'.'/rl'lj^.J . PICTURESQUE WASHINGTON ILLINOIS I Picturesque Washington, Illinois 1906 PUBLISHED BY PAUL R. GODDARD, Editor of the Washington Post, and THEO. ROEHM. Photographs by C. Marquard. Panorama Views by G. W. Freese, Eureka, 111. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON CAVAIvIER DE LA SALLE, With his thirty-two men, were the first white people to settle in Illinois. In 1680 this expedition landed on the shores of the Illinois river, di- rectlj' west of Washington. Thej' established a colonj' and built Fort Creve Coeur on the bluffs six and one half miles from this city. A few years agfo a monument was erected on this spot, on land purchased from Louis Rein of Washington, to mark the place of the first settlement. The Fort flourished until 1686, when, in the absence of La Salle, Tonti and three friars, the garrison mutinied and destroyed the Fort. Over a century later, in 1813, a settlement of French-Indian traders and hunters were driven away from this historic point by Cap- tain Craig of the Illinois militia, for firing on his troops at night, while his boats were anchored off the shore. Fort Clark was built in 1813, near the present foot of Liberty street, Peo- ria, and was maintained until it was burned b3' the Indians in 1818 or 1819. The first American colony settled in Peoria April 19, 1819. It consisted of three families from Virginia, three from Kentucky and one from New York. The first settlement in Tazewell county, aside from the establishment of Fort Creve Coeur, was made at Dillon by Nath- an, Thomas and Walter Dillon in 1823. On the formation of this County in 1827, Mackinaw was the County Seat. In 1831 it was removed to Pekiii. In 1836 to Tremont, and then again to Pek- in in 1850, at which time the present Court House was built. The first settlement in the Town of Washington was made in 1825 by Wm. Holland, Sr., who came here from Peoria, then Fort Clark. Prior to his removal here he had built a log house near the present site of A. G. Danforth's residence. It was the only house and his, the only family in or near Washington, until 1826. His nearest neighbor lived on Farm Creek about ten miles west. The Holland families living here today are descendants of the twentj'-one children of this Wm. Holland and most of them were numbered among the eightj'-two grand children and fifty great grand children whom he left at his death on reaching the ripe age of 91 j'ears. The north- west quarter of section 24, town 26, range 3 west of the Third P. M., just east of the original town of Washington, was im- proved by Holland in 1826, and was the first farm improved. In 1828 Wm. Thompson of Ohio, William Weeks and John Redman of Indiana, came to this settlement; one located on the place known as the old Johnson farm, one on Highland Park Addition and the other on the old Peter Portman farm. Ira Crosby of New York came in 1827, locating on the Jas. R. Crane homestead. Thesame year GeorgeBurrow of Tennes- see and Wm. Birkett of Lancashire, England, located here. The Birkett families living here are mostly all descendants of this Wm. Birkett. In 1828 James Harvey, the father of Wesley B., came from Ohio and located on the Benjamin Kindig farm. Peter P. Scott of Ohio located here in 1829 and Wm. Heath of Ohio located in Wrenn's grove in 1830. Henson Thomas, a son in law of Heath's and father of William and Simon H., came from Ohio in this same year, also James McClure of Indi- ana, who made some improvements on the farm now occupied bv George Hagenstoz. There were now thirteen families in Washington, besides small settlements in Deer Creek and Mor- ton Townships. One of the early marriages in Washington was celebrated at Reuben Bandj^'s home, who came from Kentucky in 1831, between Lawson Holland and Elizabeth Bandy in October, 1833. Abraham Van Meter of Kentucky located here in 1831, the Van Meters still living here being descendants. Rev. Nathan Curtiss, a Methodist minister, located here in 1831 and was one of the first ministers. The descendants of his three daughters, Mrs. Peter Fifer, Mrs. Chas. Kern and iVIrs. Wheaton, are among our best citizens. In 1831 our first politician appeared on the scene. Col. Ben- jamin Mitchell of Virginia, He was elected to the legislature in 1834 and the state senate in 1836. He died in 1840. He was succeeded in the senate by Major CuUom, father of Shelby B. Major Cullom is buried in our cemetery. In 1832 quite a number of immigrants came, among whom was John Durham of Baltimore, Md. He occupied the dwell- ing just recently rebuilt by Mrs. Wm. Witte, and was for a long time proprietor of the first saw mill operated here. About this time Walter and Thomas Birket of Lancashire, England, John Johnson of Ohio and the Rev. Richard McCorkle of North Car- olina located here, and from this time on the country began to fill up rapidly. Wm. Holland, Sr., built the first house and improved the first farm in the vicinity of Washington. The second house in the town was built by Wm. Weeks on the place now known as Highland Park. The third house was built by Chas. S. Dorsey of Kentucky in 1831, on the site of the place now owned and occupied bj' Dr. C. H. Anthony It was occupied by Dorsey as a dwelling and store. In it was exhibited the first stock of goods offered for sale in Washington, consisting of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, etc. The goods were purchased at St. Louis by Dorse)'. The above were all log cabins. The first frame house was built by Jehu Lindle)' and used b)- him as a store room, he having bought the stock of goods brought to town by Dorsey. This building was on the same site as now occupied by Capt. Sheppard's brick stores on South Main street. The carpenter work was done by Robert Smith, one of Washington's first carpenters. The sixth building was a log house built near the present site of Harlan Kingsbury's brick store, occupied by Benford's grocer)-. The seventh building was a one and a half stor)- log house built bj' Samuel Hawkin's on the north end of H. L. Price's lot, used as a dwelling. The eighth building was a two-story frame, built on the pres- ent site of Henry Denhart & Co.'s bank. It was used by Aug- ust Whipple as a dry goods store. This was the second store opened in Washington. Dorsej' was one of the active business men connected with Washington's early history. We find his name figuring in all its earlier enterprises and connected with one of its largest additions. The above mentioned buildings were erected prior to 1835, In 1S34 William Holland, Sr , laid out the original town of Washington, being a part of that part of town lying east of Main street. The first parties to buy these lots were Joseph Kelso, Sr.. and a Mr. Wagner, who bought three lots each at SI. .SO apiece upon a year's credit. This part of town was heav- il)- timbered and a great deal of the timber was used in the construction of Kelso & Wagner's houses which the)' built in the year 1834. Kelso built the first house in the original town and also opened one of the first farms wholly on the prairie. The same year Styles and Titus Hungerford built the old Sherman house on the site now occupied by the Danforth Hotel. The old Sherman house was moved and rebuilt and today is oc- cupied by Jarvis Waughop on Washington street. The blacksmith shops up to 183S were rather primative. At that time Brazilla AUee built the large two-story frame building on South Main street which Perry Birkett rebuilt and occupies today. Allee used part of the building for a black- smith shop and Wm. Spencer used a part of it as a wagon shop. This was the first shop in town in which wagons were manu- factured. The manufacture of tinware was first commenced in 1848 by Chas. N. Anthony. Before that time tinware, stoves and stovepipe were brought here and sold by the merchants. The first grist mill was built in 1827 on the Holland Home- stead. It was run by horse power and called a band mill. The first flour made in Washington was in 1826 or 1827 by means of breaking the wheat with a pestle in a mortar and sifting through a hand sieve. These were the only milling facilities until 1836 or 1837 when Wm. Kern built a flour mill near the site of Jacquin's brewery, just north of the T. P. & W. tracks on North Main street. The venture financially proved a failure. The next flouring mill was built by A. H. Danforth iSt Co. in 1845. It was the first brick building erected in Washington. The brick used in its structure were made by Danforth, near the site of the mill. This mill was bought by Wells and John A. Andrews in 1851. It wa? operated by them nearly a half a century, until their deaths. It is now owned by the heirs of the two families and is run by John A. Andrews, a son of Wells. Although this was the first brick building in town, bricks had been manufactured here by Hamilton Riddle as early as 1837. They were used for building chimneys, cellars, etc. Ths first school in Washington was a subscription school taught by Geo. H. Shaw in a school house built of logs. The log school house was afterwards used as a dwelling by Lawson Holland. The school teacher Shaw was the first surveyor and laid out the original town. The second school was taught in the house built by William Weeks as a residence in the pres- ent Highland Park addition, by Eli Redman. This was also a subscription school and numbered among its pupils W. B. Harvey, Lawson Holland, Mrs. H. Riddle and Matthew Holland. In 1830 John Berry taught a school in a log house on the Geo. Hagenstoz farm, which was used until succeeded by the dis- trict school in 1837 or 1838. The Schools in Washington for more than twenty-five years have been considered among the best in Central Illinois. About the middle of the seventies the present school building was built at a cost of S20.000. It is supplied with all modern improvements in the way of heating;, ventilation and furni- ture. There is a primary school located a little west of the business portion of the town which has been ably taught bj' Miss Mary Italin and who for years has done most valuable work in this grade. The school is controlled bj' a School Board of six members with a president who simply presides at the meetings. The present board consists of Geo. A. Hejl, secretary; W. A. Pfeiffer, R. F. Tanton, E. L. Mej-ers, John P. Wrenn, Geo. M. Stimson, with Rev. D F. Thomas as president. The teachers for 1905-06 are L. I. Knight. Superintendent; Herbert Coons and Emelyne Voorhees. Assistant Principals; Eva Lonnecker, Nellie McTaggart, Katherine Harms, Carrie Price. Sophia Duerkop, Frances Watson and Mary Italin. The following is a list of the graduates of the Washington High School: Class of 1876— Charlotte Wells, Belle Cameron, Clara Crane, Mary Italin. Class of 1880 — Marj' Cameron. Class of 1881 — Angle Benford, Lizzie Gorin, Mate Maffit. Class of 1882— Carrie McDonald. Frank Neitz. Class of 1883 — Lizzie Rickman, Frances Crow, Lizzie Van- Meter, Anna Voorhees, Bertha Nafzinger, Marj- Jane Hill. Lou Cameron. Class of 1884— Ida Pierce. Carrie Voorhees, Mamie Bratt. Ida Parsons, Kate Harms, Nellie Gorin, Carrie Gibson, Lulu MostoUer. Class of 1885 — Cassie Danforth, Leva A. Crane, Telva B. Andrews, Nellie Crane, Hattie Zinser, Tina VanMeter, Harrj' L. Zinser. Class of 1886— John Andrews. Louisa Portman. Theodore Roehm, Hattie Sheppard, Kate Miles, Robert Cornelison, Marj- McDonnell. Class of 1887 -Mary Hartwell. Hattie Frederick, Cora Hud- dleston. Julia W. Smith. Clara Alphonso, Bertha Small. Class of 1888 — Edith Dougherty, Asa Danforth. Josie North. Eugene Fue^sle, Louis Kelso. Class of 1890— Lillie Long, Edgar BonDurant, Herman Danforth, Geo. Wehner, Plutella Chaffer, Laura Cress, Oresto Ferner, Frank Rickman. Class of 1891— Martha Dougherty, Luella Cress, Willie VanMeter. Class of 1892— Jessie Enos, Violet Crane, Christie Wohlge- muth, Susie McDonnell, Nina Magarity, Prudence Schmuck, Fannie Watson, Laura Rickman, Harriet Heiple. Class of 1893 — Paul Busse. Amy Shaffer, Maona Cress, Pearl Long, Clara Neitz, Harry Graham, Viola Cress, Lulu Hornish, Dora Weber, Clara Stormer, Hattie Rickman, Mary Smith, Josephine Witte. Class of 1894 — Avis Price, Marj' Stormer, Fannie Price, Jessie Waring, Josephine Chaffer, Anna Andrews, Mary Dan- forth, Edith Welch, Rae Crane, Fred Kehr, Ralph Weirick, Etta Habben, Frank Thomas, Emma Voorhees, Eloise Allen. Class of 1895 — Emma Miller, Samuel McCluggage, Ollie Berney, Charlie Wehner, Susie Allen, Ida Birkett, Willie Gott, Mary Bullock. Susie Wagner, Sadie Glabe, Bessie Minch. Class of 1896 — Etta Smith, Grace Corbin. Mary Ha3'es Wat- son, Laura Dougherty, Dora Holland, Celia Ba3ler, May Cas- sell, Lj'nn Kent, Marion Wilson. Class of 1897— Caroline Price. Roy Smith, Maude Hugill, Ethel Keene, Edna Hoover. Pearl Rapp, John McCluggage, Roy Zinser, Blanche Stoll, Clara Schaeber, Elizabeth Weirick, Harold Jones, Harry Mason, Ethel Cress. Class of 1898— Carrie Harms, Florence Ba3'ler, Dean Cas- sel, Louisa Miller, Effie Downing, Dave McCluggage, Jessie Holland, Tommie Holland, Frank Stormer, Nellie E. Watson, Frank Cramer, Anna Haas. Class of 1899— Eva Lonnecker, Bessie Rapp. Katherine Witte, Anna Stahl, Mary Weiser, Clyde Smith, Edith Yale, Marie Wrenn, Mabel Armstrong, Gertrude Heiple, Ada Zinser, Willie Blunienshine. Class of 1900 — Jennie Holland, Laura Devine, Bessie Bir- kett, Callie Eddy, Clyde Strubhar, Gertrude Wilson, Mabel Whitehill, Ella F. Harms, Clara Keil, Mary Rapp, Gertrude Carlson, Mae Reynolds. Beatrice Cockbill, Viola Bamber. Class of 1901 — Maude Heiple, Hulda Minch, Harry Birkett. Dolly Birkett, May Heiple, Roy Miller, Martha Birkett, Bertha Kraus, Nellie Wilkinson. Class of 1903 — Beulah Hornish, Elsie Wrenn, Maude An- drews, Alice Pifer, Elna Stolt. Hattie Carlson, Eunice Zaneis, Laura Kice, Regie Sencenbaugh. Gusta Blunienshine. Class of 1904 — Hattie Holland, Theresa Jacquin, Elsie Heyl, Rubj' Rapp, George Danforth. Class of 1905— Mabel Tobias. Robert Wrenn, Bessie Ter- vene. Frank Heiple. Barbara Strubhar, Grace Alvord, Daniel Vaubel. The first relifjious society was org'anized by Jesse Walk- er, a Methodist preacher, in 1.S28 or 1829. The fii-st meeting was at VVm. Holland's, whose family and the faniilj' of James Harvey constituted most of the society at that time. Harvej' and Holland were the only male members. Then meetings were held in private houses, until the public school house was built, in which they held their meetings until 1840 or 1841, when they built the old church near the site of E. L. Meyers' residence on North Main street. This society now owns a fine church building, kept vip to modern ideas, including a grand pipe organ. The church now has a membership of 275, Sunday School 175, and auxiliarj- societies of 150 members. In 1832 the Christian church was organized by the Rev. Richard McCorkle in the school house on the old 'Squire Baker farm. Of its first members we find the names of R. B. Mc- Corkle and wife, James McClure and wife and John Johnson and wife. It was the second church organization in Washing- ton. This denomination erected the old brick church now owned by the German Lutherans, in 1850 or 1851. Their sec- ond church was dedicated November 28, 1869. It burned from a defective flue February 17, 1870. The third church was ded- icated August 28, 1870. It was an immense edifice, the height to the spire being 127 feet. It was burned by lightning Octo- ber 29, 1876. The fourth church, the one now occupied, was dedicated July 29, 1877. The interior was remodeled and re- decorated last year at an expense of $300. The present mem- bership is about 125; Sunday School 50, and other societies 100. The Presbyterian church was organized in 183} by Rev. Flavel Bascum and Leonard Foster, a committee of the Pres- bytery of Sangamon. The meeting for the organization was at Dorsey's store and those who united were: Henry Kice, Mary Kice, John J. Tool, Elizabeth Tool, Horace Blair, Rebecca L. Blair, Elizabeth Ried, Charlotte Berrghet, David Gibson and Mar)' Gibson. Gibson and Blair were elected ruling elders. The ministers serving the church were; Romulus Barnes 1835- 43, Wells Andrews 1843-44, Geo. W. Elliott 1845-50. Adam John- son 1851-54, Wells Andrews 1855-59, Chas. Beach 1859-60, Hiram H. Kellogg 1862-63, Wells Andrews 1863-67. Isaac A. Corneli- son 1867-72, .\^m. L. Green 1872-73, Isaac A. Cornelison 1873, who is still in charge. The present building was erected in 1871, being the third on the same ground. There were some Baptists here as early as 1831, but their church was not formally organized until 1835, when Rev. Thos. Brown officiated. Prior to that time they attended church at Tremont, and a Baptist minister named Babcock preached here occasionall3'. The German Evangelical Church was organized in 1854 and the same j'ear a frame building was erected upon the pres- ent location. In 1884 this was supplanted by the present large and commodious edifice. Among the organizers of the church were Jacob Zinser, Peter and David Tobias and Sol Zinser. Rev. Jacob Schaefle, an early circuit preacher, was the first minister. The parsonage was built in 1890. Membership at present 150, Sunday School 160, Y. P. A. 50, Mission Band 40 and W. M, S. 25. The German Evangelical Lutheran Church— St. John's church — was organized in May, 1869, in Sickler's ( now Heiple's) hall, by Rev. Holtgreve. August 16, 1869, the first officers were elected as follows: John Muller and Josiah Snyder trustees, Thomas Reinholz and V. Simons deacons and Rev. George Schnur minister. The congregation purchased the church building of the Christian Church. It was rebuilt in 1899 and a tower, new seats, pulpit, etc., added. St. Mark's Lutheran church was organized April 26, 1875, at the home of Josiah Snyder. The congregation had previous to this worshipped with the German Lutheran church but on their voting to exclude the English language the English church was organized. On Maj' 2, 1875, Josiah Snyder was elected elder, Henry Mahle and T. L. Benford deacons, Henry Denhart, Eli Heiple and Elias Benford trustees, and Rev. S. W. Harkey pastor. A new house of worship was dedicated August 26, 1877, at a cost of S6.000, including the lot. The church has always been prosperous and has a good working and active membership. A little over a year ago the church was remodeled and a fine new pipe organ installed at an ex- pense of about $10,000 The present membership is 275, Sun- day School 200, and the Y. P. S. C. E,, the Missionary and Aid Societies have about 150 members The Catholic congregation was organized in 1876 under the direction of Father Mayer, then priest of Black Partridge. At that time a small frame church was built upon the present site, the property' being donated by Walter Birket. In 1895 the present building was erected at a cost of a little over $2,800. It is free of debt. The church is well furnished with all the nec- essaries and the society is in a flourishing condition. The present membership is 130. The first funeral was that of a child of Henson Thomas. It was buried in the gravej-ard on the old 'Squire Baker farm. The funeral services were performed by Rev. Zaddock Hall. The first adult buried here was a Mr. Pembrock, a stranger who had stopped on account of illness at the residence of Wm. Heath, where he died. The first F'hysician, Dr. R. F. Goodwin of Vermont, located here in 18S2. He was a successful Physician and also a good business man. He and Dr G. P. Wood were for several years partners in business and were the proprietors of Goodwin & Wood's addition to Washington. Dr. G. P. Wood removed here from Vermont in 1835 and formed a business partnership with Dr. Goodwin. They practiced their profession with marked success. Dr. Wood's history and services are too well known to require more than the mention of his name. He died in 1871. Dr. R. W. Burton came from Kentucky and settled here in 1838. He practiced his profession and also kept a stock of drugs and medicines. His was the first regular drug store opened in Washington. He was a good citizen and took an active part in all of the enterprises undertaken by the citi- zens. He died here in 1859 leaving the following children: Mrs. Wells Andrews, Mrs. James R. Crane, Mrs. John A. An- drews, Woodson Burton, Mrs. A. G. Danforth, Mrs. Joe Sherry, Furgison Burton, Mrs. Isa Andrews, Mrs. Sam Wright. The first Lawj^er to gain a footing in this new community was Thornton Walker of Virginia. We know very little of this party as to his success, etc. In 1829 William Holland and William Thompson were elec- ed to the office of Justice of the Peace for this precinct. Thej* were among the first elected in this county. Their territorial jurisdiction was co-extensive with the boundaries of the coun- ty which then embraced a broad expanse of territorj- east of the Illinois river and extended northward to Chicago and southward to Jacksonville. The first Constable elected was Jonathan Hodge of Stout's Grove, The first member of the Board of Count}- Commissioners from this place was James Harvey. He was succeeded by Benjamin Mitchell. Prior to this time, however, and while this was a part of Peoria county, William Holland was a mem- ber of the Board of Countj' Commissioners. The first land sales for this district were held in Spring- field in 1830 or 1831. Prior to that date no title could be ac- quired to any land in the district. The settlers, however, rec- ognized the justice of securing to each of their number the benefit of his labor and gave efl'ect to this idea by appointing one of their number. Col. Benjamin Mitchell, agent or regis- trar of claims. Bj- this arrangement and the paying of twenty- five cents to the registrar, each applicant secured the registra- tion of his claim and the right to buy the land he had improv- ed when it came into the market. This gave the lands a com- mercial value in the hands of the holder and also enabled the person making the claim to sell and transfer if he so desired. These claims soon became an important item in the limited commerce of those early times. One of the prevailing fashions was that of carrying fire arms, made necessary by the presence in the neighborhood of roving bands of Indians, most of whom were ostensibly friend- ly, but like Indians in all times, treacherous and unreliable. These tribes were principally Pottawattomies. There were also in the north part some hostile Indians through whose workings later on developed the Black Hawk and other Indian Wars. The postage for a single letter in those earl)' times was 25 cents. Many remained in the office for some time on account of the inability of the persons to whom thej' were addressed to pay the demanded charges. In 1860 Captain Miles of the Washington Military Corn- pan)- was ordered to Pekin to protect John Ott, a young fellow 21 years of age, who had murdered the wife and two little chil- dren of George W. Orendorf and through this precaution the lynching was averted. This was the second murder commit- ted in the county. The following is a list of Supervisors who have served the Township since its organization: James W. Wathen, 1850-51 Lawson Holland, 1852-53; W. A. Ross, 1854; J. S. Marsh, 1855-58 D. L. Miles, 1859-60; Elias Wenger, 1863; Richard C. Dement 1864; John W. Dougherty, 1865-66; Ben Tobias, 1866-68; Richard D. Smith, 1869; Peter Fifer, 1870; John H. Anthony, 1871-89; D. S. Sheppard, 1890-91; Christian Spring, 1892-95; C. L,. Birkett, 1896-1905. The first paper printed in Washington was in 1853 by A. A. Couch and Albert Parker from Peoria and it was called "The Washington Investigator." After two years it ended its ca- reer and for ten years we were without a paper. Thomas Handsaker, in July, 1868, established "The Washington Her- ald," which was conducted in a manner creditable not only to Mr. Handsaker but also the community and vicinity. Mr. Handsaker's death occurred some years ago and the paper ceased publication. On Nov. 24, 1876, the first number of "The Tazewell Inde- pendent" was issued by H. A. Pilaster and George N. BonDur- ant. Mr. BonDuranfs interest in the paper was purchased by Mr. Pilaster on the 16th of March, 1877. In its first publica- tion it was strictly non-partisan. Later on, about 1878, the paper was converted to a republican paper and A. H. Heiple, the present Postmaster in Washington, became editor and proprietor and the name was changed to "The News." It is now published by F. B. Mills. "Thk W.\shington Post" was established April 9, 1S98, bj' B. S. Wright. May 1, 1899, the paper was purchased by Paul R. Goddard, who has since been its editor and publisher. The Post has rapidly forged to the front until it now has a circula- tion of nearly 2,000 copies and practically covers the whole territory of northern Tazewell county and part of Woodford county. It is a seven-column quarto all-home print, with an East Peoria department and correspondents from all adjoining towns and districts. The subscription price of Thk Post is only $1.00 a year when paid in advance, and it is largely owing to its complete local reports and its cheap subscription price that it so completely covers the field. One of our early banks in Washington was established in 1858 under the name of A. G. Danforth & Co., and is the oldest bank in Tazewell county run continuously under the same firm name. Henrj' Denhart & Co.'s bank was established in 1866 and grew rapidly under the fostering confidence bestowed on it by the community. The old Prairie State bank established before 1858 had the unique history of being the first and only bank of issue in the county at that time. The only official records of the town of Washington extant today date back to 1839. When E. E. Heiple was elected clerk of the city of Washington in 1878 he received a letter from a relative of an early settler. Dr. Carr, who stated that he had one of the books containing the early proceedings of the town and would send it to him upon request. Mr. Heiple wrote for the document and has since had it in his possession. While the book of proceedings only contains a few years of the early his- tory of the town it throws a light on the first organization. The first date in the book is Monday, August 20, 1838. Wash- ington at that time had a town organization and was governed by a Town Board of four Trustees. The first members of the board, as shown by this record, consisted of E. A. Whipple, J. Kern, B. Allen and A. H. Danforth. May 4, 1839, occurred an election at which James Brown was elected president and Wm. G. Spencer, George W. Danforth, Peter Shelly and Thomas Fish, trustees. Thomas Fish was appointed clerk, Jacob Kern assessor, A. H. Danforth collector. Haven Pierce treas- urer and E. A. Whipple .street commissioner. At the first meeting of this board the following resolution was passed: "Resolved, That the corporation line be extended a half-mile each waj- from the center of Commercial Square so as to con- tain one mile square. All laws in relation to the corporation boundary passed May 5, 1838, are hereby repealed." At a meeting held May 11, 1840, it was ordered that a public well be dug in the Public Square and that it be walled with rock and a pump put in the same. May 7, 1840, R. M. Burton was ap- pointed clerk of the town board. The last entry in this book of proceedings was on September 4, 1841. It was ordered that a fine be imposed on Sample and others for discharging fire arms in the Public Square. This record was signed by William Holland as president. That closes the records of Washington until the town was incorporated under a special act of the Legislature of the State of Illinois, passed February 10, 1857. On March 25, 1857, the Board of Trustees met and organized. All members were pres- ent and were qualified by David Kyes. The first trustees were: John L. Marsh, R. B. M. Wilson, James Smith, Dan L. Miles and Jacob Sonneman. John L. Marsh was elected first president of the board, R. C. Dement clerk, Thomas Cress con- stable, Asa H. Danforth treasurer and Thomas Fish street commissioner. James Smith offered the first resolution: "Resolved, That any person riding or driving on anj' sidewalk inside of the cor- poration of the town of Washington shall pay a fine of $5.00, to be collected before any Justice of the Peace for the use of the inhabitants of the said town." The board of trustees elected in 1858 was Elias Wenger, Ben Tobias, Dan L. Miles, Jazer Sickler and Jacob Sonneman; W. P. Springate clerk. The board elected March 7, 1859, was Ben Tobias, John A. Andrews. Jazer Sickler, S. Y. Weiser and T. O. Brown. T. O. Brown was elected president, Wm. Springate clerk and Asa H. Danforth treasurer. The first dram shop ordinance was pass- ed April 19, 1859, and the first licenses were granted to George Jacquin, A. Vetterhiefer and Henrj" Bartlette, May 3, 1859. September 16, 1859, Ben Tobias and Jazer Sickler were ap- pointed a committee to receive propositions to build a jail. They reported they could bu3' a lot for S175 and get a jail built for $125. Report received. November 1, 1859, the lot on Jef- ferson street was bought for $175 and a contract to build the jail or calaboose was awarded to Jas. Smith & Sons for §136. The city of Washington was organized and the first elec- tion held April 16, 1878. Peter Fifer was elected first mayor and E. E. Heiple clerk. The following are the maj'ors who have since been elected: Second. Ben Tobias. 1879-80; third. L. S. North, 1881-82; fourth, J. G. Gorin. 1883-84; fifth, W. B. Harvey. 1885-86; sixth. W. B. Harvej', 1887-88; seventh. H. R. Danforth, 1889-90; eighth, G. W. Cress, 1891-92; ninth, J. H. Anthony, 1893-94; tenth, Ben Tobias, 1895-96; eleventh, Ben Frederick, 1897-98; twelveth, H. L. Price, 1899-1900; thirteenth, H. L. Price, 1901-02; fourteenth. D. J. Chaffer. 1903-04; fif- teenth, C. P. Cress, 1905-06. The first council on April 18, 1878, was Peter Fifer, mayor; E. E. Heiple. clerk; John Dougherty, attorney'; T. C. Sonne- man, treasurer; aldermen, Henrj' Mahle, Henry Denhart, Jas. Cameron, short term, one year; D. J. Chaffer, Lawson Holland, E. Rapp. long term, two j-ears. A contract was made with G. C. Morgan to install the wat- er works December 22, 1887. \V. B. Harvey was the mayor of the city. A contract was made with the Sun Electric Eight Co. and signed February 3, 1891. The incandescent lights boiler blew up and destroyed the plant February 4, 1895. The plant was then moved near the depot in 1891 and arc light installed. The Eagle Electric Co. was installed in 1900 with arc lights. Today Washington is the model little residence citj'. It has all the modern conveniences which go to make a happy and contented lot of people. It has a wealthy and progressive class of citizens. As has been truthfully stated there are more wealthy people residing here than in cities many times larger. Not only is this true but the people as a whole are all in moderate circumstances. The business Square of Washington was paved with brick in 1903 and one j-ear later South Main street was paved to the corporation line. A contract has now been let for the paving of the street to the city limits on the north. It will not be long until the streets are also paved to the city limits east and west. Gravel roads connect at the citj' limits and run in the four directions, the gravel road being nearlj' completed on the west all the way to Peoria. A fine water works system owned by the city, an electric lighting plant and man3' more conveniences now add to our comfort. An interurban railroad is soon to be built from Peoria through Washington to connect with Chicago. We already have three lines of steam railroads which place us in close touch with the outside world and af- ford competing freight rates. Picturesque Washington is published to show the world just what a model little city we have. The pictures are from actual photographs and show better than pages of printed matter how we look today. The pictures were taken in the winter time as it would be nearly irapossible^to do our pret- ty homes justice in the summer time, as we are blessed with such an abundance of noble old shade trees and shrubbery that they hide the view. The publishers are under obligations to the many public spirited citizens who have contributed to make the work possi- ble. While we have been unable to show all of our pretty homes, yet we have a good representation of the citj' as a whole. We desire to give credit to the late Mr. J. W. Dougherty, for maii3' years an honored member of the bar in this city, for many of the facts compiled in regard to the earl3' histor3- of Washington. The3' were taken from a history of the place compiled by him in 1878. VIEW OF COMMERCIAL SQUARE ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON MAYOR C. P. CRESS "'•Valtwv^^ ■'■-braO'' '*//VKEW«''^'' SOUTH MAIN STREKT, SHOWING THE PAVED STREET B. WENK C. A. WALTMIRE K. N. KU KMAN P. A. BIRKETT H. R. DANFORTH RESIDENCE V *~^ ♦es* EX-MAYOR H. R. DANFORTH H. R Danforth, Owner. THE DANFORTH HOTEL. J. W. Mohler & Son, Lessees. R. F. TANTON RESIDENCE WEST WASHINGTON- SHOWING THE RAPIDLY GROWING RINKENBERGER ADDITION ON THE LEFT THE NEW HIGHLAND PARK ADDITION ON THE RIGHT M^ -4 Jl t/Mi| fwf -1 "^ ^^^•(^ I^H^^^Bl laJ ^Sl hMbI ppflg 19 HBHSJh ^^s § JACOB MILLER DR. W. H. WEIRICK A. R. RICH » Pfl/ ■ GEORGE HAGENSTOZ HENRY DENHART RESIDENCE HENRY DENHART & CO. BANK HENRY DENHART A. G. DANFORTH RESIDEXCE A. G. DANFORTH & CO. BANK i: ■•-M "4 , ^^Ma K i^Bi^aj^^Mi 1 Vt--'*^ j^?^ ■' J U^^ m E*^? >i w JJPS-^ „-rf--r-^ CHAS. E. BIKKETT .^^■^i^x. B m ^H^t(?r> 1^ ^^*^. • J riMl^JtiiMHM 9 CHRISpTRUBHAR GEO. M. MYERS RESIDKNCE GEO. M. MYERS MniiJLrer Washing-ton City-Rural Telephone Company. llih^: ^ ^ \ DK. H. A. ZINSER RESIDENCE DR. H. A. ZINSER ST. MARK'S LUTHERAN CHURCH AND PARSONAGE REV. D. F. THOMAS X (J a: K 7. O E 'J < Q MRS. A AI^FHONSU KK&IUJiNCE DK. Al.l'II( jXi^c 1 I H ASA H. DANFORTH pr- A ti 1 1 .-^ ^ ■isFI 1 ' unless ■^'^ f T ^ ^^ 2 REV. E. VON FREEDEN nJiiii j^^ M '4 ~i.'^i ^■s-^- '■■--"* " ~ I). K. VAN METER 'I- -4^ -V- iiiiiii;:"]':;; : ■" ■■-iiKriiMi!'" -'" p. H. PARKER E. G. CHAFFER & CO. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT STORE Harle3' Heyl and his Ponies David Harum, Famous Prize Winning Shet- land Pony GEOKGE A. HEYE BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF THE GEO. A. HEYL SHETLAND PONY. POULTRY AND HOG FARM GEO. A. HEYL AND HIS MATCHED TEAM OF PRIZE WINNING SHETLAND PONIES ROEHM BROS. & CO. SIJOE STORE J. J. KOEHM RESIDENCE ^ . 'fV w '^1 'iJl ff^i mMm i. m Vl III ^H 1 mifi M^E W. F. ROEHM RESIDENCE VV. F. KOKHM KEV. E VONFREEDEN EVANGELICAL CHl'KCH AND PARSONAGE REV. F. F. JORDAN PANOkAMA VIEW OF COMMERCIAL SQUARE L. J. DANFORTH & CO. LUMBER YARD L. J. DANFORTH & CO. OFFICE ■fi ' '■■1 ' "flL J ■■*■ i « G. W. CRESS RESIDENCE HON. G. W. CRESS Ex-Mayor and Ex-County Treasurer -z o <>. ^ rt a. OS ".n 1) O 111 5.Sf o LAFAYETTE BIRKETT RESIDENCE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH INTERIOR VIEW OF M. K CHIJRCH M. E. CHURCH PARSONAGE EBERT & MULLER LIVERY AND FEED STABLE P^RANK \V. MULLER RESIDENCE CHRISTIAN EBERT RESIDENCE SMITH & MOSI.EY CONCRETE BLOCK WORKS \VM. SMITH, Jr., RESIDENCE Being Constructed of Concrete Blocks PANORAMA VIEW COMMERCIAL SgUARE LOOKING FROM DENHAKT CuKXLK DR. W. A. GOTT RESIDENCE DR. W. A. GOTT CHAS. R. WEBSTER A. M. WEBSTER E. E. HEIPLE DR. W. A. MANSFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. I. A. CORNELISON, D. D. ho c »5 PAL'L K. CidUUAKI) KESIDKXCK IN HIGHLAND PARK HOMlfi OF THi. i'L^- PAUL R. GODDARD THEO. KdEHM KESIlUiXCE IN HIGHLAND FAKK THEODORE ROEHM INTERIOR VIEWS OF THE STANDARD GROCERY HTTNGERFORD & WRIGHT C. Marquard Photographer G. W. Freese Supervisor Crug'er Twp. Photographer D. R. KYES THE WASHINGTON MILLING COMPANY BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES DR. A. ALPHONSO was born in Germany March 10. 1858. Came to Illinois in 1861, enlisting in 1863 as acting surgeon in the 17th Illinois cavalry and serving one year. In 1875 he moved to Washington and opened the Alphonso Drug Store so familiar in our midst. Dr. Alphonso married Susan Cassen in 1861 from which union there are two daughters and one son. At his death in I'lOt his daughter Clara took the active man- agement of the reorganized Dr. Alphonso Drug Co. and has met with marked success. WELLS ANDREWS and J. A. ANDREWS. The former was born in Alexandra, Virginia, which at that time was a part of the District of Columbia. Moved with his parents to Ohio, where, in 1827, John Asa Andrews was born. Together with their parents they came to Tremont, 111., moving to Washing- ton in 18+7. In 1851 they bought the old brick mill, which for years was known far and wide. In 1855 both brothers married. Wells to Tranquiline Burton and John Asa to MaryTelvaBurton. Wells had five children, namely, Robert, Joshua Harper, John A., Chester and Nannie. John Asa Andrews had six children, namely, CharlesW., James W,,TelvaB. Baker, Margaret Roehm, Jay and ^nna A. Goddard The Andrews brothers ran their bus- iness together until death interfered, without a scratch of the pen between them, and while it was not the best business course to pursue in man3- cases, in this case it was remarkably suc- cessful. Wells Andrews died in 1894 and John A. Andrews in 1904, after which one of the heirs, J. A. Andrews, son of Wells, took charge of the mill and is running it at the present time. GEORGE W. BAYLER, of Jersey Lawn fame, where in years past there browsed a fine herd of prize winning Jerseys, was born at Washington in 1842, in a cabin surrounded by hazel bushes on the site of the residence now occupied by Post- master Heiple. Under the guidance of his father, John Bay- ler, he became a thorough blacksmith and iron worker, run- ning a factory in the same building now known as Holland Bros, livery until 1881, when he started importing horses from England and Scotland for the Melbourne Stock Farm, with whom he continued until 1893, when he established his present barn of horses at Jersey Lawn. He has owned and kept many valuable horses and cattle that have greatly improved the standard of farm animals in this vicinity. In 1890 he built his fine home which is well known on account of its hospitality. Mr. Bayler grew to manhood in the days when "prairie schooners" were common sights, deer and wild turkeys were plentiful and corn huskings and log rollings were pastimes, and when farmers hauled corn to Wesley City for 10 cents a bushel and dressed hogs for 51 25 per hundred. He has gradu- ally seen the development from hamlet to city until at last he sees it as represented bj- "Picturesque Washington." Mr. Bayler married Mary L. Smith in 1869, who died in 1870. They had a son, Wallace E., now of Chicago. He was married again in 1873 to Isadore Trimble, to whom a great part of his success is due. CHARLES L. BIRKETT was born iu the vicinity of Wash- ington on the farm so well known as Birkett's Dairy, where he lived until reaching manhood when he started farming on the place known as the Frank Wright farm, which he bought later on. His father was William Birkett, one of the early pioneers to this locality. In 1890 he became o%vner of the J. H. Anthony country homestead, a place better known to Washington people than many a home actually in our city. Before moving to Washington into his fine new residence, he owned and occupied the old Josiah Moore farm located about one mile south of town, an ideal country home. Mr. Birkett's popularity with the people is shown by his continuous election as supervisor since 1896, a position which he has successfuUj' and honorably filled. He married Clnra C. Van Camp in 1870 and has three sons and one daughter. PERRY A. BIRKETT, our popular dairyman, was born at the well known Birkett dairy farm where he attended school and grew up in the dairy business, gradually- mastering every detail and becoming so thorough as to be known as an expert in his line. In 1890 he took full charge as owner of the dairy and has developed a dairy business here larger by double than any one before him. The substantial home he now occupies was rebuilt and modernized in 1902, and is one of our most hos- pitable homes. Good butter, cream and milk bring good dol- lars, if a 400-acre Nebraska farm and a good Illinois farm are any criterions. Mr. Birkett married Emma V. Thomas in 1882. Thev have two daughters and one son. LAFAYETTE BIRKETT is probably the most active re- tired fanner in our conimuiiitj'. His parents were aniong^ our earliest settlers and established the well known Birkett dairy farm where the subject of our sketch was born, educated and grew to manhood. He followed the occupation of farming, confining himself mostly to stock raising: besides was a shrewd, successful speculator in real estate, his success being attested to by the numerous farms which he owns in Illinois, Indiana and elsewhere. He has always been prominently identified with the Methodist church, is a consistent member and has been trustee for the past six years. In 1896 he bought the old Bassett place, which he rebuilt and modernized, then sold it and in lys built the beautiful home he now occupies on Jefferson street. Mr. Birkett married Helen Mooberry of Groveland. Illinois, in 1871. They have two daughters and a son. ELIJAH G. CHAFFER, our hardware merchant in his three front store, carries one of the largest hardware and im- plement stocks in Central Illinois and enjoys a trade in pn^por- tion. A great part of his time is taken up looking after his farm lands in Utah and his mining property in California and Utah Mr. Chaffer was born in Deer Creek in 18.^0 and now makes Boulder, Colo., his home. He was married in 1871 and has two sons and three daughters. Harley, the older son, has the management of the business here which he gives close attention. Harley Chaffer was born in Deer Creek, attended the Universi- ty of Minnesota, also played left guard on the basket ball team at a time when the team was champion of Minnesota. Married Mary Stormer in 1903 and has two sons. C. P. CRESS, mayor of Washington, was born in Worth township, three miles north of Washington, February 2, 185V He lived on the farm until 1892 when he moved to Wash- ington. His father, Andrew Cress, was one of the earliest settlers to this locality, coming here from Virginia in 1833. He homesteaded and paid the government SI. 25 an acre for the farm now owned by our inaj'or. Mr. Cress has held many positions of public trust, assessor, school director, alderman, and April, 19U5, he was elected mayor of the city. He has been successful as a business man and besides owning one of the best farms in Central Illinois he also owns lands and propertj' in other states, also his fine home in this city. In 1874 he married Elizabeth Baker and the}' have two daughters, Mr?. Paul W. Busse and Mrs. E, A. Morrow. GEORGE W. CRESS, popular citizen and horseman, was born in 1846. On reaching manhood he followed stock raising and farming until 1881, when with his brothers he moved to Washington and erected large barns and began importing horses from England, France and Scotland, under the firm name of Cress Bros., which business they continued until 1891, when they dissolved and G. W. continued the business. Mr, Cress was elected to nearly every important otfice in the town- ship, being alderman several terms, member of board of edu- cation and president of board, tax collector, supervisor,, also the highest honor within the gift of the people — mayor of our city. Besides he was elected county treasurer in 1898, serving four years, after which he again engaged in the horse business and also in hatidling real estate. Mr Cress is a genial, whole- souled fellow and good to meet at any time. He married Celia A. Thompson and has three daughters. CLYDE M. DUNNINGTON was born in Atlanta, Mo., and moved to Washington in 1880, where he received his education and grew to manhood. In 1894 he entered H. Denhart & Co. 's bank as messenger boj-, gradually' working up until today he fills the enviable position of head book-keeper. In 1900 Mr. Dunnington took up life and fire insurance, in which he has been very successful. As a city we take a pride in our boys and watch them as they gradually round out their destiny, and certainly gladly note Clyde's success. L. J. DANFURTH, the lumberman, was born in Deer Creek and on growing to manhood farmed one of the finest farms in that part of the country. He was school treasurer of Deer Creek township for a great many years. Some years ago with F. L. Belsly and his brother, James A., he became inter- ested in the Deer Creek bank, and in 1903 bought the H. Den- hart & Co. 's lumber yards, at which time he settled in our midst. He is a progressive, successful business man and has brought the lumber yard up to modern ideas. Besides 480 acres in South Dakota he has a lot of good Illinois soil. Mr. Dan- forth married Julia Kingsbury in 1883. Two sons and four daughters were born to this union. MRS. ROBERT DAVIS, formerly Jennie M. Kirk, is best known to us as a teacher in our public schools for many years and through her marriage to Robert Davis in 1894, T., P. & W. agent here from 18 4 until his death in 1901. Mr. Davis was born in Larne, Ireland, in 1851; came to Illinois in 1870, moving to WasliiiifTton in 1874. He was genial, good natured and pop- ular with the people; he served as alderman for a great many terms, besides was treasurer of the lodges A. F. & A. M., Taylor 98 and Tazewell chapter 199, R. A. M.. holding these positions at his death. They built the fine home Mrs. Davis now occupies on Peoria street in 1894. A G. DANFORTH, banker and horseman, was born in Washington in 1840, receiving his education in the home schools, Eureka College and Knox College, Galesburg. In 1857 he was made cashier of the Prairie State bank which po- sition he held until 1862 when he went into the mercantile business, as member of the firm of A. H. Danforth & Co. In 1872 the banking firm of Danforth, Snow & Co. was organized. Three years later Mr. Snow withdrew and A. G. Danforth con- tinued the business under the firm name of A. G. Danforth & Co. Mr. Danforth as a breeder of fine horses has a reputation which fully justifies the 1,200 acres of good Illinois soil and immense expenditures given to this branch of his business. Years ago Fairy Gift was a household word and more lately St. Vincent and Little Louise, 2:10'4, were identified with this farm. Mr. Danforth has a fine home on South Main street on the same spot where Wm. Holland, our earliest pioneer, erected his log cabin in 1825. Mr. Danforth was married to Susan A. Burton in 1861. They have six children, George C. ; Jessie, wife of Homer W. McCoy of Chicago; Catherine A., wife of G. B. Franks, Peoria; Asa H. ; Mary D., wife of George M. Stim- son, and Helen. HENRY R. DANFORTH, banker and expert farmer, is a native of our city, being born here in 1842, receiving his edu- cation at the public schools with a course at Lombard College, Galesburg, Illinois. Always shrewd and successful, on having his attention called to the swamp lands of Iroquois county it did not take him long to recognize the immense possibilities there and in 1865 immediately acquired all of these lands he could possibl}' get control of, and through practical and scien- tific drainage reclaimed and put a value on them undreamed of by most men. Wealth acquired through such activity and daring is certainly earned and worthy people's applause. Mr. Danforth built the Danforth Hotel and to show their apprecia- tion the people unanimously elected him mayor, the highest honor our city can bestow. Together with his uncle, Geo. W. Danforth, he built the town of Danforth, 111. He also owned and conducted a banking business there. In 1884, the family returned to Washington where Mr. Danforth retired from active labor. Mr. Danforth married Mary E. Wenger of (Oil- man, 111., and of this union three children are living, Josephine, now Mrs. C. V. Miles, Herman W., a lawyer of Peoria, and Elizabeth Sarah. HENRY DENHART, prominent banker and churchman, was born in Germany in 1842, living there until eleven years of age when he came to the United States, locating in Wash- ington in 1853. He received his early education at our public schools after which he followed various occupations up to 1866 when he and Chas. E. Anthony opened a dry goods business under the firm name of Anthony & Denhart. They continued in business until 1885 when Mr. Denhart assumed full control and management of the reorganized H. Denhart & Co. dry goods business. He afterward sold this business and bought the J. C. Kimble lumber yards which he operated until 1903. In 1867 Chas. E. Anthony and Henry Denhart organized the bank of Anthony & Denhart, continuing until 1885 when Mr. An- thony retired, leaving Mr. Denhart with a responsibility which he has met most successfully. Mr. Denhart deserves special mention on his church work. He is a strong Lutheran, sincere and consistent and is always ready and willing to do anything to help better this good cause. His ability is substantially at- tested to by 20,000 acres of land in Louisiana as well as im- mense holdings in Illinois and Iowa. Political offices do not appeal to Mr. Denhart and with the exception of being a councilman in 1877 he has not held office. He married Clara S. Lawson in 1872 and they occupy the beautiful home on South Main street which adds so much to the beauty of our city. HENRY ESSER, one of our successful merchants, was born in Alsace, Germanj', and moved to Washington in 1886. At a young age he became identified with the grocery business as clerk; always pleasant and ever ready to serve the people he attended strictly to business, so when he opened his present large store in 19(i2 all prophesied it would be a success from the very first; his rushing business of today justifies that prophecy. Mr. Esser bought and located in his present home in 1905 and has a fine and prominent site. He married Hattie Moehl in 1904. CHRISTIAN EBERT was born in Roberts, Fulton County, Illinois, anil moved to Washing^ton where with his brother they forn^ed the tirni of Ebert Bros., well dig-ging outfit, which line they followed successful!}' for a good manj' j-ears. In 190S Mr. Ebert and Mr. Frank Muller, under the firm name of Ebert & Muller, bought the Berney livery barn, which through addi- tional buildings and general renovating they have developed into one of the best livery and feed stables in Central Illinois. Mr. Ebert was married to Matilda Bertha Keil in 1896 and has three sons and two daughters. REV. E. VONFREEUEN was born in Norden, Germany, in 1831, where he attended school and received the greater part of his education. He came to Illinois in 1848. settling at Holland's Grove. In 18,57 he became identified with the Ger- man Evangelical church and served his first congregation as regular minister at Perkin's Grove in 18,58, after which he suc- cessfully filled a big majority of the main charges, including Chicago. Barrington, Aurora, Kankakee, Peoria, Geneseo and Elgin. He was a hard worker at the conference and filled all the dififereiit offices at various times, serving on the board of trustees for years, besides being secretary of the Conference Missionary Society for fifteen years. Rev. von Freeden moved to Washington in 1892 and built the beautiful cottage the}' now occupy in 1893 He married Madaline Jantzi in 18,56 and have two children, Henry William and Edna. DR. W. A. GOTT, our popular and successful physician, was born in Louisville, Kentuck}', coming to Washington with his parents in 1883. He attended our public schools, graduat- ing with the class of 1895, then went to Chicago where he studied medicine and graduated with the class of 1901. Dr. Gott is a home product and Washington takes considerable pride in watching his successful development. The fine prac- tice he enjoys today is the result of conscientious attention to his work, backed bj' a thorough understanding of his profes- sion. He bought the Wm. Birkett homestead Januarj' 1, 1906. which he rebuilt and improved, making a fine modern home of it. Dr. Gott married Olivia Berney in 1902 They have one daughter. J. R. GOTT, our well known railroad man, was born in Montgomery County, Indiana, and moved to Washington in 1883. He bought the home he now occupies in 1891 and has a fine location. Mr. Gott has been identilied with the T., P. & W. railroad for vears and in 1887, in recognition of his valued services, he was promoted to the lucrative position of Superin- tendent of Bridges and Buildings of the East Division, a posi- tion which he holds successfully today. Married in 1876. He has two sons and one daughter. Dr W. A. Gott is the oldest son and Charles holds a fine position with the engineering depart- ment of the C. & E. I. railroad. EMANUEL GARBER, the popular real estate dealer, was born near Pekin and moved in the vicinity of Washington in 1874, later on attending the Washington High School, also State University of Champaign, but not completing a full course in the latter. He married Ida Birkett in 18't7 at which time he came to our city, buying the old Witte bakery, in which he continued until 1900 when with Mr. L. Wehner he bought the Chapman & Kingsbury grocery. This business was sold by Mr. Garberon opening the Birkett & Garber Realty Co., in which he has been very successful. In 1904 this firm opened Highland Park Addition, consisting of 60 acres and with the interurban prospects realized will make them a little fortune. He was elected alderman in 1903, besides having served on the democratic city committee and often as delegate to the county conventions. His family consists of two daughters, Mildred Frances and Helen Miriam. PAUL R. GODDARD, editor of Thk W.^shingto.n Post, was born in Monroe Count}', N. Y. When a boy he moved with his parents to Iowa where he commenced to learn the printing business when 13 years of age. He served his time as appren- tice and was admitted to the International Typographical Union in 1884. When 20 years of age in company with his brother they purchased the Sioux Falls Daily Argus-Leader which they conducted for a number of years While still pub- lishing this paper Mr. Goddard went to Pierre, S. D., where he founded the Pierre Daily Capital and ran the same success- fully for several years. In 1894 he sold his interests in the west and came to Illinois where he engaged in newspaper work until 1899 when he came to Washington and purchased Thk Post. July 16, 1902, he married Anna A. Andrews and they have one daughter. FRANK B. HUNGBRFORD. one of our promising young merchants, was born near Rutland. Illinois, where he passed his younger days and received his education. Later on he followed that healthful and independent occupation, farming, in which he successfully continued until 1905, when with I. J. Wright he opened the Standard grocery store which firui is en- joyiiig^ a fine trade in this community. Mr. Hung-erford mar- ried Melissa Smith, daughter of W. H. Smith. They have one daughter. H. D. HARMS, banker and real estate dealer in larg-e tracts and timber lands, was bcrn in Washington where he re- ceived his education, spent his boyhood days and grew to manhood. In 1886 he entered the banking house of U. Denhart A Co., where he gradually so successfully mastered the detail as to attract his uncle, Henry Denharfs, attention, who organ- ized and opened a bank at Roanoke, 111., with Heury and his brother Louis as partners which under their management be- came a power in its locality. Later on Henry gave over the management of the bank proper to Louis and took up the out- side real estate department Here we see him at his best. With Cole of Chicago they have swung large tracts of real estate, both farming and timber, until today, although young men, they have independent fortunes and are certainly self- made men. Mr. Harms is a good fellow, well met— philanthrop- ic, public spirited and a good citizen. He has a fine home on South Main street, grandly furnished, where hospitality is shown properly. He married Josephine Chaflr'er in 1900. GEORGE A. HEYL is without doubt one of the best known and most extensive breeders, dealers and exhibitors of fancy stock and fowls in the great state of Illinois. He was bornon a farm in Mason County, where he grew up and with his father followed fancy stock raising until 1891, when he moved to Washington and began an independent career with marked success. In 1894 he made exhibits at the State Fair and three poultry shows, receiving one hundred and twenty- eight fir? t and seventeen second premiums. He has thirty-two varieties of the finest land and water fowls known in America. His herd of swine is one of the most valuable in the state, be- ing headed by that great patriarch. Black Chief's Rival, be- sides Young Chief Perfection, At difl-'erent public sales his hogs have averaged S75, SlOO andS120, suprisingly high prices. Mr. HevTs big herd of Shetland ponies, headed by David Har- um (4146), is one of the most attractive and profitable parts of his farm, in fact the enviable reputation enjoyed by Mr Heyl is greatly due to this herd. Some years ago he was honored as an instructor on fancv stock at the Agricultural Experiment Station of Iowa, andhas also frequently served as judge at diiferent fairs, showing that his expert knowledge and thor- ough business methods are appreciated by those whom he meets in his business life. Mr. Heyl married Sarah E. Blum- enshine and has three children, two daughters and one son. FRANK W. HOPS, the popular cashier at Henry Denhart & Co., bankers, was born in Peoria, 111., moving with his par- ents to Washington in 1874, where he received the greater part of his schooling and grew to manhood. In March, 1882, he be- came identified with H. Denhart & Co., gradually working up until today as cashier and confidential man, combined with his popularity, he stands as part of the assets of the bank. His integrity and strict attention to business, developed from a strong character, has won for him: and coming youngsters can well profit by his success. Mr. Hops in 1890 married Carrie B Voorhees, who died in 1900, He has one son, Donald. He built the beautiful home now occupied by H. D. Harms in 1896, living there until his wife's death. He was city clerk from 1886-88. His success is partly attested to by farms in Iowa and Nebraska and other investments. A. H. HEIPLE, our popular postmaster, was born in Pennsylvania and moved to Washington in 1857. He has been prominent in politics many years but became active in 1878 on becoming identified with the Washington News, which paper he owned and edited for twenty-five years. Mr. Heiple at pres- ent is Tazewell County member of the congressional commit- tee, also a member of the county and township committees. In 1897 he was appointed postmaster which position he has filled so as to receive special mention from the government. In 1896 he bought and rebuilt the home which he now occupies. Mr. Heiple married Florence Kingsbury in 1884. They have a son and daughter. JOHN C. HALDERMAN, son of Rev. G. W. Halderman and Mrs. Philecta M. (Griswold) Halderman, the popular pastor and his wife who so pleasantly and successfully served the St. Mark's Lutheran church from 1883 to 1887, both spiritu- ally and musically, vras born in Lancaster, Ohio, where he re- ceived the greater part of his education and spent most of his boyhood days. On reaching manhood he became idetitified with newspaper work in New York City, Lancaster and Cincin- nati, Ohio, which he followed with marked success up to his father's death when he entered the banking business in Ne- braska, and later, in 1903, came to H. Denhart & Co., bankers, of our city His genial disposition is always on deposit and pays a good interest to those coming in contact. Mr. Halder- man married Mabel Riley in 1902. HEXRV HOPS, our well known tailor, was born in Germany in 1S34. moved to Peoria in 185(1 and to Washington in 1S74, where he formed the partnership of Hops & Schwarzenliolz. which for years enjo_\ed an envious reputation. At the death of Mr. Sehwarz- enholz. the subject of our sketch assumed control of tin- business. Mr. Hops was married at Peoria in 1858 and the\ have a family consisting of Elizabeth, Henry. Frank and George. GRANT HORNISH first attracts our attention when at 13 years of age, he started clerking for his father at the old Hornish corner. In 1890 he organized and was active pirtner of the firm of Hornish Bros. & Co., until a few years ago. when the business was discontinued entirely. His thrift was rewarde 1 with farms in Kansas and Iowa, besides other property in Port .\rtlnir and here at home. Grant is strictly a native son, not only bjing born at Washington, but marrying a Washington daughter, Florence Kern, in 1883. They have the following children : Beulah K., Grace and Kern McLean. GEORGE HAGENSTOZ, a retired farmer, was born in Fon- dulac Townsliip and moved to a farm two miles northwest of town in 1886. This farm under his management developed into one of the best farms in this part of the country and Mr. Hagenstoz has proven himself one of our most industrious and successful farmers. In 1904 he built tiie beautiful home on West Jefferson which he now occupies with his family, consisting of wife, five girls and one son. He was married in 1879. WESLEY B. HARVEY, prominent citizen and churchman, was born in Newark, Ohio, in 1824. When 4 years of age he came with his parents, James and Mary Ann (Binningsley) Harvey, early pio- neers to Tazewell County, locating within one and one-half miles of Washington. On growing to manhood he owned and farmed a place in Deer Creek Township until 1858, when he sold the farm and moved to Washington. He has always been highly respected as a citizen and has been honored by the people with th..- offices of Justice of the Peace for twenty years ; Supervisor for ten years ; mayor two terms; and in 1880 was elected to the lower house of the Legislature, serving two years. But the highest honor, of whicli he can well be proud, is forty-five years as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the M. E. church. Mr. Harvey married Eliza Barrett of Mt. \'ernon, 111,, who died in 1891. In 1892 he was united in marriage at Eureka to .Mrs. Nancy (Forbes) Sheppard, widow of I'r. R. H. Sheppard. 1-'R.\NK S. IIEIPLE. our well known real estate dealer, was born in Pennsylvania and moved to Washington in 1857. He at- tended Carthage college, being a member of the college band, and later on Ijelonged to the old Washington band, .so well known in this section for ye.irs. He was active partner of the old Heiple & Port- man mercantile firm, which for years was so successful in our midst .Mr. Heiple started in the real estate business in 1888, besides from 1890 on did a specially good paying insurance business. In 1899 h.- reorganized here under the firm name of Heiple & Kingsbury and as Heiple, Kingsbury & Carr in Sion.x Falls, South Dakota, which firms enjoyed a tremendous business in the South Dakota field. Heiple & Kingsbury bought the old Schertz bank at Metamora in 1902. Mr. Heiple is interested in real estate in several states and is counted one of our most successful citizens. He has been school treasurer for several years. He married Maud Crane in 1880 and has six sons and four daughters. ELI E. HEIPLE was born in Pemisylvania in 1830, where he received his education and his early business training. He came to Washington in 1857, accepting a position with Andrews, Miles & Co., which he held for seven years, then was with Anthony & Den- hart for two years. In 1867 he bjcame identified with the grain, coal and stock business, establishing a reputation which has made it possible for Iiim to continue successfullv ever since. Mr. Heiple has always been prominent in our city's development, was our first city clerk, b.eing elected in 1877, and for thirty years held the offices of town clerk and town assessor. He built his present home in 18 — . Mr. Heiple married Mary E. Snyder in 1850. who died in 1886. leaving two sons. He married Charlotte E. Mahle in 1S88. HARLAN A. KINGSBURY, well known citizen and real estate dealer, was born in Washington, where he has lived ever since, receiving his education at our public schools and Eureka college. In 188S he accepted a position as traveling salesman with a Chicago wholesale house, which he filled most successfully until 1896 when he bought a half interest in the Chapman groccrv store, under the firm name of Chapman & Kingsbury. Mr. Kingfburv entered the real estate business with F. S. Heiple in 1S99 and as Heiple &■ Kingsburv here and Heiple. Kingsbury & Carr. Sioux Falls, South D.ikota. enjoyed a decidedly successful business. In 1903 Heiple & Kingsbury added the Metamora bank to their interests and have estabhshed a fine reputation as bankers in their community. Mr. Kingsbury built the beautiful home he now occupies in 1903. His business success is substantially shown by the good farms and large acreages he owns in Illinois and other states. He married Clara Kern in 1885. D. R. KYES, our ex-marshal, was born in Washington, where he attended school and resided until 1880. when he went east, enter- ing the employ of the Keystone Steel Bridge & Building Company of Pittsburg, Pa., following the steel structural business until 18S5, at which time he was transferred to the B. & O. Railroad Co. of Phila- delphia, taking charge of the steel draw bridges running from Balti- more, Washington, D. C, and New York City to Philadelphia, mak- ing Elizabeth, N. J., his home the greater part of the time. In 1895 he resigned his position and moved to Everett, Washington, and in i8g8 to Washington, 111. In 1899 he left for the Klondyke gold fields and met with marked success until through an accident he lost the use of his left arm, which necessitated a rest and he returned to Washington. Mr. Kyes was appointed city marshal by Mayor Chaffer in 1903, a position which he filled most admirably. In 1905 he returned to the Pacific coast and at the present time is employed by the Justice Gold Mining Co., Monte Cristo, Utah. Mr. Kyes was married to Clara R. Doyle in 1900 and they have an interesting family of five girls and one boy. They occupy the cozy new home built by them a few years ago. FRANK W. MULLER, our prominent young farmer, was born on a farm one mile west of Washington. He attended our public school, after which he followed farming, having thoroughly learned this business from his father, a practical farmer. Mr. Muller also buys and sells western horses by the carload and has been very successful. In 1905 with Chris Ebert he bought the Berney livery barn, one of the best locations in Central Illinois, and through rebuilding and new equipments, has made it a model livery. He built the new country home on the outskirts of West JefTerson street in 1900. Mr. Muller married Ethel Minch in 1901. They have three sons. VAN SELLER MOSLEY, our well known masonry and plas- tering contractor, was born in Edgar County. Illinois, moving to Washington in July, 18S5. Received his education in our public schools. He served his apprenticeship with his father, after which he launched out for himself and with marked success. An expert at his work, of a genial disposition, his popularity is easily under- stood. In 1905 Mr. Mosley, with Wm. Smith. Jr.. commenced the manufacture of cement blocks, a building material that in a few- years will replace considerable lumber, ow4ng to its high price and scarcity. This firm has engaged in this business at the opportune time and is meeting with remarkable encouragement. Seller is one of the charter members of our well known Washington band and at present is assistant director. He married Emyline Kinsinger in 1904. They have one boy. GEO. M. MYERS, our popular telephone man, was born in Woodford County in 1835. He moved on a farm one and a half miles south of Washington in 1893, where he successfully carried on farming and threshing for about twenty years. He came to our city in 1898 and built his present home on South Main street in 1899. Mr. Myers, with other parties, bought the Washington Bell telephone outfit in 1903 and a year later he took full control. Under his management the e.\clian.ge has been rebuilt and developed to a point where it is hard to improve further. In 1905 he placed the W'ires in the business part underground, an improvement ot which very few small cities can boast. The extending of the toll line to Peicin and various points is the result of his efforts to please his patrons and is in line with his efforts in general. Mr. Myers owns farms in Illinois and Indiana. In 1886 he married Mary E. Van Camp and they have one son. JACOB MILLER, one of our well known retired farmers, was born in Hesse. Darmstadt. Germany, and came to Washington in 1858. living on a farm a few miles east of town, where he married Susan Moschel of Peoria in 1884. They moved to our city in 1899. where Mr. Miller had built a beautiful home and which he enjoyed to the fullest until about a 'ear ago, when death claimed his wife. Woodford County, where he lived so long, honored him as Super- visor for a couple of terms. He has a fine farm here as well as in Nebraska. W. S. NORRIS, marshal of Washington and well known citi- zen, was born in this township and has lived here all his life. His father came here in 1S33 from England, and engaged in saw mill work, afterwards turning his attention to farming. He was a sol- dier of the Mexican and Civil wars. Mr. Norris owns a fine farm west of Washinarton. where he has lived most of the time since he was married until two years ago. when he bought a tine home and moved to town. He has held many positions of trust, among them school director, commissioner of highways, constable and city mar- shal. In 1887 he married Mary Odcll and to this union two sons and a daughter were born. W. A. PFEIFFER. our Big Store merchant, was born in Germ.my. moved to New York when 7 years of age and came here in 1899, forming the firm of Mnstoller & Pfeiffer. with which he continued until 1897 when he assumed full control as W. A. Pfeiffer & Co. His time outside of his business is taken up with his farms in Missouri. Iowa. Texas and Kansas, and other property, as well as his duties n.s a member of the school board. He also served as alderman. He was married to Sophia Reurs in New York state in 1886 and they have five children, n;imel)-. Pauline. Elsie. William F-. Ernest and Raymond. P. H. P.'\RKER. better known as Ham. was born in Wood- ford County and in 1870 moved to Washington. In 1878 he became identified in the grocery business as partner of the firm of C. J. Gib.son & Co., which house was very prominent in business circles at that time. The public knows Mr. Parker best since he became assistant postmaster in November, 1900, a position which he fills to the satisfaction of all. Mr. Parker is a prominent Mason, be- longing to Taylor Lodge 98 A. F. & .-V. M.. Tazewell Chapter 199 R. .A. M.. and Washington Council 77 R. S. & M., and is treasurer of all three, an honor not often conferred on a member. He mar- ried Mary B. Foster of Peoria m 1875. THEODORE ROEHM was born in Washington, where he at- tended the public schools and graduated with the class of 1886. At an early age he became identified with the retail shoe business, thoroughly mastering the details and finding himself at 19 years of age capable of representing one of the largest shoe manufacturers in the country as traveling salesman, in which capacity he sold goods in all the larger cities of the United States and for five and a half years, made the Pacific coast trip, a territory requiring more salesmanship and being more remunerative than any other. He built the fine home he now occupies in 1904. It is located on a beautiful spot in Highland Park and is one of our prettiest homes. Mr. Roehm married Margaret .\ndrews, daughter of John Asa, in 1894. They have two sons and two daughters. \VM. Kl XKENBERGI'.R. the prominent contractor and builder, was born at I'armdale, on a farm which his parents settled on when tirst m.irricd and which today, after 60 years, they still occupy. This same place was also farmed by his grandfather. Mr. Rinkenbergcr moved here in 1900, following his occupation, and came into special prominence when in 1901 he opened Rinkenbergcr's addition, which he has gradually developed until today he has a little town of his own. The number of men he employs, the machinery he h;is in his shop and the energy displayed by this man makes him a power in our community. We need more like him. He was elected alder- man in 1904. He has a fine farm six miles from town. Mr. Rinken- bergcr was married in 1887 and lost his wife in i8gi. He has one son. ALBERT R. RICH, attorney-at-law, was born on a farm near Metamora in 1845, where he grew to manhood. In 1876 he grad- uated at the Union College of Law, Chicago, and was admitted to the bar July 4, 1876. He came to Washington in 1901 and in 1903 built the fine home he now occupies on Elm street. Mr. Rich's prac- tice consists chiefly of real estate law and chancery, practicing in all courts. The subject of our sketch was married in 1879 to Mary E. Slemmons and they have three sons. Charles C. graduates this June at the University of Illinois. D. Homer is a member of class 1908 of the same place. W. F. ROEHM, the old reliable shoe merchant, was born in Wuttenburg, Germany, in 1833, moved to Detroit, Mich., in 1847, then to Peoria in 1856, and came here in 1865, where he opened a shoe store and established a reputation through which he has always enjoyed a large trade. He was alderman at the time our public park was created. Never took active part in politics, although al- ways a staunch Republican. He has well improved farms in Kansas and Nebraska. On one of his Nebraska farms he has established a large cattle ranch which has been a decided success. He married Catharine Jantzi at Peoria in 1856, from which union there are three daughters and three sons. JULIUS J. ROEHM and shoes are synonymous. When only 17 years of age we find him in charge of his father's branch shoe store at Forrest, 111. At 24 years of age he became silent partner of the wholesale shoe house of Geo. A. Brown & Co., Peoria, 111., in which position he continued until 1891 when he organized and 1)cc:imL' iniinagiiig partner of ihe tinn of Koehm Bros. 6c Co. flie fates have been kind to him. otherwise the Chatsvvorth wreck would have numbered hiiu among the eighty-one killed, as he was one of the few that came through unscratched. He marricil Kmma Kyes in 1892 and has two sons. FREDERICK RICKMAN was born in Prussia, Germ.my, and moved to Washington in it-'6o. As a carpenter contractor he became a member of the firm of Harrington & Rickman. which later on dissolved when Mr. Rickman as boss contractor became one of our best known builders. He was alderman at dififerent times and as city engineer was instrumental in getting our first pavement nn- provement started right. Mr. Rickman married Sophia Baker m 1859, from which union five sons and live daughters were born. Three sons and two daughters are now living. MRS. EDMUND J. REICH, daughter of the well known Philip and Catherine Orth, was born in Washington, where she was educated. She married Edmund J. Reich in 1884. They have two children. Marv Elizabeth and Emily Theresa. Mr. Reich built and occupied the Danforth liank building until a few years ago when he sold it to the present owners. It is one of our best business blocks. The present home of Mr. and Mrs. Reich on South Mam street was planned and built by Mrs. Reich. It is a fine place with modern conveniences. For years Mrs. Reich has been a professional nurse and has met with marked success. GEO. M. STIMSOX, our prominent and progressive citizen and banker, was born in Patterson. N. J. .\t an early age he moved to Peoria, 111., where he received his education. He began his bank- ing career in 1884 with the Commercial National Bank, continuing there until 1898, when he came to Washington as cashier of the A. G. Danforth & Co. bank, his present position. Mr. Stimson's genial disposition and popularity was recognized by the people in electing him to two terms as alderman and live years as member of the school board, which offices he holds at the present time. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the State Bankers asso- ciation and from 1903 to 1904 was a member of Tazewell County Board of Review. In 1898 he moved into his present home, one of the most splendid and finest in our beautiful city. Mr. Stimson married Mary Telva Danforth in 1898 and they have a son and a daughter. CHRISTIAN STRUBH.VR. a well-to-do retired farmer, was born in .McLean Cuunt.\ . 111.. in