. J. H. G. Brinkerhoff was born De- cember 14, 1844, in Hackensack, New Jer- sey, and he came to Illinois with his father in 1852, who settled in Grandview, Edgar county, where the subject's father estab- lished a plow and wagon shop, which he conducted for four years. In 1856 his father moved on a farm where young Brink- erhoff was inured to the hard work of the farm on that day. He was educated in the common schools of those early days when opportunities for higher learning were limited. Being desirous of making the most of his life work, he later attended Steele's Academy and the Kansas high school, also the Indiana State Normal School. He de- cided to take up the profession of law and ROF. J. H. G. BRINKERHOFF RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 5 2 5 subsequently entered McKendree College and received the degree of Bachelor of Law from that institution, but believing that teaching was best suited to his tastes he ac- cordingly began that line of work in 1864 and he followed that profession with un- abated success for a period of thirty years, becoming known as one of the ablest educa- tors of this section of the state. During that long stretch of continuous service he never lost a day on account of sickness. For ten years he was 'at the head of the city schools in Lebanon, Illinois, and for the same length of time held the same posi- tion in Salem. Owing to his high educa- tional attainments, his close application to duty and his native ability in this line of work, he was a favorite with both pupils and their parents and his services were al- ways in great demand. Professor Brinkerhoff was united in mar- riage with Amanda S. Clark at Mascoutah, St. Clair county, Illinois, in 1873. She is a representative of a well known and influential family of that county. To this union seven cihldren have been born, four sons and three daughters, one daughter dying in infancy. The other six are all living in Salem. In 1878 our subject united with the Christian church and he has for many years preached the Gospel of Christ, as occasion permitted. Professor Brinkerhoff is a descendant of sterling old Knickerbocker Dutch stock, the founder of the family having settled in Long Island in 1632, and in 1685 he re- moved to a farm on the Hackensack river in New Jersey, which farm remained in pos- session of the family until after the Revo- lutionary war. The paternal great-grand- father of the subject was a lieutenant in the New Jersey Continentals and he was in ac- tive service during the war except for a period of eighteen months when he was a prisoner of war on the Jersey prison ship in the East river, from which -he finally es- caped by jumping overboard and swimming to the New York side of the river. The family have always been patriotic, law- abiding and firm believers in the right of man to govern himself. HENRY C. FOSTER. Among the sturdy and enterprising farm- ers of Foster township, Marion county, is the gentleman whose name appears above, whose life has been one of industry and strict adherence to honorable principles, which has resulted in gaining a comfortable living and at the same time winning the respect of his fellow men. Henry C. Foster was born in Clinton county, Illinois, January 29, 1842, the son of William Henry and Nancy (Lowe) Fos- ter, the former of Georgia and the latter of Tennessee. William Henry Lowe came as a boy with his parents to Illinois and lo- cated in Clinton county, where they were among the early pioneers. They later came to Foster township, Marion county, and 5 26 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF purchased wild land and made extensive im- provements on the same. The subject's father grew up in Foster township and re- ceived only a limited education, having scarcely any chance to attend school. He married here and lived at the old homestead. Although he at one time conducted a store, he devoted his life to farming pursuits. He was a Republican but never aspired to office. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. The follow- ing children were born to them: William, deceased, married Pyrena Nichols; John was in Company I, One Hundred and Elev- enth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, who lived in Clinton county, Illinois, after the war un- til his death; Jane, who married David Nichols, of Foster township, the former is now deceased; Elizabeth, deceased, married David Nichols, of Foster township ; Andrew J. was in Company F, Seventh Illinois Cav- alary, having served four years and four months, who located in Kinmundy after the war, where he has since resided; Henry C, our subject; Irwin W., a farmer of Labette county, Kansas, who was in the Union army during the Civil war; Winfield Scott is single and living in Foster township. The subject of this sketch had little chance of attending school. He lived at home until he reached the age of twenty-one years. On September 30, 1869, he married Cynthia A. Garrett, of Foster township, and a daughter of Moses and Hannah (Morris) Garrett, both natives of Georgia. They were pioneers of Foster township, this county, where they devoted their lives to farming. Four children have been born to the subject and wife, namely : Charles H., who has always lived at home; Nola mar- ried S. Williams, of Foster township, and they are the parents of two children, Flossie and Relzia; Fannie C. married Jake Thomas, of Foster township, and they are the parents of five children, namely : James, Carrie, Nona, Eva and Van ; James Emery, the subject's youngest child, is living in Foster township. He married Maude Hol- land, of Patoka, and they have three chil- dren : Basel, Waneta, deceased, and Harrell. One of the patriotic men of this state" who felt it his duty to offer his services in de- fense of the flag was the subject of this sketch, who enlisted in Company F, Seventh Illinois Cavalry, at Camp Butler, where they drilled for awhile, after which they were sent to Nashville, Tennessee. The subject was in the second battle of Corinth. He was on an eight hundred mile march from Lagrange, Tennessee, to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which took sixteen days, having been in many- skirmishes all along the march. He was taken sick and went home on sixty days' furlough. He rejoined his company at Germantown, Tennessee, and went up the Mississippi river and was in Tennessee until the close of the war. He was sick a great deal and his eyes were af- fected, having lost the sight in the left one. He was discharged November 9, 1865, at Springfield, Illinois, after gallantly serving in the Union ranks. After the war he lo- cated in Foster township, and in 1878 RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 527 bought the farm where he now lives, this having been his home since that time. The place consists of one hundred acres in sec- tion 23. He has made all the improvements, his farm now ranking with any in the town- ship. He has always been considered a first class farmer. He has a substantial and com- fortable residence and everything about his place shows good management. He is a Republican in politics. He ably served as School Director for many years. He is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church. JONATHAN A. GREEN. The subject of this biography has always been an honest and hard-working man, and the success that crowns his efforts is well merited. He is liberal and public-spirited, well known and highly respected in the coirh munity which has been his home all his life. Jonathan A. Green was born in Foster township, Marion county, Illinois, August 13, 1867, the son of Monroe Green, who was the son of Jonathan Green, of Tennes- see. He came to Marion county, this state, in an early day and secured government land, locating in Foster township. He cleared the land and made a home here, having always been a farmer. Monroe Green was also a farmer all his life. He was a member of the Cumberland Presby- terian church and a Democrat; was well known and highly respected. He was a soldier in the Civil war, having been a member of Company D, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry. His first wife was the mother of four children, namely: Jonathan A., our subject; Cyrus, a farmer in Foster township, this county; Anna, who married Elmer Arnold, of Fos- ter township; Jennie, who married Samuel Arnold, is deceased; Eliza (Jones) Green was the daughter of Samuel and Mary Ann Jones. They were early settlers in Marion county, Illinois. Jonathan A. Green was educated in the local public schools, having been raised on his father's farm, where he remained until he was married December 31, 1885, to Anna Chick, a native of Ohio, the daughter of John and Lucinda (Carter) Chick, of the Buckeye state, who came to Illinois in 1875 where the former died. Four children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, namely; Ora, Ola May, John and Dowe. After the subject's marriage he purchased his present farm of one hundred and twen- ty-six acres in Foster township, which was partly improved. The subject has made many important changes on the place, which now ranks among the best in the township, being very productive and producing ex, cellent crops from year to year through the skillful management of Mr. Green, who is regarded as one of the best farmers in a general way in the community. Mr. Green has faithfully served his town- ship as Supervisor for two terms and has always taken a great deal of interest in pol- itics, having held many minor local offices. 11IOGRAPIIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Fraternally he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America at Vernon, Illinois, and was formerly a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows. He is well informed on current topics and he is wide- ly known and liked in Foster and adjoining townships or wherever his acquaintance extends. FRANCIS M. ROBB. One of the influential citizens of Foster township, Marion county, is the gentleman to whose career attention is now directed, and it may be said that the agricultural in- terests of the county have few if any more able representatives. Francis M. Robb was born in Kinmundy township, Marion county, Illinois, the pres- ent site of the village of Kinmundy, Sep- tember 22, 1847, the son of Samuel and Agnes (Pruitt) Robb, the former of Ten- nessee and the latter of Virginia. Samuel was the son of Eli Robb, a native of Ten- nessee, who came to Marion county, Il- linois, in 1820 and settled where Kinmundy now stands. He secured land which he con- verted into a valuable farm and made a comfortable home here, where he died in 1854 of cholera. He was one of the pio- neers of this county. He was a Democrat and a member of the Presbyterian church. Samuel Robb, the father of the subject of this sketch, was twelve years old when his father, Eli Robb, came to this county, the former receiving only a limited educa- tion and lived the rest of his life on a farm in this county, owning a large tract of land, and he was a stock dealer. He was a strong Democrat and was well known throughout the county, and his death occurred in 1881. The subject's mother, Agnes (Pruitt) Robb, was the daughter of Robert and Martha Pruitt, who came to Marion county in a very early day, about 1812, settling in what is now Meacham township, where they got government land, but later went to Mis- souri. Samuel Robb and wife were the par- ents of nine children, namely: Francis M., our subject; Martha, deceased; William, deceased; Permelia; Eli, deceased; Robert, Mary, Edwin, and an infant, both deceased. The subject has spent all of his life in Marion county, where he received only a limited education. He has always been a farmer and is considered one of the best in the township by his neighbors. He first got government land in Kinmundy township, and in 1882 moved to Foster township, where he now lives and owns two hundred and forty acres on which he has made all the improvements and which he has devel- oped into a very fine farm, being well fenced, and the crops have been so skillfully rotated that the original richness of the soil has been retained. He has a substantial and pleasant home, a convenient barn and many good out buildings. Mr. Robb was united in marriage in 1867 with Julia Lowe at St. Louis, Missouri, the daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Arnold) Lowe, both now deceased. They were na- tives of Tennessee, having come to Marion HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 529 county, Illinois, at an early date, locating on a farm in Foster township. Eight children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, named in order of birth as follows: Hattie, the wife of J. Arnold; Delia, the wife of Charles Doolen ; Margar- et ; Agnes, the wife of Emmet Jones ; Emma the wife of Guy Arnold; Lulu, the wife of Frank Jones; Ella, who died in infancy; Eli, who married Josie Ballance, a farmer. The subject and wife are faithful mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal church. The subject is a loyal Democrat, and was Supervisor of this township for two terms. He has also held other minor local offices. He is a faithful member of the Masonic lodge at Kinmundy. Mr. Robb is honest in all his dealings with his fellow man and public-spirited, and he has many friends in Marion county. JAMES McNICOL. The subject of this sketch is a member of that sturdy citizenship from the lands of hills and heather, bonny Scotland, from which rugged country so many hardy sons have gone forth to bless humanity in vari- ous ways, and he is in every way typical of those whose lives benefit all with whom they come in contact. James McNicol was born on the Isle of ArraiT, Scotland, in March, 1847, the son of Archibald and Anna (McBride) McNic- ol, both natives of Arran, as was also the 34 grandparents of the subject. The ancestors of our subject were farmers. Archibald Mc- Nicol and family came to America in the early sixties on the steamship Caledonia. They landed in New York City and then went to St. Louis county, Illinois, where Alexander McBride, the brother of Mrs. Mc- Nicol, lived. The father of the subject rented land there for a while, and then came to Marion county, Illinois, where he bought land two miles west of Patoka. This place was wild and consisted of one hundred and sixty acres. He later went back to St. Louis county, where he remained several years, after which he went to North Dakota where he secured government land in Benson county, living there for a period of eight years, when he sold out and went to Pierce county, Washington, where he lived with his children until his death in 1897. His wife died in 1896. They were the parents of five sons and two daughters, namely: May is living in Buckley, Pierce county, Washington ; Mag- Buckley, Pierce county, Washington, as does also Alexander, who is a merchant; John, the fourth child, married Mary Hulsey, and he is in partnership with his brother in a store at Buckley, Washington; William who was a mill man at Buckley, Washing- ton, was killed in 1900; Archie died at Pa- toka ; James, the subject of this sketch and Alexander are twins and the third and fourth members of the family. Mr. McNicol, our subject, received only a limited schooling and he remained at home until his marriage in the fall of 1865, 53 I'.KXIK.U'IIICAL AND KK.M I MSCK.NT HISTORY OF to Ella J. Simcox, a native of Kentucky, the daughter of W. K. and Agnes Rebecca Simcox, natives of Kentucky. They came to Marion county, Illinois, in about 1866, and settled in Patoka township. The sub- ject's wife passed to her rest April 6, 1902. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. McNicol, one of whom is deceased. They are : William, a farmer in Foster township, who married Lola Caldwell; Archibald, who has remained single, is a ranchman in Montana; Mary is the wife of C. H. Ar- nold of Sterling, Colorado; Jessie is the wife of Luther Caldwell, of Foster town- ship ; Agnes is the wife of Cyrus E. Arnold, of Foster township; Maggie is living at home, as are also James and Warren ; Ruth is deceased. After his marriage the subject located in Foster township, Marion county, where he has since resided, having purchased land here. In 1876 he went to Benson county, North Dakota, and took up one hundred and sixty acres of government land, where he remained for six years, engaged in farm- ing and stock raising, which he made a suc- cess. He sold out there and returned to Foster township, this county, where he pur- chased land, now owning 'an excellent farm of three hundred and fifty-nine acres, all in Foster township. It is under a high state of improvement and is regarded as one of the model farms of Marion county, being in- every way in first class condition and showing that a man of rare soundness of judgment and business ability has managed it. He raises abundant crops of corn, wheat, hay and oats. No small part of his income is derived from live stock, for he is a most excellent judge of stock and some fine vari- eties of Poland China hogs and Red Poland cattle are to be found about the place. He carries on a general fanning business with that rare discretion which always insures success. While our subject has never aspired to office he has held several local public po- sitions. He is an independent voter, pre- ferring to cast his ballot for the man he be- lieves will best serve the public, rather than for the party. He is a faithful member of the Christian church of Patoka. Mr. Mc- Nicol's life has been one of industry, scrupulous honesty and integrity. ALBERT G. PORTER. Among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Marion county, Illinois, is the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this ketch, who has engaged in various lines of business activity in this county and is known as one of the leading liverymen of the locality, at present managing an exten- sive livery stable in Kinmundy, while he maintains a fine home there, and the years of his residence has but served to strengthen the feeling of confidence of his fellow citi- zens. Although yet a young man, scarcely one-third of the years usually allotted to human life having passed over him, our sub- ject has shown what a rightly directed priii- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 531 ciple, coupled with honesty and integrity, can do toward winning definite success. Albert G. Porter was born in this county October 14, 1880, the son of Emmett D. and Rachael (Henry) Porter, the- father a native of Ohio, and the mother of Illinois. There were seven children in this family, all of whom lived to maturity. The father of the subject was a soldier in an Ohio regi- ment during the Civil war and after being mustered out returned to Ohio and soon thereafter came to Fayette county, Illinois, and after remaining there for a time came to Marion county. He engaged in the hard- ware business while living in Fayette county and when he came to Marion county, he went into the livery business and after man- aging the same for about two years he sold out and became agent for a marble works establishment. Later he handled fire insur- ance and became adjuster of claims, holding his position, official and otherwise, until his death, having faithfully served the company to the entire satisfaction of all its members for a period of thirty years, which is a sure criterion of his ability and integrity. He was fifty-six years old at the time of his death. The mother of the subject, a woman of many beautiful traits of charac- ter, is still living in 1908, at the age of fifty- nine years. There were four children in this family, all of them reaching maturity and all but one are married and have fam- lies. They are Harry E., who is at the time of this writing thirty-six years old, and a traveling salesman ; he is married and has one child. Charles H., the second child of the parents of the subject, was in busi- ness in the city of Chicago. He is now in the fruit and poultry business at Los Angeles, California, having made a pro- nounced success of this business from the first. One sister, Nellie, is now the wife of Gus Elbow, of Oklahoma City, and the mother of one child. Her husband is an at- torney. Our subject was the fourth child in order of birth. He attended the common schools in Kinmundy, until he was nineteen years of age, and received a fairly good edu- cation, which has since been greatly strengthened by home study and by coming in contact with the world. He also attend- ed a business college in Centralia, Illinois, after leaving the public schools and thereby received a good business education. He also read medicine for one year, and then attended to various matters until 1908, when he opened up a livery business in Kin- mundy, which he is at present conducting, having built up an extensive business. Our subject was united in marriage on March 3, 1907. to Maud L. West, a native of this county, and the daughter of Charles H. and Rosa (Dillon) West. Mr. West is a native of Indiana. He was a farmer and stock raiser, having made the raising of Hereford cattle a specialty for a number of years, but is now living in honorable re- tirement, making his home in Kinmundy. having sold his principal farm, but he still owns several orchard farms, consisting of hundreds of acres. Mr. and Mrs. Porter have one infant son. Thev own their nicelv furnished home. The BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF mother of the subject also owns her home and is living by herself. Mr. Porter is a young man to whom the future holds out much of promise, being industrious, quick to grasp an opportunity, and it would be hard to find among the younger generation of business men in Marion county, a worthier subject than he. GUSTIN L. EAGAN. The family of which the subject of this sketch is an honored representative has been known in Marion county since the pioneer period and the record they have made has been one of which Mr. Eagan can justly be proud, for his ancestors left a priceless heri- tage to their posterity, the memory of names and deeds which time can neither obliterate nor dim. Gustin L. Eagan was born in Marion county, Illinois, in 1857, the son of Henry and Margaret (Hatten) Eagan. Grand- father Isaac Eagan, who was born in Ten- nessee, came to Illinois, settling in Kinmun- dy, when a young man. He drove a stage coach through Salem and to the south, and later became a farmer and lived until about the age of seventy-five years. He was the father of nine children, eight of whom lived to be men and women. His wife was also about seventy-five years old when she was called to her rest. They were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Grandfather donated ground for the local church in Kinmundy, the deed having been made to the trustee of the Cumberland Presbyterian church and their successors, for the use of this denomination. The Presbyterians are now seeking to take the property from the hands of the original grantees to be used by the Presbyterian church. Grandfather Eagan was a Demo- crat, a man of industry, leaving consider- able property of value which reverted to his heirs. Grandfather Hatten was a native of North Carolina and lived and died in that state. Grandmother Hatten moved to Ma- rion county, this state, where she settled, after her husband's death. She lived to be about sixty-five years old. There were four child --en in the Hatten family, one of them becoming a soldier in the Civil war, having served in an Illinois regiment, serv- ing out his time and receiving an honorable discharge. The subject's father was born in Marion county and always lived here. He was a wagon-maker, also manufactured plows, for many years making all the wagons and plows used in this part of the country, fol- lowing his trade periodically all his life, also owned a small farm. He was called from his earthly labors when forty-eight years old, the subject's mother being only a year older than her husband when she was called to the spirit land. They were Cumberland Presbyterians, and were the parents of ten children, eight of whom lived to maturity. Henry Eagan was a Democrat in his po- litical beliefs. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 533 Gustin L. Eagan, our subject, was edu- cated in the public schools, which he left when eighteen years old, and began the blacksmith's trade. Following in the foot- steps of his father, he soon became a very skilled artisan and upheld the high reputa- tion for first class work that his worthy father had so long borne. At this writing, Mr. Eagan is proprietor of the Hotel Ea- gan, one of the most popular and conve- nient places for the accommodation of tran- sients to the city that can be found in the county, being known as a place of home- like comfort, and where courteous treat- ment is extended to all. As a result of these facts this house has become widely known to the traveling public, and Mr. Eagan en- joys a liberal patronage. Besides this, line of business he still successfully conducts his blacksmith shop, enjoying, as usual, a lib- eral patronage from Kinmundy and sur- rounding country. He has been able to lay by a comfortable competency for his old age. Mr. Eagan was united in marriage in 1889 to Jennie Darney, a native of Ohio, whose father died in Illinois, after which event the mother of Mrs. Eagan moved back to Ohio, where she died. Mr. Dar- ney came to America from France. He was a soldier, having seen service in the Franco- German war. The family of our subject and wife consists of four interesting chil- dren, named as follows: Beulah, who was born in 1891, is the wife of F. H. Spillman, and the mother of one child; Mascelline, who was born in 1893, graduated from the local schools in 1907; Lawrence was born in 1895, and is living at home; Henry was born in 1897, died in infancy. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. In politics he is a stanch Democrat, and faithfully served as Alderman for a number of years. He has also been Trustee, Collector and Super- visor. Mr. Eagan was Mayor of Kin- mundy from 1906 to 1908. In all these of- ficial capacities he discharged his duties with great credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. He is held in high favor by the people of Marion county, where he is well known and where he labors for the advancement of the gen- eral good. SEYMOUR ANDREWS. Nearly a century has dissolved in the mists of time, the most remarkable century in all of the history of the race of mankind, since our honored and venerable subject first saw the light of day. Heaven has bounte- ously lengthened out his life until he has seen the crowning glory of this the most wonderful epoch of all the aeons of time, rewarding him with an unusual span of years as the result of virtuous and consist- ent living in his youth and years of his man- hood, until now in the golden evening of his life, surrounded by comfort and plenty as a result of his earlier years of industry and frugality, Mr. Andrews can take a ret- 534 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF respective glance down the corridors of the relentless and irrevocable past and feel that his has been an eminently useful, successful and happy life, a life which was not devoid of obstacle and whose rose held many a thorn, but with indomitable courage he pressed onward with his face set in deter- mination toward the distant goal which he has so grandly won; a life of sunshine and shadow, of victory and defeat, but nobly lived and worthily rewarded as such lives always are by the Giver of all good and pre- cious gifts, who has given our subject the longest span of years of any citizen in Ma- rion county, Illinois, a great gift, indeed, of which Mr. Andrews is duly grateful. He was one of the hardy pioneers, a member of the famous band of "forty-niners" who crossed the trackless plains that stretched to the "sundown seas," whose courageous feats have been sung in song and exploited in story, for "there were giants in those days." Seymour Andrews was born in Jefferson county, Illinois, January 17, 1825, the son of Nelson and Jane (Gaston) Andrews, the former a native of Oneida county, New York, where he was born in 1799. There were ten children in his family, an equal number of boys and girls, of whom our sub- ject is the oldest in order of birth. The sub- ject's mother, who was born in South Caro- lina, was one of a family of eight chil- dren. Nelson Andrews came west with his parents in 1819, and settled in Jefferson county, Illinois. They built a raft in Olean, New York, constructed a rude cabin on it and floated down the Mo- nongahela river to Cincinnati. This was in 1818. They stopped and made shingles and sold timber and rafts. They made a flat boat there and floated to Shawneetown, where they hitched their two ponies onto a large wagon and drove to the vicinity of what is now known as Dix, Jefferson county. Arra Andrews, brother of Nelson Andrews, who is the father of Seymour Andrews, made the first plat of Salem and surveyed it. Jane Gaston's father, Samuel Gaston, the grand- father of Seymour Andrews, was one of the first commissioners appointed by the gov- ernment to locate the county seat of Clinton county, which is Carlyle, Illinois. During the days of Nelson and Jane An- drews a company of Rangers visited this part of the state between the years 1820 and 1825. They drove out the Goings family from Jefferson county by whip. Members of this family were said to be noted coun- terfeiters, horse thieves and harbored all such people at their home near that of Sam- uel Gaston, the maternal grandfather of our subject. Seymour Andrews was married to Mar- tha C. Hendrixon, of Jefferson county, Illi- nois, August 15, 1844, and they are now, 1908, the oldest married couple in this coun- ty, having enjoyed a harmonious wedded life of over sixty-four years; they are both in fairly good health and enjoying a se- rene and comfortable old age. The follow- ing children were born to them : Harvey T., deceased; Elizabeth J., deceased, married John Morsman and had one son, Charles, a HIGHLAND. CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 535 dentist in Minnesota; Truman B. mar- ried Amanda McClellan and has three children, all married ; Sidney W. married Belle Mathews and is living in Arkansas, where he is postmaster at Walnut Ridge, and is the father of two children ; Margaret married G. J. Goetch, of Centralia, Illinois, and she is the mother of two children ; Ida L. married T. L. Baltzell, who lives in Los Angeles, California; Altha married G. C. Matsler, of Centralia, and lives with her par- ents, her husband being a telegraph operator on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Rail- road; the eighth and ninth children both died in infancy. As already indicated Mr. Andrews crossed the plains to California before the days of the trans-continental railways. This was in 1850 and the trip was made with an ox team, in company with John Parkinson, James Parkinson and Preston McCullough. They left Walnut Hill April 3, 1850, with four yoke of oxen and arrived in California after much hardship and adventure August loth, the same year, having been on the road over four months. They wintered four miles from the famous Sutter mill and crossed the old ditch where gold was first discovered many times. Having been a hard worker and an indus- trious man all his life, Mr. Andrews always made a comfortable living and was enabled to lay up a competency to insure his old age free from want. He has faithfully and ably served his community as Justice of the Peace for the past sixteen years. He is also a notary public and handles a successful line of fire insurance. The parents of the subject belonged to the Christian church, but our subject is not a member of any orthodox church. Howev- er, he is a believer in the principles of the golden rule and in good to all men. In poli- tics he cast his first Democratic ballots in 1848 and 1852, but upon the organization of the Republican party became a stanch supporter of the same and has always main- tained the same political faith. SAMUEL L. DWIGHT. One of the central figures of the judiciary of southern Illinois is the honorable gentle- man whose name forms the subject of this review. Prominent in legal circles and equally so in public matters beyond the con- fines of his own jurisdiction, with a repu- tation in one of the most exacting of pro- fessions that has won him a name for dis- tinguished service second to that of none of his contemporaries, there is today no more prominent or highly esteemed man in Ma- rion county, which he has long dignified with his citizenship. Samuel L. Dwight was born March 15, 1841, at Mount Vernon, Jefferson county, Illinois, the son of Lewis and Mahala Pen- nington (Casey) Dwight. The subject's mother was the daughter of Governor Za- doc Casey, of Illinois. She was born while her father was a member of the Legislature at Vandalia, capitol of Illinois at that time. He originated the bill to create the county of Marion, naming the same after his fa- ther's Revolutionary commander, Francis 536 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Marion, of historic fame. Lewis Dwight was born in Massachusetts and educated in that state. However, he graduated at Yale University, after which he came to Jeffer- son county, Illinois, and taught school for a number of years. He died at the age of seventy years, after a very useful and ac- tive life. Samuel L. Dwight was reared with the family of Governor Casey and was educated in the public schools of Mount Ver- non, Illinois, having taken one year's course of study at McKendree College. Being am- bitious from the first, he applied himself in a most diligent manner to his studies and became well educated. Early deciding to enter the law as a profession, he began the study of the same with Tanner and Casey at Mount Vernon. But when our national horizon was darkened with the clouds of re- bellion in the early sixties our subject left Blackstone behind, severed home ties and offered his services in defense of his coun- try's integrity, having enlisted in Company I, Sixtieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and so gallant were his services that he was mus- tered out at the close of the war as captain of the same company. He served one and one-half years, having taken part in many engagements and faithfully performing what service he could. After his career in the army Mr. Dwight, in July, 1866, left the farm at Mount Ver- non, Illinois, and resumed the study of law, this time under his uncle, Colonel Lewis F. Casey, who had married an aunt of Samuel E. Dwight, and the daughter of Governor Casey. Our subject was admitted to the bar in 1868, and he entered into partnership with Colonel Casey, with whom he continued in a most successful manner until the death of Colonel Casey early in the eighties, the pres- tige of this firm having gradually grown until their practice was equal to that of any other firm in the county. In 1870 Samuel L. Dwight was elected a member of the lower house of the Twenty- seventh General Assembly and served to the entire satisfaction of his constituents for one term. After the death of his former law partner he carried on the business of the firm successfully, practicing law in all the local courts until 1897, when he was elected to the bench of the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Illinois, and so faithfuly did he discharge the duties of the same that he was re-elected to the office in 1903 for another term of six years, and is, therefore, at this writing, 1908, still holding the position. His tenure of of- fice has been marked by a remarkable clear- ness of decision and fairness to all parties, his decisions having seldom met with disap- proval at the hands of a higher tribunal, for he came to the bench well qualified for its exacting duties and responsibilities and from the beginning his judicial career was char- acterized by such a profound knowledge of the law and an earnest and conscientious de- sire to apply it impartially that he was not long in gaining the respect and confidence of the attorneys and litigants and earning for himself an honorable reputation among the leading jurists of the state. From the first his labors were very arduous and many HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 537 important cases were tried in his court, in addition to which he was also frequently called to other circuits to sit on cases in which larger interests were involved. The happy and harmonious domestic life of Judge Dwight dates from September 4, 1872, when he was married to M. Irene Noleman, the cultured and accomplished daughter of Capt. R. D. Noleman and Sarah A. Jennings, the mother of Mrs. Dwight having been the daughter of Charles W. Jennings. R. D. Noleman was for many years a leading citizen and business man of Centralia. Fraternally Judge Dwight is a member of the Masonic Order, the Knights of Py- thias, the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Grand Army of the Republic and the Modern Woodmen. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Epis- copal church. Their beautiful home is fre- quently the gathering place for numerous friends and admirers of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight. Judge S. L. Dwight is ready at all times to make any reasonable sacrifice for. the cause in which his interests are enlisted, He is not only an able and reliable coun- selor, with a thorough acquaintance of the principles, intricacies and complexities of jurisprudence, but his honesty is such that he has frequently advised against long and expensive litigation, and this, too, at the loss of liberal fees which he could otherwise have earned. His treatment of the case he has in hand is always full of comprehension and accurate, his analysis of the facts clear and exhaustive, and he seems to grasp with- out effort the relation and dependence of the facts, and so groups them as to enable him to throw their combined force upon the point they intend to prove. He is, withal, a man of the people, proud of his distinction as a citizen of a state and nation for whose laws and institutions he has the most pro- found admiration and respect. DOUGLAS C. BROWN. Every human being either submits to the controlling influence of others or wields an influence which touches, controls, guides or misdirects others. If he be honest and suc- cessful in his chosen field of endeavor, in- vestigation will brighten his fame and point the way along which others may follow with like success. Consequently a critical study of the life record -of the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this para- graph may be beneficial to the reader, for it has been one of usefulness and honor. Douglas C. Brown, the well known prin- cipal of Brown's Business College of Cen- tralia, and also superintendent of the Cairo and Marion business colleges, the largest and most modern institutions of their kind in southern Illinois, was born in Clay county, this state, January 28, 1860, the son of Wil- liam and Lucy (Murphy) Brown, the sub- ject being the second child in a family of 538 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF four children. The parents of these chil- dren died when Douglas C. was but a child and he was reared by an uncle, John A. Flick, with whom he remained until of age. His early education began at Xenia, in Clay county, which was continued at Danville in the Normal School, later at McKendree Col- lege, Lebanon, Illinois. In all the schools he attended he made a splendid record for scholarship. Having been ambitious from the first, he applied himself in a most assiduous manner to his text-books and always stood high in his classes. After leaving school Mr. Brown began teaching at the age of eighteen years. His first schools were taught in Clay county, lat- er in Fayette county. His last public school work was as superintendent of the Vandalia schools, which position he held for five years. His educational work continued for a period of twelve years, during which time he achieved a broad reputation as an able ed- ucator and his services were in great demand. He left the work in the public schools for the purpose of opening a business college, which he subsequently launched at Vandalia, having conducted the same for two years, making a success from the start, for his fame as an educator was by that time so firmly established that whatever school his name was associated with was bound to be a suc- cess. After his experience with the Vanda- lia school he associated himself with Prof. G. W. Brown, in the Decatur Business Col- lege, remaining there three years. Our sub- ject then took charge of the bookkeeping de- partment of Brown's Business College at Peoria, Illinois, which he ably conducted for three years, after which he came to the Cen- tralia Business College in the fall of 1898. Each of the above schools has been highly successful and has turned out thousands of pupils well prepared to play their parts in the business and commercial world. The patronage that Prof. Douglas C. Brown now enjoys is largely due to his own outlay of time, talent and business sagacity, coupled with indomitable energy and persistency. The average daily attendance and the en- rollment of the school in Centralia is two hundred each year. The pupils who have graduated in this school have and are con- stantly taking good positions in the various- branches of business for which they have prepared. The domestic life of our subject dates from October 12, 1881, when he was united in marriage with Maud Bryan, the accom- plished and refined daughter of Samuel and Harriett (Hartman) Bryan, of Xenia, Illi- nois. To this happy union six children have been born, named in order of birth as fol- lows: Clyde L, William H., Harriet M., .Harry, Dean C. and Robert E. Clyde L. married Carrie Scheiber, of Peoria, Illinois. Harriet married O. A. Rosborough, Wil- liam H. is in the United States navy at this writing (1908), being a yeoman, or book- keeper and stenographer in the office of Ad- miral Sperry of the flagship Connecticut. Mr. Brown owns a modern, commodious, nicely furnished and pleasant home in Cen- tralia, which is frequently the gathering place for numerous friends and admirers of RICH LAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 539 the Brown family, each member of which is noted for his hospitality and cordiality. In politics our subject is a Prohibitionist. In religious matters he supports the Christian church. He is a most companion- able gentleman and all who come within the range of his influence are profuse in their praise of his admirable qualities, and the high regard in which he is held not only pro- fessionally but socially indicates the posses- sion of attributes and characteristics that en- title him to the highest esteem. C. D. TUFTS. The gentleman whose name forms the cap- tion of this sketch did not seek any royal road to the goal of prosperity and independ- ence, but began in legitimate ways to ad- vance himself and the result is that he is now numbered among the successful news- paper men of Southern Illinois, having de- voted practically his entire life to the man- agement of an old and popular paper, the Democrat, published at Centralia, and he has been a molder of public opinion, having been a faithful defender of the rights and interests of the people of this vicinity at all times. C. D. Tufts was born in Centralia, Illi- nois, January 27, 1864, the son of Samuel P. and Zerelda (Goodwin) Tufts, the for- mer having been born in Fitchburg, Massa- chusetts, January 28, 1827. The latter was born in Indiana October 6, 1833. They were married October 4, 1857, in Marion county, Illinois. Four of their children are now (1908) living, namely: Gay L. ; C. D., our subject ; Elsie M., and Zerelda D. Elsie M. married Ray Greene, of Sterling, Illi- nois. They have no children. Samuel P. Tufts passed to his rest October 4, 1903, at the age of seventy-six years. His widow is still living and enjoys excellent health ; she is a woman of beautiful Christian char- acter, being a member of the Baptist church. The early education of C. D. Tufts was obtained in the Centralia high school, in which he graduated in 1882. He has pub- lished the Democrat since 1883, having had charge of the office since then. His father was formerly the editor of this paper, which was established in 1869. Samuel P. Tufts had charge of the paper when it was. burned out in 1871, and he re-established it as a weekly. It has been conducted as a daily and weekly since 1892. The circulation has gradually increased from the first until it now consists of one thousand and two hun- dred on both the daily and weekly. The pa- per has always been popular with the people of Marion county, having been a faithful defender of the local interests. It is ably and carefully edited, and the news service is prompt and of the best. The mechanical ap- pearance of the paper shows that the best and most modern equipment is used in the plant. Mr. Tufts has been honored with many official positions, all of which he has dis- charged with ability. He was president of the Board of Education of Centralia for one term, also president of the Illinois Press As- 540 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF sociation for one term. During Governor John P. Altgeld's administration he was pri- vate secretary of the Lieutenant-Governor for a period of four years. He was a mem- ber of the Democratic State Central Com- mittee and is at present Master in Chancery of Marion county. He has long been an able exponent of the principles of the Democratic party and his support can always be depend- ed upon in furthering the local interests of this party. In his fraternal relations, Mr. Tufts is a member of Centralia Lodge No. 201, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Cen- tralia Council, No. 93, Royal Arch Masons; Centralia Council, No. 28, Royal and Select Masters; Cyrene Commandery No. 23, Knights Templar. He is in command of the Commandery. Mr. Tufts is also a member of Centralia Lodge No. 394, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ; also a member of Helmet Lodge No. 26, Knights of Pythias, of Centralia. He is a member of the Order of Eastern Star and the Pythian Sisters, of Centralia lodges. Mr. Tufts is a man of sunny disposition, affable, approachable and makes friends eas- ily, which 'he has no trouble in retaining. While strong in his views, he is always will- ing to be fair and is candid at all times and under all circumstances. He enjoys an ex- tensive acquaintance all over the state of Illinois among men of all classes, and he is held in high favor by all who know him for his honesty of purpose, pleasing manners and the future to such a man cannot help but be replete with abundant success. THOMAS L. JOY. Examples that impress force of character on all who study them are worthy of rec- ord. By a few general observations may be conveyed some idea of the high standing of Thomas L. Joy, as a business man and public benefactor, or, an editor of unusual felicity of expression and whose wonderful- ly facile pen delights thousands of readers, although now retired from the active af- fairs of everyday life and spending the last half of his years of strenuous and eminently useful life in the enjoyment of the peace and quietude to which he is so justly entitled, and which he has so nobly earned. United in his composition are so many elements of a solid and practical nature, which during a series of years have brought him into promi- nent notice, and earned for him a conspicu- ous place among the enterprising men of the county of his residence, that it is but just recognition of his worth to speak at some length of his life and achievements. Thomas L. Joy, retired editor of the Even- ing Sentinel of Centralia, Illinois, was born in Equality, this state, September 15, 1850, the son of Ephraim E. Joy, a Southern Illi- nois Methodist preacher of wide celebrity. He raised a company in 1862 for the pur- pose of taking part in the Union service. It was assigned to a regiment of Illinois vol- unteers. Mr. Joy was ordered to Fort Doug- las to be sworn in as captain of the com- pany. Upon reaching the place he received the sad news that his wife was lying at the point of death. This cut his war record and HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 541 he hastened home to his dying companion and two little sons, Andrew F. and Thomas L. The grandfather of the subject was a Baptist minister whose work was also con- fined to the southern part of this state. The Joy family has been well known and influen- tial in the affairs of the southern part of the Prairie state since it was first settled. The early education of Thomas L. Joy was obtained in the district schools and small towns, as his father itinerated from place to place. His last school was at Shi- loh, St. Clair county. He received a fairly good education, which was later supplement- ed by extensive home reading and by com- ing in contact with the world. Mr. Joy served his apprenticeship as a practical printer in St. Louis, Missouri, with the Woodward and Tiernan Printing Com- pany, of that city. Being a young man of great energy and executive ability, Mr. Joy established the Carmi Times, at Carmi, Illi- nois, with his brother, Andrew F. Joy, in 1872. Our subject, who made a success of this venture, later sold his interest to his brother, Andrew F. Joy, in 1882. In 1880 the Joy brothers established the Cairo Daily and Weekly News. Thomas L. took full charge. In 1881 he closed out the paper and returned to Carmi and later purchased the Mt. Carmel Republican, which he conduct- ed for over five years, with his usual suc- cess. He came to Centralia October 20, 1888, and bought one-half interest in the Sentinel; the firm name was then Joy & Hitchcock, the firm continuing for five months, when Hitchcock retired, H. F. Till- man taking his place, continuing for a pe- riod of two years, at the expiration of which time our subject bought his interest and con- tinued to publish the paper with increasing success until 1906, when he leased his paper to his son, Verne E. Joy. The latter took complete charge of the business on January i, 1907. While engaged on the Sentinel Thomas L. Joy, for a period of five years, published the Sandoval Times, a weekly paper at San- doval, Marion county, which was liberally patronized. He also published the Odin News and the Patoka Enterprise, each a weekly paper, with a good, active circula- tion. Mr. Joy was a very busy man in over- seeing all these papers, but his wonderful executive ability, his capacity for the ac- complishment of a vast amount of work and his persistent qualities enabled him to carry them all to successful issue, and he was for many years the molder of public opinion in Marion county, and became known as one of her foremost and most influential citi- zens. He is still a regular contributor to the Sentinel. His articles are terse and pithy always interesting. He enjoys his quiet home life in his beautiful home in Cen- tralia, where hospitality and good cheer are always dispensed. He is an admirable con- versationalist and keeps abreast of the times in all matters. The domestic life of Thomas L. Joy dates from September 14, 1873, when he was unit- ed in marriage with Lizzie V. (Lockwood) Joy, of Wayne county, Illinois. She is the refined daughter of William and Elizabeth 542 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF (Wiley) Lockwood, of Wayne county, Illi- nois, long well known and influential in their community. Our subject has always been a stanch Re- publican and ever ready to foster the prin- ciples of his party, doing what he could to insure the success of the same in his county and his counsel has been frequently sought and in the affairs of the party at home. In religion he follows his father's early train- ing. J. F. KNIGHT. Mr. Knight has long maintained his home in this county, and while he has been benefited himself in a very material way through his efforts in a varied line of work, he has ever done what he could in the up- building of the community at large, and to- day he stands as one of the substantial and foremost citizens of Sandoval, where he is held in high favor by everyone. J. F. Knight was born in Wenona, Illi- nois, May 23, 1867, the son of John and Susan (Ingersoll) Knight. The subject's grandfather, a native of Pennsylvania and of German lineage, was a farmer and lived and died in the old Keystone state. He was the father of eight children, all of whom lived to maturity. Eli Knight was a soldier in the Civil war, having enlisted .in a Pennsylvania regiment and served three years, His brother, Thomas Knight, was also a soldier in the Federal ranks. They were both Lutherans in their church rela- tions. Grandfather Knight lived to an ad- vanced age, and grandmother Knight reached the age of ninety-four years. Grandfather Ingersoll was from New York. He came to Illinois in the fifties and settled in Wenona, where he lived the balance of his life, having reached the great age of ninety-six years. Grandmother Ingersoll met death in an unfortunate manner, by being killed when sixty-five years old. The father of our subject was raised in Pennsylvania, and after his marriage to his first wife he came to Illinois and settled in Wenona. While in Pennsylvania he worked at the miller's trade, but after he came to Illinois he worked at farming, and he reached the age of fifty-two years. The subject's mother lived to be sixty-four years old. She was a member of the Christian church. Three children were born to John Knight by his first wife, and the same num- ber by his second. He was a Democrat and served as County Clerk in Pennsylvania. The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the schools of Ma- rion county. He later attended the South- ern Illinois Normal School, where he gained a good education, having applied himself in a diligent manner to his text-books. Tak- ing the advice of Horace Greeley, who told the young men of the East to seek their fortune in the West, Mr. Knight went to California after he left school, and for some time kept books. But he later returned to Illinois and worked his father's farm for a period of seven years, then bought land in Marion county and sold live stock, and later HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 543 engaged in the livery business in Sando- val, which he conducted for seven years. He owns an excellent farm in this county, con- sisting of one hundred and fifty acres of highly improved land. He also owns an- other farm which he rents, having the man- agement of the first mentioned. Mr. Knight was also engaged in the ice business for a period of fourteen years. He owns ten houses in Sandoval, which he rents, and ilso owns a beautiful and modern residence. All this he has made practically unaided, having been a careful business man and ex- ercised the best of judgment in all his busi- ness transactions. Mr. Knight was united in marriage in 1891 to Stella Reinhardt, a native of this county, and the daughter of Charles and Frederick (Deitz) Reinhardt, natives of Germany. Mr. Reinhardt came to America in an early day and settled in Marion county. He was a weaver in the old coun- try, but took up the baker's trade here. There were five children in his family. Two children have been born to the sub- ject and wife. The first, Merle, was born in April, 1893, and is in high school at this writing, 1908. The second, Norman, was born in 1896. They are both bright and in- teresting children. The subject is a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, also the Knights of Pythias and the Woodmen, having passed all the chairs in the Odd Fel- lows. In his political relations he is a Dem- ocrat, and has long taken an active part in his party's affairs. He is at present Town- ship Supervisor and has been Tax Collector. He was president of the Village Board for three terms, and he was Alderman for sev- eral terms. In his official capacities he gave the people of this community the best possi- ble service and gained the approval of all. JAMES HUNTER, M. D. The medical profession in Marion county has an able representative in the subject of this review, who is to be considered one of the leading physicians of the community of Sandoval, where he at present maintains his home, where he has long been established in practice. He has been closely identified with the civic and social affairs of Sandoval and he controls a large and representative prac- tice throughout this part of the county, where he is held in the highest esteem as a physician and surgeon and as a public- spirited and loyal citizen. Dr. James Hunter was born in Randolph county, Illinois, in 1837, the son of Alexan- der and Martha (Kell) Hunter. Grand- father Hunter was from Ireland. He first settled in South Carolina after coming to this country, and it is supposed that he died there. In that state Grandfather Kell was born. He moved to Randolph county, Illi- nois, having devoted his life to farming. About 1830 he bought a farm there, set- tling among the pioneers, reared his family 544 lilOC.KAl'IIICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF of two children, both girls, and died there at the age of sixty-seven years. He was a member of the Presbyterian church. The father of our subject was born in South Carolina and came to Illinois when twenty-eight years old, settling in Randolph county, where he bought land and on which he lived until his death, which occured when he was twenty-nine years old. His wife passed away at the age of forty. Their family consisted of three children, our sub- ject being the only survivor. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hunter were both members of the Presbyterian church. Doctor Hunter was reared in Randolph county, Illinois, and attended the public schools there, working on his grandfather's farm in the meantime, until he was seven- teen years old. He early decided that his life should be devoted to the healing art, and actuated by this laudable ambition he began the study of medicine under the direction and instruction of Dr. Hopkins, of Sparta, Illinois, having remained with him for one year. He then took two courses of lectures in the Eclectic Medical Institute at Cincin- nati and began practice in Randolph county in 1858, where he remained with gratifying results attending his efforts for a period of five years. He then located in another part of the same county, where he remained a short time. Much to the regret of his patients and numerous friends in Randolph county, he moved to Newport, Kentucky, in 1864, and took up practice there, where he re- mained for four years, his success having been instantaneous. He located in Switzer- land county, Indiana, where he practiced with most flattering results for a period of nineteen years, after which he came back to Randolph county, Illinois. He then spent five years at Irvington, Washington county, hav- ing come to Marion county in 1890, and has been practicing here ever since, having a lucrative business and a growing practice. To further qualify himself Doctor Hunter at- tended the medical department of the Nash- ville State University and graduated from the same in 1879. Recently the doctor was appointed to the chair of Theory and Prac- tice in the Hypocranium Medical College, a night school in St. Louis. Doctor Hunter was married in 1857 to Miss N. J. Askins, of Sparta, Illinois. Two of Mrs. Hunter's brothers were soldiers in the Civil war, having enlisted from Illinois. They served their time out and were hon- orably discharged. Six children were born to the subject and wife, four girls and two boys. The doctor has four grandchildren living. One of his daughters lives in San Francisco, California, another lives in St. Louis, one in Boston and another in New York. They are all well situated in reference to this world's affairs. Our subject is a Mason and a Woodman. He has filled most of the chairs in the Ma- sonic lodge. Both he and his wife are mem- bers of the Methodist church and are lib- eral supporters of the same. Doctor Hunter takes an active part in poli- tics, having been a liberal supporter in the Democratic ranks all his life. He has faith- fully served his community as Justice of the Peace for the past twelve years. What his HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS 545 hands and mind have found to do he has done with his might, and having attained a commanding position among his contempo- raries, he wears his honor in a becoming manner and is today one of the prominent citizens of Marion county. GEO. WASHINGTON DOWNEY, M. D. The subject of this sketch has gained pres- tige in the healing art, which is always the outcome of close application and the ability to apply theory to practice in the treatment of diseases. Good intellectual training, thor- ough professional knowledge, have made the subject of this review successful in this chos- en calling, having been in practice here for over a quarter of a century, during which time he has built up a lucrative patronage. Dr. G. W. Downey was born in Prince- ton, Indiana, March i, 1832, the son of Wil- liam and Anna (Davis) Downey. Grand- father Downey, who was a millwright, which trade he followed all his life, was born in Ireland, came to America and set- tled in Virginia, where he spent the remain- der of his life, and where he reared his children, being survived by six children, who lived to maturity. There were three min- isters in the family. Grandfather Davis, who was also from Ireland, came to America and settled in Tennessee, later removing to Indiana, where he spent the remainder of his days, devoting his life to farming, living to an advanced age and rearing a family consisting of four daughters. 35 The father of our subject, who was born in Virginia, moved to Indiana when he reached manhood and followed his trade, that of millwright, having learned it from his father, but feeling that he was called to higher work, he abandoned this and devel- oped into a Cumberland Presbyterian min- ister of considerable notoriety, living to be over sixty years old. He was the father of twelve children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the youngest. The wife of Rev. Downey passed away at the age of sixty- four years. Doctor Downey attended school in Indi- ana and when a young man worked out as a day laborer, his family being poor, making it necessary for him to earn his own living, but while somewhat unpleasant, it was good discipline for him and he developed an in- dividuality which made greatly for subse- quent success. Saving what he could with a view to obtaining a higher education, he was enabled in a few years to enter college at Newberry, Indiana. Believing that his true life work lay along medical lines, he began the study of medicine in Indiana. He took a medical course in Chicago and later in Iowa, having made a good record for scholarship in both. Our subject practiced medicine for a pe- riod of four years before the breaking out ot the Civil war, in which he took conspicuous part, having been one of the patriotic volun- teers who went forth to battle for the na- tion's rights. He enlisted in October, 1861, in Company F, Fifty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served two years. He was in 546 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF the great battle of Corinth, having been through the siege there; also took part in other engagements and marches in which his regiment participated, and was discharged on account of disease contracted while in line of duty. After the war our subject returned to prac- tice, locating in Hamilton county, Illinois, later removing to Washington county, then to Marion county in 1882, and has been in practice here ever since. Wherever he has practiced he has left an honorable name and a reputation as a high class physician and a conscientious citizen. Doctor Downey was united in marriage in 1858 to Margaret Pace, daughter of Joseph Pace, whose people were originally from Kentucky. Seven children were born to our subject and wife, two of whom are deceased. Those living are: Annie, the widow of Cy- rus Hamilton; Homer is married and has two children ; Ada is the wife of a Mr. Knox and the mother of three children ; Corrine is married and has one child; George is the fifth child and youngest. A singular coin- cidence in the history of the Pace family is the fact that Mrs. Downey's grandmother on the father's side of the house fell and broke a hip; Mrs. Downey's father also fell and broke a hip ; later his twin brother broke his hip in a similar manner ; then his daugh- ter fell and broke her hip; later Mrs. Dow- ney's brother fell and broke his hip; finally Mrs. Downey fell, breaking her hip, from which she has become a life cripple. In each case it was the right hip. Our subject is a member of the ancient and honorable Masonic fraternity. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist church, the latter having been a church mem- ber since she was fourteen years old. In politics Doctor Downey is a Republican, and he has the interests of his community at heart, ever laboring for its development along political, religious and educational lines. His comfortable and well furnished home in Sandoval is frequented by his many friends and those of the family, and holds high rank in this community. EDWIN L. WELTON. The record of a life well spent, of tri- umph over obstacles, of perseverance under difficulties and steady advancement from a modest beginning to a place of distinction in the industrial world, when imprinted on the pages of a history, present to the youth of a rising generation a worthy example. Such a life is that of the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this review, who is at this writing encumbent of the re- sponsible position of postmaster of the city of Centralia, Illinois, and the able and con- scientious manner in which he has ever looked after the interests of this city have called forth much praise from his fellow townsmen. Edwin L. Welton was born at New Al- bany, Indiana, May 16, 1857, the son of Tandy and Mary E. (Carlan) Welton, the former having been born in Harrison RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, .ILLINOIS. 547 county, Indiana, January 4, 1827, and is still living in the Hoosier state. The mother of the subject was born near New Albany, Indiana, in 1832. They became the par- ents of eleven children, of whom Edwin L., our subject, was the sixth in order of birth. There were six boys and five girls, seven of whom are living. The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the common schools of New Albany. He early began working on a farm and later in the Ohio Falls Iron Works at New Albany. He came to Marion county, Illinois, in young manhood without a dollar, but possessing courage and energy he set to work and his subsequent career has been a most successful one. He now owns a costly and well furnished home in Cen- tralia, besides considerable other property in real estate, and his rental income pays over one thousand dollars a year on his in- vestment. He arrived in Centralia Febru- ary n, 1879. After coming to thisstate our subject worked for the Illinois Central Railroad for a period of seventeen years and for thirteen years was an engineer on the road, having been one of the most trusted and efficient employes of this company. He also worked for some time in the nail mills of Centralia. Our subject supports his aged father and mother, which he has done for years. He subscribed the first one hundred dollars for the erection of the present Catholic hospital erected in Centralia the latter part of 1908. Our subject met with the misfortune to lose his left eye nine years ago by the ex- plosion of a lubrication glass on an engine. Edwin L. Welton first married Addie J. Andrews, of Centralia, October 17, 1882, by whom one son was born, Dwight E., whose birth occurred July 22, 1884. He lived eight months and seventeen days, having died in March, 1885. The subject's first wife passed to her rest October 15, 1887. Mr. Welton was married a second time, his last wife being Isabel H. See, the wedding occurring January 31, 1894. To this union five children have been born. The first died in infancy. The names of the others are Helen F., Frederick E., Winifred L. and Edna L., all living at home and attending school in 1908. Mrs. Welton is the daugh- ter of C. M ^nd Anna M. See, of Alma. Mr. Welton was elected Township Col- lector in 1902, the duties of which he faith- fully performed, as he did also while serv- ing as a member of the School Board of Centralia from 1887 to 1889. He was ap- pointed postmaster of Centralia in 1903 and has faithfully continued to serve the people of this city under Roosevelt's administra- tion, still being the incumbent of this office in 1908, and according to the consensus of opinion is one of the best postmasters the city has ever had, possessing as he does a remarkable executive ability and being of a pleasing address he is popular with all classes. In politics our subject is a Republican, having always voted this ticket and done what he could in furthering the interests of his party. Fraternally he is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, the Blue 548 i:icx;K APHICAL AXD RKMIXISCEXT HISTORY OF Lodge, also Chapter, Council and Com- mandery. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodmen and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen. Both he and his wife are members of the Order of Eastern Star. Our subject's people and also those of his wife were Methodists. Mrs. Welton is an active member of this church. Mr. Welton, while not affiliated with any special church, contributes liberally to the support of the Methodist church and worships there with his family, being a stanch believer in prac- tical, every-day Christianity, a man of gen- erous disposition who has always given his aid and influence to enterprises for the pub- lic good, and since becoming a resident of Centralia he has contributed largely to the material advancement of the city and to the social and moral welfare and he keeps abreast of the times in all matters in which the public is interested. No act inconsistent with the strictest integrity has ever been imputed to him, nor has his name ever been connected with any measure or movement that would not bear closest and most crit- ical scrutiny. Thus far his official career has fully demonstrated the wisdom of his friends in urging his selection for the position which he holds. ALFRED LIVESAY. Although the unmarred life-chapter of the subject of this sketch has been closed and the seal set thereon forever by the "grim reaper," his influence for good still pervades the lives of those with whom he was asso- ciated, for his life was led along high planes of endeavor and resulted in not only the ac- complishment of good for himself and fam- ily, but also his neighbors. Alfred Livesay was born in Tennessee February 15, 1822, and when seven years of age he came to Washing- ton county, Illinois, at the age of seven years, and in about 1866 he came to Marion county, locating in Patoka township. Our subject was the son of John Wesley and Margaret (Lyons) Livesay, both natives of Tennessee, who came to Marion county, Illi- nois, where they spent the remainder of their lives, dying on the same place on which they settled. Our subject made nearly all the improve- ments of his place, having been a hard worker and an excellent manager. He was always a Democrat, but never sought pub- lic office. Entering the ministry, he was a Methodist preaches .for several years, doing much good and becoming widely known as an earnest expounder of the Gospel, but he gave up preaching quite a while before his death, abandoning the ministry owing to failing health. He had the distinction of serving one year and one month in the Mex- ican war, during which he contracted sick- ness from which he never fully recovered. He was a farmer and an extensive stock raiser and was highly successful at his work wherever it was applied, being a man of good judgment and always industrious. He was a cousin of Dr. Thomas Livesay, one HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 549 of the leading physicians of Marion county and a man respected by all. After receiving such common schooling as the times afforded our subject worked at various things, principally farming, until he married, February 26, 1846, in Washington county, Hannah Logan, who was born in Washington county September 30, 1830, and to this union the following children have been born ; William T. married Eliza Seward and are the parents of four children and live in Stanley, Iowa; Elizabeth R. is single and takes care of her mother; Isaac B., who married Leticia Rock and who has two children, lives in Kansas; Pearl married Joseph Larimer and they are the parents of two children ; Hester A. mar- ried Perry Davidson, of Marion county, and she is the mother of five children; Ransom P. married Louisa Suter and they are the parents of five children; Marshall A. mar- ried Rachael Walton and they have nine children; Liddie, deceased, married Robert Quale, and they are the parents of two liv- ing children and two deceased; Harvey R. married Mollie Chick and they are the par- ents of five children ; Allen H., who remained single, died when forty-four years old ; Dan- iel R. married Laura Cruse and they have three children; Etta married James Smith and they became the parents of eight chil- dren, four of whom are living; Clinton O. marreid Elvira McHaney and they became the parents of seven children, one of whom is deceased. Alfred Livesay departed this life, after a strenuous and useful career, on April 22, 1883, honored and respected by all who knew him, and his place in the neighborhood has since been greatly missed, for he was a good and useful man, who, while laboring to ad- vance the interests of himself, did not fail to do what he could in promoting the wel- fare of the public. He left his family about six hundred acres of well improved land. Mrs. Livesay now manages in a most suc- cessful manner one hundred and thirty-four acres, all under a high state of cultivation. She is a woman of rare business tact and ability, although she is now well advanced in old age, and she has a wonderful mem- ory and is an interesting conversationalist. She draws a pension of twelve dollars per month. She is held in high esteem by the people of Patoka township for her many commendable traits of character and beau- tiful life. JACOB COPPLE. It is hard for the present generation to properly appreciate the brave deeds of the "boys in blue," who sacrificed so much on the altar of patriotism during the sixties, but as years go by the immensity of their deeds will be realized to a fuller extent and each veteran will be accorded full measure of credit and praise. The gentleman whose name appears above is a member of this great number of patriots. Jacob Copple was born in Clark county, Indiana, December 23, 1835, the son of An- drew and Christina (Fine) Copple, both na- 550 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF tives of North Carolina, who were among the pioneers in the vicinity of Walnut Hill, Illinois, where they lived for a short time, then moved to Raccoon township, Marion county. He secured wild land and developed a good farm, on which he and his wife both died. He was a Demo- crat, but held no office, and an active mem- ber of the Christian church. The subject's mother was twice married, first to James Snow, and she had two sons by this mar- riage, William and James, the former a farmer and the latter a minister in the Chris- tian church for many years. They are both deceased. Four children were born to Andrew Cop- pie and wife, namely: Jacob, our subject; John L., deceased, who lived in Raccoon township on a farm and was also a black- smith; Simpson is living in Hood River, Oregon, a retired farmer; Mary Elizabeth is the widow of Robert Sanders, who lives in Raccoon township. Our subject had only a limited amount of schooling in his youth, but he became self- educated and he taught five terms of winter schools in a most successful manner. He was married in March, 1856, to Malinda F. McCullough, a native of Tennessee, the daughter of Thomas McCullough, of Ten- nessee, who were among the early settlers in Jefferson county, Illinois, having located on a farm. Mr. McCullough lived to be over eighty years old. His wife survived him, dying in 1844. The subject's wife died November 20, 1901. Seven children were born to them, five of whom grew to maturity, namely: Rebecca J., who married J. H. Creed, and who lived in Centralia township, died in 1884, after becoming the mother of three children; Charles L., a ho- tel keeper living near Portland, Oregon, is married and has four sons: Theopolis V., a farmer living in Raccoon township, is sin- gle; Samuel A., a farmer in Raccoon town- ship, married Florence Copple and has three children ; George F., deceased, married Min- nie McMillin, and became a farmer near Walnut Hill. These children were educat- ed in the home schools and are all fairly well situated in reference to business and homes. Mr. Copple, as already intimated, was a soldier during the war of the Rebellion, hav- ing enlisted on April 6, 1865, in Company H, Fifty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry. He first went to New York City, being sick with the measles, and came home in 1865, and was sick until the spring of 1866. He had moved to Jefferson county, Illinois, in 1 86 1, and he lived there until 1881, when he moved to Raccoon township, where he bought the Robert Rainey farm. His fine farm now consists of one hundred and twelve acres and he carries on general farm- ing and stock raising in a most successful manner, having his farm highly improved and carefully tilled. He has always been a farmer and has taken much interest in pub- lic affairs. He has been School Director and he cast his first vote for Abraham Lin- coln, but since 1876 he has been a Populist and he has the splendid record of having been a member of the Christian church for HIGHLAND, CLAY AXD MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. the past fifty years. Our subject has been retired since 1900, when he bought a home in Walnut Hill, where he has since lived. JOSEPH PORTER ROOT. One of the venerable and highly respected citizens of Marion county is he whose name appears above, a man whose life has been led along useful and conservative lines, re- sulting in good to those with whom he came in contact and resulting in success to him- self and family. Joseph Porter Root was born August 4, 1828, in Orange county, Vermont, the son of King and Elizabeth (Bacheldor) Root, both natives of Orange county, Vermont, the former's father and mother also being natives of that county. Jethro Bacheldor was the subject's maternal grandfather. He and his wife were both natives of New Hampshire. The subject's father, who grew up and married in Vermont, was a very ac- tive man. a great drummer, and a farmer by occupation. Both he and his wife died in Vermont ; the latter was a member of the Free Will Baptist church. The former was a Democrat. They were the parents of thir- teen children, twelve of whom grew to ma- turity and married. The subject had one brother, Lawton, a farmer, who came west in about 1838, going to Chicago and down the Mississippi river and through Southern Illinois and in two years went back to Ver- mont. The subject of this sketch, who receive only a limited schooling when a boy, live at home with his parents until he reache manhood. In early life he worked as a tun er at the lathe and made tool handles. I 1852 he came west unaccompanied and k cated in Marion county- where Centralia noi stands. The country was then wild and h has seen the development of the community taking no small part in the great work. Thei was no railroad in the county when he cam here. He went into partnership with Rot ert Hensley in 1854 and put up a steam saw mill on Fulton creek, the first mill in tte locality. Lumber was sawed here for th Illinois Central Railroad Company to b used in the construction of round house; shops and buildings in general. Our sul ject operated the mill for about two year; when he sold it and went into partnershi with Josiah Gilkey and they made wh barrows and such implements by hand an later took up painting. He secured Ian and started to make a home. Our subject was united in marriage o June 14, 1856, to Sarah Ann Stradley, o Ashville. North Carolina, who was bor November 20, 1832, the daughter of Davi and Mary (Bruce) Stradley, the forme having been born in England and the latte in North Carolina. Mr. Stradley was sen by a syndicate to Mexico to look after thei interests in a silver mine, and he remaine there three years. He had relatives in Norti Carolina, where he went and in which stat he was married, and later came to Marioi county. Illinois, settling in Centralia town 552 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ship, where he got land, where he and his wife both died. The wife of the subject, a woman of many beautiful traits of character, passed to her rest August 24, 1898. After his marriage our subject lived in Centralia township, having cleared land and made a good and comfortable home and where he lived in ease until the death of his wife, since which time he has lived among his children. Eight children were born to the subject and wife as follows: Mary E., born August 8, 1857, married Oliver P. Moore; they live in Jefferson county, Illi- nois, and are the parents of eight children, one deceased. Erastus S., the second child, was born September 20, 1859, married Celia Wood ; they live in Centralia, this county, and are the parents of eight children, two being deceased; King David was born Oc- tober 24, 1861, married Orphelia Van Hou- ten, and they are the parents of four chil- dren and make their home in Centralia; Charles Burdette, who was born September n, 1863, married Edith Creed; he is a farmer and teacher in Centralia township, being the parents of three children, one child being deceased. Joseph Elmer, the fifth child, was born May 8, 1866, is a farmer in Centralia township, married Mary Bates, and they have three children living and one dead. Jethro Bacheldor, the sixth child, was born March 4, 1870, and married Mollie Burge, of Centralia, and they have five chil- dren. Ella B. was born April 25, 1872, mar- ried Lloyd Burge, living at Hyattville, Wyo- ming, and they are the parents of three chil- dren; Cyrus, the youngest child, was born October 6, 1878, married Grace Burge, of Marion county, Illinois, the daughter of Jar- rett and Susan (Warren) Burge, both of this county. They were of Virginia and Tennessee stock. Jarrett Burge lived all of his life in Marion county, this state, on a farm. He now lives one mile east of Odin. His wife died in January, 1904. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Root are the parents of three children, namely : Earl, Evelyn and Lavinia. Our subject is regarded as one of the representative farmers of Centralia township, having always devoted his life to the farm. However, he has been practically retired since 1898. He is a Democrat; his wife was a member of the Baptist church. Mr. Root is a remarkably well preserved man for his advanced age, still hale and hearty. He is a great reader and is well posted. He started in life in a small way, but being in- dustrious and a good manager, he has achieved success and is today one of the substantial men of the county. CHARLES F. DEW. The gentleman whose career is briefly sketched in the following lines is an in- fluential member of the Marion County Bar, who by reason of his professional success has been honored from time to time with po- sitions of responsiblity and trust. He also holds worthy prestige as a citizen, being in- terested in whatever tends to benefit his fel- RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 553 low men, and in matters of public import. His reputation as an influential factor and trusted leader is duly recognized and ap- preciated. Charles F. Dew is one of Illinois' native sons and a descendant of an old Virginia family that was first represented in the West by his grandfather, Rev. John Dew, a Methodist minister of much more than local repute and one of the leading men of his church in the central and southern parts of the state. This eminent pioneer divine was the intimate associate and co-laborer of the celebrated Peter Cartwright, whom he as- sisted in evangelistic work among the early settlers, and his name frequently occurs in the latter's autobiography and personal rem- iniscences. He was not only an able and earnest preacher, but also a prominent edu- cator and to his efforts more perhaps than to those of any other man is due the found- ing of McKendree College, of which he was the first president. Subsequently he served for many years on the board of directors of that institution and was untiring in promot- ing its interests by every means at his com- mand. He migrated from Virginia in a very early day and settled originally near Tren- ton, Clinton county, but spent the greater portion of his time in ministerial work in different parts of the state and establishing churches, many of which are still in exist- ence and flourishing organization. Henry P. Dew, son of the above and father of the subject, was born in St. Clair county, Illinois, in the year 1833. He mar- ried in 1 86 1, Sarah C. Arrowsmith, whose birth occurred in June, 1838, and who bore him three children, namely: Edward, died in early years, Lulu, who also died young, and Charles F., whose name introduces this sketch. Henry P. Dew departed this life at Odin, Illinois, in the year 1872, his wife, who is still living, makes her home with Charles F., her only surviving child. The Arrowsmiths moved to Illinois from Ohio and were among the early settlers of Marion county, the parents of Mrs. Dew locating near Salem in 1848. Mr. Arrowsmith pur- chased land and in due time became a pros- perous farmer and praiseworthy citizen. He reared a family of eight children, three sons and five daughters, and with his good wife has for a number of years been sleeping the sleep of the just. Charles F. Dew was born March 20, 1866, in Washington county, Illinois, and received his preliminary education in the public schools, this training being afterwards sup- plemented by a course in the high school of Centralia, where he was graduated in 1883. Actuated by an earnest desire to add to his scholastic knowledge, he subsequently en- tered McKendree College, where he prose- cuted his studies until completing the pre- scribed course and receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science, after which he engaged in educational work, devoting the ensuing ten years to teaching in the schools of Illi- nois, Missouri and Minnesota. Mr. Dew achieved honorable distinction as an educator, and while in the profession taught in the schools of St. Louis, Kansas City, and served for some time as superin- 554 MIOCKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF tendent of the public schools of Rush City, Minnesota, in the meantime receiving from his alma mater the degree of Master of Science. Although a natural teacher and fond of the work, he had no intention of making it his permanent calling. Accord- ingly, in 1893, he retired from the school room and began the study of law in the of- fice of Judge William Stoker, of Centralia. After three years of close application, un- der the direction of that able lawyer and jurist, he took the required examination at Springfield and received his license to prac- tice in the state and federal courts, his ad- mission to the bar bearing the date of 1896. The year in which he was granted his li- cense, Mr. Dew engaged in the practice of his profession at Centralia, and after expe- riencing the usual difficulties which beset the young attorney at the beginning of his ca- reer, he forged rapidly to the front among the successful lawyers of the city, and in due time built up a large and satisfactory legal business. His habits of study and con- centration together with his previous ex- perience as a teacher were greatly in his favor and he brought to his profession a well disciplined mind, which enabled him to grow in public favor within a comparatively brief period. In connection with the duties of his calling, he became actively interested in political affairs and it was not long until he acquired considerable political prestige, not only locally, but in district and state matters as well. In recognition of valuable political resources as well as by reason of his fitness for the position, he was elected City Attorney of Centralia, and so ably did he discharge his official functions that he was twice chosen his own successor. His record while looking after the interest of the municipality was without a blemish and compared favorably with those of his predecessors. As a lawyer Mr. Dew stands deservedly high and his career thus far has been char- acterized by continuous advancement and a success such as few of his professional ex- perience attain. He is well grounded in the principles of jurisprudence and by critical study has become so familiar with the lead- ing authorities that he experiences little dif- ficulty in applying his knowledge to practice or in successfully competing with older and more experienced men. He is regarded as a safe and judicious counselor, careful and methodical in the preparation of legal pa- pers and all matters entrusted to him are sure to receive his earnest attention and to be attended to with promptness and dispatch. Mr. Dew is a man of scholarly tastes and an influential factor in the literary life of Centralia. His office in the Ramer Build- ing on North Locust street is not only fre- quented by clients and those deserving legal advice, but it is also a favorite resort of the intellectually inclined, for therein are fre- quently considered and discussed matters of high import in which only men of like tastes and inclinations have an interest. Mr. Dew is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the order of Woodmen, and the Methodist Episcopal church represents his religious creed. Although earnest in his views and HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 555 with the courage of his convictions on all subjects, he is a man of liberal ideas and only requires the same respect for his own opinions that he accords to the opinions of those who may differ from him. Mr. Dew was happily married on the 25th day of No- vember, 1908, to Hattie H. Porter, of Cen- tralia, daughter of William and Rose R. (Ray) Porter, early settlers of Salem. Mrs. Dew's grandfather was one of the large land owners of Marion county and for many years a leading citizen of the county in which he lived. SAMUEL SHOOK. The subject of this sketch has for many years ranked among the modern agricul- turists of this section of the state, where his entire life has been spent, resulting in the accomplishment of a comfortable living for himself and family. Samuel Shook was born in Centralia township, Marion county, September 15, 1845, the son of Amos and Martha (Shel- ton) Shook, the former a native of Penn- sylvania and the latter of Georgia. Amos Shook came to Illinois when a boy with his uncle, Samuel Shook, and located near Belle- ville, when the present state was still a ter- ritory. The uncle procured land in Centra- lia township, being among the very first set- tlers here, early in the nineteenth century. He developed a farm, making a comfortable home. His neighbors were Indians and wild beasts, consequently he never went any place without his rifle. He spent the remainder of his life farming in Centralia township. He was a Baptist preacher, the first in the locality, preaching around in the homes in log cabins. Amos Shook, the subject's father, who had little chance to attend school, grew up in Centralia township and was a farmer all his life, a leading Democrat in his community, but held no public office. He was a member of the Christian church. He died in 1877, and his wife passed to her rest in 1846. He was twice married, his second wife being Susan Whitchurch, of Centralia township, the daughter of William Whitchurch, of St. Clair county, this state, having been pioneers of that county. Eight children were born to Amos Shook and his first wife, two of whom are now living, namely: Sallie, deceased; Martha Jane; Roanna, deceased; David, deceased; Lucy Ann, deceased; James H., a farmer in Wayne county, Illinois; Morris, deceased; Samuel, our subject. Two children were born to Amos Shook and his second wife, Robert and Ivy, both deceased. Our subject had only a limited schooling in the early subscription schools, but he made the best use possible of his opportunities and is today a well read man. Mr. Shook was happily married March 9, 1865, to Julia A. Garren, of Jefferson county, Illinois, having been born there in 1846, the daughter of Alexander and Betsy (Copple) Garren, natives of Indiana, who came to Centralia township, Marion county, Illinois, having been pioneers of that locality. Mr. Garren died in Marion county and his 556 HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. wife's death occurred in Jefferson county. He was twice married, his second wife be- ing Roxanna Hudlow, a widow. Four chil- dren were born to Alexander Garren and his first wife, namely: William, John, Eli, all three deceased ; Julia Ann, the subject's wife. The following children were born to Alex- ander Garren and his second wife, namely: Riley, who lives in Missouri; Robert and Phoebe, both deceased ; Alexander, Jr., a liv- eryman at Walnut Hill ; Lewis, deceased. Eight children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, five of whom are now living, namely: Melvin, a farmer at Lane, South Dakota ; Albert, a farmer in Centralia town- ship; Ira, deceased; Plannie, deceased; George, deceased; Frank, a farmer on the old home place; Elmer, a farmer at Lane, South Dakota; Myrtle May, living in Cen- tralia township. After the subject's marriage he located where he now lives in Centralia township and erected a substantial house and barn and made all of the improvements on the place, which are extensive and equal to any in the county. He has lived on this place continuously since that time. He has al- ways been a farmer and stock raiser, having been highly successful at each, being con- sidered by his neighbors and those who know him as one of the leading farmers of the township and an excellent judge of live stock. He is a Democrat, but has held no offices. He is a member of the Christian church. The subject is one of those patriotic citi- zens who felt it their duty to offer their services in defense of their country during the sixties, consequently he enlisted in 1864 in Company F, Forty-eighth Regiment, Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry, at Centralia. He was sent to Scottsboro, Alabama, and was wounded three times, first at Resaca, hav- ing been shot through the right shoulder. He was later wounded at Fort McAlister, hav- ing been shot through the right leg, at which battle he was also shot through the left thigh. He was under Sherman and Gen. John A. Logan in the Fifteenth Army Corps, Fourth Brigade and Fourth Division. He took part in all the battles and engagements of his regiment. After he was wounded he was first sent by boat to Bedford, South Carolina, later to New York, and then to Quincy, Illinois, where he was discharged May 13, 1865. Mr. Shook is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post No. 55, at Cen- tralia, Illinois; also a member of the In- dependent Order of Odd Fellows at Wal- nut Hill, this state; the Knights of Pythias at Centralia, also the Farmers' Mutual Ben- efit Association. HENRY L. RHODES. No compendium such as the province of this work defines in its essential limitations will serve to present in detail the interesting life career of the subject of this sketch who is well known in Marion county, where he has long maintained his home, being now a retired railroad man and a leading member RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOL- 557 of the Free and Accepted Masons, No. 101 a man who is entitled to the respect of his fellow men owing to the well ordered life he has led. Harry L. Rhodes was born at Port Jar- vis, Orange county, New York, May 24, 1829, the son of Simeon and Jane (Mc- Daniels) Rhodes, the latter of Scotch-Irish ancestry, the former a native of New York and of German ancestry. Two children were born to them, Henry L., our subject, being the oldest of the two. When eight years old our subject went on the tow path where he remained for ten years. When eighteen years old he was captain of a boat on the Erie canal. After he entered the ser- vice of the Erie Railroad which was taking the place of the boat, and was afterward conductor for seven years on the New York & Erie Railroad. In April, 1856, he came to Centralia and was conductor on the Illi- nois Central Railroad for a period of thirty- four years, then retiring to private life. He gave these roads the very best of service and was regarded by them as among their best and most trusted employes. By his economy and industry and his judicious in- vestments, he acquired a handsome compe- tence and is now considered one of the well- to-do men of Centralia, where he has a good home, nicely and comfortably furnished. His success has been worthy his honorable business career. Henry L. Rhodes married in Port Jarvis, New York, in 1853, to Sarah E. Smith, and the following children have been born to this union : George H. ; Libbie is the wife of B. F. Statlemey'er, of St. Louis; William A. died in St. Paul, Minnesota, when twenty-three years old. Our subject came to Illinois in 1856 and began railroading as a passenger conductor on the Illinois Central, where he remained for a period of forty-three years. He was also train master for six years. Having ever taken considerable interest in the development of Marion county in all lines, especially politically, he was elected Mayor of Centralia which office he very ably and acceptably filled for two terms. He ex- ercises the franchise of men and measures of the Republican party, and he feels a deep interest in all political affairs and is well in- formed on all the leading issues of the day. He has been a frequent delegate to the county, congressional and state conventions, and in 1896 was a delegate to the Republi- can National Convention. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes attend the Presby- terian church at Centralia, which they liber- ally support. Mr. Rhodes is a Master Ma- son, having filled all the stations in the local Blue Lodge. He was made mark master, past master, most excellent master and Royal Arch Mason of No. 93 ; then council of No. 28, having filled the highest offices, of these illustrious masters for five years. He went to the Commandery and served six terms as eminent commandery of the Scottish Rite, thirty-third degree, and as a life member served as sovereign grand and inspection general in the thirty-third and last degree. Mr. Rhodes is one of Cen- tralia's best known men. 558 BIOGRAPHICAL AND KKM I X ISCK \T HISTORY OF FATHER JOHN H. BRUNS. Although yet a young man the gentleman whose name introduces this biographical sketch has accomplished much toward ameli- orating the condition of his fellow men, often laboring with disregard for his own welfare if thereby he might attain the ob- ject he sought to make some one better, happier. Such a life as his is rare and is eminently worthy of emulation, being singularly free from all that is deteriorating or paltry, for his influence is at all times uplifting and thousands of people have been made better for having known him. Father John H. Bruns, who has done such a commendable work in promulgating the interests of the Catholic church and school in Centralia, Illinois, was born in Borken, Germany, June 30, 1870, the son of Joseph and Adalaid (Rademacher) Bruns, .being the oldest child of a family of eight children. He came to America in 1880. His early education was obtained in the common schools of Europe and partly at Pinckneyville, Illinois. Under the Fran- ciscan Fathers at Tentrepolis, near Effing- ham, he studied the classics and graduated in 1891 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts and as the valedictorian of his class. He af- terward took a degree, Master of Arts, in a school of philosophy at Quincy, Illinois. Then he took a tree years' course in theology at St. Francis, near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Being ambitious our subject applied himself in a most assiduous manner to his studies and made an excellent record in all those schools. Father Bruns was ordained to the priest- hood June 16, 1895, and soon thereafter as- signed to be assistant pastor at St. Peter's cathedral, Belleville, Illinois, where he re- mained for a period of eight years, having in the meantime accomplished much in the builing up of this organization and winning a lasting monument in the hearts of the people of that church. He was appointed pastor at Centralia August 20, 1903, and is at this writing, 1908, carrying on the work here with that discretion, energy and de- votion that insures abundant success. Many improvements have been inaugurated since his coming, among which might well be mentioned the installation of a new and modern heating system in the church and school, an addition to the school building, costing about three thousand and one hun- dred dollars, the purchase of a cemetery at a cost of one thousand and five hundred dol- lars, also the purchase of a hospital site at a cost of four thousand dollars. He has la- bored faithfully in the building up of the church and the school, the former now rep- resenting one hundred and sixty families, and there are at this writing one hundred and fifty-six pupils enrolled in the school. Three teachers are employed and the course includes the eighth grade work and a com- plete course of bookkeeping. Six sisters are employed to take care of the sick. When the work on the new hospital is completed a large number of sisters of the highest efficiency will be constantly engaged to care for the sick and those who are brought for treatment. The church building is one of the handsomest in the city and would be REV. JOHN H. BRUNS. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Centralia, Illinois. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 559 a pride to any city, having cost fifty thou- sand dollars. The parsonage cost four thousand dollars, and the school building proper cost five thousand dollars, the second floor of the school building having an ele- gant hall and stage, where entertainments and other exercises are held, such as socials for the church and the school. The original building of the hospital will cost when com- pleted about twenty-five thousand dollars. It will be so built that new additions can be added without marring the beauty and unity of any part. It has been no small task to do what Father Bruns has done. It required much hard work and a zeal and perseverance that only those who were closely connected with and took active part in the work of the parish can clearly understand and appreciate. Beside the business end of the work, he has been busy in building up the parish and raising the spiritual standing of the congre- gation, which is now in a good condition, both temporal and spiritual. In the purchase of property, the erection of buildings and in looking after the trans- actions attendant upon them he has shown business tact and energy, as well as a spirit of devotion to his church. His acts, both spiritual and temporal, have met with the united approval of his own people and all others. But these are too well known to require further detailed mention, and the writer knows that whatever of good the reverend priest may have accomplished he would far rather have it engraved on the hearts of the people than to be put into print, and that the approval of his own conscience and of his Divine Master are the reward he wishes for his labors in behalf of the church. LEWIS H. REED. The subject of this sketch has well earned the honor to be addressed as one of the progressive, public-spirited men of Marion county, since from the beginning of his residence here he has been conspicuously ac- tive, securing for himself the comforts of life and home and an ample competence for his declining years. Mr. Reed's home is at Centralia, where he is engaged in the drug business and wherever he is known he is held in the highest esteem owing to his life of honor and industry. Lewis H. Reed was born in Vermilion county, Indiana, December 20, 1849, the son of John W. and Sarah (Ralston) Reed, the former having been born August 3, 1822, in Stokes county, North Carolina. He came to Indiana in 1832 with his par- ents, whose family consisted of six children, five boys and one girl, of whom the subject of this sketch was the third in order of birth. His mother was born February 7, 1827, in Brown county, Ohio, near Georgetown, and she came to Indiana when quite small, her family having located in Vermilion county. She was one of a family of five children, being the youngest child. John W. Reed was a Republican and a member of the 5 6o ;i(K,KAI'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Methodist Protestant church. His wife was a Presbyterian in her youth, having been so reared, but later in life became a Metho- dist Protestant. There were eight children in the family of the parents of our subject, six boys and two girls, the subject being the oldest in order of birth. Lewis H. Reed was educated in the pub- lic schools of Vermilion county, Indiana. He worked on his father's farm until twenty years old. He then entered Ascension Semi- nary in Sullivan, Sullivan county, Indiana. After obtaining a good education, having made a splendid record for scholarship in the last named school, he began teaching, which profession he followed with great success for a period of ten years, during which time he became well known as an able educator and his services were in great de- mand, having taught many successful terms in both Illinois and Indiana. Believing that a better field for his talents was to be found in the drug business he entered the same on March 28, 1879, in St. Bernice, Indiana. He continued in the drug business at St. Bernice until 1888, having built up an excellent trade and mak- ing a success of the business from the first. During that time he held the office of post- master under President Rutherford B. Hayes, having begun in May, i88i,and con- tinued the same with much credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned for five years, five months and fifteen days, when he resigned and moved to Mississippi, having remained one winter at Ocean Springs. In 1889 he removed to Centralia, Illinois, and held the office of Town Clerk for two terms, in a manner that elicited praise on every hand. Mr. Reed is still in the drug business, having one of the best equipped and neatest stores in Centralia and he has an excellent patronage numbering many customers throughout the county. Owing to his court- eous treatment of customers and his inti- mate knowledge of the drug business his trade is always all that could be desired. Mr. Reed united in marriage to Isabella Benefiel on July 13, 1881. She is the daughter of Robert and Mary (Ingram) Benefiel, of Carlisle, Indiana. She was edu- cated in Edgar county, Illinois. Her father met an untimely death by being killed by a horse. Mrs. Reed is a member of the Pythian Sisters, Lotus Temple No. 8, having passed all the chairs. She is a teacher in the First Methodist Episcopal church Sun- day school, having been identified with Sunday school work for many years. She is a member of the Ladies' Aid and the Missionary societies of the church. Both Mr. and Mrs. Reed are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Politically our subject is a loyal Repub- lican and he takes a great interest in the affairs of his party. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Queen City No. 179, having been identi- fied with the same for the past twenty-five years and having passed all the chairs. He has been representative to the Grand Lodge twice at Springfield, Illinois. He is also RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. a past chief patriarch of the Centralia En- campment No. 75, having represented the Encampment twice at Springfield. He is also a member of Helmet lodge No. 26, Knights of Pythias, and has passed all the chairs in the same. JULIUS REINHARDT. Mr. Reinhardt is one of those characters whose integrity and personality must force them into an admirable notoriety, which their modesty never seeks, who command the respect of their contemporaries and their posterity and leave the impress of their in- dividuality upon the lives of those with whom they come in contact. Julius Reinhardt, jeweler and musician of Centralia, Marion county, and one of the representative business men and honorable citizens of this locality, was born in Leba- non, Illinois, May 16, 1874, the son of Charles, Sr., and Marie (Blass) Reinhardt. The father of the subject was born in Ger- many, near Saxony, and the subject's mother was born in Bavaria, Germany. They came to America when young and were married in St. Louis, Missouri. They are now both deceased, the father having been called from his earthly labors in 1905 and the mother passed to her rest in 1904. There were eight children in their family, seven of whom are living in 1908, our sub- ject being the youngest in order of birth. 36 The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the public schools of Lebanon, Illinois. Later he attended Mc- Kendree College, taking a business course in this institution and making a splendid record for scholarship. The domestic life of our subject dates from September 12, 1900, when he was united in marriage to Alberta Allmon, the representative of an influential family of Salem, Illinois, and to this union two sons and one daughter have been born, namely: Edwin A., Virginia M., and Julian, the two oldest being in school at this writing, 1908. Mr. Reinhardt's business life properly be- gan in 1889, when he launched in the jew- elry business in Centralia, having first lo- cated in Buck's drug store, conducting a re- pair shop. Since that time Mr. Reinhardt has been known as a conscientious as well as a skilled workman. He conducted this business for a period of three years, when he conducted a similar business with like success for a period of two years in Zar- beck's hardware store. He started in with a stock of jewelry in 1889 and he has gradually built up a trade, having been ex- tensively patronized from the first, until he now has a very extensive and beautiful stock of goods in commodious and elegant quar- ters, and he enjoys a liberal income, al- ways treating his numerous customers with the utmost courtesy and giving them full value received, having an intimate knowl- edge of the jewelry business and giving them the benefit of this knowledge by plac- 5 62 IHOCKAI'HICAI. AM) RKM I X ISCKXT HISTORY OF ing the best goods obtainable in his store. In politics Mr. Reinhardt is strictly inde- pendent. There are many features of each of the great parties which commend them- selves to him, but, from his observation and experience, he has decided that far more depends on the man than on the platform. It has often been demonstrated that party pledges have never yet been fabricated out of indestructible material and sensible peo- ple know that more reliance can be placed upon the word and work of a truly honest man than upon the most sacred pledge of the best political party that was ever or- ganized. Hence the man and not the party should be the first consideration of the voter. That the subject is a man of much origin- ality of thought is clearly evidenced by the position he takes in politics. The parents of the subject were Presby- terians, but Mr. Reinhardt is not affiliated with any church organization, but his sup- port can always be depended upon in the advancement of any movement looking to the religious, moral, civic or educational welfare of the community. In his fraternal relations he is a member of 'the modern Woodmen. Mr. Reinhardt is a musician and is a member of the McNeil's orchestra of the Pittenger Grand Opera House in Centralia, one of the leading musical organizations in this part of the state. Our subject has thor- oughly mastered the English language, be- ing able to speak either English or German fluently. He is a man of genial personality, a perfect type of the true gentleman. JOHN L. DAVIS. A man of marked individuality, the sub- ject of this review is a typical representative of that large and enterprising class of busi- ness men to whom the great commonwealth of Illinois owes much of its prosperity and development, and his record shows him to have been faithful in the performance of his duty in the community, to his neighbors and to himself. John L. Davis was born in Centralia, Marion county, April 30, 1858, the son of Thomas P. and Wilhemina C. (Beal) Da- vis, the former having been born in Tennes- see, March n, 1827. The mother of the subject was born in Steinfeld, Germany, April 8, 1835. They were married in Belle- ville, Illinois, in 1853, and they were the parents of ten children, eight boys and two girls, our subject being the second child in order of birth. The subject's father was a carpenter and contractor in Centralia, to which place he came in 1855. His death occurred in 1899, and that of his wife No- vember 6, 1908. Thomas P. Davis was a soldier during the Civil war, enlisting in 1862 in Company H, Eightieth Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry, as a private. He served with bravery and valor in many hard-fought battles in which his regiment participated, and became corporal of his company. He was mustered out in the fall of 1864. John L. Davis worked first on the fruit farms in Centralia township, until he was eighteen years old, having in the meantime attended the public schools in Centralia, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 563 where he received a fairly good education, having applied himself in a most diligent manner to his text-books. He went to work on the Illinois Central Railroad when a young man and continued in the employ of the same until 1901, having given this com- pany entire satisfaction. Two years were spent in the shoe business, and in 1901 he returned to the same business and he is now to be found daily in his store where he has a liberal patronage owing to his courtesy and his intimate knowledge of the shoe business, always giving his customers, many of whom come from remote parts of Marion county, the worth of their money, for he handles a high-class line of goods. His store is well kept, everything about it showing system and careful management. The store is lo- cated at 144 East Broadway. Our subject was united in marriage to Mary C. Marsh, December 16, 1880. She is the refined daughter of R. L. T. and Catherine (Sherwood) Marsh, who were the parents of four children, our subject's wife being the second in order of birth. The pleasant and comfortable home of Mr. and Mrs. Davis has been brightened by the birth of the following children: Thomas M., who married L. Myrtle Denny, living at Cliffs, Washington; Ralph R., who married Edith Pease, and who is living in Springfield, Idaho; John June is assistant State Entomologist at Urbana, Illinois; Harley A. is in the Art Institute at Chicago, Illinois; Reba C. is now (1908) at home and is attending high school at Centralia. John L. Davis, our subject, is a member of the Free and Accepted Masons, Lodge No. 201 ; the Royal Arch Chapter No. 93 ; Council No. 28 ; Commandery No. 23 ; Oriental Consistory of Chicago. He also belongs to the Order of Railway Conduc- tors, Centralia Division, No. 112. In politics Mr. Davis is a Republican and takes a great interest in local affairs, always desiring good men in the county offices and lending his aid in placing them. In religious matters Mr. Davis is identi- fied with the Baptist church, as is also his wife and children. He has been frequently called upon to serve the public in some official capacity, and has very ably held the office of Alder- man for one term and has been on the Board of Education for three terms, during which time the interests of the city and the schools were carefully considered by Mr. Davis and much good accomplished by his suggestions, which were usually followed out. He has filled all the chairs of the lodges of his mem- bership to the Consistory, and is now treas- urer in all these four lodges of which he is a very loyal member. He has been secretary of the railroad division of the lodge of Rail- road Conductors since 1890, and also was its first secretary, from 1884 to 1886. He was also chief conductor from 1886 to 1888. LUCIAN O. WILSON. Among the popular citizens of Centralia, Marion county, Illinois, is the gentleman 564 AND RKM INISCKXT HISTORY OF whose name appears at the head of this sketch, the well known assistant postmas- ter, who was born in New Albany, Indiana, July 12, 1866, the son of Oliver O. and Maggie E. (Ma thews) Wilson. His father's family consisted of three children, our subject being the second child and only son. His parents were both natives of Indi- ana. Oliver O. Wilson was superintendent of the Indiana Reformatory. He is now de- ceased, as is also his wife, who passed away March 30, 1900. Our subject was five years old at the time of his father's death. The early education of the subject of this sketch was gained in the public schools, where he applied himself as best he could and gained a fairly good education. He went to work in the Nail Mill of Centralia, working for two years as a nail cutter, and was later employed by F. D. Rexford, of the Centralia House, and worked there for a period of seventeen years, having given entire satisfaction in each of these lines, be- ing industrious and quick to gain a knowl- edge of the business. He was clerk and general utility man in the latter's employ. He then went to Boone, Iowa, and managed the Cole Hotel for one and one-half years, selling out and returning to Centralia in March, 1903, where he was appointed as- sistant postmaster under E. L. Welton. He has very creditably and satisfactorily filled this position to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Mr. Wilson was united in marriage with Nellie Surles September n, 1900. One daughter brightens the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, bearing the name of Helen Lucile, whose date of birth occurred March 14, 1903. Mr. Wilson in his fraternal relations is a member of Blue Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, No. 201 ; also the Centralia Chap- ter No. 93; and Council No. 28, Cyrene Commandery No. 23. He also belongs to the Oriental Consistory, of Chicago, also a member of the Mystic Shrine, of Madina Temple, Chicago. He is a mem- ber of the Knights of Pythias, No. 26, of Centralia. In his political relations Mr. Wilson is a loyal Republican. His mother was a mem- br of the Christian, but he and his wife wor- ship in the Baptist church. Mr. Wilson was at one time a member of the Centralia Vol- unteer Fire Department. Our subject has by pluck, energy and enterprise, controlled by correct principles and founded upon strict integrity and honor, attained to a position meriting the respect and admiration of his fellow citizens, which they freely accord. A. C. BARNES. The prominence of the subject of this sketch in connection with the professional and civic affairs of Marion county is such that he is regarded as one of its representa- tive citizens, having for a number of years been one of the leading business men of the thriving city of Centralia, and ever showing HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 565 by his fealty to high principles and his ac- tivity in promoting the affairs of the county that he merits the confidence of all. A. C. Barnes was born at Richview, Illi- nois, ten miles south of Centralia, Febru- ary 13, 1853, the son of J. W. and Nancy (Johnson) Barnes, the former having been born in Gallatin, Tennessee, July 2, 1818. He was left an orphan at the age of five years and when twelve years of age he was bound out to a saddle maker for a period of four years, at the end of which time he purchased a horse, saddle and bridle and rode to Mt. Vernon, this state, where he called upon William Thorne, the first saddle maker in Mt. Vernon, who refused to give him a job because he was too young, his age then being eighteen years. But nothing daunted, he purchased the material with which to make a saddle which he accord- ingly did and presented it to Mr. Thorne, who hired the boy for three years. This was in 1836. Two years later J. W. Barnes was mar- ried to Nancy Johnson. He soon thereafter moved to a farm near old Shiloh, later moving to Washington county, where he farmed and lived comfortably until 1888 when he moved to Centralia, where he passed to his rest September 17, 1905, after a successful business career in Centralia, having purchased the L. C. Demmick har- ness shop in this city in 1888, having stood just south of the old National Bank. His son, A. C., our subject, bought his business. He was living with his son when he died. Nancy Johnson was born in 1813 in Ken- tucky. Her father was an itinerant Metho- dist Episcopal preacher, who came to Illi- nois in 1818 and settled on a farm at Shiloh church, where he farmed and preached and where both he and his good wife passed to the silent land. Four chil- dren were born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barns, as follows: L. R., who married Laura Robinson, daughter of Elder J. A. and Eliza Robinson, and they became the parents of six children, one of whom is liv- ing. L. R. Barnes was in the famous One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry during the war between the states, under the late Gen. James S. Martin, of Salem, having gone out in 1862 and was discharged at the close of the war, having been in the grand review at Washington City. Louise, the second child of the par- ents of our subject, married a Mr. Under- wood and is now living in Oklahoma, be- ing the mother of four living children, one child deceased. John T., the third child of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnes, enlisted in the Sixtieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry un- der Colonel Anderson, at Mt. Vernon, and he re-enlisted in 1863. He came home on a furlough. Rejoining his regiment, he re- mained at the front until the close of the war when he was mustered out. He mar- ried and in 1885 removed to Wichita county, Kansas, where he located on three hundred and twenty acres of land. He has a family of four girls and one boy. He now lives at Leota, Kansas. Our subject, A. C. Barnes, came to Cen- tralia in 1891 with his father. He had re- 5 66 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF ceived a good education in the district schools of Washington county, Illinois, hav- ing left school at the age of sixteen years and went to work for himself. Being a loyal Republican and having taken an inter- est in political affairs from early manhood, his friends elected him Sheriff of Marion county in 1904 and he served with much credit. When his term had expired he re- turned to business. In 1902 he was elected Treasurer of the city of Centralia for two years and served in a most acceptable man- ner in this capacity. Mr. Barnes has an ex- cellent business in the harness and repair trade, his shop being well equipped and he has become widely known throughout the county. Mr. Barnes married Susan M. Gunn, daughter of J. C. and Caroline Gunn, of Richview, the ceremony that made them one having been performed at Kinmundy, this county, July 20, 1880. He was first mar- ried in 1873 to Sarah Anderson, a native of Ohio, and she died at the birth of James, their only son, who was born October 18, 1878. He is now living at Lafayette, In- diana, being in the printing business as a linotype expert. He married Lottie Had- den, of Kinmundy, and they have three chil- dren, two boys and one girl. Our subject ably served for a period of five years on the Board of Education in Kansas, where he lived for several years, and while on the board just mentioned they built two elegant school-houses. Fraternally Mr. Barnes is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Centralia, having originally joined that or- der at Pittsburg, Kansas, in 1886. He is also a member of the Knights of Pythias, having joined Lodge No. 26, in Centralia in 1893. He became a Mason in Salem in 1896, and joined the Modern Woodmen of America in 1897. He follows the example of his people by worshiping with the Metho- dist denomination. Our subject is a man of unusual imposing physique, possessing great physical strength and endurance. He also has a strong mind and the power of concentration, is congenial and makes friends readily which he always retains. JACOB D. BREEZE. Dependant very largely upon his own re- sources from early youth, the subject of this sketch has attained to no insignificant suc- cess, and though he may have, like many another business man, met with some mis- fortune and encountered many obstacles he has pressed steadily forward, ever willing to work for the end which he has in view. He has become one of the leading mer- chants of Centralia, Illinois, and he has built up a business that is known through- cut the county. Jacob D. Breeze was born September 27, 1868, in Washington county, Illinois, the son of David and Eliza (Baldwin) Breeze. There were fourteen children in their family, eight of whom are living in 1908, HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES ILLINOIS. 567 our subject being the eighth in order of birth; of those living seven are boys and one a girl. David Breeze was born in Jef- ferson county, Illinois, in 1844, and died when fifty-two years old, after a busy and useful life. The subject's mother is still living in Jefferson county on the old home place and, although advanced in years, en- joys fairly good health. She was born in Washington county, this state. Jacob D. Breeze received his early edu- cation in the common schools of his native community and remained at home until he reached maturity. Mr. Breeze was united in marriage with Ida V. Walker on October 22, 1885. She was the daughter of G. W. and Esther (Breeze) Walker, being the fourth child in a family consisting of five children. To our subject and wife two children have been born, both bright and interesting, namely: Jewell, whose date of birth is recorded as May 30, 1897; and Lottie, who was born October 2, 1899. Both are attending the public schools in Centralia. After leaving school at the age of eight- een years, our subject went to work on a farm in that neighborhood in Jefferson county and made a success of this line of work, but believing that the city of- fered greater inducements to him, he came to Centralia and began the livery, feed and sale business, and for five years made this a marked success in every respect when he sold out and started in the implement and harness business, which he has since conducted, the firm name being Breeze & Watts. They enjoy a liberla patronage, their trade extending to all parts of the county, for they handle an up-to-date and carefully selected stock at all times, and their prices are always right. Here all customers are accorded the most courteous treatment by the managers and their efficient employes. This store has a floor space of one hundred and sixty by forty feet. In politics our subject is a Republican and always takes a great interest in political af- fairs, lending what assistance he can in placing the best men possible in local offices. Mr. Breeze follows the precepts of his par- ents and is a faithful member of the Chris- tian church. He is always on the right side of all public questions. FOWLER BROTHERS. One of the most extensive, modern and systematically managed plumbing concerns in Southern Illinois is that conducted by the firm of Fowler Brothers at Centralia, be- ing worthy successors of their father, Reu- ben G. Fowler. This firm's place of business fronts on South Locust street and South Second street. They carry a full and complete line of plumbing supplies, heating, electrical and gas fixtures and supplies, also fire clay and fire brick. They have two neat show and display rooms. All the latest, complete, automatic machinery, run by electric dyna- mos for heating, lighting and plumbing, are to be found here. They also carry a full 568 IMOCK.M'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF line of nickel-plated plumbing supplies. An extensive business is carried on and is being constantly enlarged and extended to meet the growing demands of the trade of South- ern Illinois and adjoining states. Harry A. Fowler married Mattie Adams, of Centralia, and they are the parents of one little girl, who bears the pretty name, Marjorie. John R. Fowler, the younger member of the firm, was educated in the Centralia city schools, and began when quite young to learn his father's trade of plumbing. He is a practical and up-to-date artist in his work as well as a good business man. He has a state certificate, awarded to him in 1902 for his thoroughness and proficiency in his chosen occupation. Harry and John Fowler are both members of the National Plumbers and Steam Fitters Association, and are also graduates in this line of the International Correspondance School, of Scranton, Penn- sylvania, and they are keeping pace with twentieth century methods. They have a good business and enjoy the entire confi- dence of their many friends and patrons in Marion county and throughout this part of the state. ELMER E. COPPLE. In the development of Marion county the subject of this biography has borne an im- portant part, for he has long been identified with the farming and business life of the lo- cality, and while advancing his own interests he has not been neglectful of his duty to his fellow citizens, therefore he is accorded a full measure of esteem by all who know him. Elmer E. Copple was born January 9, 1862, on the old Copple homestead in Cen- tralia township, this county, the son of Eli Copple, a complete sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. However, it is not amiss here to state that the father of the subject was born January 8, 1820, in Clark county, Illinois, the son of David Copple, a native of Germany, who married Lavina Huckleberry first and later Permelia King. They came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1832 and settled in section 32, Centralia township, where they entered wild land and set about improving it like the rest of the pioneers of that time, and they lived and died at this place. He had only a limited opportunity to attend school in the old log school-houses. Although self-learned he be- came an excellent speller and scholar. He was a large farmer, stock dealer and breeder. In 1874 he went to Europe and imported some French Norman horses. He never aspired to office although an active Republican. He started in life in a small way, but worked hard and was very suc- cessful. He was a member of the Metho- dist church. He first married Martha Flannagan, of Jefferson county, Illinois, who died in 1850. and his second wife was Sarah Dolson. The following five children were born to Eli Copple and his first wife: Arminda, who married W. A. Dolson, of Fullerton. Ne- RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 569 braska ; Loretta, who married A. J. Hardley, of Irvington, Illinois ; three children died in infancy. Seven children were born to Eli Copple and his second wife, namely: Charles, a farmer in Nebraska; Mary mar- ried Joseph Baldridge, and she died in 1899; Julia married H. S. Baldridge, who lives in Seattle, Washington; Willis, a farmer in Centralia township, Marion county, who married a Miss Patton; Elmer E., our subject; Robert, a farmer in Cen- tralia township, who married Lillian Ethel Leonard; Ada is the wife of T. S. Kell, who now lives on the old Copple homestead with Mrs. Copple. The subject of this sketch lived at home and attended the neighboring schools. He married September 9, 1883, to Ida A. Bald- ridge, of Jefferson county, Illinois, who was born in Grand Prairie township, the daugh- ter of Thomas and Mary (Williams) Bald- ridge, the former a native of Jefferson county, Illinois, and the latter of Virginia. She died in 1870, and Mr. Baldridge was again married, his second wife being Miss M. E. Allen, of Jefferson county, this state. It was in that county that he spent his life on a farm, dying there in 1904. His second wife died in February, 1908. Four children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, as follows: M. Allen, who married Nellie Root Carpenter, of Cen- tralia, and who are the parents of two chil- dren, Lola and Vera; Ralph Roy, who is living at home, is a graduate of the Cen- tralia high school ; Dwight and Ruth are the youngest children. In 1883 our subject located on his present place in Centralia township. It was then a new place and Mr. Copple has made all the improvements on it, bringing it up to any place in the township. He is regarded as a good farmer and an excellent judge of stock and his farm is carefully managed, yielding excellent harvests of all kinds from year to year. His home place consists of two hundred and forty acres, thirty acres of which are in peaches, apples and pears. This is a most valuable orchard, consisting of a fine variety of excellent fruit, and since Mr. Copple is something of an expert horticulturist, no small part of his income is derived from this source. He carries on a general farming. His dwelling is a most convenient and substantial one, and his barns and out buildings are of the best. ELI COPPLE. The subject of this sketch, who has passed to his rest, is well remembered by the peo- ple of Marion county, where he so long la- bored not only for his own advancement but also for that of the community at large, therefore, it is with pleasure that we give a record of his honorable career in this book, believing that it will be an inspira- tion to the younger generation who per- use it. Eli Copple was born January 8, 1820, in Washington county, Indiana, the son of Da- vid Copple, who was born in Germany and 57 I'.IOCUAI'IIR'AL AM) KKMIMSCKXT HISTORY OK when a young man came to America with his parents, locating with them in North Carolina. Later they came to Clark county, Indiana, where the parents died. David Copple grew to manhood in Clark county, Indiana, where he married Lavina Huckle- berry, of German-Irish extract. David Copple and wife located in Washington county, Indiana, in 1818, and fourteen years later they came to Marion county, Illinois, where they both died in Centralia township. He was considered one of the valued and leading citizens of the community in which he lived. They were the parents of twelve children, all but one of whom grew to ma- turity, namely: James lived in Centralia township and was twice married, first to Jane Wells and second to Emily Huckle- berry; Elizabeth married Jacob Breeze; Angeline married Henry Bingaman, and they are living in Crete, Nebraska; Eli, our subject; Christiana married M. P. Hester, of Centralia township, and they are both de- ceased; Samuel is deceased; John Harvey is also deceased; Edmund is a farmer living in Grand Prairie, Illinois ; Julia married Marion Roper, who is now deceased, but she is living in Grand Prairie; David, now de- ceased, was a farmer living in Centralia township; Pollie A. is living in Kansas, hav- ing married David Roper, who is deceased. Eli Copple was reared in Centralia town- ship, Marion county, Illinois, and was among the successful farmers of that vicin- ity, having come with his parents to this county when twelve years of age and lo- cated on what is known as the Seven-Mile- Prairie. He was reared among the wild scenes of the frontier and developed thereby a sturdy manhood. He was first married in 1840 to Martha Flannagan, a native of Jef- ferson county, Illinois, who died in 1850. Two children, who grew to maturity, were born to them. Arminda married William Dolson, who is living in Fullerton, Nebras- ka; Loretta married A. J. Hartley, of Irv- ington, Illinois. The subject of this sketch married a second time, his last wife being Sarah Dolson, daughter of Allen and Mary Louisa (White) Dolson, the wedding occur- ring in February, 1851. Mr. Dolson was a native of New York, near Albany, on the Hudson river. His wife was born in Geor- gia. Allen Dolson was the son of Peter and Rachael (Quinby) Dolson, both natives of New York. Mr. Dolson was a farmer. Al- len Dolson came west when a boy alone, go- ing to the Platt river country, Nebraska, having lived among the Indians for a time. He descended the Missouri river in a canoe to St. Louis, later to Carlyle, Illinois, and then went to Grand Prairie, Jefferson coun- ty, Illinois, where he devoted his life to farming. He entered government land. He came to Marion county, where he and his wife both died. The following children were born to them: Sarah, the subject's wife; Robert, Elizabeth, Melville, all de- ceased ; Mary is living in Kansas ; Christina, deceased; William, living in Nebraska; Harvey is living in Kansas. The subject and his second wife were the parents of seven children, namely: Charles, a farmer living in Fullerton, Nebraska, was first mar- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 571 ried to Lucy Jackson, second to Sarah Aver- ill; Mary married Joseph Baldridge, and she is now deceased; Julia is the wife of Harvey Baldridge and they are living in Seattle, Washington ; Willis is living in Cen- tralia township on a farm, having married Henrietta Patton ; Elmer, living in Centralia township; Robert, living on a farm in Cen- tralia township, married Lillian Ethel Leon- ard ; Ada May married T. S. Kell and they are living with the subject's mother on the old home place, the parents of one son, Cecil Edward. After a very active and useful life, re- plete with success and honor, Eli Copple passed to his reward August 14, 1905. Our subject started in life under none too favorable circumstances, but his father gave him one hundred and sixty acres of wild land and he worked hard and became suc- cessful. He was thrifty and a good man- ager, and at one time owned as much as two thousand acres. He carried on a gen- eral farming and stock raising business and was eminently successful in both, becoming known as one of the leading citizens of Ma- rion county. In 1874 he made a trip to France and imported a large number of Nor- man horses of a very fine quality. Besides raising some fine horses he always raised many good cattle, hogs and sheep. He was an organizer and leading member of the Farmers' Club of Marion county. The subject cast his first vote for Wil- liam Henry Harrison and since that time was a loyal Republican. He was a faith- ful member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a liberal subscriber of the same. He erected his first substantial and commo- dious brick home in 1872 and he and his noble and faithful wife made all the im- provements about the place. No man in the county was better or more favorably known than he and everyone remembers him as a very polite and kindly gentleman, as well as a very able business man, and therefore his influence for good in the coun- ty was very great. COL. NAPOLEON B. MORRISON. The life of the subject of this biography has not been altogether devoid of the spec- tacular, but has been entirely free from os- tentation, and he has never forced himself on public attention, yet his fellow citizens recognize in this venerable character a man of genuine worth, whose every duty has been discharged with commendable fidelity and whose influence has always been exer- cised for the good of his kind. He has trav- eled extensively and come in contact with the world in such a way as to quicken his perception, enlarge his mental vision and give him ideas of men and things such as he could not have obtained by spending his life in one locality, and as a result of his altogether consistent career he has won the esteem of all who know him. Col. Napoleon B. Morrison was born in Water ford, Vermont, Februray 12, 1824. and reared in New Hampshire by sturdy 572 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF New England parents. He is the son of Moses F. and Zilpha (Smith) Morrison. Grandfather Morrison was of Scotch-Irish lineage from Londonderry, Ireland, who set- tled in Londonderry, New Hampshire. Our subject is a direct descendant of Samuel Morrison, who was a charter member of Londonderry. Grandfather Smith was a Revolutionary soldier. He was bom in New Hampshire, where he spent his days on a farm. He had eight children, seven boys and one girl ; all lived to maturity. The subject's father was a graduate of Dartmouth College and became a physician, devoting his entire life to practice, having remained in the eastern states. He was an extensive writer and was assistant geologist of the state of New Hampshire. A number of his manuscripts are yet in perfect condi- tion, and they are considered of much value. He lived to be about seventy years old. He was a Christian man of advanced thought and culture, who could not be tied down to any dogma or creed. He followed his pro- fession with energy, enthusiasm and love, love for the science and love for the pa- tients, therefore he not only became well grounded in his profession but had hosts of loyal friends. He endeavored to discover the cause of disease and treat it from that standpoint. Eight of his children grew to maturity. Two died in infancy. They followed the various avocations of educated men. The subject of this sketch first attended the public schools in New Hampshire, later went to the academy at Newburry, Ver- mont, where he prepared for college. He then took a course in civil engineering which profession he followed for a period of twenty years with great success in New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Ohio and Illinois. In 1849 and 1850 he surveyed and located the Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad from Chillicothe to Cincinnati, Ohio, which has since been absorbed by the Baltimore & Ohio Railway, and became a part of that great system. It is now known as the Bal- timore & Ohio Southwestern. In 1862 he settled in Odin, Marion county, where he has lived ever since. Twenty-three years ago, from 1908, he opened the coal mine here which has been running successfully all the time since, and it has been under his immediate manage- ment ever since it was started. It is incor- porated and our subject has been the presi- dent from the start. The capacity is one thousand tons daily. Last year the mine produced two hundred and forty thousand tons. It is operated with two hundred miners and is always a very busy place. The coal produced here is of a very high grade and always finds a ready market. Colonel Morrison also has large farming in- terests in this county, and an excellent stock ranch. He breeds high grade cattle, having some thoroughbreds. His cattle are usu- ally fattened on grass for the market, and no small portion of his yearly income is de- rived from his shipments of live stock which always demand high prices owing to their fine quality. His farms are kept in a high state of improvement and are up-to-date in HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 573 every respect, showing that a man of un- usual soundness of judgment has their man- agement in hand. Colonel Morrison has frequently been called upon to display his innate ability in public offices, having faithfully served for twelve years as Police Judge, and he served his people in a most praiseworthy manner in the legislature for two terms, during which time he won an enviable reputation as a law maker, and his advice and sound counsel were always listened to with the greatest re- spect by his colleagues in the house. Colonel Morrison likes to tell of the early days. When he was born there was neither mill nor railroad in his section of the state. He was three years old when the first stone was hauled to build the Bunker Hill monu- ment. The entire railroad and telegraph system has been built up since he can re- member. He was in Chicago when the con- tract was let for building the Illinois Central Railroad. Mr. Morrison will soon be eighty- five years old, and is as active and hale as ever, being as active in his business manage- ment as at any time during his life. He built the first dwelling house in Odin. He has seen land sell under the government for twenty-five cents per acre that is now worth two hundred dollars per acre. He has long been actively associated with the locating and building of railroads, and is an enthu- siastic believer in the useful results obtained by means of railroad facilities. Colonel Morrison's married life dates from 1853, when he was united in the bonds of wedlock with Lavinia M. Smart, daugh- ter of Judge Hugh and Elizabeth (Hughes) Smart, of Ohio. Six children have been born to Colonel Morrison and wife as fol- lows: Sadie; Jean, who is the wife of Hamilton Rapp, of Santa Fe, New Mexico. He is an architect, plans and superintends the territorial buildings. Jessie, the sub- ject's third child, is deceased; Helen is the wife of Doctor Fyke, of Centralia, Illinois, and the mother of three daughters, Jean, Helen and Lavinia; Charles Hugh has charge of the coal mine and its interests, and is general manager of his father's business. He was a student of the State University at Champaign, Illinois, and as a business man he ranks high in the county, being well and favorably known to the business world; Vedie, the subject's sixth child, is deceased. When Colonel Morrison came to Illinois there were neither settlements nor settlers in this part of the commonwealth on all of the broad prairies. From 1892 to 1898 he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, and was chairman of the Committee on Agriculture. After an investigation he found there was but one professor and four students in the agricul- tural college of the state of Illinois. He at once set about remedying this condition, and it was due to his agitation and efforts that this department was brought up to its present day state of efficiency, it being rec- ognized at present as one of the most effect- ive departments of the State University. He has on his own farm an experimental sta- tion which is conducted under the supervis- ion of the Agricultural College at 574 BIor.KAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Champaign, and also of the agricultural department at Washington. He has as a result of his faithful work, been invited to accompany special trains which have trav- eled over all the trunk lines in Illinois, giv- ing lectures and practical demonstrations of the excellent work which has been accom- plished at the college. On the Illinois Cen- tral road he also visited the states of Missis- sippi and Louisiana in this capacity. SIDNEY BREEZE. Notwithstanding the fact that the life his- tory of the man whose name appears above has been closed by the hand of death, his influence still permeates the lives of those he came in contact with. His was a life of noble deeds and consistency to the truth in all its phases. Sidney Breeze was born in Rome town- ship, Jefferson county, Illinois, February 15. 1842, and he passed to his rest July 2, 1889. He was the son of Owen and Margaret (Falkner) Breeze, the former a native of Indiana, and the latter of Kentucky. Owen Breeze came to Illinois when a young man, with his parents, and settled in Rome town- ship, Jefferson county, being among the pio- neers of that district. They engaged in farming, and both died in Grand Prairie township. They were the parents of three children. Martha Jane, who married Henry West, is living in Irvington, Illinois; Sid- ney, our subject; Harriet, who married Joseph Boles, of Jefferson county, this state. Mr. Breeze, our subject, attended the country schools, and the subscription schools and lived at home until his marriage, No- vember 26, 1863, to Maria Stonecipher, who was born October 14, 1843, m Harri- son county, Indiana, and a daughter of Ja- cob and Sarah (Riley) Stonecipher, the former having been born in Harrison coun- ty, and the latter of North Carolina. The Stoneciphers are of German descent, and the Rileys of Irish ancestry. Jacob and Sarah Stonecipher were the parents of six chil- dren, namely: William, a retired farmer, living in Centralia township; Franklin died during the Civil war, having been a mem- ber of Company H, Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. His death occurred in Tennessee. Sarah, the third child, married James Steward, of Centralia, Illinois. Henry and Etta, the fourth and fifth children, are twins. Henry is in the West. Etta is de- ceased. Marion was the second child in order of birth. To our subject and wife eight children have been born, namely: Oscar L., a farmer in Jefferson county, Illinois; Alva, a hostler for the Illinois Central Railroad, living in Centralia, Illinois; Gilla died April 5, 1884; Julia Ann married James Holland and is liv- ing in Centralia; Clara died June n, 1900; Lawrence died September 14, 1875; Albert is living in Jefferson county, Illinois, on a farm; Zina, a farmer and clerk, is living at home. The subject's children were educated in the home schools. Zina not only attended the home schools, but he also attended school at Jackson, Tennessee, in the South- western Baptist University, where he made HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 575 a splendid record for scholarship. He has always remained at home with his parents. He clerked in a most successful manner in a store at Walnut Hill, and he has been equal- ly successful as a farmer. After his marriage Sidney Breeze lived in Grand Prairie township, Jefferson county. In 1866 he moved to Rome town- ship, Jefferson county, Illinois. He bought a farm consisting of five hundred acres in one body, and he was a most successful agricul- turist, being known as a man of good judg- ment and industrious habits. In 195 the family moved to Walnut Hill, where they have since resided. They still own the old homestead. The subject was a loyal Re- publican, but he never aspired for office. Both he and his estimable wife were mem- bers of the Christian church for many years, and were always active in church work. Mr. Breeze is remembered as a man of gentle disposition which won him hosts of friends. In his fraternal relations he was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having belonged to this order for a period of twenty-five years, lodge No. 710, Walnut Hill, and he took a great deal of interest in lodge work. He was a useful man, and his good deeds and honorable life will long be remembered by the people of Marion countv. WILLIAM A. HARTLEY. The subject of this sketch wears the proud title of one of the "boys in blue", a title that anyone might justly be proud to bear, for such privilege does not come to many men in a country, and we of the after- math are glad to respect those of this class, but this is not the only reason why the sub- ject of this sketch is entitled to representa- tion in a work of this nature, having been a man of industry, honesty and influence during his long life in Marion county. William A. Hartley was born in Jefferson county, Grand Prairie township, February 25, 1841, the son of Hugh Hartley, who was born in 1805, and who married Nancy Huckleberry. The former was a native of Virginia and the latter of Indiana. William Hartley, the subject's grandfather, a shoe- maker by trade, was a native of Virginia, having been born and grew up in Monon- gahela county. In 1816 he came to Clark county, Indiana, and later moving to Charlestown, Indiana, where he died in 1844. Then Hugh Hartley, the subject's father, came to Jefferson county in 1839. He was married in Indiana. He purchased two hundred acres of wild land in Grand Prairie township. He improved the place and lived there until his death in 1871. His wife died in 1896, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. In early life he devoted his time to shoe- making. He was in Chicago when city lots were selling for five and ten dollars each. He served during the Black Hawk war of 1832 in Arkansas, where he remained until the close of hostilities. He was a great reader and debater. He was an active Dem- ocrat, although he never held office. He was a member of the Methodist church, and 576 lUOCRAl'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF was well known and highly respected by all who knew him. Nine children were born to the parents of the subject as follows: John W., who was in the Mexican war dur- ing the 'second year of the war for one year. He was in Company H, Fourteenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during the second year of the Civil war, having been lieutenant in General Palmer's regiment, having served two years when he lost his voice and was compelled to resign. He was the first City Marshal of Decatur, Illinois, and lived there the rest of his life. He was also the first man to run a bakery in that city. He died there in 1901. The second child was named Mary Ann and is deceased; James R. is living in Grand Prairie township, Jefferson county, Illinois. He was formerly a teacher and painter by trade. He was in Company F, One Hundred and Fifty-fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, having served over one year. Martha J., who died in November, 1904, remained single and lived at home. Alfred died in infancy; Hugh, the sixth child, learned the bricklayer's trade. He made a trip overland by Pike's Peak to Cal- ifornia and was there two years. After he returned he went to Louisiana. He was in the Confederate army, and died three months before the close of the war, having been buried at Richmond, Virginia. Wil- liam A., our subject, was the seventh child in order of birth; Clara, who became the wife of Rev. J. C. Baldridge, a Methodist minister, is deceased. He lives in Chicago. Andrew J. lives at Irvington,' Illinois, and is a stock dealer and engaged in farming. The subject was educated in the home schools. After he left school, Mr. Hartley was one of the brave sons of the North, who offered his services in suppressing the re- bellion, having enlisted August 18, 1861, in Company C, Eleventh Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, at Centralia as a private. He was sent to Bird's Point, Missouri, remaining there until February 5, 1862, where he was drilled. He then went to Fort Henry, ten- nessee, remaining there four days, when he marched to Fort Donelson and was in the battle there, the regiment he was in losing six hundred men out of seven hundred and fifty in killed, wounded and prisoners. He was at Fort Donelson until the middle of March, 1862, when he went to Shiloh, and was in that battle. He was wounded April 6, 1862; he was shot through the right shoulder and was sent to a hospital in Tennessee. He ran off from there and went back to his regiment and the captain ordered him back to the hospital. He was later sent home, where he remained until in August, 1862, when he went back to his regiment, remaining until November 2Oth, following when he was discharged at Cairo, Illinois, after which he returned home. His health was poor and in the spring of 1863 he went to Memphis, Ten- nessee, where he clerked in a wholesale house, where he remained until the follow- ing October, when he returned home and began teaching school at Grand Prairie township, Jefferson county, devoting the following thirty years to teaching in that county, and the following ten years to teach- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 577 ing in Marion county, mostly in Centralia township, having taught fourteen terms in one district. He became well known as an able instructor and his services were in great demand. In 1889 he moved to Walnut Hill, Illinois, where he taught in the winter and .worked in a store during the summer months, having worked five years for D. B. Kell. Our subject was united in marriage April 27, 1865, to Rebecca J. Boggs, a native of North Carolina, the daughter of Joseph B. and Mary (Wyant) Boggs, both natives of North Carolina. Mr. Boggs came to Marion county, Illinois, and settled in Rac- coon township in 1858. Both he and his wife are now deceased. One son has been born to the subject and wife, namely: George, who was born March 16, 1866. He was educated in the home schools, and is in the Sentinel office at Centralia, Illinois. He married Flora Pierson; they have one son, William A. Mr. Hartley has been Supervisor for four- teen years and in the spring of 1908 he was re-elected for two years. He was clerk of the town of Grand Prairie, and was Jus- tice of the Peace at Walnut Hill for six years. He has always been an active work- er in the Republican ranks. In his fraternal relations he is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Walnut Hill, having joined the lodge there in 1882. He has held all the offices and attended the Grand Lodge. He is also a member of the American Home Circle, also belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic No. 600 at 37 Walnut Hill, of which post he is now adju- tant, having held all the offices in this post. The subject and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, having been identified with the same for the past forty years. Mr. Hartley has been industrious and success has attended his efforts, and he has become widely known. FRANCIS M. BATES. The subject of this sketch is one of the sterling citizens of Centralia township, Ma- rion county, where he has long maintained his home near Walnut Hill, being known as one of the progressive men of the com- munity and always interested in movements looking toward the development of the same. Francis M. Bates was born in Jefferson county, Illinois, in Rome township, May 15, 1841, the son of James and Elizabeth (Bostwick) Bates, the former a native of Maine and the latter of Maryland. The father grew up in Maine and was well edu- cated. He left that state when a young man and went to Ohio, where he engaged in farming, having devoted his life to the farm. Later he went to St. Clair county, where he bought land and where he lived for several years. Then he went to Jeffer- son county, Illinois, in the early thirties; he got a farm there in Rome township, and settled on land which he purchased for one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. His 578 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF death occurred there in 1860, and his wife died in 1873. He held no offices, but was an old-line Whig and later a Republican. He was a member of the Baptist church, and she of the Methodist church. They were the parents of thirteen children, name- ly: Benjamin, James, Sarah A., Belle, George, Francis, Wesley, Mary J. Five children died in infancy. The subject of this sketch attended the home schools, principally subscription schools. He remained at home until he was twenty years old, when he married on Feb- ruary 20, 1 86 1, to Nancy Martin, a native of Bedford county, Tennessee, and a daughter of Willis and Jane (Stamper) Martin, both of Bedford, Tennessee. They grew up in that country, and were married there. They came to Jefferson county, Illinois, where Mr. Martin secured wild land and settled near Mt. Vernon. He was one of the brave "boys in blue," having enlisted in the One Hundred and Tenth Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry. He fell sick at Nashville, Tennessee, died and was buried in the Na- tional cemetery in 1863. His wife survived until 1893. Nine children were born to them, six of whom grew to maturity, namely: Nancy, William, Mary, James, John, Martha. Fourteen children, nine of whom reached maturity, were born to the subject and wife as follows: William, a miller, liv- ing in Mt. Vernon, Illinois; Spencer is a miller at Walnut Hill, Illinois; Luther is a blacksmith at Mt. Vernon, Illinois; Ida is the wife of Zelter Patton, who is living in Chester, Illinois; Mary married Joseph Root a farmer of Centralia township; Wal- ter is a farmer in Raccoon township, this county; Flora married Irvin Smith and is living in Centralia township: Mettie is the wife of J. Smith, of Centralia township ; Homer is a miller living at Shattuc, Il- linois. After his marriage Mr. Bates located near Mt. Vernon, Illinois, and took up farming, which he made a success of until he heard the call for brave sons to save the Union, consequently he enlisted in Company E, Eightieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as as private, on August 25, 1862, at Mt. Ver- non and was drilled at Centralia. His first engagement was at Perryville, Kentucky, on October 8, 1862, where he was wounded, having been shot through the left wrist. He was sent to the hospital at Louisville, Ken- tucky, where he remained for three months and was discharged on account of disability, much to his regret, for he desired to see fur- ther service and do what he could to help suppress the rebellion. After his army experience he came home and worked at farming for several years. Then he engaged in the milling business at Dix, Jefferson county, Illinois. In 1875 he came to Walnut Hill, and bought an inter- est in the Walnut Hill Flour and Feed Mills, later he bought the entire plant and finally sold the mill in 1905. Since then he has devoted his time principally to farming. He purchased a farm of eighty acres in Raccoon township, and also other land. which he sold, but he still owns a small RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 579 place which is well cultivated. Mr. Bates has always been a hard worker and success has attended his efforts. He formerly voted th Republican ticket, but in late years has voted the Prohibition ticket. He is a mem- ber of the Grand Army of the Republic at Walnut Hill, also a member of the Metho- dist church at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Bates are fine people and they enjoy the friendship of all their neighbors and exten- sive acquaintance owing to their good lives. HORACE BRONSON. Among the highly respected and influen- tial citizens of Centralia township, Marion county, Illinois, is the subject of this sketch, whose long and active life has been one of usefulness and honor, a native of the great Empire state, which has sent so many of its best sons into the West. He has kept up the state's reputation for sterling citizenship and loyalty to the government. Horace Bronson was born in Oneida county, New York, November 14, 1831, the son of Allen and Triphena (Hudson) Bronson, both natives of Chautauqua coun- ty, New York. Allen Bronson devoted his life to farming and in 1859 he came to Illi- nois, and located in Grundy county. He later went to Dennison, Iowa, and in 1893 went to Odell, Illinois, where he died in 1894, his wife having died in the state of New York. The subject's father married a. second time, his last wife being Kate Douglas, of New York state. She died in Grundy county, Illinois. Mr. Bronson was a loyal Republican and an influential man in his community. His wife was a member of the Methodist church. The following children were born to Allen Bronson by his first wife, namely: Horace, our subject; Jay was a soldier in the Civil war in the Seventy sixth New York Volunteer Infantry and located in Detroit after the war, where he engaged in business; Walter, a farmer at Pontiac, Illinois, served in the navy during the Civil war; James Gordon served in the Fourth Illinois Cavalry during the Civil war after which he located on a farm near Pon- tiac, Illinois, where he later died; William, a farmer at Odell, Illinois ; Isaac, also a vet- eran of the Civil war, is a farmer at Odell, Illinois. The following children were born to the second marriage: Byron is in the United States Signal service, having been stationed in the West for many years ; Fred is a conductor on the Burlington Railroad, located at Galesburg, Illinois; Charles is also a conductor on the Burlington at Gales- burg. The subject attended the home schools in his native community and remained a mem- ber of the family circle until 1852, when he went to California by water, where he worked at mining for four years, then went back to New York state and first married in 1856, Margaret Wright, of Utica, New York. She died May 14, 1871. His sec- ond wife was Ella Fitzgerald, a native of Centralia, Illinois. She died in 1875. He married a third time to Elizabeth Eberts, 5 8o I'.IOC.KAI'IIICAL AM) REMINISCENT HISTORY OK of Camden, Ohio. The subject had three children by his first wife, namely: George, who is living in the West; Frank, an elec- trician in Chicago; Ellen is deceased. The subject had no children by his second wife, but four by his third wife, namely; Grant, a carpenter living at Centralia, Illinois, who married Mary Thurston, and they are the parents of one daughter, Mabel; Albert J. is living at home; Walter is also living at home; Horace is deceased. In 1857 the subject came to Centralia, this state, and took up farming, which he made a success of until 1869 when he moved to Champaign, Illinois, where he farmed and raised broom corn with great success for a period of thirteen years, and in 1882 he came back to Centralia and located where he now lives, just south of the city of Cen- tralia in section 30, where he owns thirty- six acres of valuable land, where he carries on fruit raising and farming. He also raises some stock. The subject began making brooms in 1858 and has carried on the same, most of the time ever since. He and his sons have carried on this business in connection with other lines with uninterrupted success. They have no trouble in disposing of all the brooms they can make in the home market, for they are known to be a superior grade and are eagerly sought after. Mr. Bronson has always been a stanch Republican and he takes much interest in all movements looking to the well being of his county. Mrs. Bronson is a member of the Christian church. VERNE E. JOY. Verne E. Joy was born at Carmi, Illinois, December 12, 1876. He was educated in the common schools, and after receiving a business education spent over three years in Germany, as United States Consular Agent at Selingen and Sonneberg. Mr. Joy became editor and publisher of the Centralia Evening and Weekly Sentinel on November i, 1906, at the time of his father's retirement, who had spent a life-time in the business and had built up a splendid prop- erty in The Sentinels. Under the new man- agement the papers assumed a new aspect, reflecting the former training of Mr. Joy on Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs papers in addition to his acquirement of the printing trade under his father. The Evening Sentinel was given a new style of make-up, wire service was added, illustra- tions secured and the paper has since ap- peared in eight page form instead of four. New machinery and equipment was in- stalled and the paper has made a remarkable stride forward in circulation and advertis- ing, until at present The Sentinel has the largest sworn afternoon circulation of any daily in Southern Illinois. This paper moved to its own new and well appointed building the last of October, 1908, where it has ample and commodious quarters and is now more than meeting the fondest ex- pectations of its numerous patrons. It now occupies two floors, each one hundred and forty-seven feet long and has practically five thousand square feet of floor space. F. P. MILLER. SIONITi. /U A1ISMJAIMA m w> AHVU8I1 RICHLAND, CLAY AND MAKIOX COUXTIKS, ILLINOIS. New machinery, new type and other modern appliances and accessories have been added throughout; a new linotype machine pur- chased, and it is now one of the most com- plete and up-to-date equipments for the pub- lication of a newspaper in all Southern Illi- nois. The mechanical appearance of the paper is very attractive and in a small way equal to any metropolitan paper in the coun- try, and in keeping with the paper's claim of being "Egypt's Greatest Daily." All kinds of job and other high class printing are done at The Sentinel office in a large and separate department. FRANKLIN PIERCE MILLER. No resident in Centralia township, Ma- rion county, is deserving of specific mention in a book of this nature more than the sub- ject of this sketch, owing to the fact that he has led a very industrious and honor- able life, and is widely known as one of the leading fruit dealers in the Middle West. Franklin Pierce Miller was born in Cale- donia, Pulaski county, Illinois, October 23, 1852, the son of Henry and Catherine (Coover) Miller, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Maryland. Henry Miller, who grew up in North Caro- lina, was a farmer and he also engaged in real estate speculation. He located in Jones- boro, Union county, Illinois, in the early set- tlement of the county, and was one of the pioneers of that locality. His father was a pioneer merchant there and also run a tan- nery. He was accustomed to take leather to St. Louis and trade for merchandise. The subject's grandfather Miller raised a large family and died in Union county,' this state. The father of the subject had only a limited education, but he later devoted much time to home-study and became a well read man. He was a Democrat and took much interest in political affairs, a member of the German Reformed church, in which he took a great interest, while his wife was a member of the Lutheran church. The subject's mother had the first cook stove brought into Jones- boro and also owned one of the first sewing machines, which she operated for many years. Henry Miller passed away in 1872, at the age of fifty-seven years, and his wife survived until 1898. The following children were born to them: George, now deceased, having died at the age of fifty-seven years, married first a Miss Castleman, and his sec- ond wife was Addie Phillips. He died near Anna, Illinois. He was a teacher in early life, and later a commission merchant in Chicago. Andrew J., the second child, is deceased; he was a merchant at Cobden, Illinois, and married Allie Phillips; Alice, the third child, married Arthur Moss, who is deceased; she is living at Anna, Illinois; John, the fourth child, who was a merchant at Anna, Illinois, and who married Mollie Green, is deceased. Franklin Pierce, our subject, was the fifth child in order of birth. Mary married James N. Dickison, a mer- chant and a director of the First National Bank at Anna, Illinois. David Watson is 582 BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF a grain and lumber dealer at Winnebago, Minnesota; Caleb Monroe lives at Anna, Illinois; he is a farmer and fruit grower in Southern Illinois. He owns about four hun- dred acres of fruit, all kinds of vegetables, devoting especial attention to asparagus growing. He owns the opera house block and other valuable real estate and is in- terested in the bank at Anna. The subject of this sketch was educated in the home schools and remained a mem- ber of the family circle until he was nine- teen years old, when he clerked in his broth- er's store at Cobden, Illinois, where he re- mained for one year and then went to Chi- cago, where he was engaged with his brother, George, in the commission business on South Water street for about eight years. He closed up that business and came to Centralia in 1889, and bought his present home. He first put out twenty acres of strawberries the first year and the next year ten acres more and later planted many ap- ple and peach trees. He raises mostly small fruits, apples and Elberta peaches. He has been a fruit grower and dealer at Centralia on an extensive scale for the past twenty years, the firm name being F. P. Miller & Company, fruit dealers and brokers. They buy fruit from Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia and all of the southern states and their trade extends as far north as this county. They are the largest dealers in Illinois and are known throughout the coun- try. Their offices are in the Merchants' State Bank building in Centralia. J. E. Hefter, of Centralia, is a partner in the firm. They are known as "The Fruit Kings." Their business is a credit to this county and is of much importance in establishing in other states the prestige of the locality in commercial and horticultural lines. The subject of this sketch built his mod- ern and nicely furnished home in 1900 and his substantial and attractive barn in 1908. Mr. Miller's happy domestic life began in July 8, 1885, when he was united in mar- riage with Laura Hoag, a native of Cen- tralia, Illinois, the daughter of Peter and Carolina Hoag, natives of New York. They are both deceased. He was foreman of the blacksmith shop of the Illinois Central Rail- road for forty years. Two bright children have added sunshine to the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Miller, namely: Myrtle L., the wife of Robert Goodale, of Centralia, Illinois, where he is a wholesale manufacturer of ice cream. The second child of the subject is named Dwight Paul, who is at this writing attending Blees Mili- tary Academy at Macon, Missouri. He is a graduate of the Centralia high school. In his fraternal relations the subject is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Queen City lodge, at Centralia, Illinois; also the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Woodmen. The family attends the Baptist church. Mr. Miller started in life under none too favorable environment, but being ambitious and a man of industry, rare common sense and foresight, he has always prospered and today is ranked among the progressive and substantial citizens of Marion county, II- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 583 linois. He learned much in the way of be- ing a general business man from his father, who was one of the well known men of in- dustry in his day, having conducted a saw and grist-mill which were run by water- power with an old-style propeller saw. It was located on Mill creek, Union county. He also owned a large maple grove and made maple syrup and sugar. CHARLES S. HUDDLESTON. Dependent very largely upon his own re- sources from early youth, the subject of this sketch has attained to no insignificant position, and though he has encountered many obstacles, he has pressed steadily on and has won an eminent degree of success, and is today one of the foremost business men in Marion county, being the owner of a large marble and granite works in the thriv- ing city of Centralia. Charles S. Huddleston was born near Mt. Auburn, Kentucky, February 27, 1867, the son of George P. and Melinda (Pribble) Huddleston. Grandfather Huddleston was born in Pennsylvania and moved to Ken- tucky in an early day, where he spent the remainder of his life and where he died. He was a Confederate soldier and died from disease contracted while in the serv- ; ce. His wife died when about fifty-two years old. Their family consisted of nine children. Grandfather Pribble was a na- tive of Pennsylvania, who moved to Illinois in 1882 and died the following year at the age of sixty-five years. His wife died at the age of seventy-two years. They were the parents of four chilren and were mem- bers of the Christian church. The father of our subject remained in Kentucky until he was forty years old, when he moved to Illinois in 1881. He was a sol- dier in the Eighteenth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry in the Union army. He was wounded and captured at the battle of Rich- mond, Kentucky, and was discharged on ac- count of the wound, and he carried his arm in a sling for two years as a result of the same, the bone in the shoulder joint hav- ing been shattered with a bullet. His wound still gives him much pain and he draws a pension. He now makes his home with our subject. He holds to the faith of the Christian church. The mother of the sub- ject passed to her rest when thirty- four years old, and was buried in the beautiful Mt. Auburn cemetery. She was also a faithful member of the Christian church. George P. Huddleston was a farmer and carpenter in his active life, having devoted twenty years to his trade with marked suc- cess. He had a brother, Charles I., who was also a soldier in the Union ranks, hav- ing enlisted from Kentucky and served through the war, having been with Sher- man on his march to the sea. He came out of the war on a mule which he captured while on a foraging expedition and which he rode in the grand review at Washington. Another brother, John, also enlisted from Kentucky in the Union army, and another brother, Peter, was also in the Union serv- ice, having also been with Sherman and HHM.kAPHICAL AND REMIXISCEXT HISTORY OF served to the end of the war, receiving an honorable discharge. Lorenzo, another brother, was in the Federal ranks. He died soon after the close of the war. The parents of the subject reared five children. Charles S. Huddleston, our subject, first attended school in Kentucky, which state he left when fifteen years old and came to Illinois, in which state he went to the pub- lic schools for four or five winters. He had to walk nearly three miles each way to school. During this time and until he was twenty years old he worked on the farm, after which he served eleven years as a let- terer and carver on marble and granite. After four years he became superintendent of the works, so efficient had his services been. He continued as superintendent for a period of seven years. Then the owner died and Mr. Huddleston was selected to close up the business, which he did in a most satisfactory manner and finally bought the business without the payment of one dollar, all being in time notes, which he paid when due and had the business clear of indebtedness. This was in 1901, and he has since conducted the works successfully. It is now the largest works of its character in this locality and is well patronized, yield- ing the owner a handsome income. Mr. Huddleston was united in marriage in 1891 to Jennie Baldridge, who was born in Irvington, Illinois, the daughter of James and Lydia (Pitchford) Baldridge, a native of Illinois. Three interesting children have been born to the subject and wife, namely: Neva, born in 1892, is in her second year in high school in 1908; Ruby was born in 1895, is also in school: Nina, bom in 1898, is in school. In his fraternal relations our subject is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen, also a member of the United Commercial Travelers. The subject, wife and two oldest children are members of the Christian church. Mr. Hnddleston is a charter member of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association and still retains his mem- bership in that society, which boasts of the second largest membership in the state. In politics he is a loyal Republican and is now filling his second term as Alderman from the Third ward of Centralia in a most able and praiseworthy manner. BEN W. STORER. Mr. Storer is one of those estimable char- acters whose integrity and strong personal- ity must force them into an admirable place among the citizens of any community, who command the respect of their contemporaries and their posterity. Ben \Y. Storer, the well known grocer, was born in Centralia, Illinois, July 19, 1868, the son of Samuel and Susan B. (Bates) Storer, and he has taken part in the devel- opment of his native village, which he has seen grow to a thriving city. The parents of our subject reared a family of five chil- dren, three boys and two girls, of whom Ben W. was the fourth in order of birth. RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. The subject of this sketch was educated in the Centralia public schools. He first be- gan his business career in a grocery store, working for Barton & Stevenson, with whom he worked for two years, giving entire sat- isfaction. He then took a position with the R. D. Beaver Grocery Company, remaining in their employ for four years with equal success, when he engaged with Colonel Pit- tenger in the same business, continuing there for four years, building up an excellent trade, at the expiration of which time he embarked in the grocery business for him- self. Having mastered all the details of this special line, his success from the first was assured, as time soon substantiated. Our subject was united in marriage with Mabel Kerr, of Centralia, the daughter of the late J. N. Kerr, former editor of the Cen- tralia Sentinel and Mayor of the city for several years, our subject's wife being the oldest member of the family. To Mr. and Mrs. Storer two bright and interesting sons have been born, namely: Wilson Bates and Ben Wade, Jr., both now in school. Our subject is a member of Helmet Lodge, Knights of Pythias No. 26, of Centralia. In politics he is a loyal Republican, and re- ligiously he was reared a Presbyterian. In 1892 our subject began business at 114 East Broadway, having here launched successfully a grocery store, which steadily grew in its volume of business, until now his store is known throughout the community, his trade extending all over the city and to all parts of the county. He has a neat, up-to- date store and carries a full line of fancy groceries, canned goods, fruits and vege- tables of all kinds in season. He employs eight clerks and runs three wagons. His trade is very largely among the best class of people of Centralia, where he is known to all classes as a man of honest principles. W. B. GOODALE. W. B. Goodale was born in Centralia, Marion county, August 17, 1855, the son of William and Mary (Sherwood) Goodale, who were the parents of five children, four boys and one girl, of whom our subject was the fourth in order of birth. He bears the distinction of being the first white male child born in Centralia. The parents of our subject were Eastern people. They both passed away when our subject was about thirteen years of age. W. B. Goodale re- ceived his early education in Centralia. When in his "teens" he went to work for the Illi- nois Central Railroad Company, learning the machinist's trade, at which he worked, giving entire satisfaction, with this company for a period of fourteen years, at the expira- tion of which time he had accumulated suf- ficient money to buy a fruit farm near the city, and for the next fifteen years he ap- plied his skill and industry to raising small fruits of all kinds with great success, when he sold his farm and began the manufacture of ice cream, having purchased an interest in a plant in 1901. At that time the yearly output of the plant was very small, but un- Kin.lK.U'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF der the efficient management of our subject the capacity was gradually increased as trade poured in from all sides until now the out- put is fifteen times greater than formerly. The plant has been thoroughly remodeled in every way, having all the latest equip- ment for the business, is thoroughly sani- tary and always kept very clean. The prod- uct of this well known plant is shipped to over fifty cities and towns throughout Southern Illinois. The cream is bought from Elgin and Chicago markets and the milk is obtained from the dairymen in and about Centralia. The plant proper is forty by seventy-five feet. All milk and cream is here thorough- ly pasteurized by the most complete process. It is the only firm in the city that carries the state inspector's certificate, being up to the standard required by the state. This firm also manufacture all their own ice and cold storage, and recently purchased the fac- tory and equipment of the Mt. Vernon Ice Cream Company. W. B. Goodale was united in marriage to Mary E. Wild on October 27, 1881. She is the daughter of Samuel and Ann Wild, one of the old English families of Centraliar The wife of the subject is the oldest of three girls in the Wild family. One son has blessed the home of our subject and wife, named Robert W., who is a full partner with his father in business and a young man of great ability and promise of a future re- plete with happiness and success. Robert W. Goodale married Myrtle Miller on Jan- uary 9, 1907. She is the only daughter of Frank and Laura (Hoag) Miller, the father of Mrs. Goodale being a prominent fruit grower and commission merchant of Cen- tralia. Robert W. Goodale is regarded by all who know him as a thoroughly modern business man and one of the rising young men of Centralia. His education, natural ability and commendable qualities have well fitted him for an active and thorough busi- ness career. In politics both our subject and his son vote for the character of the man rather than the party, although they are sometimes counted upon as being Democrats, especial- ly in national issues. Religiously they are Baptists. Both father and son are thorough, practical men in every respect. W. B. Good- ale in former years was a member of the United Workmen. Robert is a member of the Modern Woodmen lodge at Centralia. ROBERT ROHL. Conspicuous among the representative citizens and progressive business men of Marion county, Illinois, is the gen- tleman whose name appears at the head of this article, who has by his great in- dustry, wise economy and sound judgment developed a good business. Robert Rohl was born in Marquette, Michigan, January 14, 1856, the son of Carl and Caroline (Weiland) Rohl, both na- tives of Germany, the father having come from Prussia and the mother from Wur- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. temburg. They both came to America when young and were married in Marquette, Michigan. They were the parents of nine children, of whom our subject is the oldest child of the four now living. His younger brother, August, lives in Centralia. Robert Rohl's early life was spent in Mar- quette, Michigan, where he acquired his ed- ucation. While yet a boy he began clerking in a hardware store, where he gave entire satisfaction to his employer for three years. He afterward worked at odd jobs, such as carrying hod, stone and brick mason work, mixed mortar and did general, all-around work on brick, stone and frame building construction. After two years of this kind of hustling he went to Minnesota, where he worked on a farm for five years in the sum- mer and during the winter months cut cord- wood and sold pumps. Then he returned to Marquette, Michigan, and went to work in the powder mills, making black powder, having worked there for one year, at the end of which time he and his younger broth- er, August, conducted a beer bottling plant in that city, which they successfully conduct- ed for six months, when our subject bought August's interests in the business and con- tinued it for four years from 1881 to 1886. While in this business he added soda water, bottling and supply trade to his already large business. He then sold his business in Mar- quette and came to Centralia and began in the same business, where he bought out Mr. Hayes in 1886, and has since continued with marked success, his busness being located at 117 North Oak street. He paid fifteen hun- dred dollars for the plant and has so in- creased the trade and the value of the plant until it is now worth several times that amount. His goods are shipped to the whole surrounding country, throughout Southern Illinois, and new territory is constantly be- ing added, for the superior quality of his goods is recognized by all, and new custom- ers are constantly coming to him. Mr. Rohl now carries about thirty towns on his ship- ping list and does a general carbonated soda water, ginger ale and all sorts of temperance drink business, also wholesale and retail, for beers, bar supplies and soda water fountains. Our subject was married to Anna Sta- bler in May, 1881, and four children have been born to this union, namely: Thersa, Anna, Caroline and Robert, Jr. Anna mar- ried George F. Hails, of Centralia, a switch- man on the Illinois Central Railroad. In politics our subject is a Republican, and religiously he was reared a Protestant. He has always taken a great interest in local political affairs and his political friends hon- ored him by electing him Mayor of Centra- lia, his term extending from 1901 to 1903. He was Alderman of the Fourth Ward for two terms. During his incumbency in these positions the city was carefully looked after and many public interests promulgated, so that his record was one of which anyone might well be proud. Mr. Rohl in his fraternal relations is a member of Helmet lodge, Knights of Py- thias, also the Red Men and Pocahontas. He belongs to the Turners, also the United Com- mercial Travelers. He is a member of the 588 r.IOCKAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Travelers' Protective Association, and was secretary and treasurer for four years of the United Commercial Travelers. He was chosen president of the Illinois State Bot- tlers' Protective Association for two years. He was a state delegate to the convention of the National Bottlers' Protective Associa- tion, held in Denver in 1907. The subject's father is still living at Mar- quette, Michigan, at the age of eighty-two years. His step-mother is also living at the same age. Our subject's mother died when forty years old. Grandfather Rohl died in Germany at the advanced age of ninety-six years, and his maternal grandfather died at the age of seventy-eight years. EDWIN L. WATTS. The subject of this sketch is recognized as one of the leading citizens of Centralia, where he is known by all as a business man of unusual ability, a man of progressive ideas and at all times ready to do his part in furthering any interest for the public good. Edwin L. Watts was born in Clinton county, five miles west of Centralia, on a farm, November n, 1873, the son of Wil- liam M. and Martha (Short) Watts, both natives of Illinois, in whose family there were five children, two boys and three girls, Edwin L., our subject, being the youngest in order of birth. Our subject received his early education in the common schools of his native com- munity, having applied himself in a careful manner and gained a good education which has later been added to by home reading, and by coming in contact with the world. He devoted his life to farming up to 1904, having been prosperous at this line of work, laying up from year to year a competence and making a comfortable living. But be- lieving that larger interests were to be found in Centralia, he came to this city and entered the livery business in which he was very successful for a period of two years, at the end of which he went into the im- plement business, having been associated with J. D. Breeze since 1906, the firm being Breeze & Watts, their well known place of business being 321 South Locust street, Cen- tralia. They handle a full line of imple- ments, vehicles, harness, buggies, wagons, drills, seeders, corn shellers and they deal in general stock on a large scale. Their store is always filled with customers and is one of the busiest places of its kind in Centralia. Before coming to Centralia, our subject served as Assessor of Raccoon township in a very creditable and acceptable manner for one year, during which time the interests of the township were as carefully looked after as if they had been his individual business. Mr. Watts was united in marriage to Mary Patton, November 20, 1895. She is the daughter of T. A. and Lena (Smith) Patton, a well known and influential family of this county. Mr. Watts' comfortable and cheerful home has been brightened by the presence HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. of the following children : William R., Len- na F., Ruby R., all bright children and mak- ing good grades in the local schools. Mr. Watts is a genial and most com- panionable gentleman and has many warm and admiring friends among the res- idents of his adopted city as well as in the township where he lived so long, and the high regard in which he is held not only in business but socially indicates the possession of attributes and characteristics that fully entitle him to the respect and consideration of his fellow men. TRUMAN B. ANDREWS. Characterized by breadth of wisdom and strong individuality, the achievements of the subject of this sketch but represent the utilization of innate talent in directing ener- gies along lines in which mature judgment and a resourcefulness that hesitates at no opposing circumstances, pave the way and ultimately lead to achievement. Truman B. Andrews was born in Jeffer- son county, Illinois, September 25, 1852, the son of Seymour and Martha (Hender- son) Andrews, who were the parents of ten children, the subject of this sketch being the third in order of birth. When about four years of age he went to Warren county, Il- linois, with his parents, where he remained until ten years of age, then moved to Cen- tralia, where he has since remained, having been identified with the growth of the com- munity and taking a prominent part in its development for a period of over forty-six years at this writing, 1908. He received his schooling in the Centralia common and high schools. Following in the footsteps of his father, he decided to become a merchant, and when he left school he began clerking for his father and later became bookkeeper, with whom he remained assisting in build- ing up a fine trade in the dry goods and clothing business until his father retired about 1890. Truman then went with the firm of G. L. Pittenger, who conducted a grocery store, remaining with the same for four years with his usual success. He then went to work for the Pittenger & Daves Mining and Manufacturing Company, as their assistant secretary in the office work of this extensive enterprise, with which he was identified for six years, giving high class service in every respect. Mr. Andrews then worked in the Centralia Mining and Manufacturing Company, which is operated by the same people as their secretary, re- maining as such for seven years, or until they retired from active business. He con- tinued to work or the firm that succeeded them remaining until he bought an interest in the firm of Gillett & Company, clothiers and gents' furnishers. They manage a big and well stocked store and Mr. Andrews Is to be found here daily ready to wait upon his scores of customers who know that they will here receive the most courteous consideration and always receive the full value of their money. The stock is kept well up-to-date and is carefully selected at all seasons. This store is one of the most tastefully arranged and neatly kept of any in Southern Illinois and customers are al- BIOGRAPHICAL AND KKMIXISCliXT HISTORY OF ways pleased to visit it where they are made to feel at ease. The domestic life of the subject of this sketch dates from December 17, 1874, when he was married to Amanda J. McClelland, daughter of John and Margaret McClelland, of Marion county, a well known and in- fluential family. To this union three in- teresting children have been born, namely: Hallie, Lois and Cinnie. Hallie married Bessie Robinett, of Columbia, this state, and they are the parents of one son, Raymond, born in 1904. Hallie Andrews is firing an engine on the Illinois Central Railroad. Lois is married to L. R. Porter, a blacksmith on the Illinois Central Railroad, of Cen- tralia, and they are the parents of two chil- dren, one boy, Emmett, born in 1905, and one girl, Lorena, who is one year old in 1908. Cinnie, the subject's third child, mar- ried George Green, of Centralia, where he is engaged in the barber business. In politics our subject is a supporter of Republican issues. He is a member of the Christian church, having been a deacon for a period of fifteen years, and is also a trus- tee of the same. In his fraternal relations lie is a member of the Modern Woodmen, No. 397; the Knights of Pythias, No. 26; also a charter member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, having served in many of the chairs of the last two lodges. Mr. An- drews was Township Public School Treas- urer or twenty years, being still in this po- sition. He is greatly interested in educa- tional matters and has always done what he could to further the interests of the local schools. He also faithfully served as Town Clerk of Centralia for a period of six years. He has also been a member of the Centralia City Fire Department for over twenty-five years, having frequently hazarded his life day and night in order to save property. HON. D. W. HOLSTLAW. Few names in Marion county are as wide- ly known and as highly honored as the one which appears at the head of this review. For many years as a farmer, banker and prominent business man, D. W. Holstlaw has ranked and also occupies a conspicuous place in business and state. On both sides of his family Mr. Holstlaw springs from sturdy antecedents and he has every reason to be proud of his forbears. His father, Daniel S. Holstlaw, was a stock dealer and farmer, being a native of Kentucky and widely known and highly esteemed citizen. He became a resident of this county about 1830, settling in Stevenson township, where in due time he accumulated a large and val- uable estate and achieved much more than local reputation as breeder and dealer in live stock, besides attaining an honorable standing as a public spirited citizen and en- terprising man of affairs. Daniel S. Hoist- law did much to promote the material prog- ress of the section of country in which he lived, and was equally interested in the so- cial and moral advancement of the commu- nity, doing all within his power to benefit his neighbors and fellow citizens, and leav- ing to them the memory of a useful life and an honorable name when called from the HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 591 scenes of his labors and triumphs on the fifth day of December, 1905. The maiden name of Mrs. Daniel Holstlaw was Ruth Wade Middleton. She was born in Ten- nessee and is still living on the old family homestead in Stevenson township, where, surrounded by relatives and friends, she is passing the evening of a well spent life with nothing in the future to fear or in the past to regret. The family of this estimable cou- ple consisted of eleven children, all of whom are living. A more extended mention of this family will be found upon another page of this volume. Daniel W. Holstlaw was born February 5, 1849, at the family home in Stevenson township, and there spent the years of his childhood and youth, learning at an early age the lessons of industry, economy and self-reliance, which had much to do in form- ing a well rounded character and fitting him for the subsequent duties of life. When old enough to be of service he helped with the labors of the field and in due time be- came a valuable assistant to his father in the latter's live stock interests and other business, proving faithful to his various duties and worthy of the trust reposed in his integrity and 'honor. Meanwhile as op- portunities permitted he attended the com- mon schools of the neighborhood, but by reason of his services being required at home his education was somewhat limited. In after years, however, he made up very large- ly for this deficiency by a wide range of reading and careful observation, but more especially by his relations with his fellow men in various business capacities, thus be- coming the possessor of a fund of valuable practical knowledge, which could not have been obtained from schools or colleges. Mr. Holstlaw spent his minority under the parental roof, in the cultivation of the farm and otherwise looking after his par- ents, but in the year 1870 he severed his home ties to accept a clerkship in a mer- cantile house in the town of luka. After serving in the capacity of clerk until becom- ing an efficient salesman and acquiring a knowledge of the business he formed a part- nership with James W. Humphries, and dur- ing the two years ensuing the firm conduct- ed a thriving trade and forged rapidly to the front, among the leading merchants of the town. At the expiration of the period noted Mr. Holstlaw purchased his partner's inter- est and adding very materially to the stock, soon built up a large and lucrative patron- age, and it was not long until he became one of the most successful business men of the county, a reputation he sustained during the thirty odd years which he devoted to mer- cantile life. Meantime he saw a favorable opening at luka for the banking business, and in compliance with the suggestions of many of his fellow townsmen and others as well as consulting his own inclinations, he finally established a bank in his store, which soon formed a valuable adjunct to the business interests of the town and surround- ing country. After conducting the two lines of business jointly until 1907, he disposed of his mercantile interests, and since that time has devoted his entire attention to bank- 592 I'.hXiKAPHICAL AND KK.M I \ ISCKNT HISTORY OF ing, establishing in luka the Holstlaw Bank, which is now one of the most successful and popular institutions of the kind, not only in Marion county, but in the southern part of the state. The growth of the bank in public favor has more than met the high ex- pectations of Mr. Holstlaw and others in- terested in its success, the patronage, which takes a wide range, being liberal, but all that could reasonably be desired, and the solidity of the institution beyond the shadow of a doubt. As the executive head and practical man- ager of the bank, Mr. Holstlaw exemplifies the sound judgment, wise discretion and rare foresight which have ever characterized his business dealing, while his familiarity with financial matters enables him to conduct the institution in the broad though wisely con- servative spirit which bespeaks its continu- ous growth and solidity. The bank building is an elegant modern structure, erected espe- cially adapted for the purpose and amply equipped with all the appliances necessary to the successful prosecution of the business, the safe, furniture and other fixtures being of the latest and most approved patterns and calculated to satisfy the taste of the most critical and exacting. Mr. Holstlaw is also a stockholder and director of the Salem Na- tional Bank and also the bank at St. Peter. In addition to his long and eminently suc- cessful career in business, Mr. Holstlaw has for many years been one of the leading poli- ticians of Marion county, his activity in po- litical circles, however, being by no means confined to local affairs, but state wide in its influence. He is firm and unchanging in his allegiance to Democratic principles and mid all vicissitudes in which the party has been subject during the last two decades, he has never wavered in his loyalty, nor when necessary hesitated to make sacrifices for its success. Judicious in counsel and an untiring worker, he has been a standard bearer in a number of campaigns and it was not until recently that he consented to serve his party in a public capacity, although fre- quently importuned and solicited by his many friends to accept the offices for which by native training he is eminently fitted. In the year 1908 he was elected to the upper house of the General Assembly, and although but fairly entering upon his official duties he has already made his influence felt among his brother Senators, and bids fair to ren- der his constituency and the state valuable service and earn an honorable record among the distinguished legislators of the common- wealth. On January 3, 1875, Mr. Holstlaw and Clara R. Stevenson were united in the holy bonds of wedlock, a union blessed with two children, the older a son, Herschel D., and the younger a daughter, who answers to the name of Florence E. Herschel D. Holstlaw, whose birth oc- curred on December 20, 1875, was educated in the home schools and Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College, and since beginning life for himself has been associated with his father, being at this time cashier of the Holstlaw Bank and a man of fine business ability. He was married October 3, 1900,. HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 593 to Louise Tully, of Xenia, Illinois, whose parents, Joseph E. and Fannie (Paine) Tully, still live in that town, the father being a banker and merchant, and one of the old- est of three children. Mrs. Holstlaw is the oldest of three children born to these parents, her two brothers, Joseph M. and William Paine Tully, being residents of Xenia, and associated with their father in merchandising and banking. Florence E., the subject's second child, married Albert E. Kelly, of North Vernon, Indiana, but now a resident of luka, Illinois, where he is engaged in the mercantile trade at the old Holstlaw stand. Mr. Holstlaw's activity in business to- gether with his superior methods and hon- orable dealing has resulted greatly to his financial advantage and he is now one of the wealthy and reliable men of Marion county, being in independent circumstances, with more than a sufficiency of this world's goods to render his future free from care and anxiety. Additional to his mercantile, banking and other interests at luka, he owns several valuable farms in various parts of the county and is also quite extensively in- terested in live stock, being one of the larg- est breeders and raisers of fine cattle in this part of the state, these and his other hold- ings indicating the energy and capacity of a mind peculiarly endowed for large and im- portant enterprises. Clara R. Stevenson, who became the wife of Hon. D. W. Holstlaw, as stated in a pre- ceding paragraph, is a native of Stevenson township and a daughter of Hon. Samuel E. Stevenson, in whose honor the township was named. Mr. Stevenson was born in Ohio August 9, 1819, and his wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Kagy, was also a native of Ohio. The Stevensons were among the pioneer settlers of Fairfield coun- ty, Ohio, and it was there that Samuel E. spent his youth, beginning to earn his own living at the early age of six years. Later he received eight dollars per month for his services as a farm laborer, and by industry and strict economy succeeded in saving in four years the sum of one hundred dollars, his expenses for clothing during that time amounting to only forty dollars. Going on horseback to Illinois, he invested his savings in cattle, which he drove to Ohio and sold at a liberal profit, the venture proving so suc- cessful that he decided to continue the busi- ness. During the several years following he made a number of trips to and from Illi- nois , buying cattle and disposing of them at handsome figures, and in this way laid the foundation of what subsequently became an ample fortune. After his marriage to Miss Kagy, which took place in Marion county, Illinois, in 1848, he located in what is now Stevenson township, where he en- tered a large tract of land and engaged in farming and stock raising, devoting especial attention to the breeding of cattle, in which lie met with the most gratifying success. Later he became interested in public affairs and in due time rose to a position of consid- erable influence among his fellow citizens. 594 nim.KAl'HICAL AXU REMINISCENT HISTORY OF who in recognition of valuable political serv- ices elected him in 1866 to the lower house of the Legislature. Mr. Stevenson was one of the leading Democrats of his day in Marion county and achieved a wide reputation throughout the state as an able and adroit politician. He filled worthily a number of positions of honor and trust, won the esteem of the people ir- respective of party alignment and became one of the most popular men of his time in Southern Illinois. In connection with farm- ing and stock raising he held large interests in the Sandoval coal mines and was also a heavy stockholder in the Salem National Bank and appeared to succeed in all of the enterprises to which he devoted his atten- tion. He not only gave his children the best educational advantages the country af- forded, but also provided liberally for their material welfare by giving each a good start when they left home to begin life for them- selves. He was long a sincere member of the Baptist church, as was also his wife, and spared no pains in instructing his children in the truths of religion and the necessity of moral conduct as the only basis of a true and successful life. Mrs. Stevenson died in 1876 and her husband in the year 1899, the loss of both being greatly deplored and pro- foundly mourned by their many friends in Marion and other counties of Southern Il- linois. The children of Samuel E. and Elizabeth Stevenson, nine in number, were as follows : Clara B., wife of Hon. D. W. Holstlaw; Marion T.. a farmer and stock dealer of Marion county: Joanna, widow of the late Aaron Warner, of Stevenson township, where she now resides: Edgar, for some years one of the leading teachers of Marion county and a young man of noble aims and high ideals, who departed this life Novem- ber, 1878, in the prime of his physical and mental powers. He began school work at the age of eighteen, soon attained an hon- orable standing as an educator, and at the time of his death was considered one of the finest and most accomplished instructors in this part of the state. Homer R., the fifth in order of birth, married Clara Humphries and devotes his attention to farming, in which his success has been very gratifying. Van C, who married Ella Brunton, lives on the old family homestead and is also a suc- cessful tiller of the soil; Frank M., the sev- enth of the family, was graduated from Illi- nois College in 1886, and the year following was killed by lightning. He, too, was a young man of intelligence and culture and his untimely death terminated what prom- ised to be a useful and honorable career. Anna, who married Frank Boynton, of Sa- lem, is deceased, and Maggie, the youngest of the family, is the wife of W. E. Irvin, and lives in Salem. THOMAS M. LANE. The honorable gentleman whose name ap- pears above is entitled to wear the badge indicating that he is one of the brave "boys in blue," and while some casual thinker might not attach much importance to this HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 595 fact, those who rightly consider the matter know that no greater badge of honor could be conferred upon a man. Thomas M. Lane was born in Madison county, Ohio, August 19, 1844, the son of Hooper and Margaret (Martin) Lane, who were the parents of four children, our sub- ject being the oldest in order of birth. Hoop- er Lane was born in Ohio, as was also his wife. The early education of the subject of this sketch was gained in Washington county, Iowa, where he was reared on a farm and labored hard as a boy and young man until 1 86 1, when on June isth of that year, being unable to resist the call of his government for help in its hour of need, he enlisted in the Tenth Iowa Infantry, under Colonel Parsell, of Keokuk, Iowa, and was mustered into the service of the United States Sep- tember 28, 1 86 1. He was in Company D, under Captain Berry, of Boone county, Iowa. He remained with this company un- til 1863, taking part in all its engagements, when he re-enlisted at Huntsville, Alabama, and was transferred to Company E of the same regiment as a veteran. April i, 1864, by Captain York, under Captain Shepherd and Colonel Strong. Our subject made a most gallant soldier, having fought in twen- ty-eight battles and skirmishes. He was dis- charged August 15, 1865, at Little Rock, Arkansas, by Adjt. Gen. N. B. Baker. After the war Mr. Lane returned to Wash- ington county. Iowa, where he remained for two years and devoted his time to farming. He then turned his attention to railroading in 1867, in the fall of that year beginning work on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad at East St. Louis. From there he went to North Missouri, where he was employed on the Wabash Railroad for two years. He then went to the Rock Island Railroad, run- ning as a brakeman from Davenport to Des Moines. He was also switchman and final- ly conductor for the Hannibal Railroad, from St. Joseph to Hannibal, Missouri. He then went to the Missouri Pacific Railroad, running from St. Louis to Chamoise, Mis- souri. Mr. Lane then was employed by the C. B. & U. P., a branch of the Missouri Pa- cific Railroad ; later he went to the Illinois Cental Railroad as yard crew conductor, which position he held for eight years in the East St. Louis yards. While thus employed our subject had the misfortune to lose his right hand on October 14, 1897. When he recovered from this injury he was placed on the detective force of this road, in which capacity he remained until 1900, when he resigned and came to Clinton county, where he bought a fruit farm, which business he followed for two years, when he sold out and came to Centralia, where, on February 19, 1902, he formed a partnership and launched in the real estate business, later purchasing his partner's interest and be- came sole manager of the "Home Real Es- tate Company," of Centralia, and he now enjoys a good, thriving business. Mr. Lane became widely known during his railroading days, giving the various companies for which he worked entire satis- faction, being regarded by them as one of 596 r.lOCUAHIICAI. AM) RK.M1MSCKNT HISTORY OF the most trusted and efficient employes, al- ways at his post and conscientious in his work, so that he was always highly recom- mended for his services. He enjoys the full confidence of his numerous friends. His long and wide experience in army and rail- road life has made him a reader of men and a most appreciative neighbor. He votes the Republican ticket, having first voted for Abraham Lincoln at Savannah, Georgia. He was reared by pious Methodist parents. Our subject is unassuming and open hearted and honest to the core. BURDEN PULLEN. As a member of one of the pioneer fami- lies of this country, Mr. Pullen calls for recognition in a compilation of the province assigned to the one at hand, and it is a pleas- ure to enter this review of his upright and successful career, for he has ever been faith- ful in the performance of whatever duty he found to be his, without thought of reward or praise from his fellow men. Burden Pullen was born in Mercer coun- ty, New Jersey, June 8, 1833, the son of James B. and Sarah (McCabe) Pullen. Grandfather Pullen, who was of English descent, lived in New Jersey and died at the advanced age of ninety-eight years. He de- voted his life to agricultural pursuits and reared to maturity a family of nine children. His noble life companion was a faithful member of the church. Grandfather Mc- Cabe, who was of Scotch-Irish blood, lived on a farm, and both he and his wife lived to advanced ages, rearing a large famliy. The father of the subject was reared in New Jersey, and being poor, his parents could not give him the school advantages that he de- sired. However, he made the best use pos- sible of what he had, and after leaving school learned the cooper's trade, although he never worked at it to any extent. He left New Jer- sey in 1839 and settled in Middletown, Ohio, going into the fruit and nursery business and developing into a well known and prom- inent horticulturist, the study of which he had begun before leaving New Jersey, and devoted his life to that business with pro- nounced success. He died at the age of sixty-five years, having been survived by a widow until she reached eighty-six. They were members of the Baptist church and their family consisted of nine children. The early education of the subject of this sketch was obtained in the district schools of Ohio, where he diligently applied him- self. Desiring to receive a higher educa- tion, he later entered Franklin College in- Indiana, but on account of sickness was obliged to leave before finishing the course he had hoped to take. He worked on his father's fruit farm and was with him as an- associate in the business until 1856, when he came to Centralia, Illinois, then being twen- ty-three years old. He opened a nursery, becoming a horticulturist of more than lo- cal note. He bought the place where he now resides in 1857. The place consisted of seventy acres and all of it was used as a nur- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 597 sery and fruit farm. Much of his land is now laid out in city lots and has been sold. He closed the nursery branch and gradually worked all into the horticulture line, which he made a great success. Mr. Pullen's happy married life dates from December i o, 1857, when he was unit- ed in the bonds of wedlock with Lucille O. Gex, a native of Kentucky. Her ancestry was of French descent. Her grandparents on the mother's side were named Price. They were from England and her grandfather was a Baptist minister. Her father was an educated man, a linguist. He was a planter in Kentucky and a slave holder. Nine children have been born to the sub- ject and wife, named in order of birth as follows: Lucian C. is married and the fa- ther of four children : Rena is the wife of E. S. Condit and the mother of two children; Maud, who was the wife of Dr. George Ab- bott, is deceased; Blanche is also deceased; May is the wife of Charles P. Marshall and the mother of two children; Fred is mar- ried and has one child; Rome B. is the sev- enth child and Bird G. the eighth, the latter married and has two children; Lillie is the youngest and the wife of Raymond A. Beck and the mother of one child. The subject's first wife died in 1891, and he was again married September 13, in 1893, to Mrs. Anna E. Russell, of Clinton county, Illinois. Our subject is one of the original organ- izers of the local First Baptist church, of Centralia, and is the only living member of the original organization. In politics he was originally a Whig, then a Republican, but in late years a Democrat. He was a mem- ber of the State Board of Agriculture, hav- ing been vice-president of the same for twen- ty years. He was one of the Commission- ers appointed by the Governor to take charge of the Illinois exhibit at the World's Fair in 1893 at Chicago, and was chairman of the Committee on Horticulture and Floriculture. He spent two years in this work, having charge of and preparing the grounds and buildings for this display. He was for some time Trustee of the University of Illinois, by appointment of Governor Oglesby, hav- ing been Chairman of the Committee on Grounds. He was also Auditor of the State Board of Agriculture, having had charge of the purchasing department and a number of other departments. He has had charge of some one of these departments for the past twenty years. Mr. Pullen, besides having been a very busy man in this line, has also had other business of much importance. He assisted in the organization of the Merchants' State Bank of Centralia and was its first presi- dent, having faithfully performed the duties of this exacting position for a period of six years, and withdrew on account of physical disability. E. S. Condit, a grandson of the subject, is now assistant cashier of this bank. Mr. Pullen was one of the organizers of the Centralia Ice and Cold Storage Company, and has been its president ever since it was first organized. His son, Fred, is secretary and business manager of the same and has ably filled this position since 1898. 598 l!l(i<; KAI'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Mr. Pullen has long taken an active in* terest in public affairs and he has served creditably as School Trustee and Director, also Township Supervisor. He was active in the District Fair Association and was the first president of the same, having been chosen by acclamation, and it was largely due to his efficient efforts that the success of the fair was due. Whatever of success has been attained by our subject is due entirely to his own industry, energy and ability. From small beginnings he gradually, by the most honorable methods, attained a prominence in his county which entitles him to be regard- ed as one of its leading citizens, his reputa- tion being that of a man of business in- tegrity, and his modem home is often the gathering place for numerous friends of himself and family. F. H. BAUER. All honor should be due the men who turn the ideal into the practical, inaugurate such conditions and crystalize into the probable and actual what appear to be wild flights of fancy and imagination. It is of such a man that the biographer here essays to write. F. H. Bauer, the well known proprietor of the Centralia Steam Laundry, one of the busiest places in the city, was born in Ma- rion county, Illinois, September n, 1866, the son of Fred and Amelia (Ruple) Bauer, in whose family there were two sons, our subject being the older. Mr. Bauer was educated in the Centralia public schools and the high school. Being ambitious to receive a business education he attended the night schools in St. Louis, Mis- souri, where he made a splendid record. He began his life work when eighteen years old by entering the employ of the Illinois Cen- tral Railroad. He worked for some time as fireman and was later promoted to locomo- tive engineer, and for a period of twelve years gave entire satisfaction in whatever ca- pacity he served, and being regarded by the company as one of the most trusted and valuable employes. After his railroad experience he turned his attention to mining in the Joplin (Mis- souri) zinc and lead mine district, where he remained one year, after which he returned to Centralia, Illinois, and took the occupa- tion of tonsorial artist, which he pursued with marked success for a period of four years, at the expiration of which time he pur- chased the laundry plant originally known as Ormsby & Ormsby laundry, having been started in 1880. H. C. Watts bought the Ormsby plant and run it for several years, when his interests were purchased by the enterprising and hustling subject of this sketch. Mr. Bauer at once proceeded to re- model the plant throughout, replacing the old worn-out machinery with latest models and most up-to-date equipment in every re- spect. He also rebuilt the engine in every part. Outside of the large cities this is one of the oldest laundries in the state and none turns out better work, for the plant is equipped with the best machinery obtainable RICHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 599 and only expert employes are to be found here. Useless to say that with such an en- terprising man at the head of this old es- tablished institution that it at once assumed new life and his success was instantaneous, his patronage having steadily increased from the first. When he first assumed charge the total income of the plant was only sixty-five dollars per week. Mr. Bauer has increased this to two hundred dollars per week. In 1901 this plant employed only three girls; now thirteen are constantly employed. The main room of this plant is one hundred and forty feet long by twenty-four feet wide and the capacity is now over-crowded. Work is done in this laundry for all surrounding towns as far east as Wayne City and as far north as Kinmundy, west to Evansville, Il- linois, and south to Herrin. They do hotel, barber shop and family washings for more than one hundred and fifty patrons per week. The domestic life of Mr. Bauer dates from October 30, 1891, when he was united in the bonds of wedlock with Louise Jones, the daughter of a well known family, and to this union one child has been born, Wen- dell A., whose date of birth occurred Feb- ruary 20, 1901. Our subject was reared a German Luth- eran. He is an ardent Democrat in his po- litical beliefs. He holds membership in the following orders in Centralia : Masons, Blue Lodge No. 201 ; Chapter No. 93 ; Council No. 28; Knights Templar No. 26; Knights of Pythias No. 26; Pythian Sisters, Lotus Temple No. 8; Odd Fellows No. 179; En- campment No. 75. He is also a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineers No. 37. Mr. Bauer takes a great interest in lodge work. LEVI BRANCH. There can be no greater honor than to serve one's country honestly and conscien- tiously in any capacity, but when the na- tion's integrity is at stake and it becomes necessary for the citizen soldiery to leave plow and workshop and go into the conflict, risking limb and life, it is a much greater sacrifice and the honor attached thereto is higher than almost any other known to man. Of this worthy class belongs the subject of this sketch, a veteran of the war between the states, who has long led an active and useful life in Marion county. Levi Branch was born in Meigs county, Ohio, January 3, 1843, the son of Samuel S. and Elizabeth (Smith) Branch, the former a native of Vermont, of hardy New England stock, having been born there December 27, 1801. He was a farmer and also a Baptist preacher. Grandfather Stephen Branch moved to Ohio when Samuel was an infant of twelve months. There were three boys and one girl in their family. He died Jan- uary 29, 1862. Elizabeth Smith, mother of the subject, was born in Pennsylvania Au- gust 4, 1806. Samuel S. Branch and wife were the parents of seven children, four boys and three girls, of whom Levi, our subject, 6oo BIOGRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF is the sixth child in order of birth. He was the son of Samuel S. Branch's third wife. There was one son by his first wife and one daughter by his second wife. A half broth- er of the subject was also in the Union army and five of the Branch brothers were in the Civil war, all of whom returned home after their enlistments had expired. Levi Branch enlisted at Springfield, Illinois, and he left Wayne county April 27, 1863, being a mem- ber of Company M, Fifth Illinois Cavalry, under Colonel McConnell and Capt. R. N. Jessup. His first active service was in a skirmish in Missouri and he was captured ne"ar Collinsville, Tennessee, where he and three of his comrades were held for twenty- four hours and were then sent to Memphis on fictitious parole given by the colonel in the saddle. He was discharged at Spring- field October 27, 1865, after having made an excellent record as a soldier, returning to Wayne county and took up farming after the war. Mr. Branch was married to Clarinda Phil- lips January 3, 1864, and to this union six children have been born, all deceased. The oldest daughter, Ida E., who was a grad- uate of the Centralia high school, died when twenty-four years of age. The other chil- dren died in infancy. Clarinda Phillips, the daughter of John and Harriett Phillips, of Wayne county, Il- linois, is the third child in a family of five children, all girls. Mr. and Mrs. Branch moved from Wayne county to Austin, Min- esota, in 1876, where they remained one year, then came to Rice county, Kansas, where they remained for fifteen years, and in 1892 moved to Centralia, where Mr. Branch followed the carpenter's trade, hav- ing done considerable contracting also in this city. He has always been known as a very able workman, his services being satis- factory to all concerned, for he is conscien- tious and painstaking. In politics Mr. Branch is a Republican, but he is a great admirer of William J. Bryan, for whom he voted three times. In religion he adheres to the Baptist faith, in which he was reared, but he joined the Christian church, and is a faithful attendant of the same. He is known to be a man of uprightness and honest in all his dealings with his fellow men, and he has won many friends since coming to Centralia, where he has been very successful in his line of busi- ness. JOHN A. SNODGRASS. The gentleman whose name initiates this sketch has shown by a long life of industry and honesty that he is entitled to a place in the history of Marion county. John A. Snod- grass was born August 28, 1836, in Scott county, Indiana, the son of Samuel Snod- grass, a native of Kentucky, who was born in 1800 and who married Mira Hardy, of New Hampshire. He lived in Kentucky un- til 1818, when he went to Jefferson county, Indiana, with his father, Hugh, where he lived until his death in 1850. He was a farmer and a member of the Christian church, also a temperance worker and a member of the Sons of Temperance. His HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 601 wife died in 1851. Seven children were bom to them, namely: Norma, deceased; Marion, who died in Pilot Knob, Missouri, in 1863, was a soldier in the Union army; Tirzah is single and always lived with the subject; Mary married Solomon Cutshall, a farmer at Patoka, Illinois; John, subject of this sketch; Alonzo, a plasterer in Okla- homa, was in Company H, Twenty-second Illinois Infantry, for two years, later re-en- listing; Lambert, who is deceased, lived with the subject in Centralia. John A. Snodgrass received a limited ed- ucation in the subscription schools of the early days. He lived at home, assisting with the work about the place, until the Presi- dent's call for loyal citizens to aid in sup- pressing the rebellion induced him to enter the conflict, having enlisted in September, 1862, in Company H, Twenty-second In- diana Volunteer Infantry at Lexington, In- diana. He was sent to Kentucky and Ten- nessee, and was in the engagements at Per- ryville, Lancaster, Nolansville and Murfrees- boro, having fought seven days at Stone River. He was taken sick after that battle and was in the field hospital, later sent to Nashville, still later to Louisville, suffering with rheumatism and fever, becoming so sick that he was given up by the physicians to die. He was discharged from the army for disability, October 20, 1863, after which he returned home, where he remained until the spring of 1866, when he came to Illinois and located one mile west of Central City on a farm. He then came to Centralia township, where he remained three years, moving one and one-half miles south of Centralia, where he has remained far the past twenty-six years. He bought a home and three lots in Centralia, and in 1900 purchased his pres- ent splendid home at 1301 South Locust street. He has farmed, made brick and teamed, making a success at each. He re- tired in 1906. Mr. Sodgrass was married in 1868 to Mary Crawford, of Centralia, the daughter of Zachariah Crawford, of Kentucky, who in 1840 came to Illinois, locating two miles west of Centralia. He was a blacksmith and also owned a good farm. The subject's wife passed away in 1870. Mr. Snodgrass has one daughter, Lulu, who is the wife of Charles Phillips, of Centralia. He is now engaged in the round house of the Illinois Central Railroad. Our subject has reared two of his brother's children, John and Lizzie Snod- grass. Mr. Snodgrass is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the post at Centralia, and his sister is a member of the Christian church. Our subject is a fine old man whom everybody likes and everybody respects and honors for his life of industry and loyalty to high principles. THOMAS F. MEAGHER. The subject of this sketch is one of the well known men of Centralia, and his resi- dence in Marion county has shown him to be a man of business ability and honesty of purpose so that he has won the confidence of those with whom he has come in contact. 602 1MOCRAPHICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF Thomas F. Meagher was born December 23, 1848, in Toronto, Canada, the son of James W. and Anna (Ryan) Meagher, the former a native of the county of Tipperary, Ireland, as was also his wife, where they grew up and married. He was a carpenter by trade and he came to Toronto, Canada, in 1842, and in 1865 he moved with his fam- ily to Chicago, where he worked at his trade until his death in 1869, his widow having survived until 1892. They were members of the Catholic church and they were the parents of the following children; Joseph P., who was in the United States navy dur- ing the rebellion and later a policeman and butcher in Chicago; Thomas F., our sub- ject ; Harry is a painter and foreman in the Denver & Rio Grand Railroad shops in Colo- rado City, Colorado. He was quartermaster in the army for five years under General Miles. Maria is the widow of Samuel Pal- ing and lives in Chicago; Margaret is the widow of Jerome P. Merrill, of Chicago. Our subject went to the common schools and later educated himself. He and ' his brother Joseph went in the fall of 1864 to Chicago and followed the lakes for five years steamboating, and he was for three years in the wholesale house of J. W. Doane & Co., of Chicago. After this he went into the land office of the Illinois Central Railroad in Chicago. During the great fire of Octo- ber 8 and 9, 1871, he saved all the land records and books of this company. After the fire the office was moved to Centralia and the subject came here to look after the business. He continued in the land office and also traveled all over the country for this road as traveling land agent, selling land and collecting and looking after their interests in general. In 1882 he was ap- pointed Deputy Revenue Collector of the Thirteenth United States District of Illi- nois for one term. After this he returned to the employ of the Illinois Central, with which he remained until 1884. He was re- garded by this company as one of the most trusted and indispensable employes. Mr. Meagher was united in marriage No- vember 3, 1872, with Mary A. Lawler, who was born in Chicago, the daughter of Mich- ael and Johanna (Phelan) Meagher, both natives of Tipperary county, Ireland. They came singly when young people to America and settled in Chicago when the country thereabout was a wilderness. He was a gardener by trade and also teamed exten- sively. He helped lay out the famous Lin- coln park of that city, putting out trees, etc. He died in 1893 and his wife died in 1898. Their children were: Mary A., the subject's wife; John, who is with J. W. Reedy Elevator Company in Chicago; Ed- ward is a street car conductor in Rochester, New York ; William is shipping clerk for a candy manufacturing firm in Chicago ; Mar- garet is single and living in Chicago; The- resa is single and operating a hair dressing establishment at 92 State street, Chicago; Sarah is the wife of J. W. Reedy, of Chi- cago. Ten children have been born to the subject and wife, as follows : Frank J. is single and living at home, clerking in the offices of the HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 6o 3 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad in Centralia ; Margaret is saleslady at Marshall Field's & Co., Chicago. ; Mary is saleslady at Hartman's Dry Goods Company, Centra- lia; Thomas T. is a machinist on the Big Four Railroad at Mattoon, Illinois; James W. is a cigarmaker in Naples, New York; Henry Edward is foreman of The Democrat office in Centralia; Charles A., who died at the age of twenty-one years, was clerk for the Illinois Central Railroad at Chicago, also in Centralia, having died February 25, 1905 ; Frederick D. is a machinist in Dan- ville, Illinois, for the Illinois Central Rail- road Company; Anastacia is bookkeeper at Marshall Field's & Co., Chicago; Richard T. is a boilermaker in the Illinois Central shops at Centralia. In 1884 the subject was elected Circuit Clerk and County Recorder of Marion coun- ty, serving with much credit for a period of four years. He has always been active in politics and is a loyal Democrat. He is not a member of any church. He has made a success of his life work, for he has been a very industrious man and possesses rare business acumen. JOHN WOODS. The venerable and highly honored citizen of Centralia whose name appears above has through a long life of industry and fidelity to duty shown that he is worthy of a place in the history of Marion county along with his fellow citizens of worth. John Woods, a retired farmer, was born in Tennessee, De- cember 29, 1827, the son of Willis and Mary (Willis) Woods, both natives of North Car- olina, who went to Tennessee in an early day, and in 1828 came to Marion county, Illinois, settling south of Odin, taking up a claim, later locating near Kinmundy, Illi- nois, just northwest of Centralia. He died in 1859 and his wife is also deceased. He was twice married, his last wife being Nellie Berge, of Connecticut. ' She is deceased. The father of the subject was always a farmer, a man well known and highly respected, a Democrat, but never aspired for office. He and his wife were members of the Christian church. Six children were born to them as follows: Louisa, deceased; John, our sub- ject; William, deceased; Mary, deceased; Green, deceased ; the youngest child died in infancy. Mr. Woods had little chance to attend school, having lived at home until he was twenty years of age and assisted with the work about the place, attending subscrip- tion school a few months in the winter. He was married March u, 1847, to Catherine McClelland, who was born in April, 1831, in Centralia township, the daughter of Isaac and Sarah (Welsh) McClelland, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Tennessee. He came to Illinois in 1820, set- tling near Walnut Hill, Marion county, later coming to Romine Prairie and then to Cen- tralia township, north of Centralia in San- doval township. He secured seven hundred acres of land. He engaged extensively in 6o 4 P.IOGK.U'HJCAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF farming and stock raising and became a prominent man in his locality. He held many local offices and spent the latter part of his life in the city of Centralia. He died in 1881, his wife having preceded him to the si- lent land in 1848, and he married a second time, his last wife being Mary J. Collum, of Maryland, who is deceased. Six children were born to Mr. McClelland, all by his first wife, namely: Alexander, who is now deceased, lived in Sandoval township; John went to Oregon in 1883 and died in 1906; Rachael married Thomas N. Deadman, and she is now deceased; Catherine is the wife of the subject; Elizabeth, who is deceased, married W. K. Bundy, of Raccoon town- ship; Rebecca J., who married Richard Col- lins, lives in East St. Louis. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, four of whom are now living, namely: Isaac N., who remained single, is deceased; Willis died young; Mary F., who is deceased, married Asa Mattocks; Luella married William Ingrahm, of Centralia; Sarah Ellen, who remained single, is de- ceased; Cella Ruth married Erastus Root May 6, 1883, and eight children have been born, namely ; Lawrence, Nellie, John, Kate, Jessie, Clyde, Marie and Charles, all living. John died when young ; Susan married John Heyduck, of Centralia, an engineer on the Illinois Central Railroad, and they are the parents of five children, Lawrence, John, William R., George H. and Ruby May, George, who was the fifth child in order of birth, is a farmer on the old home place in Centralia township, who married Martha Sanders, and they have four children, Buell, Myrtle, Helen and Mabel. After his marriage our subject and wife located in section 15, Centralia township, where he secured one hundred and sixty acres of land, which was entirely unim- proved, but he was a hard worker and soon had a comfortable home and carried on gen- eral farming and stock raising in a most suc- cessful manner. He was popular in his township and was School Director for four- teen years and held a number of minor of- fices. He was always a stanch Democrat and he and his good wife are members of the Christian church. Mr. Woods retired from active business life in December, 1898, and has since lived in Centralia. He and his wife are well preserved for their years and they can tell many interesting things that hap- pened in the early days in Marion county. WILLIAM D. NEWMAN. This venerable citizen of Centralia ranks with Marion county's conspicuous figures, having been one of the sterling pioneers from Eastern Tennessee, from whence so many men came to this state and did so much in its upbuilding, William D. New- man having been born in Blount county, that state. August 13, 1833, twelve miles south of Knoxville, the son of Louis J. and Rachael (Logan) Newman, both natives of Blount county, Tennessee, the former the son of David and Elizabeth (Phillips) New- HIGHLAND, CLAY AND MARION COUNTIES, ILLINOIS. 6o 5 man, also of the above named county, who came to Illinois in 1833 and settled five miles west of Richview in Washington coun- ty, where he secured three hundred acres of land, which he later added to, dealing ex- tensively in stock growing and general farming, and he became a prominent man in that locality. Daniel died in 1840 and his wife followed him to the silent land in 1852. He was a cooper by trade. Twelve children were born to them, the only one now living being Campbell Newman, in Chanute, Kan- sas. The subject's maternal grandfather was William Logan, of Tennessee, who mar- ried a Miss Edmonston, of Tennessee. They both died in that state. He was a farmer and he and his wife were the parents of four children, all deceased. The subject's father, Lewis J. Newman, was educated in the pub- lic schools and in 1854 came to Illinois, set- tling in Richview, Washington county. He was a carpenter and cabinetmaker by trade. In 1861 he located in Patoka, Illinois, and lived there many years, and in 1873 went to Collins, Texas, and he died there in 1876. His wife died September 5, 1863. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, South. He was Justice of the Peace at Patoka and active in politics, being a Democrat. Twelve children were born to them as follows: Alexander, who formerly lived in this county, went to Texas in 1874 and died there. He was a preacher for many years in the Methodist Episcopal church, South. He was in the Thirty-first Wiscon- sin Volunteer Infantry. The second child was William D., our subject; Elizabeth, who is deceased, married Charles Smith, living at Patoka, Illinois; Sarah, who remained single, is deceased; Eveline, who also re- mained single, is deceased ; Lorenzo D. lives in Patoka. He is a carpenter and he mar- ried Fannie Rice. He was in Company F, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volun- teer Infantry; Martin is deceased; Mathew C. is deceased; Henry is also deceased; George W. and Andrew J., twins, are both deceased ; James lives in Dallas, Texas. William D. Newman, the subject, had only a limited schooling in the home schools. He lived at home until he reached the age . of twenty-four years, and he came to Illinois in 1855, locating at Richview. He learned the carpenter's and cabinetmaker's trade with his father. He married February u, 1858, Mary E. Gray, who was born October 3, 1840, in Tonti township, Marion county, the daughter of J. H. and Nancy M. Eddington, the former having been born in Maury coun- ty, Tennessee, in 1817, and died in Patoka, Illinois, September 2, 1878. His wife was born in Clinton county, Illinois, October 27, 1819, and she died in 1905. J. H. Gray, a farmer, was the son of Joseph and Agnes (Denton) Gray, the former a native of Ten- nessee and the latter a French woman. They married in Tennessee and came to Marion county, Illinois, in 1820, settling near Kin- mundy. They died near the above named place. To them were born the following children: Rev. James D., of the Methodist Episcopal church; John H., Samuel, Abner, William, Martha Jane, Joseph. The chil- dren of John H. Gray and wife are as fol- 6o6 moGR.U'HICAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF lows: James D. was in Company F, One Hundred and Eleventh Illinois Volunteer In- fantry; Captain A. S. lives in Patoka, Illi- nois (see his sketch) ; Mary E. is the wife of the subject; Thomas Benton was clerk for Col. James S. Martin during the Civil war; Jane is deceased ; Amanda, deceased ; Henry, deceased; Samuel died in infancy; Albert is deceased; Alfred is deceased; Sarah, de- ceased; Hattie lives in Memphis, Tennes- see; Emma, deceased. Eleven children have been born to William D. Newman and wife, as follows : Lina, de- ceased; John A., who is in the office of the first vice-president of the Burlington Route, Telegraph Operators' Association headquar- ters in Chicago, who married Maria Wertz ; Jennie, deceased; Alice, deceased; Ella, de ceased; Nellie, deceased; Fred, who died in Kansas City in 1904, was a telegraph op- erator, and he married Evelyn Brooks, who is the mother of three children, Claude, Floyd and Esther; Lillie, who is deceased, married Clyde Soots. She was an accom- plished musician, both in vocal and instru- mental music. Mattie, the ninth child in order of birth, is deceased; W. D. is a car- penter by trade. However, he now runs a meat market in Centralia, and he married Ethel Ralston, who is the mother of one son, Arthur, and a daughter, deceased ; Jesse B. married Mary Hollinger and they have two children, Harvey and Bessie. He is a carpenter and contractor in Centralia. After his marriage our subject and wife lived in Richview, Illinois, for three years and then went to Patoka. Marion county. where Mr. Newman engaged in the under- taking business for over thirty years, hav- ing been very successful in this line of work. In February, 1901, he came to Centralia and has since that time been a successful con- tractor and builder. He is a Democrat and has long taken an active part in politics. He joined the Masonic Order in 1870 at Pa- toka, the Blue Lodge No. 613. Mrs. New- man is a member of the Eastern Star. Mr. Newman is also a Good Templar. He and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and they have always been active in church and Sunday school work. Mr. Newman has a fine voice and is a great singer. He is a leader in the local church and is very prominent in church work. His past record is that of a man of genuine worth and honesty, and because of his many good qualities he is highly respect- ed wherever he is known. CHARLES V. BURT. The record of the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch is that of a man who by his own unaided efforts has worked his way from a modest beginning to a position of influence and comparative prosperity in his community while yet young in life. Throughout his career he has maintained the most creditable standards of personal and business integrity, and without putting forth any efforts to the end of attaining popularity he has achieved it in a local way BIOGRAPHICAL AND KK.M I N 1SCT.XT HISTORY OF 6o 7 by the manner in which he transacts the everyday affairs of a busy man. His life has always been one of unceasing industry and perseverance and the systematic and hon- orable methods which he has followed have won him the unbounded confidence of his fellow men. Charles V. Burt was born in Marion county, Illinois, twelve miles east of Cen- tralia, October 25, 1876, the son of Addison and Margaret A. (Morrison) Burt. The father of our subject was born in Indiana, January 3, 1852, and after attending the home schools until he was about fifteen years old, went to Wisconsin with his par- ents, and about a year later came to Illi- nois and located on a farm in Marion coun- ty, where he resided until 1885, when he moved to Macon county, this state, his death occurring there in 1886. A Republican in politics and a man of excellent repute, he was highly respected by all who knew him. Luther Burt, grandfather of the subject, came from Pennsylvania in an early day, having been born in Washington county, that state, where he grew to manhood, and when the Civil war broke out enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Forty-sev- enty Indiana Volunteer Infantry, serving through the war as a private. He moved to Wisconsin in 1866, then to Illinois in 1867, locating in Marion county, removing to Macon county, this state, in 1881. where he now lives. On August 2, 1852, he was united in marriage with Violet Swain, who was born in Preble county, Ohio, and she is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Burt are the parents of ten children, five boys and an equal number of girls. Mrs. Harriett Morrison, maternal grand- mother of the subject, who was born near Walnut Hill, Jefferson county, Illinois, and who is a sister of Squire Andrews, of Cen- tralia, is still living in Marion county and is enjoying good health for one of her ad- vanced age. After the marriage of the sub- ject's maternal grandparents they moved to Little Prairie, where Mr. Morrison died. They were known for many years through- out the community where they resided for the excellent quality of sorghum molasses they made, and were largely patronized by the farmers for miles around. No towns were in the county at that time and all goods used in the county were hauled from St. Louis, to which city local products were placed on the market, usually in exchange for goods, provisions, etc. Most of the teaming was done with oxen. The subject's mother was born twelve miles east of Cen- tralia, June 23, 1857, and lived at the old home until she married in 1876, then she moved to a farm on Romine Prairie, seven miles south of Salem in Raccoon township. She now lives with our subject most of the time. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Burt were the parents of four children, three boys and one girl, namely: Charles V., our subject; Frank Le Clare, deceased ; Esther D. is married ; Roy C. is also married. Our subject was about nine years old at the time of his father's death. He remained at home during his boyhood days, attend- ing school in four different places, working 6o8 BIOCRA1MUCAL AND REMINISCENT HISTORY OF in the meantime on the farm during the summer months, which work he continued until his mother moved to Kell, Illinois, where she conducted a hotel. Here Charles V. managed a livery barn with much suc- cess for a period of four years, after which he moved to Centralia and worked in the envelope factory for one year, then secured employment at the South Mines for eight- een months ; but, not satisfied with his work, he decided to become a merchant and accord- ingly went to work in a grocery store as clerk, which position he filled with entire satisfaction to his employer. Finding it to his advantage to give up the grocery busi- ness on account of a better opportunity opening up in another direction, Mr. Burt accordingly formed the firm of Burge & Burt, dealing in real estate, farms and city property, their business having been large from the first and has steadily increased, having been so conducted as to gain the con- fidence of the many patrons of the firm throughout this locality. An extensive business is also carried on in fire insurance, city and farm, also accident and health in- surance. The happy domestic life of Charles V. Burt began May 31, 1900, when he was united in marriage with Estella Stonecipher, daughter of Hiram and Dorcas Stonecipher, of near Kell, Illinois. Mr. Stonecipher is one of the substantial agriculturists of that community, and the subject's wife is the third in order of birth in a family of five children. Mr. and Mrs. Burt are the parents of three children, Wandah V., born April 3, 1902 ; Thaddeus L., who was born October 17, 1903, and one died in infancy, all hav- ing been born in the city of Centralia, where the subject has a comfortable and nicely furnished home, where their many friends often gather. Our subject is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and is in the team work of the lodge, No. 397, of Centralia. In his political relations he supports the principles of the Republican party, and he and his estimable wife are both members of the Christian church.