L I E) R_ A R Y OF THE U N IVLR5 ITY or ILLINOIS lJn3llc V.I I^F^SfffeMCE .A The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mufilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN I NOV 1 ^ 1S^ MAY 1 I tgjS JAN 91979 ||0y29t979 'i.-' APR 3 1386 L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/compendiumofelev01unit DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, CENSUS OEFICE. "COMPENDITJM OB" THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Part I— P'opulation. ROBERT P. PORTER- SUPERINTENDENT. WASHINGTON, D. 0. : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE.^ 1892. 3i7. 3 1 ^'i .-V. i CONTENTS-PART I. Page. Letter of transmittal of the Superiutendent of Census to the Secretary of the Interior vii Introduction ix-xxxiii Progress of the nation xxxv-cxxvii Form of schedule used by enumerators cxxviii, cxxix Public acts pertaining to the Eleventh Census cxxx-cxl POPULATIOj^. Table lo.— Aggregate population for each state and territory as constituted at the date of each census: 1790 to 1890 2,3 Table lb. — Increase of population for each state and territory as constituted at the date of each census : 1790 to 1890 *• •'^ Table Ic— Density of population for each state and territory as constituted at the date of each census: 1790 to 1890 ^ Table 2. — Aggregate population by counties for each state and territory as constituted at the date of each census : 1790 to 1890 '^-4'' Table 3. — Aggregate population by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 48-'133 ^ Table 4«.— Aggregate population of cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more in 1890, as constituted at the date of each census : 1790 to 1890 434-437 . Table 46.— Increase of population of cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more in 1890, as constituted at the date of each census : 1790 to 1890 438-441 Table 5. — Aggregate population of cities, towns, villages, and borouglis having 2,500 inhabitants or more in 1890, with population for 1880 and increase during the decade 442-452 Table 6.— Aggregate population of cities, towns, villages, and boroughs having from 1,000 to 2,500 inhabitants in 1890, with population for 1880 - - 453-467 Table 7.— Population by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 468, 469 Table 8. — The colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, by states and territories : 1890 470 Table 9.— Population as males and females, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 471 Table 10. — Population as native and foreign born, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 472 Table 11.— Population as white and colored, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 473 Table 12. — The Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indian population, by states and territories: 1860 to 1890 -■ *"?* Table 13. — Population as native and foreign born and white and colored, by counties : 1890, 1880, and 1870 475-515 Table 14.— The Chinese population, by counties : 1890, 1880, and 1870 516-524 Table 15.— The Japanese population, by counties : 1890, 1880, and 1870 525-527 Table 16.— The civilized Indian population, by counties : 1890, 1880, and 1870 528-539 Table 17.— Poinilation by sex, nativity, and color for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. 540-579 Table 18.— Population as native and foreign born and white and colored, classified by sex, by states and territories : 1890 580, 581 Table 19.— Population as native and foreign born and white and colored, classified by sex, by counties : 1890 - 582-66.'i Table 20.— Population as native and foreigp born and white and colored, classified by sex, for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 666-745 Table 21a.— Persons of school age, 5 to 17 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — aggregate ^^^ Hi 330393 iy CONTENTS. Page Table 216.— Persons of school age, 18 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — aggregate 747 Table 21c.— Persons of school age, 5 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — aggregate 748 Table 21d.— Persons of school age, 5 to 17 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — males 749 Table 21e.— Persons of scTiool age, 5 to 17 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — females 750 Table 21/".- Persons of school age, 18 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — males 751 Table 21(7.— Persons of school age, 18 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories: 1890 — females 752 Table 21/i. — Persons of school age, 5 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — males 753 Table 21i.— Persons of school age, 5 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, by states and territories : 1890 — females 754 Table 22a.— Persons of school age, 5 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890— aggregate 75.5, 756 Table 226.— Persons of school age, 5 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890— males 757, 758 Table 22c.— Persons of school age, 5 to 20 years, inclusive, by sex, nativity, and color, for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890— females 759, 760 Table "23.— Males of militia age, by nativity and color, by states and territories : 1890 761 Table 24 — Males of militia age, bv nativity and color, for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 "- 762,763 Table 25.— Males of voting age, by nativity and color, by states and territories : 1890 764 Table 26 —Males of voting age, by nativity and color, for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 - ---- 765,766 Table 27 —Persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color, by counties : 1890 767-809 Table 28.— Persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color, for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 810-852 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. Table 1. — Total dwellings and persons to a dwelling, by states and territories: 1850 to 1890. 855 Table 2. — Total families and persons to a family, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 856 Table 3 —Total dwellings and families, and persons to a dwelling and to a family, by counties : 1890 857-877 Table 4.— Total dwellings and families, and persons to a dwelling and to a family, for places having 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 878-897 Table 5. Persons to a dwelling, in detail, by states and territories : 1890 898, 899 Table 6.— Persons to a dwelling, in detail, for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. 900, 901 Table 7.— Persons to a family, in detail, by states and territories : 1890 902, 903 Table 8.— Persons to a family, in detail, for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. .. 904, 905 Table 9.— Number of dwellings having specified number of families, with average number of families to a dwelling, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more, and by wards fur certain cities : 1890 - 906-909 Table 10.— Number of families in dwellings according to specified number of families, for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more, and by wards for certain cities : 1890 910-913 STATISTICS OF ALASKA. Table 1.— Population by sex, nativity, and color, by districts : 1890 916, 917 Table 2.— Population by sex, nativity, and color, for villages of 300 inhabitants or more : 1890. . 916, 917 Table 3. — Population classified as to sex, color, and age periods : 1890 918, 919 Table 4.— The Indian population classified by sex and tribe, by districts : 1890 918, 919 Table 5.— The white population classified by sex, nativity, and citizenship, by districts: 1890. 920 Table 6.— The temporary white population (employed in summer only), classified by sex, nativity, and citizenship, by districts : 1890 920 Table 7.— Temporary and permanent white population, classified by sex, nativity, and citi- zenship : 1890 92f ILLUSTRATIONS-PABT I. Page. Chart showing by states the increase and decrease of population from 1880 to 1890 xxxv Chart showing by states the density of total population in 1890 xliv Map showing the position of the center of population at the close of each decade from 1790 to 1890 ^ Diao-ram showins the distribution of population in accordance with latitude in 1890 Ixx Diagram showing the distribution of population in accordance with longitude in 1890 Ixx Chart showing by states the distribution of the sexes in 1890 Ixxvi Chart showing by states the density of foreign population in 1890 Ixxxvi Chart showing by states the percentage of foreign born to the total population in 1890 Ixxxix Chart showing by states the proportion which native whites of native parentage bear to all whites in 1890 ^'^^ Chart showing by states the proportion of colored to the total population in 1890 xcviii Chart showing by states the density of colored population in 1890 cm LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. DEPAETMENT OF THE INTEEIOE, Census Office, Washington, D. 0., December 8, 1892. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the statistical tables, with accompanying descriptive and explanatory matter, including maps, notes, and other data, which have been prepared under the acts of March 1, 1889, and March 3, 1891, as a Compendium of the Eleventh Census of the United States. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, EOBEET P. POETEE, Superintendent of Census^ Hon. John W. Noble, Secretary of the Interior. INTRODUCTION. The ideal Compendium of tlie Census would be a volume compiled after all the reports were written and in type, in fact, an epitome of every investigation. Covering all branches of inquiry, it would be a complete resume of the population, wealth, and social condition of the people, classified with the greatest possible care, and prepared with due deliberation by hands well skilled in marshaling facts and figures. To make the Compendium of the Eleventh Census all this has been attempted, so far as compatible with the demand for prompt publication, but in some particulars it falls short of this high standard. In future censuses it may become possible to prepaxe the Compendium as above suggested, making this publication the last instead of one of the first. Indeed, the need of its early publication was partly obviated in the present census, as its place was taken by the series of systematic bulletins which presented the results as fast as they were obtained, and embraced a large portion of the several investigations. Every month that can be saved in the publication of census statistics adds appreciably to their value, and hence the salient features of the Eleventh Census have been made public many months and in several cases years earlier than heretofore. The Compendium of the Eleventh Census will reflect the growth of the country in an enlarged scope of information, and give a very complete classification of material. There are many imperfections which can not well be avoided so long as the demand for general statistics makes it necessary to jniblish the summary before the details are fully and thoroughly worked up. The custom of getting out the Compendium early sacrifices precise classification and completeness. Part I of the Compendium of the Eleventh Census is herewith presented, and the copy of Part II is nearly all in hand. While the rapid increase of population adds greatly to the work of taking the census, improved communication, division of labor, and more enlightened methods made it possible not only to secure greater accuracy than before, but to obtain results more speedily. For example, in 1850 the enumeration was begun June 1, but the first returns were not received until August 29 of that year, and the final returns (from California) were not received until February 17, 1852, exactly 1 year 8 months and 17 days after the commencement of the enumeration, while in 1890, on the 21st of August, exactly 2 months and 19 days after the date of commencement of enumeration, the official returns by counties and precincts of the state of Washington were telegraphed by this office to the governor for the use of the state legislature, then convening for the purpose of apportioning representation in that body. By October 20 the population of the Pacific coast states (California, Oregon, and Washington) had been announced. No official statement of the dates when returns were received appears in the population volume of the Eighth Census, 1860. The enumeration for 1870 was nearly completed January 9, 1871, but not fully until August 23 of that year, because the last schedules were not received from the enumerators until that time, more than a year COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. after the commencemeut of tlie enumeration. The Tenth Census was practically completed March 4, 1881, the final count following soon afterward. The last returns of the Eleventh Census received at this office were from the first supervisor's district of Florida, November 10, 1890. The first announcement of population was that for the District of Columbia, and was made June 28, 1890. It was followed July 18 by the announcement of the population of the city of New York, constituting the whole of the first supervisor's district of the state of New York. On August 6 the population of the first district of Pennsylvania, comprising the city of Philadelphia, was given to the public. During the month of August the first count of the states of Delaware, Idaho, Ehode Island, and Washington was announced; during September, that of Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, Vermont, and the territories of Arizona and Utah; during October, that of Alabama, Arkansas,California, Florida,Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota and , Tennessee, the territories of New Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Mexico and Oklahoma. The count was pushed witli such energy that the Census Office had the official returns of the population ready on the convening of Congress in 1890, causing no delay in the apportionment of national representatives. The passage of the apportionment bill, for the first time in the history of the country, in the next session of Congress following the census, makes it worth while briefly to review the apportionment legislation. The following table shows what may be termed the constitutional popu^lation of the United States, the present number of representatives, and the number of representatives provided for by the act which passed the House of Eepresentatives December 17, 1890, and the Senate January 29, 1891, and which was signed by the President February 7, 1891 : Total Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut . . Delaware Florida Georgia Idabo Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Constitu- tional popula- tion. Present number of mem- bers. Pro- posed number of mem- bers. 61,908,906 332 356 1, 513, 017 8 9 1, 128, 179 5 6 1, 208, 130 6 7 412, 198 1 2 746, 258 4 4 168, 493 1 1 391, 422 2 2 1,837,353 10 11 84, 385 1 1 3, 826, 351 20 22 2, 192, 404 13 13 1, 911, 896 11 11 1, 427, 096 7 8 1, 858, 635 11 11 1,118,587 6 6 661, 086 4 4 1, 042, 390 6 6 2, 238, 943 12 13 2, 093, 889 11 12 1, 301, 826 5 7 1, 289, 600 7 7 Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Now Hampshire New Jersey New York North Carolina . North Dakota - - Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania. . . Ehode Island . . . South Carolina. . South Dakota. . . Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia . . Wisconsin Wyoming Constitu- tional popula- tion. Present number of mem- bers. 2, 679, 184 14 132, 159 1 ■ 1, 058, 910 3 45, 761 1 376, 530 2 1, 444, 933 7 5, 997, 853 34 1,617,947 9 182, 719 1 3, 672, 316 21 313, 767 1 5, 258, 014 28 345, 506 2 1, 151, 149 7 328, 808 2 1, 767, 518 10 2, 235, 523 11 332, 422 2 1, 655, 980 10 349, 390 1 762, 794 4 1, 686. 880 9 60, 705 1 Pro- posed number of mem- bers. 15 1 6 1 2 8 34 9 1 21 2 30 2 7 2 IC 13 2 10 2 4 10 1 INTRODUCTION. xi The apportionment of representatives iu Congress, according to the enumeration of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Censuses, was made by Congress. At these apportionments Congress set the ratio of population for each member allowed, and also at each apportionment fixed the total munber of members of the House. The law for the taking of the Seventh Census was intended to be permanent (act of May 23, 1850, 9 Stats., 428). It presented a rule of apportionment, fixed the number of members of the House at 233, and directed the Secretary of the Interior thereafter to make the apportionment to each state. The apportionment under the Eighth Census was made under this law, but Congress on March 4, 1862, fixed the total number of members at 241, and the Secretary of the. Interior apportioned the new quotas to the states. The ninth and tenth apportionments were made by Congress; hence it may be assumed that the power conferred on the Secretary of the Interior by the act of May 23, 1850, was repealed by implication. Heretofore all apportionments have,been made at the long sessions of Congress, being the second session after each census year, but early enough for the election of representatives to the next ensuing Congress. The apportionment under the Eleventh Census was relatively about two years earlier than any before made. APPORTIONMENTS. The Constitution, article I, section 2, made the first apportionment, fixing the number of representatives for each state on the ratio of one representative for every 30,000 persons, in all 65 representatives. FIRST CENSUS. The act of April 14, 1792 (1 Stats., 253), on the ratio of one member for 33,000 persons, fixed the number of representatives for each state (in all 105) to take effect after March 3, 1793. SECOND CENSUS. The act of January 14, 1802 (2 Stats., 128), on the ratio of one member for 33,000 persons, fixed the number of representatives for each state (in all 141) to take effect after March 3, 1803. THIRD CENSUS. The act of December 21, 1811 (2 Stats., 669), on the ratio of one member for 35,000 persons, fixed the nnmber of representatives for each state (181 in all) to take effect after March 3, 1813. FOURTH CENSUS. The act of March 7, 1822 (3 Stats., 651), on the ratio of one member for 40,000 persons, fixed the number of representatives for each state (in all 213) to take effect after March 3, 1823. FIFTH CENSUS. The act of May 22, 1832 (4 Stats., 516), on the ratio of one representative for 47,700 persons, fixed the number of representatives for each state (240 in all) to take effect after March 3, 1833. xii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. SIXTH CENSUS. The act of June 25, 1842 (5 Stats., 491), on the ratio of one representative for 70,680 persons, fixed the number of representatives for each state (223 in all) to take effect after March 3, 1843, and the act allowed an additional representative to each such state as had a population of a fraction greater than a moiety of said ratio. This act also required that the representatives be elected in districts composed of contiguous territory. SEVENTH CENSUS. The Secretary of the Interior, under the provisions of the act of May 23, 1850, made the apportionment of representatives for each state, the act having limited the number of representatives to 233 after March 3, 1853, the date said apportionment took effect. That act, sections 25 and 26, prescribed the mode of ascertaining the ratio of population. ^ EIGHTH CENSUS. Under the provisions of the act of May 23, 1850, the Secretary of the Interior made the apportionment. The act of March 4, 1862 (12 Stats., 353), fixed the number of representatives at 241 after March 3, 1863, the date said apportionment took effect. NINTH CENSUS. The act of February 2, 1872 (17 Stats., 28), fixed the membership of the House after March 3, 1873, at 283 members, and apportioned them among the states. TENTH CENSUS. The act of February 25, 1882(22 Stats., 5), fixed the membership of the House after March 3,- 1883, at 325 members, and apportioned them among the states. This act provided for members from new states, and for elections at large for states cut down in number of representatives, or at large for members a state may have gained by the apportionment. ELEVENTH CENSUS. The act of February 7, 1891, fixed the apportionment upon a basis of 356 members, who were apportioned by Congress. INTRODUCTION. Xlll The following tables bring together the facts regarding all the apportionments in a very complete and concise form: NUMBER OF ■ EEPEESENTATIVES AS APPORTIONED ON THE ENUMERATION OF THE SEVERAL CENSUSES, COMPOSING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE NATIONAL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AT THE CLOSE OF THE SESSION OF CONGRESS PRIOR TO THE OPERATION OF EACH APPORTIONMENT. APPORTIONMENT UPON THE ENUMERATION OP THE SEVERAL CENSUSES. Census. Prior tol790 - Constitution Act of— April 14, 1792 January 14, 1802 . . December 21, 1811. March 7, 1822 May 22, 1832 First Census Second Census Tiiird Census rourth Census Fifth Census Sixth Census I June 25, 1842 Seventh Census 1 ilay 23, 1850 Eighth Census ] May 23, 1850 Ninth Census | February 2, 1872 . Tenth Census | February 25, 1882 Eleventh Census I February 7, 1891 - Number. 65 105 141 181 213 240 223 233 241 283 325 356 irEMBERBHIP AT CLOSE OF SESSION BEFORE NEW ACT TAKES EFFECT. Congress. Second Seventh Twelfth Seventeenth Twenty-second . . . Twenty-seventh . . Thirty-second Thirty-seventh . . . Forty-second Forty-seventh . . . . Fifty-second Date ending — Number. March 2, 1793. March 3, 1803. March 3, 1813. March 3, 1823. March 3, 1833. March 3, 1843. March 3, 1853. March 3, 1863. March 3, 1873. March 3, 1883. March 3, 1893. 65 106 142 193 213 242 232 237 243 293 332 after appor- tionment. 1 1 12 4 2 10 7 The table on the following pages gives in detail the number of representatives assigned to each of the states from the formation of the government to the present time. XIV COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES ASSIGNED TO EACH OF THE STATES IN THE HOUSE OF THAT WERE ASSIGNED PRIOR STATES. Previous to 1790 First apportion- ment. Consti- tution, art. 1, sec. 2. 1790 First Census apportionment by act April 14, 1792. 1 Stats., 253. 1800 1 Second Census ' apportionment by act Jan. 14, 1802. 2 Stats., 128. 1810 Third Census apportionment by act Dec. '21, 1811. 2 Stats., 669. 1820 Fourth Census apportionment by act Mar. 7, 1822. 3 Stats.. 651. Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- tion- ment. 141 As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment. 1 The United States 65 105 1 1 181 12 213 9 1 1 3 Q 1 ^ f> (\ 5 1 7 1 7 1 7 2 6 1 7 H Florida q 3 2 4 6 7 10 ] 1 1 1 1 3 P IS 11 1^ 2 6 10 i 7 12 3 7 9 13 ]fi 17 1H 6 8 8 14 9 17 9 20 Tq OQ OJ 00 1 1 1 0^ '>1 95 ?6 07 3 4 6 5 4 5 10 10 5 6 17 12 C 6 27 13 6 C 34 13 *>8 9q iN^ew York ?0 ^ortli CRrolina gi 99 Ohio 1 6 14 33 SI Pennsvlvania 8 1 5 13 2 6 18 2 8 23 2 9 26 S5 Khode Island . 2 9 16 37 SH 1 3 6 9 ! ■10 2 19 4 22 23 5 22 41 10 42 43 44 45 ' 1 Date after which apportionment takes effect March 3, 1793. March 3, 1803. March 3, 1813. March 3, 1823. ENTEODUCTION. XV REPKESENTATIVES OF CONGRESS UNDER THE SEVERAL ENUMERATIONS, ALSO THOSE TO THE FIRST CENSUS. 1830 Fifth Census apportionment by act May 22, 1832. 4 Stats., 516. 1840 Sixtli Census apportionment j by act June i 25, 1842. 5 Stats., 491. 1850 Seventh Census apportionment by act May '23, 1850. 9 Stats., 428-432. I860 Eighth Census apportionment by act May 23, 1850. 9 Stats., 428-432. 1870 Ninth Census apportionment by act Feb. 2, 1872. 17 Stats., 28. 1 1880 Tenth Census apportionment 'by act Feb. "25, 1882. 22 Stats., 5. 1890 Eleventh Census apportionment j by act Feb. 7, 1891. 26 Stats., 735. Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- • tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- tion- ment. 241 As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- tion- ment. 283 As- signed after appor- tion- ment. Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion ment. Appor- tion- ment. As- signed after appor- tion- ment. 240 2 223 9 233 i 2 10 325 .. 356 1 5 i" 7 1 2 7 2 2 6 3 3 4 4 1 i" i 8 5 6 1 4 1 2 10 9 6 7 2 4 1 2 n 1 22 13 11 8 11 6 4 6 13 12 7 7 15 1 6 I '• 2 8 34 9 1 21 2 30 2 7 2 ': 10 13 2 10 2 4 10 1 9 1 4 5 6 1 4 1 1 8 4 1 1 7 4 1 1 9 H * 1 7 1 8 9 8 q I 10 7 ;■- / 10 2" 9 11 2 14 11 6 1 9 5 5 5 10 6 5 9 19 12 9 3 10 5 5 6 U 9 3 6 13 1 i" 20 13 U 7 11 6 4 6 12 11 5 7 14 11 T> 13 14 13 3 8 8 12 r'l 10 4 6 10 3 10 4 6 6 10 4 i" 2" 15 Ifi 17 18 19 ^0 21 2 2 4 5 5 7 '>?, 23 1 24 1 1 i 1 2 7 32 8 1 i 3 1 ■ 7 34 9 25 26 5 6 40 13 4 5 34 9 3 5 33 8 3 5 31 7 97 '>S 29 30 1 31 19 21 21 i 19 1 24 2 4 20 1 26 2 5 i 21 1 28 2 7 3? 33 28 2 9 24 2 25 2 (i 34 35 3fi 2 37 ""is" ""ii" . . . .. 2 ""io" 2 3 13 8 4 3 11 9 6 2 9 1 i ' 10 U 2 10 38 39 5 21 4 15 40 41 1 42 3 8, 4 9 43 2 3 6 44 1 45 March 3, 1833. March 3, 1843. March 3, 1853. March 3, 1863. March 3, 1873. March 3, 1883. March 3, 1893. xvi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The endeavor has been to make the Eleventh a purely statistical census, dealing only with information called for by law, and although the new investigations added by Congress will make it nearly as bulky as the Tenth Census, the work has been held rigidly within the scope determined upon at the outset. The Census Office has only dealt with developed industries. Thus, in the matter of mineral resources, the work of the office was directed to finding the product from existing mines, leaving to the geological surveys the development of the extent of existing coal fields, of iron deposits, etc. Similarly in the matter of timber resources, the work was confined to the lumber product and its use in manufactures. The study of the methods in use in the various branches of art and industry was also not considered a part properly of the census inquiries in this plan, and was not touched upon. Similarly the study of soils and incidentally the surface geology of the country, although of the utmost value of themselves, and especially in their application to agriculture, were not considered as properly falling within the scope of the census. With these general ideas in view, the following plan for the Eleventh Census was mapped out and has been adhered to throughout: I. Population.— Characteristics, conditions, distribution, and parentage. Occupations. II. Vital and Social Statistics.— Mortality and vital statistics. Social statistics. Statistics of special classes. Pauperism and crime. III. Education and Church Statistics.— Education and illiteracy. Eeligious bodies. IV.' Public Indebtedness, Valuation, Taxation, and Expenditures.— National, state, and local indebtedness; assessed and estimated true valuation; state and local taxation; receipts and expenditures of national, state, county, and principal municipalities. V. Farms, Homes, and Mortgages.— Recorded private indebtedness. Ownership of farms and homes and indebtedness thereon. VI. Agriculture.— Irrigation. Tobacco. Farms, cereals, grass lands, and forage crops. The fibers, forestry, and sugar. Live stock on farms and dairy products. Wool and miscellaneous products. Horticulture, including truck farming, floriculture, seed farming, nurseries, and tropic and semitropic fruits. Viticulture. Live stock on ranges. Live stock not on farms. VII. Manufactures.— General statistics of manufactures. Statistics of specified industries. Manufactures in cities. Lumber and saw mill and timber products. Slaughtering and meat packing. Chemical manufactures and salt. Clay and pottery products. Coke and glass. Cotton manufactures. Dyeing and finishing of textiles. Electrical industries. Manufactured gas. Iron and steel. Printing, publishing, and the periodical press. Wool manufactures, including woolen goods, worsteds, felt goods carpets other than rag, wool hats, hosiery, and knit goods. Shipbuilding. Silk and silk goods. A"Ticultural implements. Paper mills. Boots and shoes. Leather, tanned and curried. Brickyards. Ffour and grist mills. Cheese, butter, and condensed milk factories. Carriages and wagons. Leather, patent and enameled. VIII. Mines and Mining.— Mineral industries in the United States : Iron ore. Gold and silver. Copper, lead, and zinc. Quicksilver. Manganese, petroleum, and natural gas. Aluminum. Coal. Stone. Precious stones. Mica. Mineral waters. Minor minerals. IX Fish AND Fisheries.— Statistics of fisheries by geographical divisions. Statistics of fisheries by name Scientific and popular names of fishes, with their geographical distribution. Illustrations of the principal food fishes of the United States. Condensed description of fish by species. Statistical summary for each species for the United States. X TRANSPORTATION.-Railroads. Statistics for the year ended June 30, 1890. Statistics for 10 years ended in 1889. Lake, ocean, and river transportation. Canals. Transportation on the Pacific coast. Express business. Street railways. XI Insurance.— Fire, ocean marine, inland navigation and transportation, and tornado insurance business Life insurance, showing the business of level premium, assessment, and co-operative companies. Miscellaneous insurance, including the business of accident, burglary and theft guarantee, hail, live stock, plate glass, and real estate title guarantee, steam boiler, surefy, and windstorm insurance companies. Fraternal and other beneficiary associations. ,..,... XII. INDIANS.-Report and statistics of the condition of Indians living withm the jurisdiction of the United States in 1890, including taxed and not taxed. XIII Alaska.— Population and resources of Alaska. XIV. Veterans OF the Civil WAR.-(Seven volumes of 1,000 pages each; publication not yet authorized.) XV. Statistical Atlas.— (Publication not yet authorized.) INTEODUCTION. xvii While the Eleventh Census has been a purely statistical one, and in this respect !ias been condensed, in certain other directions its scope was enlarged by several acts of Congress, (a) Prominent among the additional matters touched upon Avere the investigations relating to the ownership of homes and farms and the amount of mortgages secured by real estate, authorized by special act of Congj-ess, appropriations being made therefor. Certain questions were added to the population schedules which never before appeared in a national census, such as the number of children born and number of these living at date of enumeration, questions relating to aliens and naturalization and ability to speak the English language. The form of the schedule was changed, and for the first time a family schedule was used as a prior schedule to a considerable extent, especially in large cities, this nse being carried as far as seemed to be safe and economical. To what extent the prior schedule aided enumerators in their work is not definitely ascertained, but the impression is that in places where it was used intelligently and methodically it facilitated the work and increased the degree of accuracy. Of course a family schedule meant about 20,000,000 separate schedules, but with ample accommodations and mechanical tabulation they were easily handled. The information concerning each individual was transferred by punching to a separate card, and then the punched card took the place of the schedule. In the Eleventh Census the card system was adopted for the tallying of results and the electrical machines were used for counting the cards. This seciired resiilts with great rapidity and accuracy, besides giving opportunity to make a more thorough analysis of the figures. By the use of the electric tabulating machines it has become possible in the present census, for the fl^st time in the history of statistical work, to aggregate from the schedules all the information which appears in any way desirable. Heretofore the amount of such information which could be evolved from the schedules had been limited, especially in the degree of complexity of the tables. It had been possible to obtain related statistics in tabular form only to a limited extent, but with the machines the most complicated tables can be produced at no more expense than the simpler ones. To illustrate this, attention need only be called to the first handling of the cards by the tabulating machines after they had been punched, by which were obtained for each enumeration district a primary classification of the population according to native white of native parentage, native white of foreign parentage, foreign Avhite, native colored, and foreign colored. In 1880 no distinction was made for native white as to those of native or foreign parentage. Each of the primary classifications just noted for 1890 was in turn subdivided according to sex and by the following age periods: less than 1 year; 1 to 4 years; 5 to 9 years; 10 to 17 years; 18 to 20 years; 21 to 44 years ; 45 years and upward. For all adult males of foreign birth a classification was also made as regards the number who have been natiiralized, have taken out naturalization papers, or are aliens, together with a separate classification as to the luimber of aliens who can not speak the English language. In the same way for the native and foreign colored a separate classification was made as regards the number of blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians. For all householders, also, a separate classification was made as regards the number who hire or own their homes or farms, and if owned, the number of homes or farms that are free or mortgaged. The results of this first or preliminary count are shown by states, counties, cities, and wards of cities, and comprehend not only the simple statements as to the number of males and females, the number of native born and foreign born, the number of whites, negroes of pure or mixed blood, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, but the various combinations of facts relating to sex, color, and o See acts, paeeB cxxx to cxl, inclusive. 372 ii xviii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. general nativity for each of the principal divisions of the population as regards age, including children less than 1 year of age and children under 5 years of age, of special importance for jnirposes of vital statistics; the number of children between 5 and :\0 years of age, or the ages covering most school attendants ; the number of males between the ages of 18 and. 44 years, or the militia ages; the number of males 21 years of age and upward, representing the potential voting ages, and the number of persons 45 years of age and upward. Besides this, very interesting results are shown concerning areas, dwellings, and families, comprehending the total number of dwellings and families, the average number of persons to a dwelling, the average number of persons to a family, the number of persons to a dwelling in detail, as 1, 2, 3, or 4 persons, to the highest number reported; the number of persons to a family in the same manner, ajul for the larger cities a special classification of the number of families to a dwelling. The only tally made in 1880 as regards dwellings and families was by simply counting the nixmber of families and the number of dwellings in the given district, and dividing the total population of that district by the number of dwellings and the number of families, in order to obtain the average number of persons to a dwelling and to a family. The subseqixent counts of the launched cards will number 4 or i^ossibly 5. They furnish all the various particulars soncerning each individual as regards place of birth in detail by states and foreign countries, ages by single years, occupations, months unemi)loyed in remunerative occupations, foreign i:)arentage, illiteracy, and conjugal condition, besides several new and important features of the present census as regards population. The inquiries concerning foreign born male adults as to the length of residence in this country, and whether they are naturalized or not, will furnish data in regard to the problem of unrestricted immigration. For all persons 10 years of age and over, either of foreign birth or foreign extraction, an inquiry was made as to whether they were able to speak the English language. The results of these inquiries, particularly as regards the alien element of our population, will determine the number who have not yet learned to speak the English language. Concerning all married women, also, a new inquiry has been introduced into the census, calling for the number of children born to them and the number of these children now living. This will aid in solving the question as to the relative fecundity of women of various nationalities. The present census law also calls for a subdivision of the colored X)opulation into blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, and octoroons. The result of this special requirement can furnish, however, only an approximation as to the real facts. The separate enumeration of the names and service of survivors of the war of the rebellion has entailed a great deal of labor in the collection, correction, and classification of the results, comprehending records of from 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 veterans, and which, if published, will occupy 7 large quarto volumes of 1,000 pages each. At the last session of Congress no provision was made, however, for the printing of this huge directory of surviving veterans of the late war, and until such provision is made for the continuation of this work no fui'ther steps will be taken toward the comx)letion of the results. Incidental thereto, by means of a special inquiry made on the population schedule, it will be possible to show for all surviving veterans their ages at the time of taking the census, where they were born, where they now reside, in what employments they are found, and what their present mental and physical condition may be ; for the widows of such as have died a similar presentation can also be made. In the subsequent counts of the cards the primary classification of the population into native white of native and foreign parents, foreign white, and native and foreign colored, has been observed in all cases. With the exception of the distinction already referred to for native white as regards native and foreign parentage, the results concerning single years of age and place of birth do not differ essentially from those arrived at in the census of 1880. INTEODUCTION. xix The results alluded to, as sliown for 1890, were obtained in 1880 by the following talUes: a rough count showing the population by white and colored, by native and foreign, and by male and female. It is understood there were also tallied separately Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, where such occurred. Age was tabulated by single years, according to the 6 following heads : native white male, native white female, foreign white male, foreign white female, colored male, and colored female. From this tally'the various tabulations of age, race, and sex were obtained. The birthplace of persons residing in the United States was tabulated according to the forty-seven states and territories for the native born, with the distinction of white and colored, and according to some sixty foreign countries for the foreign born. For foreign parentage there will be shown for 1890, as regards each of the primary subdivisions, a classification of birthplace of father in combination with the birthplace of mother for the following countries : United States, Ireland, Germany, England, Scotland, Wales, English and French Canada, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Bohemia, France, Hungary, Italy, Eussia, with a grouping of all other countries, and unknown. In 1880 foreign parentage was tabulated for a little more than one-half of the entire population, or 26,354,124 out of a total population of 50,155,783, according to whether the person was native or foreign born, and whether the father was born in one of the following 7 groups of birthplaces: United States, Ireland, Germany, Great Britain, Scandinavia, British America, and other countries, and according to the same 7 groups of birthplaces for the mother. In 1890 the occupations as returned by the enumerators have been classified under nearly three hundred heads, following in the main the classification used in the Tenth Census, but with certain modifications and amplifications to meet the requirements of the present census. The results regarding occupations will be shown according to the primary subdivisions of population, as already noted, by sex, for the 18 places of birth referred to under foreign parentage, and for the following age periods : under 15- 15 to 19; 20 to 24; 25 to 34; 35 to 44; 45 to 54; 55 to 59; 60 to 64; 65 and upward. In 1880 occupations were tabulated under 265 heads, by sex, by 3 age periods, namely, 10 to 15; 16 to 59; 60 and upward, and according to 7 birthplaces, grouped as follows: United States, Ireland, Germany, Great Britain, Scandinavia, British America, and "Other Countries". Eegarding illiteracy, a tabulation will be made for all persons 10 years of age and over who can neither read nor write, or who are returned as being unable to write, subdivided according to the primary divisions of population, by sex, and for ages by quinquennial periods from 10 to 25 years, by decennial periods from 25 to 45 years, and for those 45 years aud upward. In addition, such distinctions wiU be made as regards place of birth and occupations as may be necessary to determine the nationalities from which the larger part of this element of our population is derived, as well as the employments in which they are more commonly found. In 1880 the illiterates were tabulated according to native white, foreign white, and colored, and subdivided by sex according to the following 3 age periods: 10 to 14; 15 to 20; 21 and over. One of the most striking illustrations of the improved methods of tabulation is the fact that in 1880 conjugal condition, even in its simplest form, could not be tabulated, though full data regarding the same were enumerated. In 1890, however, the conjugal condition of the people will be tabulated not only as regards native white of native and foreign parentage and foreign white, but for the colored a further separation will be made as regards the blacks aud those of mixed blood, and for Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, distinguished as to sex and age periods. Speaking of errors, and they will creep in regardless of every precaution, recalls the fact that the punched card system provides a far better check against error than the old system of tallying. Every day a careful examination of the cards punched XX COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVEI^TH CENSUS: 1890. by eacli clerk was made, and tlie percentage of errors found tliat would jiass tbrongh the macliine rarely exceeded 1 per cent. This system of examination comprised the taking of 25 to 50 cards at random and comparing them with the schedule. In the work of launching, three classes of errors are likely to occur : first, the card may be improi)erly punched, that is, some part of the information necessary to a complete transcript may be omitted: in all cases these cards are invariably rejected by the tabulating machines, and are not counted until the i)roper corrections are made; second, the record punched uj)on the card may be an inconsistent one, as, for instance, a young jierson less than 10 years of age may be recorded on the card as engaged at some remunerative occupation, as farmer, carpenter, etc., which, of course, can not be the fact and is an error in punching; such inconsistent transcripts must apiiear on the result slips when this class of information is tabulated, and are ehminated, as a matter of course; third, the card may be so punched that the error may be said to be a consistent one, that is, the information as punched may not be the exact fact, and still, is not inconsistent with the other facts ininched from the schedule as regards sex, place of birth, occupation, etc. ; for instance, a person's age may be launched 29 years instead of 25 years, yet the facts as regards occupation, place of birth, etc., may be thoroughly consistent with such record. The latter is the only class of error which can not be detected by the work of subsequent tabulation. It is believed that the percentage of this class of error is entirely immaterial, particularly as it is as easy to punch a correct transcript as an incorrect one; on the first run of the cards through the machines the two classes of error which were detected only averaged a little more than 1 per cent of the total number of cards counted. In this connection it must be understood that of this percentage of error more than three-fourths are made up of omissions to punch 1 or more holes out of an average of from 14 to 17 holes to each card and less than one-fourth consists of incorrectly punched holes, this estimate being based upon a very careful examination of over 200,®00 cards to determine the classes of error most commonly made. Another point should also be stated : in each punched card from 14 to 17 holes were necessary to represent all the information returned on the population schedule concerning each person enumerated; so that if, instead of basing the percentage of error, whether of omission or commission, upon the actual number of cards rejected, as has been done, it should be determhied by the relation which the number of holes omitted or improperly punched bears to the whole number of holes punched in all the cards, the percentage of error discovered and corrected becomes hardly worthy of serious consideration, that is, less than one-fifteenth of 1 per cent. It is not likely that the errors that have gone undetected are consequential. The only way to insure absolute accuracy would be to compare every card, the cost of which would be so great that it would be folly to undertake it. With ordinary care and with additional checks the transcription of data has been certainly as accurate as in previous censuses. Next in importance to the count of the people are the vital statistics and the statistics of the special classes; for after the number of our population, with its characteristics, distribution, and parentage, are found, the question of its health and physical condition naturally comes up for consideration. The report for the Tenth Census was far in advance of anything ever attempted in this direction before, and the great importance of complete and accurate records of vital statistics, including marriages, births, and deaths, is becoming more and more recognized in this country. Such records are the absolutely necessary foundation for well directed attempts to improve the health and lengthen the life of the people; to increase the productive efflciency of the woi'kers; to form a sound basis for the enormous money interests involved in the business of life insurance, and for other purposes vital to the health and well-being of the population. INTEODUCTION. xxi The great majority of states liave -still no satisfactory system for registration of vital statistics, altliougli most of tliem are slowly being improved in this respect. The accurate collection of statistics of mortality by means of the regular census enumerators was perhaps the most difficult undertaking imposed on the Census Office. The efforts to secure a statement of facts concerning the deaths occurring in any locality -during the year preceding the date on which the inquiry was made necessarily fell short of securing a complete return. This fact was well understood, and every eftbrt was made to supply deficiencies that could be successfully carried out. The most reliable data are obtained from those localities in which local laws require registration of each death at the time it occurs, and wherever the records were sufficient for the use of this office, copies have been made from them. This has been done to a much greater extent than in any previous census. The most important new features of work in this direction are as follows : (1) A special study of the birth and death rates and of the principal causes of death in 24 of our largest cities, to show where the highest and lowest death rates prevail, and what the relations of these are to topography, drainage, character of habitations, overcrowding, poverty, and other environments. (2) A special study of the influence of race upon fecundity and mortality, includmg studies of the birth and death rates of negroes and whites, and of the principal European races which have contributed to the population of this country. (3) A special study of the relations of occupation to death rates and to particular causes of death, as shown by a detailed study of figures derived from the records of our largest manufacturing cities for a period of 5 years, in addition to the data of the whole country for the census year which were obtained by the enumerators. The records obtained fiom states and cities maintaining a compulsory system of registration of deaths are much fuller than those obtained in previous censuses, and cover an aggregate population of over 17,000,000. These records, in connection with those for the census year, furnish a continuous record of deaths for these localities for a period of 6 years, which affords more reliable information than anything which has heretofore been published with regard to the vital statistics of this country. The insane, feeble minded, deaf, and blind were classified in the Eleventh Census under the head of " Special classes ". A comparison with the returns of 1880 indicates that the enumeration of these classes has been upon the whole satisfactory, and the treatment of the returns will be substantially the same as 10 years ago. A report on the social statistics of cities w^as inaugurated in 1880. It was decided to make a statistical report on this important subject, and the results have been highly satisfactory. . ^ ..• Nearly all the information for the treatment of social statistics of cities was collected through the several city officials, mostly without expense other tban clerical work. Letters explaining the scope of the work were sent to all places having a population of 10,000 and up ward, and the several chief executives Avere asked to co-operate with this office to enable their cities to have full representation in the final report. Schedules were then prepared, covering all points to be treated, and so divided that each one could be referred to the officer having jurisdiction of the subject to which it pertained. There were 12 schedules covering the following points: altitude, cemeteries, drainage, fire, government, hcenses, parks, police, public buildings, streets, street lighting, and waterworks. ^ , i, i ^.- ^-^ As to securing information relating to pauperism and crime for tabulation, there was no essential difierence between the Tenth and Eleventh Censuses. Schedules were sent to the larger institutions to be filled by the officers in charge, and for the smaller institutions reliance was placed upon the regular enumerators. The inquiries contamed in these schedules were for the most part identical with those 10 years ago, though XXll COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. some iiew questions were added, and it is belie v^ed that the forms of the schedules were materially improved. A new feature in the Eleventh Census, however, was the appointment of institution enumerators selected by the authorities in charge of the institutions, and the payment of such enumerators, a method which was found to work admirably in i)ractice. The same plan was adopted with all benevolent institutions, In this way were secured 3,000 or 4,000 of the very best equipped persons as enumerators for a class of work that would be difficult for ordinary enumerators to perform. The statistics of crime and pauperism for 1890 compared with those fol 1880 show no alarming growth of these evils during the past decade. The number of prisoners returned in 1880 was 58,609; in 1890 it was 82,329; an apparent increase of 40 per cent against an increase of a little less than 25 per cent in the population at large. But an examination of the figures shows that this relative increase has been in the population of minor prisons, not of penitentiaries, and it does not indicate any greater prevalence of serious crime ; indeed, it may be due merely to greater care and severity in dealing with disorder and petty misdemeanors. The number of paupers in almshouses returned in 1880 was 66,203 ; in 1890 it was 73,045, an increase of only about 10 i^er cent, or less than half what might have been anticipated. The number of juvenile delinquents in custody in 1880 was 11,468; in 1890 it was 14,846, an increase of between 29 and 30 jier cent, or very nearly the same as that of the total population. In Census Bulletin No. 90, relating to the almshouse population, a table is j)ublished by way of an appendix, which shows the number of outdoor paupers found and returned by the census enumerators. These figures have been much misunderstood by i^ersons who have failed to comprehend that no statistics of outdoor relief can be procured through the agency of the enumerators, for the obvious reason that they can not ask at eveiy house whether any of the members of the household are pauj)ers. Their local knowledge enables them to report a few of this class. Both in the censuses of 1880 and 1890 such information as has been obtained in this way has been given to the i)ublic chiefly for the purpose of demonstrating the futility of any effort in this direction. It should be known and understood that probably not one outdoor pauper in 10 ever has been or ever will be discovered and reported by the census enumeratois. Education was a subject of national census inquiry for the first time in 1840, 50 years ago, when in no entire state but the commonwealth of Massachusetts were public schools and fi-ee schools synonymous. The change in the system for the support of schools which almost immediately after that census set up the union free school as a standard in a town of New York spread across the new states of the west except Indiana for the time by an adverse judicial decision, and since the civil war almost the whole union has come into line for local taxation to secure the sux)port of public schools. The public provision for superior and secondary as well as elementary education has widened. The records show a more rapid growth of school enrollment than of population, indicating how vital an interest this is to the people. The general conditions for each decade of pupils enrolled in schools, exclusive of reformatory, charitable, and Indian schools and schools for special classes, appear to be as follows: ITEMS. 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 17, 069, 453 2, 025, 656 1, 845, 264 23, 191, 876 3, 642, 694 3, 354, 173 31, 443, 321 5, 477, 037 4, 955, 894 38, 558, 371 7, 210, 420 6, 228, 060 50, 155, 783 62, 622, 250 ol4, 373, 670 Primary and common 1840, public 1850 to 1890. 9, 951, 608 12, 705, 386 alnclurling private, 804,204; parochial, 799,002; additional public, 64,478. INTRODUCTION. xxiii The conditions point out two distinct lines of census inquiry on education. Along one of these lines the population schedules embodied questions as to age, sex parent nativitv occupation in which attendance at school as teacher or pupil is included, and iUiteracv from which can be derived tables showing the amount of time used m teaching or by children as pupils, as well as an analysis of the occupations and nativities of illiterates It is to be remembered that school age pertains to state laws, and that there is no national school age. The state laws vary so greatly on this point that it is better for a national census to give the facts for each year from 4 years, the mmimum in any state, to 21 years, the maximum in any state. Individual states can then derive from the national census reports such facts as are useful under their own laws The items above named have never been sought except to a very limited extent by any authority other than a national or state census, and for the country as a whole by a census only Few states have yet taken a separate census. Except through the decennial national census no statistics of national illiteracy have hitherto been '"'"'''r^i^/otlier line of inquirv ought to be readily handled, and educators and school officers should see to it that it becomes easy for even a private individual to gather the facts for his own satisfaction in any year. This line of inquiry is the reports of the institutions as distinguished from the statements by the heads of fainilies. It is now a laborious inquiry, not altogether satisfactory, because of the exceeding diversity of records, and it is no Ught work to gather even the public school enrollment. Taking warning from the fate of educational statistics in the Tenth Census, which largely failed of publication, it was determined to confine the inqmries in the Eleventh Census to a small number of essential questions most readily answered, the results of which would be capable of being promptly prepared for publication. The schedule sent out for the pubUc common schools, therefore, asked only for the number, sex, and color of the teachers and pupils, and a separate statement for those in high schools Simple as this schedule was, it was necessary to send thousands of inquiries to local officials in some of the states because the ordinary report took no account of sex or color. Even number is not a simple matter in practice, whatever it may seem in theory. In some cases the promotions, re-enrollment, and transfers within the year all went to swell the annual enrollment, while in other cases all such auplications were carefully excluded. Sex was omitted from the usual reports of 20 states at the time of taking the census; the chief officials in 7 of these states were able, however, to adjust their reports for the census year so as to report sex. Passing by the important question whether more boys or more girls are occupied in wage labor, and so distui-b the balance of the sexes in elementary schools, it is well known to those who have paid special attention to the subject that in the country at large girls greatly predominate over boys in high schools, so that it becomes a question of consequence whether the high schools are equably educating the young people or whether they tend to become young ladies' seminaries, yet the attendance by sex is not, in certain states, a matter of state record. In the nation, color becomes an important item as a superficial indication of race, though in large portions of the country one race is aknost absolutely prevalent to the exclusion of others. Where race was not a matter of record it was not presumed that a teacher would find it difficult to make a suitable estimate of the few colored pupils enrolled m the census year from his knowledge of changes by the time inquiries reached him. The press has rendered invaluable aid to the census, and so to the community, by criticism upon the inadequate showing in census bulletins of the reports fiirnished by the local authorities on color in the schools. The criticism of the newspapers led some officials even to send corrections for their original reports, but for those portions of the country where the colored race is in small numbers, and taught in the schools of the whites, XXIV COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS ! 1890. the returns inadequately represent the distinctive facts. The fullness and accuracy of reports of institutions depend on school officials. If the records are defective ' no mquuy after the year is ended can be readily answered, and so for all institutional reports the first essential is completeness of the leading items of record. If the local records are properly made and preserved, their compilation into state and national tables will be a very simple and easy matter, not very burdensome upon any ao-ency that may do the work. " In the absence of anything like a uniformity of record of attendance, it was deemed wholly impracticable to secure the exceedingly important item of effective attendance, which could be expressed by the aggregate number of days' attendance of all pupils.' It is an evidence of the energy with which the work has been pushed that the facts as to public schools were available to the public, county by county, at so early a date. The final results show 14,373,070 pupils in all schools, including 804,204 in private schools and 799,002 in the subdivision "Parochial schools". The enrollment in the public common schools of the United States in the Eleventh Census year is shown in the following statement: TEACHERS AND POPILS. Total. White. Colored. Teachers 362, 008 12, ■WS, 386 337, 896 11, 358, 525 Pupils 24,112 1, 346, 861 The Census Office has occasion to recognize a very general and cordial co-operation by public and private school officers and managers of parochial schools. For the first time the United States census has secured complete church statistics. By limiting the number of questions and by the most persistent and voluminous correspondence, the number of church communicants is shown by counties in something like 150 religious denominations, including the various branches. These statistics have been gathered expressly for the Eleventh Census. The plan adopted was to secure the statistics desired through the clerks of the various ecclesiastical subdivisions. In churches having a presbyterian form of government tlie stated clerks of presbyteries were requested to gather the statistics from the cliurches within their jurisdiction by the use of printed circulars, enter the results in schedules, and forward them to the Census Office. In some churches having an episcopal form of government this work was placed in the hands of the secretary or bishop of the diocese; in churches having annual conferences the presiding elders of districts, who visit all their churches once every quarter, were commissioned to obtain the desired information; in denominations having no ecclesiastical conferences or associations each pastor was addressed directly. This plan worked admirably. It would have been impossible to communicate with all pastors direct, because in many churches they change their location very frequently and new congregations are being constantly organized, so that reports obtained in this way would be necessarily incomplete. Each stated clerk of' a presbytery, secretary of a diocese or associatio^, or presiding elder of a district knows intimately all the congregations within his jurisdiction, and this fact insures complete and intelligent reports. The number of secretaries, stated clerks, presiding elders, and individual pastors who have assisted in obtaining statistics is very large. Many of the denominations for which full returns have been obtained never gave to the public before any statistics whatever. The work of the wealth, debt, and taxation division of the census has been modeled after the work of 1880, which the present Superintendent of Census had the honor to compile. The first volume of this work, relating to public debt, is now completed and in the hands of the printer. Except in the matter of receipts and expenditures, the scope INTRODUCTION. xxv of the work for 1890 is not mucli greater in extent than it was for 1880, but the work is far more exhaustive in detail. In 1880 the debt of only 27 foreign nations was compiled, and these from unofficial sources; for 1890 full official details are published of 83 countries, and their per capita. The debt of the United States is also given mucb more in detail for 1890 than it was for 1880, and with it is shown the paper and coin circulation, which was not shown in 1880. In 1880 the debt of the states of the United States as published showed few, if any, details, and no account was taken of the funds held by the states, either in amount or character. For 1890 complete details of every outstanding loan and of all funds on hand are shown for each year from 1880 to 1890. The municipal and school district debt was not published in detail in 1880 except for New England. For 1890 every place that has a debt is reported and compared with like statistics, as far as shown, for 1880. In 1880 the rates of interest upon the state and local bonded debt were published. For 1890, in addition to rates of interest, there is shown the amount of the interest charge by states upon the state and local bonded debt and compared with like information for 1880. In 1880 the receipts and expenditures of only 310 municipalities, being those having a population of 7,500 or upward, were given. For 1890 not only will the expenditures of these cities be shown but the receipts and expenditures of the states for 10 years, in detail, of all the counties where information can be obtained, of all municipalities having a population of 4,000 or upward, 905 in number, and of all the school districts in the United States by counties, showing in detail the source of all receipts and the objects of all expenditures. In 1880 no details of valuation of cities having a population of less than 7,500 were shown except in New England, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and in the three latter states and Ohio the details of taxation were not shown. For 1890 the valuation and taxation of every place in the country having a population of 1,000 or upward willl)e published, and probably in the New England states, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and some other states, everyplace with a debt-creating and taxing power. The estimate of true valuation is necessarily based on data more or less incomplete and imperfect. Prior to 1880 no attempt was made to go outside of the assessors' returns. As a means of introducing an initial correction into the statistics of valuation of real estate in 1880, the present Superintendent of Census, then in charge of the statistics of wealth, debt, and taxation, addressed circulars to an immense number of bankers, real estate agents, business men, and public officials connected more or less directly with the valuation of property for purposes of taxation. Answers to these ckculars were received from every county in the United States, and in many cases they contained data showing the assessed value of certain pieces of property, with the actual selling price of the same property. An attempt was also made in that year, for the first time, to obtain the amount of capital invested in trade and banking outside of the assessors' returns. It is fViir to assume that the estimates of the actual wealth of the country Avere based upon a greater variety of data in 1880 than ever before, and hence more reliance may be placed upon the results of that investigation than upon those of previous censuses. In preparing the estimates of wealth of the United States for the present census the same care has been exercised, and as far as practicable the same plan has been pursued. To collect statistics of the ownership of farms and homes and the indebtedness thereon throughout the United States was a novel not to say a bold step in statistical inquiry. Old statisticians shook their heads and said the obstacles in the way of such an investigation were too great to overcome. All over the country could be heard murmurings of discontent and declarations that the people of the United States would xxvi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. uever submit to such an inquisitorial inquiry relating to tlieir private affairs. Eeckless newspapers made this investigation, forced upon the Census Office by almost a unanimous vote in both houses of Congress in spite of repeated protests, an excuse for attacks upon the whole census, and called upon the i^eople to resist the enumerators, if necessary, witli force. Meantime the Superintendent of Census was sorely peri)lexed. This novel inquiry had been ordered on the very eve of sending out the population schedules. Those schedules were complete, and the public printer was ready to start the printing of 25,000,000, the probable number required. No time could be lost. To put questions in the x)opulation schedules asking every individual in the United States the amount of the mortgage on his farm or home, the motive for contracting the debt, and the value of his property, would have swamped the constitutional enumeration of the people. The amount of irritation which would have been aroused had this course been adopted can not be estimated. The enumeration of the people would have been endangered and to no purpose, because in the very nature of things the enumerators would have failed in half the cases to obtain the desired information about mortgages. The accei:>ted theory of the census is that the enumerators see personally about one in every seven of the inhabitants. Already the population schedule of the census was bowed down with the burden of a double yoke. There were twice as many questions as should have been i^ropounded before those relating to mortgages were added. These questions, however, were made as easy as possible by throwing out all reference to the amount of the indebtedness, interest, value of property, etc., aud confining them to a simple inquiry as to whether the farm or home was owned or rented, and if owned, whether free from debt or incumbered by a mortgage. In cases of ownership with incumbrance and of incomplete rej)orts, the enumerator was instructed to give the name and address of the owner or head of family, and by subsequent investigation the remaining information required by law was obtained. This solution proved a practical one, and it has formed the basis of one of the most valuable investigations ever undertaken by any government. While the addition of these and other questions, such as those relating to the veterans of the late war and other inquiries, increased the cost and added to the difficulties of the constitutional eiuimeration, and wliile the individual voice of the present Sujierintendent of Census will always be raised against thus overloading the population schedule with special inquiries, it is safe to assume that, owing to the high character of the supervisors and the faithfulness and intelligence of the vast body of enumerators, the enumeration of the peojjle did not suffer to any serious extent. At the same time future legislation should simplify the population schedule and relegate all questions relating to special inquiries to other schedules. From a statistical standpoint the work of collecting information in regard to mortgage indebtedness of individuals and private corporations has been prosecuted with a success far beyond the anticipations of statisticians who have studied the question for years. The employment of a small army of 2,500 special agents and clerks to make an abstract of every mortgage placed on record throughoiit the United States for the last 10 years has attracted attention to the dangers of these incumbrances, to the enormous burdens in the way of interest, to the alarming extent to which usury is practiced, and to the defectiveness of these records in all parts of the country. The agents of the Census Office have traveled on horseback and on foot through the most sparsely settled districts of our vast domain in search of mortgages, and have done their work so industriously and so thoroughly that there are now on file in Washington, as a result of their labor, the abstracts of about 9,000,000 mortgages, and of this number nearly 4,000,000, representing 800 counties, have been tabulated. Some months before the inquiry was begun Congress, and through Congress the public, was put in possession of the scope of the plan adopted. That plan, with hardly any change, has been successfully carried out. INTEODUCTION. xsvil The two important features brouglit out iu this inquiry are the amount of mortgages placed on record each year for 10 years and the amount of the existing debt. It would, of course, be absurd to accept the amount of the uncanceled mortgages as the amount of debt in force. Such an exhibit would manifestly be a gross exaggeration unworthy of confidence. The extent of this defect in the records has been ascertained by the Census Office in 102 counties, representing all parts of the country, and in 61 of these counties the face of the uncanceled records exaggerates the true amount of the debt by 71 per cent on the average. It was therefore decided to make a transcript of the record in every case for 10 years and ascertain therefrom the average life of a mortgage. Preliminary experiments by special agents of the Census Office pointed to the use of the average life of mortgages, with an allowance for partial payments, as promising results much nearer the truth, near enough, at any rate, to be fairly conclusive as to the amount of existing indebtedness. This plan is approximately correct, and under perfectly uniform conditions would produce accurate results. An objection that can be raised against it is that mortgages are not uniform in amount and number recorded each year. These variations, however, when large amounts of debt are considered, are not as great as may be supposed, and under careful observation and corrective treatment lose much of their influence for error. If the average life of all mortgages under such circumstances is 4 years, and the total amount of the mortgages recorded within the last 4 years is taken as equivalent to the amount of indebtedness existing at the present time, it is evident that many paid mortgages created within the 4 years" are included within the amount, and that many unpaid mortgages created more than 4 years ago are not included. In such cases it is true, if the average life of mortgages is correctly represented, that the mortgages of the life period of 4 years now paid are exactly equal to the mortgages made previous to the life period and now unpaid, so that the total recorded debt of the life period stands for the amount of debt in force. The agents were therefore instructed to transcribe for every real estate mortgage acknowledged and received within the 10 years ended December 31, 1889 (except mortgages made bv public and quasi-public corporations), the following facts: the state and county in which the mortgaged real estate is situated; the year in which the acknowledgment was made; corporations, both as mortgageors and mortgagees, classified as savings banks, banks (including loan and trust companies, but not including savings banks), building and loan associations, insurance companies, mortgage corporations, and aU others; the original amount of the debt; the actual rate of interest, or, if not ascertainable from records, the customary rate at the time; the number of incumbered acres and city or village lots; and also, for the canceled mortgages of 1880-1883, the full dates of acknowledgment and cancellation. For the purpose of checking this inquiry special investigations were conducted in the 102 counties already indicated, representing every phase of American life and industry. In these counties the same facts were taken from the records as in other counties, and also for all uncanceled mortgages as far back in time as any appreciable number of them were found in force the names and addresses of the parties. Schedules were serft these persons, and in each one of these covinties an exact statement of existing debt has been compiled. The enormous cost would preclude this method for the whole countrv, but work in what is termed "inquiry" counties has been of great service in correcting the work elsewhere. The "inquiry" counties also reveal the purposes for which the debt was incurred. By far the largest proportion of real estate mortgage debt has been incurred to secure the purchase of land, and the cost of improvements stands second in importance. The security of purchase money is generally 50 to 75 per cent of the real estate mortgage debt of the people of a county, and improvements generally represent from 10 to 20 per cent of the debt. xxviii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tho following table suuiniaiizes the results of this inquiry as far as possible to date: ITEMS. Alabama. Iowa. Kansas. Tennessee. Illinois. Missouri. Nebrasta. Number of mortgages recorded 93, 828 520, 448 654, 2-13 93, 282 612, 249 488, 085 337, 872 during 1880-1889. Amount of mortgages recorded $91, 099, 62.-! $439, 936, 354 $498, 653, 903 $100, 212, 257 $870, 699, 940 $537, 027, 754 $274, 368, 358 during 1880-1889. Number of mortgages in force 35, 331 252, 539 298, 880 39, 470 297, 247 192, 028 155, 377 January 1, 1890. Amount of mortgages in force $39, 027, 983 $199, 774, 171 $243, 146, 826 $40,421,396 $384, 299, 150 $214, 609, 772 $132,902,322 January 1, 1890. Number of acres covered by in- 5, 997, 613 16, 307, 145 26, 577, 522 3, 018, 045 10, 660, 987 10, 159, 021 14, 085, 290 cumbrance January 1, 1890. Number of lots covered by incum- 14, 189 163, 674 265, 341 32, 896 286, 148 155,441 94,772 brance January 1, 1890. Number of acres incumbered 16, 175, 153 33, 864, 721 58, 510, 089 7, 269, 279 21, 578, 919 26, 193, 263 30, 935, 681 during 1880-1889. Number of lots incumbered during 34, 649 303, 556 544, 934 65, 566 602, 152 895, 490 208, 969 1880-1889. Percentage of debt in force of debt 42.84 45.41 48.76 40.34 44.14 39.96 48.44 recorded 1880-1889. Percentage of assessed acres in- 21.63 46.95 61.56 11.65 30.78 25.41 58.13 cumbered January 1, 1890. Equated life of mortgages (in years) 2.73 4.92 3.38 2.81 4.02 3.06 3.24 Eange of interest rates (per cent) . 1-40 1-20 1-60 1-12 1-18 1-80 1-64 Amount per capita of mortgages $26 $104 $170 $23 $100 $80 $126 in force January 1, 1890. The exhaustive investigation made in connection with the Tenth Census as to the production of meat, cotton, tobacco, and the cereals, and likewise into forestry, has rendered it unnecessary that the present inquiry should be extended beyond the developments and other changes of the past 10 years. The most striking features of the agricultural report consist of subjects that have never before had any prominent place in census investigation. Among these are horticulture, viticulture, irrigation, the production of sugar, and the peculiar conditions of farm occupancy which prevail in the soutliern states. All of these carry with them their own justification, horticulture being a subject of more or less importance in almost every state in the union ; viticulture, an interest that is rapidly cominginto the front rank, especially in the states of California and New York ; the production of sugar, an industry that is now attracting a more than ordinary amount of attention; the cultivation of the soil by the freedmen of the south, a matter involving social and economic questions of far reaching importance; and irrigation, the agency to which some of the most prosperous agricultural regions of the United States owe their present productiveness, and probably the only method by which a large portion of the arid belt can ever be successfully brought under cultivation. The most important investigation that is entirely new is that of irrigation in the arid and subhumid states and territories. The intricate question of farm occupancy in the south, the outgrowth of the former condition of slavery, has been carefully investigated, and an endeavor made to trace the almost invisible line which divides the farm laborer from the tenant farmer. While various minor products of tiie soil have been taken account of for the first time in each of the great divisions into which agriculture naturally falls, it is in horticulture that the work of the division is mainly broadened. The success of this work' may best be judged by the statistics of viticulture, floriculture, nurseries, and seed and truck farms, which appear in the report. Without undertaking such an elaborate report on meat production as was published 10 years ago, there has been a special enumeration of range cattle and the usual returns of live stock on farms. In no branch of the census work was the plan laid with greater care than in the division relating to manufactures. More than a year before the enumeration consultations were held with manufacturers, officers of trade associations, economists, statists, and men of affairs. As a result, it was decided to obtain individual reports INTEODUCTION. xxix from every establislimeut of productive industry. New questions were added only after mature consideration. The subdivisions of the inquiry respecting capital employed were calculated to develop the full amount of such capital, both owned and borrowed. Under the head of labor and wages a classified wage table was used which comprehended all classes, showing separately males above 16 years, females above 15 years, and children; it required the average number employed during the year and the total amount paid in wages, but called for a statement of these facts by classes, that is, for a distinct statement respecting the officers of corporations and members of firms; clerks and salesmen; operatives, engineers, and other skilled workmen; Avatchmen, laborers, teamsters, and other unskilled workmen, and all pieceworkers not included in the foregoing. To this was added a series of inquiries which would develop the weekly rates of wages paid aud the average number employed at each rate; the average term of employment in weeks during the year, and the average daily term of employment in hours. The preliminary results show a large increase in number employed and value of product and capital invested, in such relation as to leave little doubt regarding the thoroughness of the work. The withdrawal of the schedules relating to manufactures from the regular enumerator was the emancipation of American industrial statistics. Three times as many cities and towns were taken out of the hands of the enumerators as in 1880, and the result has been most satisfactory. By the provisions of the census law the Superintendent of Census has authority, whenever he may deem it expedient, to withdraw the manufacturing schedules from the enumerators aud charge the collection of the requisite data upon experts and special agents, to be appointed without regard to locality. Under the authority thus conferred the collection of the statistics of manufactures in 1,040 cities and towns, without regard to population, was withdrawn from the general enumeration and the duty assigned to special agents appointed immediately after the completion of the count of the people. In all localities where the statistics were not withdrawn, as above noted, the returns have been collected by enumerators. In the case of the following industries special reports were directed to be made by expert special agents charged with this duty, as noted in each case : chemical industry; clay and pottery products; coke and glass; cotton goods; distilled spirits used in the arts, manufactures, and medicine; electrical apparatus and appliances, their manufactures and uses; manufactured gas; iron and steel; mixed textiles; printing, pubbshing, and the periodical press ; salt; shipbuilding; silk and silk goods; wool and worsted. Special schedules were prepared for each of the following industries, covering the general and technical details relating to each, which manufacturers engaged therein regarded as best adapted to elicit accurate information as to existing conditions: No. 14. Dyeing and finishing of textiles. jSTo. 15. Electrical industry. No. 16. Glass, iiding No. 17. Manufactured gas. No. 18. Iron and steel. No. 19. Printing, publishing, and the periodical press. No. 20. Shipbuilding, milk No. 21. Silk and silk goods. No. 22. Wool manufactures. No. 23. Hosiery and knit goods. No. 24. Carriages and wagons. No. 25. Salt works. No. 26. Leather, patent and enameled. No. 13 Cotton manufactures. No. 27. Petroleum, refining. No. 1. Agricultural implements. No. 2. Paper mills. No. 3. Boots aud shoes. No. 4. Leather, tanned and curried, inc morocco leather. No. 5. Lumber mills and saw mills. xXo. 6. Brickyards. No. 7. Flour and grist mills. No. 8. Cheese, butter, and condensed factories. No. 9. Slaughtering and meat packing. No. 10. Chemical manufactures. No. 11. Clay and pottery products. No. 12. Coke. XXX COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. A supplemeutal schedule was also prepared for distilled spirits used in tlie arts, mauufactures, and medicine. In the case of all industries for which special schedules had not been provided, as above set forth, a general schedule of questions had been prepared, with a view to collecting data which would clearly show the general characteristics of each branch of manufactures to be reported on the general schedule. A quarto volume of about 1,000 pages, with illustrations and maps, relating to the mineral resources in the United States, has been issued from the Government Printing Office, consisting of reports with the following titles: Manganese, petroleum, and natural gas. Iron ores. Gold and silver. Copper and lead and zinc. Coal. Precious stones. Stone. Phosphate rock. Quicksilver. " Aluminum. Antimony, asphaltum, ozocerite, gypsum, infuso- Mineral waters. rial earth, corundum, millstones, whetstones, Mica. asbestos, graphite, soapstone, barytes, ocher, Marl. fluorspar, lithographic stone, sulphur, and Tin, nickel and cobalt, chromic iron ore, platinum, pyrites. and iridium. The increase during the decennium of the number of persons emijloyed, the quantity of product, and the value of product, indicate that the work has been thoroughly done. The favorable reception of the bulletins on mineral resources by the scientific journals of this country and Europe has been alike gratifying to the experts in direct charge of the work and to the Censiis Office. The inquiries contained in the schediales relating to fish and fisheries are much more numerous and for reaching than have been used in any previous census. The work is well advanced, and the final volume, as planned, will contain the following statistics : Fisheries of the Great Lakes. Oyster. Marine mammalia. Boat fisheries of the Atlantic ocean and Gulf of Fisheries of the Pacific states. Mexico. Cod and ground. Shad and alewife. Menhaden. Sponge. Sea herring. Alligator. Mackerel. The inland fisheries. Lobster. Carp. In addition to the 16 subdivisions of the fish and fisheries report above enumerated, there is in preparation a manual tof the food fish in the United States. This manual will contain illustrations of the principal food fish, and will include under each species of fish and marine mammal described the following points of information : (a) The geographical distribution. (rf) The means of capture. (6) The scientific and popular names. (e) The uses, etc. (c) The measurement and weight. (/) The statistical summary. The statistical features of the final report will be very complete, and possess great economic value. Many valuable returns from the division of transportation have been put in type, which has for its field of labor the railroads, the carrying trade of lake, ocean, river, and canal, and the express business and street railways. With the exception of the railroad statistics, all the work done by this division has either been taken up for the first time by the present census or has been so developed and enlarged as to be practically new. The railroad statistics embrace a full presentation for the 10 years ended 1889, and a still more detailed presentation for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1890; the facts and figures which have been prepared dealing with the mileage, operations, INTEODUCTION. xxxi and admiuistrative and financial conditions of all tlie railroads of the country for more than a decade. The report on street railways is a new feature, and will stand as a precedent for fature labors. The work of securing the vast amount of information relative to transportation by water has been a most difficult one, because of its largely experimental character. Those difficulties, however, have been overcome, and the statistics which have been prepared concerning the equipment, tonnage, value, ownership, freight traffic, expenses and profits, employes, and wages are such as enable the Census Office to furnish a complete record of all that is worth knowing concerning the industry of transportation by water as conducted by American craft. The report on express companies is entirely new. The statistics of the fire, marine, and inland insurance companies for 10 years are all completed. Of the old line life insurance companies, the statistics havebeen gathered and the data prepared for the census year. The statistics of the assessment and co-operative insurance companies (fireand life), the fraternal and independent beneficiary organizations, miscellaneous insurance companies, and the fire department and water supply of the United States have also been gathered. The census of the Indians embraced two propositions, as called for in the act authorizing the present census; the first was their enumera.tion; the second, a report on their condition. A bulletin, No. 25, was issued as early as January 29, 1891, giving the approximate census. For the enumeration of 53 reservations the United States Indian agents were appointed enumerators. A corps of special agents was also appointed, who visited each reservation, and saw that the census was properly taken or had been so taken, and made a report on the condition of the Indians of each reservation. The Five Civilized Tribes were enumerated by Indian and white enumerators under the charge of a special agent for each of the tribes, who also reported on their condition. A very large white and colored population was found in the five tribes, equal to that of several of the smaller states of the union. The Six Nations of New York were enumerated and reported by a special agent. The Cherokees of North Carolina and the Moqui Pueblos of Arizona and Pueblos of New Mexico were also enumerated by special agents. A series of illustrations was made with brush and pencil, and also by the aid of the camera, which will give an exhaustive idea of the actual condition of the Indians in 1890. 7 artists of standing were appointed special agents, who contributed much toward making this census a success. The Indians taxed, or those living off reservations or out of tribal relations, were enumerated by the regular enumerators. The enumeration of the Indians included some 30 states and territories, and besides employing some hundreds of the regular enumerators, there were 94 Indian agent enumerators and special agents in the service, not including those in the Indian territory and with the Navajos. The work was a serious problem, but has been satisfactorily completed to the point of publication. The list of names of all tribal Indians except 3 has for the first time been obtained by the Census Office, and in many cases both the Indian and the white names are given. The scope of the work was large, embracing age, wealth, resources, and all items of an economical and historical nature. The work of taking the census of Alaska has been prosecuted successfully. The report on Alaska is in the hands of the printer. Besides a complete enumeration of the Alaskan population, the report will give an exhaustive review of Alaskan commerce and resources, and contain a number of excellent monographs, by intelligent residents of Alaska, descriptive of their sections of the territory. The statistics of fisheries and of mining have also been collected. Under the plan adopted it has been possible to make xxxii COMPEi^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CEJ^^SUS: 1890. the statistics of tlie native population of Alaska as complete as those of our general population in regard to conjugal condition, language, and illiteracy. The report will be amply illustrated with plates and maps. It has seemed advisable to put in this permanent shape a review of the main features of the organization and administration of the Census Ofl&ce. As has been said, the Eleventh Census has been more statistical and has dealt less with latent resources and the technology of industries than the Tenth. The Eleventh Census includes in its scope several new features, such as the investigation into private and corporate indebtedness and the special inquiry relating to the soldiers of the late war and the widows of veterans. Several questions added to the x)opulation schedule will throw light upon important investigations. A report has been made upon the condition of the Indians, and valuable reports on the statistics of education, churches, and the fisheries are ready for the printer. To this extent the Eleventh Census has undoubtedly taken a decided step ahead of other censuses. The population work has been strengthened. There is no reason to doubt that the enumeration of tlje people was fully equal to the enumeration of the Tenth Census, and that enumeration could not be excelled under the present system. The tabulation has been improved and the classification greatly extended. Facts were collected in 1870 and 1880 which were never tabulated, but their counterpart to date will find their way into the final rei)orts. As five-sixths of all the experts and chiefs had experience in the Tenth Census, the oflflce has benefited by their experience. In the special w^ork healthy statistical advancement has been made all along the line. The impossible has not been attempted; the number of questions has been reduced whenever practicable, confining them strictly to the salient iioints. Without trying to be too original, the plans were gladly taken up where the Tenth Census laid them down. In this way the vital statistics were strengthened by the 5-year registration work; it was possible to secure correct schedules of the special classes by institution enumerators; the electrical tabulation was brought to bear on the statistics of i^opulation, pauperism, crime, benevolence, agriculture, and mortality; all but the essential questions in the educational schedules were discarded; the work relating to religious bodies was reduced to a point where the lireachers and ecclesiastical officers could readily answer the questions and this office could promptly tabulate the replies; the wealth, debt, and taxation work was strengthened at every point; several new and important inquiries were added to the agricultural, and horticultural statistics, including subjects omitted by all previous censuses; the number of places in which the manufacturing statistics were withdrawn from the enumerators were trebled and the collection was placed in the hands of competent special agents, and every expert was brought under the control of a central head at Washington, so there could be no overlapping; the same method was api^lied to the statistics of the mineral resources; the inquiry relating to fish and fisheries was made more statistical; several new and important features were added to the statistics of transportation; the 10 years' work and the fraternal and independent beneficiary assemblies were included in tiie insurance branch; a complete report of the condition of all the Indians was made, and the reputation of the Tenth Census on the report on the population and wealth of Alaska has been kept up. With all these inquiries the word failure can not be applied to a single investigation. Although feeling justly proud of some of these achievements, the Superintendent of Census acknowledges that much more remains to be done and that many imperfections exist, and in this the honest judgment of his colaborers conciars. These imperfections are not the result of dishonest work, of incompetent work, of slovenly work ; they are the result of the system under which the census is taken. Time enough is not allowed to start the machinery of this tremendous inquiry, embracing so many subjects and such INTEODUOTION. XXXlll infinite detail. The work which, if properly done, would be sufficient for a life study of 40 or 50 bright specialists, is dumped upon the shoulders of a man taken from some other occupation, who was directed by act of Congress to raise an army of 60,000 recruits, most of them necessarily raw, and perform the task. If he takes time to do it, the public becomes impatient. If he puts it through rapidly, croakers rise up all over the land and declare the work can not be correct. The remedy for all this is a permanent Census Bureau, and already the intelligent public sentiment of all political parties is crystallizing in this direction. People are beginning to realize that che faults and errors of this census are not the shortcomings of any one man, but those of a system. In concluding this review of the work of the Eleventh Census and introduction to the Compendium it is only just that mention should be made of those who have aided in the compilation of this volume. The expert special agents in charge of the several divisions will receive due credit in their respective volumes. Mr. Henry Gannett, Geographer of the Tenth and Eleventh Censuses, has shared much of the most responsible work with the present Superintendent of Census, as he did with General Francis A. Walker in 1880. Mr. William C. Hunt, expert special agent in charge of the population division, upon whom has devolved the entire tabulation of the population tables, deserves great credit for the skill and accuracy displayed in the preparation of the tables of this volume, while mention should be made of his principal executive officer, Mr. Howard Sutherland, who has been indefatigable in the performance of his duty. Valuable assistance in revision of copy has also been rendered by Mr. A. E. Shuman and Mr. James H. Blodgett. The typographical arrangement of this volume devolved upon the late Orlando C. Ketcham, whose death is a great loss to the Census Office. The thanks of the Superintendent are also due to the present chief of the printing division, Mr. Charles F. Warren, and Mr. Spencer N. Benerman and his corps of proof readers for painstaking and critical work in correcting the proofs. No public officer was ever aided by more faithful, competent, and conscientious assistants than the Superintendent of the Eleventh Census. KOBEET P. PORTER, Superintendent of Census. 372 iii PROGRESS OF THE NATION. AGGEEGATE POPULATION. The following table shows the aggregate population of the United States at each census from 1790 to 1890, together with the rate of increase during each decade : CENSUS TEARS. Population. Per cent of increase. 1790 3, 929, 214 5, 308, 483 7, 239, 881 9, 633, 822 12, 866, 020 17, 069, 453 23, 191, 876 31, 443, 321 38, 558, 371 50, 155, 783 62, 622, 250 1800 35.10 36.38 33.07 33.55 32.67 35.87 35.58 22.63 30.08 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 The population of the United States on June 1, 1890, as shown by the final count, exclusive of Indians and other persons in Indian territory, on Indian reservations, and in Alaska, was 62,622,250; including these persons the population was 62,979,766. In 1880 the population with the same exclusions was 50,155,783. The absolute increase of the population in the 10 years intervening was 12,466,467, and the percentage of increase was 24.86. In 1870 the population was stated as 38,558,371. According to these figures the absolute increase in the decade between 1870 and 1880 was 11,597,412, and the percentage of increase was 30.08. Upon their face these figures show that the population increased 869,055 more between 1880 and 1890 than between 1870 and 1880, while the rate of increase has apparently diminished from 30.08 to 24.86 per cent. If these figures were derived from correct data, they would be disappointing. Such a reduction in the rate of increase, in the face of the heavy immigration during the past 10 years, would argue a diminution in the fecundity of the population, or a corresponding increase in its death rate. These figures are, however, easily explained when the character of the data used is understood. It is well known, the fact having been demonstrated by extensive and thorough investigation, that the census of 1870 was grossly deficient in the southern states, so much so as not only to give an exaggerated rate of increase of the population between 1870 and 1880 in these states, but to affect materially the rate of increase in the country at large. These omissions were not the fault of the Census Oflflce nor within its control. The census of 1870 was taken under a law which the Superintendent, General Francis A. Walker, characterized as "clumsy, antiquated, and barbarous". The Census Office had no power over its enumerators save a barren protest, and even this right was questioned in some quarters. In referring to these omissions the Superintendent of the Tenth Census (1880) said in his report in relation to the taking xxxvi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. of the census in Soutli Carolina: " It follows, as a conclusion of the highest authority, either that the census of 1870 was grossly defective in regard to the whole of the state, or some considerable parts thereof, or else that the census of 1880 was fraudulent '\ Those therefore, who believe in the accuracy and honesty of the Tenth Census— and that was thoroughly established-must accept the other alternative offered by General Walker namely, that the Ninth Census was " grossly defective ". What was true of South Carolina was also true, in greater or less degree, of all the southern states There are of course, no means of ascertaining accurately the extent of these omissions, but an approximation to it may be obtained by the following method: It is fair to assume that the rates of increase of population of the southern states between 1860 and 1870 and between 1870 and 1880 were related to one another in a proportion similar to the corresponding rates in the northern states during the same periods In the term "southern states" is here included the two Virginias, the two Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The census of 1870 is known or is suspected to be deficient in all these states. In the other states and territories there is no suspicion of incompleteness. The population of the southern states in 1860, 1870, and 1880 was as follows : • 10, 259, 016 "' 11,250,411 ' 15, 257, 393 1860. 1870. 1880 The population follows : of the other states and territories in 18C0, 1870, and 1880 was as 1860. 1870. 1880 21, 184, 30r 27, 307, 960 34, 898, 390 The rate of increase in these other states and territories was 28.91 per cent between 1860 and 1870 and 27.80 per cent between 1870 and 1880. These two rates are so nearly equal that in extending them to the southern states they may be regarded as identical; in other words, it may be assumed that the rate of increase in the southern states between 1860 and 1870 and between 1870 and 1880 was the same. Classified as white, and colored of African descent, the population of the southern states was as follows : CENSUS YEARS. White. Colored. 1360 6, 366, 703 7, 067, 213 3, 890, 037 4, 179, 222 1370 1330 9,592,568 5,657,635 | 1 The increase of the white population between 1860 and 1880 was 50.67 per cent, or at a uniform rate for each 10 years of 22.75 per cent. The increase of the colored population between 1860 and 1880 was 45.44 per cent, or at the rate of 20.60 per cent for each 10 years. Applying these rates of increase respectively to the white and colored population in 1860, the white population in 1870 was approximately ^,815,128 and the colored 4 691,385. These results are in excess of the figures as returned by the census of 1870, in the case of the white 747,915, and in the case of the colored 512,163, a total of 1 260 078, which may be assumed as approximately the extent of the omissions by the faulty census of 1870. The total population in 1870 was, therefore, approximately 39,818,449 instead of 38,558,371. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. xxxvii Assuming these figures to represent approximately tlie true population in 1870, the rates of increase would stand as follows : PKE CENT. 1860-1870 26. 6 1 1870-1880 25. 96 1880-1890 24. 86 Omitting from consideration those states in which the census of 1870 is known or is presumed to have been faulty, the rate of increase between 1870 and 1880 in the remaining states bas been very nearly maintained in the decade between 1880 and 1890. The census of 1870 is known or is presumed to have been deficient in nearly all the states of the South Atlantic and South Central divisions, while in the North Atlantic, North Central, and Western divisions no evidence of incompleteness has been detected. The population of these three last named divisions in 1870, 1880, and 1890, the absolute increase for the two decades, and the rate of increase, are set forth in the following table: CENSUS YEARS. Popnlation. Increase in population. Percentage of increase. 1870 20, 270, 351 33, 639, 215 42,791,437 1880 7, 368, 864 9, 152, 222 28.05 27.21 1890 It will be seen that the absolute increase between 1880 and 1890 exceeded that between 1870 and 1880 by 1,783,358, and that the proportional increase was only 0.84 of 1 per cent less. The table on the following page shows the percentage of increase of total popula- tion for each decade since 1790, derived from Table lb, pages 4 and 5, post. xxxviii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OF TOTAL POPULATION: 1790-1890. STATES AND TBKBITOBIES. The United States. North Atlantic division. Maine New Hampshire . Vermont Massachusetts... Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey . Pennsylvania — 1880 to 1890 24.86 19.95 South Atlantic division. Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida 1.87 8.51 0.04 25.57 24.94 19.84 18.00 27.74 22.77 16.59 1870 to 1880 1860 to 1870 17.96 North Central division Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South Dakota - Nebraska Kansas 14.93 11.49 29.71 9.48 23.34 15.59 15.63 19.14 45.24 28.78 3.51 9.01 0.52 22.35 27. 23 15.86 15.97 24.83 21.61 29.79 22.63 16.09 1850 to 1860 35.58 aO. 22 a2. 38 4.90 18.38 24.47 16.80 12.94 34.83 21.19 9.11 14.83 10.82 24. 32 27.92 28.23 66.74 17.68 23. 56 c278. 41 134. 06 43.27 17.27 19.73 34.87 23.46 39.92 30.65 41.10 30.24 43.54 33.76 11.41 13.66 75.41 623. 25 22.81 1840 to 1850 35.87 27.60 7.74 2.55 0.31 23.79 18.35 24.10 25.29 37.27 25.71 14.65 22.60 17.84 45.26 12.29 16.22 11.74 7.59 34.81 35.57 19.62 27. 52 31.14 34. 09 19.20 1830 to 1840 1820 to 1830 33.55 1810 to 1820 21.99 17.22 24.04 18. 24 14.67 South Central division 23. 02 19.99 17.71 21.18 38.25 24.73 77.57 36.06 25.97 d853. 23 267. 83 173. 35 38.62 Kentucky . . . Tennessee .. Alabama.... Mississippi . Louisiana... Texas Oklahoma... Arkansas . . . Western division. 7.93 0.27 12.00 33.70 42.70 13.92 24.45 48.36 58.06 35.93 155.61 76.91 45.62 dl93. 18 326. 45 239. 91 11.54 14.22 5.27 16.67 60.59 68.35 12.73 14.60 19.84 13.96 19.01 40.44 40.58 71.27 Montana 237.49 Wyoming !»''■ ^^ Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington Oregon California 112. 12 28.46 47.43 44. 42 a26. 51 158.77 365. 13 79. 53 39.72 24.81 22.55 26.63 36.68 29.31 94.45 65.65 78.46 14.31 13.40 3.40 4.63 2.67 35.48 18.14 36.63 101. 06 88. 38 154. 06 2, 730. 72 251. 13 73.30 15.35 12.47 31.07 60.52 61.23 25.62 5.66 4.02 20.85 11.97 4.13 26.60 16.36 27.87 7.67 27.22 33.92 10.37 18.94 IG. 68 17.09 8.19 39.83 15.64 28.71 19.11 1. 74 5. 50 5. 14 9. 74 9. 74 20. 57 2. 34 13. 73 30.33 44.11 78.81 87.34 886. 88 345. 85 77.75 2.09 2.27 33.78 56.86 108. 11 62.01 99.94 202. 44 570. 90 33.07 24.95 1800 to 1810 1790 to 1800 32. 29 30.42 13.78 8.29 10.83 7.91 5.04 43.07 12.98 29.31 14.43 15.52 15.60 51.57 87.49 61.35 133. 07 185.42 260. 97 0.10 7.04 37.53 9.29 50.74 16.64 41.06 11.63 11.30 4.36 62.81 16.30 34.49 16.99 13.07 11.42 70.46 10.72 15.00 21.11 35.08 192. 99 151. 90 500. 24 349. 13 84.06 34.05 17.64 10.68 24.96 30.47 36.74 184. 21 90.14 128. 00 387. 47 30.14 318. 72 65.88 46.54 117.41 213. 57 92.22 54.34 11.26 60.02 16.30 al.76 115. 49 519. 67 106. 62 73.30 47.44 107. 46 246. 15 73. 19 111. 03 42.24 25.98 20.92 30.62 61.46 46.92 115. 12 51.94 253. 89 294. 65 310. 37 46.72 51.91 13.36 21.60 90.86 174. 96 63.35 21.94 61.29 142. 01 81.08 41.08 221. 09 113. 17 219. 29 16.19 20.12 55.17 408. 67 334. 67 72.89 38.77 61.53 86.97 99.75 83.98 147. 84 355. 95 35.10 33.92 57.16 29.58 80.82 11.63 0.43 5.49 73.19 14.67 38.67 23.47 8.76 6.82 17.74 21.42 38.75 97.08 134. 09 206. 68 199. 90 195. 88 395.05 per cent, and South Dakota increased 234.60 per cent. d Dakota territory. The 13 original states, wliicli comprise practically the North Atlantic and South Atlantic divisions, were at the time of the First Census, in 1790, to a great extent settled communities, and their rate of increase in the early decades, though m certain cases considerable, was in no case excessive. In certain cases, indeed, it was very small, as in Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, and Maryland. PEOGEESS OF THE NATIOK. xxxix Tliese two groups of states, from tlie time of the earliest records, liave been tlie sources of supply for a great westward migration. Tbeir children have peopled the great interior valley and the mountains of the west. They have swarmed from the Atlantic coast to the prairies, plains, mountains, and deserts by millions during the last century. The extent of this movement can not be estimated, but some idea of it may be obtained from the fact that in 1880, out of 22,000,000 persons born in the Atlantic states, over 3,000,000 were found living in other states, entirely to the westward. In the North Atlantic di\asion this draft has been in great part made good, especially during the past 40 years, by foreign immigration, which has thus replaced to a great extent the original stock. Such is not the case, however, with the South Atlantic states, which, owing in part to climatic conditions and in part to the presence of the colored race, have received insignificant foreign immigration. In the North Central, South Central, and Western divisions the rate of increase was at first very large and gradually diminished as the population increased in number and approximated settled conditions. The general law governing the increase of population is, that when not disturbed by extraneous causes, such as wars, pestilences, immigration, emigration, etc., increase of population goes on at a continually diminishing rate. The operation of this law in this country has been disturbed in recent years by the civil war, which, besides the destruction of a vast number of lives, decreased the birth rate materially during its progress. It was followed by an increased birth rate, as is invariably the case under similar circumstances. The normal rate of increase has been, and is, greatly disturbed also by immigration, and it is difficult to estimate the effect of this upon our rate of increase. Throughout the whole table, in nearly every state, there is distinctly traceable the result of the late civil war upon the rate of increase between 1800 and 1870. It is, however, much more marked in the southern than in the northern states, showing how much more severely these states were strained by the conflict. The preceding table, showing the percentages of increase of population by states and territories from 1790 to 1890, is supplemented in the case of a few states and territories by the following table, in whicli are given, in addition to the results of the United States censuses of 1880 and 1890, the results of state censuses taken in 1885, with the exception of Michigan, the census of that state having been taken in 1884 : 8TATES AND TEREITOEIES. Colorado Dakota (a) Florida Iowa Kansas Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Nebraslia 'New Jersey New Mexico — Oregon Ehode Island... Wasliington Wisconsin POPULATION. 1890 412, 511, 391, 1,911, 1,427, 2, 238, 2, 093, 1, 301. 1, 058, 1,444. 153, 313, 345, 349, 1, 686, 198 527 422 896 096 943 889 826 910 933 593 767 506 390 1885 243, 910 415, 610 342, 551 1, 753, 980 1, 268, 530 1, 942, 141 1, 853, 658 1, 117, 798 740, 645 1, 278, 033 134, 141 194, 150 304, 284 129, 438 1. 563, 413 1880 194, 327 135, 177 269, 493 1,624,615 996, 096 1, 783, 085 1, 036, 9C7 780, 773 452, 402 1,131,116 119, 565 174, 768 276, 531 75, 116 1, 315, 497 1885 to 1890 1880 to 1885 168, 288 95, 917 48, 871 157, 916 158, 566 296, 802 240, 231 184, 028 318, 205 166, 900 19, 452 119, 617 41, 222 219, 952 123, 467 49, 583 280. 433 73, 058 129, 365 272. 434 159, 056 216, 721 337, 025 288, 243 146, 917 14, 576 19, 382 27, 753 54, 322 247, 916 PERCENTAGE OP INCREASE. 1885 to 1890 1880 to 1885 69.00 23.08 14.27 9.00 12.50 15.28 12.96 16.46 42.97 13.06 14.50 61.61 13.55 169. 93 7.90 a North and South Dakota combined for 1890; Dakota territory in 1880 and 1885 xl COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. In comparing tlie results of these state censuses with those of the United States censuses, it must be understood that the state censuses were taken under different authority, by different machinery, and by different methods from those employed in the United States censuses. In the state of Kansas the course of the population can be traced even more closely thaai in the other states represented in the preceding table. Since 1885 this state has taken a census each year, the results of which are shown in the accompanying table, together with the United States censuses of 1880 and 1890 : 1880. United States census 996, 096 1885. State census 1, 268, 530 1886. State census 1, 406, 738 1887. State census 1, 514, 578 1888. State census 1, 518, 552 1889. State census 1. 464, 914 1890. United States census 1, 427, 096 In the principal tables the states and territories are grouped as North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Central, South Central, and Western. This grouping is a natural one, and by the aid of it certain characteristic features in the development of the states are brought out. The North Atlantic section is primarily a manufacturing section. As a necessary result of the predominance of manufacturing, there is a great development of urban population. Indeed, more than half of the inhabitants are grouped in cities. The i)redominant industry of the North Central states is agriculture, although in many of these states manufactures are now acquiring prominence. The industries of the South Atlantic and South Central sections are still almost entirely agricultural, while in the Western states and territories the leading industries are agriculture, mining, and grazing. In the course of the settlement and develoi)ment of a country the industries commonly follow one another in a certain order. After the hunter, trapper, and prospector, who are commonly the pioneers, the herdsman follows, and for a time the raising of cattle is the leading industry. As settlement becomes less sparse, this is followed by agriculture, which in its turn, as the population becomes more dense, is succeeded by manufactures, and, as a consequence, the aggregation of the people in cities. All stages of this progress are seen in this country. In Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont the rate of increase between 1870 and 1880 was not quite maintained, probably duo to a large migration of the farming population to the far west, while manufactures had not assumed great prominence. In Vermont there has been only a trifling increase of population. In the other states of this subdivision, with the exception of Rhode Island, viz., Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, manufactures have assumed so great prominence that they have not only sufticed to maintain the former rate of increase but even to increase it. The rate in Massachusetts has increased from 22.35 to 25.57 per cent, in Connecticut from 15.86 to 19.84, in New York from 15.97 to 18.00, in New Jersey from 24.83 to 27.74, and in Pennsylvania from 21.61 to 22.77, It will be seen, furthermore, that this augmentation of the rate of increase is greater in the more easterly states than in the three western ones above mentioned, owing to the relatively greater development of manufacturing industries. Turning to the table on the preceding page, showing the results of the state censuses, it appears that during the first half of the last decade the rate of increase in Massachusetts was below the average of the decade, while in the last half it was much greater, a fact which indicates either that the rate of increase declined materially in the first half of the decade, or that the state enumeration was much less complete than that of the United States enumeration in 1890. The case is somewhat similar in Ehode PEOGRESS OF THE liATION. xli Island, although not in so marked a degree, the rates of increase bet-ween 1880 and 1885 and between 1885 and 1890 being, respectively, 10.04 and 13.55 per cent. InlNew Jersey the rate of increase seems to have been maintained quite uniformly throughout the decade. In the North Central group of states various conditions prevail. In Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri, and in Illinois, if the city of Chicago be dropped from consideration, the rate of increase has declined decidedly. In Ohio it has fallen from 19.99 to 14.83 per cent ; in Indiana from 17.71 to 10.82 ; in Iowa from 3G.06 to 17.G8 ; in Missouri from 25.97 to 23.56 per cent, in spite of the rapid growth of Bt. Louis and Kansas city, and in Illinois, dropping Chicago from consideration, from 14.89 to 5.90 per cent. In these states the agricultural industry, which is still the prominent one, has begun to decline, owing to the sharp competition of western farms. The farming population has migrated w^estward, and the growth of manufactures is not yet sufficiently rapid to repair these losses. The southern portions of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are under similar conditions, but the northern parts of these states, lying upon the frontier of settlement, have filled up with sufflcieut rapidity to repair either wholly or in part the losses of the southern parts. Michigan increased at the rate of 38.25 per cent between 1870 and 1880, while between 1 880 and 1890 the rate was but 27.92 per cent. The increase between 1880 and 1890 was cut into unequal parts by the state census taken in 1884. In the first 4 years of the decade the increase was 13.24 per cent, while in the last 6 years it was 12.96 per cent. As the rate of increase in this state is declining, the state census taken in 1884 corroborates the United States census of 1890. In Wisconsin the last decade shows an increase of 28.23 per cent, as against an increase of 24.73 per cent in the decade between 1870 and 1880, The state census of Wisconsin, taken in 1885, cuts the decade into two equal parts, and shows an increase during the first half of 18.85 per cent and during the second half of but 7.90 per cent. Minnesota increased 77.57 per cent between 1870 and 1880 and 66.74 per cent between 1880 and 1890, the numerical increase being over half a million in the past decade. The state census, taken in 1885, shows that the bulk of this increase occurred between 1880 and 1885. The numerical increase during the first 5 years was 337,025, and the rate of increase 43.17 per cent, while during the last half of the decade the numerical increase was 184,028, and the rate of increase 16.46 per cent. During the past 10 years the population of Dakota, considering the two states of North Dakota and South Dakota together, has increased from 135,177 to 511,527, or 278.41 per cent; Nebraska from 452,402 to 1,058,910, or 134.06 per cent, and Kansas from 996,096 to 1,427,096, or 43.27 per cent. This increase has not, however, continued uniformly throughout the decade. In 1885 Dakota contained 415,610 inhabitants, or more than four-fifths of its present population. Nebraska contained 740,645 inhabitants in the same year, thus dividing the numerical increase quite equally betAveen the two halves of the decade, but leaving the greater percentage of increase in the first half. In the same year Kansas by its state census had 1,268,530 inhabitants, showing that nearly two-thirds of the numerical gain was acquired during the first half of the decade. The industries of these states are almost purely agricultural, and are largely dependent on the supply of moisture, either in the form of rain or by irrigation. Through these states passes what is known as the subhumid belt, a strip of country several degrees in width, in which during rainy years there is an abundance of moisture for the needs of crops, while in the years when the rainfall is below the average the supply is deficient. In this region little provision has been made for artificial irrigation, the settlers having thus far been content to depend upon rainfall. Into this region settlers flocked in large numbers in the early years of the decade, drawn thither by the fertility of the land and by the fact that for a few years the rainfall had been sufficient for the needs of agriculture. During the past two or three years, however, the conditions of rainfall have materially changed. It has fallen decidedly below the normal, and the settlers xlii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. have thereby been forced to emigrate. Thousands of families have abandoned this region and gone to Oklahoma and the Eocky Mountain region. This migration is well shown in the progress of Kansas, as indicated by its annual censuses. These censuses show a rapid increase in population from 1880 up to 1887 ; 1888 shows but a slight increase over 1887, while 1889 shows a reduction in the popiilation, leading up to the further reduction shown by the United States census in 1890. Throughout the South Atlantic and South Central states the rate of increase has diminished, and in most of these states it has diminished materially. A certain reduction in the percentage of increase, especially in the eastern part of this region, was to have been exiiected, due not only to the operation of general laws but also to the fact that there has been considerable migration from the states east of the Mississippi river to the westward, and but little immigration. Taken together, however, these two causes by no means account for the reduction in the rate of increase in these states. The real cause is to be found, as was stated early in this discussion, in the imperfections of the census of 1870. These imperfections resulted in giving a comparatively low rate of increase between 1860 and 1870, and an exaggerated increase between 1870 and 1880. The following table, showing the rates of increase during the last three decades in these states, illustrates the imperfections of the census of 1870 in a somewhat startling manner : Virginia North Carolina South Carolina . Georgia Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Kentucky Tennessee PER CENT OF INCREASE. 1860 to 1870 1870 to 1880 1880 to 1890 ai.ii 23.46 7.93 30.65 0.27 41.10 12.00 30.24 3.40 26.63 4.63 36.68 2.67 29.31 14.31 24.81 13.40 22.55 9.48 15. 59 15.63 19.14 19.84 13.96 19.01 12.73 14.60 a Of Virginia and West Virginia together. It is but reasonable to suppose that in these states, which were ravaged by war from 1861 to 1865, the rate of increase in the decade which includes the war period should be less than a normal one. Of all these states Virginia, whose soil was the principal theater of the war, must have suffered most severely, and during the period in question it increased at the rate of but 4.44 per cent. Next to Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee suffered the most severely, and yet they increased, respectively, 14.31 and 13.40 per cent. On the other hand, North Carolina, which suffered less severely, gained but 7.93 per cent, and South Carolina, which suffered less in comparison with Virginia, apparently remained at a standstill as regards population. Georgia gained 12.00 per cent, while Alabama gained but 3.40 per cent; Louisiana 2.67 per cent, and Mississippi 4.63 per cent, although tliey were comparatively remote from active operations, and suffered relatively little from the ravages of war. On the other hand, those states which suffered the most severely from the war have made during the decade between 1870 and 1880 the smallest proportion of gain of the southern states, whereas the reverse should have been the case. Thus Virginia gained 23.46 per cent, Kentucky 24.81, and Tennessee 22.55, while the states that were farther removed from active operations were North Carolina, which gained 30.65; South Carolina, 41.10; Georgia, 30.24; Alabama, 26.63 ; Mississippi, 36.68, and Louisiana, 29.31 per cent. These startling discrepancies can be due only to the imperfections of the census of 1870, which were, as PEOGRESS OF THE NATION. xliii has been demonstrated, greatest in South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina, although they were not by any means wanting in Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The industries of these two sections are almost purely agricultural. During the past 10 years manufactures have obtained a slight footing and mining has made considerable growth in the mountain regions, but these causes have thus far produced but a comparatively trifling movement of population. The urban population, although great in proportion to that which existed formerly, is very small in proportion to the rural population of the region. During the first half of the last decade Florida had a rapid growth. The population between 1880 and 1885 increased 73,058. or at the rate of 27.11 per cent. This rapid growth, however, received a serious check in 1887 and 1888 by an epidemic of yellow fever and by severe frosts. The growth since 1885 has, therefore, been comparatively slow. Arkansas has continued to grow at a rapid rate, having increased 40.58 per cent in the last 10 years. Texas also has increased with great rapidity, the numerical increase of its population being 643,774, or 40.44 per cent. In the western section the conditions of growth have been varied. In the earlier years of the decade the discovery of valuable silver and copper mines in the mountains of Montana in the neighborhood of Butte drew to that state a large immigration, which is engaged not only in mining but in developing the agricultural resources. Wyoming has continued to grow with accelerated rapidity. The census of Colorado in 1880 was taken on the top wave of a mining excitement, which had filled its mountains with miners, prospectors, and speculators, increasing its population enormously, especially in the mountainous country. The census of the state taken in 1885 was, on a superficial view, very surprising. It showed that most of the mining counties had lost population during the 5 years preceding. This loss was, however, more than made up by the growth of its cities and its agricultural counties. The census of 1890 shows still further reduction of population in the mining regions of the state, and on the other hand an extraordinary development of its urban population and its farming element. New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah show rates of increase which are small when the sparsely settled condition of these territories is considered, while Nevada shows an absolute diminution of population of 16,505, or 26.51 per cent, leaving it the smallest of all the states. This condition of things is a natural result of the failure of the Comstock and other mines, work upon which has practically ceased. Idaho has increased its population 158.77 per cent. Its prosperity is mainly due to its mines, although people are now turning to agriculture in considerable numbers. The growth of Washington has been phenomenal, the population in 1890 being nearly five times that of 1880. As is shown by the state census taken in 1885, this growth has been almost entirely during the last 5 years of the decade. The inducements which have attracted settlers are in the main its fertile soil and ample rainfall, which enable farming to be carried on without irrigation over almost the entire state. The growth of Oregon, though less rapid, has been at a rate of 79.53 per cent during the past decade. The numerical increase has been 138,999, of which over four-fifths has been acquired during the past 5 years. The additions to its population are mainly in the valleys of the Columbia and Willamette rivers. California, which increased 54.34 per cent during the decade between 1870 and 1880, has maintained dviriug the past decade a rate of increase of 39.72 per cent. This increase, though widespread throughout the state, has been most marked in its great cities and in the southern part. xliv COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The following table shows the relative rank in population of the states and territories in 1890 and in 1880 : 1890 1880 1S90 1880 1 New York. 1 New York. 26 Nebraska. 26 Minnesota. 2 Pennsylvania. 2 Pennsylvania. 27 Maryland. 27 Maine. 3 Illinois. 3 Ohio. 28 West Virginia. 28 Connecticut. 4 Ohio. 4 Illinois. 29 Connecticut. 29 West Virginia. 5 Missouri. 5 Missouri. 30 Maine. 30 Nebraska. 6 Massachusetts. 6 Indiana. 31 Colorado. 31 New Hampshire. 7 Texas. 7 Massachusetts. 32 Florida. 32 Vermont. 8 Indiana. 8 Kentucky. 33 New Hampshire. 33 Rhode Island. 9 Michigan. 9 Michigan. 34 Washington. 34 Florida. 10 Iowa. 10 Iowa. 35 Rhode Island. 35 Colorado. 11 Kentucky. 11 Texas. . 36 Vermont. 36 District of Columbia. 12 Georgia. 12 Tennessee. 37 South Dakota. 37 Oregon. 13 Tennessee. 13 Georgia. 38 Oregon. 38 Delaware. 14 Wisconsin. 14 Virginia. 39 District of Columbia. 39 Utah. 15 Virginia. 15 North Carolina. 40 Utah. ' 40 Dakota. 16 North Carolina. 16 Wisconsin. 41 North Dakota. 41 New Mexico. 17 Alabama. 17 Alabama. 42 Delaware. 42 Washington. 18 New Jersey. 18 Mississippi. 43 New Mexico. 43 Nevada. 19 Kansas. 19 New Jersey. 44 Montana. 44 Arizona. 20 Minnesota. 20 Kansas. 45 Idaho. 45 Montana. 21 Mississippi. 21 South Carolina. 46 Oklahoma. 46 Idaho. 22 California. 22 Louisiana. 47 Wj'oming. 47 Wyoming. 23 South Carolina. 23 Maryland. 48 Arizona. 24 Arkansas. 24 California. 49 Nevada. 25 Louisiana 25 Arkansas. • It will be seen that, as in 1880, New York still heads the list, and is followed by Pennsylvania. Ohio and Illinois have exchanged places. Of the other changes in the Mst the most marked are those of Texas, which rises from No. 11 to No. 7; Kentucky, which drops from 8 to 11; Minnesota, which rises from 26 to 20; Nebraska, which rises from 30 to 26; Maryland, which drops from 23 to 27; Colorado, which rises from 35 to 31; Vermont, which drops from 32 to 36; Washington, which rises from 42 to 34; Delaware, which drops from 38 to 42; Nevada, which drops from 43 to 49, and Arizona, which drops from 44 to 48. The average change in rank is 2.2 places. DENSITY OF POPULATION. The following table shows for each census the gross area (land and water surface) which the country had at the date of the census, exclusive of Alaska, together with the average number of inhabitants to the square mile : CENSUS YEARS. 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 Area. 827, 844 4.75 827, 844 6.41 1,999,775 3.62 1,999,775 4.82 2, 059, 043 6.25 2, 059, 043 8.29 2, 980, 959 7.78 3, 025, 600 10.39 3, 025, 600 12.74 3, 025, 600 16.58 3, 025, 600 20.70 Density. CO^ <^r^ "O:^ «:i:^ <:i :| ^^ ^^ oi^ 05 Co O5 <) 1^1 Its cl to PROGRESS OF THE NATION. xlv At tlie time of the first two censuses the United States comprised only tlie territory between the Atlantic ocean and the Mississippi river. In 1803 the enormous area of the Louisiana purchase was added, which, as it was entirely unsettled at that time, reduced the number of inhabitants to the square mile to a little more than one-half what it was previously. In 1821 the purchase of the Floridas from Spain increased our territory by nearly 60,000 square miles. Between 1840 and 1850 the acquisition of territory from Mexico under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and in 1853 by the Gadsden purchase, made a vast increase of territory, which again reduced the average number of inhabitants to the square mile. The last acquisition of territory, that of Alaska, containing nearly 600,000 square miles, was made in 1867. It will be seen that notwithstanding these great acquisitions of territory (excluding Alaska), which have increased our domain from 827,844 to 3,025,600 square miles, the density of population has increased from 4.75 to 20.70 inhabitants to the square mile within the century. The distribution of population is of sufficient importance to give it some degree of detail. The classification given below has been followed, as being in accord with similar discussions in the reports of earlier censuses. All urban bodies of 8,000 inhabitants or more have been deducted. (0) Less than 2 inhabitauts to a square mile. (Eegarcled as unsettled.) (1) 2 to 6 iuhabitants to a square mile. (2) 6 to 18 inhabitants to a square mile. (3) 18 to 45 inhabitants to a square mile. (4) 45 to 90 inhabitants to a square mile. (5) 90 inhabitants or more to a square mile. These limits define in a general way the extent and prevalence of various classes of industries. The first group, 2 to 6 to a square mile, indicates a population mainly occupied with the grazing industry or a widely scattered farm? ng pop ulation. The second group, 6 to 18, indicates a farming population, with systematic cultivation of the soil, but this either in an early stage of settlement or upon more or less rugged soil. The third group, 18 to 45 to a square mile, almost universally indicates a highly successful agriculture, while in some localities the beginnings of manufactures have raised into this group a difficult farming region. Speaking generally, agriculture in this country is not carried on yet with such care and refinement as to afford employment and support to a population in excess of 45 to a square mile; consequently, the last two groups, 45 to 90 and 90 or more to a square mile, appear only as commerce and manufactures arise and personal and professional services are in demand. In reports of former censuses that portion of our domain which contains less than 2 inhabitants to a square mile has been regarded as unsettled territory, and throughout this discussion the same distinction will be observed. The following table presents the areas in square miles of the different classes of settlement and the total settled area at the date of each census : Total area of settlement : 2 or more to the square mile. 1 2 3 4 5 CENSUS TEARS. 2 to 6 to the square mile. 6 to 18 to the square mile. 18 to 45 to the square mile. 45 to 90 to the square mile. 90 or more to the square mile. ]790 239, 935 305, 708 407, 945 608, 717 632, 717 807, 292 979, 249 1, 194, 754 1, 272, 239 1,569,570 1, 947, 285 83, 436 81, 010 116, 629 140, 827 151, 460 183, 607 233, 697 260, 866 245, 897 384, 820 592, 037 83, 346 123, 267 154, 419 177, 153 225, 894 291, 819 294, 698 353, 341 363, 475 373, 890 393, 943 59, 282 82, 504 108, 155 150, 390 186, 503 241,587 338, 796 431, 601 470, 529 554, 300 701, 845 13, 051 17, 734 27, 499 39, 004 65, 446 84, 451 100, 794 134, 722 174, 036 231, 410 235, 148 820 1800 1,193 1810 1,243 1820 1,343 1830 3,414 1840 5,828 1850 11, 264 I860 14,224 1870 18, 302 1880 25,150 1890 24,312 xlvi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. It will be noted that the settled area has constautly and rapidly increased, but by no means at a uniform rate or at rates proportional to the increase of population. The following table shows the rates of increase of the settled area and of the population placed in juxtaposition : CENSUS YEARS. Area. Population. PER CENT OV INCREASE. Area. Population. 1790 239, 935 305, 708 407, 945 508, 717 632, 717 807, 292 979, 249 1,194,754 1, 272, 239 1, 569, 570 1, 947, 285 ■ 3, 929, 214 5, 308, 483 7, 239, 881 9, 633, 822 12, 866, 020 17, 069, 453 23, 191, 876 31, 443, 321 38, 558, 371 50, 155, 783 62, 622, 250 1800 27.41 33.44 24.70 24.38 27.59 21.30 22.01 6.49 23.37 24.06 35.10 36.38 33.07 33.55 32.67 35.87 35.58 22.63 30.08 24.86 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1830 1870 1880 1890 In 1890 the population was nearly 16 times as great as in 1790, while during the century the settled area was increased only about eightfold. In general, the increase of population has gone on at a much more rapid rate than that of settled area. Notwithstanding the constant passage of territory from lower groups into higher by reason of increase in the number of inhabitants, the lower groups have been so rapidly increased by settlement of new territory that they have increased in every case, except that in 1870 a slight diminution is noted in group 1. In 1890 a trifling reduction is seen in the highest group. This is doubtless an indirect result of the rapid development of cities in the territory falling into this group, as each city, upon reaching a population of 8,000, is subtracted from the population of its county, thereby materially reducing the apparent density of the poj)ulation of the county. To a certain extent the case is similar in the next group, that of 45 to 90 inhabitants to a square mile, which during the past decade increased in area but 3,738 square miles. During this period the inroads upon the unsettled region have been unprecedented in amount, not less than 377,715 square miles having been redeemed, exceeding by 80,384 square miles the area settled between 1870 and 1880. The following table shows the proportion of the area of each group of population to the total area of settlement at each census : CENSUS YEARS. 1 2 3 4 6 348 348 247 54 3 265 403 270 58 4 286 379 265 67 3 277 348 296 76 3 239 357 295 103 6 228 361 299 105 7 239 301 346 103 11 218 296 361 113 12 193 286 370 137 14 245 238 353 148 16 304 202 361 121 12 1790. 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 PROGEESS OF THE NATION. xlvii The most striking fact connected with the extension of settlement during the past decade is the numerous additions which have been made to the settled area within the Cordilleran region. Settlements have spread westward up the slope of the plains until they have joined the bodies formerly isolated in Colorado, forming a continuous body of settlement from the east to the Rocky mountains. Practically the whole of Kansas has become a settled region, and the unsettled area of Nebraska has been reduced in dimensions to a third of what it was 10 years ago. What was a sparsely settled region in Texas in 1880 is now the most populous part of the state, while settlements have spread westward to the escarpment of the Staked Plains. The unsettled regions of North and South Dakota have been reduced to half their former dimensions. Settlements in Montana have spread until they now occupy one-third of the state. In New Mexico, Idaho, and Wyoming considerable extensions of area are to be noted. In Colorado, in spite of the decline of the mining fever and the depopulation of its mining regions, settlement has spread, and two-thirds of the state is now under the dominion of man. Oregon and Washington show equally rapid progress, and California, although its mining regions have suffered, has made great inroads upon its unsettled regions, especially in the south. Of all the western states and territories Nevada alone is at a standstill in this respect, its settled area remaining practically the same as in 1880. When it is remembered that the state has lost one-third of its population during the past 10 years, the fact that it has held its own in settled area is surprising until it is understood that the state has undergone a material change in occupations during the decade, and that the inhabitants, instead of being closely grouped and engaged in mining pursuits, have become scattered along its streams and have engaged in agriculture. Settlement is spreading with some rapidity in Maine, its unsettled area having dwindled fi-om 12,000 down to about 4,000 square miles. The unsettled portion of the Adirondack region in New York has also diminished, there being now but 1,000 square miles remaining. The frontier has been pushed still farther southward in Florida, and the unsettled area has been reduced from 20,800 to 13,000 square miles. The lumbering and mining interests of Michigan have practically obliterated its wilderness and have reduced that of Wisconsin to less than one-half of its former area. In Minnesota the area of its wild northern forests has been reduced from 34,000 to 23,000 square miles. xl Vlll COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The following table presents in detailed form, by states and territories, the extent of settled area and tbe area in eacli of the density groups : AKEAS IN SQUARE MILES OF THE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF SETTLEMENT IN 1890, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. STATES AND TEERITORIES. The United States. North Atlantic diYision. Maine jSfew Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts . . Khode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania ... South Atlantic division . Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota . South Dakota . Nebraska Kansas South Central division . Kentucky . . Tennessee. - Alabama . . . Mississippi. Louisiana . . Texas Oklahoma . . Arkansas . . Western division . Montana Wyoming . . . Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington. Oregon California . . . Total area of settlement. 1, 947, 285 156, 682 25, 729 828 135 040 085 845 580 455 985 ,455 960 860 65 125 645 580 170 980 070 636, 570 40, 760 35, 910 56, 000 57, 430 51, 148 56, 259 55, 475 68, 735 26, 973 43, 848 63, 061 80, 971 431, 795 40, 000 41, 750 51, 540 46, 340 45,420 150, 810 2,890 53, 045 466, 783 46, 796 22, 852 68, 492 45, 589 24, 645 27, 580 11, 948 39, 143 36, 945 46, 189 96, 604 2 to 6 to the square mile. 6 to 18 to the square mile. 592, 037 11, 759 9,624 708 1,427 19, 854 1,166 18, 688 119, 529 12, 349 8,410 9,871 17, 835 19, 343 26, 801 24, 920 67, 363 7,608 59, 755 373, 532 45, 941 22, 852 57, 810 35, 625 24, 645 20, 421 10, 022 37, 233 22, 202 39,124 57, 657 393, 943 10, 099 6,596 886 730 1,887 55, 585 18 to 45 to the square mile. 701, 845 45, 733 6,703 5,245 7,487 959 13, 172 1,550 10, 617 143, 962 3,109 9,190 6,313 369 16, 153 20, 451 144, 736 810 2,900 29, 895 11, 766 38, 060 23, 560 35, 040 1,931 270, 084 45 to 90 to the square mile. 235, 148 69, 267 90 or more to the square mile. 2,806 1,989 918 4,149 320 4,072 28, 266 3,055 23, 692 35, 152 1,150 6,123 7,121 3,689 4,207 6,241 6,621 13, 651 14, 360 25,766 4,246 14, 892 9,138 23. 150 17, 040 22, 493 107, 251 1,643 4,114 9,472 10, 007 18, 490 40, 313 23, 212 76, 272 855 9,439 9,964 5,701 1,208 1,910 13,461 5,018 28, 716 1,616 12, 484 41, 890 16, 844 20, 672 20, 022 50, 167 52, 765 1,355 19, 220 32,449 225, 137 25, 149 24, 985 37, 717 35, 502 18. 319 50, 742 2,890 29, 833 16, 929 99, 589 37, 744 23, 426 14, 110 13, 806 7,302 1,062 1,030 1,109 31, 140 12, 491 12, 651 4.351 831 816 1,243 1, 458 718 1,282 2,047 10, 181 24,312 19,824 2,932 765 773 1,828 2,850 10, 676 902 837 65 2,632 1,400 780 404 48 904 717 187 50 Up to and including 1880 the country had a frontier of settlement, but at present the unsettled area has been so broken into by isolated bodies of settlement that there can hardly be said to be a frontier line. In the discussion of its extent and its westward movement it can not, therefore, any longer have a place in the census reports. \ PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. xlix The following table shows the number of inhabitants per square mile (land surface) of each state and territory at each census. The area of Alaska and Indian territory iL not considered in computing density. DENSITY OF TOTAL POPULATION: 1790-1890. \ STATES AND TERRITORIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 The United States 21.31 17.29 13.30 10.84 7.93 8.43 6.35 4.76 3.69 6.61 4.89 North Atlantic division 107.37 89.52 75.89 65.37 53.23 41. 72 34. 20 26.88 21.51 16.26 12. 14 22.11 41.81 36.39- 278. 48 318. 44 154. 03 125. 95 193.82 116. 88 32.98 21.71 38.53 36.38 221. 78 254. 87 128. 52 106. 74 151.73 95.21 28.28 74.80 94.82 2, 960. 40 37. 70 25. 09 28.81 33. 00 26. 15 4.97 S3. 04 20.97 35.35 36.19 181.20 200. 33 110. 93 92.04 121.54 78.29 21.79 21.02 36.21 34.49 153. 12 160. 94 94.97 81.49 90. 15 64.60 19.97 19.51 35.31 34.39 123. 70 135. 99 76.53 65.04 65.67 51.39 17.42 16.79 31. 60 31.96 91.75 100. 30 63.98 .51. 01 50.07 J8. 32 14.61 13.36 29.91 30.72 75.92 89.58 61.44 40.29 43.03 29.97 13.57 9.98 27.10 25.83 65.07 76.51 56.79 28.31 37.21 23.29 11,39 7.65 23.82 23.85 58.71 70.90 54.06 20.14 32.94 18.01 12.48 5.08 20.42 16.91 52.59 63.71 51.81 12.37 28. 32 13.39 10.66 3.23 15.76 Vermont . 9 35 Massachusetts 47 11 Rhode Island 63.43 Connecticut 49 11 7 14 24.70 9.61 South Atlantic division 8.64 85.97 105. 72 3, 839. 87 41.27 30.95 33.30 38.16 31.15 7.22 29. 6« 63.78 79.20 2, 195. 00 30.53 17.94 22.05 23. 39 20.08 3.46 17.23 57. 25 69. 68 1,2,51,33 24.65 46.70 59. 13 861. 45 21.95 39.84 47.67 485. 69 19.14 39.16 45.34 442.60 18.70 37,12 41.31 - 367. 10 16.44 37.08 38.59 266. 92 15. 05 32.79 34.64 156. 59 13.59 30 15 Maryland 32 "'3 District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina 'ii."54 20,43 23, 32 17. 93 2.59 12.07 17.89 22.16 15.36 1.61 7.17 15.51 19.70 11. 72 i. 00 4.45 15.19 19.26 8.76 0.64 2.14 13.15 16.66 5.78 11.43 13.76 4.28 9.84 11.45 2.76 8.U 8.26 1.40 Cxeorgia Florida 1.14 0.39 0.20 Ohio 90.10 01.05 68.33 36.46 30. 98 16.44 34.46 38. 9,8 2.60^ 4.28^ 13.78 17.47 18.94 78.46 55 '19 54. ,') 28. 50 24.16 9.86 29. 20 31.55 aO. 92 5.94 12.19 16.51 65.39 46.80 45.36 20.62 19.37 5,55 21. 52 25.04 aO. 10 1.01 4.46 11.91 57.40 37.61 30. 57 13.04 14.25 2.17 12.17 17. 20 aO. 06 0.08 0.85 10.68 48.59 27.52 15.20 6.92 5.61 0.04 .3.46 9.92 37.28 19.10 8.50 3.70 0.51 23.01 9.55 2.81 0.23 14.26 4.10 0.99 0.06 5.66 0.08 0.09 0.10 1.11 03 Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa 0.21 5.58 Missouri 2.13 1.01 0.32 North Dakota Nebraska 1 Kansas South Central di^'ision . - .. 7.05 8.69 5.93 3.90 2.30 1.94 0.63 Kentuck V 46.47 42.34 29. 3(? 27. 83- 24.63 8.52 1.59 21.27 2.58 41.22 36.94 24. 50 24.42 20.69 6.07 33.03 30.14 19.34 17.87 16.00 3.12 28.89 26.58 18.71 17. 03 15. 59 2.30 24.56 24.02 14.97 13.09 11.40 0.81 19.50 19.86 11.46 8.11 7.76 17.20 16. 33 6.01 2.95 4.75 14.10 10.13 2.48 1.63 3.37 10.16 6.27 5.52 2.53 1.84 0.85 Tennessee Alabama 0.43 1.69 0.24 Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas 15.13 1.50 9.13 0.84 8.21 0.53 3.96 0.16 1.84 0.57 0.27 Western division Montana 0.91 0.62 3.98 1.25 0,53 2.53 0.42 1.00 5.22 3.32 7. 75 0.27 0.21 1.87 0.98 0.36 1.75 0.57 0.39 1.12 1.85 5.54 0.14" 0.09 0.38 0.75 0.09 1.06 0.39 0.18 0.36 0.96 3.59 AVyoining Colorado 0.,33 0.36 New Mexico 0.29 Arizona Utah 0.18 0.06 0.05 Nevada Jdaho Washington 0.06 0.55 2.44 Oregon 0.05 0.59 California ■| i a Dakota territorj'. The above table shows that with the exception of the District of Columbia, which is in effect a municipality, the most densely settled state is Ehode Island, and next to that Massachusetts. In these states the density of population is as great as in many of the most densely settled European states. Indeed, the entire North Atlantic division of states, which is pre-eminently the manufacturing sectioL. of the country, contains 372 iv 1 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. an average of over 100 inliabitaiits to the square mile. The South Atlantic and South Central divisions, which are pre-eminently farming regions, are much less densely- peopled. The scattered character of the population of the western states and territories is illustrated by the low density of population. CENTER OF POPULATION. By the Eleventh Census the center of population in 1890 was in the following position : Latitude 39° 11' 56" Longitude 85 32 53 In 10 years the center of population has moved westward 53' 13", or about 48 miles, and northward 7' 48", or about 9 miles. It rests now in southern Indiana, at a point a little west of south of Oreensburg, the county seat of Decatur county, and 20 miles east of Columbus, Indiana. The closeness with which the center of population, through such rapid westward movement as has been recorded, has clung to the parallel of 39° of latitude can not fail to be noticed. The most northern point reached was at the start in 1790; the most southern point was in 1830, the preceding decade having witnessed a rapid development of population in the southwest, Alabama, Arkansas, Missisf-ippi, and Louisiana having been admitted as states and Florida annexed and organized as a territory. The extreme variation in latitude has been less than 19 minutes, while the hundred years of record have accomphshed a movement of longitude of nearly 9.5 degrees. Assuming the westward movement to have been uniformly along the parallel of 39° of latitude, the westward movement of the several decades has been as follows: 1790-1800, 41 miles; 1800-1810, 36 miles; 1810-1820, 50 miles; 1820-1830,39 miles; 1830-1840,55 miles; 1840-1850, 55 miles; 1850-1800, 81 miles; 1860-1870, 42 miles; 1870-1880, 58 miles, and 1880-1890, 48 miles, a total westward movement of 505 miles. The sudden acceleration of movement between 1850 and 1860 was due to the transfer of a considerable body of population from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, 12 individuals in San Francisco exerting as much pressure at the then pivotal point, viz., the crossing of the 83d meridian and the 39th parallel, as 40 individuals at Boston. The center of population is the center of gravity of the population of the country, each individual being assumed to have the same weight. The method of determination used, in order that the result might be comparable with that obtained in 1880, was in brief as follows : The population of the country was first distributed by " square degrees", as the area included between consecutive parallels and meridians has been designated. ,A point was then assumed tentatively as the center, and corrections in latitude and longitude to tins tentative position were computed. In this case the center was assumed to be at the intersection of the parallel of 39° with the meridian of 86° west of Greenwich. The population of each square degree was assumed to be located at the center of that square degree, except in cases where it was manifest that this assumption would be untrue, as, for instance, where a part of the square degree was occupied by the sea or other large body of water, or where it contained a city of considerable magnitude which was situated " off center". In these cases the position of the center of the population of the square degree was estimated as nearly as possible. The distance of each such center of population of a square degree, whether assumed to be at the center of the square degree or at a distance from the center from the assumed parallel and from the assumed meridian, was then computed. The population of each square degree was then multiplied by its distance from the assumed paraUel of latitude, and the sums PROGRESS OF THE NATION. li of the products, or moments, north and south of that parallel were made up. Their difference, divided by the total population of the country, gave a correction to the latitude. In a similar manner the east and west moments were made up, and from them a correction in longitude was obtained. In 1790 the center of population was at 39° 16.5' north latitude and 76° 11.2' west longitude, which a comparison of the best maps available would seem to place about 23 miles east of Baltimore. During the decade from 1790 to 1800 it appears to have moved almost due west to a point about 18 miles west of the same city, being in latitude 39° 16.1' and longitude 76° 56.5'. From 1800 to 1810 it moved westward and slightly southward to a point about 40 miles northwest by west from Washington, being in latitude 39° 11.5' and longitude 77° 37.2'. The southward movement during this decade appears to have been due to the annexation of the territory of Louisiana, which contained quite extensive settlements. From 1810 to 1820 it moved westward and again slightly southward to a point about 16 miles north of Woodstock, Virginia, being in latitude 39° 5.7' and longitude 78° 33'. This second southward movement appears to have been due to the extension of settlements in Mississippi, Alabama, and eastern Georgia. From 1820 to 1830 it moved still westward and southward to a point about 19 miles southwest of Moorefield, in the present state of West Virginia, being in latitude 38° 57.9' and longitude 79° 16.9'. This is the most decided southward movement that it has made during any decade. It appears to have been due in part to the addition of Florida to our territory and in part to the great extension of settlements in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas, or generally, it may be said, in the southwest. From 1830 to 1840 it moved still farther westward, but sliglitly changed its direction northward, reaching a point 16 miles south of Clarksburg, West Virginia, being in latitude 39° 2' and longitude 80° 18'. During this decade settlement had made decided advances in the prairie states and in the southern portions of Michigan and Wisconsin, the balance of increased settlement evidently being in favor of the northwest. From 1840 to 1850 it moved westward and slightly southward again, reaching a point about 23 miles southeast of Parkersburg, West Virginia, in latitude 38° 59' and longitude 81° 19', the change of direction southward being largely due to the annexation of Texas. From 1850 to 1860 it moved westward and slightly northward, reaching a point 20 miles south of Chillicothe, Ohio, this being in latitude 39° 0.4', longitude 82° 48.8'. From 1860 to 1870 it moved westward and sharply northward, reaching a point about 48 miles east by north of Cincinnati, Ohio, in latitude 39° 12', longitude 83° 35.7', This northward movement was due in part to waste and destruction in the south consequent upon the civil war, and in part probably to the fact that the census of 1870 Avas defective in its enumeration of the southern people, especially of the newly enfranchised colored population. In 1880 the center of population had returned southward to nearly the same latitude which it had in 1860, being in latitude 39° 4.1', longitude 84° 39.7'. This southward movement was due only in part to an imperfect enumeration at the south in 1870. During the decade between 1870 and 1880 the southern states made a large positive increase, both from natural growth and from immigration southward. During the past decade the center of population has moved northward into practically the same latitude which it occupied in 1870. It has moved westward 53' 13", or 48 miles, being less by 10 miles than its movement during the preceding decade, 6 miles greater than the movement between 1860 and 1870, and slightly less than the average westward movement since the First Census, its present position being in latitude 39° 11' 56" and longitude 85° 32' 53". The most salient point of its progress during the past decade is the northing which has been made, which is doubtless due to the lii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. great development in the cities of the northwest and in the state of Washington, and also in no small degree to the increase of population in New England. The center of the area of the United States, excluding Alaska, is in northern Kansas in approximate latitude 39° 55' and approximate longitude 98° 50'. The center of population is therefore about three-fourths of a degree south and more than 13 degrees east of the center of area. The following table shows the movement of the center of population since 1790 : POSITION OF THE CENTEK OF POPULATION: 1790-1890. CENSUS YEARS. 1790. 1800. 1810. 1820. 1830. 1840. 1850. 1860. 1870. 1880. 1890. North latitude. 39° 16.5' 39 16. 1 39 11.5 5.7 57.9 2.0 59.0 0.4 12.0 4.1 11.9 West longitude. 76° 76 77 11.2' 56. 5 37.2 33.0 16.9 18.0 19.0 48.8 35.7 39.7 32.9 Approximati' location by importaDt towns. 23 miles east of Baltimore, Maryland 18 miles west of Baltimore, Maryland 40 miles northwest hy west of Washington, District of Columbia. 16 miles north of Woodstock, Virginia 19 miles west-southwest of Moorefield, West Virginia 16 miles south of Clarksburg, West Virginia 23 miles southeast of Parkersburg, West Virginia 20 miles south of Chillicothe, Ohio - 48 miles east by north of Cincinnati, Ohio 8 miles west by south of Cincinnati, Ohio 20 miles east of Columbus, Indiana Westward movement in miles during preceding decade. 41 36 50 39 55 55 81 42 58 48 PROGEESS OF THE NATION. liji GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION. DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION BY DEAINAGE BASINS. In the table appended is given, first, the approximate area of each drainage basis in square miles, and, secondly, the i^opulation of each such drainage basin in 1890, 1880, and 1870, together with the number of inhabitants to the square mile. The drainage areas are classified primarily by the two oceans and the Great Basin ; second, by sections of the coast; third, by the principal rivers, the rivers of each section of the coast being arranged under tliat section, and the branches of a river placed under the main river. The primary divisions are set at the margin of the page. Under each primary division its secondary divisions are placed, being indented 1 space. Under each of these secondary divisions the tertiary divisions are placed, and so on, the subdivisions of a drainage basin being in every case indented within that of the stream comprising them. The New England coast comprises the area and population of the basins of the several rivers given beneath it, and, in addition to these, the area and population of the minor streams and of the immediate coast from the eastern border of Maine to the Hudson river. The Middle Atlantic coast comprises, besides the basin of the rivers under it, in like manner the basins of the minor streams and of the coast itself as far as the mouth of the Potomac, including that stream. The South Atlantic coast, in like manner, comprises the country from the Potomac southward to Florida. The Gulf of Mexico, commencing with the peninsula of Florida, embraces the coast and the whole Mississippi valley to the mouth of the Rio Grande, including the latter stream. The population of the various subdivisions was obtained by using the county as a unit, and subdividing the counties into tenths in cases where they lie partly in one basin and partly in another. Of course, in making these divisions of counties, population and not area was considered. The areas of the different river basins were measured approximately from maps, and were finally adjusted to suit a total area of the United States (which had been determined with care) of 3,025,600 square miles, exclusive of Alaska. The table show s that 96.16 per cent of the inhabitants live in the country which is drained to the Atlantic ocean; that 52.69 per cent of the population live in the region drained by the Gulf of Mexico, and that 43.77 per cent of the entire population of the country are congregated in the drainage area of the Mississippi river; that only 0.41 of 1 per cent live in the Great Basin, and 3.43 per cent on the Pacific coast. It shows, further, that the proportion living within the region drained to the Atlantic is steadily diminishing, while of this region the part drained to the Gulf of Mexico is becoming relatively more populous, as is the case in a still more marked degree in the Great Basin and the region drained to the Pacific. liv COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION ACCORDING TO DRAINAGE BASINS: 1890, 1880, AND 1870. DRAINAGE BASINS. Atlantic oceau New England coast St. John river Penobscot river Kennebec river Merrimac river Connecticut river Housatonic river Middle Atlantic coast - . . Hudson river Delaware river Susquehanna river Potomac river South Atlantic coast James river Cape Fear river Neuse river Pedee river Roanoke river Santee river Savannah river Altamaha river Great Lakes St. Lawrence river Lake Ontario Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Michigan Lake Superior Ked river Gulf of Mexico Peninsula of Florida . Apalachicola river Mobile river Tombigbee river — Alabama river Pascagoula river Pearl river Sabine river Trinity river Brazos river Colorado river Nueces river San Antonio river — Eio Grande river Mississippi river Yazoo river Illinois river Eock river "Wisconsin river — Chippewa river St. Croix river Minnesota river Cedar river Des Moines river . . Approximate area in square miles. Population 1890. 2, 178, 210 61, 830 7,890 8,934 10, 102 4,864 11, 269 1,933 83, 020 13, 366 12, 012 27, 655 14, 479 132, 040 9,684 8, 310 5,299 17, 098 9,237 14, 696 11, 402 14, 109 175, 340 13, 636 12, 387 17, 207 18, 839 45, 876 17, 830 39, 577 1, 725, 980 48, 900 18, 918 43, 436 18, 896 23, 820 8,980 8,670 20,440 17, 960 59, 646 41,220 18,944 16, 352 128, 792 1, 240, 039 12, 794 29, 013 9,792 12, 280 8,892 7,576 16,000 12, 492 14,652 Population per square mile. 60, 220, 763 4, 486, 813 53, 381 113, 179 236, 553 616, 594 782, 216 251, 701 11,482,411 1, 094, 126 2, 561, 113 1, 965, 184 870, 135 4, 248, 466 495, 910 239, 399 216, 933 600, 277 404, 281 607, 098 446, 569 473, 967 7, 009, 839 474, 158 1,006,068 2, 179, 269 439, 393 2, 507, 562 155, 271 247, 518 32, 993, 234 435, 603 699, 713 1,425,049 611, 338 784, 099 129, 084 175, 698 172, 656 449, 718 512, 621 183, 524 41, 633 169, 847 156, 150» 27, 411, 522 415, 406 1, 867, 935 532, 117 259, 778 141, 529 92, 854 327, 852 393, 021 423, 128 Population 1880. 27.65 72.57 6.77 12.67 23.42 126. 77 69.41 130. 21 138. 31 81.86 213. 21 71.06 60.10 32.18 51.21 28. 81 40.94 35.11 43.77 41.31 39.17 33.59 39.98 34.77 81.27 126. 65 23. 32 54.66 8.T1 6.25 19.12 8.91 36.99 32.82 32.35 32.92 14.37 20.27 8.45 25.04 8.59 4.45 2.20 10.39 L21 22.11 32.47 64.38 54.34 2L15 15.92 12.26 20.49 3L46 28.88 Population per square mile. 48, 707, 352 3, 811, 102 46, 615 111,050 231, 345 500, 978 692, 803 208, 920 9, 646, 057 1, 009, 082 2, 175, 800 1, 673, 847 791, 007 3, 705, 807 448, 891 212, 904 197,552 505, 252 364, 160 507, 205 384, 739 401, 789 5, 377, 019 469, .'■.54 926, 128 1, 720, 712 313, 255 1, 826, 534 50, 843 69, 993 26, 167, 367 300, 342 608, 057 1, 207, 680 499, 882 679, 170 98, 800 148, 635 134, 869 315, 220 363, 892 125, 869 27, 635 122, 413 115, 517 21, 776, 479 366, 502 1, 474, 337 506, 835 208, 189 84, 240 59, 832 231, 065 372, 556 328, 746 Population ISJO. 22.36 61.64 5.91 12.43 22.90 103. 00 61.48 108. 08 116. 19 75.50 181. 14 60.53 54.63 28.07 46.35 25.62 37.28 29.55 39.42 34.51 33.74 28.48 30.67 34.43 74.77 100. 00 16.63 39.81 2.85 1.77 15.16 6.14 32.14 27.80 26.45 28.51 11.00 17.14 6.60 17.55 6.10 3.05 L46 7.49 0.90 17.56 28.65 50.82 51. 76 16.95 9.47 7.90 14.44 29.82 22.44 Population per square mile. 37, 706, 410 3, 286, 416 37, 544 112,326 224, 365 436, 238 618, 171 182, 738 8, 038, 651 959, 376 1, 834, 009 1, 445, 902 657, 644 2, 799, 126 365, 913 164, 994 149, 761 367, 785 276, 289 373, 389 280, 783 301, 091 4, 226, 597 458, 834 853, 486 1, 372, 848 176, 914 1, 327, 417 33,737 3,361 19, 355, 620 214, 163 486, 296 938, 242 383, 763 526, 821 68, 476 114, 588 85, 413' 128, 244 165, 986 65, 004 11, 204 72, 137 79, 370 16, 333, 045 259, 563 1, 206, 706 497, 302 167, 361 43, 022 30, 064 119, 847 290, 884 224, 993 17.31 53.15 4.76 12.57 22.21 89.69 54.86 94.54 86.83 71.78 152. 68 52.28 45.42 21.20 37.79 19.85 28.26 2L51 29.91 25.41 24.63 2L34 24.11 33.65 68.90 79.78 9.39 28.93 1.89 0.08 11.21 4.38 25.71 2L60 20.31 22.12 7.63 13.22 4.18 7.14 2.78 1.33 0.59 4.41 0.62 13.17 20.29 4L59 50.79 13.63 4.84 4.03 7.49 23.29 15.36 PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Iv DISTEIBUTION OF POPULATION ACCORDING TO DRAINAGE BASINS, ETC.— Coutiuued. DKAINAGE BASINS. Atlantic ocean— Continued. Gulf of Mexico— Continued Mississippi river— Cont'd, Ohio river Tennessee river Cumberland river — Kentucky river Green river Licking river Kanawha river Monongaliela river. . Allegheny river Miami river Scioto river Muskingum river — "Wabash river Big Sandy river Missouri river Big Sioux river Yellowstone river. . . Platte river Kansas river Osage river Arkansas river Cimarron river Canadian river "White river Bed river of Louisiana. "Washita river St. Francis river Great Basin Great Salt lake Humboldt river Pacific ocean Colorado river Green river Grand river Little Colorado river Gila river Sacramento river San Joaquin river Klamath river Columbia river "Willamette river Snake river Clark fork Approximate popjjatiou '''•ea "?, 1890. square miles. 201, 720 43, 897 18, 573 7,425 9, 065 3,658 16, 690 7,625 11,437 5,400 6,480 7,740 33, 725 4,050 527, 155 7,880 69, 683 90,011 59, 256 15, 444 185, 671 17, 360 42, 710 27, 925 89, 970 19, 138 7,884 228, 150 32, 400 32, 148 619, 240 225, 049 47, 222 26, 472 29, 268 68, 623 58, 824 29, 952 14, 660 216, 537 11, 700 103, 835 63, 291 10, 986, 877 1, 384, 733 720, 012 291, 022 358, 804 221, 478 334, 795 495, 636 970, 869 469, 596 444, 124 541, 378 1, 915, 790 190, 283 4, 560, 561 119, 337 21, 574 647, 104 985, 524 508, 291 1,771,312 55, 690 54, 766 338, 305 955, 757 360, 566 162, 897 256, 130 156, 150 38, 119 2, 145, 357 208, 643 27, 494 47, 349 3,821 45, 917 378, 462 134, 206 18, 199 393,415 129, 782 142, 091 46, 067 Population per square mile. 54.47 31.55 38.77 39.19 39.58 60.55 20.06 65. 00 84.89 86.96 68. 54 69.95 56.81 46.98 8.65 15.14 0.31 7.19 16.63 32.91 9.54 3.21 1.28 12.11 10.62 18.84 20.66 1.12 4.82 1.19 3.46 0.93 0.58 1.79 0.13 0.67 6.43 4.48 1.24 1.82 11.09 1.37 0.73 -, ... Population 'iSSo!"" I per square 9, 588, 303 1,177,144 643, 819 253, 839 332, 056 200, 297 263, 947 375, 939 809, 926 413, 592 400, 856 505, 196 1, 727, 214 154, 012 2, 841, 451 51, 241 3,184 267, 230 623, 621 385, 848 1, 141, 607 4,203 24, 859 244, 455 705, 806 281, 582 118, 108 210, 998 104, 621 49, 864 1, 237, 433 109, 188 10, 709 14, 795 3,644 28, 348 324, 398 88, 902 14, 627 222, 737 78, 326 55, 256 12, 274 mile. Population 1870. 47.53 26.82 34.66 34. 19 36. 63 54.76 15.81 49.30 70. 82 76.59 61.86 65.27 51.21 38.03 5.39 6.50 0.05 2.97 10.52 24. 98 6.15 0.24 0.58 8.75 7.84 14.71 14.99 0.92 3.23 1.55 2.00 0.49 0.23 0.56 0.12 0.41 5.51 2.97 1.00 1.03 6.69 0.53 0.19 7, 839, 424 927, 054 520, 088 203, 230 262, 874 161, 132 182, 131 292, 326 645, 752 351, 370 337, 914 445, 934 1, 455, 300 109, 886 1, 004, 465 5, 290 241 68, 471 176, 308 273, 444 533, 831 1,693 18, 887 147, 979 445, 366 187, 385 78, 428 125, 38i 65, 627 29, 592 726, 577 39, 495 4,866 165 428 6,954 240, 246 67, 459 10,000 104, 882 50, 271 21, 530 7,215 Population per square mile. 38.86 21.12 28.49 27.37 29.00 44.05 10.91 38. 34 56.46 65.07 52. 15 57.61 43. 15 27.13 3.04 0.07 0.00 . 0.76 2.98 17.71 2.88 0.10 0.44 5.30 4.95 9.79 9.95 0.55 2.03 0.92 1.17 0.18 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.10 4.08 2.25 0.68 0.48 4.30 0.21 0.11 Ivi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. A condensation of the preceding table, showing the percentage of the total population of the principal drainage basins of the country as it existed in the three decades mentioned, is herewith presented : PEECENTAGE OF TOTAL POPULATION. DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 1870 96.16 7.16 18.34 6.78 11.19 52.69 0.41 3.43 97.11 7.60 19. 23 7.39 10.72 52.17 0.42 2.47 97.79 8.52 20.85 7.26 10.96 50. 20 0.33 1.88 New England coast Middle Atlantic coast South Atlantic coast . Pacific ocean Of the percentages given in the preceding table for the drainage basin of the Gulf of Mexico, the tertiary division of the Mississippi river embraces 43.77 for 1890, 43.42 for 1880, and 42.36 for 1870. DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION IN ACOORDANCE WITH TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES. Considering the surface of the United States broadly, it is seen to contain two great elevated areas. The eastern, known as the Appalachian Mountain system, is separated from the Atlantic by a broad plain sloping gently eastward. The western, known as the Cordillerau Mountain system, is many times as broad as the eastern system, more than twice as high, and the mountain ranges which crown it are vastly greater in number and more complex. It extends westward to the Pacific coast. Between these two systems lies a broad valley, most of which is drained by the Mississippi river to the Gulf of Mexico. The northeastern part is drained by the St. Lawrence river and the system of the Great Lakes to the gulf of St. Lawrence, while along the Gulf coast are considerable areas drained by other streams. The country thus broadly outlined contains every variety of surface found upon the globe. The various effects due to differences in slope, elevation, and climate are all represented. An attempt has been made in the table shown on page Ixi to subdivide the country into areas diff"ering in the character of their surface, their products, and their climate, and to classify the population in accordance therewith. These subdivisions are briefly characterized as follows : Coast swamps. — These swamps are found along the South Atlantic and Gulf coasts, extending inland to varying distances, in some places as much as 100 miles. They have the greatest breadth in North Carolina and Louisiana, but border the coast nearly all the way from southeast Virginia to the mouth of the Rio Grande, Texas. Upon the Atlantic coast the surface of these swamps, while exceedingly level, has ample slope for drainage, and accordingly as the land becomes valuable their borders are being drained and converted into farms. In the Carolinas a considerable area of them is utilized for rice plantations. In the main they are well timbered, principally with cypress and juniper, among which is a luxuriant growth of cane. The population of this region is mainly of the colored race, the climate being very unhealthy for the white race. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Jvii Atlantic plain. — The Atlantic plain comprises the strip of land lying between the Coast swamps and the fall line throughout the Atlantic states south of New York and the Gulf states as far as the Mississippi river. It is characterized by a level surface, a low elevation, scarcely reaching 200 feet above the sea, is underlaid by recent sedimentary rocks, and except where they have been removed by the hand of man is covered with jiine forests. Piedmont region. — This region comprises a strip of country extending from Maine to Alabama, lying between the fall line on the east and the Blue Eidge on the west. It is underlaid by metamorphic rocks and forested with a mixed growth of broad and narrow leaf trees. The lower portion is comparatively level, being broken only by the beds of streams, but in the neighborhood of the Blue Eidge and throughout New England it is hilly. New England hills. — This name has been applied to the hill country in the upper part of New England, including all of the upper i^art of Maine, the White mountains of New Hampshire, the Green moimtains of Vermont, and the Adirondacks of New York, all of which is a broken, mountainous country, ranging in elevation from 1,000 to 6,000 feet, and covered with forests. Appalachian Mountain region. — This region includes the Blue Eidge and the Appalachian valley lying immediately north and west of it, and extends from New Jersey to Alabama and Georgia. The Blue Eidge, consisting of a single range throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, expands in North Carolina into a very complex mass of mountains, and there reaches its maximum elevation, namely, 6,700 feet. The Appalachian valley is drained in New Jersey and Pennsylvania by the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers, in Virginia by the Potomac, the James, and Kanawha rivers, and in Tennessee mainly by the Tennessee river. It is traversed by numerous ranges, some of them assuming the dignity of separate mountain ranges, and all of them running closely parallel to one another and to the general direction of the valley. Cumberland-Allegheny plateau. — Eising from the northwest border of the Appalachian valley is an escarpment extending more or less continuously from northeastern Pennsylvania down through Maryland, Virginia, and Tennessee into Alabama. From the summit of this escarpment a plateau stretches with a general northwestern slope. This plateaii is everywhere deeply scored by streams with a general northwesterly direction. These streams have cut the plateau into a mass of very irregular ridges and gorges, making it one of the most intricate mountain regions on the globe. The entire region is densely covered with forests, the hand of man having removed but a very small part of them. Interior timbered region. — This region comprises southern Ohio and Indiana, the western half of Kentucky and Tennessee, and the northeastern part of Mississippi, together with small areas in adjoining states. It possesses no characteristic features except that in the settled regions it is covered with forests. Lake region. — A narrow strij) of country bordering on the Great Lakes has been segregated under this name. It includes small parts of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, and most of Michigan, Wisconsin, and northern Minnesota. Owing to the proximity of large bodies of water this region has many of the characteristics of a coast climate. The atmosphere being moist, the winters are abnormally warm and the summers abnormally cool. This region contains great pine forests, which are still serving as a main source of supply of that timber. Iviii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Ozark mountain region. — This region is located in northwest Arkansas, southwest Missouri, and the eastern part of Indian territory. In Arkansas it is made up of a succession of narrow ranges 2,000 to 3,000 feet high, having a generally east and west trend, separated by somewhat broad valleys. Further to the northeast, in Missouri, the hills become merely a confused mass, without order or system. Alluvial region of the Mississippi. — This region extends in a rapidly widening strip from Cairo, at the mouth of the Ohio, to the coast swamps in Louisiana, into which it merges without any sharp line of demarcation. It includes parts of the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana, besides a trifling area in Kentucky and Tennessee. Much the larger portion of it is marshy, and is below the level of the water in the rivers. The dry land lies mainly along the immediate banks of the streams, having been formed by deposition from overflows. With the exception of the cultivated land, this region is entirely covered with forests. The soil is of the highest degree of fertility, but the climate is hostile to the white race, and by far the larger proportion of its inhabitants is of the colored race. Prairie region. — This region comprises a small portion of western Indiana, most of Illinois and Iowa, southern Wisconsin and Minnesota, northern Missouri, and eastern North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, and Nebraska, and extends in a broad belt down through the Indian territory and Texas. On the east it merges by insensible degrees into the forest-clad regions, and on the west by equally insensible degrees into the Great Plains. It is a region of transition from the one to the other. Its climate is such that without protection forests can not thrive. Before the advent of man various unfavorable conditions, among which forest fires were the most prominent, prevented the growth of forests in this region. Its surface is level or slightly undulating, and was, in its natural state, covered with luxuriant grasses, but timber growth was scarce, and was confined almost entirely to the bluffs and the borders of streams. With the protection afforded by man the growth of forests has increased in this region, until now it presents a landscape diversified by a tree growth, whose extent is constantly increasing. It is the granary of the country. * Great plains. — Merging with the prairie region by insensible degrees are the Great Plains, extending from approximate longitude 99° to the foot of the Eocky mountains, and from the Canadian border to the Eio Grande. It is a region devoid of timber, except in the narrowest strips along certain streams, but sparsely covered with bunch grass, changing in the more arid regions to sage, artemisia, cactus, and yucca. Its surface is a monotonous, billowy expanse, broken only here and there by lines of cliffs and buttes. Throughout this region the rainfall is insufificieut for the needs of agriculture, and irrigation is necessary for the cultivation of the soil. The supply of water in the flowing streams is suflBcient to irrigate only a small part of the land, and the extent to which settlement is possible will in the future become, therefore, a question of the abundance of water and not of land. CoRDiLLERAN REGION.— The Oordillcran region is naturally subdivided into districts which differ from one another in certain features and have other features in common. Except in the extreme northwest, in Washington, western Oregon, and northwest California, the climate is arid and the rainfall is insufficient for agriculture. This aridity of climate and deficiency of rainfall increase southward and reach a maximum in southern Nevada, California, and Arizona. The prevalence of forests accompanies the rainfall. Upon the northwest coast and inland as far as the Cascade range in Oregon and Washington the country is densely covered with forests of great trees. This forest belt extends inland through northern Washington and Idaho into PEOGEESS OF THE NATIOK Hx the mountainous region of Montana, and tlience southeastward, accompanying the mountain ranges into the Yellowstone Park. Elsewhere no forests are found except upon the mountains, and in the more arid regions of the south even the mountains are bare to their summits. The valleys produce only the vegetation characteristic of an arid region. Where the rainfall is abundant bunch grass is found, but as the rainfall diminishes and the dryness of the atmosphere increases, the vegetation of the valleys changes to artemisia, cactus, yucca, and other desert plants. EoCKY MOUNTAIN REGION.— This region, including the easternmost portion of the Cordilleran system, comprising westeTn Montana, eastern Idaho, western Wyoming, central Colorado, and New Mexico, with a little of Texas, is composed of a series of ranges separated by valleys of greater or less breadth, trending parallel to one another a little west of north and east of south. It is naturally subdivided into two parts. The northern part extends from Canada southeastward into central Wyoming; thence for a distance of 100 miles or thereabouts the mountain ranges disappear, leaving iu their place only broad plateaus. The ranges reappear in southern Wyoming and extend thence southward. In the northern part the mountains range from 9,000 to 13,000 or more feet in altitude, rising from a base of 4,000 or 5,000 feet. In the southern part the base is much higher, rising in Colorado to 6,000 or 8,000 feec, with high mountain valleys reaching 10,000 feet above the sea, while many of the ranges exceed 14,000 feet in altitude. Both the general level of the country and the mountain ranges diminish in altitude southward. Plateau region. — This region comprises most of the drainage basin of the Colorado river above the mouth of the Virgin, in southern Nevada. It is a region of great plateaus, whose surfaces are level or slightly inclined, and which terminate with great lines of cliffs, in some cases thousands of feet in height. From the mountains which border this range on the east, north, and west these plateaus descend by a succession of gigantic steps from an elevation of 12,000 feet down to 1,000 or 2,000 feet above the sea. Every stream is in a canyon, and as the rainfall is light and spasmodic a great majority of these canyons are dry during the greater part of the year. In many regions these canyons are so abundant as to have reduced the plateau to a mere skeleton, or the process of erosion may have gone still further, so that nothing is left of the upper plateau but fragments in the form of mesas and buttes. The higher plateaus in the neighborhood of the mountains are green and forested from the abundant rainfall. The lower plateaus, on the other hand, have only the sparsest vegetation or are absolutely sterile. Basin region.— In the interior of the Cordilleran region is an area comprising practically all of Nevada, western Utah, part of eastern California, and southern Oregon, which has no drainage to the sea. It is a closed basin. The only discharge of its waters is by sinking into the thirsty soil or by evaporation into the thirsty atmosphere. This is the most desert part of the country, with the exception of the course of the lower Colorado and Gila rivers. The rainfall is scanty, even upon the mountains; so scanty, •indeed, that there are but two or three running streams of any magnitude within it. Its surface is diversified by many ranges of mountains having a general parallel trend, rising from flat valleys filled with alluvium. These ranges divide the basin into numerous minor basins, in each of which water collects and sinks. In the eastern part the largest basin is that known as the Great Salt lake, into which several small streams flow from the Wasatch mountains. In the western part the principal basin is that of the Humboldt river. The elevation of the floor of the basin ranges from 6,000 feet near its middle line, downward, reaching in Death valley, in eastern California, an elevation of 200 feet below the level of the sea. Ix COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Columbian mesas. — The drainage basiu of the Snake river, in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, together with a part of the basin of the Cohimbia, in the hitter state, has been in great part covered by eruptions of basalt, which, bursting out of the soil at various points, has spread over the country, forming a table land. Sierra Nevada. — Separating the Great Basin from the California valley, in eastern California, is a broad, heavy, forest- covered range of mountains with long sloi)es to the west and an abrupt ascent to the east. Pacific valley. — West of the Cascade range and the Sierra Nevada and stretching from Piaget sound to southern California is a valley drained in Oregon by the Willamette and in California by the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. In its southern part, south of the latitude of the bay of San Francisco, the climate is such that irrigation is necessary, while north of it the rainfall is sufficient, and in Oregon and Washington is more than suificient for the farmers' needs. Where the rainfall is insufficient this valley is treeless, but farther north, and especially in Oregon and Washington, it is covered with dense forests. Cascade range. — Stietchiug northward in line with the Sierra Nevada, but distinguished sharply from it by the character of its formation, is the Cascade range. It is a series of extinct volcanoes, rising from a high plateau of volcanic rock. This range is densely forested. Coast ranges. — Separating this valley from the Pacific is a succession of ranges trending jiarallel with the coast, and known as the Coast ranges. In southern California the valleys among these ranges are of the highest degree of fertility, and produce grapes and tropical fruits in profusion. Farther north the country is but little settled or even explored. The table on the following page shows in each of the divisions characterized above the number of inhabitants in thousands at each of the last 3 censuses, namely, 1890, 1880, and 1870. It shows also the numerical increase of the population exi^ressed in even thousands, the nu.mber of inhabitants in each subdivision, under the assumption that the total population of the country was 100,000, and, finally, the density of the total population or the number of inhabitants to the square mile in each subdivision. Grouping these subdivisions, it will be seen that in the swamp regions of the country, including in that term the coast marshes and the alluvial region of the Mississippi river, there were 2,094,000 inhabitants, or 4.30 per cent of the population. This, as was previously stated, consists mainly of the colored race. In the desert and semidesert legions of the countrj' there Avere found 1,409,000, or 2.35 per cent of the population. In the mountain region of the west there were found 1,535,000 people, or about 2.45 per cent, while in the eastern mountain region 10,888,000 people were living in 1890, or about one-sixth of the entire population. FEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Ixi DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES. Coast swamps Atlantic plain Piedmont region New England hills Appalachian Mountain region. Cumberland -Alleghen J- plateau. Interior timbered region Lake region Ozark Mountain region . Alluvial region of the Mississippi. Prairie region Great Plains North Rocky mountains South Kooky mountains Plateau region Basin region Columbian mesas Sierra Nevada Pacific valley Cascade range Coast ranges POPULATION IN THOUSANDS. 1890 1,809 8,784 7,858 2.290 2,849 5,749 11, 292 3,578 1,041 885 13, 048 737 153 247 110 403 219 146 435 179 810 1880 1,569 7,113 6, 6G0 2,171 2,386 4,787 9,891 2,507 734 083 9,777 222 50 192 81 252 91 136 248 54 552 1870 1,284 5,546 5,468 1,995 1,959 3,940 7,976 1,722 473 460 6,715 73 29 78 29 149 27 111 166 30 328 INCREASE OF POPULATION IN THOUSANDS. 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 Abso- lute. 240 1,671 1,188 119 463 962 1,401 1,071 307 202 3,271 515 103 55 29 151 128 10 187 125 258 Per cent. 15.30 23.49 17.99 5.48 19.40 20.10 14.16 42.72 41.83 29.58 33.46 231. 98 206. 00 28.65 35.80 59.92 140. 66 7.35 75.40 231. 48 46.74 Abso- lute. 285 1,567 1, 192 176 427 847 1,915 785 261 223 3,062 149 21 114 52 103 64 25 82 24 224 Per cent. 22.20 28.25 21.80 8.82 21.80 21.50 24.01 45.59 55.18 48.48 45.60 204. 11 72.41 146. 15 179. 31 69.13 237. 04 22.52 49.40 80.00 68.29 NUMBER IN 100,000 INHABITANTS. 1890 2,889 14, 027 12, 548 3,657 4,550 9,180 18, 032 5,714 1,662 1,413 20, 836 1,177 244 394 176 644 350 233 695 286 1,293 1880 3,128 14, 182 13.279 4,329 4,757 9,544 19, 720 4,998 1,463 1,302 19, 493 443 100 383 162 502 181 271 494 108 1,101 1870 3, 330 14, 384 14, 181 5,174 5,081 10, 218 20, 686 4,466 1,227 1,193 17, 415 189 75 202 75 386 70 288 431 78 851 DENSITY OF POP- ULATION. 1890 21.0 74.4 69.5 40.7 49.8 59.3 44.3 25.1 22.8 23.6 28.3 1.4 1.1 2.1 0.7 1.4 1.9 4.9 9.1 5.5 14.3 1880 1870 18.7 60.2 55.8 38.6 41.7 49.4 38.8 17.6 '16.0 18.2 21.2 0.4 0.4 1.7 0.5 0.9 0.8 4.6 5.2 1.7 15.3 47.0 45.8 35.4 34.3 40.7 31.3 12.1 10.3 12.2 14.6 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.2 3.8 3.5 0.9 5.8 DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION WITH REFERENCE TO MEAN ANNUAL TEMPERATURE. The great increase ill the amount of data concerning- the distribution of temperature in the country during the past 10 years, produced by the extension of State Weather Services, rendered it advisable to collect material and prepare anew map showing the distribution of the isothermals, and to make therefrom a recomputation of the distribution of population in 1870 and 1880. The necessary data have been freely contributed by the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, General A. W. Greely, and by the several directors of the State Weather Services, to whom this office is under great obligations. The information collected from these various sources has been placed upon a map of the United States, aud isothermals drawn in accordance with their indications, combined with a knowledge of the relief of the country and the influence of the relief upon temperature. The connties falling between the different isothermal lines have been drawn from the maps in tabular form and the population classified in accordance therewith. < The table on the following page is presented as embracing the results of this investigation. In this table the first column shows the degrees of temperature; the second, third, aud fourth columns, a distribution of population in accordance with the isothermal lines, subject to the supposition that the entire population of the country was at each date 100,000 persons, or, in other words, these columns show the percentage of the population which was, at the date designated, living between the various isothermal lines, the computation being carried out to the thousandth of 1 per cent. The fifth and sixth columns show the change in the number from census to census under the same assumption that the entire population was 100,000. The seventh, eighth, aud ninth columns show the number of inhabitants, the total population being assumed at Ixii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. 100,000, living under temperature conditions below each of tlie several groups. The tenth, eleventh, and twelfth columns show the density of poi)ulatiou, that is, the number of inhabitants per square mile in each of the several groups, while the last two columns show the increase in density. DEGREES OP NUMBER IN 100,000 INHABITANTS. CHANGE IN NUMBER IN 100,000. NUMBER IN 100,000 ABOVE EACH GROUP. DENSITY OF POPULA- TION. INCREASE IN DENSITY OP POPULATION. TEMPERA- 1 TORE. 1890 1880 1 1870 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 Below 40 1,653 1,155 919 +498 +23C 1,653 1.155 919 4.69 2.63 1 1.61 2.06 1.02 40 to 45 8,180 7.413 7,119 +767 +294 9,833 8,568 8, 038 12.51 9.10 6.72 3.41 2.38 4510 50 27. 423 27, 324 28, 986 +99 —1,662 i 37, 256 35, 892 37, 024 28.61 22.86 18.65 5.75 4.21 5Uto55 31, 583 32, 396 33,182 -813 —786 j 68, 839 68, 288 70, 206 31.02 25.54 20.11 .5.48 5.43 55 to 60 13, 775 14, 230 13, 723 ' -455 +507 82, 614 82, 518 83, 929 22.78 18.88 14.00 3.90 4.88 60to05..- --. 9,865 9, 982 9,152 —117 +830 1 92, 479 92, 500 93, 081 17.89 14.53 10.24 3.36 4.29 65 to 70 6,279 6,262 5,662 +17 +600 98, 758 98, 762 98, 743 14.16 11.33 7.88 2.83 3.45 70 to 75.: 1.210 1,216 1,242 —6 —26 99, 968 99, 978 99, 985 7.49 6.01 4.72 1.48 1.29 Above 75 32 22 15 + 10 +7 : 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 3.59 2.00 1.03 1.59 0.97 A glance at the table will show that in 1870, 1880, and 1890 more than half the population was living under a temperature between 45 and 55 degrees, and that between 45 and 00 degrees were found from 70 to 75 per cent of the inhabitants. Only a trifle over 1 per cent were living where the temperature was greater than 70 degrees, while in the region whose mean annual temperature was above 75 degrees the number of inhabitants was trifling. The number of iuhabitants to the square mile not only expresses the density of population but also gives a comparative measure of the absolute number and the increase in absolute number. The greatest density has been, since 1870, where the temperature ranges from 50 to 55 degrees. From this as a maximum it diminishes rapidly both with an increase and decrease in temperature. The most rapid proportional increase in population has taken place at the two extremes, where it has trebled during the 20 years intervening between 1870 and 1890, while in the same time it has increased but about 50 per cent m the most densely settled group. The average annual temperature of the territory of the United States, excluding Alaska from consideration, is 53 degrees. The average annual temperature under which the people of the country live, taking into account the density of settlement, is practically the same. DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH MEAN ANNUAL RAINFALL, Through the courtesy of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, General A. W. Greely, and of the directors of the Weather Services of the various states, the latest and most reliable data regarding the rainfall of the country have been placed at the disposal of this office. In addition to this, a compilation has been made of all other accessible material, including the Smithsonian collections and the records of the state engineer of California. From these various sources data from nearly 2,000 stations have been obtained, platted upon a map of the United States, and the curves of mean annual rainfoll, at intervals of 10 inches, sketched in accordance with their indications, supplemented by our knowledge of the relief of the country and its known influence upon rainfall. From the map thus prepared the counties falling between the different curves of mean annual rainfall were drawn off in lists. In cases where the county was cut in PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Ixiii parts by a curve, due weight was given iu the partition of the county to any inequality in distribution of population. The population was then distributed by counties in accordance with the lists. The result is shown in the table appended: INCHES OP NUMBER IN 100,000 INHABITANTS. CHANGE IN NUM- BER IN 100,000 INHABITANTS. NUMBER IN 100,000 ABOVE EACH GRADE. POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE. INCREASE IN POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE. RAINFALL. 1890 1880 1870 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 18J0 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 Below 10 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60 60 to 70 Above 70 300 2,612 6,038 34, 098 39, 459 16, 164 1,274 55 278 1,385 4, 343 34, 970 40, 984 16, 734 1,271 35 192 949 1,909 36, 644 42, 719 16, 212 1,358 17 +22 +1, 227 +1, 695 —872 —1, 525 —570 +3 +20 +86 +436 + 2,434 —1, 674 —1,735 +522 -87 +18 300 2,912 8,950 43, 048 82, 507 98, 671 99, 945 100, 000 278 1,663 6,006 40, 976 81, 960 98, 694 99, 965 100, 000 192 1,141 3,050 39, 694 82, 413 98, 625 ' 99, 983 100, 000 0.8 1.8 8.1 43.1 59.0 25.1 18.1 4.1 0.6 0.8 4.7 35.5 49.2 20.9 14.5 2.1 0.3 0.4 1.6 28.6 39.4 15.5 11.9 0.8 0.2 1.0 3.4 7.6 9.8 4.2 3.6 2.0 0.3 0.4 3.1 6.9 9.8 5.4 2.6 1.3 In this table the first column shows the grades, expressed in inches of rainfall; the second, third, and fourth columns, the number of inhabitants found in each grade in 1890 1880, and 1870, assuming that the total population at each of the above periods was 100,000,' or, in other words, the percentage of the population in each of these grades at the periods under consideration, carrying the figures out to the thousandth of 1 per cent; the fifth and sixth columns show the increase or decrease in number; the seventh, eighth, and ninth columns show the number of inhabitants in each 100,000 above each grade, and therefore are cumulative columns; the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth columns show the density of population in each grade in 1890, 1880, and 1870, and the last two columns show the increase in population per scfuare mile. It will be noticed that the main body of the population of the country inhabits the region in which the annual rainfall is between 30 and 50 inches, nearly three-fourths of the* inhabitants being found there. On either side, as the rainfall increases or diminishes, the population diminishes rapidly. It will be seen further that the arid region of the west, where the rainfall is less than 20 inches, a region which comprises two-fifths of the entire area of the country, contains at present less than 3 per cent of the population. The greatest density of population is in the area enjoying from 40 to 50 inches of annual rainfall, the average of this region being 59 inhabitants to the square mile. Next to that is the area having from 30 to 40 inches, where the density is 43.1. The density of population has increased rapidly in these regions. It is apparent, however, that the most rapid increase, as expressed by density of population, is where the rainfall ranges from 20 to 30 inches; that is, in the eastern portion of the Great Plains ranging from, Texas to Dakota, where the density has increased in 20 years from 1.6 to 8.1. The average annual rainfall upon the surface of the United States, as deduced from the map previously mentioned, is 29.6 inches. The average annual rainfall with relation to the population, deduced by giving weight to each area of country in proportion to the number of its inhabitants, was, in 1870, 42.5 inches; in 1880 it had diminished to 42 inches, and in 1890 to 41.4 inches, the diminution being caused mainly by the settlement of the Great Plains and the arid regions of the west. Ixiv COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. DISTKIBUTION OF POPULATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH MEAN RELATIVE HUMIDITY OF TPIE ATMOSPHERE. The atmospliere along tlieAtlantic, Gulf, and Lake coasts and the entire Pacific coast is heavily charged with moisture. It is especially so upon the coast of Oregon and Washington, where the atmosphere is more highly charged with moisture than elsewhere within our territory. The high mountain regions of the Appalachian and to a considerable extent those of the Eocky mountain ranges also have a moist atmosphere. The moisture is less in the Piedmont region east of the Appalachians and in the upi)er Mississippi valley. Passing across the prairies and the Great Plains, the amount of moisture in the atmosphere diminishes still more, while the minimum is reached in the Great Basin, in Utah, Nevada, southern Arizona, and southeastern California. In a general way, the amount of moisture in the atmosphere increases and decreases with the rainfall, but this is not always the case. The upper lake region, with an atmosphere as moist as that of Washington city, has a much smaller rainfall. The coast of southern California, with a deficient rainfall, has as moist an atmosphere as the Atlantic coast. In the following table showing this distribution the i)oj)ulation is given to the nearest thousands, as the results aimed at are merely general relations. The first column defines the groups, expressed in percentages of saturation ; the second, third, and fourth columns, the absolute luimber of inhabitants in thousands in the various groups at the Eleventh, Tenth,, and Ninth censuses; the fifth and sixth columns, the percentages of increase; the seventh, eighth, and ninth columns, the percentages of the total population in each group ; the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth columias, the number of inhabitants to the square mile in each group. POPULATION IN THOUSANDS. PER CENT OF INCREASE. PER CENT OF TOTAL POPULATION. POPULATION PER SQUARE MILE. GROUPS. 1890 1880 1870 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Below 50 309 433 291 868 22, 969 34, 067 3,341 344 219 202 134 439 19,279 27, 280 2,403 200 137 91 61 ]36 14, 388 21,885 1, 730 130 41.10 114. 36 117.16 97.72 19.14 24.88 39.03 72. GO 59.85 121.98 119. 67 222. 79 33.99 24.65 38.90 53.85 0.49 0.69 0.46 1.39 36.68 54.40 5.34 0.55 0.44 0.40' 0.27 . 0.87 38.44 54.39 4.79 0.40 0.36 0.24 0.16 0.35 37.32 56.76 4.49 0.34 1.14 1.44 1.35 2.89 31.46 40.07 14.21 5.55 0.80 0.67 0.61 1.46 26.41 32.10 10.22 3.22 0.50 50 to 55 0.,30 55 to 60 0.28 <60 to 65 0.45 65 to 70 20.26 70 to 75 25.74 ,75 to 80 7.36 Abo\'e80 2.09 A glance at this table shows that nearly all the population breathe an atmosphere containing 65 to 75 per cent of its full capacity of moisture; that is, the atmosphere is from two-thirds to three-fourths saturated. In 1890, 57,036,000 out of 62,622,250 were found in this region; in 1880, 46,559,000 out of 50,155,783, and in 1870, 36,273,000 out of 38,558,371. The number of inhabitants living in a drier atmosphere was at each census comi^aratively trifling, numbering in 1870 less than 500,000, and in 1890 less than 2,000,000. In the moister atmosphere were found larger numbers scattered along the Gulf coast and the shores of Washington and Oregon. The most rapid increase is found near the top and bottom of the scale, and particularly in the more arid region, where the population has nearly doubled dming each of the last two periods. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Jxv DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE. Three tables are given on the following pages, the first showing the popnlation of the country in 1890 by thousands, distributed by square degrees, that is, by areas included between consecutive parallels and consecutive meridians. It is in effect a population map of the country, showing not only the total population of each square degree, but an approximation to the relative density of population in each square degree. The magnitude of the numbers betrays the whereabouts of the great centers of population, as New York, Chicago, etc., while, on the other hand, the sparseness of population upon the Oordilleran plateau is shown in an equally forcible manner. The second and third tables are abstracts from the first table, with deductions from them. The second table shows the distribution of the population in accordance with latitude, giving first the absolute population in thousands between each two consecutive parallels across the country in 1890, 1880, and 1870; the percentage of increase in population between each two parallels; the number of inhabitants in each group, under the assumption that the total population was 100,000 at each of these three censuses • the number in 100,000 north of each parallel of latitude; the number of inhabitants per square mile, and the increase or decrease in the density of population. The third table presents similar facts regarding the distribution of population in accordance with longitude, arranged in a similar manner. 372 V Ixvi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 189u. POPULATION IN 1890 IN EACH SQUARE DEGEEES OF LATITUDE. LONGITUDE. 48-49 47-48 46-47 45-46 44-45 43-44 42-43 41-42 40-41 39-40 38-39 37-38 Total 144 388 547 1,064 2,134 3, 235 6,655 7,506 9,832 7,284 4,606 3,528 5 5 5 5 24 13 3 27 47 25 20 5 22 69 . 120 91 52 123 111 75 75 21 1 1 ' 33 153 162 120 150 72 216 155 223 130 12 460 1,233 345 373 273 200 309 207 426 101 8 3 124 515 455 465 311 354 252 153 142 209 288 448 122 305 217 217 165 950 218 135 217 134 142 173 114 133 241 80 41 32 10 5 6 8 8 9 4 2 2 2 2 47 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 8 11 i ' 31 2,573 1,080 554 543 198 244 539 602 291 231 237 268 252 232 134 150 189 156 187 122 116 124 118 167 105 94 52 30 20 8 7 10 16 5 1 1 2 7 55 27 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 4 7 13 12 7 72-73 73-74 196 1,414 727 249 138 141 172 219 252 256 671 222 286 209 165 184 162 138 134 151 348 168 83 90 67 40 20 19 42 41 58 29 25 9 4 1 2 21 4 3 1 141 118 366 129 63 73 140 207 170 303 374 158 235 150 184 615 92 112 121 159 139 61 95 54 24 12 9 2 4 42 17 9 12 6 1 3 7 4 3 38 114 242 137 156 109 78 83 91 181 140 143 186 152 155 77 57 74 140 167 123 79 107 52 17 11 6 3 10 19 11 10 7 5 7« 77 3 34 24 62 29 73 141 80 72 101 124 275 82 45 35 30 22 11 6 05 161 161 169 63 156 201 113 98 115 105 79 55 53 61 48 26 5 60 395 197 210 60 384 311 182 159 121 107 92 84 96 88 41 21 11 6 3 14 ' 13 4 5 2 1 1 1 2 8 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 9 2 83-84 1 12 8 9 37 37 16 22 14 19 10 19 42 32 25 12 6 5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 7 17 8 2 2 13 25 14 2 4 15 27 20 1 11 30 13 7 49 27 28 18 42 56 212 71 50 29 19 25 14 3 84_85 85-86 86-87 87-88 1 16 83 89 89 90 90 91 91 92 5 10 6 22 1 1 17 32 31 12 4 3 1 92 93 93 94 94-95 95 9C 4 13 31 18 6 5 2 96-97 97 98 98 99 99 100 lO'J 101 2Q9 103 2 18 1 1 2 1 1 1 11 2 2 1 1 103 104 1 1 1 1 1 104 105 106 107 inft_ifiQ 1 1 1 1 3 7 12 4 1 4 3 44 10 3 6 53 56 14 4 2 5 6 22 7 2 1 1 9 15 6 10 25 96 25 109 110 1 3 3 1 1 2 5 5 6 4 2 5 34 20 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 8 1 1 2 1 1 8 11 5 1 2 2 5 110 111 111 112 112 113 113 114 2 1 1 2 2 2 114-115 1 2 1 1 17 30 36 22 14 115 116 116-117 1 4 30 82 62 12 1 5 10 117 118 118-119 119 120 120-121 3 23 9 1 1 17 191 122 146 122-123 .... 359 123-124 124-125 PEOGEESS OF THE NATIOK DEGEEE TO THE NEAREST THOUSAND. Ixvii DBOEEES OF LATITUDE — continued. 86-87 35-36 34-85 33-34 32-33 31-32 30-31 29-30 28-29 27-28 26-27 25-26 24-25 LONGITUDE. 2,660 2,490 2,239 2,503 2,282 1 1,362 1,343 602 109 61 22 7 19 - 69-70 71-72 8 178 136 170 174 143 122 164 170 90 •117 265 141 153 115 79 72 56 95 77 5 57 135 149 115 184 153 133 103 122 132 187 111 131 237 76 83 75 88 70 16 62 70 136 144 170 190 136 122 145 137 102 104 129 116 95 103 58 20 1 10 90 142 140 154 175 271 166 152 96 156 118 120 68 65 84 74 112 132 75 25 10 2 1 65 64 102 71 146 153 146 158 164 113 101 144 85 79 105 96 87 154 114 46 18 8 2 4 25 19 2 9 12 1 2 74 40 48 102 123 65 65 48 53 121 95 57 49 53 76 100 88 51 17 6 3 1 1 6 5 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 43 39 84 71 28 10 32 61 273 83 148 07 26 29 64 110 107 30 13 2 1 1 1 3 2 38 47 4 2 1 19 81 8*^ P,'> H'i Qi QK 17 71 57 12 3 24 69 74 82 80 12 6 1 QO 01 Q9 Q"^ Q^ QJ. 3 10 23 11 10 4 5 11 2 1 1 6 6 13 7 6 1 1 Q*; QR 32 1 2 2 1 7 7 16 10 7 5 1 2 10 3 1 11 13 14 7 11 1 7 97 98 98 99 6 6 5 5 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 2 1 8 . 3 17 10 . 1 1 3 3 5 4 4 3 4 5 3 4 1 1 102-103 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 5 5 23 76 14 . 8 . 110-111 1 1 1 14 16 15 20 1 3 5 4 6 8 17 5 . 113-114 3 18 122-123 123-124 1 1 -"T 124-125 Ixviii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH LATITUDE. DE- GREES OF LAT- ITUDE. POPULATION IN THOUSANDS. 1S90 48-49. 47^8. 46-47. 45-46. 44-45. 43-44. 42-43. 41-42.. 40-41.- 39^0. 38-39. 37-38.. 36-37 . - 35-36 . . 34-35 . . 33-34 . . 32-33 . . 31-32 - 30-31 . 29-30 . 28-29 . 27-28 . 26-27. 25-26. 24-25. 1880 1870 144 388 547 1,064 2,134 3,2:i5 6,653 7,506 9,832 7,284 4,600 3,52? 2,660 2,490 2,239 2,503 2,282 1,362 1,343 602 109 61 22 7 19 17 79 215 483 1.768 2.678 5,358 5,938 7,863 6,265 3,996 2,831 2,170 2,078 1,805 1,940 1,939 1,060 865 673 61 36 21 PER CENT OF INCREASE. 6 30 84 249 1,354 2,197 4,485 4,7ie 6.177 4,994 3,129 2,017 1,644 1,594 1,282 1,291 1,383 747 595 505 39 18 12 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 747.06 391.14 154.42 120.29 20.70 20.80 24.21 26.41 25.04 16.26 15.27 24.62 22.58 19.83 24.04 29.02 17.69 28.49 55.26 alO.55 78.69 69.44 4.76 022.22 137.50 183.33 163.33 155.95 93.98 30.58 21.89 19.46 25.91 27.29 25.45 27.71 40.36 32.00 30.36 40.80 50.27 40.20 41.90 45.38 33.27 56.41 100.00 75.00 50.00 100.00 NUMBER IN 100,000. 1890 1880 230 620 874 1,699 3,408 5,166 10,627 11,986 15,701 11,632 7,355 5,634 4,248 3,976 3,575 3,997 3,644 2,175 2,145 961 174 97 35 11 30 1870 34 157 429 963 3,525 5,339 10,683 11,839 15,677 12,491 7,967 5,644 4,326 4,143 3,599 3,868 3,866 2,113 1,725 1,342 122 72 42 18 16 NUMBER IN 100,000 NORTH, OF EACH PARALLEL. 15 78 218 646 3,512 5,698 11,632 12,231 16,020 12,952 8,115 5.231 4,264 4,134 3,325 3,348 3,587 1,937 1,543 1,310 101 47 31 15 10 1890 1880 230 850 1,724 3,423 6,831 11,997 22,624 34,610 50,311 61,943 69,298 74,932 79,180 83,156 86,731 90.728 94,372 96,547 98,692 99,653 99,827 99,924 99,959 99,970 100,000 DENSITY. 1870 34 191 620 1,583 5,108 10,447 21,130 32,969 48,646 61,137 69,104 74,748 79,074 83,217 86,816 90,684 94,550 96,663 98,388 99,730 99,852 99,924 99,966 99,984 100,000 15 93 311 957 4,469 10,167 21,799 34,030 50,050 63,002 71,117 76,348 80,612 84,746 88,071 91,419 95,006 96,943 98,486 99,796 99,897 99,944 99,975 99,990 100,000 1890 1880 1.5 3.5 4.1 7.7 13.2 19.8 38.6 40.8 53.5 40.2 25.8 20.1 15.2 14.2 13.3 16.2 16.4 12.2 14.5 10.7 4.1 3.1 1.4 1.4 1870 0.2 0.7 1.6 3.5 10.9 16.4 31.1 32.3 I 42.8 34.5 I 22.4 j 16.1 12.4 11.3 10.7 12.5 13.9 9.5 9.4 12.0 2.3 1.8 1.3 1.7 INCREASE IN DENSITY. 1880 to 1890 438.4 184.6 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.8 8.4 13.5 26.0' 25.6 33.6 27.5 17.5 11.5 9.4 9.1 7.6 8.3 9.9 6.7 6.4 9.0 1.5 0.9 0.8 1.2 92.3 1870 to 1880 1.3 2.8 2.5 4.2 2.3 3.4 7.5 8.5 10.7 5.7 3.4 4.0 2.8 j 2.9 2.6 3.7 2.5 2.7 5.1 ol.3 1.8 1.3 0.1 o0.3 253.8 0.1 0.4 1.0 1.7 2.5 2.9 5.1 6.7 9.2 7.0 4.9 4.6 3.0 2.2 3.1 4.2 4.0 2.8 3.0 3.0 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.5 02.3 a Decreaae. PROGRESS OF THE NATlOi^. DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH LONGITUDE. bix DE- POPULATION IN THOUS.\NDS. PEB CENT OF INCREASE. NUMBER IN 100,000. NUMBER IN 100,000 EAST OF EACH MERIDIAN. DE.NSITi INCREASE IN DENSITY. GREES OF LONGI- TUDE. 1890 1880 1870 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 14.5 1880 1870 1880 to 1890 1870 to 1880 67-68 . . 59 53 49 11.32 8.16 94 106 127 94 106 127 13.1 12.1 1.4 1.0 68-69.. 145 130 125 11.54 4.00 232 259 324 326 365 451 14.5 13.0 12.5 1.5 0.5 69-70 . . 205 202 201 1.49 0.50 327 403 521 653 768 972 18.6 18.2 18.2 0.4 0.0 70-71 . . 851 606 547 40.43 10.79 1,359 1,208 1,419 2,012 1,976 2,391 80.0 56.9 51.4 23.1 5.5 71-72 . . 1,967 1,763 1,434 11.57 22.94 3,141 3,515 3,719 5,153 5,491 0,110 152.5 136.8 111.2 15.7 25.6 72-73.. 1,074 921 824 16.61 11.77 1,715 1,836 2,137 6,868 7,327 8,247 76.8 65.8 '59.0 11.0 6.8 73-74.. 3,672 3,037 2,404 20.91 26.33 .5,864 6,055 6,235 12,732 13,382 14,482 249.5 206.3 163.3 43.2 43.0 74^75 . . 2,008 1,604 1,454 25.19 10.32 3,207 3,198 3,771 15,939 16,580 18,253 103.2 82.4 71.7 20.8 7.7 75-76.. 3,005 2,591 2,196 15.98 17.99 4,799 5,166 5,695 20,738 21,746 23,948 114.2 98.3 83.5 15.9 14.8 76-77.. 2,490 2,220 1,902 12.16 16.72 3,976 4,426 4,933 24,714 26,172 28,881 91.5 81.6 69.9 9.9 11.7 77-78 . . 1,972 1,761 1,488 11.98 18.35 3,149 3,511 3,859 27,863 29,683 32,740 59.6 53.2 45.0 6.4 8.2 78-79 . . 1,745 1,370 1,103 26.82 24.75 2,787 2,743 2,861 30,650 32,426 35,601 48.7 38.4 30.8 10.3 7.6 79-80 . . 1,801 1,670 1,308 7.S4 27.68 2,876 3,330 3,392 33,526 35,756 38,993 50.6 47.0 36.8 3.6 10.2 80-81 . . 1,936 1,559 1,213 24.18 28.52 3,092 3,108 3,146 36,618 38,864 42,139 40.1 32.3 25.1 7.8 7.2 81-82 . . 2,073 1,683 1,277 23.17 31.79 3,310 3,356 3,312 39,928 42,220 45,451 35.2 28.6 21.7 6.6 6.9 82-83.. 1,892 1,572 1,239 20.36 26.88 3,021 3,134 3,213 42,949 45,354 48,664 32.9 27.3 21.5 5.6 5.8 83-84.. 2,527 2,049 1,583 23.33 29.44 4,035 4,085 4,105 46,984 49,439 52,769 44.1 35.7 27.6 8.4 8.1 84^85 . . 2,997 2,578 2,054 16.25 25.51 4,786 5,140 5,327 51,770 54,579 58,096 49.3 42.4 33.8 6.9 8.6 85-86.. 2,525 2,181 1,762 15.77 23.78 4,032 4,348 4,570 55,802 58,927 62,666 42.1 36.3 29.4 5.8 C.9 86-87.. 2,126 1,831 1,484 16.11 23.38 3,395 3,651 3,849 59,197 62,578 66,515 41.9 30.1 29.2 5.8 6.9 87-88.. 3,125 2,258 1,664 38.40 35.70 4,990 4,502 4,316 64,187 67,080 70,831 58.4 42.2 31.1 16.2 11.1 88-89.. 2,334 2,052 1,712 13.74 19.86 3,727 4,091 4,440 67,914 71,171 75,271 36.8 32.3 26.9 4.5 5.4 89-90 ., 2,309 1,855 1,597 24.47 16.16 3,687 3,698 4,142 71,601 74,869 79,413 35.2 28.2 24.3 7.0 3.9 90-91.. 2,406 2,236 1,852 7.60 20.73 3,842 4,458 4,803 75,443 79,327 84,216 36.0 33.4 27.7 2.6 5.7 91-92.. 1,715 1,480 1,195 15.88 23.85 2,739 2,951 3,099 78,182 82,278 87,315 24.9 21.5 17.4 3.4 4.1 92-93.. 1,541 1,264 967 21.91 30.71 2,461 2,520 2,508 80,643 84,798 89,823 22.0 18.0 13.8 4.0 4.2 93-94.. 1,878 1,401 946 34.05 48.10 2,999 2,793 2,453 83,642 87,591 92,276 26.8 20.0 13.5 6.8 6.5 94-95.. 1,667 1,261 807 32.20 56.26 2,662 2,514 2,093 86,304 90,105 94,369 23.2 17.6 11.2 5.6 6.4 95-96.. 1,399 995 516 40.60 92.83 2,234 1,984 1,338 88,538 92,089 95,707 18.7 13.3 6.9 5.4 6.4 96-97 . . 1,515 900 375 68.33 140.00 2,419 1,794 973 90,957 93,883 96,680 19.8 11.8 4.9 8.0 6.9 97-98 .. 1,259 722 207 74.38 248.79 2,010 1,440 537 92,967 95,323 97,217 15.0 8.5 2.5 6.5 6.0 98-99.. 724 367 59 97.28 522.03 1,156 732 153 94,123 96,055 97,370 8.4 4.3 0.7 4.1 3.6 99-100 . 328 127 13 158.27 876.92 524 253 34 94,647 96,308 97,404 4.0 1.6 0.2 2.4 1.4 100-101 146 48 5 204.17 860.00 233 96 13 94,880 96,404 97,417 1.9 0.6 0.1 1.3 0.5 101-102 80 5 1 1,500.00 400.00 128 10 3 95,008 96,414 97,420 1.1 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.1 102-103 84 11 2 663.64 4.50.00 134 22 5 95,142 96,436 97,425 1.2 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.2 103-104 139 33 8 321.21 312.50 222 66 21 95,364 96,502 97,446 1.9 0.4 0.2 1.5 0.2 104-105 177 86 31 105.81 177.42 283 172 80 95,647 96,674 97,526 2.5 1.2 0.4 1.3 0.8 105-106 138 97 44 42.27 120.45 220 193 114 95,867 96,867 97,640 2.1 1.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 106-107 90 95 39 a5.26 143.59 144 189 101 96,011 97,056 97,741 1.4 1.5 0.6 nO.l 0.9 107-108 61 26 13 134.62 100.00 97 52 34 96,108 97,108 97,775 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2 108-109 43 16 8 168.75 100.00 69 32 21 96,177 97,140 97,796 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1 109-110 27 13 2 107.69 550.00 43 26 5 96,220 97,166 97,801 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 110-111 41 24 6 70.83 300.00 65 48 16 96,285 97,214 97,817 0.7 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.3 111-112 182 119 70 52.94 70.00 291 237 182 96,576 97,451 97,999 2.8 1.9 1.1 0.9 0.8 112-113 119 56 27 112.50 107.41 190 112 70 96,706 97,563 98,069 2.0 0.9 0.5 1.1 0.4 113-114 51 21 12 142.86 75.00 81 42 31 96,847 97,605 98,100 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.1 114-115 25 11 10 127.27 10.00 40 22 26 96,887 97,627 98,126 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 115-116 28 13 12 115.38 8.33 45 26 31 96,932 97,653 98,157 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 116-117 55 24 10 129.17 140.00 88 48 26 97,020 97,701 98,183 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.2 117-118 154 59 24 161.02 145.83 246 118 62 97,266 97,819 98,245 2.7 1.0 0.4 1.7 0.6 118-119 164 58 22 182.76 163.64 262 116 57 97,528 97,935 98,302 3.1 1.1 0-4 2.0 0.7 119-120 93 71 41 30.99 73.17 148 142 106 97,676 08,077 98,408 1.8 1.4 0.8 0.4 0.6 120-121 152 119 88 27.73 35.23 243 237 228 97,919 98,314 98,636 3.0 2.4 1.7 0.6 0.7 121-122 424 258 178 64.34 44.94 677 514 462 98,596 98,828 99,098 9.3 5.6 3.9 3.7 1.7 122-123 705 475 285 48.42 66.67 1,126 947 739 99,722 99,775 99,837 { 18.6 12.6 7.5 6.0 5.1 123-124 149 96 56 55.21 71.43 238 191 145 99,960 99,966 99,982 4.6 3.0 1.7 1.6 1.3 124-125 25 17 7 47.06 142.86 40 34 18 100,000 100,000 100,000 3.5 2.3 1.0 1.2 1.3 a Decrease. Ixx COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Naturally the greater density of population in a square degree is governed by the location of tlie larger cities. Thus the 2 square degrees between latitudes 40° and 41° and longitudes 73° and 75°, comprising New York, Brooklyn, Jersey city, and other large cities, contain 3,653,000 inhabitants. The square degree between latitudes 42° and 43° and longitudes 71° and 72°, comprising Boston and its suburbs, has 1,233,000 inhabitants; that between latitudes 39° and 40° and longitudes 75° and 76°, in which is most of Philadelphia, has 1,414,000, while that between latitudes 41° and 42° and longitudes 87° and 88°, in which is situated most of Chicago, contains 950,000 people. The following diagrams show graphically the distribution of population in accordance with latitude and longitude at each of the 3 ceiisuses under consideration: Povnlation hy Millions, 4 5 6 7 10 -Aijfjregaie i>opula1ion 1890 - -- Aggregate 18S0 Aggregate 1870. DeqreeS' of l onfflhucle ]ai(^cNiw(\" ■^'^^^•^ -i'-'H-HH 00000 00000)0) CDQac&rooiO)Sco_q)aD^ doooooooo® <0 ! I 1 J I J J I J J J J J J J „l J J nl „l nl ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol o' d ol ol o' o' o' J' Jl o' o' o' ol ol o' o' ol old ol d ScoNf^WH2HSS22^^2ooooooooooaGO)OC3)So)0)0)0)COcococococoa5cococo^^^^^ ^•— t-lr-i^r-l^^^^^'"''^'"' ^~'^'~'^^fi'~''~i''^^''^^ — _— , — , — I — -1 — 1 — I — I — I — r— 1 1 — r — 1 — I — T" I ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ol ■\ [— 1 1 rp n ■- ,/ , > \ / ^ /, ', ^ \ -«= ^ - L I / i I 1 / ^ / / \ *i \ ^, \ ^ / ■■;.■ I ^ i' \ ^ ^ ^ S E^ s: ^ 1 1 ■^ ''■ 1 \ s^.. ^g^rego/e f<^ciah'(X) 1890- ■ ^£greffofe /BBO, -W^^re^ofe /8~70. PROGRESS OF THE NATION. Ixxi URBAN POPULATION. In the publislied records of former censuses urban ijopulation has been defined as that element living in cities, or other closely aggregated bodies of population, containing 8,000 inhabitants or more. This definition of the urban element, although a somewhat arbitrary one, is used in the present discussion of the results of the Eleventh Census in order that they may be compared directly with those of earlier censuses. The limit of 8,000 inhabitants is, however, a high one, inasmuch as most of the distinctive features of urban life are found in smaller bodies of population. Recognizing this fact, the discussion of the urban class was in 1880 extended in i)art to include all such bodies of population down to a limit of 4,000, a precedent wbich will be followed in the more extended publications of the Eleventh Census. Throughout the United States, with the exception of the New England states, there is no difficulty or uncertainty in carrying out either of the above definitions of urban population. Excepting in these states, municipal charters are generally granted only to dense bodies of population, and all such bodies are incorporated and their limits sharply defined by the acts of incorporation. In the New England states, on the contrary, the general practice is to subdivide the counties into towns, which are, so far as area and distribution of population are concerned, equivalent to the townshii)s of the states of the Upper Mississippi valley. When certain conditions of population are fulfilled these towns are chartered bodily as cities. Thus these cities may contain considerable numbers of rural population, and, conversely, certain towns may contain dense bodies of population of magnitude sulHcient to be classed as urban. It is therefore possible in these states to make only an approximate separation of the urban and rural elements. According to this definition the urban population of the country was 18,284,385 in 1890, the total population being 62,022,250. The urban liopulation in 1890 constituted 29.20 per cent of the total population. Corresponding figures for the several censuses are g'ven in the following table : CENSUS YEAE3. Population of the United States. Population of cities. Inhabitants of CTties in each 100 of tlie total population. 1790 3,929,214 5, 308, 483 7, 239, 881 9, 633, 822 12, 866, 020 17, 069, 453 23, 191, 876 31, 443, 321 38, 558, 371 50, 155, 783 62, 622, 250 131, 472 210, 873 356, 920 475,135 864, 509 1, 453, 994 2, 897, 586 5, 072, 256 8,071,875 11,318,547 18,284,385 3.35 3.97 4.93 4.93 6.72 8.52 12.49 16.13 20.93 22.57 29.20 1800 1810 . . . 1820 1830 1840 1850 I860 1870 1880 1890 It will be seen that the proportion of urban population has increased gradually during the past century from 3.35 up to 29.20 per cent, or from one-thirtieth up to nearly one-third of the total population. The increase has been quite regular from the beginning up to 1880, while ft'om 1880 to 1890 it has made a leap from 22.57 up to 29.20 per cent, thus illustrating in a forcible manner the accelerated tendency of our population toward urban life. The number of cities having a population of more than 8,000 increased from 6 in 1790 to 286 in 1880, whence it has leaped to 448 in 1890. Ixxii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. This urban element is distributed very unequally over the country, as is shown below by geographical divisions : GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. Urban population. Per cent of entire urban population. Total 18, 284, 385 100.00 North Atlantic 9, 015, 383 1, 419, 964 5, 793, 896 1, 147, 089 908, 053 49.31 7.76 31.69 6.27 4.97 Noitli Central Soutli Central -. TJie North Atlantic division contains nearly one-half the urban population of the country, while the North Atlantic and North Central divisions together contain nearly five- sixths of it. In the North Atlantic division 51.81 per cent, or more than one-half the entire population, is contained in cities of 8,000 inhabitants or more. During the past 10 years the urban element in this division has increased 44.15 per cent, while the total population has increased but 19.95 jier cent. This relative increase is well distributed among the several states of this division, with the single exception of Vermont, whose urban element has increased but little. In Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New York the numerical increase in the urban element is greater than the increase of the total population, so that in these states the rural population has actually diminished in number. This rapid increase in the urban element of the North Atlantic division is due to the equally rapid extension of manufactures and commerce, requiring the aggregation of the inhabitants into compact bodies. In the North Central division 25.91 per cent, or a trifle more than one-fourth of the inhabitants, is classed as urban. In the past 10 years the number of the urban element has nearly doubled, while the total population has increased but 28.78 per cent. The number of cities has increased from 95 in 1880 to 152 in 1890. The increase in number of urban population, viz., 2,769,217, is comprised mainly in a few large cities; thus the total increase in the 11 largest cities, comprising a trifle more than one-half of the urban population of this section, is 1,446,089, or more than half the entire gain in urban population in this division. In the South Atlantic and South Central divisions the proportion of urban population is comparatively small, being in the first named but 16.03 per cent of the entire population, or less than one-sixth, and the second but 10.45 per cent, the proportion of urban to the total population in all the southern states being less than 13 per cent. The industries of these states are mainly agricultural, and while manufactures and mining are making some progress they are still in their infancy. The progress in these branches of industry may be measured roughly by the growth of the urban element. In 1880 this element numbered 1,616,095, and constituted less than 10 per cent of the population. In 1890 it numbered 2,567,053, having increased 58.84 per cent, while the total population had increased but 20.07 per cent. In certain of these states the proportion of urban population is still trifling; thus, in Mississippi it constitutes but 2.64, in North Carolina but 3.87, and in Arkansas but 4.89 per cent of the total population. Mining, commerce, and manufactures in the western states and territories are in a much more advanced stage, as is shown by the greater proportion of the urban element. Considered as a whole, the urban element in the Western division in 1890 constituted 29.99 per cent of the whole population, while in 1880 it constituted 23.97 per cent. It has therefore gained somewhat more rapidly than the total population. PEOGEESS OF THE :N^ATI0N. Ixxiii lu 1S80 there was but one city, New York, wliicli had a population in excess of a million. In 1890 there were three, New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia. In 1870 there were but 14 cities each containing more than 100,000 inhabitants. In 1880 this number had increased to 20, and in 1890 to 28. The relative rank of the cities having a population of 100,000 or more at the date of each of these censuses is set forth in the following table : RANK. 1890 1880 1870 1 New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 2 Chicago, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N.Y. Philadelphia, Pa. 3 Philadeljjhia. Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. 4 Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, 111. St. Louis, Mo. 5 St. Louis, Mo. Boston, Mass. Chicago, 111. 6 Boston, Mass. St. Louis, Mo. Baltimore, Md. 7 Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Boston, Mass. 8 San Francisco, Cal. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. 9 Cincinnati, Ohio. San Francisco, Cal. New Orleans, La. 10 Cleveland, Ohio. New Orleans, La. San Francisco, Cal. 11 Buffalo, N. T. Cleveland, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. 12 New Orleans, La. Pittsburg, Pa. Washington, D. C. 13 Pittsburg, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. Newark, N. J. 14 Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C Louisville, Ky. 15 Detroit, Mich. Newark, N.J. 16 Milwaukee, Wis. Louisville, Ky. 17 Newark, N. J. Jersey city, N. J. 18 Minneapolis, Minn. Detroit, Mich. 19 Jersey city, N.J. Milwaukee, Wis. 20 Louisville, Ky. Providence, R. I. 21 Omaha, Neb. 22 Rochester, N. Y. 23 St. Paul, Minn. 24 Kansas city, Mo. 25 Providence, R. I. 1 26 Denver, Colo. 27 Indianapolis, Ind. 28 Allegheny, Pa. 1 Ixxiv COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The following table sliows the 50 principal cities of the United States in the order of their rank, giving the population in 1890 and 1880, and the increase from 1880 to 1890 : 50 PKINCIPAL CITIES IN 1890 IN THE OEDEE OF THEIE EANK. POPUL.4.TION. IKCREA.SE. CITIES. POPULATION. INCREASE. 1890 1880 Number. Per cent. 1890 1880 Number. Per cent. New York, N. T Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa Brooklyn, N. T St. Loui.s, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md San Francisco, Cal. . . Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Buftalo.N.Y New Orleans, La Pittsburg, Pa "Washington,©. C Detroit, ^lich Milwaukee, Wis Newark, N.J Minneapolis, Minn . . . Jersey city, N J Louisville, Ky 1.515, .301 1, 099. 8,50 1, 046, 964 806, 343 451,770 448, 477 434, 439 298, 997 296, 908 261,3.53 255, 664 242, 039 238, 617 230, 392 205, 876 204, 468 181,830 164, 738 163.003 161, 129 140,452 133,896 133, 156 al32, 716 132, 146 1, 206, 299 50.3,185 847,170 566, 663 3.50, .518 362, 839 332, .313 233, 959 255, 139 160, 146 1.55, 134 216, 090 1.56, .389 177, 624 116,340 115, .587 136, 508 46, 887 120, 722 123, 758 30, 518 89, 366 41.473 55. 785 104, 857 309. 002 596,665 199.794 239,680 101,252 85. 638 102,126 65, 038 41,769 101,207 100, .530 25, 949 82, 228 52, 768 89, 536 88, 881 45, 322 117,8.51 42, 281 37, 371 109,934 44, .530 91,683 76, 931 27, 289 25.62 118. 58 23.58 42.30 28. 89 23. 60 30. 73 i 27. 80 16.37 63. 20 64.80 12.01 52. 58 29.71 76.96 76.90 33. 20 251. 35 35. 02 30.20 360. 23 49. 83 221. 07 137. 91 26.02 Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind Allegheny, Pa Albany, N.Y Columbus, Ohio S.yracuse, N. Y ■Vi''orcester, Mass Toledo, Ohio 106, 713 105, 436 105, 287 94, 923 88, 150 88, 143 84, 655 81,434 81,388 81,298 78, 347 77. 696 76, 168 75, 215 74, 398 70, 028 65, 533 64, 495 61,431 61, 220 60, 956 60, 278 58, 661 58, 313 57, 458 35, 029 75, 056 78, 682 90, 758 51, 647 .51,792 58, 291 50,137 63,600 62, 882 51,031 59, 475 43, 350 45, 850 48, 961 52, 669 37, 409 33, 592 42, 478 38, 678 56, 747 32, 016 43, 278 41, 659 29, 910 71, 084 30, 380 26, 605 4,165 36, 503 36, 351 26, 364 31, 297 17, 788 18, 416 27, 316 18, 221 32, 818 29, 365 25, 437 17, 359 28,124 30, 903 18, 953 22,542 4,209 28, 262 15, 383 16, 654 27, 548 199. 51 40.48 33.81 4.59 70.68 70.19 45.23 62,42 Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn . . . Paterson, N. J Lowell, Mass Na.shville, Tenn Scranton, Pa • Fall River, Mass . . . ■ Cambridge, Mass Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Tenn Wilmington, Del Dayton, Ohio ^. Troy,N.Y 27.97 29.29 53.53 30.64 75.70 64.05 51.95 32.96 75.18 92.00 44.62 58.28 7.42 Rochester, N. T St. Paul. Minn Kansas citj'. Mo Providence, E. T Grand Rapids, Mich . Read i n o" Pa . 88.27 35.54 Camden, N.J Trenton, N.J 39.98 92.10 a Includes a population of 13,048, which by recent decision of Missouri state supreme court is now outside the limits of Kansas city. The following table shows the number of cities classified according to population at the date of each census: NIIMBEE OF CITIES CLASSIFIED ACCOEDING TO POPULATION: 1790-1890. CENSUS YEARS. 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 Total. 11 13 26 44 83 141 226 286 448 8,000 to 12,000 1 1 4 3 13 17 36 62 92 110 176 12, 000 to 20,000 11 20 34 63 20, 000 to 40, 000 40, 000 to 75, 000 1 3 3 2 3 10 14 23 39 55 91 2 1 1 7 12 14 21 35 75,000 ■ to 125,000 125, 000 to 250, 000 250,000 to 500,000 500, 000 to 1, 000, 000 1,000,000 and over. The table on the following page shows by states and groups of states the total population in 1880 and 1890, the urban population in the same years, the number of cities, and the proportion which the urban i^opulation bears to the total population. PEOGRESS OF THE NATION. Ixxv URBAN POPULATION IN 1890 AND 1880, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES. STATES AND TERRITORIES. The United States . Kortli Atlantic division . Maine New Hampshire - Vermont Massachusetts. .. Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division . Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas South Central division Kentucky .. Tennessee . . Alabama ... Mississippi . Louisiana. . . Texas Oklahoma . . Arkansas... Western division. Montana Wyoming ... Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington . Oregon TOTAL POPUL.A.TION. 1890 62. 622, 250 17,401,545 661, 086 376, 530 332, 422 2, 238. 943 345. 506 746, 258 5, 997, 853 1,444.933 5, 258, 014 8, 857, 920 132, 159 60, 705 412, 198 153, 593 59, 620 207, 905 45, 761 84, 385 349, 390 313,767 California 1, 208, 130 168, 493 1, 042, 390 230, 392 1, 655, 980 762, 794 1, 617, 947 1, 151, 149 1, 837, 353 391, 422 3,672,316 2, 192, 404 3, 826, ,351 2, 093, 889 1, 686, 880 1, 301, 826 1,911,896 2, 679, 184 182, 719 328, 808 1, 058, 910 1, 427, 096 10, 972, 893 1,858,635 1, 767, 518 1,513,017 1, 289, 600 1, 118, 587 2, 235, 523 61, 834 1, 128, 179 3, 027, 613 1880 URBAN POPULATION. 50, 155, 783 14, 507, 407 648, 936 346. 991 332, 286 1, 783, 085 276. 531 622, 700 5, 082, 871 1,131,116 4, 282, 891 . 597. 197 146, 608 934, 943 177, 624 1, 512, 565 618, 457 1, 399, 750 995, 577 1,542,180 269, 493 22,362,279 I 17,364,111 1890 18, 284, 385 9, 015, 383 130, 346 103,058 26, 350 1, 564, 931 272, 571 385, 287 3, 599, 877 780, 912 2, 152, 051 1, 419, 964 61, 431 465, 479 230, 392 221, 965 53, 038 62,544 78. 915 199, 169 47, 031 5, 793, 1880 11, 318, 547 6, 254, 096 87. 100 , 76,200 21, 500 1. 042, 039 175, 500 266, 100 2, 591, 267 495, 650 1, 498, 740 942, 387 3, 198, 062 1,978,301 3,077,871 1, 636, 937 1, 315„4l97 780,' 773 1, 624, 615 2, 168, .380 a36, 909 (l98, 268 452, 402 996. 096 8, 919, 371 1, 648, 690 1, 542, 359 1, 262, 505 1,131,597 939, 946 1, 591, 749 802, 525 1, 767, 697 39, 159 20, 789 194, 327 119, 565 40, 440 143, 963 62, 266 32, 610 75. 116 174, 768 864, 694 1, 159, 342 400. 566 1, 485, 955 546, 095 424, 546 369, 315 269, 230 703, 743 10, 177 259, 048 165, 879 1, 147, 089 276, 454 202. 337 89, 135 34, 098 264, 496 225, 346 55, 223 908, 053 24,557 11, 690 152, 795 59, 732 8,511 98, 765 56, 917 495, 086 42. 478 351,665 159, 871 148, 230 30, 737 26, 615 60, 020 112, 881 9,890 3, 024, 670 745, 894 244, 063 732, 021 271, 566 212. 431 107, 623 152, 578 459, 369 43, 521 55, 613 673, 708 NUMBER OP CITIES AND PERCENTAGE OF URBAN OF TOTAL POPULATION. 1890 448 199 5 2 47 10 17 46 20 44 198, 603 99, 527 45, 845 11,814 224, 099 80, 682 13, 138 423, 677 50,449 20, 768 10, 917 17, 577 323, 966 152 29.20 51.81 19.72 27.37 7.93 69.90 78.89 51.63 60.02 54.04 40.93 16.03 36.46 44.65 100. 00 13.40 6.95 3.87 6.86 10.84 12.02 25.91 31.57 18.27 38.83 26.08 25. 17 28.37 14.08 26.27 3.10 24.46 11.62 10.45 14.87 11.45 5.89 2.64 23.65 10.08 29.99 18.58 19.26 37.07 28.73 18.60 28.27 18.14 40.98 RECAPITULATION BY GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. The United States North Atlantic South Atlantic North Central South Central Western 62, 622, 250 50, 155, 783 17, 401, .545 8, 857, 920 22, 362, 279 10, 972, 893 3, 027, 613 14, 507, 407 7, 597, 197 17, 364, 111 8, 919, 371 1, 767, 697 18, 284, 385 9, 015, 383 1,419,964 5, 793. 896 1, 147, 089 908, 053 11,318,547 6, 254, 096 942, 387 3, 024, 679 673, 708 423, 677 448 199 36 152 37 24 29.20 51.81 16.03 25.91 10.45 29.99 1880 286 137 5 2 33 6 13 33 12 28 20 11 18 12 9 4 10 5 286 137 23 95 20 11 22. 57 43.11 13.42 21.96 6.47 58.44 63.46 42.73 5d:98 43. 82 34. 90 12. 40 28.97 37.61 90.01 9.80 4.97 1.90 6.03 7.32 3.67 17.42 23.32 12.34 23.78 16.59 16.15 13. 78 9.39 21.18 9.62 5.58 .55 12. 05 6.45 3.63 1.04 23. 84 5.07 1.64 23. 97 25.96 14.43 17. .53 10.06 37.47 22.57 43. 11 12.40 17.42 7.55 23. 97 a Population of Dakota in 1880 apportioned according to the present limits of North and South Dakota. Ixxvi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. In defining what constitutes a city, in each case the Census Office has consistently maiutained the policy of including only such population as lives within the charter limits, because no other defined limits exist. In many cases, however, this does not give to the city all the population which naturally belongs to it. There may be populous suburbs, which are to all intents and purposes ijarts of the city, whose inhabitants transact business within the city, who may be served by the same post office, but who, living without the charter limits, are not included in the city's population. Of this our greatest city. New York, is a forcible example. Within a radius of 15 miles of the city hall, on Manhattan island, the people are in effect citizens of New York, so far as their business and social interests go, although politically they live in different cities, counties, and states. This body of population contains considerably in excess of 3,000,000 persons, or two-thirds the number in Loudon, which is, similarly, a congeries of municipalities. Next to London, New York and its suburbs form the largest city of the globe. Other cases are those of St. Paul and Minneapolis, whose corporate limits join one another, and Bristol, Tennessee, and Bristol, Virginia, two corporations whose line of division follows the middle of the main street of the city, and which have a joint population of 6,226. Texarkana, Texas, and Texarkana, Arkansas, form a similar case. Knoxville, Tennessee, has large suburbs immediately adjoining, whose population would, if added, increase it to very nearly 40,000 inhabitants. The rate of growth of many of these cities, especially those situated west of the Mississippi river, has been amazing. Chicago has added over half a million to her inhabitants, thus more than doubling her size in 10 years. Minneapolis, St. Patd, Omaha, and Denver have expanded to triple or quadruple their former size, while all over the west smaller cities have sprung up as if by magic. SEX. The aggregate population on June 1, 1890, was 62,622,250. Of this number 32,067,880 were males and 30,554,370 were females. The following table shows for the United States as a whole the proportion which the number of each sex bears to the total population at each census from 1850 to 1890 : CENSUS YEARS. Males. Females. 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 Per c^'nt. Per cent 51.04 48.96 51.16 48.84 50.56 49.44 50.88 49.12 51.21 48.79 From the above table it is apparent that for 1890 in the United States males were in excess of females in the proportion of 51.21 and 48.79. This excess of males is to be expected in this case, owing to the effects of immigration. Where natural increase is not interfered with either by immigration or emigration, wars or pestilence, the proportion of the sexes is nearly equal, females being slightly in excess of males. This is shown (but rather imperfectly, on account of the effect of emigration) in the table on the following page, which presents the prooortions of the sexes in certain European countries. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Ix CXVll COUNTRIES. United Kinfcdom Austria Denmark Germany Netherlands Spain Sweden Uorwa}^ Males. Per cent. 48.54 48.92 48.76 49.03 49.42 49.04 48.43 47.87 Females. Per cent. 51.46 51.08 51.24 50.97 50.58 50.96 51.57 52.13 In everyone of tliese countries, witlioiit exception, females are in excess, constituting from 50.58 to 52.13 per cent of the whole population. In the United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and Norway it may be accounted for by emigration, but in the cases of Austria, Netherlands, and Spain there is little emigration, and the figures are practically those of undisturbed natural increase. Judging, therefore, from these cases, it would appear that under undisturbed conditions the female sex outnumbers the male sex nearly in the proportion of 51 to 49. The effect of emigration upon the population of the other countries is roughly measured by the fact that the average proportion of females to males in them is about 51.5 to 48.5. In the case of the United States, however, normal conditions are modified by immigration. Among the immigrants to this country males are in excess of females in the proportion of 3 to 2, and to this fact, coupled with the excessive immigration during the past decade, is to be attributed the large proportion of males. If the history of the distribution of the population by sex from 1850 to 1890 is examined it is seen, first, that males have always been in excess of females; that between 1850 and 1860 that proportion increased slightly, while between 1860 and 1870 it diminished by six-tenths of 1 per cent, which in such a matter as this is a very large reduction. This was doubtless due in great measure to the mortality of the civil war, the ravages of which were confined to the male sex, and in which probably not far from a million of our citizens lost their lives. Between 1870 and 1880 and 1880 and 1890 the proportion of males had again increased, reaching at the latter date a proportion slightly in excess of that which was shown in 1860. Ixxviii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The following table shows the proportiou of inales and females in each state in 1890, 1880, 1870, 1860, and 1850: PERCENTAGE OF MALES AND FEMALES OF TOTAL POPULATION: 1850-1890. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 STATES AND TERRITORIES. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. The United States * . 51.21 48.79 50.88 49.12 50.56 49.44 51.16 48.84 51.04 48.96 49.87 50.13 49.36 50.64 49.43 50.57 49.70 50.30 50.30 49 70 50.31 49.55 50.94 48.58 48.63 49.52 49. 63 49.89 50.71 49.88 49.69 50.45 49.06 51.42 .51. -67 50.48 50. 37 50.11 49.29 50.12 49.94 49.14 50.22 48.14 48.11 49.11 49.29 49. 50 49.89 49.46 50.06 50.86 49.78 51.86 51.89 50.89 .50. 71 50.50 50.11 50.54 49.94 48.90 50.13 48.29 48,20 49.36 49.36 49.63 49.93 48.96 50.06 51.10 49.87 51.71 51.80 50.64 50.64 50.37 50.07 51.04 50.49 49.01 50.39 48.47 48,18 49,11 49.82 49.86 50.05 50.09 49.51 50.99 49.61 51.53 51.82 50.89 50.18 50.14 49.95 49.91 51.01 49.13 50.95 49.12 48.85 49.54 50.62 50.12 50.53 50.08 48 99 50.87 49.05 50.88 Rhode Island 51.15 Connecticut . 50.46 !New York . 49.38 New Jersey 49.88 Pennsylvania 49.47 49.92 Delaware 50.79 49.47 47.56 49.78 51.17 49.39 49.72 50.07 51.59 51.85 49.21 50.53 52,44 50.22 48.83 50.61 50.28 49.93 48.41 48.15 50.55 49.43 47. 05 49.29 50.85 49.15 49.26 49.47 50.63 51.92 49.45 50.57 52.95 50.71 49. 15 50.85 50.74 50.53 49,37 48.08 50.10 49.30 47.22 48.73 50.42 48.42 48.74 48.89 50. 36 51.72 49.90 50.70 52.78 51.27 49.58 51.58 51.?-; 51.11 49.64 48.28 50.52 49.62 47.28 50.50 49.48 50.38 52.72 49.50 50.21 50.14 46.75 50.49 49.79 Maryland 49.86 District of Columbia 53,25 Virffinia 49.51 North Carolina 49.93 49.36 50.31 51.94 52.14 50.07 50.64 49.69 48.06 47.86 49.58 49.31 50.37 52.52 52.08 50.42 South Carolina 50.69 49.63 Florida 47.48 47.92 Ohio 50.53 51.01 51.55 52.14 51.87 53.41 52.01 51.70 ,55. 60 54.82 54.10 52.70 50.98 49.47 48.99 48.45 47,86 48.13 46.59 47.99 48.30 44.40) 45. 18$ 45.90 47.30 49.02 50.47 51.07 51.55 52.68 51.70 53.68 52.21 51.98 a60.88 55.09 53.88 50.62 49.53 48.93 48.45 47.32 48.30 46. 32 47.79 48.02 a39. 12 44.91 46.12 49.38 50.18 51.05 51.83 52.17 51.66 53.51 52.42 52.07 a62. 60 57.26 55.50 50.12 49.82 48.95 48.17 47.83 48.34 46.49 47.58 47.93 a37. 40 42.74 44.50 49.88 50.87 51.78 52.73 52.69 52,51 54,11 52,52 52.64 a57.83 58.11 55.20 51.45 49.13 48.22 47.27 47.31 47.49 45.89 47.48 47.36 a42. 17 41.89 44.80 48.55 51.35 51.79 52.65 52.78 53.94 61.15 52,57 52.46 48.65 Indiana 48.21 Illinois 47.35 47.22 46.06 38.85 47.43 Missouri 47.54 North Dakota South Dakota South Central division 51.33 48.67 50.72 50.44 50.0fi 50.38 50.01 52.45 56.17 51.92 58. 88 49.28 49.56 49.94 49.62 49.99 47.55 43.83 48.08 41.12 50.50 49.88 49.32 50.12 49.87 52.04 49.50 50.12 50.68 49.88 50.13 47.36 50. m 49.53 49.02 49.93 49.82 51.74 49.61 50.47 50.98 50.07 50.18 48.26 51.25 50.70 50.75 51.30 52.26 52.99 48.75 49.30 49.25 48. 70 47.74 47.01 51.17 50.28 50.85 51. 39 53.04 53.52 48.83 49 72 49 15 Mississippi 48.61 46 96 Ijouisiana . Texas 46 48 Arkansas 51.87 60.53 48.13 39.47 51.24 61.50 48.76 38.50 52. 30 68.10 47.70 31.90 52.33 73.61 47 6T W^estern division 26 39 Montana 66.50 64.81 59.50 54.07 61.34 53.13 63.84 60.78 62.27 57.95 57.95 33.50 35.19 40.50 45.93 38.60 46.87 36.16 39.22 37.73 42.05 42.05 71.96 68.07 66.45 .53. 94 69.74 51.76 67.48 66.91 61.20 59.15 59.93 28.04 31.93 33.55 46.06 30. 26 48. 24 32.52 33. 09 , 38.80 ' 40.85 40.07 81.43 79.17 62.26 51.30 71.31 50.84 76.20 81.23 62.58 58.44 62.38 18. £'' 20.83 37.74 48.70 28. 69 49.16 23.80 18.77 37.42 41.56 37.62 "W^yoming Colorado 95. 37 52.49 4.63 47.51 51. 57 48.43 A.rizona Utah 50.29 89.50 49.71 10.50 53.13 4S. 87 Nevada Idaho W^ashin gton 72.85 60.21 71.93 27.15 39.79 28.07 62.12 92.42 37.88 California 7.58 a Dakota territory. The above table shows the wide range among the states and territories in the proportion which the sexes bear to each other. The extreme on one side is the District of Columbia, where no less than 52.44 per cent of the total population are females. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Ixxix This is followed at some distance by Massachusetts, where women form 51.42 per cent of the whole number. On the other hand are the newer states and territories of the far west, where we find Montana, with a population made up of 2 parts male to 1 female, and Wyoming, where but 35,19 per cent of the i)opulation are females. In both the North Atlantic and South Atlantic divisions females are slightly in excess of males. In the South Central division males are slightly in excess, and in the North Central division they are in excess to a much larger extent, while in the Western division three-fifths of the population are males. These differences are easy of explanation. The Atlantic divisions are an old settled region from which for many decades a stream of emigration has flowed westward. This emigration has, naturally enough, consisted in considerable proportion of the male element. In this way the eastern communities have been depleted. It is true that in the northeastern states the place of these emigrants has been filled to some extent by foreign immigration from Europe, otherwise its effect would be vastly more marked. The manufacturing centers of the northeastern states have attracted not only males from among the immigrants but to a large extent females also, especially of Irish and French-Canadian extraction, who form the present bulk of the factory operatives. The same cause which has reduced the proportion of males in the Atlantic states has Increased it in the central and western states. In the North Central division and in the Western division to this cause is to be added foreign immigration, which, consisting largely of males, increases still further the proportion of that sex. Glancing at the history unfolded by this table, it is seen that in the North Atlantic division females have been in excess at each census since 1850 ; that this excess reached its maximum in 1880, and is now diminishing, as the effect of immigration from Europe overcomes that of emigration to the west. In each of the states composing this division this proportionate increase of the female element can be traced, reaching its maximum in 1870 or 1880, and thereafter diminishing. The effect of the civil war upon the elements of the population of these states is scarcely perceptible. In the South Atlantic division different conditions prevail. Immigration to these states is but slight, and not sufficient to affect the constitution of the population as regards sex. These states are found to be almost equally divided between the sexes in 1850 and 1860. In 1870 the proportion of males has diminished 1.13 per cent, the effect undoubtedly of the civil war. Since then the proportion of males has increased, and the numbers of the sexes are nearly equal in 1890. Among the various states composing this division there is considerable variety as regards sex. In Delaware Maryland, and the District of Columbia there is little evidence of the effect of the civil war, while in the other states that effect is very strongly marked. Indeed, in North Carolina and Georgia there is a reduction in the proportion of males due to this cause of about 1.5 per cent, which in most cases has been recovered during the past 20 years. In the North Central division still different conditions have prevailed. In 1850 many of these states were upon the frontier, and in the 40 years that have elapsed the frontier has moved away beyond them and they have assumed the conditions of old settled communities. There has been as a rule comparatively little emigration from these states. On the other hand, there has been a vast amount of immigration to them, both from states further east and from Europe, and of course it is understood that this immigration is disproportionately male. Starting then in 1850, this division of the states comprised a considerable excess of the male element. This element diminished appreciably by 1870, and since then has somewhat more than held its own. The influence of the war was probably slight, but, whether large or small, it can not be distinguished from the effect of other causes, to which it must be secondary. Among the various states considerable diversity exists, since this division stretches from Ohio, which in Ixxx COMPENDIUM 01' THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. 1850 was an old settled community, to Kansas, Nebraska, and North and South Dakota, which even at present are sparsely settled on their western borders. The South Central division comprises a group of states extending from Alabama, a well settled state even in 1850, on the east, to Texas, which in 1850 was admitted to the Union, on the west. It is a section which has received little foreign immigration, but which has been filled up by immigration from the South Atlantic states and by natural increase. In 1850 this section contained a considerable excess of the male element. In 1860 this had increased a little, and in 1870 had decidedly diminished, owing, doubtless, to the ravages of the civil war. Between 1870 and 1880 these losses were being repaired. The Western division comprises states and territories some of which were not known by name in 1850, and others which at that date contained but a few thousand white inhabitants. Even now they are, without exception, sparsely settled. In 1850 this division was peopled with 3 males to 1 female. In 1860 the proportion had declined to 2 to 1 ; in 1870 and 1880 more than 6 out of 10 were males, and in 1890 the proportion of males was a little smaller. Indeed, in 1890 the least proportion of males in all these states and territories was in the case of Utah, where 53.13 per cent were of that sex, and the largest proportion of males was in Montana, where they outnumbered the females in the proportion of 2 to 1. Considering these states and territories as regards extreme cases of disproportion between the sexes, it is seen that the population of Colorado in 1860 was composed of 95.37 per cent of males; that the population of Nevada in the same year was composed of 89.50 per cent of males, and that California in 1850, in the height of the gold excitement, contained only 7.58 per cent of women. For the United States as a whole there were for every 100,000 males 95,280 females in 1890. In 1880 there were 96,544 females to every 100,000 males, while in 1870 there were 97,801 females to every 100,000 males. PEOGKESS OF THE NATION. Ixxxi The following table gives by states aud territories, arranged geograpliically, the whole number of males and females as returned under the census of 1890 and the number of females to each 100,000 males for the censuses of 1890, 1880, and 1870 : RFLATIVE PROPORTIONS OF FEMALES TO MALES, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870. STATES AND TERRITORIES. The TTnited States - North Atlantic division Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts . - Ithode Island Connectit^ut New Tork New .Jersey Pennsylvania. . . . South Atlantic division. Delaware Maryland District of Columbia- Virginia "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan "Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas South Central division. Kentucky . . Tennessee . . Alabama .-- Mississippi - Louisiana... Texas Oklahoma .. Arkansas . . "Western division . Montana Wyoming . . . Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah' Nevada Idaho "Washington . Oregon Caluomia 1890 32, 067, 880 8,677 332, 5fl0 186, 566 169, 327 1, 087, 709 168, 025 369, 538 2, 976, 893 720, 819 2, 66G, 331 4, 418, 769 83, 573 515, 691 109, 584 824, 278 390, 285 799, 149 572, 337 919, 925 201. 947 11,594,910 1, 855, 736 1,118,347 1, 972, 308 1,091,780 874, 951 695, 321 994, 453 1, 385, 238 101, .590 180, 250 572, 824 752, 112 5, 593, 87 942, 758 891, 585 757. 456 64», 687 559, 350 1, 172, 553 34. 733 585 755 1, 782, 526 87, 882 39, 343 245, 247 83, 055 36, 571 110,463 29, 214 51, 290 217, 562 181, 840 700, 059 1890 30, 554, 370 8, 723, 747 328, 496 189, 964 163, 095 1,151,234 177, 481 376, 720 3, 020, 960 724, 114 2, 591. 683 4,439,151 82, 920 526, 699 120. 808 831,702 372, 509 818, 798 578, 812 917, 428 189, 475 10, 767, 369 1,816,580 1,074,057 1, 854, 043 1, 002, 109 811,029 606, 505 917,443 1, 293, 946 81,129 148, 558 486, 086 674, 984 5,379,016 915, 877 875, 933 7.55, 561 639, 913 559, 237 , 062, 970 27, 101 542, 424 1,245,087 44, 277 21, 362 166, 951 70, 538 23, 049 97, 442 16, 547 33, 095 131, 828 131, 927 508, 071 NUMBER OF FEMALES TO 100,000 MALES. 1890 1880 95, 280 ,544 100, 530 102, 600 98, 769 101,821 96, 320 105, 840 105, 628 101, 944 101,480 100, 457 97, 200 100, 461 96, 900 102. 135 110,242 100, 901 95, 445 102, 4.59 101, 131 99, 729 93, 824 100, 253 103, 483 99, 108 107, 712 107, 871 103, 642 102, 883 103, 013 100, 448 102, 177 97, 830 102, 287 112,525 102, 868 96, 651 103, 479 103.010 102,126 97, 512 92, 863 92, 594 97, 890 96, 040 94, 004 91,787 92, 797 87. 227 92, 256 93,410 79, 859 82, 418 84, 858 89, 745 96, 1.39 97, 149 98, 244 99, 750 98, 496 99, 980 90, 654 78, 027 92, 603 69, 850 50, 382 54, 297 68, 075 84, 929 63, 025 88. 212 50, 641 64, 525 60, 593 72, 551 72,575 98, 153 95, 801 94, 001 89, 822 93, 436 86, 276 91,551 92, 371 a64, 257 81,512 85, 608 97, 570 98, 019 100, 495 102, 770 99, 514 100, 520 92, 785 65, 200 38, 975 46, 898 50, 488 85, 384 43, 394 93, 216 48, 185 49, 464 63, 392 69, 052 66, 873 1870 97, 801 102,293 100, 226 104,511) 99, 462 107, 075 107, 485 102, 606 102,603 101,502 100, 282 104, 250 99, 615 102, 838 111,764 105, 200 98, 352 106, 546 105,176 104, 525 98, 574 93, 350 99, 264 95, 880 92, 922 91. 674 93, 558 86, 871 90, 763 92, 034 a59, 732 74, 644 80, 196 99, 506 98,447 101,897 103, 993 100, 261 100, 714 93, 263 95, 146 62, 614 22, 801 26, 306 60, 612 94, 917 40, 235 96, 700 31, 230 23, 104 59, 807 71, 130 60, 309 a Dakota territory. The greatest preponderance of females in 1890 is found in the District of Columbia, or 110,242 females to 100,000 males. In 1880 also the District of Columbia contained 372 vi Ixxxii OOMPENDIITM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. the highest proportion of females to males, or 112,525 females to every 100,000 males. In Massachusetts, the state having the next greatest excess of females over males in 1890, there were 105,840 females to 100,000 males, while in Rhode Island, the state showing the third largest excess of females over males, there were 105,028 females to every 100,000 males. In 1880 Rhode Island was second as to the excess of females, with 107,871 females to every 100,000 males, and Massachusetts third, with 107,712 females ^o every 100,000 males. Grouping the states with reference to the proportion of tlie sexes, it is seen that in 11 states, namely, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia, females are in excess. Every one of these, it will be noticed, is in one of the two Atlantic divisions. In the remaining states males are in excess. Of these there are 13, namely, Alabama, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, and West Virginia, in which the whole number of females represents 95 per cent or more of the whole number of males. In 14 states females constitute between 80 and 95 i^er cent of males. These states are as follows : Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin. In tlie remaining states and territories the whole number of females represents from 50 to 80 per cent of the whole number of males. These are Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming. The changes in the constitution of the population of many of the states in regard to sex have altered materially since 1880, while throughout the country at large there has been an increase in the proportion of males. The increase of the male element in the country at large has resulted in transferring from the list of states in which females were in excess in 1880 to those in which males are in excess no fewer than 6 states, namely, Maine, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and Tennessee. In general, it has increased the proportion of males in the northern and southern central states. On the other hand, the development of settled conditions in the western group of states and territories has reduced the proportion of males among them. The whole number of states and territories where the females exceed the males in 1890 is 11 as against 17 in 1880. All of the states and territories showing an excess of females over males in 1890 are found in the North Atlantic and South Atlantic divisions, as was also true of the states and territories having an excess of females over males in 1880, with the exception of Alabama, Louisiana, and Tennessee in the South Central division. In 1880 there were 5 states and territories in which the number of females was less than 50 per cent of the males, namely, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Arizona, and Montana, while in 1890 there is no state or territory where the females do not represent at least 50 per cent of the males. In 1890 there were 11 states and territories, mainly in the Western division, in which the females represent from 50 to 80 i^er cent of the males as against 5 states and territories in 1880. For the remaining states and territories the females represent over 80 per cent but less than 100 per cent of the males. The females as compared with the males have lost relatively since 1880 in the United States as a whole, the numerical loss being 1,264 females to each 100,000 males as against a relative loss in 1880 of 1,257 females to each 100,000 males. There has been a relative loss during the decade of 2,070 females to each 100,000 males in the North Atlantic division; of 1,716 females to each 100,000 males in the South Atlantic division, PKOGRESS OF THE NATION. Ixxxiii and 1 ill females to each 100,000 males in the South Central division. There has been a slight increase relatively, on the other hand, of 269 females to each 100,000 males in the North Central division, and 4,050 females to each 100,000 males in the Western division. In 19 states and territories there has been a relative increase of females to each 100,000 males, while in 29 states and territories there has been a relative decrease of females to each 100,000 males, as is shown by the following- table, giving in addition to the increase or decrease in 1890, on the assumed basis of 100,000 males, the increase or decrease as shown by the census of 1880 as compared with '870: FEMALES INCREASED. STATES AND TEKRITORIES. Arizona... Colorado . . Dakota (o) Idaho Montana. . JTeTada. . . Wyoming. California. Kansas ... Increase or Increase decrease since 1880. from 1870 to 1880. 19, 631 17, 587 17, 239 15, 061 11, 407 8,456 7,399 5,702 4,137 +3, 159 —10, 124 4-4, 525 +26, 360 +16, 174 +16, 955 +20, 592 +6,561 + 5,412 STATES AND TERRITORIES. Oregon Nebraska . Michigan . Missouri.. Minnesota Iowa Texas Indiana... Illinois ... Increase since 1880. 3,499 3,346 1,965 1,039 951 705 672 239 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. -2, 078 + 6,868 -1, 852 +337 —595 +788 —3, 281 —79 " + 1,079 a North and South Dakota combined. FEMALES DECREASED. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Utah Florida Pennsylvania Alabama Washington Vermont Georgia District of Columbia Tennessee Rhode Island Virginia South Carolina Massachusetts Connecticut New Hampshire Decrease since 1880. Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. 5,004 3,688 3,248 3,020 2,799 2,788 2, 397 2,283 2, 251 2,243 1,967 1,879 1,872 1,698 1,662 -3,484 —1, 062 +166 -1,223 +3, 585 -354 —2, 399 +761 —1, 402 +386 —2, 332 —2, 166 +637 + 1,036 —1, 027 STATES AND TERRITORIES. New Jersey — Maine New York West Virginia. North Carolina Mississippi Delaware Kentucky Wisconsin Louisiana New Mexico. .. Ohio Arkansas Maryland Decrease since 1880. 1,556 1,484 1,403 1,206 1,020 1,018 930 870 639 540 455 263 182 152 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880, +511 +27 +280' —1, 701 —3, 067 —747 -1, 785 —428 —122 —194 —9, 533 —1,111 —2, 361 —551 The increase of females since 1880 for North Dakota and South Dakota is for these 2 states combined as compared with Dakota territory in 1880 and 1870. In all the states and territories comprising the North Atlantic and South Atlantic divisions the females have decreased relatively as compared with males. This is also largely true of the South Central division, the females having decreased relatively in all the states and territories, with the exception of Texas. In Oklahoma in 1890 there were 78,027 females to each 100,000 males. The females have increased relatively as regards males in all the states comprising the North Central division, with the exception of Ohio and Wisconsin. The females have also increased relatively as compared with the males in the states and territories comprising the Western division, with the exception of New Mexico, Utah, and Washington. Ixxxiv COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The following table shows the numerical increase of males and females for each decade since 1850 : INCEEASE OF MALES AND FEMALES, BY STATES AND TEEEITOEIES: 1850-1890. STATES AND TERRITORIES. The United States . North Atlantic division. . Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Khode Island Connecticut New York ^ New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division . Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division... Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota . . ? South Dakota . . 5 Nebraska Kansas South Central division . . . Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idalio Washington Oregon California INCREASE OP MALES. 1880 to 1890 6, 549, 060 1, 517, 176 8,532 16, 040 2, 440 229, 269 34, 995 63, 756 471, 571 160, 897 529, 676 661, 071 11,465 53, 504 26, 006 78, 689 75, 790 111,241 81, 929 156, 944 65. 503 2, 578, 990 241, 800 107, 986 385, 785 229, 425 194, 882 276, 172 146, 317 258, 051 Cl99, 544 323, 583 215, 445 1, 079, 331 110, 168 122, 308 134, 827 82, 510 90, 596 334, 713 34, 733 169, 476 712, 492 1870 to 1880 6, 025, 255 1, 080, 953 10, 955 14, 886 1,166 154, 661 28, 274 40, 512 342, 093 110, 2.50 378, 156 891, 884 11, 480 77, 203 21,386 148, 531 91,652 169, 204 146, 506 184, 026 41, 896 2, 302, 118 1860 to 1870 , 408, 361 814, 036 ai, 086 04,176 6,935 107, 066 20, 623 39, 276 229, 697 114,621 304, 080 178, 816 1850 to 1860 4, 247, 544 5,939 44, 086 26, 693 6209, 043 222, 843 23, 088 dS, 418 47, 010 21, 618 1, 970, 963 276, 386 152, 367 269, 986 244, 610 135, 183 183, 850 222, 219 230, 840 d73, 418 178, 816 334, 443 1,289,382 926, 220 19, 718 3,596 al,247 108, 196 12, 055 42, 290 365, 591 89, 705 286, 316 343, 762 10, 734 48. 575 11,335 88, 237 64, 712 17, 686 75, 480 27, 003 1, 928, 605 59, 705 25, 191 116, 116 18, 559 8,369 35, 954 eil2, 805 29, 472 171, 589 78, 459 181, 883 166, 915 145, 930 133, 891 153, 756 106, 589 414, 283 168, 018 460, 918 11, 406 6,933 104, 311 17, 361 21, 315 30, 388 9,640 9,634 30, 983 50, 250 168, 697 147, 388 158, 734 413,776 ! 223,051 ! 137,437 I 142,215 I 271,424 i 274, 146 rf6. 081 53, 665 143, 046 256, 978 73, 354 60, 629 a553 7,473 a7, 829 103, 390 20, 514 187, 568 16, 771 7,219 a7, 871 al, 956 6,887 23, 866 26, 242 12, 184 6,544 21, 540 76, 142 173, 354 187, 307 454, 440 184.798 242, 733 89, 368 253, 441 264, 369 d2, 797 16, 760 59, 178 759, 035 89, 591 58, 586 96, 948 94, 224 95, 398 206, 387 117, 901 289, 922 32, 691 17, 349 14, 209 6,137 8,446 23, 333 187, 757 INCREASE OP PEMALES. 1880 to 1890 5, 917, 407 1, 376, 962 3,618 13, 499 a2, 304 226, 589 33, 980 59, 802 443, 411 152, 920 445, 447 599. 652 10, 420 53, 943 26, 762 64, 726 68, 547 106, 956 73, 643 138, 229 56, 426 2, 419, 178 232, 454 106, 117 362, 695 227, .527 176, 501 244, 881 140. 964 252, 753 Cl76, 806 282, 925 215, 555 974, 191 1870 to 1880 5, 572, 157 1, 127, 724 1860 to 1870 3, 706, 689 890, 426 11, 066 13, 805 569 171,073 30, 904 44, 734 358, 019 114, 770 382, 784 851, 703 10, 113 76, 846 24, 538 138, 871 84, 791 159, 185 143, 465 174, 045 39, 849 2, 080, 882 2,722 a3, 597 8,518 119, 219 22,110 38, 031 272, 327 119,440 311, 656 310, 091 6,860 49, 759 29, 927 6162, 112 219, 171 55, 651 5, 316 79, 813 25, 706 1,913,432 1850 to 1860 4, 003, 901 99, 777 102, 851 115, 685 75, 493 88, 045 309, 061 27, 101 156, 178 547, 424 33, 14. 101, 15, 10, 27, a3, 22, 102, 60, 161, 256, 416 145, 297 267, 994 208, 268 125, 644 157, 217 208, 376 216, 245 d47, 578 150, 593 297, 254 1, 195, 579 160, 764 137, 909 131, 622 149, 919 106, 442 358, 887 150, 036 316, 269 7,158 4,738 50, 152 10, 330 9,467 26, 789 10, 135 7,977 20, 178 33, 595 135, 750 178, 361 171, 475 414, 164 211, 895 141, 352 125, 468 247, 683 265, 137 d3, 263 40, 487 114, 147 408, 774 91, 973 88, 090 33, 344 29, 144 26, 742 110,974 28, 507 183, 966 3,824 1,899 13, 458 314 2,771 22, 647 9,392 2,815 5,817 16, 918 104, 111 1,041,197 25, 392 4,501 2 225 128, 356 15, 020 47, 065 417.750 92, 775 308,113 341, 851 9,950 55,440 12, 058 86, 420 .58, 871 17, 515 75. 621 25, 976 1, 764, 516 185, 828 174, 645 406, 041 166, 661 227. 757 76, 578 229, 258 235, 599 d2, 040 12, 081 48, 028 706, 101 83, 688 48, 498 95, 630 90, 555 94, 842 185, 236 107, 652 150, 236 1. 586 14, 620 14, 684 720 3,148 15, 838 99, 640 a Decrease. 6 Decrease; due to loss of territory. West Virginia having been set off from Virginia December 31, 1862. c North and South Dakota combined. d Dakota territory. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Ixxxv The following table shows the proportional increase of males and females at each census since 1850 : PEECENTAGE OF INCREASE OF MALES AND FEMALES, BY STATES AND TERRITOEIES: . 1850-1890. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Ohio Indiana — Illinois Michigan . Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri . North Dakota-- } South Dakota . - 3 " Nebraska Kansas Kentucky . . Tennessee- - Alabama - - - Mississippi Louisiana . - Texas Oklahoma . - Arkansas .- Western division Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico . Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington.. Oregon California PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE OP MALES. The United States North Atlantic division - Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division -, Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division... 1880 to 1890 25.66 21.19 2.63 9.41 1.46 26.71 26.31 20. 85 18.82 28. 74 24.79 17.59 South Central division 15.47 11.58 31.12 10.55 24.10 16.17 16.71 20.57 48.01 28.60 14.98 10.69 24.32 26.60 28.66 65.89 17.25 22.89 c242. 47 129. 83 40.15 23.91 1870 to 1880 30.91 17.78 3.50 9.56 0.70 21.98 26.99 15.27 15.81 24.52 21.50 31.12 13.23 15.90 21.65 14.55 19.33 39.95 40.71 66.59 18.33 20.05 34.39 24.88 41.13 32.62 42.60 31. 79 44.31 34.29 20.66 17.76 20.51 39.60 24.81 78.13 35.50 25.75 38, 298 5 23,651 • 11, 557 3,021 6, 904 9,717 10, 668 981 3, 043 268 778 690 3,817 20, 189 14, 089 7,861 23, 396 31,120 44, 549 52, 169 19, 197 10,812 a62, 118 27, 441 12, 425 3,173 3,299 1,146 986 020 4,654 7, 345 4,637 1,281 34, 101 48, 388 32, 567 25, 590 7,910 40, 038 34, 270 47, 355 26, 081 34, 699 22, 350 43, 514 3,745 1, 095 777 820 6,113 7,759 1, 307 39,448 41, 685 39, 159 25, 748 7, 220 65. 799 44, 008 70, 065 44, 063 26, 643 21, 144 51,218 1870 16, 875 25, 778 8,456 10, 257 16, 639 32, 003 34, 204 26, 813 35, 087 26, 346 18, 320 2,934 7,884 11, 959 14, 079 1, 135 4,022 284 1,158 949 2,717 21,913 16, 246 9,192 25, 446 29, 257 52,813 57, 596 20, 090 14. 827 a51,409 33, 333 15, 314 3,759 5,041 1,559 1,009 1,370 9,296 8, 254 1,048 46, 277 63, 245 62, 676 19, 838 6,516 150, 922 54, 743 79, 363 110, 838 26, 538 14, 624 59, 881 o Dakota territory. xciv COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVEOTH CENSUS: 1890. There are in the United States as a whole 17,330 foreign born persons to each 100 000 native born persons in 1890 as against 15,365 in 1880 and 16,875 m 1870. There Z been an increase in the Dumber of foreign born to each 100,000 native born for the S>rth Atlantic division from 24,070 in 1880 to 28,773 in 1890, and in the North Cenral division from 20,189 to 22,184. In the Western division there has been '^decrease m thrnumber of foreign born to each 100,000 native born in 1890 as compared with 1880 or 34 m n 18% as'against 39,448 in 1880. In the Sonth Atlantic and South Central divisions the foreign born element is not numerically of importance, there being only to21 foreign born to each 100,000 native born in 1890 in the South Central division and but 2 411 in the South Atlantic division. In 2 states in 1890 the foreign born represent more tban 50 per cent of the native born or 80 449 foreign born in North Dakota and 56,006 foreign born m Minnesota to !ach iJoOOO native born. In 1880 there were 5 states and territories in which the fortign bo n represented more than 50 per cent of the native born namely Nevada, w th'?0,065 foreign born to each 100,000 native born; Arizona with 65,799 foreign born to each 100,000 native born; Dakota, with 62,118 foreign born to each 100,000 native born Min'nesota, with 52,169 foreign born to each 100,000 native born, and California with 51,218 foreign born to each 100,000 native born. • -.o,,., ^' tie foreign bU represent from 25 to 50 per cent of the native b^^^^^^^^^^^ « ^ and territories in 1890 as compared with 13 states and territories m 1880 9 of the states andter rito ies in 1890 being in the Western division, while the rem amder are about eallwVvided between the N^ , ^, . ^ The fore gn born represent from 10 to 25 per cent of the native born m 9 states in 1890 as comitred with 11 states and territories in 1880; from 2 to 10 per cent in 12 states andTrritories in 1890 as against 10 states and territories in 1880, and less than 2 uer cent in 8 states in both 1890 and 1880. -, oon ^ f^v.o,-a-n 'The following table shows the relative increase or decrease ^^jf'^^^^l'^^^^ born as compared with native born, on the assumed basis of 1^0,000 nate ,^^^^^ together with the relative increase or decrease for the decade from 18.0 to 1880. FOREIGN INCKEASED. STATES AND TEEBITORIES. Massachusetts New Hampshire . . Washington Khode Island Montana Connecticut New Jersey rilinojs New York Michigan Minnesota Maine Increase since 1880. 8,437 8,385 8,056 7,909 6,703 6,248 5,101 4,833 4,199 3,969 3,837 3,585 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. +1,103 +5, 139 +105 +2,329 _21, 560 -^30 —1, 968 —2, 050 —3,797 +1, 863 —5,427 +1, 523 STATES AND TEKRITORIES. Pennsylvania. Florida Delaware Vermont Iowa Oregon New Mexico . . Maryland Alabama Ohio Virginia Tennessee .-. Increase since 1880. 258 406 569 232 213 206 690 229 209 206 141 51 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. —2, 411 +1,100 —980 —2, 580 —1, 493 +6, 520 +704 —2, 242 —232 —2,157 —154 —464 PROGRESS OF THE NATIOi^. FOREIGN DECEEASED. XCV STATBS AND TERRITORIES. Nevada Arizona Idaho Dakota (a) Utah California "Wyoming Nebraska District of Columbia Louisiana Missouri Kansas Decrease since 1880. 22, 710 19, 761 17,982 11, 230 9,738 7,704 6,592 3,790 1,798 1,459 1,203 Increa.se or decrease from 1870 to 1880. —9, —85, —66, +10, —10, —8, —23, —5, —3, —3, —4, 9 298 123 775 70n 735 6G3 517 892 411 183 015 889 STATES AND TERRITORIES. Indiana "West "Virginia. Kentucky Texas South Carolina Mississippi Colorado "Wisconsin North Carolina Arkansas Georgia Decrease since 1880. 716 505 446 414 230 200 158 85 39 26 25 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. —1, 331 —979 —1, 296 —495 -380 —550 + 5,910 —8,264 —16 + 259 —259 a North and South Dakota combined. In 24 states and territories the foreign born have iii(;reased relatively since 1880 "While in 24 they have decreased relatively. In the above table the results for North Dakota and South Dakota iu 1890 have been combined for purposes of comparison -with the results for Dakota territory in 1880 and in 1870. In Oklahoma in 1890 there are 4,637 foreign born to each 100,000 native born. In the United States as a -whole the foreign element has increased relatively iu 1890, an increase of 1,9G5 to each 100,000 native born, as against a relative decrease in 1880 of 1,510 to each 100,000 native born. XCVl COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS : 1890. The following table sliows the numerical increase of native and foreign born, by states and territories, for each census since 1850 : INCREASE OF NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850-1890. STATES AND TEBRITOEIES. INCREASE OF NATIVE BOKN. 1880 to 1890 The United States. . . North Atlantic division . . . Maine New Hampsliire Vermont Massachusetts Khode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division . . . 9, 89G, 863 1, 8a0, 481 1870 to 1880 10, 484, 698 1, 914, 763 Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division . Ohio Indiana ... Illinois Michigan - . Wisconsin Minnesota. Iowa Missouri . North Dakota . . ) South Dakota .. y Nebraska Kansas South Central division . . . Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division. Montana Wyoming — Colorado New Mexico Arizona XT tab Nevada Idaho Washington. Oregon California . . . al. 928 3,493 ) Hj m nj m RJ -e -g -g -s -s > 05 CD OO CD >^ V- m Q Q CO liJ < 1- tr >- — 1- O z < < O Q: I Q- Z 0- >s O X if) o ° « >- UJ en ti- ,.,0; Qc idO OO- zq: Cj PROGRESS OF THE l!TATIO:N. cm that this southward moveuieut will continue in the future as industries increase in the border states, and the foreign element of our population, following in the wake of these industries, gradually crowds the colored element out of these states. The following table gives for each state and territory, arranged geographically, the whole number of white and colored (persons of African descent only) as returned under the census of 1890, together with the number of colored to each 100,000 white, as returned a't the censuses of 1890, 1880, and 1870 : EELATIVE PROPORTIONS OF COLORED TO WHITE, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870. STATES AND TERRITORIES. The "United States . North Atlantic division. . Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Khode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division . . Delaware Maiyland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina Soulli Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division . ■ Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division. . . Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington Oregon California White. 1890 54, 983, 890 17, 121, 981 e59, 263 375, 840 331,418 2, 215, 373 337, 859 733, 438 5, 923, 952 1, 396, 581 5, 148, 257 5, 592, 149 140, 066 826, 493 154, 695 1, 020, 122 730, 077 1, 055, 382 462, O08 978, 357 224, 949 21, 911, 927 3, 584, 805 2, 146, 736 3, 768, 472 2, 072, 884 1, 680, 473 1,296,159 1,901,086 2,528.4.58 182, 123 327, 290 1, 046, 888 1,376 553 7, 487, 570 1 , 59i), 462 1, 336, 637 833, 718 544. 851 558, 395 1, 745, 935 58, 826 818, 752 2, 870, 257 127, 271 59, 275 404, 468 142, 719 55, 580 205, 899 39, 084 82, 018 340, 513 301, 758 1,111,672 Colored, (a) 1890 7, 470, 040 269, 906 1,190 614 937 22, 144 7,393 12, 302 70, 092 47, 638 107, 596 3, 262, 690 i NUMBER OF COLORED TO 100,000 WHITE. 1890 13, 586 1,576 28, 386 215, 657 75, 572 635, 438 32, 690 561, 018 688, 934 858, 815 166, 180 431, 112 87, 113 45, 215 57, 028 15, 223 2,444 3,683 10, 685 1.50, 184 373 .541 8, 913 49, 710 3, 479, 251 268, 071 430, 678 678, 489 742, 559 559, 19S 488, 171 2,973 309, 117 27, 081 1,490 922 6,215 1,956 1, 357 588 242 201 1,602 1.186 11 , .322 181 163 283 1,000 2, 188 1,077 1,183 3,411 2.090 58, 344 20, 266 28, 093 48,852 62, 290 4,478 53, 158 149, 117 87, 781 73, 875 2,430 2,106 1,513 734 145 284 562 5,940 205,1 165^" 851 3,611 46, 467 16, 855 32, 221 81, .381 136. 287 100, 143 27, 960 5,054 37, 755 944 1,171 1, .555 1,537 1,371 2,442 286 019 245 470 393 1,018 1880 1,607 224 198 319 1,060 2, 404 1,891 1,298 3,558 2,038 63, 196 22, 006 29, 010 50, 503 71,705 4, 369 61,261 154, 519 88, 766 88, 840 2,274 2, 563 2,023 1,530 935 206 201 589 7, 185 6301 .530 4,527 51, 051 19, 711 35, 400 90, 625 135, 647 106. 309 32, 858 35, 614 735 978 1,533 1,274 934 441 163 911 183 484 299 784 1870 14, 528 1,483 257 183 280 966 2, 347 1,833 1,203 3, 502 1,889 60, 978 22, 299 28, 966 49, 167 72, 019 4,240 57, 725 143, 549 ^85, 322 95, 453 2,150 2,429 1,483 1,145 1,015 201 173 485 7,365 6729 646 52, 132 20, 225 34, 433 91, 201 116,011 100, 592 44, 8f' 33, 738 701 1,000 2,097 1,163 190 271 137 916 565 933 398 855 h D.ikota territory. a Persons of African descent only. The colored exceeds the white in 1890 in 3 states only, namely, iu South Carolina, or 149,117 colored to 100,000 white ; iu Mississippi, or 136,287 colored to 100,000 white, and in CIV COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Louisiana, or 100,143 colored to 100,000 white. These same states also showed an excess of colored in 1880 as follows: South Carolina, 154,519 colored to 100,000 white; Mississippi, 135,647 colored to 100,000 white, and Louisiana, 100,309 colored to 100,000 white. In 5 states in 1890 the colored represents more than 50 per cent of the white, namely, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina. In these same states in 1880 the colored also represented more than 50 per cent of the white population. The colored population of the District of Columbia represented in 1880 more than 50 per cent of the white population, while in 1890 it represents but 48.85 per cent of the white i^opulation. Besides the District of Columbia there are 4 states in 1890 where the colored population represents from 25 to 50 per cent of the white population, the same as in 1880, namely, Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, and Maryland. In 1890 and also in 1880 there are but 2 states where the colored population represents from 10 to 25 per cent of the white population, namely, Kentucky and Delaware. Of the remaining states and territories in 1890, 10 have a colored population which represents from 2 to 10 per cent of the white population as compared with 8 states in 1880, while in 24 states and territories the colored element represents less than 2 per cent of the white population, both in 1890 and in 1880. The following table shows the relative increase or decrease since 1880 of colored as compared with white, on the assumed basis of 100,000 white, together with the relative increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880 : COLORED mCEEASED. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Arkansas — Arizona Mississippi . New Mexico Nebraska. . . Colorado California . . Montana Increase since 1880. 2, Wl 2,001 640 437 321 ) 263 234 193 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. +1, 876 +170 + 19,636 +744 —116 + 111 —71 —22 STATES AND TEEEITORIES. Utah West Virginia Oregon Indiana Minnesota Idaho Pennsylvania. Wyoming Increase since 1880. 123 109 94 83 83 62 52 22 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. +26 +129 —99 +540 +28 —382 + 149 —564 COLORED DECREASED, STATES AND TERRITORIES. Florida Virginia Alabama North Carolina Louisiana South Carolina Texas Tennessee Maryland Kentucky Delaware District of Columbia Missouri Georgia Kansas Nevada Decrease since 1880. 14, 965 9,415 9,244 8,103 6,166 5,402 4,898 3,179 2,917 2,856 1,740 1,651 1,245 985 916 292 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. —6, 613 —314 —576 +3, 536 + 5,717 +10, 970 —12, 029 +967 +44 —514 —293 + 1,336 —180 + 3,444 —412 STATES AND TERRITORIES. Khode Island Connecticut Michigan New Jersey Ohio Dakota (a) New York Wisconsin Massachusetts . Maine Vermont New Hampshire Iowa Illinois Washington . - . . Decrease since 1880. 216 214 201 147 133 122 115 61 60 43 36 35 27 17 14 Increase or decrease from 1870 to 1880. +57 +58 —80 +56 +134 -428 +95 +5 +94 —33 +39 +15 +104 +385 —449 a North and South Dakota combined. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. ^^ 111 the preceding table the results for Xorth and Soutli Dakota iu 1890 have been combined for comparison with those for Dakota territory in 1880 and 1870. For the United States as a whole In 1890 there has been a relative decrease of colored, or 1,576 to each 100,000 white, as compared with a relative increase from 1870 to 1880 of 031 to each 100,000 white. In the South Atlantic division there has been a relative decrease in 1890 of 4,852 colored to each 100,000 white, and in the South Central division of 4,584 colored to each 100,000 white. The number of Chinese in the country has increased to only a trifling extent during the past 10 years, numbering in 1890 but 107,475, as against 105,405 in 1S80. As in 1880, by far the greater proportion of these is found in the states and territories of the Western division, although a perceptible amount of distribution has taken place. In 1890 the number in the Western division was 96,844, while in 1880 it was 102,102, Of the total number of Chinese in the country in 1890, 72,472, or a little over two-thirds, were in California and 9,540 were in Oregon, while the remainder was scattered widely over the country. Of Japanese, there were but 2,039 in the United States in 1890, more than half of which were in California. Of North American Indians, 58,806 were enumerated as a part of the general population. In 1880, 60,407 were thus enumerated, showing a considerable reduction. This diminution in number, however, is utterly meaningless, since the question as to whether an Indian should or should not be enumerated in the constitutional population is one not easy of settlement. The test usually applied, that is, that he neither lives upon a reservation nor in tribal relations, fails iu numerous ways. In the first place, under the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, by which were acquired the southwestern states and territories from Mexico, it was provided that all persons within these territories who were at the time citizens of Mexico should become citizens of the United States. All Indians not at war with the Mexican people were at that time regarded as citizens of that country, and, therefore, under that treaty the Pueblo, Moqui" Pueblo, Jicarillo Apache, Ute, Mojave, and Navajo tribes, in short, nearly all the tribes of this country, became legal citizens. Indeed, the only exception which is known to exist were the Apaches of Arizona. Of course this interpretation is utterly at variance with the definition given above, since many of these tribes are in every sense Indians still on reservations and in tribal relations. Again, it is a very common practice for Indians to abandon reservations temporarily to seek employment among the whites returning to the reservations at opportune times for obtaining food and clothing. In view of these difidculties it may be advisable hereafter to include in tlie general population all human beings within the limits of the country, whether Indians in tribal relations or otherwise. CV] OOMPEXDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The following table sliows the numerical increase of the white and colored elements for each census since 1850: INCREASE OF WHITE AND COLORED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1850-1890. INCREASE OF WHITE. STATES AND TERRITORIES. 1880 to 1890 18J0 to 1880 1860 to 1870 1850 to 1860 The Ignited States ... 11, 580, 920 9, 813, 593 6, 666, 840 North Atlantic (Uvision . Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts . . Kliode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania . . . Soutli Atlantic division Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Virginia - West Vir Nebraska 862. 20 2. 628. 55 8.10 Kansas South Central division 32.60 36.72 , 15.49 ^ 17.37 25.90 13.65 22.74 45.83 25.35 21. 65 27.01 25. 20 25. 66 112. 01 19 49 "1 '"' 1 61.25 6.83 13.06 14.19 15.62 24.10 22.16 25. 07 26.20 46.40 32.80 55.20 55.91 13.89 8.62 1.55 3.95 38.57 6,87 15.10 26.85 40.73 33.59 212. .38 Tennessee 13.23 60.93 8.19 1.29 34.17 9.23 23.39 19.67 39.91 173. 25 Alabama Texas Oklahoma Arkansas 38.41 78 03 63.35 77 in 11.71 99.86 210. 04 46.73 128. 49 72.44 85.77 Western division 42.44 260. 92 1 Montana 259.68 : 93.30 330.64 209. 40 155, 24 92. 71 775. 48 153. 45 650. 41 279. 25 392. 92 143. 53 88.14 89.07 62.84 433. 99 490.12 496. 15 96,61 36,69 611.07 57.00 40. 75 40.87 Wyoming 204. 96 111. 62 31.27 58.08 44. 57 627. 02 182. 69 406. 72 85. (14 44.90 122. 75 387. 31 20.28 266. 98 65 5' 14.' 58" 9.01 Colorado 891. 30 102. 35 ioo.'oo' 693. 33 New Mexico .... 34.78 286. 30 Arizona Utah in A± 1 254. 15 18.00 Nevada 37.47 ' 47r 9S Idaho 173. 24 1 202.77 1 Washington 9P 97 590. 01) 170. 31 4,55 Oregon California 87. 60 1 66. 66 53. 61 .'i4 SI 1 298. 56 252. 68 6:38. 16 324. 74 1 a Persons of African descent only. 6 Decrease. c Decrease; due to loss of territory, West Virginia haviu" d North and South Dakota combined. e Dakota territory. been set otf from Virginia December 31, 1862. CVlll COMPEIJDIUM OF THE ELEVEIn^TH CENSUS: 1890. These tables simi:)ly confirm what is brought out in rather more condensed form by the preceding tables, showing the proportion in which the popnhition is made up of white and colored. Throughout these tables is distinctly traceable a greater rate of increase of the whites than the blacks in the south generally, ahd accompanying this a slight southward movement of the race. But more apparent than either of these features is the rapid westward migration of this race, which has nearly kept pace in this regard with the whites. While the rate of increase of the blacks in the South Atlantic states has been from the first comparatively slight, the rate of increase in the South Central division has been very rapid, and indeed that rapid rate has only recently been checked. PEKSOJ^S or SCHOOL AGE. The significance of the term "school age" varies in the different states and territories, and there is no school age in the national statutes. The term has found a place in national census reports, but it is perplexing since its limitations are not always clear. In addition to the general variation already indicated, certain states take account of those between 2 or 3 sets of age limits, using each for a different purpose. Oklahoma organized public schools after the close of the census year. In Vermont the former maximum of 20 years has been restored since 1890, although at the time the census was taken the age limitations were 5 to 18, under a then recent law by which the maximum was reduced to 18. The following statement presents the variations of age limits for the school census as required by the various state laws in 1890. In each case the year last named is not inclusive. Alabama "—21 Arizona 6 — 18 Arkansas 6 — 21 California 5 — 17 Colorado 6—21 Connecticut 4—16 Delaware 6 — 21 District of Columbia 6 — 17 Florida 4—21 Georgia 6 — 18 Idalio 5—21 Illinois 6—21 Indiana 6 — 21 Iowa 5 21 Kansas 5 21 Kentucky 6—20 Louisiana 6 — 18 Maine 4—21 Maryland 5—20 Massachusetts 5 — 15 Michigan 5 — 20 Minnesota 5 — 21 Mississippi 5 — 21 Missouri 6 — 20 Montana 4 — 21 Nebraska 5—21 NeA'ada 6 — 18 New Hampshii-e 5 — 15 New Jersey 5 — 18 New Mexico 5 — 20 New York 5—21 North Carolina 6 — 21 North Dakota 7—20 Ohio 6—21 Oklahonux 6—21 Oregon 4 — 20 Pennsylvania 6 — 21 Ehode Island 5—15 South Carolina 6— 1& South Dakota 7—20 Tennessee 6 — 21 Texas 8 — 16 Utah 6—18 Vermont 5 — 18 Virginia 5 — 21 Washington 5—21 West Virginia 6—21 Wisconsin 4 — 20 Wyoming 6 — 21 In the published reports of previous censuses, statements concerning persons commonly considered as being of school age, that is, of the ages when children are found attending school, have been limited to 5 to 17 years, both inclusive. Under the present census, however, results are given covering persons from 5 to 17 years, from 18 to 20 years, and from 5 to 20 years as a total, both years in each case being inclusive, classified by color, sex, and general nativity. The whole number of persons from 5 to 17 years of age in the United States, under the census of 1890, is 18,543,201 as against 15,065,767 returned in 1880, showing an increase during the decade of 3,477,434, or 23.08 per cent. The whole number of persons from 18 to 20 years of age in the United States in 1890 is 3,904,191 as against 3,254,063 in 1880, the increase during the decade being 650,128, or 19.98 per cent. Taking the period from 5 to 20 years of age as a whole, there were returned in 1890 for the entire PROGRESS OF THE ISATION. cix United States 22,447,392 persons as against 18,319,830 persons iu 1880, the general increase during the decade for tlie period of years considered being, therefore, 4,127,562, or 22.53 per cent. The increase in aggregate population for the United States as a whole during the same decade was 24.86 i)er cent. The native born persons of the ages from 5 to 17 years number 17,621,692, or 95.03 per cent of the whole number between those ages, while the foreign born number 921,509, or 4.97 per cent. Of the whole number from 18 to 20 years of age, 3,481,661, or 89.18 per cent, are native born and 422,530, or 10,82 percent, are foreign born. Of the 18,543,201 persons from 5 to 17 years of age, 10,546,885, or 56.88 per cent, are native white of native parents, 4,400,105, or 23.73 per cent, are native white of foreign parents, 917,475, or 4.95 per cent, are foreign white, and 2,678,736, or 14.44 per cent, are colored. In the same way, of the 3,904,191 persons from 18 to 20 years of age, 2,057,665, or 52.70 per cent, are native white of native parents, 913,365, or 23,40 per cent, are native white of foreign parents, 415,070, or 10,63 per cent, are foi-eign white, and 518,091, or 13,27 per cent, are colored, POTEI^TIAL MILITIA, The potential militia includes all males from 18 to 44 years of age, both inclusive. This class in 1890 numbered 13,230,168. In 1880 it numbered 10,231,239, showing an increase of 29.31 per cent, which is much larger than that of the total population. This is due to the excessive immigration of the preceding decade, as is shown by the fact that the increase in the native born militia from 1880 to 1890 is approximatelv equal to the increase among the native born of the total population, viz., 22,76 per cent, while the increase of the foreign born militia is about 40 per cent. The native born militia numbers 10,424,086, or 78,79 per cent of the whole number and the foreign born numbers 2,806,082, or 21.21 per cent. This may be contrasted with similar elements of the total population, of which 85.23 per cent were native born and 14,77 per cent were foreign born. Of the total ])otential militia, 68.68 per cent, or more than two-thirds, were native white, while of the total population, 73.24 per cent were native white; 10,78 per cent of the militia were colored, while of the total population, 12.20 per cent were colored. Of the total militia a little more than one-half, namely, 51,20 per cent, were whites of native extraction, that is, were native whites of native parentage, while 48,80 per cent were either foreign born, native born of foreign parentage, or were colored. The following table shows the proportion of the potential militia which was contained iu each of the 5 divisions of the country contrasted with sinnlar proportions of the total iiopulation : OEOORAPHICAL DIVISIONS. Militia. 1 Population. North Atlantic 28.71 12.23 36.55 15.58 6.93 27. 79 14.15 35.71 17.52 4.83 South Atlantic North Central South Central Western It will be seen from this that in the northern and western states the proportion of the potential militia is greater than that of the population, showing a preponderance of the mature male element, while iu the southern states the proportion of militia is less than that of the population, showing the reverse. ex COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. POTENTIAL VOTEES. The number o^ potential voters, that is, males 21 years of age and npward, in 1890 was 16 940 311; in 1880 the number was 12,830,349. The increase during the 10 years intervening was at the rate of 32.03 per cent, which was far in excess of that of population, and was due undoubtedly, as in the case of the militia, to the excessive immigration of the decade which consisted in large proportion of adult males. The potential voters in 1890 formed 27.05 per cent of the population. In 1880 the same class constituted 25 58 per cent, showing a notable increase in the proportion. ' Of the potential voting strength of the nation, 12,591,852, or 74.33 per cent, were native born, and 4,348,459, or 25.67 per cent, were foreign born. The corresponding figures regarding the total population are 85.23 per cent native born and 14.77 per cent foreign born. This brings out forcibly the great disproportion which the voting strength of the foreign element bears to the total of that element. Of the total number, 10,957,496, or 64.68 per cent, were native whites, and l,740,45o, or only 10 28 per cent, were colored. The native wliites of native parents, or, as nearly as may be the whites of native extraction, constitute but 51.99 per cent of the voting strength of the nation, nearly one-half of the possible voters being either foreign born, native born of foreign parents, or colored. Like the corresponding element of the total population the strength of the native element is in the south, while in the northwest it is in many 'states outnumbered, and in a few states greatly outnumbered, by the element of foreio-n extraction. Thus in North Dakota the white voters of native extraction form but 21 13 per cent of the total possible voters; in Minnesota the corresponding proportion is 23"o5 per cent; in Wisconsin 22.20 per cent. In each of these cases more than three- fourths of the voting strength of the state is of foreign extraction. The following table shows the proportion of the potential voting strength contained in each division of the United States contrasted with the corresponding proportion of the total population: GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. North Atlantic South Atlantic North Central . South Central . Western Voters. Population. 29.84 27.79 11.90 14.15 36.62 35.71 14.83 17.52 6.81 4.83 \s in the case of the potential militia, it is seen that in the northern and western o-foups of states the potential voting strength is disproportionately large as compared with the total population, while the reverse is the case in the southern groups. DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. The total number of occupied dwellings in the United States in June, 1890, according to the returns made under the Eleventh Census, was 11,483,318. In 1880 a total of 8,955,812 dwellings was returned, showing an increase of 2,527,506, or 28.22 per cent, during the decade. A dwelling, for census purposes, means any building or place of abode in which any person was living at the time the census was taken, whether a room above a warehouse or factory, a loft above a stable, a wigwam on the outskirts of a settlement, a hotel, a boarding or lodging house, a large tenement house, or a dwelling house as ordinarily considered. In 1860 and 1870 the total number of dwellings reported included both occupied and unoccupied dwellings, so that no analysis can be made except for 1880 and 1890 The general increase in the number of dwellings for the United States as a whole from 1880 to 1890 is, as already stated, 28.22 per cent. There has been an increase m PROGRESS OF THE NATION. CXI the Western division of 73.49 per cent and in the North Central division of 35.14 per cent. The number and per cent of increase since 1880 for each geographical division is as follows : (iEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. INCREASE IN DWELLINGS, 188U TO 1800. Number. Per cent. The TJnited States 2, 527, 506 28.22 532, 163 242, 879 1,114,752 383, 615 254, 097 21.90 17.56 35.14 23.63 73.49 South Atlantic 1 North Central South Central "Western The average number of persons to a dwelling in 1890, for the United States, was 5.45 as against 5.G0 in 1880 and 5.94 for the white and free colored population in 1850. For the North Atlantic division there were, on the average, 5.87 persons to a dwelling in 1890, 5.97 in 1880, and 6.21 in 1850; for the South Atlantic division, 5.45 in 1890, 5.49 in 1880, and 5.71 in 1850; for the North Central division, 5.22 in 1890, 5.47 in 1880, and 5,83 in 1850; for the South Central division, 5.47 in 1890, 5.49 in 1880, and 5.81 in 1850; for the Western division, 5.05 in 1890, 5.11 in 1880, and 4.27 in 1850. For each of the 3 censuses named, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York are reported as having, on the average, the largest number of persons to a dwelling, being in each case more than 6 persons. In 1880 Maryland and tlie District of Columbia are also credited with an average of more than 6 persons. The word family, for the purposes of the census, includes not only the normal family, as generally understood, but also all persons living alone, and all larger aggregations of people having only the tie of a common roof and table, as the inmates of hotels, hospitals, prisons, asylums, etc. Considered as regards great bodies of population, however, the presence of these large "census" families does not probably have any very appreciable effect on the average size of the normal family. A very good illustration of this point is afforded by the state census of Massachusetts in 1885 («,), where, after eliminating all aggregations of people which could not properly be considered as constituting a normal family, it was found that the average size of family for the state as a whole was reduced from 4.58 to 4.45, or a difference of but 0.13. For small bodies of population, as counties, cities, and towns, in which these large aggregations of people are located, the average size of family will of course be affected according to the number and size of such institutions. According to the returns of the Eleventh Census the total number of families, as just defined, living in the United States in June, 1890, was 12,690,152, with an aggregate population of 62,622,250, or 4.93 persons, on the average, to each family. In 1880 there were returned 9,945,916 families, the average size of family at that census being 5.04 for the entire country, with a population of 50,155,783. a Census of Massachusetts, 1885; Population and Social Statistics, Part I, jjp. 49, 5;). CXll COMVEXDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. The increase iu families by numLev and per cent during each decade since 1850 is .shown for the United States and for eacli geographical division, as follows : INCREASE IN FAMILIES. GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. The United states - North Atlantic Bouth Atlantic North Central South Central Western 18S0 to 1890 1870 to 1880 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent , 744, 236 27.59 788, 501 224, 400 1,209,588 373, 570 248, 171 22.77 15.33 35.69 22. 01 66.67 2, 366, 553 526, 247 330, 740 908, 706 455,139 145, 721 31.22 21.07 29.20 36.64 36.63 64.33 1860 to 1870 Number. Per cent, 2, 368, 429 449, 179 480, 225 797, 121 558, 387 83, 517 45.45 21. a3 73.67 47.36 81.63 58. 40 1850 to 1850 Number. Per cent. 1, 612, 694 44.82 465, 337 114, 539 748, 317 184, 257 100, 244 29.40 21.30 80. 04 36.87 234. 41 As shown by the above table there has been an increase in the United States since L880 of '> 744 236 families, or 27.59 per cent. The numerical increase from 1870 to 1880 was onlv slightly less than in the decade from 1860 to 1870, while the per cent of increase was about a third less, or 31.22 per cent ft-om 1870 to 1880 as against 45.45 per cent from 1860 to 1870. The numerical increase from 1850 to 1860 was 1,612,694, and the per cent of increase 44.82, very nearly the same per cent as for 1860 to 1870. The excess of families over dwellings in 1890, 1880, and 1850 as indicated, both as regards number and per cent, in the following summary by geographical divisions: iEOGHAPHlCAL DIVISIONS. 1890 Number. Per cent. The UuitedStates ' 1.206,834 North Atlantic South Atlantic. ) forth Central . South Central.. > Western 749, 897 61, 395 311,119 03, 841 20, 582 10.51 25.31 3.77 7.26 3.18 3.43 1880 Number. Per cent. 990, 104 11.06 593, 559 79, 868 216. 283 73, 886 26, 508 24.42 5.77 6.82 4.55 7.67 1850 Number. Per cent, 235, 903 192, 973 9,261 23, 308 9,487 874 7.02 13.88 1.75 2. .56 1.94 2.09 In 1890 there were in the United States 1,206,834, or 10.51 per cent, more families 1han dwellings, while in 1880 there was an excess of 990,104, or 11.00 per cent, and m 1850 ^lu excess of '>35 903. or 7.02 per cent. In 1880 and 1890 three-tifths and in 1 850 four-fifths of this excess were comprised in the North Atlantic division. The percentages of excess for this division are also very much greater than those reported for any other division, being ^5 31 in 1890 24 42 in 1880, and 13.88 in 1850. Analyzing the results for each state romnrising this division we iind that this excess is largely concentrated in the states of New York Massachusetts, and Khode Island, where the crowded conditions of life m cities and factory towns largely prevail. The results in detail for eac h state lollow : 1, 1S90 1880 1850 STATES. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Nortli Atlantic division 749, 897 25.31 11.16 13.93 8.67 35.05 43.56 26.85 46.05 24.66 6.23 593, 559 24.42 192, 973 13.88 15, 100 10, 683 6, 052 124, 510 22, 760 35,111 412. 422 GO, 997 62, 262 16, 884 11, 905 6, 323 98. 522 18, 871 28, 427 300, 393 41,906 64, 328 13.51 17.41 9.47 35.04 45.60 26.21 39.66 22.01 8.29 7,531 4,948 2.152 39, 840 5, 837 9, 435 92, 933 8,016 22, 281 7.80 8.03 3.81 26.07 26.08 14.74 19.61 9.89 Pennsylvania 5.77 PEOGRESS OF THE NATION. cxiii The average uumber of persons to a family for the United States as a whole has steadily decreased since 1S50. At that census there were, on the average, 5.55 persons to a family; in 18G0 there were 5.28 persons; in 1870, 5.09 persons; in 1880, 5.04 persons, and in 1890, 4.93 persons. The decrease in the North Atlantic division has been particularly marked, the average size of family in 1890 being 4.69 as against an average in 1850 of 5.45. The greatest decrease in this division is found in Maine, the average in 1850 of 5.64 persons having been reduced to 4.40 persons in 1890. In the North Central division there has also been a considerable decrease, or from 5.69 in 1850 to 4.8G in 1890. In Oliio there has been a decrease since 1850 of 1 person, and in Indiana of 1.07 persons to a family. In Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Kansas there has been, on the other hand, an increase in the average size of family since 1860, the first census in which they appear. This is also largely true of the states and territories comprising the Western division, the general average for the division being 4.88 persons in 1890 as against 4.18 persons in 1850. In the newly settled territories the average size of family is small at first, but increases steadily as settlement goes on. When the population becomes more or less urban in character the maximum is reached, and a constantly receding average is likely to be shown at each census thereafter. This is now the case with all the older states of our country, except in the more southern states, where the colored element largely predominates. In these states, although there has been a decrease in 1890 as compared with 1850, there has been a general increase since 1870. For instance, in the South Atlantic division the average size of family in Virginia has increased from 5.29 in 1870 to 5.44 in 1890; in North Carolina from 5.20 to 5.27; in South Carolina from 4.67 to 5.16; in Georgia from 4.98 to 5.22, and in Florida from 4.77 to 4.89, although there has been a slight decrease in the latter state since 1880. In the South Central division the same increases are shown, as in Alabama from 4.92 in 1870 to 5.27 in 1890; in Mississippi from 4.96 to 5.35, and in Louisiana from 4.60 to 5.22. In Texas and Arkansas increases are also noticed, due partly, no doubt, to the greatly accelerated increase in population since 1870. The small average size of family for Oklahoma, just opened for settlement is noted. ' The tendency to decrease in the average size of family in thickly settled communities is brought out very forcibly in the table on the following page, which gives for 124 cities having 25,000 inliabitants and upward in 1890 the total number of dwellings and families, the average number of persons to a dwelling and to a family, and for 95 of these cities comparisons as to average number with similar results for 1880. The figures for 1880 are taken from a table in the printed report of that census, giving for 100 principal cities statistics as to dwellings and families. 5 of the cities named in this table are not included among the cities having in 1890 a population of 25,000 or more. 372 viii .^.\, COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PRINCIPAL CITIES. New York, N.Y . Cliicaso, 111 Pliila,„ „A^i^c Sec. 3. The Superintendent of Census shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and he shall receive an annual salary of six thousand dollars ; and for the purposes of taking the Eleventh Census of the United States, the Secretary of the nterior may from Le to time as the necessity therefor arises appoint a chief clerk and one disbursing clerk of the Census Office at an annual salary each of twenty-five hundred dollars, two stenographers, ten chiefsof division, at an pnnual salary each of two thousand dollars, ten clerks of class four, twenty clerks of class three thirty clerks of class two, with such number of clerks of class one, and of clerks, copyists, and computers, at salaries of not less than seven hundred and twenty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars pel- annum, as may be found necessary for the proper and prompt compilation of the results of the enumeration of the census herein provided to be taken. And the Secretary of the Interior may also appoint one captain of the watch at a salary of eight hundred and forty ^i^"';- i;-/;'-"^'^ 7^ nessenoers and such number of watchmen and assistant messengers, laborers, and skilled laborers at s ^h indred dollars each per annum, and messenger boys at salaries of four hundred dollars each per annum and charwomen at salaries of two hundred and forty dollars each per annum, as may be found necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. And upon such compilation and publicatton of said ceulus, or at an earlier daJe, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior the period of service of "d clerks and employes shall end: Provided, That clerks transferred or detailed for ---« -^J- S act from existing branches of the civil service shall not lose their positions or rights under the ac to relTite and tmprove the civil service of the United States. All of the clerks oi classes lour th ee and two, above provided for, may be statistical experts. The disbursing clerk herein provided fo shall befoi- entering upon his duties, give bond to the Treasurer of the United States in the sum of S thisand dollars, v^h/ch bond shall be conditioned that the said officer ^^^'''" ^f "^ *-; ^^ faithful account to the Treasurer, quarter-yearly, of all moneys and ^J^^^'f^l^'^^^^^^^^^^^ ""^^^ received bv virtue of his office, with sureties to be approved by the Solicitor of the Treasury. Such boil ban be filed in the office of the First Comptroller of the Treasury, to be by him put in siii upon an^ breach of the conditions thereof. All examinations for appointment ami promotion, under this act shall be in the discretion and under the direction of the Secretary of the Interioi. Sic 4 That the Secretary of the Interior shall, on or before the first day of March eighteen hundred and ninety, on the recommendation ^f the Superintendent of C^^^' ^^^^^f ^^\^™^^^^^ whether one or more, of supervisors of census, to be appointed within ^-^l^'^'^.^f^^^^^^^^^ ^1 the District of Columbia, who shall be appointed by the President ot the United States, by and wi^h ife dv'ce and con ent of the Senate. The number of such supervisors shall not exceed one Mndi^d ^ud sev nty-five. The Superintendent and the supervisors shall, before entering upon the duties of their offices, respectively, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation l> -— ^ (Superintendent or supervisor, as the case may be), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and perform and discharge the duies ol «- office of SuSntei dent or supervisor, as the case may be), according to law, honesty and correctly, to the best of my abUty"; which oaths shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Interior. SEC 5 Eacl supervisor of census shall be charged with the performance, within h>^ own d.stric^ of the followhS Zies : To propose to the Superintendent of Census the division of his ^^-trict into ubdL!:ti: m^st convenien/for the purpose of enumeration ; to designate *<> the Supennt^^^^^^^^^ Census suitable persons, and, with the consent of said « J^^ -^H^; r.^v^^^o'sS I brsel'ted enumerators within his district, one for each subdivision, and ^^^j.'l^^V .,tv .'ffiUations accordino- to solely with reference to fitness, and without ^^^-^^^^^^^^^ ':ZTS:2^^^^ of +i,p. .livision luDroved by the Superintendent of Census: Piovuiea, inau ui n ^JZZi^TflZce Zllin.llc.se. be given to properly qualified persons honorably discharged 3 i ;rmmtarror naval service of the United States residing in their respective districts ; but in as'it hTu occur in an eoumeration district that no person qualified to perform -d wmmg to Undertake the d^Ues of enumerator resides in that district, the supervisor may appoint any fit person, cxxx PUBLIC ACTS PERTAINING TO THE ELEVENTH CENSUS, cxxxi resident in the coiinty, to be the enumerator of that district; to transmit to enumerators the printed forms and schedules issued from the Census Office, in quantities suited to the requirements of each subdivision; to communicate to enumerators the necessary instructions and directions relatin<>- to their duties, and to the methods of conducting the census, and to advise with and counsel enumerators in person and by letter, as freely and fully as may be required to secure the purposes of this act; and under the direction of the Superiutendent of Census, and to facilitate the taking of the census with as little delay as possible, he may cause to be distributed by the enumerators, prior to the taking of the enumeration, schedules to be filled up by householders and others; to provide for the early and safe transmission to his office of the returns of enumerators, embracing all the schedules filled by them in the course of enumeration, and for the due receipt and custody of such returns pending their transmission to the Census Office ; to examine and scrutinize the returns of enumerators, in order to ascertain whether the work has been performed in all respects in compliance with the provisions of law, and whether any town or village or integral portion of the district has been omitted from enumeration ; to forward to the Superintendent of Census the completed returns of his district in such time and manner as shall be prescribed by the said Superintendent, and in the event of discrepancies or deficiencies appearing in the returns from his district, to use all diligence in caiising the same to be corrected or supplied • to make np and forward to the Superintendent of Census the accounts required for ascertaining the q,mount of compensation due under the provisions of this act to each enumerator of his district. "Whenever it shall appear that any portion of the enumeration and census provided for in this act has been negligently or improperly taken and is by reason thereof incomplete, the Superintendent of Census, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, may cause such incomplete and unsatisfactory enumeration and census to be amended or made anew under such methods as may, in his discretion, be practicable. Sec. 6. Each supervisor of census shall, upon the completion of his duties to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior, receive the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars, and in addition thereto, in thickly settled districts, one dollar for each thousand or majority fraction of a thousand of the population enumerated in his district, and in sparsely settled districts one dollar and forty cents for each thousand or majority fraction of a thousand of the population enumerated in such district ; such sums to be in full compensation for all services rendered and expenses incurred by him, except that an allowance for clerk hire may be made, at the discretion of the Superintendent of Census : Provided, That, in the aggregate, no supervisor shall be paid less than the sum of five hundred dollars. The designation of the compensation per thousand, as provided in this section, shall be made by the Secretary of the Interior at least one month in advance of the date for the commencement of the enumeration. Sec. 7. That all mail matter of whatever class, relative to the census and addressed to the Census Office, to the Superintendent of Census, his chief clerk, supervisors, or enumerators, and indorsed "Official business. Department of the Interior, Census Office", shall be transported free of postage; and if any person shall make use of any such indorsement to avoid the payment of postage on his private letter, package, or other matter in the mail, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of three hundred dollars, to be prosecuted in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 8. No enumerator shall be deemed qualified to enter upou his duties until he has received from the supervisor of census of the district to which he belongs a commission, under his hand, authorizing him to perform the duties of an enumerator, and setting forth the boundaries of the subdivision within which such duties are to be performed by him. He shall, moreover, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation : "I; ) an enumerator for taking the census of the United States, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will make a true and exact enumeration of all the inhabitants within the subdivision assigned to me, and will also faithfully collect all other statistics therein, as provided for in the act for taking the census, and in conformity with all lawful instructions which I may receive, and will make due and correct returns thereof as required by said act, and will not disclose any information contained in the schedules, lists, or statements obtained by me to any person or persons, except to my superior officers. (Signed) Which said oath or affirmation may be administered by any judge or clerk of a court of record, or any justice of the peace, or notary public empowered to administer oaths; which oath, duly authenticated, shall be forwarded to the supervisor of census before the date fixed herein for the commencement of the ennmeration. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of each enumerator, after being qualified in the manner aforesaid, to visit personally each dwelling house in his subdivision, and each family therein, and each individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of the head of such family, or of the member thereof deemed most credible and worthy of trust, or of such individual living out of a family, to obtain each and every item of information and all the particulars required by this act, as of CXXXll COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. date June first, eigliteen hundred and ninety. And in case no person shall be found at the uBual place of abode of such femily or individual living out of a family competent to answer the mqumes made m compliance with the requirements of this act, then it shall be lawful for the enumerator to obtain the required information, as nearly as may be practicable, from the family or families, or person or persons, living nearest to such place of abode. The Superintendent of Census may employ special agents or other means to make an enumeration of all Indians living within the jurisdiction of the United States, with such information as to their condition as may be obtainable, classifying them as to Indians taxed, and Indians not taxed. . • i i i i -i ^„ SEC 10 And it shall be the duty of each enumerator to forward the original schedules, duly certified, to" the supei-visor of census of his district, as his returns under the provisions of this act. Sec 11 The compensation of enumerators shall be ascertained and fixed as follows: In subdivisions, where the Superintendent of Census shall deem such allowance sufiicient, an allowance not exc eding two cents fox each living inhabitant, two cents for each death reported, fifteen cents for each farm and twenty cents for each establishment of productive industry enumerated and returned, and for eacnnrviving soldier, sailor, or marine, or widow of such soldier, sailor, or marine returned five cents may ^^ g-en in full compensation for all services : Provided, That the subdivisions to which the rov;ratLf compensation shall apply must be designated by the Superintendent of Census at least one month in advance of the enumeration. Rates of compensation for all other subdivisions shall be fixed in advance of the enumeration by the Superintendent of Census, with the approval of the Secretary of he Interior, according to the difficulty of enumeration, having reference to the nature of the reg,o to be canvassed and the density or sparseness of settlement, or other considerations pertmen thereto; but the compensation allowed to any enumerator in any such district shall not be less than three dollars nor more than six dollars per day of ten hours actual field work each when a per diem Lmpensation shall be established by the Secretary of the Interior ; nor more han three cents for each li "nrinhabitant, twenty cents for each farm, and thirty cents for each establishment of P-ductve ndX enumera ed and^returned, when a per capita compensation shall be deemed advisable by the Se retarv of the Interior. No claim for mileage or traveling expenses shall be allowed any enumerator Le'Lclass of subdivisions, except in extremecases,andthenonlywhenauthorityhasbeenpreviou^^^^ Iranted bv the Superintendent of Census. The Superintendent of Census shall prescribe uniform mrhods and suitable forms for keeping accounts of the number of people enumerated or of the time Tciipied in field work for the purpose of ascertaining the amounts due to enumerators, severally, under ^^'ir'trVhaflhT'-subdivision assigned to any enumerator shall not exceed four thousand i.haWtants' as near as mav be, according to estimates based on the Tenth Census. The boundaries of an subcUvMonsIhall be clearly described by civil divisions, rivers, roads, public surveys, or other '"' sVf it Tt^ilylpervisor or enumerator, who, having taken and subscribed the oath required by this act,' shall, without justifiable cause, neglect or refuse to perform the duties enjoined on him by t^Lisact or shall, ;ithoutthe authority of theSuperinteudent,communicatetoanypersonnoauth^ to -ecSve the same any information gained by him in the performance of his duties, shall be deemed guily of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars; or, if £ hall willfully and knowingly swear or afiirm falsely, he shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and, on convict on therJof, shall be imprisoned not exceeding three years, and be fined not exceeding eight Wrei dollars; or, if he shall willfully and knowingly make false certificates or fictitious returns, hrshaU be deen^'ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction of either of the last named offenses, he shall be fined not exceeding five thousand dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding two years Sec U That if any person shall receive or secure to himself any fee, reward, or compensation as a consideration for the appointment or employment of any person as enumerator or clerk or other empToyfo' hall in any way receive or secure to himself any part of the compensation provided m this a7for th" services of any enumerator or clerk or other employ^, he shall be deemed guilty of a mtdtmeatoi- and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than three thousand dollars, or be imnrisoned not more than one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. _ '^sTirThateachandeveiypersonmorethantwentyyearsofage,belongingtoanyfamilyresidxng^^^ any enLeration district or subdivision, and in case of the absence of the heads and other members of anv ™amily, then any representative of such family shall be, and each of them hereby is, required, ^thereto m e ted by the Superintendent, supervisor, or enumerator to render a true account to the best of his oi'her knowledge, o? every person belonging to such family in the various particulars reqn^ed bylaw, and whoever shalT Willfully fail or refuse shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one bundled dollars. lid every president, treasurer, secretary, agent, director, or other officer of every corporation from whictansws o any of the schedlues provided for by this act are herein required, who shall, if thereto Teq^teTrthe Superintendent, supervisor, or enumerator, willfully neglect or refuse to give true and PUBLIC ACTS PERTAINING TO THE ELEVENTH CENSUS, cxxxiii complete answers to any inquiries authorized by this act, or shall willfully give false informatiou, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall he fined not exceeding ten thousand dollars to which may be added imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year. Sec. 16. That all hues and penalties imposed by this act may be enforced by indictment or information in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 17. That the schedules of inquiries at the Eleventh Census shall be the same as those contained in section number twenty-two hundred and six of the Revised Statutes of the United States, of eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, as amended by section seventeen of the act entitled "An act to provide for taking the Tenth and subsequent censuses", approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine with such changes of the subject matter, emendations, and modifications as may be approved by the Secretary of the Interior; it being the intent of this section to give to said Secretary full discretion over the form of the schedules of such inquiries: Provided, however. That said Superintendent shall, under the authority of the Secretary of the Interior, cause to be taken on a special schedule of inquiry, according to such form as he may prescribe, the names, organizations, and length of service of those who had served in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States in the war of the rebellion, and who are survivors at the time of said inquiry, and the widows of soldiers, sailors, or marines : And provided, That the population schedule shall include an inquiry as to the number of negroes, mulattoes, quadroons, and octoroons. The report which the Superintendent of Census (if directed by said Secretary) is required to obtain from railroad corporations, incorporated express companies, telegraph companies, and insurance companies, and from all corporations or establishments reporting products other than agricultural products, shall be of and for the fiscal year of such corporations or establishments having its termination nearest to the first of June, eighteen hiindred and ninety ; the Superintendent of Census shall collect and publish the statistics of the population, industries, and resources of the district of Alaska, with such fullness as he may deem expedient, and as he shall find practicable under the appropriations made, or to be made, for the expenses of the Eleventh Census. He shall also, at the time of the general enumeration herein provided for, or prior thereto, as the Secretary of the Interior may determine, collect the statistics of and relating to the recorded indebtedness of private corporations and individuals, and make report thereon to Congress; and he shall collect from official sources information relating to animals not on farms. The only volumes that shall be prepared and published in connection with said census shall relate to population and social statistics relating thereto, the products of manufactories, mining, and agriculture, mortality and vital statistics, valuation and public indebtedness, recorded indebtedness, and to statistics relating to railroad corporations, incorporated express, telegraph, and insurance companies, a list of the names, organizations, and length of service of surviving soldiers, sailors, and marines, and the widows of soldiers, sailors, and marines. Sec. 18. That each enumerator in his subdivision shall be charged with the collection of the facts and statistics required by each and all the several schedules, with the following exceptions, to wit : In cities or states where an official registration of deaths is maintained, the Superintendent of Census may, in his discretion, withhold the mortality schedule from the several enumerators within such cities or states, and may obtain tiie statistics required by this act through official records, paying therefor such sum as may be found necessary, not exceeding the amount which is by this act authorized to be paid to enumerators for a similar service, namely, two cents for each death thus returned. Whenever he shall deem it expedient, the Superintendent of Census may withhold the schedules for manufacturing, mining, and social statistics from the enumerators of the several subdivisions, and may charge the collection of these statistics upon experts and special agents, to be employed without respect to locality. And said Superintendent may employ experts and special agents to investigate and ascertain the statistics of the manufacturing, railroad, fishing, mining, cattle, and other industries of the country, and of telegraph, express, transportation, and insurance companies as he may designate and require. And the Superintendent of Census shall, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, prepare schedules containing such interrogatories as shall, in his judgment, be best adaiijted to elicit this information, with such specifications, divisions, and particulars under each head as he shall deem necessary to that end. Such experts and special agents shall take the same oath as the enumerators of the several subdmsions, and shall have equal aixthority with such enumerators in respect to the subjects committed to them, and they shall receive compensation at rates to be fixed by the Superintendent of Census with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That the same shall in no case exceed six dollars per day and actual necessary traveling expenses. Sec. 19. That the enumeration required by this act shall commence on the first Monday of June, eighteen hundred and ninety, and be taken as of that date, and each enumerator shall prosecute the canvass of his subdivision from that date forward on each week day without intermission, except for sickness or other urgent cause ; and any unnecessary cessation of his work shall be sufficient ground for his removal and the appointment of another person in his place; and any person so appointed shall take the oath required of enumerators, and shall receive compensation at the same rates. And it shall be the duty of each enumerator to complete the enumeration of his district, and to prepare the returns cxxxiv COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. hereinbefore refiuired to he made, and to forward the same to the supervisor of his district on or before the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety, and in any city having over ten thousand inhabitants under the census of eighteen hundred and eighty, the enumeration of iiopulation shall be taken within two weeks from the first Monday of June; and any delay beyond the dates above respectively, on the ■oart of any enumerator, shall be sufBcient cause for withholding the compensation to which he would be entitled by compliance with the provisions of this act, until proof satisfactory to the Superintendent of Census shall be furnished that such delay was l)y reason of causes beyond the control of such enumerator. Sec. 20. That the sum of six million four hundred thousand dollars is hereby fixed and limited as the maximum cost of the census herein provided for, exclusive of printing, engraving, and binding, and it shall not be lawful for the Secretary of the Interior or the Superintendent of Census to incur any expense or obligation whatever, in respect to said census, in excess of that sum ; and the sum of one million dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be immediately available, and continue available until the completion of the Eleventh Census. Sec. 21. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, whenever he may think proper, to call upon any other Department or office of the Government for information pertinent to the enumeration herein required. Sec. 22. Any supervisor of census may, with the consent of the Superintendent of Census, remove any enumerator in his district, and fill the vacancy thereby caused or otherwise occurring ; and in such cases but one compensation shall be allowed for the entire service, to be apportioned among the persons performing the same in the discretion of the Superintendent of Census. Sec. 23. That upon the request of any municipal government, meaning thereby the incorporated government of any town, village, township, or city, or kindred municipality, the Superintendent of Census shall furnish such government with a copy of the names, v^ith age, sex, birthplace, and color or race, of all persons enumerated within the territory in the jurisdiction of such municipality, and such copies shall be paid for by such municipal government at the rate of twenty-five cents for each one hundred names, and all sums so received by the Superintendent of Census shall be accounted for in such way as the Secretary of the Interior shall direct, and covered into the Treasury of the United States to be plaicedto the credit of, and in addition to, the appropriation herein made for taking the Eleventh Census. Sec. 24. That the Secretary of the Interior may authorize the expenditure of necessary sums for the traveling expenses of the officers and employes connected with the taking of the census, and the incidental expenses essential to the carrying out of this act, including the rental of convenient quarters in the District of Columbia and the furnishing thereof, and an outfit for printing small blanks, tally sheets, circulars, and so forth, and shall from time to time make a detailed report to Congress of such expenditures. Sec. 25. That the act entitled "An act to provide for the taking of the Tenth and subsequent censuses ", approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed ; and all censuses subsequent to the Eleventh Census shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of this act, unless Congress shall hereafter otherwise provide. Approved, March 1, 1889. Public — No. 1. An act making appropriations to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for public printing and binding for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the following objects, namely : PRINTING, ENGRAVING, AND BINDING ELEVENTH CENSUS. For printing, engraving, and binding required for the preliminary work for taking the Eleventh Census, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, and to continue available until exhausted. Approved, December 19, 1889. PUBLIC ACTS PERTAINING TO THE ELEVENTH CENSUS, cxxxv Public — No. 2. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for taking the Eleventh and subsequent censuses", approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section six of an act entitled "An act to provide for taking the Eleventh and subseqneut censuses", approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty -nine, be amended by striking out the words "five hitndred" and inserting the words "one thousand", so that the proviso will read: " Provided, That in the aggregate no supervisor shall be paid less than the sum of one thousand dollars ". Approved, January 23, 1890. Public— No. 19. An act to require the Superintendent of Census to ascertain the number of people who own farms and homes, and the amount of mortgage indebtedness thereon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Census, in addition to the duties now required of him by law, to ascertain the number of persons who live on and cultivate their own farms, and who live iu their own homes, and the number who hire their farms and homes, and the number of farms and homes which are under mortgage, the amount of mortgage debt, and the value of the property mortgaged. He shall also ascertain whether such farms and homes have been mortgaged for the whole or part of the purchase money for the same, or for other purposes, and the rates of interest paid upon mortgage loans. Sec. 2. That for the purposes of this act the sum of one million dollars is liereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 3. That the provisions of sections thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen of the "Act to provide for taking the Eleventh Census and subsequent censuses", approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, shall apply to the provisions of this act. Approved, February 22, 1890. Public — No. 11. Joint resolution providing for taking the census in Alaska. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congres, assembled, That the Superintendent of Census is hereby authorized to pay special agents in Alaska, iu addition to their salaries, a per diem allowance to cover all expenses of subsistence and transportations not to exceed seven dollars per diem. Approved, March 19, 1890. Public — No. 51. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for taking the Eleventh and subsequent censuses", approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty -nine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That section eighteen of an act entitled "An act to provide for taking the Eleventh and subsequent censuses", approved March first, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, be amended by adding, to the last line of said section eighteen, after the words "and actual necessary traveling expenses" the words "and a per diem allowance in lieu of subsistence of three dollars per day". Approved, April 3, 1890. cxxxvi COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Public— No. 124. An act authorizing the registration of census mail matter. Be it enacted by tlie Senate and House of Representatives of tlie United States of America in Congress assembled That all mail matter, of whatever class, relative to the census and addressed to the Census Office to the Superintendent of Census, his chief clerk, supervisors, or enumerators, and indorsed " Official business, Department of the Interior, Census Office, registered", shall be transported free by registered mail; and if any person shall make use of any such mark of registration to avoid the payment of^any reo-istry fee on his private letter, package, or other matter in the mail, the person .so ottending shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a line of three hundred dollars, to be prosecuted in any court of competent jurisdiction. Approved, May 21, 1890. Public— No. 1G3. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the payment of pensions and for the expenses of the Eleventh Census for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety, and tor other purposes. Be it enactedby the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely : „ , » ELEVENTH CEXSUS. For salaries and necessary expenses for taking and compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, three million seventy-five thousand dollars, to continue available until exhausted. Approved, June 18, 1890. Public— No. 225. An act amendatory of the act entitled "An act to provide for taking the Eleventh and subsequent censuses". Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That section seventeen of said act be so amended that the Superintendent of the Census shall require and obtain from the owners, proprietors, or managers of every unincorporated express company the same class of facts which by said section he is now obliged to require and obtain from the owners, proprietors, or managers of every incorporated express company ; and, farther, ^, ^ , . That section fifteen of the act entitled " An act to provide for taking the Eleventh and subsequent censuses" shall be so amended that the penalties provided for in said section shall apply in case the president, treasurer, secretary, agent, or director of an unincorporated express company shall willfully neglect or refuse to give true and complete answers to any inquiries authorized by the said act, if thereto requested by the Superintendent of the Census. Approved, August 14, 1890. Public— No. 245. An a«t making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and niuety-oue, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senote and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, namely : EXPENSES OF ELEVENTH CENSUS. For salaries and necessary expenses for taking and compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, one million four hundred thousand dollars. PUBLIC ACTS PERTAINING TO THE ELEVENTH CENSUS, cxxxvii For coatinniug the printing, engraving, and binding of tlie Eleventh Census, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to continue available until exhausted and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. Sec. 4. That hereafter all disbursing officers of the United States shall render their accounts quarterly; and the Secretary of the Senate shall render his accounts as heretofore; but the Secretary of the Treasury may direct any or all such accounts to be rendered more frequently when in his judgment the public interests may require. Approved, August 30, 1890. Public — No. 64. An act making; an apportionment of Representatives in Congress among tlie several states under tlie Eleventh Census. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Cono-ress assembled, That after the third of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, the House of Representatives shall be composed of three hundred and fifty-six members, to be apportioned among the several states as follovFs : Alabama, nine; Arkansas, six; California, seven; Colorado, two; Connecticut, four; Delaware, one; Florida, two; Georgia, eleven; Idaho, one; Illinois, twenty-two; Indiana, thirteen; Iowa, eleven; Kansas, eight; Kentucky, eleven; Louisiana, six; Maine, four; Maryland, six; Massachusetts, thirteen; Michigan, twelve; Minnesota, seven; Mississippi, seven ; Missouri, fifteen; Montana, (me; Nebraska, six; Nevada, one; New Hampshire, two; New Jersey, eight; New York, thirty-four; North Carolina, nine; North Dakota, one; Ohio, twenty-one; Oregon, two; Pennsylvania, thirty; Rhode Island, two; South Carolina, seven; South Dakota, two; Tennessee, ten; Texas, thirteen; Vermont, two; Virginia, ten; "Washington, two; West Virginia, four; Wisconsin, ten; Wyoming, one. Sec. 2. That whenever a new state is admitted to the union the Representative or Representatives assigned to it shall be in addition to the number three hundred and fifty-six. Sec. 3. That in each state entitled under this apportionment the number to which such state may be entitled in the Fifty-third and each subsequent Congress shall be elected by districts composed of contiguous territory and containing as nearly as practicable an equal number of inhabitants. The said districts shall be eqiial to the number of the Representatives to which such state may be entitled in Congress, no one district electing more than one Representative. Sec. 4. That in case of an increase in the number of Representatives which may be given to any state under this apportionment such additional Representative or Representatives shall be elected by the state at large, and the other Representatives by the districts now prescribed by law until the legislature of such state in the manner herein prescribed shall redistrict such state, and if there be no increase in the number of Representatives from a state the Representatives thereof shall be elected from the districts now prescribed by law until such state be redistricted as herein prescribed by the legislature of said state. Sec. 5. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are herebj- repealed. Approved, February 7, 1891. Public — No. 141. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and for iirior years, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rei^resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sitms be, and the same are hereby, ajipropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-one, and for prior years, and for other objects hereinafter stated, namely: The reports of the Eleventh Census shall be printed at the Government printing office, and in addition to the usual number there shall be printed fifty thousand copies of a digest of the leading statistics not to exceed two hundred octavo pages, of which fifteen thousand shall be for the use of the Senate, thirty thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives, two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the Department of the Interior, and two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the Census cxxxviii COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Office. In addition to tlie above there shall be printed twenty-five thousand copies of the Compendium, of which seven thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use of the Senate, fifteen thousand copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives, one thousand two hundred and fifty for the use of the Department of the Interior, and one thousand two hundred and fifty copies for the nse of the Census Office. In addition to the above, five thousand copies of each of the following final volumes shall be printed : On Mines and Mining; On Wealth, Debt, and Taxation ; On Recorded Indebtedness ; On Transportation; On Insurance; On Social Statistics of Cities; and On Alaska. One thousand two hundred aud fifty copies of each shall be for the use of the Senate, two thousand five hundred copies for the use of the House of Representatives, eight hundred and thirty-four for the Department of the Interior, and four hundred and sixteen copies for the Census Office. These reports shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions made for the distribution of the Reports of the Tenth Census as contained in act of Congress approved August seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two • and for the printing of said census reports there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. ■, ■ ^ . Said appropriation shall apply to the fiscal year ending .July fljst, eighteen hundred and ninety-two. # * * Approved, March 3, 1891. Public— No. 143. All act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government fortbefiscal year ending .Tune thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate aud House of Representatives of the United States of America in Couoress assembled. That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, namely: , ^ » EXPENSES OF ELEVENTH CENSUS. For salaries and necessary expenses for taking and compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, one million dollars. * # * * * Approved, March 3, 1891. Public — No. 11. An aet making appropriations to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the expenses of the Eleventh Census, snA for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, and they are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, namely : . ELEVENTH CENSUS. For salaries and necessary expenses for continuing the work of compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, two hundred thousand dollars. For the work of the division of farms, homes, aud mortgages, fifty thousand dollars. Approved, March 8, 1892. PUBLIC ACTS PERTAINING TO THE ELEVENTH CENSUS, cxxxix Public— No. G2. An act to provide for certain of the most urjieut deficiencies in the apiiropriations for the service of the Governmeut for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thatthe foUowingsums, orsomnch thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same are hereby, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and uiuety-two, namely: ELEVEXTH CENSUS. For salaries and necessary esiJenses for continuing the work of compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, one hundred thousand dollars, to be available until expended. Approved, May 13, 1892. Public— No. 109. An act amendatory of an act entitled "An act to provide for the taking of the Eleventh Census ". Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That sections fifteen and seventeen of the act entitled "An act to provide for taking of the Eleventh and subsequent censuses", approved March first, eighteen hvindred and eighty-nine, be, and the same are hereby, amended so that the Superintendent of Census shall be required to obtain from every incorporated and unincorj)orated company, firm, association, or person engaged in any productive industry the iuformation called for and specified in the general and special schedules heretofore approved or to be hereafter approved by the Secretary of tlie Interior. And every president, treasurer, secretary, agent, director, or other officer of every corporation engaged in such productive industry, and every person, firm, manager, or agent of unincorporated companies, and members of firms, associations, or individuals likewise engaged in such productive industry, from which or whom answers to any of the inquiries contained in the said schedules are herein required, who shall, if thereto requested by the Sniieriuteudent of Census, supervisor, enumerator, or special agent, or each or any of them, willfully neglect or refuse to give true and comxilete answers to any inquiry or inquiries contained in the said schedules, or shall willfully give false information in respect thereto, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars, to which may be added imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year. And all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, July 6, 1892. Public — No. 178. An act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety -two, and for prior years, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and for prior years, and for other objects hereinafter stated, namely: EXPENSES OF ELEVENTH CENSUS. For salaries and necessary expenses for continuing the work of compiling the results of the Eleventh Census, five hundred and sixty thousand dollars, being for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and to continue available until exhausted. For the work of the division of farms, homes, and mortgages, one hundred thousand dollars, being for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and to continue available until exhausted. To continue printing of the final volumes of the Eleventh Census, authorized by the act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to continue available until exhausted. Approved, July 28, 1892. Cxl COMPENDIUM OF THE 'ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Public— No. 202. An act makiug appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year emling June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety -three, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Kepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the objects hereinafter expressed,' for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, namely: # * * ^ ELEVENTH CENSUS. Thflt the appropriation of t.ro hundred and fifty thousand dollars, made by the act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, for printing the final reports of the Eleventh Census, be, and the same is hereby made available for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, under the limitations and conditions prescribed by said act, and for the printing, not to exceed the usual number, of any additional reports the copy of which may be ready for the Public Printer before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety-three. , # » » »\'' Approved, August 5, 1892. F»OF»ULA.TION. 372 1 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVEI^TH CENSUS: 1890. Table la.-AGGREGATE POPULATION FOK EACH STATE AND TERRITORY [The narrow column tmder each census year shows the order of the states and STATES AND TERRITORIES. The United States . North Atlantic division . 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 I 55 Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts . . . Khode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division. . Delaware Maryland District of Columhia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina . . South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas South Central division. Kentucky . . . Tennessee . . Alabama Mississippi . Louisiana. - . Texas Oklahoma. Western division 1890 62, 622, 250 17, 401, 545 661, 086 376, 530 332, 422 2, 238, 943 345, 506 746, 258 5, 997, 853 J, 444, 933 5, 258, 014 8, 857, 920 168, 1,042, 230, 1,6,55, 762. 1, 617, 1, 151, 1,837, 391, 22, 362, 279 Arkansas 24 Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Id aho Washington Oregon.: , California \ '■'' 3, 672, 316 2, 192, 404 3, 826, 351 2, 09S, 889 1, 686, 880 1, 301, 826 1, 911, 896 2, 679, 184 182, 719i 328,808' 1,058,910 1,427,096 10, 972, 893 1, 858, 635 1,767,518 1,513,017 1. 289, 600 1, 118, 587 2, 235, 523 m\. 834 1, 128, 179 3, 027, 613 1880 132, 159 60, 705 412, 198 153, 593 .59, 620 207, 905 45,761 84, 385 349, 390 313, 767 1, 208, 130 25 1870 50, 155, 783 14, 507, 407 648, 936 346, 991 332, 286 1, 783, 085 276, 531 622, 700 5, 082, 871 1,131,116 4, 282, 891 7, 597, 197 38, 558, 371 12, 298, 730 1860 31, 443, 321 146, 608 934, 943 177, 624 1,512,565 618, 457 1, 399, 750 995, 577 1, 542, 180 269, 493 17, 364, 111 3, 198, 062 1, 978, 301 3, 077, 871 1,636,937 1,315,497 780, 773 1, 624, 615 2, 168, 380 Cl35, 177 452, 402 996, 096 8, 919, 371 1, 648, 690 1,542,359 1, 262, 505 1, 131, 597 939, 946 1, 591, 749 626, 915 318, 300 330, 551 1, 457, 351 217, 353 537, 454 4, 382, 759 906, 096 3,521,951 5, 853, 610 802, 525 1, 767, 697 125, 015 780, 894 131, 700 1, 225, 163 442, 014 1,071,361 705, 606 1, 184, 109 187, 748 12,981,111 10, 594, 268 2, 665, 260 1, 680, 637 2, 539, 891 1,184,059 1, 054, 670 439, 706 1,194,020 1,721,295 Cl4, 181 J22, 993 364, 399 6, 434, 410 39,159 20, 789 .194, 327 119, .565 40, 440 143, 963 62, 266 32, 610 75,116 174, 768 864, 694 26 43 47 41 37 46 39 40 44 42 38 24 1,321,011 1,258,520 996, 992 827, 922 726, 915 818, 579 484, 471 990, 510 25 20, .595 9,118 39, 864 91.874 9, 658 86, 780 42, 491 14, 999 23, 955 90, 923 560, 247 628, 279 326, 073 315,098 1,231,066 174, 620 46(1, 147 3, 880; 7.35 672,035 2, 906,'215 5, 364, 703 112, 216 687, 049 75, 080 1, 596, 318 992, 622 703, 708 1, 057, 286 140, 424 9, 096, 716 2, 339, 511 1,350,428 1,711,951 749„113 775, 881 172, 023 674,9)3 1,182,012 c4, 837 28l 841 107, 206 5, 768, 658 1, 155, 684 1, 109, 801 964, 201 791, 305 708, 002 604, 215 435, 450 618,976 34, 277 93, 516 40, 273 6,857 11,594 52, 465 379, 994 KECAPITTJLATION BY The United States . North Atlantic division . . South Atlantic division. .. North Centra! division South Central division — Western division 62, 622, 250 17,401,545 8, 857, 920 22, 362, 279 10, 972, 893 3, 027, 613 50, 155, 783 14, 507, 407 7. 597, 197 17, 364, 111 8, 919, 371 1, 767, 697 38, 558, 371 12, 298, 730 5, 853, 610 12,981,111 6, 434, 410 990, 510 31,443,321 10, 594, 268 5. 364, 703 9, 096, 716 5, 768, 658 618, 976 a TncludiD" 6 100 persons on publicThips in the service of the United States, not credited to any state or territory. 6 IncludiSi 5:318 persons on public ships in the service of the United States, not credited to any state or territory. POPULATION. AS CONSTITUTED AT THE DATE OF EACH CENSUS: 1790 TO 1890. territories when arranged according to magnitude of population.] 1850 1S40 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 23, 191, 876 ol7, 069, 453 612, 866, 020 9, 633, 822 7, 239, 881 5, 308, 483 3, 929, 214 1 8, 626, 851 6,761,082 5, 542, 381 4, 356, 623 3, 486, 675 2, 635, 576 1, 968, 040 2 16 22 23 6 28 21 1 19 2 30 17 33 4 583, 169 317, 976 ' 314,120 994,514 147, 545 370, 792 3, 097, 394 489,555 2, 311, 786 4, 679, 090 13 22 21 8 24 20 1 18 2 26 15 28 4 501, 793 284, 574 291, 948 737, 699 108,830 309, 978 2, 428, 921 373, 306 1, 724, 033 3, 925, 299 12 18 1 17 1 8 23 16 1 14 2 24 11 25 3 399, 455 269, 328 280, 652 610, 408 97, 199 297, 675 1,918,608 320, 823 1, 348, 233 3, 645, 752 12 15 16 7 20 14 1 13 3 22 10 25 2 298, 269 244, 022 235, 966 523, 159 83, 015 275, 148 1,372,111 277, 426 1, 047, 507 3, 000, 809 14 16 15 5 17 9 2 12 3 19 8 22 1 228, 705 214, 460 217, 895 472, 040 76, 931 261,942 959, 049 245, 562 810, 091 2, 674, 891 14 11 13 5 16 8 3 10 17 7 19 1 151,719 183,8.58 154, 4(i5 422, 845 69, 122 251,002 589, 051 211, 149 602, 365 2, 286, 494 11 10 12 4 15 8 5 9 2 16 6 96, 540 141,885 85, 425 378, 787 68, 825 237, 946 340, 120 184, 1.39 434, 373 1,851,806 59, 096 319, 728 3 4 r 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 91, 532 583, 034 51, 687 1,421,661 78, 085 470, 019 43, 712 1, 239, 797 76, 748 447, 040 39, 834 1,211,405 72, 749 407, 350 33, 0.39 ],06.5, 116 72,674 380, 546 24, 023 974, 600 04, 273 341,548 14, 093 880, 200 13 14 15 1 747, 610 16 17 10 14 9 31 3 7 11 20 24 36 27 13 869, 039 668, 507 906, 185 87, 445 5, 403, 595 7 11 9 27 3 10 14 23 30 753,419 594, 398 691,392 54, 477 3, 351, 542 5 9 10 26 4 13 20 27 737, 987 581, 185 516, 823 34, 730 1,610,473 4 8 11 638, 829 502, 741 340, 985 4 6 11 555, 500 415,115 252, 433 4 6 12 478, 103 345, 591 102, 686 3 7 13 393, 751 249, 073 82, 548 18 19 20 '1 5 18 24 27 858, 957 581, 295 147, 178 55, 162 8, 765 13 21 24 25 293, 169 18 21 51, 006 22 1,980,329 988, 416 851,470 397, 654 305, 391 6,077 192, 214 682, 044 1,519,467 685,866 476, 183 1 212, 267 30,945 937, 903 343, 031 157,445 31, 639 230, 760 24, 520 12,282 4,762 45, 365 5, 641 '3 '>^ 25 26 27 yg 29 16 43, 112 , 383, 70^ 29 21 140, 455 23 66, 557 23 20, 845 30 <31 ^12 33 1 34 8 5 12 15 18 25 4, 303, 522 6 5 12 17 19 3,025,430 6 7 15 22 19 2, 062, 096 6 9 19 21 17 1,357,433 7 10 1 785, 146 9 15 335, 407 220, 955 105, 602 14 17 109,368 73, 677 35,691 35 982, 405 1,002,717 771, 623 606, 526 517, 762 212, 592 779,828 829, 210 590, 756 375, 651 352, 411 687, 917 681, 904 309, 527 136, 621 215,739 .564, 135 422, 771 127,901 1 75, 448 152, 923 406, 511 26] , 727 36 37 38 20 18 40, 352 76, 556 20 8, 8.50 39 40 41 42 26 209, 897 178, 818 25 97, 574 1 28 30, 388 26 14, 255 43 ] 1 \ 45 1 46 47 32 61, 547 1 48 35 11,380 50 51 52 53 34 29 13, 294 92, 597 54 55 GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. 23, 191, 876 0,17, 069, 453 612, 866, 020 9, 633, 822 7, 239, 881 5, 308, 483 3, 929, 214 1 8, 626, 851 4, 679, 090 5, 403, 595 4, 303, 522 178, 818 6, 761, 082 3, 925, 299 3, 351, .542 3, 025, 430 5, 542, 381 3, 645. 752 1, 610, 473 2,062,096 4, 356, 623 3, 060, 809 858, 957 1, 357, 433 3, 486, 675 2, 674, 891 293, 169 785, 146 2, 635, 576 2, 286, 494 51, 006 335, 407 1, 968, 040 1,851,806 2 3 4 109, 368 5 6 i c Dakota territory. d Population of Greer county (5,338), in Indian territory (also claimed by Texas), included in that of Oklahoma territory for census purposes. COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk Ib.-INCREASE OF POPULATION FOR EACH STATE AND STATES AND TBEBITOEIBS. The United States . Nortb Atlantic division Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts . . Rhode Island . . . . Connecticut New York New Jersey. Pennsylvania . . . South Atlantic division. Delaware 'Maryland ■•.--• District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa...- Missouri North Dakota South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas South Central division. Kentucky... Tennessee . . Alabama. . .. Mississippi . Louisiana... Texas Oklalioma . . Arkansas . . Western division . Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington . Oregon California 1880 to 1890 Number. 12, 466, 467 2, 894, 138 12, 150 29, 539 136 455, 858 68, 975 123, 558 914, 982 313, 817 975, 123 1,260,723 Per cent. 24.86 19.95 21, 885 107, 447 52, 768 143, 415 144, 337 218, 197 155, 572 295, 173 121, 929 Central division 4, 998, 168 1.87 8.51 0.04 25.57 24.94 19.84 18.00 27.74 22.77 16.59 1870 to 1880 Per Number. ^^^^ 11, 597, 412 14.93 11.49 29.71 9.48 23.34 15.59 15.63 19.14 45.24 28.78 2, 208, 677 22, 021 28, 691 1,735 325, 734 59, 178 85, 246 700, 112 225, 020 760, 940 1, 743, 587 30.08 17.96 474, 254 214, 103 748, 480 456, 952 371, 383 521,053 287, 281 510, 804 c376, 350 606, 508 431, 000 2, 053, 522 14.83 10.82 24.32 27. 92 28. 23 66.74 17.68 23. 56 c278. 41 134. 06 43.27 23.02 209, 945 225, 159 250, 512 158, 003 178, 641 643, 774 61, 834 325, 654 1, 259, 916 21, 593 154, 049 45, 924 287, 402 176, 443 328, 389 289, 971 358, 071 81,745 3.51 9.01 0.52 22.35 27.23 15.86 15.97 24.83 21.61 29.79 1860 to 1870 Numher. 7, 115, 050 Per cent. 22.63 1, 704, 462 17.27 19.73 34.87 23.46 39.92 30. 65 41.10 30.24 43.54 ol. 364 a7, 773 15, 453 226, 285 42, 733 77, 307 502, 024 234, 061 615, 736 488, 907 16.09 1850 to 1860 Number. 8, 251, 445 1, 967, 417 aO. 22 02.38 4.90 18.38 24.47 16.80 12.94 34. 83 21. 19 I 9.11 4, 383, 000 33. 76 93, 000 39, 916 217, 871 34, 028 19, 180 63, 942 al6, 505 51,775 274, 274 138, 999 343, 436 12.73 14.60 19.84 13.96 19.01 40.44 532, 802 297, 664 537, 980 452, 878 260, 827 341,067 430, 595 447, 085 (J120, 996 329, 409 631, 697 2, 484, 961 19.99 17.71 21.18 38.25 24. 73 77.57 36.06 25.97 d853.23 267. 83 173. 35 38.62 327, 679 283, 839 265, 513 303, 675 213, 031 773, 170 40.58 71.27 237. 49 192.01 112. 12 28.46 47.43 44.42 a26. 51 158. 77 365. 13 79.53 39.72 318, 054 777, 187 18, 564 11, 671 154, 463 27, 691 30, 782 57, 177 19, 775 17, 611 51, 161 83,845 304, 447 24.81 22.55 26. 63 36.68 29. 31 94.45 65.65 78.46 12, 799 93, 845 56, 620 6371, 155 442, 014 78, 739 1,898 126, 823 47, 324 3, 884, 395 90.14 128. 00 387. 47 30.14 318. 72 65.88 46.54 117. 41 213. 57 92. 22 54.34 325, 749 330, 209 827, 940 434, 946 278, 789 267, 683 519, 107 539, 283 d9,344 94, 152 257, 193 665, 752 165, 327 148, 719 32, 791 36. 617 18, 913 214, 364 11.41 13.66 75.41 623.25 7.93 0.27 12.00 33.70 42.70 13. 92 24.45 48.36 58.06 35. 93 155. 61 76.91 45. 62 dl93.18 326. 45 239. 91 11.54 45, 110 8,097 978 236, 552 27, 075 89, 355 783, 341 182, 480 594, 429 685, 613 Per cent. 35.58 22.81 20, 684 104, 015 23, 393 174, 657 123, 583 35, 201 151,101 52, 979 7.74 2.55 0.31 23.79 18.35 24.10 25.29 37.27 25.71 14.65 22.60 17.84 45.26 12.29 14.22 5.27 16.67 60.59 3,693,121 68.35 49, 021 371, 534 14.31 13.40 3.40 4.63 2.67 35.48 20, 595 9,118 5,587 al, 642 9,658 46, 513 35, 634 14, 999 12, 361 38, 458 180, 253 11.26 60.02 359, 182 362, 012 860, 481 351, 459 470, 490 165, 946 482, 699 499, 968 (J4,837 28, 841 107, 206 1, 465, 136 173, 279 107, 084 192, 578 184, 779 190, 240 391,623 18.14 36.63 101. 06 88.38 151. 06 2730. 72 251. 13 73.30 16.30 al.76 115. 49 519. 67 106. 62 73.30 47.44 225, 553 440, 158 34, 277 31, 969 28, 893 6,857 34.05 17.64 10.68 24.96 30.47 36.74 184. 21 107. 46 246.15 51.94 253. 89 11, 594 39, 171 287, 397 294. 65 310. 37 RECAPITULATION BY The United States North Atlantic division . . South Atlantic division . . North Central division . - . South Central division Western division 12, 466, 467 2, 894, 138 1, 260, 723 4, 998, 168 2, 053, 522 1, 259, 916 24.86 19. 95 16.59 28.78 23. 02 71. 27 11, 597, 412 2, 208, 677 1 , 743, 587 4, 383, 000 2, 484, 961 777, 187 30.08 17.96 29.79 33. 76 38.62 78.46 7, 115, 050 1, 704, 462 488, 907 3, 884, 395 665, 752 371, 534 22.63 16.09 9.11 42. 70 11.54 60.02 8, 251, 445 1, 967, 417 685, 613 3, 693, 121 1, 465, 136 440, 158 35.58 22.81 14. 65 68. 35 34.05 246. 15 a Decrease. 6 Decrease in population due to loss of territory. West Virginia having been set off from Virginia December 31. 1662. POPULATION. TERRITORY AS CONSTITUTED AT THE DATE OF EACH CENSUS: 1790 TO 1890. 1840 to 1850 1830 to 1840 1820 to 1830 1810 to 1820 1800 to 1810 1790 to 1800 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 33.55 Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. Number. Per cent. 6, 122, 423 35.87 4, 203, 433 32.67 3, 232, 198 2, 393, 941 33.07 1,931,398 36.38 I, 379, 269 35.10 1 1, 865, 769 27.60 1, 218, 701 21.99 1, 185, 758 27.22 869. 948 24.95 30. 42 13.78 8.29 10.83 7.91 5.04 43. 07 12.98 29.31 14.43 851, 099 32.29 667, 536 33.92 57.16 29.58 80. 82 11.63 0.43 5.49 73.19 14.67 38.67 23.47 2 81, 376 33, 402 22, 172 256, 815 38, 715 60, 814 668, 473 116, 249 587, 753 753, 791 16.22 11.74 7.59 34.81 35. 57 19.62 27.52 31.14 34.09 19.20 102, 338 15, 246 11, 296 127, 291 11, 631 12, 303 510, 313 52, 483 375, 800 279, 547 25.62 5.66 4.02 20.85 11.97 4.13 26.60 16.36 27.87 7.07 101,186 25, 306 44, 686 87, 249 14, 184 22, 527 546, 497 43, 397 300, 726 584, 943 33.92 10.37 18.94 16.68 17. 09 8.19 39.83 15.64 28.71 19.11 69,564 29, 562 18, 071 51,119 6,084 13, 206 413, 002 31,864 237, 416 385, 918 76, 986 30, 602 63, 430 49, 195 7,809 10, 940 369, 998 34,413 207, 726 388, 397 50.74 16.64 41.06 11.63 11.30 4.36 62.81 16.30 34.49 16.99 55, 179 41,973 69, 040 44, 058 297 13, 056 248, 931 27, 010 167, 992 434, 688 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13, 447 113, 015 7,975 181, 861 17.22 24.04 18.24 14.67 1,337 22, 979 3,878 28, 392 1.74 5.14 9.74 2.34 3,999 39, 690 6,795 146, 289 5. .50 9.74 20. 57 13.73 75 26, 804 9,016 90, 516 0.10 7.04 37.53 9.29 8,401 38, 998 9,930 94, 400 13.07 11.42 70.46 10. 72 5,177 21,820 14, 093 132, 590 8.76 6.82 17." 74 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 lis, 620 74, 109 214, 793 32, 968 2,052,053 15.35 12.47 31.07 00.52 61.23 15, 432 13, 213 174, 569 19, 747 1, 741, 069 2.09 2.27 33.78 56.86 108. 11 99, 158 78, 444 175, 838 34, 730 751, 516 15.52 15.60 .51.57 83, 329 87, 626 88, 552 15.00 21.11 35. 08 77, 397 69, 524 89, 747 16.19 20.12 55.17 84, 352 96, 518 80, 138 '2i.'42' 38.75 97.08 87.49 565, 788 192. 99 242, 163 474. 77 51, 006 22 460, 862 302, 550 375, 287 185, 387 274, 446 6,077 149, 102 298, 342 30.33 44.11 78.81 87.34 886. 88 581, 564 342, 835 318,738 180, 628 30, 945 62.01 99.94 202. 44 570. 90 356, 608 195, 853 102, 283 22, 874 61.35 1.33. 07 185. 42 260. 97 350, 535 122,6.58 42, 880 4, 003 151. 90 500. 24 349. 13 84.06 185, 395 18, 879 12, 282 4,762 408. 67 334. 67 45, 365 5,641 23 24 25 '>6 27 345. 85 77.75 43, 112 243, 247 1 28 29 30 173. i9 73, 898 111. 03 45, 712 219. 29 20, 845 S31 ^32 33 1, 278, 092 42.24 963, 334 46.72 704, 663 51.91 572, 287 72.89 449, 739 134. 09 226, 039 206. 68 34 35 202, 577 173, 507 180, 867 230, 875 165, 351 212, 592 25.98 20.92 30.62 61.46 46.92 91,911 147, 306 281,229 239, 030 136, 672 13.36 21.60 90.86 174. 96 63.35 123, 782 259, 133 181, 626 61, 173 62, 816 21.94 61.29 142. 01 81.08 41.08 157, 624 161,044 127, 901 35, 096 76, 367 38.77 61.53 185, 556 156, 125 83.98 147. 84 147, 278 !l99. 90 69,911 '195.88 36 37 86.97 99.75 3i, 502 76, 556 355. 95 8,850 :;;:;:; 39 40 41 112, 323 178, 818 'ii5.'i2' 67,'i86" '22i.'69' i6,'i33' 'm.ii' i4,'255' 42 44 1 45 61," 547' j ii.'sso' 1 ;:;;::;:' 4b 47 48 49 50 51 13,' 294' 92, 597 1 52 53 54 55 " GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. 6, 122, 423 35.87 4, 203, 433 32.67 21.99 7.67 108. 11 46.72 3, 232, 198 33. 55 2, 393, 941 1 33.07 24.95 14.43 192. 99 72. 89 1, 931, 398 36.38 1, 379, 269 35.10 1 1, 865, 769 753, 791 2, 052, 053 1, 278, 092 178, 818 27.60 19.20 61.23 42.24 1, 218, 701 279, 547 1, 741, 069 963, 334 1, 185, 758 584, 943 751, 516 704, 663 27.22 19.11 87.49 51.91 869, 948 385, 918 565, 788 572, 287 851, 099 388, 397 242, 163 449, 739 32.29 16.99 474. 77 134. 09 667, 536 434, 688 51,006 226, 039 33.92 23.47 206.' 68" 2 3 4 5 6 -. cNorth and South Dakota combined, m 1880) increased 145,810, or 395.05 per cent d Dakota territory. Apportioning the population of Dakota territory in 1880, North Dakota (36,909 ;, and South Dakota (98,268 In 1880) increased 230,540, or 234.60 per cent. g COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tabif 1« -DENSITY OF POPULATION FOR EACH STATE AND TERRITORY AS CONSTI- TUTED AT THE DATE OF EACH CENSUS: 1790 TO 1890. tTi, f .. = r.f +V,u t.,l.lfi liave been obtained by dividing tlie population by tlie total land area (square miles) of flie state or [The figures "t^t^s W^!'" 'in computing density the areal of llaska and /ndian territory are not eousidered.] STATES AND TERRITORIBS The United States North Atlantic division. Maine Mew Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island . ('onnecticut . . . New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division. Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina . South Carolina.. Georgia Florida North Central division Ohio . . . Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas RECAPITULATION BY GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. The United States . North Atlantic division. . South Atlantic division- . North Central division. . . South Central division . . . Western division 21.31 17.29 107. 37 89.52 32.98 28.28 29.68 23.04 18.94 16. .51 2. T>S 1.50 13.30 10.84 75.89 21.79 17.23 11.91 0.84 65.37 19.97 12.07 10.68 0.53 7.93 53.23 17.42 7.17 7.05 0.16 8.43 41.72 14.61 4.45 8.69 6.35 34.20 13.57 2.14 5.93 4.76 11.39 1.14 3.90 3.69 21.51 12. 48 0.39 2.30 6.61 16.26 12. 14 10.66 8.64 0.20 1.94 0.6:) a Dakota territory. POPULATION. 7 Table 2.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES FOR EACH STATE AND TERRITORY AS CONSTITUTED AT THE DATE OF EACH CENSUS: 1790 TO 1890. [The spelling of the names of counties is in accordance with the decisions of the Uniteil States hoard on geographic names.] AI.ABAITIA. [Organized as a territory March 3, 1817. Admitted as a state December 14, 1819.] The State Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount (6).... Bullock Butler Calhoun (c) . . . Chambers Cherokee Chilton (d) ... Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw Cullman (Ji) . . Dale Dallas Dekalb Elmore Escambia Etowah Fayette Franklin Geneva Greene Hale Henry Jackson Jefferson (e) . . Lamar (/ ) Lauderdale. .. La^vrence Lee Limestone . - . Lowndes Macon Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery . Morgan (g)... Perry Pickens Pike Kandolph Russell St. Clair Shelby (e) Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington. . Wilcox Winston (h) . . 1890 1, 513, 017 13, 330 8,941 34, 898 13, 824 21, 927 27, 063 21, 641 33, 835 26, 319 20, 459 14, 549 17, 526 22, 624 15, 765 13. 218 12, 170 20, 189 14, 594 15, 906 7,536 15, 425 13, 439 17, 225 49, 350 21, 106 21, 732 8,666 21, 926 12, 823 10, 681 10, 690 22, 007 27, 501 24, 847 28, 026 88, 501 14, 187 23, 739 20, 725 28, 694 21, 201 31, 550 18, 439 .38, 119 33, 095 11. 347 18, 935 51, 587 18, 990 .56, 172 24, 089 29, 332 22, 470 24, 423 17. 219 24, 093 17, 353 20, 886 29, 574 29, 346 25, 460 30, 352 16, 078 7,935 30, 816 6, 552 1880 1, 262, 505 13, 108 8, 603 33, 979 9,487 15, 369 29, 066 19, 649 19, 591 23,440 19, 108 10, 793 15, 731 17, 806 12, 938 10, 976 8,119 16, 153 12, 605 15. 113 5,639 11,726 6, 355 12, 677 48, 433 12, 675 17, 502 5,719 15, 398 10,135 9,155 4,342 21,931 26, 553 18, 761 25. 114 23, 272 12, 142 21, 035 21, 392 27, 262 21, 600 31, 176 17. 371 37, 625 30, 890 9,364 14,585 48, 653 17, 091 52, 356 16, 428 30, 741 21, 479 20, 640 16, 575 24, 837 14,462 17, 236 28, 728 23, 360 23, 401 24, 957 9,479 4,538 31, 828 4,253 1870 996, 992 11, 623 6,004 29, 309 7,469 9, 945 24, 474 14, 981 13, 980 17, 562 11,132 6,194 12, 676 14, 663 9,560 8,017 6,171 12,537 9,574 11,945 4,868 11, 156 11,325 40, 705 7,126 14, 477 4,041 10, 109 7 136 8,006 2,959 18, 399 21, 792 14, 191 19, 410 12, 345 8,893 15, 091 16, 658 21, 750 15,017 25, 719 17, 727 31, 267 26, 151 6, 0.59 9,871 49, 311 14,214 43, 704 12, 187 24, 975 17, 690 17.423 12, 006 21, 636 9,360 12, 218 24, 109 18, 064 16, 963 20, 081 6,543 3, 912 28, 377 4, 155 1860 964, 201 16, 739 7, 530 30, 812 11,894 10, 865 18, 122 21, 539 23, 214 18, 360 13, 877 15, 049 9,623 11,311 19, 273 6,469 12, 197 33, 625 10, 705 12, 850 18, 627 30, 859 14,918 18, 283 11,746 17, 420 13, 975 15, 306 27, 716 26, 802 26, 451 31,171 11, 182 11, 472 41,131 15, 667 35, 904 11, 3.35 27, 724 22, 316 24,435 20, 059 26, 592 11,013 12, 618 24, 035 23, 520 23, 827 23, 200 7,980 4,669 24,618 3,576 1850 771, 623 15, 023 4,414 23, 632 9, 969 7,367 10, 836 17, 163 23, 960 13, 884 8,389 9,786 5,940 9,322 14, 543 3,645 6,382 29, 727 8,245 9,681 19, 610 31,441 9,019 14,088 8,989 17, 172 15, 258 16, 483 21,915 26, 898 26, 427 27, 831 7,833 8,846 27, 600 12, 013 29, 711 10, 125 22, 285 21, 512 15, 920 U, 581 19. 548 6,829 9,536 22, 250 18, 624 15, 584 18, 056 5,124 2,713 17, 352 1,542 1840 590, 756 14, 342 2,951 12, 024 8,284 5,570 8,685 14, 260 17, 333 8,773 1830 1820 309, 527 127, 901 11, 874 2,324 6,306 4, 233 5,650 8,640 8,197 6,995 2,435 7,397 25, 199 5,929 6,942 14, 270 24, 024 5,787 15, 715 7,131 14, 485 13, 313 14, 374 19, 539 11, 247 25, 706 17, 264 5,847 7, 553 18, 741 10, 680 24, 574 9,841 19, 086 17, 118 10, 108 4,973 13, 513 5, 638 6,112 29, 937 12, 587 6,444 16, 583 4,032 5,300 15, 278 7,595 7,444 1,522 2,031 14, 017 3,547 11,078 15, 026 3, 853 1,713 3,676 2,415 1,405 5,839 5,713 6,003 1810 a9, 046 al,427 4,554 4,020 12, 700 6, 855 2,638 8,751 11,781 14, 984 14, 807 9,410 27, 990 7,700 4,058 6,267 8,782 12, 695 9,062 11, 490 6,622 7,108 5, 975 5,704 13, 646 2,202 3,474 9,548 4,963 9,871 17,481 2,933 2,672 8,838 6,604 5, 263 4,166 2,416 2, 917 ai, 699 a2, 920 1800 al, 250 1790 a.1,2.50 a Then in the territory of Mississippi. 6 Part of Blount annexed to Cullman since 1880. c. Name changed from Benton in 1858. d Kame changed from Baker since 1870. e Part of Shelby annexed to Jefferson since 1880. / Name changed from Sanford since 1870. r/ Name changed from Cataco in 1821. /( Name changed from Hancock in 1850. COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 3890. Table 2.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Contmued. ARIZONA TERRITORY. [Organized as a territory February 24, 1863.] The Territory Apache (6) . Cochise (c) . GUa (d) . . . . Graham (e) . 1890 59, 620 4, 281 6,938 2,021 5,670 1880 40, 440 5,283 1870 9,658 1860 a6, 482 1850 a Then the county of Arizona, in the territory of New Mexico. . ,ooi b Part taken to form Graham m 1881. c Organized from part of Pima in 1881. Maricopa (d) Mohave Pima(/) .... Pinal (d) . . . . Yavapai Yuma 1890 10, 986 1,444 12, 673 4,251 8,685 2,671 1880 5,689 1,190 17, 006 3,044 5,013 3,215 1870 179 5,716 2,142 1,621 1860 1850 d Gila organized from parts of Maricopa and Pinal in 1881 . e Organized from parts of Apache and Pima in 1881. / Parts talten to form Cochise and Graham in 1881. The State . Arkansas (6) Ashley Baxter Benton Boone Bradley . Calhoun. Carroll .- Chicot... Clark . . . Clay Cleburne (c) . . Cleveland (d) . Columbia Conway Craighead . . Crawford . . . Crittenden . Cross Dallas Desha (e) Drew Faulkner Franklin (/). Fulton Garland Grant Greene Hempstead Hot Spring Howard Independence (c) Izard Jackson Jeflerson (3) Johnson . . . Lafayette . Lawrence . Lee Lincoln ... Little River. Logan Lonoke (h) . - Madison (/) . Marion ARKANSAS, [Organized as a territory March 2, 1819. Admitted as a state June 15, 1836.] 1890 1, 128, 179 11, 432 13, 295 8,527 27, 716 15, 816 7,972 7,267 17,288 11,419 20, 997 12, 200 7,884 11,362 19, 893 19, 459 12, 025 21, 714 13, 940 7,693 9,296 10, 324 17, 352 18, 342 19, 934 10, 984 15, 328 7,786 12, 908 22, 796 11, 603 13, 789 21, 961 13, 038 15, 179 40, 881 16, 758 7,700 12, 984 18, 886 10, 255 8,903 20, 774 19, 263 17, 402 10, 390 1880 802, 525 8,038 10, 156 6,004 20, 328 12, 146 6,285 5,671 13, 337 10, 117 15, 771 7,213 1870 484, 471 8,370 14, 090 12, 755 7,037 14, 740 9,415 5,050 6,505 8,973 12, 231 12, 786 14, 951 6,720 9, 023 6,185 7,480 19, 015 7,775 9,917 18, 086 10, 857 10, 877 22, 386 11, 565 5,730 8,782 13,288 9,255 6,404 14, 885 12, 146 11, 455 7,907 8,268 8,042 1860 435, 450 8,844 8,590 13, 831 7,032 8,646 3,853 5,780 7,214 11, 953 9,306 1850 209, 897 3,245 2,058 3,710 8,388 4,103 9,383 9,234 9,735 11, 397 8, 112 4,577 8,957 3,831 3,915 5,707 6,125 9,960 9,627 4,843 12, 449 6,697 3,066 7,850 4,920 8,283 6, 459 9,078 3,829 4,614 5,115 4,070 1840 1830 97, 574 1,346 2, 228 3,583 7,960 2, 648 2,844 3,806 2,309 30, 388 1,426 1820 14, 255 1810 al, 062 1,260 al, 062 1800 1,165 1,369 2,892 4,266 1,561 7,298 4,024 3,943 7,573 13, 768 5,877 14, 566 6,806 7,268 15, 733 9,152 9,139 5,981 5,843 13, 98» 5,635 14, 307 7,215 10, 493 14,971 7,612 8,464 9,372 6,877 2,911 3,276 3,972 1,819 1,598 2,665 2,593 7, 673 3,609 3,236 8, 231 3,979 7,740 6,192 7,767 3,213 3,086 5,834 5,227 5,220 5,274 982 2,440 1,272 1,040 1,586 4,921 1,907 3,669 2,240 1,540 2,566 3,433 2,200 2,835 4,823 2,308 2,775 1,325 2,512 458 2,031 1,266 333 772 1790 2,246 748 2,806 5,592 a Then in the territory of Louisiana. ft Part of Desha anneKcd and part given to Jettersou since 1880 c Cleburne organized from parts of Independence, Van Buren, and White in 1883. dName changed from Dorsey in 1885. e Part given to Arkansas county since 1880. / Part of Madison annexed to Franklin in 1885. (I Part of Arkansas county annexed since 1880. h Parts of Prairie annexed to Lonoke and Monroe since 1880. POPULATION. Tablk 2.— aggregate POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Coutiuued. ARKANSAS— Coutinued. COUNTIES. Miller (o) .... Miller Mississippi . Monroe (6) . . Montgomery Nevada . . Newton . . Ouachita . Perry Phillips . . Pike Poinsett... Polk Pope Prairie (6) . Pulaski Kandolpb .. St. Francis . Saline Scott Searcy Sebastian Sevier Sharp Stone Union Van Buren (c) Washington.. White (c) Woodruff Tell 1890 14,714 11,635 15,330 7, 923 14,832 9,950 17, U33 5,538 25, 341 8, 537 4,272 9, 283 19, 458 11,374 47, 329 14,485 13, 543 11,311 12, 635 9,664 33, 20e 10, 072 10, 418 7,043 14, 977 8,567 32, 024 22, 946 14, 009 18,015 1880 9,919 7,332 9,574 5,729 12,959 6,120 11,758 3,872 21, 262 6,345 2,192 5,857 14, 322 8,435 32, 616 11,724 8,389 8,953 9,174 7,278 19, 560 6,192 9,047 13, 419 9,565 23, 844 17, 794 8,646 13, 852 1870 3,633 8,336 2,984 4,374 12, 975 2,685 15, 372 3,788 1,720 3, 376 8,386 5,604 32, 066 7,466 6,714 3, 911 7,483 5,614 12, 940 4,492 5,400 10, 571 5,107 17, 266 10, 347 6,891 8,048 1S60 3, 895 5,657 3,633 3,393 12, 936 2,465 14, 877 4,025 3, 621 4,262 7,883 8,854 11,699 6,261 8,672 6,640 5, 145 5,271 9,238 10, 516 12,288 5,357 14, 673 8,316 6,333 1850 2,368 2, 049 1,958 1,758 9,591 978 6, 935 1,861 2,308 1,263 4,710 2,097 5,657 3,275 4,479 3,903 3,083 1,979 4,240 10, 298 2,864 9, 970 2,619 3,341 1840 1,410 936 3,547 2,850 5,350 2,196 2,499 2,061 1,694 936 2, 810 2,889 1,518 7,148 929 1830 356 461 1,152 1,483 2,395 1,505 634 1820 999 1,197 1,921 640 2,182 1810 1800 1790 a Was sonthwestern county of the state ; that part north of Red river now in Indian territory and that part soutli of Bed river now in Texas. h Parts of Prairie annexed to Lonoke and Monroe since. 1880. c Clebuine organized from parts of Independence, Van Buren, and White in 1883. CAI.IFORIVIA. [Admitted as a state September 9, 1850. COUNTIES. The State. Alameda. . Alpine.. .. Amador Butte Calaveras . Colusa Contra Costa (a) Del Norte (h).... Eldorado Fresno Humboldt . . Inyo Kern Klamath (c) . Lake Lassen Los Angeles (d) . Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced ... Modoc Mono Monterey . Napa Nevada . . . 1. 208, 130 1890 93, 864 667 10, 320 17, 939 14, 640 13, 515 2,592 9,232 32, 026 23, 469 3,544 9,808 7,101 4,239 101,454 13,072 3, 787 17,612 8,085 4, 986 2,002 18, 637 16,411 17, 369 1880 864, 694 62, 976 539 11,384 18, 721 9,094 13,118 12, 525 2, 584 10, 683 9,478 15,512 2,928 5,601 6,596 3, .340 33, 381 11,324 4,339 12, 800 5,656 4,399 7,499 11, 302 13, 235 20, 823 1870 560, 247 24, 237 685 9,582 11,403 8,895 6,165 8,461 2,022 10,309 6,336 6,140 1,956 2,925 1,686 2,969 1,327 15, 309 6,903 4,572 7,545 2,807 1860 379, 994 430 9,876 7,163 19, 134 8,927 10, 930 12, 106 16, 299 2,274 5,328 1,993 20, 562 4,605 2,694 1, 803 11,333 3,334 6, 243 3,967 1,141 4,739 5,521 16, 446 1850 92, 597 3, 574 16, 884 1)5 20, 057 3, 530 323 4, 379 B5 1,872 405 COUNTIES. Orange (d.) Placer Plumaa Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino - San Diego San Francisco(a.) San Joaqnln San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara . . Santa Clara (a) . . Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou (6) Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulai'e Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Tuba 1890 13, 589 15,101 4, 933 40, 339 6,412 25, 497 34, 987 298, 997 28, 629 16,072 10, 087 15, 754 48, 005 19, 270 12, 133 5, 051 12, 163 20, 946 32, 721 10, 040 5,469 9,916 3,719 24, 574 6,082 10, 071 12, 684 9,636 1880 14, 232 6,180 34, 390 5,584 7,786 8,618 233, 959 24, 349 9,142 9,513 35, 039 12,802 9,492 6,623 8,610 18, 475 25, 926 8,751 5,159 9,301 4, 999 11,281 7,848 5,073 11,772 11, 284 1870 11,357 4,489 26, 830 3,988 4,951 149,473 21,050 4,772 6,635 7,784 26, 246 8,743 4,173 5,619 6,848 16, 871 19, 819 6,499 5,030 3, 587 3, 213 4,533 8,150 9,899 10, 851 1860 13, 270 4,363 24,142 5,551 4,324 56, 802 9,435 1,782 3,214 3,543 11,912 4,944 4,360 11, 387 7,629 7,169 11, 867 2,245 3,390 4,044 5, 125 4,638 16, 229 4,716 13, 668 1850 9,087 798 3,647 336 1,185 643 378 580 560 3,444 1,635 8,351 1,086 9,673 a The returns for 1850 for Contra Costa and Santa Clara were lost, and those for San Francisco were destroyed by fire. 6 Part of Del Norte annexed to Siskiyou since 1880. c Griven to Humboldt and Siskiyou in 1874. (J Orange organized from part of Los Angeles in 1889. 10 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahi.k 2.— aggregate POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Coutimied. €OI^ORA»0. [Organized as a territory February 28, 1861. Admitted as a state August 1, 1876.] 1890 Tlie State 412, 198 Arapahoe 132, 135 Archuleta (a) 826 Baca (6) 1,479 1880 1830 1860 194, 327 39, 864 6,829 Beut (c) Boulder Chatt'ee Cheyenue(d) . (:;iear Creek . Conejos (a) .-. Cost ilia Custer Delta (e) . . - - Dolores (/) . Douglas Eagle (3) . . - Elhert (ft) . . El Paso . . . . Fremont . . . Gartield (i) . Cilpin Graud Greenwood (j). Guuuison {e) . - Hinsdale Huerfano Jetl'erson Kiowa(J;) l,3i;! 14, 082 6,612 534 7,184 7,193 3, 491 2,970 2,534 1,498 3,006 3, 725 1,856 21, 239 9,156 4,478 5,867 604 1,6.54 9, 723 6,512 592 1,939 7, 823 5,605 2,879 8, 080 2, 486 1,708 7, 949 4, 735 1,596 2, 504 1,779 34, 277 1850 1,388 987 1,064 6,489 417 4,359 862 6, 882 8, 450 1,243 8,235 1,487 4,124 6,804 ,490 'sio 2,250 2,390 Kit Carson (I) . . Lake La Plata (m) Larimer Las Animas (6) . Lincoln {d) Logan (nj Mesa (e) Montezuma (m) . Montrose («). Morgan (o) - Otero (A) . - . Ouray (/) . - Pai-k Phillips (p). Pitkin{e) 8,929 Prowers (k) 1 1890 2, 472 14, 663 5,509 9,712 17, 208 689 3,070 4,260 1, 529 3, 980 1,601 4,192 6,510 3,548 2,642 1880 1870 1860 23, 563 1,110 4,892 8,903 2,669 3,970 1850 522 838 4,276 447 Pueblo . Bio Blanco ( «» 1890 1, 617, 947 1, 399, 750 1880 1870 1, 071, 361 0,523 20, 027 15, 628 21, 072 19, 176 16, 763 10, 900 35, 266 14, 939 18, 142 12, 298 5,667 10, 825 16, 028 18, 689 25, 413 9,976 9,167 4,197 20, 394 17, 856 20, 533 27, 321 6,747 3,768 21, 702 11, 621 18, 690 1860 14, 613 8,355 5,486 17, 994 14, 437 17, 474 16, 399 16, 158 9,389 21, 909 12, 809 14, 964 10, 291 6,274 0,784 17, 825 14, 946 23, 453 8,182 7,900 3,316 16, 571 14, 439 19, 729 23, 836 6,476 3,243 20, 333 11, 096 18, 773 992, 622 1850 11, 874 6,868 3,691 12,428 9,573 13,011 12, 950 12, 831 7,754 15, 412 9,777 11,954 8,476 5, 361 9,010 16, 081 10, 984 19, 723 8,080 6,450 2,461 12, 696 8,474 20, 516 17, 035 5,131 2,778 17, 414 9,620 15, 542 11, 852 6,022 3,590 13, 664 7,956 14, 766 14, 310 11,995 8,406 12, 654 9,237 10, 546 7,497 5,343 8,186 16, 215 10, 729 19, 101 9, 16G 6, 842 869, 039 11,444 5,220 12, 348 8,597 16, 268 16, 369 7,415 16, 601 8,494 15, 784 13, 489 8,777 13,816 12, 851 9,767 7,272 13, 425 7,772 9,747 6,317 6,049 6,939 15, 269 8,862 18,449 6, 838 6,721 1840 753, 419 10,396 5,909 14, 709 20, 610 7,236 15, 077 7,467 12, 225 12, 175 8,022 5, 265 10, 084 15,799 9,259 1830 737. 987 5,663 6,591 14, 693 16, 242 3,427 6,690 15, 320 7,866 13, 514 3, 941 13, 438 15, 284 6,703 14, 095 6,987 10, 969 12, 262 7,811 6,516 16, 281 17, 888 8,810 1830 638, 829 555, 500 6, 733 6,597 15, 185 15, 405 "6,'697 14, 606 7,574 11, 182 4,141 13, 734 14, 834 7,655 12, 534 4,335 9, 850 10, 805 7, 276 5,480 10, 542 13,411 7,248 1810 1800 1790 478,103 303,751 6,347 5,609 13, 253 12,661 "6,'464 8, 831 3,694 7,203 11,218 5,671 4,778 9,277 11,007 6,158 5,347 4, 823 11, 757 8,146 2, 783 6,242 11,249 7, 028 4,110 5,812 9, 929 5,094 ,133 4, 191 4,399 8,701 5,462 12, 606 5,084 3,071 8,118 12, 977 5^297 13, 389 "ii,'29i 3,912 13, 394 14, 446 8, 098 9,744 3,022 12, 676 9, 382 6,985 11,861 5,132 10, 245 9,264 6,928 4, 033 3, 732 10, 096 9,221 5,011 10, 469 8,671 5,219 7,863 6,796 5,662 a Part of Craven annexed to Carteret since 1880. 6 Part of Davidson annexed to Forsyth since 1880. POPULATION. Table a.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Contiuaed. IVOKTH CAROt,IIVA— Continued. 33 C6UN'T1ES. Diii-hani (a) Edgecombe. Forsyth (b) . Franklin(c) Gaston Gates Graham Gi'anvillc (c) . - Greene G uilford Halifax Harnett H ay wood- - Henderson . Hertford . . . Hyde Iredell . . . Jackson.. Johnston. Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell , Macon Madison . . Martin Meclvlenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore Xash New Hanover . Northampton . Onslow Orange (d) Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Polk Randolph . Richmond . Robeson... Rockingham Rowan Rutherford.. Sampson Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transylvania. Tyrrell TJnion Vance (c) "Wake (a) Warren (c) Washington Watauga. Wavne . . . Wilkes... Wilson . . . Yadkin . . Tancey... 1890 18, 041 24, 113 28, 434 21, 090 17, 764 10, 252 3,313 24, 484 10, 039 28, 052 28, 908 13, 700 13, 34«? 12, 589 13, 851 8,903 25, 462 9,512 27, 239 7,403 14, 879 12, 586 10, 939 10, 102 17, 805 15, 221 42, 673 12, 807 11, 239 20, 479 20, 707 24, 026 21, 242 10, 303 14, 948 7,146 10, 748 12, 514 9, 293 15, 151 25, 519 5,902 25,195 23, 948 31, 483 25, 363 24, 123 18, 770 25, 096 12, 136 17, 199 19, 281 6,577 5,881 4,225 21, 2.59 17, 581 49, 207 19, 360 10, 200 10, 6U 26, 100 22, 675 18,644 13, 790 9,490 18S0 26, 181 18, 070 20, 829 14, 254 8,897 2,335 31, 286 10, 037 23, 585 30, 300 10, 862 10, 271 10, 281 11,843 7,765 22, 675 7,343 23, 461 7,491 15,344 11, 061 9,836 8,064 12, 810 13, 140 34, 175 9,435 9,374 16, 821 17, 731 21,376 20, 032 9, 829 23, 698 6,323 10, 369 12, 468 9,466 13, 719 21, 794 5,062 20, 836 18, 245 23, 880 21,744 19, 965 15, 198 22, 894 10, 505 15, 353 15, 302 3,784 5,340 4,545 18, 056 1870 47, 939 22, 619 8,928 8,160 24, 951 19. 181 16, 064 12, 420 7,694 22, 970 13, 050 14, 134 12, 602 7,724 24,831 8,687 21, 736 20, 408 8,895 7,921 7,706 9,273 6,445 16, 931 6,683 16, 897 5, 002 10, 434 9,573 7,592 6,615 8,192 9,647 24, 299 4, 705 7,487 12, 040 11,077 27, 978 14, 749 7, 569 17, 507 1860 1850 17, 376 12, 692 14, 107 9,307 8,443 23, 396 7, 925 20, 056 19, 442 8,039 5,801 10, 448 9,504 7,732 15, 347 5,515 15, 656 5,730 10, 220 8,195 7,120 6,004 5,908 10, 195 17, 374 17, 189 11, 168 11,713 8,073 8, 426 21,' 249 6,619 19, 754 16, 589 7,074 6,853 8, 142 7,636 14, 719 "is," 726 5, 038 7,828 7,746 6,246 6,389 1840 15, 708 10, 980 8,161 18,81:" 0,595 19, 175 16, 865 1830 14, 935 10, 665 19,355 6, 413 18, 737 17, 739 4,975 5,129 7,484 6, 458 15, 685 10,599 4,945 7,605 25, 160 7,649 11, 427 11, 687 21, 715 13, 372 8,856 16, 947 8,307 13, 914 8, 131 7,945 11, 170 17, 276 4, 319 17, .551 12, 882 16, 262 15, 708 16, 810 13, 121 16,436 8,315 11, 208 11, 252 8,940 6,872 9,342 10, 657 17, 668 13, 335 8,283 17, 055 4,578 "8,'537 1820 1810 13, 276 9,741 6,837 18, 222 4,533 14,511 17, 237 12, 423 10, 166 6,184 14, 918 'i6,"938 5,608 7,723 22, 455 4,073 7," 712 5,333 7,637 18, 273 10, 780 7.988 9,047 13, 312 13, 369 7,527 24, 356 3, 536 4,173 12, 217 35, 617 17, 768 6,516 5, 287 18, 144 15, 539 12, 258 10,697 5,909 7,238 11, 221 16, 080 4,043 16, 793 11, 009 15, 489 16, 746 14, 589 11,573 16, 624 7,801 10, 402 10, 380 7,332 10, 781 13, 397 15," 832 9,818 12,826 14, 495 13, 870 13, 550 14, 585 6,922 9,206 18,443 8,514 8,539 20, 073 10, 919 7,745 8,490 10, 959 13,391 7,814 23, 908 4,967 13, 071 aeo? 5,216 6,799 18, 147 5,965 i5,"576" 4,867 11,420 13, 620 1800 10, 421 8,529 5,881 2,780 6,320 16, 895 11,202 28, 627 15, 726 6,357 4,957 14, 905 14, 749 9,720 10, 714 8,655 5,133 10, 051 24, 888 13,912 5,664 3, 400 13, 486 12, 099 8,205 9,790 7,346 11, 806 "12," 875' 8,909 10, 370 13,442 12, 109 19, 202 12, 157 8,641 16, 265 15, 079 4,657 21, 118 12,919 4, 525 10, 891 12, 577 5, 962 7,419 10, 027 12, 093 ii 406 9, 396 9,433 12, 935 20, 786 17, 557 11, 634 8,693 7,128 8,185 10, 866 13, 242 7,016 23, 492 6,052 6, 029 10, 972 6,"867" 4,968 5,572 16, 359 1700 10, 255 7, 559 5, 392 015 10, 982 218 I 6.893 442 7, 191 13,945 13,965 701 5, 828 4,120 5,435 5,634 4,822 9,224 5,987 14, 272 6, 857 9,029 10, 001 ii,33i 7,537 8,204 11, 474 26, 009 15, 351 8,908 8,430 6,367 7,268 11, 465 13, 082 6,669 20, 135 7,674 5,629 10, 439 7,677 4,767 6,975 7,060 12, 353 5, 623 16, 362 6,080 11, 395 4,725 3,770 7,393 6,831 9,981 5, 387 12, 210 5,379 6, 052 5, 708 6, 642 6, 402 16, 196 14, 504 4,732 20, 398 11,877 4,552 10, .331 11,968 14, 033 12, 320 4,319 20, 102 17, 086 11,158 11,004 3, 986 3, 464 9,169 10,112 6,695 7,528 10, 316 21, 543 13, 202 6,620 11, 645 11, 026 10, 366 9, 505 5,497 5,440 9,084 9,234 5,623 6,839 8,277 20, 060 10, 753 6,719 7, 276 5,055 5,326 6,187 15, 828 7,808 6, 065 3,364 3,395 9, 040 8, m; 9, 967 9, 1.54 a I)urham organized from parts of Orange and AVake in 1881 b 1 art ot Davidson annexeil to Forsyth since 1880 372 3 13, 437 11.284 2,422 6,772 7,247 8,528 7,191 10, 192 9, 397 6, 133 8, 143 c Vance orgauized from parts of Franklin, Gran\ille, aud Warren in 1881. 34 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2.— AGGREGA' TE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Contiiiued. IVOBTII DAKOTA. . ■t..,.Tvr«rrh-^ 1861 iJorth Dakota admitted as a State November 2, 1889.] [ Dakota oi-ganized as a territory Maich 2. l»bi. Alrod (6) Barnes Benson (c) . - Billings (rf) Bottineau . - Bowman (d). Buford (c) . . - Burleigh Cass Cavalier (/) . Church (g) ■ ■ De Smet (ft) - Dickey (i) - • Dunn (j) Eddy (fc) . - - Emmons Flannery (e) Foster (I) Garfield (to) Grand Forks («) . Griggs (o) Hettinger (p) - Howard (5) ■ - • Kidder Lamoure (i) - . Logan (r) McHeiiry((/) - Mcintosh (r). McKenzie (j) 5,573 159 1,377 1,971 72 1,210 18, 357 2,817 81 38 37 6,218 1,213 Kenville (z) ..- Kichland (aa) . Kolette (/)-■- Sargent (66) . ■ Sheridan (g) ■ Stark (p) Steele (cc) Stevens (.(Id) - Stutsman Towner (/)..- 1,211 3, 187 597 1,584 3, 248 3 99 10, 751 2,427 5,076 5 2,304 3,777 16 5,266 1,450 10,217 24 Traill {ee) Wallace (j) .-■■ Wallette(e) 1 ,„ ra7 Walsh (//) 16.;;87 Ward (gg) I'^'^l Wells (ftft) 1-212 Williams 1"^ Unorganized tern- oil tory (ii). . TTnorganizcd terri- tory. 281 537 "3,'597 """247' 1,007 4,123 '""432' •-■■-■-".'-■. 14 jjl,192 a Total population for Dakota territory in i»« 1870 14 181- I860, 4,837. The population of the 1 iounties in 1880 and 1870 is given under bouth Di territory in 1880, 135,177: - - ■• " I remainina Dakota; no rl Rnwmau formed froiii part of Hillings lu 1883. ;HElSn?z:^^z^»^=s^S« - '''2 Church formed from parts of McHenry and Sheridan in '''I'Kame changed from French in 1875; parts taken to fonn "RpTison inl883 and Pierce m 188^ . \ sr SJ-ns'SS" ■.«'-■' - «»• - taken tS form Steeh,j^l883.^^^^^ ^^ .^^ ^^^3^ ^; ?^^X forrif^eX &;;-iiSenzie, and Wallace iu 1883. OHIO ''^« pi?ftaken to form Walsh in 1881 w Organized from part ot De feme^ m 1887. Z Parts taken to form Benson and Nelson in 1883. y Part taken to form bargent in 1883. „^^^^^^^ct!S:'ai:i^l^ee Indian reservation an- nTorgaiiiSrom parts of Kansom and Sisseton and Wah- hi "NTinie chan"-ed from Gingras in 1881. limits of North Dakota. [Admitted as a state November 29, 1802.] Adams Allen Ashland ■ , ,.,„-- Ashtabula «- 655 Athens .», la* Auglaize 28,100 1?^"^-.;.:.-.-::: 2U99 ButS *8,597 Cairoll I 1^.566 POPULATIOI^. 35 Table a.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Continued. OHIO— Continued. Champaign . . Clark ....... Clermont. . .. Clinton Columbiana . Cosliocton ( 'rawford Cuyahoga Darke Defiance Delaware. Erie Fairfield . Fayette . . Franklin . Fulton . . . Gallia G-eauga.. - Greene . . . Guernsey Hamilton. Hancock . Hardin . . - Harrison . Henry Highland . Hocking . Holmes . - Huron Jackson. . Jefferson . . Knox Lake Lawrence Licking . . . Logan Lorain Lucas Madison.. - Mahoning . Marion . Medina. Mercer . Miami . . Monroe Montgomery Morgan ...... Monow Muskingum . . Noble Ottawa Paulding . . Perry Pickaway . Pike Portage .. Preble Putnam . . Eiehland . Ross Sandusky . Scioto Seneca Shelljy Stark Summit Trumbull... Tuscarawas , Union Van Wert . Vinton Warren . . . 1890 26, 980 53, 277 33, 553 24, 240 59, 029 26, 703 31, 927 309, 970 42, 961 25, 769 27, 189 35, 462 33, 939 22, 309 124, 087 22, 023 27, 005 13, 489 29, 820 28, 645 374, 573 42, 563 28, 939 20, 830 25, 080 29, 048 22, 658 21, 139 31, 949 28, 408 39, 415 27, 600 18, 235 39, 556 43, 279 27, 386 40, 295 102, 296 20, 057 55, 979 24, 727 21, 742 29, 813 27, 220 39, 754 25, 175 100, 852 19, 143 18,120 51,210 20, 753 21, 974 25, 932 31,151 26, 959 17, 482 27, 868 23, 421 30, 188 38, 072 39, 454 30, 617 35,377 40, 869 24, 707 84, 170 54, 089 42, 373 46, 618 22, 8fi0 ■i:>. «i7I 16,045 25, 468 1880 27, 817 41,948 36, 713 24, 750 48, 602 26,642 30, 583 196, 943 40, 496 22, 515 27, .381 32, 640 34, 284 20, 364 86, 797 21, 053 28, 124 14, 251 31,349 27, 197 313, 374 27, 784 27, 023 20, 456 20, 585 30, 281 21, 126 20, 776 31, 609 23, 686 33,018 27,431 16. 326 39, 068 40, 450 26, 267 35, 526 67, 377 20, 129 42, 871 20, 565 21, 453 32, 325 21, 808 36, 158 26, 496 78, 550 20, 074 19, 072 49, 774 21,138 19, 762 13, 485 28, 218 27, 415 17, 927 27, 500 24, 533 23, 713 36, 306 40, 307 32, 057 33, 511 36, 947 24,137 64, 031 43, 788 44, 880 40, 198 22, 375 23, 028 17.223 28, 392 1870 1860 24, 188 32, 070 34, 268 21,914 38, 299 23, 600 25. 556 132, 010 32, 278 15, 719 25, 175 28, 188 31, 138 17, 170 63, 019 17, 789 25, 545 14, 190 28, 038 23, 838 260, 370 23. 847 18, 714 18, 682 14, 028 29, 133 17, 925 18, 177 28, 532 21, 759 29, 188 26, 333 15, 935 31, 380 35, 756 23, 028 30, 308 46, 722 15, 633 31, 001 16, 184 20, 092 31,465 17, 2.54 32, 740 25, 779 64, OOli 20, 363 18, 583 44, 886 19, 949 13, 364 8,544 18, 453 24. 875 15, 447 24, 584 21, 809 17, 081 32, 516 37, 097 25, 503 29, 302 30, 827 20, 748 52, 508 34, 674 38, 6.59 33, 840 18, 730 15, 823 15, 027 20, 689 22, 698 25, 300 33, 034 21, 461 32, 836 25, 032 23, 881 78, 033 20, 009 11,886 23, 902 24,474 30, 538 15, 935 50, 361 14, 043 22, 043 15,817 26, 197 24, 474 216,410 22, 886 13, 570 19, 110 8,901 27, 773 17, 057 20, 589 29, 616 17, 941 26. 115 27, 735 15, 576 23, 249 37, on 20, 996 29, 744 25, 831 13,015 25, 894 15, 490 22, 517 26, 534 14, 104 29, 959 25, 741 52, 230 22, 119 20,445 44,416 20, 751 7,016 4,945 19, 678 23, 469 13, 643 24, 208 21, 820 12, 808 31, 158 35, 071 21, 429 24. 297 30, 868 17, 493 42, 978 27, 344 30, 656 32, 463 16, 507 10, 238 13, 631 26, 902 1850 19, 782 22, 178 30, 455 18, 838 33, 621 25, 674 18, 177 48, 099 20, 276 6,966 21,817 18, 568 30, 264 12, 726 42, 909 7,781 17, 063 17, 827 21, 946 30,438 156, 844 16, 751 8, 251 20, 157 3,434 25, 781 14,119 20, 452 26, 203 12, 719 29, 133 28, 872 14, 654 15, 246 38, 846 19, 162 26, 086 12, 363 10.015 23, 735 12, 618 24, 441 17, 971 7,712 24, 999 28, 351 38, 218 28, 585 20. 280 45, 049 1840 3, 308 1,766 20, 775 21, 006 10, 953 24, 419 21, 736 7,221 30, 879 32, 074 14, 305 18,428 27,104 13, 958 .39, 878 27, 485 30, 490 31,761 12, 204 4,793 9,353 25, 560 16,721 16, 882 23, 106 15, 719 40, 378 21, 590 13,152 26, 506 13, 282 22, 060 12, 599 31, 924 10, 984 25, 049 1830 13, 444 16, 297 17, 528 27, 748 80, 145 9,986 4,598 20, 099 2, 503 22, 269 9,741 18, 088 23, 933 9,744 25, 030 29, 579 13,719 9,738 35, 096 14, 015 18, 467 9,382 9,025 14, 765 18, 352 11,452 8,277 19,688 18, 521 31, 938 20, 852 38, 749 2,248 1,034 19,344 19, 725 7,626 22, 965 19,482 5,189 44,532 27, 460 10,182 11,192 18,128 12, 154 34, 603 22, 560 38, 107 25, 631 8,422 1,577 12,131 13,114 20, 466 11,436 35, 592 11,161 4,791 10, 373 6,204 1820 8,479 9, 533 15, 820 8,085 1810 22, 033 10, 878 .086 6.328 3,717 ,639 24, 786 8,182 14, 741 9,733 15, 813 14, 801 18, 036 52. 317 813 210 20, 916 262 16, 345 4,008 9,135 13, 341 5,941 22,489 17, 085 16, 633 6,316 10, 172 5,367 20, 869 6,440 5,696 6,190 6,551 7,560 6,158 1,110 12, 807 8,768 24, 362 11, 800 29, 334 161 970 001 024 826 291 230 006 24, 068 2,851 8,740 5,159 3, 071 26, 588 ,192 49 7,098 7,791 10, 521 9, 292 31, 764 14, 345 12, 308 2,130 6,675 3,746 18, 531 8,326 3,499 11,861 3,181 9,965 2,674 1,459 2, 000 11, 361 1,854 3,486 1800 1790 4,181 2,917 5,870 3,051 15, 258 14, 692 5,766 17, 260 2,149 3,852 4,799 I 1,603 3,082 4.480 8,851 4,645 15, 999 5,297 17, 824 3,941 7,722 16,036' 8,429 13, 149 4, 253 10, 095 10, 237 9, 169 20, 619 852 5, 750 2,106 12, 400 15, 542 8,328 1.996 7,124 2,995 3,304 15, 514 3,399 2, 734 8,671 3.045 8,540 1, 302 21,468 1 17,837 9,925 36 COMPENDIIBI OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TAiiLK 2.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Continued. OHIO— Continued. COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 Washington Wayne 42, 380 39, 005 24, 897 44, 392 21, 722 43, 244 40, 076 23, 821 34, 022 22, 395 40, 609 35, 116 20. 991 24, 596 18, 553 36, 268 32, 483 16, 633 17, 886 15, 596 29, 540 32, 981 8,018 9,157 11, 194 20, 823 35, 808 4, 465 5,357 11,731 23, 333 387 1, 102 10, 425 11, 933 5, 991 5, 427 3, 206 733 Wood 1 1 0KI.AH01UA TEKKITOKV. [Organized as a territory May 2, 1890.] COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 The Territory(o) 61, 834 _J 5,338 8, 332 12, 770 11 , 742 7,215 1 2,674 7,158 6,605 1 Logan Beaver I Oklahoma Payne , 1 1 1 * ^„- a Population of census purposes. Greer county, in Indian territory (also claimed by Texas), included in that of Oklahoma territory for OREOON. [Organized as a territory August 14, 1848. Admitted as a state February 14, 1859.] The State. Baker (a) Benton Clackamas Clarke (6) - - - • Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook (e) Curry Douglas Gilliam (d) ("rrant (e) Harney (c) Jackson (/)-■• Josephine (/) - Klamath (.9) .. 1890 313, 767 6,764 8,650 15, 233 10, 010 5,191 8,874 3, 244 1,709 11, 864 3,600 5,080 2, 559 11, 455 4,878 2,444 1880 174, 768 4,616 6,403 9.260 1870 1860 1850 90, 923 2,804 4,584 5,993 7 222 2,042 4,834 1,208 9,596 4, 303 1,255 863 1,644 504 6,066 2,251 52, 465 3, 074 3,466 498 532 393 3, 203 13, 294 814 1,859 643 462 8,154 I 4,778 2,485 I 1,204 3,736 1,623 Lake {g) Lane Lewis (b) Linn Malheur (a) . - Marion Morrow (ft) - - Multnomah . . Polk Sherman (i) . . Tillamook . . . Umatilla (j) . - Umpqua (k). . Union (I) Wallowa (I) . . Wasco (m) . . . Washington . Yamhill 1890 2.604 is; 198 16, 265 2,601 22, 934 4, 205 74, 884 7, 858 1,792 2,932 13, 381 12, 044 3,661 9,183 11, 972 10, 692 1880 1870 2,804 9,411 12, 676 14, 576 25, 203 6, 601 970 9,607 6,426 8,717 1860 4,780 9,965 11, 510 4,701 408 2,910 6,650 11,120 7. 082 7,945 2,552 2, 509 4,261 5,012 6,772 7,088 4,150 3,625 1850 558 994 2,749 1,051 1, 250 1,689 2,801 3.245 2, 652 1,512 a Malheur organized from part of Baker m 188 1 . h Now in the state of Washington. c Organized from part of Wasco in 1882. d Or.-anized from parts of Umatilla and Wasco m 188o. c Harnev organized from part ot Orrant in 1889. f Part of Jackson annexed to Josephine since 1880. y Klamath organized from part ot Lake m 188^. h Organized from part of Umatilla in 1885. i Organized from part of Wasco in 1889. j Parts taken to form Gilliam and Morrow m 1885. A; Given to Douglas in 1862. ^ ^.^ . . ,„„„ i Wallowa organized from part ot Union in 1887. m Parts taken to form Crook m 1882, Gilliam m 1885, and Sherman in 1889. PENNSVliVANIA. [One of the original 13 .states.] Adams 33,486 Allegheny 551,959 Armstrong Beaver Bedford Berks Blair Bradford Butler I 55,339 POPCJLATION. TABLJ5 a.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Contiiuied. rEIVNSVIiVAlVIA— Continued. 37 COUNTIES. Caiiibria.. Cameron . Carbon Center (a) Chester .. Clarion . . . Cleartield Clinton... Columbia. Crawford . Cumberland. Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie Eranklin Pulton Greene Huntingdon . . Indiana Jefl'erson Juniata Lackawanna . Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming McKean Mercer Mifflin (a) Montgomery Montour Northampton Northumberland . Perry Philadelphia Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Snlliran Susquehanna Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington WajTie Westmoreland . Wyoming York 1890 60, 375 7, 238 38,624 43, 269 89, 377 36, 802 69, 565 28, 685 36, 832 65, 324 47, 271 96, 977 74, 683 22, 239 86, 074 Eayette 80, 006 Forest 8,482 51, 433 10, 137 28, 935 35, 751 42, 175 44,005 16, 655 142, 088 149, 095 37, 517 48, 131 76, 631 201, 203 70, 579 46, 863 55, 744 19, 996 Monroe 20,111 123, 290 15, 645 84, 220 74, 698 26, 276 , 046, 964 9,412 22, 778 154, 163 17, 651 37, 317 11, 620 40, 093 52, 313 17, 820 46, 640 37, 585 71, 155 31,010 112, 819 15, 891 1880 1870 46, 811 5,159 31,923 37, 922 83, 481 40, 328 43, 408 26, 278 32, 409 68, 607 45, 977 76, 148 56, 101 12, 800 74, 688 58, 842 4,385 49, 855 10, 149 28, 273 33, 954 40, 527 27, 935 18, 227 89, 269 139, 447 33, 312 38, 476 65, 969 133, 065 57, 486 42, 565 56, 161 19, 577 20, 175 96, 494 15,468 70, 312 53, 123 27, 522 847, 170 9,663 13, 797 129, 974 17, 797 33, 110 8, 073 40, 354 45, 814 16, 905 43, 670 27, 981 55, 418 33, 513 78, 036 15, 598 87, 841 36, 569 4,273 28,144 34,418 77, 805 26, 537 25, 741 23, 211 28, 766 63, 832 43, 912 60, 740 39, 403 8,488 65, 973 43, 284 4,010 45, 365 9,360 25, 887 31, 251 36, 138 21, 656 17, 390 1860 29, 155 121, 340 27, 298 34, 096 56, 796 160, 915 47, 626 8,825 49, 977 17, 508 18, 362 81, 612 15, 344 61, 432 41,444 25,447 074, 022 8,436 11, 265 116,428 15, 606 28, 226 6,191 37, 523 35, 097 15, 565 47, 925 23, 897 48,483 33, 188 58, 719 14, 585 76, 134 21, 033 27, 000 74, 578 24,988 18, 759 17, 723 25, 065 48, 755 40, 098 46, 756 30, 597 5,915 49, 432 39, 909 898 42,126 9, 131 24, 343 28, 100 33, 687 18, 270 16, 986 1850 17, 773 116, 314 22, 999 31,831 43, 753 90, 244 37, 399 8,859 36, 856 16, 340 16, 758 70, 500 13, 053 47, 904 28, 922 22, 793 565, 529 7,155 11, 470 89, 510 15, 035 26, 778 5,637 36, 267 31, 044 14, 145 25, 043 19, 190 46, 805 32, 239 53, 736 12, 540 68, 200 15, 686 23, 355 66, 438 23, 565 12,586 11, 207 17,710 37, 849 34, 327 35, 754 24, 679 3,531 38, 742 39, 112 1840 11, 256 20, 492 57, 515 39, 904 7,567 22, 136 24,786 27, 170 13, 518 13, 029 7,834 8,323 24, 267 31,724 30, 953 30, 118 19, 791 1830 7,076 1820 18, 879 50, 910 ,803 31, 344 33, 574 20, 059 16, 030 29, 226 25, 243 17, 323 17, 041 29, 172 3,287 1810 2,117 13,796 10,681 44,451 39, 596 2,342 17,621 9,397 23,606 21,653 14,810 37, 793 35, 037 98, 944 21, 079 26, 071 32, 479 56, 072 26, 257 5,254 33, 172 14, 980 13, 270 58, 291 13, 239 40, 235 23, 272 20, 088 408. 762 5, 881 6,048 60, 713 19, 147 35, 484 20, 782 7.253 11, 080 84, 203 21, 872 25, 787 44,006 22, 649 2,975 32, 873 13, 092 9,879 47,241 18, 028 27, 145 14, 2.52 2,025 875 1800 13, 609 32, 093 1790 6,178 26, 757 31, 883 14, 734 3,758 27,285 24,714 31,892 76, 631 20, 557 22, 256 27, 379 17, 636 1,439 19, 729 21, 690 15,554 20,139 8,882 561 67,973 39, 406 24, 416 3,694 28, 688 23, 987 26, 083 18, 310 13, 671 44,939 21, 890 51, 726 10, 655 57, 450 40, 996 20, 027 17, 096 258, 037 3,832 3,371 29, 053 19, 650 21, 195 15, 498 22, 787 17, 900 9,278 41, 279 11, 848 42, 699 39, 482 18, 133 14, 261 188, 797 4,843 1,265 20, 744 16,975 18,895 20,027 13,517 728 11,681 16,618 23, 083 12,544 14, 778 6,214 161 2,346 25, 386 22, 270 12, 809 1,468 19, 638 7,562 27, 937 18, 243 18, 177 9,483 20, 159 13, 325 53, 927 8,605 13, 008 43, 403 18, 109 12, 839 4, 904 11, 006 142 8,277 12, 132 35,793 17, 762 16, 787 8,978 20, 795 9,470 4,697 42, 784 7,663 38, 400 47,010 42,859 31,765 15,424 11,284 135,637 2,890 186 11,311 13,974 4,021 18,619 4,915 1,976 40,038 4,127 30,540 29, 703 38,145 36, 327 111,210 29 11, 284 1,687 3, 060 827 36, 289 4,125 26, 392 15, 655 7,565 36, 147 5,414 3,22S 24, 150 30, 062 27, 797 81, 009 10, 188 38,747 31, 958 25, 643 1,130 233 28, 298 2,562 22, 726 22, 929 24, 250 17, 161 54, 391 23, 866 16,018 37,' 747 a Center and Mifflin reported together in 1790 and 1800. RHODE ISLAIVD. [One of the original 13 states.] COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 The State 345, 506 276, 531 217, 353 174, 620 147, 545 108, 830 97, 199 83, 015 76, 931 69, 122 68, 825 Bristol Kent 11, 428 26, 754 28, 552 255, 123 23, 649 11, 394 20, 588 24, 180 197, 874 22, 495 9,421 18, 595 20. 050 149, 190 20, 097 8,907 17, 303 21, 896 107, 799 18, 715 8,514 15, 068 20, 007 87, 526 16, 430 6,470 13, 083 16, 874 58, 073 14, 324 5,446 12, 789 16, 535 47, 018 15, 411 5, 637 10,227 15, 770 35, 698 15, 683 5,072 9,834 10, 294 30, 769 14, 902 3,801 8,487 14, 845 25, 854 16, 135 3 211 Newport 8, 848 Providence 14, 300 Washington 24, 391 18, 075 38 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Continued. SOUTH CAROfilNA. [One of the original 13 states.] The State. Abheville , Aiken Anderson Barnwell . Beaufort - Berkeley (a).-- Charleston (a). (Chester Chesterfield . . . Clarendon {b) . 1890 Colleton Darlington (b) . Edgefield Fairfield Florence (6) - - - Georgetown . Greenville. . . Hampton Horry Kershaw Lancaster . Laurens -.- Lexington. Marion (6). Marlboro . . Newherry Oconee Orangeburg . . Pendleton (c) . Pickens 1, 151, 149 46, 854 31, 822 43, 696 44,613 34, 119 55, 428 59, 903 26, 660 18, 468 23,233 40, 293 29, 134 49, 259 28, 599 25, 027 20, 857 44,310 20, 544 19, 256 22, 361 20, 761 31,610 22, 181 29, 976 23, 500 26, 434 18, 687 49, 393 1880 995, 577 40, 815 28, 112 33, 612 39, 857 30, 176 Richland Spartanburg Sumter Union Williamsburg (6) . York 102, 800 24, 153 16, 345 19, 190 36, 38fi 34, 485 45, 844 27, 765 1870 705, 606 31, 129 24, 049 35, 724 34, 359 16, 389 36, 821 55, 385 43, 605 25, 363 27, 777 38, 831 19,613 37. 496 18, 741 15, 574 21,538 16, 903 29,444 18, 564 34, 107 20, 598 26. 497 16, 256 41,395 "14,389 28, 573 40, 409 37, 037 24, 080 24,110 30, 713 88, 863 18, 805 10, 584 14, 038 25, 410 26, 243 42, 486 19, 888 1860 1850 22, 873 30, 743 40, 053 70, 100 18, 122 11, 834 13, 095 41, 916 20, 361 39, 887 22, 11 1 668, 507 32, 31g 21,475 26, 608 38, 805 83, 844 18, 038 10, 790 1840 594, 398 29, 351 18, 493 21, 471 35, 794 1880 1820 502, 741 23, 167 17, 169 19,230 14,750 37, 032 32, 199 16, 161 22, 262 10, 721 11,754 12, 087 22, 536 12, 988 22, 160 11, 814 20, 775 10, 536 16, 865 'i6,'269' 23, 025 25, 784 25, 268 19, 248 15, 489 24, 286 21, 305 21, 892 7,962 13,086 11, 797 23, 858 15, 579 21, 190 12, 434 20, 879 28, 466 16, 830 39, 262 21, 404 20, 647 20, 156 24, 896 ig, 639 18, 307 26, 919 23, 859 19, 635 15, 489 21, 502 7,646 14, 473 10, 988 23, 407 12, 930 17, 407 10, 789 20, 143 82, 66r 17, 747 8,574 25, 548 14, 822 32, 852 20, 165 18, 274 17, 839 86. 338 17, 182 8, 472 27, 256 13, 728 30, 509 21,546 23, 582 16,904 20, 243 26, 400 33, 220 19, 852 12, 447 19, 433 5,755 12, 281 9,907 21, 584 12, 111 13, 932 8,408 18, 350 19, 943 16, 476 80, 212 14, 189 6,645 1810 12, 280 25, 887 63, 179 11,479 5,564 1800 I 1790 345, 591 13, 553 7,376 20, 428 26, 404 10, 949 25,119 17, 174 17, 603 14, 530 18, 519 '14,' 356 16, 397 23, 669 27, 892 18, 936 10, 327 18, 383 5, 245 13, 545 10, 361 20, 863 9,065 11.208 8, 582 17,441 18, 453 '14,473 14, 772 21, 150 28, 277 17, 906 9,018 17, 790 5, 025 12, 432 8,716 17, 682 8,083 10, 201 6, 425 16, 104 26, 359 9,047 23, 160 11,857 15, 679 13, 133 15, 653 27, 022 12, 321 16, 989 25, 369 14, 126 8,716 14, 936 4,349 9,867 6,318 14, 982 6,641 13, 964 57, 480 8,185 5,216 18,753 46, 647 6,866 24,903 7,631 18, 130 10, 087 22, 938 11, 504 13, 229 22, 897 9, 027 14, 259 19, 054 10, 995 6,871 10, 032 7,340 6,012 12, 809 20, 338 13,289 7,623 22, 122 6,503 6,914 5,452 12,006 15, 766 20, 052 6,097 12, 122 13, 103 10, 237 6,302 9,337 10, 706 9,342 10, 250 18,513 9,568 3, 030 8, 800 0, 910 7,693 6, 604 a Berkeley organized from part of Charleston in 1882. " Florence organized from parts of Clarendon, Darlington, Marion, and Williamsburg in 1888. SOUTH [Dakota organized as a territory March 2, 1861. c Taken to foi-m Anderson and Pickens in 1826. DAKOTA. South Dakota admitted as a state Kovember 2, 1889.] COUNTIES. The State. Aurora (6) . Beadle Bonhomme Borenian . . . Brookings . 1890 328, 808 Brown Brule Buffalo . . . Butte (d) . . Camjibell . 5,045 9,586 9,057 (c) 10, 132 16, 855 6,737 993 1, 037 3,510 4,178 1880 a98,268 1,290 5,468 534 4,965 353 238 63 1870 oil, 776 608 1860 1850 (o) 163 246 407 114 5,001 2,156 152 2,621 Custer (g) Davison .. Day W--- Delano (i) . Deuel Charles Mix Choteau (e) „ „„„ Clark 6,i28 Qjav I '',509 Codington (/) I 7,037 a Total population for Dakota ten-itory in 1880, 13''?.1'"; 1870 14 181- 1860 4,837. The population of the remaining counties iu 1880 and 1870 are given under North Dakota; no corinty organization in 1860. „ ,„ ma? b JeraiUd organized Irom part of Aurora m 1»»3. d Formelf from part of Harding and unorganized terri- tory in 1883. . , i -i ■ lOOT «Fonned from unorganized territory in 1883. / Part of Sis.seton and Wahpetou Indian reservation .111- nexed since 1880. Dewey (j) Douglas Edmunds Ewing (fc) Fall Eiver (g) - Faulk 1890 4,891 5,449 9,168 40 4,574 4,600 4,399 16 4,478 4,062 6,814 295 4,625 6,546 4,267 167 1880 995 1,256 97 2, 302 1870 1860 3,010 693 153 1,301 1850 Grant (!) Gregory Hamlin Hand Hanson Harding (m) . . - a Fall River organized from part of Custer in 1883. h Part taken to form Marshall iu 1885; partot feis.setou and Wahpeton Indian reservation annexed since 1880 i Scobey organized from part ot Delano in 1883. j Name changed from Rusk in 1883; no returns in 1890. k Orsanized from part of Harding m 1883. I Pmt taken to form Roberts in 1883 ; part of Sisseto.i and Wahpeton ludian reservation .annexed «"7 'f "' ^,., . , .„ m Foniied from unorganized territory 111 1881; paits taken to fonii Butte anil Ewing in 1883. POPULATION. 39 Table 2.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Coiitmued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 5,044 10, 469 1,860 30 268 5,573 Pyatt (a) 34 Hutchinson 37 Kiuehart (j) Hvde Roberts (i-) 1,997 4,610 Sanborn (A) 5 Jerauld (c) 3,005 8,562 7,508 11,673 9,143 Scobey (l) 32 1,102 2,657 13, 248 5,896 113 477 793 10, 581 1,028 96 2,412 188 712 Lugenbeel (e) Sully 296 Lyiuan 233 6,448 5,940 4,544 7 4,640 (9) 5,165 21, 879 5,941 149 6,540 2,910 23 181 124 1,283 Todil 203 ■V.il McCook Tripp (q) 10, 256 9,130 5,320 Marshall if) 6,813 3,507 Wagner ( j) Walwortli 2, 153 46 115 363 8,251 3,915 Washabaugb (n)... "Washington (o) Yankton - 40 10,444 510 355 8,390 2,097 Ziebach 134 73 Nowlm (a) Sisseton and "VVah- peton Indian res- ervation (q). Unorganized terri- tory. Pennington 2,244 r899 Potter (i) Pratt Presho a Formed from unorganized territory in 1883. 6 Given to Hanson, Hutchinson, McCook, and Turner. c Jerauld organized from part of Aurora in 1883. d Meade organized from part of Lawrence in 1889. e Part taken to form Washabaugh in 1883; no returns. / Organized from parts of Day and Sisseton and Wahpe- ton Indian leservation in 1885. g No returns. h Sanborn organized from part of Miner in 1883. i Name changed from Ashmore in 1875. j Formed from unorganized territory in 1883; no returns. k Organized from parts of Grant and Sisseton and Wah- peton Indian reservation in 1883. i Scobey organized from part of Delano in 1883. m Part taken to form "Washington in 1883 ; no returns in 1890. n Organized from parts of Lugenbeel and Sioux Indian res- ervation in 1883 ; no returns. Organized from part of Shannon in 1^83. p Abandoned in 1888. g Parts given to Kichland county, North Dakota, and Codington, Day, and Grant counties. South Dakota, and parts taken to form Sargent county, North Dakota, and Marsliall and Roberts counties, South Dakota, since 1880. r Of the i)Oi)ulation of the unorganized territory in Dakota in 1870 (2,091) 899 is estimated to have been in the present limits of South Dakota. TEIVKESSEE. TAdmitted as a state June 1, 1796.] COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 The State 1, 767, 518 1, 542, 359 1, 258, 520 1, 109, 801 1, 002, 717 829, 210 681, 904 422, 771 261, 727 105, 602 35, 691 Anderson 15, 128 24, 739 11,230 6,134 17, 589 13, 607 13, 486 12, 197 23, 630 13, 389 8,845 9,069 15, 103 7,260 16, 523 13, 827 15, 146 5,376 108, 174 8,995 15, 650 13, 645 19, 878 10, 820 20, 025 9,780 5,617 15, 985 12, 124 10, 005 11, 859 22, 103 10, 019 7,956 8,704 24,333 8,234 4,870 14, 237 11, 652 7,445 10, 502 19,447 7,909 6,678 7,068 21, 584 8,463 4,459 13, 270 11,701 6,712 9,509 17, 437 7,124 7,258 6,938 21,511 6,315 5,959 12,424 12, 259 6, 068 8, 982 15, 967 6,296 5,658 20, 546 4,772 5,676 11, 745 7, 385 6,149 7 193 5,310 30, 396 4,668 16, 012 3,959 8,242 Bedford Benton Bledsoe 4,648 11, 028 4,005 11, 2,58 3,259 8,839 5,587 Bradley Campbell 5, 110 1 4, 244 2,668 Cannon Carroll 12, .362 5, 372 9,397 6,414 4,835 4,190 4,813 Cheatham Chester (a) Claiborne 13, 373 6.987 14, 808 12, 894 14, 109 4,538 79, 026 8,498 14, 813 12, 460 15. 118 9,321 9,643 9,369 9,474 8,470 5,508 4,798 Clav Cocke (h) 12, 458 10, 237 10, 408 9,689 8,300 8,351 6,992 8,184 6,017 4, 892 5,154 CoHee Crockett Cumberland 3,461 62, 897 7,772 11, 425 9,340 13, 706 26, 145 4,717 3,460 47, 055 6,276 10, 573 9,982 10, 536 24, 327 5,054 Davidson . 38, 882 6,003 8,016 8,404 6,361 26, 719 4,454 30, 509 28, 122 20, 154 15, 608 9,965 ' ' ■ " " Decatur Dekalb 5, 868 7,074 4,484 21, 501 3,550 Dickson 7,265 1,904 8,652 2,748 5,190 4,516 Dyer Fayette 28, 878 31, 871 5, 226 5, 941 Fentress (c) a Organized from parts of Hardeman, Henderson, Mc- Nairy, and Madison in 1882 ; parts of Henderson and McNairy annexed in 1886 and 1887, respectively. 6 Cocke and Jefferson reported together in 1800. c Pickett organized from i)arts of Fentress and Overton in 1881. 40 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Contiuued. TEIVNESSEE— Continued. Franklin . Gibson . - - Giles Grainger - Greene . . . Grundy Hiimblen Hamilton Hancock Hardeman (a). Hardin Hawkins Haywood Henderson (6). Henry Hickman Houston Humphreys . Jackson James Jefferson (c) . Johnson Knox Lake Lauderdale . . Lawrence Lewis Lincoln ... Loudon .. MoMinn . McNairy (d) . Macon Madison (a) . Marion Marshall Maury Monroe Montgomery . Moore Morgan Obion Overton (e) Perry Pickett (e).. Polk Putnam ... Khea Roane Robertson. Rutherford. Scott Sequatchie . Sevier Shelby Smith . . - Stewart . SuUivan . Sumner . Tipton . . . . Trousdale . Unicoi TJnion Van Buren . . Warren Washington. Wayne Weakley — White Williamson Wilson 1890 18, 929 35, 859 34. 957 13, 196 26, 614 6,345 11, 418 53, 482 10, 342 21, 029 17, 698 22, 246 23, 558 16, 336 21, 070 14, 499 5,390 11, 720 13, 325 4,903 16, 478 «, 858 59, 557 5,304 18, 756 12, 286 2,555 27, 382 9, 273 17, 890 15, 510 10, 878 30, 497 15, 411 18, 906 38, 112 6,930 15, 329 29, 697 5,975 7,639 27, 273 12, 039 7,785 4,736 8,361 13, 683 12, 647 17, 418 20, 078 35, 097 9,794 3,027 18, 761 112, 740 18, 404 12, 193 20, 879 23, 668 24,271 5.850 4,619 11, 459 2,863 14, 413 20, 354 11,471 28, 955 12, 348 26, 321 27, 148 1880 17, 178 32, 685 36, 014 12, 384 24, 005 4,592 10, 187 23, 642 9,098 22. 921 14, 793 20, 610 26, 053 17,430 22, 142 12, 095 4,295 11, 379 12, 008 5,187 15, 846 7,766 39, 124 3,968 14, 918 10, 383 2,181 26, 960 9,148 15. 064 17, 271 9,321 30, 874 10, 910 19, 259 39, 904 7,117 14, 283 28, 481 6,233 5,156 22, 912 12, 153 7,174 7,269 11, 501 7,073 15, 237 18, 861 36, 741 6,021 2,565 15,541 78, 430 17, 799 12, 690 18, 321 23, 625 21, 033 6,646 3, 645 10, 260 2,933 14, 079 16, 181 11, 301 24, 538 11, 176 28, 313 28, 747 1870 1860 14, 970 25, 666 32, 413 12, 421 21, 668 3,250 17, 241 7,148 18, 074 11, 768 15, 837 25, 094 14, 217 20, 380 9,856 9, 326 12, 583 13, 848 21, 777 26, 166 10, 962 19, 004 3,093 13, 258 7,020 17, 769 11,214 16, 162 19, 232 14, 491 19, 133 9, 312 1850 13, 768 19, 548 25, 949 12, 370 17, 824 2,773 19, 476 5,852 28, 990 2,428 10, 838 7,601 1,986 28, 050 13, 969 12, 726 6,633 23, 480 6,841 16, 207 30, 289 4,511 12, 589 24, 747 9,096 11, 725 16, 043 5,018 22, 813 7,559 9,320 2,241 22, 828 13, 555 14, 732 7,290 21, 535 6,190 14, 592 32, 498 4,667 12. 607 20, 895 10, 075 5,660 17, 456 10. 328 13, 370 17, 259 13, 164 18, 233 9.397 6, 422 15, 673 1840 12, 033 13, 689 21, 494 10, 572 16, 076 8,175 14, 563 8,245 15, 035 13, 870 11, 875 14, 906 8,618 5,195 12, 872 280 438 492 1830 15,620 5,801 18, 703 10, 066 14, 410 2,276 11, 655 4,868 13, 683 5,334 8,748 12, 249 8,119 1820 1810 16, 571 12, 558 7,651 11, 324 821 6,187 9,698 11, 801 14, 498 5,411 ,719 ,385 14, 460 21,493 I 22,075 '{% 9, 16, 6, 14, 1,462 10, 949 6,080 4,067 7,593 8,953 13, 034 4,546 6,397 9,713 7,643 2,583 1,511 5,401 1800 1790 7.367 7,610 ,309 10, 171 3,271 14, 761 1, 623 ,530 ,070 ,555 2,969 15,584 11,297 6,925 7,369 8,698 5,538 15, 622 16, 166 33, 289 4,054 2,335 11, 028 76, 378 15, 994 12, 019 13, 136 23, 711 14, 884 7,605 2,725 12, 714 16, 317 10, 209 20, 755 9,375 25, 328 25, 881 3, 353 12, 817 12, 637 6,042 8,726 8,558 4,991 13, 583 15, 265 27, 918 3, .51 9 2, 120 9,122 48, 092 16, 357 9,896 13, 552 22, 030 10, 705 3,430 7,633 11,211 5,821 6,338 4,415 12, 185 16, 145 29, 122 1,905 6,920 31, 157 18,412 9,719 11, 742 22, 717 8,887 2,660 4.814 9,279 7,419 3,570 3,985 10, 948 13, 801 24, 280 11,. 594 5,508 27, 665 13. 708 14, 349 2,582 2,099 8, 242 7,094 8,186 11, 341 13, 272 26, 134 6,117 2,581 11,147 14, 829 9,115 18, 216 9,381 23, 827 26, 072 2,674 10, 179 13, 861 8,170 14, 608 11, 444 27, 201 27, 443 6,442 14, 721 21, 179 8.587 10, 736 22, 445 6,800 10, 803 11, 751 7,705 9,870 10, 747 27, 006 24, 460 5,717 5,648 19, 900 6,968 10, 073 20, 569 5,317 22, 089 2,529 12, 219 1,676 7, 128 2, 384 4,215 7,895 9,938 19,552 10, 359 8,021 9,017 12, 446 7,741 6,970 2,899 1,387 5,643 2, 504 5, 581 7,270 10, 265 4,772 4,595 364 15. 210 10, 995 6,013 4,797 9,967 26, 638 25, 472 17, 580 8.397 7, 015 19,211 11, 649 4, 262 6,847 13, 792 4,280 3,419 I 3,619 4,294 10, 218 4,616 10, 348 .5, 725 9, 557 7, 740 2, 459 8,701 20, 040 18, 730 4, 028 13, 153 11, 952 6,379 2, 868 3, 261 4,447 2,196 5, 872 a Part taken to form Chester in 1882. (iPart taken to form Chester in 1882 and part given to same in 1886. c Cocke and Jefferson reported together in 1800. d Part taken to form Chester in 1882 and part given to same in 1887. , ,^ j. . c Pickett organized from parts of Pentress and Overton m 1881. POPULATION. 41 Table 2.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY COLCx^TIES: 1790 TO 1890— Continued. TEXAS. (Admitted as a state December 29, 1845.] COUNTIES. 18<»0 1880 1870 1860 1850 212, 592 COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1 1860 1850 The State 2,235,523 20, 923 24 6,306 1,824 2, 101 944 6,459 17 859 1,.591,749 17, 395 818, 579 604, 215 Delta 9,117 21,289 14, 307 2'.i5 1,049 1, 056 7,598 10, 373 224 1, 970 31,774 15,678 2,744 21, 594 20, 706 38, 709 31,481 2,996 529 25 10, 586 6,481 15, 987 3,112 68 31, 476 14 7,056 208 5,910 18, 016 203 53, 211 9,402 21, 312 15, 217 721 703 9,313 133 3,904 3,956 37, 249 26, 721 252 1,665 11, 352 519 12, 285 6,534 27, 583 5, 597 18, 143 10, 082 28 665 ICO ' 5, 732 4, 855 "7,' 2.51' 6, 443 "5,' 031' 5,108 -- . Denton Dewitt . . . "'"'641 1,710 9,229 10, 398 2,884 Anderson Dickens Andtvws Dimmit 109 5,239 996 596 31 4,217 14, 429 3,985 4,271 1.165 Donley Arau.sas 1.083 88 '99' Armstrong Eastland Ector (ft) Atascosa 2,915 15, 087 1,578 10, 139 3,841 Edwards Ellis 266 21, 294 3, 845 1, 902 11,796 16, 240 25, 501 27, 996 136 3 Austin 7,514 3, 671 427 1,801 9, 851 13, 207 16, 863 5.246 4, 051 43 2,425 3, 014 9, 21V 11, 604 Bailev (a) 989 Bandera 3, 795 20, 730 2,595 3, 720 33, 377 49, 266 2,158 17,215 715 2,298 20, 518 30, 470 649 12, 290 399 7,006 3,099 El Paso Enciual Bastrop Erath Baylor Falls Bee 1,082 9,771 16, 043 1,077 1,187 910 4, 799 14,454 "6,052 Bell 3, 788 3, 756 Fisher Bexar district (6) . Floyd Blanco 4,649 222 14, 224 20, 267 11,506 16, 650 710 (a) 11, 421 298 13, 001 10, 747 15, 769 815 5,457 14,424 0,624 356 22, 554 9 2,241 22, 975 1,175 7, 503 3,583 35 11, 217 10, 965 9,774 13, 576 1,281 Foley (c) Borden Fort Bend Franklin Freestone Frio Gaines 9, 380 5,280 14,921 2,130 8 24, 121 36 5,228 7,114 6,143 4,981 4,684 7,527 9, 205 2,005 5,052 7, 143 2,776 ""2,'9i2 4,841 614 2, 533 Bowie 8,139 309 6,881 42 Brazos Galveston Garza Gillespie 15, 290 8,229 Briscoe 12 8,414 4,529 Brown (d) 544 244 3, 566 2,736 1,240 Buchel (c) Glasscock (ft) Goliad Burleson 9,243 6,855 11, 757 1,739 3, 453 8,072 3,688 6,572 3,443 5, 683 2,487 4,481 2,642 1, 713 " 1,329 1,110 5,832 14, 840 56 38, 108 8, 530 18, 603 12, 202 3, 628 8,951 3,384 8,059 648 Bnrnet . . . Gonzales Gray Caldwell Calhoun Grayson 14, 387 8,184 2,008 Callahan Cameron (c) 14, 959 5,931 10, 999 6,028 8,541 13,218 7,282 10, 307 5,444 4,008 Camp Guadalupe Hale 1,511 Cass(/) 16, 724 8,875 8,411 4,991 Hall 36 6,365 18 50 1,870 27, 985 25, 177 100 48 7,555 149 9, 735 4,347 16, 554 Castro Hamilton (d) Hansford Hardeman 733 489 Chambers 2,187 16, 723 25 5,045 1,503 11, 079 1,508 12, 098 6,673 Childress Clay (a) 109 1,460 17, 375 13,241 1,353 9,070 15, 001 Harris 4,608 11, 822 Cochran (a) Harrison Hartley Coke (g) 2,059 6.112 36, 736 357 19, 512 6, 398 15, 008 1,065 24, 696 16, 873 240 15 194 346 112 67, 042 "'3,' 603' 25, 983 6 16, 673 5,546 8,608 800 20, 391 10, 924 24 ""'347' 14, 013 Coleman Haskell Collin 9,264 1,950 Collingsworth 4,088 2, 126 387 8,326 5,283 1,001 7,885 4,030 709 2,257 1,723 Hemphill Henderson Hidalgo 6,786 2,387 7,453 4, 595 1,192 3,053 ' " ' ' " Comal 1, 23 / Comanche (d) Concho HiU Cooke .5, 315 4,124 3,760 2,666 220 Hockley (a) Hood 7,614 20, 572 19, 300 1,210 31, 885 58 870 9,740 3,281 5. 592 0, 125 15, 461 16, 702 50 17, 230 50 2,585 12,651 8,147 CoryeU 7,745 8, 058 2, 623 Cottle Houston Howard . . - Crane (ft) 2,721 Crockett (i) 127 82 Crosby Hunt Hutchinson 10, 291 6,630 1, 520 Dallam Dallas 33,488 13, 314 8,665 281 2,743 Dawson (j) Jack 6,020 2,723 5,779 694 2.278 4,218 1,000 2,612 4, 037 Dawson 29 179 24 38 990 1, 707 Deaf Smith Jasper a No retiTrns. b Divided into numerous counties in 1876. c Parts of Presidio t.aken to form Brewster, Buchel, Foley, and Jeff Davis in 1887. d MiUs organized from parts of Brown, Comanche, Hamil- ton, and Lampasas in 1887. e Cameron, Starr, and Webb reported together in 1850. / Name changed to Davis in 1862 ; changed back to Cass in 1871. g Organized from part of Tom Green in 1889. h Formed from part of Tom Green in 1887. i Parts taken to form Valverde in 1885 and Schleicher aud Sutton in 1887. j No records by which to accoimt for its disappearance. 42 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Continued. T E X AS— Continued. COUNTIES. Jeff Davis (a) . Jetferson Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman . Kendall... Kent Kerr Kimble . . King Kinney (e>) • Knox Lamar Lamb Lampasas (c) Lasalle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone - Lipscomb-. Live Oak . . Llano Loving (d) ■ Lubbock. - . Lynn McCuUoch. McLennan. McMullen Madison . . Marion Martin Mason Matagorda- - Maverick . - - Medina Menard Midland (e) . Milam Mills (c) Mitchell Montague ... Montgomery. Moore Morris ■ Motley Nacogdoches Navarro Newton.. Nolan Nueces . . Ochiltree Oldham-. Orange... Palo Pinto. Panola Parker Parmer Pecos ((/) . ■ Polk 1890 1880 1,394 5,857 22,313 3,797 3,637 21, 598 3,826 324 4, 462 2, 243 173 3.781 1,134 37. 302 4 7,584 2, 139 21, 887 11,952 13, 841 4,230 21, 678 632 2,055 B, 772 3 33 24 3,217 39, 204 1,038 8,512 10, 862 264 5, 180 3,985 3,698 5,730 1,215 1,033 3,489 17, 911 546 3, 270 15, 448 2, 763 92 2,168 1,343 40 4,487 77 27, 193 1870 1,906 4,923 1,705 6,895 1,536 1860 1,995 4.305 2,171 3,936 1850 1,836 1,042 72 1,204 is '796 5,421 789 13, 641 8,937 12, 817 4,999 16, 246 69 1,994 4,962 24, 773 5, 493 2, 059 18, 863 11,765 15 6,580 139 15, 984 26, 373 4,650 1,573 8,093 198 270 4,770 8,320 14, 328 21, 682 7 1,326 10, 332 25 9 1,533 26, 934 701 5,395 10, 983 12 2,655 3,940 2,967 4,492 1,239 1,344 69 9,168 634 COUNTIES. 1,047 61 mise' 6, 523 4,414 8,591 852 1,379 173 13, 500 230 4,061 8,562 1,028 '5,945 '6,' 781 3,189 4,537 Potter Presidio (a) . Rains Randall.' Red River . . 3,978 Reeves (ft) . Refugio Roberts Robertson . Rockwall . Runnels Rusk Sabine San Augustine.. San Jacinto L571 'i,'946 593 1,101 678 3,377 1,951 2,078 667 18, 659 117 11, 257 10, 154 5, 032 24 11, 590 21, 702 4,359 640 7,673 8,984 6,206 2.238 3,977 2, 522 2,008 San Patricio . . . San Saba Schleicher (i) - . Scurry Shackelford Shelby-... Sherman.. Smith .... Somervell. Starr (j)-. Stephens (k) ■ Stonewall Sutton (i) Swisher Tarrant 3,454 726 L838 2, 124 '"969 5,175 287 2,938 5,885 12, 219 15, 870 1,807 7,189 9,614 8,879 2,187 '3,975 5.479 8,292 5,996 3,119 'i'goe 2,907 2,384 Taylor Terry Throckmorton . Titus Tom Green (m) Travis Trinity . . . Tyler Upshur... Upton (d) - Uvalde Valverde (n) . Van Zandt- -. Victoria Walker L255 (/) 10, 119 4,186 8,707 L916 1,524 8,475 4,213 8,300 5,193 2,190 1,689 ""698 3,871 Waller Ward(d) Washington . Webb (j) ..-■ Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger -- Williamson - Wilson Winkler (d) . 2,348 Wise --.. Wood Yoakum . Young... Zapata. . Zavalla . . 1890 1880 849 1,698 3,909 187 21, 452 1,247 1, 239 320 26, 506 5, 972 3,193 18, 559 4, 969 6,688 7,360 1,312 6,641 155 1,415 2,012 14, 365 34 28, 324 3,419 10, 749 4,920 1,024 658 100 41, 142 6,957 21 902 8,190 5,152 36, 322 7,648 10, 877 12, 695 52 3,804 2,874 16, 225 8,737 12, 874 10, 888 77 29, 161 14, 842 7,584 778 4,831 7,092 25, 909 10, 655 18 28 2,873 3,035 3 17,194 1870 1860 1850 1,636 1,585 32 22, 383 2, 984 18, 986 4,161 5,084 6,186 1,010 5,324 10, 653 2,324 580 8,535 1,600 '4,"997 3,906 288 '934 102 2,037 9,523 16, 916 3, 256 4,196 15, 803 2,750 4,094 602 1,425 21, 863 2,649 8,304 4,725 104 4 24, 671 1,736 455 5,732 i6,'532' '4,' 154 330 620 913 8,148 2,498 3,648 200 44 5,362 13," 392" '2,' 406' 230 5,788 711 5,959 3,615 27, 028 4,915 5,825 10, 266 2,541 12, 619 6,289 12,024 9,024 il) 11, 339 13, 153 4,141 5,010 12, 039 4,239 '4,' 292 6,020 124 9,648 851 6,494 4,860 9,776 8,080 4, 392 4,525 10,645 506 664 3,636 3,138 L894 3,394 3,777 4,171 8,191 24, 134 13, 932 4 5,049 3,562 1,097 27, 565 5,273 4,549 512 433 126 15, 155 7,118 16, 601 11, 212 4, 726 3,636 410 23, 104 2,615 3,426 6,368 2,556 L450 6,894 15, 215 1,397 3,380 1,348 2,019 3,964 5,983 1,752 4,529 135 3, 100 4,968 592 1,248 26 1,568 a Parts of Presidio taken to form Brewster. Buohel, Foley, andJeffDaviHinl887. . b Part taken to lorm Valverde m 1885. ,, -u ^;i o-MUls organized from parts of Brown, Comanche, Hamil- ton, and Lampasas in 1887. d Formed from part ot Tom Green m 1887. e Oro-anized from part of Tom Green m 188o. ^IrrtSnt form Rates in 1883 and Valverde in 1885. h Organized from part of Pecos in 1883. i Foi-med from part of Crockett m 1887. ,- Cameron, Starr, and Webb roportexl together m 1850. Jc Name changed from Buchanan m 18b2. ™ SrSK; to form Mi.Uand in 1885 Crane, Ector Glas^^^ cock Loving, Upton, Ward, and Winkler m 1887, .u.d Ooke "t Formed AZ parts of Crockett, Kinney, and Pecos in 1885. POPULATION. 43 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Continued. UTAH TERRIXORV. [Organized as a territory September 9, 1850/ The Territory.. 1890 207, 905 Beaver 3,340 Boxelder 7,642 Cache 15,509 Cedar (a) Davis 0,751 Emery (6) Garfield (c) Grand (6) Green River (d) . Iron (e) Juab Kane(/) Millard . Morgan.. 5,076 2, 457 541 2,683 5,582 1,685 4,033 1,780 1880 143, 968 5, 279 556 4,013 3,474 3,085 3, 727 1,783 1870 2,007 4,855 8, 229 4,459 2, 277 2,034 1,513 2,753 1,972 1860 40, 273 785 1,608 2,605 741 2,904 1850 11, 380 1,134 141 1,010 360 Piute Kich Kio Virgin (g) - Salt Lake San Juan Sanpete Sevier Shambip (/()■ Summit Tooele Uinta Utah Wasatch Washington (i) . Weber 1890 2,842 1, 527 58, 457 365 13, 146 6,199 7, 733 3,700 2,762 23, 768 3, 595 4,009 22, 723 1880 1,651 1,263 31, 977 204 11, 557 4,457 4, 921 4,497 799 17, 973 2,927 4, 235 12, 344 1870 1,955 450 18, 337 6,786 19 2, 512 2, 177 12, 203 1,244 3, 061 7,858 1860 11,295 3,815 162 198 1, 008 8,248 691 3,675 1850 6, 157 2, 020 a No records by which to account for its disappearance. b Grand organized from part of Emery in 1890. c Organized from parts of Iron and Kane in 1882. d Now in Wyoming. e Part taken to form Garfield in 1882. f Part taken to form Garfield and part given to Washing- ton county in 1882. g Part set oil' to Nevada iu 1871 ; remainder given to Wash- ington county in 1872. h Given to Juab, Tooele, and Utah prior to 1870. i Part of Kane annexed in 1882. VERMOWT. [Admitted as a state March 4, 1791.] The State Addison Bennington . . Caledonia Chittenden . . . Essex Franklin Grand Isle. .. Lamoille Orange Orleans Rutland Washington - Windham Windsor 1890 332, 422 22, 277 20, 448 23, 436 35,389 9,511 29, 755 3, 843 12, 831 19, 575 22, 101 45, 397 29, (>06 26, 547 31, 706 1880 1870 332, 286 330, 551 24, 173 21, 950 23, 607 32, 792 7,931 30, 225 4,124 12, 684 23, 525 22, 083 41, 829 25, 404 26, 763 35, 196 23, 484 21, 325 22, 235 36, 480 6,811 30, 291 4,082 12,448 23, 090 21, 0,35 40, 651 26, 520 26, 036 36, 063 1860 315, 098 1850 314, 120 26, 549 18, 589 23, 595 29, 036 4,650 28, 586 4,145 10, 872 27, 296 15, 707 33, 059 24, 654 29, 062 38, 320 1840 291, 948 23, 583 16, 872 21,891 22, 977 4,226 24, 531 3,883 10, 475 27, 873 13, 634 30, 699 23, 506 27, 442 40, 356 1830 280, 652 24, 525 3,696 27, 285 13, 980 31, 294 21, 378 28, 748 40, 625 1820 235, 966 24, 681 6,976 29 97-5' 14, 106 28, 457 38, 233 1810 217, 895 19, 993 15, 893 18, 730 18, 120 3,087 16, 427 3,445 25, 247 5,830 29, 486 26, 760 34, 877 1800 154, 465 13, 417 14, 617 9,377 12, 778 1,479 8,782 18, 238 ?. ulation previous to 1850, seo District of Colum- bia, of wldch it then formed a part. d Amelia and Nottoway re])orted together in 1790. e Dickenson organized from i)arts of liucluuiiiii, Knssell, and Wise in 1880. 44 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Continued. VIKGINI A— Continued. Campbell Citroliue Carroll Charles City . Charlotte Cliesterfieia (a) ■ Clarke Craig ...- ( -'iilpeper Cumberland Dickenson (6).. Uiuwiddie(a) . . Elizabeth City Essex Fairfax Fauquier.. Kloyd Fluvanua - Franklin . . Frederick . Giles Gloucester . (ioochland . Grayson Greene Greenesville Halifax .- Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isle of Wight . . . .James City King and Queen. King George King William. Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg. . Madison Mathews.-..^ Kecklenburg Middlesex. -- Montgomery Nansemond . Nelson New Kent. - • Norfolk Northampton Northumberland . Nottoway (c) Orange - Page Patrick Petersburg city (a) Pittsylvania Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George (a) - . Princess Anne Prince William Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond (d) Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell (b) 1800 ISSO 1870 41, 087 le, 681 15, 497 5,066 15, 077 26,211 8,071 3, 8;i5 13,233 9, 482 5,077 13, 515 16, 168 10, 047 16, 655 22, 590 14, 405 9,508 24,985 17, 880 9,090 11, 653 9,958 14, 394 5,622 8,230 34, 424 17, 402 103, 394 18, 208 5,352 11,313 5,643 9,669 6,641 9,605 7,191 18, 216 23, 274 16, 997 11, 372 10, 225 7,584 25, 359 I..458 17. 742 19. 692 15, .336 5, 511 77, 038 10, 313 7,885 11, 582 12, 814 13, 092 14, 147 22, 680 59, 941 6,791 14, 694 7,872 9,510 9,805 12, 790 8,678 7,146 30, 101 23, 062 31,299 16, 126 36, 250 17, 243 13, 323 5,512 16, 653 25, 085 7,682 3,794 13, 408 10, 540 32, 870 10, 689 11, 032 16, 025 22, 993 13, 255 10, 802 25, 084 17, 553 8,794 11,876 10, 292 13, 068 5,830 8,407 33, 588 18, 588 82, 703 16, 009 5,164 10, 572 5.422 10, 502 6.397 8,751 6,160 15, 116 23, 634 18, 942 11, 535 10, 562 7,501 24, 610 6,252 16, 693 15, 903 16, 536 .5, 515 58, 6'7 9,152 7,929 11, 156 13, 052 9,965 12, 833 52, 589 7,817 14, 668 10,054 9,394 9,180 8, 755 9,291 7,195 13, 105 20, 003 29, 567 13, 906 18G0 28, 384 15, 128 9,147 4,975 14, 513 18, 470 6,670 2, 942 12, 227 8, 142 30, 702 8,303 9,927 12, 9.52 19,690 9,824 9,875 18, 264 16, 596 5,875 10, 211 10, 313 9,587 4,634 6,362 27, 828 16, 455 66, 179 12, 303 4,151 8, 320 4,425 9,709 5,742 7, 515 5, 355 13, 268 20, 929 16, 332 10, 403 8,670 6,200 21, 318 4,981 12, 556 11,576 13, 898 4,381 46, 702 8,046 6,863 9,291 10, 396 8,462 10, 161 1850 20, 197 18,464 8,012 5,609 14,471 19, 016 7,146 3,553 12, 063 9,961 30, 198 5,798 10,469 11,834 21, 706 8, 236 lU, 353 20, 098 16, 546 6,883 10, 956 10, 656 8.252 5, 022 6,374 26, 520 17, 222 61, 616 12, 105 4.319 9,977 5,798 10, 328 6,571 8,530 5,151 11, 032 21, 774 16, 701 11, 983 8,854 7,091 20, 096 4,364 10, 617 13, 693 13,015 5,884 36, 227 7,832 7,531 8,836 10, 851 8,109 31, 343 7,667 12, 004 7,820 8,273 7,504 6,538 8,261 6,503 9.350 16, 058 23, 668 11, 103 1840 23, 245 18, 456 5,909 5, 200 13, 955 ,489 . 352 21,030 17,813 9,359 32, 104 8,392 11,844 8,411 7,714 8,565 5,416 8,850 6,856 8,048 17, 248 23, 408 10, 280 12, 282 9,751 25, 118 4,586 10, 206 10, 682 20, 808 6,458 9,487 17, 430 15, 975 6,570 10, 527 10, 352 6,677 4,400 5,639 25, 962 15, 153 43, 572 8,872 4.227 9,353 4, 020 10,319 5,971 8,779 4,708 10, 267 22, 079 16, 691 11,692 9,331 6,714 20, 630 4,394 8,359 12, 283 12, 758 6,064 33, 036 7,498 7,346 8,437 10, 067 7,600 9,609 1830 20, 350 17, 760 4,774 14, 595 17,148 6,353 "ii,'393 10, 399 22, 558 3,706 11, 309 9,370 21, 897 4, 453 8,812 15, 832 14, 242 5, 307 10, 715 9,760 9,087 4,232 5, 500 15, 252 18, 637 1820 16, 569 17, 982 5, 255 13, 290 18. 003 24, 027 11, 690 21, 901 5,053 10, 521 9,204 20, 086 8, 221 14,911 26, 046 5,274 10, 608 10, 369 7,675 20, 942 11, 023 20, 482 3, 789 9,909 11, 404 23, 103 1810 ISOO 11, 001 17,544 5,180 13, 161 9,979 6,366 25, 936 14, 968 33, 076 i 7,335 1 7,117 28, 034 16, 253 28, 797 7,100 6,704 12,017 24, 706 4, .521 9,678 10, 007 5,598 18, 967 9,992 18,190 3,608 9.376 13,111 9,866 17, 438 5,365 11,912 14, 488 22, f 6,858 19, 060 15, 267 23, 667 5, 624 28, 796 8,178 11, 857 7,596 7,669 8,129 .5, 118 9,782 6,448 8,477 16, 045 20, 294 11,919 9,972 3,779 10, 862 5,927 9,258 4,628 8,441 20, 431 15, 433 11, 055 8,107 7, 442 20, 724 4. 392 7, 405 10, 795 12, 287 6. 230 27, 569 7,715 7,924 9,719 9,125 6,194 8,032 26, 398 7,924 14, 069 7,175 7,285 8,144 3,739 9,257 5,965 5,499 14, 284 17, 344 7,878 10,517 3,838 11, 644 6,397 9,812 4,801 6,461 21, 939 16, 151 11,957 9, 236 7,664 20, 477 4,122 12, 306 11, 784 11,254 6,458 24, 806 8,641 7, 953 10, 130 14, 637 4, 775 10, 724 22, 574 3,745 10, 427 10, 203 4,941 18, 100 9, 839 15, 374 2, 778 9,508 13, 317 21, 329 1790 17, 489 5,588 10, 078 14, 214 4,623 9,302 24, 744 8,181 9,696 3,912 22, 105 8,153 13, 934 3,450 9.122 12, 320 17, 892 3, 921 6,842 19, 681 6,853 22, 133 15, 082 19, 680 5,611 10,118 4,563 11,798 6,116 9,697 5,517 4,256 22, 702 13,746 10, 662 8,490 6, 920 19, 786 4,057 8,733 10, 494 10, 137 6, 630 23, 936 9,186 4,094 10, 988 0,454 9,285 5,592 4,694 21, 338 11, 900 12, 265 8,381 4.227 18, 453 4,414 8,409 10,324 9,684 6,478 22, 872 6,727 19, 377 14, 403 14, 886 5, 259 9,342 3,931 9.879 6,749 9,055 5,375 3,538 20, 523 11, 892 10, 381 8,322 5,806 17, 008 4,203 9,044 11, 127 13, 498 9, 053 6,362 14, 722 14, 754 12, 000 8,479 9,028 4,070 9,377 7,366 8,128 5, 638 18, 962 8,467 8,959 14, 733 4, 140 13, 228 9,010 7, 705 7, 474 8, 016 8, 308 9, 656 9, 278 12, 880 12, 323 7,395 26, 034 8,517 14, 107 8,367 9,102 9,330 6,055 14,244 20, 683 6,714 5,089 21, 323 8.292 12, 577 8,030 8,768 9,419 5,706 11, 945 14, 784 5,536 4,695 17, 172 8,073 12, 409 8, 0.50 9,498 11,311 6,363 19,419 6,763 7,803 9,401 11,449 6, 239 14, 524 4,331 12, 697 7,769 10, 962 7,425 8,859 12, 733 6,214 10, 318 12, 753 6.319 13,744 8,945 10, 374 4,808 11, 579 6,822 8,100 8,173 7, 793 11,615 6,985 6,548 7,449 3,338 a Petersburg city formerly in Chesterfield, Dinwiddle, and Prince George; now independent. „^ , -p ,<,,„n & Dickenson organized from parts of Buchanan, Russell, and W ise in 1880. c Amelia and Nottoway reported together in 1790. d Richmond and Westmoreland repoi-ted together m 1800. POPULATION. 45 Table 2.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890— Con tiimed. VIB«IIV1A— Continued. COUNTIES. Scott Shi'.namlojih Smyth Sotithaiuptoii Spottsylvania StaSoril Sill ry Sussex Tazewell AVarrou AVai'vvick AVa^hingtoii Westmoreland (a) Wise (6) W.rthe York 1890 21,694 19, avi 13, 360 20, 078 14, 23:. 7,362 8, 256 11,100 19, 899 8, 280 6,650 29, 020 8,399 9,345 18, 019 7,596 1880 17, 233 18, 204 12, 160 18, 012 14, 828 7,211 7,391 10, 062 12, 861 7,399 2,258 25, 203 8,846 7,772 14, 318 7,349 1870 13, 036 14, 936 8,898 12, 285 11, 728 6,420 5,585 7,885 10, 791 5,716 1, 672 16, 816 7,682 4,785 11,611 7,198 1860 12, 072 13, 896 8, 952 12,915 16, 076 8,555 6,133 10, 175 9,920 6,442 1,740 16, 892 8,282 4,508 12, 305 4, 949 1850 9, 829 13, 768 8,162 13, 521 14, 911 8,044 5,679 9,820 9, 942 6,607 1,546 14, 612 8,080 12, 024 4,460 1840 7,303 11,618 6,522 14, 525 15, 161 8, 454 6,480 11, 229 0,290 5,627 1,456 13, 001 8,019 9,375 4,720 1830 5,724 19, 750 16, 074 15, 134 9,362 7,109 12, 720 5,749 1,570 15, 614 8, 3961 12, 163 5,354 a Kichmond and Westmoreland reported together in 1800. 1820 4,263 18, 926 14, 170 14, 254 9,517 6,594 11, 884 3, 916 1,608 12,444 6,901 9,692 4,384 1810 13, 646 is, 497 13, 296 9, 830 6,855 11, 362 3,007 1, 835 12, 156 8,102 8,356 5,187 1800 13, 823 13,925 13, 002 9, 971 6,535 11. 062 2,127 1,659 9,536 6,380 3, 231 1790 10, 510 11, 252 9,588 6,227 10, 549 1,69(1 5, 625 7, 722 6 Dickenson organized from parts of Buchanan, Russell, and Wise in 1880. W^ASHIIVOTOIV. [Organized as a territory March 2, 1853. Admitted as a state November 11, 1889.] COUNTIES. 1890 The State Adams (b) — Asotin (c) Chehalis Clallam Clarke Columbia (d). Cowlitz Douglas (e) . . Franklin (6) . Garfield (/)... Island Jefterson King Kitsap Kittitas (7) . . . Klickitat 349, 390 2,098 1,580 9, 249 2,771 11, 709 6,709 5,917 3,161 696 3,897 1,787 8,368 63, 989 4,624 8,777 5,167 1880 75, 116 921 638 5,490 7,103 2,062 1,087 1,712 6,910 1,738 4,055 1870 23, 955 401 408 3,081 626 1,268 2, 120 329 1860 11, 594 285 149 ,384 406 294 531 302 544 230 1850 al, 201 o643 COUNTIES. Lewis Lincoln (h) . . Mason (i) . . . Okanogan (j) Pacific Pierce San Juan (k) Skagit (I) ... Skamania . . . Snohomish.. Spokane (m) Stevens (j) . . Thurston Wahkiakum Wallawalla . Whatcom {I) Whitman (b) Yakima (^r) . 1890 11, 499 9,312 2,826 1,467 4,358 50, 940 2,072 8,747 774 8,514 37, 487 4,341 9,675 2,526 12, 224 18,591 19, 109 4,429 1880 2,600 639 i,"645 3. 319 948 809 1,387 4, 262 1,245 3, 270 1,598 8,716 3,137 7,014 2,811 1870 888 289 '738 1,409 133 599 (n) 734 2, 246 270 5, 300 634 432 1860 384 162 420 1,115 173 1,507 42 1,318 352 I 1850 a Then in the territory of Oregon. b Parts of Whitman taken to term Adams and Franklin iu 1883. c Organized from part of Garfield in 1883. d Part taken to form Garfield in 1881. e Organizeil from part of Lincoln in 1883. /Organized from part of Coliunbia in 1881; part taken to form Asotin in 1883. g Kittitas organieed from part of Yakima iu 1883. h Oiganized from part of Spokane and part taken to foiin Dou"las in 1883. i Name changed from Sawamish in 1864. j Okanogan organized from part of Stevens iu 1883. k Population returned as for the Disjmted Islands in 1870. I Skagit organized from part of \\'hatoom in 1883. m Part taken to form Lincoln in 1883. n Reported as part of Stevens. *VEST VIROINIA. [Set off from Virginia December 31, 1862. Admitted as a state June 19, 1863.] COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 The state (a)... 762, 794 618, 457 442, 014 376, 688 302, 313 224, 537 176, 924 136, 768 105, 469 78, 592 55, 873 Barbour 12, 702 18, 702 6,885 13, 928 6,660 23, 595 8, 155 4,659 12, 183 20, 542 11, 870 17, 380 5,824 9,787 6,013 13,744 6,072 3, 460 10, 552 11, 560 10, 312 14, 900 4,553 6,480 5,464 6,429 2,939 2,196 7,076 6,647 8,958 12, 525 4,840 4,992 5,494 8,020 2,502 1,787 5, 203 5,997 9,005 11,771 3,237 4, 212 5,054 6,299 Berkeley 10, 972 10, 518 11,211 11, 479 22, 006 Boone 19, 713 Braxton 2,575 7,948 8,163 Brooke 7,041 5,884 .--.-.... ........ 4,706 Cabell 4,789 0, »4:.i 2, 717 Calhoun Clay . Doddridge 2,750 3,955 Fayette 3,924 a The population of counties credited to West Virginia for 1790 to 1860, inclusive, belongs properly to the state of Virginia ot which these counties then formed a part. ' a f i j o », 46 COMPENDIIBI OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk ^.-aggregate POPULATION BY COUNTIES: 1790 TO 1890-Contmned. WEST VIKGIIVI A— Continued. COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1860 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 1 7,108 5, 542 15, 060 10,366 4,882 C. 794 20, 181 16.312 15. 005 32. 466 13, 269 8,739 7, 329 3,074 17, 198 18, 840 22. 293 7. 407 8.6;!0 14,986 11,501 .5,777 7.223 :47. 457 -■. 22 4,338 4,467 11,417 7,643 4,363 5,518 16,714 10. 300 13, 219 22. 349 10, 175 5,053 5, 124 1,952 12, 107 14, 941 15, 978 7,064 6,332 13, 547 11, 124 4,315 4,458 28, 831 6,455 3,759 3,475 . i Gilmer 9,746 ..J Grant Greenbrier (o) Hampsliire 6,802 18, 034 11,419 6,414 7,567 21,919 19, 021 15, 553 42, 756 15, 895 11, 246 11,101 7,300 20,721 20, 735 22, 863 16, 002 12, 085 15, 705 12, 429 6,744 9,309 41, 557 8,711 12, 211 13, 913 4,445 9,864 13, 790 8, 306 14, 535 16, 150 7.999 10, 022 14, 036 4,050 9, 543 11, 728 6,544 15, 357 15, 353 10,031 8,695 12, 295 9,006 11.279 7, 041 5, 914 10, 889 9, 784 4,345 8.348 6, 015 7. -.m 7, 022 17, 609 4,890 14, 082 13, 567 8,151 1 1 6, 627 1 4,848 1 '3,' 239" 1 Hardy 6, 798 14, 722 "12." 927' 9, 326 6,241 5,700 ' 5,525 10,932 : 9,958 7. 336 2. 080 6,399 4, 247 3,866 Kanawha (a) Ijevvi.s Lincoln XiOgan 4,938 1,535 12, 722 12, 997 9, 173 6,819 3,620 4,309 3,680 McDowell '""io,'552' 10, 138 7, 539 ' 4, 222 ■■ Marion 6,937 6,777 1 1 1 6, 534 4,868 1 1,991 1 >|,j,0o M'Tfer ' "]3, 048 10, 757 3,732 4,627 22. 422 6,164 2,945 3, 958 13, 312 6,301 3, 367 4,990 6,847 5,381 '"'i2,'387' 10, 204 3,557 3,963 18, 006 5,795 17, 368 8,422 4,253 2,515 13, 357 6,940 14, 056 7,798 2, 694 3, 346 15, 58t 6,271 8,540 4,188 4,768 Mtm.ingalia ■ M i.,e 6,580 2, 500 1.853 9,182 4,846 5,444 8,i75 4,239 4,740 3, 962 5, 212 2, 452 1 7,539 -256, 3,012 3,598 11, 708 5,335 1,765 5,243 3,902 2,922 6,866 2,542 5,144 Po hoiitas . . - 6, 814 591 20,355 ".Ogi 14, 34".: ' M 375 9,5'-.7 : ',367 11 fv 8,102 16', 13,474 12, 184 9.033 , 11, 455 4, 069 14, 555 7,794 3,673 • 5, 563 9,055 7,232 3,422 Pj-f-;.tOIl ...-. 1 . ^ lauL -- 6,208 5,000 3,357 2, 854 1, 826 951 * . ■ . ohie :-!l-' ■i'' 9, 367 1, 907 7,832 8,023 7,852 1 1, 730 8,595 4,804 19, 000 3,171 7,463 1,428 6,517 7,292 6,747 1,555 6,703 3,751 11, 046 2,861 5,367 : Tucker Tyler n, a62 12, 714 18, 652 4,783 16, 841 9,411 28, 612 6,247 11. 073 10. 249 14, 739 3,207 13, 896 7,104 25, 006 4, 322 5,498 6,954 4, 104 , 2, 314 Wayne 4,760 AVebster 4,284 3,353 9,450 1,645 i 1 ■Wetzel "Wirt '"'"7,' 923 6,429 ! 5,860 3,036 1,217 Wood , ' a Greenbrier and Kanawha reported together in 1790. ■WISCONSIN. [Organized as a territory July 3, 1836. Admitted as a state May 29, 1848.] COUNTIES. t 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 The State 1, 686, 880 1,315,497 1,054,670 775, 881 305, 391 30, 945 a3,035 al,313 fcll5 6,889 20, 063 15,416 7,390 39, 164 15, 997 4,393 16, 639 25, 143 17, 708 28, 3.50 15, 987 59, 578 44, 984 6,741 1,559 7, 024 564 34, 078 15, 528 3,140 16, 632 15,491 10, 715 28, 065 15,644 53, 233 45. 931 6,601 221 538 344 25, 168 11,123 706 12, 335 8,311 3, 450 28, 892 13, 075 53, 096 47, 035 6,492 515 13 3.53 11, 795 3,864 12 7,895 1,895 789 24, 441 8,068 43, 922 42, 818 187 1 Adams Ashland (c) Barron (d) Bayflelft (e) 489 6,215 ""2,'i07' "'al,i56 a952 '""bho Buffalo Birmett (/) """]'," 743" 615 275' Chippewa (c) Clark 9,565 2,498 16, 639 19, 138 1,502 314 67 a692 a361 J)65 Crawford Dodge ::::::: i::::.:: Poor 15,68^1 11.040 a Then in the territory of Michigan. b Then in the territory of Indiana. , , ,, ■ c Sa\yyer oraanized lri>ni jiarts of Ashlaud and Chippewa in 1883. ■ rtName changed from Dallas m 1869. r Name changed from La Pointe in 1866. /Washbnni organized from part of Buiuett in 1883. POPULATION. 47 Tablk 2.— aggregate POPULATION BY COUNTIES : 1790 TO 1890— Continued. AVISCOIVSIIV— Continuetl. COUNTIES. 1S90 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 13, 468 22, 664 30, 673 2,604 44,088 1,012 36, 651 22, 732 15, 163 22, 117 15, 797 33, 530 17,121 15, 581 16, 153 38, 801 20, 265 9.465 13, 008 37, 831 30, 369 20, 304 9,676 236. 101 23, 211 15, 009 5. 010 38, 690 14, 943 6,932 20, 385 12, 968 24, 798 5,258 36, 268 19, 121 43, 220 23,139 .30, 575 1,977 19, 236 42, 489 6,731 18, 920 25, 111 27, 860 2,926 22, 751 33, 270 26, 794 13, 507 50, 097 18, 127 655 16,817 19, 993 1,122 9,488 10, 769 812 2,704 3, 162 Eain'lair6 . . . . Florence (fi) 46, 859 46, 273 34, 154 14, 510 139 Forest (6) . . . . Grant 37, 852 21, 729 14, 483 23, 628 13, 285 32, 156 15, 582 13, 550 15, 807 27, 073 21,279 685 2,011 37, 505 17, 121 8,929 8,908 138, 537 21, 607 9,848 37, 979 23, fi] 1 13. 195 24, 544 7.687 34, 040 12, 372 13, 147 10, 128 20, 297 22, 659 31,189 19, 808 12, 663 18, 967 4,170 30. 438 8,770 13,900 5,530 12, 186 18, 134 16, 169 8,566 3, 926 933 Iowa 9,525 3,978 cl, 587 (Tefferson 15, 317 914 Juneau Kenosha 10, 734 Kewaunee Lacrosse Lafayette 11, 531 Langlade (d) Lincoln (e) 33, 364 5,885 22,416 2. 892 3,702 508 235 Marathon MnxiTiette (/) Marquette 8, 0.56 89, 930 16, 550 8,321 8,233 62, 518 8,410 3,592 8,641 31, 077 18 5,605 Milwaukee Monroe Oconto (g) Oneida (h) Outagamie 28, 716 15, 461 6. 226 17, 744 10,018 17, 731 785 30, 922 18, 174 38, 823 18,956 28, 729 18, 430 15, 564 4,659 9, 958 3, 422 10, 634 9.587 15, 682 2,392 4,672 1,400 7,507 Ozaukee Pepin Pierce Polk Portage 1,250 1,623 Price Racine 26, 740 15, 731 39, 030 11, 035 23, 860 21, 360 9,732 36, 690 5,392 18, 963 14, 973 903 20, 750 624 4,371 3,475 Kichland Rock 1,701 809 102 St. Croix Sauk Sawyer (i) Shawano (j) 10, 371 34, 206 2,311 17, 189 23, 235 26, 249 3,166 31, 749 829 26, 875 Shebovgan 8,379 133 Taylor Trempealeau 10, 732 18,645 25, 972 2,500 11, 007 26, 496 Vernon (h) "Walworth 17, 862 2,611 Washburn (l) Washington 23, 442 28, 957 20, 955 12, 687 42, 740 8,981 23, 919 28, 274 15, 539 11, 279 37, 279 3,912 23, 622 26, 831 8,851 8,770 23, 770 2,425 19, 485 19, 258 343 Waukesha Waupaca Waushara Winnebago 10, 167 135 Wood a Organized from parts of Marinette and Oconto in 1882. l> Organized from parts of Langla ^ ' Precinct 2. Gum Springs Precinct 3. Hanceville Precinct 4. Pocahontas - Precinct 5. Blountsville, incl. Blounts- ville town. Blountsville town Precinct 6. Brooksville Precinct 7. Summit Precinct 8. CampbeU - Precinct 9. Hood Precinct 10. Hardwick, Precinct 11. Chepultepec Precinct 12. Dry Creek Precinct 13. Whites J , ,, Precinct 34. Concord. . .'>'■"' Precinct 14. Village Springs Precinct 15. McMurie Precinct 16. Selfville Precinct 17. Thompson Cross Roads Precinct 18. Thacker Precinct 19. Walker Precinct 20. Bangor Precinct 22. Hendricks Precinct 28. Thompson Precinct 23. Kectar ; Precinct 24. Arkadelphia . Precinct 25. Reed Gap Precinct 26. Dorses Creek . Precinct 27. Garden Precinct 31. Cornelius Precinct 32. Burgets Precinct 33. Liberty Precinct 35. Harmony 1890 1880 ■(d)- BULLOCK COUNTY . Precinct 1. Midway, incl. Midway viU. Midway village Precinct 2. Enon Precinct 3. Union Springs, including Union Springs town. V nion Springs town Precinct 4. Ridgely Precinct 5. Indian Creek Precinct 6. Perote Precinct 7. Inverness Precinct 8. (Jreenwood, including Fitz- patrick, Mitchell Station, and Thomp- son Station ((J) towns. Fitzpatrick town - Mitchell Station town Precinct 9. Bmceville Precinct 10. Farriorville - - Precinct 11. Union Church Precinct 12. Suspension Butler county. Precinct 1. Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Precinct 6. Starlington... South Butler . Oaky Streak . Toluka Steiner Store. McBride 1,418 390 2,709 21, 927 1,483 683 530 532 1,021 1,107 904 958 860 554 1,479 858 1,055 1,167 189 537 381 087 406 286 1,707 350 1,173 597 367 295 201 356 742 342 27, 063 3,953 612 1,468 5,834 2,049 1,880 1,240 1,808 1,171 4,251 357 296 1,390 1,217 1,483 1,368 15, 309 623 884 591 538 622 563 29, 006 4,073 450 1,896 6,245 1,862 2, 498 1, 134 1,519 1, 308 4,688 1, 531 1,400 1,449 1,325 19, 649 519 858 908 829 848 352 c Not returned by precincts in 1880 ; part given to Cullman county since 1880. d Not separately returned. POPULATION 49 Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. A li AB AM A— Continued. MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. BniLKK COUNTY— Continued. Precinct 7. SpringhOl Precinct 8. Dead Fall Precinct 9. Manningham Precinct 10. Monterey Precinct 11. Butler Springs Precinct 12. Greenville, including Green- ville city. Greenville city Precinct 13. Garland Precinct 14. Georgiana, including Geor- giana village. Georgiana village Precinct 15. Mount Olive Precinct 16. Rocky Creek Precinct 17. Ebenezer (a) 1890 Calhoun county. Precinct 1. Jacksonville, incl. Jackson- ville town. Jacksonville town Precinct 2. Alexandria Precinct 3. June Bug Precinct i. Maddox Precinct 5. Polkville Precinct 6. Peek Hill Precinct 7. Hollings worth Precinct 8. Allen Precinct 9. Piedmont, including Pied- mont village. Piedmont village (6) Precinct 10. Rabbit Town Precinct 11. White Plains, including White Plains village. White Plains village Precinct 12. Davisvllle, including Choc- colocco town. Choccolocco town Precinct 13. Oxford, including Oxanna and Oxford towns. Oxanna town Oxford town Precinct 14. Sulphur Springs Precinct 15. Anniston, including Annis- ton city. Anniston city Precinct 16. Ladiga Precinct 17. J)e Armanville (a) Precinct 18. Ohatchee (a) UHAMBBKS COUNTY . Precinct 1. Hickory Flat, including Stroud town . Stroud town Precinct 2. Bloomingdale Precinct 3. Milltown Precinct 4. Trammott Cross Roads Precinct 5. Hamburg Precinct 6. Fredonia Precinct 7. Bluttton, incl. Blufl'ton to\VT] Kluffton town Precinct 8. Lafayette, including Lafay- ette town. Lafayette town Precinct 9. Ridge Grove '. ,'. Precinct 10. New Hanuony Precinct 11. Oak Bowery "." Precinct 12. Cusseta Precinct 13. Bethlehem 33, 835 2,420 1,237 2,498 1,164 1,795 802 886 971 1,086 1,677 711 929 1,300 202 1,326 6oi 2,528 748 1,473 857 10, 918 9,998 631 1,168 879 26, 319 Cherokee county (c) . Precinct 1. Mud Creek Precinct 2. Rock Run, including Rock Run village. Rock Run village Precinct 3. Tecumseh ^i\.[.ii[.. Precinct 4. Spring Garden Precinct 5. Spring Creek Precinct 6. Center, incl. Center town Center town 2,206 285 1,663 1,743 1,737 2, 353 2, 146 1,975 777 3,047 1,369 1,590 1,788 1,546 1,736 2,789 20, 459 a Organized since 1880. 6 Formerly Cross Plains, 372 4 1,277 1, 229 360 1, 145 1, 404 1,105 1,909 347 1880 1,269 1,288 1,321 1, 3.39 1,538 1,756 1,271 1, 505 1,573 1,305 5,372 4,809 2,806 2,471 1,449 702 2,265 1,234 456 277 380 481 865 916 517 19, 591 2,033 2,036 956 1,259 892 1,328 811 1,114 600 38' 831 1,280 140 1,178 2,207 856 1,401 942 809 23, 440 2,056 1,274 1,779 1,607 1,806 1,998 1,979 65s 2,712 1 ,061 1,536 1,542 1,416 1,398 2,337 19, 108 H4 MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Chebokee county — Continued. Precinct 7. Precinct 8. Precinct 9. Precinct 10. Precinct 11. Precinct 12. Bhiff town Cedar Bl Precinct 13. ville town Precinct 14. Precinct 15. Precinct 16. Precinct 17. Precinct 18. Precinct 19. Precinct 20. Coloma Ball Play , Dixon . .". Round Mountain Brindley Cedar Bluff, including Cedar uff town Gaylesville, incl. Waterloo Broom town Paden Cedar Springs Sterling Stafford ElUs Gayles- Chilton county . Precinct 1. Mims Cross Roads Precinct 2. Providence Precinct 3. Benson Precinct 4. Clanton, incl. Clanton town! Clanton town Precinct 5. Cooper, incl. Verbena town! Verbena town Precinct 6 (a) Precinct 7. MaplesviUe ...!.!..'.'..'!!!. Precinct 8. Dixie - Choctaw cooNiTr. Precinct 1 , Precinct 2 "!!!!! Precinct 3 '...'.'...... Precinct 4 Precinct -5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8, incl. Womack Hiil village '. '. Womack Hill village Precinct 9, incl. Bladen Springs viliage Bladen Springs village Precinct 10 '_ _'_ Precinct 11 Clarke county. Precinct 1. Gainestown Precinct 2. Salt Works Precinct 3. Jackson Precinct 4. Walker Springs '.'. Precinct 5. Suggsville Precinct 6. Gosport ] Precinct 7. McLeod '. Precinct 8. River Hill Precinct 9. Good Springs Precinct 10. Grove Hill, including Grove Hill villa™. Grove Hill village Precinct 11. Anderson Precinct 12. Gates ! . . ! Precinct 13. Cotfeeville Precinct 14. Clarkesville Precinct 15. New Prospect Precinct 16. Tallahatta Springs Precinct 17. Cane Creek Precinct 18. Pleasant Hill Precinct 19. Campbell Precinct 20. Baahi Precinct 21. Choctaw Corner, including Thomasville village. Thomasville village Clay county , Precinct I.Delta Precinct 2. Copper Mine. Precinct 12. Mountain lid). e Not returned by precincts in 1880. d Not separately returned. 1890 938 925 1,439 1,142 473 1,143 J94 591 1,127 812 786 852 985 461 716 14, 549 1,078 2, 079 'l, 590 3,018 623 3,025 756 1,038 947 1,774 17, 526 1,747 1,508 1,203 1,463 2,885 1,333 2, 098 897 410 1,250 440 1,964 1,172 22, 624 1,.518 1,717 1,160 996 1, 105 721 533 876 537 2. 163 225 732 613 2,287 621 387 607 942 624 1, 214 850 2,412 291 15, 765 1880 1,153 1,098 10, 793 1,134 1,595 1,198 2,407 2,342 1,122 995 15, 731 1,538 1,720 1,490 1,896 2, 081 512 1,627 822 1, 216 573 1,962 867 17, 806 1,399 1,451 1,012 575 997 605 371 604 437 1,609 376 553 457 1,695 573 422 559 715 427 963 710 1,672 12, 938 1,042 (747 il90 50 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVLSIONS-Coutinued. All AB AM A— Continued. MINOR CrVTL DIVISIONS. Clat county— Continued. Precinct 3. Fox Creek Precinct 4. Wesobulga Precinct 5. Coleta -• Precinct 6. A.shland,incl. Ashland town. Ashland town .• Precinct 7. HoUins(o),incl. HoUinstown HoUins town Precinct 8. Brown ville Precinct 9. McConathy Precinct 10. Wicker Precinct 11. Almond ■ - - - Precinct 13. Lineville, incl. LinevlUe tu . Lineville town ., Precinct 14. Pinckneyville Precinct 15. Union 1890 CLEBtJENE COUNTY. Precinct 1. Borden Precinct 2. Oak Level Precinct 3. Muscadine, including Musca- dine viUage. Muscadine village ■ . Precinct 4. Court House, including Ed- wardsville village. Edwardsville village Precinct 5. Shoal Creek Precinct 6. Heflin, incl. Heflin village .. Heflin village Precinct 7. Bell Mills Precinct 8. Abernathy...? Precinct 9. LostCreefc Precinct 10. Arbacoochee Precinct 11. Pine Knot Precinct 12. Chulafinnee Precinct 13. Buckhorn Coffee county 12,170 Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Elba Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 1. Oldtown 2. Dannelly Cross Roads 3. Brannen 4. Childersville 5. TilmanMill 6. Elba, including Elba town, town 7. Peacock 8. Grant 9. Clintonvillo 10. Victoria 11. Simmons Mill 12. Centerville 13. HawKidge 14. Holley(a) 15. Dean (a) 16. Kimmons (a) 17. Enterprise (a) 18. Paul (a) 19. Carpenter (a) Colbert county . Precinct 1. South Florence Precinct 2. Tusciunbia (6), including Tusciunbia city. Tuscumbia city Precinct 3. Barton Precinct 4. Cherokee, including Chero- kee town (c). Precinct 5. Chickasaw Precinct 6. Dickson (cJ) I'recinct 7. Eock Creek Precinct 8. Srygley Precinct 9. Wheeler Precinct 10. Saints Precinct 11. Leightou, including Leigh- ton village (c). Precinct 12. Camp Smith Precinct 13. Pride Precinct 14. Spring Valley Precinct 15. Allsboro (e) - - Precinct 16. Sheffield (/), including Shef field city. Sheffield city 1,218 792 608 2,848 635 873 ' 422 718 1, 254 1,238 1,096 1,549 234 929 391 13, 218 1880 692 1, 310 1, 210 100 1,837 446 264 1,226 383 610 1,364 1,309 1,046 681 1,405 204 425 447 632 439 352 1,285 285 1,152 828 864 1,172 692 857 195 373 724 227 920 274 312 20, 189 1,546 3,455 2,491 1, 214 1,811 1,033 998 490 446 853 1,294 1,018 652 627 1,051 725 2,976 2,731 a Organized since 1880. 6 Part taken to form precinct 16 since 1880. c Not separately returned. d Part taken to form precinct 15 since 1880. 1,070 818 756 2,178 387 904 958 1,079 933 1,169 ■'"718 376 10, 976 742 1,193 712 1, 496 267 260 619 576 1,126 1,003 877 706 1,349 317 8,119 284 393 676 198 397 989 222 646 398 1,274 1, lit) 497 922 299 MINOR CmL DIVISIONS. Conecuh county . Precinct 1. Mixon Precinct 2. Fork of Sepulga Precinct 3. Mill Precinct 4. Belleville Precinct 5. Brushy Creek Precinct 6. Castleberry Precinct 7. Brooklyn Precinct 8. Jamestown . - Precinct 9. Oldtown Precinct 10. Gravilla -, - - ■ Precinct 11. Evergreen, coextensive with Evergreen town. Precinct 12. Sparta Precinct 13. Kepton (a) 1890 14, 594 Coosa county . Precinct 1. Brooksville Precinct 2. Nixburg Precinct 3. Soccopatoy Precinct 4. Goodwater, including Good- water town. Goodwater town Precinct 5. Mount Olive Precinct 6. Hanover Precinct 7. Eockford, incl.Kockfordtn. Rockford town Precinct 8. McCord Precinct 9. Concord Precinct 10. Flint Hill Precinct 11. AVeogufka Precinct 12. Jordan Precinct 13. Marble Valley Precinct 14. Lewis Precinct 15. Travelers Eest Precinct 16. Crews Precinct 17. Lauderdale {a) Covington county 16, 153 1,962 2, 949 907 7B1 1,794 1,782 536 466 681 1,651 1,230 480 647 307 Precinct 1. Andalusia, including Anda- lusia town. Andalusia town Precinct 2. Fairfield Precinct 6. Newberry Precinct 10. Hart Precinct 12. Eed Level Precinct 3. Helton Precinct 4. Eosehill Precinct 5. Shirley Precinct 7. Watkins Precinct 8. Davis Shop Precinct 9. Hughes Precinct 11. Westover Precinct 13. Green Bay Crenshaw county. Precinct 1. Snrle Precinct 2. Frazior Precinct 4. Honoraville I'recinct 3. Helicon Precinct 5. Fuller Cross Eoads Precinct 6. Eutledgc. including Luverne and Eutledge villages. Luverne village Eutledge village Precinct 7. Donnan • Precinct 8. Loon Precinct 9. Mount Ida Precinct 10. New Providence Precinct 11. Bullock Precinct 12. Brown Precinct 13. Saville 1,200 921 1,876 1,460 745 1, 738 957 436 1,548 1,494 1,783 173 263 15, 906 1880 12, 605 1,009 953 1,460 1, 520 513 828 1, 266 505 2,005 1,320 985 235 943 1,392 1,285 1,570 589 754 587 1,691 240 813 817 372 818 682 881 480 1,295 504 1,022 7,536 15, 113 831 2,469 1,135 1,133 508 822 1,533 885 784 408 836 650 657 639 L074 749 5,639 Cullman county (ft) 13,439 1,371 270 5831 3561 533 643j 534 1. 293 653 288 290 179 476 337 15, 425 1, 168) 045J. 906) 1, 130 1,141 3,007 451 314 1,197 1,033 800 922 1,402 994 1,080 729 596 ^1, 819 259 1,030 544 253 189 255 300 255 11, 726 32,245 941 796 1,586 Precinct 1. Cullman, incl. Cullman town Cullman town Precinct 2. Glasscock Precinct 3. Koenig Precinct 4. Pleasant HiU Precinct 5. Trimble e Organized from part of precinct 6 since 1880. / Organized from part of precinct 2 since 1880. g Not separately returned in 1880. h Part of Blount county annexed smpe 188Q, 1,982 1,017 427 896 1,223 985 21S 777 1,072 661 786 1,183 720 959 6,355 1,249 426 234 227 625 956 POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. AliABAMA— Continued. 51 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Cullman county— Continued. Precinct 6. Precinct 7. Precinct 8. Precinct 9. Precinct 10. Precinct 11. Precinct 12. Precinct 13. Precinct 14. Precinct 15. Precinct 16. Livingston . . Dermid AVilhite Hunter Ebeuezer Holmes Gap. Brindley BaUeyton . . . Dagnall Boyd (a) Bremen (i) . . Dale county Precinct 1. Ozark (c), incl. Ozark village Ozark vil^ge Precinct 2. Westville Precinct 3. Daleville Precinct 4. Newton (c), incl. Kewton vill Newton village Precinct 5. Gilley Precinct 6. Brannan Precinct 7. Eocky Head (d) Precinct 8. Sylvan Grove Precinct 9. Echo Precinct 10. Clopton Precinct 11. Skipperville Precinct 12. Barnes Crosa Koads Dallas county . Precinct 1. Brindley Precinct 2. Walker Chapel Precinct 3. Brandon Precinct 4. Hendrixville Precinct .5. Van Buren Precinct 6. CoUinsville, includins linsville town. CoUinsville town Precinct 7. Lebanon Col- 647 658 728 470 711 842 592 1,037 1,038 531 672 17, 225 3,067 1. 195 874 1,786 2,144 520 935 990 1,175 1,241 1,525 840 1,552 1,096 49, 350 Precinct 1. Plantersville Precinct 2. Summerfleld, including Sum nierfleld village. Summerfleld village Precinct 3. Woodlawn Precinct 4. Valley Creek Precinct 5. Harrel Cross Koads Precinct 6. Dublin Precinct 7. Martin Precinct 8. OrrviUe, incl. Orrville town . . Orrville town Precinct 9. Lexington Precinct 10. Eiver Precinct 11. Pine Plat Precinct 12. Oldtown Precinct 13. Pleasant Hill Precinct 14. Eichraond Precinct 15. Portland Precinct 16. Cahaba Precinct 22. BurnsviUe Precinct 23. Union Precinct 24. Pence Precinct 25. Liberty Hill Precinct 26. ChiUatchie Precinct 27. Vernon Precinct 28. Marion Junction Precinct 29. Brown Precinct 30. Kjucts -. Precinct 31. Smyly Precinct 32. Eliii Bluff Precinct 33. CarlowviUe Precinct 34. Boykin Precinct 35. Mitchell Precinct 36, coextensive with Selma city Selma city : Ward I ,,409 Ward 2 1 , 661 Wards 1,343 Ward 4 I ^ 639 Wards 1,570 Dekalb county((;) 21,106 674 1,255 994 3,125 507 601 1,797 1,467 321 1,873 1,848 1,426 1,673 1,687 1,080 1,053 1,548 L893 2,613 1,332 1,641 496 992 907 2, 341 1,473 669 952 794 2,348 7,622 474 595 227 379 984 912 367 716 1880 408 295 400 174 453 559 288 301 186 12, 677 1,712 512 797 1, 196 474 637 826 752 1,138 1,112 1,466 912 48, 433 1,089 1,354 1, 393 2,608 747 874 1,909 1,414 270 1,713 1,708 1,512 1,456 1,571 1,076 837 2,022 2,225 2,559 1,405 1,556 569 1,082 889 1,372 903 718 526 673 915 2, 229 7,529 12, 675 a Organized from part of Blount county since 1880. 6 Organized since 1880. T.rL^r^''°i'''' ^'i ^<'y"»'fl^ (population 792 in 1880) annexed to precincts 1 and 4 .since 1880. d Formerly precinct 13. rnmoK CIVIL divisions. Dekalb county— Continued. Precinct 8. Hudson Mill Precinct 9. Port Payne, including Fort Payne city, fort Payne city Precinct 10. Collins Precinct 11. Valley Head, including Val- ley Head village. Valley Head village Precinct 12. Phillips '..'..'.'. Precinct 13. Sulphur Springs Precinct 14. Deerhead Precinct 15. Pine Grove Precinct 16. Blue Pond Precinct 17. Graham Precinct 18. LathamviUe Precinct 19. Poplar Springs Precinct 20. Moors Precinct 21. EUison Precinct 22. PortersviUe '.. Precinct 23. Crumley Precinct 24. Whiton Precinct 25. Corinth Precinct 26. Ly dia Precinct 27. Johnson Elmore (;ounty. Precinct 1. Coleman Precinct 2. Channahatchee '..'.'.. Precinct 3. Tallassee,incl. Tallassee tn .. Tallassee town Precinct 4. Mitchell Mill .........'.'.'.']]]] Precinct 5. Santuck Precinct 6. Central Institute Precinct 7. BuyckviUe Precinct 8. Wetumpka, including We- tumpka city. Wetumpka city East ward West ward Precinct 9. Cold Spring Precinct 10. Kobinson Springs . Precinct 11. Knight Mill ...... . Precinct 12. Five Points Precinct 13. Good Hope Precinct 14. New Hope Precinct 15. Eclectic (b) Precinct 16. Edgewood (b) Precinct 17. Elmore (6) 399 Escambia county . Precinct 1. Pine Grove Precinct 2. Parker Precinct 3. Brewton, including Alco and Brewton towns. Alco town Brewton town Precinct 4. Pollard, incl. PoUard village. , Pollard village Precinct 5. Owen ^ Precinct 6. Jack Springs Precinct 7. Canoe Precinct 8. Wilson (6) Etowah county Precinct 1. Gadsden, incl. Gadsden town Gadsden town Precinct 2. Phillips ...!!..]^!. Precinct 3. Kansas Precinct 4. Hoke Bluff (/) Precinct 5. Ball Play (/) Precinct 6. Tui-keytown Precinct 7. Brock ' Precinct 8. Fairview (n) , Precinct 9. Greenwood (g) Precinct 10. Duck Springs (ft) Precinct 11. Cox(ft) Precinct 12. Mizell (h) Precinct 13. Haynes (h) Precinct 14. Walnut Grove | e Not returned by precincts in 1880. / Part taken to form precinct 19 since 1880. rj Part taken to form precinct 23 since 1880. h Part taken to form precinct 22 since 1880. 1890 1880 315 3,510 448 644 2.33 520 612 608 695 802 1,135 1,845 628 750 585 394 963 756 571 385 653 21, 732 17, 502 1,486 1,100 2,867 1,413 938 845 976 1,213 4,536 619 1,389 921 038 1,979 474 532 951 714 847 995 382 272 1,056 1,066 968 5,719 690 1,029 2,820 249 1,115 1,469 389 916 397 883 462 21, 926 482 640 1,660 6,056 2,901 721 727 1, 246 541 1,202 498 445 419 969 932 496 707 698 1,429 347 481 276 751 15, 398 3,732 1,697 528 341 558 417 1,095 455 442 1,263 1,040 955 558 435 503 52 COMPENDITJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. ALABAMA— Coutinued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Etowah county— Continued. Precinct 15. Clear Creek (a) Precinct 16. Gum Springs - - Precinct 17. Attalla, incl. Attalla town Attalla town Precinct 18. Hoi^pers (b) Precinct 19. Reaves (c) Precinct 20. Warriors (d) Precinct 21. Short Creek (e) Precinct 22. Howelton(/) Precinct 23. Eees((?) Fayette county (A) Precinct 1. Pay ettevUle, including Fay etteville town (i). Precinct 2. Ridge Precinst 3. i^orth River Precinct 4. Berry Precinct 5. Russell Precinct 6. Cole.-- Precinct 7. Hico Precinct 8. Collins Precinct 9. Holly Springs Precinct 10. Leo Precinct 11. Brown Precinct 12. Webster Precinct 13. Boley Springs Precinct 14. Gilpin Precinct 15. Clear Creek Precinct 1«. Thompson Precinct 17. Stonewall Precinct 18. Bylor (e) Fbanklin county (j) Precinct 1. Newburg Precinct 2. RusseUvillo (k) Russellville town. Russellville town Precinct 3. Frankfort Precinct 4. Pleasant Site Precinct 5. ]5ear C Precinct 6. Burleson Precinct 7. Bel Green (*;) Precinct 8. Cole Mill Precinct 9. Mountain Springs ^fc) Precinct 10. Isbell (I) Geneva county (j) H-ALB county. Precinct 1. Havana, Including Stewart Station village. Stewart Station village Precinct 2. New Prospect Precinct 3. Harrison Precinct 4. Greensboro, incl. Greensboro town. Greensboro town Precinct 5. Newbem, incl. Newberu town (i). Hollow Square CedarviUo Macon Laneville Warren Store Precinct Precinct Precinct '8. Precinct 9. Precinct 10. Precinct 11. Fivemile. Precinct 12. Carthage . . Precinct 13. Phipps Precinct 14. Geddies (e) - 1S90 27, 501 Henry county. Precinct 1. Gordon, including Gordon village (i). Precinct 2. Cottonwood Precinct 3. Dothen, incl. Dothen village - Dothen village ■ Precinct 4. Columbia, including Colum- bia village. Columbia village (ft) Precinct 5. Hardwick Precinct 6. Headland Precinct 7. Cureton Precinct 8. Five Points - • - ■ • Precinct 9. Abbeville, including Abbe- ville village. Abbeville village Precinct 10. Shorterville Precinct 11. Otho Precinct 12. Lawrenceville Precinct 13. Wright Precinct 14. WiUiams School House Precinct 15. Reynolds (c) Precinct 16. Balkum (c) Precinct 17. Atkins (c) 1880 26, 553 Jackson county ( j) - Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Gwieva town . Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Greene county Preciuct 1. Eutaw, incl. Eutaw town. Eutaw town . Precinct 2. Forkland Precinct 3. Tlsliabee Precinct 4. Bollgee. Precinct 5. Dobbs- Preclnct 6. Mount Hebron . Precinct 7. Clinton . Precinct 8. Pleasant Ridge. Precinct 9. Mantua. Precinct 10. Union Precinct 11. Knoxvllle Precinct 12. Springfield . Precinct 13. West Greene (c) a Part taken to form precinct 22 since 1880. 6 Part taken to form i)reclnct 20 since 1880. c Organized from parts of precincts 4 and 5 since ISbO. d Organized from part of precinct 18 since 1880. « Organized since 1880. ..,„,,,r>n ii^ /Organized from parts of precincts 10, 11, 12, 13, ana 10 since 1880. . ^ „ j ^ . iooa g Organized from parts of precmots 8 and 9 gmce l»»u, 1,950 255 1, 028 664 5,144 1.759 2, 509. 2,973 3, 009 3,524 2,931 1,132 768 1,241 331. 297 24, 847 1,545 1,114 2, 8151 247 3,774 960 1,436 1,980 412 920 1,826 465 1,886 1,303 1. 283 797 1,318 523 1,111 804 28, 026 1,992 4« 1,147 822 5,383 1,833 2,594 2,912 2, 803 3,434 2, 600 647 691 1,138 390 18, 761 iTioo 841 m3, 322 1,207 1,350 749 928 2, 258 1,717 1,776 1,551 990 972 Precinct 1. Bridgeport Precinct 2. Bolivar Precinct 3. Stevenson, including bteven- son town. Stevenson town Precinct 4. Carjienter Precinct 5. Kasb Precinct 6. Fackler Precinct 7. Bass Station Precinct 8. Cave Spring Precinct 9. Allison Precinct 10. Bellefonte Precinct 11 . Hawksprlng Precinct 12. Langston ? , jj Precinct 30. Haigwood (<;).. 5 Precinct 13. Tupelo ..... Precinct 14. Larkinsville, including L,ar- kinsvilletown. Larkinsville town Precinct 15. Hunt Store Precinct 16. Woodville Precinct 17. Nashvillo Precinct 18. Collins Precinct 19. Bishop Precinct 20. Kyle Sprinjf. . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - Precinct 21. Scottsboro, including bcotts boro town. Scottsboro town Precinct 22. Sanders Precinct 23. Paint Eock Precinct 24. Kirby Mills Precinct 25. Harmony h Mnsgrove precinct (population 302 since 1880. i Not separ.ately returned. j Not returned by precincts In 1880. k Part taken to form precinct 10 since I Organized from parts of precincts 2, m Not separately returned in 1880. n Population in 1880, 290. 1,131 1,034 1,451 586 695 943 931 1, 021 533 477 1,519 772 1,299 1, 025 1,157 216 545 819 502 1,160 681 703 2, 984 959 287 1,429 707 395 25, 114 in 1880) abolished 1880. 7, and 9 since XSgo, POPULATION. 53 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. AliABAMA— Continued. MINOR OIVIL DIVISIONS. Jackson county— Continued. Precinct 26. Garth (a) Precinct 27. Holly Tree (o) Precinct 28. Button Store (a) . . Precinct 29. Gro.s.s Spring.s (a). Precinct 31. Holly Springs (a) . Precinct 32. Lim Kock (a) Jefferson county (b) . Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8, including Oxmoor and Ked- ding towns. Oxmoor town Redding town Precinct 9, exclu.sive of part of Birming- ham city. Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12, including Henryellen and Leed.s towns. Henryellen town Leeds town . . Precinct 13, including Trussviile town . . . Trussville town Precinct 14 Precinct 15 Precinct 16, including Morris town Morris town . . . Precinct 17, including Warrior town (c).. Precinct 18, including Cardiif, Coalburg, and Sto(;kton towns. Cardiff town , Coalburg town Stockton town Precinct 19 Precinct 20, including Irondale town (c) . . Precinct 21, exclusive of part of Bir- 1 mingham city. I , . Precinct 37, exclusive of part of Bir- f '"' • mingham city. J Precinct 22 Precinct 23 Precinct 24 Precinct 25 Precinct 26 Precinct 27 Precinct 28, including Brookside town Brookside town Precinct 29, including Pratt Mines town. . Pratt Mines town Precinct 30 Precinct 31 {d) Precinct 32 Precinct 33, including Bessemer, Sloss, and Woodward towns. Bessemer town Sloss town Woodward town Precinct 34, including Avondale, East Birmingliam, and A\^oodlawn towns. Avondale town East Birmingham town Woodlawn town Precinct 35 Precinct 36 Precinct 38, including Blossburg town Blossburg town Birmingham city, in precincts 9, 21, and 37. Lamar county (e) Precinct 1. Vernon, incl. Vernon town . . Vernon town Precinct 2. Lawrence Precinct 3. Sizemore , Precinct 4. Brown Precinct 5. Goode Precinct 6. Henson 1890 88, 501 238 455 1,905 5, 356 1,,3.39 393 346 997 342 444 805 380 5,621 1,946 428 573 608 5, 782 4.544 265 795 4, 957 1 ,642 308 1,506 542 658 1,007 692 26, 178 14, 187 1,281 192 805 538 635 353 467 1880 23, 272 648 600 3,086 12, 142 minor civil divisions. a Org.anized since 1880. 6 Not returned by precincts in 1S80 ; precinct 15, Shelby county, annexed since 1880. c Not separately returned. Lamak county — Continued. Precinct 7. Millville Precinct 8. Pine Springs Precinct 9. Moscow Precinct 10. Military Springs Precinct 11. Betts Precinct 12. Trull.s Precinct 13. Vail • Precinct 14. Millport, incl. Millport town. Millport town Precinct 15. Steen Precinct 16. Strickland Precinct 17. Wilson Precinct 18. Kidge (a) Lauderdale county (e) Precinct 1. Mitchell Precinct 2. Kogersville Precinct 3. Lexington Precinct 4. Cross Koads Precinct 5. Stutts Precinct 6. Center Star Precinct 7. Blackburn Precinct 8. Florence, incl. Florence city . Florence city Precinct 9. Rawhide Precinct 10. Oakland Precinct 11. Gravelly Springs Precinct 12. Waterloo Lawrence county Precinct 1. Hillshoro, includingHillsboro town (c). Precinct 2. Courtland, incl. Courtland tn. Courtland town Precinct 21. Town Creek (a), including Town Creek town. Town Creek to wn Precinct 3. Brickville Precinct 4. Leighton, including Leighton town (c). Precinct 5. Wolf Spring Precinct 6. Mount Hope Precinct 7. Moulton, incl. Moulton tn. (c) . Precinct 8. Pinhook Precinct 9. Oakville Les county Precinct 1. Beulah Precinct 2. Opelika, incl. Opelika city... Opelika city Precinct 3. Eidge Grove Precinct 4. Bethel Precinct 5. Loachapoka, inclnding Lo- achapoka village. Loachapoka village Precinct 6. Auburn, incl. Auburn vill. . . Auburn village Precinct 7. Pierce Chapel Precinct 8. Salem Precinct 9. Meadows Cross Roads Precinct 10. Phenix, incl. Phenix city Phenix city (/) ' Precinct 11. Wacoochee Precinct 12. Sears Cross Roads Precinct 13. Floyd Mill Limestone county (e) Precinct 1. Athens, incl. Athens town .. Athens town Precinct 2. Shoalford Precinct 3. Sand Spring Precinct 4. Pettusville, including Elk- mont town (c). Precinct 5. Gilbertsboro Precinct 6. Wickhara Precinct 7. Pleasant Grove Precinct 8. Big Creek Precinct 9. Georgia d Formerly precinct 15, Shelby county. e Not returned by precincts in 1880. /Formerly Brownville or Lively. 1890 509 1,778 716 869 759 613 710 244 730 998 784 846 23, 739 21, 035 615 1,496 940 1,106 1,486 1,679 1,020 8,310 6,012 1,481 2, 139 1,961 1,506 20, 725 1,359 21, 392 2, 505 2,367 3, 284 3,183 579 1,988 30 r 1,544 580 150 1,913 1,422 3,322 1, 589 1, .527 2, 086 2,199 2, 925 3, 503 1,273 1,127 2,109 2,251 28, 694 27, 262 1,274 1,315 C, 875 6,487 3,703 1,402 3.245 1, 516 9,57 1,075 1, 632 1, 785 357 3,001 408 2,951 1,440 1, 984 1,161 1,828 1,999 2,035 1,067 921 5, 117 3,729 3,700 1, 251 2,224 1,,571 1,016 998 1,119 1,051 21, 201 21, 600 3,099 940 1,198 1,2,37 2,498 1,621 1, 242 1,263 1,244 1,482 1,011 1880 54 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1891). Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. A li AB A MA— Continued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Limestone county— Continued. Precinct 10. Slough Precinct 11. Mooiesville, incl. Moores- ville town. Mooresville town Precinct 12. Kichland Precinct 13. Greenbrier Precinct 14. Quidnunc Lowndes county . Precinct 1. Benton, incl. Benton village.. Benton village Precinct 2. Churcliill Precinct 3. Collirene Precinct 4. Grordonville Precinct 5. Farmers ville Precinct 6. Bragg Precinct 7. Hickoi-y Hill Precinct 8. Hopewell Precinct 9. Mount Willing, including Mount Willing town. Mount Willingtown Precinct 10. Port Deposit, including Fort Deposit village. Fort Deposit village Precinct 11. Sandy Kidge, incl. Sandy Ridge village (a). Precinct 12. Brooks Precinct 13. Prairie HUl Precinct 14. Hayneville, incl. Hayneville village. Hayneville village Precinct 15. Letohatchee, including Leto- hatcliee village. Letohatchee village. Precinct 16. Steep Creek Precinct 17. Pintlala Precinct 18. Lowndesboro, incl. Lowndes- boro village \a). Precinct 19. St. Clair Precinct 20. Whitehall 1890 1,444 1,664 143 950 1,049 1,210 31, 550 Macon county. Precinct 1. Tuskegee, incl. Tuskegee tn. Tuskegee town Precinct 2. Texas Precinct 3. Society Hill Precinct 4. Warrior Stand, incl. Warrior Stand village. Warrior Stand villasre Precinct 5. Cotton Valley Precinct 6. Honeycut Precinct 7. Cross Keys (6) - Precinct 8. Franklin Precinct 9. Notasulga,inol. Notaaulgatn Notasulga town Precinct 10. Laiilace (c) Madison county (d ) . Precinct 1. Huntsville, including Hunts- ville town. HuntsviUe town Precinct 2. Newmarket Precinct 3. Maysville, including Mays- ville town. Maysville town Precinct 4. CoUins Precinct 5. Vienna Precinct 6. Whitesbirrg Precinct 7. Triana Precinct 8. Madison, including Madison town (a). Precinct 9. Cluttsville Precinct 10. Madison Cross Eoads Precinct 11. Meridian ville Precinct 12. Hazle Green Precinct 13. Poplar Ridge Precinct 14. Wills 942 265 1,034 1,794 2,087 903 1,136 719 709 1,862 231 2,573 518 2,317 1,905 814 2,242 355 1,638 112 1,432 2,037 2,983 1,277 1,146 18, 439 4,600 1,803 524 1,748 2,700 215 1,910 1,279 1,726 947 2,120 332 885 38, 119 9,196 7.995 1,887 2,682 218 1,009 1, 283 2,059 1,823 1,619 1,775 1,257 2,893 2,158 980 336 1880 183 31, 176 1,094 a Not separately returned. b Part taken to form precinct 10 since 1880. c Organized from part of precinct 7 since 1880. d Not returned by precincts in 1880. 1,032 1,673 1,945 809 1,118 989 1,172 1,546 2, 230' 350 2,330 2,034 798 2,152 1,500 73 1,695 1,959 2,489 1,398 1,213 17, 371 4,377 2,370 561 1,331 2,466 145 2,173 1,246 2,489 977 1,751 236 37, 625 iMINOH CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Madison county — Continued. Precinct 15. Gurley, incl. Gurley town Gurley town Precinct 16. Hays Store Precinct 17. Plevna Precinct 18. Claud Cove Precinct 19. Owen Cross Roads Precinct 20. Lanier («) Precinct 21. Monrovia (e) Marengo county (/) Precinct 1. Macon Precinct 2. Demopolis, including Demop- oils city. Demopolis city Precinct 3. Jefferson Precinct 4. Springhill Precinct 5. Dayton, incl. Dayton village Dayton village Precinct 6. Faunsdale, including Fauns- dale village. Faunsdale village Precinct 7. McKinley Precinct 8. Linden Precinct 9. HUl Precinct 10. Nanafalia Precinct 11. Dixon Mills Precinct 12. Shiloh Precinct 13. Hamden Precinct 14. Horse Creek Precinct 15. PineviUe Precinct 16. Sweetwater Precinct 17. Hoboken 1,248 570 1,510 632 308 961 1,024 1,479 33, 095 Marion county (d) . Precinct 1. Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Precinct 6. Precinct 7. Precinct 8. Precinct 9. Precinct 10. Precinct 11. Precinct 12. Precinct 13. Precinct 14. Precinct 15. Precinct 16. Hamilton... Rayea Cainp Bexar Shottsvjlle . Reid Hackleburg Factory Kimbrough Howell Pearce Clark New River . Winfield ... Guin Pikeville . . . Marshall county. Precinct 1. Guntersville, including Gun- tersville town. Guntersville town Precinct 2. Cross Roads - Precinct 3. Big Spring Precinct 4. Albertville, including Al- bertville village (a). Precinct 5. Jaybird Precinct 6. Wakefield Precinct 7. Claysville Precinct 8. Boshart Precinct 9. Kennemer Precinct 10. Honeycomb Precinct 11. Paint Rock Precinct 12. Oleander Precinct 13. Mount High Precinct 14. Wari-enton Precinct 15. Red Hill Precinct 16. Davids(m Precinct 17. Kirby Precinct 18. Thompson Precinct 19. Bucksuort Precinct 20. Red Apple Precinct 21 . Crawford (e) Precinct 22. Reed Brake (e) 1,968 4,023 2,523 2, 599 2,891 412 3,020 211 3,173 2,454 1,745 1,050 1,148 2,000 933 787 881 1, 124 770 11, 347 1880 30, 890 1,932 3,519 1,389 2,459 2,636 3,084 473 3,298 3,121 1,975 1,408 877 947 1,857 959 673 695 922 528 9,364 1,525 502 ! 362 882 579 ; 429 782 1 603 ' 491 545 . . . ,, . 578 498 691 1,205 1,048 567 18, 935 14,585 1,277 1,080 471 325 311 510 262 471 1,388 569 495 515 742 690 656 755 851 712 613 671 373 391 745 713 1,523 1,291 755 578 1,206 1,350 450 508 1,361 880 1,079 984 1,159 1 019 567 401 988 497 1,238 836 e Organized since 1880. / Intonnation as to changes in minor civil divisions mcom- plete. POPULATION. 55 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. AI.ABAMA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Mobile county. Precinct 1. Citronelle, including Citro- nelle village (a). Precinct 2. Mount Vernon Precinct 3. lieaver Meadow Precinct 4. Ulrick Precinct 5. Creola Precinct 6. Mauvilla, including Chun- chula village. Chunchula village Precinct 7. Albritton Precinct 8. Carver Precinct 9. Whistler, including Whist- ler village (a). Precinct lu. Koster Precinct 11. NapoleonvUle Precinct 12. Springhill Precinct 13. Wheelerville Precinct 14. McGill Precinct 15. Grand Bay Precinct 16. bt. Elmo Precinct 17. Powl Eiver, including Theo- dore viUage. Theodore village Precinct 18. Bayou Labatre Precinct 19. Cedar Point Precinct 20. Steeley Store Precinct 21. Eed Store Precinct 22. Baird MiUs Precinct 23. Alonzo Thomas Store (6) ... Mobile city Wardl 3,509 , AVard2 759 Wards 857 Ward 4 1,693 Ward 5 3,115 Ward 6 6,231 Ward 7 7,447 Ward 8 7,465 Ist ward precinct (e) 6th ward precinct (c) 7th ward precinct (c) 8th ward precinct (c) 1890 Monroe county . Precinct 1. MountPleasant Precinct 2. Claiborne, including Perdue Hill village. Perdue Hill village Precinct 3. Monroeville Precinct 4. Burnt Corn Precinct 5. East Precinct 6. Ridge Precinct 7. McKinley Precinct 8. Bell Landing Precinct 9. Germany Precinct 10. Pineville Precinct 11. Old Texas Precinct 12. Midway Precinct 13, Kempville (&) Montgomery county . Precinct 1. Elam Precinct 2. Reese Precinct 3, comprising wards 1 , 2, and 3, Montgomery city. Precinct 4, comprising wards 4, 5, and 6, Montgomery city. Total for Montgomery city, coexten- sive with precincts 3 and 4. Ward 1 3,419 Ward 2 4>8o7 Ward 3 1,346 Ward 4 6,655 Ward 5 4,510 Ward 6 1,146 Precinct 5. Walker Precinct 6. Mount Meigs Precinct 7. Pike Road Precinct 8. Doolev Precinct 9. McGehee 51, 587 1,228 1,918 500 344 331 867 258 853 565 2,363 1,195 897 802 872 339 661 370 744 277 501 458 285 1,081 270 157 31,076 1880 69 251 1,579 1,011 18, 990 830 2,802 282 2,286 812 634 993 2,009 1,639 1,717 1, 620 1,110 1,369 1,169 56, 172 1,831 2,461 9,572 12, 311 48, 653 1,081 1,314 .535 457 359 926 214 500 671 2,374 1,392 969 805 413 409 678 787 574 MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. 452 417 333 1, 552 400 29, 132 49 232 1,052 790 17, 091 2,552 no 1,832 770 1,086 1,316 1, 524 1,574 1,442 1,573 1,062 1,364 52, 356 1,987 2,724 9,251 16,713 2,238 2,730 2,912 2, 893 2,580 2, 726 2,194 2,588 2,955 3,048 a Not separately returned. h Organized since 1880. c Formerly part of MobDo city, but cut oil' when change of name and corporate limits was made. Montgomery county — Continued. Precinct 10. Kilough Precinct 11. Robertson Cross Roads . Precinct 12. Porter Precinct 13. Pine Level Precinct 14. Dublin Precinct 15. Tucker Store Precinct 16. Union Academy Morgan county (d). Precinct 1. Decatur, including Decatur city and New Decatur toWn. Decatur city New Decatur town Precinct 2. Lames Precinct 3. Danville Precinct 4. Gibson Precinct 5. EalkviUe, including FalkvOle town (a). Precinct 6. Lawrence Cove Precinct 7. Apple Grove Precinct 8. Valhermoso Springs Precinct 9. Somerville, including f SomerviUe town (a). > (o) ■ - Precinct 14. Nunn Mill ) Precinct 10. Hartsell, incl. HartselltOAvn. Hartsell town Precinct 11. Trinity Precinct 12. Carter Precinct 13. Flint, including Plintcity (a) . Precinct 15. Wolf Precinct 16. Shady Grove Precinct 17. Eva Pkery county Precinct 1. Marion, incl. Marion town. . Marion town Precinct 2. Hamburg Precinct 3. TJniontown, including Uniontowu town. 1 , , Uniontown town (e) 854 '* ' Precinct 16 Precinct 4. Scott Precinct 5. Polecat Precinct 6. Brush Creek Precinct 7. Oldtown Precinct 8. Severe Precinct 9. Pinetucky Precinct 10. Heard Precinct 11. Perry ville Precinct 12. Oak Grove Precinct 13. RadfordsviUe Precinct 14. Cunningham Precinct 15. Waltham ., 1890 Pickens county. Precinct 1. Durroh Precinct 2. Palmetto Precinct 3. Vail - Precinct 4. Providence Precinct 5. Carothers Precinct 6. Torkville Precinct 7. Beard Precinct 8. Reform Precinct 9. Burkhalter Precinct 10. Elmore Precinct 11. Stuckey Precinct 12. Springhill Precinct 13. Pickensville, including Pick- ens ville to\vn (a). Precinct 14. CarroUton Precinct 15. Speed Mills Precinct 16. Raleigh Precinct 17. Pleasant Grove Precinct 18. Olney Precinct 19. Erauconia Precinct 20. Memphis Precinct 21. Fairfield Precinct 22. Vienna Precinct 23. Bethany d Not returned by precincts in 1880. e Population iu l'880, 810. 2,745 3,020 2,915 1,915 1,570 2,658 2,295 24, 089 6,903 2,765 3.565 599 1,037 1,237 2,172 523 915 1,836 2,227 2,192 596 1,143 949 963 485 041 237 29, 332 5,289 1,982 1,702 6,699 2,746 726 874 1,659 1,091 874 695 1,210 1,044 1,180 1, 732 1,811 22, 470 1880 587 507 600 456 1,230 1,139 722 733 716 931 556 1, 2.54 1,782 1,415 480 628 221 847 1,947 594 3,187 817 1,121 2, 305 3, 005 2,809 2,097 1,967 2, 545 2,219 16, 428 ,063 30, 741 5,684 2,074 2,218 f5, 349 U, 618 2,750 667 767 1,705 1,006 809 517 1,200 1,099 1.246 2,201 1,905 21,479 383 365 511 415 1,156 1,115 620 687 558 917 500 1,332 1,548 1,834 524 561 195 1,353 1,749 832 2,596 933 795 56 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table S.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. Alt AB AM A— Continued. MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Pike county. 1890 Precinct 1. Troy, including Troy city . . . Troy city Ward 1 855 Ward 2 854 Wards 464 Ward 4 489 Ward 5 461 Ward 6 326 Precinct 2. Orion Precinct 3. China Grove Precinct 4. Cross Koads Precinct 5. Monticello Precinct 0. Tanyard Precinct 7. Dixon Precinct 8. Grimea Precinct 9. Darby Precinct 10. Goslien HUl Precinct 11. Mitcliell Precinct 12. Josie Precinct 13. Linwood Precinct 14. Springhill Precinct 15. Indian Brancli Kandolph codntt , Precinct 1. Saxon Precinct 2. Morrison Precinct 3. Rockdale Precinct 4. Lamar Precinct 5. Burson Precinct 6. Wedowee Precinct 7. Fox Creek Precinct 8. Flat Rock Precinct 9. Louina Precinct 10. Roanoke, incl. Roanoke town Roanoke town Precinct 11. Rock Mills, including Kock Mills village. Rock Mills village Precinct 12. Bacon Level Precinct 13. Halpin RnSSELl. COUNTY. Precinct 1. Girard Precinct 2. Crawford Precinct 3. Marvyn Precinct 4. TJchee Precinct 5. Hurtsboro, including Hurts- boro town. Hurtsboro town Precinct 6. Hatchecliubbee Precinct 7. Scale, including Scale village Scale village Precinct 8. Oswichee -. Precinct 9. Jernigan Precinct 10. Glenville, including Glen- ville village. Glenville village St. Clair county (a) 24, 423 5,156 3.449 1,829 1,980 892 1,044 1,373 1,052 978 766 1,164 1,163 2,967 2,768 1,198 805 1,855 2, 000 1,351 1,073 1,157 849 1,290 715 585 596 1,527 1,010 1,101 881 17, 219 1,147 1,073 1,047 1,772 1, 709 2,093 822 985 1,377 1,901 631 1,333 385 1,093 807 24, 093 5,486 2,129 2,412 1,786 1,913 433 1,569 3,126 299 1.926 1,589 2,157 17, 353 1880 20, 640 730 Precinct 1. A.shvUle, including Asliville town (6). Precinct 2. Oldtown Precinct 3. Branchville Precinct 4. Springville, incl. Springville town (6). Precinct 5. Seasons Precinct 6. Steel Station Precinct 7. Greasy Cove Precinct 8. Greensport Precinct 9. Front Creek Precinct 10. Broken Arrow Precinct 11. Seddon, including River.side and Seddon towns (6). Precinct 12. Easonville Precinct 13. Mundine (c) Precinct 14. DunUip (c) Precinct 15. Eden (c), incl. Eden town(6). a Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incom- plete. b Not separately returned. c Organized since 1880. 2,017 613 1,047 1,958 410 796 344 817 1, 422 1, 290 1,549 1,314 599 404 4,632 2,294 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 16, 575 938 967 1,000 1,332 1,465 2,358 748 946 1,591 2,379 327 1, 256 876 719 24, 837 4,637 1,960 2,122 1,946 2,239 1,709 3,620 257 2,868 1,614 2,122 99 14, 462 1,443 804 1,935 1,831 1,013 1,140 1,290 St. Clair county — Continued. Precinct 16. Cook Springs (c) Precinct 17. Moody (c) Precinct 18 (c) Shelby county (d) Precinct 1. Columbiana, including Co- lumbiana and Slielby towns. Columbiana town Shelby town Precinct 2. Spring Creek Precinct 3. Calera, incl. Calera town .. . Calera town Precinct 4. Montevallo, including Giir- nee and Montevallo towns. Gurnee town Montevallo town Precinct 5. Tyler Precinct 6. lielena Precinct 7 . Elliotts ville Precinct 8. Yellow Leaf Precinct 9. Wilsonville Precinct 10. Harpersville Precinct 11. Spearman Precinct 12. Highland Precinct 13 BoJCrl Springs Precinct 14. Bear Creek Precinct 16. Kelly Creek Precinct 17. Pelham (c) 1890 SUMTEE county Precinct 1. Black Blnflf Precinct 2. Gaston Precinct 3. Thornville Precinct 4. Earbee Precinct 5. Intercourse Precinct 6. York, including York town . . York town Precinct 7. Livingston, including Liv- ingston town. Livingston town Precinct 8. Brewer.sville Precinct 9. Belmont Precinct 10. Bluffport Precinct 11. Jones Bluflf Precinct 12. Sumterville Precinct 13. Paynesvillo Precinct 14. Gainesville, incl. Gainesville town. Gainesville town Precinct 15. Lacy Precinct 16. Preston Precinct 17. Hares Precinct 18. Cuba, including Cuba town.. Cuba town Precinct 19. Warsaw Precinct 20. Cotohaga (c) Talladega county Precinct 1. Blue Eye Precinct 2. Eastaboga Precinct 3. Silver Run (c), incl. Jenifer town. Jenifer town Precinct 4. Chinnabee (e), includingl Ironaton town. I /j% Ironaton town 562 ( Precinct 14. .lohnson School House .. J Precinct 5. Talladega, including Talla- dega city. Talladega city Precinct 6. Mardi.sville Precinct 7. Cast, incl. Renfroe village. . . Renfroe village Precinct 8. Kymulga Precinct 9. Riser Precinct 10. Favetteville Precinct 11. Sylacauga, including Syla- cauga village. Sylacauga village 564 805 518 20, 886 3,295 654 753 994 1,923 2,477 29 z 572 991 1,307 1,144 1,101 1,706 1,921 601 484 354 1,373 722 493 29, 574 916 601 881 946 823 1,886 415 3,418 1,973 1,970 711 2,554 2,495 1,046 2,262 1,017 1,569 1,167 847 1,189 265 1,811 509 29, 346 2,354 1,359 2,427 2,078 5,350 5, 088 2,063 1,233 1,546 1,495 1,346 815 1,701 1,724 1,730 1,607 2,234 1,712 2,618 1,495 (1 Precinct 15 (population 600 in 1880) given to county since 1880. e The populiition of precincts 3 and 4 for 1880 include the population (147) of Munford town. Jefferson does not t^OPTJLATiOK 5? tABLE 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. Ali AB AM A— Continued . MINOR CrVII. DIVISIONS. Talladega county— Continued. Precinct 12. Childersbnrg, incl. Childera- burg village. Cnildersburg village Precinct 13. Emasbee Precinct 15. Burnt School House Precinct 16. Smelly (a) Precinct 17. Howell Cove (a) Tallapoosa county. Precinct 1. Gold Branch Precinct 2. Alexander, including Alex- ander city. Alexander city (h) Precinct if. Hackneyville Precinct 4. Poplar Springs Precinct .5. New Site Precinct 6. Eagle Creek Precinct 7. Dadeville, Inol. Dadevilletn Dadeville town Precinct 8. Oakfuska Precinct 9. Red Kidge Precinct 10. Eufala Precinct 11. Walnut Hill Precinct 12. Reeltown Precinct 13. Churchill Precinct 14. Rome Precinct 15. Camp Hill, including Camp Hill village. Camp Hill village Precinct 16. Dudleyville Precinct 17. Daviston, incl. Daviston vill Daviston village Precinct 18. .Jack.ion Gap (d), including Jackson Gap village. Jackson Gap village Tuscaloosa county . 1890 2,157 777 634 .'537 327 948 25, 460 Precinct 1. Windom Springs Precinct 2. New Lexington Precinct 3. Moore Bridge Precinct 4. Marcomville Precinct 5. Thompson Mill Precinct 6. Deason Precinct 7. Dodson Precinct 8. Mitchell Precinct 9. Hughes Precinct 10. Northport, including North- port village. Northport village Precinct 11 . Favor Precinct 12. Parsons Precinct 13. Vance Precinct 14. .Jones Precinct 15. Cottondale Precinct 16. Court House, including Tus- caloosa city. Tuscaloosa city Ward I 1,273 Ward z 538 Ward 3 ! 381 Ward 4 660 Ward s 357 Ward 6 1,006 Precinct 17. Hickman Precinct 18. Frierson Precinct 19. Blocker Precinct 20. Crossland Precinct 21. Romulus Precinct 22. Foster Store Precinct 23. Koeppell Store (a) Precinct 24. Reese (a) Precinct 25. Whitson (a) 1, 880 3,146 679. 1,812 1, 063 1,123 1,340 2,336 873 371 750 605 607 1,747 720 1,479 1,459 366 1,551 2,470 141 995 30, 352 1880 994 1,438 1,024 523 616 1,270 .567 002 380 1,243 631 418 23, 401 c4, 184 2,218 930 1,059 1,700 2,242 740 472 838 655 514 1,379 714 1,312 1,129 1,584 2,471 24, 957 490 794 768 576 612 281 939 1,477 347 441 414 401 909 961 381 424 916 1,476 2,462 1,953 413 564 473 628 632 619 728 935 867 1, 134 2,248 1,622 7,436 5,826 2,418 623 1,280 1,064 409 760 1,273 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Tuscaloosa county — Continued. Precinct 26. Coker (a) , Precinct 27. Taylor ville (a) . Walker county (e) Precinct 1 . Jasper, incl. Jasper town . . - Jasper town Precinct 2. South Lowell Precinct 3. Zion Precinct 4. Cagle Precinct 5. Hogan.incl. Carbon Hill tn . Carbon Hill town Precinct 6. Holly Grove Precinct 7. Beach Grove Precinct 8. Pleasant Grove Precinct 9. Raybom, incl. Day Gap town Day Gap town Precinct 10. High Hill Precinct 11. Good Springs Precinct 12. Cordova Precinct 13. Shady Grove Precinct 14. Barton Cross Roads Precinct 15. Drummond Precinct 16. Dorris Precinct 17. Turpentine Precinct 18. Corona Washington county . Precinct 1 Precinct 2, incl. St. Stephens village . St. Stephens village Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Wilcox county Precinct 1. Camden (/), including Cam- den town. Camden town Precinct 2. Canton Precinct 3. Rehoboth (1;) Precinct 4. Prairie Blutt' Precinct 5. Clifton Precinct 6. Bethel Precinct 7. Lower Peachtree Precinct 8. BlackBluff Precinct 9. AUenton Precinct 10. Bonhani (/) Precinct 11. Pineapple, including Pine- apple town. Pineapple town Precinct 12. Snow Hill, incl. Furman tn . Furraan town Precinct 13. Mim Precinct 14. Fox Mills j Precinct 15. Sedan Precinct 16. Boiling Springs (i) Precinct 17. Gee Bend (j) Precinct 18. Mount Hope (k) Winston county (e) Precinct 1. Double Springs , Precinct 2. Biler Road Precinct 3 . Black Swamp Precinct 4. Black Pond Precinct 5. Dismal , Precinct 6. Houston Precinct 7. Loorey Tavern . Precinct 8. Morgan 1890 911 1,399 16, 078 2,334 780 388 621 606 1,799 568 719 084 716 1,406 421 769 632 702 1,399 583 401 641 432 1,346 7,935 1880 2,680 1,909 387 1, 603 1,743 30, 816 2,624 545 1,487 1,134 1, 676 2,408 2,741 2, 309 1,311 2,109 853 2,200 520 3,236 195 891 951 782 1,415 1,078 1,611 6,552 a Organized since 1880. ft Population in 1880, 796. c Not separately returaed in 1880. d Organized in 1882. e Not returned by precincts in 1880. / Part taken to form precinct 18 since 1880. 9,479 269 4,538 941 922 1,347 1,328 31, 828 3,795 590 1,245 2,095 1,863 2, 083 2,497 2,307 h2, 189 2,215 1,904 2,426 358 3, 862 7il, 049 830 1,468 g Part taken to form precinct 17 since 1880. . h Includes part of precinct 16, organized from parts of pre- cincts 8 and 13 in 1878, but not separately returned in 1880. i Organized from parts of precincts 8 .ind 13 in 1878. j Organized from part of precinct 3 since 1880. k Organized from parts of precincts 1 and 10 since 1880. 5g COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS :- ISUU. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. ARIZONA. [The population of the precincts in the different counties can not be given, as it was not separately returned.] MINOB CIVIIi DIVISIONS. Apache county (a) Fort Apache town Holbrook town Springerville town St. John town Winslow town Cochise county (6) Benson town Bisbee town Fairbanks town Fort Huachuca Tombstone city Wilcox town Gila county (c) Fort San Carlos Globe town Graham county (d) Clifton town Morenci town Pima town Solomonville town Thatcher town Thomas town Maricopa county («) Gila Bend town Lehi town Phenix city a Part taken to form Graham county in 1881. b Organized from part of Pima county in 1881. c Organized from parts of Maricopa and Pinal counties in 1881. MINOK CIVII. DIVISIONS. Mohave county . Kingman town Pima county (/) Arivaca town Fort Lowell Harshaw town Nogales town Tucson city Ward 1 2.2^7 Wardz 2.863 PmAL county (e) . Casa Grande town . Florence town Reymert town Silver King town. . . Tavapai county . Congress town Flagstaff town Jerome town Prescott city Whipple Barracks . Williams town TuMA county Yuma city 1890 1,444 322 12, 673 236 545 260 i>i94 5>i5o 4,251 1880 1,190 17, 006 32B ,486 254 212 8,685 7,007 3,044 33 902 242 963 250 1,759 338 J 99 2,671 5,013 1,836 3,215 1881. d Organized from parts of Apache and Pima counties in eParttakentoformGilacounty in 1881. /Parts taken to form Cochise aud Graham counties m 18»1. ARKANSAiii. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Arkansas oottnty (a). Arkansas township Bayou Metoe township Chester township (b) Crockett township Keaton townshii> -■-■ Lagrue township, incl. Dewitt village Dewitt village ■ McFaU township, incl. Stuttgart village. Stuttgart village Mill Bayou township Morris township, incl. Goldman town Goldman town Point de Luce township Prairie township, incl. St. Charles village St. Charles village Stanley township 1890 Ashley county 1^, 295 11,432 704 620 595 628 1,510 1,069 246 1,616 1,165 567 1,057 168 528 2,321 128 217 1880 8,038 567 463 226 342 1,016 900 169 212 190 408 809 1,696 655 2,160 737 777 617 1,419 747 2,247 Bayou township (c) Bearhouse township Beech Creek township - Carter township, incl. Hamhurg town ... Hamburg town 4, ■ ; • ' De Bastrop township, including Poplar Bluff' village (d). •Egypt township a Chester township, Desha county, .annexed si^^fl^f,"' OJ.'J River and Villemont townships (population 2,039 m 1880) given to Jefferson county since 1880. & Fonnerly in Desha county. 255 432 1,359 73 110 10, 156 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ashley county— Continued. Extra township Grant township (c) Longview township Marie Saline township Mill Creek township . . Portland township Union township White township Baxter county. Barren Creek township Bayou township Big Flat township Buckhorn township Greenwood towuship Independence township («).-. Logan township (/) Matney township Mill township Mountain Home township. Mountain Home town. Mountain Home town North Fork towuship Pigeon township Union township Whlteville township 535 827 364 456 1,159 1, .584 1,054 711 8,527 1880 387 385 524 941 1,085 .576 549 6,004 includin a 655 600 493 433 443 281 330 160 357 215 809 829 541 690 353 401 284 1,322 1,008 242 137 486 462 513 277 493 266 994 806 c Organized since 1880. d Not separately returned. ... ,00^ e Part taken to form Logan township m 18»7. / Organized from part of Independence town.ship in 1887. POPULATIO^r. 59 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. AKKAIVSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVrL DIVISIONS. Benton oountt. Anderson town.ship (a) Ball township (b) Batie township (c) Big Spring township (d) Brightwater township («) Cherokee township (/) Colville township (g) Decatur township {h} Dickson townsliip Eldorado township (i), including Eldorado Springs town (j) . Esculapia township (fc),incl. Rogers town. Rogers town Flint township (6) Garfield township (Z) , incl. Garfield village . Garfield village Hico township, iucl. Siloam Springs town. Siloam Springs town Moimt Vernon township Osage township (m). incl. Benton ville town Bentonville town Roller Ridge township («) Round Prairie township (ti), including Bloomfield town. Bloomfield town Sugar Creek township Sulphur Springs township, including Sul- phur Springs town (j). Wager township (o) "Wallace township (p), incl. Neho village. . Nebo village Walnut township War Eagle township Washington township ((/) Yell township (/) 1890 27, 716 20, 328 526 952 BOONB COUNTY 15,816 12,146 Bear Creek town.ship Bellefonte township, including BeUetonte town (j). Blythe township Carrollton township Crooked Creek township Elixir township (s) i Ewing township (s) Harrison township, incl. Harrison town . Harrison town Jackson township Jefler.son township Lee township Long Creek township Omaha township Prairie township Sugarloaf township, incl. Lead Hill town . Lead Hill town Summit township Washington township Young township (s) Bradley county . 1880 2,018 1,049 1,114 1,059 1,417 1^520 "821 1,130 1,070 1, 031 627 422 Clay townshiji Eagle township Marion township More township Ouachita township a Parts taken to form Decatur and Wager townships in 1885. 6 Part taken to form Yell township in 1888. c Part taken to form Eldorado township in 1881. d Parts taken to form Esculapia township in 1883 and Wash- ington township in 1888. e Part taken to form Garfield township in 1885. / Organized from part of Round Prairie township in 1887. g Part taken to form Washington township in 1888. h Organized from parts of Anderson and Wallace townships m 1885. t Organized from parts of Batie and Wallace townships in j Not separately returaed. k Organized from parts of Big Spring and Osage townships in 1883. I Organized from parts of Brightwater and Roller Ridge townships in 1885. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Bradley county— Continued. Palestine township Pennington township, incl. Warren town Warren town River township Sumpter township («) Washington township Calhoun county. Caswell township, incl. Thornton town. Thornton town Champagnolle township Dallas township Fayette township Franklin township, incl. Hampton town. Hampton town Huey township Jackson township Jefferson township Locust Bayou township Moro township Polk township River township Carroll county. Carrollton township Cedar township (t), including Eureka Springs city. Eureka Springs city Ward I 857 Wards 1,184 Ward 3 1 , 129 Not in wards 536 Clifty township , Dry Fork township Franklin township (u) , Hickory township , King River township (t) Libertv township Long Creek township Osage township Piney township Polo township Prairie township (v), incl. Berry ville town Berry ville town Winona township (w) Yocum township 1890 768 3,224 492 423 447 780 7,267 17, 288 Chicot county . Bayou Macon township Bowie township (s) Louisiana township McConnell township Masona township Oden township Planter township Railroad to wnsmp Clark county. 1,573 4,445 3>7o'> 320 349 363 1,372 828 523 936 618 584 1,240 2, 965 549 414 758 1880 629 2,328 301 344 731 5,671 1,164 320 802 820 602 515 138 199 606 C59 132 ISO 328 189 737 688 303 281 502 325 1,010 786 530 440 545 449 958 1,470 2,162 3,111 318 2,035 648 717 20, 997 13, 337 1,148 4,949 401 274 1,020 410 295 574 563 319 781 2,190 253 413 10, 117 708 2,582 2,575 259 2,497 549 947 15, 771 Alpine township 533 4g9 Amity township, including Amity town.. 1,440 1,439 Amity town .. 211 '140 m Part taken to form Esculapia township in 1883. n Part taken to form Cherokee township in 1887. o Organized from part of Anderson township in 1885. p Parts taken to form Eldorado township in 1881 and De- catur township in 1885. g Organized from parts of Big Spring and Colville town- ships in 1888. r Organized from parts of Ball and Flint townships in 1888. * Organized since 1880. t Part taken to form Franklin township in 1883. « Organized from parts of Cedar and King River townships in 1883. V Part taken to form Winona township in 1882. w Organized from part of Prairie township in 1882. 60 COMPENDitJM OF THE ELEVENTH OEKSITS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. ARKAIVSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Clark county— Continued. Anderson township Antoine fownship Beech Creek township !Beinje township (a) Caddo township, incl. Arkadelphia town Arkadelphia town Elkins township Greenville township, incl. Hollywood tn. Hollywood town Leard township (a) Long Creek township (a) Manchester township Missouri township, incl. Gurdon town.. Gurdon town South Fork township Terre Uotre township Clay county i Bradshaw township Brown township (a) Cache township Carpenter township Chalk Blufl' township Cleveland township (a) Current River township (a) .- Hay wood township, incl. Greenway town Greenway town Johnson township Killgore township, incl. Corning town.. Corning town Liddell township (a), incl. St. Francis tn St. Francis town Nelson township («) Oak Blufl' township, incl. Rector town . . . Rector town Pollard township (a) St. Francis township 1890 849 1,691 1,002 533 6,872 2>455 409 1,011 103 345 147 1,048 2, 012 802 1,411 1,089 12, 200 Cleburne county (?;) . Big Creek township (c) Cadron township (d), incl. Quitman town Quitman town Calitomia township (e) Clayton township (a) Giles township («) Grassy township {a) Healing Springs township (c) Mountain township (c) Peter Creek township (e) Pine township (/) Piney township (c) Saline township (a) South Sugarloaf township (a), including Sugarloaf Springs town. Sugarloaf Springs town Sugarloaf township (e) Valley township (c) 441 416 635 279 929 417 146 1,352 33 1,444 1,645 584 486 356 389 1,827 525 981 813 Cleveland county (g) . Bowman township Harper township. - Hurricane township Lee township Miller township Niven township Prairie township, Incl. Kingsland town - Kingsland town Redland township Saline township Smith township Tisdale township (a) White Oak township "Whiteville township 75 ,112 327 396 477 ,175 599 585 360 343 455 361 347 921 276 402 11, 362 1880 521 1, 288 654 737 679 .574 717 1,298 462 1,882 464 1,788 390 982 757 377 719 5,029 1,506 453 1,250 1.220 945 1,329 1,148 7,213 534 378 578 920 996 1, 306 1,303 393 1,066 132 240 177 299 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 797 147 251 254 274 350 394 8,370 609 541 493 546 1,153 384 405 1,712 397 1,197 Columbia county . 320 013 a Organized since 1880. 6 Organized from parts of Independence, van Buren, and "White counties in 1883. c Formerly in Independence county. » Part taken to fomi Cedar Falls township in 1883. n Part taken to form River township in 1884. Oro-anized from p.irt of Point Remove township in 1884. p Not separately returned. POPULATION. 61 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. ARK.AIVSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Crawford county— Continued. Porter township (a) Kichland township Kiver townsliip (a) Kudy township (a) Shepherd townshij) Union townsliip (a) ... Upper township Van Buren townsliip, incl. Van Buren city Van Buren city . Vine Prairie township "Whitley township (a) 1890 Crittenden county . Fogleman township Jackson township Jasper township, including Marion (b)- and West Memphis towns. West Memphis town Lucas township Mound township Proctor township Tyronza township "Wappanocca township Cross county. Bedford township Brushy Lake township Coldwator township Ellis township Mitchell township Searcy township, incl. Vanndale town . . Vaniidale town Smith township (c), Incl.Wittsburg town Wittsburg town Tyrongia township Wynne township (d), incl. "Wynne town . Wynne town Dallas county. Chester township Dry Run township (a) Fordyce township (a), incl.Fordyce town. F ordyce town Holly Springs township Jackson township Manchester townshij), incl. Dalark town. . Dalark town Owen township _ Princeton township Smith township 400 1,559 629 48.3 556 605 317 6,834 2,291 432 931 13, 940 1880 933 280 "388 I,02Q 839 767 2,914 3,083 375 1,109 892 2,880 804 1,491 7,693 Desha county (e) Bowie township (/) Clayton township (g) Franklin township (/), including Ar- kansas City town (b). Jefferson township (h) Mississippi township Old Kiver townshiji (i) 10, 324 769 713 1,272 748 1,621 83 9,415 240 1,432 2,332 774 595 2, 280 388 1,374 5,050 428 357 386 342 779 560 107 78 1, 172 495 1,569 1,064 282 1,026 1,963 21 2og 234 191 1,932 565 9,296 6,505 561 554 488 1,792 q8o 753 807 578 979 1,475 800 208 1,276 949 1,333 1,294 1,040 1,122 8,973 594 978 725 2, 343 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Desha county— Continued. Randolph township (j) Red Fork township (*;) ' . Richland township (f) ' .' , Silver Lake township, incl. Pendleton tn Pendleton town "Walnut Lake township (l) Wilkerson township (k) 1890 Drew county . Bartholomew township (m) Bearhouse township Clear Creek township ' Collins township (m) Crook township Franklin township Marion township, incl. Monticello town. Monticello town Prairie township Saline township Springhill township Veasey township Faulkner county Benedict to%vnship (n) Benton township Cadron township (o),incl. Conway town.! Conway town California township '_\ Caney township (/>) _/_ Cleveland township (p) [ ' Cypress township ' " Danley township ((j) '_ " East l*"oik township ' . Hardin township, incl. Greenbrier tn. (b) . Havre township Matthews township Mount Vernon township, including Mount Vernon town (b). Muddy Bayou township Newton township Palarm township Pierce Creek township Pine Mountain township (q) Powell township (p) Stone township (p) Tupelo township (p) Union to wnslii)) \¥alker township , "Wilson township Franklin county (r) . a Organized since 1880. 6 Not separately returned. c Part taken to form Wynne township since 1880. d Organized from pait of Smith townshij) since 1880. c Chester township (population 226 in 1880) given to Ar- kansas county since 1880. / Part taken to form Clayton township since 1880. 1/ Organized from parts of Bowie, Franklin, Jefferson, and Richland townships since 1880. n Parts taken to form Clayton and "Walnut Lake townships since 1880. j Organized from Island township (population 235 in 1880) and parts of Red Fork and "Wilkerson townships since 1880. j Part taken to form Walnut Lake township since 1880. k Part taken to form Old River township since 1880. I Organized from parts of Jefferson and Randolph town- Bhips since 1880; Boston township (s) Hogan township, including Altiis town . . Altus town Hurricane township Ivy township (t) 1 Limestone township {u) Maxey township, incl. Mulberry town Mulberry town Middle township Mill Creek township Morgan to\vnship (v) 800 ,985 305 945 482 817 266 17, 352 2,176 737 1,284 1,069 608 2, 563 4,163 881 1,493 1, 103 1,275 18, 342 19, 934 1880 652 2, 027 285 640 .590 1,108 954 549 1,849 3,060 891 643 934 967 1,051 12,78 700 1,013 600 1,397 2,916 1 ,207 J, 028 714 498 605 872 1,157 605 396 222 894 708 1,128 886 886 792 570 450 499 578 792 825 819 740 1,160 743 326 198 357 447 325 710 614 1,284 860 560 399 564 319 14, 951 397 220 1,524 1,201 469 224 1,286 646 610 750 528 364 1,366 1,048 1, 165 1,008 1,400 1,109 411 m Ferguson township (population 526 in 1880) abolished since 1880; part taken to form Bartholomew township and part given to Collins township. n Organized from parts of Danley and Pino Mountain townships since 1880. o Parts taken to form Caney, Cleveland, Powell, Stone, and Tupelo townships since 1880. p Organized from part of tiadroii township since 1880. tj Part taken to form Benedict townsliij) since 1880. r Part of Madison county annexed in 1885. * Part taken to form Watulula townsliip in 1882. t Part taken to form Wallace township in 1882. u Part taken to form Mountain townshii) in 1880. V Organized in 1886 from territory taken from Madison county in 1885, ■ 62 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. AKKAIVSAS— Continued. MINOR CrVIL DIVISIONS. Franklin county— Continued. 1890 Mountain township (a) Mulberry town.siiip Prairie township, incl. Charleston town .. Charleston town "Walker township Wallace township (i) "Watulula township (c) ■ "White Oak township (d), incl. Ozark town Ozark town "White Rock township "Wittich township rOLTON COUNTY. Al'ton township (e) Bennett Bayou township Benton township Big Creek township Cleveland township (e) Fulton township Mammoth Springs township, including Mammoth Springs town (/). Mount Calm township (e) Myatt township Pleasant Kidge township South Fork township Strawberry township (e) TJnion township Washington township (e) 237 1,163 2, 671 37° 394 400 582 3,938 862 654 1,208 10, 984 1880 Garland county Antioch township Bain township (e) Baxter township Hale township Hot Springs township, including Hot Springs city. Hot Springs city Ward 1 1 ,899 Ward 2 2,221 Ward 3 708 Ward 4 2,300 Not in wards 958 Lee township Lincoln township (c) Marble townsliip' Mill township Mountain township Ouacliita township Phillips township Sulphur township TJnion township 375 767 1,110 1,098 799 916 1,697 471 560 768 997 410 566 450 990 2,419 393 395 824 337 601 6,720 850 ,206 902 592 291 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Grant county. Calvert township Darysaw township Davis township Dekalb township Fenter township Franklin township Madison township Meny Green township, incl. Sheridan tn. Sheridan town Simpson township Tennessee township Washington township Greene county. 555 597 336 788 462 157 179 374 825 7,786 627 694 943 891 382 503 1,325 853 184 643 521 404 12, 908 646 782 842 609 9,023 362 197 387 5,179 414 823 2, 574 1,666 512 337 503 359 172 185 196 513 6,185 709 395 770 745 279 439 1,035 428 42 592 435 358 Blue Cane township Cache township Clark township, incl. Paragould town. Paragould town Crowley township (c) a Organized from parts of Limestone and White Oak townships in_1880. b Organized from parts of Ivy and White Oak townships in 1882. c Organized from parts of Boston and White Oak town- ejjips in 188g. Greene county — Continued. Friendship township, incl. Halllday town. Halliday town Hurricane township Jones township Lake township (e) Main Shore township (e) Poland township St. Francis township - - Salem township XTnion township, incl. Gainesville tn. (/) Hempstead county Bodcaw township (e) Bois d' Arc township, incl. Fulton town . . Fulton town De Koane township, incl. Hope town Hope town Garland township Mine Creek township Nowland township (e) OzantoviTiship.includingOzam and Wash ington towns. Ozan town Washington town Eedland township Saline township, incl. Columbus village . Columbus village Springhill township "Dnion township (e) WaUaceburg township Water Creek township (e) 1890 Hot Spring county , Antioch township (c) Big Creek township Bismarck township (e) Clear Creek township De Roche township Fenter township, incl. Malvern town Malvern town Gilford township (e) Hanison township (e) Lone Hill township (c) Magnet Cove township Ouachita township Prairie Bayou township Saline township Valley township Howard couNTr. Baker township (e) Blackland township Blue Ridge township (c) Brewer township Center Point township, including Center Point town. Center Point town Clay township (fir) County Line township (e) Dillaril township (c) Franklin township Holly Creek township (e) Madison township Mineral Springs township, including Min- eral Springs town (/). Mountain township (e) Muddy Fork township Nashville township, incl. Nashville town. Nashville town Saline township Saratoga township (f), incl. Saratoga tn Saratoga town Sulphur Springs town.ship Washington township 1880 710 327 1, 721 304 478 309 1,131 1,072 1,111 1,743 22, 796 993 1,434 337 4,902 1.937 965 1,173 1,143 4,318 91 519 834 1,969 217 1,747 1,772 1, 238 308 1,224 231 981 815 742 1,304 19, 015 392 434 879 466 745 3,128 1. 520 516 541 403 935 1,006 617 532 1, 009 13, 789 274 869 298 682 1,591 297 488 553 438 241 538 394 1, 163 358 664 2, 243 810 770 1,032 211 869 324 1,504 374 3,878 ii233 1,549 2,071 4,62! 730 578 1,731 171 2,549 1,134 7,775 305 285 775 2,458 380 1,047 1,358 264 903 9,917 1,139 892 1,643 316 607 186 835 1,363 634 1,243 172 688 493 194 d Parts taken to form Mountain township in 1880 and Wallace and Watulula townships in 1882. c Organized siuce 1880. /Not separately returned. (/ Formerly Bla«kwood. POPULATION. 63 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contimiod. AKKANSAS— Continued. MINOR CrVXL DIVISIONS. Independence county (a) . Ashley township Barren township BigBottom township, incl. Newarktn. (6) Black Kiver township Caney township Christian township Fairview township Gainsboro township Green briar township, including James- town town (6). Jefferson township Liberty township Logan township (c) Kuddell township, inol. Batesville town . . Batesville town Salado township (c) Stubbs township (c) Union township Washington township White Kiver township, including Sulphur Kock town. Sulphur Rock town 1890 IZAKD COUNTY . Barren Fork township (c) Big Spring township Claiborne township (c) Drytown township Franklin township , Guthrie township , Jefferson township Lacrosse township Laiferty township (d) Lunenburg township Mill Creek township, incl. Melbourne tn Melbourne town Newberg township New Hojie township Pleasant Hill township , Union township Violet Hill township (c) White Kiver township , Jackson county. Barren township Bird township Breckenridge township Cache township Cow Lake township Glaize township, incl. Grand Glaize tn.(6) Glass township (c) Giiibb township (c) Jefferson township, including Jackson- port town. JacksoQport town Kichwood township Union township, incl. Newport town Newport town . Village township Jefferson county (e) . Barraque township (/), incl. Redfieldtn. Redtield town Bogy township Bolivar township Dudley Lake township Dunnington township (g) Jefferson township (h) 21, 961 860 948 1, 003 865 1,735 1,448 1,937 1,650 168 266 2,066 1,891 571 319 1,171 1,073 2,487 1,834 867 469 722 512 341 3,294 2,176 2,150 1,264 281 420 818 700 1,307 1,120 1,913 1,778 1880 387 13, 038 385 427 531 534 676 612 537 1,091 620 889 1,336 209 1,054 921 818 1,407 781 419 15, 179 535 2,617 2,028 907 577 630 1,190 538 1,972 421 457 3,251 1,571 477 40, 881 1,367 400 2,453 1,643 2,155 860 1,005 18, 086 10, 857 523 556 711 553 465 1,412 507 843 990 149 918 874 814 1.384 307 10, 877 467 2,428 1,253 660 347 665 1,972 656 267 2, 075 22, 386 601 2,294 1,020 908 259 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. a Big Creek and Healing Springs townships (population 1,037 in 1880) taken to form Cleburne county in 1883. 6 Not separately returned. c Organized since 1880. d Formerly Laiferty Creek. c Old River and Villemont townships, Arkansas county, annexed .since 1880. / Part taken to form Jefferson township since 1880. <7 Part taken to form Roberts township since 1880. h Organized from part of Barraque township since 1880. i Formerly in Arkansas county. j Organized from part of Dunnington township since 1880. la Paxt taken to form Ward township in 1880. Jefferson county— Continued. Melton township Niven township (c) Old Kiver township (i) Pastoria township Plum Bayou township Richland townshij) Roberts township (j) Spring township Talladega township Vaugine township, incl. Pine Bluff city . . Pine Bluff city Ward I 3.165 Ward 2 2,359 Ward 3 2,393 Ward 4 2,035 Victoria township Villemont township (i) Washington township Whiteville township 1890 Johnson county. Batson township Grant township (k), incl. Coal Hill town. Coal Hill town Hickey township Hill township (I) Horsehead township (m) , Howel township King township (n) Lee toNvnship Low Gap township (0 ) McKennon township, incl. Berlin town. . Berlin town Mulberry township (p) Perry township Pilot Rock township Piney township Pittsburg township, incl. Lamar town (6) Prairie township (k) Redlick township (n) Sherman tovniship (q) Spadra township (r), Including Clarks- ville city. Clarksville city Stonewall township (s) Ward township (t) Lafayette county. Baker township (c) Boyd township (c) (!Johway township (c) , Douglas tow nship (c) French township (c) Lagrange township, incl. Lewisville town. Lewisville town Mars Hill township , Roane township Steel township (c), including New Lewis- ville to-n-n. New Lewisville town Walker Creek township Lawrence county . Ashland township Black River township, incl. Powhatan tn. Powhatan town Black Rock township (c), including Black Rock town. Black Rock town 7,700 002 650 681 862 283 1,065 255 511 1,261 1.221 500 564 12, 984 1880 1,095 341 671 1, 452 1,730 4,676 2,435 321 1, 695 1, 230 2, 968 1,631 605 413 13, 593 600 403 6,746 9.952 3t203 2,084 718 884 1,051 1,967 344 625 463 16, 758 11,565 322 1,956 802 412 406 167 1,238 200 248 1,021 759 682 1,240 497 476 149 578 217 194 79 467 1,146 415 333 1, 682 805 685 558 977 267 226 1,364 600 314 2,686 266 3,055 937 691 656 1,133 435 949 220 1,490 761 5, 730 2,960 30 r 457 1,683 630 8,782 220 1,466 196 I Organized from part of Mulberry township in 1886. mPart taken to form Stonewall township in 1884. 31 Organized from part of Spadra township in 1888. o Organized from parts of Mulberry and Sherman town- ships in 1882. p Parts taken to form Low Gap township in 1882 and Hill township in 1886. q Part taken to form Low Gap township in 1882. r Parts taken to form King and Redlick townsbi))s in 1888. » Organized from part of Horsehead township in 1884. t Organized from parts of Grant and Prairie townships in 1880, * * 64 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. ARKAIVSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lawrence county— Continued. Cuche township Campbell township, including Hoxic and Walnut Ridge towns. Hoxie town Walnut Ridge town Dent township, including Imboden town Imboden town Duty township, including Portia town. . Portia town Lawrence township (a) Maiion township Morgan township (a) Fromised Land township (a) Reed Creek township Spring River township Strawben-y township Thacker township (a) 1890 Lee cootity . Boar Creek township Big Creek township Council township Flcener townshii) Hampton township Hardy township - - Independence township, including Man- anna village. Marianna village Liberty township Oak Forest township Richland township, incl. Lagrange town Lagrange town St. Francis township ;-- Spring Creek township, including Spring Creek town. Spring Creek town Texas township Union township, including Haynes town Haynes town Walnut township 305 2,460 457 7C1 157 1,274 571 859 785 336 205 917 601 1,501 166 18, 886 1880 434 1,467 301 420 727 1,141 838 649 1,420 13, 288 267 259 485 191 948 878 735 278 1, 520 899 486 458 3,537 2, 626 1 ,126 627 514 295 1,402 792 2,147 1,723 216 153 798 688 1,789 984 64 1,600 1,124 1,775 883 1,145 948 Lincoln county 10,255 Auburn township Bartholomew township ; • - Cane Creek township, incl. Star city. Star city Clioctaw township Kimbiough township Lone Pine township Mill Creek township Owen township Smith township Spring Creek township Wells Bayou township Little River county . Burke township Caney township (&) Cleveland township (c) Franklin township (rf) Jackson township, including Rocky Com fort town. Rocky Comfort town Johnson township Lick Creek to>viiship(rf) Little River township («) Red River township, incl. Richmond town. Richmond town 075 155 036 204 883 814 763 647 522 ,047 492 821 8,903 9,255 1,704 800 1,097 MINOR civil divisions. Logan county . Bear Wallow township (a) Boone township, incl. Booneville town. . . Booneville town Cane Creek township Cauthron township Clark township Delaware township Driags township (a) Ellsworth township Johnson township (a) Logan township Mountain township Petit Jean township RevUle township, incl. Magazine town . . . Magazine town River township (a) RosevLlleto^vnship, incl. KoseviUe town.. Roseville town Shoal Creek tovmship Short Mountain township, incl. Paris tn. Paris town Sixmile township, incl. National Springs tOWTl. National Springs town Sugar Creek township Washburn township 1890 20, 774 952 863 682 659 684 993 466 355 6,404 591 363 426 794 2,542 234 809 412 770 2,196 307 915 2,014 222 546 217 530 2,069 150 a Organized .since 1880. b Organized from part of Little River township .since 1880. c Organized from parts of Franklin and Lick Creek town- ship.s .since 1880. . d Part taken to form Cleveland township since 1880. e Part taken to form Canev township since 1880. / Carlisle township, Prairie county, annexed since 1880. Lonoke county (/). Butler township Carlisle township (y), incl. Carlisle town. Carlisle town Caroline township Crooked Creek township (a) Eagle township Goodrum township (a) Gray township Giuiiwoods township Hamilton township Indian Bayou township Lafayette townsliip Lonoke township, incl. Lonoke town — Lonoke town Magness townsliip Pettus township Prairie township Pulaski township Richwoods township Totten township Williams to\vnship York township 382 1,735 496 1,056 789 1,115 740 892 755 514 642 566 989 1,875 183 766 1,228 103 1,131 2,232 547 1, 128 128 1, 025 1,214 19, 263 1880 14, 885 1,264 275 705 648 850 606 532 1,055 900 541 1,923 478 981 215 849 1,297 • 1, 121 Madison county (ft) . Boston township (i) - Bowen township (i) California township Hilburn township (i), incl. St. Paul town St. Paul town Independence township (j) Kentucky township (k) King Ri\'er township Lamar township Marble township Piney township Prairie township Richland township Union township Valley township (!) War Eagle township, incl. Huutsville tn . . Huntsville town Wharton Creek townshij) ' ' ' Fourche Lalave township, including ±'er- ryville town. " Perry ville town Houston towiiship (d) Howell township (d) McCool town.ship ilaumelle township New Tennessee towaiship Omega township (^>' 777 434 491 1, 074 1, 204 610 489 351 1,613 159 927 567 4,272 1, 302 482 541 433 298 1, 375 323 9,283 577 3,872 467 401 690 256 322 141 354 542 345 610 21,262 1, 752 898 1,188 1,667 2, 438 1, 619 119 396 7,014 3,652 .782 ,508 6, 345 534 294 245 1,056 807 446 394 1,153 84 947 469 2,192 727 273 142 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Polk cotinty — Continued. Center township, including Dallas town Dallas town Cove township Eagle township (d) Faulkner township (d) Freedom township Fnlttm township Ga)i Springs t(iwnsliii) Mouiit;iiii tdwnship Ouacliita tiiwuship Ozark township "White township 872 178 5,857 Pope county Allen township Bayliss township Burnett township (d) - Center township (d) Clark town.ship Convenience township (d) Dover township, including Dover town . . Dover town Freeman township (d) Galla Creek township (d) Galla Rock township Griffin township Giiinloil township H.>lly l'.eucl township lUinciis townshiii, incl. Russellville town. Russellville town tndepemlence township Jackson township (d) Lee township Liberty township Martin townshii) Moreland township North Fork township Sand Sjuing township (d) "V^alley township "Wilson township, including Atkma town Atkins town 1890 Prairie county (g) . Belcher township (A) ISullard township (d) Calhoun township Center township Desarc township Hazen town.ship, including Hazen town . Kazan town Hickory Plains township Lower Surrounded Hill township Rockroe township (i) Tvler township Union township (j) ■. Upper Surrounded Hill townslup - - Wattensas to\vnship, including Devall Blutt'town. Devall Bluff town White River township, incl. Desarc town Desarc town Pulaski county . 1880 1,016 176 1 , 296 14, 322 1,008 1, 243 368 ,348 660 11, 374 391 639 500 806 154 1.662 8,435 243 Ashley township Bayoii Metoe township • Big Rock township, including part ol Little Rock city. Little Rock city (part of). . . - . ... . ... ■ Total for Little Rock city (*), in Big Rock and Hill townships. Campbell township Eagle township Eastman township (I) Ellis township ■ - - - Fourche township, incl. Alexander town Alexander town 380 1,923 546 47, 329 32, 616 1, 370 1,193 1, 293 1,161 27,644 17, 791 23,237 13, '38 25,874 13, 138 1 , 636 1, 0.57 2,016 1,300 1, 313 2, 959 299 243 1, 165 965 .46 a Part tp.ken to form Cleveland township since 1880. 6 Organized from parts of Bradley and CarroU townships *'"'Tremont townshij) (population 260 in 1880) annexed since 1880. d Organized since 1880. „ . . , ,. . ,00- e Organized from part of West Prairie township in 188d. f Part taken to fin-ni Owen township in 1885. a Carlisle township (population 440 in 1880) given to Lonoke county and part of Rockroe township to Monroe county since 1880. h Formerly Stillwell. , . .., *„ i Part taUen to form Rockroe township, Monroe county, . since 1880. ^ , j Formerly Bridge Bend. k In 1880 in Big Rock township only. I Part taken to form Hill township since 1880. POPULATION. 67 Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiauod. ABK.AIVSAS— Continued. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Pulaski county — Contiiined. Gray to%vnaliii) Hill'toflTiship (a), including i)art of Little Rock city. Little Rock city (part of) Mamelle township Mineral township Owen township Pyeatt township (b) Roland township Union township Worthen township (c) Young township Randolph county. Columbia township Current Rivertownship, incl. Reyna tn. (d) Davidson township Demnn township, incl. Pocahontas town . . Pocahontas town Eleven Points township Janes Creek township, including Raven- den Springs town (d). Little Black township Roanoke township Spring River townsliip Union township Warm Springs township "Water Valley township (e) Wiley township St. Francis county (/) 1890 1880 1, 036 3,536 2,637 337 601 943 399 713 908 957 1,163 1,258 1,270 1,322 1,518 507 1,183 992 983 200 597 862 928 599 808 970 14, 485 11, 724 Blacktish township Franks township Goodwin township Griggs township Johnson township L'Angiiille township Madison township, incl. Forrest town . . Forrest town Prairie township, incl. Palestine town . . Palestine town Telico township Wheatley township 13, 543 Saline county 11, 311 Banner township Beaver township Bryant township Dyer township Fairplay township HoUandf township Hurricane township Jefl'erson township Kentucky township (e) Liberty township Marble township Otter township Owen townsliip Perkins township Saline township, including Benton town. Benton town Shaw township Trask wood township Union township Walnut Bottom township (e) Scott county. Barber township (e) . . Black Fork township Blansett township 1,312 699 1, 366 1,306 325 1, 253 684 1,574 816 245 401 1,309 699 8,389 903 338 12, 635 9,174 515 419 687 312 569 a Organized from part of Eastman township since ISSU. b Part taken to form Worthen township since 1880. c Organized from part of Pyeatt township since 1880. d Not separately returned. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Scott county— Continued. Brawley township Cauthron town.siiip (e) Cedar township Hickman township, incl. Waldron city Waldron city .' . Hunt township James township Lafave township Lafayette township Lewis township (e) Mill Creek township Mountain township Park township Tate township Tomlinson township Searcy county . Bear Creek township, incl. Marshall town Marshall town Beaver township Calf Creek township Campbell township Mount Pleasant township Prairie to wushii) Red River township Richland townsliip St. Joe township Sulphur Springs township Tomahawk township Wiley Cove townshii) Sebastian county Bates township Beverly township (e) Big Creek to wnshiji Bloomer township (e) Center townshi]), incl. Greenwood town . . Greenwood town Cole township, including Hackett city . . H ackett cit v Dayton township Diamond township (e), including Hunt ington town. Huntington town Eagle township («) Hartford township Little Bass township (e) Marion township Mississip])i township Prairie townsliij), including Salem city . . Salem city Rogers township (e) Sugarloaf township, incl. Mansfield town. Mansfield town Sulphur township Upper township, incl. Fort Smith city . . . Fort Sinilh city " Ward I ' 2,388 Ward 2 2 , 34 1 Ward 3 4.132 Ward 4 2,450 Washburn town.ship White Oak township (e) Sevier county Bear Creek township Ben Lomond township (e) . Buckhorn township (c) Clear Creek townsliip Jetferson township Mineral township Monroe township Paraclifta township 1,044 559 387 971 503 e Organized since 1880. / Garland township (population 276 in 1880) abolished since 1880. 1S90 718 466 303 3,939 487 466 275 589 554 984 123 607 592 305 1,093 9,664 1880 417 223 3,005 239 245 217 454 971 104 411 427 213 1, 60ti 2, 238 1,792 278 160 387 251 1,350 953 681 413 364 278 448 331 717 500 784 694 738 582 336 350 674 485 947 649 33, 200 788 1,126 1,110 1.056 2,167 587 1,571 458 971 1,271 913 507 1,035 710 1,587 854 1,013 117 905 1,201 243 1.152 13, 120 "i3" 552 504 496 655 284 ,708 449 851 ,101 393 1,090 2, 030 2,516 204 1,100 172 975 1,040 1,649 691 927 1.338 1, 229 4, 292 3>o99 683 6, 192 68 COMrENDITJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tabi-e 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. AKKAIVSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Sevier county— Continued. Ked Colony township, including Lockes- biu-g town. Lock^sburg town Saline township (a) • Washington township '- SHARP COUNTY . Big Creek township Cave township Davidson township (a) Hardy township (ft) Highland township (a) Jackson township Johnson township Lave Creek township (a) Lebanon township Morgan township North township ;:■-- — --:■ Piney Fork township, including Evening Shade town. Evening Shade town liich woods township Scott township Strawberry township Sullivan township tlnion township Washington township 1890 Stone counts Blue Mountain to\\-nsliip Clialybeate Springs townslup (b)- Farris township (c) Franklin township Harris township Hixson township (d) Locust Grove townshij) (e) Northwest township (/) Red River township ((/) Richwoods township (ft) Sycamore township (d) T'urkey Creek township (i) Wallace township (A) ■ Union county . Boone township (Jornie township Eldorado township, incl. Eldorado town . Eldorado town Franklin tjownshiji Cramer township Harrison township Jackson township Johnson township Lapile township Tubal township Van Buren township Wilmington township Van Buren county (j) Archcy Valley township . Bradley township Cadroii township (A) (Choctaw township (a) Cleveland township (o) . . . 2,115 451 1, 06S 057 10, 418 1880 503 515 556 303 282 365 383 336 521 374 722 1,041 793 993 391 1,037 333 970 7,043 1, 200 257 B53 1, 092 579 351 522 132 111 566 820 238 522 1,394 256 '"925 9,047 484 395 512 350 517 449 331 1, 290 286 1, 529 872 3.58 844 290 826 5,089 860 849 332 201 892 544 744 237 430 14, 977 13, 419 704 800 1, 150 1,110 2, 660 2,546 455 443 950 1,267 594 606 877 793 1,664 1,235 1,999 1,565 1,536 967 489 465 1,596 1,427 758 638 8,567 9,565 269 481 1, 013 536 517 994 69G 267 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Van Buren county— Continued. Craig township Davis township Griggs township, including Clinton town Clinton town Hartsugg township Holly township Liberty township Red River township Union towTiship Washington township Wheeler township (a) White Oak township (a) Washington county Boston township (a) Brush Creek township Cane HUl township Center township (a) Cove Creek tovraship Crawford township Durham township (a) Dutch Mill township (a) Elm Springs township, including Elm Springs town (J) . Goshen township Illinois township, incl. Cincinnati town . . Cincinnati town Lee Creek township Mars Hill township Mountain township - - Prairie Grove to\vnship, including Prai- rie Grove town. Prairie Grove town Prairie township, incl. Fayetteville city.. Fayetieville city Price township (a) Reed township (a) - • Rhea Mills township (a) Richland township ; Spring-dale township, including Spring- dale town . Springdale town Star Hill township (ft) ■ Vinevard township Weddington t(jwnship (a) West Fork township, includin- West Fork town (I). Wheeler township (a) White River township Winslow township (a) 1880 32, 024 23, 844 1,617 White county (m) 22. ^^^ ^'^' '^^* 6, 032 2,942 573 676 387 1 , 056 2,361 473 970 959 5,110 1,766 a Organized since 1880. , ^i- n h Organized from parts of Richwoods and VV allace town- ships in 1884. , . • 10Q1 c Organized from part of Locust Grove townslup in 1881. d Part taken to form Northwest township in 1881. c Part taken to form Farris township in 1884. f Organized from parts of Hixson and Sycamore townships a Organized from ])art of Turkey Creek township in 1882. ft Part taken to form Chalybeate Springs township in 1884. i Part taken to form Red River township in 1882. jCaUfornia, GUes, Mountain, Peter Creek, Piney, Sugar- Bald Knob township, including Bald 856 Knob town (I). Big Creek township (ft) Cadron township Cane township Clay township Cleveland township (a) Coffey township Cold well township Denmark township Desarc township Dogwood township El Paso tow nship (a) Garner township (a) Gravel Hill township (a) Gray township, including Searcy town. Searcy town (») loaf and Valley township.s (population 2,360 in 1880) and part of Cadron township taken to form Clebuine county in 188,i. k Part taken to form Cadron township, Cleburne county, in 1883. I Not separately returned. TO Pine township (population 254 in 1880) taken to lonn Clebm-ne county in 1883. , ,. .^ • i-,-,, M The matter of extending the corporate limits, m litiga- tion at the time of the enumeration, has since been decid<'(l in favor of Searcy, and it has, therefore, a somewhat larger population than was returned in 1890. POPULATION. 69 Tabi^. 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. ABKAIVSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. White countt— Contiimert. Harrison townsliip, iiicl. Judaonia town . . Judsonia town Higginson township (a) Jackson township Kensett township Kentucky township Liberty township Maiion township Marshall township Negro Hill township Ked Eiver township, including West Point town (fc). Royal township Kussell township (a) Union township, including Beebe town (b) Velvet Kidge towuship (a) "Woodruff county . Augusta township, incl. Augusta town. . . Augusta town Barnes township Cache township (c) Caney township (d) Cotton Plant township, including Cotton Plant town. Cotton Plant town Dent township (e) Deview township (/), incl. McCrory town. McCrory town ' Freeman township Point township 1890 1880 2,097 475 444 579 539 730 442 861 744 110 844, 548 583 2,020 100 14, 009 4,292 519 560 1,113 299 2,018 429 164 1,922 299 839 1,300 267 397 516 565 862 760 550 119 660 1,264 2,137 8,646 2,620 702 540 89 1,586 1,086 564 1,020 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Woodruff county— Continued. Pumpkin township (o) White River township Tell county Bluftton township {g) Briggs ville township (a) Ceuterville townsliip (a) Chickaloh township Crawford township Danville township (h) Dardanelle township, incl. Dardanelle tn Dardanelle town Delaware township Dutch Creek township Ferguson township (a), incl. Belleville tn Belleville town Galley Rock township Grilkey township (a) Gravelly Hill township Herring township (a) lono Creek township Lamar township (a) Lower Lafave township Magazine township Mason township (a) Mountain township Prairie township (a) Richland township {a) Riley township Rover township Ward township WUsou township , 1890 1.59 1,343 18,015 623 562 874 247 383 685 3, 0.55 i,4s6 252 518 1,324 247 774 369 570 349 366 501 480 1,433 265 376 506 595 861 688 373 1S80 1,141 13, 852 a Organized since 1880. 6 Not separately returned. c Organized from part of Deview township smce 1880. d Part taken to form Dent township since 1880. e Organized from part of Caney township since 1880. /Part taken to form Cache towuship since 1880. .' mail information as to changes in minor civil division MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Del Norte county (g). Crescent township, incl. Crescent town . Crescent town Klamath township (h) Smith River township 1890 2,592 1,620 907 263 709 Eldorado county . 1880 9,094 Coloma township Cosumnes township - Diamond Springs township Georgetown township, including George- town village. Georgetown village Greenwood township Kelsey township Lake Valley township Mountain township Mud Springs township Placerville township, includin, ville town. Placerville town Salmon Falls township White Oak township Placer 13, 118 Fresno county (i) 292 12, 525 Township 1, including Madera town Madera town ; ■ - • Township 2, including part of Fresno city . Fresno city (part of) Total for Fresno city, in townships 2 and 3. , , J Township 3, including Central colony and part of Fresno city. Central colony Fresno city (part of) ■ Township 4, Including Kingsburg and Selnia towns. Kingsburg town Selma town Township 5, including Sanger town Sanger town Township 6 Township 7 - Township 8, ini'l. Washington colony Washington colony Township 9 3,147 2,530 1,691 399 400 2,104 3,053 626 ; iiicouiplele. Humboldt county. 13,649 51° 10,622 2,604 29 T 1,150 2,573 428 834 1,351 2,252 929 1,265 23, 469 Bucksport township i: •••;••":;■ ' Eureka township, iucludmg Eureka city Eureka city (j)- ■■■;■■■■ ■■■ ■^■.■i^W Hydesville township, including Rio Dell and Scotia towns. Rio Dell town Scotia town Klamath township Mad River township Mattole township Orleans township - - - Pacific township, incl. Ferndale town Ferndale town Rohner\'ille township South Fork township Table Bluflf township Trinidad township ; • ' " V ' 1 Union township, including Areata town Areata town Van Duzen township g Happy Camp to%vnship (population 596 Siskiyou county since 1880. fc Formerly ilountain. ■I Not returned by townships m 1880. j Part of Eureka townsliip annexed since 1,312 7,011 4,858 1, 511 213 454 792 1,303 529 317 3, 120 763 1, 6B5 955 828 483 2,984 962 659 2,584 1,281 191 516 10, 683 15, 512 540 3, 484 2,639 723 1,143 538 663 447 2,293 178 909 809 876 618 1,788 702 681 in 1880) given to the ennnieratiou. POPULATION. 71 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. CAl,IFORr«riA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Inyo county (a) . Township 1 (fc) Township 2, including Bishop town (b) Bishop town Township 3 Township 4 Townships Kern county (t) . Township 1 Township 2, including. Tehachapi town. . Teiiachapi town Township 3, incl. East Bakersfield town. East Rakerstield town ( (o) Ukiah town (a.) 1,627) Tenmjle River township, including Fort Bragg town. Kort Bragg town We.stport township (c) 1890 Mbrced county (d) Township 1 V ' :.." ' Township 2, including Merced city. Merced city Townshij) ;? MoDOO county Adin township Alturas township («) Cedarville township Goose Lake township . . Tule Lake township (/) - . Hot Spring township (g) . Lake township (6). Mono county (/;) Antelope township Benton township Bodie township, including Bodie town. Bodie town (i) ;•••■■ Bridgeport township Mill Creek township (j) Homer township Monterey county (d) Alisal township, including Salinas city . Salinas city Bradley township CastrovUle township, incl. Castroville tn Castroville town Cholame township Gonzales township, incl. Gonzales town . . Gonzales town Monterey township, including Monterey and Paciilc Grove towns. Monterey town Pacific Grove town Puijaro township Peachtree township San Antonio township Soledad township, including King and Soledad towns. King town Soledad town . Napa county Hot Springs township, including Calls- to"a(6) and St. Helena towns. St. Helena town Knox township N.apa township, including Napa city Napa city 975 3,158 1,889 945 1,414 8,085 1,834 4, 363 2,oog 1,888 870 1, 145 845 429 972 2,002 356 295 779 595 335 237 18, 637 3,767 2,?39 1, 106 1.682 641 933 1,104 —359 4,677 1,662 1 1336 1,428 1,103 1,117 1,720 253 217 16, 411 18S0 742 746 ' 2, 076 859 4,577 1,705 719 8,788 4,395 5,656 1,446 4,399 949 4.55 911 f733 402 949 7,499 288 166 kG, 001 350 11, 302 1,854 533 233 1,396 13, 235 3,183 1,339 851 7,143 3.731 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Napa county— Continued. Yount township, incl. Tountville town . Vountville town Nevada county. a Population in 1880, 933. 6 Not separately returned. c Organized since 1880. d Not returned by townships in 1880. e Formerly South Fork. . / Organized from part of Hot Spring township since 1880. q Part taken to form Tule Lake towuship since 1880. ft Lake township (popnlation 694 in 18S0) abolished since 1880. Bloomfield township, including North Bloomfield town. North Bloomfield town Bridgeport township, including North San Juan town. North San Juan town Eureka township, incl. GranitevlUe town Graniteville town Grass Valley township, including Grass Valley town (b). Little ^ork township "Washington townshi]) Meadow Lake township, including Boca and Truckee towns. Boca town Truckee town _. Nevada town.ship, incl. Nevada city Nevada city Rough and Ready to-wnship ■(b). Orange county (!). Anaheim townshiii, incl. Anaheim town . . Anaheim town Orange township (m), incl. Orange tn. («.;. Orange town San Juan township (0) Silverado township (p) Santa Ana township, incL Santa Ana city Santa Ana city Ward 1 1,061 Ward 2 6ot Ward 3 7'° Ward 4 588 Wards 668 Tustin township Westminster township Placer county 15, 101 Township 1, inchiding Roseville village. . .J Roseville village Township 2 Township 3, including Auburn town Auburn town Township 4, including Colfax, Dutch Flat, Gold Run, and Towles towns. Colfax town Dutch Flat town Gold Run town Towles town Township 5, including Forest Hill town . Forest Hill town Township 6, including Michigan Bluff town. Michigan Bluff town Township 7 Townsliip 8 Townshin 9, includiug Newcastle, Pen- ryn, arid Rocklin towns. Newcastle town Penryn town Rocklin town Township 10, including Lincoln town Lincoln town Township 11 1890 2,327 231 17, 369 1,097 497 1,053 303 440 234 6,798 1,123 1,714 266 1,350 4,013 2,524 1,131 13, 589 1880 2,917 1,273 2, 721 866 801, 4,220 3,628 1,076 1,854 1,077 345 1,036 2,968 1,595 2,426 670 317 ,088 650 639 377 993 121 2,485 335 219 1,056 1,801 961 467 2,058 256 20, 823 1,229 724 2,110 656 683 6,688 r 1,031 [ 527 1,479 123 1,147 5, 506 4,022 1,.564 1,4 833 679 Jt902 3,024 711 961 14, 232 918 258 1,208 2,055 1 ,229 3,315 59' 939 377 225 1,291 688 640 952 165 2,040 t6z 238 624 1,300 275 348 i Population in 1880, 2,712. j No corporate existence in 1890. fcNot separately returned in 1880. I Organized from part of Los Angeles county in 1889. m Organized from part of Silverado township in 1889. n Given as in Santa Ana township in 1880. o Part of Silverado township annexed in 1889. p No corporate existence in 1890 ; part taken to form Orange township and part given to San Ju.m township in 1889. POPULATIOI^. 73 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. CAIifFOKIVIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Plumas county. Beckwith township Goodwin townsliip, incl. Laporte village Laporte village Indian township, incl. CrescentMills viU. Crescent Mills village Mineral township Plumas township, including Quiucy town Qiiincytown Quartz townsbip Seneca township Sachamento county. Alabama township American township Brighton township Center township Cosnmnes township Dry Creek township Franklin township Georgiana township, including "Walnut Grove town. Walnut Grove town Granite township, incl. Folsom town Folsom town Lee township ^ Mississippi township Natoma township Sacramento city San Joaquin township, including Elk Grove village. Elk Grove village Sutter township San Benito county . Holliater township, incl. HoUister town.. HoUister town San Benito townshij) San Juan township, incl. San Juan town Sanjuantown Tres Pinos township (a) 1890 San Bernardino county (6) Alessandro precinct American precinct Banning precinct Barstow precinct Bear Valley jirecinct Beaumont precinct Cajon precinct Calico precinct Central precinct Chino precinct Cloverdale precinct Colton precinct, including Colton town Colton town Cucamonga precinct Daggett precinct East Kiverside precinct Eti wanda precinct Hawley precinct Highland precinct Holcomb Valley precinct Ivanpah precinct Jurupa precinct Martin precinct Mill precinct Mission precinct Mountain precinct . . . Oro Grande precinct . Summit precinct Victor precinct Mount Vernon precinct . Nan tan precinct . . . Needles precinct Newberry precinct . (c) 4,933 574 488 458 633 214 1,258 274 1,716 4i)6 741 818 1,057 546 935 432 1,006 394 539 40, 339 414 648 1,282 383 443 963 1,885 l,3il 1,970 699 541 316 318 26, 386 1,383 202 2,096 6, 412 2,700 1.234 1,129 1,112 463 1,471 1880 6,180 34, 390 479 401 1,196 422 642 948 1,606 1,692 1,485 518 384 506 21, 420 1,236 1,455 5,584 3,206 1,034 672 900 7,786 51 876 201 114 39 403 115 431 1,134 236 86 1, 716 1. 315 416 277 330 231 9 666 20 11 216 134 446 327 1,001 12 748 87 a Formerly Paicines. b Comparison \Vitii ])opnlatiou for 1880 can not be made; information as to cUauges in minor civil divisions incomplete. minor civil divisions. San Bernaediko county — Continued. Ontario precinct, including Ontario town Ontario town Pass precinct Perdew precinct Providence precinct Redlands precinct, incl. Kedlands town . . Redlands town Rialto precinct Eincon precinct Kiverside precincts 1, 2, and 3, coexten- sive with Riverside city. San Bernardino precincts East, South, and West, coextensive with San Bernar- dino city. San Bernardino city San Salvador precinct San Timoteo precinct Seven Oaks precinct South Eiver.side precinct, including South Riverside village. South Riverside village Temescal precinct Union precinct 1890 San Diego county (d) . Alpine precinct Ames precinct Aquango precinct Ballena precinct Banner ijrecinct Bernardo precinct Bloden precinct Borona precinct Campo precinct Capitan Grande precinct Carlsbad precinct C hollas precinct Chula Vista precinct Coahuilla precinct Cottonwood precinct Delmar precinct Deluz precinct Delzura precinct . . Descanso precinct. Green Valley precinct. Jamul precinct. Lyons precinct. Sequan precinct. Viejas precinct.. Diamond precinct. El Cajon precinct Elsinore precinct, incl. Elsinore town (c) . Encinitas precinct Escondido precinct, incl. Eacondido town Escondido town Fall Brook precinct Guejito precinct Indio precinct Julian precinct , Lake precinct Lakeside prech-ct Linda Vista precinct McCarthy precinct Mesa Grande precinct , Mission precinct Monument precinct Mount Fairview precinct Murietta precinct National precinct, coextensive with Na- tional town. National town Oceanside precinct, incl. Oceanside tn. (c). Otay precinct Pala precinct Palm precinct Paradise precinct Paymaster precinct Perris precinct Pinery precinct Potrero precinct Poway precinct c Not separately returned . d Keturued by townships in 1880, 1,229 683 184 131 119 1,981 1,904 329 295 4,683 4,012 4,012 228 330 22 556 276 131 34, 987 284 71 22 320 150 100 82 36 418 38 155 155 289 90 66 306 105 1,173 5B2 475 370 1,065 541 415 143 191 481 225 150 191 172 140 123 360 254 454 1,353 I, 353 427 413 215 39 125 38 602 207 91 406 1880 '.''73 8,618 74 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. CAI^I FORIVIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. San Biego county— Contiuncd. San Diego city ■ ■--.-■ Wardl 1.0»J Ward2..: 2,010 Wards 1.924 Waid4 1.^^^^ Wards 1.^26 WardG 2,4/7 Ward? f.;^fO W ard 8 1.916 Ward 9 1. 0"-' Sun .Jariuto precinct, including: San Ja- cinto town. San Jacinto town San Lni.s Key ])re<-inct San Marcos precinct San Pasqual precinct Siinta Maria precinct Sniitli Mountain precinct South Oceanside precinct Soutli San J acinto precinct Spring Valley precinct Strawberry precinct Temecula'precinct Tia Juana precinct Vallecitas precinct \'alley Center precinct Wnnier precinct \Vildart of South township since 1880. MINOR CIVIL divisions. Solano county. Benicia township, including Benicia city. Benicia city " Denverton townshi}) Ehuiratownship, including Elniira village Elmira village Green Valley township Maine Prairie township Montezuma towaisbip Rio Vista township, incl. Rio Vista vlll. Rio Vista village Silveyville township, incl. Dixon town. . Dixon town Suisun township, including Fairtield an Precinct 18. Ho w ville'. . . . j '"' Precinct 17. Powderhorn Precinct 19. Cloud Precinct 20. Parlin Precinct 21. Tomichi Precinct 22. Crystal 1S90 Hinsdale county. I'recinct 1, including Lake towii. Lake town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Huerfano county. Precinct 1. Gardiner Precinct 2. Badito Precinct 3. St. Mary Precinct 4. Butte Valley Precinct 5. Laveta, incl. Laveta town . . . Laveta town Precinct 6. Walsenburg, incl. Tour- ist (a) and Walsenburg towns. Walsenburg town Precinct 7. Santa Clara Precinct 8. Cucharas Precinct 9. Apache Precinct 10. North Veta Precinct 1 1 . Turkey Creek Pi'ccinct 12. Crestones («) Precinct 13. Bii-minghani (/) Precinct 14. Bradford (g) Precinct 15. Rouse (ft) e Organized in 1882. / Organized in 1884. ij Organized in 1888. h Organized in 1889. 4, 3.59 909 652 1,105 1880 123 28 857 453 69 410 371 48 209 45 96 63 237 143 189 53 764 607 37 15 46 290 428 78 186 1,071 ^161 1,598 928 329 417 89 505 193 834 1.54 130 580 8, 235 1,487 4,124 165 80 COMrENDIFM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiaued. COLORADO— Contiuued. MINOn CIVIL DIVISIONS. Jefferson county. rrociiict 1 . Grant Preciniit 2. Vasques rreoinct 3. Montana Precinct 4. Morrison, incl.Morrison tii- - - Morrison town Precinct 5. Platte Precinct 6. Junction Precinct 7. Bergen Precinct 8. Bradford - - ■ Precinct 9. Goklen,incl. Golden city .. . Golden city Ward I 6o8 Ward 2 446 Ward 3 676 Ward 4 653 Pi-ecinctlO. Ralston Precinct 11. Guy Precinct 12. Coal Creek Precinct 13. Park Precinct 14. Pine Precinct 15. Evergi-een Precinct 16. Semper Precinct 17. Edgewater 1890 8,450 1880 Kiowa county (a) . Precinct 1. Towner Precinct 2. Stewart Precinct 3. Sheridan Lake Precinct 4. Chivington, including Cliiv- ington town. Chivington town Precinct 5. Eads Precinct 6. Galatea Precinct 7. Arlington Kit Carson county (b) . Precinct 1. Beaver Valley Precinct 2. Tnttle Precinct 3. Avendale Pi-ecinct 4. Elagler I'recinct 5. Seibert Precinct 6. Vona Precinct 7. Claremont Precinct 8. Bethune Precinct 9. Burlington, including Bur liugton town. Burlington town Precinct 10. Carlisle Precinct 11. North Smoky Precinct 12. Beloit 620 1,020 505 450 254 313 313 239 175 2,808 2,383 109 149 101 92 593 308 228 427 1,243 6,804 244 42 257 180 164 134 222 2,472 Lake county . 476 178 114 195 165 61 156 147 393 146 300 190 97 14, 663 518 222 224 5G 566 85 223 log 145 184 743 417 019 499 10, 384 23, 563 Precinct 1, including Oro village Ore village Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 6, excl. of part of Leadville city- Precinct 8, including ilalta village Malta village Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Precinct 13, excl. of part of Leadville city Precinct 16 Precinct 18 Precinct 19 - Leadville city, comprising precincts 5, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and parts of 6 and 13. Wardl 844 Ward 2 1.475 Wards 1,402 Ward 4 1,'^74 Ward 5 2, 766 Ward 6 2,323 a Organized from part of Bent county in 1S»9. b Organized from part of Elbert county m 1889. c Part taken to form Montezuma county in 1889. MINOR civil divisions. La Plata county (c) . Precinct 1. Red Creek Precinct 3 Precinct 4. Florida Precinct 5. Animas, iml. Animas town. Animas town Precinct 6. Pine River Precinct 8 Precinct 9 { 1890 Precinct 10 S Durango city Precinct 11. Fort Lewis (d), including Buraugo city. Larimer county. 14, 820 Precinct 1. Bristol Precinct 2. Virginia Dale Precinct 3. Diamond Peak Precinct 4. Laramie Precinct 5. Livermore Precinct 6. Home Precinct 7. Laporte Precinct 8. Korth Fort Collins, including part of Fort Collins city. Fort Collins city (part of) Total for Fort Collins city, in pre- cincts 8 and 9. Precinct 9. South Fort Collins, including part of Fort Collins city. Fort Collins city (part of) Precinct 10. Tinmath Precinct 11. Loveland, including Loveland village. Loveland village Precinct 12. Stout Precinct 13. Bufl'um Precinct 14. Buckhorn ■ Precinct 15. Berthoud, including Berthoud village. Berthoud village Precinct 16. EstesPark Precinct 17. TeUer Precinct 18. Bostwick, incl. Waldentown. Walden town Precinct 19. Canadian Precinct 20. HilUard Precinct 21. Hebron Precinct 22. Stratton Park Precinct 23. Boxelder Precinct 24. Miner Las Animas county (c) Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 • - Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9. Middle Apishapa Precinct 10, including Sopris town Sopris town Precinct 11, including Starkvilletown. . - Starkville town Precinct 13, excl. of partof Trinidad city Precinct 14. Engle, including Engletown Engle town Precinct 15 Precinct 16. Elmoro, incl. Elmoro town . . Elniorotown Precinct 17. Lower Apishapa Precinct 18 Precinct 19. San Miguel Precinct 20. Barela Precinct 21. Trinchera Precinct 22 Precinct 23 Precinct 24, including Maxwell town jNlaxwell town d Not separately returned. e Part taken to 'form Baca county in 5,509 65 231 351 431 180 470 146 3,066 2,726 749 9,712 1880 1,110 4,892 64 83 133 76 307 156 611 1,502 857 2,011 1,805 1,154 400 1, 733 69 B 327 42 476 603 228 135 150 265 64 130 166 207 123 62 156 17, 208 1,356 236 8,903 223 429 376 331 490 895 350 395 541 .,508 983 992 928 354 878 701 221 091 355 122 579 207 155 294 103 65 236 217 POPULATIOK 81 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. COIjOKADO— Contimied. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Las Animas county— Continued. 1890 1880 Precinct 25. Victor Precinct 26 Pi'ecinct 27. Forbes Precinct 28. Likes Trinidad city, comprising precinct 12 and part of 13.' Ward 1 927 Ward 2 1, 207 AVardS 1,689 Ward 4 1, 059 Ward 5 641 Lincoln coonty (a) . Precinct 1. Hugo , Precinct 2. Arriba Precinct -S. Eovina Precinct 4. Limon Precinct 5. Rnsli Creeli Precinct 6. Sanborn Precinct 7. TJrbana Logan county (6). Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3. Iliff Precinct 4. Crook Precinct 5. Fleming Precinct 6. Sterling, incl. Sterling town. Sterling town Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9. Rockland Precinct 10 Precinct 11. Leroy 733 119 319 79 5,523 689 2,226 3,070 Mesa county (c) Piecinctl. Grand Junction, including Grand Junction city. Grand Junction city Precinct 2. Fruita , Precinct 3 "i Precinct 4, incl. De Beque town (d) . Precinct 5 f (d). Precinct 7 j Precinct 8 J Precinct 6 Montezuma county (e) . Cortez precinct, including Cortez town . Coriez town ... Dolores precinct Mancos precinct Montrose county (c) . 2,030 476 1,529 521 332 373 635 3,980 Precinct 1 . Montrose, exclusive of part 585 of Montrose town. Precinct 2. Uncompaligre Precinct 3. Cimarron Precinct 4. Colorow Precinct 5. Naturita . . .• , Precinct 6. Paradox Precinct 7. Muddy Precinct 8. Cascade, exclusive of part of Montrose town . Precinct 9. Cottonwood Precinct 10. California Mesa Precinct 11. Hydraulic Montrose town, in precincts 1 and 8 a Organized from parts of P.eut and Elbert counties in 1889 ft Organized from part of Weld county in 1887; parts taken to form Phillips and Sedgwick counties in 1889. c Organized from part of Gunnison county in 1883. d Not separately returned. e Organized froin part of La Plata county in 1889. /Organized from part of Weld county in 1889. 372 6 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Morgan county (/) . Precinct 9. Orchard Precinct 10. Welden Precinct i 2. Snyder Precinct 16. Brush,includingBrushtown. Brush town Precinct 22. Fort Morgan, including Fort Morgan town. Fort Morgan town Precinct 23. Corona Otero county (g) . Rocky Precinct 1. Oxford Precinct 2. Catlin ) , ,, Precinct 5. Fairmount . . 5 ''*' ■ ■ ■ Precinct 3. Ordway Precinct 4. Rocky Ford, including Ford village. Rocky Ford village Precinct 6. Higbee Precinct 7 1 Precinct 8 > (d). Precinct 9, including Lajunta town . . ) Lajunta town Ouray county (A) Calliope precinct Culver precinct Dallas precinct, including Dallas town . . Dallas town Irontou precinct, incl. Ironton town (d) . Los Pinos precinct Mount Sneffles precinct Ouray precinct, including Ouray city . . . Ouray city Porter jjrecinct Portland precinct, incl. Portland town . . Portland town Red Mountain precinct, including Red Mountain town (d). Park county. Precinct 1. Deer Valley Precinct 2. Webster Precinct 3. Hall Valley Precinct 4. Jefferson Precinct 5. Como, including Como town . Como town Precinct 6. Tarryall Precinct 7. Rocky Precinct 8. AVest Fourniile Precinct 9. Kester Precinct lO. Hartsel Precinct 11. Garos Precinct 12. Salt Works Precinct 13, incl. Fairplay t»wn Fairplay town (i) 301 Precinct 14, including Ahna town. . Alma town (j) 367 Precinct 15 Precinct 16 Precinct 17. Howbert (d). Phillips county (k) Precinct 1 , Precinct 2, including Holyoke town Holyoke town Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 , 1890 1,601 159 102 59 363 112 810 108 4,192 368 332 148 1,019 468 217 2,108 i>439 6,510 107 614 1,141 541 323 149 270 2,789 2.534 90 429 116 598 3,548 1880 2,669 86^ 3,970 1,050 2,642 549 886 649 324 471 240 172 (J Organized from ])art of Bent county in 1889. h Parts taken to form Dolores county in 1881 and San Miguel county in 1883. i Population in 1880, 450. i Population in 1880, 446. k Organized from part of Logan county in 1889. 82 OOMPEKDIIBI OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. COliOBADO— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Pitkin county (a) Precinct 1. Ashcroft, incl. Ashcroft tn. Ashcroft town ■ • ■ ■ -, Precinct 2. Cliipeta, includmg Clii- ) petatown(i). > C) Precinct 9. Lime Creek } Precinct 3, including Aspen city Aspen city Precinct i. Emma Precinct 5. Woody Precinct 6. Kock Creek Precinct 7. Hot Springs Precinct 8. Jerome Park "rA" " " V ' Precinct 10. Lincoln, including lourte- lotte town. Tourtelotte town Precinct 11. Sellar Precinct 12. Ivanlioe 1890 Pkowers county (c) - Precinct 1. Lamar, incl. Lamar town . - . Lamar town ■ • • ■ Precinct 2. Granada, incL Granada town . Granada town Precincts. Holly Precinct 4. Albany Precinct 5. Wilde Precinct 6. Carlton Pueblo county. Precincts 1 to 11, coextensive with Pueblo city. Pueblo city • - Precinct 12, including Bessemer city Bessemer city Precinct 13 Precinct 14 Precinct 15 Precinct 16 Precinct 17 Precinct 18 Precinct 19 Precinct 20 Precinct 21 Precinct 22 Precinct 23 Precinct 24 Precinct 25 Precinct 26 Precinct 27 Precinct 28 Precinct 29 Precinct 30 Precinct 31 Rio Blanco county (d) 8,929 41 266 6,760 5,108 163 307 95 106 132 885 614 1880 1,087 566 469 163 192 61 85 75 31, 491 7,617 Precinct 1. Rangely Precinct 2. White River Precinct 3. Piceance Creek Precinct 4. Meeker, incl. Meeker town.. Meeker town Precincts. Coal Creek Precinct 6. Upper White Precinct 7. Powell Park Rio Gkande county. Precinct 1, including Monte Vista town. . Monte Vista town Precinct 2, including Del Norte town . . Del Norte town Precinct 3 a Organized from part of Gunnison county in 1881. & Hot separately returned. ^ . ,aaQ c Organized from part of Bent county m 1889. 24, 558 24,558 3,672 3.317 109 282 120 296 135 375 30 222 231 91 126 369 133 57 208 218 147 93 19 1,200 152 86 165 539 260 118 106 34 3,451 MINOR civil divisions. Rio Grande county— Continued. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Precinct 6. 1890 Routt county. Precinct 1. Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Precinct 18. Precinct 6. Precinct 7. Precinct 8. Precinct 9. Precinct 10. Precinct 11. Precinct 12. Precinct 13. Precinct 14. Precinct 15. Precinct 16. Precinct 17. Steamboat Springs . . Egeria Rock Creek Hay den Tampa ... ) ,j> Fourmile.. ) ' ' Williams Fork Mountain Meadows . Maybell Lily Ladore Raymond Upper Snake Hahn Peak Gore Range Twenty mile TruU Lay 2,369 1880 Saguache county . Precinct 1. "Villa Grove Precinct 2. Cotton Creek Precinct 3. Crestone Precinct 4. Carnero Precinct 5. Lower Saguache Precinct 6. Saguache, incl. Saguache tn. Saguache town Precinct 7. Sargents Precinct 8. Upper Saguache Precinct 9. Cochotopa Precinct 10. Biedell .- Precinct 11. Bonanza, incl. Bonanza vill.- Bonanza village Precinct 12. Alder Precinct 13. ParkvUle Precinct 14 . Russell Springs Precinct 15. Hanmann Precinct 16. Moffat Precinct 17. Elkhom 3,313 1,973 325 San Juan county 1,944 1,625 780 1,008 736 386 Precinct 1 X 1 Precinct 13, incl. SUverton town (0) . - 5 ^ Precinct 2. Howardsville Precinct 3. Eureka, incl. Eureka village. Eureka village •,■■;.■• Precinct 4. Animas Forks, including Animas Forks town (6). Precinct 5. Mineral Point Precinct 7. Gladstone Precinct 11. Chattanooga Precinct 14. North Star Mine Precinct 15. Silver Lake 1,572 1,087 San Miguel county (c) TeUu- Precinct 1. TeUuride, includln, ride town. TeUuride town Precinct 2. Ames Precinct 3. San Miguel Precinct 4. Ophir, incl. Ophir village Ophir village Precinct 5. Marshall Basin . . - Precinct 6. Turkey Creek.. 1 Precinct 7. Placerville }{b) Precinct 10. Hastings Precinct 8. Lone Cone Precinct 9. Norwood 2,909 830 766 104 143 140 113 287 1,254 57 94 130 d Organized from part of Garfield county in 1889. e Organized from part of Ouray county m 1883. POPIJLATIOIil. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. COI.ORAI>0--Continued. 83 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Sedgwick county (a) Precinct 1 Precinct 2, including Julesburg town. Julesburg town Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Summit county (6) . Precinct 1. Breckenridge, incl. Brecken- ridge town (c). Precinct 2. Lincoln Precinct 3. Swan J Precinct 6. Montezuma, including > (c) Montezuma town (c) . ) Precinct 4. Dillon, incl. Dillon town Dillon town Precinct 5. Kokomo, incl. Kokomo (c) and Kecen towns. Recen town Precinct 7. Prisco, incl. Frisco town (c) . . Precinct 8. "Wheeler Precinct 9. Robinson, including Kobin- son town (c). Precinct 10. Chihuahua Precinct 13. Naomi Precinct 14. Lakeside 1890 "Washinqton county (d). Precinct 1. Pinneo Precinct 2. Akron, incl. Akron town Akron town Precincts. Curtis Precinct 4. Ashland Precincts. Otis, including Otis village. Otis village Precinct 6. Hyde, incl. Hyde town (c) . . . Precinct 7. Rock Creek Precinct 8. Leslie "Weld county (e) . 1,293 107 310 202 225 83 86 281 201 1,906 229 '33 192 1880 5,459 Precinct 1. Fort Lupton, including Fort Lupton town. Fort Lupton town 11, 736 5,646 a Organized from part of Logan county in 1889. 6 Parts taken to form Eagle and Garfield counties in 1883. c Not separately returned. d Organized from part of Weld coimty in 1887 ; part taken to form Yuma county in 1889. minor civil divisions. "Weld county— Continued. Precinct 2.. i Precinct 14 . . Wc) Precinct 15 . . j Precinct 3. Hillsboro Precinct 4. "Windsor, incl. Windsortown Windsor town Precinct 5. Evans, includingEvans town Evans town Precinct 6. PlattevUle, including Platte- ville town. Platteville town Precinct 7. Northwest Greeley, includ- ing part of Greeley city. Greeley city (part of) Total for Greeley city, in precincts 7 and 12. Precinct 8. Erie, including Erie village- Erie village Precinct 10. Plumb Precinct 11. Eaton Precinct 12. Southwest Greeley, includ- ing part of Greeley city. Greeley city (part of) Precinct 13. Stoneham Precinct 16. Southeast Greeley Precinct 17. Eaymer Precinct 18. Keota Precinct 19. North Windsor Precinct 20. Hardin Precinct 21. Northeast Greeley '.. Precinct 22. Beebe Draw Precinct 24. Lagrange Precinct 25. Carr Precinct 26. Longmont Precinct 27. Hudson Precinct 30. Eoggen Precinct 31. Grover Yuma county (/) . Precinct 1. Laird Precinct 2. Wray, including Wray town. Wray town ." Precinct 3. Eckley Precinct 4. Yuma, including Yuma town . Yuma town Precinct 5. Magee Precinct 6. Weld Precinct 7. Valley 1890 1,000 466 506 173 787 306 787 1,412 1, 127 2>395 820 662 132 720 1,347 1,268 151 92 no 77 329 259 603 181 311 48 244 196 110 156 2,596 242 566 ■25 299 851 241 467 120 51 1880 358 c Parts taken to form Logan and Washington counties in 1887 and Morgan county in 1889. / Organized from part of Washington county in 1889. COIVlVEC!TI€tJT. minor civil divisions. Fairfield county . Bethel town, including Bethel borough . Bethel borough Bridgeport town (a), coextensive with Bridgeport city . Bridgeport city Ward 1 6,413 "Ward z 12,640 ^"^3 .,,797 Ward 4 8,179 ^^■■^l 7,s6i Ward 6 9,276 Brookfield town Danhury town, including Danbury city.. Danbury city Ward 1 4^054 Ward 2 3 , 728 Ward 3 4,oto Ward 4 4,760 a Part of Stratford town (West Stratford borough) an- nexed since 1880. 1890 150, 081 3,401 2>335 48,866 48,866 19, 473 16,552 1880 112, 042 2,727 1,767 29, 148 27,643 1,152 11, 666 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Fairfield county- — Continued. Darien town Easton town Fairfield town, incl. Southport village Southport village Greenwich town, including Greenwich borough (6). Huntington town, incl. Shelton borough. . Shelton borough Monroe town New Canaan town, including New Canaan borough (6). New Fairfield town Newtown town, including Newtown bor- ough (b) and Sandy Hook village. Sandy Hook village Norwalk town, including Norwalk bor- ough (6) and South Norwalk city (b). Redding town 1890 2,276 1,001 3,868 837 10, 131 4,006 1,952 994 2,701 670 3,539 S77 17, 747 1,546 1880 1,949 1,145 3,748 958 7,892 2,499 1, 362 1,157 2,673 791 4,013 840 13, 956 1,540 b Not separately returned. 84 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. CONNECTICUT -Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Fairfield county— Continued. Ridgeiield town Sherman town - - • • Stamford town, incl. Stamford borough(a) Stratlbrd town (6) Trumbull town "Weston town Westport town WUtou town Hartford county. including Broad Avon town Berlin town Bloomfield town Bristol town Burlington town Canton town East Granby town. . . East Hartford town . . East Windsor town. Brook village. Broad Brook village Enfield town, incl. Thompsonville village. Thompsonville village Farmington town Glastonbury town Granby town - • - ■ • - Hartford town, coextensive with Hart- ford city. Hartford citv Ward 1 4i94i Ward 2 9,882 Ward 3 6,401 Ward 4 7,526 Ward 5 4,282 Ward 6 5,544 Ward 7 9,354 Ward 8 5i30o Hartland town Manchester town - Marlboro town New Britain towm, incl. New Britain city New Britain city Newington town Plainville town Rocky Hill town Sirasburv town Southington town, including Southing- ton borough (a). South Windsor town Suffield town -. West Hartford town Wethersfield town Windsor Locks town Windsor town Litchfield county. 1890 1880 2, 235 668 15, 700 2,608 1,453 772 3,715 1,722 147, 180 Barkhanistcd town Bethlehem town Bridge water town Canaan town Colebrook town Cornwall town, incl. Cornwall village . . Cornwall village Goshen town Harwinton town Kent town Litchfield town, incl. Litchfield borough Litchfield borough Morris town New Hartford town New Milford town Norfolk town North Canaan town, incl. Canaan village. Canaan village riymouth town Koxbury town Salisbury town 1,182 2,600 1,308 7,382 1,302 2,500 661 4,455 2,890 1 ,016 7,199 4,663 3, 179 3, 457 1,251 53, 230 53,230 2,028 828 11,297 4,251 1,323 918 3,477 1,864 125, 382 53, 542 1,130 5i43 617 970 1,098 1,283 1,057 2,385 1,346 5,347 1,224 2,301 754 3, 500 3,019 697 6,755 3,794 3, 017 3,580 1,340 42, 551 42,015 565 643 8, 222 6,462 582 391 19, 007 13, 979 16,519 II ,800 953 934 1,993 1,930 1,069 1, 1118 1,874 1,830 5,501 5,411 1,736 1,902 3,169 3,225 1,930 1,828 2, 271 2,173 2,758 2,332 2,954 3,058 52, 044 1,297 655 708 1,157 1.148 1,583 547 972 1,093 943 1,016 1, 383 1,622 3,304 3,410 1,058 584 452 627 3,160 3,302 3,917 3,907 1,546 1,418 1,683 1,537 709 2,147 2,350 936 950 3,420 3,715 a Not separately returned. b Part (West Stratford borough) given to Bridgeport town since 1880 c Incorrectly reported as 1,805 in 1880. d Organized from ])art of Derby town in 1889. e Part taken to form Ansonia town in 1889. /Part given to New Haven town in 1881. MINOR CIVIL, divisions. Litchfield county — Continued. 1890 Sharon town Thomaston town, incl. Thomaston vUlage. Thomaston village Toriington town, including Torrington borough. Torrington borough Warren town Washington town Watertown town Winchester town, Incl. Winsted borough. Winsted borough Woodbury town Middlesex county . Chatham town Chester town Clinton town Cromwell town Durham town East Haddam town Essex town Haddam town Killiugworth town Middlefield town MiddletowTi town, incl. Middletown city. Middletown city Old Saybrook town Portlaiid town Saybrook town, incl. Deep River village Deep River village Westbrook town New Haven county. Ansonia town {d), including Ansonia bor- ough (a). Beacon Falls town Bethany town Branford town Cheshire town Derby town (e), including Birmingham borough. Birmingham borough East Haven town (/) Guilford town, incl. Guilford borough (a) Hamden town, incl. Mount Carmel village Mount Carmel village Madison town Meriden town, including Meriden city Meriden city Ward 1 3,867 Ward 2 5,048 Ward 3 3,599 Ward 4 4,245 Ward 5 4.893 Middlebury town MUford town Naugatucktown, including Union village. union village New Haven town (g), incl. Fair Haven East borough (a) and New Haven city. New Haven city . . 1880 39,524 1,949 1,301 1,384 1,987 856 2,599 2,035 2,095 582 1, 002 15, 205 9,013 1,484 4,687 1,484 1,326 874 209, 058 Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 10, 342 505 550 4,460 1,929 5,969 4,413 955 2,780 3, 882 796 1,429 25, 423 21,652 566 3,811 6,218 1,438 86, 045 2,580 3,225 3,327 639 L590 1,897 5,142 04,195 2,149 35, 589 1,967 1,177 1,402 1,640 990 3,032 1,855 2,419 748 928 11,732 6,826 1,302 4,157 1,362 156, 523 379 637 3, 047 2, 284 11, 650 3,026 3,057 2,782 3,408 1,672 18,340 15,540 687 3,347 4,274 1,207 62, 882 62,882 4,92B 2 6,227 3 9,714 4 10,525 5 1''74 6 5,691 7 8,594 8 5,9 9 8,451 Ward 10 5,754 Ward II 4,850 Ward 12 6,470 North Branford town North Haven town Orange town, including West Haven borough (a). 9 Part of East Haven town annexed in 1881. The popula- tion of New Haven town outside of New Haven city is di- vided into wards as follows: Ward 13, 1,975; ward 14, in- cluding Fair Haven East borough, 1,696; ward 15, 1,076. New Haven city and New Haven town were reported as co- extensive in 1880. , 825 1,862 4,537 1,025 1,763 3,341 rOPULATION. 85 Tablk 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. CONNECTICUT— Contmued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. New Haven county— Continued. Oxford town Prospect town Seymour town Soutlibury town Wallingfordtown, including Wallingford borough. Waliingford borough WaterburytowUiincl. waterbury city Waterbury city Ward I 5,651 Ward 2 5 , 143 Ward 3 8,321 Ward 4 9,531 Wolcott town Woodbridge town New London county (a) Bozrah town Colchester town, including Colchester borough (fi). Ea.st Lyme town Franklin town Gri.swold town, including Jewett village . Jewett village Groton town, including Noank village Noank village Lebanon town Ledyard town Lisbon town Lyme town iloutville town New London town, coextensive with New London city. North Stonington town Norwich town, including Norwich city and Taftville village. Norwich city Taftville village Old Lyme town Preston town Salem town Sprague town Stonington town, including Mystic Bridge village and Stonington borough (h). Mystic Bridge village Volnntown town (c), incl. Voluntown vill. Voluntown village Waterford town 1890 902 1,120 445 492 3,300 2,318 1,089 1,740 6,584 4,686 4,2^o 3.017 33, 202 20. 270 28,646 17,806 522 926 76, 634 1880 493 829 73, 152 1,005 2,988 1,155 2,974 2,048 585 3,113 1, 731 686 2,745 1.934 5, 539 '" 5,128 1 ,202 1,670 1,183 548 977 2,344 13, 757 706 1,845 1, 373 630 1,025 2,604 10, 537 1,463 23, 048 1,769 21,143 16,156 3.5M 1,319 2,555 481 1,106 7,184 15,112 1,387 2,523 574 3,207 7,355 1.035 1,060 560 910 ' 1, 186 2,661 2,701 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Tolland county Andover town Bolton town Columbia town Coventry town, incl. Coventry village . . . Coventry village Ellington town Hebron town Mansfield town Somers town Staflbrd town, including Stattbrd Springs borough. Stafford Springs borough Tolland town Union town Vernon town, including Kockville city. . . Rockville city Ward I 1,216 Ward 2 1,365 Ward 3 2,963 Ward 4 2,228 Willington tirwn Windham county (d) Ashford town Brooklyn town, including part of Daniel- son ville borough (6). Canterbury town Chaplin town Eastford town Hampton town KilUngly town, including Attawaugan, Ballouville, Dayville, and AVilliamsville villages and part of Danielson^'ille bor- ough (b). Attawaugan village Ballouville village Dayville village [ Wilhamsville village Plainfleld town Pomfret town Putnam town Scotland town Sterling town Tliompson town, including Grosvenordale and North Grosvenordale villages. Grosvenordale village North Grosvenordale village Windham town, including Williiuautic borough. Willimantic borough Woodstock town 1890 25, 081 401 452 740 1, 875 428 512 757 2,043 714 1,539 1,039 1,911 1,407 4,535 1,569 1,243 2, 154 1,242 4,455 2,353 1,037 431 8,808 2,081 1,169 539 6,915 7.772 5,902 906 1,086 45, 158 43, 856 778 2,628 1,041 2,308 947 542 561 632 7, 027 1,272 627 855 827 6,921 634 640 776 673 4,582 1,471 6,512 506 1,051 5,580 " 4,' 021 1,470 5,827 590 957 5,051 801 2,177 10, 032 751 8,264 8,648 2, 309 6,608 2,639 1880 24,112 a Part of Windham county annexed in 1881. b Not separately returned. c Eormerly in Windham county. d Voluntown town (population 1,180 in 1880) given to New London county in 1881. 1>EI,AWABE. minor civil divisions. 1890 1880 minor civil divisions. 1890 1880 Kent county 32,664 32, 874 Kent county— Continued. Mispillion hundred, including Farming- ton and Harrington (a) towns. Farmington town 4,679 468 3,954 553 497 4,608 403 621 216 1,955 97, 182 Duck Creek hundred, including part of Clayton town and Smyrna town. Clayton town (part of) 4,372 322 54° 2.455 5,125 3,o6t 2,885 129 218 241 1,722 355 285 3,364 4,241 4,334 Total for Clayton town , in Duck Creek and Kenton hundreds. Smvrna town 148 2,423 5,028 2,811 2,817 North Murderkill hundred, including Camden and Wyoming towns. Camden town. 4,078 702 353 4 504 East Dover hundred, incl. Dover town Wyoming town Dover town South Murderkill hundred, including Felton, Frederica, and Magnolia towns. Felton town Kenton hundred, including Cheswold and Kenton towns and part of Clayton town. 383 696 193 Frederica town Cheswold town Magnolia town West Dover liundred Clayton town (part of) . . . 2 565 Kenton town Little Creek Imudred, including Leipsic and Little Creek towns. 1,878 407 202 3,429 Newcastle county 77, 710 Leipsic town Appoquiuimink hundred, incl. Townisend town. Little Creek town 2,336 Milford hundred, including Milford to wn . Milford town 2,351 387 199 a Not separately returned. 86 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. BE F. AWARE —Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Newcastle county — Continued. Blackbird hundred, including Blackbird, (ireeu Spring, and Taylor Bridge towns. Blackbird town Green Spring town Taylor Bridge town Brandywine hundred, including Clay- mon't and Edgeuioor towns. Claymont town Edgemoor town Christiana hundred, including Henry Clay Factory, Highland, Kentmere, and Newport towns. Henry Clay Factory town H ighfand town Kentmere town Newport town Mill Creekhuudred, includingHockessin, Marshalltou, and Stanton towns. Hockessin town Marshallton town Stanton town Newcastle hundred, incl. Newcastle city . . N e wcastle city Pencader hundred Red Lion hundred, including Delaware city and St. George town. Delaware city St. George town St. George hundred, including Middle- town, Odessa, and Port Penn towns. Middletown town Odessa town Port Penn to wn White Clay Creek hundred, including Christiana and Newark towns. Christiana town Newark town "Wilmington hundred, coextensive with Wilmington city. Wilmington city: Ward I 2,786 Ward 2 5.240 Wards 5, '53 Ward 4 4i030 Wards 7>4o8 Ward 6 5,356 Ward? 8,651 Ward 8 8,244 Ward 9 4 .624 1880 342 372 263 3,994 228 322 6,144 829 325 392 711 3,786 361 419 279 5,980 4,010 2,126 2,216 969 323 4,785 310 2,870 318 1,191 61, 431 1,778 S8 3,549 30 261 6,140 535 3,474 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS 131 153 5,268 3.700 2,350 2, 480 1,085 338 5,073 675 252 2,775 42, 478 1890 Newcastle county — Continued. Wilmington city — Continued. Ward 10 5 .016 Ward II 2,498 Ward 12 2 .425 Sussex county. Baltimore hundred (a), including Selhy- ville town. Selby ville town Broad Creek hundred, including Bethel town and part of Laurel town. Bethel town Laurel town (part of) Total for Laurel town, in Broad Creek and Little Creek hundreds. Broadkiln hundred, incl. Milton town — Milton town Cedar Creek hundred, including Lincoln and South Milford towns. Lincoln town South Milford town Dagsboro himdred, incl. Frankford (a) and Millsboro towns. Frankford town Millsboro town Georgetown hundred, including George- town town. Georgetown town Gumboro hundred Indian Kiver lumdred Lewes and Kehoboth hundred, including Lewes town (fc). Little Creek hundred, including Delmar towu and part of Laurel town. Delmar town Laurel town (part of) Nanticoke hundred, incl. Concord town . . Concord town Northwest Fork hundred, including Bridgeville and Greenwood towns. Bridge ville town Greenwood town Seaford hundred, including Seaford and Woodland towns. Seaford town Woodland town 38, 047 3, 913 254 3,074 378 224 2,388 2,464 1,074 4,605 318 1.339 3,495 519 324 2,436 i,3S3 1,355 1,756 2,997 4,511 360 2, 164 2,025 296 2,793 576 254 3,223 1,462 211 1880 36, 018 4,132 149 2, 624 2,677 1 ,026 4,186 234 1.034 2,641 380 200 2, 273 895 1,511 1,813 3,103 3,457 130 2,248 148 2,193 398 109 3,160 a Frankford town given as in Baltimore hundred in 1880. 6 Not separately returned. ]>I.«IXRICT OF C01.CrxTIBIA. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 The District - 230, 392 177, 624 188, 932 147, 293 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Georgetown (a) Remainder of District. 1890 14, 046 27, 414 1880 12, 578 17, 753 aOldlimits; no corporate existence at the present time, there being but one government for the District, with which Washington is now considered as coextensive. POPULATION. 87 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. FIvORIDA. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Alachua county (a) Precinct 1, including Waldo town- Waldo town Precinct 2 (6) . Precinct 3 (c),incl.!N"e'wnans\'iUe town(d) . 4(e). 5(e). 6.... Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 7 (ii), including Gainesville city Gainesville city Precinct 8 (/), including Hawthorne ) town (d). \ (d) Precinct 1 5 (i;) ) Precinct 9 (h) Precinct 10, including Micanopy town. . - Micanopy town Precinct 11, including Archer town Archer town Precinct 12 (i) Precinct 13 Precinct 14 (i), including Melrose town. . Melrose town I'recinct 16 (j) Precinct 17 (k), including Hague town (rf) Precinct 18 (() , Precinct 1 9 (m) Precinct 20 (n) 1890 22, 934 Baker county. Precinct 1. Sanderson Precinct 2. Olustee Precincts. Macclenny, including Mac- clenny town. Macclenny town Precinct 4. Johnsville Precinct 5. Glen St. Mary (o) Bradford county. Precinct 1 . Lawtey Precinct 2. Lake Butler Precinct 3. Palestine Precinct 4. Providence Precinct 5. Pine Hill Precinct 6. Starke, incl. Starke town Starke town Precinct 7. Cross Koads Brevard county (p) . Precinct 1 Precinct 2, including Titusville town . . Titusville town Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Cocoa town Cocoa town Precinct 5, including Eau Gallic village Eau Gallic village Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Precinct 13 Precinct 14 Precinct 15 Precinct 16 Precinct 17, including Melbourne tillage. Melbourne village 1,312 s8o 1,460 836 922 254 2,488 4,234 2,790 2,018 485 1,393 494 1,369 101 2,304 295 540 267 300 948 558 420 798 3,333 952 435 334 718 330 7,516 1,098 1,678 354 906 841 1,989 660 650 3,401 267 806 746 87 500 3t2 185 88 103 131 170 169 144 119 143 163 78 88 59 189 99 1880 16,462 1,709 1, 553 269 549 2,093 2,782 • 1, 685 697 1,404 432 1,099 126 1,738 2,303 266 547 522 6,112 588 1,511 371 761 769 1,517 292 595 1,478 a The clerk of the circuit court states that fourteen pre- cincts were in existence in 1880 ; twelve only were returned. 6 Part taken to form precinct 17 in 1887. c Part taken to form precinct 20 in 1888. d Not separately returned. « Part taken to form precinct 18 in 1887. / Parts taken to form precincts 15 and 16 in 1887 and 19 in 1888. g Organized from parts of precincts 8 and 14 in 1887. h Part taken to form precinct 16 in 1887. i I'arts taken to form precincts 15 in 1887 and 19 in 1888. j Organized from parts of precincts 8 and 9 in 1887. k Organized from i)arts of precincts 2, 7, and 12 in 1887. I Organized from parts of precincts 4 and 5 in 1887. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Calhoun county (9). Precinct 1. Wewahitchka Precinct 3. Pippins Mill Precinct 5. Blouutstown (r) ... Precinct 9. Cypress Creek (0) . Precinct 2. Abe Springs Precinct 4. Hansford Mill Precinct 6. lola (r) Precinct 7. Board Head (r) Precinct 8. Railsbach (r) (d). Citrus county (*■) Precinct 1. Crystal River, incl. Crystal Kiver town. Crystal River town Precinct 2. Dunnellon Precinct 3. Fairmount Precinct 4. Floral Precinct 5. Homosassa Precinct 6. Lecanto , Precinct 7. Mannfield Precinct 8. New Hope Precinct 9. Oakdale Precinct 10. Red Level Precinct 11. Stage Pond Precinct 12. Tomkinsville Clay county , Precinct 1, incl. Green Cove Springs town Green Cove Springs town (() Precinct 2 Precinct 8, including Orange Park town. Orange Park town («) Precinct 3, including Middleburg town. . Middleburg town Precinct 4, including Highland towii .... Highland town Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 9(o) Columbia county (d) Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 9 Precinct 10, including Lake town Lake town Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6, including Fort "White village Fort White village Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Dade county (w) Precinct 1. Waveland . . . Precinct 2. Lake Worth . Precinct 3. Miami Precinct 4. Elliott Key.. Precinct 5. Jupiter 1890 1,681 1880 1,580 836 2,394 438 5,154 861 2,838 961 807 257 m Organized from parts of precincts 8 and 14 in 1888. n Organized from part of precinct 3 in 1888. Organized since 1880. p Part taken to form Osceola county in 1887 ; precincts re- organized since 1880. q Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incom- plete. r Organized in 1888. s Organized from part of Hernando county in 1887. t Population in 1880, 320. M Population in 1880, 134. V Not separately returned in 1880. w Not returned'by precincts in 1880. 88 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coiitiuued. FJOORIWA— Coutinued. MINOIl CIVIL DIVISIONS. De Soto county (a) . 1890 Precinct 1. Tort Green Precinct 2. Wauchula Preciuct i. Coker Precinct 4. Pme Level Precinct 5. Charlotte Harbor Precinct 6. Grove , Precinct 7. Punta Gorda. incl. Punta Gorda town. Punta Gorda town Precinct 8. i^ort Ogden Precinct 9. Arcadia Precinct 10. Crew.sville Preciuct 11. Zolfo Precinct 12. Fish Eating Creek Precinct 13. Fort Bassenger Prejinct 14. Avon Park Precinct 15. Bowling Green Precinct 16. Charlie Apopka Preciuct 17. Nocatee DuVAr, COUNTY (b) Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 1. Fort George Precinct 2. New ISerlin Precinct 3. Gei"'ei's Precinct 4. Baldwin 5. Max ville 6. Price 7. Moncrief 8. Panama Precinct 9. Chaseville Precinct 10. Mayport, incl. Mayport town Mayport town I'recinct 11. Pablo, incl. Pablo Beach town Pablo Beach town Preciuct 12. Arlington Precinct 13. South Shore, including St. Nicholas and South Jacksonville towns. St. Nicholas town South Jacksonville town Precinct 14. Mandarin, incl. Phillips town Phillips town Precincts 15 to 23, coextensive with Jack- souville city. Jacksonville city Ward 1 700 Ward 2 2,575 Ward 3 2 , 289 Ward 4 2 , 240 Ward 5 2,524 Ward 6 i , 269 Ward7.. ... i)539 Ward 8 3, 084 Ward Q q8: Escambia county (l) Precinct 1, including Warrington town Warrington town Precinct 2 3 4 5 e 7 Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 9, incl. Blutf' Springs town (c) . Preciuct 10 Precinct 11 '. Precincts 12, 13, 14, and 15, coextensive with Pensacolacity. Pensacola city Precinct 16 I'recinct 17 4,944 563 177 108 451 182 54 344 262 352 814 440 628 111 181 64 196 270 9 26, 800 85 550 458 425 349 1,489 065 547 305 642 294 282 257 465 1,030 350 378 2,307 568 17, 201 17,201 1880 19, 431 20, 188 1,574 1,301 523 736 722 336 835 912 198 1,467 259 217 11, 7.50 11,750 135 524 7,650 12, 156 1.185 6,845 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Franklin county (d) Precinct 1, coextensive with Apalachicola city. Preciuct 2 (e), includiug Carrabelle village Carrabelle village Gadsden county . Precinct 1, including Quincj' town Quincy town (c) Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 8 Precinct 9, incl. Chattahoochee town . Chattahoochee town Precinct 10 2.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. o Organized from part of Manatee county in 1887. b Precincts reorganized since 1880. c Not separately returned. d Information a.s to changes in minor civil divisions incoin- e Given as Rio Carrabelle and Shipkees House precincts in 1880. Hamilton county . Precinct 1. Jennings Precinct 2. Jasper, Incl. Jasper town (c).. Precinct 3. White Springs, including White Springs town. White Springs town Precinct 4. lielmont Precinct 5. Marion (/) Precinct 6. Pineville (/) Preciuct 7. BellviUe (/) Hernando county (y) Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Brooksvllle town . Brooksville town Preciuct 5 Precinct 6 3,308 2,727 581 11,894 3,925 971 377 770 862 1,007 844 383 828 8, 5«7 779 2,627 1,527 543 617 1,019 294 1,644 2, 476 HlLLSBORO county (A) 308 134 395 1,015 512 340 284 14, 941 583 273 321 729 461 243 3,496 3,306 5.532 373 180 388 558 547 213 210 411 327 4.51 340 245 137 1,361 349 3,416 448 2,226 278 Precinct 1. Piuellos, including St. Peters- burg town. St. Petersburg town Precinct 2. John.s Pass Precinct 3. Taylor School House Precinct 4. Curlew Precinct 5. Hermitage Preciuct 6, including part of Tampa city . Tampa city (part of) Total for Tampa city, in precincts 6 and 20. Precinct 7. Peru Precinct 8. Pelot Chapel Precinct 9. Alafla Precinct 10. Thonotosassa Precinct 11. Cork Precinct 12. Little Manatee Precinct 13. Hurrah Precinct 14. Tarpon Springs, including Tarpon Springs town. Tarpon Springs town Precinct 15. ISiew Hope Precinct 16. Sydney Precinct 17. Keys ville Precinct 18. Keystone Park Precinct 19. Plant, including Plant town Plant town Precinct 20, including Fort Brook town and part of Tampa city. Fort Brook town Tampa city (part of) Precinct 21, coextensive with Port Tampa town. / Organized since 1880. . . g Parts taken to form Citrus and Pasco counties m 1887 ; precincts reorganized since 1880. /t Comparison with population for 1880 can not be made; iuformation as to changes in minor civil divisions incom- plete. POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. F II. OKI » A— Continued. 89 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Holmes county (a). Precinct 1. Cerro Gordo Precinct 2. Sandy Creek Precinct 3. Webb Mill Precinct 4. Green Mill Precinct 5. Ward Mill Precinct 0. Cutt.s Old Field Precinct 7. Big Creek Precinct 8. Ponce de Leon Precinct 9. Sumnierville Precinct 10. Newton Precinct 11 . Westville Precinct 12. Bouifay Precinct 13. Barker Mill Precinct 14. Double Springs School Hou.ie Jackson county. 1890 4, 336 Precinct 1 Precinct 12 Precinct 13 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct (i, including Marianua city . . . Marianna city '. . . . Precinct 7 Precinct 8^ , , Precinct 9S '"' Precinct ID Precinct 11 Jefferson county (a) . Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6, including Monticello town - Monticello town Precinct 7 Precinct 8, including Aucilla village. . .^uciUa village Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Lafayette county (d) . Precinct l) Precinct 2 >(c) . Precinct 7 ) Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct Lake county (e) . Precinct 1. Astor Precinct 2. Altoona, incl. Altoouatowu. Altoona town Precinct 3. Acron Precinct 4. Crow Blutt' Precinct 5. Cassia Precinct 6. Seneca Precinct 7. Umatilla Precinct 8. Higley '_] 409 329 271 1880 1, 7.58 1,900 962 1,651 1,468 2,005 I,2l8 1,077 1,334 2l6 895 1,352 763 592 3,686 2, 292 466 437 313 178 8,034 119 463 120 125 100 205 120 356 161 2,170 393 99 366 297 148 722 285 383 157 105 17, 544 14, 372 249) 1, 040> fc2, 032 1,751^ 2,437 2, 193 1,379 972 1,383 1,433 374 381 3,419 2,714 926 586 413 303 2,123 CU89 I 575 2,050 1,702 917 778 15, 757 16, 065 2,441 a Precincts reorganized since 1880. 6 Not separately returned in 1880. c Not separately returned. d Not returned 'by precincts in 1880. e Organized from parts of Orange and Sumter counties in / Organized from part of Monroe county in 1887 ,9 The parts of precincts 12 and 13 outside the limits of iallahassee city in 1880 have since been given to precincts 7 9, 11, 14, and 17. ' 188 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lake county— Continued. Precinct 9. Fort Mason Precinct 10. Leesburg, incl. Leesburg tn Leesburg town Precinct 11. Lady Lake '.'.'. . Precinct 12. Oka'humpka Precinct 13. Eustis, incl. Eustis town (c) - . Precinct 14. Sorrento , Precinct 15. Tavares, incl. Tavares tn. [c) Precinct 16. Lane Park Precinct 17. Talaha, incl. Talaha village. . Yalaha village Precinct 18. Mascotte Precinct 19. Astabula , Precinct 20. Victoria Precinct 21. Montverde Precinct 22. Clennont and Miiineola Precinct 23. Mount Dora 1890 Lke county {/) . Precinct 1 . Fort Thompson Precinct 2. Alva Precinct 3. Orange Creek ' Precinct 4. Fort Myers, incl. Myers ti, Myers town Precinct 5. New Prospect Precinct 6. La Costa Precinct 7. Piiiita Eassa Precinct 8. Naples Precinct 9. Malco Precinct 10. Fort Doane Leon county Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 ) Precinct 4, incl. Miccosukee viil. (c). S *"* Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 (ijr) Precinct 8 . Precinct 9 (3) ) , . Precinct 10...^^"' Precinct 11 (3) Precinct 12 (g), comprising part of Talla hassee city. Total for Tallahassee city, coextensive with precincts 12 and 13. Precinct 13 (g), comprising part of Talla- hassee city. Precinct li{g) Precinct 15 Precinct 16 Precinct 17(3) I,.-: Precinct 18... 5 *"' Levy county Precinct 1. Bronson Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Cedar Key Precinct 9. Precinct 5. Precinct 6. Precinct 7. Precinct 8. Precinct 10. Precinct 11. h Population in 1880, 381. i Part taken to form precinct 10 since 1880. j Part taken to form precinct 9 since 1880. k Organized from part of precinct 3 since 1880. I Part taken to form precinct 8 since 1880. m Part taken to form precinct 11 since 1880. n Organized from part of precinct 6 since 1880. o Organized from part of precinct 2 since 1880. p Organized from part of precinct 7 since 1880. Bronson, incl. Bronson vill. village (h) Levy ville (i) Otter Creek (j) Cedar Keys, includin^^ 9 city (c). J,(c) Rosewood (k) Black Dirt Stafford Pond (0 Williston (to) Baico (M) Judson (0) Shell Pond (p) 292 2, 015 722 487 297 835 368 272 109 376 lot 508 56 47 141 408 174 1,414 58 112 103 628 57-S 143 3 1.55 58 133 21 17, 752 931 1,289 2,064 470 1,109 1,032 1,051 1,578 1,719 1,354 2,934 1,580 1,641 632 382 920 6,586 65n 291 > 657^ 62, 057 650 081 (1,458 1,869 \ 221 169 209 368 587 1,034 348 834 560 1880 19, 662 842 1,494 < 877 ( 2, 094 367 1,200 1,118 1,607 ^915 ;i832 946 2,194 2,494 2, 481 1,131 564 250 5499 ■( 251 5,767 90 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. Fli OBII> A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Liberty county Precinct 1. Oak Grove Precinct 2. Bristol Precinct 3. Larkin Precinct 4. Heady Branch. Precinct 5. Langston Madison county . Precinct 1. Madison, incl. Madison town Madison town Precinct 2. Ellaville, including ^ EUaviUe village (a). > (a) Precinct 3. Norton Creek ) Precinct 4 Precinct 9. Tutens Precinct 5. Greenville, including Green- ville village (a). Precinct 6. Hamburg Precinct 7. Ctierry Lake Precinct 8. Withlacoocliee - Precinct 10. Hickstown (c) Precinct 11. Macedonia (c) 1890 Manatee county (d) . Precinct 1. Palmetto, incl. Palmetto town Palmetto town Precinct 2. Mitchellville Precinct 3. Dry Prairie Precinct 4. Miakka Precinct 5. Manatee, incl. Manatee town Manatee town Precinct 6. WUlemsenburg Precinct 7. Sarasota Marion county (e) . Precinct 1, including Ocala city Ocala city Ward I 34° Ward 2 6oo Ward 3 7oo Ward 4 i>z64 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 >(a)- Precinct 20 , Precinct 4, including Dunnellon town Dunnellon town Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct Precinct Precinct 10 Precinct 15 Precinct 19 Precinct 25 Precinct 28 Precinct 11- Precinct 12. Precinct 13 Precinct 14 Precinct 16, including Citra town Citratown Precinct 17, including Anthony town — Anthony town Precinct 18 Precinct 21 Precinct 22 Precinct 23, incl. Silver Springs village. Silver Springs village Precinct 24 Precinct 26, including Belleview town.. Belleview town Precinct 27 Precinct 29 1,452 535 363 243 138 173 14, 316 1880 1,362 3,040 781 1,283 1, 143) 710^ 1.705 2,416 1,296 857 877 2,895 475 387 146 263 91 14, 798 5,175 756 f 741 (544 M, 880 2,145 2,374 1,305 634 634 224 391 226 336 543 289 373 392 20, 796 3,544 13, 046 4,388 2,904 1,061 2,626 1,646 532 323 283 984 627 1,524 552 107 648 528 954 387 648 231 6 133 722 292 54 432 987 130 630 695 MINOR crviL divisions. Monroe county (/) . Precincts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, coextensive with Key West city. Key West city Ward 1 3 ,096 Ward 2 1,712 Ward 3 3.603 Ward 4 5 .994 Ward 5 3.675 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Nassau county. 1890 >(a) Precinct 1, comprising part of Fer- nandina city. Precinct 12 (c), including part of Fernandina city. I Total for Fernandina city, comprising precinct i and part of 12. Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 I la) Precinct 7, incl. Kings Ferry town.. ) ^ ' Kings Ferry town Precinct 8 Precinct 9, including Callahan city (a) . Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 13 (c) Orange county (g) (a). (a). Precinct 1, inchuling Orlando city . . Orlando city . Precinct 2, incl. AVinter Park town . Winter Park town 270 Precinct 9, incl. Longwood town. . . Longwood town ... 57 Precinct 3, including Sanford city . Sanf ord city 2,016 Precinct 4, incl. Fort Keed town . . Fort Reed town 298 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 10 Precinct 11, including Apopkatown 1 ,^, Apopka town 49° Precinct 12 Osceola county (70 . 18, 786 18, 080 18,080 273 337 8,294 1880 3,472 2,803 238 246 324 203 1,103 260 1,121 1,079 193 217 12, 584 Precinct 1. Kissimmee, including Kissim- mee city. Kissimmee city Precinct 2. Shingle Creek Precinct 3. Campbell Precinct 4. Bassville Precinct 5. Crabgrass Precinct 6. Lakeview Precinct 7. Bassinger Precinct 8. Narcoossee Pasco county (0 . 10, 940 425 970 321 513 9,890 6,635 f2,596 2,562 265 218 345 216 ; 393 1 1, 033 187 459 379 463 270 6,618 oNot separately returned. b Not separately returned in 1880. c Organized since 1880. d Part taken to form De Soto countv in 1887 ; comparison with population for 1880 can not be made ; information as to changes in minor civil di^a-sions incomplete. e Comparison with population for 1880 can not be made ; m- fonnation as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. Precinct 1. Macon Precinct 2. Dade, including Dade city. Dade city Precinct 3. Richland / Part taken to form Lee county in 1887 ; precincts reor- ganized since 1880. , (J Parts taken to form Lake and Osceola counties m 1887 ; precincts reorganized since 1880. . h Organized from parts of Brevard and Orange counties in i Organized from part of Hernando county in 1887. POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. Fl, 0»II> A— Continued. MINOR CrVlL DIVISIONS. Pasco county — Continued. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Precinct 6. Precinct 7. Precinct 8. Precinct 9. Precinct 10. Precinct 11. Wesley Chapel . San Aitonio Chipco St. Thomas Loyce Hudson Auclote Eamestville Polk county (a) - Precinct 1 Precinct 2, including Fort Meade town . Fort Meade town Precinct 3, including Bartow town Bartow town Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct !) Precinct 10, including Lakeland town . Lakeland town Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Precinct 13 Precinct 14 Precinct 15 Precinct 16 Precinct 17 1890 Putnam county (b) Precinct 1, including Crescent city. Crescent city 554 Precinct 2 , Precinct 3 f '-"I Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 4, including Welaka city (c) . Precinct 7 .' Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10, incl. Federal Point city (c) . . Precinct 11, coextensive with Pa'latka Height.s city. Precinct 12, comprising part of Palatka city. Total for Palatka city , coextensive with precincts 12, 13, 14, and 15. Precinct 13,comprisingpartof Palat-1 kacity. I Precinct 14, comprising partof Palat- p"' ' ka city. ) Precinct 15, comprising part of Palatka city. Precinct 16, incl. Interlaken city . . . Interlaken city 207 Precinct 17 Precinct 22 Precinct 18 Precinct 19 Precinct 20 Precinct 21 (c). St. John county. Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, incl. New Augustine city. New Augustine city 356 .535 292 458 62 194 178 266 7,905 459 1,172 267 1,485 1,386 378 496 463 151 54 362 1,078 552 262 373 214 248 261 358 91 11, 186 1,729 403 232 437 465 188 454 657 3,039 1,472 910 1,847 943 501 352 596 8,712 125 404 309 555 958 553 1880 3, 181 6,261 1,616 4,535 234 308 361 134 a Comparison with population for 1880 can not he made- information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete! Precincts reorganized since 1880. c Not separately returned. d Not separately returned in 1880. e Precincts 9 and 10 returned together in 1880 with a dodu- lation of 2,815. MINOR CIVIL divisions. St. John county— Continued. Precinct 6 Precinct 11 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 («) , including part of St. Augustine city. . Precinct 13 (/), comprising part of ' <'^' " St. Augustine city. Total for St. Augustine city (g), com- prising part of precinct 9 and pre- cincts 13, 14, and 15. Precinct 10 (e) Precinct 12 (/) .".' Precinct 14 (/), comprising part of St. Augustine city. Precinct 15 {/), comprising part of '' ^"^ St. Augustine city. Santa Eosa county . Precinct 1, including Bagdad town and Milton city. Bagdad town Milton city Precinct 2 ........!!..!.!!!! Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 ____ Precinct 6 _, _ _ Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 Precinct 11 Precinct 12 (/) Precinct 13 (/) Precinct 14 (/) Precinct 15 (/) Precinct 16 (/) Sumter county (h) . Precinct 1. Court House, includ- ing Sumterville town. Sumterville town 214 Precinct 2. Oxford Precinct 3. Wildwood, including "Wild wood town. Wildwood town 410 Precinct 4. Rutland Precinct 5. Bay Hill Precinct 6. Webster Precinct 7. Center Hill Precinct 8. Bushnell . . .< Precinct 9. Massacre Precinct 10 >(o) Suwannee county. (c). Precinct 1. Live Oak, incl. Live Oak tn Live Oak town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 _'_ Precinct 4 Precinct 5, incl. Branford town Branfordtown -i-ic, Precinct 6 ' Precinct 14 (/) Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Precinct 10 (/) Precinct 11 (/) Precinct 12 (/) Precinct 13 (/) / Organized since 1880. (/ In 1880 in precincts 9 and 10. A Part taken to fonn Lake county in 1887 ized since 1880. 1890 305, 220' 104 321 2,154 4.742 315 182 2,760 7,961 3,945 523 1.455 216) 381 106 153 I55J 561 746 283 197 238 173 119 118 459 111 5,363 3,414 612 428 672 126 111 10, 524 2,051 687 1,136 699 450 2,403 604 810 792 289 571 140 579 91 1880 dSW 75 210 2,293 0,645 3,477 .058 dl, 938 411 148 218 337 116 7,161 2,282 458 795 448 573 f500 649 503 915 496 precincts reorgan- 92 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 18'»0. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiimed. F Ii OBI 1> A— Continued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Taylor county (o) . Volusia county (b) . Precinct 1 Precinct 2, including Orange town (c) - . . Precinct 3, including Deland town Deland town Precinct 4, incl. Deleon Springs town ... Deleon Springs town ■ • Precinct 5, including Emporia town (c) . Precinct 6, including Seville village Seville village ■ ■ Precinct 7, including Ormond village ... Ormond village Precinct 8, including Daytona town Daytona town Precinct 9 - - Precinct 10, including New Smyrna town New Smyrna town Precinct 11 Precinct 12 Precinct 13 .- - ■ • • Precinct 14, incl. Lake Helen village (c) - - Precinct 15 Precinct 16 Precinct 17 Wakulla county Precinct 1. Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Oilstill Crawfordville. Sopchopiiy Ocklockouee . . St. Mark (J) . . a Not returned by precincts. b Not returned by precincts in 1880. 1890 2, 122 8,467 520 600 1,397 1,113 007 235 479 742 164 319 239 1,025 771 356 547 287 185 227 104 352 318 312 377 3,117 2,163 536 150 268 1880 2,279 3,294 2,723 ; 1,795 I 249 542 137 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Walton oounty. Precinct 1. Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4, Precinct 5, Precinct Precinct Knox Hill Euchee Anna Sandy Creek - . Limestone McDades Pond Shoal River Yellow River Precinct 8. Alequa ' Precinct 9. Boggy Bayou Precinct 10. Portland Precinct 11. Freeport Precinct 12. Mossy Bend (d) Precinct 13. Argyle (d) Precinct 14. l)e Funiak Springs (d), co- extensive with DeFuniak Springs town Precinct 15. Crestview (d) Precinct 16. Mossy Head (d) Washington county . Precinct 1. Vernon Precinct 2. Davis Mill Precinct 3. Cary ville Precinct 4. Econflna Precinct 5. St. Andrew Bay, including St. Andrew Bay city. St. Andrew Bay city Precinct 6. Point Washington Precinct 7. Chipley (d), including Chip- ley city, 'chipley city Precinct 8. Miller Ferry (d) Precinct 9. Grassy Point (d) Precinct 10. Parker (d) c Not separately returned. d Organized since 1880. 1890 4,816 616 293 321 427 214 133 316 192 130 295 417 279 237 672 220 54 6,426 1,194 613 871 421 399 357 384 1,296 354 752 233 264 1880 4.201 552 366 299 330 295 300 150 100 582 900 327 1,330 1,196 561 319 371 312 OEOROIA. [The numbers refer to militia districts.] minor civil divisions. Appling county. No. 442 No. 443 No. 456 No. 457, including Baxley town Baxley town No. 583 No. 1239 No. 1364 (a), including Hazlehurst town Hazlehurst town No. 1383 (a) No. 1390 (a) No. 1394 (a) Baker county. No. 957. No. 971. No. 1183 . Baldwin county Gunn . Salem . No. 105. No. 115. No. 318 No. 319, No. 320 city. Milledgeville city Ward I 1890 8,676 Pittsburg ■ - - - coextensive with Milledgeville 882 804 1,752 1,253 337 735 532 1,189 290 507 537 485 6,144 1880 5,276 795 576 1,536 1,145 110 723 501 2,323 2, 362 1,4,59 14, 608 711 1,686 2,479 1, 422 3, 322 7,307 2,654 2, 004 2,649 13, 806 781 1,966 2,777 1,248 3,800 MINOR civil divisions. Baldwin county— Continued. Milledgeville city— Continued. Ward 2 234 Ward 3 455 Ward 4 388 Ward 5 274 Ward 6 1,378 No. 321. Scottsboro No. 322. Hill Banks county. part of 1890 3,712 1,276 8,562 a Orgajiized since 1880. No. 207. David No. 208. Bushville No. 265. Homer No. 284. Washington No. 371. Columbia No. 448. Golden Hill No. 465. Anderson, including Ma.ysville town. iViaysville town (part of) Total for Maybville town (6) , in No. 465, Banks county, and No. 465, Jackson county. No. 912. Poplar Spring, including part of Bellton town. Bellton town (part of) Total for Bellton town, in N0.912, Banks county, and No. 410, Hall county. No. 1206. Wilmot No. 1210. Berlin h In 1880 in No. 465, Banks county, only. ,102 ,170 946 770 583 809 992 201 327 1,127 1880 100 211 593 461 2,189 1,045 7,337 907 966 883 755 467 774 749 J16 116 944 91 229 529 363 POPULATION. 93 Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CJIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. GE OBGIA— Continued. MINOR CtVlL DIVISIONS. Bartow county No. 819. Allatoona No. 822. Cartersville (a), inchiding Car- tersville city. Cartersville city Ward I 1,112 Ward 2 403 Ward 3 559 Ward 4 1 1097 No. 827. PineLog(6) No. 828. Cassville , No. 851. Euharlee((!),incl. Euharleetown. Euharlee town No. 856. Adairsville, including Adairs- ville town. Adairsville town NiD. 936. Sixth No. 952. Kingston, incl. Kingston town. - Kingston town No. 963. Stamp Creek No. 1041. Wolf Pen No. 1410. Salacoa (d) No. 1423. Iron Hill (e) No. 1424. TaylorsviUe(e), including Tay- lorsville town. Taylorsville town No. 1425. Emerson (/) 1890 Berrien county . (h) No. 518, including Alapaha town Alapaha town No.1144 No. 1145, including Adel, Cecil, and ' Sparks towns. Adel town 527 Cecil town 203 Sparks town 007 No.1146 No. 1148 No. 1311 No.4314 No. 1427 (g) No. 1156. Upper Ninth (i) "... No. 1157. Nashville (j), including Nash- ville village. Nashville village No. 1300 No. 1329. ConnellMUls W Bibb county . No. 481. Godfrey No. 482. Warrior No. 483. Howard No. 514. East Macon (0, exclusive of part of Macon city. No. 519. Hazzard No. 520. Kutland No. 1085. Vtneville Macon city (I), comprising Nos. 564, 716, andpartof 514. Ward 1 3, 076 Ward 2 6, 791 Ward 3 4, 608 Ward 4 8, 271 Brooks county . No. 659. Nankin No. 660. Moi'ven No. 790. Tallokas . . . . No. 1198. Groverville . 20, 616 706 6,508 1,171 1,832 1,405 144 2,186 531 1,009 1,778 559 459 1,018 167 723 873 87 781 10, 694 1,505 449 650 4,712 1,244 1,381 426 621 581 42, 370 1880 4,260 1,675 1,731 3,777 1,194 2,440 4,547 22, 746 13, 979 1, .342 2,300 1,511 1,548 a Part taken to form No. 1425 in 1888. b Part taken to form No. 1410 in 1888. c Parts taken to form No.s. 1423 and 1424 since 1880. d Organized from part of No. 827 in 1888. e Organized from part of No. 851 since 1880. /Organized from part of No. 822 in 1888. g Organized from part of No. 1156 since 1880. ft Not separately returned. i Part taken to' form No. 1427 since 1880. j Part ta,ken to form No. 1329 since 1880. k Organized from part of No. 1157 since 1880. 18, 690 778 5,650 1,120 1,943 3, 125 483 522 901 695 1,216 499 27, 147 2,959 1,580 1,456 2,827 1, 023 1,999 2,554 12, 749 11, 727 1,400 1,856 1,012 2,193 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Brooks county— Continued. No. 1199. Quitman, inch Quitman town. Quitman town No. 1230. Dry Lake No. 1402. Dixie (m) No. 1411. Hickory Head (in) Bryan county . No. 19 No. 20. Way Station No. 1137. Court House (H) No. 1380 (0) Bulloch county. No. 44. Sink Hole (p) No. 45. Club House ('/) No. 46. Lockhart (q) No. 47. Brier Patch (p) No. 48. Hagan No. 1209. Statesboro, incl. Statesboro town Statesboro town No. 1320. Laston (/■) No. 1340. Bay («) Burke county. No. 60, incl. part of Waynesboro village . Waynesboro village (part of) Total for Waynesboro village (t), in Nos. 60 and 62. 62, incl. part of Waynesboro village. . Waynesboro village (part of) 61 74, including Midville village (A). 75 Butts county No. 552. Iron Spring No. 609. Dublin, incl. partof Flovilla town Flovilla town (part of) Total for Flovilla town {v), in Nos. 60^ and 614. No. 610. Towaliga No. 612. Jackson, Including Jackson town Jackson town No. 013. Goody .'.'.'.".■.'.'.' No. 614. Indian Spring, including i)art of Flovilla town and Mcintosh town. Flovilla town (part of) Mcintosh town , No. 615. Buttrill • No. 616. Northville I Part of No. 514 annexed to Macon city since 1880. m Organized .since 1880. _ ?!. Part taken to form No. 1380 since 1880. o Organized from part of No. 1137 since 1880. p Part taken to form No. 1340 since 1880. 7 Part taken to form No. 1320 since 1880. r Organized from parts of Nos. 45 and 46 since 1880. « Organized from i)arts of Nos. 44 and 47 since 1880. t Population in 1880, 1,008. 11 Not separately returned in 1880. ;; Formerly Indian Spring; in 1880 in No. 614 only. 1890 3,937 1,868 978 1,109 1,254 5,520 1,382 1,422 1,935 2, 135 900 1,372 1,303 13, 712 1,326 988 1,493 1,200 2,009 1,350 2,605 2,406 1,451 1,073 1,845 1,036 425 29 1,228 1,755 28, 501 ],95r 834 1,711 2, 335 877, 3,486 1,995 1,878 1, 639 2,290 1,590 1, 993 773 1,112 1,240 1,508 1, 724 1,390 1,597 10, 565 1380 3,692 1 ,400 1,574 4,929 8,053 u3, 982 3, 072 2,006 1,765 1,368 2, 188 1,789 1,990 959 1,400 1,364 1,402 932 1,703 1, 208 8,311 0.54 873 62 1,045 829 422 299 205 310 1,074 1,193 922 080 391 212 1,000 987 360 299 530 107 1,318 865 94 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. GM OBOI A —Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Calhoun county . No. .'574, including Arlington village... Arlington village No. 626, including Leary village Leary village No. 1123, including Morgan town Morgan town No. 1283, including "Williamsburg town Williamsburg town No. 1304 No. 1316 1890 8,438 Camden county No. 29. St. Mary, incl. St. Mary town. St. Mary town No. 30. Bailey Mills No. 31. SatiUa MiUs No. 32. Wright No. 33. Horse Stamp No. 270 . Ward Campbell county . No. 499. KedOak No. 652. Palmetto, incl. Palmetto town . Palmetto town No. 731. Sandtown No. 733. Campbellton No. 734. Old Ninth No. 757. Goode No. 1134. Fairburn, incl. Pairburn town. Fairburn town No. 1165. Kivertown No. 1204. Union 1,075 4'7 2, 130 267 1,717 J 80 905 172 681 1,330 6,178 1880 7,024 1,139 575 664 911 1,122 708 1,634 9,115 Carroll county No. 642. VillaRica, incl. VillaEica town . . Villa Rica town No. 649. Temple, incl. Temple town Temple town No. 682. AVhitesburg, including Whites- burg town. Whitesburg town No. 713. Roopville, iucl. Koopville vill.. Roopville village No. 714. Carrolltou, incl. CarroUton town Carrollton town No. 729. Cross Plains No. 1006. Smithfleld No. 1111. Bowdon, incl. Bowdon town Bowdon town No. 1122. Fairplay No. 1152. Kansas - No. 1163. Lowell No. 1240. Turkey Creek No. 1297. County Line No. 1310. New Mexico No. 1371. Shiloh (a) No. 1436. Flint Corner (a) Catoosa county. 1,019 1,375 552 904 842 836 762 2,149 695 797 431 22, 301 1,618 250 1, 729 304 1,461 III 588 636 992 6,183 1,375 819 1,115 972 595 1,307 9,970 1,937 426 2,345 240 1,315 294 1, 384 123 5, 363 ii45i 1,302 678 1,756 354 1,384 1,056 1,053 678 616 503 581 350 1.063 1,354 473 1,091 787 824 936 2,280 563 1,044 591 16, 901 1,056 212 1,863 1, 432 902 ■3,' 803 926 955 926 1,172 333 1,213 502 940 840 637 660 No. 930. Ringgold, incl. Ringgold town . Ringgold town No. 1084. Cross Roads, including Grays- ville town. Graysville town No.1094. Chambers No. 1095. Blackstock No. 1096. Ninth No. 1109. Catoosa No. 1110. Wood Station Charlton county . No. 32. Folkston - . No. 959. GaneyviUe . 4,739 1,096 465 913 306 759 825 615 804 419 3,335 600 396 ,142 436 926 279 627 625 297 752 370 2,154 734 631 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Charlton county— Continued. No. 1142. Trader Hill No. 1193. Uptonville, incl. Race Pond tn . . Race Pond town N0.I220. WilUsville No. . Satilla (o) Chatham county No. 5 N0.6 N0.7 No. 8 Savannah city, coextensive with Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Chattahoochee county No. 678. GoblerHill No. 787. Halloca No. 1104. Cusseta, incl. Cusseta village... Cusseta village No. 1106. Jamestown No. 1107. Pine Knot No. 1108. Coleman No. 1153. Big Sandy Chattooga county. No. 870. Trion, including Trion town .. . Trion town No. 925. Summerville, including Rac- coon Mills (b) and SununerviUe towns. Summerville town No. 927. Teloga No. 940. Dirt Town No. 961. Seminole No. 962. Subligna(c),incl. Sublignatu. (6) No. 968. Alpine No. 1083. Coldwater No. 1216. Dirtseller No. 1382. Haywood (d) Cherokee county. No. 792. Canton, including Canton town. Canton town No. 817. Bell No. 818. MuUin No. 890. Woodstock No. 960. Salacoa No. 971. Clayton No. 1000. Cross Roads No. 1008. Harbin No. 1010. Hickory Flat No. 1015. Lickskillet No. 1019. Wildcat No. 1028. Fairplay No. 1031. Con Creek No. 1032. Ball Ground, including Ball Ground viUage. Ball Ground village No. 1174. Little River No. 1279. Sixes Clarke county. No. 216. Athens, including Athens city.. Athens city Ward 1 3>3H Ward 2 1.462 Wards 1.920 Ward4 '.943 No. 217. Georgia Factory No. 218. Puryear - No. 219. Sandy Creek No. 220. Buck Branch No. 241. Barber Creek No. 1347. Kenney (a) 578 754 295 357 650 57, 740 4,334 3,037 2,804 4,376 43, 189 4,902 1880 477 476 1,104 241 644 614 1,172 415 11, 202 1,767 807 2,276 560 791 1,310 1,006 684 885 1,156 708 619 15, 412 1,567 659 672 876 1,189 545 879 1,119 1,058 1,187 993 799 854 830 1,155 296 751 938 15, 186 403 236 150 45, 023 5,167 4,105 2,442 2,600 30, 709 5,670 9,334 8,639 857 1,006 1,000 1, 385 943 661 a Organized since 1880. 6 Not separately returned. c Part taken to form No. 1382 since 1880. d Organized from part of No. 962 since 1880. 597 600 1,282 166 956 610 1,175 450 10, 021 1,485 513 1,820 340 728 1,520 788 1,293 927 976 484 14, 325 1,203 363 1,000 805 1,080 566 916 1,000 1,356 1,159 898 744 851 800 692 655 600 11, 702 7,463 6,099 1,100 657 690 942 850 POPULATION. 95 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OE ORGI A— Continued. MINOR ClVn, DIVISIONS. Clay county . No. 431. Town, incl. Fort Craine.s town F^ort Gaines town No. 749. Cotton Hill No. 969. Bluffton , including Bluffton town Bluffton town Clayton county. No. 538. Panhandle No. 548. Poplar Springs No. 1088. Jonesboro, incl. Jonesboro city. Jonesboro city No. 1189. Adamson No. 1406. EUenwood (a) No. 1446. Oak (a) 1890 Clinch county. No. 586. Mud Creek No. 970. Magnolia No. 1052. Stockton, including Humphreys and Stockton villages. Humphreys village Stockton village No. 1061 . Eabbitville No. 1141. Morgan No. 1219. Jones Creek No. 1224. Homerville No. 1280. Dupont, incl. Duponttown (6) . . No. 1365. Withers (a) No. 1389. Sausey (a) Cobb county No. 845. Eoswell, coextensive with Ros well town. No. 846. PowderSprings, including Pow- der Springs town. Powder Springs town No. 851. Acworth, incl. Ac worth town . Acworth town No. 895. Coxe No. 897. Merritt No. 898. Marietta, incl. Marietta city . . . Marietta city No. 911. Critter No. 991. Big Shanty, incl. Kennesawtn. Kennesaw town No. 992. Lemons No. 1017. Oregon No. 1292. Smyrna, incl. Smyrna town Smyrna town No. 1318. Red Rock No. 1319. Post Oak No. 1378. Austell (a), incl. Austell town. .\ustell town No.1395. Howell (a) ..'. Coffee county No. 437. Pickren No. 748. Douglas No. 1026. Willacoochee, including willa'- coochee town. Willacoochee town . . . No. 1 127. Wootten .' No. 11.30. Pearson No. 1170. Tanner No. 1353. McDonald (a) Colquitt county No. 799. Bridge Creek No. 1030. Robinson No. 1151. Moultrie No. 1184 . Warrior No.1373 (a) No.l374(a) No. 1445 (a) '.;;"■ o Organized since 1880. b Not separately returned. 7,817 2,294 1,097 2,622 2,901 8,295 1880 6,650 1,060 1,103 3,151 803 1,170 752 1,059 6,652 1,580 589 992 247 329 422 515 175 857 658 93 771 22, 286 1,138 1,808 262 2,159 815 949 1,097 6,515 3,384 1,619 1,225 168 362 1,361 1,430 416 703 405 894 i;82 621 10, 483 1,906 867 3, 031 1,713 76 8,027 1,146 1,918 3,427 1,048 1,536 4,138 756 386 465 200 724 392 253 fi07 555 20, 748 1,722 1,287 1,907 1, 255 1,945 1,017 1,350 4,794 916 831 045 501 864 465 572 1,180 1,978 1,821 633 1,642 1,354 5,461 2,227 1,200 1,463 244 1,011 1,241 1,087 259 660 650 5,070 1,049 766 1,180 570 1,020 485 2,527 882 519 790 336 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Columbia county . No. 125. Marville No. 126. Kiokee No. 128. Harlem, including Harlem town Harlem town . , No. 129. Appling '.'...'.'.'.'. No. 131. Morrow No. 134. Dunn Chapel No. 135. Hazen No. 1285. Grovetown Coweta county . No. 645. Sixth, incl. Sharpsburg town . . Sharpsburg town No. 646. Fifth, including Newnan city.. Newnan city No. 647. Fourth No. 691. First, including Senoia town. . . Senoia town No. 693. Third '.' No. 742. Cedar Creek No. 746. Seventh No. 755. Hurricane No. 806. Second No. 992. Panther Creek No. 1139. Grantville, incl. Grantville tn.. Grantville town No. 1358. Turin (a), including Turin town. Turin town No. 1393. Haralson (a), including Haral- son town. Haralson town Crawford county. No. 494 N0.497 No. .521 No. 529 No. 532 No. 573, including Knoxville village . Knoxville village N0.577 No. 630 Dade county. No. 878. Sligo No. 875. Mill No. 960. Trenton, incl. Trenton town. . . Trenton town No. 974. Creek No. 1037. McMahon, including New Eng- land town. New England town No. 1038. Rising Fawn, including Rising Fawn town. Rising Fawn town No. 1089. Egypt N o. 1129. Upper No. 1214. Mountain No. 1222. Coal, including Coal town Coal town Dawson county . No. 820. Sanford No. 830. Amicolola No. 916. Shoal Creek No. 931. Savannah (d) No. 979. Gilmer Cutoff No. 989. Yellow Creek No. 1016. Black, including Silver village- Silver village N0.IO22. Barrett No. 1023. KUow No. 1 178. Dawsonville No. 1180. Purdy No. 1323. High Shoals 1890 11, 281 22, 354 1,833 177 4,447 = .859 1,459 2,134 863 2,406 1,041 1,024 1,016 2,586 1,237 1,467 654 1,028 161 676 114 9,315 632 1,142 1,099 1,277 1,205 2, 275 580 722 963 5,707 253 314 629 378 548 543 1,278 927 265 290 91 1,496 360 5,612 519 445 333 364 433 880 509 362 523 197 842 353 214 1880 10, 465 c4, 139 1,865 292 960 927 1,114 973 487 21, 109 1,730 no 3,621 2,006 1,500 3,407 731 2,380 1,056 1,136 1,146 2,616 1,049 1,468 618 1,128 1,026 906 1,186 1,073 1,600 837 900 4,702 242 312 524 255 492 283 1,128 827 249 405 130 937 5,837 523 399 378 412 402 976 492 500 235 850 445 225 c Not separately returned in 1880. d Returned as No. 829 in 1880. 96 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablj: 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. GEORGIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Decatdh county . No. 5n. Bainbridgo(a), inclurting Bain- bridge town. Bainbridge town No. 553. Harrison No. 621. Limesink(a)^ ,i> No. 1324. Pearce P ' No. 635. Lower Spring Creek (c) No. 694. Attapulgus (d), including Atta- pulgus town (6). No. 720. Whigham (a), including Whig- ham town. Whigham town No. 914. Faceville (e) No. 1005. Cooper (a) No. 1046 (/) No. 1188. Pine Hill (c) No. 1258. Wight No. 1277. Belcher No. 1325. Recovery (;;) No. 1342. Kendricks (h) No. 1361. Climax (i) No. 1387. EockPond (j) No. 1392. Fowkstown (A") If o. 1430 (I) No. 1431 (m) 1890 19, 949 Dekalb county No. 487. Philip.s No. 524. Shallow Ford No. 531. Decatur (?i),incl. Decatur town . Decatur town No. 536. Panthersville (o) No. 563. Diamond (p) No. 572. Browning (q) No. 637. Evans (p) No. 683. Lithonia(p),incl.Lithoniatowu- Lithoniatown No. 686. Cross Keys (r) No. 1045. StoneMountain, including Stone Mountain town. Stone Mountain town No. 1327. Clarkston («), incliuling Clark- .ston town. Clarkston town No. 1.349. Mill(«) No. 1379. Edgewood (i() No. 1398. Kedan (w) No. 1416. Doraville (»•) No. 1449. McWilliams (I) 1,668 830 1,869 1,082 1,006 1,378 264 563 1,255 922 1,884 658 813 657 401 1,275 301 902 454 678 17, 189 1880 19, 072 3,556 1,436 1,024 1 1, 695 I 425 1, 025 1,189 1, 545 144 1,750 1,369 2, 284 1,575 735 900 14, 497 Dodge county. 554 494 2.800 1 ,013 1,140 709 929 643 2,493 1,182 816 1,605 929 794 271 1,314 1.322 675 485 416 11, 452 1,268 462 3,018 639 2,503 1, 065 1,251 761 1,169 266 1,212 1,788 799 5,358 1,198 761 1,387 508 730 774 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dooly county . No. 516(2) No. 535 (aa), including Vienna town . Vienna town No. 585 (fefc), incl. Unadilla village (6). No. 633 (cc) No. 640 (dd) No. 732 (ee), including Arabi village (b) . . No. 945 (/) - No. 1004 ((73) No. 1012 (hh) No. 1040 (ii), including Cordele town. . Cordele town Dougherty county. No. 620 No. 945, including Albany town Albany town No. 1097 Douglas county. No. 730. Douglasville,inclndingDoug)a8- vlUe town. Douglasville town No. 736. Chapel Hill No. 784. Che.stnutLog No. 1259. Connor No. 1260. Fairplay No. 1271. Middle No. 1272. Crombie No. 1273. Salt Springs, including Lithia Springs town. Lithia Springs town Early county . No. 317. Rawlins 2,388 No. 339. Pond No. 349 (a:), including Eastman town 4,2! Eastman town i ,082 No. 364. Mitchell 815 No. 384. Eddins 975 No. 1254 (3;), including Chauncey\'illage. 1,861 Chauncey village 633 I ■ No. 1438. Clark (1/) 157 I a Part taken to form No. 1361 since 1880. 6 Not separately returned. c Part taken to' form No. 1342 since 1880. d Part taken to form No. 1392 since 1880. e Part taken to form No. 1325 since 1880. /Parts taken to form Nos. 1387 and 1431 .since 1880. n Organized from part of No. 914 since 1880. h Organized from parts of Nos. 635 and 1188 since 1880. i Organized from parts of Nos. 513, 621, 720, and 1005 since 1880; part taken to torm No. 1392. j Organized from part of No. 1046 since 1880; part taken to form IS^O. 1431. . ,„„„ k Organized from parts of Nos. 694 and 1361 since 1880. J Organized since 1880. . m Organized from parts of Nos. 1046 and 1387 since 1880. «, Parts taken to form Nos. 1327 and 1379 since 1880. o Part taken to form No. 1349 since 1880. ' p Part taken to form No. 1398 since 1880. q Part taken to form No. 1327 since 1880. r Part taken to form No. 1416 since 1880. No. 430. Cedar Springs No. 510. River No. 854. Damascus No. 866. Blakely, includingBlakelytown Blakely town No. 1140. TJrquhart No.1164. Cuba No. 1435, Arlington (I) Echols county . No. 719. Gilmore — No. 904 No. 1058. Statenville. No. 1211 No. 1306. Forest Effingham county No. 9 No. 10, including Guyton town. Guyton town No. 11 No. 12 1890 18, 146 2,702 2,930 536 2,456 945 970 1,094 1,075 1,883 1,351 2, 740 1,578 12, 206 2,667 6,283 4,008 3,256 7,794 L827 863 676 591 1,190 974 867 496 1,173 290 9,792 1,506 1,617 1,449 2,616 441 939 381 1,284 3,079 1880 12, 420 706 555 514 878 426 1,968 2,241 1,922 1,177 1,054 224 888 1,673 983 290 12, 622 2,239 6,356 3,216 4,027 6,934 . 1, 216 286 589 659 955 900 951 772 892 7,611 1,117 836 2,763 1,510 279 1,056 329 2,553 473 469 594 620 397 5,599 5,979 851 2,130 541 1, 433 1,185 1,008 2,240 "■'i,'.558 1,173 s Organized from parts of Nos. 531 and 572 since 1880. t Organized from part of No. 536 since 1880. u Organized from part of No. 531 since 1880. V Organized from parts of Nos. 563, 637, and 683 since 1880. w Organized from part of No. 686 since 1880. X Part taken to form No. 1438 in 1889. y ( )rganized from parts of Nos. 349 and 1254 in 1889. 'z Formerly county district No. 3. aa Formerly county district No. 7. bb Formerly county district No. 2. cc Formerly county district No. 9. dd Formerly county district No. 1. ee Formerly county district No. 13. If Formerly county district No. 14. .5.(7 Formerly county district No. 10 ; part given to No. 1040 since 1880. Aft Formerly county district No. 6. ii Formerly county district No 11 ; part of No. 1004 annexed since 1880. POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. CEORGIA— Continued. 97 I54o 589 500 765 580 560 484 1,082 980 2,125 790 983 1,257 1,312 1,771 176 11,316 3,040 1,699 1, 042 1,462 776 1,882 324 570 749 312 1,038 314 757 16, 797 2,010 1,703 1,058 1,204 1,387 1,352 1,167 948 1,187 734 1,298 1,209 1,755 1, 624 932 1,004 701 772 1,326 1,314 973 1,487 581 138 229 3,007 1,919 664 1,012 889 836 ,573 763 464 877 975 908 2,376 596 1,015 1,052 772 624 995 .543 1133 1,018 2,001 252 927 1,133 993 1,699 52 660 1,178 950 1,541 ■58 498 243 15, 758 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Harris county— Continued. No. 920. Whitesville No. 934. Waverly Hall No. 1186. Upper 19th No. 1247. Smith Cross Koads , 1890 Hart county . No. 1112. Town, incl. Hartwelltown (a) No. 1113. Ray No. 1114. Sm'ith No. 1115. Reed Creek '.', No. 1116. Hall, incl. Bowersvilie town . ! Bowersville town No. 1117. Shoal Creek No. 1118. McCurry No. 1119. Alford.l Heard county. No. 693. Cooksville No. 702. Hou.ston No. 761 No. 779. Enon Grove No. 788. Franklin, incl. Franklin village! Franklin village No. 792 No. 938. Corinth No. 939. State Line. ... No. 987 776 1,288 724 1,188 10, 887 9,557 Henry county. No. 486. Sixth No. 489. Tussahaw .... No. 491. Love .' ; ] No. 498. McDonough, including iicboii- ongh town. McDonough town No. 576. Locust Grove (c), including" Lo'- cust Grove town. Locust Grove town No. 61 1. McMullen No. 622. Brushy Knohs. No. 638. Beersheba No. 641. Lowe No. 723. Hampton, incl. Hampton town Hampton town No. 767. Sandy Ridge -'- ."^' .' .' ! ! _' .' ! ! No. 775. Stoclibridge, including Stock- bridge town. Stockbridge town No. 888. Shake Rag ^^i-'.^^'.'.'.'.'.'..'. 637 747 1,558 773 1,427 250 1,129 627 1, 051 1,608 16,220 Houston county . 924 1,272 834 2,414 515 1,448 25s 828 705 892 1,148 2, 255 422 1,098 1,655 287 747 No. 492. Lower 14th.. No. 500. Upper 11th ..'. No. 527. Kemp No. 528. Fort Valley, including Fort'Val- ley town. Fort Valley town . . No. 541. Hickory Grove No. 512. Hayneville No. 619. Lower Town, including part oi' Perry city (d). Perry city (part of) Total for Perry city, in Nos. 6igand 928. No. 765. Upper 14th No. 769. Lower 5th No. 771. Upper5th No. 887. Si.xth, including Byron town . ] Byron town No. 926. Henderson (d) .-............!!! ^ ! No. 928. Upper Town, including part of Perry city. Perrv city (part of) . . . No. 970. Chancey Store '.'.'.'.'... 1880^'^'^* '^'^'* "' ^''"''^^' '^''•*' '" ^'°' ''^^ ^'^"*'" ""^ "' ^^- ^^^ '° 21,613 1,161 1,215 1, 573' 4,080 1.7S2 1,220 1, 506 1,758 1880 769 1,038 887 1, 200 9,094 2,425 1,284 993 1,006 975 275 1,796 1,102 1, 075 800 589 1,615 1,581 1,008 1,398 1,354 980 586 951 1,368 819 1,466 269 882 630 940 1,127 14, 193 1,103 1,043 727 1,808 320 1,097 '955 546 732 1,356 2,311 621 738 1,178 599 22, 414 471 66s 1,401 1,590 878 1,895 2T9 1,336 1,307 194 693 1,000 1,100 1,573 4,031 '.^77 1,194 1,612 1,942 929 1, .585 1,016 1,430 1,651 137 2, 139 1,302 217 839 100 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. a G ORCrl A— Continaed. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. iRWm COUNTY. No. 432.... No. 518.... No. 690.... No. 901...- No. 982 .... No. 1388 (a) . No. 1421 (a) . 1890 Jackson county. No. 242. Clarkesboro - - ■ -.- ■ • No. 243. House, including part of Jug Tavern town. Jug Tavern town (part of) Total for Jug Tavern town, in No. 243, Jackson county, and No. 249, Wal- ton county. . , ,. i f T f No. 245. Jefferson, including part ot J et- ferson town. Jefferson town {part of) ■ w/ " ' ' Total for Jefferson town (6), in Nos. 245 and 257. No. 246. Chandler No. 248. Randolph (c) No. 253. Newtown No. 255. Minister, including Harmony Grove village. Harmony Grove village ■ ■ ■ ■ No. 257. Han-isburg, including part of Jefferson town. Jefferson town (part of) No. 428. Cunningham No. 455. Miller Y-;iV--- No. 465. Wilson, includingpartofMays ville town. Maysville town (part of) Total for Maysville town (J), in No. 465, Banks county , and N o. 465, Jack son county. No. 1042. Santa Fe -.- -..--.---- No. 1407. Hoschton («), including Hosch- ton village. Hoschton village Jasper county. No. 262. Lazenby No. 288. HoTob (/) No. 289. Smith and Jordan (g) No. 290. W yatt No. 291. BlackwoU No 292. Henderson and Cook No. 293. Hillsboro.incl. Hillaborotown. . . Hillsboro town No. 294. John.soii and Malone No. 295. Monticello, incl.Monticollotown Monticello town No. 296. Martin and Bui ney No. 297. Thouipson and Barnes No. 363. Shady Dale, including Machen and Shady "bale towns. Machen town . . . . Shady Dale town No. 364. T)ouegal No. 365. Lawrence No. 373. Gladesville No. 379. Minter and G ilstrap No. 380. Robinson and Kelly No.905. "Waters(ft) jErPEBSON COUNTY. No. 76. Stapleton-. No. 77. Stellaville . 6,316 1,509 712 1,200 922 480 19, 176 1880 1,527 1,408 159 202 2,009 540 1,277 747 1,811 2,335 611 1,897 54 1, 631 1,442 1,125 126 327 764 1,203 13, 879 452 667 666 854 561 571 765 166 2,096 1,062 551 500 333 250 16, 297 1,416 1,310 1,484 419 419 1,316 1,845 1,884 1,817 407 1,440 1,344 915 816 116 710 11, 851 538 619 685 579 668 568 491 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Jefferson county — Continued. No. 78. Fleming No. 79. Grange No. 81 . Pope Hill No. 82. Louisville, incl. Louisville town. Louisville town No. 83. Wadley, including Wadley town. Wadley town No. 84. Alexander No. 85. Bartow, including Bartow town . Bartow town 1890 814 990 1,859 1,473 849 773 511 595 961 598 1,143 738 22B 500 644 404 501 910 981 807 580 1,039 473 133 130 17, 213 15, 671 2,844 2,198 1,781 1, 520 a Organized since 1880. 6 In 1880 in No. 245 only. c Part taken to form No. 1407 since 1880. d Tn 1880 in No. 465, Banks county, only. e Organized from part of No. 248 since 1880. Johnson county. No. 55. Kite No. 56. Pullen •-• No. 1201. Wrightsville, incl. WnghtsviUe town. Wrightsville town No. 1202. Ring Jaw No. 1203. Ivy No. 1266. Smith No. 1301. Buckeye No. 1326. Powell (a) No. 1396. Price (a) No. 1405. Rice (a) Jones county. No. 202. No. 299. No. 300. No. 301. No. 304. No. 305. No. 347. No. 3.58. No. 359. No. 360. No. 361. No. 377. No. 378. No. 447. No. 4.50. No. 459. Wallace — Finney Barron TranquiUa Roberts Lester Towles Pope Burden White Hawkins.. Hammock . Ethridge . . Saunders . . Clinton Davidson. . Laurens county. No. 52. Smith No. 86. Buckeye No. 341. Burgamies No. 342. Dublin, including Dublin town Dublin town No. 343. Pinetuckey No. 344. Hampton Mill No. 345. Harvard No. 391. Bailey No. 1309. Jackson No. 1338. Oconee (ot) No. 1367. Lowery (a) No. 1368. Burch (a) No. 1369. Reedy Springs (a) No.1412. Carter (a) Lee county. 1880 6,129 281 1,444 2, 492 248 4,800 402 243 1,904 272 431 755 312 753 11, 613 637 581 686 800 1,046 613 496 999 1,597 480 797 688 545 514 540 594 10, 053 9, 074 10, 577 No. 738. Palmyra No. 915. Leesburg, incl. Leesburg town. Leesburg town No. 975. Redbone No. 976. SmithviUe,incl.Smithvilletn.(t) No. 1238. Chokee, including Chokee town. Chokee town / Returned as No. 287 in 1880. g Returned as No. 283 in 1880. ft Returned as No. 409 in 1880. i Not separately returned. 2,147 1,991 442 1,267 1,646 2,023 153 POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. GE ORGIA— Continued. 101 MINDB CIVTL DIVISIONS. Liberty county. No. 15 (a) . No. 16 ... . No. 17.... No. 24.... No. 1132 . . . . No. 1359 (6) . Lincoln county No. 182. Shady Hill No. 183. Salem No. 184. Samuel No. 185. Sybert No. 186. Lincolntou, incl. Liucolnton town Lincolnton town No. 187. Goshen No. 188. White Plains No. 269. Parks 1890 Lowndes county. No. 658. Lower Fork No. 661. Naylor No. 662. Clyattville-. ) , , No, 1246. Ousley 5*''' No. 663, including Valdosta town . Valdosta town No. 1267. rolsom No. 1268. Ocean Pond No. 1307. Cat Creek Lumpkin county , No. 821. Auraria No. 831. Martin Ford No. 837. Dahlonega, incl. Dahlonega town Dahlonega town No. 838. Shoal Creek No. 840. NimblewUl No. 900. Yahoola No. 935. Davis No. 999. Crumby No. 1051. "VVahoo No. 1116. Chestatee No. 1244. Frogtown No. 1252. Hightower No. 1296. Cane Creek No. 1352. Mill Creek (d) No. 1415. Jones Creek (d) McDdfpie county. No. 132. Eepublican No. 133. Bearing («) No. 134. Thomson, incl. Thomson town . . Thomson town No. 152. Mount Aubura No. 274. Wrightsboro MclNTOSH county . No. 22 No. 271. Darien, including Darien city. . . Darien city No. 1312. Sea Islands .'..'. Macon county . 12, 887 4,364 1,294 2,778 1,518 616 2,317 6,146 590 643 820 436 1,185 220 912 802 758 15, 102 1,398 2,176 2,274 5,992 808 1,433 1,021 6,867 929 268 1,382 896 381 362 504 486 576 391 468 164 254 299 249 154 8,789 1,489 1,972 3,044 836 856 1,428 6,470 1,246 4,514 1,491 710 13, 183 No. 543. Marshallville, including Mar- shallville village. Marshallville village No. 740 .... No. 757 No. 770. Montezuma, including Monte- zuma town. I Montezumatown .| a Part taken to form No. 1359 since 1880. b Organized from part of Nu. 15 since 1880. e Not separately returned. 2,569 1,086 720 1,098 4,027 706 1880 10, 649 6,144 1,039 2,004 970 492 6,412 692 868 604 371 1,133 70 1,036 979 729 11, 049 1,011 1,688 ; 1, 047 I 1,011 ' 3, 791 1.51S 612 1,100 789 6.526 1,014 280 1,104 602 378 537 471 423 557 320 422 227 400 333 9,449 1, 594 1,688 3,239 700 1,182 1,746 6,241 1,276 4,401 1,543 564 11, 675 1,821 543 776 1,044 3,496 440 minor civil divisions. Macon county— Continued. No. 814 I (^, No. 1002 ] No. 1070. Oglethorpe, incl. Oglethorpe tn. Oglethorpe town Madison county. No. 203. Fork No. 204. Danielsville, including Dauiels- ville town. Danielsville town No. 205. Brooklyn No. 262. Pocotalago No. 382. Grove Hill No. 383. Pitman No. 438. Mill , No. 591. Harrison Marion county. No. 710. Kitchafoonee No. 807. Buena Vista, including Buena Vista town. Buena Vista town No. 808. Tazewell No. 948. Brantley No. 955. Fort Perry No. 1034. Draneville No. 1339. Pine Knot (d) Meriwether county . No. 657. Rocky Mount No. 665. Greenville, incl. Greenville tn.(c) No. 669. Woodbury, iucl. Woodbury town Woodbury town No . 704 ; ; ; ; ; No. 705. Warnersville No. 706 No. 715 No. 726. White Sulphur Springs No. 809. Lone Oak No. 1213. Middle 9th No. 1281. LuthersviUe, incl. LuthersvUle town (c). No. 1290 No.1400. Midway (d) , No. . Jones Mills (d) Miller county. No. 903. Na 1029 . No. 1160 . Milton county. No. 823. Double Branch No. 842. Old First No. 892. Little River No. 1172. Newtown No. 1175. Crossville No. 1176. Alpharetta, including retta town. Alpharetta town No. 1226. Grogan No. 1227. Big Creek Alpha- MlTCHELL county No. 625 No. 791 No. 1033 No. 1173, including Camilla town. . Camilla town No. 1194, including Pelham village , Pelham village No. 1299 , d Organized since 1880. e Returned as No. 153 in 1880. 1890 2,778 1,991 486 11,024 798 1,610 149 1,884 1,431 2,010 1,638 704 949 7,728 992 2,745 525 915 353 1,687 511 20, 740 1,406 2,663 2,201 369 1,431 1,172 632 1,887 1,583 2,293 2,065 1,140 1,346 493 428 4,275 1,522 1,387 1,366 6,208 1,213 978 446 773 605 1,383 256 282 528 10, 906 2,915 953 593 3,325 866 1,752 385 1,368 1880 ': 1, 859 i 791 1,888 442 7,978 815 1,022 128 1,222 1,278 1,533 981 731 396 8,598 1,819 1,751 529 1,096 1,274 817 1,841 17, 651 1,467 2,175 1,595 94 1,129 1,431 755 1,690 1,311 1,497 1,651 1,613 1, 337 3,720 1,655 1,188 877 6,261 1,145 948 551 818 691 1,304 164 285 519 9,392 636 !, 252 ,133 672 956 168 516 102 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. GEORGIA— Continued. MUJOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MONBOB COUNTY . No. 466. Middlebrools No. 467. Cabauiss No. 473 No. 474. Kelsey ..-.-.--- ■ - - ■ - ■ ■ • No. 480. Forsy til, including Forsyth city . Forsyth city No. 504 No. 523 No. 539 No. 554 ;-•■■:,■,■•■•;■;""' No. 557, including Culloden village (o). . No. 595. Evers Dillard Kussellville 1890 1880 19, 137 No. 596. No. 599. No. 618 . No. 632 . No, 634 . Montgomery codnty. No. 51 No. 275 No. 393 No. 394 No. 1221 - ; No. 1343 (6), iiicl. Mount Venion village Mount Vernon village No. 1386 (6) No. 1417 (fc) No. 1450 (b) 1,165 1,364 999 683 1,681 Q20 1,513 1,617 1,326 970 1,484 1,023 1,239 812 1,192 1,079 990 9,248 Morgan county. 18, 808 976 1, 043 711 795 1,898 1,105 1,540 1,694 1,399 1,100 1,447 957 1,201 834 1,150 952 1,105 5,381 No. 276. City, including Madison city Madison city No. 277. Martin No. 278. Kingston No. 279. Buckhead No. 280. Fairplay No. 281. Wellington No. 282. Adsboro - - ■ - -- -■•--■.; No. 283. WTiittield, incl. Kutledgecity .. Rutledge city No. 284. Harris ; : " " VV ',"; "i No. 285. Shepherd, includmgGodfi-ey and Pennington villages (a). No. 286. Mann No. 396. Durdiu No. 397. Seats -.,V ' ' ', " ; No. 399. Askew, incl. Florence village (a) No. 400. Hello Murray county . No. 824. Town, incl. Spring Place town . Spring Place town No. 825. Ball Ground No. 874. Tenth No. 972. Doolittle No. 984. Eighth No. 1011 . Alaculsa No. 1013. McDonald No. 1039. Shuck Pen No. 1291. Bull Pen 1,468 1,528 639 1,095 1,283 1,370 707 857 464 544 16, 041 3,091 2,131 695 478 847 764 923 1,009 1,160 588 970 1,791 1,283 654 686 8,461 Muscogee county . No. 675. TJpatoie ^ , , No. 774. Steam Mill .. r"-'; •■•■•■••;• No. 772. Nance (d), exclusive ol part ot Columbus city. • No. 921. Bozeman(d),esclusiveolpartol Columbus city. No. 1128. Edwards ..-..-..--. - - - ■ Columbus city (d), comprising Nos. 668, 773, and parts of 772 and 921. 1,414 1(34 935 996 848 975 641 1,033 1,111 508 27, 761 1,576 2,082 5, 423 1,377 17.303 a Not separately returned. h Organized since 1880. c Not sepai-ately retiuTied m 1880 and in 1890. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Newton county. No. 420. Brick Store No. 461. Stansell • No. 462. Town, including Covington and Oxford towns. Covingtim town Oxford town No. 463. Wyatt No. 464. Brewer No. 477. Hay, including Newborn town Newborn town No. 546. Gaither No. 547. Oak Hill No. 567. Rocky Plains No. 1249. Gum Creek No. 1261. Cedar Shoals 14, 310 Oconee county . 1,809 1,103 3, 990 1,823 791 636 1,090 2,014 230 717 525 1,012 1,049 365 7,713 1,367 1,097 850 1,023 1,044 69 14,032 2, 956 1,974 800 481 800 012 902 643 835 273 945 1,689 729 649 937 532 522 8,269 No. 221. Watkinsville, including kinsville town. Watkinsville town No. 222. Farmington No. 223. Scull Shoals No. 224. Dark Corner No. 225. Wildcat No. 239. High Shoals No. 240. Buncombe No. 261. Salem No. 1331. Mars Hill (6) Wat- Oglethorpe county 929 234 1,170 1,035 856 1,239 787 904 1,100 249 19, 322 No. 226. Beaverdam No. 227. Wolfskin No. 228. Bowling Green No. 229. Lexington, including Lexin ton town (a). No. 230. Woodstock No. 232. Bairdstown No. 233. Simstown No. 234. Falling Creek No. 235. Pleasant Hill No. 236. Grove Creek No. 237. Glade No. 238. Goose Pond No. 1303. Crawford, incl.Crawford town (a) Paulding county . No. 832. Burnt Hickory No. 839. Nineteenth No. 942. Weddington No. 951. Cain No. 1003. Acorn Tree No. 1043. California No. 1080. Dallas, including Dallas town . Dallas town No. 1081 . Old Twentieth No. 1087. Pumpkin Vine No. 1207. Eutah No. 1218. Humphrey ■ No. 1381. Hiram (6) No. 1414. Braswell (6) No. 1443. Tallapoosa (b) 1,747 3,684 2,966 802 10, 123 Pickens county. No. 794. Talking Kock (e) No. 899. Dug Road No. 1026. Persimmon Tree - • • - ■ No. 1036. Truckwheel, including lalkiug Rock town. Tallb, 122, 398, 600, and part of 1269. Ward 1 6 142 Ward 2 5,' 820 Ward 3 5, 805 Ward 4 11, 442 Ward 5 4,031 Rockdale county . No. 475. Sheffield No. 476. Town, including Conyers town Conyers town No. 561. Honey Creek '...'.'.'.. No. 1251. Lorraine 1890 855 662 718 700 660 961 608 729 796 1,682 4,471 1880 2,425 348 894 518 634 5,606 566 377 913 790 631 528 149 680 728 393 15, 267 803 583 656 567 £f 1,933 709 f/l, 167 901 857 1,071 1,371 4,392 2,387 24s 885 461 659 4,634 508 339 854 051 618 298 45, 194 594 404 368 13, 341 4,379 4,215 2,328 2,129 1,992 2,261 1,223 793 1,418 1,758 1,190 1,453 1,140 1,491 1,336 1,370 2,589 462 34, 665 1,121 1,227 1,207 2,400 3, 028 3, 787 1,620 1,873 3, 263 3,487 1,655 i3, 300 6,813 1,411 3,586 1,349 1,064 752 6,838 1,539 3,440 1,374 1,190 669 !) Includes part of Eatonton city. h Part taken to form No. 1434 since 1880. i Part of No. 1269 aunexed to Augusta city (now ward 5) since 1880. j Organized from part of No. 121 since 1880. 104 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Conam.ed. •SEOKGI A— Continued. MINOR CIVU. DlVISIONa Schley codnty . No. 785. Lickskillet No. 882. Lacrosse No. 946. Fatten Hill No. 9U1, including EUaville town (o) 1890 5,443 Screven county . No. 34, including Syl vauia town Syl vania town No. 35 No. 36 No. 37 No. 38 No. 80(h) No. 259 No. 260 No. 1286 No. 1444 (c), including Millen town (a) . Spalding county . 823 1,442 1,180 •J, 018 14, 424 1880 5,302 No. 490. Cabin No. 1001, coextensive with (Jiiffin city Griffin city : Ward I I. "OS Ward 2 i.37» Ward 3 744 Ward4 i>376 No. 1065. Orr No. 1066. Akins No. 1067. Mount Ziou - No. 1068. Onion No. 1069. Africa No. 1159. Lime Creek Stewart county. No. 725. Mineral Spring.s No. 727. Richland, incl. Richland town Richland town No. 747. Pataula No 780. Antioch No. 796. Lumpkin, incl.Lumpkiu town (a) No. 801. Florence No. 816. Scienceville No. 965. Green Hill No. 966. Panhandle No. 988. Midway Sumter county. No. 687 No. 745 No. 756 No. 759 No. 789, including Americas city Americas city • No. 884 - .- - - - ■.■ • No. 993, incl. Ander.souviUe village (a) No! 1007 No. 1185 Talbot county . No 681. PleasantHill No. 685. Town, including Talbotton U>vm Talbotton town No. 688. Wilkinson No. 689. Flint Hill No. 876. Redbone No. 877. Centerville 2,592 338 2,231 1,701 612 681 1,803 1,311 734 857 1, 902 13,117 949 1,415 1,096 1, 842 12, 786 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1800 Talbot county— Continued. 2,194 314 1,793 2, 015 721 693 2. 346 1,355 782 887 1,489 4, 503 1,331 1,511 827 1,387 1,494 575 15, 082 No. 883. Prattsburg No. 886. Hart No. 889. Geneva, incl. Geneva town (o) No. 894. O N eil No. 902. Valley No. 904. Rough Edge Taliaferro county 12, 585 1,981 2, 039 457 497 1,453 3,845 1,572 1,243 071 812 1,569 22, 107 1,723 3. 620 1,229 1,479 763 1,686 1,417 068 13, 998 No. 172. Raytown, incl. Sharon village. . Sharon village No. GOl. Crawfordville, including Craw fordville village. Crawfordville village No. 602 No. 603 No. 604 No. 605 No. 606 No. 607 No. 608 1880 894 1,292 852 1,279 081 875 7,291 Tattnall county. 1,771 172 1,002 584 565 514 672 334 626 520 1,287 10, 253 975 1,209 1,312 1,312 828 960 7,034 1,105 815 5'i 543 711 563 450 1,043 687 1,117 6,988 1,708 952 1,796 2, 002 2, 667 1,563 8,965 6,398 1,250 1,309 1,170 1, 385 13. -258 945 1,719 2,784 1,911 943 761 795 1,420 18, 239 No. 39. No. 40. No. 41. No. 43. No. 351. No. 401. No. 1192. No. 1366. No. 1376. No. 1403. No. 1432 Ram shorn Surrency (d) Reidsville (c) . - - Perry Mills (/).. Cobbtown (3) . . . DogFennell(d;. Blue Ridge Haw Pond (h) . - Hog Wallow (i) Sawdust ( j) m Taylor county. No. 737. Daviston No. 741. Reynolds, incl. Reyiiold.s tosvu. Reynold's town No. 743. Carson ville No. 7.57. Butler, including Butler town. Butler town No. 768. Panhandle No. 853. Howard No. 1071. Cedar Creek 797 1,091 1,261 875 1,233 1,079 550 517 552 1,115 1,183 8,666 549 1,484 1,626 1,048 992 962 327 Telfair county . 1,469 2, 054 1 ,140 1,321 1,029 675 837 1,180 1,986 1,959 1,287 6,549 3,63s 2, 665 1,127 1,285 201 14, 115 1,432 1,944 1,008 1,375 1,189 657 922 No. 337. Lumber, Including Lumber town Lumber town No. 338. Jacksonville No. 339. Temjierance No. 340. McRae, incl. McRae cily (o) No. 1284. Cobbville - No. 1344. Poplar Hill (l) - ■ • No. 1357. Scotland (I), incl. McVillc (a) and Scotland town.s. Scotland town No. 1360. Neily (l) 5,477 8,597 460 1,674 278 1,167 2,754 900 684 958 Terrell county . 406 1,735 4,332 a Not separately returned. ^ h Part taken to form No. 1444 since 1880. c Organized from part of No. 80 since 1880. d Part taken to form No. 1432 in 1888 e Parts taken to form No. 1366 in 1883 and No. 1376 in 1884. / Part taken to form No. 1403 in 1886. g Part taken to form No. 1366 in 1883. No. 811. Twelfth No. 909. Chickasawhatchee No. 941. Eleventh ... .... - - No. 1143. Brown Station, mcluding Broi wood village. Bronwood village No. 1150. Dover No. 1154, including Dawson town Dawson town h Organized from parts of Nos. 41 and 351 iu 1883 ; part taken to form No. 1376 in 1884 i Organized from parts ot Nos. 41 and 1366 in 1884. j Organized from part of No. 43 in 1886^ k Organized from p'lrts of Nos. 40 and 401 in 1888. I Organized since 1880. 1,442 471 742 388 871 585 364 762 258 323 14, 503 2,063 2,153 1,788 2, 432 10,451 1,416 1, 899 1,418 1,367 1,263 3,088 1. 576 POPULATIOIf. 105 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. GEORGIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Thomas county. No. 576. Duncanville (a) No. 637. Thoraasville, incIudingTbomas- ville town. Thomasville town No. 753. Cairo, including Cairo town Cairo town No. 754. Boston, including Boston town Boston town : . . No. 763. Ways No. 981. East Glasgow No. 1212. Murphy No. 1227. Ochlockonee, including Och- lockonee town. Ochlockonee town No. 1282. West Glasgow, including Met- calfe town. Metcalfe town No. 1440. Spencer (b) 1890 Towns county. No. 833. Lower Hi wassee.. No. 918. Brasstown No. 990. Town No. 1138. Lower Hightower No. 1243. Upper Hiwassee. . No. 1264. Upper Hightower. Troup county 26, 154 1.935 8,757 S.514 2,966 521 3,375 646 2,669 1,206 862 1,993 202 1,451 ,56 940 4,064 1880 20, 723 20, 597 2,337 5,985 2.555 2,009 275 3,591 366 1,949 829 456 1,729 117 1,712 3,261 20, 565 No. 655. Lagrange, incl. Lagrange city. Lagrange city No. 656. Ea.st Vernon No. 673. Harrisouville No. 697. Rough Edge No. 698. Mountville No. 699. O'Neal Mills No. 700. Hogansville, including Hogans- ville town. Hogansville town No. 701. West Point, including West Point city. West I'oint city No. 735. West Vernon No. 800. Antioch No. 804. Long Cane No. 805. McLendou N0.IO86. Pools Mill Twiggs county. No. 323. Pearson.. ) ,^, No. 324. Ware 5 ^'" ■ No. 325. Jeflerson ville No. 326. Shady Grove.. ) , , No. 354. Higgsville . . . . 5 <"' No. 355. Smith No. 356. McDonald No. 372. Bluff No. 396. Tarver No. 425. Marion No. 1322. Hammock Union county . No. 834. Choestoe No. 843. Ivy Log No. 865. Blairsville, incl. Blairsville tu . Blairsville town No. 994. Canada .'.■.■.' No. 995. Gaddistown No. 996. Arkaqua No. 1018. Upper Young Cane. . No.1024. Gumlog No. 1050. Lower Young Cane . . . No.1147. Brasstown No. 1155. Dooley N0.H62. Coosa No. 1241. Coopers Creek No. 1409, Owl town (6) 4,638 3*090 846 1,151 1,809 1,589 1,541 2,469 518 2,390 1,254 1,009 775 982 904 620 8,195 1,198 1,041 2,354 590 703 921 516 484 388 7,749 4,135 2,29s 817 1,159 1,850 1,475 1,452 2,054 400 2,372 1,972 1,022 1,067 1,334 921 901 8,918 (878 ^573 1,100 : 807 1,104 826 909 1,048 588 506 579 6,431 979 785 579 502 672 541 114 1 01 428 388 502 471 438 561 461 428 789 600 674 512 297 234 622 551 604 644 339 214 365 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Upson county . No. 470. .Tug No. 494. Blackankle No. 537. Flint No. 555. Redbone No. 561. Thomaston, including Thoinas- tou town. Thomaston town No. 588. Union Hill .'..' No. 589. Hootenville No. 1336. Reeves (6) Walker county. No. 826. Crawfish Springs No. 869. Chestnut Flat No. 871. Lafayette, incl. Lafayette town . Lafayette town ... No. 881. Pond Springs.. .. No. 943. Wilson No. 944. Peaviue No. 953. East Armuchee No. 956. Chattanooga Vallov No. 960. Cain Creek No. 971. Cedar Grove...""" No. 1053. West Armuchee . . No. 1161. Lookout Mountain No. 1257. Dry Valley 1890 12, 188 13, 282 1880 12, 400 1,595 1,595 987 1,321 1,371 2,340 1,753 1,761 2,429 2,047 1,181 570 1,783 2,274 894 1,062 1, 370 11, 056 Walton county . No. 249. Cutoff, including part of Jug Tavern town. Jug Tavern town (part of) Total for Jug Tavern town, in No. 243, Jackson county, and No. 249, Wal- ton county. No. 250. Brantley.. No. 415. Lindley " No. 416. Brokeii Arrow ^°:J^'^- Buncombe, including 'Logau-' ville town. Loganviile town No. 418. Social Circle, including ' Social' Cucle town. Social Circle town No. 419. Town, including Monroe town ^ - Monroe town No. 421. Brook ..'.'.'.'.'.■.."."; No. 454. Mountain No. 502. Allen No. 503. Blasingame !!'.'.' No 559. Richardson, including High Shoals village. High Shoals village 1,337 15, 622 1,204 Ware county . No. 451, including Waresboro town (c) No.1030 ' ' No.1060 No. 1062 (i) No. 1082 '.'..'.'.[.'.'.. No. 1231, including Waycross town '. Waycross town No.1256 No.l372(6) No.l404(6) Warren county. a Returned as No. 579 in 1880. No. 150. Ponds No. 153. English No. 1 54 . Factory No, 155. Stag Hall, incl. Mesena town (c) No. 157. Goose Pond No. 158. Norwood, incl. Norwood town Norwood town No. 159. Hello, including Barnett town ^i Barnett town No. 425. Warrenton, incl. Warrenton vili! ! Warrenton village 43 1,270 1,022 986 996 1,286 1,363 1,961 1,829 338 242 2,681 2,044 737 606 1,768 1,476 983 530 629 770 1,837 1,521 841 797 1,630 1,477 1,241 1,123 8,811 10, 957 4,159 1,030 1,113 270 249 459 450 188 1,027 510 4,447 1,440 3,364 628 496 397 642 252 10, 885 612 475 1,216 1,561 1,652 1,475 1,719 1,395 844 1,384 1,804 1,399 332 789 990 2,321 2,206 b Organized since 1880. e Not separately returned. 106 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. O E: b R O I A —Continued. MINOR CIVIL Divisions. Washington county 1890 No. 88. McBride No. 89. Wammack No. 90. Ivy ( ,„, No. 1315. Tabernacle . . 5 ^ ' No. 91. Peacock (b), incl. Harrison town Harrison town No. 92. Lamb No. 93. Tanner • • No. 94. Davisboro, iucl. Uavisboro vill.. Davisboro village No. 95. Cato No. 96. Giles No. 97. Sandersvllle, including 8anders- viUe city. Sandersville city No. 98. Hebron No. 99. Prosser No. 100. Clay No. 136. Buncombe No. 1253. Kiddleville, including Kiddle- ville village (a). No. 1345. Stonewall (c) No. 1350. Warthen (c), including Warthen town (a). No. 1384. Cleveland (c) No. 1399. Tennille ((J),incl. Tennille town. TenniUe town Wayne county . No. 333 No. 334 No. 335 No. 583 No. 1217 No. 1255, including Jesup town. Jesuptown No. 1308 No. 1313 Webster county . No. 802 No. 978, including Preston village (a) . No. 1092, including Wesfam village Weston village No. 1093 No. 1105 White county. No. 426. Mossy Creek No. 427. Naoobchee No. 558. Tesnatee No. 721. Blue Creek No. 836. Town Creek No. 861 . Yonah No. 862. Shoal Creek No. 1439. Blue Ridge (c) . . No. 1441. White Creek (c) Whitfield county No. 627. Tilton, including Tilton town. Tilton town No. 628. Varuell No. 629. Lower Tenth No. 631. Ninth No. 868. Trickum No. 872. Daltou, including Daltou city - Dalton city 25, 237 1880 21, 964 1,364 760 2,125 904 575 1,397 1,092 1,715 224 1,274 1,174 2,724 1,760 1,060 1,038 866 700 977 359 1,511 641 2,956 953 7,485 1,105 988 ; 1,310 I 535 ■ 2, 092 1, 821 1,437 2, 006 131 1,900 1,960 2,199 I'lll 675 585 992 1,665 1,116 1,651 907 427 374 5,695 560 2,414 1,352 215 846 523 6,151 1,009 1,319 522 452 456 908 622 299 564 12, 916 732 182 8.i9 562 919 772 4,823 3,046 a Not separately returned. b Part taken to form No. 1399 suice 1880. c Organized since 1880. d Organized from part of No. 91 since 1880. 1,072 812 942 700 1,085 5,S 542 546 779 1,232 601 1,279 562 383 618 5,237 469 2,298 1,055 176 955 460 5,341 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Whitfield county— Continued. No. 1049. Tunnel Hill, including Tunnel Hill town. Tunnel Hill town No. 1233. Mill Creek No. 1278. Ked Clay, incl. Cohutta town . . . Cohutta town No. 1294. Upper Tenth No. 1 298. Cove City No. 1305. Fincher 1890 Wilcox county. No. 433 No. 1103 (e) No. 1158 (c), includiDg Abbeville town Abbeville town No. 1171 («) No. 1317... No. 1177 (e) No. 1321, including Seville town Seville town No. 1442 (/), including Kochelle town (a) ■(a) Wilkes county. 1,153 1,142 440 537 826 723 520 No. 164. Town, incl. Washington vill Washington village No. 165. Newtown No. 166. Derbyshii'e No. 167. Mallory No. 168. Donegal No. 169. Dyson No. 171. Orvin No. 174. Mackasookee No. 175. Upton No. 176. Pence No. 177. Bussey No. 178. Jenkins No. 179. Anderson No. 180. Goose Nest No. 181. Broad Kiver Wilkinson county 11, 900 785 206 868 730 719 851 4,485 2,516 No. 327. Irwinton, incl. Irwintontn. (a). No. 328. Bloodworth No. 329. Passmore No. 330. Toomsboro, including Tooms- boro town (a). No. 331. Gordon, incl. Gordon town (a) . . No. 332. Griffin No. 3!52. High Hill No. 353. Turkey Creek No. 1245. Bethel Worth county . No. 512 No. 867, including Willlngham village. Willingham village No. 1044 No. 1121 No. 1124 No. 1125, including Tyty town Tyty town No. 1145 (c), including Ashhurn village. Ashburn village No. 1346 (c), including Sumner town (a) . No. 1418(c) No. 1428 (c) 892 360 562 862 268 557 785 591 1880 7,S 1,442 909 1,332 657 1,053 1,046 623 291 1,575 18, 081 3,608 2,631 1,532 1,241 748 876 999 1,117 773 1,091 1, 019 866 1,090 1,084 941 1,096 10,781 1,838 1,603 886 1,371 1,932 1,227 833 753 10, 048 1,356 233 1,034 1,131 1,365 353 811 403 1,381 372 964 784 258 474 561 431 599 613 3,109 818 186 609 61 C318 J 259 536 383 15, 985 2,990 2,199 818 1,499 550 800 930 635 797 1,152 1,205 782 668 1,066 815 1,278 12, 061 1,324 1,517 934 1,669 2,226 1,363 1,079 1,009 940 5,892 1,514 741 577 1,000 1,146 914 e P.art taken to form No. 1442 since 1880. /Organized from parts of Nos. 1103, 1158, 1171, and 1177 since 1880. POPULATIO:f^. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IDAHO. 107 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ada county Boise precinct, including Boise city Boise city Caldwell precinct, incl. Caldwell town.. . Caldwell town Dry Creek precinct Emmett precinct Green Meadow precinct Lower Boise precinct Middleton precinct Nampa precinct, including Nampa town. Nampa town Payette precinct Pomeroy precinct Stuart precinct Union precinct Alturas counw (a) . Antelope precinct Arco precinct Bullion precinct Deer Creek precinct East Fork precinct Era precinct Galena precinct Hailey precinct, including Hailey town (6) Island precinct Ketchum precinct, incl. Ketchum town. . Ketchum town Little Smoky precinct Martin precinct Muldoon precinct Saw Tooth precinct Warm Spring Creek precinct Bear Lake codnty. Bennington precinct Bloomington precinct Dingle precinct Fish Haven precinct Georgetown precinct, including George- town town. Georgetown town Liberty precinct Montpelier precinct, incl.Montpelier town Montpeliertown Nounan precinct Ovid precinct Paris precinct, including Paris town Paris town Preston precinct St. (,'harles precinct Thomas Fork precinct Bingham county (c) . Beaver Canyon precinct Blackfoot precinct Camaa precinct Caribou precinct Chesterfield precinct Eagle Rock precinct, including Eagle Rock town (6). Gentile Valley precanct Henry Lake precinct Little Blackfoot precinct McCammon precinct Market Lake precinct Oneida precinct Oxford precinct Pocatello precinct, incl. Pocatello town (b) . Rexburg precinct Soda Springs precinct Teton precmct Willow Creek precinct 1890 8,368 3,391 2,311 1,194 779 130 479 253 294 354 469 347 591 671 211 331 2,629 74 42 119 181 135 107 37 1,073 144 465 4 SO 95 22 64 33 38 6,057 295 ,512 360 169 350 425 1,379 '■174 138 274 987 139 783 246 216 1,174 379 342 361 1,588 566 51 248 210 218 805 609 2, 330 2, 967 547 250 714 1880 4,674 3,235 546 aParts taken to form Custer county iu 1881 and Elmore and Logan counties in 1889. b Not separately returned. c Organized from part of Oneida county in 1885. d Part taken to form Custer county in 1881. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Boise county (d). Alpha precinct Banner precinct Centerville precinct Deadwood precinct Garden Valley precinct Granite Creek precinct Horseshoe Bend precinct ) Lower Squaw Creek precinct.. } (6) . Upper Squaw Creek precinct . . j Idaho City precinct Moore Creek precinct Omega precinct Pioneerville precinct Placerville precinct Quartzburg precinct Van Wyck precinct Not located by precincts Cassia county. Albion precinct, including Albion town Albion town Almo precinct Bonanza Bar precinct Bucher ville precinct Clear Creek precinct , Goose Creek precinct Malta precinct Oakley precinct Rock Creek precinct Salmon Falls precinct Sublette precinct Custer county (e) Battle Ground precinct Bay Horse precinct Bonanza precinct Challis precinct, including Challis town . Challis town Clayton precinct, including Clayton town Clayton town Crystal precinct .^ ! .^ ! ! ! , Custer precinct [ Houston precinct Pasamaroi precinct Ramshorn precinct Sea Foam precinct ., Stanley Basin precinct Elmore county (/). Atlanta precinct Big Camas precinct Cold Springs precinct Glenn Ferry precinct, including Glenn Ferry town. Glenn Ferry town Junction Bar precinct ....!!..!! 1 .!! ! Little Camas precinct Mayfield precinct '.'.. Mountain Home precinct, IneludingMoun- tain Home town. Mountain Home town , Pine Grove precinct Rocky Bar precinct Smith Prairie precinct '. .'. . Idaho county (g) . Grangeville town Kootenai county (7t). Coeur d'Alenetown Rathdrum town 1890 3,342 110 117 142 24 196 106 544 459 90 261 137 173 124 538 321 3,143 545 179 280 60 255 167 32 172 1,141 292 37 162 2,176 122 237 166 579 356 411 252 54 134 274 84 70 19 1,870 95 84 75 412 333 7 45 111 364 231 155 5(15 17 2,955 540 4,108 491 218 1880 3,214 1,312 614 2,031 129 518 c Organized from parts of Alturas, Boise, Idaho, and Lemhi counties in 1881. / Organized IVom part of Alturas county in 1889. jr Part taken to form Custer county in' 1881 ; precincts not separately returned. h Precincta not separately returned. ' 108 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. ID AH O —Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Latah county (a) . American Eidge precinct Bear Creek precinct Fourmile precinct Gene.-iee precinct, including Genesee town Genesee town Gold Creek precinct Gold Hill precinct Julietta precinct Little Potlatch precinct Moscow precinct, iucl. Moscow village {0} Mountain Meadow precinct Palouse precinct Pine Creek precinct Thorn Creek precinct 1890 1880 Lemhi county (c) Banister precinct Big Creek precinct Giiibonsville precinct Leesburg precinct Medicine Loilge precinct Morse precinct Nicbolia precinct Pine Creek precinct Salmon precinct Shouj) precinct Variauville Junction ])recinct. Yellow Jacket precinct Logan county (d) Bellevne precinct, including Bellevue city Bellevue city Bliss precinct Broadford precinct Corral precinct Crichton precinct Doniphan precinct Little Wood River precinct Malad precinct Minidoka precinct Shoshone precinct, including Shoshone village (b). Silver Creek precinct Soldier precinct Spring Creek precinct Tikura precinct Toponis precinct Willow Creek jirecinct Nez Perces county (e) . Bed Kock precinct Big Potlatch precinct Goldsmith precinct Hatwai precinct Ingle precinct Lewiston precinct, including Lewiston city. Lewiston city Mason precinct 9,173 707 91)7 328 788 282 782 185 350 648 i, 8G1 23 770 252 572 1,915 53 4 188 128 83 75 110 20 916 91 226 21 4,169 1,094 B92 141 320 153 241 139 97 105 104 961 144 267 144 95 94 70 2,847 404 389 151 90 190 1.069 849 195 2,230 3,965 739 MINOR CIVII, DIVISIONS. Nez Perces county— Continued. 1890 Tammany precinct. Waha precinct Oneida county (/) . American Falls precinct Cherry Creek precinct Dayton precinct Franklin precinct Malad jjrecinct, iucl. Malad village (b) . Preston precinct Rockland precinct St. John precinct Samaria precinct Owyhee county. Big Flat precinct Bruneau precinct Dairy precinct Oreana precinct Pleasant Yalley precinct Reynolds precinct Silver precinct, including Silver town. Silver town Sinker Creek precinct Wagontown precinct War Eagle precinct Wilson precinct Shoshone county . Burke precinct Carbon precinct Delta precinct Eagle precinct Elk Prairie precinct Gem precinct Kellogg precinct Kingston precinct Mullan precinct Murray precinct Osburn precinct Pierce precinct Wallace precinct, including Wallace town Wallace town Wardner precinct Weippe precinct Washington county . Council Valley precinct Crane precinct Indian Valley precinct Mann Creek precinct Meadows precinct Middle Valley precinct Mineral precinct Ruthburg precinct Salubria precinct Seven Devils precinct Weiser precinct, including Weiser town Weiser town 166 193 278 236 1,230 1,330 999 1,504 347 321 574 2,021 1880 63 232 69 185 97 179 583 433 41 438 36 5,382 482 157 106 56 68 339 324 158 818 450 259 238 913 878 858 156 3,836 482 203 210 292 294 289 153 71 733 157 952 901 a Organized from part of Nez Perces county in 1888. 6 Not separately returned. c Part taken to form Custer county in 1881. d Organized from part of Alturas county in 1889. e Part taken to form Latah county in 1888. / Part taken to foi-in Bingham county in 1885. 6,964 1,426 469 879 POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coniinued. 109 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Adams countt Beverly township Biirton township, incl. Burton village . . Burton village Camp Point township, including Camp Point village. Camp Pomt village Clayton township, incl. Clayton village.. Clayton village Columhus township, including part of Columbus town. Columbus town (part of) Total for Columbus town, in Colum- bus and Gilmer townships. Concord township Ellington township (a) Fall Creek township Gilmer township, including part of Co- lumbus town. Columbus town (part of) Honey Creek township, including Coats- burg town. Coatsburg town Houston township Keene township, including Loraine village Loraine village Liberty township Lima township, including Lima town... Lima town McKee township Melrose township, exclusive of part of Quincy city. Mendon township, incl. Mendon town... Mendon town Northeast township, including Golden and La Prairie villages. Golden village La Prairie village Payson township (6), incl. Payson vill. (c) . Quincy city (6), in Melrose and Riverside townships. Ward 1 5,362 "Ward 2 2, 748 Ward 3 4, 891 Ward 4 7, 156 Ward 5 4, 014 Ward 6 7, 323 Richfield township Riverside township (d), exclusive of part of Quincy city. TJrsa township 1890 Alexander county . Beech Ridge precinct Cairo precinct, including Cairo city Cairo city Ward I 1 ,6i2 Ward 2 1 , 764 Ward 3 2,284 Ward 4 2,248 Ward 5 2,4:6 Clear Creek precinct East Cape Girardeau precinct Elco precinct Goose Island precinct Lake Milligan precinct Sandusky precinct Santa Ee precinct Thebes precinct Unity precinct Bond county (e) , 369 Burgess township, incl. Pocahontas vill. Pocahontas village ('entral township, incl. Greenville^ity .. Greenville city Lagrange township Mills townsuip Mulberry Grove township, including Mul- berry Grove vil1:i£;o (c). a Part taken to form Riverside township since 1880. 6 Quincy city erroneously given as in Payson township in 1880. ' c Not separately returned. 61, 888 982 1,174 92 2,003 1,150 1,912 1.033 1, UOO 149 20 1 1,059 1,233 1,126 52 1,287 981 1,280 127 1,235 1,404 251 1,065 2,077 1,489 640 1,488 466 194 1,819 31, 494 1,114 2,168 1,614 16, 563 1880 371 10, 422 10,324 .546 502 1,206 734 357 747 279 673 726 14, 550 1,346 372 2,793 1,868 1,401 1, 084 2,008 59, 135 1,132 1,374 584 2,102 1,131 1,951 941 1,077 177 235 1,089 2,304 978 1,296 58 1,412 2t8 1,112 1,378 1,464 1,577 2CO 1,302 2,175 1,726 652 1,453 3'7 233 1,975 27, 268 1,372 1,618 14, 808 373 9,583 9, on 488 734 909 844 50 439 315 478 595 14, 866 MINOR CrVlL DIVISIONS. Bond county— Continued. Old Ripley township Pleasant Mound township, including Smithboro village. Smjthboro village Shoal Creek township, incl. Sorento vill . . . Sorento village Tamalco township Boone county . 1890 Belvidore township, incl. Belvidere city. . Bel videre city ' . . . Ward I . . . .' 956 Ward 2 8Bg Wards 1,259 Ward 4 763 Bonus township, incl. Garden Prairie vill. Garden Prairie village Boone township, including Capron village and part of Poplar Grove village. Capron village Poplar Grove village (part of) Total for Poplar Grove village, in Boone and Caledonia townships. Caledonia township, including Caledonia vill-age and part of Poplar Grove village. Caledonia village Poplar Grove village (part of) ■. . Flora township Leroy township Manchester township Spring township Brown county. Buckhorn township Cooperstown township Elkhoru township Lee township, incl. Mound Station town.. Mound Station town Missouri township Mount Sterling township, including Mount Sterling town. Mount Sterling town Pea Ridge township Ripley township, including Ripley town . . Ripley town . . . . Versailles township, incl. Versailles town. Versailles town Bureau county. A rispie township, including part of Tis- kilwa town. Tiskilwa town (part of) Total for Tiskilwa town, in Arispie and Indiantown townships. Berlin township, including part of Dover village and Maiden village. Dover village (part ol ) . . Total for Dover village (/), in Berlin and Dover townships. Maiden village Bureau township Clarion township Concord township, including Buda and Sheffield villages. Buda village Sheffield village Dover township, mcl. part of Dover vili . . . Dover village (part of) Fairfield township Gold township Greenville township Hall township, including Seatonville vil. lage and Spring Valley city. Seatonville village .' Spring Valley city 1,099 1,573 393 2,170 538 1,076 12, 203 1880 4,832 3,867 1,015 194 1,474 436 89 232 1,227 143 869 868 935 983 11, 951 1,013 1,466 1,274 1,277 219 873 2,822 1.655 1,012 496 304 1,718 517 35, 014 1,043 362 801 1,126 30 220 319 779 792 2,759 990 993 1,188 190 847 499 946 5,683 536 3.837 11, 508 3,940 2.951 1,102 140 1,429 323 45 163 1,267 134 118 1,012 929 945 13, 041 1,135 1,649 1,431 1,465 T96 1,020 2,780 1.445 1,094 632 418 1,835 S17 33, 172 1,160 334 753 1,276 239 359 947 851 2, 636 778 905 1,341 '•39 915 616 1,008 1,058 d Organized from part of Ellington township since 1880. e Reorganized into townships in 1889. / In 1880 in Dover township only. 110 COMPENDIUM OP THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinued. IlililNOIS— ConUnuod. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Bureau county— Continued. Indianlown township, including part of Tiskilwa town. Tiskilwa town (part of) Lamoille township, inch Lamoille town. . [yamoille town Leeportown townsliip, incl. Bureau viU. . Bureau village Macon township Manlins township Milo township •,"•.",■, Mineral township, incl. Mineral village . - Mineral village .■• ■•■■., Nepouaettownship, incl. Neponset village. Neponset village ■ Ohio township, including Ohio village Ohio village ■.■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Princeton township, incl. Prmceton city . . Princeton city Ward I 992 Ward 2 728 Ward 3 844 Ward 4 832 Selby township, including Depue town. . Depue town ■^^■- ■■■■■■ Walnuttowuship, including Walnuttown. Walnut town .■,;■■ Westfleld township, incl. Arlington viU. - ■ Arlington village AVheatland township Wyanet township, including Wyanet town Wyanettown Calhoun county. Belleview township Carlin township - - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Crater township, incl. KampsviUe village. KampsviUe village Gilead township Hamburg township - Hardin township, including Hardin village Hardin village Point township, incl. Brussels viUage. . Brussels village Eich woods township 1890 1,277 439 1,312 516 556 363 731 810 792 905 188 1,209 542 1,197 364 4,491 3.396 1,565 455 1,368 605 1,224 436 405 1,510 670 Cabeoll county . (Jherry Grove township Elkhdrn Grove township Fairhaven township Freedom township Lima township Mount CaiToU township, including Mount Carroll city. Mount Carroll city Bock Creek township, incl. Lanark city . . Lanark city Ward I 366 Ward 2 473 Ward 3 456 Salem township ; Savanna township, incl. Savanna city Savanna city Shannon township, incl. Shannon village. Shannon village Washington township , Woodland township Wysox township, incl. MiUedgeville vill. Milledgeville village York township, incl. Thomson village . - . Thomson village Cass county (a) Arenzville precinct, incl. Arenzville vill. Arenzville village Ashland precinct, incl. Ashland town . . - Ashland town ■ 1880 7,652 1,168 ,548 580 172 643 962 807 3" 1,741 228 1,203 18, 320 506 1,146 682 421 2,977 1,836 2,144 i>29S 803 3,445 3.^97 979 591 598 878 1. 3.52 446 1,401 374 15, 963 1,135 356 1,477 1,045 1.507 4ig- 1, 391 488 450 240 768 984 990 997 173 1,467 652 1,314 385 4,810 3>439 1,684 323 1,377 515 1,319 447 506 1.800 7,467 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1, 263 530 575 79 611 904 807 300 1,584 1,193 16, 976 Cass county— Continued. 1, 101 589 1,177 781 575 2,878 1890 1880 Bluff Springs precinct Chandlerville precinct, including Chand lerville village. Chandlerville village East Bcardstown precinct Hickory precinct Indian Creek precinct Monroe precinct Oregon precinct Phiradelphia precinct Princeton precinct Richmond precinct Virginia precinct, including Virginia city . Virginia city Ward I 437 Ward 2 620 Wards 545 West Beardstown precinct Kemainderof county, notreturned by pre- cincts, including Beardstown city. Beardstown city Ward I 973 Ward 2 1 ,043 Ward 3 916 Ward 4 1.294 Champaign county. 2,184 1,198 850 1,275 1 ,000 1,193 7'3 660 919 1, 273 216 1,521 380 14, 493 379 609 716 1,408 gio 405 396 392 312 753 644 321 978 2, 534 1 ,602 58 4, 434' 4,226 42, 159 719 1,312 6,619 5,839 a Not returned by precincts in 1880. b Organized from' part of South Homer Ayers township (fc) Brown township Champaign township, including Cham paign cii,y. Champaign city Ward I 1-393 Ward 2 J,'04 Ward 3 1,322 Ward 4 1.248 Ward 5 772 Colfax township Compromise township Condit township Crittenden township East Bend township Harwood township Hensley township Kerr township ■ - v ' • ;," •,",■ Ludlow township, incl. Ludlow village. . Ludlow village ■ ■ Mahomet township, incl. Mahomet vill - Mahomet village ... Newcomb townshij) ■.;,•""■ Ogdeu township, including Ogden village Ogden village Pesotum township -- Philo township, including Philo village . Philo village ^ • -.-^ Rantoul township, incl. Rantoul Village . Rantoul village Raymond township ; " ; " Saclorus township, incUuling Ivesdale and Sadorus villages. Ivesdale viUage Sadorus village , ■ ■„ St. Joseph township, incl. St. Joseph viU . . St. J oseph village Scott township Sidney township, incl. Sidney village... - Sidney viUage Somor township ,' ','. ' ' " Vr' ' South Homer township (c), including Ho- mer village. Homer village Stanton township - - •--■-- ------ Tolono township, including Tolono village Tolono village ■•■■•, .^ TJrbana township, including Urbana city . . Urbana city ■■„ Ward I 628 Ward 2 '.206 Ward 3 812 Ward 4 86s c Part taken to form Ayers township since 1880. 914 1,650 750 932 1,122 761 642 366 1, l.')2 298 1, 247 473 959 1,433 334 1,038 1,240 491 2,391 1,074 1,204 1,655 323 277 1,599 ■ 552 978 1, 623 581 1, 072 1,669 917 847 l,77f 902 4,488 3,511 3, '35 40, 863 1,119 5,909 1,073 1,414 822 1,004 949 869 765 ■ 426 1,117 293 1,450 771 992 ],.311 2f'9 1, 010 1,357 435 2,167 850 973 1,598 235 250 1,454 328 1,0.31 1,603 468 1,159 2, 200 924 1,057 1,859 905 4,175 2,942 township since 1880. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. IIjV IlVOIS-Continued. Ill MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Christian codnty. Assumption township, including Assump- tion village. Assumption village Bear Creek township, incl. Palmer town . Palmer town Buckhart township, including Edinburg village. Edinburg village Greenwood township Johnson township King township Locust township May township Mosquito township Mount Auburn township, incl. Mount Auburn village. Mount Auburn village Pana township, including Pana city Pana city .' Prairieton township Kicks township, including Morrisonville village. Morrisonville village Kosemond township South Fork township Stonington township, including Stoning- ton village. Stonington village Ta;^lorville township, including Taylor- ville city. Taylorville city Ward I 883 Ward 2 r ,074 Ward 3 872 1890 30, 531 Clark county. Anderson township Auburn township Casejf township, including Casey village. Casey village Darwin township Dolson town ship Douglas tpwnship Johnson to^vrship Marshall township, incl. Marshall city . . Marshall city '. . . . Martinsville township, includingMartins ville village. Martinsville village Melrose township .' .[ Orange township y P.arkei- township Wabash township Westfield township, incl. Westfieid vili . ] '. Westfield village York township, including York village! '. . York village 2,095 1 ,076 1,321 432 2,408 1,075 983 926 1,254 864 1,377 1,546 6, 14.3 5,077 l,0fi7 1,652 1,180 1,506 1,096 270 4,038 2,829 21, 899 Clay county . Bible Grove township Blair township Clay township, including Clay village (a) '. Harter township, including If'lora city. Flora city Ward I '.'.,][ j.j' Ward 2 " fi,, „ Wards ...::::::: 5,^ Hoosier township Laikinsbiirg township '. Louisville township, incl. Louisvilie vill Louisville village f )skaloosa township ..........!.!! Pixley township Songer township . Stanford township Xenia township, including Xenia village Xenia village , _ a Not separately returned. (oo9 950 1,606 1,274 1,600 997 137 3,322 2.237 21,894 1,216 608 2,062 773 1,162 1,324 614 1,176 2,928 1,88s 1,938 663 1,187 1,183 801 3,275 1,234 647 1,186 271 16. 192 1,044 983 1,4.50 2,878 1.494 1, 136 1.179 1,235 514 1, 035 1,566 1,000 1,268 1,418 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Clinton county. Breese township, including Breese town. Breese town Brookside township Carlyle township, including Carlyle town Carlyle town Clement township, incl. Clement town (a) East Fork township Germantown township, including Gei-man town village. Germantown village Irishtown township ....!...!!! Lake township Looking Glass township Meridian township ] " . ] St. Rose township Santa Fe township Sugar Creek township, including Aviston village and Trenton town. Aviston village Trenton to wn AVade township !!."..!..!!.' Wheattield township Coles county , Ashmoro township, incl. Ashmore town . . -■^shmore town. . Charleston township, incl. Charleston city Charleston city j^ardi ::::::::::''867' Ward2 ,,003 Ward3 I ol Ward 4 i_o5; East Oakland township, including Oak- land village. Oakland village Humboldt township, incl. Huniboidt'vili! ! Humboldt village Hutton township !!.!... .\ !! ... 1 Lafayette township ' " " Mattoon township, incl. Mattoon city ..... Mattoon city Ward I '.'.'.'.'.'..."'94;' Ward2 ,,^1 Ward3 ,;=,! Ward4 1,370 Wards 1,541 I Morgan township I North Okaw townshiji Paradise township Pleasant Grove township, including pai-ts ot Janesville and Trilla (b) villages. .lanesville village (part of) Total for Janesville village, in Pleasant Grove township, Coles county, and Cottonwood township, Cumberland county. Seven Hickory township Cook county . part of Barrington township, includinj Barrington village. Barrington village (part of) Total for Barrington village, in Bar- rington township, Cook county, and Cuba township, Lake county. Bloom township Bremen township Calumet township (c), including Fein- wood, Morgan Park, Washington Heights, and West Eoseland villages and part of Blue Island village. Blue Island village (part of) Total for Blue Island village, in Cal- umet and Worth townships. Fernwood village Morgan Park village Washington Heights village ...... West Roseland village 1890 17,411 1,827 808 797 2, 065 1,784 623 789 1,353 537 829 627 1,806 852 1,022 494 2,761 746 820 30, 093 1880 18, 714 2,101 446 5,450 4.135 2,243 995 1,732 279 2,180 1,276 7,790 6,833 1,046 1,822 1,062 1,935 93 217 1,456 1,739 574 951 2,448 2,017 861 835 1,177 493 886 681 1,916 960 1,226 526 2.804 367 1,188 750 954 37, 042 1, 191, 922 1,742 2,245 403 4,295 2,867 2,086 727 1,719 "■37 2,252 1,162 6,644 5.737 895 1,721 1,122 1,490 1, 411 607, 524 1,593 586 848 410 610 1,514 1,453 9,021 1,431 1, 6.53 2,576 1,309 3.329 503 ',542 818 1 ,027 2,283 1,407 187 1,035 Part given to Chicago city since 1880. 112 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contmued. IIjJL I N OIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Cook county— Continuod. Cl^a^ city («)......... --•■--••■■^■■,^- Ward 2 : 25,581 Ward 3 28,040 Ward 4 27,694 Ward 5 41 009 Ward 6 43,264 Ward 7 34.9|^ Ward 8 35,583 Ward 9 i^-f.^ Ward 10 44,551 Ward 11 35,047 Wardl2 48,795 Ward 13 36,431 WardW 40,592 Ward 15 38,420 Ward 16 5M67 Ward 17 21,852 Ward 18 26,456 WardW 44,380 Ward20 21,705 Ward21 30,225 Ward 22 3]'843 Ward 23 35,918 Ward 24 |0'|42 Ward 25 24,202 Ward 26 28,839 Ward27 1"'^34 Ward28 9' "46 Ward 29 31,63Z Ward30 49,134 Ward 31 l^'^^l 1, 099, 850 503. 185 MINOR CIVH, DIVISIONS. Cook county— Continued. Wheeling township, including Arlington Heights village and Wheeling town. Arlington Heights village Wheeling town Worth township, including part of Blue Island village. Blue Island village (part of) Crawford county. Ward 32. 26, 775 10, 204 4,051 4>77i 1,160 13, 059 1 ,708 1,501 263 5,539 1,558 287 5,096 2,314 732 451 3,258 987 3,703 569 1,458 1,079 2,727 1,855 3,472 1,163 2,049 891 098 0, 331 1,435 323 1,056 948 5,201 Honey Creek township, including Flat Eock village. Flat Rock village Hutsonville township, including Hutson- viUe village. Hutsonville village Lamotte township, incl. Palestine village Palestine village Licking township Martin township Montgomery township Oblong township, incl. Oblong village. - - Oblong village ■ ■ • Robinson township, incl. Eobinson city . . Robinson city Ward I 475 Ward 2 435 Ward 3 477 Southwest township 5,182 1.359 1,201 6,703 5^9 1,300 175 3, 798 1,383 ■3,069 53' 486 172 2,346 457 2,223 w:rd33:::: 26,039 Ward 34 .•■-,-^-.----»^ ■;• Cicero township (6), including Austin and Oak Park villages. Austin village Oak Park village Elk Grove township ...-..-.-. - ■ ■ ■-■■■ Evanston township, iiuludmg Rogers Park and South Evauston (c) villages and part of Evauston village (c). Rogers Park village • ■ . • • • • Hanover township, incl. Bartlett village... Bartlett village - •■ .■•■.„■■,-: Lemonttown,ship (cJ),incl. Lemont vill.(c) Leyden township, incl. River Grove viU. ' River Grove village Lyons township, including Lagrange, Lyons, and Western Springs viUages. Lagrange village Lyons village Western Springs village ■.•■••■:•■.•■ Mainetownship ((?), including DesPlaines and Park Ridge villages. Des Plaines village (d\ Park Ridge village . . • ■ ■ • ■ New Trier township, md. Glencoe, Gross Point (c), Wilmetto, and Winnetka vU- lages and part, of Evauston village (c). Glencoe village Wilmette village Winnetka village ......... ... ■ ■ ■ Niles township, mcl. >< lies Center vill. (c) and part of Norwood Park village (c). Northtield township ■ • ■ ■. ■ Norwood Park township, mcludmg part of Norwood Park village (c). Orland township ......... • ■ - • ■ • • - ■ ■ Palatine township, incl. Palatine village. Palatine village Palos township .....^.-. •--■- Proviso township, mcl. Harlem, May- wood, Melrose, and River Forest vills. (c) Rich township, incl. Mattiaon village .... Mattison village... .. .. ■•.■•• •;•■ Riverside township, including Riverside village (c). Schaumberg township. .... - - ■ - - -■ - • Thornton township, including IJalton Station and South Holland villages. Dalton Station village South Holland village „ Hvde Park .Tetferson, Lake, and Lakeview townships (poimlatlon 45 537 in 1880) and parts of Calumet and Cicero townships annexed since 1880. b Part given to Chicago city since 1880. SSfsflSfl^C gTv'en as in Lemont and Maine town- ships in 1880. Cumberland county Cottonwood township, including part of Janesville village. * Janesville village (part of) Total for Janesville village, in Pleasant Grove township, Coles county, and Cottonwood township, Cumberland county. Crooked Creek t ownship • - ■ Greenup township (e), incl. Greenup vUl. Greenup village . ... ... ...... Neoga township, including JSeoga village and part of Trilla village (/) . Neqga village Spring Point township {g) Sumpter township, incl. Toledo town Toledo town Union township ,"" V" "W',\ Woodbury township (g),inc\. Jewett (e) and Ple'asantville (c) villages. Jewett village 15' 2,217 582 2, 229 732 1,940 1,383 1,938 2, 069 390 2, 990 1,387 333 15, 443 13, 759 387 419 .584 2,503 1,807 1,675 1,208 1,974 731 1,209 3,061 1,702 451 498 954 3, 337 Dekalb county. 1,490 1, 260 2,804 2,710 1,693 2, 171 676 2,174 1,141 335 1,493 27, 066 26, 768 1,278 'i,285 Alton township • • . • • • • •.• • • , Clinton township, incl. AVaterman village. | Waterman village ■:,•■ V ■•.;,■•• I Cortland township, incl. Cortland village. Cortland village ■■■ ■■■■-^■- \:- ■ .;■ ■ Dekalb township, including Dekalb city . . Dekalb city ■ •• Ward I 763 Ward 2 6^* Ward 3 1.19° Franklin township, incl. Kirkland village. Kirkland village • • Genoa township, including Genoa village. Genoa village ■ •^. • ' 1 '-ii' ' „' Kingston township, incl. Kingston village . Kingston village ■ ■ Malta township, including Malta village. Malta village Mayfleld township I Milan township j Pawpaw township I Pierce township township since 1880. POPULATION. 113 Taklh 3.— AGGKKGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. 1 1, LIIVOIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dekalb county— C'oulinued. Shabbona township, including part of Leo village and Sliabbona village. Lee vii lage (part of) Total for Lee village, in Shabbona township, Dekalb county, and Wil- low Creek township, Lee county. Shabbona vUIage . Somonauk townslii)), including Sandwich city and Somonauk village. Sandwich city Ward I 763 Ward 2 goo Ward 3 S53 Somonauk villao^e. South Grove township Squaw Grove township, including Hinck- ley village. Hinckley village Sycamore town.ship, incl. Sycamore city. . Sycamore city ' .'... Victor township Dewitt county. Barnctt town.ship Clintonia township, incl. Clinton city Chnton city Ward I 673 AVard 2 1,119 Ward 3 ... 806 Creek towushiji Dewitt township, inch Dewitt village Dewitt village Harp township Nixon township Kutledge township Santa Anna township, inol. Farmer city . . Farmer city . . . Texas township Tuubridge township, incl. Keuney vill. .. Kenney village Wapella township, incl. WapoUa villagi; Wapella village "Wa^vnesville township, including Waynes viUe town. Waynesville town Wilson town.ship Douglas county. Areola township, including ^Vrcola city. . Areola city ^ Bourbon township, incliuling part of Ar- thur village. Arthur village (part of) Total for Arthur village, in Bourbon township, Douglas county, and Lowe township, Moultrie county. Bowdre town.ship, incl. Hincsboro village. Hinesboro village Camargo township Garrett township, including part of At- woort village. Atwood village (part of) Total for Atwood village, in Garrett township, Douglas county, and Unity township, Piatt county. Murdock township (a) Newman townshi]), incl. Newjnan village- Newman village Sargent township Tuscola township, including Tuscola city . Tuscola city ' , . Ward I 554 AVard 2 583 Ward 3 760 Dui'AGE county Addi.son townsliip, inclndini; and Bensenville villages. Addison villasre. Bensenville village Addison 1890 III 264 502 3,8-12 2,516 468 711 1, 3U 496 3, 929 2,987 709 17,011 1880 1,432 3o 218 399 3,805 779 1,224 4,109 3,028 842 17, 010 1,205 3,463 2.598 1,214 1, 031 26s 992 1, 087 588 2, 181 1.367 801 1,521. 497 1,122 371 1,134 368 012 3,198 1.733 1,665 261 536 1. 896 288 1,145 1,884 2 10 53" 1,035 2,026 990 1, 319 3, 201 1,897 22,551 2,190 1,128 3,309 2,709 1,211 1,141 293 L071 890 648 2, 146 1,289 951 1,601 419 1,199 369 1,043 15,853 2,925 1. 515 1,401 us 241 1,620 97 2, 096 1, 043 140 906 102 800 457 161 961 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dupage county— Continued. Bloomingdale township, incl. Blooming- dale village. Bloomingdale village Downer Gr(iv(! township, incl. Downer Grove and Hinsdale villages. Downer Grove village Hinsdale village Lisle township, incliuling part of Naper- A'ille city. Naperville city (part of) Total for Naperville city, in Lisle and Naperville townships. Milton township, incl. Prospect Park vil- lage and Wheaton city. Prospect Park village Wheaton city Naper\'ille township, incliuling i)art of Naperville city. Naperville city (part of) Wayne townsliij) Wmfield townsliip, incl. Turner village. . Turner village York townshi]),' including Elmhurst and Lombard villages. Elmhurst vdlage Lombard village 1890 EDGAIt COUNTY . a Organized since 1880, 372 !5 Brouillett Creek townsliip, including Lo- gan town (b). Buck township, including Kedmon town Redmon town Edgar township, incl. Edgar town (b) ... Elbridge townshii), incl. Elbridge, Fer- rell (6), Nevins, and Sandford (6) towns Elbridge town Nevins town Emharras township, incl. Brocton village. Brocton village Grandview township, including Dudley and Grandview towns. Dudley town Grandview town Hunter township ICansas township, incl. Kansas village Kansas village Piiris township, including Paris city Paris city Ward I 1 ,243 Ward 2 1 , i3g Ward 3 i,iq6 Ward 4 1,416 Prairie townshiji, incl. Scottland village.. Scottland village _ . Ross township, iiu-l. Chrisnian village Chrisman village Shiloh ( ownship Stratton township, incl. Vermilion village. X'ermilion village S^nimes township, incl. Oliver town (b) . . . Young America township, incl. Hume and Metcalf villages. Hume village Metcalf village Edwards (;ounty .Albion precinct, including AUiion village Albion village Bone Gap precinct (a) Brown precinct (a) Dixon ])recinct French Creek 7)rocinct, including part Not separately returned. L497 463 4,843 960 1,584 1,794 735 2,216 2, 895 473 1 ,622 2,470 1, 097 2,780 1 ,506 2, 979 1 ,050 515 26, 787 1880 1, 371 930 99 1,700 1,4,50 51 24 1,729 292 1,653 '47 177 1, 039 1, 983 1,037 6,260 4,996 1,078 129 1, .'■)91 820 1 , 328 1,301 325 1..521 1, 8,53 .t;3 244 9, 444 2,180 937 981 764 739 1. 495 6t4 1.999 1,811 476 1,474 226 3,294 586 819 1,819 2,073 2,300 197 1 , 160 2,511 1.435 1,091 2,428 1 ,001 2, 324 72j 378 25, 499 1,417 903 71 1,641 1.746 79 3' 1,365 1,940 175 205 1.190 1,713 5, 769 4.373 1 . 031 127 1 , 306 54' 1, 202 1.481 387 1 , 521 1,274 179 50 8,597 3,302 875 027 1.291 1.533 1,856 3'5 1,521 114 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinuod. I I1I.IIVOIS— Continued. MINOR rivir. ni VISIONS. Effingham county. Banner townsliip Ki.shop towTishi]! - - ■ Douglas township, incl. Ettingham city... Effing:ham city • • Jackson townsliip I^iberty township Lucas township - • - Mason township, inchuling Edgewood and Mason towns. Edgewood town Mason town - Moccasin township Mound township, incl. Altaniont town. - . Altamont town St. Francis township Summit township A- ' ' Z ' ' " Teutopolis township, mcludiug ieutop- olis village (a) . TTuion township .■ Watson to\vnship, iucl. AVatson village. . Watson village West township 1890 Fayette county A vena township, incl . St. Elmo town . . St. Elmo town Bear (Jrove township. . - Bowling Green township Carson township (6) --.---,- : Hurricane townsliip, incl. Bingham town. Bingham town Kaskaskia township 4^---.---: Laclede township, including Farina town Farina town Lone Grove township •. Loudon township Otego township Pope township - ■ - Kamsey township, incl. Kamsey village. . . Ramsey village Sefton township Seminary township Sharon township ,■,■."■.■." Vandalia township, incl. Vandalia city - - Vandalia city Ward I .•• 673 Ward 2 730 Wards 74i Wheatland township Wilburtou township FOKD county. 19, 358 18S0 18,920 B12 967 4,211 3,260 1,149 783 980 1,595 255 425 950 2, 225 1,044 897 941 1,048 924 1,175 ^26 901 23, 3B7 657 915 4,007 3,065 1, 233 fill 938 1,828 252 621 1, 123 1,870 654 828 1,114 952 765 1,002 I go 1,047 23,241 MINOU CIVII- divisions. 1,428 35+ 1,128 951 628 1,457 178 931 1,451 618 947 1,795 ],061 636 1,990 598 1,431 1, 1(10 1.621 2, 787 2,144 920 1,105 17, 035 Brenton town.ship, incl. Piper village Piper village Button township Dix township Drummer township, ind. (Jibson town Gibson town Lyman township, iucl. Roberts village Roberts village Mona township, including part of Kemp- ton village. Kempton village (part of) Total for Kempton village, in Mona and Rogers townships. Patton township, including Paxton city . . Paxton city Ward I 607 Ward 2 821 Ward 3 .,,759 Poach Orchard township, including Mel- vin village. Melvin" village Pella township ■ ■ - - - • • Rogers township, incliuling parts ot Ca- bery and Kempton villages. C'abery village (part of) Total for Cabery village (c), m Rogers township. Ford county, and Norton township, Kankakee county. ^ Kempton village (part of) a Xot separately returned. 6 Organized since 1880. (! In 1880 in Roger.s township. Ford county 1,315 460 862 1, 450 2, 997 !,8oq 1,298 325 756 127 201 3,559 2,187 1,008 491 860 851 207 342 only. 1,449 323 1,186 1,447 1, 505 916 1, 209 3t8 1,027 1,789 1,023 700 1,742 376 1,366 1,306 1,789 2,713 2,056 958 1,116 15, 099 1,342 423 846 1,.58B 2, 383 1 ,260 1,235 228 744 Ford county— Continued. SuUivant township, iucl. Sibley village.. Sibley village Wall township Franklin count Barren township Eonton townshi]), iiu 1. Benton village Benton village Browning townshiji Cave township, incl. Thompsonville vUl. Thompsonville village Denning township (d) Eastern township ■ Ewing township, including E wing village Ewing village Frankfort township, including Frankfort village (a). Goode township Northern township Sixmile township Tyrone township 1890 1880 Fulton county. 1, 322 404 757 17, 138 846 2, 312 939 1,267 2, 159 309 1,161 1,832 1,570 290 1. 609 751 1, .574 775 1,282 43, 110 3,139 1,72s 747 Astoria township, including Astoria town Astoria towu Banner townshi]i Bernadotte townshi]> Buckhart township, incl. Bryant village. Bryant village Canton township, including Canton city . Canton city Ward 1 1,394 Ward 2 1,183 Ward 3 1 . 255 Ward 4 1,772 Cass township Deerfield township Ellisville township, incl. ElUsville village. Ellisville village Fairview township, incl. Fairview village. Fairview village Farmer township Farmington township, including Farm- ington town. - Varmington town Harris township Isabel township Joshua township Kerton township Lee township .- - - Lewistown township, including Lewis- town town. Lewistown town Liverpool township Orion township Pleasant township, incl. Ipava village Ipava village. . _. . . ......... PutmantQ^wn.ship, including Cuba village. Cuba village ..- ■ Union township, including Avon village. Avon village ■ Vermont township, incl. Vermont village. Vermont village Waterford township Woodland township, incl. Oberlin vill. (a). Young Hickory townshii., including Lon don Mills village. London Mills village 860 775 114 114 Gallatin county 14, 935 2, 560 1,357 953 1,216 2, 076 309 6,807 5,604 1,377 930 591 255 1,355 492 1,288 2,654 1,375 1, 260 785 1,088 534 918 3,246 2, 166 1,176 1,289 1.843 667 2,136 1 , 114 1,486 692 2, 111 1,158 531 1,609 1,291 71" "745 16, 129 746 2,419 qSa i,iii 1, 896 17-. 1,164 1, .547 1,564 170 1,554 779 1,256 883 1,207 41, 240 661 2, 652 1,280 1, 276 1,440 1,757 449 4,738 3,762 1,4.57 1,004 645 260 1,296 394 1, 255 2,104 1,111 1, 220 823 1,138 688 1,092 3, 133 i,77« 1,302 1, 308 1,937 675 1,917 656 1,733 689 2, 093 I . ' 33 565 L798 866 12, 861 Ashury precinct (e) 1 1, 163 Bear Creek precinct, incl. Omaha village. . 1, i4» Omaha village 428 Bowlesville precinct 1 •^^,1 Eagle Creek precinct - \ {• '°' Equality precinct, incl. Equality village.. i-Sis* Equality village ^22 Junction precinct (ft) 1,384 187 736 967 1,715 500 d Formerly Town Mount. . ^ ■ ^aan e Organized from part of New Haven precinct siuce 1«80. POPUTiATIOlN". 115 Table S.—AGGRKCATK POPIILATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutimied. II. I^INOIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Gallatin county— C'oiifinued. Xe\r Nf w Haven precinct («), ijuliidin Haven village. New Haven village Xiirth Sliawnectown ])rcciii(t (?;), includ- ing )iart of Sliawncetow 11 cily (c). Ridgway precinct (rf), including Ilidg- way village. kidgway village •Saline Mines iireciiict (e) South Sliawnef^town precinct (0), includ- ing iiart (if Sliawneotown city (c). Waltonboro precinct (/) AVhito Oak jireciuct Ckeene county (\'ard 3 359 Rockbridge village Koodhimsetownship, incl. iloodhousecity. Roodhouse city .... Rubicon townsliip Waikcrvillo townshiji Whitehall township, incl. Whitehall city. Whitehall city Ward I 659 Ward 2 576 Ward -^ 726 Wood ville township Wright township 1890 (iRUNDY COUNTY . Ausahle township, incl. Minotdia village- - Minooka village Bracevilletownship, including Hraceville, t^entral, and Coal villages. Braceville village Central village Coal village T^rienna ttiwnship Fcli.K townshi]) _ Goodliuiu township Greenfield township, incl. (Jiirdiier vill. . . Gardner village. Highlandtownahip, iucl. Kinsman village- Kinsman village Mazon township MoiTis township, including Morris city. . Morris city Ward I 684 Ward 2 785 Ward 3 1 , 352 Ward 4 832 Nettle Creek township Norman township Saratoga township Vienna township, incl. Verona village \ercna village Wauponsee township Hamilton county (jr) . Beaver Creek township . Crook township Croucli townsliip 806 336 1,570 1,940 523 658 1, 05() 657 887 1,425 1, ';13 y, ^89 2,258 1,765 551 991 \ 385 2, 7:i7 336 3, 636 2,360 932 1 , 057 3, 244 1 ,961 1880 1,326 174 594 399 841 a Part taken to I'onii ^\sbury precinct since 1880. /> Shawncetown iirecinct (]iopulation 2,750 in 1880) lornied into North and South .Slia wne,eto\m jn'eciucts since 1880. e Not separately leturned. d Formerly Newmarket. MINOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hamilton county — Continued. JJahlgren township, incl.Dahlgren callage Dahlgren village Flannigan township Knight Prairie town.ship McLeansboro township, including Mi- Leansboro city. McLeansboro city May berry township Twigg township Hancock (jounty Aiijianoose township Augusta township, incl. Angusta village. Augusta village Bear Creek township, incl. Basco village. . Basco village Carthage township, incl. Carthage town . . Carthage town Chile tdwnshi]), including Bowen village. Howen village (h) llallas township, incl. partof Dallas town Dallas town (part of) Total for Dallas town, in Dallas town- ship, Hancock county, and township 8, lange 7, Henderson county. Durham tow nship fountain Green township Han(to(d{ townsbi]) Harmony township, incl. Bentley city Benlley city La Harpe township, incl. J^a Harpe city . . La Harpe city Montcbello towhshii), including Hamil- ton city. Hamilton city Ward I 495 Ward 2 , 502 ^Vard 3 304 Nauvoo township, incl. Nauvoocity Nauvoo city T'ilot Grove township Pontoosuc township, incl. Poiitoosnc vill. Pontoosuc village Prairie township, incl. Elvaston village. . Elvaston village RockCreek township, incl. Perria village. Ferris village Rocky Run township St. Albans townshij) St. Mary township, incl. Plymouth village Plymouth village Sonora township Walker township Wilcox township, incl. Warsaw town Warsaw town AVythe township Hardin county Battery Rock pieeinct Cave in Rock precinct McKarlan precinct, including Elizabeth- town village. Elizabethtown village Monroe precinct Keck Crecik precinct Kosiclare precinct, incl. Rosiclaro village. Rosiclare village Henderson county (1) Township 8, range 4 - Town.ship 8, range 5 Township 8, range 6 Township 8, range 7. incl. part of Dalhis town. Dallas town (part of) Total for Dallas town, in Dallas town- ship, Hancock county, and town- ship 8, range 7, Henderson county. K Fornierlv Saline. /P355 1,981 1,341 2,416 31, 907 800 846 1,847 1,893 1,077 983 ^ ,o'5 1,188 327 2,536 2,' 679 ',654 1,296 1,594 1,418 376 L021 289 1, 137 653 7'4 747 829 840 1,073 1,095 1,258 894 1,130 1,011 1,248 144 1,865 1,899 1,113 2,129 958 1,970 1,3°' ',025 1, 24!) 1,402 1,208 1,086 1,229 742 789 249 1, 088 266 1, 223 307 1.217 294 1 . 444 305 704 1S2 844 1,203 1,284 1,561 1,542 710 1,098 593 1,401 1, 361 1,612 3,246 3, 693 2, 721 975 3,10s 1,135 7, 234 0, 024 -_ - - 896 642 1,020 1,0.57 1,170 1,006 652 1, 822 484 1,484 1,254 841 1,072 994 274 368 9, 876 10, 722 903 837 656 105 94 IIS 747 829 116 COMPENDlUIVr OF THE ELEVENTH CE]S!SUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiiuied. 1 li IjI N OIS— Contiuued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Henderson county— Coiitiiiueil. Bigg Township 9, range 4 Towusliip 9, range 5 Township 9, range 6 - - . Township 10, range 4, includin; rille village. BifrgsviUe village -■ , • Township 10, range 5, inchKlingltlaHstone village (a). Township 10, range fi Township 11, range 4 ■ - - ■ Township 11, range 5, including Oquawka village (a). Township 12, range 4 Township 12. range 5 Henry county. Alha townshij) - Andover township, incl. Andover town. . Andover town .■ ■ ■ .iunawan township, incl. Annawau viU. Annawan village - ■ • Atkinson township, incl. Atkinson viU. Atkinson village Bums township ■ ■ ■, Cainbridge township, including Cam bridge \illage. Cambridge village • • • Clover townshiji, intl. TV oodhull village . . WoodhuU village Colona township Cornwall township Edford township ^,■ -,- ■ • V Galva townshi]), including Galva town . . . Galva town .• Geneseo township, incl. Gcneseo city Geneseo city • Ward I 728 Ward 2 050 Ward 3 939 Y^^ard A °^^ Hanna township, iiud. Cleveland village. Cleveland village Kewaneetownship, incl. Kewanee town. Kewanee town Loraine township Lynn township Munson town ship Osco township Oxford township Phenix township -- - - - - • - ■ - Weller township, incl. Bishop Hill vii! . . Bishop Hill village Western township, incl. Orion village. . . Orion village Wethersfield township Yorktown township 1890 1880 78B 1,090 4e2 l,15li 487 952 85 920 1,080 745 102 3;i, 338 358 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Irocjuois county— Continued. Iroquois county Artesia township, incl. Buckley village. . Buckley village Ash Grove township Ashkum township, incl. Ashkuni village Ashkum village. . . . - • • ■ ■ . ■ ■ Beaver townshij), including part ot bt. Mary village (a). Belmont township, ex. 551 Fountain Creek township Iroquois township, including part of Cres- cent village (rt). Loda township, including Loda village ... Loda village Lovejoy township Martin'ton township, incl.Martinton vill.. Martinton village Middleport township, exclusive of part of Watseka city. Milford township, incl. Milford village. . Milford village Milks Grove township Onarga township, incl. Oiiarga village. . . Onarga village Papineau township, including Papineau village and part of St. Mary village (a). Papineau village Pigeon Grove township Prairie Green townshii) Kidgeland towniship Sheldon townshij), incl. Sheldon village.. Sheldon village Stockland township Watseka city, in Belmont and Middleport townships. Jackson county. Bradley township, including Ava and Campbell Hill towns. Ava town Campbell Hill town Carbondale township, including Carbon- dale city. Carbondale city Degoiiia township De Soto township, incl. De Soto village DeSoto village : Klk township, including Elkvillo village . Elkville village Fount.-iin Bluft township Grand Tower township, including Grand Tower city. Grand Tower city Kincaid townshij) Levan tow nship - Makanda township, incl. Makanda vill. . . Makanda village Murphysboro township, including Mount Carm'el village and Murphysboro city. Mount Carmel village Murphysboro city Ward I 857 Ward 2 1 , 108 Ward 3 1. 171 Ward 4 744 Oia tow^nship, including OravilleviUago. Oraville village Pomona town.ship (r.) Sand Kidge township (rf) Somerset townshii) - - Vergennes townshii), incl. Vergennes vill Vergennes village .lASPEK COUNTY . 474 1,202 1,027 1,582 2,254 1,299 Crooked Creek township Fox township Granville townshij) (Jrove township North Muddy township - Ste. Marie township, incl. Ste. Mario vill. Ste. Marie village Smallwood township South Muddy township Wade township, including Newton city . Newton city Ward I 577 Ward 2 406 Ward 3 ;:---:kt'*''5 Willow Hill township, including New Liberty town (a). c Formerly Kidge. d Organized since 1880, 1880 990 857 1,323 598 87t 1,099 I2S 770 1.999 957 741 2,145 994 1,267 141 1,072 915 786 1,770 gio 900 2.017 27, 809 b-i 799 865 ,427 635 799 ,275 142 ,211 1,570 612 722 2, 249 1 ,061 1,469 51 716 962 805 1,939 947 979 1,507 22, 505 2,427 807 280 3,599 2,382 845 1,468 376 894 145 571 1.312 624 813 1,117 2,154 344 5,738 528 1,629 125 1, .546 758 1,771 1, 167 275 18, 188 1,762 365 214 3,551 2,213 588 1,388 857 440 1,534 814 854 1,687 4,197 2,196 1,048 i,396 1,473 910 14, 515 2, 631 913 1, 821 1,332 1,583 I 1,242 318 1,141 1,352 3,915 1,428 2,258 2, on 781 1,463 1, 204 1, 254 918 243 1,106 1,003 2,969 1,806 POPULATIOK. 117 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IfclillVOIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Jefferson codntt . Bald Hill township Blissville towiLslLi)) Ca-sner townshi]), iucluding jcirt of Wo (b) Field tdwii.sliip Grand Prairie township McClf Uau township Moore Prairie township Mount Vernon township, inchidingJVlount Veruon city. Mount Vernon city Ward I 846 Ward 2 965 Ward 3 1 , 422 Pendleton township Kome township, inch Boyd (a) and Konio towns. Rome town Shiloh township, including i)art of Wood- lawn town (a). Spring Garden township, iucl. Spring- Garden town. Spring Garden town Weher township, iiicl. Marlow town (a) . . Jersey county . Elsah township, including Elsah village. Elsah village English towu.ship Fidelity township Jersey township, inch JerseyvlUe city .. J ersey villa city Ward I . 753 Ward 2 937 Ward 3 892 Ward 4 625 Mississippi township Otter Creek town.ship, inch Ottervilie tu Otterville town Piasa township, including Brighton town. Brighton town Quarry township, inch Grafton village . . . Grafton village Eichwoods township, inch Fieldon town . . Fieldon town Rosedale township (c) Kuyle township Jo Daviess county. Apple Hiver township, including Apple Jiiver village. Apple River viU ige Berrenian townshi]) Council Hill township Derii]65i 915 1,519 632 1,213 574 1,541 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,.543 230 728 223 1,289 103 1,075 1,158 412 945 i,oi4 1,607 13, 083 1890 1,604 442 1,248 1,251 208 255 1,446 365 1,2(52 2,711 .,782 831 1,718 663 1,012 38, 344 1,976 974 1,511 1,087 Knox county— Continued. Copley township, inclitding part of Vic- toria village. Victoria village (part of) Total for Victoria village, in Copley and Victoria townships. Elba township .--•- Galesburg City township, coextensive with Galesburg city. Galesburg city: Ward I 1. 176 Ward 2 J, 277 Wards '"''''42 Ward4 3,978 Wards ^-S^g Ward 6 1.675 Ward? 2,247 Galesburg township Haw Creek township - - - - Henderson township, including Hender- son town. Henderson town Indian Point township, including parts of wards 3 and 4 of Abingdon city, and St. Augustine village. Abingdon city (part of) St. Augustine village Knox township, including Knoxvillecity. Knoxville city Ward I ' 768 Ward 2 483 Ward 3 477 Lynn township - - llaquon township, incl. Maquon village. . . IMaquon village . .... Ontario township, Including Oneida city. Oneida city Ward I 352 Ward 2 347 Orange township Persiter township Kio township - Salem township, including \ates tillage Yates village Sparta township, incl. Watagavillage Wataga village Truro township Victoria township, including jiart ol Vic- toria village. Victoria village (part of ) Walnut Gro\i- township, incl. Altona tn A Itona town Lake county. Antioch township, inch Antioch -s-illage . . . Antioch village Avon township Benton township ■-,;"■■■. Cuba towuship, includingpartot Barnng- tou village. Barrington village (part of) Total for Barrington village, in Bar- rington township. Cook county, and Cuba township, Lake county. East Deerfield towuship (('), inch Fort Sheridan vill. and Highland I'ark city. Fort Sheridan village (,(') Highland Park city Ela township ^Fremont town.ship (jiaut township ;: ' ' t •'■" ' V Liberty ville townsliip, including Liberty - ville village. Liberty ville village Newport townshi]) ■■■■ Shields town.ship, incl. Lake Forest city. Lake Forest city Vernon township Warren township - --v;""' Wauconda township, including Wau- conda village. Wauconda village 78 308 775 15, 264 1880 1,071 902 11, 437 708 c74a 951 1,049 1,218 1,454 163 198 1,496 1,725 522 537 255 289 2,677 2, 579 1,728 1 ,600 742 964 1, 330 1,448 50 ' 548 1,337 1,657 699 919 851 1,130 711 765 925 1,126 1,677 1,794 687 679 1, 293 1, 682 586 734 865 717 1,179 1, 252 230 1,350 1,781 654 818 24,235 21,296 1,704 303 1,081 020 950 262 848 2, 890 451 2,163 1,296 1,065 511 1,694 55° L164 1,751 1,203 1, 198 1,077 1,097 368 L472 1,0^6 592 981 200 610 1,154 1,412 1,116 477 1, 327 695 L231 1, 336 877 1,244 1, 137 1,046 a Not separately returned. b In 1880 in Kogers township. Ford county, only, c Exclusive of Galesburg city, erroneously given as m Galesburg township in 1880. d Deerfield township (population 2,418 in 1880) into East and West Deerfield townships smoe 1880. e Formerly Highwood. 298 formed populatio:n^. 119 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IliliINOIS— Coutiiiued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Lake county— Contiuued. Waukeean township, including Wauke- gan city. Waukegan city .... Ward I 1,418 Wardz 1,216 Ward 3 1,403 Ward 4 878 "West Deerfleld townsb ip (a) LASiLLE COUNTY Adams township, includingLeland village Leland village Allen township, including Kansom village. Ransom village iirookfield towushij) Bruce to wnship, incl. part of Streator city . Streator city (part of) Total for Streator city (b), in Bruce and Eagle townships. Dayton township, including Dayton and Wedron villages. Dayton village Wedron village Deerpark township Dimmick townshiiJ Eagle township, including Kangley vil- lage and part of Streator city. Kangley village Streator city (part of) Earl township, including Earlville city.. Earlville city Ward I 279 Ward 2 435 Ward 3 344 Eden township, including Tonica village . Tonica village Fall River township Farm Kidge township, including Grand Kidge village. Grand Ridge village Freedom township, incl. Harding \'ill. (c) . Grand Kapids township (irovelantl township, including Dana and Kutland villages. Dana village Rutland village Hope township, including Lostant village . Lostant village Lasalle township, including Lasallo city . Lasalle city Manilas township, including Orotty vil- lage and part of Marseilles city. Crotty village (d) ' Marseilles city (part of) Total for Marseilles cUy, in Manlius and Rutland townships. Mendota township, including i>art of Mendota city. Mendota city (part of) Total for Mendota city, in MendcUa and Troy Grove townshipa. Meriden township, incl. Meriden village . Meriden village Miller township Mission township, including part of Mill- ington village and Norway and Sheri- dan villages. Millington village (part of) Total for Millington village, in Fox township,Kendall county, and Mis- sion township, Lasalle county. Norway village Sheridan village Northville township Ophir township, incl. Triumph vill. (c) ... O.sage township, incl. (iarUekl village (c) . Ottawa township, including part of Ot- tawa city. Ottawa citv (part of) Total for Ottawa city, in Ottawa and South Ottawa townships. Otter Creek townshi]) a Deerfleld township (population 2,41.'! East and West Deerfleld townships .since 6 In 18R(I in Bruce township only, c JJot separately letmued. o, 348 4,915 783 80,79 1,328 554 1, U52 338 881 12, 261 10,800 11,414 761 117 802 851 2,368 934 614 2,020 1,058 1,410 473 395 1, 110 328 1,025 798 1,601 509 1,054 378 11, 620 9,855 2, 683 1 , 190 1, 105 2 ,210 3,490 3,542 797 56 1,010 1,3(14 89 301 95 425 857 843 1, 036 9, 464 8,807 9,985 1,085 in 188(1) fori 1880. 1880 4,491 4,012 70, 403 1,612 653 1, 016' 112 1,087 6,508 5,157 5,157 711 850 1,012 1,205 2,034 963 1,524 504 553 1,128 135 1,163 1,034 1,588 156 402 1, 235 363 8,987 7,847 2,114 738 939 4,. 573 4,054 4,142 991 I jO 1, 171 1,517 47 255 130 442 1,061 979 1,104 7, 598 7,023 7,834 925 led into MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. L.iSALLE cotTNTY— Continued. Peru township, including Peru city Peru city Ward 1 1 , 163 Ward 2 793 Ward 3 1,416 Ward 4 1,110 Ward 5 1 ,068 Richland township Rutland township, including part of Marseilles city. Marseilles city (part of) Serena township, incl. Serena village Serena village South Ottawa township, including part of Ottawa city. Ottawa city (part of) Troy Gro\e township. Including part of Mendota city and Troy Grove village. Mendota city (part of) Troy Grove village («) Utica township, incl. North Utica village North Utica village (/) Vermilion township Wallace township Waltham townshij) Lawrence county Allison township Bond township Bridgeport town, in Bridgeport and Law- rence townships. Bridgeport township, exclusive of ])artof Bridgeport town. Christy township, including Sumner city. Sumner city .". . Denison township, including St. Francis- ville village. St. Francisville village Lawrence township, including Law- renci-,\ille village, hut exclusive of part of Bridgeport town. Lawrence ville village Liikin township Petty township Russell township, incl. Ru.s.sellville town. Russellville town Lee cou.nty Alto township Amhoy township, including Amlioy city. Amboy city ". Ashton township, incl. Ashton village . . Ashton village ... Bradford to wu ship Brooklyn township, incl. Compton vill. . ("ompton village China township, including Franklin Grove town. Franklin Grove town Dixon township, including Dixim cily . .. Dixt)n city '. East (irove towusliip llainilton townshi|) Haiinou township, incl. Harmon village. . Harmon village Lee Center township Mariira township May township Nachusa township, incl. Nachusa village. Nachusa village Nelson township, including Nelson village Nelson village Palmyra township Reynolds township South Dixon township, incl. Eldena vill Eldena village Sublette township, incl. Sublette village(c) V iola township il Formerly Seneca. f. Fornieily Homer. / Formerly Utica. (/ includes part of Bridgeport town. 1890 5, 883 5, 550 712 1,779 I, 105 919 76 1,729 1,313 14, 693 1880 5,053 4,632 778 1,767 943 1,077 108 1, 289 52 283 1,568 88 168 1,273 1,094 556 767 612 644 800 898 1,067 13, 663 1,010 1,068 1,458 1, 269 474 450 650 ^890 2,063 2,069 1,037 1,021 2, 253 1,844 432 334 1,826 31,709 865 514 1,765 1,832 1,694 1,699 1, 500 1,283 284 265 26, 187 27, 491 923 1,028 3, 139 3,671 2,257 2,448 1,031 1,008 680 646 720 848 1,154 1,290 234 300 1,361 1,411 736 730 5,804 4,241 5, 161 3.658 659 797 329 427 840 1,016 132 238 789 984 750 902 703 848 913 1,148 68 ,65 454 579 48 82 1,016 1, 118 674 743 841 973 103 1, 000 1,104 .598 685 120 C(3MPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— AGGREGATP: population by minor civil divisions— Coutiuued. I L.l,IIVOIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lee county — Continued. "Willow Creek township, including part of Lee village. Lee village (part of) Total for Lee village, in Sliabbona township, Dekalb county, and Wil- low Creek township, Lee county. Wyoming town.ship, incl. Pawpaw vill. (a) 1890 Livingston county . Amity township, incl. Cornell village Cornell village Avoca township Belle Prairie townsliip Broughtou township, in(dudiug Kming- tou village. Emington village Charlotte township Chat8Worthtown.ship,incl.Chatsworthtn. Chatswortli town Dwight township, incl. Dwight village... Uwight village Eppard Point to wuship Esmen township Fayette township, incl. Strawu village. . . Strawn village Forrest township, including Forrest town . Forrest town Germanville township Indian Grove township, iucl.Fairbury tn. Fairbury town Long Point township Nebraskatovraship, incl. Flanagan village Flanagan village Nevatla township Newtown township Odell township, including Odell village.. Odell village Owego township Pike township Pleasant Eidge township Pontiac township, including Pontlac city. Pontiac city Reading township Rook Creek township Round Grove to wnship :-■•.•■ Saunemin township, incl. Saunemiu vill. . Saunemin village Sullivan township, incl. Culloiu village.. Cullom village Sunbury township Union township Waldo township Logan county. Atlanta town.ship, including Atlanta city- Atlanta city Ward I 3^6 Ward 2 425 Ward 3 387 Broadwell township, including Broad- well village. Broadwell village , Chester township Cor win town.ship East Lincoln township, iu<-,lading part of Lincoln city. Lincoln city (part of) Total for Lincoln city, in East and West Lincoln townships. Elkhart township, including part of Elk- hart town. Elkhart town (part of) Total for Elkhart town, in Elkhart and Hurlbut townships. Eminence township Etna township Hiulhut township, including part of Elk- hart town. Elkhart town (part of) Laenna township, incl. Latham village. .. Latham village a Not separately returned. b Includes pari of Macomb city. 1,034 '53 264 38, 455 1880 1, 252 437 876 584 964 129 747 1,578 827 2,174 1,354 y7C 768 648 233 l,8yl 1 ,021 494 3,117 2,324 1, 129 1,481 833 1,589 1,658 800 877 873 705 4, 066 2,784 1,513 1,135 983 1,46B 366 1,283 200 902 841 1,052 25, 489 1,209 138 218 1,4.55 38, 450 MtNOK CIVIL divisions. 1,698 1,178 849 231 854 1,032 3,5'° 6,72s 1,400 361 414 L155 946 532 53 904 265 1,290 437 871 708 1,010 853 1,869 1,054 2,170 ',295 1,081 876 712 331 1, 292 357 547 3,143 2, 140 1,125. 1,251 1,127 1, 344 2,004 908 975 990 737 3,414 ! 2,242 : 1,354 i 1,111 906 1,268 'i,'266 997 994 1,171 25, 037 1,932 1,368 866 214 872 1,024 4,056 3,070 5,639 L523 339 393 1,266 990 568 54 1,090 25' Logan county — Continued. Lake Fork township Mount Pulaski township, incliuling Mount Pulaski village. M ount Pulaski village Oran tow^iishij) Orvil township, incl. Hartsburg village .. Martsburg village Prairie Creek township Sheridan townshiji West Lincoln township, including part of Lincoln city. Lincoln city (part of) McUONOUGH COUNTY 1890 Bethel township Bhiudinsville township, including part of Blandinsville town. Blandinsville town (part of) Total for Blandinsvilletown, in Blan- dinsville and Hire townships. Bnshnell township, incl. Buslmell city . . . Bushnell city Ward I 898 Ward 2 770 Ward 3 646 Chalmers township, exclusive of part of Macomb city. Colchester township, incl. Colchester tn. . Colchester town Eldorado township Emmet township, exclusive of part of Macomb city. Good Hope town, in Sciota and Walnut Grove townships. Hire township, including part of Blan- dinsville town. Blandinsville town (part of> Industry township, incl. Industry village. Industry village Lemoine township Macomb city, in Clialmers, Emmet, Ma. comb, antf Scotland townships. Ward 1 1, 151 Ward 2 L136 Wards 746 Ward4 ..1,019 i Macomb township, including part of Bar- dolph village, but exclusive of part of Macomb city. Bardolph village (part of) 1 Total for Bardolph village, in Ma- ! comb and Mound townships. Mound township, incl. part of IJardolph village arid New Philadelphia village. i Bardolph village (part of) New Philadelphia village (c) New Salem township, incl. Adair village. Adair village Prairie township, incl. Prairie village . . . Prairie village Sciota township, incl. Sciota town, but exclusive of part of Good Hope town. Sciota town Scotland township, exclusiAe of part of Macomb city. Tennessee township, including Tennes- see village. Tennessee village Walnut Grove township, eNclusi\-e of part of Good Hope town. McHeNKY COUNTY Alden township Algonquin township, including part of Crystal Lake village. Crystal Lake village (part of) Total for Crystal Lake village, in Al- gonquin and Nunda townships. Burton township (Jhemung township, incl. Harvard village Harvard village c Formerly (5 rant. d Includes part of Good Hope town. 438 2,006 1,357 943 1, 503 2(19 1, 035 968 4,080 3,2'5 27, 467 1 222 li096 784 877- 2,712 2,3',4 1880 1,221 431 2,348 1,125 1, 002 1,521 188 1,112 948 3,488 2,569 27, 970 L399 1,775 2,737 2,316 il, 139 2, 505 1,920 1,643 ii83 1,037 1 ,067 955 bl, 952 368 325 1,148 1,295 03 1,419 1,450 432 1,096 366 1,290 4, 052 3,140 i3, 273 426 389 447 409 1,145 1,305 21 20 j8i 1, 155 167 1,211 169 1,214 1.38 1, 359 812 1,031 944 (/I,. Ml 238 874 349 bl, 247 1,017 1, 083 III 262 ((1,079 20,114 24, 908 . — — ■ 1,014 953 2, 512 2, 321 654 781 447 546 290 294 3, 057 2,690 1,967 1 ,607 POPULATION. 121 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. 11, I^IIVOIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. McHENRY COUNTY— C'dlll inueil. Coral township Dorr township, including Woodstock city. Woodstock city Dunham township Gratton township, incl. Huntley village. . H untley village Greenwood township Hartlaud township Hebron township McHenry township, incl. McHenry village AIcHeny village '. Mai'engo town.ship, incl. Marengo village. Marengo village Nunda township, including part of Crys- tal Lake village and Nunda village. Crystal Lake village (part of) Nunda village Richmond township, including Kich mond village. Richmond village Kiley township Seneca townshij) McLean countv. Allin township, incl. Stanford village.- . Stanford vUlage Anchor township Arrow.sniith township Bellllower townshij) Blooniiugton township (a), incl. wards 1, 2, 3, and 4, and jiarts of 5 and C of Bloomiugtou city. Hloomington city (part of) Total for Bloommgton city, in Hloom- ington and Normal townships. Ward I 3,171 Ward 2 4 , 007 Ward 3 3 , 965 Ward 4 3,282 Ward 5 3,483 Ward 6 2 , 576 Ulue Mound township -^ Cheney Grove township, including Say- brook village. Saybrook village Chenoa township, including Chenoatown Chenoa town ... Ci'Oi)Sey township Dale township Dan\ers township, incl. Danvers village. . Danvers village Downs township Dry Grove township Empire township, including Leroy city .. Leroy city Funks Grove township Gridley township, incl. Gridley village .. . Gridley village Hudson township, incl. Hudson village . . Hudson village Lawndale township Lexington township, incl. Lexington tn.. Lexington town Martin township, incl. ColfVix village (b) . . Money Creek township Mount Hope townshii), incl. McLean vill. McLean village . Normal township (a), in<-luding parts of wards 5 and ti of Bloomington city, and NoiTual city. Bloomington city (part of) Normal city Oldtii wn township I'adiia township _ Kandolph township, incl. Heyworth vill.. Hey worth village Towauda township, incl. Towanda village. Towanda village West township White Oak township Yates township 1, 354 2, 79G 1,683 919 1,437 550 H99 9U11 1,1U7 2, .j.05 979 2, 2.i5 '.445 L805 127 438 1,212 415 830 1,U40 63, U30 1,209 ^89 903 1,090 1, 294 19, 743 17.523 20,484 1,279 2, C(;2 1,475 960 1,441 505 966 1,0.54 918 2,313 874 2,082 1,264 1,721 388 1, 3.59 464 864 1, 025 60, 100 1,291 353 943 1,250 1,282 14, 476 12.453 17 , 180 a All of wards 5 and 6 of Bloomington city mal townsliiip i" 1«80. 6 Not sei)aratcly returned. 1,057 1,115 1,849 1,826 851 2, 004 734 2,036 1,226 543 1 ,063 497 1,010 1, 133 1,G05 1,755 506 1,330 460 1, 350 L092 1,147 2, 325 2, 341 1,258 i,o6B 777 819 1,699 1,768 1,269 419 1,308 273 945 276 977 2,174 2,404 1,187 1,428 1.254 1,026 882 1, 104 1,432 1,490 5&0 7, 312 490 8,045 2,961 4,727 3,459 906 2,470 1, 027 1,204 1, 505 1, 8.33 1,957 566 1, 255 560 1,255 402 1, 135 261 1,244 594 532 1, 017 1, 180 ^ivt'ii a s in Nor- Macon county 1890 Austin township Blue Mounil townshij) Decatur township, incl. Decatur city Decatur city Ward I 4 , 42 1 Ward 2 3 , 265 Ward 3 2 , 476 Ward 4 2 , 942 Wards .. 3,737 Friends Creek townshij) Harristown tinYnship Hickory Point township niini townshij), incl. Warr'en8l)urgtn.((,), Long Creek townshij) Maroa townshij), including Maroa city. . . Maroa citv Milam townshij) Mount Zion township Niantic towushijj, incl. Niantic town. ... Niantic towD Oakley township Pleasant View townshij), including Blue Mound town. Blue Mound town South Macon township, incl. Macmi city.. Macon city (e) Wheathmd townshij) (d) , Whitmore townsliij) Macoupin county. Barr township Bird townsliip Brighton townshij), incl. Brighton village Brighton village Brushy Mound township Bunker Hill townshij), including Bunker Hill city and Woodbiirn village. Bunker Hill city VVard i 679 Ward 2 590 Woodburn village Cahokia townshij) Carliuville town.shij), including Carlin- ville city. Carliriville city Ward I ' 852 Ward 2 828 Ward 3 793 vV ard 4 820 Chesterfleld township, including Chester- field village and jiart of Medora village. Chesterfield village Medora village (jMrt of) Total for Medora village, in Chester- field and Shipman townships. Dorchester township, including jjart of Dorchester village. Dorchester village (part of) Total for Dorchester village (e), in Dor- chester and Gillespie townships. Gillespie townshij), including j)art of Dor- cliester village and Gillesj)ie village. Dorchester village (jiart of) . . Gillespie village Girard townshij), including Girard city . . Girard city Ward I ■ Ward 2 470 Ward 3 542 Hillyard townshij) Honey Poiut townshij) Nilwood township, incl. Nilwood tn. ((<)-. North Otter townshij) North Palmyra township, including i)art of Palmyra village. Palmyra village (part of) Total for Palmyra village, in North and South Palmyra townships. Polk towushij) 38, 083 733 1,183 18, 684 16,841 1,561 797 1,080 1,185 1,353 2, 084 1 , 164 632 1,334 1,259 639 1, 070 1, 392 696 1,675 819 1,015 1,046 40, 380 1,088 1,135 873 I, 004 1, 749 2, 030 697 691 849 917 2,748 2, 935 ,269 216 1,171 4,226 1,498 1880 30, 665 944 1, 204 10, 922 9,547 1,471 903 1,205 1,232 1,377 1, 958 870 031 1,202 1,062 321 1,045 1, 331 532 1,G11 793 1,187 1,320 37, 692 236 973 4, 014 1,.355 374 337 470 195 290 397 1, 049 1,198 42 104 69 69 1, 775 1,419 62 948 2, 139 432 1, 635 1,524 1,024 1,02(1 895 1,247 961 1,440 1,123 942 1, 344 1,087 1,199 298 505 84 222 890 8G9 c Formerly South Macon. d Given as South Wheatland in 1880. e In 1880 in Dorchester towushijj onl^ . 122 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. I lil.IIVOIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Macoupin county— Continued. Scottville township, incl. Scottville town Scottville town Shaw Point township Shipiuau towu.ship, including part of Me- (lora village and Shipman town. Medora village (part of ) . Shipman town South Otter town.sbip South Palmyra township, including part of Palmyra village. Palmyra village (part of) Staunton towushlp, including Mount Olive and Staunton villages. Mount Olive village Staunton village Viiden townshi)), including Virden city. Viiden city Western Mound town.ship 1890 1,365 363 995 1,521 133 410 1,104 1,527 207 5,285 2,2og 2,038 1 ,610 921 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Marion county. Madison coonty. Alhambra township, including Alhambra village (a). Alton township, including Alton city and North Alton village. Alton city. . - Ward I 1,641 Ward 2 987 Wards i,4°4 Ward 4 1 1350 Ward 5 1,885 Ward 6 i,553 Ward 7 1 ,474 North Alton village Chouteau township CoUinsville township, including CoUins- ville city. ("olUnsville city Edwardsville township, including Ed- ward.sville city. Edwardsville city Fort Russell township, including part of Bethalto village. Bethalto village (part of) Total for Bethalto village, in Fort Rus- sell and Wood Kiver townships. Fosterbnrg township, including Foster- burg village. Fosterburg village Godfrey township, incl. Godfrey village . . Godfrey village Haiuel township Helvetia township, incl. Highland city.. Highland city Ward 1 612 Ward 2 509 Ward 3 736 .Jarvis township, including Brookside and Troy villages. Brookside village Troy village Leef township, incl. i)artof Saline vill. (a) . Marine township, incl. Marine village .Marine village Moio township. - Nameoki township New Douglas township, including New Douglas village. New Douglas village Olive township Oinphghent township, incl. Worden vill. Worden village Pin Oak township St. Jacob township, incl. St. Jacob village St. J cob village Saline township, including part of Saline village (a). Venice township, incl. Venice village. . . Venice village Wood River township, including i)art of Bethalto village and Ui)per Alton city, Bethalto village (part of) Upper Alton city . . ; 1,523 284 957 1,682 107 486 1,110 1,473 2,797 709 1,358 1,987 1,608 984 50, 126 763 954 5,224 3.49» 4,844 3.561 1,284 Alma township Carrigan township Centralia township, including CentraUa city and f lentral village. Centralia city Ward I 2,015 Ward 2 1 , 176 Ward 3 1,572 Central village Foster township Haines township luka township, including luka village . . . luka village Kinraundy township, including Kin- mundy city. Kinmundy city Meacham township Odin township, including Odin and San- doval villages. Odin village Sandoval village j Omega township Patoka township, incl. Patoka village Patoka village Raccoon township Romine township ; Salem township, including Salem city — Salem city Ward I 135 Ward 2 256 Ward 3 602 Ward 4 500 Stevenson township Tonti township 1,094 4, .577 4,133 2,887 1,413 468 "5 879 628 1,318 1,652 110 T30 2,040 2,277 228 85 1,205 1,222 3, 162 3,359 1,857 1,969 Marshall county. BellePlainetownship,incl.LaRosevill.(a) Bennington township Evans township, including Weuona city . Wenona city ■ Henry township, including Henry city . . . Henry city Hopewell township Lacon township, including Lacon city — Lacon city La Prairie township Richland township Roberts township, incl. Varna village Varna village Saratoga township Steuben township, incl. Sjarland town. . Sparland town Whitefield township Mason county - 2,196 219 826 790 1,650 637 1,107 1,5.'J8 1, 024 555 697 1, 472 522 1,11!) 1,648 475 1,142 1,463 932 3, 459 411 1,803 1,942 35 648 919 1, 925 774 1,249 1,466 967 400 852 1,308 384 1,149 1,779 461 1, 302 1,119 612 3,346 513 1,534 Allen Grove township, incl. San Jose vill . . San J ose village Bath township, including Bath village Bath village Crane Creek township - - - Forest towushiji Havana township, including Havana city. Havana city Ward 1 913 Ward 2 649 Ward 3 963 Kilbourne township Lynchburg township Manito township, incl. Manito village. . . Manito village Mason township, including Mason city . - Mason city Ward I 582 Ward 2 692 Ward 3 595 Pennsylvania township Quiver townshii), incl. Topeka village. - . Topeka village Salt Creek towushii> .Shermau township 1880 24. 341 862 774 6,009 4,763 304 821 1,003 1,197 362 1,735 1,045 790 2,390 817 834 1,031 1,501 502 1,137 1,135 2,250 1,493 752 954 13, 653 958 919 1,898 1,053 1,865 1 ,512 624 2,035 1,649 860 805 1 , 065 398 779 1, 024 471 821 IG, 067 1,108 307 1,303 384 706 888 3,510 2,525 792 668 1,187 444 2,606 837 718 141 835 909 23, 686 1,024 875 5,054 3,621 411 885 1,129 L311 315 1,941 1 ,096 927 2,042 724 564 1,055 1,366 444 1,181 1,000 2,182 1,327 814 900 15, 055 1,055 964 1,777 911 2,168 1,728 705 2,214 1,814 1,206 807 1,017 286 1,020 1,088 375 1.034 16, 242 1,102 285 1,541 439 804 925 3,204 2,118 845 684 1, 237 434 2,443 i,7«4 890 824 98 978 765 a JJot separately returned. POPULATION. 123 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. 11, liINOIS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Massac county. Benton ]>reciiiet Brooklyn )irc(;iii(;t, incl. Brooklyn Village. . Brooklyn village George Creek ])reeinct Craut precinct (a) Hillenuan precinct Jackson precinct Metropolis precinct, incl. Metropolis city . Metropolis city Ward I 1,145 Ward 2 821 Ward 3 1,128 Ward 4 479 Wasliington precinct 11,313 10, 443 795 670 924 912 216 823 726 1,261 1,545 S7i 1,288 1, 486 3,815 4, 531 3.573 2,668 Menakd county (Ii) . Township 17 north, range 5 -west Township 17 north, range 6 west, in- J> (c) eluding part of Athens village. Athens village (part of) Total for Athens village, in township 17 north, range6 west, and township 18 north, range 6 west. Town.ship 17 north, range 7 west, includ- ing^ pait of Tallula village. Tallula village (part of) Total for Tallula village, in township 1 7 north, range 7 west, and township 17 north, range 8 west. Township 17 north, range 8 west, includ- ing part of Tallula village. Tallula village (part of) Township 18 north, range 4 west ) , Township 18 north, range 5 west ) '■"'-■■■■ Townsbij) 18 north, range 6 west, includ- ing' part of Athens viflage. Athens village (part of) Township 18 north, range 7 west, incliid- in": Petersburg city. Petersburg city ". M'ard i 783 Ward 2 712 Ward 3 847 Townsliip 18 north, range 8 west Townshij) 19 north, range 4 west Towushi]! 19 north, range 5 west Township 19 north, range 6 west, includ- ing (iieenview town. Greenview town Township 19 north, range 7 west Township 19 north, range 8 west Mekceu cou.nty Abington town.ship Duncan township Eliza townshi)) Greene township, including Viola village. Viola village Keitbsburg township, including Keiths- burg city. Keithsburg city Mercer township, including Aledo city. . . Aledo city " Miller.sburg township New Boston township, including New Bost(ni city. New Boston city North Henderson township Ohio Grove township Perryton township Pre-emption township Kiehland Grove township, including Ca- ble and Swedona villages. Cable village Swedona village Kivoli town.ship, incl. New Windsor town. New Windsor town Snez townshii> a Organized since 1880. b Returned by precincts in 1880. c Not separately returned. 862 13,120 1,292 276 445 806 1, 606 455 3, 258 503 20 1,172 1,744 1 , 106 851 504 18,545 - 832 909 733 932 670 783 1,640 1,545 421 1,747 370 1,278 1,484 2,330 942 2, 490 1 ,6or 1, 248 1,492 1,174 1 , 285 1,526 445 912 633 1,138 909 1,057 913 1,059 8.54 1,113 2,410 2, 019 1 ,276 572 I5Q 1.247 213 1,407 477 815 l,E7i 1,147 1.3,024 546 19, 502 MONKOE county. 12,948 Bluff precinct Columbia precinct, incl. Columbia town.. C'olumbiatown Harrison\'ille precinct Mitchie precinct Moredock precinct New Design precinct New Hanover precinct Prairie du Long precinct Renault jjrecinct Waterloo precinct, incl. Waterloo city Waterloo city Ward I . . 631 Ward 2 616 Ward 3 613 Montgomery codnty. Audubon township Bois d'Arc township Butler Grove township, incl. Butler vill. . Butler village East Fork township, incl. Coffeen village. Goffeen village Fillmore township Grisliam towushi], Harvel township, incl. Harvel village Harvel vi'lage Hillsboro township, including Hillsboro city (c). Irving tow nship, incl. Irving village Irving village Litchfield city, in North and South Litch Held townships. Ward 1 2, 138 Ward 2 2, 228 Ward 3 1, 445 Nokomis township, incl. Nokomis town . . Nokomis town North Litchfield township, exclusive of part of Lit8g 2, 217 406 :i;i8 1,479 339 I.l8:i 759 1,3S2 1.270 256 928 1,875 895 488 1, 951 1,566 t, 064 l,o;J2 857 983 314 887 506 70, 378 1880 1,241 1.081 2. 063 S57 1,311 126 1,078 269 3,089 I, 305 1,297 29, 937 786 3,444 1,819 1, .563 1.008 364 687 2,716 1,893 2, 374 208 1,108 512 384 1,247 1,023 1,589 71Q 2,451 ,632 Akron township Brinitield township, incl. Brinilicld town BriinheUl town Chillicothe townsln]), including Chilli- cothe city. Chillicothe city Ward I 483 Ward 2 799 Ward 3 35° Elmwood townshi)), incl. Elniwood town . . Elmwcod town Halloek township Hollis townslii)) Jubilee townshi)) Kickapoo townslii]) Limestone townslii]) Logan townshi]) Medina township Millbrook township a Not separatitly returned. b Part taken to form Woosung townshi]) since 1880. c Organized from part of Buttalo township since 1880. 1.3.34 805 1,167 1,301 196 968 1,959 85s 432 1,765 1,088 1,199 1,137 846 1, 002 352 949 55, 355 1,216 1,843 832 1,357 936 2,451 2,430 .,548 1,504 1, 084 1, 085 1,265 1, 160 785 872 1.638 1,417 3, O46 2, 501 1,332 1,046 738 723 966 1.163 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Peoria county — Continued. Peoria township, including Peoria city and Soutli Peoria village. Peoria city Ward I 4,872 Ward 2 5 , 3^4 Ward 3 2 ,038 Ward 4 3,863 Ward 5 4,232 Ward 6 4,875 Ward 7 ..'. 4,96' Ward 8 4 , 5°° Ward 9 6,299 South Peoria village ... Princeville township, including Prince- ville village. Princeville village Radnor townshij) Rich wood township, including North Peo- ria village. North Peoria village Rosefielil townshi)) Timber town.ship, incl. Glasford village. Glasford village Trivoli townshi]! 1890 1880 Perry county - Beaucoup precinct Cutler precinct (d) Duquoin precini't, iuidudingDuquolncity . Duquoin city Paradise ])reciiict Plnckneyville iirec-inct, in, incl. Hennepin vill . . Hennepin village Magnolia township, incl. Magnolia vill. . . Magnolia village Senach wine township Randolph county. Baldwin precinct, incl. Baldwin village Baldwin village Blair precinct Bremen precinct Brewerville precinct 1890 1, 620 ■196 763 1, 186 1, 353 1, 360 1,478 415 1,060 457 1, 243 1,595 1,704 368 307 1,256 175 845 92S 1, 680 73 2,023 70,? 3,270 770 3, 254 2,295 1,411 2, 104 1,485 310 1,446 276 1,823 424 415 m 1,590 1,365 453 136 14,016 13, 256 1,072 1,115 805 836 1,132 958 212 714 3,327 3, 278 I. '74 645 1 ,000 50i! 919 890 633 632 862 845 1,030 1,000 87.3 931 1,168 ()64 655 7.50 895 854 11,3,55 1,270 148 1,417 574 1 , 326 287 717 25, 049 1, 353 1,564 298 271 502 720 668 707 939 667 1880 1,504 minor civil divisions. 9,507 651 1 , (i75 1,460 1 , 9(i5 2,222 1 , 078 684 1,396 1,472 20 i 57 1,435 819 1,0,57 941 1,481 1,366 617 543 5, 554 1,499 260 1,734 623 1,490 305 831 25, 690 a Not separately returned. b Part taken to form Cincinnati township since 1880, e Organize, c Precincts changed to townships since ^880. d Formerly Douglas. « Formerly Eldorado. 10,683 658 9.185 348 1,038 1,924 640 2,558 1 ,229 6c3 923 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Saline county (c). Brushy township Carrier Mills township (d) Cottage Grove townshi]) East Eldorado township («), including Eldorado town (6). Galatia township (/), incl. Galatia village.. Galatia village Harrisburg township, incl. Harrisburg tn. Harrisburg town Independence township Long Branch township Mountain township (3) Raleigh townshij), mcl. Raleigh vill. (6) . - Rector township (/i ) Stonefort township, including part of Bolton village. Bolton village (part of) Total for Bolton village, in Stonefort township. Saline county, and Saline precinct, Williamson county. Tate township (i) 1890 1880 19, 342 15, 940 1,593 1,879 1,029 2, 347 1,540 1 , 530 909 1,898 1,311 519 3,150 1,874 674 2, 302 1.723 1,506 928 1,227 1,694 890 818 934 1,058 1, 1.52 97.5 1,395 707 600 188 464 123 337 970 Sancjamon county. 61, 195 Auburn township, incl. Auburn village-. Auburn village Ball township Buffalo Heart township Capital township, coextensive with Springfield city. Springfield city : Ward I 3.950 Ward 2 3.992 Ward 3 3,818 Ward 4 3,781 Ward 5 3.426 Ward 6 4.184 Ward 7 1,812 Cartwright township, including Pleasant Plains vdlage. Pleasant Plains village Chatham township, incl. Chatham village. Chatham village Clear Lake township, incl. Riverton vill Riverton village (looper township Cotton Hill township Curran township Fancy Creek township Gardner township Illiopolis township, incl. Illiopolis village Illiopolis village Island Grovo township, incl. Berlin vill. Berhn village Lanesville township (,7) Loami township, including Loami village. Loami village Mechanicsburg townshi]), including Buf- falo (b), Daw.son (6), and Mechanics- burg villages. M echanicsburg village New Berlin township, including New Berlin village. New Berhn village Pawnee township Rochester township, incl. Rochester vill. (0) Salisbury township Springfield township, incl. North Spring- field, Ridgely, and West Springfield villages. North Springfield village Ridgely village West Springheld village Talkington townshi]) Williams township, including Williams- ville village. Williamsville village Woodside township, incl. South Spring- field village. South Springfield village 1 / Pait taken to form Tate townshi]) sine '(; Formerly Sonici-sct. h Formerly I'laiuview. i Organized from ]iart of Galatia jjrecinc j Formerly Wheattield. 2,204 874 1, 082 602 24, 963 1,911 52, 894 1,045 572 19, 743 2,050 5-8 4 17 1,392 1,377 482 451 2,488 2,031 1. 127 705 947 870 1,140 1,151 994 1,065 1,282 1,299 1,249 1, 246 1,507 1,322 689 686 968 1,000 260 287 809 763 1,542 1, 5.50 3^2 2,073 306 1,784 426 396 1, 081 962 494 403 1,404 1, 131 1,332 1,318 566 689 4,702 3,481 1.043 1,007 668 -.1 923 1,064 1,678 1,665 1 444 457 2,356 1,636 398 e 1880. t since 1880. POPULATION. 127 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contimied. Il^iillVOIS— Coutiuued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Schuyler county Bainbridge township ., Birmingham township Brooklyn township Browning township Biiena Vista townshij), exclusive of part of Kushville town. Camden township Frederick township Hickory township Huntsvilleto^vnship Littleton township Oakland township Kushville town (a), in Buona Vista and Rushville townships. Kushville township, exclusive of part of Kushville town. Woodstock township Scott county (c) Township Vi north, range 11 west, includ- ing Manchester town. Manchester town Township 13 north, range 12 west, includ- ing Glasgow village. Glasgow village Township 13 north, range 13 west Township 14 north, range 11 west Township 14 north, range 12 west, includ- ing Winchester city. Winchester city Ward 1 499 Ward 2 569 Ward 3 474 Township 14 north, range 13 west. . } , ., Township 14 north, range 14 west. . J ' ' ' " Township 1,5 north, range 12 west Townsliip 15 north, range 13 west, includ- ing Bluffs village and Exeter town. Bluffs village. Exeter town Township 15 north, range 14 west, includ- ing Naples town. Naples town Shelby county Ash Grove township Bigspring town:ih ip (<■) CoTdspring township Dry Point township, incl. Cowden village. Cowden village ,- ,-„ -.1. . Flat Branch township Holland township Moweaqua township, incl. Moweaqua vill. Moweaqua village Oconee township, incl. Oconee village Oconee village Okaw township Peun township Pickaway township Prairie township, incl. Stewardaon town. Stewardson town Kichland township, incl. Strasburg vill- . . Strasburg village Kidge town,ship Kose township, exclusive of part of Shel- byville city. Kural toVuship Shelbyville city, in Rose and Shelbyville townships. Shelbyville township, exclusive of part of Shelbyville city. Sigel township (f), including Sigel village. Sigel village Todd Point township Tower Hill townshii), including Tow r Hill village. Tower H ill village Windsor township, incl. Windsor city.. - Windsor citj' ' . . . . a In 1880 in Knsliville townslii]) only. b Indiulcs Rushville town. c Ketiiriicd by precincts in 1880. 1890 16, 013 1,252 951 1,138 1,432 1,138 1,247 421 541 984 1,137 1, 301 2,031 1,265 1, 175 1,046 1,510 187 681 312 2,700 1,542 1,106 718 1,488 244 737 1,437 1, 574 1,015 1,981 2, 021 1,864 2,409 2, 305 702 1,147 1,068 1,724 1,460 1, 252 1, 123 «48 1,060 1,699 3^2 1,129 259 946 615 662 824 820 2,267 2,142 (17 1,241 385 1,140 2 = 8 1.088 104 1,013 1, 199 1,380 934 1,050 3,162 2,939 1,0.58 1,165 934 258 600 507 1,549 1,478 543 1, 926 391 1,954 888 768 1880 16, 249 1,205 1,074 1,134 1,528 1,277 1,112 489 580 1,192 1,060 1,261 1,662 62, 956 1,381 10, 741 1,626 162 291 30, 270 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Stark county . Elmira township Essex township, including part of AVyo- ming town . Wyoming town (part of ) Total for Wyoming town, in Essex and Toulon townships. Goshen township, incl. Lafayette village Lafayette village Osceola townshij), incl. Bradford village . Bradford village Penn township Toulon township, inchuling Toulon town and part of Wyoming town. Toulon town Wyoming town (part ol) Valley township West' Jersey township Stephenson county Buckeye township, incl. C'cdarvi lie vill.. Cedarville village Dakota township, inchuling Dakota town . Dakota town Erin townsliip Florence township Freeport city, in Lancaster and Silver Creek townships. Ward 1 3, 024 Ward 2 3, 131 Ward 3 4, 0.34 Harlem township Jefierson township Kent township Lancaster township, exclusive of part of Freeport city. Loran township Oneco township, incl. Orangeville village . Orangeville village .. . Ridott township, incl. Ridott village (rf). . Rock Grove township Rock Run township, including Davis vil- lage and Rock town. Davis village Rock town Silver Creek township, exclusive of part of Freeport city. Waddams township West Point towusliii), incl. Lena town . .. Lena town Winslow township, incl. Wiu.slow vill. . . VVinsIow village 1890 1.S80 Tazewell county. Deer Boynton townslii]) Cincinnati township Deer Creek township, includiiij Creek town. Deer Creek town Delavan township, incl. Delavan city Delavan city ' . . . . Dillon township Elm Grove township, including part of Tremout town. Tremont town (part of) Total for Tremont town, in Elm Grove and Tremont townships. Fond du Lac township, including East Peoria and Hilton (d) villages. East Peoria village Groveland township Hittle township, incl. Armington town . . . Armington town Hopedale township, incl. Hopedale vill. . . Hopedale village Little Mackinaw township, including Minier village. Minier village 9,982 415 1 , 116 1,017 250 1,484 604 1,022 2,579 945 701 810 976 31,338 1,490 326 839 283 625 1,044 10,189 29, 556 d Xot separately returned. e Part takeu to form Sigel townslii)) since /Orgauizicd from i)art of Higsjuing towns 11, 207 884 978 1, 210 1, 452 434 1,086 1,192 265 1,519 S06 1,216 2. 657 967 652 986 1,207 !l,9fi3 1,654 886 257 761 1,195 8,516 1,208 1,312 535 650 1, 058 1,214 1,070 1,172 1,226 1,249 1, 453 1,575 ^47 1,870 326 2,011 973 1,071 1,884 2,202 455 ■ 48 1,217 539 161 1,312 1,344 1, 4.35 2,389 2,744 1 ,270 924 1 »520 1,004 332 330 29, 666 802 840 7,58 871 893 857 125 2,140 2, 044 1 , 176 957 i>340 1,082 1,178 1,431 47 508 51 4'7 864 776 l,f5? 1,505 942 921 241 1,409 I2T 1.3.54 471 1,551 -,62 1,575 664 1880. Iiip since 600 1880. 128 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahle 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. 1 1^ L I IV O I S— Contiuued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Tazewell county— Coiitiuuoil . Mackinaw towusliip, iiuludins Macki- naw town. Mackinaw town Malone townsliip • • Morton township, incl. Morton village --- Morton village Tckin townsliip. inchuliug Pckm city Pekin citv • • Sanil Prairie townsliip Spring Lake township Vri-' ' " Trcniont township, including partot ire- niont town. Tremont town (part of) Washington township, iuclndiug Wash- ington <'ity. Washington city Ward I 386 Ward 2 375 Ward 1 540 1890 Vnion' county (0) . Alto Pass precim't (b), including Alto Pass village. Alto Pass village - ■ • ■ Anna precinct, iiududing wards 2 and 3 of Anna city. Anna city (part of) ;;-''' Total for Anna city, in Anna and Hess precincts. i •Ward I 974 Ward 2 679 Ward 3 642 C'oliden precinct (c), ind. Cobden village. Cobden village (c) - J>ongdla precinct, incl. Doiigola village . - Dongola village ■ Iless precinct (d), including ward 1 ot .\nna city. Anna city (part of) Joneshoro precinct, including Joiiesboro city (c). Tick Creek precinct (di IMill ("reek precinct M iscii lieiiner precinct Pi est on precinct Kicli precinct Stokes iH-ecinct T'nioii iireciiicl Western Saratoga precinct (rf) Vekmilion county Pdount (ownshiji Kutler township, incl. Kaiikin village .. Kankin village ('ari(dl townshi]), incl. Indianola village. - Indianola village Catlin township, including Catlin town. . . Catlhi town Danville towiislii]i. including Danville city and Cerniaiitown. (iraiie Creek, Soiith Danville, and Tiltoii villages. Danville city Ward I 2, 086 Ward 2 2,045 Ward 3 1 , 544 Ward 4 1,942 Wards 1,928 Ward 6 1,030 Ward 7 916 (icrmantown village firape Creek village South Danville village Tiltnn village El wood township, incl. Ridge Farm vill.. Ridge Farm village Georgetown township, including George- town village. Georgetown village a Information as to changes in minor complete. b Formerly Ridge. c Formerly S(mth Pass. d Organized since 1880. 1,474 1880 21,519 2,186 389 1,.597 1 ,321 2,29s 99* 2, .^.'iO 73.5 3, lyi 974 2,001 '.¥X> 585 315 451 822 922 1,168 4!), !)05 1.836 2, 084 314 1,714 1.910 2,012 258 1.921 472 2, 069 ■08 1, 930 275 17, 768 317 11,659 1,627 545 731 482 730 1,661 1,490 657 6,537 426 6,164 6,3-7 1,036 5,993 1,020 928 939 1,280 1 , 235 461 2,958 366 3, 205 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 18, 102 2,318 166 3, 308 1.494 1,494 3, 072 800 2,553 599 2, 009 400 671 283 1,427 1,236 825 ,,,78 5 to 778 790 7,8 -174 297 2, 748 2,669 757 237 2, 636 2, 608 . incl. Kirkwood vill. . Kirkwood village 798 936 996 841 819 805 882 837 7,081 5,936 812 1,475 788 1,425 562 891 1,016 1 , 667 9(9 AVashinoton COUNTY (/i) 19,262 Ashley town.shi]), in(d. Ashley village Ashley village .„■ ■ • Beaiiconp township, incl. Beaucnnp village Beaucoup vil lage Bolo town.shi]) •- Covington township, including part of New Mindeii village. New Minden village (part of) Total for New Minden village, in Cov- ington and Hoyleton townshi])S. Duliois township, incl. Dubois village Dubois village Hoyleton township, including Hoyleton village and i)art of New Minden village. Hoyleton village New Minden village (part of) 3,462 1 ,272 1,979 1, 977 2, 559 1,523 2,654 768 1,185 1,540 503 9,945 1,668 ' ,035 934 48 1,107 930 1.271 304 1,775 361 .46 1,561 350 1. 342 1. 263 1, 002 571 2,753 2,047 1.453 22, 933 1,003 1,084 1,041 1, 062 1, 053 1,041 1,135 992 6,420 S,ooo 915 1,708 804 1,400 398 948 1,137 1, 994 1,079 21,112 e Not separately returned. , • • „„ /Part of Grant township annexed to Ross township since 1880. g Formerly Bonpas. h Reorganized, into townships in 1888. POPULATION. 129 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. Il,l,INOIS— Contimxed. MISfOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. "Washington county— Contiimed. Irvington township Johaiinisburg townsliip Lively Grove to wnshiii Nashville township, inch Nashville city . . Nashville city Oakdale township Okawvillo townshii), including Addievillo and Okawville villages. Addieville village Okawville village Pilot Knob township Plum Hill township Kichview township, inch Kichview vill. . . Richview village Venedy township, iucl. Venedy village Venedy village Wayne county . Arrington township Barnhill township (a) Bedford township Big Mound township, including part of Fairh(!ld town. Fairfield town (part of) Total for Fairfield town, in Big Mound and Grover townships. Brush Creek township Elm Ki ver township rourmile township (i/), including part of Wayne village (c). Grover township (d), including part of Fairfield town. Fairfield town (part of) Hickory Hill township Indian Prairie township Jasper township Laniard township, incl. Jefferson ville vill . Jeffersonville village Leech township Massillon township Mount Erie township, incl. Mount Erie tn Mount Erie town Orel township (c), including part of Wayne village (c). Zif township 1890 ,263 990 807 ,788 ,o8j 954 ,811 117 472 775 902 750 465 537 193 23, 800 1880 White county. Burnt Prairie township Carnii township, including Carmi city. . - Carmi city Ward I 842 Ward 2 . , 922 Ward 3 I ,o2i Emma township Enfield township, including Enfield town Enfield town Gray township, including part of Gray- ville city. Grayville city (part of) Total for Grayville city, in French Creek precinct, Edwards county, and Gray township, White county. Hawthorn township Herald Prairie township Indian Creek township, incl. Norris vill . . Norris village Mill iShoals township, including Mill Shoals town. Mill Shoals town Phillips township, including Phillips- town village (c). Whiteside county . Albany township, incl. Albany village. . . Albany village Clyde township Coloma township, incl. Rock Falls city . . . Rock Kails city .' 2,454 1 ,712 1,306 L812 1,088 1,327 256 1 , 500 697 1,413 266 1,586 451 25, 005 30, 854 792 6n 882 2,104 1 ,900 a Part takou to form Grovor township siue.o 1880. 6 Part taken to form Orel township since 1880. e Not separately returned. 372 9 482 21,291 1, .583 3,463 1,652 1,053 1,582 1, 085 1,982 1 , 322 1,017 1, 7.53 1,143 1, 301 238 1,231 550 1,471 294 2,051 1,993 4,361 4,140 2,783 2,512 1, 861 1, .587 2,108 2,125 870 2,211 717 1,957 1.385 1.999 1.533 1, 9(12 1,942 2, 342 1,983 2, 806 2,922 223 2. 642 400 2,083 22T 2,721 2,355 30, 885 819 623 1, 087 1,496 891 inNOR CIVIL divisions. Whiteside county — Continued. Erie township, including Erie village . . . Erie village Fenton township Fulton townshij), includiug Fulton city . Fulton city .' . . Ward I 701 Ward 2 815 Ward 3 583 Garden Plain township Genesee township Hahnaman township Hopkins township Hume township Jordan township Lyndon township, incl. Lyndon village. . . Lyndon village Montmorency township Mount Pleasant township, includingMor- rison city. Morrison city Newton township Portland township Prophetstown township, including Proph- etstown to^vn. Prophetstown town Sterling township, incl. Sterling city Sterling city Ward I 1 ,046 Ward 2 1 , 407 Ward 3 1 , 102 Ward 4 1,124 Ward % 1,145 Tampico tow^iship, incl. Tampico village. Tampico village _ . Union Grove township TJstick township 1890 Will county. Channahou township Crete township, including Crete village . . Crete village Custer township Dupage township Florence township Frankfort township, includiug Frankfort and Mokena villages. Frankfort village Mokena village Green Garden township Homer township Jackson township, incl. Elwood village. . . Elwood village Joliet township, including Joliet city Joliet city Ward I 7.875 Ward 2 2,410 Ward 3 2 , 303 Ward 4 2,046 Wards 1,672 Ward 6 3.37° Ward 7 3, 588 Lock port township, incl. Lockport vill... Lockport villagfe Manhattan township, incl. Manhattan vill . Manhattan village Monee township, incl. Monee village Monee village New Lenox township Peotone township, incl. Pcotone viUagc. . Peotone village Plainfiehl township, iucl. Plainfleld vill.. Plainfield village Kced township, including Braidwood city and Godley village. Braidwood city Godley village Troy township AVashington township, incl. Beechor vill.. Beecher village Wesley township AVheatland townshi}) AVill township 809 535 735 2,390 1,098 1,272 615 1,115 534 1,078 963 461 586 3,080 794 782 1,568 694 6,655 5,824 989 429 981 1,032 1880 62, 007 53, 422 1,095 1,688 642 545 1,254 774 1,648 431 364 1,003 1,067 1,180 243 27, 438 23,264 4,088 2,449 1,061 257 1, 309 44 5 1,164 1,569 717 1,779 852 5, 208 4,641 296 895 1,574 342 646 926 816 778 537 752 1,994 1.733 1,119 1,440 806 1,308 633 1,208 1,157 557 654 3,048 891 926 1,709 803 5,837 5,087 1,066 424 1,091 1,066 1,105 1,763 539 611 1,101 847 2,127 332 522 1,145 1, 233 1,399 312 16, 149 11.657 3,260 1,679 930 1,594 503 1,244 1, 643 624 1, 713 686 5,981 5.524 1,035 1,905 742 1,098 d Organized from part of Barnhill tovviisliiji sinc-e 1880. e Organized from jiart of Fourmile township since 1880. 130 COMPENDIUM OP THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahlw 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. tl. Illinois— Continued. 5IINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. "Will county— Contiuucd. ■VViliiiin^ton towusliip, iucludinj. miiij^ton city. Wilmington city Wilton townsliip AVil- WlLLlAMSON COUNTY. Bainbridgo precinct - • - - - - - - Cartervillo precinct, iucl. Cartervillo vill. Carterville village Ci-ab Orchard precinct. - Eightiuile precinct - Grassy precinct Herriii Prairie precinct Lake Creek precinct Marion precinct, including Marion city . . Marion city Northern precinct Kock Creek precinct - ■ • - - ■ Saline precinct, incl. ])art ot Bolton viU. . Bolton village (part of) Total for Bolton village, in Stonetort township, Saline county, and Saline precinct, \\'illiarason county. Southern })recinct , Union precinct, including Creal Springs village. Creal Springs village Western precinct 1890 Winnebago county Burritt township Cherry Valley township - - • Duraiid township, incl. Durand village. Durand village Guilford township Harlem township Harrison township Laona township New Milford township Owen township • Pecatouica township, including 1 eca- tonica village. Pecatonica village 2, 293 1,576 987 22, 226 816 1, 352 969 1, 273 838 1, 963 793 2,272 2^875 1,338 1, 939 1,293 1,900 276 464 1, 730 2, 048 5?9 1,134 39, 938 1880 733 1,105 1, 223 489 969 783 .577 664 865 762 1,796 1,059 1,872 1,134 19, 324 795 1, 090 692 1,109 823 1,727 779 2, 233 2,585 881 1,838 1,196 1,458 1,647 1,123 30, 505 879 1,271 1,284 530 1,014 804 650 742 920 879 1,847 1 ,029 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Winnebago county — Continued. Koekford township, incl. Kockford city . . . Rockford city Ward I 3,531 Ward 2 4>05i Ward 3 2,457 Ward 4 2 , 70s Ward 5 3,417 Ward 6 S , 172 Ward 7 2,251 Ivockton township, incl. Kocktou village Rockton village Eoscoe to\vnship Seward township Shirland township - Winnebago township.iucl.AVinnebago vill. Winnebago village 1890 Woodford county . Cazenovia township, incl. Washburn vill. . Washburn village Clayton township, iucl. Benson village. . . Benson village Cruger township El Paso township, including £1 Paso city. El Paso city Green township Kansas township Linn township Metamora township, incl. Metamora vill. . Metamora village Minonk township, including Minonk city . Minonk city Ward I 972 Ward 2 605 Ward 3 739 Montgomery township Olio township, including Eureka village. , Eureka village Palestine township, incl. Secor village Secor village Panola townsliip.including Panola village Panola village Partridge towTiship Roanoke township, incl. Roanoke village Roanoke village Spring Bay township, incl. Spring Bay vill Spring Bay village Worth township 25, 202 23,584 1,492 892 894 960 491 1, 422 464 21, 429 1880 1,436 598 1,266 338 481 2,058 1,353 828 458 903 1,710 758 3, 398 2,316 911 2, 091 1,481 1, 270 379 971 132 505 1,878 831 339 147 926 14, 525 13,129 1,687 949 938 1,111 474 1,480 504 21, 620 1,402 450 1,261 287 548 2,211 1,390 897 475 912 1,980 828 2,992 1,913 902 1,973 1,185 1,504 456 1,132 127 469 1, 403 355 387 175 1,172 INDIANA. MBJOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. Adams county . Blue Creek township French townsliip Hartford township Jett'erson oownship Kirklaiid township Monroe town ship, including Bern town . Bern town Preble township Root township St. Marys township Union township - Wabash township, incl. Geneva town . . . Geneva town ■• • Washington township, incl. Decatur city Decatur city Allen county. 1890 20, 181 1,212 1,095 1,276 1,092 1,094 2, 685 544 ! 1,122 1,394 1,066 991 2, 429 748 4,725 3,14= 66, 689 970 3,272 Aboit township Adams township, including New Haven town, but exclusive of part of Fort WaJ^le city. New Haven town Cedar Creek township a In 1880 in Washington and Wayne townships only. 1,079 1,629 1880 15, 385 931 1, 032 1, 103 684 793 1,534 "997 1,270 979 912 1,991 467 3,159 i,9°5 54, 763 918 2,558 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Allen county — Continued. Eel River township Fort Wayne city (a), in Adains, Washing- ton, anil Wayno townships. Ward 1 2,923 Ward 2 2,842 Ward 3 2,767 Ward 4 3,386 Ward 5 4,795 Ward 6 4,147 Ward 7 2,716 Ward 8 5,131 Ward 9 3,420 Ward 10 3, 266 Jackson township Jefferson township Lafayette township Lake township Madison township Marion township Maumee towoiship MUan township Monroe township, incl. Monroeville town Monroeville town Pcrrv township I'leasant township St. Joseph township 1890 1,253 35, 393 904 1,551 1,388 1,183 1,519 1,220 614 1, 587 1,838 673 1,276 1,377 1,546 1880 1,287 26, 880 295 1,582 1,425 1,338 1,477 1, 375 437 1,451 1,612 578 1,254 1,641 1,521 POPULATION. 131 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. INDIANA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Allen county — Continued. Scipio township Springfield townsliip Washington township, excilusivo of part of Fort Wayne city. Wayne township, inch Soutli Wayne tn., but excl. of pai't of Fort Wayne city. South Wayne town 1890 Bartholomew county Clay township Cliffy township Columbus township, inel. Columbus city . . Columbus city Ward 1 I , '541 Ward 2 i,6i8 Ward 3 i , 390 Ward 4 2,170 Flat Rock township, incl. Clifi'ord town . . . Clifford town German township Harrison township Haw Creek township, including Harts- villeand Hope towns. Hartsville town Hope town Jackson township Nineveh township Ohio tovYnship Rock Creek township Sand Creek township, including Eliza- bethtown town. Elizabethtown town TTnion township Wayne township, incl. Jonesville tn. (a) . . Benton county Bolivar township Center township, including Fowler town Fowler town GUboa township Grant township, including Boswell town. Boswell town Hickory Grove township, incl. Ambia in . Ambia town Oak Grove township, incl. Oxford town. . . Oxford town Parish Grove township Pine township Richland township Union township York township Blackford county. Hairison township, incl. Montpelier tn . . . Montpelier town Jackson township Licking township, incl. Hartford town - . Hartford town Washington township Boone county. Center township, incl. Lebanon city Lebanon city Ward I I, 366 Ward 2 gii Ward 3 1 ,405 Clinton township Eagle township, incl. Zionsville town Zionsville town HarrLson township Jackson townshii), incl. Jamestown town. Jamestown town Jefferson township Marion township Perry township Sugar Creek township, including Thorn- town town. „ . Thorntown town 505 1,8B1 1,991 3,812 1 , 107 23, 8C7 1880 791 998 8,723 6,719 1,507 17s 1,029 930 2,724 474 I, cog 661 697 735 1,030 1,324 737 1,981 11, 903 1,087 2,219 1,285 854 1,331 558 962 293 1,495 808 648 576 1,124 982 625 10, 461 2,708 808 2, 075 3,955 2,287 1, 723 26, 572 6,945 3,682 1,428 1,982 825 1,328 2,834 616 1,894 2, 618 1,117 2,738 1.530 514 1,899 1,615 2, 100 22, 777 794 1,067 6,592 4,813 ^34 1,255 1,162 2,620 835 776 720 880 • 1, 099 1,501 391 828 1,943 11, 108 995 1,878 967 921 1,175 330 807 253 1,434 713 603 556 1,151 871 717 ,020 2,163 618 1,756 2, 828 1,470 1,273 25, 922 5,481 2,625 1,487 2,204 855 1,401 2,919 696 1,998 2,307 1,241 3,015 1,515 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Boone county — Continued. Union township Washington township . Worth township , Brown county . Hamblen township Jackson township Johnson township Van Buren township Washington township, incl. Nashville tn Nashville town Carroll county . Adams township Burlington township Carrolllon township Clay township , Deer Creek township, including Delphi city and South Delphi town. Delphi city. / ard 1 589 Ward 2 796 Ward 3 5^8 South Delphi town ". . Democrat township , Jackson township Jefferson township Madison township , Monroe township, including Flora town. Flora town Rock Creek township I'ippecanoe township, incl. Pittsburg tn . Pittsburg town Washington to^vnship , 1890 Cass county. Adams township , Bethlehem township Boone township, incl. Royal Center town Royal Center town Clay township Clinton township , Deer Creek township Eel township, including Logansport city. Logansport city ; Ward 1 3 , 182 Ward 2 2 ,048 Ward 3 1 ,803 Ward4 2,375 Ward 5 3,920 Harrison township Jackson township Jelferson township Miami township Noble township Tipton township, including Walton town . Walton tow n Washington township Clark county . Bethlehem township Carr township Charlestown township, including Charles- town town. Charlestown town Jetfersonville township, including Clarks- ville town, Jelferson\'ille city, and Port Fulton town. Clarksville town Jeifersonville city Ward 1 3,519 Ward 2 1 , 397 Ward 3 1,616 Ward 4 2,055 Ward s 2 ,079 Port Fulton town Monroe township 1,068 1,454 1,166 10, 308 1,959 2,093 2,012 2, 143 1, 065 926 2,297 2,266 2, 975 2,836 395 348 20, 021 942 1,683 1,247 1,102 3,928 ",923 31, 152 1880 1,092 1,352 1,425 10, 264 18, 345 1,000 1,364 1,199 1,001 3,695 2,040 1,362 1,368 1,546 1,449 1,333 1,118 985 785 2,078 1,566 639 224 1,409 1,432 1,046 1,174 327 400 1,360 1,194 962 886 1,113 1,163 1,680 1,440 527 399 838 833 1,415 991 1, 672 1,607 14, 052 11,419 13,328 11,198 30, 259 758 905 2,773 15, 009 1,692 10,666 1 , 104 2, 071 27, 611 1,189 1,157 1,655 1,606 1,127 1,135 938 895 916 953 2,015 1,982 469 453 1,580 1,544 28, 610 798 1, 126 3,099 1,10^ 13, 177 1,037 9.357 907 1,887 a Not separately returned. 132 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IIV»IAIV A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Clark county— Continued, Oregon township Owen township -■-- Silver Creelt township, including feellcrs- burg village. Sellersbnrg village Union township TJtita township "Washington township Wood township 1890 Clay county. 508 918 1,580 1, 215 1, 285 1880 169 1, 010 1,608 1, 379 1,210 Brazil township, including Brazil city Brazil city Ward I ■'.92° Ward 2 2,153 Wards 1.832 Cass township Dick Johnson township -- Harrison township, incl. Clay village . . - Clay village Jaeksoii township Lewis township Perry township Posey township, incl. Staunton town 30,536 I 25,854 Staunton tciwn Sugar Kidge township, including Center Point town. Center Point town Van Bnren township, including Carbon, Harmony, and Knightsvillc towns. Carbon town Harmonv town Knightsville town ■ ■ ■ ■ Washington township, including Bowling Green town. Bowling Green town Clinton county . 549 2, 269 517 5,318 27, 370 295 5,161 600 23, 472 6, 922 5.919 Center township (o), incl. Frauklort city . . Frankfort city ■ ■ Ward 1 ^.75» Ward 2 2.°77 Ward 3 2.0S4 Forest township (!)) Jackson township Johnson township - Kirklin township, including Kirkliu town Kirklin town Madison town.ship, incl. Mulberry town. . Mulberry town Michigan township, incl. Michigan town Michigan town Owen township (a) Perry township, including Colfax town . tolfax town Ross township, including Rossville town Kossville town Sugar Creek township Union township (c) Warren township Washington township Crawford county 13,941 4,598 2,803 Boone township, including Alton town. -. Alton town • ■ • • ■ Jenningstownship, incl. Leavenworth tn. Leavenworth town Johnson township Liberty township, incl. Marengo town Marengo town Ohio townsliip -. Patoka townshii) Sterling township, incl. English town... English town Union township Whiskey Run township d Part taken to form Uniou township since 6 Organized since 1880. 746 minor civil divisions. Daviess county Barr township, including Cannelhurg and Montgomery towns. Cannelburg town Montgomery town Bogard township Elmore township Harrison township Madison township, including Odon town . Odon town Reeve townsliip Steele township Van Buren township Veale township AVashingt-on township, including Wash- ington city. Washington city Ward I 1 , 362 Ward 2 1 ,266 Ward 3 1 ,408 Ward 4 898 Ward 5 I > 130 Dearborn county . 1890 26, 227 Aurora and Caesar Creek township Center township, includin Cochran cities. Aurora city Ward I 1 ,6(10 Ward 2 989 Ward 3 1 ,280 Cochran city Clay townshii>, including Dillsboro town. Dillsboro town Harrison township, incl. West Harrison tn. West Harrison town (d) Total for West Harrison town, Dear- born county, Indiana, and Harrison village, Hamilton county, Ohio. Hogan township Jackson town.ship Kelso township, including St. Leon town. St. Leon town Lawrenceburg township, incl. Greendale town and Lawrenceburg city. Greendale town Lawrenceburg city Ward I 1,3.38 Ward 2 813 Wards 92' Ward 4 494 Ward 5 718 Logan township Manchester township Miller township - Sparta township, incl. Moore Hill towu.. Moore Hill town AVashington township York township Decatur county. 1880 21, 552 3,551 276 415 1,693 1,968 1,300 2,352 764 1,674 1,599 L295 1,083 9,712 6,064 23, 364 425 5,371 3.929 790 1,413 439 1,047 320 2,010 731 1, 203 1,441 368 5,517 435 4,284 1,776 938 L484 469 432 814 Adams township Clay township, including Millord town. Milford town Clinton township Fugit to svnship Jactjson township, incl. Forest Hill towu Forest Hill town Marion township, incl. Millhouscn town. Millhousen town Salt Creek township Sand Creek township, incl. AVestjiort tu. . W estport town Washington to^vnship, including Greens- burg city. Greensburg city Ward I 690 Ward 2 885 Ward 3 1. 066 Ward 4 955 ; Organized from parts of Center and Owen townships since 1880. I Formerly Harrison. 1, 942 1,681 231 699 1,605 1,562 124 2,038 224 1, 733 2, 499 452 5,518 3.596 3,129 159 155 1,303 1,073 1,289 1,743 1,682 1,415 1,334 L089 7,495 4.323 26, 671 503 6,106 4.435 1,024 1,479 432 1,090 290 1,850 912 1,361 1,875 254 5,859 2S6 ,668 838 2, 213 1,130 1,763 333 499 1,043 19,779 2,215 1,973 305 708 1,740 1,811 109 2,424 331 1,565 2,161 212 5,182 3.138 POPULATION. Table 3,— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. llSn lANA— Coutinued. 133 MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dekalb county. Butler to^vnsbip Concord towusliip Fairlield towuship rraiikliii townsliip Grant township (a), iucl. Waterloo town Waterloo town Jackson townsliip Keyser township, iucl. Garrett town Garrett town Newville township Kiclilaud township Smithfield township Statitbrd township Troy township Union township (6), iucl. Auburn town. . Auburn town Wilmington township, iucl. Butler town' Butler town 1890 24, .307 Delawahe county . Center township, including Muncie city Muncie city jjj^rd I :::;:'i,'58i Ward 2 I, i86 Z^'^ 3 1,249 ward 4 i, 5g6 Ward 5 2^ ^^5 Ward 6 i „88 Delaware township, incl. Albany town... Albany town • Hamilton township ..'-........ Harrison township Liberty township Monroe township M ount Pleasant township Niles to^vuship Perry township Salem township Union township Washington township 831 l,91:i 1,3U1 1,240 2,068 1.473 1,412 4, 083 2,767 087 1,427 1,279 470 007 3, 050 2,415 3,868 2, 521 30, 131 1880 20, 225 833 1, 630 1,518 1,311 ')376 1,342 2,258 1,268 744 1,350 1,423 509 000 4,121 1, S42 2,580 1,056 22, 926 ,879 .345 Dubois county . Bainbridge township, incl. Jasper town. Jasper town Boone township Cass township ' ' Columbia township Ferdinand towmship, incl. Ferdinand vili ! Ferdinand village Hall township .--.......!.!! Harbison township Jackson township Jefferson township, incl. Birdseye town!! Birdseye town Madison township .......!., Marion township _ Patoka township, incl. Huntingburg city . Huntingburg city 20, 253 Elkhaet county. 2,385 1,281 1,256 1,436 1,239 1,787 627 1,406 1,019 1,297 2,113 4'9 1,160 939 4,210 3,167 39, 201 6,681 5.219 1,579 1,351 571 249 1,340 1,217 2,041 1,786 1,015 1,650 1,432 1,433 1,925 1,994 1,004 1,154 1,215 1,200 1,583 1,592 1,655 1,466 1,863 1,402 15, 992 636 1,372 83 394 511 1,993 3" 1,610 11, 360 2,039 1 ,040 1,138 1,448 855 1,748 500 1,306 1,023 1,085 1,262 1,171 920 1,997 781 33, 454 Baugo township Benton township, including part of Mil- lersburg town. Millersburg town (part of) Total for Millersburg town, in Benton and Clinton townships. Cleveland township Clinton town.ship, including part of Mil" lersburg town. Millersburg town (part of) Concord township, exclusive of part of Elkhart city. Elkhart city, in Concord and Osolo town- ships. ^."'''^,1 2,686 ^ard2 1 083 Ward 3 j 3^^ :w:ard4 :;:;::; 2:432 Ward 6 1^639 a Organized from part of Union township since 1880. 1 art taken to foi-m Grant township since 1880. c Includes part of Elkhart city 708 1,557 SI 449 557 2,093 c8,lll 6,953 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Elkhart county— Continued. Elkhart township, incl. Goshen city Goshen city Ward I 2,428 Ward 2 1 ,705 Ward 3 , ,900 Harrison townsliip Jackson township JetJerson township Locke townshii>, exclusive of partofNap- pauee town. Middlebury towuship, including Middle- bury town. Middleburv town Nappanee town, in Locke and Union townships. Olive township Osolo township, exclusive of jiart of Elk- hart city. Union to'wnshi]), exclusive of part of Na])panee town. Washington township, iucl. Bristol town. Bristol town York towuship Fayette county.. Columbia township Connersville township, including Con- nersville city. East Connersville town, and part of Maplewood town. Connersville city East Connersville town Maplewood town (part of) Total for Maplewood town (e), in Con- nersville and Harrison townships. Fairview township Harrison township, including part of Maplewood town. Maplewood town (part of ) Jackson township Jennings township Orange township Posey township Waterloo township Floyd county. Franklin township Georgetown township, including George- town town. Georgetown town Greenville tovraship, incl. Greenville tu . . Greenville town Lafayette township New Albany township, incl. New Albany city and Silver Grove town (/). New Albany city Ward Ward 2 2 i-'sgi Ward 3 2 , 334 Ward 4 2 , 709 Ward 5 3,039 Ward 6 2,586 Fountain county Cain township Davis township , Fulton township Jackson township Logan township, including Attica city. . . Attica city Ward I .!..!' 700 Ward 2 626 Ward 3 994 Mill Creek township ; ; . . Kichland township Shawnee township Troy township, including Covington city. Covington citv Van Buren township,incl.Veedersburgtn. Veedersburg town Wabash township d Includes part of Nappanee town. e In 1880 in Connersville township only. / Not separately returned. 1890 7,656 6,033 1, 915 1,430 1,059 U89 1,728 542 1,493 1,375 620 1,543 1, 1.35 535 770 12, 630 058 0,524 4,548 458 326 659 598 1,119 333 841 731 751 861 547 29, 458 771 1,676 256 1,415 313 1,440 24, 156 19, 558 1,509 676 1,255 1, 407 2,825 2,320 1,974 1, 981 1,178 2,968 1,891 2,492 930 1, 293 1880 5,713 4,123 1,888 1,591 1,265 dl,365 1,907 502 547 1,397 cl,031 (11, 800 1,405 661 1,000 803 4,600 3,228 193 44 44 639 999 982 840 812 981 672 24, 590 797 1,502 218 1,589 394 1,660 18, 982 16,423 20, 228 1,795 798 1,145 1,409 2,687 2,150 1,918 1,913 1,096 3,061 T,920 2, 123 536 2,283 134 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahlk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. INWIAIV A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Franklin county. Batli township Blooming Grove township .■,;••;"■ Brook vifle township, inch BrookviUe tn. Brook villa town Butler township Fairtield township . 1890 18, 366 Highland township - ■ - ■ Laurel township, inch Laurel town (a) ... Metamora township Posey township - Ray townsliip, including Oldenhurgtown Oldenburg town Salt Creek township ■ Springfield township, including Mount Carmel town. Mount Carmel town Whitewater township Fulton county. Aubbeenauhhee township Henry township Lihfvty township Newrastlc township Kiclilaud township ■ - ■ Kochester township, inch Ro('hester tn. Rochester town Union township, inch Kewanna town . . Kewanna town AVayne township Gibson counts Barton township Center township ; • ■ ,■ 1 Columbia township, inch Oakland town . Oakland town v ' ' '.V," Johnson township, inch Fort Branch vill Fort Branch village • Montgomery township, including Owens ville town. Owensville town Patoka township, inch Princeton city . . . Princeton city "Wabash township Washington township Vi" ' "i" ' White River township, including Hazle ton village and Patoka town. Hazleton village Patoka town Grant county. Center township, including Marion city . . Marion city Ward 1 2,332 Ward2 1.739 Wards 1.689 Ward 4 3.009 Fairmount township, inol. Fairmount tn. Fairmount town Franklin township Green township J efferson township Liberty township -- - - Mill township, including Harrisburg and jonesboro towns. Harrisburg town Jonesboro town Monroe township Pleasant township Richland township Sims township Van Buren township Washington township Greene county Beech Creek township . Cass township 1880 20, 092 658 664 4,270 2,028 1,243 674 1,509 1,760 928 882 2,244 6qo 1,073 1,224 142 1, 237 16, 746 1,210 2,374 1,989 1,346 1,426 5, 063 2,467 1,919 647 1,419 24, 920 751 762 4, 315 1,813 1,402 817 1,826 1,865 1,040 1,039 2,141 673 1,239 1,376 1,519 14,301 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Greene county— Continued. Center township Fairplay township - Grant township Highland township Jackson township Jetferson township (h), including Worth- ingtontown. Worthington town Richland township, inch Bloomfield town Bloomfield town Smith township Stafford township Stockton township,including Linton town Linton town Taylor township Washington township Wright township 1890 1880 871 1,889 1, 628 1,421 1,329 4,448 i,86g 1,433 2B8 1,282 22,742 Hamilton county 26, 123 2.007 1,608 3,014 1,52 + 3,134 748 3,557 759 0, 530 3,076 802 1,576 2,692 608 729 31, 493 10, 310 8,769 2,839 1,462 1,706 1, 524 1,881 2,139 1,809 145 687 1, 303 1,675 923 1,826 1,921 1,637 24, 379 1,956 1,672 2,104 731 3,211 778 3,180 685 6,017 2,566 560 1,406 2,636 61B 775 23, 618 Adams township,incl. Sheridan town Sheridan town Clay township, inch part of Carmel town. 'Carmel town (part of) Total for Carmel town (c), in Clay and Delaware townships. Delaware township, including part of Carmel town. Carmel town (part of ) Fall Creek township j - • - Jackson township, including Arcadia and Cicero towns. Arcadia town Cicero town Noblesville township. Including Nobles- ville city. Noblesville city Ward I 852 Ward 2 1.285 Ward 3 917 Washington township, inch Westfield tn Westfield town Wayne township Whi te River township 1,591 847 4,418 3,182 1,802 563 1,791 1, 539 1, 521 2, 524 1,878 145 729 1,287 1,643 1,028 1,185 1,651 1,351 22, 996 Hancock county. 2,068 818 Blue River township - • Brandy wine township Brown township Buck Creek township Center township, inch Greenfield city . Greenfield city Ward I 1. 414 Ward 2 705 Ward 3 981 Green township Jackson township ■ - - • - Sugar Creek township, including New Palestine town. New Palestine town Vernon township, inch Fortville town . . Fortville town Harbison county Laconia town a Not separately returned. b Eel River township (population 336 m Blue River township Boone township, includin Laconia town • Franklin township, inch Lauesville town Lanesville town Harrison township, inch ( 'orydon town . Corydon town Heth township, inch Mauckport town. . . Mauckport town Ja<>,kson township Morgan township ...-...-.-- Posey township, inch Elizabeth town . . . liUzabethtown Scott township - - Spencer township - c In 1880 in Clay towoiship 1,196 1,961 133 1,602 277 3, 537 880 1,775 272 1,527 1,333 2, 038 267 976 1,272 only. 1,.589 1,484 1,534 24, 801 1,819 1,778 4,344 433 715 4,550 4,058 350 1,639 2,112 17, 123 21, 326 1,245 2,097 1880) annexed since 1880. POPULATION. 135 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IIVDIAIVA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Harrt.son county— Coiifinued. Taylor township Wa-sliington township, including New Amsterdam town. New Amsterdam town ■ Webster township, including New Mid- dletown town. New Middletown town Hendricks county. Brown township Center township, incl. Danville town Danville town Clay township Eel River township, incl. North Salem vill North Salem village Franklin township Guilford township, incl. Plainfield vill . . . Plainfield village Liberty township Lincoln township, incl. Brownsbiirg tu. . . Brownsburg town Marion township Middle township Union towushiij Washington township 1890 Henry county Blue River township Dudley township, including New Lisbon and Straughn towns. New Lisbon town Straughn town Fall Creek township, incl. Middletown tn Middletown town Franklin township, incl. Lewisville town Lewisville town Greensboro township, incl. Greensboro tu Greensboro town Harrison township, incl. Cadiz town Cadiz town Henry township, incl. Newcastle town . . . N ewcastle town Jett'erson township, including Sulphur Springs town. Sulphur Springs town Liberty township Prairie township, incl. Mount Summit tn. Mount Summit town Spiceland township, including Dunreitli and Spiceland towns. Dunreith town Spiceland town Stony creek township Wayne township, incl. Knightstown tn . . Knightstown town Howard county . Center township, incl. Kokomo citj- Kokomo city Ward I 1 1 547 Ward 2 2 ,024 Ward 3 1 , 940 Ward 4 1,919 Ward 5 831 Clay township Ervin township Harrison township Honey Creek to wnship,incl.Russiavilletn Russia ville town Howard township Jackson township Liberty township, incl. Greentown town . Greentown town Monroe township Taylor township Union township 1, 2.31 1,087 172 1,251 21, 498 1S80 1,093 3,221 1,569 1,763 1,905 505 1,199 2,609 909 2, 578 1,452 623 1,097 1,837 1,362 1, 382 23, 879 1,032 1,395 2,320 851 1,330 420 1,612 318 1,674 307 4,009 2,697 1,132 251 1,538 1,663 231 1,823 637 1,018 3, 333 1,867 26, 186 10,388 8,261 1,316 1,282 1, 211 171 22, 981 1,322 3,255 1,598 1,965 1,998 358 1,363 2,691 50 2,604 1,610 667 1,298 1,828 1,545 1,502 24, 016 805 1,544 187 143 2, 054 606 1,516 446 1,445 223 1,914 594 3,656 2,209 1.298 256 1.839 1,708 200 2,039 149 527 947 3,251 1,670 19, 584 5,519 4,042 1,466 1,340 2,109 2,159 1,110 1,086 1,210 1,110 603 419 1,324 1,328 1,370 1,018 2,432 1,580 721 236 1,135 1,159 2,090 1,480 1,492 1,805 MINOR CIVIL divisions. a Formerly Antioch. b In 1880 in Lancaster township only. Huntington county Clear Creek township Dallas township, incl. Andrews town . . . Andrews town (a) Huntington township, including Ilunt- in438 Ward 6 1,635 West Madison town Milton township, incl. Brooksburg town . Brooksburg town Monroe township Republican township Saluda township Shelby township Smyrna township Jennings county . Bigger township Campbell township Center township, incl. North Vernon city North Vernon city Ward I 664 Ward 2 733 Wards ^^5 Columbia township Geneva township Lovett township Marion township Montgomery town.ship Sand Creek township Spencer township Vernon township, including Vernon town Vernon town Johnson county. Blue River township, incl. Edinburg tn . . Edinburg town Clark township Franklin township (a), incl. Franklin city Franklin city Hensley townshij) Needham township (b) Nineveh township Pleasant township, including Greenwood and Whiteland towns. Greenwood town Whitelandtown Union township White River township Knox county. Busseron township . Becker township 1,32G 2,010 697 1,646 2,785 1,024 922 1,155 5,274 3.725 1880 1,184 1,309 1,082 1,143 459 376 1, 272 1,307 13, 027 13, 528 8,936 14, 608 19, 561 2,792 2,031 1,295 4,873 3,781 1,655 1, 254 1,523 2,724 212 1,373 2,072 28, 044 1,320 1,710 1,750 2,036 662 386 1,024 3,094 24, 507 25, 977 8,945 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,^8^( 1,913 120 148 1,267 1,362 872 1,056 1,482 1,649 1,.583 1,749 867 901 16, 453 929 1,106 1,268 1,474 2,860 2, 752 2,012 1,842 1,244 1,471 1,831 2, 103 849 994 979 1,071 722 770 1,039 967 1,410 1,803 1,477 1,942 613 616 19, 537 1,729 1,000 2,714 1,814 1,486 5,895 3 , 116 1,712 a Part taken to form Needham township since 1880. 6 Orgamzedfrom part of Franklin township since 1880. Knox county— Continued. Harrison township, incl. Monroe town ... . Monroe town Johnson township Palmyra township Steen township Vigo township, incl. Edwardsport village. Edwardsport village Vincennes township, incl.Viucennes city. Vincennes city Ward I 850 Ward 2 1.382 Ward 3 1 , 162 Ward 4 1 ,799 Ward 5 1 , 763 WardC 1,897 Washington township Widner township Kosciusko county 1890 Clay township Etna township, incl. Etna Green town Etna Green town Franklin township, including part of Mentone town. Mentone town (part of) Total for Mentone town, in Franklin and Harrison townships. Harrison township, including part of Mentone town. Mentone town (part of) Jackson township Jefferson township Lake township, incl. Silver Lake town Silver Lake town Monroe township Plain township, includiugLeesburg town . Leesburg town Prairie township Scott township Seward township Tippecanoe township Turkey Creek township, including Syra- cuse town. Syracuse town Van Buren township, incl. Milford town. Milford town Washington township, incl. Piercetou tn Pierceton town Wayne township, including Warsaw city Warsaw city Ward I 1,213 Ward 2 1 ,004 Ward 3 1 ,357 Lagrange county. 1,689 2,573 230 1,406 2,062 26, 324 1,804 933 Bloomfield township, incl. Lagrange town . Lagrange town Clay township Clearspring township Eden township Greenfield township Johnson township - Lima township, including Lima village - Lima village Milford township Newbury township Springfield township Van Buren township - Lake county . Calirmet township (c) Cedar Creek township, incl. Lowell town . Lowell town Center township, incl. Crown Point town Crown Point town Eagle Creek township Hanover township Hobart township, including Hobarttown Hobart town 3,244 589 1,967 1,241 1,355 3,428 670 10, 704 8,853 1,556 1,820 28, 645 1880 1, 366 1,168 411 1,540 269 780 2,156 5" 1,435 L159 1,446 570 1,009 1,354 345 1,098 1,027 1,586 1,509 1,601 518 1,731 677 2,210 897 5,250 3,574 15, 615 2,966 2,567 1,784 1,367 1, 300 1,408 1,509 1,367 1,138 1,111 1,018 1,181 1,468 1,564 1,314 1,336 578 560 1,132 1,311 1,608 1,392 1,051 1,017 1,105 1,376 23, 886 15, 091 944 1,691 1,457 761 458 2,894 2,854 1,907 1,708 647 721 985 1,009 2,197 1,650 I,QIO 600 3,260 401 1,783 1,278 1, 216 3,190 777 9,408 7,680 1,651 1,789 26, 494 1,153 1, 076 388 1,302 1,803 L028 L073 1,382 534 1, 020 1,467 354 1, 205 786 1.421 1,323 1, 616 491 1,574 492 2,482 1,084 4,777 3,123 15, 630 c Organized from part of North township since 1880, POPULATION. Tahlk 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IIVDIAIVA— Continued. 137 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Lakb county — Continued. North township (a), including East C'lii- cago town, Hammond cit}', and Wliiting town. East Chicago town Hammond city Ward 1 2,04? Ward 2 1,242 Ward 3 2,138 Whiting town Eos.s town.ship St. Jolm township West Creels; townshii) Winfield township Laporte county . Cass township Center township, including Laporte citj' Laporte city Ward 1 1 , 362 Ward 2 1,191 Wards 1,824 AVard 4 i , 356 Ward 5 1 , 593 Clinton town.ship Cool Spring township Dewey township Galena township Hanna township Hudson township Johnson township Kankakee township Lincoln to wnshijj Michigan township, incl. Michigan city.. Michigan city Ward 1 2,436 Ward 2 1 , 869 Ward 3 2 , 585 Ward 4 ., 2,111 Wards 1,775 New Durham townshij), including AVest- ville town. Westville town Nohle township Pleasant township Scipio township Springfield township Union townshiii Wills township 9,631 34, 445 1 442 1 398 8 .561 7, .599 7 126 6 i9,'5 Lawrence county. Bono township Elinn township Guthrie township Indian Creek township Marion township, incl. Mitchell town... Mitchell town Marshall township Perry township Pleasant Kun township Shawswick township, incl. Bedford city. Bedford city Spice Valley township Madison county , Adams township Anderson township, incl. Anderson city . . Anderson city Ward 1 5 ,858 Ward 2 3,692 Ward 3 1,191 Loone township Duck Creek township Fall Creek township, incl. Pendleton tn.. Pendleton town Green township Jackson township Lafayette township Monroe township, incl. Alexandria town . Alexandria town 522 ],()43 712 757 972 1,154 887 19, 792 1,021 781 1, 083 1,891 3,663 1,583 1,403 692 1,849 5,506 .^,351 1,843 30, 487 1,663 12, 517 10,741 1, 336 1,325 2,544 996 1,008 1,299 1,614 3,014 715 1880 113 1,584 1,513 1,219 544 30, 985 760 820 1,012 1,549 307 238 833 940 717 595 497 549 212 218 1,366 1,163 545 524 11,186 7,772 10,776 7,366 2,011 627 1,154 574 745 1,076 1,205 855 18, 543 1,024 927 1,224 1,643 3, 989 1,439 972 909 1,768 3,966 2,19s 2,121 27, 527 1,663 6,137 4,126 1,308 1,110 2,479 614 1,099 1. 423 1,626 2,648 minor civil divisions. Madison county — Continued. Pipe Creek town.ship, including Elwood and Frankton towns. Elwood town Frankton town Kichland township Stonycriiek township Ilnidn towushi]) _ Van Uuren township, including Sunnuit- ville town. Summitville town Marion county. Center township, including Brightwood, North Indianapolis, AVest Indianapolis, and WoodrutlPlace towns, Indianapolis city, and parts of Haughvilleand Irving- ton towns. Bright wood town Haughville town (part of) Total for Haughville town (b), in Cen- ter and Wayne townships. Indianapolis city Ward 1 8,009 Ward 2 6,810 Ward 3 5,,6i Ward 4 3,259 Ward 5 3 ,424 Ward 6 3 , 505 Ward 7 4,834 Ward 8 , 4,661 Ward 9 3,141 Ward 10 2,862 Ward II 2,391 Ward 12 3,334 Ward 13 3.667 Ward 14 4,069 Ward 15 4,568 Ward 16 2,996 Ward 17 i,6So Ward 18 2,398 Ward 19 4,421 Ward 20 3,643 Ward 21 6,268 Ward 22 ?.i3q Ward23 5,173 Ward 24 3 , 705 Ward 25 6,322 Irvington town (part of) Total for Irvington town, in Center and Warren townships. North Indianapolis town West Indianapolis town Woodruff Place town Decatur township Franklin township Lawrence town.ship Perry township, incl. Southiioit f own Southport town Pike township Warren township, including jiart of Irvington town . Irvington town (part of) Washington township Wayne townshi]), incl. ])art of Haugh- ville town and Mount Jackson town. Haughville town (part of) Mount Jackson town Marshall county . Bourbon township, incl. Bourbon town . . Bourbon town Center township, incl. Plymouth city Plymouth city .' ' Ward I 738 Ward 2 963 Ward 3 1 ,022 Gei-man township, incl. Bremen town Bremen town Green township North township Polk township Tippecanoe townsliip 1890 4,000 520 891 1, 740 897 1,979 752 141,150 117,328 1,387 35 2,144 '05,436 103 650 1,479 3,527 161 1,.555 2, 2.56 2, 367 2, 448 324 1,999 2, 854 547 2, 400 7,949 2, 109 313 23, 818 ,064 .001 3, 077 1 ,076 1,172 1, 956 1,949 1,465 1880 2,958 751 391 985 1 , 483 917 1, 691 400 102,782 80, 648 679 70 75,056 652 a Part taken to form Calumet tomiship since 1880. 1,647 2, 609 2, 579 2,598 388 2,423 3, 107 563 2, 399 4, 772 70 1 10 3,199 1,056 5, 133 2,570 3, 348 1 ,028 1,249 1,727 1,980 1,431 b In 1880 in Wayne township only. 138 COMPENDIUM OF/THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. ' INDIANA— Continued. MINOR Civn, DIVISIONS. Marshall county— Continued. Union township "Walnut townshii), inohidiug Argo.s town. Arojos town West township Martin countv. Baker township ]5rown township {Jtnter township Columbia township Halbert township, including Shoals town Stioals town Los' Kiver township MoCameion township Mitclieltieo towushij) Perry township, inel. Loogootee town . . . Loogjootee town Kutherford township - 1890 Miami coitnty Allen township, including Macy town Macy town Butler township Clay township Deer Creek township Erie township Harrison township ■ • Jackson township, including Anihoy and Xenia towns. Amboy town Xenia town Jefferson township Perry township - Peru township, including Peru city Peru city ■ Pipe Creek township, including Bunker Hill town. Bunker Hill town Richland township Union township- - ; Washington township, Including South Peru town. South Peru to wn Monroe county Bean Blossom township Benton township Bloomington city, in Bloomington and Perry townships. Wardl 1.4*0 Ward 2 1. 139 Ward3 1.43'J Bloomington township, exclusive oi part of Bloomington city. Clear Creek township Indian Creek township - - Marion township Perry township, exclusive of part of Bloomington city. Polk township Richland township, incl. Ellettsvilletown EUettsville town Salt Creek township Van Buren township Washington township 1,958 2,011 I , lOI 1,683 13, 973 Montgomery county. Brown township, incl. Waveland town. . . Waveland town Clark township, including Ladoga town . Ladoga town Coal Creek township Franklin township, incl. Darlington town Darlington town Madison township « Ripley township, including Alamo town Alamo town 1880 1,094 1, 226 1,519 899 1,881 738 1,448 1,361 1,267 2,060 988 1,218 25, 823 1,173 316 1,344 1,136 1,284 678 1,248 2, 313 402 921 1,957 1,480 7,958 7,028 1,506 538 1,343 960 1,443 253 17, 673 1,594 1,018 4,018 1,526 1,036 521 1,288 1,080 1,608 712 851 1,025 1,112 28, 025 2,390 663 2,273 857 2,159 1,935 461 1,142 1,402 272 1,389 2,188 622 1,770 13, 475 1,092 1,234 1,332 1, 032 1,913 706 1, 323 1,208 1, 1.59 1,807 885 1,315 24, 083 MINOR civn. divisions. 1, 225 290 1,420 1,098 1, 222 724 1,249 1,864 208 732 1,616 .,547 6,220 5,280 1,619 1,672 1,152 1,455 254 15, 875 MoNTGOMBRY COUNTY— Continued. 1,317 925 2,756 994 1,434 1,131 493 1,220 1,043 1,610 585 784 1,087 1,081 27, 316 Scott township Sugar Creek township Union township, including Crawfordsville city and Euglcwood, Highland, and Lougview towns. Crawfordsville city Englewood town Highland town Longview town Walnut township, incl. New Ross town .. New Ross town Wayne township, including Wayne town. Wayne town 2,338 592 2,401 928 1,836 1,920 1,142 1,349 Morgan county. Adams township Ashland township Baker township - . Brown township, incl. Mooresville town.. Mooresville town Clay township Greene township Gregg township Harrison township Jackson township Jefferson township Madison township Monroe township Ray township Washington township, including Martins- ville City. Martinsville city Ward 1 351 Ward 2 706 Ward 3 459 Ward 4 , 502 Ward 5 662 Kewton county. Beaver township, incl. Morocco town Morocco town Colfax township Granttownship, including Goodland town Goodland town Iroquois township Jackson township Jefl'erson township, incl. Kentlandtown . Kentland town Lake township Lincoln township McClellan tovmship Washington township Noble county. 1890 Albion township, including Albion town. Albion town Allen township, incl. Avilia town, but exclusive of part of Kendallville city. Avilia town Elkhart township Green township Jefferson township Kendallville city, in Allen and Wayne townships. Ward 1 1,135 Ward 2 862 Ward 3 963 Noble township Orange townshij) Perry township, including Ligonier town Ligonier town Sparta township Swan township Washington township _ Wayne township, exclusive of part of Kendallville city. York township 1,220 1,086 11, 103 6,089 66 no 1,077 270 1, 638 576 18, 643 1,200 1,122 569 1,586 891 1,409 1, 008 961 345 1,586 1,024 773 1,438 1,032 4,590 2,680 8,803 1880 1,289 1,254 10, 168 5.251 78 1,910 317 1,709 569 18, 900 1,252 1,071 4.5G 1,651 864 1,363 1,234 1,181 445 1,853 1,026 865 1,538 969 3,996 L052 397 128 1,624 889 1,003 947 1,875 918 462 518 178 1,016 23, 359 8,167 1,298 T, 229 L962 576 1,531 1,436 1,179 2,960 1,443 1,943 3,500 2.195 1,401 1,707 769 1,191 1,039 174 150 1,508 628 818 795 1,964 982 593 181 155 L105 22,956 1,008 926 o2, 036 446 1,658 1,444 1,226 2,373 1,315 2,037 3,517 2,010 1,631 1,630 773 a3, 526 1,155 a Includes part of Kendallville city. POPULATION. 139 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. IIVDIAIVA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Ohio county. Cass township I'ike. township liandolph township, incl. Kising Sun city. Rising Sun city Union township Orange county. French Lick township Gieentield township Jackson townsliip Northeast township Northwest township Orangeville townsh ip Orleans township, incl. Orleans town. Orleans town Paoli township, including I'aoli town. Paoli town Southeast township Stampers Creek township Owen county Clay township I'rauklin township, incl. Freedom town . . Freedom town Harrison township J ackson township Jefl'erson township Jennings township Lafayette township Marion township Montgomery township Morgan township Taylor township Washington township, incl. Spencer city Spencer city Ward I 467 Ward 2 939 Ward 3 462 Wayne township, incl. Gos])ort town . . . . , Gosport town Parke county. Adams township, incl. Kockville city Rock ville city Florida township, including Cox ville and Kosedale towns. Coxville town Rosedale town Greene township Howard township Jack,son township Liberty township Penn township, incl. Bloomingdale town Bloomingdale town Kaccoon township Reserve township, incl. Montezuma town. Montezuma town Sugar Creek township Union township Wabash township Washington township Pbkky county. Anderson tovraship , Clark townshi]) Leopold township Oil townshij) Tohiu township Troy township, including Cannelton aild Tell cities and Troy town. Cannelton city Tell city Troy town Union township Pike county. Clay township Jeflerson township . 4,955 15, 040 1,159 1,383 28s 471 595 1,943 499 736 1,770 573 790 796 3, 124 1,868 1,201 720 20, 296 3,278 1,689 3, 170 601 873 1,126 666 1,506 1,814 1,260 431 1,702 1,346 658 789 1,211 787 1,641 18, 240 1880 5,563 1,991 2,094 554 1,616 18, 544 1,178 2,474 3,377 1,806 559 14, 363 1,701 1,518 1,351 997 1,076 815 1,830 812 2,510 696 1,644 921 15, 901 1,219 1,407 237 522 728 1,909 684 955 1,658 668 918 807 3,138 1,655 1,288 740 19, 460 3,637 1,684 1,944 207 1,119 554 1,474 1, 772 1,552 355 1, 294 1,550 781 906 1,401 753 1,504 16, 997 1,968 2,096 890 1, 806 2,244 6,495 1,834 2, 112 495 1,498 16, 383 946 2,505 MINOR Civil. DIVISIONS. Pike county — Continued. Lockhart township Logan townsliip Madison township Marion township Monroe township Patoka township Washington townslup,incl.Petersbur Petersburg town Porter county. Boone township, including Hebron town Hebron town Center township, incl. Valparaiso city . . Valparaiso city Wa rd 1 2 , 796 Ward 2 869 Ward 3. 1,425 Jack.son township Liberty township Morgan township (a) Pine township Pleasant township Portage township , Porter township Union township Washington township Westchester township, including Ches- terton and Hagemau villages. Chesterton village Hageman village Posey county . Bethel township Black township, incl. Mount Vernon city. Mount Vernon city Ward I 1,391 Ward 2 2,151 Ward 3 1 , 163 Center township Harmony township, iucl.New Harmony tn . New Harmony town Lynn township Marr township ., Point township Eobh township, incl. Poseyville town Poseyville town Robinson township Smith townshij) Pulaski county. Beaver township Cass township Franklin township Harrison township Indian Creek township Jefferson township Monroe township, incl. Winamac town. . Winamac town Rich Grove township Salem township, incl. Francesville town. Francesville town Tippecanoe townshii), incl. Monterey tn . Monterey town Van Burou township White Post townshij) Putnam county. Clinton township Cloverdale township, incl. Cloverdale tn. . Cloverdale town Floyd township Franklin township, including Carpen- tersville and Roachdale towns. Carpentersville town Roachdale town Greencastle township, including Green- castle city. Greencastle city Ward I 1,691 Ward 2 1 , 326 Ward 3 1,373 1890 2, 220 1,220 825 1,729 2, 240 3, 095 3,557 1,494 18, 052 1,357 689 6,062 5,090 1,009 855 830 596 984 954 1,121 985 670 2,629 931 641 21, 529 768 7,907 4,705 1,044 2,304 1,197 1,471 2, 066 1,086 2,072 571 1, 638 1,173 11, 233 818 594 462 842 1,027 475 2, 332 1,215 521 1,000 403 981 226 1,259 922 22, 335 900 1,827 437 1,044 1,815 175 428 6,137 1880 2,400 1,097 746 1,505 2,115 2, 039 2,970 ',■93 17, 227 1,479 715 5,971 4,461 1,029 902 708 597 892 808 980 1,054 756 1,884 20, 857 572 7,028 3,730 1,006 2,598 1,095 1,826 2, 050 1,161 1,778 1,733 1,105 060 595 324 819 948 364 1,774 835 492 936 368 944 144 1,133 862 22, 501 1,016 2,043 477 1,152 1,458 218 86 5,525 3,644 a Essex township (population 167 in 1880) annexed since 1880. 140 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. INBIANA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Putnam county — Continued. Jackson township, incl. NewMaysvilletn. New Maysville town Jetterson township Madison township Marion township - Mill Creek township Monroe township, incl. Bainbridge town . Bainbridge town Russell township, incl. EussellviUe town Russellville town Warren township, incl. Putnamvillo town Putnam viUe town WashiuK ton township Randolph county . Franklin township, incl. Ridgovillo town. Ridgeville town Greensfoik township Green township Jackson township - - Monroe township, incl. Farmland town... Farmland town Nettle Creek township Stonycree.k townshij) Ward township Washington towu.ship, incl. Lynn town .. Lynn town : Wayne township, including Union city . . . Union city Ward 1 9i8 Ward 2 1.130 Wards .„ 633 West River township, incl. HuntsviUe tn HuntsviUe town ■■ ■ • • White River township, including Win- chester town. Winchester town Ripley county . Adams township Brown township Center township, including Osgood town Osgood town Delaware township Franklin township, incl. Milan town Milan town Jackson township Johnson township, incl. Versailles town. Versailles town Laughery township, incl. Batesville town Batesville town Otter Creek township Shelby township Washington township Rush county . Anderson township Center township Jackson township - Noble township Orange township Posey township Richland township Ripley township, incl. Carthage town Carthage town Rushville township, incl. Rnshville city . , Rush ville city Ward I 1. 160 Ward 2 1.207 Ward 3 1,108 Union towushij) Walker townsliip Wa.shington township 1890 1,P.70 St. Joseph county . Center township Clay towTiship, incl. Notre Dame to^vn. - . Notre Dame town , 02i> ,082 , 2,54 4.58 ,414 473 ,:i27 327 974 204 ,«98 28, 08.j 1,745 922 2,109 1,070 1, 4;n 2, 100 770 1,041 1,295 1, 902 2, 490 5,8 4,006 2, 681 1,746 157 5,944 19, 350 19, 034 1880 1,487 114 1,108 1,090 1,430 .511 1,477 420 1, 294 157 1, 075 204 1, 835 26, 435 1,579 1,071 789 1,034 1,050 1,708 862 2,174 482 5,101 3.475 1,299 1,334 1,033 42, 457 735 1,133 596 1,049 775 2, 120 1,140 1, 380 1,875 66 1 1,408 1,337 1,863 2, 339 239 4, 370 2.478 1,651 153 5,237 21, 627 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 2,608 2, 067 1,940 7S8 1, ,523 1,872 106 1,482 2,495 455 1,930 1,696 2,902 1,112 19, 238 St. Joseph county— Continued. 1,405 1,435 858 1, 136 1, 301 1,840 941 1,986 500 4, 396 1,393 1, 292 1,189 33, 178 German town>ship Greene township Harris township Liberty township Lincoln township, incl. Walkertou town. . Walkerton town Madison township Olive township, incl. Now Carlisle town.. New Carlisle town Penn township, incl. Misbawaka town . . Mishawaka town Portage township, including Myler town and South Bend city. Myler town South Bend city Ward 1 3,733 Ward 2 3,657 Wards 7.130 Ward 4 3.318 Wards 3.981 Union township Warren township 1890 768 1,460 Scott county. Finley township Jennings township Johnson township Lexington township Vienna township, incl. Scottshurgtown. Scottsburg town Shelby county. Addison towu.ship (o), including Shelby- ville city. Shelby ville city Brandy wine township, incl. Fairland tn. Fairland town Hanover township, incl. Morristown tn . Morristown town Hendricks township Jackson township Liberty township Marion township Moral township Noble township Shelby township 0) Sugar Creek township Union township Van Buren township Washington township Spencer county. Carter township, including Dale villago. Dale village Clay township Grass township Hammond township, incl. Grandview tn . Grandview town Harrison township, incl. St. Meinrad tn . St. Meinrad town Huff township Jackson township Luce township - - - Ohio township, including Rockport town Rockport town Starke county. 513 845 486 1,733 1,648 885 2, 055 2,111 607 5,078 3.371 22,858 174 21 ,819 1,768 a Part taken to form Shelby township since 18 California township 521 Center towTiship, including Knox town.. 1,480 Knox to wn 79° Davis township *30 .Jackson township -^25 North Bend town-ship Oregon township Railroad township Washington township WajTie township, incl. North Judson tn North Judson town 6 Organized Irom part ot Addison township since 1880. ,833 1880 578 991 450 1,939 1,390 754 1,907 1,901 5.30 4,958 2,640 14, 050 1, 226 1,142 1,127 2,195 2,143 618 25, 454 6,909 5.451 1,436 513 1,858 561 1,790 1, 313 1, 345 943 1,626 1,650 1,339 961 1,169 1, 371 1,744 22, 060 2,125 659 1,644 2,167 2, 629 694 2,167 483 1,692 1,158 2,907 5,571 2,314 7,339 773 875 846 1,305 572 13.280 2,015 771 8,343 1,248 1,346 1,361 2,466 1,922 454 25, 257 6,759 3.745 1,400 367 1,087 375 1, 829 1,576 1,577 1, 125 1,814 1,845 1,181 1,233 1,524 1,707 22, 122 1,910 318 1, 855 2, 190 2,890 686 2,279 1, 652 ■ 968 2,527 5,845 2,382 5,105 333 764 316 322 129 594 706 730 730 797 165 POPULATION 141 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IIVBIAIVA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Steube.v county. Clear Lake townsliip i'remont township, incl. I'Yemont town . Fremont town Jack.son township Jamestown township Milgrove township Otsego township Pleasant township, incl. Angola town. . . Angola town Rieliland township Salem town.ship Scott township Steuben township, inol . Pleasant Lake vill Pleasant Lake village York township Sullivan county. Cass township Curry township, including Farmersburg and Shelhurn towns. Farmersburg town Shelburn town Fairbank township Gill township, including Merom town Merom town Haddon township, including Carlisle town Carlisle town Hiimilton township, incl. Sullivan town. . Sullivan town Jackson township Jcflferson township Tunnan township Switzerland < odnty. Cotton township Craig town.ship Jefl'erson township, including Vevaycity Ve vay city Ward 1 645 Ward 2 562 Wards 456 Pleasant townehip, incl. Moorefield town . . Moorefield town Posey township, including Patriot town. ! Patriot town York township 1S90 Tippecanoe county Fairfield township, incl. Lafayette <'ity . . Lafayette city ' ' Ward 1 4,006 Ward 2 439 Ward 3 , , 235 Ward 4 5,816 Wards 1,856 Ward 6 I1783 Ward 7 I , ,08 Jackson township Lauraniietownship,incl. ClarksHilltn.fa) Perry township llandolph townshi]> Sheffield township Shelby township Tippecanoe township, including Battle Ground town. Rattle (Jround town TTni(m townshiji Wabash to wnship.incl. West Lafayette tn. West Lata vette town (i) ! Washington township Wayne township Wea township Tipton county . Cicero township, including Tipton city. Tipton city .'. . 14, 478 40C ,;S72 672 , 02',) 691 9;u ,260 , i)71 ,840 717 , 4:i8 ,100 ,596 520 964 21, 877 2,356 2,443 301 378 1,258 2, 272 412 3,005 503 4,241 2 ,222 2,589 1, 837 1,876 12, 514 1,401 1,980 3,491 1,663 1,784 "5 2,253 434 1,605 35, 078 1880 14, 645 433 l,:t44 632 1.167 715 1,021 1,347 2,483 1,280 742 1,651 1,154 1,567 451 1,021 20, 336 1,499 2,270 13, 336 17, 766 16,243 1,048 2,194 1, 468 786 1, 375 1,4.53 2,232 456 673 2.503 1 ,242 1,.325 1, 208 1,047 18, 157 6,010 2,697 2, 024 2, 105 467 1,683 35, 966 17, 314 14,860 1,133 2,381 1,631 840 1,644 1,487 2, 182 754 2,632 717 1,526 1,323 1,119 14, 407 4,078 1,250 a Not separately returned 6 Formerly Chauncey. c Part given to Evan'sville city since 1880. minor civil divisions. Tipton county— Continued. Jefferson township Liberty townshii), incl. Sharpsville town. Sharpsville town Madison township Prairie township Wildcat township, incl. Windfall city Windfall city '. Union county . Brownsville township, iiuludiugBrown.s- ville town. Brownsville town Center township, including Liberty town Liberty town Hai-mony township Harrison township Liberty township , Uniou'township, including West College Corner town. West College Corner town Vanderburo county 1890 2, 665 2,205 377 2,703 2 191 2, 383 561 7, 006 Armstrong township Center township (c) Ev.ansville city (d) Ward 1 ' 9, 111 Ward2 5,778 Ward 3 0, 519 Ward 4 9, 257 Ward 5 7, 97:5 Ward 6 12, 118 German township Knight township (c) Perry township (c) Scott townships Union township Vermilion county. Clinlontownship, including Clinton town. Clinton town Eugene township Helt township, including Dana town Dana town Highland township, incl. Perrysville In . Perrysville town ! Vermilion township, incl. Newport town. . Newport town 992 258 2,544 1. 314 611 741 797 1, 321 290 59, 809 1,567 1, 504 995 1, 564 899 13, 154 Vigo cou.vty . Fayette townshi)) Harrison township, incl. Terro Haute city Terre Haute citv '. Ward I 5,992 Ward 2. Wards 4,151 Ward 4 4,220 Ward 5 6,222 Ward 6 4,682 Not located in \vards 669 Honey (!reek township Linton township Lost Creek township Nevins to-wnship, incl. Fontanet village . . Fontanel vdiage Otter Creek township (e) Pierson township Prairie Creek township Prairieton township Kiley township Sugar Creek township Wabash county Chester town-sbij), including Nortli Man- chester town. North Manchester town 3,609 1.365 1, 664 3 474 495 2, 232 507 2,175 50, 195 1,792 31,277 30,217 1880 2, 246 2,115 280 2,074 1, 922 1, 972 570 7,673 1,197 2,518 1 ,096 749 816 939 1,454 42, 193 1,364 1,927 29, 280 L541 1,902 2, 034 1,676 1, 195 12, 025 3,009 965 1,341 3, 027 183 2, 433 645 2,215 591 45, 658 1,935 27, 910 26,042 1,425 1,4.55 1, 505 1,648 1,738 1, 835 3,050 1,579 1,470 1,3.37 1,517 1,707 1,546 1,382 962 1, 020 1,6.53 1, 632 2, 260 2, 218 27, 126 25, 241 5,438 4,466 2,384 1,58s d That part of Pigeon township outside of citv limits (pop- ulation 1, 274 in 1880) and parts of Center, Knight, and Perry townshij)S annexed since 1880. e Formerly Otter. 142 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IIVUIAIVA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. "VV ABASH COUNTY — Continued. Lagro township, including Lagio town - . - Lagro town Liberty townsliip - - - - - -. ■■•■■ Noble township, inclixding South Wabash village and Wabash city. South Wabash village Wabash city Ward 1 2,419 Ward2 i.°^° Wards l'^°° Pawpaw township, including Koann town Roann town • ■ Pleasant township, inch Laketou village. Laketon village "Waltz township ■ Warren county. Adams township Jordan township ■ -. Kent township, including State Line city . State Line city Liberty township i^".;; V Medina township, incl. Green Hill town . Green Hill town Mound township Pike township, incl. West Lebanon town West Lebanon town Pine township Prairie township Steuben township - - Warren township •■•-• Wasliington township, including Wil- lianisport city. Williamsport city 1890 Warrick count Anderson township Boon township, including Boonvillc town Boonville town Campbell township Greer township Hart township Lane township Ohio town.ship, including Newburg town Newburg town Owen township Pigeon township Skelton to\vnsliip Washington county Brown township, incl. Canipbellsburgtn. Campbellsburg town Franklin township Gibson township Howard townshij) Jackson townshiii, incl. Martinsburg tu. Rlartinsburg town Jetferson to wnsliip Madison township, incl. Livonia town . . - Livonia town Monroe townshii> Pierce townshiiJ Polk township Posey township, including Fredericks- burg and Hardinsburg towns. Fredericksburg town Hardinsburg town Vernon township Washington township, incl. Salem town. Salem town Wayne counts Abington township Boston township, inchuliug Boston town Boston town Center township, incl. Centervilletown. . Centerville town Clay township, incl. Washington town (a) Dalton township 549 l,S-28 8,756 507 5.105 2,294 582 2, 474 528 2,312 10, 955 792 577 629 201 1,239 700 164 515 1,043 644 876 763 1,027 1, 312 1, 482 1 ,027 2*, 161 990 5,452 1,881 1,421 1, 208 2, 073 1, 242 3,311 1,046 1,475 1,878 2, 111 18, C19 1880 4,248 600 2, 013 7,609 2, 130 350 2. 184 206 2,591 11, 497 minor civil divisions. 1,422 418 1,313 1,680 1,168 766 85 1,448 949 194 1,041 1,048 919 1,324 21 1 138 1,013 4,528 1,975 37, 628 690 610 728 268 1,330 699 194 484 1,100 665 972 988 1,315 1, 273 1,308 913 20, 162 912 4,668 1,182 L.we 1, 214 2,166 L165 3,413 1,282 1,517 1,927 1,644 18, 955 759 832 146 2,050 582 1,403 386 1, 372 1,680 1, 250 828 126 1, 556 902 211 1,075 1 , 098 1,057 1,411 255 133 1,014 4, 249 1,6.5 38, 613 837 936 137 2,307 875 1, 063 748 Wayne county — Continued. Franklin township, incl. AVhitewater tn . Whitewater io\vn Greene township Harrison township Jackson township, including Cambridge city and Dublin, East Germant own, and Mount Auburn towns. Cambridge city Dublin town East Germanto wn to wn Mount .Auburn town JeflFerson township, incl. Hagerstowu tn . . Hagerstown town New Garden townshi]), incl. Fountain tu . Fountain town Perry township Washington township, inch Milton town . Milton town Wayne townsliip, including Kichiuond city and Spring Grove town. Riclimond city (h) Ward 1 2,931 Ward 2 2,472 Wards 2,241 Ward 4 3 , 124 Ward 5 3.3°5 Ward 6 i,479 Ward 7 1 ,056 Spring Grove town Webster township 1890 1880 AVells county. Chester township Harrison township, including Bluffton city and Vera Cruz town. Bluffton city Ward 1 1,017 Ward 2 1,32+ Ward 3 1,248 Vera Cruz town .Taokson township Jefferson township Lancaster township Liberty town.ship - Nottingham townshi]) Rock Creek township Union township White county , Big Creek township Cass township Honey Creek township, in(;l. Reynolds tn Reynolds town Jackson township, incl. I'.unictlsville tn. . Burnettsville town Liberty township Mon(ra' township, including Mouou town. . Monon town Prairie township, incl. Brookstou town . . Brookston town Princeton township, incl. AVolcott town. Wolcott town Round Grove townshiji Union town.ship, incl. Monticcllo town . . Monticello town West Point township Whitley county . Cleveland township, including South Whitley village. South Whitley village Columbia township, incd. Columbia city . Columbia city Etna township Jetferson townshi]) Richland townshi]) Smith township, incl. Churubiisco town . Churubusco town Thorn Creek township Troy township Union township Washington township 1,163 L428 123 L052 503 !8l 1,189 588 4,021 5, 294 1,782 806 338 2,370 1,070 451 144 1,784 171 2,007 873 1, 264 898 1.443 492 740 471 890 1,740 2,015 742 19, 643 855 17, 113 99 601 21,514 1,937 5,764 3,589 755 18,442 1,668 4,389 233 260 1,731 1,496 2,476 2,262 2,030 1,806 2, 037 L752 2,284 2, 057 1,609 1,412 1,646 1,600 15, 671 13, 795 955 787 893 624 1,018 904 348 370 1, 958 1,724 479 296 1, 221 1,149 1,960 1,215 1 ,064 288 1,885 2,140 447 561 1,465 1,395 246 239 779 804 2,632 2,217 1,518 1,193 905 836 17, 768 16, 941 2,516 2,295 720 408 4,396 3,583 3,027 2,244 580 577 1,.577 1, 523 1,683 1,917 2, 060 L892 869 720 1,322 1,488 945 924 1,169 L263 1, 520 1,479 a Not separately returned. b Liudenhill town annexed since 1880. POPULATION. 143 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IOWA. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Adaik county. Eureka township Grand River township Greenfield township (o),incl. Greenfield tn. Greenfield town Grove township Harrison township Jackson township Jefferson township Lee township (6) Lincoln township (c) Orient township, including Orient town . . Orient town Prussia township Kichland township Stuart township {d),mcl. partof Stuart tn. Stuart town (part of) Total for Stuart town, in Stuart town- ship, Adair county, and Penn town- ship, Guthrie county. Suiumerset township, including Fonta- nelle town. Fontanelle town Summit township, including Adair town Adair town Union township Walnut township Washington township 1890 Adams county. Carl township Colony township Douglas township Grant township Jasper township, iucl. part of Corning tn . Corning town (part of) Total for Corning town (e), in Jasper and Quincy townships. Lincoln to^vnship Mercer township , Nodaway township Prescott township Quincv to\vnship, including partof (3orn- ing town and Quincy town. Corning town (part of) Quincy town Union township Washington township Allamakee county Center township Fairview township Franklin township French Creek township Hanover township Iowa township, incl. New Albin town. . . New Albin town Jefferson township Lafayette to^^^]ship Lansing township, incl. Lansing city Lansing city Linton township Ludlow township Makee township, incl. Waukon town Waukon town Paint Creek township Post township, including Postville town Postville town Taylor township Union Prairie township Union township Waterloo township Appanoose county. Bellair township, including Numa towns. Brazil town Numa town Brazil and 14, 534 676 609 1,143 1 ,048 750 808 872 758 520 772 801 130 748 711 633 385 2,052 1,407 830 1,327 722 527 789 683 12, 292 1880 837 794 1, 230 788 1,001 862 644 1,032 1,017 2,472 1,634 146 601 1,014 17, 907 841 431 850 646 539 698 4it 951 871 2,450 1,668 598 860 2,501 1 ,610 1,082 1,660 884 785 817 634 693 18,961 1,293 476 125 11, 667 506 525 1, 217 684 595 841 679 844 1,281 508 536 670 469 1.994 1,080 563 648 306 465 564 11,888 644 1,132 825 1,024 1,526 755 583 1,108 891 2,345 1,526 T98 725 1,028 19,791 1,079 558 897 761 601 787 423 1,135 1,161 2,723 1,811 745 1,001 2, 205 i>350 1,156 1,550 732 877 1,018 679 858 16, 636 780 a Part taken to form Lee township since 1880. 6 Organized from part of Greenfield township since 1880. c Part taken to form Stuart township since 1880. d Organized from part of Lincoln township since 1880. e In 1880 in Quincy township only. / Moravia to^vn given as in Douglas township in 1880. minor civil divisions. Appanoose county — Continued. Caldwell town.ship, incl. Eslino town Exline town Chariton township, incl. Iconium town . . Iconium town Douglas township (/) Franklin township Independence township , Johns township, including Piano town ig) . Lincoln township Pleasant township, incl. Cincinnati town Cincinnati town Sharon township Taylor township, incl. Moravia town(/)., Moravia town Udell township, incl. Union ville town Union ville town Union town.ship Vermilion township (A), including Center- ville city. Centerville city Ward 1 1 , 073 Ward 2 1 , 196 Ward 3 1 , 399 Walnut township, including Mystic and Walnut towns. Mystic town Walnut town Washington toivnship, including part of Moultou town. Moulton town (part of) Total for Moulton town (i), in Wash- ington and Wells townships. Wells township, including Dean town and part of Moultou town. Dean town Moulton town (part of) 1890 Audubon county. Audubon township Cameron township Douglas township Exira township, includingBrayton.Exira, and West Exira ((/) towns. Brayton town Exira town Greeley township Hamlin township Leroy township, including Audubon town Audubon town Lincoln township, including Gray town (y) Melville townshij) Oakfield township Sharon township Viola townsbii> Benton county. Belle Plaine townshi)) (j), coextensive with Belle Plaine city. Belle Plaine city Benton township Big Grove township Bruce towmship Canton township (A) Cedar township Eden township Eldorado township Florence township, incl. Norway town . . . Norway town Fremont township Harrison township Homer township Iowa township (I) Jackson township, incl. Garrison town . . . Garrison town E-ane township Leroy township, incl. Blairstown town . .. Blairstown town Monroe township Polk township St. Clair township 1,289 76 594 III 463 671 696 887 470 1,348 •132 497 884 3' I 813 212 592 4,517 1,492 875 43 1,533 648 769 922 30 121 12, 412 953 756 780 1,739 124 575 779 806 2,168 I , :;io 1,011 729 1, 004 972 709 24, 178 1880 2, 623 2,623 497 806 741 672 1,059 088 925 1,233 401 897 577 786 792 1,175 367 945 1,523 583 744 1,361 756 34 836 98 715 775 707 86-3 590 1,010 189 509 724 173 863 196 507 3,261 585 44 1,816 681 915 15 7,448 732 532 314 1,547 38 604 512 376 1,302 792 367 470 536 219 541 24, 888 551 833 774 1,471 1,136 835 899 1,267 985 598 843 2,884 1,221 255 872 1,800 652 829 1,410 907 a Not separately returned. h Formerly Center. i In 1880 in Washington township only. j Organized from part of Iowa township since 1880. k Part taken to form Shellsburg township since 1880. I Part taken to foim Bollo Plaine township since 1880. 144 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuiied. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Bentox county— Continued.' Shollsliuvg; townsliip (a), coextensive witli Sliellslmi-g town. Sliellsburo town Tavlor t (nvnsldp Union townsliip, incl. A'anhorn town N'anhorn town Yinton township, coextensive witli Vin- ton city. I5LACKHAWK COUNl'Y Barclay townslii]) Bennington township Big Creek towTiship, incl. Lajiorte town.. Laporte town Blackhawk township - - ■ - Cedar Falls township, including Cedar Falls city. Cedar Kails city Ward I 738 Ward 2 848 AVard 3 867 AVard 4 1,006 Cedar township Eagle township - ■ • Fast Waterloo township, including wards 3 and 4 of Waterloo city. Waterloo city (part of) Total for Waterloo citv, in East Water- loo and Waterloo townships. Ward I 1,339 Ward 2 1-323 Ward 3 2.296 AVard 4 1,716 Fox township Lester township Lincoln township Mount Vernon township Orange township Poyner township Spring Creek township Union towusln)) AVasliinuton to\\ nsliip Waterloo township, including wards 1 and - of AVaterloo cit\ . AVaterloo city (part of) Boone county. Amaqua township Beaver township Cass township Colfax township Des Moines township, incl. Boone city . . . Boone city {b) Ward 1 1 , 348 Ward 2 1,055 AVard 3 1,312 AVard 4 1,396 AVard 5 1,409 Dodge townshi]) Douglas to wnship, incl. part of Madrid tn Madrid town (part of) Total for Madrid town (c), in Douglas and Garden townships. Garden township, incl. part of Madrid In Madrid town (part of) Grant township Harrison townshii) Jackson township Marcy township, incl. Moingonu town (rf) Peoples township Pilot Mound township Union township, including Angus town. Angus town Worth township Yell township, including Ogden town. . . Ogden town 1890 Bhemer county Dayton township . Douglas township. 839 1, 206 5ot 2. 865 24, 219 774 715 1,547 1,052 824 4,612 3.459 530 B93 4,928 6,674 1880 23, 772 785 615 433 68B 7,919 6,520 547 1, (106 861 23, 913 774 812 1,655 1 ,006 887 591 748 4,060 5,630 825 930 921 965 651 708 830 916 824 861 990 1,157 589 707 482 511 423 505 3,061 2,983 20, 838 597 540 423 695 6,126 3.330 1,330 1.374 1.068 781 538 200 565 200 912 929 27 866 724 902 680 1,041 1,161 1,842 2, 304 883 859 776 658 1,373 704 632 856 707 1,709 1,424 689 568 14, 630 14, 081 842 769 875 871 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Bremer county — Continued. a Organized from part of Canton township .since 1880. b Boonesboro town (now ward 5) annexed since 1880. c In 1880 in Douglas township only. d Not separately returned. Franklin township Frederika tow'nship Fremont township Jackson township Jeft'erson township Lafayette township Leroy townshi]) Maxiield township Polk tow nship Sumner township, incl, Sumner town Sumner town Warren township Washington township (c) Waverly township (/), coextensive with Waverly city. AVaverly city AVard i 366 AVard 2 576 Ward 3 670 AVard 4 418 AVard 5 316 Buchanan county . Buflalo township Byron township, incl. AVinthrop town. AVinthrof) town Cono township Fail-bank township, incl. Fairbauk town . . Fairbank to\vn Fremont township Hazleton township - Homer township Jefferson township Liberty township Madison township Middlefiekl township : Newton to-v\iiship Perry to-svnship, including Jesup town. . J esup town Sumner township Washington township, including Inde- pendence city. Independence city Ward I 894 Ward 2 652 Ward 3 606 AA'ard 4 667 Ward 5 344 Westburg township Bdena Vista county. Barnes township Brooks township Coon township Elk township Fairfield township ■ Grant township Hayes township Lee township (g) Lincoln township Maple Vallev township Newell township, including Newell town Newell town Nokomis township, including Alta town Alta town I'ol.and township Providence towTiship Scott tow-nsliip Sioux Rapids town.ship (li), coextensive with Sioux Eapids city. Sioux Rapids city Storm Lake township, coextensive with Storm Lake city. Washington township 1890 1880 Butler county. Albion township, incl, Parkersburg town Parkersburg town Beaver township - Bennezette town.ship 748 765 541 514 1,042 888 824 973 740 795 660 750 496 430 912 863 1,233 1,252 1,667 996 861 285 936 1,044 762 3,171 2, 346 2.346 2,345 18, 997 540 1, 608 768 683 648 534 650 650 1,682 577 15, 463 18, 546 1,440 760 L074 580 ,537 396 14, 293 e Part taken to form Waverly township sinc« 1880. f Organized from part of Washington township since 1880. V Part taken to form Sioux Kapids township since 1880. A Organized from part of Lee township since 1880. POPULATION. 145 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued . I O WA— Continued. MINOR civil, DIVISIONS. BuTLBB COUNTY— Continued. Bristow town (a), in Pittsford and West Point townships. Butler township, exclusive of part of Clarksville town. ClarksvUle town, in Butler and Jackson townships. Coldwater township, incl. Greene town.. Greene town Dayton township _ Freraout township Jackson township, exclusive of part of Clarksville town. Jefferson township Madison township Monroe township, incl. Aplin^ton town . . Aphngton town Pittsford township, exclusive of part of Bristow town. Ripley township Shellrock township, incl. Shellrock town. Shellrock town Washington township West Point township, exclusive of part of Bristow town. 1890 Calhoun county 13, 107 Butler township, including Pomeroy town Pomeroy town ! Calhoun township, including Lake town . . Lake town Cedar township Center township, incl. partof Rockwell tn. Rockwell town (part of) Total for Rockwell town ((/), in Center and Twin Lakes townships. Elm Grove township Garfield township (e) Greenfield township Jackson township Lake Creek township Lincoln township, incl. Mansou town Manson town Logan township Reading township, incl. Farnhamville tn. Farnhamville town Sherman township Twin Lakes township, including part of Rockwell town. Rockwell town (part of) Union township, incl. Lohrville town Lohrville town Williams township Carroll county. Arcadia township, incl. Arcadia town . Arcadia town Carroll township, including Carroll town. Carroll town Eden township, incl. Templeton towii .... Templeton town Glidden township, incl. Glidden town . . . Glidden town Grant township .[ Ja,sper township Kniest township Newton township, incl. 'Dedhani town . . . Dedham town Pleasant Valley township Ri(^hland township Roselle township Sheridan township Union township, incl. Coon Rapids town Coon Rapids town Warren township, incl. Manning town . . Manning town Washington towTiship Wheatla,nd township, incl. Breda town . Breda town a In 1880 in West Point town.ship only. 6 Includes part of Clarksville town. c Includes Bristow town. din 1880 in Twin Lakes township only. 372 10 1880 735 1,608 845 067 778 704 493 1.482 73.''. 1,033 1,044 ,^83 982 43'; 556 18, 828 il,532 818 730 453 1.524 7>9 765 (•800 5,595 go 347 316 12, 351 ■.233 847 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Cass county Atlantic township (/), coextensive with Atlantic city. Atlantic city Bear Grove township , Benton township Brighton townshiji Cass township, including Lewis town . . . Lewis town Edna township Franklin townsliip, including Wiota town Wiota town Grant township, including Anita town. . . Anita town Grove township (g) Lincoln township Massena township, incl. Massena town . . . Massena town Noble township Pleasant township, incl. Griswold town . . Griswold town Pyraosa township Union township "Victoria township Washington township Cedar county. Cass township Center township, including Tipton town Tipton town Dayton township, incl. Clarence towii '. . '. Clarence town Fairfield township Fannington township, incl. Durant town Durant town Fremont township, incl. vStanwood town Stan wood town Gower township Inland township Iowa township Linn township Lowden town, in Massillon and Spring- field townships. Massillon township, exclusive of part of Lowden town. Pioneer township, including Mechanics- ville town. Mechanicsville town Red Oak township Rochester township Springdale township, including West Branch town. West Branch town Springfield township, exclusive of part of Lowden town. Sugar Creek township 1890 1880 19, 645 16, 943 4,351 4,544 4>35i 3,662 770 744 759 698 1,089 1,153 1,298 1,200 579 550 684 633 1,013 952 168 tio 1,536 1,164 695 479 869 729 570 949 434 279 866 845 1,501 1,174 752 350 855 955 L021 616 758 580 597 681 Cerro Gordo county. Bath township Clear Lake township, incl. Clear Lake tn Clear Lake town Dougherty township Falls township, including I'lymouth and Rock Falls towns. Plymouth town Rock Falls town (jeneseo township, incl. Rockwell town Rockwell town Grant township Grimes township («) Lake township Lime Creek township Lincoln township Mason township, including Mason city . . Mason city Mount Vernon township '.. ... Owen townshin 18, 253 636 3, 117 1,599 1,292 629 614 1,398 505 997 302 932 1,054 855 422 405 882 1,266 612 448 689 1,676 474 931 14,864 18, 936 626 2,942 1,299 1,400 607 710 1,372 475 1,126 254 866 1.059 1,026 457 516 411 1.718 1,536 1,130 1,095 623 4.54 1,056 1,112 246 239 122 221 1,036 773 .38 1 249 ,^i43 370 410 580 599 699 700 ,553 5.52 4,598 3, 077 4,007 2,510 428 266 519 451 891 1,395 545 503 693 1,852 501 1,402 616 11,461 e Organized since 1880. /Part taken to form Grove township since 1880. g Organized from part of Atlantic township since 146 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table S.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. I O W A— Continued . MINOR CIVUj divisions. Cbrro Gordo county — Continued. Pleasant Valley township Portland township, incl. Portland town (a) Union township Cherokee county . Afton township Amherst township Cedar township Cherokee township, incl. Cherokee town Cherokee town Diamond township Grand Meadow township Liberty township Marcus township, incl. Marcus town Marcus town Pilot township Pitcher township, incl. Amelia town Aurelia town Rock township Sheridan town.ship, iucl. Meriden town. . Meriden town Silver township Spring township Tilden township Willow township 1890 Chickasaw county. Bradford township, incl. Nashua town . Nashua town Chickasaw township Dayton township De'erfield township Dresden township Fredericksburg township, including Fred- ericksburg town. Fredericksburg town Jacksonville township Newhampton township, including New- hampton town. Newhampton town Richland township Stapleton township, incl. Lawler town . Lawler town Utica township Washington township Clarke county. Doyle township Franklin township Fremont township (Jreen Bay town.ship Jackson township, incl. Woodburn town. Woodburn town Knox township Liberty to^^'nship Madison township Osceola City townshij) {b), coextensive with Osceola city. Osceola city Ward 1 627 Ward 2 654 Wards ^39 Osceola township (c) Troy township, including Murray town .. Murray town Ward township Washington township Clay county (d) . Clay township Douglas township Freeman township (e) . . Garfield township (e) . . . GUlett Grove township . fi42 626 iilt 825 685 717 3,935 3.44' 742 580 649 1,337 67 T 695 1, 303 663 562 893 241 680 416 616 1,015 1880 2,160 1,240 1,396 834 959 824 1,127 32' 1,096 2,248 1,314 755 1,234 464 1,137 1, 249 11,332 627 591 548 227 468 SI!) 629 212 8,240 690 341 459 1,940 1,523 490 412 171 631 864 225 236 657 463 194 217 259 14, 534 2,297 T,Il6 1,289 765 1,055 711 965 203 1,183 1,861 1. 105 690 1,287 -187 1.232 1, 199 11, 513 939 1,064 614 671 727 670 602 650 978 1,150 3^6 371 703 903 816 791 687 715 2, 120 1,769 .-.72 2, 401 1,259 1, 083 666 491 556 647 759 768 4,248 342 506 181 a Not separately returned. b Organized from part of Osceola towTiship since 1880. c Part taken to form Osceola City township since 1880. MINOR CIVIL DIVlStONB, Clay county — Continued. Herdland township Lake township (e) Lincoln township Logan township (e) Lone Tree township > Meadow township («) ^ . ^ . . . ^ . i Peterson township, incl. Peterson toWtl. Peterson town ,..,.. i ...:..■.. . Kiverton township Spencer township, iucl. Spencer to wn. . . Spencer town Summit township Waterford township (e) 18»0 Clayton county. Boardman township, incl. Elkader town Elkader town Buena Vista township • " Cass township, incl. Strawberry Point tu. Strawberry Point town Clayton township Cox Creek township Elk township Farmersburg township Garnavillo township Giard township Grand Meadow township ■ Highland township > ■ Jefferson township, incl. Guttenberg tn . . . Guttenberg town Lodomillo township Mallory township Marion township Mendon township, including McGregor city and North and West McGregor towns. McGregor city Ward 1 362 Ward 2 364 Ward 3 434 North McGregor town ^^ West McGregor town " MUlviUe township Monona township, incl. Monona village . . Monona village Read township Sperry township Volga township Wagner township Clinton county . Berlin township Bloomtield township, incl. Delmar town. . Delmartown Brookfield township, incl. Elwood town.. Elwood town Camanche township, incl. Camanche tn . . . Camanche town Center township, including Elvira town. . Elvira town Clinton township, including Chancy town and Clinton city. Chancy town (/) CHnton city Ward 1 5,232 Ward 2 2,170 Wards 1,694 Ward 4 4 • 523 Deep Creek township, including Bryant and Gooselake towns. Bryant town Gooselake town Dewitt township, including Dewitt city . . Dewitt city Eden township Elk River township, incl. Almout town {a) Hampshire township Liberty township, incl. Toronto town . Toronto town I,incoln township 494 313 567 202 620 474 m 371 525 2,293 i>8i3 480 241 26, 733 1880 1, 683 745 311 1,690 947 848 1,046 1,189 977 1,051 1,147 826 793 2,140 1,160 1,305 1,269 993 2,864 509 936 1,475 460 804 1,128 1,288 970 41, 199 693 1,413 518 925 180 1.240 753 1,024 31 14, 658 1,039 131619 1,012 153 345 228 377 1,392 824 231 28, 829 1,667 85 < 282 1,504 715 960 1,042 1,314 1, 087 1,176 1,390 894 847 2,277 1,076 1,332 1,328 1,073 3,440 1,602 519 994 1,623 .^20 936 1,236 1,430 36, 763 832 1,403 410 1,037 133 1,200 762 1,219 10, 054 523 9,052 1,042 d Bridgewater township (population 408 since 1880. e Organized since 1880. / Formerly Riverside. 91 42 2,437 [25 61 2, 931 1,359 8BT ■ i,6o& 1,010 1, 209 1,271 904 959 689 822 78 596 362 i.jj.1880) abolisheiJ, POPULATION. 147 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Clinton county — Continued. Lyons township, coextensive with; Lyons city. Lyons city Ward I 1,710 Ward 2 1 , 106 Ward 3 1 ,257 Ward 4 1 ,726 Olive township, incl. Calamus town Calamus town Orange township, incl. Grand Mound tu. . Grand Mound town Sharon township, incl. Lost Nation town Lost Nation town Spring Rock township, ii^ 1. Wheatland tn Wheatland town Spring Valley township (a) Washington township Watertord township, incl. Charlotte town Charlotte town Welton township, incl. Welton town (b) . Crawford county Boyer township Charter Oak township, including Charter Oak town. Charter Oak town Denison township, incl. Denisontown . . . Denison town East Boyer township Goodrich township Hanover township Hayes township Iowa township Jackson township Milford township Morgan township Nishuabotany township, incl. Manilla tn. . Manilla town Otter Creek township Paradise township Soldier township Stockholm township Union township, including Dow town Dow town (c) Washington township Westside township, including Vail and Westside towns. Vail to wii Westside town Willow township Dallas county. Adams township Adel township, including Adel and Dallas Center towns. Adel town Dallas Center town Beaver township Boone township Colfax township Dallas township Des Moines township, incl. Woodward tn . Woodward town Grant township Lincoln township Linn township Spring Valley township, incl. Perry city . . Perry city Ward I 943 Ward 2 I , J63 Ward 3 774 Sugar Grove township Union township, including Dexter and Redtield towns. Dexter town Redfield town Van Meter township, including De Soto and Van Meter towns. De Soto town Van Meter town Walnut township, incl. Waukee town Waukee town Washington township ., 1890 5,799 5,799 1,247 216 866 247 1,114 i,265 569 409 764 1,152 231 916 18, 894 1880 373 1,214 567 2,503 1,782 686 794 821 830 921 655 950 874 1,222 526 901 619 687 800 1,078 451 706 1,658 538 448 602 20, 479 4, 425 4,095 1,453 163 1, 0.56 •'^34 1, 154 193 1,431 616 935 1,278 294 889 12, 413 292 286 840 2,240 995 445 775 756 851 1,099 1,171 328 758 766 966 3,739 1,016 1,937 607 397 1,772 328 467 1,039 240 754 2,023 1,441 529 442 . 532 652 535 591 834 464 304 676 374 297 540 735 291 401 ,591 5" 446 315 18, 746 1, 093 2,302 450 755 938 819 715 949 802 691 1,836 952 1,125 2,255 704 394 1,656 347 376 1,040 =45 780 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Davis county . Bloomfield township (rf), coextensive with Bloomfield city. Bloomfield city Cleveland township (e) Drakesvillo township, incl. Drakesville tu. Drakesville town Fabius township I'ox River townshii) Grove township Lick Creek towushiji Marion township Perry township Prairie township Roscoe township Salt Creek township Soap Creek township Union to-.vnship West Grove township Wyaconda township 1890 Decatur county . Bloomington township Burrell towns ip. inclndiug Davis town. Davis towi. Center township Decatur township, incl. Decatur town. . . Decatur town Eden township Fayette townshij). incl. Lamoni tn. (6) . . Franklin township Garden Grove toy nship, including Gar- den Grove town. Garden Grove town Grand River township Hamilton township, incl. Harding tn. (b) High Point township Leon township, coextensive witli Leon tn Long Creek township Morgan township New Buda township Richland township Woodland township Delaware county . Adiims township Bremen township Collins Grove townshiii Colony township , Delaw-aro township, incl. Manchester city Manchester city Delhi township Elk township , Hazle Green township Honey Creek township Milo township North Fork township Oneida township, incl. Earlville town Earlville town Prairie township Richland township South Fork township, incl. Hopkintontn. . Hopkinton town Union township Des Moines county. a Not reported in 1880. b Not separately returned. c Formerly Dowville. Augusta township Benton township Bm-lingtou township, including Burling- ton city. Burlington city Ward r 2, 966 Ward 2 4 , tog Ward 3 3,790 Ward 4 3 , 103 Ward s . 2 , 728 Ward 6 2,808 Ward 7 3 ,o6i Danville township 15, 258 1,913 871 617 303 1, 074 718 926 1,179 903 645 731 471 1,106 910 1,095 927 1, 172 15, 643 17, 349 640 976 898 1, 296 3,051 2.344 1,039 1,074 784 874 657 817 1,554 569 588 787 1,703 668 Oil 35, 324 488 1,020 23, 301 22,565 1,228 1880 16, 468 2,726 1,53' 585 300 1,072 752 1,052 1,379 955 703 719 702 1,258 993 1,231 1,100 1,241 15, 336 578 498 1,462 1,368 594 615 348 883 890 1,038 215 1,048 235 1,187 1,215 869 903 706 1,213 1,190 586 549 574 800 840 766 815 1,422 1, 367 994 795 638 601 580 664 1,096 1,100 837 841 17, 950 664 993 1,017 1,202 3,033 2,275 1,274 .,140 807 976 688 866 1,453 450 593 840 1,758 645 646 33, 099 564 1,271 20,241 1,459 d Part taken to form Cleveland township since 1880. e Organized from part of Bloomfield township since 1880. 148 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IOWA— (Sontinued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. DBS Moines county— Continued. Plint Kiver township, including West Burlington town. West Burlington town Franklin township Huron townsliip Jackson township Pleasant Grove township Union township Washington township Yellow Springs township, including Me- diapolis town. Mediapolis town Dickinson county . Center Grove township, including Spirit Lake to wn . Spirit Lake town Diamond Lake township Excelsior township Lakeville township Lloyd township Milford township Okoboji township Kichland township Silver Lake township Spirit Lake towusbip Superior township Westport township Dubuque county . Cascade township, incl. part of Cascade tn Cascade town (part of) (a) Total for Cascade town (b), in Cascade and Whitewater townships. Center township Concord township Dodge township Dubuque township Iowa township Jett'erson township ■-■■■ Julien township, coextensive with Du- buque city. Dubuque city : Ward 1 4,871 Ward 2 4.436 Wards 7.o2o Ward 4 .S.756 Wards •. 8.228 Liberty township Mosalem township New Wine township, incl. Dyersville tn . . Dyersville town Peru township Prairie Creek township Table Mound township - - Taylor townsliip, including Epworth and Farley towns. Epworth town Farley town Vernon township Washington township - Whitewater township, including part of Cascade town. Cascade town (part of) (c) 1890 Emmet county. Armstrong Grove township Center township Denmark township (ri) Ellsworth township Emmet township ....................... Esthervillo township, mcl. EstnerviUetn Estherville town High I^ake township Iowa Lake township Jacks Creek township (d) Lincoln township id) Swan Lake township _- Twelvemile Lake township 2,188 836 1,189 826 135 912 1,236 916 1,885 4,328 1,287 782 152 124 146 210 500 504 253 263 394 250 245 49, 848 1,196 514 955 1,165 1,005 1,048 1,484 703 1,491 30, 311 940 814 2,579 1 ,272 1,020 803 1,068 1,606 348 582 882 749 984 441 4.274 293 283 261 291 293 1,713 1,475 412 67 212 78 161 210 1880 1,309 1, 571 865 106 1,150 1,382 1,087 2,094 277 81 13 114 105 179 182 54 45 306 95 53 42, 996 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 949 900 2,334 975 1,071 986 1,175 1,668 471 1,077 973 1,106 1.550 242 196 76 175 355 138 319 44 1890 Fayette county Auburn township, including Auburn and Massillon towns (e). Banks township Bethel township Center township Clermont township, incl. Clermont town Clermont town Dover township Eden township, including Alpha and Waucoma towns. Alpha town Waucoma town Fairfield township, incl. Brush Creek tn. . Brush Creek town Fayette township, coextensive with Fay- ette town. Fremont township Harlan township, incl. Maynard town Maynard town lUyria township Jefferson township, incl. Oelwein town . . Oelwein town Oran township Pleasant Valley township, incl. Elgin tn Elgin town Putnam township Scott township Smithfield township Union township (/) "Westfield township West Union township (g), coextensive with West Union city. West Union city Windsor township Floyd county . Cedar township Charles township (A), coextensive with Charles city. Charles city Ward 1 468 Ward 2 569 Ward 3 824 Ward 4 94^ Floyd township Niles tovmship Pleasant Grove township Kiverton township Rockford township, incl. Rockford town.. Rockf ord town Rock Grove township, including Nora Springs town. Nora Springs town Rudd township i. St. Charles township (i) Scott township Ulster township Union township, incl. Marble Rock town Marble Rock town 23, 141 1880 22, 258 1, 192 855 890 1, 320 488 1,214 1,381 73 406 1,542 593 1,062 827 1,062 371 1,035 1,511 830 864 1,340 369 710 614 677 759 909 1,676 1 ,676 1,033 15,424 Franklin county. 504 2,802 2,802 a Formerly West Cascade. b Formerly East and West Cascade; incorporated as Cascade towoi. c Formerly East Cascade. d Organized since 1880. c Not separately retiu:ned. since 1880 1,204 520 660 810 1,481 553 1,339 1,154 42 225 1,330 417 995 726 929 270 1,160 1,131 397 874 1,501 428 790 521 764 999 2,448 1.55' 922 14, 077 578 Clinton township, coextensive with Shef- field town. Geneva township Grant township Hamilton township Ingham township .-' Lee township Marion township Morgan township Mott township Washington township, coextensive with Hampton town. Hampton town Oakland township Osceola township Reeve township Richland township (k) Ross township / Oro-anized from part of West Union township since 1880. n Part taken to form Union township since 1880. h Organized from part of St. Charles township since 18W. i Part taken to form Charles township since 1880. j Returned as Mott township in 1880. % Part taken to form Wisner township since 1880. 979 1,014 866 902 619 655 1, 020 969 1,581 1,368 1,010 739 1,532 1,451 846 617 842 795 1,635 3,942 626 570 993 990 1,425 1,443 433 409 12, 871 10, 249 610 307 733 826 094 592 .591 417 671 592 586 411 612 432 820 484 499) 2, 067S j2,304 2,067 1 1,598 711 t 554 859 I 856 704 763 551 1 409 685 024 POPULATION. 149 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Franklin county— Continued. Scott township West Fork townsliip. Wisner townsliip (a) . Fremont county . Benton township Fisher township, incl. Farragut town Farragut town Green townsliip (b) Hamhurg township (c), coextensive with Hamburg city. Hamburg city Ward I 450 Ward 2 496 Ward 3 313 Ward 4 375 Locust Grove township Madison township Monroe township, incl. Imogene town Imogene town Prairie township Riverside township, incl. Randolph town Randolph town Eiverton township, incl. Riverton town . . Riverton town Ross township {d), coextensive with Tabor to wn . Tabor town Scott township, incl. Thurman town Thurman town (e) Sidney township, including Sidney town , Sidney town Walnut township Washington township (c) Greene county. Bristol township Cedar townshijj Dawson township Franklin township Grant township Greenbrier townshij) Hardin township Highland township, incl. Churdan town . Churdan town Jackson township Jefferson township, coextensive with Jef- ferson town. Junction township,including Grand Junc- tion town. Grand Junction town Kendrick township Paton townshii), including Paton town. . Paton town Scranton township, incl. Scranton town . Scranton town Washington township Willow township Grundy county . Beaver township Blackhawk township, incl. Reinbeck town Reinbeck town Clay township, including Beamau and Conrad towns. Beaman town Conrad town Colfax township Fairfield township Felix township German township Grant township Lincoln township Melrose township Palermo township, incl. Grundy Centertn . Grundy Center town Pleasant Valley township Shiloh township Washington township, incl. Morrison tn- . Morrison town 515 653 310 16, 842 912 1,213 406 969 1,634 1.63* 754 1,048 1,030 279 591 948 276 1,078 560 503 503 1,528 3Q5 3,051 839 519 1,064 15,797 760 562 760 826 573 690 601 751 377 695 1,875 2,181 932 770 892 245 1,445 715 1,700 716 13,215 1880 63 615 17, 652 1,119 1,411 2,036 772 1,089 985 158 611 960 213 1,069 497 1,280 320 1,577 378 2,994 8^S 637 12, 727 726 539 359 700 809 515 597 237 720 1,444 1,587 752 813 535 84 1,007 1,654 485 12, 639 805 719 1,401 1,148 731 1,121 482 958 262 201 '57 1,009 1,036 836 834 886 1,023 1,013 1,145 667 682 743 639 622 753 1,788 1,523 1 ,161 835 950 880 864 675 625 624 16s 116 MINOR civil divisions. Guthrie county. Baker township Bear Grove township Beaver township, including Menlo town.. Menlo town Cass township, including Panora town. . . Panora town Dodge township Grant township Highland township, incl. Bayard town. . - Bayard town Jackson township Orange township Penn township, incl. part of Stuart town. Stuart town (part of) Total for Stuart town, in Stuart town- ship, Adair county, and Penn town- ship, Guthrie countv. Richland township .' Seely township Stuart township (/) Thompson townsliip, incl. Casey town Casey town Union township Valley township, incl. Guthrie Center tn. . Guthrie Center town Victory township , 1890 Hamilton county . Blairsburg township Boone township, coextensive with Web- ster city. Webster city Ward I 552 Ward 2 651 Ward 3 747 Ward 4 879 Cass township Clear Lake township Ellsworth township Freedom township (/) Fremont township Hamilton township Independence township (/) , Liberty township (/) Lincoln township Lyon township, including Jewell town. . . Jewell town Marion township Rose Grove township Scott township Webster township Williams township Hancock county . Amsterdam township Avery township Bingliam township Boone township (/ ) Britt township, including Britt town Britt town Concord township, incl. Garner town Garner town Crystal township Ellington township Ell township Erin township Garfield township (/) German township Madison townsliip Magor township, including Corwitli town. Corwith town Orthel township (/) Twin Lakes township {/) Hardin county Alden township, including Alden town . Alden town 17, 380 542 459 770 688 1,351 1,300 389 2, 175 ■■■ 2,' 224 809 942 795 460 838 662 1, 122 608 348 721 895 527 400 2,102 2, 3.")4 1,667 1.525 2,052 1,994 1,268 624 691 438 290 1,047 1,058 452 435 473 233 1,642 1,194 1.037 917 57« 797 15, 319 11, 252 530 2,829 1880 414 1,209 550 1, 002 931 709 7, 621 a Organized from part of Richland township since 1880. h Organized from part of Ross township since 1880. c Fraukliu township (population 3,148 in 1880) formed into Hamburg and Washington townships since 1880. d Part taken to form Green township since 1880. e Formerly Fremont. /Organized since 1880. 14, 394 263 2,813 395 673 3,453 150 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TAiiLE 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hakdin county— Continued. Buckeye township Clay tdwnaliip.iuol.Steamboatllocli town. Steamboat Rock town Concord township Eldoia township, including Eldora town Eldoratown Ellis township Etna township, including Ackley town. . Ackley town Grant township Hardin township, inch Iowa Falls town Iowa Falls town Jackson township Pleasant township Providence township. Sherman township Tipton township, incl. Hubbard town . - Hubbard town • Union township, including Union and AVhitten towns. Union town Whitten town 1890 Harrison codnty Allen township Boyer township, incl. Woodbine town Woodbine town Calhoun township Cass township Cincinnati township Clay township Doviglas township Harrison township, incl. Dunlap town Dunlap town Jackson township Jefferson township, including Logan town Logan town Lagrange township Lincoln township Little Sioux township, including Little Sioux town. Little Siou.x town Magnolia township Morgan township, incl. Mondamin town. Mondamin town Raglan township St. John township, including Missouri Valley town. Missouri Valley town Taylor township, including Modale town Modale town Union township Washington township Henry county. Baltimore township Cinaan township Center township, incl.MountPleasant city Mount Pleasant city Ward! 1.603 Wards 94° Wards 746 Ward 4 708 Jackson township Jefferson township ■ Marion township - Hew London township, including New London town. New London town Salem township, including Salem town . . Salem town •.• -^ ■ ; j V — Scott township, including AViufield town Winfield town Tippecanoe township Trenton township Wayne township Howard county . Afton township Albion township Chester township ■ - - Forest township, incl. Limesprings viU . Limesprings village 543 1,106 367 811 2,145 1,577 680 2,277 1,286 682 2,717 1,796 813 1, 202 1,079 8!)7 1,083 452 1,61)0 511 195 21, 356 574 1.470 8i5 470 840 664 706 726 1,797 1,088 525 2, 022 827 630 554 1,150 400 1,232 751 257 565 3,792 2,797 719 288 947 1, 222 18, 895 1,064 937 0, 007 3,997 1880 343 1, 373 523 347 2,330 1,584 674 2,466 1,517 593 1,986 955 920 1, 180 1,151 544 710 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 2,010 666 16, 649 297 996 330 i 451 444 661 557 526 1,999 1,246 479 1,697 644 530 248 1,036 369 1,285 711 158 432 2, 297 ",154 786 624 593 20, 986 795 1,410 889 1,406 1,064 1,370- 1, 153 1,735 580 1,470 551 1,389 461 1,172 1, 135 1,221 658 1,586 524 1,314 1,496 L372 1,311 11,182 10, 837 . 1,091 675 487 1,032 871 783 623 968 55c 470 Howard county— Continued. Howard Center township Howard township Jamestown township New Oregon township Oakdale township Paris township Saratoga township Vernon Springs township, incl. Creseo tn Cresco town 1890 Humboldt county. Avery township Beaver township Corinth township Dakota township, coextensive with Da- kota town. Delana township ti rove township Humboldt township, incl. Liverraore tn. Livermore town Lake township Norway township Rutland township Springvale township, coextensive with Huinboldt town. Vernon township Wacousta township Wea\'er township Ida county . Battle township Blaine township Corwin township, incl. Ida Grove town. . Ida Grove town Douglas township Galva township Garfield township (a) Grant township Griggs township, including Holstein town iTolstein town Hayes township Logan township Maple township, incl. Battle Creek town Battle Creek town Silver Creek township Iowa county . Amana township Cono township Dayton township English township Eillmore township Greene township Hartford township, including parts of Ladora and Victor towns. Ladora town (part of) Total for Ladora town (0), in Hartford and Sumner townships. Victor town (part of) Total for Victor town, in Hartford township, Iowa county, and Warren township, Poweshiek county. Hilton township Honey Creek township Iowa township) Lenox township Lincoln township Marengo township, incl. Marengo city . . . Marengo city Pilot townshin Sumner township, incl. part of Ladora tn Ladora town (part of) Troy township, incl. Williamsburg town Williamsburg town Washington township York tovraship Jackson county. a Organized since 1880. 2,286 ',394 b In 1880 in Hartford township only. Bellevue township, incl. Bellevue city Bellevue city 569 1,021 659 1,195 444 849 478 2,682 2,018 9,830 1880 528 711 486 353 897 572 998 459 497 961 700 1,075 795 521 742 10, 705 659 733 2,163 1,563 639 732 668 690 1,263 539 827 600 1,095 387 630 18, 270 1,687 209 837 1,672 1,043 1,017 1,622 209 224 526 616 714 943 971 414 691 2,227 1 ,710 790 727 15 1,413 635 528 765 22, 771 781 540 1,199 447 921 567 2,545 1,875 5,341 235 471 322 248 490 381 655 168 101 512 444 606 432 213 231 4,382 148 372 1,148 759 176 320 155 189 391 226 869 205 388 19, 221 1,633 252 1,025 1,703 1,154 1,025 1,579 211 2H 552 691 1,078 1,036 496 830 2,487 1,738 884 811 950 COl 811 23, 771 2,525 1,581 POPULATION. 151 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. I O W A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Jackson county — Continued. Brandon toTvnship Butler township Fairtield townsliip Farmer Creek township Iowa township Jaclisou township Lamotte village, in Prairie Spring and Richland townships. Maquoketa city, in Maquoketa and South I'ork townships. Ward 1 889 Ward 2 819 Ward 3 640 Ward 4 729 Maquoketa township, exclusive of part of Maquoketa city. Monmouth township, incl. Baldwin town Baldwin town Otter Creek township Perry township, incl. Andrew town Andrew town Prairie Spring township, exclusive of part of Lamotte village. Richland township, exclusive of part of Lamotte village. South Folk township, exclusive of part of Maquoketa city. Tete des Morts townshi)) Union township, including Sabula town Sabula town Van Buren township, including Preston and Van Buren villages. Preston village Van Buren village Washington townsmp Jasper county. Buena Vista township Clear Creek township Des Moines township, incl. Prairie town . Prairie town Elk Creek township Fairview township, incl. Monroe town . . Monroe town Hickory Grove township Independence township Kellogg township, incl. Kellogg town. . . Kellogg town Lynn Grove township, incl. Lynnvilletn Lynnville town Malaka township Mariposa township Mound Prairie township Newton to^vIlship, incl. Newton city Newton city Palo Alto township Poweshiek township Richland township Rock Creek township Sherman township Washington township, incl. Colfax town Colfax town 1,039 700 798 1,232 1,106 869 154 3,077 1, 597 227 689 1,258 3°7 754 726 1,217 881 1,176 yi8 1,340 485 901 Jefferson county . Blackhawk township Buchanan township Cedar township Des Moines township Falilield township, incl. Fairfield city. . . Fairfield city Liberty township Lockridge township Locust Grove township, incl. Batavia tn. Batavia town Penn township Polk township Round Prairie township Walnut township Johnson county. Big Grove township, Incl. Solon town . . . Solon town 1880 943 940 2,090 684 1,127 2,292 952 719 1,277 1,398 700 1,370 261 689 680 807 3,475 2,564 1,088 2, 105 776 707 704 1,756 957 15, 184 773 952 663 892 4,303 3,391 893 1,248 1,266 307 1,283 1,096 890 925 23, 082 1, 196 353 1,080 811 807 1,433 1,270 897 101 2,467 0,2, 188 1,594 322 891 1,174 288 61, 027 M,0,56 a2, 326 909 1.487 1 ,223 1,375 921 25, 963 17 1,008 1,218 740 1,145 4.221 3,086 1,118 1,478 1,410 328 1,727 1,180 1,116 1,108 25, 429 1,363 383 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Johnson county — Continued. Cedar township Clear Creek township Fremont township Graham township Hardin township Iowa township, coextensive with Iowa city. iowa. city : Ward I ','03 Ward 2 ' , 474 Ward 3 1,755 Ward 4 1 , 293 Ward 5 1,391 Jefferson township Liberty township Lincoln township Lucas townshiji, incl. Coralville town . . . CoralviUe town Madison township Monroe township Newport township Oxford township, including Oxford town Oxford town Penn township Pleasant Valley township Scott township Sharon township Union township Washington township 1890 Jones county Cass township Castle Grove township Clay township Fairview township, incl. Anamosa city. . . Anamosa city Greenfield township Hale township Jackson township Madison township, incl. Center Junction town, but exclusive of parts of Onslow and Wyoming town.s. Center Junction town Monticello township, incl. Monticellocity Monticello city Onslow town, In Madison and Wjoming townships. Oxford township, including Oxford Junc- tion town. Oxford Junction town Richland township Rome township, including Olln town Clin town Scotch Grove township Washington township Wayne township Wyoming town (d), in Madison and Wyoming townships. Wyoming township, exclusive of parts of Onslow and Wyoming towns Keokuk county Adams township Benton township, incl. Hedrick town Hedrick town Clear Creek townshi]) English River township German township Jackson townshi]) Lafayette township, including Harper anil Keota villages. Harper village Keota village Lancaster townshi]) Liberty townshi]) Prairie township Richland townshi]), incl. Richland town. Richland town Sigonruey township, incl. Sigourncy city. Sigourney city Steady Run township, incl. Martin.sbiirgtn Martinsburg town Van Buren township 741 963 477 642 1,186 1,210 683 876 719 834 7,016 7,123 796 512 515 1, 242 173 531 822 638 1,309 515 638 513 744 1,076 698 1,030 20, 233 836 750 096 3,535 2 ,078 799 924 825 1,124 210 2,830 1,938 237 1,643 752 745 1,335 519 705 586 1,094 704 865 23, 862 1,576 592 988 1, 227 1,167 1,244 1,837 253 777 1,221 955 1,529 1,466 53' 1,948 1,523 986 322 830 1880 789 568 588 1,494 347 625 941 836 1,436 560 702 604 897 1,159 780 999 21,052 912 881 781 3,325 2 ,083 1, 083 965 914 cl,262 190 2,905 1,877 233 1,397 349 792 1,270 362 778 721 1,178 729 21, 258 866 1,082 1,059 1, 240 1,385 1,392 1,986 254 710 1,306 1,115 1,105 1, 402 254 2,207 1,735 866 154 1,003 a Includes jiart of Maquoketa city. b Includes jiart of Lamotte village. c Includes part of Onslow town. d In 1880 in Wyoming township only. e Includes Wyoming town and part of Onslow town. 152 COMPENDIUM (JF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuiied. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Keokdk county— Continued. Warren township, incl. Delta village Delta villag:e Washington township, including What Cheer citv- What Cl\ecr city Ward I 9°5 Ward 2 I, no Ward 3 I.23I 1890 Kossuth county Algona township, coextensive with Al- gona city. .Algona city Ward I 435 Ward 2 57° Wards 5" Ward 4 552 Buffalo township (a) Burt township (a) Cresco townshi^J Fentou township - Garfield township (a) German township (a) Greenwood township, incl. Bancroft town. Bancroft town Irvington township Lotts Creek township (b) Luvernetownship (a),incl.Luveruetn. (c) Plum Creek township (a) Poi'tland townsliip Prairie township (a) Ramsay township Riverdale township (a) Seneca township (a) Sherman township (a) Swea township (a) Union township (a) Wesley township, incl. Wesley village. . Wesley village Whittemore township (d), incl. Whitte- more town. Whittemore towu Lee county . Cedar township Charleston township Denmark towushij) Des Moines township Franklin township, incl. Franklin town . Franklin town Green Bay townshiji Harrison "township Jackson township, includingKeokuk city. Keokuk city Ward I 1 ,980 Ward 2 3i474 Ward 3 2,081 Ward 4 2 , 291 Ward 5 2 , 164 Ward 6 2,111 Jefferson township Madison township, coextensive with Fort Madison city. F"ort Madison city Ward I 1 , 392 Ward 2 1,116 Ward 3 1 ,482 Ward 4 2,055 Wards ^M6 Marion township Montrose township, incl. Montrose city . . Montrose city Pleasant Itidgo township Van Bureu township Washington township West Point township. Including West Point city. West Point city Linn county . Bertram township. Boulder town.ship . 1,218 409 4,777 3,246 13, 120 1880 2,068 2,068 2C1 560 415 462 379 353 1,070 657 560 471 546 452 467 434 864 007 444 499 407 464 693 440 644 578 37, 715 835 990 817 1, 061 1,457 B3 727 835 15, 511 14 , lOI 894 7,901 1,788 778 752 878 863 1,426 45, 303 861 1,238 416 2, 000 0,178 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 2,147 1,359 781 237 579 443 631 186 105 34, 859 928 1,035 337 1,130 1,573 367 888 1, 007 13, 502 12,117 979 4,860 ,679 1,124 2, 272 983 903 950 931 1,840 704 37, 237 798 1,027 a Organized since 1880. h Part taken to form Whittemore township since 1880. c Not separately I'eturned. d Organized from part of Lotts Creek township since 1880. 1890 Linn county— Continued. Brown t,ownahip, incl. Springville village Springville village Buffalo township Clinton township College township Fairfax township Fayette township Franklin township, including Lisbon and Mount Vernon towns. Lisbon town Mount Vernon town Grant township Jackson townsliip Linn townshij) Maine township, including Central village. Central village Marion township, including Marion city . . Marion city Ward I 899 Ward 2 550 Ward 3 847 Ward 4 798 Monroe township Otter Creek township Putnam township Kapids township, including Cedar Kapids city and Kenwood village. Cedar Rapids city Ward I 2,024 Ward 2 1 , 359 Ward 3 1 , 608 Ward 4 2 ,004 Ward 5 1 ,921 Ward 6 2 , loj Ward 7 4,282 Ward 8 2 ,025 Ward 9 694 Kenwood village Spring Grove township Washington township, including Center Point village. Center Point village Louisa county. Columbus township, including Columbus Junction and Columbus towns. Columbus Junction town Columbus town Concord township Eliot township Elm Grove township Grandview township, incl. Lettaville tn. Lettsville town Jefferson township Marshall township Morning Sun township, including Morn- ing Sun town. Morning Sun town Oakland township Port Louisa township Union township Wapello township, incl. Wapello town .. Wapello town Lucas county Benton township Cedar township (Jhariton township (c), coextensive with Chariton city. Chariton city (/J Ward 1 1,418 Ward 2 908 Ward 3 796 English township Jackson township, including Cleveland and Lucas towns. Cleveland town Lucas town Liberty township ' Lincoln township (g) Otter Creek township Pleasant township 1,676 518 504 996 1,070 1,110 622 2,904 1,079 1,259 1, 149 1,198 905 1,690 467 5,157 3.094 1,251 843 943 18, 939 18,020 1880 136 959 1,532 615 11,873 2,595 953 459 700 377 590 1,262 325 626 056 1,617 447 611 541 1,845 1,009 14, 563 627 685 3, 122 740 2,675 807 1,320 796 031 767 804 e Part of Lincoln township annexed since 1880. /In 1880 in Chariton and Lincoln townships. (I Part given to Chariton township since 1880. 1,409 365 559 1,118 1, 284 1,201 783 2,758 776 977 1,082 1,000 985 1,579 4,023 1,939 1,192 930 887 12, 008 10, 104 1,028 1,586 603 13, 142 793 605 747 414 651 1,544 300 678 769 1,734 8l2 508 693 608 1,928 928 14, 530 713 813 2,740 907 380 1,062 707 895 PQPULATIOK 153 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contimied. lOWA—Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lucas codnty— Continued. Union township "Warren township Wa.shington township, incl. Russell towu Russell town Whitebieast township 1890 Lyon county . Allison township (a) Centennial township Cleveland township (a) Dale township Boon township Elgin township Garfleld township (a) Grant township Larchwood township Liberal township (a) Logan townslii]) (a) Lyon township Midland township (a) Richland township Riverside township Rock township, incl. Rock Rapids town . Rock Rapids town Sioux township Wheeler township Madison county. Center townshii), coextensive with Wiu- terset city. Crawford township, incl. Patterson town . Patterson town Douglas township Grand River township, incl. Macksburg In Macksburg town Jackson township Jetl'erson township Lee township Lincoln township Madison township, incl. Earlham town . Earlham town Monroe township Ohio township Penn township Scott township South township, incl. St. Charles town St. Charles town Union township Walnut township Webster townshii) Mahaska county - Adams township Black Oak township Cedar township East Des Moines township (i) ! ! ' ' Garfield township (c), including Beacon and Evans towns. Beacon town Evans town Harrison township Jefferson township ] . Madison township '... Monroe township Oskaloosa township (d), including Oska- loosa city. Oskaloosa city Ward I '.!'.!! '866 Ward 2 I 71- ^ardl::;::;;::::::;::::;:::: j;^^s Pleasant Grove township Prairie township, incl. New Sharon tovvn. New Sharon town Richland township 8,680 205 2:je a76 551 710 297 442 420 521 469 252 354 258 047 243 1,090 1.394 264 619 15, 977 1880 779 919 719 944 1, 172 1,181 443 345 1,046 739 2,281 830 "33 891 937 1 86 749 804 593 811 1,061 302 771 800 773 974 1,190 387 794 886 760 759 1,013 1,164 1,831 2,722 570 609 2,008 745 704 1,070 0,808 6,5S8 909 2,044 1 ,026 1, 356 1,968 229 208 157 65 213 43 291 117 128 353 40 124 17, 224 2,583 951 186 937 947 204 819 894 756 916 842 260 760 879 1, 212 1, 103 1,016 , ''^? 1, 020 863 726 25, 202 940 1,189 1,127 727 'i,'5i5 996 954 1,254 7,985 4.593 912 1,883 805 1,261 a Organized since 1880. • » "^^ Moines township (population 1,724 in 1880) formed into Jiast and West Des Moines townships since 1880. MINOR civil divisions. Mahaska county — Continued. Scott township Spring Creek township (c) Union township West Des Moines township (b) White Oak township, incl. Rose Hill town Rose Hill town Marion county. Clay township Dallas to wnsh ip WW .[[[.. Franklin township ..!!!!!..!!! Indiana township Knoxville township, incl. KnoxviUe city Knoxville city '. Ward I ....!!!! i, 059 Ward 2 ,21 Wards 1,252 Lake Prairie township, incl. i'ella city '. . Pella city Ward I WW W .'.' a'n Ward 2 g,c i^'"":,i3 :;::;;::::: 549 Ward 4 ^]o Liberty township, incl. Marysville town . . Marysville town Perry township ..!.i!! Pleasant Grove township, includingPleas antville town. Pleasantville tovvn Polk township Red Rock township Summit township ' . ] Swan township, including Swan town. . .' Swan tovvn Union township Washington township 1890 978 1,7(10 974 385 1,449 200 23, 058 1880 1,049 1, iso 1,283 iqg 25,111 Marshall county. Bangor township Eden township, including Rhodes town . Rhodes tovvn Greencastle township, incl. Giiman town Oilman town Iowa township, including Albion tcivvn' '. Albion town Jefferson township Legrand township Liberty township Linn township Liscomb township, incl. Llscomi) town. .. Liscomb town Logan township .^ . . ! Marietta townsliip !!..!![ Marion township ....!!..!! Marshall township, coextensive with Mar- shall city. Marshall city: Ward I ,_7Q2 Ward 2 :.. ,,872 Ward 3 2 , 597 Ward 4 2,653 Minerva township State Center township, including State Center town. State Center town Taylor township .WW. ....... Timber Creek township Vienna township Washington township 1,125 1,066 822 1,000 5,610 2,632 4,621 1, 423 348 510 1,495 510 659 1, 003 1,137 1,055 419 540 980 25, 842 Mills county Anderson township, incl. Henderson tn . Henderson town Center township, incl. Hillsdale' town . '. '. Hillsdale town Deer Creek township W......W. 619 1,007 434 1, 437 473 795 384 1,007 1,744 873 700 980 313 948 825 727 8,914 2, 593 1,093 937 1,131 5, 728 2.577 3,714 2,430 1,594 340 432 1,557 449 735 1,247 1,412 1,000 99 707 1,231 23, 752 14, 548 757 788 1,546 553 1,032 495 864 1,906 872 291 1,127 452 670 990 863 6,240 744 762 1, 5.50 1,639 854 880 414 610 942 994 757 821 853 980 11,137 1,079 201 950 193 765 1,074 241 840 c Organized from part of Oskaloosa township since 1880. d Parts taken to form Garfield and Spring Creek townships since 1880. 154 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Mills codnty— Continued. 1890 Glenwood township, incl. Glenwood city . . Glenwood city Ward I '-°34 Ward 2 538 Ward 3 •■•• ., 318 Indian Creek township, including imer- son and Hastings towns. Emerson town Hastings town • • • • • ■ Ingraham township, incl. Silver town ... Silver town Lyons township ---•■. ■•■■ Malvern township (a), coextensive with Malvern town. Malvern town Oak township ■ • • v; ' ' -'J ' Plattville township, imUidiug -l-acinc Junction town. Pacific Junction town Eawles township St. Mary township Silver Oreek township (b) White Cloud township Mitchell county Mitchell Burr Oak township Codar township Douglas township Jenkins township Liberty township Lincoln township • ■■ - - Mitchell township, incUuliug and West Mitchell towns. Mitchell town West Mitchell town. • ■ Newburg township, incl. Carpenter town. Carpenter town .• Osage township, including Osage city ... Osage city Ward 1 573 Ward 2 443 Ward 3 527 Ward 4 370 Otranto township Bock township ■.■-■,•;,-/•: ; ' " St. Ansgar township, incl. St. Ansgar tn. St. Ansgar town Stacyville township Union township Wayne township Monona county . Ashton townshiji, incl. Whiting town . . . Whiting town Eelvidere township Center township Cooper township Fail-view township - Franklin township, iiud. ( )uawa town . - . Onawa town Grant township Jordan township Kennebec township L^e township Lincoln township - Maple township, incl. Mapleton town . . Mapleton town St. Clair township Sherman township Sioux township Soldier township Spring Valley township West Fork township Willow township Monroe county . . Bluff Creek township . Cedar township Franklin township Guilford township 2,727 1,440 404 322 1,081 324 822 1,003 1,421 744 910 218 473 673 13, 299 1880 2,376 1,793 1,917 456 440 1,034 185 659 616 986 695 860 399 781 995 309 232 767 116 2,345 1,913 845 745 1,200 609 915 557 593 14, 515 813 437 481 581 632 578 2,101 ■,358 706 625 637 584 1,022 1,574 782 798 767 393 701 634 344 544 13, 666 897 857 646 662 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 748 1,031 1,095 .23 909 271 1,169 776 14, 363 Monroe county— Continued. Jackson township, incl. Melrose town (c) . Mantua township Monroe township Pleasant township -- Troy township, including Albia city Albia city ■■■ Ward 1 ^1° Ward 2 .J, o°3 Wards ^°^ Ward4 794 Union township Urbana township Wayne township Montgomery county. 1890 934 1,340 1,054 1,212 3,859 2,359 919 794 492 15, 848 712 1,034 715 830 423 954 1,184 295 307 880 131 2,553 984 840 1,215 552 914 630 495 9,055 Douglas township Frankfort township Garfield township (rf) ■ - Grant township, including Coburg town . Coburgtown ■.■■■ • Jackson township, iucl.Villisoa town Villisca town Lincoln township Pilot Grove township A';"'-: Red Oak township, incl. Ked Oak city Red Oak city Ward 1 1. 315 Ward 2 =°« Wards .1,204 Scott township, including Stanton town . . Stanton town ™;: ' 111 Sherman township, including Blbott town Elliott town Washington township West township, incl. Climax town(c) Muscatine county . 276 56 304 546 260 501 1,545 882 367 387 463 332 1,052 926 379 331 384 182 381 457 181 180 13, 719 coextensive 916 G50 674 Bloomingtou townsliip («) ■ Cedar township Fruitlaud townshij) (/) -- Fulton township Goshen township Lake town.sliip Montpelier township Moscow township Muscatine township (./ ) with Muscatine city. Muscatine city •■■■ Ward 1 2.800 Ward 2 2,167 Wards 3-094 Ward 4 2,727 Orono township ;, • - ■ - VtT ■,' " T "; Pike township, including Nichols town . Nichols to wn Seventysix town.ship Sweetland township ........-.....-■---- Wapsinonoc township, including West Liberty city. West Liberty city. ..... ...... ........ Wilton township, including Wilton town Svilton town O'Brien county 1880 943 887 697 854 60 2,536 1,744 801 913 4,184 3.321 1,386 399 1,020 317 839 24, 504 747 352 789 1,039 836 569 576 640 11, 454 11,454 470 1,048 237 658 1,134 2,185 1,268 2, 007 1,212 13, 060 1,068 1,217 753 1, 3511 3,706 2,435 ,132 767 627 15, 895 817 785 980 83 2,203 r,299 885 878 4,646 3.755 1,139 247 979 177 760 974 23, 170 9,631 410 1,211 1,082 703 628 873 a Organized from part of Silver Creek township sine ^fpart taken to Ibrm Malvern townsliip since 18^0. c Not separately returned, (i Formerly Walnut. Baker township Caledonia township Carroll township v;," '■' ' " i ' " T ' Centertownship.incl.partofPnmghartn. Primghar town (part of) Total for Primghar town (3), in Center, Dale, and Summit townships. Dale township (7i), including partof Prim- ghar town. Primghar town (part of ) . . •■••■•• Floyd township, including Sheldon town . Sheldon town Franklin townsliip, incl. Sanborn town Sanborn town e Parts taken to form Fruitlaud and Muscatine townships "'" Orgmiized from p.art of Bloomington to^-nship since 1880. y In 1880 in Summit township only. h Organized since 1880. 632 712 639 672 57 519 i;,295 621 1,086 286 833 1,345 2,200 1,141 2,547 1. 431 4. 155 202 177 329 359 490 70 2,108 1,478 1,453 1,075 1,098 730 452 364 POPULATION. 155 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. O'Brien county— Continued. Grant township Hartley township, incl. Hartley town Hartley town Highland township Liberty township Lincoln town.ship Omega township (a) Suminittowuship.incl.partofPrinighartD Primghar town (part of) Union township (a), incl. Paullina town. Paullina town Waterman township, incl. Sutherland tn Sutherland town 1890 Osceola county. Baker township (b) Fairview township Oilman township, including Ashtou town Ashton town Goewey township Harrison township (c) Holman township, including Sibley town Sibley town Horton township Ocheyedan township Viola township Wilson township Page county . Amity township, incl. College Springs tu College Springs town Buchanan township, incl. Braddyville tn Braddy viUe town Colfax township, incl. Blanchard town. . . Blanchard town Douglas township East Kiver township Fremont township Grant township, incl. Shenandoah town . Shenandoah town Harlan township Lincoln township Morton township Nebraska township Nodaway township, incl. ciarinda city ... Clarinda city Pierce township, including Essex town.' [ [ Essex town Tarkio township .\! .. ! Valley to wnshi]i, incl. Hepburn town .... Hepburn town Washington township. . .'..'.' Palo Alto county . Booth township (a) Ellington township "_' Emmetsburg city (d), in Emuietsburg and Freedom townships. Emmetsburg township, exclusive of part of Emmetsburg city. Fairfield township Fern Valley township ..!!!..! Freedom township, exclusive of part of Emmetsburg city. Great Oak township Highland township, incl. Rutiiven town ! ^ Ruthven town Independence township (a) . . . . . .'.' ...'. Lost Island township Nevada township .....!..! ^ Rush Lake township Silver Lake township ..[..... Vernon township Walnut township ...!!!!.!.!! West Bend township, incl. West Bend tii^ West Bend town 667 902 519 649 635 299 .'J08 798 39^ 988 510 908 5,574 380 193 903 309 550 303 1,807 L ,090 198 563 409 21,341 1880 1,225 491 982 175 1,170 432 754 931 1,040 3,130 2,440 1,047 1,042 704 629 4,732 3,262 1,276 564 938 945 75 796 9,318 240 338 1,584 457 607 413 337 436 1.121 580 295 399 275 680 684 197 474 781 325 a Organized since 1880. Part taken to form Harrison township since 1880. c Organized from part of Baker township since 1880 d In 1880 in Emmetsburg township only. e Includes Emmetsburg city. / Part taken to form Marshal] township since 1880. g Organized from part of Dover township since 1880. 368 104 387 350 23 161 143 145 2,219 07 76 317 337 831 301 86 215 130 160 19, 667 1,381 531 1,044 214 1,037 321 905 1,009 1, 105 2,087 ■,387 938 940 707 070 3,602 2,011 1,421 617 929 1,012 880 4,131 MINOR civil divisions. Plymouth county. America township, incl. Lemars city Lemars city Ward 1 1 ,346 Ward 2 94 1 Ward 5 1 , 749 Elgin township Elkhorn township Fredonia township Garfield township (a), incl. Kingsley town Kingsley town Grant township Hancock township (a) Henry township (a) Hungerford township Johnson township Liberty township Lincoln township Marion township Meadow townshiji Perry township Plymouth township Portland township, incl. Akron town Akron town Preston township Remsen township (a), incl. Kemseu town . Remsen town Sioux township Stanton township Union township Washington township Westfleld township 1890 19, 568 Pocahontas county . Bellville township Cedar townshii), including Fonda town. . Fonda town Center township Clinton township, including Rolfe town . Rolfe town Colfax township Des Moines township Dover township (/) Grant township Lak e township Lincoln township Lizard township Marshall township (g) Powhatan township Sherman township Swan Lake township, incl. Laurens town Laurens town Washington towTJship Polk county (A) . 573 1, 372 745 1,600 1,397 1,065 400 790 687 14, 005 Allen township 498 Beaver towaship, incl. Mitchellville town. 1, 236 Mitchellville town 704 Bloomfleld township (t) 701 Camp town.ship, incl. Runnells town 1, 536 Runnells town 296 Clay township, including Altooua town . . 925 Altoona town 326 Crocker township 850 Delaware township, including Easton 495 Place town {j ) . Des Moines township, comprising wards 29, 334 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Des Moines city. Total for Des Moines city (t), coex- tensive with Des Moines and Lee townships. Ward I 6 , 109 Ward 2 6 , 852 Ward 3 9,429 Ward 4 6,944 Wards 7,992 Ward 6 9 , 380 Ward 7 3,387 h Grant township {population 465 in 1880) given to Des Moines city and Fourmile township, and Valley township (population 1,181 in 1880) given to Des Moines city and Web- ster towushi)), since 1880. i Part given to Des Moines city since 1880. j Not seiiarately returned. k Parts of Bloomfleld, Grant, Valley, and Walnut townships annexed since 1880. 4,754 4,036 752 486 680 1,224 649 663 150 450 537 656 529 684 738 659 358 586 936 494 565 1,271 580 354 775 586 720 455 9,553 1880 576 1,069 625 506 1,077 529 621 474 552 455 490 396 624 420 648 341 899 318 405 65, 410 8,566 2,311 1,89s 434 214 375 473 390 365 315 529 112 233 357 305 235 274 528 260 350 104 3,713 373 621 166 154 380 327 269 151 121 125 537 258 54 93 42, 395 156 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IOWA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVTSIONS. Polk county— Continued. Douglas township Elkhart township Fourmile township (a) ■-■■ Franklin township, inch Bonduranttu.((^) - Jefferson township V ' -' V " V Lee township, comprising wards a, b, ana 7 of Des Moines city. Lincoln township „ ., ^ Madison township, including Polk town - Polk town ^ Saylor township, Incl. Capitol Park tn. ((/) - Walnut township (c) Washington township ......... ,--•,;;• Webster township (tO, mcl. Grimes tn. Ui). Pottawattamie county. Belknap township, incl. Oakland town . . . Oakland town Boomer township Carson township ( e), incl. Carson town . . Carson town Center township Crescent township Garner township Grove township Hardin township Hazle Dell township James township ; - • -• - ■ Kane township, coe.xtensive with Council Blufis city. Council Bluffs city : Ward I 3.C32 Ward 2 5,215 Ward 3 3, 268 Ward 4 3.357 Wards '•'„ 5 Ward 6 ^'^37 Keg Creek township - Knox township, incl. Avoca town (6) Layton township, incl. Walnut town Walnut town ■ Lewis township, inch ManawaLaketn. (b) Lincoln township \V '"■".■■ ' Macedonia township, including Macedo- nia town (h) . . , ,^. , , Minden township, mcl. Mmden town Minden town Neola township, including JSeola town . . . Neola town Norwalk township Pleasant township Kockford township Silver Creek township Valley township, incl. Hancock town . . . Hancock town Washington township Waveland township Wright township York toM'nship 1890 733 795 G97 749 732 759 904 ,501 446 518 761 818 868 Poweshiek county. 20, 47, 430 1,164 686 914 924 391 752 500 1,228 926 722 1,092 788 21,474 712 2,231 1,499 811 834 688 802 1,048 287 1,067 917 1,011 781 974 713 959 167 895 742 700 090 18, 394 1880 1,038 961 .522 775 1,092 8,403 1,218 1, 892 443 878 905 979 591 39, 850 Bear Creek township, incl. Brooklyn tn . . . Brooklyn town Chester township - ; Deep River township, incl. Deep Kiver tn Deep River town Grinnell township, incl. Grinnell city... Grinnell city Ward I 852 Ward 2 889 Wards 712 Ward 4 879 Jack-son township, incl. Montezuma town Montezuma town Jefferson township Lincoln township Madison township Malcom township, incl. Malcom town . . . Malcom town Pleasant township Scott township ■ aPart of Grant township annexed since 1880. 6 Not separately returned. c Part given to Des Moines city since 1880. d Part of VaUey township annexed since 1880 1,824 1 ,202 579 1,247 2gi 4,066 3.332 2, 087 1 ,062 916 881 736 1,010 372 674 697 MINOB CnnL DIVISIONS. PowESHlKK COUNTY— Continued. Sheridan township Sugar Creek towusliip,incl. Searsboro tn Searsboro town Union township Warren township, incl. part of Victor tn. Victor town (part of) Total lor Victor town, in Hartford township, Iowa county, and Warren township, Poweshiek county. Washington township 489 870 1,148 557 903 1,002 552 919 638 18, 063 692 2,344 1,480 733 975 628 1,051 099 608 286 613 655 931 620 842 524 776 680 525 18, 936 1,984 1.234 624 1,106 3,297 2,415 2,081 921 948 889 805 1,075 416 707 821 1890 BiNQGOLD COUNTY. Athens township, incl. Kellerton town Kellerton town Benton township Clinton township, inch Redding towu Redding town (/) Grant township Jefferson townshij) Liberty township Lincoln township Lotts Creek township Middle Fork township Moiiioe township -.--• Mount Ayr township, coextensive with Mount A;^r town. Poe township Rice township Riley township Tingley to\vnship, incl. Tingley town Tingley town Union township Washington township Sac COUNTY. Boyer Valley township, incl. Early town Early town Cedar township Clinton township Cook township Coon Valley township Delaware township Douglas township Eden township Eureka township, incl. Schaller town Schaller town ■. Jackson township, including Sac city ^QQ pit V . ,..,.....•..<••-••■•■* Levey township, incl. partofWallLaketn Wall Lake town (part of) Total for Wall Lake town (5), in Levey and Viola townships. Richland township, incl. Odebolt town . . . Odebolt town Sac townsliip, including Auburn town . . . Auburn town ■ Violatowuship, inch partof Wall Laketn. Wall Lake town (part of) Wall Laketownship, incl. Lakeview towu Lakeview town Wheeler township ; Scott county - 707 982 153 571 780 go 616 13, 556 1880 Allen Grove townshi]> Blue Grass township Buffalo township, including Buffalo town Buffalo town Butler township Cleona township -.-■• Davenport City Township (ft), coextensive with Davenport city. Davenport city: Ward 1 4.854 Ward 2 4.205 Wards 3.499 Wara4 4,599 Wards 4.324 Ward 6 3,898 Not in wards i.493 e Organized since 1880. / Formerly New Redding. 1/ In 1880 in Levey township only. h Part of Davenport township annexed since 1880. 1,041 277 749 795 214 780 936 658 730 ■ 657 716 772 1,265 542 74(t 475 901 295 890 909 14, 522 974 277 6Ul 695 619 748 583 462 019 936 333 1,763 1,249 1,163 405 439 1,742 1 , 122 920 J74 850 34 1,098 366 749 43, 164 881 1,336 1,439 379 854 766 26, 872 747 1,169 225 800 1,073 139 691 12,085 834 169 760 831 8S 655 833 574 815 779 704 545 1,275 552 566 404 516 ■"625 817 8,774 499 356 522 399 409 310 443 480 361 'i,'()68 595 625 208 208 1,044 637 581 590 462 ""627 41, 266 833 1,487 1,660 400 932 888 21, 831 POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. I O WA —Continued. 157 MmOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Scott county— Continued. Davenport township (a) Hickory Grove township Leclaire township, incl. Leclaire town . . . Leclaire town Liberty township Lincoln township Pleasant Valley township Princeton township, incl. Princeton town Princeton town Rockingham township Sheridan township Winlield township 1890 1880 Shelby county . Cass township, incl. Portsmouth town. . . Portsmouth town Clay township Douglas township Fairview township Greeley township Grove township Harlan township, including Harlan town Harlan town Jackson township Jefferson to wnshij) Lincoln township Monroe township Polk township Shelby township, including Shelby town. Shelby town Union township, including Defiance town . Defiance town Washin gtou township, incl. Panama town . Panama town "Westphalia township Sioux county . Buncombe township, including Calliope town and part of Hawarden town. Calliope town Hawarden town (part of) ...., Total for Hawarden town, in Bun- combe and Logan townships. Capel township (6) Center township (6) Eagle township (6> ..'. East Orange township Floyd to wushi" Garfield township (6) '.', Grant township Holland township, incl. Orange town Orange town Lincoln township, including Hull town '. '. Hull town Logan township (6), including " part ' of Hawarden town. Hawarden town (part of) Lynn township Nassau township, including Alton town. . Alton town Plato township (6) Keading township, includinglretontown. Ireton town Rock township, incl. Eock Valley town Rock Valley town Settler township Sheridan township, incl. Boyden town. Boydentown Sherman township Washington township (b) Welcome township (b) West Branch township Story county . Collins township . . . Franklin township . 2,303 1,142 1,604 906 1,047 812 767 1,032 398 261 1,145 903 17, 611 1,025 250 1,080 925 873 887 721 2,536 1.765 1,009 993 935 932 809 1,457 582 1,212 323 952 379 1,265 18, 370 849 623 128 744 596 500 384 805 992 265 517 2,208 1,246 1,266 566 616 520 1,562 70>j 459 1,133 412 1,015 542 571 922 277 941 542 582 952 18, 127 1,044 972 3, 704 1,261 1,876 I ,o6r 1,167 966 821 1,227 494 369 1,247 997 12, 696 498 850 677 919 334 818 2,172 1.304 800 351 882 1,012 443 1, 299 449 538 5,426 291 103 438 302 1,028 320 517 92 596 437 254 100 187 425 16, 906 950 998 a Part given to Davenport City township since 1880. Organized since 1880. MINOK CIVIL divisions. Story county— Continued. Grant township Howard township Indian Creek township, incl. Maxwell tn . Maxwell town Lafayette township, incl. Story town Story town Lincoln township, incl. Zearing town Zearing town Milford township Nevada township, incl. Nevada town Nevada town New Albany township, incl. Colo town '. '. '. Colo town Palestine township Richland township Sherman township Union township, incl. Cambridge town Cambridge town Warren township Washington township, incl. Ames City Ames city 1890 Tama county. Buckingham township t'arltou township Carroll township Clark township, including Dysart town . Dysart town Columbia township Crystal townshi]) Geneseo township Grant township Highland township Howard township Indian VDlage township, incl. Montour tn Montour town Lincoln township Oneida township Otter Creek township Perry township, including Traer town . . Traer town Richland townsliip ......' .Salt Creek townsliip, incl. Chelsea town . , Chelsea town Si)ringCreek township, incl. (Jladbrooktn' Gladbrook town Tama township, incliuling Tama town Tama town '. Toledo township, including Toledo town . Toledo town York township Taylor county Bedford township (c), incl. Bedlord town Bedford town Benton township (rf) Clayton township Dallas township, incl. Newmarket town . Newmarket town Gay township .' ... Grant township, including Clearfield town Clearfield town Grove township Holt township Jackson township Jett'erson township Marshall township, incl. (Jonway town (J^onway town '. Mason townshij) Nodaway townshij) Platte township, including Lenox town . . Lenox town Polk township Ross township Washington township, incl. Gravity town . Gravity town 1,127 1,326 453 1,334 536 827 242 732 2,237 1,662 965 261 1,436 588 561 1,219 432 666 2,409 1 ,276 21, 651 16, 384 1880 665 1,098 1,212 1,145 387 2,357 1. 541 1,042 296 1,302 537 521 1,111 223 463 2,313 1. 153 21, 585 580 687 1,044 1,009 808 790 1,338 1,109 775 5i5 725 818 656 747 568 694 CIO 599 622 703 766 900 1,128 1,369 409 457 744 624 773 874 903 997 L652 1,912 1 ,014 1,100 707 808 1,065 1, 222 3.8 263 1,376 974 556 1,926 1,855 I. 741 1,289 2, 393 1,745 1,836 1,026 1,267 1,149 15, 635 1,895 1.643 463 632 1 . 763 2,468 717 1,291 1,023 320 1,022 651 1,169 904 452 791 756 811 968 542 487 735 793 1,200 1,265 379 800 421 824 906 878 1,490 1,367 706 790 615 893 706 738 1,135 903 210 c Organized from part of Benton township since 1880 d Part taken to form Bedford township since 1880. 158 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. lO WA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Union county . Creston township (ffl), coextensive with Creston city. Creston city • • ■ Ward! ''826 Warda •■365 Wards "'395 Ward4 '-'57 Wards '''^57 Bodge township Douglas township (fc) Grant townsliip Highland township - Jones township- Lincoln township- . . - New Hope township Platte township Pleasant township Sand Creek township Spaulding township ; "-l • ' ; Union township, including Afton town - Afton town 1890 1880 16, 900 Van Boren county Bonaparte township, ind. Bonaparte town Bonaparte town Cedar township Ohequest township Des Moines township Farmington township, intluding Farm- ington city. Farmington city Harrisburg township Henry township 'A"\"-i"'\ Jackson township, including Cantril and Milton towns. Cantril town Milton town Lick Creek township Union township, incl. Birmingham to wn . Birmingham town • ■ Van Buren township, incl. Keosauqua tn Keosauqua town Vernon township Village township ■ - - •■ Washington township, including Ben- tonsport town. Bentonsport town 7,200 7,200 .599 864 768 .■597 7.85 779 836 800 639 621 671 1,741 I, "45 16, 253 Wapello county. . - 14, 980 Adams township Agency township, including Agency city . Agency city. . , Cass township, incl. ChiUicothe town Chillicothe town • ■ • ■ Center township, including Ottumwa city. Ottumwa city Ward I 2,470 Ward 2 2,854 Wards 2,167 Ward 4 2. 35° Wards i,97i Wards 2,189 ( olumbia township, incl. Bddyville town Eddyville town ( ;ompetin« township Dahlonega township (xreene township Highland township Keokuk township Pleasant township Polk township Richland township, incl. Kirkville town. KirkviUe town Wasliington township, incl. Eldon town - Eldon town 1,233 762 875 815 883 1.841 1 ,002 920 494 1,923 356 643 961 1,317 545 2,041 831 854 1,404 692 2=3 30, 426 1.183 972 442 .551 214 15, 954 1,557 815 760 454 828 920 640 929 865 1,910 714 2, 903 1,725 497 5,920 C13 640 1,096 782 528 963 682 611 593 2,055 I1231 17, 043 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Warren county Allen township Behnonttownship, incl. partoi'MUo town. Milo town (part of) Total for Milo town (c), in Belmont and Otter townships. Greenfield township ■Tackson township Jett'erson township Liberty township Lincoln township (rf) Linn township Otter township, incl. part of Milo town . - Milo town (part of) Palmyra township Richland township Squaw township Union township Virginia township - - - Wa.shington township (e), coextensive with Indianola city. Indianola city Whitehreast townsliip, incl. Lacona town Lacona town White Oak township 1890 18, 269 1,252 689 940 982 1,023 1,581 781 971 .590 1,833 252 4T2 914 1,411 515 2, 297 883 939 1,541 769 305 25, 285 1, 211 1,126 566 933 234 10, 779 2, 044 909 900 536 1,093 963 6.54 1, 034 910 1,348 280 1,754 729 Washington county. Brighton City township (/), coextensive with Brighton city. Brighton city Brighton township (' "i" ' Pleasant township, including part ot Bel- W^all Lake township {b) 422 W^oolstock township (c) 434 mond city. a Organized from parts of Clarion and Wall Lake townships since 1880. 6 Part taken to I'orra Lincoln township since 1880. c Erroneously spelled Woodstock in 1880 report. KANSAS. MINOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Allen COUNTY 13,509 11,303 Cailyle township (a) Cottage Grove township Deer Creek township (6) Elm township Elsmore township Geneva township V';^"'-l" Humboldt township, inch Humboldt city . Humboldt city Tola township, including lola city Ida city Logan township (c) Marmaton township, inch Moran city . . . Moran city Osage township Salem township Anderson county 14, 203 Gamett city (d) Indian Creek township .Jackson township Lincoln township Lone Elm township (c) Monroe township (d) Ozark township, including Colony city. . Colony city Putnam township Reeder township (/) Rich township (.(/), including Kincaid city Kincaid city Union township (ft) Walker township (i), incl. Greeley city . . Greeley city Washington township Welda township (c) Westphalia township (j), including West- phalia village. \\'cstphaha village ATCHISON COUNTY. Atchison city Wardl 1,527 Ward 2 2,146 Wards 3,794 Ward4 2,269 Ward 5 4,227 Benton township (fc), incl. Effingham vill Effingham village Center township (I) 2,191 713 833 794 26, 758 13, 963 1,696 1,546 1880 712 9,057 1,389 373 626 560 1, 135 285 625 15, 105 ,87 2,444 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Atchison county— Continued. Grasshoppertownshlp,incl.Muscotahcity Muscotah city Kapioma townslii]) Lancaster township Mount Pleasant township Shannon township Walnut township Barber county. Cedar township (c) Deerhead township (m) Eagle township (c) Ehn Mills township (c) Elwood township Etna township (c) Hazleton township (ra), incl. Hazletoncity. Hazleton city Kiowa township (0), including Kiowa oily. Kiowa city Lake township (p) McAdoo township (7) Medicine Lodge township (c), including Medicine Lodge city. Medicine Lodge city Mingona township (c) Moore township (n) Nippawalla township (m) Sharon township (c) Sun township («) Turkey Creek township (m) Valley township (() Barton county. Albion townsliip Beaver township Buffalo township Cheyenne township Clarence townshi]) Cleveland township (u) Comanche township Eureka township. Fairview township Grant township Great Bend city ( «) Wardl 381 Ward 2 647 Wards 916 Ward 4 506 Great Bend township (w) 1890 1,872 524 1,123 1,665 1,465 2,131 1,297 7,973 335 152 381 316 302 225 696 319 993 893 189 144 1,910 1,095 452 397 311 675 122 162 211 13, 172 356 350 459 663 395 305 738 301 292 359 2,450 524 1880 1,839 412 1,305 1,321 1,505 1,816 1,333 2,661 181 413 42 504 1,204 373 359 10, 318 249 423 472 586 489 443 327 266 315 1,071 1,648 a Organized from part of Deer Creek township since 1880. b Part taken to form Carlyle township since 1880. c Organized since 1880. d Gamett city, formerly in Monroe township, made inde- pendent since 1880. e Organized from part of Rich township since 1880. /Part taken to form AVestphalia township since 1880. g Part taken to form Lone Elm township since 1880. h Organized from part of Walker township since 1880. i Part tiiken to form Union township since 1880. j Organized from part of Reeder township since 1880. fc Organized from part of Center township since 1880. I Part taken to form Benton township since 1880. m Organized from part of Sun township since 1880. n Organized from part of Kiowa township since 1880. o Parts taken to form Hazleton, Moore, and Nippawalla townships since 1880. p Part taken to form McAdoo township since 1880. n Organized from part of Lake township since 1880. r Part taken to form Valley townsliii> since 1880. « Parts taken to form Dee'rhead and Turkey Creek town ships since 1880. ... t Organized from part of Medicine Lodge township since u Organized from part of Independent township since 1880. V Great Bend city, formerly in Great Bend township, made independent since 1889 POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KAIVSAS— Continued. 161 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Barton county— Continued. Homestead township, incl. Hoisington city Hoisington city Independent township (a) Lakin township, incl. Ellin wood city EUinwood city Liberty township Logan township Pawnee Kock township, including Paw nee Kock city. Pawnee Rock city South Bend township Union township Walnut township Wheatland township 1890 Bourbon county . Drywood township, incl. Garland city (6) Fort Scott city Wardl 1,915 Ward 2 2, 5ia Wards 3,161 Ward i 1, 947 Ward 5 2, 410 Franklin township Freedom township (c) Fulton city (c) Marion township, including Bronson and Uniontown cities. Bronson city Uniontown city Marmaton township, incl. Kedfield city. . . Redfield city Mill Creek township Osage township Pawnee township Scott township Tiinberhill township, incl. Mapleton vill. . Mapleton village Walnut township 813 446 574 1,603 684 468 514 674 204 368 208 470 288 28, 575 1880 550 757 1,216 352 360 422 493 290 311 345 356 19,591 Brown county Hamlin township, including Hamlin city Hamlin city Hiawatha city (d) Hiawatha townsliip (d) Horton city Ward 1 . '. 951 Ward 2 884 Ward 3 721 Ward 4 760 Irving township Mission township Morrill township, including Morrill city. . Morrill city Padonia township w Powhatan township Robinson township, incl. Robinson city (6) Walnut township Washington township, incl. Everest city . Everest city 1,540 11,946 1,410 885 506 2,632 352 344 1,456 162 1,208 1,305 1,114 2,565 1,119 17s 20, 319 1,497 5,372 1,.538 1,159 263 1,811 136 1,071 1,234 800 2,316 1,211 S3 12,817 Butler county. 1,000 2,597 1,355 308 928 1,494 1,273 1,611 1, 451 Augusta township, incl. Augusta city Augusta city Benton township Bloomington township Bruno township Chelsea township [ Clay township Clifford township Douglas township, incl. Douglas city '. Douglas city a Part taken to form Cleveland township since 1880. Not separately returned. c Fulton city, fonnerly in Freedom township, made inde- pendent since 1880. (J Hiawatlia city, formerly in Hiawatha township, made in- dependent since 1880. c Eldorado city, formerly in Eldorado township, made inde- pendent since 1880. 24, 055 1,979 1.343 849 565 765 558 370 590 1, 321 737 1,025 13s 1,375 2,849 967 1,789 972 756 1,214 1, 145 1,130 970 18, 586 1,588 922 697 593 634 340 410 467 1,134 369 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. BuTLBR COUNTY— Continued. Eldorado city (e) Ward 1 "888 Ward 2 993 Wards ],oiO Ward 4 448 Eldorado township (e) Fairmount township Fairview township Glencoe township, incl. Beaumont city. . . Beaumont city Hickory township .'......... Lincoln township Little AValnut township, incl. Leon city., Leon city Logan township .\ Miltou township, including Brainerd and Whitewater cities. Brainerd city Whitewater city '.'.'... Murdock township Pleasant townsliij) Plum Grove township Prospect township Richland townsliip ""_ Rock Creek townshii> Rosalia township .'. Spring township Sycamore township Towanda township, incl. Towanda city. .. Towanda city Union township, including Latham city.! Latham city Walnut township 1890 3,339 1880 1,411 648 2,268 627 519 444 .383 V56 648 1=;/ 652 431 447 218 050 748 456 113 410 446 984 469 180 1R4 622 406 661 629 535 377 820 841 752 665 480 .532 633 545 760 743 478 301 765 562 ■.S6 S3 669 7.68 351 626 641 Chase coitnty . Bazaar township Cedar township (/) Cottonwood township (17) Diamond Creek to wnsh ip '. Falls township, incl. Cottonwood Falls and Strong cities. Cottonwood Falls city Strong city (ft) \ Toledo township i Chautauqua county. Belleville township Caneyville township Center township Harrison township Hendricks township Jefferson township, incl. Cedar vale city! Cedarvale city (i) Lafayette townsliip Little Caney township Salt Creek township Sedan township, including Sedan city . . Sedan city Summit township " Washington township 8,233 Cherokee county. Cherokee township (j) Columbus city (k) Ward 1 ; ■ 684 Ward 2 444 Ward 3 402 Ward 4 451 Ward 5 179 Crawford township 12, 297 1,566 974 716 834 929 1.662 640 678 924 760 1,539 970 891 824 27, 770 6,081 1,425 765 1,096 952 1,154 2,913 1,139 994 1,871 770 518 324 981 11, 072 1,963 2,160 21,905 996 1,164 372- -11 /Organized from part of Cottonwood township since 1880. g Part taken to form Cedar township since 1880. h Formerly Cottonwood. i Fonnerly Cedarville. j Weir city, fonnerly in Cherokee township, made independ- ent since 1880. ' k Formerly in Salamanca to wnship ; made independent since 1880. 162 COMPEI^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KANSAS— Continued. MINOR civil, DIVISIONS. Chbeokee couNTy— Continued. 1890 Galena city (a) • - • Wardl 704 Ward 2 °^? Wards »^* Garden township Lola township • ■ Lowell township (a), incl. Empire city. - - ■ Empire city Ward I '59 Ward2 550 Wards ^'4 Lyon township -■iV-V" Mineral township, incl. ScammonviUe city . Scammonville city Neosho township Pleasant View township Koss township Salamanca township (6) Shawnee township Sheridan township ."• v;:"""v; Spring Valley township, including Bax- ter Springs city. Baxter Springs city Weir city (c) ---• Wardl "9 Ward2 «2 Wards 9*B Cheyenne county (d) . Alexander township Beaver township Benkelman township y::" Bird township, including Bird city- Bird city Calhoun township Cherry Creek township Cleveland Kun township Dent township Enreka township Evergreen township Jaqua township Jetferson township Lawn Ridge township Nuttycombe township Orlaiido township Porter township Wano township Clark county id) Appleton township Brown township V %" i" ' "i" " :; ' ' Center township, including Ashland city. Ashland city Cimarron township Edwards township • - : • - Englewoodtownship.incl.Englewoodcity Englewood city Lexington township Liberty township Sitka township Vista township Clay county . 1880 2,496 1,267 1,304 2,594 923 1,076 1,919 748 1,159 1,198 1,204 992 1,000 1,597 2,818 2,138 4,401 190 351 386 273 "45 284 251 258 320 292 178 190 140 238 176 139 328 407 2,357 279 165 746 459 77 72 297 175 309 93 127 192 16, 146 613 748 837 558 2,802 1,463 1,1S4 1,052 5,224 1.367 909 1,144 1,246 1,107 1,071 1,99S 995 1,642 2,499 1. 177 376 S7 163 minor CIVIL DIVISIONS. Clay county — Continued. 1890 12, 320 460 Athelstane township Blaine township (e) Bloom township Chapman township Clay Center city (/) ■ ■ - Wardl 892 , Ward2 91" Ward 3 406 Waid4 594 Clay Center township (/) I 1, 19i a Galenacity, formerly in Lowell township, made independ- ent since 1880. , , • „ j„ b Columbus city, formerly in Salamanca township, maae independent since 1880. , . , 1 ,„;„,.„ c Formerly in Cherokee township ; made independent since 1880 d Not divided into civil townships in 1880. e Organized since 1880. 762 416 1,753 2,852 Exeter township Five Creeks township Garflcld township («) Gill township («) Goshen township Grant township Hayes township (c) Highland township .- Mulberry township, including parts of Clifton and Vining cities. Clifton city (part of) Total for Clifton city (3), in Mulberry township, Clay county, and Clifton township, Washington county. Vining city (part of) Total for Vining city, in Mulberry township, Clay county, and Clifton township, Washington county. Oakland township Republican township, incl. Wakefield city. Wakefield city Sherman township, incl. Morganville city Morganville city Union township 1880 Cloud county. Arion township Aurora township Buffalo township Center township Colfax township Concordia city (h) Ward 1 8.j1 Ward 2 496 Wards 898 Ward 4 939 Elk township, including Clyde city Clyde city •. Grant township, incl. Jamestown city --. Jamestown city Lawrence township Lincoln township (h) Lyon township Meredith township Nelson township Oakland township Shirley township Sibley township ;:-■-;,■, :; " Solomon township, including Glasco city Glasco city • • • ;••:;• Starr township, including Miltonvale city Miltonvale city Summit township 574 670 818 487 691 482 732 896 1,227 290 622 99 241 576 817 241 851 233 576 19, 295 Coffey county. 825 778 823 086 3,184 1,833 1,137 1,016 372 823 460 834 636 774 535 1,149 698 1, 392 461 1,226 59' 9S2 15, 856 745 2,239 513 598 896 1,208 893 1,234 1.167 538 758 1,014 1,193 791 1,588 548 591 641 477 1,184 965 469 622 911 555 1,017 1,114 ""bih 15, 343 675 647 695 967 607 1,853 1,443 956 618 JOT 512 2,251 849 597 722 475 912 758 1,073 207 565 977 11, 438 488 2,011 676 838 585 614 975 545 752 Avon township BurUngton city • - ■ Wardl 676 Ward2 763 Wards 800 Burlington township Califoi-nia township (t) Hampden township Key West township ; Leroy township, including Leroy city. . . Leroy city Liberty township •-..---- - -.- • - v ': " " '■: ' Lincoln township 0). including Lebo city Lebo city Neosho township Ottumwa township Pleasant townshiji Pottawatomie township- ...^. -,---;;- Rock Creek township, incl. Waverly city. Waverlv city Spring Creek township Star township / Clay Center city, formerly in Clay Center township, made independent since 1880. ,„ , . , . 1 , a In 1880 in Clifton township, Washington county, only. h Concordia city, formerly in Lincoln township, made inoe- pendent since 1880. ,. - ,qq„ i Part taken to form Lincoln township since 1880. j Organized from part of California township since 1880. 644 753 1,021 471 658 S16 436 POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KAIVSAS-Contimicd. 163 Comanche county (a) . AviUa township, including AvUla city . Avilla city '. . Coldwater township, incl. Coldwater city Coldwatercity Irwin township Logan township Nescatunga township, including Nesca- tunga city. Nescatunga city Powell township Protection township Riimsey township ! ! ! ! Shinier township Valley township COWLEV COUNTY . Arkansas city (6) Ward 1 , { 59g Ward 2 2^ 259 Ward 3 2,' 255 Ward 4 2, 235 Beaver township Bolton township, including East Genda Springs city. East Genda Springs city Cedar township (c) Cres well township (6) Dexter township, including Dexter city. . Dexter citv Fairview township (d) ..'.' Grant township (e) ' HarFey township Liberty township Maple township Ninnescah township, including Udail citv Udallcity Omnia township Otter township Pleasant Valley township Richland township Kock Creek township Sheridan township Silver Creek township, incl. Burden city. . Burden city (/) Silverdale township Spring Creek township Tisdale township Vernon townsliip Walnut township Windsor township Winfield city Ward 1. 1, 419 Ward 2. 1, 225 Ward 3 1,118 Ward 4 '538 Ward 5 884 34 904 480 52 154 153 40 193 304 132 201 156 34, 478 Crawford county Baker township (g), including Chicopee, Litchfield, Midway, and Opolis cities, hut exclusive of part of Frontenac city. Chicopee city '. . Litchfield city .....'.'.'.. Midway city Opolis city 8,347 782 1,603 l6g 500 1,004 1,314 371 669 548 657 759 693 1,045 338 482 539 1,025 1,390 709 756 1,226 508 772 578 598 1,008 1, 227 L063 5,184 30, 286 21, 538 718 ,015 710 1,799 989 146 3,856 409 835 246 178 570 747 581 577 85 461 446 1,099 1,045 1,170 606 857 157 71) 511 849 952 1,253 1,028 2,844 16, 851 2,612 a Not divided into civil townships in 1880; part taken to form Kiowa county in 1886. b Arkansas city, formerly in Creswell township, made inde- pendent since 1880. c Part taken to form Grant township in 1886. a Organized since 1880. e Organized from part of Cedar township in 1886 / Formerly Burdenville. ff Pittsburg city, formerly ISTew Pittsburg in Baker town- ship, made independent since 1880. ft Girard city, formerly in Crawford township, made inde- pendent since 1880. i Not separately returned. j Organized from part of Jennings township since 1880 ; part taken to form Lyon township. * Organized from part of Garfield tnwn.ship since 1880. J Part taken to form Cook township since 188U. Continued. Crawford township (h) Frontenac city, in Baker and Washington townships. Girard city (h) Grant township ' . Lincoln township, including Arcadia city- Arcadia city Osage township, including McCiine city ! ! McCune city Pittsburg city ((/) ......'...!'! Ward 1 J ^ 559 Ward 2 ' 1 ' 597 Ward 3 '.'..'_, ) _' fi 1 6 Ward 4 2 315 Sheridan township, incl. Cherokee city . . Cherokee city Sherman townshi]) .......!.!! Walnut township, including Hepler and Walnut cities. Hepler city Walnut city Washington township, including Mul- berry Grove city (i), but exclusive of part of Frontenac city. Dkcatub county Allison township {j) Altory township (fr) Bassettvillo township {I) Beaver township (m) Center township (dj Cook township [n) ' Custer township (d) Dresden townsli ip (rf) , " Finley township (0) Garfield township (/;) Grant townsliip (g) ] ' ] Harlan township (d) ] . ." i ' Jennings township (r) \ Liberty townsliip («) Lincoln township (t) Logan township (d) ' ] Lyon township (u) ] " . ' Oberlin township ()j), incl. Oberlin city" Oberlin city ' Olive township {m) Pleasant Valley township {x) Prairie Dog township (y) ." Shermau township (z) " Summit township (aa) Dickinson county. Abilene city Ward 1 9g5 Ward 2 .' ! 99.5 Ward 3 802 Waid 4 '.'. 785 Banner township Buckeye township Center townsliip, incl. Enterprise city .... Enterprise city Cheevor township Flora township Fragrant Hill townsliip Garfield township (hb) .' . . 3,547 170 624 2,348 556 957 1.244 100 196 1,282 4,180 945 1,196 612 15, 251 2,360 728 523 650 561 1,536 1,101 804 4T V 733 579 684 388 669 477 m Part taken to form Finley township since 1880 n Organized from part of Bassettville townshii) since 1880 Organized from part of Beaver township since 18S0 p Organized since 1880; part taken to form Altor\- township q Part taken to form Lincoln township since I88O' .• '^ ,Qon *'^^''" *" '^^"^ Allison and Pleasant Valley townships snic6 1880. s Organized from part of Oberlin township since 1880 t Organized from part of Grant township since 1880 u Organized from part of Allison township since 1880 V Part taken to form Liberty townsliip since 1880 wOrganizedsincelKSOtijaittakcn to form Slierman townsliip x Organized from jiart of Jennings township since 1880. y Part taken to form Summit township since 1880. z Organized from part of Olive township since 1K80. "'I'i J^rganized from jiart of Prairie Dog townshii) since 1880 66 Organized from part of Wheatland township since 188e 164 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TABLE 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KANSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Dickinson county— Continued. Grant township iS^^P-i-uidingCa^loncity Hope townsMp, including Hope ciiy' V..- Hope city Jefferson township l:Sio:n:hJ^,*ScludingSoloinii^city: Solomon city ^^IS^to^s^'c^-UnalHerln^^ty:: Herington city "Newbern township - '11',' Noble township, including Chapman city. Chapman city Kidge township Riuehart township (c) Sherman township TTnion township (rf) Wheatland township («) - ■ - - • ■•.:•■■;, WiUowdale township, incl. Banner city (/) DONIPHAN COUNTY Burr Oak township . . . - • ■ - ■ ■••••■ - ■ ■ - " " Center township, including Iroy ( ity . - - • rowI'trnv^s^ipVinclviding Highland and' White Cloud cities. Highland city White Cloud city Marion township Union township- ........ ^ •-- ■; ■,>; " ,-„^ Washington township, including Mwooa and Wathena cities. Elwood city Wathena city ..... . ■ ■ ■..-•■•• • ■ ■ • • ■■■ Wayne township, incl. Doniphan city . - ■ Doniphan city .■■j:'„'i '''^^ Wolf River township, including l.eona and Severance cities. Leona city Severance city DonGLAS COUNTY . Clinton township ■ - - •, ;. • ' ' " Eudora township, including Eudora city. . Eudora city Grant township Kanwaka township Lawrence city i'i^k' Wardl 2,375 Ward 2 I'Z'* Wards ^'lli Ward4 ]'lll Ward5 1'"!?° Lecomptontownship,inci.Lecomptoncity Lecompton city Marion township...-- - ■ --■•-■ - ■.•-,■;■■ ■ Palmyra township, incl. Baldwin city . . - Baldwin city Wakarusa township Willow Springs township Edwards county (g) . Belpre township (h) Brown township Franklin township Jackson township - - - - ■ ■.- ■ • - - ■ Kinsley township (i), mcl. Kinsley city . Kinsley city Lincoln township (/() MINOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. Edwabds county— Continued. Logan township ( j ) - Trenton township. - . Wayne township 1890 1880 647 '667 893 894 6i8 469 640 553 114 405 '446 677 816 601 Elk county . 12,216 10,623 13, 535 14, 257 1,014 2,177 694 1 3,607 441 825 619 816 L865 323 710 1,961 518 2,198 21, 700 Elk Falls township, incl. Elk Falls city . . Elk Falls citv • • ,■••■.;•■•■ Greenfield township, incl. Grenola city . . Grenolacity ••••.; Howard township, incl. Howard city Howard city Liberty township -••• Longton township (k), incl. Longton city. . Longton city ...■•■ • ■■ ■ ■ ■ • • • Oak VaUey township {I), including Oak Valley city. Oak Valley city Painterhood township Pawpaw township Union Center township - • - - Wildcat township, including Molme city Moline city Ellis county . Big Creek township, including Hays city Hays city Buckeye township (h) Catharine township ■„■.•■":; ElUs township, including Ellis city Ellis city Freedom township Wheatland township Hamilton township Hartsook township Lookout township Saline township Smoky Hill township Victoria township Walker township Ellsworth county 1,004 2,409 Columbia township - - - - ■ - - - - ■ Ellsworth township, including Ellsworth and Kanopolis cities. Ellsworth city Kanopolis city Empire township (n) Garfield township (h) Green Garden township Langley township (h) Lincoln township Noble township Palocky township (h) Sherman township (h) Thomas township (0) 9,272 798 2,233 8,494 929 's.'isi "436 Valley township Wilson township, including Wilson city. Wilson city. Finney county (p) . 578 1,328 770 3,350 1.490 771 447 a Part taken to form Kinehart township since 1880 b Organized from part of Union township «'"'-; If O- c Orfanized from part of Liberty township since 1880. d Part taken to foi-m Lyon township since 1880. e Part taken to form Garfield township since 1880. /Not separately returned. . a Part taken to form Kiowa county m 188b. ft Organized since 1880. . i Palt taken to form Logan township since 1880 j Organized from part of Kinsley township since 1880. Garden city ■■■■ Wardl ^^4 Ward 2 »"3 Wards 6*"' Garden township Ivanhoe township Pierceville township Pleasant Valley township Sherlock township Terry township k Part taken to form Oak Valley town.ship since 1880 I Organized from part of Longton township since 1880. m Not separately returned in 1880. •„,„ iMn n Part taken to form Thomas township s^ce 1880. n Orpanized from part of Empire township srnce 1880. ; Orlan zed from Irapahoe ajd Sequoyah counties and parte nt-T^uftfllo Foote, Grant, and Kearny counties in 1884, parrs tak^ntfoii Garfield, Grant, Gray, Haskell, ana Kearny ooun- ties in 1887. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinued. KAWSAS-Contiflued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ford county (a) Bloom township (b) Bucklin township (i) Concord township (c) Dodge township (d), including Dodge city Dodge city Ward I 223 Ward 2 825 Ward 3 428 Ward 4 287 Fairview township (c) Ford township (i), including Ford city . . . Ford city Grandview township (c) Pleasant Valley township (6) Richland township (c) Boyal township (c) Sodville township (b) Spearville townsliip, including Spearville city (e). W heatlaud township Wilburn township (6) Franklin county. Appanoose township (/) Centropolis township Cutler township Franklin township, incl. Wellsville city . Wellsville city Greenwood township (17) Harrison township Hayes township Home wood township (h) Lincoln township (g) Ohio township (g) Ottawa city Ward 1 1, 775 Ward 2 2, 004 Ward 3 1, 741 Ward 4 728 Ottawa township Peoria township Pomona township (i), incl. Pomona city . . Pomona city Pottawatomie township Richmond township Williamsburg township (3), incl. Williams- buig village. Williamsburg village Garfield county (j) . Center township Essex township Gai-field township . . Kalvesta township . Lorenz township . . . Michigan township. Geary county (i) Blakely township (I) . . Jackson township (m,) , Jefferson township («) . Junction city Liberty township Lyon township 1890 5,308 236 94 1,967 1,763 291 467 148 393 191 128 182 106 555 407 205 1880 20, 279 597 1,036 914 1,178 392 725 694 644 719 600 912 6,248 1,076 934 960 466 1,052 837 1,153 881 329 83 112 103 142 112 10, 423 3,122 1,854 996 718 550 16, 797 1,061 1,0.57 901 942 143 785 668 690 719 798 4,032 1,236 1,165 2S9 817 681 1,245 419 6,994 320 302 558 647 898 4,502 2,684 750 665 579 518 a Part of Foote county annexed in 1884; part taken to form Gray county in 1887. b Organized since 1880. c Organized from part of Dodge township since 1880 d Parts taken to form Concord, Fairview, Grandview, Rich- land, and Royal townships since 1880. e Not separately returned. / Part taken to form Pomona township since 1880. g Part taken to form Homewood township since 1880 n Organized from parts of Greer""""' ' Williamsburg townships since 1880. ,^ . , . — .=Jip since IS ft Organized from parts of Greenwood, Lincoln, Ohio, and ■ illiaiusburg townships since 1880. t Organized from part of Appanoose township since 1880. ■ ^^iJSanized trom parts of Fiuuey and Hodgeman counties minor civil divisions. Geary county— Continued. Milford township Smoky Hill township. .. Wingfield township (u). Gove county (p)... Baker town.ship Gove township, including Gove city Gove city Grainfleld township, incl. Graiiifieid city Grainfield city Grinnell township .....1... Jerome township . Larrabee township Lewis township ] . Payne township Graham county , Allodium township (7) Bryant township Gettysburg township Graham township (r) Happy HoHow township (b).. '.'...'. Hill township, including Hill city . Hill city Indiana township («) Millbrook township (<) Morelaw township Nicodemus township Pioneer township (w) Solomon township (v) Wild Horse township (&) Grant county (/«) , Howard township Lincoln township, including Appomattox and Ulysses cities. Appomattox city Ulysses city .'!..".'.'.'.'!.'.'!! Sheridan township 'y...' ......... Sherman township Sullivan township Thomas township Gray county (x) . Cimarron township. . . Foot township ....... Hess township Ingalls township Logan township Montezuma township Richland township . . . Greeley county (p) . Colony township Harrison township Tribune township, including Horace and Tribune cities. Horace city Tribune city 1890 2,994 5,029 1,308 1,264 475 166 623 165 1880 1,196 4,258 in 188' k Formerly Davis. I Organized from part of Jefferson township since 1880 m Part taken to form Wingfield township since 1880 n Part taken to form Blakely township since 1880. o Organized from part of Jackson township since 1880. p Not divided into civil townships in 1880. g Organized from part of Indiana township since 1880. r Part taken to form Pioneer township since 1880. s Part taken to form Allodium township since 1880. t Part taken to form Solomon township since 1880. u Organized from part of Graham township since 1880. V Organized from part of Millbrook township since 1880. w Part taken to form Finney county and part given to Ham- ilton county m 1884; reorganized from parts of same in 1887. X Organized from parts of Finney, Ford, and Hodgeman counties in 1887. 166 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. KANSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Greenwood county 1890 16, 309 Bachelor township (a) Enrelia city (b) Eureka towusliip (c) Fall River township - - • • - ■ - ■ -•■-••-- JanesviUe township, luol. Hamilton city. . Hamilton city Lane township ■-. ■ - Maxlison tovrnship, incl. Madison city Madison city Otter Creek town.ship Pleasant Grove township. .... --■--.. Quincy township, including Neal city Ncal city Salem township ■ - •- -•---. .- • ■ Salt Springs township, mcl. Fall Rivercity Fall River city Shell Rock township - - - - ■ Spring Creek township, incl. Reece city . . Reece city ■ • ■ : ■ • • ■ Twin Grove township, incl. Se very city.. Severy city (d) 1880 10, 548 Hamilton county (p) Bear Creek township ; Cooliilgetow uship, incl. Coolidge city Coolidge city vv ' ' ; ' in' ' ■; ' Kendall townsliip, including Kendall city Kendall city Lament township ■■ l if\ Midway township.. 3 "^ Liberty township Richland towusliip Syracuse townslii)), incl. Syracuse city . . Syracuse city 2, 259 B68 1,U81 l,a53 2o6 710 1,565 623 1,340 640 877 144 1,010 1,507 454 649 605 179 1,357 2,027 1,127 1,994 1,019 588 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Harper county— Continued. 394 849 123 882 509 573 621 1,293 102 459 295 Spring township - - ■ -. — Stohrville township (w), incl. Bluft city Bluff city Harvey county . 1890 407 1,084 194 1880 151 606 Harper county 142 626 472 248 67 370 57 130 454 324 13, 266 1,072 306 168 1,806 840 529 323 388 453 274 271 297 461 328 1,579 632 502 419 688 537 827 553 621 4, 133 345 1,022 597 747 260 Anthony city ig) A uthony township (A) Banner township (i) Berlin township (ji) Blaine township (A) (Jhicaskia township (.1) Eagle township {k) Empire township (m) Garden township («) Grant township (0) Greene township (m) Harper city (p) Harper township (q) Lake township (r) Lawn township (s) Odell township (k) Pilot Knob township (t) Ruella township {u), incl. Attica city Attica city .■ ■ w V-'"i< Silver Creek township («), including Free- port city. Freeport city a Organized from part of Eureka township since 1880. 6 Formerly in Eureka township; made independent since c Part taken to form Bachelor township since 1880. Eureka city, formerly in Eureka township, made independent since I880'. d Formerly Goulil. r . ^ * e Not divided into civil townships in 1S80. Stanton county and parts of Grant and Kearny counties annexed in 1884; parts taken to reorganize Grant, Kearny, and Stanton counties in 1887. f Not separately returned. , , ■ y Formerly in Anthony township ; made independent since 1880 h Parts taken to form Banner, Berlin, and Pilot Knob town- ships since 1880. Anthony city, formerly in Anthony town- .shin made independent since 1880. i Organized from parts of Anthony and Harper townships ^'Tor|anized from parts of Anthony, Silver Creek, and Stohrville townships since 1880. A- Organized since 1880. ... ,oon I Part taken to form Pilot Knob townshii. since 1880. m Organized from part of Ruella township since 1880. n Organized from part of Lake township since 1880. Alta township • - - - Burrton township, including Burrton city . Bu rrton city Darlington township Emma township Garden township -. Halstead township, incl. Halstead city - - - Halstead city Highland township Lake township Lakin township Macon township Newton city ■---■■ Waidl 1.692 Ward 2 1.261 Ward3 1.358 Ward4 1.29* Newton township Pleasant township Richland to%Yiiship - - - ■ Sedgwick township, incl. Sedgwick city . Sedgwick city ■. ■ ■ - ■ Walton township, including AValton city Walton city 17,601 11,451 Haskell county (x) . Arapahoe township Boone township Dudley township Kxa.iu]ile township ^- "":;■■ Haskell township, incl. Santa Fe city . Santa Fe city Ivanhoe township Lockport township Loco township Review township 616 1,083 695 612 715 719 1,817 1 ,071 611 476 621 713 5,605 737 729 495 1,254 652 798 249 1,077 523 714 386 472 528 528 870 Hodgeman county (y) 93 96 68 165 249 166 154 109 107 36 2,395 538 375 455 574 2,601 728 587 372 939 415 647 167 67 624 324 122 450 227 133 177 395 200 1,704 453 465 529 Benton township (z) - - - - Center township (aa), incl. Jetmore city . Jetmore city Hallet township (z) Marena township North Roscoe township (z) Sawlog township {lib) South Roscoe township (z) Sterling township "V alley township (bb) Organized from part of Harper township since 1880. p Formerly in Harper township; made independent since ^^o^Parts taken to form Banner. Grant, and Pilot Knob town- ships since 1880. Harper city, formerly in Harper township, made independent since 1880. • „iaQn r Parts tfaken to fonu Garden and Lawn townships since 1880. s Organized from parts ot Lake and Ruella townships since ^^^"brganized from parts of Anthony, Chicaskia, Harper, and Silver Creek townships since 1880. M PiXtaken to form Empire, Greene, and Lawn townships '''Tplrts' taken U, form Berlin and Pilot Knob townships since 1880. , , . . ioon w Part taken to form Berlin township since 1880. X Organized from part of Finney county in 1887. ,/ Parts of Biifialo an,l Foote c.unties annexed m 1884 , narts takim to form Garheld and Gray counties m 1887. ^z Roscoe townshi,, (population 257 in 1880) termed into Ben. ton Hallet and North and South Roscoe townships .since 1880. «,; Parts taken to form Sawlog and Valley townships since ^ fcl^brganized from part of Center township since 1880. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KAJVSAS-Contiiiued. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Jackson county 14,626 Adrian township (o) Cedar township (6) Douglas township Franklin township (6) _/_ Garfield t jwnship (c) Grant toT\ nship Holton city _ __ Ward 1 807 Ward 2 1_043 Ward 3 g77 Jefferson township, incl. CircleviUe city . . Circleville city Liberty township Netawaka township, incl. Netawaka city . Netawaka city Soldier township, including Soldier city Soldier city Straight Creek township Washington township (d) WTiiting township, incl. Whiting city. . Whiting city Jefferson county 16, 620 Delaware township, incl. Valley Falls city Valley Falls city Fair view township .'...... Jellerson township, inch Winchester city Winchester city Kaw township Kentucky township, incl. Perry city (e)... Norton township, mcl. Nortonville city .. Nortonville city Osawkie township Oskaloosa township, incl. Oskaloosacity!! Oskaloosa city Rock Creek township Eural township '" Sarcosie township ] Union township, including McLouth city McLouth city Jewell county 19,349 1880 10,718 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 992 826 122 646 758 976 723 417 15, 563 Johnson county , Aubry township Gardner township, incl. Gardner city!"! Gardner city Lexington township ......'.'.'..'.....'.'.,.'.'.'.'[ McCamish township, incl. Edger'tou city Kdgertoii city Monticello township ...V. Olathe city Wardl.' .....'.'."!.'; i"io9 Ward2 I'oyo Ward 3 j ' j g2 Olathe townsliip ' 0.xiord township "_ Shawnee township .!!!.!..!.. Spriughill township, incl. SprinEhilYcitv Springhill city _ 1S90 17, 385 1,157 1,286 515 1, «71 1,249 Kearny county (ft) Hartland townshij), incl. Hartland city Hartland city ... Hibbard townsliip Kearny township Kendall township Lakin townshij., including Lakincitv Lakincity "^ " Southside township .......*.'.' Kingman county 17, 475 Allen township, incl. part of Randall city. Randall city (part of) .' Total for Randall city, in Allen* and Prairie townships. Athens township Browns Creek township Buflalo township, including Jewell city ] Jewell city Bnrr Oak township, incl. BurrOak city '. Burr Oak city Calvin township y. .......... ... Center township, including Mankato city! Mankato city Erving township Ezbon township ] ' Grant township '_[ Harrison township Highland township Holmwood township Ionia township Jackson township Limestone township '_[ Montana township ] ] Odessa township (/) "...[.. Prairie township, incl. part of Randaii city Randall city (part of) Richland township Sinclair township (g) l"\\'...\.V. Vicksburg township Walnut township ' [ Washington township White Mound township .'..'.'.... ...'...\ a Organized from partof Washington township since 1880. Part taken to form Garfield township since 1880. ^-.r,'' ,1?,"'''^^' *^^°™ P'"'*'^ "f Cedar and Franklin townships d Part taken to form Adrian township since 1880. « -Not separately returned. / Organized since 1880. (/ Fonoerly St. Clair. h Part taken to form Finney county and part given to Kara - ilton county in 1884 ; reorganized from parts of thi same"n 18™7. Allen township Belmont township ......'. Bennett township, incl. Norwich city Norwich city Canton township (/) . . .....'.'.' Chicaskia township (/), incl. Spivey city Spiveycity r j j Dale township (/) ........' Dresden township (f) ..'.'_ Fagle township (/)'. Eureka to wuship (i) .!]!!.....!! Evan township Galesburg township Hoosier township (j) '_'_ Kingman city (k) Wardl ;;::::;:."8i8 Ward 2 522 Ward 3 cno Ward 4 ■;::::;;;:;:;;::' 428 Kingman township (/) Liberty township (/) ,.._ Ninnescah township (I) ] Peters township (/) '_'_'_ Richland township (/) Rochester township (/) '. Rural township (/) ." Union township (/) '.'_ Valley township (/) ] [ " '. Vinita township ] ] ] White township (m) ..'. Kiowa county (n) , Brenham township Butler township ...'.'..'... Center township, incl. Greensburg city! " . Greensburg city Garfield township Glick township Kiowa township !!!!!!.!!!!]! Lincoln township Martin township, incl. MuiiinvilYe city" MuUinville city Reeder township 349 786 301 259 516 205 328 372 359 330 440 578 396 2,390 275 292 i 484 235 ! 434 I 348 455 345 478 411 039 2,873 220 103 024 515 121 224 76 180 365 79 77 167 1880 16, 853 1,216 1,321 203 2,042 1,330 1,437 3,294 1,396 2,285 1,495 1,911 2,495 1,190 1,545 1,950 2,477 1,291 573 502 1,571 159 ; : 301 '95 158 178 186 620 258 128 11, 823 3,713 324 195 502 185 383 351 379 276 472 t Organized from part of Hoosier township since 1880 J Part taken to form Eureka township since 1880. k Organized from parts of Kingman (now Ninnescah) and White townships since 1880. I Formerly Kingman ; part taken to form Kingman citv since 1880. *' 7ti Part taken to form Kingman city since 1880. • '' 9!;8""'''*'il from parts of Comanche and Edwards connties in loob. 168 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. KANSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Kiowa county— Continued. Union townsliip Ursula townsbiii Valley township — Wellsford towusLip Labettk count Canada township Chetopa city (a) - ■ - ■ • ' ' V Elm Grove township, incl. littna town . Edna town . . ._ Fairview township Hackberry township Howard township Labette township Liberty to wnshii) Montana township ;•-,-.-•••„■. V Mound Valley township, iucludmg Mound Valley city. Mound Valley city ••.••■ • • • • • ■ MountPieasant township, lucludiug Alta- montcity. Altamont city Neosho township North township Osage towi::hip Oswego city Oswego township ■ Parsons city - ■ • - - Wardl 2,lfa8 Wards 1.631 Wards - 1.*°^ Ward4 1.454 Richland township {a) Walton towuship 1890 164 133 492 27, 586 Lane county (6) Alamota township Blaine towuship (Jheyenne township Cleveland towuship Dighton towuship, iucl. Dighton city. Dighton citv Spring Creek township Sutton township W bite Kock township W ilson township Leavenworth county. Alexandria township ; ■ - Delaware township, incl. Lansing city.. - Lansing city Eastou township Fairmount township High Prairie towuship Kickaiioo township Leavenworth city Wardl 3.^™ Ward 2 2, /81 Wards S,492 Ward 4 2, 795 Ward 5 3,216 WardO ■1.214 Reno township Sherman township, inch Linwood city. . . Lin wood city Strauger township - ■ Tonganoxie township, including Tonga- noxie city. Tonganoxie cily LiNCOIJ* COUNTY 1880 741 2,265 1,400 321 826 1,184 828 773 861 838 1,829 545 1,230 454 621 850 1,588 2,574 660 6,736 1,068 714 2,060 182 299 267 101 518 304 125 109 291 168 38, 485 1,108 4,847 1,468 1,238 1,184 1,286 3,427 19,768 1,003 1,487 306 1,102 2, 035 673 9,709 22, 735 411 293 675 1,305 1,090 26 852 1, 104 752 626 906 871 1,408 138 657 728 895 1,394 2, 351 942 4,199 2,585 694 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lincoln county— Continued. Cedron township Colorado township Elkhoin township, inclndingLincoln city Lincoln city (") Franklin township Golden Belt township Grant towuship (d) Hanover township (e) Highland towuship - - Indiana towuship Logan towuship Madison township Marion township Orange towuship Pleasant township (d) Salt Creek township Scott township Valley township Vesper township {/) 1890 32, 355 1,250 2, 620 933 1,235 1,143 1, 238 2,772 16, 546 987 1,403 1,330 1,831 426 8,582 Battle Creek township •■ ■ - Beaver township a Chetopa city, formerly in Richland townshi]), made inde- pendent siuce 1880. . b Not divided into civil townships m 188U. c Formerly Lincoln Center. d Part taken to form Hanover towuship since 1880. e Organized from parts of Grant aud Pleasant townships »ince 1880. Linn county. Blue Mound township, including Blue Mound city. Blue Mound city Centerville towuship Liberty township Lincoln township, incl. La Cygne city . . . La Cygne city Mound towuship, including Mound city. Mound city Paris township Potosi towuship, incl. Pleasantoncity..- Pleasanton city Scott township Sheridan township, incl. Prescott city. - . Prescott city Stanton township Valley township 538 66] 1,653 1 , 100 507 373 486 342 316 543 400 314 377 504 455 470 488 236 342 17,215 Logan county {g). Augustine township Elkader township Leis township Logansport township McAllaster towushi]) Monument township Oakley township, including Oakley city.. Oakley city Paxton towuship Russell Springs township, including Rus sell Springs city. Russell Springs city Western township Wiuona township Lyon county. Agnes township ; - • • Americus township, incl. Americas city . Americus city Center township - - -; Elmendaro township, incl. Hartford city . . Hartford city Emporia city - - • - - Wardl 1.879 Ward 2 1.800 Wards 2,529 Ward 4 1. 343 Emporia township Fremont township Ivy township (/i) 4;- " ' ; • • "V^- ' '."i" " Jackson township, incl. Neosho Rapids city. Neosho Rapids city Pike township Readiug township I Waterloo township (i) 1880 1,732 3,384 156 235 74 199 295 429 565 176 224 414 177 272 521 23, 196 1,406 1,857 393 1,428 2,197 441 7,551 2,374 1,148 498 1,845 308 1,002 948 942 574 504 1,009 422 354 318 576 250 463 383 323 467 578 803 429 412 208 15, 298 911 1,662 1,553 1,423 994 2,258 2,113 1.135 1,929 835 1,471 888 1,473 2,839 443 1,500 2,347 1,139 1,216 709 1,427 1,216 1,291 635 151 689 832 1,002 17,326 943 1,906 43' 848 1,444 4,631 2, 525 912 1,531 80 987 715 884 / Organized siuce 1880. , „ Ttr n „„„♦■,, y Formerly St. John ; organized from part of Wallace county h Organized from part of Waterloo township since 1880. t Part taken to form Ivy township siuce 1880. POPULATION. 169 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. KAIVSA.S— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. McPherson county. Battle Hill township Bonaville township Canton township, including Canton city . Canton city Castle township, including Windom city . Windom city Delmore township Empire township, including Galva city. . . Galva city Groveland township Gypsum Creek township Harper township Hayes township Jackson township King township Little Valley township Lone Tree township McPherson city (a) Wardl I.IBI Ward 2 750 Wards 844 Ward 4 417 McPherson township (a) Marquette township (i), including Mar- quette city. Marquette city Meridian township Mound township, incl. Moundridge city . . Moundridge city New Gottland township Smoky Hill township, incl. Lindsborgcity . Lindsborg city South Sharp Creek township Spring Valley township Superior township. Turkey Creek township Union township 1890 21, 614 Marion county Blaine township (c) Catlin township Center township (d) Clark township (e) Clear Creek township (/) Colfax township (g) Doyle township (ft), incl. Florence city . .. Florence city Durham Park township (i) East Branch township (j) Fairplay township Gale township (k) Grant township Lehigh township (I) Liberty township (m) Logan township (n) Lost Springs township (o) Marion city (j)) Ward 1 639 Ward 2 610 Ward 3 36o Ward 4 43g Menno township (' lied Vermilion township \ *ij^ Reilly township [ J^{- Richmond township (») • '* Rock Creek township («), inclndiug Sa- .^,078 betha city. , Sabetha city | ^-SOS Seneca city («) Wardl 552 Ward 2 ™4 Ward 3 '^6 Washington township Wetmore township, incl. Wetmore city . . Wetmore city 1,000 1,101 522 1,527 1,061 1,669 934 9,265 12,462 849 1,203 461 663 340 I Formerly Kansas ; not divided into civil townships in 1880. m Valley township (population 539 in 1880) taken to torm Adams and Mitchell townships since 1880. n Organized from parts of Capioma and Valley townships since 1880. , , , . . toon Organized from part of Rock Creek township since 1880. p Part taken to form Adams township since 1880. a Part taken to fonn Mitchell township since 1880. r Organized from parts of Home, Richmond, and Valley townships since 1880. . .oon c s Part taken to form Mitchell township since 1880. Seneca city, formerly in Richmond township, made independent wnce 1880. ' , ■ ■ toon 1 Part taken to iorni Berwick township since 188U. u Fomierly in Richmond township; made independent since 1880. POPULATION. 171 Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued; KAW8AS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Neosho county Big Creek township Canville township Centerville townsliip Chanute city (a) Chetopa to\ynship, incl. Thayer city Thayer city Erie township, including Erie city Erie city Grant township _ . . . Ladore township Lincoln towuship Mission township, incl. Osage Mission city Osage Mission city Shiloh towTiship Tioga township (a) Walnut Grove township 1890 18, 561 Ne.ss codnty Bazine township Center township (tl, including Ness city . Ness city Eden town.ship (b) Forrester township (c) Franklin township High Point township Johnson township Nevada township (b) Ohio township (6) Waring township 1,070 1,103 1,118 2,826 1,499 544 2,296 1.176 1,351 1,045 1,018 2,152 1,097 1,002 994 1,087 4,944 1880 Norton county' Aldino township ((?) Almelo township (e) Almena township, incl. Almena village. Almena village Belle Plaine township (/) Center towuship, including Norton city . Norton city Crystal towuship (/) Emniett township (/) Garfield township (/) Grant township Harrison township (•), incl. Scraiitoii city Scranton city Superior township (I) ........!!.!! Valley Brook towpship, incl. Lyndon city Lyndon city ' '. Osborne county 12,083 Bethany towuship Bloom township Corinth towuship Covert township (/) ' ' ' Delhi towTiship Grant township ' Hancock township (/) Hawkeye township ' . Independence township Jackson township Kill Creek township /__ Lawrence towuslii]> Liberty township . . . ; , ] Mount Ayr townsliip ^ ' i Natoma township (J) Osborne city (,v) ' Penn township (s) ' " . Koss township, including Downs city .. Downs city ", Konnd Mound township. . .............. Sumner township, including Alton city Alton city Tildeu township Valley township (/) Victor township Winlield township Ottawa county (() Ben- Bennington township, includiu! nington city. Bennington city Blaine township (/') Buckeye township (/) Center towuship (u) C!hapiiian towuship Concord towuship Culver township (v) Durham township (/) , Fountain township Garfleld towuship (/ ) Grant township Henry to wnshij) Lincoln township l^oganto wnship (w) Minneapolis city (u) ' , Morton township (x), incl. Tescott village^ Tescott village 1880 674 i,264 1,305 12, 517 533 557 12, 581 719 1,495 1,119 465 465 923 "662 376 845 10, 307 832 1,838 846 613 1,111 829 384 364 400 1,198 1,084 TO Part takeu to form Scranton township since 1880. 71 Organized from part of Ridgeway township since 1880. o Organized from parts of Barclay and Superior townships since 1880. ■> i- i- p Organized from part of Agency township since 1880. f/ Part takeu to form Elk township since 1880. r Organized from partof Burlingame township sinoel88(i. s Osborne city, formerly in Peun township, made inde- pendent since 1880. « Information as to changes in minor civil divisions in- complete. u Minneaiiolis city, formerly in Center township, made iu. dependent since 1880. V Part takeu to form Morton township since 1880. w Part taken to form Sherman township since 1880. X Organized from part of Culver township since 188Q. 172 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KANSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ottawa codnty — Coutiuued. Ottawa township Richland towushi)) (o) ..-..------■ Sheridan township, iucl. Delphos city Delphos city • Sherman township ((<) Stanton township (a) 1890 1880 Pawnee county . Ash Valley township (a) Browns Grove township (c) Conkliug township (a) Garfield township Grant township Keysville township (d) Larued city (c) ■ ■ ■ Wardl 4f» Ward2 ^!* Wards - Y/. Ward4 '*'*6 Larned township (/) Logan township (g) Pawnee township Pleasant Kidge township Pleasant Valley township (It) River township (i) Walnut township Phillips county. Arcade township Beaver township (a) Belmont township Bow Creek township Crystal township Dayton township Deer Creek township Freedom township Glenwood township Granite township Greenwood township • - - Kirwin township, including Kirwiu city Kirwin city •■ Logan township, including Logan city . - . Logan city Long Island township Mound township - - ■ ■■■-■ Phillipshurg township, including Phil lipsburg city. Phillipsburg city Plainview township Plum township Prairieview township Rushville township Solomon township Sumner township (a) Towanda township Valley township Walnut towuship 390 417 1,146 561 544 510 5,204 180 265 67 389 177 155 1,861 495 172 •J19 179 439 279 227 13, 661 Pottawatomie county . Belvue township Blue township - •-- Blue Valley township, iiicl. Olsbnrg city Olsburg city Center township Clear Creek towuship 547 414 410 372 516 426 499 385 328 592 471 1,180 689 701 390 877 530 1,033 173 705 656 327 679 415 208 280 328 17, 722 784 730 882 .85 427 844 652 1,240 256 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Pottawatomie county— Continued . 5,396 570 446 228 1,066 1,842 572 326 913 Emmet township (j) Grant township (a) Green township Lincoln township Lone Tree township Louisville township, incl. Louisville city Louisville city Mill Creek township, incl. Onaga city Onaga city Pottawatomie towuship Rock Creek towuship (fc), including West moreland city. Westmoreland city St. Clere township (!) St. George township St. Mary towuship, incl. St. Mary city - . St. Mary city Shannon township {in) Sherman township («) Spring Creek township (o) Union towuship Vienna township Wamego township, iucl. Wamego city . - Waraego city 1890 499 12, 014 476 513 479 674 270 542 391 388 452 407 1,421 807 626 275 533 375 1,043 309 272 655 638 248 .526 Pratt county (p) . Banner township (q) Carmi township (/) Center township (s), including Pratt city Pratt city Elm township {t) Gove township (f.) Grant to wnship (m) Haynesville township (e) luka township (w) Logan township (r) - McClelland township (x) McPherson township (t) Karon township (i/) Paxon townsliip (t) - Kichland township (z) Saratoga township (0 Springvale towuship (aa) Valley township (t) 257 449 379 16, 350 RAWLINS COUNTY (l)h) . 734 742 081 509 657 Achilles township Arbor township - ■ ,--:;" Atwood to wnship, including Atwood city Atwood city Beaver township Burntwood township • Celia township Clinton township Driftwood towuship Grant township Herudon township J efferson township Laing township Logan township LuSeU township Mikesell township Mirage township Richland township Rotate township Union township 1880 1,890 a Organized since 1880. , . . ,oor. h Ori'anined from partof Logan township since 1880. c Part taken to form KoysvUle township since 1880. d Organized from part of Browns Grove township siuce e Formerly in Larned township; made independent siuce f Part taken to form River township since 1880. Larned cit y , fovmerlv in Larned township, made independent since 1880. (J Organized from part of Pleasant VaUey township since 1 880 h Parts taken to form Logan and River townships siuce i'Org.anized from parts of Larned and Pleasant Valley townships since 1880. . j Parttakeu to form St. Clere township since 1880 k Part taken to form Sherman township since 1880 I Oreauized from part of Emmet township since 1880. TO Part taken to foi-m Spring (Jreek township since 1880 n Organized from part of Rock Creek township siuce 1880. o Organized from part of Shannon township since isao. « Ludwick township (population 81 in 1880) t.akeu to form Center, Elm, Gove, Grant, McPherson, Paxon, Kicliland, Sara- toga, and Valley townships .siuce 1880. ■ „.. lasn % Organized from part of Springvale township siuce im r Organized from parts of Haynesville and luka townships '''Tolganized iron, parts of luka and Ludwick townships '''^ t'organlzed from part of Ludwick township since 1880. M Organized from parts of Ludwick and Springvale town- shins since 1880. ... ioort V Parts taken to form Carmi and Logan township.s since 1 880. w Parts taken to form Carmi, Center, Logan, and Richland townships siuce 1880. -, . . loon X Organized from part of Naron township since 1880. « Part taken to form McClelland township since 1880. z Organized from parts of luka, Ludwick, and Springvale townships since 1880. , ^r i_i j * aa Parts taken to form Banner, Grant, and Richland town- sliips siuce 1880. . bb Kot divided into civil townships in 1880. POPULATION. 173 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. K.AIVSAS— Continued. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Keno county . Albion township Arlington township (a), including Arling ton city (i<). Bell townsliip Castleton township Center township Clay township Enterprise township (c) Grant township, incl. Nickerson city Nickerson city Grove township Haven township Hayes township (d) Huntsville township (e) Hutchinson city (/) Ward 1 3, 061 Ward 2 1,813 Ward 3 1, 636 Ward 4 2, 172 Langdon township (g) Iiincoln township Little River township liOda township Medford township (h) Medora township (i) Ninnescah township (i) Plevna township (j) Eeno township (/), incl. South Hutchin- son city. South Hutchinson city Roscoe township Salt Creek township Sumner township Sylvia township (k), incl. Sylvia city Sylvia city Troy township '_'_ Valley township Walnut township (I) Westminster township 1890 Eepdblic county. Albion township Beaver township Belleville city (m) Ward 1 .-- 830 Ward 2 774 Ward 3 264 Belleville township (m) Big Bend township, incl. Eepublic city . . Republic city Cortland township, incl. Cortland city. . '. Cortland city Elk Creek towushii) Fairview township Earmington township Ereedoiu township Grant township Jefferson township Liberty township Lincoln township Norway towushij) Richland township, including Cuba city . . Cuba city 27, 079 540 745 481 448 592 558 464 2,241 1 ,662 1,022 1,248 595 482 8,682 456 861 659 541 555 306 348 314 825 321 344 750 401 533 205 249 843 580 416 640 721 1,094 228 961 267 784 858 843 734 903 725 755 756 696 1,321 415 1880 12, 826 436 348 352 311 441 429 1,207 597 238 867 664 1,540 565 568 731 388 577 198 2,116 536 181 645 503 481 238 763 1,085 50 661 667 670 682 730 580 713 736 492 849 a Organized from part of Langdon township since 1880. b Not separately returned. c Part taken to form Huntsville township since 1880. d Parts taken to form Huntsville and Walnut townships since 1880. ' e Organized from parts of Enterprise and Hayes townships since 1880. / Hutchinson city, formerly in Reno township, made inde- pendent since 1880. g Part taken to form Arlington township since 1880. h Part taken to form Walnut township since 1880. i Organized since 1880. j Part taken to form Sylvia township since 1880. k Organized from part of Plevna township since 1880. I Organized from parts of Hayes and Medford townships since 1880. m Belleville city, formerly in Belleville township, made iii- ilcpendent since 1880. n Part taken to form Mitchell township since 1880. Lyons city, formerly in Atlanta township, made independent in 1889. Organized from part of Valley township since 1880. p Organized from part of Farmer township since 1880. q Part taken to form Eureka township since 1880. r Organized from parts of Union and Victoria towushins since 1880. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Republic county — Continued. Rose Creek township Scandia township, including Scandiacity Scandia city Union township Washington township White Rock township Rice county. Atlanta township («,) Center township (0) Eurejia township (p), incl. Frederick city Frederick city Farmer township (q), including Cain ciliy Cain city Gait township (r) Lincoln township, including Chase city ! Chase city Lyons city(4) Ward 1 '_ '597 Ward 2 457 Ward 3 ]... 322 Ward i ; 368 Mitchell township (f) Pioneer township '_'_[ Raymond townsliip, incl. R.-iymond city .' Raymond city " \ Rockville townsliip (m) ....!....... Sterling township, incl. Sterling citv Sterling: city .' Union township (v), incl. LittieRiver citv ■ Little River city , Valley township (w) .'.'..!! Victoria township (x), incl. Geneseocity . . Oeneseo city Washington township (7/) . ........... .'.., Wilson township (i) ...'. ..., 1890 818 1, 394 65^ 836 783 654 14,451 IvlLEY county Ashland township Bala township, incl. Leoniirdville'city ... Leonardville city Center township (2) ] ' ] ] Fancy Creek township (aa) !...!!.".' Grant township (bb) Jackson township (cc), incl. Randolplicity! Randolph citv '. . Madison township Manhattan city Ward 1 ' 724 Ward 2 795 Ward 3 780 Ward 4 704 Manhattan tow nship Mayday township (aa) Ogden township (dd), incl. Ogden city .... Ogden city Sherman towriship (ee) Swede Creek township Wildcat township (/) ][. Zeandale township 679 588 542 123 721 83 431 847 :<58 1,754 1880 587 ! 1,385 1,139 573 709 748 651 9,292 1,335 876 460 '569 552 565 393 904 571 137 343 87 2,522 1,702 1,641 1,196 1 ,014 1,460 340 592 809 1,072 900 III 786 487 13, 183 10, 430 281 256 1,326 681 410 496 549 760 529 1,095 861 1,054 305 1,027 262 727 3,004 2,105 995 961 570 705 978 828 588 797 689 595 s Pormerlyin Atlanta township; made independentin 1889. « Organized from parts of Atlanta, Union, and Victoria town.ships since 1880. u Organized from parts of Union and Washington town- ships since 1880. y Parts taken to form Gait, Mitchell, and Rockville town- ships since 1880. wPart taken to form Center township, Rice count v since 1880. ^ Parts taken to form Gait and Mitchell townships since y Part taken to form Rockville township since 1880. z Organized from parts of Fancy Creek and Mayday town, ships since 1880. oa. Part taken to form Center to-miship, Rilev countv since 1880. » .' j. bb Parts taken to form Sherman and Wildcat townshins since 1880. ' cc Part taken to form Sherman townsliip since 1R80. dd Part taken to form Wildcat township since 1880. ee Organized from parts of Grant and Jackson towiisliips since 1880. ^ /Organized from parts of Grant and Ogden townships since 1880. *^ 174 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. KANSAS— Continued. MINOR civil. DIVISIONS. Books county. 1890 Alcona township Ash Bock township Bellmont township Bow Creek township Corning township Farraington townsliip Greenfield township Hobart township Iowa township Lanark township (ft) Logan township (a) Lowell township Medicine township Northampton township Paradise township ,■■.•• :,■,- ■ "."." ' ' PlainviUe township, incl. PlainviUe city Plainville city Richland township (ft) Bush township - - - ■ - - ■ - ; - - ■ Stockton township, incl. Stockton city. . Stockton city Sugarloaf town.ship Twin Mound township Walton township 8,018 1880 8,112 Bosh county . Alexander township Banner township Belle Prsiirie township Big Timber township Brookdale township •-•■ • .■ Center township, incl. Bush Center city . Rush Center city Fairview township (6) Garfield township (a) - ■ - • ■■•■■•■ Hampton township (c), mcl. McCracken city. McCracken city Illinois township (d) Lacrosse township, incl. Lacrosse city Lacrosse cit y Lone Star township (c) Pioneer township (d) Pleasantdale township Union township 120 401 330 198 300 246 235 203 327 271 425 531 236 309 490 973 347 193 206 1,140 88o 172 367 345 5,204 Russell county . Big Creek township. . •-■■■■ ■^■.:; • :; ■ Center township, incl. Bunker Hill city . Bunker Hill city Fairfield township (ft) Fairview township Lincoln township (/) Paradise township Plymouth township Russell township (g), incl. Bussell city . Russell city Winterset township (a) Saline county Cambria township Dayton township Elm Creek township - Eureka township, including Gypsum city. Gypsum city Fahin township Glendale township Greeley township Gypsum township Liberty township Ohio township Pleasant Valley township 212 243 201 428 310 350 214 269 312 590 256 727 513 384 489 292 141 7,333 480 1,170 157 228 1,563 709 637 1,096 1,159 q6i 291 17,442 725 486 564 974 53° 595 315 597 505 472 469 471 272 485 240 331 381 610 366 301 421 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Saline county— Continued. 367 474 546 500 551 39 314 656 411 333 426 538 5,490 367 532 265 277 504 572 Salina city Wardl 1.061 Ward 2 1> 599 Wards 1,9-55 Ward 4 1, 534 Smoky Hill township Smoky View township, incl. Assariacity . Assaria city Smolan township Solomon township Spring Creek township, including Brook- viUe city. Brookville city Summit township Walnut township Washington township 1890 1880 675 504 531 549 474 240 7,351 846 1,619 135 Scott county (ft) . Beaver township Isabel township Keystone township Lake township Michigan township Scott township, including Scott city. Scott city Valley township 6,149 621 1,187 180 678 536 817 345 178 663 440 1,262 Sedgwick county . 215 98 206 122 148 325 229 148 43, 626 1,228 584 1,073 2,001 13, 808 641 459 457 430 566 335 616 455 480 607 425 Afton township Attica township, including Goddard city Goddard city Delano township Eagle townsliip (i) Erie township Garden Plain township Grand Ei ver township Gran t township (i) Greeley township, incl. Mount Hope city . . Mount Hope city Gypsum township Illinois township Kechi township Lincoln township Minnelia township Morton township, including Cheney city . Cheney city ..•- ■ Ninneecah township, incl. Clearwater city Clearwater city Ohio township Parle township (i) Payne township Rockford township, including Derby city and part of Mulvane city. Derby city Mulvane city (part of) Total for Mulvane city (j), in Rockford township, Sedgwick county, and Gore township, Sumner county. Salem township Sherman township _■ Union township, including Cohvich city . . Cohvich city •,•.••• i4 'V ' Valley Center township (k), including Val- ley Center city. Valley Center city V iola township Wa<',o township Wichita city ■-•■„ Ward 1 3, 922 Ward2 4,328 Ward3 *.560 Ward 4 5,715 Wards 2,534 Ward6 2,794 Wichita township 442 815 210 729 642 318 751 375 737 850 241 786 484 932 646 571 695 304 856 408 555 824 708 1,137 256 745 790 931 212 1,006 167 537 1,028 23, 853 3,111 750 940 56 842 509 1,200 511 148 466 371 43 883 18, 753 407 552 630 540 257 531 291 971 461 576 432 617 520 487 276 380 330 406 .524 798 584 354 983 7t 290 710 4,911 935 a Organized since 1880. , • . loor, b Organized from part of Hampton township since 1880. c Part taken to form Fairview township since 1880. d Part taken to form Lone Star township since 1880. e Organized from parts of Illinois and Pioneer townships ^^"/ Organized from part of Russell township since 1880. ft Part taken to form Lincoln township since 1880. h Not divided into civil townships in 1880. »• Part taken to form Vallev tJenter township since 1880. i In 1880 in Gore township, Sumner county, only. k Organized from parts of Eagle, Grant, and Park town- ships since 1880. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. M.AJVSAS— Continued. 175 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Seward county (a). Cimarron township . . . Far^o township Garheld township Liberal township Seward township Springfield township. 1890 1,503 Shawnee county. Auburn township Dover township Menoken township Mission township Monmoutli township Eossville township, inel. Kossville city.. Rossville city Silver Lake township,incl. Silver Lake city Silver Lake city '. Soldier township ., _ Tecumseh township Topeka city Wardl 5,785 Ward 2 8, 422 Wards 7^017 Ward 4 6, 533 Ward 5 3, 250 Topeka township Williamsport township 63 381 71 493 148 347 1,094 862 1,215 1, 1, Sheridan county (a) . Adell township Bloomfield township Bow Creek township Kenneth township, including Hoxie city Hoxie city Logan township Parnell township Prairie Dog township Saline townsli ip Sheridan township Solomon township Spring Brook township Valley township ,279 ,456 420 882 256 2,762 1, 085 31, 007 5, 77 1 1880 Sherman county (a) . Grant township Iowa township Itasca township, including Goodland city Goodland city Llanos township Logan township Mcpherson township '/_ Shermanville township .', Smoky township '_ State Line township Union township ' ] ] Voltaire township Washington township 408 196 2C5 379 24s 251 202 184 413 460 388 300 227 5, 261 29, 093 844 833 889 796 1,176 1,466 323 995 268 2, 621 1,011 15, 452 2, 233 777 1,567 Smith county . . Banner township (6) . Beaver township Blaine township (h) Cedar township, incl. Kensington city (c) Center township, incl. Smith Center 'city Smith Center city Cora to wnship (6) Crystal Plains township (6) Dor township (6) [ Garfield township (b) ./_, German township Harlan township (6), incl. Harlan city Harlan city city. 493 228 1,246 1 ,027 328 325 537 267 515 377 242 419 284 15,613 483 429 668 807 ,263 767 605 574 403 369 491 666 109 13, 883 1,362 1,449 1,827 1,200 a Not divided into civil townships in 1880 Organized since 1880. c Not .separately returned. d Organized from part of Clear Creek township since 1880 c Organized from part of Hayes township since 1880. fl art taken to form Aibano township since 1880 a Organized from part of St. John township since 1880 ft Organized from part of Lincoln township since 1880 1880 '' ^^^^'^ *** ^°''™ •^y''"" '^"'^ Putnam townships since minor civil divisions. 1890 1880 Smith county— Continued. Harvey township 721 784 ■ 628 501 597 663 1, 096 .^26 621 539 483 536 545 615 8,520 1,431 1,819 Houston township, incl. Gaylord city . . . Gaylord city Lane township (6) 231 Lincoln township 1,488 Logan township (ft) Martin township (ft) Oak township, including Lebanon city. . Lebanon citv 1,673 Pawnee township 1,634 Pleasant township (ft) Swan township (ft) Valley township (ft) Washington township (ft) Webster township (6) White Kock township (6) Stafford county 4,755 Aibano township (d) 269 312 309 142 630 167 433 462 156 342 349 435 267 312 343 1,128 865 556 1,075 640 499 490 1,031 Byron townsliip (e) Clear Creek township (/) 808 Cleveland town.ship (g) Cooper township 516 Douglas township (h) Fairview township (6) Farmmgton township (ft), incl. ilacks- ville city, Macksville city Hayes township (?') 329 371 Lincoln township (j) ... Ohio township (0) Putnam township (c) ./. Richland township (k) ] Rose Valley township (k) ', St. John township (I), incl. St. John citv . St. John city " .Seward township StaHoid town.ship, incl. Stafford city Stafford city "678 S6 399 876 (Tnion townshi]) (m) York township (») Stanton county (0) 778 5 Border township 114 89 190 68 59 166 345 143 1,418 Falkenstein township Liverpool township Mitchell township Roanoke township Robinson township Stanton townshij), incl. Johnson city Johnson city Stevens county (a) ... 12 Center township, incl. Hugoton city 271 136 126 101 153 143 74 184 . 79 . 98 . 189 . 68 . 30, 271 Hugoton city Cleveland township Dermot townshi]) Harmony township Lafayette township Lincoln township Moscow township Niagara township Voorhecs township ' Woodsdale township, incl. Woodsdaie city Woodsdale city Sumner county . . 20, 812 Avon township 454 1,474 659 324 1,564 348 Belle Plaine township (p), includine Belle Plaine city. Belle Plaine city J Part taken to form Douglas township since 1880. fc Organized since 1880; part, taken to form Union township ' Ps^rts taken to form Cleveland and Ohio townships since m Organized from parts of Richland, Rose Valley, and York townships .since 1880. n Part taken to form Union township since 1880. Given to Hamilton county in 1884 and reorganized from part of the same in 1887. p Part taken to form Harmon township iu 1886. 176 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KANSAS— Continued. MLNOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. SOMNBR COCNTY— Continued. Blufl township CaWwellcity (a) -^ ""'"' ' '.''.'" 610 ; 471 1890 1,642 "Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Caldwell township (a.) Chicaakia township . - - ■ - - - ■; ^'-'i:''' Conway township, including Conway Springs city. Conway Springs city Creek township (b) ....■■- - •"„:;;.;"■ Dixon township, including Argonia city . . .\rgonia city Downs township Eden township :--^r,::'"\ FaUs township, including Corbm city .... Gore to^ship,'inci.'part'ot- Muivane city Mulvane city (part of). . ■•;••■•• ■■; ■■\ Total for Mulvane city (c), in Rocktord township, Sedgwick county, and Gore township, Sumner county. Greene township Guelph township Harmon township (.d) Illinois township Jackson township London township Morris township Osborne township. .....---- -;.-•;-■.■-■• Oxford township, including Oxford city- . Oxford city Palestine township - - -.- ■ Ryau township, including Milan city Milan citv Seventysix township - - - -; - - - • • • South Haven townshij), including Uunne- well and South Haven cities. Hunnewell city South Haven city Springdale township (c) Sumner township Valverdi township :-•„■■'■" -V " Walton township, incl.Genda Spnng.s city Genda Springs city Wellington city • ■ - ■ Wardl '^° Ward2 °™ Wards I** Ward4 1'270 Ward5 Wellington township 1880 840 464 1,174 68i 494 940 376 762 487 1,031 174 1,142 492 724 567 1, 031 671 606 709 785 463 638 1,448 665 632 748 229 602 1,627 465 531 545 674 1,325 35S 4, 391 602 1,005 1,979 364 258 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Trego codnty. 351 232 308 681 777 215 215 351 723 Collyer township (g) Downer township (ft) "-i^" Wakeeney township (g), including Wa- keeney city. Wakeeney city Franklin township ( j) Glencoe township (k) Ogallah township (k) Riverside townshiji (() - Wilcox township (j) 1890 1880 2,535 480 Wabaonsee county - 2,535 430 888 743 322 485 1,052 403 636 453 419 1,214 656 THOMAS COUNTY (/) . 124 587 401 487 762 Alma township, including Alma city Alma city Farmer township Garfield township (m) Kaw township Maple Hill township Mill Creek township Mission Creek township Newbuiy townsliip Plumb township (n) Rock Creek township Wabaunsee township Washington township (o) ..... . - .,- ■••-•■■ Wilmington township {p), including li-sk- ridge city. Eskridge city Wallace county (7) 2,694 Harrison township (/) Morton township ( r) y.'J"" Sharon Springs township (r), including Sharon Springs city. Sharon Springs city Vega township (r) , . ■ v,;- ;; -V ' Wallace township, including Wallacecity Wallace city Weskau township (/■) 851 439 176 136 437 209 246 11, 720 1,702 1,125 385 716 701 882 642 1,080 1,296 906 7.57 1, 025 400 1,228 il, 852 200 483 8,756 1,057 362 381 594 604 521 1,068 926 673 985 578 1,369 548 2,468 678 5,538 486 570 470 185 1,009 516 1,040 454 272 552 500 725 161 Barrett township Hall township Kingery township ■ Lacey township --.-.■ - • • • - - ■ ■ ;,• ■ ■ - :; " • " Morgan township, including Colby city - - Colbv city Randall township Rovohl township Smith township Summers township Wendell township a Caldwell city, formerly in Caldwell township, made inde- P'■foT4ni°^ed from part of Springdale township in 1887. c In 1880 in Gore township, Sumner county, only. d Or4ni'/.ed from part of Belle Plame township in 188b. e Pa?t taken to form Creek township in 1887. /"Not divided into civil townships m 18S0. { ?artf taken to form Franklin and Wilcox townships, and Ti.i'rt of Downer township annexed sine* 1880. ^ftParts taken to form Franklin and Wilcox townships and partr^ven to Collyer and Wakeeney townships since 1880. i Not separately returned in 1880. , ttt i „„„<... }' Or'aniV-edfroin parts of Collyer, Downer, and Wakeene.> '''rp£t''take"n'io form Riverside township since 1880. , ^Or^anSl-rom parts of Glencoe and Ogallah townships 'm oi^ed from part of Washington township «mce 1880. Z Orfanized from part of Wilmington, township since 1880. Pa?t taken to form Garfield township smce 1880. p Part taken to form Plumb township smce 1880. Washington county (.s) - 209 218 790 ■ 78 249 652 220 350 22, 894 916 340 173 14, 910 652 1,201 332 622 142 241 708 699 861 166 466 1,590 142 142 Barnes township («), incl. Barnes city («) . . Brantford township (w) Charleston township - ■ ■ - r'-y Clifton township (w), including parts ot CUfton and Vining cities. Clifton city (part of) ..... .,. . ... ■ • • ■ • Total for Clifton city (a), in Miilberry township, Clay county, and Chfton township, Washington county. Vining city (part of) Total for Vining city, in Miilberry township, Clay county, and Ohtton township, Washington county. Coleman township iy) Farmington township (z)-. -■-■■-■-■■---■■ Franklin township (oa), including HoUen- berg city. HoUenberg city q Part taken to form Logan (io^^riy ft. John) CJi^nt^V iu 1881; Grinnell township (population 34b m 1880) abolisnen since 1880. iS^'to^'^Wp (population 885 in 1880) taken, to form Farmington! Franklin, Highland, and Lowe townships ''Toi^anized from parts of Lincoln and Little Blue town- ships .since 1880. ^^rtaST'&'Pf of Clifton and Strawberry town- ''^i^'larte'taken to form Brantford and Sheridan townships -'^£^^l^'^^on:Z^..r, and Washingfon *rot-^ziT?ro^partsof Hanover and HoUenberg town- ships since 1880. POPULATION. 177 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. K.A1VSAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Washington county— Continued. Grant townshij) (a) Greenleaf township (ft), incl. Greenleaf city Greenleaf city Haddam township (c), incl. Haddam city Haddam city Hanover town.snip (d), incl. Hanover city Hanover city Highland township (e) Independence township (/) Kiineo township (, including Toronto city Toronto city WYANDOn'E county Argentine city Ward 1 671 Ward 2 1, 908 Ward 3 1,266 Ward 4 887 Delaware township Kansas city (w) Wardl 5,118 AVard 2 7, 092 Ward 3 7, 666 Ward 4 4, 891 Ward 5 5, 770 "Ward 6 7, 779 Prairie township Quindaro township liosedale city (2:) Shawnee township (x) Wyandotte township 1,203 677 2,365 1,528 786 945 461 678 1,342 9,021 634 1,855 1,305 4U 736 898 1,408 606 470 738 530 1,341 552 54, 407 1880 1,398 549 1,972 924 824 848 423 676 1,434 6,535 4,732 1,765 38,316 1,042 1, 997 2, 276 2,068 2, 211 557 703 350 412 712 1,100 1,193 552 768 537 553 19, 143 1,167 3, 200 1,151 2,123 962 2, 377 2, 976 a Organized from parts of Mill Creek and Strawberry town- ships since 1880. b Organized from parts of Lincoln, Little Blue, and Shcrinan townships since 1880. c Organized from parts of Mill Creek and Union townships since 1880. d Parts taken to fomi Franklin and Independence townships since 1880. c Organized from part of Hollenbcrg township since 1880. /Organized from part of Hanover townshi]) since 1880. ;/ Organized from parts of Lincoln and Sherman townships since 1880. h Parts taken to form Barnes, Greenleaf, and Kimeo town- ships since 1880. i Organized from part of Sherman township since 1880. j Parts taken to form Barnes, Greenleaf, and Logan town- ships since 1880. *; Organized from parts of Little Blue, Sherman, and Wash- ington townships since 1880. I Organized from parts of Hollenberg and Union townships since 1880. m Parts taken to form Coleman, Grant, and Haddam town- ships since 1880. ?(. Organized from parts of Clifton and Sherman townships since 1880. o I'arts taken to Ibrm Colen)an, Greenleaf, Kimeo, Linn, Log.an, and Sheridan townships .since 1880. p Parts taken to form Brautlord, Coleman, and Grant town- ships since 1880. '7 Parts taken to forui Haddam and Lowe townships since 1880. )■ Parts taken to form Coleman, Farmington, and Logan townships since 1880. s Not divided into civil townships in 1880. t Not separately returned. u Part taken to form North township since 1880. V Organized from part of Liberty township since 1880. w Wyandotte city (population 6,149 in 1880) annexed since 1880. X Ro.sedalo city, formerlv in Shawnee township, made inde- IJendent since 1880. KENTIJCKV. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 MINOR civil divisions. 1890 1880 Adair county 13, 721 13, 078 Adair county— Continued. 2,064 1,648 932 1,494 1,147 2,916 1,427 1, 334 759 3,020 1,287 1,340 612 1 602 Precinct 1. Columbia, including Colum- Precinct 6. Leatherwood 1 498 bia town (a) . Precinct 7. Casey Creek 976 Precinct 2. Neatsville 1,338 1,405 Precinct 3. White Oak Precinct 9. Glenville, including Glen ville village (a). Precinct 4. Harmony 372- -12 a Not separately returped. 178 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. KENT CrCKV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Allen county . 1890 la, 692 12, Magisterial district 1. Lawreuce))urg,iufl, Lawrenceburg town and Tyrone village Lawrenceburg town T vrone village ; ■ • • ■ • •.-. ■ ■ ■ Magisterial district 2. Alton, including Alton villago (ft). , . , ,■ Magisterial district 3. I'almor, including Orr village. Orr village ■ ■ ■ • ■ Magisterial district 4. Chcslier Magisterial district 5. Goodnight Magisterial district li. Caldwell (c) Ballaku county (d) . Magisterial district 1. Nort b Hunniliries, including Bandana village. Bandana %illage • ■ ...■•• Magisterial district 2. LovelaceviUe, in- cluding Lovelaceville town. Lnvekcevilletowu ;■• ■ • ■ ■.■ ■ • Magisterial district ^5. Barlow, including East Cairo and WicUlifte towns. East Cairo town Wickliffe town ■ ■ ■■.•••:••• Magisterial district 4. BlandviUe, includ- ing Blandville town. BlandviUe town Barren county . Magisterial district ing Glasgow town. Glasgow town . . Magisterial district Cave village. Gave village Magisterial district Magisterial district Magisterial district ing Hiseville villaj Hiseville village. Magisterial district Magisterial district Magisterial district tion, incl. Glasgow Glasgow Junctio Magisterial di.strict Magisterial district 1. (ilasgow, iuclud- 2. Cave, including 3. Rocky Hill 4. Tracy 5. Hiseville, includ- (). Saunders 7. Sartain 8. Glasgow .June- Junction village. n village 9. Boscville 10. Slick Rock 4, 622 Magisterial district 1. Scottsvillc, includ- ing Scottsville town. Scottsvillc town ■ • Magisterial district 2. Butlersville Magisterial district 3. Raleigh - - Magisterial district 4. Gainesville and Sliillman. Magisterial district 5. Puncheon ■•-■•--- Magisterial district 6. New Roe and May- hew, including New Roe villagt' (a). Magisterial district 7. Massey Anderson county (i) 10, 610 1880 minor CIVIL DIVISIONS. 3,218 3,701 477 1,209 1, 172 8, 390 1,973 2, 047 348 959 1, 139 Bath county Precinct 1. Sharpsburg, incl. Sliarpsburg town. Sharpsburg town .■■ • • ■ Precinct 2. Wyoming, incl. Wyoming vill. 12, 813 Wyoming village . . . - ^ . Precinct 3. OwingsviUe, mcl. OwingsviUe town. OwingsviUe town Precinct 4. Polksville - - - - - ■ -.- - - - - - - ■ Precinct 5. White Sulphur, including Salt Lick village. Salt Lick village 7^3 1,451 1,258 9,361 3,080 151 1,155 2, 192 1,500 11, 378 2,021 1,866 Bath county— Continued. I'recinct 6. Bethel, incl. Bethel town (a) . . Precinct?. Preston, incl. Olympia village. Olympia viUage Bell county (e) 1890 22, 321 Magisterial district 1. Pineville, includ- ing Pine ville town (a). Magisterial district 2. Big Clear Creek.. Magisterial district 3. Yellow Creek, in- cluding Middleboro town. Middleboro town Magisterial district 4. Toms Creek Magisterial district 5. Mud Lick 1,958 1,363 303 10, 312 3,773 1880 1,950 1,156 6,055 2,323 (I Not separately returned. b Part of Washington county annexed since 1880. c Organized from part of magisterial district 5, Washing- ton countj-, since 1§80, Boone count Beaver Lick magisterial district (/) Belle view magisterial district Burlington magisterial district Carlton iiiagistciial district Florence niiigistcijul district Hamilton magisterial district (y) Petersburg magisterial district, including Petersburg town. Petersburg town Taylorsport magisterial district Union magisterial district Verona magisterial district, including Verona village. Verona viUage Walton magisterial district, including Walton village. Walton village 12, 246 11.996 liOUKBON COUNTY . Magisterial district 1. Paris, includmjj Claysville village and Paris city. ClaysviUe village Paris city Magisterial district 2. Millersbiu-g, in eluding Millersburg town. Millersburg town Magisterial district 3. Flat Rock Magisterial district 4. North Middletown, including North Middletown town. North M iddletown town Magisterial district 5. ClintonvUle Magisterial district 6. Hutchison Ma.i;is(c'rial district 7. Centerville Magisterial district 8. Ruddel Mills, in chiding Riiddil ^lills village. Ruddel Mills village Boyd county 14,033 289 15, 956 Precinct 1. Durbin Precinct 2. East Fork Precinct 3. Cannonsburg Precinct 4. White Sulphur Springs Precinct 5. Lower Ashland, including part of Ashland town. Ashland town (part of) Total for Ashland town, in precincts 5 and 8. Precinct 6. Upper Catlettsburg, includ- ing part of Catlettsburg viUage and Hampton village. Catlettsburg viUage (part of) Total for Catlettsburg village, m pre- cincts 6 and 7. Hampton viUage .■••,■••,■ Precinct 7. Lower Catlettsburg. includ- ing part of Catlettsburg village. Catlettsburg village (part of). ...... . . Precinct 8. Upper Ashland, including part of Ashland town. Ashland town (part of) Precinct 9. Coalton Precinct 10. Ma vity (/) d Magisterial districts 5, 6, 7, 8. and 9 (population 0, 1880) taken to form Carlisle county in 1886. e Magisterial districts returned as precincts in 1880 / Organized since 1880. ff Formerly Big Boone, 2,538 425 1,396 362 2, 552 S77 1,004 1,057 1,094 1, 389 250 12, 165 2, 184 992 1,225 ,582 112 in POPULATIOK 179 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. M. JE rv T UC KV— Continued. ML\OK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Boyle county (a). Magisterial district 1, iucludiug Mitch- elTsburg and Parksville towns and part of Perryville town. Mitcliellsburg town Parksville town Perryville town (part of) Total for Perryville town, in map;is- terial districts i and 2. Magisterial district 2, including part of Perryville town. Perryville town (part of) Magisterial district 3, exclusive 01 part of Danville town. Magisterial district 4, exclusive ol' part ot Danville town. Magisterial district 5, iucl. .Iituction and Shelby towns. Junction town (b) Shelby town Danville town, in magisterial districts 'J and 4. Bkauken county Magisterial district 1. lirooksville, iucl. Brooksville village. Brooksville village Magisterial district 2. JFoster, including Foster town (c). Magisterial district 3. Augusta, includ- ing Augusta city. Augusta city Magisterial district 4. Gerraantown, in- cluding Germantown village. Germantown village Magisterial district 5. Mill'ord Magisterial district 6. Fairview Magisterial district 7. Berlin Magisterial district 8. Chatham (d) BbKATHITT OflUNTY (e) Magisterial ilistrict 1. Jackson, includ- ing Jackson town (c). Magisterial district 2. Frozen ), , Magisteiial district 6. Elliotts villo-S*' Magisterial tlistrict 3. Crawford Magisterial district 4. (Jro(-kettsville.-. Magisterial district 5. Ti'oublesome Manisteriiil district 7. SpriuKlbrk Magisterial district a. Georges Branch . Magisterial district i). Lewis Fork (ri) . . Magisterial district 10. HoUeu (d) Bkeckinkidge county (a) Magisterial district 1. Hardinsburg, in- cluding Hardin.sburg town. Hardinsbui'g town Magisterial district 2. Cloverport.includ- lug Cloverijort city. Cloverport city Magisterial district 3. TJuion Star, incliul ing Stephensport town. Stephensport town Magisterial district 4. Bewloy ville Magisterial district 5. Hudson ville Magisterial district 0. Rough Creek Bullitt county 1890 Magisterial district 1. Shepherdsville, iu- cliuliiig Slicplierdsville town. Shepherdsville town Magisti'iial (lislrict2. Pine Tavern Magisterial (listiict 3. Mount Washing- ton, inel. Mount Washington town. Mount Washington town Magisterial district 4. Leaches 3, 621 3,753 299 1,984 1,459 387 1,325 a Magisterial districts reorganized since 1880; information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete, b Formerly Goresburg. c Not separately returned. 12, 948 3,191 230 160 199 436 1,043 237 1,348 2, 019 1, 581 325 3,766 12, 369 2, 580 330 1,105 3, 092 1,447 1,247 229 1, 413 835 1,329 762 8,705 1880 1,493 1,981 783 781 1, 034 542 765 469 857 18, 976 3,607 681 ,757 ,527 ,077 2D2 ,680 ,995 ,860 11, 930 239 220 174 466 3,074 13, 509 2,880 378 1,196 3,517 1 ,282 1, 479 1, .509 1,060 1,808 7,742 1,271 (, 1, 129 ( 625 793 1, 246 1, 031 532 581 17, 486 53s 1,056 2lg 8,521 251 1,962 L419 327 1,289 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Butler county (a) Magisterial district 1. Morgantown, inel. Morgantown and Woodbury villages. Morgantown village Woodbury village Magisterial district 2. London Magisterial district 3. Rochestei-, includ- ing Hunt.sville and Rochester villages. Huntsville village Rochester village Magisterial district 4. Renfrew Magisterial district 5. Burden Caldwell county Magisterial district 1. I'rinceton, includ- ing Dnlaney village and Princeton town Uulaney village Princeton town Magi.sterial district 2. Farmersville Jlagisteiial district 3. Bncksnort Magisleiial (listriet4. Harmony Magisterial district 5. Fredonia, includ- ing Fredouia village. Kredonia vdlage Magisterial district 6. Tennessee Magisterial district 7. Williams Mill (JALLO WA Y COUNTY Magisterial district 1. Mia-ra.>-, iuckiding Murray town. Murray town Magisterial district 2. New Concord Magisterial district 3. Liberty, including Shiloh town. Shiloh town Magisterial district 4. Brinkley Magisterial district 5. Swan Magisterial district 6. Wadesboro CAMI'BELL COUNTY Alexandria magisterial district, includ- ing Alexandria town (1:). Belleviie magisterial district, including Bellevue town. Bellevue town California magisterial district ((0. includ- ing California village. California village Carthage magisterial district, including Carthage village. Cartlia<;e village Cold Spring magisterial district Dayton magisterial district, iucludlng Dayton city. Davton city Ward 1 86g Ward 2 1 ,020 Ward 3 764 Ward 4 1,611 Grant Lick magisterial distric't (xuiiser magisterial district Highland magisterial district Indian Springs magisterial district Johns Hill magisterial district Newi)Ort magisterial district, coextensive with Newport city. Newport city Ward 1 2 , 309 Ward 2 2,578 Ward 3 3 , 264 Ward 4 5 , log Ward 5 4,827 Ward 6 4 , 540 Ward 7 : 2 , 291 Persimmon Grove magisterial district (rf) . 1890 13, 956 2,957 250 194 2,260 3,407 90 510 2, 164 3, 168 13, 186 1880 23 1,857 944 899 1, 198 2, 032 249 1,352 1, 200 14, 675 2,828 3, 425 ,>63 521 316 801 275 L484 4,437 4,264 24,918 567 12, 181 204 190 11, 283 694 1,029 1,810 191 1, 233 866 13, 295 4,694 3, 914 518 2,331 1, 789 636 2, 161 1,806 49 2, 071 1,908 1,882 l,8i 1,938 1,593 37, 440 2, 951 1,842 1 ,460 179 1,277 1,368 3,440 1.745 2,277 945 1,066 1, 287 841 772 827 478 747 24,918 20, 804 d Organized since 1880. e Magisterial district 9, Bakerfork (populatmn 534 in 1880), taken to form Knott county in 1884. 180 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. KENTUCKY— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Carlisle county (a) 1890 Magisterial tiistrict 1. Bai-awell, inclua- ing Bardwell town. Bardwell town Magisterial district 2. Cunningliam Magisterial district 3. Milburn,includiug Milburn town. Milbuni town ■ ■ Magisterial district 4. Arlington, includ- ing Arlington town. Arlington town Carroll county iucludin}; Magisterial district 1. Glicut Ghent town. Ghent town Magisterial district 2. Carrollton and Prestonvillc. including Carrollton and Preston ville {b) towns. Carrollton town Magisterial districts. Worthville.iuclud ing Worthvillo town. Worthville town Magisterial district 4. Mill Creek • Magisterial district 5. Locust Magisterial district C. Sanders and Jor- dan, including Sanders town. Sanders town Carter county. Precinct 1, including Grayson town Grayson town Precinct 2 Precinct 3, including Olive Hill town Olive Hill town Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7, incl. Denton and Willard tns. Denton town Willard town Precinct 8 Precinct 9 Casey county (c). Magisterial district 1. Liberty, in eluding Liberty town. \ ,(^, Liberty town "'"■ ' Magisterial district (i. Leo Magisterial district 2. .Tenkins. Magisterial district 3. Tales, includin, Dnnnville town. Dvinnville town Magisterial district 4. Ca-sey Creek Magisterial districts. Big South Fork. Magisterial district?. Middleburg, including Middleburg and Yo- semite towns. Middleburg town (d) 145 Yosemile town 307 Magisterial district 8. Little South Fork. Christian county. (i). Magisterial di.strict 1. Hopkinsville, in- cluding Hopkinsville city. Hopkinsville city Magisterial district 2. Mount Vernon Magisterial district 3. Pembroke, includ- ing part of Fairview village and Pem- broke town. Fairview village ( part of) Totalfor Fairview village («), in magis- terial district 3, Christian county, and magisterial district 3, Todd county. Pembroke town Magisterial district 4. Longview 7,612 2,348 578 1, 294 2, U72 297 1,898 9,260 1,589 525 3,743 1,720 U73 203 926 1,067 1, 268 277 17, 204 2, 987 433 1,210 1,952 186 2,193 1,590 1,644 2,911 432 43' I, 736 981 11, 848 2, 928 1,903 1,768 ■30 940 1, 203 3,106 34, 118 1880 a Organized from part of Ballard coTinty in 1886. 6 Not separately returned. c Not returned by magisterial districts in 1880. (J Population in 1880, 119. 309 337 8,953 1,719 387 3,475 1)332 734 124 747 1,019 1, 259 12, 345 2, 990 447 14 1, 223 56 1,156 1,065 1,269 2, 1.59 1,481 10, 983 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 31, 682 Christian county— Continued. Magisterial district 5. Lafayette, includ' ing Lafayette town. Lafayette town Magisterial district 6. Union School House Magisterial district 7. Hamby Magisterial district 8. Fruit Hill Magisterial district 9. Scales Mill Magisterial district 10. Garrettsburg Magisterial district 11. Bainbridge Magisterial district 12. Caskey Magisterial district 13. Belleviow (/) Magisterial district 14. Barker Mills (/) . Magisterial district 15. Stewart Magisterial district 16. Wilson Magisterial district 17. Crofton (/),includ ing Crofton and Empire towns. Crofton town Empire town Magisterial district 18. Kelly (/) Magisterial district 19. Beverly (/) 9,112 7,150 5,833 1,539 4.229 1, 573 2, 577 2,606 183 95 466 977 202 3, 182 Clark county. Magisterial district 1 . Goodc Magislerial district 2. Kiddville Magistijial district 3. Blucliall, includ- ing ])art of Winchester town. Winchester town (part of) Total for Winchester town, in magis- terial districts 3 and 6. Magisterial district 4. Germantown, in- cluding Ford town. Ford town Magisterial district 5. Pincliem Magisterial district 6. Winchester, in- cluding part of Winchester town. Winchester town (part of) Clay county (A) . Magisterial district 1. Miigislcrial district 9. Magisterial district 2. Magisterial district 3. Magisterial district 4. Magisterial district 7. Magisterial district 8. Magisterial district 5. Magisterial district 6. Manchester .) ,;,, Bullskin....r '■ (Joinett Allen . - Big Creek.) Asher Mb) - Otter Creek.) Pigeon Koost Sexton Creek Clinton county Precinct 1. Albany, including Albany tovvii (6). Precinct 2. Piney Woods Precinct 3. Neathery Precinct 4. lUwill - Precinct 5. Hays Precinct 6. Shelly Crittenden county Magisterial district 1. Marion, including Marion village. Marion village Magisterial district 2. Dycusburg, includ- ing Dvcnsliurg village (ft). MagistcTiid district 3. Union Magisterial district 4. Hurricane Magisterial districts. Ford Ferry, includ- ing Weston village. Weston village Magisterial district 6. Bell Mines Magisterial district 7. Piney, including Shady Grove village. Shady Grove village Cumberland county. 2, 070 215 2,393 967 732 1,307 1,124 1,249 1,149 923 1, 922 1,291 951 1,948 428 216 769 1,118 15, 434 1880 L460 1,771 4,298 2, 292 4.5'9 2, 715 1, 234 3,956 12, 447 4, 925 1,229 863 2, 690 1,150 1,590 2,073 1,132 1,123 975 1,153 591 3,977 1,493 1,072 2,466 1,063 158 1,517 1, 531 8,452 2,555 970 2, 827 1,677 1,218 1, 803 L418 2, 302 1, 122 1,381 136 200 12, 115 1,636 1, 513 32,067 2, 277 1 814 1 548 ffl 260 10, 222 ; 3, 833 I 313 613 913 ; 1, 109 580 ( 372 1,275 1,264 2,031 1,241 I, 138 1, 040 1,110 652 11, 688 3,230 355 1,384 1,098 1,821 1,061 162 1, .518 1, 576 8,894 ]V[agisterial district 1. Burkesville, incl. 2,473 Burkesville village (ft) . e In 1880 in Todd county only. / Organized since 1880. a Exclusive of part of Winchester town. h Magisterial districts returned as precincts in 188Q, 3,512 POPULATIOK. 181 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. KENTUCKY— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Cumberland county — Coutinued. Magisterial district 2. Crocus Magisterial district 3. Wlietstone ... Magisterial district 4. Kettle Creeli- Magisterial district 7. Carey Magisterial district 5. Marrowbone.. Magisterial district 8. Leslie (b) Magisterial district 6. Carver 1890 Daviess county. Magisterial district 1. Lower Town, in- cluding part of Oweusboro city. Owensboro city (part of) Total for Owensboro city, in magis- terial districts I and 2. M.igisterial district 2. Upper Town, in- cluding part of Oweusboro city. Owensboro city (part of) Magisterial district 3. Yelvlugton Magisterial district 4. KnottsvUle, Incl. Knottsville village. KnottsvUle village Magisterial district 5. Boston, including Whitesville village. Whitesville village Magisterial district G. Murray Magisterial district 7. Curdsville, incl. Ciirdsville town. Curdsville town Magisterial district 8. Vanover Magisterial district 9. Oakford Magisterial district 10. Masonville Magisterial district 11. Sorghotowu Edmonson county Magisterial district 1. Brownsville, incl. Brownsville village. Brownsville village Magisterial district 2. Durbin Magisterial district 3. Sulphur Springs. Magisterial district 4. Pai ker Magisterial district 5. Fork Magisterial district G. Bee Spring Elliott county Precinct 1. Miirtinsburg, including Mar- tinsburg village. Martinsburg village Precinct 2. Bevils Fork Precincts. Newcomb Precinct 4. Little Fork Precinct 5. Moccasin Precinct G. Newfoundland, incl. New- foundland village. Newfoundland village Estill county (c) Magisterial district 1. Hard wick Creek . . Magisterial district 2. Irvine, including Irvine town (a). Magisterial district 3. Crooked Creek Magisterial district 4. Station Camp Magisterial district 5. Miller Creek Magisterial district C. F'orks Fayette county . 2,545 Magisterial district 1. Athens, including Athens town. Athens town Magisterial district 2. Brier Hill Magisterial district 3. Dog Fennel Magisterial district 4. Sahdcrsville Magisterial district 5. SonI h Elkhorn Magisterial district 6. East Hickman Magisterial district 7 (d), compris'g wards 1 and 2 of Lexington city. a Not separately returned. b Organized since 1880. c Magisterial districts returned as precincts in 18S0. rf Lexington city (population 10,050 in 1880), coextensive 000 725 1,771 1,018 33,120 1880 7, 304 3,661 9.837 9, 510 6,176 1,739 2, G70 215 1,095 2, 007 2, 945 341 1,404 1,720 977 1,029 1,772 11^ 1,225 1,103 2, 205 845 855 10, 830 1,018 2, 916 1,753 2, 013 2, 007 1,129 2,567 173 2, 462 2,187 2,941 2,010 1, 9.58 10, 132 401 800 ( 1, 275 ( 1, 1.56 p,458 < 232 27, 730 5.515 6,231 3,698 716 1,934 2, 024 157 1,614 309 2,041 2, 559 197 1,418 1,.37C 919 1,102 1,.513 116 1,090 1, 733 1, 549 761 570 6,567 1,C72 83 509 549 1,174 1,584 1, 079 9,860 501 1,676 2,426 1,454 2,097 1,706 29,023 1, 585 2,105 2, 509 1,874 1,749 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Fayette county— Continued. Magisterial district 8 (d), comprising wards 3 and 4 of Lexington city. Total for Lexington city, coextensive with magisterial districts 7 and 8. Ward I 4 , 793 Ward 2 , 5, 339 Wards 7,307 Ward 4 4 , 128 Fleming county Precinct 1. Sherburne, including Slier- burne town. Sherburne town Precinct 2. Mount Carmel, incl. Mount Carmel town. Mount Carmel town Precinct 3. Poplar Plains, inclndlngPop- lar Plains village. Poplar Plains village Precinct 4. Hillsboro, including Grange village and Hillsboro town. Grange village Hillsboro town Precinct 5. Tilton, incl. Tilton town Tilton town Precinct G. Centerville Precinct 7. Flemingsburg, incl. Flem- ingsburg town. Flemingsburg town Precinct 8. Muse Precinct 9. Elizaville, including Eliza- ville village and Nepton town. Elizaville village Nepton town Precinct 10. Pluuuucrs Mill Precinct 11. Battle Ituu (i) , Floyd county (e) Magisterial district 1 . Holbert Magisterial district 2. Middle Creek Magisterial district 3. A lien Magisterial district 5. Mouth of Mud... Magisterial district 0. Month of Beaver- Magisterial district 7. Johns Creek Magisterial district 8. Preston burg, in- cluding Prestouburg town. Prestonburg town Magisterial district 9. Clear Creek Magisterial district 10. Abbott ilagisterlal district 11. Bull Magisterial district 12. Antlocli Magisterial district 13. Hager Shoal Franklin county Magisterial district 1. Fr.ankfort, includ- ing Bell Point town and Frankfort city. l-!ell Point town ] . . Frankfort city Ward I 2 , 795 Ward 2 2 , 707 Ward 3 2 , 390 Magisterial district 2. Forks of Elkhorn . . Magisterial district 3. Peaks Mill Magisterial district 4. Bridgeport, incl. Bridgeport (a) and Farmdale villages. Farmdale village Magisterial district 5. Bald Knob Magisterial district 6. Benson Magisterial district -. Cedar Run (6) Magisterial district -. Flat Creek (6) 1890 Fulton county Magisterial district 1. Lodgetown Magisterial district 2. Cayce Magisterial district 3. Hickman, includ- ing Hickman town. Hickman town 11,435 21 ,567 16, 078 J 94 1,504 175 1,809 229 2,056 131 212 8.59 96 1,797 2, 902 1,172 1, 125 1,424 ,64 2r2 924 693 11, 256 750 1,119 1,251 1, 192 1,247 020 1,248 305 855 766 479 964 705 21, 207 12, 176 457 ,892 ,662 ,893 , 052 370 ,305 843 854 822 10, 005 1,298 1,527 3,803 1 ,652 1880 16,656 15, 221 810 177 1,518 i«5 1,805 278 2,210 194 986 94 1,728 2,658 788 1,935 723 10, 176 600 851 1,246 824 900 690 935 265 488 009 599 753 702 18, 099 9,937 249 6,95s 1,386 2,513 1,693 2,236 934 7,977 1,217 1,S12 3,186 1, 264 with magisterial districts 7 and 8, not returned by magis- terial districts in 1880. e Magisterial district 4 (population 913 in 1880) taken to form Knott county in 1884. 182 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 18&6. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. KENTUCKV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. FCLTON COUNTY— Continued. Magisterial district 4. Madrid Bend - . . - Magisterial district 5. Fulton, including Fulton town. Fulton town i---\\:\ Magisterial district G. Sassafras Kulge . . Gallatin county includ- Magisterial district 1. Hoggins . Magisterial district 2. Warsaw, , ing AVarsaw town. Warsaw town Magisterial di.strict 3. Napoleon Magisterial district 4. Sparta . - - -■■■■•■ Magisterial district 5. Glencoe, including Glencoe town (a). Gaekakd county. Precinct 1. Engine House (b) Precinct 2. Buckeye -.■-■■-; 1";.' Precinct 3. Court House, mcl. Lancaster town (a). . , i> + Precinct 4. Bryantsville, mcl. l.ryants- ville village. Bryantsville village Precinct 5. Brandy Springs (c) Grant county. Cordova magisterial district ((/) Corinth magisterial district (d) .. - - -. Crittenden magisterial district (c), eluding Crittenden town. Crittenden town. . . . . .... . • ; . • ■ • •■ ■ Cro.ss Koads magisterial district (lO - Downingsville magisterial district .. Dry Bidgo magisterial district (J) -■ Plat Creek magisterial dist rict Mason magisterial district (), incl. Kussell towii. Russell town 799 784 3,869 24, 138 3,022 "5 451 2,007 1,678 1,323 1,470 3,149 112 2,425 227 8, 070 145 2,go9 1,994 1,318 86 882 1,196 2,375 100 212 1,701 1,579 1,419 1,520 2, 918 Hancock county (7) Magisterial district 1. Hawesville, inc Hawesville city. Hawesville city ! Magisterial district 2. Lewisport, includ- ing Lewisport town. Lewisport town Magisterial district 3. PellviUe. inidud- ing Lyouia (a), PatesviUc, and Pellville towns. Patesville town PellviUe town ,• ■ Magisterial district 4. Lane, incl. Victoria town. Victoria town 2,168 129 5,417 Hardin county. 1, C92 99 1,294 919 1,076 Magisterial district 1. Elizabethtown, in- cluding Elizabethtown city. Elizabethtown city Magisterial dkstrict 2. Noliii Magisterial district 3. Wallinglbrd. incl. Sonora town. Sonora town Magisterial district 4. Stcphenslnirg Magisterial district 5. Meeting Creek . . . Magisterial district 6. .\llison Magisterial district 7. Haycraft, includ- ing Vine Grove town. Vine Grove town • Magisterial district 8. West Point, iiid. West Point village (a). 6,113 3,013 273 3, 151 1,768 2,420 133 1,069 1,154 11,463 1880 15, 784 3, 250 552 1,415 1,378 1, 705 2,021 1, 634 11,911 4.225 3, 421 235 2,911 1,736 2,414 1,077 11, 871 3,548 669 2,211 377 179 1, 3.52 2,190 1,161 1, 270 :.23 9. 214 3, 365 620 1,426 1, 369 1,837 1,990 1,884 13, 371 3, 810 833 2,408 321 3,282 T,OT3 2, 453 ■<35 2, .567 TI9 912 21, 304 1,862 2, 352 1,886 1,053 175 8,563 S72 362 5,603 260 625 1.51 228 419 496 844 0(i8 1,733 22, 564 6,880 2,526 1,872 2, 153 402 629 277 433 a Not separately returned. h Given as precinct 5 in 1880. c Given as precinct 1 in 1880. .,,.,.-. ,oon d Part taken to form Mason magisterial district since IbSO. e Part takeu to form Dry Eidge magisterial district since 1880. /Organized from parts of Crittenden and Williamstown magisterial districts since 1880. „.,,., -,, , « Organized from parts of Cordova, Cormtli, Cross Koads, and Williamstown magi.sterial districts since 1880. h Parts taken to form Dry Kidge and Mason magisterial districts since 1880. i Organized since 1880. i Formerly Goalders. k Part taken to form precinct 3 since 1880. I Organized from part of precinct 2 since 1880. m Formerly precinct 3. 11 Formerly precinct 4. Formerly precinct 5. V Forinerly precinct 6. ^ , 1 ■ n Comparison with population for 1880 can not be made ; lu formation as to changes in minor civU divisions incomplete. I^OPULATION. 183 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. KENTUCKY— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Hardin county— Continued. Magisterial district 9. Atcher Magisterial district 10. Colesburg Magisterial district 11. Betblehem (a) ... Harlan tounty (h) Magisterial district 1. Mount Pleasant, including Harlan town. Harlan town Magisterial district 2. Martin Fork Magisterial district 3. Clover Fork Magisterial di.strict 4. Upper Poor Fork Magisterial district .'). Forrester Cr. (a) . Magisterial district G. Wallin Creek Magisterial district 7. Puckett Creek. . Magisterial district 8. Lower Poor Fork Magisterial district 9. BrierfieldGap.-. Magisterial district 10. Catron Creek . - . Magisterial district 11. Straight Creek. . Harrison county Magisterial district 1. Cynthiaua, includ- ing Cyuthiana city. (Jlynthiana city Magisterial district 2. Buena Vista Magisterial district 3. Eicliland Magisterial district 4. Berry, including Berry town (c). Magisterial district 5. Rutland Magisterial district 6. Cason Magisterial district 7. Leesbnrg, includ- ing Leesbtirg village. Leesburg village Magisterial districts. Claysville, includ- ing Claysville town. Claysville town Hart county. Magisterial district 1. Munfordville, in- cluding Bonnieville, Muul'ordviUe, and Rowlett towns (c). Magisterial district 2. Priceville } . . Magisterial district 6. Cub Run (a) -S '" Magisterial district 3. Hammonville, in- cluding Hanimonville town (c). Maeisterial district 4. Haidyville, incl. ifardyville and Three S])rings towns (c). Magisterial district 5. Horse Cave, incl. Horse Cave town. Horse Cave town Magisterial district 7. Waterloo (o) Henderson county Magisterial district 1. Smith Mills Magisterial district 2. Corydon, includ- ing Corydon town. Corydon town Magisterial district 3. Cairo, including Cairo town. Cairo town Magisterial district 4. Niagara (d) Magisterial district 5. Henderson, incl. Audubon village and Henderson citj-. Audubon village Henderson city Ward 1 1 ,918 Ward 2 ^,45^ Ward 3 3 ) 583 Ward 4 1,883 Magisterial district 6. Hebbards villi;, in- cluding Hebbardsville town (c). Magisterial district 7. Point Magisterial district 8. Spottsville, incl. Spottsville town. Spottsville town 963 8.59 943 6, 197 1,491 820 361 964 633 ,548 468 C31 615 394 570 453 283 290 480 376 269 299 382 297 185 185 6,015 3,016 1, 366 1,399 2, 300 1,472 1,990 1, 359 lOI 1,013 16, 439 1880 4,321 3,212 2, 475 3, 527 1,917 598 987 29, 536 1,807 2, 518 777 1,414 1,000 1,015 ,278 16, .504 5,126 2,10T 1,699 1,480 2, 244 1,406 1,.549 1,692 107 1,308 134 17, 133 4,226 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 3,012 3, 882 3,245 526 24, .515 2, 538 2,789 544 , 696 209 1,176 13, 194 107 1, 102 10, 100 G93 8,835 5,365 2, 351 2,280 1,270 1,659 978 1,675 513 448 1890 Henderson county' — Continued. Magisterial district 9. Robard, iuclud iug Robard town. Robard town Magisterial district 10. Geneva (a) Magisterial district 11. Dixie (a) Henry county Campbellsburg magisterial district, incl. Campbellsburg and Sulphur villages. Campbellsburg village Sulphur village Franklinton magisterial district Jericho magisterial district Lockport magisterial district, including Lockport village. Lockport village Newcastle magisterial district, including Eminence and Newcastle towns. Eminence town Newcastle town Pleasureville magisterial district, includ- ing North Pleasureville village and Pleasureville town. North Pleasureville village Pleasureville town PortRoyalmagisterial district, including Turner village. Turner village Hickman county Magisterial district 1. Coluinbus, in<-lud- ing Columbus city. Columbus city Ward I 285 Ward 2 186 Ward 3 402 M.agisterial district 2. Clinton, including Clinton city. Clinton city Magisterial district 3. Hayes Magisterial district 4. McAlister Magisterial district 5. Moscow, including Moscow village. Moscow village Magisterial district 6. Springhill Hopkins county Magisterial district 1. Curtail, including Morton Gap and White Plains towns. Morton Gap town White Plains town Magisterial district 2. Court House, ex- clusive of part of Madisonville town. Magisterial district 3. Hanson, in- 1 eluding Hanson town. I ,^. Hanson town (/) 376 M ' " Magisterial district 8. AshbysburgJ Magisterial 757 2,383 1,818 1,902 2,177 1,003 37, 371 5,438 13, 762 Barboursville precinct boursville town. Barboursville town Brush Creek precinct Flat Lick precinct Greys Station precinct (0) Indian Creek precinct Payne precinct Poplar Creek precinct Stinking Creek iirecinct. . including Bar- Larue county (7). Magisterial districts 1 to 8, including Buffalo village aud Hodgensville town. Buffalo village Hodgensville town Laurel county. Precinct 1. Loudon, including London town (a) and part of Pittsburg town. Pittsburg town (part of) Total for Pittsburg town, in precincts I and IT. Precinct 2. Raccoon Precinct 3. Mershoris Cross Roads Precinct 4. Bush Preciuct 5. McHargue Precinct 6. Ne wcomb 3,746 1,162 927 1, 815 1,971 831 2, 255 1, 205 1,012 1880 13, 747 4,119 509 541 1, 491; 878' 1,438 1,283 8C3 710 671 1,015 1,090 43, 983 G,073 73° 1,526 2, 187 1,964 1,930 2,109 29, 720 10, 587 2, C41 250 687 1,338 1,677 1,919 1,310 1,015 9,131 2,438 j-2, 287 1,284 1,102 450 i Formerly Wood. j Formerly Middletowu. k Organized since 1880 from Fisherville and Seatonville magisterial districts (population 1,325 in 1880). i Formerly Twomile House. m Formerly Meadow Lawn. n Organized since 1880 from Shardine and Spring Garden magisterial districts (population 2,982 in 1880). Organized since 1880. p Organized from parts of Breathitt, Floyd, Letcher, Magof- fin, and Perry counties in 1884; not retui-ned by magisterial districts. q Magisterial districts not separately returned. /■ Not separately returned in 1880. POPULATION. 185 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. KENT ITCKV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ladeel codnty— Coutiuued. Precinct 7. Rockhouse Precinct 8. Stepping Rock Precinct 9. Kemper Precinct 10. Independence Precinct 11. EastBernstadt(a), including Altamout town, Hazle Patcli village and part of Pitt.sburg town. Altamont town Hazle Patch village I'ittsburg town (part of) Lawrence codnty Magi-sterial district 1. East Pork Magisterial district 2. Dry Fork Magisterial district 3. Palls of Blaine Magisterial district 4. Hood Pork Magisterial district 5. Little Blaine Magisterial district 6. Peach Orcliard . . Magisterial district 7. Rockcastle Magisterial district 8. Lyon Magisterial district 9. Louisa, including Louisa town. Louisa town Magisterial district 10. Georges Creek.. Magisterial district 11. Clayton Magisterial district 12. Bear Creek Magisterial disti'ict 13. Twin ]5rauchc» . Lee county (h) Precinct 1. Sturgeon I'recinct 2. Proctor, incl. Proctor town . . Proctor town Precinct 3. Coal Brancli, including part of Three Forks town (c). Precinct 4. Thomas, including part of Three Forks town (c). Pi'eeinct 5. Beattyville, including Beatty ville town (c). Precinct C. Old Landing Leslie county. Magisterial district 1. Hyden, including Hyden town. Hyden town Magisterial district 2. Big Creek Magisterial district 3. Marrowbone Magisterial district 4. White Oak Magisterial district 5. Cutshin Magisterial district 6. Bad Creek (a) Letcher county (rf) Magisterial district 1. Whitesbnrg, in- cluding Whitesliurg town (c). Magisterial district 2. Millstone Magisterial district 3. Rockhouse Magisterial district 4. Indian Bottom (e) Magisterial district 5. Cumberland Magisterial district 6. Linefork Magisterial district 7. Cowan (/) Magisterial district 8. Elkhorn (a) Lewis county . Precinct 1 . Mower Precinct 2. Concord, incl. Concord to wn - . Concord town Precinct 3. Vauceburg, including Vance- burg town. Vanceburg town Precinct 4. Quincy, incl. Quincy village . Quincy village 1890 265 450 639 351 279 372 679 397 1,813 215 258 32 17, 702 13, 202 807 626 1,475 1, 244 1,370 799 2,317 1,131 1,275 1,231 1,973 1, 020 063 508 813 722 2,689 2,394 834 496 1,.590 1,406 759 558 1, 165 910 806 713 6,205 453 963 277 1 252 985 1,616 936 3,964 1,295 1,355 80 57 363 451 701 919 347 306 1,034 709 224 0, 920 1,211 1,122 1,048 1,055 832 004 4.32 616 14, 803 1,240 1,552 ,891 T ,TIO 1,701 279 1880 4,254 3,740 6,601 1,019 941 824 722 719 .547 395 13, 154 1,335 1,592 17B 2,917 1,405 162 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lewis county — Continued. Precinct 5. Laurel Precinct 6. Esculapia Precinct 7. Tolesboro Precinct 8. Henderson Precinct 9. Elk Fork Lincoln county Precinct 1. Stanford (17), including Row- land village and Stanford town. Rowland village Stanford town Precinct 2. Walnut Flat. Precinct 3. Crab Orchard, including Crab Or<;hard village. Crab Orchard village Precinct 4. Waynesbnrg (h) Precinct 5. Hustonville, including llus- tonville village. Hustonville village Precinct 0. Turnersville, iniduding Mc- Kinney village. Mcl^inney village Precinct 7. Highland Precinct — . Hubble (i) Precinct — . Kingsvillo (j) - Livingston county Magisterial district 1. Smithland, includ- ing Smithland town. Smithland town (4) Magisterial district 0. Panhandle Magisterial district 2. Driskill Magisterial district 3. Salem Magisterial district 4. Dyer Hill Magisterial distri<;t5. Carrsville, includ- ing Carrsville town. Carrsville town Magisterial district 7. Lola (a) Logan county Magisterial district 1. Rus.scllville, incl. Russellville town. Russell ville town Magisterial district 2. Adairville, includ ing Adairville town (c). Magisterial district 3. Keysburg Magisterial district 4. Cordonsville Magisterial district 5. Haidison, includ- ing Lewisburg town. Lewisburg town Magisterial district 6. Fillmore Magisterial district 7. Clay, incl. Auburn tOWTl. Auburn town Magisterial district 8. Shochoh Magisterial district 9. Hogan Lyon county . Magisterial district 1 . Eddy viUe, includ- ing Eddyville and Kuttawa towns. Eddy ville town Kuttawa town Magisterial district 2. Lamasco, includ- ing Lamasco town. Lamasco town Magisterial district 3. Ladies Spring 1890 1,387 1,792 1,496 943 1, 795 761 1,250 1,434 910 1,550 15,962 15, 080 4, 770 4,551 51Z 1,385 876 2, 623 m2I3 894 2,681 453 1,448 2,049 538 1,440 2,775 435 1,440 353 1,198 226 1, 395 347 200 1,.541 414 McCracken county. Magisterial district 2. Clark River. Magisterial district 3. Hayes Magisterial district 4. Howser 9,474 1, 547 541 254 1,616 1,453 1,739 2, 231 240 634 23, 812 i,011 ■,253 ,370 976 ,786 ,832 224 ,926 ,212 613 ,358 ,341 7,628 4,741 680 587 1,343 21, 051 1,354 1,786 1,054 1880 a Organized since 1880. b Not returned by precincts in 1880. c Not separatel y returned. d Magisterial districts 4, 8, and 10 (population 1,434 in 1880) taken to form Knolt ciiiiiity in 1884; magisterial districts re- turned as lu'cciucts ill IK.Soi ^ « Formerly precinct 7. /Formerly precinct 9; given as Cawman in 1880. g Part taken to form Hubble precinct since 1880. h Part taken to form KingsvUle precinct since 1880. i Organized from part of precinct 1 since 1880. j Organized from part of precinct 4 .since 1880. k Population in 1880, 570. I Not separately returned in 1880. 9,165 12, 039 1,388 1,010 1,015 2, 507 178 24, 358 5, 783 2,058 3, 326 1,175 1,852 3,231 III 2,259 3,404 682 1,269 2,059 6,768 3,874 390 204 1,701 49 1, 193 16, 202 949 1,804 1,196 186 OOMPEKDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. KEIVTCCKV— Continued. MmOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 McCracken county— Continued. Magisterial district 5. Woodville Magisterial district 6. Rice ■ Magisterial district 7, exclusive ot part of Paducah city. • . • i Paducali city (a), comprising magisterial district 1 and part ot 7. Wardl ^'lll Ward 2 f'"V« Ward 3 - 1.318 .... 2, 720 2, ao6 Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. McLean county. Magisterial district 1. Paimsey, including Kumsey town. Rumsev town • • • • ■ • ■ • ; ■ ■ Magisterial district 2. bacramento, lutl. Sacramento village. Sacramento village ■ ■ • • ■ ■ • ■ Magisterial district 3. Livermore, includ- ing Livermore town. 2,610 1,171 279 12, 797 1880 9,887 Livermore town : • ■ ; • •,■.' ' ' ' Magisterial district 4. Vienna, including part of Calhoun town. Calhoun town (part of )..... ... Total for Calhuuii town, m magis- terial districts 4 and 7. Magisterial district 5. -J ob . - Magisterial district 0. Island. • ■ - Magisterial district 7. Kast Calhimu, in- cluding part of Calhoun town. Calhoun town (pari of ) Madison county Magisterial district 1. Kichmoud, includ- ing Kichmond town. Richmond town Magisterial (listri. Cadiz, including Cadiz and Montgomery towns. Cadiz town Montgomery town •■ • • Magisterial district 7. Cherry Hill Trimble county . Magisterial district 1. Milton and Trout, including Milton village. .Milton village ■•.■■•,■;.•■•• Magisterial district 2. Bedlord, including Bedford town. Bedford town ; Magisterial district :!. l>ro>-idence and Antioch(6). Magisterial district 4. Abbott Magisterial district 5. I'aliuyra Union county . Mringfield town Magisterial district 3. I'ottsville Magisterial district 4. Ma<-kville M:ii:istrrial district 5. North ((/) Magisterial ilist lict ti. Willisburg ISIagisti'rial district 7. (Hriiville Magisterial district 8. llendrcu Wayne county. Precinct 1. Monticello(c), including Mon- ticello town. Monticello town Precinct 2. Mullentown (/) Precinct 3. Slick Ford Precinct 4. Parmleyville Precinct 5. Sinking ( 2,942 2,647 1.376 1,259 984 1,342 1,656 A since 1880, POPULATION. 191 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. K.EIVTUCK.V— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Whitley county— Continued. Precinct 10 Jellico Creek (a) 1,493 990 7.180 i '■ Wolfe county— Continued. Precinct 7. Hed liiver 535 535 12, 380 375 Precinct 11. Pleasant View {a) Precincts. Antiocli 49(i 5,638 Woodford county 11 800 682 1,478 2l8 1,590 652 710 998 513 1,142 132 1,286 I02 571 379 946 Magisterial district 1. Midway, iiicliiding Midway town. Midway town Magisterial di.strict 2. Millville Precinct 2. Hazl'e Green, including Hazle Green town. 2, 660 .,185 1,096 6,147 1,119 1,358 2, 318 Precincts. Campton, incl. Campton tn... 930 5,995 Magisterial district 3. Versailles, includ- ing Versailles town (6). Magisterial district 4. Morton.s ville Magisterial district 5. Clover Eottom Precinct 4 Chalybeate Precinct 5 Holly 1,270 1,287 a Organized since 1880. 6 H'ot separately returned. JLOVIS^IAIVA. minor CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Acadia parish (a) . Ward 1, incl. Crowley and Rayne villages . Crowley village Rayne village Ward 2 AVard 3, inclndirig Church Point town (6) Ward 4, including Millersville town Millersville town Ward 5, including Mermenton town (6) . Ascension parish Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3, coextensive with Donaldsonville town. Ward 4 Ward 5, including Darrow town Darrow town Ward 6, including Southwood \'illag6 Southwood village Ward 7 Ward 8 Assumption parish. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5, including LabadievUle village. Labadieville village Ward 6 Ward 7, including Napoleonville town . Napoleonville town Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Avoyelles parish (c) (b). (b). Ward 1 Ward 2, including Marksville town. Marksville town (d) S4o AVard 5 .. Ward 3, including Mansura town.. Mansura town 144 Ward 4 Ward 6 Ward 7 W aid 8 Ward 9, including Cottonport and Ever green towns (6). AVard 10, incl. Bunkie and Eola towns. . . Runkie town Eola town 13, 231 4,502 420 569 2,118 3,347 1,751 62 1,513 ,222 ,527 ,121 ,182 ,713 ,272 202 ,021 ,487 19, 629 2,189 1,612 2,051 894 3,018 408 403 3,300 723 2, 368 635 2,413 716 25, U2 4,665 3,359 2, 634 2, 983 4,832 3,628 a Organized from part of St. Landry parish b Not separately returned. C Not retumed'by wards in 1880. 3,011 299 227 in 1886 2. 384 2, 778 2,600 1,967 2, 394 1,977 1,594 17, 010 1,751 1,578 1,584 907 1,122 2l6 984 3,396 497 1,952 826 2, 232 678 16, 747 minor civil divisions. Bienville parish. AVard 1, including xVrcaxUa town Arcadia town Ward 2, including Gibsland town (h) . Wards W.iid4 AVard 5 Ward 6 Bossier parish (c) , AVard 1 AVard 2, including Bossier village Bossier village Ward 3, including Plain Dealing town (6) . AVard 4 AVard 5 AVard 6, including BellevueandHaughton villages. Bellevue village Haughton village Caddo parish Ward 1(c) Ward 4, exclusive of Shreveport city AVard 2 Ward 3 Ward5 AVard 6 Ward7 AVard 8 Shreveport city, in ward 4 (e) AA'ard 1 ' 1, 017 AVard 2 1, 361 AVard 3 1, 025 AVard 4 4, 293 AVard 5 3,015 AVard 6 1, 268 Calcasieu parish Ward 1. Hickory Flat , Ward 2. Mermenton, including Jennings and Welsh towns. Jennings town Welsh town AVard 3. Lake Charles, including Lake Charles town. Lake Charles town Ward 4. Vincent Settlement Ward 5. Lower Sabine T. . Ward 6. Upper Sabine Ward 7 . Suga itown , AVard 8. Uarncs Creek 1890 14, 108 3,722 20, 330 3, 260 6,492 202 2, 294 1,679 2,138 4,467 212 305 31,3.55 3, 977,» 632< 840 3, 022 2,941 3, 316 1,448 3,400 11, 979 20. 176 2,996 3, 170 5,771 3.442 1,406 1, .545 1,226 2,417 1, 645 1880 10, 442 1,924 1, 603 1, .358 2, .5(10 1, 327 1, 7.30 16, 042 26, 296 /4, .306 696 2,868 2,914 2,979 1,754 2,770 8,009 12, 484 1,795 973 1,329 1,098 1,347 1, 945 1.176 d Population iu 1880, 553. e Shreveport city returned as in wards 1 and 4 in 1880, /Not separately returned in 1880, 192 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPtTLATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IiOUISIANA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Caldwell parish 1890 5,814 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 •-•■ Ward 4, including Columbia town. Columbia town Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Cameron parish. Ward 1. Cow I.slaiid Ward 2. Grand Chonier . Ward 3. Cameron Ward 4. Kig Lake Ward 5. Johnson Bayou. 1,136 649 384 1,123 352 755 237 506 126 476 422 2, 828 1880 5,767 Catahoula parish . 1. Ward Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 - •■---• Ward 8, including Harrisonburg village Harrisonburg village Ward 9, including Jonesvillo town Jonesville town (a) Ward 10 335 705 941 480 367 12, 002 Claiborne parish . Wardl. Ward 2. 816 1, 132 670 1,381 496 583 2, 159 1,451 359 2,352 172 962 23, 312 War< Ward 4 Waid 5 Ward 6 ■ - - - ■ ■ Ward 7, incl. Arizona vill.andHomercity. Arizona village Homer city Wards Concordia parish . Waril 1 , including Blackhawt village Blaclihawk village Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4. Waid 5(6), including Vidalia town. Vidaiia town W^ard 6 (6) Ward 7...- Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 3,072 2, 683 3, 375 1,984 2, 536 2, 243 4,568 T48 T , t ^2 2, 851 14, 871 I)K Soto parish Ward 1, including Kcatchio town Keatchie town Ward 2 W ard 3 ■„-,%-•-.:; " Ward 4, including Mansfield village. . . Mansfield village Ward 5 --- .-- Ward 6, including Grand Cane village. Grand Cane village Ward 7 - Ward 8, including Logansport town. . . Logansport town 1,386 323 1,087 993 1,053 2, 420 821 2, 031 1,813 1,584 1,454 1,050 19, 860 2,759 326 2, 538 3, 038 3, 665 go8 1,632 3,207 351 2,120 901 281 a Formerly Trovville. b Part of ward 6 given to ward 5 since 1880, c Not separately returned. d Wot separately returned in 1880. e Not returned by wards in 1880, 300 431 795 293 591 10, 277 MINOR CIVIL divisions. East Baton Kouge parish Ward 1, comprising part of Baton Kouge city, "total for Baton Rouge city, coexten- sive with wards i and 2. Ward 2, comprising part of Baton Kouge city. Waril 3 AVard 4 W ard 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 1890 25, 922 East Carroll parish. 745 964 539 720 332 601 1,539 1, 396 243 2, 282 qo 1,159 18, 837 2,404 2,349 2, 656 1,900 1, 842 1,637 4,068 136 718 1, 975 14, 914 Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3, including Lake Providence town Lake Providence town Ward 4 Ward 5 East Feliciana parish. 1880 19, 966 3,972 10,478 7,197 4,527 3,325 2,313 1,793 4,886 3, 263 1,380 782 1,403 1,402 855 1, 207 2,125 1,836 1,295 1, 314 1,187 1,082 12, 362 1,835 1,051 1,115 1,056 2, 169 449 2,82(1 1,668 1, 346 1,193 661 15, 603 AVard 1, including Slaughter town (c) . AVard2 Wai-d 3, including Jack.sou town Jackson town AVard 4, including Wilson town Wilson town Ward 5, including Clinton town Clinton town Ward 6 AVard 7 Wards 2, 176 3, 049 3,485 642 2,017 1,635 17, 903 12,134 4,352 1,586 2,419 Franklin parish . Wardl. AVard 2. AVard 3. AVard 7. AVard 8. AVard 4. AVard 5. AVard 6. AVard 9. 3,717 1,569 3,529 1 ,276 2,104 281 2,480 974 1, 429 1,615 1,460 6,900 2, 021 1,756 15, 132 2,250 1,137 3,113 880 1,746 2,166 316 2, 072 1,949 3, 126 770 1 , 746 2, 685 1,270 589 Grant parish (f) ;(C) AVard 1, including Colfax town . ("olfax town Wanl 2 I AVard 3 j AVard 4 AVard 5 AV ar d 6 AVard 7, including Montgomery town. Montgomery town 729 980 923) 1, 046> S52^ 993 893 345 639 8, 270 2,501 1,129 1,537 1,361 1,487 6,495 552 943 d2,421 960 737 328 554 6,188 lUKRIA PARISH . AVard 1. Crapovillo (/) AVard 2. Isle Piqnanto Ward 3. Belle Place AVard 4. Fausse Pointe AVard 5. Coleau Ward 6, including New Iberia town . . . New Iberia town Ward 7. Petite Anse (j;) Wards. Avery Island (A) Ward 9 (i), including Jeanerette town. J eanerette town 1 f Part taken to form ward 9 since 1880. y Part taken to form ward 8 since 1880. h Organized from part of ward 7 since 1880. i Organized from part of ward 1 since 1880, 2, 325 161 2, 942 019 169 718 1, 497 144 20, 997 1,298 1,583 T, 368 2, 300 2,287 5, 829 3.447 2,171 339 3, 822 1.309 16, 676 3,801 1,471 1,169 2, 237 1,806 4,303 2,709 1,889 698 POPULATION. 193 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS —CoBtinued. liOUISIAWA-Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Iberville parish. Ward 1, including Bayou Goula, Dorcy- viUe, and Whitecastle villages. Bayoii Goula village Dorcyville village Whitecastle village Ward 2 Ward 3, coextensive with Plaqneniine tn Ward 4 Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8- Ward 9. Jackson parish Ward 1 . Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. "Ward 5. Jefferson parish Ward 1, coextensive with McPonough- ville town. McDonoiighviIle town Ward 2, comprising part of Gretna town Gretna town (part of) Total for Gretna town, coextensive with wards 2 and 3. Ward 3, comprising part of Gretna town Gretna town (part of) Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7, including Camp Parapet and New Carrollton villages. Camp Parapet village New Carrollton village Ward 8 Ward 9 Kenner city Lafayette parish Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3, incl. Carencro and Lafayette tns Carencro town Lafayette town Ward 4 Ward 5 AVard 6 (a) Lafourche parish , Ward J Ward 2, including Thibodeaux town . . Thibodeaux town Ward 3 4 5 6 7 Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 9, including Longueville village Longueville village WardlO Lincoln parish. Ward 1, including Euston town . . Ruston town Ward2 Ward 3, including Simsboro town Simsboro town Ward4 Wards Ward6 a Organized since 1880. 6 Part taken to form ward 10 .since 1880. 372 13 1890 21, 848 0,025 769 50s 603 3, 304 :!, 222 2,321 1,26:! 2, 335 973 1,119 1,286 7, 453 1880 872 2,229 1,274 1,522 1,556 13, 221 2,235 2,235 1,241 1 ,241 3.332 2, 091 2,091 1,009 1,040 2,438 1,106 744 201 497 611 953 15, 966 2,436 2,267 5, 582 289 2 , 106 2, 534 2, 334 813 22, 095 2,494 4, 002 2, 078 1,855 1,820 3, 686 1, 333 3, 139 792 1,531 228 1,443 14, 753 4,043 767 1,558 2,431 248 2,472 2,520 1,729 17, 544 4, 397 2, 905. 2, 061 2,513 1,316 1,598 1,074 810 870 5, 328 710 1,266 961 1,349 1,042 12, 166 2,286 1,229 2 , ;ig6 1,970 921 439 1,.596 1,288 1,279 188 970 2,101 2,406 4,143 2, 655 1,930 2, 260 3, 070 I. .SIS 1,719 1,373 3, 640 1, 316 3, 2'79 554 780 TCI 1,122 11, 075 2,529 1,369 1,755 1,919 2,370 1,133 iMINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Livingston parish Ward 1.... Ward 2.... Ward 3.... Ward 4... Ward 5... Ward 6 (b) Ward 7... Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 (c) . Madison parish. Ward 1 , "Ward 2, including Delta village Delta village "Wards Ward 4 Ward5 Ward 6 "Ward 7 Morbhodsb parish. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4, including Ba.strop town (rf) . Ward 5, including Oak Ridge town . . Oak Ridge town Ward "Ward 7 Ward 8 AVard 9 Ward 10 Natchitoches parish . Ward 1, including Natchitoches town . . . Natchitoches town "Ward 2, including Lake village Lake village "Ward 3 "Ward 4, including Campti village Campti village Ward 5, Including Marthaville town Marthaville town Ward 6, including Robeline town and part of "Victoria town. Robeline town Victoria town (part of) Total for Victoria tn., in wanis6 anri 7. "Ward 7, including Provencal and Rob ertsville towns and part of Y ictoria tn Provencal town Robertsville town Victoria town (part of) Ward 8 Ward 9 WardlO Orleans parish New Orleans city, coextensive with Or- 242,039 leans parish. Ward 1 13, 993 Ward 2 16,406 Ward 3 28,241 AVard 4 12,890 Ward 5 2I, 474 "Ward 6 14,516 "Ward 7 22, 361 "Ward 8 11,087 "Ward 9 17,143 "Ward 10 20, 789 "Ward 11 21,011 Ward 12 12, 265 Ward 13 7, 485 AVard 14 4, 927 Ward 15 10, 334 AVard 16 3, 530 A\^ard 17 3,587 c Organized from part of ward 6 since 1880. d Not separately returned. 1890 821 922 670 421 526 494 611 488 225 591 14, 135 1,561 2,716 320 2,718 2,938 1,471 1,043 1,688 1,577 1,041 325 1,884 3, 732 296 3, 085 831 2,013 301 1,997 25, 836 4,647 1,820 2,220 458 1,724 3,927 310 1,703 676 119 422 ,316 482 303 635 2,110 242, 039 1880 5, 258 675 723 669 393 705 788 617 412 276 1,609 2, 486 399 3, 055 2, 752 1,682 936 1,386 14, 206 1,459 903 446 1,815 2,861 2,403 799 1,742 234 1,544 19, 707 3,631 2,785 1, 582 27 1,188 3, 299 lOI 2,403 133 3, 313 2,163 216, 090 216, 090 194 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. I.OUI8IA1VA— Continued. MtNOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ouachita parish . 1890 17, 985 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3, including Monroe city Monroe city • • • • Ward 1 6'5 Ward 2 '.°45 Ward 3 ^9° Ward 4 9°° Ward 4 Ward 5^ including West Monroe village. West Monroe village Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Plaqubminks parish Ward 1 ■.•■■•;■:,","■ Ward 2, including Belau-, BertrandvilJe, and St. Sophie villages. Belair village Bertrandville village St Sophie village Ward 3 4^- ■, ■ " :,; Ward 4, including Salt Works vdlage . . Salt Works village Ward 5 ■ Ward 6, including Oakvillc ^^llage Oakville village ■ • Ward 7, including Jesuit Bend village . Jesuit Bend village Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 PoiNTB Coupee parish . Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 10 Rapides parish Ward 1. Alexandria, incl. Alexandria tn. Alexandria town Ward 2. Lanidurie Ward 3. Cheney ville Ward 4. Spriughill Ward 5. Hineston - Ward 6. Calcasieu Ward 7. Cotile. including Boy ce town . . Boyce town Ward 8. Kapides Ward 9. Pineville, incl. Pineville village Pine ville village Ward 10. Kigolette Kbd River parish. Ward 1, including Coushatta town. Coushatta town Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Richland parish Ward 1, including Delhi town. Delhi town a Population in 1880, 414. 6 Not separately returned in 1880. 2,780 1,276 6,241 3,256 1,837 1,855 447 1,237 1,230 805 724 12, 541 1880 14, 685 1,126 1,670 405 205 566 1,898 1,639 212 364 1,098 390 886 241 616 1,725 1,519 19, 613 27, 642 4,950 2,861 4, 031 4,272 1, 7.34 1,265 824 3,048 301 3,824 2,195 S40 1,499 11,318 1,811 619 1,507 1,481 3,116 3,403 10, 230 2,370 1,149 4,864 2 ,070 1,623 1,815 "838 959 !577 490 11, 575 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Richland parish— Continued. Ward 2, including Ray ville village. Ray ville village Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Ward 7 1890 1880 2,235 620 1,510 136 1,791 1,212 167 1,501 993 977 1,607 17, 785 1,138 1,504 2,624 2,416 3,107 2,092 1,412 1,471 2,317 1.480 709 1,305 1,269 1,457 3, 472 2,965 1,884 1,667 1,681 1,438 Sabine parish . Ward 1. Middle Creek Ward 2. Toro Ward S. Negreet - Ward 4. Many, including Many village. Many village Ward 5. Bayou Sea Ward 6. San Patrice Ward 7. Bayou San Miguel Ward 8. Little Bayou Sea St. Bernard parish. Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3- Ward4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. St. Charles parish 23, 563 3, 730 1 ,800 3,089 4,131 1.307 1,333 697 2, 566 'i'gii) 2,117 763 1,074 8,573 Ward 1, including Freetown andHahnville villages. Freetown village Hahnville village (o) ■ • Ward 2, incl. Flaggville, GaasenviUe, and Madisonville villages. Flaggville village Gassenville village Madisonville village Ward 4 Wards -■•.,-,■•■.;,■ Ward 5, including Elkmsville village Elkinsville village St. Helena parish . Ward 1 ■ ■ ,- ■ • Ward 2, including Greensburg town (c) . ( ireensburg town Ward 3 (c) Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 1,800 488 858 840 3,277 1,798 8,440 St. James parish . 315 Wardl- Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6- Ward7. Ward 8. St. John the Baptist parish. Ward 1 . . Waid2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. 2,099 366 1,617 1,924 558 ,390 1,017 974 1,366 2, 050 133 888 935 1,209 351 4,326 7,737 2, 506 403 447 2,1991 338 274 469 1,271 896> 865^ 220 8,062 1,722 2,130 280 1,676 1,142 727 665 1.484 216 1,683 1,439 849 540 749 7,344 771 .,87'- 1, t'lS 1, 990 2,618 2,567 1,208 11,359 2,055 j 1,425 1,675 2,267 2,648 1,289 ! Greensburg town returnsd as in ward 3 in 1880. 723 627 986 1,948 '43 540 1,091 1,064 365 4,405 823 698 796 693 nil 999 569 773 449 235 388 425 290 582 bb, 501 61,660 7,504 1,659 1,630 297 1,537 1, 092 646 940 .715 1 14,714 2,167 1,785 1,897 1,863 1,800 2,101 2, 317 784 r,086 1,797 1,649 1,294 811 2,151 1,984 POPULATION. 195 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. liOUISIAIVA -Continued. MINOR Civil, DIVISIONS. St. Landry parish (a) . Ward 1, including Opelousas town Opelousas town Ward 2, including Grand Coteau town. . . Grand Coteau town Ward 3, including Amaudville town (b) . Ward 4, including Melville to^vu Melville town Ward 5, including Washington town. . . . Washington town Ward 6 Ward 7, including Ville Platte town (6) . Ward 8 Ward 9 1890 St. Martin parish . Ward 1, including St. Martinsville village. St. Martinsville village Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4, including Breaux Bridge village. Breaux Bridge village Wards St. Mary parish . Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3, including Franklin town Franklin town Ward 4, including Centerville village Centerville village Ward 5, including Patterson town Patterson town Ward 6, including Berwick village and Morgan city. Berwick village . . . Morgan city St. Tammany parish . Ward 1, including Madisonville town Madisonville town Ward 2 Ward 3, including Covington town Covington town Ward 4, including Mandeville town . . . Mandeville town Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 (c) Ward 9, including Slidell town Slidelltown Tangipahoa parish Ward 1, including Tangipahoa town (b) . Ward 2 Ward 3, including Amite, Areola, and Roselaud towns. Amite town Areola town Roseland town Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Ward 7, including Hammond and Poncha- toula towns. Hammond town Ponchatoula town Ward 8 Tensas parish. Ward 1 Ward 2 ." Ward 3, including St. Joseph town. St. Joseph town 40,250 1880 40, 004 8,099 1.572 4,106 333 3,292 3, 7.5] 361 8, .303 1 ,064 2,935 3, 921 4,008 1,835 14, 884 5,052 1,814 239 2,975 4,031 654 2,587 22, 416 2,571 2,855 6,019 2, 127 2, 643 4U 3,399 1,414 4,929 769 2,291 10, 160 7,747 1 ,676 3,683 302 3,323 3, 319 7,961 1,194 1,986 4,500 3, 970 3,515 12, 663 4,385 1,606 777 1,824 3,125 443 2,552 19, 891 1,132 574 949 2, 383 Q76 1, .597 1 ,012 577 879 670 1,053 920 364 12, 655 1,639 1,347 2, 898 1 ,510 233 281 1,800 1,262 927 2.430 459 346 16, 647 2,770 2,181 4,756 1,702 2,538 254 2,832 500 4,811 796 2,015 6,887 955 441 694 1,255 567 1,304 753 390 335 680 600 502 9,638 1,260 1,089 2,169 1,373 1,129 733 1,508 277 293 377 17, 815 3,268 3,624 2,284 2,593 4,745 5,086 473 486 o Part taken to form Acadia parish in 1886. b Not separately returned. minor civil divisions. Tensas parish— Continued. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Terrebonne parish . Ward I Ward 2 Ward 3, including Houma town Houma town Ward 4, including Newtown village. Newtown village Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 "Union parish. Ward 1, including Faimerville town . Farmerville town Ward 2 Ward3 Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Vermilion parish Ward 1. Lake Peigneur Ward 2. Prairie Gregg Ward 3, including Abbeville town. Abbeville town Ward 4. Broussard Cove Ward 5. Queue Tortue Ward 6. Springhill Ward 7. Montou Cove Vernon parish (d) . Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Washington parish. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3, including Franklinton town. Franklinton town Ward4 Wards Webster parish Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4, including Minden town. Minden town Ward 5 West Baton Rouge parish. 1890 822 1,345 3,040 1,143 20, 167 1880 2,738 2,278 2,530 2,420 2,602 2,055 1,280 1,084 3,113 3,011 710 418 2,012 1,734 1,758 1,508 1,719 1,515 1,582 1,402 1,403 1,616 17, 304 14, 234 5,903 Ward 1 Ward 2, including BruslyLandingvillage Brusly Landing village Ward 3 Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 I . , Ward 7 r"' ■ 737 1,059 1,299 714 934 1,160 6,700 836 1,194 3,187 1,295 17, 957 13, 526 2,767 2,401 472 712 3,371 2,289 2,821 2,461 3,131 2, 133 3,406 2,765 1,808 1,477 8,728 1,889 1,331 1.893 1,044 2,737 1,488 637 255 1,231 1,353 1, 392 864 3, 274 1,340 1,818 1,308 5, 160 1,413 1,296 1,642 i,oii 1,268 12, 466 2,439 1,615 2,205 4,379 1,298 1,828 8,363 958 1,443 3"5 1,159 1,685 2, 104 1,014 5,190 827 1,370 1,149 814 1,030 10, 005 1,964 1,300 1,725 3,988 1,113 1,028 7,667 1,233 1,039 216 1,420 1,518 1,344 f 616 i497 c Ward 10 (population 172 in 1880) annexed since 1880. «J Not returned by wards in 1880. 196 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. riOUISI AW A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. West Carroll parish Ward 1 Ward 2 - - Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 West Feliciana parish Ward 1, including TJayou Sara and S Francisvllle towns. Bayou Sara town St. Francisville town Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 1890 3, 748 1880 2,776 321 (-.76 855 540 584 710 721 1,070 ;,7is 1,162 1,709 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. West Feliciana parish — C'ontiiuu-il Ward fi Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Winn parish Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 - Ward 7 Ward 8 1890 476 2, 862 925 1, 163 1,334 7,082 86!) 1,222 870 1,126 696 1,041 760 1880 364 2, 051 505 1,222 1,095 5,846 724 626 883 708 630 897 073 705 MAINIi:. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Androscoggin county Auburn city >7ard 1 883 Ward 2 3,430 Ward 3 1, 743 Ward4 3,909 Ward 5 1, 285 Durham town East Livermore town, including Liver- more FalLs village. Livermore Falls village Greene town Leeds town Lewiston city Ward] 2,796 Ward 2 2,243 Ward 3 2, 482 Ward 4 2, 761 Ward 5 5, 049 Ward 6 4, 103 Ward7 2,267 Lisbon town, including Lisbon Falls and Lisbon villages. Lisbon Falls village Lisbon village Livermore town Minot town, including part of Mechanic Falls village. Mechanic Falls village (part of) Total for Mechanic Falls village (o), in Minot and Poland towns. Poland town, including part of Mechanic Falls village. Mechanic Falls village (part of) Turner town Wales town Webster town Aroostook county (//) Allagash plantation (o) . Amity town Ashland town Bancroft town (d) Benedicta town Blaine town 1890 48, 968 11, 250 IS80 45, 042 9,555 1,111 1 , 253 1.506 1,080 963 478 885 999 999 1,194 21,701 19, 083 3,120 2,641 1,585 694 1,1.51 1, 262 1,355 1, 763 640 1,283 622 2, 472 2, IJ2 643 622 2,016 2, 285 451 505 951 980 49, 589 41,700 200 420 432 568 505 264 220 317 302 784 646 a In 1880 given as in Poland town only. b Part of Weston town given to Danforth town, Washington county, in 1885; part of Drew plantation, Penobscot county, annexed in 1889. No returns for township D, range 2. town- ship 2, range 2, township 3, range 4, township 4, range 3, and township i7, range 4 (total populatiim 69 in 1880). c Organized from township 16, range 10, township 10, range 11, township 17, range 10, and township 17, range 11 (total population 202 in 1880) in 1886. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Aroostook county — Continued. Bridgewater town Caribou town Carv plantation ('') Castle Hill plantation Ca.si\ ell plantation Cha])man plantation Connor plantation Crystal plantation Cy r plantation Dyer Brook plantation Eagle Lake plantation Easton town Fort Fairfield town, including Fort Fair- field village (/). Forti Kent town Frenchville town Ciarfield plantation {g) Glen wood plantation Grand Isle town Hamlin plantation Hammond plantation (h) Haynesville town Hefsey towoi Uodgdon town Houlton town Island Falls town Limestone town Liuueus town Littleton town Ludlow town Maewahoc plantation Madawaska town Mai)letlautatioii Kingfield town Lang plantation Lowell township Madrid town Mount Abram township New .Shai'ou town New Vineyard town Perkins Jilantation Phillips town, including Phillips village Phillips village '. . Plantation E (t) Plantation 6 Rangeley ]>lantatiou Rangeley town Redington township Salem town Sandy River plantation Strong town Temple town Township 4, range 2 Town.ship 4, range 3 (south half) , AVashiugton plantation AVeld town ; AVilton town 1890 Hancock county . Amherst town _ Aurora town BhiehiU town Brooklin town Brooksville town Bucksport town Castine town Cranberry Isles town Uedhain town Deer Isle town Eastbrook town Eden town Ellsworth city Ward 1 1 , 528 Ward 2 1, 070 Ward 3 706 Ward 4 495 Ward 5 1, 005 Pranklin town , Gouldshoro town Hancock town Isle an Han t town Lamoine town Long Island plantation Mariavillc town Mount Desert town Orland town Otis town Penobscot town Plantation 8 ( j) Plantation 33 Sedgwick town Sullivan town Surry town Swan Island plantation Township 7 Township 10 Township 21 Township 28 Towushi]) 32 Township 39 Tremont town Trenton town Verona town AValtham town f Incorporated in 1880. 430 2,204 2 ,204 762 2,401 1 ,526 2 242 '218 2, 763 424 3, 565 2,582 3,804 1 ,222 1,978 2, 146 2,146 3,056 553 822 1,379 1, 062 796 260 152 1,567 1.234 38, 012 1,016 1,194 1, 531 4, 370 3.290 10,693 3,168 2,761 2,508 1,523 928 2, 144 1,468 1,937 264 2, 808 50s 4,057 3,278 1, 934 3,782 a.iiQ 3,357 a Part taken to form district 16 since 1 880. b Parts taken to form districts 16 and 21 since 1880. c Parts taken to form districts 16, 21, and 22 since 1880. d Part taken to form district 20 since 1880. e Part taken to form district 18 since 1880. /Not separately returned. ij Part taken to'fonn district 19 since 1880. h Parts taken to form districts 17, 18, 19, and 24 since 1880. I Parts taken to form districts 21 ami 23 siu(-e 1880. j Organized from parts of districts 2, 3, and 4 since 1880. minor civil DIVISIONS. Allegany county— Continued. District 23. Decatur Street (ry). iucludiug part of Cumberland city. Cumberland city (part of) District 24. Eckhart (A-), incl. Eckhart Mines vUlage and Parkersburg town. Eckhart Mines village Parkersburg town Anne Arundki. county District 1 Di.strict2 District 3 District 4 District 5 Disti'ict 6, coextensive with Annapolis city. Annapolis city: Ward 1 3 ,060 Ward 2 1 ,989 Ward 3 2,555 District8.... : , P.ALTIMOHF, OITV (r) . 1890 1,800 1.37 = 1,478 34, 094 Ward 1 22, 162 Ward 2 16, 843 Ward 3 15,762 Ward 4 15,777 Ward 5 15, 809 Wiird 26, 322 Ward 7 25,083 Ward 8 24, 688 Ward 9 15,301 Ward 10 15, 760 Ward 11 20, 310 Ward 12 23, 924 Ward 13 14, 601 Ward 14 17, 485 Ward 15 14,791 Ward 16 14, 250 Ward 17 25, 209 Ward 18 26, 452 Ward 19 24, 484 Ward 20 20, 034 Ward 21 16, 054 Ward 22 23, 338 k Organized from part of district 12 since 1880. I Organized from parts of districts 10 and 12 since 1880. m Organized from parts of districts 11 and 12 siuce 1880. n Organized from parts of districts 5, 6, and 13 since 1880. o Organized from parts of districts 3, 4, and 14 siuce 1880. p Organized from part of district 4 siuce 1880. '/ Organized from ji^irt of district 14 since 1880. ' r Parts of districts 1,3, 9, and 12, Baltimore county, annexed and formed into wards 21 aud 22 sin<;e 1880. 4,567 4,706 3,638 3,742 4,594 3, 165 4,624 3, 542 5,165 2, 464 7,604 6,642 434, 439 1880 28, 526 4,265 332, 313 202 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. iriAKVLiAIVlJ— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Baltimore county (a) 1890 72, 909 District 1 (a), including Catonsville vil- lage, part of EUicott town, Franklin town, Oella village, part of Powhatan vUlage, and Wetheredville village. Catonsville village EUicott town (part of) Total for EUicott town, in district i, Baltimore county, and district 2, Howard county. Franklin town Oella village Powhatan viUage (part of) .' Total for Powhatan vUlage, in districts I and 2. Wetheredville vUlage District 2, incl. part of Aliierton town. Granite tn., and part of Powhatan vill. Alberton town (part of) Total for Alberton town, in district 2, Baltimore county, and district 2, Howard county. Granite town Powhatan viUage (part of) District 3 (a) ;>;■' District 4, including Glyndou and Ow- ings Mills towns. Gly ndon to wn O wings Mills town District 5 District 6 District 7 District 8, including Beaverdam village and part of Lutherville village. Beaverdam village Lutherville vUlage (part of) ToUl for Lutherville viUage (fc), in dis- tricts 8 and 9. District 9 (a), including part of Luther- ville village and Towson town. Lutherville village (part of) Towson town District 10 District 11 District 12 (a), including Gardeuville vil- lage and Sparrow Point tov/u. Gardenville village Sparrow Point town District 13, including HuUavUle, Mount Winans, and Eelay villages. HuUsville village Mount Winans viUage Relay vUlage Calvert county. District 1. District 2. District 3 . Caroline county . District 1 . Henderson District 2. Greensboro, including Greens boro town and Rldgely village. Greensboro town Rldgely vUlage District 3. Denton, incl. Denton town Denton town District 4 . Harmony District 5. Federalsburg, including Fed eralsburg viUage. Kederalsburg viUage District 6. HiUsboro, incl. Hillsboro town . HiUsboro town Carroll county. 1880 7, 217 2,115 155 516 79 310 804 4,561 184 562 €78 231 5,473 4,479 3'« 212 2,381 2,285 3, 312 5,957 241 605 663 7,977 S8 1,487 2,838 4,977 17,279 324 2,507 4,173 9,860 83, 336 10, 908 1,712 313 1,784 316 3,760 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 3,978 2, 903 2, 979 13, 903 1,639 3, 151 902 215 2,801 641 2,085 2, 191 543 2,036 ■74 32, 376 8,761 4, 294 2,241 2,326 3,074 6,003 382 21, 414 1,316 2, 374 4,581 10, 286 449 3,314 10, 538 3,639 3,253 3,646 13, 766 1,541 2, 851 2,727 469 2, 831 1,711 338 2,105 264 30, 992 Uistrict 1. Taneytown, including Taney- 2,578 2,596 town village. Taneytown village 566 5>9 a Parts of districts 1, 3, 9, and 12 taken to form wards 21 and 22 of Baltimore city since 1880. b In 1880 in district 8 only. Caheoll county— Coutiuued. District 2. Unioutown, including Union town village. Uniontown vUlage District 3. Myers District 4. Woolery District 5. Freedom District 6. Manchester, including Man- chester vUlage. Manchester viUage District 7. Westminster, including West- minster town. Westminster town District 8. Hampstead, including Hamp- stead village. Hampstead village District 9. Franklin (c) District 10. Middleburg District 11. NewWindsor,includiugNew Windsor town. New Windsor town District 12. nnionBridge,includingUilion Bridge town. Union Bridge town District 13. Mount Airy (d) 1890 Cecil couni-y . District 1. Cecilton, including Cecilton and Warwick towns. Cecilton town Warwick town District 2. Chesapeake, including Chesa- peake town. Chesapeake town District 3. Elkton, incl. Elkton town Elkton town District 4. Fair Hill District 5. Northeast, including Charles- town and Northeast towns. Charlestown town Northeast town District 6. Kising Sun, iucl. Rising Sun tn Rising Sun town District 7. Port Deposit Jncluding Perry - viUe village and Port Deposit town. Perryville village Port Deposit town District 8. (Jakwood DLstrictO. Calvert CHARLES county . District 1. Port Tobacco, including La Plata vlUage and Port Tobacco town. La Plata viUage Port Tobacco town District 2. HUltop District 3. Nan jemoy District 4. Allen Fresh District 5. Harris Lot District 6. Middleto wu District 7. Poinunkey District 8. Bi-yantown District 9. Patuxent Dorchester county. 1,787 2, 579 1,617 424 1,914 1,493 1,125 5,823 4,192 1, 267 (■ Part taken to fonn district 13 since 1880. d Organized from part of district 9 since 1880. e Not separately returned. District 1. Fork District 2. East Newmarket, including East Newmarket village (e). District 3. Vienna, incl. Vienna village Vienna village District 4. Parsons Creek District 5. Lakes District 6. Hooper Island District 7. Cambridge, including Cam- bi'idge town. Cambridge town District 8. Neck 2,384 309 2,164 2,750 3,514 3,464 273 5,977 2,903 2,202 521 1,369 1,231 2,047 414 1,485 743 1,211 25, 851 1880 2,603 384 1,959 2, 743 3,154 3, 501 640 5,573 1,983 306 2,225 1,221 2, 199 426 1,235 2,028 116 132 1,480 1,780 2,110 1,837 1,364 1,167 2,275 L150 24,843 27, 108 3,528 473 324 3,080 T ,402 4,325 1.752 2,088 4,006 2,904 4,260 2,227 23, 110 1,508 'i,'928 1,583 947 3,987 POPULATION^. 203 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. MAKVI.AIV1>— Coutinued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. DoROHESTBB COUNTY — Continued. District 9. Cliurch Creek, iucl. Church Creek village. Church Creek village District 10. Strait District 11. Drawbridge District 12. Williamsburg District 13. Bucktown District 14. Linkwood Frederick county District 1. Buckeystowu, iucl. Point of Rocks village. Point of Rocks village District 2. Frederick(a),includingFred- erick city. Frederick city Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward I 1,792 618 938 463 464 524 1 , 191 Ward 8 983 Ward 9 514 Ward 10 7°6 District 3. Middletown, including Mid dletovra town. Middletown town District 4. Crea^erstown Disti-ict 5. Emmitsburg, including Em mitsburg village. Emmitsburg village District 6. Catoctin District 7. Drbana District 8. Liberty, incl. Liberty town . . Liberty town District 9. Newmarket, including New market village. Newmarket village District 10. Hauvers District 11. Woodsboro, includingWoods- boro village (h) . District 12. Petersville, including Bur- kittsville and Knoxville villages. Burkittsville village Knoxville village District 13. Mount Pleasant, including Walkersville village. Walkersville village District 14. Jeiferson, incl. Jett'erson vill Jefferson village District 15. Mechanics town, incl.Mechan icstown village. Mechanicstown village District 16. Jackson District 17. Johnsville District 18. Wood ville District 19. Linganore District 20. Lewistowu District 21. Tuscarora (c) 1890 Garrett county . District 1. Altamont (d) District 2. Selbysport Districts. Grantsville (e), iucl. Grants- ville town (b). District 4. Bloomingtou (e), incl. Bloom- ingtou town. Bloomingtou town District 5. Accident District 6. Sang Run District 7. Oakland (d), incl. Oakland tn. Oakland town District 8. Ryan Glades (d) District 9. Johnson 1,131 396 1,724 1,095 1,110 1,000 1,178 49, 512 2,651 364 10, 498 8,193 2,619 667 1,105 3,626 1,392 2,408 1,535 589 2, 854 423 1,415 2,492 273 319 1,756 25s 1,536 320 2,724 1880 1,390 1,729 1, 252 1,221 1,256 1,110 14, 213 1, 002 1,529 2, 034 1,062 295 1,432 871 2,525 1 ,046 1,457 576 1,307 33' 1,379 1,187 1,212 1,143 1,275 50, 482 2,547 290 12, 231 8,659 2,821 70s 1,054 3,560 847 1,502 2, 576 1,650 542 3,097 402 1,505 2, 305 2, 603 265 1,598 160 1,578 274 2,738 730 1.499 1,727 1,126 1,439 1,326 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 12, 175 1,561 1, 250 2, 152 1,537 341 1,369 794 2,077 910 1,033 402 a Part taken to form district 21 in 1884. b Not separately returned. c Organized from part of district 2 in 1884. d Part taken to form district 10 in 1882. e Part takeu to form district 11 in 1882. / Organized from parts of districts 1, 7, and 8 in 1882. g Organized from parts of districts 3 and 4 in 1882. B Part taken to form district 9 iu 1880. Garrett county— Continued. District 10. Deer Park (,/). including Deer Park town. Deer Park town District 11. Elbow (g) Harford county. District 1. Abingdon District 2. Halls Cross Roads, including Aberdeen and Perryman villages. Aberdeen village Perryman village . District 3. Belair, including Belair town Belair town District 4. Marshall District 5. Dublin, incl. Darlington vill. . Darlington village District 6. Havre de Grace, coextensive with Havre de Grace city. Howard county. District 1. Elk Ridge, incl. Elk Ridge vUl Elk Ridge village District 2, including parts of Albertou and Ellicott towns. Alberton town (part of) Total for Alberton town, in district 2, Baltimore county, and district 2, Howard county. Ellicott town (part of) Total for Ellicott town, in disu.-ict i, Baltimore county, and district 2, Howard county. District 3, including Woodstock village . . Woodstock village District 4 District 5 District 6, including Savage town Savage town Kent county . District 1. Massey, incl. Galena town and Millington and Sassafras villages. Galena town Millington village Sassafras village District 2. Kennedyville, including Still Pond vUlage. Still Pond vijlage District 3. Worton District 4. Chestertown, including Ches- tertown town. Chestertown town District 5. Edesville Montgomery county. 2,419 3,652 4,252 4,203 3,799 1,658 1,488 3.288 District 1. Laytonsville (7i) 1,950 District 2. Clarksburg(i). including Hy- 1,812 attstown town (b). District 3. Poolesville (J), iucl. Pooles- 2,416 ville town (6). District 4. Rockville(A:),includiugRock- 3,04; ville town. Rock ville town i , 568 District 5. Colesville («) 2, 280 District 6. Darnestown (A) 1, 684 District 7. Bethe,sda {I) 1, 143 District 8. Olney 3, 216 District 9. Gaitnersburg (m), including 2, 260 (Jaithersburg town (6). District 10. Potomac (m) 1, 422 District 11. Barnesville (o), incl. Barnes- 1, 876 ville town (6). i Parts takeu to form districts 9, 11, and 12 in 1880,1882, and 1884, respectively. j Parts takeu to form districts 9 aud 11 iu 1880 and 1882 respectively. k Parts taken to form districts 9 and 10 in 1880. I Part taken to form district 13 in 1886. 7n Organized from parts of districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 iu 18SU. n Organized from part of district 4 iu 1880. Organized from parts of districts 2 and 3 in 1882. 1890 1,199 '79 526 2,785 5,729 448 271 6,890 1 ,416 4,712 5,633 2J9 3,244 16, 269 2,162 702 3,922 378 562 2,052 208 3,002 2,201 2, 930 657 3,660 266 485 210 3,008 268 2,551 4,227 2,632 4,025 27, 185 1880 2,888 5,817 6,586 4,877 5,058 171 2,816 16, 140 2, 233 448 3,875 1,471 ',784 2,072 2,894 2,449 2,617 164 17, 605 3,975 347 444 200 3,191 194 2,631 4,126 2>3S9 3,682 24, 759 204 COMPE^DTTTM OF THE ELEVEKTn CENRTTS: 1S90. Taulk 3.— AGaRE(iA'rK POPULATION P>V MINOli CIVIL DIVISlOiNS— (oiitiuiiea. MABVI.A!V»— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MONTGOMEKV CMUNTV — Cuut illiud. District 12. Damascus (a) District 13. Wlieaton (6), iucludiug iiarl of Takoma Park town. Takoma Park town (c) (part of) PHINCB GBQRaB COUNT\ District 1. Vansville District 2. Bladensbiu'ij, ind. Bladeus- burg and Hyattsvillo towns and part of Takoma Park town (d). Bladensburg town HyattsviUe town District 3. Marlboro, including Upper Marlboro town. Upper Marlboro town District 4. Nottingliam District 5. Piscataway District G. Sjialding. " District 7. Queen Anne District 8. Aquasco District 9. Surratt District 10. Laurel, iucl. Laurel tovvu .... Laurel town District 11. Brandy wine District 12. (Ixen Sill District 13. Kent - District 14. Bowie, iucl. Bowie town (c) . . , Queen Anne (Bounty District 1. Dixon (/), ind. Sudlersvillevill, Sudlersville village Disti-ict2. Church Hill (/), iucl. Church Hill village. Church Hill village District 3. Centerville, iui^luding CVutej'- ville towu. Centerville town District 4. Kent Island, iucl. Steveusville village. Stevensville village District 5. Queenstown District 6. Kuthsburg District 7. Cruuiptou ((/), incl. Crumptou village. Crumptou village St. Maky county District 1. St. Inigoes District 2. Valley Lee (/t) Districts. Leonardtown, incl. Leonard- town town. Leonardtown town District 4. Chaptico District 5. Mechanicsville District U. Hillville District 7. Milestown District 8. Centerville District 9. St. George Island (i) Somerset county District 1. Princess Anne (j), includini; Princess Anne town. Princess Anne town District 2. St. Peter (k) District 3. Briukley District 4. Dublin District 5. Mount Vernon District 6. Fairmount 1800 1,522 ■J, 559 164 2 ,(180 1, 812 2, 055 5°3 1,509 3, 574 439 1,712 1,650 1, 1)77 2, 152 1,218 992 2,523 1,984 L616 1,205 1, 553 1,681 18,461 2, 903 125 2,452 4,125 1.309 2, 230 187 2,767 2,001 1,983 317 15, 819 1, 664 1,522 2,737 521 1,875 1, 9911 1,970 1,920 1,808 333 24,155 4,414 865 1, 363 3, 341 1.520 1,368 2,781 1S80 26, 451 1,485 2, 034 466 288 4, 014 5+1 1, 980 2, 003 1,671 2, 346 1,712 1, 131 1,714 1 ,206 ] , K07 1,289 1, 533 1,612 19, 257 3,763 J 99 4,028 230 4,336 1 ,igf5 2,137 124 2, 953 2, (140 16, 934 21, 668 4,107 751 1, 424 2, 92(i 1,574 1,156 2,802 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. a Organized from part of district 2 in 1884. b Organized from pai-ts of di.stricts 5 and 7 in 1886. c In district 13, Montgomery county, and district 2, Prim-c George county. dNot sepa'rately returned; in district 13, Montgart of Salisbury town. District 6. Dennis (() 1890 3,980 1,565 1,850 2,052 534 946 19, 736 5,809 2,939 4,125 1.329 4,962 I.I35 251 3,030 1,810 39, 782 2,114 1.163 2,219 1,277 6,947 6,401 10,118 1,883 2,079 815 1,883 766 1, 7!)7 287 487 1, 288 1,368 1,281 1, 602 1,392 1, 312 998 1,583 1,157 1,364 1,285 917 1,127 420 1 , (126 2,4^2 1, 0.34 19, 930 L57(r 1,538 3,576 2,462 1,556 960 1880 3,009 986 1,721 2,491 458 19, 065 5,977 3.005 3,791 '.175 4,553 301 3,099 1, 645 38, 561 2,311 1 ,260 2,625 1 1 503 4,031 3.188 6,627 2,715 2,233 9JI 2, 262 859 1,665 433 1,304 1,546 L534 1,585 1,580 1, 630 823 1,736 1,199 4,591 3.439 973 1,205 1,013 18, 016 1,648 1,608 3,175 2,117 1,282 788 it Part taken to fonu district 11 and part of district 1 an- nexed iu 1882. I Organized from part of district 2 in 1882. in Part taken to form district 23 in 1884. a Part taken to form district; 21 in 1884. o Parts taken to form districts 21 and 22 in 1884. p Organized from jiarts of districts 3 and 17 in 1881. o55 49 1,262 1,382 965 1,520 2, 836 2, 285 393 1880 493 1, 923 3, 394 044 139, 040 . 1,105 11,111 927 3, 430 1,791 3,902 2,875 48, 961 1 . 329 2. 765 26, 845 6, 727 1,785 1,7.32 1, 340 1,681 1, 786 1,891 1,317 1,227 2, 106 2. 006 1,4.56 1,3.55 5,448 21,213 2,894 206 0OMPE]!n)IUM OF THE ELEVENTH OENSTJS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. MASSAC HUSE T T S-Continued. MTNOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dukes codnty. Chilmark town Cottage City town. Edgartown town. . Gay Head town Gosnold town Tisbury town Essex county Amesbury town (a) ,■""■.;,"""' Andover town, incl. Ballardvale village Ballardvale village Beverly town Boxford town Bradford town Dan vers town Essex town Georgetown town Gloucester city ■■■■■■ Wardl 3,329 Ward2 4.284 Wards 4.™ Ward 4 2,924 Ward 5 3,762 Ward6 2,377 Ward 7 2,034 Ward 8 1. 1*9 Groveland town Hamilton town - Haverhill city ■■■-- Wardl 3,239 Ward2 2,547 Ward 3 4. WJ Ward 4 3, 593 Wards 9.143 Ward 6 ^.^J'S Ipswich town Lawrence city ;"a; ; Ward 1 6, 952 Ward 2 «. 338 Ward 3 8,368 Ward4 9.14^ Ward 5 7, 888 Ward 6 5, 961 Lynn city ••■•■■ Wardl 1.241 Ward 2 3,141 Ward3 12,214 Ward 4 11, 249 Wards 13,041 Warde 12.790 Ward7 2.051 Lynnfleld town Manchester town Marblehead town "Merrimac town - Methuen town, incl. Methuen village Methuen village Middleton town Nahant town Newburvport city Wardl 2,194 Ward2 2,014 Wards... 2,653 Ward 4 2,266 Ward 5 2, 335 WaidC 2,485 Newbury town, including Byfleld and Oldtown villages. Byfield village Oldtown village North Andover town Peabody town - -. - Rockport town, incl. Pigeon Cove village. Pigeon Cove village Rowley town Salem city •-■■•- Wardl 4, 661 Ward 2 5.196 Wards 3-988 Ward 4 5,067 Ward5 7,794 Ward 6 4,095 a Part of Salisbury town annexed in 1886. 6 Part given to Amesbury town in 1886. 1880 4,300 494 672 1,303 161 152 1,518 299, 995 244, 535 2,191 961 27, 412 4,439 44, 654 55, 727 38, 274 787 1,789 8,202 2, 633 4.814 924 880 13, 947 2,227 935 18, 472 3,699 39, 151 1,640 7,467 2,237 4,392 '■"5 1,000 808 13, 538 MINOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. Essex county— Continued. Salisbury town (h) Saugus town Swampscott town Topsfleld town Wenham town West Newbury town . Franklin county . 1890 1,427 1,566 805 546 622 688 3,742 3, 217 10, 158 9,028 4,087 1,174 1,248 3, 912 1,201 30, 801 27, 563 Ashfield town Bemardston town (c) i"i; ' ', Buckland town, including part of bhel- burue Falls village. Shelburne Falls village (part of) Total for Shelburne Falls village, m Buckland and Shelburne towns. Charlemont town Colerain town Conway town Deerfield town Erving town Gill town Greenfield town Hawley town Heath town Leverett town Leyden town (d) Monroe town i; .v " " -V, Montague town, incl. Turner FaUs village Turner Falls village New Salem town Northlield town Orange town Eowe town -.• ' v " i "iV V Shelbm-ne town, including part ot Shel- burne Falls village. Shelburne Falls village (part of) Shutesbury town Sunderland town Warwick town Wendell town Wbately town Hampden county. 1,316 3,673 3,198 1,022 886 1,796 38, 610 1880 1,025 770 1,570 1,942 972 1,671 1,451 2,910 972 960 5,252 515 503 702 407 282 6,296 2,907 «56 1,869 4,568 541 1,553 1,052 453 663 565 505 779 135, 713 2,352 871 1,096 1,295 14, 050 5.553 1,061 831 201 35, 637 Agawam town Blandford town Brimfleld town Chester town ••-,""■ '-i,'y,"'-\\ Chicopee town, mcl. Chicopee Falls vill. . Chicopee Falls village Granville town Hampden town Holland town Holyoke city ••-••• Wardl 4,346 Ward2 5,145 Wards 5,085 Ward4 7,614 Wards : 3,052 Ward 6 6,227 Ward 7 , ".i: ' ' S^' ' Vt ' Longmeadowtown, including i-ast Long- meadow village. East Longmeadow village Ludlow town Monson town Montgomery town ; ■ :,', j Palmer town, including Bondsville and Three Rivers villages. Bondsville village Three Rivers village Russell town South wick town Spnu^eldcity...........-..--....^.^^^. Ward2 4.265 Wards 5,055 Wara4 4,368 Wards... 9.901 WardO 3,64b Ward7 2,391 Ward8 2,478 c Part of Leyden town annexed in 1886. d Part given' to Hernardston town in 1886, 2,183 1,487 1,939 3,650 266 6,520 997 1,681 879 914 44,179 4,079 2,625 2,500 1,165 889 1,989 36, 001 1,066 934 1,739 932 1,777 1,760 3,543 872 733 3,903 592 560 742 507 166 4,875 869 1,603 3,169 502 1,621 529 755 713 465 1,074 104, 142 2,216 979 1,203 1,473 11,286 1,205 958 302 21, 915 1,401 "5 1,526 3,758 303 5,504 781 1 ,306 823 1,104 33,340 POPULATION. 207 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MASSACHr.SETTS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hampden county — Continued. ToUand town Wales town Westfield town West Springfield town, including Mitti- neagne viflage. Mittineaeue village Wilbraham town 1890 Hampshire county. Amherst town Belchertown town Chesterfield town Cummington town Easthampton town Enfield town Goshen town Gran by town Greenwich town Hadley town Hatfield town Huntington town Middlefaeld town Northampton city (a) Ward 1 2, 059 Ward 2 2, 085 Ward 3 - - 2, 429 Ward 4 2, 350 Ward 5 2, 227 Ward 6 1, 8.55 Ward 7 1, 985 Pelham town Plainfield town Prescott town Southampton town South Hadley town, including South Hadley Falls village. South Hadley Falls village Ware town '. Westhampton town Williamsburg town. incl. Haydenville vill, Haydenville village Worthington town Middlesex county. Acton town, incl. West Acton village . . . West Acton village Arlington town Ashby town Ashland town Ayer town Bedford town Belmont town , Billerica town Boxboro town Burlington town Cambridge citv Ward 1 ". - 12, 8li Ward 2 19, 172 V^ard 3 12, 761 Ward 4 16, 994 Ward 5 8, 290 Carlisle town Chelmsford town Concord town, incl. Concord Junction vill Concord Junction village (fc) Dracut town Dunstable town Everett town _ lYaraingham town, incl. f.axonville village Saxonville village Groton town, including Groton village... Groton village HoUiston town Hopkinton town Hudson town Lexington town Lincoln town Littleton town 393 700 9,805 5,077 1 , 146 1,81* 51,859 1880 4,512 2,120 608 787 4,395 952 297 765 520 1,669 1,246 1,385 455 14, 990 486 435 376 1,017 4,261 2,923 7,329 477 2,057 1,058 714 431, 167 1,897 530 5,629 825 2,532 2,148 1,092 2,098 2, 380 325 617 70, 028 481 2,695 4, 427 1.454 1,996 416 11,068 9,239 917 2,057 707 2,619 4,088 4,670 3,197 987 1,025 a Incorporated as a city in 1883. h Formerly Warnersville. c Part of Tewksbury town annexed in 1888. d Incorporated as a citv in 1881. e Part given to Wakeield town in 1889. / Part given to Lowell city in 1888. 452 1,030 7, 587 4,149 642 1,628 47, 232 4,298 2, 346 769 881 4,206 1,043 327 753 633 1,938 1,495 1,236 648 12, 172 614 457 460 1,046 3,538 2>75o 4,817 563 2,234 758 317, 830 1,797 391 4.100 914 2,394 1,881 931 1,615 2, 000 319 711 52, 669 478 2,553 3,922 1 595 453 4 159 6 235 1 862 3,098 4,601 3, 739 2,460 907 994 minor civil divisions. Middlesex county— Continued. Lowell city (c) Ward 1 11, 398 Ward 2 13, 189 Ward 3 14, 298 Ward 4 12, 860 Wards 15,967 Ward 6 9. 984 Maiden city (d) Wardl 3,054 Ward 2 4, 398 Wards 3,010 Ward 4 2, 916 Ward 5 2, 718 Ward 6 3, 715 Ward 7 3, 220 Marlboro city Maynard town Medford town Melrose town Natick town, incl. South Natick village. . South Natick village Newton city Ward 1 3, 434 Ward 2 4, 569 Ward 3 3, 732 Ward 4 3, 579 Ward 5 3, 127 Ward 3, 772 Ward 7 2, 166 North Reading town Pepperell town Reading town Sherborn town Shirley town Somerville city Ward 1 10, 115 Ward 2 13, 209 Ward 3 8, 538 Ward 4 8, 290 Stoneham town (e) Stow town Sudbury town Tewksbury town (/) Townsend town Tyngsboro town Wakefield town (g) Waltham city (ft) Ward 1 2, 899 Ward 2 1, 710 Ward 3 2, 747 Ward 4 3, 296 Ward 5 2, 393 Ward 6 2, 964 Ward 7 2, 698 Watertown town Wayland town Westford town Weston town Wilmington town Winchester town Wobiirn city (i) Ward 1 . . ! 2, 471 Ward 2 2,728 War-^IS 2,643 Ward 4 2, 428 Ward 5 1,013 Ward 6 1,224 Ward? 992 1890 1880 Nantucket county. Nantucket town Norfolk county . Avon town (j) Bellingham towii Brain tree town. . - Brookline town . . Canton town 77, 696 23, 031 13, 805 2,700 11, 079 8,519 9,118 1 ,292 24, 379 874 900 3,127 2,348 4,088 3,181 1,381 1,401 1,191 1,365 40, 152 24, 933 3,268 3,268 118,950 1,384 1,334 4,848 12, 103 4,538 59, 475 12, 017 10, 127 2,291 7,573 4,560 8,479 16, 995 fi, 155 4,890 903 1,045 1,197 1,178 2,515 2, 179 1,750 1,967 662 631 6, 982 5,547 8,707 11,712 7,073 5,426 2,060 1,962 2,250 2,147 1,664 1,448 1,213 933 4,861 3,802 3,499 10, 931 3,727 3,727 96, 507 1,223 3, 855 8,057 4,516 g Part of Stoneham town annexed in 1889. ft. Incorporated as a city in 1884. )■ Incorporated ,as a city in 1889. i Organized from part of Stoughton town in 1888; parts of Holbrook and Randolpli t^iwns annexed, iin 1889. 208 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MASSACHUSETTS— Coutinued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Norfolk county Contiimeil. Cohasset town Dedhani town Dover town Foxboro town Franklin town Holbrook town (a) Hyde Park town . . Medfield town Medway town (b) - Minis town (c) Milton town Needham town {d) . Norfolk town Norwood town Qnincy city (c) - -■••• Ward 1 3, 269 Ward2 2,383 Ward 3 3, 741 Ward i 4. 164 Ward 5 1,812 Ward 6 1.354 Randolph town (a) Sharon town Stoughton town (/) Walpole town Wellesley town (jr), including Wellesley Hills v'iUage. Wellesley Hills village Weymouth town Wrenlham town Plymouth county . Abington town Bridgewater town Brockton city - Ward 1 2,7.51 Ward 2 3, 7mi Ward 3 -t. 922 Ward 4 4. l^^) Ward5 4,098 Ward 6 3, H74 Ward7 3,898 Carver town Duxbury town East Bridgewater town Halifax town Hanover to wn Hanson town Hiugham town Hull town Kingston town Lakeville town Marion town Marshfleld town Mattapoisett town Middleboro town Norwell town (/i) Pembroke town Plymouth town Plympton town Rochester town Kocklaud town Scituate town Wareham town, iucl. East Waryliam vill East Wareham village West Bridgewater town Whitman town (i) SUFPOI.K county . Boston citv Ward 1 I!'.6:i3 Ward 2 17,297 Ward 3 13,094 Ward 4 12,842 Waid 5 12,412 Ward 6 18,447 Ward 7 13,145 Ward 8 13,026 Ward 9 12,660 Ward 10 8. 205 Ward n 21,660 Ward 12 12, 585 a Part given to Avon town in 1889. b Part taken to form Millis town in 1885. e Orgiinized from part of Medway town in 1885. d Part taken to form Wellesley town in 1881. e Incorporated as a city in 1889. / Part taken to form Avon town in 1888. 2, 448 7, 123 727 2, 933 4.831 2, 474 10, 193 1,493 2, 985 786 4,278 3,035 913 3, 733 16,723 3, 946 1,634 4, 852 2,604 3,600 1,566 10, 866 2,560 92, 700 1880 4. 260 •4,249 27, 294 994 1,908 2,911 5()2 2,093 1,267 4,564 989 1,659 935 871 1,713 1,148 6, 065 1,635 1, 320 7,314 597 1,012 5, 213 2,318 3,451 1,327 1,917 4,441 484, 780 2,182 6, 233 653 2, 950 4, 051 2, 130 7,088 1,371 3, 956 3,206 5, 252 930 2, 345 10,570 4, 027 1, 492 4, 875 2,494 448, 477 10,570 2, 481 74, 018 3,697 3, 620 13, 608 1,039 2, 196 2, 710 542 1,897 J, 309 4,485 383 1,524 1,008 9.58 1,781 1,365 5, 237 1,820 1,405 7, 093 694 1 , 043 4, 553 2, 466 2,896 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Suffolk county— Continued. Boston city— Continued. Ward 13 22, 375 Ward 14 26, 367 Ward 15 18,049 Ward 16 18, 048 Ward 17 15,638 Ward 18 16,035 Ward 19 23, 016 Ward 20 24, 335 Ward 21 22,930 Ward 22 20,011 Ward 23 24,997 Ward 24 29,638 Ward25 12,032 Chelsea city Ward] 5,413 Ward 2 7,072 Ward 3 7, 131 Ward 4 8,293 Revere town Winthrop town Worcester county 280, 787 1,665 3,024 387, 927 362, 839 Ashburnham town, including South Ash- hurnham village. South Ashburnham village Athol town, incl. Athol Center village . Athol Center village Auburn town Barre town Berlin town - - Blackstone town Bolton town Boylston town Brookfleld town, including Brookfleld and East Brookfleld villages. Brookfield village East Brookfield village Charlton town Clinton town, incl. Charlton Depot village. Charlton Depot village Dana town Douglas town Dudley town Fitchbuig city Wa.rd 1 - 4, 058 Ward 2 5, 238 AVardS - 3.195 Ward 4 2, 252 Ward5 3,316 Ward 6 3,978 Gardner town Grafton town, incl. North Grafton village North Grafton village Hardwick town >■ Harvard town V".;,' Holdeu town, incl. Jefl'ersonville village. Jeffersonville village Hopedale town ( j) Hubbardston town Lancaster town - • Leicester town, incl. Leicester Center vill . Leicester Center village Leominster town Lunenburg town Mendon town Milford town (/.•) '- Millbury town New Braintree town Northboro town Northbridge town North Brookfield town Oakham town Oxford town Paxton town Petersham town Phillii)ston town Princeton town Royalston town Rutland town Shrewsbury town Southboro town 27, 909 5. 668 2, 726 2,074 574 6,319 >,75t 1,532 2,239 884 6,138 827 770 3,352 1.479 1,038 1,847 10, 424 798 700 1,908 2,944 22, 037 1880 21,782 2,263 1,043 226, 897 1,666 4,307 1,372 1,317 2,419 977 4,907 903 854 2, 820 1,900 8,029 736 2. 241 2, 803 12, 429 8,424 4,988 5,002 4,030 1,768 2,922 2, 233 1,095 1,253 2,623 2,499 8l7 254 1,176 1,346 1,386 2, 201 2.008 3,120 2, 779 844 769 7.269 5,772 1,146 1,101 919 1,094 8,780 9,310 4,428 4,741 573 610 1,952 1,676 4, 603 4, 053 3,871 4,4M 738 869 2,616 2, 604 445 592 1,050 1,109 502 621 982 1,100 ■,030 1, 192 980 1,0.59 1,449 1,500 2,114 2, 142 a Organized from part of Needham town in 1881. ft Formerly South Scituate. i Formerlv South Abington. j Organized from part of Milford town in 1886. k Part taken to form Hopedale town in 1886. POPULATION. 209 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MASSACHUSETTS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. "Worcester county— Continued. Southbridge town Spencer town Sterling town Sturbridge town Sutton town Templeton town Upton town TJxbridge town Warren town Webster town Westboro town West Boylston town West Brooktield town 1890 1880 7, '655 6,464 8,747 7,466 1,244 1,414 2, 074 2,062 3,180 3,105 2,999 2,789 1,878 2, 023 3,408 3,111 4,681 3, 889 7,031 5,696 5,195 5,214 3,019 2,994 1,592 1,917 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Worcester county — Continued. Westminster town Wincbendon town, including Waterville village. Waterville village Worcester city Ward 1 -■ 8, 046 Ward 2 13, 980 Ward 3 9, 258 Ward 4 9, 839 Ward 5 16, 563 Ward 6 8, 843 Ward 7 10, 328 Ward 8 7, 798 1890 1,688 4,390 5" 84, 655 1880 1,652 3,722 473 58, 291 miCHIOAIV. minor civil DIVISIONS. Alcona county. Alconatownship (a), incl. Black River vill Black River village Caledonia township (b) Curtis township (e) Greenbush township (d) Gustin township (b) Harrisville _townslnp, incl. Harrisville town and W'est Harrisville village. Harrisville town West Harrisville village Haynes township (e) Mikado township (6) Mitchell township (b) Alger county (/) Autrain township {g) Burt township (A) Munising township (i) ... Onota township (j) Kock Elver township (,g) . Allegan county . Allegan township, incl. Allegan village . . Allegan village Casco township Cheshire township Clyde township, including part of Teun- ville village. Fennville village (part of) Total for Fennville village, in Clyde and Manilas townships. Dorr township Fillmore township Ganges township Gun Plains township, incl. Plain well vill. Plainwell village Heath township Hopkins townsliip Laketown township Lee township Leigh ton township Manlius township, including part of Fennville village. Fennville village (part of) Martin township Monterey township 1890 .38, 961 3,983 2,66g 1,819 1,457 850 207 360 1,670 2, 151 1,477 2,525 1,414 930 1,821 905 900 1,162 1,140 '53 1,313 1,514 1880 5, 409 3,107 597 525 190 364 264 697 1,923 987 593 973 318 83 1,238 1,214 182 493 1, 400 549 284 177 288 161 328 270 420 37, 815 3, 698 2,305 1,550 1,404 610 1,723 2, 345 1,403 2, 521 1,356 815 1,869 910 654 1,360 1,026 1,213 1,533 a Part taken to form Haynes township since 1880. b Organized since 1880. c Organized from part of Greenbush township in 1881. d Part taken to form Curtis township in 1881. « Organized from part of Alcoua township since 1880. /Organized from part of Schoolcraft county in 1885. g Organized from part of Onota township since 1880. h Organized in Schoolcraft county in 1882 from part of Munising township; part taken to form Seney township, Schoolcraft county, in 1883. i Parts taken to form Burt township in 1882 and Seney township, Schoolcraft county, in 1883. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Allegan county— Continued. Otsego township, incl. Otsego village Otsego village Overisel township Pine Plains township Salem township Saugatuck township, including Douglas and Saugatuck villages. Douglas village Saugatuck village Trowbridge township Watson township Wayland township, incl. Wayland village. Wayland village Alpena county- (4) Alpena city ward 1 2, 933 Ward 2 4, 687 Ward 3 3, 663 Alpena township Green township (I) Lon^ Rapids township (oi) Maple Ridge to wnship ( « ) Ossiiieke township Sanborn township (b) Wilson to wnshij) (o) 1890 2,936 2,340 1,626 1,000 1,788 1,611 536 643 1,584 1,574 2,233 2,220 404 522 799 794 1,311 1,437 1,193 1,414 1,763 1,942 523 546 15, 581 8,789 11, 283 Antrim county. Banks township Central Lake township. Chestonia township Custer township Echo township Elk Rapids township Forest Home township Helena township Jordan township (j>) Kearney township Mancelona township, including and Mancelona villages. Antrim village Mancelona village Milton township Star township (54S 1,249 1,077 1,702 578 316 249 488 27 246 112 69 862 230 1,804 100 400 1,184 1,014 120 25, 317 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,244 1,368 1,329 1,480 2, 421 967 978 2,531 1,284 1, 302 1,423 1,169 1,536 1,095 1,191 1,225 1,946 1,788 984 38, 081 271 20, 693 Bay county— Continued. Piuconning township, including Pincon- ning village. Pinconning village Portsmouth township AVest Bay city AVard 1 2, 353 Ward2 3,020 Wards 1. 789 Ward 4 2, 560 Ward 5 L 762 AVard 6 1.497 Williams township Benzie county. 1890 351 Almira township Benzonia township Blaine township Colfax township - ■ Crystal Lake township, including Frank- fort village. Frankfort \'illage — GUmore township Homestead township Inland township Joyfleld township Lake township Platte township AVeldon township .-'. Berrien county. 2,016 1,118 690 931 Bainbridge township - - - ■ ' Benton township, including part of Ben- ton Harbor village. 1 Benton Harbor village (part oO Total for Benton Harbor village, in Benton and St. Joseph townships. Berrien township Bertrand township - ■ - Buchanan township, incl. Buchanan A-ill . Buchanan village Chickaniing townsnip GaUen township, including Galien village . Galien village Hagar township Lake township Lincoln township - - New Buflalo township, including New- Buffalo village. New Buffalo village Kiles city _- ■ • Ward 1 798 Ward2 771 AVard 3 . . - 980 Ward4 917 Ward 5 '31 Niles township --•-■:•-• Oronoko township, including Berrien Springs village. Berrien Springs village Pipestone township Koyalton township - St. Joseph township, incl. part ot Benton Harbor village and St. Joseph village. Benton Harbor village (part of) St. Joseph village Sodus township ............ ■ ., ■ Three Oaks township, including Three Oaks village. Three Oaks village Watervliet township Weesaw township Branch county. 1,956 1,156 12, 981 1,300 5.237 278 506 346 404 1, 472 1.175 755 330 419 262 170 198 97 41. 285 1880 1,519 5,550 3.173 3,692 1,584 1,093 2, 849 1.994 964 1,238 492 953 1,518 2, 112 1, 192 553 4,197 1,364 1,815 745 1.446 1,164 4,826 519 3.733 953 1,754 2,016 1,178 26, 791 1,383 1,210 1,391 738 300 779 6,397 866 3,433 356 322 244 131 912 782 494 208 287 173 42 170 94 36, 785 1,378 12, 139 1.392 1,308 2, 888 1,894 996 1, 202 413 946 1,247 1,408 1,191 521 4,197 1,663 1,812 758 1,495 1,024 i3, 550 2,603 960 1,393 474 1.897 1,369 27, 941 1,550 1, 305 1,511 a Organized from part of Bay county in 1883. b Organized from part of Deep lliver township in 1883. c Part taken to form Turner township in 1886. Sault Ste. Marie township (fc) Sugar Lslaud township Superior township (a) Trout Lake township (a) Whitefish township (a) Clare county 1890 Arthur township (c) Franklin township (d) l\ost township {e) Grant township, including Clare village. Clare village Greenwood township Hamilton township (/), iucl. Dodgevill. . Dodge village Hatton township {g) Hayes township, iucl. Harrison village. . . ' Harrison village Sheridan township (/i) Siuumerfield township Surrey township, iucl. Farwell village . . . Farwell village "Winterfield township Clinton county 26, 509 Bath township Bengal town.ship Bingham township, incl. St. Johns village- St. Johns village Dallas towTiship, including Fowlervillage. Fowler village Dcwitt township Duplain township, incl. Elsie village Elsie village Eagle townshii), including Eagle village. Eagle village Essex township, incl. Maple Rapids vill. . Maple Rapids village Greenbush township Lebanon township, including part ot'Hub- bardston village (i). Olive township Ovid township, including Ovid village . . Ovid village Kiley township Victor township "Waterto wn township "Westphalia township, including West- phalia village. Westphalia village Crawford county . Ball township Beaver Creek township . Blaine township (o) Center Plains township . Frederic township Grayling township Grove township Maple Forest township. South Branch township 991? , veo 7,558 1,224 1,154 4, 252 .1, 127 1,668 346 3,391 1,773 396 1, 246 141 1,511 533 1. 4.53 1,235 95 170 51 202 260 1,558 204 316 106 1880 1,947 4,187 1,159 MINOR Civil, DIVISIONS. Delta county. a Organized since 1880. b Sault Ste. Marie village, formerly in Sault Ste. Mario township, incorporated as a city since 1880. c Organized from part of Sheridan township in 1884. d Organized from part of Frost township in 1884. e Part taken to form Franklin township in 1884. /Organized in 1885. q Organized iu 1886. 7i Part taken to form Arthur township in 1884. iNot separately returned; in Lebanon township, Clinton county, and North Plains township, Ionia county. j Organized from part of Ford River township in 1880. k Organized from part of Nahma townsliip in 1881. I Escanaba village, formerlyinEacanaba township, incorpo- rated as a city since 1880. Baldwin township Bark River township ( j) Bay de Noc township {k) Escanaba city (I) Ward 1 810 Ward 2 1, 476 Ward 3 2, 837 Ward 4 1, 685 Escanaba township {I) Fairbanks township (m) Ford River township (?i ) Garden to^vnship (0), incl. Garden village Garden village Gladstone city (a) W ard 1 321 Ward 2 496 Ward 3 316 Ward 4 204 Maple Ridge township Masonville township Nahma township (p) Sac Bay township (5) Eaton county-. Bellevue township, incl. Bellevue village. . Bellevue village Benton township, incl. Potterville village. Potterville village Brookfield township Carmel township Charlotte city Wardl 578 Ward 2 972 Ward 3 1, 264 Ward 4 1,053 Chester township Delta township - Eaton Rapids city (r) Wardl 662 W ar d 2 606 Ward 3 702 Eaton Rapids township Eaton township Hamlin township Kalamo townsliip Oneida township, incl. Grand Ledge vill . Grand Ledge village Roxand township Sunfield township '- Vermontville township, including Ver- montville village. Vermontville village Walton township, incl. Olivet village Olivet village Windsor township, incl. Dimondale vill. . Dimondale village Emmet county Bear Creek township, including Petoskey village. Petoskey village Bliss township Carp Lake township Center township Cross Village township (t) Eggleston township (u) Friendship township 1890 15, 330 385 706 478 6,808 724 - 740 837 1.267 458 1,337 32, 094 2,084 914 1,537 505 1, ;'.44 1,089 3,867 1,420 L482 1,970 1,256 1,084 1,224 1,591 2,930 1 ,606 1,731 1,891 1,881 730 L995 790 1,718 320 8,756 1880 4,025 3, 026 3,860 569 814 241 242 924 265 697 388 186 301 31, 225 2, 057 628 1,783 47t 1,425 1,175 2,910 1,495 1,608 1,785 si, 336 1, 217 si, 315 1.638 2,652 1,387 1,597 1,595 2, 015 623 1,874 520 1,748 304 6,639 2,763 2,872 1,815 202 192 236 109 219 265 484 452 140 305 465 m Part taken to fonn Garden township in 1882. n Part taken to form Bark River township in 1880. Organized from parts of Fairbanks and Nahma townships in 1882. p Parts taken to form Bay de Noc township in 1881 and Garden township in 1882. (/ Winona township (population 78 in 1880) annexed since 1880. .„ .-, r Formerly Eaton Rapids village in Eaton Rapids and Hamlin townships; incorporated as a city since 1880. s Exclusive of part of Eaton Rapids village. t Part taken to form Eggleston township m 1884. u Organized from part of Cross Village township in 1884. POPULATION. 213 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MICHIGAIV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Emmbt county — Coutiuued. Littlefield township Little Traverse township, including Har- bor Springs village. Harbor Springs village Maple E.i ver township Pleasant View township Redmond township Genesee county Argentine township Atlas township Burton township Clayton township Davison township, incl. Davison village . Davison village Fenton township. Including Fentonville and Linden villages. Fentonville village Linden village Flint city Ward i 3, 03.3 Ward 2 3, 068 Ward 3 2, 354 Ward 4 1 , 348 Flint township Flushing township, incl. Flushing village. Flushing village Forest township, incl. Otisville village . - . Otis villa village Gaines township, incl. Gaines village Gaines village Genesee township, incl. part of Mount Morris village. iVIount Morris village (part of) Total for Mount Morris village (a), in Genesee and Mount Morris town- ships. Grand Blanc to>vn8Mp Montrose township Mount Morris township, including part of Mount Morris village. Mount Morris village (part of) Mundy township Richfield township Thetford township Vienna township, including Clio village. . Clio village ". . . . 1890 Gladwin county. Billings township (6) Buckeye township (c), including part of Gladwin village. Gladwin village (part of) Total for Gladwin village , in Buckeye and Grout townships. Bntman township (d) Clement township (e) Gladwin township (/) Grout township, incl. part of Gladwin vill. Gladwin village (part of) Sa^e township (g) Tobacco township (h) Gogebic county (i) - Bessemer city Ward 1 853 Ward 2 933 Ward 3 780 Bessemer township ,052 603 278 433 39, 430 1,069 1,256 1,233 1,337 1,617 456 3,667 2,182 552 9,803 1,330 2,444 g6s 1,696 277 1,735 304 1,588 2IO 1,430 1,654 1,223 T41 1,390 1,471 1,372 2,115 :77 4,208 253 581 196 903 260 124 683 1,564 707 547 196 13, 166 2,566 1880 266 1,029 164 418 516 39, 220 1,178 1,346 1,363 1,473 1,536 163 3,807 2, 152 676 8,409 1,395 2,192 6qo 1,882 '49 1,782 1,537 1,338 1,3.57 1,915 t;02 1, 545 1.571 1,400 2,194 1,127 144 467 516 a In 1880 in ifount Morris township only. b Part taken to form Tobacco township in 1884. e Organized since 1880. d Organized in 1883. e Organized from part of Gladwin township in 1884. / Parts taken to form Sage township in 1882 and Clement township in 1884. ff Organized from part of Gladwin township in 1882. h Organized from part of Billings township in 1884. I Organized from part of Ontonagon county in 1887. J Not separately returned. k P;ut taken to form Union township in 1884. MINOR CIVIL divisions. 1890 Gogebic county— Continued. Ironwood city Ward 1 1,726 Ward 2 1,556 Ward 3 2, 597 Ward 4 1, 866 Ironwood township Marenisco township Wakefield township, including Wakefield village (j). Watersmeet township Grand Traverse county. Blair township East Bay township Fife Lake township (7c), incl.Fife Lake vill, Fife Lake village Garfield township (I) ' Grant township Green Lake township (d) Long Lake township Mayfield township Paradise township Peninsula township Traverse township, incl. Traverse village. Traverse village Union township (m) Whitewater township Gratiot county. Arcada township (w),incl. Alma village. . Alma village (0) Bethany township, including part of St. Louis village. St. Louis village (part of) Total for St. Louis village, in Bethany and Pine River townships. Elba township, including Ashley village . Ashlev village Emerson township (p) Fulton township, incl. Perrinton village . Perrinton village Hamilton township Ithaca township (g), incl. Ithaca village. . Ithaca village Lafayette township "Newark township (p) "New Haven township North Shade township North Star township (p) Pine River township (c), including jiart of St. Louis village. St. Louis village (part of) Seville township Sumner township Washington township Wheeler township Hillsdale county . Adams township, incl. North Adams vill. North Adams village Allen township Amboy township Cambria township Camden township Fayette township, incl. Jonesvillo village. Jonesville village 7,745 502 225 782 13, 355 676 543 1,018 654 810 974 394 843 498 525 371 492 454 560 449 1, 357 555 957 849 4, 833 2,679 4,353 1,897 148 792 740 1880 28, 668 30, 660 8,422 21, 936 2,943 1,611 2,' 264 437 1,715 767 608 2,246 1,975 1,756 734 711 1,441 1,377 1,914 1,403 349 752 656 1,768 1,627 1,336 600 1,005 1,338 1,645 1,394 1,182 1, 421 1,365 1,645 1,467 2,825 3, 090 1.479 1,322 ',367 1,216 1,371 1,358 1,538 1,144 1,640 968 32, 723 1,855 504 433 1,429 1,580 1,236 1, 379 1,498 1, 632 1.911 2,048 1, 833 2,125 1,288 1,445 I Organized in 1882. m Organized from part of Fife Lake township in 1884. m Part taken to form Ithaca township in 1881; that part of Alma village formerly in Pine River township annexed in 1887. o Formerly in Arcada and Pine River townships ; all given to Arcada township in 1887. p Part taken to form Ithaca township in 1881. q Organized from parts of Arcada, Emerson, Newark, and North Star townships in 1881. /■ That part of Alma village formerly in Pine River town- ship given to Arcada township in 1887." 214 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinued. imCHIG AN— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hillsdale county— Continueil. Hillsdale city - - • Wardl ?°° Wards 969 Ward 4 - "27 Hillsdale township - Jeiferson township ,",•"•■,■,' Litchfield township, incl. Litchfield viU - Litchfield village Moscow township Pittsford township Ransom townshij) - Reading township, incl. Beading vill. (a) . Scipio township Soinersft towusliip Wheatland township Woodhndge township Wright township, incl. Waldron village. Waldron village 1890 Houghton county. Adams township • V"' V Calumet township, including Calumet and Red Jacket villages. Calumet village Red Jacket village Chassell township (6) Duncan township (6) Franklin township Hancock township, incl. Hancock village. Hancock village Laird township (!<) ,---,:■"•%%"",;"" Osceola township (ii), including Dollar Bay, Osceola Mills, Osceola Mine, and Tamarack Mine villages. Dollar Bay village Osceola Mills village Osceola Mine village Tamarack Mine village • ■ Portage township, incl. Houghton village Houghton village Quincy township ■ ■ v ' ' Schoolcraft township, including Lake Linden village. Lake Linden village Torch Lake township (6) Huron county Bingham township Bloomfleld township Brookfield townsliip - ■ Caseville township, incl. Caseville villa Caseville village Chandler township - - - • - Colfax township, incl. partot Bad Axe viU. Bad Axe village (part of) Total for Bad Axe village (c), in Colfax and Verona townships. Dwight township Fairhaven township (rf) Gore township Grant township Hume township Huron township Lake township Lincoln township Meade township Oliver township Paris township V; " : " ', ' Port Austin township, including Grind- stone and Port Austin villages. Grindstone village Port Austin village v,' " ' ' Rubicon township, including Port Hope village. Port Hope village ■■■■ ■ Sand Beach township, including band Beach village. Sand Beach village 3, 915 455 1,771 1,714 6oi 1,127 1,560 1,403 1,989 960 1,237 1,260 1,343 2, 246 365 35, 389 1880 1,475 12, 529 1,159 3.073 680 476 2,687 2, 735 1,772 159 3 630 578 566 1,413 768 3,531 2,062 1, 258 3,325 1,862 2,904 28, 545 1,348 692 867 1, 193 508 1,047 1,116 233 842 1,424 769 315 1,133 781 923 333 532 922 692 1,680 1,469 462 571 1,199 393 2,288 1,046 539 2,007 1,958 1, 029 1,337 1,614 1, 563 2,175 1,012 1,356 1,388 1,580 2,134 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Huron county — Continued. Sebewaing township, including Sehewa- ing village. Sebewaing village Sheridan township Shenuan township Sigel township - - • Verona township, including part of Bad Axe village. Bad Axe village (part of) White Rock township Winsor township (e) 22, 473 1,148 8,299 2,987 3,041 1,783 2,863 1-438 1,490 2,645 2,610 20, 089 329 432 1,058 634 549 418 190 933 974 374 022 938 768 275 230 670 194 1,497 1,356 299 757 1,229 Ingham county. 1890 1,810 719 885 1,318 907 1,288 609 335 1,279 37, 666 a Not separately returned. b Organized since 1880. c In 1880 in Verona township only. d Part taken to form Winsor township m 1881. e Organized from part of Fairhaven township in 1881. Alaiedon township Aurelius township Blinker Hill township Delhi township Ingham township, incl. DansvilleviUage. Pansville village '. Lansing city ■•■••• Waadl 1.243 Ward 2 2, 555 Ward 3 2, 106 Ward 4 2, 436 Ward 5 2, 960 WardO 1,802 Lansing township Leroy township, incl. WebherviJle village Webberville village Leslie township, including Leslie village Leslie village Locke township Mason city Wardl 1,0'?5 Ward2 80" Meridian township Onondaga township - - Stockbridge township, including Stock- bridge village. Stockbridge village Vevay township Wheatfield township (/) White Oak township - -- - - WlUiaraston township (/), including Wil- liamston village. Williamston village (g) 1880 ],48S 553 540 1,094 521 740 190 375 lONIA county . 1,287 1,489 1.012 1,504 1,232 366 13, 102 1,422 1,572 404 2,337 1,058 1,265 1,875 1,720 1, 392 1,276 32, 801 1,515 534 790 1,688 1,284 1,868 4,482 1,482 1,024 2,437 612 490 384 1,477 360 2,251 635 1,311 1,397 3,180 1,730 2, 620 1,678 1,371 1,416 33, 676 1,474 1,478 1,099 1,538 1,411 440 8,319 1,209 1,911 489 2,501 1 ,113 1,494 1,809 1,530 1, 4.53 1,003 160 1,207 1,207 1,181 1,852 33, 872 1,805 2,214 877 1,640 1,423 1,871 4,190 1,813 1,284 2,804 747 714 316 1.902 Berlin township }'^]^ Boston township, incl. Saranao village 1, 940 Saranac village Campbell township Danby township Easton township Ionia city Wardi 1.057 Ward 2 957 Ward3 1,072 Ward 4 1,396 Ionia township Keene township Lyons township, including Lyons, Muir, and Pewamo villages. Lyons village Muir village Pewamo village •. . North Plains township, including part ot Hubbardston village. Hubbardston village (/i) (part of) . .... Odessa township, incl. Lake Odessa vill . Lake Odessa village Orange township Orleans township Otisco township, incl. BeUling village . . - Belding village • ■ ■ ■ ■ Portland township, incl. Portland village Portland village Ronald township 1 Sebewa township / That part of Williamston viUage formerly in Wheatfield township annexed to Williamston township in 1889. 3 Formerly in Wheatfield and Williamston townships; all given to Williamston township in 1889. . A In Lebanon township, Clinton county, and North Plains township, Ionia county. 1,699 1,521 1,666 2, 172 562 2,809 1,670 1,499 1,560 POPULATIOK. ' Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. miCHIGAlV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Iosco CO0NTY. Alabaster township Ausable city (a) Wardl..'- 1,638 •^Vard2 1,280 Wards 1,410 Ausable township (a) Baldwin township, incl. East Tawas vill. . East Tawas village Burleigh township - Grant township (6) Oscoda township, including Oscoda vill . . Oscoda village Plainfleld townsnip ■ - Eeno township (c) Sherman township Tawas township, iucl. Tawas village Tawas village Thompson township Wilber township Iron county ((2). Bates township CrvstalFalls township, including Crystal Jails village (e). ITelch township Iron Eiver township, incl. Iron River vill Iron River village Mastodon township Stambaugh township Isabella county . Broomfiold township Chippewa township Coe township, including Shepherd village. Shepherd village Cold water township , Deertield township Denver township Fremont township Gilmore township Isabella township Lincoln township Mount Pleasant city (/) "Ward 1 - 823 Ward 2 906 Ward 3 972 Nottawa township RoUand township, incl. Blanchard village. Blanchard village Sherman township , Union township (/) Vernon township Wise township Isle Royal county. Isle Royal township (g) . Jackson county. Blackman township Columbia township, incl. Brooklyn vill . . . Brooklyn village Concord township, incl. Concord village. . Concord village Grass Lake township, including Grass Lake village. Grass Lake village Hanover township, mcl. Hanover village. Hanover village Henrietta township 15, 224 372 266 4,328 1,328 170 1,350 2,485 1,248 2,20O 1,086 443 134 149 174 3,848 1,998 3.593 1,951 200 61 358 168 217 2,349 1,142 1,54+ 712 55 81 299 202 4,432 594 1 176 414 1,426 1,117 111 711 18, 784 12, 159 495 293 719 487 1,801 1,381 469 1,084 377 938 521 681 260 1,176 850 571 261 1,523 1,170 1,248 1,237 2,701 1,115 843 293 1,061 895 219 271 533 382 1,270 2,295 1,314 1,090 826 368 135 55 45,031 1880 6,873 42, 031 1,713 1,574 596 1,415 1,504 1,605 470 1,583 580 1,643 540 1,896 617 1,575 363 1,145 682 1,732 300 1,134 MINOR CIVIL divisions. a Ausable village, formerly in Ausable township, incorpo- rated as a city since 1880. b Part taken to form Reno township in 1885. c Organized from part of Grant township in 1885. d Organized from parts of Marquette and Menominee coun- ties in 1885. e Not separately returned. Jackson county — Continued. Jackson city Ward 1 1, 709 Ward 2 2, 174 Ward 3 1, 555 Ward 4 3. 390 Ward 5 2, 886 Ward 6 3, 079 Ward 7 3,614 Wards 2,391 Leoni township Liberty township Napoleon township, incl. Napoleon village. Napoleon village Norvell township Parma township, incl. part of Parma vill.. Parma village (part of) Total for Parma village, in Parma and Sandstone townships. Pulaski township Rives township Sandstone township, including part of Parma village. Parma village (part of) Spring Arbor township Springport township, iucl. Springport vill Springport village Summit township Tompkins township Waterloo township Kalamazoo county. Alamo township Brady township, including part of Vicks- burg village. Vicksburg village (part of) Total for vicksburg village, in Brady and Schoolcraft townships. Charleston township, including parts of Augusta and Galesburg villages. Augusta village (part of) Total for Augusta village, in Charles- ton and Ross townships. Galesburg village (part of) Total for Galesburg village, in Charles- ton and Comstock townships. Climax township, iucl. Climax village Climax village Comstock township, including C!omstock village and part of Galesburg village. Comstock village Galesburg village (part of) Cooper township Kalamazoo city (h) Wardl 3,337 Ward 2 4, 343 Ward 3 4, 093 Ward 4 4, 134 Ward 5 1, 946 Kalamazoo township (h) Oshtemo township Pavilion township Portage township Prairie Ronde township Richland township, incl. Richland village. Richland village Ross township, incl. part of Augusta vill. Augusta village (part of) Schoolcraft township, incl. Schoolcraft village and part of Vicksburg village. Schoolcraft village Vicksburg village (part of) Texas township Wakeshma township Kalkaska county . 20,78 1,381 974 999 1,557 1,065 1, 177 334 824 1,175 221 490 379 908 1,418 265 4B2 1,046 1,305 1,511 1,168 1,338 1,572 269 1,182 1,474 407 967 1,159 1,171 217 1,264 1,468 385 999 1,270 1,268 39, 273 34, 342 1,185 1,410 1,218 1,456 291 921 2TI 784 984 17 498 108 1,193 702 1,476 369 1,779 1,493 268 1,891 393 594 1,099 17, 853 149 1,193 11,937 2,293 13, 552 1,206 1,429 1,014 1,138 941 1,007 998 1,100 1,135 1,189 293 1,347 223 1,617 481 2,124 "'2,' 284 836 630 893 951 573 1,012 1,536 1,570 5,160 2,937 740 367 542 350 1880 iO, Wf) Boardman township Clearwater township (t) /Mount Pleasant village, formerly in Union township, incorporated as a city since 1880. g Formerly Minong. h Kalamazoo village, formerly in Kalamazoo township, iuttorporated as a city since 1880. i Part taken to form Oliver township in 1881. 216 COMPENDIUM or THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. MICHIGAN— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Kalkaska county — Coutiuued. Cold Spring township Excelsior township Garfield township (o) Glade township (fc) Kalkaska township, inch Kalkaska vill . Kalkaska village Oliver township (c) Orange township Kapid River township Springfield township (d) Wilson townshiiJ Kent county . 1890 137 181 183 1,542 i,i6i 131 383 549 285 148 109, 922 Ada township Algoma township, iucludiug jiart of Rock- ford village. Rockford village (part of) Alpine township Bowno township Byron township Caledonia township, inchuliug Caledonia village. Caledonia village Cannon towuship Cascade township Cortland township Gaines township Gland Rapids citj' Ward 1 9.5^5 Ward 2 3,215 Ward 3 4,909 Ward 4 6,846 Ward 5 7,098 Ward 6 7,119 Ward 7 6.533 Ward 8 3,291 Ward 9 4,586 Ward 10 7,146 Grand Rapids township Grattan township Lowell township, incl. Lowell village . - . Lowell village Nelson township, including part of Cedar Springs village and Sand Lake village. Cedar Springs village (part of) Total for Cedar Springs village, m Nelson and Solon townships. Sand Lake village Oakfleld township Paris township ,• Plainfleld township, including part ot I-tockford village (e). Solon towuship, including part of Cedar Springs village. Cedar Springs village (part of) Sparta towuship, including Lisbon and Sparta villages. Lisbon vdlage Sparta village Spencer township - Tyrone township, including part of Cas- uovia village. Casnovia village (part of ) Total for Casnovia village, in Tyrone township, Kent county, and Casno- via township, Muskegon county. Vereennes townsnip Walker towuship Wyomingtownship, iucludin " Grandville village («). Keweenaw county. Allouez township ■■ 1 1„<, Clifton township . . . 5 '"' • Copper Harbor township. Eagle Harbor township . . Grant to\vnship Houghton tovraship Sherman towuship 1,296 2,077 1, 382 1,214 1, 745 1,785 1,115 1,147 1,280 1,351 60, 278 8,325 1,109 3,145 1 ,829 2,147 508 1,035 1,048 3,171 L571 1,709 527 2,639 136 qo4 1,260 1,501 J06 275 1,094 3,239 3,234 2,894 1880 101 168 1.103 58 576 100 189 324 382 404 151 73, 253 1,441 2, 100 669 1,378 L387 1,712 1,964 340 1,220 1,195 1, 330 1,369 32, 016 3,058 1,238 3,037 1,538 2,598 517 1, 141 581 L112 2, 038 1,608 1,693 624 2,103 124 507 1,196 1,319 lOI 196 1,148 1,876 2,117 4,270 (975 )247 141 527 365 1,004 1,011 a Organized in 1880. h Organized from part of Springfield township in 1883. c Organized from part of Clearwater township in 1881. d Part taken to foim Glade townsbip in 1883. minor civil divisions. Lake county . Center township (/) Chase township, uicludiug Chase village. . Chase village Cherry Valley township Dover township Eden township Elk township Ellsworth township, incl. Luther village.. Luther village Glencoe township Lake township Pinora towuship, incl. Deer Lake village . . Deer Lake village Pleasant Plains township, iucludiug Bald win village. Baldwin village Webber township Yates township 1890 0,505 Lapeer county. Alinont township, incl. Aliuout village . . . Alniont village Arcadia township Attica township, including Attica village. Attica village Burlington township, incl. Clifford village. Clinord village Bumside township Deerfield towuship Dryden township, incl. Dryden village. . Dryden village Elba township Goodland township Hadley towuship, incl. Hadley village Hadley village Imlay towuship, including Imlay village Imlay village Lapeer city Ward 1 574 Ward 2 869 Ward 3 382 Ward 4 928 Lapeer township Marathon township, including Columbia- ville and Otter Lake villages. Columbiaville village Otter Lake village Mayfield towuship Metamora township, incl. Metamora vill. Metamora village North Branch towuship, including North Branch village. North Branch village Oregon township Rich township Ill 1,169 388 301 303 120 569 1,949 1 ,084 94 59 890 371 657 429 162 121 29, 213 Leelanaw county. Bingbam township CenterviUe township Cleveland township Elm wood township Eraiiire township - Glen Arbor township Kassou township Leelanaw township, iucl. Northport vill. Northport village Le.land township Solon township Sutton township (3) 1,854 717 1.193 1, 527 353 1,518 306 2,055 1,072 1,378 322 1,089 1,126 1,316 288 2,620 1 ,251 2.753 957 1,846 578 243 1,204 1,306 314 1,886 70s 1,295 1, 218 7,944 Lenawee county . Adrian city Wardl 2,053 Ward 2 2,977 Ward 3 1,712 Ward 4 2,014 e Not separately returned. / Organized in 1881. g Organized since 1880, 1880 719 927 552 734 596 353 558 L397 304 708 367 1,033 3,233 1,087 273 1*9 214 92 156 252 126 90 375 165 115 257 30, 138 2,050 837 1,043 1,910 449 1, 252 2,110 999 1,535 200 L272 1,241 1,474 29^ 2,400 971 2,911 1,108 L702 326 306 1,730 1,384 236 L650 L420 881 6,253 1,333 658 395 438 419 329 489 1,015 laS 874 303 48, 343 7,849 POPFLATIOK 217 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MICHIGAIV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lenawee couN'ry— Continued. Adrian township Blissfield townsliip, incl. Bli.sslield village Blisstield village Cambridge townsnip Cliutou townsliip, incl. Clinton village Clinton village Deerfleld township, incl. Beerlield village. Deerfield village Dover towu.ship, incl. part of Clayton vill. Clayton village (partof) Fairfield township, incl. Fairfield vill. (a) Franklin township Hudson township, including partof Clay- ton village (a) and Hudson village. Hudson village Macon township Madison township Medina township Ogden township Palmyra township Eaisin township Ridgeway township Biga township Kollin township, incl. partof Addison vill. Addison village (part of) Total for Addison village (b),in RoUin and Woodstock townships. Rome township Seneca township, incl. Morenci village . . Morenci village Tecumseh township, incl. Xecumseh vill. Tecumseh village Woodstock township, including part of Addison village. Addison village (part of) Livingston county. Brighton township, incl. Brighton village. Brighton village Cohoctah township Conway township Deerfield township Genoa townshijj Green Oak township Hamburg township Handy township, incl. Powlerville vill. (a) Hartland township Howell township, incl. Howell village Howell village I0.SC0 township Marion township Osceola township Putnam township, incl. Pinckney village. Pinckney village Tyrone township Unadilla township 1890 Luce county (c) . Lakefleld township McMillan township, incl. Newberry vill. Newberry village Peutland township Mackinac county (d) Brevoort township (e) Cedar township (/) Garfield township (g), including Naubin- way village. r^aubin way village Hendricks township Holmes township (h), incl. Mackinac vill. Mackinac village Marquette township (i) Moran township (j) Newton township 283 20, 858 1,676 741 1,286 1,298 1,072 916 817 918 2, 103 1, 0-19 3, 388 2,387 947 1,146 914 1,242 449 1,076 1,010 2,455 159 1,949 1,115 347 7,830 1880 1,860 1,462 2, 137 2,354 1,132 1 ,222 1,104 1,075 1,490 1,577 960 927 1,548 1,580 421 1,361 1,465 197 192 2.263 2,230 1,405 1,532 3,479 3,782 2,178 2,254 1,195 1,423 1,406 1,313 1,687 1,907 2,136 2,038 1,765 1,959 1,444 1,564 1,399 1,167 2,301 2,320 1,559 1,425 142 425 291 1,256 1,369 2,679 2,693 1,248 1 ,209 2,784 2,702 2,310 2,TII 1,434 1,557 313 586 1,090 578 282 1,030 750 310 452 762 22, 251 1,793 803 1,276 1,344 1,152 1,008 1,002 919 2, 301 1,250 3,250 2,071 1,018 1,255 1,022 1,294 427 1, 273 1,094 2,902 434 910 306 286 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Mackinac county— Continued. Portage township (/) 171 2,704 130 31,813 St. Ignaee city (k) Wardl ". 472 Ward 2 012 Ward 3 790 Ward 4 830 934 960 Macomr rOTTWTY 31 627 Armada township, incl. Armada village. . Armada village 1,770 638 2,021 938 1,687 2,121 865 1,81!) 2,449 695 2,385 606 2;l 1,074 1,721 4,748 1,404 2, 486 371 588 783 1,653 384 563 2, 038 "79 2, 423 2, 080 749 24, 230 1 , 793 556 2, 103 924 1 ,629 2,349 T ,024 Bruce township, incl. part of Romeo vill . . Romeo village (part of) ... . . Total for Romeo village, in Bruce and Washington townships. Chesterfield township, including New Baltimore village. New Baltimore village 2,000 2, 692 Harrison township 744 Lenox township, incl. New Haven village and part of Richmond village. 2,516 600 Richmond village (part of) . Total for Richmond village (I), in Lenox and Richmond townships. 750 2,045 3, 057 Ward 1 1,716 Ward 2 1,746 Ward 3 1,286 Ray township 1,538 Richmond township, including parts of Memphis and Richmond villages. Memphis village (part of) 2, 613 367 Total for Memphis village, in Rich- mond township, Macomb county, and Riley township, St. Clair county. Richmond village (part of) 579 Shelby township, incl. part of XJticaviU .. 1,657 316 Total for Utica village, in Shelby and Sterling townships. Sterling township, incl. part of TJtica vill. 493 2,088 AVarren township . 2,401 Washington township, including part of Romeo village. 2,031 Manistee county (m) 12, 532 671 1,287 432 726 810 2,101 12,812 2,631 1,856 361 341 1,082 593 105 710 860 335 Bear Lake township, incl. Bear Lake vill . Bear Lake village 777 236 533 Brown to wn.s hip Cleou township (u). 270 1, 033 6, 930 Ward 1 3 150 Ward 2 1 , 973 Ward 3 2, 653 Ward 4 5, 036 Manistee township, incl. Eastlake village. 773 Maple Grove township 97 166 Onekama township 684 481 Springdale township . 102 Stronach township 621 Manitou county 1,334 Chandler tow^nship . . 177 89 407 Galilee township 177 a Not separately returned. b In 1880 in Woodstock township only. c Organized from parts of Chippewa and Mackinae counties in 1887. d Part taken to form Luce county in 1887. e Organized from part of Moran township in 1881. ./■Organized since 1880. g Oiganized in 1881. h Part taken to form Marquette township in 1886. i Organized from part of Holmes township in 1886. j Part taken to form Brevoort township in 1881. k St. Ignaee city, formerly Hamlet in St. Ignaee town- .ship, incorporated since 1880. I In 1880 in Richmond township only. m Cleon township, Wexford couuty, annexed since 1880. n Formerly in Wexford county. 218 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. MICHIGAIV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Manitou county— Coutiimed. Manitou township Peaiue township Soutli Manitou township Islands not organized into townshi])^ Marquette county (a) Champion township Chocolay township Ely township Forsyth township Humboklt township (&) Ishpeming city Ward 1 1. a09 W a r d 2 2 , .MH Ward 3 ii. 195 Ward 4 4,184 Lshpeming township Marquette city W ar d 1 . . . . .' 1 , 7J Ward 2 2.157 Ward 3 1, 7i;i Ward 4 1,991 Ward 5 1, 502 Marquette township M ichigarauie township Negaunee city Ward 1 ■ 2, 837 Ward 2 1, 198 Ward 3 2, 043 Negauuee township Ropublic township liichmond township, incl. Palmer village Palmer village Tilden township Turin township (c) Mason county. Amber township Branch township Custer township, iucl. Scottville village Scottville village Eden township Freesoil township, incl. Treesoil village . . Freesoil village Gr.Tut township Hamlin township Lincoln township Ludiugton city Wartu 1,336 Ward 2 1186 Ward 3 :*. 189 Ward 4 1. *"» Pere Marquette township Riverton township Sheridan township (d) Sherman towiisliip Summit township Victory township Mecosta county . 1890 1880 Austin township Big Rapids city Wardl 8»1 Ward 2 847 Ward 3 1.S74 Ward 4 894 Wards l.lW Big Rapids township Chippewa township, incl. Lalie village . . . Lake village Colfax township, incl. i)art of Rodney vill Rodney village (part of) Total for Rodney village, in Colfax and Martinez townships. a Part tali37 1,140 1,514 131 1, 352 142 338 535 177 203 92 40, 013 138 1,734 169 275 337 638 289 580 1,446 906 2,204 1,590 1,967 1 ,623 738 22, 702 1880 1,498 723 1,466 2,014 924 556 1,189 1,835 1,903 633 1.724 508 20, 470 14, 688 1,489 773 409 445 584 1,016 1,346 638 197 572 388 1,497 730 1.330 1,097 700 807 125 1,9,58 118 1,588 680 1,097 529 902 1,029 1,569 924 880 2, 224 26 1 1,760 26, 586 307 1,715 356 471 218 494 880 892 918 1.297 409 11, 262 220 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuned. MICHIGAN— Contimied. MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Newaygo county — Coutiniied. Denver township (a), including part of Hesperia viUajie. H esperia village (part of) Total for Hesperia village (6). in Den- ver township, Newaygo count)-, and Newfield township, Oceana county. Ensley town.ship Everett township (a) (jarlield township (c), including jiart of Newaygo village. Newaygo village (part of) Goodwell township (d) Grant township Home township (e) Lincoln township (/) Monroe township (riug Lake town.ship, including Ferrys- burg and Spring Lake villages. Ferrysburg village Spring Lake village Tallmadge township Wright township Zeeland township, incl. Zeeland village. . Zeeland village Presque Isle county Allis township (/) . Belknap townshi]) Bismarck township (g) Case township (h) Krakow township , Metz township Moltke township (g) Posen township Presque Isle township Rogers township, incl. Rogers village . Rogers village T Roscommon county. Denton township Gerrish township Higgins township (1), including mon village. Roscommon village Markey township (rf) Nester township Richfield township (j) Roscommon township St. Helen township {k) Roscom- Saginaw county. Albee township Birch Run township Elniufield township Brady township, including Oakley village. Oakley village Brant township Bridgeport township Bueua Vista township Carrollton township, incl. Carrollton vill. Carrollton village Chapin township Chesaning township, incl. Chesaning vill Chesaning village Frankenmuth township Fremont township James township Jonesfield township, incl. Merrill village Merrill village Kochville township Laketield township Maple Grove township Marion township Richland township Saginaw city (I) Ward 1 3,712 Ward 2 3,953 Ward 3 3,559 Ward 4 3,812 Ward 5 4,740 Ward 6 3,031 Ward 7 3,704 Ward 8 1,788 Ward 9 1,931 Ward 10 3, 238 Ward 11 3, 292 Ward 12 2, 776 Ward 13 2, 065 Ward 14 2,111 Ward 15 2, 601 Saginaw township 1890 2,256 692 1,168 1,324 1,611 2, 834 4, 687 223 744 113 246 385 267 465 1, 259 •h9 766 431 2, 033 66 586 511 28 1.59 76 176 867 82, 273 613 1, 5.53 1,420 1,469 299 1,190 1,813 2, 998 2,075 1,074 681 2,361 1,-56 1,815 812 655 1,105 412 863 543 1,703 582 1,221 46, 322 1,340 1880 411 '-372 1,506 1,922 2, 715 484 3,113 620 100 242 100 490 858 228 475 325 210 214 687 234 114 59, 095 434 1,600 1,369 1,247 298 860 1,644 1,735 1,737 82s 646 2,059 889 1,691 484 572 317 1,768 193 1,.S83 80 700 10, 525 1,376 g Parts taken to form AHis township in 1881 and Case town- ship in 1885. h Organized from parts of Bismarck and Moltke townships in 1885. i Part taken to form Richfield township in 1885. j Organized from part of Higgins township in 1885. k Organized in 1880. I East Saginaw city (population 19,016 in 1880) annexed April 1, 1890. 222 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE I'OPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MICHIGAN— Continued. MIKOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. Saginaw county— Continufd. St. (Uiarles township, including St.Clmrlc.s villain (a). S])aulding township Swan Creek township Tayinoiith township Thomastown township Tittaba.wassee township Zilwaukee township St. Clair county. Berlin tow nshiji Brockway township, iiiilndinf; Hrockway Center'(a.) and Tale villag'ss. Vale village Burehville township Caseo township. Cliina township Clay townsliip, inch Algonac village (a) . . Clyde township Columbus township Cottrellvillo township (6) East China township Emmet township Fort Gratiot city (c) Fort Gratiot township (c) Grant township - Greenwood township Ii a township Kenockeo township Kimball township - Lynn township Marine city (b) Wardl 1,406 Ward 2 945 Wards 917 Mussey township, inch Capac village (n) . Port Huron city Ward 1 - - 1, 824 Ward 2 1, 289 AVaid 3 1, 375 Ward 4 3,080 Ward 5 3, 242 Ward 6 2, 727 Port Huron township Siley township, ind. part of Memphis vill. isiemphis village (part of) Total for Memphis village, in Rich- mond township, Macomb county, and Riley township, St. Clair county. St. Clair city ...' Wardl 1,111 Ward 2 1,242 St. Clair township Wales township St. Joseph county Biur Oak township, incl. Burr Oak village Hurr Oak village Colon township, including Colon village. . Colon village Constaiitine township, including Con stantiiie village. Constantine village Fabius township Fawn Eiver township Florence township Flowerfield township Leonidas township Lockport township, incl. Three Eivcri village. Three Rivers village Mendon township, incl. Mendon village Mendon village Mottville township Notta.wa township, incl. Centerville vill Ccnterville village 1890 1,807 516 413 493 309 1,579 1,154 1,200 1.048 1,581 1,506 1,963 1,630 52, 105 1,237 2, 237 937 572 1,811 1, 380 1,681 1,014 1,158 1,054 294 1,251 2,832 774 1,142 1,457 1,495 1,202 1,356 857 3, 268 1880 1, .539 46, 197 1,283 1.839 752 2, 212 1,628 1,523 1, 252 1,327 2,904 337 1,480 1,280 1,902 1, 3.57 1, 568 1,645 1,591 1,429 788 1,673 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,683 1,746 13, 543 8,883 1.407 1,010 1,005 2,002 217 212 588 579 2,353 1,923 1,807 1,996 1,635 1,820 25, 356 26, 626 1,738 1,837 687 1,515 721 1,518 489 2,141 422 2,441 1,346 1,035 1,405 1,298 602 702 791 899 1, 184 1,438 1,452 1,512 3,872 3,464 3,MI 1,893 2.525 2,040 808 545 854 690 1, 910 1, 916 775 705 Schoolcraft county (/) . Gemifask township (g) Harrison township (7i), including South Manistiquo village. South Manistique village Hiawatha township (i), including jiart of Manistique village. Manistique village (part oO Total for Manistique village, in Hia- watha and Manistique townships. Manistique township (j),iaeludingi)artof Manistiquo village. Manistique village (part of) Seney township (k) Thompson township (!) Shiawassee county . 1,095 1,048 2,989 2,489 1, ,546 961 32, 589 767 1,015 1,479 853 721 101 403 2,178 1,427 816 835 889 933 1,095 806 649 2, 602 504 712 1,592 437 1,837 2,370 1.114 394 883 1,889 1,430 1,447 172 1,224 302 454 1,284 5,818 1880 148 422 1,382 i>233 2,940 2,161 1,707 774 931 30, 952 992 1,298 1,467 413 1,387 1, 382 1,283 1, 204 2,677 2, 060 1,707 26, 341 341 691 1,634 693 262 2,131 1, 332 259 215 526 940 1,188 612 301 2, 993 447 955 939 1,418 1,700 871 191 359 2,457 1,473 952 1,554 1, 575 192 693 27, 059 1,190 1,472 1,576 355 1, 320 1,501 Antrim township Bennington township Burns township, including Byron village Byron village Caledonia township Corunna city Ward 1...' 576 W ard 2 528 Ward 3 278 ■ i ,i k Brainerd township (population 2,319 in 1880) abolished since 1880. . , . „„iaaA I Formerly in Brainerd township ; mcoiporated since l»»u. 836 805 3,809 791 802 POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MIIVIVESOTA— Continued. 227 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dakota county— Contimied. Lakeville village Lebanon township Marshan township Mendota township (a) Mendota village (a) New Trier village Nininger township Eaudolph township Kavenua township RoseraoLint township Rosemount village Sciota township South St. Paul city (6) Ward 1 812 Ward 2 956 Ward 3 474 Vermilion township AVaterford township West St. Paul city (c) Ward 1 383 Ward 2 904 Ward 3 249 1890 Dodge county. Ashland township Canisteo township Claremont township .. Claremont village Concord township Dodge Center village. . Ellington township . . . Hayfield township Kasson village Mantorville township. Mantorville village . . . Milton township Ripley township Vernon township Wasioja township Westfield township ... ■id). 1880 258 168 242 252 499 563 741 741 248 348 129 104 276 239 218 235 264 283 589 848 198 116 239 276 242 489 780 819 352 424 596 10, 864 Douglas county Alexandria township Alexandria village Belle River township Brandon township (e) ... Brandon village (e) Carlos township Evansville township (/) . Evansville village (/)... Holmes township Hudson townshij) Ida township Lagrand townshij) Lake Mary township Leaf Valley township. . . Lund township Millerville township Miltona township Moe township Orange township Osakis township Osakis village Solem township Spruce Hill township . .. Urness townshii^ Faribault county Barber township Blue Earth township... Blue Earth \dllage Brush Creek township . Clark township 552 832 704 1,024 633 585 642 992 749 460 995 323 895 897 581 14, 600 470 2,118 711 570 225 435 580 452 746 509 746 545 506 614 627 673 228 672 343 479 472 714 530 641 16, 708 11, 344 589 914 C582 i 269 1, 040 726 667 500 1,054 832 477 957 384 937 875 541 139 1,355 472 361 200 554 582 452 477 209 331 413 348 547 162 .569 273 462 252 353 231 598 649 662 620 ,.569 1,066 719 561 405 248 a Mendota village, formerly in Mc-udota township, incorpo- rated since 1880. ((Formerly AVest St. Paul township; part taken to form West St. Paul city in 1889. e Organized from part of South St. Paul city in 1889. d Not separately returned. e Brandon village organized from part of Chippewa (now Brandon) township since 1880. /Evansville vUlage organized from part of Evansville township since 1880. minor CIVIL divisions. Faribault county— Continued. Delavan township Delavan village Dunbar township Easton village Elmore township (g) Elmore village {g) Emerald township Foster township Jo Daviess township Kiester township Lura township Minnesota Lake township Minnesota Lake village . . . Pilot Grove township Prescott township Rome township Seely township Verona township Walnut Lake township Wells village Winnebago township Winnebago village 1890 Fillmore county. Amherst township Arendahl township Beaver township Bloomfield township Bristol township Canton township (h) Canton village (h) Carimona township Carrolton township Chatfield township Chattield village (part of ) Total for Chatfield village, in Fillmore and Olmsted counties. Fillmore township Forestville township Fountain township Fountain village Harmony township - J ri Harmony village ) Holt township Jordan township Lanesboro village Mabel village (j) Newburg township (j) Norway township Pilot Mound township Prebl* township Preston township Preston village . . Rushford city Rushford township Spring A" alley township Spring A''alley village . . . Sumner township Whalan village Wykofl' villaoe York township • (k) ■ Freeborn county . Albert Lea city Ward 1 1, 026 Ward 2 1. 420 Ward 3 859 Albert Lea township Alden township Alden village Bancroft township Bath township Carlston township Freeborn township Freeborn village 1880 252 512 180 689 488 791 521 452 372 487 698 .340 386 613 641 577 710 .557 ,208 486 ,108 25, 966 815 814 665 849 969 1,069 281 727 726 647 963 1.335 875 755 659 248 1,051 823 616 898 273 882 982 781 780 1,580 968 929 813 1,381 824 98 335 890 17,962 3,305 612 251 .'J69 68 439 861 406 372 123 580 576 208 324 605 505 441 560 440 661 478 993 28, 162 931 1,002 667 885 1,010 1,347 898 980 720 827 i,i66 1,119 874 922 206 ; 1, 026 "961 051 1,032 1.094 1,105 1,002 900 ; 1,825 ' 939 941 863 850 1,256 900 134 272 962 16,069 1,5 917 878 594 474 276 235 879 969 919 593 500 515 414 89 I 72 c/ Elmore village organized from part of Elmore township since 1880. h Canton village organized from part of Canton township since 1880. i Not separately returned ; Harmony villageorganizedfrom part of Harmony township since 1880. j Mabel village organized from part of Newburg township since 1880. A: Not separately returned; Preston village, formerly in Preston township, incorporated since 1880. 228 COMPEKDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. irillVIVE SOT A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Freebgen county— Continued. Freeman township Genera township Hartlaud township Hayward township London township Manchester township . . . Mansfield township Moscow township Mewry townsliip Nunda township Oakland township Pickerel Lake township. Kiceland township Shell Kock township 1890 1880 Goodhue county. Belle Greek township Belvidere township Buruside township Cannon Falls to wn.ship Cannon Falls village. Central Point township Cherry Grove township Featherstone township Florence township Goodhue township Hay Creek township Holden township - • Kenyon township («; Kenyon village (a) Leon township Minueola township Pine Island township Pine Island village Red Wing city - •-■ Wardl M™ AVard2 1'2?^ Ward3 1.' 8 Ward* 1' '" Eoscoe township Stanton township Vasa township Wacouta townsliip Wauamiugo township Warsaw townsliip Welch township Zuinbrota township Zuinhrota village Grant county. 740 485 768 735 C64 850 653 639 048 772 639 613 727 962 28, 806 937 930 529 835 1,078 107 901 874 900 1,110 868 1,005 796 666 1,083 916 739 548 6,294 1,056 542 1,208 106 1,215 999 867 830 867 772 454 699 059 614 784 552 050 737 776 629 530 783 1,013 29, 051 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hennepin county (e) 1890 185, 294 1,078 950 558 1,046 942 178 1,086 954 977 1, 013 929 1,183 1,042 6,875 112 375 Ashhy village ('<) Delaware township Elbow Lake township (c) Elbow Lake village (rf) Elk Lake township Erdahl township Gorton township Herman village Land towushi)) Lawrence township Lien township Logan township Macsvillo township North Ottawa township (rf) Pelican Lake township (h) Pomme de Terre township Koseville township Sanford township (rf) Stony Brook township a Kenyon village organized from part of Kenyon township *T Ashhy village organized from part of Pelican Lake town- ^■"c Part'^'' taken to form Elbow Lake village and North Ottawa and Sanford townships since 1880 d Organized from iiart ot Elbow Lake township since 1880 e Minneapolis township (population 2^52 in 188i ) abolished since 1880; parts taken to form Golden Valley and St. Louis Park villages and part given to Minneapolis city / Crystal villageorganized from partol Crystal Lake tovni- ^^Ij'minl IXge organized from part of Rich6eld township since 1880. 231 224 440 267 416 500 203 322 714 120 630 126 241 237 471 426 372 384 551 1,138 1,079 949 056 5,876 1, 106 512 1,157 88 1,377 1,148 928 904 797 3,004 Blooniington township Brooklyn township - • - - • - ■ Champ'lin township, inch Champlm vill Champlin village Corcoran townsliip Crystal Lake township (/) Crystal village (/) Dayton township Eden Prairie township Edina village (g) Excelsior township Excelsior village Golden Valley village (ft) Greenwood township Hassan township Independence township Maple Grove township Medina township (i) Minneapolis city ( j ) ; A" A.;^ ' Ward 1 --• 10,3(6 Ward 2 3*58 Ward 3 23,647 Ward 4 22,649 Ward t'-V. 20 528 Ward 6 15,82( Ward 7 13,265 Ward 8 13.391 Ward 9 12.539 WardlO 4.514 Ward 11 14-333 Ward 12 1.9«1 Ward 13 2,310 Minnetonka township (fc) Minnetrista township Orono township (!) Osseo village Plymouth township ■ - • - -■ - Richfield township (Janized from part ot Cass county in 1883. 1 Not separately returned ; Hubbard village organized from part of Hubbard township since 1880. Minnetonka township. Grove town- POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiuued. IMIIVIVESOTA-Contiuuefl. 229 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hubbard county — Continued. Park Eaplds village.. ? , , Todd township J '"' ■ Straight River township Township 139, range 33 Isanti county . Athens township Bradford township Cambridge township Cainbiidge village Dalbo townsliip (6) Isanti township Maple Eidge towusliip . . North Branch townsliip. Oxford towushij) Spencer Brooli township . Springvale township Stanchfield township Stanford township Wyanett towiiahip Itasca county (c Grand Rapids township. Township 53, range 23. . . Township 53, range 24 - . . Township 54, range 24 . . . Township 55, range 24. . . Township 55, range 25 . . . Jackson county. Alba township Belmont township Christiana township Delafleld township Des Moines township Enterprise townsliip Ewington township Heron Lalie townsliip (rf) Heron Lalie village (e) Hunter tosvuship (d) Jackson village Kimball township Lacrosse townshii) Lakefleld village (d) Middleton township Miuneota township Petersburg townshii) Rost township Round Lake township Sioux Valley township Weimar township (e) West Heron Lake township. . Wisconsin township Kanabec county (c) . Arthur township Brunswick township. . Glass Lake township. . Township 40, range 24. Township 41. range 24. 1890 157 90 7,607 743 277 90 2 19 15 340 8,924 Kandiyohi county 13 997 707 340 451 54 1880 5,063 421 46 468 375 926 698 258 136 '>6(i 798 769 554 376 885 707 235 91 386 295 570 350 759 491 531 360 550 369 124 233 139 628 369 588 435 477 325 441 295 328 179 202 88 491 226 496 103 359 80 720 501 465 239 454 373 ''75 374 154 225 119 481 243 319 124 316 116 327 «9 311 459 144 96 270 157 709 614 429 302 523 408 443 363 585 553 132 163 Arctander township Atwater village '.'...'.'... Burbauk township Colfax township Dovre township ]_. Edwards township (/) a Not separately returned; Park Rapids village organized from part of Todd township since 1880. b Organized since 1880. c Not divided into townships in 1880. d Lakefleld village organized from parts of Heron Lake and Hunter townships since 1880. e Heron Lake village, formerly in Weimar township, in- corporated since 1880. / Part taken to form Holland township in 1885. ff Organized from part of Edwards township in 1885. A New London viUage, formerly in New London town- snip, incorporated in 1889. minor civil divisions. Kandiyohi county— Contin-ued. Eahlun township Genesee township Green Lake township Harrison township Holland township (g) Irving township Kandiyohi township LiiUe Andrew township... Lake Elizabeth township.. Lake Lillian township Mamie township New London township (A). New London village (A) . . . Norway Lake township . . . Ro.seland township (i) Roseville township St. John township Whitetield township (j) ... Willmar township Willmar village 1890 ISSO Kittson county , Clow township (b) Davis township (b) Deerwood township (i) Gian\illi' township (h) .__ Hallock township (6), incl. Hallock vill . Hallock villasre Hampden township Hazleton township (b) .' Jupiter township (b) ./_ Red River township (?>) St. Vincent township '"' Skane township (fc) Spring Brook township (6) Svea township (b) Tegiier township (fc) " Teien township (b) ] . Tbomjison township (b) Township 160, range 46 Towushij) 161, range 46 Towiishi|i 162, range 47 Towiisbi]) 162, range 50 Townsliip 103, range 47 Township 163, range 48 All that iiart of county east of the west line of range 45. L.WJ QUI Parle county (i) Agassiz township {b) Arena townshij) Augusta townshi]) ' Baxter township ' Belliughain village (0 Camp Release township Cerrogordo townshi]) Dawson village (m) ._ Freeland township ..' Garfield township (b) Hamlin townshij) ' Hantho t ow nship Lac qui Parle township Lake Shore township ' Madison township (n) Madisou village (ft) " ] . ' Manfred township Maxwell township ] [ Mehuriu township Perry township (() ] . . ' Providence township Riverside township (to) Tenmile Lake township Walter township (b) .'_.. Yellow Bank township .]...... 473 618 710 655 136 540 807 509 473 677 008 308 211 667 183 463 312 509 492 1,825 5,387 395 543 408 624 10, 382 552 317 246 676 166 475 i 727 418 263 ! 149 292 '• 514 497 718 486 025 138 251 169 445 400 434 561 288 585 426 658 435 250 283 556 302 55 492 286 167 434 495 1,002 130 . i 171 146 148 490 -102 242 "03 416 ?49 V59 507 177 489 269 77 ''ll 3^1 36' 101 55 83 67 34 55 001 4,891 94 83 483 319 447 146 243 460 349 222 138 180 76 139 177 319 211 557 t Organized from part of Whitefield township in 1889. j Part taken to form Roseland township in 1889. k Certain unorganized township.s, having a population of 69 in 1880, have since been taken to form other townships. I Bellingham village organized from part of Perry town- ship since 1880. m Dawson viUage organized from part of Riverside town ship since 1880. n Madison village organized from part of Madisou town- ship since 1880. 230 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MINIVESOT A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lake county . 1890 1,299 Beaver Bay township Two Harbors township - • ' (q) Two Harbors village 5 Lksceue COUNTY- Cleveland township . Cleveland villag Cordova towusliip.. ) ,^j Cordova village 3 Derryuane township Elysian township Elysian village Kasota township Kasota village Kilkenny township - • J z^) Kilkenny village 5 Lanesburg township (tJ) Lesueur borough Lesueur Center village («) Lexington township (e) Montgomery township Montgomery village New Prague village (part of) Total for New Prague village (rf),in Lesueur and Scott counties. Ottawa township Sharon township Tyrone township Washington township "Waterville township Waterville village 75 1,224 19, 057 1880 106 106 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 16, 103 Lyon county — Continued. Lincoln county Alta Vista township Ash Lake township Diamond Lake township . . Drammen township Hansonville township (/) Hendricks township (g) - - Hope township (h) Lake Benton township (i) Lake Benton village (i) - - - Lake Stay township Limestone township Marble township (j) Marshfield township Royal township Shaokatan township Tyler village (A) Verdi township 859 132 1,046 970 1, 004 348 1,038 655 995 1,374 1,763 169 1, 337 993 1,086 399 955 451 1,142 1,008 347 1.004 937 5,691 991 156 (786 \ 140 899 837 167 1,071 156 C9U5 \ 89 1,637 1,414 73 1,047 1,092 261 197 567 1,202 1, 042 409 826 498 2,945 Lyons township Marshall village Minneota village Monroe township Nordland township Rock Lake township. . - Shelburne township Sodus township Stanley township Tracy village Vallers township Westerheim township . McLeod county. Lyon county W7 221 273 155 221 186 2.58 142 4fl:i 152 436 218 382 169 230 369 ,513 184 229 172 444 201 386 211 259 170 .550 221 298 163 137 81 379 195 9,501 Acoma township Bergen township (?) Brownton village (to) Collins township (n) Glencoe township Glencoe village Hale township Helen township (o) Hutchinson township Hutchinson village Lester Prairie village (I) Lynn township Penn township Plato village (o) Rich Valley township. . . Round Grove township . Stewart village (ji) Sumter townshi]) (m) . . . Winsted township (p)--- "Wiuatod village (p) Marshall county (ry) 6,257 294 282 245 204 258 100 321 293 413 378 266 287 443 267 300 177 233 265 4(i6 226 380 308 Amiret township Clifton township Coon Creek township (k) Custer township Eids void township Eairview township Grandview township Island Lake township Lake Marshall township Lucas township Lynd township a Organized since 1880; not separately returned. b Not separately returned. c Not separately returned ; Kilkenny village, formerly m Kilkenny township, incorporated since 1880. ^ j. , . (J New Prague village, formerly Prague, incorporated in 1877 ; given as in Lanesburg township, Lesueur county, and Helena township, Scott county, in 1880. t„„„.,i,;,. e Lesueur Center village, formerly in Lexington township, incorporated since 1880. / Formerly township 113, range 46. <7 Formerly Lake Hendricks. , . . t i i Tyler viUage, formerly in Hope township, incorporated ^'TLako°Beuton village, formerly in LakeBeutou townshijj, incorporated since 1880. j Formerly township 113, range 45. 1890 344 1,203 325 252 357 395 275 280 198 1,400 397 456 17, 026 1880. 716 1,215 384 507 817 1,649 1,729 1,045 1,869 1,414 189 728 592 130 1,172 589 166 597 1,251 267 226 961 113 281 343 248 140 213 188 322 146 283 12, 342 588 1,022 75 404 680 1,078 1, 233 967 1,368 580 496 49 991 386 80 740 1,211 140 Alma township Argyle village (r) Augsburg township Big Woods township Bloomer township - Box ville township Comstock township Excel township Foldahl township Holt township McCrea township Marsh Grove township Middle River township (?') Nelson Park township New Folden township New Solum township Oak Park township Parker township Sinuot township Spruce Valley township Stephen village (s) Tamarac township (s) Township 156, range 42 Township 157, range 42 Township 157, range 44 Township 1 58, range 42 Township 158, range 45 Township 158, range 49 Township 158, range 50 Vega township fc Formerly township no, range 43. I Lester Prairie village organized irom partol Bergen town- ship since 1880. , . m Brownton village, formerly in Sumter township, incorpo- rated since 1880. ... * i n Stewart village, formerly in Colliustownship.iucorporated """piato Village, formerly in Helen township, incorporated '''p wfnsted village, formerly in Winsted township, incorpo- rated since 1880. . .oor, Stowe Prairie township (d) . .) Bertha township Birchdale township Browerville village (/) Burleene township ((/) Burnhamsville township Eagle Valley township Fawn Lake township (jr) Germania township Gordon township Grey Eagle township Hartford township (/) Iowa township (17) Kandota township Leslie township Little Sauk township Long Prairie township.. ( ,^, Long Prairie village S Moran township Reynolds township Bound Prairie township Staples township (g), incl. Presto village.. Presto village Villard township (3) Ward township West Union townshijp Wykeham township, mol. Eagle Bend vill Eagle Bend village Traverse county (t) Arthur township Browns Valley village (?) . . Clifton townsliip Croke township Dallymouut towuship Eolsom township (j) Lake Valley township (k) . Leonardsville township .. Monson township Pamell township Kedpath township Taia township Taylor township Tintah township Walls township Wheaton village (,k) Windsor township Wabasha county . 1,30 3U 231 343 233 291 269 270 200 267 225 453 356 404 205 12,9.30 6,133 670 )393 456 247 385 266 86 117 779 392 696 156 128 256 81 725 425 408 150 1,051 534 4.56 298 244 510 199 594 363 1.206 C,570 )220 273 464 443 470 503 440 842 585 225 634 248 537 407 652 84 306 4; 516 1,507 321 498 64 179 223 162 175 379 241 364 318 18U 264 263 158 f 287 ,383 121 16,972 18, 206 973 1,067 885 940 825 955 566 694 736 5 476 J 221 738 858 472 423 2,128 2,596 Chester townsTiip Elgin township Gillford town.ship Glasgow township Greenfield township . . ? , . Kellogg village 3 Highland township Hyde Park township - Lake city Wardl 1,108 Ward 2 1, 020 a Organized from part of Dublin township since 1880. 6 Kerkhoven village, formerly m Pillsbury township, incor- porated since 1880. c Organized from pari, of Stowe Prairie township since 1880. d Part taken to form Bartlett township since 1880. e Not separately returned. /Browerville village organized from part of Hartford township since 1880. g Organized since 1880. n Not separately returned ; Long Prairie villag«, formerly in Long Prairie towuship, incorporated since 1880. i Not divided into townships in 1880. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Wabasha county — Continued. Lake townshi)) Mazpppa township. -^ , , Mazepfia village ... .s ' ' Minneiska township (l) Minneiska village (l) Mount Pleasant township Oakwood township Pepin township Plainview township.. ( . , Plain view village ....>' ' ' Reads village Wabasha city Ward 1 789 Ward 2 1, 120 Ward 3 578 Watopa township West Albany township Zumbro township Wadena county . Aldrich township (m) Blueberry township (g) . . Billiard townsliip (g) Leaf River township Red Eye township (3) Rockwood township (g) . . Shell River township (g) . Thomastown township. . Verndale village (m) Wadena town.ship Wadena village Wing River township — Waseca county. Alton township Blooming Grove township Byron township Freedom township Iosco towUiShip Janes ville township Janesville village New Richland township New Richland village Otigfo township St. Mary towuship Vivian township Waseca city Wardl 797 Ward 2 832 Ward 3 853 Wilton township Woodville township Wa.shington county. Afton township Baytowntowuship (n), incl. Oak Park ^^ll. Oak Park village Cottage Grove township Denmark township Forest Lake township Grant township Lakeland towuship.incl. Lakeland village. Lakeland village Marine town.ship Marine village Newport township,including St.Paul ] Park village. I, , St. Paul Park village i,i73| Newport village J Oakdale towuship Oneka township.- j Browns Valley village, formerly in Folsom township, in- corporated since 1880. k Wheaton village organized from part of Lake Valley township since 1880. I Minneiska village organized from part of Minneiska township since 1880. m Verndale village organized from part of Aldrich town- ship since 1880. n South Stillwater village, formerly in Baytown township, incorporated since 1880. Not separately returned: Newport village organized from part of Newport tow nship since 1880. 1890 1880 393 445 717 (.377 (460 254 385 325 662 642 764 988 369 305 1,392 (675 i (i08 440 579 2,487 2, 088 467 637 621 829 672 838 4,053 2,080 321 592 99 95 321 323 92 183 183 387 251 635 457 430 895 307 385 177 13,313 12, 385 1,042 947 847 807 418 418 910 989 942 1,058 950 752 921 1,021 764 7^6 423 304 934 916 699 767 618 544 2,482 1,708 743 76-7 620 641 25, 992 19, 563 1,097 928 797 1,252 390 159 717 783 725 711 536 233 687 518 880 732 523 .103 1,687 L4ti7 679 460 f342 1,691 964 841 717 379 238 OOMPEKDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MIIVIVESOT A— Continued. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. ■Washington county — Continued. South Stillwater village (a) Stillwater city Wardl....'. S,703 Ward 2 3,23.5 Wards 4,322 Stillwater township Woodbury township 1890 Watonwan county Adrian township Antrim township Butterfield township Fipldon township Long Lake township Madelia township Madelia village Nelson township Odin township Eiverdale township Kosendale township St. James township St. James village South Branch township . Wilkin county. Akron township (b) Andrea township (6) Atherton township Braril I 716 ^ ard 2 605 Wards 804 ^^■•^4 1,579 *J,ard 5 303 Ward 6 cr, Beat3 .'■ ^^ Beat 4, including Crawford town '. Crawford town Beat 5, incl. Artesia and May hew towns ' Artesia town ' Mayhew town ]]].!!]!! •J Madison county Beat 1, including Canton city Canton city Beat 2. Vernon, including ii'ora town '. Flora town Beat 3. Livingston Beat 4. Sharon " Beat 5. Camden ,'. Mahio.»j county (d) Beat 1, including Columbia town (a) Beat 2 Beats Beat 4 Beat 5, including Purvis town. Purvis town . Marshall county. Beat 1, including Holly Springs city Holly Springs city |J>'"d' 486 VVard2 ,,.- Wards :::::::::::: Ws VV ard 4 '-c. Wards :.:::: si- Beat 2, including Mount Pleasant town ? Mount Pleasant town Beat 3, including Bylialia town.' .'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.\ Byhalia town Beat 4, including Chulahoma anil Wall Hill towns (a). Beats, including Bethlehem, Potts Cami) and Waterford towns (a). Monroe county Beat 1, including Amorv and Cotton Gin Port (a) towns. Amory town 3, 954 2,875 3,202 17, 912 7,175 300 2, 142 2,064 2,423 2,131 4,119 27, 047 14, 703 5,580 225 6,764 313 106 27, 321 8,647 2,131 3,615 228 5,779 4, 018 5,262 2, 0.58 2,001 1,471 1,825 2,117 287 20, 043 7,859 2,246 1880 2,117 308 1,965 2, 027 13,547 5,733 143 1,615 1,321 1,455 1, 043 3,395 28,244 4, 762 5, 519 [3,049 0,056 304 8, 258 150 197 8,597 2,083 2,978 6,002 3, 360 4,929 6,901 1,659 1,267 1,167 1,447 1,361 29, 330 8. 823 2,370 4,135 6,393 no 5,526 6, Si 474 4,797 346 4,546 3,726 3,540 30, 730 28, 553 4, 253 c Population in 1880, 3,955. d Part taken to form Pearl Eiver countv in 1890. 3,593 242 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinued. MISSISSIPPI— Continued. Beats Beat 3 - • Beat 4, including Aberdeen city Aberdeen city Ward 1 410 Ward2 32° Wards 738 Ward4 5«2 Wards ''" Ward6 777 Beats Montgomery county . 3,285 3,052 4,374 3,517 12, 576 12,456 3>449 2,339 6,242 5,935 14, 459 13, 348 Beat 1. Winona, including Winona town. Winona town - • • V Vt'.;v ', Beat 2. Duck HiU, incl. Duck Hill town . Duck Hill town ■ Beat 3. Lodi, including Lodi town (a) Beat 4. May field Beat 5. Poplar Creek Neshoba t'ouNTi Beat 1. Philadelphia Beat 2. Lee Beat 3. Moguehesha- Beat 4. Hay Beats, liiley Newton county . Beatl Beat 2 -■ Beat 3, including Conehatta town (a) Beat 4, including Newton town («). Beat 5, including Hickory town (a) Beat 1. Augusta Beat 2. Monroe, incl. Hattiesburg town Hattiesburg town Beat 3. Tallahala Beat 4. Thompson Creek Beat 5. Black Creek Pike county Beatl Beat 2 Beat 3 -•■ ; ■ - Beat 4, incl. McComb and Summit towns McComb town Summit town •.•• Beat 5, incl. Magnolia and Osyka towns . Magnolia town Osyka town 1,204 2,375 1 , 172 69o 1,124 1,101 21, 203 885 90 16,625 13,436 Noxubee county . Beatl Beat 2 - - Beat 3, including Macon town Macon town Beat 4, including Shuciualak town. Shuqualak town Beat 5, including Brookville town . Brookville town Oktibbeha county. Beat 1, including Starkville town . Starkville town Beat 2 Beats Beat 4, including Sturges town. Sturges town Beats Panola county. Beat 1, including Sherman town Sherman town Beat 2 ■ Beat 3, including Toccopola town. . Toccopola town Beat 4, including Chesterville (a), mouth (a), and Pontotoc towns. Pontotoc town Beat 5, including Troy town Troy town Ply- Prentiss county Beat 1, including Booneville town Booneville town Beat 2 ■ ■ ; ■ ■ Beat 3, incl. part of Baldwyn town (c) Beat 4, iucludin^i Marietta town (a) . - Beat 5 Quitman county . Beatl Beat 2, including Belen town . Helen town Beats Beat4 Beat S Beat 1, including Como town Come town Beat 2, including Longtown town (a) Beat 3, incl. Cortland and Pope towns (a) . Beat 4 ■•;•■■,:'"/ Beat 5, incl. Batesville and bardis towns . Batesville town Sardis town Rankin county. 6,508 178 4,484 4,328 4,752 6,905 705 1,044 2,957 568 Pearl Kiver county (6) Beat 1, including Poplarville town Poplarville town Beat 2 Beat 3 Beat 4 Beats ' """ a Not separately returned. ■, ^.r ■ *„= 6 Organized from parts of Hancock and Marion counties in 1890. 7,367 149 3, 627 4,177 5,171 8,010 442 Beat 1. Steen Creek Beat 2. Brandon, including Brandon town. Brandon town Beat 3. Fannin z^r^VV":" Beat 4. Pelahatchie, incl. Pelahatchie tn . Pelahatchie town Beat S. Cato, including Cato town (a) ... Scott county. Beat 1, includingPorest, Harperville, and Hillsboro villages. Forest village Harperville village Hillsboro village Beat 2 ..r"";'; Beat 3, including Morton village (a) Beat 4 -.;,-■■■;", Beat 5, including Lake village (a) Sharkey county . 3,807 3, 605 2,458 7,210 2,383 1,587 4, 123 676 742 1, 005 670 777 16, 688 Pontotoc county 14, 940 1,933 79 2,416 3,086 190 3,812 535 3,693 2,961 2,608 2,084 5,863 1,982 1 ,604 3,172 567 542 13, 858 2,379 1,932 2,477 3,801 447 3, 269 13, 679 12, 158 2,710 748 2,823 3,303 2, 401 2,442 3,280 445 1,225 184 700 443 473 17, 922 2,827 603 2,725 2. 939 1,911 1,756 1,407 4,335 4,025 835 2,831 2,873 139 3,858 11, 740 194 334 437 242 200 10, 7S2 3,230 547 138 112 1,998 2,338 2,354 1,820 8,382 3,549 4,195 864 2,926 2,574 117 3,508 10, 845 2,787 1,614 2,829 1,932 1,683 6.306 851 1,241 I 543 749 Beat 1 Beat 2 c Not .separately returned ; in beat 1, Lee county, and beat 3, Prentiss county. POPULATIOK 243 Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiimeil. MISSISSIPPI— Continued. MINOR Civil, DIVISIONS. Sharkey county— Continued. Beat .S, incl. Rollins Beat4 Beat 5 Fork town (a) . . •(a)- Sl.MPSON COUNTY . Beat 1 . Beat 2 . Beat 3 . Beat 4 . Beat 5 . Smith county . Beat 1 . Beat 2 . Beat 3 . Beat 4 . Beat . Sunflower county (b) Indianola town (in beat 3) . . . Tallahatchie county . Beat 1, including Harrison town (a) Beat 2, including Charleston town. Charleston town Beat 3 Beat 4 '. Beat 5 Tate county . Beat 1 Beat 2, including Arkabutla town . Arkabutla town Beat 3, including Cold water town . Coldwater town Beat 4, including Senatobia town .^ Senatobia town Beat 5 Tippah county. Beat 1 Beat 2, including Ripley town ..!!!!!!!]! Ripley town . ' ] Beat 3, includingBlue Mountain town (a) Beat 4 Beats Tishomingo county . Beat 1, including luka town luka town Beat 2, including Burnsville town . Burnsville town Beats Beat4 Beats Tunica county. Beat 1 Beat 2, including Tunica town .... Tunica to wn Beat 3, including Austin town (a)' Beat 4 Beats Union county. Beat 1 Beat 2 "'.".[[]]['. Beat 3, including New Albany town. New Albany town 1890 3,200 3,090 10, 138 10, 635 3,576 1,441 1,970 1,863 1,785 9,384 249 14, 361 2,497 3,070 4T2 3,729 3, 113 1,952 19, 253 3,719 3,073 148 4,081 5'8 4,161 1.077 4,219 12,951 2,835 3,923 574 2,762 1,653 1,778 9,302 2,946 1 ,019 1,848 3>8 1,189 1,732 1,587 12, 158 2,867 2,702 198 2,576 2,577 1,436 15, 606 2,972 4,431 548 1«80 ; 1, 135 I 2, 305 1,574 8,008 2,042 1,488 1,602 1,067 3,246 2,454 1,255 1,209 1,993 1,790 2, 603 1,054 1,439 1,734 1,258 4,661 10,926 2,282 2, 407 368 2, 957 2,167 1,113 18, 721 3,163 2,648 4,106 397 4,457 935 4,347 12, 867 3,047 3,687 637 2,642 1,741 1,750 8,774 2,932 84s 1,995 240 1,150 1,338 1,359 8,461 2,060 849 2,531 2,321 700 13, 030 1,985 1,668 4,208 250 MINOR civil divisions. Union county— Continued. Beat 4, including Blue Springs and Poplar Springs towns (a). Beat 5 Warren county , Beat 1, coextensive witli Vicksbura: citv. Beat 2 . " '^ Beat 3 . Beat 4 . Beat 5 . Washington county . Beatl Beat 2 Beat 3, including Greenville town . Greenville town Beat 4, including Leland town..... Leland town Beat 5 Wayne county. Beat 1, including State Line village (a) . . Beat 2, including Wajnesboro village . . . Waynesboro village Beats Beat 4 ./_" Beat 5 Webster county (c). Beat 1. "Walthall, including Eupora and "Walthall towns. Eupora town Walthall town [['/ Beat 2 . Cadaretta Beats. Greensboro ] /_ Beat 4. Spring Valley Beats. Cumberland, including Cumber- land town (a). "Wilkinson county. Beat 1, including Woodville town Woodville town Beat 2 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.. Boat 3, including Centerville town (a) Beat 4 Beat 5 Winston county . Beat 1. Louisville, incl. Louisville town. Louisville town Beat 2. Southeast Beats. Webster .'.■ Beat 4. Northeast Beat S. Plattsburg Yalobusha county. Beat 1, including Coffeeville town Coffeeville town Beat 2, including Water VaUey town .'!! Water Valley town Beats, including Oakland towii.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' Oakland town Beat 4, including Garner Station town - '. Garner Station town Beat 5, including Air Mount town /a) Yazoo county. Beat 1, mcl. Bentoniaand Satartiatns. (a) Beat 2, including Benton town (a) Beat 3, including Yazoo city Yazoo city Beat 4 . Beat 5. 1 city. Ward I . Ward 2 . a Not separately returned. b Details can not be given, as the beats were not separately 1890 4,064 1,657 33, 164 13, 373 8,286 4,311 S,508 3,686 40, 414 4,403 8,121 8,902 6,658 14, 520 48s 4,468 9,817 1,644 1,981 458 2,690 2,512 990 12, 060 2,955 432 122 2,554 2,430 1,956 2,165 17, 592 6,013 950 3,789 4,649 1,483 1,658 12, 089 3, 433 484 2,643 2,540 974 2,499 16, 629 3,340 465 5,733 2,832 3,065 327 3,112 124 1,379 36, 394 7,333 5,603 11, 297 3,286 6,213 5,948 returned. c Formerly Sumner. 1880 3,548 1,621 31, 238 11,814 5,197 5,640 4,861 3.726 25, 367 5,968 4, .566 7,451 2, 191 4,381 3,001 8,741 1,760 1,597 156 2,682 1.948 754 9,534 1,820 2,070 1,488 2,058 17, 815 5,578 965 5, SU 4,301 949 1,676 10, 087 2, 467 418 2,043 2, 123 912 2,542 15, 649 3,062 749 5, 555 2,220 2, 506 288 2,565 166 1,961 33, 845 6,264 5, 315 10, 604 2,542 5, 746 5,916 244 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinued. MISSOURI. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Adaih county 1890 1880 17, 417 Benton township, incl. Kirksville city ... 5, 455 KirksviUe city 3, 5io Ward I 1-477 Ward 2 2.°33 Clay township , ,. Liberty township I j'-"° Morrow township , :}' *'^- Kiueveh township - ■ Pettis township Polk township ic ' " "," i Salt River township, incl. Brashear town. Brashear town Walnut township Wilson township Andrew county. Bolckowaml 2,019 1,409 1,200 850 1,544 316 918 1,342 16, 000 Benton township, inclndin Koseurtale towns. Bolckow town Rosendale town Clay township Empire township - - Jackson township, incl. Fillmore village.. Fillmore village Jefferson township .•■•".;," Lincoln township, incl. Amazonia village . Amazonia village Monroe township - - - ■ Nodaway township, incl. Savannah town . Savannah town Platte townshij) Kochester township Atchison county. 2,235 405 288 1,114 1,128 1,347 261 1,274 1,588 282 1, 153 2,670 1,288 1,595 1,896 15, 533 15, 190 4,229 2,314 1,832 1,030 1,683 1,218 1,113 716 1,377 164 691 1,301 16, 318 Benton township Buchanan township - Clark township, incl. Fairfax village . - Fairfax village • • • Clay township, incl. Kockport village.. Rockport village Colfax township (a) Dale township . .^- . . . - • - Lincoln township, incl. Westhoro village. Westboro village mshnabotna township, iucl.Watson tn . - Watson town Polk township --.•■••.;,■ Tarkio township (6), incl. 1 arkio village . - Tarkio village • . ■ ■ ■ •■•■■• Templeton township, incl. Phelps town.. Phelps town Audrain county . Cuivre township, including Farber and Vandalia villages. Karber village Vandalia village . . . .■■ ■■■■■■■■ ; ■ Loutre township, including Benton and Martinsburg villages. Benton village Martinsburg village. . . . ..... . ..•••. ■ Lynn township, incl. Push Hill village . Rush Hid village . .-••■••■ •.• ■ • ■.;,• ■ • • • Prairie township, incl. Laddonia village. Laddonia village Sailing township -,- v; - " ; .; Salt River township, mcl. Mexico city . . Mexico city Wilson township 693 773 2,273 329 2,176 934 692 1,540 1,945 216 898 238 1,690 2,061 1,156 792 203 2,074 1,926 346 128 1, ]9;5 1, 283 1,541 297 1,196 1,737 262 1, 172 2,621 1 ,206 1,610 2,039 14, 556 769 757 2,037 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Barry county— Continued. Crane Creek township 1 Exeter township («), iucl. Exeter town .. .: Exeter town Flat Creek township, incl. Cassville to wn - Cassville town • ■ • •• King Prairie township. Including part ot Monett town. Monett town (part oO Liberty township McDonald township Mountain township Ozark township (c) Pleasant Ridge township (c) Roaring River township Shellknob township (d) ( , j,v White River township (e) . - 5 " Shoal Creek township, incl. Purdy town. . Purdy town .■ ■ • Sugar Creek town.ship, incl. Sehgman viU. Seligman village Washburn township (c), including Wash- hum town (/). Barton county. 2,181 715 1,495 i 1,830 3,919 272 979 1,632 109 276 1,349 210 2,112 520 1,741 8,358 4,7?9 2,963 1,158 213 1, 628 1,715 19, 732 Barby COUNTY 22, 943 3,309 117 501 1,455 64 C25 949 Barton township ,•■':"" Central township, including lantha town. lantha town Dovlesport township - - Golden township, including Golden town. Golden town • Lamar township, including Lamar town. . Lamar town Leroy township ... - - ■--■■.■,;.■ ■ v: ' Milford township, mcl. Miltord town Milford town Nashville township Newport township North Fork township •.:-■■-,■; Ozark township, including Liberal town. Liberal town :■ ■ ■ Richland township, incl. Keuoma town . . Kenoma town • . ._ .:,.•■■,•■ Southwest township, including Miuden Mines town. Minden Mines town ■ Union township, incl. Irwm town {.t) Bates county 1,78 1,597 7,773 3,835 2, 869 14, 405 626 1,069 244 2,762 626 1,144 55 1, 239 1,244 1,551 792 705 1,097 1,6.37 2, 357 325 1,033 242 1,414 18,504 552 3, 701 Ash township -•--,■ V- V :.'♦■ Capp Creek township, including part ot Monett town. \ ■, f.,, Monett town (part of). ... •• • • ■ • ■ ■-■■y\ ''"J* Total for Monett town, m Capp Creek and King Prairie townships. 373 1,930 1,699 Prairie township .- - . Rockville township, mcl. KockviUe vill. . . Rockville village Shawnee township - Spruce township Summit township ,-■---■■"" '■',,' Walnut township, incl. Foster village. . . Foster village West Boone township (fj) West Point township 938 1,208 206 933 1,615 773 4,412 2,860 677 995 145 965 806 880 1,540 546 1,588 92 1,169 219 32, 223 Charlotte township Deepwater township ;■:""; Deer Creek township, incl. Adrian town. . Adrian town East Boone township (g) Elkhart township Grand River township Homer township ........--■-- - - - - Howard township, including Hume and Sprague towns. Hume town Sprague town Hudson township Lone Oak to^Tiship Mingo township Mound township ...-..------- - ■ - - • Mount Pleasant township, including But- ler city. Butler city New Home township. - - - ----- - - ----- - - - ■ - Osage township, including Rich Hill city. Rich Hill city . . . ., , Pleasant Gap township ^ 972 1,014 1,228 6<3 771 688 583 1, 016 1,479 486 267 1,209 841 623 614 3.831 2,863 5,314 2, 432 'i,'3i7 918 659 990 702 1795 L667 1,774 10, 332 604 447 832 813 139 2,209 907 657 930 456 518 755 250 1,068 440 353 23, 381 1,096 976 632 679 842 515 1.434 1.244 735 586 3,428 2, 162 1,473 L330 4 008 1,246 1,453 710 841 1.013 947 554 315 735 809 1,002 1, 124 849 789 2,020 513 780 1,207 822 777 « Organized from pkrt of Tarkio township since 1880. fcPa?t taken to form Colfax township since 1880. SSStmpSLf White River township in 1890. J Part taken to form Shellknob township in 1890. ^?:j^.!^?^^:li5p^o^utftionl.4^inl880,fbrmed nd West Boone townships since IbSO. into East POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coiitinned. JH I S !$ O UR I— Continued . 245 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Benton county. Alexander to-WTi.sliip Cole township Pristoe township Lindsey township, incl. Warsaw town. . Warsaw town Tom township Union township White township Williams to-miship Bollinger county. 1890 Crooked Creek township rillmore township German township Liberty township Lorance township, including Lutesville and Marble Hill villages. Lutesville village Marble Hill village Union township Wayne township Whitewater township EooNE county . Bourbon township, incl. Sturgeon to wn . . Sturgeon town '. Cedar township, incl. Ashland village . . Ashland village Centralia township, incl. Centralia town. Centralia town Columbia township, incl. Columbia town Columbia town Missouri township, incl. Eocheport viil '. Rocheport village Perche township, incl. Harrisburg town . Harrisburg town Eocky Fork township, including Halls- ville town. Hallsville town Buchanan county. Agencj township , Blooniington township Center township Crawford township Jackson township Lake township Marion township Platte township Rush township, incl. Winthrop town. '. '. '. Wintiirop town Tremout township Washington township, including St. Joseph city. St. Joseph city Ward I 6,307 ^I*'^^^ 3,944 Wards 9,196 Ward4 5,672 Ward 5 10, 200 Ward 6 6 , 655 Ward 7 7,j7o Wards , jCn Wayne township !.'.. ' Butler county. Ash Hill township Beaverdam township (a) Black Eiver township .'/_ Cane Creek township " Epps township fiillis Blutr township Harviell township {b), incl. Harviell town ^ Harviell town ^eely township 14.97 1,730 1, 394 1.624 2,097 700 1, 115 1,940 2,543 2.530 13, 121 1.S80 1,455 767 1.484 2,660 3,175 23s 2S7 967 1,145 1,462 26, 043 2,856 713 5,704 .^73 2,122 1,275 7,298 4,000 3,023 2,446 1.15 2,594 70, 100 879 1,357 1,195 1,.359 656 212 1, 791 968 1, 653 496 1,237 57, 762 52,324 10, 164 784 400 725 360 498 353 1,093 III 821 12. 396 1,169 1,006 1,313 1,921 5'5 812 1,205 2,454 2,516 1,285 709 1,387 2,020 2,836 311 265 832 701 1,354 25, 422 2,832 656 5,945 371 1,334 703 6,917 3,326 3.443 728 2,521 88 2,430 60 49, 792 810 1,506 1,279 1,462 900 316 1, 726 1,218 2,325 1 , 164 1,318 35, 821 32,431 1,111 6,011 597 1,066 759 341 381 172 642 a Part taken to form Harviell township since 1880 6 Organized from part of Beaverdam township since 1880. minor civil divisions. 1890 Butler county — Continued. Poplar Bluff township, including Poplar Bluff city. Poplar Bluff city. Wa ■ ard 1 773 Ward 2 870 Wards 535 St. Francois townshij) Caldwell county. Breckenridge township, including Breek- enridge tow n. Breckenridge town Davis township, including Black Oak town and Braymer village. Black Oak to wn Braymer village Fair-^-iew township Gomer township Grant township, including Polo village . . Polo village 7 Hamilton township, incl. Hamilton town . Hamilton town Kidder township, incl. Xidder village . . . Kidder village Kingston township, incl. Kingston town. Kingston town Lincoln township Mirabile township New York township, incl. Bonanza vill.(c) . Eockford township Callaway county Auxvasse township Bourbon township Caldwell township (d) Cal wood township Cedar township Cleveland township (d) Cote sans Dessein township Fulton township, including Fulton city. Fulton city '. . Guthrie township (d) .[ Jackson township, incl. Auxvasse town. Auxvasse town Liberty township McCredie township (d) Nincniile Prairie township Eound Prairie township St. Aubert township Shamrock township (d) Summit township Id) 4,790 2,187 15, 152 1,618 763 1.340 57 399 930 912 1,253 415 2,527 1,641 1,288 322 1,386 465 1. 124 1.019 963 792 25, 131 Camden county . Adair township Auglaize township Jackson township . . Jasper township . . . Osage township Eussell township .. Warren townshiii . . Cape Girardeau county . Apple Creek township, including Apjjle- ton and Oak Eidge towns. Appleton town Oak Ridge town Byrd township, including Jackson city . . Jackson citv Cape Girardeaii township, including Cape Girardeau city. Cape Girardeau city Ward I 1,140 W'ard 2 1 , 265 Ward 3 1 ,001 Ward 4 891 c Not separately returned. d Organized since IS80. 1,903 1,078 745 1,065 1,043 805 1,513 6,577 4.314 C98 1,830 348 921 693 1,395 820 1, 227 1,278 1,540 10, 040 2,758 III 3,295 941 6,014 1880 1,778 1,704 777 932 890 881 1,044 72 2,004 1 ,200 1,119 260 1,509 470 896 900 988 779 23, 670 2,098 1,683 1,395 3,306 1.630 5,660 2,409 i,404 1,230 2,632 1,312 1,320 2,924 100 180 2,976 79S 5,791 246 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiuued. MISSOURI— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 1,679 Cape Girardeau county— Cont'd. Hubble tow-nsbip, including AUenville, Gordonville.and Whitewater btatiou (a) villages. AUenville village Gordonville village Kinder to w-nahip Liberty township Kandol township - :'",'[' Shawnee township, inch bhawnee tn. (a) . "Welch township ......_..-.---- • ■ ■>;,•,--■- "Whitewater township, lucludiug mmei s- ville village (a). CARROLL COUNTY (h) 25, 742 I 23, 274 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 662 CarrolUon township, incl. CarrolUon city. CarroUton city Ward I ^'f/ Ward 2 8«° Ward 3 i'°44 Ward 4 Cherry "Valley t o wnship Combs towTiship - -' " ' -'A' "•ii" " ' " Dewitt township, incl. Dewitt village Dewitt village ■ .■ • • Egypt township, incl. Norborne village . . Norborne village. . .••■•■■ • • • ■ ; Eugene township, incl. W akenda town - . . Wakenda town Pairfield township Hill township • - - • - - - ■ - • - -.- • - ■ - - - Hurricane towuship, incl. Hale village.. Hale village Leslie township Miami town.ship Moss Creek towiiship Prairie township Rid jte township Kockford township Smith township ; Stokes Mound to wuship Sugartree township Trotter township ....-..--.- v ■■.;,"■ " Van Horn township, lucl. Bogard village. Bogard village .................. Wakenda town.ship, luchiding South Car- rolUon village. South CarroUton village Washington township 4,984 3.S78 Cass county— Continued. Pleasant Hill township, including Pleas- ant Hill town. Pleasant Hill town Polk township Kaymore township ;:"'l Sherman towuship, incl. Creighton town Creighton town Union township .- - v ' ; : ' ' 'i^' ' i West Dolan township (/) , including West- line town. Westline town West Peculiar township 1890 1880 Carter county. Carter township (c) Jackson township . - - ;;•--:,-, Johnson township, mcl. Grandm village Grandin village Kelly township Pike township {d} Cedar county Benton township, incl. Jerico village Terico village -; • -^ • • : :: " ' Box township, incl.Eldorado Springs city. Eldorado Springs city Cedar township Jefferson township X"','L"'L Linn township, including Stockton town Stockton town Madison towuship Washington township Chariton county. 177 881 ,659 Cass county Austin township, including Archie and Austin towns. Archie town Austin town Big Creek township Camp Branch tow nsliip Coldwater township Dayton township - Doian township (e), incl. Freeman town.. Freeman town Everett township ,--•-•"" ■-;V "'•" " Grand River township, including Harri- sonville town. Harrisonville town ■ • Index township, including Garden and Gun towns. (jarden to wn Gun town • ■ • . ■ Mount Pleasant township, mcl. Belton tn Helton town Peculiar township Bee Branch township (3) - - • - - • - - - Bowling Green township, incl. Dalton tn . Dalton town • .•,••.••• Brunswick township, mcl. Brunswick tn. Brunswick town Chariton township Clark township Cockrell township (A) - - - -. ■ Cunningham township, including Cun- ningham and Sumner towns. Cunningham town Sumner town • • . Keytesvilleto wnship, mcl. KeytesviUetn " Kevtesville town Mendoii township, incl. Mendon town. . . Mendon town Missouri township Mussel Fork to-miship - Salisbury township, incl. Salisbury town Salisbury town Salt Creek township .••;-": Triplett township, incl. Triplett town . . Triplet! town Wayland towiiship Yellow Creek towuship Christian county 1,414 911 1,713 1,645 1,211 1,113 1,083 "35 1,210 Benton township ........----- Finley township, including Ozark town.. Ozark town Galloway township Lincoln township Linden town.ship Linn township Logan to wnshi]> (i) - North Marion township (]'>■■ l ig) South Marion township (i)-- i Polk township, including Billings village Billings village Porter township Sparta township (i) Clark county. Clay township Des Moines township Folker township Grant township J ackson township Jetferson township ...--....-.---■- Lincoln township, including Kahoka city Kahoka city 2 ,372 1,499 646 1,020 3,493 1,543 1,230 1,580 3,375 508 1,912 1,438 26. 254 1,643 25, 224 1,356 1, 136 'i,'276 3,337 1,150 4,310 1 ,672 992 1,256 313 1.068 1,065 9,628 655 1,914 235 776 1,029 1, 650 545 o Not separately returned. h Comparison with ])opulatimi for 1880 can not be made; information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. c Part taken to form Pike township since 1880. d Organized from part of Carter township since 1880 e Part taken to form West Dolan township since 1880. f Organized from part of Dolan township since 1880. V Pa?t taken to form Cockrell township since 1880 /' Organized from part of Bee Branch township since 1880. ^SStoi^towiTshiplpopulation 805 in 1880, formed into North and South Marion townships since 1880. POPULATION 247 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ci^RK COUNTY— Continued. Madison township Sweet Home township Union township "Vernon township, incl. Alexandria to^vii. Alexandria town Washington township Wyaconda township, incl. Luray town . . Luray town Clay county. Fishing Eiver township, incl. Excelsior Springs city and Missouri City town. Excelsior Springs city Ward I 844 Ward 2 1 1 190 Missouri City town Gallatin township, incl. Birmingham city and North Kansas City town (a). Birmingham city Kearney town.ship, including Holt and Kearney towns. Holt town Kearney town Liberty township, including Liberty city. Liberty city Waid I 556 Ward 2 759 Ward 3 431 Ward 4 S12 Platte towushii), incl. Smithville town . . . Smith ville town Washington township 1890 Clinton county 17, i:i8 Atchison township, incl. Gower town Gower town Clinton township Concord township, incl. Plattsburg city . . Plattsburg city Ward I 667 Ward 2 967 Hardin township Jackson township Lafayette township Latlirop township, including Lathrop and Turney towns. Lathrop town Turney town Platte townsliip, incl. part of Osborn vill. Osborn village (part of) Total for Osborn village, in Platte township, Clinton county, and Col- fax township, Dekalb county. Shoal township, including Cameron city. . Cameron city ." Cole county . Clark township Jefferson township, incl. Jeft'erson city . . . Jefferson city Ward I 3,015 Ward 2 1 , 057 Ward 3 1 , 466 Ward 4 1 , 204 Liberty township Marion township Moreau township Osage township Cooper county Blackwater township Boonville township, incl. Boon ville city . . Boonville city .'. . . Ward I 629 Ward 2 687 ^'''■"d 3 499 Ward 4 649 Ward 5 883 Ward 6 794 a Not separately returned. 921 1,088 1,274 682 536 1,390 1,221 246 19, 8.56 1880 4,872 2,558 2,643 372 1,145 1,740 9,234 6,742 22, 707 908 1,053 1,357 927 760 1,389 1,021 217 15, 572 2,855 2 772 3,714 1,476 2,352 16, 073 1,646 7,831 5.271 21, 596 646 5,605 3,854 MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Cooper county— Continued. Clark Folk township Clear Creek township Kelly township, incl. Bunceton village . . Bunceton village Lamine township Lebanon townshij) Moniteau township Otterville township, incl. Otterville town Otterville town Palestine township Pilot Grove township, including Pilot GrovG city. Pilot Grove city Ward I 283 Ward 2 277 Prairie Home township Saline township Crawford county , Benton townsliip, including Cuba city Cuba city Boone township Courtois township Knobview township Liberty township Meraniec township, incl. Steelville city. . . Steelville city Oak Hill township Osage township LTniou township Dade county. Cedar to wnshii) Center township, incl. Greenfield city Greenfield city Ward I 548 M'ard 2 450 Grant township Lockwood township (h), including Lock- wood town. Lockwood town Marion townsliip Morgan township North township Polk township Eock Prairie township Sac township Smith townshi]) South township AVashington township (b), including South Greenfield town. South Greenfield town Dallas county-. Benton townsliip, including Buffalo town. Buffalo town Grant township Jackson township , Jasiier township Lincoln township Miller township Washington township Daviess county Benton township, incl. Elm Flat town . .. Elm Flat town Colfax township, incl. Winston town Winston town Grand Eiver township, incl. Jameson tn Jameson town Harrison township Jackson township, incl. Locksprings tn . Locksprings town Jamesport township, incl. Jamesport tn. Jamesport town Jefferson township Liberty township 1890 1,420 1,388 1,932 493 1,146 1,252 1,573 1,326 439 1,744 1,788 560 1,051 1,489 11,061 1,222 497 1,271 1,598 580 1,240 2,175 591 1,330 L046 1,499 17, 526 1,508 2,383 1,274 633 575 1,812 1, 413 1.572 1,884 1,626 582 931 1,108 430 12, 647 3,208 861 1,347 2,212 1,474 1,309 1,006 2,091 20, 456 2,198 532 1,330 470 1,668 429 681 1,558 212 1,446 790 1.213 1, 007 1880 1,406 1,324 1,631 1,193 1,237 1,539 1,310 505 1,703 1,467 905 1,630 10, 756 1,134 374 1,117 1,505 1,154 1,954 410 1,103 780 1, 316 12, 557 1,161 1,988 712 628 594 1,679 1,209 1,117 1,097 1,200 741 1,143 9,263 2,384 437 968 1,691 902 999 674 1,645 19, 145 1,875 399 1,167 304 1,652 405 756 1.505 1,369 608 1,372 b Organized since : 248 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS Daviess county — Continued. Lincoln township, incl. Bancroft town. Bancroft town Marion township Monroe township Salem township, incl. Salem town (a) Sheridan township ■ - • Union township, including Gallatin city Gallatin citv "Washington township JUINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dekalb county Adams township, incl. Weatherbj- town. . Weatiierb V town Camden township, incl. Maysville town . - . Mavsville town • •■■ Colfax township, incl. part of Oshom vill Osborn village (part of) Total for Osborn village, in Platte township, Clinton county, and Col- fa.x township, Dekalb county. Dallas township Grand Eiver township Grant township Polk township, incl. Union Star town Union Star town .'^hei-man town.ship A.; " "i ' ' Washington township, including ClarKS- dale and Stewartsville towns. Clarksdale town Stewartsville town Dent county Current township Franklin township Linn township Meramec township Norman towTiship Osage township - - Short Bend township, incl. Shgo village SUgo village Sinking township . , ^ , Spring Creek township, incl. Salem city ., Salem city Ward I 494 Ward 2 37= Ward 3 449 Texas township . . . . Watkins township Douglas county Benton township, including Ava village ."^va \nllage Boone township Buchanan township Campbell townshii: Cass town.ship Clay township Clinton township Finlev townshii Jackson township Lincoln township Eichland township Spring Creek township Walls township (h) ... Washington township Dunklin cou.nty.. Buffalo township. Clay township ... , „ , , .,, Cotton Hill township, mcl. Maiden village . Maiden village • Freeborn township, incl. Clarkton vill.(a) . Holcomb Island township - - ■ Independence township, incl. Kennettvill. Kennett villag Salem township . Union township. a Not separately returned. 6 Organized since 1880. . c Part taken to form Eepublic township smce 1880. Frankli.n county Boeuf township Boles township, including Pacific town . . . Pacific town Boone township Calvey township ■ Central township, incl. St. Clair village. . . St. Clair village Lyon township Meramec township New Haven township, coextensive w-itb New Haven town. Prairie township St. John township Union township, including Union town . Union town Washington township, coextensive with Washington town. 1890 1880 28, 056 20, 534 Gasconade county. Boeuf township Boulware township Bourbois township Brush Creek township Canaan township Eichland township Eoark township, incl. Hermann town. Hermann town Third Creek township Gentry county. Athens township, including Albany city. Albany city Bogle township Cooper towushii>, including Darlington town and Stan berry city. Darlington town Stanberry city Howard township Huggins township Jackson townshiii, including King town. . King town ■ • • • Miller township, including Gentryville and McFall towns. Gentryville town McFall town Wilson township 3,384 1,334 1,227 4,292 Greene county 48.616 Boone township, incL Ash Grove town. . . Ash Grove town Brookline township (c) V -, V "; ' Campbell township, incl. Springfield city Springfield city Ward I 1.772 Ward 2 2,840 Wards 2.3" Ward 4 2. "5 Wards 3.627 Ward6 3.033 Ward 7 2.616 Wards 2.936 Cass township Clay township East Center township (d) Franklin township Jackson township Pond Creek township - . . - - - . - - -- • ■ Eepublic township (e), incl. Eepublic tn. Republic town Eobberson township Taylor township Walnut Grove township Washington township West Center township (d) Wilson township 1,326 2,923 1,35° 900 27, 112 21,850 i,3M 1,267 17, 176 3,045 3,441 28, 801 2,160 500 1.822 10, 771 6,522 2,269 1,945 1,239 852 1 183 1,686 1,451 2,078 1, 725 855 1,009 1 327 kBi 81 1,475 1,299 886 896 1,360 921 1,022 1,094 I 172 1,129 1, 110 d Center township (population 1.746 m 1880) formed into East and West Center townships .since 1880. e Organized from part of P.rookline township since 1880. POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MI8SOUKI— Continued. 249 MINOR CIVIL DIVI.SIONS. Gkuxdy county . Franklin township, inrl. Spick.ardsvllletii Spickardsville town Harrison township Jackson township Jcflerson township Liberty township, including Gait town . , Gait town Lincoln township Madison township, inch Edinhurg town.. Edinburg town Marion township Myers township Taylor township Trenton township, including Trenton city. Trenton city "Washington townsliip "Wilson township Harrison county. Adams township Beth.iny township, incl. Bethany town . . Bethany town '. Butler township Clay township Colt'ax townsliip Cypress tOAvnship Dallas township Fox Creek township _ , Grant township, iuel. Eidgeway village . Ridgeway village Hamilton township Jefi'erson township Lincoln township Madison township, incl. Cainesville viil . Gainesville village Marion township, incl. Eagleville village Eagleville village Sherman township Sugar Creek township Trail Creek towTiship "Union township "Washington township "White Oak township, incl. Newhampton village. Newhampton village Henry county - Bear Creek township Bethlehem township Big Creek township Bogard township, including Urich village ('rich village Clinton township, including Clinton city! Clinton city Ward I 1,717 Ward 2 758 Ward 3 1 ,054 Ward 4 1 ,208 Davis township, including Ladue town . . Ladue town Deepwater township, incl. Montrose tn! ! ! Montrose town Deer Creek township, Including Lewis Station town. Lewis Station town Fainiew township, incl. Deepwater city '. Deepwater city JJ>''di 545' W ard 2 557 Fields Creek township Honey Creek township Leesville township, incl. Leesville town. . Lees ville town Osage township, incl. Brownington t own ' Brownington town ."" Shawnee township, including Hunting dale town (a) . Springfield township Tebo township, including Calhoun town Calhoun town Walker township a Not separately returned. b Organized since 18811. 1890 17, 876 1,562 481 534 619 1,089 1..551 653 1,185 1.170 182 1,179 680 440 6,242 5,039 462 1,157 21, 033 756 2,483 1, 105 1.130 1,115 1.147 818 945 752 1,107 351 869 898 813 1,437 418 1,142 30s 785 807 995 1.070 816 1,148 28, 235 773 1,317 1880 15,185 1,261 330 557 540 1,189 907 675 2.118 994 1, 045 1,074 1.198 797 1.011 990 808 803 1,120 795 1,089 198 1,485 453 806 676 922 1.011 776 1.105 23, 906 817 1,380 1,023 1,475 1,038 1.195 312 5,701 71 3.849 4,737 2,868 1,122 1,074 235 1,530 140 1.652 644 1,336 i.m 262 2,285 154 848 767 852 497 480 1,317 1,253 124 1.161 70 1.010 329 1. 038 251 1,104 922 941 2,160 1,725 698 848 492 1,102 1.170 1,091 174 1. 307 750 479 4.477 3,312 516 941 20, 304 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Henry county— Continued. White Oak township Windsor township, incl. Wind.sor city. Windsor city Hickory county. Center township Cross Timbers tov\nsliip Green township Montgomery township . . Stark township Tyler township Weaubleau township (6). Wheatland township (0). Holt county . Benton township, including Mound city. Mound city W'ard I '. ' 369 ^'^■■d^ 390 VV ard 3 4, . Bigelow township, incl. Bigeiow town (a) Clay township, including Maitlaud town . . Maitland town Forbes township .-.,.'!!! 1 ! ! Hickory township Lewis township, including Forest and Oregon towns. Forest town Oregon town Liberty township .........' Lincoln township, incl. Corning town Corning town Nodaway township .'.'.'.".....!!! Union to^iiship, including Craig town '. '. '. Craig town Howard county. Bonne Femme township Boons Lick township Burton township (ft) Chariton township, incl. Glasgow city . . '. Glasgow city Middle ward 'gjs North ward ] . 560 South ward 583 Franklin township, incl. Franklin town . . Franklin town North Moniteau townsliip (c) Prairie township, including and Eoanoke towns. Armstrong town Roanoke town Richmond township, incl. Fayette city . Fayette city VVard i i ,30 Ward 2 94 South Moniteau township (c) Armstrong Howell county . Benton township 1 Chapel township gg4 Dry Creek township 1^ 432 Go'ldsberry township, including Moun- 1^ 120 tain "V^iew village (a). Howell township, incl. West Plains city . 3, West Plains city 2,091 Hutton "V^alley township 1,' 176 Myatt townsliip ' gg2 Sisson township 1 4t;g South Fork township i| 141 Spring Creek township 2^ 129 Willow Springs township, including Wil- 2, 787 low Springs city. Willow Springs city i ,535 Ward I 813 Ward 2 722 c Moniteau township (population 2,499 in 1880) formed into North and South Moniteau townships since 1880. 1890 580 2,383 1,427 1,137 1,536 1, 375 1,040 1.128 832 1.078 1,327 15. 469 2,337 ',193 1, 450 1,561 484 1, 006 905 3,733 428 948 1,196 618 176 702 1,961 503 17, 371 1,058 1, 532 1,064 3,654 1,781 1,741 132 1,067 2,107 207 4, 021 2,247 1,127 18, 618 1880 565 1,900 7,387 690 1,132 1, 386 1,875 657 1,647 15, 509 2,025 678 1,395 1,399 1,009 9«& 4,087 421 862 1,065 761 221 752 2,028 541 18, 428 1,786 2,008 4,006 1, 938. 250 2,585 76 215 3,606 1,247 8,814 1,274 247 601 581 1,574 351 630 446 873 857 1, 059 072 250 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. IttlSSOUBI— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Iron county. Arcadia township, incl. Arcadia village and Ironton and Pilot Knob towns. Arcadia village Ironton town Pilot Knob town Dent township - Iron township, incl. Graniteville village. Granite ville village Kaolin township Liberty township ■-- Union" township, including Annapolis and Desarc towns. Annapolis town Desarc town 1890 9,119 Jackson county. 965 757 628 1,985 72 I 508 853 2,165 690 413 161), 510 1880 8,183 Blue township, incl. Independence city Independence city Ward I 1.508 Ward 2 1.437 Ward 3 1.52° Ward 4 '.915 Brooking township Fort Osage township, incl. Bucknertown. Buckner town Xaw township, coextensive with Kansas city. Kansas city Ward I 6,983 Ward 2 5.403 Ward 3 10,864 Ward 4 II. 471 Ward 5 ^'337 Ward 6 9.744 Ward 7 13,692 Ward 8 16. "5 ■ Ward 9 22,455 Ward 10 14.604 Ward II 4,613 Ward 12 1.872 Ward 13 3,388 Ward 14 3,175 Prairie township, including Greenwood and Lee Summit towns. Greenwood town Lee Summit town Sniabartownsliip, including Blue Springs and Grain Valley towns. Blue Springs town Grain Valley town Van Buren township "Washington township - - - Westport township, incl. Westport tn. (6) - 10, 533 6,380 1,416 2,441 164 132, 716 0132,716 3, 432 259 759 1,359 475 1,348 98 539 665 1,724 153 94 82, 325 iVlINOR CIVIL divisions. 1890 6, 983 3.146 1,247 2,207 88 58, 343 55,785 Jasper county— Continued. Marion townsliip, incl. Carthage city Carthage city Ward I 1,451 Ward 2 2.322 Ward 3 2,402 Ward4 1. 806 Mineral township, incl. Orongo town (b) . Preston township, including Jasper city Jasper city Sarcoxie township, incl. Sarcoxie town . . . Sarcoxie town Sheridan township - -. ■ ■ - ■ Twin Groves township, including Oarl Junction town. Carl Junction town Union township Jefferson county. Jasper county . 4,185 206 1,369 4,283 506 i<33 2,020 1,558 1,358 50, 500 970 4,360 1,174 1,315 955 9,943 9,731 5,043 3,270 234 693 3,908 129 Bo 2,124 1,666 2,577 32, 019 Big River town.ship - - Central township, incl. HUlsboro village. . Hillsboro village ................. Joachim township, including Crystal and Festus cities. Crystal city Festus city Meramec township Plattin township ■- - • - -.- Kock township, incl. Kinmiswick village. Kimmswick village .• Valle township, including De boto city . - . De Soto city Johnson county. 946 c6, 966 1,416 884 7,038 c5, 322 Duval township Oalena township, incl. Bellville Mines town, but excl. of part of Joplin city. Bellvdle Mines town | Jackson township Jasper township Joplin city, in Galena and Joplm town- ships. ■ Wardl 1,60- Ward 2 'A8«9 Ward 3 2, 625 Ward4 2.842 Joplin township, including Carterville and Webb cities, but exclusive ot part of Joplin city. Carterville city ■•• Ward I 1,467 Ward 2 1,417 Webb city • Ward I 1. 116 Ward 2 1,210 Ward 3 1,444 Ward 4 1,27.3 Lincoln township McDonald township Madison township a Includes 13,048, population for territory, which by deci^ ^ion of the'upreme court of the state, is now outside ot the limits of Kansas city. 483 Centerview township Chilhowee township Columbus towushiji Grove township Hazle Hill township Jackson township Jeft'erson township --■-■ .-•--- ■ - ■ Kingsville township, mcl. KmgsviUe tn . . feingsville town • . . . • — .■ ■ Madison township, incl. Holden city Holden citv Post Oak township Kose HiU township Simpson township. .-.-.-.-. - -. ■ - - - • Warrensburg township, including W ar- rensburg city. Warrensburg city • ■ Wardi 1.280 Wards '.278 Ward3 i.^" Ward4 Vi-.-'V ^?° Washington township, including Knob- noster and Montserrat(6) towns. Knobnoster town Knox county. 821 815 1,205 1,181 1.248 L234 Bee Kidge township Benton township Bourbon township ; ".l.^' V 1 ' ' ' Center township, coextensive with Ldina town. Edina town Colon V township ; V ' ",; Fabiu's township, including Newark town Newark town ::u--: 2 Greensburg township, incl. Banng town. Baring town Jeddo township Liberty township -- • - --■:■•■■; Lyon township, including Hurdland town Hurdland town ■ . • Myrtle township, including Knox town . . Knox town Salt River township Shelton township 6 Not separately returned. _ c Includes part of Joplin city. 1880 699 1,309 22, 484 18, 736 28, 132 4,706 5,316 4,167 1,431 248 1,138 1,392 1,082 3,097 1,692 3,517 '3,' 605 28, 172 4,049 234 L421 L087 POPULATION. 251 Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. ItllSSOURI-Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Laclede county. Auglaize township Franklin township Gasconade township Hooker township Lebanon townshij), incl. Lebanon town . . Lebanon town Mayfield township Osage township .*. Sinith township Spring Hollow township Lnion township, including Conway town Con way town "W^ashington township Lafayette county . Clay township, including Napoleon and Wellington villages. Napoleon village Wellington village Davis township, including part of Hig- ginsville village. Higginsville village (part of) Total for Higginsville village (a), in Davis and Dover townships. Dover township, including Corner village and part of Higginsville village. Corder village Higginsville village (part of) Freedom township, incl. Concordia town . . Concordia town Lexington township, incl. Lexington city. Lexington city Ward 1 955 Ward 2 1,221 Wards 1.556 Ward 4 805 Middleton township, including Alma and Waverly towns. Alma town Waverly town Sniahar township, incl. Odessa village Odessa village Washington township Lawrence county. Aurora township, including Aurora city . . Aurora city Ward 1 1,613 Ward 2 638 Ward 3 1,231 Buck Prairie township, indudingMarion- ville town. Marionville town East Greene township (b) Lincoln township Mount Pleasant township Mount Vernon township, iucludingMount Yernon city. Mount Vernon city Wardi Ward 2 Ozark township Pierce township, including Pierce city . . . Pierce city Ward I ; ■ 764 JJ^arda 57, vVard3 605 Ward 4 563 Spring Eiver township Turnback township f Vineyard township West Greene township (b) 341 441 Lewis county . Canton township, including Canton town. Canton town Dickerson township, incl. Monticello in '. '. Monticello town 1890 14, 701 ,143 ,322 ,2.52 ,209 ,930 ,218 432 ,026 72.5 799 ,759 217 ,104 30, 184 3,192 106 446 4,985 2,315 2,342 i>i45 2,991 715 7, 968 4,537 2,251 179 826 2,698 1,272 3,048 26, 228 075 2,329 ','59 1,178 991 1, 354 3.355 782 ,842 ,718 ,511 15, 935 3,607 2,241 1,449 1880 1.001 933 729 889 2,949 1,419 317 1,041 621 506 1,329 1,209 25, 710 3,461 378 2,944 797 797 2,652 2,895 391 6,970 3,996 2,316 53 930 1,637 100 2,835 17, 583 1,181 1,338 432 1,086 1,040 2,999 527 1,644 2,383 1,350 1,463 1, 321 1,769 15, 925 3,514 2,632 1,646 324 a In 1880 in Davis township only. i Greene township (population 1,359 in 1880) formed into li-ast and West Greene townships since 1880. c Not separately returned. minor civil divisions. Lewis county— Continued. Highland township Lahelle township, including Labelle and Lewistown towns. Labelle town Lewistown town Lyon township Reddish township, including Williams- town village. Williamstown village Salem tow nship Union township, including Lagrange city Lagrange city Ward 1 511 JJ>''d2 339 n ard 3 400 Lincoln county- . Bedford township, including Troy city . . . Troy city '. Burr Oak township Clarke township Hurricane township.incl.Elsberry village Elsberry village Millwood township Monroe township, incl.Winfield village (c) Nineveh township Prairie townshij) Snow Hill tow nship Union township, including Silex village. Silex village Waverly township Linn county. Baker township Benton township, incl. Browning town. . Browning town Brookfield township, incl. Brooktield itn . Brookfield town Bucklin township (d), incl. Bucklintown Bucklin town Clay township Enterprise township Grantsville township Jackson township Jefferson township, incl. Laclede town . . Laclede town Locu.st Creek township, incl. Linneus tn. Linneus town Marceline township («), including Marce- line town. Marceline town North Salem township Parson Creek township, including Mead- ville town. Meadville town Yellow Creek township (d) Livingston county. Blue Mound township Chillicothe township, including ciiilli- cothe city . Chillicothe city Ward I I, 081 Ward 2 1 , 501 Ward 3 1,820 Ward 4 1,315 Cream Eidge township Fairview township, incl. Avalon town . . . Avalon town Grand River township Green township, including trtica town. . . Utica town J ackson township Medicine township Monroe township Mooresville township, including Mooies- ville village. Mooresville village Rich Hill township Sampsell township Wheeling township 1890 1,712 2,201 702 200 1,297 1,632 179 1,173 2,864 1,250 18, 346 2,740 97" 1, 310 2,078 2,798 390 986 2,579 L009 972 880 1,855 151 1,139 24, 121 1,108 1,283 410 5,458 4,547 1,700 711 1,340 518 937 1,649 1,842 688 1,922 813 2,638 1,977 978 1,690 672 1,058 20, 1, 036 7,024 1,034 1, 471 444 1.189 1,048 657 1, 904 OUO 992 1,099 ^00 1,067 L171 1,027 1880 1,600 1,746 340 127 1,442 1, 720 237 1,197 3,060 1,336 17, 426 2,704 839 1,289 1,904 2,827 1,107 1.944 1,005 988 888 1,542 i,'228 20, 016 1,175 1,019 187 3,133 2,264 1,802 430 1,432 644 1,040 1,740 2,040 694 2,155 860 1,628 446 1,336 20, 196 1,268 5,800 4,078 1,208 1,526 256 1,486 1,009 661 1,963 655 961 1,112 172 1,027 1,264 857 d Part taken to form Marceline township since 1880. e Organized from parts of Bucklin and Yellow Creek town- ships since 1880. 252 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. MISSOUKI— Continued. MINOR CIVIL niVTSIONS. 1890 1880 McDonald county 11, 283 Buffalo township Center township Elkhom townsliip Elk Kiver township • Erie township, incl. Indian Springs town. Indian Springs town McMillen to^A■nship Mountain township • - Pineville township, incl. PineviUe town.. Pineville town Prairie township, incl. Southwest town . . Southwest town Eichwood township "White Eock township Macon coun Bevier township, including Bevier town.. Bevier town • • • •.• • Callao township, including CaUao village. Callao village Chariton township Drake township Eagle to wnship Easley township -- •■■■■ Hudson township, including Macon city. . Macon city Wardi I-I93 Ward 2 i.°29 Wards '''''' Independence township Jackson township Johnson township La Plata township, incl. La Plata town. . . La Plata town Liberty townsiiip ;"■.■•■ Lingo township, incl. New Cambria town. New Cambria town Lyda township Middle Fork township Morrow township Narrows township ■ Kichland township Pound Grove township Eussell township Tenmile township Valley township Walnut Creek township White township Madison county . Castor township German township Liberty township.. ?, (J, Polk township... : 5 St. Francis township .-■ St. Michael township, incl. Frederick tn Frederick town Twelvemile township Maries county. Boone township Dry Creek township Jackson township Jefferson township Johnson township Miller township Spring Creek township 915 754 204 611 189 131 ,353 438 ,686 192 ,423 707 882 •jy 30, 575 Marion county 26, 233 Fabius township -, Liberty township, incl. Palmyra city . Palmyra city Ward 1 1.025 Ward 2 .S62 Wards 928 2,917 876 1,161 371 2,004 666 830 873 4,464 3.371 964 858 478 1,918 1 , 169 1,140 1,727 410 983 994 688 1,170 854 900 9,59 1,023 856 1,116 1,032 1,083 1,509 1,562 626 3,438 917 1,050 8,600 7,816 541 499 1,032 650 632 297 1,358 147 752 173 809 560 26 222 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Marion county— Continued. Mason township, including Hannibal city. Hannibal citv Ward I 2.342 Ward 2 2,227 Wards ''7°^ Ward 4 2,564 Ward 5 4,016 Miller township -r ■ ■ • Round Grove township South River township Union township, incl. Philadelphia village.] Philadelphia village Warren township - - - ■ 1890 13, 720 12,857 Mercer county . 2,135 867 1,031 330 1,104 425 829 743 4,235 3,046 1,098 767 501 1,289 529 1,236 1,287 275 997 916 798 1,111 839 911 809 984 911 606 660 8,876 Harrison township Lindley townshi}> Madison townsliip Marion township Medicine township Morgan to-miship, incl. Princeton town. Princeton town Kavanna township incl. Ravanna town . Ravanna town Somerset township - ■ • Washington township 1880 11, 534 11,074 14, 581 14, 67* Miller county. 1,800 Equality township, incl. Tuscumbiavill .. Tuscumbia village Franklin township, including Aurora Springs town. Aurora Springs town Glaze township ... - ,Tim Henry township Osage township Rich wood township Saline township v 1,049 1,474 C420 )875 < 520 3,549 Mississippi county . 989 7,304 1,156 910 1,992 1.407 1,725 1,090 320 891 625 1,729 1,310 1,364 1,038 347 24, 837 James Bavou township Long Prairie township, including Lcr- trand town. Bertrand town Mississippi townsliip Ohio township - St. James township, incl. Hibbard town . Hibbard town /r'V Tywappity township, including (Charles- ton town. Charleston town Wolf Island township 9,805 Moniteau county 15, 630 14, 346 Burris Fork township I Harrison township Linn township, incl. Jamestown town — Jamestown town Moreau township Pilot Grove township Walker township, incl. California city . California city -.-w,:-!---! Willow Fork township, incl. Tipton town Tipton town 3.813 1,381 783 927 3.474 1,777 3,377 2.515 1,857 3,594 2,479 Monroe county . Clay township Indian Creek township Jackson township, including Pans town . Paris town v,; •••'i i' Jefferson township, including Florida and Stoutsville towns. Florida town Stoutsville town 1.305 949 2,663 31.? 1.248 2, 003 5.070 20, 790 1,523 595 5.177 1,487 2,510 124 253 I 19, 071 1,555 567 4,898 1,253 2,416 118 a Not separately returned. populatio:n. Tablk 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. MISSOURI— Continued. 253 MIKOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MoNKOE corKTV — Coiitiuuetl. Marion town.sbip, intludiugHollitlay and Madison towns. HolUday town Madison town Monroe township, incl. Monroe town Monroe town South Fork township Union township, incl. Middle Grove town . Middle Grove town Washington township AVoodlawn township Montgomery county. Bear Creek lownsliip, incl. Jouesburg vill Jonesburgf village Danville township, including Danville and New Florence villages. Danville village New Florence village Lower Loutre township (a) Montgomery township, including Mont- gomery town. Montgomery town Prairie toAvnship, including Middletown village. Middletown village XTpper Loutre township, including Wells- ville village. Wellsville village Morgan county Buffalo township Haw Creek township Mill Creek township, incl. Syracuse town Syracuse town Moreau township, incl. Versailles town.. Versailles town Osage township Eichland township New Madrid county' . Big Prairie township East township lesieur township, incl. Point Pleasant vill Point Pleasant viUage ISew Madrid township, including New Madrid city. New Madrid city Portage township St. John township "West townshix) (b) Newton county . Benton township Buffalo township Dayton township Franklin township Oranby township.including Grauby town Granby town Marion townshij) Neosho township, including Neosho city . Neosho city Newtonia town.ship, incl. Newtonia tn. (c) Seneca township, including Seneca town . Seneca town Shoal Creek township Van Buren towushii) Nodaway codnty-- Atchison township, incl. Clearmonttown. Clearmont town ■Grant township, including Barnard towii. Harnard town a Formerly Loutre. 6 Organized since 188U. 1890 2, 8.51 16, 850 2,643 2, 682 46s 2,685 3,607 2,199 2,644 389 2,589 1,138 12, 311 1,156 2,287 1,918 187 3,816 I ,211 1, 3.59 1,775 9,317 591 400 1,688 1,135 201 1,686 137 4,569 221 3.702 1,193 446 447 1,176 712 503 467 22, 108 1,798 1,437 1, 207 1,181 1, 403 1,105 1. 8.32 1,767 2, 616 2,777 T,4O0 1,882 1, 794 1,483 4,283 3.337 2,198 1,631 1,538 1,612 1,607 965 T,ior ^80 1,721 1. 383 2,249 1,840 30, 914 1,601 246 1,642 427 1880 2,273 254 486 2,366 "5 315 1,130 1,830 1. 495 1,958 640 1.514 1,963 133 1,223 1,092 169 1,436 1,319 16, 249 2,811 445 2,655 239 ^73 2,775 2,778 1 ,165 2,774 391 2,456 805 2,035 1,631 202 3,045 S78 1,022 1,594 7,694 18. 947 29, 544 1,389 1,853 424 MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Nodaway county— Continued. Greene township, incl. Quitman village . . Quitman village. .• '. Hopkins township, incl. Hoi)kins city. - . Hopkins city ." Ward 1 472 Ward 2 374 Hughes township, incl. Graham village . , Graham village Independence township, incl. Parnell vill Parnell village Jackson township Jefferson township, including New Con- ception village (c). Lincoln townshij) Monroe township (b) Nodaway township, including Bui-liugton Junction city. Burlington Junction citj' Polk township, including Maryville city . Maryville citj' '. Union township, incl. Pickering village . . Pickering village Washiniyton township AVhite Cloud township 1890 Oregon county. Cedar Bluff township (b) Falling .S]uings townsliip Higliliind township , Joi) township Johnson township , King township (6) Lynn township, including Thayervillage Thayer village .' Moore township Oak Grove township Piney township Woodside township Osage county . Benton township, including Chamois town Chamois town Crawford township Jackson township Jefferson township Linn township Washington township Ozark county . Bayou township Bridges township, incl. Gainesville town. Gainesville town Jackson township Jasper township _ Marion township Kichland townshij) 1,998 ^32 1,827 1,910 353 1,818 267 1,901 1,539 ^219 1,334 1,768 707 7.102 4,0:17 1, 559 203 1,144 1, 552 10,467 13, 080 3,542 769 3,337 1, 056 1,062 1, 785 1,698 9,795 Pemiscot county. 1, 759 1,695 17s 992 1,666 1,866 1,817 Braggadocio township Butler township Coutre township (b) Gayoso township, incl. Gayoso village. . . Gayoso village Godair township Little Prairie township, including Caruth- ersville village. Caruthersville village Little River township Pemiscot townsliip Virginia township Perry county. Bois Brule township, including Clary ville town (c). c Not separately returned. 394 659 600 ,185 '37 290 ,409 230 198 652 588 13, 237 1,708 1880 2,815 335 1,883 2, 505 452 1,431 1,708 1,148 2.197 2,055 657 0,662 3.485 1, 363 118 934 1,541 5. 791 495 180 119 450 2()8 915 1, 039 494 400 412 3,184 1,061 740 .573 1,798 1, 303 1,064 604 735 424 11.824 2,943 562 2, 862 984 1,562 1,804 1,669 5,618 897 1,141 165 638 953 1, 041 948 4,299 214 454 771 1^8 1,080 220 044 653 11.893 1,605 254 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. MI SSOUKI— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Terey county— Continued. Brazeau township, including Altenburg and AVitteuberg viliage.s. AUenburg village Wittenberg village ■ ■ . Central township, inel. Perry viUe village PerrvviUe village Cinque Homme township St. Mary township Salem township ••:•,■: 2 y„\" Saline township, incl. Lithium town (a) . . Union township Pettis county. Blackwater township Bowling Green township Cedar township Dresden township Elk Fork townsiup Flat Creek township Green Ridge to wnsliip Heath Creek township. ...-.■ - • Houstonia township, incl. Houstonia viU . Houstonia village Hughesville township Lake Creek township V " " ■.;," Lamonte township, incl. Lamonte village. Lamonte village Longwood township Prairie township ^c^"i'^■""■i"' Sedalia township, including Sedaliacity.. Sedalia city Wardi 3,720 Wards 3-'" Ward 3 3, 852 Ward4 ••■••• ?'38s Smithton township, incl. Smithton village Smithton village Washington township Phelps county. Arlington township, incl. Kewhurg vill - Newburg village Cold Spring township Dawson township Dillon tow n ship Liberty township Meramec township Miller township %;" ;,' ' ' "i. Kolla township, including Kolla city . . ■ RoUa city • • ■ • • .■ • • St. James township, mcl. bt. James via. St. James village Spring Creek township Pike county Ashley township, including Ashley and St. Clement (a) villages. Ashley village • Buflalo township, incl. Louisiana city Louisiana city j"-W Calumet township, including Annada vil- lage (a) and Clarksville town. Clarksville town • ■ • Cuivre township, incl. Uowling Green tn Bowling Green tow'n . . . . ... . . ... .... Hartford township, incl. Gazette viU. (a) Indian township, incl. Estes village (a) . . Peno township, incl. Frankford town Frankford town Prairieville township Salt River township . . . - - .--■--.:,--■ Spencer township, incl. Curry viUe village Curryville village 1890 Platte county. Carroll township, including Platte town. Platte town a Not separately returned. b Organized from parts ot Johnson ships in 1886. 1880 1,835 31. 151 1,170 1,090 1,075 960 901 1, 093 1,315 1,426 784 278 857 525 1,433 638 1,032 696 14, 618 14,068 1,347 369 829 12, 636 1,470 ^68 1, i37 621 1,747 475 988 955 2,513 1,592 898 467 1,832 26, 321 1,289 360 7,889 5,090 4,096 4,009 1,564 1,882 1,305 2, 204 662 1, 125 625 1,897 302 1,576 183 234 I3i 129 2.289 2,046 875 754 1,573 1,449 1,568 1,493 1,246 1,087 1,479 1,331 1,479 L308 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 27, 271 2,379 706 Platte county — Continued. Fair township, including Tracy towu (n) . Green township, including Camden Point and Dearborn towns. Camden Point town Dearborn town Lee township, including Farley town (a) Marshall township May township . Pettis township, including ParkviUecity. Parkville city Preston township, incl. Edgerton village Edgerton village Waldron township Weston township, incl. Weston town Weston town 1,339 1,105 1,178 1,101 1,050 1,217 999 1,273 141 i,'353 555 1,263 396 969 756 10, 845 9,561 1,237 307 890 12, 568 Polk county . Benton township Campbell township (b) Greene township Jackson township Jefferson township - . . - - - ■ •- ■ Johnson township (c), including Humans- ville town. Humansville town Looney township Madison township (c) ...--.----; •-- Marion township, including Bolivar city Bolivar city Mooney township Pulaski county. 892 1,298 691 1,747 535 1,424 932 2,687 1,582 841 392 1,521 26,715 Cnllen township ••.••,",••• j" Liberty township, incl. Richland town. . . Richland town Piney township Robideaux township Tavern township ....--.--------- Union township, including Dixon town . Dixon town Putnam county . 1,425 407 7,493 4,325 4,845 1,493 3,643 1,067 1,959 L247 2,310 462 1,283 489 2,021 273 Elm township Grant township Jackson township Liberty township --•-•■■---;-■■; Lincoln township, mcl. Mendota town. Mendota town Medicine township Richland township Sherman township ----- Union township, incl. UnionviUe town . Unionville town Wilson township York township Ralls county 1890 16, 248 17, 366 2,782 670 Center township, including Center viUage Center village Clav township Jasper township Saline township ....-.....---------■•-- Salt River township, incl. Perry tow n . . Perry town Saverton township .............. - - - ■ ■ - - Spencer township, incl. New London tn New London town Randolph county. 1,263 2,418 177 239 814 1,623 967 2,456 769 1,695 482 693 1,940 1,134 20, 339 1880 1,275 2,425 142 1,117 1,910 899 2,354 482 1,608 145 840 2,156 1,329 15, 734 2,377 611 1,976 1,929 998 1,553 791 2,385 2,351 4,333 1,485 1,826 9,387 1,726 1,430 1,746 885 1,278 328 2,117 1,709 3,282 516 1,561 7,250 1,668 2, 477 553 713 829 1,665 2,035 404 15, 365 2,755 644 1, 035 L540 1,917 85. 949 993 892 2,102 1,118 865 L673 12,294 1,252 1,684 360 ■535 768 1,232 1,779 13, 555 2,371 704 1,005 1,402 L285 Cairo township, including Cairo town (a) Chariton township Clifton township ----- V :,","; ' ' Jackson township, incl. Jacksonville tn. Jacksonville town c Part taken to form Campbell township in 1886, 1,226 155 1,698 2,004 1,728 1,849 316 1,422 2,367 683 24, 893 1,334 1,764 787 765 166 818 785 1, 058 1,763 772 791 1,573 11, 838 1,153 55 1,700 1,866 1,682 1,681 147 1,488 2,268 502 22, 751 1,193 1,964 844 975 163 and Madison town- POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiuued. MISSOURI— Continued 255 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS Randolph county— Continued. Moniteau township, incl. Higbee town . . Higbee town Prairie townsliip, including Clark and Kenick towns. Clark lown Renick town Salt River township , Salt Spring township, incl. Huntsville tn . Huntsville town Silver Creek township Sugar Creek township, incl. Moberly city Moberly city '. Ward r i , 350 Ward 2 1,049 Ward 3 1 , 434 Ward 4 1 , 166 Ward 5 1 ,623 Ward 6 1 , 593 Union township 1890 1880 Ray county Camden township (a), incl. Camden city. . Camden city Crooked River township, incl. Hardin vill, Hardin village Fishing River township, incl. Vibbard tn! Vibbard town Grape Grove township, including Tinuev Grove village. Tinney Grove village Knoxville township, including Knoxville and Taitsville villages. Knoxville village Taitsville village Orrick township (6), incl. Orrick village. . . Orrick village Polk township, including Lawson village . Lawson village Richmond township, including Henrietta village and Richmond city. Henrielta village Richmond city Ward 1 1 , 370 Ward z 481 Ward 3 1,044 Reynolds county Black River township. Carroll township Jackson township Lesterville township . . Logan township Webb township Ripley county Briar Creek township (c) Current River township Doniphan township, incl. Doniphan vill . Doniphan village Fourchee township Gatewood township (c) Harris township Johnson township Jordan township Kelley townsliip Thomas township Union township Varner township (c) Washington township St. Charles county. Callaway township , Cuivre township, incl. Wentzville village. Wentzville village . .-. Dardenne township ] ' Femme Osage township, including Au- gusta and Femme Osage (d) villages. Augusta village 1,609 1,472 1,093 347 3,065 3,081 194 437 460 91)3 861 3,6i6 3,218 1,836 1,527 970 1,391 9,269 7,031 «,2I5 6,070 24,215 2,480 650 2,549 656 2,139 127 2,929 77 2,268 90 1,682 370 2,159 520 8,009 315 .89s 0,803 606 1,326 590 1,032 1,781 1,388 310 405 1,557 609 293 1,074 588 330 449 796 322 1,027 353 1,012 22, 977 1,665 3,262 457 4,214 2,229 721 3,353 30Q 1,883 247 1,961 Z40 3,090 2,301 193 1,534 223 6,068 5,722 567 1,234 540 1,068 1,159 1,154 5,377 299 791 157 230 566 271 289 496 241 1,417 777 23, 065 1,830 3,820 543 4,056 2,401 a Part taken to form Orrick township since 1880. ,■ 6 Organized from part of Camden township since 1880. MINOR civil divisions. St. Charles county— Continued. Portage township, including Lemo and Portage villages {d). St. Charles township, incl. St. Charles city St. Charles city St. Clair county. Appleton township, incl. A ppleton village. Appleton village Butler township, including Lowry village' Lowry village Chalk Level township Collins township, incl. Collins village (d) . Dallas township Doyal township Jackson township Monegaw township Osage township (c) '.. Osceola township, including Osceola town. Osceola town • Polk town.ship .1......... Roscoe township, including Roscoe town. Roscoe town Speedwell township Tabor township Washington township Ste. Genevieve county Beauvais township, incl. St. Mary town . St. Mary town Jackson township [_\ Ste. Genevieve township, including Ste. Genevieve city. Ste. Genevieve city Ward I ' 433 Ward 2 ;;; 680 Wards 473 Saline township Union township St. Francois county . Big River township Iron township, including Bismarck town and Iron Mountain village. Bismarck town Iron Mountain village Liberty township Marion township, incl. French village (d) . Pendleton township, including Doe Run and Loughboro (d) villages. Doe Run village Perry township, incl. Bonne Terre village. Bonne Terre village ; . . Randolph township St. Francois township, including Farm- ino ton city. Farmington city St. Louis city. Ward 1 11,293 Ward 2 10,891 Ward 3 13,489 Ward 4 12,792 Ward 5 16, 731 Ward 6 18,366 Ward 7 20,501 Ward 8 13,322 Ward 9 20, 701 Ward 10 17, 756 Ward 11 18, 367 Ward 12 15, 234 Ward 13 11,837 Ward 14 15, 369 Ward 15 11, 913 Ward 16 13, 804 Ward 17 15, 201 Ward 18 ; 17, 462 Ward 19 16,363 Ward 20 14, 783 c Organized since 1880. d Not separately returned. 1890 2,309 9,298 6,161 10, 747 1,760 446 1,186 3,992 1,586 1,399 1,546 17, 347 954 2,403 837 1 ,101 1,898 1,129 2,184 956 4,989 3>7i9 837 2,953 1,394 451, 770 1880 2,541 8,417 5,014 14, 125 2,020 1,983 1,081 1,650 1.034 1,399 368 1,062 58 861 932 863 814 635 938 838 917 775 1,174 1,321 694 2,065 1,162 995 688 f^?. 1,397 1,253 159 1,120 172 1,133 725 951 551 346 9,883 10, 390 1,722 419 1,364 3,929 1,493 1,882 13, 822 875 2,159 1,243 1, 802 1,183 958 3,755 765 2,325 350, 518 256 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. irilSSOUKI— Continued. St. Loois city— Contimied. ■Ward 21 Ward 22 . 16,713 ..--'.-■---•-- 1'>,S1» Ward23.';;;;;"-- 19-^1^ Ward 24 "•''' Ward 25 !»• f ™ Ward 26 1=' "^? Ward 27 "-"^l Ward 28 ^''■■^^'^ St. Louis county. Jefferson township, incl. Memphis town. . Memphis town .Johnson township (e) Miller township Mount Pleasant township Sand Hill township Thomson township (/), incl. Arbela town Arbela town Union township ,276 ,780 Bonhouime township, exclusive of part of Kirkwood village. n 4. <• Carondelet township, exclusive ot part ot Kirkwood village. Central township, including Clayton and Webster Groves villages. Clayton village Webster Groves village. • • Kirkwood village («), in Bouhomme and Carondelet townships. Meramec township ..-..-.- - - ■ - - - ■ • • ■ - • ■ St Ferdinand township, including Bndge- ton and St. Ferdinand villages. Bridgeton village St. Ferdinand village Saline county Arrow Rock township, including Arrow Itock town and Nelson village. Arrow Rock town Nelson village .■■,•■;: ,;.V ".■ ' Blackwater township, including Kulge Prairie town (c). . , ,. r. Cambridge township, indudiug Lam- bridge (c), Gilliam, and Slater towns. Gilliam town Slater town Clay township - - - - - ■ • - - - ■ • .- - - - • Eliiwood township, incl. Blackburn viU- . . Blackburn village. ............... ■ . ■ • • Grand Pass township, including trrand Pass village and Malta Bend town. Grand Pass village Malta Bend town Jefferson township Liberty township -■-- <;;■";••,; Marshall township, including Marshall city and Stanhope village (c) . Marshall city w ■ ■ \v-' ' "■': Miami township, including Miami town. Miami town Salt Fork township -.•--,•-:.- ;, : Salt Pond township, including Sweet Springs city. Sweet Springs city (d) ,307 402 1.783 1.777 1 3,858 8,399 33, 762 31, 888 Schuyler county Chariton township, incl. Coatsville tn. (c) . Fabius township, incl. Downing town . . - Downing town • ■ ■ Glenwood township, incl. Glenwood town Glenwood town Independence township Liberty township, iucl: Lancaster town . Lancaster town ■■ • Prairie township, including Queen town Queen town _. • ■ . ■ • • Salt River township, incl. Green Top vill Green Top village 2,603 4,223 2,400 2, 072 2,450 372 , 2,349 281 I 449 1,503 1,835 7,876 806 1,978 406 1,221 451 1,694 2,009 811 2,377 377 1,164 238 Scotland county ,. 12, 674 Harrison township (0, including Goriu and South Gorin (c) towns. Gorin town '■ 1,220 a Includes Kirkwood village. b In 1880 in Bonhomme township only. c Not separately returned. d Formerly Brownsville. , . • e Part taken to fonii Thomson township since 2,445 2,462 214 2,425 1,542 1,819 5,945 2,526 10. 470 Scott county . ,286 ,221 122 ,514 11, 228 4,243 1 ,418 1,230 1,227 1,239 1,065 144 1,700 ,587 Commerce township Kelso townshij) Moreland township, incl. Benton village . Benton village Morley township, incl. Morley village Morley village Richland township, incl. Sikeston viUage. Sikeston village Sandy wood township Sylvaniatownship, including Oran village, Oran village Tywappity township 1,577 1, 118 I 1,808 202 1,223 I 395 I 2, 216 636 1, 112 L308 271 866 1,611 1,101 1,371 709 828 232 1,264 191 879 841 Shannon county Birch Tree township (3), including Birch Tree village. Birch Tree village Blair Creek township Bowlan township Casto township Delaware township Eminence township Jackson township Jasper township Montier township (h) Moore township Newton township Pike Creek township ((/) Spring Valley township Winona township (h), incl. A^iuona vill. Winona village Shelby county . Bethel township : • , ■ " V," '.V ' " ' Black Creek township, including Shelby- ville town. Shelb\Tille town Clay township, including Clarence town. . Clarence town ■ ■ Jackson township, incl. Hunncwell town . Hunnewell town Jefferson township _■ - ••:■•-; Salt River township, incl. Shelbina town Shelbina town Taylor to-wnship Tiger Fork township 1,688 .■;35 207 264 362 325 920 520 297 836 309 412 418 424 1,916 602 15, 642 092 3,441 569 187 239 213 230 535 332 177 "49 261 340 209 1,468 2,004 14, 024 1,804 Stoddard county Castor township, incl. Bloomfield vill. (c) Duck Creek township, incl. Puxico vill . Puxico village Elk township - • .- - Liberty township, incl. Dexter village - . Dexter village New Lisbon township - ■ ■ Pike township, incl. Advance village (c) Richland township Stone county 2,451 1,078 1,929 427 1,634 3,336 1,691 1,369 1,451 17, 327 1,343 2,074 619 1,761 570 2,057 424 1,548 2,866 1,289 1,212 1,163 13, 431 3,070 2,383 212 729 4,336 792 2,054 2,572 1,583 7,090 0. 422 L640 894 2.809 489 1,850 1,834 976 4,404 970 645 710 560 Cass township Flat Creek township / Organized from parts of Harrison and Johnson townships ^'ffPartTtaken to form Montier and Winona townships since 1880. Ih Organized from parts of Birch Tree and Pike Creek townships since fsSO. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. MISSO URI— Continued. Grant township (a) . James township Pierce township Pine township (a) Ponce de Leon township (a) . Eiith township (a) Washington township "Williams township Sullivan county. Bowman township, incl. Humphreys tn . Humphreys town ' Buchanan township Clay township, incl. Newtown town Newtown town Duncan township, incl. Browning town . Browning town Jackson township Liberty township Mon-is townshij) Penn township, including Greencastle and Green towns. Greencastle town Green town Pleasant HOI township Polk township, including Milan town Milan town Taylor township TJnion township Taney county. Beaver township Big Creek township Cedar Creek township (b) ... Jasper township Xewton township Oliver township Scott township (c) Swan township Texas county. Boone township Eurdine township, incl. Cabool village. . . Cabool village Carroll township Cass township Clinton township Current township Jackson township Lynch township Moms township Ozark township Pierce township Piney township, including Houston town Houston town Roubidoux township SherrUl township, incl. Licking to^\-n (d).' Upton township Ternon county , Bacon township, including Harwood and Schell villages. Harwood village Schell village Badger township .!.'.!..!.!!!. Blue Mound to%vnship Center township, including Nevada' city!, Nevada city Ward T T .j^-T Ward 2 , Wards 919 Ward4 ,,y ^ards 1 932 Clear Creek township Coal township, including Clayton viilage Clayton village 1,361 350 861 354 .301 241 834 1,170 1,768 .127 1,199 1,812 1,693 117 2,251 1,297 1,106 1,836 267 3i8 1,242 2,943 i>234 671 1,182 7,973 1,457 1, 2.34 580 872 707 867 381 1,875 19, 406 525 1,946 359 1,248 1,606 1,309 441 r^i 1,186 1,671 755 800 2,601 353 968 2,124 1,358 2,127 240 847 983 963 8,427 7,262 932 852 395 646 705 19,000 I 16,569 1,080 995 1,062 24 1,688 93 2,043 1,003 909 1,713 191 1, 052 3,002 1,117 856 1,106 5,599 656 625 575 742 ,239 12, 206 399 425 661 1,122 1,145 231 532 792 1,080 476 474 1,725 191 467 1,889 788 31,505 j 19,369 1,517 676 575 734 2,795 1. 913 650 a Organized since 1880. b Organized from part of Scott townshii> since 1880. c Part taken to form Cedar Creek township since 1880 372 17 Deerfield township, incl. Deerfield village Deerlield village Dover township ] Dry wood township, incl. Sheldon village Sheldon village Harrison township Henry township Lake township Metz township Montevallo township Moundville township, including Bro- naugh and Moundville villages. Bronaugh village Moundville villa.ge Osage township [. Richland township Virgil township Walker township, incl. Walker town Walker town Washington township Warren county. Bridgeport township , Camp Branch township Charrette township ' Elkhorn township, incl. Warrenton city. Warrenton city Hickory Grove township, inciuding Wright village. Wright village Pinckney township Washington county 13 153 Belgrade township BeUevue township, incl. Caledonia ^iJi. (rf) Breton township, incl. Potosi vUlage Potosi village Concord township Harmony township Johnson township Kingston township Liberty township Richwood township Union township Walton township Wayne county-. Benton township, incl. Piedmont village. Piedmont village Black River townshij) Cedar Creek township Cowan township Jefferson township Logan township Lost Creek township Mill Spring township St. Francois township Williams township, including Williams- ville city. Williamsville cit}- Webster coup Benton township East Dallas township {e} Finley township, incl. Seymour town. . Seymour town Grant township Hazlewood township High Prairie township Jackson township (a) Niangua township (a) Ozark township, incl. Marshfield town. Marshtield town Union township Washington township West Dallas township (e) 3S3 989 257 1,061 S94 1,503 ,913 10,806 1,236 997 2,806 2, 508 299 2,140 393 1,119 12, 806 15,17- 1,765 869 1,806 388 1,114 1. 271 1,026 1,108 367 I 2,536 I qSo 1.450 812 963 12, 175 1,055 d Not separately returned. e Dallas township (population 1,449 in ISSO) formed into East and West D.ill.is townships since 1880. 258 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVEInTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. 31ISSOURI— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. ■WOETH COUNTY . Allen township, iucludinj; Denver town.. Denver town x ' ' ' V •*■ " FletcUall township, including Grantcity, Grant citv Greene to-wnship Middle Fork township Smith township IJniou township "Wright county . Boone township Brush Creek township . 1890 8,738 295 1,923 i,i86 971 798 1,383 1,774 14, 484 1880 8,203 1,043 632 1,847 2l8 1,380 493 937 768 1,509 1,762 9,712 984 665 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 "Wright county— Continued. Clark township Elk Creek township Gasconade township Hart township Montgomerv township Mountain 'Grove township, including Mountain Grove town. Mountain Grove town Pleasant Valley township, including Mansfield village («). Union township Tan Buren township "Wood township a Not separately returned. 812 746 1,754 1,430 1,200 2,016 830 1,543 1,158 884 1,266 1880 455. 549 1,233: 1,097 841 721 92 943 661 841 MOIVTANA. Beaverhead county. Argenta precinct Bannack precinct Barrett precinct Bighole precinct Birch Creek precinct Blacktail precinct Cochrane precinct Deweya Flat precinct ■ Dillon precinct, including Dillon city . . - Dillon city Elkhorn precinct ,"",""" "•i, Glendale precinct, incl. Glendale village. Glendale village Point of Kocks precinct Red Pvock precinct, incl. Lima village. - . Lima village Springs precinct Vipond precinct • Cascade county (a) . 229 203 102 382 288 164 231 174 1,119 1 ,012 35 741 371 49 823 358 70 45 8,755 375 134 137 55 36 4,750 3.979 301 129 39 270 236 873 327 84 97 19 448 275 166 55 210 14 678 Belt precinct Cascade precinct Cora precinct Davis Creek precinct Grafton precinct ■,"•;."""" "X '"' ;' Great Falls precincts, including Great Falls city. Great Kails city Kibbey precinct Mission precinct Monarch i)recinct North Great Falls precinct St. Clair precinct Sand Coiilee precinct Smelter precinct Soldier Creek precinct ■ Stickney precinct Sun River Leavings precinct. • • - - ■ Sun River precinct, including Fort Shaw. Fort Shaw Truly precinct tJlra precinct Tipper Sand Coulee precinct "Willow Creek pi-ecinct ■ a Organized irom parts of Chot«au, Lewis and Clarke, and Meagher counties in 1887. . „™,.!„r.t.= „,,r 6 "Part taken to form Cascade county m 188, ; preoncts iuk separately returned. .„;„ isai . •nrccincts c Part taken to form Yellowstone county m 1881; prccinr is not .i^eparately returned. d Precincts not separately returned. . Fort Assineboine Fort Benton citv "Ward 1 224 Ward 2 176 ■Ward 3 '37 Ward 4 ^'' Custer county (c) . Forsyth town Fort Custer Fort Keogh Miles city • Ward I 546 Ward 2 410 5,308 Dawson county (d)- Glasgow town . Glendive town . Deeklodge county (f). Anaconda city Ward I 947 Wardz i>°73 Wards '•J^^ Ward 4 833 Black Pine village Carroll town Deerlodge city Granite town PhilUpsburg town 2,056 ISC' Fergus county (/)..- Gallatin county { ; 1 re.ii.cts "i pTift'^kon'torrS'Vellow.stone county in 1881 and Park county in 1887. POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. MONTANA— Continued. 259 MraOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Jefferson corrNiY . Alhambra precinct Amazon precinct Basin precinct Beaver Creek precinct Bedford precinct Bigfoot precinct Boulder precinct Card well precinct Clancy precinct Comet precinct Corbin precinct Crow Creek precinct Elkiiorn precinct Elk Park precinct Evening Star precinct ri.sh Creek precinct Galvin precinct Gold Elmt precinct Grace precinct Gregory precinct Jefferson precinct Jefferson River precinct Lower Boulder precinct Mitchell Gulch precinct Northside Boulder precinct . Placer precinct Radersburg precinct St. Louis precinct Tenmile precinct Whitehall precinct "Wickes precinct Woodville precirct Lewis and Clarke county (a) . Augusta precinct Butler precinct ' ' ' ' Canyon Creek precinct CarteravUle precinct Craig precinct Dearuom Canyon precinct Dearborn precinct East Helena precinct Emjiire precinct , Gloster precinct Goodwin precinct Helena city Wardl 2,040 ':iard2 1,457 W ard 3 1 , 289 Ward 4 1, 704 Ward 5 2^ 015 Ward 6 2 143 Ward 7 3, 186 Hogan precinct Jay Gould precinct Kessler precinct .,, Little Jennie Mine precinct Marysville precinct, coextensive with Marysville town. Middle Eork of Dearborn pi-ecinct Mitchell precinct Mouth of Nelson precinct Gallatin codnty— Continued. Connell precinct East Gallatin precinct Flathead precinct Gallatin precinct Hillsdale precinct Madison precinct Montforton precinct Moreland precinct Salesville precinct Spanish Creek precinct Three Forks precinct Timberline precinct "Upper Madison Basin precinct. Upper Middle Creek precinct . . West Gallatin precinct Willow Creek precinct 1890 152 541 171 158 1.35 IIG 380 125 329 44 125 477 25 237 224 211 6,026 114 3 270 67 101 15 955 49 1.34 49 127 100 663 196 84 138 174 172 26 97 209 55 44 66 129 314 364 71 127 216 764 133 19, 145 401 155 110 115 77 119 122 469 47 8 349 13, 834 127 293 291 74 1,489 59 48 92 1880 2,464 6,521 3,624 a Part taken to form Cascade county in 1887. b Precincts not separately returned. c Parts taken to form Tergus county in 1885 aud Cascade county in 1887; precincts not separately returned. MINOR civil divisions. Lewis antj Clarke county — Cont'd. Kimini precinct Rock Creek Basin precinct. Silver precinct Stem pie precinct Unionville precinct Valley precinct 1890 I 1880 Madison county (fc) . Sheridan village. Virginia city Meagher county (c) . Castle town Townsend town White Sulphur Springs town Missoula county Cedar township CorvaUis township Flathead township _ Frenchtown township Hellgate township, including Fort Mis- soula and Missoula city . Fort Missoula " Missoula city Ward I 793 Ward 2 922 Ward 3 1,327 Ward 4 384 Jocko township Skalkaho township Stevens township Thompson township, incl. Thompson tn. . Thompson town , , Park county (d). Big Timber precinct, incl. Big Timber tn Big Timber town Cascade precinct Chico precinct Cokedale precinct, incl. Cokedale town Cokedale town Cooke precinct Fridley precinct Gardiner precinct Horr precinct Hunters Hot Springs precinct Livingston precincts, coextensive witli Livingston city. McLeod precinct Melville precipct Mission i)recinct Myersburg precinct Eedlodge precinct, incl. Eedlodge town. . . Redlodge town Richland precinct Shields River precinct Springdale precinct Sweet Grass precinct TTpper Boulder jirecinct SiLVEHBOw county- (e) Burlington town Butte city ^'""j' i.Sh' VV ard 2 2 726 Ward 3 .'.'.'.'... '956 Ward 4 i_2oi ^/""■^l 1,311 vVarde 1^240 ^ 'Ward 7 2,775 Meaderville town South Butte town Wallserville town ' 1.07s 80 1 3,915 3.363 d Organized from part of Gallatin county in 1887. e Organized from part of Deerlodge county in 1881; pre- cincts not separately returned. ^60 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TABLE 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. M O N T AN A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Yellowstone county (a) . Billings precinct, incl. Billings city. Billings city Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Canyon Creek precinct Huiitley precinct 1890 1880 2,065 941 836 137 29 MXNOE CIVTL DIVISIONS. Tellowstone county— Continued. Junction precinct Lake Basin precinct Laurel puccinct Park precinct Reed Crossing precinct. Roundup precinct Stillwater precinct o Or.'anized from parts of Custer and GaUatin counties in 1881. 1890 1880 85 , 139 I 91 329 81 95 138 NEBKASKA. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Adams county (o) - Ayr township (b), incl. part of Ayr vill- - - Ayr village (part of). . . . . • • •■■••• Total for Ayr village, in Ayr and Zero townships. Blaine township (c) . . - - - - . -•--•;•.•_ -^.y, • ' Cottonwood township, incl. Holstein viU. . Holstein village Denver township (d) Hanover to-ivnship (e) Hastings city (/) ■■^■^^^■ ^ardl 3 913 Ward4 ' Highland township (e) - -- . •.--••■•:,Y.,'„;' ' JuSiata township, incl. Juniata village. . 24,303 10, 235 792 107 173 622 548 118 756 655 13, 584 1,123 128 761 ■ "3,'836 2,817 Juniata village ■;■■•■■■ „,.;n i„\ Kenesaw township, incl. Kenesaw^ ill. (i/) Little Blue township Logan township (<., ■■-■- -- _ , ., Eoteland township (e), mcl. Koseland ^ il- lage(3). Silver Lake township Verona township (c) r--:-.^---;:- •;,•,'■,;; Wanda township {e), mcl. Wanda vill. (g) West Blue township .--.-.---.-- •■---- - Zero township ('0, mcl. part of AyrvUl. Ayr village (part of) Antelope Bazile township Blaine township .......-- -.V'W,' ',':'" Burnett township, mcl. Burnett vill. (3) - - . Cedar township .•••,■;: oVo"„V ' Clearwater township, including Clear- water village. Clearwater village Crawford township Custer township Eden township Elgin township Ellsworth township Elm township •. • Erenchtown township Garfield township G r a u t 1 w n s h i p Lincoln township Logan township - - - ■ - •■-■--.■ •■•-.■.- - " Ketigh township, including Neligh city . Neligh city •,••,■;•■• •.;, Oakdaletownship, incl. Oakdale vUlage. . Oakdale village 603 1,231 528 668 517 324 782 518 789 602 600 712 66 county (t) 10, 399 402 322 471 528 519 215 540 272 294 421 262 265 410 342 420 235 512 1,585 :,2og 883 6w 1,440 494 738 841 584 918 3,953 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Antelope county- Ord township Royal township Sherman township Stanton township . Verdigris township Willow township Arthur county (j) Banner county (k) Banner precinct Flowerfield precinct . Freeport precinct Gate Rock precinct Hull precinct Lone Pine precinct Long Springs precinct Loraine precinct Pumpkin Creek precinct Wright precinct 326 g Kot separately returned. . h Or.^anlzed from partot Ayr township since ISbO. i Reorganized into townships since 1880. a Precincts changed to townships since 1880. b Part taken to form Zero township since 1881). c (Organized from part of Denver township since ]^f- (1 Part taken to form Blaine township since 1880. Hastings city; formerly iu Denver township, made independent since I8S0'. e Organized since 1880. /■Formerly in Denver township; 1880. made independent since Blaine county (I) Brewster precinct Dunning precinct Dunn precinct Edith precinct Hawley precinct Purduin precinct Rankin precinct Boone county Ashland precinct (m). Beaver precinct, incl. St. Edward town. . . . St. Edward town. Bonanza precinct (n) . Booue precinct (0) — Cedar precinct, incl. Cedar Rapids village. Cedar Rapids village Duhlin precinct (0) r V iV : ' ' '*' " Manchester precinct (0), incl. Albion tn. Albion town Midland precinct {p} Oakland precinct Plum Creek precinct Roselina precinct (7) Shell Creek precinct (c) j Formed from unorganized territory iu 1887; not returned by precincts. ,-„ laoa A; Organized from part of Clieyenno county in 1888. I Organized from unorganized territory m 18»^- m Part taken to form Bonanza precinct m 18?0. n Organized from part of Ashland precinct in I08O. Part taken to form Roselina precmct lu 18bO. p Organized ft-om part of Shell Creek precinct in 1880- ^ Organized from parts of Boone, Dublin, and Manches- ter iirccincts iu 1880. . ..^„^,. )■ Part taken to form Midland precinct m IbSO. POPULATION, 261 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. ]VE B R ASK A— Continued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. BOXBUTTE COUNTY (a). Boxbutte precinct Dorsey precinct Lake precinct, including Alliance village Alliance village Lawn precinct Liberty precinct jSTonpareil precinct Kimning Water precinct Snake Creek precinct Wright precinct , Boyd codnty (b). Brown county (c) Ainsworth precinct, Incl. Ainsworth vill . Ainsworth village Buffalo precinct Burley precinct Calamus precinct Chester precinct Fairfield precinct Garfield precinct Johnstown precinct Lakeland precinct Pine Glen precinct Pine precinct, incl. Long Pine village . . . Long Pine village 1890 Buffalo county (d) . Annada township Beaver township Cedar township Center township Cherry Creek township Divide township Elm Creek township, incl. Elm Creek vill Elm Creek village Gardner township Garfield township, incl. Eavenna town - . . Ravenna town , Gibbon township, including Gibbon town. Gibbon town Grant township Harrison township Kearney township, coextensive with Kearney city. Kearney city Ward I 2,145 Ward 2 1 , 446 Ward 3 1 , 093 Ward 4 3 , 390 Logan township Loup township Odessa township Platte township Eiverdale township Eusco township Sartoria township Schneider township Scott township Sharon township Shelton town ship, including Shelton town . Shelton town Thornton township Valley township Burt county . Arizona precinct Bell Creek precinct, incl. Craig village. Craig village Becatur precinct, incl. Decatur village. Decatur village 5,494 741 706 1,566 829 588 249 407 423 246 568 695 4,359 1,499 733 369 54 86 42 99 275 787 159 229 760 562 22, 162 1880 561 385 461 630 374 523 789 357 648 958 628 1,185 646 583 309 8,074 8,074 311 571 535 204 825 367 421 603 351 533 1,159 706 426 376 11, 069 705 1,471 290 1,336 593 ,531 1,782 6,937 626 646 1,035 533 a Organized from part of Dawes county in 1886. 6 Formerly part of Dakota; annexed to Nebraska since 1880; organized as Boyd county March 20, 1891. c Organized from unorganized territory in 1883; parts taken to torm Kej-apaha and Eock counties in 1884 and 1888, respect- ively. ' d Eeorganized into townships since 1880. « Precincts changed to townships since 1880. minor CIVIL DIVISIONS. Burt county— Continued. Everett precinct, incl. Lyons village Lyons village Oakland precinct, incl. Oakland village. . Oakland village Eiverside precinct Silver Creek precinct Summit precinct Tekamah precinct, incl. Tekamah town. . Tekamah town Butler county (e) . Alexis township Bone Creek township Center township David city (/) Ward r. 728 Ward 2 641 Ward 3 659 Franklin township (/) Linwood township (g) Oak Creek townshiij, incl. Brainard vill. Brainard village Olive township Platte township (h), incl. Linwood village Linwood village Plum Creek township (i) Eea634 675 1,720 1,216 216 797 827 2,177 1,268 546 1,378 1,190 139 1,014 :::! (i). Kearney county (e) . Blaine township (d) . Cosmo township Eaton townshii) 9,061 4,072 446 702 659 261 195 Bohemia precinct Washington precinct (d) Western precinct Central precinct Cleveland precinct {d} Crei^hton precinct, incl. Bazile Mills (6) and Creighton towns. Creighton town Eastern precinct Hill precinct (d) Jackson precinct (I), incl. Verdigre town \'erdigre town Lincoln precinct {d) , Lindsay precinct (d) Logan precinct (d) Miller precinct (d) Niobrara precinct, incl. Niobrara village. Niobrara village Santee Agency precinct (d) Sparta precinct (d) Valley precinct (d) Verdigre precinct (m) Walnut Grove precinct (d) AVeigand precinct (d) 1890 612 1,177 56s 1,380 500 1,495 815 477 367 547 904 262 261 (j25C 250 658 2,556 179 83 271 87 964 494 608 234 130 3,920 483 577 535 387 280 366 562 479 251 426 193 103 383 47 8,582 792 615 342 1,346 822 313 365 616 207 190 314 247 323 995 633 534 300 379 271 I 350 i 290 1880 400 428 280 433 262 192 360 384 348 194 148 114 46 3,066 [421 238 416 849 475 536 a Organized from unorganized territory in 1889. b Not separatel3' returned. c Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incom- plete. d Organized since 1880. e Precincts changed to townships since 1880; Kearney township (population 142 in 1880) abolished since 1880. /In 1880 in Lincoln township only. ff Population claimed, 841 : returns incomplete for township. Ii Part taken to form Perkins county in 1887: information as to changes in minor civil divisions incomplete. i Formerly Alkali. . j Organized from part of Brown county in 1884. A- Organized from jiart of Cheyenne county in 1888. I Organized from part of Verdigre precinct since 1880. m Part taken to fonn Jackson precinct since 1880. 268 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVEi^TH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. NEBRASKA— Continned. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1S90 Lancaster county (a). 76, 395 Buda precinct CeuterviUe precinct Denton precinct Elk precinct Garlleld precinct (Ji) Grant precinct Highland precinct • - • ; : - • ■ Lancaster precinci, including Universitj' Place village. University Place village Lincoln city (c) ----- Ward 1 8,897 Ward 2 ' . 9™ Ward 3 6. 9^^ ' Ward4 11,?30 Ward 5 H. aeg Ward 6 -i. "-28 Ward7 4,622 Little Salt precinct Middle Creek precinct Mill precinct - Nemaba precinct, incl. Bennett village . . . B.'nnett village !Nortb Blutf precinct Oak precinct Olive Branch precinct Panama precinct Kock Creek precinct -• Saltillo precinct, including Hickman and Eoca villages. Hickman village Roca village • • South Pass precinct, incl. Firth village . . . Firth village Stevens Creek precinct Stockton precinct Waverly precinct, incl. Waverly viU. (e) . . WestLmcoln precinct(6), including West Lincoln vUlage. West Lincoln village West Oak precinct Yankee Hill precinct Lincoln- county (/) . 859 788 453 691 611 893 827 1.397 571 55, 154 515 756 596 1,352 474 501? 734^ 779 814 961 1,266 341 191 1, 249 239 560 677 916 723 443 565 1,758 10, 441 196 93 125 205 294 193 145 174 321 224 202 207 191 373 114 137 121 141 458 95 186 218 3,055 3i°55 1880 28, 090 565 601 381 464 623 522 667 13, 003 493 487 627 1,024 214 dl,113 749 549 661 865 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS 1,013 230 357 337 1,111 3,632 69 283 32 Antelope precinct (6) Baker precinct (ft) Bird wood i>reciuct (ft) Brady Lsland precinci Buchanan precinct (ft) Cottonwood Springs precinct Cox precinct (ft) Deer Creek precinct (6) Dickens precinct (ft) Faii'vie w pi-ecinot (ft) Fox Creek precinct Garfield precinct (ft) Gaslin precinct (ft) Hall precinct (ft) Harrison precinct (ft) Hiuraan precinct (ft) Kilmer precinct (ft) Maxwell precinct (ft) Medicine precinct (ft) Miller precinct (ft) Mylander precinct (ft) Myrtle precinct (ft) Nichols precinct (ft) North Platte precinct, coextensive with North Platte city. North Platte city Ward I 899 Ward 2 I .s?4 Ward 3 822 Nowell precinct (ft) O'Fallon precinct Osgood precinct (ft) a Lincoln precinct (population 250 in 1880) abolished since 1880. ft Organized since 1880. „,,., c In 1880 comprised all of Capital precinct and part of Mid- land precinct; that i)art of Midland precinct outside of city limits (population 439 inJSSO) annexed since 1880. d Not separately returned in 1880. c Not separately returned. 2.873 363 Lincoln county — Continued. Peckham precinct (ft). Plant precinct (ft) Somerset precinct (ft). Sunshine precinct (ft) - Tronian precinct (ft) . . Walker jjrecinct (ft) . . Wallace precinct (ft) . . Well precinct (ft) Whittier precinct iftj. Willow precinct (ft) . - - 1890 206 173 245 242 176 174 805 97 155 243 1,378 1880 Logan county (?) Burt precinct Dorp ]irecinct Gandy precinct Logan ])recinct Lour county Jackson precinct Kent precinct . . - Little York precinct Newton precinct Sawyer precinct Strohl precinct Taylor precinct McPhbrson county (I) East McPherson precinct West McPherson precinct Madison county ij) Battle Creek township, including Creek village. Battle Creek village Burnett township, ind. Burnett village (c). Deer Creek township . Emerick township Fairview township. Green Garden township. Grove township . Hishland township Kalamazoo township Madison township, incl. Madison city Madison citv v;," ' -i Norfolk to-wnship, including N orfolk city. Norfolk city ■••• Ward I °°o Ward 2 890 Wards ■■ "-'^ Ward 4 353 Schoolcraft township . Shell Creek township, including Newman (Jrove village. Newman Grove village. TTnioii township. Tallev township Warnerville township. Merrick county li) Central township Chapman township. Clarksville township, incl. Clark viU. (c) . . Lone Tree township, incl. Central city. Central citv Ward 1 506 Ward 2 4°o Wards '>*^ f Information as to changes in minor civil divisions incom- plete ; McPherson precinct (population 91 in 1880) abolished since'l880. . 7 Organized from unorganized territory m 1885. h ftrganized from unorganized territory in 1883. i Organized from unorganized territory in 1887. / Kebrganized into townships in 1888. k Precincts changed to townships since 1880. POPULATION. 269 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. NEB R ASK A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Merrick county — Continued. Loup township Mead township Midland township Prairie Creeli township Prairie Island township Silver Creek township, including Silver Creek village (a). Vieregg township IfANCE COUNTY (b) Beaver township Cedar township Cottonwood township Council Creek township FuUerton township, incl. Fullerton vill. (a) Genoa township, including Genoa village. Genoa village Loup Ferry township Isewman township Prairie Creek township South Branch township Timber Creek township Nbmaha county. Aspinwall precinct Bedford precinct Benton precinct Brown ville precinct, incl. Bi'ownville city . Brownville city Douglas precinct, including Auburn city Auburn city Ward I 580 Ward 2 492 Ward 3 465 Glen Kock precinct Island precinct Lafayette precinct, incl. Brock village Brock village London precinct Nemaha precinct, incl. Nemaha village (a) Peru precinct, including Peru village Peru village St. Deroin precinct Washington precinct, incl. Johnson vill . . Johnson village Nuckolls county . Alban precinct (c) Beaver jirecinct, including Superior city Superior city Ward 1 515 Ward 2 434 Ward 3 665 Blaine precinct (d) Bostwick precinct (e) Elk precinct Garfield precinct (/) Hammond precinct (g) Hardy precinct (/). incl. Hardy village . . Hardy village Highland precinct (d) Liberty precinct Nelson precinct (ft), iucl. Nelson city Nelson city Nora precinct St. Stephen precinct (i) Sherman precinct Spring Creek precinct Victor precinct (!)• incl. Lawrence vill. (a) . Otoe county 1800 1880 Belmont precinct Berlin precinct Delaware precinct, incl. Dunbar vill. (0) . 785 554 503 702 91 729 5,773 356 426 260 350 1,422 1,090 793 363 365 535 279 327 835 805 1, 120 1,262 980 2,170 1.537 864 129 1.408 348 669 968 1,228 624 138 1,334 234 11,417 260 2,151 1 ,614 623 369 753 412 457 726 343 372 616 ,506 913 654 074 652 796 680 763 836 408 325 332 490 83 421 478 1,212 187 12,930 I 10,451 735 580 951 1,601 i.3°9 880 752 107 1,072 699 908 1,187 567 190 4,235 120 642 458 588 208 493 237 25,403 ; 15,727 722 558 453 a Not separately returned. b Reorganized into townships since 1880. c Part taken to form Bostwick precinct since 1880. d Organized from part of Nelson precinct since 1880. e Organized from part of Alban precinct since 188U. / Spring Valley precinct (population 244 iu IS811) formed into Garfield and Hardy precincts since 1S80 g Organized since 1880. minor civil divisions. 1890 Otoe county — Continued. Pourmile precinct Hendricks precinct McWilliams precinct, incl. Talmage vill . . Talmage village Nebraska precinct, incl. Nebraska city . . . Nebraska city Ward 1 2 , 674 Ward 2 2,232 Ward 3 41063 Ward 4 2 1 525 North Branch precinct Osage precinct Otoe precinct Palmyra precinct, iucl. Palmyra vill. (a) . . Eock Creek precinct Kussell precinct, incl. Unadilla village . . . Unadilla vdlage South Branch precinct Syracuse precinct, incl. Syracuse village . . Syracuse village Wyoming precinct Pawnee county. Clay precinct Clear Creek precinct ( j ) Miles precinct, incl. part of Burchai'd vill. Burchard village (part of) Total for Burchard village, in Miles and Plum Creek precincts. Mission Creek precinct Pawnee precinct, incl. Pawnee village . . . Pawnee village Plum Creek precinct, including part of Burchard village. Burchard village (part of) Sheridan precinct South Fork precinct, incl. Dubois village. Dubois village Steinauer precinct (k) Table Rock precinct (J), including Table Rock village. Table Rock village Turkey Creek precinct West Branch precinct Perkins county (l) . Eckery precinct Grace precinct Harrison precinct Highland precinct Liberty precinct, including Grant village. Grant village Lisbon precinct Madrid precinct, incl. Madrid village Madrid village Marvin precinct Sawyer precinct Woodson precinct - . Tankee precinct Phelps county {b) Anderson township . . ._. Center township ~. Cottonwood township Divide township Garfield township, incl. Bertrand village. Bertrand village Holdrege city Industry town.ship Laird township Lake township Prairie township Rock Falls township Sheridan township Union township 446 634 1,123 429 11, 941 11,494 774 600 902 1, 637 754 1,410 ■95 673 1,495 728 735 10, 340 715 614 750 I 134 20I 627 2,214 1.550 745 67 701 1,137 316 445 1,312 673 650 430 4,364 185 335 145 189 882 315 387 687 178 431 210 399 514 9,869 439 534 253 623 772 263 .601 514 6P5 576 408 308 423 485 1880 670 396 457 4,818 4.183 564 560 1,013 1, 392 721 1,148 778 316 1,138 510 801 6,920 658 356 413 1,332 763 442 367 518 1,447 267 334 2.447 /( Parts taken to form Blaine and Highland precincts since 1880. i Bohnart precinct (j-.opulatiou 405 in 1880) formed into St. Stephen and Victor precincts since 1880. j Organized from parts of Steinauer and Table Rock pre- cincts .since 1 8S0. k Part taken to form Clear Creek precinct since 1880. I Organized from part of Keith county in 1887. 270 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. NEB R ASK. A— Continued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Phelps county — Continued. 1890 Westmark township We.'itside township Williamsburg township. Pierce county (a) . Blaine precinct (b) Dry Creek precinct, incl. Plainview vill., Plain\-iew village Eastern precinct (6) -•?/„) Slough precinct y ' Foster precinct (b) Logan i)reciuct (6) Mills precinct (6) ; Pierce precinct, including Pierce village Pierce village Plum Grove precinct (6) South Branch precinct Thomjison precinct (b) Willow Creek precinct Platte county (d) Bismarck township Burrows township Butler township Columbus township, incl. Columbus city. Columbus city Ward I 1 , 200 Ward 2 965 Ward 3 969 Creston township, incl. Creston village . . Creston village Grand Prairie township Granville township, including part ot Humphrey village. Humphrey village (part of) Total for'Humpnrey village, in Gran- ville and Humphrey townships. Humphrey township, including part of Humphrey village. Humphrey village (part of) Joliet township Lost Creek township, including Platte Center village. Platte Center village Louj) township Monroe township St. Bernard township, incl. Lindsay vill . . Lindsav village Shell Creek township Sherman township AValker township Woodville township Polk county , Canada precinct, including Shelby village Shelby village ". Clear Creek precinct Hackberry precinct Island precinct Osceola precinct, including Osceola town Osceola town Platte precinct Pleasant Home precinct Stromsburg ]jrecinct, including Stroms- burg city (c). Valley pi'ecinct Redwillow county . 501 317 420 4,864 185 1.214 375 e63 233 196 173 752 563 210 552 238 448 15,437 647 675 582 3,862 3>i34 706 200 049 ,106 5^6 175 641 ,132 302 437 780 720 125 569 035 888 639 10,817 1880 1,257 333 543 1,115 330 2, 196 947 1,091 1,305 2,407 573 8,837 492 325 482 minor civil divisions. 1.202 '""379 iiio 323 73 266 ■' '"'i24 9.511 6,846 823 402 827 278 1.315 527 673 868 1.091 569 3.044 417 Beaver precinct (<>) Boudville precinct (/) Boxelder precinct t.g) a Information as to changes in minor civil divisions in- complete. b Organized since 1880. c Not separately returned. d Reorganized into townships in 1883. e Parts taken to form Lebanon. Missouri Ridge, and Tyrone precincts since 1880. .tti .f Organized since 1880; part taken to form Missouri Kidye precinct. . ^ . ,..„ a Organized from part of Red willow precinct since 1880. h Organized from part of Willow Grove precinct since 1880. Redwillow county— Continued. Coleman precinct (h) Dan bury precinct Driftwood precinct East VaUey precinct (fc), incl. Bartley vill. Hartley village Grant precinct (0 Geryer precinct {}) Indianola precinct, incl. Indianola city . . . Indianola city W^ard I 320 Ward 2 259 Lebanon precinct (J) Missouri Ridge precinct (i) North Valley "precinct (i) Perry precinct (ft) Redwillow precinct (m) Tyrone precinct {k) Valley Grange precinct (fe) Willow Grove precinct (n), including Mc- Cook city. McCook city 1890 1880 Richardson county. Arago precinct, incl. Arago village (c)... Barada precinct (0). incl. Barada vill. (c). Falls precinct, including Falls city Falls city Ward I 1 ,056 Ward 2 1 ,046 Franklin precinct Grant precinct, incl. Dawson lillage Dawson village Humboldt precinct, incl. Humboldt city. . Humboldt city Ward I 619 Ward 2 495 Jefferson precinct (b) Liberty precinct, incl. Verdon village Verdon village Muddy precinct, including Stella village. . Stella village Nemaha precinct Ohio precinct Porter precinct Rulo precinct, including Rulo village Rulo village Salem precinct, including Salem village . . Salem village Speiser precinct Rock county (p). Bassett precinct, incl. Eassett village (c) Blaine precinct Brinkerhoff'precinct Gracy precinct Harlan precinct Harrison precinct Kirkwood precinct Lay precinct Long Pine precinct Newport precinct, incl. New])ort town (c) . Pewaukee precinct Thivrman precinct Saline county. 201 278 273 534 220 173 199 1,303 579 333 282 426 282 243 226 197 2,588 2,346 17, 574 1,023 1,670 2,908 2 , 102 905 '53 1,928 1,114 702 1,030 253 1,299 395 747 1,201 786 1,171 504 796 3,083 521 449 1,231 233 426 15, 031 1,207 2,819 1.583 739 1, 627 917 685 '728 566 921 546 1,418 673 1,035 473 691 Atlanta precinct Big Blue precinct Brush Creek precinct Crete precinct, including Crete citj- Crete dt\' Ward I 978 Ward 2 636 Ward 3 696 1 Organized from part of Gerver precinct since 1880. j Organized since 1880 ; part taken to form Grant precinct. ic Organized from jiart of Beaver precinct since 1880. I Organized from parts of Beaver and Bondville precincts since 1880. m Part taken to form Boxelder precinct since 1880 . n Organized since 1880 ; parts taken to form Coleman and Perrv precincts. o'St. Stephen precinct (population 484 in 1880) annexed since 1880. p Organized from part of Brown county in 1888. POPULATION. 271 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEBRASKA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Saline county — Continued. Dewitt precinct, including Dewitt village . Dewitt village Dorchester precinct, incl. Dorchester vill . Dorchester village Friend precinct (a), incl. Friend village -. Friend village Lincoln precinct Monroe precinct North Fork precinct Olive precinct, including Tobias village . . Tobias village Pleasant Hill precinct South Fork precinct, incl. "Western vill. - . Western village Swan Creek precinct, incl. Swanton vill . . Swanton village Turkey Creek precinct "Wilber precinct, incl. "Wilber village Wilber village Sarpt county Bellevue precinct, incl. Bellevue vill. (ft) . . Fairview precinct Forest precinct, including Gretna village. Gretna village La Platte precinct Papillion precinct, incl. Papillion village. . Papillion village Plattford precinct Richland precinct Spriiigtield precinct (c), including Spring- tield village (6). Saunders county A.shland precinct, incl. Ashland village. Ashland village Bohemia precinct Cedar precinct, incl. Cedar Bluffs village Cedar Bluffs village Center precinct Chapman precinct, incl. "Weston village. . Weston village Chester precinct, incl. Prague village . . . Prague village Clear Creek precinct Douglas precinct Elk precinct Green precinct Marble precinct ". Marietta precinct, incl. Mead village Mead village Mariposa precinct Newman precinct Oak Creek precinct, incl. Valparaiso vill. Valparaiso village Pohocco precinct Richland precinct, incl. Ceresco village- . Ceresco village Rock Creek precinct Stocking precinct, incl. "Wahoo village. . . Wahoo village Union precinct, including Tutan village. Yutan village Wahoo precinct ScoTTS Bluff county ((/). Castle Rock precinct. . . Ford precinct Gering precinct Highland precinct Kiowa precinct Mitchell precinct Roubidoux precinct Rose precinct Tabor precinct "Winter Creek precinct . 1,485 751 1,339 540 2,125 1.347 839 783 829 1,193 539 970 1,134 397 1,003 1,986 1 ,226 1,348 575 1,003 255 466 1,269 600 471 998 745 21,57 1,822 1 ,6or 597 1,195 181 910 1,146 341 801 1B5 817 1,208 888 753 814 921 324 918 608 1.016 515 899 1,111 211 692 2.884 2,006 779 1880 175 117 390 169 277 97 105 210 211 131 a Formerly Johnson Creek. b Not separately returned. r Organized since 1880. d Organized from part of Cheyenne county in : 305 953 309 1,245 555 767 631 692 300 1,014 649 513 655 1,484 710 4,481 704 651 562 943 444 632 600 15, 810 1,118 978 529 817 638 5^ 501 723 950 856 585 806 576 779 562 600 .300 753 592 MmoE civil divisions. 602 1,804 1,064 I 704 627 Seward county. Precinct A , Precinct B Precinct C, incl. Staplehnrst village (6) . . Precinct D Precinct E, including Utiea village Utica village Precinct F, including Tamora village... Tamora village Precinct G (e) Precinct H, incl. German town village... Germantown village PrecinctI Precinct J Precinct K Precinct L Precinct M Precinct N Precinct 0, including Milford village Milford village Precinct P Seward city (e) "Ward 1 1, 078 "Ward 2 1, 030 Sheridan county (/) . Alcove precinct Antelope precinct Beaver precinct Bingham precinct BoxDutte precinct Clinton precinct Douglfls precinct Elkhorn precinct Gordon precinct, incl. Gordon village (6) - . Grant precinct Hay Springs precinct, incl. Hay Springs village. Hay Springs village Hey wood precinct Hunter precinct Jessel precinct Lakeside prsciij ct , Larrabee preciact Liberty precinct Logan precinct Milan precinct , Mill precinct Minnetonka precinct Mirage precinct Niobrara precinct Pine Creek precinct Ranch precinct Running "Water precinct Rushville precinct, incl. Rashville vill... Rushville village , Sharp precinct Sheridan precinct Spring Creek precinct Spring Lake precinct Valley precinct "White Clay precinct "Wolf C'reek precinct "Wounded Knee precinct 1890 1880 .Sherman county (3) . Ashton township, incl. Ashton town (!)).. Bristol township Clay township Elm township Harrison township Hazard township Logan township Loup township, including Loup city Loup city Oak Creek township Rockville township, incl. Rockvilletn. (6). 16, 140 11, 147 458 787 1.045 740 1.201 466 784 891 142 773 887 784 817 1.008 782 1.637 555 570 2,108 8,687 268 137 184 64 451 250 252 270 716 270 103 i 236 198 308 282 262 227 1:12 211 248 86 162 184 782 484 132 302 171 49 239 132 196 324 6,399 545 592 270 334 730 364 330 990 671 338 747 293 491 088 635 755 194 555 '2,229 581 7 553 635 468 561 595 642 1,037 402 429 1,525 2,061 e Seward city, formerly in precinct G, made independent since 1880. / Organized from part of Sioux county in 1885. jr Reorganized into townships since 3880. 272 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS- Contiuued. NEB KASKA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL UIVISIONS. Sherman countt— Continued. Scott to-n-nsliip ; t 'r i" Wa.shington township, including Litcn- fieldtown(a). Webster township Sioux county (6) Andrews precinct.. --• Antelopo precinct Bodarc precinct • Bowen precinct, including Harrison town Harrison town Cottonwood precinct Five Poiut.s precinct ■ Hat Creelc precinct Lower Running Water precinct Montrose precinct Running Water precinct Sheep Creek precinct Snake Creek precinct Warbonnet precinct White River precinct Stanton county. Humbug precinct, incl. Pilger village . . . Pilger village Kingsburg precinct "Maple Creek precinct (c) Spring Branch pi-ecinct (c) Stanton precinct, incl. Stanton village . . . Stanton village Union Creek precinct (c) Thayer coxtnty Alexandria precinct, including Alexan- dria village (a). Belvidere precinct, incl. Belvidere village. Belvidere village Byron precinct (c) Carleton precinct, incl. Carleton village - . Carleton village • Che.ster i^recinct {d), incl. Chester village. . Chester village • • ■ ■ Davenport precinct, incl. Davenport viU. Davenport village Frieden.sau precinct (c) Gilead precinct Hebron precinct (/), incl. Hebron town — Hebron town Hubbell precinct (c), incl. Hubbell village Hubbell village Kiowa precinct (f) Rose Creek precinct Spring Creek precinct (/) Thomas county (<;) , Natick precinct ... Norway precinct . . Seneca precinct ... Thedford precinct. Thurston county (ft) . Blackbird precinct Omaha precinct Pender precinct, including Pender town. Pender town PeiTy precinct Thayer precinct Winnebago jirecinct 1890 486 452 221 2,452 62 127 296 III 393 237 192 123 336 55 30 26 174 313 4,619 584 162 573 345 458 2,210 857 449 12, 738 1,111 1,435 359 574 1,397 458 1,027 407 513 326 996 ,206 , ';o2 955 330 474 500 769 517 125 66 89 237 3,176 1880 417 498 624 429 88 428 1,121 699 1,813 251 II 179 1,383 248 6,113 816 805 264 757 274 310 481 1,132 387 730 472 109 a Kot separately returned. 6 Organized into precincts since 1880 ; parts taken to form Dawes and Sheridan counties in 1885. c Organized since 1880. d Formerly Grant. , ^ . ^ , e Organized from parts of Hebron, Kiowa, and Spring Creek precincts since 1880. / Part taken to form Friedensau precinct since 1880. g Organized from unorganized territory in 1887. h Formerlv Blackbird: not returned by precincts m 1880. minor CmL DIVISIONS. Valley county (0 Arcadia township, incl. Arcadia village . . Arcadia village Davis Creek township Elyria township Enterprise township Eureka township Geranium township Independent township Liberty township Michigan township ■ Koble township North Loup township, including North Loup village. North Loup village Ord township, including Ord city Ordcity Springdale township Vinton township ,- ■ Yale township 1890 Washington county (j) . Arlington township (t), including Arling- ton village. Arlington village Blair City township (!), coextensive with Blair city. Blair citv Ward I 1,187 Ward 2 882 Blair township ()n) Cuming township De Soto township Fontanelle township Fort Calhoun township, including Fort Calhoun village (a). Grant township Herman township, incl. Herman village . Herman village Lincoln township Richland townsliip, including Kennard and Washington towns (a). Sheridan township Wayne county {n) . Brenna precinct (c) Chapin precinct (c) Deer Creek precinct (c) , incl. Carroll town Carroll town Garfield precinct (c) Hancock precinct (c), incl. Winside town Winside to\vn Hunter precinct (c), incl. Laportevill. (a) Leslie precinct Logan precinct (c) Plum Creek precinct (c) Sherman precinct (c) Spring Branch precinct, including Hos- kins town (a). Strahan precinct (c) Wayne precinct (c), coextensive with ^^*ayne town. Wilber i)recinct (c) Webster county ( j) . Batin township Beaver Creek township (0) Catherton township (c) Elm Creek township Garfield township (c) Glen wood township Guide Rock township (p), includiua Guide Rock village. Guide Rock village 7,092 796 429 256 408 354 418 519 240 403 318 162 796 386 1,603 1,208 259 324 236 11, 869 L167 412 2,069 1880 2,324 8,631 774 1,443 2,197 665 688 277 224 803 708 1,187 859 926 753 827 540 319 93 856 671 1,000 605 649 6,169 ei2 813 383 336 328 68 190 388 130 627 352 415 495 214 500 515 1,178 248 11,210 232 171 7,104 405 525 358 479 559 689 887 ^^6 270 367 372 957 i Reorganized into townships .since 1880. j Precincts changed to townships since 1880. k Formerly Bell Creek. I Organized from part of Blair town.ship since 1880. Ill Part taken to form Blair City townshi]) since 1880. n Information as to clianges in minor civil divisions incom- plete: Laporte precinct (poiralation 410 in 1880) abolished since 1880. , „ , ,. • ,3an Organized from part ot rruide Rock township since l»8l). p Part taken to form Beaver Creek tcninship since 1880. POPULATION. 273 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEBRASKA— Coutinued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 "Webster county— Continued. 610 378 463 609 586 1,402 796 2,263 1,839 676 321 1,683 502 427 York county— Continued. Beaver township Bradshaw township, including Bradshaw village. Bradshaw village 848 1,089 434 886 857 27 418 409 485 !38 1,960 677 589 348 644 Brown township Potsdam township, iiicl. Blue Hill village. Blue Hill village Hays township. Including part of McCool J'linction village. McCool Junction village (part of) Red Cloud township, iiicl. Red Cloud city. Red Cloud citv TTp.nd'^rf^on t"wnship 1,081 Leroy township, exclusive of part of York city. Lockridge township 689 704 913 177 916 681 996 774 1,045 278 849 3,405 Wheeler county (6) 206 111 173 50 132 224 73 89 100 228 200 97 17, 279 McFadden township, including part of McCool Junction village. McCool Junction village (part of) Morton townqhip New York township, exclvisive of part of York city- Stewart to\\'nship Thayer township Waco township, including Waco vil- lage. \Vaco village W^est Blue township York city, in Baker, Lei'oy, and New York townships. Wardl 963 Ward 2 977 Ward 3 738 Ward 4 727 York county (c) 11, 170 1,259 813 Baker township, excl. of part of York city. 733 a Organized since 1880. b Organized into precincts since 1880 ; part taken to form Garfield countv in 1884. c Not returned by precincts in 1880; precincts changed to townships since 1880. IVEVADA. [The population of the precincts in the different counties can not be given, as it was not separately returned.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Churchill county. Douglas county Genoa village Glenbrook village. Elko county . Carlin town Tuscarora town Wells town Esmeralda county . .A.urora village Candelaria village . Hawthorne village. Eureka county Eureka town Humboldt county. Lovelocks village . . Winnemucca town. Lander county. Austin city Battle Mountain village . 1890 703 434 223 313 335 4,794 5,716 413 1 ,156 394 1,364 254 243 2,148 3, 220 225 345 341 756 337 3,275 7,086 1,609 4,207 3, 434 3,480 552 1.037 763 2,266 3, 624 1,215 360 1,679 522 1880 1,581 MINOR CIVIL divisions. a Gold Hill town annexed since 1880. 372 18 Lincoln county Panaca village Pioche village Lyon county Dayton village Mason Valley village Silver city. . ." Nye county ORMSBY CdUNTY Caison ('ity Empire citj' Storey county Virginia city (o) Ward 1 1 ,475 Ward 2 1 .919 Wards 2 . 05 1 Ward 4 988 Gold Hill, ward i gig Gold Hill, ward 2 i ,159 Washoe county (6^ Reno city Wadsworth village White Pine county Ely village b Koop county annexed 1890 2,466 2,637 324 676 745 1,987 2,409 576 391 577 312 605 1 , 290 1,875 4,883 5,412 3.950 327 4.229 348 8,806 16, 115 8,511 R, 437 3.563 537 1, 721 1880 in 1883. 5,664 1,302 661 274 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. TSEW HAITI P SHIRE. MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Belknap county . Alton town Barnsteafl town Belmimt town ■ t'cjitcr Harbor town GiUord town Gilmauton town T.aoouia town Mcreditla town, incl. Meredith village. Meredith village Ne whampton town Sanborn ton town Tilton town, ineluding Tilton village. . Tilton village 1890 1880 20, 321 Carkoll county. Albany town Bartlett town (a) Brookfleld town Chatham town ■ Conway town, incl. North Conway village North Conway village Eaton town Etfingham town Ereedom town Hart location Jackson town Madi-son town Moultonboro town Ossipee town Sandwich town Tarn worth town Tuftiinboro town Wakefield town Wolfl)oro town, incl. Wolfboro village . . . Wolf boro village Cheshire county. Alstead town Chesterfleld town l)ul)lin town Fitz William town (Jilsnm town Hanisville town Hinsdale town Jafttey town Kcene city Wardl- 1,811 Ward 2 1,384 Ward 3 1,W1 Ward 4 1,215 Ward 5 ---- 1,365 Marlboro town Mario w town Nelson town Uichiiiond town Uiiiduc town Roxlmry town ■ Stoddard town .- Stdlivar. town Siirrv town Swaiizey town, incl. West Swanzcy vill. . West S wanzey village Troy town - - Walpole town AVestmoreland town Winchester town, incl. Winchester vill. - Winchester village Coos COUNTY (ft) Berlin town Canibridno town (Carroll town Chandler purchase Clarksvllle town Colebrook town, incl. Colebrook village. Colebrook village 1,372 1.264 1,142 479 3, 585 1.211 6,143 1,642 68q 935 1,027 1, 521 978 18, 124 377 1,247 349 329 2,331 554 514 720 630 187 579 554 1,034 1,630 1,303 1,025 767 1,.528 3, 020 J ,761 29, 579 870 1.046 582 1, 122 643 748 2,258 1,469 7, 446 1 695 5S4 332 476 99() 129 400 337 270 1 , 600 558 999 2,163 830 2, .584 6^8 23,211 3,729 31 813 15 325 1,736 17, 948 1,476 1,296 1, 226 521 2, 821 1,485 3,790 1,800 8 so 1,059 1, 192 1,282 18, 224 361 1,044 428 421 2,094 553 629 865 714 70 464 586 1,254 1, 782 1,701 1,274 923 1,392 MINOR civil divisions. 1, 0,37 1, 173 456 1,187 663 870 1,868 1, 267 6. 784 1,286 701 438 (i69 934 126 5.53 382 326 1,661 430 796 2, 018 1,095 2,444 597 18, 580 1,144 36 632 a Population in 1880 returned as for Hale location". 328 1,580 635 Bartlett town and Coos county— Continued. Columbia town (Jra wford grant Ualton town Dixville township Bummer town EiTol town Gorhani town Greens grant Jetl'erson town Lancaster town Martin location Milan town Millstield town Northumberland town Pinkham grant Pittsburg town Randolph town Second College grant . . Shelburne town Stark town Stewartstown town . . . Stratford town Wentworth location. . . Whitefield town Grafton county . Alexandria town Ashland town, including Ashland village Ashland village Bath town Benton town Bethlehem town Bridgewater town Bristol town, including Bristol village Hri.stol village Campton town Canaan to wn Dorchester town Easton town - Ellsworth town Eutield town Francouia town Grafton town (iroton tewn Hanover town, including Hanover village Hanover village Haverhill town, incl. Woodsville village. W'oodsville village Hebrou town Holderncss town Laudatftuwn Lebanon town, iucl.West Lebanon village West Lebanon village Lincoln town -' Lisbon town Littleton town LivcrMU>re town Lyman town Lyme town Monroe town < )rango town ( trford town Picrmont town Plymouth town, incl. Plymouth \'illage. . Plymouth village Kumuey town 'riiorn ton town Wai'reu town Waterville town - AVentworth town Woodstock town 1890 HiLLSBORO COUNTY. Amherst town Antrim town Bedford town Bennington town Brookline town . . Ueering town 605 28 596 11 455 178 1,710 30 1,062 3,373 5 1,029 62 L356 137 13 336 703 1, 002 1, 128 25 2,041 37, 217 1880 679 1,193 gii 935 244 1,267 332 1,524 1 ,106 982 1,417 379 248 150 1, 439 594 ■ 787 464 1,817 962 2,545 788 245 595 499 3,763 856 110 2,000 3, 3()5 155 543 1,154 478 245 916 709 1, 852 1 , 167 947 632 875 39 698 341 93,247 L053 L248 1.102 542 .548 531 762 28 570 32 464 161 1,383 8 951 2,721 33 895 62 1, 062 .581 203 18 252 090 958 1,016 55 1,828 38, 788 828 960 733 1,032 378 1,400 384 L352 t ,006 1,163 1, 762 .585 302 209 1,680 550 934 566 2,147 I,H3 2, 455 402 329 703 506 3, 354 515 65 1,807 2, 936 103 654 1,313 504 335 1,050 1,719 941 1, 050 775 786 54 939 367 75, 634 1,225 1,172 1, 204 443 698 674 b No returns for Dix grant, Nash and Sawyer location, Sar- gent purchase, and Thompson and Meservo purchase (popu- lation 127 in 1880). POPULATIOIT. 275 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW HAMPSHIKE— Continued. SIINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. HiLLSEOBO COUNTY — Coulinucil. Franocstown town Goffstown town, incl. Gofl'stown villager . Goffstown village Greonlield town Greenville town Hancock town Hillsboio town Hollis town Hudson town Litchfield town Tj viuleboro town Alanchoster city AYard 1 3, 858 Ward 2 ;i. 188 Ward 3 7, 132 AA'ard 4 ti, 837 Ward 5 7, 551 Ward tj 4, (iti5 A\'ard 7 2, 104 A\'ard 8 8, 401 Ma.son town Jlerrimack town Milford town Mont Vernon town Nashua city , AVard 1 2, 020 AVard 2 1, 823 AVard 3 2. 464 AVard 4 1, 438 AVard 5 1, 653 AVard 6 5, 138 AVard 7 2, 604 AVard 8 2,171 New Boston town New Ipswich town Pelhani town Peterboro town Sharon town Temple town ^A'care town Wilton town AViudsor town 1890 837 937 1,981 1,699 875 663 607 ()49 1.255 1, 072 637 689 2, 120 1.646 1,000 1,077 1,092 1.045 252 291 657 ii]S 44. 126 32, 630 AIekkimack county Allenstown town Ando ver town Boscawen town Bow town Bradford town Canterbury town Chichester town Concord city AVard 1 1, 848 AA'ard 2 853 Ward 3 1,025 Ward 4 4, 874 Ward 5 2, 567 Ward 6 3, 504 AVard 7 2,333 Danbiuy town Dunbarton town Epsom town Franklin town Hcnuiker town Hill town - Hooksett town Hopkinton town __ Loudon town Newbury town New Loudon town Northfleld town Pembroke town Pittsfleld town, incl. Pittsiield village Pittslield village Salisbury town Sutton town Warner town Webster town AVilmot town Rockingham county . Atkinson town. Auburn town . . 1880 629 645 951 1, 042 3, 014 2,398 479 517 19, 311 13, 397 1, 067 969 791 2, 507 137 342 1,5.50 1. 850 62 49, 435 1,475 1,707 1,090 1,204 1,487 1,381 725 734 810 950 964 1, 033 661 784 17, 004 13. 843 483 631 1,144 1,222 848 2, 206 203 402 1,829 1,747 65 46, 300 683 760 524 708 815 909 4,085 3,265 1, 385 1. 320 .548 667 1, 89:; 1,766 1,817 1,830 1, 000 1, 221 487 590 799 875 1,115 918 3, 172 2, 797 2. 605 1,974 1,86.; I, .84 655 795 849 993 1,383 1, .537 564 647 840 1,080 49, 064 MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. lioCKiNGHAM COUNTY — Continued. Brentwood town Caudia town Chester town Danville town , lleertield town Uerry town East Kingston town Epping town Exeter town Fremont town ' Greenland town Ham]istead town Hami)ton Falls town Hampton town Kensington town Kingston town Londonderry town Newcastle town Newington town Ne•^^■market town Newton town North Hampton town North wood town Nottingham town Plaisto w town Portsmouth city Wardl 3,300 Ward 2 3, 730 Ward 3 1, 317 Ward 4 1, 48O Kaymoud town Kye town Salem town Sando^vn town Seahrook town Soutli Hampton town South Newnnarket town Stratham town Windham town 1890 Sthaffoud c209 e South Harrison township organized from part of Harri- son townshij) since 1880. / Part taken to form Millham township since 1880; Millham township anuexed to Trenton city in 1888. 7,064 777 5,715 4,268 10, 643 5,849 2,127 1, 310 1,943 1, 102 11, 665 5,441 35, 355 1, 2.-)0 2, 308 518 2,888 913 3,037 1,375 1,287 1,023 1,935 1,704 1,424 4,142 2,337 3,798 i, DIVISIONS. Passaic county— Continued. Paterson city Ward 1 8, 324 Ward 2 10, 395 Ward 3 I.'i, 180 Ward 4 8, 890 Wai-d5 10,835 Ward C 4, 024 Ward 7 5, 950 Ward 8 14, 743 Pompton township AVayne township We.st Milford tiiwuship, including New- foundland town. Newfoundland town Salem county , Elsinboro township Lower Alloway s Ci-eek township Lower Peuns Neck township Mannington township 01dman.s townshi j) (a) Pilesgrove township, including Woods- town borough. Woodstown borough Pittsgrove township, inch Elmer town . . Elmer town Quinton township (6), incl. Quintou town Quinton town Salem city (i) East ward 2, 891 West ward 2, 625 ripper AUoways Creek township Upper Penns Neck township (a) Upper Pittsgrove township Somerset county. Bediuinster township Bernard township Branchbnrg township Bridgewater township, incl. Boundbrook, Raritan, and Somerville boroughs. Boundbrook borough Raritan borough Somerville borough Franklin township, including Blooming- ton and East Millstone boroughs. Bloomington borough East Millstone borough Hlllsboro township Montgomery township, including Rocky Hiir borough (c). North PlainSeld township, incl. North Plainfield borough (c). Warreu township Sussex county . Andover township Byram township Frankford township Green township Hampton township Hardyston township, incl. Hamburg town Hamburg town Lafayette township Montague township Newton townshiji, coextensive with New- ton town. Sandy ston township 1890 78, 347 2,153 2,004 2,486 564 25, 151 524 1,308 1,289 1,870 1,432 3,312 1. 516 2,756 842 1,307 S13 5,516 1,675 2, 239 1,923 28, 311 1,749 2,558 1,152 9,323 1,462 2,556 3,861 3,754 475 2,825 1,655 4,250 1,045 22, 259 1,126 1,380 1,459 636 866 2,542 519 742 797 3,003 1,084 1S80 2,251 1,757 2,591 24,579 570 1,373 1,334 2,230 3,497 4qo 1,778 345 6,446 5,056 1,917 3, 361 2,073 27, 162 1,812 2,622 1,316 7,997 934 2,046 3.105 3,818 671 432 3,248 1,928 3,217 1,204 23, 539 1.150 1,406 1,682 727 895 2,645 412 781 1,022 2,513 1,195 MINOR CIVIL divisions. 1890 Sussex county— Continued. Sparta township Stillwater township Vernon township Wallpack township Wantage township, incl. Deckertown tn. Deckertown town Union county Clark township Cranford township Elizabeth city Ward 1 8, 874 Ward 2 7, 610 Ward 3 5, 836 Ward 4 2, 213 Ward 5 5,990 Ward 6 2,597 Ward 7 2,004 Ward 8- - 2, 040 Fan wood township Linden township, including Linden bor- ough and Roselle town. Linden borough Roselle town New Providence township Plainfield city Ward 1 2, 221 Ward 2 2,897 Ward 3 2, 203 Ward 4 3,946 Railway city Ward 1 1, 362 Ward 2 1 , 687 Ward 3 2, 746 Ward 4 1,310 Springfield township, coextensive with Springfield town. Summit township Union township Westfleld township Warren county AUamuchy township Belvidere town (rZ) Blairstown townshij] Eranklin township Freliughuysen township Greenwich township (e), including Stew- artsvOle town. Stewartsville town Hackettstown town Hardwick township Harmony township Hope township Independence township Kno wlton township Lapatcong towaiship Mansfield township Oxford townshii) (d), incl. Oxford town. . . Cxford town Pahaquarry township Phillipsimrg city Ward 1 2,033 Ward 2 2, 207 Ward 3 2, 799 Ward 4 1,605 Pohatcong township (c) Washington township, including Wash- ington borough. Washington borough 1,724 1, 296 1,750 436 3, 412 993 1880 367 1,717 37, 764 1,305 2, 057 936 996 839 11,267 959 3,502 2,846 2, 739 36, 553 759 1,768 1, 6G2 1, 283 879 825 518 2,417 503 1,152 1,.332 904 1,411 1,738 1,362 4,002 2,383 291 8,644 1,483 4,138 2,834 2,274 1,502 1,811 .575 3,361 370 72, 467 55, 571 3.53 1,184 28, 229 1,107 1,889 737 737 781 8,125 6, 455 844 1,910 2,418 2,216 36, 589 648 1,773 1, 4.58 1,529 1,042 2,554 SCO 2, 502 583 1,350 1,509 1,018 1, 476 1,591 1,709 6,367 2,6s6 418 7, 181 3,594 2,142 a Oldmans township organized from part of Upper Penns Neck township since 1880. h Salem city given as in Quinton township in 1880. c Not separately returned. d Belvidere town given as in Oxford township in 1880. e Pohatcong township organized from part of Greenwich townshii) in 1881. 280 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued, NEW MEXICO. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Bernalillo county. Precinct 1. Bernalillo Precinct 2. Corrales Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Precinct 1890 1880 Alameda Kanchos tie Albuquerque . . . Barelas Precinct 6. Los Padillas Precinct 7. San Antonio - Precinct 8. Los Griegos • ■ Precinct ft. Kanchos de Atrisco Precinct 10. ChOili Precinct 11. Pajarito Precinct 12, comprising part of Albuquer- que (new) town. Total for Albuquerque (new) town (a), coextensive with precincts 12 and 26. Precinct 13, coextensive with Albuquer- que (old) town (a). Precinct 14. San Ignacio Precinct 15. Casa Salazar Precinct 16. Las Placitas Precinct 17. Pena Blanca Precinct 18. Jemes Precinct 19. Algodones Precinct 20. Nacimiento Precinct 21. La Ventana Precinct 22. Los Candelaries Precinct 23. San Pedro Precinct 24. Wallace Precinct 25. Guadalupe Precinct 26, comprising part of Albuquer- que (new) town. Precinct 27. Gallup . . ? ,v. Precinct 30 5 ^ ' Precinct 28. Atrisco Precinct 29. Hot Springs Fort Wingate Cochiti Pueblo Isleta Pueblo Jemez Pueblo Sandia Pueblo San Felipe Pueblo Santa Ana Pueblo Santo Dommgo Pueblo Zia Pueblo Colfax county. Precinct 1. Elizabethtown Precinct 2. Ute Creek Precinct 3. Cimarruu Precinct 4. Rayado Precinct 5. Elkins Precinct 6. Raton, includingKaton town. Raton town Precinct 7. Folsom f Precinct 8. Lower Dry Cimarron Precinct 9. Chico Springs Precinct 10. Pena Flor Precinct 11. Ponil Park Precinct 12. Springer Precinct 13. Cimilorio Precinct 14. Clayton Precinct 15. Martinez Precinct 16. Blossburg, Incl. Blossburgtn. Blossburg town Precinct 17. Ponil Precinct 18. Dorsey Station Precinct 19. Colmor Precinct 20. BuenaVista, including Buena Vista town. Buena Vista town Precinct 21. Gladstone Precinct 22. Black Lake Precinct 23. Carrizo Donna Ana county (c) Precinct 1 . Organ Precinct 2. Donna Ana. Precinct 3. LasCruces. 20, 913 924 569 554 538 642 321 730 341 403 107 381 1,831 3.785 1,733 223 381 293 573 272 365 937 464 201 113 124 250 1,954 1,208 439 83 480 268 1,059 428 140 554 253 671 106 7,974 338 132 335 123 363 1,481 1,255 377 97 112 310 164 600 142 140 477 1,171 829 350 151 198 629 555 14 183 87 9,191 101 872 1,083 17, 225 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 7,612 a Population of Albuquerque town in 1880, 2,315. 6 Not se])arately returned. c Part taken to form Sierra county in 1884, and part of Lin- coln county annexed since 1880. 1890 Donna Ana county — Continued. Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct I'recinct Precinct 10. Precinct 11. Precinct 13. Precinct 14. Precinct 15. Precinct 16. Precinct 17. Precinct 18. Precinct 19. Precinct 20. Precinct 23. (6) Bosque Seca La Union La Mesa Three Rivers.. Tularosa Chamberino . . . San Augustin . La Luz San Miguel (Colorado Hilton Linden Rincon Las Cruces Mescalero Grant county (d). Precinct 1. Central, including Central city and Fort Bayard. Central city Fort Bayard Precinct 2. Pinos Altos, including Pinos Altos town. Pinos Altos town Precinct 3. Silver, including Silver city. Silver citv Precinct 4. Lower Mimbres River Precinct 5. San Lorenzo Precinct 6. Georgetown Precinct 7. tTi)per Gila River Precinct 8. Lower Gila River , Precinct 9. Shakespeare Precinct 10. Hachita ■ Precinct 11. Deming, incl. Deming town. Deming town Precinct 12. Mimbres Mill Precinct 13. Santa Rita Precinct 14. Malone Precinct 15. Conk Peak Precinct 16. Gold H ill Precinct 17. Fleming Precinct 18. Blackhawk Precinct 19. Carlisle Precinct 20. Lordsburg, including Lords- burg town. Lordsburg tow n Precinct 21. Pine Cienega Precinct 22. Oak Grove Precinct 23. San Juan Lincoln county (e Precinct 1. Lincoln, incl. Fort Stanton... Fort Stanton Precinct 2. San Patricio Precinct 3. Ruidoso Precinct 4. Picacho Precinct 5. Seven Rivers Precinct 6. Las Tablas Precinct 7. RosweU,incl.Roswell village Roswell village Precinct 8. White Oaks, incl. White Oaks town. White Oaks town Precinct 9. Upper Penasco Precinct 11. Nogal Precinct 12. Bonito Precinct 13. Red Cloud Precinct 14. Lookout Precinct 15. Lower Penasco Precinct 16. Weed Precinct 17. Upper Pecos Precinct 18. Eddy, includingEddy village. Eddy village Precinct 19. South Spring River 1880 1,389 255 335 436 163 572 272 92 459 294 923 52 142 284 1,257 210 9,657 851 257 509 1,015 2, 268 2, 102 530 334 683 351 190 238 129 1,183 1 , 136 352 133 17 170 124 17 31 165 232 228 195 17 432 7,081 1,077 253 323 270 405 453 263 752 343 719 385 210 420 359 27 406 122 278 181 618 278 198 d Part taken to form Siena county in 1884. e Part given to Donna Ana county since 1880. 4,539 2,513 POPULATION. 281 Table 3,— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. NEW MEXICO— Coutiuued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Mora county Precinct- Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct J'reciuct Fort Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct Pre(^inct Precinct Precinct I'reciuct Precinct Precinct Precinct Precinct 1. Mora 2. San Antonio a. Guadalupita 4. Cherry Viilley 5. La Cueva 6. San J ose 7. Golondrinas 8. Ocate 9. Agua Negra 10. Coyote Liicero 11 . Tipton ville, incl. Fort Union. Union 12. Wagon Mound 13. Loma Parda 14. Armenta 15. Llano del Coyote 10. Pito de Aguii Negra 17. Teque.squite 18. Trauiperos 19. Santiago de la Celxilla 2U. Carmcl 21 . Mora Cordillera •. 22. Turquillo 23. Oro 24. W'^atrons 25. Ciruela 26. Alto Chupaderos 27. Ocate Karanjos 28. AiToyo de Los Yutas 29. Gascon Kio Arriba county (rt) , Precinct 1 . Enibudo Precinct 2. liio Arriba Precinct 3. Itio de Cbama . . . Precinct 4. Cbimaj'o Precinct 5. Las Truchas Precinct G. Queniado Precinct 7. Upper Cliania . . . Prei'.inct 8. Chamita Precinct 9. Ojo Caliente Precinct 10. El Rito Precinct 11. Abiquiu Precinct 12. Collote Precinct 13. Petaca Precinct 14. Vallecito Precinct 15. Los Piuos Precinct 16. Canjilon Precinct 17. Ticrra Amarilla . Precinct 18. Los Ojos Precinct 19. Chama Precinct 21 . Amargo Precinct 22. Arboles Precinct 23. Canones Precinct 24. Gallina Precinct 25. Ojo Sarco San Juan Pueblo San Juan county (b) Precinct 1. Pine River . Precinct 2. Aztec Precinct 3. La Plata Precinct 4. Olio Precinct 5. Farmiugton . Precinct 6. Bloomflcld. . . Precinct 7. Largo San MmtiEL county 1890 Precinct 1. San Miguel Precinct 2. La Cuesta Precincts. Anton Cbico Precinct 4. Tecolote Precinct 5. South Las Vegas, comprising part of Las Ve^as city. Total for Las Vegas city, coextensive with precincts s and 26. Precinct 6. La Concepcion Precinct 7. Los Alamos Precinct 8. Pecos 10, 618 530 309 194 483 305 293 904 366 272 548 229 449 237 317 252 621 218 315 344 240 242 324 323 365 282 231 411 357 198 11, 534 1880 585 .,286 269 489 520 310 873 457 215 648 617 346 244 486 305 553 624 571 295 504 177 388 217 149 406 1,890 123 439 212 168 336 144 408 24,204 475 462 519 525 1,349 217 300 673 164 20, 638 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. San Miguel county— Continued. Precinct 9. Upper Las Vegas Precinct 10. Chaperito Precinct 11. San Geronimo Precinct 12. Rowe Precinct 13. Rincon Precinct 14. Sapello Precinct 15. Manuelitas Precinct 16. La Junta Precinct 17. Pucsta de Luna Precinct 18. San Lorenzo Precinct 19. Los Colonias Precinct 20. Jo^.la Largo Precinct 21 . Santa Rosa Precinct 22. Sabiuosa Precinct 23. San Jose Precinct 24. La Lientlre Precinct 25. Penasco Blanco Precinct 26. North Las V(^gas, com])ris. ing part of Las Vegas city. Precinct 27. Fort Sumner Precinct 28. Cabra Spi-ings Precinct 29. East Las Vegas, coextensive with East Las Vegas town. Precinct 30. Canon de Los Manuelitas . . Precinct 31. Puertocito Precinct 32. El Pueblo Precinct 33. Los Vijilcs Precinct 34. Las Mulos Precinct 35. Las Gallinas Precinct 30. Pena ISlanca Precinct 37. El Cerrito Precinct 38. Los Torres Precinct 39. Anton Chico Precinct 40. Bernal Precinct 41. Liberty Precinct 42. Puerto do Luna Precinct 43. Los Fuertes Precinct 44. Ojitos Fries Precinct 45, Canada de Aguilar Precinct 46. Bado de J nan Pais , Precinct 47. Hot Springs Precinct 48. El Llano Precinct 49. Los Esteritos Precinct 50. Los Tutas Precinct 51. Los Dis])en.s03 Precinct 52. Los Alauiositos Precinct 53. Alamo Gordo Precinct 54. Las Colonias Precinct 55. Trementina Precinct 50. Aqua Sarca f. Precinct 57. Canon Largo Precinct 58. Romeroville Precinct 59. Endee Precinct 60. Ute Creek Precinct 61. El Emplazado 1890 Santa Fe county . Precinct 1. Pojuaque Precinct 2. Tesuqne Precinct 3. Upper Santa Fe, comi)rising part of Santa Fe city. Total for Santa Fe city, coextensive with precincts 3 and 4. Precinct 4. Lower Santa Fe, comprising part of Santa Fe city. Precinct 5. Aqua Fria. Precinct 6. Cienega Precinct 7. CerrilTos, incl. Cerrillos town Cerrillos town Precinct 8. Galisteo Precinct 9. San Ildefonso Precinct 10. Dolores Precinct 1 1. Golden and San I'edro Precinct 12. Canoncito and Lamy Precinct 13. Glorista Precinct 14. Chimayo Precinct 15. Santa Cruz Precinct 16. Espanola Precinct 17. Chilili Precinct 18. La Bajada Pojuaque Pueblo San Ildefonso Pueblo Santa Clara Pueblo Tesuque Pueblo 576 346 749 315 225 404 305 241 318 300 479 133 217 199 483 388 181 1, 036 285 178 2, 312 290 193 296 215 204 347 324 331 496 381 193 306 558 262 306 330 305 257 235 156 410 348 192 518 284 288 278 286 326 392 302 339 13, 562 1880 655 335 3,065 6,185 3,120 493 326 659 446 633 394 171 790 370 260 218 540 439 424 99 101 148 225 91 10, 867 6,633 a Part talien to form San Juan county in 1887 b Organized from part of Rio Arriba county in 1887. 282 COMPENDIUM OP THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW ITIEXICIO— Continued. MINOR civil. DIVISIONS. Sierra county (a) . Precinct 1. Lake Valley Precinct 2. Hillsboro Precinct 3. Kingston, incl. Kingston tn. Kingston town Precinct 4. Loa Palonias Precinct 5. Cucliillo Negro Precinct G. Grafton Precinct 7. Montj^ello - Precinct 8. San Jose Precinct 9. Hermosa Precinct 10. Pairview Precinct 11. Cbloriile Precinct 12. Engle Precinct 13. Tierra Blanca Precinct 14. Templar Socorro county (h) . ; liai' t of Precinct 1. Socorro, coiuprisin Socorro city. Total for Socorro city, coextensive witii precincts i, 24, and 33. Precinct 2. Lemitar Pi-ecinct 3. Polvatlera Precinct 4. Sal)iual Precinct .'). La Joy a Precinct 7. San Antonio Precinct 9. Para.je I'recinct 10. Cooney --■ Precinct 11. Kelly Precinct 12. Magdalena PrecinctlS. New San Marcial I'recinct 14. Old San Marcial : Precinct 15. VaUerde Precinct 16. Las Nutrias Precinct 17. San Franci.sco Luis Lopez Tularosa ( 'aiita Kecio - New Socorro, comprising part of Socorro city. Precinct 25. San Pedro Precinct 28. San Acacio Precinct 30. Escondida Precinct 31 . Santa Kita Precinct 32. Maugus Precinct 33. Smelter, comprising part of Socorro city. Precinct 34. Frisco - Precinct 36. Kanchos La Joya Precinct 37. Luna Valley Precinct 38. Cherry ville Precinct 39. La Veguita Precinct 40. Bosquecito - Precinct 41. Carthage, incl. Carthage tn. Carthage town Precinct 42. Negrita Precinct 21. Precinct 22. Precinct 2:i. Precinct 24. 1890 1880 3,630 368 621 816 633 242 177 16 426 250 206 167 135 92 81 33 9,595 7,875 1,601 2,295 390 .381 379 280 460 261 368 351 273 500 111 370 106 105 238 166 79 296 168 319 284 300 193 398 152 264 122 36 124 71 367 257 82 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Valencia codntt . Precinct 1 . Loa Lunas Precinct 2. Beleu Precinct 3. Jarales Precinct 4. Los Ceuos Precinct 5. Cubero Precinct 0. SeboUeta Precinct 7. Juan Tafaya Precinct 8. San Mateo Precinct 9. Los Lentes Precinct 10. Peralta Precinct 1 1 . Valencia Precinct 12. Tome Precinct 13. Casa Colorado. . . Precinct 14. Tajiqne Precinct 15. Manzano Precinct 16. Cienega Precinct 17. San Rafael Precinct 18. Torreon Precinct 19. El Bito Precinct 20. San Joae Precinct 21. Punta del Agua. Precinct 22. El Ceno Precinct 23. Coolidge Precinct 25. Ramah Precinct 26. El Pino Precinct 27. Loa Chavez Precinct 28. El Bosque Aconia Pueblo Lagnna Pueldo Nutria Pueblo Ojo Caliente Pueblo Pescado Pueblo Zuni Pueblo 1890 Taos county Precinct 1. Fernandez de Taos. . Precinct 2. Cordovas Precinct 3. Los Ranchos Precinct 4. Placita Precinct 5. Arroyo Seco Precinct 6. Arroyo Hondo Precinct 7. Rio Colorado Precinct 8. El Llano Precinct 9. Chamisal Precinct 10. Penasco. Precinct 11. El Cerro Pret'inct 12. Upper Costilla Precinct 13. Ojo Caliente Precinct 14. Lower Costilla Precinct 15. Tres Piedras Taos Pueblo 9,868 978 838 , 165 729 803 611 583 677 737 641 490 415 82 322 288 509 13, 876 1880 345 685 676 136 418 445 106 363 339 672 494 1,130 214 350 658 331 449 363 216 192 290 230 123 370 213 459 290 566 1,140 332 462 261 558 11,029 13, 095 a Organized from parts of llonna Ana, Grant, and Socorro counties in 1884. b Part taken to form Sierra county in 1884. NEW VORK, MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Albany county Albany city Waril 1 6,308 Ward 2 5,689 Waid 3 4,816 Ward 4 5,336 Ward 5 4,247 Ward 6 3,436 Ward 7 3,364 Ward 8 4,177 Ward 9 4,667 Ward 10 9,3.53 Ward 11 <5,385 Ward 12 5,658 Ward 13 4,839 Ward 14 4,882 Ward 15 5,244 Ward 16 8, .543 Ward 17 7,979 1890 164, 555 94, 923 1880 154, 890 90, 758 MINOR CmL DIVISIONS. Albany county— Continued. Berne town Bethlehem town Coeymans town Coh'oes city Wardl 0,059 Ward 2 3,686 Wards 4,517 Ward 4 6,183 Ward 5 2,064 Guilderland town Knox town New Scotland town Rensselaerville town Watervliet town, including Green Island and West Troy villages. Green Island village West Troy village Westerlo town 1890 2,273 4,187 3, 669 22, 509 1880 2,616 3, 7.52 2,912 19, 416 3,606 1, 411 3,207 2,112 24, 709 3,459 1,694 3, 2.51 2,488 22, 220 4.463 12,967 1,949 4,t6o 8,820 2,324 POPULATION. 283 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued, NEW "VORK— Continued. MINOR f'lVIL DTVrSIONS. ALLEGANY COUNTY. Alfred town, inr,!. Alfred Center village. . Alfred Center village Allen town Alma town Almond towr. ,,,.. Amity town, inc.nding Belmont village . Belmont \ i'.lago Andover town Angelica town, including Angelica village Angelica village Belfast town, including Belfast village . . Belfast village Birdsall town Bolivar town, incl. Bolivar village («) Bums town, including Canaseraga village Canaseraga village Canea^lea town Conterville town Clarksville to >vn Cuba town, including Cuba village Cuba village rriend.ship town, incl. IMendship village Friendship village Genesee town ( i ranger town Grove town Hntne town Independence town New Hudson town Rushford town Scio town Ward town Wellsville town, incl. Wellsville village .. Wells ville village West Almond town Willing town Wirt town, incluiling Rlchburg village . . Richburg village Broome county Barker town Bingliamton city Ward 1 4,217 Ward 2 2, 72.5 Ward 3 3,638 Ward 4 891 Ward 5 3, 111 Ward 6 2,465 W.ard 7 4,101 Ward 8 2, 223 Ward 9 1,334 Ward 10 2, 530 Ward 11 4, 138 Ward 12 2, 434 Ward 13 1,198 Binghamton town, including Port Dick- in.sou village. Port Dickinson village Chenango town ColesviUe town Conklin town Fen ton town Kirk wood town Lisle town, including Lisle village Lisle village Maine town ],,[ Nauticoke town Sanfoidtown, incl. part of Deposit viilage. Deposit village (part of) Total for Deposit village, in Sanford town, Broome county, and Deposit town , Delaware county. Triangle town, incl. Whitney Point vill. . . Whitney Point village Union town, including Union village Union village Vestal town Windsortown, incluiling Windsor village. Windsor village 7 1890 43, 240 1,699 786 717 1, 509 1,419 1 , 99() 950 1, 760 1,749 953 1,501) 600 883 2, 233 1,500 659 1,639 91] 891 2, .328 1,386 2,216 i,36g 1,070 954 9.56 1,913 1,249 978 1, ,355 1,391 567 4, 765 3,435 649 1,206 1,219 374 62, 973 1,100 35, 005 1880 41, 810 ],526 513 818 865 1, .507 1,972 804 1,988 1,020 705 1,470 405 890 1, 029 1,071 701 1,764 956 852 2, 203 1 ,251 2,127 1. 134 974 1, 086 1, 125 1, 905 1,186 1,034 1,453 1, 5.55 620 4, 259 2,0491 803 1,267 1, 225 49, 483 1,333 17, 317 2, 555 345 1,448 Lfo^ 3, 126 1,033 3,208 1,420 1,280 1,555 1,119 1,344 1,962 2,399 1,692 429 2,129 723 999 3,265 3. 495 964 875 1.530 1,419 1,879 2,073 842 2,711 818 2,596 821 2, 070 2MI 3, 035 3, 286 524 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. flATTABAUGUS COUNTY Allegany town Ash ford town Carrolton town, incl. Limestone village (a) Cold Spring town .x Conewango town Dayton town Kast Otto town Ellicottville town, incl. Ellicottville vill . . Ellicottville village Paniu'rxville town Eraukliuville town, including Pranklin- ville village. Franklinville village Preecforu town (i reat Valley town Hinsdale town Humphrey town Ischua town Leon town Little Valley town, incl. Little Valley vill. Little Valley village ,' Lyndon town Machias town Mansfield town Napoli town New Albion town, incl. Cattaraugus vill . - Cattaraugus village Olean town, including Oleau village Olean village Otto town Perrysburg town Persia town, incl. part of Gowanda vill.(i)) Portville town Randolph town, incl. Randolph village . . . Randolph village Red House town Salamanca town, including Salanianc^a and West Salamanca villages. Salamanca village West Salamanca village South Valley town Yorkshire town, including Yorkshire Center village. Yorkshire Center village 1890 Cayuga county . Auburn city Ward 1 3,549' Ward 2 3,003 Ward 3 1, 625 Ward 4 3, 521 Ward 5 1. 699 Ward 6 2, 654 Ward 7 2, 224 Ward 8 2, 748 Ward 9 2,217 Ward 10 2,618 Aurelius town, including Cayuga village. Cayuga village '. Brutus town, incl. Weedsport village Weedsport village Cato town, including Meridian village (a) . Conquest town Fleming town Genoa town, including Genoa village Genoa village Ira town, including Cato village (a) Ledyard town, including Aurora village . Aurora village Locke town Meutz town, incl. Port Byron village Port Byron village Montezuma town, inch Montezuma vill . . . Montezuma village Moravia town, including Moravia village. Moravia village Niles town wasco town Scipio town 60, 866 .3,611 1,710 1,884 901 1,273 1,735 1,288 1,931 8S2 1,082 2, 224 1 ,021 1,251 1,705 1,312 866 853 1,194 1,320 698 077 1,.536 1,022 902 1,858 878 11, .507 7,358 1,042 1, 123 1, ,506 2, 339 2,448 1 ,201 1,1.56 4,572 3,692 495 1,249 1, 723 511 65, 302 1880 25, 858 55, 800 4,044 1,813 2,171 984 1 , 299 1, 705 1,251 1,949 748 1,128 1,982 672 1,312 1,859 I,. 594 997 935 1,192 1,196 566 831 1, 545 1, 100 1,120 1,732 705 G, .575 3,036 1,111 1, 370 1,370 2, 400 2, 459 1,111 487 3, 498 2>53i 469 995 1,784 430 65, 081 21, 924 1,793 1,954 511 2,871 484 2, 730 1,580 1,990 1 ,411 2,059 1, .549 1,661 1,055 1, 233 2,320 2,517 4.-= 7 1, 873 397 2,113 2, 185 2,199 555 1,001 444 1,141 1,952 2,288 I , los 1,047 1,146 1,294 307 2,498 448 2,699 1,486 1,.579 1,540 1, 875 1,162 1,297 1,836 2, 093 a Not separately returned. 6 Not separately returned ; in Persia town, Cattaraugus county, and Collins town, Erie county. 284 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IVEW YORK— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Cayuga county— Continued. Sempronius town Sonnet t town • - ■ Siniugport town, incl. Union Springs vill Union Springs village Sterling town, incl. Fairhaveu village Fairhaven village Summer Hill town Throop town Venice town -■- Victory town Chautauqua county . 1890 98i 1,408 1,991 i,o66 2,959 7^8 8(i4 1,U56 1, 672 1, 7(l« 75, 202 Ark Wright town Bu.sti town -■ Carroll town, incl. Frewsburg village Frewsburg village Charlotte town, incl. SinclairvUle village. Sinclairville village •. Chautauqua town. incl. May ville village . Mayvillc village Clierry Creek town, including Cherry Creek village. Cherry Creek village Clymer town Dunkirk city -•■■•- Waidl 2,925 Ward2 2,092 Warda 2,309 Ward4 2,090 EUery town -• Ellicott town (6), incl. Falconer viUage. . . Falconer village Ellington town French Creek town Cerry town - ■ Hanover town, including Forestville and Silver Creek villages. Forestville village Silver Creek village Harmony town , including Panama village Panama village Jamestown city (i) Wardl 3,060 Ward 2 2,852 Wards 4,045 Ward 4 3, 248 Ward5 2,833 Kiantoue town Mina town Poland town, including Kennedy village. Kennedy village Pomfret town, including Fredonia village Fredonia village Portland town, including Brocton village Brocton village Kipley town Sheridan town Sherman town, incl. Sherman village Sherman village Stockton town Villeuova town Westtield town, incl. Wes^tfield village. . Westfield village Chemung county . Ashland town, incl. Wellsburg village (c) . Baldwin town Big Flats town Catlin town Chemung town Elmira city (rf) Wardi: 2,240 Ward 2 3,460 Ward 3 3,946 Ward 4 4. UV9 Wards V, 622 Ward 6 5, 837 Ward 7 3,709 Elmiratown (rf) Erin town Hor.seheads town, incl. Horseheads vill. - Horseheads village 1880 1, 138 1,644 2, 125 l,2lO 3, 034 621 1,028 1,1X8 1, 889 880 2,089 1,787 570 1,441 510 3,259 1 , 164 1,481 676 1, 363 9,416 1,789 1,746 574 1,430 1,033 1,088 4,016 1,678 3,174 379 16, 038 1, 952 65, 342 f, 076 1,901 1,718 5^8 1, 667 540 3,576 at, 051 1, 3.54 448 1,455 7,248 1,555 10, 842 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 496 513 1, 125 1,102 1,608 1,539 514 417 5.479 4,551 3.399 2,692 2, 423 2,014 812 288 2,020 1,990 1,511 1,551 1,531 1,558 785 731 1,730 1,868 1,242 1,440 5,401 3, 323 1.983 1,924 48, 265 43, 065 983 1,149 733 968 1,687 1,989 1,180 1,450 1,610 2,098 30, 893 20, 541 890 1,289 3, 482 1,716 1,602 1,042 1,175 4,221 724 1 ,036 3,455 473 9,357 1,986 1,562 3,449 a Estimated in 1880. h Jamestown village, formerly in Ellicott town, incorpo- rated as a city since 1880. c Not separately returned. 1890 Chemung county— Continued. Soutliport town (0) Van Etteu town. incl. Van Etten ville vill. Van Ettenville village Veteran town Chenango county . Afton town, including Afton vUlage Af ton village Bainbridgeton-n, incl. Bainbridge village . Bainbridge village Columbus town Coventry town German town Greene town, including Greene village. . . (ireene village Guilford town Lincklaen town McUonongh town New Berlin town, incl. New Berlin vill. . . New Berlin village North Norwich town Norwich town, incl. Norwich village Norwich village Otselic town Oxford town, including Oxford village. - . O.xford village Pharsalia town Pitcher town Plymouth town Preston town Sherburne town, including part of Earl- ville village and Sherburne village. Earlville village (part of) Total for Earlville village, in Sher- burne town, Chenango county, and Hamilton town, Madison county. Sherburne village Smithville town Smyrna town, incl. Smyrna village (c) ... Clinton county Altona town Ausabletown, including parts of Clinton- ville and Keeseville villages. Cliutonville village (part of) Total for Clintonville village, in Aii- sable town, Clinton county, and Chesterfield town, Essex county. Keeseville village (part of) Total for Keeseville village, in Ausable town, Clinton county, and Chester- field town, Essex county. Beekmantown town Black Brook town, including part of Au- sable Forks village. Ausable Forks village (part of) Total for Ausable Forks village (e), in Black Brook town, Clinton county, and Jay town. Essex county. Champlain town, including Champlain and Rouse Point villages. Champlain village Rouse Point village Chazy town Clinton town Dannemora town EUenburg town Mooers town Peru town Plattsburg town, incl. Plattsburg village Plattsburg village Saranac town • Schuyler Falls town Columbia county Ancram town . . . Austerlitz town . Canaan town 2,044 1,658 567 1,810 37, 776 2,083 683 2,117 1,049 1,109 1,166 542 3,164 1,067 2,236 720 1, 025 2. 427 979 858 6,524 5,212 1,284 3, 138 1.477 915 983 1,156 762 2,847 1880 187 536 960 1,318 1,396 46, 437 2,368 2,532 290 306 .125 , 103 2,159 2,256 393 757 5,207 «,Z75 1,856 2, 867 1,750 3, 977 3,046 3,467 2,356 9,500 7 ,010 3, 496 1,456 46, 172 1,332 1,142 1,561 3, 619 1,991 553 2, 263 39, 891 2,248 734 1, 924 78. 1,177 1,317 664 3,378 9!5 2,441 901 1,298 2, 572 9!7 964 5,756 1, 512 3, 035 1 ,209 1,147 1,075 1,302 909 3,128 944 1,492 1,651 50, 897 3,570 2,980 2,644 3,365 5,407 1. 509 01,485 3,147 2,194 2, 902 3,162 4,381 2,610 8,283 5.245 4, .552 1, 040 47, 928 1,602 1,341 1,654 d Parts of Elmira and Southport towns annexed to Elmira citv since 1880. e lu 1880 in Jay town, Essex county, only. POPULATION. 285 Table a.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW^ YORK— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Columbia county— Continued. Chatham town, incl. part of Chatham vill. Chatham village (part of) Total for Chatham village, in Chatham and Ghent towns. Claveraek town, includinj; Mellenvillo and Philmont villages. Mellenville village Philmont village Clermont town Copake town Gallatin town Germantown town Ghenttown, in3 1,095 677 861 4, 206 2,566 585 1,806 987 687 815 1, 328 1,518 800 45, 496 2,264 416 1,007 2, 973 1,789 2,908 1,564 1,664 566 i>530 2, 897 s8i 1,.'')07 4,745 1,2715 1,386 267 819 1, 588 1,397 1, 555 3,313 616 4,574 1 ,062 1.765 4,347 360 1.343 918 1, 905 1, 262 1, 608 2,953 703 1,275 1,939 8,670 4,200 1.775 2,060 2,245 1,980 2,097 1,308 25, 825 1,093 7,114 4.050 637 1,382 844 1, 034 3,691 2.331 757 1, 7(10 1 ,006 1.138 980 842 993 1, 550 1,854 853 42, 721 2.639 496 1,022 2,941 1, 939 2,941 1,384 1,714 544 1,419 2,907 660 1,496 3, 238 686 1,420 522 1,730 1,673 1, 563 2, 977 418 MINOR civil divisions. Delaware county — Continued. Koxbury town, incl. Roxbury village (a) . . Sidney town, including Sidiiey village Sidney village ". Stamford'town, inchuling Hobart village and part of Stamford village. Hobart villawii,iufl. pi^^tof(;owandavill.(a)- C'on^o^d town, incl. Springville villaijo. Spring ville village East Hanibiivg town 1890 1880 Eden town Elma town Evans town, including Angola village Angola village Crand Island town Haniliurg town, inel. Hamburg village . . - Hamburg village Holland town.including Holland village- Holland village Lancaster town, incl. Lancaster village. . . Lancaster village Marilla town Newstead town, including Akron village. Akron village ■■■■ ■ North Collins town, including North Col- lins village. North Collins village Sardinia town ," """.■,;"■ ' Tonawanda town, incl. Tonawanda viU. . . Tonawanda village Wales town West Seneca town Essex county . Chesterfield town, including parts of Clinton ville and Kecseville villages. Clintonville village (part of) Total for Clintonville village, in Ausa- ble town, Clinton county, and Ches- terfield town, Essex county. Kceseville village (part of) Total for Kceseville village, in .\usa- ble town, Clinton county, and Ches- terfield town, Essex comity. frown Toiiit town ,--•.•-• ;;, ■. " " ; • V.' ' Elizabethtown town, including Elizabeth- town village. Elizabethtown village Essex town ;•,-••••-, .-,•, Jay town, incl. part ot Ausable Fork.s viU. Ausable Forks village (part of) Total for Ausable Forks village (i), in Black Brook town, Clinton county, and Jay town, Essex county. Kocne town Lewis town Minerva town -. ■--••••.•„■ : Moriah town, including MineviUo and Port Henry villages. Mineville village Port Henry village Newcomb town North Elba town North Hudson town St. Arniaud town Schroon town ......--- - - Ticoiuleroga town, incl. Ticondcroga viU Ticonderoga village (c ) Westport town, incl. AVcstport village- - - Westport village "Willsboro town Wilmington town Ebanklin county 2,974 3,195 1,378 2, 362 3, 881 1,885 2, 304 2, 288 2, lt)3 2, 692 650 1, 048 3,802 1 , ^U 1,595 582 3, 902 1 ,692 1,599 3, 721 1,492 2,016 636 1,728 7,660 7. '45 1,200 3,485 33, 052 2,548 16 306 978 2, loi 3,135 1,399 573 1,437 1,933 364 757 1,258 1, 323 97!) 6,787 1,844 283 1,117 656 633 1,474 3,980 2,267 l,8(i4 563 l,.'i6S 678 38,110 1,737 364 1,4.50 899 32, 390 2,440 2, 098 1,644 8ir> 267 2, 161 2, 828 680 re Not separately returned; in Persia town, Cattaraugus county, and Collin's town, Erie county. h In 1880 in J.iy town, Essex county, only. c Tiiiiudornga'LoweT Falls (population 1,198 in 1880) and Ticonilciogarpiicr Falls (population 597 in 188U) consolidated as Ticimdcroga. since 1880. d Pait taken to form Santa Clara town in 1888. Bangor town Belmont town Bombay town Brandon town (rf) Brighton town Buike town Chatoaugay town, incl. Cliateaugay vill. . . Chatea'ugay village 2, 445 2, 263 1,496 892 480 2, 072 2, 965 1,172 2, 327 3, 495 1,464 2,371 3, 400 1 ,227 2, 409 2, 363 2, 555 2, 610 508 1,156 3, 234 758 1,720 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 3,944 1 ,602 1,825 3,570 1 ,036 1,856 421 1,767 4. 909 3.864 1, 392 3,463 34, 515 2, 752 1.053 2,181 4, 287 1,363 445 1, 462 2, 443 532 532 910 1,774 1,162 7,379 2,561 2,494 237 480 693 452 1,731 3,304 Franklin county— Continued. Constable town Dickinson town (c) Duane town Fort Covington town, including Fort Covington village. Fort Covington village Franklin town Harrietstowntown, incl. SaranacLakevill Saranac Lake village Malone tow-n, including Midone village . . Malone village . . Moira town, including Brnshtou village.. Brushton village Santa Clara town'(/), incl. Brandon vill . . Hrandon village Wavcrly to-\vn (3), in 1,184 533 19' 7,909 4, "93 2, 254 1,687 30, 985 1,046 2,175 855 2,157 7,133 10, 959 16, 626 7,768 5.013 2, 181 2, 231 1,992 2, 069 792 763 1, ,563 1,845 709 915 997 1,066 33, 265 32, 806 1,054 1,975 1,587 1,608 9,341 7,516 7,221 4.845 1,830 2, 002 623 675 1,517 1,071 1,578 1,754 1,964 2,046 1,746 1,968 428 4, 722 4,469 2.743 1,441 1,495 578 1,581 1,649 2, 679 2, 845 398 353 1,625 1,808 31, 598 32, 695 787 899 2,876 3,005 2,024 2,100 2,191 2, 287 573 8, 263 8,311 4,920 4,320 558 3, 773 4,009 i,6ti i,66> 1,925 2, 173 1,951 2, 043 e Part taken to form Waverly town in 1880. /Organized from part of Brandon town in 1888. a Organized from part of Dickinson town in 1880. ft Gloversville village, formerly in Johnstown town, incor- porated as a city since 1880. i Not separately returned. POPULATION. 287 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW VORK— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Geeene county — Coutiuued. Halcott town Hunter town, including Hunter village . Hunter village , Jewett town Lexington town New Baltimore town, including New Bal- timore village. New Baltimore village Prattsville town, incl. Prattsville village Prattsville village Windham town Hamilton county . Arietta town Benson tOAvn Hope town Indian Lake to wn . . . Lake Pleasant town. Long Lake town Morehouse town Wells town Herkimer county . Columbia town Danube town Fairfield town Frankfort town, incl. Frankfort village. . . Frankfort village Gei-man Flats town, including Ilion and Mohawk villages. Ilion village Mohawk village Herkimer town, incl. Herkimer village (a) Litchfield town Little Falls town, including part of Little Falls village. Little Falls village (part of) Total for Little Falls village, in Little Falls and Manheim towns. Manheim town, Including part of Little Falls vill age. Little Falls village (part of) Newport town, incl. Newport village Newport village Norway town Ohio town Russia town _ Salisbury town Sc huyler town Start town AVarreu town ^\' ilmurt town AVinflold town, incl. West Wintield vill . . West Win&eld village 1890 Jefferson county , Adams town, including Adams village Adams village Alexandria town, including AU^xandria Bay village. Alexandria Bay village Antwei-p town, incl. Antwerp village. . '. '. . Antwerp village Brownville to«n, including BrownviUe and Dexter villages. Brownville village Dexter village Cape Vincent town, incl. Cape Vincent vill Cape Vincent villase Champion town, incl. West CJarthage vill West Carthage village \ (Jlayton town, including Clayton village. . Clayton village Ellisburg town, including Believillo, liUisbm-g, and Mannsville villages. Belleville village Ellisburg village Mannsville village Henderson town, inch Henderson viilage. Henderson village a Not separately returned. 357 2,436 699 976 1,229 2,455 734 876 1,503 4,762 357 322 560 1,047 416 580 182 1,298 45, 608 1,380 1,116 1,553 3,988 2,291 7,255 4,057 1, 806 4,666 1,055 7,512 7.052 8>783 3,809 1,731 1,835 6515 818 832 2,145 1, 800 1,259 1,248 1,339 373 1, 625 741 68, 806 1880 3,181 1 ,360 3,601 1 , 123 3, 095 3,110 666 737 3, 014 1,324 2, 191 932 4,411 1,748 4,145 4S2 336 389 ,688 358 396 1,075 1,356 2, 620 1,118 398 1,461 3,923 294 402 651 615 343 324 181 1,113 42, 669 1,610 1,235 1,656 3,025 1,085 6,746 3,7" 1,441 3,593 1,218 6,913 5,979 6,9:0 2, 421 931 1,953 7>3 1,045 961 2, 177 1,884 1,452 1,476 1,430 271 1,597 594 66, 103 3, 302 1 ,250 3,135 587 3,414 731 2,624 409 487 3, 143 1,361 2, 259 807 4,214 1,621 4,810 473 1,842 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Jefferson county— Continued. fiounsfleld town, incl. Sacketts Harbor vill Sacketts Harbor village Leiay town Lorraine town Lyme town, including (Jhaumont village Chaumont village Orleans town Pamelia town Philadelphia town, incl. Philadelphia vill Philadelphia village Rodman town Rutland town Theresa town, incliuling Theresa village Theresa village , . . . Watertown city Ward 1 3, 7()6 Ward 2 2, 950 Ward 3 3, 121 Ward 4 4, 888 Watertown town Wilna town, including Carthage village. . Carthage village Worth town 1890 Brooklyn city (b) Ward 1 20,040 Ward 2 8,986 Ward 3 18,754 Ward 4 12,324 Ward 5 20, 175 Ward 6 37, oflij Ward 7 35, 726 AVard 8 31 , 239 Ward 9 17,696 Ward 10 :u, 031 Ward 11 22, 693 AVard 12 27, 368 Ward 13 21 , 628 Ward 14 27, 24(1 AVard 15 27, 630 AVard 16 45,720 Ward 17 41,424 AT.ard 18 74, 960 AVard 19 36,244 Ward 20 24, 136 AVard 21 50, 118 AVard 22 .50,250 A\^ard 23 29, 348 AVard 24 16, 771 AVard 25 44,638 Ward 26 29, ,505 Flatbush town, including I'arkville and Windsor Terrace villages. Parkville village AVindsor Terrace village Flatlands town, incl. Canarsie village Canarsie village Grave.send town, incl. Coney Island vill.. Conev Island village ..." New Utrecht town, including Batli Beach, Bay Ridge, and Fort Hamilton villages. Bath Beach village Bay Ridge village Fort Hamilton viUage Lewis county . Croghan town Denmark town, incl. Copenhagen village (.'npenhagen village Dianatown, including Harrisville village Harrisville village Greig to\\ n Harrisburg town Highmarket town Lewis town Leyden town, incl. Port Leyden village. . Port Leyden village. Lowville town, incl. Lowville village LowviUe village Lyonsdale town Martinsburg town 1880 2, 651 7S7 2,565 1,174 2, 175 62 i 2,196 1, 104 1,662 78.; 1,287 1.798 2, 391 1,028 14, 725 1, 215 4, 522 2,278 905 2, 770 88s 2, 660 1,435 2, 277 479 2,318 1.143 1,750 Kings county 838, 547 806, 343 12, 338 ,645 ,075 ,452 , 937 3,3'3 8,854 i,6ig 1,858 2,617 29, 806 3. 1)27 2. 275 777 2, 305 6,7 1,481 816 723 999 1 , (!24 462 3,684 2,511 1,451 1,982 1, .517 1,796 2, 389 882 10, 697 1,264 4, 393 1 ,912 951 599, 495 566, 603 7,634 3, 127 I, 760 3,674 1,184 4,742 3L416 3,374 2, 204 702 2,026 1,570 1,089 941 1,161 1, 933 3,188 1, 475 2, 386 b New Lots town (population 13,655 in 1880) annexed and formed into ward 26 since 1880. 288 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW 'VOKK.— Continued. MIN<1R CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lewis county— Continued. Montague town New Bremen town Osceola town Pimkney town Turin town, including Turin village Turin village "Watson town - - - - West Turin town, including Constable- ville village (a). 1890 1880 Livingston county. Avon town, including Avon village Avon village Caledonia town Conesus town Geneseo town, including Geneseo village. Genesee village Groveland town Leicester town Lima town, including Lima village Lima village ;,■■■■ Livonia to wn,incl. Livonia Station village Livonia Station village Mount Morris town, including Mount Morris village. Mount Morris village •• North Dans ville town, incL Dansville vill Dansville village Nunda town, including Kunda village. . . Nunrla village Ossian town Portage town Sparta town Spriugwater town Weat Sparta town York town -•■ 905 1,974 587 1,004 1,277 35'J 1,299 1,803 37, 801 Madison county Brookfield town, incl. Brooljfield village. Brookfield village Cazeuovia town, incl. Cazeuovia village . Cazenovia village De Ruyter town, incl. De Euyter village . . De Ku vter village Eaton town, including Morrisville village. Morrisville village Fenner town Georgetown town Hamilton town, including part of Earl- ville village and Hamilton village. Earlville village (part of) Total forEarlvinevillage,in Sherburne town, Chenango county, and Hamil- ton town, Madison county. Hamilton village Lebanon town Lenox town, including Canastota and Oneida villages. Canastota village Oneida village Madison tovm, including Madison village Madison village Nelson town Sniitlifield town Stock bridge town Sullivan town, incl. Chittenango village. Chittenango village 3,179 1.653 2,188 l,19fi 3, 534 2,286 1,307 1,647 2,438 1 ,00^1 2,859 738 3,701 2,2»0 4,099 3.758 2,426 1,010 940 1,130 1,136 2,085 1,008 2,868 42, 892 MONEOE COUNTY 189, 586 3,262 561 4,182 i,g87 1,500 667 3,121 726 1,040 1, 172 3,923 340 536 1,7.14 1,277 12, 815 2.774 6.083 2,316 390 1, 350 1,043 1,845 4,046 792 975 2,414 666 1, 1.52 1,386 419 1,470 2,006 39, 562 MINOE civil divisions. 3,459 1 ,617 1,927 1,397 3,340 1.925 1,342 1,679 2,782 '.87B 3,119 688 3,931 4,178 3,625 2,790 1.037 1,204 1,295 1,201 2,279 1,157 2,482 44, 112 3,685 4,363 i,9t8 1,584 = 86 3,799 741 1,272 1,490 3,912 Brighton town, inc). Brighton village Brighton village (;hili town Clarkson town Gates town Greece town, including Charlotte village Charlotte village Hamlin town Henrietta town Irondequoit town 4, 533 705 2,109 1,741 2.910 5, 145 930 2,338 2,135 2,415 1890 1.638 1,.586 10,246 1,569 ^3.934 2,474 320 1,649 1,226 2, 023 4,803 954 144, 903 3,736 Iq8 2,274 2,100 1,988 4,848 962 2, 556 2,243 1,986 Monroe county— Continued. Mendon town, including Honeoye Falls and Mendon villages. Honeoye Falls village Mendon village Ogden town, incl. Spencerport village . . . Spencerport village Parma town, incl. North Parma village . . North Parma village Penfield town Perin ton town, including Fairport village. Fairnort village Pittsford town, incl. Pittsford village Pittsf nrd village Riga town, including Churchville village. ' Churchville village Rochester city Ward 1.... 2,192 Ward 2 3,468 Ward 3 6,532 Ward 4 3,946 Ward 5 9,978 Ward 6 4,936 Ward 7 7,224 Ward 8 15,191 Ward 9 9,602 Ward 10 5, 665 Ward 11 8. 955 Ward 12 8, 729 Ward 13 12, 878 Ward 14 7,067 Ward 15 6,654 Ward 16 20,879 Hush town Sweden town, incl. Brockport village . - . Brockport village Webster town, including Webster village Webster village Wheatland town a Not separately returned. b Estimated in 1880. , ^, ., c Amsterdam village, formerly in Amsterdam and i londa Montgomery county. Amsterdam city (c) Wardl 4,742 Ward 2 4.458 Wards 2,943 Ward 4 3, -187 Ward 5 1, ''00 Amsterdam town (c), including Hagfiman Mills village. Hagaman Mills village CanaioTiarie town, incl. Canajoharie vill .. Canajoharie village Charleston town Florida town (d) v:,", Glen town, including Fultonville village Fultonville village Minden town, incl. Fort Plain village Fort Plain village Mohawk town, including Fonda village. Fonda village '■ ■ ■ ■ Palatine town. Including Nclliston and Palatine Bridge (a) villages. Nelliston village Root town St. Johnsville town, including bt. Johns- ville village. St. Johnsville village New York county. 2,991 1880 3, 193 1,128 1,098 204 2,571 695 2,912 220 2,967 670 3,180 487 2,845 2,955 4,450 4,030 2.552 2,129 852 2,031 1,920 2,236 756 2,221 493 33, 896 89, 366 1,695 5,201 3.742 3,139 634 2,400 45, 699 17, 336 2,948 396 4,267 2,089 1,174 2,296 2,648 J,T22 5,198 2,864 2,839 1,190 2,871 721 2, 041 2, 081 ,263 1,515,301 1, 515, 301 1,741 5,734 4.039 2,950 381 2,599 38, 315 9,406 4,294 2,013 1,334 3,249 2, 622 881 5,100 2,443 2, 943 944 2,786 558 2, 275 2, 002 1 , 206, 299 1, 206, 299 New York city, coextensive with Now York county. Ward 1.. 11,122 Ward 2 929 Ward 3 3,76d Ward 4 ",809 Ward 5 12,385 Ward 6 23,119 Ward 7 - 57,366 Ward 8 3L220 Ward 9 54,425 Ward in 57,596 Wardll 75,426 AVard 12 245, 046 towns, incorporated as a city sin<-e 1880; iu 1880 in Amsterdam town only. , ., . _„„ d Part given to Amsterdam city since 1880. POPULATION. 289 Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. New Tokk county— Continued. New York city — Continued. Ward 13 45, 884 Ward 14 28, 094 Ward 15 25, 399 Ward 16 49,134 Ward 17 103, 158 Ward 18 63,270 Ward 19 234, 846 Ward 20 84,327 Ward 21 63, 019 Ward 22 153, 877 Ward 23 53, 948 Ward 24 20, 137 NiAGAEA COUNTY . 1890 Cambria town Hartland town Lewiston town, incl. Lewiston village- . . Le wiston village Lockport city Ward 1 4, 537 Ward 2 2, 827 Ward 3 6, 113 Ward 4 2, 561 Lockport town Newfane town, incl. Olcott village (a) Niagara town, including Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge villages. Niagara Falls village Suspension Bridge village Pendleton town Porter town, incl. Y'oungstown village. . . Youngstown village Royalton town, incl. Sliddleport village.. Middleport village Somerset town Wheatfleld town, including North Tona- wanda village. North Tonawanda village Wilson town, including Wilson village . . Wilson village Oneida county. Annsville town, incl. Taberg village Taberg village Augusta town, incl. Oriskany Falls vill . . Oriskany Falls village Ava town Boonville town, incl. Boonville village Boonville village Bridgewater town Camden town, including Camden village . Camden village Deerfield town, incl. Deerfield village Deerfield village (b) Florence town Floyd town Forestport town Kirkland town, incl. Clinton village Clinton village . . Lee town Marcy town Marshall town, including part of Water- villc village. Waterville village (part of) Total for Waterville village, in Mar- shall and Sangerfield towns. New Hartford town, incl. New Hartford and Washington Mills villages and part of New York Mills village. New Hartford village New York Mills village (part of) Total for New York Mills vill., in New Hartford and Whitestown towns. Washington Mills village Paris town, including Clayville and Sau- quoit village.s. Clayville village Sauquoit village 62, 491 2,007 2,843 2,577 633 16, 038 2,773 3,170 10, 979 5,502 4.405 1,514 2,210 490 4,632 1,217 1,962 8,808 4,793 2,978 1880 683 122, 922 2,068 331 1,984 625 860 3,509 1,613 1,073 3, 391 I ,go2 1,954 691 1,489 920 1,519 4,852 T ,269 1,845 1,213 2,145 2 ,024 5, 005 912 1 , £96 2,552 1. 195 3,211 504 54, 173 2,267 3,340 2,768 2,847 3,462 7,432 3,320 2,476 1,730 2,278 500 4,888 771 2,015 4,390 1,492 3,234 662 115, 475 2,554 558 2,171 598 1,039 3,996 1,677 1,218 3,392 1,589 2,082 716 2,073 1,115 1,358 4,984 T ,236 2, 360 1,413 2, 276 710 931 1,833 3,573 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Oneida county — Continued. Remaen town, including Remaen village. Remsen village Rome city Ward 1 3, 348 Ward 2 2, 698 Ward 3 3, 069 Ward 4 2, 566 Ward 5 3, 310 Sangerfield town, including part of Water- ville village. Waterville village (part of) Steuben town Trenton town, including Holland Patent and Trenton villages. Holland Patent village Trenton village Utica city Ward 1 1,141 Ward 2 4,054 Ward 3 3,048 Ward 4 2,988 Ward 5 1,668 Ward 6 2,297 VYard 7 4,625 Ward 8 6,354 Ward 9 7, 224 Ward 10 2, 322 Ward 11 3, 135 Ward 12 5, 151 Vernon town, including Oneida Castle and Vernon villages. Oneida Castle village Vernon village Verona town, incl. Durhamville village . . Durhamville village Vienna town Western town Westmoreland town Whitestown town, including part of New York Mills village and Oriskany and Whitesboro villages. New York Mills village (part of) Oriskany village Whitesboro village Onondaga county Camillus town, incl. Camillus village Camillus village Cicero town, incl. Brewerton village Brewerton village Clay town Dewitt town, incl. East Syracuse village. East Syracuse village Elbridge town, including Elbridge and Jordan \'illage8. Elbridge village Jordan village Fabius town, including Fabiiis village . . . Fabius village Geddes town (c), including Solvey village. Solvey village Lafayette town Lysander town, including part of Bald- winsville village. Baldvvinsville village (part of) Total for Baldwinsville village, in Ly- sander and Van Burmi towns. Manlius town, including Fayetteville and Manlius villages. Fayetteville village Manlius villnge M.arcellus town, incl. Marcellus village .. Marcellus village Onondaga town (c) Otisco town Pompey town Salma town, including Liverpool village. Liverpool village Skaneateles town, including Mottville and Skaneateles villages. Mottville village Skaneateles village Spaft'ord town 1890 1,099 358 14, 991 3,017 '.734 1,005 2,709 406 284 44,007 1880 1,195 12,194 3,171 3,016 317 377 4,535 730 2,220 1,817 2,313 5,155 1.356 860 1,663 2,678 487 2,636 336 2,630 4,560 2,231 3,560 1,833 3 , 040 5,453 1 ,410 942 2,739 563 5,135 1,326 2,859 3,490 1 ,284 4,663 551 '.559 1,227 1,223 3,097 401 289 33, 914 3,056 239 345 5,287 2,834 2, 264 2, 744 4,498 go2 597 1.370 146,247 I 117,893 2, 416 477 2,934 305 2,910 3,975 ',099 4,087 693 5-6 1,271 1.344 1,717 2,069 312 405 1,571 7,088 563 1,874 2,160 5,163 4,903 1. 375 2,121 5,954 1.556 834 2,678 489 6,358 1,558 3, 240 1 .550 4,866 533 1,669 1,450 a Not separately returned. 372 19 b Fonnerlv Deerfield Corners. c Part given to Syracuse city since 1880. 290 COMPENDIUM or THE ELEVENTH CENStTS: 1890. TA15LF, 3.— AGGREfiATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. MINOB CIVIL DrV'ISIONS. Onondaga touNTy — Continued. Syracuse city (a) ■Ward 1 -4,912 Ward 2 10,761 Ward 3 7,047 Ward 4 14,445 Ward 5 14,698 Ward 6 5,836 Ward 7 10,445 Ward 8 8,264 Ward 9 5,17] Ward 10 2, 767 Ward 11 --■ 3,197 Tully town, including Tully village I'uUy village Van Buren town, including part of Bald- winsville village. Baldwinsville village (part of) 1890 Ontario county . Bristol town Canadice town Canandaiguatown.incl.Canandaigua vill Canaiidaigua village East Bloomfield town Farmington town ■ Geneva town, including Geneva village. . Geneva village Gorham town, incl. partof Ruahville vill, Rushville village (part of) Total for Rushville village, in Gorham town, Ontario county, and Potter town, Yates county. Hopewell town ,■■■.-• Manchester town, including jiart of Clif- ton Springs village. Clifton Springs village (part of) Total for Clifton Springs village, in Manchester and Phelps towns. Naples town, including Naples village . . Naples village Phelps' town, iiicluding part of Clifton Springs village and Phelps village. Clifton Springs village (part of) Phelps village , '• Richmond town Seneca town South Bristol town Victor town, including Victor village Victor village West Bloomfield town Orange county . 8,143 1880 1,380 498 3,444 1 ,207 48, 453 1,510 730 8,229 5,868 2,039 1, 703 8,877 7.557 2, 203 128 450 1,655 4, 439 1 ,046 1,297 2,455 1,266 5,086 Blooming Grove town, including Wash- ington village. Washington village Chester town Cornwall town, including Cornwall on Hudson village. Cornwall on Hudson village Crawford town Deerjjark town, incl. Port Jervi.s village Port Jervis village Goshen toAvn, including Goshen village. (ioshen village Greenville town Ham])tonburg town Highland town, incl. Highland Falls vill Highland Falls village Middlctown city (6) 11, 977 Wardl 2,868 Ward 2 - 3,325 Ward 3 1. 931 Ward4 3,853 Miuisinlc town, incl. TJnionville village .. Unionville village Monroe town (c), incl. Monroe village Monroe village Montgomery town, including Montgom- ery and \<'^alden villages. Montgomery village Walden village Mount Hope town a Parts of Geddes and Onondaga towns annexed s 6 Middletown village, formerly in Wallkill town rated as a city since 1880. MINOR CIVIL divisions. 51, 792 1,476 434 3,091 746 49, 541 1,650 895 8,363 5,726 2,527 1,978 7,412 5,878 2,521 160 503 1,894 3,920 79° 902 1,360 5,189 251 112 1,336 1, 169 1,511 1,772 2,690 2,877 1,225 1,327 2,620 2,804 778 704 1,481 1,713 97, 859 88, 220 2,236 2,444 691 2,112 2, 229 3,766 3,833 760 1,876 1, 9.51 11,483 11,420 9,327 8,678 5,021 4,387 2,907 2,557 862 1,002 1, 129 1, 143 4,U99 3,404 •2,217 1,976 11,977 8, 494 1,269 1,360 3>6 3,6 1,694 5,096 630 459 5,061 4,795 1 ,024 9J5 2,1-2 1,804 1,437 1,549 ince 1880. incorpo- Orange county — Continued. Newbnrg city Ward i 8, 618 Ward 2 7, 426 Wards 3,096 Ward 4 3,947 Newburg town New Windsor town, incl. New Windsor village. New Windsor village Tuxedo town (rf) - Wallkill town (b) AVarwick town, incl. Warwick village . . Warwick village Wawayanda town Woodbury town (d) 1890 Orleans county . Albion town, incl. partof Albion village. . Albion village (part of) Total for Albion village, in. 'Mbion and Gaines towns. Barre town Carlton town ' - • Clarendon town Gaines town, incl. part of Albion village. Albion village (part of) Kendall town Murray town, including HoUey village... Holley village Eidgeway town, incl. part of Medina vill Medina village (part of) Total for Medina village, in Ridgevvay an-d Shelby towns. Shelby town, incl. part of Medina village. Medina village (part of) Yates town Oswego county . Albion town, incl. Sand Bank village Sand Bank village Amboy town Boylston town Coustantia town, including Cleveland and Constantia villages. Cleveland village Constantia village Granby town, incl. Oswego Falls village. Oswego Falls villaae Hannibal town, incl. Hannibal village . . . Hannibal village Hastings town Mexico town, including Mexico village . . Mexico village New Haven town ( )rwell tow u Oswego city Ward 1 . .' 4, 043 Ward2 1,800 Ward 3 3, 735 Ward4 2.666 Ward5 2,809 Ward 6 2, 454 Ward 7 1,738 AYaril 8 2, 597 Oswego town Palermo town Parish town, in(duding Parish village. . . Parish village Redfield town Richland town, including Pulaski village Pulaski village Sandy Creek town, including Lacoua and Saiidy Creek villages. Lacona village Sandy Creek village Schroeppel town, incl. Phenix village Phenix village Scriba towTi Volney town, including Fulton village. . Fi'dton village West Monroe town Williamstown town 1880 23, 087 18, 049 4,543 2,621 30, 128 2,772 3,022 1, 607 1,996 1,770 1,817 541 1, 060 402 1,294 3,771 3,991 1,517 2, 279 1,50' 2. 878 .333 378 723 3,026 3,381 1,466 2,480 6,527 1,312 2, 971 6,588 4,2J4 1,100 3,941 1,314 1,215 1, 820 c Parts taken to form Tuxedo and Woodbury towns in 1889. rf Organized from pa,rt of Monroe town in 1889. POPULATION. 291 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IVEW VORK— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Otsego county . Burlington town Butternuts town Cherry Vallej"^ town, including Cherry Valley village. Cherry Valley village Decatur town Edmeston town Exeter town Hart wick town Laurens town, including Laurens village Laurens village Maryland town, incl. Schenevus village. Schenevus village Middlefield town (a) Milford town Morris town, including Morris village. . . Morris village New Lisbon town OneoDta town, including Oneonta village Oneonta village Otego town Otsego town (a), incl. Cooperstown vill . . . Cooperstown village (a) Pittsfleld town Plainfield town Eichfleldtown, incl. Richfield Springs vill. Richfield Springs village Roseboom town Springfield town Unadilla to wn , including TJnadilla village . Unadilla village Westford town Worcester town PCTOAM COUNTY . Carmel town Kent town Patterson town Phillipstown town, including Cold Spring and Nelsonville villages (b). Putnam Valley town Southeast town Queens county. Flushing town, including College Point, Flushing, and Whitestone villages. College Point village Flushing village Whitestone village Hempstead town, including Far Rocka- way, Hempstead, Inwood, Lawrence, Rockaway Beach, and Seaford villages. Far Rockaway village Hempstead village Inwood village Lawrence village Rockaway Beach village Seaford village Jamaica town, including Jamaica, Ozone Park, and Richmond Hill villages. Jamaica village Ozone Park village Richmond Hill village Long Island city Ward 1 8,359 AVard 2 3, 303 AVard 3 4, 813 Ward 4 9, 263 Ward 5 4, 768 Newtown town, includingCorona, Middle, Winfield, and Woodside villages. Corona village Middle village Winfield village W'oodsidc village North Hempstead town, incl. Roslyn vill . Roslyn village Oyster Bay town, incl. Sea Cliflf village (6) . a Part of Middlefield town annexed to Otsego and now included within the corporate limits village. 1890 50, 861 1,334 1,813 1,803 685 597 1,703 1,245 1,894 1,659 255 2,199 665 2,200 2,051 1, 920 601 1,323 8,018 6,272 1,840 4,917 2,657 1,218 1,025 2,699 1,623 1,190 1,726 2,723 1. 157 1,023 2,741 14, 849 2,912 1, 147 1,402 4,113 1,193 4,082 128, 059 19, 803 6, 127 8,436 2,808 23, 756 .277 626 ,502 503 ,441 13 ,.36" 539 626 ,506 13*2 5,04 819 710 ,134 .251 ,870 1880 51, 397 1,599 2,036 2,260 856 779 1,794 1,353 2,340 1,827 252 2,324 2,726 2,319 «,404 768 1,569 4,461 3,002 1,918 4,690 2,199 1,450 1,195 2,515 1.307 1.515 2,016 2,523 922 1,271 2,513 15, 181 2,811 1, 361 1,579 4, 375 1,555 3,500 90, 574 15, 906 4,192 06,683 2,520 18,164 10, 088 3,922 'i7,'i29 9,804 750 500 7,560 1,101 11, 923 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Rensselaer county Berlin town Brunswick town East Greenbush town Grraftou town Greenbush town, coextensive with Green bush village. Greenbush village Hoosick town, incl. Hoosick Falls village Hoosick Falls village Lansingburg town, incl. Lansingburg vill Lansingburg village Nassau town, including Nassau village . Nassau village North Greenbush town, including Bath on Hudson village. Bath on Hudson village Petersburg town , Pittstown town Poestenkill town Sandlake town Scliaghticoke town, including Schaghti- coke village. Schaghticoke village Schodack town, incl. Castleton village Castleton village Stephentown town Troy city Atard ' 1 3, 693 Ward 2 4, 744 Ward 3 2, 664 Ward 4 4, 504 Ward 5 6,023 Ward 6 4,825 Ward 7 5, 785 Ward 8 3,865 Ward 9 4,375 Ward 10 6, 176 Ward 11 4, 056 Ward 12 5, 024 Ward 13 5,222 Richmond county Castleton town, coextensive with Ne^^ Brighton village. Middletown town, including part of Edge- water village. Edgewater village (part of) Total for Edgewater village, in Mid- dletown and Southfield towns. Northfield town, including Linoleumville and Port Richmond villages. Linoleumville village Port Richmond village Southfield town, including part of Edge- water village. Edgewater village (part of) Westfleld town, incl. Tottenville vill. (6) . . Rockland county Clarkstown town, including Upper Nyack village. Upper Nvack village Haverstraw town, including Haverstraw and West Haverstraw viflages. Haverstraw village West Haverstraw village Orangetown town, incl. Nyack, Piermont, South Nyack, and Sjiartill villages. Nyack village Piermont village South Nyack village Sparkill village Ramapo town, incl. Spring Valley village. Spring Valley village Stony Point towii, including Stony Point village. Stony Point village town since 1880, h Not separately retirrned. of Cooperstown c Estimated in 1880. 1890 124, 511 1,704 3, 654 2,171 1,457 7,301 7,301 10, 471 7,014 10, 871 10,550 2,273 356 4,768 2,359 1,461 4,056 1,602 2,555 3,059 1,258 4,388 1 , 127 1,764 60, 956 1880 115, 328 2,202 3,402 2,127 1,676 6,743 3 , 295 7,9U 4,530 7,759 7.432 2,629 449 4,131 2,046 1,785 4, '095 1,672 2,550 3,591 4,319 912 1,986 56, 747 51, 693 38, 991 16, 423 12, 679 10,557 9,029 9.199 4.367 14,265 8,044 9,811 7,014 666 134 6,290 3.561 6,644 4,980 5,066 3.677 8,258 5,289 35, 162 27, 690 5,210 4,378 668 412 9, 079 6,973 5,070 3.506 180 10, 343 8,077 4,111 3,88r 1,219 1,369 1,496 816 5, 910 4.954 1,028 810 4,614 3,308 514 292 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NEW YORK— Continued. MINOR rlVIL DIVISIONS. St. Lawrence county. Brasher town, incl. Brasher Falls village. . Brasher Falls village Canton town, including Canton village. . . Canton village Clare town (o) Clifton town Colton town, including Colton village Colton village Dekalb town, including Ricliville village. Richville village De Peyster town Edward.s town Fine town - Fowler town Gouverneur town, incl. Gouvemeur vill . . Gouverneur village . Hammond town Hermon town, including Hermon village. Herman village Hopkinton town Lawrence town Lishon t^)wn - Louisville town Macomb town Madrid town, including Madrid village. . . Madrid village Massena town, including Massena village . Massena village Morristown town, incl. Morri-stown vill. . . Morristown village Norfolk town 1890 1880 Osdensburg city Vaidl.. 2.721 Ward 2 3, 324 Wards 2,295 Ward 4 3, 322 Oswegatchie town Parishville town, incl. Parishville village Parish ville village Pierrepont town Pitcairn town Potsdam town, including Norwood and Potsdam villages. Norwood village Potsdam village Rossie to wn Russell town Stockholm town Waddingtoii town, Incl.Waddlngton vill. Waddington village Saratoga county . Ballston town, including part of Ballston Spa village. Ballston Spa village (part of) Total for Ballston Spa village, in Ball- ston and Milton towns. Charlton town Clifton Park town • Corinth town, including Corinth village. . Corinth village Day town Edinburg town Galway town, including Galway village. . Gal wav village Greenfield town H.adley town Halfnioon town, incUiding part of Me- chanicsville village. Mechanicsville village (part of) Total for Mechanicsville village, in Halfmoon and Stillwater towns. Malta town Milton town, incl. part of Ballston Spa vill Ballston Spa village (part of) Morean town, incl. South Glens Falls vill South Glens Falls village Northumberland town Providence town Saratoga .S])rings town, including Sara- toga Springs vUlage. Saratoga Springs village 85,048 ; 85,997 570 6,096 2,580 281 342 1,843 635 2,840 336 947 1.267 1,207 1,592 5,851 3,4.s8 1,774 1,521 473 1,832 2,037 3, 809 1,676 1,415 1,969 605 2,740 1,049 1,966 472 2. 024 11, 362 2. 346 2, 272 S78 1,954 1, 103 8,939 i.4fi3 1,g6i 1,493 2, 132 2.999 2, 209 goo 57, 663 3,578 513 6,275 2,049 71 1,974 606 3,027 339 1,194 1,082 893 1,590 4.165 2,071 1,860 1,634 522 1,922 2,483 4,297 2,019 1,731 2,145 761 2,739 MINOR CrVIL DIVISIONS. 2,059 508 3 . 527 1,175 2, 228 2,124 1 ,222 852 1, 203 1.635 177 2, 169 1, 103 3, 732 2,679 1,285 5, 820 3.019 2, 698 1 ,606 1,410 874 13, 171 11,975 2,186 397 2,471 10, 341 2,881 2, 384 496 2, 494 790 7,610 2,762 1,709 2, 403 3, 441 2,608 977 55, 156 2,035 383 1,474 2,454 1,737 510 1,238 1,523 1, 902 187 2,448 1,095 3,102 750 J. 265 1.234 5, 505 2,628 2. 555 i,o8i 1,583 994 10, 820 8,421 Saratoga county— Continued. Saratoga town, including Schuylerville and Victory Mills villages. Schuylerville village Victory Mills village Stillwater town, incl. part of Mechanics- ville village and Stillwater village. Mechanicsville village (part of) Stillwater village Waterford town, incl. Waterford vill. (6) . . Wilton town 1890 Schenectady county. Duaneaburg town Glenville town Niskayuna town Priucetown town Rotterdam town Schenectady city Wardl 1,852 Ward 2 1 , 874 Ward 3 4, 298 Ward 4 5, 835 Ward 5 6, 043 Schoharie county Blenheim town Broome town Carlisle town Cobleskill town, incl. Cobleskill village. . Cobleskill village Cones ville town Esperance town, incl. Esperance village . Esperance village Fulton town Gilbo.a town .fefferson town Middlebnrg town, incl. Middleburgvill. . Middleburg village Richmondville town, incl. Richmondville village. Richmondville village Schoharie town, incl. Schoharie village . . Schoharie village Seward town Sharon town, incl. Sharon Springs village Sharon Springs village Summit town Wright town Schuyler county Catharine town Cayuta town Dixtown (c),incl. part of Watkins village Watkfns village (part of) Total for Watkins village, in Di.x and Reading towns. Hector tovra Montour town (c), incl. Havana village . Havana village (c) Orange town Reading town, including part of Wat- kins village. Watkins village (part of) Tyrone town Seneca county . Covert town, including Farmer village. Farmer village Fayette town, incl. part of Waterloo vill ' Waterloo village (part of) Total for Waterloo village, in Fayette and Waterloo towns. Junius town Lodi to wn 3,855 1,387 822 3,868 789 747 5,286 1,116 29, 797 2,557 2,468 1,040 732 3,098 19, 902 1880 951 1, .367 1,349 3,443 1 ,822 929 1,232 274 2, 316 1,718 1,469 3,007 I, '39 1,917 663 2,944 1,028 1,626 2,202 622 1,399 1, 295 16, 711 4,539 1,617 T,I20 3,412 S15 877 4,328 1,118 23, 538 1,398 560 3,700 2,321 2,604 4,443 1.987 1,751 1, .5.57 1,386 285 36,227 2,995 2, 746 990 826 2,326 13, 655 32, 910 1,191 1,636 1,720 3, 370 I ,221 1, 127 1,378 34' 2,683 2, 040 1,636 3,376 1,12:! 2,082 653 3,350 1,188 1, 7.34 2,. 591 627 1,405 1,591 18,a42 1,617 601 4,168 2.378 2,716* 5,025 1.771 1 ,274 2, 026 1,581 338 2,059 29, 278 1,963 2,166 660 544 2,912 3,316 644 584 4,350 3-893 1,134 1,356 1,694 1,947 a Organized in 1880. b Not separately returned. c Havana village in Dix and Montour towns in 1880; that part in Dix town annexed to Montour town in 1887. POPULATION. 293 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IVEW VORK-Coutiiiued. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Seneca couNTV—Contiuued. Ovid town, including Ovid village Ovid village Romulus town Seneca Falls town, iuel. Seneca Falls vili. Seneca Falls village Tyre town Varick town Waterloo town. incl. part of Waterloo vill, Waterloo village (part of) Stebben county. Addison town, including Addison village Addison vill.age Avoca town, including Avoca vill.age . . . Avoca village Bath town, incl. Bath and Savona villages Bath village Savona village Bradford town Cameron town Campbell town Canisteo town, including Canisteo village Canisteo village Caton town Cohocton town Corning city (a) Ward 1 1,269 "Ward 2 1, 859 "Ward 3 l, 665 Ward 4 2,227 Ward 5 1, 530 Corning town (a). Dansville town Erwin town, incl. Painted Post village . . . Painted Post village Fremont town Ureen wood town Hartsville town Hornby town Hornellsville city (b) Ward 1 1, 919 Ward 2 1, 735 Ward 3 1, 940 Ward 4 1 , 895 Ward 5 1, 923 Ward 6 1, 584 Hornellsville town (b) Howard town Jasper town Lindley town Prattsburgtown, incl. Prattsburg village. Prattsburg village Pulteney town Hathbone town Thurston town Troupsburg town Tiiscarora town Urbaua town, incl. Hammoudaport vill . . . Hammondsport village Wayland town, incl. Wayland village W'ayland village Wayne town West Union town Wheeler town Woodhull town 1890 Suffolk county. Babylon town, including Amitvville and Breslau villages. Amityville village Breslau village Brookhaven town, incl. Port .Jelierson, Stony Brook, and Taphank villages. Port Jefferson village Stony Brook village Yaphank village Easthampton town, including part of Sag Harbor village. Sag Harbor village (part of) Huntington town. incl. Huntington vill . . Huntington village 3, 651 641 2,852 6,961 6,116 991 1, 388 4,681 3,706 81, 473 18S0 2.908 2 , 166 2,242 953 7,881 3,26r 569 765 1,564 1,533 3,629 2,071 1,445 3,444 8,550 1,638 1,5.59 1,884 688 1,047 1,312 757 1,U11 10, 996 1,939 1, 938 1,690 1,537 2,170 607 1,769 1,269 1,113 2.174 1,438 2,590 934 2,334 679 889 1,167 1,285 2,006 02, 491 6, 035 2,293 974 12, 772 2 ,026 506 517 2,431 7'4 8,277 3,028 3,569 705 2,765 6, 853 5,880 1,168 1, 739 4,399 3>309 77, 586 2,534 1,596 1,843 547 7,396 3,183 447 937 1,611 1,881 3,694 1,907 1,642 3,346 4,802 7,402 1,788 2, 095 701 1,277 1, 386 1,015 1, 209 8, 195 9,852 2,131 1,806 1,563 2,349 66 r 1,660 1,371 1,366 2,494 1,544 2,318 755 2,591 605 827 1,271 1,424 1,963 53, 888 4,739 1,063 606 11, 544 1,724 549 424 2,515 512 a Corning village, formerly in Corning town, incorporated as a city in 1890. b Hornellsville village, formerly in Hornellsville town, in- coiporated as a city since 1880. c Not separately returned. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Suffolk county— Continued. Islip town, including Bayshore village. . . Bayshore village Riverheart town Shelter Island town Sraithtown town Southami)ton town, including Bridge- hampton and Good Ground villages and part of Sag Harbor (c) village. Bridgehampton village Good Ground village Southold town, including Greenport (cj and Orient vilhages. Orient village Sullivan county . Bethel town Callicoon town Cocbecton town, incl. Cochecton vill. (c) . . Delaware town - Fallsburg town Forestburg town Fremont town Highland town Liberty town, including Liberty village!! Liberty village Lumberland town ...!!!..... Mamakating town, incl. Wurtsboro viil '. \ . Wurtsboro village Neversink town Rockland town Thompson town, incl. Monticello villag'e '. Monticello village Tusten town 1S90 Tioga county. Barton town, including Waverly village. Waverly village Berkshire town Candor town Newark Valley town, including ij^ewark Valley village. Newark Valley village Nichols town Owego town, including Owego village (c) Richford town Spencer town, including Spencer village Spencer village Tioga town Tompkins county. Caroline town (d) Danby town Dryden town (d), including Dryden and Freeville villages. Dryden village Freeville village Enfield town ] . . . Groton town, including Groton village . . Groton village Ithaca city (e) ' Ward 1 .■ ] , 679 Ward 2 1, 7(10 Ward 3 2, 619 Ward 4 2, 032 Ward 5 1^735 Ward 6 1^ 224 Ithaca town (e) Lansing town Newfieid town Ulysses town, incl. Trumansburg village. Trumansburg village Ulster county. Denning town Esopus town, incl. Port Ewen village. Port Ewen village 783 ,290 010 921 357 200 ISSO ,394 82s ,705 31, 031 2,158 2, 083 1,174 1.734 3,041 714 2,168 979 3,357 734 875 3,401 490 2.013 2, 868 3,462 1 ,016 1,004 29, 935 6.120 4,123 1,160 3, 674 2,339 875 1,701 9,008 1,267 2,211 810 2,455 32, 923 2,092 1,707 4,043 663 312 1,393 3, 572 1,280 11.079 1,364 2,505 2, 214 2, 9.54 I, 211 87, 062 897 4,659 1 ,211 6.453 1,615 3, 939 732 2,249 6. 352 1,253 553 7,267 32, 491 2,562 2,180 1,328 1, 830 2,945 1,058 2.025 1.013 3,209 478 1.050 3,845 538 2,152 2,481 3,763 941 1,050 32, 673 5,825 2,767 1.304 4,323 2,577 1.709 9,884 1,477 2,382 700 3,192 34, 445 2,171 2, 065 4,805 779 1,690 3,450 91) 9,105 11.198 3,000 2. 608 3, 458 1,376 85, 838 1,036 4,736 1,580 d Part of Dryden town auue-^ed to Caroline town since 1880. e Ithaca village, formerly in Ithaca town, incorporated as a city since 1880. 294 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Conthme.I. NEW YORK— Coutinued. MINOR civil. DIVISIONS. Ulster county -Conlimieil. Gardiner town Hardeuburg town Hurley town Kingston city -■■■•• Ward 1 2,044 Ward 2 2> 22U Ward 3 2, '266 Ward 4 2,551 SVard 5 2, 361 Ward 6 2,003 Ward? 2,144 Ward 8 2,405 Ward 9 3. 267 Kingston town Lloyd town Marbletowu town, iucl. Higli Falls village High Falls villajte Marlboro town, including Marlboro and Milton villages. Marlboro village Milton village New Paltz town, incl. New Paltz village. New Paltz village Olive town Plattekill town Korbester town Rosendale town, incl. Rosendale village - Rosendale village Saugerties town, incl. Saugerties village Saugerties village Sbandakeu town Sbawaugunk town Ulster town, including Eddyville village Edd vville village Wawarsing town, incl. Ellenville village EUenville village Woodstock town WABREN fOUNTT. Bolton town Caldwell town Cbester town Hague town Horicun town dobnsburg town Luzerne town, including Luzerne village Luzerne village Queensbury town, iucl. Ulens Falls vill- - t;iens frails village Stony Creek town Thuiinan town Warreusburg town, including Warrens- burg village. Warrensburg village Washington county . Argyle town, including Argyle village . . . Argyle village Cambridge town, including part of Cam- bridge village. Cambridge village (part of) Total for Cambridge village, in Cam- bridge and White Creek towns. Dresden town Easton town Fort Ann town, incl. Fort Ann village (a) Fort Edward town, including Fort Ed- ward village (a). Granville town, including Granville, Mid- dle Granville, and North Granville vil- lages (a) . Greenwich town, incl. Greenwich village Greenwich village Hampton town Hartfoid town Hebron town Jackson town Kingsbury town, incl. Sandy Hill village Sandy Hill village Putnam town Salem town, including Salem village (a) . 1890 1,703 784 2,135 21, 261 1880 1,794 801 2,521 18, 344 651 2,516 3, 639 574 3,598 870 2, 242 935 2,649 2,038 3,557 6,063 1 ,706 10,430 4.237 3,170 2,456 3, 222 552 7,758 2,881 1,628 27, 866 1,093 2,713 3,970 571 3,472 1,387 1,377 2,173 682 1,582 2,894 1,679 868 11, 849 9.509 1,342 1,106 1,795 45, 090 1,958 493 2,927 2,205 4,109 4, 724 10, 375 3.923 2,829 2,910 2,806 617 8,547 2,750 1,908 25, 179 1,132 1,223 2,247 807 1,633 2,742 1,438 468 9,805 4 ,900 1,253 1,174 1,725 748 2, 313 158 2, 162 445 1,598 630 2,500 2, 690 4,424 4,716 47, 871 2,775 3,6 2,324 489 1,482 730 2,740 3. 263 4,680 4,149 4,196 3, 860 1,663 1 ,231 791 833 1,470 1,760 2,044 2,383 1,278 1, 562 4,677 4,614 2,895 2,487 568 611 3,127 3,498 minor civil divisions. Washington county— Continued. White Creek town, including part of Cam- bridge village. Cambridge village (part of) Whitehall town, incl. Whitehall village . Whitehall village Wayne county. Arcadia town, including Newark village . Newark village Butler town Galen town, including Clyde village Clyde village Huron town Lyons town, including Lyons village Lvons village Macedon town, iucl. Macedon village Macedon village Marion town Ontario town Palmyra town, includingPalmyravillage Palmyra village Rose town Savannah town, incl. Savannah village . . Suvannah village Sodus town, including Sodns village Sodus village Walworth town Williamson town Wolcott towu, including Red Creek and Wolcott villages. Red Creek village Wolcott village 1890 ,690 1. 153 5,402 49, 729 Westchester county. Bedford town, iuchuling parts of Katonah and Mount Kisco villages. Katonah village (part of) • Total for Katonah village, m Bedford and Lewisboro towns. Mount Kisco village (part of) ......,, Total for Mount Kisco village (u), ni Bedford and New Castle towns. Cortlandt town, including Peekskill and Verplanck villages. Peekskill village Verplanck village (c) ;■•••• Eastchester town, including Mount Ver- non village. Mount Vernon village • Greeuburg town, including Dobbs i erry, Hastings upon Hudson, Irviugton, and TaiTytown village.s and pai't of White Plains village. Dobbs Ferry village Hastings u]>on Hudson village Irvington village Tarrytown village White Plains village (part of) Total fur White Plains village (d), m Greenburgand White Plains towns. Harrison town - - - - - Lewisboro town, incl. part of Katonah viU. Katonah village (part of) Mamaroneck town - - Mount Pleasant town, including North Tan-ytowu village. North Tarrytown village New Castle towu, including Cbappaqua village and part of Mount Ki.sco village. Chappaqua village Mount Kisco village (part of) New Rocbelle town, including New Ro- chelle village. New Rochelle village North Castle town North Salem town Ossining town. iucl. Sing.smg village Singsing village Pelham town, incl. City Island village - . - City Island village Poundridge town 6,310 3,698 1,8:16 4, 922 2,638 1,793 6, 228 4.475 2, 564 533 2,144 2,611 4,188 Q, 131 2,107 1,788 505 5,157 1,028 2, 195 2,670 3, 216 492 902 146, 772 1880 2,742 993 5,347 4.270 51, 700 5,702 2,450 2,161 5,461 2,826 2,036 5,762 3,820 2, 871 538 2,100 2, 962 4.435 2,308 2,244 1,867 418 5,285 842 2,338 2,745 3,731 525 3,291 378 524 632 1,095 15, 139 9,676 1. 515 15, 442 10,830 11,613 2,003 1,466 2,299 3.562 223 4,042 1, 485 1,417 146 2,385 5,844 3>i79 2,110 733 463 9,057 8,217 1,475 1,730 10, 058 9.352 3,941 1 ,206 830 108, 988 3,731 72B 728 12, 664 6,893 1.337 8,737 4.586 8,934 1 ,290 1,904 3.025 1,494 1,612 1,863 5,450 2,297 330 '5' 276 1,818 1,693 8,769 6,578 2.540 989 1,034 a Not separatelv returned. b In 1880 in Bedford towu only. c Formerly Verplanck Point. d In 1880 ill White Plains town only. POPULATION. 295 Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiiiufd IVEW VOKK— Coutimied. MINOR nvii. IIIVISIOXS. "Westchestek county— Conliuued. Eye to-n-D, inchiding Port Chester village. Port Chester village Scarsfiale town Soniers town Westchester town, iiichuliug Williams- bridge village. Williamsbridge village White Plains town, including part of White Plains village. White Plains village (part of) Youkers city Ward 1 8,422 Ward 2 12,351 Ward 3 10, 14e Ward 4 : 1,114 Yorktown town AYyojminh county Arcade town, including Arcade village (a) Attica town, includiug Attica village Attica village Bennington town Castile town, including Castile village Castile village Covington town Kagle town (iainesville town Genesee Falls town, inchiding Portage- ville village (u). Java town Middlebury town, incl. Wyoming village . Wyoming village 1890 9,477 5,574 1,897 10, 029 ■,68s 4,508 3,819 32, 033 2,378 31,193 1880 6,576 3,254 614 1 , C30 6,789 4, 094 2,381 18, 892 2,481 30, 907 1,840 2,000 3, 002 3, 099 1,994 1,935 2,029 2,365 2,451 2, 315 1 ,146 96s 1,151 1,176 1,131 1, 203 2,106 1,787 740 860 1,824 1,953 1,781 1,822 525 387 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Wyomino county— Continued. Orangeville town Perry town, including I^erry village Perry village Pike town, including Pike village ... Pike village Sheldon town Warsaw town, including Warsaw village Warsaw village Wethersflcld town Yates county Barrington town Benton town, incl. part of Penn Yan vill Penn Yan village (part ul ) Total for Penn van village, in Hentun and Mile towns. Italy town Jerusalem town, incl. Bianchport village Branchport village Middlesex town Milo town, incl. part of Penn Yan village Penn Yan village Ipart uf ) Potter town, incl. part of KushviUe vill- . Rushville village (part of) Total for Rushville village, in Gorham town, Ontario county, and Potter town, Yates county. Starkey town, inchiding Dundee village.. Dundee village Torrey towTi, including Dre.sden village . Dresden village 1890 1,148 2,928 7,528 1,443 483 2, 059 4,468 3, 120 1,032 21, 001 1,393 2, 291 222 4,254 1, 206 2, 957 273 1,387 6,02W 4,032 1,080 322 450 2,862 1 ,200 1,197 348 a Not separately returned. NORTH (JAKOI.IIVA. 1880 1,164 2,571 1,115 1,797 644 2,257 3,227 1 ,910 1,311 n, 087 1,478 2,413 ,65 3,475 1,444 2,626 271 1,457 5,755 3.3'o 1, 940 313 503 2, 729 1 ,025 1, 245 366 :minob civil, divisions. 1890 1880 Alamance county 18,271 14,613 Township 1 . Patterson Township 2. Coble Township 3. Boon Station Township 4. Morton Township 5. Faucett - Township 6. Graham, including (Jrahani and Haw River towns. Graham town Haw River town Township 7. Albright Townshiji 8. Newliu Town.ship 9. Thompson, including Swep- sonville village. Swepsonville village Township 10. Melville, including Mebane town (a). Township 11. Pleasant Grove Township 12. Burlington fb), iiuluding Burlington town. Hurliiigton tou n (c) Alexander county. EUendale town.ship Gwaltney township Little Kiver township Miller townslii]) Sharpe township Sugarloaf township Taylorsville township, including Taylors- ville town (a). Wittenberg townshi]) Alleghany count'y Chen-y Lane township (^'ranberry township Gap Civil township, incl. S|>arta town Sparta town 928 816 1, 1.51 1,112 1,246 1,1.50 1,240 984 2,099 1,687 1,884 2, 440 991 379 317 807 796 1,123 1.167 1,241 1,280 326 2, 289 1,667 1,716 1,514 2, 547 I, 716 9,430 1, 105 1,474 865 993 994 815 1.730 J, 394 0, 523 588 936 1.729 95 »i7 8,355 1,052 1, 321 768 890 982 828 1,360 1,154 5,486 .527 602 1,512 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Alleghany county— Continued. Glade Creek township. . . Piney Creek township... Prather Creek township. Anson county Ansonville township, inchuling Anson- ville town (a). Burnsville township Gulledge towushii> Lanesboro township, inchiding Peachland and I'olkton towns. Peachland town Polkton town Lilesville townshii), incl. Lilesville town. . Lilesville town Morven township, including McFarlan and Morvi-n towns {<(). Wadesboro townshiii, incl. Wadesboro tn. Wadesboro town Whites Store tiiwnshii> 1890 Ashe county a Not separately returned. Chestnut Hill township Crestou township (b) Grassy Creek township (bj Helton township Horse Creek township Jeti'erson township, incl. Jeflersoii town. Jefferson tow a Laurel township North Fork township Obed township (6) Oldhelds Creek townshi]) Peak Creek townsli ip Pine Swamp township Piney Creek townshi]) Staggs Creek township 890 1,165 1,215 817 988 1,040 20, 027 17.994 2,074 2, 364 1,779 2,541 2, 087 1,557 2,285 2,041 58 247 3, 316 183 2,430 222 2, 562 192 2, 225 3,959 1,198 1,709 3, 327 800 1,775 15, 628 14, 437 1,162 558 879 1,815 1, 286 1,625 1.070 413 S)05 1,414 572 1,211 1,237 2, 032 196 772 1,239 989 1,033 811 1, 290 1,422 1,034 1,913 1,120 1,287 1880 b Organized since 1880. c Formerly Company Shojis. 296 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahle 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. IVORTH CIABOLINA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Beaufort county . Bfithtownsship, including Bath and Teates- ville villages (a). Chocowinity township Long: Acre township Pautego towu.ship, incl. Pantego town Pantego town Richland township, including Aurora and Edwards Mill towns. Aurora town Edwards Mill town Washington township, including Wash- ington town. Washington town Bertie county Colerain township Indian Woods township (b) Merry Hill township Mitchell township, incl. Aulander town. Aulander town Roxohel tt)\vnship Snakebite town-sLip White township Windsor township, incl. Windsor town- . Windsor town Woodville tow nship, incl. Lewiston town Lewiston town Bladen county . Abbottsburg township . . Bethel township Bladenboro township Brown Marsh township . Carver Creek township. . Colly township Cypress Creek township . Elizabethtown township. French Creek township . Hollow towTiship Lake Creek township . . . Turnbull township White Oak township — Whites Creek township . Brunswick county . Lock wood Folly township Northwest township . . - Shallotte township Smithville township, incl. Sonthport city Southport city (C) Town Creek township Waccamaw township Buncombe county. Asheville township, incl. Asheville city . Asheville city Avery Creek township Black Mountain township Fairview township . - - Flat Creek township French Broad township (b) Ivy township Leicester township, incl. Leicester tu. (a) Limestone town.ship, incl. Arden town. . . Arden town Lower Hominy township Reem Creek township, including Weaver- ville town. Weaverville town Sandy Mush township Swannanoa tpwnship Upper Hominy township 1890 21, 072 3,691 2,446 2, 233 2,515 151 3,751 251 62 6,436 19, 176 2,823 1,599 1,604 1,798 163 1,986 1,667 1,318 4,643 522 1,738 16, 763 10,900 35, 266 14, 996 10,235 730 988 1,487 1,368 1,496 2,119 3,274 1,155 229 1,233 1.628 216 1,259 1,394 2,139 1880 17, 474 2,768 2,460 2, 068 2, 136 3,253 4,789 2 ,462 16, 399 2,518 1,580 1, 358 1,702 1,291 1,154 4, 685 46. 2,111 16, 158 875 948 945 833 1,279 946 1,190 993 1,551 1,688 961 865 604 573 2,213 2,267 1,494 1, .372 1.148 1,313 770 853 406 388 1,685 1,507 1,642 1,612 9,389 1.456 1,245 1,765 1,313 1,702 1, 630 2,295 2.116 1,207 1,008 2,563 2,392 1,119 693 21, 909 5, 568 2,616 787 699 997 1,521 1,709 2, 838 909 1, 030 1,762 147 1,175 1,238 1,676 a Not separately returned. b Organized since 1880. c Formerly Smithville town. d Formerly Excelsior; not separately returned. e Part taken to form Smoky Creek township since 1880. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Burke county. Barriers township (6) Icard township LinvOIe township Lovelady township, including Rutherford College town (rf). Lower Creek township (e) Lower Fork township Morganton township, incl. Morganton tn . Morganton town Quaker Meadow township Silver Creek township (/;, including Glen Alpine town. Glen Alpine town Smoky Creek township ((?) Upper Creek township Upper Fork township 1890 Cabarrus county . Township 1. Rocky River Township 2. Poplar Tent Township 3. Dewese TowTiship 4. Brewer Township 5. Misenheimer Township 6. Faggart Township 7. Reeii Misenheimer Township 8. Mount Pleasant, including Mount Pleasant village. Mount Pleasant village Township 9. Plotts Township 10. Bethel Church Township 11. Old Field Township 12 Concord, coextensive with Concord city. Concord city Caldwell county. Globe township Johns River tow nship King Creek township Lenoir township, incl. part of Lenoir town Lenoir town (part of) Total for Lenoir town, in Lenoir and Lower Creek townships. Little River township Lovelady township, including Granite Falls village. Granite Falls village ^ Lower Creek township, including part of Lenoir town. Lenoir town (part of) North Catawba township (b) Patterson township "Sadkin VaUey townshi]) (/i) Camden county Court House township Shiloh township South Mills township, including South Mills village. South Mills village Carteret county (v) Township 1. White Oak Township 2. Morehead, including More- head town. Morehead town Township 3. Newport, Inch Newport tn . Newport town Township 4. Beaufort, incl. Beaufort tn . . Heaufort town Township 5. Straits Township 6. Smyrna / Brindletown township (population 479 in 1880) annexed since 1880. g Organized from part of Lower Creek township since 1880. h Formerly Buffalo. i Part of Craven county annexed since 1880. 14, 939 408 1,386 951 1,130 757 1,040 4,318 1.557 1,023 1,979 252 297 18, 142 1,604 1.736 1,401 1.470 991 748 658 1,332 375 1, 130 1.506 1,227 4,339 4.339 12, 298 1880 12, 809 1,281 839 1,012 911 978 2,966 861 884 1,487 1,193 779 14, 964 1,512 1,495 1,316 1,422 1,042 712 567 1,234 &97 1,513 1,393 1, 761 1,264 10, 291 870 1,039 961 2,060 4.6 673 570 964 683 1,789 216 422 1,222 1,6U2 1,065 1,804 207 1.544 1,527 257 823 1,183 994 206 1,6.38 851 5, 667 6,274 1,684 1,773 2, 210 1,987 1,854 2. 433 223 10, 825 9,784 1,028 1,663 1.108 1,365 1 ,064 1,182 218 2,845 S20 1,027 165 2,981 2,007 1,163 972 2,oog 1,149 863 POPULATION. 297 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. IVORTH CAROLUVA-Contiuued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Cauteret countt— Contiuued. Towuship 7. Hunting' Quarter Township 8. Portsmouth Township 9. Merrinion (a) Caswell county Anderson township Dan Kiver township Hightowers townsliip Leasburs towuship Locust Hill township Milton township, including Milton village Milton village Pelham township Stony Creek township YanceyviUe township, including Yancey- vllle village. YanceyviUe village Catawba county 18, e89 1890 1,287 204 481 16, 028 18S0 Bandy township Caldwell township Catawba township, incl. Catawba town . . Catawba town Cline township ........!. Hickory township, incl. Hickory town . . . Hickory town Jacobs Fork township, including Keevers ville town (b). Mountain Creek township Newton township, including Conover, Maiden, and Newton towns. Conover town Maiden town Newton town Chatham county 25 413 Albright township Baldwin townsliip Bear Creek township Cape Fear township, incl. Haywood town Havwood town Center townshi]), incl. Pittsboro town (i) Gulf township Hadley township Hickory Mountain township Matthews township, incl. Slier town Siler town New Hope township ' Oakland township, incl. Osgood town (b) . Williams towuship Cherokee county g 976 Beaverdam township Hothouse township Murphy towuship, incl. Murphy town! ! '. '. Murphy town Notala township, incl. Culberson towu \b) ohoal Creek township Valley Towu township Chowan county. Eden ton township, incl. Edenton town Edenton town Middle towuship ......!!!...' tipper towuship Teopim township ' Clay county Brasstown township Hayesville township Hiwassee township Shooting Creek towuship Tusquittee township 716 ,557 580 779 565 a Organized from part of Craveu county sinew 188U Not separately returned. 17, 825 14, 946 3,071 ' 1,'443 23, 453 1,507 1,963 1,647 2,429 182 2,226 2,133 1,488 1,955 1,381 '2,265 1,837 2, 622 8,182 1,222 864 2,233 170 1,216 1,604 1,043 7,900 3,055 1,382 1,912 1,423 1,510 3,316 507 1,300 415 636 458 minor civil divisions. Cleveland county 20 394 Township I. River Township 2. Boiling Springs Township 3. Eippys, incl. Earl vill. ((<). Township 4. King Mountain, incl. Gro- ver village and King Mountain town. Grover village King Mountain town ............ Township 5. Warlick, incl. Waco viu' ! Waco village TovfTiship 6. Shelby,'iucl. Siieiby town '. Shelby towu Township 7. Sandy Kun,"i'nci.'Moores. boro village. Mooresboro village Township 8. Duncan Creek ..... . . . . . . Township 9. Double Shoals, incl. Cleve- land Mills and Fallstcui (b) villages. Cleveland Mills vilhige Township 10. Kuuh Creek Towuship 11 1890 Columbus county 17 g56 Bogue township Bug Hill township, incl. Pireway town. . Pireway town Chadbouru township (c), iucluding Chad bourn town. Chadbuurn town Fairblufftownship, incl. Cerro (iordoaud Fairblutr villages. Cerro Gordo village Fairbluff village ...'.' . . . . . . [ Lee towuship Rausom township, iucluding Cronly towu Cronly town Tatoms township Waccaniaw township Welch Creek township Western Prong township Whiteville townshiji, incl. Whiteviile tu . Whiteville town Williams township Craven county (d) . 18S0 16, 571 197 1,700 2, 717 S08 1,074 993 2,606 990 1,512 1,456 1,899 Township 1, incl. Vanceboro town {h) . . . Township 2 Township 3 (c) Towuship 5 Township C ] ' Township 7, iucluding James city James city Township 8, including Newbem city. . '. '. Newbern city Ward I ! .... 633 Ward 2 '.'.'..'. 8jo ^''■■'J3 793 Ward 4 1 , 30C „ Wards 4,281 Towuship 9 Cumberland county Beaverdam township Black River township Carver Creeli township [ Cedar Creek towuship Cross Creek township, incl. Fayettevilie town. Fayettevilie town Flea Hill towuship .'.'.'....'.'.'!!'! Grays Creek township Little River township Quewhiffle township Kockflsh towuship, incl. Cumberland Hope Mills No. 1, and Hope Mills No. 2 villages. Cumberland village Hope Mills village No. i . Hope Mills village No. 2 Seventyfirst towuship c Organized since 1880. d Part given to Carteret county since 1880. 1,910 970 1,913 1,424 746 2,259 l>2J7 9.343 7.843 759 939 14, 439 1,110 912 1.807 go 218 1,148 1.463 'i,'247 908 1,177 456 2,670 343 1,541 19, 729 2,476 726 3.229 27,321 ' 23.836 1,052 853 1,487 1,085 2,097 2,299 3, 156 3,114 6,012 5,076 4,222 3.485 3,333 2,964 1.633 1,673 541 484 1,448 3,014 242 456 317 3,548 2,184 3. 236 298 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. NORTH CAK01.INA— Continued. MINOR Civil. DIVISIONS. CUEBITUCK lODNTY Atlantic township Crawford township Eruitfille township Moyock township Poplar Branch township . 1890 1880 Dark county Chickamacomico and Konnelceet town ship (a), including Avon village. Avon village 'i'-' ' ■,; i ' Croatan and Stuui])y Point township (b) ■ East Lake township Hatteras township Nag Head township Davidson county (c) Ahbott Creek township Alleghany township Arcadia township Boone to^Tiship Clemuionsville township (c) Conrad Hill township Cotton Grove township Eninions township Healing Springs township Jackson Hill town.sliip ■ - - -.- - • - - • - •; • Lexington township, iucl. Lexington tn . . Lexington town Midway township Reedy 'Creek township (d) Silver Hill township -■ • - .- •, Thouiasville township, incl. Thomasville town . Thomasville town Tvro township ; ' ",'.' ' ' V/ "i" Yadkin College township, including Yad- kin College town («). Davie county . 6,747 504 2, 135 708 1,490 L910 3,7G8 793 353 376 397 906 1,296 21, 702 1,112 540 872 1, 531 241 1. 309 1, 215 1,298 743 621 3,584 1,440 1,374 893 1,008 3, 405 5 go 1, 402 488 11, 621 6,476 332 2,350 599 1,381 1,814 3,243 631 322 365 821 1, 104 20, 333 Callahan township Clarksville township Farmington township Fulton township Jerusalem township ;: ■","»" "i" " Mocksville township, including Mocks- ville town (<■). Shady Grove township (/) Duplin county . 1,329 1, 127 2,546 1,550 1,577 2,016 1,476 18, 690 1,069 592 857 1,524 1,028 1,218 1,092 1,097 643 583 2,877 626 1,094 810 958 3,057 450 1, 363 465 11,096 1,347 1,102 2,537 2,678 1,678 1, 754 671 1,539 295 2,344 256 716 2,278 ,350 2gi 1,501 18, 773 MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Duplin county— Continued. Magnolia township, incl. Magnolia town. Magnolia town llocktish township Smith township Warsaw township, incl. Warsaw town . . Warsaw town Wolfscrape township 1890 1,789 460 1,567 864 1,939 401 1.132 Durham county (art of) Totalfor Rocky Mount town, in town- ship 12, Edgecombe county, and Rocky Mounttownship,Nashcounty 1 Township 13. Cokey Creek (fc) Township 14. Upper Town Creek 754 1, 234 2, 355 Albertson township •,■■,•.■'■ "A," . ' ' ' Cypress Creek township, including Chin- quapin village. Chinquapin village • • Faison township, incl. Faison village . . . Faison village Glisson township ;:-'i;"i" Island Creek township, including Duplin Koad and Toachey villages. Duplin Road village Teachey village ;:---^- Kenansvillfa township, including Kenans- ville town. Kenansville town ., ■,;••,■■ Limestone township, including Beula- ville and Hallsville villages. Beulaville village Hallsville village a Returned as two townships in 1880 with a population of 263 and 368, respectively. . b Returned sis two townships in 1880 with a population of 176 and 146, respectively. ,. .1 . <•,,., r>i„,„ cPart of Clemmonsville township taken to form Clom- monsville township, For.syth county, since 1880. d Formerly Yadkin. e Not separately returned. f Organized siuce 1880. FORSY'TH COUNTY (i). 592 2,118 144 56 2,851 376 1,203 32 50 424 800 1,889 goo 1,079 439 1, 496 1, 228 1,473 1, 287 1, 738 1,109 11, 399 2,711 8,018 5,507 2,041 804 2,354 1,642 Abbott Creek township Belew Creek township Bethania township ;.- ' " SVt i " Broad Bay township, including Waugh- ton village. Waughtou village Clemmonsville township (>ii) •■•■■■ Kernersville township, including Ker- nersville village. Kernersville village. . . . .. . ... • • • Lewisville township, incl. Lewisville tn . - Lewisville town Middle Fork township Old Itichmond township Oldtown township Salem C'liapc-1 township South Fork township Vienna township ; - - ■- Winston township, inclutting Salem and Winston cities. Salem city Winston city Ward I >.335 Wards 1.582 Wards 5,'°' r, Organized from parts of Orange and Wake counties in ^ ^fFormerly part of township of same name in Wake county. i Formerly in Orange county. j Given as Auters Creek in 1880. fc Given as Cocoa in 1880. I Part of Davidson county annexed since 1880^ , m Organized from part of Clemmonsville township, David- sou coiiuty, siuce 1880. 1,435 58s 894 48 1,386 1,010 1,066 1,226 1,459 918 4,470 1,340 »,854 POPULATION. 2'J9 Table 3.— AGGREGATP: POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— CoutiimecL NORTH C'AROtillVA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Franklin countv (a) . Cedar Rock township Cypress tnwn.ship Dunn tow-n.ship Franklinton town.ship, including Frank- linton town. Franklinton town Freeman townsbip, iiicl. Youngsville tu. VoungsviUe town Gold Mine township Harris township Hayesville township (a) Louiaburg township, inch Louisburg tn. Louisburg town Sandy Creek township Gaston county. Cherryville township, including Cherry- ville town (6). Crowder Mountain township (c) Dallas township, including Dallas town. Dallas town Gastonia township (d), iucl.Gastoniatowu Gastonia town River Bend townshij), iucl. Brevard (6), Mountain Island, and Mount Holly towns. Mountain Island town Mount Holly town South Point township, including Lowell and Mc Aden ville towns (6). Gates county . 1890 Gatesville township, incl. Gatesvilletown Gatesville town Hall township Haslett towu.ship Holly Grove township Hunters Mill township Mintonsville township Reynoldaon township Graham county . Robbinsville township (e) . . Stecoah township Tellow Creek township (/) Granville county (g) . Brassfield township Dutohville township Fishing Creok township Oak Hal township Oxford township, including Oxford town Oxford town Sassafras Fork township Tally Ho township Walnut Grove township Greene county . 1,516 1,470 '79 2,855 Bull Head township Carr township (/) Hookerton township, incl. Hookerton tn. . Hookerton town Olds township Omiondsville township (/) Shine township (/) Snow Hill township, incl. Snow Hill town. Snow Hill town Spreight Bridge township Willow Green township (/) a Part taken to form Vance county in 1881. 6 Not separately returned. c Part taken to form Gastonia towuship since 1880. d Organized from part of Crowder Mountain township since < Formerly Cheokh. 21, 090 .466 44' 4,117 i,o^3 3.437 376 472 4,233 10, 252 1,518 1,353 2:12 187 856 686 1,207 1,103 1,802 1,541 2,047 1,641 1,476 1,389 1,346 1,184 3,313 1,723 972 618 24, 484 10, 039 1,045 1,003 1,412 173 1,405 1,082 1,000 1.059 283 1,404 629 1880 20, 829 1, 810 1,725 958 1,104 1.444 1, 309 3, 753 3, 651 583 484 2,277 1,978 205 117 1, 463 1, 102 " 1,801 1,900 1,816 2,548 3,711 3,458 667 7JO 2,051 2,054 2,356 2,824 2,747 417 2?6 2,689 321 '3,' 638 8,897 2,335 1,774 561 31, 286 3,289 2,588 3, 026 2, 3(10 2,640 2,508 2,172 2,341 5,793 3,938 2,qo7 ',349 1,770 1,983 3, 435 3, 300 2,353 2,189 10, 037 1,703 332 2,493 MINOR CIVIL divisions. GUILPORI) COUNTY Center Grove township Clay township Deep River township Fentress townsiiip Friendship township Gilmer township, exclusive of part of Greensboro city. Greene township Greensboro city, in Gilmer and More- head townships. Ward 1 472 Ward 2 1, 173 Ward 3 1, 077 Ward 4 595 High Point township, iucl. High Point village (b). Jamestown township Jefl'ersou township , Madison towuship Monroe townshi]) Mon-hiad township, exclusive of part of Grc<-iisl>oro city. Oak Kidge township Rock Creek townshij), including Gibsou- ville town (b). Sunimcrnehl township (i) Sniniii-r townshi]) Washington township 1890 Halifax county Brinkleyville township, including Briuk- leyvUle and Ringvvood villages. Brinkleyville village Ring wood village Butterwood township . . . -. Conocanary town.sliip, incl. Tillery tn. (b) Entield township, including KutieUt town Enfield to\vn Faucett township Halifax towuship, incl. Halifax town . . . Halifax town Littleton township, including part of Lit- tleton town. Littleton town (part of) Total for Littleton town, in Littleton township, Halifax county, and River townsiiip, Warren county. Palmyra township, incl. Palmyra town. Palmyra town Rosencath township : . Scotland Neck towusliip (j), including Scotland Xcck town. Scotland Neck town Weldon township, iucl. Weldon town... Weldon town 975 1,143 857 28, 908 Harnett county. Anderson Creek township Averasboro townshi]), incl. Dunn town Dunn town Barbecue townshi]) Black River township Buckhorn township Grove township Hector Creek townshi]) iTohnsonville townshij) Lillington townshi]) Neill Creek towuship Stewart Creek townshi]) XJpi)er Little River townshi]) , Haywood county. Beaverdam township, incl. Buford (b) aud Pigeon River villages. Pigeon River village 3,480 82 92 1, 315 1, 580 3,650 568 2,120 3,476 36. 2,980 3=8 534 114 1.302 3, 065 778 3,639 1,286 13, 700 1880 28,052 23,585 30, 300 3,610 137 1,634 1,377 4,681 504 2,479 3,888 376 2, 790 74 "3 2,425 1, 452 2,835 3,129 932 10, 862 /Organized since 1880. (J Henderson, Kittrell, and Townsville townships (popu- latiou 10,139 in 188U) taken to form Vance county in 1881. h Includes i)art of Greensboro city. I Formerly Bruce. j Formerly Caledonia. 300 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. NORTH CAB01.INA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Haywood rouNTY — Continued. Cataloochee townsliip Clyde township (a), including Clyde towu Clyde town Crabtree township East Fork township Fine Oeek township Iron Duff town.ship Ivy Hill township Jonathan Creek township Pigeon township • - • Waynesville township, incl. Waynesville town. Waynesville town 1890 Henderson county. 12, 589 1880 500 391 1,044 go 1,340 658 846 U41 399 1,798 1,463 498 446 758 664 1,071 851 1,348 1,233 2. 506 1,757 Blue Ridge township Clear Creek towuship Crab Creek township Edneyville township Green River township Heudersonville towuship, including Flat Rock and Hendersonville towns. Flat Rock town Hendersonville town Hooper Creek township Mills River towuship Hertfoed county. Harrellsville township, including Har- rellsville town. Harrellsville town Manney Neck township Murfreesboio township, including Mur- freesboro town. Murfreesboro town St. John township, incl. Union town Union town Winton towuship, incl. Wintou town... Winton town Hyde county Currituck township Fairfield township Lake Landing township Ocracoke township Swau Quarter township . Iredell county. Barringer township Bethany township Chambershurg township Coddle Creek township, incl. Mooresville towu. M ooresville town Concord township Cool Springs township Davidson township Eagle Mills township Fallstown township New Hope township Olin township Sharpesburg township Shiloh township States ville township, incl. Statesville city Statesville city Turnershurg township Uuiou Grove township 1,323 663 1,020 1,880 1,271 3,355 491 1,216 1,130 1,947 13,851 2,392 no 1, 628 2,417 674 4,184 102 3,230 419 8,903 2,274 1,321 3,434 466 1,408 25, 462 Jackson county. Barker Creek township Canada township 1,399 893 1,454 2,576 1,338 789 2,302 1,080 1,530 1,099 1,142 1, 316 2, 121 4,146 2,318 1,005 1,272 9,512 10, 281 1,167 482 875 1,515 971 2,561 554 956 1,754 1,482 2,152 645 3,300 95 2,676 253 7,765 2,055 1,089 3,043 400 1,178 22, 675 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Jackson county— Continued. Caney Fork township Cashier Valley towuship CuUowhee township - Dillsboro township (i) Hamburg township Qualla township River township Savannah township Scott Creek township Sylva towuship (b) - \^ehster towuship, incl. Webstertown. Webster town 1890 535 605 Johnston county . Bentonsville township Beulah township, including Kenly town Kenly town Boon Hill township, incl. Princeton town. Princeton town Clayton towuship (c), incl. Clayton town. . Clayton town Cleveland township {475 12,420 306 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contmued. NORTH CAROIilNA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Yancey county. Brush Creek towTiship Burnsville township Caney Kiver township (n). Crabtree township Egypt townshii) 1890 9,490 440 969 1,210 ' 924 1, 082 1880 7,( 395 709 1,858 748 825 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Yancey county— Continued. Green Mountain township .Taclcs Creek township Pensacola townsliip Price Creek township (h) R;\niseytown township South Toe township 1890 1S80 504 9o;t 517 G75 511- a Part taken to form Price Creek township since 1880. 6 Organized from part of Caney Eiver township since 1880. NORTH DAKOTA. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Barnes county. Bingharaton township Dazey township Edna township Minnie Lake township Norman township Oakville township Oriska townsliip Pieree township RaritMU township ' Thordenskjold townshi]) Township 137, range 59 Township 137, range 0» - - Township 137, range 61 Township 138, range 58 Township 138, range 59 Township 138, range 60 Township 138, range 61 Township 139, range 56 Township 139, range 57 Township 139, range 58 Township 139, range 59 Townsliip 139, range 60 Township 139, range 61 Township 140, range 57 Township 140, range 59 • ■ Township 140, range 60, inch banborn viU. Sanborn village Township 140, range (U Township 141, range 56 Township 141, range 57 Township 141, range 58 Township 141, range 59 - Township 141, range 60 To wn sh i 11 14 1 , range 01 Township 142, range 57 Townsliip 142, range 58 ■ Township 142, range 59 Township 143, range 56 Township 143, range 57 Township 143, range 58 Township 143, range 00 Uxbridge township ■.:,■■■ Valley township, inclndi'ig \ alley village Valley village 1890 7,045 135 157 108 130 278 320 201 126 166 260 160 94 40 214 154 93 98 133 147 146 198 98 106 132 253 411 227 80 37 115 212 128 78 56 82 121 85 129 71 67 67 75 1,284 1880 1,585 Benson county (n). Antelope townshi)) (school) Benson township (school) Leeds township - - - - Minnewankon township (school) Normania township Riggin township ... ........... - Totten township (school), including I'ort Totten village. Fort Totten village Township 151, range 67 Township 153, range 66 Township 154, range 68 Township 154, range 69 Township 155, range 68 Township 155, range 69 Township 156, range 67 2,460 154 ' 23 258 517 ' 220 I 130 I 216 I 206 68 84 81 8 124 32 109 MINOR CIVIL divisions. 1890 Benson county — Continued. Township 156, rang(< 70 Township 156, range 71 Viking township (school) York townshix) Billings county (6) Bottineau county (c) Bottineau town, in townsliip 162, range 75, and township 162, range 76. Fidelity township (school) Lincoln township (school) Township 160, range 75 Township 160, range 76 Township 160, range 78 Township 161, range 75 Township 161, range 76 Township 161, range 77 Township 161, range 79 Township 162, range 75, exclusive of part of Bottineau town. Township 162, range 76, exclusive of part of Bottineau town. Town.ship 162, range 77 Township 162, range 78 Township 162, range 79 Township 163, range 75 Township 163, range 76 Township 163, range 77 Township 164, range 77 Willow township (school) 1880 1, 323 Bowman county ((') Bufobd county (c) . Williston town BURLEIOH county. Apiile Creek township Bismarck city - - ■ - • Wardl TO2 Ward 2 623 Ward 3 f>\ Ward 4 •''''' Bismarck township (school) Boyd township Burnt Creek township (school) Croft township (school) Eckland township Francis townsliip (school) Gibbs town.ship (school) Glencoe township (schoid) Glen view township Grass Lake township (school) 33 2,186 232 39 41 27 168 63 71 34 99 50 3,246 1,758 a Organized from parts of De Smet and Ramsey counties '° h Part taken to form Bowman county in 1883 ; not returned by townships. c Not returned in 1880. d Formed from part of Billings county turned bv townships. e Formed from jiart of Wallette county turned by townships. in 1883; not re- in 1883; not re- POPULATION. 307 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. IVORTH DAKOTA-Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. BUULEIGH COUNTY — Continued. Hay Creek township (school).... Logan town.ship Long Lake township (.school) ... McKenzie township (school) Menoken townsliip Morton townslii)i (scliool) Nouglitou township (school) Painted Woods township Poplar Grove township (school). Riverview township (school) ..- Sihicy township (school) .Sterling township (school) Stewart.sdalo township (.school) . Teller township Townslii)) 1 !7, range 76 Township 138, range 75 Townsliip 138, range 76 Township 138, range 81) Township 139, range 75 Townsliip HO, range 76 Township 141, range 78 Township 142, range 75 Township 143, range 77 Water townshij) (school) Cas8 county. 1890 IU'2 5 17 112 134 16 44 117 8 71 39 196 68 86 20 4 22 65 1880 Addison township Anionia township Arthur township Ayr township Barnes town.ship Berlin township Butfalo townshiji, inch Buffalo village Buffalo village Casselton township, inch Casselton city. Cassclton city Clifton township Cornell township Davenport township Dows township Durhin township Eldred township Elm River township Empire tow uship Erie township Everest township Fargo city Ward l" . - 857 Ward 2 660 Ward 3 370 Ward 4 ] , 621 Ward 5 1, 173 Ward 6 983 Fargo township Gardner township Gill township Harmony township Harwood township Highland township Hill township Howes township Hunter township, inch Hunter village Hunter village Kinyon township Lake township Leonard township Maple Kiver township Mapleton township.incl.Mapleton village Mapleton village Noble townshi p Norman townshii) Page township Pleasant townshij) Pontiac township Raymond township Reed township Rich township Rochester township Rush River township Stanley township I Tower township, including Tower village. Tower village .'. .| a Not returned in 1880; part taken to form Towner county in 1883. b Formed from parts of McHenry and Sheridan counties in 1887. 36 3 21 6 7 5 19, 613 8,998 272 280 129 120 270 263 314 1,002 i'40 99 361 82 437 79 195 182 183 202 174 310 5,664 102 2,693 291 224 144 359 299 210 157 356 194 310 89 223 338 310 119 227 734 205 6.38 211 283 337 130 84 223 704 458 309 159 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Cass county— Continued. Township 139, range 48. Walburg township WaiTcn township Watson township Webster township Wheatland township. . . Wiser township Cavalier county (o) . Alma township Cypress township Fremont township Harvey township Hope townsliip Langdon township, inel. Langdon city. . . Langdon city *. . . . Linden township ,[_ Loam township Montrose township, inch Milton village. Milton village Moscow township Olga township Osnabrook township Perry township Not returned liy townships 1890 Church county (6). Township 148, range 80. Township 150, range 79. Township 15], range 75. Township 151, range 76. Township 151, range 80. Township 1.52, range 74 . Township 152, range 76. Township 152, range 79. Township 152, range 80. Dickey county (c) Ada township Albion township Bear Creek township Eldcn township Ellcuilalc city Elm township Hudson township James River Valley township. Kentner township. Kent township Keystone township Lovell township Merrieourt township Norway township Oakes city Port Emma township Porter township Spring Valley township Township 129, range 63 Valley township Van Meter township Whitestone township Wright township Yorktown township Dunn county (d) Eddy county («) Township 148, range 66 Township 148, range 67 Township 149, range 64 Township 149, range 66 Township 149, range 67 Township 150, range 66 Township 150, range 67 Not returned by townships. 24 355 296 168 250 386 225 6,471 825 271 408 448 812 642 291 269 551 897 202 143 722 283 85 85 74 18S0 5,573 288 144 195 132 761 171 194 338 113 107 218 481 139 29 L 379 131 229 297 166 74 1-19 243 96 237 1,377 111 81 161 224 67 144 118 471 c Organized from part of Lamoure county in 1881. (! Formed from ]iart of Howard county in 1883; not re- turned by townships. e Organized from part of Foster county in 1885. 308 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk. 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. NORTH DAKOTA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Emmons county Bakha township (school) Glenooe township (school) Selle. township (school) Township 133, range 76 Township 133, range 77 Township 133, range 78 Township 134, range 74 Township 134, range 75 Township 134, range 76 Township 134, range 77 Township 134, range 78 Township 134, range 79 Township 135, range 74 Town.ship 135, range 75 Township 135. range 76 Township 135, range 77 Township 135, range 78 Township 135, range 79 Township 136, range 74 Township 136, range 75 Township 136, range 76 Township 136, range 77 Township 136, range 78 Township 136, range 79 Union township (school) ........ Willianisport township (school) . Winona township (school) Not returned hy townships 1890 1,971 1880 38 Flannery county (a) Foster coitnty (fc) . Beaucephalia township Birtsell township Carrington town-ship Eastma,n towtiship Esta brook township Glenfield township Jones township Larrabee township Melville township Nordraer township Pleasant Valley township . Bose Hill township Wyard township 193 65 47 4 6 62 6 23 56 2 15 20 33 60 78 29 26 8 28 54 46 34 61 38 131 126 78 642 72 1,210 Garfield county (c) Grand Forks county (ff) . Agnes township AUendale township Americns township Arvilla township Avon township Bentru township Blooming town.ship Brenna township Chester townshi]> Elkmount township Elm Grove township Fairfield townshi]) Falconer township ■ Ferry township Gilhy township Grace township . Grand Forks township, including Grand Forks city. Grand Forks city Ward I 961 Ward 2 637 Ward 3 984 Ward .» 699 Wards '.°49 Ward 6 649 44 132 209 23 86 72 66 69 228 58 102 53 68 18, 357 284 372 554 259 330 345 442 310 384 209 265 1,39 118 471 463 221 5,245 4.979 37 6,248 MINOR CIVIL divisions. 1880 Grand Forks county— Continued. Harvey township Hegt oil township Inkstertownship, inch part of Inkster vill. Inkster village (part of ) Total for Inkster village, in Inkster and Strabane townships. Johnstown township Lakeville township - Larimore township, inch Larimore city. . Larimore city Levant township Lind township Logan township Loretta township Mekinock township Michigan township Moraine township Niagara township Northwood township.incl. Northwood tn Northwood town Oakville town.ship Oakwood township Pleasant View township Rve township - - V " i- Strahane township, including part ot inkster village. Inkster village (part of) Turtle River township Union township Walle township Washington township Wheattield township Griggs county (e) Bald Hill township Bartley township ...-.-.-..- Cooperstown township, including Coop- erstown village. Cooperstown village Helena township Pilot Mound township Pleasant township Pleasant View township Roniness township Sverdrup township Township 144, range 58 Township 145, range 61 Township 146, range 58 Township 146, range 61 Township 147, range 60 Township 147, range 61 Township 148. range 61 Tyrol township Union township Wheatland township Willow township Hettinger county (/) Kidder county 2,817 a Formed from part of Wallette county in 1883 ; not re- turned hy townships. b Parts taken to form ( rriggs county in 1881, Nelson county in 1883, and Eddy county in 1885; returned by school town- ^ "^Formed from part of Stevens county in 1885 ; not returned by townships. Allen township Buckeye township Liberty township Manning township Pleasant Hill township Sibley township Township 139, range 70 Township 139, range 71 Township 140, range 70 Township 140, range 72 Township 140, range 74 Township 141, range 70 Township 141, range 72 Township 141, range 73 Township 141, range 74 Township 142, range 70 d Parts taken to form Walsh county in 1881 and Nelson ^""organized from partsof Foster and Traill counties in 1881; nart taken to form Steele county in 1883. /Formed from part of Stark county in 1883; not returned by townships. POPULATION. 309 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. NORTH DAKOTA— Coutiuued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Kidder county — Continued. Township 142, range 71 Towuship 142, range 72 Township 142, range 74 Township 143, range 71 Township 143, range 74 Township 144, range 71 Woodlawn township, incl. Steele citj'. Steele city Not returned by townsliips Lamocee county (a) Banner township (school ) Black Loam towuship (school) Cottonwood township (school), including Lauioure town. Lamuure town Gladstone township (school) , Gleumore township (school) Golden Glen township Grand Rapids township Grandview town.sliip Henrietta township Kennison township (school) Lakeview township (school) Lanioure townsliip (school) Litchville township Logau township (school) Nora township Norway township (school) Ovid township (school) Pomona View townslii]) (.school) Prairie towuship (school) Kay towuship (school) Eoscoe township Kussell township (school) Saratoga township (school) Sheridan township (school) Swede township (school) Twin Lake township (school) Verona township (school) Wano township Willow Bank township Logan county (b) Town.'ihip 133, Township 133, Township 133, Township 133, Township 134, Townshij) 134, Townshij) 134, Township 134, Township 134, Township 134, Towuship 134, Township 135, Township 135, Townsliip 135, Township 135, Township 136, Township 136, Township 1.36, range 67. range 68. range 71. range 73- raiige 67. range 69. range 70. range 71 . range 72. range 73. range 74. lange 67 . range 69. range 72. range 73. range 70 . range 71 . range 72 . McHenry county (c) . Township 153, range 77 19 Township 153, range 78 27 Township 153, range 79 85 Towuship 153, range 80 98 Towuship 154, range 77 41 Township 154, range 78 116 Township 154, range 79 27 Township 155, range 77 140 Township 155, range 78 4 Townshix) 1 ^5, range 79 7 Township 155, range SO 24 a Part taken to fonu Dickey county in 1881. 6 Not returned in 1880; part taken to form Mcintosh county in 1883. c Not returned in 1880; part taken to form Cluni'li county in 1887. d Organized from part of Logan county in 1883; not re- turned by townships. 1890 64 7 15 3 6 3 263 '3j 200 3,187 77 148 361 309 121 62 247 177 108 59 107 82 173 210 20 86 71 54 47 208 56 92 38 42 87 111 67 165 64 47 1880 55 8 42 51 19 47 17 22 27 36 13 2 I 76 12 147 20 1,584 20 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. McHenry county— Continued. Township 156, range 75 Township 156, range 76, incl. Towner vill Towner village Township 156, range 77 Township 156, range 78 Township 157, range 75 Township 157, range 76 Towuship 157, range 77 Towuship 158, range 75 Township 1.58, range 70 Towuship 159, range 76 Townsliip 159, range 77 Townsliip 159, range 78 MclNTOSH county (d) . McKeNZIE COUNTY («) McLean county (/) Coal Harbor township. . Conklin township Hancock township Montiflore township ... Nettle Creek township. Satterland township . . . iSverdnip township Turtle Lake township. . Veeder towuship Washburn township ... Weller township Mercer county (3). Morton county Bhie Grass township. . . (jlen Ulliu towuship . . . Highland ton nship New Salem township. . . Sims township Township 132, range 83. Towuship 132, range 84. Township 133, range 82. Township 133, range 84. Towuship 133, range 90- Towiislii]) 134, range 79. T'owuslii|i 134, range 80. Towiisliii) 134, range 81. Township 134, 1'auge 82. Towuship 134, range 83. Township 134, range 85. Townsliip 134, range 86. Township 1.34, range 87. Township 135, range 79- Townshiji 135, range 80. Townsliip 135, range 81 . Towuship 135, range 82 - Towuship 135, range 83. Township 135, range 84. Towuship 135, range 86. Township 136, range 79. Township 136, range 81. Township 136, range 84. Township 136, range 85. Towushi]) 136, range 80. Township 136, range 87. Township 136, range 88. Township 136, range 81. I'ownship 136, range !'0. Towuship 137, range 70. Township 137, range 80. Township 137, range 81 . Township 137, range 82. 'i'ciwnsbip 137, range 83. Towuship 137, range 84. 1890 107 312 211 25 1 60 97 22 80 77 111 123 45 71 24 58 80 148 67 52 83 109 428 4,728 294 120 63 715 249 7 16 15 9 3 26 5 19 8 4 2 6 11 35 7 12 G 7 2 7 25 58 7 26 46 3 3 7 1 18 47 79 31 5 49 1880 200 e Formed from part of Howard county in 1883 ; not returned by townships. /Organized Irom part of Stevens county in 1883; returned by school townships. f/ Not retui'ued in 1880; part taken to form Oliver county in 1885; not returned by townships. 310 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk S.-AGGREGATP: population by minor civil DIVISIONS-Continued. NORTH UAIfcOTA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Morton county— Continued. Township 137, range 86 Township 137, range 88 Towusliip 137, range 89 Townsliip 137, range 90 Township 138, range 81 Township 138, range 82 Township 138, range 83 Township 138, range 88 Township 138, range 89 Township 138, range 9" •-.■•-,-■;.-•--■„■-• " Township 139, range 81, including Man- dan city. Mandan city ;• Ward I 46° Ward 2 '♦sa Wards 3»5 Township 139, range 82 Townsliip 139, range 83 Township 139, range 88 Township 139, range 90 Town.sliip 140, range 81 Townsliip 140, range 82 Township 140, range 83 Township 140, range 88 Township 140, range 89 Township 140, range 90 1890 MOUNTRAILI.E CODNTY (a) Nelson county (b) Adler township Bergen township Center township Cleveland township Dahlen township Dayton township Uodd township Enterprise township Field township Forde township Hamlin township Illinois township Lake township ;■■:■•■.■,; Lakota township, inol. Lakota village . . Lakota village Lee township Melrose township Michigan township Nash township Norway township Ura township Osago township Petershurg township Koihester township Kngh township Saruia township Waniduska township Williams township Oliver county (c) . 1880 15 30 4 45 251 8 29 41 82 146 1,377 1,328 101 58 31 128 46 10 25 80 105 4,293 77 217 1,57 68 246 126 121 105 259 140 180 145 82 392 227 275 149 243 96 237 190 154 159 127 84 119 77 62 464 Town.ship 141, range 81 Township 341, range 82 Township 141, range 83 Township 141, range 84 Townsliip 141, range 85 Township 141, range 80 Township 142, range 81 Town-ship 142, range 82 Township 142, range 83 Township 142, range 84 Township 142, range 85 Township 142, range 86 Township 143, range 81 Township 143, range 82 Township 143, range 83 Township 143, range 84 Township 144, range 82 Township 144, range 83 a Not returned hy townships. , ^ , , •p„,., b Organized from parts of Foster, Grand Forks, and Ram- sey counties in 1883. . c Formed from part of Mercer county '" 1885. d Part taken to form Walsh county in 1881. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Pembina county (d). 1890 1880 14, 334 Apra township Bathgate township, inch Bathgate town Bathgate town Beaulieu township Carlisle township Cavalier township Crystal township Dr'avton township, inch Drayton town - . - Drayton town Flora township Gardar townsliip Hamilton township, inch Hamilton town . Hamilton town Joliette township Lincoln township Lodema tovruship - Midland township Neche township, including Neche town . . Neche town Park township Pembina townsliip, inch Pemhina city . . . Pembina city • Ward I 238 Ward 2 290 Wards '36 St. Joseph township - St. Thomas township, inch St. lh(Jinas tn St, Thomas town Thing valla township Walhalla township Pierce county (p) Barton township Hurricane Lake townsliip. Kugby township Ramsey county (/) 838 603 377 738 508 902 594 667 318 372 715 700 257 412 293 386 .520 761 314 432 1,268 67c 1, 131 1, 219 477 759 516 905 305 163 437 4,418 Bartlett township Bergen township Cleveland township Coulee township Degroat township Dry Lake township Freshwater township Grand Harbor township Hope township Irdin township • - Lake township, inch Devils L.ake city- - ^ Devils Lake city Ward I 307 Ward 2 19° Ward 3 343 Minnewankon township Morris township Norway township ( )dessa' township Ontario township Stevens township Township 155, range 60 Township 155, range 01 Township 155, range 62 Township 1.56. range fil Township 156, range 62 Township 157, range 01 Township 157, r.ange 62 Township 157, range 63 Township 1.58, range 64 Webster township 208 ii6 94 326 160 181 140 227 42 67 1,083 399 138 188 160 147 232 "46 54 138 27 41 10 4 29 6 143 Ransom county (jr) 5 ,393 4,862 276 328 155 402 310 287 537 Bear Creek township - • • - Casey township, inch Buttzville viU. (It).. Cohiirn township Fort Ransom township Maple River township e Organized from part of De Smet county in 1887 ; re- turned liy school townships. *•„„;„ las'! / Parts taken to form Benson and Nelson counties m 1»»^. g Part taken to form Sargent county in 1883. h Not separately returned. POPULATION. 311 Table 3,— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NORTH DAKOTA— Continued. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Ransom codnty — Continued. Owego township Sheldon township, iucl. Sheldon town Sheldon town Sheuford township Sjiringer township Township 133, range 53 Township 133, range 54 Township 133, range 55 Township 133. range 5G Towusliip 133, rany,e 57 Townsliip 133, range 58 Township 134, range 53 Township 134, range 55. - Township 134, range 5C, incl. Lisbon city . Lisbon city Ward 1 363 Ward 2 374 Ward 3 198 Township 134, range 57, including Rlliott village (a). Towushi]) 134, range 58, including Engle- vale village (a). Township 135, range 50 Township 136, range 56 Townshij) 136, range 57 Renville county (6) . Richland county (c). Abercrombie township Barrie township Hellord township Brandenburg township BrigbtwcMid township Center township Cheyenne township Colfax township Dan ton township Devillo township Dexter township Dwight township Eagle townsliip Elma townsliip Fairinount township, incl. i'airmounl vill. Fairmount village Grafton township Helendale township Park townsliip Summit townshii) Wahpeton city Ward I....'. 505 Ward 2 606 Ward 3 309 Waleott township, incl. Walcott village . . Walcott village , West End township 1890 Rolette county (d) . Cleveland township Eairview township Mount Pleasant township, incl. RoUa vill. RoUa village Ox Creek township Oxford township South Valley townsliip Township 159, range 69 Township 160, range 70 Township 160, range 71 Township 161, range 70 Township 161, range 71 Township 161, range 72 Township 161, range 73 126 470 253 385 245 26 fll 200 156 93 82 16 112 ,081 935 174 130 128 181 214 10, 751 787 309 565 422 366 576 241 335 205 265 276 714 659 334 419 91 121 102 771 511 1,510 1,060 53 203 2,427 109 273 335 255 250 73 32 21 155 19 108 24 121 127 1880 3,597 MINOR Civil, DIVISIONS, a Not separately returned. h Not returned in 1880 : part taken io form Ward county in 1885; not returned by townships. c Part of Sissetou .and Wahpeton Indian reservation an- Eexed since 1880. d Not returned in 1880; part taken to form Towner county in 1883. e Organised from part of Ransom county and part of Sisse- ton »na Wahpeton Indian reaervation in 1883. Rolette county— Continued. Township 162, range 70 Township 162, range 72 Township 162, range 73 Townslii|> 163, range 70 Townshiji 163, range 72 Township 163, range 73 Tow nship 164, range 70 Not returned by townships. Sargent county («) , Bowen township Brampton township Denver township Dunbar township Foruian township, incl. Fornian village . Forman village Hall townsiiip Hamlin township Harlem township, incl. Harlem village. . Harlem village Highland town.ship Kingston township Milnor township, incl. ililnor village . . . Milnor village Ransom township Rutland township Sargent township Southwest township Taylor township Union township Vemer township Vivian township Weber township AV^hitestone Hill township Willey township Sheridan county (/) . Stark coijnty (g) . Township 137, range 92 Township 138, range 91 Township 138, range 92 Township 138, range 93 Township 138, range 94 Township 138, range 95 Township 139, range 91 Township 139, range 92 Township 139, range 93 Township 139, range 94 Townsliip 139, range 95 Township 140, range 91 Township 140, range 92 Township 140, range 93 Township 140, r.ange 94 Township 140, range 95 Remainder of county (A), including Dick- inson town. Dickinson town Steele county (i) , Bergen township Broadlawn township. . . (.)lifton township Colgate township Edendale township Enger township Gcdden Lake township Greenview township - - Highland township 1890 5 66 157 469 3 9 53 18 5,070 1880 159 205 147 185 329 178 i 311 216 305 106 I 343 311 436 279 416 236 ! 224 ■ 151 142 132 206 186 222 125 89 2,304 175 177 145 125 150 422 1011 143 92 /Not returned in 1880; part taken to form Church county in 1887; not returne t by townshi])s. (I Not returned in 1880 ; part taken to form Hettinger coun- ty'iu 1883. h Not returned by townships. i Organized from parts of Griggs and Traill counties in 1883. 312 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tabi.k 3,— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. NORTH DAKOTA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Steele county— Coiitiuuetl. Hope township, hioluding Hope Tillage Hope village liincolu townsTiip Melrose town«liip Ivewburg tciwiiship Nonuau towusliip Norway towu.sliip PicUeit township Primrose township Riverside township Sherbrooke township Willow Lake township 1890 1880 Stevens county («). Stutsman county (h) . Jamestown city Towner county (c) , Township 157, range G7 Township 158, range 65 Townshij) 158, range 66, incl. Cando viU- Caiulo village Township 158, range 67 Township 158, range 68 Township 1,59, range 66 Township 159, range 67 Township 1 59, range 68 Township IBU, range 66 Township 160, range 67 ■ Township 160, range 68 Township 161, range 67 Township 161, range 68 Tow uship 162, range 67 Townsliip 162, range 68 Township 16:i, range 65 Township 163, range 66 Township 163, range 67 Township 163, range 68 Township 164, range 65 Township 164, range 66 Townsliip 164, range 67 Not returned by townships Traill county (iew Knoxville village. New Knoxville village. . ^. ■ • • • Wayne township, including Waynesfield village. Waynesfield village Belmont county Colerain township • •. -.• • Flushing township, incl. Flushing village . Flushing village . . •■••■•• V ' •■,,• •■■■•• Goshen townsbip, incl. Belmont village. . . Belmont village Kirkwood townsbip Mead township ... - • ■■. ■ - ; - ■ - ■ ■ ■ Pease township, including Bridgeport vil- lage and Martins Ferry city. Bridgeport village Martms Ferry city • ■ • Ward I 2,488 Ward2 '-643 Ward 3 2i"9 Pultney township.includingBellaire city and West Wheeling town. Bellaire city Ward I ''475 Ward 2 2''79 Wards '-827 Ward 4 2,520 Wards '.9=7 West Wheeling town ..... .... ... •.• • • Kicbland townsbip, including St. Clairs- ville village. St. Clairsville village Smith township Somerset township - - •.;,■•■' Union township, incl. Morristown village Morristown village • . ■ • •.• • • • Warren town,ship, incl. BarnesviUe viU. . BarnesviUe village Washington township Wayne township Wheeling township York townsbip Brown county By rd township - • ■ .•,,•■■■.",■,■■ Clarke township, incl. HamersviUe vill. .. Hamersville village Eagle township Franklin township ...-..- Green townsbiji, incl. Mount Grab village. Mount Crab village Huntington township, incl. Aberdeen vill- .A-berdeen village Jackson township ■ -.■ ■ ■ -.- • ■ Jetterson township, mcl. KussellviUe vill. Russellville village ■• ■ .• Lewis townsbip, incl. Higginspoit viU. . . Higginsport village Perry township Pike'to wnship .- ■ Pleasant townsbip, incl. Georgetown viU Georgetown village Scott township Sterling township - ■ Union township, including Kipley village Ripley village Washington township 514 1,451 57,413 I 49,C;i8 3.369 6,250 2,395 3,819 Fairfield township, incl. Ilamilton city . . . Hamilton city Ward I 3.292 Ward 2 4,260 Ward 3 2 , 930 Ward 4 3.90' Ward 5 3.182 Hanover township Lemon township, incl. Middletown city . . Middletown citv Ward I 2,184 Ward 2 1.877 Ward 3 1,551 Ward 4 2.069 Liberty townsbip Madison township Milford township, incl. Somerville village Somerville village Morgan township Oxford townsbip, incl. Oxford village Oxford village Reily township Ross township St. Clair township ;■- Union townsbip, including Port Union and Westchester villages. Port Union village Westchester village Wayne township, including Jacksonboro and Seveuiuile villages. jacksonboro village Sevenmile village CAEKOI.L COUNTY 29, 899 1, 216 1,679 264 1,220 1,084 1,722 336 2,967 874 918 1,048 324 2, 830 764 2,560 1,145 3,010 1,473 1,096 1, 431 4,715 2,483 1,258 32, 911 Augusta township - ■ Brown townsbip, including Malvern vil lage and part of Minerva village. Malvern village Minerva village (part of) Total for Minerva village (a), in Brown township, Carroll county, and Paris township, Stark county. Center townsbip, incl. CarroUton village . . CarroUton village Easttownship Fox township Harrison townsbip - - ■ Lee townsbip, incl. Harlem Springs viU. Harlem Springs village Loudon township Monroe township, incl. Uell Roy village . DellRoy village ; Orange to wnsbip.iucludingLeeshnrg ami Sherrodsville villages. Leesburg village Sherrodsville village Perry township Rose township Union township Washingtim townsbip Champaign county . Adams townsbip Concord township ;•",■■■.■" Goshen township, including Mechamcs- burg village. Meclianicsburg village .■•■•■ Harrison township, incl. Spnnghills viU- Springhills village Jackson township ............ Johnson township, incl. St. Pans village. St. Paris village Mad River township Rush township, including North Lewis- burg and Woodstock villages. North Lewisburg village Woodstock village 20, 010 ■7.565 1,1C0 10,052 7.681 1,167 2, 181 1.649 13° 1,519 :t, 689 1,922 1, 244 1,450 1,097 1,926 77 259 1,453 17, 566 1,021 2,665 638 422 1. 139 1,605 1 ,228 640 1.210 915 926 230 929 1,487 5H 705 14, 692 12,122 1,352 6,775 4.538 1,458 2, 555 1,884 370 1,884 3,644 1.743 1,499 1,693 1, 252 2,163 76 281 1,728 108 251 16,416 26, 980 1,461 1, 139 2,440 1,459 935 158 1,827 2,572 1,145 2, 026 2,024 1,126 2,305 565 1,590 1.136 868 1,275 1,075 933 i88 965 1,283 664 1,327 373 408 893 950 1,040 1.190 1,195 653 684 064 750 27, 817 1,445 1,157 2,607 1 ,522 973 '51 1,901 2,479 1,099 1,997 2,150 936 383 , In 1880 in Paris township, Stark county, only. POPFLATION. 315 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPTTLATION RY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. OHI O— Continued. MINOR civil, DIVISIONS. Champaign county — Continued. Salem township Union township, incl. Mutual village Mutual village TJrbana township, including Urbana city. Urbana city Ward I 2ii37 Ward 2 2 , 639 Ward 3 1 , 734 "Wayne township Clark county. Bethel townshjp, including Donnelsville and New C^lisle villages. Donnelsville village New Carlisle village German township Gieene township, incl. part of Clifton vill. Clifton village (part of) Total for Clifton village, in Greene township, Clark county, and Miami township, Greene county. Harmony township Madison township, incl. South Charleston village. South Charleston village Mad River township, incl. Enon village . . Enon village Moorefleld township Pike township Pleasant township, incl. Catawba village. Catawba village Springfield township, including Spring- field city. Springfield city Ward 1 2,916 Ward 2 2,528 Ward 3 3)291 Ward 4 3 , 407 Ward 5 5 , 780 Ward 6 3, 783 Ward 7 4, 073 Ward 8 3,25s Ward 9 2,862 1890 Clermont county. Batavia township, incl. Batavia village. .. Batavia village Franklin township, incl. Felicity village . Felicity village Goshen township Jackson township Miami township, includiug part of Love- land village and Mianiiville and Mil- ford villages. Loveland village (part of) Total for Loveland vill. (o, , in Miami township, Clermont county, and Hamilton township, Warren county Miamiville village Milford village Monroe township Ohio township, incl. New Richmond vill. . New Richmond village Pierce township Stonelick township, incl. Boston village .. Boston village Tate township, including Bethel village. . Bethel village Union township Washington township, including Mos- cow and Neville villages. Moscow village Neville village Wayne township Williamsburg township, including Wil- liamsburg village. Williamsburg village Clinton county . 1, ST."; 1,4U 174 7,872 6 , 510 1,389 52, 277 3,407 243 9S8 2, 058 1,532 40 270 1,819 2, 204 1 ,041 1,750 331 1, 307 1,758 1,597 272 34, 845 31.895 33, 553 3,502 953 2,858 779 1,549 1,418 4,109 732 761 203 995 1,837 3,301 .^79 731 1,713 292 2,713 625 1,918 2,644 591 340 1,907 2,353 24,240 1880 2,108 1,588 189 7,781 6,252 1,631 41, 948 3,131 2,100 1,524 1,846 2,396 932 1, 812 362 1,345 1,758 1,581 250 24, 455 36, 713 3,687 1 ,015 3,402 1,047 1,908 1,761 4, 346 595 595 732 2,101 3,531 2,545 1.984 1,871 307 2,754 582 1,992 2.876 5'6 445 2,164 2,336 795 24, 756 Adams township 7!)5 921 Chester township 1,240 1,443 a In 1880 in Miami township, Clermont county, only. b In Salem towTiship, Columbiana county, and Green town- ship, Mahoning county. MINOR civil divisions. Clinton county— Continued. (Jlarke township, incl. Martinsville vill . . Martinsville village Green township, incl. New Tic^nna vill . . New Vienna village .Teti'erson township, incl. Midland village Midland village Liljerty township, incl. Port William viU Port William village Marion township, incl. Blanohester vill. Blanchester village Richland township, incl. Sabina village . Sabina village Union township, incl. Wilmington city. . . Wilmington city Vernon township, incl. Clarksville vill . . . Clarksville village Washington township Wayne township Wilson township Columbiana county Butler township Center township, incl. New Lisbon village New Lisbon village Elkrun township Fairfield township, incl. Columbiana vill. Columbiana village Franklin townsliip Hanover township, incl. Hanoverton vill Hanoverton village Knox township Liverijool township, including East Liv- erpool city. East Liverpool city Ward 1 2, 995 Ward 2 2 , 696 Ward 3 2 , 568 Ward 4 2 , 697 Madison township Middleton township Perry township, including Salem city Salem city \ St. Clair township Salem township, incl. Leetonia village and l)art of Washingtonville village. Leetonia village Washingtonville village (i) (part of) . . Unity township, Incl. East Palestine vill. East Palestine village Washington township, including Saline- ville village. Salineville village Wayne township West townshi]), Including East Roches- tor village (c). Yellow Creek township, including Wells- villo city. Wellsville city Ward 1 927 Ward 2 1 ,054 Ward 3 1 , 135 Ward 4 1 , 162 Ward 5 969 Coshocton county Adams township Bedford township Bethlehem township Clarke township Crawford to wn.ship Franklin township Jackson township Jetlerson townshlj), incl. Warsaw village. Warsaw village Keene township Lafayette townsliip Linton township, incl. Plainfield village. . Plainfield village Milhreek township Monroe township Newcastle township Oxford township Perry township c Not separately returned. 1890 1,864 2,006 336 355 2,666 2 758 871 797 1,438 1,448 328 1, 299 1,382 iq6 181 2,277 1,956 1 , 196 776 2.488 2,338 1,080 757 5, 281) 5,051 3.079 2,745 1,393 1, .552 339 367 1,140 1,294 1,295 1,448 1,059 1,159 59, 029 48, 602 1,.''>47 1,560 3, 953 3,719 2,278 2,028 1,480 1,457 2,889 3,178 1 ,112 1,223 761 869 2, 082 2,258 366 443 2, 034 2,240 11,988 0,229 10,956 26, 703 1,138 898 766 1, 057 1,150 1,042 1,628 1,261 37C 783 1,139 1, 833 234 626 1, 031 892 1,047 873 1880 5.568 970 1,144 2,150 1,590 7,209 4,808 5,780 4,041 1,021 1,186 5,477 5,142 2,826 2,552 922 676 3,860 .3, 114 1,816 ■.047 3,250 3, 192 2,369 2,302 731 848 1,859 2,050 5,768 3,958 5,247 3 -.377 26, 642 1, 246 921 830 1,041 1,431 1,053 1,969 1, 143 277 839 1,01.S 1,918 300 626 1,003 885 1, 2111 90] 316 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3— AG fl RE GATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued, OHIO— Continued. MINOR CIVIL LIVISIONS. Coshocton codnty— Continued. Pike townsliip Tiverton townsliip X \' ' " ' Tus'^arawas township, including l.^nsboc- ton village. Coshocton village Virginia township Washington township White Eves township Crawford county Auburn township -• Bucyrus township, incl. Bucyrus iity Bucyrus city • ■ • Ward I ''W Ward 2 2. = '5 Ward 3 '.5'i Ward 4 7**'» Chatfleld township \v; "i • Cranberry township, incl. New Washing- ton village. New Washington village Dallas township Holmes township -„-■-;,". ■;,■ Jackson township, incl. Crestline village. Crestline village • .■ • • ■ Jetierson township, incUulnig l.eesville Cross Roads village and part ot Uorth Robinson village. Leesville Cross Roads village North Robinson village (part of). . . . . . Total for North Robinson village (a), in Jefferson and Whetstone town- ships. Liberty township Lykens township -. Polk township, including Gabon city - . . Gallon city Ward I >.2is Wards '.5i» Wards ''' S Ward 4 1.828 Sandusky township Texas township Tod townsliip Vernon township -■ • - Whetstone township, including part ol North Robinson village. North Robinson village (part of) Cuyahoga county. 1890 717 909 4,728 3.672 1, 343 794 1, 048 31, 927 1880 1,244 6,988 5,974 720 940 4,082 3, "44 1,180 729 960 30, 583 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 61. ") 5:i9 974 952 1,793 309, 970 Bedford township, incl. Bedford village . Bedford village Brecksville township Brooklyn townsliip, incliuling Brooklyn and West Cleveland villages. Brooklyn village West Cleveland village yr" Chagrin Falls township, including Cha- grin Falls village. Chagrin Falls village Cleveland township, coextensive with Cleveland city. Cleveland city : Ward I 7.°o8 Ward 2 3,0=3 Ward 3 3.023 Ward 4 5,906 Ward 5 5,577 Ward 6 4,45i Ward 7 7,758 Ward 8 6,674 Ward 9 9,542 Ward lo 3,074 Ward IX 3. "5 Ward 12 4,150 Ward 13 5,159 Ward 14 4,213 Ward 15 6,254 Ward 16 5,685 Ward 17 8,278 Ward 18 10,172 Ward 19 4,9<^9 Ward 20 6,286 a In laSO Ic Whetstone township only. 2,004 1,043 1, 025 10,319 4,585 4,117 1,564 1 , 243 261, 353 1,176 5,073 3,835 1,201 1,662 1,266 1,824 704 430 1,423 3,248 2,91 1 1,009 673 500 1,660 3, 216 2,848 1, 224 203 42 257 213 182 1,591 1,058 7,200 6,326 1,679 1, 225 6,518 5,635 658 587 1,099 1,038 1,840 182 196. 943 Cuyahoga county— Continued. Cleveland township — Continued. Cleveland city— Continued. Ward 21 6,739 Ward 22 9,325 ■ Ward 23 6,080 Ward 24 14,027 Ward 25 11,610 Ward 26 4,992 Ward 27 9,209 Ward 28 4,402 Ward 29 4 , 408 Ward 30 3,814 Ward 31 3,699 Ward 32 4 , 840 Ward 33 5,089 Ward 34 6,327 Ward 35 6,925 Ward 36 7,659 Ward 37 II ,012 Ward 38 8,741 Ward 39 9,517 Ward 40 7,221 Dover township East Cleveland township, including East Cleveland and Glenvillo villages (b). Euclid township, incl. Euclid village ((/)- Independence township, including Inde- pendence village (6). Maylield townshii) Middleburg township, incl. Berea village Berea village Newburg township Olmsted township, including Olmsted Falls village. Olmsted Falls village Orange township Parma township Rockport township Royalton township Solon township Strongsville township Warrensville township 1890 Darke county. 1,787 766 1,095 4,433 1,295 ; 1,781 1,562 I 1 ,211 160, 146 Adams township, inclndingpart of Brad ford village and Gettysburg village. Bradford village (part of) Total for Bradford village, in Adams township , Darke county , and New- berry township , Miami county. Gettysburg village Allen township, incl. Rossville village . . Rossville village Brown township, incl. Ansonia village - . . Ansonia village (c) Butler township Franklin township German township Greenville township,incl. Greenville city- Greenville city Ward I 1,152 Ward 2 841 Ward 3 2,078 Ward 4 1 ,402 Harrison township, including New Mad- ison village. New Madison village Jackson township, incl. Union village Union village Mississinawa towu.ship Monroe township Neave township - - Patterson township, incl. Osgood village. . Osgood village ■ Richland township - - Twin township, including Arcanum and Ithaca villages. Arcanum village Ithaca village Van Buren township Wabash township Washingtou township Wayne township, incl. Versailles village . . Versailles village 1880 1,978 1,784 5,773 3,673 3,780 2,776 1,973 1,993 790 879 4,939 4,053 2,533 1,682 2,761 1.613 1,826 1,817 342 404 806 783 1,478 1,444 3, 205 2,676 1,116 1,124 847 867 1,023 1,029 1,410 1,409 42, 961 2,660 477 1,338 274 1,796 254 2,036 676 1,679 1,731 1,794 8,497 5.473 2, 927 1,293 1,552 1,339 1,036 1,712 242 1,176 2,826 1,134 135 1,504 1,286 1,485 2,903 .385 40, 496 2,826 539 1,373 292 1,246 1,909 542 1,739 1,871 1,809 6,807 3.535 2,174 544 2,850 1,127 1,508 1,400 1,082 1,280 York township I 1. "^^ 4 Not separately returned. «= Eormerly DaUas. 1,252 2,724 778 128 1,512 1.135 1,612 2,762 1,163 1,000 POPULATION. 317 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OHIO— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Defiance county. Adams township Defiance township, incl. Defiance city Defiance city Ward I 2 , 426 Ward 2 2,060 Ward 3 1 , 341 Ward 4 1,867 Delaware township Farmer township -. HiclisviUe township, incl. Hicksville vill. Hicksville village Highland tow nship Mark township Milford township Noble township Richland township Tiffin township Washington township Delaware county. Berkshire township, incl. Snubury village Sunbury village Berlin township Brown township Concord township. Delaware township, incl. Delaw are city . Delaware city Ward I 1,357 Ward 2 1 ,674 Ward 3 1 , 244 Ward 4 ,,i8i Ward 5 2 , 268 Genoa township Harlem township Kingston township Liberty township Marlhiiro township Orange townslii)) Oxford township, incl. Ashley village Ashley village Porter township Radnor township Scioto town.ship, incl. Ostrander village . . Ostrander village Thompson township Trenton township Troy townshij) Erie county. Berlin township, incl. Berlin Heights vill. Berlin Heights village Florence township Groton township Huron township, including Huron village. Huron village Kelleys Island township -Margaretta township Milan township, including Milan village . Milan village Oxford township, including North Mon- roeville village (a). Perkins tow nship Portland township, coextensive with San- dusky city. Sandusky city: Ward 1 1,853 Ward 2 1,567 Ward 3 1 , 867 Ward 4 2,421 Ward 5 1,715 W'ard 6 1,507 Ward 7 2 , 263 Ward 8 1,728 Ward 9 1,166 Ward 10 2,384 Vermilion township, including Vermilion village(fl!). I 1890 25, 769 1,399 8,518 7,694 1,509 6,846 5,907 1,717 1,505 l,.^01 1, 302 3,314 2, 381 2,141 1 ,212 1,445 1,226 ] , 250 1,096 1,337 1,460 975 912 1,457 1,427 1,607 1 , 526 1,449 1, 325 27, 189 1,725 475 1,142 1,017 1,397 9,372 8,224 924 969 573 1,406 433 973 1, 306 628 774 1, 1.52 1, 655 357 750 876 745 35, 462 1880 22, 515 27,381 2,016 1,656 340 1,388 1,178 1,478 8,091 6,894 1,045 1,144 562 1,481 3fi0 1,227 1,266 483 925 1, 209 1,667 269 851 899 954 32, 640 1,941 2,042 517 424 1, 145 1, 330 888 1,038 2,185 1,910 1,^80 1,038 1, 150 888 2, 281 2, 302 1, 936 2,239 627 797 1,041 1,231 2.402 1,878 18,471 15, 838 1,944 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Fairfield county. Amanda township, incl. Amanda, New Strasburg (a), and Royalton villages. Amanda village Royalton village Bern township, incl. Sugar Grove village Sugar Grove village Bloom township, incl. Greencastle (a), Jefferson (a), and Lithopolis villages. Lithopciiis village Clear Creek township, including Oakland and Stoutsvillc villages. Oakland village Stoutsville village Greenfield township, including Carroll, I'umontville («), Gesselville (a), and Havensport villages. Carroll village '. Havensport Village Hocking township, including Huiiburg village {a). Lancaster township (b), coextensive with Lancaster city. Lancaster city Ward 1 2,184 Ward 2 1 , 575 Ward3 1,486 Ward 4 849 Ward 5 1,461 Liberty township, including Baltimore and Basil village.s. Baltimore village Basil village Madison township, including Clearport and Revenge villages (a). Pleasant township, including part of Pleasantville village. Pleasantville village (part of) Total for Pleasantville village (c), in Pleasant and Walnut townships. Richland township, including Rushville and West Rushville villages. Rushville village West Rushville village Rush Creek township (rf), including Bre- men town and Geneva village («). Bremen town Violet townshij), including Lockville, Pickerington, and Waterloo villages. Lockville village ; Pickerington village Waterloo village Walnut townshiji, including Millersport, New Salem, and 'Ihurston villages and part of Pleasantville village. Millersport village New Salem village Pleasantville village (part of) Thurston village 1890 Fayette county a Not sejiaratply returned. b Organized from part of Rush Creek township since 1880. c In 1880 in Pleasant township only. Ccmcord township Green township Jasper township, including Allentown and Milledgeville villages (a). Jefierson town.ship, including .Jefterson- villo and West Lancaster villages (n). Madison township, including Waterloo and White Oak villages {a). Marion townsliip, including part of New- Holland village. New Holland village (part of) Total for New Holland vill. (e), in Ma- rion township, Fayette county, and Perry township, Pickaway county. I'aint township, incl. Rloominghurg vill. . Bloominffburg village Perry township, including Now Martins- burg village (a). d Part taken to form Lancaster township since 1880. e In 1880 in Perry township, Pickaway county, only. 33, 939 1,907 163 2, 329 275 2, 035 369 1,857 165 282 1,926 7, 555 7,555 3,055 505 406 1,285 2,113 521 1,456 291 '95 1, 635 244 1,955 80 290 146 2,459 139 213 22, 309 1880 34, 284 1,840 375 170 2, 025 262 2,179 404 2,080 139 340 2, 036 79 2,412 6,803 3,070 489 287 1, 387 2,281 334 334 1,502 227 212 8,605 248 2,197 262 2,070 180 196 20, 364 735 746 1, 982 908 916 2,072 3, 092 2,925 1, 429 1,405 1,009 971 '45 683 478 2, 325 6?8 1,102 2,045 526 1,320 318 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3. -AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinued. OHIO— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Faybtte county— Continued. Union townshii^, iucl. Wasliington city... WastiinKton city •• Ward. ^'7\^ Ward2 ^'^oo Wards 1'°°° Ward 4 -v, -I'V-. Wayne townshi]), iucl. Good Hope vill.(a) . 1890 1880 8,283 5.742 1,606 Franklin county. 1,627 124, 087 86, 797 Blendon townahip, iutl. Westorviilo viil.. Wester ville village Brown township Clinton township Franklin town.sliip Hamilton townslu p - •■ Jackson township, incl. Grove village. . . Grove village Jefferson township ;,' ' ',' w-' ' ' Ma, incl. Cambridge city Cambridge city Ward A 761 Ward B 1,084 Ward C 1.591 Ward D 925 Center to wnsliii) Jackson townshiii, incl. Byesville village. Hyesville village •Jeft'erson township Knox town.ship Liberty towusbip, incl. Kiiuboltou\-illago. Kimboltoii village Londonderry township Madison township Millwood township, including Quaker and Salcsvillo \'illages. Quaker village Salesville village Monroe town.ship Oxford township, incl. Fairview village. . . Fairview village Richland township, iucl. Scnecaville vill. . Seiiecaville village Spencertownship, incl. Cumberland vill . . Cumberland village Valley township Washington township Westlaud township Wheeling township Wills township, incl. Washington village- Washington village 1890 28, 645 Hamilton county. Anderson township, including Mount Washington (a) ami Newtown villages. Newtown village Cincinnati city Ward 1 ' 8,441 Ward 2 12,447 Ward 'J 8,619 Ward 4 13,938 Ward 5 7,947 Ward 6 7,061 Ward 7 9,138 A«rard 8 4,921 Ward 9 7,409 Ward 10 10, 949 Ward 11 12, 806 Ward 12 12, 116 Ward 13 11, 438 Ward 14 9,828 Ward 15 9, 350 Ward 16 9, 930 Ward 17 10,165 Ward 18 8, 138 Ward 19 8, 202 Ward 20 9, .347 Ward 21 10,267 Ward 22 12, 462 Ward 23 15, 090 Ward 24 10, 901 Ward 25 9, 974 Ward 2C 10, 678 Ward 27 8, 627 Ward 28 9, 472 Ward 29 7 279 Ward 30 9^ 368 Colerain township Columbia township, including Madison- ville, Milf'ord (a), Norwood (a), and Pleasant Kidge villages. Madisonville village Pleasant Ridge village Crosby townshi]i Delhi township (i/), including Delhi and Home villages and parts of Ferubank and Riverside villages. Delhi village Ferubank village (part cif) 740 6,186 4,361 1,094 2, 193 789 884 1,008 1, 463 261 1,244 1,038 2,131 296 966 1,504 322 1,471 461 1,421 601 ],III8 704 819 1,134 1,627 5h6 374, 573 4,0.35 552 , 908 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 3,348 8, 422 2,214 1 ,027 949 5,497 53^ 126 27, 197 806 4,665 2,883 1,233 1,140 931 964 1,503 1,.320 1,100 1,984 594 266 1, i;ko 1.615 152 1,4;)9 402 1,552 5'9 999 742 925 1,284 1,855 600 313, 37 4,154 424 ,139 , Y2Z ,306 2j8 Hamilton county— Continued. Delhi township — Continued. Total for Fernbank village, in Delhi and Miami townships. Home village Riverside vdlage (part of) Total for Riverside village (c) , in Delhi and Storrs townships. Green township, including part of Mount Airy village (a) and Westwood village. Westwood village Harrison township, incl. Harrison village. Harrison village Total for Harrison village, Hamilton county, Ohio, and West Harrison town, Dearborn county, Indiana. Miami townshii), including Cleves, North Bend (0), and Sekitan villages and part of Ferubank village. Cleves village. Fernbank village (part of) Sekitan village MillCreek township, including Avondale, Bond Hill (a), Clilton (a). College Hill (a), Elmwood Place (rt), St. Bernard, West Norwood, and Winton Place (a) vil- lages and ])arts of Carthage and Mount Au'y (a) villages. Avondale village Carthage village (part of) Total for Carthage village, in Mill Creek and S|iringfield townships. St. Bernard village West Norwood village Spencer township, incl. Lin wood village. . Linwood village Springfield township, including Glendale, Hartwell, and Wjoming villages and parts of Arlington Heights, Carthage, and Lockland villages. Arlington Heights village (part of) . . . Total for Arlington Heights village, in Springfield and Sycamore townships. Carthage village (part of) Glendale village Hartwell village Lockland village (part of) Total for Lockland village, ni Spring- field and Sycamore townships. Wyoming village Storrs townsTnp (ft), coextensive with part of Riverside village. Sycamore township, incl. parts of Arling- ton Heights and Lockland villages, and Reading (a) and Sharon villages. Arlington Heights village (part o'i Lockland village (part of) Sharon village Symmes township, incl. Lovelaud village. Lo veland village Whitewater township 1890 Hancock county . a Not separately leturned. ft Storrs township was pnibably included in Delhi town- ship in 1880. Allen township, incl. Van Buren village -- Van Buren village Amanda township, incl. Vanliie village. . . Vanlue village Biglick township Blanchard township, including Benton Ridge village. Benton Ridge village Cass township ' Delaware township, including Mount Blanchard village. Mount Blanchard village Eagle township ^ Findla.y township, coexten.sive with Find- lay city. Findlay city Ward I 2.978 Ward 2 2 , 505 Ward 3 2,633 c Given in 1880 as iu Delhi township only. 367 797 1,171 2, 169 5,08o 1 jOt;© 2,391 1 ,6go 2,010 1880 422 1^268 4,851 852 2, 277 1,560 1,850 3,990 1,227 241 2, 317 836 20, 169 4.473 11,286 2.552 1.779 6.2 1,559 1,291 10, 793 165 1 ,022 996 723 7, 975 ^■2 2 184 1.M4 1.507 1,250 2.474 1.454 998 1,400 892 898 1,884 840 7,460 6,369 1 ,224 7>3 1,649 986 469 1, 626 1,317 42, 563 1,575 27, Ifi 1, 310 268 1,250 1,^2 1,276 2 so 759 1,580 421 1,137 18, 553 18,553 1,025 130 1,474 364 1,261 1,286 179 829 1,4.55 28s 1,284 5, 553 4.633 320 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. OHIO — Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Hancock coonty— Continued. Findlay towusliiy)— Continued. Fiiidlay city— Continued. Ward4 2.21S Wards ^.os' Ward 6 2.6^7 Ward 7 i.O^^ Wards i.499 Jackson townsliip Liberty townsliip Madison tiiwiisliip Marion township Orange township ,■••.;,■ Pleasant township, incl. McComb village McComb village Portage township Union township, including Mount C ory and Rawson villages. Mount Cory village Rawson village Van Buren township - - • • Washington township, including Arcadia village and ward 2 of Fostoria city. Arcadia village Fostoria city (part of) ,■ V ' L' Total for Fostoria city (a), in Wash- ington township, Hancock county, and Jackson and Loudon townships, Seneca county. Hardin county. Blanchard township, incl. Dunkirk vill. . . Dunkirk village , V 4:^ ' ' ' ' Buck township, exclusive oi partot Ken- ton city. Cessna township Dudley township Goshen township - ■ •■ Halo township, including Mount Victory village and part of Kidgeway village. Mount Victory village Ridgeway village (part of) •••;"• Total for Ridgeway village, in Hale township, Hardin county ,and Bokes- creek township, Losran county. Jackson township, including Forest and Patterson villages. Forest village Patterson village •. • ■ Kenton city (6), in Buck .and Pleasant townships. Wardl •■^82 Ward2 I.".fi5 Ward 3 ■ ^fi* Ward4 1.446 Liberty township, including Ada village Ada village Lynn townshij) . . .^ M'cDonald township Marion township •• •■ Pleasant township, exclusive ot part ol Kenton city. Roundhead township Taylor Creek township Washington township 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,168 1,338 1,2H7 1,101 1, 4:i3 1, 232 943 987 1,448 1,451 2,587 1,866 l,0-50 417 811 914 2,110 334 458 1,876 227 957 9U7 2,732 1,945 490 396 i,.B^ 37' 7,070 3.569 Harrison county— Continued. North township, including Scio village . Scio village Nottingham township Rumley townshii) w'' Short Creek township, including Harris ville village. Harrisville village Stock township Washington township 1890 Henry count 28, 939 2,169 1 ,220 1, 215 873 1,415 977 1, 939 256 2, 177 1,126 247 5,557 27, 023 2,428 1,311 1,610 966 1,418 1,030 1,740 574 249 342 2,176 987 385 3,940 Bartlow township, incl. Desbler village Deshler village .• Danmscus township, incl. McClnrevillage. McClure village riatrock township, incl. Florida village . Florida village Freedom township Harrison township ^, Liberty township, including Liberty Cen- ter village. Liberty Center village Marion township, incl. Hiimler village Hamler village Monroe township - - - Napoleon township, incl. Napoleon village. Napoleon village ■■ Pleasant township, incl. Holgate village. Holgate village Richfield township Ridgeville townsliip Washington township Highland county . 3,503 3, 295 2,079 1,760 1,105 922 1,809 1,449 1,281 982 1.467 c5, 492 1,167 1,035 973 1, 189 1,312 1, 291 Harrison county 20.830 20,456 Archer township. . .......--.- - - • - Athens township, mcl. New Athen.s vUl. . New Athens village Cadiz township, including Cadiz village. . Cadiz village ■ • . . Franklin township, including Deersville village (d). . , -^ ^ .,, Freeport township, mcl. Freejiort village Freeport village German township ,' V " ' ■.;,■ Green township, incl. Hopedale village.. Hopedale village Monroe township Moorefield township 737 785 1,195 1, 221 420 378 3,041 3,116 1,716 1,817 1,119 1,216 1,422 1, 319 672 387 1,2.54 1,311 1,650 1,659 -(24 414 1,882 1, 364 I 1, 150 1,075 Brush Creek township Clay township Concord tow^lship - ■ • Dodson township, incl. Lynchburg village. Lynchburg village Fairfield township, including Leesburg and New Lexington villages. Leesburg village New Lexington village Hamer township Jackson township --:,-,-: •.;,• Liberty township, incl. HiUsboio village. Hillsboro village ■ Madison township, incl. Greenfield village. Greenfield village Mar.shall township Newmarket tciwuship - .- ■ Paint township, incl. New Petersburg vill New Petersburg village Peun township Salem township Union township Washington township White Oak township Hocking county Benton township - - ■ Falls township, including Logan city Logan city Ward I 931 Ward 2 919 Ward 3 652 Ward 4 617 Good Hope township - Green township Laurel township Marion township .•,,■■".;,■ Perry township, incl. Laurelville village. Laurelville village Salt Creek township Starr township Ward township Washington township 1880 1,499 616 880 1.368 1,712 252 714 1,207 25, 080 2,270 i.'U 1, 782 332 1,677 288 1,062 1,349 L880 500 2,123 556 2,037 4,199 2,764 2,773 1,114 1,448 1,249 1,231 29, 048 1,410 509 964 1,261 1,831 318 713 1,211 20. 585 1,064 752 1,415 1,701 245 L235 1,372 1, 946 504 1,202 231 1,148 4,504 3.032 1,773 595 857 1,119 1,249 30, 281 1,589 1, 303 1,164 1,836 763 2,342 617 210 938 953 5,598 3 ,620 3,675 2,460 663 1,029 2,269 2^2 1,266 1,068 1, 258 892 1,205 22, 658 1,358 5,092 3.119 1,121 1,789 1,0.39 1,272 1, 882 266 1,424 1,602 5,090 1,651 1,449 1, 235 1,871 664 2,470 5'3 139 1,051 942 5,381 3.234 3,568 2,104 811 1,080 2,476 227 1,507 1,144 1,453 944 1, 248 21, 126 1,628 5,195 2,666 1,083 2,070 L292 L426 1,995 165 1,486 1,411 2,272 1,268 a Wards given under Seneca county. 6 In 1880 in Pleasant township only. c Includes Kenton city. d Not separately returned. POPULATION. 321 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OHIO— Continuetl. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Holmes county Berlin townsbip German township , Hardy towu.ship, iuol. Millersburg village Miilersburg village Killbuck to-n-nsliip, incl. Killbuck tn. (a) Kuux townslnj), iiicl. Nashville town (a) . Mechanic township Monroe township Paint township Prairie township , Kichlaml township l;i]iley township Salt Creek township AValnut Creek township "Washiugtou township Huron codnty P.ronson township Clarksfielrt township Fairfield township Fitchville township, incl. Clinton village Clinton village Greenfield township Greenwich township, incl. Greenwich vill Greenwich village Hartland township Lyme township, incl. part of Bellevue vill Bellevue village (part of) Total for Bellevue village, in Lyme township, Huron county, and York township, Sandusky county. New Haven townshi]), incl. parts of Chi- cago Junction and Plymouth villages. Chicago Junction village (part of) Total for Chicago Junction village, in New Haven and Richmond town- ships. Plymouth village (part of) Total for Plymouth village, in New- Haven township, Huron county, and Plymouth township, Richland county. New London township, including New London village. New London village Norwalk township, incl. Norwalk city Norwalk city Ward I I . '^g? Ward 2 1 , 538 Ward 3 1,353 Ward 4 1 ,872 Ward 5 835 Norwich township Peru township Eicliniond township, including part of Chicago Junction village. Chicago Junction village (part of) Eidgefield township, including Monroe- ville village (a). Ripley township Sherman townshi ji Towusend township Wakeman township 1890 Jacksqm county. Bloomfipld township Coal township ib), incl. Coalton village!.'! Coalton village Pranklin township Hamilton township Jackson township Jetterson township, including part of Oak Hill village. Oak Hill village (part of) Total for OakHilt village, in Jefferson and Madison townships. Liberty township 21, 139 1,486 1,594 3,275 1 .92^ 1, 4ir 989 1,338 1. 062 1,264 1,424 1,433 1, 385 1,537 1, 541 1,394 31,949 ISSO 2,274 1, 189 28, 408 1,122 4,584 1.459 1,091 623 1,847 1,793 357 657 1,345 20, 776 1,378 1,517 3,230 1,814 1,375 1,005 1,271 1,054 1,381 1,462 1,463 1,359 1.494 1,371 1.416 31, 609 926 1,092 1,143 1,042 1.138 1,359 748 822 163 177 797 noo 1,516 1,376 881 647 867 954 2,988 2,575 2.033 1,432 1. 139 1,299 662 343 I -133 377 1,145 1,791 1,764 1 ,096 8,543 1,011 7,078 7.195 5,704 952 1,018 979 1,157 1,194 1,014 160 2,135 2,359 838 935 1, 232 1,038 1,223 1,405 23, 686 1,557 ,502 819 443 411 646 1,784 a Not separately returned. b Organized fro'm partsof Lick and Washington towush since 1880. 372 21 ips minor civil divisions. Jackson county— Continued. Lick town.ship (c), incl. Jackson village . . Jackson village Madison township, including part of Oiik Hill village. Oak Hill village (part of) Milton township, including Wellston city. Wellston city Ward I. 1,293 Ward 2 1,256 ^>'''' 3 995 _ Ward 4 833 Scioto township Washiugtou township (c) '.'. 1890 Brush Creek township ' Cross Creek township, including New Alexandria village. New Alexandria village Island Creek township, exclusive of part' of Toronto village. | Knox township, incl. Empire village, but : exclusive of ])art of Toronto village. Empire village Mount Pleasant township, inciudiuo-! Mount Pleasant village. " i Mount Pleasant village Ross township '..'.'.'.', Salem townsliip, including East Spring- Held and Richmond villages. East Springfield village Richmond village i Saline township, including Hammonds- ' ville (a) and Irondale villages. Irondale village Sinithfield to-\\nship, including Smitli- field village. ; Smithfielcl village Springfield township Steubenvilhi township, including Mingo Junctiou village and Steubenville city, Mingo Junction village '. Steubenville city Ward I 1,783 ^J^'! = 3,513 "ard 3 2,923 Ward 4 i,g67 Ward 5 2,058 I ^ ^\ard 6 1,150 Toronto village, in Island Creek and Knox townships. Warren township, incl. Grover village (a). Wayne townshi)), incl. Bloomheld village. Bloomfield village Wells township, incl. Brilliant village.. !! Brilliant village (d) I Knox countv. Berlin township Brown township Butler township Clay township, incl. Martinsbnrg village. Martinsburg village Clinton township, including Mount Yer- non city. Mount Vernon citj' Ward I '. 1,142 Ward 2 723 Ward 3 1,2,1 Ward 4 1,023 Ward 5 1,003 Ward 6 525 College townsliip, incl. Gambler village . . Gambler village ". . . . Harrison township Hilliar townshi]), including Centerburg and Hilliar (a) villages. Centerburg village 5.711 4,320 1,998 6,056 4,377 1,337 901 Jefferson county j 39,415 539 1,682 122 1,909 2,193 441 2,327 644 660 1,621 197 444 1,773 694 1,881 639 922 15, 852 1,856 13,394 2.536 1,921 1,670 173 1,929 94+ 27, 600 841 1.062 980 910 1,152 788 926 257 7,121 6,2f3 6,027 955 660 622 1. -^96 58S c Part taken to form Coal township since 1880. d Formerly Lagrange. 1880 5,213 3,021 2.113 235 3.404 1,579 1,403 v33, 018 623 1,711 175 2. 029 2, Oil 1.582 693 741 1.907 185 491 1,480 399 1.887 559 817 13, 150 371 12 ,093 1,923 1,751 175 1.406 361 27, 431 895 723 1,141 400 322 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— CoutlnuBd. O H I O— Contiiraecl . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Knox county— Continued. Howard lownsliip Jack.sou townsliiji Jefferson townsbi]i Libertv town.xhip Miildlt-lmry township Milt'oril township Miller township Monroe township Morgan township 't^' ' ",' ' Morris township, iDchuliug part of Fred- ericktown vidage. Fredericktown village (part of) Total for Fredericktown village, m Morris and Wayne townships. Pike township Pleasant township ■ Union township, including Buckeye and Danville villages. Buckeye village Danville village • ■ ■ • • Wayne township, including part ot Ired- ericktown village. Fredericktown village (part of) Lake county. Concord township Kirtland township Leroy township ■.;;■■■" Madison township, inch Madison village . Madison village Mentor township, incl. Mentor village Mentor village .- ■ ■ Painesville township, including Fairport and Painesville villages. Fairport village Painesville village Perry township ; V ' ' Willoughby township, incl. Willoughby village. Willoughby village Lawrence county. A id township Decatur township Elizabeth township ■ - Fayette township, incl. part of South toint village. South Point village (part of) Hamilton township, including Hanging - Rock village. Hanging Rock village Lawrence township Ma.son township ."■■,■ Perry township, including part of South Point village (a). Rome town.ship, including Athaha and Millersport villages. Athalia village Millersport village .Syinmes township Union township, incl. Proctorville vill . . . Proctorville village Upper township, including Ironton city and Petersburg village. Ironton city Ward I.: I1652 Ward 2 1.699 Ward 3 1.641 Ward 4 1.959 Ward 5 2.009 Ward 6 i,979 Petersburg village Washington township Windsor township Licking county. Bennington town.ship Bowling Green township. 841 1,011 1,044 811 792 750 874 645 843 85 847 1,172 865 1,874 215 2Q2 1,437 762 18, 235 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 601 909 632 2,630 738 1,650 c;o2 7,558 1 , 171 4,755 1,365 2,890 1,219 39, 556 1,375 1,527 3,369 2,243 224 1,389 1,957 1,778 2,039 2,851 199 231 1,062 2,936 480 13, 937 10,939 506 874 2,219 43, 279 792 864 983 806 967 1,034 911 876 826 1,031 728 833 70 850 307 032 728 254 1,621 780 16, 326 722 984 722 2,720 79.^ 1,822 540 5,516 296 3,841 1,316 2,524 39, 068 1,530 2,043 4,586 2,308 1,168 624 1,788 2,021 2,217 2,512 251 250 1,099 2,460 385 11, 663 8,857 1,444 2, 229 40, 450 Licking county— Continued. Burlington township Eden township Etna township Fallsburg township Franklin township - Granville township, incl. Granville vill- . Granville village Hanover township, incl. Hanover village. Hanover village Harrison township Hartford township, incl. Hartford village. Hartford village Hopewell towTiship Jersey township, intd. Jersey village Jersey village Liberty township Licking township Lima township, incl. Pataskala village . . . Pataskala village McKean township Madison township Mary Ann township ■_ Monroe township, incl. Johnstown vill . . Johnstown village Newark township, incl. Newark city Newark city Ward 1 1,218 Ward 2 1,869 Ward 3 i,9'8 Ward 4 2,699 Ward 5 2,259 Ward 6 1,707 Ward 7 1 , 152 Ward 8 1,448 Newton township, incl. St. Louisville vill. St. Louisville village Perry township St. Albans township, incl. Alexandria vill. Alexandria villacre Union township, incl. Hebron village Hebron village Washington township, incl. Utlca village Utica village 1890 Logan county. 884 992 Bloomfieldtownship Bokescreek township, including part of Ridgeway vill. and West Mansfield vill. Ridgewav village (part of) Total for Ridgeway village, in Hale township, Hardin county, and Bokes- creek township, Logan county. West Mansfield village Harrison township Jefferson township, including Zanesfield village. Zanesfield village Lake township, incl. Bellefontaine village . Belief ontaine village Liberty township, including West Lib- erty 'village (a). McArthur to\VTiship, including Hunts- ville village. Huntsville village Miami township, including Degraff and Quinoy villages. Degraff village Quincy village Monroe township Perry township Pleasant town.ship Richland township, including Bellecenter village. Bellecenter village Ru.sh Creek township, including Rushsyl- vania village. Rushsvl vania village Stokes township Union township Washington township Zane township, including West Middle- burg village. West Middleburg village 981 674 1,053 871 743 2, 326 1,366 1,172 288 1,224 1,089 346 891 1,206 158 702 1,111 1,761 1,014 882 1,340 424 15, 286 1,208 264 1,007 1,053 296 1, 7frl 415 1,399 763 27, 386 1880 858 1,620 431 1,049 1,459 3,8 4,921 4.245 1,563 1,509 500 2,290 1,076 488 1,261 1,109 1,114 2,005 927 ,328 497 1,552 688 1,109 951 345 1,073 767 1,166 929 818 2,114 1,127 1, 236 302 1,329 1,164 349 1,062 1,348 128 752 1, 256 1,803 634 981 929 951 1,339 278 10,613 9,600 1,332 215 1, o:j2 1,187 269 1,872 489 1,521 26, 267 895 1,617 93 342 333 978 1, 572 307 4.640 3.998 1,666 1,579 429 2,157 965 442 1,303 L007 1,123 1,761 434 2, 26.0 1, 005 784 886 939 272 a Not separately returned. POPULATION. 323 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OHIO— ContiDued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lorain county. Amherst township, including North Am- herst Tillage. North Amherst village Avon township Black Kiver township, iucl. Lorain vill. . . Lorain village Brighton townsh ip Browuhelm township Camden township Carlisle township Columbia township Eaton township Elyria township, including Elyria village. El vria village Grafton township, incl. Grafton village. . . Grafton village • Henrietta township Huntington township Lagi'ange township, incl. Lagrange vill. . . Lagrange village Penfield township Pit tslield township Kidgeville township Rochester township, iucl. Kochester vill . Rochester village Russia township, incl. Oberlin village Oberlin village Sheffield township Wellington township, including "Welling- ton village. Wellington vdlage Lucas county. Adams township Monclova township Oreg(m township Providence township Richfield township Spencer township Springfield township Swantou township Sylvania township, incl. Sylvania village Svlvania village Toledo city Wardl n.301 Ward 2 5, 564 Ward 3 6, 320 Ward4 5,952 Ward 5 7, 753 Ward 6 8,364 Ward 7 13,534 Wards 15,163 Ward 9 7,483 Washington township, including Au- humdale village. Auburndale village Waterville townshij), including Water- ville and White House villages. Waterville village White House village Waynesfield township, including Mau- luee village. Maumee village Madison county . Canaan township Darby township, incl. part of Plain vill. . . Plain village (part of) Total for Plain village , in Darby town- ship, Madison county, and Jerome township, Union county. Deer Creek township ' Fairfield township Jefferson townsliij), including West Jef- ferson village. West Jefferson village Monroe township Oak Run township 1890 40, 295 3,464 1,769 5, 319 4,863 538 1,186 9.53 1,344 920 1, 139 6,419 5,6" 1.444 600 819 688 1,533 551 708 893 1,553 665 218 5,369 4,, 176 939 2, 633 2,069 102, 296 2,906 1,022 3,160 1, 205 1.055 642 719 599 1,476 545 81, 434 4,071 1,609 2,037 586 507 1,910 1,645 20, 057 842 ,504 ,009 ,245 1880 35, 526 3,259 1,542 2,067 1,937 1 ,595 517 1,497 968 1,329 906 1,161 5,648 4,777 1,237 894 767 1, 429 511 735 976 1.660 733 237 4,376 3,242 1,046 2,384 87, 377 1,511 1,031 2,321 1.164 1,070 686 705 658 1,421 523 50, 137 2 712 1. 925 554 2,036 1,780 20. 129 minor civil divisions. 1.126 66=; 9=8 910 1. 653 2.301 778 720 704 650 544 613 ft Not separately returned. 6 Not separately returned; in Salem township, Colum- biana county, and Green township, Mahoning county. Madison county — Continued. Paint township Pike township Pleasant township, including Mount Ster- ling village. Mount sterling village R.mge township, incl. Midway village (a) . Somerford township, incl. Somerforu vill. Somerford village Stokes township, incl. South Solon vill . . . South Solon village Union township, including London city . . London city Ward I 992 Ward 2 757 Ward 3 761 Ward 4 803 Mahoning county . Austin town township Beaver township Berlin township Boardman township, including part of Poland village. Poland village (part oQ Total for Poland village, in Boardraan and Poland townships. Canfield township, incl. Canfield village. . Canfield village Coitsville township Ellsworth township Goshen township Green township, including part of Wash- ingtonville village ib). Jackson township Milton township Poland township, including LowellvlUe viUage and part of Poland village. Lowell ville village Poland village (part of) Smith township Springfield township Youngstown township, incl. Youngstown city . Voungstown city Ward I 3 , 590 Ward 2 3 , 463 Ward 3 3 , 799 Ward 4 1 , 580 Ward 5 2 , 847 Ward 6 3,851 Ward 7 3 , 089 Ward 8 j , 793 Not in wards 9,208 1890 1,129 1,429 602 548 1,910 1,433 752 1,787 482 1,884 904 958 282 1,324 323 1,285 345 4, 472 262 4,443 3,313 3,067 Marion county Big Lsland township 1,471 Bowling Green township, including part 1, 093* of Larue village. Larue village (part of) Total for Larue viUage (c),in Bowling Green and Montgomery townships. Claridon townshiji. incl. Caledonia village. 1, 717 Caledonia village 757 Grand Prairie township 460 Grand townshi]) 514 Greeucamp township, including Green- 1,147 camp village. Greencamp village 290 Marion townshii>. including Marion city.. 9, 158 Marion city 8,327 Ward I 2,741 Ward 2 1 , 720 Ward 3 2 , 109 Ward 4 1 , 757 Montgomery townsliip, incl. partof Larue 2, 243 village and New Bloomingtoii vill. (a) . Larue village (part of) 9: Pleasant township j 1, 077 c In 1880 in Montgomery townshi)) only. 55, 979 1880 42, 871 1,668 2,502 2,001 2,150 790 862 1,002 906 41 53 391 452 1,565 1,528 67s 650 1,475 1,231 656 715 L308 1,445 1,893 1,794 966 948 087 688 2, 592 2,512 762 816 350 399 L913 1,941 2,397 2,474 35, 066 21, 175 15,435 24,727 ; 20,565 1, 226 1,219 614 1,771 ^4^^ 485 1,362 3t2 5,151 3.899 1,765 1,188 324 COMPEJ^DIUM OF THE ELEYEKTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. OHIO— Coutinued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Marion county— Continued. Prospect townsliip, incl. Prospect village. Prospect villajje Kicliland townsliip Salt Kock to-wnship Scott to wnsbip Tullv townsliip Waldo township, iucl. Waldo village ■Waldo village 1890 1880 Medina cc 846 1,742 21,453 Brunswick township Chatham township Granger townshil) •• Guilford township, incl. Seville village. . . Seville village • Harrisville township, incl. Lodi village. - . Lorli village Hiuckloy township Homer townshi])- Lata vette township Litelitield township \'-\\"' Liverpool township, incl. Liverpool vill- . . Liverpool village • ■ ■ • ■ Medina township, exclusive ot part ot Medina village. Medina village, in Medina and MontviUe townships. o 1. J, Montville township, exclusive of part ot Medina village. Sharon township Spencer township -.^ ■ ■ ■ - Wadsworth township, including V\ ads- worth and Western Star villages. Wadsworth village Western Star village Westfield township York township Meigs county 29, 813 Bedford township Chester township Columbia town.ship Lebanon township Letart township Olive township Orange township Kutla'nd towiuship Salem township - ■ - •. ■■■■,■:,■ ■ ■ Salisbury township, including Middle- port village and Pomeroy city. Middleport village Pomeroy city Ward I 774 Ward 2 987 Wards 2,342 Ward 4 0^3 Scipio to,; " Sutton township, lucl. Kacme village (b) . Mercer county Blackcreek township Butler township, incl. Cold water village. . Coldwater village Center township .- • ■ Dublin township, incl. Shane Crossing viU Shane Crossing village Franklin township - - - - - - ■ Gibson township, including part of Fort Kecovery village. Fort Recovery village (part of) Total for Fort Recovery village, in Gibson and Recovery 'ownships. Granville township Hopewell township Jefferson township, incl. Celina village . . Celina village Liberty township Marion township a Includes part of Medina village. b Not separately returned. 865 987 846 1,841 599 1,518 568 878 732 1,159 807 1,186 240 686 2,073 854 1,276 1,008 3,047 1,473 1, 604 1,087 2,042 1, 324 2,051 1,021 2,201 1,551 10, 218 3,211 4,726 1,491 3,750 1,557 1,930 490 1, 539 2,625 99.1 1,240 1,658 723 i,iB6 3.032 5.560 1,720 4,466 27,220 I 21, S MINOR CIVIL divisions. Mercer county— Continued. Recovery township, including part of Fort Recovery village. Fort Recoverv village (part of) Union township, incl. Mendon village Mendon village Washington township 1890 MiAivii county . 1,016 1.185 2,406 1,346 1.196 1, 933 Bethel townsliip Brown township, incl. Fletcher village (6) . Concord township, including Troy village. Troy village Elizabeth township Lost Creek township, incl. Casstown vill. Casstown village Monroe township, incl. Tijipecanoe vill. . . Tippecanoe village • ■ Newberry township, including part of Bradford village and Covington village. Bradford village (part of) Total for Bradford village, in Adams township, Darke county, and New- berry township, Miami county. Covington village • ■ . Newton township, incl. Pleasant Hill vill. Pleasant Hill village Spring Creek township, including Hun- tersville village. H untersville village Staunton township ",; ' ' ' Union township, incl. West Milton vill. .. West Milton village (c) Washington township, incl. Piqua city . . . Piqua city Ward I 1.305 Wards 1.212 Wards ^'350 Ward 4 1.529 Ward 5 1. 414 Ward 6 1.220 Monroe county. Adams township Benton township Bethel township Center township, incl. Woodsfield village. VVoodstield village Franklin township Green township Jackson township Lee township - Malaga township, including part of Jeru- salem village and Miltonsburg village. Jerusalem village (part of) Total for Jerusalem village (d),m Mal- aga and Sunsbury townships. Miltonsburg village Ohio township Perry township -.- Saleiu town.ship, incl. Clarington village- Clarington village Seneca township, including Calais village Calais village Summit township ,",■■■.■,;" Sunsbury township, including BeallsviUe village and part of Jerusalem village. BeallsviUe village Jerusalem village (part of) Switzerland township - • Washington township, including Grays- ville village. Graysville village Wavne township Montgomery county Butler township, including Chambers- burg and Vandalia \i;lages. Chambersburg village Vandalia village 1,487 463 2,001 400 1,617 39. 754 1880 1,685 1,664 5.926 4.494 1,178 1,244 292 2,718 1,465 4,915 .,338 1,778 2,680 521 2,184 760 1,255 4,178 796 10, 127 9,090 25, 175 1,194 921 1,030 2,685 1. 031 1,111 1,223 1,191 1,347 1,359 91 112 1,272 1,820 242 1,384 36, 158 1,854 1,863 5,354, 3.803 1,327 1,450 331 2, 829 1,401 4,615 834 1.373 1,458 2,829 461 1, 682 223 1,292 3,859 688 7, 204 6,031 20, 496 1,317 937 1,165 2,779 861 1,251 1,207 1,382 1,241 1,520 '35 135 T23 1,891 1,270 1,975 1,905 1,214 2,377 762 1,329 1,302 135 861 1,729 159 914 1,660 512 391 1,154 1,730 1,226 1,815 .07 1,175 174 1,284 100, 852 78, 550 1,957 2,196 69 265 "5 315 c Formerly Milton. d In 1880 in Malaga township only. POPULATIOI^^. 325 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OHIO— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 Montgomery codnty— Continued. Clay tOTvnship, including Brookville and Philip.sburg villages. 3,095 6i8 270 61,220 2,989 1,437 2,565 2,472 472 ..7 149 7,001 2,173 1,987 5, 704 2,952 360 2,153 2, 096 2. 815 1,568 252 1,057 19, 143 3,063 Philipsburg village . 21=5 38, 678 XVardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 . . 6, 608 . . 4, 822 . 6, 558 . . 5, 412 . . 9, 080 . 6, 444 .. 10.936 .. 8,118 .. 1,071 . . 1 . 832 339 German- Ward5 A\'aid6 Ward 7 Ward8 Part iu Harrison township. . . Part in 5Iad Eiver township- Part in Van Buren township. German township, including town village. 3,451 1,618 Harrison township, exclusive of part of Dayton city. Jackson township, incl. Farmersville vil- lage and part of New Lebanon village. Farmersville village 2,667 2,451 794 New Lebanon village (part of) Total for New Lebanon village (6) , in Jackson and Perry townships. 76 6,090 2,306 Mad Kiver township, exclusive of part of Dayton city. Miami township, including Miamisbnrg and West CarroUton villages. 2,091 5,024 1 1936 West CarroUt'^n village PeiTV township, including part Lebanon village. New Lebanon village (part o of New 2,272 76 2,327 Van Buren township, exclusive Dayton city. Wasliington'township, includin ville \'rllage. jf part of J Center- 2, 953 1,784 274 1,191 20, 074 920 1,213 1, 105 962 1,728 1,714 865 021 1, 807 1,129 2,189 1. 771 1,110 1,379 2,327 4j6 939 18, 120 898 1,448 1,164 Deertield township 1, 035 1,693 Malta township, including Malt Malta village a village - 1,574 652 723 1,989 1,201 Morgan township, including McCounels- ville village. 2, 005 Penn township 1,245 XJnion township 1,595 Windsor township, including Stockport village. 2,392 York town.ship . .- 1,112 Morrow county 19, 072 Marengo Bennington township, including village. 1,106 276 1,128 2,147 1,428 877 268 936 1,087 Cardington township, including ton village. Carding- 2,376 Chester township, incl. Chest erville vill. . Chesterville village 975 266 a ,5ince the census was taken the court of coramon pleas of Montgomery county has decided that the annexation of that part of Dayton city included iu Harrison, Mad River, and van Buren townships was illegal. The population of this territory is 3.242, and is included in total for Dayton city. Morrow county — Continued. Congress township Franklin township (iilead township, including Edison and Mount Gilead villages. Edison village Mount Gilead village Harmony township Lincoln township North Blooinheld township Perry township Peru township South Blooinfield township, including Sparta village. Sparta \illage Troy township Washington township Westfield township MUSKI.VGUM county Adams township Blue Rock township Brush Creek township, including Can- nelville vil'age. Cannelville village Cass township Clay township, incl. Roseville village Roseville village Falls township Harrison township, including Taylors- ville village. Ta vlorsville village Highland township Hopewell township Jackson township, including Frazeys- burg village. Frazeysburg village Jefferson township, including Dresden village. Dresden village Licking township Madison township Meigs towuship Monroe township Muskingum township Newton township, inchuling I'niontown village (r). Perry township Rich'Hill township Salem township, incl. Adamsvillo village. Adamsville village Salt Creek township .' .Springfield township TJnion township, including New Concord and Norwich villages. New Concord village Norwich village Washington townshij) Wayne township Zanesville township, coextensive with Zanesville city. Zanesville city ; Ward 1 1. 254 Ward 2 'i59i Ward 3 2 , 392 Ward 4 1 1 750 Ward 5 2 , 672 Ward 6 2.333 Ward 7 2 , 442 Ward 8 2,411 Ward 9 2 , 681 Ward 10 1 1483 Noble county Beaver township, incl. Batesville village. Katesville village (rf) Broukfield township Buffalo township b In 1880 iu Perry township only. c Not se]iarately returned. d F(jrmerly Williamsburg. 1,047 1,262 805 957 2,775 2,653 345 152 1.329 1,216 662 697 995 901 1,105 1,227 943 1,106 824 916 1,048 1,067 216 235 050 73U 972 983 1,036 1,199 51,210 20, 753 1,685 327 908 813 49, 774 714 785 1. 070 1,188 1, 413 1,210 177 963 962 1,021 887 714 1,591 531 1,733 1,250 1,245 631 795 501 953 1,579 1,674 1,479 1,500 610 1,288 j84 1,230 1,247 872 1 ,204 948 979 1,128 1,446 1,528 878 980 817 1,018 2,131 2, 250 923 1,050 1,301 1,404 872 874 335 1,148 280 1,131 1,231 1,280 1,820 1,793 719 234 1,038 514 265 1,305 1,582 1,605 21, 009 18, 113 21,138 1,829 369 1,000 804 326 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OHIO— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Noble county— Continued. Center township, incl. Sarahville village . SarahviUe village Elk to wnsiiip Enoch township - - - -. ry.^ — Jackson township, including partot Dex- ter village. De,\ter"village (part of) ■ Total for Dexter village, in Jackson and Jefferson townships. Jefferson township, incl. part of Dexter village and Middleburg village. Dexter village (part of) Middleburg village ■ ■ ■ • Marion township, incl. Summerheld vill Summerfield village Nohle township ;-•■,■,■■".',; Olive township, incl. Caldwell village .. Caldwell village Seneca township Sharon township ■-.-,■■■■.■,; ; " : ' Stock township, incl. Carlisle village (a) . Wayne township 1890 Ottawa county Allen township (6) Bav township -■■•,-•• VT.'j -Vi' ' Beiiton to-miship, incl. Kooky Eidge viU. . Rock V Ridge village Carroll township ; Catawba Island township Clay township (c), incl. Genoa village . . . Genoa village Danbnry township ' Erie township ■ - Harris township, incl. Elmore village .... Elmore village > ■,•.■• .•,;• Portage township, incl. Port Clinton vill. Pott Clinton village ... ,.........;■. Put in Bay township, including Put in Bay village. Putin Bay village ... .^. ...■•• Salem township, incl. Oak Harbor village Oak Harbor village Paulding county. Auglaize township. . - - - - • Benton township, mcl. part olPayne vill. Payne village (part of) • Total for Payne village, in Benton and Harrison townships. Blue Creek township, including part ot Scott village, Scott village (part of) ■•••••• Total for Scott village, in Blue Creek township, Paulding county, and Union township, Van Wert county. Brown township, including Melrose and Oakwood villages. iSIelrose village Oakwood village Carryall township, incl. Antwerp village. Antwerp village ; . . . ■ Crane township, including Cecil village.. Cecil village Emerald township ■■•■■ Harrison township, including part ol Payne village. Pavne village (part of) Jackson township Latty township ■ Paulding township, including Latty and Paulding villages. Latty village Paulding village Washington township Perry county. 1S80 1,937 306 1,467 1,321 L216 217 1,297 129 76 1,737 582 1,588 2,604 1,248 1,014 1,105 1,353 708 21, 974 1,733 548 3,493 483 1, 793 550 2,151 839 2,146 553 2,330 1,198 2,572 2,049 1,051 282 3, 0.54 25, 932 1, 027 2,145 307 1 , 146 2,243 332 733 2,418 Bearfield township Clayton township o Not separatelv returned. b Organized from part of Clay township since 1880. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,850 249 1,539 1,480 1,267 255 1,500 102 1,582 435 1,420 2,332 602 1,004 1, 221 1,543 761 19, 762 509 2,712 1,697 520 3,616 930 1,599 595 2,515 1,044 2,094 1 , 600 1,222 381 2,683 987 13, 485 798 616 1,458 430 378 2,638 2,582 1.331 1,417 1,275 1,202 348 1,123 169 996 2,252 770 839 2,266 974 2,010 609 4,492 1,065 594 1,879 1,901 454 1,346 31, 151 28,218 985 997 1,721 1,164 Perry county— Continued. Coal township, incl. New Straitaville vill. New Straitsville village Harrison township Hopewell township Jackson township, incl. Junction village. Junction village Madison township Monday Creek township _ Monroe township, including Corning and Reudville villages. Corning village Rendville village Pike township, incl. New Lexington vill. . New Lexington village Pleasant township Reading township, incl. Somerset village. Somerset village ■ . Salt Lick township, incl. Shawnee village Shawnee village Thorn township, incl. Thorn village Thorn village 1890 Pickaway county. CircleviUe township, inch Circleville city. Circleville city Ward 1 1,110 Ward 2 1,810 Ward 3 1 , 565 Ward 4 728 Ward 5 1,343 Darby township Deer Creek township, including Williams- port village. Williamsport village Harrison township, including Ashvillo and South Bloomfield villages. Ashville village South Bloomfield village Jackson township Madison township Monroe to wnship Muhlenburg township, including Darby- ville village. Darbyville village Perry township, including part of New Holland village. New Holland village (part of) Toialfor NewHoUand vill. (cZ),inMa- rion township, Favette county, and Perry township, Pickaway county. Pickawav township Salt Creek township, incl. Tarlton village. Tarlton village Scioto township, including Commercial Point village. Commercial Point village Walnut township Washington townsliip Wayne township Pike county 17,482 Beaver +ownship Benton township Camp Creek township .Jackson township Marion township Mifflin township Newton to wnship Pebjile township Peepee township, incl. Wjiverly village Waverly vdlage Perry township Scioto township • - ■ Seal township, including Piketon viUage- Piketon village Sunfish township Union township 3,747 2,782 1,771 1,238 1,713 394 665 1,090 4,506 1,551 859 3,083 1,470 1,098 3,156 1,127 4,682 3,266 1,696 405 26, 959 1880 7,104 6,556 1,459 1,535 368 1,618 43° 272 1,136 828 1,714 997 538 683 1,443 1,797 448 2,268 265 1,546 1,140 676 862 1,202 995 1,962 840 1, 294 1, 386 1,268 2,588 1 ,567 715 1,078 1,559 1,022 1,011 722 3,836 2,78a 1, 562 1,284 1,896 714 1, 636 1,780 270 349 3,059 1,357 1,053 3,367 1 ,207 3,970 2,770 1,900 269 a7, 415 6,541 6,046 1,500 1,636 313 1,461 303 1,339 896 1.880 1,139 262 1,794 478 478 1,514 1,858 425 2, 310 169 1,591 1,145 811 17,927 750 1,474 947 2,067 908 1,230 1, 369 1,594 2,725 1,539 879 921 1,411 665 976 676 c Part taken to form Allen township since 1880. d In 1880 in Perry township, Pickaway county, only. POPULATION. 327 Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OHIO— Contin ued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Portage county. Atwater township Aurora toAvnship Brimfifkl township Charl('sto\m township Deerttelil township Ediuburg township , Franklin township, incl. Kent village Kent village Freedom township Garrettsville township, coextensive with Garrettsvllle village. Hiram township ilantua township, incl. Mantua village. . . Mantua village iSTelson township Palmyra township Paris township Randolph township Eavenna townshii^. incl. Eavenna village. Ravenna village Eootstown township ShalersviUe township Streetsboro township Suffield township Windham township Preble county . Dixon township , Gasper township Gratis township, including "West Elkton and Winchester villages. .West Elkton village Winchester village Harrison township, mcl. Lewishurg vill. Lewisburg village Israel township Jackson township JfHersou town.sliii5, incl. New Paris vill. New Paris village Lanier township, including part of West Alexandria village. West Alexandria village (part of) Total for West Alexandria village, in Lanier and Twin townships. Monroe township, incl. Eldorado village. Eldorado village Souiers townshij), incl. Camden village. . . Camden village Twin township, including part of West Alexandria village. West Alexandria village (part of) Washington township, incl. Eaton village Eaton village 1890 Putnam county Blanchard township, incl. Gilhoa village., Gilboa village Greensburg township Jackson township Jennings township, including Fort Jen- nings village. Fort Jennings village Lilierty township, incl. West Leii)sic vill West Leipsic village Monroe township, incl. Marice village . - - Marice village Monterey township Ottawa township, including Glandorf and Ottawa villages. Glandorf village Ottawa village Palmer township Perry township, incl. Dupont village Dupont village Pleasant township, including Columbus Grove village. Columbus Grove village Eiley township Sugar Creek township Union township, including Kalida village. Kalida village Tan Buren township, including Belmore and Leipsic villages. Belmore village Leipsic village 27, 868 1,100 619 1, 033 688 914 834 4,344 3 'SOI 734 1,046 1,130 1,366 676 798 1,392 669 1,492 4,421 3.417 1,261 9.58 707 1,387 975 23, 421 1880 1,038 729 2,011 216 389 2, 020 486 1,.580 1,213 2,069 842 1,824 575 2,067 365 1,869 B46 1,835 327 4,566 30, 188 27, 500 1,147 666 1,030 633 985 910 4,141 3.309 804 969 1,058 1,150 215 890 1, 105 666 1,684 4, 224 3,255 1,217 960 702 1, 530 1,029 24, 533 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,162 863 2,186 247 502 2,663 409 1,807 1,389 2,244 835 1,909 432 796 1,986 337 2, 233 800 1,973 364 4, 118 2,143 23, 713 ElCHLAND COUNTY. 1890 Blooming Grove township Butler township Cass township, including SUilob village . . Shiloh village Franklin township Jackson townshij) Jefferson township, incl. Bellville village. Bellville village ■ Madison township, incl. Mansfield city Mansfield city Ward t 3.434 Ward 2 3.5'5 Ward3 2,857 Ward 4 3.267 Mifflin township Monroe township, incl. Lucas village Lucas village Perry township Plymouth township, including part of Plymouth village. Plvmouth village (part of) Total for Plymouth village, in New Haven township, Huron county, and Plymouth township, Richland county. Sandusky township Sharon township, incL Shelby village Shelbv village Spriugfieid township Troy township, incl. Lexington village. . Lexington village Washington township Weller township Worthington township, including Inde pendence village. Independence village Koss COIT Buckskin township, incl. South Salem vill. South Salem village Colerain township, inch Adelphi village., Adelphi village Concord township, incl. Frankfort village Fiankf ort village Deerfield township, incl, Clarksburg vill Clarksburg village Franklin township Green township, incl. Kingston village. ., Kingston village H.arrison township Huntington township Jefferson township Liberty township Paint township Paxton township, incl. Bainbridgeyill.((it) Scioto township, incl. Chillicothe city. - - Chillicothe city Ward I 1,716 Ward 2 1 . 879 Wards 1.S88 Ward 4 1 , 976 Ward 5 2 , 166 Ward 6 i ,663 Springheld township Twin township, incl. Bourneville village Bourne ville village TTnion township Sandusky- county' . Ballville township Fremont citv Wiird 1 1,492 Ward 2 1 , 779 Ward 3 2, 001 Ward 4 1 , 809 Green Creek township, incl. Clyde village and part of Green Spring village. Clyde village Green Spring village (part of) Total for Green Spring village, in Green Creek township, Sandusky county, and Adams township, Seneca county. 38, 072 1,022 814 1,489 644 837 822 2, 312 541 15. 467 1880 905 930 1,779 1,888 347 595 381 656 1,580 1,700 790 768 I.I33 I.H5 013 723 2, 963 2,981 1.977 1, 366 1,871 1,617 1,211 1,424 432 1, 338 508 1,.599 922 1,076 L941 2,060 266 39, 454 L175 2, 397 205 2,505 30, 617 1,760 7,141 4, 284 2,327 483 910 36, 306 1,181 789 1,614 661 967 977 2,449 971 11,675 9.859 40, 307 2,069 2,311 26:1 299 1,868 1,946 489 469 2,907 2,801 667 548 1,401 1,475 378 308 1,085 1, 233 2,197 2,058 751 412 1,087 1. 226 2, 242 2,400 959 1,060 1,654 1,575 1,074 1, ISi 1.888 2,119 12, 946 12, 689 11,238 10,938 1,287 2,447 200 2,527 32, 057 1,652 8,446 4,495 2,380 389 720 a Not separately returned. 328 OOMPElS^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OHIO— ContiBued. MINOR. C1\^L DIVISIONS. Sandusky county— Continued. Jackson township Madison townshij), incl. Gibsonburg vill.. Gibsonburg village Kice townsliip Eiley township Sandusky township Scott township Townsend township "Wasliington township, incl. Lindsey vill. . Lindsey village ■Woodvilletownship. including Woodville village (a). York township, incl. part of Belltvue vjll. Bellevue village (part of) Total for Bellevue village, in Lyme township, Huron county, and York township, Sandusky county. 1S90 Scioto county. Blomn township, incl. South Webster vill. South Webster village Brush Creek township, incl. Harden vill.. Rarden village Clay township Green tovvuship Harrison township Jeft'ersou townsliip Madison township Morgan township Kile township, incl. Buena Vista village. . Buena Vista village Porter township, incl. Sciotoville (a) and Wheelersburg villages. Wheelersburg village Rush township Vuion township Valley township Vernon township "Washington township Wayne township, coextensive with Ports- mouth city. Portsmouth city : Ward I 1,688 Ward 2 2,050 Ward 3 1 , 476 Ward 4 1 , 764 Ward 5 2,479 Ward 6 2,937 Senec.\ county. Adams township, including part of Green Si>ring village. Green Spring village (part of) Total for Green Spring vill., in Green Creek township, Sandusky county, and Adams township, Senecacounty. Big Spring township, inchuling Kew Riegel village. New Riegel village Bloom township, incl. Bloomville village. Bloomville village Clinton township, exclusive of part of Tiffin city. Eden township Postoriacity (wards 1, 3, 4, and 5), in Jiick. son and IJoudon townships. Total for Fostoria city, in Washington to vvnship, Hancock county, and Jack- son and Loudon townships, Seneca countv. Ward I 1 , 234 Ward 2 1,185 Ward 3 1 ,464 Ward 4 1,630 Ward 5 1,557 Hopewell township, exclusive of part of Tiffin city. Jacks(,n township, exclusive of part of Fostoria city. a Not separately returned. h Includes Tiffin city. c Includes part of Postoria city. 1,509 2,115 585 982 1,543 1,829 1.416 1, 557 2,479 458 1,636 2,366 i,oig 3,°52 35, 377 1880 2,337 323 2,948 2q6 1,102 1,751 1,340 1,008 1,608 934 2,018 461 2,401 301 939 1.282 1,018 1.074 1,223 12, 394 40, 869 1.562 427 910 1,964 393 2,006 758 1.571 1,343 5,885 1,474 1.360 1,485 1,886 589 949 1, 621 1,785 1,452 1,697 2, 608 409 1,662 2,319 737 33, 511 2,211 2,093 1,148 1, 935 1, 325 919 1,852 1,019 1, 905 354 2, 274 422 778 1,168 951 1,481 1,131 11, 321 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 36. 947 1,024 331 720 2,048 367 2,162 689 M, 581 1,598 3,198 3,569 1,632 cl, 399 Seneca county— Continued. Liberty township, incl. Bettsville village. Bettsville village Loudon township, exclusive of part of Fostoria city. Pleasant to \\ nship Reed townshiji Scipio townshiji, incl. Republic village Republic village Seneca township ■ Thompson township Tiffin city (d), in Clinton and Hopewell townsliips. Wardl 1,8.54 Ward 2 2, 903 AVard 3 2, 326 Ward4 1,604 Ward.-. 2,114 Venice township, incl. Attica village Attica village Shelby county . Clinton township, incl. Sidney village — Sidnev village Cynthian'township Dinsmore township, incl. part of Anna vill Anna village (part of) Total for Anna village (e), in Dins- more and Franklin townships. Franklin townshii), incl. partof Anna vill Anna villasre (part of) Greene township •Jackson township Loramie township McLean township, incl. Loramie village. Loramie village Orange township Perry township Salein township, incl. Port Jefl'erson vill. Port Jefferson village Turtle Creek township Van Burnn township Washington township, including Lock- ington village. Lockington village 1890 Stark county Bethlehem township, incl. Navarre viU. .. Navarre village Canton township, including Canton city. Canton city Ward t 4,693 Ward 2 3,876 Ward 3 3,360 Ward 4 3,395 Ward 5 2,953 Ward 6 3,'4i Ward 7 4,771 Jackson township Lake township Lawrence toivnship, including Canal Ful- ton and North Lawrence villages. Canal Fulton village North Lawrence village Lexington township, including Alliance city'and Limaville village. Alliance city Ward I 1,429 Ward 2 1 .397 Ward 3 1 ,406 Ward 4 1,241 Ward 5 1 , 342 Ward 6 792 Limaville village Marlboro township, including Marlboro and New Baltimore (a) villages. Marlboro village d In 1880 in Clinton township only. e In 1880 in Binsmore township only. 2, 012 2,022 682 24,707 1880 4,850 1,605 2,212 249 527 1,232 278 1,221 1, 794 1,628 1,658 457 1,012 1,134 1,569 397 1,314 1,621 931 170 2,112 2.164 4,146 1,173 837 8,994 7,607 172 1,808 2,157 513 515 1,321 c4, 315 1,470 1,417 1,472 1,527 1,582 1, 836 584 7'5 1,390 1,519 1,634 1, 901 10, 801 7,879 2,231 663 24, 137 4,618 3,823 1, 835 2, 257 266 266 999 1,447 1.852 1, 730 1,545 984 1,242 1,576 421 1, 359 1,647 1,046 2i9 64, 031 2,290 2,304 I ,OTO 867 28, 477 14, 873 26,189 12,258 2,079 2.177 4,351 1,196 494 6,287 4,636 164 1,942 285 POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. OHIO— Continued. 329 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Stark county— Continued. Nimishillen township, including Harris- burg and Louisville villages. Harrisburg village Louisville village Osnaburg township, including Mapleton and Osnaburg villages (a). Paris township, including part of Mi- nerva village and Xew Franklin, Paris, and Robertsville (n) villages. Minerva village (part of) Total for Minerva village (6), in Brown township, Carroll county, and Paris township. Stark county. New p'ranklin village Paris villacre Perry township, including Massillon city and Richville village. Massillon city Ward I 2 , 546 Ward 2 2 , 564 Ward 3 3>5io Wartl 4 1,472 Richville village Pike township, incl. Sparta village (a) ... Plain township, incl. Middlebranch (a) and New Bei'lin villages. New Berlin village Sandy township, incd. Waynesburg vill.. Wavnesburg village Sugar Creek township Tuscarawas township Washington township 1890 SUM.MIT COUNTY. Akron city, comprising Middlebury town- ship and parts of Coventry, Portage, Springfield, and Tallmadge townships. Ward 1 .3. 793 Ward 2 3, 531 Ward o 5,045 Ward 4 6, 716 Ward 5 5,194 Ward 6 3,322 Bath township^ Boston township, incl. Peninsula viilage.^ Peninsula village Copley township, incl. Copley village! ^ '' Copley village Coventry township, exclusive of part of Akron eitv. Cuyahoga i'alls township, coextensive with Cuyahoga Falls village. Franklin township, incl. Clinton vill. (a) . Green township Hudson township, incl. Hudson village.! Hudson village Northampton township Northfield township Norton township, incl. Western Star vill. . Western Star village Portage township, exclusive of part of Akron citv. Richfield township Springfield township, exclusive of part of Akron city. Stow township Tallmadge township, exclusive of part of Akron city. Twinsburg township 3,166 107 1.323 2, 287 2,649 717 1. 139 230 12, 289 lOI 1,604 3,082 463 1,171 510 2,782 3, .340 1,809 54, 089 1S80 27, 601 Trumbull county . Bazetta township, incl. Cortland village. Cortland village Bloomfield township Braceville township Bristol township '_'_' Brookfield township Champion township Farniington township Fowler township ]... Greene township 990 1,273 562 1,080 241 2,309 2,614 1,957 1,9U 1,797 1.143 896 940 1,973 88 2.659 921 936 1,445 821 42, 373 697 794 972 ,184 ,713 811 ,226 904 825 3,114 136 ,050 2,639 565 565 170 I 229 9, 219 6,836 1,514 2,540 297 1,265 622 2.285 2,957 2,187 43, 788 16, 512 1,039 1,221 488 1,184 153 2,305 2,294 2,203 1,827 1,817 977 1, 076 2.006 75 2,540 1,253 2,332 911 1,455 776 44,880 1,400 616 835 1.019 1.162 2,559 866 1.152 851 863 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Trumbull county— Continued. Gustavus township Hartford township ] Howland township Hubbard township, incl. Hubbard village Hubbard village •Johnston township Kinsman townshiji Liberty township, incl. Girard village (a) . Lordstown township Mecca township Mesopotamia town.ship Newton township, incl. Newton Falls vili . Newton Falls village Southingtcm township Vernon township Vienna township ' , . Warren township, including Warren city. Warren city Ward I .313 \\'arcl 2 2 , 567 ^ Ward 3 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. I ,'093 Weathersheld township, including Min- eral Ridge village and Niles city. Mineral Ridge village Niles city 1890 1880 903 936 1.270 1.382 771 762 3. 520 5,102 1.498 i.Str 792 790 1. .331 1,224 3. 631 4,058 720 805 860 950 721 742 1, 383 1,358 698 575 848 916 933 1.018 Tuscarawas county Auburn township Bucks township !!".'!.'.'!!!.' Clay township, incl. Gnacfenhutten village Gnadenhulten village Dover township, including Do^•er viila"c Dover village " Fairfield township .......'...'..!. Franklin township ]...\...[. Goshen township, including Barnhill and Blakes Mills villages and New Phila- delphia city. Barnhill village Blakes Mills village '.\'.V.'.'.'.'.'. New Philadelphia city Jefferson township Lawrence township, incl. Bolivar viilage! Bolivar village Mill township, incl. Dennison village and Uhrichsville city. Dennison village Uhrichsville city Oxford township, including New Comers- town village. New Comerstown village Perry township Rush township Salem township, including Port Washinart of Marshallville village, but exclusive ot part of Orrville village. Marshallville village (part of) • Total for Marshallville vUlage, in Baughman and Chippewa townships. Canaan township, iududing l>art ot Bur- liauk village and Creston village. Burbank village (part of) Total for Burbank village in Canaan and Congress townships. Creston village Chester township ,--"-y-\ ■; ' Chippewa township, incl. Doylestowu vil- lage and part of Marshallville village. boylestown village Marshallville village (partof). Clinton township, incl. Shreve village . . . Shreve village . . . ., ■ • • • • ■ • • Congress township, including partofBur- bank village and Congress and West Salem villages. Burbank village (part of) Congress village West Salem village ................. • ■ - East Union township, including Apple- creek village. Applecreek village d Hannar village annexed in 1890. e Formerly Harniar village. / Includes part of Orrville viUage. 1,724 441 1,394 533 1,271 2,678 1,007 L493 962 725 1,027 2.466 590 1,611 1,799 1,556 1,218 9,944 8,273 1,192 2,405 541 1, .571 1, 700 2,370 795 1,363 1,361 1,856 322 999 249 1,200 2,636 901 1,504 900 731 1,275 2,663 631 L792 2,335 1,614 1,375 8,830 5.444 1,350 2,548 591 1, 6.38 1,903 2,128 834 1,894 L482 39,005 ! 40,076 1,951 /2, 473 366 , 304 376 2,331 2,135 1 285 331 248 293 584 1,837 3,078 2,105 3,527 1. 131 65 2, 123 1 ,012 2.603 1 ,040 72 2,077 go8 2,851 46 229 756 2,007 428 45 301 878 2,048 38s POPULATION. 331 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. O HI O— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. "Wayne county— Continued. Franklin township Green township, including Smith ville vil- lage, but exclusive of i)art of Orrville village. Smithville village Milton township Orrville village, inBaughniau and Green townships. Paint township, incl. Mount Eaton vill . . . Mount Eaton village Plain township Salt Creek township, including Freder- icksburg village. Fredericksburg village Sugar Creek township, incl. Dalton vill. . . Dalton village "Wayne townsliip "Wooster township, incl. "Wooster city Wooster city Ward 1 1 , 0S9 "Ward 2 2. 175 Ward 3 1,121 Ward 4 822 Ward 5 694 1890 1,323 2,150 1,846 1,765 1,333 278 1, 838 1.735 600 2, 228 610 1,756 7, 101 5.901 1880 Biady township, incl. "WestTJnitv village A\"est Unity village '. Bridgewnter township Center township Florence township, incl. Edon village. .. Edon village Jefterson township Madison township, incl. Pioneer village . Pioneer village ^. . , Mill Creek township '_ , Nortli west township Pulaski township, incl. Bryan village Bryan village " ^ St. Joseph township, incl. Edgerton vili. . . Edgertoii villasre Spriugtield township, incl. Strvker vill . . ' Stryker village ". Superior township, incl. Montpelier vill '. Montpelier village Wood county . Bloom township, including Bairdstown, Bloomdale, and Cygnet villages and part of Jerry village. Bairdstown village Bloomdale village Cygnet village ] Jerry village (part of) Total for Jerry village, in Bloom and Portage townships. Center township, including part of Bow- ling Green town. Bowling Green town (part of) Total tor Bowling GJreen town, in Center and Plain townships. Freedom township, incl. Pemberville vill . Pemberville village Grand Rapids township (b), including Grand Rapids village. Grand Rapids village 3,334 347 519 670 251 530 3,370 3.467 1,945 843 1, 021 572 1,460 a3, 309 546 1,864 1,441 1,474 298 1, 993 1,775 550 2.093 486 1,831 7,061 5.840 Williams county 24, 897 23, 821 1,903 1, 985 872 ],.390 884 1,398 ],.541 1, 689 2,438 2, 228 601 1,398 5-3 1, 573 1,868 1,798 596 1.317 754 1,102 1.480 1, 582 4, 553 4, 430 3,o63 2,952 2.124 2.073 967 2. 302 782 2.117 1,017 662 2, 577 1.846 '.293 406 44,392 34, 022 2,022 124 224 2. 023 792 1.539 1,667 644 MINOE CIVIL DmSIONS. Wood county— Continued. Henry township, including North Balti- more village. North Baltimore village Jackson township, incl. Hoytsville viU '. '. '. Hoytsville village Lake township, incl. Millbury village Millbury village ^. Liberty township, including part of Port- age village. Portage village (part of) Total for Portage village, in Liberty and Portage townships. Middleton township, iuci. Haskins village. Haslpulati(m 1,001 iu 1880) taken to form Malheur county iu 1887: Virtue Mine precinct (population 1.56 in 1880) abolished since 1880. b Organized since 1880. c Org.inized from part of Pocahontas precinct since 1880. d Formerly Chirks Creek. e Formerly Clearyville. / Formerly Burnt River. a Parts taken to form Baker and Depot precincts since 1880. h Formerly Port Sumpter. i Muddy precinct (population 349 in 188J) abolished since 1880. j Corvallis precinct (population 1,786 iu 1880) formed into precincts 2 and 9 since 1880. k Organized from part of precinct 16 iu 1888. I Part taken to form ])recinct 8 in 1888. m Not separately returned. n Organized in 1888. MINOR CIVIL divisions. Clackamas county— Continued. Canyon Creek precinct {p) Cascade precinct (q) Cherry ville precinct (r) Clackamas preciuct (s) Damascus precinct it) Milwaukee precinct, including Milwau- kee town. Milwaukee town Eagle Creek precinct (u) Garfield precinct (v) (reorge precinct (v) Harding precinct Highland precinct (<(■) Spriugwater precinct Viola precinct Lower Molalla precinct (a;; - . 1 Marquam precinct } {m) Needy precinct (//) ) Mill Creek precinct (z) Orcgou precinct, including Oregon city . . Oregon city Oswego precinct, including Oswego town Oswego town Pleasant Hill preciuct - - Sievers precinct (r) Soda Sjirings precinct Tualatin jjrecinct Upper Molalla i)recinct Clatsop county 10, 016 Astoria precinct (aa), incl. Alderbrookvill. Astoria city, and Upper Astoria viU. Alderbrook village Astoria city Upper Astoria village Bear Creek precinct (6) Clatsop precinct Clifton precinct Fishhawk preciuct ( , , Young Ri%-er precinct . . 3 ' ' John Day precinct Kuappa precinct Lewis and Clarke precinct Mishawaka precinct Seaside preciuct Vesper precinct Westport precinct COLU.MBIA county 1890 1,583 1880 o945 191 261 390 7,222 2,042 0362 Auburn precinct Nehalem preciuct Beaver Falls precinct (b) Clatskanie precinct, incl. Clatskanie tu.. Clatskanie town Deer Island precinct Marshland precinct Oak Point precinct Rainier precinct, including Rainier town. Rainier town Scappoose precinci (bb) Union precinct including St. Helens town. St. Helens town T Not separately returned in 1880. p Organized from part of Highland precinct since 1880. q Parts taken to form Cherry ville and Sievers precincts since 1880. !■ Organized from part of Cascade precinct since 1880. s Formerly Marshfield. t Formerly Rock Creek. II Parts taken to form Garfield and George precincts since 1880. V Organized from part of Eagle Creek precinct since 1880. w Part taken to form Canyon Creek precinct since 1880. X Part taken to form Needy precinct since 1880. y Organized from part of Lower Molalla precinct since 1880. z Formerly Cuttings. aa Upper Astoria precinct (population 1, 670 in 1380) annexed since 1880. bb Sauvies Island preciuct (population 68 in 1880) annexed since 1880. 334 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OREGON— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Coos COUNTY . Bandon precinct, incl. Bandon village Bandon village Beaver Slough precinct (a) Burton Prairie ijrecinet Coaledo precinct (b) Coos precinct Coos River precinct CoquUle precinct, incl. Coquille village. . Coquille village Dora precinct (c) Empire precinct, including Empire town Empire town Enchanted Prairie precinct Lake precinct Marslifield precinct (d), including Marsh- field town. Marshfield town Missouri precinct Myrtle Point precinct (e). including Myr- tle Point town. M vrtle Point town ■ ■ ■ Newport precinct (/), incl. Newport viU. Newport village North Coos River precinct Norway precinct (g) Parkersburg precinct (h) Randolph precinct (i) Rowland precinct (j) South Slough precinct Sumner precinct Tenmile precinct Crook county (t) Bear Creek precinct Beaver precinct Black Butte precinct Camp Creek precinct Crooked River precinct Farewell Bend precinct Hardin precinct Hay Creek precinct Haystack precinct Howard precinct Ireland precinct Lower Trout precinct Mill Creek precinct Mitchell precinct Mowr V precinct ; • - Prineville precinct, incl. Prineville city Prineville city Saltzmau precinct Summit Prairie precinct Upper Trout precinct Willow Creek precinct CUEEY county. Big Bend precinct CHetco precinct (l) Eckley precinct {mi Ellensburg precinct (n) Flora Creek precinct Jerry Flat precinct (o) Mountain Ranch precinct (/;) . Port Orford precinct Quosatiu precinct (5) Douglas county Calapooia precinct, incl. Oakland city Oakland city Camas Valley precinct 1890 8,874 488 219 228 191 76 211 449 814 494 149 512 252 249 221 1.636 1,461 330 354 391 312 267 537 394 145 150 148 251 69 3,244 139 110 231 77 151 68 109 70 199 113 41 452 74 835 460 106 60 98 142 36 215 60 317 346 232 120 296 87 11,864 1880 1,537 339 254 4,834 111 148 200 266 296 176 144 412 148 69 1,006 642 212 404 no 103 385 353 110 185 158 33 1,208 81 236 56 262 137 213 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Douglas county — Continued. 223 Canyonville precinct Civil Bend precinct ( r) Cole Valley precinct.. ( ,^, Wilbur precinct ) Cow Creek precinct - - - - Deer Creek precinct, incl. Roseburg city . Roseburg city East Umpqua precinct (r) Elkton precinct Gardiner precinct, incl. Gardiner town . - Gardiner town Glendale precinct (r) Lookingglaas precinct Mount bcott precinct Myrtle Creek precinct Pass Creek precinct Riddle precinct (r) Scottsburg precinct Tenmile preoinct Yoncalla precinct 1890 9,596 1,495 369 249 a Part taken to form Coaledo precinct since 1880. h Organized from part of Beaver Slough precinct since 1880 c Formerly Brewster Valley. d Part taken to form Newport pi'ecinct since 1880. c Formerly Coquille. . ^ . ,ooa /Organized from part of Marshfield precinct since 1880. o Formerly Hall Prairie. . , . ,oon h Organized from part of Randolph precmct since 1880. i Part taken to form Parkersburg precinct since 1880. j Formerlv Johnson. . A: Organized from part ofWasco county in 1882. I Part taken to form Mountain Ranch precinct since 1880. rii Formerly Newcastle. n Formerlv Rogue River. Formerly Pleasant Hill ; part taken to form Quosatin precinct since 1880. Gilliam county (t) Arlington precinct, incl. Arlington town Arlington town Blalock precinct Butte Creek precinct, incl. Fossil town. . . Fossil town Condon precinct Crown Rock precinct.. ? ,j, Rowe Creek precinct. - 5 Ferry Canyon precinct Idea precinct Lone Rock precinct Matney precinct May vi'lle precinct Rock Creek precinct Trail Fork precinct Grant county (u) Austin precinct (v) Bear Valley precinct (r) Canyon jirecinct, incl. Canyon town Canvon town Fox precinct (r) Granite precinct Hamilton preoinct (»■) Havstack precinct Jolin Day precinct, incl. John Day village John Dav village Long Creek precinct, incl. Long Creek tn Long Creek town Mary s ville precinct Middle precinct Mountain Creek precinct (/) North Fork precinct Olive Creek precinct ( «■) Rock Creek precinct Rosebud precinct (/) Shoo Fly precinct ( /) Silvies precinct ( /•) South Fork precinct Susauville precinct (/) - • ■ Union precinct (w), incl. Prairie village . . Prairie village Wai-m Spring precinct (/) Waterman precinct (r) Harney county {x). 1880 600 352 93 2,365 1,472 245 512 828 229 449 349 193 652 1,440 316 215 245 485 3,600 594 356 222 570 153 224 220 152 92 221 126 521 406 252 5,080 28 188 382 304 244 249 352 290 331 211 533 60 227 200 107 179 52 85 135 131 29 192 52 760 222 293 41 2,559 28 279 931 (498 )206 295 1,659 822 335 576 758 375 613 199 350 489 4,303 558 393 200 148 560 450 244 192 88 185 97 548 Alvord precinct Blitzen precinct p Organized from part of Chetco precinct since 1880. ij Organized from part of Jerry Flat precinct since 1880. (■Organized since 1880. .■(Not separately returned. t Organized from parts of Umatilla and Wasco counties u illvord, Beaver Creek, Camp Curry, Dunder and Blitzen Elk Creek, Harney, Malheur, Monumental, and Warner pre- cincts (population 883 in 1880) taken to form Harney county '° V Organized from parts of OUve Creek and Union precinct* in 189"- . ■ .. ,onn w Part taken to form Austin precinct in 1890. X Orr-anized from part of Grant county in 1889. POPULATIOI^. 335 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. OREOOIV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Harney county — Continued. Burns precinct, including Burns town. . . Burns town Camp Curry precinct Catlow precinct Crane Creek precinct Drewsey precinct Embree precinct Harney precinct, including Harney town Harnev town Pine Creek precinct Saart of Table Rock precinct since 1880. j Organized from parts of Eden, Jacksonville, and Man- zanita precincts since 1880. k Organized from part of Little Butte precinct in 1890. I Includes population of Grant Pass and Lelnnd precincts, given to Josephine county since 1880; not .separately returned in 1880. 711, Parts taken to form WoodviUe precinct since 1880 and Gold Hill precinct in 1890. n Organized from part of Ashland precinct in 1890. Organized from part ol' Applegate precinct since 1880. p Parts taken to form Meadows and Trail Creek precincts since 1880. <1 Organized from parts of Ashland and Eden precincts in 1880. r Part taken to form Gold Hill j)recinct in 1890. .1 Organized from part of Rock Point precinct since 18S0. 681 264 148 57 88 183 130 554 240 142 115 56 98 11, 455 1 8,154 321 2.641 1,784 104 877 534 333 450 143 116 242 1,203 m 123 1,196 967 135 247 263 32 58 87 613 567 163 343 283 189 4,878 365 1.391 842 190 187 902 140 118 1,463 839 567 1551 281 171 636 404 272 1 2,485 226 112^ 528^ 2,108 1.432 460 279 311 245 409 200 347 b64] 380 361 309 507 i minor civil DIVISIONS. Klamath county (cc). Dairy precinct Klamath Lake precinct Linkville precinct, incl. Linkville town Linkville town Lost River precinct Pleona precinct Poe Valle V precinct Sprague ftiver precmot Tule Lake iirecinct Wood River precinct 1890 Lake county (dd). Chewaucan precinct Crooked Creek precinct Drews Valley precinct (cc) East Warner precinct (ee) Goose Lake precinct Lakeview precinct, incl. Lakeview tn. iff). New Pine Creek precinct North Wai'ner precinct (ee) Silver Lake precinct South Warner precinct {ee) Summer Lake precinct Lane county (hh) . 1880 2,444 231 59 787 364 363 340 141 119 194 210 2,004 250 2,804 363 175 183 179 83 83 392) 775> 69^ 78 gg 936 264 116 92 106 15.198 146 9,411 397 211 299 1.527 347 967 753 211 250 444 185 129 177 168 76 83 46 513 177 461 870 80 1,007 64 356 226 49 Camp Creek precinct (ii) Cheshire precinct (cc) Cottage Grove precinct, including Cot- tage Grove town {ff). Coyote precinct (ee) Cres well precinct (ee) Davis precinct (ee) , Fall Creek precinct , Florence precinct (ee) Gate Creek jirecinct (jj) Glentena precinct (ee) Goshen precinct (ee) Hazle Dell precinct Herman precinct (ee) Irving precinct Jasper precinct (ee) Junction precinct (kk), including Junction city (/). Lake Creek precinct (ee) Lane jirecinct (ee) Long Tom precinct aig Lost Valley precinct 267 Lowell precinct (II) jgy McKenzie precinct (ii) uy Mable precinct (ee) J24 Mapleton precinct (ee) 1^3 Mohawk precinct sgg North Eugene precinct, including part of 1, 809 Eugene city (/). Pleasant Hill precinct 354 Richardson precinct 626 Sinslaw precinct 288 South Eugene precinct, including part of 2, 302 Eugene city (/). / Part of Jackson county annexed since 1880. u Part of Leland precinct, Jackson county, annexed since 1880. £> Includes population of Pearsoi precinct; not separatelv returned in 1880. •' w Formerly in Jackson county ; not separately returned in 1880. t- J X Pearsoi precinct annexed since 1880. 11 Organized from parts of Slate Creek and Williams ('reek precincts since 1880. z Part taken to form Murphy Creek precinct since 1880. fia Formerly Williamsburg; 'part taken to form Muriihy Creek precinct since 1880. bb Organized from part of Leland precinct, Jackson county, since 1880. cc Organized from part of Lake county in 1882. dd Linkville, LostRiver, Pleona. and Sprague River precincts (population 1,368 in 1880) taken to form Klamath county in 1882. ee Organized since 1880. Jf Not separately returned. tig Not separately returned in 1880. Wt No information concerning Coast Fork precinct (potiuia- tion 006 in 1880). a Part taken to form Gate Creek precinct since 1880. jj Organized from parts of Camp (jreek and McKenzie pre- cincts since 1880. kk Formerly Lancaster. II Formerl'v Middle Fork. 298 1,433 339 650 279 817 336 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. OREGOX— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lane corxTY — Continued. Spencer precinct • • • - • Springtieiaprecinct.incl.Springfieldtown Springfield town Wildcat precinct (a; "Willamette precinC", Linn cointy. 1890 361 876 371 38 1880 195 771 i6o Albany precinct (/j), including part of Albany city. Albany city (part of) • • Total for Albany city (c), in Albany, East Albany, and West Albany pre- cincts. . , ,. T, Brownsville precinct, including Browns- ville city. Brownsville city Brusb Creek precinct (d) Center precinct (e) Crawfordsville precinct (/) East Albany precinct (<;), iucludiug part of Albany city. Albany city (part of) Lebanon precinct, incl. Lebanon town 1 Lebanon town (h) Syracuse precinct Eox Vallev precinct ( j) Franklin Butte precinct - ■ ■ : - • ■ Halsey precinct (A-). including Halsey city . Halsev city -•■■:■, :; ' ' Harrisburgprecinct, incl.Harrisburgcity- Harrisburg city Liberty precinct Orleans precinct Peoria precinct (!) Eock Creek i)recinet (m) Santiaiu precinct - - Scio precinct, including Scio city Scio city ^'i' " ; Vi Shedd precinct (A), including Sheddtown. Shedd town Sweet Home precinct (d) Tangent precinct (n) - ■ Waterloo precinct, incl. Sodaville town .. Sodaville town • . • •. ■■ West Albany precinct (e), including part of Albany city. Albany city (part of) 503 328 16, 265 12, 676 1,447 1 ,240 3.079 ■""iise? 1,29S 1,259 143 344 480 i3, 518 194 446 885 306 1, 274 422 278 466 316 911 ,101 587 1,144 253 437 193 603 m 401 269 715 66 1,290 390 56 539 Malhevb COVNTY (0) Bully precinct Carlisle jn-eciuct Castle Rock precinct Cleveland precinct Jordan Valley in-ecinct Juncliou precinct Malbeur precinct Mormon Ba.sin ijrecmct Ontario precinct Owyhee precinct Sna'ke River precinct Star precinct Stone precinct Summit precinct Three Forks preciuct Yale precinct, including Yale town. Vale town 2.601 210 156 117 112 303 83 227 61 280 79 47 65 155 133 89 484 131 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MAEION COUNTY 1890 22, 934 1880 14, 576 Abiqua precinct Aurora precinct Butteville precinct Cbampoeg precinct , East Salem precinct, including part of Salem city (2))- Fairfield precinct Garfield precinct (a) Gervais precinct, incl. Gervais city (p) ... Horeb precinct (o) ^ Howell Prairie precinct Hubbard precinct, incl. Hubbard village . Hubbard village Jefferson precinct, incl. Jefferson city J eff erson city Labish precinct Lincoln precinct Marion precinct Mehama precinct ,- North Salem precinct, including part of Salem city (p). St. Paul precinct (a) Salem precinct, comprising part ot Salem city. Silver Creek precinct, incl. Silvertou city. Silverton city ■ South Salem precinct, including part ot Salem city (p). Stayton precinct, including Stayton town 'Stavton town Sublimity precinct Turner preciuct, including Turner town Turner town Woodburn precinct, incl. Woodburn town '\\'oodburn town 1,101 352 491 278 4,749 883 291 440 662 1,940 198 213 233 726 524 752 764 402 637 283 117 806 141 569 3°7 485 522 250 378 2,145 415 499 199 318 930 451 1,885 1,088 1,620 1,238 1, 691 229 838 661 581 710 692 208 810 467 226 803 689 142 402 405 Morrow county {q) Alpine precinct Castle Rock precinct Cecil preciuct Dry Fork precinct Eightmile precinct ( iooseberry precinct Hardmau precinct Heppner precinct, iucl. Hepimer town Heppner town lone precinct Lena jirecinct ■ Lexington precinct I ,„■. Wells'Spriug precinct . . S^ Matteson precinct Pine preciuct Multnomah covt Albina precinct (n), incl. Albina city 5, 264 5 •129 119 11, 762 10,532 1,524 626 143 84 1,441 2,934 545 a Organized since 1880. ... ,oan i Organized from j.art of East Albany precinct m 1890. clnlsSOinEastAlb.iny precinct only. d Part taken to form CrawtordsviUe i)recinct since 18*0. e Part taken to form Tangent precinct m 1890. ^Olgautedfrom parts of Brush Creek and Sweet Home Tireciucts since 1880. . g Part taken to form Albany precinct m 1890. h Pojmlatiou in 1880, 270. i Not separately returned in 1880. . .„ , aa« j Part taken to form Eock Creek precinct m 1888. k Part taken to form Peoria preciuct in 1890. Albina city Ward I 2,279 Ward 2 1.559 Wards ^'^9i Columbia j)recinct ;.■■•,■, — East Portland precinct (/•), including Last Portland city. East Portland city Fulton precinct Lent precinct (.s) I Organized from pai'ts of Halsey and Shedd precincts in 1890 in bro-anized from part of Fox Valley precinct in 1888. n Organized from parts of Center and West Albany ]ire- cincts 111 1890. . ^_ o Organized from 7)art of Baker county m I881 . JO Not separately returned. . o Oruanized from part of Umatilla county m I880. '■Grant and Northeast Portland precincts (population 2,077 in 1880) annexed since ]88(J. ■ ^ ■ „ laao * Organized from part of Multnomah precinct since 1880. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiuued. OREGOrV— Continued. 337 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Multnomah coCNTr — Continued. Mount Tabor precinct Multnomab precinct (a) Xorth Portland] Soa\h"portland | (^'>' ">*^'- Portland city, precinct. J Portland citv ic) 46,385 1,323 579 1890 2, 067 318 47, 447 1880 Powell Valley precinct Rooster Rock precinct. St. John precinct, incl. St. John town St. John town Sandy precinct Sauries Island precinct Sellwood precinct (d), including Sellwood city (e). Willamette precinct Willamette Slough precinct Polk corNTV . Bridgeport precinct Bnena Vista pr-.-cinct Luckamute precinct Dallas precinct, including Dallas town . . Dallas town Dixie precinct Douglas precinct Eola precinct Independence precinct (g), including In- dependence tO\VTl (c). Jackson precinct McCoy precinct {h} Monuiouth precinct (i), including Mon- mouth town (e). Salt Lake precinct Seever precinct (d) Spring Valley precinct (h) 687 127 953 828 460 7,858 508 421 17, 577 17.577 358 300 209 320 152 374 300 6,601 Sherman county (j) . Biglow precinct ......... Biglow Springs precinct. Grant precinct Grass Valley precinct . . Monkland precinct Moro precinct Wasco precinct 610 6611; 1, 532 848 411 308 527 1,061 537 370 666 223 168 382 1,792 Tillamook county. Bay precinct Beaver precinct (d) Carnahan precinct (d) . . Dolph precinct (li) FoUey precinct (d) Gariljaldi iirecinct Hebo precinct (d) Hoquarton precinct Kehalem precinct Kestucca i)reciuct , Ketarts precinct (d) Onion Peak (jrecinct (rf) , South Prairie precinct. . . Union precinct 84 39 300 186 283 243 657 2,932 374 /1, 275 1,062 670 384 373 488 453 1,257 356 970 218 174 128 91 66 90 183 159 46 911 136 224 153 299 108 137 1 174 216 183 129 1 MI.VOB civil DmsiONS. Umatilla county (it) . Adams precinct (?) Alta precinct ( m ) .'.'.'.... Camas precinct (n) .'.'.'.'.'...'. Centerville precinct, incl. Athena town! '. Athena town Cottonwood ])recinct .'.'.'.' Echo precinct (0) Foster precinct (0) Heli.K precinct (?) .'.'.'"' Juniper precinct (0 ...' Meacham precinct [p) \ Milton precinct (5), incl. Milton town .... Milton town Mountain precinct [......... North Pendleton precinct (p), including part of Pendleton town . Pendleton town (part of) Total for Pendleton town, in North and South Pendleton precincts. Prospect precinct (r) Ruddock precinct (cf ) South Pendleton precinct (p), inciudin<^ part of Pendleton town. Pendleton town (part of) Umatilla precinct, incl. UmatUla town (e) Union precinct (jo) Vansycle precinct (I) Vinson precinct (s) '.'. Weston precinct, including Weston town ^Veston town '. Willow Springs precinct (n) Toakum precinct (p) ] Union county (t) . Antelope precinct {d) Bed Rock precinct Big Creek precinct Camp Carson precinct (d) Cornucopia precinct (d) ...\ Cove precinct, including Cove village! ! ! ! Cove village Eagle VaUey precinct (u) !!!!!!!!! Elgin preciiict («), including Elgin towii! Elgin town Hilgard precinct (rf), incl. Hilgard viiiage Hilgard village Island precinct, including Island city (e) '. Lagrande precinct, incl. Lagrande citv. . . La^randecitv " Ward I . . .' .■ ■ '625 Ward 2 j^gjg Rorth Powder precinct, including North Powder town. North Powder town Pine Valley precinct (d) .'.'.'!!!!!!!! Sanger precinct (d) !!!!!!! Sparta precinct (?(■) ' !!.!!! Starkey precinct {d) __\\ Summerville precinct, including Summer- ville town. Summerville town Union precinct, including Union city ! ! ! '. '. Union city Wallowa county (a;). a Part taken to form Lent precinct since 1880. 6 Not separately returned; Western (population of that part outside Portland city 531 in I88O1, Conch, Madison, and Mori'ison jirecincts annexed since 1880. c In 1880 comprised Conch, Madison, M«rrison, North Port- land, and South Portland precincts and part of Western precinct. d Organized since 1880. e Not separately returned. /Not separately returneii in 1880. Organized from part of Moumoutli precinct in 1880 ft Bethel precinct (population 579 in 1880) formed into Mc- Coy and Sprmg Valley precincts since 18.S0. 1 Part taken to form Independence precinct in 18S0. ] Organized from part of Wasco couutv in 1889. *Heppner, Lena, Lower Butler Creek. Lower Willow onrn- ■ ^"' """.'>"■ and Upiier Butler Creek precincts (population .i,0t)(3 m 1880) taken to form Gilliam and Morrowcounti<'s in 1885 I Grea.sewood pivriuct (ijopulatioii IWll in I88IJ) formed into Aaams, Helix, Jumper, and Vansycle prsciucts in 1882. 372 22 Enterprise precinct, incl. Enterprisetown , Enterprise town 1890 13, 381 528 695 535 1,042 495 350 468 137 301 3,36 333 1,937 514 316 1.192 740 2,506 288 74 1,959 1 ,766 210 330 213 268 1,444 261 164 12, 044 130 134 265 34 182 801 223 349 1,332 227 988 429 C82 3,064 2.583 599 185 1880 9,607 652 803 518 1,308 300 297 1,255 446 6,650 98 159 631 223 563 735 836 200 93 14« 130 1.275 280 1,219 604 3,601 235 800 979 416 617 242 ■^.,'P^J:\?^^Y'^.^ofoTraYinson precinct in 1882 .and Camas and Willow Springs precincts in 1884. n Organized from part of Alta precinct in 1884 Meadows precinct (population 343 in 1880) formed into Echo and Foster precincts in 1882. p Pendleton precinct (population 949 in 1880) formed into Meacham. ISorth Pendleton. Soutli Pendleton. Union, and \oakum precincts since 1880: part ef Union precinct taken to form Prospect precinct in 1888. q Blaylock precinct (population 133 in 1880) annexed since r Organized from part of Union precinct in 1888. s Organized from part of Alta precinct 111 1882. t Grande Koiide. Prairio Creek. Rock Creek, Silver L,ike and Wallowa precincts (i)oimlation 1.191 in 1880) taken to form \\ allowa county in 1887. u Formerly Lower'Eaale. V Formerly Indian Vallev. w Formerly Eagle. X Organized from part of Union county in 1887. 338 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. OREGON — ContiDued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Wallowa county— Continued. Imnalia precinct - ■ ■ • • • •.;,••••■ Joseph precinct, including Joseph village. 3 oseph village Lostine precinct Lost Prairie precinct Paradise precinct Pine Creek precinct Prairie Creek precinct Swamp Creek precinct Three Buck precinct Wallowa precinct 1880 Wasco countt (a) ■ 83 668 249 530 133 177 169 280 233 151 620 9,183 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Washington county— Continued. 11,120 Antelope precinct Bake Oven precinct Columbia precinct (b) Deschutes precinct (b) Dut'ur precinct (b) .■•-;■■,-. 11' V East Dalles precinct (c), including part ot Dalles city. Dalles citv (part of )......... • •■ — •■•• Total for Dalles city, m East and West Dalles precincts. Tails precinct, incl. CascadeLocks village. Cascade Locks village .. ■ ■ ■ ■ .- .• ■ • Hood River precinct, incl. Hood KiverviU. Hood River village Kinpley precinct (b) Hosier precinct Rosebush precinct (6) Tygh precinct Wamic precinct (b) . - Wapinitia precinct (b) •■■.•-•-■ ■ -. ;_• ■ ; West Dalles precinct '.c), including part of Dalles city. Dalles city (part of) Washwgton county . Beaverdam precinct 307 163 335 463 425 2,418 1.595 3,029 370 27s 1,187 201 397 240 343 168 363 215 1,789 i>434 205 : Forest Cedar Creek precinct East Butte precinct West Butte precinct Columbia precinct Cornelius precinct Dairy Creek precinct Forest Grove precinct, includinj (Jrove town. Forest Grove town Gales Creek precinct Hillsboro precinct, incl. Hillsboro tn. (e) . South Tualatin precinct Wapato precinct Washington precinct 1890 Yamhill county. 583 364 116 .082 ~588 Amity precinct, incl. Amity town («■) Bellevue precinct Carlton precinct Dayton precinct (/), incl. Dayton town . . . ' Dayton town Dundee precinct (jr) ••■,".■"'" East Chehalem precinct (/), including Newberg town. Newberg town Lafayette precinct, mcl. Lafayette town. . llafavette town ......... Iforth McMinnville precinct (ft), includ- ing part of McMiunville city. Mc.Minnville city (part of) • Total lor McMinnville city, in North and South McMinnville precincts. North Yamhill precinct ()' ) Sheridan precinct (j). incl. Sheridan tn.. Sheridan town • . South McMinnville precinct (ft), includ- ing part of McMiunville city. McMinnville citv (part of) West Chehalem precinct (/) Willamette precinct Willamina precinct (k) 951) 1, II2S 440^ 751 1,057 1,089 1,268 670 1,552 599 621 805 10, 692 1880 cn,44l 354 686 592 942 547 289' 885 377 41» 509 ,945- 743 370 599 986 304 222 1, 268 5U 634 365 1,099 1,392 718 299 1.296 382 346- 468 819 368 481 863 396 645 377 433 670 982 993 196 535 368 n Parts taken to form Crook, Gilliam, and Shermaii coun- *• tITrI'? 1 SR5 and 1889 respectivelv; CampCreek, Mitchell, Ochocc. Prin<^-me Sal izman, and Villow Creek precincts Ochoco, J^rineAiu . ^^^^^ county, Butte (populat on 1^943 -iWbO^ra ^^^^ ^,^^^^ precincts *^'''''' I'^^^T, ?193 in 1880° taken to form Gilliam county ; no IJi'^matrn conce^-i-Tcelilo E.^- ^^^^^ -^^ Oak Grove precincts (population 2,004 m 1880). l g;Krecll."t (population 3 226 in 1880) formed into East and West DaUes precincts since 1880. d Not separatelv returned in 1880. c Not separately returned. f Part taken to form Dundee precmct m 1886. , ._. . 'g Organized from parts of Dayton and East and West Chehalem precincts in 1886. . ,„„„,.<. , ft McMinnville precinct (population 1,408 m 1880) formed, into North and South McMinnville precincts since 1880. j Formerly North Fork. . 7 Part taken to form Willamma precinct m 1884. k Organized from part of Sheridan precmct in 1884. PE1VNSYI.VANIA. minor civil divisions. Adams county— Continued. Bendersville borough (a). Berwick borough . . Berwick township Butler township .- Conewago township (b) Cumberland township. East Berlin borough Franklin township Freedom township Germany township Gettysburg borough •--■■■ Wardl ]'ll\ «5::::::::::::::::::::--:::":-^ Hamilton ban township. Hamilton township a Organized from part of Menallen township in 1887 I Pa'it taken to form McSherrystown borough m 1884. c Fnclndes Fairfield village (population 410), given as , corporal ed in 1880. Highland township Huntington township Latimore township Liberty township Littles'town borough McSherrystown borough (d) Menallen township (e) Mountjoy township Mount Pleasant township New Oxford borough Oxford township Reading town.ship Straban township Tyrone township Dnion township York Springs borough d Organized from part of Conewago township in 1884 e Part taken to form Bendersville borough in 1887. 1890 483 1,552 1.244 761 991 1,020 1,598 1,392 2,039 585 905 1,368 1,641 1,050 1,128 340 1880 524 1,642- 1,282 892 913 439 2,010 1,296 2.138 501 851 1,382 1, 712 985 1,180 378- POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continned. PElVIVSYIiVAIVIA— Continued. 339 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Allegheny county 551, 959 355, 869 Aleppo township (a) , Allegheny city Ward i ' 6, 943 Ward 2 16,511 Ward 3 14,887 Ward 4 11,618 Ward 5 9,920 Ward 6 11,002 Ward 7 5,928 Ward 8 2,941 Ward 9 4,685 Ward 10 4,381 Ward 11 5, 669 Ward 12 5,370 Ward 13 4, 832 Baldwin township Bellevue borough Bellzhoover borough Bethel township (6) Braddock borough Ward 1 ■ 3, :!86 Ward 2 3, 175 Ward 3 2. 000 Braddock township (e), inol.Copeland vill. Copeland village Chartiers borough Chartiers township Collier township Coraopolis borough {d) Crescent township East Deer township Edgewood borough {e) Elizabetli borougli Elizabeth township, including Buena Vista and Industry villages. Buena Vista village Industry village ', Etna borough ..,_ Fawn township Tindley township Forward township, incl. Bunoia village . . Bunola village Franklin township Gleufield borough Greentree borougli (/) Hampton township Hanner township Harrison township, incl. Avenue village.. Avenue village Homestead borough (g) Ward 1 '. 3, 222 Ward 2 3] 313 Ward 3 1 , 376 Indiana township Jefferson township Kilbuck township Knox villo borough Leet township Lincoln township (A) Lower St. Clair town.ship McCandlcss township McKeesport borough Ward 1 4, 768 Ward 2 7, 860 Wards 8,113 Mansfield borough Marshall township Mifflin township (ii, including Dravos- burg village. Dravosburg village Mill vale borough Ward 1 915 Ward 2 1,594 Ward 3 1, 300 Moon township (}) Neville township North Fayette township 510 105, 287 7,230 1.349 2,983 7,808 2,961 962 785 1,683 616 1,804 5,149 2,352 950 11,144 3,809 1880 419 1.253 218 1,810 3. 361 239 1,003 490 2,352 1,189 3, 227 1.432 393 890 1.646 2,329 1.010 8.212 1,172 748 6,483 850 1,824 a Part taken to form Osbum borough in 1883. b Organized from part of Snowdeu township in 1886. c Organized from part of Wilkins township in 1885. rf Organized from part of Moon township in 1886. e Organized from parts of .Sterrett and Wilkins townships since 1880. .f Organized from part of Union township in 1885. H Organized from part of Mifflin township since 18K0. h Part taken to form Reynoldton borough in 188G. i Part taken to fonu Homestead borough since l^^SO. j Part taken to form Coraopolis borough in IHSU. minor civil divisions. Allegheny county— Continued. jS'orth Versailles township (k), includin" Port Perry village. Port Perry village Oakmont borough (f) ..[I........ O'Hara township Ohio township Osbum borough {m) Patton township Penn township Pine township Pittsburg city .._\ Ward 1...' 3 73' Ward 2 ; slobH ^artl 3 2,090 Ward 4 3 141 :j^ard 5 ;: s:,u\ :^ard 6 9 129 S^ard , 5 9U2 Ward 8 7 022 Ward 9 '" 4'277 Ward 10 ; 3;eo2 Ward 11 9 884 ^ardl2 ]o;335 Ward 13 11,109 Ward 14 15,521 Ward 15 5, 75S Ward 16 10,810 Ward 17 12,335 WardlS e,995 Wardl9 7,996 Ward 20 11,012 Ward 21 11, 276 Ward 22 3 259 Ward23 \\'. 7; 020 Ward24 5,809 Ward 25 7,379 Ward 26 " ] ' 7J 752 Ward 27 io| gog Ward28 5,120 Ward29 4,836 Ward 30 3, 402 Ward 31 4] 823 Ward 32 6 791 Ward 33 ' 1' 079 Ward 34 2] 422 Ward 35 3,' 630 Ward 36 3, 632 Plum township Reserve township (>r) Ee.vnoldtou borough (0) '. Richland township ' Robinson township Ross township Scott township Sewickley borough Sewickley township Sbaler township Sharpsburg borough Snowden township (p) South Fayette township South Versailles township Springdale township Spring Garden borough (7) Sterrett township (/-/T Stowe township, incl. McKees Eocl 1880 1,111 1,213 100 297 1,447 932 618 413 1,092 5.616 320 1,922 1,154 1, 072 529 1,494 1,196 1,012 3,649 925 411 926 1,040 38,644 2,242 Bedford borough ■•-;.• East ward J. 1 ' J West ward L " ' 1 Bedford township Bloomfield township Broadtop township Coaldale borough Coleralu township - -. Cumberland Valley township East Providence township East St. Clair township Everett borough Harrison township (I) Hopewell township Hy ndman borough Juniata townsbij) Kimmell township (m) King township (n) ' Liberty township Londonderry township Manns Choice borough (o) Maun township Monroe township Napier township {p) New Paris borough (7) Pleasantville borough Rainsburg borough St. Clairs ville borough Saxtun borough Schellsburg borough Snakespring township Southampton tow nship 1 -■ „. South Woodbury township , 1' "-J^ Union townsliip («) " ., West Providence township nil West. St. Clair township '" W»)odburv borou" h Woodbury township •(«)■ 1, 249 1,351 334 308 1,082 829 751 350 1,124 3,653 259 1,878 971 1,376 130 458 903 1,092 2,552 651 289 1, 025 2,561 913 2,370 272 1,045 1,108 1,475 1,148 1,679 804 1,356 1,056 1,401 741 638 1,332 1,611 363 891 1,909 1,671 196 257 247 134 712 281 774 1,066 260 932 34, 929 2,011 2,685 868 1,446 258 1, 022 1,270 1,503 1,114 1,247 978 1,404 323 1,437 1,168 914 1,233 834 1,911 2,011 176 227 280 144 369 359 716 1,206 1,630 956 1,179 951 281 999 137,327 122,597 1,491 1,691 1,603 ; 1, 523 ; 1880. Albanv township Alsace" township (r) Lower Alsace township («) j Part taken to form Economy borough since 1880. k Or..anized from part of Chippewa township _since 1880. I Part taken to form Manns Choice borough since 1880. m Organized from parts of King and Union townships since ^Tpart taken tfl form Kimmell township since 1880. o Organized from part of Harrison township 8ince 1880. V Part taken to form New Paris borough since 1.^80. a Organized from part of Napier towusTiip since 188U. • Part taken to form Lower Alsace township sii"--^ lf«0- s Organized from part of Alsace township since 1880. t Not separately returned. I POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continned. PE IVIVS Vli V AIVI A-Continned. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Berks county — Continued. Amity township Bern township Eeruvilh' borough Bethel towcship Linlslioro borough East ward 1, 462 West ward 799 Boyertown boi'ough Brecknock township Caernarvon township Centerport horougli (a) Center township (6) Colebrookdale township Cuiuru township, including Mohrsville and Shillingtou villages. Mohrsville village Shillington village District townshij) '.'.[ Douglass township Earl township Exeter township Fleetwood Ijorough Greenwich township (c) Hamburg borough JCorth ward 967 South ward 1, 160 Heidelberg township Hereford township JeH'erson township Kutztown borough Lenhartsville borough (d) Long Swamp township Lower Heidelberg township Maidencreek township Marion township llaxatanny township Muhlenberg township North Heidelberg township Oley township, inch Freidensburg village Freidensburg village Ontelaunee township Peun township Perry township, incl. Shoemakervilie vill Shoemakerville village Pike township Reading city Ward 1.; 3.694 Ward 2 5.947 ■^ard 3 4' 665 ■^ard 4 2,758 Ward 5 3,467 Ward 6 5^977 Ward 7 5,185 Ward 8 4,403 Ward 9 4,800 WardlO 6,156 Ward 11 3 899 Ward 12 4 no Ward 13 SJeOO Richmond township Robeson township ' Rockland tow nship '.'. Ruscorabmanor township Spring township Tilden township (c) .._ Topton borough .[. Tulpehocken township Union township 'Upl)er Bern township (/) Upper Tulpehocken township Washington township Windsor township Womelsdorf borough 1890 Blair county. 1880 3,007 2,876 1,775 1,269 2, 264 2, 0C9 854 2,098 514 1,129 1,282 1,5T5 502 882 58, 661 70, 806 2,850 1,052 1,277 1,552 1,598 1,935 2,176 365 405 2, 139 2,329 2,261 1,705 1,436 1,099 949 923 942 951 133 1.418 1, 627 1.352 1,150 3,927 3,064 620 267 600 136 715 798 1,143 1,151 927 1,141 2, 308 2,469 878 802 1,651 1,988 2,127 2,010 1,440 1,281 1,357 1,406 969 1,072 1,595 1,198 152 161 3, 426 2,862 1,714 1,392 2,843 1,913 950 2,175 379 1,265 1,530 1,527 429 921 43, 278 1,916 2,226 2, 483 2,322 1, 423 1,527 1,313 1,466 2,544 2,340 1,082 500 515 1,972 2,092 1,317 1,540 989 2,179 1,194 1,274 2.173 1,924 686 830 1,141 1.097 Allegheny township, including part of Duncansville village. Duncansville village (part ofl Total for Duncansville village, in .-Vile- gheny and Blair townships. a Organized from part of Center township since 1880. b Part taken to form Centerport borough since 18S0. c Part taken to form Lenhartsville borough since 1880 d Organized from part of Greenwich township since 1880. e Organized from part of Upper Bern township in 1886. / Part taken to form Tilden township in 1886. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Blair cocnty— Continued. Altoona city Ward! "3,273 Ward 2 4,680 Ward 3 3, 049 Ward 4 3, 415 Ward 5 4 457 Ward 6 '.'.'.'..'. 4^ ggg Ward7 1 985 Ward 8 4, 482 Antis township (g) '.. Bellwood borough (A) !!.!.'..!!!!!! Blair township, including part of Dun- cansville village. Duncansville village (part of) Catharine township East Tyrone borough Frankstowu township Freedom township Gay sport borough Greenfield township Hollidavsborg borough ^"^ardl gie" Ward2 676 ^a'-d3 609 Ward 4 874 Huston township Juniata township Logan township Martinsburg borough Newry borough. 1890 30, 337 North Woodbury township .', Roaring Spring borough (i) ' Snyder township Taylor to wnship (j) !'..]!!..!! Tyrone borough .".... Ward 1 !!! "830 Ward 2 j jyj ^ard3 ;;:;;;; i;288 Ward 4 1,416 Tyrone tONvnship Woo Southaiiipton townshil) Springfield township Telford borough (rf) Tiuicum township TJpper Makefield township Warminster township Warrington township ■ Warwi(fk township West Rockhill township (c) ■ Wrightstown township 1,581 1, 400 70, 615 63, 056 2,385 2,499 846 6,553 1,591 2,544 2,519 1, 733 ] , 783 1, ceo 2,463 1,218 3,032 418 727 2,028 2, 482 2, 217 1, 058 5,273 1,682 2,815 2, U70 1,845 1,420 BDTLER COU NTY. ...-.--.---•--■••-••- 55, ooy 1,817 1,224 1,360 2,975 968 1,844 1, 152 1,001 970 1,554 1,768 300 2, 537 1,769 1,994 490 2,648 1,435 2, 525 Brady township Buffalo township, Butler borough.- Wardl 2.468 Ward2 1.384 Waid3 1.366 Ward 4 2,067 Wards 1-449 Butler township Center township Centerville borough Cherry township Clay township Clearfield township Clinton township Concord township - Conoquenessing township Cranberry township Donegal township Evans borough (g) Fairview borough Fairview township Forward township (A) Franklin township Harmony borough Harris ville borough . . ) ,^v Mercer township 5 .Jackson township (h) Jefferson township Karus borough Lancaster township Marion township Middlesex township Millersto wn borough Muddvcreek township (lakland township Parker township Penn township Petrolia borough Portersville borough Prospect borough Saxouburg borough Slippery rock township Summit township Sunbury borough Venango township Washington township Winfield township Worth township Zelienople borough ■ Cambria county 1,297 1,005 448 1,433 1,076 841 918 1,138 1,593 909 1,617 637 303 1,996 1,724 990 585 1,083 1,154 1,600 427 946 965 1,078 1, 162 785 1,198 1,710 1,814 546 190 343 258 1,247 1,287 238 1,147 1, 351 1,087 939 639 66, 375 1,007 980 418 1,161 1,036 «1, 056 1,048 /I. 654 1,190 983 2,156 333 3,930 1,133 1,047 497 (386 ^985 1,267 1,214 701 1,070 1,086 1,100 1,108 790 1,089 2,516 1,131 1,186 216 362 319 1,007 1,266 243 1,322 1,287 1,092 1,076 497 46, 811 1,004 1,431 Adams township Allegheny township a Organized from part of Wyalusing township since 1880. 6 Part taken to form Wyalusing borough since 1880. c Rockhill towu.ship (population 3,207 in 18»0) 'ormed mto East and West Rockhill townships since 1880; part "♦ West Rockhill township taken to form Teltord borough in 1886 d Organized from part of West Rock h 11 township m 188G. e Includes CoylesviUe village {population 57), given as '"TlJi'cUri Griefe village (population 142,, given as incoi- ^'*^' 0?ganizeTfrom parts of Forward and Jackson townships in 1882. 634 1,226 255 508 1,205 764 619 1,874 567 501 1,158 845 1,202 711 662 2,392 1,076 1,070 987 899 587 1,047 502 1,295 305 527 1,323 437 409 ml, 236 216 756 Adams township Allegheny township Ash ville borough ( j) Barr township Blacklick township Cambria township Carrolltown borough Carroll township Chest Springs borough Chest township (A") Clearfield township Conemaugh township Coopersdale borough. . - . . - ■- - •■•-■■ ■ -.■ ■ ■ Croyle township (I), incl. Ehrenfeld viU- Ehrenfeld village Dean township (n) East Conemaugh borough East Taylor township (o) Ebensbiirg borough Elder towniship Franklin borough Gallitzin borough Gallitzin township Hastings borough (p) Jackson township h Part taken to form Evans borough in 1882. i Not separately returned. • „„iaao ,• Organized from part of Dean township since 1880. k Part taken to form Hastings borough smce 1880 I Part taken to form South Fork borough smce 1880. „; induJe:. SummerhiU village (population 343), given as incorporated in 1880. .,.,,, , :„„.iiaan n Part taken to form Ashy.lle borougli «' '^* f |"^„,.j ..^^ oTavlor township (population 1,3/2 m 1880) formed into East aiid West Taylor towns Inps since 1880. /'organized froi part of Chest township smce 1880. 1,123 579 734 799 437 1,004 POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. PEIVIVSYtVAIVIA— Continued. 343 MINOR CniL DIVISIONS. 1890 Cambria county— Continued. Johnstown city (a) AVard 1 1,480 AVard 2 50' Ward 3 412 Ward 4 1,002 AVard 5 1,413 AVard 6 2,469 AVard 7 3,774 AVard 8 028 AVard 9 2,2.52 AVard 10 1, 304 AVard 11 683 Ward 12 889 Ward 13 1 , 098 AVard 14 1 , 180 Ward 15 943 Ward 16 1 , 771 Xilly borough (6) Loretto borough Xo wer Toder township, including Browns- town and llorreUville villagesT Brownstown village Morrell villa village ilunster township Portage township, inol. Portage village. . Portage village Eeade township Eichland township South Fork borough (c) Stony Creek township, including Hon nerstown and Walnut Grove villages. Honnerstown village '. . . . . AValnut Grove village Summerhill township Susquehanna township Tunnelhill borough Tipper Toder township (;lertownship inl883. h Organized from parts of Becaria, Gulich, Knox, and Wood- ward townships in 1883. . i Organized from part of Woodward township since labO. j Organized from part of Decatur township in 1883. k Organized from part of Becaria to\vnship since 1880. Becaria township {g), inch Blaine village. Blaine village Bell township Bigler township (ft) Bloom township Boggs township Bradford township Brady township Brisljin borough (0 Bnrnside borough Bumside townsnip Chester Hill borough (j) Chest township Clearfield borough Coalport borough (t) Coojter township (.1), inch Peale village . . . Peale village Covington township Curwensville borough Decatur township (in) Dubois borough ()i) Wardl 2,741 Ward2 2,280 Wards 1,128 Ferguson to wn.ship Girard township , Glen Hope borough ( i-) Goshen township Gr.aham township Greenwood township Gulich township (o) Houtzdale borough Huston township, iucl. Penfield village. . . Penfieid village Jordan toAvnship Karthaus township Knox township (o) Lawrence township (p), including Glen Richey village. Glen Richey village Lumber borough Mahaffey borough (k) Morris township (<]), including Aahcroft and Morrisdale villages. Ashcroft village Morrisdale village Newburg borough New Washington borough Osceola Mills borough Penn township (r) PennvUle borough (s) Pike township Sandy township (0 Union township Wallaceton borough West Clearfield b(u-ough (u) Woodward township (B) 1880 1,706 742 1,861 2,035 5Q9 1,859 640 360 655 1,147 336 495 331 1,161 1,505 376 69, 565 3,021 534 1,484 1,841 364 835 1,981 1,918 1,508 292 1,614 563 1,314 2,248 855 2,276 500 747 1,664 4,779 6,149 981 587 286 476 696 566 1,300 2,231 2,443 603 1,415 1,368 810 2,773 527 266 627 3,297 786 669 354 178 1,730 806 219 1,445 2,152 639 250 621 5,596 2,458 822 1,592 2, 308 544 2. 740 514 334 1,044 1,496 388 543 317 1,272 1,496 290 43, 408 ^1, 461 '" "998 443 905 1,702 1,888 279 1,513 1,098 1,809 729 706 2,443 2,718 704 575 164 501 645 455 1,088 2,060 1,354 299 685 618 788 2,233 298 409 184 280 1,253 611 1,441 3,840 551 196 5,105 I Organized from part of Morris township in 1884. ■ni Part taken to form Chester Hill borough in 1883. n Organized from Tiarti of Sandy township since 1880. Part taken to form Bigler township in 1883. p Part taken to form West Clearfield borough since 1880. q Part taken to fonu Cooper township in 1884. »■ Part taken to form Peunville borough in 1885. « Organized from part of Penn township in I880. t Part taken to form Dubois borough since 1880. u Oro-anized from part of Lawrence township since 1880. V Parts taken to form Brisbin borough since 1880 and Big- ler township in 1883. POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. PENlVSVIiVAlYIA-Contimied. 345 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Clinto.v county . Allison township, incl. Flemington vill. . . PUeraington village Bald Eagle township Beech Creeli boroujjh Beech Creek township Castanea township Chapman township (a) Coleorook township Crawford township Dunstable township East Keating township Gallagher township Greene township Grugan to wn ship Lamar township Leidy township Lock Haven citv Ward 1 -. 2,053 Ward 2 1 , 775 Ward 3 1, 509 Ward 4 2, 021 Loganton borough (6) Logan township Mill Hall borough Xoyes township , Pine Creek township Porter township Reno vo borougli East ward 1,496 Middle ward 1,295 West ward 1, 363 South Renovo borough (c) Wayne township West Keating township Woodward township 1890 Columbia county with Beaver township Benton township Berwick borough Bloom township, coextensive Bloomsburg borough. Briar Creek township Catawissa township, incl. Catawissa vill Catawissa village Center township Centralia borough Conyngham township Fisliing Creek township Franklm township Greenwood township Hemlock township Jackson township Locust township , Madison township Main township Mifflin township Montour township Mount Pleasant township Orange township Pine township Roaring Creek township Scott township, including Espy village . . Espy village Sagarloaf township CR.4.WF0RD COtlSTY. Athens township Beaver township Bloomfleld township Blooming Yalley borough . Cambridge borough Cambridge township CenterviUe borough Cochranton borough Conneaut tomiship Conneautville borough Cussewago township East Fairfield township . . . 28, 685 1,112 912 818 437 705 484 1,128 495 440 449 229 359 1,218 229 1. 393 677 7,358 385 938 503 1,054 919 1,038 4,154 135 712 253 1,063 36, 832 1880 1,039 1,252 2,701 4,635 1,292 2,348 1,809 1,195 2,761 2,739 1,447 522 1,876 946 738 1,973 1, 072 595 1,022 638 786 1.000 965 580 1,373 549 1,337 65, 324 1,244 1,131 1,367 206 912 690 274 655 1,559 757 1,468 572 26, 278 930 939 400 800 343 938 431 463 576 245 385 1,253 291 1,524 583 5,845 423 959 398 596 1,078 1,056 3,708 742 273 32, 409 1,221 1.062 2,095 3,702 1, 172 2,002 1.427 1,255 1,886 1,805 1,446 543 1,710 1,080 675 2,014 1,074 626 1,038 060 759 901 911 553 1,347 462 872 68, 607 1,419 1,136 1,491 232 674 745 307 645 1.601 941 1,697 748 a Part taken to form South Renovo borough since 1880. b Formerly Logansville. c Organized from part of Chapman township since 1880. d Formerly Oil Creek. minor civil divisions. Crawford county— Continued. East Fallowfield township Evansburg borough Fairfield township [_] Geneva borough ' Greenwood township Hartstown borough Haytield township Hydetown borough (rf) Linesville borough Mead township Meadville city Ward 1 i.ysi Ward 2 2,512 Ward 3 2 624 Ward 4 2! 433 ISJonh Shenango township Oil Creek township Pine township Randolph township '. Riceville borough Richmond township Rockdale township ./_, Rome township Sadsbury township " Saegerstown borough ..., South Shenango township , Spartansburg borough Sparta township ] ] ' Springboro borough .' . Spring township Steuben township Summerhill township Summit township Titusville city ][ Ward 1 2, 342 Ward 2 2 991 Ward 3 i] 112 'W'ard 4 , ! ij 628 Townville borough Troy township Union township Vallonia borough Venango borough Venango township Vernon township, incl. Kerrtown village. Kerrtown village Wayne township West Fallowfield township West Shenango township Woodcock borough Woodcock township 1S90 Cumberland county . Camp Hill borough {fj Carlisle borough Ward 1 2,255 Ward 2 1, 438 Ward 3 1.675 Ward 4 2, 252 Cooke township Dickinson township East Pennsboro township (g), incl. West Fairview and Wcrmleysburg villages. West Fairview village Wcrmleysburg village Frankford township , Hampden township Hopewell township Lower Allen township Mechauicsburg borough Ward 1 1,476 Ward 2 908 Ward 3 C34 Ward 4 673 Middlesex township Mifflin township Monroe township Mount Holly Springs borough Newburg borough New Cumberland borough Newton township c Includes Turners ville village (population 84), given as incorporated in 1880. /Organized from part of East Pennsboro township since 1880. g Part taken to form Camp Hill borough since 1880. 1,199 291 841 293 1,465 160 1,628 247 552 2.616 9,520 804 1.489 .351 1. 906 245 1,384 1,309 1,353 845 745 009 510 1,209 490 1, 575 997 1, 040 1.008 8.073 358 1,493 514 548 278 536 2.014 577 1.573 364 328 140 1,283 47, 271 191 7.620 328 1,731 2.751 1. 137 555 1,464 964 1,027 1,018 3,691 1880 1,306 197 929 346 1,614 107 1,954 405 550 2,857 8,860 942 1,578 385 1,869 314 1,490 1,603 1,324 895 078 991 486 1.181 379 1, 524 782 1,202 1,058 9,040 010 1,327 603 528 347 002 1,919 1,597 482 e361 184 1,499 45, 977 467 6,209 417 1,741 3,084 1 ,090 297 1,514 1,000 1,009 972 3,018 1,766 1,466 1,388 1, .507 1,744 1,905 1,190 1.256 376 433 754 509 1,713 1.843 346 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. PENNSVIiVAIVIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Cumberland county— Continued. Newville borough ■ - - • Northward °'l South ward '''"■ North Middleton township Penn township Shippensburg borough - ■ ■ - • East ward 1."" West ward »"' Shippensburg township Shiremanstown borough Silver Spring township Southampton township South Middleton township Upper Allen township "West Pennsboro township 1890 1880 Dauphin county. Berrysburg borough Couewago township Dauphin borough Derrv township - - - East'Hanover township . Gratz borough Halifax borough Halifax township Harrisburg city Wardl 4,034 Ward 2 3,039 Ward 3. 2, 657 Ward 4 '*' ^^^ Wards'.'. *."2 Ward6 M^ Ward? I'lf Wards 3,82^ Ward 9 *■ 1*" Hummelstown borough Jackson township Jefferson township -.- . - - - • ■ ■■•••• I" Londonderry township, including Port Koyal village. Port Royal village Lower Paxton township .......----- Lower Swatara township, inch Highspire village. Highspire village Lvkens borough Lykens township Middle Paxton township Middletowu borough - - ■ - - Middle ward }'l°° North ward 1. »&* Southward ^' '°^ Mifflin township Millersburg borough Reed township Rush township South Hanover township Steelton borough - • - ■ Wardl , Hor Ward 2 l.'2| Ward 3 3,302 Ward 4 l."0 Ward 5 2, 151 Susquehanna township - :-•.•,;- Swatara township, including ChurchviUe and Highland villages. ChurchviUe village Highland village TJniontown borough Upper Paxton township ■ • ■ •.• - • Washington township, including Jiliza- bethville village. Elizabethville village Wayne township West Hanover township Wiconisco township Williauistown borough (a) Williams township (6) Delaware county. 994 1,415 2,188 744 432 2,005 1,917 2,641 1,394 2,263 96, 977 426 872 740 2,288 1,428 490 515 1,208 39, 385 1,547 1,115 1,521 2,213 494 404 2,263 1,992 2,864 1,400 2,161 76, 148 1,486 1,137 317 2,381 1,517 1,764 Q7I 2,450 1,242 1,327 5,080 546 1,527 267 151 1, 062 9, 250 3,653 3,329 603 845 333 1,494 1,698 676 512 1,013 2,280 2,324 1,485 74, 683 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Delaware county— Continued. 476 895 713 2,013 1, 637 409 586 1,406 30, 762 Birmingham township Chester city (c) •-•■■■ Wardl 1.620 Ward 2 M^S Ward 3 2,554 Ward 4 2,047 Wards ^. o»» Ward 6 2,519 Ward? 3,457 Wards 2,703 Chester township Clifton Heights borough (d) Concord township Darbv borough Darby township (e) 1890 1880 Eddv'stone borough (/)...) ■DI,!!*;^,- T>.ifl.. l^rtrnncrll / f 1 _ _ \ (n) 1,043 1,191 369 2,024 555 1,615 1,501 752 2.154 1,256 1,443 3,351 647 1,440 324 124 1,205 2.447 2,411 2,841 367 1,543 1,420 Eidlev Park borough (/) EidleV township ig) Edgiiiont township Haverford township Lower Chichester township Marple township Media borough - v .- ■.;,• Middletown township, incl. Lima village.. Lima village Nether Providence townsh ip Newtown to\viiship - Eadnor township, incl. Wayne village . . . . Wayne village Eutledge borough (/) South Chester borough. ... - ■ . - . . Springfield township, incl. Morton village Morton village Thornbury township Tinicura township Upland borough Upper Chichester township - Upper Darby township, including Fern- wood and Lansdowne villages. Fernwood village Lansdowne village Upper Providence township 919 20, 226 578 1,820 1,276 2,972 2,031 4,529 567 1,733 2, 292 'isl 2,736 3,287 507 1,817 648 3,799 997 269 7,076 2,436 821 920 188 2, 275 564 4,773 739 14, 997 582 1,311 L779 1,245 (2,' 533 533 648 1,488 1,700 899 1,919 2,798 114 1,726 734 1,924 3,664 1, 772 327 943 224 2,028 523 4,699 Elk county. 2,454 595 577 1,064 2, 1.30 1,771 50, 101 Benezette township Benzinger township Fox township Highland township Horton township Jay township ■ - • ■ -. Joiies township, including Wilcox village. Wilcox village Millstone township Ridgway borough ■ ■ Ridgway township, including Johnson- burg village. Johnsonburg village St. Mary borough Spring 'Creek township Erie county 2, 401 5S9 Aston township Bethel township a Organized from part of Williams township smo« 1880. h Part taken to f.u-ni WiUiamstown borough since im c North Chester borough (population 1,381 m 1880) annexed "d Organized from part of Darby township since 1880. Albion borough Amity township Concord township Conneaut township Corry city -::.• Ward 1 , ^2i Ward 2 J- ;!;i. Ward 3 ]'•/' Ward 4 1.620 Edinboro borough Elgin borough Elk Creek township Erie city ■■- Wardl ''.''^2 619 875 1,013 22, 239 1, 025 2,733 2,951 849 2,204 983 2,845 1.037 357 1,903 3,241 1,280 1,745 1,403 80, 074 855 12, 800 835 1,976 2, 256 261 688 600 1,427 Ward 2... 0.985 366 912 991 1,386 5,677 1,107 169 - 1,325 40, 634 209 1,100 1,480 1,501 467 74, 688 ward3.":::; i^m \ Ward 4. 292 433 1,033 1,171 1,546 5,277 876 154 1,564 27, 737 wardS;:::::.'^ j.fi; Ward 6 ■'■^^' e Part taken to form Clifton Heights borough since 1880. / Organized from part of Ridley town.ship smce 1880 <, Pa?ts taken to form Eddystone, Ridley Park, and Rut- ledge boroughs since 1880. h Not separately returned. POPULATION. 347 Table 3— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. PE IVIVS VI, VAWI A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL, DIVISIONS. Erie county — Continued. Fairriew borough Fiiirview townsliip Praiiklin township Girard borough , Girard township, incl. Miles Grove village Miles Grove village Greene township Greenfield township Harborcreek township Leboeuf township l.ockport borough McKean township , Middleboro borough Mill Creek township Mill Village borough Northeast borough' Northeast township Springfield township Summit township Union borough Union townslii]). 1890 Venango township Washington township. "Watert'ord borougli . . . . Waterford township . . Wattsburg borough . . . "Wayue township. Fayette county. Bellevemon borou";h Bridgeport borough Brownsville borough Brownsville townsliip BuUskin township Connellsville borough Connellsville townsliip Dawson borough Dunbar liorou^li (a) Dunbar townsnip {b), including Leisen- ring village. Leisenriiig village Fairchance borough (c) Fayette borough Franklin towuship George township (d) German to\™ship Henry Clay township tjeft'erson township , Lower Tyrone township Luzerne townsliip Masonto wn I)oriMigh Menallen township New Haven borough Nicholson township North Union township Perry townsh ip Efedstone township Saltlick township Snuth Union township Si)ringfield township Springliill township Stewart township Uniontown borough Ward 1 024 Ward 2 2, 004 Ward :j 1,728 Ward 4 1. 703 Upper Tyrone township, including Ever- son village. Everson village Washington township Wharton township Forest county Barnett township Green towuship Harmony township Hickory township Howe township 305 1,295 963 626 2,280 1880 80, 006 1, 092 931 1,668 3,478 1,770 1,311 1, 6.50 2, 1.53 1,849 391 1, 392 1. 221 1,483 5,099 1, 623 1,122 1,339 3, 740 1.704 1,720 1,594 6,359 4,718 905 1,283 1, 599 8,482 3,306 1, 257 1,704 4,385 8.50 857 545 1,099 1,276 a Orgiinized from part of Dunbar towuship since 1880. I) Part taken to form Dunbar borough since 1880. c Organized from part of George township since 1880. minor civil divisions. Forest county— Continued. Jenks township, incl. Marionville villagd. Marion ville village King.sley township Tionesta borough Tionesta township '. Franklin county Antrim township Chambersburg borough Ward 1 1,534 Ward 2 2,188 Ward 3 2, 538 Ward 4 1, 603 Faunett township Greencastle borough Greene township Guilford town.ship Hamilton township Letterkenny towuship Lurgan township Mercersburg borough Metal township Montgomery township Orrstown borough Peters township Quincy towuship, incl. Mont Alto village. Mont Alto vUla^e St. Thomas township Southampton township Warren township Washington township Waynesboro borough 'W'ard 1 1, 391 Ward 2 1, 028 Ward 3 1,392 1890 Fulton county. Ayr township Belfast township Bethel township Brush Creek township . . . Dublin township Licking Creek township . McConuellsburg borough . Taylor township .". , . Thompson township Tod towuship Union township Wells township Greene county. Aleppo township Carmichael borough , Center township , Cumberland township Dunkard township Franklin township Gilmore town.ship Greene township Greensboro borough Jackson township Jefferson borough Jefferson township Monongahela township Morgan township Morris township Perry township Richiiill towuship Springhil! township Washington township Waynesbnrg borough (C) North ward 782 South ward 1, 319 Wayne township Whlteley township 516 779 677 647 51,433 4,359 7,863 10, 137 23, 935 1880 219 460 469 522 49, 855 4,284 0,877 2,330 2,374 1,525 1, 735 3,579 3, 831 3,754 3,190 1,680 1,766 2, 293 2,476 1,281 1,324 967 970 1, 627 1, 702 2,990 3,408 262 302 3,088 3, l(i5 2,972 3,187 658 2,180 2,358 1,574 1,738 566 027 2, 732 2,653 3,811 1,888 10, 149 1,331 1, 309 895 928 1, 012 938 682 820 941 931 951 1,077 594 584 1, 062 988 796 732 582 626 735 002 556 614 28, 273 1,537 1,448 445 489 1,767 1,843 1, 729 1,868 1,360 1,494 2,034 1,986 948 874 569 707 427 432 1, 220 1,244 327 347 922 957 814 930 1, 036 1,0,35 1, 585 1,390 1,610 1, 339 2, 900 2,795 1,901 1,721 866 995 2, 101 1,208 1,757 1,814 1,068 997 d Part taken to form Fairchance borough since 1880. e Marion township (population 360 in 1880) annexed since 1880. 348 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. PElVIVSYliVAIVI A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 HUNTINGDON COUNTY Alexandria borough Barree townsliip Birmiugbam borough Brady township Broailtop borough r; ""■",;"' " Carbon township, incl. Kobertsdale vill. . . Robertsdale village Cass township Cassville borough Clay township ■ Coa'lmont borough Cromwell township (a) Dublin township Dudley bcjrough franklin township Henderson township Hopewell town-ship Huntingdon borough •• • ■ - AVardl I'OfJ AVard2 l-f"^ Wards \if Ward 4 l' ''^ Jaekson township Juniata township Lincoln township Logan town.ship Mapleton borough ilarklesburg borough Miller township (6) Morris township Mount Union borough Oneida township Orbisonia borough Penn township Petersburg borough Porter township Rock Hill borough (c) Saltillo borough Shade Gap borough Shirleysburg borough Shirley township Smithififld township (d) Springfield township Tell township Three Springs borough Tod township Tjnion township Walker township (<■) Warriorsraark township West township 35, 751 Indian.'^ county 1880 438 601 225 817 240 1,311 65t 590 185 904 219 1, 224 967 281 1,145 630 611 5,729 1.450 403 552 586 715 279 345 726 810 401 963 934 555 906 657 254 209 325 1,522 621 810 1,108 192 753 831 611 1,343 773 42, 175 Armagh borough Armstrong township Banks township Blackliek township Blairsville borough Brush Valley township Buflington lownship Burrell township Canoe township Center township Cherryhill township Cherrytree borough Conemauiih township East Mah'onino: township East Wheatfield township Grant township Green township Homer borough Indiana borough Jacksonville borough Marion borough Mechanicshurg borough Montgomery township North Mahoning township Pine township Kayne township Saltsburg borough Shelocta borough Smicksburg borough a Part taken to form Rock Hill borough since 1880. b Organized since 1880. ,. . ,oqa c Ori^anized from part of Cromwell township since 1880 d Or"anized from i>art of Walker township since 1880. e Part taken to form Smithfield township since 1880. 162 1, 205 1,485 800 3,126 1, 180 652 1,414 1,276 1,387 1,957 324 1,558 1,090 786 1,350 2,402 505 1,963 83 367 198 1,111 1,255 1, 005 1,897 1,088 82 229 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 33, 954 484 1,08b 231 909 298 1,393 694 720 188 891 171 1,713 925 203 1. 129 738 579 4, 125 ,653 438 604 611 444 232 INDIAN.4. county— Continued. South Mahoning township . Washington township West Indiana borough West Mahoning township.. West Wheatfield township. AVhite township Young township 678 764 353 766 998 381 1,039 227 170 367 1,703 816 1,058 239 848 780 1,002 1,238 763 40, 527 Jefferson county. Barnett township Beaver township Bell township Big Run borough Brock wayville borough (/). Brookville borough Clayville borough Clover township (3) Corsica borough Eldred township Gaskill township Heath township Henderson township Knox township McCalmont township Oliver township , Pen-y township Pinecreek township Polk townsLip Porter township Punxsutawney borough.. - Reynolds ville borough Ringgold township Rose township Snyder township (h) Summerville borough (0 . - - Union township Warsaw township Washington township Winslow township Worth ville borough Young l»wnship 123 1,340 919 924 1,162 1,365 819 1,770 1,217 1,265 2,243 380 1,346 1.160 937 1.318 2,006 381 1,907 114 398 226 1, 211 1,317 1,189 1, 958 855 Juniata county Beale towmship Delaware township Fayette township. Fermanagh township Greenwood township Lack township Miffiintown borough Milford township Monroe township Patterson borough Port Roval borough Spruce ilill township. . . • Susquehanna township. - Thompsontowu borough. Turbett township Tuscarora township Walker township 1890 1,331 1,573 1,634 1,056 1,771 1,635 1,238 44,005 1880 360 993 1,015 731 929 2,478 1,402 642 338 1,581 682 236 1,024 1,360 1,031 1,362 1,228 1,347 616 647 2,792 2,789 1,004 1,830 2,011 338 803 1,567 2,643 3,493 176 4,557 16, 655 932 144 ,755 968 569 ,221 877 ,276 ,092 826 519 935 697 291 693 ,370 ,490 Lackawanna county 142, 088 1,052 2, 452 10, 833 Archbald borough --•--• AVard 1 1.290 Ward 2 1,482 AVard 3 1.260 Benton township ( j) Blakely borough : ■ ;; ; ' Ward 1 I.OIJ Ward 2 1.*.55 Carbondale city •-•-• Ward 1 2,335 Ward 2 1.442 AVard3 2.088 Ward 4 2-023 Ward 5 2, 945 / Organized from part of Snyder township since 1880. 47 1,645 923 1,002 1, 193 1,282 2,079 1,767 1,171 1,364 1,600 8,418 62S 1,984 827 788 e Part takeji to form Dunning borough since 1880. / Part taken to form East Drumore township since 1880. n Organized from part of Drumore township since 1880. h Organized from jiart of Warwick township since 1880. i Part taken to form Lititz borouah since 188*. 350 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEYEFTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. PENlVSYliVANIA— Continued. Lawrence conNTY Pnlaski township Scott township Shenango township Slipperyrock township Tavlor township Union township (a) Wampum borough Washington township Warne township - - • - ■ West "Newcastle borougli (0) Wilmington township ■ Continued. 1,609 907 2,004 1,548 1,374 1,445 766 534 1,737 1,761 1,008 ^TY 48,131 Lebanon cou Bethel township, including Fredericlis- burg village. Fredericksburg village . . : Cold Spring township. - • ■ .- - ■ Cornwall township (f ). mcl. Bismarck Mil. Bismarck village East Hanover township Heidelberg township. .- - - - Jackson township, inch Myerstowu vUl . . Myerstown village Jonestown borough Lebanon city - ■■■-■ Wardl ^'™ Ward 2 2,160 Ward3 M90 Ward 4 l-lf. Ward ; 3, 341 2.274 6l2 18 2,487 575 1,550 2,376 3,830 i,88o 643 14, 664 1,684 985 2.040 1,741 819 2, 41K 786 634 1, 132 38, 476 Lehigh county— Continued. 2,332 40 2,522 34° 1,704 2,408 3,709 1,580 703 Ward 6- '. ,• v.- ; ■ • • ^' "m1 Londonderry township, md. Palmyra vill. Palmyra village Millcreek township, including I>ewmans- town village. Newmanstown village • ■ Isorth Annville township, including part of Annville village. \nnville village (part of) ..... . .... . . . • ■ Total lor Annville village, in ^orth and South .\nnville townships. North Cornwall township (d) North Lebanon township (e) •• South Annville township, including part of Annville village. Annville village (part ot ) South Lebanon township Swatara township Union township West Lebanon township (./ ) 2,679 2,454 768 2,465 2,238 612 2, 008 702 1,283 511 2,134 1.43' Macungie borough North Whitehall township - - - • Salisbury township, including Aineyville and Mountainville villages. Aineyville village Mountainville village Slatington borough ■ South Whitehall township Upper Macungie township Upper Milford township Upper Saucou township Washington township Weisenburg township West Bethlehem borough (A) ; Wardl , l.*^a Ward 2 ; - ■ • • Vr ^' ^^* Whitehall township, including Hoken- dauqua village. Hokendauqua village Luzerne county 644 2.847 4,100 639 723 2,716 2,204 2,511 2,394 2,832 2,668 1,514 2,759 5,514 201, 203 701 3,245 3,078 3,192 108 1,634 2,884 3,023 2, 475 3,228 2,517 1,627 1,414 3,929 133, 065 2,799 Lehigh county. 1,458 3,723 1,806 581 2,557 1,143 1,699 751 76, 631 2. 560 1,809 25, 228 2,117 1, 249 1,719 65, 969 18, 063 3,704 454 880 883 599 1,437 3,657 1,424 763 2,635 Allentown city ■ ■ • - - • Wardl Mf Ward 2 , '2,795 Ward 3 2, 551 Wardl 2,203 Wards b,l/0 Ward 6 f'l'l' Ward7 ;^. i '2 Ward 8 2. ol5 Catasauqua borough • • • ■ • AVardl ]-lf. Ward 2 !.»"'' Coiipersburg borough Coplay borough Eniaus borough .-•,■;:■- ".f,' • V •."," Hanover township ((;), including liast AI' lentown village. East Allentown village Heidelberg township Lower Macungie township Lower Milford township Lowhill township Lynn township " fl, Part taken to form West Newcastle horough since 1880. h Organized from part of Union township since 1880. c Part taken to lofm North Cornwall townshi]; smce 1880. d Organized from part of Cornwall township since 1880 e Part taken to form West Lebanon township since 1880. /'Organized from part of North Lebanon township since ^**°'Part taken to form West Bethlehem borough since 1880. i Organized from part of Hanover township since 1880. i Formerly Pleasant Valley. 3,065 392 774 847 3,813 516 1,567 3,952 1,563 914 2,678 3,031 343 2,178 94 1,984 1,299 415 885 973 532 580 742 3,284 790 I 452 1,090 1,008 961 1, 031 7,590 1 ,241 657 596 521 1,730 2,57! 12, 494 567 598 1,051 824 724 1, 4.54 881 1,557 657 358 2,320 2,381 3,809 231 1,144 1,913 159 1,057 173 1,917 488 272 879 976 039 1,021 1,085 478 5,116 070 571 Ashley borough - • - ■ ; Wardl 1.32D Wards 93? Ward3 931 Avoca borough (i) Bear Creek township Black Creek township Buck township Butler township Conyngham township Dallas borough Dallas township :;;;;•,;";. •iV ' Denison township, mcl. Middleburg viU.. Middleburg village Dnrranceton borough (j) Dorrance township Edwardsville borough (fr) - -; Wardl , f^f' Ward 2 J>233 Wards l.*0* Exeter borough (I) Exeter township (m) Fairmount township V.-\r Fairview township («,), including Moun- tain Top village. Mountain Top village Fortv Fort borough (j) ...... .----.----- Foster township, including Eckley, High- land, and Sandy Pvun villages. Ecklev village Highland village Sandy Run village Franklin township Freeland borough Hanover township 11079 Hazleton borough --■_•- ^^'"'^ East ward J ^:° Northward ,7 »»° West ward • - ■ - ', Hazle township (o), incl. Ebervale, Holly- wood. Lattimer,audMllnesville villages Ebervale village Hollywood village Lattimer village Milnesville village Hollenback township Knglie.=itown borough Hunlock township Huntington township Jackson township Jeddo borough Jenkins township (p) Kingston borough Kingston township (q) Laflin borough (r) Lake township j Oro-anized from part of Kingston township since 1880 I Organized from part «f Plymouth township since 1880. I Orlanized from part of Exeter township since 1880. „i Part taken to form Exeter borough since 1880 n Organized from part of Wright to^Tiship sm';'e 1880 Pa?t taken to form West Hazleton borough since 1880. p Part taken to form Laflin borough since 1880. 7/ Parts taken to form Dorranceton, Forty Fort, Luzerne, and Wvoming boroughs since 1880. . r Organizeri from Jart of Jenkins township since I08O. 593 624 2, 000 6, 935 10, 547 260 784 572 736 1, 192 759 1.596 061 350 2. 202 1,418 5.878 863 POPULATION. 351 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. PENNSYIiVAIVIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. LczERXE COUNTY— Continued. Laurel Eun borough (a) Lehman township Luzerne borough (6) Marcy township Miuers Mills borough (c) !Nanticolie borough Ward 1 1,109 Ward 2 878 Ward 3 551 Ward 4 1,133 Ward 5 1,017 Ward 6 950 Ward 7 907 Ward 8 258 Ward 9 1,167 Ward 10 1,027 Ward 11 1, 047 Nescopeck township, inch Nescopeck tn . . Nescopeck town JTew Columbus borough ^Newport township, incl. Glenlyon village. Glenlyon village ,.' Parsons borough Pittston boroiigh Ward 1 1, 406 Ward 2 860 "^'ard 3 1 , 695 Ward 4 2, 395 Ward 5 1, 280 Ward 6 2. 666 Pittston township Plains township ((/) Plymouth borough Pl.vmouth township (c) Ross township Salem township Shickshinny borough Ward 1 468 Ward 2 282 Ward 3 457 Ward 4 241 Slocum township Sugarloaf township Su^arnotch borough Union township West Hazleton borough (/) West Pittston borough Whitehaven borough Wil^esbarre city. . - ; Ward 1 2.165 Ward 2 5,338 Ward 3 3,155 Ward 4 1,377 Ward 5 1,940 Ward 6 2,573 Ward 7 1,172 Ward 8 2,290 Ward 9 1,914 Ward 10 1,653 Ward 11 2, 330 Ward 12 1, 861 Ward 13 4,341 Ward 14 4, 179 Ward 15 1,430 Wilkesbarre township (g) Wright township (ft) Wyoming borough (6) Tates borough Lycoming county. Anthony township Armstrong township (i) . Bastress township Brady township Brown township Cascade township CUnton township (j) Cogan House township.. 1890 606 1.093 2.398 2,904 2,075 10,044 1,456 6^8 214 5,411 2,255 2,412 10, 302 3, 284 2,666 6, 576 5. 354 9, 344 6,065 8,363 7,318 1,102 1,053 1, 303 1.448 1,448 1,058 2,917 152 1.794 414 70, 579 1880 940 1,158 3,884 1,205 360 267 1,531 1.498 7,472 409 377 1.854 1,390 2,586 1,582 874 920 931 191 3,906 2,544 1,634 1,408 37,718 23, 339 2,445 1.147 415 57. 486 562 592 385 1, 431 236 235 475 447 885 296 609 514 , 326 1. 676 1, 002 a Organized from part of Wilkesbarre township since 1880. h Organized from part of Kingston township since 1880. c Organized from part of Plains township since 1880. d Part taken to form Miners Mills borough since 1880. e Part taken to form Edwardsville borousjh since 1880. / Organized from part of Hazle township'since 1880. g Part taken to form Laurel Run borough since 1880. k Part taken to form Fairview township since 1880. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lycoming county— Continued. Cummings township Duboistown borough Eldred township Fairfield township Franklin township Gamble township Hepburn township Hughes ville borough Jackson township Jersey .Shore borough Jordan township Lewis township Limestone township Loyalsock township Lycoming township ] McHenry township Mclntyre township : '.'. McNett township ,[_ Mifflin township ik} Mill Creek township Montgomery liorough (I) '. Montoursrille borough Moreland township ,. Muncy borough Muncy Creek township Muncy to\\-nship Nippe'nose township Old Lycoming township Penu township Piatt township '. Picture Rocks borough Pine township Plunkett Creek township Porter township Saladasbuig borough (m) Shrewsbury townsTilp South Will'iarasport borough (n) Ward 1 848 Ward 2 ], 068 Ward 3 984 Susquehanna township Upper Fairfield township Washington township Watson township William sport city Ward 1 .' 4,653 Ward 2 1,855 Ward 3 3,152 Ward 4 4, 687 Ward 5 3, 848 Ward 6 3,926 Ward 7 2,628 Ward 8 2, 983 Wolf township Woodward township McKean county. Annin township 1, 188 Bradford city lo! 514 Ward 1 1,996 Ward 2 2, 254 Ward 3 2, 359 Ward 4 2, 248 Ward 5 1.' 657 Bradford township 3, 246 ! Ceres township l!207 Corydon township 837 Eldred borough 1, 050 Eldred township 1, 588 Fo.ster township 3,10' Hamilton township 1. 734 Hamlin town.ship 1. 722 Kane borough (0) 2.944 Keating; township 2,877 2,974 Kendall borough 1, 93 Ward 1 867 Ward 2 1,070 1 1 i Part taken to form South Williamsport borough since 1880. j Part taken to form Montgomery borough since 1880. *: Part taken to form Saladasburg borough since 1880. I Organized from part of Clinton township siuce 1880. m Organized from part of Mifflin township since 1880. n Organized from part of Armstrong township since 1880. Organized from part of WetmOre township in 1886. 1890 422 697 656 468 1.063 754 769 1.358 619 1.853 891 985 1.096 2.498 643 608 845 619 095 345 777 1.278 737 1.295 1.740 701 588 589 877 521 510 901 777 1.007 374 570 2.900 734 817 1880 319 662 695 478 994 779 857 899 620 1.411 825 1,066 1.241 1.818 639 362 1. 637 399 1.138 385 414 1.193 828 1,174 1.709 809 056 554 793 511 321 640 777 636 312 474 294 330 771 808 937 1.172 264 316 27, 132 18, 934 049 785 46,863 42.565 1.089 9,197 2.699 975 154 1.165 2,078 5. 373 539 330 352 COMPENDIUM or THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. PENNSYIiVANI A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. McKean covntt— Continued. Lafayette townsbip Liberty township (a), including Portage Crfek ^-illage. Portage Creek village Norwich township ---•- ■ Otto township (6,, including Duke Center and Rixl'ord villages. Duke Center village Rixtord village Port Allegheny borough (c) Sergeant township Smethport borough Wetmore township (d) 1S90 Mercer county . Bethel l>orough Clarksville borough } ,^^ Pymatuning township.. 5 ' ' •■ Coolspring township Deer Creek township Delaware township -_ East Lackawannoek township Fairview township Findley township Fredonia borough French Creek township Greene township Greenville borough Ward 1 1. ll-l Ward 2 1.4-< Wards 1,083 Grove borough (/) Hempfield township Hickory township Jackson Center borough (g) Jackson township (ft) Jamestown borough Jelferson township Lackawannoek township Lake township : Liberty township Mercer borough - ■ Northward 946 South ward l, ^^^ Mill Creek township New Lebanon borough New Vernon township Otter Creek town.ship Perry township Pine township (() Salem township Sandy Creek township Sandy Lake borou§,h Sandy Lake townsnip Sharon borough - ■ East ward 3, 313 South ward I1 735 Westward 2,411 Sharpsville borough Sheakley ville borough Shenango township Springfield township Stoneboro borough Sugar Grove township West Middlesex borough West Salem townsliip Wheatland borough Wilmington township Wolf Creek township AVortli township MlFFLlX COUNTY . 1,913 2, 171 690 1,109 2,429 924 506 1,230 948 1,150 1,959 55, 744 Armagh township, inch Mllroy village. . . Milroy village 2.095 859 519 1,480 C56 783 1,393 429 9U3 762 3,674 1,160 951 3,639 232 1,226 822 982 937 885 607 2,138 2, 330 191 1,140 1,368 1,394 654 966 2,043 575 5U3 542 987 19, 996 1S80 ,097 598 1,266 2, 029 431 4,277 2,068 1,127 731 922 872 1,438 56, 161 151 264 2,319 970 581 1,616 660 834 1,609 323 1,093 881 3,007 1,006 5,926 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Mifflin county— Continued. Bratton township Brown township Decatur township Granville township Lewistown borough East ward 1, 562 South ward 371 West ward 1,340 McTeytown borough Meuno township Ne w1 on Hamilton borough North Derry townsliip ( j) Oliver township South Derry township ( j) Union township Wayne township 1890 Monroe county . 1,111 974 1,126 1,092 638 642 2,344 876 279 845 530 1,160 1,652 592 745 730 1,097 5,684 1,824 222 1,595 1,464 1,186 655 918 2, 071 583 556 636 1.094 19, 577 Barrett township Chestnuthill township, including Brod- headsville village. Brodheadsville village Coolbaugh township Delaware Wate.rgap borough (*■) East Stroudslnirg borough Eldred township Harailt(m township Jackson township Middle Smitlitield township Paradise township Pocouo township Polk township Price township Ross township Smithfleld township (I) Stroudsburg borough Stroud township Tobyhanna township Tunkhaunock township 1880 1,144 1,457 1,458 1,472 3. 273 599 1,021 333 2,075 1,099 1,208 1,381 1,379 20,111 947 1,469 534 1,206 407 1,819 907 1,026 741 1, 122 672 1,041 1, 125 181 727 1,099 2,419 1,565 630 348 Montgomery county 123, 290 2,007 526 2,703 1,073 2,651 4,746 5,470 1,667 539 2,258 1,850 237 2,367 781 1,833 1,239 1,609 1,858 2,224 10, 362 2,205 1, 374 1.755 1,151 830 1.889 1,728 19, 791 1,028 1,376 1,400 1,489 3,222 679 1,191 317 1,386 1,417 1,329 20, 175 1,149 1,513 1,223 201 1,102 877 1,875 802 1,339 688 1,208 1,100 252 710 1, 667 1,860 1,080 838 293. 96, 494 2,185 251 1,802 3, 236 4,561 a Part taken to form Port Allegheny borough in 1882. b Duke Center borough (population 2,068 in 1880) annexed in 1888 c Organized from part of Liberty township in 1882. d Part taken to fonii E:ane borough in 1886. e Not sejiaratelv returned. /Organized from part of Pine towTiship since 1880. a Organized from part of Jackson township since 1880. 'h Part taken to fonu Jackson Center borough since 1880. i Part taken to form Grove borough since 1880. Abington township Ambler borough (m) Bridgeport borough •- Cheltenham township Conshohocken borough Wardl 1,996 Ward 2 1 , 686 Ward 3 1,788 Douglass township East Greenville borough Franconia township (») Frederick town.ship Greenlaue borough Gwyuedd township (0) Hatbovo boroujrh Hatfield townsliip Horsham township Jenkintown borough Lansdale borough Limerick township - ■ ■ Lower Meriou township, including Ard- more village. Ardmore village Lower Providence township Lower Salford township Marlboro township Montgomery township Mooreland township - New Hanover township Norristown borough AVard 1 2.181 Ward2 2.183 Ward3 1**00 j Derry township (populaticm 2,070 in 188«) formed into North aiicl South Derrv townships since 18S0. i Ort'anized from part of Smithtield township since 1880. ; Part taken to form Delawaie \\'atergap borough since m Organized from parts of Gwynedd and Upper Dublin townslups in 1888. n Part taken to form Soudertou borough in 188.. Part taken to form Ambler borough in 1888. 1,676 331 2,556 1,944 187 2,041 586 1,694 1,315 810 798 2,365 6,287 519 1,586 1,828 1.212 876 1.746 1, 905 13. 063 POPULATION. 353 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutimied. PEWNSVJLVAXIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MoKTGOMERY COUNTY — Continued. Norristown borough — Continued. Ward 4 2,283 Ward 5 2,293 Ward 6 3,459 Ward 7 1,683 Ward 8 950 Ward 9 1,3C7 Ward 10 1, 592 Norriton township North Wales borough Peun.sbnrg borongli (a) - Perkionieu town.ship {b} Plynioutli tdwnship - P(>tt.sgrove township (c) Pottstowu borougli (iZ) W ard 1 1, 480 AV^rd 2 1, 3'.i.3 Ward 3 1, 299 Ward 4 1, 091 Ward 5 1 , 753 Ward (i 1, 24G Ward 7 1 , 042 Ward 8 2, 249 Ward 9 1, 721 Roy erst'ord borougli Skippack townsliip (e) Soudertoii borough (/) ijpi'iugtield township Towanicn.<5ing towuship Upi>er Duliliu townsliip (art of Lathro)) township smae 1880. g Oro-anized from part of Harmony township since 1880, h Part taken to form Hopbottom borough since 1880. i Organized from i>art of Oakland township since 1880. 2,568 2, 550 644 1, 021 1,889 1, 208 1,313 496 1,122 883 3,081 2,449 1, 006 693 825 907 1 1,187 2,375 1 1, 704 1 079 1,017 ; 441 1,755 194 1,762 1,658 1,849 : 560 540 838 1,040 211 860 40, 354 530 639 2. 089 1,517 1.100 537 1,454 1,071 171 990 815 176 1,350 1, 136 1,301 546 1,505 1,924 1,104 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1.095 762 348 1, 0.54 1,730 1,108 159 833 1,722 803 1,465 1,415 1 , 357 1,105 1,410 3,467 249 656 146 45, 814 2,140 2, 814 2,783 910 2, 193 1,317 1,121 343 1,134 908 2, 524 1,791 470 462 860 995 508 2.060 1, 824 459 1.168 426 1,629 239 1,611 1.737 622 604 790 1, 512 185 1,064 Tioga county — Continued. Shi)5pen township [^ullivan township Tioga borough Tioga townsliip Union township AVard township Wellsboro borough Ward 1 1, 553 Ward 2 1, 408 Westfield borough Westlield townshi)) 1890 732 211 557 424 876 442 961 Union county. Buffalo township East Buffalo township Gregg township Hartleton borough Hartley townshi)) Kelly township Lewisburg borough North ward 1, 220 South ward 1, 245 West ward 777 Lewis township Limestone township MifHinhurg borough East ward 085 We-stward 732 New Berlin borough Union townshi)) West Buffalo townshi]) White Deer townshi)) 17, 820 Venango county ■W- 1,694 1,107 964 261 1, 712 1,108 3,248 1,017 844 1,417 017 750 1,174 1,907 46, 640 1880 1,187 1,396 843 602 1,063 10, 932 441 ,345 520 ,258 ,789 327 ,228 907 10, 905 1,714 1,010 904 300 1,501 1,041 3,080 845 880 1,168 605 724 1,208 1,865 43, 670 5 1, 230 1,584 789 831 214 315 Allegheny township 536 1, 043 Canal township 959 1,030 Cherrytree townshi)) 1,246 1,618 Clinton township 835 1,752 Clinton ville borough 253 339 Cooperstown borough - 290 397 Cornplanter township 2, 457 3, 238 Cranberry township 3,275 2,434 Emlenton borough 1,126 1,140 Franklin city 6, 221 5, 010 Ward 1..." 2,008 Ward 2 2,847 Ward 3 766 French Creek townshi)) (Ji) Polk borough (0) Irwin townshi]) Jackson township Mineral township Oakland township Oil citv - Ward 1 2,398 Ward 2 3,081 Ward 3 1,123 Ward 4 1,971 Ward 5 1,428 Ward 6 931 Oil Creek townshi)) Pine Grove township Pleasantville borough Plum township President township Richland township Rockland township Sandy Creek townshi p Scrubgrass townshi)) Siverly borough Sugarcreek townshi)) Sunville borough Utica borough Victory township j Part taken to form Oakland borough since 1880. k Organized from part of Herrick township since 1880. I Formerly Nelson township ; organized as a borough m 1886. ' , m Formerly Osceola township; organized as a borough since 1880. « Part taken to form Polk borough in 1886. Organized from part of French Creek township in 1836. p Not separately returned. 852 526 1,234 956 928 855 1, 042 1,116 366 416 1, 229 1, 221 1,957 1,977 779 804 1,072 1,503 83?' 667 2,849 1,923 106 108 321 301 351 377 POPULATION. 357 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. PEIVIVS VI, VANIA— Continued. MINOE CIVIL DIVISIONS. Warren county. Bear Lake borough (a) Brokenstraw tonnsliip Cherry Grove townsliiii Clarendon borough (b) Columbus borou" h Columbus township Conewango township Corydon township Dee'rtield township Eldred township Elk township Farmington township Freeholtl township (c) Glade township Kinzua township Limestone township Mead township (rf) Pine Grove township nttsfield township Pleasant township Sheffield township, incl. Sheffield village Sheffield viUasje Soiith west township Spring Creek township Sugar Grove township Tidioute borough Triumph township "Warren borough Ward 1 2,440 Ward 2 1,892 Watson township Youngs ville borough 1890 Washington county. Allen township Amwell township Beallsville Ijorough Bentleysville borough Buffalo township . . t^ Burgettstown borough (e) California borough Canonsburg borough Canton township Carroll township Cecil township Chartiers township Claysville borough Coal Center borough (/) Cross (Jreek township Donegal township East Bethleliem township' East Finley township East Pike Run township Eallowfield township , Franklin township Hanover towusbiji Hopewell township Independence township Jefferson township McDonald borough (gj Monongahela city Morris township Mount Pleasant township North Strabane townsliip Nottingham township Peters township Robinson township (7i) Smith township (i) Somerset township South Strabane township Union t<-.wnshii> Washington borough Ward 1 1.746 Ward 2 1.750 Ward 3 l.fllC Ward 4 1, fi.51 West Alexander borough 37, 585 313 1,224 383 1,297 292 1.062 2, 267 .527 081 1,720 880 983 1, 33(1 2.885 941 447 1,909 1,694 1, 851 540 2, 202 1 1 295 1,195 1,463 1,855 1,328 941 4,332 .376 007 71, 155 1880 2,544 1,903 300 229 2,381 929 1,024 2, 113 1, 830 1,919 2,285 1.941 1,041 569 S60 1,508 1,757 1,291 1,102 1,084 1, 054 1.757 788 899 825 1,098 4,096 1,076 1,487 1, 492 1, 087 1, 225 1,820 1,592 1,273 3, 079 3, 621 7,063 444 27, 981 154 1.212 158 295 421 1,242 1,478 335 657 797 037 1,149 1,574 1,622 348 446 1,155 1,332 1,740 395 1,424 684 660 1,309 1,801 1,255 1,100 2,810 606 55,418 snxoR CIVIL divisions. 1,236 1, 900 376 263 1, 200 870 1, 009 699 605 2,064 1,590 2, 188 323 557 1,136 1,375 1,900 1, 332 1,228 811 1,189 1,880 798 1, 012 979 425 2,904 101 1, 324 808 955 1,798 2,449 983 1, 0(12 1, 913 4,292 395 a Organized from part of Freehold township since 1880. b Organized from part of Mead township since 1880. c Part taken to form Bear Lake borough since 1880. (I Part ta-ken to form Clarendon borough since 1880. f Organi zed from part of Smith township since 1880. /Formerly Greenfield. ff Organized from part of Robinson township since 1880. h Part taken to form 'McDonald borough since 1880. i Part taken to form Burgettstown borough since 1880. j Part taken to form Lehiali township since 1880. k Organized from part of Palmyra township since 1880. Washington county— Continued. West Bethlehem township . West Brownsville borough West Finley township West Middletown borough West Pike Run township.. . Wayne cou.n'ty. Berlin township Bethany borough Buckingham t(rwnship Canaan township Cherry Ridge township... Clinton township Damascus towushiii Dreher township (j) Dyherry township Hawley borough (A') Honesdale bor<]Ugh Lake township Lebanon town.ship Lehigh township (0 Manchester township Mount Pleasant township. Oregon township Palmyra township (m) Paupack township Preston township Prompton borough Salem township .". Scott township South Canaan township Starrucca borough Sterling township Texas township Waymart borough Westmoreland colt»ty . 199 2, 050 1, 064 378 566 1,250 755 G, 909 183 1, 242 4,404 1.611 1, 704 2,500 0.286 1,444 Adamsburg borough Allegheny township Bell township Bolivar borough Bunker Hill borough (n) Cokeville borough (0) Cook township Derry borough (0) Derry townsnip (p) , Donegal borough Donegal townsliip East Huntingdon township Fairfield township Franklin township Greensburg borough Hemptiehl township (g) Irwin borough •Teanette borouj^h (r) Latrobe borough Ligonier borough , Ligonier township Livermore borough Lower Burrell township Loyalhanna township Luil wick borough Madison borough Mount Pleasant borough Ward 1 1,098 Ward 2 1,295 Ward 3 1. 259 Mount Pleasant township, including Bridgeport and Hecla villages and part of Pleasant Unity village. Bridgeport village Hecla village Pleasant Unity village (part of) Total for Pleasant Unity village (s),\n Mount Pleasant and Unity townships I Organized from part of Dreher township since 1880. TO Part taken to form Hawlev borough since 1880. n Organized from part of Hemiilield township in 1887. o Organized from iiart of Derry townsliip in 1888. p Parts taken to form Cokeville and Derry boroughs in 1888. q Parts taken to form Bunker Hill borough in 1887 and •Teanette borough in 1889. r Organized from parts of Herapfield and Penn townships in 1889. s In 18S0 iu Unity township only. 1890 1. 890 735 1. 525 235 31, 010 1880 005 134 087 496 673 863 442 712 054 968 816 189 541 355 262 1)40 452 929 588 317 269 416 147 067 431 710 409 438 112, 819 223 2,310 1,168 410 897 664 1, 220 1.968 7,163 163 1,319 8.109 1,757 1,754 4,202 9,948 2,428 3,296 3, 5S9 7.S2 2,790 211 839 930 891 201 3,652 ,001 610 ■47 561 2. 123 571 1,524 312 885 33. 513 1,198 181 1.265 576 881 1,009 2.871 996 1,020 1,882 2. 620 1.234 590 1, 393 1,880 641 2,727 628 1,592 310 1.635 1, 097 1,176 535 705 4, 250 503 78, 036 1,815 634 2,046 164 940 848 003 190 1,197 4,224 635 358 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-CoDtiunccT PEIV IVS VI. VAIVI A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Westmoreland county— Continued. Kew Alexandria borough New Florence borougli North Belleveruon borough - - - - - North Huntingdon township, includmj Hahnstown village. Hahnstovvn village Parnassus borough Penn Itorough - - • - - - ■ Penn township (a), incl. Manor village. Manor village. Eostraver township St. Clair township Salem borou gh :--■--: :,-, Salem township, iiiel. Crabtree village . . . Crabtree village Scottdale borough ; " "A " • ;: • "t^ Sewickley township, md. Scott Maveu and Sutersville villages. Scott Haven village Sutersville village South Huntingdon township. ...-..----- Unity township, including part oi Pleas- ant Unity vill. and West Latrohe viU. Pleasant Unity village (part of) West Latrobe village Upper Burrell township AVashington township West Newton borough Youngstown borough Wyoming county Braintrim township Clinton township (6) Eaton township Exeter township Eactoryville borough (c) .. Falls township Forkston township Lemon township Mehoopany township Meshoppeii borough Meshoppeu township Monroe township Nicholson borough Nicholson township North Branch township... Northmoreland township Overfield township Tuukbannock borough Timkhannock township -. Washington township .... Windham township York cou> Carroll township CUanceford township Codorns township Conewago township. - Dallastown borough. . Delta borough .' Dillsburg borough ... 1890 338 G83 435 7,125 621 516 931 3,811 578 3,895 836 311 2, 395 5'4 2,693 3,997 525 812 3,674 5,494 414 591 606 1,624 2, 285 486 15, 891 827 404 865 144 577 1, 043 7C1 604 831 597 596 1, 345 734 905 365 803 391 1,253 1, 336 739 771 99. 489 1880 993 3,066 2, 322 1, 555 779 565 587 335 531 208 0,341 432 520 604 3,231 783 440 1,851 1,275 3,457 490 3,005 4,079 298 1,604 1,475 294 15, i 670 841 955 151 462 1,126 754 568 779 554 695 1,171 586 9S8 40U 892 394 1,116 1,354 766 87, 841 1.083 2,994 2,261 1,495 482 269 455 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. York county— Continued. 1890 Dover borough Dover town.ship East Hopewell township (d) East Manchester township (e) East Prospect borough Fairview township Fawn Grove borough (/) Fawn township (.g) Frauklintown borough Frankliu township ■ Glenrock borough Goldsboro borough Hanover borough -■--- Wardl 1.274 Ward 2 1.345 Ward 3 «** Ward 4 483 Heidelberg township. , Hellam township Hopewell township (h) Jackson township (i) Jetferson borough Lewisberry borough Logan ville borou"li Lower Chaneeford township Lower Windsor township Manchester borough Manchester township (j) Manheim township Monaghan township Newberry township New Freedom borough New Salem borough North Codorns township North Hopewell township (d) Paradise township Peach Bottom township Penn township | Railroad borough Bed Lion borough Shrewsbury borough - - - - North ward ^18 South ward ^** Shrewsbury township Springfield' township Spring Garden township Spring Grove borough (1) Stewartsto^vn borough Warrington township Washington township West Manchester township West Manheim townsliip Windsor township Winterstown borough Wrightsville borough York borough ■ • - - • Ward 1 2,25/ Ward 2 I.f54 Ward 3 llil Ward 4 l.^'» Ward 5 3.189 Ward 6 - 1,890 Ward 7 2,324 Ward 8 l.«7 Ward 9 3,3o0 Ward 10 1.9*6 York township 465 2,349 1,234 1, 413 261 2, 042 199 1,647 232 962 687 345 3,746 1880 2,489 415 2,378 250 2,150 1,685 234 952 651 378 2, 317 954 916 2,164 1,963 1,540 3,773 1,603 1,830 374 320 170 283 296 312 2, 512 2,471 2,764 2,538 513 430 1,783 2,030 1,258 1,293 923 1, 055 2,238 2, 224 364 324 231 224 2,639 2,550 1 199 1,269 1,372 2,198 2, 130 1,501 1, 962 201 220 524 241 562 565 2,041 2,087 1,912 1,854 5,209 4,110 576 1 208 441 303 1,830 1,825 1,464 1,457 1,743 2,470 1,269 1,194 2, 372 2,154 209 199 1,912 1,776 20, 793 13, 940 2,379 a Part taken to form Jeanette borough in 1889. h Part taken to form Eactoryville borough since 1880 c Organized from part of Clinton township since 1880 d Organized from part of Hopewell to^n^hip since 1880 e Organized from part of Manchester township since 188D. / Organized from part of Fawn township since l»t)0. a Part taken to form Fawii Grove borough since 1880. h Parts taken to form East and North Hopewell townships ^'Tpart taken to form Spring Grove borough since 1880 7 Part taken to form East Manchester township since 1880. Ic Oro-anized from part of Jackson township since IbSO. POPULATION. 359 Tablk a.— aggregate population by minor civil divisions— Coutiiiued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Bristol county Bairington town Bristol town Warren town Kent county Coventry town East Greenwich town Warwick town, incl. Centerville, Cromi)- ton, Hills Grove, and Poutiac villages. Centerville village Crompton village Hills Grove village Pontiac village West Greenwich town Newport county' Jamestown town Little Compton town Middletown town '. Newport city Wardl 4,454 Ward 2 3,709 Wards 3,001 Ward 4 3, 242 Ward .5 5, 051 New Shoreham town Portsmouth town Tiverton town Peoviden'ce county Burrillville town, including part of Gran- iteville village and Pascoag village. Graniteville village (part of) Total for Graniteville village, in Bur- rillville and Johnston towns. Pascoag village Cranston town, incl. Knights ville village. Knightsville village Cumberland town East Providence town, incl . Riverside vill. Riverside village Foster town Glocester town Johnston town, including part of Granite- ville village and Thornton village. Graniteville village (part of) Thornton village 1890 11,428 1,461 5,478 4,489 26, 754 5,008 3,127 17. 761 1 ,076 1,214 518 1 ,020 28, 552 1880 11,394 707 1,128 1,154 19, 457 1,320 1,949 2,837 255, 123 5,492 5,714 383 565 505 2,246 8, 099 1 ,222 5,940 5'9 8,090 8,422 247 6,445 5,050 1, 252 2, (195 9,778 1,552 2,250 5,765 182 626 1,359 6,028 4,007 20, 588 4,519 2,887 12. 164 9.4 932 174 714 1,018 24, 180 459 1,202 1,139 15, 693 1,203 1,979 2,505 197, 874 MINOR CIVIL DIVI.SIONS. Providence county — Continued. Lincoln town North Providence town North Smithfield town Pawtucket city Ward 1 C. 424 Ward 2 4, 467 Ward 3 3,887 Ward 4 7, 166 Ward 5 5, 689 Providence city Ward 1 13,709 Ward 2 13,501 Ward 3 17,152 Ward 4 8,573 AV'ard 5 12,428 Ward 6 12,517 Ward 7 11,007 Ward 8 12,015 Ward 9 13,603 AVard 10 17, 641 Scituate town Smithfield town, incl. Georglavillevillage. Georgiaville village Woonsocket city Ward 1 3, 386 Ward 2 4, 773 Ward 3 4, 707 Ward 4 5, 400 Wards 2,564 Washington county Charlestown town Exeter town Hopkinton town North Kin^town town, including Lafay- ette and Wickford villages. Lafayette village Wickford village Richmond town South Kingstown town, includingl>istrict of Narragansett, and Peacedale, Rocky Brook, and Wakefield villages. District of Narragansett Peacedale village Rocky Brook village Wakefield village Westerly town 1890 20, 355 2,084 3,173 27, 633 3,174 2,500 795 20, 830 23,649 1880 915 964 2, 8fi4 4,193 628 839 1,669 6. 231 9i9 63o 1. 431 0,813 13, 765 1,467 3,088 19, 030 104, 857 3,810 3,085 16, 050 22, 495 1,117 1,310 2, 952 3,949 405 735 1,949 5,114 986 447 732 6,104 SOUTH CAROL.IIVA. MINOR CIVIL divisions. Abbeville county Abbeville township, incl. Abbeville town Abbeville town Bordeaux township, including McCor- niicktown (a). Calhoun township Cedar Springs towushi]) Cokesbury township, including Cokes- bury and Hodges towns. Cokesbury town Hodges town Diamond Hill township Donaldsville township, incl. Donalds tn . Donalds town Due West township, incl. Due West town Due West town Greenwood township, including Green- wood town. Greenwood town Indian HiU township, incl. Troy town - . Troy town Long Cane township Xiowndesville township, incl. Lowndes- ville town. Lo wndesville town Magnolia township Ninetysix township, incl. Niuetysix town Ninetysix town 1890 1880 46, 854 40, 815 4,028 3,427 1,696 1.543 3,261 2,749 3,481 3,170 1, 613 1,746 2,825 2,945 355 365 25s 271 2, 168 2,077 1. 783 1,677 216 3, 120 2,457 644 449 5,083 3,768 1,326 T-S 2, 535 1,854 2, ^65 2, 138 3,197 2,930 268 116 2,518 2,652 3,987 3,326 445 468 Abbeville county— Continued. Smithville township, incl. Verdery town. . Verdery town Whitehall township, incl. Bradley tu. (a) . Aiken county Aiken township, including Aiken town . . Aiken town Chinquapin township Giddy Swamp township, including Sie- vern and Wagener (a) towns. Sievern town Gregg township, including Graniteville, Laugley, and Vauchise towns. Graniteville town Langley town Vaucluse town Hanunond township Hopewell township, incl. Perry town Perry town McTier township Millbrook township Rocky Grove township, incl. Sallys town Sallvs town Rocky Spring township Schulitz township, incl. Hamburg town. . Hamburg town 4,497 2,362 503 87 4, 816 1.791 671 5S0 3,276 734 69 600 2,788 1,371 252 757 2,295 4S4 3, 331 1,817 487 509 5, 018 657 3,589 375 650 1,928 901 521 2,442 485 a Not separately returned. 360 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. i^OUTH C'AROlillVA— Continued. MTNOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Aiken county— Continued. Shaw townsliip Silverton township, incl. Ellenton town . . EUenton town Sleepy Hollow township TaViei'naole township Ward township Windsor township, incl. AVindsor town . - Windsor town Anderson county Anderson township, coextensive with Anderson town. Belton township, including Belton town . . Belton town Broadway township Brushy Creek township - Centerville township Park Corner townshiji Fork township Garvin township Hall township Honea Path township, inch HoneaPathtn. Honea Path town Hopewell township Martin township Pendleton township, incl. Pendleton town. Pendleton town Rock Mills township Savannah township Varennes to\\Tiship Williamston township, including Pelzer and Willianiston towns and part of Piedmont town. Pelzer town Piedmont town (part of) Total for Piedmont town (a), in Wil- liamston township, Anderson county and Grove township, Greenville county. Williamston town Barnwell county. Allendale township, incl. Allendale tn.(6). Bamberg township, including Bamberg village and Graham town. Bamberg village Graham town Barnwell township, incl. Barnwell town.. Barnwell town Beldoc township, incl. Appleton village . . Appleton village Bennett Springs township Blackville township, incl. Blackville tn .. Blackville town Bnford Bridge townsh ip Bull Pond township Fish Pond township Fourmile township Georges Creek to'wnship Great Cyjiress township Midway township, incl. Midway town (b) . Red Oak township Richland township Rosemary to^vuship Sycamore township llirecmilc township Williston township, including Elko and AVilliston towns. Elko town Williston town 1,299 1,721 138 2,422 1, (160 934 2,027 51 43, 696 3, 018 2,508 494 2,181 3, 180 2, 327 1,692 2,300 2,730 1,793 2,727 365 2,018 2,098 2, 806 476 1,609 1, 828 2,357 6, 524 1 ,242 2,436 44, 613 1880 3,144 3,881 6g6 366 2, 994 937 2,157 358 2,284 4,240 962 1,375 2,198 1.558 1,917 2,378 2,695 2.225 1,853 1,252 1,052 1.678 2.452 3,280 TOO 503 1.170 2,036 94 1,931 635 927 1,462 minor civil divisions. 33, 612 1,850 2,181 314 1, 9U3 2,459 1,977 1, 437 2, 055 2,239 1,517 2,320 228 1,546 1,910 2,559 672 1. 293 1,604 2, 216 2,546 565 39, 857 2. 580 3,479 403 2,306 1.764 2,079 3,573 684 1,567 2.600 1, 5(14 1,972 2,063 2,414 2, 100 1,761 1.202 853 1. .547 1, 824 2, 669 149 426 Beaufort county Beaufort township, including Beaufort and Port Royal towns. Beaufort town Port Royal town Blufl'ton township, incl. Bluft'ton village . . Bluffton village Coosawhatchie township, including Gra- hamvillo village. Grahamville village Hilton Head township St. Helena township Sheldon township Yemassee township, incl. Hardeevillevill. Hardeeville village Berkeley county (c) Christ Church township, including Mount Pleasant town. Mount Pleasant town St. Andrew township, including Marys- viile village. Marysviile village St. Dennis and St. 'fliomas township-. ... St. James Goose Creek township, includ- ing Holly Hill, Lincoliiville, and Pecks towns and part of Summerville lown. Holly Hill town Lincolnville town Pecks town Summerville town (part of) Total for Summerville town, in St. James Goose Creek township, Berke- ley county, and Dorchester town- ship, Colleton county. St. James San tee township St. Johns Berkeley township, including Eutawville and jMonks Corner towns. Eutawville town Monks Corner town St. Johns Colleton township St. Stephen township, incl. St. Stephen town. St. Stephen town 1890 Charleston county (/ ) . Charleston city (g) Ward 1 3, 209 War d 2 5,371 Ward 3 6, 052 Ward 4 9,7.34 ATard 5 0, 936 Ward 6 8. 637 Ward 7 6, 748 Ward 8 8, 268 James Island township (A) McClellanville township (i), including Mcmltrieville town (,b). St. Phillip township ( j) Chester county Baton Rouge township Blackstock township, including part of Blackstock town. Blackstock town (part of) Total for Blackstock town (k), in Black- stock township, Chester count3-, and township 2, Fairiield county. Chester township, including Chester and Lownesville towns. Chester town Lownesville town 34, 119 8,942 3,587 524 2,903 421 2,423 '93 2.369 7,747 5.979 3,756 649 55, 428 5.530 i,iTl8 5,671 421 2,905 12. 603 1880 2,894 9,381 59, 903 3,538 2,602 6.955 30, 176 7,892 2>549 387 2,580 170 1,766 274 2,513 6,644 5,466 3,315 232 do. 153 78.3 r6, 215 2.342 10, 606 cZ3, 744 9,586 10, 388 3,599 49, 984 24,153 5,964 a In 1880 in Grove township, Greenville county, only. b Not separatelv returned. c Organized from part of Charleston county in 1882. d Includes that part now in McClellanville township, Charleston county. e Includes that part now in James Island township, Charleston county. ^ St. Dennis and St. Thomas. St. James Goose Creek, St. Johns Berkeley, St. Johns Colleton, and St. Stephen town- ships (population 36.521 in 1880) taken to form Berkeley county in 1882; Christ Church, St. Andrew, and St. James Santee townships (])opulation 15,112 in 1880) also taken to form Berkeley county and James Island and McClellan- ville townships in this county in 1882. St. Phillip and St. Michael township abolished, and that part outside of Charleston city (population 1,183 in 1880) taken to foiin St. Phillip township since 1880. n Formerly in St. Phillip and St. Michael township; made independent since 1880. h Organized from part of St. Andrew township in 1882. i Oiganized from parts of Christ Church and St. James San- tee townships in 1882. j Organized from part of St. Phillip and St. Michael town- ship since 1880. it In 1880 in Blackstock township, Chester county, only. POPULATION. 361 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. SOrXH CAROliINA— Goiitiniied. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS Chester county — Continued. Halsellville townsliip Hazlewood township Landsford township Le wisville township , inol. Richburs; town . Richburgr town EossviUe township Chestehfielo county. Alligator township Cheraw townsbip, inch Cheraw town. Cheraw town Cole Hill township Court Honse township Jefferson township Mount Croghan to%mshii) Old Store township Steerpen township Cl.\rendon county (a) . Brewington township, incl. Foreston vill. Foreston village Calvary township Concord townsliip Douglas township Friendship township Fulton township Harmony township Manning township, incl. Manning town. . Manning town Midway township Mount Zion township !Ne w Zion township Plowden Mill township St. James township St. Mark township St. Paul township Sammy Swamp township Sandy Grove township Santee township Colleton county Adams linn township Bell township Blaise townsliip Broxson township Burns township, incl. Ridgeville town Ridgeville town Carn township Collins township Dorchester township, including part of Stumuerville town. Summerville tovvfu (part of) Total for Summerville town, in St. James Goose Creek township , Berke- ley county, and Dorchester town- ship, Colleton countv. Fraser township, incl. Jacksonboro town. Jacksonboro town George township, incl. St. George town . . . St. George town Givhaus township, incl.Givhaus town (6) . Glover township Hey ward township, including Hcuderson- villetown. Henderson ville town Koger township, incl. "Reevesville town . . . Reevesville town Lowndes towiiship Sheridan township Verdier township, incl. Walterboro to wn . . W'alterboro town "Warren township 1800 1,896 2,530 2,967 4.311 I So 3,861 18S0 1.436 3.923 976 1.138 2,879 2,340 2.425 2, 363 1.964 23, 233 282 2,038 1. 206 754 2,601 1.730 854 2,134 1 ,069 820 895 868 1,187 1,423 749 1.308 1,296 518 2,097 40, 293 4. 609 2,509 3,106 2,828 1.819 212 922 1,955 2,538 931 2,219 1,295 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1,388 2,654 2,645 3, 676 121 1, 922 18,408 i 16,345 1,225 3, 561 918 987 2,357 1.761 2, 269 2. 105 2,080 19, 190 508 1,630 964 691 1, 8611 1,155 721 1,440 1,039 574 795 955 951 709 1,083 1,029 402 1,751 36, 386 4,409 1.968 2,521 2,317 1,990 250 877 1,431 2,658 735 1,371 2.289 50 2. 028 029 1. 301 279 1,306 1,050 1.337 2. 098 1,748 2S6 1.683 263 1,490 109 1,243 1, 555 1,778 1,612 4.516 3,554 1,171 2,154 6gi 1.877 a Mott township (population 927 in 1,880) taken to form Florence county in 1888. l> Not separately returned. c Ebenezer, Eflingham. Florence. James Cross Roads, Tans Bay. and Timmonsville townships (population 8.863 in 1880), Cartersville township (organized from part of Lisbon town- ship since 18S0), and part of Back Swamp township taken to form Florence county in 1888. Darlin'GTON county (c). Antioch township Back Swamp township (d) Cypress townsliip Darlington township, incl. Darlington tn Darlington town Hartsville township, incl. Hartsville tn . . Hartsville town High Hill township , Leavenworth township Lisbon township (e) Lydia township Mechanicsville township Palmetto township (/) Philadelphia township Society Hill township Stokes Bridge township Swift Creek township Edgefield county. Blocker township Coleman township Collier township Collins township Cooper township Germanvillo township Crray township Gre<;g township Hibler township Hiiiet township Meriwether township Mobley township, including part of Clin- tonward village. Clintonward village (part of) Total for Clinton ward village, in Mob- lev and Ward townships. Moss township Norris township, including partof Eidge Spring village. Ridge Spring village (part of) Total for Ridge Spring village, in Nor- ris and Ward townships. Pickens township, including parts of Edgefield and Johnston towns. Edgefield town (part of) Total for Edgefield town, in Pickens and Wise townships. Johnston town (part of) Total for Johnston town, in Pickens and Ward townships. Pine Grove township Ryan township Shaw township, including Trenton town. Trenton town Talbert township Ward township, including parts of Clin- tonward village, Johnston town, and Eidge Spring village. Clintonward village (part of) Johnston town (part of) Ridge Spripg village (part of) Washington township, including Modoc and Parksville towns. Modoc town Parksville town Wise township, including part of Edge- field town. Edgefield town (part of) Fairfield county. Township 1 . 1800 29, 134 1.458 596 1,680 4,112 2,389 1, 913 342 2,051 2, 023 2,693 1,513 1,559 816 1,966 2,694 2,121 1,933 49, 259 1880 28, 599 2. 225 34, 485 1.154 1.587 1. 413 2.816 9JO 1,537 1.654 1,564 2, 22.5 1. 543 1.512 1,638 1,309 2,664 1, 300 1,706 45, 844 1,252 1,281 3, 009 2,461 2,062 2,086 1,349 1,166 2, 700 2. 532 2.054 1.382 2,569 2. 185 76 62 2.027 1, 783 2,215 2, 376 3, 074 3,645 3,446 2.896 115 161 1,353 1,480 2.803 2, 958 206 130 390 328 3,944 3, 939 493 448 1, 168 808 ^,62 328 827 463 2,822 2,656 1.321 1,117 1,883 1,559 1,401 1, 258 2.876 2.518 46 465 13s 184 198 1,997 1,674 102 3,026 2,830 67s 360 27, 765 2. 422 (I Part taken to form Back Swamp township, Florence county, in 1888. c P.irt taken to form Cartersville township (now in Florence county) since 1880. / Part given to Florence township (now in Florence county) since 1880. 362 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Taulk 3,— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CI'S'IL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued, SOUTH CAKOL.I1VA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Fairfield county— Continued. Townsliip 2, including part of Black- stock town and Woodward town. Blackstock town (part of) Total for Blackstock town (a) , in Black- stock township, Chestercounty, and townsliip 2, Fairfield county. Woodward town Township 3 Township 4 Township 5 Township 6 Towushi]) 7, including part of Ridge- way town. Ridgeway town (part of) Total tor Ridgeway town , in townships 7 and 8. Township 8, including Blythe wood town and part of Ridgeway town. Blythewood town Ridgeway town (pait of) Township 9 Townsliip 10 Townsliip 11 Townsliip 12 Township 13 Township 14, including Winusboro city. . Winnsboro city Florence county (b) . Back Swamp township (c) •Cain township (d) Cartersville township (e), including Car- tersville town. Cartersville town Ebenezer township (/) Effingham townsliip (/) Florence township (3), incl. Florence tn . Fl jrence town James Cross Roads township (/) Jeffrey township (rf) Lynches township (h) licMillan township (d) Mott township (x) Tedee township (d) Taus Bay township (/) Timnionsville township (/), including Timuionsville to\vn. Timmonsville town (Jeokgetown county. Black River township ■Collins township Georgetown township, including George- town town. Georgetown town Pedee township Sampit township Santee township Waecamaw township Greenville county 3,325 396 2,503 1,436 1,712 1,565 979 60 249 2,608 2,631 1,359 1,660 1,762 2,348 2,486 1.738 25, 027 759 2,656 1,164 314 1,017 1,219 6, 224 3.395 534 2,365 1.013 2,187 1, 202 2,172 1, 145 1,370 516 20, 857 1,656 1, 963 4,978 2,895 4,048 1,877 2,737 3,598 44,310 2, 557 2, 344 2,841 2,595 320 951 2,269 2,587 212 1,879 1,515 1880 2,867 ■■•"56 2,436 1, 522 1,519 1 , 5.56 899 2,558 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS 1890 2, 088 1,292 1,647 1,840 2, 969 2,150 1,500 2,405 1,318 1,160 3, 082 1,914 671 2,527 ii'io 927 1,776 1, 091 1,541 19,613 Greenville county' — Continued. Greenville township, incl. Greenville city . Greenville city \\'ard I 2 , 503 Ward 2 949 AVard 3 1 .418 Ward 4 1 ,630 Ward 5 1 . 159 Ward 6 948 Grove township, including part of Pied- mont town. Piedmont town (part of) Total for Piedmont town (;), in Wil- liaraston township , Anderson county, and Grove township, Greenville county. Highland township Oaklawn township O'Neal township Paris Mountain township Saluda towushij) 2,633 1, 633 4,233 2,557 3,341 1,325 2, 732 3,716 37, 496 2,294 2,166 2, 392 2,247 97 877 2,007 2,251 1,732 1,661 Austin town.ship Bates township -- ■ Butler township -Chick .Springs township, incl. Greer town Greer town Cleveland township Dunklin township Fail-view township, incl. Fountain Inn tn Fountain Inn town Gantt township - Glassy Mountain township a In 188U in Blackstock township, Chester county, only. 6 Organized from parts of Clarendon, Darlington, Manou, and Williamsburg counties in 1888. ,> .- c Organized from part of Back Swamp township. Darling- ton county, in 18K8. d Fornierly in Marion county. c Formerly in Darlington county ; org.inized from part of Lisbon township, Darlington county, since 1880. / Formerly in Diirlington county. (/ Formerly in Darlington county ; part of Palmetto town- •elii'p, Darlington county, auneKed since 1880. 3,514 1,194 2,436 Hampton county 20,544 18,741 Coosawhatchie township Goethe township Lawton township Peeples township, including Brunson, Hampton, and Yarnville towns. Brunson town Hampton town Varnville town Pocotaligo township Robert township Horry county Bayboro township Bucks township, including Port Harrel- son town (fc). Conway township, incl. Conway town . - . Conway town Dog Bluff township Dogwood Neck township Floyd township Gallivant Ferry township Green Sea township Little River township, including Little River village. Little River village Simpson Creek township Socastee township Kershaw county. Buffalo township Dekalb township, incl. Camden town Camden town Flat Rock township, including part of Kershaw town (!). Wateree township Lancaster county 1880 2,388 2,706 1,900 3,333 209 165 3,578 2,361 1,763 3,077 4,605 4,735 15, 574 3,272 677 1,210 688 1,704 1,327 1,300 1,449 22, 361 21, 538 4,999 10,903 Buford township Cane Creek townshiji Cedar Creek township Flat Creek township, incl. Haile Gold Mine town and part of Kershaw town. Haile Gold Mine town Kershaw town (m) (part of) Gill Creek township, incl. Lancaster tu . Lancaster town Indian Land townshi]) Pleasant Hill township AVaxhaw township h Organized from part of Lee township, Williamsburg county, since 1880. i Formerlv in Clarendon county. j In 1880 in Grove township, Greenville county, only. k Not separately returned. , . -r- I Not separately returned ; in Flat Rock township, Ker- shaw county, and Flat Creek township, Lancaster county. m In Flat Rock township. Kershaw county, and Ilat Creek township, Lancaster county. POPULATION. 363 Tablk 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. SOUTH CABOCIIVA— Continuea. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Laubens county Cross Hill township, Incl. Cross Hill vill Cross Hill village Dial township Hunter township, including Clinton ami Goldville villages. Clinton village Goldville village Jacks township Laarens township, incl. Laurens town . . Laurens town Scuffletown township Sullivan township, incl. Princeton to wn . . Princeton town "Waterloo township, incl. "Waterloo town . "Waterloo town Youngs township, incl. Youngs town {a) . Lexington county . Black Creek township Boiling Springs township Broad River township, incl. Peak town . . Peak to wn Bull Swamp township Chinquapin township, incl. Batesburgtn. Batesburg town Conn'aree townshi]> Uutch Fork township Gilbert Hollow to wnship,including Lees- ville and Lewiedale towns. LeesviUe town Lewiedale to wn (!)) Hollow Creek township Lexington township, incl. Lexington tn. . Lexington town Piatt Springs township Saluda township Sandy Kun township Marion county (c) . Bethea township Britton Neck township Carmichael township Hai-leeville township, including Little Rock town (a). Hillsboro township, incl.KichoIs town... Nichols town Kirby township Le Gett township - Manning township,including Dillon town. Dillon town Marion township, including Marion town . Marion town Moodv township Reeves township, including MuUinstown. Mullins town Rowell township "Wahee township "Woodbury townshii> Marlboro county. Adamsville township, incl. Tatum tn. (a). Beuneltsville township, including Ben- uettsville town. Bennettsville town Brightsville township, including Brights- ville town (a). Brownsville township Hebron township Red Bluff township Red Hill towDsliip, incl. Blenheim viU... Hlenlieim village Smithville towushii) Newberry county. Caldwell township . Cannon township . . 1890 31, 610 2,973 2l6 3,917 4,777 204 2,572 6,291 2,245 2,377 2,218 195 3,669 291 2,816 22, 181 908 1,267 2,668 143 1, lllU 1,407 528 1,40!) 2,492 2, 182 229 115 ],.57] 2,468 342 1,283 1,726 1,610 29, 976 1,509 1,400 2, 130 3,991 2,705 57 1,812 1, 894 2, 452 82 4,050 1 ,640 1,720 2,864 242 1,245 1, 865 273 23, 500 1880 29, 444 2,953 149 .3, 416 4,867 459 2,797 4,587 752 2,060 2,403 4,018 "2,' 343 18,564 743 892 2,426 62 943 1,208 286 1,547 2,074 1,785 177 141 1,254 2,065 262 851 1,475 1,301 34, 107 1,438 1,420 1, 515 2, 683 2,269 122 1,678 1,612 1,770 3,259 824 1,378 2,907 1, 122 1,998 230 20, 598 3,270 3,844 2,696 3,171 Q78 1,985 343 1,889 2,229 3, 001 3.492 2,935 1,938 2,829 2, 435 3,010 95 2,744 2,630 26, 434 26, 497 1,646 1,656 1,556 1,840 minor civil divisions. a Not separately returned. 6 Formerly Gilbert Hollow, c Cain, Jeffrey, McMillan, and Pedee townships (popula- tion 8,828 in 1880) tak'ju to form Florence county in 1888. Newberry county— Continued. Cromer township Floyd township Heller township Mayl)inton township Mendeuhall township Moon township Newberry township, including Helena and Newberry towns. Helena town Newberry town Keeder township Stony Battery township, including Pros- perity town. Prosperity town Oconee county Center township Chattooga township Keowee township Pulaski township Seneca township, incl. Seneca town (a) .. Tugaloo township, including Ben Cleve- land (a) and "Westminster towns. Westminster town "Wagener township, including "Walhalla and West Union towns. Walhalla town West Union town Whitewater township Orangebdro county Amelia township, including Fort Motte and St. Matthew towns. Fort Motte town St. Matthew town Branchvillo township, including Branch- ville town. Branchville town Bull Swamp township (d) Caw Caw township Cow Castle township Edisto township Goodby township Goodland township, incl. Springfield vill . S|)ringfield village Hebron township Liberty township Lyons township Middle township New Hope township, incl. Kowesville tn . Rowesville town Orange township, incl. Orangeburg city . . Orangeburg city Pine Grove township Poplar township, including EUoreetowu. EUoree town Providence township Rocky Grove township (e) Union township Vance township W^illow township Zion township Pickens county Township j. Ea.sley, incl. Easley town... Easley town Township 2. Liberty, incl. Liberty town. Liberty town Townships. Central, incl. Central town. Central town Township 4. Hurricane Township 5. Pickens, mcl. Pickens town . Pickens town Township 6. Dacusville, including Da- cusville town (a). Township 7. Punipkintowu Townshi)) 8. Eastatoe, including East- atoe town (a). d Formerly Elizabeth. e Not separately returned in 1880. 1890 2,223 2,681 2,651 2,830 2, 193 2,400 1,181 1,504 2,125 2,230 2.265 2,102 4,865 4,482 481 3,020 2,342 2,109 2, 244 3,520 2,628 565 18, 687 3,464 711 2,179 658 4,493 3, 260 532 3.214 820 235 708 4,661 279 524 2,035 732 1,691 3, 503 1,148 1, 217 1,696 2, 927 221 961 1,164 3,026 1,539 1,441 174 7,696 2,964 2,426 2,137 3" 1,591 771 1,047 1,727 2,595 1,794 16, 389 3,459 421 2,318 211 2,695 396 1,723 2,321 283 1,783 973 1,117 1880 16, 256 3,085 718 1,848 741 3, 613 2,234 162 3,247 789 192 770 41, 395 3,664 107 271 2,010 517 2, 116 2,881 1,149 1,035 1, 490 2,681 1,215 2,428 1. 683 1,267 12t 6,046 2, 140 1,994 1,512 1,260 1,418 1,286 1,748 1,572 14, 389 3,030 327 2,145 149 2,161 184 1,470 1,856 212 1,719 841 1,167 364 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3,— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. J^OUXH f;AROI-INA— Continned. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Richland cocnty Center towuship Columbia townshiji, incl. Columbia city . . Columbia city Ward I 4.130 Ward2 3ii°8 Wards 3.926 Ward 4 4.189 Lower townsliii. - Upper towiishii) 1890 Spartanburo county Beech Springs township Campobello towiisla|i, including Canipo- bello, Inman, and L.indrum towns. Campobello town Inman town Landrum town Clierokee township Cross Anchor township, including Cross Anchor town («). Fair Forest township Glenn Springs township, including Glenn Springs town. Glenn Springs town Limestone township, incl. Gafl'nej- town. . Gaffuev town Pacolett townshij., including part of Pa- colett Mills town. Pacolett Mii:s town (part ol) Total for Pacolett Mills town, in Paco- lett and White Plains townships. Reidville township, incl. Reidville town. . Reidville town — Spartanburg township, including Clifton. Glendale, and Whitney Mills towns and Spartanburg city. Clifton town Glendale town Spartanburg city Whitney Mills town White Plains township, incl. Cowpens town and part of Pacolett Mills town. Cowpens town Pacolett Mills town (part of) "Woodruft' township, incl. Woodruff town Woodruff town SCJITER COUNTY. Bishopville township, including Bishop- ville town. Bishopville town Carter Crossing township Concord township Lynchburg township, incl. Magnolia tn ., Magnolia town Manchester township Mayesville township, incl.Mayesville tn Ma vesville town Middleton township, including Wedge- field town (a). Mount Clio township Privateer township Providence township Rafting Creek township 36, 821 4.798 18.437 15.353 11, 032 2,554 55, 385 e.417 4.801 137 134 155 3.(152 2,901 1.847 2. 69G 138 C. 088 1,631 2,658 J, '25 4,938 156 13,616 2,639 468 5.544 336 3,362 349 457 2. 40!) 43. 605 2,798 1880 28, 573 3,874 13, 083 10,036 8,881 2. 735 40, 409 5,257 3,781 2,906 2,254 1,730 2, 545 219 3,880 400 1,851 4,420 266 7,521 3.253 2," 337 1.927 254 37, 037 2,309 422 T.14 2,071 1,623 2.321 2,148 3,441 2, 78i) 484 ISI 053 590 2,720 2,304 7c6 3C6 2,251 1,773 2,831 2,456 2.697 2, 171 2, 333 2. 034 2,715 2.176 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Sumter county — Continued. 1890 Shiloh township Springhill township States burg township Sumter township, including Sumter city. Sumter city Ward I 522 Ward 2 1 , 248 Ward 3 1 ,254 Ward 4 841 Swimming Pens township Union county . Bog.insville township Cross Keys township Draytonville townshii) Fishdam township Goshen Hill township - Goudey-sville township Jonesville township, incl. Jonesvilletown Jonesville town Pinckney township Santnc township Union township, including Union town - Union town Williamsburg cou.vty (bi. Anderson township Hope township Indian township Johnson township Kings township, incl. Kingstree town — Kingstree town Lak' township, including part of Scran- ton village («). Laws township Lee township (c), including part of Scran- ton village (a). Mingo township Penn township Ridge townshij) Sumter townshiii Sutton township Turkey township York county. Bethel township Bethesda township BroadRivertownship, including Hickory Grove town. Hickory Grove town Bullock Creek township Catawba township, incl. Rock Hill town. Rock Hill town Cherokee township, incl. Blackshurg tn . Blacksburg town. Ebenezer township, incl. Tirzah town (a) Fort Mill township, incl. Fort Mill town Fort Mill town King Mountain township, incl. Clover tn Clover town Yorktown township, incl. Yorkville town Yorkville town 2,501 2,181 3,120 6,572 3.865 2,400 25, 363 2,198 1,443 2,005 2, 068 1,615 3, 214 2, 601 286 3, U87 2,743 4, 389 1 ,609 27, 777 1,107 2,719 1,919 2,485 3,253 53Q 1,595 2.225 993 1,886 1,951 2, 299 3,113 694 1,538 38, 831 3,017 4,741 2,670 134 3, 604 6,673 2,744 3.364 1,245 2, 795 3,244 689 3,451 287 5,267 1.553 1880 2.405 1,950 3,061 5, 166 2, on 2,091 24, 080 2,232 1,495 2,187 1.714 1, 722 3,252 2,138 206 3,127 2,570 3. 637 1 ,267 24, 110 733 2,320 1. 914 2,397 2,842 384 1,272 1,295 1, 619 1,371 1,481 2,001 2,757 779 1,323 30, 713 2,572 3,681 2.246 3,346 4,443 809 2,441 145 2,228 2,834 290 2,674 73 4,248 a Not separately returned. b Part taken to 'form Florence county in 1888. c Part taken to form Lynches township (now in Florence county) since 1880. SOUTH DAKOTA. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 5,045 69 , . 117 350 171 165 Belford township Center township Aurora county— Continued. Cooper township Crystal Lake township Dudley township Eureka township 227 211 178 a Part taken to form Jerauld county in 1883. POPULATION. 365 Table 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. MINOR CniL DIVISIONS. Adroea county — Continued. Firesteel township Gale.s townsliip Hopper township Lake township Palatine township Patton township Plankinton township, including Plank- inton city. Plankinton city Pleasant Lake township Pleasant Valley township Truro township "Washington township , White Lake township, including White Lake city. White Lake city Beadle county. Allen town.ship Altoona township, including Hitchcock town (a). Banner township Barrett township Belle Prairie township Bonilla townshij) _ Broadland township Burr Oak township Carlyle township Cavour township, including part of Ca- vour town (a). Clifton township Clyde township , Custer to\vnship Dearborn township Pairtield township Poster township Grant township Hartlaud township Huron city AVard l' 596 Ward 2 821 Ward 3 821 Ward 4 800 Iowa township Kellogg township Lake Byron towushii) Liberty township Lcgan township Milford township Nance township Pearl Creek township Pleasant View, township Richland township, including part of Ca- vour town (a). Sand Creek township Theresa township , Valley township Vernon township Wessiugton township, including Wess- ington village. Wessington village Whiteside township Wolsey townsliip, incl. Wolsey town (a) . BONHOMME COUNTY , Township 92, range 60 Townsliip 92, range 61 ) Township 93, range 61 % (a) Township 93, range 62 ) Township 93, range 58 Township 93, range 59 Township 93, range 60, including Spring- lield city. " Springfield city Township 94, range 58 Township 94. range 59. including Tyndali city. Tyndali citv Township 94, range 60 Township 94, range 61 Towii.shi)) 9n, range 58 Townsliip 95, range 59 Township 95, range GO ...'_ 1890 260 271 268 122 268 124 892 604 117 156 151 287 624 366 9,586 137 195 181 170 190 190 151 153 253 310 141 131 152 261 227 136 177 216 84 262 139 144 162 113 298 150 131 300 9,057 201 827 385 236 576 302 710 917 509 337 480 495 557 435 18S0 1,290 197 162 220 291 147 290 103 74 3,038 164 5,468 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. BoNHOMJiE COUNTY— Continued. Township 95. range 61 Township 96, range 58, including Scot- land city. Scotland city Township 96, range 59 Township 96. range 60 ! Township 96, range 61 Brookings county . Afton township, including White village White village Alton township Argo township " ' Aurora township ][] Bangor township Brookings township, iucludiug Brook- ings city. Brookings city Elkton township, incl. Elkton village ..... Elkton village Eureka townshij) .....!!.].! Lake Hendricks township Lake Sinai township Laketon township Medary township _/__ Oak Lake township /_ ( )akwood township Oslo township Parnell township "' Preston townshi]) Eichland township Shenuan tovvnship Sterling township Trenton township Volga townshi]), including Volga village. Volga village Winsor township .' Brown county . Aberdeen township, incl. Aberdeen city. Aberdeen city Ward I "682 Ward 2 5,^ Ward 3 738 ,,. Ward 4 1,228 Allison township Bath township Brainard township Cambria townsliip Carlisle township Claremont township, incl. Claremont vill Claremont village Columbia township, incl. Columbia city '. . Columbia city Detroit township Frederick township, incl. Frederick city. ! Frederick city '. . . Ward I joi Ward 2 ,03 Ward 3 77 GardenPrairie township, incl.Verdon vill. Verdon village Gem township [\ Greenfield township Grotou township, including Grotou city . . Groton city Hanson township [__ Henry township Lansing township Liberty township Mercier township New Hope township Oneota township Ordway township, incl. Ordway vill. («) .. Osceola township Palmyra township Portage township Riverside township Eondell townshij) Saro townshi]) Shelby township Warner township Wostport townshi]) 1890 42.1 1,405 1,083 332 468 273 10, 132 461 137 315 339 523 213 1,890 1,518 631 331 285 348 435 361 398 313 305 481) 382 280 257 307 393 337 621 298 258 16, 855 1880 3,643 3,182 101 486 273 303 202 -557 121 636 400 447 573 281 571 94 735 275 1,040 684 620 356 132 351 135 470 394 531 141 172 511 530 566 399 317 964 424 4,965 287 353 a Not separately returned. 366 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. America township Brale township -----.-■ -.- - - - ■ - -. - • ; •;;:"•"" " Ciiamberlain township, including -cham- berlain city. Chamberlain city • • ■ Wardi 382 Ward 2 ^57 Wards 3°° Cleveland township Eagle township • Grandview township Higldand township - - - - - - ■ -. - - ■ - - - ■ - - ■ ; - - Kimball township, ir.el. Kimball city.. Kimball city Lyon township Ola township Plainfield township Pleasant Grove to wnship Plummer township Pukwana townsliip Red Lake township Eichland township Smith township Torrey Lake township Township 105, range 69 Township 105, range 70 Waldo tOAvnship Wilber township Willow Lake township Buffalo county (a). Arlington township. Eden township Eldorado township.. Elvira township Grant township Butte county (h) . 246 362 111 190 796 59^ 127 378 171 220 125 374 222 395 162 175 229 132 183 153 187 993 Campbell county Auburn township (school) Blessing township Center township Erve township (school) Fairview township Franklin township (school) Fremont townsliip (school) ... - - - - - Grand Crossing township (school) Hillside township V " ;: ' " ' Hoffmingfeld township (school) ... La Grace township (school) Logan township (school) Odessa township (school) Springvale townsliip Thompson township To wnship 120, range 74 Township 126, range 75 Township 126, range 77 Township 127. range 75 Valley to\vnship (school) Vienna township (school) 238 186 141 194 234 1,037 3,510 Chakles Mi-x county. Carroll township Castalia township Darlington township . . - Forbes township.. > ,g) Platte township., i Hamilton township Jackson township Lake George township. La Koche to\vnship Rhoda township Signal township 112 282 217 181 234 170 147 90 91 252 318 94 302 95 196 172 66 32 192 79 188 4,178 229 438 326 207 737 221 410 414 506 63 Ash township Berlin township Blaine township - ■- - ---■---.:■- Collins township, iucl. Willow Lake city Willow Lake city Cottonwood township Darlington township ;■-:--,-■; Day township, inch part of Clark town. . . Clark town (part of) W-'" Total for Clark town, in Day and Lin- coln townships. Eden township Elrod township Fordham township Foxton township Garfield township Hague township Lake township -;^.V',': Lincoln township, incl. partof Clarktowu Clark town (part of) Logan township Maydell township Merton township Mount Pleasant township Pleasant township Raymond township Richland township Rosedale township Spring Valley township Thorp township Warren townsliip Woodland township 50 Clay county Bethel township Fairview township Garfield township Glenwood township Meckling township Norway township Pleasant Valley township Prairie Center township Riverside township Spirit Mound township Star township - - -. • • Vermilion township, incl. Vermilion citj Vermilion city 60 240 310 428 240 352 160 556 342 592 267 269 118 365 185 213 281 411 250 158 190 267 232 296 282 161 288 198 165 126 138 7,509 407 Codington county (e) . 420 585 630 649 399 337 574 610 472 400 530 1,903 •,496 7,037 ".!?^^Sfdrm\\"rt*o7e^^^^^^ territoo' in 1883: not returned by townships, c Not separately returned. Dexter township Eden township Elmira township Fuller township - Germanto wn township Graceland township. . -.- - - Henry township, including Henry village. Henry village. . Kainpeska township ■■ I m Richland township ... 5 Kranzburg township Lake township Leola township Pelican township Phipps township Rauville township Sheridan township Waterto wn city Wardl ?ff Ward2 Ill Wards ;™ Ward4 •"** Waverly town.ship d Formed from unorganized territory in 1883; not returned ^'^e'SforSisseton and Wahpeton Indian reservation an- nexed since 1880. 314 357 162 219 262 242 453 194 425 465 123 221 219 155 268 144 2, 672 336 5,001 2,156 746 POPULATIOJf. Table 3.-AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continned. SOITTH DAKOTA— Continueil. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Custer county (n). Buffalo Gap town. Custer town Hermosa town Davison county. 1890 4,891 501 790 172 5,449 Badger township Baker townsliip Beulah township Blendon township Lisbon township Mitchell township, incl. Mitchell city . . . Mitchell city , . . . Mount Vernon township, incl.Mount Ver- non village. Mount Vernon village Perry township .' .' ' Prosper township Rome township Tobin township Union township ' Day county (b) . 244 .339 160 318 164 !,508 1,217 431 327 197 225 350 244 269 9,168 Andover township, incl. Andover town . . Andover town Bristol township, including Bristol towii Bristol town Butler township Central Point township " Egeland ton nship __ Farraington township _]__ Grenvilfe township " , . Highland tow-nship Homer township Independence township .]. Kidder township Liberty township /__[ Lynn township /__[ Morton township Oak Gulch township Raritan township Rusk township !!!.'...! Scotland township Troy township ..'. Union township .]. Valley township "!.!]!!!. Waubay township Webster township, incl. Webster villaee Webster village Wheatland township York township Delano county (c) Deuel county. 066 232 450 193 279 04 292 344 1,025 237 244 300 323 383 357 344 103 286 281 192 211 308 285 458 1,033 6t8 353 230 4,574 255 103 312 256 322 147 159 332 170 379 488 277 172 151 382 127 168 650 148 1880 995 1,256 2,302 Altamont township Antelope Valley township Blom township, exclusive of part of To- ronto town. Brandt township Clear Lake township, incl. Clear Lake tn Clear Lake town Glen wood town.ship '. Goodwin township Grange township Havana township l[\\.] .[ Herrick township, including Gary towii! Gary town Hide wood township ...... . . . . .' . . .' ." .' .' .' ' " Lowe township Nordcn township Portland township Rome township Scandinavia township, exclusive of part of Toronto town. Toronto town, in Blom and Scandinavia townships. by^townVhi":," *" ^""^ ^*" ^'^^"^ ''''"°*y '" ^**^ ' ""* returned Ket^'J^/^Vw? *"/""? ^Tarshall county in 1885; part of Sis- seton and Wahpeton Indian reservation annexed since 1880. ifis^ returned in 1880 ; part taken to fonn Scobey county in 1883; not returned by townships. minor civil divisions. Douglas county 1890 Belmont township (.school) Berlin township (school) East Choteau town.ship (school) Garfield township (school) ." Grand township (school) Iowa township (school) Lincoln township (school) '/ Township 97, range 63 .." Township 98, range 63, incl. Amiour tn' Armour town Township 98, range 64......... Township 99, range 65 Township 99, range 66 Township 100, range 65 '. Township 100, range 66 Valley township (.school) Walnut Grove township (school) 4,600 Edmunds county (d). Belle township Bowdle township Bryant township, incl. Roscoe village '. . Roscoe village Clear Lake township Cleveland township Cloyd Valley township Cortlandt township __\ Fountain township Glen township Glover township Harmony township Hillside township '"' Hosmer township Hudson township Huntly township ] " " . ' Ipswich township, incl. Ipswich viilage" Ipswich village Kent township Liberty township Madison township Modena township '.'. Montpelier township Pembrook township Powell township Richland township ] Rosette township Union township Vermont township [. 274 232 297 4,399 EwixG county (e) Fall Riveu county (/) 4 47^ Hot Springs village . Oelrichs village Faulk county . Elroy township Orient township Township U7, range 67 Township 117, range 68 ...' Township 117, range 70 ) , Township 117, range 71 3 ''^ Township 117, range 72 Township 118, range 66 Township 118, range 67 Township 118, range 68 Township 118, range 69, including Faulk- ton city. Faulkton city Ward I \'.\'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' \s6 Ward 2 ,„ Ward3 .■.■.■.'.'.■.■.■.' ,1^ Township 118, range 70 ....'... Township 118, range 71 Township 118, range 72 d Not returned in 1880. e Formed from part of Harding county in 1883 ; not returned by townships. /Organized from part of Custer county in 1883 ; not returned by townships. g Not separately returned. 367 1880 368 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE rOPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. SOdTH DAKOTA— Contiuued. MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Faulk county— Continued. Township 119, Township 119, Township 120. Township 120, Township 119, Township 119, Townshij) 120, Township 120, Township 119, Township 119, Townsliip 120, Township 120, Township 120 Zell township range 66 range 67 range 66 range 67 range 68 range 69 . range 68 range 69 range 70 range 71 range 70 range 71 , range 72 (O). 1890' (a) ■ (a). Grant county (b) 751 472 UOO 6,811 1880 Adams township ....-...--•■• ■ ■ - ••:■•••-■ Alhan townsliip, inehidnig Milbankcitj . Milbank city -■ Ward I 332 AVard 2 437 Wards k'-iJ^ Bigstone township, incl. Bigstone City. . . °Bigstone city ( Jeorgia townsli'ip : Olden township Opdahl township Oil'ord township 527 1,842 1, 207 744 47' 283 429 371 366 289 503 284 161 249 311 555 295 4.625 Hand couni Alden township Alpha township Bates township Bnrdett township - -. Campbell township . Carlton township .-. Cedar township <;onio township ■■■- Fairviow township. . Florence township . - Gilhert township Glendale towusUip. - Grand township Greenleaf township . Harrison township.. Highland township . Holden township Howell township Hulhert township. . . 511 350 488 116 252 546 210 132 589 172 278 157 557 356 287 6,546 92 205 140 212 92 116 71 78 105 156 194 112 214 103 8b 109 240 92 173 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hand county— Continued. 3,010 376 Linn township Logan township Midland township ■--.-■ ■ • - ■. Miller township, including Miller city . . Miller city Mondamin township Ohio township Ontario township Park townshij) Pearl township Plato township Pleasant Valley township Ree Heights township Riverside township Rockdale township Rose Hill township • ■ • -,- • - - ■ • St.Lawrence township, including bt. Law rence city. St. Lawrence city Spring Hills township Spring Lake township Spring township Wheat on township [ York township 1890 093 Hanson county Beulah township Edgerton township Faii-view townshiiJ - Hanson township Jasper township Piano township Pleasant township Rosedale township Spring Lake township Taylor township ,-•■,:•■ Wayne township, including citv (a). Wortheu township Alexandria Harding county (d). Hughes cou.nty. Blunt township, including Blunt village. Blunt village Bretton townsnip. - - - - - . - -, - - ■ - - ■ ■ - • Buckeye township, including Pierre city . Pierre city Ward I Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Byron township Canning township Dry Run township Ha!rold township Logan township Mentor township Peoria township Pleasant Valley township . Rousseau township Township 109, range 76 Township 110, range 75 Township 110, range 76 ... . Valley township Webster to-vvnsbip ■ 730 712 Hutchinson county . Liberty township, incl. Parkston town - . Parkston town Starr township - ; Susquehanna township - Township 97, rawge 56. . - . - - - ; " "i: ' Township 97, range 57, mcl. Menno town . Menno town 1880 103 99 118 692 536 177 94 142 181 123 255 172 174 73 92 164 497 320 lu7 113 217 183 176 4,267 254 371 279 268 316 295 413 248 368 448 806 201 5,044 1,301 268 513 353 94 ,266 >235 85 110 161 167 47 34 180 34 93 33 37 57 49 10, 469 598 262 357 329 406 773 413 .573 ".?a"I:tSefro-CmToberts county in 1883. part of Sisse- Un and Wahpetou Indian reservation annexed .sm'-e 1880. c Not returned by townships ; not returned in 1880. cJ Formed from unorganized territory in 1881; 1'^^^ t^l'^" to form Butte and Ewing counties m 1883; not leturne.l uy townships. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiuued. SOUTH »AK©TA-CoutiuiieU. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Hutchinson county— Continued. Township 97, range 58, incl. Olivet town. Olivet town Towusliip 97, range 59 I Township 97,range6U, incl. Tripp tn. Tripp town 226 Ma) Township 98, range 59 Town.ship 98, range CO J Township 97, range 61 ) , Township 98, range 61 3 '"•' Township 98, range 56 Townsliip 98, range 57 Township 98, range 58 Township 99, range 56, including Pree- niau town (a). Township 99, range 57 Township 99. range 58 Township 99, range 59, including Mill- town town (a). Township 100, range 56 Township 100, range 57 Township 100, range .58 Township 100, range 59 To wnshij) 100, range 60 Hyde county (h) . Banner township.. Branihall to wnshij) ' ' C'happelle township Douglas township _ Kagle township Eden township ', Franklin township Highmore township, incl. Highmore city H ighmore city Holabird township .' . . Illinois township Lincoln township Loouiis township Spring Lake township Township 109, range 71 Township 110, range 71 TJnion township Valley township Van Order township Washington township William Hamilton township Jackson county (c). Jerauld county (d). Alpena township, incl. Alpena town (a). Anina township Blaine township Cherry township ] " Crow Lake township Crow township Dale township ] Franklin townsliip '. Harmony township Logan township Marlar township Media townshi]> _.. Pleasant township Viola township Wessiugton Springs township .......... Kingsbury county. 1890 455 105 556 426 431 467 671 567 571 384 299 304 347 358 342 1,860 63 90 106 53 116 89 28 514 433 127 90 60 70 73 33 33 79 37 I 67 77 55 3,605 422 200 376 151 162 158 135 40.'i 184 132 138 303 281 291 267 8,562 706 994 337 935 270 904 .■ill 547 744 1880 1,102 Badger township [ Baker township, incl. Lake Preston town.' Lake Preston town Denver township, incl. Arlington town! '. '. ' A rlmgton town ! De Sraet township, incl. De Sniet city " " I DeSmetcity ' Esmond township ..........!.!! Hartland township ..../.... a Not se])arately returned. h Not returned' in 1880. c Formed from unorganized territory in 1883; not returned ».y townships. 116 minor civil divisions. Kingsbury county— Continued. Iroquois township, incl. Iroquois town. Iroquois town Lesueur township Manchester township Matthews township Spirit Lake township Spring Lake township '" Whitewood township Lake county. Badiis township Cliester township Clarno township Concord township Farmington township ] ' ' ' . Franklin township Herman township !!.!!!... Lakeview township, incl. Madison city Madison city Ward I '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'668 " ard 2 628 yard 3 ^^o Leroy township Nunda township ] Orl.ind township ."...' Rutland to wnshij) Summit township Wayne township " Wentworth township AVinfred township 1890 540 183 428 380 512 496 850 526 7,508 Lawrence county (c) , Central city Deadwood city JJ;'!''^' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' 2g6 vV ard 2 -g 5>^'i3 ::::^o „^'^'-d4 g^^ ualena town Lead city Ward I I' ■ ward2 :::;:::::" tl ^'-^13 :::::6l ^\ aid 4 Spearfish village Terraville town ]]].'.' Whitewood town ..." .' .' 690 490 403 300 416 424 311 417 11, 673 Lincoln county . Canton city Brooklyn town.ship , Canton township, including Canton city Dayt(m township Delapre township ' Delaware township ' . _' ' Eden township, including Eden villao Eden village f Fairview township y... ...... '. Grant township Highland township ] La Valley township ] Lincoln township [ Lynn township Norway township ' [ Perry township, incl. Lennox village"! Lennox village Pleasant township Springdale township '.'.'... 5 19 2,366 252 2,581 696 443 9.143 Lyman county {/) McCooK county. 434 L042 1,101 536 346 491 698 202 28li 545 565 329 404 412 673 785 365 (U9 378 0, 448 369 1880 95 13,248 1,008 3.777 59 ■ 437 T70 775 5, 896 675 89 124 1,283 372- -24 Benton township 470 Bridgewater township, including Bridge" 771 water town. Bridgewater town f? Organized from part of Aurora county in 1883. ,^, "Weston township . - 5 Nordland township Pleasant Valley township Sisseton township Stena township Victor township Waverly township White township Martin county (d) . Meade county (c) - Fort Meade 365 388 312 359 259 252 563 365 240 303 791 429 333 366 311 5,940 1880 227 279 837 146 122 87 238 264 92 206 140 294 119 130 12 113 203 277 275 156 112 72 258 146 141 271 244 170 4,544 162 106 464 514 272 615 164 302 322 268 257 212 293 4.640 576 a Not separately returned. h Not returned in 1880. c Organized from parts «f Day county Wahpeton Indian reservation in 1885. minor CIVIL divisions. Meade county — Continued. Sturgis city Ward 1 301 Ward 2 176 Ward 3 191 Miner county (/) 1890 Adams township Beaver township Belleview township Carlson township Carthagetflwnship, incl. Carthage village. Carthage village Clearwater township Clinton township Conova township Grafton township Green Valley township Henden township Howard township, incl. Howard vill. (a) . Miner township Kedstone township Rock Creek township Roswell township, incl. Koswell vill. (a) . . Minnehaha county. Dell Benton township Brandon township Buffalo township Burk township Clear Lake township Dell Rapids township, includiU; Rapids village. Dell Rapids village Edison township Grand Meadow township Hartford township Highland township Humboldt township Logan township Lyons township Mapleton township Palisade township, incl. Garretson, Pali- sade (a), and Sherman (a) villages. Garretson village Red Kock township Sioux Falls township, including Sioux Falls city. Sioux Falls city Ward 1 1,613 Ward 2 3,139 Ward 3 4.271 Ward 4 1,154 Split Rock township, incl. East Sioux Falls and Rowena villages. East Sioux Falls village Rowena village Sverdrup township Taopi township Valley Springs township, including Val- ley Springs village. Valley Springs village Wall Lake township Wayne township Wellington township Moody county . Alliance township Blinsmon township Clare township Colman township Egan township Enterprise township V-i ' " ' Flaudreau township, including Flan- dreau village. Flandreau village 668 1880 341 294 10, 438 1,136 577 126 528 398 661 425 287 335 5,941 260 459 331 429 234 370 783 569 8,251 260 96 3,915 and Sisseton and d Formed from unorganized territory in 1883 ; not returned bv townships. . e Organized from part of Lawrence county m 1889; not re- turned'by townships. * • 1000 / Part taken to form Sanborn county in 188.i. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Moody county— Continued. Fremont township Grovena township, incl. Egan village Egan village Jefferson to wrisliip Lone Kock towusliij) Lynn township Riverview township Spring Creek township Union township Ward township , XOWLIN COUNTY (a) . Pennington county {b). Hill city Rapid city Vvard i 578 Ward 2 762 Wards 341 Ward 4 447 Potter county {c Appomattox township . . Arena town.ship Artichoke township Avon Springs township. Canton township Can township Cattron township Cunningham township.. Elida township Fairview township Fayette township Forest township Gettysburg township . . . Hoven township Lincoln township Logan township Lowell township Lucas township Owatonna township Pleasant View township . Riverside township Roy township Sauner township Pratt county (d). Presho county (rf) . Pyatt county (a) .. Roberts county (c) . Becker township (Jarfield township (Jene.seo township Lake township Lockwood township... Springdale townsliip . . White Rock township Sanborn county (/) . Afton township Benedict township .'.'.'.'.'..' Bntler township Diana township, incl. Artesian viliage '. '. Artesian village Elliott township 1890 388 069 399 200 272 328 390 347 195 226 0,540 470 2,128 2,910 128 134 125 138 43 102 30 122 121 94 120 222 431 130 78 165 !I9 187 144 31 38 177 51 1,997 153 643 198 410 119 356 118 4,610 269 251 221 455 256 276 1880 2,244 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Sanborn county— Continued. Floyd township Jackson township Letcher township Logan township ... Oneida township Ravenna township Silver Creek township Twin Lake township Union township Warren township !!!.].!]!! Woonsocket township, includirg Woon- socket city. Woonsocket city Scobey county (cj) . Spink county Antelope township Armadale township '..'.'.'.'.. Athol township Belle Plaine township ..[ Belmont township Benton township Beotia township Buffalo township Capitola township Clifton township Cornwall township Crandon townsliip , '/ Exline township Frankfort township, incl. Frankfort city Frankfort city Garfield township ! Great Bend township Groveland township .._, Harmony township [/ Harrison township Lake township ,_/_ Lodi township Mellette township, incl. Meliette village Mellette village Northville township Olean township Prairie Center township Richfield township Sumner township Tetonka township Township 115, range 62 Township 116, range 64, including Red- field city. Redfield city Township 117, range 60, including iJo- land -i-illage. Doland village Township 117, range 64 . . . . . '. Township 118, range 63, incl. Ashton city! Ashton city Township 118, range 64 ....!..!!! Township 120, range 60 Tulare township ..'... Union township Stanley county ((*). Fort Bennett Fort Pierre city. Sterling county (a) . Sully county . a Formed from unorganized territory in 1883 ; not returned by townships. b Not returned by townships. c Not returned in 1880. d Not returned by townships; not returned in 1880. 1890 238 136 292 215 209 239 241 207 184 229 948 32 10, 581 165 121 251 197 217 235 279 159 163 218 104 368 108 422 186 243 139 131 250 160 207 276 1,250 241 181 141 138 443 140 160 946 796 361 216 164 609 359 129 254 265 113 1,028 24s 360 96 2,412 371 1880 477 793 287 296 Blaine township (school) 60 Buffalo township (school) .'....'. 61 I Clifton township (school) 49 c Organized from parts of Grant county and Sisseton and Wahpeton Indian reservation in 1883. /Organized from part of Miner county in 1883. (/Formed from part of Delano county in 1883; not re- turned by townships. 372 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table ^.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutiuued. SOUTH DAKOTA— Coiitiuued. JIINOH I-IVII. DIVISIONS. Sully county— Continued. Cora township (sfliool) Elk township Fairbnnlc township Fail-view townslii]) (school) rarmin^ton township (school) . Fort Sully Gamer towuship Good water township - - ■ Gvandvicw township (school) .- Han-ison town.ship (school) Hartford township (school) Iowa township Lake towuship (school) Lincoln township (school) Llewellyn township (school) . . . Milt'ord' township Morton township (school) Norfolk township Okol)ojo township Onida township Pearl township Pleasant township (school) Kich Valley township (school) Summit township (school) Township 115, range 82 Ti'ov towuship (school) 1890 1880 Todd county (a). Turner county Township 96, rauge 52, includin Centerville city. W;,) Centerville city 7=3 Township 9e, range 53 Township 97, range 52 Township 97, range 5a Township 97, range 54 Township 97, range 55 Towuship 98,range 52....- - - - - ■ ■ •-•• Tov/nship 98, range 53, lucl. Hurley viU - Hurley village Towuship' 98, rauge 54 Township 98, range 55 Townsliip 99, range 52 . . - - - ■ - - Towuship 99, range 53, lucl. Parker city. Parker citv ■ ■ ■■•••■,•,■••.•■•" Townsliip 99; range 54, mcludmg Marion village (fc). Towuship 99, rauge an Township 100, range 52 To wnshi]) 100, range 53 Township 100, range 54 Towuship 100, rauge 55 XTnion county . Alcester township P.ig Sioux towuship Brule township Civil Bend townshii> .... - .....-■-- -■•:-; Elk Point township, including i-lk 1 oiut JeWrsou township, inch Jett'erson village Jefiferson village. a Not returned by townships. b Not separately returned. 10, 256 , 304 938 608 1,863 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. T^NION COUNTY — Continued. Prairie township, incl. Beresford town. Beresford town Sioux Valley township Spiuk township Virginia towuship 1890 A\'ALWORTH COUNTY. Brown township (school) <;ieuu township (school) Highland township (school) Hifde township (school) IJiver towuship (school) Spring Lake township (school) . Swan Creek township (school) - Township 121, range 75 Township 121, range 76 Towuship 121, range 7 1 Township 121, range 78..- Township 122, range 75 Towuship 122, range 76 Townshi]) 123, rauge 74 Township 123, range 75 Towuship 123, range 76 Township 123, rauge 77 Township 123, range 78 Township 123, range 79 Township 124, range 74 Township 124, range 75 - Townshi]) 124, range 76 Township 124, range 77 Townsliip 124, range 78 Township 124, range 79 Township 124, range 80 1, 274 404 1, 120 933 1,290 2,153 18S0 WASHINBTON COUNTY (c) - Yankton county. Township 93, range 54... ..-..-. .------ Township 93, range .55, lucl. Yankton city. Yankton city ■ • Ward 1 590 551 1,165 1,358 Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4 Township 93, rauge 56 Township 93, range 57 ? ,j,. Township 94, range 57 5 Township 94, range 54 Township 94, rauge 55 Township 94, range 56 Towuship 95, range 54 Township 95, rauge 55 Township 95, range 50 Township 95, range 57 Township 96, range 54 Township 96, range 55 Township 96, rauge 56 Township 96, range 57 107 169 203 95 30 49 181 101 39 35 34 73 56 27 107 223 8 50 15 83 10 136 145 57 89 31 10,444 3,900 3,670 176 799 438 406 628 473 376 359 594 497 357 495 394 Ziebach county (d). 46 8,390 3,431 c Formed from part of Shannon county in 1883; not re- turned by townships. J ;„ laan <; Not returned by townships ; not returned in 1880. TENIVE.SSEE. [The numbers refer to civil districts.] MINOK CIVIL divisions. ANDEESON COUNTY. No. 1 . No. 2. No. 3. 1890 15, 128 858 918 1880 10, 820 754 982 739 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Anderson county- Continued. TSJo 4 ■ No! 5 (a), including Coal Creek village Coal Creek village 1890 1,165 2,561 1,865 a Part taken to form No. 13 in 1889. 1880 1,280 1,625 800 POPULATION. 373 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutimied. TEIVIVESSEE— Coutiiuied. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Anderson county — Continued. Ko. 6, including Clinton town Clinton town No. 7, including Oliver Springs village . Oliver Springs village No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. U No. 12 No. 13 (a), including Briceville village. . . Briceville village Bedford county . No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. ] 2 3, including Wartrace town. . Wartrace town 4, including Bellbuckle town. Bellbuckle town 5 6 7, including Shelbyville town. Shelbyville town. .! 19, including Eichmond town (6) . 20 21 22 23 Benton county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. .5, including Camden town. Camden town 8, including Big Sandy village. Big Sandy village 10 ."ll\[[][[m'."[..i['.'.'.V.'." 11 12 13 (c) 14 (c) Bledsoe county. No. 1 . . . No. 2 .... No. 3 ... No. 4 . . . . No. 5 .... No. 6 .... No. 7 .... No. 8 .... No. 9 .... No. 10 . . . No. n (c) . No. 12 (c) . Blount cou.xty. No.l. No. 2. No. 4 . No. 3 . No. 8 . No. 5 . a Organized from part of No. 5 in 1889. b Notseparately returned. c Organized since 1880. 1890 1,957 1,198 1,421 643 898 897 710 544 760 1,025 1.354 24, 739 985 1,372 2, 723 686 2,164 715 850 926 2,906 1,823 677 723 1,286 1,708 1,308 713 1,030 752 912 1,057 1,460 1.187 11.230 698 1,086 741 588 1, 730 3iC> 730 539 1, 383 273 1,178 812 298 470 440 537 6, 134 408 341 COl 427 604 988 468 .506 656 434 341 360 17, 589 1,164 403i 69H 308( 1,047< 1,008' 1880 1,075 263 570 895 986 .592 610 712 26, 025 986 1,301 2, 635 46S 1,559 298 1,044 1,149 3, 636 1,869 709 782 1, 352 1,856 1.335 837 1.099 744 1,291 1,257 1, 294 1,159 9,78 794 1,127 681 622 1,443 200 772 760 1,220 948 659 261 493 5,617 389 634 605 434 526 922 491 733 576 307 15, 985 1,036 rfl,031 rn, 200 897 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Blount county — Continued. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 6 7 9, including Maryville village . Maryville village 10, including Louisville village . Louisville village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bradley cou.n'ty . No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 N"art of No. 18. Hardeman county, and part of "No. 3, McNairy county, in 1882. p Organized from parts of Nos. 5 and 12, Henderson county, (/ Organized from part of No. 3, McNairy county, in 1887. r Not separately returned. « Organized since 1880. t Part taken to form No. 17 since 1880. u Part taken to form No. 16 since 1880. V Organized from ])art of No. 5 since 1880. w Organized from part of No. 4 since 1880 POPULATION. 375 Table 3— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. TEIVIVESSEE— Contiuued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Coffee county — ContimieJ. No. 4 No. 5 No. 6, including Manche.ster vilUige Manchester village No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No.ll No. 12 No. 13, including Tullahoma village . TuUahoma village No.l4 No. 15 No. 16 (as) Crockett county . No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3, including Gadsden village . Gadsden village 4 5, including Bells Depot town . Bells Depot town 6, including Alamo village Alamo village 7 12, including Friend.sliip village. Friendship village 13 14 15(a) CUMBEEL.^ND COUNTY . No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 5, including Crossville village . Crossville village 6 7 9 .... 10 .... 11 (a)- 12 la). Davidson county (i). No. 1 (c). coextensive witli Nashville Nashville city (c) Ward city- No.2 Ward 2 . Ward ^. Ward 4- Ward 5 . Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward lo. Ward T I . Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15 . Ward 16. Ward 17. Ward 18. Ward ig. Ward 20. 3.804 4,<«9 .1.363 S.131 2,365 4.598 3,617 3,468 5.635 1. 951 3.038 2.943 5.520 4.652 5.678 3.239 3.389 2,540 4.252 2,976 1890 G54 515 , 5G7 621 663 341 608 863 702 895 ,767 .439 601 588 15, 146 18S0 294 716 350 267 716 706 690 235 340 738 886 743 ,662 925 957 255 ,031 725 462 5,376 352 363 881 C53 896 266 442 292 388 178 459 201 271 108, 174 76, 168 76,168 1,845 847 727 1,735 438 675 398 641 971 782 790 1,367 1.383 472 341 14, 109 1,161 524 1,186 231 639 1,404 540 1,137 276 748 865 741 1,511 1,149 1,221 241 1,079 744 4,538 349 314 722 528 723 99 396 100 556 162 79, 026 1,953 a Organized since 1880. b lulorination as to changes in minor civil divisions incom- plete. MINOR civil divisions. Davidson county— Continued. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Eo. No. No. 10 (c) 11 .... 12 .... 13 (c),incl.WestNashvUle village. West Nashville village 15 W" """"" [""[[[[.'.'.'/.'.'. .. W 17 (c) 18 19 20, including Goodlettsville village . Goodlettsville village 21 22 23 24 25 Decatur county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 4, including Decaturville town (d) . 5 ■id). Dekalb county (b). No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 9, Including Smithville village . Smithville village 10 11 12 13 17 18(a) 19 (o) 20 (a), including Dowelltown village. Dowelltown village 21(0) 22(a) Dickson county. No.l N0.2 N0.3 N0.4 No. 5, including Dickson town. . Dickson town No. 6, including Charlotte town Charlotte town N0.7 1890 861 1,483 1,759 1, 009 1, 090 1,431 2, 089 1,649 1, 521 1, 013 2,780 1.047 1,517 907 592 794 1,454 936 1,951 529 851 915 1, 133 1,446 980 8,995 751 796 771 1, 463 671 1,456 331 571 585 820 7SU 15, 650 1,156 565 869 698 600 706 806 548 2,113 572 650 405 505 413 521 846 771 514 554 311 980 233 623 496 833 947 633 ,135 .171 938 ,856 427 7U5 1880 962 1. 905 2, 045 1,086 1,106 1,436 2,016 2,784 1,472 1,107 4,511 1,597 856 534 2, 413 1,117 1,459 280 834 952 1,129 1.081 1,316 8,493 854 699 691 1,594 585 C496 ^550 299 601 667 756 706 14, 813 1,039 1,056 932 1,106 932 772 874 548 2,301 716 479 602 384 441 588 1,553 490 12, 460 967 847 559 897 1,522 'i,"963 c Nashville city, comprising in 1880 Nos. 1 .and 17 and parts of 10 and 13' (population 43,350), not returned by civil districts in 1880. d Not separately returned. 370 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1S90. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuned. TENIVESSEE— Coutinued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dickson county — Continued. So. 8 .... No. 9 - . . . Uo.lO .... No. 11 .--- No. 12 ... - No. i;i (a). No. 14(a). Dyek county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No. No, 4, imhiding Dyersburg city . Dycrsburg city G, including Newbern town. Newbern town 10(6). 11 .... .. 12 . . . . 13 1.5, including Truuible town Trumble town 16 17 (a) Fayette county No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. 1, including Somerville town. Somerville town 3 4 5 6. including Galloway village. Galloway village 10 11 12. including Moscow town. . Moscow town 13, including Lagrange town. Lagrange town 14 15 Fentress county (c) . No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3, including Jamestown village . Jamestown village 6.... C... 7 .--. 8...- 9 .... 10 .... 11 .... 12 ... - 13 (a). 1890 1.545 758 510 988 899 399 266 19, 878 1880 ,oog .819 ,075 ,2:^6 752 ,163 ,436 ,010 745 856 394 ,020 428 518 589 28, 878 1,873 Franklin county. No. 1. including Decherd and Winches- ter towns. Decherd town Winchester town No. 2 No. 3 - No. 4 No. 5 209 468 f50 959 180 81 039 443 925 401 452 ,004 201 .306 500 , 603 ,266 5, 226 7;'8 361 646 84 350 127 310 550 .511 316 303 264 369 381 18, 929 725 1.045 1,108 1.677 899 1,808 839 505 1,044 876 15,118 703 734 1.50 966 4.57 314 191 2,543 I ,OTO 1,290 2,285 506 1,143 1,073 1,397 1,138 384 771 221 466 243 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 2,548 834 1,290 1,762 2,677 1,942 2, 206 9' 1.957 2, 536 2,253 2.554 1,861 2,460 1 93 2,361 277 1,810 1,654 5,941 750 613 391 86 579 131 672 761 662 217 222 672 271 17, 178 2,857 I ,03Q 925 1,562 1,205 823 (I Orgauized since 1880. , b No: 14 (population 150 in 1880) annexed since 1880. c Part taken to form Pickett county in 1881. Franklin county— Continued. including Cowan town . wan town Gibson county , No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1, including Medina village. Medina village 3, including Humboldt town . Humboldt town 5 6 7, including Trenton city. Trenton city 9, including Rutherford town. Rutherford town 1890 11 12 - 13, including Milan city Milan city Ward I 464 Ward 2 361 AVard 3 721 14, including Bradford village Bradford village 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Dv 22 23 ... . 24 25 (a). (a) ■ including Dyer Station village . er Station village Giles county . No. 1 No. 2 {<].), including Lester Station and Prospect villages (c). No. 3 (d). Including Bethel village - Bethel village No. 4, including Minor Hill village (c) . . No. 5 No. 6(rf) No. 7, including Pulaski town Pulaski town No. 8(d) No. 9, including Elkton village Elkton village No.lO No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 - - . No. 15, including Lynnville and Old Lynn- ville (c) towns. Lynnville town No. 16 No. 17 N0.I8 No. 19. inch Campbellsville village (e) ... No. 20, including Bunker Hill village (c) . No.21(/) 422 423 901 1,365 1,901 624 653 937 412 605 526 386 821 1,334 35, 859 1,404 273 1,223 3,367 '.837 684 1,193 1,415 3,696 1,693 2, 162 1,468 536 1,286 1,266 1,322 3,672 1.546 1,098 222 919 1,066 854 1,146 1,138 488 2,082 606 731 858 988 333 34. 957 1880 1,445 2,057 1,909 161 1, 337 1,592 1,635 3,869 2.274 1,756 1,816 165 1, 016 1,386 1,970 1, 140 1.515 2,734 243 1,385 919 1,313 974 1,627 1,472 429 1, 079 1,331 1,335 222 612 970 319 482 591 374 708 1,088 32, C85 1,143 1,377 3,017 1,572 933 1,165 1,619 3,001 1,383 1,928 1,074 323 1, 230 1.249 1, 192 3,375 1,600 1,229 975 1,102 830 1, 078 1.265 1,692 401 635 601 975 30, 014 1,629 2,413 1,916 153 1,235 1.708 1,884 3,616 2,089 2,356 2,044 87 1.059 1, 555 2, 208 1,396 1.407 2.600 228 1,711 1,055 1, 433 1. 110 1,619 d Part taken to form No. 21 in 1888. e Not separately returned. /Organized from parts of Nos. 2, 3, 6. and 8 m 1888. POPULATION 377 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TEIVIVES.SEE— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. GKAIN 367 Ward 6 2,151 Ward 7 5,322 AA'ard 8 2 , 302 Ward Q 4 ,653 No. 2, including Noitb Knoxville town . . North Knoxville town No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. fi No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10, including Concord village...' Concord village No. 11 No.l2(/) No. 13 No. 14, including South Knoxville town . South Knoxville town No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 No . 2 1 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 ((/), coextensive with West Knox- ville town. Lake county . No.l I,,. No.7((;) -. <> ''' No. 2, including Tiptonville village . Tiptonville village N0.3 N0.4 N0.5 N0.6 928 1,061 873 4.59 1, 039 851 2,010 341 1, 073 380 2,015 602 493 630 875 861 407 1,092 1,535 249 1,063 949 785 683 890 392 898 571 59, 557 22, 535 7,835 2,297 1,318 770 868 1,012 1, 097 1,408 992 2,361 271 2,055 4, 093 993 1,724 627 1,187 957 938 860 1, 247 530 965 988 704 2,114 5,304 1,505 1,194 091 737 760 411 1880 1,262 1,115 901 544 1.138 1,043 1,804 1,032 517 1,695 564 508 773 874 7,766 922 1,475 278 849 922 704 623 857 329 677 408 39, 124 9,693 3,251 1,454 794 886 953 1,077 1.129 983 2,116 246 1, 793 4,550 748 965 1,125 1,051 952 1,087 1,275 574 897 1,023 748 3,963 1,386 946 637 607 341 321 ePart of No. 12 annexed since 1880. / Part given to No. 1 and part taken to form No. 24 since 1880. g Organized from part of No. 12 since 1880. 380 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. TE NNE SSE E— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lauderdale county No. No. No. No. No. No, No No, No. No. No. No. 2, including Ripley village. . Riplev village 3, including Henning village Henning village 4, including Fulton village . Fulton village 5 I. 7. No, 12, incl. Gates and Hansford towns Gates town Hansford town l^(a) Lawrence county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 8, including Lawrenceburg village. Lawrenceburg village Lewis coltnty No. 1 . No. 2 . No. 3 . No. 4 . No. 5. No. 6. No. 7 . No. 8 , Lincoln county . No. No. No. No. No. 5, including Mulberry village. . . Mulberry village No. 6 No. 7 --■: No. 8, including FayetteviUe town.. Fayetteville town No. 9 : •.;,■■•-■ No. 10, including Petersburg village. Petersburg village No.ll No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No.16 No.17 No.18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 1890 18, 756 1,609 3,380 682 1,974 420 1,026 134 1,115 1,409 1,890 1,606 311 1,612 1,335 1,394 204 441 95 12, 286 1880 14,918 L910 2,636 353 1,653 148 892 224 807 975 1,282 1,435 297 1,201 888 942 1,219 1,062 1,022 454 889 686 527 1,213 618 538 1,020 902 218 231 528 1,777 2,555 10, 383 157 100 306 306 342 536 301 507 27, 382 889 780 940 483 513 713 535 1,093 503 591 919 660 649 301 2, 181 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 169 172 167 169 373 405 327 399 26, 960 a Organized since 1880. . „, , ^ . b Part taken to form Chester county m 1882 and part given to the same county in 1887. , „ „, , * • ioqo c Parts taken to form Nos. 10 and 12, Chester county, in 1882 and 1887, respectively. Loudon county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1, including Loudon town. Loudon town 2 No. 10 . No. 11 . McMiNN county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3 4 5 6 7, including Athens village. Athens village i. 9 , 10, including Riceville village . Riceville village 11 12 13 14 15 16, including Calhoun village . Calhoun village 17 1890 McNairy county (t) 956 632 637 1,518 1,428 148 1, 362 1,183 3,332 2, 104 850 1,676 150 546 986 1,062 932 841 1, 021 1,230 978 1,062 718 1,099 500 974 562 875 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 3(c).. 4(rf).. 7, including Purdy town . Purdy town '(/) 10. 11 12((?) 13 14 15. including Adarasville town. Adamsville town 16(A) 17 . 18(a.) 19 (a), including Bethel Springs town. Hethel Springs town Macon county No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1, including Lafayette village. Lafayette village 9 10 ... - 11 .-.- 12.-.- 9,273 1.892 Q42 375 419 821 940 958 768 738 1,260 722 380 17, 890 882 966 746 722 549 979 3,064 2,224 1,138 1,077 1,171 379 852 994 854 1,087 1,075 1,201 222 533 15, 510 1880 629 1.519 174 770 1,934 1,141 1,048 252 595 1,053 560 688 594 976 1,367 459 356 764 384 958 369 10, 878 ,579 256 951 828 908 754 ,225 912 439 976 539 925 842 9,148 1,723 8-,2 420 447 811 1,000 762 746 783 1,183 7.50 523 15, 064 750 897 699 600 534 995 1,850 1,300 900 789 1,118 285 875 890 746 866 1, 043 1, 021 203 491 17, 271 745 1,375 772 942 f 2, 377 i 1, 346 1,102 1,433 1,136 656 893 636 432 999 613 866 9,321 L571 776 741 1,001 620 953 738 393 670 831 718 809 d Part taken to form No. 8, Chester county, in 1882. c Not separately returned. . / Part taken to form No. 3, Chester county, in 1882. (7 Part taken to form No. 1, Cliester county, m 1882. h Parts taken to form Nos. 3 and 7, Chester county, in 1882. POPULATION. 381 t Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. TENIVESSEE— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Madison county (a) . I No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No, 1 (6), iucluding Piuson village Pinson village 4, including Hatchie town . Hatchie town 14 15, including Jackson city. Jackson citv Ward I ..' Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 16 17(0) 2.033 2,709 3,042 2,255 Marion county Nn. 1 No. 2 No. 3, including part of Whitvvell village Whit well village (part of) Total for Whitvvell village, in Nos. 3 and 4. No. 4, including Victoria village and part of Whitwell village. Victoria village Whitwell village (part of) No. 5, including iSmau village Inman village No. 6 No. 7, including Jasper village Jasper village No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 (d) , No. 12 No. 13, including AVhiteside village Whiteside village No. 14 («), incl. South Pittsburg village . . . South Pittsburg village Marshall county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5, including Lewisburg town . Lewisburg town 16 17 18(/) Maury county. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. 1890 30, 497 954 264 1,386 1,134 1,672 85 1,090 958 1,204 1, 505 657 1,138 1,118 1,868 762 836 11,742 10,039 1,175 1,298 15,411 181 427 1,204 172 go6 1,674 259 734 1,525 520 650 1,991 002 484 403 910 944 341 1,330 533 3,347 18, 906 807 1,003 939 1, 293 1,175 940 819 1, 6.59 845 1, 077 687 705 944 676 2,329 631 793 1, 674 541 38, 112 851 743 665 1880 30, 874 2,367 220 1, 363 1,001 1,591 1,131 1, 097 1,689 1, 725 701 2,163 1,093 1,768 729 888 8,762 5.377 1,367 1,439 10, 910 144 292 919 1,190 821 577 2,124 541 504 348 853 2,064 180 894 1 1 045 19, 259 1,220 949 931 1,349 1,120 1, ]II5 953 1,623 762 1, 150 591 843 1,012 796 2,012 460 920 1,923 39, 904 700 610 690 a Part taken to form Chester county in 1882. h Parts taken to form Nos. 6 and 9, Chester county, in 1882. c Part taken to form No. 5, Chester county, in 1882. d Part taken to form No. 14 since 1880. minor civil divisions. Maury county— Continued. No. No. No. No. No. No. 4 5 6, including Culleoka village CuUeoka village 7 9, including (Columbia town and Macedonia village, Columbia town Macedonia village 10 11 12, incl. part of Mount Pleasant vill. Mount Pleasant village (part of) Total for Mount Pleasant village, in Nos. 12 and 13. 13, incl. part of Mount Pleasant vill. Mount Pleasant village (part of) 14 15 10 17 18, including Santa Fe town. Santa Fe town 19 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Meigs county . 1 Monroe county . 1, including Sweetwater town . Sweetwater town 3 .... 4 .... 5 (/). 6 .... 7 .... 8 .... n 10, including Madisonville town . Madisonville town 11 12 13 14 Montgomery county. No.l .... N0.2 .... N0.3 .... N0.4 .... N0.5 .... N0.6 .... No. 7 ... . No. 8 (g) . No. 9 (3) . 1890 902 1,220 2,402 334 1,425 1,187 8,859 5.370 808 1,325 1,445 1, 902 3">i 466 1, 338 >35 850 584 829 1,413 1,346 269 1, 2.50 1, 482 1,371 1, 861 1,144 852 866 6,930 15, 329 ,624 879 532 415 442 287 445 964 ,196 760 819 313 527 929 794 ,0.34 ,034 ,0.38 589 763 630 478 29. 697 1,774 1,072 1,481 1,406 1,291 1,474 1,142 85(4 1,086 e Organized fnmi j)art of No. 11 since 1880. /Organized since 1880. g Part taken to form No. 21 in 1881. 1880 1,281 2,724 199 1,616 1,504 6,578 3,400 1 ,672 1,624 1,549 2,041 1,612 1,141 754 796 1,.531 1,417 166 1,446 1, 832 1,796 2, 395 1,215 1,114 958 7,117 1,115 1, 125 1,017 1,017 550 773 806 714 14, 283 1,335 677 608 735 433 464 931 1,063 761 667 599 1,020 1,008 906 864 670 616 608 483 422 1,955 952 1, 550 1,965 1. 3.56 1, 324 1,125 1,331 1.479 382 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TEIVNE SSE E— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Montgomery county -Continued. No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 (a), including Clarksville city Clarksville city Ward I 375 Ward 2 323 Ward 3 772 Ward 4 317 Ward 5 537 Ward 6 1,200 Ward 7 471 Ward 8 533 Not in wards 3,396 No. IS (6) No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 (a) No. 18 (a) No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 (<;) Moore county No. 1, including Lynchburg town. Lynchburg town No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No.lO No. 11 Morgan couj No. 1 , No. 2 No. No. No. No. 4 (.d). including Wartburg village . Wartburg village 5 (e), including Sunbright town . . . Sunbright town 6(e) No. 7 (d) No. 8 No. 9 No. 10, including Oakdale town (/) No.1.1 (g) No. 12 (/() Obion county. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4, including Rives town . Rives town No. 5 No. 6, including Troy tow n . . . Troy town No. 7 No. 8, including Kenton town. Kenton town No. 9 No.lO No. 11 No. 12 No. 13, including Union town Union town No. 14 No. 15 (i), including Obion town Obion town No. 16, including Fulton Station town Fulton Station town 1890 488 848 8,697 7,924 601 543 759 1,500 1, 232 801 1,054 967 623 5,975 1,075 qoo 596 399 603 275 502 322 773 675 414 341 7.639 214 653 728 247 270 590 777 379 27, 273 1,304 1,166 1.574 1,198 377 1, 325 2,679 394 1,799 1,528 395 1.621 649 766 1.044 4,955 3,441 1,265 916 660 3.484 623 1880 566 767 7,313 3,880 501 622 1,168 1.549 1,047 1,065 846 6,233 1,055 345 661 639 480 264 432 345 913 682 473 289 5,156 a Part taken to form No. 13 in 1882. b Organized from part.s of Nos. 12, 17, and 18 in 1882. c Organized fi'om parts of Nos. 8 and 9 in 1881. d Part taken to form No. 11 since 1880. e Part taken to form No. 12 since 1880. /Not separately returned. g Organized from parts of Nos. 4 and 7 since 1880. 426 474 431 1.229 159 704 341 454 206 379 512 22, 912 1,739 1,304 1,288 800 180 1,121 2,921 341 1,663 1,489 298 1,078 725 732 548 3,734 .,879 1,077 2,693 284 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Overton county (j). No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 6, including Livingston village . Livingston village 7 Perry county. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1S90 1880 including Linden town Linden town No. 7, including Beardstown village (/) . No. 8. including Lobelville village Lobelville village No. 9 No.lO No. 11 Pickett county (1-). No. 1 . No. 2 . No. 3 . No. 4 . No. 5 . No. 6 . No. 7 . No. 8 . No. 9 . No. 10 . Polk county , No. 1 No. 2, including Benton town Benton town No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8, including Ducktown village. Ducktown village No. 9 No.lO No. 11 (i) Putnam county No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1, including Gookeville village. Cookeville village 2 3 4 5 6 7(«) 9 ... 10(0 11 ... 12 ... 13 ... 14 ... 12, 039 766 918 1,724 690 685 1,976 320 989 736 837 958 1,760 7,785 850 462 951 974 266 1.275 330 820 858 171 370 428 531 4,736 426 526 303 594 574 077 721 469 69 377 8,361 13, 683 2,003 469 .590 1,119 798 465 471 592 896 245 621 1,022 072 948 187 12, 153 950 745 1,393 540 696 1,782 312 890 650 550 601 1,538 7,174 399 781 910 1.009 350 1,081 189 572 790 394 414 474 992 924 1,614 1,361 165 183 1,064 949 825 723 296 381 451 603 952 519 612 839 568 477 487 493 500 11, 501 1,614 279 530 783 764 293 338 853 849 391 691 906 696 589 301 h Organized from parts of Nos. 5 and 6 since 1880. i Organized sine* 1880. j Nos. 12 and 13 (population 1,818 in 1880) taken to form Pickett county in 1881. k Organized from parts of Fentress and Overton counties in 1881. I Part taken to form No. 18 since 1880. POPULATION. 383 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TElVNESSjEE— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. POTNASf COUNTY— Continued. ITo.15 .... No. 16 (a) . No. 17 .... No. 18 (6). Khea county. No. >0. No. No. No. No. No. No. 8, including part of Dayton city and Glascow callage. Dayton city (part of ) Total for Dayton city (c), in Nos. 8 and lo. Ward 1 838 Ward 2 497 Ward 3 619 Ward 4 765 Glascow village (d) No. 9 No. 10, including part of Dayton city Dayton city (part of ) No.ll No. 12 No. 13 («). including Gray.sville village . . Graysville village No. 14 (e), including Spring village Spring village Roane county. :(/)- No. 1, including Kingston town (/) . No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. No.ll . No. 7 (g), includino; Emory Gap village . . Emory Gap village No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 12 No. 13 (/i),incl. Cardiff village and East Rockwood and Rockwood towns. Cardiff village East Rockwood town Rockwood town No. 14 No. 15 No. 16, including Harriman town Harriman town No 17 Robertson county U 3, including Gallatin town. Gallatiu town 5, including Hendersonville vi' Hendersonville village 6 7 Tipton county , ,535 920 790 714 927 266 1880 1,114 507 793 793 1, 329 224 817 822 701 823 680 1, 049 755 830 812 1,009 1,890 662 3,868 3.3'-!4 6,226 953 418 796 23, 608 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1, including Covington town. Covington town 7, including Brighton village . Brighton village 9, including part of Mason town Mason town (part of) Total for Mason town, in Nos. gand 10. 10, including part of Mason town Mason town (part of) 11 12 13 14 15(a) 1,761 3,042 2,078 865 1,765 215 740 1,105 1,049 1,536 1,567 1,930 2,217 1,490 1,587 1,360 1,654 24,271 4,470 1,067 878 1,177 1,422 1,753 1,933 2,212 214 2,139 1,822 149 252 1,478 103 539 1,271 1, 426 764 987 1,712 963 891 795 1, 107 278 18, 321 1,066 655 730 792 1,414 317 7(17 911 646 682 690 1,100 650 843 801 1,081 1,687 410 2,079 1,647 3,209 779 315 687 23, 625 f 1,351 i 509 3,010 1,938 817 2,084 170 895 1.114 1,094 1,751 1,617 1,635 2,003 1,439 1,443 1, 372 1,491 21, 033 4,150 799 067 895 1,357 1, 405 1,765 1,806 704 2,153 1,464 1,883 653 1,136 1,454 245 c Formerly Union. d That part in Virginia formerly known as Goodson. e Not separately returned. [ I POPULATION. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TENIVESSE E-CoDtinued. 385 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Trousdale county. No. Ko. No. No. No. No. No. 7, including Hart.svillc town . Hartsville town No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 1890 Unicoi county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 9 No. 10 Union county . 1, including Maynardville village Maynardville village 2 3 4 . 5 6 . 7. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 17 (a) No. 8... No. 9 ... No. 10 ... No. 11 . . . No. 12 . . . No. 13 . . . No. 14 . . . No. 15 (0) No. 16 (a) ::}<*>■ Van Bueen county. No.l (c) No. 2 No.3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7, including Spencer town (c) . Spencer town No.8 Wabren county. No. 1, including McMinnville town . McMinnville town No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. .5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 "■ No. 12 . . . No.l3 No. 14 No. 15 Washington county . No.l . No. 2 5,850 511 828 504 .580 627 584 1,720 654 78 247 171 4,619 1880 6,646 176 154 4;i6 396 585 346 614 511 833 555 103 91 172 137 644 409 281 279 775 767 11, 459 912 144 944 817 755 553 572 1,159 721 670 746 577 699 296 373 720 945 2, 863 710 799 557 589 502 817 1,956 604 165 323 228 3, 645 372 198 347 394 189 337 572 ■38 454 14, 413 3, .572 1,677 578 511 540 7.53 641 662 1,118 933 882 968 599 1,108 756 792 20, 354 10, 260 904 178 885 1,017 081 491 638 (956 642 852 1,005 590 832 372 395 2,933 425 316 355 408 151 321 538 217 419 14, 079 3,194 1,244 711 664 .561 879 660 768 1, 092 931 811 797 549 975 759 728 16, 181 937 871 1,035 927 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Washington county— Continued. No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9, including Johnson city. Johnson city No.lO No. 11 N0.12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 including Jonesboro town . lonesboro town No.lO No. 17 No. 18 (a) Wayne county. No. No. 2, including Clifton town Clifton town No. 3 No. 4, including Waynesboro village. Waynesboro village No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 . . No. 10 ' . No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 Weakley county No. 1 , No. 2, including Martin town (6)... No. 3, including Gardner village . . Gardner village No. 4 No. 5 No. No. 7, including Dresden town Dresden town No. 8 No. 9, including Greenfield village . Greenfield village No.lO No. 11, iududing Gleeson town Gleeson town No. 12 ) ,. , No.l5l<'') No. 13 No. 14 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 White county No. 1, including Sparta town. Sparta town No. 2 No, No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 1890 735 1,025 779 587 718 1,284 4,962 4,161 869 1,042 913 775 1,327 1,656 Oi? 562 658 654 11, 471 1880 847 1,358 529 712 1,209 239 656 644 1, 130 634 577 779 1,107 861 1,077 900 917 528 585 1,171 1,505 68s 790 967 946 699 1,113 1,522 ■ 895 558 941 11, 301 776 1, 231 300 736 1,133 236 690 741 1 , 038 666 585 870 1,031 753 a Organized since 1880. 372 25 6 Not separately returned. 580 377 636 415 28, 955 24, 538 1, 130 993 2, 640 1,417 1, 379 1,280 251 289 908 705 1,874 1,829 1,183 984 3, 621 3,244 420 1>4 2,765 2.078 2,800 2,040 801 ^20 1, 4.54 1,261 1,916 1, 621 .^24 121 1,617 (872 )925 1, 123 1,015 1,143 1, 208 564 585 1,026 887 1,812 1,594 12, 348 11,176 2,340 1,844 712 684 766 1,226 965 788 813 1,198 1,185 1,322 1,309 723 710 577 675 694 615 411 353 1,012 761 1,120 1,015 253 165 c Spencer town given as in No. 1 in 1880. 386 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. TEIVIVESSEE— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Williamson county . No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1... 2... 5 6 7 9, including Franlslin town . Franklin town 10 11 12 13 14 (a) 15 16 17 18 (a) 19 20(a) 21 22 23 (6) 1890 26, 321 701 989 272 768 409 100 669 087 233 250 110 612 778 889 ,119 ,024 911 ,121 ,241 531 755 698 635 669 1880 28, 313 1,551 829 1, 325 2, 328 1,8.52 1,119 707 1,269 2, 466 1 ,6^12 1,259 1,943 934 1,012 1,457 1, 136 1,109 1, 205 1, 401 712 1,152 862 685 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. "Wilson county. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No, 1890 27, 148 1880 28, 747 9 10, including Lebanon town. Lebanon town 11 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 1,787 1,089 976 1, 020 1,309 071 703 611 553 3,203 1,883 904 1,012 745 626 1,391 1,300 1, 252 804 784 1,039 1,098 1, 1.53 994 1,213 911 1,664 1, 301 1,079 1,529 1, 322 748 700 <)58 688 3,143 2,2g6 902 1,037 977 693 1,297 1, 234 1,365 909 849 1,304 988 1, 131 1, 021 1,170 1,038 a Part taken to form No. 23 in 1888. h Organized from parts of Nos. 14, 18, and 20 in 1888. TEXAS. [The word "precinct" means justice precinct.] MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Anderson county. Precinct 1, including Palestine city Palestine city Ward I . . .'. 1 . 325 Ward 2 2.034 Ward 3 1,943 Ward 4 536 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 1890 20, 923 Andrews county (a) Angelina county. 9,021 5,838 1.866 2. 029 2,688 3, 792 1,527 1880 17, 395 24 6,306 Precinct 1 Precinct 2, including Lufkin village Lufkin village Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 (b) Precinct 6 (ft) Precinct 7(6) Precincts (6) Aransas county Precinct 1, including Rockport town. Rockport to wn Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 1, 306 1, 245 520 1. 325 996 217 255 372 590 1,824 6,149 2,997 1, 8.55 2,316 2. 365 2,746 1,964 MINOR CWIL DmSIONS. Archer county— Continued. Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Armstrong county (rf) 5, 239 2, 291 1,503 792 653 Archer county (d). Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . 1, 175; I , ofiq 211 190 248 2, 101 458 183 279 Precinct 1 Pre 760 Ward 3 2,88i Ward 4 945 Precinct 2, coextensive with Ysleta town . . Yslela town Precinct 3, coextensive with Socorro tn . . Precinct 4, coextensive with San Elizario town. San Elizario town Precintt 5 'i Precinct 6m(;) Precinct 7 ) Encinal county (d) Erath county Precinct 1, including Stephenville town . StepheiiviUe town Precinct 2, including Duhlin city Dublin city Precinct 3, including Alexander village. Alexander village Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7, including Thurber village . . . Thurber village Precinct 8 Falls county (e) Precinct 1, including Marlin town . . Marlin town Precinct 2 Precinct 3, including Reagan town . Reagan town Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Fannin county. Precinct 1, including Bouham town Boiiham town Precinct 2, including Savoy town Savoy town Precinct 3, including Leonard town Leonard town Precinct 4, including Ladonia town Ladoniii town Precinct 5, including Honey Grove city . . Honey Grove city ". Precinct 6 Precinct 7, including Ravenna town Ravenna town Precinct 8, including Dodd town Dodd town 1890 2,394 .35 i 2,060 2,153 297 1,775 2.261 370 15, 678 11,031 10,338 1,528 1,528 801 1,397 1,397 921 2,744 21, 594 4,896 909 4, 328 2,025 3, 286 38, 2, 5Ufi 1,148 1, 245 2, 290 978 1,895 20, 706 4,947 2,058 2, 459 3,045 298 1,904 3,147 1,414 2,602 1,188 38, 709 7,427 3,?6i 2, 868 344 7,461 392 5,001 765 5,858 1,828 2,368 4,165 237 3,561 333 a Organized since 1880. b Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. c Not separately returned. d Not returned by precincts. e Not returned by precincts in 1880. 1880 3,330 164 1,381 1,485 1,632 736 1,902 11, 796 3,089 725 917 2O4 2,609 1,605 945 783 742 1,106 16, 240 25, 501 4,256 1,880 2,767 348 3,482 3,928 223 4,186 884 1,784 2, 665 2,433 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Fayette county . Precinct 1, including Lagrange city Lagrange city U) Ward I 427 Ward 2 381 Ward 3 298 Ward 4 520 Precinct 2, including Fayetteville town - . Fayetteville town Precinct 3, iucludiug Roundtop town — Roundtop town Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6, including Flatonia city Flatonia city Ward 1 260 Ward 2 346 Ward 3 527 Ward 4 171 Precinct 7 Precinct 8, including Schuleuburg town.. Schulenburg town Fisher county (Ii) . Precinct 1. Precin(;t 2. Preciuct 3. Precinct 4. Precinct 5. Floyd county (/i) Precinct 1 . Precinct 2. Precinct 3 . Preciuct 4. Foley county (t) . Fort Bend county . Precinct 1, including Richiuoud city. Richmond city Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 (a) Preciuct 8 (a) Franklin county . Precinct 1, including Mount Vernon town Mount Vernon town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Pieciuct 4 Precinct 5 Freestone county. Precinct 1, including Fairtield town . . Precinct 2 Fairfield town. ct 3. Preciuct 4 Preciuct 5, including Wortham town. Wortham town Precinct G Precinct 7 Precinct 8 1890 31, 481 5,738 1 ,626 ,210 269 ,561 1,823 3,302 4,681 1,304 2,547 4,619 816 2,996 607 496 818 635 380 529 195 145 87 102 10, 588 1,837 99.! 914 1,574 1, 904 1,827 1,583 758 189 6,481 1,872 589 625 1,343 1,445 1, 196 15, 987 3,452 499 2,312 1,523 931 2,811 40I 2,858 614 1,486 1880 27, 986 gll, 198 2,752 3,430 4,133 866 2, 272 4,211 719 136 9,380 2,473 1,156 460 1,203 2,250 1,736 1.2*8 5,280 1,445 31 r 452 1,134 1,351 898 14, 921 /Population in 1880, 1,325 g Not separately returned iu 1880. /( Not divided iiito preciucts in 1880. i Formed from part of Presidio county in 1887 ; turned by precincts. 3,010 358 1,947 2, 084 897 2, 105 245 2,975 524 1,379 not !&• 392 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coiitinned. TE X A S— Contin ued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Frio county (a) Precinct 1, including Pearsall town Peaisall town Precinct2 Pieiiact 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Gaines county (6) ( ; ai.veston county ■ 1890 1880 3,112 1,123 76O G58 eiG 413 302 08 • 31,476 Precincts 1 and 2, coexteuaive with Gal- veston city. Galveston city : Ward 1 2,538 Ward 2 1.938 Ward 3 1.664 Ward 4 2.178 Ward 5 2,689 Ward 6 3. "93 Ward 7 3.834 Ward 8 2,321 Ward 9 1.9" Ward 10 2.077 Ward II 2,307 Ward 12 2,534 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Garza county (b) . Gillespie county (a). Pi-ecinct 1, incl. Predericksburg town Frv'dericksburg town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precincts Precinct (i Glasscock county (e) . Goliad county (a) . Precinct 1, including Golia*! town (d) . Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Gonzales county (a) 18,016 Precinct 1, including Gonzales city Gonzales city Ward 1 750 Ward 2 891 Precinct 2 Precinct 3, including Waelder town Waelder town Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct C Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Gray county (&). Grayson county. 29, 084 925 596 252 619 7,056 2,424 1.512 555 1,415 1,545 209 848 208 5,910 2,323 876 1, 193 1,518 3, 155 1 ,641 1,905 3, 534 388 2,318 2,375 1,070 1,790 1,773 203 53, 211 2,130 24, 121 22, 248 802 403 217 451 36 5,228 1,08s 5,832 14, 840 Precinct 1, including Sherman city 11, 764 Sherman city 7.335 Ward 1 2,212 Ward2 1.539 Ward 3 1.887 Ward 4 ''^97 a Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. l Not returned by precincts. , . ,00, » ,'. Formed Iroin part of Tom Green county m 1887 ; not re- turned liy precincts. tl Not separately returned. e Organized since 1880. minor civil divisions. Grayson county— Continued. Precinct 2, including part of Bell town and Denison city. Hell town (part of) Total for Bell town,inprecinctS2and3. Denison city Ward 1 1.924 Ward 2 3.100 Ward 3 3.038 Ward 4 2,896 Precinct 3, including part of liell town and Whitewrigbt town. Bell town (part of) Whitewright town Precinct 4, including Howe and Van Al- styne towns. Howe town Van Alsty ne town Precinct 5, including Collinsville town . . Collinsville town Precinct 6, including Whitesboio town.. Whitesboro town Precinct 7, including Gordonville village Gordon ville village Precinct 8, including Pottsboro town Pottsborotown Gregg county. Precinct 1, including Longview to's/n . Longview town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6, including Kilgoie town . . . Kilgore town I'reciuct 7 (e) Grimes county (/). Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3, including Nava.sota city Navasota city Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Guadalupe county {a) . Precinct 1, including Seguin town. Seguin town Precinct 2 • • Precinct 3 Precinct 4 ^ ,^, Precinct 8 5 *"' Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Hale county (g). Hall county (,h) - Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Hamilton county (i) 1890 16, 067 165 429 10,958 7,162 264 880 5,484 737 2,774 332 4,362 1, 170 3,106 182 2.492 286 9,402 3,475 2,034 1,123 383 1,292 1,052 899 248 1,178 21, 312 5,186 1,990 5,616 2,997 2, 034 1,360 2,074 1,753 1, 299 15, 217 1880 675 ,716 120 230 1,500 ,918 ,352 ,422 721 703 349 90 171 93 9,313 277 Precinct 1, including Hamilton village. . Hamilton village Precinct 2 Precinct 3, including Hico town Hicotown Precinct 4 f Returned by election precincts in 1880. g Not returned by precincts ; not returned in 1880. h Not divided into precincts in 1880. ■I Returned by commissioners precincts m 1880; parttaKen to form Mills county in 1887. 1,765 726 1,341 1,984 649 890 65 3.975 5,442 100 2,860 213 2,564 4,175 773 2,634 l.S 8,530 3,517 1,525 1,155 1,076 904 1, 013 865 18, 603 12, 202 1.363 30 6,365 POPULATION. 393 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuned. TEXAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Hamilton county— Continned. Precinct 5 . Precinct 6 . Precinct 7 . Precinct 8 . Hansford county (a) . Hardeman county (6). Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Quanab town . Quanah town Precinct 5 Precinct fi Hardin county (c) Precinct 1, incl. Kountze and Olive vills. Kountze village Olive village Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Harris county . Precinct 1, coextensive with Houston city Houston city Ward I 1, 980 Ward 2 3,341 Ward 3 7 , 366 Ward 4 8,761 Ward s '',109 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, including Hockley town 14ockley town Precinct fi Precinct 7 id) Precinct 8 (d), incl. Chanayville town Chanay villa town Harrison county Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 7 Precinct 3, including Mar.slmll city Marshall city Ward I 2,273 Ward 2 2,410 Ward 3 2,524 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct Hartley county (a) . Haskell county (6) . Precinct 1, including Ha.sUell town Haskell town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Hays county (/) . Precinct 1, including San Marcos town Sun Marcos town 1880 682 812 882 957 133 3,904 4.57 385 627 1,866 1,477 329 240 3,956 1,372 29s 383 858 1,287 439 37, 249 27, 557 27,557 1,928 1,350 835 1,105 296 1, .557 1,216 1,701 609 26, 721 095) 635> 122) 591 207 1,665 48 975 745 274 187 229 11, 352 7,555 5,320 a Not returned by precincts. V Not divided into precincts in 1880. c Not returned by precincts in 1880. d Organized since 1880. e Not separately retui-ned in 1880. 18 1,870 27, 985 19, 653 16,513 2,062 1,778 1,057 2, 133 308 1,302 25, 177 el, 702 11,075 5,624 3, 575 1, 423 1,402 minor civil divisions. Hays county— Continned. Precinct 2, including Kyle town . Kyle town Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Hemphill county (a) Henderson county. Precinct 1, including Athens town. Athens town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 1(d) Precincts (d) Hidalgo county (/) Precinct 1 Precinct 2, includiug Hidalgo town . H idalgo town Precinct 3 Precinct 4 , Precinct 5 ' Precinct 6 Hill county. Precinct 1, includiug Hill.sboro city and Peoria village. Hillsboro city Peoria village Precinct 2, including Itasca village Itasca village Preciuct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, includiug Hubbard city Hubbard city Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Hood county. Precinct 1, including Granbury town . . . Gran bury town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 ) , . Precinct 7 (ti) . . J '^' Precinct 5 Precinct 0, including Thorp Spring town Thorp Spring town Precinct 8 (d) Hopkins county. Precinct 1, incl. Sulphur Springs tn. (7t) Sulphur Springs town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, incl. Black Jack Grove vill. Black jack Grove village Precinct 5 Precinct 6, incl. Carroll Prairie village . Carroll Prairie village Precinct 7 Precinct 8 (ft) 1890 2.390 779 888 9S2 1,509 263 12, 285 1880 4,044 1 ,03s 767 913 2,814 1,117 641 1,092 897 6,534 1,325 1,090 389 654 592 1,083 1,790 27, 583 7,200 9,735 2, 735 :!68 1,100 995 2,261 2,080 564 4,347 16, 554 4,592 / Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. g Not separately returned. h Sulphur Springs town given as coextensive with pre- cinct 8 in 1880. 394 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. T E X A S— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Houston county Precinct 1, including Crockett village. . . Crockett village Precinct 2 Precinct 'i Precinct 4, iucl. Lovelady village (a) Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7(6) Howard cotiNTV (c) Big Spring town Hunt county. Precinct 1, Including (ireenville town . . . Greenville town Precinct 2, incl. Celeste and Kiugslou tus Celeste town Kingston town Precinct 3, including Caddo Mills town . Caddo Mills town Precinct 4 Precinct 5, including Wolfe town Woife town Precinct ti, iucliuling Commerce town . . . Commerce town Precinct 7 Precinct 8 (0), including Lone Oak town Lone Oak town 1890 19, 360 5,434 1.445 1,445 2, 340 4,718 3,002 1.544 877 Hutchinson county (c) . Irion county (d) Precinct 1, including Sherwood village . . . Sherwood village Precinct 2 - - - Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Jack county Precinct 1, including Jacksboro town . Jacksboro town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 - Precinct 4 Precinct 5 - Precinct (i (b) Precinct 7(6) Jackson county (e) Precinct 1, including Edna town. Edna town . : Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Jasper county . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Jeff Davis county (/) . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 - Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . ,IS8 31, 885 8,772 4.3^° 4,867 250 338 4,053 234 2,754 3, 629 867 4,217 810 1,762 1,831 443 1880 16, 702 4.057 2. 015 2, 005 ;i, 799 2, 549 1, 347 17, 230 3,466 '3,'484 G13 264 95 60 102 9,740 2, 253 751 1,672 962 1, 1152 1,647 900 1,254 3, '..81 1,879 3,153 1,746 2,072 'i.'iso 79 50 0, 626 1,545 517 165 348 743 480 5,592 819 2, 566 1,573 634 1,394 266 82 66 1,741 ,87 1,272 1,057 1190 966 2,723 5,779 946 2,614 1,322 897 a Not separately returned. 6 Organized since 1880. c Not returned by precincts. d Organized from part of Tom Green county in 1889. minor civil divisions. Jefferson county. Precinct 1, including Beaumont city. Beaumont city Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Johnson county. Precinct 1, including Cleburne town Cleburne town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, includuig Alvarado city Alvarado citv Precinct 5, including Grand\iew village. Grandview village Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 1890 5,857 4,871 3,296 159 409 418 22, 313 1880 Jones county (jt) , Precinct 1, including Anson town Anson town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Karnes county (e) Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, including Kunge town (a). Kaufman county 21,598 15,448 Precinct 1, including Craudall town and Kaufman city. Grandall town Kaufman city Precinct 2, including Forney town Forney town Precinct 3, including Terrell city Terrell city Ward I 956 Ward 2 1,204 Ward 3 828 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7. including Kemp town Kemp town Precinct 8 1.543 2,938 2=;7 1, 615 1,456 835 3,797 3,637 658 1,024 820 557 578 3,768 Kendall county (c) Precinct 1, including Boerne town Boerne town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Comfort town Comfort town Precinct 5 Kent county (e) Kerr county («) Precinct 1, including Kerrville town . . Kerr ville town Precinct 2, including Center Point town . . Center Point town Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 -' Precinct 6 Precinct 7 335 626 3,826 3,489 2, 392 210 466 421 17, 911 e Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. / Organized from part of Presidio county in 1887. g Not divided into precincts in 1880. 377 2,863 287 1,256 1,501 864 3,270 2, 234 648 2,763 POPULATION. 395 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TE X AS_Cont iuued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Kimble county (o) Precinct, 1, including Junction town. Junction town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 King county (6) . Kinney county (c). Precinct 1, including Brackett town . Brackett town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Knox county (d) Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 }(e). 1890 Lamar county Precinct 1, including Paris city Paris city Ward I 1 ,934 Ward 2 1 , 502 Ward 3 1,889 Ward 4 2 , 929 Precinct 2, including Brookston, Petty, and Koxton towns. Brookston town Petty town Roxton town Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Blossom town Blossom town (/) Precinct 5, including Chicota village Chicota village Precinct 6 Precinct 7, including Deport town Deport town Precinct 8 ; Lamb county (g) Lampasas county (h). Precinct 1, including Lampasas town . . Lampasas town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Lasalle county (6) Cotulla town., Encinal town , 2,243 651 •149 204 365 159 75 385 268 136 3,781 2,470 1,649 372 290 76 329 244 1,134 1880 1,343 466 197 471 37, 302 14, 453 8.254 5,826 237 206 226 3,229 3,923 695 2,316 321 2,804 3,350 274 1,401 7,584 2,954 2,408 755 1,172 1,020 687 996 2,139 672 562 1, 126 77 27, 193 ,600 4,812 3,098 2, 439 639 2,278 1,655 3,249 1,062 5,421 1,461 653 547 754 902 919 838 a Ketumed by commissioners precincts in 1880. b Not returned by precincts. c Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880; part taken to form Valverde county in 1885. dNot divided into precincts In 1880. « Not separately returned. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lavaca county Precinct 1, including Halletsville town. Halletsville town Precinct 2 Precinct 3, including Shiner village Shiner village Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6, including Moulton village . . Moulton village Precinct 7, including Yoakum village . . Yoakum village Precinct 8 Lee county. Precinct 1, including Giddings town . Giddings town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 (i) Leon county . Precinct 1, including Centerville town . . CentervlUe town Precinct 2 Precinct 7 Precinct 3 Precinct 8, including Bufi'alo town (e) . . . Precinct 4, including Jewett town Jewett town Precinct 5, including Marquez town (f) . Precinct 6, including Oakwood town Oakwood town Liberty county (a) Precinct 1, including Liberty town (e) . Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Limestone county Precinct 1, including Groesbeck city Groesbeck city Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Mexia town Mexia town (k) Precinct 7 Precinct 5, including Kosse town Kosse town Precinct 6 Precinct 8, including Thornton town . . . Thornton town Lipscomb county (l) Live Oak county (a). Precinct 1, including Uakville town. Oakville town Precinct 2 1890 21, 887 5,624 1 ,011 3,193 4,078 340 2,599 1,281 2, 109 231 1,977 078 1,026 11,952 1880 13,641 4,375 1,203 981 1,605 2,775 1,391 825 13, 841 1,926 288 2,341> 1,353^ X,368( 1,536( 2,122 363 1,788 1,407 231 4,230 1,198 422 782 498 452 327 551 21, 678 632 2,055 789 329 252 / Formerly Blossom Prairie. g Not returned by precincts ; not returned in k Part taken to form Mills county in 1887. i Organized since 1880. j Not separately returned in 1880. * Population ia 1880, 1,298. 3,178 588 2, 723 1,689 '2,054 1,342 1,124 109 647 884 8,937 2,965 624 946 1,238 2,641 1,147 12, 817 2,291 223 j3, 560 j2, 182 1,863 227 1,714 1,207 96 16, 246 3,177 402 2,421 1,384 j4, 378 2,532 476 1,878 476 182 1,994 396 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiunert. TEXAS— Continued. MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS. Live Oak county— Continued. Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Lagarto town Lagarto town Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Llano coonty (a) Precinct 1, including Llano town {b) Precinct 2 • - -■ Precinct 3, incl. Pack Saddle village (b) . Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Loving county (c) - - Lubbock couNTY(d) Lynn county (d)... McCULLOCH county . Precinct 1, including Brady town. Brady town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 ) , j> Precinct 4 3 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 (e) McLennan county Precinct 1, including Waco city Waco city (/) • ■ • ■ Ward I 2-^94 Ward2 2.471 Wards 3.348 Ward 4 4.49' Wards ''^4i Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, including McCiregor village. . McGregor village Precinct 6, includingMoody village Moody village Precinct 7 Precinct 8(e) McMULLEN county (ffl) . Precinct 1, including Tilden town . Tilden town Pre<-,inct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Madison county (/<) Precinct 1, including Madisonville town . Madison ville town Precinct 4 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Mabion county - 1890 273 422 26'i i)9 220 6,772 2,008 997 «90 992 G20 440 479 340 1880 4,962 24 9 3,217 1,533 745 324 s6o "5 835 539 533 < 70 J 307 725 293 379 39, 204 20, 406 14.445 3,018 2,930 2,939 2,927 774 3,770 432 2,341 873 1,038 25 26, 934 691 506 174 79 94 (/14, 700 4,177 3,249 988 2,425 'i,'296 5,395 Precinct 1 ■••;,■"•.,","■■ '•;>■ ' ' ' Precinct 2, including Kellyville village. . . Kellyville village a Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. 6 Not separately returned. . • ,oor, <. c Formed from part of Tom Cxreen county m 1887; not re- turned by precincts. d Not returned by precincts. e Organized sin(« 1880. / Population in 1880, 7,295. MINOn CIVIL DIVISIONS. Mabion county— Continued. Precinct 3, including Jefferson city . . . Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Jefferson city. Mabtin county (i). Precinct 1 , incl. Marientield village {b) . Precinct 2 Mason county (a) Precinct 1, including Fredonia town Fredonia town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Loyal Valley village Loyal Valley village Precinct 5, including Mason town (b) Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8, coextensive witb Pontotoc tu 1890 5, 025 3.072 1,724 1,129 830 264 136 128 5,180 Matagobda county . Precinct 1, including Matagorda town Matagorda town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Maveeick county (a). Precinct 1, incl. part of Eagle Pass city (b) recinct city (fo) city (b). I It.-. Precinct 2, incl. part of Eagle Pass ( ' ' ' Precinct 3 > ,1, Precinct 4 ) ' ' 1,601 273 345 237 679 119 1,225 404 415 274 3,985 1880 5,632 3,260 1,563 939 776 2,655 399 1,424 774 ( 740^ 392 3,698 Medina county (a). Precinct 1, incl. Castrovllle town . . 1 Castroville town H) 679 > (fc) . Precinct 2 ) Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including D'Hanis village . . . D'Hanis village ■ • • Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 2,817 881 5 730 Menabd county (a). Precinct 1, including Menardville town . Menardville town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Midland county (k) . Precinct 1, including Midland town Midland town Precinct 2, incl. Gennania village (i) Precinct 3, incl. Peck Springs village (b) . . Precinct 4, including Warfield village (6) Milam county. Precinct 1, including Cameron city. Cameron city 1,522 899 745 266 1,568 912 84 1,215 418 "85 97 391 309 1,033 849 722 68 36 24, 773 2,987 3,940 438 1,213 ffl,564 465 2,967 4,492 1,239 18, 659 1,722 441 g Not separately returned in 1880. . h Precinct 5 (population 1,385 in 1880) abolished since 1880; information as to cliangesin minor civil divisions incomplete. i Not divided into precincts in 1880. j Population in 1880, 731. . t Organized from part of Tom Green county in 1885. POPULATION. 397 Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuiied. TEXAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MtLAM COUNTY — Continued. Prec inc t 2 Pretiiict ^ Precinct 4, including Rockdale city. Rockdale city Precinct 5, including Davllla town . Davilla town Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 (a) Mills county (6) . Precinct 1, incl. Goldthwaite town (c) . Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Mitchell county (rf). Colorado city Montague county Precinct 1, including Montague town Montague town Precinct 2, including St. Jo town St. Jo town Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Bowie town Bowie town Precinct 5, incl. Belcher and Nocona tns- . Belcher town Nocona town Precinct 6, including Burlington town (c) Precinct 7(a) Precinct 8 (o), including Sunset town Sunset town Montgomery county (c) Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, incl. Brantley and Tharp vills. Brantley village Tharp village ; Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Moore county (/) Morris county (g) Precinct 1, including Daingerfield town .. Daingerfield town '. Precinct 2 , Precinct 3, including Omaha town Omaha town Precinct 4, including Station Belden town Station Belden town Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Motley county (rf). Nacogdoches county. Precinct 1, including Nacogdoches city Nacogdoches city Pre(^iiict 2 Precinct 3 1890 5,065 3, 209 0,651 1,505 3,151 241 854 1,230 5,493 1 408 1 364 1,444 557 720 2,059 117 1,582 18, 863 11,257 3,337 795 2,404 710 2,704 3,645 1,486 1,711 5>6 38 T 2, 479 1, 500 1,083 11,765 3,547 444 889 4,429 310 214 742 454 946 314 15 6,580 1,663 553 602 1,589 2TQ L137 309 680 909 139 15, 984 1880 4,160 2,607 5,950 1,185 3,078 285 376 766 1,936 328 1,700 342 3, 024 2,114 683 1,800 10,154 5,032 24 11, .590 5,117 3,482 . .. 333 1, 057 1, 022 1, 533 2, 127 a Organized since 1880. 6 Organized from parts of Brown, Comanche, Hamilton, and Lampasas counties in 1887. c Not separately returned. d Not returned by precincts. e Returned by election precincts in 1880. /Not returned by precincts; not returned in 1880. MINOR CIVIL divisions. Nacogdoches county— Continued. Precinct 4, including Chireno village. . . Chireno village Precinct 5 Precinct 6. including Garrison village.. Garrison village Precinct 7 Precinct 8 (a) Navarro county. Precinct 1, including Corsicana city Corsicana city (ft) Ward 1 2,221 Ward 2 88g Ward 3 1 ,758 Ward 4 1,417 Precinct 3, including Kerens village (e) . . Precinct 4, including Dawson village Dawson village Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 2 Precinct 5. incl. Blooming Grove village.. Blooming Grove village Precinct 8(0) Newton county. Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Precinct 5 . Nolan county (j) . Precinct 1, including Sweetwater town . Sweetwater town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Nueces county (3) Precinct 1, including Corpus Christi city. Corpus Christi city Ward 1 670 Ward 2 543 Wards 713 Ward 4 1,219 Ward 5 1 1 242 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Ochiltree county (k) . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3 . Precinct 4 . Oldham county (d). Orange county (l) . Precinct 1, including Orange city Orange city Ward 1 935 Ward 2 1 , 463 Ward 3 775 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 1890 1880 2,081 276 1,223 1,960 252 1,406 1,607 26, 373 10,687' 6,285 3,249 2,069 .365 1,710 1, 613J 3,019 3,094 17s 932 4,6.50 1,178 1,718 453 933 368 1,573 767 614 273 476 57 4,608 4,387 1,199 567 739 270 4,770 530 339 227 7 Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. ft Population in 1880, 3,373. i Not separately returned in 1880. j Not divided into precincts in 1880. k Not returned in 1880. I Not returned by precincts in 1880. 1,036 1,143 i,'256 21,702 il4,210 2, 340 5,152 79 4, 359 1,143 1,630 405 908 273 7,673 287 2,938 398 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TEXAS— Continued. MfNOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Palo Pinto county. Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precincts, including Gordon town — Gordon town Precinct 4 Precincts, incl. Mineral Wells town. Mineral Wells town Precinct 6 (a) Precinct 7 (a) Precincts (a), including Strawn town Strawn town Pajtola county Precinct 1, including Carthage town. Carthage town Precinct 2 - Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Parker county Precinct 1, including Weatherford city.. Weatherford city Ward I 868 Ward 2 9S8 Ward 3 584 Ward 4 959 Precinct 2, including Springtown town . . Springtown town Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Whitt town Whitt town Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Parmer county (h) . Pecos county (c) . Precinct ] . Precinct 2. Precinct 3. Precinct 4 . Precinct 5. Polk county . Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 6 (a), incl. Corrigan village. Corrigan village 298 Precinct 7 (a) Precinct 4 Precinct H Precinct 8 (a) (d).| Potter county (c) . Precinct 1, including Amarillo town. .'\mariilo town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Presidio county (/) . 18!)0 8,320 K-,3 72K 1,007 378 1,749 1,746 577 280 188 871 14, 328 2,878 554 3,186 2,246 1,367 1,130 833 786 1,902 21,682 7,188 3.369 4,704 657 1,701 2,808 278 2,174 1,319 1, 249 539 1,326 487 85 355 155 244 10, 332 2,204 982 3,881 1,»67 908 1,290 849 675 482 59 65 50 1S80 5,885 1,761 644 1,504 1,211 765 12, 219 2,509 290 2,036 2, 085 1,314 942 841 noi 1,591 15, 870 6,031 2,046 3, 568 .66 614 1,495 1,585 1,067 1,060 450 1,807 7, 189 1,624 1,136 f 2,514 877 1,038 28 a Organized since 1880. 6 Not returned by precincts ; not returned in 1880. c Returned by commissioners pi-ecincts in 1880: parts taken to form Reeves county in 1883 and Valverde county in 1885. d Not separately returned. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. isno Rains county Precinct 1, including Emory village. Emory village Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 (a) Randall county (e) . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2 . Precinct 3. Precinct 4. Red River county. Precinct 1, including Clarksville town . . . Clarksville town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Detroit town Detroit town Precinct 5 Preci net 6 Precinct 7, incl. part of Annona town . . . Annona town (part of) Total for Annona town, in precincts 7 and 8. Precinct 8, incl. part of Annona town — Annona town (part of) Reeves county (g) . Pecos town Refugio county (h). Precinct 1, including Refugio town (d). Preciuct 2 Prec inct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Roberts county (c) . Precinct 1 . Precinct 2. Precincts. Precinct 4. Robertson county Precinct 1, including Calvert city Calvert city Precinct. 2, including Hearne town id) .. - Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, incl. Bremond and Wootan Wells towns. Bremond town Wnotan Wells town Precinct 6, incl. Franklin and Nesbitt tns Franklin town Nesbitt town Precinct 7 Rockwall county ,873 Precinct 1, including Rockwall city Rockwall city Precinct 2 Precincts Precinct 4, including Royse town — Ro yse town 3,909 1,830 .'53 436 394 ■ 920 329 5,602 1,588 1,590 2,817 3,268 604 1,897 1,508 2,625 36 267 2,145 231 1,247 393 1,239 590 181 189 183 326 107 62 87 70 1880 3,035 1,644 350 242 799 21,452 i 17,194 4,999 1,330 1,418 2,234 2,542 863 2,304 1,504 1,585 32 26, 506 22, 383 7,752 2,632 4,644 1,474 1,364 4,845 387 268 4,790 665 218 1,637 5,972 6,484 2,281 4,145 1,223 1,364 4,239 73S 3,179 1,749 2,984 2, 178 843 1,045 1,311 1,438 290 1,246 215 564 620 554 e Not divided into precincts in 1820. f Parts taken to form Brewster, Bucliel, Foley, and Jeff Davis counties in 1887; not returned by precincts. (/ Organized from part of Pecos county in 1883; not re- turned by precincts. h Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. POPULATION. 399 Table 3.— ACtGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TEXAS— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Runnels codnty (a) Precinct 1, including Ballinger town (6). Precinct 2 ( , , , Precinct 3 5 '"' Precinct 1 Rusk county Precinct 1, including Henderson town. Henderson town Precinct 2, including Overton town . . . Overton town Precinct ;i Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct S(c) Sabine county. Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct :i Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct fi (>■). Precinct 7 {<■) . Precinct 8 (c) . San Augustine county Precinct 1, incl. part of San Atigustino tn. San Augustine town (part ol) Total for San Augustine town (d), in precincts i and 2. Precinct 2, incl. part of San Augu,stine tn San Augustine town (part of) Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 San Jacinto county (e) Precinct 1, including Cold Spring town Cold Spring town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 I Precinct 5 (6) San Patricio county (c) Precinct 1, including San Patricio town . . San Patricio town Precinct 2, including Sharpsburg village Sharpsburg village Precinct 3 Precinct 4 San Saba county. Precinct 1, including San Saba town Sa n Saba town Precinct 2 ( ,. , Precinct 3 3 '"' Precinct 4 Precinct 5 (c) Precinct 6 (c) Precinct 7 (c) ■(b). 1890 3,193 1,412 731 1,050 18, 559 5,011 1,827 401 2, 39t) 3, 316 2,168 1,006 1,079 1,756 4,969 1,172 378 563 781 671 361 287 75G 2,513 ,138 744 1,911 406 1,120 623 521 7, 360 l,66fi 439 882 2,714 482 315 554 ?7i 113 163 6,641 1,763 697 1,293 960 1,444 1,181 155 Schleicher county (/) a Returned by election precincts In 188C. b Not separately returned. c Organized since 1880. d In 1880 in precinct 1 only. e Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. 1880 18, 986 4,715 1,656 3,572 353 3,509 2, 076 2, 402 1,113 1,599 4,161 1,101 532 426 1, .323 779 5,084 1,986 503 503 1,245 606 441 6,186 1,010 5,324 1,784 5q8 : 2, 333 575 632 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Scurry county (ui). Precinct 1, including Snyder town Snyder town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Shackelford county. Precinct 1, iiuludiug Albany town . Albany town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 1 Shelby county . Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7, including Timpson town. . , Precinct 8 (c) Timjison town. Sherman county (h) . Smith county. Precinct 1, including Tyler town Tyler town Precirict 2, incl. Omen and Troupe towns Omen town Troupe town Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 Somervell county. Precinct 1, including (Jleurosc town. Glenrose town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Starr county (e) Precinct 1, includin}; Rio Grande city. Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Kio (irande city . Stephens county Precinct 1, including Breckenridgetown. Breckenridge town Precinct 2 Precinct I Precinct 4 Precincts, including Gunsight town . Gunsight town Precinct 6 Precinct 7 Precinct 8 1890 1,415 617 500 265 140 393 1,173 857 197 550 92 14,365 3, 084 2, 509 1,729 1,331 1, 656 986 2, 329 518 741 28, 324 9,288 6,go8 4.999 508 465 1,648 1,951 2, 953 2,700 2,052 2, 733 3,419 ,639 400 805 497 478 10, 749 4, 430 i,g68 2,784 1,078 996 650 811 4, 926 1,017 462 668 434 334 1,130 255 519 474 35(1 1880 102 2,037 129 351 307 489 9,523 2,414 1,677 1.174 1,273 1,684 580 721 21, 863 4,187 2,J23 3,595 352 1,521 1,699 2,149 2,973 2,479 3, 260 2,649 1,196 132 505 418 530 8,304 4,725 1,082 497 674 5.".7 4.^8 ::49 628 604 373 /Formed IVmn part of Crockett county in 1887; not re- turned liy prciincts. ;/ Not divided into precincts in 1880. h Not returned by precincts; not returned in 1880. 400 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tabuc 3.— aggregate I'OI'ULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. TEXAS— Contiuued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISION>: Stonewall county (a) 1S90 1,024 Precinct 1, including Rayner town Rayner town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, including Aspermont towu- Aspermont town SCTTOK COUNTY (6) . Swisher county (c) . Tarrant county Precinct 1, including Fort Worth city . Kort Worth city Wardi 5.368 Ward 2 5.440 Wards 4,016 Ward 4 2,938 Ward 5 2 . 194 Ward 6 3 . '2° Precinct 2, including Arlington town... Arlington town Precinct 3, including Grapevine town... Grapevine town Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct fi Precinct 7 Precinct 8, including Mansfield town . . Mansfield town Taylor county. 301 284 217 118 388 205 658 41, 142 25, 922 23,076 ISSO 104 24, 671 9, 353 6,663 2, 848 2, 454 664 3,610 ,6:; 4,513 442 2,290 199 2, 437 1, 162 943 1,026 844 1,802 1,642 2, 482 2,485 4,B 249 li, 957 Precinct 1, including Abilene town. Abilene town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5, including Merkel town . . Merkel town Precinct 6 (d) Terry county (e) Throckmorton county. Precinct 1, incl. Throckmorton town Throckmorton town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Titus county. Precinct 1, incl. Mount Pleasant town. . . Mount P.easant town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 (tt) 4.114 .^.'94 693 348 370 1,237 .151 195 21 902 429 240 163 88 222 8,190 3,082 963 1,328 399 1,544 1,044 793 1,736 774 241 325 98 711 Tom Green county (/). San A ngelo town 2,615 150 17 336 44 181 5,959 2,292 452 1,471 308 817 1,071 3,615 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. a Not divided into precincts in 1880. b Formed from part of Crockett county in 1887 ; not re- turned by precincts, c Not'returned by precincts. d Organized since 1880. e Not returned by precincts ; not returned in 1880. /Parts taken to form Midland county in 1885; Crane, Ector, Glasscock, Loving, Upton, Ward, and Winkler counties Travis county (i75 621 3,225 1,254 973 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Wood county — Continued. Precinct 7 (a) Precinc't 8 (a) Yoakum county (b) . Young county Precinct 1, including Graham town Graham town Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 (a) Zapata county (c) . Precinct 1, including Carrizo town Carrizo town 243 ^ ((/) Precinct 2. Precinct 3 (*■ Precinct 4 J ZA VALLA COUNTY (c) . 817 789 5, 049 1,940 667 992 575 907 635 3,562 1880 4,726 2,557 576 816 483 870 2, 227 1, 335 1, 097 3,636 410 a Organized since 1880. b Not returned by precincts ; not returned in 1880. c Returned by commissioners precincts in 1880. d Not separately returned. e Not returned by precincts. UTAH. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. BeAVEE COUNTY . 1890 3,340 Adamsville precinct Beaver precinct, incl. Beaver city (a) . (irainpion precinct Greenville precinct Miners ville precinct Star precinct BOXELDER COUNTY . Bear River precinct, including Bear River town (a). Boxclder precinct, coextensive with Brigham city. Brighara city Ward 1 556 Ward 2 583 Ward 3 543 Ward 4 457 Calls Fort precinct ■ CoUinston precinct (6) I>ewey ville precinct (irouse Creek precinct Junctiim precinct (c) Kelton precinct Malad precinct, incl. Coriune city (a) Mantua jirecinct Park Valley precinct Plymouth precinct Portage precinct Promontory precinct Snowville precinct (d) Terrace precinct Threemile precinct (b) Willard precinct, including Willard city . Willard city Cache county. 125 1,752 215 209 463 576 7, 642 321 2,139 2,139 377 798 183 274 132 77 215 337 196 319 545 70 175 427 303 754 492 15, 509 18S0 3,918 192 1,911 801 214 487 313 6,761 340 2,184 1,877 350 339 267 169 440 183 377 350 275 300 462 131 197 251 749 412 12, 562 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Cache county — Continued. Coveville precinct (6) . . - Hyde Park precinct Hyrum precinct, incl. Hyrum city (a) . Lewiston precinct Logan precinct, including Logan city Logan city Mendon precinct, incl. Mendon city (a) Millville precinct Newton jirecinct Paradise precinct Peterboro precinct I'rovi565 547 679 473 637 337 782 1,232 1,386 1,080 246 1,045 6,751 2,438 532 1,030 282 1,088 548 809 267 299 5,076 1880 375 50 409 303 699 111 433 1,234 .525 3, 390 3,396 543 539 304 512 76 578 1, 198 1,177 1,177 209 1,193 5,279 iTeve 529 1,073 332 1,430 1,187 239 556 nriven as South and West Blake precinct Brock precinct Castle Dale precinct, incl. Castle Dale tn Castle Dale town Castle Gate precinct Cleveland precinct - - ■ ff Parts taken to form Layton and Syracuse precincts since 1880 h Organized from part of Kaysville precinct since 1880. i Organized from parts of Hooper and Kaysville precincts since 1880. ^ , , . j Not returned by precincts in 1880 ; part taken to lonn Grand county in 1890. POPULATION. 403 Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continiaed. U T AH— Continued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Emert county — Continued. Emery precinct I'erron precinct, Including Ferron town . Ferron town Huntington precinct, incl. Huntington tn Huntington town Lawrence precinct Melon precinct Orangeville precinct, incl.Orangeville vill Orangeville village Price precinct, including I'rice town Price town Schofield precinct Springdale precinct Spring Glen precinct Wellington precinct 1890 Garfield county (a) , Cannon ville precinct (6) , Coyote precinct (c) EsciUante precinct (6), incl. Escalante city Escalante city Hillsdale precinct (fc) Panguitch precinct (6) Grand county (d) . Moab town Iron county (e) . Cedar precinct, including Cedar city . . Cedar city Kanarra precinct (c) Paragonah precinct Parowan precinct, incl. Parowan city (/) . Summit precinct (g) Juab county . Juab precinct (c) Levan precinct Mono precinct Nephi precinct, including Nephi city Nephi city Tintic precinct, includii^"' Eureka and Mammoth Hollow towr^s. Eureka town Mammoth Hollow tJ\i ■! Kane county (A) . Georgetown preci .c t (c) Glendale precinct Johnson precinct Kanab precinct, includin:; "Kanab town . Kanab town Mount Carmel precinct Orderville precinct, incl. Orderville town Orderville town Pahrea precinct Ranch precinct (c) Vennihou precinct (c) Mlllard county. ;(/). 240 399 270 738 513 107 134 353 313 502 12 137 230 2,457 273 169 667 506 333 1,015 541 2,683 1,053 967 282 268 937 143 5,582 .205 440 469 2,114 2,034 2,354 1.733 1,685 91 253 63 533 409 139 339 289 51 120 4,033 170 661 838 363 1880 137 623 623 179 846 4,013 892 691 256 957 123 3,474 624 503 1,797 1,797 550 3,085 338 87 394 394 137 514 514 94 3,727 617 987 355 Burb-ank precinct (c) Smithville precinct (c) . . Deseret precinct Fillmore precinct, incl. Fillmore city (/) . . Holden precinct, coextensive with Hoi Jen town. a Organized from parts of Iron and Kane counties in 1882. 6 Formerly in Iron county. c Organized since 1880. d Organized from pavt of Emery county in 1890; not re- inmed by precincts. e Cannon ville, Escalante, Hillsdale, and Panguitch precincts (population 1,785 in 1880) taken to form Garfield county in 1882. / Not separately returned. g Formerly Summit Creek. minor civil divisions. Millard county— Continued. Kauosh precinct Leamington precinct Meadow precinct, coextensive with Mead- ow town. Oak Creek precinct Oasis precinct (c) Scipio precinct Morgan county Canyon Creek precinct (i) Croydon precinct Milton precinct Morgan precinct, including Morgan city.. Morgan city Peterson precinct Piute county Hullion precinct (j) Burgess precinct (c) CircTeville precinct Fremont precinct Graves Valley precinct (c) . . Greenwich precinct Junction precinct (c) Kane precinct (c) Koosharem precinct (c) Loa precinct (c) Pleasant Creek precinct (c) . Teasdale precinct (c) Thurber precinct (c) EiCH county. Garden precinct Laketown precinct Meadowville precinct. Randolph precinct .... Woodruff i)recinct Salt Lake county. Big Cottonwood precinct. Bingham precinct Bluffdale precinct (c) Brighton precinct Butler precinct Draper precinct /• (/) South Cottonwood precinct. East Mill Creek precinct. Farmers precinct FortHarriman precinct . . South Jordan precinct ... J' (/) West Jordan precinct. Granger precinct Granite precinct Hunter precinct (c) Little Cottonwood precinct Mill Creek precinct Mountain Bell precinct North Jordan precinct, including Taylors- ville town. Tayl orsville town North Point precinct (c) Pleasant Green precinct Salt Lake precincts 1 to 5 (k), coexten- sive with Salt Lake city. Salt Lake city (l) : Ward 1 8,871 Ward 2 13,159 Ward 3 10,038 Ward 4 5 . 739 Ward 5 7 ,036 Sandy precinct 1890 536 169 344 186 199 567 1,780 433 240 203 633 333 271 2,842 259 75 458 315 81 181 125 138 232 411 31 263 273 1,527 249 321 145 472 340 58, 457 789 1,101 194 224 2, 957 287 634 953 145 308 70 1,5.34 78 636 269 1.57 310 44, 843 1,065 1880 656 142 212 184 '"574 1,783 417 248 235 582 433 301 1,651 297 416 424 514 1,263 161 269 119 446 268 31, 977 661 1,022 387 165 455 288 371 320 342 440 857 145 250 (342 <440 (857 300 1,416 95 282 179 20, 768 h Part taken to form Garfield county and part, Bellevue, Duncans Retreat, Grafton, Harmony, Kanarra, Rockville, Shunesburg, Springdale, Toquerville, and Virgin precincts (population 1,521 inl880), given to Washington county in 1882. i Formerly Kanyon. j Formerly Marysvale. k Fort Douglas precinct (population 403 in 1880) annexed since 1880. I Population shown by municipal wards. 404 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coiitiuued. U T AH— Continued . MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. SALT Lake county— Contimu'd. Silver jjreciiict Sugarhouso precinct XInion precinct 1890 ] , 054 (102 San Juan county Blnff precinct Bueno precinct (a) McElmo precinct (a) . . . Monticcllo precinct (a) . Sanpete county. Chester precinct Epliraim precinct, incl. Eiiliraiin city (c).. Fairview precinct (d), incl. Fairvicw city Fairview city Fayette precinct Fountain (ireen precinct, iucl. Fountain Green town. Fountain Green town Gunnison precinct Indianola precinct (a) Manti precinct, including Manti city Manti city Mayfield precinct Milbtu-n precinct {e) .. \ {r.). Tliistle precinct (d) . 5 Moroni ])recinct (/), incl. Moroni city Moroni city Mount Pleasant precinct, coextensive with Mount Pleasant city. Spring precinct, coextensive willi Spring city. Sterling precinct ig) Wales precinct Seviek county Annabella precinct Burrville precinct Central precinct Elsinore precinct Glenwood precinct Gooseberry precinct (a) Joseph precinct Monroe precinct, coextensive with Mon- roe town. Monroe town Redmond precinct .- • ■ Eicbfield precinct, coextensive with Rich- field city. Salina precinct Siguard precinct (a) Vermilion precinct "Willow Bend precinct Summit county Coalville precinct, coextensive with Coal- ville city. Echo precinct Grass Creek precinct {a) Heuefer precinct (A), coextensive with Henefer village. Hoytsville precinct (i) Kainas precinct 190 44; 16 115' 13, 14C 259 1,917 1,263 844 305 796 677 H45 148 2, 022 1.950 337 1,251 958 2,254 1,044 296 233 280 226 196 590 496 112 436 880 332 1,531 628 44 142 306 7,733 1,160 189 52 291 288 458 1880 121 738 484 107 mi 11, 557 188 1,764 1,014 863 278 881 729 1,801 1,748 330 )ii7 2,004 989 210 306 4,457 205 203 199 223 462 370 744 158 1,197 438 112 146 4,921 911 245 262 281 564 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. a Organized since 1880. b Population of unorganized portion of county. c Not separately returned. d Part taken to form Milburn precinct since 1880. e Organized from parts of Fairview and Thistle precincts since 1880. . „„, , . / Freedom precinct (i)opulation 102 m 1880) annexed since 1880. ij Formerly Petty. h Formerly HenneferviUe. i Given as Haytsville in 1880. j Given as Peva in 1880. k Part taken to form St. John precinct m 1884. Summit county— Continued. Park precinct, including Park city Park city Parley Park precinct Peoa precinct (j) Rockport precinct Upton precinct, coextensive with Upton village. Wanship precinct, coextensive with ■Wausliip village. Wanship village Wasatch precinct (a) Woodlana jirecinct (a) 'I'OOELE county. Batesville precinct Clover precinct (,k) Deep Creek precinct Grantsville precinct, including Grants- ville city (c). Lake Point precinct (I) Lakeview precinct (m) Ophir precinct (n) St. John precinct (0) Stockton precinct, incl. Stockton town . . Stockton town Tooele precinct (p),incl. Tooele city (c) . Vernon precinct 1890 Uinta county 1880 Ashley precinct Fort Duchesne Riverdale precinct (a) . Vernal precinct (o) Utah county. 1,942 417 170 273 450 298 390 376 1,907 2,135 1,926 427 435 5,159 527 769 799 1,581 1,542 200 238 127 174 4,497 1,825 Alpine precinct, coextensive with Alpine city. American Fork precinct, including Amer- ican Fork city (c) . Benjamin precinct (q) Cedar Fort precinct Fail field precinct Goshen precinct, including Goshen town. Goshen town Lakeshore precinct (1) Lakeview precinct (.5) Lehi precinct, including Lehi city (ci Payson jirecinct, coextensive withPayson city, l^leasant Grove precinct, coextensive with Pleasant Grove city. Pleasant Valley Junction precinct (o) Provo Bench precinct (s) Prove precinct («), coextensive with Provo city. Provo city: Ward I 1,509 Ward 2 1,013 Ward 3 901 Ward 4 1,736 Salem precinct, coextensive with Salem tn. Salera town Santaquin precinct Spanish Forkprecinct(<7), including Span- ish Fork city. Spanish Fork city I Formerly Mill. in Part of Tooele precinct annexed in 1889. II Jacob City precinct (population 125 in 1880) annexed since 1880. o Organized from part of Clover precmct in 1884. •p Part given to Lakeview precinct in 1889. Part taken to form Lakeshore precinct since 1880. r Organized from parts of Benjamin and Spanish Fork precincts since 1880. . s Organized from part of Provo precinct since 1880. t Parts taken to form Lakeview and Provo Bench precincts since 1880. POPULATION. 405 Table 3.— AGCtREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coiitimied. UTAH— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Utah conNxy — Continued. Spring Lake precinct - - Springville precinct, coextensive with Spnngvillecity. Thistle i)recinct (a) W.-\SATCH OOUNTY Charleston precinct Heber precinct, including Heher city Heber city Midway precinct Wallsburg precinct "Washington county (b) Bellevne precinct (c) Bloomington precinct (rf) Duncans Retreat precinct (c) .' Grattou precinct (c) Gunlock precinct Hamblin precinct (e) Hebron precinct Leeds precinct (/) New Harmony preciuctijr) Pine Valley precinct Pinto precinct Kockville precinct (c) St. George precinct, including St. George city (h). Santa Clara precinct 1890 93 2,849 3,595 .501 246 1,929 1, 616 1,538 1,291 769 718 396 347 4,009 4,235 35 .58 63 85 47 79 104 71 92 156 41 79 110 223 334 102 150 253 234 108 155 194 232 1,377 1,384 202 1880 157 2,312 2,927 194 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. "Washington county — Continued. Shunesburg precinct (c) Silver Keef precinct, coextensive with Silver Keef city. Springdale precinct (c) Toquerville precinct (c) Virgin precinct (c) "Washington precinct, including "VVa.sh- iugton city (ft). Webek county Eden precinct Harriaville precinct Hooper precinct Hunts ville precinct, incl. Huntaville tn. . Huntsville town Kanesville precinct (c) Lynno precinct, comprising part of | 'Ogden city. I ,, , Ogden precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4, com- | ' prising part of Ogden citj'. J Ogden city, coe-xtensive with Lynne and Ogden precincts. Marriott precinct North Ogden jirecinct Plain precinct Pleasant View precinct (e) Riverdale precinct Slaterville precinct Uinta precinct "West "Weber precinct . - ._ Wilson precinct 1890 51 82 177 1,040 73 50 260 371 213 254 315 537 22, 723 521 329 715 582 778 849 1,158 819 248 6 873 14, 889 ,246 14,889 ,069 223 243 758 956 829 653 336 489 272 336 328 228 247 722 003 493 344 1880 12,.344 a Formerly Thistle Valley. b Part of Kane county annexed in 1882. c Formerly in Kane county. d Formerly Price City precinct. e Organized .since 1880. / Formerly Harrisburg and Leeds. a Formerly Harmony precinct, Kane county. h Not separately returned. VERMOIVT. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Addison county Addison town Bridport town Bristol town Cornwall town Ferrisburgtown Goshen town Granville town Hancock town Leicester town Lincoln town Middlebury town, inol. Middlebury vill . Middlebury village Monkton town New Haven town Orwell town Pan ton town - Ripton town Salisbury town Shoreham town Starksboro town Vergennes city "Waltham town Wey bridge town Whiting town Bennington county Arlington town Beuuiugtou town, incl. Bennington vill. Bennington village Dorset town (Hastenbury town I..audgro ve town Manchester town Peru town l*ownal town, incl. North Powual village North Pownal village Readsboro town 1890 22, 277 900 1,018 1,828 927 1,501 311 037 283 562 1,255 2,793 1 ,762 847 1,224 1,265 382 568 740 1,240 1,070 1,773 255 543 355 20, 448 1,352 6, 391 3.97t 1,696 181 220 1, 907 445 1,919 670 910 1880 24, 173 847 1,167 1,579 1,070 1,684 326 830 382 634 1,368 2,993 1,834 1,025 1,355 1,351 419 672 775 1,354 1, 249 1,782 248 608 455 21, 950 ,532 ,333 2,005 241 246 1,928 556 2,019 566 743 MINOR civil divisions. Bennington county — Continued. Rupert town Sandgate town Sears uurg town Shaftsbury town Stamford town Sunderland town Winliall town "Woodford town Caledonia county Barnet town Burke town Danville town Groton town Hardwick town Kirby town Lyndon town, incl. Lyndouvillo village. . Lyndonville village Newark town Peachara town Ryegate tiiwu St. Jobnsbury town, including St. Johns bury and Summerville villages. St. Johnsbury village Summerville village Sheffield town Stannard town Sutton town Walden town Waterford town "VVheelock town Chittenden county Bolton town Buelgore.. 1890 861 587 173 1,652 645 633 523 353 23, 436 1,897 1,198 1,784 1. 040 1,547 355 2, 619 606 536 892 1,126 6,567 3.857 909 750 239 740 810 734 596 35. 389 S47 21 1880 957 681 232 1,887 726 655 722 487 1,907 1,252 2, 003 1,014 1,484 398 2,434 788 679 1,041 1,046 5,800 3,360 720 884 252 838 931 815 829 32, 792 G74 24 40U OOMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coiitiuued. VE RIMOIVT— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Chittenden county— Contmued. Burlington city Charlotte town ■ -.- • -.■ ■ - • - Colcliester town, incl. Wmooski village- . - Winooski village Essex town Hinesburg town Huntington town Jericho town Milton town Kichmond town St. George town Shelhurne town South Burlington town TJuderhDl town Westford town Williston town 1890 Essex county . Averill town Avery gore Bloomfield town Brighton town Brunswick town - .- • Canaan town, including Canaan village . Canaan village Concord town East Haven town Ferdinand town Granhy town Guildhall town Lemington town Lunenburg town Maidstone town Norton town Victory town Franklin county . ■■](a). Avery gore Montgomery town Bakersfleld town Berkshire town --•'"■, ^W" -li ' Enosburg town, incl. Encsburg Falls viU Enosburg Falls village Fairfax town Fairfield town Fletcher town Franklin town Georgia town Highgate town ;■■:,', Richtbrd town, incl. Eichford village . . . Richford village St. Albans town Sheldon town .- ■ Swanton town, incl. Swanton village . . . Swanton village Grand Isle county. Alburg town Grand Isle town . . . Isle Lamotte town North Hero town . South Hero town . . Lamoille county . Belvidere town . . . Cambridge town . Eden town Elmore town Hyde Park town . Johnson town Morristown town. Stowe town Waterville town . Wolcott town 14, 590 1, 240 5,143 3.659 2,013 1,205 723 1,461 1,585 1,115 106 1,300 845 1,301 1,033 1,161 9,511 1880 11, 365 1,342 4,421 2,833 2,104 1,330 808 1,687 2,006 1,264 93 1,096 664 1,439 1,133 1,342 7,931 43 58 827 2,020 160 829 616 1,425 236 73 361 511 227 1,019 198 960 564 29, 755 1,734 1,162 1,421 2,299 974 1,523 1,825 793 1,300 1,282 1,853 2,196 1 , 162 7,771 1,365 3,231 3,843 1,390 793 551 550 559 12, 831 571 1,689 851 593 1,633 1,462 2,411 1,886 577 1,158 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Orange county 19, 575 1890 627 1,691 193 637 152 1,612 225 40 194 558 222 1,038 286 239 321 30, 225 Bradford town, incl . Bradford village. . . . Bradford village Brain tree town Brookfield town Chelsea town Corinth town Fairlee town .- - - - ■ Newbury town, incl. "Wells Eiver village Welis River village Orange town ■■ Kandolph town, incl. West Randolph viU. West Randolph village Strafford town Thetfoid town Topsham town Tunbridge town Vershire town (b) Washington town West Fairlee town WUliamstown town 1880 23, 525 Orleans county. ( 16 1 1, 642 1,248 1,596 2,213 22, 101 22, 083 1,820 2,172 868 1,439 1,504 2,088 1,818 789 7,193 1,529 3,079 4,124 Albany town --.--■ Barton town, including Barton Landing and Barton villages. Barton Landing village Barton village Brownington town Charleston town Coventry town Craf tsbury town Derby town (c) Glover town Greensboro town Holland town Irasburg town Jay town Lowell town Morgan town Newport town, Incl. Newport village — Newport village •.,■,"■■' Troy town, including North Troy village. North Troy village Westfield town Westmore town Rutland county. 1,614 749 504 637 620 12, 684 400 1,750 934 682 1,715 1,495 2,099 1,896 547 1,166 1,138 2,364 378 742 854 1,204 911 1,381 1,967 1,055 1,061 91:; 1, 064 690 1,057 711 2,420 920 1,522 469 698 480 41, 829 a Not separately returned. c IStow?\popnlation 581 in 1880) annexed since 1880. d Part taken to form Proctor town m 1887. Benson town, including Benson village Benson village Brandon town, incl. Brandon village Brandon village ■ . • • ■ • Castleton town, incl. Castleton village (a) - Chittenden town , Clarendon town .-- I Danby town, incl. Danby village (a) Fairhaven town Hubbardton town Ira town Mendon town Middletown Springs town Mount Holly town Mount Tabor town Pawlet town Pittsfield town Pittsford town (d) - - Poultney town, incl. Poultney village — Pouitney village Proctor to wn (e) - - - • • - ■ • - ■ - • Rutland town (/), including Rutland Center and Rutland villages. Rutland Center village Rutland village Sherburne town Shrewsbury town Sudbury town Tinmouth town e Organized from parts of Pittsford and Rutland /Parts taken to form Proctor and West Rutland 1887. 1,104 12, 149 towns in towns in POPULATION. 407 'I'Aiiijc 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. VERMOIVT— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Edtland county— Continued. Wallingford town, incl. "R'alliugford vill. Wallingford village Wells town West Haven town West liutlaud town (a) Washington county Barre town, including Barre village Barre village Berlin town Cabot town, including Cabot village Cabot village Calais town JJiixbury town East Montpelier town Fa yston town HaiTis gore MarsbfleUl town Middlesex town Montpelier town, incl. Montpelier village Montpelier village MoretowTi town Nortbfield town, incl. Northfield village. Northfield village Plaiutield town, incl. Plaintield village {b) Koxbury town Wait.-itield town AVarren town Waterbury town, incl. Waterbury village Waterbury village Woodbury town Worcester town Windham county Athens town Brattleboro town, incl. Brattleboi'o village Brattleboro village Brookline town Dover town Dummerston town Orafton town Cuilford town Halifax town Jamaica town 1890 1,733 1,846 617 G21 572 665 412 492 3, 680 29, 606 25, 404 6,812 2,060 4,T46 1,514 1.025 1,380 1,074 1,242 190 1,082 260 1,253 912 884 953 972 533 638 15 40 1,121 1,102 889 1,087 4,160 3,219 3,617 952 1,847 1,180 2,628 2,836 1 ,222 745 1,313 729 768 938 815 938 866 951 2,232 2,297 955 810 856 725 802 26,547 26, 763 205 284 6,862 5,880 5.467 162 4,471 205 524 621 860 816 817 929 870 1,096 702 852 1,074 1, 252 1880 minor civil divisions. Windham county — Continued. Londonderry town Marlboro town Newfane town Putney town Kockingham town, incl. Bellows Falls vill Bellows Falls village Somerset town Stratton town Townsliend town Vernon towTi Wardsboro town Westminster town Wliitingliam town Wilmington town, including Wilming- ton village (6). Windham town Windsor county Andover town Baltimore town Barnard town Betliel town Bridgew ater town Cavendish town Chester town - Hartford town Hartland town Ludlow town, including Ludlow village. Ludlow village Norwich town Plymouth town Pomfret town Reading town Rochester town Royalton town Sharon town Springfield town, incl. Siiringtield village Springfield village Stockbridge town Weathersneld town Weston town West Windsor town Windsor town, incl. Windsor village Windsor village Woodstock town, incl. Woodstock village Woodstock village 1890 1,010 495 952 1,075 4,579 3,092 01 222 865 5U7 704 1,205 1, 191 1,106 379 31, 706 418 564 64 71 918 1.191 1,448 1, 693 1,124 1,084 1,172 1,276 1,787 1,901 3. 740 2, 9.'J4 1, 393 1,598 1,768 2, 005 i,oSi ■,179 1,304 1,471 755 1, 075 865 1, 139 749 953 1,257 1, 362 1,433 1,.558 737 1,012 2,881 3, 144 1 ,512 1,586 894 1, 124 1,174 1, 3.54 864 987 570 690 1,846 2,175 1,384 1,696 2,545 2,815 1,218 1,266 1880 a Organized from part of Rutland town iu 1887. 6 Not separately returned. VIROIIVIA. [The word "district" means magisterial district.] 1,154 553 1,031 1,124 3,797 2,229 67 302 1, 099 652 766 1,377 1,24(1 1, 130 536 35, 196 MINOR CIVIL divisions. ACCOMAC COUNTY Atlantic district, including Greenback- ville town. Greenbackville town Lee district, including Onancock town (0) Metompkin district Pungoteague district The Islands district Albemarle county Charlottesville city (6) Ward 1 1,2.36 AVard 2 1, 531 Ward 3 1, 427 Ward 4 1,397 Charlottesville district (6) I \ y district Kivanna district .Samuel Miller district Scotts ville district, incl. Scott svillo vill. ScottsviUe village Whitehall district a Not separately returned. 1890 27, 277 5,904 320 7,889 5,122 6,217 2,145 32, 379 5,591 3, 978 1,359 6, .536 5, 258 6, 033 362 3,624 1880 24,408 4,974 249 7, 486 4,782 5, 504 1,662 32, 618 2,676 8,128 1,413 6,449 5,085 7, 29(1 465 4,253 minor civil divisions. Alexandria county Alexandria city Ward 1 2,494 Ward 2 2, 051 Ward 3 6,037 Ward 4 3, 757 Arlington district, incl. Freednian village. Freed man village Jeffei'son district Washington district Alleghany county Boiling Spring district Clifton district, including Clilton Forge town and Iron Gate, Longdale, and Lowmoor villages. Clifton Forge town Iron Gate village Longdale village Lowmoor village Covington district, iucl. Covington town. Covington town 1890 18, 597 14, 339 2,013 338 1,303 942 9,283 1,967 4,835 1,658 2,035 1,792 '99 Bio 2,481 1,893 704 436 1880 17,546 13, 659 1,754 1,319 814 5,586 h Charlottcsvillp city, fornievly in Charlottesville district, made independent since 1880. 408 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— aggregate POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutiuued. VIRG I IVI A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Amelia county. Giles district Jackson district. Lcigli district... Amherst county . Amlierst district, incl. Arnli erst town . Amlierst town Elon district I'edlar district Temperance district Appomattox county . Clover Hill district Soutbside district, incl. Pamplin town. Pamplin town Stonewall district 1890 3, 801 2,411 2,856 17, 551 Augusta county Beverly Manor district, including Staun- ton city and West End town. Staunton city Ward I 3.535 Ward 2 3 i 44° West End town Middle River district, including Mount Sidney village. Mount Sidney village North River district Pastures district Riverliead district, including Greenville and Middlebrook villages. Greenville village Middlebrook village South River district, including Waynes- boro town. Waynesboro town Bath county . Cedar Creek district Millboio district V/arm Springs district. Williaiusville district . . Bedford county Bellevue district (a) Central district (6), incl. Bedford town. Uedf ord town (6) Chamblissburg district Charlemont district Forest district Lisbon district Otter district Staunton district Bland county. Mechanicsburg district . Rocky Gap district Seddon district Sharon district Botetourt county. Amsterdam district, including part of Fincastle town (c). Buchanan district, incl. Buchanan village Buchanan village a Organized since 1880. b Formerly Liberty. c Not separately retunied. 4,424 59° 4,499 4, 993 3,635 9,589 3,860 3,148 294 2,581 37, 005 12,419 6,975 283 6,156 304 4, 153 3,554 4,785 328 222 5,938 646 4,587 867 1,542 1,0.58 1,120 31,213 1,432 7,908 2,897 3, 552 2, 720 4, 041 3,885 3,570 4,105 5,129 1,495 1,429 965 1,240 14, 854 5,477 4,144 S02 1880 10, 377 4,024 2,708 3,645 18, 709 4,619 4,342 5,065 4,083 10, 080 4,273 3,064 117 2,743 35, 710 12, 026 6,664 5, 549 244 4,313 3,991 4,757 296 274 5,074 484 4,482 1,360 1,075 1,099 31, 205 6,811 2,191 3,941 3,657 4,008 4,231 4,236 4,321 5,004 1,480 1,180 1,058 1,286 14, i 5,009 4,808 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Botetourt county — Continued. Fincastle district, including Eagle Rock and Glen Wilton villages and part of Fincastle town (c). Eagle Rock village Glen Wilton village Brunswick county. Meherrin district Powellton district Red Oak district Sturgeon district Totaro district, incl. Lawrencoville town . Lawrenceville town Buchanan county (d) Garden district Grundv district Rock Lick district (e) Buckingham county Curdsville district . . Francisco district - . - .J ames River district. Marshall district Maysville district . . . Slate River district . Campbell county Brookville district, including Daniel town, Lynchburg city, and Reuseu village. Daniel town Lynchburg city Ward I 8 , 197 Ward 2 4,612 Ward 3 6,900 Reusen village Falling River district , Otter River district, incl. Lynch village . Lynch village Rustburg district, incl. Eustburg village Rustburg village Seneca district Caroline county. Bowling Green district, including Bowl- ing Green town. Bowling Green town Madison district ■ Port Royal district, incl. Port Royal town Port Royal town Reedy Church district 1890 Carroll county. Fancy Gap district Laurel Fork district, including part of Hillsville town (c). Pine Creek district, including part of Hillsville town (c). Piper Gap district, including part of Hills- ^^lle town (c) . Sulphur Springs district, including part of Hillsville town (c). Charles City county . 5,233 223 455 17,245 4,333 2,898 3, 673 2,922 3, 419 305 5,867 2,299 2,114 1,454 14, 383 41, 087 24, 935 838 19,709 361 3,662 3,832 213 5,477 352 3,181 16, 681 6,083 15,497 2,272 3,932 3,120 2,973 3,200 5,066 1880 511 426 3,840 4,086 3, 091 3, 826 236 347 3,667 3,542 4,992 16, 707 4,112 2,933 4,069 2,600 2,933 238 5,694 1,623 1,871 15, 540 2,359 2,491 1,831 1,985 3,098 3, 397 2, 409 2,626 2, 022 2,167 2,664 2,874 36, 250 20, 318 445 I5>959 3, 230 3,834 5,359 194 3,509 17,243 5,789 13, 323 2,006 3,331 2,582 2,742 2, 662 5,512 Chickahomiuy district 1,250 1,464 Harrison district 2,036 1,987 Tyler district 1.780 2,001 d Sand Lick district (population 2,200 in 1880) abolished in 1880 ; taken to form Rock Lick district and Dickenson county. e Organized from part of Sand Lick district iu 1880. POPULATION. 409 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Contiuued. VI R«I1VI A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Chablotte county Bacon district Madison district Koanoke district AValton district, incl. Keysville village. . . Keysville village Chestbepield county (o) Bermuda district Clover Hill district, including Clover Hill village (6). Dale district Manchester district, incl. Manchester city . Manchester city • Ward I i,6o8 Ward 2 1.439 Wards ^'9'^ Ward 4 3.281 Mfttoaca district, including Ettricks and Matoaca villages. Ettricks village Matoaca village Midlothian district Clarke county Battletown district, including Berryville town (&). Chapel district, including Mill wood town . Millwood town Green way district Long Marsh district Ceaiq county Alleghany district Newcastle district, incl. Newcastle village Newcastle village Sinimonsville district CULPEPER COUNTY Catalpa district, including Culpeper town Culpeper town Cedar Mountain district Jefferson district Saleui district Stevensburg district Cumberland county . Hamilton district . Madison district. . . Randolph district , Dickenson county (c) . 1890 15, 077 3,704 3,370 4,902 3, 041 126 6,211 2,044 2,410 1,670 13, 632 9,246 4,162 545 2,293 8,071 2,010 2,357 400 1,691 1,413 3, 835 1,301 1,601 214 933 13, 233 3,361 1 .620 2,183 2,264 2,570 2,855 9,482 3, 276 3,196 3,010 5,077 Clintwood district, including Clintwood town (6). Ervington district Sand Lick district Willis district Dinwiddie county (d). Darville district. . . Namozine district . Rowanta district . . Sapony district 2,058 1,093 1,140 786 13, 515 2,961 4,350 3,919 2,285 1880 16, 658 4,053 3,562 5,703 3,335 "5 25, 085 2.279 3, 734 1,815 8,887 5.729 4,415 677 596 2,643 7,682 2,629 1,949 1,854 1, 250 3,794 1,268 1,536 182 990 13, 408 3,328 I, 613 2,583 2,252 2,590 2,655 10, 540 3,930 3,485 3,125 32, 870 3,348 3, 925 3,981 2,465 a Petersburg city, formerly in Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, and Prince George counties, made independent since 1880 ; population of that part formerly in Chesterfield county 1,312 in 1880. b Not separately returned. c Organized from parts of Buchanan, Russell, and Wise counties iu 1880. MINOR civil divisions. I Elizabeth City county. Chesapeake district, incl. Fort Monroe. . . Fort Monroe Hampton district («), coextensive with Hampton town. Hampton town Wythe district (/) Essex coctnty Central district, incl. Tappahannock vill Tappahannock village Occupacia district Rappahannock district Fairfax county. Centerville district Dranes\ ille district, incl. Hemdon town. Herndon town Falls Church district, incl. Palls Church town. Falls Church town Lee district Mount Vernon district Providence district, incl. Fairfax town (6) Faucjuibb county . Cedar Run district Center district, incl. Warrenton town Warrenton town Lee district iff) Marshall district Scott district, incl. Upperville village (b) Floyd county . Alum Ridge district. . . Burks Fork district . . . Indian VaUey district . Jacksonville district . . Little River district Locust Grove district . Fluvanna county. Columbia district, incl. Columbia village . Columbia village Cunningham district I Fork Union district Palmyra district Franklin county. Blackwater district Bonbrook district Brown Hill district GiU Creek district Little Creek district Long Branch district Maggodee districi. Rocky Mount district, including Rocky Mount town. Rocky Mounttown Snow Creek district Union Hall district 1890 16, 168 Back Creek district . Gainesboro district. . 9,815 741 2,513 2,513 3,840 10, 047 3,226 452 3,140 3,681 16, 655 2,127 2,994 795 3, 257 702 1,669 2.673 3,935 22, 590 2,683 5,106 1,346 4, 212 5,601 14, 405 1,721 2,365 2,012 2,735 2,622 2,950 9,508 2,309 239 2,378 3, 033 1,788 24, 985 2,332 2,314 2,332 3,505 1,752 1,892 1,240 3,399 628 2,459 3,754 Frederick county 17, 880 2,149 2,379 1880 10, 689 5, 070 52s 2,b»4 4, 025 11, 032 3, 710 574 3, 646 3, 676 16, 025 2,129 2,567 422 3, 281 660 1,643 2,555 3,850 22, 993 2.694 5, 55:» 1,464 4,136 5, 461 5,149 13, 255 1, 428 1, .547 2,171 2,748 2,592 2,769 10, 802 2,643 239 2,714 3,346 2,099 25, 084 2, 572 2, 257 2,055 3,747 1,663 1,947 1,192 3,370 315 2,705 3, 576 17, 553 2,184 2,247 d Petersburg city, formerly in Chesterfield, Dinwiddie. and Prince George counties, made independent since 1880 ; popula- tion of that part formerly in Dinwiddie county 19,151 in 1.S80. e Organized from Southtield district (population 1,594 in 1880) and part of Wythe district in 1880. / Part taken to form Hampton district in 1880. g Formerly Rappahannock. 410 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSHS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGEEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. VIKGIIVI A— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Febdeeick county — Continued. Opequon district, including Middletowii and Stephen towns. Middletown town Stephen town (o) Shawnee district Stonewall district Winchester city ■ • Wardl 1.557 Ward 2 !• '^''^ Wards l.^'S^ Ward 4 l-OSS Giles ooirNTT. Newport district, incl. Newport village. . Newport village Pearisburg district, incl. Pearisburgto wn Pearisburg town Pembroke district Walker Creek district Gloucesteb countt . Abingdon district . , Petsworth district , Ware district Goochland cotrNrr. Byrd district Dover district Licking Hole district Geayson county . Elk Creek district, incl. Independence town (6). OldtowTi district Wilson Creek district Geeene county. Monroe district Ruckersville district Stanardsvllle district, including Stanards vllle town. Stanardsville town Geeenesvillb county . 1890 Relfield district, incl. Belfield village Belfield village Hicksford district, incl. Hicksford village . Hicksford village Zion district Haupax county. Banister district, including Houston and South Boston towns. Houston town South Boston town Birch Creek district Black Walunt district Meadsville district Mount Carmel district Redbank district Roanoke district, including Clover Depot and Scottsburg villages. Clover Depot village Scottsburg village Staunton district 3,068 9,090 1880 3,003 410 372 443 479 1,975 1, 812 3, 113 3,349 5,196 4,958 8,794 1,424 144 2, 969 341 2,051 2,646 11, 653 5,510 2, 373 3, 770 9,958 3,620 2,907 3,431 14, 394 1,531 202 2,577 285 1,961 2,725 11, 876 5, 126 3,197 3,553 10, 292 5,486 3, 400 5,508 5,622 1,714 1,794 2,114 330 8,230 3,416 493 3,526 3,238 3,528 13, 068 5,299 3,084 4,685 5,830 1,692 1,911 2, 227 308 8,407 3,024 2,789 3,114 5'3.'i 2,025 ^22 2, 269 34, 424 33, 588 6, 004 4,262 1,285 1,789 4,904 328 5,662 4,47c 4,025 2,710 2, 433 2,015 2, 250 2,773 2,491 6,791 7,124 422 297 4,674 87 4,218 a Formerly Newtown. h Not sejjaratelv returned. c Part taken to'form Reed Creek district since 1880. MINOR civil divisions. Hanover county . 1890 17, 402 Ashland district, including Ashlandtown Ashland town Beaverdam district Henry district Heneico county. Brookland district Pairfield district Richmond city - . . Clay ward 18,703 Jackson ward 17, 210 Jefferson ward 10, 638 Madison ward 9, 271 Marshall ward 11, 372 Monroe ward 14, 194 Tuikalioe district Varina district 5,241 5,744 6,417 103, 394 Henry county. Horse Pasture district Irisburg district Leatherwood district Martinsville district (c), including Mar- tinsville village (6). Reed Creek district (d) Ridgeway district, incl. Ridgeway town . Ridgeway town Highland county . Blue Grass district- Monterey district.. Stonewall district. . 5,347 9,028 81,388 4,875 2,756 18, 208 Isle of Wight county Hardy district Newport district, incl. Smithfield town . Smithfield town Windsor district James City county. Jamestown district (e) . Powhatan district Stonebouse district Williamsburg city (c) . . King and Queen county. Bueua Vista district, including Center- ville village (6) . Newtown district Stevensville district King George county . Potomac district ....... Rappahannock district. Shiloh district King William county . Acquinton district Mangohick district West Point district, incl. West Point tn . West Point town 1880 4,924 2,324 2,889 3,768 1,874 2, 429 236 5, 352 1,762 1,571 2,019 11,313 4,081 3,792 3,440 5,643 1,254 1,536 1,022 1,831 3,178 3,662 6,641 2,485 2,030 2,126 9,605 2,672 2,411 4, 522 2,018 18, 588 5,494 764 6, 753 0,341 82, 703 4,117 6, 851 63, 600 4,727 3,408 16, 009 4,975 2, 01)1 2, 840 3,785 2,408 5,164 1,667 1, 406 2,091 10, 572 3,802 3,802 814 2,968 5,422 2,715 1,488 1,219 1,480 10, 502 3,233 3,287 3,982 6,397 2,222 2,176 1,999 8,751 3,142 2,549 3, 060 557 (a) village (a) . ) Tazewell county Clear Fork district, incl. Falls Mills vil- lage and Graham and Pocahontas towns. Falls Mills village Graham town Pocahontas town Jeffersonville district, including Jeffer- sonville town. Jefferson ville town Maiden Spring district Warren county. Cedai'ville district Fork district Front Royal district, including Front Royal town. Front Roval town South River district Warwick county . Deubegh district Newport district, incl. Newport News town. Newport News town Stanley district Washington county . Abingdon district, incl. Abingdon town.. .-Vbingdon town 1890 20, 078 3,858 3,949 173 2,498 3, 638 875 3, 142 2, 993 2,344 2, 033 2,439 4,528 2,889 1880 18, 012 3,898 3,424 2, .505 2,552 477 .739 14, 828 2, 356 1,887 1, 726 1, 393 8,256 2,050 3, 195 3,01] 2,256 1,982 7,597 5,010 7,211 2,341 1, 834 1,703 1,333 7,391 1,767 2, 972 2,652 2,073 1,991 2, 176 2, 468 2,392 8,313 228 1 ,02Z 2.953 5,813 604 5, 773 8,280 2,065 1,218 2,850 2,147 588 5,389 4,449 673 29, 020 5,506 1,674 10, 062 1,855 1, 685 2, 022 2,166 C 1, 439 ) 895 12, 861 4,278 4,508 508 4,075 7,399 2, 050 1,006 2,599 829 1,744 613 948 697 25, 203 4,721 1 ,064 a Not separately returned. b Part taken to form Dickenson county in 1880. c Fredericksburg city, formerly in Cortland district, made independent since 1880. 414 COMPENDIUM OP THE ELEVENTH OENSI Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOK CIVIL DI\ VIKOIIVIA— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVI "Washington county— Continued. • Gliide Spring district, iucluding Glade Spring village. 3,316 500 7,456 2,902 6,226 407 2,485 3, 934 3,214 3,109 8,399 2,628 262 5,394 1 ,562 3,209 137 2,557 3,829 2,954 3,120 8,846 Wise county— Contir Upps district Kichmond district, inc) Gap village {h). Goodson di.strict, including Bristol town and Wallace Switck village. Bristol town (a) Total for Bristol town, in civil district 17, Sullivan county, Tennessee, and Goodson district, Washington county, Virginia. Wallace Switch villa*^e Eobersou district Wythb county - . Black Lick district . I'ort Chiswell distric Speedwell district. . WytheviUe district^ ville town. Westmoreland county Wythevill. > 3,658 2.032 2,709 9,345 3,698 2,156 2,992 7,772 1,891 128 York coun Montross district, iucl. MontrossvUl. (b). W^asliiugton district Bruton district. . , Grafton district Nelson district, ii, Wise county (c) town. Gladeville district, incl. Gladevillo vill. Giadeville village 2,860 186 Yorktown to\ . . Pocoson district. 1880 1,394 1,333 1,321 14, 318 a Formerly Goodson. b Not separately returned. c Walker dist ri Dickenson countj en to form WASHINGTON. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Adams county (o). Asotin county (6) . Anatone precinct Asotin precinct, including Asotin town. Asotin tovfn Grande Ronde precinct Lake precinct Pleasant precinct Theon precinct Chehalis county (c) . Aberdeen town Cosmopolis town. . Elma town Gray Harbor city . Hoquiam town. ... Montesano town . . Wynooche village Clallam county (e) Port Crescent town . Clarke county (c) 11,709 1890 1880 2,098 1,580 167 635 200 276 134 132 236 9,249 1,638 287 345 523 1,302 1 ,632 125 364 921 5,490 I,a Camas town. Vancouver city . Columbia county (d). 417 3,545 6,709 7,103 Dayton city 1,880 a Organized from part of Whitman county in 1883 ; not returned by precincts. 6 Organized from part of Garfield county in 1883. c Not returned by precincts. d Part taken to form Garfield county in 1881 ; not returned by precincts. MINOR civir Cowlitz county ; Castle Rock town . Kalama town . . . . . Kelso town Douglas county (e) . Waterville town Franklin county (/). Fisli Hook precinct . Pas<'o ])recinct Wa.shtucna precinct. Garfield county ((j) Pomeroy city Island county (c) . Coupeville town . . San de Fuca town . Utsaladdy town... Jei'ferson county . Brinnon precinct Central precinct Cbiniacum precinct Hadlock precinct, incl. Hadlock village Hadlock village 1S90 5,917 681 325 354 3,161 106 480 110 3,897 661 1,787 513 249 207 8,368 225 226 172 304 237 1880 2,062 129 1,087 1,712 e Organized from part of Lincoln county in 1883; not re- turned by precincts. / Organized from part of Whitman county in 1883. g Organized from part of Columbia county in 1881 ; part taken to form Asotin county in 1883 ; not returned by pre- cincts. POPULATION. 415 Table 3.— AGGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Coutinued. W^ASHIIYGTON-Contiiiued. MINOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. Jeeteeson county — Continued. Irondale precinct Leliind precinct I'ort Discovery precinct Port Ludlow precinct, including Port Ludlow city. Port Ludlow city Port Town.'iend precinct, includini; Port Townsend city. Port Townsend city Ward I 1 , 964 Ward 2 2,594 Qiiilcene precinct Not located by precincts Kino count v (a). Ballard town Black Diamond town Des Moines town Edgewater town Franklin town Fremont town Kent city Renton town Ross town Seattle city Ward T..., 11.530 Ward 2 9,377 Ward 3 9,513 Ward 4... 12,417 Slaughter city Kitsap county . Big Bottom precinct Colby precimt Dogfish Bay precinct. . Olalla precinct Port Blakeley precinct, including Port Blakeley village. Port Blakeley village Port Gamble precinct, including Port Gamble village. Port Gamble village Port Madison precinct, including Port Madison town. Port Madison town Port Orchard precinct, incl. Sidney village. Sidney village Port Washington precinct Seabeck precinct Kittitas county (6) Cleelum town. . , Ellensburg city Roslvn town. . . . Klickitat county. Alder Creek precinct Camas Prairie precinct Centerville precinct Cleveland precinct Columbus precinct Gaunt precinct . Goldendale precinct, incl. Goldeudale li Goldendale town Hardison precinct Hartland precinct Luna precinct Paradise precinct Rockland precinct Spring Creek precinct Timber Valley precinct Trout Lake precinct White Salmon precinct 1890 42 239 913 258 236 5,677 4.558 ea, 989 1.173 561 212 191 647 802 853 406 218 .•2,837 4,624 314 234 254 160 907 643 836 420 452 269 579 226 571 257 8,777 243 2,768 5,167 352 318 .506 312 2119 81 1,833 702 303 207 222 122 112 207 131 63 189 1880 6,910 1,738 a Not returned by precincts. 6 Organized from part of Yakima county iii 1883; not re- turned by precincts. c Organized from i)art of Si)okane county and part taken to form Douglas county in 1883; not returned bv precincts. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lewis county . Alpha precinct Boisfort precinct ('entraUa precinct, incl. Centralia city. - . Centralia city Chehalis precinct, incl. Chehalis city Chehalis city Cloquato precinct Cowlitz precinct, incl. Cowlitz town Cowlitz town Edonia precinct Elk precinct ^ Hanaford precinct . . .^. Klickitat precinct Lincoln Creek precinct Little Falls precinct Napavine precinct Salkum precinct Salmon Creek precinct Toledo precinct, including Toledo town . Toledo town Vance precinct Winlock precinct Not located by precincts Lincoln county (c). Davenport town Sprague town Wilbur town. ... Mason county (a) . Shelton town Okanogan county (d). ConconnuUv town Pacific county (a) . Ilwaco town Oysterville town. Pierce county . Aldcrton precinct Artondale precinct Buckley precinct Carbonado precinct, incl. Carbonado vill.. Carbonado village Clover Creek precinct Fernllill precinct.. } , , Sprague precinct. . . > Fox Island jirecinct Gig Harbor jirecinct, incl. Gig Harbor vill. Gig Harbor village Lake Bay precinct Lake Tappa precinct Lakeview precinct, incl. Lakeview town. . Lakeview town McNeil Island precinct Minter precinct Muck precinct Ortiug precinct, including Orting village. Orting village Puyallup precinct, incl. Puyallup town . . . Puyallup town Rosedale precinct Roy precinct South Prairie precinct Steilacoom precinct, incl. Steilacoom tn . . . Steilacoora town Sumner precinct, including Sumner to wn . Sumner town 1890 11,499 387 517 2,842 2 .026 1,818 1,309 716 383 375 260 128 138 434 294 440 898 337 280 364 276 220 877 166 9, 312 396 1,689 410 2,826 648 1,467 4,358 517 197 50, 940 292 298 878 727 705 191 2,804 120 407 321 124 226 439 256 161 174 338 986 623 2,001 1,732 79 705 539 878 270 1,206 580 1880 2,600 639 1,645 85 125 3,319 d Organized from part of Stevens county in 1883; not re- turned by precincts. e Not separately returned. 416 COMPENDIDTVI OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS— Continued. WASHIIVGTOIV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Pierce county— Continued. Tacoma city Ward 1 3, 779 Ward 2 12, 343 Ward3 11,282 Ward4 8,602 Tan wax precinct A^auglin precinct Wilke.son precinct Not located by precincts San Juan county Henry Island precinct Lopez Island precinct Orcas I.sland nrecinct San Juan Island precinct, incl. Roche Harbor village. Roche Harbor village Smith Island precinct Not located by precincts Skaoit county (a) . Anacortes town Deception town Fir town Hamilton town La Conner town Mount Vernon town Skamania county (6) Cascades town Snohomish county Bear Creek precinct Beecher Lalse precinct Edmonds precinct Fernwood precinct Florence precinct Fort Susan precinct Gold Bar precinct Highland precinct Kent Prairie precinct Lake precinct Lowell precinct MarysvUle precinct, incL Marysville tn . Marysville town Mountain precinct Mukilteo precinct North Fork precinct Park Place precinct Pilchuck precinct Portage precinct • •■ Snohomish precinct, incl. Snohomish city Snohomish city Stan wood precinct Stillaguamjsh precinct Sultan precinct Tualco precinct ; Spokane county (c) Cheney town Latah village Medical Lake town Rockf ord town Spangle town Spokane city Ward 1 5.403 Ward 2 4,324 Wards 3,59^ Ward 4 6.597 1S90 1880 278 185 2,072 13 321 543 992 247 8 195 8,747 1,131 297 280 203 398 770 1,098 809 164 8,514 114 73 384 200 295 19 134 150 514 126 287 664 262 94 92 186 1113 488 129 2, 469 1,993 803 739 236 215 37,4 1,387 647 232 617 644 3°3 19,922 4, 262 36 350 MINOR CIVIL divisions. Stevens county (d) . Colville village (e). Marcus village Thurston county (6) . a Organized from part of Whatcom county in 1883 ; not re- turned by precincts. 6 Not returned by precincts. c Part taken to form Lincoln county in 1883 ; not returned by precincts. dPart taken to form Okanogan county m 1883; not re- turned by precincts. Bucoda town Olympia city Ward 1 2 , 343 Ward 2 1 , 126 Ward 3 t , 229 Tenino town Tumwater town Wahkiakum county (b) Walla WALLA county (6) . Prescott vdlage Waitsburg village Wallawalla city Ward 1 1 , 427 Ward 2 i>349 Ward 3 954 Ward 4 979 AVallula village Whatcom county (/) . Baker precinct Barnes precinct BeUingham precinct Biich Bay precinct Blaine precinct, coextensive with Blaine city. Delta precinct East Ferndale precinct Excelsior precinct Fairhaven city Lake precinct Licking precinct Lumas precinct Lummi precinct Lynden precinct, incl. Lynden village Lvnden village NewWhatcom precinct, including Sehome village (3). Nooksachk precinct Rome precinct Semiahmoo precinct Tenmile precinct Terry precinct West Ferndale precinct Whatcom precinct, incl. Whatcom city. .. Whatcom cit v Not located by precincts Whitman county (ft) Colfax town Farmington town. Garfield town Oakesdale town. . . Palouse city Pullman town Rosalia village Tekoa town Uniontown town. . Takima county ()■) . North Yakima city. Yakima city 1890 4,341 539 311 9,675 339 410 2,526 12, 224 313 817 4.709 5-8 18,591 349 182 293 237 1,563 236 350 319 4,076 82 221 178 230 823 560 2,140 670 248 190 351 80 579 4, 827 ■1.0S9 367 19, 109 418 317 528 ,"9 301 Z79 4,429 ,535 196 e Formerly Fort Colville. fVart taken to form Skagit county in 1883. g Not separately returned. h Parts taken to form Adams and Franklin counties in 1883 ; not returned by precincts. i Part taken to form Kittitas county m 1883 ; not returned by precincts. POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION RY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. WEST VIRCillVIA. [The word "district" means magisterial district.] 417 AnNOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Barbour county . Barker district (a) Cove district Elk district .'.".""' Glade district " ' . Philippi district, incl. Philippi town Philippi town Pleasant district Union district Valley district (b) .' 1890 1880 12, 702 Berkeley county . Arden district Falling Waters district . Gerardstown district. Hedeesville district, including Hedges- vill,' town. Hedgesville town Martinsburg district, coextensive with Martinsburg town. Mill Creek district Opequon district 1 Boone county . Crook district Peytona district Scott district Sherman district Washington district. Braxton county . Birch district Holly district, including Sutton towxi. Sutton town Kanawha district Otter district .,[[ Salt Lick district Brooke county. Buffalo district, incl. Bethany village (c) Cross Creek district, incl. Lazearvifle viU Lazearville village ^^.V^JS district, coextensive with wellsburg city. Wellsburg citv : Ward Ward 2 738 "varuz o- Wards ::...::: Ii? Cabell county . Barbonrsville district, including Bar- boursville village (c). Grant district, including Milton town Milton town Gnyandotte district, iuci.' Guyandotte vil'-' lage and Huntington city. Guyandotte village Huntington city War^i ••■•„,■ Ward2 i'fj Wards.....::: ^'^f McComas district '.'.'.'.'.'. *^ Union district Calhoun county Center district .. Lee district Sheridan district Sherman district 1,725 1,986 912 1,517 2,443 378 1,620 1,171 1,328 18, 702 11, 870 2,561 2,008 1,008 1,447 2,009 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Clay county 1,820 1,188 2,549 2,904 448 7,226 1,276 1,739 6,885 1,189 1,131 1,403 1,522 1,640 13, 928 2,717 2,450 276 2,468 3,662 2,631 6,660 2,347 2,078 „ 317 2,235 23, 595 1,838 3,391 548 13, 545 I>5°2 10,108 2,178 2,643 8,155 1,395 1, 965 1,275 Washington district .-:::::::::::::::::;:) iilti la^'^lt^Sf'' ^""™ y*'"*'y '"«*"<=t siuce 1880. cvT^Xl^rl^^^t'^^^ «l-t-t since 1880. 372 27 1,430 1,407 17, 380 1,812 1,249 2,358 2,714 383 6,335 1,306 1,606 5,824 859 1,321 1,177 1,136 1,331 9,787 Buffalo district... Henry district Otter district Pleasant district . Union district Doddridge county . 1890 4,659 Central district Grant district Greenbrier district (d) McClellan district New Milton district (e) Southwest district ... We.st Union district, inci. West Union Vn West Union town Tayette county 2,139 2,140 279 1,814 2,138 1,556 Falls district Fayetteville district .::::::: Kanawha distri*, including Mount Car bon and Powelton towns. Mount Carbon town Powelton town Mountain Cove district,' including Caper ton and Nnttallburg towns. Caperton town Nuttallburg town Quinnimont district (/) Sewell Mountain district . : 12, 183 1, .383 2,067 1, 6.55 2,270 1, .592 1,492 1,724 312 20, 542 1880 3,460 906 664 ,091 804 851 529 986 813 825 650 10, 552 1,185 1,669 Gilmer county . 6,013 2,252 1,946 68 1,815 2,250 377 5,883 819 3.174 1,964 2,003 6,072 Center district Dekalb district Glenville district, incl. Gienviile towii' Glenville town . .. Troy district V.'.'.V '. Grant county. Grant district. . Milroy district . Union district.. 1,099 4,110 4,451 432 491 5,123 ";62 2,659 3,100 9,746 2,476 1,974 2,794 2,502 6,802 1,717 2, 934 1,393 1,654 356 11, 560 837 2,784 2,076 3,041 Greenbrier county. 1, 090 1, 365 1, 123 1,201 1, 293 Anthony Creek district Blue Sulphur district Falling Spring district. . . Fort Spring district, incl. Eonceverte tn" Ronceverte town Irish Corner district .'..'.' Lewisburg district, incl. LewiVburg town Lewisburg town Meadow Bluff district '.'.'.' [ , , , „ White Sulphur district ( ?' Hf Williamsburg district :::': 2012 1,846 2,456 2,500 18, 034 277 2,822 7,108 1,728 1,583 2,045 236 1,752 5,542 2,305 2,978 2,257 481 1,499 2,213 1,016 Hampshire county Bloomery district Capon district Gore district Mill Creek district...:::::."::: Romney district, incl. Eomney town : Romnev town Sherman district Springfield district 11, 419 1,683 1,552 2,279 918 1,743 451 1,911 1, 333 1,829 2,374 1,339 15, 060 767 1,945 2,558 1,530 395 1,188 1, 913 985 2, 113 1,499 1,547 10, 366 gi-ganized from part of New Milton district in 1885. « rart taken to form Greenbrier district in 1885 / Organized since 1880. 1,537 1,.501 2,143 710 1, ,565 371 1,492 1,418 418 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. T.B.K ..-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coot.aued. WEST VIRGINIA— Continued. Hancock county. Butler district, including Anderson town. Cla^SSdingNewCumberlaiia- town. New Cumberland town ?oe"Ju:^S^ciudingFa{n;^w-tow::: Fairview town H ABDY COUNTY Capon district, iucl. WardensvUle town. Wardensville town ^Sdl^firicl. MoorfleWiown: : Moortield town South Fork district 1,220 2l8 ■i, 240 2,305 1, 120 834 226 7, 567 1,003 1,878 1,218 1,107 894 Kanawha conNTY— Continued. T..fffir«on district, incl. St. Alban.s tn. (d) ioudonSisJriM,, incl. Browustown village Brownstown village •■•,■;•,•;■•■;;,:■„• Maiden district, including Maiden town Maiden town Toca district Union district Washington district 6,794 2,117 106 2,071 1,744 495 , 1,635 I 1,879 I2J 1,765 1,635 554 1,515 Lewis county Collins Settlement district Court House district Freeman Creek district ....-.-■- • - ■ Hacker Creek district, including Janelew and Weston towns. Janelew town Weston town Skin Creek district HABRISON COUNTY Clark district, including part of Clarks- burg town. Clarksburg town (part ot ) ..... .•.■•• Total for tlarksburg town, in Clark and Coal districts. Clay district, including Shmnaton town.. CoafdislSi^PartofClarksbiirg-tn;: Clarksburg town (part ot ) Eagle district Elk district Grant district S^toWct;,-ir;ci;Bridg;iortViilage; Bridgeport village ■ • ■ • ■ • Tenmile district, incl. Salem village TJniondSt^li!?5n^kWestMiitodviil^ge West Milford village 21, 919 20, 181 Jackson county. 2,956 1,711 ^,008 2,025 403 2, 802 1,297 2, 123 1,470 1,650 2, 323 1,777 455 2,373 310 2,420 2tO 19, 021 LlNCOU^ COUNTY . 2,143 1,596 11, 246 8,739 t^n^ddistrict,-includingKaven^ wood town. Ravenswood town • ... • • ■ • • • • •• ■ ■ ■ Kipley district, including Kipley town. . Ripley town Union district Washington district 2,661 1,372 2 , 307 1, 736 289 I 2,517 935 1,813 1,500 1,590 1,930 1,085 395 2,343 248 2,406 Carroll district Duvall district Hart Creek district . . - Jeflerson district Laurel HUl district.. -- Sheridan district Union district - • - - Washington district . . 16, 312 Logan county. Cbainnansville district HaidiH- district • Log.irtlistrict;including Logan town (d) . 2,702 1, 523 1,455 11, 101 7,329 Jefferson county Charlestown district, including Charles- town town. var and Harpers Ferry towns. Bolivar town Harpers Ferry town S^e^d^Sl^^dingMiddieway ShepVerditown district (e), including Shepherdstown town. Shepherdstown town Kanawha county. 3,765 4,830 817 4,961 417 2, 442 3,023 15, 553 4,524 2,287 3,264 958 2,062 2, 352 3,351 1,515 42, 756 Magnolia district Triadelphia district Big Sandy district feSift?S?l;;of.ci^est;u;city;; Ward2 I'l^i Wards 3.077 Elk district 1,960 7,940 10, 222 6,742 3,466 3,805 681 4, 208 425 2,254 2,579 15, 005 3,828 2 ,016 1,219 822 764 2,376 1,854 1,533 32, 466 McDowell county. Big Creek district Elkhorn district -;-■---• Sandy River district 7,300 1, 271 4, 195 1,834 Marion county Fairmont district, incl. Fairmont town. . . Fairmont town Grant district ^SS^tstnct;inci;Manni\;gtontn Eivesville towns. Fairview town UniSi^ri^'SdingPaUitinetoWn: Palatine town Winfield district 3,074 1, 026 1,008 1,040 20,721 n,198 2,081 1,412 4,773 5,564 4,192 4, 374 3, 762 Marshall county ville city. , . ,. Moundsville city (part ot) . . . . ■ • • ■■■^^ Total for Moundsville city, in Clay and Washington districts. S2;: ■•::::::::: ^«^ Ward 3 . . Franklin district Liberty district - 1 Meade district 3,228 1 ,02; 2,085 2, 982 5, 605 go8 2,311 235 165 2, 319 860 2,191 20, 735 18, 840 2 047 1,735 I, 702 1. 608 1,027 675 1,979 2,567 1,546 a Formerly INew Salem. , -.fii in " Bolivar llisirict (population 1,661 m 1880. , ^ , c Formerly Osburn. 1880) annexed since d Not separately returnecl. (population 1880r&^ i^?o%f9e;dttowndistricf Since 1880. 4,067 in POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. WJEST VIRGIIVIA-Contiiiued. 419 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. MARSHAI.L conNTY— Continued. 1890 Sand Hill district Union district, including Benwood and McMechen towns. Benwood town McM echeii town ,...'. Washington district, including wards 2 and 3 of Monndsville city. Moundsville city (part of). . Webster district .'.'.' 1880 Makon county. Arbuckle district Clendenen district Cologne district, including Loon viilage Leon village Cooper district Graham district, including Hartford aiid New Haven villages. Hartford village New Haven vdlage Hannan district Lewis district, incl. Point Pleasant towii Point Pleasant town .' Robinson district Union district ..'. Waggener district, incl. Clifton' Masoii' ' and West Columbia villages. Clifton village Ma.son village !!!.].!!!! West Columbia village . ', . . , . , . , 1,272 4,872 2.934 427 3,136 2,013 1,614 22, 863 1,197 3,804 Mercer coonty Beaver Pond district, incl.Blucfield vill Bluefield village East River district, incl. Princeton town' Princeton town Jumping Branch district..".'.'.' Plymouth district Rock district, including Bram weli'to\vn ' Bramwell town 2,117 3,124 1,635 242 2,385 2,124 446 S9S 2, 236 2, 435 1,853 1,129 2,316 3,362 673 1 ,029 250 16, 002 2,684 1,768 22, 293 Mineral cocnty , Cabin Run district Klk district (a), incl. Elk Garden town Elk Garden town Frankfort district .'.'.'.'.' New Creek district, inci. Keyser'town Keyser town Piedmont district, inci.'Piedm'o'nt t'n.' (b) Welton district Monongalia county. 4,550 '.775 3,082 320 999 1,848 5,523 499 12, 085 2,040 2,741 1,3.% 127 1,945 2,260 567 538 2,285 1,646 1 ,036 1,267 2,174 4,585 974 1,186 727 7,467 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Morgan couNTY-Continued. Great Cacapon district, incl. Pawpaw tn Pawpaw town Rock Gap district .'.'.'.' Sleepy Creek district Timber Ridge district Nicholas county. Beaver district (c) Grant district Hamilton district Jefferson district Kentucky district ... Siimmorsville district. Wilderness district . . . Ohio county 1,853 'i,'887 729 1, 263 1,735 815 3, 294 723 1,488 3,337 2, 165 2,236 915 8,630 807 699 1,353 2,786 1.693 2,108 877 Battello district Cass district Clay district ' ' Clinton district Grant district Morgan district, includi'ng'Morgant'own and South Morgantown towns. Morgantown town South Morgantown town .' Union district 15, 705 14, 985 Monroe county Red Sulphur district. . . Second Creek district . . Springfield district ] Sweet Springs district Union district, including Union" town! ' ' union town Wolf Creek district, incl'.'A'ld'ers"on"t"ow'n ."ilQerson town Morgan county Allen district ^^^'^'^tnct,includingBerkel'ey"Spring"s' a Formerly Elk Garden. 2,452 1,495 2,827 2,352 2,118 2,973 1 ,011 , ^85 1,488 12, 429 1,575 2, 183 1,7.55 2, 030 348 2,041 663 6,744 883 1,529 2,293 1,459 2,522 2,126 2,156 2,722 745 Liberty district, includin village (6). Richland district. . . Triadelphia district, "i'ncl".' "Elm" 'Grove' Loatherwood (b) and Triadelphia vills. iilm Grove village . . . Triadelphia village. ww^r*"" 'H'*,"''' <"^«l"siv'eof ward l". Wheeling city),coextensive with Ful^ ton town. ^m'^'k "^ city, comprising Center, Clav f^rtT' ^'i*'*''*"' Union, and w'ebste; trfct '"' ^ Washington dis- Ward 1 i ,„, Ward 2 i-^f^ Ward3 i'Zl Ward 4 ::::: ff.it Ward5 to- ward 6 ;:; I'l]'; Ward7 f/lH ward8 ;::::::::;:' 5; 476 AVest Liberty 1, 572 1, 639 1,508 3,464 1,525 3,027 236 313 529 34, 522 30, 737 Pendleto.n- county. Bethel district . . Circleville district Franklin district, incl. Franklin "town 0) Mill Knn district Sugar Grove district Union district Pleasants county 1,707 11,501 2,557 1,464 2,066 1,6,50 2,026 372 1,738 478 5,777 907 1,161 Grant district Jefferson district Lafayette district. McKim district ". '. Union district "^"shington district, incl.'s"t."Mary v'iil" t>t. Mary village Pocahontas county . Academ.y district, incl. Hillsboro village HiUsboro village.. Edray district Greenbank district Huntorsville district Pre.ston county. Grant district, incl. Brandonville villaeo Brandonville village. . . Kingwood district, iud. Kingwood in' '(6) ' ' Lyon district, including Austen Inde- pendence, and Newbiirg towns. Austen town Independence town Newburg town... Pleasant district Portland district, inci. Terra Alta'tow'ii i erra Alta town Keno district, incl. Rowlesburg village.' '. '. '. Rowlesburg village Union district Valley district 8,711 97? 1,370 1,545 1,568 1,352 1,897 7,539 ^,066 1,544 774 1,064 1,795 1,296 520 6,814 8,022 966 1,313 1,363 1,421 1,264 1,695 6,256 673 1,173 5,591 2,193 82 2,315 3,363 269 273 778 1,891 3,264 1,596 99 1, 566 1,454 975 19,091 2,191 107 2,027 3, 403 244 802 1,825 2,875 b Not separately returned. c Organized since 1880. 420 OOMPEKDIUM OF THE ELEVEIfTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. WEST VIRGINIA— Contlntied. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Putnam county Buffalo district, inchiding Buffalo village Buffalo village _ • • CuiTV district, Inol. Hurricane village . . . Hurricane villaj^e ........•■■• Pooatalico district, mcludiug Poca town. Poca town • •• .• • ■ ■ ■ ■ • • •.-, Scott district, including Winfield village . Winfield village Teayse Valley district Union district 14, 342 Raleigh county. Clear Fork district Marsh Fork district Richmond district Shady Spring district Slab Pork district. ...-..-...--.--- - - • Town district, including Beckley village. Beckley village Trap Hill district 2,090 238 2,823 207 2,885 284 2,295 302 1,690 2, 559 9,597 1880 11,375 Randolph county . Beverly district, including Beverly town. Beverly town Dry Pork district Huttonsville district ..... .... -....• • • - ■ - ■ Leadsville district (a), incl. Elkins village Elkins village Middle Fork district (6) Mingo district (c) New Interest district (d) Roaring Creek district (e) Valley Bend district (/) 1,063 1.539 986 1,586 951 2,305 158 1,167 11,033 1,907 35' 2.076 67 1,860 145 2,375 305 1,401 1,756 7,367 minor CIVIL divisions. 1,026 1,121 725 1,223 813 1,498 144 961 8,102 Taylor county Fetterman district, incl. Fetterman town Fetterman town Flemington district Grafton district (3), coextensive Grafton town. Grafton town KnottBville district (h) Tucker county Black Fork district Clover district Ritchie county Clay district, including Pennsboro town . "Pennsboro town Grant district Murphy district ----- Union iiistrict, incl. HarrisviUe town. . . Harrisville town 1,358 1,075 343 =35 1,805 1,268 1,172 837 1,913 1,648 966 1,020 1,055 881 1.122 764 872 822 688 519 16, 621 13,474 Dry Fork district Fairfax district (i), including Davis and Thomas villages. Davis villa" Thomas village Licking district '..V ' ' " St. George district, incl. St. George village St. George village Tyler county Centerville district Ellsworth district bourne village (j). Lincoln district, inol. SislersviUe village Sistersville village McElroy district Meade district. -- Union district... Upshur county Roane county Curtis district Geary district Harper district Reedy district Smithfield district ■ Spencer district, including Spencer town Spencer town Walton district Summers county* Forest Hill district Greenbrier district, incl. Hinton town. Hinton tov/n Green Sulphur district Jumping Branch district Pipestem district - - ■ - - ■ • ■ - - - ■ ■ Talcott district, including lalcott village Talcott village Taylor county. Booth Creek district ............ Court House district, including Webster and West Grafton towns. Webster town West Grafton town Fork Lick district Glade district Hacker Valley district Holly district Wetzel Banks district, incl. Centerville town (j). Buckh annon district, including Buckhan non town. Ruckhannon town , Meade district . Union district... Warren district. Washington district . Wayne county Butler district, incl. Cassville village Cassville village .......... Ceredo district, incl. Ceredo village Ceredo village Grant district Lincoln district Stonewall district Union district, incl. Fairview village Fairview villa: Webster county a Formerly Green. 6 Formerly Union. c Formerly Mingo Flats. d Formerly Clay. e Formerly Scott. / Formerly Clarke. Center district . Church district Clay district (i) Grant district. Green district. . , ,. _ ., Magnolia district, including BrooKlyn and New Martinsville towns. Brooklyn town New Martinsville town Proctor district oPart taken to form KnottsviUe district since 1880 h Organized from part of Grafton district since 1880. i Organized since 1880. j Not separately returned. f laan „- 1 osk- k Printed in the report of the census of 1880 as 1,286 , ably a typographical error. prob POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiuued. WEST VIBGIIVIA-Continued. 421 MIXOB CIVIL DIVISIONS. WiET COUNTY. 1890 Burning Springstlistrict.inchidiug Burn- ing Springs town. Burning Springs town Clay district Elizabeth district, incl. Elizabeth village Elizabeth village Iv evrark district Reedy district Spring Creek district Tucker district Wood county . Clay district Harris district, including BellBville town Belleville town Lubeek district Parkersburg district, including Parkers- burg city. Parkersburg city Ward I '...'.'.'. "iV-,oV 9, 411 1,767 S42 950 2,193 710 640 1,380 964 1,517 28, 612 1, 8.58 2,494 208 2,491 10,697 1880 7,104 1,332 434 798 1,348 395 681 834 705 1,406 25, 006 1,713 2, 544 2l8 2, 123 7,859 6,582 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Wood county— Continued. Parkersburg city— Continued. Wardz Wards 2'777 ward4 ..:::. vill Slate district '_" Steele district Tygart district Union district Walker district Williams district, incl. wilViamstown tn Williamstown town Wyoming county . Baileysville district (a) Barker Kidge district . . Center district Clear Fork district (6). . Huff Creek district (b) . . Oceana district Slab Fork district 1890 1, 107 2, 563 1,684 1,875 2, 253 1,590 376 6,247 1880 a Organized from parts of Clear Fork and Huff Creek dis- tricts in 1881. 628 867 1,404 762 483 1, 343 760 1,067 2,567 1. 553 1, 615 2,307 1,658 4,322 596 1, IIUO 628 587 939 572 b Part taken to form Baileysville district in 1881. wiscoNsirv. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Adams county. Adams town, incl. Friendship village Friendship village Bis Flats town Dell Prairie town __[[ Easton town Jackson town Leola to wn \..\.[ . ..[ Lincoln town ] Monroe town [\. ....]. New Chester town ] New Haven town Preston town Qiriucy town [ J ] Riclifl'eld town Rome town Springville town Strong Prairie town 1890 Ashland county (a). Ashland city (b) . . wardi ::::::;::::-i:i45 Ward 2 1 714 Ward 3 ..__ j' ^^2 Ward 4 2 301 . Yr^^ ■:;::■.".:■. 2:72* Ashland town Butternut town ] Jacobs town (h), including Morse viilatie' Morse village Knight town (6) Vaughn to^^^l (6), ineluding'GuileVHnr- ley, and Pence villages. Guile village Hurley village Peace village ..'. IS6 .322 448 376 504 240 440 462 344 746 209 393 335 238 474 870 20, 063 1880 9,956 Barron county (c) ,507 ,210 ,277 33' 039 ,474 421 ,267 409 15,416 6,741 447 137 158 500 450 482 238 434 448 304 836 136 397 308 219 437 947 1,559 951 608 7,024 183 a Part taken to form Sawyer county in 1883 b Organized since 1880. Rice Lake town (population 454 in 1880) abolished since 1880. a .■itv''-fnrt°.,Ti!^?'''/''™?'^^:''? ^^"'"^ t"^™' i"c.orporated as a ( it.y and made independent since 1880 ««tr'"V''f'''"'^ village, formerly in Cumberland town in- corporated as a city and made independent since 1880 ' minor civil DIVISIONS. Barron countt— Continued. Barron to wn (d) Cedar Lake town Chetek town, including Chetek viVlage Chetek village Clinton town Cumberland city (e) . wardi ..:...... :::;;;:;;;"""334 Wards fill Ward 3 '.'.'.'.'.'..'.\ll[[] 274 Cumberland town (e) Dallas town Maple Grove town............'. Oak Grove town (6) Prairie Farm town .! Rice Lake city (/). Z^'^ll :;;;:;;;;;::;;"576' Ward 2 ^.ji Ward 3 -.i] Ward 4 ::;;:;;: i^l Stanfold town (/) Stanley town (6) Sumner town Turtle Lake town (7) Vance Creek town lb) 1890 Bayfield county. Bayfield city (h) Bayfield town (h) Drummoud town (6) . Mason town {b) Washburn city (6) . . . Washburn town (b) . Brown county , 400 531 1,728 406 479 1,219 1,546 1, 033 976 608 1,047 2, 130 748 365 874 314 7,390 1880 353 351 203 248 642 694 505 1,.373 527 696 1, 095 3, 039 660 39, 164 828 362 926 479 226 564 363 479 838 3,625 969 1,102 4,754 495 564 34, 078 AUouez town Ash waubenon town Bellevue town Depere city (i) Depere town Eaton town ' Fort Howard city ... ^^■'^'■iif If porareu ■i>^^'\^J^^ ,.^„„, ^yjtijee town since 1880. POPULATION. 423 Table 3.— AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. WISCOIVSIIV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Clark oouNTY—Continued. Warner town Washburn town Weston town Withee town (a), iucl. part of Thorp vill . Thorp village (part of) York town 1890 1880 Columbia county Arlington town Caledonia town Columbu.s city Colurabu.s town Cortland town, iucl. part of ( Cambria vill . Cambria village (part of) Total for Cambria village, in Cortland and Randolph towns, Dekorra town, iucl. Poynette village Poynette village . . .' Fort Winnebago town Fountain Prairie town Hampden town Leeds town Lewiston town Lodi town, including Lodi village Lodi village Low ville town Marcellon town Newport town, incl. Kilbourn village Kilbourn village Otsego town (b) Pacific town Portage city Ward 1 . .'- 634 Ward 2 879 Ward 3 969 Ward 4 1, 200 Ward 5 1, 461 Randolph town, incl. part of Cambria vill Cambria village (part of) Randoljjh village (part of) Total for Randolph village, in Colum- bia and Dodge counties. Rio village (t) Scott town Springyale town , West Point town Wy ocena town .Wl 200 863 959 235 836 28, 350 Crawford county Bridgeport town Clayton town, incl. Soldiers Grove vill. (c) Eastman town Freeman town, incl. part of De Soto vill. De Soto village (part of) Total for DeSoto village (d), in Free- man town, Crawford county, and Wheatland town, Vernon county. Haney town Lynxvillo village (e) Marietta town Prairie du Chicn city Ward 1 '. 629 Ward 2 1, 131 Ward 3 1, 063 Ward 4 308 Prairie du Cliien town Scott town Seneca town (c) Utica town Wauzeka town 828 1,336 1,977 800 1,245 430 524 1,386 517 646 1,315 861 1,171 93C 1,375 736 733 846 1,448 961 1,127 255 5,143 974 94 79 405 339 824 703 701 1, 303 15, 987 Dane county. Albion town Berry town Black Earth town, incl. Black Earth vill. Black Earth village 410 2, 0.50 1,436 1,496 79 355 738 243 1,300 3, 131 002 1,079 1,197 1,389 916 59, 578 435 153 530 477 28, 0G5 1,022 1,297 1,876 805 1,321 409 504 1,278 366 689 1,300 944 1,1.57 993 1,462 723 818 835 1,520 945 1,442 249 4,346 1,057 95 64 421 230 830 680 852 1,228 15, 644 448 1,976 1,459 1,544 301 636 155 1,037 2, 777 724 1,046 1,446 1,496 1,055 53, 233 1,516 1,351 1,003 1,066 742 902 355 i a Organized from part of Thorp town since 1880. • 'is^?" ^''"'*S'^' *'"'™'^rly in Otsego town, made independent c Not separately returned. d in 1880 iu Wlieatlaud town, Vernon county, only. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Dane county— Continued. Blooming Grove town Blue Mounds town Bristol town Burke town Christiana town, incl. Cambridge viilage Cambridge village Cottage Grove town Cross Plains town Dane town Deerfield town, includingiJeerfieid village Deerfield village Dunkirk town Dunn town, including McFarland village . McFarland village Fitchburg town Madison city Ward 1 . . .' 2, 845 Ward 2 2, 943 Ward 3 1,512 Ward 4 2^ 284 Ward 5 2, 164 Ward 6 1,678 Madison town Mazomanie town, incl. Mazomanie village Mazomanie village Medina town, including Marshall village. Marshall village Middletown town Montrose town, incl. BelleviUe village . . . Belleville village Oregon town, including Oregon viilage. . Oregon village Perry town Pleasant Springs town Primrose town Roxbury town Rutland town Spriugdaletowu Spriuofield town Stoughton city Ward 1 i_ 097 Ward 2 1' 373 Sun Prairie town Sun Prairie village Vermont town Verona town Vienna town Westport town, including Mendota and Waunakee villages. Mendota village Waunakee village Windsor town York town Dodge county . Ashippiin town Beaverdam city Ward 1 721 AVard 2 1, 107 Ward 3 1,235 Ward 4 ] , 159 Beaverdam town Burnett town, iucl. Buruett J unction vill Burnett J unction village Calamus town Chester town Clyman town Elba town Emmett town Fox Lake town, incl. Fox Lake village. . . Fox Lake village ". Herman town Horicon village (/) Hubbard town (/) Hustisford town, iucl. Hustisford village. Hustisford village Juneau city (3) Lebanon town Leroy town Lomira town 999 1,449 1,093 1,129 2,379 452 1,305 1,103 1,161 1,573 338 1,406 1,113 166 958 13, 426 1880 312 1,329 963 44,984 1,344 4,222 927 1,009 1, 139 1,002 1,859 303 1,159 1,331 1,161 972 1,283 1,140 978 10,324 919 735 1,482 1,646 • i°34 1,393 1,406 282 3^2 1,433 1,513 1,251 1,108 3'9 1,436 1,514 595 527 996 924 1,501 1,278 889 888 1,073 1,157 1,222 1, 133 1,120 1,006 1,111 1, 240 2, 470 1,353 912 923 704 597 892 961 1, 225 1,017 1, 009 1,051 1,893 1,987 627 657 279 1,210 45, 931 1,369 3,416 1,341 1,405 1,026 1,117 140 1,083 "3 1,166 736 750 1,293 1,235 1,117 1,341 1,248 1,263 1,610 1,791 814 1,478 1,641 1,354 1, 250 1,690 3, 249 1, 639 1,666 513 701 488 454 1,505 1,580 1,413 1, ,588 1,816 1, 845 e Lynxville village, formerly in Seneca town, made inde- pendent in 1889. /Horicon village, formerly in Hubbard and Oak Grove towns, made independent since 1880. !J Formerly iu Oak Grove town; incorporated as a citj- and made independent since 1880. 424 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Coutinued. WISCOIVSIIV— Continued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dodge county— Continued. Lowell town.incl. Lowell and Keeseville villages. Lowell village Reeseville village Mayville city (o) Oak Grove town (b) Portland town Randolph village (part of) - • Total for Randolph village, inOolum- bia arid Dodge counties. Rubicon town Shields town Theresa town Treuton town Watertown city (wards 5 and 6) ......... Total for Watertown city, in Dodge and Jefferson counties. Ward I 2.15° Wards i.o'i Wards ''''*5 Ward 4 6'5 Ward 5 877 Ward 6 1.372 Ward 7 985 Waupun city (part of) - - • Total for Waupun city, in Dodge and Fond du Lac counties. Westford town Williamstown town (as) 1890 Door county. Bailey Harbor town Brussels town Claybanks town •• Egg Harbor town Forestville town Gardner town Gibraltar town Jacksonport town Liberty Grove town Nasewaupee town Sevastopol town Sturgeon Bay city (c) ■^- Ward! Ill Ward 2 673 Wards \ ^yj*^ Sturgeon Bay town (c), including Bay- view village. Bayview village Union town Washington town Douglas county. Brule town (d) Gordon town {d) Nebagamain town (d) Superior city (d) ;;io" Wardl 1-153 Ward2 , »*6 Wards V ^on Ward 4 *. 4°^ Ward5 1.215 Ward6 Ill Ward? 1.695 Superior town Dunn county. 2, 492 304 1,165 1,599 1,163 326 405 1,520 919 1,761 1,472 2,249 8,755 1,695 2.757 970 1,031 15, 682 1880 603 1,085 609 821 1,361 805 934 817 1,536 1,057 1,313 2,195 1,135 386 673 738 13, 468 386 184 554 11,983 361 22, 664 2,580 400 248 1,051 2,227 1,271 357 421 1,660 1,025 2,018 1,624 2,092 7,883 1,314 2,353 2,243 11, 645 549 999 653 730 1,042 603 832 432 1,092 762 865 1, 199 2,049 672 1,258 1,218 695 542 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Dunn county— Continued. Menominee city (c) ;■",;;,■ Wardl l.«7 Ward2 ."6 Wards JOl? Ward 4 L »»3 Menominee town (c) New Haven town Otter Creek town Peru town Red Cedar town Rock Creek town Sand Creek town Sheridan town Sherman town Springbiook town ■ • Stanton town, including Knapp village. . Knapp village Tainter town Tiffany town Weston town Wilson town (d) 1890 1880 Eauclaire county 610 427 655 Altoona city (d) Augusta city \.f) - ■ • Wardl 193 Ward2 *^8 Wards 264 Ward 4 252 Bridge Creek town (/) - ■ ■ ■ - •■■-•■■ Brunswick town, incl. Porter Mills viU- . . Porter Mills village Clear Creek town (d) ^ Drammen town Eauclaire city •••- Wardl 3,078 Ward2 1.604 Wards 1.975 Ward 4 1.035 Ward5 1.538 Ward 6 3,893 Ward7 2.128 Ward 8 .-,v.;, ^'^^ Eairchild town, incl. Eairchild village. . Fairchild village Lincoln town Ludington town Otter Creek town Pleasant Valley town Seymour town Dnion town Washington town 5,491 1,633 521 342 342 1,127 843 620 423 035 1,267 1,113 480 442 1,118 690 481 30, 673 805 1,187 1,122 1,765 1,195 621 556 17, 415 2, 589 4,177 269 219 296 786 613 667 687 548 1,304 9«7 754 413 506 19, 993 Ploebncb county (g) . Commonwealth town Florence town, incl. Florence village Florence village 1,116 1,894 401 10, 119 1,215 645 1,786 558 688 737 406 674 1,138 2,604 Fond du Lac county 655 16, 817 705 Colfax town Dunn town Eau Galle town Elk Mound town Grant town Hay River town Lucas town a Mavville village, formerly in Williamstown town, incor- porated'as a city and made independent since 1880. h Part of Horicon village and Juneau village (incorporated as a city since 1880), formerly in Oak Grove town, made inde- pendent since 1880. . 4-„„„ c Sturgeon Bay village, formerly in Sturgeon Bay town. incorporated as a city and made independent since 1880. 895 1,709 444 44, 088 887 304 1,481 212 1,060 941 515 631 954 1,316 1,868 1,509 1,216 1,399 1,333 1,458 873 12, 024 267 46, 859 1,335 2,038 1,651 1,284 1,447 1,404 1,617 1,065 13, 094 Alto town Ashford town Auburn town Byron town Calumet town Eden town Eldorado town Empire town Fond du Lac city ;;;A' Wardl 1.759 Ward2 1.923 Ward 3 2,112 Ward4 2,037 Ward5 739 Ward6 900 Ward 7 1.084 Wards..". l.*70 d Organized since 1880. . . ■ „_ e Menominee village, formerly in Menominee town, incor- porated as a city and made independent since 1»80- /Augusta village, formerly in Bridge Creek town, incor- l.orated as a city and made independent since 1880. g Organized -from parts of Marinette and Oconto counties in 1882. POPULATION. T.B.K 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOK CIVIL DIVISIONS-Conti.ued. WlSCOXSllV-Continued. 425 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS Fond du Lac county— Continued. Fond du Lac town Forest town Friendship town !!!!!....]! Lamartine town Mar.shtield town ] . . ] Metomen town, incl. Brandon village Brandon village Oakfield town Osceola town .., Eipon city (a)... ^ardi ::!::;;::;::'i;762 „.^ard2 1 656 Kipon town (a) Rosendale town Springvale town Taycheedah town Waupun city (part of) Tmal for Waupun city, in Dodge and Fond du Lac counties, W aupnn town Forest county (b) Craudon town. Gagen town . . . Pehcan town . . Gbaut county Green county . MINOR CrviL DIVISIONS. Green county— Continued. 1890 Brooklyn town Cadiz town Clamo town ] Decatur town, inci. Brodhead viliaee Brodhead village Exeter town .' Jefferson town '. Jordan town Monroe city (d) ]."]."] Ward 1 i""7a7 Ward2 J'gS; Monroe town(d) '.'.'..'.'.'." Mount Plea -;iiit town, including Monti- cello village . _^ Monticello village . . JNewGlarus town, incl. New Glarus Vi'li Ne w Glarus village oprin a Grove town . SylveM.u iown WashiuglL town York town =^;^^ Green Lake .)UNTy 15 163 1880 ^*of 2) '''*^ '^'''■'1'' 1. 3- 4. and 5 and part Total for Berlin city (e), in Green Lake and Waushara counties. Ward I. Beetown town Bloomingtontown, inci. Bioomington vill Bloomington village. Boscobel town, including Boscobel'citv Boscobel city ' Cassville town, mcl. CassviUe' villa'ae 1 'k"; Cassville village ' "' ' Castle Rock town Clifton town Ellen Ijoro town Fennimore town, inci. Fennimore viliaee Fennimore village Glen Haven town Harrison town Hazle Green town, inch HazieGreeu Vi'li" Hazle Green village. Hickory Grove town .'.'.'.'.'.'." Jamestown town Lancaster town, incl. Lancaster city Lancaster city Liberty town ........! Lima town ...... Little Grant town. Marion town Millville town '.'. Mount Hope town Mount Ida town Muscoda town, incl. Muscoda viliaee ] Muscoda village . . ""' Paris town ."_' Patch Grove town Platteville town, incl. PlaVteviiie' city Platteville city .... J - Potosi town, including Potos'i villkee (c) ' ' bmelsertown Waterloo town Watterstown town. . . Wingville town, incl. Montfort viliaee" Montfort village " Woodman town Wyalusing town Ward 2.. ....;•: , III ,^"^3 'ggg J^"d4 676 Ward 5 ,' Berlin town .' ' ^ Brooklyn town, inci. Dartford viliaee Dartford village Green Lake town Kingston town Mac^ford town, incl. iy:arkesaii" viilaee Markesan village .... Manchester town .'.'.".■.' Marquette town Princeton town, incl. Priiicetoii' viilaee Princeton village bte. Marie town .' Seneca town 1,176 1,358 1,422 1,920 1 , 254 893 1.437 1.094 3,293 156 1,060 i,'i66 928 882 1,049 14, 483 Iowa county. Arena town, including Arena viliaee Arena village Brighara town (/) '.'.'.'.' Clyde town Dodgeville city (3) ......."."" ." Dodgeville town (g) Eden town Highland town, incl.' Highfand viilaee Highland village... . Linden town, including ILindeii' viiiace '. Linden village . . Mifflin town Mineral Point city Wardl Viik Ward 2 .'." | gjg Mineral Point town ..'. ' Moscow town [ Pulaski town, including Avoca viilaee A voca village Ridgeway town (A) WaldwicK town Wyoming town 3,353 791 1,364 241 1,407 825 1,382 361 1,199 938 2,074 961 705 445 23, 628 Adams town Albanv town, inciudingAlbauy viiiaee;' Albany village since fe "*^' *'°""'"'^y i° Kipon town, made independent ^^I^Organized from parts of Langlade and Oconto counties in J Not separately returned. d Monroe village, formerly in Monroe to a ciy and made independent since 1880 e la 1880 in Green Lake county only. Jackson county. Albion town (i) . 1,479 1,796 354 266 1,341 610 715 1,722 1,547 1,577 3,540 956 909 2,328 2,436 751 668 1,861 1,996 462 571 1,465 1,529 2,694 2,915 1,271 1,49U 1,145 921 1,239 1,402 278 362 990 2, -348 810 896 629 735 15, 797 1,717 1,060 267 'I Ahnatown(j) /Organized from part of Ridgeway town since issn g DoSgeville village, formerly^in Dodgeville ,0^^! rated as a city and made independent sTnce 1880 ' • I;,*"' , 1^.<^° ^^ *'*"■•" Brigham town since 1880 13, 285 2,889 1,802 iucorpo- 3wu, incorporated as • T31 1 T,. v:v, — " — !-"""i I" vvii since 1880. I Black River Falls village, fornu-rly in Albion town porated as a city and made fudependent since 880 ' .; Mernllon village, formerly in Alma town made pendent since 1880. -^^uKi uuwu, mauc inde- 426 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS : 1890. T.„,.. a.-A«GBE«ATE POPITLATIOH BV MINOR CIVIL I,IVISIOtouth Wayne village White Oak Springs town .........' Willow Springs town Wiota town, including Wiota village Wiota village Langlade county (c) . Ackley town (d) . Antigo city (e) .. Wardl. 434 ward2 ::::;;::::;::; ITo Wards K07 ward4 :;::::::;::::::: i,oi ^^''^f 870 Ward 6 ^gg Antigo town (e) Elcho town (e) .........'. Elton town (e) Langlade town Neva town (e) '_'_ Norwood town (e) Parrish town {e) Polar to wn (e) Price to w u (e) Rolling town («) Summit town (e) Vilas to wn (e) .' 1,587 1,030 1,003 79« 20, 205 411 1, 185 378 1,245 414 650 2,682 1,589 788 822 1,511 754 516 305 1,374 783 2,270 1.393 1,170 285 384 931 1,627 119 9,465 374 4,424 Lincoln county (/) . Corning town Harrison town (e), incl. Harrison villa'oei Harrison village... Merrill city (3) .■.■.■.' Ward 1 770 K^;:: --■■;;"■•:::::: <^ll Ward* Ward5 Ward 6 i ...., ward7 ::;: f",,! Merrill town (3) '.; ' Pine River to;vn Rock Falls town, incl. Tomahawk' citv lomahawk city 12, 008 995 761 1,106 347 457 430 6,809 539 736 2,148 1,816 1880 1,916 796 1,008 21, 279 1,225 322 1,244 410 1,519 254 622 2,599 '■372 959 1,148 1,634 849 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Lincoln county— Continued. Russell town le) . Scott town (e) ... Manitowoc county . 413 1,641 898 2,245 1,168 1,056 401 1,089 1,687 143 Cato town Centerville town ....'.'.'.'... Cooperstown town Eaton town ] Franklin town _ Gibson town Kossuth town Liberty town [ Manitowoc city Ward 1 " ." ; ■ 7 i ; Ward2 {'Lit Wards ..:::::;;;::: ;^? ^ard4 J eeg Ward 5 j'gj, Manitowoc Rapids town ' ' Manitowoc town Maple Grove town Meeme town Mishicott town Newton town Rockland town '. Schleswig town, including Keif ■village' '. Keil village " Two Creeks town .'.'.'.'.' Two Rivers city Two Rivers town Marathon county 184 643 175 191 1.53 502 368 663 392 444 233 685 270 316 2,011 112 1,336 278 101 as a H?v nnVj"l"''^'''f''""'^;''y « Onalaska town, incorporate.! as a city and made independent since 1880 Ji.ueu 6 Organized in 1889. for,n*'Fore1t^counUMn"?8^.''"r"''''''T""'' '^^"^ part taken to fepriugbrook town (population 273 in 1880) "'BMiiug (i iorraerly in Lincoln county. e Organized since 1880. Bergen town Berlin town .'.'.'.'.'*.' Brighton town Cleveland town (e) ..'. Day town (c) .'..'..'..'. Easton town ' Eau Pleine town (e) Eldron town (e) " Emmet town (e) Frankfort town (e) ! ^ J ." .' ! i Halsey town (e) " " Hamburg town [ Harrison town (e) Hoi ton town ] " ' _ Hull town .Johnson town (e) Kiiowlton town Kroueuwetter town (e). McMillan town («) ..'..'. Maine town '_ Marathon town (h) '.'. Marathon village (A) ......!!...] Mosinee town (i) '_'_ Mosinee village (i) '.'. Norrie town (e) Pike Lake town (e) Rib Falls town Rietbrock town ] Spencer town, including Speiic'er villaffe Spencer village Stettin town Texas town .....'. Wausau city Ward 1 riin Ward2 ^'"'""* Wards Ward 4 Ward5 Ward 6 Ward 7 .;.";; Wausau town .'" Wein town Weston town 1,065 1,101 907 1,831 1,84.T 1, 095 1890 402 570 37, 831 1,793 1,374 1,629 1,332 1,836 1,651 1, 973 1,277 7,710 1,914 1,275 1,585 1, 434 1,417 1,726 1,267 2, 053 497 607 2,870 1,108 30, 369 177 1,083 686 252 816 240 257 232 439 331 654 693 926 760 893 313 333 264 439 1,178 1,180 258 199 427 3.53 542 674 717 1,018 526 962 220 9, 253 1880 1,.380 444 1,776 37, 505 1,875 1, 500 1,700 1,-524 1,875 1,739 2, 168 1, 387 6,367 2,077 1, 282 1,523 1,684 1,568 1,867 1,234 2,069 363 630 2, 052 1,324 17, 121 4.50 1,000 726 186 563 490 720 379 880 871 201 574 409 1,091 684 458 4,277 1,061 452 f Part taken to form Oneida county in 1885. Acklev ''"TMm'rm ntj V°' f ^"t" toLaniado count^stic^ v;iif+ Jl • "^^^ fonneily Jenny viUage in Jenny (now 1880 ' '"'^"'•P"™*'"! as a city and mlde indepimd^nT since*i880*''°° '''"'*^® organized from part of Marathon town 1880. Mer- since town iude- 428 (30MPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3._AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Contiuued. ■WISCOIVSIIV— Contmued. MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. 1890 Marinette coitnty (a) Marinette city (6) 1,928 Wardl ^2 m Ward2 |' ^^0 Ward 3 ,' ggj^ Ward4 -'^°J Peshtigo town/including'PesUtigo Har bor and Peshtigo viUages. Peshtigo Harbor viUage Peshtigo viUage Porterfield town (c) Wausauliee towB (c) Marquette county Buffalo town Crystal Lalje town Douglas town Harris town Montelfo to^; iicL isionteUo" ViUage. . . Montello viUage Moundville town N eslikoro town Newton town Oxford town Packwauliee town Shields town |^ei?ieldt*Xinci.WestfieldviUage: Westfield viUage Milwaukee county. Franklin town Granville town Greenfield town Lake town (d) Milwaukee city (d) o ' 94 i Ward 1 ::::::: lojUs Ward i R aoQ Ward 3 I'l^, Ward 4 1""^"^ Ward 5 :«^ard 6 Ward 7 i/oqk 10, 168 13, 020 Ward 8 Ward 9. 14, 236 22, 469 Jr '^ in 19,879 Ward 10 . ' -.,„ Ward 11 ]f^l° Ward 12 ■-; 11-^91 Ward 13 ii 097 Ward 14 I'tti Ward 15 ^'^f* Wardie I'l'l^ Wardl7 5,696 TTT- J 10 ..,..-.--■- ') y^^ MUwaukee town, iucl. Williamsburg viU WiUiamsburg village Oak Creek town Wauwatosa town Monroe county. Adrian town Angelo town Byron town Glendale town; inciuding Kendall village Kendall village Greenfield town Jefl'erson town 1880 20, 304 11,523 7, 202 719 1,719 400 1,119 9,676 805 667 628 576 724 1,177 761 324 561 711 567 711 608 605 1,012 500 ,929 2,750 3,517 MWOH CIVIL divisions. Monroe county— Continued. ,908 750 644 657 534 621 950 394 334 589 724 532 691 620 428 834 Lagrange town Leon town Lincoln town Little Falls town.. Oakdale town Portland town KidgevUle town. . . Sheldon town 1890 1880 Sparta city (/) • • ■ Wardl ^J° Ward 2. 662 Wards'. '.■-■. ■-".■. 6?t Ward 4 '°^^ Sparta town (/) Tomahcity (g) --■ Wardl S^:^ Ward 2. 851 236, 101 138, 537 1,868 2, 272 3, 190 4,899 204, 468 1,819 2,370 2,674 5,430 115, 587 Wards!".'."."... "^25 Tomah town (g) Wellington town WeUs town Wilton town Oconto county (h) Chase town (i) Gillett town {}) How town Little River town Little Suamico town (fc) Maple Valley town I ^' : Ocontocity •■■ Wardl Ill Ward2 If Ward 3 ^1 ° WardT. 1.532 Oconto Falls town (I) Oconto town Pensaukee town (t) .- • - ■ Stiles town, including Stiles village Stiles vUlage 839 748 975 705 733 1,056 1,286 794 2, 387 3,459 1,245 2,106 1,050 658 1,099 9,848 Oneida county (m) . 6,403 3.153 2,087 10, 914 23, 211 615 477 458 955 1,324 304 592 1,315 512 3,472 Eagle Kiver town, incl. Eagle Kiver viU . Eagle River village Hazlehurst town Minocquatown .-•■,■-•, '-W^^' Pelican town, incl. Rhinelander village. Rhinelander viUage 2,097 5,088 21, 607 715 469 415 884 1,401 282 586 1,087 C402 )140 Lafayette town --l ig) NewLyiuetown.. 5 a Part taken to form Florence county in 1882; that part of Marinette town outside of Marinette city (population 2,662 m 'Ti■orm^■^,"ln'^■inette town; incorporated as a city and made independent m 1887. S Bal'^^ew viUage,Zlerly in Lake town, annexed to Mil waukee city since 1880. /r^a^rvXte'LlmS^^in.Sparta t^^^ incorporated as a cityand made independent since 1880. Outagamie county — Appleton city i'hWa Wardl 2,208 Ward 2 f . '^' Wards f.«° Ward4 1'*; Ward5 1.620 Ward6 1.601 Black Creek town Bovina town Buchanan town Center town - Cicero town Dale town Deer Creek town Ellington town Freedom town Grand Chute town Greenville town . . - • ■ • • ■ - - • •. • ■ • ■ • ' Hortonia town, incl. HortonviUe viUage Hortonville village . . . 11. 869 28, 710 8,005 1,285 g Tomah vUlage, formerly in Tomah town, incorporated as ft city and made independent smce 1880. h Parts taken to form Florence county in 1882 and !< oresi """oJ'ainLld'from parts of Little Suamico and Pensaukee *"TArt"t:keTto form Oconto Falls towr> since 1880. k Part taken to form Chase town since 1880. I Organized ftom part of Gillett town smce .oou. m Oilanized from pait of Lincoln county in 1885, POPULATION. Table 3.-AGGREGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS-Continued. WISCOIVSIIV— Continued. 429 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Odtagamib coonty— Continued. Eaukanna city (a) . "Ward 1 . Ward 2 1 162 ^J^a^fJ? '.'.'.. 1,'078 ^ard4 1 072 Ward 5 442 Kankauna town (a), incl. Little Chute vill Little Chute village Liberty town '.'. . . Maine town Maple Creek town -...!.!.!.!!!!!!!.' New London city (part of) ...... .....W" Total for New London city, in Outa- gamie and Waupaca counties. Usborn town Seymour city '......'.'.. S e y m our 1 wn Oneida Indian reservation (part of ) . . . . . . 1890 4,667 1880 MINOR CIVIL DIVISIONS. Pierce copntv— Continued. 2,235 Ozaukee county. Belgium town Cedarburg town, incl. Cedarburg citv Cedarburg city Fredonia town Grafton town, including Grafton viliage! Grafton village Mequon town Port. Washington town, including Port Washington city. Port Washington city Sankvilletown Pepin county Albany town Durand city (6) War d 1 . .' ;;;;;; iig Ward2 ^8 Durand town (b) Frankfort town Lima town Pepin town, including Pepin village . Pepin village . Stockholm town Waterville town Waubeck town '. Pierce county . Trenton town . . Tiimbelle town Union town . Polk county . 1890 951 1,594 1, 001 1880 12, 968 Alden town Apple River town (.17) Balsam Lake to wn .' Beaver town (h) Black Brook town Bone Lake town (i) Clam Falls town Clayton town Clear Lake town Eureka town Farmington town '.' Garfield town (j) .'."]] Georgetown town Johnstown town (k\.. Laketown town Lincoln town (I), incl. Amery village Amery village Loraine town Luck town (m ) ' ] Milltown town .'. Osceola town (I), inci.'oVceola village I 1 Osceola village '' St. Croix Falls town, including St. Croi Falls village. St. Croix Falls village. Sterling town West Sweden town Portage county 703 534 1,502 432 690 1, 499 1.499 Clifton town Diamond Bluff town Ellsworth town (c) Ellsworth village (c) EI Paso town Gilman town .\\ Hartland town ._ Isabelle town .._ , Maiden Rock town (d) .. Maiden Rock village (d)... Martell town Oak Grove town Prescof t city Ward 1 - -'-.......... .335 Ward 2 noK Ward 3 ;.;;.'.;:; 291 River Falls city (e) (wards 2, 3, and 4) Total for River Falls city (/),in Pierce and St. Croix counties. )X"'! ' i8i ^Vard 2 ,6„ Wards He Ward4 ....:. 4„ River Falls town (e) ••■■i// Rock Elm town Salem town Spring Lake to wn Po?aSd"i'sT.?t J'"'/'"' f°"?«^ly i" Kaukanna town, incor- porated as a city and raade independent since 1880 asaniv^^i.^lT.''^^''- '■?'"'"1y '" I5"'-"«l town, incorporated as a city and made independent since 1880 de;eSen"Tn"l8l7"*"' ''"^''''^ '" ^"«^°'-''' *"""' ^^"^^ '"■ made'^i^nde^p^nt'r^t i;''l'8T7':' '''""^^^ '" '^''"''^ ^'-'^ *"-"• e River Falls village, formerly in River Falls town ineor porated as a city and made independent in 1885 1,602 1.783 1,073 1,047 845 998 I I Alban town Almond town Amherst town, incl. Amiierst viljage Amherst village Belmont town .' .' ' Buena Vista town Carson town ' Eau Pleine town Grant town Hull town Lanark town Linvvood town New Hope town Pino Grove town ] . ] Plover town, including Plover village '. Plover village Sharon town Stevens Point city AVard 1 i'^qq Ward 2 .'.".".".■."."■ 1^41 Ward 3 ' " ' gg5 ^'^'■^4 ::::::: i ggg ^^''M 1,330 Ward 6 ^yg Stevens Point town Stockton town 1,261 365 431 333 708 62 203 618 951 808 899 .■ilO 85 100 668 1,072 451 210 393 469 067 384 798 745 667 270 737 1,148 734 10, 018 1,274 412 357 722 115 546 809 595 123 461 557 24, 798 Price county. Brannan town Emery town (k) Fiiield town, including Fifield viliaee Fifiekl village Georgetown town (k) ...'.'.' Hackott town (k) Kennan town (Jc) Lake town(fc) ' (Jgema town (k) ] ] . '. ' Prentice town (A:), incl. Prentice village' Prentice village Worcester town 563 1,035 1,762 438 622 1,061 961 748 417 1,477 797 368 885 399 1,274 319 1,940 895 1,698 5,258 109 270 282 1,297 3" 542 216 406 173 17, 731 310 872 1,375 298 535 830 426 598 309 1,044 663 406 801 339 1,220 412 1,639 4,449 569 1,346 785 105 1 i/» 857 646 157 230 54 191 96 409 775 570 365 1,582 277 ./" In 1880 in Pierce county only. '/Part taken to form Beaver town since 1880. h. Organized from part of Apple River town .since 1880 I Organized from jiart of Luck town since 1880. 18S0 '"^' *''"™ ''^'^^^^ of Lincoln and Osceola towns sii k Organized since 1880. I Part taken to form Garfield town since 1880 »!■ Part taken to form Bone Lake town since 1880 430 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. T.B.K 3.-AaGKEGATE POPULATION BY MINOR CIVIL BIVISIONS-Cont.uued. WIStJOIVSIN— Continued. Kacine countv . 3,140 2,043 •2, 732 924 2, 192 841 n,014 Burlington town, incl. BurUngton village Burlington village Caledonia town Dover town Mount Pleasant town Norway town - " ' Racine eity jj^j Wardl ; j'gin Ward2 3 Igr, Ward^ •■- 3 352 Ward 4 4 379 Ward 5 - 4 531 Wardh 2 5Ug Ward7 Kaymoud town ^S^S:incl.■Wa.^brd^^ilage; Yori^^lo^yS^^nionGrovWvillage.l 1, 39i Union Grove village 1,784 699 1, 551 Richland codnty. Akan town Bloom town - Buena Vista town (a) Dayton town Eagle town Forest town Henrietta town Ithaca town. - -• • Lone Rock village (a) Marshall town Orion town :.■■,,,■, Richland Center city (6) -^^ Wardl H71 War57 1, 584 7,314 Albion town Arcadia town, including Aicadia'v'iilace' Arcadia village Burnside town, incl. Independence vilY Independence village Caledonia town Chimney Rock town (/) Bodge town Ettrick town ..'...'.. Gale town, including Gaiesville viilacre Galesville village " Halo town Lincoln town, inci. Whitehall villkire Whitehall village Pigeon town Preston town !"!!.!!!!...! Sumner town Trempealeau town, including Trempea lean village (k). Unity town 1,677 1,118 2,117 1,736 1,044 1,810 1,148 1,016 1,750 1,210 6,731 2,311 230 613 .573^ 1,1 31 J 233 296 1,193 298 A763 504 1,C94 117 1, 020 190 520 541 230 18, 920 17, 189 847 666 Vernon county . Bergen town Christiana town .'] Clinton town Coon town " Forest town ] Franklin town Genoa town ] (Jreeu wood town ' Hamburg town Harmony town _ _\ Hillsbor'o town, incl. Hilisboro viilage! Hillsboro village Jefferson town Ivackapoo town Liberty town Sta rk town '_'_" Sterling town Union town Viroqua city (0 ViroquatovVn (I) Webster town .'/..'_ Wheatland town, incl. partof be S(it() viU DeSoto village (part of) Total for De Soto village (?«•), in Free- man town, Crawford county, and Wheatland town, Vernon county. White.stown town 3,147 659 1,207 382 379 682 448 1,841 1,810 537 1,566 937 304 1,038 1,811 854 1,584 763 25, 111 863 I 3,167 665 1,591 365 446 569 1,656 1,786 410 1, 301 863 267 793 1, 530 693 1,567 561 23, 235 1,011 1,014 1,521 1,305 1,045 1, 008 1,188 983 1,055 889 1,289 1,319 1,026 919 1,120 1,050 1,081 1,156 1,100 1. 062 1.6,39 1,218 46. iqs 1,400 1,284 1,185 1, 233 003 543 1,033 954 1, 1.52 1, 382 819 741 1,270 762 1,080 2, 368 1,092 1,060 879 917 276 301 355 301 830 porated as a < ^^e^MiUtown town (population 485 in 1880) abolished since / Oi-gauized since 1880. l) ''1 16, 212 80.29 10, 984 119. 30 7,144 346. 29 ■>■) 9^ ''1 18, 342 79.16 6,338 37.65 5,066 43. 05 1 1. 696 16.84 2,457 32.27 1,234 19.34 25 5,399 11, 173 17, 042 11, 834 200. 56 110.74 50.54 195. 67 ■'7 7,288 9,512 3,613 260. 19 39.29 148. 38 ' '>R 11, 579 91.68 1,868 17.36 5,413 101. 20 1,851 52.92 29 30 - 31 9,552 2,607 7,417 7,385 3,748 12, 587 3,236 127. 41 213. 34 36.80 56.98 49.34 60.53 46.70 3,324 79.65 1,211 40.88 385 14.94 166 6.89 316 15.08 32 33 4,093 2,780 25.49 27.31 3,993 3,033 33.09 42.44 2,331 1,375 23.94 23. 82 3,999 1,723 69.71 42.55 1 1,976 52. 54 34 35 36 14, 322 1,363 221. 22 24.49 '^7 ■•18 39 4,786 6,806 71.03 80.94 2,580 2,337 62.05 38.49 2,564 2,777 160. 85 84.28 298 972 22.99 41.84 40 al30 aj.30 338 15.98 41 1 1? 5, 612 4,910 9,451 67.07 80.93 48.88 11 3,117 7,778 105. 66 67.31 1. 950 6, 292 195. 00 119. 53 617 1,369 161. 10 35.15 -15 al, 031 020.93 46 47 7,333 6,108 2,426 4,890 87.19 181. 19 60.12 52.20 2,554 43.61 1, 524 35.18 870 25.13 1,076 45.10 48 1') 110 3,229 2.80 52.61 017 1, 623 aO.43 35.95 50 428 10.47 1,250 44.06 546 23. 83 51 52 13, 724 8,498 46.90 89.75 ol, 028 2,394 a3.39 33. 84 5, 5o;> 2,348 22. 23 49.68 69 771 0.28 19.49 5,787 al, 392 30.58 o26. 03 2,565 15.08 53 51 "l"! 1 56 57 1 58 59 4,266 129. 51 494 17.64 1,300 86.67 411 37.74 it 60 ... 61 80 9.56 ^ 6'^ 64 65 66 781 10, 697 4, 783 7. ii 330. 66 37.42 4,201 2,358 4,459 61.93 268. 87 53.57 2,870 110 5,351 73.33 15.24 180. 05 1,147 4i.45 455 19.68 738 46. 89 67 C8 4,098 36.54 3,438 44.21 253 3.36 2.3J8 44.26 49 '" 6.' 95 70 3,628 4,356 2,446 247.31 36.04 71.69 71 4,495 1,947 59.21 132. 90 3,645 830 92.35 130. 71 al, 704 241 a30. 15 61.17 1,290 313 29.58 386. 42 1,048 31.63 72 73 74 i,854 31.66 1, 668 i 38.68 1,322 44.21 703 30.74 815 55.37 75 440 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 4b.-INCREA.SE OF POPULATION OF CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Increase from 1880 to 1890. Ifum'ber. iPercent Kansas city, Kan. Dallas, Tex Sioux city.'Iowa. . Elizabeth, N. J . . . Wilkesbarre, Pa. . San Antonio, Tex Covington, Ky . .. Portland, Me Tacoma, Wash ... Holyoke, Mass ... Fort Wayne, Ind.. Bingham ton, N. Y. Norfolk, Va Wheeling, W.Va.. Angiista, Ga 17, 123 7,651 2,615 34, 908 13, 722 8,513 17, 688 12, 905 3,785 11,409 17, 785 32, 277 13, 141 6,242 11. 165 4,226 1.944 15, 555 10, 352 3,238 13,377 10, 627 8,057 ^^_^_ 4,175 Chattanooga! Tenn I 16, 208 Yoimgstown, Ohio Duluth.Minn Yonkers, N. Y Lancaster. Pa Springfield, Ohio .. Quincy, 111 . . . Mobile, Ala .. Topeka, Kan . Elmira, N. Y . Salem, Mass . . Long Island city, N. Y Altoona, Pa Dubuque, Iowa Terre Haute, Ind 35,116 jl,097. 38 27,709 I 267.51 30,440 I 413.25 9,535 33.78 14, 379 ' 61. 61 Galveston, Tex — Waterbury, Conn Chelsea, Mass Bay citv, Mich ... Pawtucliet, R. I .. Akron, Ohio Houston, Tex Haverhill, Mass Brockton, Mass Williamsport, Pa. (6). Davenport, loTva . Sacramento, Cal. . Canton, Ohio Birmingham, Ala. Little Rock, Ark. Auburn, N. Y .. Taunton, Mass . Allentown, Pa . Lacrosse, "Wis.. 6,836 10,840 6,127 7,146 8,603 11, 089 11, 044 8,940 13, 686 8,198 5,041 4,966 13, 931 23, 092 12, 736 3, 934 4,235 7,165 10, 585 83.32 25.74 7.73 , 179. 23 62.61 31.67 102. 14 58.75 12.31 52.12 115. 23 ;, 851. 67 69.56 24. 22 53.86 15.50 6.67 100. 67 50.40 11.75 78.10 53.92 36.20 16.03 125. 72 30.73 60.88 28.13 34.53 45.21 67.16 66.88 48.40 100. 57 43.30 23.09 23.18 113. 05 748. 28 96.94 17.94 19.96 39.67 72.97 Increase from 1870 to 1880. Number. Percent. Increase from 1860 to 1870. 3.965 7,397 13, 165 8.294 5,215 2.397 1,025 11, 182 9,162 4,625 2. 737 11,457 6.502 7,360 a2. 293 6,159 5.536 8,078 3,216 a2. 902 9,662 4,678 3,446 13, 262 9,100 3,820 9, 939 6,799 8,430 6,980 3,235 13, 629 12, 411 6,506 7.131 5,380 5,601 2,904 1,793 5,137 3,598 116. 58 35.51 129. 40 67.67 21.28 7.63 ,404.11 104. 18 51.71 36.44 14. 23 59.42 42.25 758 4,699 2,584 4,179 6,720 91.15 a73. 24 48.37 27.36 63.85 13.37 a9. 06 166. 87 29.49 14.29 342. 95 85.77 20. 72 61.72 111. 59 61.01 64.47 17.44 192. 94 187. 51 65.02 76.01 41.09 69.95 18.12 8.95 31.55 41.55 Number. Percent. | Number. Percent 9,265 5,921 4.021 8.034 5.072 5, 736 7,330 4.367 4,609 5,197 5.316 Increase from 1850 to 1860. 80.10 139. 22 48.83 48.78 19.26 885 2.630 5,650 10. 334 2,776 5.031 7,181 1,865 114. 79 70.56 52.46 31.53 36.90 23.18 192. 68 6.12 27.28 13.87 30.10 86.32 7,019 5.434 7,509 3,548 6,511 822 5,152 5,481 2, 419 6,529 4, 537 3,097 1,423 10, 366 8.771 2,498 4,619 7.47 14.94 75.33 9.49 662. 85 82.71 8.38 8,653 6, 239 3,253 5.859 3,925 195. 46 41.80 87.37 139. 41 89.11 8.22 38.46 346. 24 57.60 187. 78 93.64 30. 99 21.61 183. 02 77.85 18.12 114. 30 232. 17 56.79 21. 16 73.01 101. 68 5,984 1,530 4,747 7,063 5,526 1,752 6,106 294 2,648 7,688 5,234 1,894 6,816 8,743 516 9,892 4,543 3,130 4,867 6,694 447 211 2,449 4,118 2,645 4,049 9,419 6,965 1,438 1,560 1,438 4,935 4,246 107. 18 56.19 136. 10 75.07 26.55 53.99 142. 60 2.05 23.16 184. 81 42.32 37.08 98.75 42.62 6.32 9.81 318. 28 112. 15 74.93 94.74 90.90 11.91 6.46 102. 21 70.07 67.15 250. 71 509. 69 102. 13 55.24 71.99 15.06 47.27 112. 36 a Decrease. POPULATION. 44^ MORE IN 1890, AS CONSTITUTED AT THE DATE OF EACH CENSUS: 1790 TO 1890-Coiitinued. Increa.() '1 1.694 112. 93 oo 23 24 3. 375 5.182 70.44 34.36 1,899 1,187 65.66 8.54 ffl53 2,549 al.80 22.47 al, 267 aio. 05 3,156 33.37 1,536 19.39 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ^9 1.469 4,311 40.05 180. 38 597 1,619 19.44 209. 99 189 129 6.56 20.09 8 48 0.28 8.08 (i382 a255 (111. 73 a30. 04 377 79.87 33 34 35 1,569 1.601 71.84 96.16 725 49.69 36 37 38 39 1.541 1.323 262 35.54 50.57 19. 36 440 663 ii.29 33.95 826 26.91 388 14.47 a48 al.76 322 13.37 280 81.40 213 162. 60 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 3,922 2.796 1.286 69.71 36.57 51.58 1,140 1,603 25.41 26.53 1.522 33.67 613 15.69 47 1.22 56 1.47 47 48 49 1 b Not separately returned m 1830. 442 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. ^ *r.ni?T7nATF POPITT.A.TI0N OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS ''^'S.VmGijr ^bItAN^^^^^^^^ in 1890, WITH POPULATION FOR 1880 AND INCREASE DURING THE DECADE. [This table give, the pop.U.tiou of '^^^^■^^'^^^^^^^^^^Z^^J^ Z^l^^^li^^^o^^, itants or more,, lo far as tl^^.V^j;^;! ^f °/„f ^p"^,?? '''In* tL New EugUnc! states the population of to Vns having 2, 500 inlinl.itant. precinct, district, etc., of whicii they lorm a part. J^" ;„ the case of cities or boroughs having 8,000 inhabitants or more whicb CITIES, TOWNS, VIL- LAGES, AND BOBODGHS. Aberdeen, Miss . . Aberdeen, S.D... Abilene, Kan Abilene, Tex Abington, Mass . Adams, Mass . Adrian, Mich . Akron, Ohio . . Alameda, Cal . Albany, Ga ... Albany, N. T Albany, Ore Albert Lea, Minn . Albina, Ore Albion, Mich Albion, N. Y Albuquerque, N. M.(a) Alexandria, La A lexandria, Va Allegan, Mich Allegheny, Pa . Allentown, Pa . Alliance, Ohio . Alpena, Mich . . Alton, 111 Altoona, Pa Ameiicus, Ga Amnsbury, Mass. . Amherst,' Mass . . . Amsterdam, N.Y . Anrfeonda, Mont . Anderson, Ind . - . Anderson, S. C . . ■ Andover, Mass .. Annapolis, Md... Ann Arbor, Mich . Auniston, Ala Anoka, Minn Ansonia, Conn (b) . Antigo, "Wis Arohbald, Pa Argentine, Kan Arkansas city, Kan . - Arlington, Mass A.=heville,N. C . Aslil.and, Ky Ashland, Mass.. Ashland, Ohio . . Astoria, Ore ... Atchison, Kan . Athens, 6a Athens, Ohio.. Athens, Pa — Athol,Mass Atlanta, Ga Atlantic, Iowa Atlantic city, N.J . Attleboro, Mass — POPULATION. 1890 1880 Apalachicola, Fla ,?'IH Appleton,Wis 11.869 3,449 3.182 3,547 3,194 4,260 9,213 8,756 27, 601 11,105 4,008 94, 923 3,079 3, 305 5,129 3,763 4,586 3, 785 2,861 14, 339 2,669 105, 287 25, 228 7,607 11,283 10, 294 30, 337 6,398 9,798 4,512 17, 336 3,975 10, 741 3,018 6,142 7,604 9,431 9,998 4, 252 10, 342 4,424 4,032 4, 732 8,347 5,629 10, 235 4,195 2,532 3,566 7,346 9,956 3,192 £,338 Ashland, Pa Ashland, Wis Ashley, Pa Ashtabula, Ohio .... Aspen, Colo 5,108 6,184 13, 963 8, 639 2, 620 3,274 2,339 2,360 3,697 5,591 7,849 16, 512 5,708 3,216 90, 758 1,867 1,966 143 2,716 1,800 13, 659 2,305 78, 682 18, 063 4,636 6,153 8,975 19,710 3,635 3,355 4,298 9,466 Num- ber. Per cent. 1,110 1,187 563 3,622 907 11,089 5,457 792 4,165 1,212 1, 339 4,986 1,047 47.46 'so.'so 15.' 23 CITIES, TOWNS, VIL- LAGES, AND BOROUGHS. 4,126 1,850 5,169 6,642 8,061 942 2,706 1,061 680 364 26, 605 7,165 2, 971 5,130 1,319 10, 627 2,763 6,443 214 7,870 64.78 11.56 67.16 95.60 24.63 4.59 64,92 68.11 ,486.71 38.55 Auburn, Me . . Auburn, N. T. Augusta, Ga.. Augusta, Me.. Aurora, HI Aurora, Ind Aurora, Mo Ausable, Mich . Austin, 111 Austin, Minn . . POPULATION. 1890 6,615 1,168 973 962 1,370 9,056 1,546 58.94 4.98 15.79 33.81 39.67 64.09 83.37 14,70 53.92 76.01 192. 04 4.98 83.14 Austin, Tex Avoca, Pa Avondale, Ohio . Baker, Ore Bakersfield, Cal. BaldwinsvUle, N. Y . Ballston Spa, N. Y . . Baltimore, Md Bangor, Me Bangor, Pa 1880 Baraboo, Wis BarnesvlUe, Ohio. Barnstable, Mass. Barre, Vt Batavia, 111 1,336 8,005 3,049 1, 012 4,100 2,616 3,280 2,394 3,004 6,052 6,319 65, 533 4, 351 13, 055 7,577 a New town. 2,799 4,445 1,391 3,864 983 7,335 1,529 7,619 915 138 562 1,294 160. 32 63.14 18. 82 14.48 17.00 961. 36 57.13 Batavia, N. Y Bath, Me Bath, N. Y Baton Rouge, La . . . Battle Creek, Mich . Bay city, Mich . Bayonue, N. J.. Beardstown, 111. Beatrice, Neb-. . Beaufort, S. C . . 104. 12 48.27 32.24 2,803 15, 105 6,099 2,457 1,592 4,307 37, 409 3,662 5,477 11,111 393 3,893 724. 80 37.29 291. 25 27.90 5.76 18.71 21.38 Beaumont, Tex . . Beaverdam, Wis. Beaver PaUs, Pa. Bedford, Ind Bedford, Va Belfast, Me Bellaire,01iio Bellofontame, Ohio. Bellefonte, Pa Belle Plaiue, Iowa Belleville, 111.. Bellevue, Ky... Bellevue, Ohio . Beloit, Wis-..- Belton, Tex. . . . 14.04 87.58 3,381 cl, 142 2,540 163 1,682 2,012 28, 124 689 7,578 e3, 534 120. 62 c7. 56 41.65 6.63 105. 65 46.71 75.18 18. SI 138. 36 c31. 81 Belvidere, 111 Bennington, Vt Benton Harbor, Mich . Eenwood, W. Va Berea, Ohio Berkeley, Cal. Berkley, Va... Berlin, Conn . . Berlin, N.H.. Berlin, Wis... 11,250 25, 858 33, 300 10, 527 19, 688 3,929 3,482 4,328 4,051 3,901 14, 575 3,031 4,473 2,604 2,626 3,040 3, 527 434, 439 19, 103 2,509 4,605 3,207 4,023 6,812 3,543 7,221 8,723 3,261 10, 478 13, 197 27, 839 19, 033 4,226 13, 836 3,587 3,296 4,222 9,735 3,351 2,897 5,294 9,934 4,245 3,046 2,623 15, 361 3, 163 3,052 6,315 3,000 3,867 6, .391 3,692 2,934 2, 533 5,101 3,899 2,600 3,729 4,149 9,555 21, 924 21, 891 8,665 11, 873 4,435 Berwick, Pa Bessemer, Ala . . Bessemer, Colo. . Bessemer, Mich. Bethel, Conn Num- ber. 1,695 3,934 11, 409 1, 862 7,815 Per cent. 1,328 1,359 2,305 11,013 1,913 2.552 ' 1,2.58 801 2,121 3,011 332, 313 16, 856 1,328 3,266 2,435 4,242 2,060 2,639 4,845 7,874 3,183 7, 197 7,063 20, 693 9,372 3,135 2.447 2,549 3,000 2,692 1,596 17.74 17.94 52.12 21.49 65.82 cll.41 3,562 1,118 1,921 1,346 1,825 919 516 102, 126 2,247 1,181 1,339 772 c219 4,752 904 2,376 849 78 3,281 6,134 7,146 9,661 1,091 11, 389 1, 038 225. 90 198. 09 69. 24 32.34 58.44 75.27 107. 00 43.33 17.14 30.73 13. 33 88.93 41.00 31.70 C5. 16 230. 68 34. 26 49.04 10.78 2.45 45.59 86.85 34.53 103.08 34.80 465. 43 40.72 3,416 5,104 2,198 2,191 4,631 1,153 706 23.59 90.73 52,46 32.22 6 The town. 2,701 4.544 3,317 2,566 3,401 Decrease, 5,308 8,025 3,998 3,026 1,689 C14 1,909 247 920 934 eO, 26 23. 79 6.18 30.40 55.30 10, 083 1,460 2,169 4,790 1,797 4,678 1,703 883 1, .525 1,203 43.79 116. 64 40.71 31.84 66:94 2, 951 6,333 1,230 916 58 2,462 31 04 0. . 2 200. IJ 1,682 851 50.59 2,385 1,144 3,353 215 2,585 796 9.01 225. 96 23. 74 2,095 606 28.93 2,727 674 24. 72 POPULATION. 443 r Table 5 — AGGEEGATE POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE IN 1890, ETC.— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VIL- LAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Bethlehem, Pa Beverly, Mass Bid{lefi>r(l, Me Big Kapids, Mich . Biloxi, Miss POPULATION. 1890 Binghamton, N. T BirmiDghani, Ala . Blackstone, Mass . Blairsville, Pa Bloomington, 111 . . , Bioomington, lud . Bloonisburg. Pa. . . Blosshurg, Pa Blue Island, 111 . . . Bluffton, Ind Bonhaiu, Tex Bonue Terre, Mo. . Boone, Iowa Boonville, Mo Bordentown, N. J . Boston, Mass Bonlder, Colo Bowling Green, Ky . . . Bowling Green, Ohio. . Braddoek, Pa Bradford, Mass . Bradford, Pa ... . Braidwood, 111 . . Brainerd, Minn . Braintree, Mass. Brandon, Vt Branford, Conn . Brattleboro, Vt . Brazil, Ind Brenham, Tex .. Brewer, Me Bridgeport, Conn . Bridgeport, Ohio. . Bridgeport, Pa Bridgeton, N. J . . . Bridgewater, Mass Bridgton, Me Bristol, Conn Bristol, Me Bristol, Pa Bristol, E.I Bristol, Tenn. (b ) Bristol, Va. (b) Brockport, N. Y Brockton, Mass Brookfleld, Mass Brookfield, Mo... Brookline, Mass . Brooklyn, Conn.. Brooklyn, N. Y . . Brooklyn. Ohio Brownsville, Tenn . Brownsville, Tex .. Brunswick, Ga Brunswick, Me . . . . Bryan, Ohio Bryan, Tex Bucksport, Me. Buc>Tus, Ohio . Buflalo,N.Y... Burlington, Iowa Burlington, N. J . , Burlington, Vt BuTTiUville, R. I . . Butler, Ind 6,762 10, 821 14, 443 5,303 3,234 35, 005 26, 178 6, 138 3,126 20, 484 4,018 4,635 2,568 3, 329 3,589 3,361 3,719 6,520 4,141 4,232 448, 477 3,330 7,803 3,467 8,561 3,720 10, 514 4,641 5,703 4,848 3,310 4,460 6,862 5,905 5,209 4,193 48, 866 3,369 2,651 11,424 4,249 2,605 7,382 2,821 6,553 5,478 3,324 2,902 3,742 27, 294 3,352 4,547 12, 103 2,628 806, 343 4,585 2,516 6,134 8,459 6,012 3,068 2,979 2,921 5,974 255, 664 22, 565 7,264 14, 590 5,492 2,521 1880 5,193 8,456 12, 651 3, 5.52 1,540 17,317 3,086 4,907 1,162 17, 180 2,756 3,702 2,140 1,542 2,354 INCREASE. Num- ber. 3, 330 3, 190 3, 854 287 4,258 I a26 1,569 2,365 1,792 1,75J 1,694 17, 688 23, 092 1,231 1,964 3,304 1,262 933 428 1,787 1,235 1,481 362, 839 3,069 5,114 1,539 3,310 2,643 9,197 5,524 1,865 3,855 3, 280 3,047 5,880 3,441 4,101 3,170 27, 643 2, 395 1,802 8,722 3,620 2.863 5,347 3,196 5, 273 6,028 1,647 1,502 4,039 13, 608 85, 638 261 2,689 1,928 5,251 1,077 1,317 a883 3, 838 993 30 1,413 982 2,464 1,108 1,023 21, 223 974 849 2,702 629 a258 2,035 a375 1,280 a550 1,677 1,340 a297 13, 686 2,820 i 532 2,264 1 1 2,283 8,057 ij 4,046 2,308 1 1 320 566,663 ;i239. 080 4,938 !i 2,891 ]■ 5,384 I, 2,952 '"[ 1,196 5,568 628 116 3,047 i' al26 3,835 1 1 2,139 ■ 155,134 11100,530 19, 450 6,090 11, 365 5,714 1, 0.56 3,115 1,174 3.225 a222 1,465 Per cent. 30.21 27. 97 14.16 49.30 110.00 102.14 748. 28 25.09 169. 02 19.23 45.79 25.20 20.00 115. 89 52.46 78.78 95.80 7.45 a0.61 23.60 8.50 52.58 125. 28 158. 64 40. 75 14.32 al5. 98 205. 79 25.76 0.91 46.37 16.70 71.61 27.02 32.27 76.78 40.67 47.11 30.98 17.38 a9. 01 38.06 all. 73 24. 27 a9. 12 101. 82 85. 79 a 7. .35 100. 57 18.87 100. 84 50, 22 13.86 42. 30 1,295 ! .3,290 i 254.05 24.22 192. 60 11.66 3.93 a4. 14 55.78 64.80 16.02 19.28 28.38 a3. 89 138. 73 CITIES, TOWNS, VIL- LAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Butler, Mo Butler, Pa Butte, Mont .. . Cadillac, Mich . Cairo, m Calais, Me Calvert, Tex Cambridge, Md . . . Cambridge, Mass . Cambridge, Ohio. . Camden, Ark . Camden, Me.. Camden, N. J , Camden, S. C . Cameron, Mo . Canandaigua, N. Y Canastota, N. Y Canton, Conn Canton, 111 Canton, Mass Canton, N. Y Canton, Ohio Canyon, Colo Cape Elizabeth, Me. Cape Girardeau, Mo Carbondale, Pa , Caribou, Me Carlinville, 111 . . Carlisle, Pa Carmi, 111 Carrollton, Mo . . Carson, Nev Cartersville, Ga. Carterville, Mo . Carthage, Mo . . . Catasauqua, Pa Catskill.N. Y Cedar J'alls, Iowa. . . Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Celina, Ohio Centerville. Iowa C'entralia, 111 Centralia, Pa Chambersburg, Pa Champaign, 111 Channte, Kan Chariton, Iowa Charles city, Iowa . . Charleston, 111 Charleston, S. C Charleston, W. Va Charlotte, Mich Charlotte, N. C Charlottesville, Va Chartiers, Pa Chattanooga, Tenn . Cheboygan, Mich .. Chelmsford, Mass. . Chelsea, Mass Cherokee, Iowa Chester, 111 Chester, Pa Chester, S. C Chestertown, Md . Cheyenne, Wyo. . . Chicago, lU Chico, Cal Chicopee, Mass .. Chillicothe, Mo.. Chillicothe, Ohio. POPULATION. 1890 2,812 8,734 10, 723 4,461 10, 324 7,290 2,632 4,192 70, 028 4,361 2,571 4,621 58, 313 3, 533 2,917 5,868 2,774 2,500 5,604 4,538 2,580 26, 189 2,825 5,459 4,297 10, 833 4,087 3,293 7,620 2,785 3,878 3,950 3,171 2,884 7,981 3, 704 4,920 3,459 18, 020 2,702 3,668 4,763 2,761 A 5,839 2,826 3,122 2,802 4,135 54, 955 6, 742 3,867 11,557 5,591 2,983 29,100 6,235 2,695 27, 909 3,441 2,708 20, 226 2,703 2,632 11,690 1, 099, 850 2,894 14, 050 5,717 11, 288 1880 2,162 3,163 3,363 2, 213 9,011 6,173 2,280 2,262 52, 669 2,883 1,503 4,386 41, 659 1,780 2,109 5,726 1,569 2,301 3,762 4,516 2,049 12, 258 1,501 5,302 3,889 7,714 2,756 3,117 6,209 2,512 2,313 4,229 2,037 483 4,167 3,065 4,320 3,020 10, 104 1,346 2,475 3,621 1,886 6,877 5,103 887 2,977 2,421 2,867 49, 984 4,192 i 2,910 7,094 2,676 1,852 12, 892 2,269 2,553 21,782 1,523 2,580 14, 997 1,899 2,359 3,456 503, 185 3,300 11, 286 4,078 10, 938 Num- ber. 650 5,571 7,360 2,248 1,313 1,117 352 1,930 17, 359 1,478 1,068 235 16, 654 1,753 808 142 1,205 199 1,842 22 531 13, 931 1,324 157 408 3,119 1,331 176 1,411 273 1,565 a279 1,134 2,401 3,814 639 600 439 7,916 1,356 1,193 1,142 875 986 736 J 1, 939 I 145 .381 1,268 I 4,971 2,550 957 4,463 2,915 1,131 16, 208 3,966 142 6,127 1,918 128 5,229 804 273 8,234 596, 665 (1406 2,764 1, 6.'i9 350 Per cent. 30.06 176. 13 218. 85 101. 58 14.57 18.09 15.44 85. 32 32.96 51.27 71.06 5.36 39.98 98.48 38.31 2.48 76.80 8.65 ■ 48. 96 0.49 25.92 113. 65 88.21 2.96 10.49 40.43 48.29 5.65 22.73 10.87 67.66 06.60 55.67 497. 10 91.53 20.85 13.89 14.54 78.35 100. 74 48.20 31.54 46.39 14.34 hville, La.. McGregor, Iowa McKees Rocks, Pa. McKenzie, Tenn McKinnej', Tex McLeans boro, 111 . . . McMinnville, Ore McMinnville, Tenn.. McSherrystown, Pa. Machias, Me Machiasport, Me Macon, Miss Madawaska, Me. Madison, Conn.. Madison, Ga MadLson, Me Madison, N. J Madison, S. D Madisonville, Ky. . . MadLsonville, Ohio . Magnolia, Ark Malvern, Ark Malvern, Iowa Manasquan, N. J . . Mancelona, Mich . - Manchester, Iowa . Manchester, Mass . Manchester, Mich . Manchester, Ohio . . Manchester, Vt Mandan, N. D Mandeville, La . Manheira, Pa... Manitou, Colo. . Manning, Iowa . Manning, S. C . . Mansfield, Conn . . Mansfield, Pa. (a) . Mansfield, Pa. (6) . Manti, Utah Marathon, N.T... Marceline. Mo . . Marengo, 111 Marengo, Iowa . Marianna, Ark . Marietta, Pa Marion, Ala. Marion, 111 . - Marion, Kan. Marion, S. C . Marion, Va . . Marionville, Mo . Marlboro, N. H . . Marlin, Tex Maroa, 111 Marseilles, 111 . POPULATION. 1890 1,320 2, 469 1,939 1,768 1,792 1,146 1,019 1,386 1,084 1,466 2, 398 2,450 1,154 1,754 2,383 1,030 1,771 2,346 1,698 2,235 1,160 1,687 1,166 2, 489 1,355 1,368 1,677 1,020 2, 035 1,437 1,565 1.451 1,429 2,131 1,815 2,469 1,736 2,212 2,214 1,486 1,520 1,003 1,506 1,205 2,344 1,789 1,191 1,965 1,907 1, 328 1,012 2,070 1,439 1,233 1,069 1,911 2,352 1, 762 1,950 1,198 1,977 1,445 1,710 1,126 2, 402 1,982 1,338 2,047 1,640 1,651 1,159 1,695 2,058 1,164 2,210 1880 981 1, 526 2,005 1,114 1,101 1,038 632 679 2,154 1,313 509 1,982 417 1,473 425 1,C02 1,479 1,341 670 1,244 439 2,203 1,531 2,074 1,391 1,672 1,974 1,315 1,756 96 1,544 1,274 536 748 105 2,275 1,640 1,156 1,455 1,928 239 753 1,666 422 2,154 1,172 1,611 1,748 1,006 1,264 1, 7.38 627 2, .503 2,074 881 857 824 919 432 1,286 870 1,882 b In Tioga county. POPULATION 461 Tablk 6.— aggregate POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS HAVING FROM 1,000 TO 2,500 INHABITANTS IN, 1890, ETC.— Coutiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, iLND BOROUGHS. 3Iar9hall,ni Marsliall, Minn . . Marshallville, Ga. Marslifielil, Mass. MarslitieUl, Ore. . . Marshtield, Vt . . . Martinez, Cal Mary.sville, Kan. - Harysville, Mont. Marvsrille, Pa . . . JVIaryville, Tenu . Mas'coutaii, 111... Mason, 111 Mason, Mich Mason, W.Va... Massena, N. Y Matawan, N. J Mattapoisett, Mass. Mauinee, Ohio Mauston, Wis Maya Landing, K. Mayville, N. Y... Mayville, Pa Mayville, Wis . . - Mazonianie, Wis . Meaderville. Mont Mechanicshurg, Ohio . Medfield, Mass Medford, Wis Medicine Lodge, Kan . Medina, Ohio Memphis, Mo Merced, Cal Morcer, Pa Merchantville, N. J . Meredith, N. H . - . ilexia, Tex Mexico, N. Y Meyersdale, Pa . . . Middleburg, N.Y. Middleiield, Conn. Middl.'p.irt, N. Y . Middl.town, Del.. Middletown, R. I.. Midland, Mich Midway, Ky Miffliuburg, Pa . Milan, Mo Milan, N. H Milan, Tenn Milhank, S. D . Milbridge, Me . Miltord,Del... Milford, Mich. MUldale, Ky . . . Millersburg, Ohio. Millersburg, Pa... Millerstown, Pa . . Millersville, Pa - . . Millstadt, 111 Milo. Me Milton, Del.. Milton, ria .. Milton, N. H . Milton, Vt ... Minden, La Minden, Neb Mineola, Tex Minei-s Mills, Pa- Minerva, Ohio . . . Mineville, N. Y Mingo Junition, Ohio. Minneapolis, Kan Minonk, 111 Minot, Me POPrLATION. 1890 1,900 1,203 1,086 1,713 1,461 1,121 1,600 1,913 1,489 1,115 1,686 2,032 1, 869 1,875 1,029 1,049 1,491 1,148 1,645 1,343 1,021 1,164 1, 695 1,165 1,034 1,075 1, 459 1, 493 1, 193 1,095 2, 073 1.780 2,009 2,138 1,225 1,642 1,674 1,315 1,847 1,139 1, 002 1,217 1,454 1,154 2,277 1, 185 1,417 1, 234 1,029 1,546 1,207 1,963 1, 226 1, 138 1,003 1,923 1, 527 1,162 1.241 1,186 1.029 1,074 1,455 1,640 1,585 1,298 1, 380 1,333 2,075 1,139 1,844 1,856 1,756 2.316 1,355 1880 1,885 961 543 1,781 642 1,102 'i,249 1,206 1,098 2,558 3,714 1,809 1,186 1,437 1, 365 1,780 1,013 744 al,051 1,051 1,522 1,371 504 373 1,484 1,418 1,446 2,344 439 1,800 1,298 1,273 1,423 1,123 928 771 1,280 1,139 1,529 950 1,168 1,117 895 1,600 1,752 1,240 1,251 1,814 1,440 1,108 1,121 1, 229 934 1,026 1,058 1,516 2,006 1,113 98 1,175 565 2,561 371 1,084 1,913 1,763 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND B0B0UGH8. Minster, Ohio . Mitchell, Ind.. Mitchell, .S. D . Modesto, Cal... Mohawk, N. Y Moinence, 111 Monett, Mo Monmouth. Me . Monon, Ind Monroe, Me Monroe, Mo Monroe, N. C Monson, Me Montague, Mich. Monterey, Cal. .. Montesano, Wash . . Montevideo, Minn. . Mouteznnia, Iowa . . Montgomery, Minn Montgomery, Mo. . . Montgomery, N. Y . Monticello, Ark Monticello, Fla Monticello, 111 , Monticello, Ind Monticello, Iowa . . Monticello, Me Monticello, N.Y... Moutoursville, Pa. Montpelier, Idaho . Montpelier, Ohio . Montrose, Colo . . . Montrose, Pa Montville, Conn. . Montville, Me Moorhead, Minn Moravia, N. Y Morehead, N. C Morenci, Mich Morgan, La Morganfield, Ky Morgan Park, 111 Morgantou, N. C Morgantown, W. Va. MorriUton, Ark Morris, Minn Morrison, 111 Morristown, Tenn. Morristown, Vt - . - Morrisville, Pa Moultonboro, N. H . Mound city. Mo Mount Airy, N. C Mount Ayr, Iowa. . Mount Carroll, 111. . Mount Desert, Me Mount Gilead, Ohio Mount Holly, Vt Mount Holly Springs, Pa . . - Mount Joy. Pa Mount Kisco, N. Y Mount Morris, N. Y Mount Olive, 111 Mount Pleasant. S. C Mount Pleasant, Utah Mount Pulaski, 111. . . Mount Sterling, 111 . . Mount Vernon, Iowa. Muncy.Pa Myerstown, Pa Nacogdoches, Tex. Naperville, 111 Naples, N. Y Nappauee, Ind Nashua, Iowa POPULATION. 1890 1,120 1,583 2, 217 2, 402 1,806 1, 635 1, 699 1,362 1, 064 1,079 1,830 1,866 1, 237 1, 623 1,662 1, 632 1,437 1,062 1,086 2, 199 1,024 1,285 1,218 1,643 1,518 1.938 1, 132 1,016 1, 278 1,174 1,293 1,330 1,735 2,344 1,049 2,088 1,486 1,064 1,248 2,291 1,094 1,027 1,557 1,011 1,644 1,266 2,088 1, 999 2,411 1,203 1,034 1,193 1,768 1,265 1,836 1,355 1,329 1.214 1,190 1,843 1880 1,123 1,439 320 1,693 1,441 1,037 1,520 288 1,366 640 1,564 827 1, 297 1,396 862 921 261 1,165 935 891 1,337 1,193 1,877 965 941 1,193 546 406 1,722 2,664 1, 255 1,540 520 1,209 2,015 744 187 861 745 770 743 1,981 1,350 2, 099 1,254 678 519 1,275 1,017 1.216 1, 390 1,256 2,058 1,095 728 2,286 1, 899 1,986 709 1, 138 783 2,254 2,004 1, 3.57 1,125 1,655 1,445 1.259 977 1, 295 1,174 1,880 1,580 1,138 333 2,210 2,073 1,266 1,360 1,493 547 1,240 1.116 a Estimated. 462 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 6.— AGGREGATE POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS HAVING FROM 1,000 TO 2,500 INHABITANTS IN 1890, ETC.— Contiuueil. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Nashville, III ... . Nashville, Mich.. Natchitoches, La. National, Cal Naiivoo, 111 Navarre, Ohio. . . Nazareth, Pa Necedah, Wis ... Neill.sTille, Wis . Neligh, Neb N eodesha, Kan Neosho, Mo Nephi,Utah Nesquehoning, Pa Nevada, Iowa Newark, Del Newaygo, Mich Newhern, Tenn Newberry, Mich New Bethlehem, Pa . New Boston, N. H. . . New Braunfels, Tex. New Bremen, Ohio . . Newbiirg, Iiid Newbury, Mass Newbury. Vt Newcastle, Me Newcastle, Wye New Comerstown, Ohio New Cumberland, W. Va New Gloucester, Me. Newhampton, Iowa. . New Harmony. Ind. . New Haven, liid New Haven, Pa New Haven, Vt New Holland, Pa New Hope, Pa New Lexington, Ohio. New Lisbon, Ohio New London, Ohio . . . New London, Wis New Madrid, Mo New Marlboro, Mass . Newport, Ark Newport, Me Newport, Pa New Portland, Me New Eichmond, Ohio. New Kichmoud, Wis . New Sharon, Iowa. . . New Sharon, Me New Shoreham, R. 1. Newton, 111 Newton, N. H Newton, N.C Newtown, Pa Newville, Pa Nicholasville, Ky Nickerson, Kan . . Noeales, Ariz NoKomis, HI Norborne. Mo Norfolk, Conn Norridgewock, Me . North Amherst, Ohio. North Berwick, Me. . . Northboro, Mass North Canaan, Conn . . Northeast, Md Northeast, Pa Northtield, Mass Northfield, N. H North Haven, Conn North Indiananolis, Ind. POPULATION. 1890 2,084 1,029 1,820 1,353 1,208 1,010 1,318 1,708 1,936 1,209 1,528 2,198 2,034 1,655 1,662 1,191 1,330 1,236 1,115 1,026 1,067 1,608 1,239 1,046 1,427 2,080 1,282 1,715 1,251 2,305 1,234 1,314 1,197 1,079 1,221 1,224 1,060 1,142 1,470 2, 278 L096 2,050 1,193 1,305 1,571 1,188 1.417 1,034 2, 379 1,408 1,026 1,064 1,320 1,428 1,064 1,038 1,213 1,562 2,157 1,662 1,194 1,305 1. 005 1,546 1,656 1,648 1. 803 1,952 1,683 1,249 1.538 1,869 1,115 1,862 1,479 1880 2, 222 '978 2,785 248 867 984 1, 475 1,050 326 924 1.631 1,797 957 1,541 1,148 1, 097 506 773 1,144 1,938 1,169 1, 282 1,566 2,316 1,534 926 1,218 1,382 1,105 1,095 858 442 1,355 1,005 1,152 1,357 2,028 1,011 1,808 712 1,876 683 1,451 1,399 1,271 2,545 729 805 1,306 1,203 1,168 1,006 583 1,001 1,547 2,303 597 1, 062 602 1,418 1,491 1,542 1,801 1,676 1,537 1,396 1,603 918 1,763 CITIES, TOWNS. VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. North Knoxville, Tenn . North Man. 494 026 1,724 678 1,670 031 1, 100 949 1, 979 659 1,386 919 2,019 418 946 759 1,836 287 1,253 857 1,234 027 1,038 410 1,240 758 517 1,501 274 2, 089 112 075 1,124 732 297 169 1,769 477 250 1,120 868 1,400 060 754 1,027 281 201 1,111 074 850 128 292 255 235 1,451 131 1, 053 340 1,681 176 1,243 176 1.338 839 677 821 600 546 1,540 904 572 1,383 238 981 776 1,091 737 1, 331 786 1.891 455 968 379 649 1,569 1.30 362 ,531 1,197 623 1,307 196 1,818 819 1,227 074 750 669 1,949 115 1, 264 415 1,317 134 894 254 235 2,028 007 464 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 6.-AGGREGATE POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS HAVING FROM 1,000 TO 2,500 INHABITANTS IN 1890, ETC.— Contiuued. CITIES, TOWNS. VILLAGES, AND BOliOUGHS. Ilidgewoo[l,N. J. Ridgway, Pa . . - . Kio (Jraude. Tex. Bipley, Ohio Rising Siiu, Ind. River Falls, Wis . Riverside, N. J . . . Riverside, Ohio. . KivertO)!, Ill Rivertou.N. J..- Eobiiison, 111 Rochelle, 111 Rochester, In d .. Rochester, Mass. Rochester, Vt . . . Rockaway Beach, N.Y. Rockdale, Tex Rock Falls. Ill Rockford. Iowa Eockliu, Cal Rookport, Ind Rockport, Tex Rock Rapids, Iowa. Rockville, Ind Rockville, Md Rockwood, Tenn . . Rocky Hill, Conn . . Rogers, Ark Rogers Park, 111... Rogevsville, Tenn . RoUa.Mo RoUiusford, N. H . Romeo, Mich KcMidliouse, 111.... Rosfburg, Ore Rosedale, Kau - . . Rosendale, N. Y . Roslvn, N. T . . . . Ro.sl'yn, Wash ... Roswell, Ga Rouse Point, N. Y . Rowlev, Mass Royal.ston, Mass . . Royaltou, Vt Royersford, Pa Rushville. Ill Rn.sk, Tex Russellville, Ark . Russelh'ille, Ky .. Rutherford, N. J- Ryegate, Vt. . . . Sahetha,Kan.- Saljina, Ohio — Sac citv, Iowa. St. Albans, Me St. Bernard, Ohio... St. Charles, 111 St. Charles. Minn... St. (;iair, Mich St. Clairsville, Ohio. Ste. Genevieve, Mo . St. George, Me St. Helena, Cal St. Johnsville, N. Y. St. Louis, Mich St. Martinsville, La. St. Mary, Kan St. Mary, Pa St. Michael, Md St. Paris, Ohio St. Paul, Neb St. Paul Park, Minn . St. Regis Falls, N.T. Salem, lU Salem, Ind POPULATION. 1890 1,047 1,903 1,968 2,483 1,689 1,783 1, 340 2,169 1,127 1,075 1,387 1.789 2,467 1,012 1,257 1,502 1, 505 1,900 1, 010 1, 056 / 2,314 1,069 1, 394 1,089 1,568 2, 305 1.069 1,265 1,708 1,153 1,592 2, 003 1,687 2,360 1,472 2,276 1,706 1,251 1,484 1.138 1, 856 1,248 1,030 1, 433 1,815 2.031 1, 383 1,321 2, 253 2,293 1,126 1.368 1,080 1,249 1,206 1.779 1,690 1,178 2.353 1,191 1.586 2,491 1,705 1, 263 2,246 1,814 1,174 1,745 1,329 1,145 1,263 1.173 1, 210 1,493 1,975 1880 1,100 2,546 1,806 1,499 777 1,268 705 586 1, 380 1,893 1,869 1,043 1,362 1,185 894 739 624 2, 382 1,684 1,011 1,108 529 740 1,582 1,712 1,629 822 962 "i.'ioi "i,'i86 al, 485 1,201 1, 192 1,558 558 1,662 626 825 2,058 2,299 1,046 849 757 595 1,394 1.022 1,533 1,155 1.923 1, 128 1.422 2,875 1,339 1,072 1,976 1,606 884 1,501 1,175 1,099 482 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOHOUGHS. Salem, Mo Salem, N.H Salinas, Cal Salineville, Ohio. Salisbury, Mass - Salisbury, Mo Saltsburg, Pa Sanborn, Iowa Sanbornton, N.H San Buena Ventura, Cal. Sand Beach, Mich. Sandersville, Ga. . . San Diego, Tex Sandwich, Mass . . . Sandwich, N. H . . . San Elizario, Tex. Sanford.Fla SanMsrville, Me .. San Marcos, Tex . San Pedro, Cal . . . Santa Monica, Cal. . Santa Paula, Cal Sarcoxie, Mo Sardis, Miss Sauk Center. Minn. Sauk Rapids, Minn. Sausalito, Cal Savannah, Mo Savannah, Tenn Saybrook, Conn Searboro, Me Schagbticoke,N.Y. Schoharie, N. Y Schuyler, Neb Schuylerville, N. Y. Scituate, Mass . Scotland, S. D .. Scranton, Kan. . Scranton, Miss . Seabrook, N. H . Seaford, Del ... . Searcy, Ark Searsiuont, Me . Searsport, Me . . Sedgwick, Me . . Seekonk, Mass ... Seguin, Tex Selins Grove, Pa . Selma, Cal Senatobia, Miss . Seneca, Kau Seneca, Mo Seward, Neb . . . Seymour, Iowa . Seymour, Tex . . Shaftsbury, Vt . . Shakopee, Minn . Sharon, Conn Sharon, Mass Sharpsburg, Md. Sharpsville, Pa Shawano, Wis Sheboygan Falls, Wis . Sheffield, Mass Sheffield, Pa Shelbiua, Mo Shelburne, Mass Shelburne, Vt... Shelbv,N. C Shelby, Ohio 1,327 1,615 a Estimated. Shelby ville, Tenn Sheldon, Iowa Sheldon, Vt Shenandoah, Iowa Shepherdstown, W, Va . POPCLATION. 1890 1880 1,315 1,624 1,805 1,809 2,339 1,854 2,369 2, 302 1,316 4,079 1,672 908 1,088 855 1,075 364 1,027 1,192 2,320 1,370 1,046 534 1,760 1, 279 1,877 1,572 1,819 3, 543 1,303 1,701 1,397 910 2,016 1,236 1,047 2,335 1,232 1 ■''40 1,580 417 1,047 188 1,172 341 1,044 986 1,695 1,201 1,185 598 1,334 476 1, 288 1,206 1,087 1.006 1,484 1, 362 1,794 1,847 1 258 1,028 1.188 2, 160 1,017 1,387 1,617 2,318 2,466 1,083 150 1,572 835 1, 353 1,052 1,672 1,745 1,462 1,542 1, 203 840 1,144 1,330 1, 693 2,322 1,012 1,128 1,317 1,227 1,716 1, 363 1,315 1,431 1 150 1,077 935 2,032 1,203 1,101 380 2,108 1, 525 1,058 501 1,125 183 1,652 1,887 1, 7.57 2,011 2,149 2, 580 1,634 1, 492 1,163 1,260 2,330 1,824 1, 505 890 1,118 1,148 1,954 2,204 1,295 684 1,691 1,289 1,553 1. 621 1,300 1,096 1,394 990 1,977 1,871 1,823 1,869 1,478 730 1,365 1,529 2,440 1,387 1,515 1,533 POPULATION. 465 Table 6.— AGGREGATE POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS HAVING FROM 1,000 TO 2,500 INHABITANTS IN 1890, ETC.— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOEODGHS. Sherborn, Mass . . . Sheridan, Ind Sh ickshinny. Pa. . . SLippensburg, Pa . Shirley, Mass Shoreham, Vt Shreve, Ohio Shrewsbury Mass . ShullsbuBg, Wis Siblev, Iowa Sidney, Me Sidney, N. T Sigourney, Iowa. . . Silver city, N. M . . . SUver Creek, N.T. Simsbury , (Jonn . . Skaneateles, N. Y Slater, Mo Sleepy Eye, Minn. Smethport, Pa Sniithfield, Utah . Smyrna, Del Snohomish, Wash Snow Hill, Md Socorro, N. M , Soddy, Tenn.... Sodus, N. T . . . . Somers, Conn . . . Somerset, Mass. Somerset, Ohio . Somerset, Pa Sonora, Cal Southampton, Mass Southboro, Mass . . - South Boston, Va . . Southbury, Conn South Charleston, Ohio. . South Denver, Colo South Fork, Pa South Grleus Falls, N. Y . South Haven, Mich . . South Holland, 111.... South Louisville, Ky. South Milford, Del . . . South Nyack, N. Y... South Peoria, lU South Pittsburg, Tenn Southport, N. C South Eiver, N.J South St. Paul, Minn . . . South Stillwater, Minn South Thomaston, Me . . South Waverly, Pa South Wayne, Ind South Windsor, Cor.n . . Spanish Fork, Utah Sparta, Ga Sparta 111 Spence ', Ind Spencer, Iowa Spencer ville, Ohio. Sprague, Conn Sprague Wash Spring, Pa Spring, Utah Springfield, Tonn Spring Lake, Mich . . , Spring Valley, Minn Spring Valley. N.Y. SpringviUe, N. Y Stanherry , Mo Standish, Me StAnford,Ky Stanton, Mich Starksboro, Vt POPULATION. 1890 1,381 1,134 1,448 2,188 1,191 1,240 1,012 1,449 1,393 1,090 1,334 1,358 1,523 2,102 1,678 1,874 1,559 2,400 1,513 1,150 1,080 2,455 1,993 1,483 2,295 1,173 1,028 1,407 2,106 1,127 1,713 1,441 1,017 2,114 1,789 1,089 1,041 1,491 1,295 1,606 1,924 1,005 1,782 1,339 1,496 1,638 1,479 1,207 1,796 2,242 1,304 1,534 1,082 1,107 1,736 2,214 1,540 1,979 1,868 1,813 1,266 1,106 1,689 1,797 1,044 1,372 1,168 1,381 1,028 1,883 2,035 1,841 1,385 1,352 1,070 1880 1, 401 308 1, 058 2,213 1,365 1,354 908 1,500 1,168 301 1,396 1,735 1,800 1,036 1,830 1,669 771 997 872 1,177 2,423 149 1,276 1,272 454 842 1,242 2,006 1,207 1,197 1,492 1,046 2,142 328 1,740 932 1,083 1,442 1, 034 1,045 1,008 1,081 601 1,771 854 1,902 2,304 848 1,754 1,655 824 532 3,207 1,112 989 1,372 1,256 810 1,227 1,207 2,035 1,213 1,760 1,249 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Starkville, Miss. StatesviUe, N. C . Staunton, 111 Sterling, Conn . . . Sterling, Kan Sterling, Mass Stewartstown, N. H . . Stockbridge, Mass Stockton Springs, Me Stoneboro, Pa Storm Lake, Iowa . Stoughton, Wis . . . Stowe, Vt Strafford, N. H . . . . Stratford, N. H . . . . Stroudsburg, Pa Stryker, Ohio Stuart, Iowa Sturbridge, Mass . . Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Sturgis, Mich .. Stuttgart, Ark . Sudbury, Mass . Sullivan, lU SuUivan, Ind... Sullivan, Me , Summerville, S. C . Summit, Miss Sumner, HI Superior, Neb . . . . Sutter Creek, Cal . Sutton, Neb Swansea, Mass . . . Swanzey, N. H . . . Swedesboro, N. J. Sweet Springs, Mo . Talbotton, Ga Talladega, Ala Tallapoosa, Ga Tallassee, Ala Tama, Iowa Tamworth,N. H. Tarboro, N. C . . . Tarkio, Mo Tawas, Mich Tecumseh, Mich Tecumseh, Neb . . . Tekamah, Neb . . . Tell, Ind , Temescal, Cal Tenafly,N. J Thayer, Mo Theresa. N. T Thetford, Vt Thibodeaux, La Thomaston, Ga Thorn town, Ind Ticonderoga, N. Y. (a). Tidioute, Pa Tilton, N. H a Ticonderoga Lower Falls (population as Ticonderoga since 1880. 372 30 Tippecanoe, Ohio . Tipton, Iowa Tipton, Mo Tisbury, Mass Tivoli,'N.Y Toccoa, Ga Toledo, Iowa Tolland, Conn Tomah, Wis Tomahawk, Wis . . Tombstone, Ariz . . Toms Eiver, N. J . . Topsfield, Mass . . . Topsham, Me Topsham, Vt POPULATIO.M. 1890 1S80 1,725 2,318 2,209 1,051 1,641 1,500 1,062 1,358 957 1,014 1,244 1,002 2,132 1,149 1,394 1,414 958 2,357 1,548 1,186 1,682 2,470 1,886 1,304 1,128 1,034 1,353 1,896 1,531 1,016 2,419 1,017 2,052 2, 074 2,195 1,860 662 1,994 2,062 1,199 2,489 1,165 2,060 1,197 1,468 2,222 i,i78 1,305 2,161 1,379 2,219 1,587 1,037 1,614 1, 023 1,371 1,604 1,021 458 1,351 1,541 1,324 1,456 1,600 2,035 1,355 1,661 894 1,137 1, 140 2, 063 1, 699 1,413 1,182 1,008 1,233 52 1,182 1,741 1,025 1,924 1,156 1,289 1,274 1,600 1,544 712 2,310 1,654 1,244 2,094 2, 032 2,111 1,268 776 2,112 1,046 1,143 1,019 1.028 1,287 2,078 882 1,.529 1,515 1,181 1,530 2,267 570 1,515 1,328 1,521 1,255 1,282 1,465 1,599 1,253 1,506 1,350 1,401 1,299 989 1,518 1,254 1,120 1,836 1,037 2,199 1,816 679 1,026 1,169 1,245 1,875 1,147 973 1,022 1, 394 1,187 1,165 1,544 1,365 1,198 iu 1880) and Ticonderoga Upper FaUs (population 597 in 1880) consolidated 466 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUa: 1890. Table 6 -AGGREGATE POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS HAVING FROM 1,000 TO 2,500 INHABITANTS IN 1890, ETC.— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Tower, Minn Tower, Pa Townseiid, Mass Towson, Md Tracy, Minn Tracy, Tenn Tra«?r. Iowa Tremont, Me Tremont, Pa Trenton, 111 Trenton, Tenn Troy, Pa Troy, Vt Truckee. Cal Trumansburg, N. Y Trumbull, Conn Tullahoma, Tenn Tunl)rldge, Vt Tunkhannock, Pa Tupelo, Miss Turner, HI Turner, Me Tuscarora, Nev Tuscola, 111 Tuscumbia, Ala Tuskegee, Ala trkiah, Cal TInadilla.N.Y Underbill, Vt Union, Me Union, Mich Union, Obio Union, Pa.. Union, S. C Union Springs, Ala Union Springs, N. Y TJniontowu.Ky Unionville, Mo Upland, Pa Upper Alton, 111 Upton, Mass Uvalde, Tex Valatio, N. Y Valley, N. D Valley Falls, Kan Van Buren, Ark Van Buren, M<; Vanceburg, Ky Vaudalia, HI Vassalboro, Me Vassar, Mich Vergennes, Vt Vermilion, S. D Vermont, 111 Verona, Pa Verplanck, N. Y Versailles, Mo Versailles, Ohio Vevay, Ind Villisca, Iowa Vinton, Va Virden, HI Virginia, 111- Viroqua, Wis Voluntown, Conn Wabasha, Minn Wadeaboro, N. C Wadsworth, Ohio Wahoo, Neb Wahpeton, N. D Wakefield, N.H Walden, N. Y Walkervillc, Mont Wallingford, Vt Walpole, N. H CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Walterboro, S. C . Walton, N. Y .... Wamego, Kan . . Wapello, Iowa . - Warner, N.H... Warren, HI Warren, Ind Warren, Me Warren ton, Va... Warrington, Fla . Warwick, N. Y Waseca, Minn Washburn, Me Washington, Conn . Washington, 111 — Washington, Kan Washington, La Washington, Me Washington Heights, HI. Washington Mills, N. Y. . Waterboro, Me. Waterbury, Vt. Waterford, Me. Waterloo, 111... Waterloo, Ind.. Watertown, Conn . Waterville, N. Y . . Watseka, 111 Watsontown, Pa . . Watsonville, Cal . , Waukon, Iowa . Waupaca, Wis . Wauseon, Ohio. Waverly, 111 . - . Waverly, Iowa. Waverly, Ohio . . . Waylan'd, Mass . . Wayne, Mich Wayne, Neb Waynesboro, Ga . Waynesburg, Pa Weare, N. II Weathersfield, Vt — Webster Groves, Mo , Weedsport, N. Y Weeping Water, Neb Weimar, Tex Weir, Kan Weldon, N. C Wellfleet, Mass Wellington, Ohio.- Wells, Me Wells, Minn Wellsburg, W.Va. Wells ville. Mo Wenona, HI West Bend, Wis West Branch, Mich West Bridgewater, Mass. West Brookfield, Mass . . - West Conshohocken, Pa West Covington, Ky West End, Ga Westernport, Md Westerville, Ohio West Fairview, Pa. Westfield, N. Y . . . . Westfield, Pa Westford, Mass Westford, Vt West Hartford, Conn . . West Indiana, Pa West Knoxville, Tenn West Lafayette, Ind . - West Liberty, Iowa. . . . POPULATION. 1890 1880 1,171 2,299 1 473 691 1,389 1,009 1,383 928 1,537 1, 172 1, 120 2, 037 1,346 1,301 503 2,166 1,464 1,185 1,537 2,482 1,097 1, 633 1,301 1,043 1,708 809 1,590 1,397 1,613 1,064 1,230 2,283 1,195 . 875 1,194 1,249 1,035 L357 2,232 1.001 1,860 1,473 1,482 2,297 1,161 1,802 1,376 2,323 2 024 1,897 2, 017 2,157 2,149 1, 507 1,481 1,799 1,610 2,127 2,060 1,337 2,346 1,350 1.392 1,905 1,124 2,345 1,567 2, 060 1,226 1 178 1,539 1,962 919 1,711 1,008 2,101 1,550 1,174 1 783 1,208 1,829 1,354 1,580 1,411 1,350 1,443 2,138 1,286 1,291 317 626 376 932 1,875 2,069 2, 029 1,208 2, 235 1,138 1,811 2,450 661 1,815 867 1,053 1,296 1,302 1,917 1, 592 911 1,273 139 1,665 1,917 1,666 1,7.57 1,445 1,.526 1,329 1,462 1,526 874 1,468 1,148 1,137 1,983 1,128 2,250 1,033 1,090 1,924 579 2,147 1, 133 1,930 1,634 2 114 1,828 1,077 1,242 1,268 717 1,141 POPULATION. 467 Table 6 — AGGREGATE POPULATION OF CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS HAVING FROM 1,000 TO 2,500 INHABITANTS IN 1890, ETC.— Coutimied. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Westminster, Mass "Westminster. Vt WestNa.shville, Tenn.. West Newbury, Mags. - . West Newcastle, Pa West Newton, Pa Weston, Mass Weston, Mo Weston, W. Va West Plains, Mo West Point, Ga West Point, Neb West Point, Va West Roseland, 111 West St. Paul, Minn West Stockbridge, Mass West Union, Iowa Westwood, Ohio Wetliersfield, Conn Wheaton, HI White Bear Lake, Minn. Whitefield.Me WhiteHeld, N. H WhitehaU,Ill Whitehall, Mich White Haven, Pa Whitesboro, N. T Whitesboro, Tex Whiting, Ind Whitingham, Vt Wichita Falls, Tex Wilber, Neb Wilbiaham, Mass Wilcox, Pa Williamsbridge, N. T Williamsburg, Ky Williamsburg, Mass Williamsburg, Va Williamsport, Ind WilliamsiJort, Md Williamston, Mich Williamstown, Pa Williamstown, Vt Williston, Vt Willmar, Minn Willoughby, Ohio WiUowa, Cal Willow Springs, Mo Wills Point, Tex Wilmette, lU Wilmington, HI Wilmington, Mass POPULATION. 1890 1,688 1,265 1,047 1,796 1,761 2,285 1,664 1,1.S4 2, 14:i 2,091 1,254 1,842 2,018 1,407 1,596 1,492 1,676 1,050 2,271 1,622 1,356 1,215 2,041 1, 961 1,903 1,634 1,663 1,170 1,408 1,191 1,987 1,226 1,814 1,037 1,685 1,376 2,057 1,831 1,027 1,277 1, 1.39 2,324 1,188 1,161 1, 825 1,219 1,176 1,535 1,025 1,458 1,576 1,213 1880 1,652 1,377 1,989 1, 475 1,448 1,,329 1,516 351 1,972 1,009 557 1,923 1, .551 852 2,173 1,160 435 1,511 1,828 1,724 1,408 1,370 773 115 1,240 710 1,628 208 2,234 1,480 913 1,503 982 1,771 1,0.38 1,342 1,002 1,001 728 860 419 1,872 933 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOBOUGHS. Wilmington, Vt. Wilson, N. C .... Wilton, Conn . . . Wilton, Iowa WUton, Me Wilton, N.H Winamac, Ind Winchester, 111 . . . Winchester, Tenn. Windham, Me Windsor, Mo Windsor, Vt Windsor Terrace, N. T. Winnebago, Minn Winneconue, Wis Winnemucca, Nev , Winnetka, 111 Wiunsboro, S. C Winona, Miss Winslow, Me Winterport, Me . Winterset, Iowa. Winthrop, Me... Win ton. Pa Wiscasset, Me. . . Wolcott, Vt Wonielsdorf, Pa . . Woodbury, Conn . Woodlawu, Ala . . Woodsfield, Ohio . Woodstock, Conn Woodstock, HI . . . Woodstock , Va Woodstown, N. J. Woolwich, Me Worthington, Ind . . , Worthingtou, Minn . Wrightsville, Pa Wyniore, Neb Wyoming, 111 Wyoming, Ohio Wyoming, Pa . . . Yarmouth, Me. . Yarmouth, Mass Yates Center, Kan Yellow Springs, Ohio . York, Me , Yorkville, S. C Yreka, Cal Ysleta, Tex.... Yuma, Ariz POPULATION. 1890 1880 1,106 1,1.30 2,126 1,475 1,722 1,864 1, 212 1, 431 1,622 1,739 1, 850 1,747 1, 215 835 1,542 1,626 1,313 1, 0.39 2, 216 2,312 1,427 872 1,846 2,175 1,645 1, 108 993 1,086 978 1, 037 1,079 1,738 1,648 1,814 1,926 2,281 2,111 1,797 1,733 1,158 1,141 1,815 1,506 1, 031 2,309 1, 683 1,068 1,516 1,007 1,448 1,164 1,912 2,420 1,116 1,454 1,794 2,098 1,760 1, 305 1,375 2,444 1,553 1,100 1,528 1,773 763 584 1,500 1,204 1,467 2,260 2, 583 2,146 905 1,847 1,166 1,097 2,149 861 2,639 1,475 1,000 490 1,154 1,185 636 1,776 1,086 840 1,147 2,021 2, 173 350 1, .377 2,463 1,330 1,059 1,453 1,200 468 OOMPENDITJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 7.-P0PULATI0N BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. STATUS AND TKRBITORIBe. The United States North Atlantic division . Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts .. Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania — South Atlantic division . Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin . ... Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota . South Dakota - Nebraska Kansas South Central division . Kentucky .. Tennessee. . Alabama . . . Mississippi. Louisiana . . Texas Oklahoma . . Arkansas .. Western division. Montana ..... Wyoming — Colorado New Mexico . Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington. Oregon California . . . Total population. 62, 622, 250 17,401,545 661, 086 376, 530 332, 422 2, 238, 943 345, 506 746, 258 5, 997, 853 1, 444, 933 5, 258, 014 8, 857, 920 168, 493 1,042,390 230, 392 1, 655, 980 762, 794 1, 617, 947 1, 151, 149 1, 837, 353 391, 422 22, 362, 279 3, 672, 316 2, 192, 404 3, 826, 351- 2, 093, 889 1, 686, 880 1, 301, 826 1,911,896 2, 679, 184 182, 719 328, 808 1, 058, 910 1, 427, 096 10, 972, 893 1, 858, 635 1,767,518 1,513,017 1, 289, 600 1, 118, .587 2, 235, 523 61, 834 1, 128, 179 3, 027, 613 132, 1,59 60, 705 412, 198 153, .593 59, 620 207, 905 45, 761 84, 385 349, 390 313, 767 1, 208, 130 Male. 32, 067, 880 8, 677, 798 332, 590 186, 566 169, 327 1, 087, 709 168, 025 369, 538 2, 976, 893 720, 819 2, 666, 331 4, 418, 769 85, 573 515,691 109, 584 824, 278 390, 285 799, 149 572, 337 919, 925 201, 947 11,594,910 1, 855, 736 1, 118, 347 1,972,308 1, 091, 780 874, 951 695, 321 994, 453 1, 385, 238 101, 590 180, 250 572, 824 752, 112 5, 593, 877 942, 758 891, 585 757, 456 649, 687 559, 350 1, 172, 553 34, 733 585, 755 1, 782, 526 Female. 30, 554, 370 87, 882 39, 343 245, 247 83, 055 36, 571 110, 463 29, 214 51, 290 217, 562 181, 840 700, 059 8, 723, 747 328, 496 189, 964 163, 095 1, 151, 234 177, 481 376, 720 3, 020, 960 724, 114 2, 591, 683 4,439,151 82, 920 526, 699 120, 808 831, 702 372, 509 818, 798 578, 812 917. 428 189, 475 10, 767, 369 1, 816, 580 1, 074, 057 I, 854, 043 1, 002, 109 811, 929 606, 505 917, 443 1, 293, 946 81, 129 148, 558 486, 086 674, 984 5, 379, 016 915, 877 875, 933 755, .561 639, 913 559, 237 , 062, 970 27, 101 542, 424 1, 245, 087 44,277 21, 362 166, 951 70, 538 23, 049 97,442 16, 547 33, 095 131, 828 131, 927 508, 071 NATIVE AND FOEEIQN BORN. Native. 53, 372, 703 13,513,368 582, 125 304, 190 288, 334 1,581,806 239, 201 562, 657 4, 426, 803 1,11.5,9.58 4, 412, 294 8, 649, 395 Foreign. 155, 332 948, 094 211,622 1, 637, 606 743, 911 1, 614, 245 1, 144, 879 1,825,216 368, 490 18, 302, 165 3, 213, 023 2, 046, 199 2, 984, 004 1, 550, 009 1, 167, 681 834, 470 1, .587, 827 2, 444, 315 1(11,258 237, 753 856, 368 1, 279, 258 10, 651, 072 1, 799, 279 1, 747, 489 1,498,240 1,281,648 1, 068, 840 2, 082, 567 59, 094 1,113,915 2, 256, 703 89, 063 45, 792 328, 208 142, 334 40, 825 154, 841 31,0.55 66, 929 259, 385 256, 450 841, 821 9, 219, 547 3, 888, 177 78, 961 72, 340 44, 088 657, 137 106, 305 183, 601 1, .571, 0.50 328, 975 845, 720 208, 525 13, 161 94, 296 18, 770 18, 374 18, 883 3,702 6,270 12, 137 22, 932 4, 060, 114 459, 293 146, 205 842, 347 543, 880 519, 199 467, 356 324, 069 234, 869 81,461 91, 055 202, 542 147, 838 321, 821 59, 356 20, 029 14,777 7,952 49, 747 152, 956 2, 740 14, 264 770, 910 43, 096 14, 913 83, 990 11, 259 18, 795 53, 064 14, 706 17,456 90, 005 57, 317 366, 309 RECAPITULATION BY GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. The United States.. North Atlantic division . . Soutli Atlantic division . . North Central division ... South Central division. . . Western division 62, 622, 250 17, 401, 545 8, 857, 920 22, 362, 279 10, 972, 893 3, 027, 613 32, 067, 880 8, 677, 798 4, 418, 769 11,594, 1)10 5, 593, 877 1, 782, 526 30, 554, 370 8, 723, 747 4, 439, 151 10, 767, 369 5, 379, 016 1, 245, 087 53, 372, 703 13, 513, 368 8, 649, 395 18, 302, 165 10,651,072 2, 256, 703 9,249,547 3. 888, 177 208. 525 4,060,114 321, 821 770, 910 POPULATION. 469 Table 7.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— Continued. Aggregate white. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign white. Total colored. 8TATB8 AND TERRITORIES. Total. Native parents. Foreign parents. The United States 54, 983, 890 45, 862, 023 34, 358, 348 11,503,675 9, 121, 807 7, 638, 360 Nortli A.tlaj]tic division 17, 121, 981 13, 247, 115 8, 891, 405 4, 355, 710 3, 874, 866 279, 564 ^aine . . 659, 263 375, 840 331, 418 2, 215, 373 337, 859 733, 438 5, 923, 952 1, 396, 581 5, 148, 257 5, 592, 149 580, 568 303, 644 287, 394 1,561,870 231, 832 550, 283 4, 358, 260 1,068,596 4, 304, 668 5, 389, 833 506, 703 253, 629 225, 245 955, 430 137, 550 357, 235 2, 520, 807 696, 718 3, 238, 088 5, 067, 379 73, 865 50, 015 62, 149 606, 440 94, 282 193, 048 1,837,453 371, 878 1, 066, 580 322, 454 78, 695 72, 196 44, 024 053, 503 106, 027 183, 155 1, 565, 692 327, 985 843, 589 202, 316 1,823 690 Vermont . 1,004 23, 570 Khode Island 7,647 Connecticut 12, 820 ^ew York 73, 901 isTew Jersey 48, 352 Pennsylvania 109, 757 3, 265, 771 140, 066 826, 493 154, 695 1, 020, 122 730, 077 1, 055, 382 462, 008 978, 357 224, 949 21,911,927 126, 970 732, 706 136, 178 1, 001, 933 711, 225 1,051,720 455, 865 966, 465 206, 771 17, 858, 470 109, 355 570, 285 107, 309 976, 758 670, 214 1, 044, 483 445, 195 946, 782 190, 998 12, 250, 155 17, 615 156, 421 28, 869 25, 175 41,011 7,237 10, 670 19, 683 15, 773 5, 608, 315 13, 096 93, 787 18, 517 18, 189 18, 852 3,602 6,143 11, 892 18, 178 4, 053, 457 28 427 215, 897 75, 697 635, 858 32, 717 G02, 565 Sontli Carolina e8M4T> 85C5^9B Georgia - . . 166, 473 North Central division 450, 352 Ohio 3, 584, 805 2, 146, 736 3, 768, 472 2, 072, 884 1, 680, 473 1, 296, 159 1,901,086 2, 528, 458 182, 123 327, 290 1, 046, 888 1, 376, 553 7, 487, 576 3, 126, 252 2, 000, 733 2, 927, 497 1. 531, 283 1,161,484 829, 102 1, 577, 154 2, 294, 176 100, 775 236, 447 844, 644 1, 228, 923 7, 168, 997 2, 334, 517 1, 697, 998 1 , 882, 693 917, 693 434, 649 310,951 1,063,967 1, 856, 477 37, 428 127, 232 594, 224 992, 320 6, 661, 648 791, 735 302, 735 1, 044, 804 613, 590 726, 835 518, 151 513, 187 437, 699 63, 347 109, 215 250, 420 236, 597 507, 349 458, 553 146, 003 840, 975 541,601 51H, 989 467, 057 323, 932 234, 282 81, 348 90, 843 202, 244 147, 630 318, 579 87, 511 Indiana 45, 668 57, 879 21,005 6,407 5,667 10.810 150, 726 596 1,518 12, 022 Xansas 50, 543 3, 485, 317 1,590,462 1, 336, 637 833,718 544, 851 558, 395 1, 745, 935 58, 826 818, 752 2, 870, 257 1, .531, 222 1, 316, 738 819, 114 5,37, 127 509, 555 1, 594, 466 56. 117 804, 658 2, 197, 608 1,406,918 1, 283, 481 796, 421 520, 354 413, 090 1,408,880 51, 554 780, 950 1,487,761 124, 304 33, 257 22, 693 16, 773 96, 465 185, 586 4,563 23, 708 709, 847 59, 240 19, 899 14, 004 7,724 48, 840 151,469 2,709 14, 094 672, 649 268, 173 Tennessee ..... 430, 881 Alabama 679, 299 744, 749 Louisiana .... 560. 192 Texas 489, 588 Oklahoma 3,008 309, 427 W^estem division . ....... 157,356 127, 271 59, 275 404, 468 142,719 55, 580 205, 899 39, 084 82, 018 340, 513 301, 758 1, 111, 672 86, 941 44, 845 321, 962 131, 859 38, 117 153, 766 27, 190 66, 554 254, 319 253, 936 818, 119 55, 982 30, 325 242, 148 119, 320 24, 090 68, 452 14, 784 45, 400 185, 562 203, 969 497, 729 30, 959 14, 520 79, 814 12, 539 14, 027 85, 314 12, 406 21, 154 68, 757 49, 967 320, 390 40, 330 14,430 82, 506 10, 860 17, 463 52, 133 11, 894 15, 464 86, 194 47, 822 293, 553 4,888 1,430 7, 730 10, 874 4,040 Utah 2, UII6 0,677 2, 367 8,877 12, 009 96, 458 KECAPITULATION BY GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. The United States 54, 983, 890 45, 862, 023 34, 358, 348 11, 503, 675 9, 121, 867 7, 638, 360 17, 121, 981 5, 592, 149 21, 911, 927 7, 487, 576 2, 870, 257 13, 247, 115 5, 389, 833 17, 858, 470 7, 168, 997 2, 197, 608 8, 891, 405 5, 067, 379 12, 250, 155 6, 661, 648 1, 487, 761 4, 355, 710 322,454 5, 608, 315 507, 349 709, 847 3, 874 866 202, 310 4, 053, 457 318,579 672, 649 279, 564 3, 265, 771 450, 352 South Central division - . 3, 485, 317 W^estern division 157, 366 470 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 181)0. Table 8.— THE COLORED POPULATION CLASSIFIED AS BLACKS, MULATTOES, QUAD- ROONS, OCTOROONS, CHINESE, JAPANESE, AND CIVILIZED INDIANS, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. Total colored. PERSONS OF AFRICAN DESCENT. 1 Chinese. Japiinese. Civilized Indians. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Total. Blacks. Mulat- toes. Quad- roons. Octo- roons. The United States.. 7, 638, 360 7, 470, 040 6, 337, 980 956, 989 105, 135 69, 936 107, 475 2,039 58, 806 North Atlantic division. . 279, 564 269, 906 207, 175 51, 492 6,240 4,999 6,177 247 3, 234 1,823 690 1,004 23, 570 7,647 12, 820 73, 901 48, 352 109, 757 3, 265, 771 1,190 614 937 22, 144 7,393 12, 302 70, 092 47, 638 107, 596 3, 262, 690 507 248 521 14, 108 5,396 9,221 54, 852 40, 436 81,886 2, 823, 905 462 183 328 6,815 1,679 2,453 12, 469 6,123 20, 980 374, 765 107 70 51 728 226 367 1,622 701 2,368 38, 946 114 113 37 493 92 261 1, 149 378 2,362 25, 074 73 58 32 984 09 272 2,935 608 1,146 669 1 2 1 18 5 18 148 22' 32 55 559 New Hampshire 16 34 Massachusetts Rhode Island 424 180 228 726 84 Pennsylvania South Atlantic division. . 983 2,357 28, 427 215, 897 75, 697 635, 858 32, 717 562, 565 689, 141 858, 996 166, 473 450, 352 28, 386 215, 657 75, 572 635, 438 32, 690 561, 018 688, 934 858, 815 166, 180 431, 112 24, 837 181, 296 55, 736 512, 997 23, 336 483, 817 621, 781 773, 682 146, 423 297, 331 3, 213 31, 094 17, 989 107,217 7,583 65, 687 53, 400 72, 072 16,510 107, 701 197 2,078 1,126 9,772 758 5,897 8,120 8,795 2,203 15, 092 139 1,189 721 5,452 1,013 5,617 5,633 4,266 1,044 10, 988 37 189 91 55 15 32 34 108 108 2,351 4 7 9 16 3 1 44 District of Columbia. 25 349 West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina 9 1,514 173 5 14 117 68 Florida 171 North Central division . . . 16, 772 Ohio 87, 511 45, 668 57, 879 21, 005 6,407 5,667 10,810 150, 726 596 1,518 12, 022 50, 543 3, 485, 317 87, 113 45, 215 57, 028 15, 223 2,444 3,683 10, 685 150, 184 373 541 8,913 49, 710 3, 479, 251 268, 071 430, 678 678. 489 742, 559 559, 193 488, 171 2,973 309, 117 27, 081 50, 078 31, 557 40, 346 7, 03fi 1,007 1,981 7,503 114, 739 153 310 6,091 36, 530 2, 993, 092 29, 191 10,970 13, .583 5,589 782 1,166 2,318 30, 966 109 164 2,155 10, 708 416, 411 4,112 1,526 1,862 1,376 290 310 585 2,932 70 44 405 1,580 43, 068 3,732 1,162 1,237 1,222 365 226 279 1,547 41 23 262 892 26, 680 183 92 740 120 119 94 64 409 28 195 214 93 1,434 22 18 14 38 9 2 1 6 1 193 343 97 5,624 3,835 1,888 60 127 North Dakota South Dakota 194 782 2 4 61 2,893 736 South Central division. . . 4,571 268, 173 430, 881 679, 299 744, 749 560, 192 489, 588 3,008 309. 427 157, 356 216, 085 356, 215 601,069 657, 393 468, 240 422, 447 2, 156 269, 487 16,477 46, 152 65, 222 65, 993 72, 945 76, 840 55, 319 688 33, 252 6,620 3,577 5,485 7,040 8,039 8,597 6,219 77 4, 034 1,789 2,257 3,756 4, 387 4,182 5,516 4,186 52 2,344 2,195 28 51 48 147 333 710 25 92 96, 844 3 6 3 7 39 3 71 146 759 2,036 627 Texas 704 10 218 Western division 1,559 31, 872 4,888 1,430 7,730 10, 874 4,040 2,006 6.677 2. 367 8,877 12, 009 96, 458 1,490 922 6,215 1,956 1,357 588 242 201 1,602 1,186 11, 322 1,086 671 4,056 970 932 379 140 100 1,044 557 6,542 257 195 1,778 419 390 145 77 53 371 287 2,648 93 37 229 236 20 29 12 30 101 134 868 54 19 152 331 15 35 13 18 86 208 1,264 2,532 465 1,398 361 1,170 806 2,833 2,007 3,260 9,540 72, 472 6 860 43 10 3 1 4 3 107 New Mexico 8,554 1, 512 Utah 608 3,599 159 360 25 1,147 3,655 1, 258 California . - - 11, 517 POPULATION. 471 Table 9— POPULATION AS MALES AND FEMALES, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850-1890. STATES AND TEBRI TORIES. The United States North Atlantic divi- sion. Maine New Hampshire. . . Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic divi- sion. Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central divi- 11,594,910 sion. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin - . . Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota - South Dakota . Nebraska Kansas Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas a Dakota territory. 472 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 10.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BOEN, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850-1890. NATIVE BOBN. FOREIGN BORN. 1890 18S0 1870 1860 1860 1890 1880 1870 1860 1860 The anited States... 53,372,703 43,475,840 32,991,142 27,304,624 20,947,274 9,249,547 6,679,943 5,567,229 4,138,697 2,244,602 North Atlantic division . . . 13,513,308 11,692,887 9,778,124 8,570,363 7,301,308 3,888,177 2,814,520 2,520,606 2,023,905 1,325,543 ]VIaine 582,125 304,190 288,334 1,581,806 239,201 562,657 4,426,803 1,115,958 4,412,294 8,649,395 590,053 300,697 291,327 1,339,594 202,538 492,708 3,871,492 909,416 3,695,062 7,422,939 578,034 288,689 283,396 1,104,032 161,957 423,815 3,244,406 717,1.53 2,976,642 5,686,766 590,826 305,135 2^,355 970,960 137,226 379,451 2,879,455 549,245 2,475,710 5,202,203 551,344 303,711 280,405 830,490 123,643 332,274 2,441,465 429,607 2,008,369 4,574,180 78,961 72,340 44,088 657,137 106,305 183,601 1,571,050 328,975 845,720 208,525 58,883 46,294 40,959 443,491 73,993 129,992 1,211,379 221,700 587,829 174,258 48,881 29,611 47,155 353,319 55,396 113,639 1,138,353 188,943 545,309 166,844 37,453 20,938 32,743 260,106 37,394 80,696 1,001,280 122.790 430,505 162,500 New Hampshire 31,825 14,265 Massachusetts 33,715 164,024 Connecticut 23,902 38,518 655,929 New Jersey . . 303,417 104,910 South Atlantic division . . . Delaware 155,3.32 948,094 211,622 1,637,606 743,911 1,614,245 1,144,879 1,825,216 368,490 18,302,165 137,140 852,137 160,502 1,497,869 600,192 1,396,008 987,891 1,531,616 259,584 14,447,282 115,879 697,482 115,446 1,211,409 424.923 1,068,332 697,532 1,172,982 182,781 10,647,826 103,051 609,520 62,596 1,561,260 86,279 531,825 46,769 1,398,676 13,161 94,296 18,770 18,374 18,883 3,702 6,270 12,137 22,932 4,060,114 9,468 82,806 17,122 14,696 18,265 3,742 7,686 10,564 9,909 2,916,829 9,136 83,412 16,254 13,754 17,091 3,029 8,074 11,127 4,967 2,333,285 9,165 77,529 12,484 35,058 Maryland 51,209 4,918 District of Columbia . . "West Virginia 22,985 North Carolina South Carolina Georgia - . 989,324 693,722 1,045,615 137,115 7,553,358 866,458 659,800 899,697 84,676 4,753,220 3,298 9,986 11,671 3,309 1,543,358 2^581 8,707 6,488 2,769 650,375 Florlaa North Central division Ohio 3,213,023 2,046,199 2,984,004 1,550,009 1,167,681 834,470 1,.587,827 2,444,315 101,258 237,753 856,368 1,279,258 10,651,072 2,803,119 1,834,123 2,494,295 1,248,429 910,072 513,097 1,362,965 1,956,802 I a83,382 354,988 886,010 8,645,097 2,292,767 1,539,163 2,024,693 916,049 690,171 279,000 989,328 1,499,028 a9,3G6 92,245 316,007 6,201,279 2,011,262 1,232,144 1,387,308 600,020 498,954 113,295 568,836 1,021,471 a3,063 22,490 94,515 5,538,726 1,762,136 932,844 739,578 342,951 194,914 4,100 171,245 605,452 459,293 146,205 842,347 543,880 519,199 467,350 324,069 2.34,869 5 81,461 I 91,055 202,542 147,838 321,821 394,943 144,178 583,576 388,508 405,425 267,676 261,650 211,578 la51,795 97,414 110,086 274,274 372,493 141,474 515,198 268,010 364,499 160,097 204,692 222,267 a4,815 30,748 48,392 233,131 328,249 118,284 324,643 149,093 276,927 58,728 106,077 160,541 al,774 6,351 12,691 229,932 218,193 55,572 111,892 54,703 110,477 1,977 20,969 76,592 Iowa - North Dakota . Nebraska Kansas South Central division 4,166,767 136,755 1,799,279 1,747,489 1,498,240 1,281,648 1,068,840 2,082,567 59,094 1,113,915 2,256,703 1,589,173 1,525,657 1,252,771 1,122,388 885,800 1,477,133 1,257,613 1,239,204 987,030 816,731 66,5,088 756,168 1,095,885 1,088,575 951,849 782,747 627,027 560,793 950,985 997,064 764,114 601,738 449,529 194,911 59,356 20,029 14,777 7,952 49,747 152,956 2,740 14,264 770,910 59,517 16,702 9,734 9,209 54,146 114,616 63,398 19,316 9,962 11,191 61,827 62,411 59,799 21,226 12,352 8,558 80,975 43,422 31,420 5,653 7,509 4,788 68,233 17,681 Texas . . . Oklahoma ArkarTiRaft 792,175 1 267 635 479,445 677 li7 431,850 439,974 208,426 151,799 10,350 500,062 5,026 313,363 3,600 179,002 1,471 27,019 • ' ' 1 Montana 89,063 45,792 328,208 142,334 40,825 154,841 31,055 66,929 259,385 256,450 841,821 27,638 14,939 154,537 111,514 24,391 99,969 36,613 22,636 59,313 144,265 571,820 12,616 5,605 33.265 86,254 3,849 56,084 23,690 7,114 18,931 79,323 350,416 43,096 14,913 83,990 11,259 18,795 53,064 14,706 17,456 90,005 57,317 366,309 11,521 5,850 39,790 8,051 16,049 43,994 25,653 9,974 15,803 30,503 292,874 7,979 3,513 6,599 5,620 5,809 30,702 18,801 7,885 5,024 11,600 209,831 Wyoming Colorado 31,611 86,793 2,666 6,723 59,396 2,151 Arizona Utah 27,519 4,793 9,336 12,754 2,064 2,044 Nevada Idaho Washington 8,450 47,342 233,466 'l2V2"7'2 70,795 3,144 5,123 146,528 1,022 21,802 a Bakota territory. POPULATION. 473 Table 11.— POPULATION AS WHITE AND COLORED, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1850-1890. STATES AND TERRITORIES. The United States . . North Atlantic division. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division . Delaware . Maryland ^District of Columbia - Virginia West Virginia - North Carolina ^^ South Carolina > Georgia Florida 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 54,983,89U 43,402,970 17,121,981 North Central division. . . Ohio 3,584,805 Indiana 2,146,736 Illinois 3,768,472 Michigan 2, 072, 884 659,263 375,840 331,418 2,215,373 337,859 733,438 5,923,952 1,396,581 5,148,257 5,592,149 140,066 826,493 154,695 1,020,122 730,077 1,055,382 462,008 978,357 224,949 21,911,927 Wisconsin . Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South Dakota . Nebraska Kansas South Central division . . . Kentucky Tennessee Alabami Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklaboraa Arkansas Western division Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington Oregon Caluomia 1,680,473 1,296,159 1,901,086 2,528,458 182,123 327,290 1,046,888 1,376,553 7,487,576 14,273,844 646,852 346,229 331,218 1,763,782 269,939 610,769 5,016,022 1,092,017 4,197,016 4,654,112 120,160 724,693 118,006 880,858 592,537 867.242 391,105 816,906 142,605 16,961,423 1,590,462 1,336,637 833,718 544,851 558,395 1,745,935 58,826 818,752 2,870,257 127,271 59,275 404,468 142,719 55,580 205,899 39,084 82,018 340,513 301,758 1,111,672 3,117,920 1.938,798 3,031,151 1,614,560 1,309,618 776,884 1,614,600 2,022,826 ■W33,147 449,764 952,155 5,901,315 33,589,377 12,117,269 624,809 317,697 329,613 1,443,156 212,219 527,549 4,330,210 87.5,407 3,456,609 3,635,238 102,221 605,497 88,278 712,089 424,033 678,470 289,667 638,926 96,057 12,698,503 1,377,179 1,138,831 662,185 479,398 454,954 1,197,237 591,531 1,612,276 35,385 19,437 191,126 108,721 35,160 142,423 53,556 29,013 67,199 163,075 767,181 2,601.946 1,655,837 2,511,096 1,167,282 1,051,351 438,257 1,188,207 1,603,146 M2,887 122,117 346,377 4,227,971 26,922,537 10,438,028 626,947 325,579 314,369 1,221,432 170,649 451,504 3,831,590 646,699 2,849,259 3,305,107 90,589 515,918 60,763 1,047,299 629,942 291,300 591,550 77,746 8,899,969 1,098,692 936,119 521,384 382,896 362,065 664,700 362,115 910,396 18,306 8,726 39,221 90,393 9,581 86,044 38,959 10,618 22,195 86,929 499,424 2,302,808 1,. 338,710 1,704,291 736,142 773,693 169,395 673,779 1,063,489 62,576 28,696 106,390 3,728,866 19,553,068 8,477,089 581,813 317,456 313,402 985,450 143,875 363,099 3,048,325 465,509 2,258,160 2,818,219 71,169 417,943 37,941 894,800 553,028 274,563 521,572 47,203 5,267,988 919,484 826,722 526,271 353,899 357,456 420,891 324,143 550,567 34,231 82,924 40,125 6,812 1,955,050 977,154 846,034 .395,071 304,756 6,038 191,881 592,004 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 1860 1860 7,470,040 269,906 1,190 614 937 22,144 7,393 12,302 70,092 47,638 107,596 3,262,690 28,386 215,657 75,572 635,438 32,690 561,018 688,934 858,815 166,180 431,112 2,812,195 761,413 756,830 426,514 295,718 255,491 154,034 162,189 177,577 61,525 11,138 52,160 323,177 11,330 13,087 91,635 87,113 45,215 57,028 15,223 2,444 3,683 10,685 150,184 373 541 8,913 49,710 3,479,251 6,580,793 229,417 1,451 685 1,057 18,697 6,488 11,.547 65, 104 38,853 85,535 2,941,202 26,442 210,230 59,596 631,616 25,886 531,277 604,332 725,133 126,690 4,880,009 179,738 1,606 580 924 13,947 4,980 9,668 52,081 30,658 05,294 2,216,705 4,441,830 3,638,808 156,001 { 149,762 22,794 175,391 43,404 512,841 17,980 391,650 415,814 545,142 91,689 385,621 273,080 268,071 430,678 678,489 742,5.59 559,193 488,171 2,973 309,117 27,081 1,490 922 6,215 1,956 1,357 588 242 201 1,602 1,186 11,322 79,900 39,228 46,368 15,100 2,702 1,564 9,516 145,350 6401 2,385 43,107 63,213 24,560 28,762 11,849 2,113 759 5,762 118,071 694 789 17,108 1,327 494 709 9,602 3,952 8,627 49,005 25,336 56,949 2,058,198 1,356 520 718 9,064 3,670 7,693 49,069 24,046 53,626 1,860,871 21,627 171,131 I 14,316 i 548,907 I 20,363 165,091 13,746 526,861 361,522 412,320 465,698 62,677 184,239 36,673 11,428 7,628 6,799 1,171 259 1,069 118,503 3,012,701 12,204,106 I 271,451 403,151 600,103 650,291 483,655 393,384 210,666 11,852 346 298 2,435 1,015 155 232 488 53 325 487 6,018 222,210 .322,331 475,510 444,201 364,210 253,475 122,169 6,380 183 183 456 172 26 118 357 60 207 346 4,272 82 627 2,038,913 316,011 393,944 384,613 40,242 135,607 25,279 11,262 5,436 2,583 635 39 333 90,040 1,491,327 236,167 283,019 437,770 i 437,404 350,373 182,921 111,259 4,479 30 128 4,086 220,992 245,881 345,109 310,808 262,271 58,558 47,708 1,241 22 50 207 962 a Persons of African descent only. 6 Dakota territory. 474 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table IQ.— THE CHINESE, JAPANESE, AND CIVILIZED INDIAN POPULATION, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1860-1890. [No Chinese, Japanese, or civilized Indians shown in the Census Report for 1850.] CHINESE. JAPANESE. CIVILIZED INDIANS. STATES AND TERRITORIES. 1890 1880 1870 1860 1890 1880 1870 1860 1890 1880 1870 1860 The United States 107,475 105, 465 63, 199 34, 933 2,039 148 55 58, 806 66, 407 25, 731 44,021 North Atlantic division 6,177 1,628 137 247 41 21 3,234 2,477 1,565 239 73 58 32 984 69 272 2,935 608 1,146 669 8 14 1 1 2 1 18 5 18 148 22 32 55 559 16 34 424 180 228 726 84 983 2,357 625 63 11 369 77 255 819 74 184 1,804 499 23 14 151 154 235 439 16 34 1,656 5 New Hampshire 20 229 27 123 909 170 148 74 87 8 10 32 19 2 29 5 13 11 6 17 2 8 5 16 140 10 1 7 South Atlantic division 1,398 37 189 91 55 15 32 34 108 108 2,351 1 5 13 6 5 4 44 25 349 9 1,514 173 68 171 16, 772 5 15 5 85 29 1,230 131 124 180 16,246 Delaware 2 3 4 7 9 16 3 1 4 15 229 1 1,241 124 40 2 9,518 District of Columbia 4 i 112 West Virginia 1 1,158 9 17 18 813 1 1 88 South Carolina 5 14 117 38 1 North Central division 9 8 1 12, 508 183 92 740 120 119 94 64 409 28» 1955 214 93 1,434 109 29 209 27 16 24 33 91 0238 18 19 848 1 22 18 14 38 9 2 1 6 2 4 61 3 193 343 97 5,624 3, 835 1,888 60 127 2,893 736 4,571 130 246 140 7,249 3,161 2, 300 466 113 al, 391 235 815 4,507 100 240 32 4,926 1, 200 690 48 75 al,200 87 914 2,122 30 290 1 1 3 1 32 1 6, 172 1,017 1 2,369 3 3 65 20 North Dakota o2,261 63 189 South Central division 211 879 28 51 48 147 333 710 25 92 96, 844 10 25 4 51 489 136 1 3 6 3 7 39 3 71 146 759 2,036 627 704 10 218 31, 872 50 352 213 1,857 848 992 108 70 98 809 569 379 33 60 160 16 71 25 2 173 Texas 403 OkUihoma i33 102, 102 98' 62, 831 195 41, 373 89 10, 870 48 We.stern division 34, 933 1,559 94 33 28, 997 2,532 465 1,398 361 1,170 80(i 2, 833 2, 0117 3, 2611 9, 540 72, 472 1,765 914 612 57 1,630 5U1 5, 416 3, 379 3, 186 9,510 75, 132 1,949 143 7 6 860 43 107 8,554 1,512 608 3,599 159 3,655 1,258 11,517 1,663 140 154 9,772 3,493 807 2, 803 105 4,405 1,694 16, 277 157 66 180 1,309 31 179 23 47 1,319 318 7,241 10 3 1 4 3 io, 507 20 445 3, 152 4,274 234 3,330 49, 277 2 89 Nevada ■, 3 360 25 1,147 1 86 426 177 34, 933 33 , 17, 798 a Dakota territory. POPFLATION. 475 Table 1 3.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870. [Certain counties in North Dakota, Soiith Dakota, and Texas, liaving no population, are omitted from tliis table. For int'ormatioD concerning tliem see Table 2. 1 COUNTIES. Alabama Autauga. Baldwin . Barbour . Bibb Blount. . . Bullock... Butler Callioun .. Chambers Cherokee . Chilton Choctiiw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh... Coo-sa Covington . Crenshaw.. Cullman . . . Dale Dallas Dekalb . . . . Elmore . . . Escambia. Etowah . . . Fayette. . . Franklin . Geneva . Greene . Hale Henry . . , Jackson . Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale . . Lawrence Lee Lime.stone . Lowndes... Macon Madison . . . Marengo... Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Perry Pickens Pike Eandulph Russell . - . St. Clair . . Shelby.... Sumter . . . Talladega. Tallapoosa . . , Tuscaloosa . . Walker Washington Wilcox Winston NATIVE BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 1,498,240 13,302 8,809 34,810 13,373 21,804 27,044 21,601 33,396 26,286 20,426 14,525 17,504 22,597 15,7.57 13,209 12,164 19,973 14,569 15,900 7,531 15,421 12,579 17,211 49,035 20,941 21,683 8,609 21,811 12,815 10,653 10,678 21,979 27,460 24,826 27,969 83,393 14,173 23,377 20,694 28,641 21,102 31,524 18,428 37,924 33,040 11,342 18,920 48,721 18,977 55,509 23,698 29,260 22,453 24,386 17,214 24,056 17,286 20,727 29,510 29,222 25,449 30,110 15,650 7,900 30,763 6,541 1,252,771 13,083 8,374 33,841 9,460 15,242 29,026 19,592 19,469 23,395 19,0,59 10,766 15,703 17,772 12,927 10,968 8,117 15,995 12,566 15,100 5,637 11,719 5,589 12,671 48,029 12,653 17,463 5,672 15,333 10,124 9,141 4,338 21,886 26,493 18,750 25,065 22,738 12,1.31 20,838 21,309 27,175 21,518 31,095 17,335 37,432 30,792 9,362 14,571 44,747 17,059 51,657 16,339 30,628 21,449 20,600 16,562 24,788 14,425 17,120 28,645 23,285 23,376 24,804 9,45] 4,526 .31,744 4,252 987,030 11,590 5,853 29,159 7,447 9,934 24,388 14,902 13,898 17,504 11,104 6,187 12,633 14,601 9,553 8,010 6,169 12,452 9,554 11,939 4,868 11,147 11,317 40,266 7,073 14,407 4,003 10,060 7,125 7,991 2,952 18,327 21,687 14,180 19,363 12,314 8,882 15,002 16,610 21,692 14,973 25,633 17,677 31,023 26,035 6,053 9,853 44,112 14,180 42,780 12,082 24,877 17,655 17,392 11,995 21,573 9,353 12,080 24,012 17,963 16,947 19,760 6,536 3,900 28,291 4,152 POEEIQN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 14,777 132 88 451 123 19 40 439 33 33 24 22 27 8 9 216 25 6 5 14 315 165 49 57 115 8 28 12 28 41 21 57 5,108 14 362 31 53 99 26 11 195 55 5 15 2,866 13 663 391 72 17 37 5 37 67 159 64 124 11 242 428 35 53 11 9,734 25 229 138 27 127 40 57 122 45 49 27 28 34 11 2 158 39 13 2 7 766 6 404 22 39 47 65 11 14 4 45 60 11 49 534 11 197 83 87 82 81 36 193 98 2 14 3,906 32 699 113 30 40 13 49 37 116 83 75 25 153 28 12 84 1 9,962 33 151 150 22 11 439 53 70 38 49 11 15 7 72 105 11 47 31 11 89 48 58 50 244 116 18 5,199 34 924 105 98 35 31 11 63 7 138 97 101 16 321 7 12 16,951 18.261 14,422 4, 6,794 6,516 4,190 8,294 308 1,787 21,610 21 a Persons of African descent only. 476 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Coutinued. NATIVE BORN. PORBIGN BORN. WHITB. COLORED, (a) COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870. Arizona 40,825 24,391 3,849 18,795 16,049 5,809 55,580 35,160 9,581 1,357 155 26 Apache Cochise 3,915 4,152 1,684 4,265 7,998 1,075 6,541 2,424 6,890 1,881 1.113,915 4,474 366 2,786 337 1,405 2,988 369 6,132 1,827 1,795 790 14,264 809 3,931 6,742 1,705 5,076 1(',674 1,405 11,412 4,033 8,423 2,179 818,752 3,398 329 22 276 505 77 2 57 16 66 7 309,117 4 Graham Maricopa Mohave 3,442 856 8,276 1,700 3,753 1,890 792,175 2,247 334 8,730 1,344 1,260 1,325 10,350 5,030 876 15,609 2,930 4,788 2,529 591,531 9 13 76 22 31 210,666 122 1,900 57 3,816 175 5,698 4 12 Yavapai Yuma 1,208 619 479,445 934 1,002 5,026 2,116 1,592 362,115 8 2 Arkansas 122,169 Arkansas Ashley 11,117 13,270 8,510 27,523 15,767 7,955 7,248 17,107 11,365 20,902 12,079 7,857 11,319 19,859 18,881 11,854 21,527 13,849 7,620 9,264 10,232 17,297 18,044 19,617 10,914 14,552 7,769 12,742 22,722 11,497 13,749 21,850 13,029 15,045 40,267 16,323 7,666 12,845 18.799 10,236 8,884 20,137 19,130 17,324 10,373 14,485 11,558 15,188 7,891 14,753 9,935 16,898 5,451 25,022 8,525 4,177 9,265 19,118 11,194 44,522 7,905 10,125 8,137 7,991 315 25 17 193 49 17 19 181 54 95 121 27 43 34 578 171 187 91 73 32 92 55 298 317 70 776 17 166 74 106 40 111 9 134 614 435 34 139 87 19 19 637 133 78 17 229 77 148 32 79 15 135 87 319 12 95 18 340 180 2,807 133 31 11 73 47 24 25 126 157 133 66 131 51 7,899 6,427 8,509 27,622 15,723 5,108 4,547 17,205 1,392 14,201 12,156 7,832 8,034 12,580 11,788 11,506 19,410 2,050 4,802 6,026 2,119 7,487 14,994 19,256 10,898 12,547 6,750 12,747 11,819 10,354 10,734 20,381 12,776 10,849 10,951 16,125 3,157 12,151 4,691 3,784 4,902 19,646 11,278 17,344 10,358 8,147 5,735 6,124 7,621 10,526 9,943 8,076 4,597 5,695 8,053 3,726 9,237 17,837 7,011 25,329 4,971 5,026 5,959 20,167 12,058 4,075 3,583 13,272 1,563 10,567 7,191 3,982 4,278 3,532 6,868 18 92 91 2,864 2,720 82 10,023 6,785 43 49 3,327 7,312 7,671 519 2,296 11,890 2,890 3,265 8,198 9,865 3,348 677 85 2,774 1,035 161 10,968 1,249 3,054 1,568 262 4,329 29,908 631 4,543 833 14,187 6,469 4,001 1,124 7,981 58 32 6,565 5,884 9,203 302 4,304 6 8,954 941 19,640 484 546 46 1,621 4,363 21,935 3,067 5,130 45 128 88 2,210 2,088 60 8,495 5,203 22 4,212 3,764 Benton Boone 20,255 12,099 6,261 5,646 13,211 9,900 15,638 7,147 13,782 7,018 8,624 3,845 5.771 7,054 11,935 49 14 22 8 9 160 18 13,640 6,958 6,117 2,753 5,743 1,816 8,461 182 74 Bradley Calhoun Carroll Chicot 2,529 1,100 37 5,393 Clark 3,492 Ola-u Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway Craighead Crawford Crittenden Cross 8,336 14,075 12,378 7,016 14,579 9,297 5,025 6,487 8,784 12,162 12,479 14,760 6,703 8,470 6,168 7,453 18,866 7,661 9,902 17,974 10,844 10,715 21,991 11,449 5,702 8,654 13,193 9,198 6,371 14,411 11,995 11,439 7,895 8,731 7,228 9,445 5,687 12,834 6,116 11,674 3,847 20,889 6,328 2,166 5,850 14,144 8,268 30,513 34 15 377 21 161 118 25 18 189 69 307 191 17 553 17 27 149 114 15 112 13 162 395 116 28 128 95 57 33 474 151 16 12 188 104 129 42 125 4 84 25 373 17 26 7 178 167 2,103 6,041 8,587 9,546 6,776 13,332 1,899 3,261 4,299 2,452 6,472 11,368 14,455 6,684 7,457 5,629 ' 7,405 9,593 7,030 7,409 16,703 10,635 8,113 5,331 11,073 2,116 8.315 4,138 4,212 3,064 13,901 8,143 11,331 7,864 5,324 4,671 4,365 5,471 9,236 6,115 5,504 3,072 5,444 5,951 1,902 5,792 13,413 5,691 17,667 2,329 5,503 3,206 261 1,392 7,516 1,789 2,206 6,514 5,759 1,418 493 36 1,562 556 75 9,421 745 2,508 1,382 222 2,703 17,011 491 3,614 467 9,150 5,040 3,335 984 4,003 124 43 4,595 2,654 5,209 258 3,722 5 6,253 800 15,809 392 290 61 909 2,734 14,921 11,378 8,045 4,571 8,867 3,795 3,894 5,698 5,925 9,933 19 67 6 90 36 21 9 200 27 7,679 7,482 4,324 7,961 1,253 2,626 3,956 2,185 6,106 3,718 630 253 988 2,575 1,289 Dallas 1,751 3,934 3,854 Faulkner Franklin Pulton 9,569 4,838 58 5 8,976 4,758 651 85 Garland 3,937 7,570 13,733 5,828 6 3 35 49 3,604 7,417 7,439 5,226 339 Greene Hempstead Hot Spring Howard Independence . Izard 156 6,329 650 14,521 6,796 7,217 15,469 9,111 9,112 5,970 45 10 51 264 41 27 11 13,658 6,624 5,656 5,556 8,539 3,981 5,735 908 182 Jackson Jeflerson Johnson Lafayette Lawrence 1,612 10,167 613 5,158 246 Lincoln Little River . . . 3,216 20 1,358 1,878 Lonoke Madison Marion 8,227 3,976 4 3 8,081 3,960 150 19 Mississippi Monroe Montgomery . . Nevada Newton Ouachita 3,595 8,243 2,979 38 93 5 2,662 5,135 2,864 mi 3,200 120 4,366 12,881 2,663 15,085 3,783 1,713 3,372 8,330 5,537 30,370 8 94 22 287 5 7 4 56 67 1,696 4,365 7,511 2,395 4,871 3,367 1,494 3,323 7,811 . 3,793 18,348 9 5,458 290 Phillips Pike 10,501 421 Poinsett Polk 225 45 575 Prairie Pulaski 1,811 13,708 a Persons of A frican descent only. POPULATION. 477 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES : 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. Arkansas — Con. Randolph St. Francis... Saline Scott Searcy Sebastian . Sevier Sharp Stone TJnion Van Buren . . . Washington.. White Woodruif YeU California Alameda . Alpine Amador .. Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa . Del Norte Eldorado Fresno Humboldt . Inyo Kern Klamath .. Lake Lassen Los Angeles . Marin Mariposa Mendocino .. Merced . . - Modoc Mono Monterey . Napa Nevada Orange Placer Plumas Sacramento . San Benito.. San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco San Joaquin.. San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara. . . Santa Cruz . . . Shasta. .. Sierra Siskiyou Solano ... Sonoma . . Stanislaus . Sutter Tehama Trinity.... Tulare NATIVE BOBN. 1890 1880 1870 14,160 13,449 11,093 12,597 9,644 31,821 10,059 10,349 7,032 14,954 8,554 31,786 22,709 13,928 17,882 841,821 Tuolumne Ventura ... Tolo Yuba 62,918 481 7,502 14,131 6,550 11,646 8,920 2,079 6,846 23,964 17,091 2,774 6,925 6,084 3,742 77,555 7,592 2,815 13,512 4,519 1,330 13,311 10,970 11,693 11,311 10,467 3,270 27,127 5,057 20,421 27,577 172,186 20,766 12,462 5,844 12,918 33,696 14,139 10,263 .3,103 9,320 13,695 23,985 7,849 4,514 7,885 2,578 20,978 4,352 8.210 10,265 6,974 11,633 8,255 8,776 9,147 7,269 18,947 6,172 9,020 5,081 13,384 9,540 23,698 17,544 8,582 13,735 571,820 40,233 314 7,459 12,488 5,745 10,194 8,132 1,749 6,974 7,206 11,991 2,247 3,717 5,536 2,968 26,111 6,319 2,507 10,393 3,956 4,002 4,076 8,638 9,027 12,360 9,020 3,694 21,896 4,249 6,692 6,725 129,715 17,177 7,176 5,134 8,117 23,646 0,655 7,239 3,455 5,608 12,540 19,833 6,723 4,199 7,555 2,306 9,889 4,956 4,154 9,099 7,026 7,444 6,608 3,899 7,465 5,610 12,292 4,482 5,387 10,528 5,104 17,175 10,312 6,838 8,031 350,416 14,382 485 5,449 7,428 4,677 5,088 5,791 1,580 6,287 4,974 1,164 2,157 793 2,483 1,178 10,984 3,761 2,192 6,147 2,196 305 7,670 5,394 10,479 6,167 2,414 16,228 3,328 3,743 75,754 14,824 3,833 3,497 6,538 17,241 6,758 2,937 2,816 4,321 11,263 15,656 5,147 3,949 2,834 1,397 3,977 4.182 FOREIGN BOEN. 7,778 6,144 1890 325 94 218 38 20 1,379 13 69 11 23 13 238 237 81 133 366,309 30,946 186 2,818 3,808 2,332 2,994 4,595 513 2,386 8,002 6,378 770 2,883 1,017 497 23,899 5,480 972 4,100 2,427 467 672 5,326 5,441 5,676 2,278 4,634 1,063 13,212 1,355 5,076 7,410 126,811 7,863 3,610 4,243 2,835 14,309 5,131 1,870 1,948 2,843 7,251 8,736 2,191 955 2,031 1,141 3,596 1,730 1,861 2,419 2,662 1880 91 134 177 27 9 613 20 27 25 146 250 64 117 292,874 22,743 225 3,925 6,233 3,349 2,924 4,393 835 3,709 2,272 3,521 681 1,884 1,060 372 7,270 5,005 1,832 2,407 1,700 397 3,423 2,664 4,208 8,463 5,212 2,486 12,494 1,335 1,094 1,893 104,244 7,172 1,966 3,535 1,396 11,393 3,147 2,253 3,168 3,002 5,935 6,093 2,028 960 1,746 2,693 1,392 • 2,892 919 2,673 4,258 1870 22 106 12 18 4 209,831 9,855 200 4,133 3,975 4,218 1,077 2,670 442 4,022 1,362 1,494 792 768 893 486 149 4,325 3,142 2,380 1,398 611 125 2,206 1,769 8,655 5,190 2,075 10,602 1,208 73,719 6,226 939 3,138 1,246 9,005 1,985- 1,236 2,803 2,527 5,608 4,163 1,352 1,081 753 1,816 556 3,968 13,890 5,541 9,827 12,601 9,630 29,398 8,616 10,240 6,930 8,605 8,405 31,014 20,379 6,452 16,652 1,111,672 1890 1880 2,121 4,707 89,559 435 9,909 15,864 8,399 13,295 12,982 2,202 8,393 28,474 22,022 2,593 8,214 6,294 3,857 95,033 11,938 3,385 16,636 7,262 4,453 1,485 16,821 15,426 16,042 13,407 13,557 4,245 35,364 6,223 24,101 33,211 270,696 26,588 15,180 9,572 15,069 44,247 18,394 10,875 4,541 10,185 19,290 31,160 9,546 5,094 8,671 2,945 23,233 5,559 9,418 11,912 8,416 11,097 4,921 7,586 9,085 7,262 17,970 5,088 8,871 4,984 6,985 9,447 22,894 1.5,761 4,163 12,733 767,181 57,785 521 9,924 14,270 7,832 11,698 11,712 1,731 8,869 7,891 13,313 2,197 4,563 5,339 2,958 31,707 9,791 3,395 11,185 5,015 3,955 7,082 10,648 12,160 17,567 11,882 4,761 28,923 5,255 6,988 6,674 210,496 21,990 8,783 8,031 9,135 32,110 12,085 7,066 5,337 6,461 17,387 24,623 8,186 4,845 8,218 2,780 10,757 6,612 4,849 11,015 8,824 1870 7,109 4,268 3,726 7,362 5,584 11,545 3,523 5,286 5,675 4,988 16, .590 9,146 4,205 7,281 499,424 22,106 676 7,883 9,197 7,405 5,389 8,271 1,009 8,589 3,259 6,025 1,608 2,193 1,081 2,825 1,.309 14,720 6,394 3,364 6,865 2,548 386 9,429 6,725 16,334 8,850 3,571 22,725 3,964 4,838 136,059 19,193 4,567 6,098 7,484 24,536 8,532 3,529 4,781 5,329 15,870 19,184 6,189 4,791 3,166 1,951 4,391 6,556 COLORED, (a) 9,318 8,362 1890 1880 1870 595 8,000 1,484 31 28 3,740 1,453 177 113 6,372 162 1,010 2,.563 7,.5.56 1,362 11,322 785 3 26 223 77 139 54 5 183 457 48! 12 I 130 i 1,817 164 35 110 15 36 7 513 63 313 376 1,847 353 457 52 26 989 62 221 12 117 97 45 61 47 252 27 207 no 122 218 627 3,467 1,366 83 16 1,541 1,096 176 99 6,434 118 944 2,032 4,483 1,118 6,018 686 1 73 136 56 97 33 8 132 40 23 4 4 14 2 188 37 63 4 59 23 19 60 104 150 9 560 17 13 1,628 328 23 34 63 161 63 54 22 88 72 60 357 2,446 185 121 30 1,354 968 114 4,896 119 674 1,200 2,686 767 4,272 81 1 72 84 31 81 21 12 132 15 134 22 90 9 36 16 109 165 95 2 475 15 1,330 223 9 10 38 173 53 44 28 29 78 77 20 4 35 31 142 73 7 23 80 39 84 67 15 102 69 247 152 o Persons of African descent only. 478 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. COUNTIKS. NATIVE BORN. FOREION BOBN. WHITE. COLORED. (o) 1890 1880 1870 1890 83,990 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 328,208 154,537 33,265 39,790 6,599 404,468 191,126 39,221 6,215 2,435 456 Arapahoe Archuleta 100,460 770 1,414 1,168 11,288 5,346 453 4,952 6,744 3,354 2,425 2.295 1,137 2,296 2,272 1,530 18,176 6,928 3,321 3,436 509 29,350 5,129 31,675 56 65 145 2,794 1,266 81 2,232 449 137 545 239 361 710 1,453 326 3,063 2,228 1,157 2,431 95 9,294 1,700 127,845 823 1,479 1,298 14,001 6,532 5.32 7,091 7,153 3,483 2,964 2,532 1,483 2,985 3,723 1,832 20,597 0,062 4,430 5,763 602 37,322 6,566 3,254 3 1,083 257 Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee 1,'457 7,953 5,248 482 1,721 197 1,770 1,264 110 218 1,593 9,6.56 6,435 570 1,938 11 69 66 2 86 30 4 6 2 14 20 1 24 571 85 48 54 2 42 49 70 11 1 Cheyenne Clear Creek. .. Conejos Costilla Custer 5,181 4,719 2,735 6,983 1,220 2,489 1,721 2,642 886 144 1,097 376 15 58 7,712 ,5,.558 2,852 8,025 1,572 2,470 1,761 94 17 7 40 22 i Delta Dolores '2,4'6"8 1,700 7,771 4,659 1,'385' Douglas Eagle 2,071 1,088 415 300 17 2 Elbert 1,381 6,963 4,005 327 986 730 7 159 72 El Paso Fremont (Jarfleld '894 817 93 247 986 1,063 i 1 3,772 354 3,739 2,717 63 1,751 6,293 413 5,429 71 4 Grand 60 Greenwood 333 177 479 si Gunnison 3,293 698 6,070 6,731 1,156 2,119 9,945 4,535 8,303 14,716 546 2,547 3,651 1,371 3,502 1.395 3,835 6,686 1,171 3,958 5,554 1,066 164 812 1,719 87 3,53 1,549 316 166 1,250 4,307 853 6,835 8,422 1,228 2,472 14,454 5,455 0,600 16,954 689 3,065 4,231 1,528 3,958 1,598 4,160 6,429 3,478 2,640 8,8.52 1,958 30,504 1,196 3,429 2,361 3,305 1,.556 2,877 1,288 1,902 2.284 11,705 2,595 733,438 8,189 1,468 4,114 6,768 48 8 40 19 15 46 16 34 Hinsdale Huerfano •I efferson Kiowa 2,208 1,985 42 405 2,217 2,370 2 20 Kit Carson Lake . . . 16,475 999 4,25fi 8,353 413 4,718 974 1,409 2,492 143 523 609 158 478 206 357 1,657 867 416 2,029 188 5,160 185 368 321 374 578 709 245 498 319 1,873 427 183,601 7,088 111 636 550 109 23,258 1,109 4,844 8,796 521 209 34 18 227 298 1 43 53 La Plata 1 Larimer Las Animas Lincoln 722 4.151 116 125 828 4,191 13 Logan 5 26 1 17 3 22 64 7 2 77 9 904 Mesa Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray 4,853 2,681 2,226 6,900 1,781 26,331 1,015 3,083 2,048 2,939 994 2,200 1,048 1,408 1,982 9,863 2,169 562,657 2,159 2,937 510 1,033 2.659 3,824 6 14 Park 332 115 446 Phillips Pitkin Prowers Pueblo 6,714 2,056 903 209 7,462 2,237 147 27 Rio Blanco Rio ( Irande 1,661 lOfi 1,707 685 283 34 266 402 1,936 139 1,968 1,086 18 7 3 8 21 5 17 29 4 1 3 Routt 304' Saguache San Juan 281 j 23 San Miguel "■ Sedgwick Summit Washington . . . 4,026 168 1,433 1 90 5,418 253 22 5 Weld 4,918 1,316 728 320 5,631 1,635 15 Yuma Connecticut 492,708 423,815 129,992 113,639 610,769 527,549 12,302 11,547 9,668 Fairfield Hartford Litchfield Middlesex New Haven . . . New Loudon . . . Tolland Windham 115,771 108,732 43,720 30,630 151,328 60,194 19,294 32,988 91,149 90,701 44,605 29,610 119,202 58,922 19,398 33,121 77,400 82,716 41,655 28,545 91,415 53,668 18,469 29,947 1 34,310 38,448 9,822 8,894 57,730 16,440 5,787 12,170 I 20,893 28,681 7,439 5,979 37,321 14,230 4,714 10,735 17,876 26,291 7,072 7,554 29,842 12,902 3,531 8,571 147,420 144,817 52,714 39,091 204,873 7.5,028 24,883 44,612 109,827 123,085 50,978 35,204 152,952 71,511 23,913 43,299 93,582 107,252 47,648 35,722 118,517 65,010 21,801 38,017 2,563 2,276 807 418 4,065 1,473 191 509 1 2,182 2,2.32 1,026 371 3,513 1,480 195 548 1,680 1,752 1,052 372 2,734 1,419 199 460 a Persons of African descent only. POPULATION. 479 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: IS'M, 1880, AND 1870— Coutinued. NATIVE BORN. FOI 1890 IBIGN BORN. WHITE. COLORED, (a) COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Delaware 155,332 137,140 115,879 29,284 54,996 31,599 115,440 13,161 9,468 614 8,720 134 17,122 9,136 140,066 120,160 102,221 28,386 26,442 22,794 Tvent 32,058 84,760 38,514 211,622 32,260 68,996 35,884 160,502 606 12,422 133 18,770 520 8,519 97 16,254 24,625 82,779 32,662 154,695 24,700 65,074 30,326 118,006 22,640 53,323 26,258 88,278 8,036 14,365 5,985 75,572 8,114 12,636 5,692 59,596 7,164 Newcastle 10,192 5,438 District of Co- lumbia. The District... Florida 43,404 211,622 368,490 160,502 259,584 115,446 182,781 18,770 22,932 17,122 9,909 16,254 4,967 154.695 224,949 118,006 142,605 88,278 96,057 75,572 166,180 59,596 126,690 43,404 91,689 Alachua Baker 22,629 3,315 7,422 3,109 1,063 2,382 4,965 12,835 700 4,857 25,425 18,990 3,145 11,745 8,500 2,440 12,666 4,319 17,524 15,680 3,684 7,.558 1,294 17,631 6,486 1,451 14,304 2,785 20.190 7,697 8,097 11,540 3,002 4,048 7,631 10,663 8,229 7,814 5,288 10,504 2,122 7,924 3,104 4,781 6,343 1,825,216 16,280 2,293 6,030 1,421 1,558 17,228 1,320 3,665 1,216 996 305 18 94 292 18 12 189 42 161 87 1,375 1,198 163 149 7 36 2,275 17 20 77 2 476 120 121 100 1 12 110 597 11,089 197 1,044 131 201 274 .523 483 147 75 20 182 10 82 57 22 100 5 6 9,673 2,588 5,961 2,836 1,132 2,090 3,632 6,393 640 4,805 11,970 11,475 1.950 4,446 5,337 1,584 11,996 4,152 6,332 3,5.58 3,-147 6,190 1,334 3,121 4,457 818 5,556 2,714 9,310 12,815 3,951 9,039 2,657 3,872 7,121 6,404 5,. 508 5,768 3,864 5,. 581 1,971 0,004 1,738 4,072 5,087 978,357 6,446 1,660 4,822 1,379 1,184 4,935 1,035 2,847 1,197 754 13,260 745 1,555 541 549 304 1,521 6,484 87 139 14,802 8,706 1,358 7,448 3,170 892 2,917 184 11,211 12,199 239 1,844 80 14,631 2,129 634 8,760 181 11,485 5,935 4,.338 3,536 476 .376 784 4,778 3,195 2,192 1,498 4,943 151 2,462 1,379 743 1,339 858,815 10,016 643 1,290 84 396 ' " '573 4,769 67 10,850 5,302 592 8,055 2,318 929 915 100 8,735 12,668 173 'i6^84'6 2,035 548 9,184 135 8,305 3,197 3,547 1,023 ' " ' 122' 2,410 1,.363 1,872 1,185 3,140 165 538 1,160 516 918 725,133 12,393 290 Bradford 824 19 Calhoun Citrus 2 244 Clay 2,759 9,557 224 2,081 7,303 72 79 32 33 17 32 13 2,265 4,820 190 1,699 4,107 72 399 Columbia Dado 3,228 13 Dural 18,369 11,435 1,665 12,127 6,781 4,222 5,639 2,167 14,350 16,017 2,436 11,402 7,249 1,104 9,762 5,741 2,920 3,137 1,571 9,506 13,341 1,781 1,062 721 126 42 9 26 175 3 22 48 5 519 568 152 40 8 18 79 1 22 57 2 8,580 6,854 1,199 4,114 4,472 3,319 4,899 2,043 5,6.37 3,397 2,268 5,141 4,937 781 3,764 3,386 2,083 2,670 1,435 3,930 3,501 1,586 6,780 Escambia Franklin Gadsden Hamilton Hernando Hillsboro Holmes Jackson Jefferson Lafayette 2. 881) 475 6,038 2,303 854 54fi 137 .5.598 9,8„7 197 19,575 5,631 1,361 14,773 3,487 12,958 5,436 6,433 6,315 15,129 1,984 1,048 11,088 1,903 10,773 3,149 4,089 2,174 87 136 1 25 57 88 5,504 202 303 107 34 2 33 28 31 2,508 1.58 21 2,822 3,732 814 ,5,609 3,378 4,741 7,659 3,075 5,595 2,895 1,623 727 4,429 1,843 2,926 4,631 2,277 1,997 12.341 395 Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Monroe Nassau Orange Osceola 323 6,692 88 7,878 1,026 1,970 198 Polk 3,178 6,030 4,349 6,547 4,657 7,123 2,274 3,167 2,711 4,181 4,068 1,531.616 3,157 3,734 2,483 3,239 2,945 3,550 1,4.52 1,695 2,483 3,018 2,293 1,172,982 3 231 186 98 29 38 5 127 12 20 21 10,564 12 87 135 73 7 6 1 28 23 23 9 11,127 3,033 3,845 3,170 4,773 3,501 4,021 2,114 2,756 1,563 3,685 3,171 816,906 2,687 2,487 1,937 2,750 1,972 2,121 1,.374 1,395 ],.562 2,636 1,928 638,926 482 Putnam St. John Santa Kosa Sumter Suwannee Taylor 1,334 681 562 980 1,435 79 Volusia Wakulla Walton Washington . .. 543 13 35 83 12,1.37 328 944 405 373 545,142 Appling B^ker Baldwin 8,650 6,144 14,536 8,562 20, .556 10,072 41,640 13,968 5,504 13,692 28,466 10,559 5,258 7,304 13,721 7,332 18,628 6,612 26,536 11,712 4,921 8,034 27,076 8,307 5,071 6,833 10,535 4,972 16,491 4,510 20,492 8,317 5,247 5,599 17,048 6,927 26 72 18 3 85 5 62 7 611 15 8 19 52 4 15 10 83 1 75 8 763 25 5 11 31 14 6,214 1,595 5,262 6,999 14,574 8,277 19,029 6,342 2,833 9,023 5,817 5,167 4,084 1.742 4,512 5,830 12,419 5,783 11,429 5,670 2,368 5,797 6,089 4,277 4,110 1,888 3,844 4,052 11,846 4.057 9,831 4,111 1,647 3,866 4,243 3,496 2,462 4,549 9,343 1,563 6,041 2,417 23,336 7,637 2,687 4,689 22,080 5,398 1,192 5,565 9,294 1,507 6,271 836 15,700 6,057 2,561 2,250 21,031 4,034 976 4,955 6,774 921 Bartow Berrien Bibb 60 22 730 11 16 20 35 6 4,719 460 11,424 Brooks 4,231 3,605 Bulloch 1,744 13,430 Butts 3,445 a Persons of African descent only. 480 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. ' Georeia — Cont'd, Calhoun Camden Campbell Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga Cherokee Clarke . Clay.... Clayton. Clinch . . Cobb ... Coffee Colquitt . . Columbia . Coweta . . . Crawford . Dade Dawson . Decatur. Dekalb . Dodge .- Dooly Dougherty . Douglas ... Early Echols Effingham . Elbert Emanuel... Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth. .. Franklin .. Fulton Gilmer Glascock . Glynn Gordon . . . Greene ... Gwinnett . Habersham . Hall Hancock ... Haralson . . . Harris Hart .... Heard . . . Henry . . . Houston . Irwin Jackson . Jasper .. Jefferson Johnson . Jones Laurens . Lee Liberty . . Lincoln . . Lowndes Lumpkin . MrDuflBe . Mcintosh. Macon Madison Marion Meriwether Miller NATIVE BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 8,436 6,151 9,093 22,279 5,391 3,330 54,050 4,900 11,187 15,394 15,042 7,809 8,283 6,636 22,205 10,470 4,791 11,271 22,331 9,314 5,657 5,608 19,916 16,870 11,424 18,119 12,094 7,784 9,787 3,078 5,578 15,353 14,672 8,716 8,720 28,225 11,149 14,664 82,417 9,071 3,717 12,855 12,745 17,024 19,881 11,477 18,006 17,107 11,247 16,795 10,866 9,553 16,212 21,586 6,309 19,170 13,871 17,200 6,124 12,703 13,742 9,067 12,859 6,140 15,068 6,857 8,772 6,366 13,163 11,022 7,726 20,721 4,274 7,020 6,126 9,923 16,881 4,716 2,151 41,718 5,664 10,015 14,300 11,549 6,638 8,004 4,135 20,684 5,057 2,524 10,452 21,072 8,648 4,667 5,832 19,017 14,452 5,347 12,412 12,508 6,922 7,604 2,552 5,957 12,929 9,727 7,236 8,599 24,274 10,552 11,444 47,588 8,383 3,575 6,318 11,147 17,513 19,516 15,239 16,946 5,973 15,752 9,088 8,762 14,179 22,350 2,696 16,285 11,841 15,639 4,797 11,600 10,040 10,566 10,616 6,405 11,027 6,520 9,427 6,110 11,663 7,971 8,595 17,630 3,717 5,496 4,559 9,151 11,768 4,395 1,891 37,363 6,052 6,893 10,378 12,818 5,469 5,461 3,928 13,757 3,188 1,649 13,484 15,835 7,555 3,016 4,362 1.5,126 9,976 9,773 11,364 6,984 1,978 4,199 9,233 6,118 5,421 8,209 17,070 7,979 7,888 32,267 6,644 2,732 5,225 9,2.39 12,424 12.417 6,298 9,587 11,279 4,000 13,276 7.86x 10,090 20,359 1,836 11,175 10,425 12,163 2,962 9,429 7,820 9,555 8,297 5,151 4,415 11,430 5,227 7,991 13,742 3,089 FOEBIGN BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 2 27 22 22 40 5 3,690 2 15 18 144 8 12 16 81 13 3 10 23 1 50 4 33 319 28 27 112 10 5 1 21 23 31 8 166 6 6 2,238 3 3 565 13 27 18 5 7 28 6 34 10 17 104 20 2 2 19 1 4 57 47 20 23 3 3,305 6 6 25 153 12 23 3 64 13 3 13 37 114 12 7 1 22 28 32 144 7 9 1,549 3 2 179 24 34 15 50 59 43 1 6 6 7 14 64 12 10 32 3 13 13 11 33 7 22 6 22 131 12 7 3 21 3 7 56 25 14 14 6 3,916 7 123 24 16 17 57 4 5 45 40 2 17 7 57 38 17 153 14 15 16 16 8 12 160 4 5 1,179 4 151 29 30 14 24 20 38 4 1890 2,239 2,041 5,621 18,450 4,795 2,465 22,965 1,837 9,204 13,904 7,072 3,002 5,220 4,292 15,510 6,621 4,317 3,243 9,740 4,159 4,614 5,353 9,116 11,214 6,143 9,232 1,975 5,993 3,670 2,059 .3,388 7,492 9,396 8,612 5,654 17,970 9,866 11,372 49,238 9,005 2,552 5,669 11,030 5,332 16,903 9,984 15,280 4,739 10,199 5,999 7,930 6,215 8,629 5,272 4,241 13,780 5,392 6,450 4,673 3,931 7,654 1,432 4,207 2,473 7,128 6,453 3,267 1,258 4,001 7,361 3,467 9,201 2,701 1880 a Persons of African descent onlj-. 2,354 2,091 6,085 14,591 4,127 1,794 17,494 2,130 7,981 12,699 5,313 2,798 4,938 3,300 14,734 4,028 2,422 3,030 9,305 3,940 3,618 5,479 8,889 9,954 3,506 6,592 1,952 5,463 3,015 2,053 3,228 6,085 6,660 7,112 5,742 14,958 9,072 8,906 28,295 8,258 2,506 2,195 9,347 5,573 16,016 7,357 13,040 5,044 5,821 6,450 6,212 5,674 7,961 6,024 2,161 11,139 4,2.58 5,581 3,455 3,753 5,702 1,739 3,581 2,254 5,412 6,075 3,430 1,546 4,288 5,392 4,294 7,797 2,327 1870 2,026 1,458 6,589 10,473 3,793 1,496 16,760 2,654 5,399 9,117 2,644 3,734 3,437 10,593 2,514 1,517 4,080 7,856 3,284 2,788 4,032 7,465 7,352 4,935 2,093 2,826 1,513 2,507 4,386 4,431 5,285 5,683 11,473 6,862 6,034 18,164 6,527 1,917 1,926 7,726 4,298 10,272 5,373 8,317 3,645 3,685 5,791 4,841 5,218 6,269 5,071 1,541 7,471 3,884 4,247 2,049 2,991 4,180 1,924 2,428 1,797 4,276 4,699 1,196 3,975 3,646 4,169 6,387 2,135 COLORED. (O) 1890 1880 1870 6,199 4,137 3,493 3,851 636 870 34,757 3,065 1,998 1,508 8,111 4,815 3,075 2,360 6,774 3,858 477 8,038 12,612 5,156 1,093 259 10,811 5,974 5,309 8,914 10,231 1,801 6,122 1,020 2,210 7,884 5,306 112 3,074 10,414 1,288 3,298 35,397 69 1,168 7,741 1,727 11,719 2,996 1,589 2,767 12,410 1,117 10,797 2,957 3,342 7,591 16,341 2,075 5,. 396 8,487 10,763 1,456 8,778 6,093 7,642 8,673 3,673 7,974 414 5,522 5,212 9,181 3,662 4,261 11,538 1,574 4.670 4,092 3,885 2,310 612 360 27,515 3,540 2,040 1,626 6,388 3,852 3,089 838 6,012 1,042 105 7,435 11,797 4,716 1,084 356 10,183 4,543 1,852 5,828 10,670 1,471 4,596 500 2,751 6,872 3,085 133 2,863 1,487 2,547 20,842 126 1,071 4,300 1,820 11,974 3,515 1,361 2,258 11,943 153 9,286 2,882 3,095 6,229 16,390 535 5,157 7,593 10,090 1,345 7,860 4,351 8,837 7,061 4,158 5,637 451 6,019 4,695 7,387 2,586 4.304 9,854 1,393 3,477 3,157 2,587 1,309 616 401 24,518 3,405 1,.503 1,281 6,453 2,849 1,743 507 3,217 678 137 9,449 8,019 4,273 245 337 7,718 2,662 4,855 9,424 4,172 465 1,704 4,863 1,703 144 2,538 5,753 1,121 1,859 15,282 117 819 3,450 1,536 8,156 2,159 949 1,290 7,672 319 7,493 1,942 2,648 3,833 15.332 296 3,710 6,5,55 7,943 915 6,445 3,6,54 7,643 5,260 3,616 4,045 462 3,288 7,483 1,581 3.830 7,369 956 POPULATIOi^. 481 Table 1 3.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. COUNTIES. Georgia — Cont'd . Milton Mitchell , Monroe Montgomery . . . Morgan Murray Muscogee Newton Oconee Oglethorpe ... Paulding Pickens ., Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam . . Quitman .. Kabitii Randolph . . Kichmond . Rockdale .. Schley Screven. Spalding. . . Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro . Tattnall . . . Taylor.. Telfair. . Terrell . Thomas Towns.. Troup . . Twiggs. Union . . Upson . . Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington . Wayne . . . Webster . . White . . . . Whitfield Wilcox Wilkes .... Wilkinson. Worth Idaho. Ada Alturas . . . . Bear Lake . Bingham .. Boise Cassia Custer Elmore Idaho Kootenai ... Latah Lemhi Logan Nez Perces . . Oneida Owyhee Shoshone Washington . NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1870 6,205 10,899 19,131 9,238 16,023 8,450 27,438 14,295 7,713 16,930 11,942 8,171 6.357 16,285 14,897 16,526 14,831 4,468 5,598 15,244 43,871 6,802 5,442 14,396 6,258 9,384 18,787 5.371 14,001 8,257 18,995 13,609 6,. 346 15,369 10,882 6,781 4,522 15,825 11,916 14,022 14,512 4,386 4,629 13,306 33,191 6,828 5, .301 12,745 13,075 12,545 15,677 13,981 22,045 18,192 13,256 14.102 7,277 7,004 10,244 6,972 8,663 8,589 5,468 4,816 14,483 10,435 26,047 20,498 4,064 3,260 20,693 20,519 8.191 8,910 7,741 6,429 12,167 12,396 13,232 11,012 17,458 8,757 10,945 25,210 I 7,468 5,694 6,129 12,817 7,972 18,040 10,769 10,043 66,929 7,395 2,000 4,548 10,966 2,396 2,790 1,490 1,489 2,350 2,986 7,745 1,485 3,364 2,387 5,392 1,415 3,185 3,546 15,617 I 4,135 10,872 21,928 5,954 5,235 5,335 11,797 3,106 15,930 12,045 5,888 22,636 3,948 1,202 2,250 1,347 1,135 1,001 373 1,423 3,184 5,036 809 113 815 4,282 6,613 17,186 3,569 10,674 6,482 16,240 14,593 11,755 7,635 5.307 2.771 10,889 7,790 11,912 10,424 4,140 3,254 10,509 24,051 5,124 9,137 10,144 14,175 16,478 11,898 4,765 4,827 7,133 3.240 9,025 14,440 2,779 17,568 8,538 5,265 9,423 9,881 11,036 2,280 10,500 15,805 2,166 4,675 4,590 10,013 2,436 11,734 9,366 3,774 7,114 2,178 286 1,183 205 509 609 1,189 862 93 FOEEIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 10 18 11 323 15 21 11 22 15 48 33 11 3 8 23 1,323 11 1 28 42 5 62 2 14 20 107 17,456 353 686 381 605 1,122 1,428 430 805 460 21 10 31 12 327 14 5 31 16 24 36 36 27 6 5 35 1,474 ilO 1 41 40 17 47 13 30 16 46 8 2 4 44 5 24 13 36 26 2 6 103 3 55 16 4 9,974 973 726 629 491 1,509 985 2,609 946 1,867 177 1,030 145 807 781 1,928 617 356 64 2 20 27 17 22 18 423 22 27 4 10 7 16 32 28 37 10 2 52 1,673 45 37 11 2 16 104 3 62 17 4 7,885 497 403 2,651 644 479 -31 1,427 606 2,197 290 a Persons of African descent only. 733 851 629 1890 1880 1870 5, .536 4,800 6,621 5,590 5,043 7,977 12,.395 7,146 3,881 5,686 10,443 7,832 4,396 8,223 10,289 6,558 3,939 1,421 5,440 5,794 22,346 4,127 2,238 6,916 5,835 4,198 7,008 4,019 2,464 7,138 4,598 3,142 5,334 11,122 3,990 7,062 2,748 7,584 6,065 11,350 10,. 312 5,178 4,201 10,312 5,290 2,423 5,489 10,984 4,825 5,616 5,567 5,872 82,018 8,210 2,521 6,052 13,443 2,898 3,118 2,061 1,782 2,644 3,929 9,135 1,773 4,112 2,759 5,484 4,189 6,693 3,.510 4,249 7,362 8,995 6,740 3,327 5,469 9,903 6,645 3,065 7,780 7,805 5,824 3,518 1,773 4,437 5,545 17,185 4,149 2,229 6,173 5,439 4,.376 6,050 4,448 2,312 5,014 4,770 2,666 4,268 8,384 3,157 6,595 2,844 6,321 6,133 9,492 9,321 3,615 4,0.39 9,449 4,060 2,667 4,751 9,689 2,411 5,173 6,550 4,068 29,013 6,819 1,801 5,135 3,826 4,447 1,554 3,234 1,970 1,289 1,271 493 1,950 3,684 6,892 1,179 171 879 3,818 3,683 6,409 2,478 3,637 5,743 7,441 8,601 4,641 7,083 5,188 1,964 5,999 5,244 5,955 3,016 1,773 3,137 5,084 13,157 2,278 4,287 5,327 5,104 5,920 4,761 1,809 3,580 4,181 2,100 3,769 6,160 2,623 6,408 2,913 5,153 4,865 8,396 6,876 1,834 4,285 7,530 1,798 2,439 4,042 8,606 1,902 3,969 4,684 2,673 10,618 2,569 369 2,057 415 864 837 1,921 1,334 252 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 672 6,106 12,516 3,658 10,997 484 15,362 7,164 3,832 11,264 1,505 349 1,983 8,077 4,654 10,001 10,903 3,050 166 9,473 22,818 2,686 3,205 7,507 7,281 11,484 15,098 9,239 4,827 3,115 4,068 2,335 9,169 15,028 74 13,661 5,447 165 0,123 1,932 7,155 3,619 6,756 14,925 2,195 3,272 662 1,930 3,155 12,464 5,214 4,176 201 777 5,203 12,115 1,871 9,782 10,327 6,883 3,024 9,931 984 145 1,472 8,069 4,147 8,225 11,021 2,619 197 7,796 17,464 2,689 3,073 6,613 7,146 9,622 12,189 9,667 4,722 1,974 3,827 2,161 6,183 12,213 104 13,970 6,074 110 6,267 1,563 6,301 1,144 6,846 12,515 1,920 2,570 590 2,210 698 10,812 5,511 1,824 53 10 460 2,950 10,804 1,108 7,058 757 9,220 6,014 7,141 556 129 814 4,906 2,578 5,984 7,445 2,377 119 5,477 12,565 2,851 4,888 4,878 9,190 10,639 7,152 2,987 1.280 2,962 1,145 5,284 8,303 155 11,224 5,632 114 4,565 1,529 4,162 452 6.260 8,312 379 2,238 564 1,511 537 7,827 4,699 1,105 60 20 5 482 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES : 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BOBN. ! 1890 I 1880 1870 Illinois 2,984,004 12,494.295 Adams Alexander . . Bond Boone Brown Bureaii Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign . Christian Clark Clay Clinton . . Coles Coolc Crawford — Cumberland Dekalb Dewitt Douglas Dupage Edgar Edwards Effingham ..... Eayette . . Ford Franklin. Fulton . . . GaUatin . 2,024,693 Greene... Grundy. . Hamilton Hancock - Hardin . . Henderson Henry Iroquois . . . Jackson . . . Jasper Jefferson . . - Jersey Jo Daviess - Johnson . . . Kane Kankakee Kendal! . . . Knox Lake Lasalle . . . Lawrence... Lee Livingston.. Logan , McDonougb McHenry . . . McLean Macon Macoupin . . Madison Marion .. Marshall. Mason - . . Massac .. Menard . . Mercer Monroe Montgomery. Morgan Moultrie 52,535 15,510 13,038 9,483 11,415 27,042 6,811 16,033 14,391 37,804 28,103 21,350 16,367 14,158 29,035 709,270 17,108 15,208 20,880 16,161 16,925 16,049 26,200 8,828 17,006 22,139 13,361 17,006 41,069 14,699 22,598 13,438 17.523 29,175 7,124 8,910 24,476 28,908 26,251 17,696 21,957 13,118 19,906 14,922 46,807 21,854 9,283 32.001 18,232 58,359 14,508 21,690 31,258 22,101 26,026 20,283 54,479 34,694 34,094 41,888 23,052 11,337 14,414 10,828 11,461 15,755 10,714 27,423 29,133 14,104 49,107 13,552 13,771 9,204 12,328 26,994 6,357 14,887 12,684 36,208 25,784 21,162 15,737 14,634 25,893 365.109 15,897 13,475 21,495 16,058 15,205 13,818 24,707 7,759 16,214 21,717 11,757 15,985 39,343 12,487 2i,462 12,344 16,448 31,889 5,884 9,611 26,932 28,994 20,921 13,840 20,060 13,476 21,036 12,959 33,874 18,790 10,283 31,723 16,325 52,569 13,383 22,337 31,222 21,883 26,397 20,060 52,384 28,204 32,837 38,511 22,339 12,621 14,452 9,899 11,641 16,964 10,495 25,425 27,683 13,254 FOREIGN BOHN. 1890 1880 i 1870 44,622 9,163 11,980 10,145 11,357 26,182 5,347 14,215 9,711 28,725 18,444 17,800 15,301 11,746 24,182 183,194 13,762 11,887 18,671 13,963 12,796 11,472 20,764 6,565 12,858 18,122 7,105 12,580 36,298 10,727 18,630 10,944 12,824 31,777 4,929 10,946 25,228 21,139 17,902 10,707 17,657 12,502 19,966 11,186 28,755 16,672 9,715 31,843 15,296 44,530 12,176 21,067 25,440 20,023 24,784 19,134 46,026 24,283 27,946 31,251 19,207 13,858 14,117 8,894 10,232 16,508 8,670 22,920 23,805 9,943 842,347 1890 ! 1880 1870 583.576 9,353 1,047 912 2,720 536 7,972 841 2,287 1,572 4,355 2,428 549 405 3,253 1.058 482,652 115 235 6.186 850 744 6,502 587 616 2,352 1,228 3,674 132 2,041 236 1,193 7,586 277 2,732 110 8,862 6,259 1,558 492 633 1,692 5,195 91 18,254 6,878 2,823 6,751 6,003 22,439 185 4,497 7,197 3,388 1,441 5,831 8,557 3,389 5,686 9,647 1,289 2,316 1,653 485 1,659 2,790 2,234 2,580 3,503 377 515,198 .3.768,472 :3,031.151 2,511,096 10,028 1.256 1,095 2,304 713 6,178 1,110 2,089 1,809 4,655 2.443 732 455 4,080 1,149 242,415 300 284 5,273 952 5,343 792 838 2,706 1,524 3,342 144 1.897 374 1,548 4,388 264 3,448 140 1,111 9,665 6,457 1,584 675 626 2,066 6,492 119 11.065 6,257 2,800 6,621 4,971 17,834 280 5,154 7,228 3,154 1,573 4,848 7,716 2,461 4,855 11,615 1,347 2,434 1,790 544 1,383 2,538 3,187 2,653 3,831 445 11,740 1,401 1,172 2,797 6.233 1,215 2,490 1,869 4,012 1,919 919 574 4.539 1,053 166.772 127 336 4,594 805 5,213 686 1,000 2,795 1,516 1,998 72 1,993 407 1,647 3.994 190 4,158 184 1,636 10,278 4,643 1,732 527 207 2,552 7,854 62 10.336 2,684 7,679 5.718 16,262 357 6,104 6.031 3,030 1.725 4,628 7,962 2,198 4,780 12,880 1,415 3,098 2,067 687 1,503 2,261 4,312 2,394 4,658 442 59.835 11,672 14,284 12,161 11.939 34,741 7,651 18.314 15,962 41,746 30,430 21,856 16,715 17,119 29,805 1,176,419 17,246 15,418 26,996 16,947 17,601 22,435 26,539 9,371 19,333 23,349 16,898 17,114 42,934 14,274 23,622 20,969 17,750 31,777 6,972 33,249 34,976 26,253 18,084 22,420 14,653 25,043 14,795 64,490 28,623 12,038 37,862 24,132 80,661 14,311 26,121 38,098 25,205 27,280 26,069 62,085 37,468 39,881 49,088 23,946 13,634 16,0.37 9,762 13,033 18,516 12,895 29,724 31,630 14,477 57,247 10,239 14,541 11,460 12,982 33,016 7,466 16,950 14,487 40,397 28,100 21,843 16,108 18,361 26,765 600,362 16,160 13,757 26,675 16,897 15,743 19,101 25,316 8,514 18,895 23,201 14,989 16,099 41,170 12,186 22,914 16,604 16,669 35,175 5,860 10,710 36,465 35,203 20,976 14,467 20,590 15,210 27,465 12,945 44,387 24,971 13,008 37,368 21,215 70,309 13,344 27,427 38,150 24,681 27,825 24,857 59.409 30,308 37,258 47,422 23,384 15,018 16,218 8,740 12,970 19,465 13,626 27,911 30,578 13,679 COLORED. (O) 1890 1880 1870 54,794 8,268 13,042 12,907 12,179 32,272 6,559 16,675 11,576 32,504 20,318 18,698 15,818 15,962 25,015 346,102 13,885 12,220 23,212 14,712 13,387 16,652 21,339 7,498 15,643 19,585 9,089 12,616 38,226 10,522 20,255 14,843 12,993 35,807 5,024 12,575 35,413 25,618 18,639 11,211 17,826 14,823 27,727 11,196 38,724 24,282 12,345 38,713 20,948 60,722 12,243 27,123 31,360 22,937 26,467 23,698 53,561 26,246 32,406 41,917 20,407 16,943 16,181 8,625 11,727 18,741 12,913 25,162 27,869 10,384 57,028 46,368 2,044 4,878 266 42 11 271 1 6 1 411 98 43 56 287 284 14,910 37 25 69 64 HI 246 73 25 18 136 24 173 661 169 53 50 130 262 191 1,555 104 170 155 58 218 558 107 102 119 382 63 353 281 186 45 934 605 499 2,442 390 17 29 1,547 28,762: 29 53 279 1,884 4,568 325 48 59 155 1 26 6 462 127 51 84 353 276 6,945 37 2 93 113 110 60 182 83 25 40 110 30 96 128 43 162 164 12 132 247 1,528 48 96 331 56 133 550 76 75 972 78 93 319 64 300 356 144 51 687 352 434 2,701 302 37 24 1,703 54 37 56 167 935 20 28 69 152 593 1 aPersons of African descent only. POPULATION. 483 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870-Continued. ' Illinois — Cont'd . Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski... Putnam . . . Kandolph . Kichlaml.. NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1870 Rock Island St. Clair Saline Sangamon . . . Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark Stephenson . . Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash .. "Warren Washington Wavne "Wh'ite "Whiteside ... "Will "Williamson . . "Winnebago . . "Woodford . . . . 24,088 57,9(i6 15,626 16,170 29,803 13,740 11,000 3,947 21,984 14,254 30,184 53,703 19,218 52,541 15,601 9,600 29,766 9,010 25,539 24,669 20,897 45,828 11,335 19,239 15,748 23,528 24,418 25,648 43,267 21,881 28,730 17,046 Indiana. Adams Allen Bartholomew . Benton Blackford Boone . Brown. Carroll . Cass Clark... Clay Clinton . . . Crawford . Daviess... Dearborn. Decatur .. Dekalb... Delaware . Dubois . . . Elkhart .. Fayette .. JFloyd .... Fountain . Franklin . Fulton . . . Gibson . .. Grant Greene . . . Hamilton . Hancock.. 2,046,199 18,373 56,301 22,754 10,639 10,266 26,278 10,227 19,470 28,803 28,388 27,260 27,046 13,760 25,301 20,494 18,480 22,967 29,383 18,484 36,576 11,979 26,473 18,889 16,832 16,278 23,934 30,812 24,040 25,820 17,413 25,418 44,469 13,982 14,715 32,133 12,866 9,146 4,701 21,886 14,643 27,903 45,834 15,809 45,099 15,687 9,830 28,516 10,007 26,062 24,671 17,426 38,588 9,470 20,755 16,847 20,970 22,382 26,043 37,265 19,007 23,915 17,511 1,834,123 13,984 45,576 21,495 9,642 7,826 25,506 10,143 17,706 25,209 26,145 23,199 23,145 12,142 20,528 22,544 18,784 19,026 22,456 13,872 31,332 10,713 21,294 19,035 17,676 13,795 21,599 23,205 22,716 24,477 16,613 22,710 35,867 11,932 10,350 28,919 10,991 8,307 5,248 16,905 11,944 21,114 32,747 12,635 38,575 15,887 9,354 23,765 9,475 23,820 22,572 15,866 28,223 8,290 20,884 13,734 19,238 16,241 22,913 28,426 17,166 22,588 14,891 1,539,163 Harrison Hendricks.. Henry Howard Huntington 20,017 20,274 21,166 22,491 23,621 23,659 25,418 19,241 26,300 20,647 10,061 34,735 19,700 4,929 6,081 22,188 8,529 15,405 21,573 22,075 17,298 17,127 9,609 15,840 19,520 17,820 16,203 18,529 10,136 24,249 9,712 19,605 15,441 17,295 12,212 16,178 18,173 19,218 20,491 14,580 18,658 19,762 22,532 15,542 17,746 FOREIGN BOEN. 1890 1880 4,622 4,519 12,412 10,886 1,903 2,025 892 868 1,197 1,618 276 390 355 361 783 853 3,065 3,804 765 902 11,733 10,399 12,868 15,972 124 131 8,654 7,795 412 562 704 911 1,425 1,754 972 5,799 4.887 652 4,077 531 2.042 3,514 278 587 5,206 18,740 345 11,208 4,383 146,205 1,808 10,388 1,113 1,264 195 294 81 551 2,349 1,871 3,276 324 181 926 2.870 797 1,340 748 1.769 2,625 651 2,985 069 1,534 468 986 681 339 303 416 332 258 1,200 5.901 4,995 676 3,000 475 2,178 4,265 321 705 4,842 16,157 317 6,590 4,109 144,178 1,401 9,187 1,282 1,466 194 416 121 639 2,402 2,465 2,655 327 214 1,024 4,127 1,199 470 2.120 2 122 681 3,296 1,193 2,416 506 1,143 413 280 324 510 1.052 490 357 343 1,158 4,782 11,673 1.791 603 1,849 446 445 1,032 3,954 859 8,669 18,321 79 7,777 1,532 1,176 1,711 1,276 6,788 5,331 652 2,165 551 2,290 3,865 520 605 4.590 14.587 163 6.713 4,065 141,474 1890 1880 1870 1,321 8,759 1.433 686 191 405 152 747 2,620 2,695 1,786 203 242 907 4,596 1.233 964 501 2,461 1.777 764 3,695 948 2,928 514 1,193 314 296 391 543 1,255 515 454 305 1,290 28,625 69,388 16,839 17,013 30,698 13,281 7,052 4,703 23,922 15,010 41,532 64,129 18,549 58,848 16,003 10,279 31,091 9,968 31,325 29,489 21,283 49,447 11,775 20,878 1«,127 23,800 24,412 30,811 61,499 22,029 39,765 21,309 2,146,736 1,344 a Persons of African descent only 20,180 66,403 23,553 11,857 10,458 26,403 10,301 20,003 30,998 27,396 30,123 27,265 13,927 25,954 23,273 19,112 24,287 29,672 20,160 39,141 12,282 27,281 19,527 18,360 16,725 23,680 30,577 24,210 25.559 17,736 20,455 21,099 23,325 25,678 27,619 29,829 54,831 15,230 15,550 33,450 12,652 6,237 5,510 24,392 15.509 37,764 59,229 15,357 51,071 16,160 10,710 30,193 11,203 31,940 29,571 17,830 41,384 9,888 22,642 20,900 21,275 22,553 30,807 52,719 19,071 30,351 21,535 27,407 47,385 13,332 10,947 30,661 10,955 6,358 6,215 19,722 12,773 29,646 49,771 12,483 45,186 17,394 10,515 25,416 10,730 30,596 27,839 16,370 30,338 8,778 22,951 17,463 19,729 16,673 27,444 42,771 17,223 29,180 18,946 1,938,798 1,655,837 15,383 54,557 22,639 11,102 8,003 25,684 10,264 18,303 27,412 26,073 25,556 23,403 12,354 21,244 26,614 19,544 20,220 22,706 15,934 33,426 11,152 23,029 20,120 20,080 14,278 21,712 22,751 22,739 24,039 17,022 20,^76 22,577 23,332 19,180 21.788 11,382 43,428 21,122 5,615 6,258 22,353 8,680 16,128 24,082 22,800 19,054 17,323 9,848 16,618 24,058 18,960 17,163 18,976 12,562 25,991 10,384 21,838 16,342 20,199 12,710 16,934 17,750 19,493 20,367 15,069 19,564 20,095 22,545 15,543 19,028 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 82 966 690 49 302 724 4,303 27 1,124 379 2,430 792 2,339 10 25 100 14 12 60 260 456 91 403 135 6 593 40 503 197 170 120 45,215 248 314 46 3 168 7 17 148 2,859 412 105 14 271 87 164 20 451 93 57 346 2,167 31 6 21 1,239 866 169 560 92 330 398 544 506 21 107 512 767 33 301 570 3,270 44 1,298 36 534 2,577 583 1,822 89 31 77 4 23 87 272 202 57 290 212 16 534 78 703 253 140 85 39,228 2 169 138 6 17 238 42 197 2,536 298 65 2 307 57 235 5 213 58 28 242 1,552 108 12 23 1,027 867 250 762 101 350 402 679 404 7 85 155 391 6 106 471 2,394 65 1,137 30 137 1,297 231 1,166 25 15 60 21 12 64 148 49 63 223 133 29 173 59 242 106 121 10 24,560 42 11 14 240 1 24 111 1,970 2fi 7 3 129 58 87 4 53 35 35 92 1,462 47 24 16 437 737 21 515 54 349 182 441 304 5 484 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1S90. Taulk 13.— population AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BOKN. FOREIGN BORN. WHITE. 1 COLORED, (a) COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1S70 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Indiana— Cont'd. Jackson 22,920 10,312 22,911 22,883 13,723 19,338 26,306 28,068 ]5,102 17,010 26,715 19,376 .35,489 123,541 22,573 13,788 24,536 17,427 27,395 18,432 7,973 21,976 4,709 14,635 14,730 19,541 16,381 18,161 14,288 20,153 10,980 21.937 27,632 17,089 18,567 33,918 7,728 24,773 20,730 6,372 14,156 21,488 12,198 30,872 17,826 6,783 51,361 12,807 45,784 26,303 10,603 20,137 18,424 35,036 20,950 14,868 17,143 1,587,827 21.542 8,651 18,724 23,520 15,251 19,183 24,i29 25,821 14,996 ■31,081 23,808 18,210 20,874 88,039 22,113 13,235 22,844 15,571 26,533 18,600 7,328 21,436 5,239 14,309 15,595 19,052 14,668 16,012 13,750 18,961 8,729 21,912 25,886 18,701 18,734 27,660 8,187 24,479 20,360 4,549 14,268 19,911 12,948 31,470 14,110 7,381 33,665 11,821 40,859 24,259 11,047 18,888 18,680 35,725 17,851 12,965 16,202 1,362,965 17,379 6,014 14,492 26,158 14,644 17,882 19,448 22,803 13,455 8,742 20,420 14,391 22,137 59,292 18,836 10,846 19,949 13,793 22,878 17,200 5,389 18,889 5,384 13,398 15,758 17,895 12,065 13,410 11,103 16,931 6,853 20,724 22,302 17,573 17,096 21,750 7,646 21,080 16,142 3,546 12,407 18,184 11,719 28,141 11,731 6,050 23,822 10,604 29,842 20,399 9,744 16,265 18,143 31,099 13,029 9,986 13,553 089,328 1,219 873 567 1,624 885 223 1,738 577 513 6,876 7,730 416 998 17,615 1,245 185 1,287 246 630 211 830 1,383 246 43 310 755 1,859 383 3,764 1,376 1,153 398 453 2,26] 467 8,539 105 681 1,330 967 322 389 316 4,286 331 223 8,448 347 4,411 823 352 1,024 195 2,592 504 803 625 324,069 1,508 813 558 2,457 1,202 354 2,095 673 634 4,010 7,177 333 653 14,743 1,301 240 1,239 304 783 300 839 1,520 324 54 306 408 2,329 371 3,477 1,896 1,122 589 549 2,926 504 5,518 156 778 1,762 556 377 425 388 4,496 297 292 8,528 204 4,799 982 450 1,274 269 2,888 501 830 739 261,640 1,595 340 508 3,583 1,574 484 2,114 728 693 3,597 6,642 237 633 12,647 1,375 257 1,103 375 887 328 440 1,500 453 99 379 271 2,736 369 2,839 2,254 948 790 560 3,404 530 3,572 227 812 1,856 342 447 269 415 5,374 222 291 9,323 236 3,707 906 460 1,388 352 2,949 556 568 846 204,692 23,868 11,182 23,358 23,506 14,313 19,219 27,454 28,580 15,607 23,861 34,224 19,414 36,261 130,017 23,813 13,950 25,612 17,264 27,661 18,528 8,759 23,347 4,801 14,608 14,957 19,939 17,987 18,487 18,039 20,3?5 11,224 21,977 27,475 19,276 18,498 42,113 7,832 25,140 20,671 7,336 14,472 21,695 12,379 34,724 18,136 6,845 53,711 13,107 48,*74 26,888 10,934 20,547 18,609 36,254 21,511 15,662 17,716 1,901,086 22,706 9,464 19,127 25,030 16,045 19,182 25,694 26,445 15,615 15,089 30,731 18,208 27,401 94,729 23,405 13,453 23,838 15,530 26,885 18,750 8,081 22,909 5,358 14,210 15,774 19,170 16,789 16,356 17,194 19,902 9,847 21,925 25,843 21,470 18,688 32,889 8,333 24,970 20,630 5,105 14,637 20,190 13,122 ' 35,660 14,346 7,529 38,345 11,951 44,149 24,971 11,478 19,543 18,952 36, 900 18,437 13,789 16,833 1,614,600 18,810 6,351 14,979 28,636 15,796 18,251 21,182 23,521 14,123 12,336 26,834 14,378 22,682 67,997 20,211 11,067 20,856 13,909 23,598 17,454 5,796 20,376 5,648 13,338 16,078 18,014 14,651 13,765 13,903 18,621 7,801 21,409 22,245 20,874 17,162 25,195 7,868 21,764 17,049 3,888 12,849 18,348 12,013 33,343 11,892 6,229 30,994 10,792 32,447 21,174 10,181 17,166 18,477 32,810 13,585 10,551 14,302 1,188,207 270 3 120 999 294 342 588 62 8 23 217 377 226 11,118 5 23 112 408 357 114 44 10 154 70 83 356 253 56 11 1,193 9 357 606 74 534 340 1 313 1,388 3 6 182 135 352 19 161 6,080 47 1,720 141 15 614 9 1,370 3 9 51 10,685 344 ""155' 944 408 355 629 49 15 2 249 335 126 8,038 9 22 135 345 427 150 86 47 205 149 127 288 208 27 33 955 4 576 591 157 550 279 10 287 1,492 164 3 21 Jefferson Jennings Johnson 1,105 422 115 380 Kosciusko iagrange 10 25 3 Xaporte Lawrence MadLson Marion Marshall Martin 228 250 88 3,938 36 51 Monroe Montgomery... Morgan ]y^ewton Noble 259 167 74 33 13 Ohio 189 Orange Owen. 159 59 Parke 152 Perry 150 Pike 14 Porter 39 Posey 564 Pulaski Putnam Randolph "'io6 617 103 Rush 463 St. Joseph 120 5 Shelby 128 Spencer 949 Steuben Sullivan Switzerland Tippecanoe Tipton 8 146 214 304 58 144 3,843 74 1,506 254 19 619 3 1,710 5 6 108 9,516 5 105 121 172 61 112 Vanderburg . . - Vermilion Vio-o 2,151 48 1,099 Wabash Warren Warrick Washington . . . Wayne Weils 84 22 487 18 1,238 White 3 Whitley..." 97 5,762 Adair 13,137 11,219 13,282 17,853 10,067 20,099 20,116 18,886 11,671 16,163 10,001 12,444 10,599 10,718 14,138 16,121 6,578 20,962 19,985 16,730 11,198 15,788 5,772 12,043 3,678 4,337 11,765 16,111 1,103 18,849 17,950 11,676 10,056 14,402 1,181 8,527 1,397 1,073 4,625 1,108 2,345 4,079 4,103 4,886 2,9.59 2,834 3,. 547 3,019 1,068 1,170 5,653 515 870 3,926 3,928 4,108 2,883 2,758 1,765 2,259 304 277 6,103 345 109 3,605 3,756 2,908 2,472 2,632 404 1,424 14,512 12,247 17,895 18,816 12,412 24,155 24,206 23,678 14,623 18,9'aB 13,532 15,462 11,659 11,799 19,753 16,562 7,445 24,868 23,876 20,585 14,074 18,517 7,536 14,262 3,981 4,590 17,860 16,421 1,211 22,430 21,688 14,572 12,510 17,025 1,585 9,951 22 45 12 145 " " 23 12 93 7 20 16 1 8 89 38 74 3 20 37 251 6 29 1 31 1 Adams Allamakee Appanoose Audubon Benton Blackhawk 24 8 35 1 24 18 11 Bremer Buchanan Buena Vista . . . Butler 17 9 a Persons of African descent only. POPULATION. 485 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. ' Iowa — Continued. Calhoun Carroll Cass Cedar CeiTO Gordo - . . Cherokee .. Chickasaw. Clarke Clay Clayton Clinton . . . Crawford . Dallas Davis Decatur. . . Delaware . . . Des Moines . Dickinson . . Dubuque ... Emmet ravette.. Floyd.... Franklin . Fremont . Greene . . . Grundy . . . Guthrie . . Hamilton. Hancock.. Hardin Harrison . . Henry Howard . . . Humboldt . Ida Iowa Jackson . Jasper . . . Jefterson. Johnson . Jones .. . Keokuk . Kossuth . Lee Linn Louisa Lucas Lyon Madison . Mahaska . Marion . . , Marshall . Mills Mitchell . . Monona. . . Monroe Montgomery . Muscatine ... O'Brien Osceola Page Palo Alto . . . Plymouth... Pocahontas Polk NATIVE BOKN. 1890 1880 1870 Pottawattamie. Poweshiek Einggold Sac Scott .. Shelby. Sioux . . Story .. 11,146 14,348 17,078 15,260 12,317 12,862 12,207 10,966 7,611 20,839 29,058 13,354 19,046 14,749 15,114 14.340 27,390 3,682 37,533 3,131 19,827 12,514 10.099 15,976 13,944 9,578 16,256 11,687 5,625 15.905 19.290 17,133 8,818 7.4.38 8,178 14,572 18,445 22,164 13,802 18,.'508 16,778 21,020 10,064 32,004 38,168 11,117 12,820 6,424 15,246 25,632 20,480 21,967 13,348 10,571 12,455 12,295 13,426 20,063 10,465 4,387 19,113 7,189 14,283 7,392 56,032 38,304 16,424 13,097 11,515 29,956 13,791 12,150 14,949 4,693 9,227 14,799 16,274 9,497 6,695 11,.557 11,067 3,572 21.490 26,690 8,939 17,444 15,833 14,809 14,915 25,926 1,640 31,069 1,117 18,688 12.126 8,261 16,714 11,224 9,358 13,469 8,639 2.567 15,496 15,097 19,041 8,335 4,154 3,615 15,153 18,661 23,801 15,799 19,873 17,8,37 19,367 4,883 28,922 32,010 12,216 12.966 1,551 16,460 23,276 22,663 20,679 12,861 10,964 7,867 12,226 13,447 19,201 3,626 1,887 17,670 3,113 6,120 2,698 36,162 32,743 17,013 11,492 7,140 28,460 10.277 3,018 13,923 1,348 2,134 4,699 17,389 3,767 1,600 8,039 8,462 1,304 19,250 24,700 1,970 11,1.39 15,023 11,654 14,305 20,537 1,196 25,405 990 14,116 8,965 3,814 10,589 4,231 4,550 6,623 4,931 863 11,903 8,010 19.752 4,823 2,090 208 12,842 17,197 20,421 15,825 18,573 16,766 17,852 2,780 28,409 26,987 11,766 9,817 120 13,221 21,091 21,731 15.463 7,784 7,190 3,077 11,575 5,258 17,449 649 FOEEIGN BOKN. 9,335 989 1,550 950 23,944 13,070 13,956 5,401 1,247 24,071 2,187 392 9,642 1890 1880 1870 1,961 4,480 2,567 2,993 2,547 2,797 2,812 366 1,698 5,894 12,141 5,540 1,433 509 529 3,009 7,934 646 12,315 1,143 3.314 2,910 2.772 866 1,853 3,637 1,124 3,632 1,996 3,098 2,066 1,762 2,364 2,398 2,527 3,698 4,326 2,779 1,382 4,574 3,455 2,842 3,056 5,711 7,135 756 1,743 2,256 731 3,173 2,578 3,875 1,200 2,728 2,060 1,371 2,422 4,441 2,595 1,187 2,228 2,129 5,285 2,161 9,378 9,126 1.970 459 3,007 13,208 3,820 6,220 3,178 902 3,124 2,144 2,662 1,964 1,545 2,977 446 676 7,339 10,073 3,474 1,302 635 527 3,035 7,173 261 11,927 433 3,570 2,551 1,988 938 1,503 3,281 925 2,613 886 2,311 1,552 1,945 2,502 1,187 767 254 317 765 2,342 955 367 2,141 273 219 8,. 521 10,657 560 880 542 364 3,127 6,719 193 13,564 402 2,857 1,803 924 585 396 1,849 438 1,124 136 1,781 921 1,711 1,459 506 18 1890 1880 4,068 3,802 5,110 5,422 2,162 1,695 1,670 2,014 5,556 6,325 3,215 2,965 1,891 1,582 1,295 571 5,937 8,801 5,227 4,093 926 1,111 1,564 571 417 101 764 663 1,926 1,417 2,448 2.705 3,073 2,113 1,276 934 3,399 2,392 1,188 577 1,493 1.149 2,448 076 3,969 4,239 529 66 332 1,997 640 1,018 347 2,446 649 1,015 496 6,233 3,913 7,107 3,823 1,923 1,625 593 290 1,634 164 12,806 14.528 2,419 353 1,808 184 2,983 2,009 13.107 18,799 19,631 18,215 14.855 15,6.54 15,018 11,271 9,309 26,722 40,981 18,879 20,441 15,198 15,587 17,346 34,940 4,327 49,712 4,270 23,066 15,419 12,871 16,799 15.786 18,268 22,758 24,839 15,125 23,024 20,199 23,838 13,108 36,044 45,069 11,848 14,243 8,680 15,966 27,211 23,014 25,698 14,527 13,291 14,486 13,463 15,810 24,326 13,059 5,574 21,106 9,310 19,;-)58 9,553 64,211 47,098 18,327 13,556 14,522 42,884 17,610 18,370 18,127 5,593 12,341 16,922 18,879 11.438 8,238 14,534 11,455 4,246 28.828 36,573 12,390 18,692 16,404 15,207 17,948 32,674 1,900 42,837 1.547 22,136 14,672 10,237 17,588 12,711 13,200 12,639 17,351 14,392 15,299 11,251 7,619 3,453 18,922 17,696 21,328 16,632 18,483 20,477 11,172 10,817 9,832 5.339 10,704 4,382 19,206 23,762 25,842 17,397 25,323 21,017 21,243 6,177 33,178 37,027 13,077 14,490 1,968 17,212 24,678 25,067 23,627 14,113 14,358 8.967 1.3.461 15,782 22,991 4,142 2.219 19,420 4,131 8,561 3,713 41,714 39.231 18,874 12,070 8,774 41,000 12,683 5,425 16,897 1870 1,602 2,451 5,459 19,689 4,718 1,961 10,177 8,709 1,523 27.744 35,226 2,529 11,994 15,535 11,977 17,411 27,029 1,389 38,802 1,389 16,903 10,765 4,733 11,144 4,624 6,399 7,056 6,052 994 13,651 8,930 20,980 6,270 2,596 226 16,633 22,594 22,047 17,786 24,800 19,699 19,431 3,. 351 35,647 31,032 12,818 10,357 221 13,881 22,358 24,400 17,536 8,713 9,581 3,612 12,675 5,921 21,525 709 9,822 1,336 2,199 1,446 27,554 16,725 15,502 5,686 1,410 38,353 2,, 534 576 11,649 COLORED, (a) 1890 209 15 37 60 56 2 381 1 133 4 75 4 26 411 10 4 1 2 13 104 57 58 34 24 12 1,666 234 25 319 11 1,592 38 136 21 8 23 202 38 177 1 234 1,194 327 66 274 1 1880 58 2 1 187 23 53 60 129 2 425 1 156 3 122 5 12 59 16 111 13 509 19 2 15 9 121 72 105 35 15 1 1,679 207 65 40 10 524 44 97 24 5 258 113 179 13 247 "s 672 614 62 15 266 13 1 9 1870 5 42 4 3 26 26 129 1 25 30 41 21 227 167 3 70 3 5 29 3 5 3 5 23 1 465 12 11 25 69 53 32 3 1,563 48 59 31 3 150 36 37 5 1 42 49 13 163 6 153 303 163 79 5 1 246 a Persons of African descent only. 486 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOllN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES : 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. COCNTIES. Iowa — Continued, Tama Taylor Union Van Buren ■Wapello Warren "Washington , "Wayne "Webster "Winnebago . "Winneshiek . "Woodbury.. . "Worth "Wright NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 18J0 17,479 15,606 15,301 15,5.58 27,074 17,440 16,993 15,219 16,021 5,008 10,298 44,038 6,279 9,860 Kansas 1,279,258 17,555 14,841 13,423 16,266 22,673 18,613 18,510 15,673 11,730 2,946 16,076 11,951 5.131 4,283 13,296 0,766 5,534 16,746 20,168 17,2.52 17,254 11,001 7,467 13,811 4,653 1,799 2,094 FOREIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 886,010 316,007 Allen Anderson. Arapahoe . Atchison . Barber Barton. .. Bourbon . Brown . . . Buffalo.. Butler . . . Chase Chautauqua . Cherokee Chevenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche . Cowley Crawford . , Decatur — Dickinson Doniphan. Douglas .. Edwards.. Elk Ellis Ellsworth. Finney . . . Foote Ford Franklin Garfield . . Geary . . . Gove ... Graham . Grant... Gray Greeley. Greenwood . Hamilton . . . Hari)er Harvey Haskell Hodgeman. Howard . . . Jackson . . - Jefferson . . . Jewell Johnson . Kearny . . Kinsman , Kiowa — Labette . . 12,592 13,371 23.559 7,580 10,625 27,255 18,539 22,641 7,412 12,004 25,504 3,861 2,286 13,355 16,879 15,014 2,462 33,297 26,803 7,573 19,036 12,179 21,674 3,223 11,800 5,893 7,313 3,150 4,772 19,086 831 8,384 2,689 4,674 1,226 2,314 1,164 15,293 1,887 12,520 14,716 1,026 2,116 13,445 15,835 18,221 16,243 1,439 11,181 2,693 26,348 10,426 8,416 2 23,381 2,548 8,102 18,591 11,489 165 17,504 5,453 10,788 20,798 33 147 9,928 13,144 10,720 352 20,678 15,645 3,850 12,562 12,752 19,389 I 2,001 I 10,136 4,234 1 6,844] 9,725 158 3,901 9,610 1,475 9,752 14,733 16,411 15,645 122 3,493 , 21,573 '6,365 4,782 12,518 13,868 5,983 2,859 10,443 2,057 1,920 5,790 1,094 2,176 12,382 17,786 779 783 366 I . 2,567 15,693 308 9,511 5,633 I 3,504 1,034 3,938 3,218 2,649 5,427 11,800 188 12,430 4,172 778 1,599 695 3,352 829 1,475 451 5,501 2,317 6,230 11,594 2,968 2,197 147,838 9.253 917 832 3,199 393 2,547 1,320 1,780 4,030 794 1,5.57 777 2.612 965 1,804 454 4,221 1,971 3,045 2,822 779 110,086 1,414 821 233 2,266 540! '1 2,791 2,416 i 842 87 1,181 3,483 841 3,237 1,356 2,287 377 416 2,049 1,959 200 536 1,193 50 2,039 305 355 82 101 100 1,016 140 746 2,885 51 279 1,181 785 1,128 1,142 132 642 180 1,238 877 641 1 3,287 113 2,216 1,000 1,328 26 1,082 628 284 1,107 4 16 2,392 2,199 718 20 860 1,206 330 2,689 1,505 2,311 348 487 1,945 1,650 45 555 1,104 1,.361 162 320 823 10 232 1,841 229 966 830 1,064 1,208 37 220 2,835 223 452 926 2,178 728 1,698 286 3,017 666 9,7.59 1.519 1,093 298 48,392 657 438 2 1,208 840 176 179 595 1890 1880 1870 885 403 411 81 581 867 1,587 557 402 21,604 16,288 16,831 16,123 29,766 18,215 18,393 15,644 21,537 7,325 22,501 55,252 9,225 12,055 1,376,553 119 874 3,022 266 145 626 726 19 1,254 720 13,115 13,914 23,748 7,942 12,843 26,298 19,894 23,949 8,054 12,072 26,421 4,401 2,351 15,939 19,259 15,667 2,516 33,849 29,859 8,403 22,113 12,768 20,443 3,515 12,210 7,870 9,145 3,288 21,173 15,505 14,888 16,920 24,823 19,515 20,279 16,105 15,943 4,916 23,921 14,785 7,944 5,062 952,155 16,086 6,888 5,973 17,461 22,153 17,899 18,899 11,286 10,475 1,561 23, .545 6,119 2,892 2,390 346,377 5,257 19,416 876 10,040 2,957 4,497 1,263 2,400 1,204 10,141 1,970 13,183 17,323 1,077 2,240 14,421 15,959 19,340 10,407 1,563 11,740 2,858 25,523 10,952 8,871 3 23,237 2,052 10,022 17,866 12,554 191 18,527 5,962 10,915 20,031 37 159 12,200 15,302 11,004 369 21,316 16,749 4,179 15,170 13,343 18,476 2,353 10,602 6,111 8,385 410 3,048 15,847 6,653 1,186 3,774 9 10,468 108 4,114 11,351 1,575 10,520 14,772 17,457 15,937 159 3,711 5,108 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 14,368 2 14,297 6,721 3,002 45 96 68 130 658 54 75 20 43 10 366 22 2 49,710 394 10,899 2,932 2,316 6,045 1,175 8,158 3,001 30 329 2,272 422 3,026 13,135 18,232 1,304 1,159 317 9,961 5,394 3,449 178 224 1,342 32 130 90 123 460 63 95 22 13 178 9 43,107 350 186 45 101 13 211 193 81 53 1 25 44 17,108 3,410 296 1,716 263 59 119 144 1,861 207 34 189 32 622 426 10 158 767 3,076 85 6 66 126 62 51 863 5 377 37 529 45 119 41 433 3 221 100 1 81 914 3,217 56 21 68 107 1 73 923 339 10 484 2,794 5,937 11,901 207 13,241 20,517 9,879 168 57 82 275 155 203 661 3 899 8 83 15 2,045 120 165 790 18 899 "i !,179 152 112 1,136 770 95 30 134 10 7 156 17 833 2,352 31 26 109 364 128 35 45 025 438 94 a Perion.s of African descent only. POPULATION. 487 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. I Kansas — Cont'd. Lane Leavenworth . Lincoln Linn Logan NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1870 Lyon McPherson . Marion Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montgomery. Morris Morton ITemaha , Neosho . Ness . . . Norton . ■Osborne Ottawa Pawnee PhUlips Pottawatomie. Pratt .... Rawlins . Eeno Eepublic. Bice Kiley . . . Eooks .. Rush ... Russell . Saline . . Scott Sedgwick.. Sequoyah . . Seward Shawnee . . . Sheridan. Sherman . Smith Staflbrd.. Stanton.. Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee . . Wallace Washington . Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte . . Kentucky Adair Allen Anderson. Ballard . . . Barren. Bath... BeU.... Boone . Bourbon . Boyd . . . . Boyle . . . . Bracken . 1,936 31,605 8,496 16,802 3,061 20,709 16,156 14,631 19,971 2,403 18,397 13,836 22,222 loiiei 676 17,004 17,536 4,571 10,069 20,740 11,119 11,338 4,798 12,536 14,963 7,781 5,400 24,843 16,342 13,382 10,616 7,420 4,165 6,161 13,941 1,197 40,029 1,453 43,957 3,431 4,744 14,564 7,940 987 1,344 29,014 5,069 2,197 9,894 2,080 19,460 1,695 14,684 8,286 46,403 1,799,279 13,712 13,677 10,593 8,329 21,443 12,777 10,023 11,847 16,571 13,587 12,697 11,906 560 27,012 7,687 14,857 15,409 12,270 8,596 13,000 258 16,586 13,669 17,311 8,240 10,724 14,149 3,418 6,512 16,533 11,478 9,225 4,945 11,199 13,611 1,748 1,326 11,397 12,657 8,548 8,317 7,630 4,186 6,168 10,397 43 17,175 521 3 26,123 1,420 11 13,002 4,301 5 10 19,582 136 2,159 7,374 554 12,423 13 13,162 5,916 16,467 1,589,173 13,066 12,075 9,322 14,306 25,529 393 11,647 7,085 313 705 5,407 10,857 411 7,088 1,976 5,880 9,255 6,507 26 1,662 6,304 1,105 4 3,931 94 2,771 936 11,657 321 3,513 6,255 3,436 8,766 1,257,613 11,058 10,287 5,412 12,484 22,257 I 17,718 11,897 i 10,055 6,054 3,730 11,489 10,231 15,490 11,561 11,788 12,862 14,334 8,009 9,369 10,769 FOREIGN BOKN. 1890 1880 1870 124 6,880 1,213 413 323 2,487 5,458 5,908 3,941 139 1,217 1,201 882 1,220 48 2,245 1,025 373 548 4,322 1,243 406 1,125 2,759 337 1,356 ! 2,236 2,660 1,069 2,567 598 1,039 1,172 3,501 65 3,597 50 5,215 302 517 1,049 580 44 74 1,257 469 338 1,826 388 3,434 132 602 735 8,004 59,356 9 15 17 61 47 36 289 399 405 446 251 463 41 5,343 895 441 1,917 4,873 3,857 3,136 38 1,216 1.242 902 1,025 1 1,738 972 304 486 3,109 1,039 1,082 451 815 2,739 142 297 1,429 2,256 744 2,113 482 1,304 1,183 3,411 1,578 47 2 2,970 147 2 881 454 1,230 25 376 1,382 132 2,487 1 613 619 2,676 59,517 12 14 39 72 64 85 1 507 604 142 647 6,915 123 527 929 425 63 1,494 74 476 249 1,459 951 2 1,141 7 465 81 1,544 176 1 1,174 62 1,475 159 "lV464' 217 568 439 391 1,249 63,398 37 92 62 90 465 529 564 146 640 1890 1880 1870 2,057 34,000 9,606 16,438 3,359 22,163 21,563 20,389 23,625 2,516 18,674 14,985 22,146 10,884 717 19,034 18,217 4,943 10,580 24,383 11,976 12,508 5,058 13,494 17,385 7,938 6,756 26,721 18,975 14,329 12,853 7,957 5,199 7,279 16,982 1,262 42,256 1,498 43,009 3,733 5,242 15,611 8,330 1,029 1,399 30,093 5,532 2,494 10,980 2,429 22,875 1,819 15.205 8,945 47,424 1,590,462 11,893 12,650 9,547 6,978 17,765 11,235 9,570 11,134 10,179 13,328 8,139 11,723 601 27,383 8,517 14,481 16,298 17,091 12,356 15,905 296 16,901 14,870 17,528 8,732 9 12,387 14,735 3,722 6,966 18,905 12,456 10,239 5,364 11,897 15,894 1,852 1,623 12,747 14,898 9,235 10,106 8,056 5,485 7,317 13,528 43 18,459 568 5 23,655 1,567 13 13,868 4,632 5 12 20,698 161 2,510 8,074 679 14,891 14 13.698 6,467 14,539 1,377,179 10,907 11,020 8,292 12,653 17,380 9,965 5,874 10,764 8,642 11,608 7,193 12,693 28,148 516 11,504 7,888 727 766 6,893 11,248 485 7,496 2,152 7,316 10,130 2 7,530 33 2,125 173 7,255 1,281 5 5,035 143 4,240 1,085 12,032 66 22 165 3,183 536 4,079 6,689 3,793 7,839 1,098,692 9,229 9,192 4,751 11,099 14,157 8,443 3,620 9,684 8,186 8,282 5,836 10,773 COLOBED. (a) 1890 1880 1870 3 4,465 42 777 25 1,031 50 150 937 50 947 497 7 213 330 1 36 678 144 167 260 354 27 118 330 61 5 54 460 6,112 19 2 190 19 177 6 41 717 39 18 8 77 75 6,935 268,071 1,828 1,042 1,063 1,412 3,724 1,578 740 1,112 6,797 705 4.809 646 4,970 65 815 1,027 49 97 231 41 684 532 75 374 32 571 61 68 32 117 233 38 77 15 57 324 56 5 34 280 268 "5,'356' 15 123 104 25 646 77 56 4,576 271,451 2,171 1,069 1,069 1,725 4,941 2,017 181 1,232 7,314 556 4,737 816 4,284 ' 655 126 11 1 65 72 23 45 118 ""2 6 '443 70 is 729 1 85 5 34 2,120 222,210 1,836 1,104 098 1,477 3,623 1,702 111 1,012 6,677 291 3,679 636 a Persons of African descent only. 488 COMPEiTDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES : 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BORN. Kentucky — Con . Breathitt Breckinridge . Bullitt Butler Caldwell Callowav . Campbell . Carlisle... Carroll . . . Carter Casey Christian . Clark Clay Clinton ... Crittenden . . Cumberland Daviess Edinon.son . . Elliott Estill Fayette.. Fleming . Floyd Fr.ankliu Fulton.. Gallatin Garrard . Grant Graves .. Grayson . Green Greenup. Hancock. Hardin . . Harlan Harrison... Hart Henderson. Henrv Hickman . Hojikina . . . Jackson . . Jefferson .. Jessamine . Johnson . Kenton.. Knott - .. Knox Larue Laurel Lawrence . Lee Leslie Letcher. .. Lewis . Lincoln Livingston Logan Lvon McCrackeu . McLean Madison Magoffin Marion Marshall. Martin . . Mason . . . Meade . . . Menifee . Mercer . . Metcalfe. Monroe . . 1890 1880 1870 18.832 8,179 13,937 13,134 14,670 36,629 7,580 8,996 17,112 11,789 33,884 15,292 12.444 7,044 13,099 8,447 32,450 7,972 9,198 10,769 34,287 15,936 11.253 20,839 9,891 4,544 11,107 12,523 28,441 18,585 11,452 11,785 9,071 21,091 6,194 16,651 16,408 28,936 14,059 11,591 23,296 8,259 162,572 11,108 11,023 45,370 5,438 13,716 9,399 12,994 17,663 6,082 3,964 6,919 14,681 15,404 9,433 23,702 7,609 20,304 9,815 24,159 9,196 15,498 11,271 4,203 19,889 9,421 4,655 14,938 9,862 10,989 7,741 17,317 8,360 12,128 11.234 13,286 29,710 8,636 12,176 10,964 31,447 12,029 10,211 7,202 11,654 8,890 26,991 7,211 6,558 9,852 27,591 15,063 10,173 18,172 7,840 4,735 11,654 12,874 24,041 15,686 11,849 13,131 8,375 22,226 5,278 16.179 17,079 23,871 14,296 10,561 18.819 6,678 120,400 10,740 9,150 35,431 10,584 9,741 9,121 13,226 4,240 3.740 6,600 12,984 14,991 9,101 24,211 6,723 15,492 9,236 21,935 6,943 14,494 9,619 3,053 19,408 10,220 3.750 14,028 9,414 10,738 5,672 13,254 7,578 9,380 10,735 9,403 20,270 5,899 7,423 22,866 10,745 8,286 6,470 9,315 7,682 20,108 4,449 4,432 9,102 25,241 1.3,147 7,871 14.755 5,971 4,944 10,338 9,356 19,297 11,232 9,309 10,961 6,373 15,347 4,415 12,570 13,606 17,769 10,888 8,349 13,765 4,546 91,143 8,561 7,486 27,010 8,291 8,182 6,009 8,470 3,049 4,607 8,973 10,876 8,064 20,233 6,187 12,986 7,553 19,391 4,683 12,600 9,409 16,935 9,379 1,980 12,938 7,927 9,229 FOEEIQN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 37 144 112 19 52 5 7,.579 32 270 92 59 234 142 3 3 20 5 670 33 16 67 1,411 142 3 428 114 67 31 148 93 103 11 126 143 213 3 263 31 600 105 46 209 2 26,026 140 4 8,791 46 34 753 39 123 122 558 41 110 19 747 72 189 150 1 169 161 53 48 7,730 317 19 235 86 11 10 34 4 739 11 9 8 1,432 158 3 527 137 97 50 209 97 98 22 240 188 338 325 54 644 196 25,610 124 5 8,552 170 89 64 147 45 770 57 117 1 199 28 4 1.061 103 5 114 186 203 24 91 7 7,136 290 16 361 137 11 27 66 8 606 10 1 96 1,415 251 6 545 190 130 38 173 101 348 10 502 218 358 423 81 688 178 104 62 1 27,810 77 142 71 136 196 46 1,002 61 152 1 46 1,191 106 206 7 1890 1880 8,536 16,896 7,243 13,183 10,450 13,583 43,522 7,223 8,509 17,067 11.331 18,886 10,608 12,034 6,859 12,188 7,456 27,751 7,547 9,187 10,255 22,069 14,453 11,105 16,508 7,797 4,114 8,114 12,188 25,378 18,199 9,572 11,573 8,456 18,957 6,041 14,447 14,437 21,313 11,799 20,072 8,207 154,981 7,542 10,943 51,491 5,365 12,984 8,642 13,188 17,526 5,746 3,932 6,845 14,626 12,388 8,725 17,243 6,310 15,346 9,101 16,949 9,036 12,500 10,945 4,186 16,604 8,715 4,639 11,959 8,971 10,449 7,557 15,282 7,214 11,361 9,095 12,080 36,997 8,182 11,974 10,375 17,043 7,929 9.516 6,901 10,537 7,327 22,876 6,667 6,524 9,349 16,049 13,646 9,977 13,839 6,371 4,185 8,009 12,350 21,287 15,377 9,463 12,932 7,759 19,282 5,164 13,572 14,294 16,943 11,623 8,687 16,412 6,605 120,408 6,463 9,052 41,453 9,922 8,746 13,021 4,024 3.712 6,459 12,925 11,172 8,130 16,977 5,280 11,878 8,445 14,764 6,794 11,189 9,207 3,025 16,077 9,049 3,707 10,994 8,387 10,080 1870 5,491 11,758 6,587 8,761 8,748 8,598 27,123 5,649 ■ 7,409 8,340 13,415 7,167 7,802 6,205 8,572 6,181 17,111 4,233 4,411 8,599 14,142 11,842 7,706 10,637 5,224 4,474 6,972 9,020 17,069 11,173 7,442 11,002 5,861 13,429 4,304 10,615 11,495 12,467 8,628 6,818 11,958 4,496 99,806 5,199 7,373 34,439 7,737 7,270 5,872 8,376 2,924 4,479 8,887 7,871 7,147 14,706 4,814 10,699 6,800 13,271 4,505 9,495 9,070 14,544 8,191 1,970 9,834 7,073 8,442 COLORED, (a) 1890 169 2,080 1,'048 773 2,736 1,092 686 389 757 137 516 15,231 4,826 413 930 996 5,367 458 27 581 13,625 1,625 136 4,757 2,208 497 3,024 483 3,154 489 1,891 338 758 2,347 154 2,467 2,002 8,219 2,365 1,768 3,433 54 33,595 3,706 84 2,667 73 778 791 555 176 459 32 75 177 3,574 741 6,560 1,317 5,703 786 7,399 160 3,148 342 23 4,168 769 27 3,075 900 540 1880 185 2,204 1,307 820 2,187 1,215 441 771 371 608 14,639 4,186 706 311 1,151 1,567 4,854 555 43 511 12,974 1,575 199 4,860 1,605 647 3,695 733 2,851 407 2,408 439 803 3,282 114 2,932 2,839 7,572 2,869 1,964 2,710 45 25,595 4,401 103 2,528 662 1,047 267 241 230 28 142 229 3,908 1,034 7,381 1,488 4,383 848 7,288 150 3,504 440 32 4,392 1,274 48 3,148 1,036 661 a Persons of African descent only. POPULATION. 489 Table 1 3.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOKN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. ' COUNTIES. Kentucky — Con. Montgomery-. Morgan ....... Muhlenberg . . Nelson Kicholas NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1870 Ohio Oldham. . . Owen Owsley . . . Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski Kobertson . Kockcastle. Kowan — Russell Scott Shelby Simpson . Spencer. . Tiivlor... Toild .... Trigg.... Trimble Union Warren "Washington . Wayne Webster. . Whitley . . Wolfe .... Woodford. Louisiana. Acadia Ascension Assumption . . Avoyelles , Bienville , Bossier . . . Caddo Calcasieu . Caldwell.. Cameron . . Carroll Catahoula Claiborne . Concordia. De Soto... 12,205 11,243 17,717 16,189 10,638 22,686 6,586 17,602 5,973 15,763 6,331 17,373 4,051 25,530 4,655 9,797 6,104 8,131 16,334 16,343 10,771 6,719 9,300 16,779 13,860 7.084 18,033 29,803 13,521 12.831 17,146 17,442 7,179 12.197 1.068,840 12,753 18,756 19,179 24,867 14,080 20,271 30,857 19,332 5,795 2,773 East Baton Rouge. East Carroll . . . East Feliciana . Franklin Grant Iberia Iberville . . Jackson .. Jefferson . Lafayette. Lafourche . . . Lincoln Livingston . . Madison Morehouse. .. Natchitoches .. Orleans , Ouachita Plaquemines .. Pointe Coupee . 11,950 23,281 14,785 19,775 25.371 12.244 17,633 6,844 8.247 20,. 545 20,844 7,444 12,106 15.674 21,716 14,726 5,689 14,080 16.725 25,614 207,670 17.756 11,637 19,421 10,394 8,451 14,976 16,353 11,679 19,416 7,456 17,284 4,940 15,877 5,606 12,998 3,631 21,197 5,78-2 9,629 4,.399 7,589 14,776 16,511 10,574 6,940 9,228 15,942 14,441 7,112 17,500 27,084 14,288 12,487 14,187 11,986 5,637 11,575 885,800 16,440 16,789 16,474 10,421 15.952 25.657 12,170 5,737 2,363 10,191 18,803 14,795 15,533 19,457 11,966 14,890 6,417 6,161 16,190 17,176 5,324 11,170 12,970 18,733 11,048 5,121 13,750 14,111 19,458 174,933 14,443 10,691 17,549 7,402 5,971 12,420 14,348 15,389 8,613 14,198 3,886 13,214 4,274 9,557 2,593 17,634 5,363 7,130 2,989 5,805 11,441 15,341 9,475 5,854 8,216 12,562 13,653 5,497 13,276 21,198 12,311 10,575 10,904 8,274 3,603 8,110 665.088 FOEEION BOEN. 11,312 12,994 12,613 10,601 12,616 20,933 6,608 4,804 1,538 9,917 8,366 20,125 9,878 14,868 17,043 13,214 5,013 4,488 8,685 12,000 7,631 15,824 10,157 14,412 3,937 8,443 9,302 17,919 142,943 11,299 9,635 12,651 1890 1880 1870 162 6 238 228 126 260 168 74 2 583 5 47 201 29 44 25 5 212 178 107 41 53 35 42 56 196 355 101 21 50 148 1 183 49,747 478 789 450 245 28 59 698 844 19 55 31 86 85 551 118 270 56 23 452 1,004 9 1,115 292 379 27 80 49 61 222 34,369 229 904 192 172 4 122 256 190 253 211 117 2 825 1 3 8 121 32 41 21 2 189 302 67 100 31 52 48 59 309 447 131 25 59 14 1 225 54,146 455 221 273 21 90 639 314 30 53 34 119 70 509 168 242 78 27 486 868 4 996 265 380 27 137 156 95 249 41,157 242 884 236 155 4 218 456 246 172 414 111 3 816 36 36 15 2 4 166 392 102 10 50 364 544 153 27 33 4 130 61,827 265 240 313 35 59 781 125 16 53 193 109 115 99 94 773 285 65 29 357 347 15 1,943 231 307 89 157 85 346 48,475 283 917 330 1890 1880 1870 8,724 11.200 15,596 12,596 9,448 21,600 5,107 16.249 5.891 15,839 6,171 17,212 4,319 24,440 4,529 9,686 6,023 7,870 11,482 11,744 8.504 5,510 7,879 10,513 10,250 6,819 15,573 22,229 11,528 12,234 15,284 16,828 7.058 7,527 558,395 11,602 8,233 10,726 12,904 7,840 4,102 8,003 16,834 2,707 2,402 6,992 9,796 1,757 6,638 9,494 997 5,196 2,860 4,844 10,519 6,696 4,844 6,716 9,080 14,270 8,481 4,898 931 3,519 10,254 177,376 5,641 5,283 4,696 7,000 8,422 13,020 11,893 10,119 18,205 5,456 15,898 4,853 15,922 5,468 12,826 3,352 20,122 5,531 9,233 4,314 7,237 9,963 11,258 7,844 5,414 7,360 9,427 10,449 6,594 14,646 19,892 11,988 11,613 12,580 11,752 .5,563 6.158 454,954 5,968 8,938 8,483 5,455 3,256 6,921 9,919 2,870 2,087 5,724 8,541 1,320 5,116 7,103 1,023 4,497 2,701 3,320 8,100 4,784 2,925 4,864 7,694 11.282 6,177 4,265 1,261 3,547 7,638 158,367 4,502 4.2.54 4,785 4,858 5,931 11,005 10,886 7,885 14,168 6,217 13,133 3,812 13,389 4,173 9,460 2,360 16,595 5,142 6,776 2,959 5,516 7.651 10,350 7,406 4,477 6,376 7,752 9,880 5,121 11,066 15,375 10,354 9,927 9,582 8,140 3,575 4,415 362,065 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 4.265 6.247 6.751 5,589 3,505 5,913 5,171 2,596 1,249 2,380 4,381 9,630 720 5,111 6,471 4,106 2,233 2,078 4,531 3,669 4,203 6,709 5,631 8,060 3,085 936 3,012 7,312 140,923 3,759 3,703 3,752 3,643 49 2,359 3,82; 1,316 1,346 1,647 1,427 84 507 160 166 379 1,291 155 155 106 266 5,063 4,776 2,374 1,250 1,474 6,301 3,652 321 2,656 7,926 2,094 618 1,912 752 122 4,853 559,193 1,629 11,270 8,890 12,161 16,225 23,541 3,194 3,106 426 3,566 33 2,078 4,716 1,750 1,464 2,211 1,503 89 780 139 174 287 1,196 283 437 106 354 5,002 5,555 2,797 1,626 1,899 6,567 4,040 577 .3,163 7,639 2,430 899 1,666 237 75 5,642 483,655 2,699 44 1,633 3,918 1,244 1,393 2,810 1,176 75 641 96 102 239 1,075 257 369 32 293 3,955 5,383 2,167 1,479 1,850 4,860 3,806 456 2,574 6,367 2,110 675 1,355 138 28 3,825 364,210 10,855 8,067 8,213 4,987 12,786 19,308 2,407 2,896 324 4,976 4,527 13,512 10,295 13,112 13,594 13,220 10.487 16,420 11,360 12,707 4,040 3,416 10,477 15,142 2,608 6,484 6,884 7,819 6,269 871 13,204 13,267 15,551 64,491 12,344 7,258 14,917 12,863 11,090 10,035 3,793 2,862 8,575 12,759 2,403 7,290 5,541 7,806 4,898 993 12,645 10,659 12,020 57,617 10,180 7,214 12,999 i 7,310 6,984 6,175 5,047 9,170 15,799 1,457 2,224 342 7,718 4,083 10,608 9,257 9,851 11,343 2,844 2,414 4,510 8,675 3,443 11,054 4,755 6,659 933 7,663 6,375 10,929 50,456 7,823 6,345 9,229 a Persons of African descent only. 490 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES : 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. Louisiana — Con. Rapiiles Red River Richland Sabine St. Bernard . . . St. Charles St. Helena St. James . St. John Baptist. St. Landry the St. Martin St. Mary St. Tammany . Tangipahoa . . . Tensas NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1870 Terrebonne Union Vermilion Vernon "Washington . . Webster West Baton Rouge. West Carroll . . West Feliciana Winn Maine Androscoggin. Aroostook Cumberland .. Franklin Hancock Kennebec. Kno.'C Lincoln — Oxford Penobscot Piscataquis. .. Sagadahoc Somerset Waldo Washington . - York 27,318 11,301 10,136 9,357 4,060 7,317 8,031 15,168 10,909 39,846 14,657 21,737 9,636 12,325 16,.534 19,956 17,243 14,075 5,895 6,689 12,412 8,066 3.735 14,918 7,073 582,125 37,808 38,165 77,341 16,528 35,910 50,650 29,816 21,516 29,675 64,138 14.700 17,811 30,462 27,239 37,502 52,864 Maryland 948.094 Allegany Anne Arundel. Baltimore ' Baltimore city . Calvert Caroline Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester Frederick Garrett . . . Harford . . Howard . . Kent Montgomery. . Prince George Queen Anne . . St. Mary Somerset Talbot Washington . . Wicomico Worcester 35,944 31,169 64,456 365,436 9,827 13,662 31,691 24,957 15,078 24,692 48,463 13,633 27,732 15,460 17,221 26,833 25,490 18,297 15,753 24,082 19,356 39,273 19,887 19,702 23,203 8,540 8,360 7,313 4,016 6,987 7,456 14,392 9,415 39,475 12,439 19,019 6,547 9,365 17,645 17,647 13,475 8,580 5,149 5,184 9,924 7,549 2,756 12,646 5,835 590,053 36,807 32,319 75,723 17,855 37,191 49,560 31,474 24,326 32,029 64,467 14,246 18,212 31,059 31,834 37,626 55,325 852,137 31,019 27,696 73,472 276,177 10,505 13,555 30,077 26,233 18,433 22,996 49,361 11,387 26,707 15,261 17,322 24,390 25,881 19,006 16,872 21,626 18,753 37,941 17,986 19,481 17,636 5,003 6,418 3,273 4,766 5,386 9,927 6,606 25,035 9,134 13,349 5,110 7,592 12,151 12,237 11,646 4,447 3,319 5,028 FOREIGN BORN. 10,321 4,935 578,034 32,236 22,002 72,182 18,511 35,547 50,914 29,745 24,973 32,920 68,183 13,942 17,968 33,245 33,887 36,118 55,661 697,482 46,161 21,399 13,132 16,780 20,071 20,609 16,054 14,860 18,137 15,968 33.861 15,765 16,390 1890 1880 1870 324 17 94 33 266 420 31 547 450 404 227 679 524 330 113 211 61 159 54 297 13 144 9 78,961 11,160 11,424 13,608 525 1,402 6,362 1,657 480 911 8,727 1,434 1,641 2,165 520 0,980 9,965 94,296 5,627 2,925 8,453 69,003 33 241 085 894 113 151 1,049 580 1,261 809 250 352 590 164 66 73 380 509 43 45 360 33 80 31 389 174 48 322 271 529 224 872 340 273 170 310 51 148 11 6 81 118 20 163 11 58,883 8,235 9,381 10,636 325 938 3,498 1,.389 495 598 6,009 626 1,060 1,274 629 6,858 6,932 6,993 830 9,864 50,136 33 211 915 875 115 114 1,121 788 1,335 879 283 369 570 251 62 42 312 620 30 58 379 107 38 280 101 37 225 156 518 236 511 476 336 268 214 39 81 178 19 48,881 3,630 7,607 9,839 296 2,289 1,078 624 568 6,967 461 835 1,366 I 635 1 7,225 4,513 I 83,412 ' 7,969 895 9,274 56,484 25 1,203 1,060 1,411 1,206 1,018 322 492 529 117 169 851 37 29 1890 1880 1870 11,823 3,557 3,017 7,312 2,347 1,986 3,473 5,691 4,680 17,856 7,050 7,976 6,398 7,943 1,153 10,412 9,901 11,335 5,363 4,635 5,172 2,398 1,438 2,270 6,072 659,263 48,880 49,528 90,502 17,039 37,253 56,878 31,391 21,970 30,564 72,390 16,078 19,344 32,622 27.739 44,315 62,770 9,512 2,507 3,161 5,486 2,104 1,401 3,328 4,850 3,855 20,473 5,783 6,717 4,258 5,608 1,571 8,613 8,014 6,771 4,783 3,475 4,322 2,252 1,339 2,287 4,797 646,852 44,967 41,649 85,823 18,171 38,093 52,929 32,745 24,775 32,612 69,971 14,818 19,132 32,318 32,439 44,207 62,203 826,493 I 724,693 40,135 19,580 62,679 367,143 4,796 10,092 30,241 21,850 7,054 16.133 42.983 14,028 22,617 12,159 10,664 17,500 14,867 11,904 8,153 14,650 12,248 37,274 14,731 13,012 36,463 14,649 72,766 278,584 4,842 9,600 28,706 22,644 7,700 14,634 42,962 12,063 21,385 11,741 10,400 15,608 13,965 12,067 8,244 12,974 11,736 35,495 12,943 12,522 7,742 2,405 4,592 1,640 897 2,509 3,275 2,715 13,776 4,286 4,203 3,411 4,934 1,400 6,080 7,311 3,480 COLORED, (a) 2,391 1,710 1,583 4,044 624,809 35,826 29,553 81,503 18,796 36,444 53,019 30,707 25,531 33,465 74,581 14,328 18,693 34,582 34,493 43,188 60,100 605,497 37,370 12,725 55,024 227,794 4,332 8,343 26,444 21,860 6,418 11,902 39,999 17,750 10,676 9,370 13,128 11,358 9,579 7,218 10,916 9,471 31,874 11,396 10,550 1890 1880 1870 15,800 7,760 7,213 2,067 1,977 13,942 6,066 5,279 1,847 2,288 5,751 5,746 4,589 4,176 9,997 9,862 6,637 5,792 22,274 7,821 14,395 3,702 4,698 15,492 7,403 2,899 540 2,062 7,289 5,964 2,310 12,785 1,010 1,190 19,399 6,876 13,115 2,595 4,014 16,237 9,111 5,512 1,957 377 1,712 5,683 5,415 1,437 10,522 1,047 1,451 10,267 71 37 417 9 56 125 80 26 20 215,657 75 40 518 9 36 129 117 40 15 109 7 140 24 131 54 210,230 1,431 14,509 10,230 67,104 5,064 3,811 2,133 3,978 8,136 8,709 6,528 185 6,376 4,110 6,807 9,685 11,210 6,557 7,666 9,505 7,483 2,507 5,199 6,734 2,705 1,847 1,913 3,963 2,914 6,877 4,044 11,694 5,064 9,607 2,175 2,994 11,018 6,172 4,374 1,047 "939 3,404 8,915 909 1,549 13,877 10,565 53,716 5,696 4,166 2,286 4,464 10,848 8,476 7,520 112 6,657 4,399 7,205 9,150 12,486 7,189 8,690 8,694 7,329 3,1)66 5,073 7,017 40 56 517 10 49 184 116 58 23 108 54 109 24 29 155 74 175,391 1,166 11,732 8,363 39,553 5,533 3,758 2,175 4,014 9,318 7,556 7,572 4,855 3,474 7,732 7,434 9,780 6,592 7,726 7,274 6,666 2,838 4,406 a Persons of African descent only. populatio:n^. 491 Tarle 13.— population AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. I Barnstable . Berkshire... Bri.«tol Dukes Essex Franklin ... Hampden . . . Hampshire . Middlesex . . Nantucket.. Norfolk Plymouth... Suttblk Worcester . . Michigan Alcona Alger Allegan Alpena Antrim Arenac Baraga Barry Bay Benzie Berrien Branch Calhoun Cass Charlevoix.. Cheboygan . Chippewa.. - Clare Clinton Crawford . . . Delta Eaton Emmet Genesee Gladwin Gogebic Grand Traverse Gratiot Hillsdale . . . Houghton . . Huron Ingham Ionia Iosco Iron Isabella Isle Koyal . . Jackson Kalamazoo. . Kalkaska... Kent Keweenaw. . Lake Lapeer Leelanaw... Lenawee . . . Livingston . Luce Mackinac . . . Macomb Manistee ... Mauitou Marquette . - Mason Mecosta a Persons of African descent only. 492 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. COUNTIES. Michigan — Con . Menominee Midland Missaukee Monroe Montcalm Montmorency . . Muskegon Newaygo Oakland Oceana Ogemaw Ontonagon Osceola Oscoda Otsego Ottawa Presque Isle. .. Roscommon . . . Saginaw St. Clair St. Joseph Sanilac Schoolcraft Shiawassee Tuscola Van Buren "Washtenaw "Wayne Wexford Minnesota Aitkin Anoka Becker Beltrami Benton Big.stone Blue Earth .... Brown Carlton Carver Cass Chippewa Chisago Clay Cook Cottonwood . . . Crow Wing Dakota Dodge Douglas Faribault Fillmore Freeborn Goodhue Grant Hennepin Houston Hubbard Isanti Itasca Jackson Kanabec Kandiyohi Kittson Lac qui Parle (6) Lac qui Parle.. Lake Lesueur Lincoln Lyon NATIVE BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 16,131 8,005 3,182 27,911 27,302 907 26,278 16,389 34,513 13,123 3,451 2,423 10,946 1,408 2,921 24,917 2,854 1.256 56,777 33.699 22,890 18,658 3.002 20, .554 24,493 28,368 34,471 161,097 8,644 834,470 5.646 5.156 994 28,500 27,500 1,444 6,976 5,676 150 4,027 3,867 21,383 9,716 2,656 10,143 957 5,162 5,613 6.379 48 4,342 5,944 13,767 8.296 8,750 12,462 19,034 11,933 18,405 3.910 118,932 10,051 1,147 3.795 398 5,586 085 7,823 2,001 6,256 618 13,795 3,387 6,499 17,386 11,900 34,854 9,782 1,156 1,758 7,566 357 1,400 23,440 1.450 736 39,160 29,023 24,072 13,477 900 23,026 18,781 28,407 33,903 106,383 5,132 513,097 255 5,214 3,244 6 2,156 2,543 16,913 7,106 764 8,161 381 3,231 4,017 3,183 56 3,026 1,528 12,263 8,686 5,468 9,877 19,243 10,194 17,149 1,704 46,271 10,383 2,370 106 2,918 265 5,214 253 2,740 73 11,315 1,875 4,555 918 2,448 43 22,700 11,708 9,449 6,245 34,770 5,942 2 1,714 1,435 32 17,447 24,334 21,694 23,591 6,852 17,986 10,261 26,242 32,708 72,453 588 178 2,868 185 73 1,075 19 12,148 3,311 118 5,668 363 698 2,164 49 318 166 10,767 6,515 2,316 7,422 15,178 6,518 12,164 148 21,338 8,176 865 92 1,192 85 668 47 108 114 7,710 FOREIGN BOHN. 1890 1880 1870 17,508 2,652 1,866 4,426 5,335 580 13,735 4,087 6,732 2,575 2,132 1,333 3,684 496 1,351 10,441 1,833 777 25,496 18,406 2,466 13,931 2,816 4,398 8,015 2,173 7,739 96,017 2,634 467,356 1,018 2,908 3,725 162 2,257 1,855 7,827 6,101 2,616 6,389 290 3,393 4,746 5,138 50 3,070 2,908 6,473 2,568 5,856 4,246 6,932 6,029 10,401 2,965 66,362 4,602 265 3,812 345 3,338 894 6,174 3,386 4,126 681 5,262 2,304 3,002 6,341 1,737 559 5,124 5,648 9,200 2,788 6,683 1,917 758 807 3,211 110 574 9,686 1,663 723 19,935 17,174 2,554 12.864 675 4,033 6,957 2,400 7,945 60,061 1.683 267,676 111 1,894 1,974 4 856 1,145 5,976 4.912 466 5,979 105 2,177 3,965 2,704 2,507 791 5,128 2,658 3.662 3.139 8,919 5,875 12,502 1,300 20,742 5.949 2.693 18 1,888 240 4,945 652 2,151 33 4,788 1.070 1,702 873 837 4,783 1,921 5,445 1,049 6,097 1,280 10 1,131 658 38 9,204 259 14,763 14,967 2.684 7,710 2.872 3,453 2,587 8.726 46,585 62 160,697 1,072 123 7 483 5 5,154 3,085 168 5,918 17 769 2,194 43 216 34 5,545 2,083 1,923 2,518 9,709 4,060 10.454 192 10,228 6,760 1,170 4 633 8 1,092 17 37 21 3,897 1890 1880 1870 33,453 10,611 5,032 32,247 32,517 1,484 39,876 20,412 40,920 15,391 5,575 3,695 14,566 1,895 4,268 35,260 4,664 2,033 81,703 52,005 25,207 32,572 5,776 30,924 32,427 29,827 40,965 253,276 11,262 1,296,159 2,228 9,864 9,222 312 6,258 5,655 29,168 15.814 5,251 16,532 1,247 8,554 10,352 11,509 97 7,411 8,711 20,130 10,859 14,592 16,708 25,949 17,947 28,726 6,875 183,839 14,652 1,404 7,607 720 8,922 1,520 13,996 5,292 10,379 1,276 19,038 5,680 9,484 11,865 6,863 1,553 33,512 33,038 26,489 14,541 41,136 11,307 1,914 2,478 10,734 459 1,974 32,952 3,106 1,456 58,493 46,140 26,385 26,309 1,438 27.008 25,631 29,982 40,628 163,021 6,798 776,884 306 7,083 4,468 10 2,977 3,688 22,851 12,009 1,101 14,138 461 5,405 7,943 5,855 15 5,533 2,248 17,307 11,333 9,105 13,013 28,150 16,057 29,584 3,004 66,453 16,320 5,062 46 4,806 484 10.158 871 134 11,590 o Persons of African descent only. 4,891 65 16,067 2,942 6,255 b See Table 2. 1,777 3,269 130 27,405 13,561 14,854 7,159 40,402 6,616 12 2,813 2,076 70 26,541 354 38,683 36,593 26,142 14,527 20,823 13,704 28,152 40,307 116,351 647 438,257 18 3,925 308 80 1,556 24 17,282 6,396 274 11,585 172 1,433 4,309 92 534 199 16,264 8,593 4,230 9,938 24,870 10,571 22,596 321 31,329 14,926 2,035 78 1,823 93 1,760 64 145 COLORED, (a) 1890 76 120 1 105 46 315 36 4 2 40 6 4 46 10 336 92 136 16 27 20 655 1,221 3,815 15 3,683 1 19 1 1,397 1 1880 112 110 85 18 400 45 316 52 230 32 3 48 43 738 1,216 3,379 16 1,564 476 12 POPULATION. 493 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BORN. 1890 1S80 1870 Minnesota — Con. McLeod Marshall Martin Meeker Millelacs Monongalia- Morrison . . . Mower Murray K"icollet Kobles... Norman - Olmsted . Ottertail . Pine Pipestone. Polk Pope Kamsey... Kedwood . KenviUe . . Eice Eocfc St. Louis.. Scott Sherburne . Sibley Stearns Steele Stevens Swift Todd Traverse . . "Wabasha . "Wadena "Waseca Washington . "Watonwan . . "Wilkin "Winona Wright Yellow Medi- cine. Mississippi . Adams , Alcorn . Amite . . Attala . . Benton . Bolivar Calhoun Carroll Chickasaw . . Choctaw Claiborne - Clarke Clay Coahoma - Copiah . . - Covington . De Soto Franklin - . Greene Grenada - - - Hancock- - Harrison . Hinds Holmes . . - Issaquena Itawamba . 10,957 4,026 6,881 9,656 2,151 8,819 13,370 4,305 8,193 5,722 5,837 15,126 20,884 2,222 3,913 15,501 5,959 84,324 6,527 11,081 17,154 4,917 21,971 9,185 4,193 9,910 24,058 9,128 3,440 6,165 9,4.39 2,849 12,583 3,095 9,521 15,716 4,823 2,841 23,548 16,471 5,996 1,281,648 7,713 525 4,245 7,569 1,259 3,730 11,914 2,397 7,148 3,384 25,456 13,034 18,149 22,171 10,566 29,756 14,674 18,740 19,816 10,815 14,400 15,771 18,539 18,249 30,094 8,288 24,123 10,408 3,903 14,914 8,017 11,882 38,947 30,861 12,240 11,701 16,858 11,249 906 1,749 5,697 3,291 29,297 3,768 6,556 15,684 2,653 2,526 8,659 2,875 0,567 14,827 8,576 2,664 4,391 4,698 956 13,282 1,746 8,694 11,891 3,039 1,260 18,813 11,993 3,342 3,757 3,340 3,737 918 1,463 1,113 7,238 185 4,281 108 1,122,388 816,731 22,030 14,170 1.3,961 19,909 10,988 18,510 13,469 17,724 17,8.36 8,995 16,610 14,947 17,314 13,450 27,331 5,982 22,788 9,703 3,187 12,006 6,164 7,352 43,457 27,027 9,901 10,646 15,364 888 324 1,310 13,246 1,147 1,808 11,349 120 1,708 6,625 1,524 3,662 71 1,499 13 11,321 5,380 6,440 1,424 103 15,168 6,468 18,408 10,371 10,926 14,710 9,542 10,533 20,741 19,651 16,943 13,175 7,434 7,039 20,425 4,730 31,701 7,467 2,032 ia,333 : 4,025 .5,196 29,793 19J92 ^ 6,785 7,808 FOREIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 6,069 5,104 2,522 5.800 694 4,506 4,649 2,387 5,189 2,236 4,781 4,680 13,348 1,830 1,219 14,691 4,073 55,472 2,859 6,018 6,814 1,900 22,891 4,646 1,715 5,289 10,786 4,104 1,811 3,996 3,491 1,667 4,389 958 3,792 10,276 2,923 1,505 10,249 7,693 3,858 7,952 4,629 467 1,004 4,170 242 575 81 49 42 19 224 14 33 75 32 116 55 68 93 139 11 60 16 3 60 301 599 332 109 78 7 2,145 4,885 1,207 5,185 1,051 4,685 7,426 459 343 5,736 2,583 16,593 1,607 4,235 6,797 1,016 1.978 4,857 980 4,070 7,129 3,884 1,247 3,082 1,435 551 4,924 334 3,691 7,672 2,065 8,384 6,111 2,542 619 102 43 79 35 142 23 71 158 74 53 118 221 11 136 26 7 65 275 543 501 137 103 17 527 2,353 191 1,698 568 3,209 24 4,081 4,429 1,080 324 1,381 9,839 682 1,411 4,7,34 18 2,853 4,417 526 3,063 5,217 2,183 103 537 '4,'5'3'8 2,474 5,369 1,002 192 7,151 2,989 11,191 676 60 47 190 28 306 248 45 211 71 105 183 23 320 31 6 238 214 599 695 178 102 4 1890 17,026 9,130 9,402 15,447 2,827 13,312 17,982 6.641 13,373 7,957 10,616 19,800 34,217 3,911 5,126 30,169 10,032 138,252 9,280 17,098 23,925 6,817 44,566 13,795 5,902 1.5,199 34,710 13,214 5,197 10,062 12,922 4,512 16,940 4,045 13,311 25,849 7,741 4,344 33,733 24, 161 9,836 544,851 1880 12,341 991 5,249 11.728 1,457 5,863 16,787 3,604 12,330 4,435 6,128 9,605 7,600 12,742 5,665 3,222 11,276 8,161 8,491 8,208 3,533 7,716 5,624 2,245 14,632 5,319 6,957 5,484 2,9.36 3,896 5,770 9,163 10,892 7,084 736 10,723 21,528 18,654 1,192 2,091 11,211 5,874 45,365 5,347 10,791 22,385 3,669 4,367 13,461 3,855 10,637 21,954 12,428 3,908 7,473 6,129 1,506 18,149 2,080 12,376 19,500 5,101 1,896 27,125 18,101 5,882 479,398 4,796 9,863 5,494 11,653 5,777 2,694 10,191 7,831 7,096 6,537 3,910 7,181 5,255 2,412 13,101 4,034 7,581 4,852 2,381 3,236 4,635 5,749 11,675 6,911 826 9,555 1870 5,643 3,867 6,088 1,107 3,161 1,681 10,447 209 8,327 117 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 19,766 1,966 645 2,690 22,886 1,826 3,219 16,025 1.38 4,529 11,024 2,050 6,724 14,201 8,258 161 2,035 5 15,836 5 7,852 11,775 2,426 295 22,269 9,457 382,896 4,797 7,663 4,196 8,828 1,900 8,561 9,497 9,830 12,526 3,390 4,073 1,495 5 1 36 228 1 1,763 10,217 3,106 14,276 3,698 1,666 3,929 3,053 4,368 9,829 6,145 741 6,826 17 491 27 1 198 1 742,559 650,291 19,895 3,510 10,597 9,444 4,919 26,737 3,412 10,611 11,400 2,638 10,980 8,104 12,982 16,069 15,600 2,971 17,224 4,934 933 11,076 2,509 3,314 28,368 23,883 11,579 985 17,847 4,409 8,510 8,260 5,246 1.5,958 3,300 9,961 10,209 2,498 12,858 7,828 12,110 11,155 14,442 1,958 15,343 4,871 785 8,831 1,764 2,146 32,279 20,233 9,174 1,108 19 22 1 5 13 1 '23 1 2 21 50 444,201 14,287 2,768 6,777 5,948 7,816 2,000 11,550 10,069 4,462 9,996 3,432 5,381 10,390 , 1,647 17,745 3,800 372 6,642 1,186 1,427 20,659 13,225 6,146 a Persons of African descent only. 494 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BORN. rOBEIGN BOBN. * WHITE. COLOBED. ia) COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Mississippi— Con . Jackson Jasper . 10,910 14,753 18,849 8,312 17.935 20,492 29,339 12,310 14,781 19,961 16,769 17,784 26,943 27,196 9,514 25,944 30,633 14,430 11,118 16.583 27,297 17,657 26,862 2,940 6,468 20,821 14,927 13,670 3,263 17,876 11,721 8,335 10,129 10,627 9,326 14,326 19,217 12,931 9,288 12.122 15,585 32,261 39,892 9,794 12,045 17,488 12,070 16,469 36,165 2,444,315 7,330 12,083 17,150 3,824 15,678 21,563 21,298 9,408 13,114 20,370 10,162 13,407 28,083 25,671 6,899 29,135 28,419 13,309 8,713 13,388 29,785 15,930 28,236 4,184 10,824 13,662 3,306 12,887 18,538 13,264 6,699 8,466 15,883 335 32 98 21 26 61 322 8 22 79 100 128 104 125 18 99 97 29 28 42 41 37 115 17 26 382 13 9 23 46 19 47 9 8 58 35 36 20 14 36 21 903 522 23 15 104 19 160 229 234,869 277 43 164 4 41 108 203 12 32 100 84 140 161 195 195 134 39 28 48 89 48 116 178 60 186 33 264 198 21 30 72 7,814 7,368 3,589 7,082 7,869 11,700 14,671 6,240 9,350 12,510 2,597 10,325 6,009 6,031 6,530 9,731 12,109 7,448 8,351 10,119 4.709 5,759 9,248 2.301 4,582 10,581 10.585 10,833 894 7.507 7.000 1.223 6,229 8,924 2,530 5.154 8.495 10,026 8.311 1,259 11.608 8,803 4,838 5,799 9,080 3,962 6,987 7,683 8,690 2,528,458 5,124 6,244 4,260 3,469 7,100 11,385 9.959 4.937 8,104 12,656 2,230 7,701 5,588 5,946 4,450 10,992 10,551 6,671 6,555 8,428 5,302 5,109 9,521 3,167 5,801 3,215 3,005 5,706 10,819 7,051 3,678 5,491 11,100 3,436 7,238 15,356 1,246 10,058 8,853 14,972 6,078 5,018 7,530 14,267 7,587 21,036 21,290 3,002 16,306 18,619 7,009 2,172 6,156 22,629 11,934 17,729 656 1,874 10,620 4,355 2,845 2,392 10,413 4,616 7,141 3,909 1,711 6,850 9,207 10,756 2,925 991 10,895 3,998 24,356 35,530 4,011 2,980 13,626 5,061 8,945 27,701 150,184 2,482 5,631 13,051 359 8,537 10,286 11,538 4,473 4,660 7,814 7,997 5,842 22,656 19,907 2,451 18,338 18,001 6,677 1,768 4,686 24,572 10,869 18,830 1,194 4,898 Jefferson 10,633 308 Kemper Lafayette Lauderdale Lawrence 7,214 7,983 6,411 3,042 3,005 Lee 4,855 Leflore Lincoln Lowndes Madison Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery... Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha Panola 10,066 30,176 20,550 4,204 1 29,046 22,512 118 326 398 7 370 119 6,022 7,480 5,809 2,562 12,917 8,631 4.162 23,022 15,139 1,649 16,499 14,000 7,413 9,982 20,758 14,837 20,564 26 85 147 54 190 5,419 6,386 5,107 5,587 8,169 1,703 3,386 15,798 9,304 12,585 Pearl River 3,423 16,191 13,839 12,141 1,391 16,700 10,813 6,252 7,998 8,068 4,589 10,879 18,660 12,835 8,745 8,401 13,010 30,133 25,000 8,718 9,526 17,650 10,060 15,431 33,523 1,956,802 2,688 10,895 12,509 9,330 4 497 19 17 16 52 32 54 10 20 72 47 61 32 29 60 20 1.105 367 23 8 165 27 218 322 211.578 6 408 16 18 2,357 8,572 9,609 9,737 592 7,193 6,633 1,405 4,994 6,452 1,764 4,168 9,094 9,802 7,611 1,256 9,932 8,717 3,478 4,971 7,239 3.570 6,113 7,533 8,498 2,022,826 1,971 5,990 9,513 7,594 1,070 8,112 4,249 2,421 815 9,559 4,132 4,893 3,014 1,636 2,897 6,757 9,627 3,065 1,163 7,205 3,098 22,516 21,861 3,770 2,295 14,243 3,927 8,116 25,342 145,350 723 Pike 5,312 Pontotoc Prentiss Quitman Kankin Scott 3,012 1,754 12,860 7,817 117 30 ■ 5,704 4,680 7,273 3,167 Sharkey Simpson Smith 5,709 7,110 4,848 7,791 9 16 167 61 3,569 5,415 1,772 3,215 2,149 1,711 Sunflower Tallahatchie... Tate Tippah Tishomingo ... Tunica Union Warren Washington ... Wayne Webster Wilkinson Winston Yalobusha Yazoo 3,243 4,637 20,681 7;323 5,305 46 27 53 15,636 6,609 1,231 5,091 741 4,127 25,183 14,286 4,192 1,586 283 14 7,907 2,164 2,570 18,862 12,405 1,636 12,558 8,926 12,887 17,052 1,499,028 147 58 367 227 222,267 2,698 5,572 6,202 4,884 1,603,146 10,007 3,403 7,052 12,395- Missouri 118,071 Adair Andrew Atchison Audrain Barry Barton 16,986 15,097 14,563 21,273 22,051 17,801 30,728 14,144 12,768 25,740 61,841 9,929 14,578 24,486 9,897 20,232 24,750 4,581 22,818 15,492 14,718 15,430 13,521 18,975 13,954 10,077 24,668 11,431 10,765 25,073 42,900 5,848 12,994 23,063 7,165 18,609 22,332 2,154 21,825 10,649 11,072 14,261 7,712 11,720 10,345 4,931 15,422 10,198 7,823 20,439 28,796 4,265 10,715 18,498 6,032 14,721 16,624 1,444 18,557 9,370 431 903 970 801 892 703 1.495 829 353 303 8,259 235 574 645 143 1,828 992 78 483 128 472 888 1.035 757 451 255 713 965 365 349 6,892 163 652 607 101 2,389 942 14 606 92 376 876 728 587 28 156 538 1,124 339 326 6,313 33 675 704 76 2,837 822 11 739 104 17,114 15,751 15,485 20,230 22,846 18,457 31.817 14,808 13,097 21,364 66,116 9,568 14,777 20,645 9,943 20,022 24,365 4,650 22,517 15,493 14,964 15,950 14,514 17,887 14,392 10.315 25,129 12,124 11,104 20,338 46,063 5,871 13,233 19,239 7,152 19,003 21,807 2,157 21,679 10,595 11,305 14,736 8,405 11,237 10,320 5,068 15,840 11,002 8,116 16,727 33,155 4,275 11,106 15,768 5,959 15,912 16,619 1,425 18,793 9,363 303 249 46 1,840 97 47 404 165 19 4,677 3,974 596 374 4,484 97 2,038 1,377 226 367 40 1,844 13 17 252 271 26 5,082 3,726 140 413 4,431 114 1,995 1,467 143 401 34 1,070> 52 19 Bates Benton Bollinger 320 46 4,038 Buchaoan Butler 1,953 21 284 3,434 149 1,646 827 30 502 Caldwell Callaway Camden Cape Girardeau Carroll Carter 9 11 784 751 Cass Cedar a Persons of African descent only. POPULATION. 495 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. COUNTIES. Missouri — CoDtd, Chariton Christian ... Clark Clay Clinton Cole Cooper Crawford . Dade Dallas Daviess . Dekalb . Dent Douglas. Dunklin Franklin . . . Gasconade . Gentry Greene Grundy Harrison. Henry Hickory . Holt Howard. . Howell . . Iron Jackson . Jasper Jefferson Johnson . . . Knox Laclede. ... Lafayette.. Lawrence.. Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston . . McDonald . . . Macon . . . Madison . Maries. .. Marion .. Mercer.. Miller Mississippi . . Moniteau Monroe Montgomery. Morgan New Madrid. Newton Nodaway Oregon Osage Ozark Pemiscot . Perry Pettis Phelps. Pike... Platte. . Polk... Pulaski... Putnam... Ralls Kandolph . Ray Reynolds .. Ripley St. Cliarles. NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1870 25.077 13,575 14,476 19,252 16.596 15,333 21.232 11.433 17,191 12.522 20,227 13,969 11,955 13,988 15,031 24,190 9,384 18,639 46.755 17,420 20,634 27,233 9,204 14,814 16,975 18,248 8,542 138,215 48,756 19,435 27,327 12,914 14,310 27,506 25.022 15,240 17,461 22,814 19,596 11,198 28,422 9.057 8,302 24,382 14,425 13,877 9,965 14,260 20,507 15,896 11,639 9,231 21,433 29,431 10,283 11,272 9,747 5,939 12,122 29.235 11,765 25,645 15,665 20,181 9,122 15,116 11,937 23,438 23,515 6,751 8,401 19,543 23,902 9,421 14,282 15,127 15,373 13,366 20,031 10,191 12,463 9,180 18,765 12,714 10,363 7,732 9,569 22,092 8,436 16,699 27,987 14,641 19,804 23,080 7,165 14,619 17,954 8,735 7,590 71,624 30,675 15,755 27,207 12,338 11,145 23,655 16,820 15,078 16,587 18.821 18,937 7,777 24,370 8,521 6,974 22,828 14,483 9.557 9,020 13,170 18,733 15,303 9.392 7,587 18,314 27,915 5.771 9,848 5,601 4,266 10,588 25,403 11,728 25,878 16,637 15,638 6,988 13,332 11,452 21,298 19,759 5,680 5,280 18,779 17,941 6,670 12,851 14,957 13,036 8,234 18.597 7,589 8,598 8,321 14,167 9.255 6,253 3,905 5,958 23,383 6,847 11,298 20,731 10,276 14,346 16,632 6,202 11,003 16.679 4,177 5,756 45,916 14,510 12,671 23,665 10,368 9,036 20,692 12.829 14,146 15,002 14,499 15,376 5,181 21,198 5,471 5,598 21,104 11,417 6,489 4,797 10.203 16,624 9,647 7,735 6,274 12,545 13,901 3,279 8,392 3,357 2.042 8,334 17,156 9,692 22.233 16,359 12,364 4,622 11,046 10,091 15,317 18,135 3,733 3,121 15,783 FOREIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 1,177 442 650 604 542 1,948 1,475 528 335 125 229 570 194 123 54 3,866 2,322 379 1,861 456 399 1,002 249 655 396 370 577 22,295 1,744 3,049 805 587 391 2,678 1,206 695 885 1,307 1,072 85 2.153 211 298 1,851 156 285 169 1,370 283 954 672 86 675 1,483 1.808 48 36 1.115 1,916 871 676 583 158 265 249 357 1,455 700 52 111 3,434 1,322 207 749 445 700 2,149 1,565 565 94 83 380 620 283 21 35 4,442 2.717 477 814 544 500 826 222 890 474 79 593 10,701 1,344 2,981 965 709 379 2,055 763 847 839 1,195 1,259 39 1,852 355 330 2.009 190 248 250 1.176 338 946 740 107 633 1,629 20 1,976 17 33 1.307 1,868 840 837 729 262 223 386 1,453 431 42 1,195 37 816 607 1,027 2,058 2,095 393 85 62 243 603 104 10 24 6,715 3,246 309 818 291 289 769 250 649 554 41 522 9,125 418 2,709 983 606 344 1,931 238 958 1,401 1,354 45 2.032 378 318 2,616 140 127 185 1,172 525 758 699 83 276 850 2.401 6 17 1,543 1,550 814 843 92 171 419 591 565 23 54 1,521 4,286 o Persons of African descent only WHITE. 1890 1880 22,763 13,925 14,956 18,503 16,052 21,234 9,431 14,723 14,059 15,098 15,345 19,161 11,883 17,238 12,592 13,646 18,094 10,634 12,309 9,174 20,079 14,428 12,108 14,078 14,927 18,695 13,202 10,584 7,727 9,440 26,262 11,620 18,982 45,169 17,620 24,457 10,986 17,148 25,993 14,986 20,976 27,076 9,428 15,389 12,826 20,231 22,911 7,337 15,277 13,197 18,410 8,799 145,322 49,571 21,415 8,723 7,783 72,440 31,241 17,731 26,302 13,287 14,229 26,011 25,861 26,153 12,819 11,047 21,295 17,273 14,885 16,306 23,311 19,803 11,270 14,517 15,280 19,177 19,024 7,804 29,378 9,027 8,597 22,510 14,508 24,722 8,567 7,292 21,125 14,572 13,933 8,025 14,787 18,740 15,183 9,575 7,116 13,368 16,925 14,332 11,897 7,284 21,417 30,777 10,445 9,716 5,813 18,344 29,432 5,773 12,709 9,783 5,563 12,745 28.351 11,422 5,604 4,031 31,424 24,259 12,355 21,400 15,036 20,176 12,065 21,339 15,734 15,448 9,364 15,331 11,216 21,957 7,190 13,532 10,627 19,937 22,460 6,784 8,511 20,656 18,451 5,708 5,367 20,652 1870 16,336 6,592 13,372 13,718 13,380 9,041 17,340 7,896 8,479 8,294 14,086 9,736 6,326 3,888 5,816 27,925 10,013 11,5.51 19,393 10,452 14,625 16,759 6,362 11,468 12,040 4,193 5,926 49,810 14,790 14,617 23,189 10,774 9,218 18,582 12,808 13,933 13,972 15,158 15,774 5,189 21,734 5,688 5,894 20,187 11,464 6,440 4,063 10,496 15,144 9,466 8,127 4,931 12,471 14,663 3,283 10,467 3,351 1,911 9,477 16,580 10,212 18,881 16,160 12,186 4,689 11,208 9.255 13,774 16,867 3,745 3,165 19,381 COLORED, (a) 1890 3,490 92 170 1,348 1,086 1,935 3,539 78 287 55 376 110 41 33 158 1,794 86 36 3,441 254 56 1,158 25 80 4,544 208 320 14,992 913 1,067 1,829 214 472 4,170 364 1,050 2,039 808 865 3 1,196 241 3 3,721 73 228 2,108 843 2,049 1,667 414 2,033 681 135 22 371 12 412 492 2,799 281 4,919 1,210 163 23 34 1,077 2,935 1,749 19 1 2,315 1880 3,990 193 308 1,513 975 1,868 3,502 122 248 450 132 62 26 164 2,077 167 28 2,799 199 73 991 50 232 5,231 91 400 9,850 767 1,005 2,019 228 477 4,415 299 1,408 2,146 839 1,172 12 1,499 306 12 3,708 101 230 2,154 978 2,146 1,917 416 1,881 591 109 18 400 13 268 471 503 5,376 1,630 285 60 23 1,211 2,811 1,739 14 10 2,411 1870 2,800 114 295 1,846 683 1,251 3,352 86 204 324 122 31 27 166 2,173 80 .56 2,156 115 10 642 90 184 5,19a 24 352 5,223 138 763 1,458 200 162 4,039 259 1,181 1,987 742 956 37 1,496 159 22 3,592 93 176 919 879 2,005 939 307 1,425 350 87 4. 326 12 148 400 2,126 294 4,195 1,192 259 25 1,255 2,134 1,833 11 10 1,922: 496 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BORN. rOEEIGN BOKN. WHITE. COLORED, (a) COUNTIES. 1890 ISSO 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Missouri— Cont'd. St. Clair Ste. Genevieve . St. Francois St. Louis St. Louis city . . Saline . ... 16,458 9,123 16,302 29,644 336,894 32,444 10,963 12,419 10,790 8,776 15,135 17,222 7,044 18,712 7,906 19,108 30,726 8,345 12,840 11.781 14,964 8.539 14,232 89,063 13,840 9,294 12,739 25,299 245,505 28,643 10,132 12,237 7,973 3,430 13,454 13,318 4,393 16,198 5,579 12,012 18,895 8,915 12,477 8,923 12,040 8,025 9,537 27,638 6,591 7,208 8,453 226,811 289 760 1.045 0,663 114,876 1,318 286 255 438 122 507 105 46 288 67 298 779 1,568 313 146 213 199 252 43,096 285 1,096 1,083 6,589 105,013 1,268 338 271 614 11 570 113 11 371 20 194 474 1,891 419 173 135 178 175 11,551 151 1,176 1,289 124,378 16,503 9,386 16,802 32,836 424,704 28,659 11,246 12,562 10,735 8,894 14,886 17,192 7,080 18,955 7,970 19,385 31,273 9,188 12,381 11,823 15,008 8,737 14,115 127,271 13,815 9,832 13,169 28,008 328,191 24,980 10,461 12.377 8,036 3,441 13,089 13,396 4,376 16,486 5,594 12,177 19,263 9,852 11,858 8,988 11,927 8,202 9,450 35,385 6,590 7,953 9,224 324,760 244 496 545 3,469 26,865 5,101 3 112 493 4 755 135 10 45 3 21 231 725 772 104 167 1 364 1,490 310 558 653 3,880 22,256 4,931 9 131 550 931 35 28 83 4 29 106 954 1,038 108 247 1 260 346 152 431 518 26,387 20,677 8,500 10,381 6,622 2,333 9,580 8,471 3,243 11,655 4,385 9,477 11,022 7,182 11,143 6,022 10,136 4,906 5,613 12,610 995 320 289 695 6 539 64 10 252 22 141 225 2,491 576 46 298 98 71 7,979 17,dl8 8,806 10,541 6,991 2,336 9,540 8,465 3,233 11,865 4,397 9,523 11,165 8,931 10,748 6,001 10,185 5,004 5,658 18,306 3,754 Schuyler Scotland Scott 14 129 326 Shannon Shelby 3 571 Stoddard 70 20 Sullivan 42 10 Texas 95 Vernon Warren Washington . . . W^ayne 82 741 971 67 Webster Worth 248 Wright Montana 26 183 Beaverhead Cascade Choteau 3,439 5,581 3,314 3,910 1,458 9,468 2,734 5,252 3,940 12,777 3,747 3,537 9,978 5,173 13,085 1,670 856,368 1,882 494 1,216 3,174 1,427 1,398 598 5,687 780 994 2,086 6,368 945 1,212 4,449 1,708 10,659 395 202,542 830 2^8 4,528 8,421 4,491 5,017 1,994 14,621 3,400 6,164 5,964 18, K2 4,513 4,668 13,543 6,820 22,969 2,036 1,046,888 2,574 714 34 291 18 114 2 75 17 43 9 299 13 30 314 31 186 14 8,913 6 ■■--- — 33 3 60 2 2,270 1,777 146 5,374 319 26 140 2,138 788 733 34 3,502 138 12 37 2,229 2,448 2,461 162 8,075 476 38 161 3,551 20 Dawson Deerlodge Fergus GaUatin Jefferson Lewis and Clarke. Madison Meagher Missoula 4 15 3.120 1,784 4,460 2,886 2,093 1,846 1,250 1,057 2,966 1,783 941 1,442 523 680 2,061 1,020 650 691 328 474 2,074 901 446 1,112 3,570 2,389 5,710 3,612 2,458 1,926 1,554 1,406 4.279 2,361 1,346 2,420 31 14 86 20 18 4 13 2 92 20 1! Silverbow Yellowstone . . . Nebraska 1 354,988 92,245 97,414 30,748 449,764 122,117 2,385 789 Adams Antelope Arthur Banner 20,244 8,963 69 2,140 1,007 7,111 4,439 479 3,826 19,213 8,761 12,259 19,831 5,433 4,374 5,390 4,547 12,731 6,959 7,786 19,388 4,350 8,383 8,429 2,359 6,530 8,609 3,440 12 4,059 1,436 22 295 139 1,572 1,055 216 533 2,949 2,308 3,1^95 4,249 1,595 433 1,038 1,146 3,579 3,494 4,479 2,289 1,036 1,339 1,700 534 1,554 1,626 513 7 23,969 10,397 89 2,433 1,144 8,676 5,469 584 4,356 22,109 11,947 15,447 23,974 7,019 4,807 6,251 5,682 16,293 10,402 12,225 21,655 5,352 9,315 10,082 2,893 8,081 10,210 3,946 19 327 2 2 2 2 7 25 4 3 49 21 5 105 4 25 7 1 iV 8 23 46 3,277 893 4,169 Boxbutte Buffalo Burt 6,316 5,472 7,183. 14,144 2,014 66 100 2,334 1,102 6,843 572 1,215 1,465 2,01] 2,539 885 4 93 51S 188 1,308 460 7,519 6,929 9,171 16,637 2,893 70 192 2,847 1,286 8,127 1,030 i Butler 4 24 1 Cherry Cheyenne Clay 170 9 15 50 1 22 33 395 ' 4JB ""42" 6 25 4 6 53' 1,211 8,436 4,049 3,370 1,974 2,610 109 48 792 1,641 347 2,858 2,539 2,199 237 603 81 6 632 1,333 1,516 11,288 6,563 5,569 2,207 3,202 187 54 1,417 2,964 3 Colfax 7 Cuming Dakota 1,627 413 2,040 Dawson 2,442 33 467 70 2,856 103 Dixon 3,472 999 705 346 4,177 ,1,345 3 oPersons of African descent only. POPULATION. 497 Table 13.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BORN. I 1890 Nebraska^ Bodge . . . Douglas - Dundy. .. Fillmore . Franklin Frontier . Furnas . . Gage .... Garfield . Gosper . . Con. Grant (ft) . . . . Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton Harlan . . Harrison Hitchcock . Holt 13,872 117,251 3,644 13,264 6,251 7,653 8,938 31,574 1,477 4,276 1880 425 3,924 13,266 11,339 7,127 Hooker . . Howard Jackson . Jefferson Johnson . Kearney . . . Keith Keyapaha . Kimball . . . Knox Lancaster.. Lincoln Logan Loup Lyon McPherson . Madison Merrick Monroe Nance Nemaha . NnckoUs Otoe Pawnee. . Perkins . . 3,388 5,114 11,287 411 6,240 7,749 25,. 507 29 8,397 4,618 858 5,608 11,262 1,503 1870 1,164 6,686 6,729 5,269 Phelps Pierce Platte Polk Red willow. Richardson . Rock Saline Sarpy Saunders Scotts Bluff. Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Taylor Thayer Thomas Thurston VaUey Washington . . Wayne Webster Wheeler York Unorganized territory. 12,335 9,070 6,667 2,127 3,550 690 6,663 65,291 8,811 1,272 1,553 367 10,712 7,454 5,024 11,626 10,368 20,808 9,190 3,863 6,891 3,704 10,040 8,044 7,816 15,374 2,663 15,.581 5,399 15,015 1,719 13,221 7,410 5.000 2,020 3,436 "ll,i'98 485 2,897 5,908 8,990 4,691 9,741 1,452 14,510 102 736 2,604 2,701 6,562 6,846 2,879 143 2,734 22,039 3,032 4,136 4,471 1,025 9,250 3,777 12,814 5,926 9,188 1,600 [. 562 . 1,131 5,279 100 2,035 6,861 650 6,114 543 9,199 2,560 2,556 12,445 204 16 FOBEIGN BOEN. 2,933 286 541 94 384 3 2,085 3,063 28 114 5,337 7 40 772 386 130 41 6,747 3 9,609 3,556 1,516 779 .5,683 4,960 2,771 13,0.30 8,253 44 988 122 10,860 i 2,399 3,599 ' 2,243 10,727 ' 3,214 2,578 399 52 56 3,442 124 554 172 a PersoEs of African descent only, b See Table 2. 1890 1880 1870 5,388 40,757 368 2,758 1,442 844 902 4,770 182 540 33 945 3,247 2,757 1,031 565 685 2,385 15 3,190 2,515 1,263 2,394 429 370 269 1,919 11,104 1,630 106 109 34 2,957 1,304 749 1,304 1,049 4,595 1,150 501 2,978 1,160 5,397 2,773 1,021 2,200 420 4,516 1,476 6,562 169 2,919 1,277 1,399 432 1,183 1,540 32 279 1,184 2,879 1,478 1,469 231 2,769 3,514 12,138 8 1,807 847 76 799 1,902 170 297 1,886 1,538 817 17 276 683 1,690 1,534 749 1,193 51 932 6,051 600 1,453 870 187 1,201 458 2,913 994 931 423 3,828 1,886 273 2,001 3,631 882 5,083 1,959 461 137 682 ' 834 9 289 1,770 163 990 101 1,971 353 1,656 7,537 426 198 516 36 247 6 355 366 30 1,737 10 38 361 171 105 3 5 2,736 615 108 911 14 1,527 707 670 1,333 375 237 45 1,010 58 1890 1880 1870 19,223 153,249 4,007 16,005 7,689 35,960 1,658 4,814 458 4,857 16,470 14,036 8,145 3,952 5,798 13,635 426 9,423 14,830 10,328 9,061 2,555 3,896 958 7,938 74,937 10,415 1,378 1,658 401 13,626 8,738 5,570 12,846 11,393 25,123 10,337 4,364 9,863 4,803 15,408 10,803 8,822 17,507 3,083 20,073 6,866 21,557 1,888 16,118 8,682 6,395 2,445 4,612 12,726 517 1,272 7,092 11,8.38 6,166 11,199 1,624 17,227 11,242 36,783 37 10,198 5,465 934 6,404 13,140 4,208 19,523 1,667 1,461 8,545 8,238 6,086 119 1,012 3,285 4,383 8,085 7,570 4,072 193 238 26 3,357 3,601 27,455 3,626 5,583 5,326 1,211 10,357 4,235 15,546 6,914 2,445 1,202 9,487 6,846 3,043 14,938 14,483 4,471 15,797 11,110 2,061 628 1,813 6,111 71 2,324 8,611 812 7,099 644 11,162 2,911 475 1,057 130 625 2,440 3,429 58 COLORBD. (a) 1890 1880 1870 31 4,665 5 15 1 2 374 1 2 258 ,059 17 78 1,133 557 235 44 7,583 8 12,123 4,171 152 1,895 136 9,692 3,106 2,911 4,537 2,953 f62 4,451 182 24 1 19 1,419 24 604 235 84 23 278 3 20 811 1 628 1 87 181 ' 37 12 4 459 219 372- -32 cThis includes 31 persons which, in all probability, properly belongs to the Winnebago Indian reservation. 498 COMPEiroiUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES : 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Coutinued. NATIVE BOBN. FOREIGN BORN. WHITE. COLORBD. (a) COUNTIES. 1890 1880 1870 1.S90 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Nevada 31,055 36,613 23,690 14,706 25,653 18,801 39,084 53,556 38,959 242 488 357 593 945 3,615 1,340 1,785 2,295 1,627 1,932 1,365 1,017 3,111 332 897 4,003 1,961 2,870 2,207 2,070 1,848 1,191 1,181 3,255 254 9,190 3,680 1,674 300,697 140 791 2,054 1,065 no 606 1,179 808 1,490 1,139 639 534 622 273 1,772 147 684 1,713 1,259 4,216 1,273 1,.5.54 789 1,218 694 2,1.57 32 6,925 1,984 1,008 46,294 56 424 1,393 488 443 1,366 4,156 1,464 2,777 2,584 1,796 2,068 1,900 849 3,933 447 1,399 4,698 2,668 6,116 2,719 2,997 2,105 2,013 1,663 4,238 200 15,245 4,762 2,286 346,229 180 1,157 2,975 1,489 Churchill Douglas Elko 12 26 1 20 48 1 9 1 4 56 22 33 7 49 . 21 16 16 1 96 59 32 33 8 Esmeralda Eureka Humboldt Lander Lincoln Lyon •••■...... 1,065 1,580 2,148 893 760 1,760 108 5,557 1,997 3,772 288,689 851 1,235 837 944 327 1,908 25 5,802 1,094 3,417 29,611 1,684 2,566 2,937 1,719 1,080 2,868 129 10,514 2,831 6,830 317,697 9 31 11 2 1 Nye Ormsby 31 Storey 5,520 4,662 1,248 804,190 3,286 1,775 473 72,340 8,424 5,887 1,437 375,840 37 27 614 115 44 9 685 96 36 67 580 Washoe "White Pine New Hampshire . Belknap Carroll Cheshire Coos 17,455 16,908 25,572 17,033 33,963 63,487 41,325 43,566 29,426 15,455 1,115,958 10,569 17,752 26,041 14,999 36,137 57,420 40,521 45,090 29,310 16,858 909,416 16,994 17,156 25,463 12,782 36,847 .52,766 38,202 44,478 26,958 17,043 717,153 2,866 1,216 4,007 6,178 3,254 29,760 8,110 6,084 9,016 1,849 328,975 1,379 472 2,693 3,. 581 2,651 18,214 5,779 3,974 6,248 1,303 221,700 687 176 1,802 2,150 2,256 11,472 3,949 2,819 3,285 1,015 188,943 20,252 18,108 29,554 23,192 37,161 93,119 49,244 49,541 38,396 17,273 1,396,581 17,875 18,207 28,720 18,543 38,756 75,510 46,133 48,852 35,511 18,122 1,092,017 17,640 17,316 27,250 14,909 39,062 64,109 42,055 47,143 30,199 18,014 875,407 66 15 24 11 53 105 182 98 34 26 47,638 2,267 1,814 2,624 7,475 861 2,100 '6,910 1,417 2,456 497 3,467 1,643 5,074 956 153 1,125 2,810 1.348 134 2,202 305 1,956 72 12 14 15 20 119 158 189 47 39 38,853 894 1,891 2,570 5,687 570 1,965 4,727 1,144 1,655 552 3,230 1,625 3,461 810 98 1,077 2,769 1,659 174 1,939 356 1,015 41 13 15 10 41 124 96 153 44 43 30,658 Grafton HUlsboro Merrimack Kockingham... Strafford Sullivan New Jersey Atlantic Bereen Bairlington Camden Cape May Cumberland . . . 24,100 35,665 53,970 75,762 10,775 42,110 182,561 26,442 177,523 33,629 63,484 45,728 61,845 45,063 15,257 65,278 23,742 23,770 21,377 53,925 33,952 142,334 16,629 29,028 51,401 55,776 9,542 35,802 137,330 24,139 122,. 380 36,749 48,271 42,161 50,817 41,882 13,963 46,205 23,697 24,136 22,535 43,146 33,821 111,514 12,401 23,273 49,597 40, ,592 8,148 32,714 97,. 504 19,865 75,903 35,066 38.363 35,908 41.496 34„530 13,064 31,008 22,884 20,720 22,069 30,942 31,046 86,254 4,736 11,561 4,558 11,925 493 3,328 73,537 2,207 97,603 1,726 16,494 16,(126 7,283 9,038 717 39,768 1,409 4,541 882 18,542 2,601 11,259 2,075 7,758 4,001 7,166 223 1,885 52,593 1,747 65,504 1,821 9,790 10,125 4,721 8,979 492 22,6,55 882 3,026 1,004 1,692 6,849 4,042 5,601 201 1,951 46,335 1,697 53,164 1,897 8,023 9,121 4,699 8,607 504 15,348 1,056 2,790 1,099 26,548 45,402 55,886 80,151 10,401 43,333 249,021 27,230 272,470 34,854 76,452 60,090 64,025 53,131 15,821 103,852 22,340 26,960 22, 125 70,245 36,244 142,719 17,810 34,795 52,828 57,240 9,195 35,722 185,176 24,742 186,248 38,018 54,828 .50,657 52,062 50,019 14,357 67,758 21,810 25,500 23,365 53,624 36,233 108,721 13,909 28,489 51,098 41,751 7,922 32,898 141,2<.«i 20,589 128,016 .36,329 44,018 43,474 43,285 42,403 13,511 45,741 21,203 21,985 22,972 -40,563 33,955 90,393 184 1,632 2,540 4,430 427 1,767 2,539 973 1,050 634 2,368 1,545 2,910 733 117 Gloucester Hudson Hunterdon Mercer Middlesex Monmouth Passaic Salem 675 2,737 1,524 196 1,296 381 172 Somerset Sussex 12,425 1 10,917 Warren New Mexico 2,768 8,051 3,290 5,620 Bernalillo Colfax 19,306 6,848 7,053 0,933 6,567 10,368 11,391 1,781 23,470 16,842 3,144 4,743 2,536 2,303 9,542 10,837 7, .509 1,725 2,856 592 1,686 7,775 9,241 1,607 1,126 2,138 2,724 514 250 143 109 734 383 254 2,860 2,003 210 209 186 82 267 3,008 551 117 281 53 17,0,52 7,708 9,133 8,881 7,027 10,450 11,004 1,888 23,986 12,514 3,375 7,537 4,404 2,448 9,423 10,215 7,473 1,960 5,862 1,134 1,789 7,986 8,976 340 241 46 592 31 142 31 1 135 113 11 53 18 202 210 6 27 86 60 242 14 7 10 1 9 14 18 2 Donna Ana Grant Lincoln Kio Arriba San Juan San Miguel . . . "20,061 15,804 2,587 9,383 577 254 12 316 20,439 15,924 2,534 9,585 90 168 17 24 Santa Ee 12,870 3,184 9,105 9,798 13,660 10,209 692 446 490 1 70 216 658 12,851 3,582 9,514 9,345 10,298 10,388 38 Socorro Xaos 7,506 10,872 12,919 6,384 11,980 8,732 369 157 176 219 99 361 7,804 10,401 9,773 6,537 11,792 8,841 51 36 19 3 -in Valencia a. Persons of African descent oidy. POPULATION. 499 Tablk 13.— population AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. ' Albany Allegany Broome '. Cattaraugus Cayuga Cortland . . Delaware . Dutchess . Erie Essex Franklin . Fulton ... Genesee . . Greene . . . Hamilton . Herkimer Jeiferson Kings Lewis Livingston . . Madison Monroe Montgomery. New York . . Niagara Oneida Onondaga . Ontario . . Orange Orleans . .. Oswego Otsego Putnam Queens Eensselaer . . . Richmond Rockland St. Lawrence . Saratoga Schenectady. . Schoharie. Schuyler . . Seneca Steuben .. Suffolk.... Sullivan . . . Tioga Tompkins . Ulster Warren Washington . . Wayne Westchester. . Wyoming . Yates NATIVE BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 New York 4,426,803 Chautauqua . . . Chemung Chenango Clinton Columbia North Carolina . Alamance . Alexander Alleghany .. . Anson Ashe Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick .. . Buncombe 127,288 40,212 .57,104 52,880 55,685 60,258 42,041 35,900 38,691 40,841 26,671 42,807 65,826 219,528 29,232 31,786 33,666 27,468 29,736 4,340 39,675 58,793 565,652 25,718 32,404 38,991 137,589 38,224 875,358 47,460 97,667 115,191 40,914 82,628 24,578 62,668 48,338 12,218 92,913 96,805 36,914 27,720 71,145 49.558 24,228 28,486 15,960 24, .527 74,392 52.501 27,705 28,501 30,786 76,677 25,274 39,826 42,075 108,380 27,281 19,123 3,871,492 3,244,406 1,614,245 18,241 9,430 6,519 20,007 15,621 21,049 19,168 16,757 10,875 34,909 116,913 38,623 45,527 48,735 55,728 54,524 37,947 38,012 40,292 42,966 24,090 40,200 67,513 154,506 29,468 26,229 28,054 27,112 30,701 3,577 37,409 57,315 411,183 26,380 33,948 39,985 106,561 33,468 727,629 41,333 92,040 94,509 41,860 75,798 25,329 66,716 48,747 12,948 68,573 88,955 28,030 22,697 70,585 47,570 19,794 32,168 17,944 25,314 71,109 48,287 28,229 31,0.36 32,272 75,519 22,682 41,517 43,809 85,278 26,961 19,288 1,396,008 14,576 8,350 5,484 17,966 14,404 17,432 16,392 16,149 9,347 21,781 93,738 37,268 40,058 38,244 50,312 50,045 30,728 37,785 35,270 41,185 23,285 39,503 61,938 117,792 24,409 23,321 24,549 25,773 29,346 2,054 34,144 55,379 266,110 23,467 32,472 38,706 84,104 30,177 523,198 37,210 84,. 301 80,110 37,7.58 66,643 23,446 64,686 46,234 12,969 .54,728 73,928 22,916 19,863 66,607 43,820 17,661 32,439 17,941 23,978 61,833 42,047 28,728 28,670 31,051 71,335 20,014 41,274 40,299 94,004 25,113 17,840 1,068,332 11,822 6,868 .3,687 12,406 9,569 12,988 12,947 12,813 7,727 15,318 FOREIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 1,571,050 37,267 3,028 5,869 7,986 9,617 14,944 6,224 1,876 7,746 5,331 1,986 2,689 12,053 103,453 3,820 6,324 3,984 5,797 1,862 422 5,933 10,013 272,895 4,088 5,397 3,901 51,997 7,475 639,943 15,031 25,255 31,056 7,539 15,231 6,225 9,215 2,523 2,631 35,146 27,706 14,779 7,442 13,903 8,105 5,569 678 751 3,700 7,081 9,990 3, ,326 1,434 2,137 10,385 2,592 5,864 7,654 38,392 3,912 1,878 3,702 1,211,379 25 357 37,977 3,187 3,956 7,071 9,353 10,818 5,118 1,879 10,605 4,962 1,735 2,521 11,671 65,378 5,047 6,161 2,931 5,694 1,994 346 5,260 8,788 188,312 5,036 5,614 4,127 38,342 4,847 478,670 12,840 23,435 23,384 7,681 12,422 4,799 11,195 2,650 2,233 22,001 26,373 10,961 4,993 15,412 7,586 3,744 742 898 3,964 6,477 5,601 4,262 1,637 2,173 10,319 2,497 6,354 7,891 23,710 3,946 1,799 3,742 1,138,353 37 5 2 28 33 42 7 9 42 128 39,314 3,546 4,045 5,665 9,238 9,282 4,553 2,779 12,677 5,859 1,888 3,469 12,103 60,907 4,633 6,950 2,515 5,833 2,486 306 5,785 10,036 1.53,811 5,232 5,837 4,816 33,764 4,280 419,094 13,227 25,707 24,073 7,350 14,259 4,243 13,255 2,733 2,451 19,075 25,621 10,113 5,350 18,219 7,709 3,686 901 1,048 3,845 5,884 4,877 5,822 1,902 2,127 12,740 2,578 8,294 7,411 37,344 4,051 1,755 3,029 52 1890 1880 1870 5,923,952 5,016,022 163,122 42,900 62,332 60,606 64,721 75,022 47,441 37,474 46,291 45,089 28,564 45,232 76,191 321,717 32,927 38,050 37,364 33,135 30,942 4,744 45,465 68,562 826,555 29,729 37,549 42,501 188,750 45,425 1,'489,627 62,093 122,370 145,147 47,989 95,286 30,608 71,725 50,623 14,645 124,477 123,709 50,712 33,900 84,948 56,, 177 29,648 28,834 16,491 28,039 80,981 60,061 30,963 29,572 32,520 85,813 27,765 45,438 49,429 143,272 31,132 20,858 1,055,382 12,688 8,588 6,061 10,237 15,033 11,869 7,885 8,646 6,139 28,640 153,510 41,433 48,890 55,520 64,384 65,178 42,098 39,605 50,710 46,708 25,732 42,493 77,068 218,757 34,392 32,351 30,707 32,652 31,966 3,906 42,491 65,888 590,201 31,324 39,269 43,646 144,149 37,997 1,185,843 53,756 114,837 116,999 48,938 i 85,420 29,904 77,646 .51,178 14,994 86,743 114,381 38,0,54 I 26,874 85,866 54,404 23,375 32,427 18,647 29,035 77,118 51,426 32,407 32,228 33,980 84,465 25,115 47,523 51,300 106,364 30,809 20,941 867,242 4,330,210 9,997 7,458 4,967 8,790 13,471 10,022 6,815 7,598 5,337 18,422 131,957 40,465 43,622 43,745 58,890 59,127 34,484 40,259 47,819 45,730 25,115 42,740 71,926 177,841 28,962 30,244 26,835 31,453 31,203 2,958 39,696 65,178 414,2.54 28,642 38,094 43,124 117,263 .34,102 929,199 49,989 109,358 103,475 44,578 78,370 27,517 77,633 48,7.32 15,300 70,007 98,765 32,242 24,484 84,746 50,839 21, 179 32,914 18,803 27,. 584 67,330 44,956 34,451 30,206 32,777 82,638 22,528 49,186 47,355 128,830 29,082 19,429 678,470 8,234 6,034 3,401 6,350 8,991 8,379 5,513 6,729 4,448 13,109 o Persons of African descent only. ' COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 70,092 1,409 331 631 249 561 148 793 297 139 1,081 82 262 1,671 1,206 108 52 281 129 652 10 139 215 11,307 44 247 303 802 268 23,601 387 483 1,0.57 457 2,544 194 151 237 201 3,529 788 964 1,255 83 751 141 317 218 182 485 2,371 360 397 1,248 56 65,104 238 297 3,415 57 143 561,018 531,277 5,583 842 460 9,789 595 9,203 11,291 8,117 4,761 6,626 1,367 377 585 248 687 158 954 286 171 1,219 93 227 2,112 975 112 37 272 151 729 52,081 178 208 9,153 76 293 375 740 318 19,663 399 .578 876 594 2,790 224 247 218 187 3,801 939 932 816 101 739 163 463 195 242 467 2,399 84 445 463 1,371 49 340 394 2,585 98 141 4,613 897 519 9,204 963 7,452 9,584 8,560 4,052 3,476 1,095 349 481 164 657 195 793 302 128 1,312 58 232 2,113 858 80 27 221 153 629 1 226 236 5,653 54 215 313 605 351 13,072 448 590 707 530 2,524 172 306 229 120 3,791 783 787 728 72 683 168 426 186 239 383 1,806 99 359 401 1,433 54 379 344 2,513 82 166 391,650 3,640 834 290 6,078 582 4,632 7,437 6,102 3,306 2,303 500 COMPENDIUM or THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TABLE 13.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. North Carolina- Continued. Burke Cabarrus Caldwell .... Camden Carteret Caswell . - Catawba . Chatham Cherokee . Chowan . • Clay Cleveland . . Columbus . . Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson . Davie Duplin NATIVE BOBN. 1890 1880 1870 Durham Edgecombe . Forsyth JFranklin Gaston Gates Graham. . . Granville . Greene Guilford . . Halifax Harnett Haywood . . Henderson. Hertford. . . Hyde IredeU — Jackson . Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon .... Madison . . Martin Mecklenburg . Mitchell Montgomery . . Moore Nash New Hanover. Northampton . Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank. Pender Perquimans . Person Pitt Polk Kandolph- Richmond. Robeson Rockingham. Rowan Rutherford . . Sampson. Stanly . - - Stokes . . - Surry 14,921 18,122 12,292 5,664 10,784 16,024 18,654 25,372 9,966 9,144 4,196 20,380 17,832 20,435 27,248 6,741 3,762 21,681 11,609 18,678 17,999 24,075 28,354 21,070 17,676 10,246 3,313 24,463 10,033 27,875 28,856 13,684 13,331 12,507 13,842 8,900 25,420 9,497 27,211 7,399 14,859 12,579 10,902 10,086 17,790 15,216 42,424 12,786 11,223 20,428 20,697 23,481 21,229 10,298 14,937 7,140 10,714 12,499 9,290 15,148 25,504 5,887 25,170 23,907 31,450 25,304 24,060 18,762 25,083 12,124 17,189 19,267 12,792 14,933 10,279 6,260 9,756 17,818 14,905 23,414 8,177 7,894 3,316 16,559 14,418 19,621 23,717 6,470 3,242 20,308 11,091 18,756 9,766 11,919 8,472 5,353 8,940 16,072 10,974 19,648 8,070 6,438 2,459 12,684 8,470 20,388 10,915 5,128 2,774 17,372 9,615 15,499 26,136 18,003 20,820 14,200 8,893 2,332 31,163 10,031 23,388 30,239 10,836 10,267 10,223 11,832 7,744 22,634 7,331 23,428 7,490 1.5,328 11,049 9,813 8,043 12,797 13,115 33,869 9,427 9,362 10,768 17,718 20,818 20,026 9,815 23,658 6,314 10,333 12,445 9,464 13,715 21,774 5,056 20,828 18,185 23,831 21,673 19,923 15,183 22,872 10,503 15,349 15,294 FOEEIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 22,906 13,034 14,120 12,568 7,724 24,824 8,686 21,585 20,395 8,864 7,904 7,685 9,262 6,441 16,908 6,676 16,881 4,996 10,419 9,553 7,546 6,610 8,186 0,634 24,047 4,703 7,486 12,002 11,072 27,363 14,742 7,559 17,497 8,102 7,942 11,166 17,268 4,316 17,540 12,827 16,221 15,689 16,769 13,113 16,419 8,307 11,206 11,240 177 52 16 15 82 3 42 15 28 4 20 7 37 16 15 5 249 21 16 51 10 545 13 5 11 6 34 15 3 3 15 15 25 41 33 59 63 12 21 108 119 6 1 25 5 17 4 3 123 6 197 61 26 4 58 11 21 41 12 33 1 16 12 23 21 13 25 306 8 12 53 13 558 6 14 40 9 36 23 2 4 1890 1880 1870 10 75 10 12 2 12 4 128 120 3 4 42 5 43 7 1 151 13 31 17 21 11 4 23 7 16 15 20 46 5 6 13 252 2 1 38 5 615 7 10 10 12,378 12,683 10,737 3,347 8,528 6,639 16,073 17,214 9,655 4,010 4,055 17,301 11,804 7,175 14,952 4,731 3,362 18,174 8,769 11,600 10,712 8,513 19,433 10,755 12,927 5,539 3,137 12,122 5,281 19,820 9,614 9,453 12,829 11,211 5,906 4,962 19,516 8,680 19,917 3,885 8,517 10,028 9,114 9,436 17,095 7,838 2.3,141 12,252 8,982 13,985 12,186 10,089 9,224 7,392 9,705 4,767 5,201 5,967 4,719 8,251 13,192 4,807 21,848 10,989 16,629 15,197 17,142 15,073 15,960 10,629 14,386 16,926 10,088 9,849 8,691 3,791 7,107 7,169 12,469 15,500 7,796 3,633 3,175 13,700 8,926 6,664 12,594 4,495 2,875 16,341 7,770 10,587 7,968 13,441 9,476 10,188 4,973 2,123 13,603 4,652 16,885 9,137 7,092 9,787 8,893 5,122 4,424 16,752 6,591 15,996 3,212 7,277 8,180 7,939 7,395 12,351 6,661 17,922 8,932 6,857 11,485 9,417 8,159 7,987 6,600 14,555 4,207 4,855 5,509 4,795 7,206 10,704 3,918 17,758 8,141 11,942 12,431 13,621 11,910 13,347 9,166 11,730 13,227 COLOEKD. (O) 7,463 8,025 7,096 3,239 6,285 6,587 9,281 12,893 7,296 3,081 2,319 10,633 5,526 8,400 9,520 3,991 2,401 13,868 6,527 8,776 1890 1880 1870 7,858 10,716 6,633 8,430 4,517 11,476 4,166 15,656 6,418 5,857 7,406 6,498 4,321 4,067 12,288 5,698 11,703 2,346 4,902 6,814 5,820 6,173 7,858 5,064 13,578 4,492 5,359 9,021 6,356 11,779 6,239 5,173 11,087 2,561 5,459 1,554 2,320 2,297 3,947 6,066 8,862 3,341 14,945 6,284 8,892 9,493 11,503 10,479 9,953 7,026 8,600 9,692 2,721 5,115 1,599 2,471 2,676 7,953 288 4,267 141 2,871 5,513 13,064 11,241 1,981 368 3,992 3,326 8,186 18,213 4,629 11,353 4,066 3,924 23 17,679 5,385 9,389 10,656 2,616 2,477 8,199 274 5,156 142 3,093 6,052 13,358 12,341 2,016 406 3,528 2,852 7,087 7,329 15,599 8,999 10,335 4,836 4,713 25 12,360 4,758 8,223 19,293 4,220 517 1,378 7,944 3,941 5,939 518 7,322 3,518 6,362 2,558 1,825 665 710 7,383 19,526 553 2,257 6,479 8,521 13,935 12,018 2,911 5,242 2,379 5,546 6,546 4,574 12,327 1,093 3,347 12,959 14,672 10,164 6,980 3,692 9,136 1,507 2,813 2,348 2,314 3,929 1,380 2,121 2,725 9,494 1,703 6,830 301 3,369 142 2.063 2,948 12,116 7,515 1,140 377 3,546 3,093 6,766 15,112 2,334 7,501 4,172 3,207 13,355 4,521 6,700 6,080 21,162 3,770 484 1,388 6,721 3,341 5,913 375 7,465 4,279 8,067 2,881 1,897 656 459 13,990 3,038 515 1,208 4,952 2,378 4,643 274 5,194 2,656 5,532 2,759 1,772 403 334 6,479 16,241 503 2,517 5,332 4,583 10,721 213 2,128 3,019 8,314 13,217 12,045 3,229 9,143 4,721 16,199 8,510 2,396 6,420 2,116 5,514 6,957 4,671 6,513 "3,951 "3',998 5,104 11,088 1,144 3,078 10,104 8,414 978 2,606 6,598 11,938 9,313 6,339 3,2.55 7,370 6,215 5,307 2,642 9,540 1,339 3,623 2,075 6,483 1,289 2,608 1,560 aPersons of African descent only. POPULATION. 501 Table 13.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COI ORFD BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870-Coiitinued. North Carolina- Continued. Swain , Transylvania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake , Warren Washington . Watauga Wayne Wilkes . Wilson.. Yadkin . Yancey . North Dakota Barnes Benson . . . Billings .. Bottineau. Bowman . . Buford... Burleigh . Cass Cavalier . Church . . Dickey Dunn Eddy Emmons . . . Flannery .. Foster Garfield Grand Forks Griggs Hettinger Howard . . . Kidder Lamoure... Logan McHenry . . Mcintosh McKenzie McLean Mercer Morton Mountraille... Nelson Oliver Pembina Pierce Ransom Renville ... Richland .. Rolette Sargent. . Sheridan . Stark Steele Stevens.. Stutsman . . Towner Traill Wallace ... WaUette... NATIVE BOBN. 1890 1880 1870 6.549 5,868 4,224 21,246 17,458 49,033 19,214 10,176 10,610 26,027 22,670 18,630 13,786 9,489 101,258 4,247 1,486 114 1,172 6 512 3,070 11,873 2,419 54 3,857 80 852 1,169 49 716 28 10,386 1,479 68 962 1,952 215 911 1,027 3 495 164 2,809 60 2,403 302 5,190 444 2,574 3,362 33 6,689 1,030 3,285 4 1,388 2,210 3,645 .,516 21 3,784 5,319 4,541 18,038 47,675 22,439 8,910 8,160 24,863 19,175 16,047 12,419 7,693 18,674 897 755 2,301 4,876 29 2,396 135 1,664 187 342 l,9i'6 181 1,886 295 Walsh 8,028 Ward 983 WeUs 642 Williams 67 tJnorganized 319 t646 territory. a Persons of African descent only 13 3,535 4,166 12,209 35,387 17,730 6,508 5,286 18,059 15,535 12,209 10,695 5,909 1,447 FOREIGN BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 28 13 1 13 123 174 146 24 1 73 264 180 18 81,461 2,798 974 56 1,721 801 291 1,177 7,740 4,052 20 1,716 79 525 802 23 494 5 7,971 1,338 13 18,235 230 38 8 1 85 4 49 2 945 4,122 958 249 1,235 382 673 2,221 365 264 1,919 62 1,890 162 9,144 461 1,844 2,031 66 4,062 1,397 1,791 1 916 1,567 1,621 570 4,701 3 3,852 3,198 94 195 1,681 313 2,237 i'37 8,559 698 570 42 192 6546 1890 1880 1870 5,652 5,368 3,000 15,712 6,434 26,093 5,880 4,961 10,180 15,115 20,633 10,884 12,421 9,197 182,123 7,045 2,452 169 2,893 6 704 4,148 19,534 6,462 74 5,570 159 1,371 1,952 72 1,210 33 18,306 2,813 81 1,211 3,187 597 1,582 3,248 3 860 428 4,708 122 4,288 464 14,216 905 4,410 5,377 99 10,743 2,424 5,075 5 2,298 3,777 15 5,263 1,449 10,214 16 16,580 1,680 1,212 108 505 3,234 4,823 3,110 13,520 24,289 6,386 4,554 7,746 12,827 17,257 8,655 10,876 7,369 36,192 1,583 1,314 3,143 8,956 22 33 6,215 200 13 4,399 278 537 3,587 243 1,004 4,i'22 409 14 3,227 2,871 9,523 19,426 5,276 3,739 5,061 10,004 13,877 7,185 9,253 5,601 1,568 COLOEBD. (a) 1890 1880 1870 513 1,225 5,547 11,143 109 517 1,435 4,536 23,109 23,650 13,480 ' " - 5,238 431 10,984 2,042 7,760 1,368 292 373 16,233 4,374 414 12,124 1,924 7,409 1,544 325 404 61,164 309 1,302 2,694 16,184 12,492 2,777 226 8,140 1,662 5,073 1,444 308 24 623 b Estimated to have been within the present limits of North DaVot 502 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEYENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLOEED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BORN. Ohio Adams AUen Ashland . . . Ashtabula . Athens Auglaize , Belmont . Brown ... Butler . . . Carroll... Cuyahoga. Darke . . . Defiance . Delaware . Erie Fairfield . . Fayette . . . Franklin . . Fulton Gallia . . . . Geauga . . . Greene Guernsey . Hamilton . Hancock . . Hardin . . . Harrison . . Henry Highland . Hockiugi-. Holmes . . . Huron Jackson .. Jefferson . . Knox Lake Lawrence. Licking. . . Logan Lorain Lucas Madison . . Mahoning Marion . Medina . Meigs - . Mercer . Miami . . 3,213,023 Champaign ... Clark Clermont Clinton Columbiana... Coshocton 25,503 Crawford 28,386 1890 1880 1870 Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Morrow Muskingum . Noble Ottawa . . Paulding Perry Pickaway. Pike Portage... Preble 25,749 37,458 21,427 38,822 33,149 25,486 52,998 28,686 42,669 16,384 25,878 47,658 31,877 23,725 52,741 2,803,119 2,292,767 Putnam . . . Bichlaud . Ross Sandusky. 199,932 41,421 23,002 25,824 27,641 32,686 21,983 108,903 20,271 I 26,366 12,711 28,695 27,845 290,631 39,813 27,424 20,369 22,119 28,385 21,630 19,973 28,592 26,958 35,422 26,657 15,951 37,832 41,335 26,713 33,303 76,512 19,116 42,844 22,939 20,262 28,425 25,036 37,535 23,723 86,157 18,868 17,666 48,539 20,408 16,694 24,837 27,465 26,215 16,970 25,370 22,610 28,199 35,171 37,466 26,609 23,555 28,912, 22,79| 34,325 27,357 22,443 46,510 31,179 36,636 15,712 26,436 37,679 34,628 24,076 43,834 25,046 26,862 128,190 38,556 19,669 25,686 24,858 32,724 19,898 74,976 19,114 27,189 13,465 30,013 26,581 231.127 26,475 25,276 20,065 17,779 29,351 20,290 19,299 27.785 22,292 30,170 26,278 14,717 36,682 38,291 25,442 29,246 50,023 18,837 34,071 18,740 19,842 30,048 19,065 33,981 24,497 66,253 19,733 18,457 46,574 20,592 14,735 12,742 25,289 26,476 17,219 24,791 23,506 21,667 33,477 37,743 27,685 FOREIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 459,293 20,209 21,557 20,718 30,300 22,916 16,860 37,100 28,631 33,002 13,706 22,724 28,514 31,981 21,232 34,514 21,768 21,714 81,314 30,397 13,522 23,426 20,786 29,190 16,622 52,482 15,946 24,389 13,479 26,450 23,016 171,871 22,546 17,115 18,218 11,857 27,993 17,062 16,566 24,552 19,965 25,943 25,088 14,263 28,798 33,322 22,062 24,751 32,603 14,289 25,192 14,273 18,559 28,180 15,039 30,231 23,325 53,027 19,873 17,920 41,385 19,285 9,889 7,890 17,705 23,783 14,548 22,131 20,736 15,033 29,492 33,939 21,544 394,943 344 3,186 796 4,833 2,045 2,614 4,415 1,213 5,928 1,182 1,102 4,619 1,676 515 6,288 1,200 3,541 110,038 1,540 2,767 1,365 7,821 1,253 326 15,184 1,752 639 778 1,125 83,942 2,750 1,515 461 2,961 663 1,028 1,166 3,357 1,450 3,993 943 2,284 1,724 1,944 673 6,992 25,784 941 13,135 1,788 1,480 1,388 2,184 2,219 1,452 14,695 275 454 2,671 345 5,280 1,095 3,686 744 512 2,498 811 1,989 2,901 1,988 4,008 1890 1880 1870 372,493 3,584,805 450 2,402 1,089 2.814 1,054 3,001 3,128 1,732 5,943 704 1,381 4,269 2,085 680 4,768 ],596 3,721 68,753 1,940 2,846 1,695 7,782 1,560 466 11,821 1,939 935 786 1,336 616 82,247 1,309 1,747 391 2,806 930 836 1,477 3,824 1,394 2,848 1,153 1,609 2,380 2,159 825 6,280 17,354 1.292 8,800 1,825 1,611 2,277 2,143 2,177 1,999 12,297 341 015 3,200 546 6,027 743 2,929 939 708 2,709 1,027 2,046 2,829 2,564 4,372 3,117,920 2,601,946 541 2,066 1,215 2,217 852 3,181 2,614 2,171 6,910 785 1,464 3,556 2,287 682 3,785 1,832 3,842 50,696 1,881 2,197 1,749 7,402 1,948 548 10,537 1,843 1,156 711 1,588 822 88,499 1,301 1,599 464 2,171 1,140 863 1,611 3,980 1,794 3,245 1,245 1,672 2,582 ■ 2,434 966 5,557 14,119 1,344 5,809 1,911 1,533 3,285 2,215 2,509 2,454 10,979 490 663 3,501 664 3,475 654 748 1,092 899 2,453 1,073 2,048 3,024 3,158 3,359 25,687 40,049 22,202 43,365 33,958 28,054 55,477 27,963 47,476 17,492 25,467 47,632 32,043 22,943 58,357 26,621 31,850 306,777 42,469 25,662 26,568 35,030 33,545 20,628 117,620 21,999 24,613 13,479 25,750 28,146 359,777 42,201 28,323 19,932 25,041 27,534 22,524 21,133 31,760 27,669 38,228 27,291 18,013 37,795 42,820 . 26,390 39,145 101,115 19,107 55,223 24,461 21,611 28,408 27,000 38,575 25,073 98,364 18,983 18,005 49,991 20,716 21,926 25,047 30,586 25,948 16,659 27,691 23,024 30,125 37,944 36,560 30,415 23,662 30,800 23,843 36,875 27,236 25,375 48,007 30,595 41,435 16,355 26,145 38,366 34,895 23,293 47,918 26,582 30,475 194,735 39,917 22,371 26,770 32,170 33,881 18,919 82,846 20,998 25,178 14,240 26,774 26,611 302,793 27,632 26,381 19,809 20,552 28,515 20,921 20,774 31,357 22,774 31,835 27,128 16,174 .37,319 40.077 25,210 34,351 06,281 19,046 42,419 20,368 21,417 30,527 21,502 34,984 26,416 77,234 19,881 18,928 48,444 21,044 19,726 12,838 28,127 26,140 16,700 27,356 24,051 23,619 36,119 37,020 31,863 COLORED. (O) 1890 1880 1870 87,113 20,377 23,410 21,907 32,365 22,995 19,979 38,406 28,735 38,921 14,433 *2'3,078 '30,014 32,638 20,769 37,814 23,567 25,454 130,564 31,717 15,608 24,618 27,845 30,824 16,095 60,251 17,766 22,743 14,169 24,199 23,493 252,934 23,730 18,440 18,197 14,017 27,449 17,783 18,173 28,332 20,970 28,183 26,144 15,835 30,120 35,513 22,066 29,196 45,944 14,928 30,744 16,087 20,042 29,841 16,810 31,691 25,676 63,197 20,127 18,440 43,719 19,864 13,272 8,069 18,360 23,795 14,304 24,479 21,390 17,008 32,372 33,862 25,360 79,900 406 589 21 287 1,233 46 1,932 1,935 1,113 74 1,511 4,640 1,510 1,296 662 81 77 3,146 492 107 618 429 393 1,680 6,445 23 2,388 10 4,060 496 14,757 356 609 897 38 1,491 133 6 186 738 1,184 307 219 1,758 457 1,133 1,170 947 755 260 130 1,405 217 1,177 102 2,478 160 115 1,211 37 47 867 565 1,009 823 174 394 62 128 2,892 63,213 343 510 40 263 1,170 1,631 2,316 1,140 61 1,661 3,580 1,817 1,463 684 59 108 2,175 579 144 610 468 403 1,444 3,936 55 2,945 11 4,553 586 10,533 152 640 647 33 1,763 205 2 251 912 1,183 302 152 1,746 370 1,057 1,169 1,093 1,083 449 197 36 1,798 306 1,172 80 1,310 193 143 1,329 94 33 647 91 1,252 1,227 144 482 94 186 3,286 194 373 213 26 151 773 61 1,307 2,067 988 58' 1,110 2,056 1,629 1,145 485 33 101 1,445 561 111 557 342 314 1,074 2,768 23 2,802 21 3,815 345 7,432 117 274 485 11 1,684 142 4 200 789 1,005 186 100 1,241 243 962 1,106 776 705 257 97 50 1,624 444 1,049 103 809 236 143 1,166 85 92 475 80 1,080 1,142 105 419 73 144 3,230 143 aPersona of African descent only. POPULATION. 503 Table 13 — POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870-Coutiuued. COUNTIES. NATIVE BORN. FOEEIQN BORN. WHITE. COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Ohio— Continued 33,131 36,854 22,991 72,083 45,103 35,978 41,742 22,174 28,233 15,675 24,327 40,080 36,248 23,513 40,066 20,206 59,094 30,568 33,173 22,055 55,406 .36,717 36,192 35,908 21,570 21,639 16,. 590 26,992 40,192 36,960 22,213 30,170 20,663 25,727 26,949 18,485 44,728 28,613 30,568 29,204 17,929 14,507 14.265 25,046 36,679 31,988 19,484 21.445 16,842 2,246 4,015 1,710 12,087 8,986 6,395 4,876 686 1,438 370 1,141 2,300 2,757 1,384 4,320 1,516 2,740 2,943 3,774 2,082 8,625 7,071 8,688 4,290 805 1,.389 633 1,400 3,052 3,116 1,608 3,852 1,732 3,575 3,878 2,263 7,780 6,061 8,091 4,636 801 1,316 762 1,643 3,930 3,128 1,.507 3,151 1,711 34,289 40,675 24,250 83,827 53,. 535 42,176 46,408 22,413 29,214 15,842 24,535 40,947 38,940 24,862 44.199 21,638 58,826 32,352 36,806 23,602 63,738 43,397 44,635 40,052 21,971 22,539 17,011 27,109 42,000 39,892 23,787 33,888 22,222 28,289 30,668 20,142 52,190 34,373 .38,425 33,724 18,387 15,619 14,819 25,511 39,551 35,061 20,949 24,553 18,462 1,088 193 450 338 551 195 207 442 447 203 926 1,412 63 35 187 82 2,973 1,159 141 535 292 384 245 146 404 476 212 1,283 i 1,243 183 34 132 171 1,013 Shelby Stark 159 600 Summit Trumbull Tuscarawas .. Union 318 299 233 116 Van Wert 343 204 WaiTen Washington . . . Wayne Williams Wood 208 1,178 1,058 55 42 Wyandot Oklahoma 43 82 Beaver 2,555 6,769 6,400 5,279 8,007 12,064 10,996 7,024 256,450 119 389 205 59 325 706 746 191 57,317 2,674 6,968 6,589 5,336 7,028 12,034 11,082 7,115 301,758 Canadian '"l89 8 2 1,300 724 650 100 1,186 Cleveland Kingfisher Oklahoma 144,265 79,323 30,503 11,600 163,075 86,929 487 346 Baker 5,613 7,824 12,445 4,967 4,032 7,226 3,055 1,442 10,881 3,270 4,298 2,338 10,411 4,395 2,276 2,412 14,166 15,118 2,301 19,447 3,893 50,565 7,098 1,574 2,478 11,802 10,845 3,529 7,516 9,470 9,763 1,412,294 . 3,308 5,889 7,863 2,742 1,675 3,922 1,757 4,341 5,436 952 744 1,255 1,151 826 2,788 5,049 1,1.59 1,648 189 267 983 330 782 221 1,044 483 168 192 1,032 1,147 300 3,487 312 24,319 760 218 454 1,579 1,199 132 1,667 2,502 929 845,720 1,308 514 1,397 4,480 367 912 1,047 243 557 303 119 389 6,342 8,534 15,083 8,762 5,158 8,668 3,232 1,528 11,473 3,530 4,727 2,509 11,109 4,774 2,406 2,534 15,074 10,112 2 42.5 3,817 6,262 8,955 4,790 1,962 4,552 2,121 4,569 5,914 1,221 860 1,619 23 7 17 48 7 2 2 2 88 1 22 7 94 6 12 9 10 20 3 139 3 550 5 1 1 33 11 44 5 14 107,596 8 8 13 27 2 1 Benton Clackamas Clatsop Columbia Coos . - . 1 10 23 8 Crook Curry Douglas Gilliam 1,029 8,878 426 5,684 179 718 78 382 1,073 9,195 481 5,926 1 34 3 4 3,014 1,001 1,289 1,250 3,384 1,304 9 Harney 5 Jackson Josephine Klamath 7,222 1,974 3,721 817 932 511 1,057 387 7,680 2,159 4,064 955 61 28 Lake 2,575 9,016 11,955 229 395 721 2,722 9,246 12,520 3 4 19 6,291 8,474 135 243 6,417 8,708 Linn. Malheur 7 Marion Morrow 12,579 'l7,'263' 6,123 9,049 8,425' 4.573 1,997 916 22,205 4,177 69,102 7,793 1,758 2,885 13,079 11,908 3,661 8,768 11,796 10,646 5,148,257 4 14,165 9,854 27 62 Multnomah Polk 7,940 478 3,085 128 22,972 6,363 10,806 4,693 187 9 163 Sherman 6 Tillamook 857 8,784 0,054 380 2,692 2,338 113 823 596 28 224 214 920 9,421 6,401 "'9,'8l'7 6,965 7,734 1,197,016 . 391 2,840 2,505 2,452' 4,222 5,007 1,456,609 Umatilla 24 9 '""21 15 . 5 85,535 2 Wallowa 1 8,412 5,900 7,231 1,695,062 2,131 4,038 4,798 2,970,642 2,708 1,182 714 587,829 378 223 214 545,309 Washington . .. Yamhill Pennsylvania 2i 2 65,294 Adams Allegheny Armstrong .33,120 398,881 44,100 44,438 .37,815 131,460 64,989 31,929 267,203 44,903 35,962 34,100 117,661 48,882 29,622 186,307 39,828 32,134 28, .562 101,315 j 34,711 I 366 153,078 2,647 5,639 829 5,867 5,877 526 88,666 2,738 3,643 829 4,936 3,858 693 75,897 3,554 4,014 1,073 5,386 3,340 33,106 5.38,317 46,480 49,357 38,057 136,748 70,057 31,984 347,968 47,363 39,163 34,346 122,146 52,257 29,750 257,743 43,202 35,818 29,150 106,269 37,665 319 13,501 263 719 587 568 801 471 7,876 278 440 577 449 483 565 4,459 179 Bedford Berks Blair 330 485 424 386 a Persons of African descent only. 504 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablb 13.— population AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. Pennsylvania — Continued. Bradford Bucks Butler Cambria Cameron Carbon . . . Center Chester... Clarion . . . Clearfield. Clinton Columbia Crawford — Cumberland Daupbiu Delaware . Elk Erie Fayette... Forest . . . . NATIVE BOBN. 1890 1880 1870 Franklin Fulton Greene Huntingdon . Indiana Jefierson Juniata Lackawanna. . Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon... Lehigh — Luzerne . . . Lycoming . McKean . . Mercer Mifflin Monroe Montgomery . . Montour Northampton . Northumber- land. Perry Philadelphia . Pike Potter Schuylkill. Snyder Somerset . . Sullivan . . . Susquehanna . Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington . . . Wayne Westmoreland Wyoming York Rhode Island . - Bristol Kent Newport Providence . . Washiugtou . 56,056 64,992 51,704 55,754 6,152 32,044 40,586 82,661 35,259 55,795 26,109 34,753 60,406 46,779 90,397 62,583 16,236 71,196 69,086 7,834 50,754 10,030 28,767 34,638 40,962 37,771 16,522 95,689 142,204 33,010 46,688 70,791 137,100 65,416 39,647 50,274 19,609 19,330 107,490 13,962 74,792 65,125 26,024 777,484 8,107 20,531 122,630 17,579 36,101 10,547 36,358 45,675 17,640 42,745 31,602 64,396 26,733 94,138 15,319 96,929 239,201 8,237 18,313 21,837 170,376 20,438 54,458 64,614 48,044 40,155 4,544 26,287 36,708 77,591 37,912 37,918 24,163 30,678 62,014 45,322 71,840 46,741 9,696 61,.543 54,952 3,989 48,910 9,957 28,094 32,784 39,394 26,597 18,003 62,352 132,382 30,208 37,844 60,973 97,349 52,715 36,676 49,481 19,087 19,320 86,901 13,770 64,014 48,360 27,119 642,1(35 8,332 12,823 103,828 17,736 31,665 7,147 36,744 40,268 16,724 39,669 23,301 52,181 28,285 71,437 15,019 84,969 202,538 48,978 60,290 32,571 29,470 3,507 21,180 32,888 71,649 24,917 23,651 20,897 26,613 .56,647 '<2,966 56,003 32,373 6,054 52,699 41,668 3,560 44,143 9,115 25,735 29,658 34,735 20,566 17, 175 FOBEIQN BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 15, 19, 139, 20, 113,796 24,946 33,341 50,610 106,227 43,068 7,676 41,942 16,930 17,356 72,322 12,824 55,058 37,119 25,026 490,398 6,940 10,368 85,572 15,527 26,427 5,291 33,519 31,298 15, .300 42, 139 19,991 45,690 26,469 54,731 13,960 72,594 161,957 7,355 14,040 16,786 105,579 18,197 3,177 5,623 3,635 10,621 1,086 6,580 2,683 6,716 1,543 13,770 2,576 2,079 4,918 492 6,580 12,100 6,003 14,878 10,920 648 679 107 168 1,113 1,213 6,234 133 46,399 6,891 4,507 1,443 5,840 64,103 5,163 7,216 5,470 387 781 15,800 1,683 9,428 9,573 252 269,480 1,305 2,247 31,533 72 1.216 1,073 3,735 6,638 180 3,895 5,983 6,759 4,277 18,681 572 2,560 106,305 4,083 4,042 4,492 6,656 615 5,636 1,214 5,890 2,416 5,490 2,115 1,731 6,593 655 4,308 9,360 3,104 13,145 3,890 396 945 192 179 1,170 1,133 1,338 224 26,917 7,065 3,104 632 4,996 35,716 4,771 5,889 490 855 9,593 1,698 6,298 4,763 403 204,335 1,331 974 26,146 61 1,445 926 3,610 5,546 181 4,001 4,680 3,237 ,5,228 6,599 579 2,872 73,993 4,226 4,046 3,939 7,099 766 6,964 1,530 6,156 1,620 2,090 2,314 2,153 7,185 946 4,737 7,030 2,434 13,274 1,616 450 1,222 245 152 1,593 1,403 1,090 215 1890 1880 1870 7,544 2,352 755 6,186 54,688 4,558 1,149 8,035 578 1.006 9,290 2,520 6,374 4,325 421 183,624 1,496 897 30,856 79 1,799 900 4,004 3,799 265 5,786 3,906 2,793 6,719 3,988 625 3,540 55,396 3,191 2,864 2,066 11,229 8 441 5,265 4,555 26,441 6,715 4,643 3,264 26,963 84,747 58,822 43,611 250,425 3,211 2,399 I 1,900 22,801 a Persons of African descent only. 58,623 68,716 55,179 65,909 7,174 38,584 42,798 81,695 36,730 69,379 28,358 36,709 64,999 44,804 91,400 67,684 22,199 85,756 77,295 8,476 49,412 10,025 28,489 35,435 41,960 43,975 16,485 141,731 146,472 37,202 47,963 76,524 200,370 69,085 46,507 55,434 19,823 19,933 120,506 15,548 83,661 74,394 26,139 1,006,590 9,305 22,721 153,778 17,646 37, 174 11,603 39,930 52,221 17,767 46,158 37,504 67,785 30,975 111,593 15,877 97,908 337,859 58,003 67,107 52,408 46,602 5,151 31,882 37,574 76,402 40,228 43,287 25,992 32,264 68,112 43,807 72,364 51,487 12,779 74,345 56,952 4,373 47,304 10,020 27,770 33,674 40,299 27,898 17,966 88,971 136,596 33,076 38,391 65,851 132,310 56,508 42,211 55,735 19,362 20,020 94,731 15,361 69,987 52,929 27.358 815,362 9,579 13,770 129,616 17,778 32,994 8,070 40,135 45,699 16,772 43,120 27,784 52,774 33,482 77,349 15,577 86,481 269,939 52,715 62,532 36,468 36,471 4,261 28,079 34,152 71,569 26,511 25,606 23,016 28,622 63,350 41,895 57,768 36,659 8,424 65,584 41,780 4,003 42,903 9,209 25,374 30,952 35,952 21,588 17,164 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 11,185 20,258 23,051 193,732 21,713 118,479 27,181 34,022 56,756 160,149 46,775 8,801 49,700 17,285 18,157 80,375 15,265 61,245 41,311 25,307 651,854 8,323 11,243 116,044 15,573 28,181 6,186 37,274 35,003 16,403 47,492 23,787 46.452 33,147 58,160 14,575 74,900 212,219 9,233 18,257 19,115 146,246 19,368 1870 599 1,732 154 458 64 36 466 7,643 72 184 324 118 314 2,091 5,551 6,965 38 308 2,709 6 2,019 112 445 315 212 29 170 352 2,603 312 164 105 816 1,489 299 304 169 176 2,753 96 533 291 137 39,371 107 55 374 5 142 17 162 91 52 473 75 3,361 33 1,213 8 1,566 7,393 537 1,546 128 209 41 348 7,073 99 121 286 145 493 2,167 164 31,699 27 358 19 116 3 219 115 133 547 103 2,636 31 686 21 1,359 1,803 42 98 12 65 266 6,233 26 135 195 144 481 2,015 3,780 2,972 4,613 2,744 12 64 332 389 1,889 1,503 9 7 2,551 2,462 129 151 503 513 280 299 227 186 37 68 261 226 296 2,845 2,861 236 117 85 74 117 40 754 766 977 851 326 24 425 277 215 223 155 205 1,763 1,237 107 79 322 186 194 133 197 311 1,568 4,582 735 209 330 1,125 4,063 761 140 22,147 113 22 384 33 45 5 249 94 162 433 104 2,031 41 559 10 1,233 187 337 931 2,911 614 POPULATION. 505 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITI BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Contiuued. AND COLORED, NATIVE BOHN. FOEEIQN BORN, ■WHITE. COLOEED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 South Carolina . . 1,144,879 987,891 697,532 6,270 7,686 8,074 462,008 391,105 289,667 688,934 604,332 415,814 Abbeville 46,757 31,674 43,521 44,538 33,887 55,241 56,711 26,553 18,439 23,207 40,212 29,094 49,211 28,489 24,947 20,777 44,099 20,511 19,242 22,303 20,744 31,550 22,153 29,942 23,493 26,362 18,533 49,284 16,382 36,461 55,251 43,520 25,315 27,732 38,744 237,753 40,689 27.904 33,450 39,750 29,971 31,035 97 148 175 75 232 187 3,192 107 29 26 81 40 48 110 80 80 211 33 14 58 17 60 28 34 7 72 154 109 7 360 134 85 48 45 87 91,055 126 208 162 107 205 94 15,142 13,761 25,268 14,194 2,695 7,687 24,764 8,482 10,988 6,987 14,032 11,749 17,340 7,139 10,471 4,053 27,516 6,827 13,706 8,550 10,411 13,169 13,769 14,519 9,062 8,966 13,678 15,654 12,253 11,933 36,857 11,813 10,973 9,355 18,245 327,290 13,172 12,936 18,747 13,853 2,442 10,916 31,705 18,059 18,428 30,416 31,421 47,739 35,073 18,178 7,47!) 16,246 26,245 17,384 31,916 21,460 14,554 16,804 16,789 13,717 5,550 13,810 10,349 18,441 8,411 15,436 14,435 17,468 5,008 33,738 4,136 24,885 18,527 31,792 14,390 18,420 20,525 541 27,637 15,170 14,865 26,003 27,732 20,213 Anderson Barnwell Beaufort Berkeley Charleston Chester Chesterfield . . . Clarendon Colleton Darlington Edgefield Fairfield Florence . . 23,965 35,. 548 34,200 84 176 159 14,456 13,578 5,309 9,593 22,146 29,050 98,524 24,019 16,306 19,164 36,309 34,363 45,767 27,619 83,826 18,687 10,503 14,012 25,362 26,172 42,328 19,769 4,276 134 39 26 77 122 77 146 5,037 118 81 26 48 71 158 119 30,922 7,635 9,498 6,282 12,184 12,929 16,018 6,885 28,204 6,290 0,275 4,660 8,909 10,097 17,040 5,787 71,868 16,517 0,847 12,908 24,181 21,556 29,826 20,880 60,603 12,513 4,309 9,366 16,492 16,146 25,417 14,101 Georgetown . . . Greenville Hampton 19,565 37,288 18,717 15,.562 21,464 16,885 29,365 18,527 34,042 20,580 26,378 16,047 41,254 14,366 28,154 40,245 36,923 24,024 24,060 30,610 64,708 16,102 22,144 48 208 24 12 74 18 79 37 65 18 119 209 141 23 419 164 114 56 50 103 33,560 59 118 3,466 22,983 6,286 10,632 7,892 7,935 11,750 11,096 15,881 8,026 8,236 11,955 12,942 10,673 9,185 26,372 9,979 10,516 7,758 14,033 96,955 2,773 15,121 16,146 14,511 12,453 4,942 13,646 8,957 17,688 7,467 18,226 12,571 18,261 4,301 28,453 3,716 19,388 14,035 27,058 13,551 16,352 16,620 288 13,388 7,141 10,699 11,695 12,058 22,458 12,949 22,112 11,797 20,617 10,404 16,802 10,259 22,356 25,704 25,157 19,183 15,452 24,177 7,919 22 59 29 78 39 48 17 158 132 63 10 669 80 111 65 37 109 3,857 7,486 3,809 6,159 9,904 8,452 11,428 5,146 7,457 8,114 5,709 7,730 7,842 17,375 7,463 8,718 5,346 12,114 11,319 3 235 Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lexington Marion Marlboro Newberry Oconee Orangeburg . . . Pickens Eichland Spartanburg... Sumter Union Williamsburg . York :.. 7,945 5,924 12,632 4,536 10,732 6,668 13,318 2,422 11,156 2,538 15,177 8,408 17,805 10,530 10,143 12 167 South Dakota 70 Aurora 3,890 7,944 5,667 56 900 2,743 359 3,406 234 169 42 1,155 1,642 3,390 13 390 2,725 175 1,559 119 69 21 5,045 9,568 9,054 69 1,290 5,439 523 4,959 353 237 51 Beadle 17 2 Bonhomme Boreman 392 216 592 22 8 4 Brookings Brown 7,447 12,581 5,102 739 764 1,570 3,154 6 5,059 5,351 5,091 4,055 4,348 5,873 34 3,006 151 2,685 4,274 1,635 251 273 1,940 1,024 2 1,669 2,158 1,946 836 1,101 3,295 6 1,568 12 10,119 16,838 6,736 993 1,037 3,510 4,150 8 6,722 7,508 7,028 4,867 5,438 9,142 40 4,574 18 12 8 1 Brule Buflalo 183 63 214 9 Butte Campbell 42 341 8 66 29 291 Charles Mix . . . Choteau 135 17 35 21 Clark 95 3,309 1,629 765 1,037 73 19 1,692 527 230 219 24 114 4,998 2,155 985 1,255 86 6 V 22 11 21 Clay Codington Custer 1,755 866 2,618 2 1 9 1 2 Davison Day Delano Deuel 1,545 40 4 25 757 6 2 12 2,302 26 6 17 Dewey Douglas 3,177 3,001 ' 11 3,777 3,092 4,903 241 2,922 5,437 3,402 146 4,130 1,423 1,398 5 701 970 1,911 54 1,703 1,109 865 21 914 4,599 4,399 16 4,443 4,062 6,812 186 4,624 6,546 4,267 167 5,013 1 Edmunds Ewing Pall Eiver 35 Faulk 4 2,193 4 2,967 Grant 817 1 Gregory Hamlin 385 78 1,010 308 75 291 693 153 1,299 1 Hand Hanson Harding 1 Hughes 245 i 23 139 11 a Persona of African descent only. 506 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890, Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED. BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. COUNTIES. NATIVE BOEN. POBEIGN BOEN. WHITE. COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 ! 1870 Sonth Dakota — Continued. Hutchin.son ... 6,346 1,431 27 2,043 22 4,123 429 3 3,530 15 10,468 1,859 30 5,573 37 Hyde •Jackson JajTie 5 3 2 Jerauld 2,879 6,378 5,704 7,505 6,716 195 4,951 2,438 3,342 7 3,528 726 2,184 1,804 4,168 2,427 38 1,497 3,502 1,202 3,605 8,549 7,507 11,456 9,139 231 6,448 5,939 4,537 7 4,596 Kingsbury 801 2,015 9,295 4,117 84 931 301 642 3,953 1,779 40 352 1,102 2,657 12,921 5,895 113 1,283 13 1 63 4 Lawrence 97 1 2 Lincoln Lyman McCook 476 236 712 McPberson . . . 1 7 Mfirtin , Mfi;i.dft 1,112 40 Meyer . 86 299 5,502 2,989 29 64 2,749 926 112 363 8,203 3,689 3 3,932 15,389 4,614 119 5,357 2,217 17 127 29 1,480 3,801 30 1,233 6,490 1,327 30 1,183 693 6 54 5 517 809 2 5,161 21,817 5,794 141 6,410 2,909 23 181 23 1,997 4,607 32 4 56 Mmnebaha Moody 200 155 301 25 5 Nowlin Pennington Potter 1,675 569 2,226 116 8 Pratt Pyatt Koberts Sanborn 3 Scobey 89 393 654 24 84 139 106 473 684 7 Spink 8,515 869 90 1,891 121 6,704 6,815 1,301 39 0,515 414 2,066 159 6 521 67 3,552 2,315 852 1 3,929 96 10,579 635 44 2,405 185 10,256 9,129 2,153 40 10,378 509 2 1 Stanley Sterling Sully 7 223 139 2,857 4,779 43 73 64 2,463 2,034 3 281 194 5,320 6,802 18 7 2 5 1 Todd 229 108 321 16 Turner 2,503 1,004 3,496 1 Walwortb Washington . . . Yankton Ziebach 4,838 1,356 3,552 741 8,333 2,077 62 55 19 85 67 49 6 130 54 2 Wahpeton In- dian reserva- tion. Dnorgauized territory. Tennessee 6487 1,239,204 M12 19,316 i878 930,119 S18 1,747,489 1,525,657 20,029 16,702 1,336,637 1,138,831 430,678 403,151 322,331 Anderson Bedford Benton Bledsoe Blount 14,910 24,692 11,201 6,127 17,534 13,536 13,388 12,19] 23,582 13,375 8,833 9,035 15,089 7,258 16,514 13,720 15,125 5,30U 103,665 8,979 15,640 13,556 10,756 25,929 9,754 5,600 15,918 12,088 9,992 11,849 22,071 10,012 7,925 8,625 24,217 8,206 4,858 14,180 11,607 7,416 10,493 19,366 7,887 6,652 218 47 29 7 55 71 98 6 48 14 12 34 14 2 9 101 21 76 4,509 16 10 89 64 96 26 11 67 36 13 10 32 7 31 79 116 28 12 57 45 29 9 81 22 26 13,936 18,542 10,613 5,634 16,011 11,833 12,927 11,244 17,966 12,692 7,316 7,293 14,584 6,886 15,211 12,104 10,960 5,325 66,846 7,691 14,491 11,544 9,917 18,536 9,147 4,838 14,273 10,258 9,571 10,696 16,524 9,385 6,295 7,773 17,849 7,782 4,161 12,781 9,952 7,017 9,575 14,648 7,336 5,208 1,184 6,196 617 500 1,577 1,771 559 952 5,664 697 1,528 1,776 518 374 1,307 1,723 4,186 51 41,315 1,304 1,159 2,101 903 7,489 633 747 1,705 1,845 432 1,116 5,579 628 1,661 928 6,484 452 709 1,456 Bradley Campbell Cannon Carroll Carter . 1,700 428 927 4,799 573 Cheatham Chester 1,470 Claiborne Clay 13,359 6,985 14,790 12,832 14,069 4,494 74,879 8,479 14,803 12,376 9,307 14 2 18 62 40 44 4,147 19 10 84 14 12,584 6,588 13,361 11,164 10,493 4,496 47,678 7,276 13,660 10,229 8,563 789 399 1,447 1,723 3,612 42 31,331 1,222 1,151 2,231 758 Cocke . . - 12,436 10,202 22 35 11,184 8,736 3,363 37,408 6,716 10,321 7,663 1,274 Coffee. . 1,501 Cumberland . . . Davidson Decatnr Dekalb Dickson 3,425 58,477 7,728 11,419 9,280 36 4,420 44 6 60 98 25,412 1,056 1,104 1,677 a Persons of Aixican descent only. h Estimated to have been within the present limits of South Dakota. POPULATION. 507 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Contiuued. Tennessee — Con Dyer Fayette Fentress Franklin Gibson Giles Grainger Greene Grundy Hamblen Hamilton Hancock Hardeman Hardin Hawkins Haywood Henderson Henry Hickman Houston Humpbreys .. Jackson James Jeflerson Jobnsou Knox Lake Lauderdale . . . Lawrence Lewis Lincoln Loudon McMinn McNairy Macon Madison Marion Marshall Maury Meigs Monroe Montgomery.. Moore Morgan Obion Overton Perry Pickett Polk Putnam Rhea Roane Robertson Rutherford . . . Scott Sequatchie . . . Sevier Shelby Smith Stewart Sullivan Sumner Tipton Trousdale Unicoi Union Van Bureu . . . Warren Washington . . Wayne . . . Weakley White Williamson . . . Wilson NATIVE BORN. 1890 19,825 28,823 5,088 18,629 35,709 34,897 13,186 26,568 6,115 11,402 51,386 10,340 20,973 17,683 22,225 23,486 16,319 21,036 14,462 5,346 11,607 13,314 4,897 16,463 8,850 58,172 5,275 18,682 11,913 2,551 27,325 9,252 17,850 15,475 10,873 30,203 15,128 18,896 37,967 6,925 15,305 29,429 5,969 7,422 27,166 12,033 7,768 4,736 8,311 13,678 12,452 17,250 20,014 35,029 9,609 3,025 18,752 106,812 18,387 12,129 20,810 23,579 24,146 5,844 4,593 11,453 2,861 14,349 20,266 11,461 28,905 12,231 26,241 27,102 1880 15,072 31,764 5,928 16,878 32,568 35,890 12,378 23.954 4,264 10,168 22,686 9,093 22,843 14,773 20,590 25,887 17,41(1 22,095 12,078 4,261 11,185 12,006 5,180 15,821 7,758 38,192 3,911 14,841 9,927 2,179 26,897 9,126 15,047 17,232 9,319 30,630 10,711 19,247 39,744 7,111 14,264 28,109 6,225 4,987 22,793 12,146 7,140 7,207 11,492 7,044 15,089 18,801 36,633 5,975 2,557 15,532 73,612 17,784 12,544 18,283 23,510 20,849 6,634 3,642 10,256 2,929 14,027 16,161 11,282 24,491 11,143 28,212 28,694 1870 13,666 25,984 4,711 14,776 25,495 32,289 12,407 21.607 3,041 16,659 7,146 17,921 11,735 15,808 24,900 14,201 20,304 9,849 9,149 12,583 19,424 5,849 28,165 2,389 10,789 7,543 1,985 27,977 13,953 12,696 6,631 23,271 6,771 16,180 36,083 4,505 12,574 24,340 2,849 15,515 11,293 6,875 7,153 8,695 5,528 15,451 16,088 33,132 4,048 2,327 11,021 68,415 15,979 11,834 13,119 23,555 14,691 7,599 2,721 12,620 16,287 10,195 20,719 9,359 25,185 25,814 FOREIGN BORN. 1890 1880 53 55 138 300 150 60 10 46 230 16 i,096 2 56 15 21 72 17 34 37 44 113 11 6 15 1,385 29 74 373 4 294 283 10 145 5 24 268 6 217 107 50 5 195 168 64 68 185 2 9 5,928 17 64 125 6 26 64 50 117 80 46 46 107 13 300 117 124 6 51 328 19 956 5 78 20 20 166 20 47 17 34 194 2 7 25 932 57 77 456 63 22 17 39 2 244 199 12 160 6 19 372 8 169 119 7 34 62 9 29 148 60 108 46 9 4,818 15 146 38 115 184 12 3 4 4 52 20 19 47 33 101 53 1870 40 161 6 194 171 124 14 61 209 582 2 153 33 29 194 16 76 7 52 3 825 39 49 58 1 73 209 70 27 206 6 15 407 120 69 216 3 10 171 78 157 7 7,963 15 185 17 156 193 6 4 94 30 14 36 16 143 1890 15,185 8,386 5,180 15,359 26,522 22,635 12,510 25,094 5,907 9,898 35,747 9,615 12,242 15,297 19,947 7,989 13,971 15,217 11,755 4,563 10,158 12,845 4,362 14,322 8,508 48,609 4,225 10,946 11,507 2,301 21,123 7,832 15,761 13,629 10,096 15,824 13,031 14,412 22,201 6,231 14,070 15,882 5,435 7,306 22,938 11,775 7,115 4,724 7,785 13,061 10,921 15,478 14,552 20,682 9,428 2,954 18,162 51,100 15,423 10,015 19,479 17,312 12,501 4,023 4,400 11,355 2,794 12,402 18,408 10,587 24,433 11,499 16,237 19,810 1880 11,206 9,633 5,838 13,646 23,540 21,824 11,555 21,850 4,154 8,481 16,239 8,616 13,313 12,775 17,950 8,497 14,414 15,488 9,849 3,487 9,708 11,575 4,478 13,339 7,295 31,880 3,274 9,081 9,599 1,963 20,643 7,382 12,718 14,845 8,429 15,400 9,541 14,429 21,731 6,303 12,991 14,786 5,448 4,867 18,841 11,811 6,609 6,893 10,903 6,300 13,310 13,242 20,248 5,864 2,509 14,848 34,508 14,215 9,933 17,011 16,294 10,482 4,505 3,526 10,042 2,747 11,801 14,604 10,232 20,125 10,173 15,922 20,292 1870 10,813 9,158 4,547 11,998 18,801 19,675 11,391 19,604 3,113 13,053 6,563 11,218 10,321 13,947 11,201 11,809 15,176 8,385 8,031 11,816 16, .566 5,434 24,150 2,035 7,354 7,036 1,798 22,097 12,139 11,220 5,842 13,328 5,926 11,822 20,022 4,075 11,339 13,077 2,868 13,402 10,747 6,453 7,049 8,168 5,007 13,494 11,353 16,807 4,015 2,160 10,495 39,737 12,458 9,319 12,279 15,934 7,988 7,391 2,569 10,753 14,703 9,316 16,856 8,295 13,917 18,544 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 4,690 20,492 46 3,570 9,337 12,320 685 1,519 438 1,520 17,717 727 8,787 2,401 2,268 15,569 2,365 5,853 2,744 827 1,.562 479 535 2,153 350 10,940 1,075 7,810 779 252 6,259 1,436 2,128 1,881 781 14,669 2,379 4,494 15,910 698 1,247 13,814 540 333 4,333 . 264 670 12 566 622 1,721 1,937 5,525 14,415 366 70 599 61,613 2,979 2,177 1,400 6,354 11,770 1,827 219 103 67 2,011 1,945 884 4,520 849 10,084 7,338 3,912 22,238 103 3,530 9,145 14,189 829 2,152 438 1,706 7,399 482 9,608 2,016 2,641 17,556 3,016 6,654 2,246 1,671 433 667 2,500 470 7,244 691 5,837 784 218 6,310 1,758 2,325 2,426 890 15,467 1,369 4,830 18,171 814 1,292 13,694 785 289 4,069 342 565 344 598 773 1,906 5,618 16,493 157 56 693 43,903 3,578 2,757 1,305 7,331 10,. 543 2,141 119 218 186 2,276 1,577 1,069 4,413 988 12,390 8,455 2,893 16,987 170 2,972 6,865 12,738 1,030 2,064 137 4,188 585 6,854 1,447 1,889 13,832 2,408 5,204 1,471 1,295 767 2,910 418 4,840 393 3,484 565 188 5,95^ 1,8J'J 1,5U0 791 10,152 915 4,385 16,265 436 1,235 11,670 101 2,182 550 472 313 530 531 2,128 4,813 16,478 39 175 .533 36,640 3,536 2,700 857 7,777 6,891 214 156 1,955 1,614 893 3,899 1,080 11,411 7,331 a Persons of African descent only. 508 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 1 3.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BOEN. FOHBIQN BOHN. WHITK. COLORED. (a) 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 Texas . . 2,082,567 1,477,133 756,168 152,956 114,616 62,411 1,745,935 1,197,237 564,700 488,171 393,384 253,475 Anderson Andrews 20,483 24 6,280 1,551 2,018 895 5,852 13,848 3,598 •19,530 2,498 3,507 32,298 38,127 16,944 9,190 440 451 39 11,420 24 5,705 1,684 2,089 943 6,157 12,673 3<'669 11,836 2,589 3,401 30,716- 43,662 9,619 4,793 9,502 7,775 4,436 Angelina K rfi n sas 5,220 831 570 29 3,666 10,677 1,988 16,285 697 2,049 20,191 22,558 3,976 26 273 83 49 607 4,011 197 1,206 97 213 1,079 11,139 19 165 26 2 551 3,752 170 930 18 249 327 7,912 9 4,405 917 589 30 3,938 10,490 2,127 9,909 709 2,145 18,783 26,603 3,243 601 137 12 834 79 7 74V Arp.h(^r Armstrong Atascosa Austin Bandera Bastrop Baylor Bee 2,60i' 12,077 545 11,032 314 3,010 104 1,258 2,733 8,513 631 7,056 285 5,185 126 8,898 6 317 2,650 5,504 279 3,939 31 7,306 6 153 1,734 3,867 160 6,574 18 5,233 1,021 9.687 10,766 653 1,079 61 84 5,277 424 108 1,013 8,667 13,739 1,014 1,143 69 Bell 1,104 2 303 Bexax district 63 Blanco 4,333 221 13,375 19,922 11,171 15,594 442 3,333 35 10,520 10,721 9,443 12,941 316 1 849 345 335 1,056 268 250 4,439 217 13,583 12,659 2,983 8,213 694 3,415 35 10,718 6,628 2,250 7,325 210 5 641 7,591 8,523 8,433 13 168 44 Bosque 4,704 4,654 7,165 8,911 697 244 331 635 277 30 362 294 4,453 2,434 1,791 5,446 498 4,331 7,524 6,250 528 2,249 5,736 3,759 Brazoria Brazos 11 8,261 1 153 12 8,291 Brown Buchel 11,255 187 12,002 10,484 14,720 745 5,274 8,700 6,597 327 22,447 9 2,160 22,711 1,141 7,311 2,047 6,031 36,434 347 17,136 4,590 15,551 979 24,155 16,575 230 15 162 341 94 62,169 29 172 9,097 20,947 12,335 292 932 957 4,265 10,261 185 1,875 31,243 10,279 1,367 21,243 543 166 111 999 263 1,049 70 183 5,724 27 29 107 1 11,348 287 7,274 10,440 10,890 647 5,426 14,307 3,328 355 14,041 9 1,479 15,265 1,171 7,400 2,058 6,042 34,208 357 10,666 6,218 15,600 1,051 23,323 16,413 240 15 194 345 112 55,795 28 179 8,389 19,580 10,311 295 1,012 1,012 7,591 10,347 223 1,964 28,397 14,996 2,738 20,869 507 73 11 5,727 307 4,878 168 31 108 3,296 1 8,512 114 37 Burleson Burnet Caldwell Calhoun 8,853 6,749 11,054 1,500 3,343 7,232 5,886 7,897 3,632 6,373 2,774 390 106 703 239 110 7,727 45 175 56 199 669 5.356 6,607 7,723 1,192 3,419 14,842 3,085 5,051 3,330 4,041 2,536 3,886 248 4,034 547 24 117 2,845 3,021 358 2,531 907 Cameron 4,027 6,972 10,842 157 Cass .... . - 16,647 8,858 77 17 10,274 5,496 6,444 3,379 Chambers Cherokee Childress 2,101 16,633 25 4,875 1,438 11,047 81 264 34 192 12 81 302 10 2,376 1,808 57 86 541 298 10 86 90 65 32 1,494 11,014 24 5,019 1,051 7,794 757 7,705 2 102 693 5,708 1 26 452 3,285 Clay 170 Coke Coleman Collin 3,562 25,654 5 14,708 3,902 8,551 773 20,064 10,846 23 339 13,941 41 329 1 1,965 1,644 57 27 327 78 1 8 72 3,568 24,003 3 8,987 5,276 8,529 783 19,560 10,539 24 340 12,348 69 2,525 35 1,979 3 7,686 270 79 17 814 385 7 1,653 Collingsworth.. Color^o 7,219 3,282 1,000 1,107 2,001 1 4,625 4,906 977 8,845 180 8 14 1,351 459 3,701 377 Comanche 24 Cooke 5,274 4,113 41 11 4,827 3,845 471 Coryell Cottle 279 119 80 32 5 18 4,873 8 2 127 81 Cro8by 1 1 Dallas 31,287 23 36 5,577 17,861 8,685 27 510 142 2,343 4,748 13,066 2,201 1 2 20 282 1,397 1 155 18 3,389 107 248 28,530 23 37 4,999 17,071 7,144 28 649 159 5,687 4,837 11,197 11,177 1 4,947 1 1 598 1,070 2,938 2,109 7 20 342 1,972 3 117 99 3,333 112 39 95 531 5,399 1,377 351 Delta 728 1,707 3,995 Denton Dewitt 7,212 5,456 39 987 6,751 4,686 500 1,757 Dimmit Donley Duval 84 . 25 103 37 10 7 25 1 6 3,376 377 6 723 16 6 393 87 690 1 1,080 87 37 18 3 Eastland 1 Edwards Ellis 263 20,948 2,693 642 11,720 3 346 1,152 1,260 76 265 18,755 3,598 1,901 11,539 1 2.539 47 1 257 7,466 2,601 200 1,798 48 1,070 227 3 6,008 3,229 427 1,712 1,506 El Paso Encinal Bratb 306 89 a Persons of African desosnt only. POPULATION. 509 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. Texas — Cont'd. Falls Fannin Favette Fisher Floyd Foley Fort Bend Franklin... Freestone.. Frio Gaines Galveston Garza Gillespie .. Glasscock Goliad Gonzales - Gray Grayson . Gregg . . - Grimes Gnadalupe. Hale Hall Hamilton . . Hansford ,. Hardeman . Hardin Harris Harrison . . Hartley Haskell.... Hays Hemphill . . Henderson. Hidalgo . HUl Hood .... Hopkins . Eouston . Howard Hunt Hutchinson. Irion Jack Jackson . . . Jasper Jelf Dav-is . Jefferson . . Johnson . . . Jones Karnes . . . Kaufman . KendaU... Kent Kerr Kimble . King ... Kinney . Knox . - . Lamar Lamb Lampasas Lasalle . . . Lavaca . Lee Leon Liberty . Limestone . Lipscomb.. Live Oak . . Llano; NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1S70 13,958 38,490 23,623 2,949 521 15 10,418 6,474 15,941 2,841 25,122 14 5,949 135 5,333 16,999 194 51,626 9,370 20,692 12,838 708 688 9,108 115 3,804 3,803 32,931 26,343 242 1,653 10,339 475 12,231 3,741 27,237 7,546 20,490 19,298 999 31,636 56 786 9,682 3,176 5,567 937 .5,543 22,018 3,743 3,306 21,234 3,009 323 4,028 2,107 171 2,518 1,129 36,9,56 4 7,430 1,607 17,485 10,403 13,801 4,177 21,271 61] 1,860 6,612 15,780 25,301 21,400 136 3 9,162 5,260 14,849 1,899 8 18,722 36 3,936 5,378 14,336 51 36,787 8,429 18,187 10,457 36 6,296 45 1,858 24,157 24,795 95 47 6,967 142 1,946 16,412 0,085 15,369 16,576 48 17,094 42 6,526 2,659 5,759 3,353 17,734 542 2,896 15,050 2,116 90 1,956 1,311 40 2,603 74 26,901 5,350 455 12,038 7,877 12,728 4,898 15,958 53 1,649 4,818 9,702 13,156 13,593 6,950 8,115 293 11,363 2,278 3,350 8,804 14,310 13,005 6,343 1,445 14,550 13,110 3,881 6,735 768 7,429 2,564 12,608 8,113 10,243 2,245 4,211 1,826 4,900 1,454 6,852 1,061 911 72 740 1,332 35 8,761 6,. 501 4,325 8,412 729 1,288 rOBEIGN BORN. 1890 1880 1870 748 219 7,858 47 10 168 7 46 271 6,354 1,107 73 577 1,017 9 1,585 32 620 2,379 13 15 205 18 100 153 4,318 378 10 12 1,013 44 54 2,793 346 68 82 62 211 249 2 105 25 457 314 295 54 331 364 817 1 434 136 2 1,263 5 346 154 532 4,402 1,549 40 53 407 21 195 160 460 200 i,596 218 20 72 231 5,399 1,292 454 504 5 1,,321 101 416 1,745 69 10 5 12 3,828 382 5 1 588 7 67 2,401 142 40 92 126 136 136 177 4 374 398 647 2 212 32 1,884 3 71 334 1,603 1,060 288 16 345 144 149 51 3,270 3,927 1,288 278 147 77 213 939 15 2,825 131 207 51 1,619 24 21 43 34 48 24 251 43 475 131 464 1890 1880 123 91 12,745 34,459 23,031 2,981 529 1,605 .5,661 9,311 3,010 24,422 14 6,947 208 4,266 12,146 202 46.453 4,052 9,648 10,799 718 702 9,300 133 3,880 2,989 23,718 8,528 251 1,659 9,152 508 9,293 6,457 25,485 7,339 17,726 10,892 1,165 28,917 56 868 9,643 1,459 3,214 1,352 3,638 21,459 3,790 3,093 18,418 3,610 324 4,355 2,238 171 3,527 1,134 27,883 4 7,320 2,072 17,631 8,850 8,464 2,512 17,217 632 2,006 6,719 9,565 22,081 19,167 135 3 1,871 4,666 8,269 2,065 18,454 35 5,096 4,166 9,974 55 33,549 3,817 8,323 8,747 35 6,341 18 49 1,034 17,100 7,976 100 46 6,076 146 7,641 4,233 15,2.56 5,927 13,306 9,465 48 16,015 50 6,508 1,310 3,241 2,290 17,337 542 2,780 13,471 2,588 92 2,075 1,335 39 4,006 74 20,445 5,248 775 10,221 0,981 7,707 2,565 13,075 07 , 1,918 ^ 4,896 1 870 .5,145 10,721 10,953 1,604 4,771 294 COLORED. (O) 1890 1880 1870 12,053 3,489 2,751 5,269 12,237 5,294 4,748 1,218 10,865 4,310 2,871 "5,V3'2 2,345 6,647 2,477 11,030 4,605 9,213 620 ],114 2,459 1,408 4,639 1,426 6,055 1,435 952 72 785 11,365 ' Y,2"58' 68 6,461 3,815 2,415 6,662 82? 1,361 7,961 4,241 8,446 15 17 8,981 819 6,675 102 7,009 108 1,644 5,869 1 6,712 5,349 11,664 4,415 3 1 13 13,522 18,191 2,171 9 2,988 2,096 274 2,838 8,467 34 2,953 2 2 97 1,822 2,378 37 2,218 852 7 544 3,176 216 106 5 2 253 9,378 262 67 4,253 3,102 5,377 1,715 4,459 6,673 3.416 8,763 1 7,.508 614 6,652 65 5,651 1 1.32 1,666 4.861 1 4,548 4,711 10,276 3,455 1 236 10,816 17,196 1,475 3 2,094 114 1,298 198 2,153 7,233 2 1,211 118 1,412 2,538 1,199 574 4 489 1,974 175 92 8 1 475 3 6,729 172 14 3,420 1,966 5,102 2,433 3,171 2 76 aPersons of African descent only. 510 OOMPEKDICJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. Texas— Cont'd. Loving Lubbock Lynn McCuUoch McLennan McMullen Madison Marion Martin Mason Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery . . Moore Morris Motley Nacogdoches . Navarro Newton Nolan Nueces Ochiltree Oldham Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos Polk Potter Presidio Rains Randall Red River Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson Rockwall Runnels^ Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto . . . San Patricio . . San Saba Schleicher Scurry Shackelford. . . Shelby Sherman Smith Somervell Starr Stephens Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terry Throckmorton Titus Tom Green . . . NATIVE BOEN. 1890 3 32 24 3,106 37,397 915 8,389 10,ti99 216 4,897 3,853 2,048 4,861 1,072 933 23,806 5,385 1,881 18,692 11,544 14 6,562 131 15,876 25,962 4,630 1,.549 5,838 189 247 4,522 8,182 14,309 21,325 7 677 10,237 776 743 3,898 174 21,338 896 1,124 306 25,616 .5,917 3,116 18,505 4,963 6,669 7,337 989 6,565 90 1,404 1,912 14,319 34 28,001 3,403 5,515 4,875 1,015 549 97 38,631 6,730 19 880 S,165 4,344 1880 22 9 1,.501 26,037 568 5,349 10,741 12 2,366 3,739 1,219 3,643 1,055 18,160 115 11,162 9,929 5,016 19 11,508 21,322 4,348 632 4,408 276 2,789 5,676 12,205 15,245 539 7,121 28 1,216 3,029 3 17,055 1,412 30 21,699 2,952 960 18,836 4,152 5,025 6,148 749 5,234 102 1,932 9,487 21,719 1870 172 13,206 217 4,038 8,160 511 3,131 766 1,380 618 8,917 6,413 9,555 8,837 2,183 2,313 1,227 10,109 4,161 797 10,588 ' 2,080' 9,577 16,849 3,240 4,176 497 1,414 308 5,715 16,473 2,629 3,303 4,650 101 1,090 323 4 23,782 1 712 5,746 700 .5,922 2,777 ii'm FOREIGN BOBN. 1890 1880 1870 111 1,807 123 123 163 48 283 132 1,650 869 143 100 967 108 178 171 221 1 18 8 108 411 20 24 2,255 9 23 248 138 19 357 95 73 955 11 13 114 351 115 20 890 55 77 54 6 19 23 323 76 65 11 100 46 323 16 5,234 51 9 109 3 2,511 227 2 22 25 32 897 133 46 242 289 201 1,748 849 184 499 67 2 95 225 2 70 16 5 82 380 11 8 3,265 11 149 209 14 625 150 9 59 38 261 90 105 36 1 294 13 23 402 167 246 1,185 698 49 1,662 28 3 31 24 3,205 28,811 994 6,439 3,861 264 5,149 1,364 3,547 5,445 1,192 1,028 18,548 5,436 1,950 18,774 6,275 15 3,968 136 11,713 20,105 3,092 1,.540 7,384 198 267 3,937 8,2,53 7,978 21,009 7 1,307 6,272 830 1,669 3,494 187 14,823 1,224 915 324 12,326 5,756 3,162 10,926 3,885 4,557 3,027 1,287 6,588 134 1,413 1,845 11,411 33 15,633 3,413 10,739 4,921 1,021 656 100 36,777 6,768 21 891 6,430 4,944 a Persons of African descent only. 1,268 68 29 1,657 6 839 139 65 173 2 244 684 32 413 20 20 105 11 147 17 59 20 5,001 75 3 3,084 7 889 24 42 11 37 838 34 1890 1880 1870 25 9 1,511 19,276 654 3,693 3,759 12 2,614 1,416 2,873 4,209 1,202 14,723 112 11,210 4,926 2,988 24 8,550 16,356 2,852 635 7,044 287 2,475 5,797 7,284 15,250 1,680 4,342 26 2,444 2,785 3 10,912 1,249 32 11,386 2,898 967 10,807 3,168 3,169 2,851 936 5,183 94 1,781 7,369 11,506 2,621 8,093 4,700 91 4 22,488 1,728 699 4,609 2,966 171 8,861 218 2,591 4,200 650 1,254 1,670 1,986 295 6,005 861 3,131 6,307 6,634 1,.356 '3,643 1,005 6,392 3,893 4,408 'l'l47 6,505 2,078 5,457 9,201 2,149 2,231 538 1,281 400 3,977 9,401 4,1.36 306 5,083 8,519 COLORED, (a) 1890 12 10,381 44 2,070 6,989 31 2,621 142 283 23 3 6,220 57 99 87 5,488 2,610 3 4,257 6,266 1,558 32 707 829 67 6,350 671 3,837 14 26 415 6,628 7 324 2 14,142 216 31 7,624 1,084 2,131 4,328 25 53 4 2 167 2,954 1 12,690 4,316 174 11 1,760 202 1880 22 7,643 47 1,702 7,210 41 2,524 94 277 37 3,934 5 47 5,220 2,043 3,040 5,344 1,507 5 629 463 85 4,924 615 127 2,611 2 429 250 6,242 "'33'6 10,925 83 13 8,169 993 1,915 3,293 74 140 135 2,154 10,357 24 211 25 10 2,160 8 12 1,346 645 POPULATION. 511 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. ' COnNTlBS. NATIVE BOEN. rOEElGN BOBN. WHITE. COLOBKD. (0) 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 18S0 1870 1890 1880 1870 Texas— Cont'd. 31,988 7,. 580 10,677 12,674 49 .3,276 1,771 16,140 7,677 12,579 10,511 72 25,119 6,913 7,393 646 4,543 6,845 23,626 9,758 18 23,880 13,871 4 4,991 1,565 997 154,841 2,615 5,632 10,936 5,380 3,801 2,219 457 2,188 3,943 1,544 3,265 1,394 2,485 1,254 24,063 4,901 5,817 10,222 11,821 4,133 5,002 12,026 4,334 68 200 21 3 528 1,103 85 1,060 295 377 5 4,042 7,929 191 132 288 247 2,283 897 2,965 14 8 44 1,332 8 8 13 26,222 5,740 8,484 8,766 51 3; 720 2,758 1.5,127 .5,217 5,642 4,184 74 13,9.57 14,625 1,401 761 4,700 7,057 23,146 9,602 18 23,971 10,680 4 ,5,034 3,562 1,094 205,899 3,321 7,314 15,495 6,748 4,996 2,451 495 2,675 5,575 1,587 4,032 1,780 18,410 3,753 4,323 6,884 8,505 3,056 3,538 7,172 10,090 1,903 2,392 3,929 1 84 108 1,098 3,519 7,232 6,703 3 15,200 214 6,119 16 128 26 2,755 1,053 8,. 599 1,162 1,502 3,381 4,647 1,084 1,472 4,867 Trinity Tyler ' Upshur Upton U-ralde .... Valverde .'. 1,995 687 546 164 2,478 778 63 73 VanZandt Victoria Walker Waller 12,496 5,461 11,656 8,691 6,456 4,000 9,524 123 828 368 333 38 860 252 11,456 3,883 5,257 3,192 5,812 3,092 3,951 1,163 2,406 6,766 5,830 682 1,768 5,823 Ward Washington . . . Webb 24,488 2,506 4,379 395 416 122 14,331 6,412 20,926 1,538 3,397 3,077 2,767 170 117 17 4 824 706 2,178 1,077 29 12,845 5,089 917 477 416 126 13,5^0 6,197 10,863 2,613 514 14,719 184 3,631 35 17 "i,'6"31 921 12,241 2 2,910 Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger Williamson Wilson Winkler 6,257 2,215 111 341 5,563 2,093 801 463 "Wise 16,387 11,074 1,439 6,880 254 61 214 138 11 14 16,436 8,653 1,399 5,647 161 3,249 165 2,558 51 1,247 Wood Yoakum Young 4,637 1,332 376 99,969 2,814 4,715 8,365 3,912 427 135 321 99 56,084 1,405 2,795 5,121 3,010 58 1,997 100 53,064 725 2,010 4,573 1,371 1,275 238 84 495 1,639 141 768 386 357 273 89 2,304 34 43,994 1,104 2,046 4,197 1,367 129 4,709 3,620 400 142,423 3,828 6,357 12,544 5,272 555 131 1,488 129 86,044 2,005 4,429 8,219 4,454 15 3 588 17 7 10 232 4 4 118 Zapata Zavalla Utah 1,167 34 30,702 602 2,060 3,108 1,449 Beaver Boxelder 15 8 11 1 2 1 2 1 1 22 8 9 ""'"l9 5 Davis Emery 1 Garfield Grand 1 Iron 3,203 2,473 2,695 2,789 1,263 1,339 934 1,610 1,344 1,292 1,974 1,215 54 1,291 368 10,894 810 1,001 390 938 520 312 329 667 690 221 779 757 28 664 82 7,443 3,944 3,468 3,079 .3,721 1.766 2,262 2,028 1,505 2,665 1,970 80 1,953 449 18,277 14 Juab 1 1 1 2 Millard Morgan Piute 2,802 1,.529 1,.523 1,262 V 2 Rich Rio Virgin Salt Lake San Juan 40,759 335 9,355 4,739 5,319 2,748 2,461 18,531 2,918 3,425 17,138 288,334 20,274 169 7,438 3,163 3,254 3,198 707 12,988 2,134 3,205 8,510 291,327 17,698 30 3,791 1,460 2,414 952 301 5,237 677 584 5,585 44,088 11,703 35 4,119 1,294 1,667 1,299 92 4,985 793 1,030 3,834 40,959 57,945 31,694 310 204 13,089 11,484 6 196 4 455 240 2 5 3 4 58 127 9 10" 87 133 51 Sanpete Sevier 3,890 2,896 19 1,004 827 6,771 19 2,467 2,177 •2 Summit Tooele. 1,448 1,350 7,598 3,591 2,625 23,732 3,591 3,903 22,525 331,418 4,845 4,330 780 17,942 2,918 4,1.55 12,291 331,218 7 5 1 6 1 1 17 4 Uinta Utah . 8,439 887 2,455 5,242 283,. 396 3,764 357 609 2,616 47,155 12,185 1,24-1 3,052 7,833 329,613 6 4 21 924 Wasatch Washington . . . Weber Vermont Addison Bennington 1 Caledonia Chittenden .... Essex 20,284 18,003 20,016 28,866 6,665 24,700 3,296 11,998 18,475 17,833 38,111 25,702 24,503 29,882 21,685 19,405 20,588 26,372 6,082 24,648 3,435 11,824 21,807 18,104 35,341 23,486 25,242 33,308 20,445 18,574 19,544 25,902 5,412 23,536 3,171 11,544 21,943 17,273 33,144 24,164 24,781 33,963 1,993 2,445 3,420 6, .523 2,846 5,055 547 833 1,100 4,268 7,286 3,904 2,044 1,824 2,488 2,545 3,019 0,420 1,849 5,577 689 860 1,718 3,979 6,488 1,918 1,521 1,888 3,039 2,751 2,691 10,578 1,399 6,755 911 904 1,147 3,762 7,. 507 2,356 1,255 2,100 22,198 20,307 23,408 35,190 9,491 29,667 3,837 12,823 19,558 22,088 45,207 29,576 26,443 31,625 24,048 21,798 23,. 590 32,584 7,916 30,131 4,110 12,678 23,508 22,060 41,653 25,370 26,673 35,-099 23,378 21,176 22,220 36,350 6,805 30,193 4,071 12,438 23,077 21,006 40,469 26,491 25,986 35,953 78 139 24 183 7 84 6 8 15 12 182 26 103 70 125 151 16 208 10 94 12 6 17 23 174 34 90 97 106 149 15 130 Franklin Grand Isle Lamoille Orange Orleans Rutland Washington . . . Windham WindBor 98 5 5 13 29 182 29 50 110 a Persons of African descent only. 512 COMPEKDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. connrrBs. Virginia Accomac Albemarle . . . Alexandria . . Alle, Amel Amherst Appomattox . . Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham . . Campbell Caroline ...... Carroll ...'... Charles City.. Charlotte Chesterfield.. . Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland . . Dickenson Dinwiddle Elizabeth City Essex Fairfax Fauquier Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greenesville . . Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isleo^Wight. James City King and Queen King George. . . King William . Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mathews Mecklenburg . . Middlesex Montgomery . . . Nansemond Nelson New Kent Norfolk Northampton . . Northumber- land. Nottoway Orange Page NATIVE BORN, FOREIGN BOEN. 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1,637,606 1,497,869 1,211,409 18,374 14,696 13,754 27,223 24,360 20,392 54 48 17 32,081 32,273 27,335 298 345 209 17,907 16,780 15,772 690 766 983 9,183 5,496 3,566 100 90 108 8,990 10,241 9,673 78 136 205 17,463 18,607 14,786 88 102 114 9,566 10,077 8,940 23 3 10 36,668 35,205 28,376 337 505 387 4,571 4,453 3,750 16 29 45 31,136 31,093 25,277 77 112 50 5,123 4,995 3,986 6 9 14 14,824 14,725 11,296 30 84 33 17,239 16,697 13,422 6 10 5 5,807 5,693 3,777 1 14,289 15,479 13,257 94 61 114 40,586 35,681 27,795 501 569 589 16,627 17,178 15,076 54 65 52 15,467 13,309 9,135 30 14 12 5,053 5,490 4,945 13 22 30 15,039 16,561 14,488 38 92 25 25,736 24,608 18,185 475 477 285 8,025 7,644 6,619 46 38 51 3,818 3,786 2,938 17 8 4 13,185 13,334 12,136 48 74 91 9,465 10,510 8,129 17 30 13 5,077 13,440 32,471 30,215 75 399 487 14,001 10,031 7,927 2,167 658 376 10,039 11,020 9,915 8 12 12 16,275 15,589 12,525 380 436 427 22,402 22,693 19,469 188 300 221 14,402 13,246 9,815 3 9 9 9,489 10,791 9,862 19 11 13 24,984 25,073 18,259 1 11 5 17,706 17,339 16,340 174 214 256 9,075 8,765 5,848 15 29 27 11,635 11,842 10,183 18 34 28 9,924 10,263 10,281 34 29 32 14,380 13,054 9,562 14 14 25 5,619 5,822 4,609 3 8 25 8,178 8,346 6,359 52 61 3 34,387 33,545 27,810 37 43 18 17,351 18,501 16,393 51 87 62 99,263 78,723 61,820 4,131 3,980 4,359 18,200 16,001 12,291 8 8 12 5,341 5,149 4,138 11 15 13 11,302 10,538 8,307 11 34 13 5,597 5,355 4,360 46 67 65 9,664 10,491 9,697 5 11 12 6,627 6,383 5,726 14 14 16 9,525 8,723 7,496 80 28 19 7,166 6,150 5,340 25 10 15 17,618 15,110 13,261 598 6 7 23,158 23,471 20,724 116 163 205 16,947 18,885 16,259 50 57 73 11,335 11,436 10,383 37 99 20 10,216 10,551 8,654 9 11 16 7,577 7,485 6,196 7 16 4 25,322 24,528 21,298 37 82 20 7,438 6,242 4,971 20 10 10 17,485 16,658 12,495 257 35 61 19,596 15,850 11,543 96 53 33 15,281 16,488 13,850 55 48 48 5,490 5,501 4,344 21 14 37 74,887 57,048 45,309 2,151 1,609 1,393 10,252 9,143 8,039 6] 9 7 7,850 7,906 6,852 35 23 11 11,503 11,110 9,272 79 46 in 12,731 12,925 10,336 83 127 60 13,043 9,934 8,424 49 31 38 1890 1880 1,020,122 17,547 18,252 11,361 6,955 3,023 9,923 5,254 28,596 3,826 20,064 4,888 11,122 6,661 5,843 6,786 21,283 7,359 15,135 1,348 5,716 15,399 5,617 3,686 7,147 2,860 5,051 5,120 8,278 3,584 11,586 14,686 13,230 5,051 18,737 15,652 8,253 5,437 4,083 13,473 4,114 2,919 15,008 9,188 59,775 9,925 4,930 6,169 2,317 4,235 3,433 3,783 3,171 17,002 16,696 7,192 4,636 6,260 5,447 9,329 3,141 14,227 8,925 9,033 1,956 37,497 4,833 4,795 3,959 6,573 11,320 880,858 15.015 15,959 9,972 4,454 3,037 10,001 5,153 26,393 3,521 18,528 4,750 10,159 6,022 5,661 6,767 17,297 7,606 12,977 1,761 5,704 13,564 5,145 3,558 6,785 3,123 14,437 4,156 3,463 10,761 13,688 11,981 5,512 17,069 14,997 7,685 5,342 4.058 12,071 4,005 2,757 13,293 9,294 44,822 8,614 4,715 6,010 2,227 4,424 3,162 3,283 2,626 14,192 16,391 7,409 4,611 6,006 .5,042 8,222 2,618 12,466 7,728 9,028 2,275 29,197 3,889 4,446 3,012 6,210 8,846 1870 712,089 12,567 12,550 9,444 3,095 3,055 8,184 4,414 22,026 2,906 14,557 3,783 8,166 4,525 3,730 5,660 14,041 7,077 8,819 1,822 4,900 9,730 4,511 2,712 6,058 2,709 13,017 2,832 3,277 8,667 11.834 8,827 4,778 12,268 13,863 5,272 4,782 3,711 8,833 3,182 2,155 11,562 7,893 35,148 6.722 3,803 4,874 1,985 4,221 2,927 2,943 2,198 12,263 15,238 6,269 4,344 4,959 4,104 7,162 2,459 9,674 6,059 7,586 2,005 24,380 3,198 3,808 2,241 4,938 7,476 COLORED. (O) 1890 1880 1870 635,438 631,616 9,730 14,126 7,236 2,328 6,045 7,628 4,335 8,407 761 11,149 241 3,732 10,. 584 24 7,597 19,800 9,322 358 3,717 9,361 10,811 2,454 149 6,085 6,622 26 8,394 7,774 6,462 5,069 7,904 1,175 4,457 6,248 2,228 837 6,216 5,874 920 1,508 5,311 19,416 8,211 43,595 8,283 422 5,144 3,326 5,430 3,208 5,685 4,020 1,213 6,578 9,805 6,736 3,965 2,1.37 16,030 4,317 3,515 10,765 6,303 3,545 39,478 5,479 3,090 7,623 6,241 1,772 512,841 9,393 16,659 7,574 1,132 7,340 8,702 4,927 9,310 961 12,677 254 4,650 10,685 33 8,773 18,953 9,628 346 3,751 10,949 11,521 2,537 236 6,623 7,417 18,428 6, .531 7,569 5,264 9,305 1,274 5,290 8,015 2,556 1,109 6,533 6,234 997 1,825 5,6.50 20,295 9,282 37,878 7,395 449 4, .555 3,195 6,078 3,235 5,464 3,534 922 7,243 11,531 6,924 4,556 2,459 16,388 3,634 4,227 8,175 7,508 3,232 29,453 5,263 3,483 8,144 6,842 1,119 aPersons of African descent only. POPULATION. 513 Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. COUNTIES. Virginia — Cont'd. Patrick Petersburg city Pittsylvauia . . . PowhaLin Prince Edward . Prince George . Princess Anne. Prince William Pulaski Kappahannock Eichmond Uoanoke Eockbridge Eockingham. .. Eusself Scott , Shenandoah . . Smyth Southampton . Spottsylvania. Stafford . . Surry Sussex - . - Tazewell Warren . . NATIVE BORN. 1890 1880 1870 Warwick Washington . . Westmoreland Wi.se Wythe York Washington . Adams Asotin Chehalis Clallam...,. Clarke Columbia . Cowlitz ... Douglas .. Franklin . (iarfield . . Island Jefferson . King Kitsap Kittitas .. Klickitat . Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan Pacific . . - Pierce San Juan . Skagit ... Skamania. Snohomish . . Spokane Stevens Thur.ston AVahkiakum Wallawalla . . AVhatcom Whitman Yakima 14,145 22,408 59,764 C,765 14,633 9.422 9,659 12,629 7,115 29,491 22,949 31,149 16,093 21.647 19, .588 13.3.37 20.055 14,061 7.310 8,157 11,079 19,266 8,240 6,337 28,951 8,372 0,173 17,889 7,569 259,385 1,665 1,414 7,416 1,926 9,391 0,269 5,074 2.710 532 3,581 1,228 4,652 43,001 2,875 6,730 4, .526 9,711 7,610 1,976 1,216 3,047 34,123 1,514 5,924 611 5,804 28,528 3,419 7,790 1,354 9,924 12.878 17472 3,794 12,828 14.578 9,981 9,361 8,957 8,706 9,276 7,162 13,075 19,898 29,368 13,900 17,223 18.078 12,131 17,971 14,638 7,146 7,368 10,032 12.839 7,361 2,248 25,135 8,817 7,769 14,166 7,317 59,313 853 468 4,427 6,626 1,805 815 1,090 4,929 892 3,594 2,236 508 1,122 2,436 632 597 1,074 3,565 736 2,747 699 6,840 2,230 5,936 2,456 10,158 31,287' 7,640 11,931 7,740 8,246 7,362 6,505 8,236 6,476 9,328 15,943 23,516 11,093 13,027 14,782 8,870 12,268 11,449 6,369 5,574 7,876 10,772 5,675 1,666 16,737 7,6.54 4,781 11,491 7,149 18,931 381 274 645 FOREIGN BORN. 400 690 1,605 434 289 779 225 591 1,144 295 108 1,931 190 4,692 341 410 1890 1880 1870 2 272 177 26 61 146 161 9 31 610 113 150 33 47 83 23 23 172 21 633 40 27 172 130 27 90,005 433 166 1,833 845 2,318 440 843 451 164 316 559 3,716 20,988 1,749 2,047 641 1,788 1,702 850 251 1,311 16,817 558 2,823 163 2,710 8,959 922 1,885 1,172 2,300 5,713 1,937 635 44 90 73 33 223 49 15 33 30 105 199 6 10 126 29 41 190 65 23 30 22 38 10 68 29 3 152 32 15,803 68 170 1,063 477 257 272 622 1,981 846 461 364 131 523 883 316 313 697 509 523 1,876 907 1,078 355 56 27 73 80 27 142 33 25 27 22 115 152 10 9 154 28 17 279 51 11 9 19 41 28 4 120 49 5,024 20 134 475 85 226 578 515 432 40 109 64 147 265 259 186 246 315 80 608 193 1890 12,079 10,456 30,847 2,358 4,770 2,732 .5,379 7,210 9,669 5,863 3,998 21,082 17,931 28,485 14,923 20,726 18,829 12,136 8,293 8,156 5,893 3,238 3,524 16,395 7,016 2,784 25,215 3,662 8,763 14,849 3,201 340,513 2,096 1,546 8,956 2,546 11,609 6,659 5,856 3,144 574 3,872 1,570 7,666 62,707 4,310 8,210 .5,104 11,386 9,237 2,793 1,302 4,112 50,421 2,03|6 8,436 736 8,162 36,810 3,953 9,332 2,178 11.829 18,192 18,838 4,275 1880 10,099 25,389 2,726 4,754 .3,2.55 .5,129 6,580 6,303 5,755 3,806 8,273 14,660 26,133 12,634 16.557 17,198 10,520 7,447 8,422 5,5.58 2,832 3,.361 10,947 5,958 779 21,113 3,746 7,671 11,464 2,837 67,199 536 5,308 7,044 743 1,3.56 6,080 1,432 3,864 2,378 511 1,277 2,881 559 713 1,021 3,910 881 3,011 973 8,128 2,768 0,481 2,567 1870 7,836 1.5,259 2,552 4,106 2,774 4,369 5,691 4,729 5,195 3,475 6,218 12,162 21,152 9,936 12,.512 14,260 7,054 5,468 7.069 4,935 2,.393 2,962 9.193 I 4,611 620 14,156 3.531 4,717 9.269 2,507 22,195 COLORED, (a) 1890 1880 1870 397 374 3,013 709 594 1,126 1,809 839 326 275 607 1,149 473 129 529 567 2,193 165 5,174 451 428 12,221 29,091 4,433 9,924 5,132 4,130 2.595 3.120 2,815 3,148 9.005 .5,131 2,814 1.203 968 842 1.324 1.1.782 0,077 1,469 5,017 7,. 576 3,. 504 1,264 3,798 4,737 582 3,170 4,395 1,602 2,734 27,200 5,091 9,914 6,799 4,262 2.600 2,452 3,536 3,389 4,828 5,343 3,433 1,272 676 1,006 1,640 '10,565 6,406 1,653 4,559 6,701 1,914 1,441 1,479 4,086 5,100 101 2,850 4,512 325 32 333 12 318 3 376 35 2 16 206 13 76 3 34 48 14 2 2,325 16,084 5,115 7,898 5,046 3,902 1,813 1,809 3,066 3,028 3,132 3,890 2,510 1,167 524 676 1,244 6,795 4,659 1,485 3,192 4,923 1,598 1,105 1,052 2,653 4,151 68 2,342 4,691 2 12 34 14 1 75 7 27 1 372- -33 o Persons of African descent onlj-. 514 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 13.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, BY COUNTIES: 1890, 1880, AND 1870— Continued. NATIVE BORN. FOEEIGN BORN. ■WHITE. COLORED. ( a) 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 West Virginia... 743,911 600,192 424,923 18,883 18,265 17,091 730,077 592,537 424,033 32,690 25,886 17,980 Barbour iJerkeley Boone ... 12,637 18,353 6,873 13,778 6,270 23.203 8,135 4,659 12,028 19,678 9,719 0,730 17,834 11,368 6,095 7,544 21,628 18,913 15,383 41,809 15.458 11,230 10,998 6,994 20,553 19,806 22,336 15,604 11,339 15,631 12,388 6,657 9,249 34,601 8,703 7,474 0,784 19,895 14,127 9,568 11,326 16,441 15,285 13,046 11,893 6,369 11,902 12,576 18,564 4,732 16,553 9,384 27,564 6,244 1,167,681 11,774 16.911 5.790 9,737 5,610 13,466 6,046 3,459 10,333 11,154 7,063 5,470 14.847 10,292 4,715 6,754 19,846 16,192 14,816 31.609 12,805 8,723 7,324 3,070 17,052 17,927 21,454 7,445 8,171 14,914 11,445 5,681 7,155 30,711 8,002 6.200 5,570 18,418 11,188 7,324 7,632 13,236 12,158 8,962 11,000 3,139 10,988 10,122 14,698 3,187 13,488 7,058 23,743 4,318 910,072 10,231 14,261 4,502 6,430 5,066 6,260 2,926 2,196 0,831 6,615 4,313 4,382 11,178 7,568 4.132 5,477 16,292 10,177 12,958 21,662 9,653 5,039 5,117 1,949 11,917 14,032 15,025 7,047 5,906 13,455 11,022 4.208 4.415 22.811 6.449 2,968 4.035 13,838 7,655 3,655 5.426 8,747 7.220 65 349 12 150 390 392 20 96 469 34 50 403 278 26 1 219 406 45 72 213 74 167 40 .335 120 189 857 464 16 5 4 146 913 839 22 459 71 56 96 68 6,746 20 56 21 673 187 43 470 238 26 71 455 12 85 127 41 20 408 46 1,263 4 405,425 81 639 51 50 398 169 13 12,204 17,005 0,715 13,794 6,545 22,101 8,074 4,659 12,052 17,488 9,696 6,423 16,041 10,852 6,392 6,977 21.158 18,934 11,437 39,354 15,627 11,035 10,416 5,709 20,617 20,499 22,104 13,979 11,604 15,477 11,450 6,469 9,287 40,452 8,585 7,530 6,461 20,221 14,105 9,518 11,371 16,585 15,274 11,990 11,785 6,276 11,960 12,458 18,491 4,772 16,805 9,387 27,700 6,177 1,680,473 11,413 15,452 5,635 9.683 5,928 12,842 5,998 3,460 10,498 10,438 7,061 5,038 13,078 9,714 4,854 6,042 19,292 16,209 10,958 29,596 12,943 8,687 7,220 3,071 17,043 18,607 21,431 7,101 8,141 14,668 10,372 5,580 7,165 36,577 7,923 6,230 5,257 18,885 11,020 7,296 7,990 13,410 12,145 8,262 11,056 3,125 11,067 10,048 14,519 3,205 13,874 7,091 24,081 4,258 1,309,618 9,926 13,228 4,400 6,393 5,367 6,306 2,931 2,192 7,041 6,529 4,311 4,136 10,314 7,003 4,336 4,902 16,058 10,242 9,731 20,111 9,979 5,017 5,022 1,952 12,029 14,821 15,444 6,670 5,954 13,316 10,121 4,199 4,427 28,387 6,361 2,996 3.810 14,437 7,534 3,657 .5,460 8.992 7,209 498 1,694 170 134 114 1,493 81 457 1,928 189 104 85 902 74 386 1,672 153 Braxton Brooke Cabell 87 97 123 Calhoun Clay 8 4 Doendence . Junction city. . Kansas city . Ward 1.. Ward 2., Ward 3 , Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Lawrence — Leavenworth . McPherson . . - Manhattan . . . Newton Male. Female. 4,166 4,738 1,770 15, 126 2, 496 2,274 3, 513 2, 583 4.260 1,640 2, 371 4,223 1,607 1,476 3,344 6,931 1,271 2, 027 2, 819 1, 443 1,511 4,373 2,004 1,428 1,830 5,724 1,207 3,221 7,121 1,440 1,643 21,487 3, 942 2, 168 4,334 4,223 4,431 2,389 1,398 1,494 3,208 1,355 1,654 1,733 2,656 4,425 6,937 1,403 1,335 1,544 1,625 3,554 5,931 1,227 1,331 1,776 4,381 1, .506 2,274 20, 202 2,787 3,692 3, 882 2,527 3,086 4, 228 4,825 9, 726 1,532 1,475 2,802 4,642 1,617 15, 185 2,375 2,162 3,507 3,173 3,968 1,751 2,500 3, 678 1, 725 1,687 3, 072 7,170 1,361 2,009 2,980 1,634 1,583 4,541 2,003 1, 369 2,147 5,730 1,357 3,337 6,880 1,440 1,678 16, 319 3,474 717 3, 535 3,137 3, 308 2,148 1,467 1,741 3,466 1,474 1,592 1,814 2,076 3,922 7,026 1,423 1,467 1,640 1,714 3, 997 6,015 1,314 1,396 1,540 4,301 1,621 2,228 18,114 2,331 3,400 3,784 2,364 2,684 3, 551 5, 172 10, 042 1, 640 1,.529 2,803 NATIVE AND FOB- EIGN BOEN. Native. Foreign. 5,873 7,731 2,938 22, 592 3,947 3,484 5,020 4,699 5,442 3,190 3,766 6,691 3,068 2,711 5,567 11,779 2, .522 2,998 4,093 2,714 2,833 7,298 3,381 2,414 3,633 9,046 2,398 5,996 12, 099 2,630 2,827 28,714 5,901 2,366 5,502 0,290 4, 905 3,750 2,686 3,031 5, 729 2,490 2,297 3,303 3,951 7,057 12,335 2,636 2, 402 2,780 3, 188 6,724 11,216 2,427 2,497 3, 063 8,104 2,905 3,813 32, 593 3,781 6,174 7,118 4,161 4,629 6,730 9,043 15,955 2,755 2,735 4,744 2,119 1,649 449 7,719 924 952 2,000 1,057 2,786 201 1, 105 1,210 264 452 1,449 2,322 110 1, 038 1,706 363 261 1,616 626 383 364 2,408 166 562 1,902 250 494 9,092 1,515 519 2,367 1,070 2,834 787 179 204 945 339 949 244 781 390 340 404 151 827 730 114 230 253 578 162 689 5,723 1,337 918 548 730 1,141 1,049 954 3,813 417 26!) 861 White. Colored. 7.850 9,203 3,351 30, 183 4,869 4, 391 7,006 5,690 8,227 3,340 4,826 7,703 3,313 3,144 6,966 12, 912 2,620 4,035 5,772 3,075 3,068 8,795 4,000 2,788 3,677 11,318 2,465 6,192 13, 534 2,867 3,288 37, 438 7, 365 2,764 7,837 7,314 7,649 4,509 2,860 3,169 6,670 2,809 3,241 3,413 4,099 8,024 11,616 2,651 2, 62] 3,102 3,300 6,882 10, 295 2,402 2,574 3,259 8,358 2,914 4,208 33, 312 4,590 5,651 5,650 4,392 5,441 7,588 7,839 16, 816 3,128 2,697 5,361 142 177 36 125 2 43 13 49 43 197 18 18 50 1,185 12 Chinese. Japanese 2 26 118 7 8 319 135 99 364 465 12 33 354 5] 119 24 44 5 66 3 19 5 132 630 321 2,345 174 181 20 38 667 1,649 139 152 56 320 213 292 4,972 518 1,431 2,013 496 328 186 2,155 2,944 43 307 243 22 6 5 2 3 1 5 2 2 1 Civilized Indian.t. 10 4 5 1 POPULATION. 549 Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND SEX. NATIVE EIGN AND FOR- BOBN. COLOR. BOROUGHS. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. Wliite. Colored. Chinese. Japane,se Civilized Indians. Kansas — Continued. Olathe 1, 573 1,874 1,478 1,306 2, 952 1,425 3,317 3,598 3,069 15,432 2,860 4,380 3,330 3, 202 1,654 2,229 12, 213 2,559 2,094 1,536 3,755 18, 042 1,763 1,420 1,883 1, 692 1,921 1,772 2, 383 1,953 1,617 1,638 1,430 1,819 2,086 3,938 1,518 4,222 2,701 1,353 10. 305 78, 612 7,348 6, 376 6,554 5,936 6,571 3,869 3,132 4,443 5,177 7,301 12, 742 9,163 1,410 2,467 2,153 1,770 12, 084 4,907 6,362 2,018 2,727 1,244 1,366 2, 200 1,376 5, 350 1,431 1,650 1, 721 1, 595 1.184 1,268 3, 296 1,518 3,419 3,099 3, O.SO 15, 575 2, 925 4, 030 3,687 3, 331 1,596 2,162 11,640 2,625 2,101 1,627 4,048 19, 329 2,125 1,446 2,142 1.808 2,064 1,955 2,376 2,133 1, 661 1, 619 1. .580 1,947 2,178 3,954 1,712 4,613 3,132 1,463 11, 262 82, 517 7,042 6,650 7,018 6,675 7,245 4,382 3,467 4,866 5,187 7, 479* 12, 813 9,693 1,499 2,891 1,118 1, 859 12, 834 4,930 6,435 2, 200 2,346 1,435 1, 259 2,319 1, 485 5, 128 1,690 1 , 682 3,151 2,350 2,427 2,474 5,802 2,829 6,308 5,881 5,327 27, 554 5,277 7, 125 6,471 5,629 3,052 4,206 21, 945 4,956 3,914 2,648 7,544 30, 707 3. 282 2,486 3, 219 3,042 3,126 3,260 3, 800 3, 361 2, 740 2,391 2,893 3,678 3, 67:i 7,600 3, 191 8,444 5,726 2,781 20, 485 137, 619 11, 982 10, 164 11,101 10, 528 12, 063 7,494 5,907 8,389 9, (189 13, 006 21, 486 16, 410 2,872 6,022 3,092 3,521 19, 891 9,432 12, 192 4,000 4, 983 2. 018 2, .548 4. 422 2,708 10.002 2,961 2,083 143 1,119 235 100 446 114 428 816 822 3,453 508 1, 297 546 904 198 185 1,908 228 281 515 259 6,664 606 380 806 458 K59 467 959 725 538 866 123 88 591 286 39 391 107 35 1,082 23, 510 2,408 2,862 2,471 2,083 1,753 757 692 920 1,275 1,774 4,069 2,440 37 336 179 108 5,027 405 605 218 90 61 77 97 153 416 160 349 2,985 3. 121 2,505 2,059 5,654 2,522 5,937 6,590 5,748 25, 969 4,550 7,593 5,817 5,765 2,244 4,309 22, 590 4,987 3,893 3,151 5,104 35, 425 3, 627 2, 485 3, 905 3,090 3,803 3,525 4,690 3,910 3, 184 3,206 1,882 1,931 4, 231 5,256 1.863 5,484 2, 886 1,771 13,020 132, 457 13, 299 12, 278 11, 794 9,629 10, 150 6,547 5,719 6,644 7,006 9,896 21, 760 17, 729 2,134 4,477 2, 824 2, 354 24,471 7,387 8,581 2,490 2,638 1,325 2,125 2, 232 1,396 4,444 1,408 2, 071 299 348 156 514 594 419 799 106 401 5,024 1, 2.32 822 1,199 766 1,005 76 1,247 194 302 12 2,696 1,943 261 378 120 410 182 202 69 176 94 51 1.134 1,835 33 2,634 1,367 3,347 2,947 1.045 8,544 28, 651 1,087 748 1,777 2, 982 3,664 1,699 876 2,663 3,356 4,883 3,789 1,127 775 880 447 1,275 447 2,448 4,214 1,722 2,435 1,3.54 500 2,287 1,459 6, 027 1,701 1,260 1 9 Osage Osawatomie 1 1 Oswego Ottawa Paola 2 Parsous Pittsburg 1 Saliiia Topelca 6 8 3 2 1 1 1 Ward 1 Ward2 5 Ward 3 Ward4 1 Ward 5 Wellington 6 13 3 Wicliita 3 Winfield Kentucky: Aslilaud Bellevue Bowling Green 3 3 Ward 1 Ward 2 3 Ward 3 Ward 4 ", Ward 5 "I Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Cynthiana Danville Dayton Frankfort 2 Harrodsburg Henderson 4 Hopkinsville Lebanon T.ftTrino'tnn 1 8 1 1 13 4 Louisville Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 1 Ward 4 Ward 5 2 1 2 1 1 1 Ward 6 4 2 1 1 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Mayfield Maysville 1 Middleboro Mouu t Sterling Newport Owensboro 2 2 Paducah Paris Richmond Shelbyville .Somerset Winchester Louisiana : Alexandria 5 4 12 1 1 2 Baton Rouye 1 Donaldson ville Gretna 550 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table I '7. —POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutinued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Louisiana — Continued. Lake Charles Monroe New Iberia New Orleans . Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4.. Ward 5.. Ward 0. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11 . Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. Ward 16. Ward 17. Plaquemine . Shreveport. . Maine : Auburn . . Augusta Bangor... Bath Belfast . . Biddeford . . Brewer Bridgtou . . . Bristol Brunswick. Bucksport Calais Camden Cape Elizabeth Caribou Deerine . . . Deer Isle . . Dexter Eastport . . Ellsworth . Fairfield Farmington . - . Fort Fairfield . Freuchville . . . Gardiner Gorham Hallowell . . . Houlton Kennebunk . Kittery Lewiston I^isbon ... Norway . . Oldtown . Orono Paris Pittsfield. Portland ... Wartl 1 . Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Ward?. Male. Female. 1,791 1,582 1,618 113,467 6,146 7, 568 13, 883 5, 914 10, 468 6,671 10, 485 5,128 8, 420 9,273 9,573 5,708 3,534 2,229 5,089 1,662 1,716 1,588 5,776 5, 440 5,054 9, 390 4,416 2,519 6,649 2, 238 1,181 1,450 3, 009 1,413 3,575 2, 195 2, 795 2,163 2,545 1,808 1,321 2,422 2,390 1,832 1,547 1,867 1,286 2,679 1,4.57 1,584 2,024 1,,530 1,414 10,209 1,561 1.291 2, 951 1,524 1, 556 1,254 16, 994 2,998 2,537 2,435 2,403 1,775 2,007 2,839 1,651 1,674 1,829 128, 572 7,847 8,838 14, 358 6,976 11, 006 7,845 11, 876 5,959 8,723 11,516 11, 438 6,557 3,951 2,698 5,245 1,868 1,871 1,634 6,203 5,810 5,473 9,713 4,307 2,775 7,794 1,955 1,424 1,371 3,003 1,508 3, 715 2,426 2,664 1,924 2,808 1,614 1,411 2,486 2,414 1,678 1, 66(1 1,659 1,274 2,812 1, 431 1,597 1,991 1,642 1,450 11,492 1,559 1,374 2,361 1,266 1,600 1,249 19, 431 3,129 2,637 2,660 2,447 2,412 2,689 3,457 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. Foreign. 3,181 3,063 3, 280 207, 670 11, 909 13, 721 24, 077 10, 738 17, 783 12, 179 19,910 9, 386 14, 485 17, 677 18, 307 10, 718 6,787 4,245 9, 382 3,227 8,139 3,022 11, 388 9,865 8, 629 15, 632 7,463 5,138 8,153 3,442 2,507 2,756 4,526 2,812 4,856 4,512 4,846 3,120 4,660 3,357 2,481 3,578 4,529 3,025 3,090 2,609 2,196 4,969 2,745 2, 621 2, 492 2,928 2,737 13, 138 2,426 2,500 4,230 2,146 3,101 2,364 28, 600 4,884 3,722 4,039 3,618 3,462 3,856 5,019 261 193 167 34, 369 2,084 2,685 4,164 2,152 3,691 2,337 2,451 1,701 2,658 3,112 2, 704 1, 547 698 682 952 303 448 200 591 1,.385 1,898 3,471 1,260 156 6,290 751 98 65 1,486 109 2, 434 109 613 967 693 65 251 1,330 275 485 117 917 364 522 143 560 1,523 244 127 8,563 694 105 1.082 044 55 139 7,825 1,243 1,452 1,056 1,232 725 840 1,277 White. Colored. Chinese. Japanese. 2,415 1,628 1,931 177, 376 11, 234 13, 122 18, 734 9,308 14, 774 10, 760 14, 625 9, 750 14, 473 16, 466 15, 740 9,691 5,308 3,652 5,838 1,548 2, 353 1,504 4,439 11, 242 10,471 19, 029 8,658 5,279 14, 437 4,189 2,604 2,808 5,937 2,920 7,265 4,617 5,450 4, 0,87 5,340 3,416 2,732 4,891 4,798 3,509 3,203 3,525 2,560 5,457 2,888 3, 181 3,982 3, 170 2,858 21, 653 3,115 2, 653 4.951 2, 790 3,155 2, 502 36, 169 6,050 5,088 5,060 4,838 4,168 4,691 6,274 1,027 1,628 1,516 64, 491 2, 753 3,270 9,475 3, 555 6,676 3,740 7, 729 1,330 2,664 4,311 5,260 2,572 2,174 1,274 4,492 1,982 1,234 1,713 7, 532 231 77 84 30 4 13 3 20 142 6 13 24 27 23 1 22 Civilized Indians. 21 i POPTJLATIOIf. 551 Table 17.— POPULATION liY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND SEX. NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BOEN. COLOR. BOBOOUHS. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Colored . Chinese. Ja])anese. Civilized Indians. Maine — Continued. 1,024 1,.576 4, 022 2,814 2. 120 2. 463 1,644 1, ,505 1,295 1,777 3, 466 3,184 3,907 206, 114 11,042 8,501 7,531 7,734 7,490 12. 873 11,958 11,754 7,121 7, 370 9,242 9,864 6,913 7,961 7,259 6,995 12, 836 13, 182 10, 948 9.098 7,845 10,597 1,995 1,261 6, 1.39 1,403 3,694 1,883 4,715 1, 594 1,388 1,931 1,365 2,118 4,481 4.866 2,304 2, 998 2,657 1,279 3, 232 3, 687 1. 910 5, 091 3. 192 217,7.54 9.692 9. 193 6, 399 6, 334 6,549 9,867 7,475 6, 691 5, 711 4.415 1,422 1,506 4, 1.52 3, 261 2,081 2. 605 1,790 1, 504 1.322 1.728 3, 641 3, 448 3,697 228. 325 11, 120 8,342 8,231 8,043 8.319 13, 449 13, 125 12, 934 8.180 . 8, 390 11, 068 14, 060 7,688 9,524 7, 532 7, 255 12, 373 13, 270 13, 536 10. 936 8. 209 12. 741 2,197 1,371 6, .590 1,536 4,499 1,921 5,403 1,650 1.517 576 1,538 2,142 4,732 4, 932 2,208 3,144 2,972 1,253 3, 087 3, 890 2,113 5,730 2,946 230, 723 9,941 8,104 6,695 6, 508 5, 863 8, 580 5,670 6, 335 (•>. 949 3, 790 2,318 2,943 7,060 5,259 3,289 4,322 2,827 2,820 2,396 3, 463 5,446 4,771 7,142 365, 436 17, 359 10, 591 12, 644 11, 306 12, 738 21, 653 20, 820 21, 215 12, 184 13, 624 18, 452 21, 837 11. 924 15, 286 12, 526 12, 017 20, 643 21, 843 22, 843 18, 463 14, 081 21.387 4,144 2,605 11, 264 2,899 7,891 3,209 9,851 3,057 2,884 2,148 2, 830 3,709 5, 592 7,230 4,031 4,571 4,012 1,980 5, 504 5,697 3,791 8,936 3,547 290, 305 12, 962 9, 981 9,295 9,316 8, 380 8, 937 6, 397 7, 822 8, .531 5, 261 728 139 514 816 912 746 607 189 221 42 1.661 1.861 462 69, 003 4,803 6,252 3.118 4,471 3.071 4,669 4,263 3,473 3.117 2, 136 1,858 2,087 2,677 2, 199 2, 265 2,233 4, 566 4,609 1,641 1.571 1,973 1,951 48 27 1,465 40 302 595 267 187 21 359 73 551 3,621 2,568 481 1,571 1,617 552 815 1.880 232 1. 885 2. 591 158, 172 6, 671 7,316 3,799 3,526 4, 032 9.510 6,748 5. 204 4. 129 2.944 3,046 3,079 8,154 6,067 4,201 5,066 3,420 3, 003 2,617 3, .501 7,090 6,624 4,685 367, 143 21, 737 16, ,530 13, 762 13, 563 12, 548 22, 717 23, 825 20, 749 12, 192 11, .529 9,986 18. 921 12, 353 15, 118 11,270 10, 226 24, 462 23, 263 19, 496 16, 592 15. 148 21,156 2,752 1,511 11, 764 1,795 6,616 3,588 9,105 2. 535 2,083 1,757 2, 527 4,249 9, 195 9,755 4, 399 6,087 5, ,581 2, 525 6,309 7,459 3,970 10. 797 6,136 439, 887 19, .559 17, 258 13, 030 12, 689 12, 356 18, 374 13, 091 12, 615 10, 092 7, 882 3 18 8 2 Skowhegan 2 Soutli Berwick 14 6 4 17 6 2.914 67, 104 420 304 1,989 2,209 3, 254 3,599 1,248 3,930 3,091 4,207 10, 314 5,001 2,235 2.360 3, 513 4,018 737 3,180 4,973 3,435 905 2. 182 1,440 1,12] 962 1. 143 1.576 214 1,012 709 822 7.50 375 6 14 40 110 52 48 9 115 52 22 2 8, 125 56 24 50 143 40 55 50 388 2,547 226 Wnterville Westbrook •8 2 178 5 9 11 5 7 6 10 7 17 23 9 Maryland: 2 4 1 Baltimore 10 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 2 Ward 9 1 Ward 10 1 Ward 11 1 Ward 12 2 12 7 7 10 9 15 7 1 Ward 14 Ward 15 1 3 Ward 16» 1 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 1 Ward 22 Cambridge Cbestertown Cumberland 3 1 1 2 1 Ea.stou Frederick Frostburg Hagerstown Havre de Grace Salisbury Sparrow Point Westminster 1 Massacbusetts : Abington 5 Adams 4 3 I Amesbury Amherst 1 1 Andover Arlington Ashland 1 1 2 Athol Attleboro 1 I Barnstable Beverly 2 Blackstone 444 18 6 15 Ward 1 Ward 2 15 12 Ward 3.... 2 Ward 4 10 16 18 4 21 12 97 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 2 Ward 9 1 8 Ward 10 552 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table lY. -POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVrrV, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Massachusetts— Continued Boston— Continued. Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward la Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 21! Ward 24 Ward 25 Bradford Braiiitree Bridgewater Brockton Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward7 Brookfield Brookliue Cambridge Ward 1 Ward2 Wards Waid4 Ward 5 Canton Chelmsford Chelsea Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Chicopee Cliutoii Concord Dalton Dan vers Dartmouth Dedham Deerfield Dennis Dudley East Bridgewater Ea.sthampton Easton Everett Fairhaven Fall River Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Wards WardD Falmouth Fitchbnrg Foxboro Franiingham Franklin Male. Female. 8,827 G, 529 11,341 13, 005 8,881 9,024 7,150 e,670 11,. 551 11,725 9,880 9, 559 11,591 13,735 5,954 1,680 2,386 2,335 13, 689 1.414 1,851 2,493 2,108 2,073 1,860 1,890 1, 739 5,268 34,204 6, 131 9,273 6,508 8,174 4,118 2,152 1,337 13,408 2, 625 3, 477 3, 430 3, 876 6,790 4,756 2,577 1,379 3, 570 1,.555 3,422 1,497 1,333 1,438 1,439 1,982 2,377 5,438 1, 323 35, 742 5,841 3, 433 3,480 4,038 3,680 6,091 2, 553 1,320 5,306 1,227 10, 874 1,395 4,350 2, 322 12, 833 6,056 11,034 13, 362 9,168 9, (124 8,488 9,359 11, 465 12, 610 13, 050 10, 452 13, 406 15, 903 6,078 2,040 2,462 1,914 13, 605 1, 337 1,945 2, 429 2,047 2, 025 1,814 2, (IU8 1,613 6,835 35, 824 6.680 9, 899 6, 253 8,820 4, 172 2,386 1,358 14, .501 2,788 3, ,595 3,701 4,417 7,260 5,668 1,850 1,.506 3,884 1,567 3,701 1,413 1,566 1,506 1,472 2,413 2,116 5,630 1.590 38, 656 0,416 3,894 3.020 4, 356 3, 838 6, 333 3, 045 1,757 5,397 1,340 11, 163 1,538 4,889 2,509 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 14, 388 7,215 12, 409 17,913 11, 784 10,773 10,855 11, 605 14, 529 16, 534 16, 940 11,945 16, 774 21, 577 8,182 3,106 3, 773 3, 352 21,020 2,213 3, 123 3, 878 2. 697 3, 189 2, 908 3,012 2,590 7, 762 46, 177 9. 172 12, 652 7, 528 11,412 5,413 3,262 2,074 19, 975 3,869 4,891 4. 843 6,372 7,924 6,216 3,296 2, 348 5,895 2,760 5,136 2, 367 2,803 1,856 2,448 3,170 3, 268 8, 1.56 2, 676 36, 664 5. 173 4,325 3, 680 4,179 3. 435 4,748 3, 635 2,413 5,076 2,260 14, 994 2,455 7,070 3,714 Foreign. 7,272 5,370 9, 966 8,454 6,265 7,275 4,783 4,430 8,487 7,801 5,990 8,066 8, 223 8,061 3, 850 614 1,075 897 6,274 538 673 1,044 1,458 909 766 762 4, 341 23, 851 3, 639 6, 520 5,233 5,582 2,877 1,276 621 7,934 1,544 2,181 2, 288 1,921 6, 126 4,208 1,131 537 1,559 362 1,987 543 96 1,088 463 1,219 1.225 2,912 243 37, 734 7,084 3,002 3, 420 4, 215 4, 083 7,676 1,963 664 5, 627 307 7,043 478 2,169 1,117 White. 550 432 320 307 017 220 992 623 226 190 875 975 784 584 840 162 208 736 761 919 146 085 672 889 341 052 001 418 050 720 580 233 517 695 217 363 826 099 929 041 420 398 851 443 079 054 886 892 933 905 389 476 994 879 189 232 325 086 390 509 410 564 008 665 539 995 918 212 829 Colored. 1,099 123 47 46 23 784 622 389 777 127 45 32 200 47 185 27 5 84 72 12 29 2 7 13 11 42 1,988 392 1,109 30 394 57 18 668 40 243 27 358 3 4 27 33 10 43 64 24 7 11 6 4 16 72 39 179 21 1 12 Chinese. Japanese. 10 29 8 14 9 43 22 21 12 18 10 4 13 Civilized Indians. POPULATION. 553 :able 17.— population BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OE MOKE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND SBX. NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. COLOR. BOROUGHS. Male. Female. Native. 6,186 15,768 3,485 3,759 4,353 1,839 2,649 21, 485 2,889 2,203 2,995 2,991 6,517 3,890 3,840 1,841 2,180 18, 569 2, 184 2,178 2,117 3,125 2,069 3,801 3, 095 3,190 3,062 7,385 3,469 24, 136 3, 654 3,470 4,148 4,457 4,623 3,784 3,051 2,282 2,103 6,082 2,413 43, 095 4,849 7, 559 8,459 8,998 7,320 5,910 41,762 1,101 2,710 9,590 8,284 9,008 9, 025 1,444 16, 486 2,942 7,073 10, 213 1,707 8,578 2, 461 6,572 2,205 3,370 5,409 6,757 3, 137 3, 042 2, 988 Foreign. White. Colored. Chinese. Japanese. Civilized Indians. Massachusetts— Continued. Gardner 4,284 14,243 2,427 2,171 2,483 1.522 1,352 13, 404 1,644 1, 155 2,071 1,710 4, 575 2,249 2, 113 1, 320 1,279 16, 946 2,059 2,496 2, 620 3,513 1,417 2,863 1,978 2,176 2,319 4,967 2,008 20, 801 3,232 2,927 3,731 4,253 3, 648 3,010 1,805 1,479 1,528 3,573 1,566 35, 453 5,046 5,802 6,706 5,939 7,467 4,493 27, 426 617 1,569 5, 811 5,589 6,312 6,433 1,095 10, 746 1,694 3,906 6,967 1,325 5,307 1,481 3,899 1,341 2,314 2,893 4,222 2,119 2,011 1,813 4,140 10, 408 2,575 2,441 2,769 1,400 1,382 14, 008 1,595 1,392 2,030 1,883 4,568 2,540 2.451 1,303 1, 340 18, 691 2, 287 2,649 2,465 4,101 1,635 3,364 2,190 1,912 2, 351 5, 226 2, 431 23, 853 3,720 3,411 4, 637 4,894 4,240 2,951 1,980 1,641 1,361 3,696 1,631 42, 243 6,352 7,387 7,592 6,921 8,500 5,491 28, 301 624 1,572 6, 403 5,660 6,729 0,357 956 12, 285 1,738 4,296 6,838 1,375 5,772 1,504 4,620 1,292 2,500 3,172 4,558 2, 309 2, 267 1, 837 i 2,238 8,883 1.517 853 899 1,083 85 5,927 350 344 1,106 602 2. 626 899 724 782 439 17, 068 2,162 2,967 2,968 4,489 983 2,426 1,073 898 1,008 2,808 970 20, 518 3,298 2,868 4, 220 4,090 3,265 2,177 734 838 786 1,187 784 34, 601 6,549 5. 630 5,839 3,862 8,647 4,074 13, 965 140 431 2,624 2,965 3,433 3,765 607 6,545 490 1,129 3,592 993 2, 501 524 1,947 428 1,444 656 2,023 1,291 1,236 662 8,365 24, 629 5,002 4,484 5,228 2,921 2,695 27, 136 3,217 2,467 4,052 3,585 9,100 4,715 4,460 2,623 2,609 35, 606 4,344 5,140 5,082 7,606 3, 050 6,221 4,163 4.082 4,666 10, 095 4,416 44, 529 6,948 6,326 8,332 9,121 7,854 5,948 3,680 3,118 2,785 7,247 3,177 77, 390 U, 197 13, 173 14, 290 12, 844 15, 942 9,944 54, 997 1,239 3,123 11,778 11, 170 13, 013 12, 628 2,046 22, 917 3,426 8,164 13, 764 2,699 11,021 2, 983 8,468 2,633 4,812 6,025 8,762 4,426 4,231 3,589 56 12 3 10 Gloucester Grafton Great Barringtou 125 19 1 39 260 17 80 41 8 40 74 103 3 5 Greenfield Hard wick ■""•/• Harwich Haverhill 16 5 Wardl Ward 2 Wards 8 Ward4 Ward5 3 Ward 6 Hinsham 1 Holden Holliston 10 10 Half oke 21 2 3 3 6 2 5 Wardl Ward 2 2 Wards Ward4 2 Wards Ward 6 1 5 6 2 98 21 104 4 2 33 20 34 11 101 2 104 19 14 274 187 9 7 12 22 37 715 2 18 433 74 25 158 5 107 5 37 38 Ward? Hopkinton Hudson 2 Hyde Park Ipswich 2 21 Lawrence Wardl Ward 2 10 3 6 Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 2 Lee 1 3 Leicester ^ Lenox Leominster 3 2 29 13 5 1 4 3 3 14 Lexington Lowell 3 Wardl \ Ward 2 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Lynn 1 Wardl Ward2 Wards 2 5 3 4 1 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward7 Maiden 7 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 Mansfield Marblehoad Marlboro Maynard Medford 55 1 48 Med way Melrose Merrimac Methuen 2 3 1 2 Middleboro 37 17 Milford MiUbury MUton 47 60 Monsou 1 554 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tabi,f. 1 1.— population BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Massachusetts — Continued Montague Nantucket Natiok Needham New Bedford Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Newburyport Newton North Adams Northampton North Andover North Attleboro Northbridge North Brookfleld Norwood Orange Oxford Palmer Peabody Pepperell Pittsfield Plymouth Pro\ incetown Quincy Randolph Reading Revere Rockland Rockport Salem Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward G Saugus Somerville Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Southbridge South Hadley Spencer Springfield Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Warde Ward 7 Ward 8 Stoueham Stoughton Button Swampscott Taunton , Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward S Ward4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Warda , Male. Female. 3,206 1,411 4,443 1,535 19, 020 5,S25 2,094 2,056 1,590 2,287 5,668 6,335 10, 856 7,799 6,703 1,834 3,326 2,366 1,894 1,983 2,346 1,265 3,102 5,140 1,549 8,233 3,540 2,247 8,613 1,947 1,924 2, 805 2,619 2,159 14, 324 2,219 2,444 1,750 2,309 3, 638 1,964 1,784 19, LSI 4,883 6,365 4,035 3,848 3,677 1,965 4,430 21, 291 6,033 2,255 2, S98 1,841 4,514 1,881 1,124 1,245 3,028 2, S9] 1, .^.67 1,500 ]2,.3S1 2, 238 768 1,771 926 541 1,375 1,217 3, 495 3,090 1,857 4,675 1,500 21, 713 5,617 2,483 2, 557 1, 9S2 2,996 6,128 7,612 15, 523 8, 275 8,287 1,908 3,401 2,237 1,977 1,750 2,222 1,351 3,418 5,018 1,578 9,048 3,774 2,395 8,110 1,999 2, 164 2,863 2,594 1, 928 16, 477 2,442 2,752 2,238 2,758 4,156 2,131 1,889 21, 021 5,232 6,844 4,503 4,442 3,978 2,296 4,317 22, 888 6,042 2,010 2,657 2,527 5,387 1,765 1,267 1,233 3,127 2,461 1,613 1,698 13, 117 2,371 829 1, 932 1,094 558 1,298 1,216 3,819 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. Foreign. 4,208 3, 033 7,288 2,133 26, 313 5,273 3,733 4,130 2,877 4,014 6, 286 11, 329 17, 165 11, 608 11, 159 2,563 5,111 2,678 3, 093 2,712 3,991 2,046 4,144 7,603 2,554 IS, 285 6,162 3,420 10, 867 3,285 3,357 4,120 4,305 S, (182 21, 677 3,278 4, 259 2,923 3, 602 4, 335 3,280 2,969 29, 264 7,338 9,131 6,595 6,200 4, 909 2,956 6,579 33, 264 8, 576 3, 228 3, 658 3,510 8, 126 2,657 2, 058 1,451 4,958 3,874 2,124 2,544 18, 095 3,605 1,277 2,506 1,581 916 2,106 1,879 4,165 2,088 235 1,830 902 14,420 5,669 844 483 645 1,269 5,510 2,618 7,214 4,466 3,831 1,179 1,616 1, 925 778 1.021 577 570 2,376 2,555 573 3,996 1,152 1,222 5.856 661 731 1,548 908 1,005 9,124 1,383 937 1,065 1,465 3,459 815 704 10,88P 2,777 4,078 1, 943 2,090 2,746 1, 305 2,168 10,915 3,499 1,037 1,397 858 1,775 989 333 1,027 1,197 978 1, 0.56 654 7,353 944 320 1,197 439 183 567 554 3,149 White. 6,291 3,228 9,066 3,019 39, 010 10, 919 4,412 4, 032 3,173 4,837 11, 637 13, 875 24,027 16, 019 14, 888 3,732 6,699 4,594 3,860 3,724 4,566 2,572 6,472 10, 149 3,107 17, 051 7,211 4,618 16, 701 3,936 4,083 5,631 5,211 30, 620 4,622 5,164 3,951 5,046 7,752 4,085 3,655 40, 077 10, 100 13, 199 8,528 8,250 7,620 4,260 8,737 43,342 12, 039 4,175 4,849 4,334 9,568 3,540 2,373 2,464 6,119 4,845 3,178 3,180 25, 303 4,603 1,597 3,685 2,005 1,099 2,639 2,426 7,249 Colored. 3 40 52 16 22 164 576 336 443 158 342 46 92 10 23 9 11 48 8 20 226 87 24 16 4 2 24 811 35 87 196 S3 322 106 18 14 35 4 2 16 138 Chinese. Japanese, Civilized Indians. POPULATIOK 555 Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Massachusetts — Continued. Templeton Tewksbury TJxbridge Wakefield Walpole Walthani Ware Wareham Warren Watertowu Webster Wellesley Westboro West Boylston Westfield Westport West Springfield Weymouth Whitman Williamstown Wincheudon Winchester Winthi'op Wobum Worcester Wardl Ward2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Wards , Ward 6 , Ward? Wards , Wrentham Michigan: Adrian Albion Allegan Alpena Ann Arbor Ausable Battle Creek Bay city Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 WardU Benton Harbor Bessemer Big Rapids Cadillac C'liarlotte Cheboygan Coldwater Detroit Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10... SEX. Male. Female. 1,559 1,440 1,226 1,289 1,680 1,728 3,330 3,652 1,242 1,362 8,553 10, 154 3,373 3, 956 1,790 1,661 2,315 2, 366 3,381 3,692 3,394 3,637 1,315 2, 285 2,524 2,671 1,412 1,607 4,761 5, 044 1,282 1,317 2,462 2, 015 5,336 5, .530 2,221 2,220 2,240 1,981 2,215 2, 175 2, 340 2,521 1,298 1,428 6,749 6,750 42, 267 42, 388 4,020 4,026 7,198 6,782 4,835 4,423 4,923 4,916 8,719 7,844 4,312 4,531 4,774 5,554 3,486 4,312 1,267 1,299 4,072 4,684 1,766 1,997 1,256 1,413 5, 817 5,466 4,378 5.053 2,305 2,023 6, 353 6,844 14, 254 13,585 1,545 1,351 1,630 975 845 985 1,710 1,789 1,417 1,395 1,436 1,448 1, 253 1,228 1,493 1,559 734 754 1,078 951 1,113 1,150 1,832 1,800 1,608 958 2,635 2,608 2,269 2,192 1, 856 2,011 3,305 2, 930 2,468 2, 779 101, 298 101,578 6,192 6,967 4,955 5, 988 7,006 7,260 5,541 6,448 7,965 8,355 6,598 7,248 7.386 7, 096 6,118 6, 473 10, 754 10, 716 7,849 8,162 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 2,498 1,397 2,526 5,152 2,036 13, 425 4, 361 2,890 3,252 4,883 4,154 2,726 4,122 2,008 8,017 2,211 3,919 9,231 3,841 3,311 3,420 3,530 2,137 9,382 57, 952 5,807 9, 439 5,676 6,304 9,166 6,362 8, 438 6,760 2, 130 7,361 3,178 2,414 5,873 7, 285 2, 340 11, 561 16, 894 1,696 1, 6.52 1,331 2,183 1,599 1, 765 1,533 1,374 1,051 1, 195 1,515 3,228 1,264 3,902 3,026 3,610 3, 523 4,790 124, 167 8,783 7,849 8,702 8,052 9, 392 9,090 7,950 8,136 11,210 9, 916 Foreign. 501 1,118 882 1,830 568 5,282 2,968 561 1,429 2,190 2,877 874 1,073 1,011 1,788 388 1,158 1,635 600 910 970 1,331 589 4,117 26, 703 2, 239 4,541 3,582 3, 535 7,397 2,481 1, 890 1,038 436 1, 395 585 255 5, 410 2,146 1,988 1,636 10, 945 1,200 953 499 1,316 1.213 1,119 948 1.678 437 834 748 464 1,302 1,401 1,435 257 2,712 457 81, 709 4,376 3,094 5,564 3,937 6,928 4,756 6, 532 4,455 10, 260 6,095 White. 2,993 2,497 3,398 6,968 2,601 18, 678 7,323 3,427 4,676 7,045 7,007 3,594 5, 184 3,015 9,737 2, 586 5,072 10, 834 4,436 4,101 4,386 4,815 2,698 13, 397 83, 679 7,801 13, 739 9,207 9,828 16. 542 8,833 10, 009 7,720 2,558 8,511 3, 721 2,598 11, 273 9,118 4, 321 12, 836 27, 679 2,895 2,596 1,819 3,458 2,779 2,847 2,481 3,047 1,476 2,023 2,258 3,556 2,559 5,286 4,459 3,850 6,202 5,221 202, 422 12, 620 10, 866 12, 883 11,932 15, 717 13, 823 14, 094 12, 561 21, 320 15, 994 Colored. 18 10 12 3 16 2 23 3 25 16 6 7 3 63 13 - 4 29 3 118 2 45 28 100 944 240 231 48 10 16 9 314 243 35 70 8 295 7 355 1.58 1 9 11 41 32 11 6 5 136 6 17 1 17 8 26 3,431 532 75 1,379 56 602 381 30 150 17 Chinese. 27 4 8 3 1 5 1 3 2 Japanese. Civilized Indians. 25 556 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, ANU SEX. NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. COLOR. BORODGHS. Male. Female. 6,955 7,131 4,457 4,009 2,906 4,407 1,407 2,992 5,115 1, .370 2,477 30, 187 4.664 1,663 2,756 3,481 3,487 3,421 3,225 1,634 2, 221 3,635 1,606 1,416 2,106 1, 930 2, 382 3,072 2, 061 4,668 10, 376 9,273 6,524 1,444 3,651 6,164 1,190 1,664 4,077 2, 073 4,587 2,7&2 2,419 1,358 10, 937 2,469 2,241 1,546 3,225 1,451 3,224 6,811 1,289 22, 491 1,715 2,018 1,271 1,929 2,469 1.532 1,866 839 956 1,544 1,656 1,384 1,050 1,029 1,233 1,228 1,634 Native. Foreign. White. Colored . Chinese. Japanese. Civilized Indians. Michigan— Continued . Detroit — Continued. Ward 11 7,019 7,278 4,352 4,188 3,075 5,022 1,399 3,816 4,688 1,462 2.546 30, 091 4,871 1,552 2,153 3,365 3,611 3,698 3, 308 1,657 2,365 3,511 1,450 1,556 1,809 2.015 2,100 5, 527 5,084 6,529 19,422 8,580 6,578 1, 309 3,866 6,648 1,750 1,604 5,016 1,895 6, 043 2,496 2,329 1,343 11,765 3,609 1,956 2,047 3, 339 1,421 2, 976 6,732 1,784 23, 831 1,997 1, 935 2,288 1,883 2, 28(1 1,499 1. 838 949 975 1,094 1, 636 1,392 1,015 1, OHZ 1,368 1,476 1,493 9,434 7,634 5,574 4,176 3,586 4,683 2,581 3,945 7,916 1,382 3, 273 40, 874 6, 393 2,576 3,850 5, 172 4,310 3,631 4,312 2,138 3,153 5,339 2,574 2,710 3,516 2, 622 3,652 3,079 3,240 4,777 17,184 13, 589 10, 794 2, 235 4,405 7, 023 1,467 2,462 5,078 3,391 5,798 4,358 3,609 2,118 13,915 2,703 3,487 1,913 5,315 2, 326 4,690 7.524 1,381 30, 688 2, 388 2, 679 2,548 2,467 3,172 2, 093 2,409 1,197 1,452 2,105 1,999 1,832 1,429 1,327 1,591 1,799 2,814 4,540 6,775 3,235 4,021 2,395 4,746 225 2,863 1,887 1,450 1,750 19, 404 3,142 639 1, 0.59 1,674 2,788 3,488 2, 221 1,153 1,433 1,807 482 262 399 1,323 830 5,520 4,505 6,420 3,614 ^264 2, 308 518 3, 112 5,789 1,473 806 4,015 577 4,832 900 1,139 583 8,787 3,375 710 1,680 1,249 546 1,510 6,019 1,692 15, 634 1,324 1,274 1,011 1,345 1,577 938 1,295 591 479 1,133 1,293 944 636 784 1,010 905 313 13, 943 14, 357 8,796 8,159 5,970 9,387 2,738 6,807 9,601 2,825 4,974 59, 657 9,382 3, 190 4,862 6,792 6,931 7,109 6,521 3,278 4,565 7,027 3,047 2, 972 3,899 3,945 4,460 8.589 7,743 11, 187 20, 329 17, 426 12, 756 2,744 7, 505 12, 798 2,900 3,268 9,034 3, 928 10, 595 5,225 4,739 2,671 22,643 6,076 4,055 3,543 6,547 2,833 6, 007 13, 482 3,065 46, 028 3,702 3,880 3,513 3,796 4,714 2,998 3,693 1,788 1,931 3,217 3,284 2,764 2,051 2,111 2,586 2,702 3,109 31 52 13 38 11 42 64 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 3 1 3 1 Flint 199 5 32 602 153 25 47 35 167 10 12 13 21 119 9 Fort Gratiot 2 17 Graud Hapids 10 9 Ward 1.. Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 10 9 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 HilLsdale 14 1 1 Holland Ionia 22 5 Iron Mountain 5 2 5 6 5 1 5 462 420 341 9 10 14 Jackson .- 1 2 1 3 Ludington 2 Manistee Mauistique 40 Marquette 47 38 1 32 9 12 59 2 142 6 2 2 e Marshall 32 1 18 Muskegon Kegaunee Niles Oscoda 50 Owoaso 16 7 190 61 i 292 10 73 44 16 35 33 11 1 Petoskey 32 3 Port Huron Red Jacket 4 2 Saginaw Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 2 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 21 8 12 14 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 15 St. Ignace 1 1 St. Johns 18 POPULATION. 557 Table J 7 POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. eiTIKS, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BORODQHS. Michigan — Continued. St. .Joseph Sault Ste. Marie... Three Rivers Traverse West Bay city Wyandotte. Ypsilanti Minnesota: Albert Lea. Anoka Austin Brainerd . . . Cloquet Crookston.. Duluth Ward 1 . Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Faribault Fergus Falls Hastings Mankato Minneapolis Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. New TJlm . Northfield. Owatonna . Red Wing. Rochester . St. Cloud.. St. Paul . . Ward AVard Ward Ward Ward Ward G. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. St. Peter Stillwater West Dnluth. Winona Mississippi : Aberdeen . Bilo.xi Colurabu.s Greenville. Jackson . . . Meridian . . Natchez . . . Vicksburg. Male. Female. 1,891 3, 036 1, 542 2,236 6,978 1,977 2,648 1,587 2.168 1,909 3,019 1,764 1,830 20, 975 2,402 1, 3.57 5,977 5,571 3,663 2,005 3,167 1,863 1,820 4,444 87, 643 5,830 4,930 12, 672 12, 497 10, 574 9,047 6,731 6,420 6,743 2,573 7.348 1,074 1,204 1,894 1,248 1,843 3, 105 2,609 4,030 69, 561 9, 055 7,094 4, 570 7, 225 7,770 7,719 4,264 12, 017 6,833 1, 653 1,361 1,852 6,146 2,088 9,012 1,534 1,.540 2,098 3,212 2,845 5, 150 4,582 6,214 1,842 2,724 1, 589 2,117 6,003 1,840 3,481 1,718 2, 084 1,992 2,684 766 1,627 12,140 853 870 3, 855 3,159 1,960 1,443 3,353 1,909 1,885 4,394 77, 095 4,546 4,528 10, 975 10, 1.52 9,954 fi, 780 6, 534 6,971 5,796 1,941 6, 985 827 1,106 1,847 1,411 2,006 3,189 2,712 3,656 63, 595 8,025 6, 573 2, 944 .5,417 7,349 7,048 5,870 11,320 6,424 1,366 1,259 1,819 5, 114 1,280 9,196 1, 915 1,694 2, 461 3,446 3, 075 5,474 5,519 7,159 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 2,940 2,673 2,869 2, 936 7,966 2,584 5, 252 2,342 3,091 3,104 3,752 1,262 1,937 16, 893 616 114 443 052 288 1,380 4,857 2, 574 2,748 6,343 104, 180 5, 898 0,706 14, 299 16, 382 14, 460 6,074 8,766 10, 721 7,428 2, 576 7,876 1, 305 1,689 2,131 2,079 2,853 3, 991 3,733 5,650 79, 979 8,917 7,829 4, 372 8,477 9,010 8,829 7,836 12, 847 7, 865 2,130 1,867 2,094 6,524 1,750 12, 098 3,379 2,947 4,471 6,319 5,743 10, 363 9, 603 12, 592 Foreign. 793 3,087 262 1,417 5,015 1,233 877 963 1,161 797 1,951 1,268 1,520 16, 222 1,639 1, 113 4, 389 3, 678 3, 335 2,068 1, 663 1,198 957 2,495 60, 558 4,478 2, 752 9,348 6,267 9, 7.53 4,499 2,670 5,111 1,938 6, 4.57 596 621 1,610 580 996 2,303 1,588 2,036 53, 177 8,163 5,838 3, 142 4.165 6, 109 5, 938 2,298 10. 490 5,392 889 753 1,577 4,736 1,618 6,110 70 287 177 261 498 781 White. 3, 606 5. 738 3,065 4,350 12, 976 .3, 817 5,546 3, 293 4, 236 3, 880 5, 688 2,528 3,456 32, 864 3,195 2, 219 9, 733 8,655 5,618 3,444 6,501 3, 765 3, 671 8,828 163,384 10,364 9,407 23, 566 22, 333 19, 955 15, 774 13, 197 13, 359 12, 459 4, 513 14,254 1,894 2,309 3,740 2, 642 3,832 6,294 5,316 7,676 131, 632 17, 029 13, 638 7, 347 12, 049 15, 056 14, 635 10, 084 22, 982 13, 175 3,019 2,618 3,669 11, 209 3, 365 18, 147 1,605 2,680 2,197 2,428 2,789 5,442 4,858 6,164 Colored. 127 13 55 3 3 220 58 1 84 68 5 4 18 5 34 10 1,320 11 50 81 309 561 53 67 32 68 1 79 7 1 1 17 14 5 10 1,476 50 29 162 573 59 126 46 348 81 2 50 2 52 1,842 551 2, 360 4, 217 3, 127 5, 178 5, 241 7,204 Chinese. Civilized Indians. 558 COMPBNDIIJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Mississippi — Continued. Water Valle.y Wesson West Point Yazoo Missouri : Aurora Bonoe Terre . Boon villa Brookfield... Butler Cameron Cape Girardeau . CarroUton Carterville , Carthage Chillicotlie . Clinton Columbia. .. De Soto Fulton Hannibal Holden Independence . Jefferson Joplin Kansas city Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11 . Ward 12. Ward i;i. Ward 14. Kirksville. Lamar ..... Lexington. Liberty ... Louisiana . Macon Marshall . . Maryville . Mexico Moberly... Nevada .... Palmyra Pierce Rich Hill . . Richmond.. St. Charles . St. Joseph . . Wardl. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8. St. Louis Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward ;i . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Male. 1,397 1,353 1,281 1,528 1,884 1,933 2,079 2, 468 1,360 1,422 2, 055 1,896 1,509 3,919 2,861 2, 335 1,839 1,991 2,170 6, 348 1,181 3,062 4,057 5,340 71,051 4,523 3,692 6,200 5, 955 4, 3.50 5, 332 7,043 8, 192 11,433 7,474 2, 373 919 1,820 1,745 1,597 1,390 2,176 1, 326 2, 539 1,686 2,060 1,951 2,312 4,128 3,648 1,241 1,195 1,992 1,466 2,998 27, 316 3,233 1,982 4,820 2,765 5,656 3,330 3,861 1,669 228, 114 6,550 6,770 6,926 7,026 8,416 Female. 1,435 1,815 1,481 1,758 1,598 1,786 2,062 2, 079 1,452 1, 495 2,242 1,982 1,375 4,062 2,856 2,402 2,161 1,969 2,144 6,509 1,339 3, 318 2,685 4,603 61, 665 2,460 1,711 4,664 5,516 3,987 4,412 6,649 7, 923 11,022 7,130 2,240 953 1,568 1,430 1,913 1,470 2,361 1,232 2,551 1,685 2,237 2, 086 2, 477 4,087 3,614 1,274 1,316 2,016 1,429 3,163 25, 008 3,074 1,962 4,376 2,907 4,544 3,325 3,309 1,511 223, 656 4, 743 4,121 6,563 5, 766 8,315 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BOEN. Native. 2,716 3,139 2,721 3,160 3,420 3,401 3,730 4,226 2,740 2,793 3,652 3,751 2,809 7,762 5,361 4,524 3,914 3, 625 4,050 11, 675 2, 385 5, 926 5,924 9,318 111,858 5,592 4,532 9,058 9,077 6,582 7,871 11, 870 14, 199 19, 056 12, 767 3, 982 1,597 2, 955 2,720 3,439 2,767 4,139 2,460 4,842 3,169 4,098 3, 810 4,641 7,498 6,994 2, 348 2,340 3, 761 2,659 5,012 45, 251 5,494 3,528 8,032 5,016 8, 860 5,437 6,081 2,803 336, 894 7,784 7,173 9, 443 8,858 11,646 Foreign. 116 29 41 126 62 318 411 321 72 124 645 127 75 219 356 213 86 335 264 1.182 135 454 818 625 20, 858 1,391 871 1,800 2,394 1,755 1,873 1,822 1,916 3, 399 1,837 631 275 433 455 71 93 248 202 199 227 148 717 268 167 171 247 23G 1,149 7,073 813 416 1,164 656 1, 340 1,218 1,089 377 114, 876 3,509 3, 718 4, 046 3, 934 5,085 White. 1,844 2, 983 1,325 1,422 3, 472 3, 576 3,051 4,244 2,648 2, 768 3, 613 3, 130 2,860 7,527 5, 176 4, 275 2,406 3, 764 3,170 10, 782 2,203 5,580 5,479 9,597 118, 821 5,660 4,214 9,655 10, 433 7,768 7,849 12, 259 14, 375 20, 143 13, 938 4,299 1,835 3,266 3,127 3,246 2,817 3, 232 2,005 3,861 2,700 3, 541 3,925 3,660 7,219 7,099 1,812 2,306 3,941 2,320 5,572 48, 628 5,774 3,595 8,449 5,210 9,667 5,903 6,994 3, 036 424, 704 9,882 9, 594 12, 517 12, 392 16, 146 Colored. 988 185 1 , 437 1, 862 10 143 1,083 302 162 149 684 748 15 453 .541 4GI 1,.593 196 1,144 2,073 316 799 1,262 343 13, 700 1,307 1,151 1,174 1,024 567 1,878 1,421 1,719 2,284 062 310 37 120 46 264 43 1,304 551 1,228 670 755 110 1,127 990 162 703 205 67 573 584 3,686 533 349 746 462 524 752 176 144 26, 865 1,382 1,284 965 397 582 C'liincse. Japaucse 1 1 3 186 15 38 34 14 170 29 13 5 Civilized Indians. 31 POPULATION. 559 Table 1 7.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutinued. CITIES, TOWNS, VrUAGBS, AND BOROUGHS. lissoiiri — Continued. St. Louis — Continued. Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. Ward 16. Ward 17. Ward 18. Ward 19. Ward 20. Ward 21. Ward 22. Ward 23. Ward 24. Ward 25. Ward 26. Ward 27. Ward 28. Sedalia Springfield . . . Trenton Warrensburg . Washington. . Webb Montana : Anaconda . . Butte Great Falls. Helena Livingston. Mi,ssoula . . . Nebraska : Beatrice . . . Columbus . Fairbury.. Fremont .. Grand Island . Hastings Holdrege Kearney Lincoln Ward 1 . Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Nebraska city . Norfolk North Platte . . Omaha Ward 1 . Ward 2 Ward.S. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Wards. Ward 9. Male. Female. Plattsmouth . . South Omaha- York 9,523 10, 471 6,686 10, 623 8,727 9,664 7,638 5,901 7,457 6,320 6,818 7,203 8,768 8,379 6,876 8,243 6,961 9,548 8,108 9,064 9,621 9,227 10, 600 7,073 10, 866 2, 540 2,173 1,295 2,735 2,639 7,169 2,828 8,333 1,799 2,214 7,385 1,578 1,306 3,445 3,858 0,924 1,418 4,309 29, 395 5,197 4,293 3, 790 6,292 5,826 1,603 2,394 5, 852 1,518 1,540 80, 108 6,612 10, 213 14, 064 11, 602 9,419 10, 100 4,529 9,213 4,350 4,664 4,692 1.645 8,843 10,030 6, 636 10, 078 9,029 8,703 7,596 5,936 7,912 5,593 6,986 7,998 8,694 7,984 7,907 8,470 8,717 10, 267 8,669 9,192 8,472 8,644 11, 792 6,995 10, 984 2,499 2,533 1,430 2,308 1, 336 3,554 1,151 5,501 1,051 1,212 6,451 1, 5.56 1,324 3,302 3,678 6,660 1,183 3,765 25, 759 3,700 3,673 3,147 5,644 5,742 1,625 2,228 5,642 1,520 1,515 60, 344 5,295 7,318 7.837 8,299 6,098 8.850 4,201 8, 065 4,381 3,728 3,370 1,760 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 13, 791 14, 087 9,069 14, 445 12, 701 12, 896 11, 243 9,166 11, 777 9,710 10, 095 12, 047 12, 824 13, 132 12, 070 12,578 13, 216 14, 007 13, 498 14, 324 13, 746 13, 156 18, 412 12, 783 20, 574 4,784 4,521 2,117 4,858 2,056 6,676 2, 589 9,479 2, 217 2,350 12,330 2,221 2,389 5,171 5, 817 11, 332 2,103 7,165 48, 692 7, 770 6, 963 5, 985 10, 883 10,110 2,931 4,050 9,805 2,444 2,476 105, 413 7, 033 10, 586 18, 124 16, 774 11,312 15, 241 5,647 13, 858 6,297 5,508 3,022 Foreign. 4,575 6,414 4, 253 6, 256 5,055 5,471 3,991 2, 071 3, 592 2, 203 3,709 3,154 4,638 3,231 2,713 4, 135 2, 462 5,808 3, 279 3, 932 4,347 4,715 3,980 1,285 1,276 255 185 608 185 1,919 4,047 1,390 4, 355 633 1,076 1,506 913 241 1,576 1,719 2, 252 498 909 6,462 1,127 1,003 952 1. 053 1,458 297 572 1,689 594 579 35, 039 4,874 6,945 3, 777 3,127 4,205 3,715 3, 083 3,420 1,893 2, 095 2, 554 383 White. 18, 028 20, 427 11,925 20, 602 16, 674 17, 927 1.5,196 10, 9(i4 14, 942 8, 345 13, 694 13, 099 16, 974 14,762 13, 5:i8 15, 777 14,818 19, 702 15, 912 16, 939 16, 276 16, 606 21,046 12, 574 19, 587 4,838 4,140 2, 537 5,026 3,798 10, 166 3,891 13, 054 2, 815 3,245 13, 477 3, 120 2,620 6,715 7, 501 13, 255 2, 595 8,033 53, 758 8.764 7, 543 6,803 11, 712 11, 139 3,196 4,601 11,254 3,010 3,035 135, 794 11, 752 17, 303 19, 846 19, 379 14, 924 18, 450 8,680 16, 879 8,581 8,303 7,986 3,375 Colored. 338 72 1,391 98 1,077 438 38 873 427 3,544 108 2, 093 J 86 1 . 592 1,228 916 812 HI 855 1,315 1,817 1,263 1,333 1,493 2, 258 199 566 188 5 37 150 85 279 21 50 351 12 5 30 322 3 38 1,360 125 411 129 213 429 32 21 238 27 18 4, 566 154 228 1,996 519 578 505 50 386 150 74 30 Chinese. Japanese. 140 403 3 499 14 124 2 5 6 5 7 3 3 35 8 11 5 11 89 1 57 3 14 1 13 Civilized Indians. 12 560 OOMPEironJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAOE8, AND BOROUGHS. Nevada : Carson Reno Virginia city New Hampshire : Berlin Claremont Concord Derry Dover Exeter Farmington . Franklin Gilford Haverhill Keene Laconia Lancaster . . . Lebanon Littleton Manchester . Wardl.. Ward 2. . Wards.. Ward 4.. Wards.. Ward 6.. Ward?.. Wards.. Milford Nashua Newmarket . Newport Pembroke . . . Peterboro ... Pittsiield . . . . Portsmouth . Kochester . . . Somersworth Winchester . Woifboro New Jersey ; Atlantic city Bayonne Borden town. Brirtgeton . . . Burlington . . Camden Ward 1 . . Ward 2-. Wards.. Ward 4. . Ward 5.. Ward 6-- Ward7.. Wards.. Ward 9.. Elizabeth ... Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. Wards.. Ward 4.. Ward 5. . Ward 6.. Ward?.. Wards.. Freehold Gloucester . . Hackensack. Hadrionfield . Hammonton. Male. 2,602 2,058 4,940 2,0S4 2,575 8,56S 1,28a 6,018 2,189 1,547 2,009 1,776 1,303 3,602 2,887 1, 783 1,754 1,658 19,864 1,657 1,611 3,105 3,001 3,330 2,254 992 3,914 1,485 9,376 1,324 1,273 1,611 1,204 1,248 4,700 3,746 2,869 1,345 1,577 6,200 10, 043 1,983 5, 568 3,436 28, 527 3, 726 4,528 2,267 2,495 3,628 3,411 3,101 3,021 2,350 18, 796 4,693 4,033 2,981 1,032 2,740 1,130 904 1,283 1,356 3, 242 2, 926 1,123 1,941 Female. 1,348 1,505 3,571 1,695 2,990 8,441 1,321 6,772 2,095 1,517 2,076 1,809 1,242 3,844 3, 256 1,590 2,009 1,707 24,262 2,201 1,877 4,027 3,836 4,221 2,411 1,202 4,487 1,529 9,935 1,418 1,350 1,561 1, 303 1,357 5, 127 3,650 3, 338 1,239 1,443 6,855 8,990 2,249 5, 856 3, 828 29, 786 3,924 5,008 2, 266 2, 804 3,697 3, 545 3,048 2,975 2,519 18, 968 4,181 3, 577 2, S55 1,181 3, 250 1,467 1,100 1,357 1,576 3, 322 3, 078 1 , 379 1,892 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 2,544 2,677 5,338 1,622 4,356 13, 872 2,378 9,608 3,451 2,970 3,343 3,020 2,371 6,480 4, 354 2,657 3,371 2,749 24, 035 1,824 2,857 3,788 3,929 2,947 3,607 1,554 3,529 2,570 13, 028 1,742 2, 398 1,760 2,109 2, 249 8,318 5,724 3,343 2,167 2,771 11,. 595 12, 345 3,871 10, 829 6,609 50, 580 6,649 8,059 3, 966 4,837 6,515 6,123 5,061 5, Oil 4, 359 26, 025 5,866 4,617 3,800 1,774 4, 851 2,108 1,632 1,917 2,669 5, 019 4,705 2, 337 2,406 Foreign. 1,406 886 3,173 2,107 1,209 3,132 226 3,182 833 94 742 565 174 1,789 716 392 616 20, 091 2,034 631 3,344 2,908 4,604 1,058 640 4,872 444 6,283 1,000 225 1,412 398 356 1,509 1,672 2,864 417 249 1,460 6,688 361 595 655 7,733 1,001 1,477 567 462 810 833 1,088 985 510 11, 139 3,008 2,993 2,036 439 1,139 429 372 723 263 1,545 1,299 165 1,427 White. 3,127 3,250 8,149 3,728 5,544 16, 933 2,602 12, 768 4,271 3,061 4,083 3, 571 2,540 7, 446 6,128 3,364 3,758 3,362 44, 076 3, 856 3,485 7,115 6,824 7,548 4,657 2,194 8,397 3,012 19, 285 2,741 2,016 3,168 2, .504 2,602 9,764 7, 387 6,203 2, 584 3,017 10, 921 18, 854 4,037 10, 893 6,714 53, 392 7, ,551 9,413 4,489 5,274 6,547 6,347 4,468 4,473 4,830 36, 967 8,842 7,604 5, 620 2,124 5,849 2,470 1,893 2,565 2,841 6.555 5,819 2,337 3,796 Colored. 47 23 37 1 18 67 2 17 12 1 1 14 4 2,113 169 195 527 549 4,863 93 117 35 12 775 596 1,677 1,521 37 789 28 5 216 141 126 109 75 91 9 180 164 37 Chinese. Japanese. 670 136 236 54 6 5 9 13 3 U 3 Civilized Indians. 106 151 89 POPULATION. 561 Table 17. -population BV SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2 500 INHAB ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Contiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Kew Jersey — Contiuued. HaiTisoii Hoboken . - . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward;!. Ward 4. Male. Female. Jersey city Aldernianio district 1 . Aldcriiiauio di.strict 2 . AldenTiaiii<' di,strict 3 . Alderiuauic district 4 . Aldermauic district 5 . Aldermaiiic district 6 . Key port Lauibertville. Loiig J5raiich. Millville Morristown . . Newark . . Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward !l. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12- AV^ard 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. New Brunswick. Newton . Of eaii Grove ' Oi Va ssaic Pa terson Wardl Ward2 Wards AVard4 Ward5 WardC Ward- Wards Pe rtb Ambov Phillipsburg Plaintield ... Princeton . - Eabway Raritan Red Bank baleni Sonierville Soiitb Amboy. South Orange . Trenton Ward 1... Ward 2... Ward 3... Ward 4... Ward 5... Ward 6... Ward 7..., Ward 8... Ward 9... Ward 10... Ward 11... 4, 097 22, 004 5, 225 2,740 7,299 6,740 82. 046 9,503 15, 731 12, 184 18, 313 9,779 16, 530 1,679 1,935 3,673 5,175 3, 443 3, 636 3, 468 2,911 3, 212 2, 651 12, 827 4,566 9, 222 3^ 189 6,900 5, 482 9.999 13,812 2, 597 4,508 8,832 1,414 1,273 9,137 0,646 38, 275 4,064 5,153 7,432 4,168 5,260 2, 056 2. 896 7,246 5,188 4,269 5, 236 1,722 3, 358 1, 300 1.949 2,598 1,830 2, 177 1,415 1,410 4, 685 2,004 3,099 1,944 2,769 4,241 21, 044 4,838 3, 025 7,560 6,221 80, 957 8, 334 14, 485 12, 128 18, 463 10, 515 17, 032 1,732 2,207 3,558 4,827 4,713 92, 850 3, 959 3, 683 3, 493 2,734 2, 752 13, 003 4, 722 10, 353 3, 89.') 6,997 6.302 9,617 13, 788 3, 103 4,449 9,771 1,589 1,481 9, 707 6,382 40, 072 4,260 5,242 7,748 4,722 5, 575 1,968 3, 060 7,497 4,324 4,375 6,031 1, 700 3,747 1.256 2,196 2,918 2,031 2, 153 1,691 >9, 116 28, 342 2, 285 2,791 1,397 1.666 4,109 3, 222 2,656 2,376 2,758 2,827 1, .381 4,698 1.798 3, 029 2.005 2,549 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 5,087 26, 284 5,569 3, .500 9,405 7,810 109, 645 10, 838 17, 887 17, 4.56 23, 685 15, 501 24, 278 3,020 3, 653 6,127 9, 317 6,579 126. 259 5.866 5, 307 5,064 3,847 3, 991 16, 393 6, 422 14, 908 5, 841! 10,277 8,952 12, 009 16, 673 4.743 5,961 15, 197 2,799 2,598 13. 383 7,698 47, 185 5,264 6,704 9,100 6,228 5,703 2,290 3, 182 8,654 5,327 7,679 8,931 3. 029 5,894 1, .535 3,688 5,224 3, 445 3, 205 2,280 43,410 4, 20.3 2,667 5, 585 3,446 4,310 1. 013 7. 706 2, 381 4, 594 3,014 3,591 Foreign. 372- 3,251 17, 364 4,494 2,265 5, 454 5,151 53, 358 6. 999 12. 329 6, 856 13, 091 4,793 9,290 391 489 1,104 685 1,577 55, 571 1,729 1,844 1,340 2,099 1,412 9,437 2, 866 4,667 1, 2.38 3, 620 2,832 7, 607 10, 927 957 2,996 3, 406 204 156 5, 461 5,330 31, 162 3,060 3,691 6,080 2,662 5, 072 1,734 2.774 6,089 4, 185 965 2, 336 393 1,211 1,021 457 292 416 1,125 820 14, 048 873 396 1,746 1, 586 1.275 878 1,677 1,421 1,534 935 1, 727 -36 Wliite. 8,311 43, 564 10, 052 5, 732 14, 845 12, 935 160,760 17, 352 29, 935 23, 920 36, 703 19, 877 32, 979 3, 244 4,075 0,701 9,871 7,721 177, 559 7,377 6, 698 5,880 r>, 731 5, 355 25, 732 9, 001 19, 099 6, 699 13, 227 11, 570 19, 583 27, 143 5, 004 8,860 17, 843 2, 973 2.707 17.988 12, 829 77. 644 8,293 10, 337 14, 832 8,735 10,802 3, 988 5,948 14, 719 9,437 8,614 10, 615 2. 837 6,844 2,553 3,868 4,956 3,488 4,328 3,061 55, 726 4.922 2. 751 7,107 4,994 5,347 2,774 8,732 3,795 6,112 3,936 5,256 Colored. 59 2 26 11 20 2,099 451 275 360 55 394 564 166 65 527 131 428 4,141 205 446 519 209 44 89 285 442 375 667 443 91 92 744 30 47 842 192 641 56 349 142 29 647 583 258 3 275 559 373 45 .697 146 306 219 36 230 17 649 12 13 62 Chiiie.se. Japanese. 24 9 7 3 5 132 34 G 30 14 127 13 7 5 6 4 Civilized Indians. 562 COMPENDITBI OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 17.-P0PULATI0N BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New Jersej— Continued. Union Vineland ■ Washington "Woodbury New Mexico : Albuquerque (a) Santa Fe New York : Albany Ward 1. ■Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. W^ard 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. Ward 16. Ward 17. Albion Amsterdam . Auburn Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4.. Ward 5.. Ward 6. Ward 7. W^ard 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Baldwinsville . Ballston Spa . . Batavia Bath Binghamton Ward 1. Ward 2- Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward e. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10- Wardll. Ward 12. Ward 13. Brockport. Brooklyn... Ward 1 AVard 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Male. Female. NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. 5,393 1,739 1,387 1,896 2,111 3.162 45, 589 3,010 2,847 2 422 2', 685 1,928 1,687 1, 629 2,050 2,364 4,618 2,952 2,684 2, 189 1, 9.57 2,354 4, 213 4,000 2,140 8,336 12, 873 1,676 1,348 782 2,487 793 1,243 1, 0.55 1, 334 1,002 1, 153 1, 465 1,673 3,352 1,490 16,914 2,080 1,243 1,663 453 1,518 1, 236 1,896 1,151 675 1,168 2, 043 1,175 613 1,706 394, 123 9,673 4,891 8,907 6, 402 10, 968 18, 308 16, 002 15, 844 8,632 16, 676 11, 070 Native. Foreign 5,250 2,083 1,447 2,015 1,674 3,023 49, 334 3,298 2,842 2,394 2,651 2, 319 1,749 1,735 2,127 2,303 4,735 3,433 2,974 2,650 2, 925 2, 890 4,330 3,979 2,446 9,000 12, 985 1,873 1,655 843 1,034 906 i, 411 1,169 1,414 1, 215 1,465 1, 575 1, 854 3,869 1,771 18, 091 2, 137 1,482 1,975 438 1,593 1,229 2, 205 1,072 659 1,362 2,095 1, 259 585 2,036 412, 220 10, 367 4,095 9,847 5,922 9,207 19, 385 19, 724 15, 395 9,064 17, 355 11, 623 6,321 3,382 2,735 3, 674 3,084 5,774 72, 630 4,343 3, 9.53 3,377 3,873 3,345 2,700 2, 736 3,193 3, 450 6,997 5,276 4,170 3,730 4.231 4,123 6, 939 6,194 3.334 12, 807 20, 199 2,678 2,364 1, 3.58 2, 527 1,268 2,113 1,677 2,099 1,810 2,305 2, 735 2, 972 5, 908 2, 957 30, 249 3, 534 2,406 3,044 781 2, 659 2,304 3,009 1,904 1,201 2,095 3, 7.55 1,832 1,125 3,135 544, 643 12, 718 4,910 12, 245 8, 276 12, 665 21, 907 26, 364 19, 581 11, 698 21, 960 16, 134 4,322 440 99 237 701 411 22,293 1,965 1, 736 1,439 1,463 902 736 628 984 1,217 2, 356 1,109 1,488 1,109 651 1, 121 1,604 1,785 1, 2.52 4,529 5,659 871 639 267 994 431 541 547 649 407 313 305 555 1,313 304 4, 7.56 683 319 594 110 452 161 492 319 133 435 383 602 73 007 261, 700 7 322 4^076 6,509 4,048 7, .510 15, 786 9. 362 11, 658 5, 998 12, 071 6,559 White. Colored. 10, 638 3, 645 2, 709 3, 482 3, 566 6,079 93. 782 6,307 5,663 4, 815 5, 297 4,191 3,346 3,323 4,176 4,666 9,344 6,148 5,540 4,765 4,863 5, 175 8,201 7, 962 4,510 17, 246 25, 427 3,537 2. 942 1,576 3, 458 1,698 2,640 2, 214 2,716 2, 045 2,595 3,025 3, 510 7,182 3,199 34, 480 4,131 2, 715 3,633 877 3,092 2, 420 3, 943 2, 157 1,290 2,503 4, 128 2, 412 1,179 3,719 795, 397 19, 738 8,908 18, 537 11, 794 19, 593 37, 585 35, 076 31, 176 17, 262 33, 309 20, 762 Chinese. Japanese. 176 124 428 181 93 1,122 1 26 '"'37' 52 82 39 1 1 9 237 118 73 19 69 341 17 412 12 59 45 54 1 10 32 172 21 14 15 38 60 515 86 10 4 14 19 45 157 62 42 27 9 21 19 22 10, 287 272 70 193 494 502 84 611 44 417 709 1,910 16 Civilized Indians. 528 24 8 24 25 18 23 39 19 14 13 21 59 2 a New town. POPULATION. 563 Tablk ly.-POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2 500 INHAB ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROCGHS. Male. New York— Continued. Brooklyn— Continued. Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 . 14. 195 10, 601 1.3. 973 13,811 22, 689 20. 844 37, 518 17, 389 10. 617 23, 973 Ward 15.. .. Ward 16 Wardl7 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22. Ward 23. Ward 24. Ward 25. Ward 26. 23. 899 12, 672 8,563 21,049 14, 957 128, 884 9. 1.57 3, 849 6,596 4,197 28, 491 Ward 6 15,880 Ward 7 | 21, 073 Ward 8 5,455 Ward 9 3 910 BntJ'alo Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Canandaigna. Canastota Canton Catskill Clyde Cohoes , College Point . Coney Island,. Coopers town . . Corning Cortland . . . Dansville . . Dunkirk . . . Edgewater . Ellenville . . Elmira Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Fairport Fi.slikill on Hudson . Flu.shing Fort Hamilton Fort Plain Fredonia Fulton Geneva Glens Falls . Glovevsville. Goshen Gouvemeur 1 g.^g Greenbush Green Island. Haverstraw . . Hempstead .. Hoosick Falls 6,022 14, 301 5, 605 4, 2.57 2,706 1,378 1,226 2, 295 1,247 10, 221 3, 226 2,114 1,177 4, 328 4,258 1,663 4.637 7,162 1,347 15, 526 1,019 1,673 1,905 1,962 3,772 3, 334 1.861 1,171 1,814 3, 926 1,440 1,382 1,623 2,010 3,569 4,527 6, 658 1,333 3,551 2,177 2.266 3, 509 Female 1,3. 173 11,027 13, 273 13, 819 23, 031 20, .580 37, 442 18, 855 13, 519 26. 145 26, 351 16, 676 8,208 23. 589 14, 548 126, 780 7.968 3, 073 6,326 4.304 26, 571 15, 423 21,039 4,392 4,323 8, 318 16, 003 5, 156 3,884 3, 162 1,396 1,354 2, 625 1,391 12, 288 2,901 1,199 1,480 4, 222 4,332 2, 095 4,779 7. 103 1,534 15, 367 1,221 1,787 2,041 2.117 3, 850 2,503 1,848 1,381 1,803 4.510 1,177 1,482 1,776 2, 204 3, 988 4.982 7,206 1,574 1,802 3, 750 2,286 2, 268 2, 565 3, 505 N.4TIVB AND FOR- EIGN BOBN. Native. 16,117 15, 847 16, 766 20, 199 27, 014 27, 992 49, 447 2.5, IIG 17,818 34, 116 3.5, 810 23, 441 11, 975 34, 505 20, 022 166, 179 10. 793 4,904 9, 357 5,762 30. 901 18,212 28, 607 6,116 5, 934 10, 995 21, 852 6,917 4,899 2, 466 2. 219 4, 374 2,284 14. 803 3,747 1. 986 2.388 7,203 7,728 3, 185 0,375 9,273 2,536 25, 575 2.051 2, 648 3,172 3,071 6.587 4,907 3,139 2,213 2, 842 6,465 1,723 2,641 2,866 3, 696 5, 929 7,931 12, 202 2,536 6,004 3, 369 3,706 4,165 5,442 Foreign. 11, 2.51 5, 781 10, 480 7,431 18, 706 13, 432 25, 513 11,128 6,318 16,002 14. 440 5,907 4,796 10, 133 9,483 89, 485 6,332 2,018 3,565 2,739 24, 161 13, 091 13, 445 3,732 2,299 3, 345 8,452 3,934 2,372 969 308 361 546 354 7,706 2, 380 1,327 269 1,347 862 573 3,041 4,992 345 5, 318 189 812 774 1,008 1,035 930 570 339 775 1,971 894 223 533 518 1,628 1,578 1,662 371 590 1,297 1, 094 1, 364 666 1,572 White. Colored. 27. 355 21, 513 27, 238 27, 556 45, 310 41,387 74,881 35, 629 23, 315 49, 858 50, 041 29, 113 15, 790 43, 406 29, 265 254, 495 17, 117 6.894 12, 917 8,247 54, 598 31, 164 42, 052 9,831 8,207 14, 278 30, 236 10, 828 8, 126 5, 776 2, 732 2, 570 4,677 2.601 22, 486 6. 116 3, 027 2. 605 8,421 8,549 3, 751 9,406 14, 090 2, 856 30, 236 2,238 3,389 3,580 4,060 7,585 5,793 3,591 2,535 3,546 7,700 2,580 2,817 3,392 4,197 7,386 9,474 13, 721 2,606 3,457 7,28] 4, 463 4,729 4,594 6,996 94 1 60 397 13 52 589 799 228 164 214 958 1,190 222 1,118 2 17 3 241 461 132 60 17 24 67 22 15 92 39 10 240 37 21 9 273 52 129 30 G 7 171 25 650 366 15 37 44 117 731 36 46 6 14 167 33 140 299 1 19 339 235 13 Chinese. 13 15 7 14 13 24 24 19 18 32 17 3 41 18 44 6 11 Japanese. Civilized Indians. 20 1 564 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TABI.K 1 7. -POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Coutiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES. AND BOROUGHS. Uew York— Continued. Horaell.sville Hudson Huntington Hion Ithaca Jamaica Jamestowu. Johnstown. Kingston... Lansingburg Lerov Little FaUs . Lockport — Long Island cit.v Wardl ■Ward2 Wards "Ward 4 Ward 5 LowviUe Lyons if alone Matteawan. Mechanlcsville. Medina Middletown Mount Vernon . Newark New Brighton . Kewburg Kew Kochelle.. New Yoi-lc . Ward 1 AVard 2 AVard 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. Ward le. Ward 17. Ward 18. Ward 19. Ward 20. Ward 21. AVard22. Ward 23. Ward 24. New York Mills... Niagara Falls North Tarrytown . North Tonawanda. Norwich ... Nyack Ogdenshurc Oleau Male. Oneida . . . Oneonta . - . O.swegi) ... PeekskiU , 5, 425 4,541 1,386 2, 043 5,280 2, 653 7, 725 3, 67t) 10. 441 4,819 1,237 4,180 7,591 15, 628 4,378 1,768 2,432 4,610 2,440 1,164 2,168 2, 359 2,074 1,325 2,218 5, 710 5,173 1,578 8,306 10, 880 4, 322 747, 579 5, 950 568 2,304 9, 985 6,801 13, 080 29, 271 16,400 27, 074 30, 588 37, 803 117,842 23, 231 15,281 13.104 23, 470 52, 357 30, 75(> 110. 597 41, 798 29, 528 72, 923 28, 968 9,894 1,076 2,738 1,574 2,689 2,450 1, 952 5,659 3, 721 2,910 3, 053 10,281 4,059 Female. 5,571 5,429 1,642 2,014 5,799 2, 708 8,313 4,092 10, 820 5,731 1,506 4, 603 8,447 14, 878 3,981 1,535 2,381 4,653 2,328 1,347 2,307 2,627 2.204 1,354 2,274 0,261 5,657 2, 120 8,117 12, 207 3,895 767, 722 5,172 361 1,461 7,824 5,584 10, 033 28. 095 14, 820 27, 351 27, 008 37, 623 127, 204 22, 653 12, 813 12, 295 25, 664 50, 801 32, 514 124, 249 42, 529 33, 491 80, 954 26, 980 10, 243 1,470 2,764 1,605 2,104 2,762 2,159 0,003 3,637 3, 178 3, 219 11,501 5,017 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. li ative. Foreign. 9,569 8, 436 2,646 3,360 9,776 4,237 10, 029 0,472 17.081 8,300 I 2, 189 7, 114 ! 12, 610 19, 318 5,428 2,025 3, 093 5,834 2,938 2,279 3, 593 4,000 3,534 2,287 3, 475 10,502 7,988 3, 268 11, 074 18, 291 5,425 875, 358 6, 013 487 2, 103 9.432 6,900 9,737 31,231 17. 595 37. 786 20, 116 37, 538 159, 299 20, 599 11, 815 14, 675 31,915 50, 747 37, 294 132, 344 52, 398 36, 785 98, 812 35, 897 13, 831 1,725 3,591 2,428 3, 232 4,669 3,506 8, 066 6, 036 5, 250 5, 799 16, 860 8,576 1,427 1,534 382 697 1,303 1,124 5,409 1,296 4,180 2,244 554 1,669 3,428 11,188 2, 931 1,278 1,720 3,429 1,830 232 882 926 744 392 1,017 1,475 2.842 430 5, 349 4,796 2,792 039, 943 5, 109 442 1,662 8. 377 5, 476 13, 382 26. 135 13, 625 16, 639 37. 480 37, 888 85, 747 25, 285 16. 279 10, 724 17,219 52, 411 25, 976 102, 502 31, 929 26, 234 55, 065 18. 051 6,306 827 1,911 7.51 1,561 543 605 3,596 1,322 833 473 4,982 1,100 White. Colored. 10, 942 9,619 2,806 4,027 10, 794 5,027 15, 940 7,666 20, 835 10, 430 2,696 8, 736 15, 850 30, 386 8, 338 3,302 4,775 9, 218 4,753 2,511 4,410 4,982 4,257 2,677 4, 432 11,733 10, 642 3,694 16, 236 22, 494 7,971 1,489,027 10, 971 906 3,735 17,712 12,304 22, 663 .57, 290 30, 483 53. 237 57, 422 75, 364 240, 820 45. 822 27, 925 23, 134 46, 856 102, 934 62, 774 232. 711 79, 459 62, 382 149, 472 53, 407 19,844 2,552 5,343 3,068 4,791 5,048 3,909 11,639 7,239 5, 995 6, 245 21,784 9,490 50 350 220 29 282 332 94 102 426 114 47 44 185 106 15 1 36 44 10 Chinese. 60 241 177 4 182 580 242 23, 601 124 19 17 40 61 108 9 687 1,126 76 10 3,951 9 130 2, 201 2,188 105 434 1,933 4,782 546 4,275 495 275 159 111 1 159 197 23 113 84 27 54 184 Japanese, 1,970 24 3 12 53 20 348 67 44 60 98 52 265 53 39 63 111 49 196 80 80 115 45 18 Civilized Indians. POPULATION. 565 Table 17.-P0PULATI0N BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOK, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutiimed. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AMD BOROUGHS. New York — Continued. l-"enn Yan Piatt sburg Port Chester Port Jervis Port Ricbmond Pot.S(lam Poughkeepsie 1.951 3,441 2,607 4,624 3. im 1. 80S 10, 259 Kochester 04, 453 Male. Ward Ward "Ward Ward "Ward "Ward C. "Ward 7. "Ward 8. "Ward 9. "Ward 10. "Ward 11 "Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Rome Salamanca Sandy Hill Saratoga Springs . Saugerties Schenectady Seneca Falls Singsing Suspension Bridge . Syracuse Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5 . Ward 0. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Tarrytowu .. Tonawanda . Troy^ Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 AVard 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11 . "W^ard 12. Ward 13. trtica Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. 1,202 1,725 2,948 1,878 4,942 2, 334 3,154 7,278 4.720 2, 531 4,315 4,185 6,401 3,327 3, 268 10, 245 7.281 1,800 1,364 5, 418 1,947 10, 208 2, 946 5, 335 2,263 42, 922 2,425 5, 375 3, 886 fi, 998 7,056 5. 128 3, 860 2,534 1,439 1.533 1,666 3, 826 28, 591 1,626 2.186 1.206 1,845 2,791 2,639 2, 515 1,774 2,232 2, 886 1,922 2.548 2,421 20, 608 628 1,995 1,398 1,335 753 1,089 1.978 3, 015 3,494 1, 105 1,402 2,416 Female. 2. 303 3,569 2,667 4, 703 3,171 2,153 11,947 69,443 990 1,743 3, 584 2,068 5,036 2,602 4,070 7,913 4,882 3, 134 4,640 4,544 6,477 3,740 3, 386 10, 634 7,710 1,892 1,531 6,557 2,290 9,694 3, 170 4,017 2,142 45, 221 2,487 5, 386 3,761 7,447 7, 642 3.148 5,317 4, 404 2, 637 1,328 1,664 1,896 3,319 32, 365 2,067 2, 558 1,458 2,659 3, 232 2,186 3,270 2,091 ■2, 143 3.290 2,134 2.476 2,801 23, 399 513 2,059 1. 6,50 1, 653 915 1, 208 2,647 3,339 3,730 1.217 1. 73,^ 2,735 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BOKN. Native. 3, 839 5,808 3, 789 8,277 5,041 3. 292 18, 162 94. 121 1, 535 2.292 5, 135 2.907 6,671 3, 1.52 5, 830 11, 133 7,235 4.304 6,308 6,206 7,424 5,142 4,790 14, 057 11, 878 2, fe 2.508 10, 038 3,734 15, 520 .5, 214 7, 523 2,937 65, 801 3, 796 7,078 .5. 317 TO, 365 11, 563 4,900 7. 534 6, 829 3. 695 1,979 2,745 2,731 4,922 43, 691 2, 611 3, 573 1,976 3, 696 4,662 2,781 4,174 2. 578 2.999 4, 603 2,762 3,100 4,176 32, 238 814 2,719 2,372 2.469 1,119 1,608 3. 518 4. 715 4. 830 1,867 2, 442 3,765 Foreign. 415 1,202 1, 485 1,050 1,249 669 4,044 39, 775 657 1,176 1, .397 1,039 3, 307 1,784 1,394 4,058 2, 367 1,361 2,647 2, 523 5, 454 1,925 1,864 6,822 3,113 864 387 1,937 503 4, 382 902 1,829 1,468 22, 342 1,116 3.683 2. 330 4,080 3,135 930 2. 911 1,435 1,476 788 4,52 831 2,223 17. 265 1,082 1,171 088 808 1.361 2,044 1,611 1,287 1,376 1,573 1,294 1, 924 1,040 I 11, 769 I 327 1,335 676 519 I 549 689 1,107 1,639 2, 394 455 693 1,386 White. 4,178 7,009 5, 208 9,201 6, 134 3, 961 21, 658 133, 318 2,177 3, 440 6,299 3, 929 9,968 4, 929 7,172 15. 117 9.578 5,650 8,943 8,727 12. 878 7,040 6, 645 20, 826 14, 893 3,687 2,879 11,412 4,197 19, 789 6,077 9. 078 4, 382 87. 276 4,910 10, 755 7,622 14, 389 14, 661 5, 095 10, 241 7,886 .5. 166 2, 767 3.184 3, 436 7,143 60,441 3, 560 4. 590 2. 613 4,453 6, 013 4. 823 5, 705 3. 845 4. 373 6. 166 4,056 5. 024 5,220 43, 759 1,117 4,040 3,030 2,824 1,668 2. 293 4.617 6. 350 7. 223 2, 319 .1134 5,144 Colored. 76 1 64 122 150 539 559 12 25 226 15 10 52 74 97 5 16 .538 40 105 38 266 843 1 56 31 133 198 377 5 122 1 .513 133 154 51 51 10 244 24 14 16 162 Cliinese. Japanese. Civilized I Indians. 10 1 20 566 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.-P0PULATI0N BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New York— Continued. Wappingers F.iUs-- Warsaw "Waterloo Watertown Watkins Waverlv Wellsville West Troy . . . Whitehall... - White Plains. Whitestone .. Tonkera Ward 1 . Ward 2., Wards. Ward 4. North Carolina: Asheville . . Charlotte... Concord Durham Elizabeth... Fayetteville Goldsboro . - Greensboro. Henderson Oxford Ealeigh . - . Keidsville . Salem Salisbury .-. Washington. Wilmington . Winston North Dakota : Fargo Grand Forks Ohio: Akron Ward 1. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Alliance Ashland... Ashtabula. Athens Avondale . Bamesville . . . Bellaire Bellefontaine . Bellevue Berea Bowling Green . Bridgeport BrookljTi Bryan Biicyrus Cambridge Male. 1,801 1,554 2, 032 7,045 1,226 1,913 1,624 6,146 2,181 1,946 1,398 15, 259 4, 042 5,981 4,644 592 5,111 5,388 1,910 2,646 1,540 1,933 1,854 1,646 2,019 Female. Newborn 3, 510 1,419 6,507 1,448 1,168 2,138 1,656 9,287 4,168 2,866 2,751 IS, 742 1,873 1,689 2,482 3.355 2,601 1,742 3,859 1,695 4,522 1,244 2,013 1,525 5,057 2,039 1,484 1, SS2 1,784 1,723 2,335 1,487 3,025 2,132 Canton 13, 163 Wardl 2,321 Ward2 1,928 Wards 1,674 Ward4 1,734 Wards 1,535 Ward6 1,580 Ward7 2,391 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. 1,917 1,566 2, S18 7.680 1,378 2,210 1,811 6,821 2,253 2,096 1,410 16, 774 4,380 6,370 5,502 522 5, 124 6,169 2,429 2,839 1,711 2,289 2,163 1,671 2,172 4,333 1,488 6,171 1,521 1,543 2,280 1,889 10, 769 3,850 2,798 2,228 13, 859 1,920 1,842 2,563 3,361 2,593 1,580 3,748 1,871 3,816 1,376 2,460 1,682 4,877 2,206 1,568 1,201 1,683 1,646 2,250 1,581 2,949 2,229 13, 026 2,372 1,948 1,686 1,661 1,418 1,561 2,380 Native. Foreign. 2,807 2,658 3,695 11, 235 2,380 3,819 2,954 9,911 3,761 3,265 2,579 21, 098 5,344 8,381 6,579 794 10,016 11,371 4,333 5,456 3,226 4,197 3,954 3, 274 4,138 7,773 2,892 12, 573 2,955 2,683 4,374 3, 536 19, 544 7,979 3, 805 2,717 21, 608 3,097 3, 023 4,159 4,663 4,315 2,351 6,490 3,371 6,110 2,534 3,678 3,138 8,679 4,005 2,584 1,755 3,172 2, 850 3,275 2,831 5,060 4,197 21, 965 4,075 3,180 2,847 2, 696 2,449 2,568 4,150 White. 911 462 655 3,490 224 304 481 3,056 673 777 229 10, 935 3,078 3.970 3,567 320 219 186 6 29 25 25 63 43 53 70 15 105 14 28 44 9 512 39 1,799 2, 262 5,993 696 508 880 2, 053 879 971 1,117 195 2,228 86 795 69 1,255 240 468 778 295 519 1,310 237 914 164 4,224 618 699 504 573 621 3,698 3,088 4,296 14, 602 2,517 4,060 3,398 12, 907 4,413 3,895 2,779 31, 500 8,368 12, 110 9,923 1,099 6,668 6,417 2,957 3,626 1,760 2,249 2,296 2,088 1,514 2, 572 1,450 6,327 1,570 2,395 2,427 1,671 8,731 3,331 Colored. 5,595 4,937 27, 149 3,612 3,497 4,972 6,687 5,136 3,245 7,559 3,553 8,252 2, 303 4,095 2,994 9,601 3,921 3,035 2,533 3,427 3,102 4,585 3,039 5,941 4,135 26, 080 4,691 3,865 3,359 3,383 2,914 3,125 4,743 Chinese. Japanese. 19 30 52 117 61 35 57 19 142 29 506 53 220 218 15 3,567 5,134 1,382 1,859 1,490 1,973 1,720 1, 227 2,677 5, 271 1,457 6,348 1,399 316 1,991 1,874 11, 324 4,686 451 181 34 72 29 58 77 47 13 85 317 378 212 330 324 17 40 267 29 33 223 107 2 11 Civilized Indians. 22 1 16 5 POPULATION. 567 Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Contiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND SEX. NATIVE EIQN SJTD FOR- BORN. COLOR. BOROUGHS. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Colored. Chinese. Japanese. Civilized Indians. Ohio — Continued . 1,359 5,314 145, Oil 4,097 5. 677 4,187 6,732 3,893 3,898 4,476 2, 627 3,813 5,496 6,341 5,937 5,601 4, 883 4, 402 4,577 4,590 4,015 4,125 4,640 5,200 6,159 7,263 5,774 4,880 4, 923 4,040 4, 538 3,504 4, 723 3,122 132,517 3,777 2,014 1,911 3,166 2,695 2,111 4,090 3,431 5,193 1, 852 1,414 1,775 2,460 1,758 2,957 2,937 4,087 5,080 2,407 2,995 3,138 4,702 3,243 7,150 6,157 2,621 4,643 2.456 2,279 1,950 1,802 2, 482 2.466 3, 376 3,560 1,343 5,974 151, 897 4,344 6,770 4, 432 7,206 4,054 3,763 4, 662 2, 294 3. 596 5,453 6,405 6,179 5,837 4,945 4,948 5,353 5,575 4,123 4,077 4,707 5,067 6, 303 7,827 5, 127 5,094 5,755 4,587 4,934 3,775 4,645 3,434 128, 836 3,231 1,669 1,112 2,740 2,882 2,340 3,668 3.243 4,349 2, 022 1,701 2,375 2,699 2,455 3, 2S7 2,748 4,191 5, 092 2,502 3,291 3,601 4,623 2, 837 6,877 5,453 2,371 4,566 1,946 2,129 1,864 1,897 2,358 2,623 2,951 3,365 2,490 9,946 225, 500 7,258 10, 222 6,155 10, 951 6,114 5,953 6,205 3,548 5,760 7,549 8,979 8,768 7, 666 7,270 7,060 7,638 7,690 • 6, 571 6,126 7,288 7,872 9, 433 11, 403 8,479 8, 116 , 8,881 6,642 6,998 5,785 7,120 6,126 164, 258 3,746 2, 762 1,709 4,469 3,707 2,751 4,483 3,979 5.517 2,912 2,274 3,047 3,754 3,458 4,252 2,933 5,026 7,176 3,561 4,267 5,117 6,273 3,326 6,924 5,859 2,838 5,369 2,437 2,922 2, 520 2,738 3,462 3,857 3,995 4.321 212 1,342 71,408 1,183 2,225 2,464 2,987 1,833 1,708 2, 933 1, 373 1,649 3,400 3,827 3,348 3,772 2,558 2, 290 2,292 2,475 1,567 2,076 2,059 2,395 3,029 3,687 2,422 1,858 1,797 1,985 2,474 1,494 2,248 430 97, 095 3,262 921 1,314 1,437 1,870 1,700 3,275 2,695 4, 025 962 841 1,103 1,405 755 2,002 2, 752 3, 252 2,996 1,348 2,019 1,622 3, 052 2,754 7,103 5,751 2,154 3,840 1,965 1,486 1,294 961 1,378 1,232 2,332 2,604 2,085 10, 345 285, 224 8,270 10, 688 8,560 13, 451 7,457 6,371 9,116 4, 683 6,922 10, 689 12, 794 12, 095 11,436 9,634 9,108 9,297 9,381 6,547 7, 613 8,757 10, 105 12, 328 14, 905 10, 702 9,596 10, 474 8,524 9,342 7.142 9, 237 5,886 258, 318 6, 772 3,366 2,950 5,673 5,482 4,442 7, 745 6,651 9,535 3,577 2,927 3,924 4,732 4,095 6,154 5,631 8,259 10, 140 4,864 6, 223 6,555 9,267 6,060 14,011 11, 596 4,992 9,184 4,396 4,389 3,806 3,698 4,826 5,075 6,307 6,909 14 941 11, 655 171 1,759 59 487 482 1,286 21 238 480 257 12 21 2 194 242 633 782 1,589 589 590 162 134 185 199 378 202 103 130 137 131 668 2,989 233 315 68 231 93 9 13 21 7 292 185 226 427 118 94 49 17 32 43 63 183 58 20 16 13 1 2 24 2 Clullicotlie 1 4 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 5 4 1 3 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 7 3 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Wardl6 Ward 17 2 2 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 1 \ Ward 27 Ward 28 Ward 29 Ward 30 Circleville 2 Cleveland Ward 1 36 2 1 3 2 1 5 5 1 Ward 2 1 Ward 3 2 Ward 4 Ward 5 1 Ward 6 Ward 7 ■Ward 8 2 Ward 9 "Ward 10 2 3 3 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Wardl4 Ward 15 6 5 2 Wardie Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 2 Ward 20 Ward 21 X Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 1 Ward 26 Ward 27 24 6 16 8 1 14 14 19 16 1 Ward 28 Ward 29 3 Ward 30 Ward .31 Ward 32 Ward 33 Ward 34 1 Ward 35 568 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND Bl -'ROUGHS. Ohio — Continued. Cleveland— Continued. Ward 36 Ward a? Ward 38 Ward 39 Ward 40 Columbus . . . Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. Conneaut Coshocton Crestline Cuyahoga Falls Dayton Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. WardC Ward 7 Ward8 Not in wards Defiance . . Delaware. Delphos . . Dennison . Dover — East Liverpool. Eaton Elyria Eindlay Fostoria Franklin . . Fremont .. Gallon Gallipolis . Greenville. Hamilton Hillsboro- Ironton ... Jackson.. Kent Kenton Lancaster . Lebanon . . Leetonia .. Lima Logan London ... Lorain Mansfield . Marietta . . Male. Female. Marion Martins Ferry Marysville ... . Massillon Miamisburg — 3,912 5,621 4,410 4,829 3.610 45, 019 3,068 3.906 2,839 2,133 2.853 2.510 3,085 1,534 2,646 3,372 3,791 , 4, 482 3,222 2,956 2, 622 1, 602 1.743 1, 432 1,278 30, 489 3.241 2,489 3,284 2.630 4,547 3,212 5,466 3,951 1,669 3,916 3,956 2, 367 1.547 1,744 5,558 1.385 2,687 9,821 3,618 1,296 3,435 3,095 2,092 2,663 a. 851 1.696 5,355 2,041 1,713 2,774 3,548 1,498 1,466 8,371 1,440 1,582 2,519 6,476 3, 986 4,319 3.160 1,298 5,068 1,463 3,747 5,391 4,331 4,688 3,611 43, 131 3,071 3,778 2,782 1,930 3, 268 2,843 3.173 1,372 2,430 3,210 3,896 2,644 3, 299 2,872 2,563 1,639 1,929 1,479 1,336 30, 731 3,367 2,333 3.274 2,782 4,533 3,232 5,470 4,167 1,573 3,778 4,268 2.149 1. 378 1.726 5, 398 1,549 2,924 8,732 3, 452 1, 433 3,706 3.231 2, 406 2,810 8,714 1,924 5,584 2,279 1,788 2,783 4, 007 1,552 1,360 7,610 1,679 1,731 2,344 ■ 6,997 4,287 4,008 3,090 1,512 5,024 1,489 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. Foreign 5,040 6,621 5,224 5, 365 4,267 75, 662 4,791 5,294 4,432 3,580 5,447 4,959 5,312 2, 544 4,504 5,563 6,986 6,129 5.954 5.263 4, 904 2,989 3, 388 2. 465 2,200 51, 633 5. 659 4,263 5,949 4,875 7,614 5,533 8,278 6,650 2,812 6.461 7,440 4, 025 ■ 2,604 2.891 9,178 2,799 4,372 16, 825 6,170 2. 578 5,896 5,492 4.336 5,168 14, 602 3.436 9,923 3,986 3, 019 4,966 6,956 2,932 2,232 14, 254 2,931 3,011 3,792 11,703 7,027 7,498 5,429 2,671 8, 1.52 2,700 2,619 4,391 3,517 4,152 2,954 12, 488 1,348 2,390 1.189 483 674 394 946 362 572 1,019 701 997 567 565 2«l 252 284 446 414 9, 587 949 5.59 609 537 1,466 911 2,658 1,468 430 1,233 784 491 321 579 1,778 135 1, 239 1,728 900 151 1,245 834 162 305 2,963 184 1,016 334 591 599 118 594 1,727 188 302 1,071 1,770 646 829 821 139 1,940 252 White. 7,648 10, 998 8,732 9,515 7,212 82, 603 6,109 7,652 5,058 3, 938 5,524 5,110 6,098 2,638 3,896 6, 243 6,438 6,722 6,428 5, 697 5,052 3,222 3,605 2.896 2, 591 59, 054 6,416 4,399 5, 827 5,220 9,022 6,366 10,882 7,715 3,207 7,631 7,732 4,434 2,887 3,468 10, 811 2,840 5,515 18, 251 6,964 2,618 7,019 6,303 3,558 5,447 17, 270 3,025 10, 093 4,161 3,496 5,316 7,327 2,798 2,823 15, 423 3,082 2,878 4,670 13, 398 8,032 8,150 5,969 2,692 9,979 2,952 Colored. Chinese. Japanese. 11 14 9 2 9 5, 525 30 32 563 124 597 243 160 268 1,176 338 1,249 391 93 131 130 15 23 ,158 192 422 731 192 58 72 54 402 35 63 489 82 38 2 140 91 95 296 106 111 119 23 939 26 294 595 844 159 3 240 227 247 3 553 36 433 191 75 238 281 118 111 Civilized Indians. 14 13 "i populatio:n. 561) Table 1 7.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Oliio — Continued. Mitldleport Middletown ... Mount Vernon Napoleon Nelsonville Kewark Kew Philadelphia . New Straitsville . . Niles North Baltimore . . Norwalk Oberlin Painesville . Piqua , Pomeroy Portsmouth , Eavenna . . St. Mary . , Salem Sandusky . Shawnee . . Sidney Springfield "Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward?.. Wards.. Ward 9.. Steulienville Tiffin Toledo Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 0. Ward?. Wards. Ward 9. Toronto Troy TJhrichsrille Tipper Sandusky. Urbana '.. Van Wert. . . . Wapakoneta . Warren Washington. . Wellston Wellsriile West Cleveland. Wilmington Wooster Xenia Toungstown . Wardl... Ward 2... Wards... Ward 4... Wards... WardC Ward7 Wards Not in wards. Male. Female. Zaneevllle . 1,539 3,838 2,831 1,347 2,317 6,985 2, 199 1,434 2,182 1,589 3,407 1,892 2,199 4,571 2,319 5,945 1,627 1,496 2,844 9,024 1,705 2,376 15, 899 1,499 1,234 1,567 1,738 2,890 1,805 2,042 1,642 1,476 6,600 5,262 40, 887 5,780 2,747 3,150 3, 038 3,943 4, 355 6,419 7,681 3,774 1,290 2,169 1,939 1,694 3,071 2,659 1,779 3,022 2,790 2,220 2,647 2,083 1,491 2,753 3,529 16, 990 1,687 1,748 2.067 787 1,430 1,965 1,568 947 4,791 10, 164 1,672 3,843 3,196 1,417 2,241 7,285 2,257 1,348 2,107 1,268 3,788 2,484 2,556 4,519 2,407 6,449 1,790 1,504 2,936 9,447 1,561 2,474 15, 996 1,417 1,294 1,724 1,669 2,884 1,978 2,031 1,613 1,386 6,794 5,539 40, 547 5,521 2,817 3,170 2,914 3,810 4,009 7,115 7,482 3,709 1,246 2,325 1,903 1,878 3,439 2,853 1,837 2,951 2,952 2,157 2,600 2,034 1,588 3,148 3,772 16, 230 1,903 1,715 1,732 793 1,417 1,886 1,521 846 4,417 10, 845 NATIVE AND FOll- EIGN BORN. Native. 3, 057 6,801 5,540 2,350 4,168 12, 930 3,808 2,060 2,994 2,671 6,246 4,065 4,224 8,025 4.072 11,154 2,970 2,752 5,127 13, 775 2,397 4,504 28, 160 2,289 2,378 3,079 2, 857 5, 430 3,421 3,410 2,860 2,436 11,461 9,287 59,245 8,403 4,392 5, 213 4,147 5,708 6,340 10, 006 9,776 5,260 2,126 4, 285 3.611 3,101 5, 925 5,316 3,220 4,970 5,554 4,101 4,864 3.270 2,976 5,383 6,778 22, 684 2,961 2,372 2,241 1,299 2,161 2,667 2,208 1,044 5,731 19, 099 Foreign. 487 414 390 1,340 648 722 1,295 186 949 311 531 1,065 054 1,240 447 248 , , 653 '4,696 869 346 3,735 627 150 212 550 350 362 663 395 426 1,933 1,514 22, 189 2,898 1,172 1, 107 1,805 2,045 2,024 3,528 5,387 2, 223 410 209 231 471 585 196 396 1,003 188 276 383 847 103 518 523 10, 536 629 1,091 1,558 281 1,184 881 749 3,477 1,910 White. 2,002 7, 395 5,779 2,756 4,427 13, 942 4,419 2,771 4,288 2,816 7,110 3,688 4,585 8,745 4,339 11,445 3,285 2,984 5. 595 18, 187 3, 265 4,681 28, 343 2,676 2,419 2,739 2.930 4,800 3, 333 3,873 2,907 2,666 12. 886 10, 753 80, 349 11,167 5,269 6,232 5,857 7,701 8,336 13,417 14, 888 7,482 2,536 4,108 3,792 3,527 5,685 5,368 3,602 5, 840 5,000 4,366 5,153 4.098 2.548 5,857 5,424 32, 571 3,485 3,381 3,758 1,514 2,704 3,753 3,067 1, 793 9,116 20, 071 Colored. Chinese. 609 284 246 7 131 326 36 11 37 84 683 167 345 387 949 131 16 183 283 1 108 3,549 240 108 550 477 450 200 .348 190 505 47 1.077 134 292 84 95 52 28 117 274 1 385 49 43 823 143 14 132 742 10 92 19 531 42 648 104 82 41 66 143 98 92 937 Japanese. Civilized Indians. 570 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.-P0PULATI0N BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutinued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOBOCGHS. Oklahoma : Guthrie . . . Oklahoma . Oregon : Albany - Albina . Astoria Baker - . Dalles... East Portland . Lagrande Oregon city ... Pendleton Portland Pennsylvania: Allegheny .. Ward 1. AVard 2. ■Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10- Wardll. Ward 12. Ward 13. AUentown . Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3 Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. • Ward 8. Altoona Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3 Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Wards. Archhald. Ashland. . Ashley... Athens... Avoca Bangor Beaver Falls Bellefonte Berwick Bethlehem . . , BlairsviUe . . Bloomsburg Blossburg.. Braddock . . Bradford . . . Bridgeport . Bristol Butler Male. Female. Carbondale . . Carlisle Catasauqua . Centralia 1,790 2,453 1,548 2.930 4, 254 1,542 1, 683 5, 84fi 1, 595 1, 673 1.413 29, 051 52, 612 3, 333 7,844 7,295 5, 707 4,756 5,843 3,017 1,628 2,863 2,219 2,992 2, 726 2, 389 12, 424 1.570 1, 327 1,165 1,106 2,950 1,730 l,3i; 1, 259 15,316 1,670 2, 377 1, 482 1,691 2,283 2,550 1, 036 2,150 3,684 1,623 1,608 1,556 1,305 0, 002 1,837 1,287 3,120 1,520 2,157 1,242 4,856 5, 244 1,299 3,061 4,460 5,501 3,538 1,869 1,513 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. 998 1,698 1,531 2, 199 1,930 1.062 1,346 4,686 988 1,389 1, 093 17, 334 52, 075 3,610 8,667 7,592 5,911 5,164 5,759 2,911 1,313 1,822 2,162 2,677 2,644 2,443 12, 804 1,519 1,468 1,386 1,157 3,226 1,407 1,385 1,256 15,021 1,603 2,303 1,567 1,724 2,174 2,446 949 2,255 1,882 3,662 1,569 1,666 1,475 1,204 4,733 2,109 1,414 3,642 1,606 2,478 1,326 3,705 5,270 1,352 3,492 4,274 5,332 4, 082 1,835 1,248 Native. Foreign. 2, 569 3,808 2,079 3,528 2, 856 2,140 2,369 8,355 2,237 2,483 2, 105 29, 062 79, 152 5,616 13, 826 11,227 8,861 7,885 9,039 3,829 2,079 2,871 3.254 3, 835 3,791 3,039 23, 182 2,801 2,625 2, 476- 2, 193 5,740 2,302 2,651 2,394 27, 224 3,059 4,162 2,791 2,926 3, 962 4,402 1,917 4,005 2,714 5,830 2,381 3,071 1,887 2,011 8, 0.52 3,712 2,618 6,284 3,017 4,447 1,953 5,338 8,754 2,101 5,645 7,836 8,254 7,418 2,937 2.002 219 343 400 1,601 3,328 464 2,177 346 579 401 17, 323 26, 135 1,327 2,685 3,660 2,757 2,035 2,563 2,099 862 1,814 1,127 1,834 1,579 1,793 2,046 288 170 75 70 436 835 51 121 3,113 214 518 258 489 495 594 68 477 1,318 1,516 811 203 1,144 1,683 234 83 478 109 188 615 3,223 1,760 550 2,579 202 767 759 White. Colored. 2, 621 3,865 2,963 5,077 5,239 2,472 2,893 10, 364 2,560 3,025 2,373 41, 340 102, 759 6,757 15, 995 14, 050 11, 477 9,675 11,290 5,919 2, 935 4,633 4,288 5,627 5,281 4,832 25, 192 3,086 2, 792 2,548 2,263 6,156 3,137 2,695 2,515 29, 875 3,235 4,659 2,987 3,412 4,257 4,877 1,977 4,471 4,032 7,343 3,185 3,228 3,030 2,472 9,641 3,730 2,701 6,688 3,051 4,575 2,564 8,277 10, 367 2,633 6,323 8,701 10, 826 6,410 3,699 2,751 157 278 10 19 11 28 29 4 4 fi 480 2,507 186 513 835 126 244 312 9 6 93 42 Chinese. Japanese. 460 36 21 62 3 200 119 1 7 46 1 37 94 215 67 74 58 3 2S0 134 18 230 28 1, 207 4 10 109 42 925 121 79 139 19 19 127 ,539 20 12 Civilized Indians. 20 29 POPULATION. 571 Tablk 17.— population BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsylvania — Continued. Chambersburg Chartiers Cbester Coates viUe Columbia Connellsville . . Conshohocken. Corry Danville Darby Dickson Doylestown Dubois Dnnmore East Mauch Cbunk Easton Edwardsville Erie. Wardl. "Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Etna Frackville. Franklin . . Gettysburg (iilberton . GirardvUle . Greensburg Greenville . Hanover . . . Harrisburg. Wardl. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Wards. WardG. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Hazleton Hollidaysburg Homestead Honesdale Huntingdon Jeanette - . . Jermyn Johnstown . Kane Kittanuing. Lancaster . . Ward 1. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Wards. Ward 9. Lansford . . Latrobe . . . Lebanon . . . Lebighton . Lewisburg . . Lewistown . . Lo,ck Haven. McKeesport . Male. 3,627 1,598 9,942 1,855 5,307 2,817 2, 72G 2,736 3, 979 1,423 1,748 1,135 3,243 4, 272 1,334 6,968 1,920 20, 756 3, 487 5, 124 3,693 3, 607 2,287 2, 558 2,014 1,295 3,010 1,541 2,016 1,840 2,088 1,760 1,738 19. 372 2,169 1, .518 1,317 1,547 1,921 3,955 2,989 1,886 2,070 6,132 1,402 4,370 1,307 2,772 1,916 1,403 11,763 1,676 1,478 15, 078 915 1,431 1,114 1,434 1,429 2,226 1,996 2,547 1,986 2,265 1,790 7,173 1,475 1,480 1,510 3,535 11, 392 Female. 4,236 1,385 10, 284 1,825 5,292 2,812 2,744 2,941 4,019 1,549 1,362 1, .384 2,900 4,043 1,438 7, 513 1,364 19, 878 3,005 4,861 3, 625 3, 685 2, 073 2,629 1,753 1,225 3, 205 1,680 1,671 1,738 2,114 1,914 2,008 20, 013 1,865 1,521 1,340 2, 036 2,221 4 222 2^794 1, 937 2,077 5,740 1,573 3,541 1,509 2,957 1,380 1,247 10, 042 1,268 1,617 16, 933 997 1,695 1,328 1,773 1,740 2,542 2,026 2,684 2,148 1,739 1,799 7,491 1,484 1,768 1,763 3,823 9,349 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. Foreign. 7,587 2,094 16, 510 3,519 9,766 4,957 4,336 4,895 6,904 2,491 1,548 2,350 4,748 5,828 2,337 13, 296 1,424 30, 238 4,812 6,998 5,723 5,819 3,080 3,806 2,533 2,238 5,681 3,151 2, 593 2,750 3,957 3,348 3,615 36, 868 3,520 2,816 2,399 3,414 3,944 7,783 5,544 3,550 3,898 8,792 2,753 5,421 2,366 5,452 2,290 1,715 17, 323 2,270 2,764 28, 273 1,770 2,834 2,162 2,877 2, 920 4,460 3,338 4,036 3,876 2,590 3,162 14, 080 2,784 3,168 3,168 6,657 13, 928 276 889 3,716 161 833 672 1,134 782 1,094 481 1,562 160 1,401 2,487 435 1,185 1,860 10, 396 L680 2,987 1,595 1,473 1,280 1,381 1,234 282 540 70 1,094 834 245 .326 131 2,517 514 223 258 169 198 394 239 273 249 3,080 222 2,490 450 1,006 935 4,482 674 331 3,738 142 292 280 330 249 308 684 1,195 258 1,414 427 584 175 80 105 701 6,813 White. 7,052 2,859 18, .555 3. 360 10, 100 5,426 5,449 5,657 7,930 2,702 3,110 2,470 6,136 8,310 2,772 14, 229 3,284 40, 385 6,413 9,978 7, 306 7,144 4,357 5,187 3,767 2,520 5,993 3,014 3,680 3,583 4,094 3,645 3,717 35, 773 3,802 2,662 2,470 3,310 4,089 7,558 5,408 2,465 4,009 11, 867 2,882 7,777 2,813 5,549 3,245 2,650 21, 538 2,900 3,052 31, 329 1,900 3,071 2,335 3,162 3,167 4,726 3,680 5,217 4,071 4,004 3,569 14, 607 2,945 3,206 3,140 7, 213 20, 576 Colored. 810 122 1,656 319 496 203 18 16 67 266 49 13 5 239 243 79 4 9 148 3 225 206 1 106 29 28 3,591 232 377 178 271 48 619 374 1,355 137 3 92 133 1 179 Chinese. 259 43 42 9 53 105 42 2 41 342 14 61 20 53 14 41 131 143 161 Japanese. 2 .... 20 Civilized Indians. 572 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 17.— population BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsylvania — Continued. Mahanoy Mauch Chunk Meadville Mechanicsburg Media Middletown . - Millvale Milton Miners ville... Monougahela. Morrellville Mount Carmel... Mount Pleasant. Uanticoke New Brighton . . - Newcastle Norristown Northumberland . Oil city Olyphant Phenix ville Philadelphia Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward a. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward C. Ward 7., Ward 8.. Ward 9. Ward lU.. Ward 11.. Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15.. Ward 16. Ward 17. Ward 18. Ward 19. Ward 20. Ward 21 . Ward 22. Ward 23. Ward 24. Ward 25. Ward 20. Ward 27. Ward 28. Ward 29. Ward 30. Ward 31. Ward 32. Ward 33. Ward 34. Philipshurg . Pittsburg . . Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Male. Female. 6,121 2,032 4,508 1,643 1,253 2,614 2,004 2,629 1,694 1,975 1,496 4,579 1,861 5,507 2,756 5,813 9,301 1,303 5,495 2,394 4,544 511,122 26, 870 15, 741 9,828 10, 543 8,778 4,765 13, 494 7,666 4,871 10, 263 6,868 7,133 8,724 10, 112 25, 583 8,463 9,631 14, 736 27,413 20, 623 13, 234 20, 780 17, 550 20, 031 18, 381 31, 377 15, 398 23, 088 25, 996 14, 609 16, 313 13, 372 16, 872 12,016 1,587 124, 429 2,076 2,255 1,148 1,698 3,047 4,636 3, 093 3,546 2,366 1,945 4,901 5,936 5,634 5,165 2,069 5,012 2,048 1,483 2,466 1,805 2,688 1,810 2,121 1,331 3,675 1,791 4,537 2.860 5,787 10, 490 1,441 5,437 1,689 3,970 535, 842 27, 012 15, 822 10, 097 9,841 8,209 3,947 16, 685 9, 305 4,920 11, 251 6,085 7,037 9,199 10, 625 27, 122 8,624 9,915 14, 428 28, 132 23, 857 13, 666 24, 549 17,744 22, 525 17, 564 30, 761 17, 507 23, 302 28, 763 16, 005 16, 661 16, 678 16,299 11, 705 1, 658 114, 188 1,656 1,440 942 1,446 2,084 4,493 2,809 3,476 1,911 1,657 4,983 4,399 5,475 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 7,694 3,403 8,515 3,632 2,525 4,667 2,590 5,117 2, 865 3,566 2, 529 5,745 3,100 4,361 5,063 9,902 16, 867 2,679 9,112 2,161 6,411 777, 484 42, 902 20, 879 12, 108 11,584 11, 072 5,342 23, 073 12, 425 7,12,5 16, 229 7,759 9,218 13,179 16, 121 39, 185 11,434 12, 824 23, 174 39. 365 34, 993 19, 602 34, 458 28, 506 35, 041 26, 468 46, 466 25, 316 35, 313 43, 619 22, 033 23, 919 26, 113 22, 063 18, 576 165, 328 2, 516 2,804 1,468 2,330 3,238 4,071 5,391 2,432 1,936 7,841 0,378 7,748 Foreign. 3,592 698 1,005 59 211 413 1,219 200 639 530 298 2,509 552 5, 683 553 1,698 2.924 65 1,820 1,922 2,103 269, 480 10, 980 10, 684 7,817 8,800 5,915 3,370 7,106 4,546 2,666 5.285 5, 194 4,952 4,744 4,616 13, 520 5, 653 6,722 5, 990 16, 180 9,487 7,298 10, 871 6,788 7,515 9,477 15, 672 7,589 11, 077 11, 140 8,581 9, 055 3, 937 11, 108 5,145 347 73, 289 1,216 891 622 814 1,893 2,433 1,831 1,631 1, 845 1,666 2,043 3, 957 3,361 White. 11, 276 4,082 9,321 3,559 2,377 4,835 3,781 5, 207 3,503 3,815 2,821 8,202 3,512 10. 042 5,467 11, 367 19, 184 2, 733 10, 738 4.082 8,375 1,006,590 53, 057 31, 016 19. 043 17, 792 14, 619 8,574 21,177 13, 940 9,284 20, 495 12, 931 13, 821 17, 362 19, 339 50, 954 16, 973 19, 412 29, 142 55, 249 43, 127 26, 800 43, 512 34, 255 41, 600 35, 677 60, 722 30, 712 45, 727 53, 261 28, 808 32, 944 29, 662 32, 975 22, 628 3,104 230, 660 3,681 3,390 2,002 3,057 4,924 8,958 5,317 5,634 4,267 3,597 8, 937 9,596 10, 419 Colored. 8 16 194 131 355 244 28 109 1 280 50 139 1 149 231 596 11 189 135 39,371 794 522 861 2,573 2,335 125 8,861 3,011 497 11 338 539 1,379 1,751 104 124 11 275 1,333 93 1,798 1,026 930 260 1,375 2,077 644 1,476 1,789 16 382 190 1,073 139 7,850 45 256 83 81 202 169 585 1,385 7 4 946 738 690 Chine.sc. Ijapanese. 4 1 4 738 31 23 21 18 31 12 32 17 10 220 11 11 22 19 10 9 8 21 18 5 13 8 22 3 40 15 19 22 17 14 4 5 7 95 6 49 4 Civilized Indians. 258 2 "i 1 109 1 100 POPULATION. 573 Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOK, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND SEX. NATIVE EIGN AND FOK- BORN. COLOR. BOROUGHS. Male. Female. Native. Foreign. White. Colored. Chinese. Japanese. Civilized Indians. Pennsylvania — Continued. Pittsburg — Coutinued. Ward 14 8,214 3,016 5,654 6,190 3,629 3,794 5,042 5,899 1,558 3,697 3, 130 3,850 3,999 5,641 2,680 2,687 . 1,831 2,471 3,430 605 1,369 1,899 1,857 5, 199 5,105 6,854 6,817 1,397 29, 126 1,786 3, 04.^ 2,265 1,257 1,700 3,066 2, 417 2, 129 2,418 3,118 1,935 2,077 1,915 2,189 1,474 1,818 1,797 1,499 1,401 38, 416 2,165 2,758 1,112 2,898 3,387 1,323 1,304 1,624 1, .533 780 2,687 1,256 2,015 1,607 1,857 1,566 1,441 974 3,054 2,131 944 7,307 2, 742 5,156 6,145 3,366 4,202 5,970 5,377 1,701 3,323 2,679 3,523 3,763 5,257 2,440 2, 149 1,571 2,352 3,361 474 1, 053 1,731 1,775 5,103 4, 239 6,431 7,300 1,395 29, 535 1,908 2,904 2,400 1,501 1,767 2,911 2,768 2,274 2,382 3,038 1,964 2,033 1,685 1,965 1,315 1,831 1,883 1,589 1,292 36, 799 2,081 2, 494 1,061 2,806 3,223 1,168 1,275 1,417 1,843 683 2,452 1,202 1,962 1,549 1,785 1,606 1, 520 806 2,880 2,067 919 10, 058 3,900 7,084 9,523 4,379 6,472 8,684 8,964 2,339 5,022 3,529 5,108 5, 416 6, 108 3, 292 2,812 2, 030 3,439 4,939 712 1,268 2,685 2,716 7,183 5,399 12. 182 12, 226 2,503 53, 929 3,446 4,972 4,400 2,650 3,300 5,629 4,967 4,068 4,213 5,479 3,555 3,842 3,408 3,370 2,257 3,247 2,905 2,924 2,368 49, 642 2,758 3,571 1,427 3,559 4,401 1,368 1,665 2,125 2,750 1,013 3,096 1,589 3,166 2,296 2,055 2,349 2,282 1,007 3,574 2,406 1,185 5,463 1,858 3,726 2,812 2,616 1,524 2,328 2,312 920 1,998 2,280 2,271 2,346 4, 790 1,828 2,024 1, 372 1,384 1,852 367 1,154 945 916 3,119 3,945 1,103 1,891 289 4,732 248 975 265 108 167 348 218 335 587 677 344 268 192 784 532 402 775 164 325 25, 573 1,488 1,681 746 2,145 2,209 1,123 914 916 626 450 2,043 869 811 860 1,587 823 679 773 2,360 1,792 678 15, 136 5, 606 10, 657 12, 198 6,981 7.672 10, 633 10, 606 3,165 6,999 5,802 7,366 7,673 10, 858 j 5, 081 4, 823 3, 394 4, 801 6, 729 1, 079 2, 422 3, 590 ; 3, 604 10, 254 9, 327 13, 059 13, 959 2,784 58, 260 3,679 5,939 4,630 2,751 3,456 5,928 5,148 4,312 4,697 6,138 3,889 4,093 3,600 4,127 2,788 3,615 3,679 3,083 2,664 74, 934 4,245 5,251 2,173 5,704 6,607 2,491 2,578 2,977 3,316 1,463 5,138 2,458 3,971 3,101 3,642 3,108 2,940 1,780 5,932 4,197 1,862 385 152 153 135 14 324 376 659 94 21 6 11 88 40 38 11 7 22 62 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 2 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 3 1 Ward 21 3 7 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 1 2 1 Ward 25 Ward 26 Ward 27 Ward 28 1 i Ward 29 Ward 30 Ward 31 Ward 32 Ward 33 Ward 34 Ward 35 33 28 45 16 225 157 7 390 15 8 33 5 11 49 34 87 103 18 10 17 1 Ward 36 Pitts ton i Pott.sto"\vn 1 Pottsville 1 1 9 Punxsiitawney 2 Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 2 Ward 4 2 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 3 4 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Kenovo 26 1 33 1 5 28 277 1 1 Heynold.'iville Kochester 1 St. Clair Scluiylkill Haven Scottdale 1 3 Scranton 1 Ward 1 Ward 2 1 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 2 1 Ward 6 Ward 7 1 63 60 Ward 8 1 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 1 Ward 12 Ward 13 5 55 1 Wardl4 Ward 15 Wardl6 64 21 Wardl7 Ward 18 Ward 19 2 1 1 Ward 20 Ward 21 574 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 17.— population BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsylvania — Continued. Sewickley Shamokin Sharon . Sharpsbur^ . Shenandoah . Slatington South Bethlehem South Chester South Easton South Williamsport. Steeltou Sugarnotch Summit Hill Sunbury Susquehanna Depot . Tamaqua Tarentum Titusville Towanda Tyrone Uuiontown Warren "Washington WayuesDoro Weatherly Wellsboro West Bethlehem . Westchester WestPittston.... Wilkesharre Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 , Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Wilkinsburg Williamsport Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Ward? Wards Tort. Rhode Island : Bristol Burrillville . Coventry . - . Cranston. .-. Cumberland. East Greenwich. . East Providence . Hopkinton Johnston Lincoln Newport North Kingstown. North Smithfield.. Pawtucket Wardl Ward2 Wards Ward4 Wards Male. Female. 1, 247 7,419 3,653 2,459 9, 130 1,393 5, 6G1 3,741 2,765 1,479 5, 128 1,390 1,463 2,940 1,909 2,976 2,321 3,947 1,993 2,297 3,165 2.056 3,560 1.856 1,510 1,374 1,350 3,429 1,893 18, 796 1,191 2, 803 1,676 605 997 1,309 484 1,121 998 703 1,128 881 2,107 2,106 687 2,247 13, 321 2,010 880 1,572 2, 315 1,797 1,960 1,337 1,450 10, 037 2,498 2,743 2, 459 4,317 3,806 1,557 4,176 1, 403 4,847 9,954 9.370 2,015 1,570 13, 189 3,093 2,191 1.848 3,358 2,699 1,529 6,984 3, 806 2.439 6,814 1,323 4,641 3,335 2,851 1,421 4,122 1,196 1,353 2,990 1,963 3,078 2,306 4,126 2,176 2,408 3,194 2,276 3,503 1,955 1,451 1,587 1,409 4,599 2. 013 18, 922 974 2, 535 1,479 772 943 1,264 688 1, 169 916 950 1.202 980 2,234 2,073 743 2,415 13,811 2.043 975 1,580 2,372 2,051 1,966 1,291 1,533 10, 756 2,980 2,749 2,009 3,782 4,284 1,570 4,246 1,461 4,931 10, 401 10, 087 2,178 1,603 14,444 3.331 2.276 2,039 3,808 2,990 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. Foreign 2.519 12, 176 5,869 3, 837 9,359 2, 387 7,608 5,924 4,922 2,486 8,048 1,433 2, 206 5,778 3,132 5, 258 3,480 6,373 3,839 4,397 5,860 3,303 6,694 3.758 2,616 2,699 2, 576 7,448 3, 242 27, .524 1,821 3,514 1,684 1,151 1,.585 1,743 1,028 1,693 1,192 1,454 1,811 1,583 3,136 2,950 1,179 3,971 24, 236 3,564 1,670 2,913 4,338 3,453 3,351 2,423 2,524 19, 668 4,282 3,771 3,705 6,126 4,534 2,553 6,863 2,657 6,467 10, 432 14, 237 3,771 1,881 18, 274 4.486 3,034 2,752 4,399 3,603 257 2,227 1,590 1,061 6,585 329 2,694 1,152 694 414 1,202 1,153 610 152 740 796 1,147 1,700 330 308 . 499 1.029 369 53 345 262 183 580 664 10, 194 344 1,824 1,471 226 355 830 144 597 722 199 519 278 1,205 1,229 251 691 489 185 239 349 395 575 205 459 1,125 1,196 1,721 1,363 1,973 3,556 574 1,559 207 3,311 9,923 5,220 422 1,292 9,359 1,938 1,433 1,135 2,767 2,086 White. 2,494 14, 337 7,380 4,895 15,940 2,716 10. 190 5,248 5,616 2,876 7.977 2,586 2,816 5,920 3,866 6,037 4,617 7,972 4,065 4,622 5,699 4,316 6,216 3,769 2, 960 2, 93Q 2,745 0,826 3,871 37, 122 2,140 5, 312 3. 155 1,361 1,849 2,551 1,155 2. 246 1,898 1,600 2,247 1,838 4.241 4,157 1, 372 4,601 25, 918 927 806 932 241 607 873 620 912 3, 1. 2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 20, 238 5,312 5,477 5,037 7,909 8,088 2,984 8, 259 2,828 9,720 Colored. 315 029 134 158 518 417 405 871 155 670 282 61 74 3 1 109 1,828 24 1,272 16 10 96 103 81 660 15 842 41 1 31 14 1,197 35 593 25 26 16 90 22 17 43 16 53 82 23 100 22 58 61 1,210 126 46 220 446 240 53 8 71 552 164 14 31 188 1 141 162 36 52 38 1,410 56 15 107 7 61 U 6 19 Chinese. Japanese. Civilized Indians. POPULATION. 575 Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2.500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Rhode Island — Continued. ProvideDce Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7. Wiird 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Scituate Smithfield Soutb KiDgstowii . Tiverton Warren Warwick Westerly Woonsocket South Carolina: Anderson Beaufort Camden Charleston . . Ward 1... AVard2... Wards.. Ward 4-., Wards.. Ward 6... Ward?.. Wards.. Chester Clifton Columbia Florence Georgetown. . Greenville . . . Newberry Oranjteburg . Eock Hill . . . Spartanburg . Sumter South Dakota : Aberdeen Huron Lead Pierre , Sioux FalLs... Watertown... Yankton Tennessee : Bristol (a) . . . . Brownsville.. Chattanooga . Wardi... Wiird2... Wards... Ward 4 . . . Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Clarksville . Cleveland . . Columbia . . . Dayton Jackson Johnson Knoxville . . Memphis. .. Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Male. 63, 569 6,424 6,193 8,483 4,183 5, 979 6,036 5,187 5,521 6,717 8,846 1,586 1,220 3,165 1,427 2,118 8.846 3,382 9,748 1,514 1,582 1,581 25, 605 1,572 2,387 2,824 4,374 3,334 3,997 3,235 3,882 1,284 1,233 7,603 1,648 1,346 3,964 1,441 1,409 1, 335 2,738 1,721 1,565 1,545 1,633 1,778 5, 595 1,307 1,755 1,672 1, 132 15, 574 2,417 1,958 1,410 1,915 1,888 1,3.56 2,839 1,791 3,800 1,296 2,438 1,442 4,845 2,326 11, .398 32, 488 2,348 2,171 1,4.S3 1,361 2,898 Female. 68, 577 7,285 7, 308 8,669 4,390 6,449 6,481 5,820 6,494 6,886 8,795 1,588 1,280 3,066 1,410 2,371 8,915 3,431 11, 082 1,504 2, 005 1,952 29, 350 1,637 2, 984 3, 228 5,360 3,602 4,640 3,513 4,386 1,419 1,406 7,750 ],747 1,549 4,643 1,579 1,555 1,409 2,806 2,144 1,617 1,493 948 1,457 4,582 1, 365 1, 915 1, 6.52 1,384 13, 526 2, 256 1,494 1,199 1,691 1,616 1,003 2,675 1,592 4,124 1,567 2, 932 1,277 5,194 1, 835 11, 137 32, 007 2,243 1,221 983 862 3,127 HATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 91,782 9,544 9,871 10, 321 6,497 9, 468 9,205 9,027 9,289 8,749 9,811 2,873 1.855 5,488 2,116 2,805 11, 288 5,186 11,146 2,983 3, 484 ■ 3,495 51, 822 2,976 5,141 5, 515 9,010 6,537 8,282 6, .396 7, 965 2.658 2, 611 15, 022 3,349 2.857 8,464 2, 993 2.928 2.714 5,491 3,810 2,459 2,513 1,434 2, 624 7,764 2, 072 2,636 3,278 2,466 27, 805 4,467 3, 205 2,415 3,510 3,328 2,207 5,403 3,270 7,702 2. 837 5, 311 2, 635 9,790 4, 095 21, 639 59, 095 4,062 2,506 2,063 1, 821 5,589 Foreign. 40, 364 4,165 3,630 6,831 2,076 2,960 3,312 1,980 2,720 4,854 7,830 301 645 743 721 1,684 6,473 1,627 9,684 35 103 38 3,133 233 230 537 724 399 355 352 303 45 28 331 46 38 143 27 36 30 53 55 723 525 1,147 611 2,413 600 1, 034 46 50 1,295 206 247 194 96 176 152 111 113 222 26 59 84 249 66 896 5,400 529 886 353 402 436 White. 128, 095 13, 107 12, 659 17, 066 8,295 12, 224 12, 274 10. 128 11, 328 13, 391 17, 623 3,161 2.494 5. 781 2,801 4,476 17, 622 fi, 675 20, 817 1, 775 787 1,247 23.919 1.691 2,607 3,044 4.804 2, 745 3, 189 3,414 2,425 1,335 2. 542 6.563 1,728 779 4, 520 1,543 1,394 1,695 2,948 1,823 3,170 3,021 2,560 3,220 10, 127 2,664 ■ 3, 608 2,604 1,303 16, 525 3,539 2, 115 1,845 1,162 2,166 1,533 2,161 2,004 3,489 2,206 3, 802 2, 05t) 5.879 3,408 16, 106 35, 766 2, 512 2,798 2,062 1,776 2,677 Colored. 3,963 596 835 80 259 191 238 875 676 195 18 13 3 400 36 13 139 131 9 1,243 2,797 2,286 30. 970 1.518 2.763 3, 008 4.914 4,187 5.447 3,332 5, 801 1,368 97 8.789 1.667 2,116 4,079 1,477 1, 570 1,049 2. 596 2.042 4 16 10 8 44 8 59 720 1,213 12, 563 1,132 1,334 763 2,444 1,338 821 3,352 l,a79 4,434 655 2,367 669 4,160 752 6, 423 28, 706 2,076 590 354 438 3,346 Chinese. J apanese. 19 16 Civilized Indians. 45 2 1 2 4 3 3 8 15 3 50 47 " i 1 1 2 42 a Exclusive of that part in Virginia. 576 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Contiuued. 2,500 INHAB- CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Tennessee — Continncd. Memphis — Continued. Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Not in frards Murfreesboro . !Naslivllle Ward 1... Ward 2... Ward 3... Ward 4... Ward y.-- Ward 6 . . . Ward 7... Ward 8... Ward 9... Ward 10... Ward 11... Ward 12... Ward 13... WardU... Ward 15... Ward 16. . . Ward 17... Ward 18... Ward 19... Ward2U... St. Elmo .. Union Texas : Abilene . . . Austin. . . . Beaumont . Bel ton Bouham . . . Brenbam Brownsville Bryan Calvert Cleburne Corpus Christi . Corsicana Dallas Benison Denton El Paso Eort Worth . . . . Gainesville Galveston Ward 1.... Ward 2.... Ward 3.... AVard 4.... Ward .5.... Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8.... "Ward 9...- WardlC... Ward 11.... Ward 12.... Greenville Hillsboro Houston Ward! Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Jefferson Laredo Marshall Kavasota Male. Female. 1,899 2,756 3, 311 2,600 4,776 6, 935 1,702 36, 832 1, 822 1, 9.31 1, 592 2,246 1, 355 2. 309 1,011 1,644 2, 944 927 1.480 1,368 2, 583 2, 337 2, 668 1, .561 1,647 1,195 2,143 1,469 1.290 1.674 1,699 7, 160 1, 770 1,408 1, 679 2,623 2,942 1, 415 1,254 1,675 2.215 3, 204 20, 907 5,795 1,265 5,937 13, 230 3,534 14, 620 1,250 916 922 1,295 1,453 J, 613 1, 854 1,065 920 1,005 1,109 1, 212 2, 223 1/265 14, 334 1, 034 1,756 3, 521 4.401 3,622 1,441 5,791 3, 482 1,428 1,886 3,114 3,760 2,868 4,696 7,247 2,037 39, 336 1, 982 2, 078 1,771 2,885 1,010 2,289 2,000 1,824 2,691 1,024 1,558 1,575 2,937 2, 315 3,010 1, 678 1,742 1, 345 2,109 1,507 1,278 1,707 1,495 7,415 1,526 1,592 1,082 2,586 3,192 1,564 1,378 1,603 2,172 3,081 17,160 5,163 1,293 4,401 9,846 3,060 14, 464 1,288 1,022 742 883 1,236 1,480 1,980 1,256 985 1,072 1,198 1,322 2,107 1,276 13, 223 946 1,585 3,845 4,360 2,487 1, 631 5, 528 3, 725 1,569 NATIVE AND FOE- EIGN BOKN. Native. 3, 451 5,041 6,376 5,106 8,968 13, 512 3,687 72, 374 3,435 3,791 3,286 4,788 2,013 4,215 3,418 3,313 5,297 1,890 2,861 2,826 5,308 4, 603 5,456 3,152 3, 246 2,489 4, 105 2, 882 2,493 3,402 3,028 12, 737 3, 078 2,870 3,305 4,720 3,287 2,841 2,526 3,158 3,174 5,990 34, 089 9,970 2,444 6, 519 21, 053 6,315 23, 214 1,949 1,490 1,120 1,765 1,918 2,469 3,238 1,982 1,573 1,614 ],860 2,224 4,215 2,465 24,442 1,667 2,862 6,628 7, 662 5,623 2,934 5, 430 6,871 2,872 Foreisjn. 334 229 695 362 504 670 52 3,794 369 218 77 343 352 383 199 155 338 61 177 117 212 49 222 87 143 51 147 94 84 39 166 1,838 218 130 56 489 2,847 138 106 120 1,213 295 3,978 982 114 3.819 2. 023 279 5,870 589 442 538 413 771 624 596 339 338 463 447 310 115 76 3,115 313 479 738 1,099 ■ 486 138 5,889 336 125 White. 2,337 2, 942 4, 526 3,048 4,336 1,794 46, 773 3, 318 3,428 1,508 1,908 1,512 3,301 2,547 1,847 3, 325 878 1,954 1,040 3,209 1,944 4,462 1,238 2, .543 1,939 2,418 2,388 1,847 2,530 3,013 10, 956 1,959 2,517 2,500 2,564 6, 033 1,730 1, 237 2,978 3,844 4, 567 30,006 8,986 2,254 9,707 19, 793 5,709 22, 319 2,144 1,666 1,509 1,787 2,123 2, .542 2,645 1,230 1,581 1,812 1,835 1,445 3,196 1,947 17, 178 1, 203 2,079 4, 705 5, 079 4,112 1,380 11,115 3,532 1,432 Colored. 1,446 2,927 2,545 2, 419 5, 136 7,429 1,945 29, 382 486 581 1,855 3,223 848 1,289 1,070 1,621 2,310 1,073 1,084 1,897 2, 251 2,708 1,216 2,001 846 001 1,834 588 720 909 107 3,610 1, 337 481 850 2,043 90 1,239 1,395 298 541 1,717 7,993 1,944 303 361 3, 237 871 147 364 501 549 1,188 1,091 330 265 472 1,089 1,120 592 10, 370 777 1,200 2,058 3, 078 1,997 1,086 201 3,673 1,565 Cliinese. Japanese. 2 1 63 4 1 210 40 11 Civilized Indians. 1 24 POPFLATIOIf. 577 Table 17.- -POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. Texas— Continued. Orange Palestine Paris San Angelo San Antonio. Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . . Ward 5 . . Ward 6 . . Ward 7 . . Ward 8 . . Sherman Sulphur Springs. Taylor Temple Terrell Texarkana (a) ... Tyler Vernon Victoria Waco Waxahachie Weatherford Utah: Logan Ogden Park city Provo Salt Lake Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 , Ward 4 , Wards , Springville Vermont : Barre Bennington Brandon Brattleboro Burlington Colchester Derby Fairhaven Hartford Lyndon Middlebury . . . Montpelier Newport Northfield Poultney Randolph Eockinghani . . Rutland St. Albans St. Johnsbury. Springfield Swanton , West Rutland. Woodstock Virginia : Alexandria Bedford Berkley Bristol (6) Charlottesville . Banville Fredericksburg Hampton Harrisonburg . . Lexington Lynchburg Manchester Newport News. Male. 1,745 2,885 4,149 1,423 19, 443 1,279 3,027 2,580 3,015 2,219 3,835 2,308 1,180 3,632 1,488 1,409 2,191 1,449 1,482 3,487 1,635 1,469 7,162 1,613 1,660 2,233 8,234 1,626 2,541 24,322 4,863 7,707 5, 105 2,828 3,819 1,457 3,953 3,113 1, 629 3,262 6,953 2,478 1,445 1, 325 1,920 1,345 375 960 572 257 560 563 240 818 871 230 389 642 984 193 866 414 890 446 544 822 056 201 281 524 372- 9,019 4,471 2,842 a Exclusive of that part in Arkansas. -37 Female. 1,428 2,953 4,105 1,192 18, 230 1,202 2,814 2, 4.59 3,185 1,965 3,226 2,198 1,181 3,703 1,550 1,175 1,856 1,539 1,370 3,421 1, 222 li577 7,283 1,463 1,709 2,332 6,655 1,224 2,618 20,521 4,008 5,452 4,933 2,911 3,217 1,392 2,859 3,278 1,681 3,600 7,637 2,665 1,455 1,466 1,820 1,274 1,418 2,200 1,475 1,371 1,471 1,669 2,339 5,942 3,900 3,337 1,492 1,589 1,696 1,352 7,473 1,483 2,009 1, 456 3,047 5,483 2,472 1,312 1,511 1,535 10, 690 4,775 1,607 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BOKN. Native. 2,969 5,490 8,038 2, 237 28, 670 1, 833 3,965 3,892 5,029 3, 283 5,532 3,452 1,684 7,124 3,001 2,355 3,749 2,858 2,660 6,650 2,763 2,583 13, 362 3,009 3,216 2,841 11,095 1,958 3,899 31, 507 6,126 9,672 6,798 3,906 5,005 2,484 4,772 5,342 2,962 6,028 11, 376 3,675 2,093 2,280 3,184 2,213 2, 540 3,687 2,235 2,371 2,406 3,087 3,881 9,956 6,082 5,046 2,737 2,790 2, .554 2,407 13, 832 2,876 3,819 2,870 5,522 10, 199 4,454 2, 463 2,723 3, 023 19, 355 9,111 4,139 Foreign. 204 348 216 378 9,003 648 1,876 1,147 1,171 901 1,529 1,054 677 211 37 229 298 130 192 258 94 463 1,083 67 153 1,724 3,794 892 1,260 13, 336 2,745 3,487 3,240 1,833 2,031 365 2,040 1,049 348 834 3,214 807 511 556 406 253 473 812 257 625 145 698 1,804 1,689 1,521 144 441 1,126 138 507 21 80 32 69 106 74 50 69 36 354 135 310 White. 2,434 3,812 5,416 2,446 32, 854 2,342 5,374 4,220 5,534 3,878 5, 623 3,656 2,227 5,850 2,067 1,979 3,408 2,433 1,751 4,338 2,829 2,111 10, 365 2,207 2,985 4,563 14, 713 2,760 5, 150 44, 400 8,787 13, 063 9,925 5,731 6,894 2,849 0,811 6,318 3,301 6,830 14, 475 5,137 2,894 2,780 3,740 2,613 2,793 4,152 3,043 2. 628 3, 022 3,229 4,576 11, 699 7,699 6,557 2,865 3,226 3,675 2,506 226 475 094 068 062 764 846 183 925 802 9,903 6,098 1,903 Colored. 739 2,025 2,808 163 4,720 127 466 819 637 304 1,385 850 132 1,473 969 605 630 553 1,092 2,570 19 934 4,069 869 382 Chinese 69 4 3 218 50 37 94 6 31 1 71 7 31 108 5 6 10 15 5 5 37 5,113 1,422 1,802 833 2,528 5,538 1,682 1,330 867 1,257 3,148 2,546 b Exclusive of that part in Tennessee. Japanese. 2 102 86 5 222 34 59 18 1 110 Civilized Iiidiaus. 24 3 53 578 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 17.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHAB- ITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKODGHS. Virginia — Contintied. Norfolk Ward 1 Ward2 Ward3 Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 North DanTille. Petersburg Pocahontas Portsmouth Eiohmond Clay ward Jackson ward . . Jefferson ward . Madison ward. Marshall ward Monroe ward. - Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk Winchester WytheTille Washington : EUensburg Fairhaven Olympia Port Townsend Seattle Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3- Ward 4. Spokane Tacoma Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Vancouver . Wallawalla. Whatcom . . West Virginia: Benwood . . . Charleston . Clarksburg. Grafton Hinton Huntington . Martinsburg Monndsville. Parkersburg Wheeling .. Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4 Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Wisconsin : Antigo Appleton . . Ashland . . - Baraboo Beaverdam . Beloit Berlin Chippewa Falls . Bepere Eauclaire Male. 16, 582 3,817 2,174 3,394 4,608 1,655 934 1,817 10, 392 1,790 6,879 38, 261 8,678 7,939 5,203 4,306 5,301 6,834 9,000 1,864 3,107 1,626 2,325 1,222 1,656 2,928 2,919 3,138 26, 782 8,010 5,914 5,859 6,999 13, 271 22, 971 2.373 7,914 7,356 5,328 2,086 2,574 2,951 1,534 3,317 1,411 1,486 1,400 5,442 3,494 1,416 3,926 16, 939 2,244 1,986 1,564 1,716 2,359 2,511 1,829 2,730 2,276 5,669 6,022 2,177 1,990 3,120 2,033 4,536 1,779 Female. 18, 289 4,065 2,201 3,960 5,323 1,792 948 1,982 12, 288 1,163 6,389 43, 127 10. 025 9.271 5,435 4.965 6,071 7,360 7,159 1.415 3,868 1.728 2.871 1.348 1.112 1.148 1.779 1,420 16, 055 3,520 3.463 3,654 5,418 6,651 13, 035 1,406 4,429 3,926 3,274 1.459 2,135 1,108 1,400 3.425 1,597 1,673 1,170 4.666 3,732 1,272 4,482 17, 583 2.221 1.952 1.885 1,926 2,357 2,401 2,095 2,746 2,148 6,200 3,934 2,428 2,232 3,195 2,116 4,134 1,846 8,516 NATIVE AND POB- EIGN BORN. Native. Foreign 33, 744 7,427 4,110 7,143 9,850 3,396 1,818 3,778 22, 408 2,394 12,486 77, 915 18, 015 16, 750 9,914 8.673 11,012 13, 551 15, 620 3,244 6,780 3,322 5, 125 2,526 2,193 2,702 3,769 2,790 29, 181 7,343 6,610 6,725 8,503 14,299 23, 698 2,359 8,878 7,321 5, 140 2,771 3,602 2,726 2,496 6,422 2,896 3,029 2,547 9,848 6,954 2,024 7,896 28, 183 3,607 3,340 2,945 2,960 3,798 3,791 3, .546 4,196 3,336 8,359 5,909 3,807 3,191 5,248 2,813 5,325 2,454 10, 935 1,127 455 265 211 81 51 64 21 272 559 782 3,473 688 460 724 598 360 643 539 35 195 32 71 44 575 1,374 929 1,768 13, 656 4.187 2. 767 2, 788 3,914 5,623 12, 308 1,420 3,465 3, 961 3,462 774 1,107 1,333 438 320 112 130 23 ■ 260 272 64 512 6,339 858 598 504 682 918 1,121 378 1,280 1,088 3,510 4,047 798 1,031 1,067 1,336 3. 345 1.171 6, 480 White. 18, 617 5,607 2,845 4.231 1,313 3,290 1,331 2,414 10, 456 1,813 9,231 49, 034 14, 095 3 679 7,686 6.487 8,001 9,086 11,218 2,179 4,678 2,203 3, 773 1,578 2,681 4,047 4.476 4,203 42, 056 11, 108 9,204 9,415 12, 329 19, 367 35, 574 3,715 12, 203 11,062 8,594 3,506 4,472 3,997 2,934 5,224 2,583 3,061 2,004 8,876 6,651 2,519 7,633 33, 541 4,427 3, 362 3,328 3,536 4,680 4,905 3,836 5,467 4,421 11, 853 9,925 4,583 4,211 6,247 4,149 8.644 3,534 17,403 Colored. 16, 244 2,272 l!526 3,122 8,617 157 550 1,385 12, 221 1.140 4.018 32, 330 4,604 13, 530 2.943 2,780 3, 370 5,103 4,929 1,098 2,295 1,149 1,423 992 21 14 51 23 97 111 53 25 190 363 53 117 185 Chinese. Japanese, 1,518 424 98 566 1,231 574 169 773 974 38 573 121 104 36 5 1 13 6 22 67 15 86 4 21 2 57 162 279 359 228 49 31 51 341 33 219 1 15 "'19' 125 96 12 7 10 23 56 5 17 34 54 Civilized Indians. 34 11 1 1 7 2 1 POPULATION. 579 Table IT.-POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2 500 INHAB ITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. CITIES, TO^\^^s, villages, and BOROUOHS. Wiscousin — Continued. Fond du Lac Fort Howard Green Bay Hudson Janes ville Kaukaiina Kenosha Lacrosse . . . Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6- Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Madison Manitowoc . Marinette . . Marslifleld . Menasha Menominee Merrill MOwaukee . Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. Ward 16. , Ward 17., Ward 18. . Mineral Point. Monroe NeenaU Oconomowoc . . Oconto Oshkosh Platteville Portage Prairie du Chien . Racine Rhinelander. . Ripon Sheboygan Sparta Stevens Point. Superior Two Rivers . Washburn . . Watertown . Waukesha . . Waupun Wausau Whitewater. . . Williamsburg . Wyoming: Cheyenne Laramie Kock Springs . Male. Female. 5,694 2,435 4,580 1,404 5,223 2. 445 3,348 12. 545 1.243 1,505 1,373 957 1,377 693 1,209 1,614 1,360 1, 214 6,500 3,741 6,369 1,818 2,240 2.815 3,843 100, 773 4,010 5,376 3,399 5,105 5,244 6,342 2,945 7,010 11, 203 9,941 6,812 6,027 7,256 5,799 4,672 2,977 ■ 2, 856 3,799 1,228 1,789 2,478 1,316 2,758 11,420 1,243 2,457 1,483 10, 422 1,739 1,544 8,411 1.349 3,909 7,653 1,440 1,810 4,246 3,219 1.549 4,801 2,015 1,585 7,146 3,596 2,299 6,330 2,319 4,489 1,481 5,613 2,222 3,184 12, 545 1,326 1,148 1,407 1,199 1,272 900 1,307 1,648 1,288 1,050 6,926 3,969 5,154 1,632 2,341 2,676 2,966 103, 695 5,331 5,172 3,424 5,186 4,924 6,678 3,700 7,226 11,266 9,938 6,726 5,764 7,402 5,538 4,912 3,544 2,840 4,124 1,466 1,979 2,605 1,413 2,461 11,416 1,497 2,686 1,648 10, 592 919 1,814 7,948 1.446 3,987 4,330 1,430 1,229 4,509 3,102 1,208 4,452 2,344 1,548 4,544 2,792 1,107 NATIVE AND FOR- EIGN BORN. Native. 9.054 3,233 6,515 1,860 8,524 3,555 4,556 16, 721 1,648 1,908 1,746 1,698 1,937 1,187 1,543 1,918 1, .583 1,553 10,268 5,038 6,620 2,411 3,057 3,148 4,366 124, 892 6, 483 6,266 4,704 7,630 6,596 8,176 4,872 9,044 12, 659 11,438 7,079 6,838 8,265 5,129 6,518 4,982 3, 583 4,630 2,060 2,921 3, 395 2,085 3,319 15, 558 2,168 3, 743 2,322 13, 237 2,031 2,491 10, 028 2,379 5,457 6,628 1,871 1,419 5,608 4,957 2,139 5,419 3,511 1,699 9,088 4,868 1,373 Foreign. 2,970 1,521 2,554 1,025 2,312 1,112 1,976 8,369 921 745 1,034 458 712 406 973 1,344 1,065 711 3,158 2,672 4,903 1,039 1,524 2,343 2,443 79, 576 2, 858 4,282 2,119 2,661 3,572 4,844 1,773 5,192 9,810 8,441 6,459 4, 953 6, 393 6, 208 3,066 1,539 2,113 3,293 628 847 1,688 644 1,900 7,278 572 1,400 809 7,777 627 867 0,331 416 2,439 5,355 999 1,620 3,147 1,364 618 3,834 848 1,434 2,002 1,520 2,033 White. 11, 905 4,754 9,019 2,881 10, 786 4, 657 6,515 25, 026 2,553 2,636 2.779 2,134 2,643 1,593 2.516 3, 262 2,648 2,262 13, 377 7,700 11,407 3,449 4,573 5,490 6,807 204, 001 9,310 10, 493 6,821 10, 050 10, 156 13, 001 6,583 14, 234 22, 465 19, 869 13, .532 11,789 14, 655 11, 329 9,583 6,519 5,695 7,917 2,688 3,762 5,064 2,729 5,202 22, 771 2,738 5,135 3,120 20, 906 2,656 3,357 16, 356 2,760 7,892 11, 856 2,870 3,036 8,753 6,262 2,737 9,253 4,342 3,133 Colored, Chinese. 112 449 31 54 2 237 9 108 57 18 is' 11,437 6,288 3,071 227 98 2 Japanese. 14 3 12 2 333 Civilized Indians. 95 1 12 "io 1 47 i "i 1 580 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 18.— POPULATION AS NATIVt: AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE STATES AND TERRITORIES. NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. The United States . North Atlantic division Maine New Hampshire . Vermont Massachusetts... Rhode Island Couneeticut New York New Jersey. Pennsylvania — South Atlantic division. Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Mis.souri North Dakota South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas Kentucky • • Tennessee . . Alabama Mississippi . Louisiana... Texas Oklahoma... Arkansas... Western division . Montana. ... Wyoming ... Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington . Oregon California ... 27, 000, 750 26, 371, 953 9,429 292, 150, 145, 773, 116, 276, :, 183, 551, !, 198. 358 721 560 853 948 320 738 059 6, 823, 939 4, 303, 736 78, 467, 99, 811, 379, 796, 568, 912, 188, 526 712 724 931 471 806 653 305 9, 347, 751 South Central division 5, 406, 427 608, 037, 516, 790, 590, 431, 813, ,253, 54, 127, 456, 667, 479 429 133 703 891 118 967 110 598 415 807 101 910,. 589 879, 361 748, 149 644, 417 531, 947 1, 082, 533 32, 907 576, 524 1, 253, 407 55, 247 28, 923 189, 336 75, 515 24, 554 82, 3.52 17, 976 38, 551 152, 632 140, 787 447, 534 289, 153, 142, 807, 122, 286! 2, 243, 564, 2, 213, 767 469 774 953 253 337 065 899 422 4, 345, 659 480, 382 111, 898 825, 675 364, 440 817, 439 576, 226 912, 911 179, 882 8, 954, 414 1, 604, &44 1, 008, 770 1, 467, 871 759, 306 576, 790 403, 352 773, 860 1, 191, 205 46,660 110, 338 399, 561 612, 157 5, 244, 645 868, 128 750, noi 637, 231 536, 893 1, 000, 034 26, 187 537, 391 1, 003, 296 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 5, 067, 130 1, 988, 36e 40, 232 35, 845 23, 767 313, 856 51, 077 93, 218 793, 155 169, 760 467, 459 115, 033 Females. 4, 182, 417 1,899,808 33, 816 16, 869 138, 872 66, 819 16,271 72, 489 13, 079 28, 378 106, 753 115,663 394, 287 7,047 47, 979 9,860 12, 347 10, 814 2,343 3,684 7,620 13, 339 2, 247, 159 247, 257 80, 918 456, 175 301, 077 284, 060 264, 203 180, 486 132, 128 46, 992 52, 835 116, 017 85, Oil 187, 450 32, 169 12, 224 9,307 5,270 27, 403 90, 020 1,826 9,231 529, 119 38, 729 36, 495 20, 321 343, 281 55, 228 90, 383 777, 895 159, 215 378, 261 93, 492 6,114 46, 317 8,910 6,027 8,069 1,359 2,586 4,517 9,593 1, 812, 955 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 23, 254, 474 212,036 65, 287 386, 172 242, 803 235, 139 203, 153 143, 583 102, 741 34, 469 38, 220 86, 525 62, 827 134, 371 32, 635 10, 420 55,911 7,540 12, 017 28, 111 11, 238 12,739 64,930 41, 053 252, 525 27, 187 7, 81^5 5,470 2, 682 22, 344 62, 936 914 5,033 241, 791 10, 461 4,493 28, 079 3,719 6.778 24, 953 3,468 4,717 25, 075 16, 264 113, 784 6, 558, 144 291, 551 150, 423 145, 062 764, 059 113, 575 270, 385 2, 151, 096 527, 802 2, 144, 191 2, 691, 634 Females. 22, 607, 549 64, 078 362, 214 66, 073 500, 986 361, 480 520, 839 226, 814 482, 285 106, 865 9, 118, 786 1, 563, 539 1, 013, 790 1, 486, 278 780, 806 587, 533 428, 154 808, 269 1, 177, 793 54, 331 126, 683 450, 140 641, 470 3, 665, 692 777, 049 665, 815 410, 893 271, 141 254, 836 837, 254 31, 294 417, 410 1, 220, 218 6, 688, 971 289, 017 153, 221 142, 332 797, 811 118, 257 279, 898 2, 207, 164 540, 794 2, 160, 477 2, 698, 199 62, 892 370, 492 70, 105 500, 947 349, 745 530, 881 229, 051 484, 180 99, 906 8, 739, 684 1, 562, 713 986, 943 1, 441, 219 750, 477 573. 951 400, 948 708. 885 1, 110, 383 46, 4« 109, 764 394, 504 587, 453 , 503, 305 53, 874 28, 205 185, 760 69, 769 22, 638 81, 670 15, 876 38, 353 149, 814 139, 376 434, 823 754, 173 650, 923 408, 221' 265, 986 254, 719 757, 212 24,823 387, 248 977, 390 33, 067 16, 580 136, 202 62,090 15, 479 72, 096 11,314 28, 201 104, 505 114, 560 383, 296 populatio:n. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. 581 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE P.UtENTS. NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN PARENTS. rOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Female.s. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 17, 472, 903 16, 885, 445 5, 781, 571 5, 722, 104 4, 951, 858 4, 170, 009 3, 861, 548 3, 776, 812 1 4, 403, 403 4, 488, 002 2, 154, 741 2, 200, 969 1, 978. 261 1, 896, 605 141, 393 138, 171 2 253, 564 125, 631 113, 660 466, 336 67. 378 174. 985 1,246.119 344. 252 1,611,478 2, 531. 428 253, 139 127, 998 111, 585 489. 094 70, 172 182, 250 1, 274, 688 352, 466 1, 626, 610 2, 535, 951 37, 987 24, 792 31, 402 297, 723 46, 197 95,400 904, 977 183, 550 532, 713 160, 206 .35, 878 25, 223 30, 747 308. 717 48, 085 97, 648 932, 476 188. 328 533, 867 102, 218 40, 053 35, 748 23, 716 311. ,552 50, 888 92, 831 788. 873 108. 937 465. 663 111,486 38, 642 36.448 20, 308 341, 951 55, 139 90, 324 776, 819 159, 048 377, 926 90, 830 986 395 549 12, 098 3, 502 0.322 36,924 24, 080 50, 477 1, 615, 049 837 295 455 11,472 I 4, 085 6, 498 36, 977 24,272 53, 280 1, 650. 122 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 55. 305 285. 129 52, 354 487, 750 340, 901 517. 126 221. 517 472, 500 98, 846 6, 287, 921 54, 050 291, 150 54. 955 489, 008 329. 313 527. 357 223, 678 474, 282 92, 152 5, 962, 234 8,773 77, 085 13, 719 13, 236 20, 579 3, 713 5,297 9,785 8,019 2, 830, 865 8,842 79. .336 15, 150 11,939 20, 432 3,524 5, 373 9,898 7,754 2, 777, 450 7,000 47. 591 9,680 12, 195 10, 790 2, 316 3, 591 7,422 10, 901 2, 242, 639 6,096 46, 196 8, 837 5, 994 8.062 1, 346 2,552 4,470 7,277 1, 810, 818 14, 495 103, 886 33, 831 311, 097 18, 015 275, 994 341, 932 430. 218 84, 181 233, 485 13, 932 110,011 41, 866 324, 761 14, 702 286, 571 347, 209 428, 778 82. 292 216, 867 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1,171.574 861. 273 962, 379 409, 975 222, 637 164, 987 547, 996 957. 817 20. 926 09, 334 319, 894 519, 129 3, 408, 670 1,102,943 836, 725 920. 314 447, 718 212. 012 145. 964 515. 971 898. 060 16. 502 57. 898 274. 330 473, 197 3,252,978 391, 965 152, 517 523, 899 310, 831 364, 896 203, 107 260, 273 219, 976 33, 405 57, 349 130, 246 122, 341 257, 022 399, 770 150, 218 520, 905 302, 759 361, 939 254. 984 252, 914 217, 723 29, 942 51, 866 120, 174 114, 256 250, 327 246, 803 80, 775 455, 098 299, 911 283, 893 203, 996 180, 370 131, 032 40. 918 52. 648 115,747 84, 842 184, 834 211,750 65, 228 385, 877 241, 690 235, 096 203, 061 143, 556 102, 650 34, 430 38, 195 86, 497 02, 788 133, 745 45, 394 23, 782 30, 932 11, 063 3, 525 3,171 5,808 75, 813 341 919 6, 937 25, 800 1, 743, 351 42,117 21, 886 26, 947 9,942 2,882 2,496 5,002 74, 913 255 599 5,085 24, 743 1, 741, 966 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 715, 523 648. 906 399, 410 262. 566 207. 849 741, 079 28, 725 404, 612 841, 481 091, 395 634, 575 397, Oil 257, 788 205, 241 667, 801 22. 829 376, 338 646, 280 61, 520 16, 909 11,483 8,575 46, 987 96, 175 2,509 12, 798 378, 737 62, 778 16, 348 11,210 8,198 49,478 . 89, 411 1,994 10, 910 331, 110 32, 091 12, 124 9,179 5,074 26, 688 88, 782 1,796 9,100 434, 638 27,149 7,775 5,425 2,650 ! 22, 152 62, 687 913 4,994 238, Oil 133, 618 213, 646 337, 384 373. 472 277, 826 246. 517 1.643 159, 245 127, 670 134, 555 217, 235 341, 915 371,277 282, 360 243. 071 1,365 150, 182 29, 686 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 35, 526 19, 553 141, 686 62,725 14, 860 37, 330 9,139 26,544 110,486 112, 745 270, 887 20, 456 10, 772 100, 462 i 56, 595 9, 230 1 31,122 5,645 18, 856 75,076 91, 224 226, 842 18, 348 8,712 44, 074 7,044 7,778 44,340 6,737 11, 809 39, 328 26, 031 163, 936 12, 611 5,808 35, 740 5,495 0,249 40, 974 5,069 9.345 29, 429 23, 336 156, 454 30, 024 9,941 54, 484 7,151 10, 767 27, 259 8,511 10, 809 61, 312 31,811 182, 569 10, 306 4,489 28, 022 3,709 6,696 24, 874 3,383 4, 655 24, 882 10, Oil 110, 984 3,984 1,137 5,003 6,135 3,166 1,534 4,827 2,128 6,436 10, 653 82, 667 904 293 2,727 4,739 874 472 1,850 239 2,441 1,356 13, 791 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 582 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE [Certain countiea in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas, having no population, Alabama. Autauga. Baldwin . Barbour.. Bfljb Blount . . . Bullock... Butler Calhoun. -- Chambers. Cherokee . Chilton . . Choctaw. Clarke . . . Clay Cleburne. Coffee Colbert Conecuh . . Coo.sa Covington. Cren-shaw. CuKman.. . Dale Dallas Dekalb Elmore Escambia . Etowah. .. Eayette... Franklin.. Geneva . Greene.. Hale .... Henry .. Jackson JeflFerson Lamar Lauderdale . Lawrence. .. Lee Limestone . LowBdes... Macon Madison ... Marengo . . Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery . Morgan . Perry . . . Pickens. Pike . . . . Randolph . Russell . . . St. Clair. . . Shelby.... Sumter Talladega.. Tallapoosa . Tuscaloosa. NATIVE BORN. Male 748, 149 Walker Washington Wilcox Winston 6, 559 4,459 16, 436 6,816 11, 096 13, 269 10, 608 17, 201 12, 995 10, 324 7,412 8, 752 11,452 7,828 6, 551 6,070 10, 093 7, 282 7,949 3,751 7,640 6,351 8,662 23, 685 10, 708 10, 839 4,406 11, 088 6, 359 5, 297 5, 382 10, 672 13, 662 12, 5:!9 14, 158 45,448 7, 002 11,916 10, 206 13, 893 10, 546 15, 837 9,045 18, 754 16, 264 5,687 9, 592 23, 119 9,369 26, 657 12, 005 14, 268 11, 182 12, 057 8,555 11,537 8,806 10, 845 14, 412 14, 736 12, 662 14, 849 8,101 4,119 15, 078 3,251 Females . 750, 091 6,743 4,350 18, 374 6, 557 10, 708 13, 775 10. 993 16, 195 13, 291 10, 102 7, 113 8,752 11,145 7,929 6,658 6,094 9,880 7,287 7,951 3,780 7,781 6, 228 8, 549 25, 350 10, 233 10,844 4, 203 10, 723 6,456 5,356 5, 296 11,307 13, 798 12, 287 13,811 37, 945 7,171 11,461 10, 488 14, 748 10,556 15, 687 9, 383 19, 170 16, 776 5,655 9,328 25, 602 9, 6U8 28, 852 11.693 14. 992 11,271 12, 329 8,659 12, 519 8,480 9,882 15, 098 14, 486 12, 787 15, 261 7,549 3,781 15, 685 3,290 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 9,307 19 94 54 306 80 12 31 285 18 29 20 18 17 6 149 19 3 477 11 216 118 42 94 8 20 10 23 31 18 41 3,254 10 224 23 35 20 6 124 32 4 13 1,564 11 400 264 51 10 26 5 24 37 107 290 30 36 Females. 5,470 38 34 145 43 9 154 15 4 4 4 10 2 4 67 1 383 3 99 47 22 15 21 10 3 16 1, 8.54 4 138 8 18 32 6 5 71 23 1 2 1,302 2 263 127 21 7 11 13 30 52 19 28 3 75 138 5 17 3 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 410, 893 2, 372 2,803 6,026 4,330 10, 055 2,951 5,540 12, 071 6,184 8,845 5,818 4,123 4,878 6,982 6,142 5,121 6,207 4,022 5,289 3,327 5,853 6,331 6, 936 3, 739 10, 020 5, 660 2,927 9,147 5,524 4,733 4,855 1,570 2,616 8,043 12, 203 27, 253 5,629 8,263 6,343 5,822 6,050 2,286 2,081 9,635 3,922 5,396 8,945 12, 328 4,215 6,887 9,046 3,282 4,645 7,519 6,914 2,705 7,232 7,154 2,830 7, 650 8,452 8,917 7,149 2,427 3,440 3,233 Females. 408, 22] 2,397 2,747 7, 343 4,299 9,977 3,089 5,747 11,442 6,244 8,778 5,641 4,064 4,785 7,072 6,276 5,110 5,938 3,940 5,257 3,363 5,888 6,210 6,917 3,968 9,714 5,741 2, 859 8,909 5, 609 4,759 4,797 1,638 2,523 7,977 11,919 24, 002 5,796 8, 023 0,181 6,322 6,049 2,253 2,159 9,517 3,971 5,368 8,692 13, 235 4,151 7,146 8,579 3,460 4,623 7,794 6,995 3,074 7,004 3, 050 7, 625 8,488 9,104 6,845 2,226 3,304 3,272 POPULATION. 583 AND COLOEED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUISTTIES: 1890. are omitted from this table. For iuformation concerning tliem see Table 2.] NATIVE WHITE —NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN — PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Malea. Females. Males. Females. ■ Males. Females. Males. Females. 399, 410 1 397, Oil 11. 483 11, 210 9,179 5,425 337, 384 341, 915 1 2,342 2, 359 30 38 18 9 4,188 4, 346 2 2,655 1 2, 597 148 150 91 37 1, 65'.) 1,604 3 5.896 7,200 130 143 52 33 10, 412 11, 032 4 4,177 4,156 153 143 306 145 2,486 2,258 5 9,963 9,885 92 92 80 43 1.041 731 6 2,930 3,059 21 30 8 7 10, 322 10, 680 7 5,501 5,700 39 47 31 8 5,068 5,247 8 11, 787 11, 202 284 240 280 154 5, 1.35 4, 753 9 6,108 6,180 76 64 18 14 6,811 7,048 10 8.789 8,735 56 43 29 4 1,479 1,324 11 5,777 5,601 41 40 20 4 1,594 1,472 12 4,082 4,020 41 44 18 4 4,629 4, 688 13 4.841 4,735 37 50 14 8 6,577 6, 362 14 6,941 7,035 41 37 6 1 846 858 15 5,982 6,099 160 177 5 4 409 382 16 5,106 5.100 15 10 6 949 984 17 5,998 5,764 209 174 149 67" 3,886 3,942 18 3,999 3,914 23 26 19 6 3, 260 3,347 19 5,273 5,237 16 20 6 2,660 424 2 694 20 3,318 3, 353 9 10 3 2'" 417 21 5,843 5,876 10 12 3 1 1,787 1, 893 22 5,800 5,687 531 523 477 383 20 18 23 6,906 6,901 30 16 11 3 1,726 1,632 24 3,419 3,658 320 310 212 97 19, 950 21, 384 25 9,880 9,609 140 105 116 47 690 519 26 5,607 5,699 53 42 25 17 5,181 5,108 27 2,875 2,829 52 30 42 15 1,479 1,344 28 9,054 8,834 93 75 94 21 1,941 1,814 29 5,489 5,587 35 22 8 835 847 30 4,699 4, 735 34 24 20 s" 564 597 31 4,833 4,782 22 15 10 2 527 499 32 1,528 1,598 42 40 22 5 9,103 9,669 33 2,581 2, 477 35 46 31 10 11, 046 11,275 34 8,012 7,944 31 33 16 2 4,498 4,311 35 12, 137 11, 8.36 66 83 41 16 1,955 1,892 36 24, 716 21,696 2,537 2,306 3,226 1,853 18, 223 13, 944 37 5,605 5,772 24 24 10 4 1, 373 1,375 38 8,001 7,763 262 260 223 138 3,654 3,438 39 6,302 6,149 41 32 22 7 3,864 4,308 40 5,765 6,274 57 48 35 18 8,071 8,426 41 5,966 5,991 84 58 67 32 4,496 4,507 42 2,256 2,227 30 26 18 6 13, 553 13, 434 43 2,052 2,133 29 26 6 5 6,964 7,224 44 9,440 9,366 195 151 124 69 9,119 9,655 45 3,833 3,878 89 93 30 23 12, 344 12, 805 46 5,382 5,360 U 8 4 1 291 287 47 8,906 8,663 39 29 13 2 647 636 48 9,288 9,937 3,040 3,298 1,524 1,282 10,831 12, 387 49 4,194 4, 135 21 16 11 2 5, 1.54 5,457 50 6,273 6,480 614 666 389 260 19, 781 21, 709 51 8,799 8,299 247 280 261 127 2,962 3.114 52 3,194 3,385 88 75 49 21 10, 988 11,532 53 4,615 4,586 30 37 10 6 6, 537 6,649 54 7,471 7,740 48 54 25 11 4,539 4,535 55 6,895 6,976 19 19 5 1,641 1,664 56 2,682 3,042 23- 32 23 12" 8,833 9,446 57 7,198 6,986 34 18 37 30 1,574 1,476 58 7,026 6,870 128 106 107 52 3,691 2,906 59 2,767 2,992 63 58 44 19 11, 583 12, 048 60 7,519 7,517 131 108 96 28 7,080 6,861 61 8,414 8, 455 38 33 8 3 4,210 4,299 62 8,705 8,922 212 182 165 75 5,934 6,157 63 7,001 6,715 148 130 290 138 952 704 64 2,404 2,209 23 17 28 5 1,694 1,555 65 3,394 3,246 46 58 34 16 11, 640 12, 382 66 3,219 3,264 U 8 8 3 18 18 67 584 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE Arizona . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 6G 67 70 Apache... Cochise. .. Gila Graham .. Maricopa . Mohave. . Pima Pinal Yavapai Tuma... Arkansas. Arkansas . Ashley ... Baxter Benton . . . Boone Bradley.. Calhoiin . Carroll . . Chicot . . . Clark.... Clay Cleburne.. Cleveland. Columbia . Con'way... Craighead . Crawford . . Crittenden . Cross Dallas Desha Drew Faulkner . Franklin . Fulton.... Garland Grant Greene Hempstead . Hot Spring . Howard Independence. Izard Jackson Jefferson Johnson . . Lafayette . Lawrence Lee Lincoln . . . Little River Logan Lonoke Madison Marion Miller Mississippi . - Monroe Montgomery. Nevada Newton . . Ouachita. Perry Phillips.. Pike Poinsett . Polk Pope NATIVE BORN. Males. 2,210 2,584 1,125 2,581 4,508 729 3,794 1,355 4,569 1,099 576, 524 5,810 6,748 4,411 13, 802 7,886 4,023 3,775 8,608 5,941 10. 696 6,522 4,049 5,977 10, 098 9,750 6,249 11,037 7,472 4,064 4,677 5,461 8,866 9,411 10, 107 5,668 7,381 4,049 6,838 11, 664 5,951 7,061 11, 276 6,684 7,994 21, 227 8,458 4,066 6,803 9,970 5,356 4,515 10, 409 10, 049 8,825 5,306 7,517 6.244 7,984 4,026 7,523 5,090 8,710 2,857 12, 917 4,34C 2,309 4,692 9,887 Females. 16. 271 1,705 1,568 559 1,684 3,490 346 2.747 1,069 2,321 782 537, 391 5,307 6,522 4,099 13, 721 7,881 3,932 3,473 8,499 5,424 10, 206 5,557 3, 8118 5,342 9,761 9, 131 5,605 10, 490 6,377 3,556 4,587 4,771 8,431 8,633 9,510 5,246 7,171 3,720 5, 904 11,058 5,546 6,688 10, 574 6,345 7,051 19, 040 7,865 3,600 6 042 8; 829 4,880 4,369 9,728 9,081 8,499 5,067 6,968 5,314 7,204 3,865 7,230 4,845 8,188 2,594 12, 105 4,185 1,868 4,573 9,231 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 12,017 247 1,932 250 904 1,885 316 3,334 1,132 1,492 525 9,231 187 ■ 20 32 120 31 12 18 123 37 66 21 34 27 306 127 129 70 57 20 76 45 177 199 41 .'>C6 13 125 55 72 30 80 7 101 417 257 24 103 64 15 14 394 97 170 58 113 25 48 12 97 58 222 10 63 16 212 Females. 6,778 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 119 854 87 501 1,103 53 2,798 695 303 265 5,033 128 5 5 73 18 5 1 58 17 29 7 272 44 58 21 16 12 16 10 121 118 29 210 4 41 19 34 10 31 2 33 197 178 10 36 23 4 5 243 36 22 5 59 19 35 7 31 3 38 29 97 2 32 2 128 Males. 22, 638 1,918 2,571 879 2,140 4,456 725 3,322 1,268 4,507 852 417, 410 4,034 3,305 4, 402 13, 762 7,840 2,562 2,380 8,573 703 7.312 6,495 4,024 4,229 6,455 5,753 5,996 9,880 1,176 2,564 3,056 1,088 3,852 7,-666 9,768 5,632 6,076 3,514 6,733 6,125 5,295 5.506 10. 482 6,558 5,785 5,776 8,107 1,700 6,360 2,538 1,914 2,552 9,842 5,873 8,798 5.291 4,164 3,032 3,170 3,878 5,364 5,084 4,164 2,407 2,864 4,105 1,994 4,668 9,041 Females. 15, 479 1.671 1,560 536 1,629 3,464 340 2,365 1,005 2,300 609 387, 248 3,550 3,100 4,090 13, 667 7,834 2,529 2,149 8,452 654 6,795 5,540 3,781 3,763 6,091 5,457 5,339 9,345 785 2,165 2,943 944 3,584 7,030 9,171 5,196 5,703 3,220 5,848 5,622 4,953 5,188 9,790 6,209 4,931 4,579 7,584 1,423 5,652 2,076 1,852 2,331 9,167 5,272 8,468 5,050 3,760 2,627 2,818 3,711 5,083 4,844 3,779 2,104 2.522 3,936 1,637 4,551 8,456 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 585 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATFVE WHITE— FOREIGN ^ PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Female.?. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. U. 860 9,230 7,778 6,249 10, 767 224 6,696 3,166 1 874 1 1.490 1.253 428 418 118 315 35 2 1 . .583 790 988 770 1,760 851 185 11 3 716 441 163 95 204 86 292 24 4 1.430 1,053 710 576 811 496 534 60 5 3,199 2. 382 1,257 1,082 1.658 1,096 279 33 6 487 219 238 121 288 52 32 7 7 1,472 770 1.850 1. 595 2,976 2,749 830 431 8 618 354 650 651 1,069 691 150 68 9 3,534 1,790 973 510 1,318 298 236 26 10 331 178 521 431 459 259 313 179 11 404, 612 376, 338 12, 798 10,910 9,100 4,994 159, 245 150, 182 12 3,672 3,237 302 313 187 128 1,776 1,757 13 3,273 3,063 32 37 18 4 3,445 3, 423 14 4, 353 4,064 49 26 12 5 9 9 15 13, 438 13, 363 324 304 120 73 40 54 10 7,738 7,760 102 74 31 18 46 47 17 2,9S3 2, .510 29 19. 12 5 1,461 1, 403 18 2.355 2.131 25 18 17 1 1,396 1,324 19 8.400 8.271 173 181 122 58 36 47 20 682 630 21 24 28 7 5,247 4,780 21 7,209 6.713 10.3 82 05 29 3,385 3,411 22 6.325 5.441 170 99 88 33 27 17 23 3.963 3,729 61 52 . 21 6 25 27 24 4,139 3,716 90 47 34 8 1,748 1,580 25 6.398 6.042 57 49 27 7 3,643 3,670 26 5.444 5,192 309 265 306 272 3,997 3,674 27 5.825 5,227 171 112 127 44 253 266 28 9,561 9,072 319 273 127 58 1,159 1,145 29 1,103 741 73 44 69 20 6,207 5,593 30 2,501 2,127 63 38 57 16 1,500 1,391 31 3,006 2.907 50 36 20 7 1,621 1,649 32 994 877 94 67 72 15 4,377 3,828 33 3,804 3,556 48 28 41 10 5, 018 4,847 34 7,444 6,841 222 189 177 121 1,745 1,603 35 9,430 8,919 338 252 199 118 339 339 36 5,563 5,124 69 72 41 29 36 50 37 5.619 5, 308 457 395 559 209 1,312 1,469 38 3,485 3.203 29 17 12 4 536 500 39 6,562 5. 712 171 136 125 41 105 56 40 6, 023 5,548 102 74 53 19 5, 541 5,436 41 5,173 4,852 122 101 72 34 656 593 42 5,455 5,141 51 47 30 10 1,555 1,500 43 10, 326 9,631 156 159 79 30 795 785 44. 6.523 6, 175 35 34 7 2 126 136 45 5,595 4,843 190 88 100 33 2, 210 2,120 46 5,264 4.183 512 396 402 194 15, 466 14, 464 47 7,820 7,322 287 262 257 177 351 282 48 1.056 1.386 44 37 24 10 2,366 2,177 49 6.170 5, 521 190 131 103 36 443 390 50 2,453 2, 022 85 54 58 19 7,438 6,757 51 1,882 1,826 32 26 14 4 3,443 3, 028 52 2,498 2,304 54 27 14 5 1,963 2,038 53 9,407 8,737 435 430 394 243 567 561 54 5,684 5, 145 189 127 97 36 4,176 3,809 55 8,685 8,378 113 90 56 22 27 31 56 5, 254 5.014 37 36 12 5 15 17 57 3,945 3,549 219 211 164 59 3,359 3,208 58 2. 938 2,568 94 59 57 19 3,213 2,687 59 3, 010 2,693 160 125 105 31 4,822 4,390 60 3.861 3,685 17 26 25 7 148 154 61 5,286 5,000 78 83 48 31 2,159 2,147 62 5,053 4,812 31 32 12 3 6 1 63 4.049 3.685 115 94 95 38 4,548 4,409 64 2, 322 2,030 85 74 57 29 451 490 65 2, 604 2,299 260 223 212 97 10, 063 9,583 66 4,074 3,917 31 19 10 2 235 249 67 1,907 1,580 87 57 63 32 315 231 68 4,617 4.517 51 34 16 2 24 22 69 8,770 8,237 265 219 212 128 846 775 70 ,58G COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE COUNTIES. -VATIVE BORN. FOREIGN BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2 Arkansas— Continued. Prairie -•* 5,913 23, 061 7,431 7, 155 5,689 6,514 4,943 16. 549 5,230 5,281 3,609 7,455 4,377 16, 081 11, 640 7,326 9,184 447, 534 5,281 21, 461 6,729 6,294 5,404 6,083 4,701 15, 272 4,829 5,068 3,423 7,499 4,177 15, 705 11, 069 6, 602 8.698 394, 287 119 1,643 174 67 137 28 13 861 10 45 10 15 11 152 160 65 72 252, 525 61 1,164 151 27 81 10 7 518 3 24 1 8 2 86 77 16 61 113,784 3,633 11,737 7,145 2,955 4,944 6,492 4,922 14, 622 4,503 5,188 3,554 4,324 4,298 15, 606 10, 318 3,426 8,476 434, 823 3,200 10, 814 6,420 2,492 4,666 6,071 4^688 13, 413 4,100 4,983 3,365 4,258 4,094 15. 170 9,824 2,946 8,044 383, 296 2 3 4 St Francis 5 g gcott 7 g q Ifl ]1 Stone 1' 13 Van Buren 11 15 White 16 Woodruff 17 Yell 18 Alameda 11 31. 287 277 4,028 7,967 3,699 6,844 4,782 1,175 3, 893 13, 625 9,186 1,568 4, 027 3,141 2,155 39. 192 4,678 1.582 7,487 3,400 2,522 766 7.123 5,704 6,279 5,698 5,978 1,876 15, 080 2,054 11,226 14. 505 88, 285 11,106 6,620 3, 151 6,637 16, 878 7,511 5,713 1,827 5,368 7,432 12, 387 4,496 2,463 4.419 1,525 11, 885 2,494 4,475 5, 651 3,807 31, 631 204 3,474 6.164 2,851 4,802 4.138 904 2,953 10, 339 7,905 1,206 2,898 2, 943 1,587 38, 363 2,914 1.233 6, 025 2,258 1,997 564 6,188 5,266 5.414 5, 613 4.489 1,394 12, 047 2,403 9,195 13. 072 83, 901 9,660 5,842 2, 693 6.282 16,818 6,628 4,550 1,276 3,952 6,263 11, 598 3,353 2,051 3,466 1, 053 9, 093 1,858 3,735 4,614 3,167 18, 663 161 1,976 3,069 1,756 2,405 3,313 423 1, 822 6,504 4,432 599 2,442 736 383 15, 710 4,210 725 3,227 2, 013 342 561 4,152 3,752 3,978 1,459 3,698 1,380 9, 944 986 3,440 4,982 81, 515 5, 630 2, 537 3,152 I 2, 005 9,618 3,740 1,435 1,570 2,421 5,338 6,127 1,635 758 1,682 954 2.791 1,231 1,406 1,734 2,003 12, 283 25 842 739 576 589 1,282 90 564 1,558 1,946 171 441 281 114 8,189 1,270 247 873 414 125 111 1,174 1,689 1,698 819 936 283 3,268 369 1,636 2,428 45, 296 2,233 1,073 1,091 830 4,691 1,391 435 378 422 1,913 2,609 556 197 349 187 805 499 455 685 659 30, 844 156 3,979 7,683 3,618 6,610 4,747 987 3,732 13, 184 8,504 1, 145 1 3, 761 2,847 1,970 38, 180 4,555 1,483 7,145 3,355 2,265 585 6,997 5, 634 6,130 5,687 5,902 1,669 14, 753 2,601 10, 825 14,*094 86, 602 10, 914 6, 381 3, 122 ! 6, 585 16, 401 7,465 5,257 1,815 4,953 7,374 12, 197 4,446 2,428 4,240 1, 412 11, 681 2,337 4,377 5,539 3,670 31, 241 98 3,426 5,912 2,788 4,621 4,116 711 2,828 9,951 7,165 767 2,691 2,642 1,433 37,447 2,854 1,120 5,743 2,225 1,743 373 6,093 5, 225 5,285 5,605 4,433 1, 221 11, 826 2,357 3,915 12,656 82, 641 9,517 5,645 2,680 6,234 16. 458 6, 003 4,089 1,264 3.501 6,217 11, 442 3,319 2,041 3,296 932 8,910 1,746 3,659 4,541 3,051 HO Alpine ?1 Amador 22 Butte 1!3 '''1 25 Contra Costa ••fi Del Norte 27 Eldorado 9H Fresno flq 30 Inyo 31 !(., Lake 33 Lassen 34 35 l^arln 36 37 Mariposa 38 Merced 30 Modoc .... 10 Mono , , . il Monterey 19 13 Nevada 11 Orange 15 Placer .... 16 17 18 10 San Bernardino 50 San Diego 51 59 53 51 55 56 57 Santa Cruz 58 50 Sierra 60 Siskiyou 61 Solano fi"* Sonoma 63 61 Stanislaus Sutter •65 66 Trinity •67 Tulare 68 60 70 Yolo 71 Yuba POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 587 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN — ■ PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 3,431 3,045 202 155 117 61 2,282 2,081 1 10. 012 9,066 1,725 1,748 1,616 1, 162 11, 351 10, 649 2 7,004 6,288 141 132 174 151 286 309 3 2,841 2,407 114 85 67 27 4,200 3,802 4 4,833 4,569 111 97 136 81 746 738 5 6,451 6,041 41 30 28 10 22 12 6 4,883 4,664 39 24 13 7 21 13 7 13, 414 12, 265 1,208 1,148 848 515 1,940 1,862 8 4, 455 4,061 48 39 10 3 727 729 9 5,117 4,931 71 52 45 24 03 85 10 3,527 3,345 27 20 10 1 55 58 11 4,270 4,211 54 47 15 8 3,131 3,241 12 4,268 4,079 30 15 11 2 79 83 13 15, 243 14, 843 363 327 153 86 475 535 14 10, 065 9,618 253 206 160 77 1,322 1,245 15 3,330 2,875 96 71 64 16 3,901 3,656 16 8,339 7,954 137 90 72 60 708 655 17 270, 887 226, 842 163, 936 156, 454 182, 569 110, 984 82, 667 13, 791 18 15, 730 15, 537 15, 114 15, 704 15, 248 12, 226 3,858 447 19 80 47 76 51 1.56 25 126 106 20 2,237 1,786 1,742 1,640 1,683 821 342 69 21 5,896 4,451 1,787 1,461 1,579 690 1,774 301 22 2,208 1,605 1,410 1,183 1.437 556 400 83 23 5,186 3,652 1,424 969 1,486 578 1,153 192 24 2.472 1,938 2,275 2,178 2,843 1,276 505 28 25 684 485 303 226 414 90 197 193 26 2,391 1,674 1,341 1,154 1,299 534 684 155 27 10,806. 8,148 2.378 1,803 3, 845 1,494 3,100 452 28 5,507 4,436 2,997 2,729 4,409 1,944 705 742 29 759 481 386 286 518 163 504 447 30 2,738 1,907 1,023 784 1,365 397 1,343 251 31 2,331 2,178 516 464 525 280 505 302 32 1,587 1,131 383 301 342 113 226 156 '33 28, 001 26, 876 10,179 10, 571 11,314 8,092 5,408 1,013 34 2,087 1,145 2,468 1,709 3,276 1,253 1,057 77 35 936 661 547 459 556 226 268 134 36 5,525 4,327 1,620 1,416 2,882 866 687 289 37 2,382 1,575 973 650 1,282 400 776 47 38 1.859 1,431 406 312 320 125 279 254 39 362 197 223 176 422 105 320 197 40 4,402 3,819 2, 595 2,274 2,592 1,139 1,686 130 41 3,653 3,232 1,981 1,993 2,889 1,678 933 52 42 2,910 2.152 3,220 3,133 2,965 1,662 1,162 165 43 4,367 4,299 1,320 1,306 1,299 816 171 11 44 3,968 2,731 1,934 1, 702 2,318 904 1,456 88 45 1, 124 757 545 464 1,084 271 503 185 46 8,671 6,651 6,082 5,175 5.613 3,172 4,658 317 47 1,716 1,529 885 828 897 368 142 47 48 8,315 6,752 2,510 2,163 2,744 1,617 1,097 299 49 10, 712 9,433 3,382 3, 223 4,075 2,386 1,318 458 50 33, 413 28,728 i>3, 189 53, 913 57, 687 43, 766 25, 511 2,790 51 7,627 6,208 3,287 3,309 3,970 2, 187 1,852 189 52 4,500 3,932 1,881 1,713 2,105 1,049 671 221 53 1,323 1,021 1,799 1,659 2,681 1,089 500 15 54 5,199 4,837 1,386 1,397 1,434 816 623 62 55 10, 17S 10, 107 6,223 6,351 6,835 4,553 3,260 498 56 5,182 4,429 2,283 2,174 2,939 1,387 847 29 57 4,193 3, 250 1,064 839 1,099 430 792 466 58 1,047 589 768 675 1,093 369 489 21 59 3,751 2,510 1,202 991 1,340 391 1,496 482 60 4,036 3,144 3,338 3,073 3,801 1,898 1,595 61 61 8,228 7,656 3,969 3,786 4,931 2,590 1.386 175 62 3,275 2,390 1,171 929 1,254 527 431 63 63 1,914 1,583 514 458 429 196 364 11 64 3,423 2,590 817 706 807 328 1,054 191 65 1,000 564 412 368 437 164 630 144 66 9,866 7,498 1,815 1,412 1,871 771 1, 124 217 67 1,250 721 1,087 1,025 994 482 394 129 68 3,438 2,845 939 814 941 441 563 90 69 4,084 3,321 1,455 1,220 1,160 672 686 86 70 2,358 1,896 1,312 1,155 1,084 611 1,056 164 71 588 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE COUNTIES. NATIVI BOKN. FOREIGN BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 189, 336 138, 872 55.911 28, 079 185, 760 136, 202 ■> 56, 471 444 755 656 6.270 3,141 269 2,797 3.608 1,744 1,311 1.312 827 1,340 1,602 901 10. 059 4.027 2. 003 1,896 310 1,974 422 3.219 3,980 637 1.144 5,882 2,850 4.671 7,880 332 1.341 2,261 770 2.080 827 2.456 3,604 1,668 1,182 4,246 965 16, 287 624 1,739 1,285 1.672 725 1,746 572 851 1,051 5,510 1,140 276, 320 43. 989 326 659 512 5.018 2,205 184 2,155 3,136 1,610 1,114 983 310 956 670 629 8,117 2.901 1.318 1.540 199 1.319 276 2. 851 2,751 519 975 4.063 1,685 3,632 6.836 214 1.206 1.390 601 1, 422 568 1.379 1.249 1,013 1,044 2.654 816 10,044 391 1,344 763 1,267 269 454 476 557 931 4,353 1,029 286, 337 19. 291 40 43 96 1.771 951 54 1.513 293 89 336 172 297 515 1,309 222 1,969 1.482 883 1.615 73 825 115 537 1,126 50 211 3.182 706 954 1.641 101 308 453 90 344 140 268 1,415 669 235 1,465 118 3,811 135 229 229 267 487 641 154 375 202 1,169 245 93, 218 12. 384 16 22 49 1.023 315 27 719 156 48 209 67 64 195 144 104 1.094 746 274 816 22 241 49 275 593 37 142 1.536 268 455 851 42 215 156 68 134 66 89 242 198 181 564 70 1,349 50 139 92 107 91 68 91 123 117 704 182 90, 383 54, 654 442 755 653 6,225 3, 095 267 2,746 3,585 1,741 1,309 1,311 823 1,331 1,600 879 9,769 3,971 1,979 1,865 308 1,952 417 3,190 3,968 628 1,144 5,766 2,824 4,658 7,749 332 1,339 2, 243 769 2,009 824 2,439 3,558 1,660 1,180 4,207 957 15, 735 623 1,726 1,279 1,668 721 1,734 569 851 1,040 5,493 1,140 270, 385 42, 553 325 659 501 4,996 2.188 184 2.120 3,122 1,605 1.110 983 307 945 670 627 7.842 2.869 1,294 1,514 199 1.293 272 2,836 2,744 513 975 3.971 1.676 3, 626 6.728 214 1,203 1,382 601 1,416 568 1.370 1.231 1,013 1,044 2,618 814 9.695 390 1,336 761 1,264 265 445 474 557 925 4,340 1,029 279, 898 ? 1 ^ Bent 6 7 Chafl'ee 8 q in 11 Costilla 1'' Custer IS Delta 11 15 16 Eagle 17 Elbert 1R El Paeo 19 ''O Garfield '1 *>? Grand ?3 ''1 ■)«; 26 27 Eiowa 28 20 ?n La Plata 31 gi 33 35 36 ^7 Montrose 38 30 Otero 40 •11 Park 42 Phillips 43 Pitkin dl ■15 Pueblo 46 Rio Blanco d7 ^R Koutt ■19 50 San Juan 11 San Miffuel fio 53 51 55 Weld , 56 Yuma 57 58 56, 427 53, 675 21. 629 14, 859 75, 228 29, 109 9,433 15,960 78, 526 59.344 55, 057 22, 091 15, 771 76, 100 31, 085 9,861 17, 028 76, 806 17, 460 19. 281 5.142 4,754 29, 935 7.987 2,892 5,767 7,047 16, 850 19, 167 4,680 4,140 27, 795 8,453 2,895 6,403 6.114 55. 232 52, 526 21, 225 14, 658 73, 272 28, 433 9,335 15. 704 64,078 57, 941 53, 930 21, 679 15, 552 74, 005 30, 276 9,770 16, 745 62, 892 59 Hartford 60 Litchfield 61 62 63 61 Tolland 65 66 ]^ent R7 10, 105 42, 788 19, 633 15, 953 41, 972 18, 881 342 6,620 85 264 5,802 48 12, 004 35, 460 16, 614 12, 023 34, 952 15, 917 68 Newcastle --. 69 Sussex POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 589 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. 1 FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 141, 686 1 100, 462 44, 074 35, 740 54, 484 28, 022 5,003 2,727 1 39, 227 415 663 550 4,659 28, 692 310 593 408 3,605 15, 427 27 92 103 1,566 13, 861 15 66 93 1,391 18,300 40 43 95 1,759 12, 338 16 22 49 1,021 2,808 2 1,482 1 2 3 4 57 11 24 5 6 2,324 220 1,770 3,258 1,610 1,722 151 1,108 2,858 1,497 771 47 976 327 131 466 33 1,012 264 108 935 54 1.506 291 1 89 314 27 719 155 48 62 2 58 25 3 18 7 35 15 5 9 10 11 932 1,115 601 991 1,096 608 7,924 2,764 1,531 840 761 855 210 701 474 418 6,265 1,984 972 531 377 196 222 340 504 271 1,845 1,207 448 1,025 349 128 97 244 196 209 1,577 885 322 983 336 171 289 514 1,309 222 1,893 1,476 883 1,569 209 67 64 195 144 104 1,093 746 • 274 815 2 2 12 10 2 22 366 62 24 77 4 12 IS 3 11 14 15 16 2 276 32 24 27 17 18 19 20 21 244 1,434 308 2,755 2,783 153 930 200 2,519 1,887 64 ftl8 109 435 1,185 46 363 72 317 857 73 821 115 534 1,117 22 241 49 275 593 2 26 5 32 21 ?? 26 4 15 23 24 25 26 529 896 3,346 2, 221 3,826 442 771 2,155 1,281 2,917 99 218 2,420 603 832 71 204 1,816 395 709 50 2U 3,182 687 951 37 142 1,535 268 455 9 6 27 ?8 116 45 16 93 9 6 29 30 31 6,557 232 1,000 1,829 638 1,708 677 2, 123 2, 801 1,210 5,691 152 921 1,138 489 1,164 442 1,192 923 731 1,192 100 339 414 131 361 147 316 757 450 1,037 62 282 244 112 2::2 126 178 308 282 1,626 101 308 450 90 339 140 262 1,398 609 851 42 215 156 68 134 66 89 242 196 146 108 32 33 2 21 1 16 3 23 63 68 3 8 34 35 36 6 37 38 9 18 2 39 40 41 899 3,117 802 13, 134 497 823 1,708 669 7,783 301 281 1,090 155 2,601 126 221 910 145 1,912 89 235 1,463 117 3,727 133 181 564 70 1,347 50 2 41 9 636 3 4? 36 2 351 1 43 44 45 46 1,470 1,058 1,397 499 1,433 1,138 612 1, 038 170 331 256 221 271 222 . 301 198 149 226 95 114 228 229 266 479 630 139 92 107 91 68 14 6 5 12 23 8 2 3 4 9 47 48 49 50 51 447 571 853 4,348 946 174, 985 345 369 749 3,329 884 182, 250 122 280 187 1,145 194 95, 400 129 188 176 1,011 145 97, 648 154 371 202 1,168 244 92, 831 91 123 117 704 182 90, 324 3 4 11 18 1 6,322 2 52 5? 6 13 54 55 56 6,498 57 36, 913 31,642 16, 150 10, 654 39, 114 32, 770 16, 686 11, 400 18, 319 20, 884 5,075 4,004 18, 827 21, 160 4,993 4,152 17, 398 19, 199 5,130 4,746 16,849 19,162 4,680 4,135 1,257 1,231 416 209 1,404 1,132 412 224 58 59 60 61 42, 374 20, 303 6,519 10, 430 42, 666 21, 554 6,775 11,285 30. 898 8,130 2,816 5, 274 31,339 8,722 2,995 5,460 29, 819 7,895 2,883 5,761 27, 777 8,424 2,895 6,402 2,072 768 107 262 2,113 838 91 284 62 63 64 65 55, 305 54,050 8,773 8,842 7,000 6,096 14, 495 13, 932 66 11, 626 27,194 16, 485 11, 684 26, 584 15, 782 378 8,266 129 339 8,368 135 338 6,577 85 260 5,790 46 4,105 7,371 3,019 3,934 7,032 2, 966 67 68 69 590 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BORN AND WHITE COUNTIES. District of Columbia . The District Florida . Alachua . Baker Bradford Brevard . Calhoun . Citrus Clay Columbia . Dade De Soto. . . Duval Escambia. Franklin . Gadsden . . . Hamilton . . Hernando Hillsboro.. Holmes. ... Jackson .. Jeti'erson .. Lafayette . Lake Lee Leon Lew Liberty.. Madison . Manatee . Marion - . Monroe . . Nassau . Orange . Osceola. Pasco. .. Polk ... Putnam St. John Santa Rosa. Sumter Suwannee . . Taylor Volusia Wakulla..... Walton Washington . Georgia Appling . Baker . . . Baldwin . Banks ... Bartow . . Berrien . Bibb .... Brooks . Bryan . . . Bolloch . Burke . . . Butts . . . Calhoun Camden . . Campbell . Carroll — Catoosa... NATIVE BORN. Males. 99,724 90,724 188, 608 11, 418 1,686 3, 805 1,739 797 1,321 2,608 6.743 4H 2.665 12, 456 9,391 1,663 5,689 4,411 1,279 6.702 2,182 8,738 7,664 1,952 4,039 697 8,387 3,381 746 7,125 1,509 10, 483 3,927 4,240 6,152 1.629 2,231 4,081 5,630 4, 226 3,967 2,869 5,411 1,112 4,177 1,560 2,405 3,304 912, 305 4,641 3,053 6,975 4,244 10, 121 5,601 20, 305 6,938 2,935 7,296 14, 439 5,257 4,265 3,119 4,498 11, 239 2,768 Females. 111,898 lU,f 179, 882 11,211 1,629 3,617 1,370 1,061 2,357 6,092 289 2,192 12, 969 9,599 1.482 6,056 4,089 1,161 5,964 2,137 8,786 8,016 1,732 3,519 597 9,244 3,105 705 7,179 1,276 9,716 3,770 3,857 5,388 1,373 1.817 3,550 5,033 4,003 3,847 2,419 5,093 1,010 3,747 1,544 2,376 3,039 912, 911 4,009 3,091 7,561 4,318 10, 435 5,071 21,335 7,030 2,569 6,396 14, 027 5,302 4,171 3,032 4,595 11,040 2,623 FOBEIGX BORN, Males, 9,860 9,860 13, 339 187 10 49 195 12 10 121 25 117 66 822 853 115 90 5 21 1,445 13 13 49 303 93 74 77 1 12 58 378 124 641 95 123 183 308 278 113 301 11 22 56 7,620 24 41 36 17 467 14 28 5 2 21 14 17 27 Females. 8.910 ,910 9,593 118 8 45 68 17 44 21 553 345 48 59 15 830 4 7 173 27 47 23 52 219 5,283 73 403 36 215 205 34 27 242 4,517 5 263 2 4 5 13 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE, Males. 66, 073 6,073 106, 865 4,773 1,302 2,984 1,393 501 1,141 1,754 3,362 293 2,558 5,360 5,123 938 2,112 2,783 837 5,273 2,088 3,233 1,742 1,814 3,031 652 1,452 2,276 430 2,751 1,400 4.648 2,875 1.999 4,241 1,323 1,957 3,624 3,109 2,580 2,843 2,036 2,854 1,035 2,841 877 2,036 2,631 482, 285 3,205 808 2,428 3,426 7,140 4,135 9,430 3,121 1,464 4,660 2.950 2,566 1,109 1,027 2,757 9,257 2,417 Females, 70, 105 70, 105 99, 906 4,609 1,268 2.885 1,162 614 937 1,692 2,992 216 2,162 5,381 5.245 856 2.187 2,549 711 4,846 2,047 3,085 1,740_ 1,631 2,683 567 1,551 2,082 387 2,793 1,206 4,092 2,750 1,793 3,767 1,204 1,714 3,228 2,781 2,470 2,778 1,753 2,707 936 2,624 849 2,003 2,373 484, 180 2,984 787 2,764 3,573 7, 376 4,120 8,875 3,210 1,354 4,343 2,837 2,596 1,128 2,842 9,171 2,338 POPULATION. AND COLOEED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Coutinned. 591 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — P0RBI8N — PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. J TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 52, 354 54, 955 13, 719 15, 150 9,680 8,837 33, 831 41, 866 1 52, 354 54, 955 13, 719 15, 150 9,680 8,837 33, 831 41, 866 2 98, 846 92, 152 8,019 7.754 10,901 7,277 84, 181 82, 292 3 4,559 4,421 214 188 175 116 6,657 6,604 4 1,292 1,248 10 20 10 8 384 361 » 2,912 2,837 72 48 47 45 823 732 6 1,305 1.069 88 93 190 91 351 214 7 489 602 12 12 11 6 297 252 8. 1,129 929 12 8 10 2 180 124 » 1,055 1.621 99 71 119 67 856 666 10 3,328 2.958 34 34 23 16 3,383 3,101 11 184 140 109 76 93 38 142 79 12 2,532 2,117 26 45 64 21 109 30 13 4,739 4,727 621 654 729 500 7,189 7,641 14 4,216 4.275 907 970 781 326 4,340 4.373 is- 774 678 164 178 109 47 731 627 le 2,053 2,131 59 56 89 58 3,578 3,870 17 2,764 2,535 19 14 3 2 1,630 1. 540 18 817 696 20 15 21 15 442 450 19 4,642 4,239 631 607 1,229 648 1,645 1,300 20 2,064 2,026 24 21 13 4 94 90 21 3,204 3.060 29 25 8 6 5,510 5, 702 22 1,659 1,668 83 72 49 27 5,922 6,277 23 1,810 2,850 1,630 2,527 4 181 1 156 2 303 138 1.008 101 836 24 173" 25 580 508 66 59 89 26 49 31 26 1,370 1,488 82 63 73 45 6,936 7,695 27 2,199 2,020 77 62 76 23 1,106 1,023 2& 424 2,731 386 2.768 6 20 1 25 1 12 316 4,374 318 4,386 29 30 1,323 1, 134 77 72 58 56" 109 72 31 4,404 3,901 244 191 365 205 5.848 5.638 32 719 603 2,156 2,147 3,892 3,298 2,966 3,005 33 1,886 1,700 113 93 103 56 2,262 2,081 34 3.876 3, 405 365 362 630 401 1,922 1.623 35 1,284 1,162 39 42 95 35 306 170 36 1,780 1,573 177 141 123 78 274 103 37 3,507 3,130 117 98 182 87 458 326 38 2,850 2.544 259 237 301 213 2,528 2,254 39 2,347 2,253 233 217 261 197 1,663 1.541 40' 2,755 2.661 88 117 113 34 1.124 1,069 41 1,978 1,718 58 35 48 27 833 666 42 2,820 2,663 34 44 14 6 2,557 2,386 43 1,034 2,560 934 2,370 1 281 2 254 77 1.337 74 1,126 44 366' 239" 45 865 839 12 10 10 2 684 695 46 1,975 1,919 61 84 21 12 370 374 47 2,596 2,339 35 34 56 27 673 666 4& 472, 500 474, 282 9,785 9,898 7,422 4,470 430, 218 428, 778 49 3,170 2,948 35 36 23 2 1,437 1,025 50 806 787 2 2,245 2, 304 51 2,383 2,713 45 si" 39" 31" 4 549 4.797 52 3.423 7,062 3,569 7,305 3 78 4 71 818 2,983 745 3.059 53 34" 24 " 54 4,111 4,103 24 17 17 5 1,466 951 55 8,958 8,328 472 547 462 262 10, 880 12, 461 56 3,096 3,194 25 16 9 2 3,817 3,820 57 1,455 1,352 9 2 11 4 1,472 1,215 58 4,628 4,302 32 41 14 6 2,636 2,053 59 2.934 2.819 16 18 24 6 11,493 11,191 60 2,555 2,590 11 6 4 1 2,692 2,706 61 1,105 978 1,124 965 4 49 4 23 2 20 3,156 2,093 3.043 2,044 62. 6 63 2,709 2, 808 48 34 14 8 1,741 1,753 64 9.211 9,129 46 42 17 5 1,982 1,869 65 2,365 2,299 52 39 27 13 351 285 66 592 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BORN A.ND WHITE NATIVE BOBN. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Georgia — Continued. Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee. . Chattooga Cherokee Clarke . . Clay Clayton. Clinch . . Cobb ... Coffee... .. Colquitt . . Columbia . Coweta . . . Crawford . Dade — Dawson . Decatur Dekalb . Dodge . . Dooly Dougherty . Douglas . . . Early Echols Effingham. Elbert Emanuel... Fannin Fayette Floyd Forsyth .. Franklin . Fulton ... Gilmer — Glascock . Glynn Gordon . . . Greene ... Gwinnett. Habersham. Hall Hancock Haralson . . . Harris Hart .... Heard ... Henry . . . Houston . Irwin Jackson . Jasper — Jeflerson Johnson . Jones Laurens . Liberty... Lincoln. - Lowndes Lumpkin . McDuffie. . Mcintosh Macon Madison . . Marion Meriwether. Miller Milton Males. Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morgan 1,841 26, 051 2,489 5,432 7,062 7,W8 3,820 4,119 3,620 10, 795 5,645 2,415 5,667 10, 968 4,752 3,233 2, 682 9, 824 8,551 5,963 9,544 6,000 3,887 5,036 1,647 2,835 7,855 7,714 4,291 4,290 14, 150 5,515 7,498 39, 766 4,459 1,830 6,657 6,381 8,476 9,813 5,733 8,837 8,421 5,637 8,370 5,409 4,752 8,059 10, 706 3,396 9,590 7,026 8, 602 3,148 0,382 7,005 4,554 6,681 3,094 7,679 3,383 4,349 3,211 6,434 5,629 3,846 10, 265 2,133 3,125 5,365 9,626 5,080 7,997 Females. 1,489 27, 999 2,411 5,755 7,732 7,844 3,989 4,164 3,016 11, 410 4,825 2,376 5,604 11, 363 4,562 2,424 2,926 10, 092 8,319 5,461 8,575 6,094 3,897 4,751 1,431 2,743 7,498 6,958 4,425 4,430 14, 075 5,634 7, 166 42, 651 4,612 1,887 6,198 6,364 8,548 10, 068 5,744 9,169 8,686 5,610 8,425 5,457 4,801 8,153 10, 880 2,913 9,580 6,845 8,598 2,976 6,321 6,737 4,513 6,178 3,046 7,389 3,474 4,423 3,155 6,729 5,393 3,880 10, 456 2,141 3,080 5,534 9,505 4,158 8,026 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 5 ,105 2 11 13 83 3 9 13 43 13 3 9 20 1 33 21 263 18 23 74 5 3 1 15 17 29 3 7 119 3 4 2 419 6 20 12 54 28 25 43 1 12 4 8 18 6 Females. 1 146 7 7 42 13 17 26 1 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 1,278 9,660 921 4,404 6,910 3,271 1,468 2,585 2, 175 7,510 3,404 2,129 1,624 4,733 2,121 2, 377 2,550 4,509 5,344 3,062 4,737 922 2,963 1,890 1,052 1,677 3,778 4,774 4,243 2,799 4,854 5,767 23, 612 4,421 1,264 2,694 5,473 2,607 8,297 4,980 7,476 2,282 5,053 2,977 3,908 3,117 4,293 2,574 2,191 6,876 2,704 3,227 2,372 1,985 3,835 750 2,172 1,282 3,575 3,170 1,616 596 1,956 3,735 1,723 4,481 1,367 2,791 2,367 3,293 2,929 2,551 Females. 1,182 9,704 914 4,785 6,976 3,659 1,526 2,623 2,101 7,920 3,204 2,185 1,609 4,984 2,037 2,190 2,799 4,574 5,551 3,054 4,468 942 3,020 1,775 1,006 1,690 3,692 4,591 4,361 2,847 8,911 5,006 5,599 23, 414 4,581 1,285 2,441 5,545 2,698 8,588 4,908 7, 763 2,415 5,077 3,020 4,001 3,094 4,328 2,673 2,045 2,681 3,210 2,296 1,940 3,814 676 2 009 1, 185 3,519 3, 273 1,6.34 567 2, 02.'> 3,624 1,742 4,701 1, 333 2,742 2,426 3, 322 2,651 2,474 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 593 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. NATIVE WHITE— FOBEIGN PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Female*. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,258 6,984 918 4,378 6,874 1,172 6,879 912 4,763 6,942 20 2,676 3 26 36 10 2,825 2 22 34 5 2,037 2 11 13 563 16,459 1,568 1,028 752 307 18,316 1,497 970 756 1 1,564 2 1 4 5 4 5 3,173 1,458 2,559 2,158 7,432 3,554 1,524 2,607 2,083 7,825 98 10 26 17 78 105 2 16 18 95 81 3 9 13 42 61 5 3 3 38 3,929 2,352 1,534 1,4-45 3,286 4,185 2,463 1,541 915 3, 490 6 7 8 9 10 3,383 2,123 1,613 4,688 2,115 3,188 2,180 1,589 4,949 2,028 21 6 11 45 6 16 5 20 35 9 13 3 9 20 1 2,241 286 4,043 6, 235 2,631 1,621 191 3,995 6,379 2,525 11 1? 1 3 13 14 15 2,341 2,542 4,473 5,281 3,020 2,154 2,788 4,531 5,478 3,030 36 8 36 63 42 36 11 43 73 24 30 17 4 12 56 10 859 132 5, 315 3,207 2,902 234 127 5,518 2,768 2,407 16 17 21 263 17 18 19 20 4,719 852 2l943 i;876 1,049 4,450 851 3,000 1,761 1,004 18 70 20 14 3 18 91 20 14 2 23 73 5 3 1 4 38 5 2 4,807 5,079 924 3,146 595 4,107 5,152 877 2,976 425 21 22 23 24 25 1,665 3,746 4,756 4,226 2,793 1,680 3,673 4,580 4,335 2,838 12 32 18 17 6 10 19 11 26 9 15 17 29 3 7 6 5 2 5 1 1,158 4,077 2,940 48 1,491 1,053 3,807 2,367 64 1,583 26 27 28 29 30 8,765 4,844 5,754 21, 885 4,412 8,772 4,994 5,582 21, 762 4,571 134 10 13 1,727 9 139 12 17 1,652 10 113 3 4 1,365 1 47 3 2 847 2 5,257 661 1,731 IG, 178 38 5,164 628 1,567 19, 239 31 31 32 33 34 35 1,261 2,346 5,442 2,587 8,272 1,285 2, 147 5,520 2,677 8,557 348 31 20 25 294 ' 25 21 31 2 390 6 20 12 1 144 6 7 6 506 3,992 908 5,869 1,516 602 3,759 820 5,850 1,480 36 37 38 39 40 4,922 7,429 2, 253 4,997 2,967 4, 856 7,717 2,400 5,005 3,007 58 47 29 56 10 52 46 15 72 13 54 28 25 43 1 42 13 17 26 1 753 1,361 6,139 584 5,393 836 1,406 6,271 533 5,405 41 42 43 44 45 3,899 3,116 3,988 3,093 4,310 2, 650 2,031 6,883 2,674 3,198 2,287 1, 935 9 1 21 20 13 16 10 20 11 8 13 1 18 23 14 15 7 12 9 5 12 4 8 16 5 6 4 8 5 5 9 1,501 1,635 3,766 8, 134 1,206 2,714 4,323 5,375 776 4,397 1,456 1,707 3,825 8,207 869 2,682 4,164 5,388 680 4,381 46 47 4,272 48 2,554 2,178 9 49 50 6,860 51 2,694 3,207 2,361 3 5 .52 53 51 1,977 1 55 3,822 3,808 666 1,980 1, 179 3,478 13 12 27 8 31 6 10 29 6 41 5 4 13 4 20 3,170 3,804 4,510 1,812 4,104 2,923 3,838 4,170 1,861 3, 870 56 738 2,145 1,274 3,544 2 13 2 14 57 58 59 60 3, 151 1,606 527 1, 933 3,729 3,254 1,623 513 2,011 3,617 1,742 4,688 1, 333 2,736 19 10 69 23 6 19 11 54 14 7 9 12 64 15 2 2 17 1 3 1 5 . 31 5 213 2,733 2,621 4,478 1,894 2,123 5,784 766 334 201 2,789 2,591 4,704 1,769 2,138 5,755 808 338 61 62 63 64 65 1,723 66 4,468 1,367 13 13 2 67 68 2,784 7 6 69 2,358 3, 280 2,901 2,519 2,419 3,310 2,628 2,455 9 13 28 32 7 12 23 19 6 5 9 14 1 1 1 4 2,998 6,333 2,151 5,446 3,108 6,183 1,507 5,552 70 71 72 73 372— 38 594 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 NATIVE BORN. Males. Georgia — Continued. Murray Mu.scogee Newton Oconee Oglethorpe Paulding Pickens . Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski . . . Putnam Qviitinan . . . Rabun Randolph . Richmond Rockdale . Schley Screven . . - Spalding... Stewart Sumter — Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall .-, Taylor . . Telfair.. Terrell.. Thomas. Towns . . Troop . . Twigga - Union . . Upson .. Walker . Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne . . . AVebster . . White - . - . Whitfield . Wilcox Wilkes . . . . Wilkinson . Worth Idaho. Ada Alturas . . . Bear Lake . Bingham .. Boise Custer — Elmore .. Idaho Kootenai Latah Lemhi Logan Nez Perces 4,210 12, 595 7,192 3,867 8,710 5,981 3,922 3,416 8,155 7,587 8, 354 7,393 2,149 2,844 7,427 20, 372 3,373 2,720 7,326 6,300 7,844 10, 953 6, 525 3,C69 5,55] 4,275 2,919 7,183 12, 667 2,10] 10, 106 4,182 3,760 6,120 7,007 4,897 5,452 12, 550 4,049 2,788 3,030 6,272 4,654 8,988 5,292 5, 291 38, 551 Oneida Owyhee Shoshone Washington . 4,101 1,184 2,469 6,113 1,456 1,502 1,008 852 1,345 1,840 4,338 907 2,007 1,317 972 2,294 2,037 Females. 4,240 14, 843 7, 103 3,846 8,220 5,961 4,249 2,941 8,130 7,310 8,172 7,438 2,319 2, 754 7,817 23, 499 3,429 2,722 7,070 6, 775 7,833 11,092 6,731 3,608 4,693 4,388 2, 549 7,300 13, 380 1,963 J 0,587 4,009 3,981 6,047 6,225 8,760 3,860 5,493 12,660 3,419 2,906 3,099 6,545 3,318 9,052 5,477 4,752 28, 378 3,294 816 2,079 4,853 940 1,288 482 637 1,005 1,146 3,407 578 1,357 1,070 2,583 443 891 1,509 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 7 190 14 2 10 18 n 35 2' 10 2 6 19 746 9 I 20 29 4 47 1 10 9 15 68 Females. 21 16 14 63 12, 739 725 479 768 1,635 819 203 593 313 533 974 976 378 573 331 756 519 1,947 217 4 133 1 7 2 1 3 11 3 15 3 6 1 1 8 36 2 18 3 2 4,717 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 248 150 741 974 127 150 93 68 72 148 452 52 232 129 671 87 250 73 Males. 3,972 5,646 3,640 1,911 2,884 5,197 3,747 2,221 4,057 5,078 3,297 1,958 674 2,762 2,777 9,897 2,009 1,146 3,509 2,809 2,137 3,529 1,961 1, 261 3, 731 2,270 1,624 2,684 5,466 2,057 3,473 1,380 3,689 3,005 5,856 5,076 2,758 2,045 5,221 2,704 1,176 2,717 5,310 2,622 2,791 2,725 2,964 38, 353 4,085 1,177 2,467 6,080 1,435 1,497 1,003 846 1,335 1,819 4,330 901 1,996 1,303 2,809 966 2,269 2,035 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 595 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COI.ORF.n. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 3,951 3, 975 21 20 7 3 238 246 1 5,328 6,060 318 367 190 132 6,949 8,417 2 3,625 3,479 15 12 14 1 3,552 3,612 3 1,898 1,963 13 7 1,956 1,876 4 i,861 2,757 23 25 ii' e" 5,827 5,438 5 5,178 5,230 19 10 2 4 784 721 6 3,718 3,950 29 124 10 1 175 175 7 2,200 2,144 21 U 17 3 1,196 787 8 4,041 4,139 16 14 11 2 4,098 3, 979 9 5,049 5,125 29 39 34 13 2,510 2,146 10 3,258 3,192 39 37 20 12 5, 058 4,943 11 1,942 1,945 16 25 10 1 5, 435 5,468 12 667 742 7 2 2 1 1,475 1,.575 13 2,745 2,647 17 23 6 2 82 84 14 2,752 2,972 25 22 19 4 4,650 4,823 15 8,868 10, 014 1,029 1,142 719 574 ; 10, .502 12, 346 16 1,994 2,093 15 14 9 2 , 1,364 1, 322 17 1,144 1,089 2 2 1 1 1,574 1,631 18 3,473 3,346 36 33 20 s" 3,817 3,691 19 2,776 2,953 33 32 29 12 3,491 3,791 20 2,120 2,040 17 16 4 1 5,707 5,777 21 3, 486 3,377 43 40 47 15 7,424 7,675 22 1,951 2,052 10 5 1 4,564 2,408 4,675 23 1,254 1,171 7 18 10 4 2,419 21 3,712 2,265 3,389 2,320 19 5 9 5 9 1 1,820 2,005 1,295 2,063 25 2 26 1,611 1,500 13 10 8 1, 295 1,040 27 2,659 2,618 25 13 14 5" 4,500 4,669 28 5,371 5,452 95 100 66 38 7,203 -7, 829 29 2, 053 3,445 1,929 3,520 4 28 4 39 44 6,633 30 7,028 30 23 7 31 1,374 1,362 6 2 2 2 2,802 2,645 32 3,683 8,878 6 9 7 1 71 94 33 2,989 3,028 16 11 18 3 3,115 3,008 34 5,782 5,402 74 42 39 11 1,151 781 35 5,064 5,218 12 9 6 3 3,622 3,533 36 2,717 2,348 41 18 39 15 2,139 1,494 37 2,033 2,143 12 2 8 3 3,408 3,348 38 5,173 5,043 48 21 21 6 7,329 7,596 39 2,692 2,562 12 7 16 1 1,345 850 40 1,171 1,244 5 2 1 1,612 1.660 41 2,700 2,739 17 11 14 8 313 349 42 5,238 5,508 72 67 63 36 962 970 43 2, 607 2,186 15 9 6 2 2,032 1,123 44 2,750 2,703 41 81 23 18 6,197 6,268 45 2,718 2,820 7 10 9 3 2, 567 2,647 46 2,946 2,891 18 12 3 2 2,327 1,849 47 26, 544 18, 856 11,809 9,345 10, 809 4,655 2,128 239 48 3,348 2,675 737 607 600 243 141 17 49 833 559 344 251 390 144 96 12 50 1,044 3,660 805 2,809 1,423 2,420 1,274 2.011 765 1,570 741 973 5 98 51 34' 52 1,121 670 314 255 424 114 416 28 53 970 859 527 421 191 150 17 8 54 683 314 320 167 488 89 110 5 55 633 524 213 104 244 64 75 13 56 1,083 792 252 190 257 70 286 25 57 1,396 833 123 3O0 830 147 165 14 58 3,421 2,621 909 784 949 451 35 3 59 736 427 165 144 253 48 131 11 60 1,496 934 500 413 538 231 46 11 61 990 753 313 298 277 128 68 20 62 1,130 689 1,035 312 1,679 277 1,548 130 756 317 671 76 63 208" 12" 64 1,481 591 788 282 1,751 242 221 26 65 1,830 1,343 205 166 209 73 10 66 596 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Illinois . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 Adams Alexander. Bond Boone Brown ]?ureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Cliampaign . Christian. Clark Clay Clinton . . . Colos Cook Crawford Cumberland . Dekalb Dewitt Douglas . . . Dupage Edgar Edwards .. Effingham . Eayette. . Foi-d Franklin . Fulton.... Gallatin.. (ireene Grundy... Hamilton . Hancock.. Hardin Henderson . Henry Iro(iuois ... Jackson . . . Jasper Jefferson . . . Jersey Jo D iviess. Johnson . . . Kane Kankakee Kendall. .. Knox Lake Lasalle Lawrence . . . Loo Livingston.. Logan McDonough. McHenry . McLean . . Macon Macoupin Madison . . . Marion . . . Marshall Mason Massac . . Menard.. Mercer Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moultrie NATIVE BORN. Males. 1, 516, 133 2G, 370 8,117 6,031 4,738 5,748 13,582 3,543 8,236 7,409 19, 422 14, 622 10, 786 8,308 7,263 14, 724 360, 181 8,700 7,828 10, 451 8,290 8,740 8, 073 13, 386 4,449 8,628 11,281 6,823 8, 595 20, 950 7,558 11 , 689 6,906 8,903 14, 590 3,718 4,609 12, 251 15, 058 13,413 9,120 11, 183 6,627 9,856 7,597 22, 933 11,235 4,749 16,022 9,279 29, 334 7,352 11,133 16, 258 11,411 13, 160 10, 297 27,458 17, 746 17, 605 21, 216 11, 648 5,763 7, 557 5, 453 5,804 8, 036 5, 510 13, 857 14, .507 7,333 Females. 1, 467, 871 26, 165 7,399 6,707 4,745 5,667 13, 460 3, 268 7,797 6,982 18, 382 13,481 10, 564 8, 059 6, 895 14,311 349, 089 8,468 7,380 10, 429 7,871 8,185 7,976 12, 814 4,379 8,378 10, 858 6,538 8,411 20, 119 7,141 10, 909 6,532 8,620 14, 585 3,406 4,301 12,225 13, 850 12, 838 8,576 10, 774 6, 491 10, 050 7,325 23, 874 10, 619 4,534 15, 979 8,953 29, 025 7, 1.56 10, 557 15, 000 10, 690 12, 866 9,986 27, 021 16, 948 17, 089 20, 672 11, 404 5,574 6,857 5,375 5,657 7,719 5. 204 13, .566 14, 626 6,771 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 456, 175 5,275 601 515 1,520 293 4, 505 479 1, 301 884 2,485 1,410 323 238 1,859 574 255, 658 83 145 3, 516 519 437 3,664 352 342 1,323 709 2,116 87 1,177 144 706 4,226 164 1,518 70 575 4,826 3,529 971 288 374 956 2,727 61 9,851 3,862 1,557 3,620 3,299 12, 285 112 2,447 4,119 1,922 802 3,214 4,567 1,822 3,238 5,512 723 1,294 962 1,606 1,255 1,489 1,907 229 Females. 386, 172 4,078 446 397 1,200 243 3,467 362 986 688 1,870 1,018 226 167 1,394 484 226, 994 32 90 2,670 331 307 2,838 235 274 1,029 519 1, 558 45 864 92 487 3,360 113 1,214 40 391 4,036 2,730 587 204 259 736 2,468 30 8,403 3,016 1,266 3, 131 2,704 10, 154 73 2, 050 3,078 1,466 639 2,617 3,990 1, 567 2,448 4,135 566 1,022 691 216 671 1,184 97S 1,091 1,596 148 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 1, 486, 278 25, 389 5,599 6,782 4,717 5,744 13,431 3,543 8,232 7,408 19, 202 14, 567 10,762 8,282 7,096 14, 592 352, 184 8,681 7,811 10, 413 8,255 8,707 8,028 13, 239 4,409 8,614 11, 273 6,750 8,583 20, 868 7,214 11, 598 6,877 8,879 14, 514 3,587 4,600 12, 206 14, 961 12, 612 9,070 11, 100 6,543 9,823 7,476 22, 645 11, 176 4,705 15, 585 9,229 29, 263 7,167 11, 102 16, 056 11, 275 13, 071 10, 271 26, 988 17,452 17, 352 19, 947 11, 444 5,752 7,537 4,649 5,761 8,018 5,479 13, 715 14, 016 7,331 Females. 1, 441, 219 25, 101 5,042 6,590 4, 725 5,659 13, 340 3, 267 7, 795 6,982 18, 192 13, 438 10, 545 8,028 6,770 14, 159 342, 657 8,450 7,372 10, 399 7,842 8,150 7,913 12, 715 4,346 8,367 10,848 6,475 8,399 20, 027 6,824 10, 833 6, 508 8, 594 14, 531 3,275 4,294 12, 183 13, 7.56 12, 087 8,522 10, 688 6,419 10, 025 7,228 23, 606 10, 572 4,511 15, 529 8,905 28, 980 6,959 10, 527 14, 851 10, 544 12, 771 9,967 26, 559 16, 639 16, 843 19, 499 11,218 5,568 6,848 4,631 5,620 7,708 5, 182 13, 430 14, 121 6,769 POPULATION^. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 597 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Femalea. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 962, 379 920, 314 523, 899 520, 905 455, 098 385, 877 30, 932 26, 947 1 15, 867 15, 270 9,522 9,831 5, 269 4,076 987 1,066 2 4,482 4,000 1,117 1, 042 588 443 2,531 2.360 3 r,, 599 5,392 1,183 1.198 515 397 149 117 4 2,828 2, 912 1,889 1,813 1,519 1,200 22 20 5 5,015 4,944 729 715 293 243 4 8 6 8,374 8,253 5,057 5,087 4,503 3,467 153 120 7 2,443 5,995 2,277 5,594 1, 100 990 479 362 1 8 2,237 2,201 1,301 986 4' 2 9 5,527 15, 081 5, 186 1,881 1,796 884 688 1 10 li, 143 4,121 4, 049 2,482 1,870 223 196" 11 11, 805 10, 904 2,762 2,534 1,408 1,017 57 44 12 9, 952 9,684 810 861 323 226 24 19 13 7,686 7,411 596 617 238 167 26 31 14 3,050 2,914 4. 040 3, 856 1,8.59 1,394 167 125 15 13, 366 12, 995 1,226 1,164 570 484 136 152 16 130, 358 117, 098 221, 820 225, 559 254, 835 226, 743 8,820 6,683 17 8,497 8,264 184 186 83 32 19 18 18 7,443 7,037 368 335 145 90 17 8 19 6,389 6,386 4,024 4,013 3, 514 2,670 40 30 20 7,366 6,930 889 906 519 331 35 29 21 7,900 7,411 807 739 437 307 33 35 22 3,658 3,729 4,370 4,184 3,657 2, 837 52 64 23 12, 522 12, 083 717 632 350 235 149 99 24 3,271 3,300 1, 138 1,046 342 274 40 33 25 5,877 5, 848 2,737 2,519 1, 823 1, 029 14 11 26 9,722 9,364 1,551 1,484 709 519 8 10 27 4,065 3,833 2,685 2,642 2,115 1,558 74 63 28 8,332 8, 142 251 257 87 45 12 12 29 18, 965 18, 197 1,903 1,830 1,175 864 84 92 30 6,794 6,416 420 408 144 92 344 317 31 10, 262 9,620 1,336 1,213 705 486 92 77 32 2,980 2,775 3,897 3, 733 4, 224 3,360 31 24 33 8,460 8,186 419 408 164 113 24 26 34 11, 552 11,529 2,962 3,002 ],.518 1,214 70 54 35 3,401 3,123 186 1.52 70 40 131 131 36 3,822 3,571 778 723 575 391 9 7 37 6,802 6,947 5,404 5,236 4,824 4,036 47 42 38 9,451 8,681 5,510 5,075 3, 520 2,730 97 94 39 10, 834 10, 481 1,778 1,606 907 587 805 751 40 8,218 7,727 852 795 288 204 50 54 41 10,447 10, 059 653 629 373 259 84 86 42 4,657 4,646 1,880 1,773 955 736 85 72 43 4,599 4,652 5,224 5,373 2, 727 2,468 33 25 44 7,376 7t127 100 101 61 30 121 97 45 12, 569 13, 200 10, 076 10, 406 9, 837 8,402 302 269 46 5,520 5,256 5,656 5,316 3,859 3,016 62 47 47 2,765 2,735 1,940 1,776 1,556 1,266 45 23 48 11,411 11,371 4,174 4, 1.58 3.617 3,131 440 450 49 4,735 4,609 4,494 4, 296 3, 296 2, 702 53 50 50 14, 283 13, 864 14, 980 15,116 12, 266 10, 152 90 47 51 6,751 6,556 416 403 112 73 185 197 52 6,961 6,493 4,141 4,034 2,443 2,049 35 31 53 9,427 8,889 6,629 5,962 4,113 3,078 208 149 54 8,254 7,666 3,021 2,878 1,921 1, 465 137 147 55 11,612 11,327 1, 4,59 1,444 801 637 90 97 56 5,983 5,908 4,288 4,059 3,214 2,617 26 19 57 20, 367 19, 910 6,621 6, 649 4,550 3,988 487 464 58 14, 664 13, 939 2,788 2, 700 1,810 1,567 306 309 59 12,356 11, 966 4,996 4.877 3. 2.38 2, 448 253 246 60 9,781 9,555 10, 160 9,944 5.509 4,133 1,272 1,175 61 10, 181 9,872 1,263 1,346 718 566 209 186 62 3,941 3,812 1,811 1,756 1,292 1,022 13 6 63 5,841 5,257 1,696 1, .591 962 090 20 10 64 3,956 4,000 693 631 268 214 805 746 65 4,648 4,508 1,113 1,112 983 669 48 39 66 5,988 5,726 2,030 1,982 1,606 1,184 18 11 67 2,266 2,194 3,213 2, 988 1,255 979 31 22 68 10, 915 10, 705 2,800 2,725 1,489 1,090 142 137 69 10, 612 10, 622 3,404 3,499 1,898 1,595 500 506 70 6,804 6,299 527 470 229 148 2 2 71 598 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Illinois — Continued Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski Putnam Kandolph Richland Rock Island . . . St. Clair Saline Sangamon Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark' Stephenson . . - Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington... Wayne Wh'ite Whiteside Will Williamson Winnebago Woodford Indiana Adams Allen Bartholomew . . Benton Blackford Boone Brown Carroll Cass Clark Clay Clinton Crawford Daviess Dearborn Decatur Dekalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart Fayette Floyd Fountain Franklin Fulton Gibson Grant Greene Hamilton Hancock Harrison Hendricks Henry Howard Huntington ... NATIVE BORN. Males. 1, 037, 216 763 861 502 150 923 645 014 189 111 092 527 757 478 920 232 536 634 531 506 531 667 943 955 579 944 335 161 121 614 429 388 603 377 671 288 434 233 821 655 657 761 733 991 846 152 007 452 359 142 962 659 314 338 248 933 141 172 151 893 848 068 390 Females. 872 203, 765 817 355 933 795 143 092 176 461 063 512 680 534 474 905 138 391 297 668 540 805 573 839 704 932 720 770 985 698 377 968 978 844 994 649 148 731 499 313 769 455 342 171 100 376 032 217 837 511 230 518 940 879 523 273 773 350 910 FOHEIGN BORN. Males. 2,569 6,703 1,076 533 713 151 215 451 1,716 416 6,429 7,235 74 4,678 256 389 841 563 3,007 2,724 393 2,285 318 1,201 1,918 170 336 2,826 10,799 ■ 225 6,035 2,454 80, 918 1,053 5,736 626 755 112 188 47 307 1,293 1,012 1,873 200 113 541 1,488 450 754 460 923 1,394 350 1,568 366 834 283 585 462 212 178 239 441 203 149 467 761 Females. 2,053 5,709 827 359 484 125 140 332 1,349 349 5,304 5, 633 50 3,976 156 315 584 409 2,792 2,163 259 1,792 213 841 1,596 108 251 2,380 7,941 120 5, 173 1,929 65. 287 755 4,652 487 509 83 106 34 244 1,056 859 1,403 124 68 385 1,382 347 586 288 846 1, 231 301 1,417 303 700 185 401 219 127 125 177 328 129 109 301 583 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 219 512 471 989 557 397 998 603 107 893 293 344 246 082 904 180 528 627 497 370 285 625 489 872 951 256 922 045 061 028 .547 454 212 651 287 346 230 810 573 191 543 710 113 229 856 771 401 333 978 857 644 311 322 590 424 050 875 847 985 644 586 795 377 Females. 832 797 424 650 512 448 301 922 254 139 911 974 082 958 509 671 489 468 901 109 261 089 621 348 741 571 570 687 729 623 532 379 943 984 578 229 942 976 763 990 642 080 338 306 263 760 321 293 086 093 155 990 187 655 441 214 515 935 107 477 821 383 474 701 125 481 12. 118 12, 900 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 599 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 8,863 8,491 3,310 3,341 2,567 2,053 45 40 1 18, 910 17, 401 10, 309 10, 396 6,664 5,708 583 407 2 5,339 5,451 2, 173 1,973 1,076 827 349 341 3 7,556 6,851 915 799 533 359 31 18 4 13, 434 12, 926 1,555 1,,586 713 484 161 141 5 6, 220 6,071 337 377 151 125 366 369 6 3,012 2,938 385 363 215 139 2,248 2,055 7 1,395 1,360 603 562 451 332 16 11 8 6,487 6,166 4,116 4,088 1,716 1,349 586 541 9 6,065 6,048 1,042 1,091 415 349 5 4 10 7,715 7,657 7,178 7,254 6,424 5,304 204 181 11 11,111 10, 593 15, 182 14, 381 7,229 5,633 1,240 1,202 12 9,111 8,861 233 221 73 50 414 379 13 17, 850 17, 389 7,396 7,569 4,671 3,973 1, 239 1,108 14 7,312 6,800 770 709 256 156 7 3 15 4, 120 3,980 784 691 389 315 16 9 16 13, 316 12, 788 1,864 1,701 840 582 53 47 17 3,513 3,404 1,015 1,064 563 409 8 6 18 7,868 7,841 4,759 5,060 3,006 2,791 8 5 19 8,150 7,877 4,347 4,232 2,721 2,162 37 30 20 9,726 9,667 644 594 393 259 136 130 21 20, 140 18, 934 3,145 3,155 2,283 1,790 248 210 22 4,729 4,770 896 851 316 213 44 47 23 7,909 7,876 1 , 580 1,472 1,200 841 211 192 24 3,774 3,903 4,098 3, 838 1,918 1, .596 71 64 25 11, 417 11, 029 534 542 170 108 4 2 2o 11,210 10, 645 1 , 046 925 335 251 324 269 27 8,916 8,545 4,006 4,142 2, 822 2,380 26 17 28 9,501 8,839 12,544 11,890 10,789 7,936 300 208 29 10, 596 10, 143 465 480 225 120 100 97 30 8,284 8,659 5,744 5,873 6, 032 5,173 96 77 31 5,149 5,125 3, 398 3, 254 2, 4.54 1,929 67 53 32 861, 273 836, 725 152, 517 150, 218 80, 775 65, 228 23, 782 21, 886 33 7 147 6,836 16, 984 2,241 2,148 1,053 755 1 34 n',&91 10,563 10,594 5, 720 4,651 ies" 121 35 9,735 9,707 1,477 1,522 625 487 166 148 36 4,215 3, 684 1,436 1,258 755 509 20 26 37 4,984 4,711 303 265 1 112 83 1 2 38 12, 922 12, 382 424 381 188 106 88 81 39 5,061 4,850 169 140 47 34 3 4 40 9,179 9,038 631 004 307 244 11 7 41 12, 317 11,883 2,256 2,197 1,291 1,054 84 70 42 10, 860 10, 053 2,331 2,285 1,009 858 1,469 1,394 43 10, 951 10, 908 2,592 2,398 1,871 1,403 220 193 44 13, 219 12, 868 459 395 200 124 55 50 45 6,655 0,451 331 309 113 68 5 9 46 11, 377 10, 993 1,333 1,328 539 384 138 135 47 6,417 6,646 3, 696 3,647 1,485 1,382 42 49 48 8,108 7.975 1,121 1,111 450 347 80 85 49 10, 387 9, 671 1,469 1,422 752 586 13 7 50 13, 877 13, 337 894 818 458 288 238 221 51 6,204 5,961 3,197 3,029 923 846 51 42 52 15, 876 15,744 2,457 2,443 1,391 1,230 29 31 53 5,140 4,807 838 848 348 301 166 182 54 8,441 8,928 3,416 3,513 1,567 1,416 1,106 1,071 55 9,033 8,616 611 598 366 303 15 16 56 6,045 6,231 2,266 2,284 834 700 3 3 57 7,542 7,239 780 696 283 185 16 5 58 10, 150 9,783 1,440 1,324 584 399 659 581 59 14, 708 13, 822 716 655 458 218 513 403 60 11,572 11, 361 478 460 212 127 91 78 61 12, 395 11,940 480 443 177 124 298 266 62 8, 285 7,987 562 487 238 177 44 49 63 8,670 8,483 1,315 1,218 441 328 166 165 64 10, 192 9. 734 452 391 201 129 251 148 65 11,214 11, 114 372 367 149 109 262 292 66 12,047 11, 376 748 742 464 301 276 232 67 11.687 11, 167 1,790 1, 733 759 583 15 10 68 600 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Indiana — Continued. Jacksou Jasper •fay Jefferson Jennings Johnson . . . Knox Kosciusko. Lagrange. . Lake Laporte.. . Lawrence. Madisou . . ilarion . . . Marshall . Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery- Morgan Newton. Noble... Ohio . . . . Orange.. Owen... Parke Perry . Pike . . Porter Posey. Pulaski... Putnam... Kandolph Kiplev Kush" St. Joseph . Scott Shelby Spencer Starke Steuben Sullivan Switzerland. Tippecanoe . Tipton Union Vanderburg . Vermilion ... Vigo Wabash Warren Warrick Washington . Wayne . , Wells-... White ... Whitley , Iowa . Adair Adams Allamakee . Appanoose. Audubon .. NATIVE BORN. Males. Benton Blackhawk . Boone Bremer Buchanan. . . 11, 369 5,283 11, 759 11,294 6,943 9,705 13, 321 14, 257 7,748 9,196 13, 848 9,809 18, 639 61, 420 11, 423 7,019 12, 479 8,823 13, 855 4,140 11,112 2,361 7,339 7,364 8,266 9,159 7,244 10, 359 5,239 11,067 14, 102 8,635 9,409 17, 142 3,912 12, 603 10, 580 3,296 7,157 10, 929 6,067 15, 522 9,234 3,411 25, 746 6,592 22, 893 13, 362 5,416 10, 125 9,223 17, 166 10, 6,54 7,640 8,732 813, 967 6,810 5,827 6,814 9.064 5,136 10, 253 10,117 9, 722 5,915 8,294 Females. 11, 551 5,029 11, 152 11, 589 6,780 9,633 12, 985 13, 811 7,354 7,814 12, 867 9,567 16, 850 02, 121 11, 150 6,769 12, 057 8,604 13, 540 9,133 3,833 10, 864 2,348 7,296 7,366 9,552 8,115 9,002 7,044 9,794 4.841 10, 870 13, 530 8,454 9,158 16, 776 3,816 12, 170 10, 150 3,076 6,999 10, 559 6,131 15, 350 8,592 3,372 25, 615 6,215 • 22, 891 12, 941 5,187 10,012 9,201 17, 870 10, 296 7,228 8,411 773, 860 6,327 5,392 6,468 8.789 4,931 9,999 9,164 5,756 7,869 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 500 318 806 480 125 929 349 290 4,136 4,150 282 635 9,325 701 104 737 150 360 134 483 768 142 28 193 446 953 237 2,119 772 646 227 268 1,203 273 4,611 55 384 784 530 169 229 173 2,200 203 113 4,509 233 2,405 491 209 584 122 1,354 324 476 374 180, 486 803 615 2,489 657 1,365 2,241 2,206 2,592 1,629 1,521 Females. 525 373 249 818 405 809 228 223 2,740 3,580 134 363 8,290 544 81 550 96 270 77 347 615 104 15 117 309 906 146 1,645 604 507 171 185 1,058 194 3,928 50 297 546 437 153 160 143 2,006 128 110 3,939 114 2,006 332 143 440 73 1,238 240 327 251 143, 583 594 458 2,136 451 1,838 1,897 2,294 1,330 1,313 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 11, 243 5,281 11, 695 10, 791 6,793 9,532 13, 046 14, 227 7, 742 9,184 13, 698 9,593 18, 488 55, 799 11, 420 7,007 12, 362 8,615 13, 679 9,237 4,114 11, 105 2,285 7,302 7,324 9,804 8,134 9,129 7,235 9,736 5,234 10,892 13, 775 8,599 9,128 16, 978 3,911 12, 446 9,894 3,294 7, 154 10, 829 5,994 15, 339 9,225 3,323 22, 457 6,569 21,956 13, 240 5,406 9,801 9,217 16, 492 10, 652 7,634 8,704 808, 269 6,798 5,803 6,800 8,988 5,136 10,241 10, 111 9,674 5,911 8,283 Females. 11, 408 5,028 11.096 11, 091 6,636 9,464 12, 676 13, 779 7, 352 7,804 12, 801 9,407 16, 775 56, 643 11,148 6,758 11,966 8,404 13. 356 9,081 3,815 10, 860 2, 270 7, 2C3 7, 32.! 9,382 7,994 8,975 7,042 9, 226 4,837 10, 089 13, 247 8,416 8,903 16, 608 3,816 12, 014 9,440 3,075 6,996 10, 477 6,069 15,181 8, 582 3,299 22, 827 6,191 22, 113 12, 830 5,176 9,722 9,197 17, 175 10, 295 7, 225 8,388 768, 885 6,317 5,371 6, 464 8. 720 4,931 9,835 9,993 9,119 5,753 7,859 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 601 NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— fOREIGN PARENTS. PARENTS. POKEIGN WHITE. TOTAI- COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 9,462 9,550 1,781 1.858 692 525 128 143 1 4, 4.35 4, 227 846 801 500 373 2 1 2 10,863 10, 3C6 832 730 318 249 64 56 3 8,695 8, 943 2,096 2,148 806 818 503 498 4 5,627 5,620 1,166 1,016 479 405 151 144 5 9,208 9,111 324 353 126 98 173 169 6 10, 916 10, 487 2.130 2,189 924 808 280 310 7 13, 242 12, 934 985 845 346 228 33 32 8 7,025 6,734 717 618 290 223 6 2 9 4,782 3.682 4,402 4,122 4,133 2,740 15 10 10 7,894 7,306 5,804 5,495 4,146 3,579 154 67 11 9,234 9,080 359 327 281 133 217 161 12 17, 375 15, 722 1, 113 1, 053 635 363 151 75 13 41, 143 41,359 14, 656 15, 284 9,301 8,274 5,645 5,494 14 9,900 9, 657 1,520 1,491 701 544 3 2 15 6,708 6,460 299 298 104 81 12 11 16 10, 978 10, 640 1,384 1, 326 734 550 120 91 17 8,301 8,094 314 310 149 96 209 200 18 12, 961 12, 672 718 684 356 270 180 184 19 8,892 8,767 345 314 133 77 63 52 20 3,305 3,070 809 745 483 347 26 18 21 9, 564 9, 238 1,541 1,622 767 615 8 4 22 1,888 1,888 397 382 142 104 76 78 23 7, 207 7,178 95 85 28 15 37 33 24 6,913 6,893 411 430 193 117 40 43 25 9,210 8,840 594 542 445 308 186 171 26 5,882 5,773 2,252 2,221 953 906 132 121 27 8,545 8,432 584 543 237 146 30 27 28 4,734 4,590 2,501 2,452 2,117 1,645 11 2 211 7,741 7,230 1,995 1,996 770 603 625 569 30 4,100 3,840 1,134 997 646 507 5 4 31 10, 520 10, 275 372 414 225 171 177 181 32 13,180 12, 6,32 595 615 268 185 327 283 33 5,818 5,755 2,781 2,661 1,203 1,058 36 38 34 8,514 8,316 614 587 273 194 281 255 35 11,865 11,677 5,113 4,931 4,604 3,923 171 173 36 3,737 11, 408 3, 651 10, 998 174 1,038 165 1,016 55 383 50 297 1 158 37 i56" 38 7,846 7, 572 2,048 1,877 782 546 688 701 39 2,583 2, 400 711 675 530 437 2 1 40 6,617 6,498 537 498 169 153 3 3 41 10, 383 10, 040 440 437 229 160 100 82 42 5,476 5,566 518 503 173 143 73 62 43 11, 585 11,271 3,754 3,910 2,198 2,000 185 169 44 8,708 8,150 517 432 201 128 11 10 45 3,050 3,022 273 277 113 110 88 73 46 12, 381 12, 030 10, 076 10, 797 4,505 3,922 3,293 2,805 47 6,259 5, '.If. 310 276 233 114 23 24 48 18, 075 17, 937 3,881 4,176 2,402 2, 003 940 781 49 12, 042 11,753 1,198 1,077 487 331 126 112 50 4, 974 4,813 432 363 209 143 10 11 51 8,259 8,216 1,542 1,506 584 440 324 290 52 8,862 8,895 355 302 122 73 6 4 53 13, 755 14, 322 2,737 2,853 1,350 1,237 678 696 54 9,809 9,549 843 746 324 240 2 1 55 6,672 6,356 962 869 476 327 6 3 56 7,762 7,463 942 925 373 251 29 23 57 547, 996 515, 971 260, 273 252, 914 180, 376 143, 556 5,808 5,002 58 5,301 4,948 1,497 1,369 803 594 12 10 59 4,563 4, 225 1,240 1,146 615 458 24 21 60 2, 549 2,466 4,257 3,998 2,489 2,136 8 4 61 8,148 7,930 840 790 657 451 76 69 62 3,592 6,893 3,321 6, .536 1,544 3,348 1,610 3,299 1,365 2,241 980 1,838 63 12 11 64 6,571 6,470 3,540 3,523 2,205 1,897 7 6 65 6.315 5, 902 3, 359 3, 217 2,591 2,294 49 45 66 3,065 3,101 2,846 2,652 1,629 1,330 4 3 67 5.698 5,348 2,585 2,511 1,521 1,313 11 10 68 602 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE Iowa — Continued . Buena Vista . . Butler , Calhoun Carroll Ca8s Cedar Cerro Gordo . . Cherokee Chickasaw Clarke Clay Clayton Clinton Crawford Dallas Davis Decatur Delaware Des Moiues . - Dickinson Dubuque Emmet Fayette Floyd Franklin Fremont Greene Grundy Guthrie Hamilton Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Howard Humboldt Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson , Johnson Jones Keokuk Kossuth Lee Linn Louisa Lucas Lyon Madison Mahaska Marion Marshall Mills Mitchell Monona Monroe Montgomery. . Muscatine O'Brien Osceola Page Palo Alto Plymouth Pocahontas - . . Polk Pottawattamie Poweshiek . . . Ringgold NATIVE BOEN. Males. 5,164 6,417 5,912 7,265 8,783 7,762 6,425 6,706 6,224 5,570 4,004 10, 581 14, 556 6,859 9,835 7,406 7,666 7,278 13, 589 1,927 18, 545 1, S88 10, 175 6,333 5,216 8, 424 7,114 4,904 8, 495 5,922 2,964 8,248 9,965 8,460 4,513 3,826 4,311 7,342 9,322 11, 315 6,940 9, 332 8,671 10, 567 5, 296 16, 168 19,141 5,695 6,514 3,377 7, 833 13, 076 10, 312 11, 295 7,005 5,304 6,660 6,267 6,893 10, 078 5,522 2.363 9,868 3,720 7,574 3.873 28, 387 20, 285 8,407 6,793 Females. 4,837 6,027 5,234 7,083 8,295 7,498 5,892 6,156 5,983 5,396 3, 607 10, 258 14, 502 6,495 9,211 7,343 7,448 7,062 13, 801 1,755 18, 988 1,443 9,652 6,181 4,883 7,552 6,830 4,674 7,761 5, 765 2, 661 7,657 9, 325 8,673 4,305 3, 012 3, 867 7,230 9,123 10, 849 6,862 9,176 8,107 10, 453 4,768 15, 836 19, 027 5,422 6,306 3,047 7,413 12, .556 10, 168 10, 672 6,343 5,267 5,795 6,028 6, 533 9,985 4,943 2,024 9,245 3,469 6,709 3,519 27, 645 18, 019 8,017 6,304 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 1,990 1,671 1,114 2,656 1, 463 1,705 1,423 1,642 1,539 212 991 3,145 6,519 3,156 803 283 311 1,660 4,229 376 S.700 644 1,796 1,570 1,555 499 1,061 2,065 655 2,020 1,147 1,680 1,178 971 1,326 1,409 1,485 2,101 2,403 1,587 753 2, 432 1,919 1,611 1,719 3,060 3,676 428 972 1,366 434 1,804 1,413 2,172 695 1,503 1,164 792 1,344 2,488 1,529 678 1,302 1,256 3,105 1,248 5,000 5,201 1,104 265 Females. 1,557 1,348 847 1,824 1,104 1,288 1,124 1,155 1,273 154 707 2,749 5,622 2,384 630 226 218 1,349 3,705 270 5,615 499 1,518 1,340 1,217 367 792 1,572 469 1,612 849 1,418 888 791 1,038 989 1,042 1, 597 1, 923 1,192 629 2,142 1,536 1,231 1,337 2,651 3,459 328 771 890 297 1,369 1,165 1,703 505 1,225 896 579 1,078 1,953 1,066 509 926 873 2,180 915 4,378 3,925 866 194 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 5,156 6,416 5,912 7,243 8,773 7,742 6,418 6,704 6,224 5,539 4,004 10, 573 14, 450 6,849 9,813 7,374 7,635 7,276 13, 394 1,926 18, 474 1,685 10, 133 6,331 5,216 8,401 7,108 4,893 8,480 5,912 2,962 8,184 9,952 8,266 4,507 3,823 4,310 7,341 9,316 11, 265 6, 912 9,303 8,652 10, 555 5, 290 15, 341 19, 017 5,682 6,341 3.377 7,828 12, 214 10, 286 11, 218 6,991 5,300 6,640 6,149 6,866 9,990 5,521 2,363 9,754 3,718 7,569 3,873 27, 761 20, 089 8,375 6,793 Females. 4,829 6,027 5,234 7,076 8,293 7,482 5,890 6,153 5,983 5,366 3,607 10, 255 14, 396 6,490 9,196 7,315 7,423 7, 062 13, 616 1,755 18,930 1,442 9,619 6,179 4,883 7,532 6,826 4,670 7,747 5,756 2,661 7,641 9,311 8,457 4,301 3,611 3,867 7, 229 9,116 10, 796 6,833 9,147 8,094 10, 442 4,763 15, 000 18, 924 5,410 6,160 3,047 7,408 11, 830 10, 150 10, 606 6,336 5,263 5,787 5,943 6,522 9,900 4,943 2,024 9,125 3,463 6,705 3,519 27, 082 17, 893 7,984 6,304 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 603 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2,721 4,114 4,339 3,803 6,645 2,481 3,857 3.813 3,595 6,209 2,435 2,302 1,573 3,440 2,128 2,348 2,170 1,421 3,481 2,084 1,990 1,671 1,114 2,650 1,461 1,557 1,348 847 1,824 1,104 8 1 8 1 1^ f 22 12 7 4 5 5,565 4,117 4,497 3,361 5,012 5,306 3,644 3,991 3,230 4,851 2,177 2,301 2,207 2,863 527 2,176 2, 246 2, 162 2,753 515 1,703 1, 423 1, 642 1,538 212 1, 288 1,124 1,155 1,273 154 22 7 2 1 31 16 2 3 6 7 8 q 30 10 2,663 5,057 6,665 3,191 8,282 2,440 4,885 6,528 2,985 7,789 1,341 5,516 7,785 3,658 1,531 1,167 5,370 7,868 3,505 1,407 991 3,145 6,515 3,156 802 707 2, 749 5,620 2,384 630 11 8 110 10 23 3 108 5 15 12 13 14 15 6,792 6,939 4, 432 7,327 1,315 6,943 754 6,731 3,915 2 942 6,751 6,749 4,296 7,308 1 171 582 696 2,844 6,067 611 564 674 2,766 6,308 584 283 311 1,659 4,225 376 226 218 1,349 3,705 270 32 31 3 199 1 28 25 16 17 18 185 19 ''O 6,838 651 6, 341 3,880 2 080 11,531 931 3,402 2,416 2 274 12, 092 791 3,278 2,299 2,203 935 1,857 2,368 1,189 2, 560 6,693 644 1,796 1,569 1,555 5,615 499 1,518 1,340 1,217 78 3 42 3 ' 58 1 33 2 21 22 23 24 95 7,410 5,236 2,503 7,188 3,173 6,597 4,969 2,302 6,558 3,196 991 1,872 2,390 1,292 2,739 499 1,060 2, 065 655 2,019 367 792 1,572 469 1,612 23 7 11 15 11 20 4 4 14 9 26 27 28 29 30 1,487 5,981 8,073 6,779 2,291 1,354 5,462 7,898 7,000 2,144 1,475 2,203 1,879 1,487 2,216 1,307 2,179 1,913 1,457 2,157 1,147 1,679 1,177 969 1, .326 849 1,418 888 791 1,038 2 65 14 196 6 31 16 14 216 4 32 33 34 35 2,070 2, 638 4, 323 5,173 8,861 1,932 2,334 4,291 4,962 8,549 1,753 1,672 3,018 4,143 2,404 1,679 1,533 2, 938 4,154 2,247 1,409 1,485 2, 101 2, 403 1,586 989 1,042 1,597 1, 923 1,192 3 1 1 6 51 1 36 37 1 7 53 3-8 39 40 5,653 5,373 5,861 8,072 2,841 5,554 5,313 5,480 8,099 2, 522 1,259 3,930 2,791 2,483 2,449 1,279 3,834 2,614 2,343 2,241 751 2,432 1,918 1,611 1,718 629 2,142 1,535 1,230 1,337 30 29 20 12 7 29 29 14 12 5 41 42 43 44 45 9, 698 13, 931 4,763 5,179 1,777 9,132 13, 6(19 4, 5'.;8 5,093 1,513 5,643 5,086 919 1,162 1,600 5,868 5,315 882 1,067 1,534 3,055 3,669 428 971 1,366 2,648 3,459 328 771 890 832 131 13 174 839 103 12 146 46 47 48 49 50 6,902 10, 012 8,068 8,475 5,943 6, 551 9,675 7,885 7,829 5,383 926 2,202 2,218 2,743 1,048 857 2,155 2,265 2,777 953 433 1,800 1,413 2,171 695 297 1,367 1,165 1,703 605 6 866 26 78 14 5 728 18 66 7 51 52 53 54 55 2,726 5,156 4,832 5,202 6,289 2,679 4,444 4,730 4.892 6,113 2,574 1,484 1,317 1,664 3,701 2,584 1,343 1,213 1,630 3,787 1,503 1,164 792 1,344 2,486 1,225 895 579 1,078 1,950 ■ 4 20 118 27 90 4 9 85 11 88 56 57 58 59 60 3,463 1,395 7,902 1,867 3,447 3,086 1,163 7,391 1, 654 2,977 2,058 968 1,852 1,851 4,122 1,857 861 1,734 1,809 3,728 1,529 678 1,301 1,256 3,104 1,066 509 926 873 2,180 1 61 6"^ 115 2 6 120 6 4 63 64 65 2,244 21, 398 13, 947 6,489 6,064 1,932 20, 548 12, 129 6,122 5,709 1,629 6,363 6,142 1,886 729 1,587 6,534 5,764 1,862 5B5 1,246 4,993 5,194 1,102 265 915 4, 375 3,922 866 194 66 633 203 34 566 129 33 67 68 69 70 604 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Iowa — Continued. Sac Scott Shelby Sioux Story Tama Taylor Union Van Buren. Wapello . . . Warren Washington . Wayne Webster Winnebago . . Wiuutshiek . Woodbury- - Worth ..'.... Wright Kansas . AUen Anderson . Atchison . Barber Barton Bourbon Brown Butler Chase Chautauqua Cheroliee . Clieyenne. Clark Clay Cloud Cotiey Comanche . Cowley Crawtbrd . , Decatur . . Dickinson . Doniphan. . Douglas . . Edwards. . Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney . .- Ford Franklin . . Garfield Geary . . . Gove — Graham . Grant... Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton .. Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman. Jackson . . . Jefl'erson . . Jewell Johnson . . Kearny . . . Kingman Kiowa NATIVE BOEN. FOREIGN BORN. TOTi», NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 5,981 5,534 1,767 1,240 5,981 5,534 14, 769 15, 187 7,058 6,150 14, 638 15, 045 7,233 6,558 2,241 1,579 7,233 6,557 6,348 5, 802 3,627 2,593 6,348 5,802 7,688 7,261 1,766 1,412 7,688 7,261 8,949 8,530 2,344 1,828 8,925 8,512 8,014 7,592 445 333 7,964 7,546 7,831 7,470 874 725 7,798 7,436 7,882 7,676 402 293 7,824 7,604 13,778 13, 296 1,874 1,478 13, 432 12, 984 8,950 8,490 479 350 8,918 8,468 . 8, 525 8,468 819 656 8,486 8,432 7,715 7,504 272 179 7,700 7,498 8,270 7,751 3,028 2,533 8,247 7,731 2,576 2,432 1,252 1,065 2,576 2,432 8,331 7, 967 3,290 2,940 8,316 7,956 24, 519 19, 519 6,740 4,854 24, 279 19, 398 3, 248 3,031 1,625 1,343 3,237 3, 020 5,181 4,679 1,294 903 5,180 4,678 667, 101 612, 157 85,011 62, 827 641, 470 587, 453 6,590 6,002 511 406 6,393 5,807 6,924 6,447 487 345 6,774 6,310 12, 106 11,453 1,780 1,419 10, 663 9,899 4, 054 3, 526 229 164 4,036 3,513 5,497 5,128 1,417 1,130 5,329 4,967 l.S, 807 13, 448 795 525 12, 673 12,311 9,787 8,752 1,078 702 9,577 8,540 11,916 10,725 821 593 11, 852 10, 684 3,986 3, 426 494 327 3,887 3, 347 6, 357 5,707 160 73 6,244 5,596 13, 228 12, 276 1,353 913 12, 517 11, 639 2, 073 1,788 321 219 2,073 1,788 1,232 1,054 45 26 1,227 1,053 6,822 6,533 1,587 ' 1,204 6,712 6,436 8,737 8, 142 1,324 1,092 8,717 8,128 7,793 7,221 485 357 7,697 7,128 1, 322 1,140 57 30 1,306 1,124 17, 577 15, 720 719 462 17, 256 15, 416 13, 906 12, 897 2,087 1,396 13, 673 12, 703 3, 907 3,666 466 375 3,903 3,660 9,993 9,043 1,805 1,432 9,916 8,961 6 350 5,829 790 560 5,959 5,454 11 010 10, 664 1,245 1, 042 9,167 8,998 1,664 1,.559 222 155 1,619 1, 519 6,107 5,693 247 169 6,103 5,691 3,024 2,869 1,129 920 2,983 2,845 3, 766 3,547 1,067 892 3,698 3, 489 1,660 1,490 117 83 1,625 1,463 2,467 2, 305 308 228 2,445 2, 276 9,703 9,383 686 507 9,298 8,928 443 388 29 21 439 387 4,558 3,826 1, 273 766 4,375 3,632 1,413 1,276 193 112 1,392 1,260 2,431 2,243 212 143 2, 175 1,967 673 553 43 39 647 534 1,232 1,082 57 44 1,226 1,079 633 531 59 41 633 531 8,169 7,124 587 429 8,083 7,042 987 900 89 51 956 874 6,625 5,895 431 315 6,581 5.857 7, 622 7,094 1,569 1,316 7,481 6,958 532 494 34 17 532 494 1,094 6,940 8,277 1,022 157 122 1,016 945 6,505 680 501 6,836 6, 406 7,558 487 298 7,932 7, 242 9 554 8,067 653 475 9,553 8,665 8 378 7,865 682 460 7,924 7,401 812 627 82 50 808 623 5,910 1,439 5,262 1,254 382 111 260 69 5,873 1,430 5, 225 1,248 POPULATION AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES : 1890— Continued. 605 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN — PABENTS. PABENTS. POEBIQN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 3,602 5, 759 3,324 5,811 2,379 8,879 2,210 9,234 1,767 7,051 1,240 6,150 1 138' i42 2 4,460 2, '(49 5,314 5,836 4,055 2,447 5,086 5,558 2,773 3,599 2,374 3,089 2,502 3,355 2,175 2,954 2,241 3,627 1,76B 2,342 1,579 2,593 1,412 1,825 1 3 4 5 26 21 6 6,991 6,585 973 961 445 333 50 46 7 6, 331 5,984 1,467 1,452 872 725 35 34 8 6,952 6,735 872 869 402 293 58 72 9 10, 595 10, 232 2,837 2,752 1,872 1,478 348 312 10 7,825 7,603 1,093 865 479 350 32 22 11 6,789 6,720 1,697 1,712 819 656 39 36 12 7,060 6,901 640 597 271 175 16 10 13 4,017 3,809 4, 230 3,922 3,026 2,533 25 20 14 654 2,769 594 2,623 1,922 5, .547 1, 838 5,333 1, 252 3,289 1,065 2,940 15 16 11 16 17, 178 12, 993 7, 101 6,405 6,722 4,853 258 122 17 910 751 2,327 2,269 1,625 1,343 U 11 18 3,233 2,861 1,947 1,817 1,294 903 1 1 19 519, 129 473, 197 122, 341 114, 256 84, 842 509 62, 788 25, 800 24, 743 20 5,465 5, 010 928 797 406 199 195 21 5, 804 5,405 970 905 486 344 151 138 22 7,879 7,261 2,784 2,638 1,771 1,415 1, 452 1, .558 23 3, 633 3,144 403 369 229 164 18 13 24 3,519 3,211 1,810 1,756 1,417 1,130 168 161 25 11,215 10, 871 1,458 1,440 789 525 1,140 1,137 26 7,871 6,930 1,706 1,610 1,075 702 213 212 27 10, 468 9, 507 1. 384 1,177 820 593 65 41 28 3,182 2,740 705 607 493 327 100 79 29 5,879 5,219 365 377 159 73 114 111 30 10, 929 10, 109 1, 588 1,530 1, 353 912 711 638 31 1, 665 1,096 1,445 944 408 131 343, 109 .321 45 219 26 32 5 ' 1 33 4, 558 4,342 2,154 2,094 1,587 1,204 no 97 34 6,372 5,837 2,345 2,291 1,322 1,092 22 14 35 6,732 6,223 965 905 485 357 96 93 36 1,171 1,008 135 116 56 3(1 17 16 37 15, 730 14, 038 1,517 1,378 715 462 325 304 38 11,207 10, 343 2,466 2,360 2,087 1,396 233 194 39 3,254 3,025 649 635 465 375 5 6 40 7,312 6, .521 2,604 2,440 1,804 1,432 78 82 41 4, 558 4,169 1,401 1,285 795 500 392 375 42 7,3)2 7,188 1,855 1,810 1,238 1, 040 1, 850 1,668 43 1,306 1,211 313 308 222 1.55 45 40 44 5,461 5,107 642 584 247 169 4 2 45 1,650 1,496 1,333 1,349 1,129 919 41 25 46 2,433 2,183 1,265 1,306 1,066 892 69 58 47 1,420 1,275 205 188 117 83 35 27 48 1,931 1,768 514 508 308 228 22 29 49 8,131 7,779 1,167 1,149 684 506 407 456 50 391 332 48 55 29 21 4 1 51 2,779 2,345 1, .596 1,287 1,268 765 188 195 52 1,174 1, 055 218 205 193 112 21 16 53 1,838 1,671 337 296 212 143 256 276 54 586 476 61 58 43 39 26 19 55 1,109 978 117 101 57 44 6 3 56 527 7,037 438 6, 155 106 1,046 93 887 59 587 41 429 57 86" 82" 58 837 770 119 104 89 51 31 26 59 5, 717 5,123 864 734 430 315 45 38 00 5,655 5,303 1,826 1, 655 1,568 1,316 142 136 61 490 805 451 754 42 211 43 191 34 157 17 122 62 78" 77" 63 5,602 5, 248 1,234 1, 158 679 500 105 100 64 6,865 6,247 1,067 995 487 298 345 316 65 8,231 7,456 1, 322 1,209 653 475 1 2 66 6,657 6,261 1,267 1,140 682 460 454 464 67 688 517 120 106 82 50 4 4 68 5,194 4,608 679 617 382 260 40 37 69 1,278 1,087 152 161 111 69 9 6 70 606 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Kansas — Continued Labette Lane Leavenworth .. Lincoln Linn Logan Lyon McPherson Marion Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montiiomery - - - Morris Morton Nemaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne ( )ttawa Pawnee PhiUips Pottawatomie.. Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice Riley Rooks Rush Russell Saline Scott Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sheridan Sherman Smith Staflbrd Stanton Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington . . . Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte Kentucky Adair Allen Anderson Ballard Barren Bath Bell Boone Bourbon Boyd Boyle Bracken NATIVB BORN. Males. 13, 434 1,016 17, 065 4,520 8,666 1,696 10, 509 8,373 7,639 10, 402 1,247 9,596 7,123 11,456 5,332 369 8,840 8,993 2,418 5,235 10, 888 5,884 5, 975 2, 472 6,597 7,748 4,164 2,859 13, 149 8,674 7,042 5,532 3,799 2,234 ,3, 210 7,178 635 20, 897 791 22, 348 1,797 2,539 7, 578 4, 131 508 680 15, .S44 2, 723 1,167 5,342 1,136 10, 067 905 7,588 4,297 24, 198 910, 589 6,801 6,932 5, 436 4,411 10, 729 6,621 5.724 6,094 8,422 6,833 6,209 6,048 Females. 12, 914 920 14, 540 3,976 8,136 1,365 10, 200 7,783 6,992 9,569 1,156 8,801 6,713 10,766 4,829 307 8,164 8,543 2, 153 4,834 9,852 5,235 5, 363 2,326 5, 939 7,215 3,617 2, 541 11, 694 7,668 6,340 5,084 3,621 1,931 2,951 6,763 562 19, 132 662 21, 609 1,634 2,205 6,986 3,809 479 13, 670 2,346 1,030 4,552 944 9,393 790 7,096 3,989 22, 205 888, 690 6,911 6, 745 5,157 3,918 10, 714 6,156 4,299 5,753 8,149 6,754 6,488 5,858 FOREIGN BOHN. Males. 727 74 4,361 692 263 196 L398 2,971 3,201 2,267 728 675 530 699 1, 254 583 213 320 2,499 543 710 227 639 1,.583 195 746 1, 250 1,481 622 1,447 337 576 637 1,925 47 2,121 30 2,841 187 309 616 352 26 743 271 188 1,072 227 1,954 79 357 436 4,778 32, 169 7 10 14 47 28 24 228 245 23l' 254 159 Females. 511 50 2,519 521 150 127 1,094 2,487 2,707 1,674 50 489 526 352 521 20 991 442 160 228 1,823 421 533 179 486 1,176 142 610 986 1,179 447 1,120 261 463 535 1,576 18 1,476 20 2,374 115 208 433 228 18 26 514 198 150 754 161 1,480 53 245 299 3,226 27, 187 2 5 3 14 19 12 61 154 174 192 92 194 TOTAL NATIVE WHITB. Males. 12, 425 L014 14, 683 4,498 8,271 1,682 9,985 8,341 7,558 10, 256 1,236 9,122 7,094 11, 024 5,083 363 8,743 8,828 2,418 5,213 10, 527 5,830 5,926 2,393 6,509 7,572 4,074 2,859 12, 969 8,661 6,978 5,361 3,758 2,233 3,180 635 20, 137 788 19, 307 1,797 2,531 7,576 4,036 507 669 15, 251 2,719 1,144 4,955 1,114 10, 061 900 7.544 4,257 20, 712 777, 049 5,929 6,409 4,879 3,657 8,883 5,786 5,219 5,501 5,026 6,479 3,868 5,732 Females. 11,860 919 12, 454 3,956 7,754 1,354 9,693 7, 765 6,924 9,430 1,142 8,336 6,692 10, 242 4, .582 306 8,047 8,365 2, 152 4,819 9,535 6,182 5,340 2,261 5,861 7,057 3,529 2,541 11, 520 7,654 6,282 4,927 3,601 1,927 2,927 6,532 562 18, 540 660 18, 514 1,634 2,194 6,986 3,714 478 656 13, 594 2,344 1,012 4,203 927 9,380 787 7,059 3,953 18, 745 754, 173 5,956 6,226 4,651 3,260 8,836 5, 413 4, 065 5,235 4,748 6,405 4,021 5,528 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 607 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — POEEIGN 1 = PAHENTS. PAHENTS. FOKEISN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 10, 933 10, 437 1,492 1,423 727 511 1,009 1,054 1 904 833 110 86 74 50 2 1 2 3 9,985 7,891 4,698 4,563 4,348 2,515 2,395 2,090 3,504 3, 071 994 885 691 521 23 20 4 5 7,673 7,156 598 598 263 150 395 382 1,383 1,139 299 215 196 127 14 11 6 7 8,018 7,707 1,967 1,986 1, .391 1,094 526 507 5,122 4,652 3, 219 3,113 2,970 2,487 33 18 8 9 10 4,770 4,341 2,788 2, 583 3,201 2,706 81 69 6,978 6,249 3,278 3,181 2,266 1,673 147 140 1,061 995 175 147 88 50 12 14 11 7,959 7,227 1,163 1,109 727 489 475 465 12 13 14 5, 878 5,482 1,216 1,210 673 526 31 21 9,938 9,191 1,086 1,051 .528 352 434 524 4,151 3,711 932 871 698 521 250 247 15 333 282 30 24 28 20 6 1 16 17 18 6,518 5,924 2,225 2,123 1,253 091 98 117 7,611 7,200 1,217 1,165 582 442 166 178 2,024 4,588 1,803 4,238 394 625 349 581 213 320 160 228 1 15 19 20 22" 7,966 7,162 2,561 2,373 2,499 1,822 361 318 21 4,905 4,372 925 810 543 421 54 53 22 4,820 4,191 1,106 ,1,149 709 533 50 23 23 24 1,981 1,856 412 405 225 179 81 65 5,477 4,914 1,032 947 638 486 89 78 25 5,018 4,736 2,554 2,321 1,583 1,173 176 161 26 27 3,617 3,169 457 360 193 142 92 88 2,126 10, 906 1,900 9,662 733 2,063 641 1,858 746 1,246 610 986 28 29 30 18^ 174 6,711 5,901 1, 9.50 1, 753 1,481 1,179 13 14 5,878 5,338 1,100 944 622 447 64 58 3) 31i 3,609 3,242 1,752 1,685 1,446 1,119 172 158 3,171 3,061 587 540 337 261 41 20 33 34 35 1,479 1, 308 7,54 619 576 463 1 4 2,374 2,225 806 702 637 535 30 24 4,582 4,179 2,367 2,353 1,925 1,576 229 231 36 565 16, 836 492 15, 403 70 3,301 70 3,137 47 2,104 18 1,475 37 38 "777 593 720 612 68 48 30 20 3 2 39 40 15, 726 14, 945 3,581 3,569 2,818 2,370 3,064 3,099 1,472 2, 132 1,317 1,855 325 399 317 339 187 309 115 208 41 42 43 8 1] 6,488 3,498 5,996 3,167 1,088 538 990 547 616 352 433 228 2 95 95 44 45 466 435 41 43 26 18 1 1 601 591 68 65 48 26 11 8 46 47 48 49 13, 564 12, 200 1,087 1,394 735 513 1 101 77 2,250 1,973 469 371 271 198 4 2 869 778 275 234 188 150 23 18 3,271 2,915 1,684 1,288 1,069 753 390 350 50 890 729 224 198 227 161 22 17 51 52 7,179 6,611 2,882 2,769 1,954 1,480 6 13 768 059 132 128 79 53 5 3 53 54 6,673 6, 385 871 674 357 245 44 37 3, 528 3, 288 729 665 436 299 40 36 55 15, 070 13,517 5,642 5,228 4,750 3,217 3,514 3,469 56 715, 523 691,395 61, 526 62, 778 32, 091 27, 149 133, 618 134, 555 57 5, 9U7 5,942 22 14 6 2 873 955 58 6,398 6, 203 11 23 10 5 523 519 59 4,847 4,622 32 29 14 3 557 506 60 3,570 3,218 87 42 47 14 754 658 61 8,808 8,779 75 57 28 18 1,846 1,879 62 5,723 5, 363 63 50 24 12 835 743 63 5, 057 3,978 162 87 225 61 508 234 64 4,987 4,789 514 446 245 153 593 519 65 4.628 4,333 398 415 231 174 3,396 3,401 66 5,815 5,736 664 669 252 192 356 :U9 67 3, 766 3, 880 102 141 158 92 2,342 2,467 68 5,149 4, 979 1 583 549 269 194 316 330 69 G08 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Kentucky — Continued. Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler Caldwell Calloway Campbell Carlisle Carroll Carter Casey Christian Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden Cumberland Daviess Edmonson Elliott Estill Fayette Fleming Floyd Franklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant Graves Grayson Green Greenup Hancock Hardin Harlan Harrison Hart Henderson Henry Hickman Hopkins Jackson Jeft'erson Jessamine Johnson Kenton Knott Knox Larue Laurel Lawrence Lee Leslie Letcher Lewis Lincoln Livingston Logan Lyon McCracken McLean Madison Magoffin Marion Mjirshall Martin Mason Meade Menifee Mercer Metcalfe NATIVE BORN. Males. 443 773 212 025 506 419 096 877 554 715 902 926 818 318 467 683 164 612 992 686 653 018 093 721 273 090 328 581 533 465 332 831 981 590 575 092 463 424 702 127 905 769 212 524 708 636 222 756 083 781 673 100 388 975 573 545 677 763 938 903 198 087 437 661 745 170 832 756 426 425 885 Females. 225 059 967 912 628 251 533 703 442 397 887 958 474 126 577 416 283 838 980 512 116 269 843 532 566 801 216 526 990 976 253 621 804 481 516 102 188 984 234 932 686 527 047 048 400 387 148 682 633 618 321 563 694 989 346 136 727 670 764 706 106 728 722 497 837 526 0.33 057 665 229 513 977 PORBION BORN. Males. 37 104 75 14 36 1 3,802 24 149 62 34 143 92 3 2 14 3 397 20 10 65 802 83 2 235 79 43 25 108 63 67 5 79 91 122 2 147 25 352 78 34 137 1 13, 476 92 3 4,467 37 23 428 23 119 79 314 29 77 16 429 51 143 87 11 4 476 40 8 65 4 Females. 40 37 5 16 4 3,777 8 121 30 25 91 50 6 2 273 13 2 609 59 1 193 35 24 6 40 30 36 6 47 52 91 1 116 6 248 27 12 72 1 12, 550 48 1 4,324 9 11 325 16 4 43 244 12 33 3 318 21 46 63 5 2 408 23 3 31 5 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 4,347 8,672 3, 660 206 901 724 683 191 640 633 476 339 104 382 206 659 900 757 672 228 437 306 642 666 932 074 112 288 887 095 880 823 209 424 019 241 397 544 967 014 012 181 569 849 588 949 715 663 370 380 001 039 954 538 454 911 395 663 205 411 687 600 624 ,t»99 577 157 790 375 412 935 454 Females. 152 080 471 516 192 678 219 508 048 329 639 178 128 927 474 962 792 18:; 757 499 960 227 005 460 417 753 973 971 752 399 001 681 624 104 320 019 945 009 173 7L'7 854 024 440 553 351 757 650 275 238 055 486 584 978 300 050 919 289 471 086 190 342 161 412 251 352 023 931 277 216 931 508 POPITLATION. AND COLOEED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 609 NATIVE WHITE— NATIYE NATIVE WHITE— FOEEIGN FOEKIGN WHITE. TOTAI/ COLOEED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 4, 341 4, 151 6 1 37 96 73 1 81441 7! 869 231 211 104 46" 1,101 979 2 3,557 3,357 103 114 75 37 552 496 3 6,609 6 473 39 43 14 5 377 396 4 5,138 5,125 68 67 36 16 1,300 1,436 5 6,876 6,660 25 18 1 3 518 574 6 9,239 9,286 8,485 8,933 3,802 3,777 372 314 7 S,624 3,460 59 48 24 8 194 195 8 3,813 3,709 378 339 149 121 363 394 9 8,494 8,185 152 144 62 30 69 68 10 5,600 5,608 33 31 34 25 269 248 11 9,263 8,985 213 193 142 90 7,451 7,781 12 5,208 5,009 131 119 92 49 2,479 2,347 13 6,084 3,368 5,908 3,464 20 14 19 10 3 2 214 85 199 103 14 i" 15 6,140 5,915 66 47 14 6 477 454 16 3,642 3,784 17 8 3 2 505 491 17 13, 026 12, 327 874 856 395 273 2,714 2,655 18 3,731 3,715 26 42 20 13 235 223 19 4,663 4,477 9 22 10 6 14 13 20 5,220 4,947 8 13 65 2 425 156 21 9,147 8,942 1,290 1,285 799 eo6 6,584 7,045 22 7,097 6,839 209 166 83 59 787 838 23 5,625 5,444 17 16 2 1 79 72 24 8,20T 7,027 459 390 232 193 2,610 2,149 25 3,794 3,621 138 132 77 35 1,160 1,048 26 1,975 1,870 99 103 43 24 254 243 27 4, 058 3,943 54 28 25 6 1,469 1,555 28 6,119 6,603 169 149 108 40 245 238 29 12, 759 12, 273) 128 126 63 29 1,578 1,578 30 8,925 8,887 170 114 67 36 237 252 31 4,867 4,666 13 15 5 6 951 940 32 5,628 5,408 197 216 79 47 158 180 33 3,968 3,905 241 199 91 52 381 377 34 9,179 9,062 245 258 122 91 1,151 1,196 35 3,017 3,018 2 1 2 1 73 83 36 6,956 6,708 285 237 146 115 1,223 1,244 37 7,339 6,959 58 50 25 6 1,027 975 38 9,630 9,318 914 855 348 248 4,162 4,061 39 5,849 5,630 118 97 78 27 1, 160 1,205 40 4,964 4,738 50 71 34 12 891 877 41 9,721 8,596 291 258 135 71 1,759 1,074 42 4,174 4,018 7 6 1 1 31 23 43 38, 829 39, 222 24, 740 26, 218 13,444 12, 528 15, 987 17, 630 44 3,656 3,406 193 147 92 48 1,859 1,847 45 5,564 5, 339 24 12 3 1 48 36 46 11, 750 11, 948 9,199 9,809 4,461 4,324 1,279 1,391 47 2,637 6,600 2,649 6,251 78 63 1 24 41 120 32 - 358 48 37" 9 49 4,295 4,183 75 55 23 11 411 380 50 6,192 5,888 188 167 428 325 293 266 51 8,914 8,414 87 72 23 16 99 77 52 2,968 2,548 71 36 119 4 349 110 53 1,954 3,536 7,234 1,978 3,301 6,851 21 35 91 11 40 86 54 2' 220 5 199 i" 79 55 43 56 5,751 5,773 160 146 314 244 1,766 1,808 57 4,279 4,187 116 102 29 12 368 381 58 8,523 8,360 140 HI 76 33 3,270 3,293 59 3,153 3,055 52 31 16 3 698 620 60 6,406 6,167 1,005 1,023 427 318 2,789 2,916 61 4,599 4,272 88 70 51 21 400 386 62 8,435 8,023 165 138 143 45 3,837 3,562 63 4,620 5,973 4,411 6,113 4 126 1 138 75 1,562 85 1,586 64 87 63 65 5,532 5,314 45 38 11 5 168 174 66 2,142 2,014 15 9 4 2 13 10 67 6,625 6,721 1,165 1,210 475 408 2,043 2,126 68 4,253 4,186 122 91 40 23 381 388 69 2,390 2,198 22 18 8 3 14 13 70 5,853 5,848 82 83 63 30 1,492 1,583 71 4,443 4,493 11 15 4 5 431 469 72 372- ■39 610 COMPENDITTM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 19.— population AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 60 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 09 70 Kentucky— Continued . Monroe Montgomery Morgan Muhlenberg Nelaon Nicholas . Ohio Oldham . . Ovren Owaley . . Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski — Robertson . Rockcastle. Rowan Russell Scott Shelby... Simpson . Spencer. . Taylor... Todd .... Trimble Union Warren "Washington . Wayne ... Webster . . Whitley . . Wolfe Woodford. 36 Louisiana. Acadia Ascension ... Assumption , Avoyelles . . . Bienville Bossier . . . Caddo Calcasieu . Caldwell.. Cameron.. Catahoula Claiborne Concordia De Soto East Baton Rouge East Carroll East Feliciana Franklin Grant Iberia Iberville. .. Jackson ... Jefferson . . Lafayette. . Lafourche - Lincoln Livingston . . . Madison Morehouse Natchitoches NATIVE BORN. Males. Orleans Ouachita Plaquemines... Pointe Coupee. 5,536 6,199 5,764 9,113 8,025 5,460 11, 667 3,332 9,003 3,022 7,987 3,171 9,027 2,550 13, 084 2,387 4,988 3,189 4,042 8,293 8,295 5,401 3,491 4,671 8,502 7,046 3,656 9,397 14, 828 6,754 6,393 8,709 8,976 3,677 6,182 531, 947 6,507 9,311 9,765 12, 739 7,210 10, 244 15, 315 10, 038 2,959 1,443 6,260 11, 694 7,504 9,957 12, 975 6,264 8, 652 3,477 4,076 10, 238 10, 402 3,808 6,061 7,873 10, 801 7,376 3,018 7.186 8,370 12, 838 96, 654 8,858 5,906 9,819 Females. FOEBIGN BOEN. 5,453 6,006 5,479 8,604 8.164 5,178 11,019 3,254 8,599 2,951 7,776 3,160 8,346 2,101 12, 446 2,268 4,809 2,915 4,089 8,041 8,048 5,370 3,228 4,629 8,277 6,814 3,428 8,636 14, 975 6,767 6,438 8,437 8,466 3,502 6,015 536, 893 6,246 9,445 9,414 12, 128 6,870 10, 027 15, 542 9,294 2,836 1,330 5,690 11, 587 7,281 9,818 12, 396 5,980 8,981 3,367 4,171 10, 307 10, 442 3,636 6,045 7,801 10, 915 7,350 2,671 6,900 8,355 12, 776 111,016 8,898 5,731 9,602 Males. 109 4 150 124 75 164 101 55 1 327 2 40 131 21 30 20 5 131 107 63 33 29 22 23 35 128 209 64 18 41 103 1 118 27, 403 295 557 321 174 21 44 460 616 14 51 43 28 59 69 347 80 154 43 13 306 719 9 706 197 278 19 51 32 35 150 16, 813 145 669 154 Females. 53 2 88 104 51 96 67 19 1 256 71 44 8 24 13 19 21 68 146 37 22, 344 183 232 129 71 7 15 238 228 5 4 3 27 16 204 38 116 13 10 146 285 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 409 95 101 29 17 26 72 17,556 84 235 38 Males. 5,284 4,414 5,741 7,971 6,117 4,813 10, 967 2,492 8,276 2,972 7,735 3,099 8,939 2,325 12, 436 2,307 4,911 3,133 3,920 5,787 5,909 4,255 2,834 3,937 5,352 5,216 3,485 8,042 10, 996 5,706 6,115 7,741 8,534 3,597 3,775 254, 836 5,697 3,720 5,250 6,375 4,046 2,129 3,751 8,326 1, 376 1,226 3,685 4,985 969 3,411 4,559 474 2,396 1,489 2,408 5,077 2,831 2,485 2,812 4,450 6,871 4,299 2,569 498 1, 753 5,108 68, 057 2,786 2,218 2,341 Females. 5,165 4,148 5, 453 7,389 6,252 4,509 10, 373 2,447 7,899 2,917 7,521 3,072 8,268 1,947 11, 803 2,193 4,731 2,865 3,945 5,484 5,657 4,142 2,635 3,889 5,127 4,992 3,278 7,338 10, 882 5,721 6,098 7,493 8,146 3,460 3,569 254, 719 5,428 3,769 5,041 6,292 3,769 1,915 3,572 7,667 1,312 1,121 260 780 711 144 400 417 2,536 1,316 2, 413 4,995 2,872 2, 351 2, 820 4,341 7,030 4,157 2,250 386 1,706 4,941 75, 416 2,628 2,176 2,168 POPTJLATIOI^. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 611 NATIVE WHITB— NATIVE NATIVE WHITB— FOREIGN — PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE, TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 5,274 5, 158 10 7 252 288 1,858 1 2 4,227 4,010 187 138 169" 53" 1,785 5,732 5,443 9 10 4 2 23 26 3 7,754 7,206 217 183 148 88 1,144 1,215 4 5,978 6,012 139 240 124 103 1,908 1,913 5 4,653 4, 382 160 127 75 51 647 669 6 10, 720 10, 163 247 210 164 96 700 646 7 2,328 2,280 164 167 101 67 840 807 8 8, 1.58 7,799 118 100 55 19 727 700 9 2,960 2,905 12 12 1 1 50 34 10 6,967 6,703 768 818 327 256 . 252 255 11 3,099 3,072 72 88 88 78 12 13 8,918 8,258 21" io" 2" 3" 2,285 1,928 40 19 40 7 225 154 14 12, 205 11, 624 231 179 131 70 648 643 15 2,277 2,162 30 31 21 8 80 75 16 4,882 4,701 29 30 30 14 77 78 17 3,106 2,837 27 28 20 5 56 50 le 3,909 3,939 11 6 5 122 144 19 5,519 5,249 268 235 130 si" 2,507 2,557 20 5,732 5,472 177 185 107 71 2,386 2,391 21 4,178 4,085 77 57 63 44 1,146 1,228 22 2,807 2,598 27 37 33 8 657 593 23 3,888 3,845 49 44 29 24 734 740 24 5,304 5,089 48 38 22 12 3,150 3,151 25 5,170 4,948 46 44 23 19 1,830 1,822 26 3,409 3,197 76 81 35 21 171 150 27 7,698 7, 030 344 308 126 67 1, 357 1,299 28 10, 594 10, 441 402 441 205 146 3,836 4,093 29 5,608 5,610 98 111 64 37 1,048 1,046 30 6,074 6,056 41 42 18 3 278 340 31 7,642 7,420 99 73 41 9 968 944 32 8,440 8,046 94 100 103 45 442 320 33 3,588 3,456 9 4 1 80 42 34 3,606 3,447 169 122 118 65" 2,407 2,446 35 207, 849 205, 241 46, 987 49, 478 26, 688 22, 152 277, 826 282, 366 3S 5,433 5,191 264 237 294 183 811 818 37 3,442 3,481 278 288 , 512 232 5, 636 5,676 38 5,021 4, 853 229 188 308 127 4, .528 4,375 39 6,145 6,058 230 234 167 70 6,371 5,837 40 4,001 3,735 45 34 21 4 3,164 3,104 41 2,089 1,878 40 37 43 15 8,116 8,112 42 3,195 3,005 556 567 444 236 11, 580 11, 972 43 7,710 7, 085 616 582 613 228 1,715 1,627 44 1,359 1, 292 17 20 14 5 1,583 1,524 45 1,116 1,020 110 101 51 4 217 209 46 3,639 3,221 46 39 41 6 2,577 2,433 47 4,941 4,739 44 41 28 3 6,709 6,807 48 883 652 86 59 53 24 6,541 6,573 49 3,310 3,081 101 63 67 16 6,548 6,674 50 3,881 3,774 678 626 335 200 8,428 8,000 51 410 325 64 92 70 36 5,800 5,565 52 2,223 2,378 173 158 152 112 6, 258 6,449 53 1,424 1,277 65 39 43 12 1,988 2,052 54 2,380 2,380 28 33 13 10 1,668 1,758 55 4,679 4,584 398 411 302 145 5,165 5,313 56 2,436 2,519 395 353 709 284 7,581 7,571 57 2,472 2, 327 13 24 8 1, 324 1,285 58 1,727 1,751 1,085 1,069 679 465" 3,276 3,229 59 4,212 4,150 238 191 195 94 3,425 3,461 60 6,568 6, 721 303 309 268 101 3,940 3,885 61 4,260 4,122 39 35 19 6 3,077 3,195 62 2,454 2,152 115 98 50 29 450 421 63 438 338 60 48 31 16 0,689 6,515 64 1,693 1,652 60 54 35 25 6,617 6,650 65 4,834 4,662 274 279 134 71 7,746 7,836 66 33, 207 37, 191 34, 850 38, 225 16, 474 17, 429 28, 936 35, 727 67 2,664 2,526 122 102 144 83 6,073 6,271 m 1,544 1,523 674 653 656 233 3,701 3,557 69 2,186 2,042 155 126 150 37 7,482 7,435 70 612 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE Louisiana — Continued. Kapidea Red River Richland Sabine St. Bernard St. Charles St. Helena St. James St. John the Baptist . St. Landry St. Martin — St. Mary St. Tammany Tangipahoa .. Tensas Terrebonne . - Union "Vermilion . . . Vernon Washington . Webster West Baton Rouge . West Carroll West Feliciana Winn Maine . Androscoggin Aroostook Cumberland . . Franklin Hancock Kennebec . . Knox Lincoln Oxford Penobscot . Piscataquis . . Sagadahoc . . . Somerset Waldo Washington . York Maryland. Allegany Anne Arundel. Baltimore Baltimore city . Calvert Caroline — Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester Frederick. Garrett . . . Harford .. Howard .. Kent Montgomery . . . Prince George . Queen Anne . . . St. Mary Somerset NATIVE BOKN. Males. 13, 901 5,785 5,282 4,758 2,051 B,g40 4,012 7,725 5,396 19, 931 7,255 11, 131 4,860 6,322 8, 318 10, 206 8,810 7,079 2,991 3,347 6,326 4,117 1,878 7,489 3,539 292, 358 Talbot Washington . Wicomico . . . Woroeater . . . 18, 435 20, 072 37, 758 8,456 18, 196 25, 639 14,711 10, 846 15, 098 32, 750 7,578 8,922 15, 322 13, 439 19, 296 25, 840 467, 712 17, 625 16, 293 33, 117 172, 341 5,160 6,933 15, 738 12, 688 7,564 12, 595 23, 770 7,052 14, 060 7,908 8,958 13, 524 13, 263 9,564 8,054 12, 514 19, 134 9,887 10,004 Females. 13, 417 5,516 4,854 4,599 2,009 3,477 4,019 7,443 5, 513 19, 915 7,402 10, 606 4,776 6,003 8,216 9,750 8,433 6,996 2,904 3,342 6,086 3,949 1,857 7,429 3,534 289, 767 19, 373 18, 093 39, .583 8, 072 17, 714 25, Oil 15, 105 10, 670 14, 577 31, 388 7,122 ■ 8,889 15, 140 13, 800 18, 206 27, 024 480, 382 18, 319 14, 876 31, 339 193, 095 4,667 6,729 15, 953 12, 269 7,514 12, 097 24, 693 6,581 13, 672 7,552 8,263 13, 309 12, 227 8,733 7,699 11,568 9,390 20, 139 10, 000 0,698 POEEION BOBN. Males. 205 10 76 21 183 301 18 409 326 278 158 465 311 196 81 155 42 117 7 7 34 222 12 40, 232 5,263 6,090 6,174 334 828 3,319 979 259 584 5,064 930 1,233 265 3,443 4,587 47, 979 2,965 1,709 4,623 33, 773 21 129 386 547 70 101 681 327 722 487 153 332 100 39 52 225 288 23 28 Females. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 119 7 18 12 83 119 13 138 124 126 214 213 134 32 56 19 42 1 4 20 75 1 55 1 38, 729 5,897 5,334 7,434 191 574 3,043 678 221 327 3,663 554 711 932 255 3,537 5,378 46, 317 2,662 1, 216 3,830 35, 230 12 112 299 347 43 50 368 253 539 322 97 154 258 64 27 21 155 221 20 17 Males. 6,875 1,803 1,617 3,743 1,065 831 1,737 2,606 2,095 8,832 3,398 3,729 2,998 3,933 562 5,209 5,086 5,651 2,723 2,339 2,655 1,068 732 1,060 3,062 291,551 18, 402 20, 054 37, 584 8,447 18, 168 25, 586 14, 666 10, 830 15, 087 32, 505 7,558 8,872 15, 322 13, 429 19,224 25, 817 362, 214 16, 915 8,736 27, 683 143, 501 2,499 4,960 14, 651 10, 609 3,430 8,161 20, 537 6,957 10, 767 5,821 5,353 8,623 7,276 6,095 4,146 7,525 6,052 17, 920 7,328 6,669 Females. 5,633 1,738 1,308 3,536 1,034 742 1,705 2,572 2,181 8,635 3,427 3,591 2,877 3,684 480 4,998 4,757 5,527 2,632 2,285 2,466 1,040 693 1,077 3,001 289, 017 19, 336 18, 070 39, 396 8,071 17, 691 24, 942 15, 074 10, 660 14, 571 31, 188 7,101 8,840 15, 138 13, 793 18, 145 26, 995 370, 492 17, 599 7,936 26, 565 155, 066 2,264 . 4, 893 14, 907 10, 347 3,512 7,824 21, 400 6,491 10, 591 5,532 5,064 8, 525 7,003 5,647 3,941 7,057 5,818 18, 847 7,361 6,302 POPULATION. 613 ^ J^l.-\±-' \JKJ1-I\jt W-lIiX^, V>AJ.tl.O(3± L' i.lliU J3X OJ CjA, D I \^\J{J i> iirjo: ioai ) — uontmue a. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN PABENTS. PABENTS. FOEEIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 5,434 5,198 441 435 197 118 8,034 7,785 1 1.766 1,714 37 24 9 7 3,983 3,778 2 1,541 1,269 76 39 76 16 3,665 3,548 3 3,677 3,502 66 34 21 12 1,0)5 1,063 4 865 844 200 190 166 82 1,003 976 5 689 646 142 96 294 119 3,010 2,735 6 1,681 1,052 56 53 18 13 2,275 2,314 7 2,363 2,385 243 187 377 136 5,151 4,873 3,333 g 1,935 2,034 160 147 281 123 3,346 9 8,415 8,246 417 389 268 121 11, 109 11, 285 10 3,262 3,2G6 136 161 157 68 3,858 3,976 11 3,198 3, 095 531 496 448 208 7,419 7,021 12 2,329 2,266 C69 611 310 213 1,803 1,809 13 '. 3,015 3,372 318 312 192 134 2, 393 2,319 14 498 425 64 55 80 31 7,757 7,737 15 4,927 4,727 282 • 271 149 50 5,003 4,752 10 5,022 4,691 64 66 39 19 3,727 3,676 17 5,477 5,405 174 122 no 41 1,429 1,470 18 2,697 2,614 26 18 7 1 268 272 19 2,322 2,267 17 18 7 4 1,008 1,057 20 2,562 2,378 93 88 31 20 3,074 3, 620 21 958 953 110 87 216 74 3,055 2,910 22 706 677 26 16 12 1 1,140 1, 104 23 896 946 164 131 86 53 6,432 0,354 24 3,038 2,984 24 17 8 1 477 533 25 253, 564 253, 139 37, 987 35, 878 40, 053 38, 642 986 837 26 L 15, 251 16, 081 3,151 3,255 5,252 5, 890 44 44 27 1 12, 028 10, 952 8,026 7,118 6,077 5, 327 31 30 28 r 31, 300 32, 914 0,284 6,482 6,117 7,405 231 210 29 8,136 7,806 311 265 331 190 12 2 30 17, 296 16, 898 872 793 820 574 36 23 31 22, 968 22, 623 2,618 2,319 3,309 3,041 63 71 32 13, 734 14, 159 932 915 973 678 51 31 33 10, 389 10, 273 441 387 1 259 221 16 10 34 14, 715 14, 246 372 325 .579 327 16 35 27, 594 26, 559 4,911 4.629 5,044 3,053 265 210 36 6,996 6,626 562 475 873 540 27 29 37 8,131 8,165 741 681 917 709 63 45 38 14, 201 14, 082 1,121 1,056 1,230 932 3 2 39 13. 023 13, 391 406 402 263 254 12 g 40 14, 797 14, 147 4,427 3,998 3,428 3,518 87 80 41 23, 005 24,217 2,812 2,778 4,581 5,377 29 30 42 285, 129 291, 156 77, 085 79, 336 47, 591 40, 196 105, 886 110, Oil 43 10,457 10, 948 6,458 6,651 2,959 2,002 716 720 44 7,680 6,977 1,056 959 1,693 1,215 7,573 6,941 45 21, 004 20, 040 6,679 6,525 4,009 3,822 5,448 4,782 46 89, 191 97, 434 54, 310 57, 632 33,448 35, 128 29, 165 38, 131 47 2,472 2,259 27 5 21 12 2,661 2,403 48 4,824 4,746 136 147 128 111 1,974 1,837 49 13, 830 14, 200 821 707 386 297 1,087 1,048 50 9,811 9,610 798 737 547 347 2,079 1,922 51 3,340 3,432 90 80 70 42 4,134 4,003 52 8,064 7,733 97 91 98 50 4,437 4,273 53 19, 509 20, 532 1,028 868 678 308 3,236 3,293 54 6,137 5,076 820 815 327 253 95 90 55 9,445 9,460 1,322 1,131 720 539 3, 295 3,081 56 4,888 4,842 933 690 486 320 2,088 2,022 57 5,127 4,858 226 206 151 90 3,607 3.200 58 8,237 8,225 386 300 198 154 4,901 4,784 59 6,794 6,570 482 433 330 258 5, 989 5, 224 60 5, 932 5, 518 173 129 98 04 3, 471 3,086 61 4,072 3, 894 74 47 39 27 3, 908 3,758 62 7,464 7,000 61 57 48 20 4, 993 4,512 63 5, 792 5,582 260 236 223 155 3,916 3,572 64 17, 170 18, 027 750 820 286 221 1,216 1,292 65 7,272 7, 313 56 48 22 20 2,560 2,639 66 6,627 6,280 42 22 26 15 3,337 3,398 67 U14 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOKN AND WHITE coDNTma. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Massachnsetts . Barnstable. Berkshire.. Bristol Dukes Essex Franklin Hampden . . . Hampshire . Middlesex ., Nantucket . Norfolk Plymouth . . Suffolk Worcester , Michigan . Alcona.. Alger... Allegan. Alpena. . Antrim . Arenac. Barry. Bay.... Benzie - Berrien Branch Calhoun . . . Cass Charlevoix. Cheboygan. Chippewa.. Clare Clinton Crawford . . Delta.... Eaton Emmet. . . Genesee.. Gladwin . Gogebic Grand Traverse Gratiot Hillsdale Houghton Huron . . Ingham . Ionia . . . Iosco ... Iron NATIVE BOBN. Males. 773, 853 Females. Isabella Isle Royal . Jackson . . . Kalamazoo. Kalkaska . . Kent Keweenaw. Lake Lapeer Leelanaw . . Lenawee. . . Livingston. Luce Mackinac. Macomb . . . Manistee .. Manitou . . . Marquette . 790, 703 1,581 402 16, 995 4,216 4,157 1,873 933 11,314 17, 943 2,169 17, 836 12, 565 19, 172 10, 179 3,793 3,963 2,755 3,009 11,939 1,131 4,796 15, 254 3,692 17, 006 1,558 3,399 5,398 13, 494 14, 414 9,446 8,310 17, 036 14, 890 4,487 1,209 7,903 33 19,603 16, 154 2,243 40, 344 796 2,469 11, 404 3,130 21,110 9,357 511 2,848 12, 139 7,384 336 9,708 807, 953 12, 678 13, 747 30, 632 31, 707 57, 814 60, 953 1,888 2,032 106, 506 111, 490 16, 019 16, 290 45, 077 47, 266 18, 911 21, 009 145, 283 154, 463 1,332 1,701 42, 864 45, 920 38, 439 39, 205 156, 809 159, 728 99, 601 102, 442 FOEKIQN BORN. Males. 313, 856 759, 306 1,278 255 16, 491 4,035 3,589 1,721 823 10, 480 16, 966 1,927 17, 634 12, 521 19, 407 9,637 3,493 3,543 2,457 2,464 11, 665 836 4,152 14, 998 3,571 16,724 1,156 2, 455 4,871 12, 597 14, 464 9,125 7,866 16, 154 14, 250 4,070 917 7,178 3 19, 469 16, 510 1,900 39, 639 772 2,128 10, 816 2,709 21, 935 8,989 379 2,191 n, 949 6,849 264 9,042 1,325 9,209 32, 252 236 39, 972 3,433 20, 633 5,660 60, 894 79 14, 572 7,662 78, 456 39, 473 301, 077 Females. 343, 281 1,645 430 3,020 3,966 1,521 1,175 822 1,113 11,659 638 3,103 896 2,619 622 1,379 2,545 3,851 1,277 1,579 754 4,053 1,020 823 2,940 995 5,291 1,766 1,408 927 10, 107 6,586 2,373 1,929 3,853 1,574 2,057 93 3,230 3,434 672 15, 923 834 1,286 3,630 1,157 2,804 1,391 1,092 1,789 4,062 5,539 143 13,219 1,422 9, 560 35,446 213 42, 027 2,868 22, 737 6,279 70, 527 156 15, 594 7,394 89, 787 39, 271 242, 803 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 905 151 2,455 3,364 1,146 914 458 876 9,844 503 2,712 809 2,303 515 1,021 1,935 2,956 808 1,326 241 2,329 822 670 2,760 499 2,021 1,320 1,169 855 6,711 5,783 2,103 1,732 2,814 732 1,646 6 2,729 3,175 345 14, 016 492 622 3,363 2,599 1,121 473 1,002 3,663 4,458 117 7,552 Males. 764, 059 12, 441 30,044 56, 920 1,758 105, 894 15, 971 44,581 18, 781 143, 820 1,326 42, 660 38, 149 152, 831 98, 883 780, 806 Females. 1,565 362 16, 794 4,212 4,031 1,806 792 11, 286 17,818 2,137 17, 476 12, 533 18, 895 9,266 3,664 3,894 2,553 3,006 11, 921 1,123 4,694 15, 209 3,248 16, 894 1,549 3,391 5,352 13, 423 14, 388 9,427 8,303 16, 831 14, 846 4,451 1,200 7,655 33 19, 386 15, 877 2,241 40,008 795 2,466 11, 356 2,960 20, 934 9,327 508 2,607 12, 124 7,362 303 9,656 797, 811 13, 498 31, 110 59, 843 1,908 110, 794 16, 252 46, 698 20, 870 152, 848 1,667 45, 749 38, 900 155, 989 101, 685 750, 477 1,268 222 16, 324 4,030 3,504 1,667 679 10, 456 16, 854 1,904 17, 349 12, 498 19, 150 8,913 3,366 3,475 2,256 2, 463 11, 650 829 4,049 14, 959 3,089 16, 620 1,152 2,452 4,843 12, 534 14,4a 9,112 7,858 15, 984 14, 209 4,047 915 6,961 3 19, 258 16, 247 1,894 39, 360 772 2,128 10, 768 2,568 21, 745 8,965 377 2,003 11,934 6,827 241 8, 992 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 615 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOEKION FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PABENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Hales. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 466, 336 489, 094 297, 723 308, 717 311, 552 341, 951 12, 098 11, 472 10, 894 11, 870 1,547 1,628 1,302 1,409 260 262 18, 777 19, 168 11, 267 11,942 9,180 9, 558 617 599 33, 337 35, 407 23, 583 24,436 31, 956 35, 283 1,190 1,273 1,588 1,740 170 168 228 207 138 130 71,111 74, 078 34, 783 36, 716 39, 714 41, 846 870 877 12, 621 12, 881 3,350 3,371 3,423 2,868 58 38 25, 842 26, 844 18, 739 19, 854 20, 579 22, 724 550 581 12, 582 14, 197 6,199 6,673 5,639 6,276 151 142 86, 368 92, 863 57, 452 59, 985 60, 502 70, 236 1,855 1,906 1 1,153 1,476 173 191 79 156 6 34 1 27, 023 29, 569 15, 637 16, 180 14, 508 15, 572 268 193 1 30, 341 31, 210 7,808 7,690 7,605 7,380 347 313 1 75,444 76, 635 77, 387 79, 354 77, 442 89, 171 4,992 4,355 1 59, 255 61, 156 39, 628 40, 529 39, 395 39, 259 796 769 1 469, 975 447, 718 310, 831 302, 759 299, 911 241, 690 11, 063 9,942 1 511 387 1,054 881 1,644 905 17 10 1 144 56 218 166 425 151 45 33 1 11, 740 11, 487 5, 054 4,837 3,015 2,453 206 169 1 1,054 899 3,158 3,131 3,964 3,364 6 5 2 2,604 2,165 1,427 1,339 1,518 1,144 129 87 2 799 712 1,007 955 1,174 914 68 54 2 223 163 569 516 818 454 145 148 2 9,052 8,487 2,234 1,969 1,113 876 28 24 2 6,645 5,732 11, 173 11, 122 11,642 9,821 142 135 2 1,437 1,237 700 667 635 500 35 26 2 12, 725 12, 760 4,751 4,589 3,095 2,707 368 290 2 10, 795 10, 724 1,738 1,774 896 808 32 24 2 15, 009 15, 298 3,886 3,852 2,583 2,277 313 283 2 8,102 7,737 1,164 1,176 619 508 916 731 3 2,315 2,067 1,349 1,299 1,374 1,014 134 134 3 1,510 1,337 2,384 2,138 2,532 1,922 82 81 3 811 633 1,742 1,623 3,816 2,929 237 228 3 2,047 1,656 959 807 1,277 808 3 1 3 8,878 8,797 3,043 2, 853 1,579 1,325 18 16 3 688 540 435 289 754 241 8 7 3 1,750 1,191 2,944 2,858 4,040 2,321 115 111 3 13, 440 13, 138 1,769 1,821 1,019 822 46 39 3 2,275 2,134 973 955 816 663 451 489 3 12, 368 12, 199 4,526 4,421 2,920 2,736 132 128 4 866 645 683 507 990 499 14 4 4 1,329 702 2,062 1,7.50 5,289 2,021 10 3 4 3,685 3,225 1,667 1,618 1,766 1,320 46 28 4 11,178 10, 390 2,245 2,144 1,407 1.166 72 66 4 12, 589 12, 588 1,799 1,853 921 852 32 26 4 1,106 961 8,321 8,151 10, 092 6,709 34 15 4 1,563 1,486 6,740 6,372 6,586 5,783 7 8 4 13, 261 12, 387 3,570 3,597 2,324 2,064 254 209 4 11, 597 11, 097 3,249 3,112 1,921 1,727 52 46 4 1,474 1,257 2,977 2,790 3,851 2,812 38 25 5 339 236 861 679 1,573 732 10 2 5 5,301 4,873 2,354 2,088 2,049 1,639 256 224 5 11 14, 812 22 4,574 3 4,609 93 3,171 6 2,684 5 ii'eig' 276" 256" 5 11, 788 12, 005 4,089 4,242 3,418 3,160 293 278 5 1,633 1,382 608 512 670 341 4 10 6 24,268 22, 916 15, 740 16,444 15, 866 13, 949 393 346 77 1,679 6,508 63 1,404 6,176 718 787 4,848 709 724 4,592 834 492 1 1,286 3,626 622 3 3,361 52 50" 1,314 1,077 1,646 1,491 1,157 948 170 141 16, 254 16, 784 4,680 4,961 2,784 2,581 196 208 6,951 6,691 2,376 2,274 1,390 1,115 31 3U 236 121 272 256 1,091 471 4 4 1,397 961 1,210 1,042 1,781 991 249 199 6,427 6.595 5,697 5,339 4,055 3,652 22 26 2,805 2,449 4,557 4,378 5,535 4, 455 26 25 62 61 241 180 143 117 33 23 1,892 1.479 7,764 7,513 13,194 7,548 77 54 616 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE NATIVE BOBN. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 63 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Michigan — Continued. Mason Mecosta Menominee Midland Missaukee Monroe Montcalm Montmorency . Muskegon Newaygo Oakland ... Oceana Ogemaw . . . Ontonagon. Osceola Oscoda. Ottawa Presque Isle. Roscommon.. Saginaw St. Clair St. Joseph ... Sanilac Schoolcraft . Shiawassee . Tuscola VanBuren... Washtenaw.. Wayne Wexford Minnesota . Aitkin... Anoka . . . Becker. .. Beltrami . Benton... Bigstone... Blue Earth Brown Carlton Carver Cass Chippewa. Chisago. .. Clay Cook Cottonwood . Crow Wing. Dakota Dodge Douglas Faribault . Fillmore . . Freeborn . Goodhue. . Grant Hennepin. Houston . . Hubbard. . Isanti Itasca Jackson . . . Kanabec . . . Kandiyohi . Kittson Lac qui Parle Lake Lesueur Males. 5,744 7,917 8,760 4,225 1,702 14, 253 13, 978 516 13, 426 8,783 17, 395 6,959 1,978 1,406 6,802 1.565 12, 777 1,541 733 29, 057 17, 170 11, 475 9,591 1,673 13, 641 12, 617 14, 302 16, 764 79, 842 4,517 431,118 3,644 2.923 101 2,138 2,033 10, 960 4,902 1,584 5,207 523 2,647 2,928 3.300 31 2,242 3,077 7,185 4,198 4,387 6,458 9,633 6,093 9,238 2,072 61, 161 5,051 623 2,002 302 2,922 353 3,895 1,037 3,260 348 7,160 Females. 5,292 7,386 7,371 3,780 1,480 13, 658 13,324 391 12, 852 7,606 17, 118 6,164 1,473 1,017 5,144 600 1,356 12, 140 1,313 523 27, 720 16, 529 11, 415 9,067 1,329 12, 913 11, 876 14, 066 17, 707 81, 255 4,127 403, 352 636 3,332 2,753 49 1,889 1, 834 10, 423 4,814 1,072 4,936 434 2,515 2,685 3,079 17 2,100 2,867 6,582 4,098 4,363 6,004 9,401 6,840 9,167 1,838 57,771 5,000 524 1,793 96 2,664 332 3,928 964 2,996 270 6,635 FOREIGN HORN. Males. 3,014 2,409 11, 625 1,450 1,267 2,371 2,872 369 7,501 2,567 3,589 1,403 1,420 936 2,066 357 845 5,564 1,040 568 13, 860 9,435 1,332 7,417 1,981 2,383 4,223 1,191 3,992 47. 923 1,493 264, 203 623 1,633 2,102 120 1,269 1,086 4,312 3,299 1,780 3,439 184 1,924 2,591 2,926 41 1,676 1,634 3,693 1,455 3,239 2,331 3,700 3,281 5,647 1,677 37, 704 2,515 154 2,061 315 1,821 523 3,376 2,050 2,342 468 S,861 Females. 2,335 1,985 5,883 1,202 599 2,055 2,463 211 6,234 1,520 3,143 1,172 712 397 1,618 139 506 4,877 793 209 11, 636 8,971 1,134 6,514 835 2,015 3,792 982 3,747 48, 094 1,141 203, 153 395 1,275 1,623 42 769 3,515 2,802 836 2,950 106 1,469 2,155 2,212 9 1,394 1,274 2,780 1,113 2,617 1,915 3,232 2,748 4,754 1,288 28, 658 2,087 111 1,751 30 1,517 371 2,798 1,336 1,784 213 2,401 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 5,565 7,726 8,671 4,204 1,695 14, 212 13, 905 515 13, 354 8,741 17, 260 6, 799 1,972 1,379 5,773 803 1,561 12, 734 1,631 733 28,788 17, 131 11, 389 9,584 1,654 13, 628 12, 581 13, 918 16, 283 78, 270 4,509 428, 154 3,634 2,820 101 2,127 2,032 10, 937 4,901 1,573 5,207 523 2,647 2,924 3,299 31 2,241 3,012 7,129 4,195 4,380 6,458 9,625 6,086 9,204 2,072 60, 313 5,050 620 2,002 295 2,921 333 3,895 1,000 3,258 339 7,150 Females. 5,120 7, 213 7,298 3,765 1,472 13,624 13, 283 391 12, 787 7,586 16, 986 6,018 1,471 985 6,113 596 1,356 12, 088 1,301 523 27, 476 16, 508 11, 354 9,058 1,309 12, 900 11, 835 13, 742 17, 252 79, 782 4,121 400, 948 522 3,322 2,677 49 1,875 1,784 10, 404 4, 813 1,064 4,936 434 2,515 2,682 3,073 16 2,100 2,794 6,529 4,096 4,359 6,004 9,393 5, 832 9,121 1,838 57, 208 5,000 519 1,793 80 2,664 293 3,927 923 2,995 260 6, 626 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES : 1890— Continued. 617 NATIVE WHITE — NATIVK PABBNTS. Males. Females. 2,886 2,621 5,112 4,786 2,387 1,652 2,616 2,332 932 781 9,216 8,971 10,468 9,945 239 175 6,358 5,884 6,113 5,292 12, 327 12, 134 4,898 4,265 1,024 738 518 291 3,728 3,263 512 384 933 818 6,091 4,860 213 149 381 257 13,668 12, 437 6,097 6,035 9,256 9,244 2,134 1,912 786 613 10, 230 9,574 7,154 6,601 11, 684 11, 526 9,731 10, 531 30, 797 30, 623 3,162 2,828 164, 987 145,964 359 241 1,836 1,641 970 899 27 10 923 802 864 714 5,103 4.796 885 770 692 291 639 643 364 304 733 667 568 517 860 733 19 9 756 629 1,542 1,357 2,525 2,286 2,208 2,129 1,317 1,197 3,054 2,708 3,861 3,856 2,064 1,947 2,267 2,248 391 315 32, 035 28, 311 1,276 1,197 462 352 306 293 141 40 827 783 85 68 614 607 150 121 756 638 122 83 2,667 2,424 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 2,679 2,614 6,284 1,588 763 4,996 3,437 276 6,996 2,628 4,933 1,901 948 861 2,045 291 628 7,643 1,318 352 15, 120 11, 034 2,133 7,450 868 3,398 5,427 2,234 6,552 47, 473 1,347 263, 167 329 1,798 1,850 74 1,204 1,168 5,834 4,016 881 4,568 159 1,914 2,356 2, 439 12 1,485 1,470 4,604 1,987 3,063 3,404 5,764 4,022 6,937 1,681 28, 278 3,774 158 1,696 154 2,094 248 3,281 850 2,502 217 4,483 Females. 2,499 2,427 5,646 1,433 691 4,653 3,338 216 6,903 2,294 4,852 1,753 733 694 1,850 212 538 7,228 1,152 15, 039 10, 473 2,110 7,146 696 3, 326 5,234 2,216 6,721 49, 159 1,293 254, 984 281 1,681 1,778 39 1,073 1,070 5,608 4,043 773 4,293 130 1,848 2,165 2,340 7 1,471 1,437 4,243 1,967 3,162 3,296 5,537 3,885 6,873 1,523 28, 897 3,803 167 1,500 40 1,881 225 3,320 802 2,357 177 4,202 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 3,013 2,386 11, 607 1,447 1,266 2,364 2,868 367 7,501 2,566 3,555 1,403 1,420 934 2,063 357 845 5,563 1,040 568 13, 833 9,423 1,330 7,417 1,979 2, 382 4,221 1,189 3,813 47, 568 1,492 263, 996 623 1,633 2,102 120 1,268 1,084 4,312 3,298 1,778 3,439 184 1,923 2,591 2,925 41 1,676 1,631 3,693 1,455 3,236 2,331 3,699 3, 281 5,647 1,677 37, 672 2, 515 154 2,061 315 1,821 523 3,376 2,041 2,342 466 2,861 Females. 2,334 1,971 5,877 1.195 599 2,047 2.461 211 6,234 1,519 3,119 1,171 712 397 1,617 139 506 4,875 792 209 11, 606 8,943 1,134 6,513 834 2,014 3,790 978 3.617 47, 056 1,140 203, 061 395 1, 275 1. 623 42 755 3,515 2,802 836 2,950 106 1,469 2,155 2,212 9 1,394 1,274 2,779 1,113 2,617 1,915 3,232 2,748 4,754 1,288 28, 646 2,087 111 1,751 30 1,516 371 2,798 1,328 1,784 211 2,401 TOTAL COLOEED. Males. 180 214 107 24 77 3 72 43 169 160 6 29 32 5 4 44 10 296 51 7 21 14 38 386 660 1,927 9 3,171 120 10 103 1 68 56 3 10 Females. 173 187 79 22 42 43 65 21 156 147 2 32 32 54 13 274 49 61 10 21 14 43 328 585 1,911 7 2,496 114 10 76 14 64 19 1 73 54 2 4 46 575 "'i' 16 1 39 1 49 1 12 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4V 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 618 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 85 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Minnesota — Continued. Lincoln Lyon McLeod Marshall Martin Meeker . . . Millelacs . Morrison . Mower — Murray . . Nicollet... Nobles — Norman . . Olmsted . Ottertail . Pine Pipestone. Polk Pope Ramsev . . . Kedwood Renville . Rice Rock St. Louis. Scott Sherburne . Sibley Stearns Steele Stevens... Swift Todd Traverse . Wabasha . Wadena Waseca Washington . Watonwan... Wilkin Winona Wright Yellow Medicine . MlBsissippi . Adams. Alcorn. Amite . . Attala . Benton . Bolivar Calhoun ... Carroll Chickasaw . Choctaw . . . Claiborne . Clarke Clay Coahoma. . Copiah Covington . DeBoto..., Franklin. . Greene Grenada . ■ NATIVE BOBN. Males. 1,700 3,339 5,652 2,145 3,627 5,006 1,204 4,600 6,840 2,278 4,155 3,031 2,980 7,738 10, 780 1,216 2,032 7,964 3,057 42, 695 3,392 5,772 8,671 2,558 13, 395 4,714 2,262 5,201 12, 226 4,596 1,785 3,239 5,113 1,519 6,377 1,558 4,851 8,186 2,460 1,496 11, 725 8,497 3,060 644, 417 Females. Hancock. .. Harrison.., Hinds Holmes — lesaqacna . 12, 095 6,404 9,269 11, 124 5,335 16, 168 7,318 9,541 9,853 5,509 7,121 7,874 9,171 9,798 14, 779 4,267 12, 275 5,255 2,032 7,438 4,035 5,946 19, 362 15, 623 6,230 1,687 3,160 5,305 1,881 3,254 4,650 947 4,219 6,530 2,027 4,038 2,691 2,857 7,388 10, 104 1,006 1,881 7,537 2,902 41, 629 3,135 5,309 8,483 2,359 8,576 4,471 1,931 4,709 11, 832 4,532 1,655 2,926 4,326 1,330 6,206 1,537 4,670 7,530 2,363 1,345 11, 823 7,974 2,936 637, 231 FOEEIGN BOBN. 13, 361 6,630 8,880 11, 047 5,231 13, 588 7,356 9,199 9,963 5,306 7,279 7,897 9,368 8,451 16, 315 4,021 11, 848 5,153 1,871 7,476 3,982 5,936 19, 585 15, 238 6,010 Males. 1,266 1,704 3,266 2,916 1,431 3,211 446 2,556 2,596 1,343 2,908 1,315 2,760 2,594 7,404 1,134 725 8,394 2,309 30, 597 1,641 3,392 3,572 1,144 15, 484 2,574 988 2,942 6,011 2,187 1,040 2,226 1,936 1,016 2,405 538 2,039 5,922 1,658 874 5,485 4,198 2,204 5,270 Females. 340 52 39 31 14 183 13 25 53 22 75 33 47 78 102 10 44 15 3 42 200 353 207 81 87 1,038 1,298 2,803 2,188 1,091 2,589 248 1,950 2,053 1,044 2,281 921 2,021 2,086 5,944 696 494 6,297 1,764 24, 875 1,218 2,626 3,242 756 7,407 2,072 727 2,347 4,775 1,917 771 1,770 1,555 651 1,984 420 1,753 4,354 1,265 631 4,764 3,495 1,654 2,682 TOTAI, NATIVE WHITE. 235 29 10 11 5 41 1 8 22 10 41 22 21 15 37 1 16 1 18 101 246 125 28 21 1,696 3,331 5,652 2,145 3,626 5,003 1,194 4,596 6,819 2,277 4,151 3,030 2,979 7,734 10, 773 1,151 2,028 7,956 3,057 41, 862 3,337 5,772 8,646 2,558 13, 240 4,696 2,258 5,201 12, 159 4,585 1,770 3,164 5,109 1,516 6,363 1,555 4,851 8,108 2,456 1,494 11, 690 8,494 3,050 271, 141 2,664 4,739 3,858 6,396 2,858 1,810 5,593 4,201 4,187 4,186 1,714 3,843 2,787 1,248 7,060 2,726 3,466 2,823 1,538 1,935 2,793 4,254 5,256 3,578 353 Females. 1,681 3,152 5,305 1,881 3,254 4,644 939 4,210 6,515 1,985 4,034 2,691 2,857 7,386 10, 101 932 1,880 7,529 2,902 41, 015 3,085 5,308 8,466 2,359 8,484 4, 453 1,929 4,709 11, 765 4,525 1,61« 2,926 4,322 1,329 6,188 1,532 4,669 7,465 2,362 1,345 11, 797 7,974 2,928 265, 986 2,901 4,785 3,693 6,304 2,788 1,217 5,669 3,927 4,230 3,990 1,705 3,821 2,770 910 7,433 2,582 3,434 2,645 1,395 1,901 2,681 4,319 5,312 3,400 310 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 619 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. Males. 491 1,554 1,500 391 1,822 1,746 801 1,851 3,061 884 943 1,367 277 4,182 3,453 399 1,113 1,428 708 17, 234 1,373 1,421 3,600 1,222 6,500 890 1,219 783 3,917 1,741 604 722 2,943 540 2,732 1,591 2,652 758 544 4,544 3,587 632 262, 566 2,181 4,648 3,784 6,330 2,831 1,667 5,567 4,140 4,114 4,125 1,614 3,776 2,717 1,191 6,901 2,690 3,407 2,792 1,514 1,886 2,464 3,665 4,917 3,451 291 Females. 495 1,403 1,397 322 1,627 1,611 620 1,557 2,865 712 925 1,227 304 3,853 3,104 288 1,009 1,287 609 15,292 1,216 1,199 3,485 1,144 3,153 840 1,003 758 3,620 1,670 494 573 2,443 452 2,705 1,517 2,168 446 4,404 3,282 577 257, 788 2,309 4,704 3,635 6,236 2,767 1,148 5,643 3,864 4,163 3,944 1,594 3,755 2,711 874 7,264 2,552 3,384 2,623 1,382 1,845 2,315 3,718 4, 962 3,287 254 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 1,205 1,777 4,152 1,754 1,804 3,257 393 2,745 3,758 1,393 3,208 1,663 2,702 3,552 7,320 752 915 6,528 2,349 24,628 1,964 4,351 5,046 1,336 6,740 3,806 1, 039 4,418 8,242 2,844 1,166 2,442 2,166 976 3,631 556 3,260 5,456 1,698 950 7,146 4,907 2,418 8,575 483 91 74 66 27 143 26 61 73 61 100 67 70 57 159 36 59 31 24 49 329 589 339 127 59 Females. 1,186 1,749 3,908 1,559 1,627 3,033 319 2,653 3,650 1,273 3,109 1,464 2,553 3,533 6,997 644 871 6,242 2,293 25, 723 1,869 4,109 4,981 1,215 5,331 3,613 926 3,951 8,145 2,855 1,122 2,352 1,879 877 3,483 543 3,152 5,297 1,669 899 7,393 4,692 2,351 8,198 592 81 58 68 21 26 63 67 46 111 66 59 36 169 30 50 22 13 56 601 350 113 56 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 1,266 1,704 3,266 2,916 1,431 3,211 446 2,556 2,595 1,343 2,907 1,315 2,760 2,594 7,401 1,132 724 8,391 2,309 30,524 1,640 3,392 3,571 1,144 15,448 2,574 988 2,942 6,011 2,187 1,040 2,203 1,936 1,016 2,405 538 2,038 5,922 1,658 874 5, 482 4,198 2,204 5,074 333 52 39 31 14 159 13 25 52 22 73 30 46 72 102 10 41 15 3 42 195 345 199 79 52 Females. 1,037 1,297 2,803 2,188 1,091 2,589 248 1,950 2,053 1,036 2,281 921 2,020 2,086 5,942 494 6,293 1,764 24, 851 1,218 2,626 3,242 756 7,394 2,072 727 2,347 4,775 1,917 771 1,770 1,555 651 1,984 420 1,753 4,354 1,265 631 4,764 3, 495 1,654 2,650 101 245 125 27 21 TOTAL COLOBBD. Males. 3 10 4 22 1 5 1 1 4 10 67 5 11 906 56 "26' 191 18 4 67 11 4 3 14 3 1 78 4 2 38 373, 472 9,438 1,665 5,411 4,728 2,477 14, 382 1,725 5,340 5,667 1,323 5,409 4,034 6,385 8,556 7,719 1,541 8,812 2,432 494 5, 503 1,247 1,700 14, 114 12, 047 5,882 Females. 638 50 1 17 105 67 7 39 1 4 1 18 5 1 65 1 26 371, 277 10, 465 45 1,845 46 5,187 47 4,743 48 2,443 49 12, 376 50 1,687 51 5,272 52 5,733 53 1,316 54 5,574 55 4,076 56 6,598 57 7,541 58 7,882 59 1,439 60 8,414 61 2,508 62 476 63 5,575 64 1,301 65 1,618 66 14, 273 67 11, 839 68 5,700 69 44 G20 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Mississippi — ContiTiued. Itawamba Jackson Jasper , Jeiierson Jones Kemper Lafayette . . . Lauderdale . Lawrence... Leake Lee Leflore... Lincoln.. Lowndes . Madison . Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery. Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha . . Panola Pearl Kiver . Perry Pike Pontotoc . Prentiss . Quitman . Eankin . . Scott .... Sharkey . Simpson . Smith Sunflower . . . Tallahatchie. Tate Tippah Tishomingo . Tunica Union Warren Washington . Wayne Webster . . . Wilkinson. Winston... Yalobusha. Yazoo Missouri Adair .... Andrew . . Atchison . Audrain . . Barry Barton Bates Benton ... Bollinger . Boone Buchanan Butler Caldwell.. Callaway . Camden .. Cape Girardeau , Carroll Carter Cass Cedar NATIVE BOEN. Males. Females. 5,777 5,924 5,441) 5,473 7,387 7,366 9,448 9,401 4,178 4,134 9,005 8,930 10, 129 10, 363 14,442 14, 897 6,197 6,113 7,349 7, 432 9,949 10, 012 9,020 7,749 9,167 8,617 13, 219 13, 724 13, 301 13, 895 4,86a 4,654 12, 867 13, 077 15, 099 15, 534 7,274 7,156 5,572 5,546 8,402 8,181 13, 409 13, 888 8,749 8,908 13, 578 13, 284 1,525 1,415 3,410 3,058 10, 428 10, 393 7,446 7,481 -6, 886 6,784 1,817 1,446 8,902 8,974 5,928 5,793 4,345 3,990 4,958 5,171 5,408 5,219 5,095 4,231 7,444 6,882 9,595 9,622 6,400 6,531 4,589 4,699 6,522 5,600 7,761 7,824 15, 540 16, 721 20, 667 19, 225 4,907 4,887 6,007 6,038 8,635 8,853 6,067 6,003 8,226 8, 243 18, 266 17, 899 1, 253, 110 1, 191, 205 8,626 8,360 7,788 7,309 7,823 6.740 10, 927 10, 346 11, 303 10, 748 9,220 8,581 15, 967 14, 761 7,197 6,947 6,520 6,248 12, 985 12, 755 32, 217 29, 624 5,254 4,675 7,512 7,066 12, 755 11, 731 5,158 4,739 10, 177 10, 055 12, 847 11, 903 2,436 2,145 11,895 10, 923 7,765 7,727 FOREIGN BOBN. Males. 4 220 19 59 15 18 42 205 7 17 48 76 85 71 78 14 58 66 22 20 24 31 29 95 13 15 215 11 6 21 33 11 40 43 32 30 18 12 31 18 537 374 16 63 12 107 146 132, 128 253 554 590 483 499 422 894 471 210 181 4,580 155 319 388 101 1,039 601 53 295 77 Females. 3 115 13 39 6 19 117 1 5 31 24 43 33 47 4 41 31 7 18 10 8 20 4 11 167 2 3 2 15 3 6 2 2 5 3 366 148 7 83 102, 741 178 349 380 318 393 281 601 358 143 122 3,679 80 255 257 42 789 391 25 188 51 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 5,282 3,730 3,740 1,735 3,529 3,968 5,762 7,282 3,147 4,658 6,224 1,429 5,336 2,888 2,920 3,331 4,700 6,024 3,770 4,160 5,136 2,259 2,931 4,652 1,180 2,392 5,189 5,30G 5,443 511 3, 7.58 3, .528 634 3,061 4,524 1,358 2,657 4,278 4,935 4,115 695 5,765 3,939 2,427 2,881 4,525 1,938 3,515 3,811 4,311 1, 177, 793 8,485 7,672 7,800 10, 019 11,247 9,205 15, 763 7,115 6,512 10, 739 30, 315 4,930 7,340 10, 481 5,109 9,161 12, 154 2,431 11, 497 7,705 Females. 5,434 3,761 3,596 1,757 3,532 3,879 5,878 7,081 3,085 4,670 6,208 1,070 4,862 3,022 2,991 3,181 4,928 5,994 3,649 4,163 4,942 2, 409 2,791 4,484 1,104 2,164 5,012 5,266 5,382 361 3, 704 3,454 548 3,159 4,392 1,119 2, 463 4,183 5,071 4,182 528 5,822 3,965 1,940 2,897 4,541 1,922 3,453 3,712 4,153 1,116,383 8,198 7,176 6.715 9,411 10, 707 8, 550 14, 559 6,864 6, 232 10, 323 27, 561 4,403 6,863 9,521 4,691 9,034 11, 219 2,141 10, 537 7,660 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Contiuued. 621 NATIVE WHITK — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN i PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREION WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 5,264 5,417 18 17 4 3 495 490 1 3,279 3,322 451 439 208 115 1,725 1,712 2 3,663 3,519 77 77 19 13 3,647 3,770 3 1,619 1,650 116 107 58 39 7,714 7,644 4 3, 498 3,512 31 20 15 6 649 602 5 3,902 3,829 66 50 16 6 5,039 5,053 6 5,684 5,799 78 79 42 18 4,367 4,486 7 6,921 6,774 361 307 195 113 7,170 7,820 8 3,139 3,081 8 4 7 1 3,050 3,028 9 4,597 4,619 61 51 17 5 2,691 2, 762 10 6,116 6,111 108 97 47 31 3, 726 3,804 11 1,345 1,024 84 46 74 24 7,593 6,679 12 5,211 4,750 125 112 84 43 3, 832 3,755 13 2,800 2,931 88 91 67 32 10, 335 10, 703 14 2,758 2,859 162 132 74 46 10, 385 10, 905 15 3,313 3,170 18 11 14 4 1,529 1,473 18 4,602 4,836 104 92 57 40 8,162 8,150 17 5,930 5,897 94 97 61 30 9,080 9,541 18 3,722 3,604 48 45 22 7 3,504 3,507 19 4,109 4,099 51 64 20 8 1,412 1,383 20 5,073 4,882 63 60 23 18 3,267 3,239 21 2,186 2, 333 73 76 31 10 11, 150 11,479 22 2,892 2,747 39 44 29 8 5,818 6,117 23 4,545 4,403 107 81 92 20 8,929 8,800 24 1,158 1,093 22 11 13 4 345 311 25 2,343 2,121 49 43 15 11 1,018 894 26 4,796 4,629 393 383 214 166- 5,240 5,382 27 5,279 5,237 27 29 11 2 2,140 2,215 28 5,410 5, 350 33 32 6 2 1,443 1,403 29 488 350 23 11 20 2 1,307 1,085 30 3,712 3,654 46 50 32 13 5,145 5,270 31 3,501 3,430 27 24 11 7 2,400 2,340 32 595 525 39 23 34 7 3,717 3,442 33 3,042 4,512 3,140 4,379 19 12 13 13 9 6 1,897 884 2,012 827 34 35 2 1,303 1,075 55 44 38 15 3,742 3,112 36 2,615 2,438 42 25 31 3 4,788 4,419 37 4, 230 4, 138 48 45 28 6 5,319 5,439 38 4,896 5,034 39 37 18 2 1,465 1,460 39 4,073 4,139 42 43 12 2 474 517 40 670 516 25 12 31 5 5, 827 5,072 41 5, 722 5,790 43 32 18 3 1,996 2,002 42 2,996 2,965 943 1,000 534 365 11,604 12. 757 43 2,014 1,594 413 346 327 144 18, 287 17, 289 44 2,842 2,862 39 35 14 7 2,028 1,990 45 4,501 4,525 24 16 9 5 1,482 1,498 46 1,822 1,822 116 100 61 41 6,699 6,931 47 3,478 3,415 37 38 12 7 2,552 2, 550 48 3,665 3,544 146 168 107 53 4, 415 4, 531 49 4,069 3,916 242 237 143 83 13, 958 13, 746 50 957, 817 898, 660 219, 976 217, 723 131, 632 102, 650 75,813 74, 913 51 7,875 7,534 610 664 253 178 141 162 52 6,753 6,252 919 924 554 349 116 133 53 6,847 5,873 953 842 590 380 23 25 54 8,957 8,409 1,062 1,002 482 318 909 935 55 10, 658 10, 154 589 553 499 393 56 41 56 8,450 7,852 755 698 421 281 16 31 57 14,335 13, 209 1,428 1,350 894 601 204 202 58 6,065 5,865 1,050 999 471 358 82 83 59 6,042 5,753 470 479 210 143 8 16 60 10, 302 9,907 437 416 180 122 2,247 2,432 61 23, 725 20, 975 6,590 6, 586 4,564 3,676 1,918 2,066 62 4,709 4,190 221 213 155 80 324 272 63 6, 608 6,232 732 631 319 255 172 203 64 9,780 8,927 701 594 387 256 2,275 2,211 65 4,924 4,519 185 172 101 42 49 48 66 6,586 6,507 2,575 2,527 1,038 789 1,017 1,021 67 10, 924 10, 098 1,230 1,121 601 391 693 684 68 2,331 2,071 100 70 53 25 5 4 CU 10, 786 9, 958 711 579 295 188 398 386 70 7,455 7,396 250 1 264 77 51 ! 60 67 71 622 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOKN AND WHITE MiBSonri — Continued. Chariton Christian Clark Clay Clinton Cole Cooper Crawford. Dade Dallas Daviess . . Dekalb .. Dent Douglas . Dunklin . Franklin... Gasconade . Gentry Greene Grundy Harrison Henry Hickory . Holt Howard.. Howell .. Iron Jackson . Jasper . . . Jefierson . Johnson . - Knox Laclede . . . Lafayette . Lawrence. Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston McDonald . . Macon... Madison Maries . . Marion . . Mercer .. Miller Mississippi .. Moniteau Monroe Montgomery. Morgan New Madrid . Newton Nodaway Oregon ." Ozark Pemiscot Perry Pettis . . Phelps . Pike . . . Platte . , Polk. . . . Pulaski. Putnam. Ralls . . . NATIVE BORN. Males. Randolph. Ray Reynolds . Ripley.... 12, 983 7,032 7,379 10, 065 8,433 8,309 10, 830 5,912 8,731 6,369 10, 533 7,296 6,043 7,249 7,918 12, 382 4,800 9,443 23, 827 10, 555 14, 002 4,694 7,744 8,672 9,339 4,240 72, 654 25, 627 9,926 13, 895 6,658 7,326 14, 264 12, 897 7,732 8,974 11, 873 10, 045 5,784 14,724 4,567 4,301 12, 275 7,400 7,059 5,404 7,249 10,600 7,936 5,961 5,037 10, 949 15, 248 5,379 5,799 4,998 3,251 6,224 14, 990 5,910 13, 015 8,201 10, 188 4,694 7,828 6,196 11, 961 12, 338 3,434 4,365 Females. 12, 094 6,543 7,097 9,187 8,163 7,024 10, 402 5,521 8,460 6,153 9,694 6,673 5,912 6,739 7,113 11, 808 4,584 9,196 22, 928 8,530 10, 079 13, 231 4,510 7,070 8,303 8,909 4,302 65, 561 23, 129 9,509 13, 432 6,256 6,984 13, 242 12. 125 7,508 8,487 10, 941 9,551 5,414 13, 698 4,490 4,001 12, 107 7,025 6,818 4,561 7,011 9,907 7,960 5,678 4,194 10, 484 14, 183 4,904 5, 473 4,749 2,688 5,898 14,245 5,855 12, 630 7,464 9,993 4,428 7,288 5,741 11, 477 11, 177 3,317 4,036 rOEKIGN BOEN. Males. 695 254 386 399 310 1,149 860 309 205 77 152 337 115 76 43 2,116 1,274 233 1,040 278 248 637 142 386 238 221 331 13, Oil 1,077 1,815 465 335 239 1,589 703 385 532 770 617 59 1,266 131 176 1,014 189 116 770 170 548 395 61 415 852 108 1,020 36 25 620 1,117 505 423 361 94 158 152 213 852 466 30 67 Females. 482 188 264 205 232 799 015 219 130 48 77 233 79 47 11 1,750 1, 048 146 821 178 151 365 107 •269 158 149 246 9,284 667 1,234 340 252 152 1,089 503 310 353 537 455 26 887 80 122 837 67 53 600 113 406 277 25 260 631 76 788 12 .11 495 799 366 253 222 64 107 97 144 603 234 22 44 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 11, 200 6,990 7,303 9,376 7,907 7,119 9,036 5,873 8,576 6,337 10, 339 7,235 6,019 7,233 7,841 11, 471 4,755 9,426 22, 143 8,752 10,527 13,441 4,678 7,701 6,349 9,243 4,096 65, 158 25, 162 9,382 12, 952 6,539 7,092 12,143 12, 716 7,221 7,934 11,482 9,628 5,777 14, 120 4,453 4,298 10, 402 7,362 6,933 4,258 6,824 9,567 7,133 5,756 3,933 10, 600 15, 179 5,369 5,625 4, 993 3,024 5,964 13, 600 5,788 10, 619 7,579 10, 113 4,686 7,811 5,641 10, 478 11,449 3,425 4,364 Females. 10, 387 6,493 7,003 8,528 7,604 6,286 8,651 5,482 8,327 6,130 9,512 6,623 5,895 6,722 7,032 10, 925 4,544 9,177 21, 171 8,414 10, 051 12, 635 4,501 7,033 6,083 8,797 4,126 58, 093 22, 668 12, 547 6,161 6,746 11, 192 11, 942 6,969 7,487 10, 523 9,105 5,408 13, 106 4,363 4,001 10, 259 6,990 6,715 3, 598 6,593 8,891 7,096 5,469 3,266 10, 142 14, 118 4,892 5,276 4,742 2,503 5,666 12, 836 5,696 10, 106 6,874 9,905 4,413 7,271 5,219 10, 024 10, 314 3,307 4,036 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 623 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORKU. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 9,590 8,977 1,610 1,410 694 482 1,784 1,707 1 6,597 6,159 393 334 254 188 42 50 2 6,278 6,059 1,025 944 386 264 76 94 3 8,771 8,017 605 5n 394 205 694 659 4 7,163 6,900 744 704 309 232 527 559 5 4,601 3,920 2,518 2,366 1,142 798 1,197 739 6 7,286 6,945 1,750 1,706 859 615 1,795 1,751 7 5,328 5,009 545 473 309 219 39 39 8 8,129 7,946 447 381 205 130 155 133 9 6,150 5,941 187 189 77 48 32 23 10 10, 009 9,210 330 302 151 77 195 182 11 6,517 6,050 718 573 337 233 61 50 12 5,758 5,646 261 249 115 79 24 17 13 7,051 6,600 182 122 76 47 16 17 14 7,733 6,956 108 76 43 11 77 81 15 6,339 5,992 5,132 4, 933 2,116 1,750 911 883 16 2,001 1,917 2,754 2,627 1,273 1,048 46 40 17 8,880 8,649 546 528 233 146 17 19 18 20, 333 19, 568 1,810 1,603 1, 034 821 1,690 1,757 19 8,189 7,841 563 573 276 178 140 116 20 9,976 9,554 551 497 247 151 29 28 21 12, 175 11, 461 1,266 1,174 635 365 563 596 22 4,417 4,275 261 226 142 107 16 9 23 6,938 6,319 763 714 386 269 43 37 24 5,939 5,676 410 407 236 158 2,325 2,220 25 8,795 8,362 448 435 221 149 96 112 26 3,485 3,500 611 626 331 246 144 176 27 51, 031 44,441 14, 127 13, 652 12, 810 9,261 7,697 7,491 28 23, 277 20, 834 1,885 1,834 1,074 667 468 461 29 6,460 6,274 2,922 2,712 1,815 1,232 544 525 30 11,911 11, 567 1,041 980 464 339 944 886 31 5,644 5,441 895 720 335 252 119 95 32 6,742 6,387 350 359 239 152 234 238 33 9,473 8,743 2,670 2,449 1,587 1, 080 2,123 2,050 34 11,537 10, 852 1,179 1,090 700 503 184 183 35 6,179 5,952 1,042 1,017 385 310 511 539 36 6,728 6,340 1,206 1,147 532 353 1, 040 1,000 37 10. 207 9,286 1,275 1,237 769 537 392 418 38 8,370 7,869 1,258 1,236 615 455 419 446 39 5,615 5,264 162 144 59 26 7 6 40 12, 419 11, 555 1,701 1, 551 1,266 886 604 593 41 4,175 4,078 278 285 131 80 114 127 42 3,814 3,561 484 440 176 122 3 43 8,423 8,280 1,979 1,979 1,012 837 1,875 i,'848" 44 7,106 6,777 256 213 89 67 38 35 45 6,437 6,262 496 453 189 96 126 103 46 4,027 3,403 231 195 116 53 1,146 963 47 5,380 5,246 1,444 1,347 770 600 425 418 48 9,172 8,500 395 391 169 113 1,034 1,016 49 5,949 5,992 1,184 1,104 548 406 803 ■ 864 50 4,861 4,639 895 830 395 277 205 209 51 3,797 3,153 136 113 60 25 1,105 928 52 9,848 9, 394 752 748 415 260 349 342 53 13, 424 12, 454 1,755 1,664 849 631 72 65 54 5,231 4,785 138 107 108 76 10 12 55 3,142 3,085 2,483 2,191 1,020 788 174 197 56 4,902 4,676 91 66 36 12 5 7 57 2, 943 2,450 81 53 25 11 227 185 58 3,981 3,866 1,983 1,800 620 495 260 232 59 11, 478 10, 481 2,122 2,355 1,116 799 1,391 1,409 60 5,057 4,970 731 726 505 366 122 159 61 9,784 9,314 835 792 422 253 2, 397 2, .524 62 6,963 6,294 616 580 361 222 622 590 63 9,879 9,687 234 218 94 64 75 88 64 4,451 4,219 235 194 158 107 8 15 65 7,439 6,974 372 297 152 97 17 17 66 5,244 4,850 397 369 213 143 S55 523 67 9,058 8,757 1,420 1,267 852 603 1,483 1,453 68 10, 752 9,702 697 612 463 234 892 863 69 3,358 3,263 67 44 30 22 9 10 70 4,221 3,898 143 138 67 44 1 71 624 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS : 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOEN AND WHITE 25 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Missouri — Continued. St. Charles St. Clair Ste. Genevieve St. Francois St. Louis St. Louis city. Saline Schuyler Scotland Scott Shannon . Shelby... Stoddard Stone Sullivan . Taney Texas Vernon Warren Washington . Wayne . . Webster . Worth... Wright . . Montana. Beaverhead . Cascade Choteau Custer Dawson Deerlodge Fergus Gallatin Jefferson Lewis and Clarke Madison Meagher Missoula Park Silverbow ... Yellowstone . NATIVE BOBN. Males. Nebraska . Adams . . . Antelope. Arthur... Banner... Blaine . . . Boone Boxbutte . Boyd Brown Buffalo... Burt . . . Butler . Cass . . . Cedar . Chase.. Cherry Cheyenne . Clay Colfax Cuming... Custer . . Dakota. . Dawes . . Dawson. Deuel . . . 9,919 8,457 4,615 8,233 15, 417 166, 319 16, 717 5,695 6,309 5,823 4,613 7,660 8,988 3,677 9,548 4,130 9,824 16, 087 4,306 6,438 6,025 7,524 4,352 7,256 55, 247 2,116 3,699 2,240 2,548 890 5,988 1,782 2,962 2,522 7,494 2,201 2,348 6,201 3, 266 8,024 456, 807 Females. 10, 465 4,727 39 1,148 571 3,785 2,427 255 1,997 10, 208 4,660 6,442 10, 764 2,913 2,33; 2,997 2,456 6,679 3,555 3,992 10,344 2,329 4,639 4,561 1,258 9,624 8,001 4,508 8,069 14, 227 170, 575 15, 727 5,268 6,110 4,967 4,163 7,475 8,234 3,367 9,164 3,776 9,284 14, 639 4,039 6,402 5,756 7,440 4,187 6,976 33, 816 FOREIGN BOEN. Males. 1,323 1,882 1,074 1,362 568 3,480 952 2,290 1,418 5,283 1,546 1,189 3,777 1,907 5,061 704 399, 561 9,779 4,236 30 992 436 3,326 2,012 224 1,829 9,005 4,101 5,817 9,067 2,520 2,043 2,393 2,091 6,052 3,404 3,794 9,044 2,021 3,744 3,868 1,101 1,947 179 422 652 4,048 61, 795 793 180 158 364 78 293 79 27 189 40 178 488 892 192 104 136 125 157 32, 635 Females. 936 2,550 1,111 1,108 422 4,404 600 706 1,719 4,418 744 991 3,575 1,175 7,900 276 116, 017 2,186 828 11 178 892 650 120 293 1,706 1,330 1,771 2,488 943 251 670 726 1,962 1,883 2,563 1,375 631 798 968 323 1,487 110 338 393 2,615 .53, 081 525 106 97 174 44 214 26 19 99 27 120 291 676 121 42 77 74 85 10,461 624 316 290 176 1,283 180 288 367 1,950 201 221 874 533 2,759 119 86, 525 1,873 608 11 117 59 405 96 240 1,243 978 1,424 1,761 652 182 420 1,617 1,611 1,916 914 405 541 732 211 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 53, 874 2.094 3,458 2,174 2,366 870 5,929 1,740 2,941 2,514 7,297 2,186 2,325 5,864 3,244 7,914 958 450, 140 10, 278 4,726 38 1,147 570 3,781 2,412 202 1,994 10, 183 4,647 6,440 10, 705 2,907 2,331 2,450 6,669 ?, 530 3,972 10, 333 2,313 4,325 4,547 1,258 Females. 8,726 8,338 4,360 7,955 13, 605 8,500 7,876 4,266 7,802 12, 569 153, 281 14, 114 5,692 6,250 5,562 156, 813 13, 229 5,268 6,057 4,735 4,611 7,280 8,903 3,672 9,527 4,161 7,099 8,184 3,362 9,140 4,130 9,811 15,964 3,931 6,055 3,773 9,276 14, 530 3,695 6,013 5,970 7,449 4,351 7,079 5,707 7,346 4,187 6,784 33, 067 1,312 1,819 988 1,275 552 3,455 912 2,269 1,411 5,129 1,536 1,169 3,651 1,893 4', 998 394, 504 9,642 4,235 29 991 435 3,323 2,002 166 1,829 8,984 4,092 5,814 9,022 2,517 2,043 2,359 2,088 6,046 3,379 3,774 9,033 2,003 3,667 3,852 1,101 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 625 NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN 1 PAEENTS. PAEENTS. FOREIGJ 1 ■ WHITE. TOTAL COLOEED. ilales. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 4,239 4,135 4,486 4,365 1,944 1,487 1,197 1,124 1 7,902 7,434 430 442 179 110 119 125 2 3,067 3,027 1,293 1,239 422 338 255 242 3 6,885 6,749 1,070 1, 0.53 652 393 278 267 4 6,797 6,316 6,808 6,253 4,047 2,615 1,813 1,658 5 60, 096 58,644 93, 185 98, 169 61, 586 53, 024 13, 247 13, 819 6 12, 535 11,713 1,579 1,516 792 524 2,604 2,499 7 5,147 5,819 4,867 5,681 545 431 401 376 180 158 106 97 3 59 8 53 9 4,731 4,026 831 709 264 174 261 232 10 4,457 4,037 154 124 78 44 2 2 11 6,604 6,452 676 647 293 214 1 380 376 12 8,653 8,016 250 168 79 26 j 85 50 13 3,607 3,295 65 67 27 19 ! 5 5 14 9,083 8,667 444 473 189 99 i 21 1 24 15 4,032 9,430 3,699 8,938 98 381 74 338 40 178 27 120 3 8 16 is" 17 15, 000 13, 600 964 930 488 291 123 109 18 1,848 1.718 2,083 1,977 886 676 381 344 19 5,567 5,557 488 456 192 121 383 389 20 5,786 5,549 184 158 104 42 55 49 21 7,195 7,148 254 198 136 77 75 94 22 4, 044 . 6,864 3,874 6,573 307 215 313 211 125 157 74 95 1 177 23 192" 24 35, 526 20, 456 18,348 12, 611 30, 024 10, 306 3,984 904 25 1,380 863 714 449 844 278 114 13 26 2,426 1,229 1,032 590 2, 523 621 268 66 27 1,460 668 714 320 1,047 282 130 120 28 1,550 795 816 480 1,086 290 204 87 29 557 311 313 241 403 169 39 23 30 3, 655 1,885 2,274 1,570 3, 963 1,274 500 34 31 1,340 678 400 234 578 170 64 50 32 2,357 1,802 584 467 666 288 61 21 33 1,692 919 822 492 1,672 367 55 7 34 4,776 2,968 2,521 2,161 3,795 1,901 820 203 35 1,606 1,063 580 473 591 200 168 11 36 1,684 814 641 355 953 221 61 20 37 4,121 2,552 1, 743 1, 099 3,169 859 743 141 38 2,252 1,268 992 025 1,151 532 46 15 39 3,975 2,148 3,939 2,850 7,322 2,735 688 87 40 695 493 263 205 261 119 23 6 41 319, 894 274, 330 130, 246 120, 171 115, 747 86, 497 6,937 5,085 42 7,547 7,032 2,731 2,610 2,177 1,872 196 138 43 3,511 3,166 1,215 1,069 828 608 1 1 44 33 25 5 4 11 11 1 1 45 943 841 204 150 178 117 1 1 46 475 350 95 85 80 59 1 1 47 2,638 2,267 1,143 1,056 892 680 4 3 48 1,684 1,428 728 574 650 405 15 10 49 126 97 76 69 120 96 53 58 50 1,569 7,773 1,452 6,856 425 2,410 377 2,128 293 1,699 240 1,243 3 32 51 21"' 52 3,201 2,777 1,446 1,315 1,330 978 13 9 53 4,467 3,982 1,973 1,832 1,770 1, 423 3 4 54 7,933 6,608 2,772 2,414 2,487 1,760 60 46 55 1,577 1,300 1,330 1,217 943 652 6 3 56 1,922 2,198 1,712 1,788 409 662 331 571 251 664 182 368 57 143 34 58 1,766 1,445 684 643 724 420 8 3 59 4:520 4,089 2,149 1, 9.57 1,961 1,617 11 6 60 1,543 1,382 1,987 1,997 1,882 1,611 26 25 61 1,478 1,314 2,494 2,460 2,563 1,916 20 20 62 8,618 7,448 1,715 1,585 1,375 914 11 11 63 1,467 1,224 846 779 631 405 16 18 64 3,347 2,801 978 866 782 541 330 77 65 3,400 2,872 1,147 980 959 724 23 24 66 871 741 387 360 323 211 67 372- -40 626 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEYENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Kebraska — Continued Dixon Dodge Douglas Dunay Fillmore Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Garfield Gosper Grant Greeley Hall..' Hamilton Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Keyapaha Kimball Knox Lancaster Lincoln Logan Loup McPherson Madison Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce Platte Polk Red willow Richardson Rock Saline Sarpy Saunders Scotts Bluff Seward Sheridan Sherman Sionx Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Vallej; Wasliington AVayne Weijster Wheeler York NATIVE BOKN. Males. 3,439 7,238 66,441 1,912 3,238 4,098 4,706 16, 905 763 2,246 254 2,117 6,911 6,027 3,767 1,818 2,701 5,922 231 3,262 6,443 4,749 3,445 1,165 1,880 372 3,472 35, 031 4,715 694 836 206 5,496 3,914 2,719 5,997 5, 493 10, 752 4,784 2,064 3,680 1,986 5,168 4,243 4,012 8,008 1,417 8,038 2,910 7,788 940 6,923 3,990 2,657 1,089 1,825 5,943 266 1,472 3,154 4,654 2,586 5,079 781 7,537 Females. 3, 091 6,634 50, 810 1,732 6,368 3,013 3,555 4, 232 14, 669 714 2,030 171 1,807 6,355 5,312 3,360 1,570 2,413 5,365 180 2,978 5,892 4,321 3, 222 '962 1,670 318 3,191 30, 260 4,096 578 717 161 5,216 3.540 2, 305 5,629 4,875 10, 056 4,406 1,799 3,211 1,718 4,872 3,801 3,804 7,366 1,246 7,543 2,489 7 ''27 '779 6,298 3,420 2,343 931 1,611 5,255 219 1,425 2,754 4,336 2, 105 4,662 671 6,973 FOREIGN BOHN. Males. 906 3,035 23, 695 227 1,589 822 511 491 2,695 112 314 20 540 1,818 1,585 601 346 395 1,320 11 1,769 1,426 715 1,355 256 232 156 1,085 6,213 917 60 68 24 1,679 721 467 770 608 2,638 303 1,711 661 2,998 1,551 567 1,248 244 2,462 902 3,721 105 1,651 754 800 254 706 894 20 176 674 1,705 914 842 135 1,532 Females. 648 2,353 17, 062 141 1,169 620 333 411 2,075 70 226 13 405 1,429 1,172 430 219 290 1,065 4 1,421 1,089 548 1,039 173 138 113 834 4,891 713 46 41 10 1,278 583 282 534 441 1,957 481 198 1,267 499 2,399 1, 222 454 952 176 2,054 574 2,841 64 1,268 523 599 178 477 646 12 103 510 1,174 564 627 96 1,237 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. 3,437 3,091 7,221 6, 020 63, 718 48, 893 1,909 1,730 6,888 6,361 3,236 3,011 4,097 3,555 4,705 4,231 16, 703 14, 499 762 714 2,245 2,030 254 171 2,110 1,802 6,895 6,334 5,998 5,283 3,761 3,354 1,817 1,578 2,700 2,413 5,900 5,344 231 180 3,259 2, 975 6,435 5,885 4,74» 4, 320 3,445 3,222 1,164 962 1,867 1,659 371 318 3,143 2.878 34, 228 29, 647 4,699 4,090 694 578 833 716 206 161 5,475 5,195 3,906 3,535 2,580 2,242 5,957 5,585 5,480 4,865 10, 605 9,925 4,782 4,405 2,064 1,799 3,677 3,211 1,985 1,718 5,150 4,863 4,234 3,797 4,005 3,799 7.974 7, 3S4 1,417 1,246 8,021 7,537 2,904 2,486 7,777 7,220 940 779 6,908 6,291 3,987 3,418 2,655 2,341 1,085 928 1,821 1,609 5,935 5,251 266 219 542 451 3,154 2,754 4,640 4,321 2, 583 2,105 5,073 4,658 746 647 7,511 6,947 P0PULATI02^. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES : 1890— Continued. 627 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2. 125 4.002 44. 0.54 1,600 4,821 2,333 3,343 3,959 13. 265 629 1,777 220 1,259 4,723 4,108 2.819 1,395 2,177 4,034 201 1,653 4,691 3.568 2,017 839 1,500 252 1,912 27, 134 3,486 574 715 175 3,390 3,030 2,005 4,712 4,554 7.322 3,793 1,643 2,117 1,112 2,019 2,822 3, 121 5,950 1,085 5,113 1,898 4,285 799 4,568 3,075 1,763 713 1,110 4,451 234 411 2,423 2,948 1, 622 3.800 574 5,465 1,795 3.585 31. 147 1,441 4,270 2,172 2, 928 3,513 11. 348 582 1,603 141 1,069 4,201 3,550 2,529 1,243 1,984 3,477 159 1,451 4, 235 3,270 1,881 698 1,328 214 1,729 23, 111 2,958 490 604 130 3,099 2,695 1,694 4,399 4, 099 6, 838 3,528 1,465 1, T95 934 1,838 2,353 2,966 5,410 981 4,788 1,570 3,891 659 4,104 2,602 1,518 635 999 3,983 192 330 2.025 2,706 1,325 3,472 497 5,107 1,312 3.219 19. 664 309 2,067 903 754 746 3,438 133 468 34 851 2,172 1,890 942 422 523 1.872 30 1.606 1,744 1,178 1,428 325 367 119 1,231 7,094 1,213 120 118 31 2,085 876 575 1,245 926 3,283 989 421 1,560 873 3,131 1,412 884 2,024 332 2,908 1,006 3,492 141 2,340 912 892 372 711 1,484 32 131 731 1,692 961 1,273 172 2,046 1,296 3.035 17, 746 289 2,091 839 627 718 3,151 132 427 30 733 2,133 1,733 825 327 429 1,867 21 1,524 1,650 1,050 1.341 264 331 104 1,149 6,536 1,132 88 112 31 2,096 840 548 1,186 766 3,087 877 334 1,416 784 3,025 1,444 833 1,924 265 2,749 916 3,329 120 2.187 816 823 293 610 1,268 121 729 1,615 780 1,186 150 1,840 905 3,029 23, 585 227 1,587 822 511 491 2,683 112 S14 20 540 1, 813 1,583 600 340 395 1,320 11 1,768 1,421 714 1,355 256 232 156 1,083 6,173 913 60 68 24 1,078 718 466 770 607 2,636 669 303 1,708 001 2, 996 1,550 564 1,247 244 2,461 902 3,719 105 1, 651 754 800 254 705 894 20 176 674 1,703 914 nil 135 1,532 648 2,353 17, 053 141 1,169 620 333 411 2,075 70 225 13 405 1,428 1,172 430 219 290 1,065 4 1,421 1,089 548 1,039 173 138 113 834 4,889 713 46 41 10 1,278 579 282 534 441 1,957 481 198 1,267 499 2,399 1,222 454 952 176 2, 054 574 2,841 64 1,268 523 599 178 477 646 12 103 510 1,174 564 627 96 1,237 3 23 2,833 3 10 1 1 214 1 1 1 14 1,926 2 7 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 170 8 9 10 1 11 7 ^ 21 31 7 1 1 16 5 22 29 6 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 19 4 13 4 3 7 1 21 22 23 "^4 1 13 1 331 843 20 •>•> 11 26 07 313 615 6 28 29 30 V 3 1 32 33 22 11 140 40 14 149 2 21 9 63 44 10 131 1 34 35 38 37 38 39 40' -ll 6 1 20 10 10 35 4? 43 9 i 5 32 44 45 46 47 1*? 18 6 13 6 3 7 49 50 51 15 3 2 4 5 8 7 2 2 3 2 4 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 930 974 60 61 16 3 7 35 26 15 62 63 4 24 26 64 65 66 628 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOEN AND WHITE 49 50 51 32 53 54 55 56 57 58 69 60 61 62 63 COUNTIES. Nevada . Cliurchill.. Douglas ... Elko Esmeralda . Eureka Humboldt . Lander Lincoln Lyon Nye Ormsby Storey Washoe White Pine . New Hampshire. Belknap . Carroll . . Cheshire. Coos Grafton . Hillsboro Merrimack . . Kockingham. Stratford Sullivan New Jersey.. Atlantic liergen Biirliugton . . Camden Cape May . . . Cumberland . Essex Gloucester... Hudson Hunterdon Mercer Middlesex . Monmouth. Morris . . Ocean... Passaic . Salem. .. Somerset Sussex . . . Union . . . Warren . . New Mexico . Bernalillo... Colfax Donna Ana. Grant Lincoln Mora Rio Arriba.. San Juan . . . San Miguel. Santa Fe Sierra ... Socorro . . Taos Valencia. NATI\"E BORN. Males. 17, 976 354 580 2, 124 834 1,049 1,361 903 1,161 804 625 1,792 3,007 2,618 764 150, 721 8,643 8, 522 12, 784 8,907 17, 033 30, 793 20, 490 -21,670 14, 380 7,499 551, 059 11, 838 17, 532 26, 595 37, 484 5,449 21,177 88, 277 13, 507 88, 664 16, 490 31, 894 22, 771 30, 780 21, 912 7, 652 31, 984 12, 021 11, 620 10, 670 26, 046 16, 696 75, 515 10, 211 3,826 3,710 4, 258 3,752 5,282 5,990 1,022 12, 156 6,620 1,833 4,817 4,985 7,053 Females. 13, 079 239 365 1,491 506 736 934 724 771 561 392 1,319 2,513 2,044 484 153, 469 8,812 8,386 12, 788 8,126 16, 930 32, 694 20, 835 21, 896 15, 046 7,956 564, 899 12, 262 18, 133 27, 375 38, 278 5,326 20, 933 94, 284 12, 935 88, 859 17, 139 31, 590 22, 957 31, 065 23, 151 7,605 33, 294 11,721 12, 150 10, 707 27, 879 17, 256 66, 819 9,095 3,022 3,343 2,675 2,815 5,086 5,401 759 11, 314 6, 250 1,351 4,288 4,813 6,607 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 11, 238 90 475 948 710 1,151 963 476 448 489 221 1,446 2, 137 1,313 371 35, 845 1,375 778 2,125 3, 655 1,776 13, 257 4, 315 3,242 4,414 908 169, 760 2,469 6, 162 2,338 6,078 267 1,747 36, 131 1,224 50, 655 974 8,759 9, 350 3,760 4,564 332 20, 192 771 2,541 529 9,475 1,436 7,540 1,157 749 1,144 1,777 400 201 112 78 488 495 349 369 62 159 Females. 3,468 20 131 231 98 339 176 163 86 133 52 326 1,149 462 102 36, 495 1,491 438 1,882 2,523 1,478 16, 503 3,795 2,842 4,602 941 159, 215 2,267 5,399 2,220 5,847 226 1,581 37, 406 983 46, 948 752 7,735 6,670 3,523 4,474 385 19, 576 2,000 353 9,067 1,165 3,719 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 450 377 994 947 114 49 31 31 240 197 121 8 57 Males. 15, 876 239 509 1,964 606 937 1,099 720 955 802 391 1,639 2,928 2,451 636 150, 423 8,607 8,512 12, 766 8,898 17, 010 30, 740 20, 417 21, 628 14, 365 7,480 527, 802 10, 811 16, 683 25, 271 33, 882 5,047 20, 128 85, 223 12, 699 87, 507 16, 236 30, 074 21, 917 28, 139 21, 459 7,578 31,419 10, 540 10, 935 10, 608 25. 104 16, 542 69, 769 8,082 3,685 3,668 3,798 3,732 5,202 5,708 1,020 12, 066 6,264 1,828 4,774 4,706 5,236 Females. 11, 314 124 307 1,326 326 634 737 523 613 561 208 1,234 2,465 1,883 373 153, 221 8,783 8,381 12, 781 8,120 16, 904 32, 641 20, 781 21, 848 15, 032 7,950 540, 794 11,037 17, 181 26, 070 34. 442 19, 888 90, 509 12, 329 87, 606 16, 895 29, 941 22, 175 28, 655 22, 654 7, 527 32,744 10, 393 11, 488 10, 635 26, 641 17, 118 62, 090 7,421 2,906 3, 333 2,552 2,805 5,001 5,155 759 11, 226 5,907 1,345 4,263 4,569 4,848 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 629 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOEKIGN PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 9,139 5,645 6,737 5, 669 8,511 3,383 4,827 1,850 1 187 91 52 33 60 20 145 115 2 272 123 237 184 420 130 126 59 3 1,289 833 675 493 640 226 468 170 4 408 195 198 131 446 86 492 192 5 468 235 469 399 877 329 386 112 6 712 419 387 318 582 166 643 207 7 372 221 348 302 394 159 265 205 8 614 369 341 244 416 84 238 100 9 501 309 301 252 409 128 82 5 10 241 100 150 108 200 50 255 186 11 1,023 071 616 563 749 311 850 100 12 989 656 1,939 1,809 1,891 1,140 325 57 13 1,671 1,226 780 657 1,098 455 382 168 14 392 197 244 176 329 99 170 114 15 125, 631 127, 998 24, 792 25, 223 35, 748 36,448 395 295 IS 7,735 7,879 872 904 1,371 1,491 40 29 17 8,113 7,965 399 416 777 438 11 5 18 10, 739 10, 826 2,027 1,955 2, 125 1,882 18 7 19 6,786 6,121 2,112 1,999 3,651 2,523 13 6 20 15, 330 15, 147 1,680 1,757 1,770 1,477 29 27 21 21, 875 23, 519 8,865 9,122 13, 238 16, 500 72 56 22 17, 532 17, 872 2,885 2,909 4,286 3,760 102 89 23 19, 196 19, 475 2,432 2,373 3,227 2,838 57 52 24 11, 643 12, 157 2,722 2,875 4,400 4.599 29 17 25 6,682 7,037 798 913 903 940 24 7 26 344, 252 352,466 183, 550 188, 328 168, 937 159, 048 24, 080 24, 272 27 8,799 8,915 2,012 2,122 2,441 2,259 1,055 1,233 28 10, 705 11, 213 5,978 5,968 6,144 5,394 867 957 29 21, 858 22, 569 3,413 3,501 2,328 2,217 1,334 1,308 30 25, 886 26, 366 7,996 8,076 5,997 5,830 3,683 3, 853 31 4,688 4,522 359 344 263 225 406 461 32 18, 112 17, 893 2,016 1,995 1,739 1,578 1,057 1,048 33 42, 652 45, 535 42, 571 44, 974 35, 926 37, 363 3,259 3.818 34 10, 939 10, 577 1,760 1, 752 1,221 981 811 608 35 32, 005 31, 126 55, 502 56, 480 50, 430 46, 927 1,382 1,274 36 14, 908 15, 486 1,328 1,409 971 752 257 244 37 21, 073 21,142 9,001 8,799 8,711 7,726 1,868 1,658 38 13, 965 14, 330 7, 952 7,845 9,331 6,667 879 785 39 23, 449 23, 937 4,690 4,718 3,723 3,508 2,678 2,425 40 16, 293 17, 074 5, 166 5,580 4,548 4,470 469 501 41 7,077 6,994 501 533 331 385 75 78 42 14, 900 15, 474 16, 519 17, 270 20, 120 19, 569 637 557 43 9,652 9,572 888 821 769 638 1,483 1,328 44 8,004 9,124 2,331 2,364 2, 538 1,999 688 663 45 9, 953 10, 021 655 614 529 353 62 72 46 14, 290 15, 606 10, 814 11, 035 9, 450 9,050 967 1,255 47 14,444 14, 990 2,098 2,128 1,427 1,157 163 146 48 62, 725 56, 595 7,044 5,495 7,151 3,709 6,135 4,739 49 7,251 6,778 831 643 1,101 448 2,185 1,676 50 3,142 2,460 543 446 741 376 149 117 51 1, 969 1,728 1,099 1,605 1,140 992 46 12 52 2,326 1,604 1,472 948 1,586 945 651 125 53 3,431 2,644 301 161 377 il3 43 11 54 4,966 4,832 236 169 198 49 83 85 55 5,612 5,074 96 81 110 31 284 246 56 893 11,493 678 10, 764 127 573 81 462 78 449 31 245 2 129 57 89" 58 5,873 5,598 391 309 484 196 367 344 59 1,569 1,180 259 165 312 97 42 C 60 4,507 4,035 267 228 356 121 56 25 Gl 4,607 4,493 99 76 62 8 279 244 02 5,086 4,727 150 121 157 57 1,819 1,759 63 630 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE NATIVE BOEN. Kew York , Albany Allegany Broome Cattaraugus . Cayuga Chautauqua . Chemung Chenango Clinton Columbia Cortland . . Delaware . Dutchess. Erie Essex Franklin . Eultou Genesee . . Greene Hamilton . Herkimer Jetlerson Kings Lewis Livingston . . Madison Monroe Montgomery . New York Niagara Oneida Onondaga. Ontario Orange ... Orleans Oswego Otsego Putnam Queens .... Kensselaer. Richmond Kockland St. Lawrence . Saratoga Schenectady.. Sclioharie. Schuyler.. Seneca Steuben . . Suffolk . . . Sullivan... Tioga Tompkins . Ulster Warren . . . Washington . Wayne Westchester. Wyoming Yates North Carolina . Alamance . Alexander. Alleghany. Anson Ashe Beaufort. Bertie Males. 2. 183, 738 61. 835 20, 104 28, 106 26, 695 27, 663 29, 882 21, 102 17, 770 19, 797 19, 616 13, 2.58 21, 722 31,794 109, 813 14. 756 16, 210 16, 425 13, 427 14, 577 2,409 19, 709 29, 126 275, 591 13, 276 15, 815 19, 335 66, 830 18, 842 430, 546 23, 822 47, 071 56, 670 20, 158 40, 703 12, 144 30, 845 23, 898 6,160 46, 208 46, 514 19, 043 13, 685 35, 648 23, 941 12, 240 14, 053 7,865 12, 052 37,744 25, 910 14, 070 13,919 15, 156 38, 066 12, 729 19. 647 20, 375 54, 471 13, 555 9,345 796, 806 8,639 4,558 3,231 9,830 7,785 10, 558 9,459 Females. 2, 243, 065 65, 453 20, 108 28, 998 26,185 28, 022 30, 376 20, 939 18, 130 18, 894 21, 225 13, 413 21, 085 34, 032 109, 715 14, 470 15, 576 17, 241 14, 041 15, 159 1,931 19, 966 29, 667 290, 061 12,442 16, 589 19, 656 70. 759 19, 382 444,812 23, 638 50, 596 58. 521 20, 756 41, 925 12, 434 31, 823 24,440 6,058 46, 705 50, 291 17, 871 14, 035 35, 497 25, 617 11. 988 14, 433 8,095 12. 475 36, 648 26, 591 13. 635 14. 582 15. 630 38, 611 12,545 20, 179 21, 700 53, 909 13, 726 9,778 817, 439 9,602 4,872 3,288 10, 177 7,830 10, 491 9,709 FOREIGN BOBN. Males 793, 155 17, 621 1, 563 2,940 4,307 5,043 7,537 3,296 1,041 4,120 2,828 1,085 1,646 6, 550 53, 539 2,143 3,304 2,140 3, 158 973 297 3,159 5,088 135, 281 2,228 2.871 2,101 26, 043 3,842 317,033 7,672 12, 770 15, 887 3,898 8,202 3,405 4,466 1,390 1,604 18,972 13, 228 7,651 4,583 6,818 4,085 3,171 407 387 1,753 4,094 5,451 1,750 771 1,086 5,769 1,296 3,000 4,084 19, 537 2,140 1,045 2,343 Females. 777, 895 19,646 1, 465 2,929 3,679 4,574 7,407 2,928 835 3,626 2,503 901 1,043 5,503 49, 914 1,677 3,020 1,844 2,639 889 125 2,774 4,925 137, 614 L860 2,526 1,800 25, 954 3, 633 322, 910 7,359 12, 485 15, 169 3,641 7,029 2,820 4,749 1,127 1,027 16, 174 14, 478 7,128 2, 859 7,085 4,020 2,398 271 364 1,947 2,987 4,539 1,576 663 1,051 4,616 1,296 2,864 3,570 18, 855 1,772 833 1,359 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males . 151. 096 61, 056 19, 925 27. 800 26, 571 27, 371 29, 790 20, 676 17, 629 19, 695 19, 109 13, 201 21, 580 31, 013 109, 303 14, 699 16, 183 16, 293 13, 350 14, 254 2,397 19, 649 29, Oil 270.617 13, 242 15, 690 19, 139 66,444 18, 718 420, 449 23, 623 46, 790 56, 166 19, 932 39, 470 12, 054 30, 766 23,781 6,030 44,539 46, 171 18,592 12, 960 35, 595 23, 598 12, 176 13, 891 7,755 11, 964 37, 516 24, 757 14, 033 13, 739 14, 973 37, 426 12, 693 19, 528 20, 219 52, 698 13, 522 9,279 520, 839 6,036 4,146 3,018 5,014 7,487 5,939 3,953 Females. 2, 207, 164 64, 851 19, 9.58 28, 080 26, 084 27, 770 30, 306 20, 551 17, 981 18, 861 20, 652 13, 381 20, 966 33, 147 109, 256 14, 413 15, 550 17, 091 13, 984 14, 831 1,925 19, 889 29, 560 284, 058 12,401 16, 470 19, 476 70, 363 19, 239 432, 192 23, 512 50, 342 58, 016 20, 527 40, 021 12, 348 31, 759 24, 320 5,990 44, 837 49, 860 17, 385 13, 509 35, 462 25, 212 11, 914 14, 269 7,991 12, 383 36, 411 25, 348 13, 604 14,403 15,418 38, 010 12, 502 20, 052 21, .566 52, 306 13. 698 9,703 530, 881 6,622 4,442 3,039 5,203 7,539 5,908 3,924 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 631 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PABENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1, 246, 119 1, 274, 688 904, 977 932, 476 788, 873 776, 819 36,924 36, 977 1 32,844 34, 375 28, 212 30, 476 17, 581 19, 634 819 014 2 16, 948 17, 032 2,977 2,926 1,556 1,461 186 154 3 23, 373 23, 649 4,427 5, 031 2,929 2,923 317 324 i 20, 085 19, 800 6,486 6,284 4,282 3,669 149 111 5 19, 910 20, 416 7,401 7,354 5,022 4,558 313 268 6 21, 823 22,000 7,967 8,306 7,525 7,401 104 76 7 15. 816 15, 732 4,860 4,819 3,291 2, 923 431 393 8 16, 104 16, 465 1,525 1,516 1,030 834 152 150 9 11, 387 11,356 8,308 7,505 4,113 3, 622 109 37 10 15, 655 16, 834 3,454 3,818 2,826 2,502 509 574 11 11, 399 11, 587 1,802 1,794 1,081 901 01 32 12 18, 802 18, 343 2,778 2,623 1,643 1,043 145 119 13 23, 523 25, 197 7,490 7,950 6, 532 5.499 799 889 14 44,015 42, 395 65, 288 66, 861 53, 375 49, 783 674 590 15 10, 515 10,443 4,184 3,970 2,141 1,674 59 66 16 9, 875 9,465 6,308 6,085 3,302 3,015 29 31 17 13, 555 14, 405 2,738 2, 686 2,137 1,843 136 151 18 8,862 9,333 4,494 4,651 3, 1.58 2,637 71 59 19 12, 678 13,203 1,576 1,628 968 889 328 328 20 1,927 1,584 470 341 297 125 12 6 21 15, 132 15,443 4,517 4,446 3,154 2,773 65 78 22 22, 079 22, 335 6, 932 7,225 5,077 4,914 126 118 23 113, 413 119, 405 157, 204 164, 653 134, 455 137, 425 5,800 6,192 24 8,933 8.526 4,309 3,875 2,227 1, 859 35 42 25 11, 275 11, 871 4,415 4,599 2,865 2,524 131 121 26 15, 877 16, 189 3,262 3,287 2,094 1,792 203 188 27 32, 161 33, 700 34. 283 36, 663 26, 014 25, 929 415 421 28 14, 126 14, 379 4,592 4,860 3,836 3,632 130 144 29 134, 457 136, 030 285, 992 296, 162 314, 481 322, 505 12, 649 13, 025 30 13, 114 13, 097 10, 509 10, 415 7,637 7,321 234 164 31 27, 315 29, 383 19, 475 20, 959 12, 760 12, 478 291 261 32 34, 589 35, 671 21, 577 22, 345 15, 835 15, 130 556 544 33 14, 106 14, 683 5,826 5,844 3,892 3, 638 232 232 34 29, 097 29, 800 10, 373 10, 821 8,167 7,028 1,268 1,305 35 8,317 8,634 3, 737 3,714 3,398 2,808 97 98 36 22, 524 23, 043 8.242 8,716 4,458 4,742 87 71 37 21, 557 22, 037 2,224 2,283 1,395 1,127 118 120 38 4,744 4,730 1,286 1,260 1,600 1,025 134 70 39 24, 772 25, 378 19, 767 19,459 18, 934 16, 167 1,707 1,875 40 26,444 28, 635 19, 727 21, 225 13, 203 14, 475 368 434 41 9,743 9,259 8,849 8,126 7,614 7,121 488 493 42 9.102 9,516 3, 8.58 3, 993 4,573 2,858 735 527 43 22, 742 22, 570 12, 853 12, 892 6,811 7,080 60 40 44 17, 797 19, 034 5.801 6,178 4,006 4,001 362 424 45 8,489 8,350 3,687 3,564 3,160 2,398 75 74 46 13, 302 13, 763 589 506 406 268 163 167 47 6,998 7,234 757 7.57 385 360 112 108 48 9,459 9,671 2,505 2,712 1,746 1,946 95 93 49 31, 290 30, 141 6, 226 6,270 4,079 2,975 243 249 50 20, 256 20, 781 4,501 4,567 5,427 4,529 1,177 1,253 51 10, 581 10, 465 3,452 3,139 1,750 1, 576 37 31 52 12, 562 13, 063 1,177 1,340 768 602 183 180 53 13, 243 13, 656 1,730 1,762 1,080 1,049 189 214 54 29, 046 29, 928 8,380 8,082 5,763 4,614 646 603 55 10, 097 9,863 2,596 2,639 1,289 1,281 43 58 56 14, 441 14, 965 5,087 5,087 2,994 2,864 125 127 57 14, 576 15, 686 5,643 5,880 4,078 3,566 162 138 58 31, 161 31, 403 21, 537 20, 903 19, 428 18, 840 1,882 1,618 59 10, 083 10, 342 3,439 3,350 2,140 1,772 33 28 60 8,023 8,415 1,256 1,288 1,045 831 66 77 61 517, 126 527, 357 3,713 3,524 2,316 1,346 275, 994 286, 571 62 6,007 6,597 29 25 18 12 2,603 2,980 63 4,144 4,434 2 g 412 430 64 3,000 3,021 18 18 2" 2" 213 249 65 4,972 5,163 42 40 16 4 4,816 4,974 66 7,452 7,519 35 20 6 1 298 297 67 5,908 5,882 31 26 18 4 4,620 4,583 68 3,944 3, !)19 9 5 6 2 5,506 5,785 69 632 COMPEl^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE COUNTIES. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 North Carolina — Continued Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus CaMwell Camden Carteret Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee Chowan Clay Cleveland Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett Haywood Henderson Hertford Hyde Iredell Jackson Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell Macon Madison Martin Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rockingliam Rowan Rutherlord NATIVE BOKN. Males. 8,173 5,420 17, 605 7,203 8,801 5,965 2,872 5,340 7,854 9,002 12, 500 4, 985 4,545 2,131 10, 012 8,648 9,750 13, 331 3,506 1,945 10, 567 5,654 8.891 8,759 11, 743 14, 149 10, 439 8,568 5,085 1,701 12, 107 4,856 13,661 14, 196 6,776 6,773 6,200 6,884 4,479 12, 275 4,751 13, 481 3,670 7,265 6,079 5,382 4,959 9, 138 7,619 20, 958 6,501 5,638 10, 237 10,459 10, 967 10, 567 5,206 7,632 3,592 5, 299 6,171 4,635 7,624 12, 842 2,919 12, 405 11,837 15, 624 12, 564 11,871 9,122 Females 8,584 5, 455 17, 304 7,718 9,321 6,327 2,792 5,444 8,170 9, 652 12, 872 4,981 4.599 2,065 10, 368 9,184 10, 685 13, 917 3, 235 1,817 11, 114 5,955 9,787 9, 240 12, 332 14, 205 10, 631 9,108 5, IGl 1,612 12, 356 5,177 14, 214 14, 660 6,908 6, 558 6,307 6,958 4,421 13, 145 4,746 13, 730 3,729 7,594 6,500 5,520 5,127 8,652 7,597 21,466 6,285 5,585 10, 191 10, 238 12, 514 10, 062 5, 092 7,305 3,548 5,415 6,328 4,655 7,524 12, 662 12, 765 12, 070 15, 826 12, 740 12, 189 9,640 FOHEIGN BORN. Males. 5 19 207 12 16 4 3 25 3 24 15 1 10 19 60 42 4 14 5 10 23 26 54 14 70 18 3 99 31 11 11 43 5 1 26 10 18 2 15 6 23 7 13 2 161 17 13 34 9 327 4 4 5 21 14 2 3 12 5 16 28 21 38 43 Females. 1,50 6 4 17 1 218 4 1 7 1 13 3 10 n 13 12 21 20 2 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 4,292 3,063 14, 255 6,042 6,157 5,203 1,713 4,217 3,250 7,727 8,486 4,826 2,008 2,053 8,457 5,861 3,476 7,250 2,448 1,748 8,820 4,251 5,700 5,190 4,118 9,504 5,355 6, 150 2,770 1,607 5,935 2,594 9,606 4,791 4,716 6,513 5,499 2,882 2,554 9,425 4,331 9,863 1,948 4,289 4,845 4,488 4,638 8,715 3,952 11, 392 6,231 4,486 6,859 6,192 4,566 4,637 3,747 5,011 2,403 2,623 3,000 2,377 4,107 6,705 2,384 10, 751 5, 327 8,156 7,491 8,479 7,306 Females. 4,348 3, 052 14, 028 6,318 6,506 5,528 1,631 4,271 3,385 8,311 8,687 4,819 1.982 2,001 8,830 5,919 3,604 7,629 2,277 1,608 9,334 4, 5(l6 5,888 5,480 4,357 9,851 5,382 6,689 2,763 1,530 6,166 2,681 10, 039 4,771 4,721 6,301 5,630 3,015 2,405 10, 049 4,334 10, 026 1,933 4,209 5,176 4,589 4,782 8,365 3,881 11, 506 6,001 4,480 7,075 5, 985 4,983 4,574 3,641 4, 685 2,358 2,545 2,952 2, 339 4,141 6,472 2,408 11,072 5,623 8,441 7,647 8.601 7,759 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 633 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 4,252 4, .311 40 ' 37 5 1 3,881 4,236 1 3,040 3,034 23 18 19 5 2,357 2,404 2 14, 087 13, 827 168 201 207 150 3,350 3,276 3 6,023 6,308 19 10 12 6 1,161 1,400 4 6, 128 6,487 29 19 16 4 2,644 2,815 5 5,179 5,513 24 15 .4 2 762 799 6 • 1 708 1,627 4,238 5 4 3 1,159 1,161 7 4! 169 48 33 25 is" 1,123 1,174 8 3,242 3,373 8 12 3 1 4,604 4,785 9 7,685 8,275 42 36 24 11 1,275 1,341 10 8,451 8,654 35 33 23 18 4,014 4,185 11 4,812 4,808 14 11 4 159 162 12 2,000 1,977 8 5 14 6 2,538 2,619 13 2 051 1,999 8,799 2 2 1 78 64 14 8U26 31 31 10 4 1,555 1,538 15 5,842 5,888 19 31 19 5 2,787 3,265 16 3,403 3,518 73 86 60 35 6,274 7,084 17 7,142 7,519 108 110 42 31 6,081 6,288 18 2,443 2,267 5 10 4 2 1,058 958 19 1,741 1 603 7 5 6 197 209 20 8,789 9,300 31 34 13 7 1,748 1,780 21 4, 231 4,498 20 8 5 7 1,403 1, 449 22 5,649 5,835 51 53 10 2 3,191 3,899 23 5,155 5,435 35 45 23 19 3,569 3,760 24 4,078 4,296 40 61 26 12 7,625 7,975 25 9,443 9,791 61 60 52 26 4,647 4,354 26 5,341 5,374 14 8 13 5 5,085 5,250 27 6.042 6,624 108 65 70 18 2,418 2,419 28 2,767 2,759 3 4 5 1 2,315 2,398 29 1,604 5,918 1,526 6,145 3 17 4 21 94 6,172 82 6,190 3a 18 3 31 2, 589 2,674 5 7 3 3 2,262 2,496 32 9,476 9,922 130 117 97 78 4,057 4,175 33 4,754 4, 729 37 42 31 21 9,405 9,889 34 4,681 4,684 35 37 11 5 2,060 2,187 35 6,500 6,297 13 4 11 4 260 257 36 5, 424 5,570 75 60 43 39 701 677 37 2,878 3,011 4 4 5 4 4,002 3,943 38 2,544 2,400 10 5 1 2 1,925 2, 016 39 9,357 10, 001 68 48 26 16 2,850 3,096 40 4,318 4,319 13 15 10 5 420 412 41 9,829 10, 006 34 20 18 10 3,618 3,704 42 1,943 1,920 5 7 2 2 1,722 1,796 43 4,265 4,186 24 23 15 4 2,976 3,386 44 4,826 5.161 19 15 6 1 1,234 1,324 45 4,473 4,576 15 13 23 14 894 931 46 4,623 4,763 15 19 7 9 321 345 47 8,681 8,344 34 21 13 2 423 287 48 3,947 3,874 5 7 2 3 3,667 3,716 49 11, 119 11, 224 273 282 155 88 9,572 9,960 50 6,215 5,990 16 11 16 4 271 284 51 4,452 4,446 34 34 13 3 1,152 1,105 52 6,741 6,958 118 117 34 17 3,378 3,116 53 6,172 5,969 20 16 8 1 4,268 4, 253 54 4,164 4,578 402 405 322 218 6,406 7,531 55 4, 617 4,565 20 9 9 4 5,930 6.088 56 3,738 3,637 9 4 3 1 1,460 1. 451 57 4,987 4.665 24 20 4 5 2,621 2, 022 58 2,399 2,351 4 7 5 1 1,189 1,190 59 2,590 2,491 33 54 20 13 2,677 2,870 60 2,980 2,941 20 ]1 14 1 3,171 3,376 61 2,371 2,333 6 6 2 1 2,258 2,316 62 4, 100 4 134 7 7 3 3,517 3.383 63 6!679 0i444 26 28 12 3 ' 6,137 6,190 64 2,363 2,397 21 11 5 10 535 560 65 10, 719 11,040 32 32 16 9 1,654 1,693 66 5,257 5,552 70 71 26 13 6,512 6,447 67 8,062 8, 347 94 94 21 11 i 7,468 7, 386 68 7,464 7,603 27 44 38 21 5,073 5,093 69 8,405 8,530 74 71 42 20 1 3,393 3,588 70 7,286 7,745 20 14 6 2 1 1,816 1,881 7J 634 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE CO0NTIES. NATIVE BORN. FOREIGN BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. T North Carolina— Continued. 12, 042 5, 924 8,521 9, 592 3,356 2, 875 2,160 10, 7.54 8,655 24, 509 9, 293 5,180 5, 29(1 12, 697 10, 893 9,116 6,771 4,753 54,598 13, 041 6,200 8,668 9,675 3,193 2,993 2, 064 10, 492 8, 803 24, 524 9,921 4,996 5,320 13, 330 11, 777 9,514 7,015 4,736 46, 660 12 6 8 12 17 10 1 9 65 115 89 14 1 43 1 9 3 1 6 2 2 11 3 7,829 5,143 7,105 8,401 2,884 2,620 1,559 7,971 3,144 12, 847 2,780 2,515 5,072 7,527 9,892 5,455 6,088 4,603 54, 331 8,118 5,474 7,271 8,511 2,740 2,735 1,440 7, 728 3,167 13, 074 2,954 2, 422 5,107 7,515 10,736 5.415 6,329 4,593 46,444 9 Stanly 3 Stokes 4 >> Swain 6 7 8 4 58 59 57 10 q Vance 10 "Wake 11 i'> 1'^ 14 30 4 5 1 1 34, 469 15 Wilkes 16 17 Tailkin 18 19 North Dakota . 46, 992 ''0 2,268 827 73 647 6 332 1,772 6,277 1,341 33 2, 062 56 468 639 29 405 14 5,636 759 36 547 1,054 120 458 543 3 264 94 1,512 43 1,284 1.56 2,775 255 1,396 1,774 17 3,526 563 1,805 4 773 1,219 3 1,981 521 2,889 18 4,146 1,979 659 41 525 1,621 607 46 1,001 1,177 367 10 720 2,268 826 72 647 6 286 1,713 6,240 1,335 33 2,061 56 466 631 29 405 14 5,616 758 36 547 1,054 120 458 543 3 264 94 1,503 43 1,281 156 2, 744 t 255 1,393 1,762 17 3,520 561 1,805 4 772 1,219 2 1,978 521 2,887 12 4,143 1,979 652 41 525 ''1 Kenson 99 93 Uottineau 21 ^5 Buford 180 1,298 5,596 1,078 21 1, 795 24 384 5.30 20 311 14 4,750 720 32 415 898 95 453 484 239 716 4,347 2,278 9 1,002 50 317 466 12 300 3 4,656 760 7 165 739 204 387 1,187 52 461 3,393 1,774 11 714 29 208 336 11 194 2 3,315 578 6 84 496 178 286 1,034 128 1,265 5,501 1,076 21 1,795 24 380 519 20 311 14 4, 734 717 32 415 898 95 451 484 9fi Burleigh . . ''7 98 Cavalier V9 Church "^n Dickey 31 S'' Eddv . -- 3'^ Emmons S4 Elannery s"; Foster . 36 Garfield ?7 38 Grill's 3«) 53 'i'l ^^ 56 57 58 Kolette 59 60 61 Stark 615 991 5 1,664 359 2,627 3 3,882 534 901 5 917 305 2,836 2 4,883 615 991 5 1,664 358 2,027 1 3,880 6"' 63 61 Stutsman 65 Towner 66 Traill 67 68 Wallace Walsh POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 635 NATIVE WHITE— NATIV'E PAKEXTS. Males. 7,809 5, 137 7,086 8,374 2,864 2,604 1,556 7,954 3,083 12, 708 2,713 2,484 5,069 7,450 9,871 5,427 6,083 4,598 20, 926 366 57 136 6 168 1,074 2,938 190 24 1,244 40 228 354 14 183 7 1,921 176 26 415 542 50 194 127 31 609 23 403 67 430 108 576 811 7 1,142 152 882 3 407 430 2 1,211 310 638 9 745 Females. 8,093 5.468 7,261 8,490 2,734 2,716 1, 438 7,709 3,124 12, 931 2,901 2,407 5,103 7,421 10, 721 5,400 6,321 4,593 16, 502 716 253 30 115 CO 729 2,373 164 15 1,032 17 155 275 6 131 12 1,597 167 27 310 454 37 176 96 61 26 455 7 358 64 314 74 434 728 1 963 123 722 289 333 3 937 206 518 1 640 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 20 6 19 27 20 16 3 17 61 139 31 3 77 21 28 5 5 33, 405 1,390 460 15 511 118 639 3,302 1,139 817 16 238 277 15 222 7 3,695 582 10 132 512 70 264 416 1 175 63 894 20 2,314 147 817 951 10 2,378 409 923 1 365 789 767 211 2,249 3 3,398 Females. 25 10 21 19 2 19 43 143 53 15 4 94 15 15 29, 942 1,263 399 11 410 536 3,188 912 6 763 7 225 244 14 180 2 3,137 550 5 105 444 58 275 388 170 44 833 10 82 2,078 115 740 856 15 2,198 343 758 326 658 2 727 152 ,109 3, 240 Males. 12 6 8 12 17 10 1 9 65 114 89 14 1 43 1 9 3 46, 918 1,621 607 46 1,001 238 709 4, 343 2,278 9 1,000 50 317 466 12 300 3 4,643 760 7 165 739 204 387 1,187 217 146 1, 086 1, 125 96 5,010 284 1,078 1,156 35 2,334 797 1,045 529 901 5 917 365 2,835 2 4,881 Females. 4 58 58 57 10 34,430 1,177 367 10 720 52 461 3.390 1,773 11 714 29 208 336 11 194 2 3,313 578 6 84 496 178 286 1,034 148 118 831 16 764 66 4,070 177 765 875 31 1,728 600 745 1 382 666 3 704 205 1,865 1 3,676 TOTAL COLORED, Males. 4,213 781 1,416 1,191 472 255 601 2, 783 5,511 11, 663 6,513 2,665 218 5,170 1,001 3,661 683 150 341 47 66 41 6 Females. 63 "4' 12 4,923 726 1,397 1,164 453 258 624 2,764 5,636 11, 451 6,967 2,574 213 5,815 1,041 4,093 680 143 255 52 33 38 3 4 11 18 3 2 '55" ' i 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 636 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE COUNTIES. North Dakota — Continued "Ward Wells Williams Unorganized territory Ohio Adams Allen Ashland Ashtabula Athens Auglaize Belmont Brown Butler Carroll Champaign Clark Clermont Clinton Columbiana Coshocton Crawford Cuyahoga Darke Defiance Delaware Erie Fairfield Fayette Franklin Fulton Gallia Geauga Greene Guernsey Hamilton Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Highland Hocking. Holmes Huron Jackson Jeflferson Knox Lake. Lawrence Licking Logan Lorain Lucas Madison Mahoning Marion Medina Meigs Mercer Miami Monroe Montgomery Morgan Morrow Muskingum Noble Ottawa Paulding NATIVE BOKN. Males. 517 375 43 240 1, 608, 479 12, 23. 15 11 26 12, 14 99. 21 11 12, 13 16, 11 55, 10 13 6 14 13 141 20, 13 10, 11 13 10. 9 14 13 17, 13, 7, 19, 20, 13 16, 38, 9, 21 11 10, 14 12, 18 11 44 029 387 579 271 774 114 492 225 164 206 919 743 898 305 730 190 497 072 806 935 587 123 454 314 088 390 356 784 001 878 848 124 504 987 947 959 286 567 565 089 815 003 410 450 386 243 790 269 744 145 156 847 956 018 347 834 864 187 511 13, 172 Females. 267 24 79 , 604, 544 13 23 16, 11 26, 12, 14 100. 20. 11 13 13 16. 10 53, 13 6, 14 14, 149, 18, 13, 10, 10, 14, 10, 10 14 1 17, 13 8 18, 20, 13 16, 38, 9 21 11 10, 14 12, 18, 11 42, 9 720 071 848 551 375 372 506 461 505 178 012 739 134 827 436 773 196 435 349 164 018 706 099 957 27S 321 339 061 630 935 576 245 615 398 683 014 306 391 857 568 136 829 925 263 917 269 326 575 195 117 269 189 813 767 139 521 832 675 221 183 665 FOKBIQN BOEN. Males. 392 363 20 164 247, 257 209 1,847 441 2,969 1,198 1,405 2,484 661 3,233 558 2,440 929 281 3,470 697 1,916 58, 158 877 1,571 707 4,290 709 194 8,213 952 330 442 537 500 42, 402 1,595 879 331 1,616 374 590 659 1,791 819 2,277 494 1,347 922 1,006 383 3,768 13, 516 520 7,139 995 842 709 1, 250 1,210 818 9,163 152 268 1,370 193 2,904 675 Females. 306 207 22 28 212, 036 135 1,339 3.55 1,864 847 1,209 1,931 552 2,695 494 544 2,179 747 234 2,818 503 1,625 51, 880 663 1,196 658 3,531 544 132 6,971 800 309 336 588 300 41, 540 1,155 636 130 1,345 289 438 507 1,566 631 1,716 449 937 802 938 290 3,224 12, 268 421 5.996 793 638 679 934 1,009 634 5,532 123 186 1,301 152 2,376 420 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 516 375 43 238 1, 563, 539 12, 21, 14, 11 25 12 14, 97, 20 11 12, 13 16 10 51 10, 11 6 12, 13, 133, 20, 13, 9, 11 13, 10 9, 14 13, 16 12, 7, 18 20, 12, 15 37, 9, 20, 11 10 13, 12 18, 11 42, 9, 12, 822 076 564 129 093 496 226 584 159 080 588 959 205 962 693 154 879 794 781 530 699 3.53 252 957 301 883 385 338 548 760 691 525 625 487 227 871 957 185 194 965 942 692 013 176 925 809 675 281 885 606 069 433 724 124 907 723 247 774 287 166 485 Females. 267 23 78 1, 562, 713 12, 21, 15 11 26, 12, 14 99 20, 11. 12, 13, 15, 10 50, 9 12 6 12 13, 142, 18 13 9, 10, 13 10, 10, 14 13 17 13 8 18, 20, 12, 16, 37 521 794 842 422 829 347 570 526 969 151 294 440 408 223 120 730 155 032 135 114 676 517 942 050 515 948 092 316 304 800 178 769 285' 849 594 647 627 010 219 025 274 411 043 061 705 790 373 755 880 208 070 062 587 094 237 715 964 461 777 035 205 102 258 POPULATIOif. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 637 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN 1 — PARENTS. PAKENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COI.OBED. Males. Females., Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 173 151 8 143 150 104 3 41 343 224 35 95 316 163 20 37 392 363 20 161 306 207 22 28 1 1 2 i 1 3 5" i 1, 171, 574 1, 162, 943 391, 965 399, 770 246, 803 211, 750 45, 394 42, 117 5 12, 219 11,958 603 563 209 135 207 199 6 15, 424 14, 303 3, 652 3, 491 1,843 1,336 315 280 7 9,498 9,710 1,066 1,132 441 355 15 6 8 16, 293 16, 464 2.836 2,958 2,961 1,853 150 140 9 14, 374 14, 260 1,714 1,569 1,195 846 689 547 10 9,196 8,713 3,897 3,634 1,405 1,209 i 21 25 11 21, 445 21, 529 4,051 4,041 2,480 1,931 1, 000 930 12 11,381 11, 638 1,845 1,888 661 550 999 937 13 13, 862 13, 999 6,722 6,970 3,229 2,694 584 537 14 6,991 6,932 1,168 1,219 688 494 47 27 15 10, 921 11, 067 1,159 1,227 552 541 792 721 16 17, 026 16, 755 4,562 4,685 2,433 2,171 2, 338 2,307 17 12, 956 13, 367 2,003 2,041 929 747 784 726 18 10, 531 10, 043 074 580 281 234 693 604 19 21, 079 21, 121 4,883 4,999 3,458 2,817 355 317 20 10, 742 10, 89G 1, 951 1,834 695 503 39 43 21 9,897 9, 915 4, 257 4,240 1,916 1,625 36 41 22 40, 214 40, 427 57, 665 58, 005 58, 049 51, 817 1,727 1,466 23 18, 459 17,916 2,335 2,219 877 663 278 214 24 8,629 8,177 3,152 2,937 1.571 1,196 57 50 25 10, 982 11, 030 1, .548 1,646 706 650 277 344 26 7,317 7,111 6,382 6,406 4,286 3,528 240 192 27 14, 450 14, 031 1,903 1,911 706 544 237 157 28 9,755 9,562 497 488 194 l.'i2 871 810 29 37, 788 36, 171 14, 169 14, 344 8,186 6,962 3,524 2,943 30 8,160 7,906 2,141 2,042 950 800 15 9 31 10, 978 11, 110 905 982 329 309 1,206 1,186 32 5,740 5,706 645 610 442 336 5 5 33 11, 142 11, 124 1,196 1,180 528 580 2,027 2,043 34 12, 465 12. 681 1,083 1,119 498 300 238 261 35 58, 023 59, 702 75, 737 82, 476 42, 334 41, 505 7,309 7,487 36 17, 970 16, 336 2,721 2,433 1,589 1,152 193 169 37 11,515 11,391 2,010 1,894 878 635 324 292 38 8,962 9, 238 663 611 328 130 502 396 39 8,521 7,878 2,966 2,716 1,615 1,345 18 21 40 12, 341 12, 688 880 959 373 287 761 753 41 9,725 9, 485 1,146 1,142 589 437 77 57 42 8,380 8,477 1,577 1,533 659 507 2 4 43 10, 715 10, 705 3, 470 3,514 1,791 1,565 101 88 44 11, 385 11, 190 1,809 1,835 819 631 373 366 45 13, 845 14, 124 3,120 3,150 2,273 1,716 604 583 46 11, 754 12, 234 1,188 1,177 492 446 149 160 47 6, l.j" 6,494 1,535 1,549 1,342 936 128 94 48 15, 626 15, 634 2,387 2,427 919 802 993 768 49 17, 770 18, 092 2,406 2,613 1,002 937 238 221 50 11, 981 11,826 944 970 381 288 527 469 51 10, 195 10, 826 5,614 5,547 3,752 3,211 593 557 52 19, 913 19, 079 17, 762 18, 676 13, 469 12, 216 615 566 53 8,100 7,767 1,181 1,119 519 421 510 440 54 12, 442 12, 547 8,443 8,661 7,135 5,995 388 368 55 9,358 8,929 2,248 2,141 993 792 140 126 .56 8,649 8,696 1,420 1,366 842 638 76 5o 57 11, 503 1],693 1,930 1,894 709 679 723 682 58 9,526 9,062 3,198 3, 032 1,248 934 125 95 59 15, 479 15, 609 2,645 2,628 1,206 1,008 602 577 60 9,582 9,503 2,325 2,212 817 634 50 52 61 31, 529 29, 903 11, 194 11, 061 9,157 5,520 1,301 1,187 62 8,700 8,938 547 523 152 123 100 60 63 8,083 8,114 691 663 268 186 60 55 64 20, 003 20, 540 3,284 3,495 1,369 1,300 578 641 65 9,375 9,494 791 711 193 152 21 I'J 66 4,418 4,211 4,067 3,951 2,904 2,375 26 22 67 11, 251 9,976 1,445 1,282 674 419 477 408 68 638 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890, Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Ohio— Continued Perry Pickaway . . . Pike Portage Preble Putnam Eichland Eoss Sandusky Scioto . .'. Keneca Slielby Stark Summit Trumbull Tusoarawaa . Union Van Wert . . . Vinton Warren Washington . Wayne t Williams Wood Wyandot Oklahoma Beaver Canadian Cleveland Greer Kingfisher . . . Logan Oklahoma Payne Oregon Baker Benton Clackamas... Clatsop Columbia Coos Crook Curry Douglas Gilliam Grant Harney Jackson Josephine ... Klamath Lake Lane Linn Malheur Marion Morrow Multnomah.. Polk Sherman TOlamook ... TImatilla Union Wallowa Wasco Washington . Yamhill NATIVE BORN. Males. 13, 774 t3, 231 8,594 12, 572 11, 404 14,356 17, 211 18, 652 13, 331 16. 435 18, 385 11,819 .35, 872 22, 500 17, 858 21, 066 11, 151 14, 287 7.922 12. 168 19, 990 17, 836 11,910 21, 171 10, 224 32. 907 1.415 3,749 3.483 2,903 4,450 6,895 6,184 3,828 140, 787 3, 189 4.234 6, 754 2,772 2,338 4,041 1,748 847 5.781 1,817 2, 451 1,443 5. 565 2. 4«1 1.294 1,433 7,494 7,933 1,409 10, 518 2.114 28, 173 3,783 842 1,345 6,549 6,280 1,931 4,072 5,048 5,108 Females. 13, 691 12, 984 8,376 12, 798 11, 206 13, 843 17, 960 18, 814 13, 278 16, 696 18, 469 11,172 36, 211 22, C03 18, 120 20, 676 11, 023 13,946 7,753 12, 159 20, 090 18, 412 11, 603 18, 895 9,982 26, 187 1,140 3,020 2,917 2,376 3,557 5,169 4,812 3,196 115, 663 2,424 3,590 5,691 2,195 1,694 3,185 1,307 595 5, 100 1,453 1,847 895 4,846 1,914 982 979 6,672 7,185 892 8,929 1,779 22, 392 3,315 732 1,133 5,253 4, 565 1,598 3,444 4,422 4,655 FOREIGN BOHN. Males. 2.028 429 278 1,330 443 1,117 1,585 1,016 2, 159 1,207 2,136 920 6,711 4,767 3,489 2,802 375 830 217 626 1,226 1,516 783 2,528 856 1,826 75 251 137 46 219 497 489 112 41, 053 933 583 1,725 3,992 843 1,213 146 204 728 246 673 178 773 357 118 163 679 779 251 2,339 232 17, 377 480 160 311 1,155 941 84 1 181 1,619 590 Females. 1,658 315 234 1,168 368 872 1,316 972 1,849 1,039 1,879 796 5,376 4,219 2,906 2,074 311 608 153 515 1,074 1,241 601 1,798 660 914 44 138 106 209 257 16, 264 218 243 1,063 1,057 316 435 43 63 255 84 109 43 271 126 50 29 353 368 49 1,148 6,942 280 58 143 424 258 48 486 883 339 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 13, 443 12, 710 8.174 12, 480 11, 197 14, 318 17, 144 17, 162 13, 230 15, 860 18, 286 11, 574 35, 704 22, 215 17, 746 20, 957 10, 919 14, 059 7.817 11,674 19, 221 17, 810 11, 883 21, 073 10, 179 31, 294 1,415 3,646 3,475 2,901 3, 763 6,500 5,818 3,776 139, 376 3.172 4.220 6, 711 2,733 2,332 3.991 1, 745 791 5,665 1,798 2,434 1.420 5,508 2,475 1,287 1,418 7.461 7,917 1,349 10, 306 2,113 27, 745 3,778 836 1,325 6,531 0,273 1,931 3,972 5,047 5,092 Females. 13, 4,58 12, 495 7,973 12, 717 11, 018 13, 818 17, 899 17. 413 13, 182 16, 184 18, 377 10, 960 36. 045 22, 350 18, 039 20, 578 10, 808 13. 724 7.655 11,725 19, 428 18, 376 11, 595 18, 828 9,944 24. 823 1,140 2, 9.36 2,910 2,376 2,944 4,841 4,528 3,148 114, 560 2,414 3, 575 5,656 2,160 1,690 3,118 1,306 528 5,012 1,442 1,938 885 4,783 1. 913 955 943 6,634 7,172 854 8,786 1,778 22, 166 3,314 729 1,100 5,230 4,563 1,598 3,340 4,416 4,646 POPULATION. AND COLOEED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 639 NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN 1 PARENTS. PABBNTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 10, 720 10, 708 2,723 2,750 2,028 1,657 331 234 1 11, 767 11, 528 943 967 428 315 522 489 2 7,334 7,190 840 783 278 234 420 403 3 10, 099 10, 397 2,381 2,320 1,328 1,166 94 83 4 10, 239 10, 092 958 926 441 368 209 188 5 11, 211 10, 980 3,107 2,838 1,117 872 38 25 6 14, 196 14, 796 2,948 3,103 1,585 1, 316 67 61 7 14, 627 14, 743 2,535 2,670 1,014 971 1,492 1,402 8 9,223 9,151 4,007 4,031 2. 155 1,848 105 97 9 12, 770 12,865 3,090 3,319 1,207 1,038 575 513 10 13, 881 13, 511 4,405 4,866 2,134 1,878 101 93 11 8,807 8,332 2,767 2,628 920 796 245 212 12 24,881 25,067 10, 823 10, 978 6,706 5,372 173 170 13 15, 783 15, 774 6,432 6,576 4,759 4,211 293 261 14 12, 938 13, 195 4,808 4,844 3,486 2,905 115 82 15 15, 708 15, 508 5,249 5,070 2,799 2,074 112 98 16 9,828 9,784 1,091 1,024 375 .311 232 215 17 11, 937 11, 701 2, 122 2,023 827 604 231 226 18 7,211 7,097 606 558 217 153 105 98 19 10, 498 10, 393 1,176 1,332 625 511 495 438 20 15, 885 16, 071 3,336 3,357 1,224 1,074 771 662 21 14, 937 15,400 2,873 2,976 1,513 1,241 29 36 22 9,940 9,689 1,943 1,906 783 601 27 8 23 16, 280 14, 439 4,793 4,389 2,510 1,788 116 77 24 8, 184 7,929 •1, 995 2,015 855 660 46 38 25 28, 725 22, 829 2,569 1,994 1,796 913 1,643 1,365 26 1,282 3,289 1,025 2,655 133 357 115 281 75 249 44 137 68 27 165" 85 28 3,263 2,733 212 177 136 9 7 29 2,795 3,468 2,296 2,677 106 295 80 267 46 215 13 106 2 691 30 613 31 5,842 4,416 658 425 484 209 408 328 32 5,201 4,040 617 488 479 257 376 284 33 3,585 2,987 191 161 112 79 1 52 48 34 112, 745 91, 224 26, 631 23, 336 31, 811 I 16, Oil 10, 653 1,356 35 2,708 2,069 464 345 548 208 402 20 36 3,672 3,062 548 513 497 242 100 16 37 4,999 4,169 1,712 1,497 1,645 1,061 123 27 38 1,588 1,128 1,145 1,032 2,818 1,051 1,213 41 39 1,808 1,288 524 402 820 316 29 4 40 3,094 2,355 897 763 1,128 431 135 71 41 1,622 1,208 123 98 138 43 11 1 42 628 413 163 115 140 63 114 67 43 5,029 4,430 6S6 582 542 254 302 89 44 1,581 1,232 217 210 206 84 59 11 45 2,110 1,596 324 242 351 104 339 14 46 1,254 779 166 106 161 43 40 10 47 4.806 4,108 702 675 552 266 278 68 48 2,159 1,626 316 287 265 121 98 6 49 1,140 854 147 101 114 50 11 27 50 1,264 840 154 103 144 29 34 36 51 6.688 5,881 773 753 627 352 85 39 52 7,021 6.376 896 796 656 367 139 14 93 1,218 778 131 76 175 47 136 40 54 8,094 6,821 2,212 1,965 1,977 1,136 574 155 55 1.924 1,629 189 149 206 80 27 1 56 19. 441 14, 598 8,304 7,568 12, 435 6,756 5,370 412 57 3,361 2,990 417 324 421 280 64 1 58 702 606 134 123 135 58 31 3 59 1,050 858 275 248 311 143 20 27 60 5,617 4, 476 914 754 898 420 275 27 61 5,346 3,961 927 602 816 256 132 4 62 1,763 3,059 1,474 2,499 168 913 124 841 84 975 48 481 63 306"' ihh" 64 3,634 3,166 1,413 1,250 1,451 882 169 7 65 4,365 3,954 727 692 569 339 37 9 66 640 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Pennsylvania . 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Adams Allegheny . . Armstrong . Beaver Bedford Berks Blair Bradford Bucks . . - Butler . . - Cambria . Cameron. Carbon .- Center. . . Chester. . Clarion . . . Clearfield. Clinton . - - Columbia . Crawford . Cumberland . Bauphin Delaware Elk Erie Payette... Forest Franklin Fulton- .. Greene - . . Huntingdon . Indiana J efferson Juniata Lackawanna. Lancaster . Lawrence . Lebanon .. Lehigh — Luzeme .. Lycoming McKean . Mercer. . . Mifflin . . . Monroe - . Montgomery Montour Northampton Northumberland . Perry Philadelphia . Pike Potter Schuylkill . . . Snyder Somerset Sullivan Susquehanna Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. 2, 198, 872 Wayne Westmoreland . AVyoming York 16, 021) 202, 307 21, 848 22, 305 18, 886 65. 388 32, 275 28, 055 32, 543 26, 001 28, 606 3, 342 16, 316 20, 295 40, 766 17, 484 28, 799 13, 195 17, 372 29, 838 22, 516 44, 961 31, 167 8,939 35, 443 34, 811 4,375 24, 553 5,023 14, 339 17, 351 20, 187 19, 294 8,159 48, 166 69. 555 16,368 22, 960 35, 127 .32,711 20, 965 24, 761 9,691 9,645 52, 923 6,940 37, 009 32, 654 12,878 378, 294 4,065 11,195 62, 033 8,745 18, 111 5,902 18, 302 23, 282 8,691 21,412 16, 209 32, 122 13, 296 47, 680 7,622 48,095 2, 213, 422 17, 094 196, 574 22, 252 22, 133 18, 929 66, 072 32, 714 28, 001 32, 449 25, 703 27, 148 2, 810 15, 728 20, 291 41, 895 17, 775 26, 996 12, 914 17, 381 30, 568 24, 263 45, 436 31,416 7, 297 35, 753 34, 275 3, 459 26, 201 5,007 14, 428 17, 287 20, 775 18, 477 8,363 47, 523 72, 649 16, 642 23, 728 35, 664 68, 402 32, 705 18, 682 25, 513 9,918 9,685 54, 567 7,022 37, 783 32, 471 13, 146 399, 190 4, 042 9,336 60, 597 8,834 17, 990 4,645 18, 056 22, 393 8,949 21, 333 15, 393 32, 274 13, 437 46, 458 7,697 48, 834 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 467, 459 224 85, 250 1,572 3,417 525 3,583 3,617 1,688 3,777 2,072 6,560 705 4,049 1,780 3,822 858 8.169 1,600 1,207 2,574 313 4,022 6,208 3,811 8,083 Females. 6,874 438 385 03 104 673 795 4,055 81 25, 805 3,854 2, 805 1,035 3,655 37, 629 2,940 4,412 2,936 244 435 9,086 986 5,773 5,933 157 132, 828 709 1,481 19, 092 43 771 674 2,106 3,672 110 2,157 3,239 4,037 2,283 11, 802 347 1,463 378, 261 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 142 67, 828 1,075 2, 222 304 2, 284 2,260 1,489 1,846 1,563 4,061 381 2,531 897 2,894 685 5,601 976 872 2,344 179 2,558 5,892 2,192 6,795 4,046 210 294 44 64 440 418 2,179 52 20, 594 3,037 1,702 408 2,185 26, 474 2,223 2,804 2,534 143 346 6,714 697 3,655 3,640 95 136, 652 596 766 12, 441 445 399 1,629 2,966 70 1,738 2,744 2,722 1,994 6,879 225 1,097 Males. Females. 2, 144, 191 15, 864 194, 618 21,685 21,939 18, 574 65, 098 31, 825 27, 739 31, 361 25, 895 28, 332 3,297 16, 292 20, 068 36, 728 17, 447 28, 694 13, 024 17, 304 29, 677 21, 337 41, 926 27, 598 8,913 35, 286 33, 364 4, 372 23, 587 4,971 14, 116 17, 181 20, 076 19, 279 8,064 47, 996 68, 203 16, 223 22, 858 35, 056 68, 269 32, 023 20, 792 24, 598 9,608 9,561 51, 427 6,888 36, 738 32, 514 12, 808 360, 401 4,012 ii, 162 61, 837 8,742 18. 016 5,891 18, 222 23, 237 8,663 21, 182 16, 169 30, 349 13, 282 46, 974 7,616 47, 343 2, 160, 477 16, 937 190, 824 22, 153 21, 786 18, 057 65, 804 32, 306 27, 709 31,739 25, 655 26, 973 2,791 15, 715 20, 053 38, 271 17, 740 26, 920 12, 761 17, 327 30, 421 22, 983 42, 925 28, 028 7,285 35, 616 33, 022 3,456 25. 148 4,947 14, 206 17, 143 20, 675 18. 468 8,289 47, 368 71, 406 16, 509 23, 664 35, 631 68, 025 31, 906 18, 530 25, 376 9,831 9,592 53, 312 6,979 37, 545 32, 354 13, 079 377, 940 3,989 9,316 60, 432 8,832 17, 942 4,639 17, 979 22, 347 8,927 21, 117 15, 358 30, 687 13, 418 45, 951 7,691 48, 012 POPULATION. AND COLOEED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Contmued. 641 NATI^-E WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. Males. 1,611,478 15, 265 99, 509 19, 375 17, 154 17, 770 61, 042 27, 660 24, 373 28, 302 21, 175 20, 926 2,670 11, 438 18, 525 32, 453 15, 435 22, 087 10, 914 15,241 24, 463 20, 791 37, 974 20, 071 5,642 23, 633 29, 006 3,718 22, 684 4,744 13, 881 16, 127 18, 747 16, 065 7,913 20, 618 61, 928 13, 199 22, 149 31, 410 35, 209 27, 160 16, 046 19, 108 9,243 8,874 43, 485 5,716 31, 309 26, 802 12, 474 202, 046 2,947 9,529 37,708 16, 562 4,661 14, 752 19, 029 8,448 17,399 12, 406 25, 916 9,064 39, 039 7.068 44,732 Females. 1, 626, 610 16, 400 95, 112 20, 025 17, 106 17, 872 61, 826 28, 004 24, 343 28, 855 20, 948 19, 966 2,183 11, 121 18, 6U9 34, 085 15, 833 20, 639 10, 725 15, 432 25, 166 22, 482 38, 892 20, 236 4,316 23, 743 28, 758 2,997 24. 214 4,738 13, 983 16, 190 19, 380 15, 514 8,158 19, 986 65, 067 13, 458 23, 038 32, 154 35, 068 27, 335 14,000 19, 919 9,457 8,892 45, 262 5,765 32, 284 27, 099 12, 824 212, 289 2,972 7, 959 37, 364 8,759 16, 578 3,592 14,720 18, 343 8,736 17, 458 11, 7.34 26, 439 9,072 38,559 7,124 45, 453 NATIVE WHITB — FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 532, 713 599 95, 109 2,310 4,785 804 4,056 4,165 3,366 3,059 4,720 7,406 627 4,854 1,543 4,275 2,012 6,607 2,110 2,063 5,214 546 3,952 7,527 3,271 11, 053 4,358 654 903 227 235 ■ 1, 054 1,329 3,214 151 27, 378 6,275 3,024 709 3,646 33, 060 4,863 4,746 5,490 365 687 7,942 1,172 5,429 5,712 334 158, 355 1,065 1,633 24, 129 73 1,454 1,230 3,470 4,208 215 3,783 3,763 4,433 4,218 7,935 548 2,611 Females. 533, 867 537 95,712 2,128 4,680 785 3,978 4,362 3,366 2,884 4,707 7,007 608 4,594 1,444 4,186 1,907 6,281 2,036 1,895 5,255 501 4,033 7,792 2,909 11,873 4,264 459 934 209 223 953 1,295 2,954 131 27, 382 6,339 3,051 626 3,477 32, 957 4, .571 4,530 5,457 374 700 8,050 1,214 5,261 5,255 255 165, 651 1,017 1,357 23, 068 73 1,364 1,047 3,259 4,004 191 3,659 3,624 4,248 4,346 7,392 567 2,559 FOREIGN WHITE, Males. 465, 663 372- 223 85, 081 1,567 3,411 523 3,566 3,607 1,686 3,770 2,067 6,545 705 4,046 1,782 3,805 858 8,164 1, 597 1,206 2,561 306 3,995 6,176 3,809 8,065 6,867 438 383 63 103 671 791 4,049 81 25, 775 3,830 2,770 1,033 3,652 37, 609 2,936 4,392 2,929 242 434 9,064 985 5,732 5,892 157 131, 761 708 1,477 19,072 43 771 674 2,103 3,671 108 2,135 3, 235 4,031 2,281 11, 792 345 1,457 Females. 377, 926 142 67, 794 1,075 2,221 303 2,280 2,259 1,489 1,846 1,562 4,059 381 2,531 895 2,891 , 685 5, 601 976 872 2,340 178 2,554 5,882 2,192 6,789 4,042 210 294 44 64 440 418 2,179 51 20, 592 3,033 1,700 -41 2,185 26, 467 2,220 2,793 2,531 142 346 6,703 696 3,646 3,634 95 136, 488 596 766 12, 437 29 445 399 1,626 2,966 69 1,724 2,742 2,718 1,994 6,876 225 1,096 TOTAL COLORED. Males. 56,47 163 7,858 168 372 314 307 460 318 1,189 111 45 27 231 4,055 37 110 174 69 174 1,186 3,062 3,601 28 175 1,454 3 968 52 224 172 115 21 95 200 1, 376 180 104 74 449 692 193 170 85 85 1,518 53 312 181 70 18, 960 54 37 216 3 95 11 83 46 30 252 44 1,779 16 716 8 758 Females. 53, 280 35 76 153 54 151 1,281 2,515 3,398 12 143 1,257 3 1, 053 60 222 144 100 9 75 157 1,247 135 64 33 384 802 163 140 88 93 1,266 44 247 123 67 21, 414 53 20 169 2 48 6 80 46 23 61 230 62 37 63 ,591 64 19 65 510 66 6 67 823 68 157 2 5,784 3 99 4 348 S 273 6 272 7 349 8 292 9 710 10 49 11 177 12 19 13 13 14 240 15 3,627 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 642 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.-P0PULAT10N AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE Ehodo Island . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Bristol Kent Newport Providence . . ■Washington . South Carolina. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 83 64 65 66 Abbeville. Aiken Anderson. Barnwell . Beaufort . . Berkeley Charleston. . Chester Chestertield. Clarendon . . Colleton ... Darlington. Edgefield . . Fairfield . . . Florence... Georgetown Greenville . . Hampton . . . Horry Kershaw Lancaster. . Laurens . . . Lexington . Marion Marlboro . . Newberry . Oconee Orangeburg Pickens Richland... Spartanburg. Sumter Union Williamsburg York 43 South Dakota. Aurora Beadle Bonliomme . Brookings . Brown Bmle Butfalo Butte Campbell Charles Mix Choteau . . . Clark Clay Codington . Custer Davison Day .... Delano.. Deuel . . . NATIVE BORN. Males. 116, 948 Douglas . . . Edmunds.. Ewing Fall Kiver . Females. 3,884 9,145 10, 788 83, Oil 10, 120 568, 653 23, 376 15, 777 21, 646 22, 330 16, 486 I 28,245 26, 363 13, 197 9,040 11, 877 20,443 14, 509 24,919 14, 107 12, 366 10, 098 21, 744 10,244 9,591 10,831 10, 357 15, 919 11, 142 14, 537 11,644 13, 057 9,228 24,566 8,368 18, 120 27, 267 21,516 12, 827 13, 476 19,440 127, 415 2,036 4,159 2,845 3,874 6,705 2,680 383 441 851 1,696 2,674 2,757 2,642 2,486 2,204 3,107 34 1,589 1,702 1,631 10 2,334 FOREIGN BOKN. 122, 253 4,353 9,168 11, 049 87, 365 10, 318 576, 226 23, 381 15, 897 21, 875 22, 208 17, 401 26, 996 30, 348 13, 356 9,399 11, 330 19, 769 14, 585 24, 292 14, 382 12, 581 10, 679 22, 355 10, 267 9,651 11,472 10, 387 15, 631 11,011 15, 405 11, 849 13,305 9,305 24,718 8,014 18, 341 27,984 22, 004 12, 488 14, 256 19, 304 110, 338 1,854 3,785 2,822 3,573 5,876 2,422 356 323 719 1,458 2,385 2,594 2,449 1,569 2,144 2,766 1,417 1,475 1,370 1 1,443 Males. Females. 51,07 1,484 4,147 3,277 40. 496 1,673 3,684 70 92 99 49 155 126 1,720 63 15 19 55 25 37 71 42 136 29 10 33 12 44 21 21 49 85 78 4 218 77 55 32 29 55 52, 835 654 916 1,796 1,518 2, 416 907 149 169 1,060 590 2 967 1,249 1,047 609 608 1,933 6 863 772 822 4 528 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE Males. 55, 228 1,707 4,294 3,438 44, 251 1,538 2,586 27 56 76 26 77 61 1,472 44 14 7 26 15 11 39 38 75 4 4 25 5 16 7 13 1 31 3 142 57 30 16 16 32 38,220 501 726 1,594 1,167 1,858 728 105 104 880 434 702 909 227 493 1,362 705 651 576 1 173 113, 575 3,815 9,002 10, 132 80, 900 9,726 226, 814 Females. 7,433 6,776 12, 352 7,164 1,221 3,904 10, 138 4,117 5, 434 3,541 7,068 5,887 8,730 3,465 5,236 2,016 13, 514 3,470 6,848 4,222 5,137 6,638 6,860 7,035 4,513 4,383 6,760 7,810 6,211 118, 257 4,231 9,003 10, 167 84, 985 9,871 229, 051 7,617 6,842 12, 741 6,955 1,261 3,599 11, 469 4,260 5,525 3,422 6,885 5, 82:t 8,571 3,564 5,156 1,964 13, 792 3,325 6,845 4,271 5,257 6, 472 6,881 7,451 4,542 4,513 6,764 7,737 6,035 0, (OO 18, 123 5,791 5,509 4,693 9,059 18, 600 5,942 5,418 4,623 9,099 126,683 109,764 2,036 4,148 2,842 3,866 6,699 1,854 3, 779 2.822 3,571 5, C73 2,679 383 441 851 1,688 2,422 356 323 719 1,438 6 2,671 2,756 2,638 2,468 2,382 2,594 2,444 1,566 2,199 3,093 34 1,589 2,138 2,754 1,417 1,701 1,631 10 2,307 1,475 1,370 1 1,436 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 643 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN == PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 67, 378 1 70, 172 46, 197 48. 085 50, 888 55, 139 3,562 4,085 1 2,512 6,094 7,018 43, 570 8,184 2,890 6, 233 6,996 45, 847 8,206 1,303 2,908 3,114 37, 330 1,542 1,341 2,770 3,171 39, 138 1 665 1,480 4,144 3,252 40,344 1,668 1,703 4,292 3,412 44, 196 1,536 73 146 681 2,263 399 126 167 908 2,435 449 2 3 4 5 6 221, 517 223, 678 5,297 5,373 3.591 2,552 341, 932 347, 209 7 7,288 6.652 12. 187 7,082 1, 115 7.505 6,729 12, 578 6,877 1,153 145 124 165 82 106 112 113 If, 78 108 67 87 99 49 137 25 56 76 26 76 15, 946 9,006 9,294 15, 166 15, 283 15, 766 9, O.'iS 9,134 15, 253 16, 141 8 9 10 11 12 3.804 7.892 4, 003 5,382 3,508 3, 504 8,977 4,115 5,471 3,384 100 2,246 114 52 33 95 2 492 145 54 38 124 1,688 62 15 18 60 1,469 43 14 6 24, 343 16, 257 9,081 3,606 8,337 23, 393 18, 882 9,097 3.874 7,909 13 14 15 16 17 0,998 5,847 8,690 3.318 5,151 6,809 5, 790 8,540 3,451 5,067 70 40 40 147 85 76 33 31 113 89 53 24 31 71 51 26 15 8 39 28 13, 377 8, 623 16, 195 10, 642 7,131 12, 884 8,762 15, 724 10, 818 7,425 18 19 20 21 22 1,941 13. 320 3,435 6,829 4,156 1,901 13, 587 3,293 6,826 4,203 75 194 35 19 66 63 205 32 19 68 40 135 28 9 32 33 75 4 4 25 8,084 8, 231 6,775 2,744 6,610 8.720 8,563 6,942 2,806 7,201 23 24 25 26 27 5,116 6,573 6,827 6,968 4,480 5,234 6,436 6,854 7,382 4,499 21 65 33 67 33 23 36 27 69 43 12 43 21 20 6 5 16 7 13 1 5,220 9, 282 4,282 7,503 7,131 5,130 9,159 4, 130 7,954 7,307 28 29 30 31 32 4,304 6,636 7,688 6,166 5,424 4,453 6.624 7,642 6.003 5,506 79 124 122 45 332 60 140 95 32 324 47 85 78 4 212 23 69 29 3 135 8,676 2,468 16, 756 2,157 12, 370 8. 792 2.541 16. 983 1,979 12,518 33 34 35 36 37 17, 985 5,700 5, 459 4,660 8,933 18, 479 5,855 5,369 4,599 8,983 138 91 50 33 126 121 87 49 24 116 77 54 30 27 55 57 26 16 12 32 9,144 15, 726 7,320 8,785 10, 381 9,384 16, 060 7,070 9,637 10. 205 38 39 40 41 42 69, 334 57, 898 57,349 51, 866 52,648 38, 195 919 599 43 1,073 2,812 1,067 1,828 3,783 1,032 2,584 954 1,637 3,308 963 1,336 1,775 2,038 2,916 822 1,195 1,868 1.934 2,565 654 915 1,796 1,516 2,410 501 726 1,594 1,166 1,856 44 45 46 12 3 10 12 6 3 5 47 48 1,415 174 293 279 1,105 2 1,632 1,253 1,406 1,785 1,227 158 207 213 956 1,264 209 148 572 583 4 1,039 1,503 1,232 683 1,195 198 116 506 482 907 149 169 1,060 590 2 967 1,249 1,047 607 728 105 104 880 434 1 49 50 51 1 59 8 20 53 54 55 ■16 i,436 1,152 1,275 1,153 946 1,442 1,169 413 702 909 899 226 3 1 4 20 3"' 5 4 57 58 1,.398 1.445 27 . 585 850 928 7 1,734 1,272 1,242 801 1,648 7 . 1,054 851 703 3 . 573 1 866 1,512 608 1,933 6 . 863 772 822 4 527 493 1,362 5 14 6 12 59 60 61 62 482 713 770 1 1,163 935 762 600 705 651 576 1 173 1 . 63 64 1 1 65 66 273 28 1 7-1 644 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 eo 61 62 63 64 65 66 South Dakota— Continued. Paulk Grant Gregory Hamlin Hand Hanson Harding Hughes Hutchinson . Hyde Jackson - - . Jerauld, Kingsbury- Lake Lawrence.. Lincoln Lyman McCook MoPherson . Marshall — Martin Meade Miner Minnehaha . Moody Nowlin Pennington. Potter Pratt Presho Pyatt.... Koberts., Sanborn. Scobey.. Spink... Stanley. . Sterling. Sully.-.. Todd.... Turner.. Union Walworth . . . Washington . Tankton Ziebach Tennessee Anderson. Bedford... Benton . . . Bledsoe . - Blount Bradley . . Campbell . Cannon . . . Carroll — Carter Cheatham Chester Claiborne. Clay Cocke NATIVE BOBN. Males. Coft'ee Crockett Cumberland . Davidson — Decatur 1,607 2,613 145 1, 512 2,860 1,843 84 2,206 3, 2.50 752 23 1,527 3,368 2,957 4,554 3,533 122 2,624 1,268 1,869 3 2,115 2,087 8,276 2,411 71 3,202 1, 195 15 73 12 786 1,960 30 4,554 520 45 1,092 80 3,429 3,499 731 33 3,289 344 879, 361 7,649 12,368 5,616 3,155 8,790 6,546 6,917 6,216 11, 790 6,812 4,478 4,453 7,764 3,591 8,177 6,784 7, .539 2,668 50, 741 4,535 Females. 1,485 2,290 96 1,410 2,577 1,559 62 1,924 3,096 679 4 1, 3.52 3,010 2,747 2,951 3,183 73 2,327 1,170 1,473 1,413 1,845 7,113 2,203 48 2,155 1,022 2 54 17 694 1,841 FOREIGN BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 3,961 45 799 41 3,275 3, 316 570 6 3,226 70 868, 128 7,261 12, 324 5,585 2,972 8,744 6,990 6,471 5,975 11,792 6,563 4, 3.55 4,582 7,325 3,667 8,337 6,942 7,586 2,632 52, 924 4,444 Males. 559 1,072 38 969 664 499 14 542 2,171 234 3 412 1,239 1,026 3,097 1,391 20 837 1,872 712 Females. 807 751 23 867 421 4 35 2 305 474 2 1,196 121 4 326 46 1,932 1,339 495 2,153 74 12, 224 141 28 21 2 33 45 73 4 36 11 10 58 16 46 2,485 9 411 839 16 734 445 366 7 372 ,952 195 314 945 778 1,071 1,036 18 660 1,630 490 305 539 2,682 576 7 316 272 2 19 3 212 335 870 38 2 195 21 1, 620 976 357 1 1,776 22 7,805 77 19 8 5 22 26 25 2 12 3 2 25 5 1 43 5 30 2,024 7 Males. 1,607 2,612 86 1,511 2,860 1,843 84 2,195 3,249 751 23 1,527 3,361 2,956 4,513 3,532 120 2,624 1,268 1,864 3 2,093 2,086 8,246 2,341 67 3,102 1,195 15 73 786 1,958 30 4,553 321 20 1,089 79 3,429 3,498 731 33 3,260 344 665, 815 Females. 6,956 9,324 5,293 2,879 8,034 5,739 6,618 5,734 8,988 6,433 3,699 3,578 7,484 3,403 7,548 5,993 5,525 2,641 31, 341 3,869 1,485 2,290 46 1,410 2,577 1,559 62 1,913 3,096 679 4 1,352 3,004 2,747 2,924 3,183 73 2,327 1,170 1,471 4 1,397 1,842 7,084 2,126 44 2,144 1,022 2 54 694 1,840 3,960 155 18 795 40 3,275 3,316 570 6 3,192 650, 923 6,762 9,171 5,291 2,748 7,923 6,025 6, 211 5,504 8,930 6,245 3,605 3,686 7,086 3,481 7,654 6,012 5,415 2,609 31, 025 3,806 POPULATIO]^. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 645 NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE PARENTS. Males. 987 1,217 62 592 1,948 1,042 70 1.57.5 1,059 484 15 954 1.887 1,513 2,749 1,857 72 1,243 458 1,068 3 1,449 1.121 4,309 ..,207 51 2,190 749 428 1,332 22 2,788 219 13 765 27 1,297 1,734 367 28 1,231 277 648, 906 6,813 9,258 5,252 2,861 7,959 5.656 6,534 5,719 8,924 6,408 3,687 3,562 7,466 3,396 7,528 5,898 5,474 2,569 27, 798 3,839 Females. 34 1,537 618 1 20 7 360 1,181 2,383 106 14 598 17 1,200 1,613 297 4 1,195 55 634, 575 876 1,059 26 500 1,764 842 54 1,299 1,010 426 4 853 1,622 1,375 1,539 1,629 32 1,054 398 818 4 928 919 3,600 1,092 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. 6,631 9,116 5,257 2,741 7,857 5,946 6,144 5,490 8,881 6,222 3,587 3,679 7,063 3,471 7,633 5,931 5,377 2,527 27, 321 3,784 620 1,395 24 919 912 801 14 620 2,190 267 573 1,474 1,443 1,764 1,675 48 1,381 810 796 644 965 3,937 1,134 16 912 446 7 43 3 358 626 8 1,765 102 7 324 52 2,132 1,764 364 5 2,029 67 16, 909 143 66 41 18 75 83 84 15 64 25 12 16 18 7 20 95 51 72 3,543 SO FOREIGN WHITE. Females. 609 1,231 20 910 813 717 8 614 2,086 253 499 1.382 1.372 1,385 1,554 41 1,273 772 653 469 923 3,484 1,034 10 607 404 1 34 334 659 1,577 49 4 197 23 2,075 1,703 273 2 1,997 14 16, 348 Males. 131 55 34 7 79 67 14 49 23 18 7 23 10 21 81 38 82 3,704 22 559 1,071 38 969 664 499 14 535 2,171 234 3 412 1.239 1,026 2.964 1.389 20 837 1,871 712 Females. 802 094 ;, 805 751 23 848 420 4 35 305 474 2 1,196 121 4 326 45 1,932 1,339 495 411 839 16 734 445 366 7 370 ,952 195 TOTAL COLORED. Males. 314 945 778 1,055 1,035 18 660 1,630 490 304 539 2,682 576 7 316 272 2 19 3 212 335 7 1 174 3 2 27 1 33 70 4 119 1 ,151 74 12,124 141 28 21 2 32 43 73 4 36 11 10 9 56 16 45 2,458 9 870 38 2 195 21 1,620 976 357 1 1,775 22 7,775 77 19 8 5 22 26 25 2 12 3 2 20 5 199 25 3 2 213, 646 1 43 4 30 2,022 7 693 3,044 323 276 757 809 299 482 2, 802 379 779 875 280 188 629 793 2,014 28 19, 427 Females. 50 13 17 3 29 77 4 11 194 27 4 1 35 1 217, 235 499 3,153 294 224 821 965 260 471 2,862 318 750 901 239 180 683 930 2,172 23 21, 901 638 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 646 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l(i 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 10 41 42 43 44 45 Tennessee — Continued. Dekalb Dickson Dyer Fayette Fentress 46 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Franklin. Gibson. .. Giles .... Grainger Greene .. Grundy Hamblen . . Hamilton. . Hancock. . . Hardeman . Hardin Hawkins . . Haywood.. Henderson Henry Hickman — Houston Humphreys . Jackson James Jefferson . . . Jolmson Knox Lake Lauderdale . Lawrence. Lewis . . . . Lincoln Loudon... McMinn . . McNairy . Macon Madison.. Marion . . . Marshall . Maury Meigs Monroe Montgomery. Moore Morgan . Obion... Overton Perry — Pickett . Polk Putnam . . . Rhea Koane Robertson . Rutherford . Scott Sequatchie . Sevier Shelby. -- Smith ... Stewart . . Sullivan . NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. Sumner Tipton Trousdale . Unicoi TJnioiL Van Buren . . "Warreu Washington . 7,848 6,919 10, 158 14, 560 2,630 9,377 18, 184 17, 428 6,522 13, 355 3,191 5,636 26, 853 5.173 10, 475 8,894 11,016 11, 559 8,264 10, 492 7,320 2,742 5,885 6, 792 2,455 8.169 4, 374 29,397 2,867 9,643 6,087 1,292 13, 609 4,590 8,818 7,778 5,557 14, 923 8, 026 9,413 18, 592 3, 422 7,685 14, 666 2,998 3,919 14, 226 5,920 3,933 2,356 4.364 6,973 6,332 8,937 10, 351 17, 350 4,984 1.573 9,286 53,511 9,235 6,151 10, 409 11, 764 12, 504 2,893 2,473 5,806 1,452 7,077 10, 257 FOREIGN BORN. 7,792 6,637 9,667 14, 263 2,458 9,252 17, .525 17,469 6,664 13, 213 2,924 5.766 24, 533 5,167 10. 498 8,789 11, 209 11, 927 S, 055 10, 514 7, 142 2,604 5, 722 6, 522 2,442 8,294 4,476 28, 775 2.408 9,039 5, 826 1,259 13, 716 4, 653 9,032 7,697 5, 310 15, 280 7, 102 9,483 19, 375 3,503 7,620 14, 763 2,971 3,503 12, 940 6,113 3,835 2,380 3,947 6,705 6,120 8,313 9,663 17, 679 4,625 1, 452 9,466 53, 301 9, 152 5,978 10, 401 11,815 11, 642 2,951 2, 120 5,647 1,409 7,272 10, 009 Males. 5 52 46 42 82 169 111 37 8 34 149 12 1,259 2 35 12 16 45 13 24 30 27 64 11 5 804 22 58 201 2 42 10 Females. 24 5 193 192 99 3 18 167 134 83 4 12 36 5 130 114 37 51 111 1 6 3,685 13 39 47 62 5 37 7 13 56 131 39 23 2 12 TOTAL N.VTIVE WHITE. 83 81 21 3 5 27 4 10 1 581 7 16 172 2 15 5 18 101 91 2 101 83 24 1 2 5 i 65 54 27 17 74 1 3 2,243 4 25 24 21 Males. Females. 7,292 5,878 7,780 4,201 2,606 13, 468 11, 332 6,183 12, 580 2, 840 4, 906 17, 585 4,808 6,118 9,864 3,954 7,058 7.598 5,938 2,312 5,114 6, 559 2,172 7,112 4, 201 23, 942 2,263 5.652 1,153 10, 530 3,893 7,750 6,838 5,159 7.864 6, 609 7, 242 10, 949 3,059 7,030 7, 942 2,715 3,680 12, 013 5,795 3,607 2,348 3,970 6,624 5,393 7,863 7,533 10, 295 4,748 1,537 8,974 23, 364 7,763 5,042 9,687 6,455 2, 028 2,303 5,754 1,415 6,105 9.240 7,189 5,578 7,352 4,130 2,436 7,393 12, 907 11, 243 6.317 12, 468 2, 837 4,976 16, 084 4,805 0,069 7, 593 10, 062 3,964 6,896 7,585 5,780 2,207 4,931 6,275 2,184 7,195 4,299 23, 287 1,933 5,222 5,452 1,144 10, 538 3,918 7,972 6,757 4,932 7,668 6,140 7,161 11, 108 3,167 7,016 7,075 2,714 3,410 10, 820 5,974 3,491 2,376 3,765 6,432 5,333 7.449 6,955 10, 321 4,495 1,415 9, 179 21, 840 7,643 4,909 9, 723 8,528 5, 927 1,989 2,071 5,595 1, 377 6. 233 9,030 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 647 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOEBION = PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. remales. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 7,266 7,173 26 16 5 5 556 603 1 5,756 5,463 122 115 52 36 1,041 1,060 2 7,700 7,278 80 74 46 7 2,378 2, 315 3 4, HO 2,547 4,074 2,392 61 59 56 44 42 82 13 56 10, 359 24 10, 133 22 4 5 7,406 7,165 260 228 169 131 1.711 1,859 6 13, 310 12, 772 158 135 110 37 4,717 4, 620 7 11, 246 6,166 11, 179 6,303 86 17 64 14 37 8 23 2 6,096 ' 339 6,226 347 8 9 12, 513 12, 405 67 63 34 12 775 745 10 2, 662 2,677 178 160 149 81 351 87 11 4,872 4,944 34 32 12 4 730 790 12 16, 074 14, 617 1,511 1,467 1,245 833 9,282 8,453 13 4,800 6,022 4,800 5,989 8 96 5 80 2 35 365 4,357 362 4, 4.30 14 15 26" 7,653 7.569 36 24 12 3 1,205 1, 196 16 9,813 10, 018 51 44 16 5 1,152 1, 147 17 3,872 3,887 82 77 45 26 7,605 7,964 18 6,996 6,866 62 30 13 4 1,206 1,159 19 7,543 7,537 55 48 24 10 2,894 2,959 20 5,896 5,737 42 43 80 7 1,382 1,362 21 2,245 2,123 67 84 27 17 4.30 397 22 4,969 4,821 145 110 64 49 771 791 23 6,548 2,1S7 6,270 2,170 11 15 5 14 11 5 233 283 247 258 24 25 i' 7,080 7,174 32 21 7 8 1,057 1,099 26 4,193 22, 784 4,289 22, 159 8 1,158 10 1,128 7 801 1 579 173 5,458 177 5,490 27 28 2,219 1,884 44 49 22 7 604 475 29 5,586 5,142 66 80 56 16 3,993 3,817 30 5,300 5,124 382 328 201 172 405 374 31 1,144 1,134 9 10 2 2 139 115 32 10, 449 10, 480 81 58 41 14 3,080 3, 179 33 3,858 3,889 35 29 16 5 706 735 34 7,680 7,896 70 76 22 17 1,068 1,061 35 6,761 5,151 7,551 6,699 4, 925 7,403 77 8 313 58 265 23 5 193 11 941 398 7,059 940 384 7,614 36 37 38 99" 6,444 5,984 165 156 191 91 1,418 962 39 7,221 7,152 21 9 8 1 2,171 2,323 40 10, 798 10, 944 151 164 99 45 7,643 8. 268 41 3,040 6,987 7,718 2,703 3,160 6,975 7,436 2,713 19 43 224 12 7 41 239 1 3 18 166 6 2 6 99 363 655 6, 725 283 336 604 7,090 257 94 42 43 44 45 46 3,482 3,234 198 176 134 82 239 11, 880 10, 703 133 117 81 24 2,215 2, 120 47 5,769 5,960 26 14 4 2 125 139 48 3,580 2,347 3,464 2,372 27 1 27 4 12 5 326 g 344 4 182 49 50 51 3,927 3,726 43 39 36 14 394 6, 601 6,399 5,222 23 99 33 111 5 130 349 939 273 787 52 53 5,294 65 7,691 7,463 7,279 6,909 172 70 170 46 113 37 53 27 1,075 2,818 865 2,708 54 55 10, 222 4,662 10, 258 4,428 73 86 63 67 49 111 17 74 7,057 236 7,358 130 56 57 1,531 1,410 6 5 1 1 36 37 58 8,952 9,165 22 14 6 3 312 287 59 19, 094 7,736 17, 486 7,610 4,270 27 4,354 33 3,654 13 2,242 4 30, 178 1,472 31,462 1, 509 60 61 4,943 4,824 99 85 39 25 1,109 1,069 62 9,602 9,621 85 102 • 47 678 63 8,596 8,465 100 63 61 27 3,069 3,287 64 6,313 2,021 5,786 1,985 142 7 141 4 87 5 32 1 6,055 865 5, 715 962 65 66 2,277 2,062 26 9 1 23 3 170 49 67 5,740 5,586 1,368 6,168 14 4 9 \ 9 6 2 40 52 37 972 52 32 1, 039 68 69 70 1,411 6,036 69 65 1! 24" 9, 164 9,019 76 61 1; 67 21 1,017 929 71 648 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BORN AND WHITE COUNTIES. NATIVE 1 BOKN. FOREIGN BOBN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 Tennes-see— Continued. 5,703 14, 559 6,176 13, 208 13,447 1, 082, 533 5,758 14, 346 6. 055 I 13, 033 13, 655 1, 000, 034 10 31 67 49 29 90, 020 5,277 12, 350 5,747 8,157 9,887 837, 254 5,300 12, 033 5,635 8,000 9,877 757, 212 19 50 31 17 62, 936 S ^Ijite 1 5 Wilson R Texas 7 10. 328 16 3,314 794 1,182 551 3.071 6,966 1, 842 9,940 1.414 1,790 16, 799 19, 253 2. 260 141 6,938 10, 447 5.986 8,113 240 5,896 137 6.237 5,451 7,492 357 2,735 4,428 3,272 223 11, 607 5 1,142 12, 036 638 3,876 1,106 3,168 19, 390 203 8,607 2,402 8.091 540 12, 749 8,668 127 11 104 195 67 33, 420 22 118 4,786 10, 903 6,177 168 493 598 2,147 10, 155 8 2,966 757 836 344 2,781 6,882 1,756 9.590 1,084 1,717 15, 499 18. 874 2,073 80 6,437 9, 475 5,185 7,481 202 5,359 50 5,765 5,033 7,228 388 2,539 4,272 3, 325 104 10, 840 4 1,018 10, 675 503 3,435 941 2.863 17,044 144 8.529 2,188 7,460 439 11, 406 7,907 103 4 58 146 27 28, 749 7 54 4,311 10, 044 6,158 124 439 359 2,118 285 155 5,708 16 2,987 724 1,171 550 2,913 4,366 1,781 5,444 1,410 1.631 15. 4.57 16, 677 2,165 136 6,616 6,551 1,525 3,789 230 5,861 131 3,323 5,312 5,108 277 2,722 4,377 1,683 222 7,289 5 749 8,086 638 3,821 1,105 3,134 18, 095 203 4,297 2,291 8,085 531 12, 065 8,417 127 11 104 194 67 27, 688 21 118 4,384 10, 021 4,222 168 473 576 2,144 5,276 8 2,692 692 835 344 2,638 4,304 1,692 5,198 1,082 1, 5.59 14, 197 15, 976 1,958 80 6,118 5,774 1,180 3,376 199 5,322 47 2,956 4,866 4,737 300 2,521 4,221 1,619 104 6,645 4 649 6,915 501 3,388 941 2,828 15, 813 144 3,996 2,119 7,458 434 10, 728 7,700 103 4 58 146 27 23, 312 7 54 3,985 9,220 4,128 124 427 341 2,115 q 9 22 185 54 33 392 2,125 112 690 82 145 668 6,499 194 1 504 245 235 603 164 116 93 560 176 648 44 124 2,844 20 19 80 4 88 29 16 215 1,886 i 85 516 15 68 411 4,640 122 in 11 1^ 13 14 Atascosa 15 16 17 18 X5ee 19 Bell *-• ?,n '1 ?V1 ?3 345 100 100 453 104 50 18 439 87 401 26 59 2,880 10 27 ?4 ?5 ?fi '',7 ?8 ?9 Buchel 30 31 m Caldwell 33 34 35 36 37 SS 39 -10 60 234 25 118 9 57 207 9 1,342 1,065 41 73 357 187 7 21 30 9 74 3 24 95 1 1,034 743 16 13 184 111 3 41 <(? 43 Clay 44 Cote 45 46 Collin 47 48 49 50 51 59 Cooke . 53 Coryell 54 55 5r> 27 3 18 3,201 5 2 57 Cro'^by 58 59 Dallas 1,672 60 61 7 16 213 1,126 3 81 74 1,779 6'' Delta 4 129 846 63 64 Dewitt 65 66 36 25 1,554 67 68 Duval POPULATIOif, AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 649 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN PARENTS. FOP.EIQN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. j Females. i Males. Females. Males. Females. 5,251 12. 303 5.687 8.049 9.842 5,286 12. 001 5,591 7,914 9.825 26 47 60 108 45 14 32 44 86 52 10 31 07 49 29 426 2,209 429 5,051 3,560 458 2,313 420 5,033 3,778 1 19 50 31 17 2 3 4 5 741. 079 667, 801 96, 175 89, 411 88, 782 62, 687 246, 517 243, 071 6 5. 384 16 2.953 551 1.094 4.961 8 2.658 526 776 324 315 281 155 4,624 4,879 7 8 34 173- 77 34 166 59 22 182 54 4 86 29 327 73 11 274 67 1 9 10 11 526 2.290 1.699 1,521 4, 526 320 2,098 1.564 1.431 4,255 24 623 2,667 260 918 34 540 2,740 261 943 33 391 2,119 111 680 16 215 1,884 85 514 1 159 2,606 62 4,506 1? 143 2,580 64 4, 394 13 14 15 16 1.329 1.452 14. 684 9,825 1.837 1.060 1.404 13, 481 9,181 1.694 81 179 773 6,852 328 22 155 716 6,795 264 82 143 654 6,403 194 15 68 408 4,606 122 4 161 1,356 2,672 95 2 158 1,305 2,932 115 17 18 19 20 21 132 6,038 6.224 1.277 3.252 77 5,555 5,496 1,013 2,902 4 578 327 248 537 3 563 278 167 474 1 504 234 205 595 5 322 3,907 4,491 4,332 n 345 100 73 453 319 3,701 4,032 4,105 23 24 25 26 147 5,722 86 2,678 5,078 120 5.177 37 2.379 4,657 83 139 45 645 234 79 145 10 577 209 161 115 92 557 176 104 50 17 438 86 13 36 7 2.917 139 3 37 4 2,810 168 27 28 29 30 31 4.552 166 2,623 938 1,648 4,183 203 2, 410 907 1,.597 556 111 99 3, 439 35 554 97 111 3.314 22 645 44 124 2,835 19 400 26 59 2,874 7 2,387 80 13 60 1,590 2,492 88 18 57 1,706 32 33 34 35 36 199 7,156 5 635 7,909 94 6, 538 553 6, 829 23 133 10 107 19 80 10 27 1 4,318 37 4,195 38 SO 114 177 96 86 60 234 21 30 393 3,950 369 3,760 40 41 600 3,642 1.102 3, 036 17, 728 461 3,204 935 2,745 15, 558 38 179 3 98 367 40 184 6 83 255 23 117 9 56 205 9 74 3 24 95 2 56 1 35 1,297 2 47 42 43 44 35 1,231 45 46 193 2,474 727 7.990 500 133 2,261 617 7,389 401 10 1,823 1,564 95 31 11 1,735 1.502 69 33 9 1,340 1,065 41 73 1 1,033 743 16 13 47 4,312 111 6 9 4,534 69 2 5 48 49 50 51 11, 573 8.190 123 11 95 1 189 60 24.995 18 115 4.330 9,777 2,637 10, 339 7,518 101 4 58 i 139 i 21 i 20, 809 7 54 3.947 ; 8,999 2,470 492 227 4 389 182 2 346 185 7 184 111 3 695 253 678 207 52 53 54 55 5ig 9 5 2,693 3 3 54 244 1,585 27 3 18 3,126 5 2 ' 1 6 1 2,503 1 57 58 1,669 5,807 1 5, 440 59 60 7 16 211 1,117 61 38 221 1,658 4 128 844 402 884 1,964 326 825 2,032 62 63 64 168 408 507 307 124 385 311 253 3 79 70 1,778 65 65 69 1,837 42 30 1,862 33 25 1,554 22 26 4 15 18 j 3 , 66 67 68 650 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 Texas— Contimied. Eastland Ector Edwards Ellis El Paso Eneiual. Erath... Falls . . . Eannin . Fayette. Fisher Floyd Foley Fort Bend . Franklin .. Freestone. Frio Gaines Galveston Garza Gillespie.. Glasscock. Goliad . . . . Gonzales.. Gray Grayson . . . Gregg Grimes Guadalupe. Hale Hall Hamilton . . Hansford . . Hardeman . Hardin Harris . . . Harrison. Hartley.. Haskell.. Hays .... Hemphill . . Henderson. Hidalgo Hill Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hunt Hutchinson . Irion Jack Jackson . . Jasper Jeft" Davis Jeflferson.. Johnson . Jones Karnes ... Kaufman Kendall. Kent Kerr Kimble . King.... NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. Kinney . Knox . . . Lamar . . Lamb . . . 5,367 95 996 16, 615 5.888 747 11,009 10, 379 20, 265 11, 961 1,638 297 15 5,706 3,338 8,225 1,463 49 12, 251 11 3,036 80 2,691 8,761 123 27, 054 4,670 10, 319 6,541 417 411 4,768 62 2,167 2,025 16, 737 13, 137 159 893 5,356 275 6, 357 1,906 14, 483 S, 938 10, 497 9, 742 562 16, 551 39 431 5, 022 1,577 2,837 563 2,888 11, 628 2,050 1,697 11,098 1,516 183 2,085 1,113 124 1,416 596 19,253 4,894 90 879 14, 628 4.391 620 10, 234 9.579 18, 225 11, 662 1,311 224 FOREIGN BORN. 4,712 3,136 7,716 1,378 19 12, 871 3 2,913 55 2, 642 8,238 71 24, 572 4,700 10, 373 6,297 291 277 4,340 53 1,637 1,778 16, 194 13, 206 83 760 4,983 200 5,874 1,835 12, 754 3,608 9,993 9, 556 437 15, 085 17 355 4,660 1,599 2,730 374 2,655 10. 390 1, 693 1,609 10, 136 1,493 140 1,943 994 47 1,102 533 17, 703 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 79 22 81 327 2,995 866 258 445 147 4,224 28 7 10 127 6 34 166 3,697 624 55 326 624 1,010 23 344 1,351 11 10 126 13 119 2,600 238 10 8 666 35 36 1,469 232 58 67 42 143 193 2 58 45 70 23 273 232 204 40 200 234 494 1 284 106 841 5 235 Females. 33 17 14 204 2,404 511 93 303 72 3,634 19 1 12 105 Males. 2,657 483 18 251 393 1 575 9 276 1,028 2 5 79 5 23 34 1,718 140 4 347 18 1,3»4 114 10 56 26 13 35 2 184 91 14 131 130 323 150 30 422 'ill 5,352 94 993 14, 848 5,623 744 10, 603 6,329 18, 149 7,795 1,627 297 8 819 2,909 4,837 1,410 49 9,139 11 2,977 80 1,863 5,860 122 23, 740 2,098 4,594 4,325 415 411 4,758 62 2.154 1,489 10, 343 4.118 158 888 4,275 271 4.832 1,875 13, 401 3,792 9,089 5,586 547 15, 059 37 429 4,971 696 1,625 540 1,736 11, 217 2, 045 1,437 9,471 1,418 183 2, 042 1,108 122 1,323 596 14,544 4 Females. 4,883 90 876 13, 021 4,183 618 9,923 5,669 16, 097 7,390 1,307 224 641 2,745 4,428 1,329 19 9,054 3 2,864 55 1,828 5,284 71 21. 137 1, 922 4,440 4,114 291 276 4,337 53 1,629 1,347 9,090 4,037 83 759 3,868 197 4,408 1,790 11, 741 3,480 8,556 5,244 418 13, 614 17 355 4,614 658 1,565 362 1,593 9,949 1,691 1, 326 8,589 1,380 140 1,893 994 47 981 533 13, 002 POPULATION. AND COLORED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 651 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN 1 — PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 5.257 4,833 95 50 79 33 15 11 1 87 939 80 844 7 54 10 32 22 81 17 14 1 3 2 3 3 14, 475 12, 694 373 327 324 204 1, 770 1,607 4 3,628 2,654 1,995 1,529 2,791 2,399 469 213 5 133 106 611 512 866 510 3 .3 6 10, 311 9,728 262 195 254 89 410 315 7 5,782 5,189 547 480 444 303 4,051 3,910 8 17, 912 15, 872 237 225 141 72 2,122 2,128 9 3,144 3,040 4,651 4,350 4,214 3,632 4,176 4,274 10 1,580 1,270 47 37 28 19 11 4 11 291 7 730 221 6 1 89 3 7 1 12 17 " 4,902 13 14 571" 70" ii2"' 33" 4, 079 2,883 2,721 26 24 6 1 429 391 15 4,764 4,860 73 68 34 12 3,388 3,288 16 • 1, 213 1,164 197 165 166 105 53 49 17 47 4,781 19 4,545 2 4,358 18 4,' 569" ; 3,'585" 2,"644" 3,'224" 3,' 830" 19 11 1,381 3 1,418 20 21 1,596 1,446 623 483 60 49 47 1.284 34 1,302 33 579 21 526 55 325 18 250 22 829" 8I5" 23 5,253 4,777 607 507 613 389 ! 2, 912 2,958 24 113 22, 406 65 19, 997 9 1,334 6 1,140 8 1, 002 1 574 1 3,322 25 3,436 26 2,063 1,891 35 31 23 9 1 2, 572 2,778 27 4,137 4,030 457 410 340 274 5, 729 5,935 28 2,774 2,617 1,551 1,497 1,339 1,021 2, 228 2,190 29 411 287 4 4 11 1 2 a 30 391 4,573 270 4,188 20 185 6 149 10 120 5 79 1 3 31 i 10 32 54 2,089 47 1,587 8 65 6 42 13 74 5 23 33 ie" 8 34 1, 431 1,301 58 46 119 34 536 431 35 7,386 6,160 2,957 2,930 2,573 1,712 6,421 7,110 36 3,828 3,729 290 308 234 139 9,023 9,170 37 146 880 78 746 12 8 5 13 10 8 1 5 38 4 1' 39 3,616 3,353 629 515 662 347 1,085 1,115 40 230 165 41 32 31 9 8 3 41 4,737 4,326 95 82 35 18 1,526 1,466 42 159 154 1,716 1,630 1,469 1,323 31 46 43 13, 077 11,449 324 292 229 114 1,085 1,013 44 3,738 3,445 54 35 57 10 147 128 45 8,976 8,466 . 113 90 66 15 1,409 1,437 46 5,494 5,170 92 74 42 20 4,156 4,312 47 469 337 78 81 132 68 26 19 48 14, 778 13, 398 281 216 188 56 1,497 1,471 49 37 383 4,895 14 322 4,526 3 33 88 2 58 45 2 2 51 50 51 46 76 26 13 46 52 584 573 112 85 70 35 881 941 53 1,604 1,554 21 11 23 1 1,212 1,166 54 336 201 204 161 267 183 29 13 55 1,506 1,379 230 214 ooy 82 1,157 1,002 56 10, 980 9,719 237 230 202 91 413 441 57 2,005 1,660 40 31 40 14 5 2 58 1,039 963 398 363 199 131 261 283 59 9,138 8,299 333 290 230 128 1,631 1,549 60 699 638 719 742 491 321 101 115 61 179 1,694 139 1,589 4 348 1 304 1 273 62 147" 54" 53 63 1,040 120 692 927 46 461 68 2 631 67 1 520 106 2 824 30 5 2 110 64 65 399 144 66 583 14, 159 526 12, 676 13 385 7 326 5 227 67 iio" 4,'7i7" 4,'762" 68 3 1 69 652 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Texas — Continued . Lampasas Lasalle Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty — Limestone Lipscomb.. Live Oak . . Llano Loving Lubbock Lynn McCuUoch... McLennan... McMullen . Madison. .. Marion Martin Mason Matagorda. Maverick . . Medina Menard Midland ... Milam Mills Mitchell Montague . . . Montgomery. Moore Morris Motley ; Nacogdoches Navarro Newton . . Nolan . - . Nueces . . Ochiltree. Oldham . . Orange Palo Pinto . Panola Parker Parmer Pecos — Polk Potter ... Presidio Rains Randall Red River , Refugio . Roberts . Robertson Rockwall . Runnels . . . Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher . . Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman.. Smith .... Somervell. Starr NATIVE BOKN. Males. 3,858 5,296 7,041 2, 132 11,032 353 970 3,435 3 24 18 1, 652 19, 179 493 4.295 5.256 125 1,976 1,087 2.477 578 497 12,414 2.768 981 9,756 5,950 11 3. 385 99 8,078 13, 650 2,340 819 2,983 112 156 2,417 4,310 7,322 10, 997 7 397 5,404 487 428 2,005 105 10, 956 507 561 175 13. 289 3,165 1,625 9,485 2, 514 3,389 3,770 530 3,415 52 766 993 7,343 23 14, 131 1,767 2,885 Females. 3,572 769 8,516 5,107 6,760 2,045 10, 239 258 890 3,177 1,454 18, 218 422 4,094 5,443 91 2,408 1,877 961 2.384 494 436 11, 392 2,617 900 8,936 5,594 3 3,177 32 7,798 12, 312 2,290 730 2. 855 77 91 2.105 3, 872 6,987 10, 328 FOREIGN BORN. 280 4,833 289 315 1,893 69 10, 382 389 563 131 12, 327 2,752 1.491 9,020 2,449 3,280 3,567 459 3,150 38 638 919 6.976 11 13, 870 1,636 2,630 Males. 106 287 2,457 848 29 39 273 17 123 100 77 1,112 81 72 99 33 172 80 895 492 118 66 589 69 136 118 140 16 6 76 285 19 20 1,274 5 21 174 95 15 232 411 70 54 496 10 75 274 67 15 545 38 53 39 5 16 12 196 61 62 10 77 35 Females. 221 9 2,794 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 245 1,945 701 11 14 134 4 72 60 34 42 51 64 15 111 52 755 377 25 34 378 39 42 53 81 1 2 2 32 126 1 4 981 4 74 43 4 125 238 25 19 459 1 4 39 77 345 17 24 15 1 3 11 127 15 3 1 23 11 102 7 2,440 Males. 3,736 801 6,834 3,745 4,331 1,258 8,778 353 943 3,410 3 22 18 1,645 14, 091 470 3, 242 1,887 125 2,471 1,017 2,331 569 495 9,185 2,739 932 9,711 3,162 11 2,052 97 5,971 10,461 1,600 801 2.645 112 154 1,984 4,271 4,113 10, 666 7 391 3,215 480 415 1,806 105 7,675 499 405 173 5,946 3,04l> 1,608 5,581 1,954 2,306 1,580 518 3,382 51 766 909 5,868 23 7,876 1,762 2,882 Females. 3,432 739 6,397 3.556 4,093 1, 201 8,035 258 869 3,149 C 1,454 12, 930 401 3,075 1,815 91 2,395 595 898 2,248 480 435 8,404 2,590 851 8,892 2,894 3 1,898 32 5,635 9. 238 1,472 715 2,502 77 90 1,724 3,844 3,847 9,994 279 2,964 282 303 1,677 7,038 388 395 131 5,534 2, 653 1.477 5,291 1,925 2,232 1,425 446 3,130 37 637 836 5,498 10 7,441 1,635 2,621 POPULATION. AND COLOEED, CLASSIFIED BY SEX, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 653 NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. _* Females. 3,573 3, 333 163 99 i 101 48 124 140 1 541 479 260 260 287 215 37 30 2 4,181 3,815 2,650 2,582 2,455 1,915 2,137 2,119 3 2.708 2,559 1,037 997 848 701 1,551 1,551 4 4, 269 4,045 62 18 29 11 2,710 2.667 5 1,192 1,140 66 61 39 14 874 844 6 8,501 7,766 274 269 272 132 2,255 2,206 7 319 723 238 663 34 220 20 206 17 122 4 72 8 28" 21" 9 3,200 2,959 210 190 ( 100 60 25 28 10 3 11 22 18 1,556 s" 6 1,393 i" 2" 12 13 89" ei" 73" 33" ii" i 14 13, 081 11, 861 1,010 1,069 1,097 693 5, 103 5,290 15 396 324 74 77 81 42 23 21 16 3,163 3,015 79 60 71 51 1,051 1,019 17 1,771 1,706 113 109 1 95 64 3, 373 3,628 18 101 2, 082 80 2,032 24 389 11 363 i 33 172 15 111 19 is" 13" 20 493 442 166 153 66 44 1,331 1,290 21 353 264 601 634 882 750 83 08 22 1,439 1,386 892 862 489 377 149 136 23 484 409 85 71 118 25 9 11 24 456 406 39 29 64 34 4 1 25 8,505 7,770 680 634 581 378 3, 237 2,988 26 2,658 2,512 81 78 69 38 29 28 27 848 778 84 73 125 42 60 49 28 9,511 8,685 200 207 118 53 45 11 29 3, 004 2,758 158 136 ■ 139 80 2,789 2,701 30 9 2,035 3 1, 882 2 17 1 2 31 ie" ie" i,'333" i,'279" 32 95 5,863 31 5,535 2 108 1 100 5 75 2 32 3 2,108 3S 2,'i63" 34 10, 156 8,974 305 264 280 126 3,194 3,074 35 1,585 1,458 15 14 19 1 740 818 36 789 702 12 13 20 4 18 15 37 1,150 1,097 1,495 1,405 1,260 977 352 357 38 99 138 71 84 13 16 6 6 5 21 4 2 39 2 i" 40 1,805 1,545 179 179 159 70 448 385 41 4,163 3,753 108 91 95 43 39 28 42 1,082 3,819 31 28 15 3 3,209 3,141 43 10, 363 9, 727 303 267 225 124 338 335 44 118 45 60 243 219 399 238 18 1 46 3,146 2,911 69 53 68 25 2,191 1,869 47 429 255 51 27 49 19 12 48 119 73 266 230 492 459 17 12 49 1,793 1,663 13 14 10 1 199 216 50 101 7,512 69 6,907 4 163 9 73 4 37 51 isi" 3,283" 3,'346 ' 52 427 320 72 68 260 77 22 1 53 282 271 123 124 67 48 156 168 54 154 5,428 113 5,087 19 518 18 447 15 504 5 342 2 7,384 55 6,796 56 3,005 2,620 43 33 38 17 117 99 57 1,500 1,431 48 16 53 24 17 14 58 5,509 5, 225 72 66 39 15 3,904 3,729 59 1,927 1,907 27 18 5 1 560 524 60 2,271 2,196 35 36 16 3 1,083 1,048 61 1,565 1,408 15 17 11 11 2,191 2,112 62 257 209 261 237 196 127 12 13 63 3,303 3,061 79 69 61 15 33 20 64 47 33 4 1 43 3 20 1 65 747 623 18 14 10 1 1 1 66 845 790 64 46 77 23 84 83 67 5,798 5,424 70 74 34 11 1,476 1,478 68 23 7,629 10 7,205 1 6,430 69 247" 236" 2i5" ioi" 6,'26i" 70 1,738 1,611 24 24 9 7 5 1 71 264 210 2,618 2,414 2,793 2,440 4 6 72 654 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 19.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BORN AND WHITE Texas— Continued. Stephens Stonewall Sutton Swisher Tarrant Taylor Terry Throckmorton . Titus Tom Green — Travis.. Trinity . Tyler . . . Upshur. Upton .. Uvalde Valverde .. Van Zandt. Victoria . . . Walker Waller Ward Washington . Webb Wharton Wheeler Wichita Wilbarger . . Williamson . Wilson .. Winkler . Wise Wood.... Yoakum . Toung . . . Zapata. . . Zavalla . , Utah Beaver ... Boxelder Cache — Davis Emery... Garfield. Grand . . Iron Juab Kane . . . Millard . . . Morgan . . . Piut« .... Rich Salt Lake. San Juan . Sanpete... Sevier Summit. . . Tooele — Uinta Utah Wasatch Washington . Weber NATIVE BORN. Males. 2,518 562 300 67 21, 393 3,547 15 470 4,167 2,288 16, 172 3,947 5,644 6,543 33 1,708 1,005 8,330 3,833 6,683 5,242 41 12, 770 3,680 3,811 405 2,585 3,823 12, 283 5,053 11 12, 428 7,125 2 2,625 768 531 82, 352 1,497 3,080 5,634 2,794 2,009 1,140 281 1,060 2,198 802 1,662 7?4 1,327 671 22, 359 204 4,809 2,412 2,832 1,468 1,418 9,455 1,509 1,693 9,304 Females. 2,357 453 249 30 17, 238 3,183 4 410 3,998 2,056 15, 816 3,633 5,033 6,131 16 1,568 766 7,810 3.844 5,896 5,269 31 12, 349 3,233 3,582 241 1,958 3,022 11, 343 4,705 7 11, 452 6,746 2,366 797 466 72, 489 POEEIQN BORN. Males. 1,118 2,552 5,302 2,586 1,792 1,079 176 1,128 1,745 742 1,603 660 1,158 583 18, 400 131 4, 57 836 837 817 620 126 7 41 902 892 233 244 158 103 306 56 42 929 814 746 797 897 642 11 22 43 3, 273 2,628 769 667 1,124 598 1,554 205 44 12, 386 12, 389 5, 471 6,102 5,900 4,957 2,467 723 45 1,534 1,512 609 655 462 434 70 42 46 2, 095 2,136 1,000 1,069 1,090 873 275 89 47 2.169 2, 111 633 763 765 751 232 68 48 1,499 1,701 624 802 519 547 65 38 49 706 819 188 274 159 199 55 26 50 827 852 380 381 327 327 81 35 51 1,562 1,352 847 843 980 723 342 206 52 1,069 966 742 835 1,120 721 1,297 178 53 925 940 448 480 478 382 50 41 54 790 714 566 569 428 322 495 107 55 857 882 654 762 588 446 178 28 56 408 380 446 499 365 273 121 32 57 9,029 9,193 7,285 7,978 6,925 6,413 1,516 343 58 2, 015 1,895 2,437 2,593 2, 221 2,035 127 56 59 1,333 1,487 1,143 1,319 922 1,005 158 54 60 1,582 1,799 624 801 548 674 124 16 61 1,079 1,046 1,086 1,020 987 821 252 112 62 717 672 223 320 309 277 166 11 63 600 548 722 670 791 559 398 53 64 1,703 1,746 1,050 1,255 1,147 1,042 291 41 65 668 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLOEED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. California — Continued. Pasadena Petaluma Pomona Red Bluff Riverside Sacramento San Bernardino. San Diego San Francisco Assembly district 29. Assembly district 30. Assembly district 31 . Assembly district 32. Assembly district 33. Assembly district 34. Assembly district 35. Assembly district 36. Assembly district 37. Assembly district 38. Assembly district 39. Assembly district 40. Assembly district 41 . Assembly district 42. Assembly district 43. Assembly district 44. Assembly district 45. Assembly district 40. Assembly district 47. Assembly district 48. NATIVE BORN. Males. San Jose San Luis Obispo. San Rafael Santa Ana Santa Barbara . . . Santa Clara. Santa Cruz . Santa Rosa . Stot'.kton Tulare Vallejo Visalia Woodland . Colorado : Aspen Bessemer Boulder Canyon Colorado Springs Denver Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Wards. "Ward G . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Durango. .. Highlands . Leadville . . Ouray Pueblo... Salida ... Trinidad. Connecticut : Ansonia (a) . Berlin Bethel Branford . . . 1,928 1,258 1,549 1,078 1,926 10, 074 1,682 6,059 88, 285 2,160 2,971 2,537 3,988 4,000 3,915 3, 255 3,201 3,670 4,054 4,275 4,902 5, 972 0,470 4, 994 7,339 4, 772 3,469 5, 594 6,747 6, 2.50 1,088 1,093 1, 554 2, 282 935 2,057 2,011 5, 173 1,199 2,308 1, 2.37 1,245 2,327 1,435 1,514 1,394 5, 074 45, 467 2, 980 4, 238 7,003 4, 905 4,722 3,597 6,989 8. 802 2,231 1,268 2, 224 4^321 1,326 12,910 1,229 2. 493 3,287 ■987 1,402 1,517 Females. 2,212 1,377 1,634 1,124 1,753 8,638 1,534 6,001 83, 901 1,25? 2,497 1,350 3,623 4,022 3, 870 2, 481 2,289 3, 308 3,723 4,127 4,874 0, 193 7,187 5,389 7, G97 4,566 2, 951 5,785 6,716 7, 052 1,085 1,084 1,627 2, 489 1,012 2, 235 2,235 5,041 1,075 1,880 1,039 1,280 1,741 994 1,382 948 4,599 35, 782 2,01 + 1,760 6, 269 2, 704 4,686 3, 082 6,785 7,008 1,408 923 1,939 3,211 571 7, 754 1,011 2, 290 3, 300 976 1,532 1,462 a The town. FOREIGN BORN. Males. Females. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 405 639 267 266 613 5,197 517 2,637 81, 515 2, 913 2,799 20, 965 5,968 2,908 2,438 2,519 2,306 3,009 2,690 2,533 2,790 3,404 3,781 2,832 3, 785 2,682 3, 202 4,215 3,776 2,943 599 655 209 692 562 863 585 2,777 298 1,491 466 343 672 678 216 351 15, 277 1,840 1,435 1,397 1,548 988 1,282 2, 200 3,119 1,468 368 558 1,808 524 2,847 238 448 2,027 435 221 928 337 418 184 140 391 2,477 279 1,462 45, 296 885 1,665 1,986 3, 009 2,518 2,006 1,493 1,285 1,903 1,957 2,214 2,401 2,684 3, 537 2,667 3,225 2,180 1,971 2,792 2, 918 1,809 223 458 178 401 382 441 389 1,433 125 664 143 195 368 210 218 132 619 10,187 871 459 1,640 596 966 1,039 1.828 2,071 717 167 440 1,044 113 1,047 108 292 1,728 202 246 553 1,891 1,255 1,531 1,026 1,854 9,861 1,639 5,873 86, 602 2,114 2,909 1,793 3,772 3,928 3,822 3,158 3,138 3, 632 4,021 4,247 4,881 5,918 6,435 4,973 7,327 4,771 3,466 5,587 6,710 6,144 1,078 1,086 1,552 2,268 926 2,044 2,001 5,068 1,187 2, 279 1,196 1,216 2,295 1,430 1,485 1,347 4, 862 43, 785 2, 955 4,157 6,784 4,574 4,520 3,572 6,924 8, 191 2,108 1,246 2,217 4,213 1,311 12, 373 1,217 2,402 3,099 981 1,384 1, ,505 Females. 2,175 1,368 1,612 1,050 1,692 8,457 1,500 5,806 82,641 1,236 2,464 879 3,435 3,929 3,788 2,395 2,265 3,269 3,692 4,102 4,860 6,148 7,147 5,374 7,682 4,561 2, 938 5,778 6,699 6,957 1,078 1,071 1,624 2,480 1,006 2,227 2,221 4,937 1,059 1,856 1,001 1,264 1,707 991 1,363 924 4,374 34, 416 2,003 1,730 6,095 2,476 4,472 3,057 6,694 6,535 1,354 914 1,936 3,119 557 7,417 1,001 2,213 3,117 971 1,508 1,445 POPULATION. 669 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OK MORE: 1890— Contiuued. NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIUN 1 FOBEION WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. TABENTS. 1 Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,545 1,804 346 371 .321 336 121 38 1 670 730 585 638 537 415 105 12 2 1,238 1,305 293 307 220 184 65 22 3 814 787 212 263 165 131 153 83 4 1,559 1,329 295 363 491 389 194 63 5 5, 387 4,468 4,474 3, 989 3, 459 2,424 1,951 234 6 1.220 1, 135 419 365 382 272 178 41 7 4,228 4,063 1,045 1,743 1,980 1,422 843 235 8 33, 413 28, 728 53, 189 53,913 57, 687 43, 766 25,511 2,790 9 1,046 367 1,068 869 2,732 882 227 20 10 1,071 785 1,838 1,679 2,676 1, 657 185 41 11 1,016 357 777 522 2,719 805 18, 990 1,652 12 1, 266 987 2, 506 2, 448 4,420 2, 762 1,764 435 13 1,158 1,153 2, 770 2,776 2,740 2,503 240 108 14 1,309 1,341 2,513 2,447 2,280 1,996 251 92 15 1,428 759 1,730 1, 636 2, 266 1,477 350 102 16 1,4.55 813 1,683 1,452 2,100 1, 283 269 26 17 1,740 1,413 1,892 1 , 856 2,768 1.890 279 52 18 1,838 1,449 2,183 2, 243 2, 409 1,957 314 31 19 1, ,564 1,476 2,683 2,626 2, 335 2,213 226 26 20 1,781 1,602 3,100 3, 2.58 2,620 2,401 191 14 21 2,887 2,888 3,031 3, 260 2,870 2,674 588 55 22 2,361 2,440 4,074 4,707 3,315 3, 532 501 45 23 1,764 1,764 3,209 3,610 2, 635 2,664 218 18 24 2,893 2,900 4,434 4,782 3,614 3,223 183 17 25 1,764 1,538 3,007 3, 023 2,481 2,176 202 9 26 821 544 2,645 2,394 3, 133 1,970 72 14 27 1,647 1,742 3,940 4, 036 3, 928 2,788 294 11 28 2,604 2,410 4,106 4,289 3,648 2,913 167 22 29 3,796 4,260 2,348 2,697 1,904 1,754 1,151 1.50 30 762 777 316 301 313 219 296 11 31 495 471 591 600 5,57 454 105 17 32 1,271 1,309 281 315 237 178 34 3 33 1,715 1,891 553 589 418 389 288 21 34 529 577 397 429 490 381 81 7 35 1,450 1,492 594 735 647 437 229 12 36 1,441 1,604 560 617 445 383 150 20 37 3, 289 2,884 1,779 2,053 2,226 1,398 656 139 38 960 859 227 200 155 116 155 25 39 1,017 730 1,262 1,126 1,328 659 192 29 40 959 808 237 193 257 128 250 53 41 930 945 280 319 236 189 136 28 42 1,748 1,120 547 587 671 368 33 34 43 1, 186 747 244 244 678 210 5 3 44 1,192 1,060 293 297 209 218 36 19 45 980 704 307 220 345 132 53 24 46 3,906 3,507 956 867 818 619 242 225 47 31, 394 23, 113 12, 391 11,303 14, 299 10, 142 2, 060 1,411 48 1,790 1,045 1,165 958 1, 694 865 171 17 49 3,054 1.188 1, 103 542 1,330 458 186 37 50 5,402 4,684 1,382 1,411 1,347 1, 639 269 175 51 3, 786 1,898 788 578 1,007 575 872 249 52 3, 465 3, 330 1,055 1,142 969 963 221 217 53 2,383 1,920 1,189 1,137 1,274 1,038 33 26 54 4,687 4, 224 2, 237 2,470 2,191 1, 825 74 94 55 5,509 4,111 2,682 2,424 3,040 2,062 690 482 56 1,318 1 713 790 641 1,447 717 144 114 57 1 1 923 655 323 259 356 167 34 9 58 1,677 1, 408 540 528 557 440 8 3 59 2,445 1,763 1, 768 1,356 1,808 1,043 108 93 60 993 409 318 148 509 113 30 14 61 10, 334 5,944 2,039 1,473 2,763 1,045 621 339 62 1,038 837 179 164 228 108 22 10 63 1,903 1,694 499 519 433 292 106 77 64 1,263 1,252 1,836 1, 865 2, 026 1,728 189 183 l65 726 697 255 274 435 202 6 5 66 1,058 1,180 326 328 219 246 20 24 67 930 880 575 565 925 552 15 18 63 670 OOMPEI^^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Connecticut — Continued. Bridgeport Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Bristol Brooklyn . . Canton Colchester . Danbury... Derby East Haddam . East Hartford , East Windsor . Entield Fairfield Farinin^ton ... Glastonoury. . Greenwich (a) Griswold Groton ... C'ruilford . Hamden . Hartford Ward 1- Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Huntington Killingly . . . Litchfield. . . Manchester. Meriden Middletown . . Milford Naugatuck — New Britain . . New Canaan.. New Hartford New Haven . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . New London. New Milford. Newtowu . . . . Korwalk (a) . Norwich Orange . . . Plainlield . Portland . . Preston . . . Putnam. . . NATIVE BOKN. Males. Salisbury Seymour South in gton . Staft'ord Stamford (o). 16, 969 2,377 4,321 1,638 2,750 2,807 3,076 2,760 775 952 1,135 6,163 2,163 1,096 1,860 1,081 2,294 1,451 1,130 1,443 3,801 1,054 2,415 1, 173 1,501 19, 163 1,958 3,643 2,380 2, 650 1,498 1,584 3, 611 1,839 1,536 2,478 1, 302 2, 412 7,514 3,342 1,615 2, 465 5,279 1,117 993 28, 886 2,526 2,126 2,783 3,898 1, 517 1,752 2,575 2, 084 3,252 2,300 1,780 2,293 5, 172 1,694 1,448 6,927 5,500 1,817 1,617 1,377 1.057 2,187 1,448 1,210 2.151 1,707 5,717 Females. 17, 708 2,425 4,834 1,664 2,791 2,962 3, 032 2,866 812 962 218 667 197 176 830 153 496 628 376 436 056 557 256 462 611 989 912 364 105 245 515 690 791 .592 688 409 678 259 649 729 733 487 226 044 418 432 485 928 943 394 701 463 621 975 373 727 741 379 519 396 746 659 419 106 393 493 220 136 795 038 FOREIGN BOKN. Males. 7,268 869 1,745 711 1,361 887 1,695 920 506 303 332 1,8.50 778 180 380 343 1,082 415 303 307 1,304 473 302 212 557 6,856 437 915 780 793 807 1,240 1,030 854 469 873 317 1,511 3,548 921 244 585 3,037 180 533 11, 551 350 721 2,107 1,502 700 1,248 1,697 547 820 381 562 916 1,441 250 371 1,599 1,963 521 630 1, 095 200 907 240 461 631 545 1,907 Females. 6,921 742 1,740 784 1,277 905 1,473 836 535 283 303 1,872 831 147 385 313 1,327 374 370 271 1,178 530 265 139 362 7,600 557 1,412 877 978 732 1,205 1,023 816 409 988 276 1,621 3, 331 1,101 223 435 2,716 178 590 11,443 620 895 1, 896 1,182 563 990 1,654 854 916 452 533 1,417 232 341 1,702 2,297 453 676 796 192 1,025 239 409 583 488 2,038 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 16, 585 2,242 4,255 1,594 2.681 2,786 3,027 2,753 743 924 1,123 6,052 2,103 1,082 1, 842 1,070 2,279 1,390 1,108 1,429 3,685 1,022 2,370 1,160 1,401 18, 478 1,931 3,477 2, 325 2,623 1,391 1,523 3,421 1,787 1,510 2,455 1,290 2,398 7,377 3,277 1,554 2,458 5, 258 1,112 984 27, 744 2,476 2,074 2,716 3,873 1,477 1,732 2,561 2,077 2,610 2,099 1,778 2,271 5,042 1,626 1,428 6,777 5,288 1,773 1,595 1,376 1.035 2,165 1,420 1,204 2,134 1,706 5,649 Females. 17, 231 2,269 4,737 1,612 2, 705 2,940 2,968 2,852 773 943 1,200 6,547 2,120 1,162 1,811 1,146 2,483 1,562 1, 352 1,420 3,719 1,032 2,491 1,235 1,349 18,900 1, 963 3,741 2,289 3,068 1,176 1,445 3,483 1,735 1,563 2,664 1,385 2,665 7,165 3,561 1,677 2,724 5, 468 1,217 1,035 28, 147 1,374 2,401 2, 845 3,907 1,361 1,684 2,647 2,423 2,765 2,419 1,973 2,348 5,567 1,653 1,356 7,352 6,106 J 697 1,634 1, 419 1,086 2,365 1,471 1,204 2,117 1,792 5,921 a The town. POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 671 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — FOEEIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. ! PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 9,133 9,476 7,452 7,755 7,243 6,920 409 478 1 1,432 1,407 810 862 856 742 148 156 2 2,722 3,079 1,533 1,658 1,740 1,740 71 97 3 723 701 871 911 711 784 44 52 4 1,083 1,047 1,598 1,6.58 1,361 1,277 69 86 5 1,776 1,860 1,010 1, 080 885 905 23 22 6 1,397 1,382 1,630 1,586 1,690 1,472 54 65 7 1,836 2,001 917 851 920 836 7 14 8 497 518 246 255 506 535 32 39 9 626 647 298 296 302 282 29 20 10 792 860 331 340 332 303 12 18 11 3,982 4,376 2,070 2,171 1, 838 1,872 123 120 12 1,019 1,060 1,084 1,060 774 831 64 77 13 930 1,012 152 150 180 147 14 14 14 1,343 1,309 499 502 380 385 18 19 15 642 678 428 468 343 313 11 7 16 926 1,010 1,353 1, 473 1,080 1,327 17 13 17 1,038 1,141 352 421 415 374 61 60 18 679 891 429 461 302 370 23 24 19 1,118 1,092 311 328 307 271 14 16 20 2, 578 2,624 1,107 1,095 1, 303 1,178 117 129 21 624 608 398 424 473 529 32 25 22 2,110 2,233 260 258 294 264 53 67 23 1,005 1,082 155 153 211 139 14 21 24 1,000 962 401 387 554 362 103 113 25 10, 287 10, 517 8,191 8,383 6,801 7,597 740 714 26 1, 362 1,365 569 598 429 556 35 27 27 2,401 2,454 1, 076 1,287 899 1,411 182 172 28 1,300 1,278 1,025 1,011 773 877 62 75 29 1,553 1,845 1,070 1,223 790 978 30 37 30 520 404 871 772 801 731 113 70 31 378 352 1,145 1,093 1, 234 1,205 67 70 32 2, 062 2,183 1,359 1,300 1,024 1,023 196 207 33 711 636 1,076 1,099 851 816 55 56 34 967 1,041 543 522 460 409 35 29 35 1,644 1.832 811 832 873 988 23 24 36 955 1,036 335 349 317 276 12 24 37 1,193 1, .380 1,205 1,285 1,507 1,621 18 13 38 3,768 3,685 3,609 3,480 3,535 3,331 150 94 39 2,053 2,146 1,224 1,415 913 1,097 73 92 40 1,294 1,401 260 276 244 223 61 52 41 1, 653 1,804 8U5 920 583 435 9 9 42 2, 373 2,514 2,885 2,954 3,028 2,716 30 19 43 934 1,043 178 174 179 178 6 9 44 701 706 283 329 532 590 10 9 45 15, 452 15, 426 12, 292 12. 721 11, 477 11, 427 1,216 1,287 46 2,136 1,054 340 320 344 620 56 58 47 1,149 1,342 925 1,059 712 893 61 86 48 756 819 1,960 2,026 2, 100 1,895 74 84 49 2, 500 2,456 1,373 1,451 1,494 1,182 33 36 50 829 825 648 536 693 503 47 33 51 757 090 975 994 1,241 990 27 17 52 768 835 1,793 1,812 1,694 1,653 17 22 53 1,370 1,612 707 811 545 854 9 12 54 1,526 1, 615 1,084 1,150 804 905 658 709 55 1,631 1,948 468 471 .376 451 206 203 56 1,123 1, 283 655 690 561 533 3 2 57 907 947 1,364 1,401 913 888 25 25 38 3, 623 4,038 1,419 1,529 1, 392 1,404 179 173 59 1,378 1,429 248 224 250 232 68 88 60 837 842 591 514 371 341 20 23 61 4,817 5,315 1,960 2, 037 1,595 1,702 154 167 62 2,958 3,418 2,330 2,688 1, 937 2,293 238 294 63 i 1, 303 1,264 470 433 521 453 44 49 64 971 935 624 699 630 676 22 25 65 579 758 634 815 797 277 785 271 1,095 200 796 1 66 192 22 26" 67 1,241 1,409 924 956 905 1,025 24 28 68 1,101 1,114 319 357 240 239 28 22 69 733 755 471 449 460 409 7 16 70 1,299 1,349 835 768 630 583 18 19 71 1,150 1,210 556 582 543 488 3 3 72 3.648 3,762 2,101 2,159 1,899 2,038 76 117 73 672 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE ANP COLORED, 35 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AUD BOROUGHS. Connecticut — Continued Stonington Stratford .Suttield Thomaston Thompson Toniugton Vernon "Wallingford Waferl)urv Ward'l Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Waterford Westport Willimantic Winchester Windsor Windsor Locks Delaware: Dover Newcastle Wilmington Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 "Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 District of Columhia: AVashington Florida; Apalachicola l>rnandina (Jainesville Jacksonville Key West Ocala ( )rlando I'alatka Pensacola at. Augustine Tallahassee Tampa Georgia: Albany Amcricus Athens Atlanta Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Augusta Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 NATIVF. BORN. Males. 2, 8.58 1,098 1,391 1,221 1,607 2, 146 2,723 2,519 9,400 2,040 1,918 2,603 2,839 1,161 1,389 2,740 2,428 1,199 911 1,.308 1,774 26, 037 1,142 2, 255 2,101 1, 729 3,147 2,429 3,458 3, 740 1,962 2, 104 945 1,025 99, 724 1,353 1,369 1,293 7,762 3, 715 1,328 1,376 1,411 5,202 2,140 1,321 1,974 1,838 3,182 3,889 30, 214 6,277 4, 733 3, 836 4,800 5, 058 5,510 14, 645 2, 684 2,638 2,600 4,933 1,790 Females. 2,957 1,186 1,334 1,203 1, 634 2, 072 2,941 2,458 9,668 2,121 2, 165 2,487 2,895 1,139 1,512 3,278 2, 637 1,282 951 1,656 1,633 26, 295 1,086 1 2 1, 970 128 584 563 506 196 3, 2, 4, ' 3, 502 1,878 1,978 895 1,009 1,222 1,281 1,409 8,375 3,624 1, 372 1,315 1,456 5, 600 2, 273 1, 5.50 1,774 2,063 3, 164 4,615 33, 448 7,119 5,161 4,444 5,735 5,242 5,747 17,447 3, 245 2,853 2,993 6,169 2,187 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 631 1.57 239 449 1, 163 1, 039 1,530 836 4,820 757 454 1,704 1,911 195 433 1,149 520 242 430 55 386 4,777 313 613 490 376 326 207 415 556 358 225 9,860 105 91 58 641 5,550 126 96 99 663 184 37 1,117 70 39 75 1,137 248 258 84 77 1.50 320 670 121 179 149 190 31 Females. 738 167 205 405 1,176 791 1,614 771 4,752 733 606 1,527 1,886 166 381 1,481 598 231 466 42 217 ,322 245 402 434 341 372 214 582 446 372 448 300 166 8,910 47 62 30 423 5,191 78 69 73 285 145 26 667 37 13 60 734 149 195 58 50 109 173 538 92 150 123 150 23 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 2,784 1,034 1,355 1,219 1,595 2,090 2,691 2,495 9,320 2,031 1,892 2,562 2,835 1,145 1,372 2,717 2,392 1, 1.59 905 991 1,503 22, 341 976 1,840 1,943 1,560 2, .565 1,863 3,017 3,188 1,616 2,104 891 778 66, 073 708 495 539 3,187 2,727 722 844 667 2,458 1,178 536 1,268 1,271 2,052 17, 836 3,270 3,354 2,080 1,990 3,616 3,526 7,564 1,453 1,245 1,018 2,385 1,463 Females. 2, 852 1,121 1,309 1,200 1,622 2, 024 2, 909 2,437 9, 573 2,107 2, 119 2, 456 2,891 1,127 1,488 3, 234 2, 600 1,218 945 1,199 1,389 22, 364 934 1,616 1,978 1,419 2,864 1,895 3,576 2,921 1,574 1,978 847 762 664 460 567 3,257 2,621 620 818 637 2,680 1,207 584 1,205 699 1,119 2,320 17, 733 3,378 3,307 2, .301 2, 1.58 3, 513 3, 076 8,652 1,700 1,158 1,023 2,941 1,830 POPULATION. 673 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOBEIGN PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,938 2,051 846 801 628 737 77 106 1 874 995 160 126 157 167 64 65 2 1,088 1,083 267 226 239 205 36 25 3 685 671 534 529 448 405 3 3 4 758 840 837 782 1,163 1,176 12 12 5 1,309 1,257 781 767 1,037 791 58 48 6 1,200 1,282 1,491 1,627 1,524 1,614 38 32 7 1,473 1, 496 1,022 941 833 771 27 21 8 3,986 4,045 5,334 5,528 4, 815 4,752 91 95 9 993 1,021 1,038 1,086 754 733 12 14 10 1,199 1,346 693 773 454 606 26 46 11 1,050 925 1,512 1,531 1,701 1,527 44 31 12 744 753 2,091 2,138 1,906 1,886 9 4 13 949 923 190 204 195 166 16 12 14 992 1,062 380 426 433 381 17 24 15 1,480 1,815 1,237 1,419 1,145 1,480 27 45 16 1,671 1, 8.30 721 744 516 598 40 37 17 880 930 279 288 240 230 42 65 18 380 398 525 547 428 466 8 6 19 925 1,115 06 84 55 40 317 459 20 1,149 1,061 354 328 385 217 272 244 21 16, 437 16, 222 5, 904 6,142 4,738 4,311 3,735 3,942 22 655 013 321 321 308 244 171 153 23 1,265 1,097 575 519 609 402 419 354 24 1, 313 1,393 630 585 486 433 162 151 25 1,068 908 492 511 372 341 173 165 26 2,042 2,179 523 685 319 370 589 701 27 1,524 1, 522 3.39 373 202 212 571 613 28 2,411 2,820 006 756 410 579 446 623 29 2,492 2,222 696 699 552 445 556 582 30 1,238 1,203 378 371 411 371 347 305 31 1,275 588 1,190 541 829 303 788 306 486 358 448 300 32 54" 48 " 33 566 534 212 228 225 166 247 247 34 52, 354 54, 955 13, 719 15, 150 9,680 8,837 33, 831 41,866 35 558 494 150 170 99 46 651 559 36 434 391 61 69 74 48 891 835 37 468 511 71 56 55 29 757 843 38 2,740 2,747 447 510 554 374 4, 662 5.167 39 671 553 2,058 2,068 3,799 3,243 2.739 2,951 40 636 538 80 82 115 65 617 765 41 788 751 56 67 92 68 536 498 42 554 556 113 81 98 73 745 819 43 1,794 1, 953 664 727 597 266 2.810 2. 939 44 1,029 1,066 149 141 170 138 976 1,073 45 481 536 55 48 36 25 7S6 967 46 912 819 356 386 923 504 900 732 47 682 619 66 80 70 37 1,170 1,364 48 1,234 1,086 37 33 39 13 1,911 2,045 49 1,965 2,230 87 90 73 GO 1,839 2,295 50 16, 367 16. 302 1,469 1,431 1,115 732 12, 400 15, 717 51 2,892 3,003 378 375 244 148 3,011 3,742 52 2,954 2.929 400 378 252 195 1,385 1,854 53 1,948 2,174 132 127 84 58 1,756 2,143 54 1,908 2,072 82 86 75 49 2,812 3,578 55 3,400 3, 310 216 203 148 109 1,444 1,729 56 3,265 2,814 261 262 312 '173 1.992 2, 671 57 6,650 7, 626 914 1,026 643 536 7,108 8,797 58 1,240 1,471 213 229 117 92 1,235 1, .545 59 1,088 978 157 180 171 149 1,401 1,696 60 789 795 229 228 143 123 1,588 1,970 61 2,114 2,610 271 325 181 149 2,557 3,229 62 1,419 1,766 44 64 31 23 327 357 63 372- 43 674 COMPEimiUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. NATIVE BORN. FOREIGN BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Pemales. Males. Females. 1 Georgia— Continued. 3,998 1,485 7,701 1,407 1,479 1,985 1,394 10, 753 1,544 1,480 1,340 3,244 18, 799 2,425 1,395 1,221 1,740 4,200 7,119 1,459 1,152 1,889 5,924 1,481 7,875 1,092 1.476 4,847 2,466 1,299 1,296 2,070 2,318 1,908 1,096 330, 070 10, 750 9,200 9,475 9,595 12, 316 12, 029 8,538 8,779 10, 491 12, 423 11,793 17, 633 12, 803 10, 816 10, 450 11, 954 5,287 10, 787 12, 575 6,245 9,006 8,502 8,703 11, 7.32 7,366 7,723 3, 227 2,827 9,588 15, 072 6, 827 9,469 6,852 9,225 3,989 1,668 9,302 1,579 1,696 2,500 1,681 11, 394 1.811 1.819 1,505 3,612 20. 982 3,015 1,447 1,379 1,576 4,326 7,750 1,530 1,257 1,842 6,040 1,651 8,523 1,070 1,497 4,530 2,603 1,379 1,349 2,153 2,664 2,036 1,297 319, 114 5,542 8,862 10, 526 10, 301 11, 963 11, 416 8,379 8,648 11,038 11, 609 12, 199 19, 058 12. 804 10, 996 10, 141 11, 969 4,717 7,043 12, 136 6,571 9,775 8,899 8,398 9,239 7,935 8,061 3,133 2,600 8,667 14,490 6,777 10, 274 6,104 8,844 344 12 179 38 19 13 12 373 18 15 12 72 1,930 49 8 15 35 886 2,538 532 605 263 1,773 381 2, 041 642 899 533 253 ,^33 74 291 442 98 165 238, 332 4,913 3,570 3,540 3,439 8,925 11, 035 9,625 9,374 10, 404 11, 040 5,360 5,794 5,480 9,651 9,307 16, 535 6,831 5,575 10, 463 4,527 5,705 7,288 10, 324 5,297 4,505 6,870 2,372 1,978 7,641 10, 654 2,778 3,016 7,643 6,867 128 6 121 22 8 5 3 226 11 8 2 29 1,478 25 4 16 13 882 2,281 530 529 232 1,624 354 2,045 525 769 414 222 282 66 249 415 93 150 212, 334 2,869 3,943 4,499 4,359 7,805 8.784 8,415 8,782 9,541 9,479 5, 695 6,310 5,338 9,129 8, 516 15, 009 5,017 3,051 9.206 4,362 5,739 7,154 8,493 4,674 4,396 6,185 2,002 1,641 5,736 8,918 2,575 4,016 5,440 5,256 2,113 812 4,175 988 1,158 958 650 5,763 819 556 760 1,964 8,366 871 640 413 927 3,850 7,004 1,434 1,120 1,889 5,809 1,466 7,632 1,092 1,407 2, 951 2,451 1, 275 1,170 1,925 2,187 1,884 994 322, 377 8,634 7,789 7,971 9,258 12. 117 12, 013 8,537 8,777 10,482 12, 367 11, 672 17, 420 12, 480 10, 804 10, 425 11, 950 1 5, 264 10, 465 12, 525 6,245 8,987 8,452 8,635 11, 570 7,357 7,699 3,183 2,804 9,574 14, 835 6,805 9,335 6,843 9,103 1.963 878 4,802 1,107 I, 3(18 1,145 823 5,181 940 701 806 2,149 8,514 1,020 620 458 802 3,995 7,648 1.510 1,233 1,842 5,914 1,634 8,299 1, 070 1.427 2.737 2,636 1, 3,50 1,239 2,017 2, 545 2,014 1,189 312, 993 4,366 7,639 9, 129 9,928 II, 768 11,406 8,378 8,646 11, 028 11, 595 12, 102 18,945 12, 438 10, 983 10, 120 11, 968 4,693 6,775 12, 090 6,571 9,756 8,868 8,331 9,102 7,926 8,047 3,089 2, 572 8,652 14, 259 6,760 10, 196 6,096 8,771 2 3 ([ Dalton 5 (; 7 R q 10 n ^'> I'l M ^^ 16 17 1R Illinois: 10 ?0 ''1 99 '3 Belleville '>4 25 ■'fi Bloominglon 97 'R ?9 30 31 3' 33 3^ 3'5 36 37 Ward 1 38 Ward 2 39 Ward 3 ... 40 Ward 4 41 Ward 5 '1'' Ward 13 Ward 7 44 Ward 8 45 Ward 9 . - . . 46 Ward 10 -17 Ward 11 48 Ward 12 49 Ward 13 50 Ward 14 51 Ward 15 . . . 5' Ward 30 53 54 Ward 17 Ward 18 15 Ward 19 50 Ward 20 57 Ward 21 58 Ward 22 59 Ward 23 60 Ward 24 61 Ward 25 6' "Ward 26 63 Ward 27 61 Ward 28 ... 65 Ward 29 66 Ward 30 67 Ward 31 6« Ward 32 69 Ward 33 70 Ward 34 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 675 NATH'E WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PAKENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,797 1,693 316 270 324 127 1,905 2,027 1 797 860 15 18 11 6 674 790 2 3,882 4,459 293 343 179 120 3,526 4,501 3 958 1,070 30 37 38 22 419 472 4 1,149 1,299 9 9 19 8 321 388 5 942 1,132 16 13 13 4 1,027 1,356 6 637 809 13 14 12 3 744 858 7 5,394 4, 737 369 444 368 226 4,995 6,213 8 778 906 41 34 17 11 726 871 9 533 664 23 37 15 8 924 1,118 10 740 793 20 13 12 2 580 699 11 1,893 2,070 71 79 66 29 1,286 1,463 12 5,877 5,890 2,489 2,624 1,870 1,461 10, 493 12, 485 13 811 950 60 70 47 24 1,556 1,996 14 628 604 12 16 8 4 755 827 15 388 394 25 64 15 16 808 921 16 893 784 34 18 35 13 813 774 17 2,028 2,051 1,822 1,944 884 881 352 332 18 4, 031 4,335 2,973 3,313 2,529 2,281 124 102 19 860 889 574 621 528 530 29 20 20 672 784 448 449 604 529 33 24 21 1,349 1,915 1,316 1,961 540 3,894 526 3,953 263 1,772 232 1,624 22 116 126 23 940 1,083 526 551 381 354 15 17 24 4,781 5,179 2,851 3,120 2,025 2,045 259 224 25 397 428 337 431 695 979 733 996 642 899 525 767 26 69" 72" 27 1,978 1,809 973 928 523 411 1,906 1,796 28 2,026 2,213 425 423 252 222 16 27 29 761 792 514 558 333 282 24 29 30 993 1,046 177 193 74 66 126 110 31 1,449 1,466 476 551 286 249 150 136 32 1,503 1,727 684 818 440 415 133 119 33 1,703 1,849 181 165 98 93 24 22 34 606 752 388 437 165 150 102 108 35 118, 230 104, 976 204, 147 208, 017 237, 523 212, 105 8,502 6,350 36 6, 162 2,448 2,472 1, 918 4,713 2,838 2,316 1, 207 S7 4,774 4,293 3,015 3,346 3,508 3,888 1,479 1,278 38 4,309 4,663 3,662 4,466 3,488 4,445 1,556 1,451 39 5,288 5.477 3,970 4,451 3,428 4,354 348 378 40 2,432 2.119 9,685 9,649 8,902 7,800 222 200 41 2,135 1,924 9,878 9,482 11,013 8,781 38 13 42 1,050 973 7,487 7,405 9,609 8,415 17 1 43 885 830 7,892 7,816 9,363 8,782 13 2 44 1,594 1,807 8,888 9,221 10, 388 9,540 25 11 45 2,956 2,591 9,411 9,004 U, 033 9.478 63 15 46 6,318 6,221 5,354 5,881 5,348 5,692 133 100 47 10, 865 11,201 0, 555 7,744 5,767 6, 300 240 117 48 5,712 5,360 6,768 7,078 5,475 5, 3.35 334 369 49 2, 592 2,452 8,212 8,531 9,812 9, 121 51 21 50 1,704 1,670 8,661 8,450 9,288 8,516 50 21 51 1,113 1,074 10, 837 10,894 16, 505 15, 005 34 5 52 1, 138 915 4,126 3,778 0,808 5,014 46 27 53 6,716 3,553 3,749 3,222 5,520 3,038 377 281 54 3,142 2,604 9,383 9,486 10,440 9, 205 73 47 55 1,551 2,579 1,571 2,705 4,694 6,408 5,000 7, 051 4,523 5,698 4,362 5,739 4 26 56 19 57 1,798 1,848 6,654 7,020 7,271 7,151 67 34 58 1,573 1.255 7,062 7,076 10, 291 8,489 101 71 59 7,581 5,063 3,989 4,039 5,277 4,666 182 145 60 2,624 2,590 4,733 5,336 4,496 4,396 18 9 61 2,391 2, 439 5,308 5,608 6,864 6,182 30 17 62 1,165 1, 106 2,018 1,983 2, 372 2,002 44 44 63 954 863 1,850 1,709 1,976 1,640 25 29 64 2,893 2,250 6,681 6,402 7,626 5,735 29 16 65 5,574 5,124 9,261 9,135 10,644 8,913 247 236 66 4,239 4,063 2,566 2,697 2,776 2,574 24 18 67 6,255 6.526 3,080 3,670 3,012 4,013 138 81 68 1,990 1,593 4,853 4,503 7,635 5,440 17 8 69 4,118 3,805 4,985 4,966 6.854 5,250 135 79 70 676 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. NATIVE BOHN. FOEEIGN BOEN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 Illinois — Continued. 1,120 1,312 4,945 7,248 920 2,211 1,721 6,586 1,463 1,377 6,071 3,761 1,970 5,748 1,119 1,097 5,251 1,305 8, 329 3,200 1,627 3,167 2,789 2,459 1,860 3,118 1,217 1,066 3,628 2, 553 1,276 1,485 1,.544 1,729 1,528 1,723 1,&34 3, 850 2.244 2. 297 2,325 16, 687 1,822 2,177 769 1,793 1,793 1,786 2,033 1,904 2,610 1,663 1,125 1,143 12, 204 2,325 1,205 1,872 2, 484 1, 515 2,803 7,483 4,788 1,031 1,349 1,460 9,766 941 2,363 3,732 1,071 1,307 1,403 5,206 7,435 923 2,220 1,855 5,765 1,396 1.443 6,878 4, 208 2,248 5,872 1,350 1,108 5,850 1,554 7,523 3,299 1,673 2, 931 2, 985 2, 685 1,945 3,206 1,436 1,771 3,647 2,789 1,409 1,674 1,590 1,706 1,717 2,0»6 1,891 3,883 2,239 2,498 2,491 16, 083 1,848 2,282 903 1,271 1,755 1,762 2,278 1, 781) 2,204 1,877 1,340 1,436 13, 158 2,411 1,180 1, 988 2,705 1.776 3,098 8,299 4,935 1,125 1,293 1,633 10, 401 941 2,554 3, 882 1 1, 217 ■103 450 685 1,087 387 381 276 1,695 415 227 2,414 1,070 666 1,883 342 170 938 168 4,301 1,381 674 2, 022 492 341 121 266 461 72 2,574 296 493 122 63 278 112 414 162 1,143 326 121 803 4,296 627 468 159 502 329 679 286 428 818 1,052 "170 366 3,208 316 225 520 1,027 350 770 4,172 2,093 172 252 38 2,471 1,165 469 2,012 331 68 333 655 1,071 349 349 200 1,123 287 213 2,460 1, 1.50 745 1,761 371 150 896 180 3,111 1,145 595 1,735 459 326 126 243 428 64 2,151 298 475 95 36 167 102 598 144 1,109 268 80 728 3,958 575 457 207 297 355 648 364 388 667 958 149 451 2,924 310 138 511 940 373 652 3,630 1,818 188 203 31 2, 325 790 438 1,788 ^8 1,089 1,214 4,811 7,005 914 2,187 1,521 6,203 1, 279 1,375 5,993 3,756 1,954 5,389 1,117 1,092 4,836 1,253 8,126 3,162 1,604 3,167 2,692 2,374 1,784 3,020 1,194 1,361 3.532 2,383 1,248 1,463 1,495 1,631 1,397 1,715 1,634 3,831 2, 280 2,170 2,315 16, 200 1,776 2,121 768 1,585 1,716 1,772 1,993 1,888 2,581 1, 663 1,038 1,110 11, 376 2,152 1,122 1,800 2,484 1,410 2,396 7,403 4,727 1,017 1,349 1,431 8,839 941 2.360 3,718 1,066 1,288 1,308 5, 095 7,171 921 2,193 1,647 5,373 1,221 1,442 6,795 4,204 2,233 5,503 1,348 1,103 5,411 1,506 7,404 3,267 1,651 2,931 2,875 2,606 1,865 3,085 1,417 1,438 3, 572 2,621 1,386 1, 652 1,539 1,607 1, 555 2.019 1,889 3, 869 2, 234 2,410 2,484 15, 721 1,806 2,232 903 1,159 1,690 1,748 2,242 1,761 2,180 1,877 1,238 1,408 12, 219 2,251 1, 093 1,908 2,702 1,656 2,609 8,236 4,869 1,108 1,293 1,602 9,531 940 2,552 3,874 1,213 •> •\ ^ 5 Dpkalh n 7 g g 10 11 Elgin 12 It 14 15 Ifi 20 21 22 "1 15 26 27 28 29 31 32 Mount Carniel 33 Mount Vernon 34 35 36 Oak Park 37 gm ^0 40 41 12 Pekin 13 Ward 1 Ward 2 45 Ward 3 46 "VVard 4 17 Ward 5 1* Ward 6 49 Ward 7 50 Ward 8 51 Ward 9 5'' 53 54 Princeton 15 56 AVard 1 57 Ward 2 Ward 3 'iS Ward 4 60 Ward 5 61 Ward 6 fio Kockford 63 fiif 65 66 Shelby ville 67 69 60 70 Streator 71 Sycamore POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 677 NATIVE -WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE -FOREIGN — PARENTS. PARENTS . FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Temales. Males. Females. Males. Females. 936 1,086 153 202 103 68 31 19 1 517 590 697 718 450 333 98 95 2 3,687 3, 836 1,124 1,259 683 654 136 112 3 5,517 5,579 1,488 1,592 1,075 1,071 255 264 4 559 554 355 367 385 349 8 2 5 1,558 1,523 629 670 380 348 25 28 6 1,106 1,209 415 438 276 200 200 208 7 3,283 2,767 2,920 2,606 1,690 1,123 388 392 8 624 617 655 604 414 286 185 176 9 960 973 415 469 227 213 2 1 10 3,536 3,986 2,457 2,809 2,412 2,459 80 84 11 2,117 2,241 1,639 1,963 1,069 1,149 6 5 12 703 756 1,251 1,477 666 745 22 15 13 3,392 3,417 1,997 2,086 1,880 1,761 362 369 14 704 896 413 452 342 371 2 2 15 822 795 270 308 170 150 5 5 16 3,419 3,746 1,417 1,665 932 895 421 440 17 920 1,115 333 391 167 180 53 48 18 3,489 2,979 4,637 4,425 4,296 3,108 208 122 19 1,668 1,699 1,494 1,568 1,378 1,145 41 32 20 924 911 680 740 674 595 23 22 21 1,002 1,959 922 2,080 2,165 733 2,009 795 2,019 491 1,735 458 3 98 22 111 23 1,812 1,960 562 646 341 326 85 79 24 1,542 1,608 242 257 121 124 76 82 25 2,470 2,536 550 549 262 243 102 121 26 558 642 636 775 460 427 24 20 27 1,185 1,260 176 178 72 63 305 334 28 1,369 1,313 2,163 2,259 2,572 2,151 98 75 29 1,995 2,165 388 456 295 298 171 168 30 620 694 628 692 491 475 30 23 31 1,154 1,326 309 326 120 95 24 22 32 1,388 1,419 107 120 62 36 50 51 33 1,207 1,182 424 425 278 167 98 99 34 1,185 1,318 212 237 111 100 132 164 35 1,291 1,486 424 533 414 598 8 17 36 1,325 1,508 309 381 161 144 1 2 37 1,967 2,020 1,864 1,849 1,134 1,109 28 14 38 1,759 1,736 471 498 325 267 15 6 39 2,001 2, 241 169 169 119 80 129 88 40 1,206 1,208 1,109 1,276 802 727 11 8 41 9,849 8,909 6, 351 6,812 4.258 3,957 525 363 42 888 823 888 983 022 575 51 42 43 1,243 1,255 878 977 406 457 58 50 44 484 1,020 545 673 284 565 358 486 159 488 207 297 1 222 45 ii2'" 46 1,293 1,127 423 563 315 354 91 66 47 669 640 1.103 1,108 679 648 14 14 48 1,428 1,515 565 727 286 364 40 36 49 1,375 1,179 513 582 428 388 16 19 50 1,449 1,152 1,132 1,028 815 667 32 24 51 402 778 406 901 1,261 260 1,471 337 1,051 166 958 149 1 91 52 102 53 780 995 330 413 364 451 35 28 54 5,370 5,577 6,006 6,642 3,202 2,923 834 940 55 1,436 1,498 716 753 316 309 173 161 56 767 691 355 402 221 138 87 87 57 820 846 986 1,062 520 511 66 80 58 599 615 1,885 2,087 1,026 940 1 3 59 789 853 627 803 350 373 99 120 60 959 1,074 1,437 1,535 769 652 408 489 61 4,224 4,758 3,179 3,478 4,169 3, 630 83 63 62 2,071 2,094 2,656 2, 775 I 2,091 1,818 63 66 63 767 832 250 276 172 188 14 17 64 911 1,363 826 1,538 438 68 467 64 252 38 203 31 65 29" si" 66 4,958 5,227 3,881 4,304 2,464 2,323 934 872 67 209 1,693 218 1,745 732 667 722 807 1,165 467 790 438 1 2 68 5" 69 1,867 1,857 1,851 2,017 2,009 1,787 17 9 70 696 789 370 424 331 368 5 4 71 (578 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Illinois— Contiuued. Tavlorville TJrbana Warsaw Waukegan Indiana : Anderson Aurora Bedford Bloomington. Bluffton 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4U 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 69 70 n I Brazil Butler..-.. Columbia.. Col ambus Connersville.. Crawfordsvillo Decatur Elkhart Evans ville . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Fort Wayne . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4 . Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Frankfort .. Franklin Garrett Goshen Greencastle. Greenfield Greensburg... Hammond Huntingburg . Huntington... Indianapolis . . Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward 4.. Ward 5.. Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . NATIVE BOBN. Males. Females. 1,275 1,636 969 1,810 5,373 1,676 1,547 1, 928 1,709 2,531 1,245 1,393 3,073 2,120 2,828 1,423 4,950 21, 707 3,854 2,779 2,710 4,016 3,037 5,311 14,167 1.182 1,202 1,277 1,316 1,796 1.679 1,052 2, 017 1,483 1,163 2,803 1,712 1,289 2,722 2,059 1,503 1,640 1,877 1,470 3,275 44, 728 3,559 2,902 2,308 1,448 1,432 1,444 2,056 1,844 1,337 1,177 1,126 1, 531 1,634 1,788 2,052 1,566 722 1,034 1,833 1,540 2, 704 2,034 1,828 1,430 2,399 1,349 1,621 1,131 1,912 4,659 1,756 1,600 1,996 1,771 2,672 1,133 1,409 3, 264 2,022 2,978 1,487 5,099 21, 901 4,385 2,386 2,768 3,898 3,406 5,058 14, 364 1,258 1, 152 1,008 1,504 2,074 1,766 1,073 1,931 1,406 1,132 2,972 2,007 1,199 2,830 2,141 1,535 1,815 1,621 1,439 3,373 46, 221 3,593 3,509 2,529 1,514 1,641 1,780 2,184 2,092 1,408 1,274 1,035 1,539 1,686 1,779 1,952 1,001 611 1,016 1, 856 1,645 2,683 2,134 1.882 1,584 2,294 FOKEIGN BOBN. Males. Females. 119 134 323 622 447 243 118 47 72 396 86 132 216 214 145 131 3,786 434 341 546 738 788 9.39 3,731 252 284 241 288 465 359 335 674 273 560 35 158 261 104 1,112 149 373 7,575 459 158 165 154 172 106 308 385 195 207 119 151 194 255 329 250 201 207 376 234 464 500 786 363 837 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 120 298 571 262 254 86 47 37 306 57 93 166 192 138 101 651 3,362 438 272 495 605 742 810 3,131 231 204 181 278 460 343 256 509 258 411 27 121 220 26 61 818 109 307 ,912 398 241 159 143 179 175 286 340 201 204 111 113 153 247 235 179 146 141 356 224 417 467 677 328 792 Males. Females. 1,255 1,604 964 1,798 5,233 1,676 1,501 1,768 1,707 2,410 1,241 1,393 3,010 2,033 2,708 1,423 4,939 18, 734 2,918 2,148 2,365 3,684 2,863 4,756 14, 047 1,176 1,168 1,250 1,302 1,790 1,672 1,045 2,006 1,476 1,162 2,770 1,608 1,285 2,707 1,953 1,481 1, 585 1,872 1,432 3,265 40, 148 3,141 2,792 1,565 993 1,149 1,310 1,968 1,797 1,208 1,084 1,028 1,341 1,190 1,236 2,029 1,454 672 972 1,811 1,466 2,510 1,986 1,796 1,398 2,252 1, 327 1,588 1,126 1,902 4,593 1,756 1,558 1,833 1,770 2,557 1,127 1,409 3,199 1,922 2, 837 1,487 5,075 19, 325 3,429 1,970 2,525 3,638 3,215 4,548 14, 267 1,252 1,124 1,051 1,498 2,066 1,759 1,064 1,920 1,401 1,132 2,939 1,891 1,198 2,825 2,030 1,508 1,752 1, 620 1,408 3,365 41, 685 3, 172 3,369 1,772 1,020 1,304 1,589 2,090 2,026 1, 290 1,182 966 1,381 1,298 1,270 1,933 900 594 960 1,838 1,576 2,510 2,095 1,843 1,545- 2,165 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOE PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. 679 NATrnE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITB — POKBIGN FOEBIGN WBITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Pemales. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,085 1,130 170 197 118 86 21 22 1 1,369 1,337 235 251 133 120 33 33 2 475 514 489 612 323 298 5 5 3 1,022 1,079 776 823 619 571 15 10 4 4,627 4,000 606 593 447 262 140 66 5 1,103 1, 150 573 606 241 254 2 6 1,302 1,369 199 189 118 85 46 43" 7 1,616 1,690 152 143 46 47 161 163 8 1,555 1,610 152 160 72 37 2 1 9 1,819 1,962 591 595 394 306 123 115 10 1,073 972 168 155 85 57 5 6 11 1,110 2,556 1 123 283 286 131 93 1 12 2! 680 454 519 216 166 63 65" 13 1,529 1,385 504 537 212 192 89 100 14 2.411 2,497 297 340 141 138 124 141 15 1, 128 1,186 4,103 295 301 131 101 16 4ioi8 921 972 658 651 13" 24" 17 10, 688 10, 416 8,046 8,909 3,782 3,345 2,977 2,593 18 1,926 2,197 992 1,232 434 436 936 958 19 1,519 1,290 629 680 338 272 634 416 20 1,267 1,252 1,098 1,273 546 495 345 243 21 2,187 1,961 1,497 1,677 738 605 332 260 22 1,198 1,323 1,665 1,892 788 741 174 192 23 2,591 2,393 2,165 2,155 938 796 556 524 24 7,876 7,639 6,171 6,628 3,716 3,130 135 98 25 638 689 538 563 252 231 6 6 26 770 665 398 459 281 204 37 28 27 876 634 374 417 234 181 34 17 28 741 806 561 692 288 278 14 6 29 977 1,107 813 959 463 460 8 8 30 877 907 795 852 359 343 7 7 31 510 507 535 557 335 256 7 9 32 846 809 1,160 1,111 672 508 13 12 33 1,067 969 409 432 272 258 8 5 34 574 546 588 586 560 411 1 35 2,624 2,783 146 156 96 48 33 33 36 1,561 1,821 47 70 35 27 104 116 37 1,085 965 200 233 157 121 5 1 38 2,259 2,331 448 494 261 219 15 6 39 1,800 1,855 153 175 102 86 108 111 40 1,388 1,424 93 84 35 26 23 27 41 1,395 1,492 190 260 80 61 55 63 42 940 706 932 914 1,110 818 7 1 43 973 940 459 468 149 109 38 31 44 2,479 2,521 786 844 371 307 12 8 45 28, 146 28, 853 12, 002 12, 832 7,553 6,896 4,602 4,552 46 2,504 2,504 637 668 458 396 419 423 47 2,422 2,821 370 548 157 239 111 142 48 1,234 1,363 331 409 165 157 743 759 49 735 727 258 293 154 142 455 495 50 836 929 313 375 172 177 283 339 51 1,066 1,302 244 287 106 175 134 191 52 1,385 1,526 583 564 307 286 89 94 53 1,143 1,323 654 703 385 340 47 66 54 847 868 361 422 194 201 130 118 55 795 816 289 366 205 202 95 94 56 895 787 133 179 116 111 101 69 57 1,181 1,166 160 215 149 113 192 158 58 886 996 304 302 189 152 449 389 59 860 894 376 376 254 246 553 510 60 1,540 1,461 489 472 328 235 24 19 61 1,120 597 334 303 250 178 112 102 62 436 375 236 219 200 145 51 18 63 674 690 298 270 207 141 62 56 64 1,154 1,127 657 711 376 356 22 18 65 983 1,083 483 493 233 224 75 69 66 1,808 1,798 702 712 463 417 195 173 67 1,101 1,113 885 982 500 467 48 39 68 669 669 1,127 1,174 786 677 32 39 m 820 932 578 610 363 328 32 42 70 1.052 986 1,200 1,179 836 791 148 130 7) 680 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOEOUSHS. Indiana — Continued. Jeffersonville Kendallville Kokomo Lafayette Laporte Lawrenceburg Lebanon Logansport Madison Marion Martinsville Michigan city Mishawaka.'- Mount Vernon Muncie New Albany Newcastle Noblesville , Peru Plymouth Portland Princeton , Kickmond Rushville , Seymour Shelby vllle South Bend Terre Haute , Wardl Ward2 Ward3 Ward* Ward 5 , Ward C Not in wards . Tipton Union Valparaiso Vincennea Wabash Warsaw Washington West Indianapolis Winchester Iowa: Atlantic Belle Plaine Boone Burlington Cedar Stalls Cedar Rapids Centerville Chariton Charles city Cherokee .'. Clarinda Clinton Council Blufts . - - . Creston Davenport AVard 1 Ward2 Ward 3 Ward4 Ward 5 Ward G Not in wards . Decorah NATIVE BOEN. Males. 4,904 1,226 3,994 6,458 2,664 1,770 1,797 5,673 3,810 4,350 1,244 4 233 1,396 2,115 5,513 9,127 1,221 1,467 3,148 1,143 1,830 1,386 7,088 1,558 2,379 2,492 7,721 13, 090 2,612 1,812 1,843 1,895 2,629 2,002 297 1,306 1,219 2,007 3, 729 2,297 1,627 2,745 1,749 1,441 1,781 1,101 2,589 8,250 1,227 6,797 1,562 1,345 978 1,456 1,541 4,767 8,931 3,071 8,826 1,443 1,140 953 1,733 1,644 1,376 537 1,006 Females. 833 359 785 974 933 815 914 205 101 389 426 412 249 273 697 398 523 073 832 546 648 690 564 647 938 620 840 947 891 903 781 949 309 314 355 225 138 466 790 826 517 492 113 662 786 398 034 596 497 197 515 492 790 206 092 478 180 171 931 806 569 533 1,102 FOKEIGN BOEN. Males. 480 210 290 1,407 809 302 42 947 437 194 35 1,680 298 186 328 1,161 41 41 444 149 36 75 964 114 207 165 3,331 1, 301 262 228 221 435 382 39 51 67 439 518 191 94 285 137 44 307 211 632 2,875 414 2,066 296 148 316 260 172 2,043 2,377 539 4,281 982 962 755 467 427 466 222 Females. 449 165 192 1,404 793 279 28 794 484 124 21 1,437 265 155 231 1,074 37 23 363 143 27 113 187 147 2,829 1,639 239 260 189 201 377 349 24 26 40 419 468 151 63 208 124 37 337 198 637 2,654 420 2,123 214 132 311 210 57 2,019 1,960 498 4,097 951 923 620 447 487 201 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 095 220 843 302 631 748 764 600 505 158 213 127 387 702 299 170 132 398 094 143 797 208 660 460 272 393 586 465 592 720 705 822 520 803 297 303 209 007 542 245 606 677 651 396 773 096 547 064 224 699 529 299 978 464 475 677 767 052 703 443 140 936 582 371 532 1,006 Females. 1,102 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 681 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 3,079 2,346 1,016 1,063 477 448 812 825 1 947 970 273 386 209 165 7 3 2 3.476 3,287 367 372 287 192 154 126 3 3,959 4,162 2,343 2,664 1,405 1,404 158 148 4 1,473 1,576 1,158 1,248 807 792 35 37 5 1,068 1,162 680 742 301 279 23 29 6 1,676 1,679 88 97 42 28 33 39 7 4,065 4,276 1,535 1,573 945 792 75 67 8 2,391 2,593 1,114 1,293 437 484 305 319 9 3,849 3,606 309 334 192 123 194 162 10 1,116 1,271 97 87 34 21 32 22 11 2,003 1,418 2,124 1,981 1,680 1,437 106 27 12 914 958 473 444 298 265 9 10 13 1,277 1,350 425 484 184 154 415 416 14 4,697 4,506 602 562 326 231 216 205 15 5,665 6,127 2,505 2,625 1,160 1,073 958 946 16 1,028 1,172 104 125 41 37 89 101 17 1,311 1,366 87 89 40 22 70 69 18 2,393 2,314 701 721 441 363 57 38 19 899 1,706 1,003 1,703 244 285 99 149 143 20 91 36 27 33" 30" 21 998 1,096 210 245 75 69 178 205 22 4,738 5,122 1,922 2,072 960 907 432 455 23 1,244 1,351 216 252 114 113 98 87 24 1,687 1.799 585 637 205 187 109 128 25 2,007 2,100 386 441 164 147 100 100 26 4,647 4,802 2,939 2,999 3,325 2,824 141 142 27 9,280 9,622 3,185 3,481 1,866 1,636 627 520 28 2,059 2,229 533 597 300 230 21 14 29 1,307 1,359 419 538 262 260 86 50 30 1,384 1,395 321 385 227 188 139 112 31 1,350 1,416 472 413 221 201 73 74 32 1,772 1,877 748 807 435 376 109 98 33 1,191 1,114 612 664 382 348 199 172 34 217 1,187 232 80 77 39 24 35 1,191 116 120 49 26 5 3 36 1,114 1,232 95 107 67 40 10 16 37 1,421 2,460 1,538 586 687 437 419 2 38 2^657 1,082 1,251 513 467 192 23i' 39 1,890 2,109 355 316 187 151 50 41 40 1,471 1,596 135 172 91 63 24 22 41 2,051 2,151 626 598 283 207 70 78 42 1,370 1,168 281 254 137 124 98 95 43 1,287 1,355 109 110 44 37 45 27 44 1,364 1,405 409 459 365 337 10 2 45 807 804 289 306 211 198 5 3 46 1,783 1,783 764 837 631 637 43 42 47 4,082 4,179 3,982 4,430 2,871 2,654 190 177 48 753 885 471 511 414 420 3 2 49 4,245 4,228 2,454 2,724 2,059 2,123 105 82 50 1,277 1,297 252 261 296 214 33 38 51 1,081 1,245 218 210 147 132 47 42 52 596 1,147 759 1,126 382 307 438 315 311 1 53 386 260 210 2 3 54 1,332 1,258 143 159 171 57 67 75 55 2,420 2,285 2,257 2,417 2,040 2,019 93 88 56 6,176 5,477 2.591 2,623 2,371 1,957 170 109 57 2,281 2, 255 771 812 537 498 21 25 58 3,496 3,668 5,207 5,863 4,274 4,097 130 137 59 228 154 216 216 144 252 1 215 1 262 982 951 60 986 l|036 962 923 61 720 '898 753 620 id" 2l" 62 998 986 701 896 466 468 35 49 63 931 938 651 807 423 447 66 61 64 691 878 680 689 46C 487 5 2 65 278 254 254 275 222 201 5 4 66 440 504 566 598 339 353 1 67 682 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. Iowa— Continued . Des Moines Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward? Dubuque Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Fairfield Fort Dod;2;e Fort Madison . . . (irinnell Independence . . Iowa city Keolcuk Knoxville Leiuars Lyons Maquoketa Marion Marshall Mason Missouri Valley Mount Pleasant Muscatine Newtou Oskaloosa Ottumwa Perrv Red "Oak Sioux city Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Vinton Washington Waterloo Webster What Cheer Kansas: Abilene Argentine Arkansas city.. Atchison Chanute Clay Center Concordia Eldorado Emporia Fort Scott Girard Holton Horton Hutchinson Independence. . . Junction city. .. Kansas city Ward i .... Ward 2 .... Ward 3 .... Ward 4 .... Ward 5 . . . Ward 6 .... NATIVE BOEN. FOEEIGN BOKN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 21, 150 21, 028 4,160 3,755 20,544 20, 495 2,7C9 2,790 284 266 2,750 2,777 2,899 3,159 367 427 2,844 3,097 4,151 4,201 537 540 3,920 4,012 2,936 2,731 693 584 2,816 2,636 3,015 2, 858 1,151 968 2,937 2,794 3,860 3,871 878 771 3,775 3,779 1,520 1,418 250 199 1,502 1,400 11,011 11,581 4,115 3,604 10, 945 11, 526 2, 021 1,926 475 449 2,019 1,926 1,711 1,773 563 389 1,690 1,751 2,435 2,585 1,078 922 2,431 2,579 2,073 2,626 510 547 2,034 2,600 2,771 2,671 1,489 1,297 2,771 2,670 1,537 1,653 103 98 1,515 1,626 1,800 1,966 571 534 1.777 1,946 3,544 3,147 679 531 3,433 3,063 1,475 1,593 132 132 1,466 1,584 1,258 1, 453 218 234 1,249 1,443 2,645 2,922 699 750 2,621 2,896 5,773 6,006 1,158 1,164 5, 218 • 5,377 1,213 1,309 58 52 1,206 1, 304 1,491 1,507 536 502 1,491 1,507 1,934 2, 159 885 821 1,924 2,145 1,257 1,457 186 177 1,256 1,456 1,375 1,458 136 125 1,364 1,443 3,561 3,737 812 804 3,497 3,683 1,690 1,691 314 312 1,685 1,689 1, 230 1,184 198 185 1,227 1,179 1,656 1,977 194 170 1,514 1,801 4, 420 4,626 1,304 1,104 4,353 4,562 1,129 1,269 78 88 1,083 1,217 2,928 3,068 293 269 2,755 2,878 6,082 6,017 1,039 863 5,838 5,796 1,306 1,324 134 116 1,300 1,318 1,397 1,430 246 248 1,375 1,419 16, 283 12, 431 5,204 3,888 16, 048 12, 314 3,125 2,776 817 098 3,100 2,751 1,792 574 376 143 1,700 548 2,957 2,545 1,377 990 2,942 2,535 3,720 2,570 503 567 3,684 2,562 2, 710 2,195 1,721 1, 113 2,658 2,159 1,979 1,771 410 377 1,964 1,759 1,308 1,378 90 89 1,306 1,375 1,390 1,641 104 100 1,357 1,608 2,732 •2.997 476 469 2,731 2,995 1,190 1,300 165 174 1, 180 1,291 1,139 1,158 515 434 1,136 1,156 1,612 1,691 121 123 1,548 1,622 2,141 1,810 515 266 1,771 1,548 4,188 3,769 237 153 4,023 3,612 6, 083 6,252 854 774 4, 9911 5,011 1,299 1,337 104 86 1,216 1,246 1,168 1,294 167 173 1,076 1,205 1, 349 1,431 195 209 1,335 1,425 1,525 1,663 100 51 1,504 1,645 3,117 3,607 437 390 2,779 3,278 5,497 5,719 434 296 4,691 4,880 1,165 1,262 62 52 1,100 1,188 1,206 1,291 125 105 1,131 1,215 1,629 1,434 147 106 1,604 1,403 4. 083 4,021 298 280 3,921 3,863 1, 413 1,552 93 69 1,319 1,433 1,911 1,902 363 326 1,767 1,753 16, 840 15, 753 3,362 2,361 14, 432 13. 192 1,978 1,803 809 528 1,718 1,543 3,146 3,028 546 372 2,463 2,276 3,575 3,543 307 241 2,583 2,522 2,119 2,042 408 322 1.895 1,772 2,427 2,202 659 482 2,270 2,031 3,595 3,135 633 416 3,503 3,048 POPULATION. 683 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OE MORE: 1890— Contiuuod. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PAKENTS. Males. T"emales. 15, 628 2,370 2,236 3,148 2,021 1,893 2,770 1,190 4,451 1,090 799 796 1,048 718 1,310 1,027 2,167 1.268 1,634 3,194 1,104 758 901 932 1,132 2,516 1,109 970 1,201 2,569 923 2, 313 4,303 1,050 1,100 11,122 2,075 1,470 1,827 2,954 1,402 1,394 1,154 1 135 1,894 830 1,319 1, 321 3,621 3, 643 1,076 844 1,049 1,329 2,206 4,028 970 954 1,342 3,396 1,149 1,224 10, 424 1,059 1.777 2,073 1,366 1,534 2,615 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 15, 164 2,352 2,403 3,089 1,735 1,748 2,713 1,124 4,343 967 720 845 1,172 639 1,389 1,085 1,707 1, 300 1,777 3, 128 1,181 731 962 1,036 1,170 2,565 1, 122 873 1,436 2, 008 1,039 2, 358 4,209 1,049 1,109 7,870 1,727 439 1,527 1,871 1,094 1,212 1,182 1,325 2,009 980 668 1,346 1,108 3,240 3,569 1,096 947 1,042 1,469 2,622 4,142 1,034 1,014 1,155 3,355 1,232 1,198 9,429 875 1,654 1,996 1.228 1,402 2,274 Females. 4,916 380 608 772 795 1,044 1,005 312 6,494 929 891 1,635 986 2,053 205 750 1,266 198 363 987 2,024 102 733 1,023 324 232 981 516 257 313 1,784 160 442 1,535 250 275 4,926 1,025 230 1,115 730 1,256 570 152 222 837 350 527 229 450 402 1,347 140 232 286 175 573 663 130 177 262 525 170 543 4,008 659 686 510 529 736 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 5,331 425 694 923 901 1,040 1,060 276 7,183 959 1,031 1,734 1,428 2,031 237 861 1,356 284 463 1,119 2,249 123 776 1,183 420 267 1,118 567 306 365 1,954 178 520 1,587 269 310 4,444 1,024 109 1,008 1,065 547 193 283 986 311 276 440 372 1,442 150 258 383 176 656 738 154 201 248 508 201 555 3,763 668 622 526 544 629 774 Females. 4, 153 284 366 533 691 1,151 878 250 4,108 475 561 1,074 509 1,489 101 569 677 131 218 1,155 58 535 186 136 811 314 197 192 1,302 77 291 1,037 133 246 5,189 816 374 1,370 501 1,719 409 90 104 475 164 515 120 514 236 845 103 167 193 100 435 428 62 124 146 294 93 362 3,336 801 540 305 404 658 628 TOTAL COLORED. Males. 3,752 260 427 537 584 968 771 199 3,604 449 389 922 547 1,297 98 534 530 132 234 750 1,162 52 502 819 177 125 804 312 185 170 1,101 268 863 116 248 3,887 098 142 990 567 1,113 377 100 174 434 123 266 153 770 80 173 209 51 390 296 52 104 106 280 69 326 2,352 528 372 240 321 482 409 613 19 56 235 122 78 85 18 73 2 23 8 40 Females. 24 25 113 10 9 24 558 7 1 11 1 11 65 5 4 144 69 47 175 246 7 22 250 26 94 22 38 54 16 2 33 2 11 3 65 371 166 1,102 84 92 16 21 340 812 65 76 26 166 94 145 2,434 268 689 994 536 13 62 192 95 64 92 18 55 26 1 27 20 85 9 I'O 26 631 5 16 1 15 54 2 5 176 67 52 228 158 97 191 33 221 34 6 35 11 36 118 37 25 38 27 39 10 40 8 41 36 42 12 43 3 44 33 45 2 46 9 47 2 48 69 49 262 50 157 51 1,245 52 91 53 89 54 6 55 18 56 329 57 839 58 74 59 77 60 31 61 158 62 119 63 149 64 2,570 65 260 66 752 67 1,022 68 271 69 171 70 94 71 684 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Kansas — CoBtinned. Lawrence Leavenworth — McPherson Manhattan Newton Olathe. Osawatomie. . Oswego Ottawa Paola Parsons . . Pittsburg. Salina Topeka Ward 1 . "Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Wellington . Wichita Winfield.... Kentucky : Ashland BeUevue Bowling Green Covington . - . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 - Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Cynthiana Danville Dayton , Frankfort Harrodsburg . Henderson Hopkinsville , Lebanon Lexington Louisville Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Mayfield Maysville Middleboro . . . Mount Sterling Newport Owensboro NATIVE BORN. Males. Paducah Paris Richmond . . Shelby ville . Somerset Winchester . 4,342 7,712 1,326 1,340 2,369 1,489 1,220 1,322 1,250 2,727 1,359 3,082 3,122 2,657 13, 626 2,591 3,659 3,084 2,742 1, 5.50 2,129 11, 140 2.425 1,941 1,276 3,609 14. 747 1,501 1,232 1,480 1,481 1,484 1,535 1,896 1,612 1,344 1,182 1,366 1,756 1,789 3,799 1,490 4,008 2,042 1,331 9,715 66, 594 6,087 4,937 5,306 4,901 5,632 3,482 2,817 3,982 4,498 6,343 10, 702 7,907 1,386 2,306 2,012 1,696 9,650 4,686 6,016 1,908 2,662 1,210 1,317 2,137 Females. 4,701 8,243 1,429 1,395 2,375 1,662 1,130 1,105 1,224 3,075 1,470 3, 226 2,759 2,670 13, 928 2,686 3,466 3,387 2,887 1,502 2,077 10, 805 2,531 1,973 1,372 3,935 15, 960 1,781 1,254 1,739 1,561 1,642 1,725 1,904 1,749 1,396 1,209 1,527 1,922 1,884 3,807 1,701 4, 436 3,084 1,450 10, 770 71, 025 5,895 5,227 5,795 5,627 6,431 4,012 3,090 4,407 4,591 6,663 10, 784 8.503 1,486 2,716 1,080 1,825 10, 241 4,746 6,176 2,092 2,321 1,408 1,231 2,285 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 483 2,014 206 135 433 84 654 156 56 225 235 476 412 269 727 246 460 104 100 1,073 134 153 260 146 3,295 262 188 403 211 437 237 487 341 273 456 64 63 297 139 28 214 59 22 590 12, 018 1,261 1, 439 1,248 1,035 939 387 315 461 679 958 040 256 24 161 141 74 2,434 221 346 110 65 34 49 63 Females. 471 1,799 211 134 428 59 465 79 44 221 48 193 340 410 1,647 239 570 300 444 94 85 835 94 128 255 113 3.309 344 192 403 247 422 230 472 384 265 410 59 25 294 147 11 177 48 13 492 11, 492 1,147 1,423 1,223 1,048 814 370 377 459 596 816 2,029 1,190 13 175 38 34 2,593 184 259 108 25 27 28 34 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 3,280 6,285 1,301 1,180 2,245 1,344 1,037 1,246 1,002 2,459 1,146 2,688 3,057 2,459 11, 195 2,021 3,259 2,483 2,375 1,057 2,084 10,439 2,327 1,788 1,271 2,404 13, 869 1,398 1,064 1,435 1,284 1,397 1,441 1,859 1,528 1,301 1,162 835 884 1,769 2,589 870 2,437 1,346 853 5,803 53, 274 5,517 4,568 4,465 3,609 3,990 2,732 2,491 2,831 2,863 3,983 8,842 7,383 1,024 1,914 1,686 1,102 9,444 3,516 4,015 1,083 1.367 572 1,072 1,050 Females. 3,610 6,730 1,411 1,248 2,256 1,498 965 1,024 957 2,749 1,262 2,821 2,717 2,467 11, 343 2,023 3,046 2,790 2,494 990 2,047 10, 261 2,435 1,826 1,365 2,445 14, 898 1,624 1,046 1,664 1,348 1,547 1,617 1,872 1,657 1,345 1,178 926 960 1,871 2,383 955 2,659 1,433 883 6,141 55, 721 5,374 4,848 4,858 3,941 4,416 3,064 2,540 2,900 2,871 4,149 8,857 7,903 1,074 2,228 960 1,144 10, 000 3,468 3,963 1,195 1,181 692 976 1,086 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 685 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOEEIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2, 622 2,854 658 756 478 471 1,067 1,091 1 3, .544 3,788 2,741 2,942 2,006 1,795 1, 4.35 1,517 2 1,027 1,088 274 323 205 211 26 18 3 976 995 204 253 135 134 160 147 4 1,699 1,761 546 495 432 428 125 119 5 1,190 1,339 154 159 84 59 145 164 6 .ISS 538 454 427 654 465 183 165 7 1,135 916 111 108 156 79 76 81 8 912 894 90 63 56 44 248 207 9 2,073 2,328 386 421 225 221 268 326 10 1,023 1,088 123 174 66 48 213 208 11 2,260 2, 332 428 489 235 193 394 405 12 2,484 2,195 573 522 476 340 65 42 13 1,864 1, 842 595 625 412 410 198 203 14 8,961 8,973 2,234 2,370 1,787 1,644 2,450 2,588 15 1,681 1,701 340 322 267 239 572 663 16 2, 455 2, 256 804 790 719 569 408 421 17 2,125 2, 373 358 417 245 299 602 598 18 1,823 1,861 552 633 453 443 374 394 19 877 782 180 208 103 94 494 512 20 1,857 1,823 227 224 94 84 51 31 21 8,889 8,665 1,550 1,596 1,056 834 718 545 22 2,084 2,146 243 289 131 94 101 96 23 1,385 1,419 403 407 151 128 155 147 24 656 695 615 670 230 255 5 7 25 2,141 2,127 263 318 142 113 1,209 1,490 26 7,002 7,332 6,867 7,566 3,289 3,369 884 1,062 27 807 917 591 707 261 344 104 157 28 692 621 372 425 183 192 173 208 29 722 817 713 847 403 403 45 75 30 849 840 435 508 211 247 197 213 31 557 622 840 925 437 422 87 95 32 858 941 583 676 237 230 94 108 33 785 752 1,074 1,120 487 472 37 32 34 781 865 747 792 341 384 84 92 35 707 684 594 661 273 265 43 51 36 244 273 918 905 456 410 20 31 37 723 821 112 105 63 58 532 602 38 852 918 32 42 62 25 873 962 39 1,066 1,078 703 793 297 294 20 13 40 2, 285 2,122 304 261 137 147 1,212 1,424 41 832 915 38 40 27 11 621 746 42 1,928 2,121 509 538 211 177 1,574 1,777 43 1,237 1,317 109 116 59 48 1,296 1,651 44 828 859 25 24 22 13 478 567 45 4,874 5,164 929 977 587 489 3,915 4,632 46 31, 066 31, 876 82, 208 23, 845 11,990 11, 472 13, 348 15, 324 47 2,851 2, 669 2,666 2,705 1,261 1,147 570 521 48 1,636 1,674 2.932 3,174 1,439 1,423 369 379 49 2,130 2,410 2,335 2,448 1,248 1, 223 841 937 50 1,766 1,828 1, 843 2,113 1, 035 1,044 1,292 1,690 51 2,880 3. 203 1,110 1,213 935 809 1,616 2,020 52 2,219 2, 473 51S 591 .383 368 754 950 53 1,936 1,958 555 582 312 376 329 551 54 2,117 2,138 714 702 456 457 1,156 1,509 55 1,731 1,708 1,132 1,163 676 596 1,638 1,720 56 2,453 2,468 1,530 1,681 953 811 2,365 2,519 57 4,758 4,589 4,084 4,268 2, 039 2,028 1,861 1,928 58 4,589 4,758 2,794 3,145 1,253 1,190 527 600 59 1,001 1,052 23 22 24 12 362 413 60 1,546 1,725 368 503 160 175 393 488 61 1,577 903 109 57 140 38 327 120 62 983 1,063 119 81 74 34 594 681 63 3,996 4, 173 5,448 5,827 2, 434 2,593 206 241 64 3,049 2,952 467 516 219 184 1,172 1,278 65 3,294 3,201 721 762 344 2.59 2,003 2,213 66 881 970 202 225 110 108 825 897 67 1,280 1,095 87 86 65 25 1,295 1,140 68 517 613 55 79 34 27 638 716 69 988 907 84 69 49 28 245 255 70 979 1,018 71 68 63 33 1,087 1,200 71 686 ' COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. Louisiana: Alexandria — . Baton Rouge — Donaldsonville Gretna Lake Charles . Monroe New Iberia . . . New Orleans. Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10 , Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Plaquemine. Shreveport . Maine: Auburn . Augusta. Bangor . . Bath Belfast . - Biddeford ., Brewer Bridgton .. Bristol Brunswick Bucksport Calais Camden Cape Elizabeth . Caribou Deering . . Deer Isle . . *Dexter Eastport.. Ellsworth Fairfield Earmington . . Fort Fairfield. Frencliville . , . Gardiner Gorham Hallowell. .. Houlton Kennebwuk- Kittery. .. Lewiston . Lisbon Norway . . Oldtown . . Orono Paris Pittsfield . NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. 1,282 5,095 1,322 1,465 1,619 1,463 1,517 96, 654 5,230 6,364 11, 742 4,819 8,471 5,389 9,219 4,355 7,076 7,929 8,351 4,990 3,216 1,901 4,595 1,500 1,507 1,456 5,395 4,758 4,153 7,550 3,721 2,439 3,884 1,773 1,129 1,418 2,319 1,356 2,457 2,130 2,494 1,629 2,205 1, 763 1,194 1,807 2,248 1,567 1,489 1,391 1,100 2,395 1,389 1,260 1,262 1,408 1,343 0,281 1,192 1,237 2,278 1,130 1,528 1,178 1,426 4,967 1,639 1,518 1,562 1,600 1,763 111,016 6,679 7,357 12, 335 5,919 9,312 6,790 10, 691 5,031 7,409 9,748 9,956 5,728 3,571 2,344 4,787 1,727 1, 632 1,566 5,993 5,107 4,476 8,082 3,742 2,698 4,269 1,669 1,378 1,338 2,207 1,456 2,399 2,382 2,352 1,491 2,455 1,594 1.287 1,771 2, 281 1,458 1,601 1,218 1,096 2,574 1,356 1,361 1,230 1,520 1,394 6,857 1,234 1,323 1,952 1,016 1,573 1,186 KOREION BORN. Males. 94 255 109 185 172 119 101 16, 813 916 1,204 2,141 1,095 1,997 1,282 1,266 773 1,344 1,344 1,222 718 318 328 494 162 209 132 381 682 901 1,840 695 2,765 465 52 32 690 57 1,118 65 301 534 340 45 127 615 142 265 58 476 186 284 324 762 122 71 ,928 369 54 673 394 28 76 Females. 59 161 51 164 74 17, 556 1,168 1,481 2,023 1,057 1,694 1,055 1,185 928 1,314 1,768 1,482 829 380 354 458 141 239 210 703 997 1,631 565 76 3,525 286 46 33 796 52 1,316 44 312 433 353 20 124 715 133 220 59 441 178 238 75 236 761 122 56 4,635 325 51 409 250 27 63 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 615 1,985 579 847 1,107 719 830 68, 057 4, 122 4,934 7,352 3,388 5,485 3,903 5,765 3,759 5,734 6,193 6,096 3,877 2,186 1,320 2,424 608 911 640 1,921 4,756 4,134 7,520 3,691 2,432 3,884 1,771 1,128 1,408 2,289 1,356 2,448 2,129 2,492 1,629 2,202 1,757 1,194 1,806 2,247 1,567 1,486 1,390 1.100 2,378 1,389 1,260 1,252 1,407 1,342 6,259 1,190 1,231 2,083 1,130 1,528 1,178 Females. 633 2,054 680 876 1,049 716 937 75, 416 5,049 5,529 7,299 3,825 5,666 4,561 6,456 4,298 6,082 7,199 6,972 4,275 2,437 1,653 2,477 642 671 1,941 5,105 4,446 8,062 3,720 2,693 4,268 1,668 1,378 1, 335 2,169 1,456 2,395 2,380 2,348 1,491 2,449 1,594 1,287 1,767 2,278 1,457 1,601 1,218 1,096 2,561 1, 356 1,361 1,220 1,519 1,390 6,840 1,233 1,318 1,787 1,016 1, 572 1,186 POPULATIOK CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 687 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHTTE — NATIVE PARENTS. NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 436 1.498 449 404 454 1,575 547 445 179 487 130 443 179 479 133 431 89 247 98 184 59 158 51 164 672 3,118 754 619 793 2,916 959 642 1 2 3 4 879 649 695 796 643 777 228 70 135 253 73 160 170 119 99 89 74 65 514 744 689 513 884 827 5 6 7 33. 207 1,948 2,217 3,374 1,623 2,566 37, 191 2,516 2,462 3,314 1,812 2,837 34, 850 2,174 2,717 3,978 1,765 2,919 38, 225 2,533 3,067 3,985 2,013 2,829 16, 474 898 1,183 2,086 1,048 1,943 17, 429 1,165 1,476 1,997 1,047 1,680 28,936 1,126 1,451 4,445 1,478 3,040 35, 727 1. 633 1,833 f., 062 2, 104 3,660 8 9 10 11 12- 13 2,300 3,415 1,608 2,490 2,757 3,833 1,751 2,675 1,603 2,350 2,151 3,244 1,804 2,623 2,547 3,407 1,256 1,238 767 1,344 1,040 1,166 926 1,313 1,512 3,482 602 1,342 2,244 4,254 735 1,328 14 15 16 17 2,772 2,893 2,123 1,255 3,224 3,282 2,363 1,465 3,421 3,203 1,754 931 3,975 3, 690 1, 912 972 1,319 1,195 712 311 1,755 1.477 827 374 1,761 2,282 1,119 1,037 2,562 2,989 1,455 1,140 18 19 20 21 703 1,245 264 411 904 1,268 252 476 617 1.179 344 500 749 1,209 390 520 327 • 480 160 207 352 457 138 239 582 2,185 894 598 693 2,311 1,088 636 22 23 24 25 466 1,426 507 1,441 174 495 164 500 126 3S9 67 208 822 3.486 896 4,054 26 27 4, 350 3,565 5,465 3,159 2,332 4,662 3,873 5,905 3,215 2,584 406 569 2,055 532 100 443 573 2,157 505 109 680 894 1.824 683 78 701 997 1,623 561 76 4 26 46 42 9 4 30 28 23 6 28 29 30 31 32 2,400 1,491 1,074 1,338 2,016 2,769 1,397 1,317 1,279 1,895 1,484 280 54 70 273 1,499 271 61 56 274 2.761 464 52 32 084 3, 524 286 46 33 795 4 3 1 10 36 2 1 33 34 35 3 39 36 37 1,281 1,181 2,058 2,068 1,186 1,391 1,156 2,298 1,939 1,087 75 1,267 71 424 443 65 1,239 82 409 404 56 1,U5 64 300 1 534 52 1,307 44 310 433 1 12 2 3 38 13 2 6 39 40 41 4?, 1,925 1,696 1,074 1,159 2,048 2,150 1,558 1,168 1,136 2,068 277 61 120 647 199 299 36 119 631 210 338 45 127 609 140 351 20 124 709 133 5 6 8 43 44 45 7 3 10 3 46 47 1,327 1,385 810 443 2,127 1,221 1.496 699 457 2,379 240 101 580 657 251 236 105 519 639 182 265 57 476 186 282 220 59 441 178 236 1 48 4 1 4!t 50 51 19 15 52 1,298 1,097 738 1,299 1,300 1,167 690 1,423 91 163 514 108 56 194 530 96 68 324 754 122 75 236 756 122 53 .54 18 1 15 1 55 56 1,223 4,045 950 1,180 1,317 4,562 1.001 1,274 119 2,214 240 51 73 2.278 232 44 70 3,921 368 53 56 4,633 324 51 2 29 3 7 4 19 2 5 57 58 59 60 1,669 769 1,502 1,107 1,429 679 1,558 1,130 414 361 26 71 358 337 14 56 672 394 28 75 409 250 27 63 196 165 61 1 63 U i 64 688 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Maine — Continued. Portland Wardl...- "Ward2...- WardS.... Ward i Wards Ward 6-..- Ward 7 .... Presque Isle — Richmond liockland Saco Sanford Skowhegan Soutli Berwick Thoniastou Vinalbaven Waldoboro Wafcrville Westbrook Maryland : Annapolis Baltimore Ward 1 ..- Ward 2 ... Ward 3 - . . Ward 4 ... Ward 5 . . . Ward C ... Ward 7 ... Ward S ... Ward 9 . . . Ward 10 ... Ward 11 . . . Ward 12 . . . Ward 13 . . . Ward 14 ... W.ardlS ... Ward 16 . . . Ward 17 . . . Ward 18 ... Ward 19 . . . Ward 20 ... AVard 21 . . . Ward 22 ... Cambridge C'hestertown. .. Cumberland ... Easton Frederick I'rostbnrg Hagerstown ... Havre de Grace Salisbury Sparrow Point. Westminster .. Massachusetts : Abington Adams Amesbury Amherst Andover Arlington Ashland Athol Attleboro Barnstable Beverly Blackstone NATIVE BORN. Males. 13, 630 2,429 1,837 1,932 1,855 1,516 1,719 2,342 1,240 1,499 3,725 2,448 1.646 2,044 1,366 1,388 1,179 1,753 2,640 2,300 3,589 172, 341 8,688 5,368 6,072 5,444 6.029 10,524 9,904 10,155 5,566 6,316 8,391 9,093 5,588 6,882 6,093 5,871 10, 505 10, 843 10, 165 8,359 6,820 9,065 1,964 1,244 5, 371 1,375 3,539 1,568 4,568 1,499 1,376 1,654 1,323 1,852 2,702 3,509 2,079 2,305 1,870 989 2,775 2,787 1,810 4,331 1,763 Females. 14, 970 2, 455 1,885 2,107 1,763 1,946 2,137 2,677 1,078 1,444 3,935 2,811 1,643 2,278 1,461 1,432 1, 21T 1,710 2,806 2,471 3,553 193, 095 8,071 5,223 0, 572 5,862 6,709 11,129 10,916 11, 060 6,018 7,308 10, 061 12,744 6,336 8,404 6,433 6,146 10, 138 11, 000 12, 678 10, 104 7,261 11,722 2,180 1,361 5,893 1,524 4,352 1,641 5,283 1, 558 1,508 494 1,507 1,857 2,890 3,721 1,952 2,266 2,142 991 2,729 2,910 1,981 4,605 1,784 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 3,364 569 700 503 548 259 288 497 384 77 297 366 474 419 278 117 116 24 826 884 31S 33, 773 2,354 3,133 1,459 2,290 1,461 2, 349 2,054 1,599 1,555 1,054 851 771 1, 325 1,079 1,166 1,124 2,331 2,339 783 739 1,025 932 31 17 768 28 155 315 147 95 12 277 42 266 1,779 1,357 225 693 787 290 457 900 100 760 1,429 Females. 4,461 674 752 553 684 466 532 780 344 62 217 450 438 327 329 72 105 18 835 977 144 35, 230 2,449 3,119 1,659 2,181 1,610 2,320 2,209 1,874 1, 562 1,082 1,007 1,316 1,352 1,120 1,099 1,109 2,235 2,270 858 832 948 1,019 17 10 697 12 147 280 120 92 9 285 1,842 1,211 256 830 262 358 132 1,125 1,162 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 13, 540 2,399 1,806 1,920 1,852 1,512 1,717 2,334 1,240 1,497 3,'; 14 2,444 1,646 2,044 1,358 1,387 1,179 1,750 2,634 2,297 2,228 143, 501 8,509 5,234 5,126 4,463 4, 580 8,805 9,362 8,431 4,407 4,457 3,797 7,407 4,628 5,916 4,459 3,958 10, 161 9,291 8,125 7,001 6,495 1,303 724 4,898 1,464 4,119 1,146 1,010 1,022 1,143 1,849 2,095 3,497 2,027 2,281 1,856 985 2,770 2,735 1,783 4,325 1,763 Females. 14, 871 2,424 1,844 2,094 1,763 1,943 2,136 2,667 1,078 1,443 3,928 2,808 1,043 2,278 1,455 1,430 1,217 1,709 2,795 2,468 2,004 155, 066 8,434 5,067 5, 533 4,649 4,923 9,266 10, 213 8.877 4, 690 4,975 4,381 9, 439 5,076 7,013 4,559 4,047 9,745 9,382 9,751 8, 028 0,687 10, 325 1,402 762 5,405 918 3,469 1,531 4,721 1,203 1,052 376 1,313 1,854 2, 883 3,697 1,896 2,243 2,113 989 2,724 2, 851 1,956 4,593 1,782 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. 689 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. Males. Females. 9,269 10.412 1,649 1.721 867 872 1,377 1,539 1,119 1,099 1,176 1,485 1,361 1,734 1,720 1,962 825 695 1,397 1,351 3,406 3,600 2,177 2.496 1,453 1,480 1,695 1,933 1,123 1.212 1,249 1.336 1. 071 1.121 1,729 1,686 1,798 2,001 1. 789 l,9i6 1,805 89, 191 97, 434 4,262 4, 313 1,733 1,660 2,664 2,908 2,026 2,123 2,393 2,560 4,919 5,121 5,604 6,140 5,419 5.787 2,938 3, 122 2,707 3,034 2,385 2,722 5,646 7,257 2,663 2,894 3,937 4,634 2,819 2,844 2,070 2,140 6,423 6,165 5,367 5,392 6,530 7, 722 5,197 6,057 4,564 4,684 6,925 8,155 1,257 1,350 695 735 3, 383 3,627 787 889 2,452 3,095 702 771 3,774 4,323 916 963 979 1,027 912 300 1,058 1, 235 1,378 1.407 1,196 1,270 2,300 2, 434 1,781 1,622 1,503 1,406 1,126 1,2.53 606 616 2,360 2, 297 1,876 1,940 1,696 1,851 3.538 3,719 630 666 87"^— 44 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 4.271 750 939 543 733 336 356 614 415 100 308 267 193 349 235 138 108 21 836 508 423 54, 310 4,247 3,501 2,462 2,437 2,187 3,886 3,758 3,012 1,469 1.750 1,412 1,761 1,965 1,979 1,640 1,888 3,738 3,924 1, 595 1,804 1, 931 1,964 46 29 1.515 51 394 762 345 230 31 110 471 1.499 1,197 246 730 379 410 859 87 787 1,133 Females 4,459 703 972 555 664 458 402 705 383 92 328 312 163 345 243 94 96 23 794 522 370 57, 632 4,121 3,407 2,625 2,526 2,363 4,145 4,073 3,090 1,574 1,941 1,659 2,182 2, 182 2,379 1,715 1,907 3,580 3,990 2, 029 1,971 2,003 2,170 52 27 1,778 29 374 760 398 240 25 76 78 447 1,613 1.263 274 837 860 373 427 911 105 874 1,116 FOREIGN WHITE. Male.=! . 3,320 562 692 496 539 250 286 495 384 77 295 365 474 417 278 114 116 24 826 882 309 33,448 2,347 3,112 1,445 2, 271 1,441 2,335 2,042 1,578 1,531 1,026 818 767 1,303 1,071 1,153 1,115 2,321 2, 323 765 732 1,023 30 15 764 27 154 313 145 94 12 277 42 263 1,775 1,353 220 784 289 457 896 100 756 ,429 Females. 4,438 665 684 463 552 778 344 62 217 450 438 327 329 72 105 18 835 977 144 35, 128 2,447 3,117 1, 658 2, 180 1,604 2,311 2, 208 1, 863 1,558 1,071 1,308 1,346 1,118 1,099 1,106 2, 235 2,267 855 831 943 1, 013 17 10 697 12 147 280 120 92 29 283 1,842 1,208 256 874 828 262 358 977 131 1,123 1,162 TOTAL COLORED. Males. 134 37 39 19 12 13 4 10 Females. 1,370 29, 165 186 155 960 1,000 1,469 1,733 554 1,745 1,183 1,887 4,627 1,690 982 974 1,647 1,922 354 1,568 2,058 1,365 327 779 662 522 477 538 694 106 451 354 366 632 180 11 16 57 28 17 5 5 56 27 10 122 40 47 16 1 11 3 1,549 38, 131 22 239 -23 158 24 1,040 25 1,214 26 1,792 27 1,872 28 704 29 2,194 30 1,926 31 2,344 32 5,697 33 3,313 34 1,266 35 1,393 36 1,874 37 2, 102 38 393 39 1,621 40 2.930 -M 2,077 42 579 43 1,403 44 778 45 599 46 488 47 606 48 883 49 110 .50 562 51 355 52 456 53 118 54 196 55 5 56 7 57 27 58 56 59 27 60 31 61 2 62 5 63 62 64 26 65 14 66 2 67 690 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. NATIVE BOBN. FOREIG^ BOBr». TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 Massachusetts— Continued. 144. 017 6,544 5,458 4,643 4,692 4,460 4,606 3,780 4,135 4,136 8,103 6,511 3,882 6,397 9,041 5, 882 5,407 5,200 5,098 7,307 8,140 7,660 5, 761 7,901 10, 176 4,097 1.397 1,852 1, 740 10, 579 1,127 1,548 1,969 1,348 1,615 1.500 1,472 1,292 3,596 22, 900 4,768 6, 153 3,831 5, 563 2,591 1,557 1,026 9,721 1,887 2,435 2,346 3,053 3,871 2,920 1,950 1,132 2,844 1,371 2,508 1,206 1,288 917 1,200 1,441 1, 720 i, 029 1,205 146. 288 6,418 4,523 4,652 4,624 3,920 4,331 2,617 3,687 4,395 2,158 7,877 3,333 6,012 8,872 5,902 5,366 5,655 6, 507 7, 222 8,394 9,280 6,184 8,873 11,401 4,085 1,709 1,921 1,612 10, 441 1,086 1, 575 1,909 1,349 1,574 1,408 1,540 1,298 4.166 23, 271 4,404 6,499 3,697 5.849 2,822 1,705 1,048 10. 254 1,982 2,456 2,497 3,319 4,053 3,296 1,346 1,216 3,051 1,389 2,628 1,161 1,515 939 1,248 1,735 1,548 4,127 1,471 73, 737 3,148 3,735 1,756 1,642 2,089 5,261 3,695 2,556 1,575 1,312 2,316 2,647 4,944 3,904 2,999 3,617 1,950 1,578 4,244 3,585 2.220 3,798 3,690 3,559 1,857 283 534 595 3,110 287 303 524 760 458 360 418 447 1,672 11,298 1,363 3,120 2.677 2.611 1,527 595 311 3,687 738 1,042 1,084 823 2,919 1,836 627 247 726 914 291 45 521 239 541 657 1,409 118 84, 435 3,523 3,581 2,043 1,884 1,943 4,249 3,053 2,648 2,554 1,632 4.956 2,723 5,022 4.490 3,266 3,658 2,833 2.852 4,243 4,216 3,770 4.268 4, 533 4,502 1,993 331 541 302 3,164 251 370 520 698 451 406 468 315 2,669 12. 553 2,276 3,400 2. 556 2,971 1,350 681 310 4,247 806 1,139 1,204 1,098 3,207 2.372 504 290 833 178 1,073 252 51 567 224 678 568 1.503 125 140, 336 6,521 5,441 4,623 4,634 4,435 4,593 3,750 3,958 3,004 2,989 5,964 3.832 6.384 9,010 5,869 5,000 4,916 4,938 6,974 8, oeo 7,647 5,752 7,822 10, 157 4,033 1,386 1,849 1,702 10, 542 1,120 1,533 1,968 1,347 1,607 1,498 1,469 1,288 3,584 22,083 4,621 5,695 3,812 5,385 2,570 1, .551 1,026 9,450 1,870 2,328 2,334 2,918 3,860 2,920 1,927 1,114 2,838 1,357 2,471 1,191 1,285 911 1,199 1,440 1,713 4,005 1,188 142, 873 6,399 4,518 4,626 4,558 3,911 4,324 2,600 3,534 3,371 2,070 7, 420 3,273 6,003 8,863 5,894 5,045 5,370 6,307 6,861 8,330 9,255 6,166 8,770 11,376 4,029 1,693 1,919 1,572 10, 407 1,081 1, 562 1,908 1,343 1,569 1,408 1,536 1,294 4,142 22, 351 4,226 5,976 3,689 5,663 2,797 1,694 1,048 9,956 1,962 2,353 2,485 3,156 4,051 3, 295 1, 343 1,202 3,048 1,370 2,608 1,152 1,511 934 1,244 1,732 1.541 4,097 1,460 o Ward 1 p Ward 2 /I Ward 3 ^ fi Ward 5 7 "W^ard 6 H ■Ward 7 q Ward 8 10 Ward 9 n Ward 10 1? Ward 11 IS Ward 12 11 Ward 13 15 Ward 14 16 Ward 15 17 Ward 16 1R Ward 17 . 19 Ward 18 ?(l Ward 19 ''1 Ward '^0 oo Ward 21 Of Ward 22 . ■'I Ward 23 ■'5 Ward 24 ''6 Ward 25 07 Bradford "R Braiiitree oq Bridf e'water SO ?1 Ward 1 . ?'' Ward 2 SS Ward 3 SI Ward 4 S5 Ward 5 ^fi Ward 6 37 Ward 7 3* ■W Ward 1 Ward 2 1S Ward 3 Ward 4 15 Ward 5 '16 Canton 17 48 Chelsea --■ 49 Ward 1 50 Ward 2 51 Ward 3 5? Ward 4 53 51 55 56 Dalton 57 Dan vers 58 Dartmouth .. 69 60 Dedham Deerfield go Dudley 65 66 67 Everett Faiihaven POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OE MORE : 1890— Continued. 691 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 67, 447 68, 293 72, 889 74,580 72, 792 83. 886 4,626 3,964 1 3,182 3,091 3,339 3,308 3,123 3,516 48 26 2 1,715 1,322 3,726 3,196 3,720 3.579 32 7 3 2,149 2.149 2.474 2,477 1,740 2.041 36 28 4 2,627 2,536 2.007 2,022 1,622 1,875 78 75 5 2, 350 1,956 2,085 1,955 2,068 1,942 46 10 - 6 765 532 3,828 3,792 5.210 4.247 64 9 7 1,574 697 2,176 1,903 3,688 3,053 37 17 8 1,687 1,270 2,271 2,264 2,511 2.612 222 189 9 1,853 2.155 1,151 1,216 1,375 2,342 1,332 1,236 10' 2,431 1,558 558 512 1,206 1,617 220 103 11 4,443 5.455 1,521 1. 965 : 2,252 4,914 611 499 12 1,555 1,211 2,277 2, 062 2,615 2,712 82 71 13 963 813 5,421 5.190 4,924 5,009 33 22 14 3,916 3,787 5,094 5,076 3,945 4,489 50 10 15 2,089 2, 031 3,780 3,863 2,990 3,264 22 10 16 2,302 2.244 2, 698 2,801 3,546 3, 629 478 350 17 3,117 3,381 1,799 1,989 1,899 2, 807 335 311 18 3,489 4.424 1,449 1, 883 1,551 2,827 187 225 19 2,678 2.610 4,296 4.251 4,192 4,199 385 405 20 3,907 4,092 4, 183 4,238 3,565 4,205 70 75 21 4,952 5.883 2,695 3,372 2, 207 3,766 26 29 22 1, 561 1,611 4,191 4,555 3,792 4,265 15 21 2a 3,777 4,239 4,045 4,531 3,672 4,520 97 116 24 6,179 7,031 3,978 4,345 3,550 4, .501 28 26 25 2,186 2,215 1,847 1,814 1.829 1,955 92 94 26 1,075 1, .352 311 341 281 331 13 16 27 1,348 1,425 501 494 531 541 6 2 28 1.263 1,242 439 330 586 302 47 40 29 7^ 561 7,358 2,981 3,049 3,096 3,163 51 35 30 893 877 227 204 284 251 10 5 31 1,215 1,262 318 300 297 369 21 14 32 1,535 1,471 433 437 523 520 2 1 33 727 701 620 642 758 698 3 6 34 968 951 639 618 458 451 8 5 35 1,101 1,122 1,000 1.096 397 408 360 406 2 36 347 440 416 468 5 4 37- 835 863 453 431 445 314 6 5 38. 2,008 2, 382 1,576 1,760 1,660 2,666 24 27 39. 11, 097 11,028 10, 986 11, 323 11, 161 12,406 960 1,067 40 3,009 2.517 1,612 1,706 1,338 2,233 172 221 41 2,742 2,904 2,953 3,072 3,051 3,328 527 595 42 1,176 1,029 2, 636 2,660 2.668 2,551 28 13 43 2,852 3,032 2,533 2,631 2, 580 2.952 209 205 44- 1,318 1,546 1,252 1,251 1,524 1,342 24 33 45. 768 764 783 930 592 680 9 12 46 734 5,857 752 292 296 311 310 47 6,169 3,593 3,787 3, 621 4,190 337 355 48 1,083 1,163 787 799 730 801 25 25 49 1,320 1,287 1, 008 1,066 1,023 1,122 126 120 50 1,293 1,351 1,041 1,134 1.076 1,204 20 12 51 2,161 2,368 757 788 792 1,063 166 198 52 1,618 1,702 2,251 2,349 2,914 3, 207 7 2 53 1,170 1..345 1,750 1,950 1,833 2,372 3 1 54 1,083 896 844 447 624 504 26 3 55 641 655 473 547 245 290 20 14 56 2. 038 2,234 800 814 724 833 8 3 57 1,234 1,257 123 113 175 177 23 20 58 1,387 1,433 1,084 1,175 905 1,070 46 23 59 788 805 403 347 291 252 15 9 60 1,233 1,423 52 88 45 51 3 4 61 345 385 566 549 521 567 6 5 62 972 1,008 227 236 239 223 1 5 63 779 919 661 813 539 678 3 3 64 1,101 958 612 583 654 568 10 7 65 2,683 2, 740 1,322 1,357 1,398 1,494 35 39 66 1,080 1,334 108 116 116 125 19 21 67 3- ", * e92 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROl'GHS. NATIVE BORN. Massachusetts— Continued . FallKiver Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards \Vard4 ■Ward 5 , Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 Ward 9 Falmouth Fitchburg ... Foxboro Framinaham- Franklin... Gardner .-- Gloucester . Grafton Great Barrington . Greenfield Hardwick Harwich Haverhill... Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Hin^ham , Holaen . . . Holliston , Holyoke Wardl . Ward 2 Ward 3 , Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 , Hopkinton.. Hudson Hyde Park., Ipswich Lawrence- .. Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Lee Leicester . . . Lenox Leominster . Lexington .. Lowell Ward 1 , Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Lynn ■ Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 - Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Males- 17, 850 2,496 2,077 1,832 2,084 1,700 2,363 1.690 1,074 2,534 1,081 7, 301 1,166 3,347 1,733 3,090 8,226 1,738 1,781 2,059 964 1,320 10, 553 1,512 1,041 1,513 1, 434 3,209 1,844 1,809 9J3 1,058 9,028 1,067 1,072 1,107 1,501 991 1,783 1,507 1,676 1,795 3, 645 1,605 11, 541 1,736 1,626 1,988 2,135 2, 145 1,911 1, 451 1,086 1,106 2,989 1,176 20, 244 2,286 3,472 4,004 4,201 3,483 2,798 20,744 555 1,358 4, 663 4,205 4,684 4,517 762 Females. 18, 814 2,677 2,248 1,848 2,095 1,735 2,385 1,945 1,339 2,542 1.179 7,633 1,289 3,723 1,981 3,096 7. 542 1,747 1,978 2,294 875 1,329 10, 932 1,377 1,162 1,482 1, 557 3,308 2,046 2,031 928 1, 122 9,541 1,117 1, lOG 1,010 1,624 1,078 2,018 1,588 1,514 1,867 3,740 1,864 12, 595 1,918 1,844 2,160 2,322 2,478 1,873 1,600 1,196 997 3,093 1.237 22, 851 2,563 4,087 4,455 4,797 3,837 3,112 21,018 .546 1,352 4,927 4,079 4, 924 4,508 682 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 17, 892 3,345 1,356 1,648 1,954 1,980 3,728 863 246 2,772 146 3,513 229 1,003 589 1,194 6,017 390 424 558 32 2,851 132 114 558 276 1,366 405 304 407 221 7,918 992 1,424 1,513 2,012 426 1,080 471 500 524 1,322 403 9,260 1,496 1,301 1,743 2,118 1,503 1,099 3.54 393 422 584 390 15, 209 2,760 2,330 2,702 1,738 3,984 1,695 6,682 62 211 1,148 1,384 1,628 1,916 333 Females. 19, 842 3,739 1,646 1,772 2,261 2,103 3,948 1,100 418 2,855 161 3,530 249 1,166 528 1,044 2,866 828 463 475 525 53 3,076 218 230 548 326 1,260 494 420 375 218 9,150 1,170 1,543 1,455 2,477 557 1,346 602 398 484 1,486 567 11,258 1, 8U2 1,567 2,477 2,572 1,762 1,078 380 445 364 603 394 19, 392 3,789 3,300 3,137 2,124 4,663 2,379 7,283 78 220 1,476 1,581 1,805 1,849 274 TOTAL NATIVE WHrTE. 17, 770 2,490 2,077 1,827 2,084 1,697 2,358 1,672 1,046 2,519 1,071 7,346 1,155 3,337 1,733 3,059 8,222 1,738 1,728 2,051 964 1,311 10, 450 1,505 1,000 1.498 1, 433 3,197 1,817 1,764 913 1,054 9,023 1,067 1.070 1,107 1,501 991 1,783 1,504 1,674 1,794 3,604 1,596 11,495 1,733 1,625 1,974 2,124 2, 132 1,907 1,395 1,086 1,058 2,979 1,165 20, 182 2,267 3,467 4,001 4,199 3,471 2,777 20, 504 554 1,352 4,535 4,179 4,671 4,455 758 18, 724 2,664 2,247 1,845 2,095 1,734 2,381 1,930 1,299 2,529 1,163 7,617 1,286 3,709 1,981 3,072 7,537 1,747 1,906 2,282 874 1,317 10, 787 1,368 1,126 1,457 1,552 3,283 2,001 1,973 928 1,116 9,538 1,117 1,106 1,010 1,624 1,078 2,017 1,586 1,511 1,866 3,699 1,852 12, 541 1,917 1,843 2,143 2,312 2,459 1,867 1.552 1,196 941 3,086 1,230 22, 794 2,546 4,031 4,452 4,791 3,827 3,097 20, 794 545 1,342 4,807 4,058 4,916 4,445 681 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1«!0— Coutiiined. 693 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE . TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males, Females. 5,895 6.413 11, 875 12, 311 17. 855 19, 840 117 92 1 904 941 1,586 1,723 3,339 3,739 12 13 2 722 789 1,355 1,458 1,355 1,646 1 1 3 286 280 1,541 1,665 1,642 1,772 11 3 4 460 417 489 410 1, 624 1,606 1,950 2,261 4 5 1,280 1,324 1,975 2,103 8 1 6 391 385 1,967 1,996 3,.724 3,947 9 5 ? 850 997 822 933 862 1,100 19 15 8 804 1.013 242 286 246 417 28 41 9 1,061 1,109 1,458 1,420 2,702 2, 855 25 13 10 971 1, 054 100 109 145 160 11 17 11 4,441 4,453 2,905 3,164 3,502 3,530 26 16 12 891 1,048 264 238 229 248 11 4 13 2,116 2,438 1.221 1,271 1,000 1,166 13 14 14 1.131 2,026 1,287 1, 995 602 694 587 528 2 15 1,033 1.077 1,191 1,043 34 25" 16 5.161 4,551 3,061 2, 980 6,005 2,865 16 6 17 985 1,282 1,017 1,383 753 446 730 089 828 18 523 387 463 56 72 19 1,553 1,659 498 623 420 475 12 12 20 536 1,258 478 1,268 428 53 396 558 525 1 21 49 24 43 ij" 22 22 7,715 7,898 2.735 2,889 2.827 3,072 127 149 23 1,369 1,219 136 1.19 120 218 13 9 24 874 973 126 153 112 229 43 37 25 942 868 556 589 549 548 24 25 26 1,176 1,237 257 315 276 324 1 7 27 2,061 2,129 1,136 1,154 1,360 1,260 18 25 28 1,293 1,472 524 529 404 493 28 46 29 1 , 331 1,518 433 455 303 420 46 58 30 518 732 528 395 400 407 375 31 805 322 311 221 218 4 6 33 3,014 2,986 6,009 6,552 7,897 9,148 26 5 33 228 288 136 145 195 839 922 990 1, 170 2 34 243 782 863 1,421 1,543 5 35 111 971 899 1,510 1,455 3 36 132 1,356 1,492 2,006 2, 475 6 2" 37 471 825 438 520 640 424 557 2 38 947 958 1,070 1,075 1,346 5 i' 39 921 920 583 066 471 602 3 2 40 943 826 731 085 499 398 3 3 41 1,117 1,196 677 670 522 484 3 1 42 2,207 2,216 1,397 1,483 1,315 1,477 48 50 43 1,215 1,444 381 408 401 567 11 12 44 4,144 4,688 7,351 7,853 9,240 11, 253 66 59 45 572 667 1,161 1,250 1,496 1,802 3 1 46 585 760 1,040 1,083 1,291 1, 567 11 1 47 433 529 1,541 1,614 1,739 2,476 18 18 48 809 943 1,315 1,369 2,114 2,571 15 11 49 909 1,013 1,223 1,446 1,503 1,760 13 21 50 836 776 1,071 1,091 1,097 1,077 6 7 51 855 931 540 621 353 380 57 48 52 554 599 532 597 392 444 1 1 53 611 515 447 426 422 364 48 56 54 2,238 2,249 741 837 580 602 14 8 55 820 907 345 323 388 394 13 7 56 9,713 11,371 10, 469 11,423 15, 098 19, 316 173 133 57 782 893 1,485 1,653 2,660 3,718 113 88 58 1,829 2,273 1, 638 1,808 2.325 3,300 10 6 59 1,406 1,638 2,595 2,814 2,700 3,137 5 3 60 2,935 3,372 1,264 1,419 1,734 2,120 6 10 61 1,506 1,735 1,965 2, 092 3,981 4,663 15 10 62 1,255 1,460 1,522 1,637 1,692 2,378 24 16 63 14, 512 14, 490 5,992 6,304 6.552 7,147 370 360 64 482 464 72 81 62 78 1 1 65 1,121 1,118 231 224 211 218 6 12 66 3,394 3,570 1,141 1,237 1,054 1,382 222 214 67 3,151 2,947 1, 028 1,111 1,370 1,563 40 39 68 3,228 3,354 1,443 1, 562 1,623 1,803 18 10 69 2,644 2,634 1,811 1,811 1,899 1,829 79 83 70 492 403 266 278 333 274 4 1 71 694 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Massachusetts — Continued. Maiden Mansfield Marblehead Marlboro Mavnard Medford . . Medway . . Melrose . . . Merrimac . Metlmen. . Middleboro . Milford Millbury ... Milton Monson Montague . Nantucket . Natick Needham . . New Bedford Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . - Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . . Ward 5 . . Ward 6 . . Newbury port. .. Newton North Adams. -- Northampton North Andover. North Attleboro . North bridge North Brookfield Norwood Orange Oxford Palmer Peabody Pepperell Pittsfield Plymouth Provincetown Qumcy . . - Randolph. Reading . . Revere Rockland . Rockport . Salem Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Saugns . Somerville. . Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Southbridge . . South Hadley . Spencer Springfield . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. 1,455 3,427 5,112 833 4,094 1, 247 3,086 1,079 1,632 2,584 3,230 1, 503 1,480 1,475 2,098 1,332 3,528 1,072 12, 266 2,565 1,732 1,845 1,294 1,789 3,041 5, 254 7,905 5,584 4,925 1,265 2, 530 1,354 1,509 1,419 2,008 992 2,003 3,788 1,265 6,349 2.937 1,635 5,355 1,639 1,569 2, 032 2,149 1,560 10, 273 1,614 2,065 .311 627 070 586 1,442 14, 166 3,605 4,405 3,200 2,956 2,365 1,303 3,278 16. 102 4,256 1,703 1,763 1,562 3,752 1,347 974 745 8,679 1,487 3,646 5,101 874 4,484 1,214 3,486 1,126 1,738 2,825 3,527 1,634 1,562 1,513 2,110 1,701 3,760 1,061 14, 047 2,708 2,001 2,285 1,583 2,225 3,245 6,075 9,260 6,024 6,234 1,298 2,561 1, 324 1,584 1,293 1,983 1,054 2,141 3,815 1,289 6,936 3,205 1,785 5,512 1,646 1,788 2, 088 2,156 1,522 11,404 1,664 2,194 1,612 1, 975 2,265 1,694 1,527 15, 098 3, 733 4,726 3, 395 3,244 2,544 1, 653 3,301 17, 162 4,320 1. 525 1, 895 1,948 4,374 1,310 1,084 706 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 2,939 239 479 1,855 492 1,213 234 813 262 682 309 992 616 531 338 1,108 79 915 463 6,754 2,760 362 211 296 498 2,627 1,081 2,951 2,215 1,778 569 776 1,012 385 564 338 273 1,099 1,352 284 1,884 583 612 3,258 308 355 773 470 599 4,051 605 379 439 682 1,568 378 342 4,965 1,278 1,960 835 892 1,312 662 1,152 5,189 1,777 552 635 279 762 534 150 500 Females. 3,606 251 650 1,737 501 1,288 290 1,134 166 762 347 1,031 675 705 324 156 915 439 7,666 2,909 482 272 349 771 2,883 1,537 4,263 2,251 2,053 610 840 913 393 457 239 297 1,277 1,203 289 2,112 569 610 2,598 353 376 775 438 406 5,073 778 558 626 783 1,891 437 362 5,923 1,499 2,118 1,108 1,198 1,434 643 1,016 5,726 1,722 485 762 579 1,013 455 183 527 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 7,763 I, 452 3,412 5,092 833 4,068 1,247 3,077 1,079 1,632 2,572 3, 223 1, 503 1,458 1,446 2,097 1,326 3,500 1,063 II, 670 2,553 1,665 1,595 1,193 1,681 2,983 5.226 7,764 5,568 4,879 1,263 2,537 1,350 1,504 1,413 2,008 973 1,983 3,786 1,255 6,238 2,895 1,632 5,349 1,635 1,568 2,018 2,149 1,559 10, 204 1,596 2,055 1,296 1,619 2,055 1,583 1,435 14, 140 3,598 4,403 3,197 2,942 2,351 1,303 3,275 15, 736 4,244 1,658 1.672 1,555 3,609 1,299 964 735 Females. 8,616 1,486 3,634 5,084 874 4,459 1,213 3,465 1,126 1,738 2,800 3,519 1,634 1,538 1,484 2,108 1.667 3,737 1,056 13, 257 2,700 1,912 1,977 1,399 2,089 3,180 6,039 9, 095 ■ 5,995 6,188 1,291 2,551 1,319 1,578 1,290 1,983 1,029 2,115 3,809 1,279 6,824 3,166 1,776 5,506 1,643 1,787 2,075 2,156 1,522 11,323 1,646 2,184 1,593 1,964 2,247 1,689 1,519 15, 063 3,728 4,721 3,391 3,223 2,525 1,653 3,296 16, 718 4,298 1,484 1,792 1,922 4,191 1,253 1,076 702 populatio:n^. 695 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. = NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN I FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Temales. Males. Females. Males. Females. ] Males. Females. 5,118 1 192 5,612 1 213 2,645 260 3,004 273 2,933 237 3,605 251 50 5 64 1 1 2 2', 752 2,368 318 2! 886 2,385 328 660 2,724 515 748 2,699 546 469 1,851 491 649 1,737 501 25 24 1 . 13 17 3 4 5 2,816 790 3,106 1, 252 1,353 1,209 1,285 30 28 6 798 457 415 233 290 1 1 7 2,311 2,609 766 856 798 1,128 24 27 8 9 86B 1, 127 209 500 260 611 262 680 166 870 1,132 762 2" 10 2,272 1,773 2,491 1,947 300 1,450 309 1, 572 306 990 347 1,030 15 9 25 9 11 12 13 791 981 614 531 675 2 750 954 753 °*^ 504 557 704 22 25" 14 1,051 1,096 395 388 335 324 32 29 15 1,070 1, 153 1,003 1,476 1,027 173 1,105 191 1,106 79 980 156 3 6 2 34 16 17 2^110 2,229 1,390 1,508 915 914 28 24 18 607 602 456 454 463 437 9 7 19 7,315 8,573 4,355 4,684 6,556 7,527 794 929 20 21 1, 085 1,182 1,468 1,518 2,759 2,907 13 10 1, 302 1,481 363 431 355 480 74 91 22 1,369 1.686 226 291 195 265 266 315 23 947 1, 121 246 278 251 330 146 203 24 1,280 1,642 401 447 390 677 216 230 25 1,332 1,461 1,651 1,719 2,606 2,868 79 80 26 3.829 4.507 1,397 1,532 1,075 1,535 34 38 27 5,240 6,216 2,524 2,879 2,924 4,244 168 184 28 3,135 3,351 2,433 2,644 2,205 2,251 26 29 29 2,764 3, 852 2,115 2,336 1,770 2, 051 54 48 30 657 668 600 623 568 610 3 '^ 31 1,534 1,522 1,003 1,029 771 840 18 10 32 33 676 669 674 650 1,012 913 4 5 883 932 621 646 385 393 5 6 34 815 764 598 526 564 457 6 3 35 1,767 688 223 355 216 341 336 273 239 297 2 36 1,785 018 19 25" 37 1,061 1,105 922 1,010 1,099 1,275 20 28 38 2,243 915 2, 330 1,543 1,479 1,351 1,203 3 6 39 969 340 310 284 289 10 10 40 3,278 3, 704 2,960 3,120 1,879 2,110 116 114 41 2,452 858 2,699 443 467 582 5C8 63 40 42 978 774 798 601 609 14 10 43 2,713 2,932 2,636 2,574 3,249 2,597 15 7 44 982 962 653 681 305 353 7 3 45 1,283 1,467 285 320 352 370 4 1 46 1,314 1,327 704 748 771 767 16 21 47 1,417 1,416 732 740 468 438 2 48 1,144 1,146 415 376 599 406 1 49 6,146 830 6,916 4,058 4,407 4,031 5,062 89 92 50 902 766 744 603 777 20 19 51 1,596 1,733 459 451 372 553 17 15 52 825 1,031 471 562 438 624 10 21 53 779 979 840 985 680 783 10 11 54 1,124 1,216 931 1,031 1,562 1,888 21 21 55 992 1,055 591 634 376 437 5 5 50 1,121 1,141 314 378 341 360 8 10 57 9,043 9,683 5,097 5,380 4,954 5,920 37 38 58 2,261 2,317 1,337 1,411 1,276 1,498 9 6 59 2,433 2,574 1,970 2,147 1, 957 ■2, 118 5 5 60 2,310 2,480 887 911 832 1,108 6 4 61 2,039 2,312 903 911 889 1,196 17 23 62 914 1,014 1,437 1,511 1,310 1,434 16 19 03 749 1,474 1,039 1,498 554 1,801 614 1,798 661 1, 150 643 1 64 1,016 5 5' 65 9,953 10, 621 5,783 6,097 5,169 5,719 386 451 66 2,317 2,286 1, 927 2,012 1,776 1,721 13 23 67 1,085 890 573 594 548 485 49 41 63 870 973 802 819 626 759 100 106 69 1,177 1,456 378 466 278 579 8 26 70 2, 732 3,149 877 1,042 758 1,010 147 180 71 725 737 574 516 533 455 49 57 72 735 837 229 239 150 500 183 10 8 73 1 312 293 I 423 409 527 10 4 74 696 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. Massachusetts — Continued. Stoneham Stoughton Sutton Swampscott Taunton Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Templeton. . Tewksbury . Uxbridge . . . Wakefield . - Walpole Waltham . . . Ware Wareham. .. Warren Watertown . AVebster Wellesley AYestborb AVest Boylston. Westfield AVestport West Springfield Weymouth Whitman Williamstown Winchendon. AVinchester. . Winthroii Woburn Worcester . . Ward 1 Ward 2 , Ward 3 , Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . AVard 7 . Ward 8 . Wrentham. Michican: Adrian Albion Allegan Alpena Ann Arbor. Ausable Battle Creek. Bay city AVard 1 Ward 2 AVard 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . NATIVE BOBN. Males. Benton Harbor Bessemer BieEapids 2,443 1,904 1,054 1.254 8,909 1,794 626 1.207 745 454 1,0G2 944 2,077 1.285 698 1,250 2,482 959 6,182 2,019 1. 455 1.593 2, 398 1,995 957 2.051 935 3,854 1,106 1,923 4, 497 1,919 1, 793 1,711 1,725 1.039 4,657 28. 753 2,871 4,768 2,653 3,136 4,765 3,137 3,970 3, 153 1.029 3,388 1,488 1,121 2,956 3,360 1,193 5,484 8.501 891 1,049 617 1.032 777 860 752 633 530 634 726 1.595 698 1,908 Females. 2,515 1,970 1,070 1,290 9,186 1,871 651 1,299 836 462 1,044 935 1,213 699 1,276 2.670 1,077 7,243 2.342 1.435 1.659 2,485 2,159 1,769 2, 071 1,073 4,163 1,105 1,996 4, 7.34 1.922 1,518 1,709 1,805 1,098 4,725 29, 199 2,936 4,671 2,723 3,168 4,401 3,225 4.408 3, 607 1.101 3,973 1.690 1, 293 2,917 3,925 1,147 6,077 8,393 805 C03 714 1,151 822 905 781 741 521 561 789 1,633 566 1,994 FOREIGN BORN. Males. Females. 5^5 487 513 246 3, 422 444 142 564 181 87 313 273 1,418 274 528 430 848 283 2,371 1,354 335 722 983 1.399 358 473 477 907 176 539 839 302 447 504 615 259 2,092 13, 514 1,149 2,430 1,882 1,787 3,954 •1,175 804 333 238 684 278 135 2,861 1,018 1,112 869 5,753 654 581 228 678 640 576 501 860 204 444 387 237 910 727 012 491 543 408 3,931 500 178 633 258 254 281 1,731 227 590 452 982 285 2,911 1,614 226 707 1,207 1,478 510 600 534 881 212 619 796 298 463 466 716 330 2,023 13, 189 1,090 2,111 1,700 1,748 3,443 1,306 1,086 705 198 711 307 120 2,549 1,128 876 767 5,192 540 372 271 638 573 543 447 818 233 390 301 227 392 674 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 2,423 1.901 1,053 1,249 8,861 1.792 626 1.201 738 454 1,047 939 2,064 1,280 693 1,245 2,478 958 6,174 2,019 1,453 1,592 2, 384 1,980 953 2,045 932 3,822 1,100 1,921 4,479 1,918 1,731 1,710 1,715 1.027 4,608 28. 301 2.752 4.660 2,928 3.131 4,758 3,133 3,823 3,116 1,024 3.287 1,470 1,087 2,952 3,252 1,189 5,325 8.433 891 1.042 611 1.016 705 846 752 630 526 631 723 1,526 Females. 2, 500 1,969 1,070 1,286 9,132 1,867 651 1.293 830 462 1,027 933 2,069 1,212 691 1.271 2.662 1,077 7,235 2,340 1, 430 1,657 2,477 2,144 1,767 2,069 1,073 4,132 1,100 1,995 4.726 1, 920 1,463 1,708 1,784 1,085 4,677 28, 715 2,816 4,548 2,703 3,163 4,393 3,221 4,302 3.569 1,098 3. 853 1.673 1.258 2,913 3, 793 1,146 5,909 8. 332 804 601 709 1.131 809 893 781 739 518 560 787 1.568 563 1,986 POPULATION. g97 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,300 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Coutiuued. NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE PARENTS. Males. Females. 1,738 1,242 608 983 5,383 1,159 479 491 549 392 635 730 948 941 439 815 1,629 643 3,885 907 1,160 845 1,333 837 623 1.345 497 2,840 998 1.159 3.267 1,533 1,315 1,227 1,057 826 2.132 5 121 1 800 2 906 988 921 1 171 1 741 2.859 2,735 798 2,258 1,142 874 720 1,843 357 4.305 3,337 284 757 349 347 207 313 289 46 313 140 292 1,193 172 1,291 125 819 165 082 2,605 1,287 968 656 2,130 312 4,800 2,864 244 310 402 357 225 316 282 46 288 110 284 1,189 120 1,328 1,811 1,302 630 1,022 5,544 1,199 474 507 622 389 690 731 932 903 492 817 1,706 732 4.547 1.047 1,182 872 I 1, 392 956 1.374 1,450 561 3.038 1,001 1,201 3,450 1.566 1.033 1,258 1,160 846 2,302 15, 473 1,799 2, 888 782 813 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 685 659 445 266 3,478 633 147 710 189 62 412 209 1,116 339 254 430 849 315 2,289 1.112 293 747 1,051 1.149 330 700 435 102 762 1,212 385 416 483 658 201 2,476 13. 180 952 1,754 1,940 2,210 3.587 1,392 964 381 231 1.029 328 213 2.232 1,409 832 1,020 607 285 262 669 558 533 463 584 213 491 431 333 522 609 Females. 667 434 264 3,588 668 177 786 208 73 337 202 1,137 309 199 454 896 345 2,688 1,293 248 785 1,085 1,188 393 619 512 1,094 99 794 1,276 354 430 450 624 239 2,375 13, 242 1,017 1,660 1.921 2.350 3.268 1,402 1.137 487 230 1,248 386 290 2,257 1,663 834 1,109 5,468 560 291 307 774 584 577 499 093 230 450 503 379 443 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 584 484 513 242 3,396 444 142 560 180 87 311 273 1,399 274 526 430 846 281 2,359 1.350 318 720 980 1,399 358 470 476 903 174 538 834 300 444 502 608 258 2. 090 13,480 1.143 2,420 1.877 1,786 3,950 1.174 800 330 238 673 272 133 2,859 1,111 853 5,743 654 581 228 676 640 572 501 860 201 443 387 235 910 727 Females. 612 491 542 403 3,914 500 178 631 257 254 281 1,717 227 587 452 982 285 2,910 1.614 226 707 1,204 1,478 516 000 534 880 212 618 795 298 463 466 708 328 2,022 13,183 1,090 2,111 1,699 1,748 3,441 1.305 1.084 705 198 306 120 2,549 1,105 875 749 5,171 546 372 271 635 565 536 447 818 231 389 361 227 392 673 TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. 21 10 17 5 32 5 7 5 3 20 4 19 3 17 4 9 4 36 3 23 3 65 3 17 13 51 125 118 30 6 11 5 151 40 112 24 36 175 78 7 6 18 12 18 15 1 1 9 71 4 17 2 33 1 11 5 8 5 2 9 2 55 1 29 15 51 490 120 123 21 5 10 5 168 38 133 18 35 4 155 186 82 1 2 5 23 21 2 5 2 2 65 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 698 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOEOCGHS. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Michigan— Continued. Cadillac Charlotte Cheboygan Coldwater Detroit . Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Dowagiac Escanaba Flint Fort Gratiot . . Grand Haven. Grand Kapids. Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . . Ward 3.. Ward 4 . . Ward 5 . . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . GreenviUe . Hastings .. Hillsdale... Holland.... Ionia Iron Mountain. Iron wood Lshpemiug Jackson Kalamazoo Lansing Lapeer Ludington. . Manistee ... Manistique . Marine Marquette .. Marshall . . . Menominee . Monroe Mount Clemens. Mount Pleasant. Muskegon Negaunee Niles Oscoda Owosso Petoskey ... Pontiac Port Huron . Red Jacket . NATIVE BORN. FOREIGN BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Saginaw — Ward 1 Ward 2 . Ward 3 . 1,520 1,713 1,792 2,237 61, 013 4,299 3,713 4,257 3, 802 4,501 4,380 4,056 3,980 5,509 4,853 4,728 3,864 2,721 2,116 1,791 2,443 1,268 2,059 3,779 727 1,626 20. 013 3, 192 1,278 1, 722 2,486 2.115 1.816 2,134 1,040 1,609 2,621 1,231 1, 420 1,624 1,336 1,710 1,694 1,871 2,413 8,526 6,432 5,397 1,057 2,166 3,516 783 1.201 2,683 1,620 3,036 2,059 1,757 1,054 7,020 1,347 1,603 1,020 2.668 1,136 2.214 3,720 608 15,518 1,283 1,294 1,625 Males. 1,506 1,897 1,731 2,553 63, 154 4,484 4,136 4,445 4,250 4,891 4,710 3,894 4,156 5,701 5,063 4,706 3,770 2, 853 2,060 1,795 2,240 1,313 1,886 4,137 655 1,647 20, 861 3,201 1,298 2,128 2,686 2,195 1,815 2.178 1,098 1,544 2,718 1,343 1,290 1,892 1,286 1,942 1,385 1,369 2,364 8, 658 7,157 5,397 1,178 2, 239 3. 507 684 1, 261 2, 395 1,771 2, 762 2,299 1,8.52 1,064 6, 895 1,356 1,884 893 2,647 1,190 2,476 3,804 713 15, 170 1,105 1,385 923 749 143 1,513 231 40, 285 1,893 1,242 2,749 1,739 3,464 2,218 3,330 2, 138 5,245 2,996 2,291 3,414 1,631 2,072 1,284 2,579 131 1,757 909 735 920 10, 078 1,679 274 431 879 1,496 Females. 1,174 617 756 890 219 136 185 679 390 3,833 3,213 4,116 1,896 2,148 1,181 252 1,700 3,132 403 2,333 275 3,007 437 572 289 4,745 2,262 353 1,027 671 285 762 3,012 1.116 8,313 714 641 663 114 1,199 226 41, 424 2,483 1,852 2,815 2,198 3,464 2,538 3.202 2,317 5,015 3,099 2,249 3,361 1,604 1,949 1,111 2,167 94 1,106 978 715 830 9,326 1,463 365 628 795 1,292 1,606 1,047 536 677 917 263 126 214 644 440 1,687 1.292 2,304 1,718 2,116 1,127 266 1,412 2,657 506 403 1,682 302 1.825 463 567 294 4,042 1,113 357 653 578 261 748 3,007 576 7, 321 610 633 348 Males. Females. 1,520 1,705 1,784 2 222 59, 636 4,072 3,692 3,711 3,780 4,266 4,370 3,878 3,973 5, 439 4,850 4,718 3,850 2,716 2,106 1,786 2,429 1,240 2,059 3,698 725 1,605 19, 736 3,123 1,264 1,701 2,468 2, 041 1,813 2,130 1,034 1,597 2,565 1 227 1^420 1,619 1,336 1,701 1,691 1,871 2,411 8, 342 6,249 5,246 1,050 2,160 3,514 764 1,201 2,666 1,602 3,017 2,045 1,751 1,039 6,992 1, .346 1,532 991 2.660 1,123 2.139 3,700 666 15, 382 1, 277 1,260 1,600 1,506 1,888 1,721 2, 543 61, 837 4,302 4,109 3,920 4, 219 4,651 4,700 3,745 4, 140 5, 642 5,056 4.694 3,752 2,845 2,051 1,789 2, 222 1,276 1,886 4,057 652 1,620 20, 633 3,144 1,287 2,107 2,674 2,133 1,809 2,172 1,091 1,537 2,679 1,339 1, 290 1,888 1,286 1,934 1,383 1,369 2,362 8,470 6,941 5,269 1,176 2,234 3,502 1,261 2,365 1,756 2,748 2,285 1,849 1,049 6,864 1,356 1,815 872 2,639 1,166 2,393 3,792 712 15, 056 1,101 1, 3.58 909 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Contiuued. 699 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOBEIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 883 900 637 606 748 685 1 1 1 1,515 1,061 190 227 143 114 8 9 2 574 563 1,210 1,158 1,504 1,193 17 16 3 1,829 2,025 393 518 231 225 15 11 4 21,444 21, 478 38, 192 40, 359 39, 951 40, 998 1,711 1,743 5 2,220 2,224 1,852 2,078 1,833 2,413 287 252 6 2,484 2,595 1,'208 1,514 1,235 1,830 28 49 7 1,322 1,391 2, 389 2,529 2,610 2,642 685 698 8 2,130 2,277 1,650 1,942 1, 738 2, 195 23 34 9 884 948 3,382 3,703 3,410 3,390 289 314 10 1,991 1,928 2,379 2,772 2,215 2,538 13 10 11 827 750 3,051 2,995 3,302 3,169 206 182 12 1,499 1,489 2,474 2,651 2,136 2,312 9 21 13 915 922 4,524 4,720 5, 233 5,006 82 68 14 1,569 1,640 3,281 3,416 2,994 3,094 5 12 15 2,359 2,259 2,359 2,435 2,289 2,242 12 19 16 892 872 2,958 2,880 3,404 3,351 24 28 17 890 926 1,826 1,919 1,631 1.604 5 8 18 473 424 1, 633 1,627 2,063 1,939 19 19 19 443 404 1,343 1,385 1,284 1,111 5 6 20 546 429 1,883 1,793 2,574 2,162 19 23 21 1,041 1,034 199 242 130 92 29 39 22 753 546 1,306 1,340 1,756 1,106 1 23 2,533 2,770 1,165 1,287 890 956 100 ibi" 24 259 213 466 439 735 713 2 5 25 452 503 1,153 1,117 920 829 21 28 26 10, 698 10, 661 9,038 9,972 10. 025 9,263 330 291 27 1,613 . 1,529 1,510 1,615 1,668 1,447 80 73 28 975 897 289 390 274 365 14 11 29 1,209 1,416 492 691 429 625 23 24 30 1,557 1,583 911 1,091 861 789 36 18 31 898 887 1,143 1,246 1,483 1,274 87 80 32 648 663 1,165 1,146 1,881 1,606 4 6 33 1,018 908 1,112 1,264 1,174 1,045 4 8 34 468 464 566 627 617 536 6 7 35 817 749 780 788 755 676 13 8 36 1,495 1,565 1,070 1,114 883 900 63 56 37 946 1,052 281 287 219 262 4 5 38 1,181 1,116 239 174 136 126 39 1,300 1,510 319 378 180 212 io" e' 40 387 1,164 332 1,285 949 537 954 649 679 389 644 436 41 io" 12" 42 495 261 1,196 1,122 3,829 1,686 7 3 43 775 411 1,096 958 3,211 1,292 2 44 356 309 2,055 2,053 4,110 2,304 8 2" 45 5,890 5,811 2, 452 2,659 1,841 1, 676 239 230 46 4,066 4,521 2,183 2,420 2.133 2,103 198 229 47 3,811 3,692 1,435 1,577 1.147 1,094 185 161 48 764 796 286 380 252 266 7 2 49 881 934 1,279 1,300 1, 699 1,412 7 5 50 986 947 2,528 2, 555 J, 128 2,654 6 8 51 407 342 357 322 966 506 20 20 52 592 926 616 631 609 1,740 645 1,734 403 2,321 403 1,682 53 29'" 30" 54 1,091 1,192 511 564 270 300 23 17 55 842 705 2,175 2,043 3,005 1,825 21 14 56 1,142 1,259 903 1,026 436 459 15 18 57 1,002 1,065 749 784 572 567 6 3 58 733 719 306 330 289 294 15 15 59 2,871 2,688 4,121 4,176 4,745 4,042 28 31 60 150 160 1,196 1,196 2,261 352 1, 113 2 61 991 1,188 541 627 356 72 76" 62 295 240 696 632 1,027 653 29 21 63 1,918 1,787 742 852 670 578 9 8 64 802 797 321 369 284 260 14 25 65 1,377 1,520 762 873 744 731 93 100 66 1, 315 1,326 2,385 2,466 3,002 2,988 30 31 67 45 51 621 661 1,111 576 7 1 68 7, 129 6,447 8,253 8,609 8,293 7,297 156 138 69 588 453 689 648 714 610 6 4 70 671 720 589 638 637 625 38 35 71 1.187 600 413 309 659 345 29 17 72 700 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOBOUGHS. Michigan— Continued. Saginaw — Continued. "Ward 4 AVard 5 AVard 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . St. Ignace St. Johns St. Joseph Sault Ste. Marie Three Kivers — Traverse West Bay city. Wyandotte Ypsilanti Minnesota: Albert Lea . Anoka Austin Brainerd Cloquet Crookston . . Duluth Ward 1 - Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Faribault Fergus Falls. Hastings Mankato Minneapolis . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Xew TTlm . . Northficld . OAvatonna . Eed Wing . Rochester.. St. Cloud . . St. Paul Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward Ward Ward Ward NATIVE BOBN. Males. Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 1,170 1,494 1,016 1,168 611 728 1.083 985 905 681 664 811 924 1,338 1,483 1,370 1,415 1,443 4,164 1,317 2.257 1,125 1.542 1,502 1,945 813 985 10, 377 1.161 593 3,316 3,170 1,389 748 2,365 1,281 1.340 3,093 53, 389 3,109 3.467 7,267 8,993 7,268 3,099 4,363 5,177 3,806 1,374 3,881 ' 720 865 1,059 969 1,351 1,886 1,752 2,924 40, 403 4.545 3,872 2,474 4,783 4,462 4,493 3,505 6,335 3,928 1,086 920 Females. FOREIGN BOBN. 1,297 1,678 1,077 1.241 586 724 1,022 1,014 927 748 663 780 875 1,476 1,457 1,303 1,454 1,493 3, 802 1,267 2,995 1,217 1,549 1,602 1,807 449 952 6,516 455 521 2,127 1.882 899 632 2,492 1.293 1,408 3, 2,50 50, 791 2,789 3,239 7,032 7,389 7,192 2,975 4.403 5,544 3,622 1,202 3,995 585 824 1,072 1,110 1.502 2,105 1,981 2,726 39, 576 4,372 3,957 1,898 3,694 4,548 4,336 4,331 6,512 3,937 1,044 947 Males. 713 786 483 670 338 247 611 651 487 334 418 557 552 155 408 1,666 127 793 2,814 660 391 402 626 407 1.074 951 845 10, 598 1,241 764 2,661 2,401 2,274 1,257 802 582 480 1,351 34, 254 2,721 1,463 5,405 3, 504 3,306 5,948 2,368 1,243 2,937 1,199 3,467 354 339 835 279 492 1,219 857 1,106 29, 158 4. 510 3,222 2,096 2,442 3,308 3,226 759 5,682 2,905 567 441 Females. 632 791 455 625 253 232 522 642 457 302 366 453 353 158 385 1,421 135 624 2,201 573 486 501 535 390 877 317 675 5,624 398 349 1,728 1,277 1,061 811 861 616 477 1,144 26, 304 1,757 1,289 3,943 2,763 2, 762 3,805 2,131 1,427 2,174 739 2,990 242 282 775 301 504 1,084 731 930 24, 019 3,653 2,616 1,046 1,723 2,801 2,712 1,539 4,808 2,487 322 312 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 1,164 1,477 1,004 1,163 611 728 1,075 981 899 673 664 923 1,328 1,405 1,363 1,370 1,441 4,162 1,317 2,043 1,120 1,535 1,490 1,940 813 985 10, 242 1,144 589 3,267 3,113 1,385 744 2,352 1,279 1,322 3,086 52, 598 3,102 3,444 7,216 8,784 6,949 3,071 4,326 5,158 3,760 1,373 3,835 715 865 1,059 959 1,341 1,886 1,749 2,917 39, 584 4,514 3,856 2,387 4,447 4,438 4,421 3,480 6,160 3,877 1,086 918 Females. 1,291 1,663 1,062 1,237 586 724 1,013 1,010 921 743 663 775 875 1,468 1, 410 1,294 1,434 1,492 3,801 1,267 2,783 1,210 1,540 1.594 1,800 449 952 6,439 420 517 2,101 1,871 898 632 2,487 1,290 1,392 3,247 50, 271 2,784 3,210 7,004 7,294 6,962 2,950 4,372 5,531 3,588 1,202 3,963 583 823 1,072 1,103 1,495 2,105 1,979 2,723 38, 968 4,355 3,945 1,827 3,481 4,513 4,287 4,311 6,351 3,907 1,044 947 POPULATION. 701 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutiuued. NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN ~ PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLOEED. Males. 1 Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 361 398 803 893 711 630 8 8 1 706 720 771 943 786 788 17 18 2 515 506 489 556 481 451 14 19 3 425 433 738 804 668 025 7 4 4 302 437 457 294 455 420 309 291 618 292 269 593 338 247 608 253 232 521 5 6 11 10 7 304 301 677 709 651 642 4 4 8 373 345 526 576 487 457 6 6 9 305 297 368 446 333 302 9 5 10 238 260 236 269 426 546 427 506 418 555 366 450 11 ,,"" 8 ' 12 493 1,046 427 1,170 430 282 448 289 551 155 353 158 2 10 13 i" 14 812 857 593 553 407 384 79 48 15 502 437 861 857 1,662 1,419 11 11 16 1,156 1,172 214 262 126 135 46 20 17 940 899 501 593 793 624 2 1 18 1,576 1,394 2,586 2,407 2,812 2,201 4 1 19 396 1,563 382 2,068 921 480 885 715 660 311 573 409 20 294"" 289" 21 489 497 631 713 462 501 5 7 22 983 935 552 605 626 535 7 9 23 838 871 652 723 406 390 13 8 24 940 824 1,000 976 1,071 877 8 7 25 422 315 5,324 116 291 2,462 391 670 4,918 333 661 3,977 949 844 10, 569 317 675 5,614 2 1 164 26 27 87 28 494 119 650 301 1,235 396 23 37 29 302 251 287 266 764 349 4 4 30 1,798 805 1, 469 1,296 2,644 1,721 66 33 31 1,864 902 1,249 969 2,395 1,276 63 12 32 633 233 752 665 2,274 1,061 4 1 33 233 1,196 152 1,171 511 1,156 480 1,316 1,257 801 811 861 4 14 34 5 35 626 596 653 694 581 615 3 4 36 566 597 756 795 480 477 18 16 37 1,543 1,517 1,543 1,730 1,351 1,144 7 3 38 28, 613 25, 316 23, 985 24, 955 34, 222 26, 293 823 531 39 1,048 829 2,054 1,955 2,721 1,757 7 5 40 2,247 2,053 1,197 1,163 1,459 1,288 27 24 41 3,040 2,676 4,176 4,328 5,405 3,941 51 30 42 6,030 4,531 2,754 2,763 3,495 2,760 218 98 43 4,979 4,629 1,970 2,333 3,287 2,757 338 235 44 563 484 2,508 2,466 5,948 3, 8U5 28 25 45 2,146 2,050 2.180 2,322 2,368 2,131 37 31 46 3,877 3,974 1,281 1,557 1,243 1,427 19 13 47 1,561 1,353 2,199 2,235 2,937 2, 174 46 34 48 738 1,393 571 1,300 635 2,442 631 2,662 1,199 3,467 739 2,990 1 46 49 33"' 50 423 359 292 224 354 242 5 2 51 568 138 565 507 93 656 297 921 394 316 979 447 339 834 279 282 1 775 301 1 52 1 10 53 7' 54 766 790 575 705 492 504 10 7 55 581 1,005 633 1,038 1,305 744 1,472 941 1, 219 857 1,084 731 56 3" 2 57 1,267 1,077 1,650 1,646 1,106 930 7 3 58 16, 412 14, 599 23, 172 24, 369 29, 085 23, 995 892 632 59 1,508 1,356 3,006 2,999 4,508 3, 652 33 18 CO 1,219 1.196 2,637 2,749 3,221 2,616 17 12 61 1,242 800 1,145 1,027 2,089 1,044 94 73 62 2,579 1,651 1,868 1,830 2,405 1,716 373 220 63 1,374 1,231 3,064 3,282 3,304 2,801 28 35 64 1,610 1,403 2,811 2.884 3,219 2,708 79 53 65 2,467 2,800 1.013 1,451 755 1,538 29 21 86 1,743 1,592 4,417 4,759 5,672 4,799 185 170 67 1,359 1, 272 2,518 2,635 2,904 2.487 52 30 08 718 593 667 571 368 325 377 376 567 441 322 312 69 2" 70 702 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. NATIVE BOEN. FOREIGN BOEN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 Minnesotar— Continued. St Peter 1,018 3,404 1,024 5,831 1,489 1,373 2,039 2,994 2,738 4,988 4,289 5,764 1,325 1,334 1,253 1,455 1,841 1,718 1,836 2,293 1,321 1,357 1,699 1,824 1,463 3,795 2,660 2,197 1,789 1,797 2,014 5,724 1,108 2,815 3,560 4,961 58, 918 3,599 3,017 5,141 4,624 3,343 4.204 6,043 7,151 9,551 6,478 2,005 772 1,548 1,442 1,558 1,339 1,956 1,263 2,394 1,572 1,935 1,830 2,230 3,712 3.491 1,144 1,106 1,839 1,316 2,393 23,448 2,794 1,755 4,206 1.076 3,120 726 6, 267 1,890 1,574 2,432 3,325 3,005 5,375 5,314 6,828 1,391 1,805 1,468 1,705 1,579 1,683 1,894 1,933 1.419 1,436 1.953 1.927 1,346 3,907 2,701 2,327 2.125 1,828 2,036 5,951 1,277 3.111 2,364 4,357 52. 940 1.993 1.515 3,917 4,453 3,239 3,667 5.827 7,048 9,505 6,289 1,977 825 1,407 1,278 1,881 1,428 2.183 1.197 2,448 1,597 2,163 1,980 2,411 3,786 3,503 1,204 1,234 1,922 1, 343 2,619 21, 803 2,700 1.773 3,826 834 2,742 1,064 3.181 45 167 59 218 107 162 293 450 72 19 28 73 43 215 243 175 39 65 356 72 46 124 201 138 50 194 156 624 73 247 497 379 12,133 924 675 1,059 1,331 1,007 1,128 1,000 1, 041 1,882 996 368 147 272 303 39 51 220 63 145 114 125 121 82 416 157 97 89 153 150 605 3,868 439 227 614 743 1,994 554 2,929 25 120 29 121 70 99 205 331 44 10 13 53 19 1 103 1 168 146 33 59 289 55 29 »5 155 75 36 141 108 558 62 207 321 246 8,725 467 196 747 1,063 748 745 822 875 1,517 841 263 128 161 152 32 42 178 35 103 88 74 106 66 301 111 70 82 94 86 544 3,205 374 189 550 1,016 3.376 1. 022 5.799 740 1,120 1,015 1,112 1,289 2,670 2,085 2,625 847 1,263 620 636 1,835 1,651 1.335 2.133 1,247 1,297 1.376 1.473 1,453 3,588 2,403 1,980 1,098 1,700 1,473 4,722 953 2,455 2,712 4,771 52, 064 2,867 2,350 4,543 4,133 3,052 3,255 5,349 6,373 8,474 6,146 1,859 7.53 1,487 1,423 1,440 1,324 1,326 1,000 1,825 1,245 1,600 1.775 1,707 3,253 3,413 781 1,006 1,807 1,038 2,094 21, 712 2,548 1,580 3,879 1.076 3,097 726 6,241 798 1,278 1,096 995 1,329 2,518 2,283 2,758 881 1,691 664 662 1,575 1,607 1,306 1,791 1,329 1,347 1,592 1,530 1,341 3,720 2,419 2,084 2 3 .1 5 Mississippi: Aberdeen n Biloxi 7 R 9 10 Meridian 10 Vicksburg 13 Water Valley 14 15 16 "West Point Yazoo 17 Missouri : 18 Bonne Terre 10 oo Brookfield ''1 oo OT Cape Girardeau 01 CarroUton 25 ''6 07 Chillicothe og Clinton 20 Columbia 1,223 ?fl De Soto 1,729 ^1 1,434 32 4,880 ?3 Holden 1,116 ?1 Independence 2,673 ?5 Jefferson 1, 957 36 4,2U4 37 46, 121 38 Ward 1 1,419 39 Ward 2 1,039 10 Ward 3 3,342 11 Ward 4 3,921 42 43 Ward 5 2,963 Ward 6 2,740 Ward 7 5,111 45 Ward 8 . . 6.108 46 Ward 9 . 8,301 Ward 10 5, 959 Ward 11 1,813 49 50 Ward 12 807 Ward 13 1,347 51 Ward 14 1,251 52 1,735 53 54 1,400 Lexington 1,510 55 Liberty 909 1,789 57 1.254 58 59 1.744 1.926 1,800 61 62 3,249 3,418 864 64 65 1,129 Rich Hill 1.887 66 Richmond 1,048 67 2,332 68 St Joseph - 19, 861 60 Ward 1 2,413 70 Ward 2 1,599 71 Ward 3 3,408 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 703 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOBEIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 410 1,250 381 954 606 2,126 695 834 743 2 1 2,143 2,742 1,994 28 23" 2 498 2,132 291 2. 122 524 3,667 435 1,063 554 3 3 4,119 3,178 2, 929 35 26" 4 676 739 64 59 43 24 1 751 1,093 5 836 964 284 314 163 119 257 297 6 947 1,015 68 81 57 29 1,026 1,336 7 798 710 314 285 203 118 1,897 2,333 8 1,073 1.077 216 252 101 70 1,455 1,676 9 2,378 2 277 292 241 156 98 2,324 2,858 10 1,647 1^743 438 540 287 203 2, 210 3,033 11 1,812 1,863 813 895 450 331 3,139 4,070 12 760 773 87 108 72 44 478 510 13 1,241 1,659 22 32 19 10 71 114 14 585 636 35 28 28 13 633 804 15 521 551 115 111 71 53 821 1,043 16 1,738 1,500 97 75 43 19 6 4 17 1,448 • 1, 347 203 260 215 103 67 76 18 916 788 419 518 242 168 502 588 19 1,782 1,464 351 • 327 174 146 161 142 20 1,136 1,220 111 109 39 33 74 90 21 1,156 1.186 141 101 65 59 60 89 22 714 834 662 758 356 289 323 361 23 1,328 1,363 145 167 72 55 351 397 24 1,362 1,278 91 63 46 29 10 5 25 3,348 3,443 240 277 124 95 207 247 26 2,036 2, 025 367 394 199 155 259 282 27 1,739 1,826 241 258 136 75 219 243 28 982 1.131 116 92 49 36 692 902 29 1,374 1.412 326 317 194 141 ' 97 99 30 1,278 1,221 195 213 156 107 541 603 31 3,571 3,655 1,151 1,225 622 558 1.004 1,071 32 843 978 110 138 72 62 156 161 33 2,073 2.208 382 465 245 207 362 438 34 1,769 1.062 943 895 490 320 855 408 35 4,210 3.629 561 575 376 246 193 153 36 39, 248 33, 693 12, 816 12, 428 11, 934 8,702 7,053 6,842 37 2,020 781 847 6S8 907 467 749 574 38 1,784 841 566 19B 634 191 708 481 39 3,593 2,494 950 848 1,025 745 632 577 40 2,855 2,524 1,278 1,397 1,316 1,063 506 532 41 1,940 1,839 1,112 1,124 1,005 748 293 276 42 2,253 1,730 1,002 1,010 1,110 "744 967 928 43 4,079 5,125 6,255 3,850 1,270 1,261 986 813 708 725 44 4,793 1,248 1,315 1,021 873 798 942 45 6,014 2,219 2,287 1,855 1,513 1,104 1,208 46 4,862 4,677 1,284 1,282 992 841 336 330 47 1,463 1.433 396 380 364 263 150 164 48 619 640 134 167 147 128 19 18 49 1,227 1,067 260 280 271 161 62 60 50 1,173 1,010 250 241 301 152 21 27 51 1,347 1,610 93 125 39 32 118 146 52 1,215 1,291 109 109 51 42 15 28 53 984 1,165 342 345 218 178 632 673 54 877 815 123 9.4 61 35 265 288 55 1,546 1,508 279 281 144 103 570 059 56 1,086 1,106 159 148 114 87 327 344 57 1,423 1, 513 177 231 124 73 336 420 58 1,529 1,654 246 272 118 106 58 54 59 1,522 1,649 185 157 81 66 .524 605 60 2,512 2.569 741 680 416 301 459 537 61 3,127 3,118 286 300 157 111 78 85 62 570 620 211 244 97 70 363 340 63 848 928 158 201 89 82 100 105 64 1,567 1,618 240 274 153 94 32 35 65 881 884 157 164 148 86 280 295 66 996 1,046 1,098 1,286 602 544 302 287 67 16, 175 14, 134 5, 537 5,727 3,853 3,202 1,751 1,945 68 1,821 1,671 727 742 439 374 246 287 69 1,214 1,219 366 380 227 189 175 174 70 3.014 2.442 865 966 612 550 329 418 71 704 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. TAHLii 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, NATIVE BOEN. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES BOROUGHS. Missouri— Continued . St. Joseph— Continued. Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 St. Louis ... Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . AYard 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Ward 27 . Ward 28 . Sedalia Springfield Trenton Warrensburg . Washington .. Webb Montana : Anaconda .. Butte Great Falls . Helena Livingston . Missoula ... Nebraska : Beatrice .. Columbus Fairbury . Fremont . . Grand Island . Hastings Holdrege Kearney Lincoln Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Nebraska city . Norfolk North Platte... Males. Omaha Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . 2,420 4,880 2, 683 3,255 1,455 166, 319 4,153 4,368 4,666 4.768 5.780 7.046 7,056 4,489 7,119 6.246 6,617 5,586 4,499 5,625 5,063 4,859 5.680 6,279 6,663 5,635 6,040 5.907 6,494 6, 431 7,114 6, 522 8,627 6,354 10, 180 2,388 2,068 978 2,612 1,215 4,193 1,743 5,438 1,379 1,445 6,601 1,121 1.174 2,616 2,927 5,775 1,152 3,799 25, 942 4,504 3,740 3,293 5,785 5,086 1,469 2,065 4,934 1.202 1,259 59, 959 3, 825 6,057 11,564 10, 027 6,817 Females. 2,590 3,980 2,754 2.820 1,348 170, 575 3,631 2,805 4,777 4,090 5,866 6,745 7,031 4,580 7,326 6,455 6,279 5,657 4,667 6,152 4,647 5,236 6,367 6,545 6,469 6,435 6,538 7,309 7,513 7,337 6,632 6,634 9,785 6,429 10, 394 2,396 2,453 1,139 2,246 841 2,483 846 4,041 838 905 5,729 1,100 1,215 2,555 2,890 5,557 951 3,366 22, 750 3,260 3, 223 2,692 5,098 5,024 1,462 1,985 4,871 1,242 1,217 45, 454 3,208 4,529 6,560 6,747 4,495 FOREIGN BORN. Males. Females. 345 776 647 606 214 61, 795 2,397 2,402 2,260 2,258 2,636 2,477 3,415 2,197 3,504 2,481 3,047 2,052 1,402 1,832 1,257 1,959 1,523 2,489 1,716 1,241 2,203 1,054 3,054 1,677 2.077 2,507 ,705 .973 719 686 152 105 317 123 1,424 2, 976 1,085 2,895 420 784 457 132 829 931 1,149 266 510 3,453 693 553 497 507 740 134 329 918 310 281 20, 149 2,787 4,156 2,500 1,575 2, 602 311 564 571 483 163 53, 081 1,112 1,316 1.786 1,676 2,449 2,098 2,999 2. 056 2,752 2,574 2,424 1,939 1,269 1,760 946 1,750 1,631 2,149 1,515 1,472 1,932 1,408 2,754 1,602 1,855 1,840 2,010 2,007 590 103 80 291 62 495 1,071 305 1,460 213 307 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 722 456 109 747 788 ,103 232 3,009 434 450 455 546 718 163 243 771 278 298 14, 890 2,087 2,789 1,277 1,552 1,603 2,215 4,620 2,333 3,152 1,385 153, 281 3,546 3,694 4.189 4, ,567 5,492 6,885 7,018 3.809 7,076 5,723 6,344 5,569 4,046 5,448 3,289 4,816 4,698 6, 062 5,892 5,066 5,616 5,535 6,437 6,057 6,335 6,162 5,909 8,001 5,657 9,101 2,287 1,797 886 2,604 1,184 4,100 1,695 5,278 1,369 1,422 6,411 1,112 1,172 2,603 2,915 5, 591 1,149 3,781 25, 184 4,424 3,497 3, 217 5,071 4,867 1,452 2,056 4,809 1,190 1,246 57, 282 3,744 5,930 10, 253 9,748 6,467 Females. 2,340 3, 720 2,354 2,753 1,274 156, 813 2,801 2, 203 4,289 3,891 5,572 6,569 6,997 3,875 7,273 5,904 0,115 5,636 4,247 5,903 2,872 5,172 5,257 6,277 5,666 5,779 6,041 6,841 7,459 6,593 5,770 5,987 9,085 5,633 9,216 2,298 2, 159 1,043 2,237 836 2,427 813 3,927 827 874 5,570 1,097 1, 212 2, 542 2,873 5, 421 951 3,349 22, 151 3, 221 3,056 2,641 4,998 4, 815 1,447 1, 973 4,758 1,227 1, 213 43, 589 3, 137 4,428 5, 889 6,510 4,268 POPULATION. 705 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARBNTS. Males. Females. 1,649 3,464 1,632 2, 279 1,102 60, 096 1,673 1,864 1,422 1,675 1,378 2,699 1,481 1,062 1,844 1,433 1,764 1,683 1,558 1,923 1,751 1,180 2,380 2,035 2,990 3,048 2,280 3,767 1,794 2.907 2,785 2,294 2,916 4,510 4,407 7,918 1,984 1,597 275 2,397 610 2,408 1,160 3,583 973 987 5,508 .591 975 1,777 1,960 4,279 833 3,129 21, 329 3.799 3,014 2,582 5,003 4,040 1,211 1,680 3,657 833 817 40, 360 2,040 3,092 7,936 8,049 4,588 1,738 2,683 1,595 1,863 923 58,644 1,200 744 1,464 1,294 1,363 2,475 1,440 1,082 1,711 1,476 1,627 1,728 1,672 2,180 1,325 1,486 2, 559 1,958 2, 673 3,149 2,240 4,298 1,919 3,027 2,809 2,010 2,805 4,930 4,160 8,118 1,977 1,945 274 2,073 413 1,208 557 2,357 570 586 4,696 563 1,017 1,650 1,891 4,084 679 2,739 18, 494 2,730 2,611 1,987 4,343 3,962 1,221 1,640 3,641 801 753 28, 328 1,399 2,022 4,394 4,921 2,646 NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. Females. 566 1,156 701 873 283 93, 185 1,873 1,830 2, 767 2,892 4,114 4,186 5,537 2,747 5,232 4,290 4,580 3,886 2,488 3, .525 1,538 3,636 2,318 4, 027 2,902 2,018 3,336 1,768 4,643 3,150 602 1, 037 759 890 351 98, 169 1,661 1,459 2, 825 2,597 4,209 4,094 5,557 2,793 5,562 4,428 4,488 3,908 2,575 3,723 1,547 3,686 2,698 4,319 2,993 2, 630 3, 801 2,543 5,540 3,566 3, .550 3,870 3,868 3,700 2,993 3,182 3,491 4,155 1,250 1,473 1,183 1,098 303 321 200 214 611 769 207 164 574 423 1,692 1,159 535 256 1,695 1,570 396 257 435 288 903 874 521 534 197 195 826 892 955 982 1,312 1, 337 316 272 652 610 3,855 3,657 625 491 483 445 635 654 668 655 827 853 241 226 376 333 1,152 1,117 357 426 429 460 16, 922 15, 261 1,704 1,738 2.838 2,406 2,317 1,495 1,699 1,589 1,879 1,622 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 345 765 645 606 214 61, 586 2,367 2,385 2,253 2, 258 2,635 2,477 3,413 2,186 3,503 2,476 3,046 2,052 1,402 1,832 1,241 Females. 310 562 571 483 163 53, 024 1,108 1,312 1,786 1,676 2,447 2,097 2,999 2,055 2,750 2,571 2,422 1,939 1,269 1,759 943 1,957 1,749 1,515 1,629 2,486 2,149 1,703 1,501 1,223 1,470 2,188 1,932 1,034 1,408 3,052 2,754 1,663 1,599 2,073 1, 8.52 2, .506 1,838 2,703 2,007 1,957 2,003 718 566 680 590 150 103 105 79 317 291 123 62 1,289 489 2,588 1,051 1,080 303 2, 410 1,439 406 213 653 296 774 722 455 456 127 109 823 747 926 787 1,140 1,103 263 232 504 399 3, 416 3,007 685 434 540 450 490 455 498 545 740 717 134 163 329 243 916 771 315 278 278 298 20, 042 14, 881 2,784 2,087 4,156 2,789 2,432 1,272 1,570 1,551 2.586 1,603 TOTAL OOLOHBD. Males. Females. 205 271 352 103 70 13, 247 637 691 484 201 289 161 40 691 44 528 274 17 453 177 1,790 45 990 220 784 587 439 392 59 388 656 953 615 642 698 1,085 103 271 92 166 481 53 645 24 139 200 11 ' 7 19 17 193 795 88 256 83 123 219 17 9 127 13 16 2,784 84 127 1,379 284 366 257 262 400 73 74 13, 819 774 606 488 199 296 177 34 706 55 554 166 21 420 250 1,778 65 22 1,112 23 268 24 817 25 658 26 497 27 468 28 54 29 477 30 661 31 864 32 650 33 704 34 796 35 1,178 30 98 37 295 38 96 39 9 40 11 41 76 42 35 43 135 44 11 45 42 46 159 47 3 48 3 49 13 50 18 51 136 52 53 17 54 601 55 45 56 167 57 51 58 101 59 210 60 15 61 12 62 113 63 15 64 4 65 1,874 66 71 67 101 68 676 69 238 70 227 71 372- ■45 706 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIBS, TOWNS, VIIXAQES, AND BOROUGHS. Nebraska — Continued. Omaha — Continued Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Plattsmouth South Omaha York Nevada : Carson Reno Virginia city New Hampshire : Berlin Claremont Concord Derry Dover Exeter Farmington Franklin Gilford Haverhill Keene Laconia Lancaster Lebanon Littleton Manchester Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 AVard 6 Ward7 Ward 8 Milford Nashua Newmarket Newport Pembroke Peterboro Pittsfield Portsmouth Rochester Somersworth Winchester Wolfboro New Jersey : Atlantic city Bayonne Bordentown . . Bridgeton Burlington Camden Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 Ward? Wards Ward 9 Elizabeth Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward7 Ward 8 NATIVE BORN. FOREIGN BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 8,081 7,160 2,025 1,690 7,836 6,904 2,894 2,753 1, 635 1,448 2,867 2, 730 7,296 6,562 1,917 1,503 7,105 6,367 3,398 3,440 952 941 3,332 3,356 3,470 2,827 1,194 901 3,418 2,792 3,064 2,444 1,628 926 3,029 2,406 1,457 1,565 188 195 1,442 1,550 1,448 1,096 1,154 252 1,318 1,024 1,425 1,252 633 253 1,335 1,170 2,892 2,446 2,048 1,125 2,817 2,405 816 806 1,218 889 815 806 2,000 2,356 575 634 1,989 2,350 6,889 6,983 1,674 1,458 6,853 6,954 1,173 1,205 110 116 1,171 1,205 4,561 5,047 1,457 1,725 4,555 5,039 1,770 1,681 419 414 1,764 1,675 1,493 1,477 54 40 1,493 1,476 1,599 1,744 410 332 1,598 1,744 1,491 1,529 285 280 1,483 1,523 1,209 1,162 94 80 1,207 1,159 3,137 3,343 465 501 3,137 3, 343 2,062 2,292 825 964 2,056 2,285 1,389 1,268 394 322 1,384 1,265 1,561 1,810 193 199 1,559 1,808 1,346 1,403 312 304 1,344 1,403 11, 315 12,720 8,549 11, 542 11, 294 12, 701 837 987 820 1,214 837 987 1,334 1,523 277 354 1,333 1,521 1,700 2,088 1,405 1,939 1,693 2,081 1,796 2,133 1, 205 1,703 1,788 2,128 1,414 1,533 1,916 2,688 1,414 1,533 1, 775 1,832 479 579 1,771 1,828 760 794 23? 408 760 794 1,699 1,830 2,215 2,657 1,698 1,829 1,241 1,329 244 200 1,241 1,329 6,361 6,667 3,015 3,268 6,351 6,654 860 882 464 536 860 882 1,160 1,238 113 112 1,155 1,238 887 873 724 688 885 873 1,004 1,105 200 198 1,003 1,105 1,085 1,164 163 193 1,085 1,161 3,964 4,354 736 773 3,941 4,329 2,807 2,917 939 733 2,803 2, 915 1,545 1,798 1,324 1,540 1,544 1,798 1,123 1,044 222 195 1,123 1,044 1,415 1,356 162 87 1,412 1,356 5,551 6,044 649 811 4,604 4, 890 6,332 6,013 3,711 2,977 6,265 5,912 1,827 2,044 156 205 1,736 1,940 5,240 5,589 328 267 5,004 5,298 3, UO 3,469 296 359 2,878 3,183 24, 656 25, 924 3,871 3,862 22,444 23, 306 3,251 3,398 475 526 3,231 3,325 3,845 4,214 683 794 3,812 4,129 1,971 1,995 296 271 1,961 1,970 2,261 2,576 234 228 2,261 2,564 3,201 3, 314 427 383 2,858 2,889 2,978 3, 145 433 400 2,690 2,838 2,528 2,533 573 515 1,740 1,656 2.502 2,509 519 466 1,784 1,720 2,119 2,240 231 279 2,107 2,215 13, 085 13, 540 5,711 5,428 12, 726 13, 115 3,029 2,837 1,664 1,344 3,018 2,822 2,388 2,229 1,645 1,348 2,384 2,228 1,927 1,873 1,054 982 1,810 1,775 816 958 216 223 771 914 2,262 2,589 478 -661 2,202 2,509 974 1,194 156 273 923 1,120 752 880 152 220 710 813 937 980 346 377 908 934 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 707 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PABBNTS. Males. 5,428 1,837 5,008 2,382 2,414 1,753 1,231 867 925 932 399 1,532 5,457 1,056 3,323 1,448 1,435 1,249 1,312 1,107 2,557 1,606 1,121 1,312 1,075 6,252 440 1,084 1,050 1,135 203 1,213 499 628 1,001 4,073 625 1,056 607 835 976 3,154 2,313 1,000 932 1,340 3,795 2,782 1,393 4,632 2,418 17, 141 2,588 2,828 1,547 1,916 2,156 2,046 1,171 1,211 1,678 5,611 1,266 396 425 449 1,460 675 489 451 Females. 4,613 1,632 4,410 2,291 1,870 1, 329 1,324 595 786 638 353 1,816 5,557 1,078 3,732 1,376 1, 412 1,345 1,343 1,072 2,770 1,783 1,040 1,519 1,103 7,321 543 1,268 1,405 1,429 237 1,246 511 682 1,131 4,384 666 1,133 610 935 1,077 3,534 2,396 1,183 836 1,308 3,980 2,557 1,558 4, 882 2,655 17, 772 2,647 3,004 1,585 2,163 2,179 2,154 1,140 1,131 1,769 5,922 1,110 354 419 556 NATIVE WHITE — FOEEIQN PASENTS. 1,< 778 565 471 Males. 2,408 1,030 2,097 950 1,004 1,276 211 451 410 1,885 416 457 1,396 115 1,232 316 58 349 171 100 580 450 263 247 269 5,042 397 249 643 653 1,211 558 261 1,070 240 2,278 235 99 278 168 109 787 490 544 191 72 809 3,483 343 372 460 5,303 643 984 414 345 702 644 569 573 429 7,115 1,752 1,988 1,385 322 Females. 742 248 221 457 2,291 1,098 1,957 1,065 922 1.077 226 429 384 1,767 453 534 1,397 127 1,307 299 64 399 180 87 573 502 225 289 300 5,380 444 253 676 699 1,296 582 283 1,147 198 2,270 216 105 263 170 84 795 519 615 208 48 910 3,355 382 416 528 5,534 678 1,125 385 401 710 684 516 589 446 7,193 1,712 1,874 1,356 358 840 342 248 463 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 2,023 1,635 1,904 952 1,193 1,625 188 547 496 1,811 1,218 572 1,671 110 1,451 418 52 409 285 94 465 823 393 192 311 8,539 818 277 1, 402 1,205 1,913 479 232 2,213 242 3,012 463 111 722 198 163 725 936 1,321 222 162 623 3,700 156 324 295 3,795 469 678 290 221 420 419 561 508 229 5,702 1,660 1,644 1,053 216 478 155 150 346 Females. TOTAL COLORED. 1,687 1,448 1,503 941 900 926 195 238 249 1,116 633 1,455 116 1,723 414 40 332 280 80 501 964 322 199 304 11, 542 1, 214 354 1,939 1,703 2,688 579 408 2,657 200 3,268 536 112 68« 193 769 733 1,540 195 87 804 2,977 205 267 358 3,847 526 794 268 228 380 400 511 461 279 5,424 1,342 1,348 982 223 660 272 220 377 Males. 247 27 204 53 38 15 737 227 312 1 14 39 2 12 Females. 3 3 31 2 1 10 973 78 91 240 263 2,288 26 38 16 13 350 302 800 729 14 368 15 5 118 45 60 52 44 29 259 23 195 10 3 29 2 1,161 101 104 291 287 2, 633 73 85 28 12 428 307 881 794 25 429 17 1 98 44 81 75 67 46 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 708 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table JtO.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLOEED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. Kew Jersev — Continued. Freehold Gloucester Hackenaack Haddonfield Hammonton Harrison Hoboken Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Jersey city Aldermanic district 1 Aldermanic district 2 Aldermanic district 3 Aldermanic district 4 Aldermanic district 5 Aldermanic district 6 Keyport Lainbertvillo Long Branch Millville Morristo wn Newark Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 New Brunswick Newton Ocean Grove Orange Passaic Paterson Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Warde Ward? Ward 8 Perth Amboy Phillipsburg Plainfield Princeton Eahway Raritan Bed Bank Salem Somerville South Amboy South Orange Trenton Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward4 Wards AVarde Ward? NATIVE BOEN. Males. 227 514 266 049 151 481 790 671 581 044 596 718 118 717 582 499 967 473 702 090 805 160 853 583 349 039 915 979 158 043 645 094 222 968 170 194 948 275 311 206 458 820 527 348 388 906 751 130 533 315 704 731 182 546 791 746 718 458 623 559 103 682 864 258 074 741 127 951 3,840 Females. 442 505 439 288 255 606 198 779 829 824 766 049 125 769 739 103 002 311 547 951 037 512 713 099 013 724 715 808 076 414 264 865 201 183 730 041 503 549 013 922 488 392 925 287 737 356 712 322 012 160 623 948 749 483 103 789 970 766 822 646 183 728 339 409 511 705 183 962 3,866 rOEBlGN BORN. Males. 129 728 061) 74 790 1,616 8,918 2,435 1,069 2,718 2,696 27,450 3,790 6,613 3,467 6,731 2,280 4,569 206 233 583 370 577 27, 820 783 885 562 1,173 736 4,848 1,408 2,179 544 1,806 1,260 4,031 5,642 403 1,560 1,557 103 67 2,679 2,826 15, 377 1,537 1,805 3,044 1,262 2,509 926 1,363 2,931 2,484 538 1,054 176 567 554 231 140 207 618 308 7,434 421 139 1,035 915 631 459 845 Females. 134 817 639 91 637 1,635 8,446 2,059 1,196 2,736 2,455 25, 908 3,209 5,716 3,389 6,360 2,513 4,721 185 256 521 315 1,000 27, 751 946 959 778 926 676 4,589 1,458 2,488 694 1,814 1,572 3,576 5,285 554 1,436 1,849 101 89 2,782 2,504 15, 785 1,523 1,886 3,036 1,400 2,563 808 1,411 3,158 1,701 427 1,282 217 644 467 226 152 209 507 512 6,614 452 257 711 671 644 419 832 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 189 509 196 992 137 471 054 788 657 577 032 602 483 968 547 558 325 721 383 669 838 748 675 306 764 377 127 935 894 935 035 867 489 766 149 959 953 161 942 302 200 590 514 321 212 850 740 115 53U 308 666 719 940 302 745 586 205 453 558 083 770 808 109 877 1,724 2,013 943 3,507 Females.' 390 501 329 181 232 595 171 779 817 817 758 984 914 651 556 076 783 004 471 919 768 439 479 858 897 487 424 703 053 378 103 613 983 849 596 025 282 491 974 516 467 353 467 772 964 724 327 539 240 000 150 648 336 589 931 346 146 973 787 828 460 621 645 159 958 251 256 490 686 071 954 553 POPULATION. 709 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHTTE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PABENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 974 1,140 215 250 128 134 39 52 1 1,489 1,454 1,020 1,047 728 817 5 4 2 1,504 1,623 692 706 655 639 75 110 3 885 1,049 107 132 73 91 58 107 4 837 899 300 333 790 637 14 23 5 751 762 1,720 1,833 1,610 1,635 16 11 6 3,761 3,641 9,293 9,' 530 8,893 8,446 57 27 7 814 56C 739 555 1,974 2 040 2,420 2.059 11 8 l!091 li262 1, 062 1,196 21 12"" 9 1,384 1,520 3,193 3,297 2,715 2,736 7 7 10 997 827 3,035 2,931 2,690 2,455 18 8 11 20, 907 20, 592 32, 635 33, 392 27, 290 25, 890 1,154 1,083 12 1.885 1,631 3,598 3,283 3,749 3,206 271 214 13 1,847 1,678 7,121 6,973 6,602 5,714 161 120 14 3,897 3,673 4,650 4,883 3, 430 3,387 207 185 15 3,391 3,508 8,167 8,568 6,712 6, 357 43 30 16 4,210 4, 395 3,115 3,388 2, 257 2,512 197 220 17 5,737 5,707 5,984 6,297 4,540 4, 714 275 314 18 1,124 1,178 259 293 205 185 91 76 19 1,298 1,358 371 561 231 256 35 32 20 2,184 2,114 654 654 574 521 261 269 21 4,124 3,852 624 587 369 315 58 73 22 1,914 2,459 761 1,020 568 999 200 235 23 27, 054 28, 727 32, 252 34, 131 27, 667 27,728 2,007 2,264 24 1,780 1,922 984 975 770 946 102 116 25 1,345 1,376 1,032 1,111 875 959 216 237 26 1,353 1,531 774 893 553 776 231 293 27 1,035 872 900 831 1,167 926 110 105 28 967 1,074 927 979 732 676 25 23 29 2,207 2,404 5, 728 5, 974 4,833 4,586 59 39 30 1,219 1,160 1,816 ],943 1,405 1,458 126 161 31 4,310 4,621 2,557 2,992 2, 143 2,476 212 264 32 1,788 2,109 701 874 533 694 167 218 33 2,233 2,309 2,533 2,540 1, 798 1,814 336 334 34 2,395 2,611 1,754 1,985 1,254 1,571 79 135 35 1,462 1,397 4,497 4,628 4,023 3,576 17 16 36 2,010 2, 139 5,943 6,143 5,627 5,281 232 225 37 1,613 1,817 548 674 399 553 37 59 38 1,337 1,385 1,558 1,589 1,555 1,436 58 39 39 4,214 4,754 2,728 2,762 1,538 1,847 352 408 40 1,146 1,320 156 147 103 101 9 21 41 1,122 1,266 78 87 65 89 8 39 42 2,869 3,043 3,215 3,424 2,662 2,775 391 465 43 1,608 1,619 2, 126 2,153 2, 820 2,503 92 107 44 9,562 10, 168 13, 028 13, 796 15,311 15, 779 374 329 45 1,330 1, 523 1,184 1,201 1, 532 1,523 18 13 46 1,646 1,675 1,675 1,652 1,803 1,886 29 29 47 1, 989 2,222 2,223 2,317 3, 036 3,035 184 174 48 1,566 1,769 1,284 1,471 1,247 1,398 71 84 49 850 905 1,890 2, 095 2,500 2,562 20 13 50 449 446 666 704 915 808 26 10 51 354 353 1,170 1,295 1, 359 1,411 7 1 52 1,378 1,275 2,930 3,001 2,919 3,156 19 5 53 1,322 1,262 1,344 1,327 2,481 1,701 41 34 54 2, 865 3,053 854 878 537 427 13 17 55 2, 824 3,183 1,116 1,163 1,049 1,280 247 405 56 1, 023 839 279 307 173 210 247 338 57 1,809 2,123 857 850 564 641 128 133 58 360 392 385 395 554 467 1 2 59 1, 20] 1,421 325 407 229 225 134 143 60 1,967 2,210 238 250 139 152 254 306 61 1,165 1,331 288 290 205 209 172 201 62 918 942 640 703 618 507 1 1 63 674 712 409 447 308 511 20 25 64 13, 167 13, 488 7,603 7,470 7,391 6,607 955 777 65 1,368 1, 702 440 549 411 452 66 88 66 873 972 236 284 131 255 157 155 67 1,688 1,495 1,189 995 1, 029 711 203 21 68 878 825 840 801 913 671 19 19 69 1,272 1,338 741 733 621 642 124 114 70 524 565 419 389 458 419 9 8 71 2,375 2,473 1, 132 1,080 843 829 335 316 72 710 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROOGHS. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 New Jersey — Continued. Trenton — Continued. Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Union yineland Washington Woodbury. . . New Mexico : Albuquerque (a) . Santa Fe New York : Albany . . . Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 - Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Albion Amsterdam. Auburn Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Baldwinsville. Ballaton Spa. . Bacavia Batb Binghamton Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 , Brockport . Brooklyn Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5. Ward 6 . Ward 7 . NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. 1,239 2,248 1,477 1,863 1,142 2,346 1,537 1,728 8,138 1,532 1,336 1,777 3,183 1,850 1,399 1,897 1,653 2,884 1,431 2,890 35, 183 2,032 2,000 1,738 1,955 1,545 37, 447 2,311 1,953 1,639 1,918 1,800 1,310 1,373 1,587 1,771 3,484 2,480 1,390 1,363 1,606 1,679 3,513 2,796 2,001 1,719 1,761 1,853 3,479 3,095 2,169 2,011 2,470 2,270 3,460 3,099 1,523 6,103 1,811 6,704 9,943 1,246 1,066 663 1,750 598 10, 256 1,432 1,298 695 777 670 998 787 1,016 819 1,000 1,115 890 1,083 991 1,305 1,306 1,400 2,707 1,353 1,429 1,572 3,201 1,604 14, 631 1,737 1,093 1,401 395 1,287 15, 618 1,797 1,313 1,643 386 1,372 1,151 1,677 966 616 1,153 1,932 938 585 968 1,851 908 581 1,127 1,904 924 544 1,429 1,706 264, 655 6,422 2,572 5,772 279, 988 6,296 2,338 e,473 4,220 6,732 10, 525 11, 933 4,056 5,933 11, 382 14, 431 FOREIGN BOEN. Males. 765 851 467 906 2,255 207 51 119 458 278 10, 406 978 847 684 730 383 377 256 463 593 1,134 472 683 470 196 501 734 905 617 2,233 2,930 430 282 119 737 195 245 268 318 183 153 159 273 645 137 2,283 343 150 262 58 231 85 219 185 59 200 192 267 32 277 129, 468 3,251 2,319 3,135 2,182 4,230 7,783 4,069 Females. 656 683 468 821 2,067 233 48 118 243 133 11, 887 987 889 755 733 519 359 372 521 624 1, 222 637 805 639 455 620 870 880 635 2,296 2,729 441 357 148 257 236 296 279 331 224 160 146 282 668 167 2,473 340 169 332 52 221 76 273 134 74 235 191 335 41 330 132, 232 4,071 1,757 3,374 1,866 3,274 8,003 5,293 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 1,235 2,243 1,473 1,838 3,138 1,449 1,266 1,580 1,550 2,836 34, 559 2,032 1,991 1,738 1,941 1,518 1,259 1,348 1,586 1,770 3,479 2,366 1,946 1,688 1,757 1,821 3,231 3,088 1,485 6,070 9,730 1,241 1,040 644 1,696 597 996 783 1,002 742 989 1,298 1,394 2,688 1,331 14,384 1,700 1,089 1,398 387 1,273 1,132 1,603 940 592 951 1,848 902 569 1,416 260, 292 6,307 2,534 5,705 4,001 6,459 10, 488 11, 709 Females. 1,139 2,339 1,528 1,691 3,183 1,759 1,345 1,667 1,353 2,841 36, 974 2,310 1,937 1,639 1,899 1,773 1,362 1,352 1,606 1,679 3,509 2,674 2,112 1,970 2,455 2,234 3,373 3,090 1,778 6,650 10, 073 1,425 1,267 673 775 670 1,112 884 1,005 908 1,294 1,424 1,563 3,182 1,564 15, 357 1,753 1,307 1,643 380 1,367 1,127 1,849 902 567 1,118 1,898 909 537 1,697 274, 380 6,146 2,312 6,353 3,803 5,732 11, 342 14, 063 a New town. POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE ; 711, 1890— Contiuiied. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. Males. 604 1,489 1,083 1,013 723 1,184 1,160 1,850 1,137 2, 616 16, 291 496 542 485 772 766 818 934 638 595 1,567 1,369 708 989 1,377 805 1, 929 1,501 932 3,587 5,448 630 635 442 811 277 562 358 483 476 774 1,000 949 1,620 1,042 10, 990 1,186 849 979 329 914 957 1,245 702 576 1,530 714 513 951 108, 101 3,438 575 2,659 1,785 1, 901 2,950 6,370 Females. 545 1,535 1,151 887 703 1,461 1,213 1,427 974 2,629 17, 539 534 517 441 773 912 850 933 610 548 1,624 1,519 809 1,114 1,760 955 2,064 1,576 1,114 3,893 5,709 707 779 437 318 331 618 401 514 574 1,030 1,067 1,083 1,856 1,211 11, 283 1,165 950 1,113 314 947 943 1,377 633 453 676 1,512 716 484 1,166 114, 472 3,241 523 2,853 1,634 1,422 3,164 7,543 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 631 754 390 825 2,415 265 106 230 413 220 18, 268 1,536 1,449 1,253 1,169 752 441 414 948 1,175 1,912 997 1,238 699 380 1,016 1,302 1,587 553 2,483 4,282 611 405 202 885 320 434 425 519 266 215 298 445 1,068 289 3,394 514 240 419 58 359 175 358 238 96 375 318 188 56 465 152, 191 2,869 1, 9.59 3,046 2,216 4,558 7,538 5,339 Females. 594 804 377 804 2,480 298 132 240 379 212 19, 435 1,776 1,420 1,198 1,126 861 512 419 996 1,131 1,885 1,155 1, 303 856 695 1,279 1,309 1,514 664 2,757 4,364 718 488 230 457 339 494 483 551 334 264 357 480 1,326 353 4,074 ■ 588 357 530 66 420 184 472 269 114 442 386 193 53 531 159, 908 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 2,169 4,310 8,178 6,520 765 847 467 906 2,250 206 50 117 421 270 10, 372 978 726 381 367 252 463 593 1,134 472 468 196 500 728 905 615 2,230 2,910 430 280 115 730 195 243 268 318 179 152 158 271 645 137 2,272 341 150 261 58 231 85 218 181 57 200 191 267 32 276 128, 672 3,219 2,306 3,106 2,142 4,134 7,756 4, 022 Females. 656 683 468 821 2,067 231 48 118 242 132 11, 877 987 889 755 731 519 358 371 521 624 1,222 636 802 639 455 620 869 879 632 2,296 2,714 441 355 144 257 236 295 279 331 216 160 145 282 667 167 2,467 337 169 331 52 221 76 273 134 74 234 191 334 41 330 132, 053 4,066 1,756 3,373 1,848 3,268 7,999 5,282 TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. 4 25 5 84 71 199 140 56 658 10 1 18 29 61 29 1 1 5 114 58 33 4 33 254 7 40 36 233 5 28 23 61 1 4 4 14 81 12 19 22 258 39 4 4 8 14 19 75 30 26 17 4 6 12 14 5,159 147 51 96 259 375 64 271 3 7 9 37 93 54 230 79 50 483 1 16 4 123 a 15 36 88 10 36 54 198 7 33 26 2 18 91 11 20 40 267 47 6 1 26 83 36 18 10 6 16 7 5,787 155 27 121 271 207 44 379 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 712 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New York — Continned. Brooklyn — Continued. Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 Buffalo Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Canandaigua Canastota Canton Catskill Clyde Cohoes College Point Coney Island Cooperstown Corning Cortland Dansville Dunkirk Edgewater Ellenville Elmira Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward4 Wards Ward6 Ward 7 Fairport Fishkill on Hudson. . . Flushing Fort Hamilton Fort Plain Fredonia Fulton Geneva Glens Falls Gloversville Goshen Gouverneur Greenbush Green Island Haverstraw NATIVE BORN. FOREIGN BOEN. Hales. Females. Males. Females. 9,789 9,792 6,055 5,603 5,809 5,889 2, 823 3,175 10, 772 11, 188 5,904 6,167 7,893 8,241 3,177 3,382 8,221 7,896 5,974 5,277 7,658 8,189 2,943 2,838 8,479 8,287 5,494 4,986 10, 000 10, 199 3,811 3,620 13, 210 13, 804 9,479 9,227 13, 757 14, 235 7,087 6,345 24, 425 25, 022 13, 093 12, 420 12, 050 13, 066 5,339 5,789 8,149 9,669 2,468 3,850 16, 088 18, 028 7,885 8,117 17, 192 18, 618 6,707 7,733 10, 503 12, 938 2,169 3,738 6,267 5,708 2,296 2,500 16, 248 18, 257 4,801 5,332 9,969 10, 053 4,988 4,495 82, 886 83, 293 45, 998 43, 487 5,710 5,083 3,447 2,885 2,799 2,105 1,050 968 4,745 4,612 1,851 1,714 2,802 2,960 1,395 1,344 15, 562 15, 339 12, 929 11,232 9,064 9,148 6,816 6,275 14, 198 14, 469 6,875 6,570 3,395 2,721 2,061 1,671 2,882 3,052 1,028 1,271 4,833 6,162 1,189 2,156 10,366 11, 486 3,935 4,517 3,550 3,367 2,145 1,789 2,980 2,789 1,277 1,095 2,269 2,630 437 532 1,211 1,255 167 141 1,078 1,141 148 213 2,040 2,334 255 291 1,084 1,200 163 191 6,826 7,977 3,395 4,311 1,938 1,809 1,288 1,092 1,263 723 851 476 1,064 1,324 113 156 3,651 3,552 677 670 3,795 3,933 463 399 1,389 1,796 274 299 3,138 3, 237 1,499 1,542 4,626 4,647 2,536 2,450 1,171 1,365 176 169 12, 758 12,817 2, 768 2,550 943 1,108 76 113 1,249 1,399 424 388 1,526 1,646 379 395 1,438 1,633 524 484 3,244 3, 343 528 507 2,782 2,125 552 378 1,576 1,563 285 285 1,005 1,208 166 173 1,356 1,486 458 317 3,047 3,418 879 1,092 955 768 485 409 1,257 1, 384 125 98 1,354 1,512 269 264 1,765 1,931 245 273 2,800 3,129 769 859 3,775 4, 1.56 752 826 5,765 6,437 893 769 1,158 1,378 175 196 1,379 1,489 277 313 2, 923 3,081 628 669 1, 643 1,726 534 560 1,945 1,761 857 507 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 5 629 10 445 7, 052 8 221 7 613 8 478 9 979 13 046 13 753 24 398 11 798 7 852 16 004 17 159 10 460 5 830 15 733 9 864 82 427 5 708 2 792 4 745 2 690 15 396 9 009 14 173 3 386 2 869 4 817 10 330 3 539 2 973 2 223 1 192 1 074 1 927 1 067 6 820 1 935 1 092 1 035 3 596 3 771 1 386 3 131 4 552 1 162 12 433 942 1 213 1 358 1 428 3 221 2 748 1 523 996 1 323 2 722 941 1 234 1 3.50 1 758 2 727 3 760 5 711 1 030 1 379 2 918 1 643 1 678 Females. POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 713 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — POBEIQN PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. 1 Males. 1 Pemales. 1 3,515 3,406 6,260 6,360 1,893 1,894 3,736 3,761 3, 358 3,506 7,087 7,332 3,135 3,322 3,917 3,911 1,763 1,819 6,458 6,077 3,908 4,115 3,705 4,020 2,685 2,657 5,793 5, 630 4,291 4,271 5,688 5,892 2, 917 2,896 10, 129 10, 683 5,494 5,633 8, 259 8,593 7,852 7,930 16, 546 17, 006 4,985 5,482 6,813 7, 25V 4,494 5,264 3,358 3,918 6,274 7,040 9,730 10, 848 9,047 9,692 8,112 8,814 7,288 8,808 3,172 3,968 2,496 2,396 3,334 2,809 9,017 9,985 6,716 7,627 4,011 3,976 5,853 5,971 29, 209 27, 535 53, 218 55, 333 1,461 1,152 4, 247 3,931 1,832 1,054 960 1,047 2,115 1,972 2,630 2,640 919 1,005 1,771 1,857 3,409 3,201 11, 987 11, 977 2,136 1,932 6,873 7,160 4,055 3,890 10,118 10, 549 1,227 685 2,159 2,030 1,671 1,517 1,198 1,526 3,103 3,707 1,714 2,430 5,171 5,496 5,159 5,968 1,182 1,082 2, 357 2, 277 928 842 2,045 1,941 1,478 1,667 745 918 987 1,013 205 222 766 777 308 358 1,480 1,699 447 508 795 849 272 331 2,438 2,760 4,382 5,202 493 361 1,442 1,442 499 254 593 371 891 1,104 144 197 2,516 2,308 1,080 1,187 3,016 3,151 755 769 870 1,122 516 671 1,169 1,159 1,962 2,076 1,604 1,556 2,948 2,998 816 963 346 386 8,347 8,406 4,086 4,089 808 903 134 204 686 801 527 567 913 949 445 500 832 853 596 773 2,403 2,412 818 918 1,688 1,480 1,060 636 1,017 1,008 506 491 681 837 315 363 860 953 463 498 1,557 1,778 1,165 1,244 472 306 469 440 1,013 1,102 221 259 1,070 1,150 280 360 1,325 1,404 433 520 1,580 1,739 1,141 1,298 2,338 2,581 1,422 1,557 4,660 5,268 1,051 1,083 765 911 205 296 940 1,045 439 443 1,628 1,691 ' 1, 290 1, 376 907 949 736 777 890 892 788 798 FOBBIUN WHITE. Males. Females. 6,034 2,807 5,873 3,112 5,961 2,928 5,487 3,794 9,462 7,063 13, 067 5,312 2,444 7,850 6,659 2,148 2,276 4, 745 4,965 45, 839 3,441 1,037 1,848 1,367 12, 860 6,798 6,874 2,059 1,026 1,177 3,932 2,144 1,276 437 165 148 252 163 3,393 1,286 836 113 670 459 273 1,498 2,531 176 2,763 76 421 ■ 379 522 528 552 285 166 455 868 485 124 268 242 764 750 890 173 277 627 534 855 5,601 3,171 6,153 3,365 5,277 2,837 4,986 3,620 9,223 6,345 12, 420 5,780 3, 837 8,116 7,717 3,729 2,479 5,310 4,489 43, 361 2,885 964 1,712 1,328 11, 164 6, 265 6,566 1,671 1,269 2,147 4,510 1,786 1,094 531 140 213 291 191 4,311 1,092 474 156 660 399 299 1.542 2,453 169 2,545 113 387 394 484 506 377 284 173 317 1,088 408 98 264 273 858 826 769 196 313 669 560 506 TOTAL COLOBKD. Males. Females. 35 196 358 906 13 60 8 38 181 28 53 279 321 119 81 64 457 571 128 618 8 20 3 140 235 73 26 11 15 28 39 12 46 21 4 116 17 5 186 29 62 28 4 8 79 9 330 1 39 168 12 23 34 53 36 336 14 24 28 238 364 1,025 55 36 229 9 26 336 500 141 128 171 524 661 112 551 2 114 229 06 34 34 29 11 7 46 21 6 127 20 In 6 100 23 67 13 3 2 96 16 327 1 32 198 7 14 10 65 35 400 23 23 10 7 78 93 17 18 57 86 130 171 1 14 6 269 72 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 50 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 G9 70 71 714 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table «0.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 CITIES, TOWNS, VIXLAQES, AND BOROUGHS. New York— Continued. Hempstead Hoosick Falls , Hornellsville Hudson Huntington Ilion Ithaca Jamaica Jamestown . Johnstown.. Kingston Lansingburg Leroy Little Falls.., Lockport Long Island city. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward4 Ward 5 Lowrille Lyons if alone Matteawan Mechanics ville. Medina Middletown Mount Vernon . Newark New Brighton . Newburg New Rochelle . . New York . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5. Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . New York Mills . . . Niagara Falls North Tarry town . . North Tonawanda . Norwich Nyack Ogdensburg , Olean Oneida Oneonta NATIVE BOKN. 0»weeo PeeksTsill Penn ■£ an . . . Plattsburg... Port Chester. Males. 1,975 2,729 4,712 3,823 1,209 1,672 4,641 2,070 5,129 3,013 8,239 3,829 976 3,403 5,952 9,731 2,786 1,079 1,549 2,834 1,483 1,053 1,722 1,878 1,686 1,125 1,693 4,961 3,738 1,366 5,641 8,529 2,746 430, 546 3,071 329 1,383 5,254 3,674 5,362 15, 983 8,918 18, 669 10, 437 18, 774 76, 180 10,332 6,383 7,592 15, 168 25, 108 18, 837 63, 831 25, 781 18, 086 47, 234 17, 560 6,600 708 1,846 1,219 1,799 2,173 1,651 4,004 3,027 2,497 2,790 7,971 4,155 1,759 2,850 1,826 Females. 2,190 2,713 4,857 4,613 1,437 1,688 5,135 2,167 5,500 3,459 8,842 4,477 1,213 3,711 6.658 9,587 2,642 946 1,544 3,000 1,455 1,226 1,871 2,182 1,848 1,162 1,782 5,541 4,250 1,902 5,433 9,762 2,679 444, 812 2,942 158 720 4,178 3,235 4,375 15, 248 8,677 19,117 9,679 18, 764 83, 119 10, 267 5,432 7,083 16, 747 25, 639 18, 457 68,513 26, 617 18, 699 51, 578 18, 337 7,231 1, 017 1,745 1,209 1,433 2,496 1,855 4,062 3,009 2,753 3,009 4,421 2,080 2,958 1,963 FOREIGN BOBN. Males. 291 780 713 718 177 371 639 583 2,596 663 2,202 990 261 777 1,639 5,897 1,592 689 883 1,776 957 111 446 481 388 200 525 755 1.435 212 2,665 2,351 1,576 317, 033 2,879 239 921 4,731 3,127 7,724 13, 288 7,482 8,405 20, 151 19, 029 41, 662 ■ 12, 899 8,898 5,512 8,302 27, 249 11,919 46, 766 16, 017 11, 442 25, 689 9,408 3,294 368 892 355 890 277 301 1,655 694 413 263 2,310 504 392 591 781 Females. 375 792 714 816 205 326 664 541 2,813 633 1,978 1,254 293 892 1,789 5,291 1,339 589 837 1,653 873 121 436 445 356 192 492 720 1,407 218 2,684 2,445 1,216 322, 910 2,230 203 741 3,646 2,349 5,658 12, 847 6,143 8,234 17,329 18, 859 44, 085 12, 386 7,381 5,212 8,917 25, 162 14, 057 55, 736 15, 912 14, 792 29, 376 8,643 3.012 459 1,019 396 671 266 304 1,941 628 420 210 2,672 596 223 611 704 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 1,874 2,721 4,688 3,678 1,112 1,659 4,514 1,919 5, 075 2,957 8,033 3,780 952 3,384 5,882 9,683 2,775 1,078 1,530 2,818 1,482 1,053 1,687 1,874 1,676 1,125 1,669 4,858 3,666 1,364 5,551 8, 255 2,641 420, 449 3,008 318 1,370 5,232 3,646 5,303 15, 978 8,575 18, 220 10, 405 18, 769 74, 385 10, 329 6,332 6,613 14, 258 25, 066 18, 685 62, 986 23, 741 17, 892 45, 543 17, 340 6,455 708 1,745 1,172 1,799 2,094 1,566 3,992 2,975 2,459 2,778 7,945 4,070 1,730 2,8.50 1,801 Females. 2,055 2,708 4,833 4,408 1,316 1,672 4,985 1,984 5,401 3,414 8,626 4,413 1,190 3,686 6,576 9,531 2,638 946 1,527 2,974 1,446 1,226 1,847 2,182 1,838 1,160 1,758 5,402 4,147 1,900 5,356 9,456 2,544 432, 192 2, 880 149 715 4, :C9 3,209 4,330 15,244 8, .'!70 18,505 9,635 18, 758 81, 083 10, 262 5,359 5,956 15, 539 25, 581 18, 204 67, 496 24, 080 18, 364 49, 132 18, 063 7.109 1,017 1,718 1, 145 1,432 2,412 1,743 4,054 2,958 2,708 2,994 8,863 4,323 2, 035 2,957 1,924 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 715 1890— Coutiuued. NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE PARENTS. Males. Females. 1,548 1,505 3,448 2,660 895 1,073 3,644 1,243 3,170 2,255 4,756 2,243 528 2,120 3,306 2,910 950 225 487 856 392 826 954 1,073 1,143 747 924 3,693 2,078 1,014 2,885 4,898 1,389 134, 457 731 106 582 1,199 834 733 2,979 2,464 8,665 1,113 3,174 29, 885 1,708 1,112 3,310 6,085 4,381 7,091 17, 702 7,108 7,247 17, 508 5,909 2,831 330 641 628 878 1,684 1,173 1,445 1,914 1,691 2,439 3,522 3,334 1,437 1,643 1,044 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PABENTS. 1,705 1,471 3,377 3,181 1,080 1,091 4,001 1,326 3,403 2,632 5,277 2,627 707 2,337 3,627 2,877 874 202 456 924 421 940 1, 029 1,244 1, 226 737 967 4,051 2,374 1,465 2,631 5,625 1,316 136, 030 5C2 53 156 846 619 428 2,680 2,179 8, 396 879 3,146 32, 219 1, 733 772 2,700 6,520 4,188 0,376 18, 924 7,208 7,223 18, 940 6,139 3,144 487 573 631 659 1,947 1,339 1,532 1,919 1,892 2,647 3, 954 3,305 1,636 1,626 1,112 Males. Females. 326 1,216 1,240 1,018 217 586 870 676 1, 905 702 3,277 1,537 424 1,264 2,576 6,773 1,825 853 1, 043 1,962 1,090 227 733 801 533 378 745 1,165 1,588 350 2,666 3,357 I, 252 285, 992 2,277 212 788 4, 033 2,812 4,570 12, 999 6,111 9,555 9,292 15, 595 44, 500 8,621 5,220 3,303 8, 173 ■ 20. 685 II, 594 45, 284 16, 633 10, 645 28, 035 11, 431 3,624 378 1,104 544 921 410 393 2,547 1,061 768 339 4,423 736 293 1,207 757 350 1,237 1,456 1,227 236 581 984 658 2,058 782 3,349 1,786 483 1,349 2, 949 6,654 1,764 744 1,071 2,050 1,025 286 818 938 612 423 791 1,351 1,773 435 2,725 3,831 1,228 296, 162 2, 318 96 559 3,323 2,590 3, 902 12, 564 6, 191 10, 109 8,756 15, 612 48, 864 8, 529 4,587 3, 256 9,019 21, 393 11, 828 48, 572 16, 872 11, 141 30, 192 11, 924 3,965 530 1,145 514 773 465 404 2,522 1, 039 816 347 4,909 1,018 399 1,331 812 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 290 775 709 717 173 370 633 583 2,592 663 2,198 984 261 774 1,622 5,881 1,586 689 881 1,773 952 111 442 481 387 200 522 753 1,423 212 2,648 2,338 1,571 314,481 2, 854 236 909 4, 669 3,100 7,382 13, 223 7,407 8,305 20, 054 18, 978 41, 326 12, 845 8,853 5,380 8,165 27, 131 11, 844 46, 527 15, 813 11, 348 25, 492 9,365 3,275 368 878 355 889 277 296 1, 653 681 411 263 2,306 501 192 .591 779 Females. 375 792 712 816 205 326 662 541 2,812 632 1,978 1,253 293 892 1,770 5,291 1,339 589 837 1,653 873 121 434 445 356 192 483 720 1,406 218 2,681 2,445 1,215 322, 505 2,229 203 741 3,642 2,349 5,648 12, 845 6,131 8,207 17, 328 TOTAL COLORED. 18, 859 44,026 12, 386 7.381 5,185 8,894 25, 156 14, 041 55, 702 15, 825 14, 778 29, 305 8, 639 3,005 459 1,002 396 671 265 304 1,940 625 417 210 2,670 596 221 611 704 Males. 102 13 28 146 101 14 133 151 58 56 210 55 24 22 87 64 17 1 21 19 6 Females. 105 84 2 107 287 110 12, 649 88 14 25 84 55 401 70 418 549 129 56 2,131 57 96 1,111 1,047 160 227 1,084 2,244 288 263 164 115 47 1 79 90 14 65 40 12 30 88 29 27 135 5 26 205 121 16 152 183 40 46 216 65 23 25 101 56 4 10 2 33 139 104 2 80 306 136 13, 025 63 9 5 13 26 55 6 319 639 45 2,095 5 73 1,154 1,231 64 269 1,051 2,624 349 2,517 278 129 44 64 1 85 112 9 54 48 15 28 98 47 1 39 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 716 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New Tort — Continued Port Jervis Port Kichmond — Potsdam Poughkeepsie Rochester Ward 1 Ward 2 , Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 , Ward 6 , Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Rome Salamanca Sandy Hill Saratoga Springs . Saugerties Schenectady Seneca Falls Singsing Suspension Bridge, Syracuse Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Tarrytown Tonawanda Troy.. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Utica Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. 4,112 2,467 1,476 8,325 4,165 2,574 1,816 9,837 45, 120 858 1,078 2,372 1,410 3,194 49, 001 677 1,214 2,763 1,497 3,477 1,476 2,589 5,384 3,545 1,928 1,676 3,241 5.749 3,690 2,376 3,038 2,973 3,653 2,435 2,336 6,851 3,270 3,233 3,771 2,707 2,454 7,206 5,639 1.374 1,166 4,565 1,692 6,239 1,454 1,342 5, 473 2,042 7,749 2,519 4,248 1,546 7,771 2,695 3,275 1,391 31, 848 1,871 3, 467 2,739 5,008 5,475 33, 953 1,925 3,611 2,578 5,357 6,088 2,298 3,683 3,215 1,791 1,010 1,291 2,602 3,851 3,614 1,904 969 1,454 1,265 2,615 1,466 2,307 20, 588 1,157 1,665 950 1,519 23, 103 1,454 1,908 1,026 2,177 2,171 1,438 1,842 1,244 1,567 2,491 1,343 2,332 1,334 1,432 2,189 1,335 1,576 1,935 2,414 1,427 1,524 2,241 15, 097 435 1,310 1,080 1,121 17, 141 379 1,409 1,292 1,348 504 745 1,523 2,252 615 863 1,995 2,463 2,375 906 1,092 1,754 2,455 961 1, 350 2,011 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 512 652 332 1, 9,34 19, 333 344 647 576 468 1,748 858 565 1,894 1,175 603 1,277 1,212 2,748 892 932 3,394 1, 642 426 198 853 255 2,459 427 1,087 717 11,074 554 1,908 1,147 1,990 1,581 390 1,445 645 743 429 242 401 1. 211 8,003 469 521 256 326 620 1,201 673 530 665 697 587 972 486 5,511 193 685 318 214 249 344 455 763 1,119 199 310 662 Females. 538 597 337 2,110 20, 442 313 529 821 571 1,559 926 829 2,164 1,192 758 1,370 1,311 2,706 1,033 932 3,428 1,471 438 189 1,084 248 1,923 475 742 751 11, 268 562 1,775 1, 183 2,090 1,554 546 1,466 790 733 359 210 430 1,012 9, 262 613 650 432 482 741 843 938 757 711 707 952 560 6,258 134 650 358 305 300 345 652 876 1,275 256 383 724 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 4,056 2,405 1,476 8,101 44,873 851 1,068 2,270 1,402 3,189 1,474 2,577 5,358 3,529 1,920 3,031 2,973 3,653 2,427 2,331 6,820 5,594 1,372 1,161 4,337 1,679 7,706 2,503 4,062 1,536 31, 459 1,871 3,464 2,727 4,978 5,462 2,230 3,591 3,050 1,790 1,010 1,286 1,220 2,615 20, 369 1,101 1,597 929 1,494 2,170 1,437 1,806 1,237 1,567 2, 185 1,335 1,576 1,935 14, 967 414 1,302 1,071 1,042 504 743 1,522 2,249 2,374 903 1,092 1,751 POPULATTOK 717 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOE PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OK MORE: 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — POEBIQN FOREIGN WHITE. PARENTS . PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2,874 2,831 1,182 1,268 508 538 1,644 1,740 761 747 646 596 945 1,186 531 630 332 337 5,416 6,470 2,685 3,057 1, 933 2,107 19, 454 20, 476 25, 419 28, 236 19,312 20, 421 569 411 282 261 342 312 584 665 484 535 644 528 1,467 1,618 803 1,036 569 806 839 827 563 664 466 570 1,040 1,101 2,149 2,371 1,748 1,559 483 488 991 1,185 857 925 1,639 1,994 938 1,207 565 829 2,399 2,480 2,959 3, 225 1, 892 2, 162 1,889 1,878 1,640 1,804 1,175 1, 192 1,062 1,208 858 1,162 602 758 981 1,026 2,050 2,240 1, 276 1,370 1,206 1,232 1,767 1, 999 1,212 1.311 585 598 3,068 3, 173 2,748 2,706 994 1, 045 1.433 1,644 891 1, 033 884 902 1,447 1,548 932 932 2,833 3,003 3,987 4,182 3,393 3,428 3,345 3,831 2,249 2,357 1,641 1,470 877 862 495 589 426 438 744 867 417 404 198 189 3,042 3,577 1,295 1,586 842 1,070 1,179 1,402 500 614 255 247 4,907 4,893 2,799 2,818 2,449 1,923 1,604 1,707 899 966 426 475 2,417 2,155 1, 645 1, 039 1,080 742 640 471 896 909 717 749 16, 528 17, 519 14, 931 16, 039 11, 027 11, 232 904 875 967 1, 049 553 562 863 837 2,601 2,772 1,907 1, 775 1,202 1,142 1, 525 1,423 1,147 1,183 2,207 2,368 2,771 2, 963 1,990 2,090 3,239 3,512 2, 223 2,557 1,578 1,552 1,770 1,894 460 052 377 542 1,929 2,055 1,662 1,709 1,432 1, 4.54 2,075 2,289 975 1,146 629 772 790 868 1,000 1,032 743 733 506 485 504 484 429 359 1,043 1,194 243 252 242 210 840 931 380 459 396 430 1,143 905 1,472 1, 401 1,210 1,012 8,718 9,989 11, 651 12, 833 7,990 9,260 573 782 528 597 468 612 935 1, 049 662 775 519 650 555 605 374 393 254 432 985 1,343 509 811 323 482 1,190 1,335 980 1,148 620 740 429 389 1,008 954 1,200 843 824 1,064 982 1, 225 672 938 368 394 869 927 530 757 347 288 1,220 1,144 663 711 929 1,003 1,256 1,406 696 876 323 312 1,012 1,115 587 707 187 179 1,389 1,345 972 952 1,073 1,246 862 993 480 560 6,773 7,511 8,194 9, 517 5,508 6,256 221 204 1113 172 193 134 438 488 864 915 685 650 620 676 451 609 317 357 760 881 282 385 212 304 167 191 337 424 249 300 215 255 528 606 344 345 841 1,036 681 952 455 652 842 905 1,407 1,557 763 876 806 852 1,568 1, 603 1,119 1,275 549 473 354 488 199 2.56 539 696 553 653 310 383 1 775 854 976 1,153 662 724 TOTAL COLORED. Males. 235 268 9 13 109 10 5 3 12 28 16 9 5 32 40 2 5 239 13 53 17 193 10 436 1 4 12 30 16 81 105 181 1 50 1 232 57 70 23 28 1 2 37 7 2 133 21 Females. 10 81 88 310 6 15 124 7 18 4 21 52 3 11 324 27 60 22 81 13 431 1 2 13 26 21 60 99 197 4 76 1 283 76 84 28 23 115 3 6 8 83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 718 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 20.— population AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New York — Continued. Wappingers Falls . Warsaw Waterloo Watertown Watkins Waverly Wellsville . - . . West Troy.... Whitehall . . . . White Plains . Whitestoue . . . Tonkerff Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. North Carolina : Asheville... Charlotte . . Concord Durham Elizabeth... Fayetteville - Goldsboro . - . Greensboro.. Henderson .. Newborn Oxford Raleigh — Reidsville . Salem Salisbury Washington. Wilmington . Winston North Dakota : Fargo Grand Forks Ohio: Akron Ward 1 . . Ward 2.. Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Alliance Ashland . . . Ashtabula. Athens Avondale.. Barnesville . - . Bellaire Belief on taine . Bellevue Berea Bowling Green Bridgeport Brooklyn Bryan Bucyrus Cambridge Canton Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . NATIVE BORN. Males. Ward 4 . Wards . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . 1,336 1,289 1,729 5,417 1,120 1,746 1,384 4,666 1,832 1,599 1,263 10, 105 2,544 4,056 3,090 415 4,980 5,267 1,905 2,628 1,524 1,918 1,818 1,619 1,993 3,464 1,406 6,434 1,440 1,152 2,108 1,647 8,985 4,137 1,972 1,478 10, 622 1,537 1,438 2,023 2,264 2,146 1,214 3,197 1,596 3, 122 1,198 1,654 1,483 4,386 1,925 1,227 892 1,629 1,431 1,641 1,361 2,504 2,023 10, 837 2,000 1,557 1,391 1,323 1,234 1,283 2,049 Females. 1,471 1,369 1,966 5,818 1,260 2,073 1,570 5,245 1,929 1,666 1,316 10, 993 2,800 4,325 3,489 379 5,036 6,104 2,428 2,828 1,702 2,279 2,136 1,655 2,145 4,309 1,486 6,139 1,515 1,531 2,266 1,889 10, 559 3,842 1,893 1,239 10, 980 1,560 1,585 2,136 2,399 2,169 1,137 3,293 1,775 2,988 1,336 2,024 1,655 4,293 2,080 1,357 863 1,543 1,419 1,634 1,470 2,556 2,174 11, 128 2,075 1,623 1,456 1,373 1,215 1,285 2,101 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 465 265 303 1,628 106 167 240 1,480 349 347 135 5,154 1,498 1,925 1,554 177 131 121 5 18 16 15 36 27 26 46 13 73 8 16 30 9 302 31 894 1,273 3,120 336 251 459 1,091 455 528 662 99 1,400 46 359 42 671 114 257 440 155 292 694 126 521 109 2,326 321 371 283 411 301 297 342 Females. 446 197 352 1,862 118 137 241 1,576 324 430 94 5,781 1,580 2,045 2,013 143 65 1 11 9 10 27 16 27 24 2 32 6 12 14 "210' 905 989 2,873 360 257 427 962 424 443 455 96 828 40 436 27 584 126 211 338 140 227 616 111 393 55 297 325 230 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 288 203 276 279 Males. 1,325 1,270 1,707 5,358 1,079 1,710 1,368 4,641 1,824 1,537 1,251 2,518 3,954 3,000 3,282 2,993 1,350 1,768 858 1,049 1,081 1,040 729 1,159 720 3,039 779 998 1,195 786 3,920 1,699 1,939 1,462 10, 391 1,436 1,421 1,993 2,250 2,120 1,171 3,172 1,588 3,080 1,033 1,463 1,371 4,219 1,772 1,219 892 1,604 1,291 1,641 1,339 2,488 1,918 10, 778 1,998 1,550 1,390 1,316 1,215 1,276 2,033 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. 719 NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOEEIGN FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 597 678 728 785 464 446 12 8 1 951 1,015 319 .341 265 197 19 13 2 1,198 1,297 509 639 301 352 24 30 3 3,402 3,659 1,956 2,108 1,619 1,858 68 55 4 873 969 206 250 104 115 43 44 5 1,458 1,716 252 332 165 137 38 25 943 1,046 425 505 238 241 18 19 7 2,176 2,372 2,465 2,842 1,477 1,575 28 32 8 1,101 1,145 723 773 347 324 10 11 9 987 1,015 550 572 341 430 68 79 10 1,018 1,055 233 244 135 94 12 17 11 4,380 4,741 5,500 5,985 5,120 5,774 259 274 12 1,007 1,129 1,511 1,644 1,497 1,580 27 27 13 1,917 1,965 2,037 2, 247 1,901 2,043 126 115 14 1,222 1,439 1,778 1,931 1,545 2,008 99 124 15 234 208 174 163 177 143 7 8 16 3,183 3,069 99 98 131 88 1,698 1,869 17 2,804 3,022 189 222 115 65 2,280 2,860 18 1,345 1,597 5 4 5 1 555 827 19 1,747 1,800 21 29 18 11 860 999 20 829 832 29 46 15 9 667 824 21 1,029 1, 1.55 20 20 15 10 869 1,104 22 1,020 1,074 61 78 36 27 737 984 23 1,012 971 28 36 25 16 581 648 24 699 715 30 17 26 27 1,264 1,413 25 1,094 1,271 65 72 46 24 2,305 2,966 26 711 703 9 12 13 2 686 771 27 2,947 3,083 92 102 72 31 3, 396 2,955 28 772 765 7 12 8 6 661 738 29 976 1,347 22 22 16 12 154 162 30 1,157 1,143 38 46 29 14 914 1,077 31 764 3, 533 867 3,915 22 10 g 862 1,012 32 387 389 297 2i6" 5,070 6,255 33 1,680 1,575 19 20 29 8 2,440 2,247 34 1,174 999 765 865 890 902 37 32 35 672 527 790 699 1,262 987 27 15 36 6,477 6,596 3,914 4,181 3,116 2,865 235 217 37 984 928 452 555 334 359 103 78 38 994 1,108 427 461 251 256 17 17 39 1,286 1,345 707 755 457 422 32 41 40 1,044 1,074 1,206 1,310 1,091 962 14 15 41 1, 427 1,476 693 662 455 423 26 32 42 742 665 429 438 528 443 43 34 43 2,478 2,561 694 710 661 455 26 22 44 1,390 1,556 198 214 99 96 8 5 45 2,144 2,019 936 933 1,397 823 45 41 46 933 1,060 100 124 46 40 165 152 47 765 940 698 897 359 436 191 187 48 1,250 1,431 121 124 41 27 113 100 49 2,972 2,860 1,247 1,269 669 584 169 164 50 1,464 1,594 308 317 113 125 154 170 51 855 907 364 441 257 211 8 9 52 450 1,333 448 1,246 442 271 415 440 338 53 285 154 138 26 14 51 931 889 360 403 292 227 140 127 55 797 1,100 782 1,206 844 852 694 616 56 239 257 126 111 22" 7 57 1,628 1, 630 860 909 521 393 ■ 16 17 58 1,723 1,868 195 186 108 55 106 120 59 7,358 7,390 3, 420 3,692 2,325 1,895 60 49 60 1,359 1,056 1,409 1,059 639 494 666 321 297 2 61 561 371 324 7 4 62 929 826 953 810 461 490 503 283 230 1 63 559 411 287 7 5 64 853 849 362 346 301 203 19 20 65 878 870 398 407 297 275 7 9 66 1,457 1,440 576 650 1 341 279 17 11 67 720 COMPBNDIFM' OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table aO.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VIIXAQES, AND BOROUGHS. Ohio — Continued Celina Chillicothe. . Cincinnati . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 Ward 4. Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16. Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 : Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Ward 27 . Ward 28 . Ward 29 . Ward 30 . Circleville . - . Cleveland . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5. Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . 'W^ard 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Ward 27 . Ward 28 . Ward 29 . Ward 30 . Ward 31 . Ward 32 . Ward 33 . Ward 34 . Ward 35 . NATIVE BOBN. Males. 1,235 4,663 109 3, 4, 2, 5, 3 3 2, 1 2, 443 509 639 985 335 044 078 911 917 944 705 415 234 747 589 292 549 443 166 055 624 947 620 441 506 951 103 127 305 743 519 903 923 562 077 430 799 277 339 991 822 413 033 321 807 458 020 470 474 505 737 997 396 031 590 509 010 416 599 295 448 252 320 764 789 092 214 Females. 1,255 5,283 116, 057 3,749 5,583 3,170 5,616 3,070 2,875 3,294 1,631 2,816 3,844 4,564 4,534 S,919 3,681 3,768 4,089 4,247 3,405 3,071 3,664 3,925 4,813 5,962 3,973 4,165 4,778 3,515 3,693 3,042 3,601 3,223 82, 889 1,823 1,200 632 2,039 1,908 1,474 2,144 1,988 2,695 1,499 1,241 1,726 1,947 2,000 2,232 1,463 2,552 3,671 1,824 2,270 2,721 3,242 1,736 3, 415 2,849 1,422 2,770 1,142 1,474 1,268 1,418 1,698 2,068 1,903 2,107 FOEEIGN BOEN. Males. 124 651 35, 568 588 1,038 1,202 1,397 849 820 1,565 710 869 1,791 1,926 1,703 1,854 1,294 1,110 1,028 1,147 849 1,070 1,016 1,253 1,539 1,822 1,268 929 820 913 1,233 761 1,204 219 51, 148 1,854 452 834 736 834 1,751 1,440 2,371 439 381 454 653 300 937 1,467 1,613 1,575 670 742 1,671 1,653 3,641 3,147 1,205 2,044 1,161 831 698 482 718 677 1,284 1,346 Females. 691 35, 840 595 1,187 1,262 1,590 1,368 663 780 1,609 1,901 1,645 1,918 1,264 1,180 1,264 1,328 718 1,006 1,043 1,142 1,490 1,865 1,154 929 977 1,072 1,241 7.33 1,044 211 45, 947 1,408 469 480 701 974 1,524 1,255 1,654 523 460 649 752 455 1,065 1,285 1,639 1,421 678 1,021 1,381 1,101 3,462 2,604 1,796 804 655 596 479 660 555 1,048 1,258 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 1,223 4,208 103, 748 3,414 3,834 2,957 5,082 2,778 2,424 2, 902 1,794 2,703 3,591 4,410 4,222 3,747 3,496 3,182 3, 253 3,099 2,376 2,790 3,318 3,864 4,555 5,353 4,379 3,765 4,026 3,072 3,244 2,675 3,443 2,574 79, 846 1,799 1,352 1,025 2,320 1,754 1,272 2,332 1,980 2,820 1,261 943 1,213 1,613 1,407 1,979 1,445 2,463 3,487 1,720 1,965 2,306 3,001 1,578 3,508 3,003 1,416 2,590 1, 293 1,441 1,248 1,320 1,753 1,781 2,083 2,203 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 721 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN = PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 937 973 286 279 122 88 14 3 1 2,714 3,101 1,494 1,696 649 691 457 486 2 39,915 40, 426 63, 833 69, 740 35, 504 35, 806 5,759 5,925 3 2,184 2,285 1,230 1,389 587 595 96 75 4 2,019 2,346 1,815 2,289 1,035 1,184 808 951 5 73.5 747 2,222 2,390 1,199 1,261 31 28 6 2,077 2,022 3.005 3,365 1,395 1,587 255 232 7 1,469 1,374 1,309 1,482 839 984 276 214 8 1,061 814 1,363 1.434 813 886 661 629 9 763 842 2,139 2,441 1,563 1, 368 11 11 10 738 546 1,056 972 708 663 125 113 11 1, 457 1,309 1.246 1.274 860 776 250 237 12 983 1.138 2,608 2.564 1,787 1,609 118 142 13 1,057 1,007 3,353 3,551 1.925 1,901 6 6 14 1,068 1,069 3,154 3,457 1,703 1,644 12 9 15 762 1.112 775 1,151 2, 985 2, 384 3, 142 2, 430 1, 8.54 1.293 1,918 1,264 2 100 16 " 94 " 17 1,146 1,316 2,036 2,321 1,110 1,179 110 132 18 1,297 1,446 1,956 2.316 1,024 1,258 300 333 19 1,418 1,630 1,681 2, 183 1,146 1, 323 345 439 20 1,422 1,461 954 1, 155 841 714 798 793 21 1,061 «98 1.729 1.751 1. 069 1,005 266 323 22 1,228 1,174 2,090 2,206 1,016 1,043 306 284 23 1.419 1,320 2,445 2,520 1,253 1,142 83 79 24 1.571 1,.562 2,984 3,183 1,539 1,489 65 69 25 1.685 1,764 3,668 4,102 1,822 1,864 88 97 26 1.721 1,421 2, 658 2,482 1, 266 1,154 129 70 27 1,895 1,819 1,870 2,156 927 929 188 190 28 2,215 2,391 1,811 2,262 819 976 78 120 29 1,112 1,252 1,960 2, 215 913 1,072 55 48 30 915 956 2,329 2, 668 1,233 1,241 61 69 31 1.077 1,243 1,598 1,730 761 733 68 69 32 1,248 1,248 2, 195 2, 298 1,204 1,044 76 55 33 2. 0S5 2,370 489 513 218 211 330 340 34 30, C21 31,047 49, 225 50, 498 51, 040 45, 887 1,631 1,404 35 847 836 952 891 1, 845 1,401 133 103 36 915 655 437 459 441 459 221 96 37 537 255 488 366 826 478 00 13 38 1,567 1,192 753 737 730 694 116 117 39 711 749 1,043 1,113 894 972 47 48 40 388 398 884 1,072 834 866 5 4 41 717 635 1,615 1,.503 1,751 1,524 7 6 42 557 467 1, 423 1,512 1,437 1, 2.55 14 9 43 834 759 1,986 1,932 2,370 1,654 3 4 44 757 790 504 576 432 518 159 138 45 521 583 422 567 377 457 94 94 46 788 1,070 425 548 450 643 112 114 47 094 782 919 944 642 751 205 222 48 1,126 1, 516 281 418 300 454 51 67 49 703 872 1,216 1,309 934 1,060 44 56 50 484 459 961 983 1,4G0 1,284 32 22 51 628 683 1, 835 1,863 1,611 1,639 13 G 52 1,802 1,911 1, 685 1,748 1,575 1,419 18 14 53 980 982 740 810 668 678 19 26 54 872 978 1,093 1,265 996 1, 018 34 29 55 1,537 . 1,710 769 919 741 879 91 93 56 1,260 1,420 1,741 1,802 1, 664 1,380 37 21 57 488 550 1,090 1,178 1, 653 1,101 12 8 58 347 301 3,161 3,109 3,032 3,461 10 6 59 495 463 2,508 2,379 3.147 2,604 7 7 60 402 387 1,021 1,014 1,651 1,035 1, 7.35 1, 205 2,043 949 1,795 61 939 io 15 62 258 196 1,035 942 1,161 804 2 4 63 766 741 675 724 828 655 10 9 64 506 481 742 783 698 596 4 4 05 566 621 627 754 1,112 796 1,069 482 717 479 660 1 2 66 641 ii" 67 1,006 1,236 775 820 677 555 8 6 68 707 605 1,376 1,288 1,283 1.048 10 10 69 478 456 '1 1,725 1,040 1,346 1,258 11 5 70 3 72 40 722 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOEOUGHS. NATIVE BORN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Ohio — Continued. Cleveland— Continued. Ward 36 Ward 37 Ward 38 Ward 39 Ward 40 Columbus Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 - Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Conneaut Coshocton Crestline Cuyahoga Falls. Dayton Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward7 Ward 8 Not in wards . Defiance Delaware Delphos Dennison Dover East Liverpool Eaton Elyria . . . Findlay . - Fostoria . Franklin. Fremont. -- Gallon Gallipolis-. Greenville . Hamilton . . Hillsboro . Ironton... Jackson - . Kent Kenton . . . Lancaster. Lebanon . . Leetonia. . Lima Logan London . . . Lorain Mansfield. Marietta. . Marion - . . Males. Females. Martins Ferry. Marys ville Massillon Miamisburg . . . Middleport 2,566 3,294 2,572 2,657 2,100 38, 369 2,373 2,678 2,206 1,863 2,529 2,316 2,606 1,324 2,334 2,804 3,418 3,866 2,921 2,669 2,462 1,479 1,586 1,206 1,067 25, 524 2,780 2,197 2,970 2,353 3,765 2,730 4,094 3,220 1,415 3,222 3,576 2,097 1,370 1,433 4,602 1,321 2,065 8,826 3, 092 1,213 2,804 2,672 2,006 2,499 7,262 1,601 4,818 1,853 1,463 2,433 3,227 1,438 1,141 7,367 1,341 1,438 1,928 5,544 3,663 3,870 2,707 1,224 4,032 1,317 1,453 2,474 3,327 2,652 2,708 2,167 37, 293 2,418 2,616 2,226 1,717 2,918 2,643 2,706 1,220 2,170 2,759 3,568 2,263 3,033 2,594 2,442 1,510 1,802 1,259 1,133 26, 109 2,879 2,066 2,979 2,522 3,849 2,803 4,184 3, 430 1,397 3,239 3,864 1,928 1,234 1,458 4,576 1,478 2,307 7,999 3,078 1,365 3,092 2,820 2,330 2,669 7,340 1,835 5,105 2, 133 1, 556 2,533 3,729 1,494 1,091 6,887 1,590 1,573 1,864 6,159 3,964 3,628 2,722 1,447 4,120 1,383 1,604 FOEEIQN BOEN. Males. Females. 1,346 2,327 1,838 2,172 1,510 6,650 695 1,228 633 270 324 194 479 210 312 568 373 616 301 287 160 123 157 220 211 4,965 461 292 314 277 782 482 1,372 731 254 694 380 270 177 311 956 64 622 995 526 83 631 423 86 164 1,589 95 537 188 250 341 321 60 325 1,004 99 144 591 932 323 449 453 74 1,036 146 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 1,273 2,064 1,679 1,980 1,444 5,838 653 1,162 556 213 350 200 467 152 260 451 328 381 266 278 121 129 127 220 203 4,622 488 267 295 260 C84 429 1,286 737 176 539 404 221 144 268 822 71 617 733 374 614 411 76 141 1,374 89 479 146 232 250 2'-|8 58 269 723 89 158 480 838 323 380 368 65 904 106 68 Females. 2,563 3,291 2,567 2,656 2,095 35, 392 2,352 2,665 1,909 1,797 2,229 2,196 2,522 1,180 1,675 2,633 2,815 3,545 2, 872 2,606 2,396 1,467 1,557 1,201 1,052 24, 428 2,672 1,987 2,599 2,267 3,744 2,683 4,070 3,009 1,397 3,189 3,350 2, 052 1,348 1,433 4,522 1,281 2,020 8,669 3, 032 1,158 2,743 2,662 1,573 2,488 7,101 1,314 4,369 1,773 1,460 2,324 3,118 1,327 1,138 7,079 1,321 1,214 1,818 5,503 3,543 3,781 2,561 1,162 3,981 1,317 1,152 2,466 3,320 2,649 2,707 2,163 34, 759 2,410 2,597 1,963 1,659 2,624 2,521 2,630 1,097 1,658 2,593 2, 925 2,190 2,989 2, 526 2, 377 1,505 1,765 1,249 1,125 25, 050 2,797 1,858 2,621 2,417 3,812 2,773 4,154 3,244 1,380 3,209 3,601 1,891 1, 218 1,456 4.516 1,426 2, 263 7,863 3,033 1,309 3,034 2,807 1,824 2,654 7,209 1,527 4,709 2,054 1,556 2, 403 3,611 1,357 1,091 6,624 1,574 1,363 1,783 6, 125 3,845 3,549 2,588 1,391 4, 061 1,383 1,296 POPULATIOIf. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 723 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Pemales. Males. Females. Males. Females. 641 588 1,922 1,878 1,346 1 273 3 8 1 988 918 2,303 2,402 2,325 2,062 5 9 2 923 910 1,644 1,739 1,837 1,679 6 3 3 497 507 2,159 2,200 2,172 1,980 1 1 4 688 737 1,407 1,426 1,510 1,444 5 4 5 24,057 23, 062 11, 335 11,697 6,623 5,829 3.004 2,543 6 1,203 1,186 1,149 1,224 695 652 21 9 7 940 907 1,725 1,690 1,228 1,162 13 19 8 952 1,022 957 941 631 555 299 264 9 1,283 1,158 514 501 269 213 67 58 10 1,634 1,823 595 801 321 350 303 294 11 1,795 1,976 401 545 194 199 120 123 12 1,620 1,595 902 1,035 479 467 84 76 13 880 770 300 327 200 152 145 123 14 1,214 1,177 461 481 305 258 666 514 15 1,689 1,654 944 939 567 450 172 167 16 2,119 2,144 696 781 371 327 605 644 17 2,401 1,420 1,144 770 608 379 329 75 18 2,290 2,320 582 669 301 266 49 44 19 1,930 1,815 676 711 287 278 63 68 20 2,107 2,095 289 282 158 121 68 65 21 1,173 1,207 294 298 121 129 14 5 22 1,250 1,442 307 323 156 127 30 37 23 728 752 473 497 226 220 10 24 714 751 338 374 211 203 15 8 25 16, 052 16, 158 8,376 8,898 4,960 4,610 1,101 1,005 26 1,857 1,880 815 917 461 486 108 84 27 1,485 1,360 502 498 291 263 211 212 28 2,073 2,026 526 595 314 293 371 360 29 1,728 1,822 539 595 277 259 86 106 30 2,517 2,590 1,227 1,222 782 684 21 37 31 1,828 1,898 855 875 482 428 47 31 32 1,990 1,963 2,080 2,191 1,372 1,286 24 30 33 1,584 1,660 1,425 1,584 727 735 215 188 34 990 959 407 421 254 176 18 17 35 2,046 2,043 1,143 1,166 694 539 33 30 36 2, 553 1,272 2,710 1,184 797 780 891 707 379 270 402 221 227 45 265 37 37 38 1,066 959 282 259 177 144 22 16 39 826 822 3,358 607 1,223 634 1,158 311 951 268 822 60 40 3,299 85" 41 1,130 1, 2.57 1,51 169 62 71 42 52 42 l,12ii 1,314 898 949 618 614 49 47 43 7,291 6,591 1,378 1, 272 989 730 163 139 44 2,427 2,321 605 712 525 374 61 45 45 984 1,082 174 227 83 68 55 56 46 1,643 1,739 1,100 1,295 628 614 64 ' 58 47 1,755 1,864 907 943 423 411 10 13 48 1,381 1,550 192 274 85 76 434 506 49 2,163 2,273 325 381 164 141 11 15 50 3,884 3,774 3,217 3,435 1,587 1,373 163 132 51 1, 113 1,280 201 247 95 89 287 308 52 3,030 3,232 1. 3,39 1,477 536 479 450 396 53 1,346 1,576 427 478 ' 188 146 80 79 54 1,059 1,148 1.821 401 571 408 582 248 340 232 249 5 110 55 1,753 131 56 2,392 2,754 726 857 320 278 110 118 57 1.194 1,182 133 175 60 54 111 141 58 043 640 5,015 495 1,640 451 1,609 325 1,000 269 720 3 292 59 5, 439 266 60 1, 025 1,239 296 335 98 89 21 16 61 947 1,057 267 306 143 158 225 210 62 1,040 974 778 809 589 480 112 81 63 3,929 4,357 1,574 1,768 932 838 41 34 64 2,736 2,944 807 901 321 323 122 119 65 2,948 2,764 833 785 447 379 91 80 66 1,820 1,867 741 721 452 368 147 1.34 67 964 1,182 198 209 74 65 62 56 68 2,085 2,158 1,896 1,903 1,034 903 53 60 69 1,020 1,055 1,124 297 151 328 172 146 86 106 1 68 1 70 1,001 36i"' ""308 71 724 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2O.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 U3 64 65 06 67 68 Ohio — Continued. Middletown Mount Vernon. Napoleon Neleonville Newark New Philadelphia . New Straitsville... Niles North Baltimore. . . Norwalk Oberlin Painesvillo . Piqua Pomeroy Portsmouth . Ravenna.. St. Mary. . Salem Sandusky. Shawnee. . Sidney Springfield . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Steubenvillo . Tiffin Toledo Ward 1 - Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Toronto Troy TJhrichsville IJpper Sandusky. tTrbana Van Wert . . - Wapakoneta. Warren Washington . Wellston Wellsvjlle West Cleveland. Wilmington Wooster Xenia Toungstown. Ward 1 . - Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward i . . Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Not iu wards NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. Zanesville . Oklahoma : Guthrie — Oklahoma 3,383 2,575 1, 137 2,080 1,836 1,049 1,490 1,465 2,939 1,737 1,938 4,014 2,002 5,309 1,398 1,355 2,484 6,637 1,231 2,195 13, 954 1,169 1,151 1,461 1,457 2,705 1,629 1,700 1,433 1,249 5,587 4,486 29, 384 4,218 2, 121 2,627 2,107 2,904 3,222 4,687 4, 9U4 2,594 1,053 2,052 1,805 1,449 2, 799 2,546 1,564 2,475 2,684 2,053 2,437 1,637 1,434 2,495 3,291 11,298 1,414 1,164 1,157 641 1,043 1,338 1,100 537 2,904 9,208 1,617 2,212 FOREIGN BORN. Males. Females. 3,418 2,965 1,213 2,088 6,641 1,972 1,011 1,504 1,206 3,307 2,328 2,286 4,011 2,070 5,845 1,572 1,397 2,643 7,138 1,166 2,309 14, 206 1,120 1,227 1,618 1,400 2,725 1,792 1,710 1,427 1,187 5,874 4,801 29, 861 4,185 2,271 2,586 2, 040 2,804 3,118 5,319 4,872 2,666 1,073 2,233 1,806 1,652 3,126 2,770 1,656 2,495 2.870 2,048 2,427 1,633 1,542 2,888 3,487 11, 386 1,547 1,208 1,084 658 1,118 1,329 1,108 507 2,827 9,891 952 1,596 455 256 210 237 363 385 692 124 155 261 557 317 229 141 360 2, 387 474 181 1,945 330 83 106 281 191 176 342 209 227 1,013 776 11, 503 1,562 626 523 931 1,039 1,133 1, 732 2,777 1,180 237 117 134 245 272 113 215 547 106 167 210 446 57 258 238 5,692 273 584 910 146 387 627 468 410 1,887 956 173 241 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 425 231 204 153 644 285 337 603 62 481 156 270 508 337 604 218 107 293 2,309 395 165 1,790 297 67 106 269 159 186 321 186 199 920 738 10, 686 1.336 546 584 874 1,006 891 1,796 2,610 1,043 173 92 97 226 313 83 181 456 82 109 173 401 46 260 285 4,844 350 507 648 135 299 557 413 339 1,590 954 46 102 Females. 3,235 2,460 1,134 2,007 6,131 1,820 1,042 1,490 1,455 2,896 1,408 1,842 3, 833 1,808 4,809 1,331 1,348 2,394 6,484 1,230 2,104 12, 187 1,048 1,102 1, 205 1,217 2,201 1,409 1,598 1,260 1,147 5,324 4,465 28, 873 4,156 1,980 2,585 2,066 2,875 3, 2U8 4, 036 4,774 2,593 1,053 1,870 1,781 1,420 2,381 2,472 1,558 2,399 2,326 2,046 2,396 1,625 1,153 2,477 2,395 10, 964 1, 364 1,121 1, 135 606 972 1,290 1,086 537 2, 853 8,767 1,525 2,058 3,282 2,835 1,209 2,030 6,475 1,952 1,007 1,504 1,195 3,266 1,987 2,217 3,848 1,877 5,397 1,509 1,388 2,552 7, 012 1,166 2,231 12, 435 1,004 1.168 1, 327 1,163 2,253 1,563 1, 612 1,252 1,093 5,632 4,770 29, 381 4, 120 2,146 2, 551 2, 001 2,784 3,106 5,257 4,750 2,666 1,073 2,032 1,781 1.631 2,728 2,702 1,648 2,440 2,486 2, 044 2,376 1,626 1,292 2,865 2,513 11, 075 1,493 1,170 1,006 627 1,046 1,280 1,100 507 2,786 9,396 1,472 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. 725 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOHEIGN ' PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHlxlfi. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2,263 2,265 972 1,017 453 425 150 136 1 2,082 2,380 378 455 254 230 117 131 2 785 836 349 373 209 204 4 4 3 1,667 1,714 340 316 237 153 73 58 4 4,717 4,859 1,414 1,616 693 643 16] 167 5 1,359 1,419 461 533 362 285 17 20 6 455 438 587 569 385 337 4 7 684 1,234 638 1,024 806 221 866 171 691 110 603 56 1 24 8 17 9 1,984 2,204 912 1,062 468 480 43 42 10 1,241 1,772 167 215 147 146 337 351 11 1,389 1,680 453 537 256 270 101 69 12 2,660 2,671 1,173 1,177 557 507 181 164 13 1,000 1,081 808 796 317 337 194 193 14 3,209 3,541 1,600 1,856 636 603 500 449 15 999 1,144 332 365 229 216 67 65 16 982 1,005 366 383 141 107 7 9 17 1,989 2,073 405 479 356 293 94 91 18 2,563 2,781 3,921 4,231 2.383 2,308 157 127 19 630 1,639 588 1,681 600 465 578 550 474 181 395 165 1 1 91 20 78" 21 8,704 8,759 3,483 3,676 1,939 1,782 1,773 1,779 22 515 477 533 527 329 295 122 118 23 944 1,003 158 165 82 67 60 59 24 1,001 1,091 204 236 104 103 258 294 25 735 669 482 494 281 269 240 237 26 1,884 1,894 317 359 189 157 506 474 27 1,036 1,146 373 417 176 185 220 230 28 1,000 955 598 657 342 321 102 98 29 882 849 378 403 209 186 173 175 30 707 675 440 418 227 199 102 94 31 3,634 3,871 1,690 1,761 1,010 920 266 242 32 2,886 2.899 1,579 1,877 775 737 22 20 33 14, 047 13, 579 14, 826 15, 802 11, 458 10, 037 556 529 34 2,246 2,183 1,9)0 1,937 1,558 1,333 66 68 35 1,249 1,288 731 858 612 531 155 140 36 1,779 1,610 806 941 516 580 49 39 37 686 657 1, 380 1,344 926 864 46 49 38 1,247 1,048 1,628 1,736 1,037 1,005 31 21 39 1,655 1,530 1,553 1,576 1,133 889 14 14 40 2,182 2,391 2,454 2,866 1,731 1,793 52 65 41 1,895 1,804 2,879 2,946 2,765 2,599 142 133 42 1,108 933 1,589 1,068 946 1,664 1,485 120 281 1, 598 • 127 368 1,180 237 114 1,043 173 92 1 43 44 i85 ' 201 45 1,530 1,549 251 232 133 97 25 25 49 916 1,039 510 592 244 226 24 21 47 1,848 2,091 533 637 266 310 424 401 48 2,163 2,363 309 339 112 82 75 69 49 978 1,057 580 591 215 181 6 8 50 1,729 1,718 670 722 546 455 77 56 51 2,091 2,242 235 244 106 82 358 384 52 1,724 1.749 322 295 167 109 7 4 53 2,122 2,076 274 300 208 173 43 51 54 1,087 1,046 538 580 446 401 12 7 55 1,060 1,180 93 112 57 46 281 250 56 2,006 2,247 471 618 255 260 21 23 57 1,849 1,979 546 534 233 283 901 976 58 4,590 4,568 6,374 6,507 5,688 4,844 338 311 59 918 911 446 582 272 356 51 54 60 480 474 641 696 583 507 44 38 61 340 342 795 724 909 648 23 18 62 363 328 243 299 146 135 35 31 63 481 516 491 530 387 299 71 72 64 525 519 765 761 626 557 49 49 65 383 409 703 691 468 413 14 8 66 85 1,015 102 967 452 1,838 405 1,819 410 1,887 339 1,590 67 si" 41 68 6,698 7,050 2,069 2,346 955 953 442 496 69 1,346 785 179 104 161 46 104 63 70 1,799 1,300 259 172 233 102 162 124 71 726 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. / Table 20.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2i 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Oregon : Albany . Alblna.. Astoria. Baker. . . Dalles .. East Portland Lagrande Oregon city — Pendleton Portland Pennsylvania: Allegheny Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7- Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. A lien town . . Wardl. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Wards. Altoona Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6 , Ward 7 . Ward 8 Archbald . Ashland . . Ashley . .. A thens . . . Avoca Bangor Beaver Falls. Belief onte Berwick Bethlehem . . . Blairsville . . Bloomsburg . Blossburg .. Braddock . . . Bradford Bridgeport. Bristol , Butler Carbondale Carlisle Catasauqua . . . Centralia Chambersburg. Chartiera Chester NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. Coatesville Columbia Connellsville .. Conshohocken . Corry 1,258 1,932 1,601 1,202 1,242 4,439 1,323 1,332 1,110 16, 387 39, 117 2,774 6,628 5,421 4,302 3,798 4,471 1,915 1,123 1,759 1,628 1,940 1,890 1,468 11, 244 1,415 1,227 1,124 1,065 2,707 1,225 1,288 1,193 13, 531 1,542 2,060 1,338 1,427 1,991 2,216 996 1,961 1,408 2,907 1,176 1,501 926 1,005 3,979 1,704 1,229 2,887 1,462 2,064 934 2,774 4,325 1,017 2,602 3,960 4,076 3,422 1,404 1,070 3,488 1,067 8,084 1,759 4,852 2,454 2,129 2,329 FOREIGN BORN. 1,421 1,596 1,255 938 1,127 3,916 914 1,151 995 12, 675 40, 035 2,842 7,198 5,806 4,559 4,087 4,568 1,914 956 1,112 1,626 1,895 1,901 1,571 11, 938 1,386 1,398 1,352 1,128 3,033 1,077 1,363 1,201 13, 693 1,517 2, 102 1,453 1,499 1,971 2,186 921 2,044 1,306 2,923 1,205 1,570 961 1,006 4,073 2,008 1,389 3,397 1,555 2, 383 1,019 2, 564 4,429 1,084 3,043 3,876 4,178 3,996 1,533 932 4,099 1,027 8,426 1,760 4,914 2,503 2,207 2,566 Males. Females. 2,653 340 441 1,407 272 341 303 12, 664 13, 495 559 1,216 1,874 1,405 958 1,372 1,102 505 1,104 591 1,052 836 921 l,18(f 155 100 41 41 243 505 29 1,785 128 317 144 264 292 334 40 266 742 777 447 107 630 300 1,023 133 58 233 58 93 308 2,082 919 282 459 500 1,425 116 465 443 139 531 96 455 363 597 407 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 110 603 675 124 219 770 74 238 98 4,659 12, 640 768 1,469 1,786 1,352 1,077 1,191 997 357 710 536 782 743 872 133 70 34 29 193 330 22 55 1,328 86 201 114 225 203 260 28 211 576 739 364 96 514 198 660 101 25 245 51 95 307 1,141 841 449 398 1,154 302 316 137 358 .858 65 378 309 537 375 Males. Females. 1,252 1,929 1,586 1,193 1,208 4,422 1,319 1,319 1,108 16, 003 37,844 2,670 6,380 5,000 4,242 3,671 4,319 1,911 1,119 1,719 1,585 1,916 1,844 1,468 11, 221 1,413 1,225 1, 124 1,065 2,691 1,225 1,285 1,193 13, 256 1,518 2,048 1,300 1,424 1,870 2,148 991 1,957 1,408 2,906 1,171 1,475 925 3,934 1,615 1,229 2,854 1,428 2,040 932 2,583 4,276 1,008 2,488 3,946 4,076 2,862 1,400 1,063 3,124 997 7,283 1,606 4,608 2,345 2,122 2,318 1,420 1,590 1,252 933 1,109 3,906 914 1,146 991 12, 487 38, 818 2,762 6,936 5,399 4,493 3,970 4,413 1,909 954 1,100 1,576 1,877 1,858 1,571 11,926 1,386 1,397 1,349 1,128 3,029 1,077 1,359 1,201 13, 512 1,505 2,093 1,430 1,499 1,892 2,135 918 2,040 1,306 2,923 1,203 1,550 961 985 4,025 1,884 1,389 3,362 1,515 2.348 1,018 2,476 4,355 1,075 2.927 3,862 4,172 3,350 1,533 929 3,653 974 7,572 1,595 4,665 2,410 2,196 2,559 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE 727 : 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN FOREIGN 1 WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PAEENTS. PARENTS. Males. remales. Malea. remales. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,085 1,219 167 201 182 109 114 2 1 1,199 922 730 668 9.59 599 42 10 2 919 647 667 605 1,730 671 938 7 3 1,044 800 149 133 228 118 121 11 4 825 746 383 363 362 214 113 23 5 3,356 2,884 1,066 1,022 1,266 770 158 10 6 1,106 782 213 132 253 74 23 7 1, 000 830 319 316 322 238 32 5 8 930 830 178 161 178 96 127 6 9 10, 872 7,768 5,131 4,719 8,370 4,480 4,678 367 10 18, 872 18, 563 18, 972 20, 255 13,463 12, 634 1,305 1,223 11 12 1,719 1,667 951 1,095 558 767 105 81 4,100 4, 265 2,280 2,671 1, 212 1,467 252 264 13 2,057 2,095 2,943 3,304 1,867 1,784 428 409 14 2,186 2,177 2,056 2, 316 1,390 1,352 75 66 15 2,305 2,459 1,366 1,511 957 1,077 128 117 16 2,318 2,202 2,001 2,211 1,368 1,190 156 156 17 405 394 1,506 1,515 1,102 997 4 5 18 655 508 464 446 505 357 4 2 19 690 344 1,029 756 1,104 710 40 12 20 773 731 812 845 591 536 43 50 21 777 749 1,139 1,128 1,052 782 24 18 22 560 596 1,284 1,262 836 743 46 43 23 21 327 376 1,141 1,195 921 872 9,752 10, 504 1,469 1,422 1,179 866 24 12 25 26 1,190 1,188 223 198 154 133 3 1,080 1,225 145 172 100 70 2 i 27 28 1,077 1,297 47 52 41 34 3 29 1,005 1,065 60 63 41 29 2,398 689 1,227 2,714 614 1,302 293 536 58 315 463 57 243 505 29 193 330 22 16 4 30 31 3" 4 ' 32 33 1,086 1,099 107 102 66 55 10, 889 10, 946 2,367 2,566 1,779 1,328 281 181 34 35 36 1,319 1,293 199 212 126 86 26 12 1,707 1,725 341 368 317 201 12 9 1,107 1,170 193 260 143 114 39 23 37 1,078 1,143 346 356 264 225 3 38 1,485 1,507 385 385 292 203 121 79 39 1,708 1,667 440 468 334 260 68 51 40 878 830 113 88 40 28 5 3 41 1,607 1,611 350 429 263 211 7 4 42 277 1,418 232 1,436 1,131 1,488 1,074 1,487 742 775 576 43 739 3" 44 45 680 648 491 555 447 364 5 2 1,290 1,327 185 223 107 96 26 20 46 47 214 236 711 725 630 514 1 717 744 272 241 300 198 16 21 48 2,789 2,840 1,145 1,185 1, 022 660 46 48 49 1,378 1,135 2,553 1,584 1,266 2,948 237 94 301 300 123 414 131 58 227 100 25 91 125 50 51 245 39"' 35" 52 1,274 1,344 154 171 57 51 35 40 53 1,801 2,060 239 288 92 95 25 35 54 538 576 394 442 307 307 3 1 55 1,314 1,285 1,269 1,191 2,078 1,140 195 89 56 2,841 2,799 1,435 1,556 903 833 65 82 57 562 562 446 513 282 268 9 9 58 1, 823 2,125 665 802 459 449 114 116 59 3,060 2,874 886 988 495 398 19 14 60 1,913 1,801 2, 163 2,371 1,424 1,154 1 6 61 2,643 3, 125 219 225 113 85 563 647 62 879 967 521 566 464 302 5 63 398 327 665 602 443 316 7 3 64 2,733 477 3,243 391 410 138 137 365 446 65 459 520 515 530 • 358 71 53 66 4,857 4,924 2,426 2,648 1,842 1,858 817 854 67 1,470 1,486 136 109 94 65 155 165 68 3,632 3,661 976 1,004 450 377 249 250 69 1,879 1,965 466 445 362 309 110 93 70 1,203 1,254 919 942 594 537 10 11 71 1,740 1,946 578 613 405 375 13 7 72 728 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsylvania— Continued Danville Darby Dickson Doylestown Dubois Dunmore East Mauch Chunk. . . Eaaton Edwardsville Erie Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Warn 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Etna Frackville Franklin Gettysburg Gilberton Girardville Greensburg Greenville Hanover Harrisburg Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward a Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Wards Ward9 Hazleton Hollidaysburg Homestead Eonesdale Huntingdon Jeanette Jermyn Johnstown Kane Kittanning Lancaster Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward4 Wards Ward6 Ward 7 Wards Ward 9 Lansford Latrobe Lebanon Lehighton Lewisburg Le wistown Lock Haven McKeesport Mabanoy Mauch Chunk Meadville Mechanicsburg Media Middletown Millvale Milton NATIVE nORN. Males. 3,329 1,196 815 1,046 2,401 2,911 1,108 6,325 758 15, 126 2, 525 3, 507 2, S61 2, 849 1,581 1,S03 1,319 1,130 2,722 1, 501 1,360 1,396 1,950 1,595 1,665 17, 969 1, 836 1,392 1,170 1,475 1,816 3,746 2,863 1,736 1,935 4,324 1, 293 2,840 1,073 2,022 1,294 879 9,042 1.250 1.287 13, 178 838 1,288 972 1,277 1,307 2,005 1.625 1,944 1,862 1,324 1,510 6,799 1, 366 1,429 1,453 3,142 7,269 3,890 1,685 3,998 1,609 1,161 2,328 1,2S2 2,513 Female 3,575 1,295 733 1,304 2,347 2,917 1,229 6,971 15, 112 2,287 3, 491 2,862 2,970 1,499 2,003 1,214 1,108 2,959 1,650 1,233 1, 3.54 2,007 1,753 1,950 IS, 899 1, 684 1,424 1,229 1,939 2,128 4,037 2,681 1,814 1,963 4,468 1,460 2.575 1,293 2,830 996 836 8, 281 1,020 1,477 15, 095 932 1,546 1,190 1,600 1,613 2,395 1,713 2,092 2,014 1,266 1,622 7,281 1,418 1,739 1,715 3,515 6, 659 3,804 1,718 4,517 2,023 1,364 2,339 1,308 2,604 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 650 227 933 S9 842 1,361 226 643 1,162 5,630 902 1,617 832 758 706 755 695 165 294 40 656 450 138 165 73 1,403 333 126 147 72 105 209 126 150 135 1, SOS 109 ],.524 234 150 622 524 2, 721 426 191 1,900 77 143 142 157 122 161 371 603 124 941 250 374 109 51 57 393 4,123 2.231 347 510 34 92 286 722 116 Females. 444 254 629 80 559 1,126 209 542 4,766 718 1,370 763 715 574 626 539 117 246 30 438 384 107 161 58 1,114 ISl 97 111 97 93 185 113 123 114 1,272 113 966 216 127 384 411 1,761 248 140 1,838 65 149 138 173 127 147 313 592 134 473 177 210 66 29 48 308 2,690 1,361 351 495 25 119 127 497 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 3,291 1,078 815 1,020 2,391 2,909 1,108 6,200 758 15, 015 2,486 3,505 2,857 2, 7S4 1,580 1,803 1,319 1, 130 2, 012 1,400 1,360 1,395 1,883 1,578 1,650 16, 145 1,701 1,170 1,074 1,363 1,798 3,448 2,664 1,060 1,861 4,321 1,250 2,775 1,073 2,530 1,202 879 8, S90 1, 226 1,262 12, 853 836 1,259 927 1,252 1,306 2,048 1,461 1,937 1,827 1,324 1,528 6,767 1.360 1,408 1, 383 3,065 7,169 3, SS4 1,669 3,894 1, 541 1, 001 2,209 1,267 2,456 Females. 3, 546 1,145 733 1,282 2,344 2,916 1,229 6,857 666 14, 996 2,251 3,489 2,857 2,898 1,498 2,003 1,214 1.108 2,851 1,545 1,233 1,354 1,967 1,741 1,939 17, 140 1,587 1.270 1,147 1, 7S7 2,097 3,716 2,506 1,130 1,900 4,468 1,412 2,513 1,292 2,743 979 836 8,180 1,003 1,460 14, 759 925 1, 522 1.131 1,5S3 1,612 2,371 1,541 2,086 1,98S 1.266 1,614 7,258 1,410 1, 721 1, 655 3,449 6,598 3,802 1,718 4,429 1,960 1,171 2,214 1,295 2,555 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 729 1890— Coutinued. NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN FOREIGN ! WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PARENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2,307 776 2,575 748 924 302 971 397 649 226 444 2.53 39 119 29 151 1 2 239 210 576 523 933 629 3 902 1,109 118 173 88 80 27 22 4 1,624 1,608 767 736 842 559 10 3 5 1,139 1,152 1,770 1,764 1,359 1,126 4 1 6 7 730 5,896 103 425 880 645 499 961 563 226 630 1,162 209 542 698 683 5,320 138' iii" 8 9 113 7,324 6,839 7,091 8,157 5,014 4,760 127 122 lO 1,287 1,033 1,199 1,218 959 717 42 37 11 1,534 1,410 1,971 2,079 1,014 1, 370 ; 5 2 12 13 1, 638 1,564 1,219 1,293 829 763 7 5 1^604 1,571 1,180 1,327 751 711 72 76 14 595 519 985 979 706 573 1 2 15 666 742 1,137 1,261 755 626 16 543 745 2, 294 748 340 533 671 363 557 095 165 288 539 17 571 117 18 790 2.079 242 lie' ii2' 19 1,281 1,433 119 112 39 30 102 105 20 420 416 940 817 651 436 5 2 21 439 450 956 904 450 384 1 22 1,655 1,728 228 239 137 107 08 40 23 1,235 1,413 343 328 165 161 17 12 24 1.505 1,759 145 180 71 57 17 12 25 14. 240 15, 086 1,905 2,054 1,378 1,110 1,849 1,763 26 27 1, 335 1, 254 306 333 333 181 135 97 1,058 1,131 112 139 126 96 222 155 28 953 991 121 156 138 111 105 82 29 1, 209 1,568 154 219 65 95 119 154 30 1,609 1, 872 189 225 101 93 22 31 31 3,090 3,336 358 380 209 185 298 321 32 2,462 2,290 202 216 125 113 200 175 33 869 944 197 186 147 122 673 085 34 1,655 1,700 200 200 134 114 75 63 35 1,968 2,050 2,353 2,418 1,806 1,272 5 36 49' 37 38 39 40 1,002 1,134 248 278 108 112 44 1,501 1,329 1,274 1,184 1,523 966 72 62 014 704 459 588 232 216 2 1 2,304 2,469 220 274 149 127 93 87 794 556 303 5,235 408 508 3,033 423 533 2,945 620 524 2,709 384 411 1,759 34 17 41 42 311 5, 857 164 103 ' 19 43 44 875 667 351 336 425 246 25 997 1,178 265 282 190 140 26 17 45 9,898 703 11, 435 752 2,955 133 3,324 173 1,882 74 1,835 65 343 5 339 7 46 47 978 1,223 281 299 141 149 31 24 48 49 684 851 243 280 140 137 47 60 978 1,241 274 342 154 173 28 17 50 1, 087 1,323 219 289 122 127 1 1 51 52 1, 8.37 2,058 211 313 160 147 18 24 1,020 1,135 441 406 366 312 169 173 53 54 55 1,034 1.155 903 931 603 591 7 7 20 1,577 1,697 250 291 122 134 37 588 573 730 693 941 473 56 8 " 23 8 19 57 58 59 00 1,231 1 , 300 297 314 250 177 12 6,358 6,872 409 386 372 210 34 1,200 1.254 160 156 109 66 6 1,328 1,637 80 84 49 28 23 1,295 1, 542 88 113 55 47 72 01 06 61 2 01 62 63 64 65 2, 381 2,722 684 727 391 308 79 4, 228 3,893 2,941 2,705 4,119 2,690 104 8 19 1.660 1,631 2,224 2.171 099 2,229 344 1,301 351 1, 018 1,019 651 2,854 1, 400 3,269 1,897 1,040 51 1,100 03 505 33 493 25 109 69 90 63 194 125 13 49 66 67 68 69 1 70 71 907 1,060 94 111 87 118 165 120 15 1 61 2,020 2.057 189 157 285 127 479 465 788 830 722 497 2.311 2,411 145 144 112 84 730 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOEEIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. NATIVE BOKN. rOREIG.N BORN. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1 Pennsylvania — Continued. 1,386 1,666 1,328 2,998 1,547 2,207 2,467 4,871 7,865 1,257 4.501 1,156 3,210 378, 294 21, 291 10, 152 5, 790 5, 749 5,692 2.928 10, 652 6, 046 3, 682 7,681 4,066 4,442 6,288 7, 751 18, 965 5, 607 6,285 11,617 19, 228 16, 244 9,518 16, 166 14, 084 16,592 13,440 23, 392 11,979 17, .391 20, 835 10, 647 11, 763 11. 744 11, 144 9,443 1,398 84, 339 1,388 1,703 836 1,303 1,954 3, 399 2,085 2,713 1,293 997 3,881 3,642 3,876 5,079 1,953 3,552 4.678 2, 205 3,050 4,056 4,613 1,115 2.556 1,479 1,900 1,201 2,747 1,553 2,154 2,596 5,031 9,002 1,422 4,611 1,005 3,201 399, 190 21,611 10, 727 6,318 5,835 5,380 2.414 12, 421 6.379 3,443 8,548 3,693 4.776 6,891 8.370 20, 220 5,827 6,539 11, 557 20, 137 18, 749 10, 084 18, 292 14, 422 18, 449 13, 028 23, 074 13,337 17. 922 22, 784 11, 386 12, 156 14, 369 10,919 9,133 1,500 80, 989 1,128 1,101 632 1,027 1,284 3,297 1,986 2,678 1,139 939 3,960 2,736 3,872 4,979 1,947 3, .532 4,845 2,174 3,422 4,628 4, 351 1,224 2,466 308 309 168 1,581 314 3,300 289 942 1,436 46 994 1,238 1,334 132, 828 5,579 5.589 4,038 4,794 3,086 1,837 2,842 1,620 1,189 2,582 2,802 2,691 2,436 2,361 6,618 2,856 3,346 3,119 8,185 4,379 3,716 4,614 3,466 3,439 4,941 7,985 3,419 5,697 5,161 3,962 4,550 1,628 5,728 2,573 189 40, 090 688 552 312 395 1,093 1,237 1,008 833 1,073 948 1,020 2,294 1,758 3, 135 1, 063 2,102 1,512 1,424 744 986 1,286 443 1,141 331 221 130 928 238 2,383 264 756 1,488 19 826 084 769 136, 652 5,401 5,095 3,779 4,006 2,829 1,533 4,264 2,926 1,477 2,703 2,392 2.261 2,308 2, 255 6,902 2,797 3.376 2,871 7,995 5,108 3,582 6,257 3, 322 4,076 4,536 7,687 4,170 5,380 5,979 4,619 4,505 2,309 5,380 2,572 158 33, 199 528 339 310 419 800 1,196 823 798 772 718 1,023 1,663 1,603 2.328 795 1,624 1,300 1,192 780 1,342 1,026 477 857 1,386 1,522 1, S24 2,987 1,466 2,207 2,397 4,758 7,596 1,252 4,416 1,156 3,138 .360, 401 20, 929 9,915 5,419 4,562 4,547 2,859 6,523 4,665 3,453 7,414 4,060 4,290 ■ 6,084 7,126 a8, 131 5, 568 6,226 11,611 19, 096 15, 646 9, 483 15, 371 13, 590 16, 250 13, 309 . 22, 712 11, 023 17, 055 20, 241 9,818 11,759 11, 682 11,044 8,940 1,324 79, 759 1,354 1,526 774 1,252 1,815 3,296 1,736 1,921 1,290 995 ' 3,382 3, 128 3,519 4,876 1,859 3,466 4,604 2,197 2,863 3,864 4,201 1,064 2,544 1,478 1,764 1,199 2,737 1,495 2,154 2,518 4,914 8,679 1,416 4,523 1,005 3,138 377, 940 21, 188 10,446 5,837 4,478 4, 260 2,358 7,691 4,790 3,182 8,027 3, 088 4,591 6,561 7,620 19, 345 5,762 6,473 11, 549 19, 994 18, 024 10, 029 17, 282 13, 895 17, 863 12, 896 22, 421 12, 129 17, 617 21, 913 10, 453 12, 145 14, 049 10, 828 8,556 1,435 77, 747 1,117 1,023 611 997 1,223 3,232 1,755 2,086 1,135 937 3,514 2,515 3,548 4,800 1,892 3,465 4,784 2,168 3,285 4,445 4,099 1,181 2,457 o S i •> fi 7 R q 10 11 Oil city 1' Olvphant IS 11 Ti Ward 1 Ifi Ward 2 17 "Ward 3 18 Ward 4 1<) Ward 5 9n Ward 6 VI Ward 7 9?, Ward 8 9Si Ward 9 ?6 Ward 7 ?,7 Ward 8 ?,8 Ward 9 9,9 Ward 10 30 Ward 11 31 Ward 12 8? Ward 13 33 Renovo 34 Reynoldsville 35 Rochester 36 St. Clair 37 Schuylkill Haven 38 Scottdale 39 Scranton 40 Ward 1 41 Ward 2 48 Ward 3 43 Ward 4 44 Ward 5 45 Ward C 46 Ward 7 47 Ward 8 48 Ward 9 49 Ward 10 50 Ward 11 51 Ward 12 58 Ward 13 53 Ward 14 54 Ward 15 55 Ward 16 56 Ward 17 57 Ward 18 58 Ward 19 59 Ward 20 60 Ward 21 61 6'' Shamokin 63 Sharon 61 Sharpsburg 65 Shenandoah 66 Slatington 67 South Bethlehem 68 69 70 South Williamsport POPIJLATIO]!^. 733 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. Males. 033 1,011 978 655 528 490 336 638 1,084 113 154 525 583 1,123 1,196 5,479 3,829 1,077 22, 924 1,470 1,976 1,890 1,125 1,429 2,649 2,115 1,566 1, 612 2,251 1,494 1,712 1,635 1,160 798 1.099 640 1,251 1,033 9,199 541 889 93 579 826 101 196 651 846 185 373 95 1,009 615 223 645 673 129 222 162 146 793 4,567 1,546 969 1,859 983 2,562 1,433 1,714 942 Females. NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. 520 977 961 634 522 446 308 633 1,083 79 105 468 493 1,069 1,157 5, 587 4,153 1,107 24, 080 1,605 2,090 2,068 1,364 1,567 2, 503 2,479 1,774 1,015 2, 272 1, 5.54 1,699 1,430 1,062 813 1,193 740 1,384 938 9, 092 521 816 98 556 817 86 208 562 908 190 399 100 964 587 226 642 715 127 245 170 149 868 4, 535 1,658 1,060 1,811 969 2,456 1,365 1,824 959 Males. 1,185 1,585 1,724 2,411 1,093 974 690 1,064 1,341 279 533 838 788 2,353 1,497 461 1,894 1.56 3,256 186 441 213 159 181 164 325 434 483 240 198 166 558 358 482 790 148 170 15, 397 H15 940 635 1,189 1,389 607 633 408 410 341 1,160 709 581 501 783 455 411 390 1,572 1,030 438 225 1, 523 1,266 883 2,914 211 1,306 666 691 288 Females. 1,185 1,524 1,666 2,368 1,111 891 689 1,082 1,370 241 476 822 824 2,601 1,533 4.32 2.194 160 3,280 170 457 194 90 134 187 175 318 449 455 258 216 177 564 288 442 734 136 200 15, 694 880 926 601 1,235 1,367 574 627 441 526 297 1,163 679 607 555 823 543 462 361 1,533 1,043 451 351 1,492 1,328 916 2, 774 224 1,176 640 693 273 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 1,308 1,253 1,252 2,552 1,039 1,217 801 754 972 213 682 519 469 1,697 2,401 776 1,014 159 2,737 123 621 145 62 107 206 117 190 321 378 195 158 114 454 317 220 367 96 183 13, 663 808 928 384 1,130 1,170 Females. 615 475 528 249 254 1,153 452 421 455 851 432 347 455 1, 2.59 938 359 91 1,291 801 604 4,353 1,727 638 360 239 971 1,016 1,092 2,238 788 805 570 630 154 472 424 447 1,411 1,543 324 875 125 1,983 125 354 120 44 60 142 98 139 266 299 148 110 78 329 214 179 408 68 140 11, 889 680 752 362 1,015 1,038 508 439 387 377 196 890 417 389 388 736 391 332 318 1,101 854 319 166 929 781 457 2, 229 130 963 506 334 175 TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. 4 3 1 7 6 2 45 44 3 23 17 4 20 19 5 6 7 6 4 4 7 15 7 8 33 29 9 in n i7 17 12 17 11 13 26 22 14 11 6 15 138 88 16 80 78 17 5 3 18 209 192 19 7 8 20 5 3 21 17 18 22 4 3 23 5 6 24 30 19 25 21 16 26 48 43 27 51 52 28 12 29 6 4 30 9 8 31 32 17 10 33 1 17 34 17 35 1 1 36 i 4 37 15 14 38 157 124 39 1 1 40 41 4^ 43 2 1 44 45 1 1 27 46 37 47 28 32 48 49 1 ,50 51 4 2 52 36 19 53 54 1 i 34 30 55 10 11 56 57 1 1 58 1 1 -! 138 59 60 144 61 38 28 62 40 39 63 3 4 64 65 66 66 46 67 1,004 824 68 69 io 14 70 734 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsylvania — Continued . Steeltoii Sugarnotch Summit Hill Suiibury , Susquehanna Depot Tamaqua . Tareiitum Titusville Towanfla . Tyrone . . . TJniontown . . "Warren Washlnaton . Waynesboro . Weatherly. . . Wellsboro "West Bethlehem. "Westchester "We.stPittston. .. "Wilkesbarre.. "Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3 .. Ward i . . AVard 5 . . Ward 6 . . Ward 7 . . Ward 8.. Ward 9 . . Ward 10 . . Ward 11 .. Ward 12 . . Ward 13 . . "Ward 14 . . Ward 15 . . Wilkinsburg . Williamsport . Ward 1 . . . Ward 2 ... Ward 3 . . . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . York Khorte Island: Bristol Burrillville . Coventry Cranston Cumberland East Greenwich. East Providence Hopkinton Johnston Lincoln Newport North Kingstown . North Smithtield . . . Pawtucket . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Providence . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. 4,306 722 1,138 2,842 1,527 2, 586 1,708 3,076 1,836 2,122 2.874 1.567 3, 354 1,819 1,307 1,261 1,241 3,179 1,538 13, 489 969 1,770 877 530 813 857 420 822 612 641 887 743 1,504 1,489 555 1.924 11.777 1,753 792 1,440 2,137 1.594 1,044 1,212 1,205 9,416 1,978 1,860 1,787 3,292 2,192 1,273 3,405 1,287 3,178 5, 120 6,896 1,826 924 2,201 1, 522 1, 305 2, 095 1,745 44,365 4.596 4,631 5. (I9U 3, 218 4,532 3,742 711 1,068 2,936 1,605 2,672 1,772 3,297 2,003 2,275 2,986 1,736 3,340 1,939 1,309 1,438 1,335 4,269 1,704 14, 035 852 1,744 807 621 772 871 580 813 924 840 1,632 1,461 624 2,047 12, 459 1,811 878 1,473 2,201 1,859 1,707 1,211 1,319 10, 252 2,304 1,911 1,918 2,834 2,342 1,280 3, 458 1,370 3,289 5,312 7,341 1,945 957 9,406 2,285 1,512 1,447 2,304 1,858 47, 417 4,948 5,240 5,231 3,279 4,936 FOREIGN BORN. Males. Females. 822 668 325 98 382 390 613 871 157 175 291 489 200 37 203 113 109 250 355 5,307 222 1,033 799 75 184 452 64 299 386 62 241 138 603 617 132 323 1,544 257 178 203 316 125 245 621 520 883 672 1,025 1,614 284 771 116 1,669 4,834 2,474 189 646 4,321 892 009 543 1, 263 954 19, 204 1,828 1,562 3,393 965 1,447 380 485 285 54 358 406 534 829 173 133 208 540 163 16 142 149 74 330 309 4,887 122 791 672 151 171 378 80 298 336 137 278 140 602 612 119 368 1,352 232 97 107 171 192 259 80 214 676 838 691 948 1,942 290 788 91 1,642 5,089 2,746 233 646 5,038 1,046 764 592 1,504 1,132 21, 160 2,337 2.068 3,438 1,111 1,513 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. 1, 3,495 722 1,138 2,838 1,523 2,579 1,701 3,032 1,782 2,079 2,541 1,562 2,939 1,794 1,307 1,245 1,234 2,633 1,515 13, 190 953 753 877 524 764 845 415 797 601 616 734 1,454 1,481 527 1,904 11, 226 1,692 773 1,334 1,934 1,498 1,619 1,206 1,170 9,164 1,921 1,857 1,776 3, 182 2, 191 1,203 3, 341 1,275 3,149 5, 099 . 6, 324 1,796 919 8,823 2,198 1,494 1,300 2,094 1,737 42, 554 4.314 4, 283 5,051 3,110 4,445 3,281 711 1,068 2, 934 1,603 2,663 1,769 3,250 1,954 2,237 2,661 1, 7.S0 2,913 1,923 1,308 1,423 1,329 3.618 1,692 13, 745 843 1.735 807 611 730 876 596 854 575 785 826 1,584 1,447 594 2,007 11, 802 1,746 851 1,359 1,958 1,717 1,679 1, 209 1,283 9,953 2,201 1,905 1,898 2,763 2,342 1,210 3, 382 1, 346 3,263 5,296 6,535 1,917 947 9, 345 2, 282 1,480 1,4.38 2,298 1,847 45, 324 4,686 4,764 5,188 3,132 4,830 POPFLATIOHf. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 735 1890— Contiuued. NATIVE WHITE — NATIVE PARENTS. Males. 3,053 162 433 2, 680 822 1,556 1,256 1,670 1,423 1,862 2,311 911 2,597 1,751 1, 023 1,031 1,092 2,344 1,083 6,814 750 639 155 412 480 370 355 457 224 478 452 484 590 602 366 1,356 8,793 1,214 630 1,089 1,640 1, 146 1,288 1,033 753 8,097 1,233 1,012 1,333 2,183 941 895 2,356 1,150 1,846 1,690 3,668 1,563 497 4,221 1, 037 659 792 1,068 665 23, 328 2,384 2,637 >, 511 2,258 3,106 Females. 2,821 169 459 2.776 876 1,625 1,337 1,961 1,487 2,016 2,415 1.013 2,555 1,861 1,006 1,184 1,207 3,228 1,188 7,089 656 610 160 441 423 382 529 458 216 553 477 ,'548 651 582 394 1,370 9,339 1,344 663 1,108 1,682 1,340 1,331 1,037 834 8,827 1,488 1,028 1,449 2,015 986 917 2,346 1,202 1,914 1.837 3,850 1,648 516 4,442 1,075 677 910 1, 155 625 25, 033 2,608 2,887 1,488 2,230 3,346 NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN PARENTS. Males. 442 560 705 158 701 1,023 445 1,362 359 217 230 651 342 43 284 214 142 289 432 6,376 203 1,114 722 112 284 475 60 340 377 138 397 250 864 879 161 548 2,433 478 143 245 294 352 331 173 417 1,067 688 845 443 999 1,250 308 985 125 1,303 3,409 2,656 233 422 4,602 1,161 835 508 1,026 1.072 19, 226 1,930 1,646 3. 540 852 1,339 Females. 460 542 609 158 727 1,038 432 1,289 467 221 246 717 358 62 302 239 122 390 504 6,656 187 1, 125 638 170 307 494 67 396 359 232 405 278 933 865 200 637 2,463 402 188 251 276 377 348 172 449 1,126 713 877 449 748 1,356 293 1,036 144 1,349 3,459 2,685 269 431 4,903 1,207 803 528 1,143 1 222 20, 291 2,078 1,877 3.700 902 1,484 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. Females. 821 668 325 94 382 613 863 156 173 290 485 202 36 203 113 108 245 355 5,303 222 1,033 799 75 184 452 64 297 386 62 239 138 603 617 132 323 1,540 257 85 132 178 202 316 125 245 517 672 1,020 1,613 282 754 116 1,666 4,832 2,450 189 646 4, 314 892 668 541 1, 2.59 954 19. 097 1,784 1, 552 3,389 945 1,438 380 485 285 54 358 406 534 827 173 133 207 539 162 16 142 149 74 330 309 4,884 122 791 672 151 171 378 80 298 336 137 277 140 600 612 119 367 1,350 232 97 107 171 190 259 504 673 837 691 944 1, 942 289 782 91 1,642 5, 088 2,720 232 646 5,036 1,045 763 592 1,504 1,132 21, 120 2,323 2,060 3,438 1,108 1,511 TOTAL COLORED. Males. 812 52 55 45 33-i 9 419 26 551 23 303 16 17 Females. 12 5 27 11 25 40 9 50 8 28 555 61 22 106 203 97 25 6 35 256 60 8 11 115 81 12 32 23 596 30 5 52 3 29 1,918 326 358 43 128 96 9 3 49 49 38 326 7 428 16 1 651 12 293 9 43 14 50 14 30 41 659 65 27 114 243 144 28 2 36 299 106 7 20 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 17 56 832 57 29 58 10 59 63 60 4 01 33 62 9 63 6 64 11 65 2,133 66 276 67 484 68 43 69 150 70 108 71 736 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 CO 61 (i2 03 64 65 66 67 68 «9 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Khode Island — Continued. Providence — Continued. Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Scituate Smitbfield South Kingstown. Tiverton Warren Warwick Westerly Woonsocket . Soutli Carolina : Anderson.. Beaufort Camden — Charleston . Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Chester Clifton Columbia ... Florence Georgetown Greenville ... Newberry Orangeburg. - Kock Hill . . . . S))artanburg. Snmter South Dakota : Aberdeen . . Huron Lead Pierre Sioux Falls . Watertown . Yankton Tennessee : Bristol (a)... Brownsville Chattanooga AVard 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3. . Ward 4.. Ward 5. Ward e. Ward 7., Ward 8. Clarksville. Cleveland . . . Cohirabia . . Dayton Jackson Johnson Knoxville. Memphis .. . Wardl. VA'ard 2. Wards.. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6.. AVard7.. NATIVE BORN. Males. Females. 4,493 4,325 4,368 4,216 4,896 1,439 886 2,729 1.090 1, 335 5,675 2,508 5,264 1,489 1,520 1,557 23, 918 1,442 2,267 2,520 3,998 3,116 3,806 3,053 3, 716 1,261 1,221 7,406 1,018 1,317 3,875 1,423 1,381 1,315 2,704 1,684 1,213 1, 288 842 1.412 4,197 1,026 1,250 1,641 1,105 14.787 2, 304 1,802 1,290 l.SliO 1,779 1,2.58 2, 775 1,719 3,667 1,278 2,399 1,385 4,684 2,278 10, 880 29, 147 2,058 1,405 1,195 1,070 2,603 1.687 2,618 4,712 4,702 4,921 4,533 4,915 1,434 969 2,759 1,026 1,470 5,613 2,618 5,882 1,494 1,964 1,938 27. 904 1,534 2, 874 2,995 5,012 3,421 4,476 3, 343 4.249 1, 397 1,390 7,616 1,731 1,540 4, .589 1,570 1,547 1.399 2,787 2,126 1,246 1, 225 592 1,212 3, .567 1,046 1,386 1,037 1,361 13,018 2,163 1,403 1,125 1,050 1,549 949 2,028 1,551 4,035 1,559 2, 912 1,250 5,106 1,817 10, 759 29, 948 2,004 1,041 868 751 2,926 1,764 3,023 FOREIGN BORN. Males. 1,543 862 1,153 2,501 3,950 147 334 436 337 783 3,171 814 4,484 62 24 1,687 130 120 304 376 218 191 182 166 23 12 197 30 29 352 257 791 366 ,398 281 505 31 27 787 113 1.56 120 109 98 64 133 18 39 57 161 48 518 3,341 290 706 238 291 235 212 138 Females. 1,769 1,118 1,573 2,353 3,880 154 311 307 384 901 3,302 813 5,200 10 41 14 1,446 103 110 233 348 181 164 170 137 22 16 134 16 9 54 9 371 268 356 245 1,015 319 529 15 23 508 93 91 74 41 67 54 47 41 20 27 88 18 378 2, 059 239 180 115 111 201 122 91 TOTAL N.A.TIVE WHITE. Males. 4,375 3,909 4,053 4,126 4,888 1,431 881 2, 523 1, 072 1,329 5,613 2,508 5,204 911 330 568 9,763 702 1,058 1,141 1,800 1,208 1, 343 1,468 983 628 1,177 3, 045 854 367 2,074 729 657 822 1,497 772 1,209 1,278 836 1, 408 4,172 1, 022 1,221 1,291 595 8,200 1,771 1,081 885 537 1, 056 835 1, 058 977 1,654 1,003 1,305 1,008 2,835 1,885 7,782 15, 842 1,042 1,175 1. 053 871 1,129 1,065 1,312 Females. 4,591 4, 250 4,558 4,419 4,906 1,429 968 2,518 1,009 1,405 5,538 2,543 5,874 829 358 641 11, 058 758 1,.321 1, 368 2,237 1,139 1,497 1,597 1,141 662 1, 337 3,198 829 376 2, 309 787 702 843 1,398 996 1,245 1.219 588 1,209 3, 545 1,042 1,355 1,267 658 7.044 1,564 790 767 529 937 551 992 914 1,616 1,179 1,578 958 2.796 1.457 7,431 14, 553 944 740 656 513 1,116 939 1,401 a Exclusive of that part in Virginia. POPULATIOi^. 737 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Contiuued. NATIVE WHITE— NATH-E NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN 1 = — PARENTS. PARENTS. FOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 2,613 2,804 1, 762 1,787 1,541 1,767 120 123 1 2,721 3,027 j 1, 188 1.223 854 1,115 424 455 2 2.538 2,949 1. 515 1,609 1,148 1,569 320 367 3 2,069 2,219 2,057 2,200 2,497 2,349 94 118 4 1,491 1,475 3,397 3,431 3,949 3,880 9 9 5 1,272 1,287 159 142 147 154 8 5 6 583 648 298 320 334 311 5 1 2,173 2,168 350 350 434 306 208 242 8 801 748 271 261 336 384 19 17 9 796 919 533 546 782 900 7 6 10 3,469 3,529 2,144 2,009 3,170 3,301 63 76 11 1,817 1,777 691 766 811 813 63 ■ 75 12 1,861 2,098 3,403 3,776 4,480 5,199 4 9 13 873 789 38 40 25 10 578 665 14 273 294 57 64 58 41 1,194 1,606 15 533 593 35 48 24 14 989 1,297 16 7,566 8.597 2,197 2,461 1,655 1,443 14, 187 16, 849 17 573 614 129 144 128 103 742 776 18 882 1,126 176 195 118 110 1,211 1,553 19 750 949 391 419 303 232 1,380 1,628 20 1,314 1,586 546 651 360 347 2,154 2,776 21 889 829 319 310 217 181 1,909 2,282 22 1,140 1,271 203 226 185 164 2,469 2,979 23 1,219 1.335 249 262 179 170 1,588 1,746 24 799 887 184 254 165 136 2,734 3.109 25 580 604 48 58 23 22 633 735 26 1,167 1,318 10 19 12 16 44 53 27 2,750 2,903 295 295 192 128 4.366 4,424 28 806 769 48 60 29 16 765 902 29 319 334 48 42 28 8 951 1,165 30 1,977 2,191 97 118 89 54 1,801 2,280 31 699 758 30 29 18 9 694 783 32 611 661 46 41 28 7 724 846 33 781 812 41 31 20 10 493 556 34 1,440 1,348 57 50 34 19 1,207 1,389 35 717 936 55 60 37 18 912 1,130 36 802 780 407 465 347 369 9 3 37 930 870 348 349 256 268 11 6 38 380 210 456 378 780 356 17 4 39 1,055 814 353 395 360 243 10 5 40 2,664 2,180 1,508 1,365 1,395 1,015 28 22 41 703 648 319 394 281 319 4 4 42 676 739 545 616 504 528 30 32 43 1,245 1,209 46 58 31 15 350 370 44 541 609 54 49 27 23 510 703 45 7,215 6,116 985 928 775 506 6,599 5,976 46 1,556 1.344 215 220 111 93 535 599 47 964 704 117 86 153 91 724 613 48 761 606 124 161 119 74 406 358 49 439 450 98 79 55 41 1,323 1,121 50 926 838 130 99 107 66 725 613 51 737 436 98 115 94 53 427 399 52 945 888 113 104 64 47 1,717 1,636 53 887 850 90 64 72 41 742 637 54 1,494 1,444 160 172 132 87 2,014 2,421 55 962 1,150 41 29 1 16 8 277 380 56 1,310 1,503 55 75 39 20 1,034 1,334 57 977 925 31 33 1 57 27 377 292 58 2,582 2,564 253 232 161 87 1,849 2,311 59 1,842 1,431 43 26 48 18 393 360 60 7,052 0, 734 1 730 697 ' 515 378 3,101 3,328 61 12, 004 10,568 3,838 3, 985 3,313 2, 058 13, 333 15, 396 62 687 576 1 355 368 287 239 1,019 1, 060 63 864 472 311 268 703 180 . 293 301 64 876 515 177 141 238 115 142 212 65 039 340 232 173 281 111 209 238 66 801 789 ! 328 327 231 201 ' 1. 6;;s 1,810 67 798 693 i 267 246 211 122 623 1 825 68 1,148 1. 182 1 164 219 li 138 91 I; 1.306 1 1.G22 63 372— —47 738 COMPEI^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOKEIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Tennessee — Continued. Memphis — Continued. Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Not in wards Murfreesljoro. Nashville Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6.. Ward 7.. AVard 8.. Ward 9.. Ward 10.. Ward 11.. Ward 12.. Ward 13.. Ward 14.. Ward 15.. Ward 16.. Ward 17.. Ward 18. Ward 19.. Ward 20. St. Elmo Union Texas: Abilene. . . Austin — Beaumont Belton .... Bonham . . Brenham . . . Brownsville Brvan Calvert Cleburne Corpus Christi Cor.sicana Dallas Denison Denton El Paso Fort Worth - Gainesville . Galveston . Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward Ward 6 . Ward 7 - Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Greenville . Hillsboro . . Houston — Ward 1 , Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 NATIVB BOKN. Males. Jefferson . Laredo — Marshall.. Navaso'.,a . 2,936 2,897 4,496 6,562 1,664 34, 778 1,631 1,815 1,554 2,060 1,139 2,082 1,506 1,566 2,771 893 1.383 1,304 2,474 2,305 2,552 1,515 1,572 1,164 2,071 1.421 1,248 1,644 1,581 6,158 1,618 1,326 1,638 2,333 1,624 1,334 1,185 1,595 1,556 2,998 18,313 5,172 1,202 3,835 11, 836 3,344 11, 241 933 675 561 1,031 934 1,274 1,527 889 747 758 863 1,049 2,137 1,209 12, 441 840 1,451 3,107 3,730 3,313 1,355 2, 840 3,278 1,347 Eemales. FOREIGN BORN. 3.440 2,709 4.472 6,950 2,023 37. 596 1,804 1,976 1,732 2. 728 874 2,133 1.912 1,747 2,526 997 1,478 1,522 2,834 2,298 2,904 1,637 1,674 1,325 2.034 1,461 1,245 1,758 1,447 6,579 1,460 1,544 1,667 2,387 1,663 1,507 1,341 1,563 1,618 2,992 15, 776 4,804 1,242 2, 684 9,217 2,971 11,973 1.016 821 565 734 984 1,195 1,711 1,093 826 856 997 1,175 2, 078 1,256 12, 001 827 1,411 3,521 3, 932 2,310 1,579 2.590 3,593 1. 5-J5 Males. 375 203 280 373 38 2.054 191 116 38 186 216 227 105 78 173 34 97 64 109 32 116 46 75 31 72 48 51 30 118 1,002 152 82 41 290 1,318 81 69 659 206 2,594 623 63 2,102 1,394 190 3,379 317 241 361 264 519 339 327 176 179 247 246 163 56 1,893 194 305 414 671 309 86 2,951 204 81 Eemales. TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 320 159 224 297 14 1.740 178 102 39 157 136 156 94 77 165 27 80 53 103 17 106 20 75 46 33 48 836 66 48 15 199 1,529 57 37 40 554 89 1,384 359 51 1,717 629 2,491 272 201 177 149 252 285 163 159 216 201 147 29 20 1 222 'll9 174 324 428 177 52 2,938 132 44 Females. 1,814 1,295 2,106 2,980 21,470 1,422 1,543 682 654 724 1,539 1,101 812 1,605 401 900 493 1,487 975 2,053 568 1,206 905 1,242 1,158 1,235 1,504 4,536 943 1,090 1,248 1,022 1,583 767 567 1,463 1,309 2,175 14, 272 4,232 1,060 3,619 10, 126 2,913 8,290 763 557 496 862 694 1,022 407 ■ 620 649 660 562 1,613 937 7,672 478 877 1,965 2,051 2,301 615 2,726 1,583 646 2,020 1,391 1,729 3,104 905 21, 537 1,527 1,667 750 914 442 1,388 1,248 880 1,384 416 877 438 1,572 921 2,188 583 1,194 983 1,029 1,136 864 1,258 1,365 4,597 801 1,300 1,200 1,059 1,617 834 564 1,397 1,337 2,102 11,832 3,778 1,081 2,520 7,687 2,527 8,284 796 671 484 543 673 905 1,063 505 629 701 730 584 1,472 937 6,418 415 727 2,008 1,938 1,330 036 2,510 1,618 664 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 739 1890— Continued. NATIVE WHITE— NAin'E j NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN 1 =^ PAKENTS. PARENTS. rOREIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,172 1,294 642 726 372 320 1,125 1,420 1 937 996 358 395 203 159 1,102 1,318 2 1.683 1,271 423 458 277 224 2,393 2,743 3,847 3 2,399 2.440 581 664 372 296 3,683 4 786 868 52 37 37 14 827 1,118 5 18,440 18, 362 3,030 3, 175 2,028 1,738 13, 334 16, 061 6 1,027 1,075 395 452 191 178 209 277 7 1,374 1,467 109 200 116 102 272 309 8 614 683 68 67 37 39 873 982 9 450 678 204 236 184 156 1,408 1,815 10 501 290 163 152 211 135 420 433 11 1,318 1,122 221 266 218 156 552 745 12 987 1,117 114 131 104 94 406 664 13 651 714 161 166 78 77 754 867 14 1,228 1,043 377 341 171 165 1,168 1, 142 15 326 343 75 73 34 27 492 581 16 732 731 168 146 97 80 483 601 17 402 371 91 67 62 53 813 1,084 18 1,304 1, 370 183 202 107 103 989 1,262 19 933 879 42 42 31 17 1,331 1,377 20 1,878 1,980 175 208 115 106 500 716 21 500 519 68 64 46 41 947 1,054 22 1,127 1,125 79 69 75 68 366 480 23 816 886 89 97 31 20 259 342 24 1,133 935 109 94 72 75 829 1,005 25 1,079 1,034 79 102 48 46 263 325 26 832 800 67 64 51 33 349 381 27 1,206 1,230 29 28 28 9 411 500 28 1.419 1,279 85 86 98 46 97 84 29 3.413 3,439 1,123 1,158 988 835 1,636 1,983 30 800 672 143 129 149 66 678 659 31 ^ 1, 022 1,219 68 81 79 48 239 244 32 1,193 1,141 55 59 37 15 394 467 33 664 728 358 331 286 197 1,315 1, 330 34 335 292 1,248 1,325 1,310 1,523 49 52 35 660 731 107 103 78 57 570 673 36 469 451 98 113 69 37 618 777 37 1,394 1,312 69 85 78 40 134 166 38 514 524 795 813 646 552 260 283 39 2,023 1,948 152 154 201 89 828 890 40 12, 165 9,806 2,107 2,026 2,521 1,381 4,114 3,947 41 3.547 3,199 685 579 618 358 945 1,027 42 1,008 1,020 52 61 62 51 143 161 43 2.255 1,503 1,364 1,017 1,915 1,713 403 168 44 8.791 6.546 1,335 1,141 1,352 628 1,762 1,531 444 45 2,697 2.341 216 186 180 89 441 46 4,318 4,130 3,972 4,154 3,267 2,478 3,063 3,702 47 368 381 395 415 313 272 174 220 48 226 276 331 395 237 201 122 150 49 237 211 259 273 352 177 74 81 50 580 291 282 252 234 148 199 192 51 276 275 418 398 1 504 2>2 255 311 52 498 363 524 542 332 283 259 292 53 604 666 394 397 317 267 539 650 54 170 238 237 267 15d 162 502 589 55 425 367 195 262 174 158 132 198 56 291 313 358 388 247 215 109 156 57 320 378 340 352 245 200 204 268 58 323 371 239 213 156 143 494 595 59 1,521 1,380 92 92 82 29 528 606 60 884 879 53 58 53 20 275 319 61 5.732 4,47' 1,940 1,941 1,870 1,218 4,792 5,587 62 278 220 200 195 191 119 365 412 63 580 483 297 244 302 173 577 685 64 1,453 1,432 512 576 409 323 1,147 1,514 65 1, 353 l,2u9 698 729 663 427 1,687 1,995 66 2.068 1,133 233 197 305 176 1,016 981 67 532 548 83 88 83 52 743 943 68: 1.354 1,131 1,372 1,379 2,945 2,934 120 84 69. 1.345 1.361 238 257 200 131 1,699 1,976 70" 508 539 138 125 80 42 702 863 7i 740 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1800. Table 20.-P0PULATI0N AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, NATIVE BORN. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOBOUQHS. Males. Females. 26 27 28 29 30 .31 ■•32 •33 :34 ■ 35 ;36 Texas— Continued. Orange Palestine Pai'is San Angelo — San Antonio ■ Ward 1 ■■ Ward 2 .. Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . . «'ard 5 . Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward S Sherman Sulphur Springs. Taylor Temple Terrell Texarkaua{a) Tyler Vernon Tictoria Waco Waxaliachie ■ AVeathert'ord. Utah : Logan Ogden ■ - . , Park city Prove ■37 38 39 ■10 41 1 42 i 43 44 I 45 I 46 I 48 I 49 1 50 51 52 ! 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Salt Lake^ . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Springville . Yermont : Barre Bennington. Brandon Brattlehoro . Burlington . Colchester . Derby Fairhaven ■ Hartford^-. Lyndon Middlebury. Montpelier.. New])ort Korth field .. Poultney Raudwlph Kockinghaui.. Rutland St. Albans St. Johnsbury. Springfield S wanton West Rutland . Woodstock — Virginia: Alexandria . Bedford Berkley Bristol (6). ■■ l,(iP8 2,661 4,010 1,188 14, 250 871 1,962 1.946 2, 347 1,692 2,906 1, 742 784 3,500 1.461 1,265 1,997 1,365 1,354 3,316 1,564 1,223 6,514 1,570 1,563 1,434 «, 138 1,034 1, 920 17, 386 3,430 Charlottesville. Danville Fredericksburg Hampton 3,526 1,957 2,707 1,275 2,596 2,004 1,447 2,873 5,409 1,770 1,048 1,062 1,608 1,122 1,240 1,732 1,139 1,137 1,192 1,490 1,897 4,932 3, U18 2, 480 1,309 1,408 1,337 1,133 6,620 1. 398 1,846 1. 42» 2,497 4,750 2,011 1,170 FOREIGN BORN. 1,361 2, 829 4,028 1,049 14, 420 962 2.003 1,946 2.682 1, 591 2,626 1,710 900 3,624 1,540 1.090 1,752 1, 493 1.306 3,334 1,199 1,354 6,848 1, 439 1,653 1,407 4,957 924 1,979 14,121 2,696 3,906 3,272 1,949 2,298 1,209 2, 176 2,738 1,515 3,155 5,967 1,905 1,045 1,218 1,576 1,091 1,300 1,955 1,096 1, 234 1,214 1,597 1,984 5, 024 3,064 2,566 1, 428 1, 382 1,217 1,274 7,212 1,473 1,973 1,445 3, 025 5,449 2.443 1,293 Males. Females. 137 224 139 235 5,193 408 1,065 634 668 527 929 566 396 132 27 144 194 84 128 171 71 240 648 43 2, 096 592 621 6,936 1,433 1,941 1,579 871 1,112 182 1,357 509 182 389 1,544 708 397 263 312 223 135 228 433 120 73 343 886 8.53 750 234 647 60 246 16 44 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. 67 124 77 143 3,810 240 811 513 503 374 600 79 10 85 104 46 64 87 23 223 435 24 56 925 1,698 300 639 6,400 1,312 1,546 1,661 962 919 183 683 540 166 445 1,670 760 410 248 244 183 118 245 379 137 257 72 355 918 836 771 64 207 479 261 5 36 11 22 34 29 19 Males. Females. 1,224 1,809 2,682 1,093 12, 083 815 1,750 1,583 2, 075 1,552 2,249 1, 3-26 733 2,825 1,015 968 1,672 1,122 853 2,131 1,559 8U2 4,713 1,109 1,381 1, 4.34 6,104 1.030 1,920 17, 277 3,400 5,739 3,502 1, 953 2,683 1,275 2,595 2,567 1,445 2,860 5,355 1,768 1,045 1,059 1,608 1,119 1,240 1,729 1, 138 1, 137 1,189 1,489 1,896 4, 902 2, 985 2,479 1,300 1,405 1, 335 1,110 4,229 737 987 1,038 1,486 2, 371 1. 2.i7 56; 1,025 1,657 2,526 979 11, 883 891 1,755 1,515 2,318 1, 429 1,877 1, 279 819 2,816 1,016 789 1,449 1,182 713 1,952 1,185 849 4,583 1, 032 1,453 1,407 4,924 923 1,975 14,064 2,678 3,894 3,257 1,946 2,289 1,209 2,176 2,704 1,510 3,137 5,917 1,902 1,042 1,212 1,576 1,088 1,300 1,951 1, 094 1, 234 1, 211 1,597 1,982 4,997 3, 032 2,566 1,423 1,380 1,214 1,254 4,494 717 1, 036 999 1,508 2.290 L515 573 a Exclusive ot tliatpart lu Arkansas. POPULATIOiT. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Contiuned. 741 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. ilales. Females. 1,086 890 1,565 1,401 2,499 2,353 872 781 7,165 6,783 533 606 875 934 1,008 902 1,427 1,599 996 869 1,452 1,053 570 5U8 304 312 2,636 2,590 983 984 804 664 1,467 1,259 1,065 1,109 714 565 1,959 1,769 1,459 1,125 365 369 4,137 3,907 1,056 978 1,282 1,345 361 348 3,621 2,590 463 375 980 964 8,745 6,111 1,585 1,038 3,199 1,745 1,536 1,358 763 716 1,662 1,254 811 760 2, 002 1,724 1,878 1.949 1,048 1,103 2,412 2,695 2,920 3,217 803 848 789 737 596 743 1,246 1,193 914 915 988 1.059 1,317 1,476 802 753 955 1,053 769 803 1,333 1,471 1,478 1,561 3, 2-',7 3,140 1,759 1,736 1,758 1,828 1,163 1.275 971 978 504 455 1, 020 1,146 3,629 3,869 724 694 928 987 983 955 1,416 1,449 2,275 2, 223 1,171 1,433 515 534 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN PARENTS. Hales. 138 244 183 221 4.918 282 875 575 648 556 797 756 429 189 32 164 205 57 139 172 100 437 576 53 99 1,073 2,483 567 940 8.532 1,815 2,540 1,966 1,190 1,021' 464 593 689 397 448 2,435 965 256 463 362 205 252 412 336 182 420 156 418 1,655 1,226 721 137 434 831 90 600 13 59 70 47 Females. 135 256 173 198 ,100 285 821 613 719 560 824 771 507 226 32 125 190 73 148 183 60 480 676 54 108 1,059 2,334 548 1,011 7,953 1,640 2,149 1, 899 1,230 1,035 449 452 755 407 442 2,700 1,054 305 469 383 173 241 475 341 181 408 126 421 1,857 1,296 738 148 402 759 108 625 23 49 44 59 67 82 39 FOREIGN WHITE. Males. 122 222 131 232 5,105 396 1,058 623 639 523 907 565 394 130 26 138 185 83 121 168 62 238 636 42 95 797 1,987 515 616 6,691 1, 400 1,884 1,533 870 1,004 182 1,357 507 180 388 1,537 707 397 201 312 223 135 227 432 120 365 71 343 882 848 743 79 234 647 58 244 16 39 20 46 Females 63 124 77 142 3,783 240 811 499 502 374 590 486 281 79. 10 84 102 46 64 87 23 222 433 24 56 925 1.698 292 639 6,368 1,309 1, .546 1,633 962 918 183 683 540 166 445 1,666 760 410 248 244 183 118 245 379 137 257 72 355 918 834 769 63 207 479 78 259 5 32 11 TOTAL COLORED. ilale.s 399 854 1,336 98 2,255 68 219 374 301 144 679 417 53 677 447 303 334 244 508 1,188 14 429 1,813 462 184 143 81 354 63 84 70 5 132 3 1 34 38 2,393 661 864 388 1, 012 2, 382 754 610 Females 340, 1,172 1,502 71 2,564 71 248 445 365 162 759 433 81 524 302 305 311 593 1,382 14 506 2,267 407 200 33 9 4 21 12 43 3 10 34 5 18 54 3 3 27 34 3 20 2,720 761 941 446 1,517 3,159 928 720 b Exclusive of that part in Tennessee. 742 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 20.— POPULATION AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BORN AND WHITE AND COLORED, CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Virrfnia — Continued. Harrisonburg Lexington Lvncliburg Manchester U ewport Jj ews . . . Norfolk Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 North Danville . . . Petersburg Pocahontas Portsmouth Richmond Clay ward Jackson ward. Jefferson ward Madison ward Marshall ward Monroe ward . Roanoke Salem Staunton Suffolk Winchester Wytheville AVashington : Ellensburg Fairhaven Olympia Port Townsend . . . Seattle Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Spokane Tacoma Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Vancouver Walla walla Whatcom West Virginia : Ben wood Charleston Clarksburg Grafton Hinton , Huntington , Martinsburg Moundsville Parkersbui-g Wheeling , Ward 1 , Ward 2 , Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Wisconsin: Antigo Appleton Ashland Baraboo Beaverdam NATrVE BORN. FOREIGN BORN. Males. Females. Males. Females. 1,237 1,486 44 25 1,503 1,520 21 15 8,796 10, 559 223 131 4,392 4.719 79 56 2, 629 1,510 213 97 15, 910 17, 834 672 455 3,555 3,872 262 193 2, 000 2,104 168 97 3,277 3.866 117 94 4,556 5,294 52 29 1. 625 1,771 30 21 891 927 43 21 1,803 1,975 14 7 10, 236 12, 172 156 116 1,353 1,041 437 122 6,271 6,215 608 174 36, 340 41. 575 1,921 1,552 8, 299 9,716 379 309 7,704 9,046 235 225 4,775 5,139 428 296 3, 962 4,711 344 254 5,121 5,891 180 180 6,479 7,072 355 288 8.645 6,975 355 184 1,841 1,403 1 23 12 2,996 3,784 ! Ill 84 1, 605 1,717 i 21 11 2,285 2,840 i 40 31 1, 199 1,327 1 23 21 1,260 933 1 396 179 1,787 915 1, 141 233 2, 265 1,504 654 275 1,736 1,054 1, 402 366 17, 627 11, 554 1 9,155 4,501 4,874 2,469 3, 136 1,051 4,044 2,566 1, 870 897 4,073 2,652 1, 786 1,002 4,036 3,867 2, 363 1, 551 9,105 5,194 ! 4, 166 1,457 14, 524 9,174 8, 447 3,861 1,347 1,012 1,026 394 5, 560 3,318 2, 354 1,111 4, 623 2,698 2,733 1,228 2,994 2,146 2,334 1,128 1,565 1,206 521 253 1,858 1.744 716 391 1,831 895 1,120 213 1,281 1,215 253 185 3,138 3,284 179 141 1,356 1, 540 55 57 1,416 1,613 70 60 1, .387 1,160 13 10 5,277 4, 571 165 95 3,358 3,596 136 136 1,380 1,244 36 28 3,679 4,217 247 265 13, 700 14, 483 3,239 3,100 1,800 1,807 444 414 1,665 1,675 321 277 1,322 1, 623 242 262 1,387 1,573 329 353 1,876 1,922 483 435 1,935 1,856 576 545 1,644 1,902 185 198 2.071 2,125 659 621 1,688 1.648 588 500 3,900 4.453 1,763 1,747 3,354 2, 555 2,668 1,379 1,774 2, 033 403 395 1,478 1,713 512 519 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. 957 4,753 2,905 1,008 8,421 2,514 1,285 1,834 585 1,590 613 1,206 4,830 679 4,355 22, 162 6,501 1,544 3,457 2,921 3,662 4,077 6,129 1,211 2,051 1. 072 1,661 739 1,243 1,779 2,231 1,715 17, 447 4,802 3,977 4,043 4,625 8,962 14, 326 1,324 5,493 4,521 1,562 1,843 1,826 1,281 2,416 1,157 1, 370 1,108 4,601 3,110 1,258 3,326 13, 202 1,778 1, 3.56 1,265 1,341 1,860 1,932 1,604 2,066 1,686 3,902 3,344 1,764 1,474 Females. 809 4,801 3,060 587 2,644 1,302 2, 188 650 1,650 654 1,187 5,358 575 4,121 23,442 6,910 1,678 3,522 2,975 3,980 4,377 4,558 933 2,433 1,101 2,041 795 919 912 1,480 1, 0.32 11, 459 2,442 2,533 2,628 3,856 5,141 9,054 997 3,283 2,630 2,144 1,203 1,735 893 1,215 2.488 1,315 1,.561 873 4,016 3,271 1,197 3,800 14, 008 1,791 1,412 1,559 1,515 1,902 1,854 1,854 2,121 1,648 4,444 2,545 2.021 1,709 POPULATION. CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Coutinued. 743 NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE NATIVE WHITE— FOREIGN ] FOEEIGN WHITE. TOTAL COLORED. PAEENTS. PARENTS. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. Females. Males. 1 Females. 783 901 85 87 44 25 369 498 1 914 775 43 34 21 15 546 711 2 4,403 4,451 350 350 218 131 4,048 5,758 3 2,780 2,949 125 111 78 55 1,488 1,660 4 913 502 95 85 211 97 1, 623 923 5 7,571 8,203 850 885 655 453 7.506 8,748 C 2,186 2,296 328 348 256 193 1,047 1,228 7 1,070 1,081 215 221 161 97 728 802 8 1,680 2,006 154 182 116 93 1,444 1,679 9 512 595 73 55 49 29 3,974 4,644 10 1,544 1,615 46 35 30 20 35 122 11 579 610 34 44 43 21 278 273 12 1,192 1,177 14 10 14 7 597 788 13 4,526 5,045 304 313 153 115 5,409 6, 815 14 600 518 79 57 437 122 674 466 15 3,838 3,769 517 352 581 174 1,943 2,094 16 ' 19, 294 20, 424 2,868 3,018 1,883 1,547 14, 216 18, 138 17 5,818 6.175 683 735 376 308 1.801 2,807 18 1,215 1, 331 329 347 232 225 6, 163 7,368 19 2,961 3,020 496 502 413 294 1,333 1,619 20 2,492 2, 502 429 473 339 252 1,046 1,738 21 3,294 3.618 368 362 179 180 1,460 1,911 22 3,514 3,778 563 599 344 288 2,413 2,695 23 5,775 4,284 354 274 348 183 2,523 2,418 24 1,182 922 29 11 23 12 630 47U 25 1,882 2,254 169 179 110 84 946 1, 351 26 1,056 1,078 16 23 19 11 535 616 27 1,569 1,959 92 82 40 31 624 799 28 699 761 40 34 23 21 460 532 29 924 690 319 229 341 178 72 15 30 ' 1,316 674 463 238 1,124 232 25 4 31 1,681 1,115 550 365 499 266 189 33 32 1,131 664 584 368 1,099 357 324 31 33 12, 240 7,328 5,207 4,131 8,711 4,439 624 157 34 3,379 1,466 1, 423 976 2,867 997 341 81 35 2,841 1,710 1,136 823 1,800 894 137 36 36 2,939 1, 707 1,104 921 1,743 1,001 73 25 37 3,081 2,445 1.544 1,411 2,301 1,547 73 15 38 6,919 3, 586 2,043 1,555 3,830 1,434 479 76 39 9,926 5,829 4,400 3,225 8,343 3,851 302 130 40 965 714 359 283 1,001 393 48 16 41 4,117 2,369 , 1, 376 914 2,320 1,107 101 39 42 3,104 1, 592 1,417 1,038 2,688 1,223 147 73 43 1,740 1, 1,54 1,248 990 2,334 1, 128 6 2 44 1,050 757 512 446 488 253 36 3 45 1,322 1,218 521 517 511 383 220 17 46 1,340 628 486 265 1,065 213 60 2 47 863 2,032 822 418 384 393 253 185 48 2,144 344 179 141 722" 796" 49 1,044 1,181 113 134 54 57 200 225 50 1,195 1,368 175 193 1 70 60 46 52 51 1,044 818 64 55 13 10 279 287 52 4,300 3,701 301 315 164 95 677 555 53 2,734 2,886 376 385 135 135 249 326 54 1,129 1,070 129 127 36 28 122 47 55 2,728 3,074 598 726 243 264 357 418 56 7,146 7,489 6,056 6,519 3,232 3,099 505 476 57 1,019 998 759 793 444 414 22 16 58 792 816 564 596 318 276 312 264 59 797 867 468 692 242 262 57 64 00 647 737 694 778 327 353 48 58 61 939 918 92] 984 483 435 16 20 62 914 921 1,018 933 574 545 5 2 63 1,136 1,338 468 516 185 193 40 48 64 902 894 1 1,164 1,227 659 621 5 4 65 799 774 887 874 587 500 3 -.. 68 1,417 1,432 2,485 3,012 1,760 1,747 7 67 1,532 9.54 1,812 1,591 2,657 1,379 21 10 68 1,039 1,153 725 868 403 395 10 12 09 676 756 798 953 509 519 7 4 1 70 744 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 20.— population AS NATIVE AND FOREIGN BOEN AND WHITE AND COLOEED, CITIES. TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. Wiscon.sin — Continned Beloit Berlin Chippewa Falls Depere Eaiielaire Fond du Lac Fort Howard Green Bay Hudson..' Janesville Kaukauna Kenosha Lacrosse Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward G Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Madi.son Manitowoc Marinette Mar.shtield Menasha Menominee Merrill Milwaukee Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward Ward 7 AVard 8 Ward 9 WardlO Wardn Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Mineral Point Monroe !Neenah Oconomowoc Oconto Oshkosh Platteville , Portage Prairie du Chien . . Racine Rhinelander Kipon Sheboygan , Sparta Stevens Point Superior Two Rivers Washburn Watertown Waukesha Waupun Wausau Whitewater Williamsburi; Wyoming : ' Cheyenne Laramie Rock Springs NATIVE BORN. Males. 2. GOl 1,347 2,629 1.177 5,360 4.200 1.606 3.207 854 4.095 1.818 2.281 8.193 792 1.065 836 756 995 515 713 924 762 835 4.899 2.388 3.463 1,247 1.484 1,509 2,324 59, 843 2,746 3.054 2.309 3.733 3. 290 3,887 2.080 4.319 6.100 5,556 3,477 3,449 3,981 2,589 3.143 2. 251 1.732 2.147 930 1,357 1.601 991 1.682 7,561 956 1,780 1.056 6.358 1.343 1,129 4,964 1,158 2,653 3,923 903 767 2,707 2,509 1.146 2,717 1,580 837 5,884 2.722 805 Females. 2,647 1,466 2,696 1.277 5,575 4,854 1,627 3,308 1,006 4,429 1,737 2,275 8,528 856 843 910 942 942 672 830 994 821 718 5,369 2,650 3,157 1,164 1,573 1,639 2,042 65, 049 3,737 3.212 2, 395 3,897 3,306 4,289 2,792 4,725 6,559 5,882 3,602 3,389 4.284 2,540 3,375 2,731 1,851 2,483 1,136 1,564 1,794 1,094 1,637 7,997 1,212 1,963 1,266 6,879 688 1,362 5,064 1-, 221 2,804 2,705 968 652 2,901 2,448 993 2,702 1,931 862 3,804 2,146 568 FOEKIGN BORN. Males. 519 686 1,907 602 3,539 1,494 829 1,373 550 1,128 627 1,067 4,352 451 440 537 201 382 178 496 090 598 379 1.601 1.353 2.906 571 756 1,306 1.519 40, 930 1.264 2.322 1,090 1,372 1,954 2,455 865 2,691 5,103 4,385 3,335 2,578 3,275 3.210 1,529 726 1,124 X. 652 298 432 877 325 1,076 3,859 287 677 427 4,064 396 415 3,447 191 1,256 3,730 537 1,043 1,539 710 403 2, 084 435 748 1,262 874 1.494 Females. 548 650 1,438 569 2,941 1,476 692 1.181 475 1,184 485 909 4.017 470 305 497 257 330 228 477 654 467 332 1,557 1.319 1,997 468 768 1,037 924 38, 646 1,594 1,960 1,029 1,289 1,618 2,389 908 2,501 4,707 4,056 3,124 2,375 3,118 2.998 1,537 813 989 1.641 330 415 811 319 824 3.419 285 723 382 3.713 231 452 2,884 225 1,183 1,625 462 577 1,608 654 215 1, 750 413 740 646 539 TOTAL NATIVE WHITE. Males. Females. 2,565 1,347 2.621 1,131 5,357 4,136 1,606 3,181 853 4,065 1,811 2,272 8,161 782 1,059 835 745 993 515 713 924 762 833 4,872 2,386 3,406 1,246 1,480 1,509 2,323 59, 588 2.734 3,026 2,308 3,577 3,287 3, 879 2,056 4,317 6,100 5,550 3,474 3,448 3,980 2,581 3,142 2,251 1,732 2,146 926 1,355 1,590 991 1,672 7,533 955 1,776 1,053 6,308 1,343 1,129 4,962 1,140 2,652 3,852 903 766 2,706 2,480 1,128 2,717 1.573 837 5,775 2,662 804 2,617 1, 466 2,684 1,233 5,574 4,801 1,627 3.288 1,003 4,413 1,735 2,267 8,500 850 835 910 931 939 672 830 994 821 718 5,349 2,646 3, 105 1,164 1,569 1,639 2,042 64, 873 3,723 3,188 2,394 3, 824 3,301 4,279 2,760 4.725 6,559 5.878 3,600 3,388 4,282 2,540 3,375 2,729 1.850 2,478 1,134 1,560 1,788 1,094 1,632 7,968 1,211 1,959 1,259 6,824 688 1,362 5,063 1,204 2.804 2,664 968 651 2,900 2, 420 993 2,702 1,924 862 3,690 2,108 567 POPULATION. 745 CLASSIFIED BY SEX, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1>890— Contiuued. NATIVE WHITE— NATIVE PARENTS. Males. 1.699 601 969 359 2,267 1,827 494 1.023 420 2,405 649 868 3.334 271 488 252 457 504 248 173 200 333 408 2.064 499 1,296 494 481 490 961 13, 325 1,045 529 567 1,564 1,073 730 1,079 1, 0.53 827 874 271 541 440 132 666 1,101 339 494 315 760 565 543 473 2,924 473 654 360 1,966 997 557 1,156 805 1, 145 1,852 145 233 592 1,275 657 774 921 87 4,315 1.719 273 Females. 1,641 632 877 354 2,295 1,985 480 940 434 2,354 577 823 3,129 283 333 221 494 412 299 261 195 325 306 2, 116 449 942 447 488 508 732 13,912 1, 257 554 597 1,503 1.034 802 1,187 1,066 849 943 297 502 462 72 691 1,135 374 587 394 867 631 614 423 2,933 590 082 437 2,049 443 667 1,179 769 1,183 1,180 137 168 631 1,122 575 713 1,130 99 2,592 1,304 153 NATIVE WHITE — FOREIGN ' PARENTS. FOBKIQN WHITE. Males. Females. Males. Females. 866 976 518 547 746 834 686 650 1,652 1,807 1,901 1,438 772 879 602 568 3,090 3,279 3,531 2.941 2,309 2,816 1.492 1,476 1,112 1,147 829 692 2,158 2,348 1,370 1,180 433 569 550 475 1,660 2,059 1,125 1,183 1, 162 1,158 626 485 1,404 1,444 1,067 900 4,827 5,371 4,348 4,017 511 567 451 470 571 502 437 305 583 689 537 497 288 437 201 257 489 527 381 330 267 373 178 228 540 569 496 477 724 799 690 654 429 496 598 467 425 412 379 332 2,808 3,233 1,599 1,557 1,887 2,197 1,351 1,317 2,110 ■2,163 2,901 1,995 752 717 571 468 999 1,081 756 768 1,019 1,131 1,305 1,037 1,362 1,310 1,518 924 46, 263 50, 961 40, 906 38, 634 1,689 2,466 1,263 1,590 2,497 2,634 2,320 1,959 1,741 1,797 1,090 1,029 2,013 2.321 1,.364 1,285 2,214 2.267 1,950 1,618 3,149 3,477 2,454 2,389 977 1,573 862 905 3,264 3,659 2,691 2,501 5,273 5,710 5,099 4,707 4,676 4.935 4,385 4,056 3,203 3,303 3,334 3,124 2.907 2,886 2,578 2,375 3.540 3,820 3,275 3,118 2,449 2,468 3,210 2,998 2.476 2, 684 1,529 1,537 1.150 1, ,594 726 813 1,393 1,476 1,124 989 1,652 1,891 1,652 1,641 611 740 298 330 595 693 432 415 1,025 1,157 875 811 448 480 325 319 1,199 1,209 1,074 824 4,609 5,035 3,851 3,419 482 621 287 285 1,122 1,277 677 723 693 822 427 381 4,342 4,775 4,064 , 3,710 346 245 394 231 572 695 414 452 3,806 3,884 3,447 2,884 335 435 191 225 ] 1,507 1,621 1,253 1,183 i 2, 000 1,484 3,717 1,623 758 831 537 462 533 483 1,042 577 2,114 2,269 1,539 1,608 1, 205 1,298 708 654 471 418 401 215 1, 943 1,989 2,084 1,750 652 794 433 412 750 763 748 686 1,460 1,098 1,233 739 943 804 872 646 531 414 1,161 539 TOTAL COLORED. Males. 14 46 11 66 29 1 33 36 10 9 1 11 3 29 4 62 1 4 1 2 279 13 30 1 164 7 9 27 2 4 6 4 1 12 36 1 4 3 50 2 1 2 18 4 84 Females 138 62 334 1 53 21 3 17 2 8 28 20 6 54 188 18 25 ^1 5 10 35 29 1 4 8 68 43 1 1 28 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 in 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35' 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 0(1 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 115 38 1 746 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 31a.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 17 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— AGGREGATE. STATES AND TERRITORIES. All classes. The United States. 18, 543, 201 Korth Atlantic division. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania 4. 418, 313 162, 646 83, 914 81, 957 511, 991 84, 229 175,644 1,473,876 376, 238 1,467,818 South Atlantic division .' 3, 015, 176 Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division. Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington Oregon Calitornia 47, 491 305, 197 58, 484 565, 619 256, 490 572, 004 427, 499 652, 342 130. 050 C, 559, 316 1, 041, 900 647, 606 1,081,397 581, 399 504, 094 376, 678 576, 834 833, 435 49, 881 96, 302 318, 908 450. 882 3, 813, 848 608, 846 604, 927 540, 226 473, 206 380, 796 784, 594 18, 664 402. 589 736, 548 23, 870 12, 950 90, 703 43, 107 15, 153 67, 465 10, 009 22, 839 79, 287 84, 588 286, 577 Native born. Foreign born. 17, 621, 692 4, 023. 060 149,781 71, 342 77, 146 439, 942 69, 788 157, 167 1, 333, 666 343, 891 1, 380, 337 2, 998, 694 46, 351 297, 861 57, 715 564, 456 255, 123 571, 709 427, 214 651. 579 126, 686 6, 127, 349 1, 003, 765 637, 882 994, 243 510, 087 449, 963 320, 076 545, 662 818, 334 35, 453 83, 532 293, 193 435, 159 3, 783, 985 605, 779 603, 466 538, 679 472, 962 378, 360 765, 106 18, 424 401, 209 688, 604 21, 334 11, 548 84, 353 42, 225 12, 666 62, 463 9,679 21,725 72, 395 80, 799 269, 417 921, 509 395, 253 12, 865 12, 572 4,811 72, 049 14,441 18, 477 140, 210 32, 347 87, 481 16, 482 1,140 7,336 769 1,163 1,367 295 285 763 3,364 431, 967 38, 135 9,724 87, 154 71,312 54, 131 56, 602 31. 172 15. 101 14. 428 12, 770 25, 715 15, 723 29, 863 3,067 1,461 1,547 244 2,436 19, 488 240 1,380 47,944 2,536 1,402 6,350 882 2,487 5.002 330 1,114 6,892 3,789 17, 160 Aggregate white. 15, 864, 465 4, 354, 188 162, 217 83, 734 81, 687 507, Oil 82, 519 172, 628 1, 458, 256 364, 551 1, 441, 585 1, 816, 495 38, 755 236, 890 37, 730 330, 490 246, 333 357, 593 159, 629 336, 525 72, 550 6, 425, 261 1, 017, 425 634, 334 1,065,717 575, 670 502, 017 375, 148 573. 805 785. 627 49. 714 95. 904 315, 821 434, 079 2, 548, 593 519, 452, 290, 192, 184, 600, 17, 290, 719, 928 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 14, 946, 990 3, 959, 766 149, 380 71, 190 76, 876 435, 327 68, 090 154, 166 1, 318, 305 332, 248 1,354,184 1, 800, 929 37, 229, 36, 329, 244, 357, 159, 335, 70, Native parents. 10, 546, 885 4, 400, 105 618 568 967 339 968 303 353 771 i 042 I 2, 361, 587 121, 720 51,591 54, 419 200, 191 30, 984 78, 418 659, 219 188, 583 976, 462 1, 696, 617 32, 034 178, 981 27, 813 321, 259 231, 822 355, 043 155, 986 329, 471 64, 208 5,994,021 i 3,761,665 979, 360 624, 620 978. 625 504, 783 447, 900 318, 607 542, 638 770, 540 35, 311 83, 143 290, 124 418, 370 2, 518, 858 516, 750 450, 849 289, 392 192, 382 181, 989 581, 218 17, 529 288, 749 673, 416 20,990 11,418 83, 184 I 39, 219 12,028 62.243 8.851 I 21.618 1 71, 106 80,082 262,677 708, 321 521, 567 564, 694 252. 645 138, 439 88, 488 329, 472 608, 779 9,782 37, 239 182, 727 319, 512 2, 328, 869 474, 332 439, 251 281, 681 186, 653 151, 493 499, 360 16, 054 280, 045 398, 147 11,862 6,764 57, 017 34, 818 6, 210 22, 431 3, 593 13, 382 47, 314 60. 467 134, 289 Foreign parents. 1, 598, 179 27, 660 19, .599 22. 457 2.35, 136 37, 106 75, 748 659, 086 143, 665 377, 722 104, 312 5,584 50, 587 9, 1.54 8,080 13, 146 2,260 3,367 6,300 5,834 2, 232, 356 271, 039 103, 053 413, 931 252, 138 309, 461 230, 119 213, 160 161, 761 25, 529 45, 904 107, 397 189, 989 42, 418 11,598 7,711 5,729 .30, 496 81,8.58 1,475 8,704 75, 269 9,128 4,654 26, 167 4,401 5,818 39, 812 5, 258 8,236 23, 792 19, 615 128, 388 Foreign white. 917, 475 394, 422 12, 837 12,544 4,811 71,684 14, 429 18, 462 139, 951 32, 303 87, 401 15, 566 1,137 7,322 763 1,151 1,365 290 276 754 2,508 431, 240 38, 065 9,714 87, 092 70, 887 54, 117 56, .541 31, 167 15, 087 14, 403 12, 761 25. 697 15. 709 29, 735 3, 000 1, 453 1, 543 240 2,405 19, 423 238 1,368 46, 512 2,466 1.398 6,342 875 2,437 4, 958 315 1,099 6,807 3,744 16, 071 Total colored. 2, 678, 73fi 64, 125 429 180 270 4,980 1,710 3,016 15, 620 11, 687 26, 233 1, 198, 681 8,736 68, 307 20, 754 235, 129 10, 157 214, 411 267, 870 315, 817 57, 500 134, 055 24,475 13, 272 15, 680 5,729 2,077 1,530 3,029 47, 808 167 398 3,087 16, 803 1, 265, 255 89, 036 152, 625 249, 291 280, 584 190. 402 183, 948 897 112, 472 16, 620 414 134 1.177 3,013 688 264 843 122 1. 374 762 7.829 POPULATION. 747 Table 21b.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL AGE, 18 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— AGGREGATE. All classes. Native born. Foreign born. Aggregate white. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign white. Total colored. ST.4.TES ASD TERRITORIES. Total. Native parents. Foreign parents. The United States. 3, 904, 191 3,481,661 422, 530 3, 386, 100 2, 971, 030 2, 057, 665 913, 365 415, 070 518, 091 Xorth Atlantic division. 1, 062, 892 864, 910 197, 982 1,043,882 846, 885 495, 392 351, 493 196, 997 19,010 39, 205 22, 697 19, 500 138, 879 21, 305 45, 601 363, 059 88, 754 323, 892 566, 337 33, 697 16, 549 17, 495 98, 032 14, 719 35. 667 289, 822 73, 566 285. 363 558, 807 5,508 6,148 2,005 40, 847 6,586 9,934 73. 237 15, 188 38, 529 7,530 39, 094 22, 646 19, 433 137, 393 20, 874 44. 788 358, 233 85, 246 316, 175 344, 875 33, 609 16, 515 17, 435 96,827 14, 311 34, 877 285, 364 70, 148 277, 799 337, 848 28. 194 12, 830 12,446 47, 803 6,729 18, 346 134, 632 39, 399 195, 013 311, 962 5,415 3,685 4.989 49, 024 7. .582 16,531 150, 732 30, 749 82, 786 25, 886 5.485 6,131 1.998 40, 566 6,563 9,911 72, 869 15, 098 38, 376 7,027 111 New Hamjisbire Vermont .... 51 67 Massachusetts Rhode I.slaud Connecticut New iTork 1,486 431 813 4, 826 New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division . 3,508 7,717 221, 462 10, 005 65, 095 15, 692 106, 160 49, 179 101, 401 73, 894 118, 685 25, 626 1, 390, 017 9,483 62,442 15, 155 105, .594 48, 652 101, 245 73, 694 118, 306 24, 236 1, 217, 048 522 3,253 537 566 527 156 200 379 1,390 172, 969 8,186 51, 347 9, 827 63, 842 46, 487 63, 304 28, 515 59, 950 13,417 1, 359, 602 7,668 48,132 9,308 63, 291 45, 964 63, 149 28, 322 59, 579 12, 435 1, 187, 136 6,248 35, 436 6.739 61, 330 42, 530 62, 693 27, 498 58, 047 11,441 746, 412 1,420 12, 696 2.569 1,961 3,434 456 824 1,532 994 440, 724 518 3,215 519 551 .523 155 193 371 982 172, 466 1,819 14, 348 Districtof Columbia. Viro'inia 5,865 42, 318 "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina 2,692 38, 097 45, 379 58, 735 "Florida 12, 209 North Central division. . 30, 415 Ohio 229, 131 137, 566 241, 633 122, 285 99, 752 78, 126 124, 348 175, 500 9,443 17, 598 65, 347 89, 288 709, 883 213, 649 133, .551 204, 206 96, 349 80. 754 55, 094 110, 660 168, 413 4,604 12, 884 53, 879 83, 005 697, 719 15, 482 4,015 37, 427 25, 936 18, 998 23. 032 13, 688 7,087 4, 8.39 4,714 11, 468 6,283 12, 164 223, 398 134, 291 237, 832 121, 008 99, 373 77, 749 123, 611 165, 252 9,407 17,503 64, 473 85, 705 472, 137 207. 959 130, 286 200, 504 95, 265 80, 395 54, 735 109, 937 158, 216 4,576 12, 795 53, 026 79,442 460, 089 143, 232 104, 971 115, .372 51, 689 21,766 16, 679 66, 583 119, 138 1,777 6,587 36, 375 62, 243 419, 083 64, 727 25, 315 85, 132 43, 576 58, 629 38, 056 43, 354 39, 078 2,799 6,208 16. 651 17. 199 41, 006 15,439 4,005 37, 328 25, 743 18,978 23, 014 13, 674 7,036 4,831 4,708 11,447 6,263 12, 048 5,733 3,275 3,801 1, 277 "Wisconsin 379 Minnesota .... Iowa . . . 737 Missouri 10, 248 North Dakota South Dakota 36 95 874 "K^n^as . , 3,583 South Central division.. 237, 746 Kentucky 118, 215 115, 945 99, 268 85. 895 74, 438 139, 548 2,978 73, 596 175, 062 116, 918 115, 324 98, 766 8.5, 716 73, 352 131,665 2,913 73. 065 143. 177 1,297 621 502 179 1.086 7,883 65 531 31, 885 100, 334 86, 059 51, 806 34,442 36,907 107, 182 2,829 52, 578 165, 604 99, 041 85,445 51, 308 34. 267 35, 835 99, 371 2. 768 52, 054 139, 072 87, 807 82, 595 49, 600 32, 946 26, 632 86, 528 2,561 50, 414 84, 816 I 11, 234 2,850 1,708 1,321 9,203 12, 843 207 1,640 54, 256 1,293 614 498 175 1, 072 7,811 61 524 26, 532 17,881 Tennessee .... 29, 886 Alabama 47, 462 Mississippi 51,453 Louisiana 37, .531 32, 366 149 Arkansas 21, 018 Western division 9,458 Montana 6,370 3,841 22,447 9,436 3,131 12, 472 2.382 4,418 18, 576 18, 777 73, 712 4, 562 2,648 18, 992 9,003 2.140 10. 519 1,989 3,828 14, 376 16, 409 58, 711 1,808 693 3, 4.55 433 991 1,953 393 590 4,200 2,368 15, 001 6,089 3,267 21, 937 8,564 2,924 12, 374 2, 025 4,339 17, 906 18, 220 67, 959 4,467 2,588 18, 569 8,149 1,998 10, 470 1,701 3,805 14, 071 16, 204 57, 050 2,696 1,681 13, 725 7,321 1, 229 3, 402 755 2,382 10, 020 12, 578 29, 027 1,771 907 4,844 828 769 7,068 946 1, 423 4,051 3,626 28, 023 1, 622 079 3,368 415 926 1,904 324 534 3,835 2,016 10, 909 281 "W^yoming 74 Colorado 510 New Mexico 872 207 Utah 98 357 Idaho 79 Washington 670 557 c 753 748 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 21c.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— AGGREGATE. STATES AND TERRITORIES, The United States. North Atlantic division. 5,481.205 All classes. 22, 447, 392 Maine New Hampshire. . Vermont Mas.sachusetts ... Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey^ Pennsylvania — South Atlantic divi.sion - Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Tirginia "West Virginia . ; North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division.. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan ■Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Mi.ssouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division . Kenttrcky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division Montana Wvoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho "Washington Oregon California 201. 851 106, 611 101.457 650, 870 105, 534 221, 245 1, 836, 935 464, 992 1, 791, 710 3, 581, 513 57, 370, 74, 671, 305, 673, 501, 771, 155, 7, 949, 333 1, 271. 031 785, 172 1, 323. 030 703, 684 003, 846 454, 804 701. 182 1,008.935 .59, 324 113, 900 384, 255 540, 170 4, 523, 731 727, 061 720, 872 639, 494 559, 101 455, 234 924, 142 21, 642 476, 185 911,610 30,240 16, 291 113, 150 52, 543 18. 284 79, 937 12, 391 27, 257 97, 863 103, 365 360, 289 Native born. 21, 103, 353 1, 344, 039 4, 887, 970 183, 478 87. 891 94. 641 537, 974 84, 507 192, 834 1, 623, 488 417, 457 1, 665, 700 3, 557. 501 55, 834 360, 303 72. 870 670, 050 303, 775 672, 954 500, 908 769, 885 150, 922 7, 344, 397 1,217,414 771, 433 1, 198, 449 606, 436 530,717 375, 170 656, 322 986, 747 40, 057 96, 416 347, 072 518, 164 4, 481, 704 722, 697 718, 790 637, 445 558, 678 451,712 896, 771 21, 337 474, 274 831, 781 25, 896 14, 196 103, 345 51, 228 14, 806 72, 982 11, 668 25, 553 86. 771 97, 208 328, 128 Foreign boru. 593, 235 24, 012 1.662 10, 589 1,306 1, 729 1,894 451 485 1,142 4,754 604. 936 53, 617 13. 739 124, 581 97, 248 73, 129 79, 634 44, 860 22, 188 19, 267 17, 484 37, 183 22, 006 42, 02' 4,364 2,082 2,049 423 3,522 27. 371 305 1,911 79, 829 4.344 2.095 9,805 1,315 3,478 6,955 723 1,704 11, 092 6,157 32, 161 Aggregate white. 19, 250, 565 5, 398, 070 201, 106, 101, 644, 103, 217, 1. 816, 449. 1, 757, 2, 161, 370 46, 941 288, 237 47, 557 394, 332 292, 820 420, 897 188. 144 396, 475 85, 907 784, 863 17, 918, 020 1, 240, 823 768, 625 1, 303, 549 696, 678 601,390 452. 897 697,416 950, 879 59. 121 113.407 380, 294 519, 784 3, 020, 730 620, 144 538, 361 342, 741 227, 064 221, 301 707, 828 20. 596 342, 695 885. 532 29, 545 16, 083 111.463 48, 658 17, 389 79, 575 11, 191 27, 056 95, 819 102,046 i 346, 707 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 4. 806, 651 182, 989 87, 705 311 154 401 043 669 396 983 94, 532, 82. 189, 1, 603, 402, 1, 631, 2, 138, 777 45, 286 277, 700 46, 275 392, 630 290, 932 420, 452 187, 675 395, 350 82, 477 7, 181, 157 1, 187. 319 754, 906 1, 179, 129 600, 048 528. 295 373. 342 652, 575 928, 756 39, 887 95, 938 343, 150 497, 812 2, 978, 947 615, 791 536, 294 340, 700 226, 649 217, 824 680, 589 20, 297 340, 803 812, 488 25, 457 14, 006 101,753 47, 368 14, 026 72.713 10. 552 25, 423 85, 177 96,286 319, 727 Native parents. 12, 604, 550 5, 313, 470 2, 856, 979 1, 949, 672 149, 914 64, 421 66. 865 247, 994 37,713 96,764 793, 851 227, 982 1, 171, 475 2, 008, 579 38, 282 214,417 34, 552 382, 589 274, 352 417, 736 183, 484 387, 518 75, 649 4, 508, 077 851, 553 626, 538 680, 066 304. 334 160, 205 105, 167 396, 055 727, 917 11,559 43, 826 219, 102 381,755 2, 747, 952 502, 139 521. 846 331, 281 219. 599 178, 125 585, 888 18, 615 330, 459 482, 963 14, 558 8,445 70, 742 42, 139 7,439 25, 833 4,348 15, 764 57, 334 73, 045 163, 316 Foreign parents. 33, 075 23, 284 27. 446 284, 160 44, 688 92, 279 809, 818 174, 414 460, 508 130, 198 7,004 63, 283 11, 723 10, 041 16, 580 2,716 4,191 7,832 2, 673, 080 335, 766 128. 368 499. 063 295, 714 368, 090 268, 175 256, 520 200, 839 28, 328 52, 112 124, 048 116, 057 230, 995 53, 652 14, 448 9.419 7,050 39, 699 94, 701 1,682 10, 344 329, 525 10, 899 5, 561 31,011 5.229 6.587 46, 880 0,204 9, 659 27, 843 23, 241 156, 411 Foreign white. 1, 332, 545 591, 419 18, 18, 6, 112, 20, 28, 212, 47, 125, 22, 593 1,655 10, 537 1,282 1,702 1,888 445 469 1,125 3,490 603, 706 53. 504 13, 719 124, 420 96, 630 73, 095 79, 555 44. 841 22, 123 19, 234 17, 469 37, 144 21, 972 41, 783 4,353 2.067 2,041 415 3.477 27. 239 299 1.892 73, 044 4,088 2,077 9,710 1.290 3,363 6,862 039 1.633 10, 642 5,760 26, 980 Total colored. 3, 196, 827 83, 135 540 231 337 6,406 2,141 3, 829 20, 446 15, 195 33, 950 1, 420, 143 10, 555 82, 655 26, 619 277. 447 12. 849 252, 508 313, 249 374, 552 69, 709 164, 470 30, 208 16, 547 19, 481 7.006 2.456 1,907 3.766 58, 056 203 493 3,961 20, 386 1, 503, 001 106,917 182,511 296, 753 332, 037 233. 933 216,314 1,046 133, 490 26, 078 695 208 1,687 3,885 895 362 1,200 201 2.044 1,319 13, 582 POPULATION. 749 Table 21d -PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 17 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— MALES. ST.\TES AND TERRITOEIES. Tlie United States. North Atlantic division. Maine Kew Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Khodc Island Connecticut New York Ne w Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division Delaware Maryland District of Columliia Virginia "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division. . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division . Kentucky . . Tennessee. . Alabama . . . Mississippi - Louisiana- . Texas Oklahoma . . Arkansas . . Western division. Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington. Oregon California . -. All classes. 9, 358, 198 Native Poreign born. born. 8, 892, 262 2, 018, 949 405. 936 197, 042 82, 42. 42, 255, 41, 88, 736, 188, 739, 181 004 251 123 926 249 230 470 551 1, 520, 419 24, 153, 28. 285. 129. 289. 215. 329. 65, 3, 316, 543 526, 940 326, 704 514, 389 293, 166 253, 934 190, 142 292, 978 420, 472 25. 775 49, 268 162, 912 229, 863 1,931,815 36. 035 39, 789 219, 956 34, 866 79, 012 666, 826 172, 213 694, 354 1,511, 23, 476 149, 441 28, 016 284. 501 129,014 288, 903 215, 646 329, 491 63. 510 3, 096, 221 307, 635 307, 833 273, 812 241), 271 191.243 397, 071 9,654 204, 2e6 373, 430 12, 059 6,700 45, 863 22.014 7,656 34. 131 5,078 11,746 40,594 42. 734 144. 849 507, 616 321, 633 500, 438 257. 156 226, 175 161, 225 276. 855 412, 874 18, 301 42, 565 149, 637 221, 746 1, 916, 607 6.283 5,969 2, 462 35, 167 7.060 9, 237 69, 404 16, 263 45, 197 8,421 595 3,694 382 627 660 161 153 408 1,741 220, 322 306, 062 307, 068 273, 004 240, 145 189. 970 387, 218 9,530 203, 610 348, 487 10, 791 6,002 42, 579 21, 538 6, 422 31, 687 4,901 11,1.53 36, 988 40, 780 135. 646 19, 324 5,071 43, 951 36, 010 27, 759 28, 917 16, 123 7,598 7,474 6.703 13, 275 8,117 15, 208 Aggregate white. 2. 184. 886 1,573 126 1,273 9. 853 124 686 24, 943 81, 959 41,908 42. 120 252,716 41, 141 86. 834 728. 604 182, 836 726, 768 919. 534 19.654 119.011 18.548 167, .599 124. 507 181, 343 81.313 170, 367 37. 192 3. 249. 018 N.\TIVE WHITE. 514, 514 320, 097 536, 494 290, 295 252, 842 189. 408 291, 453 396, 409 25, 684 49, 054 161,316 221, 452 1, 294, 678 263, 167 230, 917 148, 318 98, 015 92, 770 304. 932 9.188 147, 371 364,231 11,834 6,635 45, 286 20, 390 7,276 33, 983 4, 625 11.674 39, 853 42, 309 140. 366 Total. 7, 548, 913 1, 988, 301 75, 694 35, 953 39, 658 217.746 34, 089 77, 604 659, 342 166, 594 681, 621 911,561 19,061 115, 323 18, 169 160, 978 123, 849 181,185 81,166 169, 966 35. 864 3, 029, 069 495, 224 315, 034 492, 577 254, 489 225, 092 160, 528 275, 333 388, 817 18, 222 42, 358 148, 052 213, 343 1, 279, 544 261, 598 230, 160 147, 514 97, 891 91, 515 295, 113 9 066 146, 687 340, 438 10,613 5,935 42, 008 19,920 6,076 31, 560 4,462 11,096 36, 311 40, 393 132, 064 Native parents. 5, 338, 825 2, 210, ( 1, 187, 694 61,619 26, 062 28. 015 100,152 15. .578 39, 359 330, 537 94, 972 491,400 859, 302 18, 240 90,002 13, 716 162. 844 117, 175 180. 030 79, 485 166. 839 32. 971 1, 906, 299 Foreign parents. 800, 607 14, 075 9 891 11, 643 117, 594 l.S. 511 38. 245 328, 805 71. 622 190, 221 52, 259 2,821 25, 321 4, 453 4,134 0,674 1, 1.55 1,081 3,127 2,893 359, 271 263,211 285. 005 127.691 69. 857 44. 940 167. 759 307. 925 5. 029 19, 037 93, 464 163, 110 1, 184, 139 1.15 770 240, 471 224, 305 143, 658 95, 055 76,418 253, 602 8,335 142, 265 5,947 3, 535 28, 941 17, 634 3,165 11,318 1,790 6.921 24, 176 30. 538 67. 426 135, 953 51.823 207, 572 126, 798 155, 235 115.588 107, .574 80, 892 13. 193 23. 32.1 54, 588 50, 233 95, 405 21, 127 5.855 3, 856 2, 836 15.067 41,511 731 4,422 201. 391 139, 047 4.666 2. 400 13,067 2, 286 2,911 20, 242 2, 672 4,175 12, 135 9.855 64, 638 Foreign white. 463, 434 196, 585 6.205 5, 955 2,462 34, 970 7,052 9.230 69. 262 16. 242 45, 147 7,973 Total colored. 1, 345, 851 593 3,688 379 621 658 158 147 401 1,328 219, 949 19,290 5, 063 43, 917 35, 806 27, 750 28, 880 16, 120 7.592 7. 462 6,696 13, 264 8,109 15, 134 1,569 757 804 124 1,255 9,819 122 684 23, 793 1,221 700 3,278 470 1, 200 2,423 163 578 3,542 1,916 8,302 31, 105 222 96 131 2. 407 785 1.415 7.626 5.040 12, 783 600, 885 4,417 34, 124 9,850 117. 529 5.107 107, 721 134. 486 159. 532 28, 059 67, 525 12, 426 6. 6U7 7,895 2,871 1.002 734 1,525 24, 063 91 214 1.596 8.411 637, 137 44,468 76, 916 125, 494 142, 256 98. 473 92,136 466 56, 925 9,199 225 71 577 1,624 380 148 453 72 741 425 4,483 750 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 21e — PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 17 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— FEMALES. AH classes. Native bom. Foreign born. Aggi'cgate white. NATIVE WHITE. Foreign Tvhite. 6TATES AND TERRITORIES Total. Native parents. Foreign parents. Total colored. The United States. 9, 185, 003 8, 729, 430 455, 573 7, 852, 118 7, 398, 077 5, 208, 060 2, 190, 017 454,041 1,332,885 Korth Atlantic division. 2, 202, 322 2,004, 1]1 198, 211 2, 169. 302 1, 971, 465 1. 173, 893 797, 572 197, 837 33, 020 80, 465 41, 910 39, 706 256, 868 42, 303 87, 395 737, 646 187, 762 728, 267 1, 494, 757 73, 883 35, 307 37, 357 219, 986 34, 922 78, 155 666, 840 171. 678 685, 983 1, 486, 696 6, 582 6,603 2, 349 36, 882 7.381 9.240 70. 800 16. 084 42,284 8,061 80. 258 41, 826 39. 567 254. 295 41.378 85, 794 729. 652 181,715 714,817 896, 961 73, 686 35, 237 37, 218 217, 581 34, 001 76, 562 658, 963 165, 654 672, 563 889, 368 60. 101 25, 529 26, 404 100, 039 15. 406 39. 059 328, 682 93,611 485, 062 837,315 13, 585 9,708 10, 814 117,542 18, 595 37, 503 330, 281 72. 043 187. 501 52, 053 6,572 6,589 2,349 36, 714 7,377 9,232 70, 689 16. 061 42. 254 7,593 New Hampshire Yennort 207 84 Massaohuaetts Kbode Island CQunectif'ut 139 2,573 925 1,601 New Jersey . 7,994 Pennsylvania SoTith Atlantic division . 6,047 13,450 597, 796 23, 420 152, 062 30, 086 280, 491 126, 816 282, 940 211,700 322, 443 64. 799 3. 242, 773 22, 875 ! 545 148 420 ' ^ ''-^'^ 19,101 117, 879 19, 182 162,891 121,826 176. 250 78.316 166. 158 35, 358 3.176,243 18,557 114, 245 18, 798 162, 361 121,119 176,118 78.187 165, 805 34. 178 2, 964, 952 15, 794 88, 979 14,097 158,415 114.647 175.013 76, 501 162, 632 31, 237 1, 855, 366 2,763 25, 266 4,701 3.946 6,472 1,105 1,686 3,173 2,941 1,109,586 544 3,634 384 530 707 132 129 353 1,180 211,291 Ararylj^Tifl 4,319 District of Columbia. Virginia 29, 699 279, 955 126, 109 282, 806 211,568 322, 088 63, 176 3, 031, 128 387 536 707 134 132 355 1,623 211, 645 34, 183 10, 904 "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia 4,990 106, 690 133, 384 Florida 156, 285 North Central division . . 29,441 66, 530 Ohio 514,960 320, 902 537, 008 288, 233 251). 160 186, 536 283, 856 412, 963 24,106 47, 034 155, 996 221. 019 1,882,033 496, 149 316, 249 493, 805 252, 931 223, 788 158, 851 268, 807 405. 460 17. 152 40, 967 143, 556 213,413 1,867,378 18,811 4,653 43, 203 35, 302 26, 372 27, 685 15, 049 7.503 6,954 6.067 12,440 7,606 14, 655 502, 911 314, 237 529, 223 285, 375 249, 175 185, 740 282, 352 389, 218 24, 030 46, 850 154, 505 212, 627 i 1, 253, 915 484, 136 300. 586 486. 048 250, 294 222, 808 158, 079 267, 305 381. 723 17. 089 40. 785 142. 072 205.027 1 1. 239. 314 349, 050 258, 356 279, 689 124. 954 68, 582 43, 548 161,713 300, 854 4,753 18. 202 89, 263 156, 402 1, 144. 730 135, 086 51, 230 206, 359 125, 340 154, 226 114,531 105, 592 80, 869 12, 336 22, 583 52, 809 48, 625 94, 584 18, 775 4,051 43, 175 35, 081 26, 367 27, 601 15, 047 7,495 6,941 6,005 12.433 7,600 14, 601 12, 049 0.665 Illinois - Michiy'an 2,858 985 796 1,504 23, 745 76 184 1,491 8,392 628, 118 TN^isconsin . Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Kansas South Central division . . Kentucky 301,211 297 094 299, 717 9QR MS 1,494 696 739 118 1. 163 9.635 116 694 23. 001 256, 643 221.385 1 142, 617 94.607 1 91.624 j 295,714 1 8.579 1 142. 746 355. 697 255, 152 220, 689 141, 878 94. 491 90. 474 286. 105 8.463 142. 062 332. 978 233, 861 214, 946 138, 023 91, 598 75, 045 245, 758 7,719 137, 780 196, 756 21, 291 5,743 3,855 2,893 15,429 40, 347 744 4,282 136, 222 1,491 696 739 116 1.150 9,609 116 684 22, 719 44.568 75, 709 123, 797 i:«, 328 97. 929 91, 809 431 55, 547 7.421 266,414 1 265i675 232,935 232,817 189,553 188,390 387, 523 ' .^77 RSK Louisiana ...... Oklahoma 9.010 198, 293 363, 118 8,894 197, 599 340, 117 Arkansas "Western division Montana . . . 11,811 6,244 44, 840 21, 093 7.497 33, 334 4,931 11,093 38. 693 41, 854 141,728 10, 543 5,546 41, 774 20, 687 6,244 30, 776 4,778 10, 572 35, 407 40, 019 133, 771 1,268 698 3,066 406 1,253 2,558 153 521 3,286 1.835 7,957 11.622 6,181 ) 44, 240 1 19. 704 7,189 33, 218 4.541 11,043 38, 060 41,517 138, 382 10, 377 5.483 41, 176 19. 299 5, 952 30. 683 4,389 10, 522 34, 795 39, 689 i:JO, 613 5,915 3,229 28, 076 17, 184 3,045 11,113 1,803 6.461 23,138 29, 929 66. 863 4,462 2,254 13, 100 2,115 2,907 19, 570 2,586 4,061 11, 657 9,760 63, 750 1,245 698 3,064 405 1,237 2,535 152 521 3.265 1.828 7,769 189 63 600 1,389 308 116 390 50 633 337 3,346 W^yoming Colorado New Mexico Utah Nevada Idaho Washington P0PULATI05>^. 751 Table 21f._PEKS0NS OF SCHOOL AGE, 18 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOE, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— MALES. All classes. Native horn. Foreign born. Aggregate V7hite. 1 NATIVE WHITE. Foreign white. Total colored. STATES ASD TERRITORIES. Total. Native parents. Foreign parents. The United States. 1, 884, 502 1, 676, 028 208, 474 I 1, 643, 025 1,441,001 1, 002, 922 438, 079 202, 024 241. 477 North Atlantic division . 505, 358 415, 923 89, 435 496, 436 407, 775 240, 426 167, 349 88, 661 8,922 19, 519 11, 275 10, 089 65, 034 10, 052 22, 220 167, 872 41, 349 157, 948 268, 668 16, 916 8,323 8,894 47. 496 7,043 17, 629 136, 973 34. 603 138, 046 265, 032 2,603 2,952 1,195 17, 538 3,009 4,591 30, 899 6,746 19, 902 3,636 19, 462 11, 247 10, 053 64. 297 9,861 21, 849 165,672 39, 697 l.H,298 166,507 16. 878 8,306 8,865 46, 952 6,872 17, 278 135, 069 33, 036 134, 519 163, 121 14, 140 6,470 6,330 23, 313 3,269 9,309 64. 514 18.510 94.571 150, 950 2,738 1,836 2,535 23, 639 3,603 7,969 70, 555 14, 526 39, 948 12, 171 2,584 2,941 1,188 17, 345 2, 989 4,571 30, 603 6,661 19, 779 3,386 57 New Hampshire 28 36 Massachusetts Ehode Island 737 191 371 New York 2,200 1.652 Pennsylvania Soiith Atlantic division . 3,650 102, 161 Delaware 4,909 30, 527 6.528 .50, 718 24, 636 48,449 34, 268 55, 889 12, 744 679, 008 4,682 29, 134 6,317 50, 365 24, 322 48, 359 ■84, 153 55, 673 12, 027 590, 517 227 1,393 211 .353 314 90 115 216 717 88, 491 4,003 24,055 1 4,295 31, 100 22, 965 31.127 13, 690 28, 676 6,596 664, 270 3,778 22, 696 4.095 30, 757 22, 653 31, 037 13, 579 28. 466 6,060 576, 116 3,113 16. 756 2,982 29, 778 20, 968 30, 792 13,217 27, 760 5,584 363, 878 665 5, 940 1,113 979 1,685 245 362 706 476 212,238 225 1,359 200 343 312 90 111 210 530 88, 154 906 6,472 District of Colambia 2,233 19,618 West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia 1,671 17, 322 20, 578 27,213 6,148 North Central division.. 14, 738 Ohio 109, 241 66. 871 116, 120 60, 334 49, 420 38, 995 62, 061 84, 410 4. 832 9,174 33, 163 44,387 338, 222 101,844 64, 748 98, 019 47, 034 39, 394 26, 989 54. 374 81. 077 2,293 6,531 27, 196 41, 018 332, 040 7,397 2,123 18, 101 13, 300 10, 026 12, 006 7,087 3,333 2, .539 2,643 5,967 3,369 6,182 106,581 65. 226 114,192 59, 712 49, 200 38, 783 61,693 79, 663 4, 805 9,119 32, 658 42, 629 229, 734 99, 206 63, 108 96, 173 46, 509 39, 201 26, 790 .54,017 76, 371 2,273 6,481 26, 709 39, 273 223, 629 68, 708 50, 848 55, 956 25, 053 10,761 8. 227 32. 699 58, 007 936 3.366 18, 464 30, 853 204, 135 30,498 12,260 40,217 21, 456 28,440 18, 563 21, 318 18, 364 1,337 3,115 8,245 8,425 19, 494 7,375 2,118 18, 019 13, 203 10, 008 11, 993 7,676 3,292 2,532 2,638 5, 949 3,351 6,105 2,660 1,645 1,928 Michigan "Wisconsin 622 211 212 Iowa 368 Missouri 4,747 North Dakota South Dakota 27 55 505 1,758 South Central division.. 108, 488 57, 289 55. 846 46, 852 39, 987 34, 221 67, 433 1. 355 35, 239 93.246 56. 607 55, 505 46, 559 39, 882 33, 625 63, 560 1,323 34, 979 72, 516 682 341 293 105 596 3,873 32 260 20, 730 48. 817 42,044 25, 037 16,544 17. 436 52, 956 1,285 25, 615 86, 078 48, 137 41, 706 24, 746 16, 443 16, 849 49. 130 1.257 25, 361 70, 360 42. 717 40, 366 23, 925 15.842 12, 603 42, 937 1,161 24, 584 43, 533 5,420 1,340 821 601 4,246 6,193 96 777 26, 827 680 338 291 101 587 3,826 28 254 15, 718 8,472 13,802 21, 815 23. 443 16. 785 Texas 14, 477 Oklahoma 70 Arkansas 9,624 "Western division 7,168 Montana 3,685 2.070 11,937 4,674 1.739 6,367 1.300 2,411 10. 556 9.771 38, 736 2,468 1,615 10, 006 4.422 1,160 5.398 1,016 2,014 7,719 8.314 28, 384 1,217 455 1.931 252 579 969 284 397 2,837 1,457 10, 352 3.472 2,025 11,641 4.244 1,587 6,294 1.089 2.344 10, 076 9,327 33, 979 o 422 i!583 9,790 4,008 1,072 5.368 873 2,003 7,557 8,191 27, 493 1 1,506 1.066 7, 393 3,575 667 1.765 409 1,281 5,358 6,357 14, 156 916 517 2,397 433 405 3,603 464 722 2,199 1,834 13, 337 1,050 442 1,851 236 515 926 216 341 2.519 1,136 6,486 213 45 296 New Mexico 430 152 Xltah 73 211 67 480 444 4,757 752 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tai!I.k 21g.— PEESONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 18 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, KATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890— FEMALES. All cltvsses. Katire. boru. Fore^igu bovu. Aggregate white. XATIVE WHITE. Foreigu white. Total colored. STATES AND TERKITORIES. Total. Kative pareuts. Foreign parent.s. The United States. 2, 019. 089 1,805,633 214, 050 1,743,075 1,530,029 1, 054, 743 475, 280 213, 040 276, 614 North Atlantic divisioii - 557, 534 448, 987 108.547 547. 446 439, 110 16. 731 8,209 8. 570 49. 875 7,439 17, 599 150, 295 37,112 143, 280 174,727 254, 966 184, 144 108, 330 10, 088 Maine 19. 686 11.422 9.411 73. 845 11. 2.53 23, 381 195, 187 47, 405 165, 944 297, 669 16. 781 8,220 8.001 50, 536 7,070 18, 038 152. 849 38. 903 147, 317 293, 775 2,905 3,196 810 23. 309 3. 577 5.343 42, 338 8,442 18. 627 3,894 19, 032 11. .399 9, 380 73. 090 11,013 22. 939 192. 561 45. 549 161, 877 178, 308 14, 054 0. 300 0, 116 24,490 3,460 9. 037 70,118 20, 889 100, 442 161,012 2,677 1,849 2,454 25. 385 3, 979 8,502 80. 177 10,223 42, 838 13,715 2,901 3.190 810 23, 221 3.574 5,340 42, 266 8,437 18, 597 3,641 54 23 31 749 240 44' New Hampshire Massachusetts Khode Island 2 6''0 1 850 Pennsylvania South Atlantic division . 4, 007 119,301 5,096 35, 108 9,164 55. 4-12 24, .543 52. 9.52 39. 620 02. 790 12. 882 711.009 119,890 70. 095 125. 513 61, 951 50, 332 39,131 02. 287 91.090 4.011 8. 424 32, 184 44, 901 371.001 4.801 33,308 8.838 55. 229 24. 330 52. 886 39. 541 62. 033 12. 209 1 626, 531 295 1.800 320 213 213 60 85 103 073 84. 478 4. 183 27. 292 5,532 32. 742 23. 522 32, 177 14. 825 31,274 0.821 095. 332 3,890 25. 430 5, 213 32, 534 23,311 32.112 14, 743 31,113 0,375 611. 020 3.135 18. 680 3,757 31, 552 21. 562 31,901 14. 281 30. 287 5,857 382. 534 755 6,750 1,456 982 1.749 211 462 820 518 228, 480 293 1,8.56 319 208 211 05 82 101 446 84, 312 913 7,870 3.032 22, 700 1, 021 20, 775 24, 801 31 522 District of Columbia. Virginia "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina 6 061 North Central division . . 15. 677 Ohio 111.805 68. 803 106, 187 49, 315 41.300 28, 105 50, 280 87, 336 2. 311 0, 353 20, 083 41, 987 * 365, 679 8,085 1, 892 19, 326 12, 630 8. 972 11,026 0.001 3, 754 2.300 2. 071 5. 501 2.914 5,982 116,817 09, 065 123, 640 01, 296 50,164 38, 966 61, 918 85, 589 4. 002 8,384 31,815 43. 070 242, 403 108, 753 07, 178 104,331 48, 756 41. 194 27. 945 55, 920 81. 845 2.303 6,314 26. 317 40. 164 230. 400 74, 524 54, 123 39, 416 26, 636 11,005 8, 452 33, 884 01,131 841 3, 221 17,911 31, 390 214, 948 34, 229 13, 055 44, 915 22, 120 30, 189 19, 493 22, 036 20, 714 1.402 3, 093 8,406 8,774 21,512 8,064 1,887 19, 309 12, 540 8.970 11,021 5,998 3,744 2,299 2,070 5,498 2,912 5,943 3 073 1 630 Illinois 1,873 655 Miclii^an Wisconsin 168 Minnesota 165 369 5 501 North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska 9 40 369 1,825 Soutli Central division .. 129, 258 00, 920 00, 099 52. 416 45. 908 40. 217 72, 115 1,623 38, 357 81,816 60, 311 59, 819 52, 207 45, 834 39, 727 68. 105 1, 590 38, 086 70, 001 615 280 209 74 490 4,010 33 271 11, 155 51, 517 44, 015 26. 769 17. 898 19.471 54. 226 1,544 26. 903 79, 526 50, 904 43, 739 20, 502 17, 824 18, 980 50, 241 1,511 26, 693 68, 712 45, 090 42, 229 25, 075 17, 104 14, 029 43, 591 1,400 25, 830 41, 283 5,814 1,510 887 720 4,957 6,050 111 863 27, 429 013 276 207 74 485 3,985 33 270 10, 814 9,409 16 084 Alabama ..... .. 25 047 Mississippi 28 010 Louisiana 20 746 Texa-s 17, 889 Oklahoma 79 Arkansas . . ■. 11, 394 Western division 2,290 Montana . ...... 2,085 1.271 10, 510 4,702 1,392 0.105 1,082 2,007 8, 020 9, 006 34, 970 2,094 1,033 8,986 4,581 980 5.121 973 1,814 6,657 8,095 30, 327 591 238 1.524 181 412 984 109 193 1.363 911 4,649 2,617 1.242 10, 290 4,320 1,337 6,080 930 1. 995 7.830 8.893 33, 980 2,045 1,005 8.779 4,141 926 1 5, 102 828 I 1.802 ! 6,514 8,013 29, 557 1,190 015 6,332 3,746 562 1, 637 346 1, 101 4,662 6,221 14, 871 855 390 2.447 395 364 3, 465 482 701 1. 8.52 1,792 14, 086 572 237 1,517 179 411 978 108 193 1,316 880 4,423 68 29 Colorado 214 New Mexico Arizona 442 55 Utah 25 140 12 WaslniJi'toK . ... 190 ()re**"t)n 113 California 996 POPULATION. 753 TABLE 21h -PEKSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890-MALES. STATES AND TERRITORIES. All classes. The United States. 11, 242, 700 North Atlantic division. Maine ■- New Hamp.shire . - . Verraout Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic di\asion Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division . 2, 721, 349 Kentucky . . Tennessee. . Alabama . . . Mississippi. Louisiana . . Texas Oklahoma . . Arkansas .. Western division. Montana Wyoming . . . Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington. Oregon California . . . 101,700 53, 279 52, 340 320, 157 51, 978 110, 469 904, 102 229, 825 897, 499 1,789,087 Native horn . 28, 980 183, 662 34, 926 335, 846 154, 310 337, 513 250, 067 385, 788 77, 995 3, 995, 551 10, 568, 290 636, 181 393, 575 660, 509 353, 500 303, 354 229, 137 355, 039 .504, 882 30, 607 58, 442 196, 075 274, 250 2, 270, 037 364, 924 363, 679 320, 664 280, 258 225. 404 464, 504 11,009 239. 535 466, 676 15,744 8,776 57, 800 26, 688 9,395 40, 498 6,378 14, 157 51, 150 52, 505 183, 585 2, 434, 872 Foreign born. Aggregate white. 674, 410 286, 477 92, 814 44, 358 48, 683 267, 4.52 41, 909 96, 641 803, 799 206, 816 832, 400 1, 777, 030 28,158 178, 575 34, 333 334, 866 153, 336 337, 262 249, 799 385, 164 75, 537 3, 686, 73i 8,921 3,657 52, 705 10, 069 13. 828 100, 303 23, 009 65, 099 12, 057 609, 460 386, 381 598, 457 304, 190 265, 569 188, 214 331, 229 493, 951 20, 594 49, 096 176, 833 262, 764 2, 248, 647 362, 669 362, 573 319, 563 280, 027 223, 595 450, 778 10, 853 238, 589 421, 003 822 5,087 593 980 974 251 268 624 2, 458 308, 813 9, 655, 372 2, 681, 322 101, 421 53, 155 52, 173 317, 013 51, 002 108, 083 894, 276 222, 533 881, 066 1,086,041 13, 2.59 7,617 52, .585 25, 960 7, 582 37, 085 5,917 13, 167 44, 707 49, 094 164, 030 26, 721 7,194 62, 052 49, 310 37, 785 40, 923 23,810 10, 931 10,013 9, 346 19, 242 11,486 21, 390 23, 657 143, 066 22, 843 198, 699 147, 472 212, 470 95, 003 199, 043 43,788 3, 913, 28. 2,255 1,106 1,101 231 1,869 13, 726 156 946 45, 673 2,485 1,159 5,215 728 1,813 3, 413 461 990 6,443 3,411 19, 555 621,095 385, 323 650, 686 350, 007 302, 051 228, 191 3,53, 146 476, 072 30, 489 158, 173 193, 974 264, 081 1,. 524, 412 311, 272, 173, 114, 110, 357, 10, 172, 450, 309 15, 306 8,660 56. 927 24, 634 8,863 40, 277 5,714 14, 018 49, 929 51, 636 174, 345 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 8, 989, 914 2, 396, 076 92, 572 44, 259 48, 523 264, 698 40, 961 94, 882 794, 411 199, 630 816, 140 1, 074, 682 22, 839 138, 019 22, 264 197, 735 146, 502 212, 222 94, 745 198,432 41,924 3, 605, 185 594, 430 378, 142 588, 750 300, 998 264, 293 187, 318 329, 350 405, 188 20, 495 48, 839 174, 761 252, 621 1,503,173 309, 735 271,866 172, 260 114, 334 108, 364 344, 243 10, 323 172, 048 410, 798 13, 035 7,518 51. 798 23, 928 7,148 36, 928 5, 335 13, 099 43, 868 48, 584 159, 557 Native parents. Foreign parents. Foreign white. 6,341,747 2,648,167 1, 428, 120 75, 759 .32, 532 34, 345 123, 465 18, 847 48, 668 395, 051 113,482 585, 971 1, 010, 252 19, 353 106, 758 16, 698 192,622 138, 143 210, 822 92, 702 194, 599 38, 555 2, 270, 177 967, 956 16, 813 11, 727 14, 178 141, 233 22, 114 46, 214 399, 360 86. 148 230, 169 64, 430 427, 979 314, 0.59 340, 961 1.52, 744 80. 618 53, 167 200, 458 365, 932 5, 965 22, 403 111,928 193, 963 1,388,274 3,486 31, 261 5,566 5,113 8, 3!59 1,400 2,043 3, 833 3, 369 1, 335, 008 283, 188 264. 671 167, ,583 110, 897 89, 051 296, 539 9,496 166, 849 244, 924 7,453 4,601 36, 334 21, 209 3, 832 13, 083 2,199 8,202 29, 534 36. 895 ,582 166, 451 64, 083 247, 789 148, 254 183, 675 134, 151 128, 892 99, 256 14, 530 26, 436 62, 833 58, 658 114,899 26, 547 7, 195 4,677 3, 437 19, 313 47, 704 827 5,199 165, 874 5,582 2,917 15, 464 2,719 3,316 23, 845 3,136 4,897 14, 334 11,689 77, 975 285, 246 8,849 8,896 3, 650 ,52, 315 10, 041 13, 801 99, 865 22, 903 64, 926 11,359 Total colored. 1, 587, 328 818 5,047 579 964 970 248 258 611 1,864 308, 103 26, 665 7,181 61.936 49, 009 ,37, 758 40, 873 23, 796 10, 884 9,994 9,334 19. 213 11,460 21, 239 2,249 1,095 1,095 225 1,842 13, 645 150 938 39,511 2,271 t, 142 M'^9 700 1, 715 3,349 379 919 6,061 3,052 14, 788 40, 027 279 124 167 3,144 976 1.786 9, 826 7,292 16, 433 703, 046 5,323 40, 596 12, 083 137, 147 6, 838 125, 043 155,064 186,745 34, 207 82, 263 15, 086 8, 252 9, 823 3,493 1,303 946 1. 893 28,810 118 269 2,101 10. 169 745, 625 52, 940 90,718 147, 309 165, 699 115, 258 106, 616 536 66, 549 16, 367 438 116 873 2,054 ,532 221 664 139 1, 221 869 9,240 372- 48 754 COMPENDRJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 2 li.— persons OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1890— FEMALES. STATES AND TERRITORIES- The TTnited States. North Atlantic division - Maine New Hampshire. . Vermont Massachusetts . . . Rhode Island Connecticut New Torii New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division . . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division . Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington Oregon California All classes. 11,204,692 2, 759. 856 100, 151 5:J, 332 49,117 330,711) 53, 551) 110,776 932, 833 235, 167 894, 211 1, 792, 426 28, 516 187, 230 39,250 I 335, 933 151, .359 335, 892 2.51,326 385, 239 77, 681 3, 953, 782 634, 850 391, 597 602, 521 350, 184 300, 492 225, 667 346, 143 504, 053 28, 717 55, 458 188, 180 265, 920 2, 253, 694 362. 137 357. 193 318. 830 278. 843 229, 770 459, 638 10, 633 236, 650 444, 934 14, 496 7, .515 55, 350 25, 855 8,889 39, 439 6,013 13, 100 46, 713 50, 860 176, 704 Native born. 10, 535, 063 2, 453, 098 90, 664 43, 533 45, 958 270, 522 42, 598 96, 193 819,689 210, 641 833, 300 1, 780, 471 Foreign born. 669, 629 306, 758 Aggregate white. 9, 595, 193 2, 716, 748 27. 676 181,728 38, 537 335, 184 150. 439 335, 692 251, 109 384, 721 75. 385 3, 657, 659 2, 233, 057 360, 028 350. 217 317, 882 278, 651 228, 117 445, 993 10, 484 235, 685 410, 778 12, 637 6,579 50, 760 25, 268 7, 224 35, 897 5,751 12, 386 42, 064 48,114 164, 098 9,487 9,799 3,159 60, 191 10, 958 14, 583 113, 144 24, 526 60, 911 n,95£ 840 5,502 713 749 920 200 217 518 2,296 296, 123 20, 896 6,545 02, 529 47, 938 35, .344 38,711 21, 050 11.257 9. 254 8, 138 17,941 10. 520 20, 637 2. 109 976 948 192 1.653 13, 645 149 965 34, 156 99, 890 53, 225 48, 947 327, 391 52, 391 108, 733 922, 213 227, 264 876, 694 1, 075, 329 1,859 936 4.590 587 1,665 3.542 262 714 4,649 2,746 12, 606 3, 871, 575 619, 728 383, 302 652, 863 346, 671 299, 339 224. 706 344, 270 474, 807 28, 632 55, 234 186, 320 255, 703 1,496,318 308, 160 265, 400 169,380 112, 505 111,095 349. 940 10, 123 169, 709 435. 223 14, 239 7, 423 54, 536 24, 024 8,526 39, 298 5,477 13, 038 45, 890 50, 410 172, 362 NATIVE WHITE. Total 8, 928, 106 2, 410, 575 1, 064, 095 22, 447 139, 681 24, Oil 194, 895 144, 430 208, 230 92, 930 196, 918 40. 553 3, 575, 972 592, 889 376, 764 590, 379 299. 050 264, 002 186, 024 323, 225 403, 568 19, 392 47, 099 168, 389 245, 191 1,475,774 306, 050 264. 428 168, 440 112, .315 109, 460 336, 346 9,974 168. 755 401, 690 12, 422 6,488 49, 955 23, 440 6, 878 35, 785 5,217 12, 324 41, 309 47. 702 160, 170 Native parents. 6, 262, 803 1,428,8,59 74, 155 31, 889 32, 520 1^4. .529 18. 86l> 48, 096 398, 800 : 14, 500 585, 504 2, 237, 900 423, 574 312, 479 339, 105 151, ,590 79, 587 52, 000 195,597 361, 985 5,594 21, 423 107, 174 187, 792 1, 359, 678 278, 951 257, 175 163, 698 108. 702 89, 074 289. 349 9,119 133, 610 238, 039 Foreign parents. 2, 665, 303 981, 716 16, 262 11,557 13, 268 142, 927 22, 574 46, 065 410, 458 88, 266 230, 339 65, 768 3,518 32, 022 6,157 4,928 8,221 1,316 2,148 3,099 3,459 1, 338, 072 169, 315 64, 285 251, 274 147, 460 184, 415 134,024 127, 628 101,583 13, 798 25, 670 61. 215 57, 399 116, 096 27, 105 7,253 4, 742 3,613 20, 386 46, 997 855 5,145 163, 651 7,105 5,317 3,844 2,644 34, 408 15, 547 20, 930 2, 510 3,607 3,271 12, 750 23, 035 2,149 3,068 ^,562 4,762 27, 800 13, 509 36, 150 11,5,52 81, 734 78, 436 Foreign white. 667, 087 306, 173 9,473 9,779 3,159 59, 935 10, 051 14, 572 112, 955 24, 498 60, 851 11, 234 837 5,490 703 738 918 197 211 514 1,626 295, 603 26, 839 6,538 62, 484 47, 621 35, 337 38, 682 21, 045 11, 239 9,240 8, 135 17,931 10, 512 20,544 2,104 972 946 190 1,635 13, 594 149 954 33, 533 1,817 935 4,581 584 1,648 3, 513 260 714 4,581 2,708 12. 192 Total colored. 1, 609, 499 43, 108 261 107 170 3, 322 1. 165 2,043 10, 620 7,903 17, 517 717, 097 5.232 42, 059 14, 536 140, 300 6,011 127. 465 158. 185 187, 807 35, 502 82, 207 15, 122 8,295 9, 658 3, 513 1, 153 961 1,873 29, 246 85 224 1,860 10, 217 757, 376 53. 977 91. 793 149, 444 106, 338 118, 075 109, 698 510 66, 941 9,711 257 92 814 1.831 363 141 536 62 823 450 4,342 POPULATION. 755 Tablf 221 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVI^, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-AGGREGATE. ?f ew York, N. T . Cliicaj;o. Ill Philadelphia, Va . Brooklyu, N. Y. -. St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, M d San Francisco, Cal ... Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Buffalo, N.Y New Orleans, La Pittshnrg, Pa Washinaton, D. C - - - Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis . . . Newark, N.J Minneapolis, Minn . Jersey city , N. J . . . Louisville, Ky Omaha, Neb Rochester, N. Y. St. Paul, Minn .., Kansas city, Mo Providence, K. 1 Syracuse, N. T AV'orce.ster, Mass - - Toledo, Ohio Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn. Pater.son, N . J . - . Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn . Scran ton. Pa Fall Kiver, Mass . Cambridge, Mass Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Tenn.- Wilmingtou, Del. Dayton, Ohio Troy,N.Y Grand Kapids, Mich Reading, Pa Camden, N.J Trenton, N. J Lynn, Mass Lincoln, Neb Charleston, S. C - Hartford, Conn . St. Joseph, Mo .. Evansville, Ind — Los Angeles, Cal.. Des Moines, Iowa. Bridgeport, Conn . Oakland, Cal Portland, Ore Saginaw, Mich — Salt Lake, Utah... Lawrence, Mass . . Springfield, Mass Manchester, N. H . Utica,N.Y Hoboken, N.J Savannah, Ga Seattle, Wash Denvei,Colo Indianapolis, Ind Allegheny, Pa AlbaBV.S.Y 30,359 Columbus, Ohio 27, 950 All classes. 455, 339 338, 932 310, 176 253, 003 149, 595 122, 570 140, 016 83, 581 96, 512 86, 734 82, 381 83, 414 80, 037 74, 176 67 349 71,368 58, 893 44, 769 53, 196 53, 579 43, .379 42, 642 38, 753 38, 237 37, 938 Native born. 26, 283 33, 464 34, 882 27, 298 25, 269 27,449 27, 575 24, 411 26, 389 23, 994 26, 485 26, 898 26, 136 20, 918 22, 977 20,471 18, 771 19, 724 19, 065 19, 136 19, 895 18, 074 18, 128 14, 727 19, 179 18,771 14, 697 17, 882 17, 413 14, 472 17, 628 14, 517 15, 232 10, 801 15, 288 14, 786 13, 975 12, 214 14, 123 13, 466 14, 527 13, 834 9,800 Foreign born. 356, 216 261,458 275, 303 219, 689 139, 107 101, .572 132, 064 72, 962 90, 911 70, 225 81, 567 68,045 72, 870 51, 225 57, 212 51, 203 34, 946 46, 611 51, 864 37, 094 36, 662 28. 799 35, 487 31, 972 23, 420 31. 996 31, 267 28, 421 26, 499 24, 069 21, 121 24, 056 27, 288 21, 325 20, 098 15,250 26, 107 22, 292 16,21? 17, 200 22, 768 20, 098 17, 569 18,094 17, 302 15, 100 19, 300 16, 993 15, 569 12, 598 17, 772 18, 615 13, 092 16, 968 16, 957 12, 889 16, 335 12, 499 13, 569 9,234 12, 678 12, 777 10, 061 10, 562 8,013 12, 151 12, 215 13, 528 8,114 Aggre- gate white. 99, 123 77, t74 34, 873 33, 314 10, 488 20, 998 7,952 10, 619 5,601 16, 509 15, 501 1,847 11,992 1,306 16, 124 14, 156 7,690 9, 823 6,585 1,715 6, 285 5, 980 9,954 2, 750 5,966 2,863 1,468 3,615 1,938 1,451 3,229 4,148 3,393 287 3,086 6, 291 8,744 378 4,606 9,919 3,718 209 373 1,202 1,030 1,763 4,036 595 1,081 2,559 2, 129 1,407 1,56 1,605 914 456 1,583 1,293 2,018 1,663 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 1,567 2, 610 I 2, 009 3, 914 1,652 6,110 I 1 , 315 2. 312 306 I i,e 449, 49S 335, 884 299, 565 250, 052 141, 218 120, 074 119,422 80, 054 93, 505 85, 988 82, 084 61, 616 77,919 47, 557 66, 393 71, 264 57, 653 44. 463 52, 631 44,452 42, 057 42, 466 38, 428 34, 132 36, 798 25, 494 30, 549 34, 131 30, 055 26, 356 27, 064 24, 962 27, 110 16, 423 23, 691 26, 185 23, 875 16,115 26, 824 26, 077 20, 311 12, 765 11,099 16, 489 19, 062 18, 943 18, 940 19, 786 16, 606 17, 703 14, 506 18,686 8,165 14, 325 16, 449 15,513 13, 882 17, 253 14. 255 14, 887 10, 518 15, 200 14, 697 13, 941 11,960 14, 115 13, 399 14,511 6,329 9,675 Native Foreign parents, parents. 350, 648 258, 532 264, 791 216, 835 130, 753 99, 890 111, .510 71.611 87, 920 69, 500 66, 643 59. 795 65, 939 46, 275 50, 494 57, 112 49, 989 34, 641 46, 065 42, 744 35, 779 36, 494 28 494 31,411 30, 854 22, 688 29, 089 30, 519 28, 118 24, 908 23, 854 20, 817 23, 733 16, 138 20, 610 19, 902 15,212 15, 742 22, 222 16, 163 16, 654 12, 559 10, 728 15, 292 18, 033 17,184 14, 939 19, 191 15, 533 15, 151 12, 421 17, 287 8,013 12, 723 15, 536 15, 0,';8 12, 472 15,962 12, 239 13, 365 9,093 12, 597 12,731 10, 035 10, 310 8,007 12, 084 12,200 6,030 8,078 86, 467 62, 549 134, 753 75, 392 42, 423 33, 096 67, .528 17, 904 31. 071) 19, 798 21, 229 29, 796 25, 910 34, 552 13, 678 10, 411 18, 559 14, 849 14, 318 22, 664 21, 654 13. 648 8,899 21, 296 13, 167 13, 792 18,252 : 14,043 11, 725 15, 863 10, 422 7, 796 9, 232 13, 757 8,683 6,757 5,246 12, 978 6,234 3,808 6,166 11,281 7,210 10, 627 10, 904 6,189 6,245 16, 440 11, 226 8,701 7,036 14,310 6,072 5,357 10,410 7,831 7, 452 10, 975 5,278 5,544 4.733 4.127 4,424 2,373 5,000 3,105 4,927 2,721 3,945 4,659 264, 181 195, 983 130, 038 141,443 88, 330 66, 794 43, 982 53, 707 56, 850 49, 702 45, 414 29, 999 40, 029 11, 723 36, 816 46, 701 31, 430 19, 792 31, 747 20, 080 14, 125 22, 846 19. 595 10, 115 17, 687 Foreign white. 10, 837 16,476 16, 393 9,045 13, 432 13, 021 14,501 2,381 11, 927 13, 145 9,966 2,764 15, 988 12, 355 10, 488 1,278 3,518 4,665 7,129 10, 995 8,694 2,751 4,307 6,450 5,385 2,977 1,941 7,366 5,126 7,227 5, 020 4,987 6,961 7,821 4,360 8,470 8,307 7,662 5,310 4,902 7,157 9,479 2,085 3,419 Total colored. 98, 848 77, 3.52 34, 774 33, 217 10, 465 20, 784 7, 912 8, 443 5, .585 16, 488 15. 441 1, 821 11,980 1, 282 15, 899 14, 152 7,664 9,822 6,566 1,708 6,278 5, 972 9,934 2, 721 5,944 2,806 1,460 3, 612 1,937 1,448 3, 210 4,145 3,377 285 3,081 6,283 8,663 373 4,602 9,914 3,657 206 371 1,197 1,029 1,759 4,001 595 1,073 2, 552 2,085 1,399 152 1,602 913 455 1,410 1,291 2,016 1, 522 1,425 2,603 1,966 3, 906 1,650 6,108 1,315 2,311 299 1,597 5,843 3, 048 10,611 2, 951 8,377 1,896 20, 594 3, ,527 3,007 746 297 21, 798 V 2,118 26, 619 956 104 1, 240 306 565 9,127 1,322 176 325 4,105 1,140 789 2,915 751 304 1,594 234 307 339 11, 152 720 204 119 10, 370 74 59 607 10, 212 9,372 2, 282 662 122 196 109 1,468 425 221 493 10, 606 372 1,433 1,900 590 375 262 345 283 34 254 67 16 7,505 125 756 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 22:1.— PP^HSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— AGGREGATE— Continued. Peoria, 111 , New Bedford, Mass . Krie, Pa Somerville, Mass Harrisburg, Pa Kansas city, Ean , Dallas, Tex Sioux city, Iowa .. Elizabetli, N.J..., Wilkesbarre, Pa . San Antonio, Tex . Covington, Ky Portland, Me Tacoma, Wash Holyoke, Mass Fort "Wayne, Ind . . Binghamton, N. Y Norfolk, Va AYheeling, W. Ta . Augusta, Ga Youngstown, Ohio. Duluth, Minn Yonkers, N. Y Lancaster, Pa Springfield, Ohio . . . Quincy, HI . . . Mobile, Ala . . Topeka, Kan . Ebnira, N. Y . Salem, Mass.. Long Island city, N.Y. Altoona, Pa Dubuque, Iowa Terre Haute, Ind Chattanooga, Tenn Galveston, Tex . . . Waterbury, Conn. Chelsea, Ma.ss Bay city, Mich Pawtuoket, E. I... Akron, Ohio Houston, Tex Haverhill, Mass... Brockton, Mass . . . Williamsport, Pa . Davenport, Iowa. . Sacramento, Cal. . . Canton, Ohio Birmingham, Ala . Little Kock, Ark .. All classes. Auburn, N. Y . . Taunton, Mass . Allentowu, Pa . Lacrosse, Wis . 12, 609 12,024 13, 986 11, 309 12, 751 12, 650 11, 931 11, 570 12, 530 13, 535 12, 944 12, 778 10, 186 8,056 12, 021 11, 894 10, 092 10, 869 12, 129 11, 772 11, 993 7,985 10, 170 10, 563 10, 142 10, 732 11,003 10, 509 9,346 8,815 9,997 10, 278 10, 220 9,874 9,421 9, 783 9,012 7,885 9,542 8,792 9,366 9,008 7,390 7,358 9,214 9, 097 7,305 8,925 8, 335 8,545 7,743 7,445 8,791 8,334 Native Foreign bom. born. 11, 780 829 8,611 3,413 12, 663 1,323 9,593 1,716 12, 505 246 11,824 826 11,461 470 9,895 1,675 11,051 1,479 11, 621 1,914 11, 497 1,447 12, 334 444 9,104 1,082 6,366 1,690 7,769 4,252 11, 093 801 9,556 536 10, 765 104 11,418 711 11.663 109 10, 143 1,850 5,060 2,925 8,500 1,670 10, 125 4.38 9,816 326 10, 377 355 10, 941 62 9,943 566 8,626 720 7,031 1,784 8,607 1,390 9,905 373 9,330 890 9, 634 240 9,269 152 9,237 546 7,418 1,594 6,595 1,290 7,239 2,303 7,236 1,556 8,357 1,009 8,683 325 6,283 1,107 6.299 1,059 8,880 334 8,248 849 6,754 551 8, 257 668 8,070 265 8, 238 307 7,160 583 6,018 1,427 8,513 278 7,059 1,275 Aggre- gate white. 12, 359 11,579 13,913 11,283 11, 588 10, 840 9,154 11, 500 12, 275 13, 341 11,169 12, 147 10, 120 7,977 12, Oil 11,829 9,967 5, 765 11,812 6,028 11, 756 7,946 10,030 10, 317 9,008 10, 132 6,107 8,550 9,172 8,764 9,972 10, 130 10, 178 9,495 5,263 7,447 8,971 7,704 9,489 8, 7.56 9,209 5,264 7, 296 7,338 8,818 9,009 7.038 8,897 4,612 5,325 7,623 7,403 8,784 8,315 NATIVE WHITE, Total. 11.532 8, 21(1 12, .594 9.569 11, 347 10, 022 8,690 9, 829 10, 799 11.428 9,739 11, 704 9,053 6,306 7,768 11, 030 9,433 5,664 11,101 5,920 5, 025 8,364 9,883 8,683 9,777 6,047 7,985 8,452 6,987 8, 584 9, 758 9,288 9, 255 5,113 6,908 7,377 6,428 7,198 7,200 8,204 4, 939 0,196 6,283 8,486 8,161 6,619 8.229 4,349 5,021 7,044 5, 988 8,506 7,040 Native parents. 5,925 3, 998 4,953 4,754 9,705 6,693 6,916 5,800 3,928 4,887 4,886 5,273 4,957 3,611 1,792 5,451 6,344 4,975 5,772 5,127 3,093 1,689 2,962 7,365 5,642 3, 934 4,104 5, 9.30 4,850 3,239 2,090 7,777 3, 253 6,329 4,296 2,947 2, 351 3,098 1,861 2,665 4,275 3,077 3,633 3, 856 6,206 2,633 2,946 5,382 3, 562 3,814 3,182 2,825 7,003 2,115 Foreign parents. 5,607 4,212 7,641 4,815 1,642 3, 329 1,774 4,029 6,871 6,54] 4,853 6,431 4,096 2,695 5,976 5,579 3,089 689 5,329 793 6,813 3,336 5,402 2,518 3,041 5,843 1,943 2,055 3,602 3,748 6,494 1 , 981 6,035 2,926 817 3,961 5,026 3, 330 5,337 4,535 ' 3, 929 1,862 2,563 2, 427 2,280 5,528 3,673 2,847 787 1,207 3,862 3,162 1,503 4,925 Foreign white. 4- 827 3,369 1, 319 1,714 241 818 464 1,671 1,476 1,913 1,430 443 1, 073 1,671 4,243 799 534 101 711 108 1,850 2,921 1,666 434 325 355 60 565 720 1,777 1,388 372 890 240 150 539 1,594 1,276 2,291 1,556 1,005 325 1,100 1,055 332 419 668 263 304 579 1,415 278 1,275 Total colored. 250 445 73 26 1,16b 1,810 2, 777 70 255 194 1,775 631 60 79 10 65 125 5,104 317 5,744 237 39 140 246 1,134 600 4.896 1,959 174 51 25 148 42 379 4,158 2,336 41 181 53 36 157 3,744 94 20 396 267 28 3,723 3,220 120 42 7 19 POPULATION. 757 Table 22b.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— MALES. New York, N. T. Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y . . St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md v San Francisco, Cal - Cincinnati, Ohio ... Cleveland, Ohio Buffalo, N.T New Orleans, La - . Pittsburg, Pa Washington, D. C. Detroit, Micli Milwaukee, Wis . . . Newark, N. J Minneapolis, Minn . Jersey city, N.J... Louisville, Ky Omaha, Neb Kochester, N. Y St. Paul, Minn .. Kansas city. Mo Denver, Colo Indianapolis. Ind Allegheny, Pa . . - Albany, N.Y Columbus, Ohio. . Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass. - - Toledo, Ohio Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn . Paterson, N. J... Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn . Scrantou, Pa Fall River, Mass . Cambridge, Mass . Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Tenn... Wilmington, Del.. Dayton, Ohio Troy, N.Y Grand Rapids, Mich. Reading, Pa Camden, N. J Trenton, N.J Lynn, Mass Lincoln, Neb Charleston, S. C . Hartford, Conn.. St. Joseph, Mo . . Evans ville, Ind Los Angeles, Cal . . Des Moines, Iowa . Bridgeport, Conn . Oakland, Cal Portland, Ore Saginaw, Mich Salt Lake, Utah... Lawrence, Mass . . Springfield, Mass , Manchester, N. H . rrtica,N. Y Hoboken, N.J Savannah, Ga Seattle, Wash .... All classes. 218, 035 165, 619 151,353 123, 199 72, 559 59, 511 66, 254 41,763 46, 803 42, 883 40,443 39, 707 39, 721 34, 926 32, 896 34, 405 28, 712 21,446 25, 885 26, 030 22, 116 20, 842 18, 542 _^^ _ 18,404 Providence,'R. 1 18,526 12, 658 16, 00« 16, 965 14, 611 13, 785 13, 268 12, 691 13, 385 12, 739 12, 317 12, 894 11, 403 12, 658 13,449 12, 703 10, 567 10, 812 0,609 9,179 9,734 9,117 9,070 9,923 8,794 8, 830 7,255 9, 424 8,831 7,279 8,603 8,302 6,878 8,595 7,179 7,513 5,259 7,365 7,234 6,743 6,024 6,428 6,568 7,164 6,386 4,915 Native born. Foreign bom. 173, 116 128, 346 135, 101 107, 755 67, 553 50, 171 62, 563 35, 726 44, 184 34, 822 32, 919 38, 804 33, 837 34, 333 25, 310 27, 580 25, 069 16, 914 22, 782 25, 174 19, 162 17, 995 13, 865 17, 146 15, 768 11, 320 15, 279 15, 297 13, 767 13, 065 11, 726 10, 687 11, 805 12, 592 10, 832 9,867 7,488 12, 455 11, 061 7,923 8,840 10, 711 9,416 8,609 9,241 8,349 7,143 9,616 8,289 7,543 6,234 8,804 8,739 6,545 8,180 8,070 6,054 8, 012 6.200 6,649 4,469 6,143 6,340 4,923 5,252 3,874 5,981 6,017 6,223 4,052 Aggre- gate white. 44,919 37, 273 16, 252 15,444 5,006 9,340 3,691 6, 037 2,619 8, 061 7,524 903 5,884 593 7,586 6,825 3, 643 4,532 3,103 856 2,954 2,847 4,677 1,258 2,758 1,338 729 1,668 844 720 1,542 2,004 1,580 147 1,485 3,027 3,915 203 2,388 4,780 1,727 101 193 570 768 1,927 307 505 1,287 1,021 620 92 734 423 232 824 583 979 790 1,222 894 1,820 772 2,554 587 1,147 163 S63 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 215, 282 164, 098 146, 656 121, 832 68, 581 58, 586 57, 650 39, 085 45, 372 42, 519 40,313 29, 761 38, 632 22, 843. 32, 457 34, 345 28, 169 21,287 25, 638 21, 739 21,418 20, 759 18, 387 16, 507 17, 973 12, 277 14,618 16, 623 14,448 13, 010 13, 172 12. 536 13, 223 7,887 11, 974 12, 789 11, 338 7,806 13, 414 12, 672 10, 290 6,273 5,328 8,136 9,425 9,058 8,977 9,873 8,130 8,628 7,144 9,172 3,954 7, 112 7,961 7,326 6,516 8,416 7,067 7,263 5,058 7,320 7,183 6,728 5,918 6,423 6,533 7,154 3,058 4,835 Native parents. 170, 587 126, 914 130, 477 106, 459 63, 588 49, 366 53, 999 34, 920 42, 761 34, 470 32, 817 28. 872 32, 753 22, 264 24, 973 27, 523 24,549 16, 756 22, 5,50 20, 886 18, 471 17, 915 13, 724 15, 272 15, 233 10, 988 13, 894 14, 958 13, 605 12, 293 11,638 10. 535 11,648 7,742 10, 493 9,768 7,471 7,608 11, 028 7,897 8,596 6,175 5,137 7,570 8,933 8,293 7,067 9,566 7,631 7,348 6,140 8,559 3,866 6,381 7,539 7,095 5,848 7,833 6,089 6,538 4,381 6,102 6,314 4,915 5,147 3,871 5,946 6,008 2,900 4,030 Foreign parents. 41, 994 30, 699 66,244 37, 068 20, 705 16,409 32, 556 8,602 15, 239 9,760 10,511 14. 365 12, 812 16, 698 6,757 4,965 9, 104 7,357 7, 098 11,055 11, 317 6, 772 4,424 10, 323 6,525 6,744 8,661 6,989 5,644 7,826 5, 057 3, 971 4,634 6,598 4,539 3,288 2,483 6,237 3,114 1,846 3,343 5,543 3,457 5, 282 5,395 2,965 8,194 5,516 4,185 3,539 7,158 2,944 2,732 5,106 3,752 3,494 5,424 2,636 2,704 2,288 1,999 2,251 1,134 2,506 1,435 2,477 1,373 1,865 2,307 Foreign white. 128, 593 96,215 64, 233 69, 391 42, 883 32, 957 21, 443 26, 318 27, 522 24, 710 22, 306 14, 507 19, 941 5,566 18, 216 22, 558 15, 445 9,399 15, 452 9,831 7,154 11, 143 9,300 4,949 8,708 4,244 5,233 7,969 7,961 4,467 6,581 6,564 7,014 1,144 5,954 6,480 4,988 1,371 7,914 6,051 5,253 632 1,680 2,288 3,538 5,325 4,102 1, 372 2,115 3,163 2,601 1,401 922 3,649 2, 433 3,343 2,354 2,409 3,453 3,834 2,093 4,103 4,063 3,781 2,641 2,436 3,469 4,635 1,035 1,723 Total colored. 44, 695 37, 184 16, 179 15, 373 4,993 9,220 3,660 4,165 2,611 8,049 7,496 889 5,879 579 7,484 6,822 3,620 4,531 3,088 853 2,947 2,844 4,663 1,235 2,740 1,289 724 1,665 843 717 1,534 2,001 1,575 145 1,481 3,021 3,867 198 2,386 4,775 1,694 98 191 566 492 765 1,910 307 490 1,280 1,004 613 88 731 422 231 668 583 978 725 677 1,218 869 1, 813 771 2,552 587 1,146 158 805 2,753 1, 521 4,697 1,367 3,978 925 8,595 2,678 1,431 364 130 9,946 1,089 12, 083 439 543 159 247 4,291 83 155 1,897 553 381 1,390 342 163 775 155 162 4,852 343 105 65 4, 852 35 31 277 4, 539 4, 281 1,043 309 59 93 50 664 202 111 252 4,877 167 642 976 362 179 112 250 201 45 51 15 106 5 35 10 3,328 80 758 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahle 22b.— persons OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITf, AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— MALES— Coutinued. Peoria, 111 New Bedford, Mass . Erie, Pa Somerville. Mass Harrisburg, Pa Kaiisa.s city, Kan JJallas, Tex Sioux city, Iowa - Elizabetl'i,N,J .. Wilkesbarre, Pa. San Antonio, Tex . Covington, Ky Portland, Me' Taconia, Wasli Holvoke, Mass Fort Wayne. Ind . Binftliamton, N. Y Norfolk. Va. Wheeling, W. Va . Augusta, Ga Yonngstown, Ohio . Duluth, Minn Youkers, N. Y Lancaster, Pa Springfield, Ohio . . . Qiiincy, 111.. . Mobile, Ala.., Tojieka, Kan. Elmira, N. Y Salem, Mass . Long Island city, N. Y . Alfoona, Pa Dubuque, Iowa Terre Haute, Ind Chattanooga, Tenn Galveston, Tex ... Waterbury, Conn. Chelsea, Ma.ss Bay city, Mich Pawtucket, R. I .. Akron, Ohio Houston. Tex HaA'erhill, Ma.ss. . Brockton, Mass . . Williamsport, Pa . Davenjiort, Iowa . Sacramento, Cal . . Cantcm. Oliio ]5inninghani, Ala . Little Hock, Ark . All Auburn, N. Y . Taunton, Mass. Allentown, Pa. Lacrosse, Wis . 6,061 5,779 6,832 5,424 6. 2.18 6,167 5,824 5,746 6,148 6,583 6,104 6,268 4, 82;) 4,166 5, 726 .5,815 4,885 5.031 5,843 5, 409 5.892 4.138 4,833 5,105 5, 030 5.147 5,285 4,986 4,704 4,260 4,970 4,970 4,936 4,671 4,677 4,609 4,390 3.822 4, 552 4,301 4,565 4,197 3, 599 3, 675 4,517 4,417 3,011 4, 2,59 3, 996 3,905 3.773 3,739 4,313 3,971 Native born. 5,687 4,172 6,1.57 4,687 6,112 5, 763 5,592 4,946 5, 419 5,678 5,386 6, 047 4,373 3,244 3,760 5,388 4,643 4,976 5, 503 5,344 5, 007 2,668 4,101 4, 882 4,871 4,963 5. 257 4,724 4, 334 3,448 4,268 4,782 4, 503 4, 566 4,604 4,348 3,627 3,227 3, 457 3,588 4,079 4,046 3,066 3,192 4,349 4,038 3, 289 3,925 3, 850 3,753 3,504 3,087 4,170 3,386 Foreign born. 374 1,607 675 737 126 404 232 800 729 905 718 221 450 922 1,966 427 242 55 340 65 885 1,470 732 223 159 184 28 262 370 812 702 194 433 105 73 261 763 595 1,095 713 486 151 533 483 168 37r 32'> 3,4 146 152 269 652 143 585 Aggre- gate white. 5,936 5,555 6,805 5,411 5, 687 5,330 4,483 5,700 6,027 6,482 5,306 5,969 4,789 4,110 5,717 5,780 4,826 2,738 5.087 2,796 5,780 4,112 4,769 4,990 4,493 4,859 2.992 4, 073 4,617 4,234 4, 958 4,892 4,915 4,488 2,658 3,596 4,372 3, 73,^ 4,528 4, 285 4,496 2,578 3,559 3,609 4,340 4,378 3,418 4,244 2,280 2,476 3,719 3,719 4,310 3,964 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 5,564 3,973 6,133 4.675 5,565 4,930 4,257 4,904 5, 300 5,577 4,593 5,749 4, 346 3,206 3,759 5, 355 4,585 2,686 5,347 2,732 4,895 , 2,645 I 4,041 4,771 4,335 4,675 2,964 3, 812 4,247 3, 427 4, 258 4,699 4,482 4, 383 2,585 3,339 3,609 3,152 3,435 3.572 4,011 2,427 3,032 3,189 4,174 4,000 3,224 3,910 2,136 2,327 3,450 3,073 4,167 3,379 Native parents. 2, 85i 1,926 2, 470 2, 330 4,748 3,274 3,423 2,947 1,919 2,303 2, 201 2,577 2,354 1,850 854 2,583 3,118 2,354 2,720 2,370 1,543 951 1,462 3, .559 2,806 1,903 2, 031 2, 840 2,436 1,616 1, 037 3,762 1,564 2,987 2,154 1,402 1,140 1, ,509 889 1,319 2,106 1,502 1,782 1,938 3,014 1,317 1,410 2, .571 1,757 1,761 1,572 1,438 3,411 1,043 Foreign parents. 2,713 2,047 3,663 2, .345 817 1,656 834 1.9,57 3,381 3,214 2,332 3,172 1,992 1, 356 2.905 2,772 1,467 332 2, 627 362 3,352 1, 694 2,579 1,212 1,529 2,772 933 972 1,811 1,811 3,221 937 2,918 1,396 431 1,937 2,469 1,643 2,546 2, 253 1,905 925 1,250 1,251 1,160 2,683 1,814 1,339 379 566 1,878 1,635 756 2,336 Foreign white. 372 1,582 672 736 122 400 226 796 727 905 713 220 443 904 1,958 425 241 52 340 64 885 1,467 728 219 158 184 28 201 370 807 700 193 433 105 73 257 763 587 1,093 713 485 151 527 378 194 334 144 149 269 646 143 585 Total colored. 125 224 27 13 551 837 1,341 46 121 101 798 299 34 56 9 35 59 2, 293 1.56 2,613 112 26 64 115 537 283 2,293 913 87 26 12 84 21 183 2,019 1,013 18 83 24 16 69 1,619 40 6 177 39 193 15 1,716 1,429 54 20 3 7 POPULATION. 759 Table 92c -PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX, NATIVITY, A^D COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-FEMALES. New York, N. T . Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y . . St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md San Francisco, Cal Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Clevelaoad, Ohio Buffalo, N.Y New Orleans, La. . Pittsburg, Pa Washington, D.C. Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, "Wis — Newark, N.J ... - Minneapolis, Minn. Jersey city, N. J - . . Louisville, Ky Omaha, Neb Rochester, N.Y.. St. Paul, Minn . . Kansas city. Mo Providence, R. I Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind . Allegheny, Pa Albany, N.Y Columbus, Ohio. . . Syracuse, N.Y Worcester, Mass. . Toledo, Ohio Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn. Paterson, N. J Lowell, Mass Nasliville, Tenn . . . Scrauton, Pa Fall River, Mass.. Cambridge, Mass . Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Teuu... Wilmington. Del Dayton, Ohio Troy, N.Y Grand Rapids, Mich Reading, Pa Camden, N. J Trenton,N.J Lynn, Mass Lincoln, Neb . . . Charleston, S. C. Hartford, Conn . St. Joseph, Mo.. Evansville, Ind Los Angeles, Cal . Des Moines, Iowa Bridgeport, Conn . Oakland, Cal Portland, Ore Saginaw, Mich Salt Lake, Utah... Lawrence, Mass . . . Springfield, Mass . Manchester, N. H. Utica,N.Y Hoboken,N. J Savannah, Ga Seattle, Waah All classes. Native bom. 237, 304 173, 313 1.58, 823 129, 804 77, 036 63,059 73, 762 41, 818 49, 709 43, 851 41, 938 43. 707 40, 316 39, 250 34, 453 36, 963 30,181 23. 323 27, 311 27, 549 21, 263 21, 800 20, 211 19, 833 19, 412 13, 625 17, 456 17,917 15, 748 14, 165 14, 030 12, .578 14, 064 14, 836 12, 094 13, 495 12. 591 13, 827 13,449 13, 433 10, 351 12, 165 10, 862 9,592 9,990 10, 066 9,972 9, 280 9,298 7,472 9,755 9,940 7,418 9,279 9,111 7,594 9,033 7,338 7,719 5,542 7,923 7,552 7, 232 6,190 7,695 6, 898 7,363 7,448 4,885 Foreign born. 183, 100 133.112 140, 202 111, 934 71, 554 51,401 69, 501 37, 236 46, 727 35, 403 33, 961 42, 763 34, 208 38, 537 25,915 29, 632 26, 134 18, 032 23, 829 26, 690 17, 932 18, 667 14, 934 18. 341 16, 204 12,100 16, 717 15.970 14, 654 13, 434 12, 343 10, 434 12, 251 14, 696 10, 493 10, 231 7,762 13, 652 11,231 8, 294 8, 360 12, 057 10, 682 8,960 9,453 8,953 7,957 9.684 8,704 8,026 6,364 8,968 9,876 6, .547 8,788 8,887 6,835 8,323 6,299 6,920 54, 204 40, 201 18, 621 17, 870 5,482 11, 658 4,261 4,582 2, 982 8,448 7,977 944 6,108 713 8,538 7,331 4,047 5,291 3,482 Aggre- gate white. 4,765 6,535 6,437 5,138 5,310 4,139 6,170 6,198 7,305 4,062 3,331 3,133 5,277 1,492 3,208 1,525 739 1,047 1,094 731 1,687 2,144 1,813 140 1,601 3,264 4,829 175 2.218 5,139 1, 991 108 180 632 537 995 2,109 288 576 1,272 1,108 787 64 871 491 224 759 710 1,039 799 777 1,388 1,115 2,094 3,556 728 1,165 143 823 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 234, 214 171, 786 152, 909 128, 220 72, 637 62, 088 61, 763 40. 969 48,133 I 43,469 41, 771 31, 855 39, 287 24, 714 33, 936 36, 919 29, 484 23.176 26, 993 22,713 20, 639 21,707 20, 041 17, 625 18, 825 13, 217 15,931 17, 508 15,607 13, 346 13, 892 12, 426 13, 887 8,536 11,717 13,396 12, 537 8, 309 13, 410 13, 405 10, 021 6,492 5,771 8,353 9,637 9,885 9,963 9, 913 8,476 9,075 7, 362 9,514 4,211 7,213 8,488 8,187 7,366 8,837 7,188 7,624 5,460 7,880 7,514 7,213 6,042 7,692 6,866 7,357 3,271 4,840 Native parents. Foreign parents. 180, 061 131,618 134, 314 110, 376 67, 165 50, 524 57, 511 36, 691 45, 159 35, 030 33, 826 30, 923 33,186 24, Oil 25, 521 29, 589 25, 440 17,885 23, 515 21,858 17, 308 18, 579 14, 770 16, 139 15, 621 11, 700 15, 195 15, 561 14, 513 12, 615 12, 216 10, 282 12, 085 8,396 10, 117 10, 134 7,741 8,134 11, 194 8,266 8, 058 6,384 5,591 7,722 9,100 8,891 7,872 9,625 7,902 7,803 6,281 8,728 4,147 6,342 7,997 7,963 6,624 8,129 6,150 6,827 4,712 6,495 6,417 5, 120 5,163 4,136 6,138 6,192 3, 130 4,048 44,473 31,850 68, 509 38, 324 21,718 16, 687 34, 972 9,302 15, 831 10, 038 10,718 15, 431 13, 098 17, 854 6,921 5.446 9,455 7,492 7,220 11,609 10, 337 6,876 4,475 111,973 6,642 7,048 9,591 7,054 6,081 8,037 5,365 3,825 4,598 7,159 4,144 3,469 2,763 6,741 3,120 1,962 2,823 5,738 3,753 5, 345 5, 509 3,221 3,280 8,246 5,710 4,516 3,497 7, 1.52 3,128 2,625 5,304 4,079 3,958 5,551 2,642 2,840 Foreign white. 1,35, 588 99, 768 65, 805 72, 052 45, 447 33, 837 22, 539 27, 389 29, 328 24, 992 23, 108 15, 492 20, 088 6,157 18, 600 24,143 15, 985 10,393 16, 295 10, 249 6,971 11,703 10.295 5,166 8,979 4,652 5,604 8, 507 8,432 4,578 6,851 6,457 7,487 1,237 5,973 6,665 4,978 1,393 8,074 6,304 5, 235 646 1,838 2,377 3,591 5,670 4.592 1,379 2,192 3, 287 2,784 1,576 1,019 3,717 2,693 3,884 2,666 2,578 3,508 3,987 2,445 2,267 2,128 4,367 2, 173 4, 244 1,239 3,881 2, 494 2. 669 1,670 2,466 2,450 3.688 1,348 4,844 2, 080 1, (1.50 2,352 1 1, 696 Total colored. 54, 153 40, 168 18, 595 17, 844 5,472 11, 564 4,252 4,278 2,974 8,439 7,945 932 6.101 703 8,415 7,330 4, 044 5,291 3,478 855 3,331 3,128 5,271 1,486 3,204 1,517 736 1,947 1.094 731 1,676 2,144 1,802 140 1,600 3,262 4,796 175 2,216 5,139 1,963 108 180 031 ' 537 994 2, 091 288 574 1,272 i 1,081 I 786 64 871 491 224 742 708 1,038 797 748 1,385 1,097 2, 093 879 3,556 728 1,165 141 792 3,000 1,527 5,914 1,584 4,399 971 11,999 849 1,576 382 167 11, 852 1,029 14, 536 517 44 697 147 818 4,836 624 93 170 2,208 587 408 1,525 409 141 819 138 152 177 6, 300 377 54 5,518 39 28 330 5,673 5,091 1,239 3.53 63 103 59 804 223 110 241 5,729 205 791 924 228 196 150 95 82 43 38 19 148 3 32 6 4,177 45 760 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 22c — PERSONS OF SCHOOL AGE, 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-FEMALES-Contmued. ' Peoria, 111 New Bedford, Mass. Erie, Pa Somerville, Mass . . . Harrisburg, Pa Kansas city, Kan. Dallas, Tex Sioux city, Iowa . . E]izabetli,N..J Wilkesbarre. Pa . . San Antonio, Tex. Covington, Ky Portland, Me Tacoma, Wash . . . Holyoke, Mass Fort Wayne, Ind . . Binghainton, N. Y . NorToIk, Va. "Wheeling, W. Va . Augusta, Ga Tonngstown, Ohio. Duliitb, Minn Yonkers, N. Y Lancaster, Pa Springfield, Ohio . . Quincy, 111... Mobile, Ala.. Topeka, Kan. Elmira, N. Y. Salem, Mass . Long Island city, N. Y. . . Altoona, I'a Dubuque, Iowa Terre Ilaute, Ind Chattanooga, Teun Galveston, Tex . . . Waterbury, Conn . Chelsea, Mass Bay city, Mich Pawtucket, R. I. . Akron, Ohio Houston, Tex Haverliill, Mass . . Brockton, Mass . . . Williamsport, Pa . Davenport, Iowa. . Sacramento, Cal . . Canton, Ohio Birmingham, Ala . Little Rock, Ark . Auburn, N. Y. . Taunton, Mass Allentown, Pa . Lacrosse. Wis . All classes. 6,548 e, 245 7,154 5,885 6,513 6,483 6,107 5,824 6,382 6,952 6,840 6,510 5,363 3,890 6,295 6,079 5,207 5,838 6,286 6,363 6,101 3,847 5,337 5,458 5,112 5,585 5,718 5,523 4,642 4,555 5,027 5,302 5,284 5,203 4,744 5,174 4,622 4,063 4,990 4,491 4,801 4,811 3,791 3,683 4,697 4,680 3,694 4,666 4,339 4,640 3,970 3,706 4,478 4,363 Native born. 6,093 4,439 6,506 4,906 6,393 6,061 5,869 4,949 5,632 5,943 6,111 6,287 4,731 3,122 4,009 5,705 4,913 5,789 5,915 6,319 5,136 2,392 4,399 5, 243 4,945 5,414 5,684 5,219 4,292 3, 583 4,339 5,123 4,827 5,068 4,665 4,889 3,791 3,368 3,782 3,648 4,278 4,637 3,217 3,107 4,531 4,210 3,465 4, 332 4,220 4,485 3,656 2,931 4,343 3,673 Foreign born. 455 1,806 648 979 120 422 238 875 750 1,009 729 223 632 708 2,286 374 294 49 371 44 965 1,455 938 215 167 171 34 304 350 972 179 457 135 79 285 831 695 1,208 843 523 174 574 • 576 166 470 229 334 119 155 Aggre- gate white. 6,423 6,024 7.108 5,872 5,901 5,510 4,671 5, 8U0 0, 248 6.859 5,863 6,178 5,337 3,867 6,294 6,049 5, 141 3, 027 6,125 3,232 5,976 3, 834 5, 261 5,327 4,515 5,273 3,115 4,477 4,555 4,530 5,014 5,238 5,263 5,007 2,605 3,851 4,599 3,965 4,961 4,471 4,713 2, 686 3,737 3,669 4,478 4,631 3,620 4,653 2,332 2,849 314 3,904 775 3,684 135 4,474 690 4,351 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 5,968 4,237 6,461 4,894 5,782 5,092 4, 433 4, 925 5,499 5,851 5, 146 5,955 4,707 3,100 4,009 5, 675 4, 848 2, 978 5,754 3,188 5,011 2,380 4,323 5,112 4,348 5,102 3,083 4,173 4,205 3,560 4, 326 5,059 4,806 4,872 2,528 3,569 3,768 3,276 3,763 3,628 4,193 2,512 3,164 3, 094 4,312 4,161 3,395 4,319 2,213 2, 694 3,594 2,915 4,339 3,661 Native parents. 3,074 2,072 2, 483 2.424 4,957 3,419 3, 493 2, 8.53 2,009 2,524 2,625 2,696 2, 603 1,761 938 2,868 3,226 2,621 3,052 2,757 1,550 738 1,500 3,806 2,836 2,031 2, 073 3,090 2,414 1,623 1,053 4,015 1,689 3,342 2,142 1,545 1,211 1, .589 972 1,346 2,169 1,575 1,851 1,918 3,192 1,316 1,536 2,811 1,805 2,053 1,610 1,387 3,592 1,072 Foreign parents. 2,894 2,165 3,978 2,470 825 1,073 940 2,072 3,490 3,327 2,521 3,259 2,104 1,339 3,071 2, 807 1,622 357 2,702 431 3, 461 1,642 2,823 1,306 1,512 3,071 1,010 1,083 1,791 1,937 3, 273 1,044 3,117 1,530 386 2,024 2,557 1,687 2,791 2,282 2,024 937 1,313 1,176 1,120 2,845 1,859 1, 508 408 641 1,984 1,528 747 2,589 Foreign white. 456 1,787 647 078 119 418 238 875 749 1,008 717 223 630 767 2,285 374 293 49 371 44 965 1,454 938 215 167 171 32 304 350 970 179 457 135 77 282 831 689 1,198 843 520 174 573 575 166 470 225 334 119 155 310 769 135 Total colored. 125 221 46 13 612 973 1,436 24 134 93 977 332 26 23 1 30 66 2,811 161 3,131 125 13 76 131 597 312 2,603 1,046 87 25 13 64 21 196 2,139 1,323 23 98 29 20 2,125 54 14 219 49 74 13 2,007 1,791 22 4 1> POPULATION. 761 Table 23 -MALES OF MILITIA AGE, BY NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TEREI- TORIES: 1890. STATES AND TERRITORIES. Ohio Indiana Illinois Micliigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota . South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division . . Kentucky . . Tennessee . . Alabama . . - Mississippi. Ijouisiana - . Texas Oklahoma - . Arkansas .. Western division. Montana Wyoming . . . Colorado New Mexico. Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington. Oregon California . - . 3, 798, 522 The United States- 13, 230, 168 North Atlantic division . . . Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania All classes. South Atlantic division . Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division. . 133, 1G9 79, 878 67, 203 499, 312 75, 317 1(53, 865 1, 325, 619 313, 683 1, 140, 476 Native born. 10, 424, 086 1,617,981 36, 076 205, 816 47, 623 295, 340 147, 334 273, 834 196, 0.59 336, 295 79, 604 4, 835, 926 767, 975 455, 823 852, 635 462, 765 347, 469 304, 268 399, 687 566, 448 48, 608 79, 219 255, 665 295, 364 2, 061, 560 361,137 324. 214 265. 025 228. 764 205. 215 447, 413 15, (184 211.708 916, 179 55, 490 24, 614 140, 441 36, 065 19, 226 45, 139 14, 606 24, 688 124, 860 88, 049 343, 001 2, 677, 078 112, 305 59, 193 55, 435 314,684 46, 347 110, 580 885, 128 218, 112 875, 294 1, 563, 647 Foreign born. 2, 806, 082 1, 121, 444 32, 334 184,005 43, 458 289, 863 142, 640 272, 786 194,444 332, 267 71,850 20, 864 20, 685 11, 768 184, 628 28, 970 53, 285 440, 491 95, 571 265, 182 54, 334 Aggregate white. 11, 803, 964 3, 724, 049 3,742 21,811 4,165 5,477 4,694 1,048 1,615 4,028 7,754 132, 79, 66, 492, 73, 160, 1,305, 301, 1, 110, NATIVE WHITE. Total. 9, 086, 066 2,611,648 Native parents. 6, 774, 265 2,311,801 1, 723, 186 1, 061, 556 3,648,599 1,187,327 652, 587 423, 785 599, 307 295, 122 208, 209 148, 691 311,808 502, 201 18, 398 47, 903 186, 726 253, 862 1, 968, 044 347, 924 318, 394 260, 209 226, 314 193, 147 397, 893 13, 990 210, 173 566, 718 30, 618 16, 897 100, 193 31, 287 11, 383 30, 064 7,512 16, 817 77, 096 60, 497 184, 354 115, 388 32, 038 253, 328 167, 643 139, 260 155, 577 87, 879 64, 247 30, 210 31,316 68, 939 41, 502 93, 516 13, 213 5,820 4,816 2,450 12, 068 49, 520 1,094 4,535 349, 461 4, 733, 348 111,954 59, 067 55, 232 309, 873 44, 785 107, 823 868, 783 206, 869 847, 262 1, 009, 648 747, 748 445, 292 837, 597 457, 992 346, 058 302, 457 397, 013 534, 225 48, 429 78, 774 251,741 286, 022 1, 456, 800 26, 379 143, 376 28, 860 186, 084 134, 099 187, 070 83, 521 179, 798 40, 461 3, 549, 513 97, 972 50, 627 42, 208 194, 830 27, 173 70, 086 479, 574 134, 486 626, 230 935, 720 Foreign parents. 888, 462 2,466,649 1,082,864 24, 872 7,717 40, 248 4,778 7,843 15, 075 7,094 7,871 47, 764 27, 552 158, 647 309, 360 249, 595 153, 738 100, 864 108. 179 362, 829 14, 480 157, 755 827, 611 52, 679 23, 716 137, 122 33, 130 16, 842 44, 138 11, 625 23, 594 120, 609 79, 972 284,184 632, 704 413,365 585, 190 291, 161 206, 937 147, 028 309, 216 470, 411 18, 268 47,547 183, 033 244, 653 22, 332 106, 708 22, 178 180, 083 124, 416 185, 793 81, 154 175,401 37, 655 13, 982 8,440 13, 024 115,043 17, 612 37, 737 389, 209 72,383 221.032 73, 928 4,047 36, 068 6,682 6, 001 9,683 1,277 2,367 4,397 2, 806 Foreign white. 2, 717, i 1, 113, 001 1,364,975 1,256,094 453, 289 340, 696 384, 727 184, 405 73, 207 66, 751 210, 806 370, 920 9. 801 29, 026 140. 762 202, 259 296, 191 243. 831 148, 989 98, 529 96, 561 314, 170 13,408 153, 296 550, 282 29, 692 16. 381 97, 867 28, 683 10, 046 29, 729 6,565 16, 725 75, 743 59, 789 179, 062 265, 438 236. 458 144, 091 94, 656 72, 121 282, 833 12. 232 148, 265 392, 616 20, 241 11, 931 77, 071 25, 687 7,254 14, 518 3,884 11,675 58, 009 49, 386 112, 960 179, 415 72, 669 200, 463 106, 756 133, 730 80, 277 98, 410 99, 491 8,467 18, 521 42, 271 42, 394 108, 881 30, 753 7. 373 4,898 3, 873 24, 440 31. 337 1,176 5,031 157, 666 9,451 4,450 20, 796 2,996 2,792 15, 211 2,681 5,050 17,734 10, 403 66, 102 Total colored. 1, 426, 204 20, 734 20, 618 11, 724 182, 834 28, 803 52, 947 436, 850 94, 872 263, 619 51, 908 3,702 21,486 4, U23 5, 356 4,672 1, 034 1,567 3, 886 6,182 1, 183, 835 115, 044 31, 927 252, 407 166,831 139,121 155, 429 87, 797 63, 814 30, 161 31, 227 68, 708 41, 369 91, 825 13, 169 5,764 4,749 2, 335 11,618 48, 659 1,072 4,459 277, 329 73, 873 481 193 247 6,605 1,729 3, 095 19, 986 11,942 29, 595 556, 425 5,995 40, 954 14,740 103,9;)0 8, 563 85, 7311 110,971 152,611 32, 961 102, 578 22, 987 7,335 39, 255 4,447 6,796 14, 409 5,060 6,869 44, 866 20, 183 105, 122 20, 227 10,531 15,038 4, 773 1,411 1,811 2,674 32, 223 179 445 3, 924 9,342 604, 760 88,568 2,811 898 3,319 2,935 2, 384 1,001 2, 981 1,094 4, 251 8,077 58,817 762 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 181)0. Table 24 — MALES OF MILITIA AGE, BY NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890. New York.N. Y Chicago, 111 Philaflelphia, Pa Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo Buffalo, N. Y New Orleans, La. . Pittsburg, Pa , "Washington, D. C Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis . . . Newark, N. .J Minneapolis, Minn. Jersey city, N.J... Louisville, Ky Omaha, Neb Rochester, N. Y . St. Paul, Minn . . . Kansas city, Mo Providence, R. I . Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind . Alleghenv, Pa Albany, N.Y Columbus, Ohio. . . Syriicuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass . . Toledo, Ohio Eichmond, Va New Haven, Conn . Paterson, N. J Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn .. Scrantou, Pa Fall River, Mass.. Cambridge, Mass. Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Tenn... Wilmington, Del . Dayton, Ohio Troy, N. Y Grand Rapids, Mich . Reading, Pa Camdeu, N. .T Trenton, N . J Lynn, Mass Lincoln, Neb Charleston, S. C. Hartford, Conn . St. Jo.seph, Mo . . Evansville, Ind... Los Angeles. Cal . Des Moines, Iowa. Bridgeport, Conn . Oakland, Cal Portland, Ore Saginaw, Mich Salt Lake, Utah. .. Lawrence, Mass . Springfield, Mass . All 368, 782 282, 607 243, 943 181.956 106. 332 Boston, Mass 109, 5.';2 Baltimore, Md 91. 490 San Francisco, Cal 92,711 Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Manchester. Utica, N. T . . . Hoboken, N. J Savannah, Ga. Seattle, Wash. N. H 66, 481 60, 922 .'50, 055 47, X37 60, 200 47. 623 44,796 42, 503 40, 070 49, 181 38, 461 36, 298 46, 844 29.317 37, 185 39, 671 30, 596 37. 327 24, 931 24,818 20, 534 22, 694 20, 138 •JO, 279 18, 220 17, 264 19, 534 16, 873 16, 672 16, 635 16, 858 15,689 16, 831 14, 350 16, 358 14, 834 13, 970 13, 046 14, 008 12, 520 13, 043 13, 714 13, 807 15,061 11,149 12, 597 14, 016 12, 307 13, 003 11, 374 11, 772 11, 259 19, 137 11,408 12, 476 9,448 10, 109 9,249 9,074 9,851 10, 449 17, 389 Native born. 174, 969 130, 484 168, 776 106, 480 73. 617 03, 466 75, 739 3b, 623 49, 560 30, 675 33, 853 41, 163 35, 906 43. 458 22, 525 20, 179 24, 428 24, 092 22, 224 31, 030 32, 305 18, 956 17, 598 31, 766 18, 938 26, 083 21, 293 17, 227 15, 792 19, 335 14, 478 11,760 11,949 16,445 12, 718 8,405 8,082 15, 804 9.198 5,858 9,833 13, 730 14, 424 12,150 1] , 787 8,871 8, 305 11, 136 11, 001 9,700 9, 505 12, 813 10, 407 8,515 11, 886 10, 733 8,064 9, 025 7,272 6,537 9,545 6,459 8,306 4,275 6,970 4,582 6,480 4,544 9,389 10, 250 Foreign born. 193, 813 152, 123 75, 167 75, 476 32, 715 46, 086 15, 751 54, 088 16.921 30, 247 I 25, 802 6, 674 24, 294 4,165 22, 271 22, 324 15. 642 25, 089 16. 237 5,268 14, 539 10,361 19. 587 7,905 11, 658 11, 244 3, 038 7, 591 4, 742 3,359 5,660 8,519 6,271 819 6,816 8,468 8,590 831 7.660 9, 831 6,998 614 1,934 2,684 2,183 4,175 5,703 1,384 2,042 4,014 4,302 2, 248 742 4,082 2,130 1,574 4,939 2, 349 4,500 4,722 9,592 4,949 4,170 5,173 3,139 4,667 2,594 5,307 1,060 7,139 Aggre- gate white. 360. 791 276, 590 232, 996 179, 110 99, 534 100, 567 77,210 72,118 63, 112 59, 936 59, 290 36,113 57, 182 32, 883 43, 896 42, ,337 39, 030 48, 625 37, 748 29, 745 44,958 29, 185 36, 540 35, 391 29, 664 35, 583 22, 684 24, 116 20, 115 20. 967 19, 900 20, 053 17, 963 10, 780 18, 948 16,671 16. 599 10,771 16. 764 15, 626 16, 357 9,074 9, 953 12, 894 13, 401 12, 917 13, 847 12, 395 11, 9.57 13, 140 13, 034 14,6.36 4, 805 12, 194 13, 146 10, 713 11,186 11,069 11. 545 10, 030 15, 365 11, 329 12, 208 9,406 9,939 9,230 8,993 9,810 5,012 16, 835 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 169, 197 125. 169 158, 787 104, 331 66, 996 61, 257 61,738 37, 978 46, 241 29, 776 33, 606 29, 673 32, 992 28, 860 21, 863 20, 031 23, 510 23, 561 21, 661 24, 496 30,514 18, 840 17, 009 27, 668 18, 103 24, 963 19, 058 16, 549 15, 405 17, 626 14, 273 11,564 11,730 9,990 12, 193 8,260 8,062 9,954 9,116 5.826 9,454 8,477 8,041 10, 243 11, 220 8,750 8,176 11,021 9,972 9.166 9,413 12, 425 4,177 8,159 11,027 9,141 7,742 8,725 7,070 6,346 9,292 6,393 8,237 4,251 6,817 4,573 6,402 4,526 3,995 10, 102 Native parents. 55, 486 59. 489 86, 376 41, 628 24, 262 31, 433 35, 270 15, 597 14, 061 13, 590 10, 739 10, 758 15, 623 22, 178 9,214 4,114 10, 933 14, 441 8,377 13, 094 23, 856 7, 533 8,106 21, 537 9,918 18, 793 13, 318 8,150 6, 407 11, 663 7,195 6,755 6,077 8,505 7,240 3,905 4,445 8,459 3,745 2,272 5, 313 7,829 6,136 7,491 6,908 3,508 4,983 9, 519 7,611 5,804 6,950 10, 697 3,075 4,522 8,368 4,810 5,562 6,909 4,036 3,770 6,880 3,541 4, 830 1,730 4,407 2,987 2,509 1,312 2,807 7,579 Foreign parents. 113, 711 65, 680 72, 411 62, 703 42, 734 29, 824 26, 468 22, 381 32, 180 , 16, 186 I 22, 867 18, 915 17, 369 6,682 12, 649 15, 917 12, 577 9,120 13, 284 11, 402 6,658 11,307 8,903 6,131 8,185 6,170 5,740 8,399 8,998 5,963 7,078 4,809 5, 653 1,485 4,953 4,355 3,617 1,495 5,371 3,554 4,141 648 1,905 2,752 4,312 5,242 3,193 1,502 2,361 3,362 2,463 1,728 1,102 3,637 2,659 4,331 2,180 1,816 3,034 2,576 2,412 2,852 3,407 2,521 2,410 1,586 3,893 3,214 1,188 2,523 Foreign white. 191, 594 151,421 74, 209 74, 779 32, 538 45,310 15, 472 34, 140 16, 871 30, 160 25, 684 6,440 24, 190 4,023 22, 0.33 22, 306 15, 520 25, 004 16, 087 5,249 14, 444 10, 345 19, 531 7,723 11,. 561 10, 620 3,626 7,567 4,710 3,341 5,627 8,489 6,233 790 6,755 8,411 8,537 817 7,648 9,800 6,903 597 1,912 2,651 2,181 4,167 5,671 1,374 1,985 3,974 4,221 2,211 718 4, 035 2,119 1,572 3,444 2,344 4,475 3,684 6,073 4,936 3,971 5,155 3,122 4,657 2,591 5,284 1,017 6,738 Total colored. 7,991 6,017 10, 947 2, 846 6,798 2,985 14, 280 20, 593 3,369 986 365 11,724 3, 018 14, 740 900 166 1,040 55(> 713 6, 553 1,886 132 645 4, 280 932 1,744 2,247 702 419 1,727 238 226 257 6,484 586 202 73 5,864 94 63 474 5,276 6,405 ];940 129 161 125 1,086 574 173 425 6,254 403 870 1,594 1,817 305 227 1,229 3,772 79 268 42 170 19 81 41 5,437 POPULATION. 763 Tablk 24.-MALES OF MILITIA AGE, BY NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. All classes. Peoria, 111 New Bedford, Mass. Erie. Pa Sonierville, Mass Harrisbiirg, Pa Kansas city, Kan Dallas, Tex Sioux city, Iowa . . Elizabeth', N.J ... Wilkesbarre, Pa . . 10, 525 8,484 9,053 9,101 8, 821 9,557 11,505 12,618 8,515 8,153 Native born. San Antonio, Tex 9.11^ Covington, Ky 1 7,719 PortLand,Me i ^l'°lj Taconia,Wash ] 15.4/4 Holy oke, Mass - I 7, 9Z J Fort Wayne, Ind ! 8, 191 Bingbam'tou, N. Y 1 8, 107 Norfolk, Va ! '• »^° Wheeling, W. Va 7, 623 Angustii, Ga 6,644 7,563 13, 817 7,283 6, 230 7,219 Youngstown, Ohio . Dulutli,Minu Yonkers, N. Y Lancaster, Pa Springfield, Ohio... Qiiincy, 111. ■ . Mobile, Ala.. Topeka,Kan. Ehnira.N. Y Salem, Mass . Long Island city, N. Y Altoona, Pa Unbiiqne, Iowa Terre Haute, Ind Chattanooga, Tcun 6,543 5,909 6,643 7,638 6,357 7,096 7,183 6,765 7,058 8,162 6,549 7,087 6,223 6,547 5,743 Akron, Ohio 6, 134 Houston, Tex 6, 214 Haverhill, Mass 6, 672 Brockton, Mass 7, 130 Williamsport, Pa 5, 929 Davenport, Iowa 5, 228 Sacramento, Cal i'il. Canton. Ohio 6. 2v4 Birniingbara, Ala Little Kock, Ark Galveston, Tex . . . Waterbury, Conn. Chelsea, Mass Bay city, Mich Pawtucket, R. I - . Auburn, N. Y . Taunton, Mass - Allen town. Pa Lacrosse, Wis . 7,692 6,088 6,085 5,348 5,459 5, 522 Foreign bom. 8,296 4,633 6,197 6,078 8,152 7,557 9,812 8, 925 5, 201 5,159 6,048 6, 342 5, 873 8,993 3,239 6, 407 6,998 7, 543 6, 103 6,346 4,180 5,550 4,192 5,524 6,237 5,336 5, 501 5,705 6,168 4, 185 3,638 6,144 4,874 6,198 7,720 4,650 4,120 4,068 3,074 3, 412 4,404 5,138 4, 922 5,051 5,207 3,336 5, 073 4,980 7,003 5,384 4,569 3, 572 4,881 3,024 Aggre- gate white. 2,229 3,851 2.856 3,023 669 2, 000 1,693 3,693 3, 314 2, 994 3,065 1,377 1,739 6,481 4,690 1,784 1,169 335 1,520 298 3,383 8,267 3,091 706 982 1,207 408 938 1,470 2,172 3,458 1,039 1,891 860 442 1,899 2, 967 2, 1.55 3,473 2.331 1,730 1,076 1,750 2,079 722 1,892 3.139 1,294 689 704 1,516 1,776 578 2,498 NATIVE WHriE. Total. 10, 185 8,113 8,989 9,078 7,910 8,555 9,158 12, 430 8,340 8.022 8,107 7,282 7,536 15, 229 7, 909 8,108 8,036 4,201 7,347 3, 710 7,391 13, 082 7, 129 6,071 6, 409 6,150 3,469 5,721 7,482 6, 308 7 051 7, 037 6,729 6,750 4,677 5,153 7,027 6,034 6,507 5,713 6,028 4,244 6,610 7,091 5,660 5,168 6,810 6,241 4,674 3,983 5, 959 5,317 5,444 5,504 Native parents. 7,990 4,406 6,147 6,065 7,263 6,578 7,531 8,751 5,035 5,031 5, 107 5,908 5,827 8,842 3. 236 6,335 6,878 3,881 5, 834 3.435 4,010 5, 439 4,069 5,379 5,430 4,946 3,089 4, 799 6,016 4,152 3,608 6,003 4,841 5,891 4,241 3,346 4,071 3,929 3,043 3,389 4,301 3,179 4,877 5,026 4,941 3,280 4,979 4,948 4,002 3,293 4,460 3,560 4,867 3,010 Foreign parents. 4,826 3,033 2,947 4,223 6,344 4,939 6,608 6,474 2, 133 2,879 3,259 2,605 4,052 6,608 1,333 3,449 5,238 3,476 2,863 ,; 2,984 1 ) 2,026 3,381 1,744 4,002 3,826 2,009 1,786 j 3,997 3,932 1 2.446 1,034 4, 943 1,695 4, 371 3, 772 1,786 1,853 2,573 1,306 1,649 2, 891 2,423 3,766 3,749 3,818 1,267 2,658 3,330 3,489 2,777 2, 3.57 2,166 4,221 1,402 Foreign white. 3, 164 1.373 3, 200 1,842 919 1,639 923 2,277 2,902 2, 1.52 1,848 3,303 1,775 2, 234 1,903 2,886 1,640 405 2,971 451 1,984 2,058 2,325 1,377 1,604 2,937 1,303 802 2.084 1,706 2, .574 1,060 3,146 1,520 469 1,560 2,218 1,356 1,737 1,740 1,410 756 1,111 1,277 1,123 2,013 2, 321 1,618 513 516 2,103 1,394 646 1,608 2, 195 3, 707 2, 842 3,013 647 1,977 1,627 3,679 3,305 2,991 3, 000 1,374 1,709 6.387 4,673 1, 773 1,158 320 1,513 275 Total colored. 340 371 64 23 911 1,002 2,347 188 175 131 1, OOG 437 76 245 20 83 131 3,677 276 2, 934 3,381 172 8,243 135 3,060 154 692 159 979 810 1,204 393 380 2, 440 922 922 1,466 156 2,156 49 3,443 45 1,034 146 1,888 36 859 308 436 3,485 1,807 1,396 2,956 60 2,105 189 3,464 40 2, 324 30 1,727 106 1,065 1,970 1, 733 62 2,065 39 719 269 1,888 fiO 1,831 1,402 1,293 33 672 3,018 690 2,105 1,499 126 1,757 31 577 15 2,494 18 764 OOMPENDITJM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 25.— males of VOTIN(J AGE, BY NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY STATES AND TERRI- TORIES: 1890. STATES AND TEKEITORIES. All classes. The United States North Atlantic division. . Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Conuecticnt New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division. Delaware Maryland District of Columhia Virjrinia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georrfa Florida North Central division. 16, 940, 311 5, 055, 239 201, 241 118, 135 101, 1)97 665, 009 lUO, 017 224, 092 1, 769, 649 413, 530 1, 461, 869 2, 015, 578 47, 559 270, 738 64, 505 378, 782 181, 400 342, 053 235, 606 398, 122 96, 213 6, 202, 901 Ohio 1,016,464 Indiana | 595, O6O Illinois : 1, 072, 663 Michigan | ei7, 445 Wisconsin Minnesota . . . Iowa Missouri North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas South Central division . Kentucky Tennessee Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Oklahoma Arkansas Western division Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada Idaho Washington Oregon California 461,722 376, 036 520, 332 705, 718 55, 959 96, 765 301, 500 383, 231 2, 512, 704 450, 792 402, 470 324, 822 271, 080 250, 563 535, 942 19, 161 257, 868 1, 153, 65, 415 27, 044 164, 920 44,951 23, 690 54, 471 20, 951 31,490 146, 918 111,744 462, 289 Native born. 12,591,852 3, 375, 389 170, 771 92, 088 82,011 407,915 59, 832 145, 673 1,084,187 268, 483 1, 064, 429 1, 913, 400 Foreign born. 4, 348, 459 1, 679, 850 41,407 228, 149 55, 263 367, 469 171,611 340, 572 232, 200 391, 168 85, 561 4, 281, 800 2, 348, 167 30, 470 26, 047 19, 686 257, 094 40, 185 78.419 685, 462 145, 047 397, 440 102, 178 Aggregate white. 15, 199, 856 4, 966, 161 6,152 42, 589 9,242 11,313 9,789 2,081 3,406 6,954 10, 652 1,921,101 420, 976 391, 429 316, 697 266, 049 225, 212 460, 694 17, .502 249, 608 673, 096 35, 442 17, 852 114, 580 38, 194 13, 605 29, 946 10, 181 19, 785 88, 968 74, 329 230, 154 218,841 73, 358 .390, 317 248, 317 244, 384 221, 309 155, 670 120, 737 36, 314 42, 914 95, 875 73, 065 164, 537 200, 117. 101, 657, 97, 220, 1, 745, 398. 1, 426, 1,338,368 40, 218, 46, 248, 172, 233, 102, 219, 58, 6, 076, 292 29, 816 11, 047 8,125 5,031 25, 351 75, 248 1,659 8,260 480, 793 29, 973 9,192 50, 340 6, 757 10. 031 24, 525 10, 770 11, 705 57, 950 37,415 232, 135 990, 542 581, 987 1,054.463 611, 008 459, 893 374, 027 517, 006 667, 451 55, 769 96, 177 297, 281 370, 688 1, 773, 347 387, 371 310, 014 184, 059 120,611 130, 748 434, 010 18, 238 188, 296 1,045,688 61, 948 26, 050 161, 015 41, 478 21, 160 53, 235 17, 002 29, 525 141, 934 102, 113 390, 228 10,957,496 NATIVE WHITE. Total. 3, 295, 134 170, 280 91, 909 81,727 401, 845 57, 731 142, 054 063, 789 254, 633 1,031,166 1, 238, 975 33, 898 176, 600 37, 083 236, 858 162, 429 231,250 99, 334 212, 325 49, 198 4, 158, 966 772, 096 508, 759 665, 103 363, 535 215, 649 152, 872 361, 4.32 547, 161 19, .508 53, 438 201, 647 297, 766 1, 611, 257 357, 627 299, 054 176, 055 115, 770 106, 079 359, 911 16, 603 180, 158 653, 164 34, 365 17, 320 112, 016 35, 088 12,280 29, 493 8,877 19, 678 87, 218 73, 579 223, 250 Native parents. 8, 807, 223 2,471 712 15( 053 8 363 e 851 3( 959 455 1 ,922 ' -, 566 . 9,725 U 14,818 1, 162, 060 29, 792 140, 265 30. 252 230, 025 152, 219 229, 388 96, 587 207, 488 46,044 3, 166, 438 594, 765 436, 175 487, 680 263, 571 102, 774 86, 691 273, 356 454, 764 11,822 36, 408 162, 977 255, 455 1, 505, 200 Foreign parents. 2, 150, 273 823, 422 328, 748 291, 203 170, 767 111, 483 82,715 330, 685 15, 227 174, 372 501, 813 24,756 12, 967 91, 031 32, 040 9,376 17, 175 6,138 14, 710 69, 382 63, 051 161, 187 14, 227 7,546 12, 876 99, 886 15, 276 32, 132 360, 223 64, 908 216, 348 76, 915 4,106 36, 335 6,831 6,833 10,210 1,862 2,747 4,837 3,154 992, 528 177, 331 72, 584 177, 423 99, 964 112,875 66, 181 88, 076 92, 397 7,686 17, 030 38, 670 42,311 106, 057 28, 879 7, 851 5,288 4,287 23. 364 29, 226 1,376 5,786 151, 351 9,609 4,353 20, 985 3,048 2,904 12,318 2,739 4.968 17, 836 10, 528 62, 063 4, 242, 360 Foreign white. 1, 671, 027 30, 329 25, 980 19, 642 255, 197 40, 025 78, 062 681, 629 144, 333 395, 830 99, 393 6,109 42, 243 9,076 11,177 9,769 2,057 3,323 6, 769 8,870 1, 917, 326 218, 446 73, 228 389, 360 247, 473 244, 244 221, 155 155, 574 120, 290 36, 261 42, 739 95, 634 72, 922 162, 090 Total colored. 1, 740, 455 29, 744 10, 960 8,004 4,841 24, 669 74, 099 1.635 8,138 392, 524 27, 583 8,730 48, 999 6,390 8,880 23, 742 8,125 9,847 54. 716 28, 534 166, 978 89, 078 632 246 328 7,967 2, 261 3, 976 24, 231 14, 564 34, 873 677, 210 7,552 51.895 18, 346 Kin, 747 9, 202 109, 346 132, 949 179, 028 38, 145 126, 609 25. 922 13, 079 18, 200 6,437 1,829 2,009 3,326 38, 267 190 588 4, 219 12, 543 739, 357 63, 421 92. 462 140, 763 150, 469 119,815 101,932 923 69, 572 108, 201 3,467 994 3,905 3,473 2,536 1,236 3,949 1,965 4,984 9,631 72, 061 POPULATION. 765 Table 26 -MALES OF VOTING AGE, BY NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890. 25,000 All New York, N. Y . Chicago, 111 Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N.Y .. St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md San Francisco, Cal . Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Cleveland, Ohio Buffalo, N.Y New Orleans, La.. Pittsburg, Pa Washington, D. C. Detroit, Mich Native born. Milwaukee, Wis. . . Newark, N.J Minneapolis, Minn. Jersey city, N.J... Louisville, Ky Omaha, Neb Rochester, N.Y. . St. Paul, Minn . . . Kansas city, Mo . Providence, K. I. Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind . Allegheny, Pa Albany, N. Y Columbus, Ohio. . Syracuse, N.Y Worcester, Mass. . Toledo, Ohio Eichmond, Va New Haven, Conn Paterson, N. J Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn . . Scranton, Pa Fall River, Mass.. Cambridge, Mass , Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Tenn .. Wilmington, Del. Dayton, Ohio Troy, N. Y Grand Rapids, Mich Reading, Pa Camden, N.J Trenton, N.J Lynn, Mass Lincoln, Neb Charleston, S.C... Hartford, Conn St. Joseph, Mo Evansville, Ind . . . Los Angoles, Cal. . Des Momes, Iowa. Bridgeport, Conn . . Oakland, Cal 446, 798 331,. 593 307, 274 225, 607 130, 056 137, 910 116, 658 116, 350 82, 350 73, 948 71, 755 60, 816 69, 953 64, 505 55, 476 52, 330 50, 133 56, 301 46, 884 44,684 49, C20 36, 529 42,432 40, 239 30, 333 43, 207 31,413 29, 558 26, 714 27, 048 25, 397 25, 274 22, 629 21, 686 24, 357 20, 875 20, 505 20, 407 20, 053 18, 993 20,211 17, 124 20, 061 18, 599 17,616 16, 784 17, 667 15, 867 16, 754 17, 091 17, 678 16, 370 13, 822 16, 284 16,040 14, 667 17, 003 14, 108 14, 701 15, 028 Portland, Ore Saginaw, Mich Salt Lake, Utah . . Lawrence, Mass . . . Springfield, Mass . Manchester, N. H , Utica,N.Y Hoboken.N. J Savannah, Ga Seattle, Wash Foreign bom. Aggre- gate white. 22, 253 13, 935 14, 461 11, 942 13, 285 11, 484 12, 041 12, 034 12, 211 19, 910 177, 729 133, 109 191,785 112,666 73, 450 74, 179 86, 797 41, 146 49, 519 31, 479 34, 099 44,966 36, 250 55, 263 23, 482 18, 669 26. 233 26, 828 22, 758 33, 561 32, 610 20. 322 18. 242 35, 450 23, 098 29, 436 24, 606 17. 870 17, 212 21, 155 15, 986 13, 950 12, 859 19, 920 14, 378 8,769 9,535 18, 569 8,937 6,288 10, 783 16, 094 16, 920 14,447 13, 167 9,596 9,675 13,453 13,446 11, 053 12, 100 13, 582 12, 232 10,218 12, 616 11,119 10, 149 10, 553 8,481 7,870 10, 425 6,917 8. 469 4,628 8,930 5, 740 7,153 4,335 10. 452 11,709 269, 069 198, 484 115, 489 112, 941 56, 606 63, 731 29, 861 75, 204 32, 831 42, 469 37, 656 15, 850 33, 703 9,242 31, 994 33, 661 23, 900 29, 473 24, 126 11, 123 17. 010 10, 207 24, 190 10, 789 16, 235 13, 831 6, 807 11, 688 9,502 5,893 NATIVE WHITE. 9,411 11, 324 9,770 1,766 9,979 12, 106 10, 970 1,838 11, 116 12, 705 9,428 I, 030 3,141 4,152 4,449 7,188 7,992 2,414 3, 308 6,038 5,578 2,788 1,590 6,066 3,424 3,548 6,854 3,555 6,220 7,158 II, 828 7,018 5,992 7,314 4,355 5,744 4,888 7,699 1,759 8, 201 I 437, 744 325, 046 294, 532 222, 264 121, 980 134, 505 99, 182 93, 759 78, 451 72, 792 71, 314 45,244 66, 728 46, 159 54, 343 52, 128 48, 852 55, 691 46, 076 36, 769 47,738 36, 368 41, 730 41, 627 38, 121 41, 096 28, 628 28,717 26, 259 25, 043 25, 097 24, 978 22, 277 13, 686 23, 596 20, 638 20, 412 13, 341 19, 951 18, 918 19, 644 10, 736 12, 269 16, 216 16, 942 16, 625 17, 469 15, 726 15, 364 16, 414 Total. 17,446 15, 927 6, 266 15, 772 15, 086 12,916 14, 9G2 13, 731 14, 435 13, 793 17, 813 13, 835 14, 171 11, 898 13, 035 11,461 11, E51 11, 9S9 6,096 19, 372 Native parents. Foreign parents. 170, 997 127, 278 180, 034 1 110, 048 65, 569 71,593 69, 613 40, 491 45, 676 30, 416 33, 786 29, 719 33, 132 37, 083 22, 575 18, 488 25, 081 26, 249 22, 095 25, 671 30, 828 20, 179 17, 596 31, 014 21, 974 28, 194 21, 838 17, 058 16, 790 19, 174 15, 725 13, 685 12, 547 11, 9.56 13, 686 8,592 9,502 11,524 8,848 6,245 10,318 9, 725 9,154 12, 099 12, 497 9,447 9,510 13, 322 12, 125 10, 412 11,979 13, 169 4,704 9,758 11, 676 9,371 9,759 10, 183 8,239 7,664 10, 165 6,832 8, "57 4,597 8,699 5, 725 7,066 4,314 4,392 11, 557 71, 336 71, 948 109, 707 53, 634 28, 304 45, 064 43, 675 21, 253 16, 777 16, 621 13, 089 12, 222 17, 22!) 30, 252 11, 583 5,160 14, 072 17, 954 10, 533 15, 476 24, 754 9,773 9, 652 25, 175 14, 731 22, 133 16, 472 9,047 8,437 13, 528 9,424 9,727 7,441 10, 509 9,484 4,878 6, 349 10, 173 4,520 3,315 6,746 9,080 7, 382 9,326 8,550 4,676 6,568 11,859 9,736 7,358 9,760 11, 388 3,644 6,575 9,271 5,392 7,613 8,516 5,579 5, 377 7,894 4,337 5,464 2,540 6,605 4,406 3,366 1,625 3, 234 9,043 Foreign I Total white. colored. 99, 661 55, 330 70, 327 56, 414 37, 265 26, 529 25, 938 19, 238 28, 899 13, 795 20, 697 17, 497 15, 903 6,831 10, 992 13, 328 11, 009 8,295 11, 562 10, 195 6,074 10, 406 7,944 5,839 7,243 6,061 5,366 8,011 8,353 5,646 6,301 3, 958 5,106 1,447 4,202 3,714 3,153 1, 351 4,328 2,930 3,572 645 1, 772 2,773 3,947 4,771 2,942 1,463 2,389 3, 054 2,219 1,781 1,060 3,183 2,405 3,979 2,146 1,6C7 2,C60 2,287 2,271 2, 495 2,933 2, 057 2,094 1,319 3,700 2, 689 1,158 2,514 266, 747 197, 768 114, 498 112, 216 56, 411 62, 912 29, 569 53, 268 32, 775 42, 376 37, 528 15, 525 33, 596 9,076 31, 768 33, 640 23, 771 29, 442 23, 981 11, 098 16, 910 16, 189 24,134 10, 613 16, 147 12, 902 6,790 11,659 9,469 5,869 9,372 11, 293 9,730 1,730 9,910 ' 12,046 10, 910 1,817 11, 103 12, 673 9, 326 1,011 3, 115 4,117 4,445 7,178 7,959 2,404 3, 239 6,002 5,467 2, 758 1,562 6,014 3,410 3,545 5,203 3,548 6,190 6,129 7,648 7,003 5,774 7,301 4, 336 5,736 4, 885 7, 675 1,704 7,815 9,054 6,547 12, 742 3, 343 8,070 3,405 17, 476 22, 591 3, 899 1,156 441 15, 572 3,225 18, 346 1,133 202 1,281 610 808 7, 915 1,882 161 702 4,612 1, 212 2,171 2,785 841 455 2, 005 300 296 352 8, 000 761 237 93 7, 006 102 75 567 6, 388 7, 792 2,383 674 159 198 141 1,390 677 232 443 7,556 512 954 1,751 2,041 377 266 1,235 4,440 100 290 44 250 23 90 45 6, 115 538 766 OOMPEN^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 26.-MALES OF VOTING AGE, BY NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR CITIES OF 25 000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continued. Peoria, 111 New Bedford, Mass Erie, Pa Somerville, Mass . . . Harrisburg, Pa 12, 869 11, 367 11, .537 11,752 11, 064 Kansas city, Kan 11, 556 Dallas, Tex 13,' 083 Sioux citv, Iowa Elizabeth, N. J . . Wilkesbarre. Pa San Antonio. Tc Covington, Ky . Portland, Me'... Tacoma, Wash . Holyoke, Mass . Eort "Wayne, Ind . . Bingham'ton, N. Y. Norfolk, Va Wheeling, W.Va.. Augusta, Ga Youngstown, Ohio. Dulutli, Minn Yonkers, N. Y Lancaster, Pa Springfield, Ohio. . . Quincy, 111. . . Mobile, Ala . . Topeka, Kan . Elmira, N. Y. Salem, Mass . Long Island cit.y, N. Y. Altoona, Pa. .. .' Dubuque, Iowa Terre Haute, Ind Chattanooga, Teun Galve.ston, Tex . . . Waterlniry, Conn. Chelsea, liass Bay city, Mich Pawtucket, K.I... Akron, Ohio Houston, Tex Haverhill, Mass. .. Brockton, Mass ... Williamsport, Pa . Davenport, Iowa . Saci'auiento, C.il. . . Canton, Ohio Birmingham, Ala. Little Kock, Ark. . Auburn, N. Y.. Taunton, Mass. Allentown, Pa . Lacrosse, Wis . All 13,618 10, 457 9,700 11,079 9,629 10,095 17, 136 9.083 10, 022 10. .548 9,767 9,263 8,234 8,977 15, 029 8,715 8,368 9,113 8,672 7, 579 8, 740 9,496 8, 709 ! 8,563 8, 457 8,529 8,923 9.361 8, 451 8,247 8,331 7,868 7,538 7,639 8,700 8,665 8,692 7,417 7,293 10, 679 7,433 8,627 7,687 8,109 7,347 6, 839 6,899 Native born. 8,963 6, 355 6.644 7, .581 9,790 8,628 10, 738 9,269 5,518 5,446 0,633 6, 562 7,809 9,688 3, .301 6,733 8, 518 9,152 6, 383 7,630 4,221 6,030 4,342 6,694 7,340 5,656 6,484 7,212 7,127 5,530 3, 425 6,876 4,870 7,167 8,652 5, 343 4, 226 5,288 3, 300 3,982 5, 038 6,970 6,380 6,096 6, 052 3,415 5,818 5, 469 7,704 6,609 5,461 4,618 .5, 818 3,176 Foreign born. 3,906 5,012 4, 893 4,171 1,274 2,928 2,345 4, 349 4,939 4,344 4,446 3,007 2,886 7,448 5,782 3,289 2, 030 615 2,880 604 4,756 8, 999 4,373 1,674 1,773 3,010 1,095 1,528 2,369 3,179 5,138 1,,581 3, 653 1,756 709 3,108 4,02] 3, 043 4, 568 3, 556 2,601 1, 730 2,285 2,596 1.365 3,878 4,861 1,964 923 1,078 2.648 2.729 1, 021 3,723 Aggre- gate white. 12, 507 10, 809 11, 455 11, 729 9,957 10, 231 10,696 13, 427 10, 2.50 9,621 9,920 9,119 10,600 10, 903 9,067 9,931 10,372 5, 389 8,955 4,563 8,779 14, 898 8, .544 8,185 8,069 8, 184 4,433 7,504 9, 277 8,654 8, 515 8, 291 8, 485 8,541 5, 476 6,720 8, 1,<^2 8,107 7,821 7,504 NATIVE WHITE. 7,507 6, 068 8,591 8,650 7,093 7,215 8,944 7,394 5,312 5,012 7,943 7,302 6,819 6,877 Total. 8, 637 6,030 6,574 7,568 8,703 7, 325 8,418 9,089 5,318 5,281 5, 557 6, 057 7,751 9,541 3,298 6, 655 8, 352 4,788 6,082 3,985 4,027 5,925 4,201 6, .525 6,301 5, 174 3,374 5,994 6,913 5,490 3,391 6,715 4, 839 6,787 4,778 3,720 4,172 5,121 3,261 3,955 4,909 4, 361 6,324 6,065 5, 730 3,343 5,691 5,431 4,410 3,954 5,315 4,592 5,799 3,158 Native parents. 5,782 4,813 3,763 5,906 7,794 5,762 7,497 7,053 2, 825 3, 438 3,927 3, 172 6, 194 7,347 1,747 4,091 6,812 4, 373 3, 319 3, 525 2, 399 4.033 2, 240 5,136 4,789 2,584 2,121 5, 138 5,125 3, 959 1,208 5, 639 2,100 5,320 4, 313 2, 325 2,300 3, 885 2,106 2,418 3,638 3,676 5,366 4,929 4,741 1,714 3,468 3,814 3, 911 3,454 3,361 3,400 5,247 1,788 Foreign parents. 2,855 1,217 2,811 1,662 909 1, 563 921 2,036 2,493 1,843 1,630 ■?.. 885 1..557 2,194 1,551 2,564 1,540 415 2,763 460 1,628 1,892 1,96] 1,389 1,512 2, 590 1, 2,53 856 1,788 1,531 2, 183 1,076 2, 739 1,467 465 1,395 1,872 1,236 1,155 1,537 1,271 685 958 1, 1.36 1,629 2, 223 1,617 499 500 1,954 1,192 552 1,370 Foreign white. 3,870 4,839 4,881 4,161 1,254 2,906 2,278 4, 338 4,932 4, 340 4, 363 3, 062 2, 849 7. 302 5, 763 3,270 2,020 601 2, 873 578 4,752 8,973 4,343 1,660 1,768 3,010 1,059 1,510 2,364 3,164 5,124 1, 576 3,646 1,754 698 3,000 4,010 2, 986 4, 560 3, 549 2,598 1,707 2,267 2,585 1,363 3,872 3, 253 1,963 902 1,058 2,628 2,710 1,020 3,719 Total colored. 362 498 82 23 1, 107 1,325 2, 387 191 207 169 1,159 510 95 233 16 91 176 4, 378 308 3,671 198 131 171 183 1,044 3, 146 1,236 219 55 48 166 44 382 3,885 1,731 65 224 47 34 132 2, 632 74 42 324 78 1, 735 39 3,315 2,675 166 45 20 22 POrULATION. 767 Tahlk 27 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOK. BY COUNTIES: 1890. Winston ' 1,419 768 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 2'7.— persons OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Arizona , Apache . . . Cochise . . . Gila Graham .. Maricopa . Mohave.. Pima Pinal Yavapai . Yuma ... Arkansas . Arkansas . Ashley . . . Baxter Benton . . . Boone Bradley-. Calhoun . Carroll... Chicot . - . Clark.... Clav Cleburne . Cleveland. Columbia . Conway . . Craighead . Crawford . . Crittenden . Cross Desha Drew Faulkner . Franklin . Fulton.... Garland Grant Greene Hempstead . Hot Spring . Howard Independence . Izard Jackson Jefferson Johnson . . Lafayette. Lawrence- Lee Lincoln . . . Little River Logan Lonoke Madison Marion Miller Mississippi-. Monroe Montgomery. Nevada Newton- . Ouachita. Perry Phillips.. Pike 5 TO 20 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. l^Iales. 7,148 722 666 239 792 1,561 135 1,161 454 1,064 354 172, 048 1,624 1,346 1,938 5,751 3,009 1,049 1, 05.S 3,567 220 3,029 2,611 1,709 1,805 2,592 2,419 2,377 4,144 340 961 1,280 391 1,600 3,282 4,281 2,304 1,924 1,531 2,685 2, 632 2,205 2,379 4,349 2,859 2, 270 1,985 3,534 663 2,527 923 796 1, 039 4,378 2,348 3, 808 2,366 1,533 1,068 1,198 1,662 2,346 2,233 1,606 1,036 99:1 1,780 Fe- males. 701 635 216 755 1,523 129 1, 134 509 955 321 168, 755 1,493 1,311 1,785 5,860 3,469 1,113 935 3,600 266 2,950 2,461 1,673 1, 623 2,602 2,381 2,291 4,141 305 880 1,283 391 1,584 3,099 4,080 2,310 2,325 1,415 2,536 2,407 2,192 2,291 4,383 2,732 2,135 1,854 3,350 548 2,457 838 825 1,005 4,193 2, 259 3, 762 2, 279 1,589 1,127 1,237 1,652 2,318 2,156 1,571 915 1,035 1,723 Foreign white Males. 1,715 227 12 97 260 7 810 181 52 63 938 Fe- males. 1,648 3 192 20 80 262 3 841 179 26 42 954 Total colored. Males. 532 7 17 12 21 28 8 244 37 22 136 66, 549 719 1,465 5 18 22 725 670 13 2,112 1,540 10 8 809 1, 7H0 1,746 95 501 2,503 643 712 1,686 2,156 714 162 18 444 245 26 2,546 290 707 339 61 921 6,179 158 1,034 169 3,118 1,403 837 278 1,742 11 1,432 1,207 1,973 72 949 3 1,988 171 4,065 106 Fe- males. 363 215 19 80 66, 941 1,524 4 25 22 708 636 13 2,052 1, 542 4 15 743 1,750 1,615 93 497 2,411 615 766 1,659 2,118 712 161 32 505 232 18 2, 563 265 717 353 59 938 6,304 129 999 178 3,010 1, 340 931 256 1,788 11 9 1, 385 1,180 2, 004 83 1,041 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native Foreign white. I white. 10, 046 775 1, 266 410 860 1,862 401 1,227 478 2,437 324 153, 296 2,006 237 4, 149 116 1,506 1,216 1,545 4, 364 2,681 909 847 2, 743 317 2,672 2,605 1,430 1,600 2,409 2,053 2,437 3,667 577 1,057 1,114 499 1,401 2,729 3,364 1,938 2,504 1,253 2,645 2,129 1,990 1,862 3,923 2,246 2,426 2,682 2,763 687 2,574 1,119 736 897 3,441 2,269 2,921 1,772 1,724 1,275 1,350 1,303 1,877 1,645 1,600 892 1,224 1,421 6,796 148 1,260 122 573 1,022 178 1,649 651 881 312 6 10 45 15 24 43 12 19 18 116 74 50 34 32 9 38 23 76 88 19 299 6 71 17 36 12 36 4 48 230 136 11 53 27 200 45 26 3 102 30 52 15 21 Total col- ored. 2,384 299 158 264 480 225 23 499 86 191 159 56, 953 586 1,224 2 15 14 434 434 19 1,863 1,035 13 6 595 1,124 1,274 100 381 2,484 540 539 1,752 1,690 566 99 13 621 177 76 1,622 240 471 282 38 835 5,685 128 781 182 2,826 1,285 191 1,497 1,259 1,383 1,744 34 670 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. 12, 280 2 1 47 1,434 21 150 103 3,643 2 75 1,560 552 992 2,251 520 1,524 631 3,011 375 180, 158 1, 857 1,402 1,767 5,956 3,534 1,083 943 3, 654 387 3,147 2,916 1,648 1,799 2,814 2, 337 2,744 4,218 719 1,193 1, 317 573 1,651 3,147 3,856 2, 334 3, 300 1, 368 3,007 2,561 2,262 2,218 4,495 2,578 2,692 3,099 3,168 1,268 841 1,096 3,820 2,697 3,536 2,005 1,995 1,494 1,521 1,543 2,168 1,923 1,886 984 1,491 1,587 Foreign white. 217 1,512 190 697 1,378 280 2,075 873 1,265 393 8,138 165 17 12 115 27 11 17 113 25 62 83 18 34 26 233 123 123 68 55 19 71 41 140 180 37 532 11 112 49 30 76 7 93 385 219 24 95 58 13 13 330 88 52 156 51 99 24 45 Total col- ored. 2,536 304 168 276 505 247 22 534 96 212 172 69, 572 753 1,422 3 18 16 499 508 21 2,400 1,251 15 12 655 1,251 1,614 116 490 3, 016 651 622 2,114 2, 022 753 122 11 734 196 73 2,095 271 594 333 40 1,009 7,276 136 955 205 3,342 1,541 824 218 1,868 12 4 1,453 1,583 2,126 48 u 2 89 1,769 46 203 200 4,709 10 87 POPTJLATIOK 769 Table 27.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND GOLOE, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Arkansas — Continued. Poinsett Polk Pope I'rairie Pulaski Eandolpli . . . St. Francis. Saline Scott Searcy Sebastian. Sevier Sharp Stone Union 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. Van Biiren... Washington . White Woodruii' — Yell 739 2,019 3,923 1,458 4,070 2,985 1,144 2,136 2,834 2,146 5,870 1,995 2,302 1.555 1, 827 1.932 6, 581 4,217 1,330 3, 633 California il59, 557 Alameda.. Alpine Amador . . Butte Calaveras . Goiusa Contra Costa . Del Norte Eldorado Fresno Humboldt Inyo Kern Lake Lassen Los Angeles.. Mariu Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey. Napa Nevada... Orange Placer Plumas Sacramento . . San Benito... San Bernardino. . San Diego San Francisco . . . San Joaquin San Luis Obispo. San Mateo Santa Barbara. Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus - . . 372- 12,910 58 1,541 2,516 1, 257 2. 152 1,971 345 1,146 4,169 3,238 374 1, 1.50 1.032 664 12, 9.37 1,907 565 2,573 1,083 764 178 2, 697 2,104 2,573 2,276 1.897 .557 4,796 3.U91 3, 370 4,534 34, 920 3, 586 2,524 1,390 2,418 6,311 2, 953 1,786 595 1,550 2, 830 4,800 1,372 Fe- males. 704 2,058 3,759 1, 369 4,333 2,853 1, 039 2,151 2,748 2,101 5,944 1,831 2,215 1,502 1,811 1,802 6,502 4, 224 1,270 3,478 160, 170 13, 268 50 1,551 2, 383 1,203 1,959 1,878 299 1.189 3,908 3,171 355 1,108 1, 125 618 13, 719 1,265 518 2,464 939 742 180 2.597 2, 061 2, 526 2,239 1,810 538 4,764 1,103 3,227 4,727 36, 691 3, 799 2, 344 1,316 2,557 6,704 2,728 1,738 1,507 2,858 4, 804 1,361 Foreign white. 219 Fe- males. 37 7 223 52 1 18 1 1 81 95 5 3 2 2 14 10 16 14 1 4 8 13 14, 788 12, 192 1,482 1,471 16 4 90 86 76 40 41 . 34 86 70 238 139 33 1 37 26 479 246 435 293 17 12 100 44 41 30 10 1 1,234 1,253 369 120 8 12 255 100 113 64 20 13 27 3 254 116 181 132 139 110 175 140 161 81 84 37 389 300 63 34 347 277 427 366 4,165 4,278 204 183 219 137 276 97 142 118 670 562 236 130 60 43 39 29 54 38 229 152 441 315 94 60 Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 34 229 589 1,679 284 9, 240 4, .342 179, 062 209 167 137 197 232 2,678 189 140 MALES 18 TO 44 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 16 -49 1,989 2,509 530 7,247 958 Foreign white. Total col- ored. MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 105, 122 58, 817 152 6 294 762 4,684 81 1.572 261 5 838 210 22 17 957 21 148 468 1,354 268 2,908 56 172 1,136 143 785 412 85 254 2. 279 320 216 969 234 97 3,906 813 86 417 536 114 146 1,187 721 026 131 1,010 269 3,246 79 794 899 20, 593 1,315 426 422 46] 1,986 659 393 306 832 1,340 1,043 273 970 1,831 3,623 1,644 6,246 3, 057 1,402 2,058 2,536 1,847 6,683 1,763 2,005 1, 383 1,794 1,610 6,660 4,561 1,618 3,566 223, 250 13, 637 82 1,862 4, 392 1,948 3.798 2,123 .533 2, 235 7,597 4,070 659 2,214 1,471 1, 069 20, 470 2,228 744 3,593 1,931 1,206 341 3, 368 2,840 2, 893 2,721 3,419 921 8, 552 1, 205 6,207 7,902 40, 491 6,186 2,976 1,335 3,339 8,221 3,673 2,877 1,023 2,894 3,732 5, 9.55 2,658 Foreign white. 58 15 168 luo ,392 120 67 110 23 11 766 10 39 10 13 11 138 144 63 64 160, 978 Total col- ored. 13, 650 140 1,591 1,495 1,394 1,396 2,600 381 1, 262 3,338 3,951 501 1,264 480 332 10,016 2,896 547 2,616 1,167 300 395 2,335 2,700 2,824 1,117 2,147 990 5,200 832 2,376 3,624 53, 268 3,760 1,877 2,399 1, 283 0,117 2,691 1,035 1,053 1,283 3,560 4,464 1,160 105 8 330 963 5,881 105 1,825 329 9 10 974 249 25 20 1,085 34 184 541 1,659 300 72, 061 3,273 73 314 1,600 365 1,027 455 116 60() 2,755 424 293 1,181 413 153 4,712 919 229 539 719 169 236 1,547 856 1,098 148 1,375 406 4,262 113 858 1,046 22, 591 1,645 502 430 .539 2,744 760 580 476 1, 227 1,471 1,214 399 770 OOMPEOTDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Contiuued. California — Continued. Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne . Ventura . . . Yolo Tuba Colorado. Arapahoe.. Archuleta . Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne... Clear Creek. Conejos CoHtilla Custer . . . Delta ... Dolores . Douglas Eagle Elbert . . . El Paso.- Freinont . Garfield . Gilpin . . . Grand Gunui.son. Hinsdale . Huerfano . Jefferson . Kiowa Kit Carson Lake La Plata — Larimer Las Animas . Lincoln Logan Mesa Montezuma.. Montrose - Morgan . . . Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Proweis Pueblo Kio Blanco . Kio Grande. Koutt Saguache . - . San Juan . . . San Miguel. Sedgwick Summit Washington . Weld Yuma 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 830 1,446 432 3,918 800 1,485 1,066 1,220 51, 798 14, 409 145 280 190 2,015 811 81 798 1,263 658 503 419 117 422 298 293 2,678 1,257 497 734 76 435 81 1,164 1,439 215 308 1,378 712 1,533 2,565 95 494 557 2H5 550 241 657 589 367 412 801 289 3,906 158 56?. 335 534 106 188 214 164 326 1,742 379 fe- males. 821 1,353 442 3,579 783 1,480 1, 925 1, 328 49, 955 14, 687 109 246 178 1,983 796 73 863 1,270 637 383 112 400 240 268 2,624 1, 142 419 782 71 441 89 1,165 1,128 176 346 1,395 597 1,419 2,528 77 498 521 262 513 198 485 444 395 853 312 3,546 136 503 266 516 84 147 177 198 311 1,662 398 Foreign white. Males. Fe- males. 26 15 48 27 15 11 159 107 25 26 116 71 96 77 47 31 5,129 4,581 1,849 1, 925 5 1 5 6 207 214 01 40 6 4 134 103 26 18 6 4 33 32 15 11 9 51 31 99 20 13 9 209 154 197 183 49 50 153 143 2 2 84 52 5 8 67 63 119 73 5 5 39 41 262 249 39 50 123 51 191 187 13 5 61 44 31 17 7 9 25 23 11 16 29 20 78 37 49 30 49 42 76 59 25 14 256 198 5 6 24 20 9 15 7 9 14 17 25 12 18 18 19 22 31 19 158 145 46 47 Total colored. Males. 30 93 48 139 34 70 61 71 873 Fe- males. 814 422 435 2 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 1, 064 1,757 514 5,261 858 1,848 2,226 1,581 97, 867 1 2 4 2 1 4 1 12 4 1 5 8 1 134 iio 6 1 2 1 3 2 2 5 4 4 30, 313 214 263 321 2.894 1,636 145 1,042 1, 507 034 431 597 591 055 1,069 412 • 5, 368 1,931 1,028 658 158 1,099 221 1,199 1,879 267 484 3,287 1,647 2,127 3,270 197 535 1, 255 308 1,127 438 1,528 226 442 146 1,230 280 547 629 485 39, 255 13, 466 18 17 66 1,136 649 33 981 178 38 191 119 229 349 1,033 131 1, 290 929 667 1,150 .55 609 70 365 726 27 115 2,471 494 641 1,154 59 181 314 53 240 101 200 Total col- ored. 241 692 338 820 109 370 401 625 3,319 1,837 2.514 1, 192 1 976 434 488 122 2, 490 1,152 463 67 9, 724 2,936 370 93 772 130 699 173 769 145 504 386 1,031 533 239 90 470 276 448 130 2,689 712 486 139 17 241 51 18 44 1 13 4 21 12 28 8 456 3 5 4 3 12 18 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. N.ntive white. Foreign white. 1,345 2,373 855 6, 430 1,311 2, 297 2,997 2,061 112, 016 34, 085 246 300 376 3, 436 1, 942 157 1,565 1,747 788 586 732 652 758 1,166 466 6,064 2,200 1,243 789 197 1, 308 291 1,504 2,093 337 500 3,623 1,814 2,532 3,918 199 641 1,447 381 1,270 469 1,554 2,751 1,135 569 2.981 551 10, 355 412 942 800 951 570 1,465 538 3,031 587 403 756 420 1,704 817 1,057 1,036 48, 999 16, 303 40 38 9o 1,535 871 48 1,363 263 82 303 156 280 462 1,210 207 1,665 1,264 832 1,396 Total col- ored. 328 935 566 964 352 475 619 970 3,905 2,269 4 35 52 1 39 17 3 1 2 15 258 48 21 05 71 2 732 20 110 5 461 20 992 14 45 2 163 2,904 83 648 35 824 10 1,420 97 88 245 1 419 16 82 1 314 16 127 3 231 19 1,319 50 555 66 184 2 1,385 31 92 8 3,459 476 128 3 204 8 220 6 259 3 465 12 605 20 133 3 350 2 169 8 998 14 190 1 POPULATION. 771 Table 27.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. courrriBs. Connecticut . - Fairfield Hartford . . . . Litclifield Middlesex . - . New Haven . New London Tolland Windham ... Delaware Kent Newcastle . . Sussex District of Columbia. The District Florida Alachua Baker Bradford Brevard Calhoun Citrus Clay Columbia Dade DeSoto Duval Escambia Franklin Gadsden Hamilton Hernando Hillsboro Holmes Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty Madison Manatee Marion Monroe Nassau Orange Oscema Pasco Polk Putnam St. John Santa Eosa Sumter Suwannee Taylor Volnsia Wakulla Walton Washington 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 94, 882 Fe- males. 94, 161 18, 720 18. 863 18, 704 18, 736 6,980 6,849 4,694 4,659 27, 230 26, 455 9, 642 9,782 3,200 3,183 5,646 5, "34 22, 839 22, 447 4,283 4,260 12,379 12,208 0,177 5,979 22, 264 22, 264 41,924 1,878 596 1,341 425 257 402 646 1,478 94 1,113 1,883 2,036 323 312 1, 960 888 1,359 705 784 993 213 531 908 178 1,134 560 1,711 1,271 840 1,406 486 761 1,442 1,073 906 1,287 778 1,136 449 977 348 869 1,202 24, Oil 40, 553 1,878 o80 1,319 421 231 359 073 ],2.W 90 1,011 1,971 2,077 339 824 1,068 283 1, 970 858 1,244 725 674 995 242 556 854 141 1,189 501 1,567 1.306 787 1, 386 502 759 1,371 1,022 954 1,180 741 1,117 401 979 345 808 1,005 Foreign white. Males. 13,801 2,253 2,572 831 573 4, 222 1,364 534 1,452 57 754 579 579 2 229 62 972 10 97 23 19 40 29 25 7 B 1 Fe- males. 36 14, 572 2,377 2,708 892 541 4,276 1,497 533 1,748 837 40 793 4 703 1,864 1,626 27 i 11 19 1 5 14 36 12 3 2 185 1 10 59 870 60 Total colored. Males. 1,780 303 321 128 53 615 195 28 83 1,706 2, 395 1 222 12, 083 34, 207 3,131 160 358 75 153 63 268 1,358 51 21 2,714 1,551 220 1,586 700 158 479 33 2,468 2,711 41 321 7 3, 129 466 146 2,036 41 2.544 983 873 552 64 72 140 930 524 451 341 1,112 30 390 288 159 303 Fe- males. 2,043 448 355 148 646 240 5,232 1,614 2,430 1,188 14, 536 35, 502 3,107 169 343 73 111 46 261 1,444 23 12 3,004 1,740 242 1,743 712 195 509 42 2,451 2,759 52 332 12 3,264 456 135 2,071 40 2,655 1,080 930 577 58 33 124 924 586 473 320 1,102 37 450 325 181 299 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 107, 823 22, 409 21,2.55 8,011 5,721 30, 239 11, 209 3,364 5,615 26, 379 4,641 15, 562 6,176 28, 860 28. 860 40, 461 1,780 440 990 634 97 467 683 1, 315 118 890 2,277 1,983 396 770 1,117 314 2, 125 708 1,104 618 649 1, 245 279 600 847 161 975 504 1,874 946 705 1,784 518 748 1,362 ,264 ,088 945 833 ,074 347 ,109 303 661 814 52, 947 10, 313 11, 085 2,729 2,755 17, 828 4,036 1,361 2,840 3,702 114 3,543 45 4,023 4,023 6,182 83 5 17 113 4 47 9 56 39 454 489 58 46 1 817 6 5 23 1 186 43 37 30 6 24 199 2,153 53 345 65 57 109 169 136 59 24 154 1 11 21 Total col- ored. 3,095 614 651 180 105 987 399 43 116 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 142, 054 1,472 3,400 1,123 14, 740 29, 522 27, 180 11,8.59 8,360 36, 222 15, 732 5,025 8,154 33, 898 6,479 18, 936 8,483 37, 083 14, 740 I 37, 083 32, 961 2,051 2,240 143 493 281 1,196 232 808 89 148 79 578 469 833 1,356 1,425 74 162 91 1, 054 4,040 2,830 1,878 2,318 402 461 1,047 987 581 1,165 162 417 954 2,517 30 828 1,711 1, 355 1,710 788 71 724 504 1,639 29 337 1,986 757 406 1,010 100 181 1,284 1,185 53 637 2,183 2.366 1,408 882 913 850 1,040 2,332 206 615 181 890 262 1, 659 1,051 1,676 867 1, 363 461 1, 139 370 974 897 1, 235 30 412 702 1,524 234 374 114 838 229 996 Foreign wliite. 78, 062 14, 988 16, 459 4,229 4,135 25, 318 6,436 2,312 4,185 6,109 279 5, 753 77 9,076 9,076 146 10 46 177 11 10 103 22 90 55 740 96 66 3 18 981 13 8 46 1 255 76 63 70 1 11 50 303 2,802 92 531 72 103 140 271 234 103 42 13 260 10 20 46 Total col- ored. 3,976 781 811 245 136 1. 269 516 65 153 7,552 1,873 4,260 1,419 38, 145 2,560 168 333 242 109 87 495 1,529 77 85 3,605 2, 256 431 1,389 652 217 1,002 43 2,156 2,258 80 547 32 2,789 467 119 1,610 55 2,542 1,617 1,092 1,118 213 183 1,264 935 549 396 1,075 31 778 286 138 267 772 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PEKSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOK, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Ccntinued. Greorgia. Appling . Baker . - . Baklwiu . Banks . - - Bartow . . Berrien . Bibb.... Brooks . Brvau .. Biillocli. Burke .... Butts Calhoun . . Camden .. Campbell . Carroll Catoosa Ciiai-ltoij Chatham Chattalioocheo. Chattooga. Cherokee . Clarke..-. Clay Clayton... Clinch . . . . Cobb Coft'ee Colquitt . - Col umhia . Coweta . . . Crawford . Bade Dawson . . Decatur .. Dekalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty. Douglas . . . Earlv Echols Etlinghara Elbert Emanuel... Eanuin . . Fayette.. Fl6yd-... Eorsyth . Fi-anklin Fulton... Gilmer ... Glascock . Glynn — Gordon . . . Greene Gwinnett . . . Habersham . Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Heard . . . Henry — Houston . TO 20 YBARS, INXLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 198, 432 Fe- males. Foreign white. 196, 918 1,349 330 800 1,486 3,016 1,713 3,576 1,309 635 2,027 1,149 1,044 469 409 1,185 4.013 1,025 577 3,476 377 1,875 3,018 1,323 572 1,058 916 3,161 1,447 873 695 1,941 927 920 1,146 1,850 2,176 1.227 1,874 309 1,284 770 461 710 1,550 2,050 1,884 1,186 3,653 2,058 2,557 8,462 1,966 558 872 2,376 1,063 3,611 2,172 3,243 871 2,084 1,189 1,711 1,339 1,849 1,011 Males. 611 1,283 334 886 1,511 3,041 1, 775 3,383 1,276 614 1,875 1,125 1,048 457 410 1,155 3,882 950 542 3,613 376 2,046 2,939 1,431 584 1,114 923 3,151 1,390 941 642 2,059 822 947 1,220 1,874 2,156 1,306 1,803 332 1,255 705 441 673 1,557 2,058 1,882 1,198 3,582 2,103 2,298 8,523 1,918 551 933 2,261 1,078 3,530 1,972 3, 235 985 2,131 1,184 1,701 1,234 1,788 1,040 30 Fe- males. 173 128 "28 Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 186, 745 187, 807 131 23 .521 977 2, 003 375 1,350 492 4, 376 1,812 621 1,076 5, 192 1,218 1,374 948 867 141 198 5,757 675 479 360 1,704 998 091 492 1,477 816 80 1,889 2,981 1,275 186 68 2,418 1,371 1,085 1,967 2, 016 438 1,348 212 539 1,906 1,227 ?6 67':. 2,334 304 6,109 19 282 1,438 431 2,961 723 313 643 2,874 242 2,396 735 777 1,716 3,715 MALES 18 TO 44 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Kative white. 179, 798 450 1,071 2,050 356 1,446 370 4,858 1,826 536 917 5,130 1,199 1,428 923 825 879 145 130 6,556 451 366 1,713 1,108 701 365 1,566 699 85 1,834 2,938 1,226 102 53 2, 512 1,245 1,060 1,791 1,987 428 1,340 205 486 1, 780 1,123 29 753 2,311 278 727 7,172 16 267 1,563 400 2,701 666 383 651 2,864 221 2,402 694 781 ',(19 3,365 1,183 289 1,013 1,195 2,449 1,603 4,468 1,146 535 1,701 1,182 941 409 337 979 3,226 859 412 4,433 338 1,534 2, ,306 ],331 539 874 2,634 1,259 788 585 1,695 768 947 878 1, 683 Foreign white. Total col- ored. 3,886 152,611 232 6 4 6 11 3 1 11 4 10 8 3 1,103 1 6 4 38 3 3 9 19 MAI,KS 21 YEAES AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 212, 325 1,886 203 1,212 10 1,944 15 446 42 1,056 1 668 1 360 1 582 7 1,426 12 1,762 10 1,360 1 1,011 3 3,325 66 1,613 2 2,003 3 10, 684 746 1,422 429 1 1,351 262 1,840 2 899 12 2,804 6 1,671 16 2,564 10 848 15 1, 853 14 1,106 1,318 4 1,107 1,521 1 1,003 5 712 1,462 270 878 844 4,351 1,196 570 1,181 3,853 905 1,124 678 081 116 343 7,441 545 325 220 1, 355 760 517 805 984 1,216 179 1,247 2,010 807 639 41 1,639 1,198 1,315 2,039 1,721 311 1,053 321 415 1,415 1,308 15 471 1,794 191 577 0,683 14 169 1.921 283 1,710 465 251 444 l,81d 236 1, 703 478 517 1, 264 2,610 6,769 1,294 365 1,393 1,395 3,024 1,772 4,849 1,370 596 1,869 1, 386 1,151 503 458 1,173 3,717 1,047 476 4,934 407 1,824 2,776 1,538 664 1,120 901 3, 253 1,372 863 734 2,101 875 1,106 1, 031 1,931 2,390 1. 327 2,184 513 1,225 421 753 1,666 1,939 1,659 1,182 3,980 1,979 2,273 12, 415 ■1,106 524 1,527 2, 252 1,199 3, 360 2,027 3,044 1,098 2,170 1,396 1, 545 1,276 1,813 1, 242 35 Total col- ored. 179, 028 31 15 429 9 11 14 22 4 2 20 14 16 26 5 .,856 2 11 13 72 3 233 16 22 68 5 3 1 14 15 27 3 7 104 3 4 1,230 1 2 356 6 15 9 39 28 721 935 1,877 298 1,135 817 5,244 1,383 665 1,170 4,592 1,032 1,277 851 650 762 146 304 8,911 642 373 267 1,651 913 005 1,305 1,110 168 1,523 2,327 900 639 44 2,029 1,381 1,408 2,118 2, 361 352 1,260 311 474 1,547 1,279 18 570 2,153 248 618 8,116 15 193 2,123 319 2,113 564 322 513 2, 222 256 2,059 527 570 1,415 3,131 POPULATION. 773 Table 27.-PEES0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Contiuued. COUNTIES. Georgia— Continued . Irwin Jackson Jasper Jeftersou Taylor Telfair Terrell ThoToas Towns Troxip Twiggs Union TJpson Walker Walton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Webster White Whitfield WilcoK 774 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Taule 27.— persons OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Georgia — Continued. Wilkes VVilkiuson Worth Idaho . Ada Altnras Bear Lake . Bingham . . Boise Cassia Custer Elmore . . Idaho Kootenai Latah Lemhi Logan Nez Perces . Oneida Owyhee Shoshone Washington . Illinois Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign . Christian . Clark Clay Clinton . .. Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland. Dekalb Dewitt Douglas Dupage Edgar Edwards Effingham . . Fayette. . Ford Franklin Fulton... Gallatin . Greene Grundy. . . Hamilton . Hancock. . Hardin Henderson. Henry Iroquois . . . Jackson . Jasper . . . JeiFerson . Jersey . . . 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 1,110 1,127 1,194 13, 099 1,414 322 1,131 2,344 442 673 212 204 44.5 423 1, 5.57 237 626 414 1,399 226 323 707 9,954 2, 133 2, 795 1,630 2,178 5. 255 1,455 2, 99fi 2,810 7,496 .5,716 3,984 3, 315 3,398 5,252 140. 249 3,304 2,954 4, 058 3, 000 3,240 3.446 4,764 1,887 3,735 Fe- males. 1,106 1,137 1,190 12, 324 1,412 318 1,047 2,143 410 G24 179 199 413 447 1,426 244 587 433 1,341 189 275 637 590, 379 4, 304 2, 950 3, 598 5,373 1,468 1,719 5. 254 6,302 5, 017 3,686 4,385 2,506 10, 184 2,021 2,620 1, 681 2,286 5,513 1,467 3,009 2,808 7,379 5,389 4,036 3,196 3,234 a 472 144, 513 3,279 2,871 3,994 3, 012 3,169 3.247 4.812 1,761 3,673 4,517 2,909 3,527 7,490 2,793 4,241 2, 821 3,542 5,511 1,367 1,687 5,213 5,954 5,090 3,505 4,382 2.684 Foreign white Males 919 37 20 152 222 11 14 25 6 7 38 105 10 49 20 81 15 92 15 61, 936 Fe- males. 251 21 24 213 607 20 116 55 217 110 20 14 81 28 39, 815 9 3 40 558 18 18 105 41 295 4 138 3 32 924 10 79 3 57 612 401 714 24 19 175 171 16 14 12 5 6 22 77 6 26 12 66 12 45 6 62, 484 233 19 22 165 9 590 13 110 52 189 18 62 45 42, 658 2 395 36 34 422 22 15 28 206 3 122 3 20 815 8 64 29 506 322 56 7 24 34 Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 1,156 862 139 9,823 336 878 62 3 1 10 66 37 1,629 7 8 15 14 U 18 56 14 4 1 28 7 27 126 45 7 9 26 61 3 22 38 329 23 34 33 2,783 1,209 761 62 9,658 363 858 53 8 3 41 79 18 3 11 59 64 1,646 8 2 14 11 12 25 39 14 6 4 21 6 38 118 38 9 14 20 61 3 20 42 317 25 40 23 JIALKS 18 TO 44 YEAES, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 1,031 989 1,126 16, 725 1,7.55 540 864 2,497 604 527 530 430 539 1,056 1,819 423 887 563 812 .523 1,529 827 585, 190 10, 445 2,560 2,516 1,992 2,242 5, 051 1,363 3,546 3,181 7,779 5,783 4,116 3,041 2,606 6,263 135, 562 3,289 2. 904 3,979 3,432 3,678 2,973 5,519 1,685 3,169 4,126 2,452 3,145 8,341 2,974 4,718 2,308 3,241 5,935 1,345 1,819 4,412 5,498 4,990 3,243 4,186 2,643 Foreign ■white 272 356 1,009 171 100 315 1.57 101 652 620 139 347 164 363 191 1,420 124 252, 407 285 164 757 58 2,437 137 558 305 1,093 616 63 71 668 210 160, 392 19 36 1, 895 227 188 1,833 117 95 450 249 1,138 26 488 43 274 2,288 44 429 22 293 2,297 1,719 459 97 149 315 Total col- ored. 1,943 803 1,017 1,094 10 67 27 164 119 24 52 29 45 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. 1,265 1,218 1,272 19, 678 107 118 7 15,038 462 1,070 44 11 1 77 30 13 11 49 65 ,159 6 7 19 14 15 20 62 15 4 4 34 4 36 119 37 13 7 45 1 13 28 291 19 29 34 2,182 718 810 2,582 843 568 689 551 738 1,220 2,090 578 1,107 706 781 664 1,802 1,049 665, 103 12, 208 2,773 3,020 2,437 2,831 1,516 4,241 3,619 9,146 6,923 5,309 3,795 2,569 7,525 138, 079 4,140 3, 741 5,009 4,251 4,375 3, ,340 6,856 1,922 3,539 4.955 2, 727 3,739 10, 751 3,309 5,750 2, 528 3,818 7,441 1,540 2, 273 5,130 6,368 5,676 3, 962 5,066 3,159 Foreign white 23 7 3 9,847 562 370 607 1,340 412 177 461 238 250 790 834 243 673 302 ,653 191 389, 360 5,010 565 490 1,295 284 3,864 459 1,181 829 2,260 1,293 303 224 1,776 541 212, 268 74 142 3,035 476 396 3, 062 330 324 1,214 667 1,812 83 1,029 141 673 3,232 152 1,434 66 514 4,189 3,107 877 269 331 909 POPULATION. 775 TAB.K 27.-PEKS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND TABLi. ^7. rJ^ COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Contmued. 5 TO 20 YEARS, IKCLUSIVB. Native white. Males. Illinois— Continued. Jo Daviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LasaUe Lawrence . Lee Livingston... Logan McDoEough . McHenry — McLean Macon Macoupin. Madison . . Marion . . . Marshall.. Mason . Massac Menard Mercer Montgomery . Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Perry Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski.. Putnam Randolph Kichlaud Kock Island. St. Clair Saline Sangamon. Schuyler.. Scott Shelby.... "Wabash Warren "Washington . "Wayne "White "Whiteside . . "Will "Williamson. "Winnebago. Woodt'ord . . Stark Stephenson Tazewell Union Vermilion Fe- males. 4,201 3,069 8,607 4,704 1.823 5,807 3,682 12, 268 2, 741 4,448 6,928 4,476 4, 773 4, 093 10, 259 6,146 7,077 8,726 4,470 2,179 2, 968 1,835 2, 1.39 3,128 Monroe 2, 524 Foreign white. ^al«s.! ^jafg"g_ 5,525 5,271 2, 706 4,009 10, 471 3,212 3,211 5,679 2, 831 1,342 744 4. 313 2,893 G, 428 11, 641 3,707 9,668 3,015 1, 826 6,035 4,282 3,131 8,793 4,488 1,724 6,073 3,578 12, 376 2,776 4,239 6,264 4,348 4,727 3,877 10, 535 6,224 6,887 8,750 4,344 2, 120 2,835 1,847 2, 237 3. 083 2, 387 5,571 5,410 2, 701 4,513 10, 791 3,169 2,988 5.575 2,771 1,343 734 4,529 2,868 6,455 11,404 3,776 9,967 2, 903 1,860 5,936 1,747 5,095 5, 112 4,218 8,814 2,158 3,363 3, 802 4,803 4,851 4,969 9,338 4,584 5, 234 3,630 Indiana 3'?8, "2 376, 764 1,690 5,214 4,996 4, 2.55 8,747 2,265 3,481 3, 731 4,806 4,723 4.977 9,166 4,380 5, 366 3,534 Adams , 3, 838 AUen , 11.2-;^ Bartholomew 4, Z49 Benton 2,270 Blackford 1.^93 3,747 11, 162 4,361 2,111 1,924 194 1 1,385 382 242 358 354 1,970 1 219 550 228 65 448 485 248 373 282 49 144 73 14 141 209 39 82 120 11 359 667 91 41 30 9 14 58 83 23 827 348 5 523 3 22 44 43 348 307 15 300 19 132 136 7 13 379 1,410 19 1,005 344 181 1,462 291 221 357 290 1,885 Total colored. Males. 7,181 123 634 22 61 1 190 419 192 56 395 506 297 334 260 58 125 74 11 120 176 20 83 161 13 283 074 89 41 23 8 23 39 70 21 739 313 2 491 3 21 45 41 305 271 19 268 24 89 111 2 14 330 1,175 10 914 298 6,538 110 519 18 33 3 Fe- males. 12 37 104 17 19 132 15 25 69 10 108 42 40 13 163 104 104 531 7 351 17 9 11 56 156 1 18 142 142 13 68 159 953 10 228 3 69 462 168 419 1 7 18 3 1 12 45 73 19 87 31 1 121 9 72 42 34 26 8,252 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSr^E. JLALES 21 YEAHS AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 12 34 105 17 I 7 142 17 13 83 12 54 62 44 7 193 112 115 495 3 311 13 7 11 53 186 1 19 146 138 9 59 185 860 4 235 2 77 158 395 1 2 23 3 3 9 54 71 22 73 30 Total col- ored. 100 8, 295 4,037 2,797 9,027 4,337 1,766 6, 562 3, 732 10, 981 2,779 4,667 6,049 4,648 5,328 3,927 11, 167 7,560 6,708 8, 120 4,282 2,338 2,992 1,866 2,320 3,061 2,168 5,430 5,943 3, 022 4,901 13, 353 2,908 3,504 6,050 2,364 1,385 778 4,472 2,622 5,506 10, 890 3,633 10, 647 3,120 1,992 5,829 1,856 4,937 4,797 4,126 9,445 2,312 3,991 2,598 4,312 4,838 5,054 8,539 4,099 5,488 3,180 807 24 5,491 1, 703 804 1,830 1,566 6, 300 952 1,971 889 286 1, 505 2, 122 854 1.380 2,171 270 611 373 98 550 805 322 614 680 89 1,268 3, 227 416 220 206 40 86 228 596 93 3.481 2,747 27 2,061 66 135 413, 365 3,636 11, 975 4,565 2,355 2,121 229 1,181 1,176 171 1,120 116 628 740 41 117 1,304 6,042 102 3,345 1,125 31, 927 Native white. Foreign white. 4 50 122 32 11 200 29 52 74 21 77 55 34 5 233 150 78 442 83 275 20 6 11 64 212 Total col- ored. 17 360 126 15 49 112 721 3 230 427 2,407 lao 343 35 91 477 136 554 5 5 23 4 5 22 60 124 21 81 21 2 145 11 168 43 42 22 10, 531 4,288 3, 255 10, 564 4,796 2,219 7,903 4,286 12, 177 3,456 5,336 6,758 5, 265 6,762 4,844 13,329 9,071 7,838 8, 290 5,347 2,811 3,560 2, 170 2, 793 3.841 2,065 6,417 7,154 3, 637 6,054 14, 946 3,172 4,208 7,551 2,696 1,599 982 4, 772 3,232 6,045 10, 584 4,164 12, 310 4,024 2, 463 7,187 5,882 5,593 4,708 11, 504 2,647 5,007 2,701 5,287 5,535 6,255 8,934 4, 789 6,744 3,586 508, 759 2,524 59 8,378 3,458 1,311 3,238 I 2,924 10, 189 111 2, 215 3,540 1,080 728 2,750 4,040 1.546 2, 843 5,215 669 1,142 254 841 1,390 1.215 1,405 1,773 218 2,201 5,970 981 492 682 142 199 391 1,631 391 5,564 6,869 67 4,126 253 367 796 i 520 2, 647 I 2,402 I 376 1, 962 j 296 I 1,064 I 1, 778 163 322 4,114 13, 175 5,616 2,625 2,640 2,426 9,293 204 4,980 73, 228 14 60 167 39 20 266 35 59 95 23 94 75 39 10 285 175 110 606 105 11 11 362 24 9 17 74 294 1 24 399 167 16 72 148 984 5 295 2 115 642 199 687 6 4 7 24 921 5,067 603 693 111 22 97 33 3 157 15 201 50 50 30 13, 079 76 10 1 776 COMI^ENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CEI^SUS: 1890. Table 27.-PERS0NS OP SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Continued. MALES 21 TEAKS AND OVER. , Total whttp" col- ored. 184 53 47 3 287 7 1,207 55 966 732 1,538 123 184 32 112 3 500 77 1,426 20 430 47 658 10 420 126 889 20 1,196 20 315 239 43 159 29 St. Joseph Scott . Shelby Spencer POPULATION. 777 Table 27.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOE, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. MALES 18 TO 44 I.N'CLU>'^VE. yBARS, MALES 2 1 YEARS AND COUNTIES. Native white. Foreign white. Total colored. Males. fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. Native white. foreign white. Total col- ored. Native Foreign white, white. . Total col- ored. Indiana — Continued. Starke 1,383 2,312 3,902 2,227 5,682 3,442 1.173 8,783 2, 352 7,804 1 5,067 1,942 4, 005 3,586 5,753 4,026 2,873 3,292 329, 350 1,359 2,477 3,867 2,276 5,780 3,423 1,120 9,578 2,364 8,407 4,892 1,963 4,014 3,543 5,811 4,013 2,762 3,135 323, 225 87 6 29 6 198 7 1 255 19 173 21 15 19 4 102 23 37 13 23, 796 62 12 29 4 178 2 '""'237' 23 205 27 12 9 3 107 30 34 11 21, 045 1 37' 26 71 3 35 1,096 10 302 59 ""ni' 208 3 37 21 64 5 30 1,020 10 298 62 6 122 1 277 1,079 2,945 4,384 2,318 6,345 3,664 1,381 10, 717 2,628 9,754 5, 196 2,218 3,772 3,480 6,878 4,260 2,928 3,427 309, 216 214 40 93 49 910 61 17 1,746 117 1,091 170 76 174 30 448 132 181 108 87, 797 1 40 30 75 8 25 1.751 13 411 52 6 100 5 268 2 1 10 2,674 1, 395 4,080 5,470 3,124 7. 823 4, 576 1,877 10, 881 3, 416 11,548 6,571 2,866 4.406 4,508 9,127 5,252 3,822 4,400 361, 432 438 163 200 107 1,987 192 112 4,243 214 2,217 406 194 565 118 1,244 301 439 359 155, 574 1 3 53 44 97 8 43 1,910 Vermilion 12 "Vie^o 532 59 8 160 5 405 2 ■^^ite 3 11 1,893 ii 1,873 3 Whitley 17 3, 326 Adair 2,810 2, 512 3,218 3,417 2,160 4,242 4.043 4,347 2,582 3,201 2,335 2,621 2,428 3,243 3,640 3,043 2, 601 2,803 2,773 2,136 1,626 4,795 5, 980 3, 216 3,832 2, 857 2,932 3, 016 5, 555 757 7,999 744 4,049 2,602 2,275 3,261 2,917 2.218 3, 298 2,715 1,348 3,438 3,880 3,010 1,971 2,659 2,278 3,134 3.416 2,189 4,101 3,995 4,122 2, 522 3, 025 2,250 2,472 2,241 3,354 3,534 3,021 2,484 2,075 2,669 2,193 1,518 4,679 6,226 3,148 3,725 2,846 2, 919 2.834 5,771 719 8,359 670 3,920 2,600 2, 174 3,070 2,967 2,111 3,194 2,671 1, 221 3, 063 3, 8.57 3, 090 1,919 69 62 209 101 263 326 262 395 185 122 308 283 160 360 204 260 185 237 160 11 120 270 1,010 572 81 32 21 201 453 65 602 92 181 242 251 49 102 393 48 275 215 295 134 88 171 45 38 172 101 176 313 254 392 153 117 270 239 143 285 153 217 186 180 130 9 98 228 982 404 92 30 18 168 425 44 586 93 174 212 213 46 80 260 50 200 168 249 134 78 132 5 6 2 27 4 6 1 27 2,533 2,045 2,498 3,458 1,823 3,863 3,939 3.326 2,139 3,241 1,713 2,301 2,249 2,421 3,154 2,901 2,499 2,569 2,232 2,065 1,518 3,810 5,487 2,156 3,760 2,717 2,965 2,786 5,275 740 7,760 630 3,972 2,307 1,944 3,300 2,628 1,698 3,332 1,934 1,043 2,890 3,925 3,215 1,656 371 258 835 349 759 998 958 1,221 684 575 1,097 830 606 1,392 760 810 711 935 5S9 69 608 1,043 3,152 1,688 373 114 109 708 1,944 208 2,760 348 711 637 809 210 504 1,053 337 1,056 641 805 597 409 595 4 12 5 41 1 4 11 3 6 2 1 ii' 9 6 5 1 1 9 2 46 6 11 14 17 100 1 38 3 15 3 6 3 5 6 7 2 19 9 63 2 3. 020 2.543 2, ,506 4,325 2.091 4, 515 4,775 3, 880 2,482 4,044 1,861 2,818 2,561 2,620 3,826 3.663 2.878 2, 820 2. 546 2, 708 1. 753 4,165 6, 051 2.254 4,731 3,592 3.777 3,242 5,821 880 7,624 619 4,683 2.861 2,124 4,043 3,162 1, 829 4, 050 2,207 1,098 3,611 4,686 4,306 1,863 733 552 2,275 550 1,090 1,899 1,936 2. 175 1. 439 1.395 1.667 1,379 945 2,287 1,247 1,431 1,230 1,393 1, 372 200 871 2,869 5,462 2,563 715 251 290 1,448 3,762 310 6, 055 550 1,608 1,322 1,290 449 955 1.650 605 1,737 923 1,370 1,037 879 1,152 6 Adams Allamakee 16 6 Appanoose 41 Benton 6 1 21 2 2 2 6 1 24 2 3 6 3 6 Boone 19 2 8 Buena Vista 4 1 Carroll 5 1 11 2 1 4 1 7 1 is 11 11 Cerro Gordo 5 1 1 Clarke 17 11 13 PTqtt- 3 37 3 8 13 10 2 41 1 5 14 12 4 65 6 Dallas 13 Davis 17 20 3 60 67 118 1 Dnbuflue 21 22 49 3 18 13 1» 3 Franklin Fremont Greene 7 3 2 8 2 4 1 5 4 11 4 Grundy - Guthrie Haniiltoii 8 5 7 2 Hardin 55 3 76 2 7 7 94 1 I Harrison . i ,0? Henry Howard 1 103 1 3 778 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVEIfTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Contiuued. COUNTIES. Iowa — Continued. Humboldt Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson Johnson . Jones Keokuk . Kossuth . Lee Linn Louisa — Lucas Lyon Madison . . Mahaska . Marion ... Marshall . Mills Mitchell Monona Monroe Montgomery Muscatine . . . O'Brien.. . Osceola — Page Palo Alto. Plymouth Pocahontas Polk Pottawattamie Poweshiek Kinggold Sac Scott . . Shelby. Sioux . . Story . . Tama Taylor Union Van Buren. Wapello ... Warren Washington . Wayue Webster Winnebago . . Winneshiek . Woodbury... Worth Wright Kansas Allen Anderson. Atchison . Barber Barton Bourbon Brown Butler Chase Chautauqua . 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 1,648 1, 802 3,274 3,984 4,386 2,598 4,048 3,314 4,174 2,370 5,914 7,243 2,126 2.568 1,378 3,024 4,553 4,109 4, 275 2.790 2,373 2,693 2, 37y 2, 804 3,857 2,154 971 3,785 1, 637 3, 358 1,647 10, 683 7,706 3,327 2, 744 2,573 6,759 3,221 2,662 3,199 3,816 3,204 3,077 2,948 5,026 3,452 3,131 2,979 3, 86-i 1,358 4,036 8,091 1,096 2,116 2,662 2, 634 4,194 1,481 2,270 4,883 3,628 4,625 1,505 2,583 Fe- males, 1,618 1,672 3,258 3,946 4,335 2,589 3,853 3,196 4,193 2,133 5,921 7,503 1,973 2,466 1,258 2,879 4,583 4, 177 4,253 2,719 2,440 2,580 2,378 2,841 3,829 2,059 866 3,774 1,563 3,111 1,605 10, 882 7,574 3,227 2,573 2,507 6,738 2,997 2,557 3,112 3,710 3,207 3, 023 2, 820 5,148 3,281 3,193 2,964 3,733 1,294 3,953 7,934 1,595 1, 961 245, 191 2,448 2,613 4,061 1,420 2,253 4,972 3,420 4,468 1,417 2,421 Foreign white. Males. 213 252 162 255 235 222 271 270 262 206 523 21 201 248 30 305 184 279 101 142 180 83 185 341 227 132 142 180 504 185 678 749 119 12 800 391 782 212 317 34 79 37 231 41 46 20 407 145 289 993 206 192 43 50 217 20 280 58 116 110 64 4 Fe- males. 162 172 147 207 186 44 185 238 222 234 196 661 29 162 192 25 309 168 256 75 114 169 90 166 264 183 106 119 143 395 144 765 751 92 7 202 729 265 638 184 307 28 124 20 249 34 48 377 106 243 1,039 179 145 10, 512 29 49 195 28 273 60 86 117 50 1 Total colored. Males. 3 23 10 9 4 4 2 267 44 5 68 1 293 5 22 3 1 12 33 9 29 51 183 57 7 41 10, 169 76 59 547 6 65 Fe- males. 319 32 5 58 265 8 26 211 46 12 MALES 18 TO 44 TEARS, LNCLUSIVE. Native white. 50 17 15 24 107 9 10 4 9 10, 217 75 57 602 4 71,, 469 73 15 39 53 1,353 1,495 2, 697 3,428 4,197 2,557 3,703 3, 324 3,929 1,827 6,647 7,613 2,252 2,269 1,292 2,989 4,701 3,803 4,223 2,824 1,911 2, 581 2, 391 2,547 4,042 2,217 880 3,792 1,387 2,660 1,408 11,566 8,304 3, .353 2,572 2,204 5,435 2,401 2,268 2,933 3,135 2,979 3,083 2,864 5, 503 3,468 3,380 2,917 2,811 704 3, 032 12, 031 948 1,969 2,235 2,633 4, 394 1,643 1,815 5,054 4,035 4,553 1,561 2,144 Foreign white 823 929 818 941 756 246 918 916 690 931 1,106 1,885 140 469 881 153 877 489 1,101 340 665 647 338 700 1, 0;i3 943 369 674 657 1,774 704 2,703 3,008 496 92 1,008 3,141 1,294 2,043 918 1,187 181 409 120 890 175 317 102 1,408 1,340 4,583 839 742 41, 369 195 190 782 134 712 341 .587 .378 237 48 Total col- ored. 1 1 1 1 12 14 13 12 5 6 344 50 3 391 14 316 128 14 26 19 22 167 14 13 9 9 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. 7 193 1 1 9,342 54 539 7 52 381 92 23 46 36 Native white. Foreign white 1, 509 1,675 3,031 4,000 5,408 3,408 4,079 4,105 4,879 1,980 7,527 9,218 2,892 2,859 1,326 3,858 5,965 4,742 5,432 3,312 2,156 2,908 2,893 3,113 4,792 2,408 956 4,718 1,426 2,742 1,477 13, 583 9,295 4,048 3,127 2,401 5,569 2,647 2, 273 3,352 3,805 3,766 3,699 3,957 6,636 4,383 4,356 3,694 3,011 633 2,965 12, 753 914 2,197 297, 766 2,904 3,233 5,080 2,016 2,118 6.256 4,667 5,709 1,853 2,802 1,181 1,230 1,933 2,138 1,340 2,200 1, 634 1,325 1,447 3,845 3,123 407 766 1,114 401 1,469 1,222 1,885 590 1,352 972 703 1,152 2,133 1,289 537 1,154 1,070 2,579 1,058 4,290 4,406 975 251 1,477 6,221 1,838 2,777 1,548 2,015 409 789 305 1,629 434 772 251 2,607 1,102 2,994 5,662 1,409 1,098 72, 922 466 435 ,547 203 ,124 728 954 702 427 155 Total col- ored. 1 1 1 2 25 20 19 15 6 5 477 78 7 87 5 444 18 46 9 70 17 54 52 2 3 393 136 22 84 13 28 20 30 203 21 25 9 10 10 195 3 1 12,543 98 79 737 11 74 518 99 29 51 56 POPULATION. 779 Tablk 27.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Kansas — Continued. Cherokee Cheyenne Clai-k Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley — Crawford . Decatur .. Dickinson Doniphan. . Douglas . - Edwards . Elk Ellis Ellsworth Einney . . . Ford Erauklin.. Garfield . Geary . . Gove ... Graham Grant... Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton - . Harper Harvey Haskell... Hodgeman. Jackson Kearny . . . Kingman . Kiowa Labette Lane Leavenworth . Lincoln Linn Logan Lyon McPherson . Marion Marshall . . . Meade Miami Mitchell Montgomery. Morris Morton . . Nemaha . Neosho . Ness Norton . Osborne . Ottawa - . Pawnee. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLirSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Total colored Males. 4,927 731 438 2,953 3,637 3,006 479 0, 434 5,326 1,501 4,104 2,329 3,507 655 2,543 1,298 1,666 573 906 3,569 159 1,710 509 867 235 437 213 3,263 326 2,471 2,981 187 382 2,735 Jefferson 3,078 Fe- males. Jewell 3,881 Johnson 3, Phillips Pottawatomie , Pratt RawUua 293 2,207 554 4,893 356 5, 257 1,946 3, 185 567 3,999 3, 816 3,276 4,404 469 3,384 2, 952 4,33*3 2,028 124 3,601 3,500 905 2,040 4,369 2,443 2,371 942 2,681 3, 361 1,534 1,077 Males. 4,869 691 397 2,918 3,559 2,905 431 6,164 5,281 1,505 3,881 2,292 3,455 654 2,438 1,257 1,710 545 923 3,573 140 1,653 518 829 192 418 199 2,986 341 2,337 2,921 177 386 2,733 2,931 3,759 3,016 243 2,088 4,942 351 5, 333 1,729 3, 156 493 4, 029 3,665 3,086 4,197 4.57 3,331 2, 920 4,218 1,880 125 3,492 3,558 875 1,994 4,056 2, 186 2.310 950 2,503 3,171 1,396 1,012 Fe- males. 231 63 1 230 149 51 4 54 354 75 282 70 127 20 1 247 196 11 41 69 1 124 26 23 7 67 329 6 16 70 30 6 330 83 16 19 171 481 832 303 2 56 75 25 99 1 147 51 20 25 414 70 103 24 82 194 10 166 234 43 1 197 146 43 3 61 329 80 239 50 120 24 7 226 205 19 41 60 118 18 22 13 4 7 62 6 51 328 7 20 70 23 54 42 10 39 11 39 8 299 64 18 20 173 414 765 235 3 45 5 140 36 33 14 419 69 80 30 90 145 20 185 Males. 310 55 8 40 10 112 99 2 25 158 915 17 1 12 27 11 8 184 1 69 11 100 12 Fe- males. 27 36 136 189 18 5 416 1 880 10 169 4 213 14 29 52 5 200 11 183 114 3 38 67 145 26 25 34 34 74 39 266 45 7 135 38 149 765 15 1 19 11 7 205 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. 83 11 109 6 32 45 141 1 194 2 18 1 424 828 6 157 5 224 198 7 243 121 131 23 8 23 38 75 38 Native white. Foreign white. Total col- ored. 4,604 845 481 2,280 3,145 2,980 494 7,038 5, 141 1,389 3,749 2,398 3,630 590 2,193 1,237 649 968 3,480 172 1, 932 508 791 252 460 261 3,132 422 2,652 2,718 196 360 2,669 3, 025 3, 589 3,083 317 2,355 531 4,688 400 5,982 1,505 3,114 697 3, 763 2,583 2,239 3, 699 440 3,689 2, 507 4,054 1,937 135 3,253 3,324 946 1,920 3,758 2,012 2,241 816 2,267 2,715 1, 623 1,027 696 174 25 796 608 167 28 356 1,104 251 885 313 489 112 90 621 550 65 139 297 17 739 99 112 18 25 37 307 51 212 800 16 69 293 186 297 255 49 201 49 288 46 1,.593 357 94 120 674 1,680 1,758 1,132 51 319 318 180 323 17 576 210 102 146 1,370 238 313 329 675 106 410 21 6 153 95 2 36 128 606 13 2 18 25 12 8 127 1 79 5 73 9 MALES 21 YEAKS AND OVER. Native Foreign white. white. 152 13 3 316 1 937 7 126 4 160 15 29 48 5 143 19 130 59 2 31 49 117 15 19 26 29 57 39 5,709 985 603 2,719 3,698 3,725 622 8,626 6,241 1,706 4,320 2,801 4, 582 736 2,802 1,028 1,429 848 1,176 4,579 221 2,081 646 087 326 597 332 3,725 520 3,187 3,361 266 485 3,198 3,748 4,323 3,936 402 2,803 672 6,009 505 7,654 1,802 4,088 844 4,647 2,992 2, 725 4,196 601 4,597 3,133 5,321 2, 322 186 3,884 4, 182 1,148 2,349 4,538 2,547 2,745 1,125 2,805 3,111 1,958 1,211 Total col- ored. 1,101 255 44 1,354 1,168 433 52 659 1,711 390 1,514 725 1,111 202 246 866 105 267 614 28 1,140 167 188 35 51 52 528 84 361 1,222 28 140 601 456 572 618 75 337 92 3,997 606 247 176 1,213 2,477 2,338 1,958 669 596 503 598 27 1,101 529 193 292 2,061 472 603 201 555 1,388 183 578 5 45 12 47 7 173 109 3 41 183 748 18 3 21 34 20 12 176 2 97 7 121 12 43 14 22 72 37 49 151 1 207 4 16 4 461 1 1,279 11 185 6 249 16 40 67 5 212 19 196 101 3 42 74 168 23 23 37 37 82 43 780 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PEESONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY 4ND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 5 TO 20 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. Kansas — Contimied. Reno 5,014 Republic i 3. 644 Rice I 2, 736 Riley I 2,371 Rooks ' 1,465 Rush 942 Russell 1, 377 Saline 3, 006 Scott I 221 Sedgwick ; 7, 110 Seward j 25^ Shawnee 6,924 Sheridan I 651 Slierman 841 Smith 3.088 Stafford. Stanton . Stevens. Sumner- Thomas . Trego Wabaunsee . . "Wallace Washington . Wichita Wilson Woodson . . - Wyandotte . Kentucky. Adair Allen Anderson . Ballard . . . Barren . . . Bath Bell Boone . . . Bourbon . Boyd .... Boyle Bracken Breathitt Breckinridge Bullitt Butler . . . . Caldwell.. Calloway . Campbell . Carlisle . . . Carroll ... Carter Casey Christian . Clark Clay Clinton Crittenden . . Cumberland . Baviess Edmonson Elliott.... Estill Payette 1.633 181 242 5.723 995 483 2,169 419 4. 299 337 3,075 1.711 7,294 309, 735 Fe- males. 2.513 2,543 1,950 1.433 3,602 2.219 1,926 1.914 1.767 2.576 1.507 2. 176 1.886 3, 429 1,401 2.760 2.0t)8 2.798 7,504 1.452 1,530 3, 683 2,219 3,474 1.861 2,818 1,402 2.426 1,451 5,281 1,540 2,018 2,254 3,567 4,729 3,411 2,615 2,274 1,554 836 1,257 3,021 212 7,181 251 6,969 647 829 2. 989 1,5.31 200 261 5,594 945 413 1,825 375 4,291 299 2,907 1,667 7,397 306, 056 Fleming i 2,829 2, 431 2.423 1,876 1,303 3,555 2,153 1.696 1,876 1,709 2,638 1,534 2,159 1,863 3,269 1,362 2,769 2.115 2,748 7,674 1,392 1,491 3.680 2,309 3,491 1,918 2,766 1,430 2,449 1.575 5,274 1,555 2,024 2,216 3,676 2,815 Foreign white Males. 172 226 85 220 68 126 125 245 6 241 3 394 31 43 43 2 6 38 35 29 145 46 285 14 32 43 594 Fe- males. 2,249 224 3 11 3 14 10 173 185 63 164 58 116 135 214 6 228 2 407 22 32 51 6 53 39 35 127 38 223 13 18 32 557 2,104 1 1 230 Total colored. Males. 244 34 30 MALES 18 TO 44 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Fe- Native males, white. 228 1 1,248 11 108 8 1 1 24 16 1,266 52, 940 396 219 225 351 S50 303 128 242 1,301 136 930 140 48 482 225 163 645 239 115 78 140 27 118 3,053 917 95 37 206 230 1,027 105 5 180 2, 472 326 4 26 1 8 168 19 16 1,347 53, 977 Foreign white 447 239 196 324 881 308 95 223 1,324 134 1,008 137 30 444 213 180 616 241 92 63 170 33 105 3, 321 938 95 43 195 217 1,061 110 6 85 2, 442 356 5,097 3,047 2, 683 1,886 1,328 1,073 2,634 253 8,834 348 8,062 716 1,108 2,780 1.500 186 270 6,156 1,082 403 1,792 439 3,531 342 2,736 1,534 9, 1.59 296, 191 2,050 2, 396 1,808 1,467 3,173 2,220 2. 379 2,210 2,177 2,500 1,430 2,229 1,415 3, 226 1,353 2.378 1,978 2, 540 7.277 1,410 1,747 2,955 2,094 3, 684 2.228 1,922 1.172 2, 328 1,307 5,624 1,243 1,556 1,847 4,625 2,735 653 730 296 676 155 319 324 941 25 1,116 17 1,426 105 186 269 157 9 22 366 158 83 502 122 916 39 120 178 2. 733 13, 169 Total col- ored. 1,409 2 150 13 5 49 353 23 MALES 21 TE.4.BS AND OVER. Native white. 1,136 4 2 22 1 2 59 4 5 137 2 12 12 1,405 51, 777 266 183 188 306 576 811 382 229 1,254 156 813 117 45 .356 219 118 467 176 208 73 141 25 92 2,637 86 23 166 158 1,052 74 6 287 2,526 274 6,080 3, 662 3,259 2,195 1,675 856 1,299 2. 891 320 10, 486 427 10. 024 858 1,282 3.336 1,804 246 337 7, 539 1,256 514 2,025 502 4, 088 433 3,509 1,936 10, 313 357, 627 2,585 3, 004 2,281 1, 735 4,097 Foreign white. 1,067 1,236 532 1,207 277 448 510 1,672 39 1,863 27 2.403 156 266 528 308 24 42 695 236 159 922 181 1,658 65 325 391 4,111 29, 744 Total col- ored. 7 34 1 12 107 466 1 1,532 2,765 23 2. 552 202 2.942 238 2. 786 226 2,993 247 1,909 112 2,832 254 1, 630 33 4, 072 104 1,782 70 2,879 2,420 3,067 7.580 1,704 2.108 3, 536 2,584 4,817 2,821 2,119 1.454 2,792 1, 634 6,721 1, .561 1.778 2.198 5,857 3,522 14 35 1 3,566 21 138 59 18 132 85 3 2 14 3 377 20 7 60 770 83 6 2 39 1 1 65 4 174 10 4 3 17 17 1,879 63, 421 348 220 248 319 758 358 349 266 1,,689 179 1,118 138 41 464 259' 156 543 201 227 175 33 110 3,249 1,242 92 32 208 196 1,311 94 6 225 3,346 347 POPULATION. 781 Table 27 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOE, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Kentucky— Continued. Floyd .' rranklin Fulton Gallatin Garrard Grant ... Graves . . Grayson . Green . . . Greenup. Hancock... Hardin Harlan Harrison... Hart 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native -white. Foreign -white. Henderson. Henry Hickman . . Hopkins . - . Jackson ... Jefferson 24, 751 Jessamine 1,^60 Johnson 2. 348 Kenton 8, 727 Knott 1,264 Knox 2,79.5 Larue 1,776 Laurel 2,732 La-wrence 3,886 Leo 1,206 Males. 2,437 3,196 1,.503 802 1,659 2,444 5,060 3,906 1,989 2.448 1, 636 3,809 1,404 2,767 3. 039 4,147 2,186 2, 013 3, 855 1,885 Fe- males. 2,423 2,908 1,422 719 1,563 2,249 4,983 3, 812 1,909 2,398 1,649 3,789 1,413 2,651 2. 893 4,146 2, 137 1,982 3,973 1,791 25, 548 1,339 2,315 8,762 1,244 2,715 1,703 2, 608 3,740 1,119 Leslie 915 Letcher 1,635 Lewis 2,995 Lincoln 2,276 Livingston 1,779 Males. Fe- males. McCracken . McLean . Madison . Magoffin . Marion .. Marshall - Martin .. Mason . . . Logan I 3,292 Lyon , 1,239 2, 704 1,8.51 3,296 2,070 2. 453 2, 235 903 2,829 1,763 1, 082 2,282 1,823 2,148 1,737 2,510 3, 133 2,371 1,806 4,268 926 3,011 1,349 3,098 1,387 3,936 870 Meade. . . Menifee . Mercer . . Metcalfe. Monroe . . Montgomery. Morgan Muhlenberg . Kelson Nicholas Ohio .... Oldham. Owen . . . 0-wsley . Pendleton Perry Pike Powell Pulaski 5,093 Eobortson 1 882 Rockcastle j 2,110 Eowan 1 1,305 918 1,449 2,914 2,366 1,814 3,165 1,277 2, 832 1,810 3,323 1,969 2,507 2,139 892 2,851 1,769 982 2, 232 1,817 2,005 1,592 2,380 2, 902 2,446 1,714 4,232 896 3,129 1,318 3, 175 1,400 3,661 842 4,898 898 2,018 ! 1,261 936 3 295 144 2 G 104 1 14 1 3 1 943 1 273 1 1 129 1 83 Total colored. Males. 33 942 489 95 649 M.\LES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. 103 667 99 452 130 506 30 528 484 1.674 495 377 741 21 5, 201 748 21 434 21 160 163 112 Fe- males. 21 811 413 96 704 426 162 506 39 498 441 1,708 516 3G9 672 5,693 767 14 467 16 140 153 106 32 Native white. Foreign ■white. 18 35 736 159 1,429 303 1,025 161 1, 525 31 677 78 4 786 167 6 604 194 112 20 707 159 1.440 266 1,090 176 1,518 36 657 SO 5 826 191 7 624 190 141 1,908 3,704 1. 582 8U7 1,453 2,448 4,871 3,239 1,711 1,942 1,596 3,344 992 2. 689 j 2. 545 742 763 9 9 452 511 783 807 278 251 280 266 352 314 308 295 26 18 104 103 36 49 32 34 72 61 247 286 24 31 23 35 33 28 102 35 19 12 39 25 19 31 44 Total col- ored. 22 1,334 477 85 470 104 572 85 313 55 133 390 28 419 325 MALES 21 YEAES AJID OVER. Native Foreign Total -\vhite. ■white. ored. 2,166 2 34 4,524 205 1,464 1,885 74 502 1,033 42 112 1,913 23 617 3.060 100 107 5,865 59 654 3, 864 64 109 2,143 5 363 2,511 79 75 1,967 90 195 4,345 116 497 1,101 2 31 3,564 139 556 3,281 23 377 4,308 148 ! 2,317 22 1,918 11 3, 926 49 1,337 1 28, 680 5. 906 i 1,579 38 1,920 o 8,679 1, 839 929 2, 449 23 1,555 7 2, 108 199 3,144 8 1,166 89 636 1,163 i 2, 658 20 1 2,195 122 1,594 8 3,253 c,o 1,182 ■i 1 3, 175 179 1, 831 12 3,342 62 205 153 137 34 212 2,004 35 928 8 2,948 63 1,987 4 2,309 2,141 105 2,257 3 3,657 121 2,920 124 2, 397 74 5,119 1-38 1,317 9^ 4,191 54 1,142 1 3,496 319 1,145 3,399 2 1,138 38 5,461 1 117 1,121 21 2,035 1 23 1,333 1 20 160 7 698 178 826 13 528 835 297 325 384 323 19 113 31 45 135 310 39 43 2i 782 OOMPENDITTM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table ay.-PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Kentucky — Continued . Rassell Scott Shelby Simpson Spencer Taylor... Toild ... Trigg.... Trimble . Union "Warren Washington . Wayne Webster.. Whitley.. Wolfe .'. . . Woodford Louisiana. Acadia Ascension ... Assumption . Avoyelles ... BienTille Bossier ... Caddo Calcasieu . Caldwell.. Cameron . . Cataboula Claiborne Concordia Do Soto East Baton Rouge . East Carroll East Feliciana Eranklin Grant Iberia Iberville . . . Jackson . . . Jefferson . . Lafayette.. Lafourche . Lincoln Livingston . .. Madison Morehouse Natchitoches . Orleans Ouachita Plaquemines... Poiutc Coupee . Kapides . . . Red River , Richland . . Sabine St. Bernard . St. Charles.. St. Helena . St. James . . , 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native wbite. Foreign white. Total colored 1,644 2,078 2,181 1,546 1,064 1,546 2,067 2,024 1,355 3,237 4,212 2,263 2,613 3,136 3, 638 1,593 1,369 108,364 Fe- males. St. John the Baptist . St. Landry St. Martin St. Mary 2,611 1,530 2,297 2,779 1,769 832 1,436 3,545 571 579 1,598 2, 132 309 1,444 1,849 162 977 595 1,044 2,230 1,133 1,078 1,198 2, 008 2,981 1,867 1,075 147 699 2,122 28, 872 1,034 952 963 2,492 772 608 1,661 449 332 741 1,098 859 3,938 1,529 1,510 1,618 2,198 2,040 1,581 1,017 1,563 1,980 1,973 1,301 3,145 4,296 2,374 2,562 3,157 3,446 1,526 1,369 109, 460 2,524 1,649 2,212 2,890 1,619 820 1,511 3,469 536 514 1,441 2,044 301 1,311 1,877 1.57 1,055 523 1,106 2,285 1,171 1,008 1,256 2,017 3,183 1,836 972 143 684 2,212 30, 923 1,030 939 2,542 727 520 1,590 450 312 767 1,073 926 3,812 1,.583 1,584 Males, 1,842 14 111 100 7 15 5 3 13 35 1 38 41 18 18 41 I Fe- males. 932 9 36 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Males. 49 933 966 463 303 337 1,309 808 70 537 1,529 430 123 383 136 22 993 115, 258 375 2,084 1,714 2,835 1,546 3,402 4,815 717 740 111 1,246 3,017 2,667 2,969 3,218 2,308 2,825 894 742 2,257 2,750 625 1,161 1,586 1,558 1,475 192 2,805 2,891 3,489 9,946 2,606 1,451 3,004 3,403 1,752 1,528 505 382 997 1,109 1,992 1,282 4,949 1,779 2,885 Fe- males. Native white. 52 1,023 922 550 253 327 1,377 776 63 567 1,630 430 147 432 121 19 1,024 118, 675 374 2,283 1,830 2, 596 1,416 3,592 5,085 719 670 99 1,171 3,213 2, 751 3,095 3,209 2,261 2,905 895 742 2,314 2,947 615 1,203 1, .590 1,683 1,546 188 2,685 2,934 3,485 11, 852 2,750 1,492 3,154 3,420 1,640 1,5C1 511 371 997 1,106 1,964 1,381 4,964 1,835 3,010 1,350 2,329 2,354 1,026 1,054 1,424 2,048 1,923 1,294 3,171 4,251 2,027 2,092 2,951 3,043 1,221 1,552 96, 561 Foreign white. 1,843 1,293 1,854 2, 169 1,389 795 1, 577 2, 943 526 406 1,271 1, 732 493 1,216 1,962 221 916 587 877 1,726 1,153 849 1,125 1,516 2, 302 1,485 893 248 663 1,893 29, 673 1, 122 766 892 2,084 637 COO 1,221 395 306 610 963 777 3,037 1,140 1,418 11, 618 Total col- ored. 144 302 179 62 6 28 236 373 4 24 22 9 32 30 138 46 67 24 7 153 426 4 327 81 144 5 15 18 14 50 6,440 78 384 77 92 193 2 131 153 99 91 221 39 906 854 404 234 220 ,134 619 519 ,436 338 87 377 248 46 877 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 97, 036 257 2,115 1,713 2,058 925 3,011 4,131 622 475 53 809 2,076 2,435 2,017 3,377 2,247 1,983 648 498 1,733 3,023 375 1,184 1,047 1,314 923 175 2,436 2,266 2,441 11, 724 2,084 1,329 2,588 2,445 1,!:76 1,341 279 346 1,178 645 1,886 1,221 3, 454 1,214 2,812 1,727 2,987 3,130 2,201 1,400 1,838 2,618 2,435 1,697 3,679 5,389 2,615 2,497 3,450 3,427 1,418 1,979 106, 079 2,035 1,491 2,046 2,370 1,594 1,844 3,389 582 431 1,457 2, 056 558 1,452 2,129 255 1,098 661 982 1,981 1,276 989 1,140 1,657 2,697 1,725 1,010 310 794 2,205 29, 719 1,304 841 1 Oil 2,403 745 747 1,431 430 373 726 1,081 3, 433 1,298 1,636 Foreign white. 5 122 101 54 31 23 22 20 34 125 198 63 16 38 90 1 110 24, 669 247 418 259 151 20 41 421 584 13 49 38 26 51 62 312 60 141 40 11 288 582 8 602 173 252 18 49 30 34 128 15, 525 137 549 143 179 8 71 18 151 248 17 331 237 248 132 404 Total col- ored. 50 1,190 1,084 499 268 291 1,377 710 78 618 1,810 449 116 427 254 46 1,124 119, 815 271 2,747 2,119 2,531 1,019 3,457 5,037 700 582 59 936 2,335 3,050 2,420 4,131 2,731 2,353 768 642 2, 035 3,838 439 1,702 1,194 1,795 1,051 197 3,027 2,615 3,095 15, 572 2,547 1,707 3,241 3,109 1,551 1,557 336 491 1,601 752 2,362 1,569 4,212 1,425 3,424 POPULATION. 783 Table 27.- -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND Louisiana^Continued. St. Tammany Tangipahoa Tensas Terrebonne Union Vermilion -.. Vernon Wasiiington . Webster West Baton Kouge West CarioU West Feliciana Winn Maine Androscoggin Aroostook Cumberland . . Franklin. Kennebec. Knox Lincoln Oxford Penobscot Piscataquis . . Sagadahoc . . . Somerset Waldo Washington . York Maryland . Allegany Anne Arundel . Baltimore Baltimore cil y . Calvert Caroline Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester . Frederick. Garrett — Harford... Howard... Kent Montgomery... Prince George . Queen Anne - . . St. Mary Somerset Talbot Washington . Wicomico . - . Worcester . . . Massachusetts. Barnstable Berkshire . Bristol Dukes Essex 5 TO 20 YEABS. INCLUSIVE. Natire white. Males. 1,279 1,687 175 2,370 2,108 2,500 1,199 986 1,131 454 287 393 Fe- males. 1,245 1,514 175 2,341 1,999 2,554 1,165 987 1,046 440 288 410 1,303 Foreign white. Males. 92, 572 90, 417 Hancock 5, 5,722 8,507 11, 777 2,567 6,958 4,391 3,346 4,428 10, 322 2,311 2,617 4,582 4,094 7,331 7,650 138, 019 5.695 8,084 11,797 2,498 5,889 6,997 4, 552 3,150 4,264 2,259 2,492 4, 360 4,011 6, 792 7,681 139, 681 7,819 3, 355 10, 700 53, 999 995 1,904 5, 395 3,825 1,014 3,062 7,721 2,871 3,908 2,384 1,945 3,285 2,796 2,308 1, 699 2,778 2,195 6,740 2,753 2,568 264, 698 7,992 3, 002 10, 396 57,511 891 1,863 5, 375 3, 703 1,366 2,923 7,548 2, 732 3, 775 2, 125 1,828 3,173 2,744 2,106 1,683 2,773 2,079 6.771 2, 948 2,374 267, 456 3,601 11,115 20, 780 394 34, 716 Fe- males. Total colored. 1,531 1,315 1.228 63 124 121 29 116 826 148 155 242 22 697 1,444 5,047 9,473 234 416 368 3,660 1,806 1,258 1,464 48 113 921 113 31 68 714 137 139 227 23 731 5,490 Males. 790 1, 082 3,146 2,157 1,745 655 139 493 1,747 Fe- males. MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCmSIVK. Native white. Foreign white. 806 1,065 3,224 2,138 1,702 677 127 523 1, 743 1,109 1,156 416 508 496 287 2,870 2,661 443 233 253 1, 040 1,092 1,413 251 1,714 1,777 1,854 865 828 957 109 83 47 50 21 48 2 Total col- ored. MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 3.576 11,370 21, 082 412 35, 586 261 15 16 60 111, 954 52, 315 107 1,480 7,786 35 6,175 245 370 362 4,252 1 15 10 29 40, 596 42, 059 7,326 7,048 14, 864 3,169 7,116 146 7 30 3 20, 734 745 2, 931 1,622 1.105 466 84 308 1,114 1,190 397 2,100 121 59, 935 142 1,624 8,410 33 6,888 281 3,041 1,825 8,595 1,194 865 448 798 2,017 1,755 1,246 34 1,376 853 1,376 2,072 2,795 1,456 1,818 2,231 1,527 438 1,086 1,469 3,144 9,676 5,867 4,003 5,741 12, 994 3,089 3, 502 5,841 4,935 7,219 9,564 143, 376 269 2,891 1,745 11,999 1,074 800 434 745 1,915 1,703 1,307 40 1,265 866 1,251 2, 104 2,336 1,199 1,710 1,983 1,374 484 1,134 1,431 3,322 2,796 2,818 3,212 213 424 1,708 549 123 397 2,828 573 465 704 109 1,476 2, 339 21, 486 1, 223 1,646 330 1,981 2,006 2,084 1,022 921 1,112 473 319 532 1,189 170, 280 Foreign white. 301 176 71 144 38 107 6 7 30 182 12 81 8 30, 329 97 177 336 42 244 5,916 3,575 10, 744 61, 738 929 1,793 5,379 4,006 1,115 3,066 7,564 2,570 4,147 2,217 2,077 3,104 2,748 2,303 1,484 2,954 2,285 6,612 2,714 2,336 21 11 117 7 16 32 22 3 8 138 10 29 3 7 40 17 40, 954 Total col- ored. 1,314 847 2, 000 15, 472 13 54 105 248 32 53 312 83 250 192 50 60 37 12 21 102 71 12 10 10, 619 8,196 22, 119 5,133 10, 503 16, 477 9,069 6,623 9,448 19, 115 4,525 5,527 9,391 8,311 9,629 15, 595 176, 600 86 222 328 36 272 309,873 182,834 738 4, 574 I 17,672 147 23, 987 4,351 12, 009 20, 924 653 44, 158 282 2, 874 2.456 14, 280 858 645 363 731 1, 093 1,597 1,089 34 1, 142 735 1, 380 1,610 1,925 1,191 1,226 1, 735 1,437 424 841 1,006 6,605 94 I 264 566 I 49 467 3,562 4,630 4,802 260 2,438 834 225 454 4,128 706 748 955 238 2,664 2,997 42, 243 805 862 3,646 2,056 1,264 506 81 327 1,305 1,474 490 2,526 141 632 6,367 4,342 13, 333 69, 613 1,211 2,490 7,485 5,512 1,927 4,069 10, 396 3, 035 5, 582 2,745 2,765 4,319 3,581 3,060 1,906 3,778 3,140 9,036 3,636 3,272 401, 845 27 15 153 10 19 47 25 10 6 184 15 35 3 7 53 23 51,895 2,709 1,246 4,221 29, 569 21 110 377 519 58 84 631 305 675 432 141 188 293 90 35 38 178 277 21 25 255, 197 7,755 15,112 27, 681 1,244 58, 783 1,187 7,579 23, 539 191 33, 109 342 3,553 3,077 17, 476 1,093 847 493 1,023 1,481 2,069 1,562 42 1,453 931 1,779 2,100 2, 403 1, 551 1,547 2,097 1,838 028 1,107 1,403 7,967 132 377 744 77 558 784 COMPEOT)IUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2y.-PEESONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, EY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Massachusetts — Cont'd. Franklin Hampden Hampshire Middlesex Nantucket 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Kative white. Foreiiin white. Total colored. Males. 5,283 15, 896 6.710 50, 890 312 Fe- males. 5,153 16, 296 7,096 50, 396 341 Korfolk 15, 045 I 15, 303 Plymouth 11,196, 10,959 Suttolk 53, 449 54, 811 Worcester 35,311 i 35,075 Michigan. Alcona . Alger. . . Allegan Alpena . Antrim. Arenac . Baraga . Barry .. . Bay Benzie.. Berrieu Branch Calhoun . . . Cass Charlevoix. Cheboygan . Chippewa . . Clare Clinton Crawford . . . 300,998 299,050 612 107 6,357 1,911 1,581 760 347 4,174 7.691 821 6,362 4, 106 6.173 3. 0.57 1,495 Delta Eaton . . . Emmet . . Genesee . Gladwin. Gogebic Grand Traverse Gratiot Hillsdale Houghton 1.711 1,018 990 4,311 395 1.780 5, 108 1.168 6, 025 530 995 2,021 4,981 4, 449 5,011 4,486 5,982 5,165 1,796 387 3,084 9 6,389 5, 083 779 Kent 14,544 Keweenaw 430 Huron . . Ingham Ionia Iosco . . . Iron Isabella . . . Isle Eoyal . Jackson . . . Kalamazoo Kalkaska. . X/ake Lapeer ... Leelanaw . 885 4,696 1,382 7,191 3,267 129 886 5,129 3,297 148 4, 583 ----, 2,355 Mecosta 3, 077 Lenawee Livingston , Luce Mackinac, Macomb Manistee . . Manitou . . . Marquette. Mason . 637 100 6,346 1,999 1,517 800 322 3, 820 7, 893 830 6, 543 4,013 6,191 2, 986 1,501 1,614 966 992 4, 275 320 1,879 5,106 1,227 6,006 474 958 1,970 4,914 4,533 4,825 4.242 5,553 5,110 1,819 370 2,867 3 6,630 5,418 778 15, 108 416 911 4,510 1,298 7,500 3,150 142 880 5,039 3,192 149 4,621 2,275 3,030 Males 638 4,287 1.065 10, 619 6 1,971 1,094 9, 994 7,058 49, 009 325 51 269 796 273 229 144 81 2,265 95 384 92 322 40 228 537 1,049 220 152 94 550 84 127 375 158 663 217 166 60 1,425 1,514 367 217 769 239 443 5 334 564 76 2,875 142 226 538 134 249 135 191 332 485 1,091 15 1,949 526 426 Fe- males. 531 4,831 1,132 12, 998 22 2,217 1,135 12, 445 7,527 47, 621 249 48 231 88fi 269 256 116 61 2,232 109 378 89 308 36 198 456 1,070 215 136 41 572 85 133 403 140 515 234 190 I 70 1,383 1,443 324 239 678 188 401 2 322 575 57 2,984 100 148 558 111 310 131 145 314 432 1,027 11 1,655 493 387 Males. 20 169 43 567 79 105 1,017 248 3,493 34 79 350 41 28 85 33 17 168 43 2 2 95 12 80 94 1 102 Fe- males. 14 193 49 618 3 94 1,077 262 MALES 18 TO 44 YEAKS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 5,970 17, 488 7,127 59, 246 499 16, 525 15, 907 66, 516 38, 497 Foreign white 3, 513 291, 161 4 13 7(1 1 28 21 71 9 41 11 112 10 91 273 49 24 85 6 4 47 12 185 47 1 3 73 17 11 1 72 I 560 191 6,264 1,115 1,530 565 274 4,406 6,087 837 6,801 4,766 8, 034 3,728 1,300 1,275 847 1,344 4,714 515 1,646 5,930 1,251 6,574 726 1, 545 2,158 !^, L" :i 5,C30 2,450 1,892 6,824 5, 990 1,468 464 2,728 18 8, 319 6, 640 957 2,030 11, 931 2,866 35, 502 30 8,342 4,434 48. 007 22, 514 166, 831 1.097 330 1,120 2, 379 872 705 553 380 6,642 382 1,289 329 1,166 244 770 1,441 2,257 834 620 588 2,945 393 453 1,21)7 659 4, 330 1,008 643 316 6,820 3, .303 1,058 820 2,498 1, 150 1, 035 85 1,577 1,502 456 Total col- ored. 15, 509 8,365 199 506 971 889 3, 860 1,719 996 588 8,033 1,081 3,776 530 235 844 1,025 1,175 4,206 1,668 2,015 3,326 131 59 2,832 9,754 1, 846 1,807 32 240 79 948 2 152 159 3,190 363 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 4,773 7 17 64 3 25 53 9 65 14 162 12 140 359 51 30 92 3 15 168 25 27 1' 22 3 112 29 15 103 130 120 191 1 13 64 72 15 1 96 11 9 15 46 70 84 I 9,062 22, 331 9,957 74, 357 937 22, 294 23, 222 78,444 50, 666 Foreign white. 363, 535 594 195 8,303 1,169 1,824 652 267 6,011 6,437 1,025 8,997 7, 313 10, 890 5, 256 1,606 1,392 878 1,522 6,375 580 1, 854 8,623 1,643 9,062 792 1,584 2, 021 6,869 8,608 1,990 1,835 9.192 8, 130 1,553 494 3,424 23 11, 164 9,086 1,186 19, 490 150 1,184 5,025 1,075 11, 579 5,141 257 1,307 5,181 2,751 15, 9] 5 4,483 49, 100 73 12, 391 6, 433 66, 728 31,718 247, 473 1, 306 372 2, 736 3,132 1,233 929 665 1,027 9,216 531 Total col- ored. 2,227 114 2,572 2,148 3,416 1,956 2,685 1, 036 1,421 657 3,453 930 681 2.520 813 4,577 1,539 1, 228 859 8,545 4. 98.) 1,932 1,699 3,020 1,316 1,580 88 2,809 2,812 591 12, 742 683 1,055 3,060 1,018 2,529 1,251 881 1,426 3,549 4, 384 128 11, 073 2,454 1,946 30 336 102 ,100 5 168 205 ,648 485 6,437 11 27 109 5 81 38 71 11 87 16 2,685 216 801 18 2,238 201 576 463 1,134 74 46 117 3 12 6 66 26 231 72 12 25 37 27 21 144 38 23 8 147 172 181 2 248 1 2 30 89 114 20 2 119 17 10 18 5(1 99 112 POPULATION. 785 T^BLF a7.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, Ni^TIVITY. AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Jackson Kanabec Kandiyohi Kittson Lac (lui Parle 372 50 78G COMPEI^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Ta»li; 27.-PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITV \.M> COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COnNTIES. Minnesota — Continued. Lake Lesueur Lincoln Lyon McLeod ilarshalL Martin ... Meeker . . Millelacs Morrison Mower. . Murray. XicoUet- Xobles . . Iforman 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 74 3,300 866 1,543 3,022 893 1,57C 2, ScW 420 2,000 Fe- males. 105 3,240 881 1,485 2,843 804 1,517 2,454 408 2,032 Olmsted . . Ottertail . Pine Pipestone. Polk Pope Ramsey. . Redwood Renville . Rice , Rock St. Louis. .. Scott Sherburne . Sibley Steams . Steele... Stevens. Swift... Todd... Traverse Wabasha "Wadena Waseca "Washington. Watonwan Wilkin Winona Wright Yellow Medicine. Mississippi . Adams Alcorn . Amite . Attala . Claiborne . Clarke . . . . Clay Coahoma . Copiah . . . Covington . DeSoto... Franklin . . Greene Grenada . . 2,970 2,967 1,098 988 2,119 2,178 1,301 1,235 1,543 1,535 3, 276 3,235 5,471 5,282 457 417 824 803 3,686 3, 663 1,691 1,613 14, 627 15, 649 1,554 1,475 3,047 2,961 4.208 4.131 1,069 3, 574 2.301 994 2, 750 5,731 2, 268 845 1,717 2,245 634 2,971 575 2,375 3,571 1,241 685 5,316 4,064 1.637 114, 334 1,087 2,070 1,630 2, 733 Benton i 204 Bolivar Calhoun . . . Carroll Chickasaw . Choctaw . . . 525 2,474 1,806 1,864 1.844 677 1,728 1,118 378 3,075 1,178 1,428 1,201 648 754 1,074 3,184 2,295 874 2, 543 5,748 2,274 825 1,669 2,069 2,887 660 2.355 3,447 1,237 658 5 546 3, 859 1,6:J0 112,315 1,161 1,995 1,571 2,663 1,216 473 2,494 1. 655 1, 884 1,698 732 1,605 1,098 343 3,186 1,116 1,471 1,115 578 772 Foreign white. Males. 68 365 236 306 562 719 236 576 63 520 303 253 353 227 419 218 1,374 202 124 1,819 340 4,897 250 515 541 188 2,080 340 183 414 972 363 173 364 359 166 275 106 287 890 309 170 815 695 373 225 Fe- males. 61 386 232 281 509 641 212 460 57 486 271 238 259 164 325 225 1.272 173 94 1.639 312 5,432 236 381 525 115 1,889 260 130 363 927 ■ :i28 145 349 128 104 265 239 140 826 651 274 Total colored. Males. 155 18 32 165, 699 4,174 743 2,532 2, 245 1,201 5,483 823 2,459 2.601 624 2,385 1,998 2,787 3,339 3, 581 736 3. 867 1.1.30 213 2,541 Fe- males. 170 18 1 9 166, 338 4,267 831 2,380 2,182 1,126 5,400 776 2,458 2,529 038 2,503 1,864 2,945 3,325 3,551 724 3,812 1,156 224 2, .522 MALES 18 TO 44 VEABS, LVCLUSrVE. Nati-v-e white. 186 2,505 356 1,037 1,408 453 1,266 1,360 488 1,475 2. 433 625 1..3B1 1.083 556 2,920 2,469 334 757 1,772 741 17, 903 1,030 1,577 2,796 900 6.895 1,599 716 1,582 3,986 1,301 574 807 1,580 580 2,169 544 1,617 2,832 719 433 3,904 2,442 772 98, 529 1,142 1,609 1,390 2.280 1, 036 971 1,907 1,539 1,453 1,448 641 1,298 1,0.53 637 2, 547 913 1.255 994 .520 750 Foreign white, 379 1.300 716 958 1,601 1,728 793 1,597 290 1, 3.59 1,.386 727 1,452 758 1,724 1,232 3.984 750 448 5,112 1,339 20, 435 936 1,834 1,591 700 12, 141 1.051 527 1.417 3, 036 1,099 021 1,243 1,013 653 1,071 314 896 3,613 918 537 2,752 1,944 1,223 2,335 Total col- ored. 655 23 1.53 5 3 151 22 14 15 6 104 1 10 24 24 127, 900 3,004 470 1,742 1,481 742 6,545 565 1,759 1,776 403 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. 186 2, 479 308 1,116 1,361 420 1,370 1,388 575 1,532 2,633 648 1,260 1,141 462 3,440 2, 582 377 837 1,689 639 18, 471 1,071 1,387 2,985 979 7,384 1,424 835 1,291 3,825 1,460 556 712 1,806 539 2,380 687 1,582 2,855 697 448 4,131 2,660 678 115, 770 1,298 1,944 1, 608 2, 670 1,217 1,098 2,216 1,765 1,746 1,645 18 6 1,739 766 1,113 1,517 1,932 1,283 3, 756 731 ; 2,537 2,977 477 1,043 2. 926 1,600 7G0 1.156 162 Oil 1,729 912 Foreign white. Total col- ored. 392 2,479 1,021 L391 2,685 2,141 1,187 2,609 379 1,997 2,288 1,080 2.533 1,084 2,316 2,372 5,970 913 592 6,508 1,956 25, 332 1,373 2,855 3,022 946 13,198 2,221 798 2,515 5,002 1,814 859 1,821 1,557 844 2,124 430 1,739 4,989 1.342 700 4,623 3,465 1,819 4,841 3 1 1 4 5- 27 5- 716 29 152 3 322 50 37 31 13 148 13 23 50 21 70 26 42 69 96 10 40 15 3 40 2 1 4& 2 2 35 2 9 150, 469 4,009 656 1,903 1,691 877 7,212 619 1,965 2,110 445 2, 1.55 1,350 2,547 4,169 2,884 487 3,547 860 188 2,085- POPULATION. 787 TvBi I 27 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES. BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 5 TO 20 YEAES, IKCLUSIVE. Mississippi— Continued Hancock Harrison Hinds Holmes Issaquena Itawamba . Jackson . . Jasper Jefferson . Jones Kemper Lafayette . - Lauderdale Lawrence . - Leake Lee Leflore... Lincoln.. Lowndes. Madison. Marion Marshall Monroe Montgomery . ^Neshoba Newton Noxubee. . ■ . Oktibbeha . . Panola Pearl River. Perry Pike. ... Pontotoc - Prentiss . Quitman. Rankin . . Scott Sharkey . Simpson . Smith ... Sunflower ... Tallahatchie . Tate Tippah Tishomingo.. Tunica Union Warren Washington . Wayne Webster... Wilkinson . Winston... Yalobusha. Yazoo Adair Andrew . Atchison Audrain . Barry Barton Bates Benton . . Bollinger Boone Native white. Fe- Males. ! j„aies. 1, 221 1,886 2,090 1,418 121 2.265 1,663 1,655 714 1,516 1,703 2,495 2,966 1,349 1,995 2,690 437 2,377 1, 149 1,187 1,431 1.940 2, 466 1,547 1,840 2,228 921 1,231 1,990 518 961 2,235 2,301 2,352 200 1,613 1,573 208 1,352 2, 063 Missouri 465, 188 463, 568 1,948 787 1,519 1,553 1,774 Foreign white. Total colored 1,172 1,881 2,113 1,302 135 2,293 1,618 1,550 712 1,458 1,618 2. 534 2,976 1,325 2,026 2,684 417 2,115 1,152 1,215 1,446 1,996 2,444 1,637 1,742 2,139 1, 041 1,172 1,902 493 2, 108 2, 220 2, 298 143 1,623 1,527 220 1,403 1,909 Males, 1,991 792 1,444 1,511 1,719 504 459 1,106 1,012 1.824 1,829 2,128 2,169 1,748 1,703 215 190 2,441 2,431 1,500 1,524 740 750 1,258 1,245 3,318 3,004 3,094 3, 827 4,706 3,688 6,138 3,010 2,839 4,045 3,324 2,913 2,772 3,716 4,632 3,614 5,983 3,020 2,730 3,978 Fe- males. 12 10, 884 19 73 68 40 103 45 110 31 19 Mal'^s- i nSes. 11, 239 21 40 56 36 102 54 127 26 16 5 499 746 6,369 5,365 2,418 234 689 1,744 3,586 247 2,421 2,007 i 3,160 1,495 1,241 1,760 3,050 1,753 4,480 4.800 682 765 228 659 697 1,536 5,068 2,692 4,066 139 42S 2,461 1,039 659 574 2,518 1,164 1,555 888 451 1,440 2,065 2, 418 692 219 2,302 925 4,707 7,012 979 701 3,117 1,236 1,957 6,135 MALES 18 TO 44 TEARS INCLUSIVE. Native white. 533 663 6, 531 5,221 2,450 242 730 1,788 3,412 242 2,377 2, 096 3, 424 1,420 1,303 1,759 2,894 1,717 4,577 4,988 701 3,775 4,398 1,658 650 1,489 5,222 2, 783 3,979 146 394 2,533 1,042 634 492 2,490 1,095 1,509 961 393 1,363 1,991 2,530 672 246 2,238 951 5,110 7,181 703 3,147 1,192 1,989 6,105 Foreign white. 28, 810 29, 246 419 25 3 1,010 01 49 11 383 21 37 6 1,053 963 1,513 2,001 1,356 165 1,871 1,273 1,279 648 1,192 1,391 1.950 2,872 1,098 1,626 2,211 719 1,836 1,060 1,037 1,160 1,683 2,278 1,392 1,434 1,828 801 1,131 1,649 444 1,957 1,830 1,844 237 1,344 1,202 316 1,020 1,508 607 1.001 1,525 1,715 1,384 354 2. 036 1,767 1,174 1,018 1,548 735 1,198 1,441 1,635 470, 411 3,210 2,939 3,259 3,926 3,925 3,433 6,059 2,526 2,311 4,184 75 140 Total col- ored. 100 3 27 5 14 96 2 3 14 51 41 30 33 4 17 29 12 5 4 7 19 52 9 10 76 2 3 10 10 1 27 2 17 19 13 2 1 18 9 239 199 6 3 30 3 47 70 470 614 4,603 4,008 2,126 158 604 1, 123 2,430 287 1,545 1,408 2,478 877 881 1.213 3,185 1,211 3,422 3,263 .MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 1,008 3, 376 1,695 2,924 152 362 1,678 656 451 577 1, 6C8 764 1,502 604 293 1,690 1, 685 1.675 429 146 2,473 663 4,245 7,863 614 472 2,047 778 1,459 4,836 1,108 1,704 2, 507 1,638 201 2,163 1,488 1,468 791 1,331 1,638 2,408 3,321 1,239 1,890 Foreign white. 63, 814 32, 223 95 234 285 192 220 203 443 147 80 56 52 37 10 342 22 1,044 \ 1,263 1,975 I 465 1,008 2,188 2,190 2.221 265 1,607 1,427 344 1,182 i,67;i J70 1,132 1,825 2,035 1, 704 406 2,406 1,964 1,387 1,140 1,827 869 1,458 1,714 1,926 547, 161 188 326 193 74 48 3 200 19 55 15 16 35 186 7 17 Total col- ored. 2.640 42 824 69 2,053' 80 1,372 65 1,357 71 1,304 10 2,113 57 2,754 55 1,638 22 1,623 18 2,073 23 31 26 87 13 15 202 11 36 29 28 18 12 31 18 507 313 14 59 11 103 139 577 735 5,566 4, 750 2,720 173 766 1,256 2,810 289 1,751 1,672 2,914 957 973 1,422 3,494 1,412 4,412 3,942 542 3,037 3,582 1,254 491 1,162 4, 312 2,141 3,442 146 410 1,829 777 532 587 1,825 806 1,682 663 284 1, 810 1,944 2,001 500 177 2,797 716 5, 552 9,103 719 513 2, 442 857 1,721 5,697 120, 290 1 38, 267 4,090 3,703 3, 664 4.916 4,725 10 4,294 1 99 7,523 i 34 2,991 2 2,62C 842 5,386 1 233 481 522 439 393 371 768 440 190 172 66 54 11 393 20 9 110 44 5 96G. 788 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES : 1890— Continued. ' , Missouri — Continued. Buchanan Butler Caldwell Callaway Camden Cape Girardeau - Carroll Carter Cedar. Chariton.. Christian . Clark Clay Clinton . . . Cole Cooper Crawford . Dade Dallas . . . . Day less.. Dekalb . . Dent Doug-fcs . Dunklin . Franklin . . . Gasconade . Gentry Greene Grundy Harrison Henry Hickory . Holt . . ; . . Howard . . Howell . . . Iron Jackson . . Jasper Jetterson . Johnson . . Kuox Laclede. . . Lafayette . Lawrence. Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston . McDonald . Macon . . . Madison . Maries. - . Marion . . Mercer. . . Miller Mississippi . Moniteau . . . Monroe Montgomery . Morgan New Madrid . Newton 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Nodaway . Oregon . . . Osage Ozark Males. 10, 856 1,847 2,818 4,008 2,145 4,046 4,623 907 4,363 3,123 4,469 3, 030 2,826 3,288 3,053 2,732 3,632 2,512 3,549 2,682 4,041 2,924 2, 575 3,123 3,170 5, 240 2,295 2,692 8,605 3,293 4,209 5,287 2.011 3, 001 2,473 3,850 1,757 20, 201 9.019 3,879 5,038 2, 495 2,986 4,920 5, 255 2,760 3,090 4,341 3,593 2,453 5, 555 1,876 1,838 3,739 2,818 2, 936 1,425 2,790 3,492 2,844 2,416 1,4.34 4,473 6,102 2,211 2,548 2,181 Fe- males. 11, 053 1,865 2.755 3,740 1,973 4,100 4,605 924 4,151 3,298 4,449 2,916 2, 829 3, 238 3,011 2,675 3.644 2,317 3,499 2,593 3,886 2,689 2, 552 2.962 3,094 5,105 2,230 3,690 8,462 3,363 4,098 5,207 1,986 2,798 2,444 3,779 1,790 20, 968 9,171 3,922 5,017 2.497 2,923 4,717 5,141 2,667 3,030 4,207 3,649 2,358 5,341 1,801 1,744 3, 919 2,889 2,974 1,434 2,749 3,535 2,864 2,364 1,323 4,340 5,880 2,089 2,444 2,165 Foreign white. Males.l Ji«-3_ 480 22 14 44 16 27 38 5 15 2 43 32 15 43 13 62 64 45 24 7 11 1 100 90 10 94 14 26 64 15 31 24 25 22 1,309 101 173 32 9 23 185 79 38 1 168 4 3 55 3 103 540 11 15 31 7 20 28 2 18 3 31 27 15 17 17 77 55 28 18 10 10 21 5 6 85 87 4 163 13 13 31 19 41 19 24 26 1,564 98 140 33 14 18 135 76 11 34 51 38 2 113 4 2 56 1 7 6 99 13 Total colored. Males. 709 123 63 993 27 420 306 2 157 28 781 19 23 274 228 394 777 17 72 13 83 24 9 5 27 377 21 3 679 50 14 243 7 16 1,020 41 65 2,123 166 217 409 40 106 839 78 194 481 144 189 2 225 57 Fe- males. 63 474 194 465 349 97 450 139 28 842 950 23 442 292 3 165 33 724 20 44 262 248 283 727 12 51 4 396 19 6 685 46 12 252 6 17 951 49 64 2,457 188 227 367 36 100 848 208 455 177 173 3 220 55 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCL0SIVE. 664 14 37 416 176 417 396 96 426 145 25 9 9] Native white. 14,511 2,072 2,851 4,164 1,818 3,587 4,900 1,040 4,470 2,651 4,234 2,426 2,865 3,988 3,091 3,298 3,576 2,093 3,117 2,192 3, 935 2,748 2,152 2,421 3,295 4,318 1,697 3,612 8,839 3,491 3,933 5,227 1,608 3,038 2,515 3,195 1,413 32, 965 10, 652 3,664 5, 066 2,598 2,513 4,662 4,742 2,841 3,161 4,553 3,868 1,949 5, 337 1, 605 1,572 4,377 2,764 2,443 2,038 2,594 3,721 2,709 2,063 1,792 3,730 5,791 1,929 2,114 1,686 Foreign white. ,407 75 124 136 28 292 258 28 97 22 97 111 195 113 451 307 98 86 26 49 137 40 26 22 614 420 90 541 115 82 249 55 156 96 150 ;, 144 565 699 150 108 81 709 318 192 316 257 18 564 40 58 372 26 84 61 281 69 188 129 32 163 345 51 358 15 Total col- ored. 931 150 71 860 14 324 253 3 141 13 624 17 31 309 168 703 636 16 55 12 64 22 10 4 35 318 19 11 696 62 12 200 3 16 838 31 49 4,557 244 201 358 49 67 181 339 145 137 3 234 35 2 752 15 43 453 138 357 273 60 426 124 MALES 21 YEARS ANE OVER. Native wliite. 15, 877 2,390 3,593 5,237 2,115 3,759 5,971 1.148 5, 721 3,544 5,156 2,892 3, 590 4,987 3,940 3,454 4,170 2,477 3.828 2,630 4,979 3, .387 2, 482 2,872 3,468 4,444 1.614 5,390 10, 561 4,300 4,868 6,408 1,939 3, 650 3,151 3,887 1, 645 37, 519 12,929 4,027 6,351 3,180 3,050 5,487 5,637 3,613 3,764 5, 645 4,852 2,512 6,655 1,899 1, 745 5,530 3, 426 2,823 2,211 3, 058 4,885 3, 356 2,461 1,901 4, 638 7,112 2, 278 2,080 1,951 Foreign white 4, 062 132 305 343 85 1,011 563 48 280 75 650 222 369 346 296 1,079 794 264 179 70 142 316 107 65 42 2,013 1,180 222 935 261 221 570 127 355 210 196/ 308 11,412 966 1,635 429 325 214 1,391 620 376 509 686 576 58 1,089 127 173 955 181 107 663 160 503 375 57 384 781 86 963 35 Total col- ored. 1,041 165 85 '% 463 306 2 180 25 744 17 46 350 226 724 760 19 65 16 92 29 13 10 35 415 22 12 783 74 13 239 8 26 972 40 67 4,961 259 257 428 60 96 1,014 87 254 407 197 186 4 324 50 3 968 20 48 524 172 434 344 78 465 167 33 7 POPULATION. 789 Table aV.-PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES. BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— ContiDued. '90 COMPENDI^^[ OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 18<)(). Tablk 27.— persons of SCHOOL, MILITIA. AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOE, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Nebraska — Continued. Brown Buffalo Burt Butler .. Cedar Cliase Cherry Cheyenne. Clay Colfax . . Cuming. Custer.. Dakota . Dawes . . Dawson Deuel . . . Dixon .. Dodge . . Douglas Dundy. .. Fillmore Franklin Frontier . Furnas . . Gage . . . Garfield Gosper . Grant. . . Greeley Hall Hamilton . Harlan . . . Hitchcock . Holt Hooker . . Howard . Jefferson Johnson . Kearney . . Keith Keyapaha Kimball . . Knox Lancaster . Lincoln Logan Loup McPhersou . Madison . Merrick . Nance . . . Nemaha . Nuckolls . Otoe . . . . Pawnee. Perkins. Phelps. . Pierce . . Platte Polk Kedwillow . Richardson 5 TO 20 YEARS. INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. . ^,*- I males. Eock .515 471 Saline 3,580 ' 3,387 Sarpy 1.127 ' 1.089 Saunders I 3, 588 3, 521 783 3,852 2, 003 2,681 4,201 1,257 801 945 829 2.766 1,737 i 1,880 3,761 I 964 I 1,411 1,761 474 1,516 i 3,081 20,824 1 654 2, 979 I 1,349 1,459 i 1,799 6,252 289 890 85 900 2,688 2,491 1,590 654 995 2,461 68 1,529 2,669 I 1,896 1,553 404 693 136 1,388 12,337 1,663 225 319 79 2,260 1,569 900 2,330 1, 774 I 3. 810 1, 868 2, 510 3, 878 i 1, 148 ' 795 947 787 2, 651 1,765 1,881 3,631 863 1,425 1,619 453 1,514 3,007 19, eig* 656 2,846 1,353 1,401 1,766 5,923 300 873 62 847 2,785 2,336 1, 475 633 981 I 2,366 66 1,404 2,538 1,812 1,547 331 646 116 1,352 12, 092 1,610 225 303 60 2,313 1,534 872 2,378 2,060 4,642 4,547 1,938 1,861 695 693 1,571 1,448 876 782 2,395 1, 805 1,447 3,266 2,442 1,758 1,.528 3,180 Foreign white. Males. 53 270 215 357 478 143 43 104 81 429 393 482 233 78 181 52 112 479 3, 517 36 253 168 81 61 483 5 53 1 76 272 291 72 62 71 198 Fe- males. Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 388 314 102 216 36 30 36 188 1,048 129 11 7 1 251 116 71 66 382 100 42 293 588 299 86 158 49 447 115 722 236 162 321 438 95 39 87 68 377 366 404 187 62 133 162 26 116 504 3,772 23 203 143 64 79 525 6 40 2 84 271 226 62 42 65 200 22 2 371 249 103 184 37 18 29 157 1,096 128 9 5 1 235 117 50 322 77 41 236 510 271 102 152 30 449 102 505 2 10 8 4 7 30 4 1 11 1 155 7 7 129 17 4 643 70 123 245 4 MALES 18 TO 44 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 718 4,328 1,666 2, 347 4,444 1,076 956 1,261 1,048 2,402 1,013 1,172 4,074 902 1,950 1.822 482 1,203 2,736 33, 296 800 2,521 1,138 1,679 1,767 7,220 312 840 128 753 2,720 2,178 1,325 714 1,075 2,019 85 861 2,395 1.831 1,040 518 662 146 1,020 15, 995 2,027 298 289 79 2, 068 1,480 1,110 2,378 2,258 4,197 1,810 862 1,327 672 1,593 1, 456 1,616 3,100 520 2,730 1,200 2,449 Foreign white. 141 957 789 988 1,448 523 133 418 478 1,029 969 1,478 787 345 501 550 195 .514 1, 755 16, 868 139 867 430 295 233 65 179 13 283 940 310 194 228 648 11 984 764 364 796 157 116 96 596 3,759 531 34 33 14 947 384 305 392 343 1,.537 351 187 1.067 400 1.583 888 328 549 127 1,302 542 Total col- ored. 127 5 6 10 9 5 4 300 3 13 1,919 MALES 21 YEARS APfD OVER. 100 1 1 460 18 Native white. 901 4,853 1,901 2, 615 4, 923 1.097 1, 123 1, 430 1,200 2,720 1,031 1,125 4,738 990 2,247 2,033 567 1,308 2,885 33, 720 951 2,849 1,310 1,879 2, 122 8,000 374 956 145 819 3, 061 2, 386 1,562 837 1,262 2,424 110 965 2,690 2,154 1,160 559 838 170 I 1.158 17, 037 2,260 347 365 90 2,229 1,746 1,218 2,800 2,574 4, 635 2, 138 909 1,372 717 1.608 1,618 1,884 3,558 660 3,059 1,317 2,682 Foreign white. 237 1,416 1,112 1.402 1,982 793 208 557 636 1,494 1,484 2, 065 1,129 552 680 Total col- ored. 1,085 195 2,002 784 2,966 3 20 3 3 36 135 7 7 7 9 294 771 9 271 ^. 789 3 2,527 15 19, 841 1,917 189 2 1,319 8 641 2 426 1 428 1 2,177 114 107 1 261 1 19 460 4 1,527 16 1.281 17 525 5 278 1 322 1 1,115 9 11 1,358 2 1,098 12 610 3 1,128 217 1 201 5 120 1 893 142 5,072 486 772 18 49 59 1 23 1,415 13 600 2 393 11 702 16 .518 4 2, 239 ' 73 567 1 256 1,406 1 6 570 1 2, 381 12 1,241 ,9 474 7 POPULATION. 791 •Tabl. 27 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, HY SEX, NATIVITY, AND GOLOE, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. is' ebraska—C on tinned . ScottsBlufl' Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton... Thayer . . . Thomas . . . Thurston . Tallev .... Nevada. Churchill... Douglas ... Elko Esmeralda. Eureka Humboldt . Lander Xilncoln Lyon ISye Ormsby Storey Washoe White Pine IJe-n- Hampshire . Belknap . Carroll . . Cheshire Coos Grafton.. Hillsboro Merrimack .. Eockiusiham Strafford Sullivan New Jersey Atlantic Bergen Burlington . . Camden Cape May . - - Cumberland . Essex Gloucester... Hudson Hunterdon . Mercer Middlesex . Monmouth Morris Ocean .5 TO 20 yE.\RS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Fe- Male»' 1 males. 296 2,924 1,378 1,125 392 814 2,412 85 164 1,270 Washington 2,100 Wayne l'"'^^ Webster Wheeler York 2,047 304 3,016 5,335 300 2,814 1.277 1,061 412 747 2,264 97 171 1,139 2, 057 880 2,019 276 2,864 ,217 Foreign white. Males, ^^fes. 70 172 580 143 300 335 290 300 266 112 510 1,335 735 187 44, 259 53 152 591 124 324 329 256 301 249 85 579 1,260 761 153 43,446 9 244 139 160 31 129 107 1 44 173 296 147 135 21 301 10 248 119 141 42 80 81 2 30 134 206 116 115 16 281 260 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Total colored. Males. 302 312 913 ,531 ,914 ,016 :,295 :, 128 199, 630 202, 766 i 22, 903 2,245 2,391 3,614 2,793 4,935 9, 586 5,558 5,764 4,301 2,259 31 46 75 13 337 120 416 842 283 3.743 1,008 711 1,217 219 9,779 3,593 6,406 8,452 11, 558 1,593 7,094 34, 793 4,445 37, 549 5,184 10, 478 8,404 9, 728 7,977 2,612 Passaic 13, 238 Salem 3,505 Somerset I 3, 896 Sussex ' 3,480 Union ; 9, 745 Warren 5,900 3,825 6,449 8,482 11,814 1,520 6,807 35, 635 4,096 38. 695 5,298 10, 616 8, 241 9, 983 8,278 2,670 13. 607 : 3, 437 3,759 3, 348 10,176 6.030 437 89 392 643 291 4,823 966 577 1,310 251 351 784 211 750 19 306 4,555 133 6,504 82 1,457 1. 289 323 463 22 3,873 141 i 352 I 52 1 1.123 ' 113 , 24, 498 349 816 190 852 17 330 5,463 93 6.929 65 1.417 1,075 357 484 39 4,166 100 341 42 1, 266 107 Fe- males. 321 2 332 664 33 18 52 36 34 536 34 11 47 44 27 65 73 72 56 35 56 37 124 Native white. 423 2,556 1,641 865 417 633 2,186 112 256 1,157 1,582 1,019 1,923 270 2,809 6,565 104 203 944 280 320 481 241 472 301 138 761 1,016 1,073 231 59, 067 Foreign white. Total col- ored. 7,292 17 40 18 72 880 437 444 156 411 486 12 111 354 958 618 442 64 848 5,060 30 294 414 271 558 378 236 269 230 81 476 942 689 192 20, 618 MALES 21 VEABS AND OVER. Native white. 309 2,981 „ . I Total ^_"J?i?° col- ored. white. 265 282 405 1,139 152 365 892 297 294 493 340 780 136 26 178 552 254 20 345 341 438 1,197 162 372 1,212 239 382 518 280 764 147 29 180 513 236 36 383 40 3,448 3,433 4,770 3,535 6,553 12, 044 8,018 8,644 5,872 2,750 206, 869 4,469 6,230 10, 152 14, 682 1,967 7,895 33, 693 5,134 33,690 6,098 11, 742 8,496 11, 284 8,090 2,846 11, 455 4,148 4.141 4,225 9,946 6,486 77 60 300 253 276 395 145 112 54 143 632 212 231 91 193 491 2,869 1,904 996 501 650 2,505 134 286 1,346 1,748 1,084 2, 225 325 3,260 8,877 95 ,393 611 636 222 575 i 785 19 1. 131 i 499 . 1,393 1 760 ' 705 114 1,222 8,125 489 12 3 3 12 15 787 596 1,165 2,442 1,044 7,256 2,515 1,868 2,514 431 94, 872 1,148 3,421 I 1,027 3, 100 128 779 20, 224 543 29, 642 402 4.644 5,749 2,015 2,468 136 11, 436 319 1,325 257 5,512 597 145 57 275 372 1, 182 623 407 437 519 838 1 647 536 340 377 i 541 404 450 385 ; 235 197 994 717 ; 1, 286 1,845 1,477 1,021 379 316 i 91, 909 11, 942 643 376 626 1,731 162 431 1, 738 391 849 109 389 1,466 235 3i 328 613 269 22 481 60 5,635 5,557 7,677 4,909 10, 661 17, 563 12, 731 13, 847 8,595 4,734 254, 633 25, 980 100 95 400 438 342 515 176 155 82 160 788 277 306 115 246 5.940 7,929 14,082 18, 144 2, 986 10, 789 37, 219 6,907 33, 978 9,480 15, 690 10, 376 15, 221 10, 903 4,132 12,443 5,937 5,788 6,089 11, 777 8, 823 1,003 645 1,672 2,725 1,451 9,141 3,170 2,456 3,062 655 144, 333 11 11 18 46 52 36 23 14 14, 564 2.056 5,286 2. 107 5,176 244 1,417 31, 020 1,085 43,483 883 7, 139 7,945 3,381 4,050 309 • 15, 940 610 2, 168 474 8,253 1, 301 723 488 812 2,188 217 592 2,058 430 968 142 1,214 455 1,691 297 44 389 773 372 39 578 94 792 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. New Mexico . Bernalillo . . . Colfax Donua Ana . Grant Lincoln Mora Rio Arriba. . San Juan . . . San Miguel . Santa Fe Sierra Socorro . . Taos Valencia. New York. Albanj- Allegany . ... Broome Cattaraugus . Cayuga Chautauqua Chemung Chenango Clinton Columbia Cortland. . Delaware . Dutchess . Erie Essex Erajiklin . Fulton.... Genesee . . Greene . . . Hamilton . Kings Lewis Livingston Madison Monroe Jlontgomery. New York . . . Niagara Oneida Onondaga Ontario Orange Orleans Oswego Otsego Putnam . . . Queens Kensselaer. Schoharie. Schuyler.. Seneca Steuben . . Suffolk ... 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 23, 928 23, 467 6.569 8, 731 9. 373 9.071 10,137 6,865 5,128 8,066 6,223 3.940 6,670 10. 521 43, 521 5,452 6,415 5,097 4,574 4,434 818 Herkimer 6,249 Jefferson 9. hq ^" — 110.130 4,041 5,358 2.683 1,178 1,522 1,206 1,231 1.788 2.158 355 4,115 2.064 526 1.618 1,667 1,817 794,411 Fe- males. 23,440 2,743 1,148 1,482 1,062 1,160 1,830 1,939 299 4.108 2,117 521 1.502 1,592 1.847 809, 258 5,859 25. 775 6. 302 170, 587 9,103 16, 921 19, 966 6,827 14, 089 3,963 10, 469 6, 778 1.991 17,488 17. 474 Richmond 7, 809 Rockland St. Lawrence Saratoga Schenectady 12, 674 7, 722 4,172 4,001 2,228 3, 729 12, 283 8,049 1 24, 773 6,463 8.887 9,268 8.873 10, 049 6,725 5.078 7. 766 6,511 3,809 6,614 10.817 43, 967 5,390 6,228 5,288 4,726 4,484 729 6,337 9,077 114, 098 4,372 5,250 .5.887 26. 362 0.235 180, 061 8,779 17,111 20, 183 6,749 14, 451 3,890 10, 637 6.763 1,959 17, 658 18. i:i6 6,853 5,125 12, 383 8, 336 4.030 4,131 2,161 3, 687 11, 916 8,209 Foreign white Males. T<}' Fe- males. 584 81 123 147 177 33 13 6 . 4 15 29 26 30 4 18 99, 865 82 105 127 151 19 Total colored. 112, 955 1,891 99 266 445 438 1,059 406 83 398 272 90 86 838 8,275 171 458 235 238 54 23 294 699 15, 869 201 256 142 3,550 560 44, 695 1,045 I 1,270 2,058 338 780 441 347 99 143 2,097 1,300 759 646 810 345 350 24 23 84 275 522 2,232 107 316 435 443 1,193 371 64 359 277 71 78 506 8,626 147 417 258 254 57 16 316 716 18, 450 163 198 128 3,735 632 54, 153 1,083 1,324 2,098 :i72 722 448 341 106 131 2,018 1,595 928 388 835 433 343 17 27 89 264 546 Males. 2,054 Fe- males. 1,831 MALES 18 TO 44 TEAKS, INCLDSIVE. Native white. 28, 683 24 101 34 102 12 94 715 9,826 207 69 70 36 38 124 3.5 29 156 22 37 239 144 23 10 43 26 103 4 18 43 1.556 13 47 72 134 38 2,753 65 80 135 63 416 36 20 26 36 563 93 159 226 18 108 18 58 20 16 77 , 417 I 31 119 1 13 73 720 10, 620 187 00 30 10 113 41 19 170 5 41 292 182 31 19 50 1.704 20 56 61 128 39 3,090 57 82 183 86 469 40 25 45 23 613 112 177 180 20 119 27 65 34 21 99 454 I 3,501 1,660 1,389 1,612 1,684 2,022 2.107 380 4.761 2,686 2,000 1,733 2.124 Foreign white. 4,447 783 436,850 26, 215 7,73c 11. 950 10, -107 11, 230 11,198 9,084 7,035 7.328 7,556 5,482 9, 001 12,814 43,914 5,751 6.269 7,041 5,337 5.584 1,058 8.351 11. 802 lOr, 912 5,422 6,203 7,576 27. 379 7,797 169, 197 9,485 19, 334 24, 242 7,964 16. 602 4,811 12. 080 9,618 2,363 16, 847 19, 055 6,978 4,967 14, 272 9,400 5.483 5, 368 2,994 4,945 15, 372 9.533 Total col- ored. 2,935 830 996 458 61 C74 25 1,015 535 261 34 112 38 80 127 37 1 233 73 294 158 200 34 242 28 25 121 86 704 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 35, 088 19, 986 8.197 540 1,359 1,980 2,323 3,698 1,677 455 1.590 1.313 506 818 3.386 28,445 901 1,343 1, 0.55 1,372 406 165 1,420 2,466 78, 094 774 1,224 13.444 1,973 191. 594 3,491 5,407 7,617 1,654 4,361 1.692 1.564 603 1,041 10, 893 6,571 4,074 2,852 2.860 1,788 1,745 152 93 611 1,485 .'), 050 502 72 153 61 154 46 198 70 59 205 29 74 363 392 20 13 62 30 139 26 56 3.248 11 49 85 202 49 7,991 132 141 293 114 561 43 45 56 90 638 183 216 449 30 1.58 37 59 54 111 469 4,333 1,937 1,454 1,942 1,979 2,499 2, 695 512 5,973 3,334 1,069 2,439 2,287 2,635 1,063,789 Foreign white. 6,390 30, 250 11, 477 16, 489 14, 149 15, 752 16.244 11, 740 11,127 8,816 11, 068 8,111 12, 841 17,466 46, 531 7, 492 7.553 9.566 7,455 8.481 1,301 1,016 608 978 1,392 340 185 104 74 434 455 285 324 57 138 Total col- ored. 3,473 1,074 82 37 586 35 49 152 2 90 214 35 37 161 919 681,629 1 24.231 15. 569 1,455 2.651 3,811 4,561 6,390 2,855 943 3,669 2.536 981 1.551 5,653 44, 221 1,952 2,768 1,889 2,913 907 273 11. 549 I 2, 831 17,000 I 4,294 115.192 1117.476 7, 169 2. 015 2, 594 11, 584 31, 291 10, 489 1,947 22, 134 3, 233 170, 997 !266, 747 11,460 1 6,495 24, 621 29. 668 11,142 21,046 6,748 17, 233 15, 105 3, :^84 19, 818 23, 086 8,275 6,395 18, 819 13, 331 6,601 8,700 4.938 7.171 21.612 13, 991 11,402 13, 616 3, 539 7,341 2,905 4,091 1,290 1,446 16, 699 11, 819 6,802 3,883 5,896 3,697 2,781 381 362 1,655 3,791 4,870 564 95 216 100 209 274 106 74 307 37 94 494 480 28 16 81 38 196 46 75 3.761 18 73 111 245 84 9,054 154 192 378 150 732 57 62 80 90 937 251 289 467 32 223 53 91 81 76 147 639 POPULATION. 793 Tablf 27 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. New York — Continued. Sullivan Tioga Tompkins Ulster Warren Washington . Wayne Westchester. Wyoming . - . Yates Alamance . Alexander. Alleghany. Anson Ashe Beaufort — Bertie Bladen Brunswick . Buncombe . Burke . . . Cabarrus Caldwell.. Camden . Carteret . Caswell. . . Catawba.. Chatham . Cherokee . Chowan .. Clay Cleveland Columbu.s . . . Craven Cumberland Currituck Dare Davidson . Davie Duplin ... Durham Edgecombe. Forsyth Franklin . . . Gaston Halifax Harnett . . . Haywood.. Henderson Hertford .. Hyde Iredell.... Jackson . Johnston Jones Lenoir Lincoln McDowell . Macon Madison . . . 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males, j^ales. 5,406 4,217 4,411 13, 472 4,409 6,730 6,725 20, u;-') 4,464 2,824 North Carolina 212, 222 5,166 4,306 4,456 13, 883 4,194 6,511 6,990 19, 288 4,383 2,810 208, 230 Foreign white. Males. 2,337 1, 74J 1,293 2,003 3, 212 I 2,277 1,593 1,784 1,293 5,756 2,464 2.566 2,139 688 1,601 1,197 3,243 3,359 2,106 776 844 3. 446 2,560 1,308 2, 924 911 712 3,616 1,612 - 2, 335 1,921 1,631 3,511 2,157 2,671 Gates 1.068 Graham Granville Greene Guilford 39 108 477 100 213 491 2, 223 166 127 699 2.384 1,037 3,574 1,909 1,872 2,801 2,400 1,141 958 3,897 1,870 4,099 1 771 t 1,824 2,092 1,913 1,964 3,819 Fe- males. Total colored. Males. 2,478 1,665 1,203 2,056 3, 123 2,321 1,526 1,730 1,223 5,762 2,424 2, 620 2,158 641 1,605 1,220 3,262 3. 315 1,966 759 835 3,482 2.362 1,348 2,908 871 668 3,503 1.659 2,281 2,166 1,741 3, 530 2,005 2, 694 1,046 673 2,445 1,042 3,481 1,809 1,843 2,608 2,414 1,224 890 3,756 1,888 4,050 758 1,663 2,054 1,820 1,986 3,557 248 65 51 100 382 113 239 462 2, 430 181 106 197 12 68 51 196 13 36 55 539 8 21 125, 043 Fe- nales. 15 10 64 73 194 29 43 52 503 12 26 127. 465 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, raCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 1,173 194 96 2,265 148 2,017 2,541 1,905 1,055 1,267 562 1,177 376 497 530 2,110 593 1,865 67 1,072 40 723 1,304 2,793 2,896 485 88 845 627 1,572 1,445 3,392 1,991 2,372 1,092 1,076 36 2,819 1,091 1,704 4,278 1,008 110 313 1,792 892 1,248 166 1,645 855 1,460 585 401 141 150 5,242 5,233 6, 137 14, 784 5,150 7,542 7,934 21, 460 5,336 3,623 Total col- ored. 187, 070 1, 37:! 192 116 2,323 121 2,033 2.564 J, 046 1. 1)83 1,359 591 1,336 345 521 479 2,202 593 1,919 74 1,163 30 704 1,553 2, 7 .8 2,833 414 85 757 629 1,798 1,584 3,524 1,805 2,443 1,124 1,041 29 2,764 1,098 1,735 4,341 1,081 127 310 1,770 916 1,356 182 1,719 834 1,549 584 405 166 137 387 315 I 497 ^ ,636 504 ,229 .640 .278 856 487 15 65 84 269 15 45 64 1,090 16 27 1. 034 I 85, 730 231, 250 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native Foreign' '^°^{-'^ white. I white. „j.g^_ 7,008 8,405 9,466 19, 402 6,897 10, 908 11,512 25, 866 7,666 5,639 2,284 1,436 1,004 1,776 2,428 2, 213 1,468 1,448 1, 002 5,583 2, 135 2.206 1,800 617 1,573 1,216 2,605 2,929 1,618 759 683 3,051 1,960 1,317 2.658 967 675 3,114 1, 499 2, 000 1.988 1,548 3,806 2,006 2,150 554 2,200 978 3,554 1,737 1,706 2,186 1,778 1,067 929 3,221 1,457 3,514 706 1,539 1,635 1,558 1.533 3,030 1 11 105 2 45 16 1 6 18 i 1 ! 15 3 818 118 68 1,387 81 1,642 1,664 957 708 1,502 300 828 203 372 283 1,397 374 1. 099 48 831 29 495 783 1,774 1,847 334 67 503 381 761 1,250 2.303 2,132 1,500 710 739 35 2,153 654 1,393 2,587 595 87 194 1,319 595 877 139 1.063 451 5 781 1 323 7 312 1 102 7 204 1,681 I 726 967 i 5,256 1, 185 j 2,761 3,546 17,075 1,951 23 100 125 380 26 84 99 1. 205 24 39 2,057 109, .346 2,859 1,768 1,233 2,180 2,996 2,856 1,819 1,897 1,335 6,401 2.611 2, 058 2,239 795 2,068 1,621 3,211 3,851 1, 9»7 938 846 3. 639 2,442 1,706 3.293 1,227 797 3,928 1,949 2, 556 2,555 1,935 4,676 2.470 2,623 1,265 620 2,755 1,192 4.734 2,261 2,128 2,561 2,287 < 1,321 i 1,878 2, 006 1.916 1,882 3,377 16 2 14 6 17 6 5 19 170 12 16 4 3 1,179 1 4,166 25 1,715 10 4,228 14 896 1 1.033 154 84 1,609 104 2, 044 2,077 1, 302 935 1,G63 418 1, 046 267 483 437 1,834 471 1, 5U7 66 1,074 30 601 1,038 2,666 2,323 427 81 689 541 1,060 1,587 3,024 2,136 1,910 907 870 46 2,478 834 1,794 3,711 726 110 263 1.530 691 1,163 191 1,374 559 1,067 463 379 129 222 [■94 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tabli, 27.— persons OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES. BY SEX, NATIVITY \ND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Korth Carolina — Conf d. Martin ■Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery Moore 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 1,596 4,601 2,749 1.791 2.766 Nash New Hanover . Northampton , Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank . Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Polk Randolph. Richmond . Eobeson . . Kockingham . Rowan Entherford .. Sampson Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transylvania . Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington . Fe- males. 1,544 4,492 2,639 1,755 2.710 2,565 2,326 1.686 1,815 1,898 1,709 1,593 1.468 1,943 1.645 921 924 1,008 937 1,263 ],168 897 892 1.632 1,619 2,738 2,598 964 927 4,295 4,113 2,152 2,314 3.253 3,236 2,969 2,982 3,432 3,208 2.966 3,009 3,223 3,328 2,261 2,242 Foreign white. Males. Watauga . Wayne . . . Wilkes - . . Wilson . . . Yadkin . . . 2,961 3.436 1,238 1,115 629 3,551 1,228 4,875 1,117 995 2,165 3,090 4, 142 2,204 2,553 2.023 Jforth Dakota 20,495 Barnes Benson . . . Billings.. - Bottineau. Bowman . . 882 246 24 240 Buford... Burleigh . Cass Cavalier . Church . . Dickey... Dunn Eddy Emmons . Flannery. Foster Garfield Grand Forks. Griggs Hettinger Kidder.... Lamoure. . Logan McHenry . Mcintosh. 47 535 2.354 496 11 646 9 118 213 7 137 3 2, 194 287 7 : I 145 I 334 I 42 I 162 ' 102 2,843 3,394 1,184 1,065 573 3,242 1,266 4,945 1,179 970 2,044 2,977 4,119 2,165 2.427 2.030 19, 392 869 247 16 215 45 507 2,338 413 4 106 190 114 3 2,065 320 13 143 315 25 179 114 27 Fe- males, 14 9 19 3 9,994 321 86 10 244 16 109 796 632 1 217 23 47 114 3 68 9,240 269 75 1 234 782 153 2 31 j 154 1 57 i 72 1 440 I 12 93 857 594 3 182 15 55 93 3 48 Total colored. Males. 1,598 4,154 104 522 1.577 2,010 2,517 2, 689 708 1.149 509 1,124 1,546 1,021 1,556 2,876 268 711 2,972 3,425 2,424 1,506 809 2,174 363 640 530 210 116 272 1,294 2,476 4,863 3,132 1,161 106 2,436 460 1. 694 I 323 73 118 Fe- males, 1,672 4,322 108 522 1,434 1,931 2,716 2,738 652 1.133 547 1,262 1,585 1.002 1,529 2, 851 252 750 2,961 3,331 2,246 1, .515 854 2,375 332 636 507 201 124 264 1,289 2,570 4,851 3,253 1.147 108 2,584 461 1,838 326 58 804 130 13 131 52 78 413 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS INCLUSIVE. Native white. 1, 415 4,279 2,042 1,655 2,503 2,266 1,923 1.643 1,317 1,703 891 1,006 995 864 1,465 2,388 812 3,824 2,009 2,976 2,819 3,012 2,610 2,880 1,768 2,492 3,061 975 854 572 2,694 1,207 5,014 970 940 1,721 2,781 3,432 2,085 2,167 1.498 18, 268 Foreign white. 69 5 5 6 2 159 3 1 330 34 156 197 804 2,282 299 14 871 36 199 204 18 155 6 2,057 229 19 i 258 411 33 143 30, 161 1,020 409 34 591 209 432 3,027 1,381 649 15 212 267 7 192 2 3,343 492 4 107 488 109 253 580 Total col- ored. 1,178 3,259 84 379 1,241 1,243 2,356 1.687 418 740 356 848 860 656 1,095 1,805 119 543 2,196 2,411 1,492 977 589 990 212 447 392 159 66 183 1,727 4, 233 1,605 910 73 1,518 295 1,084 221 45 MALES 21 YEARS .^ND OVER. Native Foreign white. white. 1,754 2! 5,179 143 1 2,398 11 i 1,961 13 3,115 28 2,747 8 2,337 295 2,106 9 1,655 3 2, 408 3 1,111 5 1,242 19 1, 330 14 1,120 2 1,839 3 2,929 11 1,017 5 4, 930 14 I 2,471 19 3, 723 20 3,439 34 3,763 39 3,208 6 3,504 11 2,008 4 Tota; col- ored. 179 3,056 3,701 1,154 1,089 716 3,128 1,505 6,342 1,278 1.160 2.045 3,377 4, 213 2.480 2,651 1,779 19, 508 778 385 36 159 6 211 908 2,514 293 15 1,022 42 233 245 17 165 7 2, 063 232 26 316 463 34 172 . 109 ; 50 105 70 11 1 42 36, 261 1,291 517 36 732 1,549 4, 085 110 436 1,369 1,600 3,154 2,312 543 1,084 487 1,148 1.161 853 1.369 2,225 174 670 2.550 2.763 1,943 1,369 724 1,370 281 552 485 198 89 237 1,050 2,236 5, 2.S8 2.367 1,111 78 1,963 373 1,400 267 57 190 220 598 3,519 1,608 763 20 |. 232 3 3,835 603 5 134 573 131 314 642 21 44 23 2 26 1 POPULATION. 795 T^BLF i-i -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY. AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 796 COMPEl^DIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table ay.-PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES. BY SEX NATIVITY A.ND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Ohio — Continued. Hocking Holmes Huron Jackson Jefferson Knox Lake Lawrence. Licking . . Logan Lorain. . . Lucas Madison. Malioning Marion . . Medina . Meigs. . Mercer . Miami . . Monroe. Montgomery. Morgan Morrow Muskingum . Noble Ottawa Paulding . Perry Pickaway , Pike...... Portage. . Preble . . . Putnam . Richland Ross Sandusky. Scioto Seneca Shelby.... Stark Summit Trumbull... Tuscarawas Union Van Wert . . . Vinton Warren Washington . Wayne . . . Williams . Wood Wyandot . Oklahoma. 5 TO 20 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Total colored Males. 4,349 3,940 5,066 5,346 6,289 4,368 2.422 7.641 6,857 4,522 6,051 15, 098 3,365 8,549 4,223 3,355 5,347 5,112 6,327 4,927 14, 936 3,277 2,869 8,448 4,007 3,748 5,030 5, 329 4,666 3,299 4,215 3,839 5,629 6,113 6,467 5,158 6.528 6,872 4,503 13, 606 8,279 6,650 8,448 3,960 5,407 3,193 3,886 7,529 6,815 4,174 7,851 3,795 10, 323 Beaver ,. 476 Canadian 1,196 Cleveland 1,202 Greer 1,087 Kingfisher. Logan Oklahoma . Pavue 1,244 1, 997 1,769 1,352 Fe- 4,484 3, 880 4,950 5,406 6,368 4,409 2,553 7,705 6,866 4,478 6,131 15, 362 3,260 8,534 4,227 3,271 5,267 5,123 6,377 4,768 14, 732 3,318 2,737 8,366 3.944 3,731 4,630 5,396 4, 549 3,278 4, 107 3,666 5,732 6,242 6.390 5,112 6,568 6,772 4,226 14, 022 8,210 6,685 8,175 3,918 5,524 3,090 3,805 7, 387 6,639 4,260 7,359 3,734 9,974 436 1,177 1,224 979 1,184 1,893 1,807 1,274 Males 74 47 120 71 309 32 119 66 53 7 450 1,756 14 1,071 76 13 92 63 30 598 7 13 94 1 312 92 432 11 7 93 18 68 114 25 235 43 230 40 963 652 333 335 12 50 9 25 29 175 52 250 61 150 Fe- males. 67 37 137 69 284 29 114 59 62 15 465 1,951 18 1,137 67 71 25 70 70 26 13 97 4 300 53 407 23 111 19 51 119 40 199 36 194 43 897 683 356 277 39 5 24 25 152 44 215 62 149 Males. 25 28 163 203 53 46 390 65 182 215 180 193 127 40 29 286 47 214 20 352 29 22 185 7 12 184 117 191 170 30 79 14 22 595 31 203 35 111 51 90 38 38 91 99 51 182 308 536 44 242 116 114 16 Fe- males. 25 3 32 160 237 67 30 320 78 180 206 192 176 145 57 25 275 35 216 27 392 17 16 227 6 7 173 80 201 159 15 29 548 31 168 38 85 109 27 38 90 47 171 267 14 3 29 15 510 234 131 95 17 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 3,957 3,769 5,679 5,109 6,839 5,214 3,114 6, 536 8,440 5,157 6,344 15, 300 4,004 7,688 5,012 4,069 5,086 5,097 7,526 4,339 17, 971 3, 684 3,435 9,536 3,743 3,024 5,048 5,054 5,220 2,968 4,902 4,421 5,710 7,035 6,808 5,185 6,224 7,724 4,631 14, 876 8,973 6,762 8,303 4,317 5,647 2,899 4,858 7,435 4,819 8,967 4,169 13, 408 594 1,544 1,441 1,129 1,588 3, 055 2, 578 1,479 253 214 636 232 1,213 166 783 264 377 143 1,714 7,095 147 4,032 382 330 152 472 398 187 2,655 46 73 460 31 1,410 299 950 142 48 550 115 374 617 239 807 281 770 246 3,257 2,448 1,677 1,141 118 286 39 184 236 550 254 1,033 263 1,072 133 318 280 52 37 1 39 143 243 52 60 410 116 208 255 277 191 192 69 30 239 49 242 17 640 60 24 273 13 10 176 150 208 141 28 69 15 36 545 37 230 46 70 82 128 54 54 86 77 36 186 260 10 11 53 22 604 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. 204 197 151 19 5,039 4,777 7,594 6,139 8.639 7,244 4,539 7,666 11, 208 6,965 7,767 16, 788 4,944 9,244 5,982 5,708 6,491 5,728 9,840 5,335 22, 954 5,019 5,007 12, 309 4,854 3,394 5,820 6,232 6,591 3,749 7,050 6,272 6,621 9,138 8,553 6,390 7,261 9,427 5,576 17, 480 11, 088 9,172 9,683 5,763 6,771 3,664 6,738 9,351 9,011 6,338 10, 528 5,161 16, 603 1,957 3,751 3,306 1,856 512 610 1,667 745 1,931 457 1,217 852 945 374 3,262 11, 554 504 6,003 912 8,533 144 255 1,272 192 2,571 579 1,581 417 271 1,226 423 1,045 1,458 1,911 1,161 1,887 877 5,684 4,067 3,131 2,438 363 775 207 599 1,195 1,332 729 2,247 794 1,635 226 121 45 197 452 427 101 46 2 60 172 331 72 72 497 151 290 332 390 260 229 83 36 362 65 330 26 818 64 35 348 14 13 231 181 274 196 51 106 21 40 728 64 304 61 105 101 162 71 66 111 109 43 271 363 18 18 64 28 923 46 355 268 220 27 POPULATION. 797 T.BLE 27.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND lABLh. ^4. COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Coutinued. 7,890 11, 789 6,549 8,480 16, 004 820 6,144 1,465 1,041 2,388 11, 435 21, 203 13, 945 3,852 299 3,448 5,427 3,183 17, 520 15, 299 2, 099 11,867 7,094 5,449 378 373 2,317 7,198 8, 253 9,557 62 97 574 720 114 788 2 470 26 98 91 r98 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2r.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AV" COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Continued. ^^TIVITl, ANx.- 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. Pennsylvania— Cont'd . Jefferson 7, 3(57 ■Juniata Lackawanna Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon .. Lehigli . . . Luzerne . . Lycoming. MoKean . . Mercer Mifflin Monroe Montgomery. Montour 3,184 21, 155 24, 775 6,147 8,150 13, 065 29, 959 11, 765 7,148 9,716 3,578 3,682 17, 730 2,502 Fe- males. Northampton 13, 660 Northumberland 12^555 Perry Philadelphia Pike Potter Schuylkill . Snyder Somerset . . Sullivan . . . Susquehanna . Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington . . . Wayne Westmoreland. Khode Island . Bristol Kent Newport Providence . Washington 4,939 130, 477 1,610 3,557 27, 079 3, 1.58 7,272 2,123 6,412 8, 227 3, 054 8,300 5,790 10. 861 5,312 18, 151 2,654 17, 788 40, 961 7,745 3,176 21, 092 25, 075 6,070 8, 382 t 13,058 I 29,637 ' 11,782 7, 197 j 9,765 i 3.627 ! 3,561 18, 602 2,471 13, 606 12, 601 4,884 134, 314 1,603 3,372 25, 827 3,199 7,150 1,802 6,287 8, 033 2,999 8,431 5,691 10, 960 5,229 17, 661 2,789 17, 324 Foreign white. Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 41,440 1,353 3, 043 3, 355 30, 163 3,047 South Carolina 94,745 Abbeville Aiken Anderson. Barnwell . Beaufort.. Berkeley Charleston . Chester Chesterfield Clarendon .. 2, 827 5,408 2,979 457 1,592 4,001 1,618 2,329 1,477 Colleton ! 3^ 085 Darlington 1 2,510 Edgefield [ h, 619 Fairfield 1.409 Florence 2J 230 Georgetown Greenville Hampton Horry Kershaw 1,386 2,957 3,255 30, 838 3,004 92, 930 702 3 4,707 312 309 82 393 7,127 286 571 266 13 32 820 63 762 1,004 2 16, 179 52 195 2.521 10 52 76 184 721 193 396 767 170 2,324 23 75 794 5,697 1,445 2.951 1,840 3,020 2,679 .5, 312 2,938 459 1,468 4,296 1,650 2,273 1,399 2,991 2,367 3,419 1,425 2,168 791 5,650 1,449 2,934 1, 798 ! 10,041 343 1,347 454 7.616 281 258 543 2 3,997 283 287 72 354 5,587 263 459 266 16 40 819 57 565 697 4 18, 595 71 124 1,569 6 58 44 160 608 6 216 400 675 144 1,870 21 10, 951 Males. 3 33 46 482 34 37 19 148 226 42 23 27 374 23 87 49 28 4,697 18 11 62 393 1,292 486 8,506 274 211 28 4 27 14 6 107 12 691 3 242 2 280 976 Fe- males 2 32 52 484 54 25 9 132 262 51 56 31 30 424 16 80 45 32 5,914 20 7 59 MALES 18 TO 44 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. 12 7 3 4 1 4 1 4 5 4 2 12 12 4 1 1 3 8 19 43 160 647 107 155, 064 16 5 200 1,165 7,271 3,888 4,361 6,976 6,870 10, 496 5,784 4,314 1,708 3,874 6,030 4,082 7,554 5,068 3,433 3,521 3,793 3,152 1,318 3, 020 I 40 64 227 677 157 158, 185 Native white. 7,172 2,789 17, 763 26, 200 6,430 8,981 13, 773 23, 695 13, 199 9,316 9,063 3,682 3,366 21.110 2, 845 14, 536 12, 222 4,508 158, 787 1,467 5,080 23, 128 3, 1.39 6,419 2.713 6,914 8, 764 3,277 8,192 6,452 12, 148 4,971 17, 622 2,865 17, 700 Foreign white 44,785 7,368 4,008 4,296 7,204 7,225 10,360 6,580 4,186 1,877 3,782 5,972 4,003 7,326 5,053 3,518 3,654 3,901 3,301 1,305 3,355 1,395 3,321 3,994 32, 252 3,823 83, 521 2.636 27 14, 572 1,355 1.640 673 1,862 23, 497 1,332 2,664 1,272 106 1.55 5,499 408 3,227 I 3,814 [ 43 I 74. 209 254 897 11, 201 18 296 315 900 2,002 47 1.000 1,709 2,179 651 7.422 134 452 Total col- ored. 16 24 115 561 103 58 38 207 324 117 55 31 41 978 17 178 109 18 10, 947 20 23 125 1 46 3 28 21 19 90 14 744 4 348 5 293 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native Foreign white, white 8,462 3,910 18,005 35, 113 8.084 11,917 17, 710 24, 812 16, 229 11, 003 11, 968 4,855 4,790 27, 505 3,642 18, 497 14, 007 6.284 ISO, 034 1.889 6,309 24, 679 4,478 8,271 3, Oil 9,758 11,901 4,674 10, 209 8,411 15,727 6,232 21,484 4,140 23, 517 28, 803 1, 729 I 57, 731 2,839 2,588 4,407 2,612 456 1, 379 4,317 1,544 1,904 1,318 2,413 2,252 3, 168 1,242 1,928 748 4,944 1,198 2,332 1,506 733 2,019 2,090 23, 076 885 1,567 730 25 5 11 20 12 17 29 18 22 30 60 352 1.104 183 110, 971 5,353 3,010 3,124 5,046 4,675 7,837 6,904 2,715 1,062 2,523 4,270 2,735 5,134 3,250 2.151 2,386 2,676 2.154 726 1,969 2,039 4,716 5, 545 39, 669 5,762 3,266 78 20, 710 3,511 2,436 948 3,231 29, 974 2,631 3,785 2,640 228 402 8.186 920 4,910 4.827 155 114,498 653 1,265 16. 408 32 715 596 1,893 2,902 108 1,929 2,802 3,195 2, 097 9,232 320 1,378 40, 025 Total col- ored. 18 44 132 735 129 62 51 259 404 139 74 54 47 1,029 24 199 117 34 12. 742 3J 23 137 2 51 49 30 23 118 26 877 12 403 6 400 2,261 1,109 2,676 2, 768 32, 098 1,374 99,334 I 3,323 3,465 3,060 5, 095 3, 155 626 1,764 4,898 1,918 2,289 1,544 2,955 2,607 3,850 1,567 2, 270 904 5,823 1,518 2, 740 1,792 63 81 79 43 123 111 1,594 57 14 17 41 21 26 67 47 36 123 24 45 84 446 1,438 248 132, 949 6.131 3,664 3,454 5,656 6.388 10, 437 8,437 3,251 1,336 2,959 5,342 3,168 5,850 3, 833 2,538 3,258 3,180 2,553 938 2,432 POPULATION. 793 Table 27 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, .\ND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Miner Minnehaha Moody Nowlin Penninston 800 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. South Dakota — Cont'd. Potter Pratt Presho Pyatt Roberts Sanborn Scobey.. Spink Stanley . Sterling . Sully ... Todil ... Turner . Union . . Walworth . . , Washington . Yankton Ziebach Anderson. Bedford .. Benton ... Bledsoe... Blount Bradley . . . Campbell . Cannon . . Carroll ... Carter Cheatham Chester... Claiborne. Clay Cocke Coffee Crockett Cumberland . Davidson Decatur Dekalb . . Dickson . Dyer Fayette.. Fentress. Franklin Gib.son . . . Giles Grainger . Greene ... Grundy Hamblen . , Hamilton . . Hancock... Hardeman . Hardin Hawkins .. Haywood . . Henderson. Henry Hickman . . . Houston Humphreys. Jackson James 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Total colored Males. Tennessee 271,866 264,428 361 4 21 3 334 786 2 1,707 71 7 361 11 1,675 1,668 249 3 1,588 12 Fe- males. 1 17 2 312 710 1,554 56 9 301 15 1,667 1,666 218 1 1,685 19 2,897 3,942 2,248 1,251 3.440 2,403 2,823 2,447 3,586 2,832 1,431 1,484 3, 333 1, 423 3,268 2,476 2,364 1,110 11,613 1,636 3,114 2,436 3,006 1,694 1,233 3,368 5, 437 4,742 2,683 5,316 1,136 2,084 6,481 2,147 2,594 3,292 4,346 1,576 2,917 2,947 2,506 940 2,062 2, 852 942 2,796 3,681 2,200 1,120 3,242 2,427 2,648 2,304 3, 523 2,567 1,503 1,577 3,093 1,512 3,217 2,487 2,296 1,061 11,818 1,604 3,000 2.282 3,031 1,612 1,026 3,005 5,242 4,651 2,611 5,053 1,233 2,042 6,229 2,079 2,526 3,213 4,148 1,624 2,767 3,003 2, 355 882 2,113 2, 651 856 Males. 197 5 1 47 2 391 169 113 Fe- males. 34 403 1,095 4 250 18 151 62 155 6 1 38 4 341 133 92 1 352 972 2 222 152 i Males. Fe- I males. 102 7 90, 718 258 1,427 151 130 356 354 89 222 1,241 170 364 385 135 85 289 332 914 10 7,423 293 250 455 1,003 4,840 14 807 2,094 2,867 153 327 90 306 3,090 168 2, 012 593 526 3,529 514 1,284 591 181 351 111 122 MAUiS 18 TO 44 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 91, 793 208 ,368 139 88 361 448 107 212 1,240 143 333 393 116 80 302 404 1,010 12 7,949 276 252 492 995 4,657 2,015 2,809 169 326 34 350 3,205 150 2,039 557 506 3,607 496 1,284 630 177 318 112 110 518 11 33 1 266 699 26 1,837 179 14 488 60 791 1,155 295 30 889 298 243, 831 Foreign white. Total col- ored. 265 3 25 1 186 262 2 2,481 3,280 1,929 962 2,726 1,940 2,299 1,942 3,213 2, 257 1,345 1,280 2,437 1,161 2,593 2,019 1,937 899 13, 408 1,332 2,522 2,037 3,168 1,477 864 2,677 4,962 4,016 2,056 4,419 1,085 1,658 7,730 1,540 2,146 2,650 3,318 1,461 2,628 2,792 2,083 840 1,852 2,187 717 196 38 1,084 679 272 1,214 58 5,764 74 2 16 32 22 30 65 69 12 2 19 56 4 667 1 10 2 3 19 5 Native white. 74, 619 309 897 93 102 202 241 131 163 900 127 257 275 75 61 167 223 610 14 7,877 224 177 286 871 3,080 4 537 1,586 1,733 94 250 253 233 4,525 93 1,325 397 345 2, 34« 423 432 142 273 79 611 11 36 4 298 847 28 2,057 207 13 552 63 905 1,230 318 29 970 330 299, 054 2,942 4,214 2,263 1,176 3,409 2,563 2,720 2,417 4,117 2,663 1,696 1,578 2,906 1,438 3,061 2,715 2,364 1,121 16, 093 1,602 3, 0158 2,572 3,637 1,934 1,001 3,278 6,131 5,012 2,569 5,388 1,247 2,173 8,941 1,824 Foreign' '^°\^^ white. I '^': I ored. 358 3 33 2 256 392 2 995 116 3 278 43 1,530 1,162 351 1,735 74 1 76 15 3 2 10, 960 92, 462 115 26 20 2 21 39 66 4 35 11 10 7 46 16 41 2,194 5 51 42 37 61 147 96 34 7 33 130 12 1,086 2 2,835 34 3, 1.59 12 4,064 16 1,863 43 3,043 13 3,549 24 2,520 27 1,046 26 2,236 64 2,584 10 908 5 365 1,140 119 114 286 346 157 190 1,096 162 309 342 101 76 241 331 773 15 9,738 250 222 409 1.026 3,775 1,928 2,293 133 349 243 318 5,180 133 1,603 419 446 2, 925 489 1, 13.i 529 182 322 91 127 POPTJLATIOK. 801 Table 2t.-PEKS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOE, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 802 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PERSONS OP SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Texas — Continued. Borden Bosq^ue Bowie Brazoria Brazos Brewster . Brown Buchel Burleson . Burnet CaldweU. Calhoun . Callahan. Cameron. Camp Carson Cass Castro Chambers Cherokee . Childress . Clay Coke Coleman .. Collin .... Collingsworth . Colorado Comal Comanche Concho Cooke ... Coryell . . Cottle ... Crane Crockett. Crosby Dallam Dallas Dawson Deaf Smith - Delta.... Denton . . Dewitt . . Dickens . Dimmit-. Dob ley .. Duval Eastland Ector Edwards EUis.... El Paso. Encical. Erath... Palis ... Fannin . Fayette. Fisher.. Flovd .. Foley... Fort Bend . Franklin .. Freestone . Frio Gaines Galveston Garza GUlesDie . , 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 41 2,809 2,521 549 1,660 66 2,385 23 1,511 2,294 2,230 123 1,121 2,473 714 63 3,049 3 306 3,127 214 1,436 465 1,320 7,445 61 1,968 1,134 3,570 175 4,638 3,572 38 2 28 58 17 9,514 7 30 1,803 4,154 1,874 60 200 122 1,227 2,216 24 425 6,153 1,854 344 4,425 2,609 7,510 3,877 628 112 1 280 1,231 2,061 630 17 3,724 2 1,411 Fe- males. 35 2,767 2, 505 518 1,469 84 2,322 20 1,367 2,192 2,159 140 1,107 2,467 695 35 2,877 1 286 2,956 207 1,491 435 1, 242 6,987 58 1,907 1,040 3,421 180 4,642 3,445 35 2 25 55 10 9,300 3 24 1,734 4,012 1,969 52 182 117 1,268 2,167 32 415 5,732 1,670 333 4,460 2,499 7,114 3,727 559 94 Foreign white, Males. 247 1,201 1,958 643 3,944 2 1,373 53 17 12 129 41 14 18 92 23 107 Fe- males. 15 526 10 13 1 4 24 1 236 106 3 297 1 35 152 10 4 326 15 1 5 56 653 172 29 81 14 881 3 282 "26' 4 145 28 11 3 93 18 12 611 1 2 7 Total colored. Males. 130 1,565 1,935 1,782 2 10 2 1,238 1,135 33 15 197 78 3 4 27 34 2 305 1 29 143 5 389 52 703 142 26 15 876 3 20 768 1 1,955 176 1,811 25 16 543 1,824 38 3 4 245 141 2,020 1 183 381 871 303 "26' 749 74 2 132 1,713 900 1,887 3 1,930 193 1,595 14 1,076 '"'27' Fe- males. 156 1,631 1,785 1,792 1 15 1 1,268 81 1,148 34 8 21 805 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. 1,979 173 1,781 12 564 2,033 30 2 1 294 100 2,091 144 349 932 714 71 2 131 1,799 976 1,978 1 1,813 155 1,522 28 1,388 "'"22 Native white. 2,346 2,610 641 1,358 103 2,106 86 1,065 1,793 1,694 90 980 1,017 585 146 2,035 2 279 3,155 304 1,610 400 1,088 7,019 113 1,536 835 2,661 236 4,946 3,010 62 47 13, 030 18 75 1,651 3,787 1,480 88 176 324 397 1,896 43 331 5,847 2,331 217 3,729 2,395 7,033 2,182 617 143 6 368 1,048 1,744 471 30 3,642 10 1,054 Foreign white. 1 282 137 109 302 102 50 68 290 89 366 18 71 1,426 12 16 38 Total col- ored. 24 163 17 61 4 36 100 6 648 419 17 53 211 83 3 20 9 90 514 2 49 51 1,024 52 18 65 159 1,626 547 161 225 74 2,076 18 57 2 8 102 1,975 ""'i95 131 1,493 1,529 1,491 11 21 4 979 38 711 20 8 22 492 1,354 112 1,244 2 23 1 18 511 1,453 49 3 6 360 71 1 "2,'974 137 349 651 659 244 206 1,351 791 1,300 15 1,961 134 1,032 24 1,457 '"'26' MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. 2, 698 3,092 762 1,520 121 2,500 93 1,228 2,181 2.032 112 1,131 941 707 139 3,046 2 313 3,763 341 1,862 446 1,318 7,942 113 1,585 726 3,170 264 5,660 3,503 66 9 60 102 47 14, 672 14 1,935 4,431 1,532 88 194 372 372 2,242 52 397 6,484 2,776 202 4,384 2,672 8,028 2, 124 739 151 7 440 1,248 2,006 539 4,033 9 1,004 Foreign white. 1 451 214 193 461 116 101 74 463 153 529 44 105 2,260 17 19 70 60 225 23 104 8 52 180 8 , 100 951 37 67 314 143 6 15 174 961 3 1, 428 63 19 76 268 2,033 682 221 359 125 3,302 25 7 32 147 3,290 ""596' Total col- ored. 5 140 1,763 1,941 1,917 11 21 5 1,212 54 856 35 6 30 576 1,537 149 2 26 1 16 576 1,834 59 3 5 363 81 1 '3,"i37 152 382 757 12 21 3 2 1 1 753 373 1 226 895 1,620 15 2,426 156 1,234 28 1,807 '"26 POPULATION. 803 Tablf 27.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Gregg Grimes Guadalupe. Hale Hall Hamilton . . Hansford . . Hardeman Hardin Harris Harrison.. Hartley... Haskell . . . Hays Hemphill Henderson . Hidalgo Hill Hood Hopkins... Houston Howard Hunt Hutchinson. Irion Jack Jackson ... Jasper Jeff Davis Jeifersoa .. Johnson . . Jones Karnes ... Kaufman . Kendall... Kent ... Kerr Kimble . King ... Kinney . Knox Lamar Lamb Lampasas. Lasalle ... Lavaca — Lee Leon Liberty Limestone . Lipscomb . . Live Oak . . Llano Loving .... Lubbock .. Lynn McCulloch . McLennan. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Texas— Continued. Glasscock Goliad Gonzales Gray Grayson Males. 36 857 2,569 27 9,016 1,903 2, 035 144 130 2,088 19 732 544 3,665 1,573 42 328 1,867 87 2,030 1,109 5, 548 1,588 3,839 2,363 138 6,110 8 161 2,114 295 709 188 620 4,496 818 627 3,805 701 891 452 31 464 221 5,835 1 1,540 327 3,171 1,703 1,834 502 3, 620 133 437 1,474 3 3 718 5,487 McMullen 214 Madison 1,436 Marion 747 Martin 44 Foreign ■white, Fe- males. 25 851 2, 357 23 8,904 777 2,009 1,985 112 122 1,915 22 655 600 3,784 1, 625 36 300 1,783 71 1,972 1,112 5,191 1,525 3,741 2,297 197 5.957 2,019 267 701 161 649 4,352 741 629 3,658 641 54 894 432 15 464 233 5,663 Males. 1,492 359 3,160 1,704 1,865 536 3,540 102 427 1,412 2 2 657 5,441 183 1,430 724 40 15 43 127 1 70 57 293 3 1 16 1 5 10 238 Fe- males. 3 42 116 96 1 71 261 Total colored. Males. 413 1,330 16 "h 8 246 19 70 2 4 355 19 1 1 1,218 1,149 2,506 1,040 1 Fe- males. 385 1, 412 1,462 1,335 2,727 1,113 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 5 211 2,290 4,233 24 5 1 114 12 22 98 16 10 47 557 144 2 145 23 2 492 1 685 16 471 74 647 1,953 6 619 1 2 218 2,764 4,309 1 523 24 408 556 3 432 171 3 118 699 46 690 23 464 74 693 2,052 8 646 57 2,157 63 519 161 2 1 30 1 15 9 3 163 5 17 11 4 40 11 1,009 717 1,266 361 954 13 433 545 8 452 213 1 154 656 53 2 2,121 6 509 1,451 59 11 982 751 1,264 381 1,007 14 2,272 472 Total col- ored. 34 614 1,976 74 9,882 1,628 1.353 224 198 1,581 28 1.036 624 4,066 1,603 94 382 1,453 158 1,729 314 5,153 1,370 3,261 1,920 304 5,884 26 188 1,684 244 590 248 775 4,335 785 509 3,698 452 74 668 392 89 615 241 5,771 3 1,344 278 2,040 1,187 1,549 436 3,325 144 294 1,098 3 16 17 561 5,892 159 1,114 687 61 31 166 331 7 576 18 169 636 73 11 48 76 1,389 118 5 4 408 14 19 778 127 25 25 16 90 117 2 35 19 33 17 183 130 105 30 89 126 219 1 172 76 1 562 237 949 1 1,316 772 1,694 637 2 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 11 265 2,498 2,726 1 3 330 4 520 9 407 48 478 1,222 19 582 1 2 13 265 342 10 513 149 2 80 584 27 3 128 58 156 1,299 418 17 158 45 670 47 30 41 18 1,588 56 22 669 445 828 283 775 1,912 320 995 30 694 2,316 75 11, 560 968 1,950 1, 426 219 227 1,890 33 1,108 711 5,303 1,935 103 418 1,687 164 1,988 254 5,754 1,606 3,899 2,284 322 6,706 25 211 2,044 294 668 269 5,050 890 545 4,297 450 82 789 456 82 640 277 6,698 3 1,649 302 2,181 l,30y 1,827 552 3,767 177 332 1,320 1 15 15 675 6,639 185 1,256 860 64 Total col- ored. 40 280 483 919 23 282 1,033 109 12 68 104 2,322 221 10 8 556 27 32 1,113 200 53 62 39 113 171 2 55 276 1,103 1 1,654 971 2,252 802 1 3 10 265 3,363 3,360 1 3 421 7 575 14 438 46 532 1,571 19 626 1 2 43 22 65 313 23 416 229 22 207 562 178 183 37 2 186 98 213 655 427 37 1 248 29 100 2 1 2 697 40 5 210 1,820 94 64 237 22 1,887 771 697 563 27 983 39 372 231 904 16 109 ■ 15 91 10 2 67 9 946 2,264 C6 14 54 365 89 1,362 29 804 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Texas — Continued. Mason Matagorda Maverick Medina Menard Midland . . . Milam Mills Mitchell... Montague . Montgomery . Moore , Morris Motley Nacogdoches . Navarro . . Newton... Nolan Nueces ... Ochiltree . Oldham Orange Palo Pinto. Panola - 1,728 1,748 Parker 4, 505 Parmer . . Pecos Polk Potter . . . Presidio . Rains Randall ... Red River . Reeves Refugio . . . Roberts Robertson . Rockwall . . Runnels . . . Rusk Sabine San Augustine . San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher . . Scurry Shackelford. Shelby Sherman Smith Somervell Starr Stephens . Stonewall. Sutton . . Swisher. Tarrant . Taylor.. Terry Throckmorton . Titus Tom Green Travis - - Trinity . Tyler . . . TJpshur . 5 TO 20 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 1,120 272 476 1,078 222 184 3,877 1,165 332 4,133 1,305 4 838 23 2,526 4,184 675 304 1,374 35 32 1 187 1,302 129 164 742 40 3,189 150 185 56 2,492 1,207 044 2,400 999 711 259 19 273 367 2, 553 2 3,129 737 1,669 1,044 Fe- males. 1,129 247 456 1,152 226 169 3,809 1,172 334 4,027 1,283 i 1 831 13 2,462 3,979 633 297 1,307 29 27 765 1,732 1,742 4,477 146 1,336 92 144 732 23 3,201 179 162 50 2,462 1,178 602 2,344 854 1,026 654 234 1,447 15 256 364 2,461 1 3,155 758 1,540 1,061 Foreign white, Males 176 113 192 119 18 15 6,230 6,126 1,269 1,293 4 1 203 170 1,305 1,362 843 816 4,832 4,769 1,111 1,187 1,774 1, 637 1,895 1,845 16 2 180 24 12 9 90 11 18 7 17 1 2 141 22 Fe- males. 6 121 16 1 691 3 1 10 2 189 39 5 13 87 13 1 154 Total colored. Males. 27 54 2 1 1,344 12 n 15 1,270 599 21 50 r 3 3 146 11 1 683 959 1,327 368 5 164 MALES 18 TO 44 TEAKS, INCLUSIVE. 158 12 1,458 144 4 928 2 7 84 131 12 66 390 2 10 2 2 139 2 "52' 344 2 7 1,483 1 65 1 3,058 62 8 1,860 265 519 1,012 3 22 33 665 ,848 2 1 772 29 1 426 32 2,126 414 522 940 Fe- males Native white. 10 576 28 68 6 1 1,387 10 20 19 1,248 573 1,606 1,376 405 4 164 171 11 1,486 153 1,560 ""73 2,924 46 6 1,739 244 507 996 32 711 1 2,973 790 36 2 435 33 2,235 395 535 883 760 243 371 813 220 232 3,217 896 385 3,461 1,154 2 771 65 2,030 4,122 542 317 808 51 95 826 1,535 1,473 3,910 118 1,221 280 105 694 47 2,853 263 127 81 2, 135 1, 123 617 1,890 788 537 155 1,094 27 303 346 2,012 18 3,072 627 577 869 222 113 39 9,051 1,370 11 178 1,208 858 4,041 1,118 1, 701 1,608 Foreign white 61 21 525 188 81 280 34 83 71 4 38 163 16 15 740 3 52 6 104 260 41 30 280 6 7 28 180 27 9 281 22 24 15 3 6 4 94 40 32 7 46 15 Total col- ored. 131 3 1,480 18 3 78 2 1,090 94 2 10 13 1,345 28 1 394 47 4 1,166 409 3 654 ,152 210 7 114 1 220 23 982 131 15 844 10 1,034 19 52 1 2,885 36 8 1,032 170 311 625 4 34 466 2,004 2 1,329 61 5 238 73 1,746 331 450 605 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. 901 278 347 835 251 257 3,756 1,107 457 4,058 1,389 3 902 64 2,447 4,713 637 352 795 61 107 911 1,844 1,687 4,531 124 1,403 299 117 793 47 3,327 284 154 2,440 1,299 710 2,323 766 916 625 163 1,326 27 353 408 2,304 19 3,644 744 481 1.041 297 134 41 10, 573 1,613 10 192 1,408 956 4,701 1, 357 1,935 1,896 Foreign white. 156 64 674 463 106 57 102 109 118 260 18 18 1,109 5 19 146 82 15 202 318 60 43 352 70 211 58 14 411 37 49 35 5 15 9 160 60 38 9 68 33 198 8 2,018 27 6 2 1,586 136 2 13 19 427 2,080 49 140 15 Total col- ored. 4 534 47 70 5 1,376 10 40 22 1,136 484 3 769 ,351 242 9 145 2 232 24 1,137 150 14 940 10 9 82 1,227 21 64 1 3,359 40 8 1,367 203 359 784 4 6 18 1 43 532 2,400 2 3 2 2 1,355 64 299 78 ,129 439 513 706 POPULATION. 805 TABiE 17 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND Table £7. fi^^^ COLOE, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Coutmued. 806 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 27.— PEESONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Coutiuued. ' COUNTIES. Virginia . Accomac . . . Albemarle- - Alexandria. Alleghany . . Amelia Amherst Ai)pomattox. Augusta Bath Bedford 3,238 3,695 1,980 1,367 556 2,057 1,109 5, 263 772 4,084 959 2, 202 1,344 1,348 1,435 3,957 1,442 3,266 239 1, 157 2,859 1,112 795 1,339 518 1,126 1,029 859 680 Fairfax 2, 169 F.auquier. Floyd Fluvanna. Franklin . Frederick Bland Botetourt Brunswick .. Buchanan ... Buckingham. Campbell Caroline Carroll Charles City. Charlotte Chesterfield . Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland . Dickenson Dinvvicldie Elizabeth City. Essex. Giles Gloucester. Goochland. Grayson Greene Greenesville. Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isle of Wight . . . James City King and Queen. King George King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg ... Madison Mathews Mecklenburg . Middlesex . . . Montgomery. Nansemond-- Nelson New Kent Norfolk Northampton Northumberland. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Total colored Males. 197, 735 2,856 972 3,985 2,791 1,810 1,108 824 2,778 803 549 2, 981 1,885 9,805 2,079 991 1,208 455 828 681 713 588 3, 503 3,002 3,360 847 1,199 1,034 1,806 606 2,866 1.613 1,881 387 5,751 899 899 Fe- males. 194, 895 3,402 3,524 1,937 1,329 541 2,059 1,012 5,371 776 4, 130 995 2,332 1,248 1,291 1,361 4,033 1, 404 3,258 239 1,136 1,019 753 1,292 578 1,135 939 835 698 2,097 2,862 2,776 860 3, 923 2,992 1,756 1, 053 801 2,794 853 562 2,898 1,724 10, 295 1,960 950 1,148 333 832 661 703 576 3,467 2,975 1,357 1, 251 1,086 1, 731 575 2,838 1,665 1.878 340 6,035 845 Males 964 2 178 1 3 i 10 5 ' G9 2 1 1 3 119 Fe- males. 738 16 3 Males. 137,147 140,300 Fe- males. 2.284 3,074 1,433 492 1,476 1,749 998 1,781 180 2, 603 52 881 2,428 9 1,795 3,925 2, 290 88 925 2,050 2,252 669 31 1,473 1,591 4 1,796 1, 536 1,492 1, 145 1,907 269 1,012 1, .550 448 201 1,463 1,392 177 393 1,168 4,353 2,018 7,114 1,989 100 1,104 690 1,330 830 1, 3.37 900 299 1,518 2,285 1,581 969 402 3,560 1,017 789 2, 152 1,455 864 6,688 1,1.39 673 2,052 3,337 1,437 452 1,387 1,839 1,064 1,889 179 2,509 MAXES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 186, 084 3,430 3,294 2,235 1,461 512 1,638 851 5,015 644 3,253 Foreign white. 5,356 60 843 819 1,912 2,575 1,185 2 1,054 1,806 1,085 4, 534 2,200 79 806 2, 31)9 2,328 51)6 34 1,407 1,551 1,758 1,585 1,472 1,099 1,923 260 1,124 1,510 453 192 1.334 1,369 219 372 1,212 4,686 1,947 8,658 1,943 98 1,033 715 1,201 676 1,283 848 202 1,467 2,372 1,669 929 480 3, 842 928 777 2,281 1,533 736 7,278 1,141 678 4,082 1,217 2,628 228 996 2,918 1,000 628 1,192 482 822 896 1,046 605 1,921 2,395 2,153 812 2,959 2,792 867 1,198 511 738 599 686 668 2, 862 2,780 1,201 787 1,012 1, 013 1,726 629 2, .548 1,764 1,463 335 7,997 954 924 17 95 182 37 23 22 5 74 2 34 1 7 2 32 127 13 17 3 3 121 13 7 15 5 15 218 28 1,400 9 990 5 650 6 2,249 2 638 572 15 2, 736 10 1, 659 7 11,918 928 1.802 4 4 13 1 4 24 11 434 23 7 7 4 2 10 176 35 16 6 754 20 13 Total col- ored. 103, 900 1,646 1,806 1,120 661 765 996 567 1,242 130 1,654 36 610 1,376 7 835 2,892 1,312 102 560 1,129 1,962 442 26 771 781 5 1,261 1,617 957 670 1,073 157 512 787 342 126 1,052 838 102 174 811 2,672 1,158 8,486 1,174 60 1,119 518 685 452 935 749 466 983 1,401 843 484 361 2,200 765 611 2.254 574 8,621 893 493 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 236, 858 4,419 4,147 2, 762 1,679 737 2,149 1, 126 6,726 874 4, 409 1,070 2,495 1, 532 1,153 1,455 5,013 1,685 3,075 361 1,329 3,625 1,338 789 1,697 673 946 1,253 2,713 850 2,777 3,289 2,636 1,213 3,766 3,827 1,736 1, 273 917 2,772 879 712 3,461 2,179 14, 359 2,168 1,111 1,510 635 980 777 911 838 3,401 4,069 1,684 1,100 1,415 1,388 2,226 779 3,173 2,230 1,967 482 9,812 1,254 1,237 Foreign white. 11, 177 34 144 358 59 42 49 14 198 10 45 6 23 3 52 276 28 25 5 17 231 27 11 34 44 2,000 7 192 1 93 9 11 12 11 2 29 24 29 2,060 3 29 3 9 37 17 483 29 19 8 5 20 10 211 53 28 Total col- ored. 130, 747 1,966 2,569 1,620 613 1,096 1,350 762 1,667 162 2,119 46 748 1,849 5 1,272 3,766 1,586 94 738 1,630 2,467 465 28 1,063 1,151 7 1,765 1,990 1,248 1,062 1,415 204 795 1,022 457 157 1,279 1,075 171 240 1,013 3,451 1,467 10, 532 1,458 1,218 709 904 562 1,113 834 419 1,242 1,806 1,153 660 425 2,973 861 757 2,610 1,103 12 697 1,250 10,312 29 1 , 159 26 I 620 POPULATION. 807 T.B.. 27 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND Table £7. fi^t^^ COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Contiiiued. Virginia— Continued. 3Sottoway Orange Page Patrick Petersburg city . - - Prince Edward . Prince George. . Princess Anne. . Prince "William . Pulaski Happahannock . Kiclunond Eoanoke Kockbridge . . Kockingham. Kussell Scott Shenandoah.. Smyth Southampton . Spottsylvania- Stafibrd Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren "Warwick "Washington . "Westmoreland . "Wise Wythe York Washington . Adams . Asotin - - Chehalis Clallam Island . . . Jefferson King Kitsap Klickitat . . Lewis Lincoln Mason Okanogan . Pacific Pierce San Juan . Skagit Skamania. Snohomish... Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahkiakum . Native white. 5 TO 20 YBABS, DICLUSI\-E. Total colored. Males. 767 1, 266 2, 207 2,627 1,850 Pittsylvania I 6,345 Powhatan ... -_. | ^62 565 1, 038 Fe- males. Foreign white. Males. 1,383 1,935 1,188 838 3,789 3,736 5,510 3,269 4,542 3,638 2,536 1,668 1.440 1,147 587 646 3,400 1,382 422 5,192 727 1,764 3, 032 702 43, 868 745 1,346 2,286 2,547 1,892 6,049 399 979 543 933 1,320 1,874 1,141 766 3, 548 I 3, 439 5,416 2,980 4, 309 3, 532 2,492 1,511 1,545 1,111 544 641 3,193 1,420 359 5,129 690 1,7.51 3,056 653 41, 309 329 274 1,198 _ 310 Ciarke..! 1,950 Columbia . Cowlitz . - Douglas . . Franklin . Garfield .. 1,233 928 437 75 771 194 642 6,546 _ 495 Kittitas 1 ■ 126 959 1,886 1, 382 330 187 592 5,034 302 913 137 1, 010 I 4,782 541 1, 308 287 281 209 1,125 251 1,879 1,240 50 685 174 569 6,290 442 1,091 869 1,729 1,342 275 120 498 4,832 254 845 109 920 4,325 517 1,232 314 Fe- males. 6,061 MALES 18 TO 44 YEAKS, INCLUSIVE. Males. 46 Fe- 37 1,737 1,436 373 476 2,052 6,273 1,073 2,224 1,115 939 635 622 709 805 1,812 1,115 591 272 217 143 262 2, 592 1,414 373 1,101 1,667 793 285 668 713 1,114 163 694 961 Native white. „ . Total Foreign ^^^_ 4,581 55 15 92 57 119 21 55 10 6 19 35 230 1,445 133 164 41 166 93 54 5 71 1,311 33 196 5 198 1 549 1 67 1 122 52 '' 38 9 64 45 120 12 35 13 10 7 17 117 1,195 88 127 40 114 89 37 2 53 1,063 19 104 7 147 413 27 77 37 1,847 1,569 391 525 2,441 6,649 1,019 2,400 1,194 832 579 655 G52 650 1,187 612 216 146 181 276 2,684 1,368 305 972 1,659 671 264 567 803 1,075 37 680 935 MALErf 21 YEARS AND OVER. white. ored. 1,221 713 995 2,090 2,026 1,948 5,795 421 816 447 1,107 1,229 1,884 964 700 5,714 3,410 5,134 2,673 3,882 3,330 2,094 1,624 1,399 1,026 632 692 3,068 1,189 727 4,427 700 1,735 2,857 576 823 I 75, 743 5 1 9 6 35 107 159 39 51 14 20 10 2 17 34 70 3 56 1 119 57 81 30 28 25 22 30 29 55 239 30 33 26 14 7 5 9 40 9 21 12 431 16 144 13 110 42 44, 866 Native [Foreign white, white. 1,022 769 347 280 2, 007 4,692 548 1, 1.55 808 836 342 652 351 491 2,419 439 338 362 155 156 2,043 893 205 1,066 1,337 994 194 1,377 660 10 1 25 43 94 20 63 4 16 3 1 9 1 33 3 39 4 93 38 115 26 382 262 2,415 527 1,983 1,360 1,270 815 150 736 340 1,772 13, 977 647 1,711 862 2,232 2, 024 659 408 854 11,723 377 1,895 126 1,520 9,182 912 711 347 664 777 4,251 957 1, 437 2, 586 2, 457 2,478 6,945 605 1,117 615 1,378 1,704 2, 213 1,336 901 6,253 4,180 6,545 3,208 4,411 4,408 2,628 2,001 1,922 1,368 847 915 3, 522 1,578 875 5, 520 926 1,978 3,324 697 87, 218 150 59 1,025 427 168 403 221 65 111 266 2,000 1 10, 470 867 955 222 649 791 512 164 613 8,652 244 1,753 65 1,424 4, 658 224 847 447 2 5 122 74 54 30 17 10 26 15 90 454 704 127 298 15 28 50 17 16 186 270 56 334 ei 186 249 453 371 2,733 618 2,425 1,692 1,501 1,035 170 419 1,979 15, 922 873 1,961 Total col- ored. 37 40 30 2 148 98 11 39 45 41 87 67 7 17 341 32 44 53 14 13 96 26 49 16 441 28 177 41 18 148 83 20 1,418 1,084 383 340 2,707 5,723 810 1,758 1,060 1,002 466 765 463 617 2,485 1,040 576 374 339 206 220 2,348 1,121 281 I 1, 240 1,661 976 258 1,430 859 878 307 724 977 54, 716 1,C 2,( 2, 274 749 500 1,005 12, 849 457 2, 182 150 1,774 10,335 1, 089 2,750 284 209 89 1,227 529 1,314 263 545 297 78 182 329 2,344 12, 289 1,073 1,184 344 978 1,056 R13 221 1 760 '■ 10,120 363 I 2,044 104 1,723 1 5,485 647 1,072 589 151 96 55 43 24 16 72 15 457 764 152 328 22 39 50 20 44 186 262 8 90 17 60 489 88 223 295 808 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2r.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOR, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Continued. viiY, a^D Washington — Cont'd. Wallawalla "Whatcom Whitman Yakima West Virginia. Barbour . . . Berkeley .. Boone Braxton ... Brooke Cabell Calhoun Clay Doddridge . I'ayette Gilmer Grant Greenbrier. . Hampshira . Hancock Hardy Harrison . . . Jackson Jefiferson Kanawha . . . Lewis Lincoln Logan McDowell .. Marion Marshall Mason Mercer Mineral Monongalia . Monroe Morgan Nicholas Ohio Pendleton ... Pleasants Pocahontas . . Preston Putnam Ealeigh Randolph Ritchie Roane Summers Taylor Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wirt Wood Wyoming Adams . . Ashland . Barron . . . Bayfield . Brown . . . Buffalo ... Burnett . . . Calumet . . , Chippewa . Clark 1,301 2,514 2,503 3,933 1,041 3,432 1,927 5,212 1,435 Wisconsin 2C4, 293 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 1,812 1,932 3,231 735 146, 502 2,485 3,194 1,497 3,032 1,114 4,429 1,809 1,043 2,616 3,516 2,024 1,225 3,261 2,109 1,139 1,373 4,076 3,978 1, 986 7,982 3.047 2,447 2,274 1,177 3,913 3,874 4,030 2,864 2,208 2,892 2,429 1,329 1,974 6,588 1,726 1,624 1,329 4,013 3,017 2,099 2,334 3,536 3,315 2,475 2,202 1,795 1,760 3,155 713 144, 430 2,425 3,236 1,486 2,708 1,115 4,316 1,697 980 2,541 3,337 1,974 1,259 3,135 2,096 1,052 1,392 4,077 3,962 2,131 7,936 3,012 2,359 2,127 1,072 3,910 3,907 4,571 2,750 2,156 2,945 2,229 1,290 1,978 7,019 1,776 1,498 1, 310 3,912 2,830 2,058 2,226 3,363 3,246 2, 425 2,335 1,182 2,310 2,506 3,840 990 3,642 1,988 5,445 1.362 1,241 1,724 2,351 550 6,927 2,895 640 3,178 3,860 2,999 264, 002 1,133 1,786 2,286 574 6,937 2,808 601 3,026 3,807 2,896 Males 340 154 50 Fe- males. 4 104 1 3 8 i 20 2 9 1 5 58 8 1 9 23 4 41 10 42 40 4 2 3 369 37, 758 84 722 533 289 067 275 196 182 695 432 122 193 108 32 918 Males. 114 317 37 31 25 299 18 Fe. MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSn'E. 49 12 34 6, OH 1 11 384 2 30 35, 337 75 686 463 274 681 211 209 139 622 382 33 588 12 99 395 124 4 122 166 16 885 648 51 51 190 450 28 55 167 388 98 46 199 69 4 178 22 2 82 42 53 15 55 8 8 234 74 101 347 43 35 25 269 14 Native Foreign white. I white. 160 15 1,303 35 456 13 77 414 119 6 125 141 14 849 676 45 42 28 118 15 31 167 284 I 90 37 231 46 2 183 34 1 76 22 55 22 55 6 4 238 83 36 1 44 34 5 8 3 195 11 1,153 2,523 4,528 4,044 915 134, 099 2,173 3,144 1,180 2,478 1.249 4,813 1,458 824 2. 133 3,477 1,730 1,323 2,760 1,872 1,482 1,223 3,861 3, 343 2,132 7,407 2,882 1,936 1,950 1,218 3,998 3,932 3,808 2, 765 2,128 2,871 1,984 1,163 1,576 6,984 1,452 1,447 1,141 3,347 2,566 1,569 2,109 2,944 2,830 2,356 2,140 1.422 2,132 2,245 3, 559 833 2,966 1,772 4,992 1,020 206, 937 13 1 17 64 195 68 161 3,061 1,594 965 4,059 2,005 185 1,865 2,890 2,258 882 3,469 750 232 4,672 Total col- ored. 1 20 103 94 4 290 172 127 72 8,563 84 270 25 28 18 419 10 18 295 2 22 53 15 120 7 72 13 48 286 79 3 71 212 62 203 67 147 201 14 10 17 13 14 89 56 10 79 21 3 22 44 47 4 36 29 6 49 3 158 2 21 1,264 370 110 4 104 114 17 690 720 45 26 551 1,032 27 91 128 775 106 40 155 55 7 310 18 2 67 36 44 16 50 10 222 54 42 139, 121 235 5,240 1,709 1,974 2,635 1,312 502 880 2,908 1,539 51 43 2 8 3 185 11 1,411 JMALES 21 YEARS AND OVER Native white. 3, 060 5,136 4,731 1,086 162, 429 Foreign white. 2,832 4,071 1, 391 2,929 1,580 .5.412 1, 720 952 2, 548 3,882 2,024 1,595 3, 512 2,557 1,734 1,570 4,987 4, 132 2,870 8,705 3, -654 2,291 2,233 1,315 5,101 4,716 4,747 3,076 2.484 3,854 2,531 1,475 1,945 7,557 1,912 1,767 1,480 4,415 3,043 1,866 2,529 3,593 3,257 2,682 2,705 1,572 2,719 2,828 4,061 998 3,516 2,160 6,192 1,152 1,236 4, 063 1,016 330 9,769 Total col- ored. 35 176 9 124 211 231 10 15 53 134 31 179 14 165 72 96 512 257 8 94 234 115 474 282 228 369 40 30 50 26 i,217 5 32 20 235 115 18 152 99 15 42 130 56 33 74 65 22 215, 649 9 27 6 59 175 1,233 3,106 1,849 1,031 3,885 1,819 186 1,710 3,014 2,514 154 15 506 3 244, 244 618 5,809 2, 339 2,143 5,548 2,540 914 2,188 4,136 2,271 340 196 196 77 9,202 106 384 31 27 25 429 16 24 ,125 460 143 7 128 158 23 893 859 71 32 426 781 30 91 166 842 123 57 198 70 11 343 21 34 56 20 51 10 251 81 46 47 3 7 3 223 18 r,829 14 32 214 17 47 2 POPULATION. 809 ^ ^, ' PEESONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND Tablk 27.-PEES0Nb Oi ^^^^^^ ^^ COUNTIES: 1890-Coatinued. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLtTSIVB. COUNTIES. Wisconsin— Continued. Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door 4,551 2, 926 9,347 7,221 2,922 1,037 3,790 4,389 ^^^^^^ 257 FcoidduLac I '^.310 Douglas . Dunn Eauclaire Florence Native -white. Males. Fe- Forest Grant Green Green Lake. Iowa Jackson Jefferson Jnneau Kenosha Kewaunee . - Lacrosse Lafayette - . - Langlade . . - Lincoln Manitowoc . Marathon.. - Marinette . . Marquette . . Milwaukee . Monroe Foreign white. Total colored Males, 6,592 3,695 2, 355 3,980 2,660 5,445 2,846 2,344 3,219 5,645 3, 456 1.393 1.518 6,877 4,745 2,526 1,650 32, 089 4,009 2,603 518 6,475 Oconto Oneida Outagamie Ozaukee -■- 2,720 Pepin 1>20>> Fierce 3,493 Polk Portage Price Kacine Rich land Rock St. Croix Sauk Sawyer Shawano Sheboygan — Taylor Trempealeau Vernon Walworth . . . Washburn... Washington . Waukesna... Waupaca Waushara . - . Winnebago . . Wood 2,106 4,034 499 5,318 Wyoming. Albany Carbon Converse Crook Fremont Johnson Laramie Natrona Sheridan Sweetwater. Uinta Weston 3,533 6,212 3,798 4,981 192 3,181 6,674 822 3.379 4,570 3,972 358 4,177 5,298 4,428 2,378 7,336 2.780 7,518 4,498 2,987 9,183 7, 182 2,751 963 3,677 4,471 261 7,483 101 6,644 3,453 2,309 4,007 2,560 5,316 2,920 2,283 3,201 5,870 3,512 1,325 1,488 6,833 4,550 2, 565 1,724 34, 084 4,066 2,393 465 6, 663 2,726 1,162 3,502 1,902 4,028 437 5,302 3,529 6,242 3,733 5,128 175 2,928 6,688 737 3,221 4,516 3,958 333 4.114 5,080 4,356 2,270 7,619 2,674 Fe- males. 414 105 1,061 771 382 575 591 915 136 571 17 216 422 423 142 362 566 244 333 190 ■ 895 151 279 422 498 1, 221 839 139 7,769 340 489 91 661 173 115 343 468 706 364 858 75 598 574 450 69 640 1,009 513 419 292 1,344 822 39H 349 319 268 1,928 143 304 417 988 238 6,488 1,114 670 322 275 289 232 1,632 128 302 406 1,002 116 386 111 180 609 520 181 1,089 711 1,142 201 141 17 18 14 7 178 8 2 210 310 36 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Males. 362 117 874 672 333 472 531 844 120 535 11 201 360 408 154 304 577 122 313 188 937 134 242 412 473 1,123 730 132 8,147 288 439 76 676 148 105 285 371 718 268 887 82 563 491 466 74 536 888 394 394 237 311 115 153 516 473 154 L,030 629 935 138 108 19 9 1 9 161 7 178 297 6 21 10 5 45 3 6 3 21 22 13 4 Fe- males. 61 18 13 7 214 3 160 16 5 6 21 Native white. _ . Total Govern col- 26 30 I 48 19 5 12 175 2 22 1 7 2 120 1 11 3 22 7 2 116 4,088 2,244 8,471 5,982 1,412 2,389 2,478 3,173 209 5,965 212 5, 762 3,347 1,445 3,520 1,990 4,325 2,487 2,106 1,409 4, 557 3,352 1,313 1,741 4,190 2,693 1,998 1,099 23, 080 3,036 1,383 1,436 4,506 1,909 873 2, 482 1,015 2,487 662 4,317 3,306 7,068 2,668 4,055 287 1,689 5,529 474 1,660 3,400 92 4,446 379 3,218 4,706 3,101 1,777 6,254 1,915 16, 381 1,468 617 4,264 2,743 1,433 3,349 2, 016 3,638 702 2,181 166 1,061 1,302 1,157 847 1,273 1,933 808 1, 248 1,170 3,685 803 966 1,949 2,302 3,430 3. 360 554 25, 029 1,169 1,586 724 2,576 646 431 1,371 1,260 1,882 1,147 3,141 345 2,192 2,215 1,532 424 1,996 3,101 943 1, 699 1, 251 1,263 418 895 2, U07 2,052 605 3,950 1,912 7,335 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. ^^ ,. L . Total Native Foreign ^^j white, white. ^j,gj_ 83 3 14 I 3 29 12 12 6 2 5 5 3 11 5 1 18 1 6 7 4 19 41 1 170 8 17 15 210 2 1,854 1,848 834 064 753 743 5,411 473 535 768 1,289 1,209 943 1,035 222 141 191 163 1,819 78 66 1,191 1,105 381 898 3 4 60 140 159 1 4,425 2,494 8,493 5,816 1,267 2, 4.56 2,787 3,578 224 6,401 211 6,242 3, 899 1,744 3,210 2,261 4,382 2,901 2, 235 1,065 4,728 3,403 1,386 1,697 3,286 2,545 2,094 1,190 21, 951 3,581 1,381 1,579 4,425 1,600 994 2,777 1,168 2,682 662 4,344 4,049 8,623 2,808 4,652 322 1,588 5,055 474 1,647 3,792 5,723 408 2,887 5,010 3,524 2,237 6,930 2,009 17, 320 1,943 1,905 3,485 1,543 8,177 6,575 2,584 3,642 3,225 4,908 768 5,321 847 806 637 768 1,367 1,202 206 3,243 2, 376 2,163 2,537 I 2, 008 4, 593 1,753 2,241 2,745 5,932 2,121 1,290 2,287 6,080 5,124 4,147 1,299 39, 847 2,536 2,418 843 5,056 2,151 889 1 2, 724 2,251 3,407 1, 330 5,688 886 4,061 3,531 3,455 483 3,165 6,293 1,344 3,105 2, 605 2,595 488 2,954 4,391 3,711 1,397 6,952 2,749 8,730 1,157 1,211 261 180 276 213 2,163 95 102 1,310 1,328 434 34 34 13 91 6 14 2 41 27 17 11 3 7 16 5 1 27 2 7 9 4 18 53 1 208 12 25 16 253 2 7 27 6 2 34 6 48 1 V> 52 4 8 4 16 23 10 21 8 4 44 3 994 62 86 5 5 62 146 172 1 1 341 59 54 810 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOE, FOE PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OE MOEE: 1890. ■ V [TW3 table gives the population of all places, incorporated and unincornoratprt in thn TTT„to,i Cf * , • inhabitants or more, so far a.-^ they have been returned l,v the cSisus enuSato, , aennrif^ Un^'^, •''tales, having 2,500 township, precinct, district, etc., of which they form a part. In the New EnS states tifen^^^^^^ population of the inhabitants or more has been used, except in Connecticut, where, in the case of cities or Wn"?,?! h o n^*? ?^'''"S -'^OO more which have been separately retur/ed, the population of the city or So?ough and no^tS1,f\hrSif "i'^t"] "'"*' "' CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BORODGHS. Alabama : Anniston Bessemer Birmingham. Decatur Eufaula Florence Fort Payne Gadsden Greenville . . Huntsville.. Mobile Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Montgomery. - New Decatur. Opelika Phenix Selma Sheffield . . . Troy Tuscaloosa. Arizona: Phenix Tucson Arkansas: Camden Eureka Springs, rayetteville.. .. Eort Smith Helena Hot Springs - . Little Rock Pine Bluff Texarkana (a) California: Alameda Bakersfield . Berkeley Chico Eureka Fresno Los Angeles. Ward 1 . . . . Ward 2 .... Wards .... Ward 4 Wards Ward 6 .... Ward? .... Ward 8 . . . . Ward 9 . . . . Marys ville.. Napa Nevada citv. Oakland .. Ward 1 . W'ard 2 . Ward 3 . 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Total colored. Males. 1,061 332 2,136 189 323 641 319 324 257 585 2,964 230 73 110 229 302 554 369 1,097 1,455 457 295 567 593 261 379 341 361 499 226 575 524 1, 335 259 718 2,327 873 296 249 744 364 633 ,186 5,848 819 1,039 720 777 298 396 736 504 499 430 600 331 6, 538 1,991 1,107 774 Fe- males. 1,073 349 2,213 199 395 319 342 274 687 3,083 261 98 128 247 322 614 410 1,003 1,522 401 291 703 656 303 363 461 316 544 224 682 496 ,488 332 940 ,694 800 386 1,633 240 705 447 671 1,216 6,624 811 1,087 843 835 388 421 810 889 540 546 700 382 6,827 2,058 1,186 883 30 15 144 28 87 301 2 39 4 22 149 14 1 127 15 80 6 74 149 64 145 62 58 13 48 97 119 62 28 34 21 725 229 95 62 Fe- males. 29 10 119 5 1 12 10 4 80 301 22 155 21 4 184 13 78 14 85 121 742 71 134 103 76 33 58 108 106 53 22 44 24 797 236 115 78 Males 632 343 1,716 231 420 396 116 167 250 784 2,293 303 25 9 29 204 438 884 401 1,994 141 445 122 602 194 310 361 244 8 83 467 513 336 ,429 748 208 59 44 32 39 1 156 362 26 53 43 16 9 20 81 95 19 29 18 3 250 32 45 30 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Fe- Nati' males, white. 647 343 2,007 316 577 381 90 246 326 939 2,603 345 30 7 27 190 521 1,015 468 2,642 151 446 143 769 180 339 465 63 275 11 97 505 608 390 1,791 228 15 29 20 10 7 13 72 44 18 26 6 7 95 20 18 4 1,577 615 4,002 341 343 1,024 562 366 249 327 113 137 284 397 673 383 775 1,820 751 305 508 744 453 375 352 617 568 536 549 2,008 440 1,350 3,293 1, 379 526 1,262 446 754 475 645 2,076 7,742 811 1,392 1,359 839 335 488 1,178 832 508 607 563 282 6,346 1,565 834 902 Foreign ^°*f' whitl. col- ored. 117 109 672 30 17 85 57 20 12 39 380 23 10 37 55 62 68 57 68 198 106 382 569 285 265 690 180 850 219 445 95 575 762 3,444 255 629 452 248 77 179 639 695 270 214 322 131 3, 684 1,194 454 268 1,045 906 3,018 317 283 534 227 226 213 782 2,440 355 52 14 65 250 479 902 323 221 283 72 613 364 251 359 147 228 205 14 52 624 678 541 :, 105 941 315 249 446 114 204 8 1,191 1,817 41 213 176 47 31 58 219 1,008 24 292 133 66 1,229 86 113 108 a Exclusive of that part in Bowie county, Tex.is. JLALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 1,748 656 4,410 385 432 1,138 643 445 313 815 3,374 384 135 138 304 419 677 438 879 2,120 831 392 604 498 444 415 723 684 339 884 600 2,308 516 1,685 3,954 1,564 624 1,567 534 819 663 797 2,436 9,759 1,043 1,667 1,856 1,089 500 629 1,369 957 649 779 708 426 7,664 1,767 1,030 1,233 Foreign white. 181 154 902 52 38 119 82 38 23 1,059 67 31 103 141 146 217 141 213 348 136 13 3 166 50 17 468 732 54 74 29 496 127 457 ,058 290 100 1,517 291 730 152 822 961 5,203 394 939 701 459 145 278 877 995 415 400 550 344 6,129 1,963 819 483 Total col- ored. 1,072 908 3,315 376 447 613 256 288 278 1,018 3,146 451 68 18 84 291 636 1,145 453 2,796 251 400 103 838 351 309 481 155 241 267 17 61 723 883 616 2,675 1,173 349 263 540 94 264 9 1,377 2,041 41 214 184 46 44 57 238 1,190 27 457 157 118 1,235 91 104 93 POPULATION. 811 .« pPPCiON^ OF SCHOOL MILITIA, AND VOTINCx AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND ''"''' '^^^Lol ?SI ?LACEsT'2,500 INhIbITANTS OR MOKE: 1890-Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILIAGES, AND BOKOBGHS. California— Continued. Oakland— Continued. Ward 4 Wards Ward6 Ward? 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Pasadena . Petaluma . Pomona... Eed Bluff. Males. 799 291 484 1,092 584 I 494 517 349 Fe- males. 796 287 472 1,145 Foreign white. Kiverside Sacramento San Bernardino . Sau Diego 652 552 568 400 560 529 3,224 3,395 550 569 1,750 2,011 San Francisco Assembly district 29 . Assembly district30. Assembly district31. Assembly district 32. Assembly district 33. Assembly district34. A ssembly district 35 Assembly district 36 Assembly district 37 Assembly district 38 Assembly district 39 . Assembly district 40. Assembly district 4 1 . Assembly district 42. Assembly district 43 . Assembly district 44 Assembly district 45 Assembly district 46 Assembly district 47 Assembly district48 San Jose San Luis Obispo. San Rafael Santa Ana Santa Barbara . . . Santa Clara. Santa Cruz . Santa Kosa . Stockton Tulare Vallejo Visalia "Woodland 34,920 604 1,049 356 1,459 1, 742 1,654 986 873 1,260 1,296 1.734 1,933 2,292 2,837 2, 258 3,017 2,188 1,564 2,672 3,146 2,359 405 474 572 845 384 768 766 1,635 842 370 440 Colorado : Aspen Bessemer Boulder Canyon Colorado Springs. 36, 691 563 1,055 333 1,499 1, 789 1,674 1,016 916 1,316 1,403 1,778 2,048 2,454 3, 211 2,337 3,323 2,126 1, 582 3,160 3,108 2,846 448 450 606 962 435 877 885 1,897 393 851 403 511 390 496 316 1,376 Denver 10, 988 Ward 1 '74? Ward2 54o Wards 1>811 Ward4 582 1,278 1,109 2,152 2, 208 554 Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Dnrango 290 Highlands Leadville Ouray ... Pueblo . . . Salida ... Trinidad. 683 1,003 222 2,896 309 709 532 355 532 340 1,391 11, 700 776 472 1,896 701 1,476 1,086 2,449 2,281 563 321 662 1,046 166 2,631 350 790 55 23 94 167 48 30 29 18 I 87 194 46 222 4,165 184 159 102 368 293 192 154 121 191 142 192 209 188 236 195 248 209 204 323 255 139 29 31 30 33 Total colored. Fe- Males. j^^igg. 27 38 22 20 97 1,289 140 57 116 54 104 163 235 256 164 27 73 135 28 194 13 28 87 46 66 169 55 39 38 12 225 37 211 4.278 85 125 68 332 318 181 84 109 180 181 204 238 252 417 292 287 203 157 306 259 193 37 42 28 46 75 35 54 108 14 32 14 27 23 32 193 20 121 2,678 36 28 1,380 253 74 62 64 48 83 79 54 47 150 131 52 39 15 13 28 42 97 24 17 3 33 11 23 16 97 6 28 39 20 38 44 44 29 61 1,517 149 48 212 63 131 208 298 283 122 32 87 156 13 143 11 59 381 19 17 50 57 7 13 125 25 1 27 4 131 3 22 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. , . |„ . , Total Native Foreign ^^j white, white. 2 13 13 17 1 11 32 14 74 14 60 849 3 11 517 1.55 28 22 24 7 15 7 3 1 20 It 1,005 455 572 1.013 774 458 608 410 564 189 452 563 161 202 111 79 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. 191 1,126 1.51 579 333 665 247 1,264 92 1,119 78 611 51 836 96 574 928 286 690 1 960 271 506 188 146 97 55 124 857 290 124 4, 979 I 1, 831 1, 402 739 1 217 1-14 2, 503 I 1, 099 I 600 4 5 71 408 4 9 33 60 60 5 57 145 35 3 2 21 4 105 2 23 37, 978 1,000 1,396 1, 0.57 1,649 1,509 1,580 1,567 1,844 1, 830 2,135 2,017 2, 320 2,574 2,707 2,114 3,089 1,769 1,341 2, 053 2, 427 2,550 405 444 571 865 337 830 787 2,245 568 1,049 574 477 34, 140 1,884 1,749 1,773 2,750 1,526 1,268 1,414 1,338 1,778 1,446 1,265 1,426 1,751 1, 755 1,398 2,080 1,368 1,980 2,318 1, 873 948 160 356 129 196 214 368 225 1,154 97 749 162 134 1,091 1 395 154 5,691 I 3,253 1,735 898 I 335 156 3,487 1,746 703 20, 593 173 140 15, 489 1, 370 175 186 257 236 234 274 176 158 489 436 160 144 164 59 140 127 459 230 94 31 234 63 176 117 504 127 165 179 93 1,345 803 631 803 2, 652 24, 963 1,685 3,237 3,901 2,948 2,349 1,628 3,351 4,767 1,097 742 1,099 2, 433 922 7,958 662 1,170 517 558 122 229 543 10, 620 1,285 1,087 986 814 I 651 1 911 1,538 2, 276 1.072 22 2 20 45 146 40, 491 1,334 1,512 1,319 : 1,746 ; 1,533 1,641 1.871 1 2,014 1,900 2,344 2,035 I 2,367 ! 2,880 2,760 i 2,109 I 3,274 ' 1,883 1,323 2, 009 2, 571 3,151 530 484 803 1,144 424 1,067 1,014 2,943 664 1, 233 705 607 1,567 855 838 924 2,985 53, 268 2, 537 2, 510 2.011 4,028 2, 434 2,080 2, 105 1,971 2. 558 2,261 I 2, 131 2,397 2, 673 i 3, 064 [ 2, 424 ! 3, 347 2, 264 2,913 3,583 3, 377 1,752 279 523 206 22, 591 187 156 17,471 1,474 156 176 275 217 190 234 1,744 28, 194 131 1,868 159 3, 496 216 4, 439 465 3, 872 607 418 2,133 146 1,292 237 212 643 638 185 323 714 12, 902 1,539 1,270 1,221 953 137 20 49 477 90 248 26 377 1,409 61 419 26 2.183 448 171 17 283 62 2,719 855 1,774 1, 094 3,735 1. 928 5,064 2,770 1,227 1,272 810 329 1,199 478 2,673 1,664 1,009 481 8,394 2,559 754 215 1.362 405 168 143 435 369 165 144 187 59 265 120 1,046 271 86 31 255 69 202 133 550 146 164 207 114 25 3 23 43 159 2,171 151 165 210 795 150 23 56 520 101 24 7 77 26 465 18 72 812 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES BY SEX NATTVttv a.tt. COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE:' Zo-LltutI ' ^""'^ OTTIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Connecticut : Ansouia (a) . Berlin Bethel Branford . .. Bridgeport - Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4... Ward 5... Ward 6... 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native Tvhite. Males. Bristol Brooklyn . . Canton Colchester. Dan bury . . Derby East Haddam . East Hartford East Windsor . Enfield Fairfield Earmingtou . . , Glastonbury. .. Greenwich (a) , Griswold . Groton . . . Guilford . . Hamden . . Hartford.. Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5 515 Ward 6 621 Ward 7 1 171 Wards...-. '810 1,271 332 430 522 632 1,493 609 1,089 1,013 1,253 283 326 388 1,953 798 306 616 438 923 463 415 471 1,218 362 716 339 493 6,381 522 1,055 810 877 Fe- males Huntington. Killingfv ... Litchfield... Manchester. Meriden Middletown .. Milford Naugatuck New Britain . . . New Canaan... New Hartford . New Haven Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Wai'd Ward 7. Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . New London. New Milford. Newtown Norwalk (a) . Norwich Orange Plainiield 502 822 402 947 3,075 1,149 448 820 2,120 352 344 10,493 845 854 1,211 1,345 482 613 1,127 705 1,031 618 646 1,016 1,580 451 .557 2,201 1,900 614 581 ,253 298 466 6,150 645 1,475 555 1,211 1,050 1,214 884 241 309 408 2,066 824 316 .587 441 1,011 478 547 445 1,241 363 662 334 423 6,342 560 1,164 754 922 592 ,081 771 564 811 411 1,064 2,735 1,254 448 9,31 2,172 334 347 10, 117 287 885 1,270 1, 3.59 450 649 1,109 739 1,011 662 686 1,010 1,723 453 488 2,257 2,040 585 590 Foreign white. Males. 294 48 23 120 978 83 253 73 190 95 284 194 56 34 290 104 27 41 41 28 46 177 161 35 25 84 731 30 71 79 206 74 220 32 268 572 80 21 63 412 19 221 1,481 42 72 376 179 67 180 209 I 60 I 78 i 43 96 79 152 37 37 184 285 85 155 Fe- males. 286 24 37 1,038 126 316 92 169 116 219 146 209 63 44 304 112 30 44 57 230 37 43 30 183 174 38 12 47 871 51 184 91 94 77 186 86 102 70 283 29 337 563 132 20 65 390 13 224 1,600 100 104 300 156 79 155 224 147 94 76 92 73 195 49 19 226 323 80 173 Total colored. Males. 51 2 4 4 112 38 23 9 24 6 12 2 11 12 1 33 19 3 4 5 18 5 4 32 14 15 2 34 167 1 44 17 3 19 20 53 10 343 12 22 17 4 1 195 62 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Fe- Native males, white. 150 55 31 10 28 7 19 7 15 9 4 37 24 1 4 2 5 15 6 5 23 9 32 205 10 45 24 14 15 24 59 14 377 20 33 22 11 10 3 5 3 200 58 1,247 402 588 586 7,070 1,158 1,821 721 1, 085 1,101 1,184 1.107 246 357 438 2,678 931 381 765 390 I 873 572 460 551 1,464 369 900 423 521 8,1.59 931 1,657 1.062 1,098 649 577 1,406 719 625 887 507 800 2,801 1,512 617 1,121 2,053 383 353 Foreign white. 12, 193 1,782 825 988 1,697 700 795 1,024 893 989 977 672 851 2,201 662 559 2,795 2,225 657 573 1,321 278 122 660 4,475 570 1,169 428 782 504 1,022 552 231 170 171 1,123 421 98 196 152 477 254 137 150 824 234 150 132 345 4,035 291 585 482 415 493 707 603 459 286 420 161 2,105 494 136 384 1,931 91 224 6,755 238 364 1,242 842 448 798 1,029 308 447 202 319 518 153 1.55 900 913 292 315 Total col- ored. 104 3 12 10 227 78 38 32 32 14 33 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 24 5 32 403 28 104 26 17 70 31 94 33 a The town. 586 36 30 35 19 38 16 9 5 287 96 3 12 129 26 5 74 110 16 12 1,283 548 797 797 8,239 3,408 2,219 792 1,132 1,414 1, 274 1,507 379 481 613 3,213 1,042 681 1. 030 496 1.023 794 594 827 1,973 524 1,450 722 754 9,758 1, 210 2,105 1,240 1,452 708 562 1,796 685 817 1,326 744 1,042 3,231 1,748 977 1,270 2,265 636 513 13, 686 1,545 990 983 1,996 859 891 972 1,120 1,236 1, 321 880 893 2,938 1.002 742 3,749 2,767 950 818 Foreign '^°\^^ white. '^°^- ored. 1,711 381 193 793 6,196 770 1.468 631 1,152 784 1,391 737 295 241 296 1,531 1.52 335 295 371 271 260 1,110 307 255 185 465 6,014 396 825 683 711 711 1,011 929 748 382 633 285 1,218 2,905 823 223 518 2,598 158 291 9,910 302 638 1,710 1,307 623 1,050 1,465 484 714 329 459 829 1,229 213 333 1,396 1,627 430 458 117 3 13 10 266 97 42 34 38 15 40 3 17 11 10 81 39 11 12 5 9 42 14 9 72 16 35 11 61 512 32 129 36 27 40 122 38 20 11 6 12 63 43 44 6 23 6 6 761 42 32 51 24 37 17 395 127 3 14 136 40 11 90 155 26 15 POPULATION. 813 . T^PT^^ONS OF SCHOOL MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND TAB.K 2«^-f^|^^/ol PLACES 2f 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continuea. Atlanta Wardl Ward 2 AVard 3 Ward 4 Warde I 1.05J- a The town. 814 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2§.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890-Cmitiuued. ' 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, Native white. AND BOROUGHS. Georgia — Contiimed. Augusta Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward4 Ward 5 , Brunswick . Carters ville . Columbus - . Dalton Gainesville . Griffin Lagrange Macon Marietta Milledgeville . Newnan Kome Savannah Thomasville . Valdosta Washington . Way cross niinois : Alton Aurora Austin Batavia Beardstown . . Belleville Belvidere. ... Bloom ington. Blue Island.. Braidwood... Cairo Canton Carlinville. Carmi Centralia . . Champaign Charleston. Chester Chicago Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward U . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . , Males. 2,732 536 380 334 882 600 672 291 1,531 388 446 343 232 2,043 307 227 299 670 2,900 320 205 170 302 1,577 2,632 513 422 659 2,854 443 2,924 501 1,062 791 535 452 708 858 582 403 126,914 131,618 1, 261 2,089 2,660 3,139 5,655 5,730 4.184 4, 304 5,082 5,459 3,644 5, 8.58 4,866 5, T98 5,257 5,765 2,163 2,186 5,195 2,863 3,907 3,786 3,821 2,671 3,094 3,401 Fe- males. 3,188 609 412 349 1,046 772 731 327 1,769 450 513 448 380 1,944 315 274 378 801 3,130 359 188 181 306 1,669 2,810 556 466 2,755 524 3,236 434 776 1,075 899 544 458 755 969 736 526 1,182 2,355 3,229 3,519 5,736 5,680 4,294 4,450 5,524 5,192 4,193 6,363 4,932 5,320 4,991 5,895 2,153 2,164 5,565 2,971 4,220 3,969 4,131 2,580 3,332 3,485 I Foreign white. Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 3 158 4 2 45 324 90 83 6 85 25 191 101 20 48 26 7 22 40 15 7 37, 184 484 309 329 340 1,178 1,699 1,992 1,902 1,947 2,211 660 638 652 1,624 1,672 3,537 1,016 391 1, 636 633 993 1,489 362 441 1,180 2 141 2 2 1 44 334 104 97 11 46 261 100 162 19 39 28 40, 168 630 562 701 788 1,150 1,585 1,987 2, 036 2,079 2,117 843 1,021 712 1,662 1,612 3,436 976 423 1,787 743 824 1, 106 1,399 601 635 1,256 Males. 2,613 423 480 593 980 137 604 280 1,316 185 134 419 303 1,816 298 395 251 538 3,328 631 313 354 277 165 39 12 14 646 2 11 46 38 1,521 280 239 306 74 38 13 Fe- males. 3,131 530 547 715 1,187 152 798 379 1,647 201 166 560 336 2,175 353 451 308 605 4,177 780 340 367 305 133 42 5 21 610 9 14 36 49 47 10 52 1,527 236 261 372 110 41 26 34 113 6 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 3,435 613 586 528 1,076 632 1,097 306 1,899 320 427 388 279 3, 033 342 205 272 853 3,995 370 295 156 491 1,635 2,890 565 410 2,232 633 3,113 376 286 1,500 1,104 493 430 820 913 873 403 Foreign white. 275 49 75 46 87 18 211 7 84 10 185 10 5 5 Total col- ored. 125,169 151,421 45 1,017 23 310 1,348 303 3.58 85 201 959 369 518 249 102 112 30 127 177 38 55 5,822 4, 324 3,886 4,413 4,136 3,335 2,417 2,312 2,677 3,497 5,958 8,120 5,143 2,662 2,270 2,229 1,950 6,709 5,347 2,078 3,482 3,167 3, 058 7,647 2,767 2,124 3,496 2,371 2,107 2,201 5,641 7,218 5, 623 5,658 6,345 7,019 3,307 3,487 3,251 5,917 5,789 10, 121 4, 585 4,100 6,373 2,783 3,282 4,240 6,969 3,928 2,773 4, 339 2,934 517 606 671 1,014 126 1,084 230 1,413 131 127 384 213 2,346 232 284 214 503 5, 437 .573 282 249 385 125 59 12 58 10 132 29 857 9 9 49 58 53 10 40 6,017 1,916 1,043 969 224 147 28 15 11 18 53 80 172 171 36 29 29 34 252 52 4 18 53 63 142 15 18 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 3,985 743 760 556 1,221 705 1,223 428 2,163 449 538 513 349 3,182 418 273 375 1,032 4,392 439 350 192 517 1,718 3,386 680 517 987 2,074 838 3,691 369 285 1,591 1,408 592 562 955 1,106 1,091 442 127, 278 6,935 4,994 4,334 4,966 3,593 2,860 1,963 1,863 2,279 3,264 6,504 9,321 5,412 2,415 2, 003 1,763 1,780 7,604 4,841 1,951 3, 283 2,791 2, 725 8,122 2,729 2,057 Foreign white 107 145 134 164 28 296 11 164 35 19 11 12 342 15 15 12 Total col- ored. 197, 768 6,547 4,214 1,999 3,178 1,161 3,132 1,138 3,067 247 7,650 164 9,209 7,491 7,323 8,290 8,654 4,644 5,094 4,786 7,878 7,515 12, 666 5,747 5,107 8,681 3,856 5,000 6,233 8,701 4,898 4,030 5,602 3,671 651 788 816 1,273 148 1,151 283 1,817 168 145 476 321 2,719 318 408 253 63 586 1,704 6,115 42 717 6 343 15 336 31 426 836 156 2,183 71 434 12 520 18 257 1,685 74 353 12 1,821 171 534 723 36 501 1,082 204 14 306 10 67 58 264 71 399 74 83 13 158 7,768 52 6.547 25 17 10 17 51 93 135 220 33 38 28 37 286 62 4 21 56 75 142 11 18 POPULATION. 815 «« PFRSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND TABLK 2«-P^|^^/4^p^J^Ss OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continued. 816 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES BY SEX NATTVTTV Axm COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: Z^L^M ' CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Illinois— Continued. Rockford Rock Island Sandwich Savanna Shelby ville Springfield Spring Valley , Sterling Streator Sycamore Taylorville . . TJrbaua "VVar.saw Waukegan . . . Indiana: Anderson Aurora Bedford Blooniington. Bluffton Brazil Butler.... Columbia . Columbus } ConnersviUe Crawfordsville Decatur , Elkhart EvansviUe. Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . . Wards.. Ward 6 . . Eort Wayne . Ward 1 ... Ward 2 ... Ward 3... Ward 4... Ward 5 ... Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Frankfort .. Franklin Garrett Goshen Greencastle. Greenfield . . . Greensburg. , Hammond . - . Huntingburg Huntington . Indianapolis . Wardl.... Ward 2.... Wards.... Ward 4.... Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . 5 TO 20 YEARS, mCLUSlVB. Native white. Males. 2,677 2,008 351 402 535 3,525 364 843 1,559 382 455 572 388 653 Fe- males. 3,023 2,078 852 492 3,818 436 1,008 1,667 480 459 582 461 705 1,615 1, 652 670 661 486 524 569 612 564 635 883 353 522 1,084 672 918 523 1,639 7,095 1,150 656 826 1,481 1,237 1,745 5,355 460 343 309 472 690 404 950 534 494 516 371 888 734 477 542 650 577 1,088 13, 894 1,130 894 509 353 368 453 701 657 326 1,015 385 520 1,175 672 903 589 1,715 7,963 1,358 690 1,030 1,583 1, 405 1,897 5,675 514 394 389 557 785 748 434 814 535 505 1,019 629 432 937 815 536 569 650 605 1,222 15, 195 1,147 951 672 346 415 487 746 854 399 Foreign white Males, 787 213 13 21 Fe- males. 246 222 36 434 35 15 6 14 74 3 15 108 231 17 13 40 51 50 60 425 12 24 10 18 30 35 54 100 25 117 9 2 24 28 4 232 7 39 724 74 10 15 12 12 1 21 29 7 712 263 27 40 1 269 237 46 510 55 18 13 13 54 Total colored. 75 8 1 9 7 3 15 119 224 35 23 34 35 58 39 374 22 20 15 29 60 27 35 72 16 78 202 3 40 736 69 33 15 18 23 26 13 26 22 Males. 321 Fe- males. 976 356 148 94 122 60 196 1,390 156 31 263 147 81 37 32 14 30 310 3 24 924 351 132 75 110 67 189 30 4 8 5 1 5 1 4 1 1 13 3 1,525 148 46 266 170 112 60 29 24 41 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 2,929 1,911 382 682 540 3, 793 280 927 1,231 382 523 724 436 782 2,739 691 721 815 766 651 571 1,341 1,054 1,200 599 2,188 9,141 1,291 1,216 1,332 1,606 1,230 2,466 6,335 535 658 782 626 772 756 434 781 600 391 1,297 732 694 1,214 1,021 654 619 750 627 1,428 19, 058 1,367 1,178 721 454 540 618 928 823 Foreign white. 2,498 1,128 72 135 1,098 776 232 1,153 160 65 53 66 310 250 74 55 14 38 215 52 49 79 79 50 58 324 1,572 152 154 224 334 321 387 1,773 101 144 99 111 209 151 168 367 105 318 47 8 91 106 28 15 27 698 55 143 3,626 243 76 72 60 71 38 121 165 94 Total col- ored. 423 11 1,594 439 460 226 136 79 254 83 5 25 19 10 5 4 3 7 4 1 20 43 2 5 54 14 26 4 11 2,247 155 79 293 210 138 81 35 19 65 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native Foreign white, white 3,533 1,951 567 757 759 4,183 261 1,203 1,401 552 677 870 484 925 3,116 804 845 1,011 936 1,170 734 714 1,586 1,179 1,581 710 2,729 9,371 1,415 1,366 1,282 1,671 1,174 2,463 0,655 550 732 852 684 783 440 699 694 399 ,640 958 728 , 555 846 902 779 648 1,750 21, 838 1, 599 1,635 897 519 683 760 1,085 919 793 3,346 1,864 1.58 230 38 2,205 923 431 1,556 29B 103 127 307 542 401 222 46 67 348 81 129 209 206 138 113 548 3,545 416 325 506 683 738 877 3,276 239 257 224 268 429 322 278 571 247 441 85 33 131 233 97 34 80 859 141 330 6,790 376 147 150 140 157 105 284 355 186 Total col- ored. 43 42 5 17 514 3 11 2 14 20 4 10 91 2 25 88 2 76 4 1 39 50 78 11 1,751 498 465 224 167 102 295 91 4 29 21 12 6 4 3 8 3 1 23 56 3 8 60 14 35 5 16 7 2,785 213 74 400 172 50 28 87 POPULATION. 817 TABLE 28.-PEES0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOE PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Contmued. 5 TO 20 YEABS, INCLUSIVE. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Indiana^Contimied. Indianapolis— Cont d. Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 - Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Jeffersonville . Kendallville-. Kokomo Lafayette Laporte Lawrenceburg. Lebanon Logansport Madison Marion Martinsville . . - Michigan city . Misbawaka Mount Vernon . Muncie New Albany - Newcastle . - . NoblesviUe . . Peru Plymouth.. Portland... Princeton.. Kichmond . Eushville . . . Seymour ... Shelbyville . South Bend. Terre Haute Ward 1 Wai-d 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward5 Ward 6 Not in wards . T)i)ton Union Valparaiso . Vincennes . Wabash ... Warsaw Washington West Indianapolis- . ■Winchester Iowa: Atlantic Belle Plaine Boone Burlington . Cedar I'alls . Native white. Fe- males. 354 193 287 397 454 706 271 185 327 727 535 958 833 801 538 93V 1,503 387 1,197 2,386 1,092 700 587 1,894 1,367 1,308 389 1,524 545 651 1,776 3,022 356 460 1,077 435 602 449 2, 357 907 804 2,878 4, S83 827 498 593 627 1,009 702 127 466 370 690 1,408 807 500 999 510 444 670 368 3,307 446 Foreign white. Males, 347 232 394 421 507 781 308 214 317 791 597 974 837 823 677 958 1,508 471 1,216 2, 585 1, 114 768 625 2,072 1,406 1,374 497 1, 495 505 716 1,859 3,137 419 503 1,082 479 630 468 2,550 522 904 886 3,042 J, 872 976 651 648 675 1,071 728 123 493 840 1,537 873 600 1, 026 449 487 703 397 1,017 3,660 528 7 9 5 21 25 17 20 22 18 33 10 52 49 100 34 121 23 25 43 117 62 9 2 63 10 20 Fe- males. 91 11 16 8 652 305 13 7 11 39 28 49 32 101 312 58 Total colored. IT 10 45 107 Males. 204 197 46 43 5 1 22 21 112 38 16 2 2 90 12 18 654 135 17 26 10 10 36 32 4 60 40 143 316 82 Fe- males. 31 13 48 107 168 7 20 8 14 27 73 12 9 9 45 316 2 43 58 13 11 5 19 104 12 15 4 146 77 338 41 23 15 14 64 127 39 37 34 50 183 1 24 37 19 38 64 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 31 7 53 122 177 68 13 15 14 37 310 1 37 54 14 10 17 19 113 53 9 11 6 176 75 362 45 26 14 11 90 176 28 62 46 62 196 6 23 39 30 28 70 1 1 3 20 22 56 64 1 499 624 832 567 550 945 1,037 409 523 917 654 1,045 834 693 656 948 1,842 556 1,822 2,696 1,041 730 753 2, 570 1,460 1,961 531 1,891 525 756 2,560 3,735 499 575 1,425 420 787 490 2,944 643 948 1, 073 2, 869 5,891 1,346 905 748 902 1,111 770 109 545 550 892 1,432 957 695 1,139 811 568 636 450 967 3,292 481 Total col- ored. 73 63 87 94 131 161 144 114 114 157 83 235 247 415 165 403 167 85 169 594 305 76 9 441 98 109 16 912 124 66 161 406 9 19 194 41 19 15 359 43 64 53 1,895 140 135 111 93 180 183 17 20 20 205 183 82 39 121 76 10 185 99 321 I 1,363 184 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 44 77 134 253 262 43 35 12 28 73 22 13 15 81 315 5 79 67 14 7 17 38 117 95 14 80 3 187 97 430 37 31 32 12 67 183 42 40 40 68 308 18 69 61 40 42 78 Total col- ored. 640 800 985 675 621 1,045 1,101 449 569 893 779 1,207 876 699 693 916 2,121 691 2,229 3,186 1,238 824 983 2,986 1,775 2,352 716 1,951 650 863 2,954 4,134 695 771 1,659 593 982 683 3,558 815 1,102 1,363 3,420 6,787 1,547 1,088 914 997 1,214 895 132 718 1,079 1,668 1, 201 947 1,343 913 793 198 106 144 168 228 311 228 176 189 343 223 409 448 682 329 708 454 182 242 1,280 741 292 39 880 427 172 34 1,470 862 555 1,204 3,525 628 1,754 287 255 220 209 393 351 39 47 64 372 484 174 91 260 124 43 314 179 524 2,555 354 57 84 140 305 331 17 82 41 42 13 38 93 29 19 20 92 424 5 98 84 20 12 24 47 158 107 18 249 4 179 227 302 113 1,063 504 41 40 39 40 394 37 140 31 is 74 93 877 262 103 48 189 54 154 55 2,605 81 382 20 61 92 48 58 103 1 102 37 14 46 50 23 2 16 114 2 372- -52 818 COMPEKDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 2§.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continued. ' CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Iowa — Continued. Cedar Rapids Centerville Chariton Cliarles city Clierokee Clarinda Clinton Council Bluifs . Creston Davenport . Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Not in wards , Decorah Des Moines . Ward 1... Ward 2... Ward 3... Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Dubuque . Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Fairfield Fort Dodge... Fort Madison. Grinnell Independence . Iowa city. Keokuk . . Knoxville . Lemars Lyons Maquoketa . Marion Mar,shall Mason Missouri Valley Mount Pleasant , Muscatine , Newton , Oskaloosa. Ottumwa . Perry KedOak.. Sioux city . Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward 4 , Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Yin ton , Washington . Waterloo Webster What Cheer . 5 TO 20 YEAES, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 2,499 561 485 373 558 407 1,825 3,039 1,152 4,000 762 604 463 654 571 591 355 476 7,833 1,089 1,007 1,355 992 1,191 1,566 633 4,482 781 602 1,010 799 1,290 535 711 1,192 526 436 1,078 1,954 421 618 803 444 452 1,278 575 371 556 1,648 362 2,100 446 503 4,904 1,098 207 963 923 981 732 460 1,003 449 Fe- males. 2,807 585 550 467 622 562 1,929 3,196 1.273 4,161 757 600 526 710 635 618 315 500 8,129 1,157 1,101 1,460 1,040 1,208 1,551 612 4,806 797 736 1,041 1,004 1,228 525 808 1,200 557 534 1,130 2,033 460 501 482 1,397 659 432 627 1,744 415 1,024 2,265 500 536 4, 925 1,104 200 967 940 972 742 461 556 1,123 505 456 I Foreign white, Males. 324 56 18 50 29 5 328 308 58 378 96 116 52 23 30 32 29 26 583 34 41 55 95 166 144 433 25 19 121 46 222 72 45 13 13 74 89 5 98 122 16 7 103 35 19 14 193 4 27 127 16 42 796 149 37 194 52 290 74 2 39 20 130 I Fe- males. 452 40 21 48 40 426 404 470 105 110 70 65 41 55 24 708 47 72 99 114 181 152 43 457 18 34 132 71 202 47 16 18 81 100 6 117 139 22 18 152 57 47 21 170 11 50 134 24 50 875 176 33 207 153 237 11 7 51 37 135 Total colored. Males. 39 179 5 17 171 2 Fe- males. 196 4 18 68 33 29 35 9 21 9 32 3 3 11 226 3 MALES 18 TO 44 YEAES, INCLUSIVE. Native Foreign white. white. 2,713 1,202 614 163 494 77 342 116 620 168 672 101 1,894 1,099 4,006 1,422 1,238 269 Total col- ored. i 3,280 427 371 376 820 676 502 108 392 8,725 1,105 1,253 1,901 1,390 1,114 1,427 535 4,841 924 886 1,118 875 1,038 564 678 1,691 673 467 1,129 2,381 446 550 689 457 612 1,410 742 592 587 1,831 402 1,201 2,574 538 533 8,751 1,539 1,402 1,492 2,190 1,186 942 456 514 1,088 463 392 I 427 421 350 213 177 214 154 2,344 159 192 47 13 14 1 1 29 41 111 11 60 305 9 26 123 395 79 703 31 468 32 129 5 1,888 36 164 2 294 g 526 4 212 21 692 43 10 270 9 298 61 60 3 69 4 249 11 469 232 22 4 286 1 401 3 80 67 5 491 29 165 3 124 3 82 39 575 29 31 9 140 71 556 123 67 4 138 11 3,679 188 504 12 311 73 1,033 16 355 33 1,239 42 237 12 39 37 13 228 1 93 7 248 1 MALES 21 YEAES AND OVEB. Native white. Foreign T"tal 3,171 753 650 464 709 919 2,116 4,575 1,438 3,343 341 290 327 894 811 581 413 10, 183 1, 3.55 1,517 2,194 1,489 1,326 1, 653 649 4,839 1,011 926 1,047 970 830 794 1,804 805 682 1,283 2,050 665 610 794 774 1,745 885 687 806 2,082 1,562 2,972 676 703 1,495 1,455 1,497 2,532 1,164 946 679 756 1,426 633 444 white. 1,720 238 129 263 231 166 1,694 2,041 475 3,872 880 838 442 392 429 192 311 3,548 250 324 475 594 976 728 201 3,646 450 541 945 462 1,248 94 494 632 118 col- ored. 67 15 21 1 1 33 55 114 12 78 12 21 39 4 2 377 10 34 146 45 47 44 1 13 6 24 15 10 73 9 205 6 619 15 1,065 329 53 4 431 1 758 7 169 1 127 7 703 36 277 4 175 4 178 72 1,102 42 73 22 262 104 904 144 116 4 200 13 4,338 191 654 13 337 74 1,167 14 446 34 1,403 44 331 12 81 102 22 433 2 143 7 380 1 POPULATION. 819 TABLE 2§ -PEESONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. KaBsas : Abilene Argentine Arkansas city . Atchison Chanute Clay Center . Concordia ... Eldorado . . - . Emporia Eort Scott . . Girard Holton Horton Hutchinson... Independence. Junction city. Kansas city. Ward 1... Ward 2... Ward 3... Ward 4... Ward 5... Ward 6... Lawrence Leavenworth . McPherson ... Manhattan Newton Olathe Osage Osawatomie. Ottawa , Paola Parsons . . . Pittsburg. Salina Topeka . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Wellington . Wichita — Winfield..., Kentucky: Ashland ^ellevue Bowling Green Covington . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . 5 TO 20 YEABS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Males. Fe- males. Cynthiana — Danville Dayton Frankfort . . . Harrodsburg 561 570. 1,260 1,780 362 398 487 505 1,013 1,605 412 436 507 1,350 548 699 4,930 636 859 884 652 745 1,154 1,204 2,594 477 430 803 508 462 292 351 862 397 919 1,012 950 3,812 698 1,102 805 777 430 3,353 789 543 854 5,749 549 352 602 423 619 649 804 607 553 591 303 365 780 941 274 Males. 618 600 1,319 1,940 506 576 657 1,267 1,866 477 501 532 1,461 582 764 5,092 687 858 953 666 745 1,183 1,317 2,773 601 529 869 591 415 305 369 1,069 478 1,073 1,031 4,173 771 1,176 1,002 870 354 761 3,739 744 587 916 5,955 628 346 662 506 611 683 793 639 528 559 319 349 733 Fe- males. 305 19 16 8 52 32 3 13 10 32 6 36 400 100 74 30 39 94 63 39 238 28 21 93 133 7 14 25 1 18 82 52 261 48 124 24 55 10 1 107 10 2 26 6 220 22 6 27 23 24 Total colored. Males. 13 62 26 120 10 43 30 7 72 38 3 19 13 52 12 47 418 120 55 39 49 106 49 5Q 222 36 25 107 7 118 5 10 32 4 17 84 78 304 37 118 59 74 16 7 130 14 4 20 7 223 22 3 26 23 29 11 32 29 14 34 3 5 18 11 1 Fe- 22 139 60 411 37 45 4 9 139 332 26 26 7 49 43 47 837 93 228 358 76 53 29 439 555 11 59 43 58 73 27 117 114 90 150 26 70 913 204 152 241 124 192 14 225 31 57 3 481 299 25 60 16 58 39 16 29 13 7 210 322 5 476 236 MALES 18 TO 44 YEABS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 30 111 70 488 42 38 2 6 143 345 31 34 8 82 50 60 973 107 280 392 101 62 31 427 570 8 57 43 62 66 32 120 147 90 146 18 73 1, 0'46 275 165 232 150 224 10 207 40 55 3 569 332 44 56 23 60 36 41 9 34 10 10 222 363 6 529 261 596 8.55 1,893 2,173 543 396 534 624 1,140 2,060 411 465 803 1,696 435 726 6,578 782 1,083 1,128 854 1,045 1,686 1,333 2,411 524 482 867 635 300 695 417 910 450 1,156 1, 322 1,075 4,799 808 1,429 1,089 1,091 382 925 4,892 967 738 462 1,121 5,908 602 528 624 617 562 785 683 507 411 347 383 689 1,128 373 Total col- ored. 61 321 149 387 58 85 44 224 208 33 54 90 159 36 180 .,977 523 298 170 214 392 380 193 759 116 50 214 28 410 79 14 101 19 121 272 219 922 130 367 136 232 57 53 607 65 57 111 47 1,374 99 76 162 87 81 205 153 114 209 26 25 104 62 9 MALES 21 YEAES AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. Total col- ored. 32 189 81 413 29 30 101 280 24 30 17 82 24 59 1,002 124 290 375 99 69 45 352 468 n 49 56 58 53 27 61 133 36 74 922 182 179 208 185 168 32 421 51 67 3 485 437 58 88 21 107 36 42 12 89 27 7 192 332 12 490 218 794 922 2,272 2,547 680 539 657 812 1,405 2,542 571 575 891 2,073 618 820 7, 325 819 1,238 1,339 977 1,118 1,834 1,752 2,775 652 627 1,101 718 358 823 541 1,305 621 1,426 1,513 1,200 5,904 1,040 1,718 1,388 1,367 481 1,138 5,835 1,240 510 1,319 6,057 678 606 608 723 532 596 733 724 523 334 455 447 758 1,416 507 111 420 213 742 90 147 175 91 380 394 59 111 136 258 87 324 2,906 692 464 274 361 553 562 439 1,749 175 113 335 76 512 148 42 199 65 215 392 359 1,510 217 584 221 395 93 93 942 121 149 232 136 3,062 239 176 376 ,188 4-13 228 443 318 259 422 60 43 281 123 27 32 204 87 561 36 39 10 10 158 385 28 38 17 89 44 75 1,325 144 390 515 123 95 58 505 718 12 69 65 67 85 41 97 115 90 196 36 94 1,236 277 221 281 221 236 34 431 60 79 2 594 510 73 100 23 120 44 46 19 46 28 11 259 462 14 628 323 820 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. AND CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Kentucky — Continued . Henderaon HopkinsviUe Lebanon Lexington Louisville Ward 1 "Ward 2 Ward 3 AVard 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 WardlO Ward 11 Ward 12 Mayfield Ma;,';-ivllle Middlelioro Mouut Sterling Newport Owensboro Paducah Paris Richmond Shelby ville Somerset Winchester Louisiana: Alexandria Baton llouge Donaldsonville Gretna Lake Charles Monroe New Iberia New Orlean.s Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 WardlO Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Wardl4 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Plaquemine Shreveport Maine : Auburn Augusta Bangor Bath Belfast Biddeford Brewer Bridgton Bristol Brunswick 5 TO 20 TEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 920 481 314 2,023 20, 886 2,321 2,050 1,974 1,517 1,432 940 738 863 935 1,484 3.624 3,002 376 667 415 399 3,984 1,231 1,329 369 437 201 337 322 252 798 236 356 442 229 357 28, 872 1,732 1,927 3,006 1,309 2,374 1,692 2,485 1.665 2,604 2,613 2,639 1,656 964 606 939 273 388 279 667 1,385 1,132 2,353 1,068 696 1,404 531 280 448 780 Fe- males. 1,051 524 307 2,206 21, 858 2,250 2,139 2,019 1,597 1,565 1,060 792 957 1,080 1,607 3,672 3,120 418 769 366 415 4,151 1,316 1,477 411 432 230 360 361 285 888 301 385 440 251 413 30, 923 2,014 2,242 2,789 1,434 2,229 1,853 2,613 1,813 2,795 2,919 2,907 1,742 1,043 801 1,031 257 441 277 782 1,378 1, 143 2,506 1,067 738 1,416 527 447 397 508 Foreign white, Males, 853 96 122 75 58 113 19 17 36 52 37 173 55 2 1 11 4 38 52 116 52 152 130 66 34 55 49 46 23 2 28 22 12 12 9 20 182 281 258 117 2 10 5 277 Fe- males. 10 10 2 48 855 76 112 85 73 111 49 27 44 42 43 131 62 162 932 41 56 80 57 152 162 55 27 47 88 67 28 6 22 26 5 13 198 349 267 114 7 1,238 65 8 4 336 Total colored. Males. 591 509 212 1,427 4,291 188 144 304 449 497 267 64 324 465 767 653 169 129 118 74 235 55 411 674 263 432 237 87 361 278 1,041 263 230 174 275 269 9,946 348 422 1,483 436 1,122 531 1,301 210 448 587 813 389 396 197 723 327 213 287 1.256 Fe- males. 673 635 218 1,517 4.836 203 146 321 611 555 236 100 432 507 828 679 218 150 156 49 253 66 471 774 301 443 260 101 452 329 1,094 337 245 200 309 315 11,852 533 606 1,558 622 1,189 747 1,488 247 490 801 971 491 369 256 884 380 220 343 1,495 MALES 18 TO 44 YEAllS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 1,064 552 331 2.643 24, 496 2,402 1,859 1,971 1,616 1,914 1,248 1,310 1,541 1,541 2,000 3,979 3,115 455 863 1,099 473 4,089 1,560 1,889 499 719 253 531 498 257 951 226 356 446 353 339 29, 673 1,877 2,402 3,366 1,574 2,435 1,544 2,341 1,688 2,381 2,788 2,628 1,587 906 501 1,044 242 369 260 2,014 1,861 3,404 1,485 973 1,323 801 461 570 906 Foreign white. 4 266 5,249 613 619 495 469 473 185 152 220 336 395 845 547 12 43 97 39 945 79 155 35 23 11 31 33 Total col- ored. 663 • 483 175 1,499 6,553 278 145 361 541 814 230 638 884 1,147 861 266 161 167 277 245 103 497 955 303 704 235 108 458 30 I 241 108 I 1,572 46 ! 306 79 ! 96 i 45 6,440 297 458 860 477 952 .541 416 247 501 452 429 246 119 107 180 71 87 56 194 356 452 997 315 33 1,351 307 22 17 321 246 230 332 258 11, 724 498 668 1,243 594 1,225 231 484 742 960 481 376 235 911 325 184 396 1,438 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native Foreign white. white. 1,238 204 725 55 458 22 3,247 569 25, 671 11,098 2,381 1,160 1,722 1,310 1,871 1,170 1,623 975 2, 161 816 1,580 361 1, 570 295 1, 740 420 1,614 622 2,083 914 3,960 1, 862 3,366 1,193 533 22 1,067 159 1,119 129 600 70 4,014 2,281 1,865 211 2,203 324 633 106 808 62 331 33 6U2 47 639 57 285 84 979 235 253 90 344 176 506 163 394 112 379 95 29, 719 15, 525 1,829 855 2,406 1,128 3,419 1,964 1,611 993 2, 365 1,783 1,638 1,119 2,402 1,168 1, 630 730 2,224 1,284 2,753 1,266 2,633 1,145 1,650 689 911 307 558 297 1,073 457 232 148 385 192 274 116 1,036 349 2,920 478 2,635 584 4,488 1,546 2,302 555 1,559 76 1,857 1,674 1,065 376 765 40 851 27 1,276 381 Total col- ored. 790 612 208 2,047 7, 915 320 184 450 716 1,035 454 258 759 1,027 1,381 1, 033 298 181 236 243 296 127 638 1,110 479 742 327 125 627 292 1,799 403 323 246 378 322 15, 572 670 867 2,504 870 1,531 775 1,721 321 721 975 1,187 599 515 333 1,198 468 317 425 1,789 3 22 35 25 5 4 3 1 7 25 POPULATION. 821 Table 28 -PEESONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. 5 TO 20 YEARS, mCLDSIVB. Native white. Maine — Continued . Bucksport Calais Camden Cape Elizabeth - - Caribou Deering — Deer Isle . Dexter Eastport. . Ellsworth Fairfield Farmingt.on... Fort I'airfield. Frenchville . . - Gardiner Gorham Hallowell . - . Houlton Kennebunt. Kittery . . . Lewiston . Lisbon Norway... Oldtown . Orono Paris Pittsfield Portland.. Ward 1 . Ward 2 . "Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Presque Isle . Richmond . . . Eockland Saco Sanford Skowhegan South Berwick Thomaston Vinalhaven . Waldoboro . WaterviUe.. Westbrook.. Maryland : Annapolis . Baltimore . . Ward 1 - Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward i . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . ^ales. j„J;g_ 484 1,052 593 895 671 674 584 335 706 734 494 431 539 535 641 414 364 438 358 395 2,193 390 319 561 397 414 337 4,346 826 664 560 654 414 473 755 452 426 1,039 705 509 575 422 438 395 476 901 778 910 53, 999 3,497 2,123 1,944 1,685 1,801 3,464 3, 621 3,000 1,236 1,565 1,245 2,619 1,651 2,181 1,6L'5 1,515 3,920 3,721 Foreign white. Males. 474 1,004 641 820 662 712 592 360 657 755 417 497 568 569 819 344 418 454 407 371 2,223 398 354 559 371 429 354 4,707 816 772 684 574 484 531 846 441 403 1,086 761 508 661 454 416 434 448 940 766 694 57, 511 3,561 2,215 2,137 1,739 1,810 3,788 3,788 3,087 1,363 1,703 1,378 2,966 1,816 2,536 1,715 1,549 3,928 3,859 Fe- males. 3 249 6 56 145 53 7 14 163 19 59 2 139 24 54 14 53 211 27 3 1,219 87 7 140 66 7 21 443 89 91 75 87 10 19 5 218 275 11 3,660 241 482 133 405 184 275 212 98 205 64 56 49 HI 72 138 80 303 273 Total colored. 4 264 9 47 135 55 2 30 182 20 47 7 131 13 55 12 55 211 21 1 1,474 101 13 103 49 4 21 630 101 76 99 68 67 120 90 10 25 106 153 82 Males. 25 5 245 304 4,252 265 529 179 495 212 250 225 137 275 88 72 150 130 79 138 84 332 278 Fe- males. 489 8,595 48 26 284 286 447 500 179 453 290 539 1,375 292 323 430 536 107 491 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 46 11,999 82 31 304 353 570 631 265 651 521 710 1, 629 1,014 427 437 580 622 139 524 508 898 886 970 587 837 687 458 703 944 620 576 543 361 1,038 487 509 526 568 561 2, 538 431 506 873 522 599 548 5,827 994 . 792 905 801 619 760 956 473 700 1,603 925 823 544 572 461 654 ,174 843 1,052 61, 738 3,404 2,068 2, 250 1,921 2,002 3,526 3,921 3,947 2, 191 2, 156 1,880 3,198 2, 202 2,589 2,025 1,786 4,294 3,638 Total col- ored. 14 537 35 152 281 213 29 62 263 50 155 30 228 37 221 352 73 45 2,046 228 25 378 238 17 42 1,709 255 343 285 304 131 144 247 189 54 150 206 256 236 139 61 62 8 425 499 186 15, 472 1,084 1,564 579 1,146 638 1,176 938 718 804 408 385 322 578 462 495 436 1, 130 1,106 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 508 14, 280 88 100 464 496 663 815 255 1,052 648 950 2,272 489 433 812 956 161 731 794 1,045 1,385 1,342 678 1,317 964 744 862 1,347 906 949 631 356 1,503 839 761 641 900 820 3,134 643 798 1,325 603 991 742 7,751 1,274 877 1,189 1,014 977 1,105 1,315 977 2,384 1,505 951 1.269 765 831 665 1,155 1,400 1,187 1,103 69, 613 3,581 2,063 2,484 2, 065 2,174 3,785 4,395 4,424 2,813 2,427 2,154 4,015 2,433 2,999 2,264 1,883 4,598 3,903 Total col- ored. 52 849 57 241 382 283 38 111 437 121 202 55 323 162 222 54 261 521 92 67 2,579 275 46 514 320 21 52 2,849 463 594 419 470 214 251 438 276 66 266 263 309 322 187 101 93 19 590 588 298 29, 569 2,096 2, 604 1,308 1,829 1,249 2,047 1,815 1,473 1,306 955 759 717 1,191 995 1,008 1,025 1,998 2,030 7 1 2 17 1 3 135 95 21 30 17 11 7 1 721 17, 476 117 121 580 619 882 1,018 309 1,162 799 1,166 2,758 991 608 527 1,042 1,192 209 906 822 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUQHS. Maryland — Continued . Baltimore— Continued Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Cambridge... Chestertown. Cumberland . Eaaton rrederiok Frostburg Hagerstown Havre de Grace. Salisbury Sparrow Point. . Westminster ... Massachusetts: Abington Adams Amesbury ... Amherst Andover.. Arlington. Ashland . . Athol Attleboro. . Barnstable . Beverly Blaokstone. Boston . . Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 , Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 , Ward 17 , Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Bradford Brain tree. ... Bridgewater . Brockton Wardl .... Ward 2 .... Ward 3 . . . . Ward i .... Ward 5 . . . . Ward 6 . . . . Ward 1 .... Brookfield Brookline 1,236 5 TO 20 YKAES, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. Males. Fe- males. Males. Fe- males. 2,881 3,288 34 75 2,535 2,768 36 63 2,817 2,689 121 96 3,353 3,828 82 100 434 486 2 1 246 248 1 2,030 2,164 49 50 298 299 2 970 1,158 5 2 653 682 24 12 1,459 1,630 5 14 376 417 5 2 349 349 1 204 145 25 18 402 462 1 56'4 506 22 23 1,123 1,144 473 470 1,144 1,185 208 207 683 551 36 39 1,027 721 104 129 681 756 89 126 317 334 38 40 760 777 54 67 946 911 155 215 478 461 11 16 1,332 1,329 116 155 749 694 270 212 49, 366 50, 524 9,220 11, 564 2,409 2,404 507 573 2,157 1,791 543 463 1,588 1,675 192 253 1,613 1,614 186 221 1,312 1,289 234 219 2,006 2,066 709 751 1,051 985 690 721 1,314 1,277 315 395 828 835 130 3B9 368 327 108 275 1,426 1,536 210 521 1,165 1,138 255 281 3,031 2,944 580 581 3,462 3, 524 493 594 2,449 2,495 394 423 1,523 1,688 439 535 1, 296 1,413 168 300 1,190 1,493 173 364 2,945 3,024 553 519 3,001 3,036 424 559 2,589 2,735 259 527 2,558 2,844 486 565 3,012 3,110 468 689 3,610 3,768 468 689 1,463 1,513 238 317 454 670 42 52 579 578 87 86 443 476 30 34 3,189 3,0M 480 575 274 265 37 48 416 419 31 72 535 508 90 92 487 459 143 145 558 537 49 46 493 473 58 08 426 433 72 104 400 453 81 50 1,236 1,421 203 345 Total colored. Males. 447 120 237 228 182 189 173 231 40 144 145 134 120 71 1 2 2 12 10 4 1 2 19 10 3 925 13 11 5 25 5 7 3 44 298 18 82 11 Fe- males. 1,090 733 197 489 282 231 173 202 298 46 204 132 179 40 10 1 3 19 13 4 1 971 12 2 7 28 1 4 5 50 290 20 101 18 7 3 2 50 76 51 130 23 7 4 36 11 33 5 1 15 6 14 3 2 6 1 1 1 3 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Kative Foreign white. white. 3,448 282 3,005 300 2,510 500 3,777 421 545 20 287 8 1,908 311 332 13 1,190 38 578 124 1,707 44 518 28 420 7 440 146 452 11 805 107 962 936 1,521 851 989 131 933 356 714 504 405 173 1,298 314 1,125 494 618 48 1,774 421 673 860 61, 257 45, 310 2,613 1,775 2,296 2,137 2,030 969 2,004 938 2,176 1,377 1,706 3,433 1,662 2,428 1,879 1,685 1,532 871 1,901 912 3,072 1,572 1,982 1,725 2,335 3,056 3,922 2,277 2,341 1,764 2,534 2,409 2,666 1,254 2,420 961 2,818 2,600 3,440 2,008 3,152 1,307 2,108 2,327 2,942 2,137 4,028 2,232 1,698 1,156 596 187 765 311 794 246 5,026 2,065 005 211 795 189 936 392 619 504 696 288 684 216 691 265 502 270 1,387 1,034 Total col- ored. 916 603 161 407 186 189 228 252 36 168 134 124 440 62 2 5 10 36 23 2,985 26 22 25 39 43 53 27 135 735 170 481 57 22 42 15 376 213 123 202 43 18 10 48 15 45 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. 4,352 3,642 2,756 4,403 709 390 2,168 477 1,601 575 2,180 635 564 750 621 1,108 1,047 1,930 1,218 1,024 927 558 1,793 1,452 1,141 2,546 775 71, 593 3,067 2,473 2,378 2,452 2,617 1,562 2,093 2,032 1,906 2,539 4,147 2,246 2,041 4,261 2, 380 2,848 3,255 3,435 2,945 3,923 4,203 2,082 3,535 5,172 2,001 782 1,063 1,134 6,065 774 975 1,150 648 833 831 854 734 1,781 Foreign white. 729 693 901 841 28 14 714 25 149 133 140 89 11 247 41 238 1,266 1,126 183 580 687 244 396 731 89 635 1,139 62, 912 2,565 3,148 1,531 1,413 1,820 4,445 2,950 2,174 1,237 1,096 2,028 2,351 4,320 3,420 2,567 3,074 1,728 1,375 3,602 3,110 1,940 3,266 3,147 3,038 1,567 236 438 554 2,585 246 264 429 605 408 295 338 355 1,444 Total col- ored. 1,094 752 174 450 353 284 229 303 371 49 249 177 193 495 84 12 41 16 10 3 3 34 11 ,405 33 21 27 46 41 56 33 166 931 196 506 65 21 41 16 382 243 131 246 50 18 12 56 19 49 4 32 42 9 17 1 2 8 2 3 5 19 POPULATIOK. 823 Table 2§ -PEESONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890-Coutiimed. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOHOnQHS. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. Ma.ssachusetts — Cont'd. Cambridge Wardl "Ward2 Wards Ward4 Waid5 Canton Chelin-sford . Chelsea . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Chicopee. Clinton . . Concord . Dalton — Danvers . Dartmouth . Dedham — Deerfield ... Dennis Dudley East Bridgewater. Easthampton Easton Everett Fairhaven Fall River. Ward 1 - . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward 4.. Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Falmouth Fitchhurg — Foxboro Framingham . Franklin Gardner Gloucester Grafton Great Barrtngton. Greenfield Hardwick Harwich Haverhill. Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6. Hingham . Holden . - . HoUiston . Holyoke . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . WaidT. Fe- males. 8,596 1,812 2, 222 1,567 2,026 596 352 3,152 612 828 841 871 1,484 1,243 820 419 834 368 958 445 363 423 347 626 621 1,310 320 7,897 1,091 864 916 956 762 1,241 628 345 1,094 297 2,437 380 1,165 035 986 2,845 688 586 677 370 376 3,032 203 235 402 449 1,089 594 8,058 1,341 2,156 1,597 2,010 954 618 319 3,276 643 823 870 940 513 335 328 3, 759 494 454 534 725 335 640 577 Foreign white. Males. Z^e.. 360 923 387 400 413 340 620 540 1,298 337 8,266 1,160 932 914 971 823 1,246 700 411 1,109 298 2,587 301 1,270 704 958 2,909 646 668 749 303 3,164 255 254 437 499 1,144 575 533 346 316 4,009 478 496 478 844 363 737 613 1,694 200 452 379 450 213 63 38 587 115 140 204 128 717 414 134 24 36 119 38 2 135 109 274 26 4,775 1,097 248 314 468 414 1,236 172 25 801 764 45 108 85 275 418 151 47 45 154 527 21 19 81 55 286 65 25 100 13 1,958 219 448 435 505 59 204 Total colored. Males. 1,963 298 481 399 550 235 83 52 689 117 146 213 213 718 526 73 33 94 37 147 28 3 133 75 285 12 5,139 1,214 342 299 474 500 1,261 210 65 774 13 880 36 157 86 230 345 181 09 63 158 2 573 41 36 76 64 279 77 40 100 17 2,285 290 464 414 620 92 297 102 277 60 147 4 58 8 1 Fe- males. 330 172 1 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native Foreign white, white. 9,454 2,556 2, 235 1,561 2,113 634 369 3,929 791 949 953 1,236 1,550 1,030 941 494 1,251 462 972 446 467 294 444 556 639 1,674 443 5,826 729 839 593 716 591 547 692 410 709 372 3,160 415 1,330 705 1,245 3,336 588 711 852 335 4,877 802 469 865 561 1,433 747 682 314 408 3,236 377 339 277 443 462 782 556 6,903 793 1,896 1,704 1,494 1,016 290 151 Total col- ored. 2,105 445 628 627 405 1,622 1,019 411 115 397 113 441 151 16 248 145 245 381 876 63 9,800 1,759 720 969 1,080 1,201 1,942 491 126 1,512 108 2,017 104 604 338 693 4,413 338 177 240 315 1,733 78 73 360 151 838 233 152 192 94 4,673 619 817 845 1,191 274 673 254 474 81 251 20 111 11 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 189 16 71 12 90 4 3 19 9 6 15 29 3 1 1 1 2 3 15 Foreign white. 10, 318 2,354 2,589 1,576 2,574 1,225 759 576 5,121 1,021 1,194 1,156 1,750 1,754 1,139 947 551 1,730 1,244 629 831 330 732 632 880 2,117 778 6,245 803 855 535 693 592 462 822 606 877 675 3,858 679 1,771 934 1,627 4,362 826 977 1,163 452 863 6,324 1,180 686 954 830 1,673 1,001 1,093 456 635 3,298 328 322 229 376 499 844 700 Total col- ored. 9,326 1,126 2,564 2,261 2,081 1,294 524 271 2,986 606 870 859 651 2,139 1,404 477 216 641 137 781 250 43 381 185 433 536 1,113 87 12, 673 2,133 1,081 1,310 1,451 1,524 2,400 676 219 1,879 136 2,676 181 885 494 892 5,567 527 339 374 392 24 2,267 104 92 465 217 1,053 336 277 294 206 5,769 752 934 1,036 1,444 364 861 378 567 96 313 23 120 15 224 20 90 14 100 6 3 10 14 7 16 30 6 1 1 1 2 5 22 10 75 9 1 9 4 6 7 11 14 14 6 17 4 9 2 21 12 37 74 11 21 16 1 10 15 23 16 1 5 2 3 1 3 1 824 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.— PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continued. ' CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Massachusetts — Cont'd. liopkinton Hudson Hyde Park Ipswich Lawrence. Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . AVard i . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Lee Leicester . . . Lenox Leominster . Lexington . . Lowell Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Lynn Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward i . Wards. Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Maiden Mansfield. .. Marblehead. Marlboro . . . Maynard . . . Medford . . Medway . . Melrose... Merrimac. Methuen.. Middleboro . Milford Millbury ... Milton Monson Montague . Nantucket. Natick Needham . . New Bedford . Wardl Ward2 Wards Ward4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Newburyport Newtonl North Adams Northampton North Andover . . . North Attleboro., Northbridge , North Brookfield . Norwood Orange 5 TO 20 TEABS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 598 61.5 1,363 449 4,915 742 713 904 841 879 836 507 395 403 860 379 7,471 850 1,288 1,722 1,254 1,313 1,044 6,140 164 432 1.478 1,012 1,398 1,397 259 2,565 455 963 2,034 360 1,341 442 911 313 589 711 1,114 571 559 577 845 312 1,254 420 3,973 1,066 480 417 291 537 1,182 1,636 2,728 2,080 1,832 495 935 530 558 485 564 Fe- males. 551 616 1,289 537 5,120 769 733 968 898 947 805 561 459 367 999 347 7,741 894 1, 379 1,757 1,347 1,316 1,048 6,281 162 426 1,519 1,081 1,373 1,475 245 2,619 433 1,025 1,956 360 1,394 419 991 344 564 756 1,233 624 499 477 857 341 1,315 391 4,237 1,086 520 494 351 545 1,241 1,75^ 2,988 2,327 2, 295 474 887 500 547 397 525 Foreign white Malea, 23 62 231 73 1,813 278 208 333 519 283 192 25 30 33 75 50 3,867 666 598 470 464 1,390 279 1,004 14 42 159 190 253 295 51 521 26 60 236 74 150 17 144 35 157 31 78 120 73 65 246 6 108 51 1,582 785 81 16 21 48 631 166 452 441 241 92 121 252 27 72 64 Fe- males. 65 278 127 2,093 326 254 448 580 320 165 26 43 43 92 56 4,796 938 807 529 534 1,598 390 1,081 20 34 215 218 269 276 49 670 33 71 266 81 171 24 247 29 154 32 74 133 91 51 224 22 89 56 1,787 824 86 27 40 81 729 223 793 476 287 85 119 215 50 57 53 Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 11 4 224 4 25 82 37 59 17 11 49 110 MALES 18 To 44 TEAES, INCLUSIVE. MALES 21 TEABS AND OVER. Native white. 3 13 4 221 3 23 70 56 53 16 12 58 12 15 2 3 2 4 2 797 779 1,473 618 4,251 615 631 730 804 799 672 542 456 446 1,271 485 8,062 992 1,432 1,421 1,859 1,208 1.150 9,413 228 569 1,902 2,222 2,208 2,005 279 3,256 652 1,443 2,226 328 1,715 481 1,345 472 554 1,059 1,491 557 539 484 499 1,513 381 4,406 843 694 637 560 691 981 2,119 3,050 2,300 1,945 485 1,014 513 570 541 854 Foreign white. 132 321 714 243 5,155 839 760 933 1,257 814 552 145 181 259 349 238 8,537 1,609 1,321 1,601 978 2,057 971 4,221 41 114 610 926 1,058 1,260 212 1,772 128 230 1,026 278 460 175 351 197 454 274 320 151 654 30 441 244 3,707 1,530 185 103 138 223 1,528 531 1,775 1,204 962 285 426 561 203 362 226 Total col- ored. 2 2 24 3 42 2 11 10 11 5 3 24 1 18 7 11 73 43 5 2 5 7 11 173 1 103 21 9 38 1 27 4 21 10 1 18 1 10 Native white. 933 979 1,779 4,597 660 688 706 920 875 748 719 572 506 1,828 677 9,502 1,034 1,673 1,549 2,440 1,461 1,345 11, 979 325 771 2,548 2,760 2,785 2,401 389 4,156 858 2,164 2,389 345 2,256 669 1,843 644 832 11 1,646 4 1,775 2 715 8 727 5 729 3 867 2 937 12 1,878 4 512 371 6,030 6 887 36 1,015 106 1, 035 76 812 109 988 38 1,193 20 3,050 100 4,107 18 2,674 23 2,477 3 610 13 1,291 2 626 3 762 4 677 2 1,227 Foreign white. 475 457 1,065 324 7,301 1,203 1,067 1,377 1,560 1,196 326 354 387 498 337 10, 910 1,952 1,680 2,198 1,227 2,454 1,399 5,467 48 166 876 1,161 1,355 1,585 276 2,382 209 404 1,602 412 642 731 358 482 264 Total col- ored. 2 2 30 6 44 2 10 10 10 9 3 35 1 26 93 50 9 3 17 232 1 3 147 25 12 44 31 3 21 12 1,049 20 215 1 643 10 225 515 2 273 14 899 5 487 2 449 11 268 4 845 2 73 5 800 14 407 4 4,839 498 1,907 9 267 46 178 164 227 94 342 130 1,918 55 899 22 2,447 107 1,732 19 1,501 26 471 3 14 4 3 5 1 POPULATION. 825 « T.T.T.^ONK OF SCHOOL MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND T.B.. 2«--f^|«f4^/j;;S OF '"00 INHABITANTS OR MOEE : 1890-Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Massachusetts— Gout d. Oxford Palmer Peabody Pepperell Pittsfleld Plymouth Province town. Quincy-- Randolph Beading ■ - Kevere Rockland . Eockport . Salem Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6. Saugns SomervUle Ward 1 - - Ward 2 . - Ward 3 . - Ward 4 . . Southbridge . - South Hadley. Spencer Springfield Ward 1 . - Ward 2.. Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . . Ward 5 . Waid6 . Ward 7 . Wards . Stoneham — Stoughton . - Sutton Swampscott. Taunton . . Wardl. Ward 2 . Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 - Templeton.. Tewksbury- Uxbridge - - - Wakefield . . Walpole Waltham . . . Ware Wareham... Warren Watertown . Wellesley . Westboro West Boylston Weatfield 323 768 1,397 380 2,386 884 597 2,006 533 644 716 485 3,427 610 586 394 610 718 509 458 4,675 1,156 1,578 945 996 1,047 462 1,378 5,147 1,545 426 570 439 1,136 429 300 302 724 630 397 325 326 762 1,469 355 2,475 912 637 1,989 539 496 698 646 455 ,560 573 555 472 692 748 520 Foreign white. Males 3,073 642 169 487 207 137 352 335 744 449 215 448 831 345 2,068 811 476 571 874 Fe- males. 445 4,894 1,160 1,690 1,018 1,026 1,037 553 1,425 5,163 1,533 361 565 498 1,211 410 310 275 674 604 387 374 2,915 549 157 500 201 137 333 306 732 356 197 397 847 346 2,220 902 422 604 Webster ^ 342 713 352 1,161 692 581 419 1,344 52 280 145 33 213 135 49 521 12 55 147 52 76 807 72 33 62 75 519 46 51 736 194 282 112 148 313 162 123 77i 252 46 87 37 111 80 23 135 61 391 122 42 287 120 59 451 13 77 137 51 61 159 29 646 70 11 72 28 9 38 80 338 41 72 68 146 38 381 398 35 174 137 309 58 64 126 107 Total colored. Males. 970 92 65 73 107 593 40 71 978 231 317 172 258 345 146 125 879 231 61 113 76 171 57 32 138 85 76 186 47 769 79 20 85 37 12 34 72 430 32 55 76 177 27 506 435 33 182 189 370 83 50 142 119 Fe- males. 4 1 1 106 2 16 28 2 38 11 5 4 4 1 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Hative white. Foreign white. 148 390 760 1,471 400 2,699 1,143 527 1,862 714 653 864 967 521 4,152 629 896 565 618 770 674 549 6,065 1,574 1,801 1,411 1,279 746 493 1,181 6,817 1,770 903 768 1,398 585 403 242 1,069 756 302 558 3,560 750 281 484 295 172 460 329 789 487 262 487 949 337 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. '^"^.^^ Native col; white, ored. 128 566 839 182 932 305 381 2,179 105 226 490 203 419 2,156 296 199 249 392 834 191 3,013 801 1,208 508 496 672 332 628 740 531 013 970 691 350 854 311 1,571 327 73 256 316 252 258 149 1,757 188 85 299 109 47 186 123 720 148 246 231 499 147 1,407 658 195 372 559 758 224 242 210 547 „ ._, Total ^liite- ored. 2 4 58 21 10 12 4 3 10 2 1 49 5 12 11 8 10 3 1 4 170 6 23 49 4 67 18 2 1 12 4 1 568 931 1,905 740 3,050 216 786 1,195 247 1,647 1,724 432 802 550 2.355 2,684 947 292 942 1,095 1,239 394 5,490 796 1,283 771 781 975 7,568 1,979 2,141 1,846 1,602 654 1,380 8,699 2,110 1,120 867 986 2,050 702 575 289 1,471 1,032 498 4,592 925 405 545 446 281 558 487 945 714 375 641 1,352 507 3,392 875 828 781 1, 199 829 486 1,143 441 2,253 617 411 511 3,164 526 335 374 601 1,001 327 285 4,161 1,070 1,6.54 712 725 973 483 1,019 336 508 501 534 238 634 448 125 348 1,955 930 278 533 836 1,053 298 403 337 793 10 11 1 6 78 10 11 4 3 11 2 1 55 8 12 10 13 4 23 3 3 5 12 250 10 32 65 93 34 4 6 491 15 421 4 329 1 210 6 2,710 45 369 2 130 485 6 152 4 77 271 ib 187 5 1,039 18 230 2 452 3 353 5 692 241 5 17 2 9 3 10 7 4 5 3 26 826 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY ANT) COLOE, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890--ContVnued CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOEODGHS. Massachusetts — Cont'd. Westport West Springfield Weymouth Whitman' Williamstown Winchendon. Winchester . . Winthrop Woburn Worcester . Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 . . Ward 4 . . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Wards . Wrentham . Michigan : Adrian . Albion.. Allegan Alpena . Ann Arbor . . Ansable Battle Creek. Bay city . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Benton Harbor. Bessemer Big Rapids Cadillac Charlotte . . Cheboygan Coldwater . Detroit . . . Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Dowagiac Escanaba Flint Fort Gratiot . . Grand Haven . 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 304 702 1,464 553 609 549 624 287 1,861 10, 535 989 1,432 1,240 1,484 2,183 1,151 1,249 801 341 1,148 448 347 1,282 1,210 484 1,533 3, 435 389 243 232 436 371 366 321 288 152 306 331 525 223 691 481 530 741 700 Fe- males. 330 741 1,613 554 519 495 566 313 1,778 10, 282 890 1,390 1,226 1,433 1,958 1,177 1,312 317 1,236 561 414 1,370 1,303 496 1,759 3,763 378 246 294 534 405 402 350 332 191 284 347 549 194 783 509 590 783 24, 973 25, 521 1,309 1,449 1,083 1,149 1,661 1,032 1,308 1,403 1,977 2,143 1.717 1,801 1.644 1,632 1, 635 1, 637 2,471 2,640 2,220 2,210 2,142 1,750 1,223 953 849 1,031 349 792 1,345 305 805 2,099 1,712 1,302 941 803 968 381 865 1,413 276 830 Foreign white. Males. 36 123 54 40 269 2,001 175 363 221 219 706 185 99 33 37 45 54 15 561 128 265 125 1,093 122 68 28 103 122 127 124 224 20 97 58 31 94 126 114 13 339 17 7,484 242 155 466 261 606 405 624 371 1,093 505 395 804 276 481 227 573 171 142 186 126 Fe- males. 71 79 97 32 91 131 84 55 266 2,144 190 296 265 232 640 235 188 33 76 73 12 681 146 245 129 1,198 114 74 55 121 132 129 97 246 61 88 81 44 96 132 176 13 320 20 8,415 496 343 513 402 644 459 652 436 1,090 598 408 832 324 474 207 537 10 246 171 189 129 Total colored. Males. 7 4 10 155 49 29 2 439 63 5 184 5 70 5 50 2 26 1 Fe- males. 3 14 152 34 39 4 \ 1 29 7 9 2 3 3 2 1 33 28 4 2 517 72 13 206 14 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 16 '34 'i5 390 766 1,866 852 800 695 689 466 1,699 11, 564 1,137 2,061 1,184 1,175 1,669 1,264 1,618 1,456 361 1,259 624 443 825 1,410 398 2,599 3,043 310 727 246 338 232 222 221 55 296 167 229 625 315 700 617 634 593 869 21,863 2,056 1,882 1,360 1,828 1,455 1,953 1,349 1,629 1,460 1,741 1,507 1,006 844 550 585 658 548 776 1,540 243 456 Foreign white. 106 304 410 169 231 266 410 162 ,205 766 1, 673 1,118 1,111 2,445 698 466 212 268 144 50 1,795 451 685 489 3,464 412 443 136 392 369 323 267 493 129 258 242 135 734 427 511 58 915 85 Total col- ored. 22, 033 986 746 1,392 1,000 1,862 1,153 1,751 1,095 2,807 1,587 1,279 1,915 970 1,201 759 1,530 63 1,362 446 402 429 6 31 226 55 60 15 3 6 2 54 31 1 6 1 2 28 4 3 1 3 6 5 900 165 19 344 12 149 5 124 1 37 3 6 12 3 MALES 21 YEAHS AND OVER. Native white. 696 947 2,608 1,187 923 982 862 635 2,041 13, 685 1,402 2, 575 1,246 1,092 1,547 1,556 2,205 2,062 592 Foreign white. 1,766 868 624 859 1,630 389 3,275 3,261 319 728 298 359 241 267 254 51 337 157 250 839 302 904 710 1,031 621 1,339 22, 575 2,385 2,368 1,354 2,081 1,303 2,050 1,274 1,678 1,328 1,692 1,542 989 814 540 532 645 7.50 812 2,000 274 473 113 457 760 262 341 370 548 213 1,806 11, 293 956 2,036 1,622 1,551 3,168 970 695 295 199 626 214 118 2,269 834 815 713 4,560 523 509 199 567 508 439 364 606 179 343 323 201 811 598 625 129 1,139 214 31, 768 1,576 1,072 2,106 1,453 2,749 1,771 2,619 1,721 4,023 2,436 1,866 2, 514 1,342 1,540 1,038 1,942 122 1,571 738 530 787 Total col- ored. 4 3 11 2 43 37 296 67 80 26 5 3 77 30 73 18 23 5 94 4 110 47 7 2 13 10 1 4 1 2 33 4 4 1 6 10 7 1, 133 203 23 440 15 197 7 148 5 46 3 6 13 5 9 3 10 17 1 55 1 11 POPULATION. 827 ^.Tc r.^ QnTTOOT MILITIA AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND T^,,. *«--X%TpLio™ OF S"™SABITAHTS OR MORE: X89^o„.i„u.d. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES AND BOEODGHS. Michigan— Continued. Grand Eapids Ward 1 "Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward i ■Ward 5 5 TO 20 YEAKS, INCLDSITB Native white. ■Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. "Ward 9 Ward 10 . Greenville Hastings Hillsdale Holland Ionia - ■ • Iron Mountain . Ironwood . - Ishpeming- Jackson — Kalamazoo Lansing — Lapeer Ludington. . Manistee .-- Manistique . Marine Marquette Marshall Menominee Monroe Mount Clemens . Mount Pleasant . Muskegon Negaunee Niles ■ Oscoda Owosso Petoskey . . - Pontiac Port Huron. Ked Jacket . Ward 2- Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13- Ward 14. Ward 15. St. Ignace St. Johns St. Joseph Sault Ste. Marie . Three Elvers — Traverse West Bay city. Wyandotte Ypsilanti Males. 7,067 1,114 316 510 800 747 338 598 424 574 506 651 601 586 565 1,180 2,677 1,985 1,956 Fe- males. 7,872 1,260 346 647 968 951 767 887 400 624 1,022 Foreign ■white. ,«- 1 Fe- males. ^a_ies. 1,910 291 17 52 100 382 523 203 92 123 127 855 384 638 1,481 337 Saginaw I 6,102 Ward 1 %^ 306 557 893 1,669 221 463 1,061 581 1,173 941 tlO 391 2,836 679 570 572 418 511 253 307 I 429 1 471 374 260 308 364 351 425 486 532 406 465 1,784 625 063 Total colored. Males. 475 590 616 708 570 558 1,241 2, 909 2,319 1,830 440 977 1,694 250 508 1,116 568 1,193 979 I 775 I 383 1 3, 068 718 641 936 1 433 1 723 \ 1, 656 I 386 6,495 1 498 586 338 I 585 647 1 460 552 254 324 435 470 368 309 306 363 395 506 557 538 445 565 1,748 630 912 24 19 15 100 56 622 425 619 202 387 239 36 319 588 170 70 330 11 511 27 64 820 903 15 159 112 43 58 677 136 1,218 101 56 56 85 123 58 122 55 43 108 120 76 38 55 122 96 I 13 56 416 7 84 564 82 30 ,091 290 79 125 170 331 482 210 97 133 174 51 14 24 108 86 471 333 472 220 423 195 40 334 596 146 83 392 11 478 28 87 85 914 222 21 146 57 67 708 108 1,385 113 86 78 75 145 103 137 56 42 103 133 87 58 56 113 97 15 83 490 14 109 486 59 53 Fe- males. MALES 18 TO 44 YEAKS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 103 23 4 4 6 35 25 1 4 23 4 1 45 2 12 6 2 4 3 3 94 8,176 1, 349 687 801 1, 201 515 856 441 652 455 532 683 517 661 599 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. 5,671 960 170 196 500 787 1,042 693 375 439 503 122 54 73 302 196 3,083 2,677 Total col- ored. 161 48 9 13 19 33 2 3 4 4 26 .vx .• U ■ Total Native Foreign ^^^ white, white, o^ed. 624 3,912 2,847 2,124 376 694 835 346 484 1,056 653 1,116 775 624 407 2,606 409 539 349 1,151 431 978 1,398 179 6,393 578 557 1,147 433 614 122 1,094 1,980 769 194 1,603 73 2,143 110 281 154 2,882 1,732 147 749 378 168 348 1,646 824 4,936 461 400 485 405 454 374 291 429 380 233 197 271 127 387 349 Si 293 348 270 234 225 409 602 634 534 577 658 1,516 442 865 379 293 183 216 316 371 76 205 993 60 5C4 1,681 311 133 4 5 2 6 118 89 17 7 9 3 i 5 17 2 19 10 5 5 42 17 9,510 1,465 874 1,028 1, 404 753 602 969 513 715 1,187 670 717 966 471 892 544 807 509 I 4,827 3,542 2,718 574 778 871 362 528 1,121 890 1, 030 867 754 521 2,786 330 784 349 1,442 578 1,306 1,542 143 7,959 198 1,350 55 255 11 373 19 749 18 1,070 44 1,319 951 519 622 751 192 113 165 563 332 3,159 2,751 3, 427 1,621 1,712 6,832 598 588 1, 222 406 683 435 426 253 303 440 298 382 318 242 238 215 1,356 2,500 786 322 1,972 259 2,461 407 484 223 3,865 1,928 334 851 546 238 681 2,251 962 7,003 604 576 601 625 656 417 539 279 201 494 525 407 292 360 I 427 120 432 783 744 540 844 763 1, 583 438 1,201 447 141 347 1,198 119 703 2,204 572 280 3 2 4 6 36 7 7 2 7 153 128 104 4 4 4 12 19 15 12 17 2 40 16 7 9 66 20 5 100 4 21 23 4 12 9 4 2 6 55 8 39 2 4 828 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : mO-ContinlT CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Minnesota: Albert Lea Anoka Austin Brainerd Cloquet Crookston . . Dulutla 2, 645 Ward 1. Ward 2. "Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. 5 TO 20 YEAHS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 490 578 .j29 677 199 405 Faribault Fergus Falls. Hastings Mankato Minneapolis . Ward 1... Ward 2... Ward 3... Ward 4... Ward 5... 204 173 854 761 399 254 1,199 549 588 1,298 16, 756 1,088 1,035 2, 637 1.981 1,738 Ward 6 1,263 Ward 7 ; 1,,568 Ward 8 1,560 Ward 9 1,418 Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. New trim. . Northfleld . Owatonna . Red Wing . Rochester . St. Cloud . - St. Paul.... Ward 1. Ward 2- Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8., Ward 9.. Ward 10.. Ward 11.. St. Peter Stillwater West Duluth . Winona Mississippi : A berdeen . . Biloxi Columbus . Greenville . Jackson . Meridian . Natchez . , Vicksburs Wat«r Valley. Wesson ". . West Point... Yazoo 436 1,459 276 297 556 373 577 939 640 990 13, 724 1,679 1,528 587 941 1,679 1,679 1,058 2,528 1,444 306 295 425 1,381 325 2,476 264 460 392 384 468 947 861 978 .317 005 245 238 Fe- males. 555 621 654 714 170 423 2,380 173 188 852 623 323 221 1,182 574 621 1,422 17, 885 1,074 1,067 2,769 2,218 2,082 1,267 1,711 1,761 446 1,579 201 264 568 483 654 1,044 781 1,184 14, 770 1,690 1,610 602 1,137 1,879 1,735 1,357 2,533 1,561 I 335 331 1,344 288 2,775 Foreign white, Males. 42 94 38 141 90 166 1,467 116 99 383 325 300 244 136 89 40 190 4,531 382 176 794 334 300 790 344 178 408 166 531 55 73 136 32 88 128 51 137 4,663 745 532 141 234 576 655 71 1,149 407 85 68 42 385 164 550 291 6 513 8 417 1 387 7 520 4 1,000 9 935 11 1,067 22 364 3 777 2 278 3 244 1 Fe- males. 73 118 70 185 78 206 1,454 87 84 443 321 279 240 172 136 52 202 5,291 366 266 781 604 562 719 412 I 338 405 163 543 56 76 124 54 111 136 64 170 5,271 739 563 234 351 557 717 382 1,093 490 63 82 53 395 149 577 Total colored. Males. Fe- males. 7 1 4 2 159 155 9 3 12 55 9 17 3 39 273 92 373 639 479 960 887 1,099 172 35 263 307 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCUTS rVE. 3 2 7 2 147 1 6 5 25 63 7 12 5 10 12 407 118 458 813 617 1,123 1,060 1,368 188 47 316 411 Native white. 366 546 630 759 370 339 5,439 758 280 1,782 1,968 392 259 780 387 423 1,042 23, 561 1,282 1,630 2,921 5,218 4,003 1,597 2,346 1,341 545 1,246 238 326 294 357 416 503 700 1,296 17, 009 1. 505 1,379 1,502 2,965 1,746 1,698 1,710 2,012 1,565 504 422 397 1,193 514 1,931 271 439 391 520 594 1,258 910 1,254 365 455 237 279 Foreign white. 295 391 226 777 815 8,243 952 607 1,997 1,940 1,834 913 391 362 224 776 25, 064 1,881 1,056 3,804 2, 684 2,644 4,537 1,599 857 2,143 933 2,485 206 235 350 153 267 685 482 719 19, 531 3,251 2,090 1,682 1,755 2,020 1,990 507 3,586 1,924 421 305 448 1,889 807 1,732 19 66 29 115 48 81 132 204 32 6 18 37 Total col- ored. 4 1 6 7 2 1 135 18 3 53 55 2 4 7 2 6 4 556 5 17 37 157 251 13 18 10 24 1 22 1 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. 645 19 13 73 292 13 53 23 118 39 276 113 401 978 641 984 839 1,436 209 27 190 313 Native Foreign wliite. wliite. 394 418 714 525 738 367 825 916 456 859 363 672 5, 925 831 293 1,888 2,012 658 243 843 452 507 1,183 26, 249 1, 322 1,859 3, 008 6, 003 4,613 823 1,725 2,848 1,399 625 1,338 313 373 224 460 549 560 902 1,361 17, 596 1,523 1,323 1,551 3, 170 1,746 449 1,258 514 2,010 381 496 497 593 693 1,415 997 1,346 423 512 296 324 8,973 1,11] 655 2,225 2, 053 1,944 985 664 490 438 1,153 29, 442 2,310 1,276 4,572 3,149 2,979 5,112 2,009 1,053 2,499 1,027 2,900 294 262 246 403 1,085 805 24, 134 3,706 2,666 1,941 2,161 2,702 2,519 679 4,448 2,463 478 371 791 2,337 881 2,590 37 155 56 196 97 147 276 428 Total col- ored. 131 18 3 52 51 3 4 6 2 610 6 19 33 174 271 15 18 11 34 1 25 3 3 4 702 23 14 81 310 19 57 25 129 42 2 17 3 32 388 141 542 1,092 810 1,085 1,082 1,744 244 27 280 394 POPULATION. 829 — -is%r=5 141 MALES 21 YEAES AND OVEB. 577 45 2,504 12 3, 150 96 170 21 920 31 722 179 41 3 34 4 1,591 203 1,803 50 8,411 202 799 10 960 12 1,678 90 695 39 1,398 15 513 15 795 6 1,573 15 1,679 19 223 8 618 131 78 106 266 43 310 123 61 48 113 87 69 332 1 175 9 3.974 574 223 42 62 84 582- 177 Native white. 1,108 568 571 802 4,314 997 710 1, .595 1,012 22, 095 2,435 2,675 4,061 4,095 3,521 5,308 733 989 1,464 2, 349 1,455 25, 081 1,051 1,312 1,171 1,068 928 2,487 1,135 3, 372 1,544 1,929 1,974 1,725 2,317 1,225 1,243 3,376 781 667 2,541 1,462 8,592 1,001 1,260 1,647 1,347 935 523 527 1,352 1,057 1,769 1,990 798 1.430 307 909 1.259 808 669 482 10, 412 1,084 707 1,753 Foreign white, 563 66 581 1,310 7,675 2, 079 965 2, 383 2,248 23, 981 3,248 5,775 3,091 5, 800 2,022 4,045 186 214 504 303 527 23, 771 701 803 510 976 682 4,114 1,240 1,814 493 1,567 1,150 3,449 4 644 356 1,272 1,415 91 61 2, 324 2,233 12, 046 1,141 1,430 2,289 1,035 1,974 775 1,129 2,273 1,948 505 904 160 499 419 214 131 178 546 286 0,002 353 121 911 Total col- ored. 43 33 9 13 45 11 16 808 219 114 142 33 121 179 63 22 178 35 128 1,281 73 156 155 70 16 36 78 145 104 196 48 13 128 24 39 204 6 8 248 59 237 12 16 106 49 14 18 5 17 21 10 154 155 74 1 81 162 100 1 10 677 52 106 176 POPULATION. 833 Table 28 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTINCx AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Coutiuaed. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New Jersey— Continued Trenton— Conthiuetl. Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Native white. Males. Fe- males. Ward 8 . Ward 9 Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Union Vineland Wasliineton Woodbury . . New Mexico : Albuquerque (a). SantaFe New York : Albany Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Albion Amsterdam. Auburn . . - Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 Ward 10 . Bald wins ville. Ballston Spa.. Batavia Bath Binghamton Ward 1 - - . Ward 2.. Ward 3 - . Ward 4 . . Ward 5.. Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Foreign white. 683 357 1,273 505 820 608 727 1,364 476 379 535 406 916 13,005 1,028 918 733 725 556 296 346 631 791 1,639 879 825 584 442 732 1,155 1,325 458 2,270 3,450 569 346 152 346 218 438 345 432 298 306 451 438 966 386 4,585 618 384 505 124 435 435 453 273 135 313 582 156 172 Males. 634 724 395 1,323 470 906 610 708 1,405 518 441 520 472 1, 002 14, 513 1,210 843 730 693 598 374 404 654 789 1,.584 964 913 673 636 1,031 1,147 1,270 569 2, 320 3,594 589 424 164 296 262 410 373 409 303 364 446 520 1,136 472 631 379 558 135 458 405 538 285 139 361 594 205 160 153 88 112 135 180 126 125 192 317 38 Fe- males. 129 100 96 105 165 127 133 168 336 50 3 13 843 110 95 41 60 28 27 13 14 38 91 24 56 49 15 40 52 90 111 415 269 38 43 10 49 16 25 34 28 15 11 17 32 58 7 241 53 11 42 •9 36 6 22 16 4 16 13 Total colored. Males. 1,094 82 85 41 80 57 42 42 38 31 90 46 47 70 68 57 119 99 1.34 476 310 44 56 24 22 26 27 35 36 26 14 10 33 67 10 293 66 26 44 7 37 7 33 12 3 34 10 Fe- males. 163 '"I MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 141 1 5 13 22 16 1 » 7 6 68 30 1 3 IS 12 11 16 54 66 1 4 5 11 4 8 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 32 31 4 3 5 3 5 6 6 5 7 13 59 66 7 13 2 2 2 1 5 10 16 23 5 7 4 5 5 3 2 6 737 907 380 1,538 473 943 571 610 1.140 558 554 663 827 1,295 15, 405 758 785 706 956 739 685 776 734 791 1,294 1,057 907 726 848 811 1,520 1, 222 592 2,578 4, 460 443 484 329 1,113 271 368 298 435 293 426 508 585 1,148 556 6,878 760 495 622 168 580 456 761 531 365 474 875 537 254 Total col- ored. 365 366 219 415 457 506 244 535 ,257 99 20 60 318 150 4,710 441 383 334 343 155 202 122 209 269 478 207 291 225 90 202 318 441 305 1, 235 1, 499 207 132 63 458 121 131 138 95 65 60 151 291) 52 127 14 11 62 3 173 419 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. Foreigi white. 1 43 28 13 3 16 205 4 17 11 126 3 11 14 53 I Total col- ored. 1,158 131 165 16 74 3 127 3 24 5 121 3 48 7 111 35 100 iC 36 19 108 11 103 3 807 1,050 429 1,720 465 1,070 633 823 739 933 1,529 16, 790 647 702 731 1,000 829 911 753 773 1,343 1,236 900 916 1,213 860 1,777 1,315 841 3, 015 5,315 507 589 460 1,241 311 453 345 445 370 594 721 780 1,457 833 8,352 858 621 747 207 688 567 994 600 421 549 1,099 681 320 738 531 333 700 573 715 329 698 1,912 168 48 106 387 261 9,469 802 741 640 664 351 339 238 447 652 1,032 447 622 414 180 456 671 813 484 1,788 2,628 388 235 105 680 178 216 232 289 164 141 141 239 584 130 2,020 283 139 218 49 192 79 198 164 53 184 177 259 27 13 84 4 214 4 H 1 15 4 58 36 102 102 30 455 6 1 13 26 58 22 1 4 60 40 15 3 21 180 5 21 21 166 4 22 16 59 3 2 11 42 7 4 3 12 15 176 28 2 4 10 52 23 22 11 4 6 5 (»New town. 372- -53 834 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 28.— PP]RSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA AND VOTTNfi \rw^ dv cw .t COLOR, .OK PLACES OF .,.™ m^A^-?J?ron mSue'. I'J^LIT,"'' "'" CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New York— Continued. Brockport Brooklyn . . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Waid 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . , Ward 22 . , Ward 23 . , Ward 24 . . Ward 25 . . Ward 26 . . Buffalo . . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 g, g07 Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . (Janandaigua Canastota Canton Catskill Clyde Cohoes College Point . Coney Island . Coopers town.. Coming Cortland . . . Dan.sville . . Dunkirk. .. Edge water. Ellen ville.. Elmira Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Wards . Ward 4 - Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Fairport Fishkill on Hurt.son.. riiLsbiug Fort Hamilton 5 TO 20 YBAHS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Males. 501 106, 4.'J9 1,922 1,014 1,933 1,255 2,654 4,440 4,232 4,303 2,470 4,441 3,820 2,750 3,873 4,174 6,242 5,848 11,096 4, 630 2,605 6,818 6,604 3, 467 2,827 6,038 4,415 32, 817 2,282 693 1,792 1, 0.5U 3, 956 6,353 1,150 849 1,525 3, 832 1,465 1,263 730 356 325 619 343 3, 101 887 307 324 1,213 1,061 512 1, 319 1,879 438 4,247 246 446 444 489 1,096 1,032 494 .331 478 1,010 296 Fe- males. 553 403 533 1,137 300 576 110. 376 1, 993 1,089 2,226 1,365 2,639 4, 985 5,033 4, 332 2, 375 4,521 2,572 3,925 2,903 3, 833 4,261 6,409 6,045 11,033 4,812 2,842 7,533 6,813 3, 858 2,180 6,556 4,243 33, 826 2,382 640 1,857 1,111 6,501 4,041 6,459 1,117 1,883 4,222 1,459 1,265 853 376 347 662 398 3,373 859 232 360 1,202 1,103 .571 1,365 2, 035 491 4,205 275 479 462 613 1,126 Foreign white Males. 17 15, 373 274 279 306 185 415 839 396 838 265 741 324 713 277 759 1,446 870 1,715 684 232 872 733 223 3.39 558 642 7,496 449 119 202 136 2,547 1,361 1, 034 283 135 114 621 336 159 23 22 13 22 14 693 139 67 13 77 49 20 180 215 14 370 5 31 57 82 41 122 32 23 71 65 33 Fe- males. 29 17, 844 481 225 428 214 371 1.046 726 817 346 683 362 670 369 082 449 1,477 793 1,726 862 428 1,056 1,180 686 309 816 642 7,945 414 216 219 185 2,417 1,287 968 283 232 400 852 305 167 31 29 24 21 17 806 152 73 21 85 45 20 195 288 10 .350 14 53 65 102 44 37 35 21 39 119 44 i Total colored. Males. 1,367 22 7 15 68 84 17 46 100 213 Fe- males. 48 5 10 91 90 32 14 19 139 202 38 6 48 6 7 6 14 4 11 116 2 i 1,584 30 4 28 61 65 18 100 10 61 90 250 7 104 144 43 32 57 156 197 37 167 87 55 1 5 2 15 3 10 139 1 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 526 104, 331 3,091 1, 085 2,602 2, 121 3, 044 4,198 5,095 3, 632 2,186 4,310 Foreign white 102 74, 779 2, 112 1,537 1,931 1,296 2,616 4,872 2.263 3, 600 1. 601 3, 371 3, 290 1, 818 3, 052 3, 602 3,484 3,184 4,043 4,221 5,247 8, 204 4, 955 3,549 6.124 7,178 4,558 2, 059 6, 254 3,565 33, 606 2, 599 1,684 2,230 1,355 5,088 2,900 5, 241 1, 707 1,533 2,291 4,383 1,418 1,177 948 526 474 825 434 2, 635 782 684 420 1,757 1,826 550 1,244 1,945 .447 6,016 441 530 1, 514 1,571 744 409 579 1,074 444 1,661 3,258 1,997 5,263 4,322 7,494 2, 922 1,281 4, .395 3,777 1, 109 1.259 2.654 2.768 25, 684 2, 019 692 1, 012 752 7,469 3, 731 3,639 1,215 602 586 2,124 1,100 743 174 81 77 125 55 1,637 708 651 47 328 262 73 696 1,423 50 1,466 39 228 168 276 242 379 1.34 72 270 432 274 Total col- ored. 2,846 109 37 69 143 286 46 151 21 111 192 515 11 24 6 26 79 23 35 129 177 67 64 40 191 236 58 365 7 19 3 92 133 30 12 9 5 20 25 6 4 20 10 2 66 3 3 141 22 30 16 3 5 34 6 156 1 21 62 5 15 29 23 3 16 118 7 MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 2,682 708 687 640 1,984 2,348 740 1,326 1,963 582 6,913 625 628 756 757 1,788 1,512 847 758 110, 048 3, 751 1,016 3, 018 2,292 2,806 4,092 6,021 3, 471 2,208 4,162 3, 600 2,668 3, 953 2,913 4,145 3,688 5,466 7,881 5,270 4,382 6,342 8,008 5,936 2,181 7,233 3,545 33, 786 2,405 1,897 2,273 1,331 4,602 2, 590 4,832 1,730 1,807 2, 816 4,956 1, 415 1, 132 1,270 726 644 1. 122 626 257 112, 216 2,924 1,995 2,783 1,951 3,683 6,842 3,606 5,126 2,516 5,071 2,773 5,184 2,629 4,672 3,323 7,910 6,133 11,246 4,603 2,199 558 702 1, .351) 517 5,876 1,913 1,917 4,153 4,280 37, 528 2, 962 909 1,622 1,221 9,981 5, 301 5, 754 1,726 882 1, 0,53 3, 241 1,777 1,099 414 142 135 227 148 2, 665 1,140 767 100 588 404 253 1,309 2,297 162 2,364 71 389 309 438 484 427 246 141 382 794 450 Total col- ored. 3,343 117 40 78 167 277 43 159 27 127 221 617 13 39 8 30 115 23 40 167 197 81 62 42 270 305 78 441 8 20 3 102 167 44 17 11 6 28 8 5 26 13 2 77 3 129 22 39 18 3 6 50 7 21C I 28 100 6 16 27 35 4 21 187 9 POPDXiATIOK. 835 Tablk 28 -PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUOHS. New York— Continued. Fort Plain Fredonia Fulton Geneva Glens Falls 5 TO 20 YEABS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Gloversville . Goshen Gouverneur - Greenbush . . . Green Island. Haverstraw . . . Hempstead - . - Hoosick Falls - Hornellsville . Hudson Huntington. Ilion Ithaca Jamaica Jamestown Johnstown. Kingston . . Lansingburg. Leroy Little Falls . . Lockport 387 395 563 931 1, 331 1,688 363 470 1,151 592 658 635 1,041 1,503 1,312 367 631 1,381 722 1,853 947 3,068 1,354 349 1,084 2,211 Foreign white. Long Island city i 4,258 Wardl 1,113 Ward2 ! 514 Ward 3 1 694 Ward4 1,284 Ward5 653 Lowville Lyons Malone Matteawan Meclianicsville Medina Middletown ... Mount Vernon. Newark New Brighton . Newburg New Eochelle . New York 170,587 315 594 782 598 337 617 1,608 1, 327 406 2,108 3,152 863 Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 1,347 82 305 2,093 1,583 Ward 6 1 2,244 Ward 7 7,331 Ward 8 3,333 Ward 9 6,418 WardlO..> 4,249 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 . Ward 17 - Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . 398 492 576 1,062 1,380 1,876 434 505 1,220 657 665 1,045 1,643 1,442 420 607 1,474 700 1,963 1,054 1,471 380 1,276 2,396 4,326 1,213 450 725 1,277 661 337 636 863 694 381 609 1,697 1,494 551 2, 095 3,421 904 180, 061 1,453 67 333 1,972 1,617 2,176 7,225 3, 619 6,807 4,195 8,664 30, 092 4,226 2,383 2, 122 4,960 10, 613 6, 933 26, 917 10, 125 6,513 17. 852 7, 529 2. 673 8,771 32, 060 4,490 2,300 1,939 5,437 11, 402 7,316 29, 349 10, 338 7,187 19, 372 7,684 2,952 39 24 90 67 99 5 35 39 67 92 32 64 66 64 12 18 79 67 500 86 213 108 15 69 171 700 155 86 123 225 111 5 23 58 37 7 50 65 118 16 256 244 141 44, 695 222 20 50 583 287 1,235 2, 359 859 I 753 5, 115 4, 163 1 5,591 ; 3, 133 1,627 716 716 3,786 1,216 5,292 1,735 1,180 2,697 1,031 323 Total colored. Males. 10 51 24, 118' 76 112 24 56 54 68 60 35 80 77 107 28 20 82 69 .579 118 202 159 37 109 219 162 60 116 235 115 6 43 53 21 16 65 64 208 28 363 272 174 54, 153 224 25 93 533 252 1,395 2,839 886 824 5,866 4,835 7, 273 3,843 1,587 767 929 4,350 1,551 7,864 1,725 1,580 3, 433 1,098 381 Fe- males. 77 35 4 9 49 35 3 31 53 25 18 65 12 7 8 28 12 3 29 101 28 2,753 30 4 2 14 2 29 5 77 99 16 12 743 3 16 236 220 19 24 182 434 48 419 82 37 MALES 18 TO 44 TEAES, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Foreign white. 565 563 714 1, 203 1,635 2, 730 444 .566 1, 230 730 689 712 1,180 2, 248 1,599 406 703 2,096 22 46 39 1 31 92 38 ,090 18 3 2 3 2 16 1 56 163 9 2 677 23 293 9 49 212 542 54 728 12 1,914 10 1, 336 3,412 Total col- ored. 1,594 371 1, 620 2,396 3,608 1, 208 355 545 1,003 497 454 729 715 733 ,570 654 2,224 1,536 569 2,110 3,575 1,183 169, 197 1,244 188 845 2, 269 1, 465 1,783 5,841 3,564 8,301 2,848 6,154 29, 768 3,085 2,357 2,991 6,853 10, 123 8,614 24, 309 9,937 47 126 90 346 317 523 88 130 250 258 548 158 444 350 335 90 171 343 273 1,509 380 991 480 108 358 718 3, 443 962 422 487 994 578 49 194 196 211 104 245 371 818 93 1,268 1,169 1,098 191, 594 1,969 173 641 2,867 2, 129 4,694 7,984 4,727 5, 044 12, 454 10, 854 25, 064 7.844 5,486 3,406 5,147 16, 239 7,277 28, 110 9,561 MALES 21 YEAKS AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 215 34 8 14 61 44 46 I 17 25 90 23 I 10 58 1 8, 304 7, 122 564 I 19, 259 15, 591 85 1 6, 495 5, 300 35 " 2, 600 ! 1, 911 52 38 1 62 132 59 7,991 46 12 22 60 40 322 59 258 317 101 49 1,113 51 63 051 659 135 I 103 737 1, 463 I 219 1, 205 I 135 111 746 838 1,024 1,497 1,962 3, 464 567 758 1.388 831 775 1,002 1,315 2,763 1,995 621 875 2, 783 913 2,519 1.704 3, 877 1,939 512 1, 924 2.919 3, 391 1,138 320 513 938 482 637 906 856 871 659 823 2, 748 1,778 849 2,651 4,108 1, 355 170, 997 1,133 208 951 2,245 1,401 1,689 5,119 3,549 9,296 2,491 115 225 216 666 682 787 167 236 Total col- ored. 5,257 31, 365 2,802 2,204 3,714 7,409 9,023 9,241 23, 899 9, 582 8,973 20, 061 6,511 2, 874 16 4 8 60 11 34 74 756 184 257 55 709 8 639 14 649 86 161 57 349 11 549 93 512 78 2,048 31 570 33 1,960 126 863 38 246 13 692 14 1,440 53 5, 124 48 1,416 13 597 1 752 14 1,522 14 837 6 106 41)1 22 417 4 350 7 193 458 15 1,298 195 2,377 2,072 1,419 266, 747 2,623 210 858 4, 052 2, 804 6,041 10,699 6,502 7,517 14,482 j 14,542 35,395 1 9,484 7,047 4,632 7,413 j 23,072 10,575 40,920 13, 971 10, 095 22, 615 8,262 2, 936 69 50 2 74 160 75 9,054 56 10 22 68 53 369 65 328 414 109 44 1, 203 54 72 790 761 139 199 842 1,643 236 1,299 150 122 836 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CBNSUa: 1890. Table 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING ACxES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Co'ntinued. ' CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. New York -Continued. New York Mills Niag.ara Falls North Tarry town North Tonawanda . . . Norwich Nyack Ogdensburg Olean Oneida Oneonta Oswego PeekskUI. ... Penn Yan . . . Plattsbnrg . . . Port Chester. Port Jervis Port Richmond . Potsdam Poughkeepsie . . Rochester Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12. Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Rome Salamanca Sandy Hill Saratoga Springs . Saugerties Schenectady Seneca FaUs Singsing Suspension Bridge. Syracuse Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6. Ward 7 , Ward 8 Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Tarrytown . Tonawanda. Troy Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Males. 290 671 437 680 638 549 1,623 981 778 763 3,222 1,650 520 1,078 1,366 848 538 2,952 17, 915 170 333 735 368 1,335 606 842 2,082 1,603 655 1,263 1,194 1. 8.52 920 1,035 2,922 1,869 510 423 1,400 607 2,660 915 1,240 662 11, 638 664 1,631 1,000 1,990 1,877 542 1,201 1,045 872 376 440 392 1,020 8,293 419 499 201 424 866 642 678 Fe- males. 386 656 438 590 697 561 1,609 1,038 880 3,445 1,677 613 1,199 667 1,590 898 622 3,196 18, 579 160 480 772 404 1,390 045 986 2,112 1,316 788 1,398 1,232 1,833 1,024 1,033 3,006 1,989 570 445 1,619 731 2,689 921 1,057 550 12, 216 759 1,586 1,036 2,052 2,032 641, 1,287 1,132 840 388 463 442 985 8,891 517 570 261 738 928 598 826 Foreign white. Male; 144 24 169 23 33 245 72 42 32 216 59 8 58 95 10 74 43 185 2,844 43 77 71 51 196 112 66 263 208 60 160 175 501 79 146 636 166 91 11 59 7 277 25 84 130 1,534 80 273 169 287 172 30 228 91 127 52 25 27 209 765 70 40 20 25 74 114 45 Fe- males. 177 30 165 26 28 293 83 39 37 208 65 19 71 104 25 79 66 233 3,128 58 65 108 53 201 148 109 306 137 114 177 162 .576 110 167 637 153 84 16 90 15 282 18 69 145 1,676 67 240 206 311 189 79 269 118 115 49 33 54 194 994 89 70 57 110 94 Total colored. Males. MALES 18 TO 44 YEAHS, INCLUSIVE. Fe- Native males, white, 138 302 775 506 817 901 639 1,534 1,407 1,066 1,363 3, 408 1, 560 709 1,189 783 1,970 1,036 606 3,606 18, 840 499 514 1, 105 849 1,374 640 1,144 2, 302 1,436 930 1, 320 1,259 1,066 1,135 844 2,423 2,496 506 446 1,864 706 3,677 1, 056 2, 223 14, 273 878 1,441 1,257 2,165 2,524 1,226 1,752 1,392 690 395 553 461 1, 080 8,750 464 770 582 764 919 507 831 Foreign white. 162 458 175 .550 151 151 770 395 198 155 865 241 85 235 410 225 364 179 813 10, 345 221 405 311 379 1,009 464 .320 940 597 304 615 577 1,494 434 508 1,867 685 215 81 401 U6 1,.395 142 673 349 5,627 201 875 641 1.017 845 199 788 303 397 233 128 215 667 4.167 227 294 142 163 302 737 301 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 106 132 4 9 58 7 4 3 9 14 4 1 14 19 2 1 112 5 26 8 145 2 238 1 2 9 11 11 50 57 97 23 1 129 26 44 16 15 1 1 20 I 327 818 573 835 1,289 823 1,764 1,621 1, 387 1,764 3,726 1,996 1,073 1,351 917 2,270 1,230 775 4,388 20, 179 638 632 1,346 960 1,353 670 1,472 2,491 1,587 1,035 1,252 1,314 922 1,177 842 2,488 3,098 664 604 2, 512 4,088 1,312 2,483 652 15, 725 977 1,239 1,299 2,271 2,902 1,558 1,940 1,709 667 446 717 696 1,137 9,447 544 936 959 1,064 513 935 Foreign white, 265 721 329 702 252 260 1,360 606 367 228 2,076 438 182 522 1,095 1,020 2,203 799 773 2,695 1,458 332 187 779 248 2,144 401 991 566 9,372 469 1,611 962 1,680 1,390 345 1, 192 531 606 370 216 366 984 7,178 385 476 232 544 1,078 623 Total col. ored. 85 31 1 49 58 6 45 23 6 23 56 18 676 17 498 39 566 40 284 1,726 143 16, 189 161 297 8 556 10 491 69 410 4 1,529 5 738 3 493 11 1,601 18 950 1 539 4 7 2 16 28 2 5 152 7 35 11 153 4 300 1 4 7 18 13 56 76 121 35 1 159 40 51 16 15 1 2 26 POPULATION. 837 Table 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890— Contiuued. 77 14 138 17 11 5 3 69 88 28 35 2 8 9 18 6 3 9 11 15 13 7 9 1 18 is 834 661 734 949 4,301 1,727 677 197 664 135 868 246 833 608 800 248 459 293 1,514 412 677 27 1,293 994 106 51 10 14 3 12 16 13 5 21 617 27 424 8 2,019 277 951 27 1,003 748 753 1,043 4,909 2, 598 849 295 801 227 992 399 843 886 910 371 514 420 1,815 556 939 90 1,560 1,215 19 20 182 63 13 19 4 15 18 25 838 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahle 28.— persons OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890 -Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOBOUUHS. Ohio — Continued. Athens Avondale iJarnesville Bellaiie Bellefontaine . . Bellevue Berea Bowling Green Bridgeport .... Broolclyn . . Bryan Bueyrus Canihridge. Canton . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . (.'elina Chillicothe Cincinnati . Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 1] . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 1,5 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 20 . Ward 27 . Ward 28 . Ward 29 . Ward 30 . Ciri-leville . Cleveland. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9. Ward 10. 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. Male^. 355 .'583 414 1,684 587 412 400 570 457 651 392 909 3,910 635 050 511 530 416 .507 661 416 1, .590 42, 761 1,285 1,403 1, 390 2,104 989 810 1,270 575 737 1,555 1,991 2, 025 1,763 1,528 1,278 1,291 1,071 601 1.0.50 1,325 1,642 2, 0114 2, 302 1,922 1,708 1,514 1, 361 1,491 1,112 1,598 914 34, 470 651 276 242 595 706 619 1,029 889 1,240 420 Fe- males. 393 655 470 1,659 591 477 370 547 520 656 488 945 742 4,319 739 672 572 593 457 533 753 512 1,668 45, 159 1,419 1,643 1,342 2,379 1,041 853 1, 353 662 895 1,520 2,042 2,073 1,844 1,516 1,413 1,421 1,274 881 1,072 1,316 1,745 2,044 2, 505 1, 727 1,687 1,705 1,414 1,607 1, 207 1,559 959 35, 0.30 614 284 252 565 737 663 971 933 1, 295 426 Foreign white Males 14 55 121 10 54 334 41 72 30 70 34 54 33 15 20 2,611 32 55 107 66 56 39 107 41 59 165 180 138 170 106 75 66 136 94 64 58 95 123 114 79 73 30 67 80 33 103 1,049 337 42 78 73 99 90 269 161 335 37 Fe- males. 4 45 3 93 5 23 75 25 54 123 14 44 5 334 50 72 38 47 33 54 40 15 34 2,974 28 96 102 67 85 51 105 70 82 143 145 160 147 104 96 105 182 105 84 83 90 94 131 78 97 84 97 107 58 98 1,439 365 8(1 115 82 138 119 254 178 262 90 Total colored. Males. 3 2 2 5 4 180 1,431 31 216 7 69 50 128 157 70 87 29 23 23 52 08 18 9 16 23 23 121 364 18 43 17 30 13 2 2 4 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVK. Fe- males 1 163 ,.576 28 289 6 73 56 141 4 29 48 45 1 1 1 26 36 83 107 180 79 71 26 25 30 23 63 32 13 26 16 18 382 22 23 2 32 17 Native white. 468 005 569 1,806 723 560 326 612 560 505 541 1, 135 786 4,948 1,020 569 641 561 602 488 1,067 582 1,875 46, 241 1,498 1,719 1,240 2,251 1,413 1,348 1,319 959 1,617 1,568 1,825 1, 622 1,475 1,455 1,526 1, .532 1,639 1, 284 1, 397 1,549 1,640 1, 958 2,306 1,852 1,411 1,861 1,301 1,278 1,101 1,297 1,048 29, 776 724 918 676 1, 434 Foreign white. 17 159 24 312 48 100 263 77 149 391 58 266 64 1,293 189 191 130 230 195 151 207 61 165 16, 871 261 421 559 579 404 430 783 364 491 908 787 960 627 497 455 536 481 572 484 595 712 857 Total col- ored. 328 360 561 337 589 30, 160 466 841 1, 023 781 891 1,128 1,523 623 I 256 63 107 53 72 66 9 45 33 1 2 1 4 12 4 9 11 168 3,369 55 423 18 131 203 426 7 77 172 70 4 4 44 52 164 199 552 146 170 46 34 45 57 43 37 29 29 46 129 92 169 52 75 21 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native white. 586 679 789 1,972 1,011 646 347 821 643 644 797 1,269 1,006 5, 431 1,121 654 706 591 658 544 1,157 652 2,134 45, 676 1,689 1,954 1,076 2,161 1,497 1,371 1,202 1,036 1,758 1,444 1,585 1,400 1,261 1,358 1,403 1,513 1, 735 1,579 1,.364 1,536 1,563 1,880 2,165 1,744 1,475 2,050 1,280 1,184 1,117 1, 236 1,373 30, 416 754 1,026 709 1,544 800 444 816 723 1,0: 13 727 Foreign white. Total col- ored. 43 348 35 572 110 227 349 133 236 561 116 467 1,963 278 297 247 336 262 238 305 106 628 32, 775 552 976 1,087 1,327 779 772 1,447 601 800 1,616 1,740 1,560 1,676 1,178 1,033 955 1,005 741 1,005 955 1,156 1,413 1,705 1,181 851 788 843 1,151 728 1,094 214 42, 376 1,460 397 741 651 788 735 1,465 1,259 2, 005 389 83 118 67 86 87 12 70 13 10 48 39 2 3 1 4 15 4 11 10 226 57 509 22 152 221 501 7 83 193 53 64 195 233 606 179 192 49 41 58 71 103 49 43 37 36 47 176 1,156 HI 175 43 75 31 3 4 10 3 110 POPULATION. 839 T ,. as PERSONS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLO? FOR PLACES Of'2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Contmued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BORODGHS. Ohi o— C ontinued . Cle veland— Continued Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 WardU Ward 15 5 TO 20 YBABS, INCLUSlVIt. Native white. Foreign white. Ward 16 . - Ward 17 . . Ward 18.- Ward 19 . . Ward 20 . . Ward 21 - . Ward 22 . . Ward 23 . - Ward 24 . - Ward 25 . . Ward 26 . . Ward 27 . . Ward 28 - . Ward 29 . . Ward 30.. "Ward 31 . . Ward 32 . Ward 33 . Ward 34 . Ward 35 . Ward 36 . Ward 37 . Ward 38 . Ward 39 . Ward 40 . Columbu.s . Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. 324 381 441 613 647 659 468 578 830 873 Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Conneaut Coshocton Crestline Cuyahoga Falls Dayton - - - Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4. Ward 5 . Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Not in wards Defiance . - Delaware . Delphos -. Dennison . Dover 1,309 1,398 672 855 837 1, 328 706 2, 042 1,477 760 1,081 634 510 496 561 780 679 917 1,041 1,283 1,494 1,207 1, 353 1,005 12, 293 948 1,194 812 488 833 859 975 334 470 769 979 930 956 879 867 431 584 465 363 8,933 798 560 961 776 1.458 Males 1,300 1.394 026 884 939 1,450 719 1, 895 1,402 776 1,093 658 525 531 550 785 736 842 920 1,210 1,570 1,261 1,371 1,061 12, 615 927 1,096 774 477 946 902 1,073 326 529 881 East Liverpool Eaton Elyria Findlay 921 1,781 1, 172 506 1,294 1,260 760 452 580 1,831 357 795 2,843 1,094 868 992 865 865 491 633 496 382 9,100 859 564 923 855 1,492 924 1, 737 1,227 519 1,270 1,297 821 483 596 1,767 412 809 2.839 Fe- males. 53 44 64 33 91 349 254 265 105 176 126 217 298 728 633 209 395 133 108 107 59 78 64 166 204 195 412 243 408 311 717 59 194 121 9 22 27 54 13 20 24 45 40 25 18 13 4 19 13 492 33 17 15 19 117 19 167 60 45 67 19 13 22 26 176 3 74 133 72 100 109 73 168 367 290 252 124 202 212 226 231 765 555 203 400 144 109 95 Total colored. Males. 59 90 86 175 178 180 371 251 387 282 731 85 156 82 20 44 34 56 21 29 46 55 25 41 26 11 20 10 20 28 537 46 29 26 32 91 38 175 66 34 30 20 40 24 159 98 128 Fe- males. 21 21 55 15 9 5 1 4 5 11 29 6 4 1 775 4 3 78 17 30 33 30 140 50 190 57 15 17 23 3 6 2 309 20 41 119 28 5 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 454 518 690 578 847 487 769 1,256 622 741 967 1,144 480 578 566 819 1 7 78 15 93 55 29 41 138 53 232 24 10 16 27 18 5 2 353 20 63 135 44 13 3 10 57 188 253 322 160 436 810 868 1,007 395 581 427 999 1, 183 2,263 2, 021 Total col- ored. MALES 21 TEARS AND OVER. Native white. Foreign white. 57 65 106 24 26 19 9 12 9 16 37 22 6 793 482 718 544 556 680 819 1 876 817 852 1, 124 785 711 537 17, 626 1, 074 1,011 732 1,050 1,078 973 1,162 712 1,007 1,442 1,321 2,278 1,371 1,326 1,089 691 668 494 451 11, 220 1, 376 1,076 1, 133 1,031 1,636 1,312 1,623 1,419 614 1,300 1,638 909 656 590 1,956 543 798 4,347 705 751 516 225 375 351 770 706 1,300 1,002 1,207 858 3,341 351 6a 300 124 136 225 114 153 335 189 327 141 132 84 63 60 82 ,181 205 138 102 141 385 165 640 290 115 348 133 108 79 146 499 19 283 586 1,727 12 6 136 45 179 82 33 87 406 109 284 251 31 33 33 7 21 1 569 80 145 169 41 9 25 535 637 711 798 456 709 1,393 742 797 1,148 1,199 473 429 524 333 914 401 728 572 586 656 877 834 724 776 1,085 822 597 529 19, 174 1,062 945 766 1,193 1,245 1,134 1,195 781 1,106 1,595 1,496 2, 365 1,587 1,442 1,262 851 321 401 573 266 837 1,093 1,340 1,297 552 Total col- ored. 608 1,422 1,333 2,854 2, 470 571 559 12, 497 1,647 1,283 1,363 1, 192 1,772 1,520 1,596 1,417 707 1,438 1, 773 997 1 706 622 2,060 819 995 4,885 1,619 1,023 717 577 419 632 605 1,097 1,133 1,137 1,875 1,575 1,729 1,187 5, 869 634 L, 030 501 260 299 167 421 196 280 539 322 562 259 262 137 108 151 207 197 4, 445 426 271 299 257 657 463 1,199 665 208 82 132 31 34 27 11 11 13 22 46 30 7 8 623 360 257 154 282 765 59 536 845 10 1 10 4 5 4 5 1 2 2,005 15 9 198 46 192 82 44 107 481 114 346 260 32 39 40 9 22 2 6 674 82 159 202 48 14 31 13 121 4 16 115 21 12 57 20 25 110 840 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1800. Table 28.-PERS0NS OF SCHOOL, MILITIA. AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX NATIVITY AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OE MORE: 1890-Contiuued ' CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Oh lo — Contin ucd . Fostoria Franklin Fremont Gallon Gallipolis 1,041 4U8 1,0«U 1,031 557 Greenville 1,040 Hamilton Hillsboro Iron ton.. Jackson . Kent ]f enton . . . Lancaster Lebanon. . Leetonia.. Lima Logan London. .. Lorain Mansfield. Marietta Marion Martins Ferry. Miirysville...". . Massillon Miamisburg" Middleport Middletown Mount Vernon. Napoleon Nelscmvillo Newark New Philadelphia . . . New Straitsville Niles North Baltimore. Norwalk Oberlin Painesville Piqua Pomeroy Portsmouth. Ravenna St. Mary Salem Sandusky. Shawnee. . Sidney Springfield Ward 1 . . Ward 2 . . Ward 3 .. Ward 4 . . Ward 5 . . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Steubenville . Tiffin Toledo.... Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3. Ward i . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . 5 TO 20 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white, i Foreign white. Males 2,712 45(i 1,800 701 525 793 1,147 .370 478 2,286 503 423 620 1,995 1,274 1, 305 1,055 392 1,654 473 413 1.167 838 457 767 2,066 648 513 718 408 1,0.52 538 585 1,323 857 1,841 474 474 768 2,881 572 739 4, 335 371 340 357 511 728 435 623 478 486 2,143 1,710 11, 048 1,669 656 691 933 1,144 1,276 Fe- males. Ward 7 | 1, 976 1,077 422 L195 1,066 603 1,066 2,804 525 1,945 837 570 835 1,265 374 494 2,383 588 473 683 2,173 1,358 1,247 1,014 490 1,666 492 445 1,279 916 471 805 2,166 679 511 731 414 1,135 679 758 1,329 848 2.074 484 538 798 .'!, 129 591 784 4,348 382 356 393 471 774 466 636 480 390 2.217 1,800 12, 085 1,664 758 775 931 1,184 1,352 2,147 Males 112 1 71 21 5 109 3 30 12 25 24 13 2 45 91 5 4 105 84 13 48 78 4 165 10 6 38 25 24 14 32 15 28 35 3 18 21 4 57 227 78 6 158 35 7 4 23 17 24 21 19 101 56 1,575 229 60 35 87 114 130 215 Fe- males. 42 10 99 97 16 38 63 2 156 7 38 22 34 35 48 50 54 101 13 44 26 34 42 10 22 28 62 226 84 5 167 31 15 12 25 11 13 28 20 12 92 67 1,802 215 90 127 111 107 126 322 Total colored. Males. 1 53 96 172 32 37 34 35 1 101 8 92 36 16 48 24 49 23 14 113 46 39 1 31 37 7 4 11 121 42 51 72 177 23 2 31 40 37 537 28 lU 68 77 179 52 35 50 38 162 24 36 12 Fe- males 20 16 17 7 192 7 40 105 160 33 107 9 84 33 11 38 38 52 25 25 129 59 16 128 22 51 75 144 27 4 37 43 30 597 41 16 91 77 166 78 34 59 35 177 26 40 12 20 6 5 24 MALES 18 TO 44 YEARS, INCLUSIVE. Native white. 1,437 485 1,155 1,144 676 908 3,300 552 1,759 746 583 1,064 1,390 731 408 3,535 523 543 821 2,364 1,556 1,736 999 453 1,620 545 465 1,600 1,007 414 812 2,836 780 359 527 792 1,134 731 813 1,731 708 2,175 514 620 1,056 2,577 460 933 5, 430 496 546 586 482 952 708 524 472 2,229 2,015 11, 730 1,641 963 1,448 895 1,268 1,340 1,755 Foreign white 34 264 172 19 17 166 70 117 158 108 28 166 547 31 36 340 434 67 220 225 24 473 58 27 180 96 81 129 298 171 179 377 72 199 86 116 202 178 114 47 198 1,005 247 60 979 175 40 53 139 90 83 184 91 124 485 299 329 284 519 513 636 913 Total col- ored. 31 24 28 5 175 6 79 119 174 35 146 14 79 66 22 53 44 72 24 25 101 71 43 3 29 82 8 2 1 17 15 133 49 87 67 208 21 3 39 80 1 34 810 64 23 115 104 209 129 43 83 40 131 11 257 25 78 27 15 16 3 27 MALES 21 YEARS AND OVER. Native Foreign white, white 1,696 632 1,340 1,325 855 1,208 3,470 744 1,922 870 763 1,275 1,642 873 483 3,933 664 076 895 2,827 1,910 2,006 1,139 649 1,732 700 609 1,728 1,377 529 953 3,359 947 333 546 1,512 787 1,083 2,065 732 2, 390 734 709 1,347 2,587 437 1,118 6, 301 505 653 741 514 1,192 839 754 598 505 2.560 2, 287 12, 547 1,764 1,094 1.728 1,278 1,434 1,899 405 82 5.54 401 159 ,472 92 506 175 127 225 521 314 615 208 137 293 2,140 392 175 1,768 293 75 99 257 169 108 317 187 203 904 713 9,730 1,312 548 478 836 919 986 1,487 I Total col- ored. 34 28 40 7 235 95 149 229 43 219 5 316 61 306 63 58 71 270 2 901 169 93 13 138 106 481 65 840 22 308 64 397 55 370 83 70 32 863 33 136 80 149 413 92 227 55 184 3 202 35 646 109 299 10 323 3 596 1 95 15 28 193 52 114 105 269 31 4 52 101 1 45 1,044 78 31 166 138 269 153 56 102 51 162 17 352 34 111 33 22 22 7 33 POPULATIOK. 841 Tab'e 28 -persons OF SCHOOL, MILITIA, AND VOTING AGES, BY SEX, NATIVITY, AND COLOR, FOR PLACES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Coutmued. CITIES, TOWNS, VIII-AGES; AND BOROUGHS. Ohio— Continued. Toledo— Continued. Ward 8 W 206, 820 297, 358 2, 071, 120 28, 253 175, 318 34, 896 282, 355 111, 732 270, 994 202, 062 303, 060 54, 691 3, 389, 017 2, 497, 494 141, 843 131, 017 80, 286 72, 144 73, 092 70, 462 379, 710 305, 534 60,259 46, 133 136, 885 114, 981 , 078, 905 898, 772 232, 309 183, 043 840, 452 675, 408 1860 5, 210, 934 2, 048, 315 1, 132, 621 354, 463 334, 194 287, 292 241, 148 214, 123 411,251 15, 029 213, 620 620, 418 041, 907 391, 203 591, 934 336, 973 251, 530 143, 374 310, 894 403, 186 a31, 202 89, 135 197, 679 1, 697, 550 22, 900 140, 078 25, 276 231, 574 78, 474 205, 970 151, 105 237, 850 39, 394 2, 480, 311 27, 501 12, 065 84, 276 35, 504 13, 495 38, 816 10, 170 18, 113 70, 977 63, 791 245, 710 302, 631 286, 539 248, 961 215, 055 192, 833 297, 259 521, 981 320, 160 474, 533 241, 006 200, 155 82, 471 222, 430 316, 917 (l3, 090 25, 075 72, 493 1, 242, 411 120, 863 69, 018 63, 781 251, 287 35, 209 94, 831 758, 420 130, 348 524, 558 652, 396 1850 3, 598, 240 1, 582, 978 18, 966 110, 278 12, 888 201, 523 125, 090 58, 642 109,919 15, 090 1, 683, 190 154, 272 372, 247 9,931 4,604 41, 260 28, 255 9,536 28, 373 15, 158 7,774 16,380 33, 468 177, 508 232, 797 231, 365 202, 704 166, 828 158, 099 154, 483 96, 135 226, 526 434, 1.34 248,664 315, 539 144, 761 147, 473 37, 319 124, 098 192, 073 rtl, 241 5,931 31, 957 684,024 103, 333 62, 287 58, 573 192, 675 28, 21B 73, 448 566, 869 89, 080 408, 497 537, 857 PERSONS TO A FAMILY. 15, 439 87,384 8,343 167, 530 105, 451 52, 937 91, 666 9,107 931, 873 166, 321 149, 335 96, 603 63, 015 74, 725 76, 781 348, 514 171. 564 149. 153 72,611 57, 608 1,016 33, 517 100, 890 1890 1880 5.04 4. J 4.40 4.31 4.38 4.67 4.61 4.50 4.59 4.69 4.95 5.25 499, 767 7,058 2,248 9,358 21,449 2,200 17,210 9,880 4,104 5,673 18, 504 128, 752 57,244 143, 009 20, 881 9,500 2,798 11, 063 98, 767 132,920 130, 004 73, 786 52, 107 54, 112 28, 377 28, 461 42, 765 4.87 5.16 5.24 5.44 5.43 5.27 5.16 5.22 4.89 4.f 4.58 4.32 4,55 4.70 4.59 4.55 4.71 4.87 5.10 5.19 1870 5.09 4.92 13, 502 2,322 2,374 24,567 4.68 4.69 4.92 4.60 5.03 5.25 4.92 5.07 4.75? 4.68^ 5.12 4.80 5.19 5.33 5.09 5.36 5.54 5.17 4.93 5.09 4.93 5.12 4.78 4.41 4.69 4.77 4.71 4.67 4.88 4.95 5.21 5.17 1860 5.28 5.17 5.46 5.57 5.21 5.29 5.63 5.20 4.67 4.98 4.77 5.23 4.98 5.06 5.20 4.86 5.23 5.45 5.23 5.38 a4. 33 5.08 5.04 5.30 5.25 5.24 5.29 5.27 5.35 5.22 5.44 4.11 5.28 4.f 4.81 5.03 4.89 4.33 4.42 5.36 4.50 4.66 4.92 4.92 4.92 5.45 5.38 5.07 5.26 4.87 5.35 5.11 5.25 5.35 4.91 5.27 5.33 5.37 5.43 a4. 59 4.91 5.03 5.18 5.20 4.72 4.94 4.90 4.96 4.85 5.12 5.16 5.54 5.40 1850 5.55 5.82 5.44 5.58 5.49 5.29 5.14 5.41 5.21 5.34 5.20 4.75 3.94 4.52 4.71 4.23 4.24 5.07 4.11 4.19 4.59 5.22 4.87 5.67 5.44 4.92 4.96 4.60 5.30 5.04 4.37 5.39 5.43 5.43 5.17 5.26 4.61 5.44 5.56 a3. 90 4.86 4.43 5.51 5.59 5.59 5.48 5.63 5.04 5.49 2.92 4.06 4.26 4.28 4.22 5.04 4.30 3.65 4. 22 4^91 4.35 5.67 4.33 4.48 4.96 4.14 4.74 3.85 KECAPITULATION BY GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. The United States I 12, 690, 152 North Atlantic division 3, 712, 242 South Atlantic division l, 687, 767 North Central division 4.598^ 605 South Central division 2. 071, 120 Western division 62o' 418 9, 945, 916 3, 023, 741 1, 463. 361 3, 389, 017 1, 697, 550 372, 247 7, 579, 363 2, 497, 494 1, 132, 621 2,480,311 1, 242, 411 226, 526 5, 210, 934 3, 598, 240 2, 048, 315 652, 396 1, 683, 190 684, 024 143, 009 1, .582, 978 537. 857 934, 873 499, 767 42, 765 5.45 5.64 5.15 5.36 5.16 5.23 5.05 5.46 5.50 5.66 5.61 5.78 5.64 5.75 5.67 5.50 5.36 5.72 5.29 5.68 5.76 5.71 5.48 5.30 5.98 5.73 5.89 5.70 5.80 5.87 5.81 5.69 5.04 5.44 5.72 4.18 4.59 4.90 5.60 3.77 a Dakota territori*. DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 857 Table 3 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PEESONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES : 1890. Alabama . Autauga . Baldwin.. Barboiir.. Bibb Blount . . - Bullock . . . Butl»r Calhoun... Chambers . Cherokee.. Chilton... Choctaw . . Clarke — Clay Cleburne . Coffee Colbert Conecuh . . Coosa Covington. Crenshaw . Cullman. . Dale Dallas Dekalb . . . . Elmore Escambia. Etowah . . . Eaj'ette . . Franklin . Genera. . Greene . . Hale .... Henry . . . Jackson . Jefferson . . . Lamar Lauderdale. Lawrence .. Lee Limestone . Lowndes . . Macon Madison... Marengo . . Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery Morgan . . Perry Pickens . . Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair... Shelby . . - . Sumter Talladega . Tallapoosa . . Tuscaloosa . . "Walker "Washington. "Wilcox "Winston . . , . Total dwell- ings. 281, 602 Total families. 287, 292 2,571 1,677 6,533 2,545 4,000 5,370 3,888 5,756 4,729 3,707 2,734 3,217 4,299 2,817 2,400 2,300 3,561 2,697 2,769 1,335 2,951 2,436 3, 125 10, 264 3,857 4,017 1,591 4,003 2,310 1,888 1,827 4,419 5,416 4,628 5,104 16, 507 2,546 4,288 3,883 5,386 3,986 6,547 3,640 6,700 6,155 2,027 3,474 9,700 3,603 10, 521 4,539 5,598 4,002 4,631 3,135 4,650 3,204 3,717 5,715 5, 252 4,681 4,984 3,116 1,393 6,068 1,213 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.37 2,573 1,703 6,635 2,563 4,039 ' 5, 469 3,937 5,939 4,774 3,766 2,755 3,223 4,347 2,828 2,413 2,321 3,608 2,711 2,814 I, 340 2,963 2,468 3,178 10, 425 3,941 4,115 1,594 4,171 2,356 1,939 1,828 4,465 5,460 4,667 5,176 17, 345 2,566 4,415 3,999 5,450 4,021 6,626 3,668 7,180 6,233 2, 061 3,502 10, 330 3,634 II, 089 4,646 5,632 4,027 4,689 3,152 4,690 3,221 3,754 5,852 5,365 4,767 4,991 3,136 1,407 6,093 1,241 5.18 5.33 5.34 5.43 5.48 5.04 5.57 5.88 5. .57 5.52 5.32 5.45 5.26 5.60 5.51 5.29 5.67 5.41 5.74 5.64 5.23 5.52 5.51 4.81 5.47 5.41 5.45 5.48 5.55 5.66 5.85 4.98 5.08 5.37 5.49 5.36 5.57 5.54 5.34 5.33 5.32 4.82 5.07 5.69 5.38 5.60 5.45 5.32 5.27 5.34 5.31 5.24 5.61 5.27 5.49 5.18 5.42 5.62 5.17 5.59 5.44 6.09 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.27 Arizona . 5.18 5.25 5.26 5.39 5.43 4.95 5.50 5.70 5.51 5.43 5.28 5.44 5 20 5.57. 5.48 5.24 5.60 5.38 5.65 5.62 5.21 5.45 5.42 4.73 5.36 5.28 5.44 5.26 5.44 5.51 5.85 4.93 5.04 5.32 5.41 5.10 5.53 5.38 5.18 5.26 5.27 4.76 5.03 5.31 5.31 5.51 5.41 4.99 5.23 5.07 5.18 5.21 5.58 5.21 5.46 5.13 5. .39 5.56 5.05 5.47 5.34 6.08 5.13 5.64 5.06 5.28 Apache . . Cochise .. Gila Graham . . Maricopa. Mohave . . Pima Pinal Yavapai . Yuma Arkansas Ashley Baxter Benton . . . Boone Bradley . Calhoun. Carroll . . Chicot . . Clark . . . Clav Cleburne. . Cleveland . Columbia . Conway . . . Craighead . . Crawford . . . Crittenden . Cross Dallas Desha Drew Faulkner. Franklin . Fulton . . . Garland Grant Greene Hempstead . Hot Spring. Howard Independence . Izard Jackson Jefferson Johnson . . . Lafayette . Lawrence Lee Lincoln . . . Little River. Logan Lonoke Madison Marion Miller Mississippi Monroe Arkansas 209,190 Total dwell- ings. 13, 338 864 1,683 .533 1,048 2,330 470 2,905 1,005 2,060 440 Total families. 13,495 865 1,694 541 1,066 2,348 484 2,930 1,025 2,083 459 213, 620 Per- sons to a dwell, ing. 4.47 4.95 4.12 3.79 5.41 4.72 3.07 4.36 4.23 4.22 6.07 Montgomery . Nevada Newton Ouachita 2,213 2,355 1,515 5,265 2,847 1,371 1,273 3,354 2,132 3,848 2,332 1,487 2,038 3,459 3,622 2,292 4,071 2,894 1,488 1,674 2, 062 3,157 3,459 3,612 2,011 3,060 1,404 2,421 4,152 2,121 2,399 3,957 2,344 2,922 7,233 3,043 1,429 2,473 3,691 1,900 1,690 3,711 3,692 3,116 1,851 2,920 2,179 2,899 1,443 2,664 1,771 3,085 2,254 2,396 1,543 5,326 2,897 1,394 1,274 3,414 2,270 3,879 2,362 1,494 2,059 3,483 3,693 2,314 4,162 2,960 1,513 1,711 2,100 3,174 3,480 3,655 2,041 3,095 1,418 2,454 4,160 2,166 2,416 4,008 2,371 2,954 8,209 3,065 1,459 2,477 3,748 1,992 1,727 3,785 3,786 3,167 1,887 2,956 2,266 2,965 1,469 2,682 1,808 3,094 Per. sons to a fani- iiy- 4.95 4.10 3.74 .5.32 4.68 2.98 4.33 4.15 4 17 5.82 5.28 5.17 5.65 5.63 5.26 5.56 5.81 5.71 5.15 .5.36 5.46 5.23 5.30 5.58 5.75 5.37 5.25 5.33 4.82 5.17 5.55 5.01 5.50 5.30 5.52 5.46 5.01 5.55 5.33 5.49 5.47 5.75 5.55 5.56 5.19 5.65 5.51 5.39 5.25 5.12 5.40 5.27 5.60 5.22 5.58 5.61 5.04 5.34 5.29 5.49 5.57 5.62 5.52 5.07 5.55 5.53 5.20 5.46 5.72 5.70 5.06 5.03 5.41 5.17 5.28 5.52 5.71 5.27 5.20 5.22 4.71 5.08 5.4a 4.92 5.47 5.27 5.45 5.38 4.95 5.49 5.26 5.48 5.36 5.71 5.48 5.50 5.14 4.98 5.47 5.28 5.24 5.04 5.15 5.16 5.49 5.09 5.49 5.51 4.98 5.13 5.17 5.39 5.53 5. .=10 5.51 858 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Arkansas — Continued Perry Philfips Pike Poinsett Polk Pope Prairie Pulaski Eandolpii St. Francis Saline Scott Searcy Sebastian Sevier Sharp Stone Union Van Buren Washington White Woodruff Tell California , Alameda Alpine Amador Butte Calaveras , Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte Eldorado Fresno Humboldt Inyo Kern Lake Lassen Los Angeles Marin Mariposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Mono Monterey Napa...^ Nevada , Orange Placer Plumas , Sacramento San Benito , San Bernardino . . San JDiego San Francisco San Joaquin San Luis Obispo . San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Total dwell- ings. 1,055 5,205 1,530 807 1,722 3,591 2,150 8,049 2,708 2, 532 Total families. 2,120 2,275 1,740 6,262 1,741 2,139 2,325 1,759 6,406 1,771 1,846 1,216 2,608 1,546 1,861 1,228 2,637 1,554 5,978 4,287 2,525 3,396 6,046 4,361 2,561 3,401 235, 925 18, 064 104 2,315 4,130 2,224 2,735 2,591 636 2,546 6,082 4,880 778 1,931 1,473 876 21, 904 1,887 1,008 3,437 1,458 1,109 575 3,818 3,168 3,760 3,022 3,255 1,277 7,395 1,354 6,163 8.290 47, 183 5,400 3,442 1,851 3,345 9,471 3,984 2,787 1,220 2, 878 1,068 5,314 1,533 825 1,737 3,616 2, 210 9,505 2,743 2, 588 245. 710 18, 850 104 2,334 4,165 2.258 2,774 2, 593 637 2,591 6.268 5,008 790 1,972 1,479 877 22, 697 1,889 1,010 3,483 1,490 1,122 587 3,884 3,207 3,814 3,065 3,264 1,308 7,663 1,428 6,327 8,434 52, 535 5,558 3,460 1,882 3,409 9,716 4,038 2,845 1,229 2,898 Per- Per- sons sons to a to a dwell- fam- ing. ily- 5.25 5.19 4.87 4.77 5.58 5.57 5.29 5.18 5.39 5.34 5.42 5.38 5.29 5.15 5.29 4.98 5.35 5.28 5.35 5.23 5.34 5.29 5.55 5.43 5.55 5.49 5.30 5.18 5.79 5.69 5.64 5.60 5.79 5.74 5.74 5.68 5.54 5.51 5.36 5.30 5.35 5.26 5.55 5.47 5.30 5.30 5.12 4.92 5.20 4.98 6.41 6.41 4.46 4.42 4.34 4.31 3.99 3.93 5.35 5.28 5.22 5.21 4.08 4.07 3.63 3.56 5.27 5.11 4.81 4.69 4.56 4.49 5.08 4.97 4.82 4.80 4.84 4.83 4.63 4.47 6.93 6.92 3.76 3.75 5.12 5.06 5.55 5.43 4.50 4.44 3.48 3.41 4.88 4.80 5.18 5.12 4.62 4.55 4. ,50 4.43 4.64 4.63 3.86 3.77 5.45 5.26 4.74 4.49 4.14 4.03 4.22 4.15 6.34 5.69 5.30 5.15 4.67 4.65 5.45 5.36 4.71 4.62 5.07 4.94 4.84 4.77 4.35 4.26 4.14 4.11 4.23 4.20 California — Continued Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Colorado Arapahoe Archuleta Baca Bent Boulder Chaffee Cheyenne Clear Creek Conejos Costilla Custer Delta Dolores Douglas Eagle Elbert El Paso Fremont Garfield Giljiin Grand Gunnison Hinsdale Huerfano Jeflerson Kiowa Kit Carson Lake La Plata Larimer Las Animas Lincoln Logan Mesa Montezuma Montrose Morgan Otero Ouray Park Phillips Pitkin Prowers Pueblo Eio Blanco Eio Grande Koutt Saguache San Juan San Miguel Sedgwick Summit Washington Weld Yuma Total dwell- ings. 3,930 6,923 1,849 1,106 1.946 1,098 5, 160 1,478 2,185 2,487 1,957 81, 127 23, 122 155 407 302 2,955 1,373 146 1,665 1,391 738 691 565 188 651 820 439 4,216 1,761 1,108 1,143 195 1,026 242 1,475 1,580 343 670 2,992 1,154 2,046 3,739 172 753 921 342 911 353 796 884 857 650 1, 953 491 4,562 349 846 551 915 294 522 403 491 603 2,501 709 Total families. 3,987 7,026 1,912 1,126 1,984 1,121 5,254 1,509 2,211 2,546 2,032 84, 276 24, 943 158 409 803 3,025 1,376 150 1,684 1,402 751 693 582 198 655 822 439 4,382 1, 797 1,130 . 1, 175 196 1,042 244 1,480 1,600 343 675 3,040 1,186 2,072 3,906 176 756 929 359 915 362 819 895 862 650 1,966 506 552 919 300 529 403 491 607 2,566 710 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.33 4.73 5.43 4.94 5.10 3.39 4.76 4.12 4.61 5.10 4.92 5.71 5.33 3.63 4.35 4.77 4.82 3.66 4.31 5.17 4.73 4.30 4.48 7.97 4.62 4.54 4.23 5.04 5.20 4.04 5.13 3.10 4.25 3.56 4.67 5.35 3.62 3.69 4.90 4.77 4.75 4.60 4.01 4.08 4.63 4.47 4.37 4.54 5.27 7.36 4.14 4.06 4.57 4.01 6.90 3.44 4.08 4.30 3. 02 5.35 5.57 3.21 3.88 3.82 4.69 3.66 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.25 4.66 5.25 4.86 5.00 3.32 4.68 3.88 4.55 4.98 4.74 4.89 5.30 5.23 3.62 4.33 4.81 3.56 4.27 5.13 4.65 4.29 4.35 7.57 4.59 4.53 4.23 4.85 5.10 3.96 4.99 3.08 4.18 3.53 4.65 5.28 3.62 3.66 4.82 4.65 4.69 4.41 3.91 4.06 4.59 4.26 4.35 4.42 5.12 7.27 4.12 4.06 4.54 3.89 6.36 3.42 4.08 4.29 3.61 5.24 5.50 3.21 3.88 3.79 4.57 3.66 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 859 TABLE 1 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Connecticut . Fairfield .. Hartford . . Litchfield . Middlesex . New Haven . . New London . Tolland Windham — Kent Newcastle. Sussex District of Columbia - The District Florida. Alachua . Baker Bradford . Brevard.. Calhoun.. Citrus Clay Columbia Dade DeSoto... Duval Escambia . Franklin . . Gadsden . . Hamilton . Hernando Hillsboro . Holmes Jackson . . Jefferson . . Lafayette Lake Lee Leon Levy Liberty . Madison . Manatee. Marion. . Monroe. . Nassau . Orange., Osceola. Pasco . . . Polk . . . Putnam St. John.-.. Santa Rosa Sumter Suwannee. . Taylor Volusia Wakulla .... Walton Washington Delaware 33, 882 Total dwell- ings. 130, 779 27, 304 24, 193 11, 236 7,621 33, 078 14, 497 4.850 8.000 Total families. 165, 890 33, 625 32, 299 12, 433 45, 025 17, 598 5,984 10, 062 34, 578 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.71 6,862 18, 806 8,214 38, 798 6,909 19, 437 8,232 5.50 6.08 4.77 5.19 6.32 5.29 5.17 5.64 4.97 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.50 4.46 4.56 4.31 4.46 4.64 4.35 4.19 4.49 4.87 4.76 5.17 4.71 5.94 80, 059 4,484 594 1,361 912 332 537 1,058 2, 372 224 842 5,558 4,210 703 2,269 1,492 554 2,993 775 3,546 3,157 627 2,021 328 3,701 1,288 277 2,695 590 4,151 3,461 1,566 3,162 626 823 1,570 2,551 1,770 1,432 1,062 1,937 396 2,102 604 872 1,231 5.94 4.97 4,508 600 1,363 917 332 538 1,065 2,382 220 847 5,662 4,377 758 2,274 1,497 557 3,039 776 3,581 3,178 637 2, U57 331 3,842 1,310 279 2,719 604 4,219 3,605 1,599 3,175 641 837 1,580 2,617 1,813 1,435 1,063 1,959 402 2,124 604 881 1,249 1 5.11 .5.61 5.52 3.73 5.06 4.46 4.87 5.43 3.84 5.87 4.82 4.80 4.71 5.24 5.70 4.47 4.99 5.59 4.95 4.99 5.88 3.98 4.31 4.80 5.11 5.24 5.31 4.91 5.01 5.43 5.30 3.98 5.00 5.16 5.04 4.38 4.92 5.56 5.05 5.43 5.36 4.03 5.16 5.52 5.22 4.73 5.00 4.69 5.09 5.56 5.51 3.71 5.06 4.45 4.84 5.41 3.81 5.84 4.73 4.61 4.36 5.23 5.68 4.45 4.92 5. .59 4.90 4.96 5.79 3.91 4.27 4.62 5.03 5.20 5.27 4.79 4.93 5.21 5.19 3.96 4.89 5.08 5.00 4.27 4.81 5.55 5.05 5.37 5.28 3.99 5.16 5.47 5.14 Appling. Baker . . . Baldwin . Banks. .. Bartow. . Berrien . Bibb . . . . Brooks. . Bryan . . . Bulloch . Burke Butts Calhoun . . . Camden . . Campbell Carroll Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga. Cherokee.. Clarke . . . . Clay Clayton . . . Clinch . . . . Cobb Coffee Colquitt - . . Columbia . Coweta — Crawford . Dade Dawson . . Decatur . . Dekalb Dodge Dooly Dougherty . Douglas Early Echols Effingham Elbert Emanuel . . Fannin... Fayette . . Floj-d .... Forsyth . . Franklin . Fulton . . . Gilmer ... Glascock . Glynn Gordon . . . Greene Gwinnett ... Habersham . Hall Hancock . Haralson . Harris ... Hart Heard — He'Bfy... Houston Irwin . . . Total dwell- ings. Georgia 342,874 Total families. 352, 059 1,566 1,288 2,542 1,576 3,799 1,886 7,746 2,505 949 2,353 5, 589 2,034 1,607 1,240 1,705 4,131 1,001 597 11,087 921 2,000 2,798 2,764 1,509 1,574 1,249 4,224 1.772 897 2,044 4,237 1.689 885 1,048 3,803 3,170 2, 214 3,014 2,763 1,413 1,848 538 939 2,752 2.615 1,557 1,537 5,115 2,075 2, 624 15, 027 1,656 710 2,716 2,283 3,024 3,668 2,183 3,408 3,173 2,177 3,132 2,028 1, 777 i 3,030 4,449 1,159 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.36 1,599 1,297 2,572 1,617 3,914 1,892 8,335 2,514 982 2,354 5,658 2,057 1,614 1,245 1,757 4,143 1,013 597 12, 119 934 2, 048 2, 831 2,848 1.544 1,620 1, 275 4,383 1,793 900 2,103 4,333 1,703 896 1,051 3,848 3,217 2,220 3,130 2,955 1,426 1,851 539 940 2,786 2,623 1,565 1,541 5,368 2,104 2,687 17, 013 1,689 711 2,850 2,326 3,048 3,728 2,237 3,441 3,214 2,204 3,172 2,028 1,799 3,067 4,504 1,164 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.54 4.77 5.75 5.43 5.43 5.67 5.47 5.58 5.82 5.83 5.10 5.19 5.25 4.98 5.35 5.40 5.43 5.59 5.21 5.32 5.60 5.51 5.49 5.18 5.27 5.33 5.28 5.92 5.34 5.52 5.28 5.52 6.45 5.35 5.25 5.42 5.17 6.02 4.42 5.52 5.30 5.72 5.96 5.59 5.62 5.60 5.68 5.55 5.38 5.59 5.63 5.48 5.24 4.94 5.59 5.64 5.43 5.30 5.30 5.22 5.43 4.74 5.68 5.29 5.27 5.65 5.08 5.56 5.62 5.82 5.04 5.14 5.23 4.96 5.19 5.38 5.36 5.59 4.76 5.25 5.47 5.44 5.33 5.06 5.12 5.22 5.08 5.85 5.33 5.36 5.16 5.47 6.37 5.34 5.18 5.34 5.16 5.80 4.13 5.47 5.40 5.20 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.35 4.86 5.45 5.29 5.71 5.96 5.52 5.61 5.57 5.66 5.29 .5.30 5.46 4.98 5.37 5.23 4.71 5.48 5.59 .5.34 5.17 5.24 5.34 5.13 5.30 5.37 5.31 5.29 4.80 5.43 860 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.— total dwellings AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Georgia — Continned. Jackson Jasper Jefferson Johuson Jones Laurens. . Lee Liberty . . Lincoln .. Lowndes- Luinpkin . McDuffie . , Mclntosli , Macon Madison . . , Marion Meriwether . Miller Milton Mitchell Monroe Montgomery Morjjan Murray Muscogee . . . Newton Oconee Oglethorpe. Paulding.. . Pickens Pierce . . Pike . . . . Polk . . . . Pulaski . Putnam . Quitman . . Kabun Randolph . Richmond. Rockdale.. Schley . . . Screven . . Spalding. Stewart. . Sumter .. Talbot Taliaferro. Tattnall.. Taylor .... Telfair.... Terrell.. Thomas . Towns - . Troup... Twiggs Union... TJpson.. Walker Walton Ware Warre:i Wa.shington Wayne... Webster . White . . . Whitfield Total dwell- ings. Wilcox Wilkes Wilkinson Worth 3.536 2,684 3,300 1, 240 2,331 2,520 2,137 2,505 1,111 2,816 1,268 1,671 1,255 2,607 1,960 1,512 3,681 790 1,171 2,166 3, 505 1,582 3,234 1,483 5,135 2,671 1,436 3,008 2,181 1,500 1,232 3,060 2,675 3,361 2,853 927 1,035 2,950 9,176 1,269 1,015 2,655 2,533 2,930 4,256 2,553 1,333 1,685 1,632 1,110 5,233 711 3,712 1,597 1,379 2,329 2,342 3,272 1.584 2,017 4,724 1,162 1,094 1,096 2,423 1,340 3,480 2,040 2,010 Total families. 3,557 2,726 3,340 1,242 2,358 2,539 2,154 2,531 1,120 2,844 1,275 1,677 1,296 2. 635 2,679 1,448 3,000 2,184 1,515 1,248 3,104 2,813 3, 383 2,869 934 1,049 2,996 10, 020 1,287 1,018 2, 661 2,567 2,953 4,392 2,561 1,351 1,687 1,647 1,112 2,718 5,270 722 3,744 1,599 1,388 2,352 2,410 3,311 1,600 2,017 4,767 1,162 1,120 1,110 2,446 1,345 3,517 2,068 2,017 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.42 5.17 5.22 4.94 5.45 5.46 4.25 5.14 5.53 5.36 5.42 5.26 5.16 5.06 5.36 5.37 5.64 5.48 5.45 5.18 5.11 5.32 5.25 5.59 5.31 4.93 4.89 5.20 5.17 4.82 5.42 5.18 4.93 5.37 5.36 5.43 .5.18 5.35 5.19 5.19 5.47 6.08 5.31 4.93 5.38 5.00 5.72 5.58 5.13 5.62 5.23 5.67 5.34 5.56 5.43 5.34 6.44 5.21 5.01 5.33 5.96 5.20 5.28 5.00 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 1,988 5.62 1,524 5.11 3, 725 5.63 797 5.41 1,181 5.30 2,177 5.04 3,538 5.46 1,604 5.85 3,260 4.96 1,493 5.71 5,721 5.41 5.39 5.09 5.15 4.93 5.39 5.41 4.21 5.09 5.49 5.31 5.39 5.24 4.99 5.00 5.55 5.07 5.57 5.36 5.26 5.01 5.41 5.77 4.92 5.67 4.85 5.34 5.33 5.54 5.47 5.40 COUNTIBS. Idaho . 4.79 5.34 5.10 4.51 5.29 5.35 5.42 5.11 5.31 5.03 5.18 5.40 6.08 5.26 4.93 5.34 4.96 5.03 5.53 5.13 5.58 5.18 5.51 5.28 5.51 5.43 5.29 6.44 5.08 5.54 5.28 5.93 5.14 5.21 4.98 Ada Alturas . . . Bear Lake Bingham... Boise Cassia Custer . . . Elmore . . . Idaho Kootenai . Latah Lemhi Logan Nez Perces. Oneida Owyhee Shoshone Washington Illii] Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign . Christian . Clark .... Clay Clinton .. Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland- Dekalb Dewitt Douglas . . . Dupage . . - Edgar Edwards - . Effingham - Fayette . . Ford Franklin . Fulton... Gallatin. . Greene . . . Grundy .. Hamilton. Hancock . Hardin . . . Henderson . Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson . . . Jersey Jo Daviess . Johnson Total dwell- ings. 17, 852 1,668 799 1,102 2,442 837 585 635 534 709 785 1,805 438 1,043 682 1,231 436 1,323 Kane Kankakee. Kendall . . . Knox 11, 967 3,420 2,964 2,733 2,449 7,121 1,504 3,790 3,196 8,461 6,049 4,053 3,336 3,252 6,007 144, 307 3,526 3,145 5,757 3,517 3,539 4,381 5,602 1,902 3,776 4,676 3,308 3,258 9,172 2,855 4,713 4,165 3,455 7,017 1,360 2,044 7,053 7,075 5,327 3,559 4,431 2,907 5,204 2,804 12, 791 5,294 2,572 7,922 Total families. 18, 113 1,698 800 1,120 2,534 847 594 641 541 709 803 1,847 441 1,046 1,246 439 1, .323 778, 015 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 12, 826 3,604 3,013 2,820 2,497 7,269 1,531 3,852 3,315 8, 028 6,189 4,727 3,371 3,319 6,163 237, 691 3,561 3,161 5,861 3,582 3,624 4,506 5,693 1,934 3,874 4,776 3,379 3,280 9,317 2,972 4,794 4,259 3,492 7,081 1,398 2,065 7,261 7,167 5,488 3,594 4,484 2,952 5,296 2,835 13, 682 5,465 2,622 8,327 4. 73 4. 66 5.02 3.29 5.50 5.56 3.99 5.37 3.43 3.50 4.17 5.23 5.08 4.37 4.00 4.17 5.54 4.64 4.07 4.81 5. 71 4. 92 5.17 4.83 4.91 4.47 4.88 4.92 5.09 4.83 4.99 4.98 5.05 4.71 5.03 5.35 5.01 8.26 4.90 4.91 4.70 4.84 4.99 5.15 4.78 4.97 5.13 5.00 5.15 5.26 4.70 5.23 5.05 5.05 5.15 4.55 5.32 4.83 4.73 4.97 5.22 5.11 5.10 5.09 4.82 5.35 5.09 5.43 4.71 4.83 4.60 4.83 4.33 4.79 4.82 5.00 4.76 4.82 4.93 4.63 4.98 5.25 4.88 5.01 4.85 4.89 4.62 4.75 4.88 5.00 4.71 4.88 5.00 4.89 5.04 5.23 4.63 5.03 4.96 4.94 5.10 4.51 5.17 4.78 4.59 4.91 5.07 5.06 5.04 5.02 4.74 5.30 4.76 5.26 4.62 4.65 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. bGl Table 3.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Dlinois— Continued. 'Lake - Lasalle ■ Lawrence Lee Li%'ing8ton Logan Mcbonough. McHeury --- McLean Macon Macoupin . Madison .. Marion Marshall - . Mason Massac Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery . Morgan . . Moultrie Ogle Peoria — Perry — Piatt Pike Pope Pulaski . Putnam . Eandolph - - - Kichland Kock Island. St. Clair Saline Sangamon . Schuyler.. Scoit Shelby.... Stark Stephenson Tazewell . . . Union Vermilion. . "Wabash "Warren "Washington. "Wayne "White "Whiteside... "Will "Williamson . "Winnebago . "Woodford . . Indiana Adams Allen Bartholomew. Benton Blackford Boone . . Brown . Carroll . Cass . . . Clark . . Total dwell- ings. Total families. Per- Per- sons sons 4,892 15, 877 2,901 5,409 7,648 4,853 5,718 5,441 12, 836 7,858 8,140 9,586 5,077 2,944 3,268 2,292 2,617 3,869 2,431 5,998 6,295 2,876 6,043 13, 955 3,406 3,436 6,491 2,560 2,265 1,002 4,713 3,068 8,123 12, 303 3,737 11, 958 3, 222 2,133 6,225 2,115 6,477 5, 925 3,875 10, 265 2,317 4,451 3,690 4,649 4,873 6,487 11,514 4,157 7,939 4,289 452, 043 to a dwell- ing. 5,005 16, 290 2,940 5,504 7,705 4,912 5,852 5, 533 13, 127 8,057 8,337 9,940 5,168 2,990 3,342 2,338 2,667 3,943 2,471 6,463 2,926 6,149 14, 643 3,543 3,484 6,625 2,598 2,303 1,009 4,804 3,115 8,728 13, 082 3,785 12, 510 3,301 2, 168 6,303 2,141 6,710 6,039 3,972 10, 481 2,378 4,547 3,740 4,714 4,936 6,612 12, 083 4,241 8,754 4,311 to a fam- iiy- Clay Clinton .. Crawford. Daviess . . Dearborn 3,832 12, 695 4,948 2,271 2,223 5,757 2,004 4,217 6,488 5,974 6,136 5,894 2,699 5,150 4,801 4.95 5.09 5.06 4.84 5.03 5.25 4.80 4.80 4.91 4.85 4.96 5.38 4.79 4.64 4.92 4.94 5.01 4.79 5.33 5.00 5.18 5.04 4.75 5.04 5.15 4.97 4.78 5.48 5.01 4.72 5.31 4.90 5.16 5.41 5.18 5.12 4.97 4.83 5.01 4.72 4.84 4.99 5.56 4.86 5.12 4.78 5.22 5.12 5.13 4.76 5.39 5.35 5.03 5.00 467, 146 4. 85 4.84 4.96 5.00 4.76 4.99 5.19 4.69 4.72 4.80 4.73 4.84 5.18 4.71 4.57 4.81 4.84 4.92 4.70 5.24 4.92 5.05 4.95 4.67 4.81 4.95 4.90 4.68 5.39 4.93 4.69 5.21 4.82 4.80 5.09 5.11 4.89 4.85 4.75 4.95 4.66 4.67 4.89 5.43 4.76 4.99 4.68 5.15 5.05 5.07 4.67 5.13 5.24 4.56 4.97 3,935 13, 534 5,084 2,305 2,255 5, 826 2,038 4,297 6,765 6,198 6,291 6,057 2,761 5,219 5,016 5.27 5.25 4.82 5.24 4.71 4.62 5.14 4.75 4.80 5.07 4.98 4.64 5.17 5.09 4.87 Indiana — Continued. Decatur Dekalb Delaware Dubois Elkhart 5.13 4.93 4.69 5.16 4.64 4.56 5.06 4.66 4.60 4.88 4.85 4.52 5.05 5.03 4.66 Fayette . . Floyd Fountain . Franklin . Fulton . . . Gibson Grant Greene . . . Hamilton Hancock . Harrison Hendricks . . Henry Howard Huntington . Jackson.. Jasper . . . Jay Jefferson . Jennings. Johnson... Knox Kosciusko . Lagrange . Lake Laporte . . . Lawrence . Madison . . Marion Marshall . . Martin Miami Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Newton . Noble... Ohio .... Orange . . Owen . . . Parke . Perry . Pike... Porter. Posey . Pulaski . . . Putnam . . . Eandolph . Ripley Rush St. Joseph . Scott Shelby . . . . Spencer . . . Starke Steuben Sullivan Switzerland . Tippecanoe.. Tipton Union Vanderburg. Vermilion . Vigo "Wabash... "Warren . . . Total dwell- ings. Per- sons J, .,. I to a families, ^j^.^u. ing. Total 4,227 5,228 6,382 3,617 8,699 2,722 5,847 4,209 3,707 3,659 4,940 6,500 4,971 5,563 3,816 4,054 4,613 5,481 5,545 5,939 4,832 2,230 4,941 5,098 3,065 4,254 5,547 6,342 3,595 4, 289 6,983 3,890 7,402 28, 173 5,098 2,655 5,454 3,582 6, 249 3,973 1,792 5,255 1,091 2,974 3,197 4,348 3,486 3,799 3,765 4,192 2,266 4,660 6,122 4,019 4,056 8,400 1,639 5,411 4,366 1,514 3,392 4,544 2,615 7, 353 3,782 1,599 10, 761 2,769 10, 266 5,769 2,381 4,339 5,498 6,588 3,712 8,953 2,803 6,233 4,321 3,827 3,722 5,017 6,694 5,044 5,697 3,949 4,159 4,697 5, 626 5,734 6,139 4,956 2, 262 5,013 5,314 3,143 4,355 5,671 6,503 3,651 4,517 7,295 3,987 7, 603 30, 354 5,193 2.690 5,611 3,732 6,408 4,034 1,836 5,331 1,119 3,013 3, 259 4,423 3,650 3,871 3,890 4,338 2,305 4,775 6,245 4,116 4,186 8,929 1,669 5,545 4,462 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 1,551 3,473 4,689 2,664 7,623 3,867 1,636 11,427 2, 832 10,748 5,940 2,417 4.56 4.65 4.72 5.60 4.51 4.64 5.04 4.65 4.95 4.58 5.04 4.85 4.90 4.70 4.67 5.13 4.66 4.36 4.72 4.65 5.00 5.02 4.75 4.81 4.77 4.60 5.06 4.52 4.34 5.57 4.93 5.09 4.93 5.01 4.67 5.26 4.73 4.93 4.48 4.69 4.91 4.45 4.54 4.94 4.70 4.67 5.23 4.88 4.79 5.14 4.96 4.79 4.59 4.81 4.69 5.05 4.78 4.70 5.05 4.85 4.27 4.81 4.79 4.77 4.80 4.38 5.56 4.75 4.89 4.70 4.60 4.44 4.42 4.57 5.46 4.38 4.51 4.73 4.53 4.80 4.50 4.97 4.70 4.83 4.59 4.51 5.00 4.58 4.24 4.57 4.50 4.87 4.94 4.68 4.61 4.65 4.49 4.95 4.40 4.28 5.29 4.72 4.96 4.80 4.65 4.59 5.19 4.60 4.74 4.37 4.62 4.79 4.38 4.43 4.87 4.61 4.59 5.00 4.79 4.64 4.96 4.87 4.S8 4.50 4.70 4.55 4.75 4.69 4.59 4.94 4.73 4.17 4.67 4.70 4.60 4.70 4.28 5.23 4.64 4.67 4.57 4.53 862 COMPEiTDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Indiana — Continued. Warrick Washington. Wayne Wells AVhite Whitley Iowa . Adair Adams Allamakee . Appanoose - Audubon... Benton Blackhawk. Boone Bremer Buchanan . . Buena Vista . Butler Calhoun CarroU Cass Cedar Cerro Gordo . Cherokee Chickasaw . . Clarke Clay Clayton . . Clinton. .. Crawford. Dallas.... Davis Decatur Delaware . . . Des Moines . Dickinson... Dubuque. Emmet.. . Fayette . . Floyd . . . . Franklin . Fremont . Greene . . . Grundy . . Guthrie .. Hamilton. Hancock . Hardin . . . Harrison . Henry Howard . . Humboldt . Ida Iowa Jackson Jasper Jefferson . Johnson . . Jones Keokuk . . Kossuth . . Lee Linn . . , Louisa . Lucas . . Lyon . . . Madison. - Mahaska . Marion Marshall . Total dwell- ings. 4,233 3,744 8,637 4,357 3,244 3,785 379, 318 Total families. 2,917 2,450 3,469 3,983 2,400 4,898 4,919 4.736 3.011 3,798 2,613 3,204 2,509 3,485 3,925 3,763 2,926 2, 985 2,948 2,349 1,870 5,352 8,289 3,561 4,212 3,162 3,225 3,584 7, 030 9,036 770 4,763 3,209 2,448 3,404 3,189 2,523 3,486 2,972 1,411 3,890 4,279 3,871 2,140 1,867 2,022 3,425 4,594 5,162 3,260 4,699 4,235 5,001 2,496 7,75] 9,449 2,571 3,023 1,600 3.266 5,877 4,742 5,251 4,316 3,822 8,917 4,455 3,329 3,853 388, 517 Per- sons to a dwell ing. 2,937 2,467 3,592 4,058 2,423 4,974 5,058 4,815 3,049 3,895 2, 641 3,244 2,544 3,511 3,979 3,811 2,961 3,029 2,992 2.400 1,903 5,461 8,439 3,613 4, 2 to 3,199 3,301 3,670 7,383 877 9,822 800 4,876 3,261 2,505 3,473 3,223 2,539 3,602 3,018 1,436 3,963 4,368 3,946 2,181 1,917 2,058 3, 558 4,675 5,239 3,327 4,841 4,278 5,095 2,523 8,033 9,614 2,601 3,085 1,619 3,318 6.066 4,840 5,358 5.00 4.97 4.36 4.94 4.83 4.69 5.04 4.94 4.92 5.02 4.86 5.00 5.18 4.83 5.22 5.40 5.01 4.85 5.08 5.25 5.09 4.82 4.83 4.85 4.84 5.02 4,94 5.52 5.55 4.86 4.81 5.26 4.95 4.95 5.24 4.99 5.15 5.40 4.89 4.99 4.88 5.23 5.27 5.29 5.33 4.96 4.83 4.66 4.91 4.78 4.77 5.26 4.87 4.79 4.62 4.82 5.43 4.89 4.90 4.86 4.92 Per- sons to a fam- %. 4.90 4.87 4.22 4,83 4.71 4.61 4.92 4,95 5. 02 4. 98 5. 16 4. 99 4. 76 4. 67 5. 17 5. 12 4,86 4.79 4.94 4.80 4.88 5.13 4.77 5.15 5.36 4.94 4.79 5.02 5.17 5.02 4.72 4.89 4.90 4.88 5.23 4.82 4.77 4.74 4.73 4.78 4.94 5.08 5.34 4.75 4.73 5,14 4.85 4.90 5,20 4,83 '5.08 5.31 4.80 4.89 4.79 5.13 I 5.13 5.21 5.13 4.87 4.76 4.56 4.77 4.73 4.68 5.20 4.70 4.71 4.56 4,72 5.36 4.82 4.75 4,70 4.82 Iowa — Continued. Mills MitcheU Monona Monroe Jlontgomery . Muscatine O'Brien Osceola Page , Palo Alto Plymouth Pocahontas Polk Pottawattamie . Poweshiek Ringgold . Sac Scott Shelby . . . Sioux Story Tama Taylor Union Van Buren . Wapello Warren Washington . Wayne Webster Winnebago . Winneshiek. Woodbury .. Worth AV right Kansas. Allen Anderson . Atchison. . Barber Barton Bourbon Brown Butler Chase Chautauqua. Cherokee.. Cheyenne . Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche , Cowley Crawford. . Decatur . . . Dickinson. Doniphan . Douglas . . . Edwards . . Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin . . Garfield . Geary . . . Gove Graham . Grant . . . Total dwell- ings. 2,776 2,603 2,786 2,784 3,220 5,055 2,564 1,070 4,289 1,723 3,662 1,816 12, 965 9,252 3,711 2,687 2,755 8,482 3,371 3,400 3,584 4,307 3,340 3,434 3,524 6,148 3,766 3,951 3,256 4,163 1,329 4,268 9,152 1,645 2,349 292, 086 Total families. 2,756 2,912 5,319 1,682 2, 586 5,804 4,136 4,888 1,654 2,389 5,603 1,132 541 3,243 3,882 3,285 553 6,856 6,143 1,864 4,406 2,710 4,908 809 2,460 1,527 1,785 869 1,217 4,256 232 1,863 803 1,183 357 2,837 2,683 2,822 2,804 3,260 5,270 2,622 1,082 4,336 1,751 3,712 1,850 13, 581 9,436 3,813 2,735 2,799 9,021 3,408 3,463 3,619 4,412 3,364 3,473 3,582 6,387 3,816 4,038 3,278 4,299 1,378 4,372 9,614 1,669 2,407 297, 358 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 2,786 2,979 5,420 1,720 2,620 5,973 4,245 4,984 1,688 2, 455 5,715 1,141 551 3,283 3,954 3,322 559 7,067 6,231 1,877 4,461 2,766 5,088 813 2,502 1,581 1,797 885 1,230 4,324 233 1,937 804 1,192 359 5.24 5.11 5.21 4.91 4.92 4.85 5.09 5.21 4.98 5.41 5.34 5.26 5.05 5.13 4.96 5.05 5.27 5.09 5.22 5.40 5.06 5.03 4.91 4.92 4.61 4.95 4.85 4.67 4.81 5,18 5.51 5.28 6.08 5.62 5.13 4.90 4.88 5,03 4.74 5.09 4.92 4.91 4.92 4.98 5.15 4.96 3.89 4.36 4.98 4.97 4.83 4.61 5.03 4.93 4.51 5.06 4.99 4.88 4.45 4.97 5.20 5.19 3,86 4.36 4.76 3.80 5.59 3.73 4.25 3.66 Per- stms to a fam- iiy- 5.13 4.96 5.14 4.87 4.86 4.65 4.98 5.15 4.92 5.32 5.27 5.16 4.82 5.03 4.82 4.96 5.19 4.78 5.17 5.30 5.01 4.91 4.87 4.87 4.54 4.76 4.79 4.57 4.78 5.02 5.32 5.15 5.79 5.54 5,01 4.80 4.85 4.77 4.94 4.64 5.03 4.78 4.79 4.83 4.88 5.01 4.86 3.86 4.28 4.92 4.88 4.77 4.56 4.88 4.86 4.48 4.99 4.89 4.71 4,43 4.88 5.02 5,16 3.79 4.32 4.69 3.78 5.38 3.72 4.22 3.64 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 863 T.BLE 3 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A Table rf. iv FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890-ContiDue(i. Stevens Sumner Thomas Tre, Watiaiinsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte I 10.9*1 864 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.— TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Kentucky — Continued . Logau , Lyon ifcCracken McLean Madison Magoffin . Marion . - Marsliall. Martin... Mason ... Meade ... Menifee.. Mercer. .. Metcalfe . Monroe . . Montgomery. Morsau Muhlenberg.. Nelson Nicholas Ohio Oldham ... Owen Owsley Pendleton . Perry Pike Powell.... Pulaski . . . Kobertson. Rockcastle . Rowan Eussell Scott Shelby Simpson , Spencer . , Taylor... Todd Trigg..., Trimble Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster .. Whitley... Wolfe Woodford . Louisiana . Acadia Ascension . . . Assumption. A voyelles . . . Bien ville . . . . Bossier... Caddo. ... Calcasieu. Caldwell . Cameron . Catahoula Claiborne Concordia De Soto East Baton Kouge. East Carroll East Feliciana Franklin Grant Iberia Total dwell- ings. 4.449 1,412 3,992 1,771 4,449 1,584 2,807 2,176 727 3,970 1,794 816 2,811 1,867 2, 101 2,180 1,993 3, 397 2,905 2,106 4, 220 1,296 3,410 995 3,034 1,065 3,015 826 4,728 906 1,828 1,109 1,525 2,959 3,044 2,101 1,234 1,828 3,149 2,596 1,369 3,249 5,609 2,411 2,326 3,135 3,251 1,278 2,069 204, 341 Total families. 2,287 3,226 3,516 4,717 2,314 3,956 6,254 3,628 1,163 473 1,954 3,949 2,978 3,634 4,749 2,565 3,303 1, 276 1,537 3,595 4,464 1,418 4,247 1,844 4,561 1,620 2,938 2,219 738 4,173 1,821 837 2,936 1,924 2,129 2,248 2,022 3,547 2,963 2,136 4,335 1,320 3,522 1,027 3,078 1,074 3,049 836 4,810 932 1,862 1,119 1,555 3,108 3,108 2,148 1,256 1,888 3, 226 2,692 1,389 3,321 5,798 2,475 2,347 3,191 3, 292 1,323 2,207 214, 123 Per- sons to a dwell, ins. 2,350 3,504 3,730 4,798 2,363 3,986 6,459 3,689 1,167 480 2,026 3,979 3,196 3,637 4,841 2,663 3,332 1,296 1,562 3,647 5.35 5.40 5.27 5.58 5.47 5.81 .5.57 5.19 5.79 5.23 5.29 5.72 5.35 5.29 5.23 5.67 5.64 5.29 5.65 5.11 5.44 5.21 5.18 6.01 5.39 .5.94 5.76 5.69 5.44 5.17 5.38 5.53 5.34 5.59 5.43 5.18 5.48 5.12 5.34 5.36 5.22 5.61 5.38 5.65 5.53 5.49 5.41 5.62 5. 5.47 5.79 6.06 5.58 5.32 6.10 5.14 5.05 5.56 5. 00 5.98 0.14 5.90 4.99 5.47 5.46 4.82 5.42 5.41 5.38 5.84 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.33 5.38 4.96 5.30 5.34 5.68 5.33 5.09 5.70 4.98 5.21 5.57 5.12 5.13 5.16 5.50 5.56 5.06 5.54 5.04 5.29 5.12 5.02 5.82 5.31 5.89 5.70 5.62 5.35 5.03 5.29 5.48 5.23 5.32 5.32 5.08 5.38 4.95 5.21 5.16 5.14 5.49 5.20 5.50 5.48 5.39 5.34 5.43 5.61 5.22 5.63 5.58 5.26 5.23 5.97 5.10 4.89 5.47 4.98 5.89 5.92 5.86 4.05 5.46 5.35 4.64 5.37 5.32 .5.29 5.76 Louisiana— Continued. Iberville Jackson Jefferson Lafayette Lafourche Lincoln Livingston. .. Madison Morehouse ... Natchitoches. Orleans Ouachita Plaquemines .. Pointe Coupee. Rapides Red River. . Richland.. . Sabine St. Bernard. St. Charles . St. Helena St. James St. John the Baptist. St. Landry St. Martin St. Mary St. Tammany. Tangipahoa . . Tensas Terrebonne . . Union Vermilion... Vernon Washington Webster West Baton Rouge. West Carroll West Feliciana Winn Maine . Androscoggin . Aroostook Cumberland . . . Franklin Hancock Kennebec . Knox Lincoln . . . Oxford . . . . Penobscot . Piscataquis . Sagadahoc. .. Somerset Waldo Washington York Maryland . Allegany Anne Arundel Baltimore Baltimore city. Calvert Caroline Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester. To'al dwell- ings. 4,335 1, 2.53 2,878 2,637 3,953 2,589 1,071 2,854 3,275 4,844 43, 000 3,738 2,531 3,805 5,007 2, 167 1,820 1,643 804 1,562 1,438 3,048 1,909 7,229 2,547 4,027 1,843 2,319 3,285 3,583 2,982 2, 500 984 1,181 2,108 1,732 656 2.905 1, 225 135, 255 Total families. 7,994 8,646 17, 421 3,824 8,162 12, 015 7,037 5,168 6,898 14, 787 3,449 4,213 7,337 6,422 8,691 13, 191 184, 204 7,524 5,638 12, 341 72, 112 1,790 2,714 6,578 5,110 2,664 4,836 4,543 1,254 2,992 2,671 4,045 2,619 1,075 2,883 3,344 4,865 48, 582 3,792 2,603 3,835 5,056 2,177 1,980 1,654 915 1,577 1,439 3,223 2,001 7,348 2,609 4,265 1,858 2,338 3, 539 3,661 3,022 2,569 1,005 1,181 2,128 1,869 661 2,999 1,241 150, 355 10, 538 9,069 21, 087 4,135 8,738 13, 086 7,713 5,458 7,300 16, 208 3, 625 4,624 7,866 6,869 9,453 14, 586 202, 179 7,719 6,120 12, 865 86,654 1,811 2,766 6,732 5,169 2,708 4,970 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.04 5.95 4.59 6.05 5.59 5.70 5.39 4.95 5.13 5.33 5.63 4.81 4.95 5.15 5.52 5.22 5.62 5.72 5.38 4.95 5.61 5.16 5.95 5.57 5.84 5.57 5.51 5.46 5.07 5.63 5.80 5.69 6.00 5.67 5.91 4.83 5.71 5.18 5.78 6.13 5.74 5.22 4.46 4.57 4.75 4.47 4.26 4.43 4.93 4.68 4.62 4.45 4.32 5.12 4.76 5.06 5.53 6.05 5.91 6.02 5.51 5.12 4.92 5.06 5.70 5.14 P-r- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.81 5.94 4.42 5.98 5.46 5.63 5.37 4.90 5.02 5.31 4.98 4.74 4.82 5.11 5.47 5.20 5.17 5.68 4.73 4.91 5.60 4.88 5.68 5.48 5.70 5.26 5.47 5.41 4.70 5.51 5.73 5.54 5.87 5.67 5.86 4.47 5.67 5.02 5.71 5.16 5.39 5.57 .5.67 5.01 5.44 5.03 4.81 5.00 5.61 5.00 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 865 Table 3 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES : 1890— Continued. 372 866 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 3.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO ^ FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Minnesota — Continued. Goodhue Grant Hennepin Houston Hubbard Isanti Itasca Jackson Kanabec . . . Kandiyohi . Kittson Lac qui Parle . Lake Lesueur Lincoln Lyon MoLeod . . Marshall . Martin . . . Meeker... Millelacs . Morrison . Mower ... Murray . . Nicollet . . Nobles . . Norman.. Olmsted. . OttertaU . Pine Pipestone . Polk Pope Ramsey . . . Kedwood . . Renville.. Rice Rock St. Louis. Scott Sherburne . Sibley Stearns Steele Stevens Swift . . . . Todd Traverse . Wabasha. Wadena Waseca Washington , Watonwan . . , Wilkin Winona Wright Yellow Medicine . Total dwell- ings. Mississippi. Adams . Alcorn . Amite. . Attala . Benton . . Bolivar.. Calhoun . 5,375 1,236 28, 982 2,776 298 1,458 91 1,674 286 2,469 1,145 1,789 219 3, 571 1,078 1,764 3,090 1.895 1,796 2,915 543 2,449 3,425 1,243 2,174 1,522 1,932 3,672 6,411 757 1,027 5,862 1,756 22, 094 1,758 2,980 4,442 1,199 5,934 2,550 1,116 2,714 6,059 2,546 927 1,731 2,462 896 3,303 842 2,422 4,427 1,331 822 6,382 4,672 1,753 235, 656 Total families. 4,762 2,408 3,158 3,982 1,804 5,736 2,617 5,573 1,272 30, 718 2,835 301 1,485 92 1,713 296 2,560 1,156 1,838 244 3,632 1,099 1,829 3, 126 1,936 1,848 2, 909 551 2,511 3,519 1,270 2,241 1,554 1,977 3,757 6, 543 781 1,031 6,004 1,819 26, 969 1,779 3,050 4,569 1,235 6,940 2,616 1,130 2,773 6,226 2,563 951 1,768 2,503 904 3,332 840 2,461 4,832 1,373 829 6,674 4,717 1,821 241, 148 5,091 2,474 3,182 4,034 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5. 36 5.56 6.39 5.28 4.74 5.22 8.16 5.33 5.52 5.67 4.70 5.80 5.93 5.34 5.28 5.39 5.51 4.82 5.24 5.30 5.21 .5.44 5.26 5.38 6.16 5.23 5.50 5.39 5.34 5.35 5.00 5. 15 5.71 6.33 5.34 5.74 5.40 5.69 7.56 5.42 5.29 5.60 5.75 5.20 5.66 5.87 5.25 5.04 5.14 4.81 5.50 5.87 5.82 5.29 5.30 5.17 5.62 5.47 5.47 5.45 5.76 5.58 1, 828 5. 87 6,057 5.23 2,654 I 5.61 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.17 5.40 5.05 5.17 4.69 5.12 8.08 5.21 5.33 5.47 4.66 5.65 ,5.32 5.25 5.18 5.19 5.45 4.72 5.09 5.21 5.16 5.31 5.12 5.27 5.97 5.12 5.37 5.27 5.23 5.19 4.98 5.03 5.52 5.18 5.28 5.61 5.25 5.52 6.40 5.29 5.23 5.48 5.60 5.16 5.52 5.75 5.17 5.00 5.09 4.77 5.41 5.38 5.64 5.24 5.06 5.12 5.41 5.35 5.11 5.30 5.72 5.51 5.79 4.95 5.53 Mississippi— Continued. Carroll Chickasaw Choctaw Claiborne Clarke Clay Coahoma . . Copiah Covington. DeSoto Franklin . Greene . . . Grenada . . Hancock . Harrison . Hinds Holmes Issaquena- Itawamba . Jackson. .. Jasper Jetl'ersou . , Jones Kemper . . . Lafayette . Lauderdale. Lawrence . . Leake Lee Leflore Lincoln - . Lowndes . MadLson . Marion.. . Marshall . Monroe Montgomery . Neshoba Newton Noxubee Oktibbeha . . Panola Pearl River . Perry Pike Pontotoc . Prentiss. . Quitmau . Rankin. .. Scott Sharkey Simpson Smith Sunflower Tallahatchie . Tato Tippah... Tishoming Tunica . . . Union Warren Washington Wayne Webster Wilkinson . Winston . . , Yalobusha . Yazoo Total dwell- ings. 3,385 3,503 1,929 2,603 2,685 3,604 3,928 5, 268 1,388 4,337 1,905 687 2,081 1, 573 2,199 7,141 5.699 2,440 2,077 2,216 2,542 3,260 1, .517 3,009 3,601 5,170 2,071 2,568 3,656 3,097 3,224 5,286 4,947 1,650 4,559 5,705 2,522 1,957 2,851 5,362 3,378 4,871 508 1,107 3, 707 2,700 2,476 584 3,256 2,031 1,072 1,734 1,816 1,854 2,621 3,617 2,303 1,723 2,593 2,836 7,890 1,716 2,086 3,370 2,083 3,077 7,158 Total families. 3,424 3,527 1,947 2, 723 2,774 3,668 4,028 5, 381 1,406 4,412 1,910 691 2, 734 1,586 2,222 7,225 5,769 2,737 2,100 2,220 2.592 3,396 1,525 3,090 3,055 5,434 2,083 2.604 3,744 3,131 3,257 5,433 5,050 1,659 4,642 5,795 2,553 1,973 2,868 5,405 3,428 4,931 509 1,114 3,787 2,793 2,509 602 3,302 2,033 1,762 1,751 1,840 1,904 2,671 3,628 2,318 1,748 2,648 2,872 7,207 8, 373 1,719 2,105 3,377 2,115 3,104 7,299 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. a. 5i> 5.68 5.62 5.58 5.89 5.16 4.67 5.74 5.98 5.58 5.47 5.69 5. 59 5.29 5.68 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.48 5.64 5.57 5.33 5.71 5.07 4.55 5.62 5.90 5.48 5.46 5.65 5.48 5.24 5.02 5.50 5.43 5.44 5.37 5.05 4.50 5.64 5.58 5.08 5.05 5.82 5.70 5.81 5.58 5.49 5.46 5.97 5.81 5.71 5.62 5.74 5.46 5,95 5.91 5.76 5.68 5.48 5.35 5.45 5.39 5.56 5.50 5.12 4.98 5.52 5.41 5.78 5.75 5.71 5.61 5.39 5.30 5.73 5.66 5.70 5.65 5.83 5.80 5.10 5.06 5.24 5.16 5.54 5.47 5.82 5.81 5.87 5.?3 5.72 5.60 5.53 5.35 5.52 5.45 5.63 5 46 5.50 5.43 5.78 5.77 5.01 4.76 5.85 5.79 5.86 5.78 5.06 4.93 5.48 5.38 5.32 5.31 5.62 5.59 5.40 5.32 4.69 4.59 5.50 5.43 5.01 4.60 5.12 4.83 5.72 5.71 5.78 5.73 5.22 5.21 5.80 5.72 5.40 5.36 5.08 4.99 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 867 Table 3.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Contiuued. Total dwell- Missouri . Adair Andrew. - Ateliison . Audrain . Barry.-.. Barton . . . Bates Bentou . . . Bollinger. Boone Buchanan . Butler Caldwell . . Callaway.. Camden'. . . Cape Girardeau Carroll Carter Cass Cedar Chariton . Christian. Clark .... Clay Clinton. , Cole Cooper Crawford. Dade Dallas Daviess . Dekalb. . Dent .... Douglas . Dunklin. Franklin . . . Gasconade . Gentry Greene Grundy Harrison . Henry Hickory.. Holt Howard.. Howell... Iron Jackson.. Jasper . . . Jett'erson . Johnson... Knox Laclede ... Lafayette . Lawrence . Lewis Lincoln Linn Livingston. McDonald-. Macon Madison Maries Marion Mercer Miller Mississippi . 485, 320 3,465 3,198 2,9-18 4. 426 4. 258 Total, families. 528, 295 2,844 4,179 2, 230 3, 415 2.371 4,042 2,905 2,234 2,571 2, 904 5,133 2,158 3,758 9,378 3,591 4, 134 5, 542 1,755 3,099 3,260 3,473 1,700 28, 530 9,763 4,093 5,593 2,678 2,654 5,715 5, 024 3,304 3,594 4,826 4,174 2,098 6,U7 1,761 1,594 5,328 2,837 2,654 1,908 3,533 3,263 3,003 4,464 4.300 3, 689 3,759 6,524 6,619 2, 885 2, 925 2,369 2, 402 5, 177 5. 260 12, 625 13, 127 1,989 2,061 3. 144 3, 196 4.573 4,672 1,865 1. 889 4,059 4,169 5.122 5,202 857 869 4,704 4,896 3,065 3,105 4.916 4.977 2,581 2, 596 3, 058 3.132 3,960 4,016 3,475 3.518 3,024 4,291 2. 257 3,437 2, 392 4,136 2,951 2,270 2,607 2, 912 5,284 2, ,231 3,871 9,631 3,655 4,238 5,033 1,771 3,142 3,355 3, 558 1,750 3?. 193 10, 068 4,163 5,674 2,739 2,701 5, 862 5,007 3,363 3,621 4,887 4,275 2, 144 6,236 1,778 1,608 5,552 2,938 2,696 1.953 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.52 Per- sons to a fam- ily- 5.07 5.03 5.00 5.27 4.99 .5.39 .5.02 4.94 5. 19 5.54 5.03 5.55 5.11 4.82 5.50 5.38 5.43 5.03 5.44 4.89 5.10 5.34 5.43 4.95 5.01 4.93 6.08 5.43 5.36 .5.13 5.33 5.06 5.00 5.44 5.49 5.19 5.47 5.42 5.06 5.18 4.98 5.09 5.09 5.39 4.99 5.33 5.36 5.36 5.63 5.17 5.49 5.03 5.04 5.54 5.28 5.22 4.82 5.10 5.00 4.95 5.38 5.00 5.26 5.40 4.92 5.14 .5.34 5.31 4.93 4.90 5.17 4.94 5.34 4.92 4.87 5.12 5.46 4.95 5.34 4.93 4.74 5.38 5.31 5.29 4.95 5. 36 4.76 5.03 5.28 5.40 4.83 4.94 4.87 5.71 5.29 5.30 5.10 5.29 4.95 4.93 5.35 5.4i 5.18 5.31 5.25 4.91 5.05 4.89 ~4.96 5.01 5.34 4.92 5.18 5.23 5.21 4.99 5.02 5.40 4.96 4.93 5.44 5.15 5.15 4.74 5.07 4.94 4.83 5.26 4.90 5.21 5.35 4.72 4.96 5. 25 5.19 COUNTIES. Missouri — Continued. Moniteau Monroe Montgomery Morgan New Madrid Newton . . Nodaway . Oregon-.. (Jsage Ozark Pemiscot. Perry Pettis - - - - Phelps - . . Pike Platte . . . Polk ---. Pulaski . Putuam . Ralls.... Rand-ilph . . Kay Keynclds... Ripley St." Charles . St. Clair Ste. Genevieve . St. Francois ... St. Louis St. Louis city... Saline Schuyler. Scotland . Scott Shannon . Shelby... Stoddard. Stone Sullivan.. Tanev Texas Vernon Warren Washington Wayne... Webster . Worth ... Wright . . Montana. Beaverhead . Cascade Choteau Custer Dawson Deerlodge Fergus Gallatin Jefferson Lewis and Clarke . Madison Meagher Missoula Park Silverbow . . . Yellowstone. Total dwell- ings. 2. 988 4,091 3,275 2,306 1,748 4,255 0,148 2,070 2, 370 1,748 1,124 2,399 6,084 2. 373 5,273 3,127 3, set) i,718 2,937 2.471 4.985 4,632 1,181 1,512 4,095 3,306 1,743 3, 273 0,288 60. 937 6,357 2,211 2, 556 2, 130 1,602 3,161 3,238 1, 282 3,690 1,434 3,580 6, 1.57 1,802 2,438 2,207 2,835 1,701 2,677 26, 934 Total families. 1,192 1,499 849 1,130 446 3,207 896 1,331 1,189 3,674 1,151 1,337 2, 645 1,351 4,464 573 3,081 4,173 3,337 2,348 1,773 4, 332 6, 251 2,118 2,407 1,784 1,141 2,443 6,292 2, 439 5,459 3, 169 3,973 1,745 3.000 2,532 5,085 4, 720 1,231 1, .578 4,390 5,332 1,792 3,337 6,447 91,756 6, 522 2, 230 2, 583 2.145 1,644 3, 193 3, 378 1,303 3,76S 1,446 3,601 6,257 1, 846 2,472 2,251 2.882 1,712 2,700 27, 501 Per- sons to a dwell- 1,203 1, 514 917 1,143 447 3,221 901 1,347 1,201 3,871 1,175 1,361 2,685 1,386 4.553 576 5.23 5.08 5.15 5.34 5.33 5.20 5.03 5.00 5.51 5.60 5.32 5.52 .5.12 5.32 4.99 5.20 5.23 5.46 5.23 4.98 4.99 5.23 5.76 5.63 5.61 5.07 5.07 5.30 5.77 7.41 5.31 5.09 4.96 .5.27 5.55 4.95 5.35 5.53 5.15 5.56 5.42 5.12 ,5.50 5.39 5.40 5.35 5.14 5.41 4.91 3.91 5.84 5.58 4.70 4.61 4.73 3.92 4.69 5.07 5.21 4.08 3.55 5.45 5.09 5.32 3.60 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.07 4.98 5.05 5.24. 5. 25 5.10 4.95 4.94 5.43 5.49 5.24 5.42 4.95 5.18 4.82 5.13 5.12 5.38 5.12 4.86 4.90 5.13 5.53 5.39 5.23 5.03 5.52 5.20 5.63 4.92 5.18 .5.04 4.91 .5.23 5.41 4.90 5.13 5.44 5.04 5. 51 5.39 5.04 5.37 5.32 5.30 5.27 5.10 5.36 4.81 3.87 5.78 5.17 4.64 4.60 4.71 3.90 4.64 5.02 4.95 3.99 3.49 5.37 4.96 5.22 3.59 868 OOMPE:NDIUM of the eleventh OEKSUS: 1890. Table 3.— TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PEESONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES : 1890— Coutiuued. Kebraska Adams Antelope. Arthur. . . Banner... Blaine Boone Boxbutte. Brown . . . Buflalo ... Burt Butler Cass Cedar Chase Cherry . . . Cheyenne Clay Colfax Cuming . . Custer . . . Dakota Dawes Dawson . . Deuel DixoU' Dodge Douglas. .. Dundy JTillmbre . . JTranklin. . Trontier . . JFuruas 'Cage ..;... Garfield... Gosper Grant Greeley . . . Hall Hamilton . Harlan.... Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker . . . Howard. .. Jefferson.. Johnson .. Kearney . . Keith Keyai Kimball Knox Lancaster. . Lincoln Logan Loup McPherson Madison . . . Merrick Nance Nemaha Nuckolls . . . Otoe Pawnee Pei'kins Phelps Pierce Plattev Polk Kedwillow Richardson Rock Total dwell- ings. 201, 470 4,514 2,092 22 626 278 1,728 1, 5U2 944 4,260 2,104 .■}, 008 4,425 1,294 1,190 1,515 1,531 3,233 1,956 2,291 4,694 1,015 2,424 2,099 3,694 23, 470 1,005 3,130 1,569 1,937 2,060 6,597 386 1,002 123 943 3,220 2,661 1,668 991 1,375 2,937 100 1,867 2,856 2,076 1,813 671 869 247 1,669 12, 743 2,370 336 382 91 2,559 1,747 1,106 2,539 2,263 4,497 2,048 1,123 1,854 920 2,853 2,075 1,851 3,457 701 Total families. 206, 820 4,555 2,111 22 632 278 1.755 1,537 953 4,310 2,154 3,046 4,493 1,343 1,204 1,535 1,532 3, 268 2,010 2,320 4,721 1,041 2,430 2, 133 781 1,513 3,731 25, 806 1,019 3,171 1,592 1,961 2,095 6,756 393 1,015 125 953 3,324 2,683 1,715 1,004 1,398 2,991 101 1,886 2,906 2,102 1,845 673 871 255 1,693 13, 182 2,388 336 382 96 2,598 1,786 1,142 2,585 2, 293 4,601 2,083 1,125 1,892 931 2,899 2,086 1,889 3,485 708 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.26 ,5.38 5.34 4.97 4.93 4.14 4.14 3.89 3.85 4.12 4.12 5. 02 4.95 3.66 3.57 4.62 4.57 ,5.20 5.14 5.26 5.14 .5.14 5.07 5.44 5.30 5.43 5.23 4.04 3.99 4.24 4.19 .3.72 3.72 5, 04 4.99 .5.34 5.20 5. ,35 5.29 4.62 4.59 5. .31 4.01 4.83 3.77 5.40 5.21 6.73 3.99 5.12 4.90 4.39 4.78 5.51 4.30 4.81 3.72 5.16 5.13 5.30 4.89 3.99 4.22 4.66 4.26 5.05 5.20 4.98 5.00 3.81 4.51 3.88 5.14 6.00 4.41 4.10 4.35 4.41 5.34 5.01 5.22 5.09 5.05 5.65 5.05 3.89 5.32 5.29 5.41 5.21 4.77 5.08 4. 40 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.12 5.17 4.00 4.75 3.70 5.34 5.16 6.12 3.94 5.05 4.83 4.33 4.70 5.38 4.22 4.74 3.66 5.11 4.97 5.25 4.76 3.94 4.15 4.57 4.22 5.00 .5.11 4.92 4.91 3.80 4.50 3.76 5.07 5.80 4.37 4.10 4.35 4.18 5.26 4.90 5.06 5.00 4.98 5.52 4.96 3.88 5.22 5.22 5.32 5.19 4.68 5.04 4.35 Nebraska — Continued. Saline Sarpy Saunders Scotts Bluff Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thomas Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler York Unorganized territory Nevada Churchill Douglas Elko Esmeralda Eureka Humboldt Lander Lincoln Lyon ^'ye Ormsby Storey Washoe White Pine New Hampshire. . . Belknap Carroll Cheshire Coos Grafton Hillsboro Merrimack Rockingham . . Strafford Sullivan New Jersey Atlantic Bergen Burlington Camden Cape May Cumberland... Essex Gloucester Hudson Hunterdon Mercer Middlesex Monmouth Morris Ocean Passaic Salem Somerset Sussex Union Warren Total dwell- ings. 3,897 1,255 4,180 529 3,144 2,133 1,267 608 848 2,477 124 611 1,460 2,226 1,080 2,213 401 3,377 178 10, 066 144 266 1,157 515 1,109 669 469 453 459 340 965 1,771 1, 279 470 76, 665 4,498 4,109 6,323 4,154 8,294 15, 887 10,624 11,090 ".722 3,964 247, 342 6,384 9,003 12, 822 18,449 2,654 10, 134 35, 839 6,370 31, 856 8,176 15, 853 10, 918 14, 585 10, 412 3,508 14, 020 5,744 5,705 4,713 12 197 8,000 Total families. 3,985 1.275 4,239 530 3,183 2,142 1,280 621 890 2,515 127 645 1,486 2,246 1,143 2,257 407 3,441 180 10, 170 144 270 1,159 517 1,109 676 474 475 459 341 965 1,784 1,327 470 87, 348 4,956 4,328 7,168 4,729 9,055 20, 149 11, 750 12,189 8,668 4,356 308, 339 6,686 9,738 12,944 18, 831 2,723 10, 469 53, 229 6,492 57, 553 8,633 16,484 12,717 15, 124 11, 274 3,635 21, 945 5,796 6,155 5,045 14, 579 8,287 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.16 5.48 5.16 3.57 5.13 4.07 5.05 4.03 5.45 5.14 4.17 5.20 4.86 5.33 5.71 5.07 4.20 5.12 3.90 4.55 4.88 5.83 4.14 4.17 2.95 5.13 4.83 5.44 4.33 3.79 5.06 4.97 5.03 3.66 4.91 4.52 4.41 4.68 5.59 4.49 5.87 4.65 4.48 4.98 4.37 4.52 5.25 4.56 4.75 4.25 4.48 7.15 4.50 8.64 4.32 5.04 5.66 4.74 5.20 4.55 7.49 4.38 4.96 4.72 5.94 4.57 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.04 5.39 5.09 3.56 5.07 4.06 5.00 3.95 5.19 5.06 4.07 4.92 4.77 5.28 5.40 4.97 4.14 5.02 3.86 4.50 4.88 5.74 4.14 4.15 2.95 5.08 4.78 5.19 4.33 3.78 5.06 4.94 4.85 3.66 4.10 4.19 4.13 4.91 4.11 4.63 4.21 4.07 4.43 3.97 4.31 4.85 4.52 4.66 4.14 4.34 4.81 4.41 4.78 4.10 4.85 4.86 4.57 4.80 4.39 4.79 4.31 4.60 4.41 4.97 4.41 DWELLIJfGS AND FAMILIES. 869 Table 3.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. Bernalillo . . Colfax Donna Ana. Grant Lincoln Mora Kio Arriba . San Juan-.. San Miguel. Santa Fe . . . Sierra . . . Socorro .. Taos Valencia . Albany Allegany.... Broome Cattaraugus. Cayuga Chautauqua. Cbemung . . . Chenango . . . Clinton Columbia . . . Cortland . Delaware Dutchess. Erie Essex Franklin . Fulton . . . Genesee . . Greene . . . Hamilton Herkimer . . Jeiferson . . . Kings Lewis Livingston . Madison Monroe Montgomery . New y'ork ... Niagara Oneida . . Onondag Ontario Orange. Orleans Oswego Otsego Putnam Queens Rensselaer . Richmond Rockland St. Lawrence . Saratoga Schenectady . Schoharie . Schuyler . . Seneca Steuben . . . Suffolk . . . New Mexico 34, 671 Total dwell- ings. 4,902 1,771 1,910 2,211 1,459 2,304 2,567 410 5,494 3,026 1,000 2,401 2,236 2, 980 Total families. ^^':^^^y 35, 504 New York 895, 593 4,984 1,779 1,966 2, 283 1,519 2,340 2,677 419 5,691 3,050 1,017 2,439 2,306 3,034 1, 308, 015 Per- sons to a 4.43 Sullivan . . . Tioga Tompkins. Ulster Warren . . . 24, 814 10,516 12, 480 13, 871 14, 538 17, 366 9,944 9,287 8,868 9,348 6,718 9, 926 15, 009 51, 938 6,549 7,510 T, 627 871 10, 177 15,842 87. 394 6,741 8,669 10, 367 35, 886 8,987 81,828 13, 212 24, 999 28, 796 10, 859 17, 352 7,067 16, 789 12, 366 2,957 22, 025 20, 236 8,392 6,184 18, 655 12, 201 5, 220 6,832 4,199 6,203 18,401 12, 847 6,520 7,336 7,880 16, 583 5,965 4.27 4.50 4.81 4.37 4.85 4.61 4.49 4.61 4.41 4.48 3.63 4.00 4.41 4.66 6.70 35, 650 10, 808 14, 913 14, 344 15,525 18,281 11, 0.53 9,925 9,237 10, 582 7,453 10. 673 17,470 66, 556 6,849 7,851 9,181 7, 877 7,699 903 10, 703 16, 027 176, 578 6,846 10, 873 39, 584 10, 335 312, 766 13, 582 28, 259 33, 137 11,203 20, 848 7,388 17, 519 13, 091 3,301 26, 260 27, 731 9,856 6,960 19, 290 13, 467 6,575 7,315 4,352 6, 315 19, 319 13, 812 6,773 7,656 8,429 19, 145 6,309 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.33 4.20 4.48 4.67 4.23 4.66 4.54 4.31 4. 51 4.25 4.45 3.57 3.93 4.28 4.57 4.59 6.63 4.11 5.05 4.39 4.49 4.33 4.85 4.07 5.24 4.94 4.27 4.58 5.19 6.22 5.05 5.07 4.94 4.34 4.61 5.47 4.48 4.34 9.60 4.42 4.36 4.14 5.28 5.09 18.52 4.73 4.92 5.08 4.46 5.64 4.36 4.28 4.11 5.02 5.81 6.15 6.16 5.69 4.56 4.73 5.71 4.27 3.98 4.55 4.43 4.86 4.76 4.08 4.18 5.25 4.67 New York — Continued. Washington Wayne Westchester Wyoming Tates North Carolina. 4.62 4.00 4.22 4.24 4.21 4.11 4.37 3.81 5.03 4.36 3.85 4.26 4.46 4.85 4.83 4.85 4.10 4.22 4.10 5.27 4.26 4.14 4.75 4. .35 4.26 3.94 4.79 4.42 4.84 4.60 4.35 4.41 4.33 4.69 4.17 4.10 3.89 4.50 4.88 4.49 5.24 5.05 4.41 4.28 4.53 3.99 3.84 4.47 4.22 4^52 4.58 3.91 3.91 4.55 4.42 Alamance . Alexander Alleghany Anson Ashe Beaufort ... Bertie Bladen Brunswick . Buncombe.. Burke Cabarrus . Caldwell . Camden . . Carteret. . Caswell .. Catawba . Chatham . Cherokee. Chowan . . Clay Cleveland . . . Columbus . . . Craven Cumberland. Currituck . Dare Davidson.. Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe. Forsyth Franklin... Gaston Gates Graham . . , Granville . Greene . . . Guilford . Halifax Harnett Haywood . . Henderson . Hertford . . . Hyde Iredell ... Jackson . . J'ohnston . Jones Lenoir Lincoln . . . McDowell. Macon Madison .. Martin Mecklenburg Mitchell Montgomery . Moore Nash New Hanover . Northampton.. Onslow Orange Total dwell- ings. 10, 235 11,737 23. 331 7,403 5,214 301, 571 Total families. 3,349 1, 822 1,251 3,615 2, 811 4,167 3, 705 3,076 2,075 5,813 2,672 3, 215 2, 303 1,116 2,065 2,962 3,468 4,818 1,756 1,706 758 3, 789 3,338 4,145 5,051 1,330 763 4,305 2,275 3, 442 3,392 4,871 5,018 3,844 3,188 1,882 570 4,418 2,015 5,636 5,856 2.495 2, 370 2,248 2,389 1,647 4,769 1,720 5,133 1,396 2,887 2,289 1,994 1,784 3,188 2,943 7,947 2,270 2,082 3,850 3,901 4, 782 4,047 1,917 2,844 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 10, 615 12, 232 28, 287 7,594 5,385 306, 952 4.46 4.24 6.29 4.21 4.03 5.37 3,387 1,827 1,253 3.660 2,858 4, 233 3,739 3,085 2,093 6,234 2, 707 3,247 2, 334 1,120 2,144 3,021 3,503 4,841 1,770 1,735 781 3,808 3,362 4, 329 5,081 1,350 768 4,348 2, 323 3,512 3,651 4,964 5,451 3,879 3,205 1,888 585 4,464 2,027 5,700 5,934 2,497 2,405 2,278 2,420 1,659 4,810 1,731 5,183 1,403 2,927 2, 299 1,997 1,844 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.30 4.07 5.19 4.11 3.90 5.27 3, 223 2,977 8,151 2,280 2, 105 3,865 3,925 5,312 4,077 1,933 2, 874 5.46 5.18 .5.21 5.54 5.56 5.06 5.18 5.45 5.25 6.07 5.59 5.64 5.34 5.08 5.24 5.41 5.39 5.27 5.68 5.37 5.54 5.38 5.35 4.95 5.41 5.07 4.94 5.04 5.11 5.43 5.32 4.95 5.67 5.49 5.57 5.45 5.81 5.54 4.98 4.98 4.94 5.49 5.63 5.60 5.80 I 5.41 5.34 5.53 5.31 5.30 5.15 5.50 5. 49 5.66 5.59 5.17 5.37 5.64 5.40 5.32 5.31 5.02 5.25 5.37 5.26 5.39 5.16 5.21 5.47 5.47 4.98 5.13 5.43 5.21 5.66 5.52 5.59 5.27 5.06 5.05 5.31 5.34 5.25 5.64 5.28 5.37 5.36 5.31 4.74 5.38 5.00 4.91 4.99 5.00 5.32 4.94 4.86 5.22 5.44 5.54 5.43 5.66 5.48 4.95 4.92 4.87 5.49 5.55 5.53 5.72 5.37 5.29 5.5a 5.26 5.28 5.08 5.47 5.48 5.48 5.52 5.11 5.24 5.62 5.34 5.30 5.28 4.52 5.21 5.33 5.20 870 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablic 3.— total dwellings AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. COUNTIES. North Carolina — Cont'd Pamlico Pasquotank Pender Perquimans Person Pitt Polk Eandolpli Richmond Eobeson Rockingham Rowan Rutherford Sampson Stanly Stokes Surry Swain Transylvania Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Watauga Wayne Wilkes Wilson Yadkin Tancey North Dakota Barnes Benson Billings Bottineau Bowman Buford Burleigh Cass Cavalier Church Dickey Dunn Eddy Emmons Flannery Foster Garfield Grand Forks Griggs Hettinger Kidder Lamoure Lo^n McHenry Mcintosh McKenzie McLean Mei'cer Morton Mountraille Nelson Oliver Pembina Pierce Ramsey Ransom Renville Richland Rolette Total dwell- ings. 1,389 2,041 2,307 1,693 2,760 4,736 1,115 4,891 4,579 5,847 4,583 4,030 3, 529 4,463 2,163 3,165 3,618 1,195 1,103 805 3,835 3,225 8,795 3,466 1,852 1,965 4,972 4,315 3,620 2,675 1,690 37, 918 1.493 033 30 735 131 947 3,649 1,499 19 290 9 3,343 655 21 1,018 114 2,736 290 1,094 1,101 33 1,984 545 Total families. 1,415 2,111 2,318 1,734 2,774 4,780 1,110 4, 973 4, 022 5, 932 4,071 4,077 3,550 4,493 2, 192 3,190 3,040 1,200 1,110 817 3, 854 3, 200 9,145 3,528 1,956 1,982 5,086 4,357 3,666 2,690 1.707 38, 478 1,495 640 30 744 142 950 3, 713 1,565 19 1,281 38 403 480 19 369 784 144 412 700 1,103 1,102 35 2,018 545 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5. 43 5.38 .5.33 5.29 5.50 5.45 .5.33 5.30 5.25 5.17 5. ,54 5.52 5.45 5.38 5. .59 5.38 5. .59 5.49 5.51 5.21 5.40 5.35 5. 25 5.13 5.25 5.20 .5.15 5.09 5.10 5.13 5.60 5.56 4.82 COUNTIES. North Dakota— Continued Sargent Sheridan Stark Steele Stevens Stutsraau Towner Traill Wallace Walsh , Ward Wells Williams Unorganized territory Oliio Adams Allen Ashland Aslitabula Athens Auglaize Belmont BroAvn Butler Carroll Champaign Clark Clermcmt Clinton Columbiana Coshocton Crawford Cuyahoga Darke Defiance Delaware Erie Fairfield Fayette Franklin Fulton Gallia Geauga Greene Guernsey Hamilton Hancock Hardin Harrison Henry Highland Hocking Holmes Huron Jackson Jefferson Knox Lake Lawrence Licking Logan Lorain Lucas Madison Mahoning Marion Sledina Meigs Mercer Miami Monroe Total dwell- ings. 1,113 1 480 755 1,071 448 1,751 6 3,140 410 331 25 38 720, 414 5,227 7,976 5, 048 10, 002 6,919 5,378 11,121 6,178 9,828 3,869 6,123 10, 969 7,374 5,365 12,504 5,542 6, 637 53, 907 8, 956 5, 325 5,875 7,001 6,852 4,596 22, 989 4,927 5, 408 3,358 6,453 5,900 47, 732 8,536 0, 153 4,344 5,162 6,139 4,496 4, 276 7,375 5,558 7,983 6,343 4,172 7,358 9,521 5,998 8,645 19, 858 4,154 11,279 5, 156 5,151 6, 156 5,151 8,866 4,780 Total families. 1,125 1 494 785 1,086 450 1,794 6 3,178 424 349 785, 291 5,376 8, 452 5,204 10, 470 7,146 5,586 11, 751 0,335 10, 368 3,948 6,235 11,535 7,535 5,487 12, 968 5,079 0,901 63, 481 9,165 5,479 6,154 7, .140 7,118 4,735 25, 072 5,037 5,480 3, 425 6,075 6,059 78, 718 8,857 0, 291 4,498 5,280 6,361 4,602 4,355 7,577 5,715 8,201 6,589 4,423 7,482 9,932 0,230 9,001 21,228 4,258 11,841 5,377 5.299 0, 337 5,207 0, 253 4,939 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 4.56 5.00 4.80 5.00 2.67 4.92 3.24 5.83 4.00 5.28 4.10 3.06 4.36 13.45 5.10 4.99 5.10 4.40 4.36 5.09 5.22 5.16 4.84 4.94 4.54 4.41 4.77 4.55 4.52 4.72 4.82 4.81 5.75 4.80 4.84 4.63 5.07 4.95 4.85 5.40 4.47 4.99 4.02 4.62 4.86 7.85 4.99 4.70 4.80 4.86 4.73 5.04 4.94 4.33 5.11 4.94 4.35 4.37 5.38 4.55 4.57 4.66 5.15 4.83 4.96 4.22 4.84 5.28 4.48 5.26 Per- sons to a fam- ily. 4.51 5.00 4.66 4.81 2.07 4.85 .3.22 5.70 4.00 5.22 3.96 3.47 4.36 12.78 4.68 4.85 4.81 4.27 4.17 4.92 5.03 4.89 4.72 4.69 4.45 4.33 4.53 4.45 4.42 4.55 4.70 4.63 4.88 4.69 4.70 4.42 4.77 4.77 4.71 4.95 4.37 4.93 3.94 4.47 4.73 4.76 4.81 4.60 4.63 4.75 4.57 4.92 4.85 4.22 4.97 4.77 4.19 4.12 5.29 4.36 4.60 4.10 4.70 5.17 4.30 5.10 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 871 T^BLK 3 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. 872 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tarlk 3.— total dwellings AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. Aurora Beadle Bonliomme Brookin Brown Brule Buttido Butte Campbell Charles Mis Choteau Clark Clay CocTlngton Custer Davison Dav Delano Deuel Douglas Edmunds Ewing Fall Klver Faulk Grant Gregory Hainlia South Dakota — Continued. Hand Hanson Harding Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson Jerauld . . . Kingsburj' Lake Lawrence .- Lincoln Lyman McCook Mcl'herson. Marshall ... Martin Meade Miner Minnehaha. Moody Nowlin Pennington Potter Pratt Presho . . Pyatt . . - Roberts . Sanborn . Scobey .. Spink . . . Stanley . Sterling. Sully.... Toda.... Turner Union "Walwoi-th . - . Washington. Yankton Ziebach Tennessee . Anderson . Bedford . . . Benton Bledsoe . - . Blount Bradley . . Campbell. Cannon... Carroll . . . Carter Cheatham Chester ... Claiborne. . Clay Cocke CofiFee Crockett Cumberland. Davidson Decatur Dekalb . . Dickson . . Dyer Fayette . . Fentress . Franklin . Gibson . . . Giles Grainger . Total dwell- ings. 1,509 888 38 1,117 1,667 457 13 788 1, 838 1,432 2,743 1,720 81 1,297 1,254 1,062 2 1,092 1,163 3,801 1,214 47 1.471 418 1,034 9 2,357 226 26 036 29 1,888 1.748 573 8 1,881 85 323, 136 Total families. 2,801 4, 524 2,129 1,084 3,181 2,608 2,533 2.205 4,390 2,384 1,607 1,666 2,742 1.348 3,045 2,664 2,751 1,011 19, 501 1,685 2,893 2,528 3,659 5,103 930 3,441 0,545 6, 395 2,479 1,519 898 38 1,152 1,827 13 796 1,849 1,501 2,778 1,723 81 1,318 1,256 1,076 2 1,101 1,174 3,979 1,231 48 1,501 798 14 69 6 424 1,053 2,401 229 26 638 29 1,925 1,781 586 8 1,897 85 334, 194 2,851 4,597 2,161 1,085 3,236 2,668 2, 576 2,237 4,452 2,435 1,653 1,680 2,707 1,359 3,090 2,721 2,798 1,024 21,374 1,692 2,579 3, 758 5,241 940 3,521 6,752 6,576 2,536 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 4.34 4.81 4.39 4.52 6.28 4.07 2.31 4.57 4.66 5.24 4.20 5.32 2.88 4.97 4.74 4.28 3.50 4.25 4.44 5.76 4.89 3.17 4.45 3.69 1.64 2.66 5.67 4.78 4.46 3. 50 4.49 4.55 3.69 3.79 6.48 5.43 5.22 3.76 5.00 5.55 6.00 5.47 5.40 .5.47 5.27 5.66 5.53 5.22 5.32 5.53 5.38 5.62 5.50 5.44 5.51 5.39 5.43 5.19 5.51 5.32 5.55 5.34 5.41 5.40 5.43 5.66 5.62 5.50 5.48 5.47 5.32 Per- sons to a fara- iiy- 4.31 4.75 4.39 4.38 5.73 3.99 2.31 4.53 4.63 5.00 4.20 5.31 2.88 4.89 4.73 4.22 3.50 4.21 4.40 5.50 4.83 3.10 4.36 3.65 1.64 2.62 5.67 4.71 4.38 3.56 4.41 4.49 3.69 3.78 6.48 5.33 5.13 3.67 5.00 5.51 6.00 5.29 5.31 5.38 5.20 5.65 5.44 5.10 5.24 5.45 5.31 5.50 5.35 5.40 5.46 5.34 5.35 5.08 5.41 5.25 5.06 5.32 5.25 5.29 5.29 5.51 5.56 5.38 5.31 5.32 5.20 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 87a T.B.K S -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A Table ». iUiA FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890-ContiBue(L 874 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES : 1890— Continued. Texas — Continued . Eucinal Erath Falls Fannin Fayette Fisher Floyd Foley Fort Bend. Franklin . . Freestone . Frio Gaines Galveston - Garza Gillespie .. Glasscock. Goliad Gonzales . . Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Guadalupe . Hale Hall Hamilton . . Hansford.. Hardeman. Hardin Harris . . . Harrison . Hartley . . Haskell . . Hays Hemphill... Henderson . Hidalgo Hill Hood Hopkins . . . Houston Howard Hunt , Hutchinson . Irion Jack Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis. Jefferson . . . . Johnson Jones Karnes Kaufman Kendall . Kent ... Kerr Kimblo. . King . . . . Kinney. Knox... Lamar . Lamb . . Lampasas . Lasalle. . .. Lavaca Lee Total dwell- ings. Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb . 433 3,843 3,791 7, U0« 5,696 536 119 3 1,995 1,186 2,811 523 12 6, 1U8 2 1,207 42 992 3,109 60 10, 0C5 1,713 3,987 2,474 133 147 1,629 33 714 6,907 4,817 54 278 1,989 129 2,215 1,139 4,787 1,342 3,712 3, 530 261 5,719 10 158 1,771 578 960 279 1, 109 3, 964 671 614 3,884 710 56 771 396 29 712 197 6,741 •^ 1 1,402 543 3,734 2,164 2, 527 818 3,897 126 Total families. 483 3,918 3,860 7,147 5,760 540 122 3 2,034 1,219 2,858 577 13 6,312 1,319 42 1,000 3,167 00 10,311 1,728 4, 021 2,582 133 151 1,061 33 728 771 7,088 4.877 54 286 2,015 129 2,221 1,102 4,906 1,358 3,746 3,582 262 5,826 10 189 1,827 594 961 282 1,123 4,032 080 614 3,947 717 57 786 418 29 745 209 6,830 1 1,418 544 3,748 2, 206 2,568 819 3,959 126 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 6.34 5.62 5.46 5.53 5.53 5.59 4.45 8.33 5.31 5.46 5. 09 5.95 5.67 .5.15 7.00 5.44 4.95 5.96 5.79 3.38 5.29 5.49 5.35 6. 15 5.42 4.78 5.72 4.03 5.47 5.14 5.39 5.55 4.67 5.99 5.71 4.02 5.55 5.74 5.76 5.67 5.54 5.48 4.64 5.58 5.80 5.51 5.50 5.68 5.83 5.00 5.28 5.63 5.66 5.92 5.56 5.39 5.79 5.79 5.66 5.97 5.31 5.76 5.53 4.00 5.41 3.94 5.86 5.52 5.48 5.17 5.56 5.02 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.68 5.51 5.36 5.42 5.47 5.55 4.34 8.33 5.20 5.32 5.59 5.39 5.23 4.99 7.00 5.35 4.95 5.91 5.69 3.38 5.16 5.44 5.30 5.89 5.42 4.66 5.61 4.03 5.36 5.13 5.26 5.48 4.67 5.82 5.63 4.02 5.53 5.62 5.62 5.61 .5. 4D 5.40 4.62 5.47 5.80 4.60 5.33 5.52 5.82 4.94 5.22 5.53 5.58 5.92 5.47 5.34 5.68 5.68 5.37 5.97 5.08 5.43 5.46 4.00 5.35 3.93 5.84 5.42 5.39 5.16 5.48 5.02 Texas — Continued. Live Oak Llano Loving Lubbock Lynn McCulloch . McLennan . McMullen.. Madison ... Marion Martin Mason Matagorda . Maverick . . Medina Menard . Midland. Milam... Mills.... Mitchell. Montague Montgomery . Moore Morris Motley Nacogdoches . Navarro Newton Nolan Nueces Ochiltree. . Oldham .... Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker . Parmer. Pecos . . Polk - . . Potter. . Presidio... Eains Randall . . . Red River. Reeves Refugio Roberts Robertson. Rockwall . Runnels... Rusk Sabine San Augustine. San Jacinto San Patricio San Saba Schleicher . . Scurry Shackelford . Shelby Sherman . . Smith Somervell . Starr Stephens . . Stonewall . Sutton Swisher . . . Total dwell, iugs. Tarrant Taylor Terry Throckmorton 348 1,143 1 9 7 583 7, 091 186 1, 475 2,063 55 885 790 025 999 231 207 4,517 974 467 3.376 2,054 2 1,214 24 2,857 4,750 787 292 1,511 48 70 871 1.504 2,560 3,906 4 265 1,809 191 349 742 47 3,820 540 230 80 4,909 1, 049 600 3,275 838 1,140 1,386 210 1,143 20 299 400 2,520 18 4,944 600 1,680 901 154 108 22 7,177 1,315 2 165 Total families. 365 1,154 1 604 7,289 J 98 1,517 2,067 55 896 805 075 1,041 241 207 4,579 989 501 3,451 2,093 2 1,222 26 2,889 4,882 796 304 1,523 50 70 875 1,533 2,587 4,038 4 286 1,866 193 349 745 47 3,849 540 230 83 4,946 1,074 603 3,292 844 1,104 1,408 241 1,106 20 304 411 2,544 18 5,036 627 1, 721 903 150 108 22 7,557 1.343 4 167 Per- Per- sons sons to a to a dwell- fam- ing. iiy- 5.91 5.63 5.92 5.87 3.00 3.00 3.67 3.67 3.43 3.43 5.52 5.33 5.53 5.38 5.58 5.24 5.77 5.61 5.27 5.25 4.80 4.80 5.85 5.78 5.04 4.95 5.92 5.48 5.74 5.50 5.26 5.04 4.99 4.99 5.48 5.41 5.64 5.55 4.41 4.11 5.59 5.47 5.73 5.62 7.50 5.42 5.79 5.59 5. 55 5.91 5.39 5.30 4.13 3.80 5.48 5.53 5.60 5.55 1.75 5.00 5.71 4.45 4.87 5.27 3.98 5.62 2.31 5.39 4.08 5.40 5.69 5.32 5.67 5.93 5.87 5.31 6.25 5.81 7.75 4.73 5.03 5.70 1.89 5.73 5.64 6.40 5.47 6.65 6.09 4.55 5.73 5.29 10.50 5.47 7.50 5.38 5.35 5.53 5.40 5.84 5.17 5.31 3.96 3.86 5.45 5.43 5.54 5.37 L75 4.64 5.54 4.40 4.87 5.25 3.98 5.57 2.31 5.39 3.93 5.36 5.56 5.30 5.61 5.89 5.75 5.23 5.44 5.70 7.75 4.65 4.90 5.65 1.89 5.62 5.45 6.25 5.46 6.56 6.09 4.55 5.44 5.18 5.25 5.40 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 875 T.BI.E 1 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A lABLr A. ivj FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Continuecl. Texas— Continued . Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity Tyler Total dwell- ings. Upshur Upton Uvalde Valverde . . - Tan Zandt . Victoria "Walker Waller "Ward Washington . "Webb "Wharton.. "Wheeler.. - Wichita... "Wilbarger. "Williamson "Wilson "Winkler ... "Wise Wood Yoakum , Young . . Zapata . . Zavalla. . Utah . Beaver . . . Boxelder . Cache Davis Emery . - . Garfield . . Grand ... Iron Juab Eane Millard . . . Morgan . . . Piute Kich Salt Lake . San Juan . Sanpete . . Sevier Summit . - Tooele . . . . Uinta Utah Wasatch Washington Weber Vermont Addison Bennington . Caledonia . . . Chittenden.. Essex Franklin . . . (.Trand Isle . ijamoillo . . . Orange Orleans Total families. Rutland Washington Windham — Windsor 1,499 1,131 6, 541 1, 425 2,004 2,257 14 669 521 2,998 1,602 2,127 2,128 21 5,213 2,642 1,384 120 930 1,320 4,464 1.866 4 4,305 2, 522 1 904 626 213 37, 285 581 1,417 2,941 1,199 922 438 109 483 1, 120 317 788 333 516 267 9,472 71 2,678 1,163 1,457 748 382 4.380 634 802 4,067 69, 817 1,531 1,166 6,712 1,430 2,025 2, 266 14 682 573 3,053 1,645 2,149 2,162 21 5,254 2, 855 1,442 120 943 1,346 4,490 1,903 4 4,364 2,533 1 940 642 214 38, 816 610 1,466 3,026 1,259 440 109 502 1, 132 322 799 334 516 268 10,105 7] 2,739 1,191 1,491 750 382 4, 523 646 825 4,382 75, 869 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5.46 4.56 5.55 5.37 5.43 5.62 3.71 5.69 5.52 5.41 5.45 6.05 5.12 3.67 5.59 5.62 5.48 6.48 5.19 5.37 5.80 5.71 4.50 5.61 5.52 4.00 5.59 5.69 5.15 Per- sons to a fam- ily- 5.35 4.42 5.41 5.35 5.37 5.60 3.71 5.58 5.02 5.31 5.31 5.99 .5.04 .3.67 5.55 5.20 5.26 6.48 5.12 5.27 5.77 5.60 4.50 5.53 5.50 4.00 5.37 5.55 5.13 5.58 5.36 5.75 5.48 5. .39 5.21 5.27 5.13 5.63 5.36 5.51 5.47 5.61 5.58 4.96 4.96 5.55 5.34 4.98 4.93 5.32 5.23 5.12 5.05 5.35 5.32 5.51 5.5] 5.72 5.70 6.17 5.14 4.91 5.33 5.31 4.95 7.23 5.43 5.67 5.00 5.59 4.76 Virginia. 5.78 5.14 4.80 5. 20 5.19 4.93 7.23 5.25 5.57 4.86 5.19 4.38 4,892 5,094 4,454 4, 653 5,024 5,596 0,738 7, 430 1,720 1,917 5,908 6,332 776 820 2,765 2, 936 4,676 4,988 4,829 5,119 9,081 10, 024 6,112 6,748 5,527 6, «2 7,315 7,750 4.55 4.37 4.59 4.39 4.66 4.19 5.25 4.76 5.53 4.96 5.04 4.70 4.95 4.69 4.64 4. .37 4.19 3.92 4.58 4.32 5.00 4.53 4.84 4.39 4.80 4.11 4.33 4.09 Accomac ... Albemarle . Alexandria. Alleghany . Amelia Amherst Appomattox Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick. .. Buchanan Buckingham . Campbell Caroline Carroll Cliarles City Charlotte Chesterfield . Clarke Craig Culpeper Cumberland . Dickenson Dinwiddle Elizabeth City Essex Fairfax Fauquier . . Floyd Fluvanna . Franklin . . Frederick Giles Gloucester . Goochland . Grayson . . - Greene Greenesville , Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isle of Wight . . - James City King iind Queen. King George King William. Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nansemond Nelson New Kent Norfolk Northampton Northumberland . Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Petersburg city Pittsylvania — Total dwell- ings. Total families. 292, 654 304, 673 5, 325 5,460 3,595 1,563 1,675 2,998 1, 655 6,554 822 5,358 911 2,581 3,181 1, 022 2,580 6, 829 2,874 2,788 934 2,764 4,733 1,410 075 2, 283 1,682 869 2, 364 2, 462 1,873 2,977 3,849 2,591 1,693 4,320 3,392 1,554 2,122 1,725 2, 597 962 1,578 6,187 3, 071 16, 622 3, 206 924 2,184 1,006 1,737 1,195 1,694 1, 345 3,114 4,108 2,884 2,016 1,746 1,404 4, 625 1,364 3,070 3,751 2, 634 963 13,750 1,889 1,577 2,041 2,233 2,330 2,601 4,307 10, 604 5,378 5,577 3, 802 1,577 1,694 3,027 1, 723 6,798 824 5,436 912 2, 634 3,222 1,030 2,590 7,632 2,912 2,796 981 2,790 4,909 1, 439 694 2, 327 1,718 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. Per. sons to a fam- iiy- 5.44 3,192 3,920 2, 610 1,696 4,345 3,486 1,556 2, 123 1,741 2, 619 996 1,590 6, 278 1 3, 108 19,917 3,244 937 2,188 1, 088 1,745 1,218 1,697 1,346 3, 133 4,179 2, 911 2,047 1,761 1,409 4, 692 1,418 3,124 3,918 2,650 967 15, 918 1,989 1,589 2,096 2,271 2,376 2, 618 5,089 n,055 5.12 5.93 5.17 5.94 5.41 5.85 5.79 5.65 5.58 5.83 5. 63 5.76 5, 42 5.74 5.57 6.02 5.80 5.56 .5.42 5. 45 5.54 5.72 5.08 5.80 5.64 5. 84 5.72 0.57 5.36 5.59 5.87 5.56 5.62 5.78 5.27 5.85 5.49 5.77 5.54 5.84 .5. 22 5.56 5.67 6.22 5.68 5.79 5.18 5.61 5. 57 5.56 5.67 5.35 5.85 5.67 5.89 5.64 ,5.86 5.40 5.48 5.47 5.78 5.25 5.82 5.72 5.60 5.46 5.00 ,5.67 5.74 5. 62 5.44 5.27 5.65 5.07 5.81 4.89 5.89 5.35 5.80 5.57 5. 44 5.57 5.74 5.62 5.64 5.35 5.70 5.55 5.38 5.73 5.54 5.16 5.40 5.34 5.61 5.53 5.69 5.52 5.81 5.64 0.40 5.30 5.22 5.76 5.52 5.61 5.75 5.13 5.84 5.49 5.72 5.50 5.64 5.18 5.48 5.60 5.19 5.61 5.71 5.17 5.19 5.54 5.45 5.66 5.34 5.81 5.57 5.84 5.56 5.81 5.38 5.40 5.26 5.68 5.03 5.79 5.70 4.84 5.19 4.96 5.53 5.64 5.51 5.40 4.46 5.42 876 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 3.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890-Continue(i. Virginia — Continued. Powhatan Prince Edward .. Prince George . . . Princess Anno. . . Prince William . . Pulaski Eappahannocli. Richmond Koanoke Rockbridge Rockingham . Russell Scott Shenandoali.- Smyth Southampton.. Spottsylvania . Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Warwick "Washington. Westmoreland Wise Wythe York Washington Adams . . A.sotin . . . Cliehalis. Clallam.. Clarke . . . Columbia. Cowlitz... Douglas.. . Franklin .. Garfield... Island Jefferson . King Kitsap Kittitas . . . Klickitat.. Lewis Lincoln. . . Mason Okanogan . Pacific Pierce San Juan . Skagit Skamania. Snohomish . . Spokane Stevens Thurston Wahkiakum. Wallawalla Whatcom . Whitman . Yakima Total dwell- ings. 1,147 2,589 1,583 1,871 1,788 2,247 1,478 1,329 4,700 3,900 5,820 2,854 3,774 3,740 2,243 3,778 2,614 1,42] 1,628 2,136 3,070 1,456 1,102 5,302 1,5C3 1,588 3,119 1,452 68, 833 509 371 1,861 726 2,301 1,343 1,263 987 167 799 384 1,274 11, 739 1,180 1,970 1,125 2, 415 2,257 574 341 8,766 506 1,893 195 1,666 7,166 1,040 1,712 449 2,360 3,652 4,076 897 Total families. 1,160 2,648 1,583 1,877 1,807 2,301 1,528 1,333 4,919 4,021 5,973 2,866 3,814 3,830 2,271 3,779 2,648 1,428 1,667 2, 103 3,115 1,479 1,190 5,405 1,564 1,629 3,228 1,484 70, 977 Per. sons to a dwell, ing. Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 511 380 1,906 732 2,326 1,368 1,297 987 167 833 397 1,320 12, 377 1,207 2,010 1,145 2,486 2,257 601 343 9,352 514 1,950 198 1,698 7,302 1,054 1,755 457 2.407 3,728 4,137 906 5.92 5.68 4.97 5.08 5.48 5.69 5.87 5.38 6.40 5.91 5.38 5.65 5.75 5.26 5.96 5.31 5.44 5.18 5.07 5.20 6.48 5.69 6.03 5.47 5.37 5.88 5.78 5.23 5.85 5.55 4.97 5.07 5.43 5.56 5.68 5.36 6.12 5.74 5.24 5.63 5.69 5.14 5.88 5.31 5.38 5.16 4.95 5.13 6.39 5.60 5.59 5.37 5.37 5.74 5.58 5.12 5. 08 4. 92 4.12 4.26 4.97 3.82 5.09 5.00 4.68 3.20 4.17 4.88 4.65 6.57 5.45 3.92 4.46 4.59 4.76 4.13 4.92 4.30 5.01 5.81 4.09 4.62 3.97 5.11 5.23 4.17 5.65 5.63 5.18 5.09 4.69 4.94 4.11 4.16 4.85 3.79 5.03 4.90 4.56 3.20 4.17 4.68 4.50 6.34 5.17 3.83 4.37 4.51 4.63 4.13 4.70 4.28 5.01 5.45 4.03 4.49 3.91 5.01 5.13 4.12 5.51 5.53 5.08 4.99 4.62 4.89 West Virginia . Barbour.. Berkeley. Boone Braxton . . Brooke . . . Cabell Calhoun. .. Clay Doddridge . Fayette . . . Gilmer Grant Greenbrier . Hampshire. Hancock ... Hardy Harrison . Jackson.. Jefferson. Kanawha. Lewis Lincoln ... Logan Mc'Dowell. Marion Marshall . . . Mason Mercer Mineral Monongalia , Monroe Morgan . . . Nicholas .. Ohio Pendleton . Pleasants .. Pocahontas . Preston Putnam Raleigh Randolph. Ritchie Roane Summers . Taylor.... Tucker . . Tyler . . - . Upshur . . Wayne . . Webster . Wetzel ... Wirt Wood Wyoming . Wisconsin . Adams . . Ashland. Barron . . Bayfield. Brown . . Buffalo. - Burnett . Calumet. Total dwell- ings. Total families. 136, 378 2,410 3,539 1,157 2,386 1,325 4,062 1,377 790 2,169 3,747 1,707 1,188 3,182 2,093 1,242 1,345 4,099 3,441 2,844 2,582 1,925 1,787 1,226 3,997 3,848 4,179 2,652 2,199 3,065 2,204 1,260 1, 635 7,172 1,452 1,306 1,196 3,877 2,553 1,604 1,969 2,987 2,611 2,241 2,365 1,119 2,250 2,315 3,141 813 3,034 1,679 5,379 990 316, 163 140, 359 1,429 3,139 3,019 1,325 6,993 2,861 891 3,069 2,442 3,607 1,178 2,395 1,332 4,302 1,426 803 2,185 3,834 1,713 1,200 3,235 2,117 1,299 1, 395 4,174 3, 515 2,910 7,848 2,632 1,980 1,795 1,228 4,078 3,915 4,273 2,792 2,239 3,108 2,235 1,283 1,648 8,332 1,480 1,324 1,217 3, 965 2, 575 1,645 2,013 3,021 2,651 2,340 2,434 1,151 2, 259 2,329 3,222 824 3,082 1,717 5,578 1,054 335, 456 1,462 3,379 3,111 1,421 7,227 2,979 900 3,121 Per- sons to a dwell- ing 5.59 5.27 5.28 5.95 5.84 5.03 5.81 5.92 5.90 5.62 5.48 5.71 5.73 5.67 5.46 5.16 5.63 5.35 5.53 5.47 5.58 6.16 5.84 6.21 5.95 5.18 5.39 5.47 6.03 5.50 5.12 5.64 5.35 5.69 5.79 6.00 5.77 5.70 5.25 5.62 5.98 5.91 5.56 5.86 5.85 5.14 5.77 5. .32 5.49 5.94 5.88 5.55 5.61 5.32 6.31 5.34 4.82 6.39 5.11 5. .58 5.60 5.59 4.93 5.39 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.43 5.20 5.18 5.84 5.82 5.00 5.48 5.72 5.80 5.58 5.36 5.69 5.67 5.57 5.32 4.94 5.42 5.25 5.41 5.34 5.45 6.04 5.68 6.18 5.94 5.30 5.35 5.73 5.40 5.05 5.56 5.26 5.65 4.99 5.89 5.69 5.60 5.13 5.57 5.83 5.78 5.50 5.77 5.61 4.99 5.61 5.30 5.46 5.79 5.80 5.46 5.48 5.13 5.93 5.03 4.71 5.94 4.96 5.20 5.42 5.37 4.88 5.33 DWELLmGS AND FAMILIES. 877 Table 3 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, BY COUNTIES: 1890— Continued. "Wisconsin — Continued. Chippewa Clark Columbia Crawford Dane Dodge Door Douglas . . Dunn Eauclaire Florence Fond du Lac . Forest Grant Green Green Lake . Iowa Jackson Jefferson — Juneau Kenosha .. Kewavmee . Lacrosse... Lafayette . . Langlade . . Lincoln Manitowoc . Marathon . . Marinette . . Marquette . . Milwaukee . Monroe Oconto Oneida Outagamie. Ozaukee . . . Pepin Pierce Total dwell- ings. Total families. 4,550 3,474 5,938 3,022 11, 267 8,818 2,770 2. U66 4, 247 5,553 447 8,802 198 7,285 4,712 3,118 4, 348 3,046 6,937 3,559 2, 981 2,847 7,178 4, 002 1,864 2,069 6,856 5,496 3,375 1,914 38, 222 4,668 2,682 807 7,204 2,764 1,385 4,104 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 4,780 3,520 6,055 3,086 11,824 9,104 2,885 2,246 4,438 6,065 461 9,058 204 7,454 4,832 3,166 4,412 3,106 7,126 3,626 3,138 2,907 7, 721 4,093 1,919 2,281 7,232 5,718 3,727 1,932 46, 760 4,719 2,730 7,483 2,859 1,399 4,188 5.53 5.10 4.77 5.29 5.29 5.10 5.66 6.52 5.34 5.52 5.83 5.01 5.11 5.03 4.82 4.86 5.09 5.19 4.83 4.81 5.23 5.67 5.41 5.06 5.08 .5.80 5.52 5.53 6.02 5.06 6.18 4.97 5.60 6.21 5.37 5.41 5.01 4.97 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.26 5.03 4.68 5.18 5.04 4.94 5.44 6.00 5.11 5.06 5.65 4.87 4.96 4.92 4.70 4.79 5.01 5.09 4.71 4.72 4.97 5.56 5.03 4.95 4.93 5.26 5.23 5.31 5.45 5.01 5.05 4.92 5.50 5.77 5.17 5.23 4.95 4.87 Wisconsin — Continued. Polk Portage Price Kacine Kiohland Rock St. Croix.. Sauk Sawyer... Shawano . Sheboygan ... Taylor Trempealeau . Vernon "Walworth . . . "Washburn .. "Washington . "Waukesha . - "Waupaca... "Waushara.. "Winnebago. "Wood "Wyoming Albany .. Carbon. .. Converse. Crook Fremont . Johu.son. Laramie . . Natrona . Sheridan — Sweetwater . TJiuta "Weston Total dwell- ings. Total families. 2,610 4,719 970 7, 216 3,890 8,999 4,270 6,298 363 3, 452 7,685 1,309 3,520 4,874 6,135 563 4,183 6,574 5,281 2,797 9,774 3,360 11, 880 1,864 1,426 685 560 590 569 2,771 314 504 837 1,466 294 Per. sons to a dwell- ing. 2,661 4,828 1,019 7,596 3,944 9, 364 1 4,384 6,475 403 3,518 8,546 1,352 3,576 4,958 6,358 603 4,299 6,858 5,363 2,839 10,317 3,473 12, 065 4.97 5.25 5.42 5.03 4.92 4.80 5.42 4.85 5.45 5.57 5.53 5.14 5.38 5.15 4.54 .5.20 5.44 5.06 5.07 4.83 5.13 5.39 1,888 1,440 689 570 591 571 2,810 319 512 851 1,487 337 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.87 5.14 5.16 4.77 4.85 4.62 5.28 4.72 4.91 5.47 4.97 4.98 5.29 5.06 4.38 4.85 5.29 4.85 5.00 4.76 4.86 5.22 5.03 4.76 4.81 4.00 4.18 4.17 4.14 6.05 3.48 3.91 5.90 5.38 8.24 4.70 4.76 3.97 4.10 4.17 4.13 5.97 3.43 3.85 5.81 5.30 7.19 878 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 4.— TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890. [This table shows all places, incorporated and unincorporated, bavin returned by tbe census enumerators separat " New England states towns baviug case of cities or boroughs having 8 the town is given.] 2,500 inhabitants or more, so far as they have been rs separate trom the township, precinct, district, etc., of which thev form apart. In the a poijulation of 2,.)00 inhabitants or more are ahown, except in Connecticut, where in the ,000 inhabitants or more which have been separately returned, the citv or borough and not CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Alabama : Anniston Bessemer Birmingham Decatur Eufaula Florence . . . Fort Payne. Gadsden ... Greenville . Huntsville . Mobile . . . Wardl. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4 Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Montgomery . New Decatur. Opelika Phenix Selma Sheffield ... Troy Tuscaloosa Arizona: Phenix. Tucson. Arkansas: Camden Eureka Springs . Fayetteville Port Smith Helena Hot Springs.. . Little Roclc . . . Pine Bluff Texarkana (a). California : Alameda Bakersfield. Berkeley Chico..". Eureka Fresno Los Angeles . AVard 1.... Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward? AVardS Ward 9 Marysville .. Napa Nevada city . Oakland.. Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. AVard 0. Ward 7. Total dwell- ings. 1,532 1,0.36 4.782 507 1,030 523 503 572 1,349 6,047 714 102 203 277 537 1,274 1,471 1,409 4,033 659 731 723 1,410 439 692 659 824 1,221 484 903 537 2,174 1,120 1,737 4,980 1,797 759 2,297 463 1, 058 640 Total families. 1,637 1,044 5,243 545 870 1,062 557 5S4 599 1,527 6,480 844 166 220 294 576 1, 359 1,561 1,460 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 6.53 4.39 5.47 5.45 5.31 5.84 5.16 5.77 4.91 5.93 5.14 4.91 4.69 4.22 0.11 5.80 4.89 5.06 5.30 4,431 I 5.43 692 I 5.41 750 ' 5.07 753 1 5. 12 1, 484 i 5. 41 440 I 6.22 7.32 4.98 660 I 6.40 832 1,225 484 917 538 2,303 1,176 1,758 5,496 2,068 763 2,328 492 1,063 643 1,789 1, idi 1,886 10, 368 11, 056 1,241 1,264 1,788 1,910 1,326 1,534 1, 232 1,315 528 541 734 747 1,349 1,505 1,346 1,406 824 834 831 885 1,000 1,005 607 619 9,387 10, 066 2,725 2,911 1,518 1,617 1,130 1,182 1,165 1,236 405 508 795 880 1,649 1,732 3.83 4.22 5.31 4.10 5.48 5.20 4.03 4.66 5.20 5.54 4.65 4.80 5.67 4.82 4.52 4.49 6.05 4.86 4.29 4.82 5.65 4.70 4.59 4.37 5.08 5.15 4.54 4.80 4.40 4.16 5.19 4.91 4.89 5.46 5.50 6.65 5. 40 5.02 Per- sons to a fam- ily. 6.11 4.35 4.99 5.07 5.05 5.66 4.84 5.14 4.68 5.24 4.80 4.16 4.57 3.90 5.76 5.41 4.58 4.77 5.11 4.94 5.15 4.94 4.91 5.14 6.21 4.71 6.39 3.79 4.20 5.31 4.04 5.47 4.91 4.41 4.60 4.71 4.81 4.62 4.80 5.34 4.80 4.50 4.27 5.74 4.56 4.21 4.52 4.88 4.41 4.48 4.30 4.55 4.93 4.49 4.51 4.37 4.08 4.84 4.60 4.59 5.22 5.18 5.31 4.93 4.78 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. California — Continued. Pasadena Petaluma Pomona Red BluH River.sido Sacramento San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco Assembly district 29 . Assembly district 30 , Assembly district 31 . Assembly district 32 . Assembly district 33 . Assembly district 84 - Assembly district 35 . Assembly district 36 . A.ssembly district 37 . Assembly district 38 . Assembly district 89 . Assembly district40 . Assembly di.strict41 . Assembly district 42 . Assembly district 43 . Assembly district 44 . Assembly district 45 . Assembly district 46 . As.sembly district 47 . Assembly district 48 . San Jose San Luis Obispo San Rafael Santa Ana Santa Barbara . . Total dwell- ings. Santa Clara . Santa Cruz . . Santa Rosa. . Stockton Tulare Tallejo Visalia Woodland. Colorado : Aspen Bessemer. Boulder . . Canyon - Colorado Springs. Denver . Ward 1 . AVard2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Durango .. Highlands Leadville.. Ouray Pueblo . . . Salida Trinidad . Connecticut : Ansonia(6). Berlin Bethel Branford . . . 1,243 872 877 614 1,055 4,826 895 3,676 47, 183 756 1,250 1,605 2, 094 2,306 2,173 1,483 1,319 1,807 1,848 2, 050 2,450 3,296 3,792 2,956 4,196 2,779 1,933 3,268 3,816 3,394 613 575 840 1,303 590 1,222 1,130 Total families. 1.255 637 1,097 5,079 937 3,725 52, 535 939 1,623 1,900 2,720 2,753 2,444 1, 749 1.500 2,029 2,188 2,509 2,702 3,421 3,970 3,100 4,474 2,945 2,235 3,381 3,953 3,552 617 578 853 1,338 615 1,249 1,158 2,607 568 2, 640 569 1,200 1,228 556 502 680 724 1,087 1,155 507 527 678 681 491 522 2,069 2,191 18, 010 19, 730 1,288 1,404 891 993 2,639 2,872 1,178 1,251 2. 183 2,428 1, 710 1,825 3,526 3,720 3, 545 4,107 1,050 1,130 593 029 1,006 1,051 2,110 2,164 416 417 3,410 3,761 556 556 1,187 1,285 1,785 2,132 526 ! 558 676 i 814 806 1 931 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 3.93 4.23 4.14 4.25 4.44 5.47 4.48 4.40 6.34 9.54 7.95 16.72 7.92 5.83 5.63 6.57 6.88 6.58 6.72 6.40 6.11 5.54 5.53 5.37 5.25 5.11 0.00 5.63 5.28 5.32 4.89 5.72 4.32 4.50 4.90 4.58 4.62 5.53 4.75 5.26 5.19 4.51 4.70 6.54 4.91 5.75 5.38 5.93 5.98 8.86 6.18 8.28 5.20 5.26 5.05 5.92 5.60 4.60 5.13 4.92 6.09 7.20 4.65 4.65 5.79 4.94 5.03 5.53 Per- .sons to a fam- 3.89 4.16 4.12 4.09 4.27 5.20 4.28 4.34 5.69 7.68 6.12 14.13 6.10 4.8S 5.00 5.57 «. 05 5.86 5.68 5.24 ;5.54 5.34 5.28 5.12 4.93 4.82 5.19 .5.44 5.10 5.08 4.85 5.69 4.25 4.38 4.70 4.48 4.51 5.46 4.74 5.17 5.13 4.24 4.42 6.29 4.89 5.41 5.08 5.41 5.49 7.95 5.68 7.80 4.68 4.93 4.79 5.11 5.21 4.33 4.91 4.80 6.08 6.53 4.65 4.30 4.85 4.66 4.18 4.79 a Exclusive of that part in Texas. I The town. DWELLINGS AKD FAMILIES. 879 Table 4 -TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. TO CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROOGHS. Connectlcul^Continued. BridReport Waidl Waid2 Ward:j "Ward4 Wards WardO Bristol Brooklyn . . Canton Colchester Danbury . . Derby East'Haddara . East Hartford. East "Windsor . Enfield Fairfield Earmington . . Glastonbury . . Greenwicb (a) Griswold Groton Guilford Hamden Hartford Huntington - . . KiUinsly Litchfield Manchester . . Meriden Middletowu . - Milford Waugatuck NewBritain... New Canaan . . New Hartford- New Haven... "Ward "Ward 2. "Ward 3. "Ward 4- "Ward 5. "Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8- Ward 9. Ward 10 - WardU- Wardl2. New London . New Milford . Newtown Norwalk (a) . . Norwich Orange Plainfleld Portland Preston Putnam Salisbury Seymour Southingtou . Stafford Stamford (a) . Stonington . . Stratford Sufiield Thomaston . . Thompson . . Torrington . . Vernon Wallingford Waterbiiry.. Ward 1 . . . Ward 2 .... Ward 3 - . . Ward i .... Total dwell- ings. Total families. 7,077 932 2,012 691 1,256 1,331 1,455 1,450 476 525 576 2, 723 1,077 617 942 587 1,337 040 741 1,172 653 788 6, 553 846 1,502 704 1,573 3, 014 1,296 846 1,243 2,099 578 563 11, 194 635 999 1, 142 1.481 559 629 879 9!6 1,377 974 659 944 2, 176 877 774 3, 207 2,597 985 722 942 479 1,061 669 1,069 969 2,744 1,563 580 722 649 683 1,015 1,182 1,235 3,444 757 786 905 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 10,511 1,404 2,617 1, 061 1,800 1,671 1,958 1,730 533 585 714 3,841 1,246 676 1,009 627 1,531 894 676 837 2,109 662 1,323 719 850 11, 596 902 1,649 763 1,697 4,595 1, 833 922 1,272 3,532 618 648 17, 381 774 1,380 2,017 2,330 843 1,129 1,870 1, 332 1,856 1,369 1. 100 ],.375 3,071 960 786 4,103 3,671 1,035 1,001 1,028 599 1,358 737 768 1,297 1,091 3,358 1,687 634 735 765 1,090 1, 282 1,955 1,453 5,824 1,195 1,104 1,614 1,911 6.37 0.88 6.28 6.94 6.51 5.68 6.38 5.09 5.52 4.76 5.19 6.08 5.54 4.21 4.73 4.92 5.38 4.52 4.97 4.67 5.36 4.97 4.73 4.26 4.93 8.12 4.74 4.68 4.69 5.23 7.18 6.95 4.50 5.00 7.87 4.67 5.61 7.26 7.76 6.23 8.51 7.11 7.47 9.05 9.78 6.46 6.14 5.91 7.36 6.85 6.32 4.47 4.57 5.53 6.22 4.61 6.35 4.98 5.33 6.14 4.91 4.93 .5.15 4.68 5.72 4.60 4.50 4.39 5.05 8.17 5.96 7.45 5.33 8.32 7.46 6.54 9.19 9.57 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- CITIES. TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. 4.65 4.57 4-83 4.52 4.54 4.52 4.74 4.27 4.93 4.27 4.18 4.31 4.79 3.84 4.42 4.61 4.70 4.33 4.70 4.13 4.80 4.70 4.19 3.87 4.57 4.59 4.44 4-20 4.33 4.85 4.71 4.92 4.13 4.89 4.68 4.37 4.88 4.68 6.37 4.51 4.82 4.52 4.95 5. 04 4.60 4.44 4.55 4.20 4.39 4.71 4.48 4.08 4.50 4.33 4.40 4.38 4.58 4.56 4.27 4.80 4.64 4.30 4.24 4.16 4.68 4.26 4.11 4.31 4.28 5.09 4.72 4.51 4.53 4.92 4.73 4.66 5.16 4.99 Connecticut — Continued. Waterford Westport Wlllimantic Winchester Windsor Windsor Locks . Delaware : Dover Newcastle .. .i. .. Wilminaton- Ward Ward Ward Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7- Ward 8- Ward 9. Ward 10. Wiu-dll. Ward 12. District of Columbia: Washington Florida : Apalachicola . Fernandina . . Gainesville. .. Jacksonville . Key West. Ocala Orlando - . - Palatka . . . Pensacola St. Augustine . Tallahassee . . . Tampa Georgia : Albany Americus Athens Atlanta .. Wardl. Ward 2- Ward3. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Augusta . "Wardl. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Wards. Brunswick.. Cartersville . Columbus . . . Dal ton Gainesville.. GrifBn.... Lagrange. Macon . . . Marietta . Milledgeville. Newnan Kome Savannah Total dwell- ings. Total families. ThomaaviUe. Valdosta Washington. Waycross . . . 583 745 1,109 1,265 637 519 737 743 11, 878 505 906 971 735 1,496 1,016 1,693 1,635 906 1,031 489 495 38, 798 576 560 596 3,540 3,315 622 743 661 2,501 987 606 1,076 807 1,213 1,520 11,447 2,517 1,816 1,484 1.990 1,901 1,739 6,720 1,179 1,075 1,252 2,392 822 1,697 617 3,104 595 949 478 4,070 690 745 620 1,189 8,008 1,258 565 561 612 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 644 813 1,777 1,436 664 559 741 752 12, 473 554 940 1,051 799 1,591 1,096 1,709 1,730 940 1,041 509 513 ,43,967 621 590 611 3,631 3, 452 660 745 715 2,646 1,023 731 1,110 1,311 1,598 13,353 3,043 2,012 1,659 2, 475 2,113 2,051 7,537 1,458 1,339 1, 381 2,531 828 1,783 634 3,671 601 676 4.56 4.99 7.80 4.89 4.64 5.31 4.15 5.40 5.17 5.52 5.78 5.31 5.48 4.95 5.27 5.11 5.04 5.10 4.87 5.11 4.90 4.73 5.01 4.68 4.86 5.45 4.67 3.84 4.60 4.70 4.80 •4.84 5.14 4.97 5.27 5.68 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.96 5.21 5.41 4.68 4.78 4.90 4.98 5.14 5.57 5.12 4.81 4.13 4.57 4.87 4.31 4.45 4.93 4.13 5.33 4.93 5.03 5.57 4.90 5.04 4.66 4.89 5.06 4.77 4.92 4.82 4.91 4.73 5.24 4.39 4.75 4.57 4.74 5.24 4.40 3.83 4.25 4.44 4.64 4.01 4.98 4.06 4.88 5.41 5.72 4.91 5.4S 4.53 ,5.70 5.14 5.68 5.08 5.36 4.31 5. .55 5.00 6.76 5.73 961 4.74 484 6.46 4,560 5.59 736 4.90 753 4.46 701 4.61 1,371 5.85 9,039 5.39 1,262 4.38 584 5.05 561 4.69 625 5.50 4.42 4.21 4.35 4.25 4.52 4.87 4.74 5.00 4.71 5.07 4.74 4.69 6.38 4.99 4.60 4.41 4.08 5.07 4.78 4.37 4.89 4.69 5.38 a The town. 880 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table '4.— TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Continued. TO CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. niiuois: Alton Aurora Austin Batavia , Beardstown . Belleville Belvidere Bloomington . Blue Island.. Braidwood . . . •Cairo Canton Carlinville . Canni Centralia... Champaign. Charleston . Chester Chicago . - Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 AVard 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 Ward 27 Ward 28 Ward 29 Ward 30 Ward 31 Ward 32 Ward 33 Ward 34 Clinton ■CoUinsville . Danville . . . Decatur Dekalb Dixou Duquoin East St. Louis Edwardaville. . Effingham Elgin I'reeport Galena Gales burg Geneseo Havana .Jacksonville . Jerseyville . . . .Joliet Kankakee. Kewanee . . Xasalle Xiincoln . . . Litchfield . Total dwell- ings. 1,957 4,012 802 735 910 2,839 926 4,287 628 923 2,185 1,303 696 620 1,061 1,248 864 554 127, 871 1,692 2,841 3,584 3,049 4,086 5,242 2,955 2,842 3,300 4,970 4,242 7,207 5,276 4,517 5,661 3,819 1,892 2,612 4,289 2,357 3,345 3,274 2,541 2, 866 3,564 4,186 2,035 1,663 3,721 7,242 3,448 4,247 3,588 5,118 585 663 2,443 3,568 588 1,021 802 2,604 675 633 3,255 2,139 1,262 2,957 784 557 2,321 668 3,935 1,447 954 1,665 1,263 1,236 Total families. 2,117 4,360 837 806 955 3,100 983 4,363 663 925 2,198 1,314 728 628 1,079 1,307 901 564 220, 320 3,164 4,408 5,566 5,530 8,751 8,669 7,100 7, 241 8,621 8,917 6,868 10, 170 8,020 8,669 7,918 11, 612 4,478 4,084 8,961 4,759 6,472 6,982 7,249 4,684 5,091 6,096 2,174 1,874 6,229 10, 094 3,832 5, 209 4,799 6,029 619 710 2,570 3,726 600 1,068 874 2,906 688 693 3,559 2,311 1,272 3,280 798 588 2,441 699 4,087 1, 455 1,010 1,668 1,295 1,288 Per- Per- sons sons to a to a dwell- fam- ing. ily. 5.26 4.86 4.91 4.52 5.05 4.84 4.82 4.40 4.64 4.43 5.41 4.96 4.18 3.93 4.78 4.69 5.30 5.02 5.03 5.02 4.72 4.70 4.30 4.26 4.73 4.52 4.49 4.43 4.49 4.41 4.68 4.47 4.79 4.59 4.89 4.80 8.60 4.99 14.23 7.61 9.00 5.80 7.82 5.04 7.59 5.01 10.04 4.69 8.25 4.99 11.83 4.92 12.52 4.91 12.57 4.81 8.96 5.00 8.26 5.10 6.77 4.80 6.91 4.54 8.99 4.68 6.79 4.85 14.52 4.78 11.55 4.88 10.13 6.48 10.35 4.95 9.21 4.56 9.04 4.67 9.73 4.56 14.14 4.95 10.80 6.61 6.79 4.75 6.89 4.73 5.27 4.94 5.44 4.83 8.50 5.08 6.78 4.87 5.50 4.95 6.30 5.14 7.26 5.43 5.90 5.01 4.44 4.20 5.28 4.93 4.70 4.47 4.72 4.52 4.39 4.30 5.05 4.83 5.05 4.64 5.83 5.22 5.28 5.18 5.15 4.70 5.48 5.01 4.76 4.41- 4.47 4.43 5.16 4.65 4.06 3.99 4.53 4.29 5.57 5.30 4.80 4.59 5.91 5.69 6.24 6.20 4.79 4.52 5.92 5.91 5.32 5.19 4.70 4.51 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOEOUGHS. Illinois — Continued Macomb Mattoon Meudota Metropolis Moline Monmouth Morris Mount Carmel . . . Mount Vernon . . . Murphysboro Normal OiikPark Olney Ottawa Pana Paris Pekin Peoria Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9. Peru Pontiac Princeton Quincy Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Rockford Kock Island Sandwich Savanna ShelbyvUle Springfield Spring Valley Sterling Streator Sycamore Taylor ville Urbana Warsaw Waukegan Indiana: Anderson Aurora Bedford Bloomington Biulfton Brazil Butler Columbia Columbus ConnersviUe Crawfordsville . . . Decatur Elkhart Evansville Ward 1 Ward2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward6 Total dwell- ings. 836 1,451 797 764 2,087 1,257 821 694 672 752 568 895 825 2,055 1,055 1,170 1,348 8,010 1,002 1,079 417 672 729 990 1,009 935 1,177 1,102 640 843 5,893 1,063 496 881 1.283 791 1,379 4,406 2,675 598 642 726 4,875 709 1,279 2,343 699 621 731 650 1,059 2,095 826 690 836 768 1,273 560 644 1,432 941 1,506 665 2,635 9,091 1,728 907 1,010 1,677 1,557 2,212 Total families. 1,508 830 810 2,501 1,327 848 723 576 953 864 2,078 1,087 1,214 1,386 8,566 1,062 1,139 434 782 793 1,038 1,067 981 1,270 1,172 053 876 6,673 1,158 581 1,065 1,506 885 1,478 5,137 2,804 615 658 726 5,289 723 1,321 2,349 710 647 753 651 1,095 2,187 {■95 736 929 807 1,315 598 678 1,507 998 1,535 691 2,728 9,743 829 920 208 783 650 1 1 1 2,353 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 4.85 4.71 4.44 4.68 5.75 4.72 4.45 4.86 4.81 5.16 6.09 5.33 4.64 4.86 4.81 4.27 4.71 5.12 4.86 4.99 4.89 5.75 5.81 4.92 4.92 4.81 5.35 5.04 4.35 4.03 5.34 5.04 5.54 5.55 5.58 5.07 5.31 5.35 5.10 4.21 4.82 4.36 5.12 5.41 4.55 4.87 4.27 4.56 4.80 4.19 4.64 5.13 4.76 4.86 4.81 4.67 4.64 4.50 4.70 4.69 4.83 4.04 4.72 4.31 5.58 5.27 6.37 6.45 5.52 5.12 5.48 Per- sons to a fam- ily- 4.55 4.53 4.27 4.41 4.80 4.47 4.31 4.67 4.75 4.94 6.01 5.01 4.43 4.81 4.67 4.12 4.58 4.79 4.59 4.73 4.70 4.94 5.34 4.70 4.65 4.59 4.96 4.74 4.26 3.88 4.72 4.63 4.73 4.59 4.75 4.54 4.95 4.59 4.86 4.09 4.71 4.36 4.72 5.31 4.41 4.86 4.21 4.37 4.66 4.18 4.49 4.91 4.39 4.55 4.33 4.45 4.49 4.22 4.46 4.46 4.56 3.97 4.55 4.16 5.21 4.98 6.28 5.40 5.19 4.83 6.15 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 881 T.uTK 4 -TOT^L DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES,. AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continiied. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Indiana— Continued. Fort Wavne Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward (5 Ward 7 "Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Praukfort. .. Franklin Garrett Goshen Greencabtle . Greenfield Greensburg . . Hammond Huntiiigburg. Huntington . Indianapolis Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6.. Ward 7.. Ward 8.. Ward 9.. WaidlO.. Ward 11.. Ward 12.. Ward 13.. Ward 14. Ward 15 . Ward 16. Ward 17 . Ward 18. Ward 19. Ward 20. Ward 21. Ward 22. Ward 23. Ward 24. Ward 25. Jeffersouville Kendallville . Kokomo Lafayette Laporte Lawrenceburg . Lebanon Logansport Madison Marion Martinsville . . . Michigan city . . Mishawaka Mount Vernon . Muncie New Albany . Newcastle — Nobles ville... Peru Plymouth . Portland - - Princeton . Kichmond. RusUville . . Seymour — Sh'elbyville . South Bend Total dwell- ings. Total families. 6, 582 532 438 445 634 913 825 537 956 685 617 1,310 859 530 1,404 830 673 851 973 564 1, 582 21, 138 1,795 1,400 1, 103 729 1,000 963 595 515 334 .578 714 887 879 404 214 439 868 802 1, 324 1,105 1,069 766 1,269 2,103 725 1,774 3,476 1,545 862 826 2,820 1,846 1,791 588 1,981 732 893 2,412 4,133 661 669 1,473 651 855 669 3,665 738 1,126 1,199 4,179 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 7,293 604 544 527 698 1,018 903 576 1, 029 733 661 1,384 887 600 1,491 842 755 906 1,089 608 1,679 23, 063 1, 829 1,465 1,161 810 750 724 1,099 1,003 699 619 515 699 800 916 1,006 491 346 561 893 856 1,358 1,157 1,115 818 1,373 2,242 732 1, 896 3,673 1, 635 953 851 3, 029 1,993 1,920 603 2,157 779 1,009 2,546 4,464 681 723 1,533 fa, 3 875 669 3,868 800 1,186 1, 249 4,581 Per- sons to a fam- 5.33 5.49 6.49 6.22 5.34 5.25 5.03 5.06 5.37 4.99 5.29 4.52 4.40 5.22 4.30 5.29 4.61 4.23 5.58 5.62 4.63 4.99 4.46 4.86 4.68 4.47 4.91 5.09 4.83 4.84 5.28 5.56 7.16 5.77 5.14 4.59 5.20 7.42 7.85 5.46 5.09 4.54 4.73 4.65 4.84 4.84 4.98 5.07 4.08 4.66 4.67 4.61 4.85 4.84 5.22 5.25 4.85 4.71 4.59 4.72 4.M 4.67 4.94 4.28 4.26 4.61 4.05 5.21 4.11 3.97 4.98 5.21 4.36 4.57 4.38 4.65 4.45 4.02 4.57 4.84 4.40 4.65 4.49 4.62 4.64 4.77 4.58 4.44 4.54 6.10 4.86 4.27 4.95 4.26 4.62 4.44 4.64 4.53 4.60 4.76 4.04 4.36 4.42 4.36 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BORODGHS. Indiana— Continued. Terre Haute AVardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Not in wards — Tipton Union Valparaiso . Vincennes . . Wabash Warsaw Washington West Indianapolis Winchester Iowa: Atlantic Belle Plaine. Boone Burlington.. Cedar Falls . Cedar Rapids CenterviUe — Chariton Charles city-. Cherokee Clarinda Clinton Council Bluffs . Creston Davenport Wardl Ward 2 Ward3 AVard4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Not in wards . 4.97 4.50 4.46 4.33 4.73 4.40 4.84 4.48 4.90 4.57 4.56 4.44 .5.44 5.00 4.61 4.33 .5.27 4.66 4.70 4.46 .5.10 4.72 4.08 3.96 4.57 4.22 4.77 4.58 4.18 4.03 4.36 4.26 4.60 4.60 4.53 4.29 4.71 4.34 4.74 4.50 4, .55 4.36 5.22 4.76 Decorah. Des Moines Wardl..- Ward2... Ward 3... Ward 4... Ward 5... Ward 6... Ward 7... Dubuque. Ward 1. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Fairfield Fort Dod^e . . . Fort Madison . Grinnell Independence . Iowa city . Keokuk . . . Knoxville . Lemars Lyons Maquoketa Marion Marshall Mason Missouii Valley. Mount Pleasant . Total dwell- ings. Total families. 6,173 1,246 814 907 818 1,270 984 134 579 019 1,092 1,835 1,100 1, 229 758 713 956 595 1,371 4,436 736 3,758 809 690 673 664 644 2,826 4,284 1, 506 5,328 1,008 827 658 883 912 798 242 552 9,923 1,151 1,392 1,919 1, 291 1,553 1,946 671 5, 515 934 750 1,248 1,107 1,476 779 1,011 1,508 704 746 1,491 2,988 613 801 1,271 705 722 1,939 825 596 887 6,598 1,286 866 959 987 1,334 1,030 136 610 650 1,166 1,896 1,160 923 1,258 787 732 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 4.90 4.81 5.26 4.158 .5.16 4.90 4.76 4.99 4.66 4.33 4.06 4.82 4.64 4.13 4.93 4.65 4.23 Per- sons to a i'am- iiy- 970 605 1,414 4,761 742 3,859 824 727 678 674 646 2,901 4,447 1,521 5,836 1,097 997 783 917 962 838 242 580 10, 488 1,162 1,471 2,007 1,372 1,715 2, 004 697 6,180 968 855 1,472 1,162 1,723 807 1,074 1,596 761 750 1,578 3,107 633 801 1,277 736 733 2, 025 833 617 914 4.58 4.60 4.94 4.33 4.28 4.66 4.55 4.92 4.42 4.12 4.37 4.67 4.40 3.87 4.82 4.48 4.12 4.55 4.41 4.76 5.09 4.70 4.80 4.53 4.52 4.16 5.18 5.07 4.82 5.01 4.78 5.04 4.82 5.08 5.32 5.21 4.74 4.88 6.17 5.07 5.05 5.31 4.92 4.91 5.38 5.15 4.82 5.05 5.50 5.22 5.91 5.63 .5.20 5.57 4.35 4.82 5.24 4.73 4.24 4.71 4.72 4.29 5.04 4.56 4.36 4. 29 4.60 4.86 4.69 4.51 4.49 4.34 4.61 4.74 4.66 4.67 4.45 4.29 4.13 5.11 5.05 4.09 4.83 4.73 4.60 4.42 4.22 4.47 5.02 4.49 4.65 6.17 4.83 4.78 5.26 4.06 4.56 5.06 4.66 4.68 4.86 4.90 5. 03 5.19 4.77 4.95 4.78 4.20 4.54 4.95 4.38 4. 22 4.45 4.54 4.16 5.04 4.54 4.18 4.22 4.40 4.81 4.53 4.37 372- 50 882 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 4.— TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE : 1890— Contiuued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Iowa — Continued Muscatine Newton Oskaloosa Ottnmwa Perry Red Oak Sioux city Ward 1 Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 , Vinton Washington . .. Waterloo WelKSter What Cheer... Kansas : Abilene , Argentine Arkansas city.. Atchison Chauute Clay Center Concordia Eldorado Emporia Fort Scott Girard Holton Horton Hutchinson Independence . . Junction city . . Kansas city Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 AVard 5 Ward 6 Lawrence Leavenworth. .. McPlier.son Manhattan Newton Olathe Osage Osawatomie Oswego Ottawa Paola Parsons Pittsburg Salina Topeka Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 AVard 5 Wellington .... Wichita Winfield Kentucky : Ashland Bellevue Bowling Green . Total dwell- ings. 2,366 627 1,419 2,762 635 736 5,718 1.138 288 1,236 961 1, 320 775 664 765 1,4K1 611 697 819 943 1,681 2,874 637 649 688 754 1,640 2,552 595 555 703 1,821 087 892 7,708 965 1,465 1,612 987 1,146 1,533 4,268 679 615 1,257 716 741 398 560 1,411 1,498 1,389 1,244 6,670 1,339 1,856 1,452 1,333 690 1,049 5, 064 1,134 762 582 1,376 Total families. 2,515 656 1,501 2,962 635 748 6,032 1,250 288 1,314 1,027 1,341 812 076 790 1,543 627 713 820 1,007 1.814 2, 943 657 652 709 754 1,665 2,657 596 578 723 1,861 690 928 8,175 1,052 1,496 1,709 1,053 1,246 1,619 2, 233 4,397 687 633 1,270 732 761 409 561 1,440 715 1,508 1,427 1,270 7,018 1,377 1,988 1,520 1,422 711 1,064 5,194 1,157 822 643 1,520 Per- .sons to a dwell- 4.84 4.09 4.62 5.07 4.54 4.51 6.01 6.52 10. 02 6.37 7.60 5.80 5.85 4.31 4.23 4.57 4.63 4.06 4.33 5.02 4.97 4.86 4.44 4.32 4.63 4.43 4.60 4.68 4.27 4.91 4.72 4.77 4.55 5.05 4.97 5.30 4.84 4.76 4.96 5.03 5.07 4.57 4.63 4.67 4.88 4.46 4.00 4.08 6.69 4.60 4.43 4.28 4.50 4.82 4.94 4.65 4.32 4.54 4.83 4.90 4.71 4.19 4.71 4.57 5.51 5.43 5.67 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4. 55 3.91 4.37 4.73 4.54 4.44 6.27 5.93 10.02 5.99 7.17 5.77 5.59 4.24 4.09 4.33 4.51 4.55 4.33 4.70 4.60 4.74 4.30 4.30 4.49 4.43 4.54 4.50 4.26 4.72 4.59 4.67 4.53 4.85 4.69 4.87 4.74 4.49 4.64 4.63 4.80 4.48 4.50 4.02 4.75 4.41 4.50 4.56 6.51 4.59 4.34 4.12 4.47 4. 6S 4.84 4.42 4.20 4.24 4.62 4.59 4.57 4.13 4.59 4.48 5.10 4.92 5.13 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Kentucky — Continued. Covington Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Cynthiana ... Danville Dayton Frankfort Harrodsburg . Henderson . . . Hopkiusville . Lebanon Lexington Louisville Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 AVard AVard Ward AVard Ward Ward Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Mayfield Maysville Middleboro MountSterling. Newport Oweusboro Paducah . . . Paris Richmond. . Shelby ville.. Somerset AVinchester Louisiana: Alexandria Baton Rouge . . . Donaldsonville . Gretna Lake Charles. . . Monroe New Iberia New Orleans . Ward Ward AVard 3 Ward 4 AVard 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 AVard 8 AVard 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 AVard 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Total dwell- ings. Plaquemine . Shreveport . . 0,133 631 475 679 542 605 883 763 641 590 524 587 628 860 1,339 629 1,674 1,112 527 4,317 24, 999 2,383 1,994 2,039 1,804 1,897 1,124 951 1, 295 1,405 2,246 4,401 3,460 558 1,109 446 626 4,215 1,865 2,479 733 915 540 488 847 538 1,650 611 771 674 809 Oil 43, 000 2,483 2,721 4,670 2,440 3,371 2,203 3,808 2,020 3,182 3,910 3,904 2,280 1,453 807 2,131 796 749 719 2,576 Per- Total sons to a dwell- ing. 7,801 6.09 810 6.16 623 0.03 781 5.93 691 0.46 864 6.59 729 5.46 1,024 6.24 916 6.37 090 5.56 601 6.22 052 5.14 080 6.00 919 4.96 1,465 5.89 713 5.14 1,848 5.28 1,160 5.25 604 5.34 4,551 5.00 32, 970 6.45 2,798 6.04 2,657 6.53 3,023 0.60 2,816 0.99 2,758 7.28 1,594 7.34 1,110 6.94 1,831 7.19 2,090 7.38 3,125 6.58 5,419 5.81 3,749 5.45 568 5.21 1,195 4.83 457 7.33 667 5.80 5,316 5.91 1,969 5.27 2,667 5.16 775 5.75 987 5.54 555 4.96 490 5.38 1,000 5.34 552 5.32 1,710 6.35 703 5.11 792 4.32 702 5.11 811 4.02 623 5.64 48,582 5.63 2,806 5.64 3,359 6.03 5,314 6.04 2,738 5.27 4,108 6.37 2,750 6.41 4,508 5.87 2,427 5.49 3,426 5.39 4,132 5.32 4,306 5.38 2,398 5.38 1,490 5.15 835 6.11 2,331 4.85 830 4.43 818 4.79 732 4.48 2,722 4.65 Per- sons to a 1am- il.V. 4.79 4.76 4.00 5.15. 5.07 4.01 5.11 4.65. 4.46. 4.71 4.93 4.63. 5.54 4.64 5.39. 4.53 4.78- 5.03 4.66. 4.74 4.89. 5.14 4.90 4.49^ 4.48 5.01 5.18 5.95 5.08 4.96 4.73 4.72 5.03 5.12 4.48 7.16 5.44 4.69. 5. 00. 4.80' .5.44 5.14 4.83: 5.36. 4.5^; 5. 18^ 6.13 4.44 4.21 4.90 4.01 5.58; 4.98 4.99 4.88 5.31 4.71 5.23 5.28- 4.96. 4.57 5.00' 5.03 4.88. 5. 5. 5.90 4.43 4.22 4.39 .11 .02 4.40 4.40- BWELLJl'^GS AND PAMILIES. 883 Tab^e 4 -TOTAL DWElbMNGS Km FAMILIES, AKD PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HATING 2,500 INHJIBITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continued. Sanford Skowhegan South Berwick . Thomaston "VinalUaven Waldoboro . Waterville . Westbrook. Maryland : Annapolis. . Baltimore.. AVard 1-. Ward 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4.. Ward 5-- Ward 6.. AVard 7.. Ward 8.. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . 694 1,059 685 566 531 850 1,273 1,154 1,297 72, 112 3,603 2,388 2,605 2,410 2,791 4,631 4,386 3,911 2,067 2,592 3,266 3,897 2,346 3,018 910 1,083 520 539 707 802 509 545 1i,«04 8,230 1,.063 1,461 T715 1,156 776 1,165 «89 1,056 710 952 809 1,050 1,642 1,390 572 617 655 721 1,902 2,048 1,380 1,507 907 1,192 763 674 933 1,463 1,422 1,403 86,6&4 4,494 3,714 3,354 3,271 3,324 5,467 5,154 4,496 2, 552 3,225 4,205 4,171 2,968 3,501 6.28 5.76 7.24 6.57 7.04 5.90 5.80 «. 04 5. ,33 4.71 4.30 4.40 G.05 4.79 5.01 5. 32 4.93 4.12 5.58 5.75 5.86 6.02 6.15 7.05 6.05 6.55 5.66 5.68 5.72 6.31 7.40 6.08 6.22 6.14 6.22 5.79 .43 4.19 4.48 4.37 4.59 4.40 4.47 4.53 4.94 4.27 3.99 4.03 4.63 4.25 4.50 4.46 4.31 3.76 4.86 4.66 5.42 5.01 4.93 4.54 4.70 4.82 4.76 4.81 4.87 5.49 6.00 4.89 4.83 5.74 4.92 4.99 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Total rtwell- ings. Maryland— Continued. Baltimore — Continued. Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Cambridge ... Chestertown . Cumberland . Easton Frederick — Frostburg Hagerstown Havre de Grace . Salisbury Sparrow Point . . Westminster . . . Massachusetts : Abington Adams Amesbury . - . Amherst Andover Arlington Ashland Athol Attleboro . . Barnstable . Beverly Blackstone . Boston Ward 1 Wanl 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. AVard 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. AVard 12. Ward 13. AVard 14. Ward 15. AVard 16. AVard 17 . AVard 18. Ward 10. Ward 20. AVard 21. AVard 22- Ward23. AVard 24. AVard 25. Bradford Braintree Bridsewater Bro;-ktim, Ward 1 . AVard 2 . AVard 3. AVard 4. Ward 5. AVard 6. Ward 7. Brookfield Brookline . Cambridge . Ward r. . , AVard 2... Wards... Ward 4 . . . Ward 5... Total families. Per- sons to a 1 dwell- ing. 1 P^r- .sons to a lam- iiy- 2,346 2,392 4, 222 4,783 4,156 3,490 2,741 4,071 929 558 2,356 614 1,655 771 2,010 668 603 455 574 882 1,544 1,8.59 I 882 1, 156 989 470 1.171 1,309 1,111 1,821 956 52, 669 2,651 1,816 1,646 1,830 1.505 1,391 953 1,217 1,453 746 2,457 1,066 2,033 3,294 2,146 1,451 1, 620 1,712 2,437 3,043 3,263 2,025 3,855 4,961 2,098 687 1,012 757 4,208 445 566 779 607 611 574 626 574 1,686 10, 305 2,020 2,666 1,626 2,734 1,259 3,053 3,173 5,076 5,607 4, 735 3, 955 2,866 4,293 953 558 2,427 615 1,691 775 2,044 669 637 464 608 1,067 1,812 ;i,177 982 1,254 1,130 544 1,566 1,719 1, 126 2,564 1,232 89.716 4,369 3, 282 2, 977 2,876 2,51-1 3,427 2,122 2,671 2,532 1,084 4,004 2,450 4,681 5,339 3,877 3,241 2,834 2,561 4,923 5,242 4,778 4,103 5,213 6,178 2,438 841 1,163 813 6,210 600 894 1,171 909 747 2,377 14, 159 2, 355 4,057 2,587 3,599 1,561 6.30 5.96 5,97 .5.53 5.89 5.74 5.86 5.73 4.51 4.72 5,40 4.79 4.95 4.93 5.03 4.86 4.82 5.51 5.06 4.83 5.97 5.27 5.12 5.31 5.69 5.39 5.40 5.79 3.62 5.94 6.42 8.52 7.41 9'. 52 7.96 7.02 8.25 13.26 13.79 10.70 8.71 11.00 8. »2 11.81 11.01 8.00 8.41 12.44 9.65 9.37 9.44 8.00 7.03 9.88 '6.48 5.97 5.73 5.41 4.79 5.61 6.18 6.71 6.32 6.85 6.71 6.40 6.23 5.84 7.18 6,34 7,19 7,85 6,22 6.58 4.84 4.49 4.97 4.72 5.17 5.07 5.60 5.44 4.40 4.72 5.24 4.78 4.85 4.91 4.95 4.85 4.56 5.40 4.77 3.99 5.08 4.50 4.59' 4.90 4.98 4.65 4.04 4.41 3.57 4.22 4.9S 5.00' 4.49' 5.27 4.40' 4.47 4.94 5.38- 6.19- 4.88 5. 00' 7.57 5.41 5.14 4. 7S- 4.94 4.66. 5.57 5. 52-' 6.2e 4,68 4.64 4.80 4,88 4,80 4.80 4.94 4.42 4.17 5.23 4.40 4.59 4.25 4.20 4.57 4.60 4.41 4.27 4.49 5.09 4.95 5.44 4.73 4.93 4.72 5.31 884 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 4.— TOTAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Coutinued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Massachusetts — Cont'd. Cauron Chelmsford Clielaea . - Ward 1. AVard 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Chicopee . Clinton. .. Concord . . DaUon . . . Danvers . . Dartmouth . Dedham Deertield Dennis Dudley East Bridgewater . Easthampton Easton Everett Fairhaven Fall River. Wardl.. AVard 2. . Wards.. Ward 4.. Ward 5.. Ward 6.. Ward?.. Wards.. AVard9.. Falmouth Fitchhurg Foxboro Framingham . Fraukliu Gardner Gloucester Grafton , Great Barrington . Greenfield Hard wick Harwich Haverhill , Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3 . . Ward 4.. Ward 5. . Ward 6. . Hingham. H olden . . . HoUiston. Holyoke . Ward 1. Ward 2. AVard 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. AVarde. AVard 7. Hopkinton . Hudson . . . . Hyde Park. Ipswich Lawrence . Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4- . AVard 5.. Ward 6. . Lee Leicester . 887 620 4,477 865 1,113 1,141 1,358 2,049 1,535 706 546 1,178 760 1.435 603 841 417 670 769 92S 2,101 679 6,644 1,086 722 566 666 523 1,019 583 462 1,017 607 3,469 683 1,868 869 1.461 3,581 907 929 1,019 491 743 4,142 430 446 519 673 1,^60 1,039 478 589 3,140 337 281 310 494 367 634 717 788 845 1,694 870 5, 811 983 795 917 926 1,269 921 805 581 949 627 6,210 1,220 1,624 1,563 1,803 2,582 2,014 742 584 1,464 810 1,498 648 849 002 722 892 1,016 2,561 796 14, 383 2, 203 1,575 1,388 1,657 1,413 2,234 1,227 689 1,997 671 4,691 772 1,985 1,047 1,909 4,560 1,065 1,001 1,208 570 793 5,940 659 626 772 832 1,903 1,148 1,130 572 670 6,725 808 902 930 1,405 059 1,198 823 912 1,049 2,135 1,034 9,062 1,511 1,193 1,755 1,572 1,761 1,270 856 691 5.12 4.35 6.23 6.26 6.35 6.25 6.11 6.86 6.79 6.27 5.28 6.33 4.11 4.96 4.83 3.45 7. »6 4.34 5.72 4.84 5.27 4.30 11.20 11.29 10.15 12.54 12.60 14.37 12.19 9.60 6.66 10.52 4.23 6.35 4.29 4.95 5.56 5.77 5.51 4.96 5. 15 5.95 3.08 6.62 7.43 5.71 7.90 5.34 7.26 5.93 4.39 5.49 4.45 11.35 12.90 18.31 16.40 15.41 8.32 9.82 5.81 5.19 5.53 6.02 5.10 7.68 7.07 7.97 9.13 9.88 6.22 6.47 4.70 5.37 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.78 4. 30 4.49 4.44 4.35 4.56 4.60 5.44 5.18 5.97 4.94 5.09 3.83 4.76 4.49 3.41 4.89 4.03 4.93 4.42 4.32 3.67 .5.17 5.56 4.65 .5.12 5.07 5.32 5.50 4.56 4.47 5.36 3.83 4.70 3.80 4.65 4.61 4.41 5.41 4.70 4.01 4.35 5.13 3.45 4.61 4.92 4.07 5.31 4.32 4.80 4.17 4.04 4.59 3.91 5.30 5.38 5.70 5.47 5.42 4.63 5.20 5.06 4.48 4.45 4.77 4.29 4.93 4.60 5.31 4.77 5.82 4.48 4.69 4.42 4.52 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Mnssachusetts — Cont'd. Lenox Leominster Lexington Lowell . . . Wardl. Ward 2. AVard 3. Ward 4. AVard 5. Ward 6. Lynn Ward 1 Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Ward 7. Maiden Mansfield . . . Marblehead . Marlboro Maynard Medford .. Medway .. Melrose... Merriniac . Methuen . . Middleboro . Mil ford Millbury Milton Monson Mont.ague. . Nantucket Natick' Needham. . New Bedford. AVard 1 . . . . Ward 2 .... Ward 3 AVard 4 . . . . Ward 5 .... Ward 6 Newburyport . Newton , North Adams . Northamptou.. North Andover... North Attleboro.. Northbridge North Brookfield. Norwood . Orange . . . Oxford . . . Palmer . . . Peabody... Pepperell.. Pittsfleld.. Plymouth . Provincetown . Quincy Randolph Readiug Revere . . . Rockland . Rockport. Salem Ward 1. AVard 2. AVard 3. AVard 4. AVard 5. AVapd 6. Total dwell- ings. 451 1,316 635 10, 794 1, 249 1,985 2,103 2,120 1,866 1,471 8,532 232 616 2,068 1,469 1,808 2,000 339 4,125 708 1,447 2.153 563 2,145 678 1,742 583 1,001 1,260 ' 1, 525 681 719 706 1,673 622 6,067 1,370 810 842 612 924 1,509 2,896 4,269 2,397 2,512 702 1,214 678 638 717 791 563 1,203 1,602 626 3,116 1,417 987 2,983 828 848 1,026 1,070 770 4,530 I 581 893 645 i 775 962 674 Total families. 522 1,706 684 14, 892 1,951 2,422 2,882 2, 685 2,837 2,115 12, 205 301 734 2,963 2, 221 2,771 2,778 437 5,140 816 2,040 2,774 563 2,394 741 1,922 624 1,076 1,474 2,037 963 860 775 1,327 973 2,072 672 9,023 2,084 1,174 1,274 868 1,204 2, 419 3,286 4,740 3,136 2, 998 807 1,499 931 911 826 1,164 659 1, -282 2,189 751 3,554 1,780 1,223 3,452 933 998 1,226 1,242 1,020 7,010 1,081 1,263 964 1,134 1,581 987 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 6.41 5.52 5.03 7.20 9.13 6.64 6.80 6.07 8.56 6.79 6.53 5.35 5.10 5.91 7.66 7.21 6.40 6.05 5.58 4.85 5.67 6.41 4.80 5.17 4.40 4.89 4.52 4.81 4.81 5.76 6.50 5.95 5.17 6.42 3.65 5.45 4.88 6.71 7.99 5.65 5.48 5.75 5.72 7.82 4.82 5.71 6.71 5.97 5.33 5.54 6.79 6.07 5.21 5.77 4.65 5.42 6.34 5.00 5.55 5.16 4.70 5.61 4.77 4.82 5.52 4.87 5.31 6.80 8.02 5.82 6.18 6.54 8.10 «.08 Per- sons to ,a fam- iiy- 5.53 4.26 4.67 5.22 5.84 5.45 4.96 4.79 5.63 4.72 4.57 4.12 4.28 4.12 5.06 4.71 4.60 4.69 4.48 4.21 4.02 4.98 4.80 4.63 4.03 4.43 4.22 4.47 4. U 4.31 4.60 4.97 4.71 4.74 3.36 4.40 4.52 4.51 5.25 3.90 3.62 4.06 4.39 4.88 4.24 5.14 5.13 5.00 4.64 4.49 4.94 4.25 4.52 3.92 3.97 5.09 4.64 4.16 4.86 4.11 3.80 4.84 4.23 4.10 4.62 4.20 4.01 4.39 4.31 4.11 4.14 4.47 4.93 4.15 DWELLINGS AKD FAMILIES. 885 , TOTAT DWELLINGS OD FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO 1 f'ISiLY FOR PLACES IllviNG 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Continued. CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES AND BOROUGHS. Massachusetts— Cont'd. Saugus 3omer\ulle Wardl.. Ward 2- . Wards.. Ward 4.. Southbridge.. South Hadley Spencer Springfield . - . Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Wards Stoneham . . - Stoughtou . . . Sutton Swauipscott. Taunton . Wardl- Ward 2. AVardS. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Ward?. Ward 8. Tenipletou . Tewksbury Uxbridge. .. Wakefield. - Walpole Waltham... Ware Warebam .. Warren Watertown- Webster Wellesley Westboro West Boylston. WestfielA Westport West Springfield. Weymouth Whitman Williamstown Winchendon . Winchester . . Winthrop — Wobum Worcester Ward 1 - - Ward 2.. Wards.. Ward 4.. Ward 5. . Ward 6.. Ward 7. . Wards.. Wrenthara . Michigan : Adrian Albion Allegan Alpena Ann Arbor. -- Ausable Battle Creek . Total dwell- ings. Total families. 756 6,542 1,519 2,018 1,605 1,400 1,294 705 1,167 6,881 1, 664 492 654 708 1, 915 561 506 381 1,184 1,009 511 58S 4,036 747 282 485 371 255 . 416 420 1,054 601 341 627 1,265 559 3.357 1,288 799 899 1,252 ],S24 542 801 478 1,866 614 870 2, 280 924 733 867 920 584 2,459 9,785 1,051 1,497 1,004 941 1,622 1,165 1,385 1,120 552 2,103 903 669 2,011 2,014 799 2,817 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 837 8,949 2,255 2,920 1,948 1,826 1,519 858 1,793 9,916 2, 638 899 1,170 962 2, 353 788 584 516 1,438 1,162 673 742 5,470 1,089 383 791 494 273 610 527 1,303 726 363 738 1,619 622 3,823 1,432 871 968 1,462 1,514 573 990 663 2,342 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 1,145 2,540 1,110 849 1,023 1,005 584 2,872 17,800 1,776 2, 772 1,753 2,033 3, 353 1,897 2,396 1,820 626 2,182 932 695 2,301 2,241 869 3,199 4,86 0.14 6.66 6.55 5.32 5.92 5.92 6.04 7.50 6.42 7.26 S.67 7.73 6.17 5.17 6.50 4.73 6.50 5.20 4.81 6.22 5.49 6.31 6.17 5.66 7.64 5.44 4.31 6.43 5.71 6.94 4.99 7.38 5.44 5,52 4.66 5.57 5.6P 4. 32 5.21 5.65 5.31 6.64 6.49 6.32 5.25 4.23 5.84 4.77 4.81' 5.76 4.39 4.49 4.49 4.52 4.38 4.54 5.04 4,97 4.88 4.46 4.58 4.74 4. 4. 4, 4, 4 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Total dwell- ings. Michigan— Continued. Bay city 30 54 21 63 09 4.80 5.06 5.28 4.67 .5.49 8.65 7.66 9.34 9.22 10.46 10.21 7.59 7.46 6.96 4.65 4.28 4.18 4,73 4.31 4.65 4.23 4.17 4.68 4.09 4.03 4.38 4.62 5.61 4.13 6.93 4.62 4.31 4.19 4.89 5.12 3.90 4.84 4.84 4.64 6.28 5.25 4.55 4.19 3.79 4.43 4.28 4.00 4.97 4.29 4.84 4.67 4.70 4.76 4.53 5,04 5.28 4.84 4.94 4.60 4.31 4.28 4.10 4.16 4.17 .3.99 5.61 4.68 5.42 4.68 4.01 4.04 3.84 4.90 4.21 4.98 4.13 AVard AVard AVard Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward S.- Ward 9-. Ward 10.. Ward 11. Benton Harbor. Bessemer Big Rapids Cadillac Charlotte... Cheboygan. Coldwater. . Detroit. Ward 1.. AVard 2.. Ward 3.. Ward 4.. AVard 5.. Ward 6-. AVard 7.. Ward 8., AVard 9. AVard 10. AVard 11. Ward 12. AVard 13. Ward 14. AVard 15. Ward 10. Dowagiac Escanaba Flint Fort Gratiot . Grand Haven Grand Rapids . Ward 1 AVard 2 AVard 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 .... Ward 6 AVard 7 Ward 8 AVard 9 Ward 10.... Greenville- . . . Hastings Hillsdale Holland Ionia Iron Mountain . Ironwood Ishpemiug Jackson Kalamazoo Lansing Lapeer Ludiugton . Manistee — Manistique Marine ..... Marquette . Marshall . - - Menominee. Monroe Mount Clemens . Mount Pleasant. Muskegon Jiegaunee Total families. Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 5,253 581 418 343 686 580 618 511 498 232 344 442 849 389 1,179 920 995 1, 204 1, 324 36, 2, 1. 2. 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3. 3, 2. 2, 1 1 1 1 992 226 914 493 360 662 795 256 590 493 232 572 479 ,606 ,568 ,104 642 721 994 2,153 569 1,026 11,411 1,7.54 605 930 1,228 1,361 1,356 1,224 593 850 1.510 759 708 933 755 1,017 1,179 1,067 1,475 4,409 3,651 062 346 984 520 041 1,028 590 4,526 839 5,525 581 422 369 737 583 633 512 579 . 265 385 459 901 449 1,204 1,031 1,234 1,384 42, 209 2,411 2, 081 3, 093 2, 567 3,319 3, 038 2, 880 2,744 4, 494 3,449 2,809 2, 923 1.749 1,638 1.183 1,831 761 1,189 2.326 576 1,037 Per- sons to a fam- ily. 5.30 4.98 6.23 5.34 5.10 4.85 4.67 4.86 6.13 1 6.41 5.90 5.12 4.35 6.60 4.50 4.85 3.89 5.18 3.96 5.57 .5.91 5.72 5.72 5.08 6.13 4.95 6.42 4.86 6.15 4.95 5.43 5.81 5.49 5.23 .5.42 5.74 3.89 6.85 4.55 4.98 4.90 3,393 5.28 2,117 5.44 841 5.31 949 5.28 1,482 5.57 1, 579 5.22 1,539 5.25 1,450 5.34 767 5.55 991 5.40 1,678 4.73 781 4.03 762 4.20 1,002 798 1,099 1,331 1,198 1,898 4,840 3,930 2,941 688 1,622 2,557 529 695 1,612 1,024 1,919 1,097 1,082 626 4,810 996 4.20 5,23 4,41 7.29 7.26 7.59 4.65 4.89 4.65 4.08 5.28 5.68 6.01 4.94 6.76 4.03 6.99 5.05 4.62 4. ,58 5.02 7.24 5.04 4.98 0.17 4.96 4.75 4.82 4.56 4.85 5.27 5.62 5.27 4.93 4.10 5.71 4.40 4.52 3.75 5.05 3.79 4.88 5.46 5.26 4.61 4.67 4.92 4.56 5.03 4.59 4.78 4.64 4.97 4.93 5.04 5.00 5.00 5.15 3.69 5.73 4.21 4.92 4.84 4.50 4.50 3.82 5.17 4.62 4.50 4.63 4.51 4.29 4.63 4.26 3.91 3.90 3.91 4.94 4.08 6.46 6.46 5.90 4.30 4.54 4.45 4.00 4.63 5.01 5.56 4.70 5.64 3.88 5.54 4.79 4.39 4.31 4.72 6.10 886 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 4.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Confcinuecl. CITIES. TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Michigan — Cont imied. Niles Oscoda Owos.so Petoskev Pontiac Port Huron Ked Jacket. Saginaw. ., Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 AVard 7 Ward 8. Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11, Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. St. Ignace . St.jShns.. St. Joseph . Sault Sie. Marie - Three Kivers Traverse West Bay city . Wyandotte . . ' . . Tpsilanti Minnesota : Albert Lea . Anoka Austin Brainerd . . Cloquet .-- Crookston. Duluth . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Faribault Fergus Falls Ha.sting.s Mankato Minneapolis. Ward 1... Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . New TJlm . Norlhfield Owatonna.. Eed Wing. Rochester. . St. Cloud. . Total dwell- ings. 1,009 617 1,401 636 1,224 2,742 359 8,990 691 840 454 784 905 555 796 358 416 676 635 558 410 438 474 450 765 692 1, 034 755 686 2,407 742 1,333 684 865 742 331 657 4,052 284 341 1,177 1,001 694 555 1,135 772 778 1,678 25, 281 1,475 1,621 3, 652 3,047 2,853 2, 123 2,313 2,424 2,075 767 2,200 331 400 738 552 805 1,215 901 1,278 Total families. Per- sons to a dwell- ing 1,072 681 1,499 1,232 2,810 528 9,392 732 863 497 817 952 573 802 389 416 719 661 586 430 451 504 470 770 771 1,100 791 735 2, 554 755 1,435 1,204 349 658 4,841 341 366 1,467 1,199 885 583 1,200 791 794 1,804 32, 901 2,041 1,969 4,988 3,997 3,607 3,194 2,862 2,784 2,741 856 3, 052 366 444 787 575 807 1,319 946 1,362 4.16 5.82 4.69 4.52 5.07 4.94 8.56 5.15 5.37 4.71 7.84 4.86 5.25 5.46 4.65 4.99 4.64 4.79 5.18 4.97 5.04 4.82 5.49 5.93 4.09 5.39 5.57 4.15 6.35 5.39 5.14 4.60 4.83 4.92 5.26 5.19 7.64 5.26 8.17 11.46 6.53 8.35 8.72 8.10 6.21 5.74 4.89 4.76 5.27 6.52 7.03 5.83 0.48 7.43 7.20 7.40 5.73 5.52 6.04 5.89 6.52 5.74 5.78 5.07 4.82 4.78 5.18 5.91 6.01 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- .3.92 5.28 4.38 4.21 5,03 4.82 5.82 4.93 5.07 4.58 7.16 4.67 4.99 5.29 4.62 4.60 4.64 4.50 4.98 4.74 4.80 4.68 5.16 5.75 4.06 4.84 5.24 3.96 5.92 5.08 5.06 4.27 4.81 4.79 4.90 4.74 7.25 5.25 6.84 9.55 6,08 6.70 7.28 6.35 5.91 5.43 4.77 4.67 4.90 5.01 5.08 4.80 4.74 5.67 5.69 4.96 4.63 4.81 4.57 5.27 4.70 5.19 5.20 4.75 4.62 4.77 4.77 5.62 5.64 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOHOUGHS. Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 8 . Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Minnesota— Continued. St. Paul Ward 1 2 3 4 5 St. Peter Stillwater West Duluth. Winona Mississippi: Aberdeen . Biloxi Columbus . Greenville Jackson Meridian . . Natchez . . . Vicksburg Water Valley . Wesson West Point Yazoo Missouri: Aurora Bonne Terre . Boonville Brooktield Butler Cameron Cape Girardeau . Carrol Iton Carterville Carthage Chillicothe Clinton Columbia De Soto Fulton Hannibal Holden Independence . Jefferson Joplin Kansas city... Ward ] Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Kirksville. Lamar Lexington Liberty . . . Louisiana . Macon Total dwell- ings. 20, 976 2,752 2,319 878 1,527 2,484 2,430 1,611 3,848 2,110 557 460 528 1,713 508 3,479 704 674 846 1,481 1,205 1,880 1,875 2,498 604 442 544 760 661 723 721 921 618 630 818 773 570 1,510 1,210 985 802 78U 652 2,738 562 1,328 23, 140 1,099 686 1,532 2, 039 1,603 1,494 2,498 2,692 4,244 2,720 892 368 640 633 735 632 914 513 950 734 Total families. 25, 832 3, 470 2,761 1,138 2,195 3,034 3,016 1,787 4,738 2,599 600 494 560 2,073 571 3,717 725 088 866 1,503 1,271 2,080 2,033 2,942 604 523 565 778 682 737 794 921 063 636 881 799 574 1,573 1,275 1,016 821 820 715 2,868 565 1,350 1,053 2,001 26, 734 1,255 793 1,821 2,306 1,822 1,930 2, 834 3,191 4,945 3,158 922 404 689 664 757 640 958 513 1,051 778 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 6.35 0.21 5,89 8.56 8.28 6.09 6.08 6.29 6.06 6.28 5.42 5.70 6.95 6.57 6.63 5.23 4.90 4.80 5.39 4.50 4.91 5.65 5.39 5.35 4.69 7.17 5.08 4.32 5.27 5.14 5.74 4.94 4.34 4.63 5.25 5.02 5.06 5.29 4.72 4.81 4.99 5.04 6.62 4.70 4.48 4.80 7.66 5.21 5.74 6.35 7.88 7.09 5.63 5.20 6.52 5.48 5.99 5.29 5.37 5.17 5.09 5 29 5.02 4.78 4.53 4.96 4.99 5.36 4.59 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 5.15 4.92 4.95 6.60 5.76 4.98 4.90 5.67 4.93 5.10 5.03 5.30 6.56 5.43 5.90 4.90 4.76 4.70 5.26 4.43 4.66 5.11 4.97 4.55 4.69 6.06 4.89 4.22 5.11 5.05 5.22 4.94 4.24 4.59 4.88 4.85 5.02 5.07 4.48 4.66 4.87 4.83 6.03 4.48 4.46 4.73 6.40 4.97 4.96 5.56 6.81 5.97 4.97 4.58 5.05 4.83 5.05 4.54 4.62 5.00 4.63 4.92 4.78 4.64 4.47 4.74 4.99 4.84 4.33 ►DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 887 ^-^i^^^^ys^^'^'s^^^-^^^ -"^r^" ™ 5.S8 5.16 4.35 10.24 5.31 5.08 4.26 5.06 4.31 4.71 4.16 5.14 4.39 5.09 4.08 4.02 3.88 5.33 4.24 5. 05 4.09 3.96 3.93 4.62 4.01 5. 54 4.74 5.33 5.20 5.11 4.09 4.96 4.09 8.31 5.16 7.72 5.47 5.44 4.21 8.93 5.20 8.38 4.92 13. 39 5.66 5. 68 4.36 7.67 0.13 9. 52 5.61 4.17 4.13 5.46 4.72 5.97 4.69 4.31 3.91 0.02 5.34 4. 60 3.92 4.80 4.05 4.62 4.25 1,682 4.79 i 4.40 1,223 G.U 5.08 571 5. 23 4. 53 G51 5. 34 1 4. 64 2,801 2,851 2,097 3,487 952 955 2.597 2.649 1.618 1, 627 12, 362 12, 667 1,564 1, 592 1,964 2, 004 984 999 1. 122 1, 137 1,536 1,594 1.541 1,595 1, 327 1,358 1, 278 1, 322 1,046 1,066 4.06 7.00 4.45 4.40 4.49 4.72 4. 4.80 4.61 4.72 4.77 4.51 4.03 4.69 4.65 4.58 5.40 4.43 4.31 4.46 4.60 4.81 4.76 4.54 4.66 4.60 4.36 4.53 4.54 4.57 888 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tahlk 4.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PEESONS TO A DWELLINP A^n -rn A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE^ ISoI-Confinufd CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, /J^D BOROUGHS. Hew Jersey- Elizabefh , Waidl., Ward 2. . Ward 3.. Ward 4.. Wards.. Ward 6. . AVardY.. Ward 8. . -Continued. Freehold Gloucester Hacken.sack Haddontield. Hammontou- Harrison Iloboken - Wardl. Ward 2. AVard 3. A\'ard4. Jersey city Aldernia'nic district 1 . Aldermanic district 2. Alderinauic district 3. Aldermanic district 4. Aldermanic district 5. Aldermanic district 6. Keyport Lambeitville . Long Branch - Millville Morristown . . Newark . . Ward 1 AVard 2 Ward 3 AYard 4 AVard 5 Ward G Ward 7 Ward 8 AYard 9 Ward 10 Ward 1 1 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 New Brunswick. Newton Ocean Grove Orange Passaic Paterson . Ward 1 . AVard2. AVard 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. AVard 6. AVard 7. AVard 8- Perth Amboy . Phillipsburg .. Plainiield Princeton Eahway... Earitan . . . Eed Bank . Salem Somerville . . . . South Amboy . South Orange . Total dwell- ings. 5.820 1,350 1,015 884 347 1,036 443 323 422 572 1,323 1,149 534 730 1,168 3,411 647 654 1,374 736 18,562 1,486 2,146 2,214 5,095 3,011 4,610 729 993 1,506 2,117 1,457 23, 296 1,166 1,014 935 703 719 2,820 1,012 3, 052 1,144 1,968 1,620 2,286 2,770 962 1,125 3,076 638 631 2,938 1,723 9,870 1,047 1,364 2,124 1,322 1,260 506 641 1,606 1,463 1,820 1,963 666 1,427 397 852 1,356 766 909 503 Total families. 7,683 1,858 1,496 1,228 460 1,208 525 364 544 604 1,324 1,318 535 909 1,794 9,413 2,237 1,203 3,188 2,785 34, 434 3,717 6,331 5,075 8,081 4, 193 7,037 790 1,001 1,607 2,154 1,457 38, 906 1,555 1,609 1,467 1,195 1,255 5,447 1,966 4,229 1,507 2,967 2,155 4,190 6,116 1,200 2,048 4, 026 656 631 3, 703 2,481 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 6.49 6.57 7.50 6.60 6.38 5.78 5.86 6.20 6.26 5.13 4.96 5.23 4.69 5.25 7.14 12.80 15.55 8.81 10.81 17.61 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 16,815 1,888 2,264 3,207 1,920 2,275 935 1,320 3,006 1,860 1,847 2,172 681 1,627 483 925 1,356 903 913 561 12.00 14.08 10.98 7. 22 6'74 7.28 4.68 4.17 4.80 4.72 5.60 7.81 6.51 7.05 0.85 8.46 7.51 9.16 9.18 6.41 6.19 7.06 7.27 8.58 9.96 5. 93 7.96 6.05 4.71 4.36 6.41 7.56 7.94 7.95 7.62 7.15 6.72 8.60 7.95 9.29 9.18 4.92 4.78 5.09 4.75 4.81 4.96 4.95 5.51 4.85 4.85 4.96 4.56 4.68 4.22 4.65 4.64 4.50 4.79 4.66 4.65 4.73 4.80 4.77 4.79 4.55 4.84 4.77 4.32 4.14 4.50 4.64 5.60 4.67 4.88 4.44 4.37 4.98 4.31 4.74 4.72 4.63 4.70 4.68 5.47 4.68 4.51 4.75 4.37 4.62 4.58 4.36 5.09 .5.25 6.50 4.73 5.74 5.14 4.98 6.44 4.87 4.07 5.04 4.76 6.17 4.66 4.41 4.59 4.73 4.63 4.76 4.30 4.51 4.90 5.11 4.68 5.19 5.02 4.37 5.29 4.48 4.07 4.28 4.74 5.54 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New Jersey— Continued. Trenton 1 AVard Ward AVard 3 AVard 4 AVard 5 AVard 6 Ward 7 AVard « AVard 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Union A^ineland Washington Woodbury . . New Mexico: Albuquerque (a) Santa Pe New York : Alliany ... AVard 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. AVard 4. AVard 5. AVard 6. AVard 7. AVard 8. Ward 9., AVard 10.. AVard 11.. Ward 12.. Wardl.f.. AVard 14 . . Ward 15.. AVard 16.. AVard 17.. Albion Amsterdam Auburn . . AVard 1 AVard 2 AVard 3 AVard 4 AVard 5 AYard 6 AYard 7 Ward 8 AVard 9 AYard 10 Baldwinsville . BallstonSpa... Batavia Bath Binghamton. Ward Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 AA'ard 5 AA'ard 6. AVard 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Brockport. Brooklyn. . AVartl AYard AVard AVard 1... 2... 3... 4... Total dwell- ings. 11, 428 952 606 1,300 991 1,120 533 1,979 778 1,265 762 1,142 1, 435 873 543 839 956 1,343 13, 153 818 604 547 667 679 532 495 529 622 1,239 937 771 720 870 704 1,237 1,182 991 2,787 4,943 694 612 351 381 339 531 440 549 458 588 712 733 1,599 725 5,595 760 469 609 172 541 424 691 289 183 369 648 207 233 856 82, 282 1,930 626 2,080 1,223 Total families. 11,901 991 630 1,365 1,064 1,184 579 2,063 791 1,306 778 1,150 2,400 972 544 855 959 1,361 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 20, 433 1,295 1,235 1,109 1,209 987 715 660 941 970 1,990 1,483 1,284 1,028 1,010 1,110 1, 685 1,722 1,124 3,676 5.518 778 723 379 459 386 564 495 591 493 050 5.03 5.33 5.05 5.64 5.08 4.99 5.24 4.74 4.89 4.84 5.18 4.C6 7.42 4.38 5.22 4.66 3.96 4.61 Per- sons to a i'am- iiy- 742 835 1,640 834 7,759 982 C09 764 202 737 570 1,010 457 297 532 1,025 264 310 170, 970 3, 15« 1,877 3,886 2,312 7.22 7.71 9.42 8.80 8.00 6.25 6.46 6.80 7.90 7.50 7.55 6.81 7.34 0.72 5.61 7.45 6.91 6.75 4.63 6.22 5.23 5.11 4.91 4.63 9.24 5.01 5.00 5.05 5.01 4.84 4.45 4.27 4.81 4.52 4.50 6.26 5.55 5.81 5.97 5.18 5.75 5.81 5.93 7.69 7.29 6.86 6. .39 11.76 5.14 4.37 9.80 10.38 14.35 9.02 10.08 4.83 5.12 4.86 5.37 4.73 4.72 4.82 4.55 4.81 4.69 5.08 4.62 4.43 3.93 5.21 4.57 3.95 4.54 a New town. 4.65 4.87 4.61 4.34 4.41 4.30 4.81 5.10 i.U 4.81 4.70 4.31 4.41 4.71 4.83 4.72 5.07 4.63 4.08 4.72 4.69 4.56 4.15 4.29 7.67 4.40 4.71 4.49 4.65 4.50 4.03 4.10 4.22 4.40 3.91 4.51 4.29 4.47 4.76 4.41 4.22 4.32 4.06 4.86 4.49 4.76 4.04 9.22 3.86 4.13 4.72 6.35 4.79 4.83 5.33 DWELLmGS AND FAMILIES. 889 ^ T^AAiTTTTTd Avn PFTfSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO CITIES. TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Total flwell- ing.s. New York— Continued. Brooklyn— Continued. Ward 5 6 7 8 Ward Ward Ward Ward 9-. Ward 10.. Ward 11.- Ward 12.. Ward Vi-- Ward 14-. Ward 1.5.. Ward 16 . AVardlT-. Ward 18.. Ward 19. Ward 20 - Ward 21- Ward22. Ward 2;!. Ward 24. Ward 25. Ward 26. Bufl'alo. Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Canandaigua . Canastota Canton Catskill Clyde echoes College Point. Coney Island. Oooperstown . Corning Cortland . . . Dansville.. Dunkirk . - Edgewater Ellen ville . Eluiira Wardl. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Wards. Ward 6. Ward 7. Fairport EishkiH on Hudson Flushing Fort Hamilton Fort Plain Fredonia Fulton Geneva Glens Falls. - Gloversville . Goshen Gouverneur . Greenbush . . Green Island.. Haverstraw . . - Hempstead Hoosick Falls . Total families. Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 1,510 3,074 4, 383 3,688 1,855 3,116 2,411 2,351 2,232 1, 931 2, 559 2,849 3,407 6,704 3,497 3,150 4,814 6,170 4,257 2,110 5,937 4,412 37, 290 2, 266 863 1,921 1,194 6,994 4,072 6,549 1,154 1,260 2,445 5,501 1,715 1,356 1,308 667 591 904 638 4,211 7, 573 7, 492 6,768 3, 729 7,395 4,948 5,838 4,630 5,918 6.245 10, 599 9,044 16, 309 7,968 4,816 11,161 10, 327 6,056 2,917 9,516 6,277 51,461^ 3,250 1,186 2,802 1,851 11,367 6, 4!J3 8,737 1,917 1,557 2,701 6,184 1.867 1.589 1,351 704 632 1,179 684 Per- sons to a fam- ily- 13.36 12.26 8.14 8.47 9.54 10.92 9.41 11.64 9.69 14.11 10.80 16.05 12.16 11.18 10.36 7.66 10.41 8.14 6.89 7.95 7.52 6.69 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. 2, 771 852 520 490 1,707 1,749 837 2,005 . 2,339 561 5.817 453 663 748 701 1,551 979 722 593 661 1,463 462 654 951 1,600 1,907 2, 503 531 706 1,246 749 838 971 1,057 4,554 1,240 525 519 1, 885 6.86 7.56 8.02 6.73 7.12 7.87 7.69 6.43 8.53 6.53 5.87 5.51 6.33 6.00 4.79 4.98 4.77 4.62 4.75 4.60 4.59 4.69 4.67 4.60 4.42 4.31 4.58 4.61) 4.55 5.01 4.49 4.87 4. 85 5.75 4. 69 4.70 4.97 5.27 5.84 4.01 4.59 4.H4 4.85 4.82 5.14 5.2!) 5.31 4.90 5.81 5.12 New Tork— Continued. Hornellsville Hudson Huntington nion Ithaca Jamaica Jamestown Johnstown King.ston Total dwell- ings. 1,750 886 2,079 2,832 674 6,770 455 766 933 879 1,785 1,109 843 602 757 1,739 512 721 823 1,061 1,690 2,012 3, ^_77 564 811 1,636 1,019 1,053 1,017 1,532 4.49 4.16 4.37 5.44 4.13 8.12 7.19 6.37 5.42 5.01 4.91 4.49 4.70 6.10 5.14 5.31 4.94 5.22 5.28 5.82 I 4.91 5.96 5.14 4.30 5.47 5.77 5.66 4.38 4.16 4.43 4.72 4.99 5.54 5.47 4.90 5.86 5.96 6.05 4.98 6.64 Lansingburg Leroy Little Falls Lockport Long Island city . Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Wardl Ward 5 Lowville Lyons lialoiie Matteawan Mechanicsville . . Medina Middletown Mount Vernon . . Newark New Brighton . . Newburg New Eochelle ... 4.34 3.94 4.08 4.17 3.86 4.94 4.94 6.31 5.12 4.54 4.91 4.24 4.53 5.04 4.27 4.56 4.92 4.52 4.23 4.64 4.27 5.26 4.40 4.24 4.78 4.85 5.11 3.97 4.13 3.97 4.47 4.73 3.99 5.15 4.26 4.46 4.38 4.81 4.75 4.58 New York. Ward Ward AVard Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 New York Mills . . . . Niagara Falls North Tarrytown.. North Tonawanda . Norwich Nyack Ogdensburg ofean Oneida Oneonta Oswego Peekskill Penn Yan Plattsburg Port Chester Port Jervis Port Kichmond Potsdam Total families. Poughkeepsie I 3 2,305 1,637 616 812 2, 363 1,023 3,139 1,460 3,447 1,889 630 I 1,855 3,440 3,986 749 I 425 769 1,416 627 622 983 953 534 960 1, 943 2,138 2,414 3,406 ! 1,443 81, 828 736 94 198 725 666 741 2, 113 1,739 3,557 1,496 2,400 15. 141 1,431 899 1,870 3, 236 3,689 3, 373 12, 261 4,171 4,003 7,766 6,242 3,275 458 1.048 553 809 1,211 2,376 1,480 1,381 1,355 4,528 1,708 1,042 1,196 847 1,709 1,090 795 516 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 2,542 2,220 681 961 2,661 1,151 3,679 1,861 4,601 2,498 676 2,018 3,564 6,259 1,663 662 970 1,966 Per- son.s to a fam- ily- 4.77 6.09 4.92 5.00 4.69 5.24 5.11 5.32 6.17 5.58 4.35 4.73 4.60 7.65 11.16 7.77 6.26 0.54 7.00 627 4.04 1, 093 4. 55 1,053 5.23 973 5. 42 4.33 4.49 4.45 4.22 4.16 4.66 4.36 4.17 4.62 4.22 4.06 4.35 4.50 4.87 5.03 4.99 4.96 4.71 4.78 4.00 4.09 4.74 4.40 615 981 2, 584 2,228 805 3, 072 5, 132 1,515 312, 766 2,277 126 405 3.567 2,481 *,075 11,580 6,689 11,899 11,751 16,140 50. 107 9,580 5,810 4,580 10, 383 23, 709 12, 004 45, 979 19, 042 12, 122 33, 198 11,484 3,718 1,058 703 899 1,373 916 2,532 1,606 1,464 1,492 4,782 1,966 1,118 1,376 1,083 1,978 1,234 806 5,011 5.02 4.68 6.16 5.07 4.61 6. 80 0.78 5.69 18.52 15.11 9.88 19. 02 24. 50 18.60 31. 20 27. 15 17.95 15. 30 38.50 31. 43 16.18 32. 06 31.25 13.54 15.18 27. 96 18.76 19.15 20. 22 15.74 19. 81 8.64 0.15 5.57 5.25 5.75 5.92 4.30 5.91 4.91 4.97 4.40 4.63 4.82 5.67 4.08 5.86 6.23 5.46 5.77 4.98 6.32 4.36 4.58 4.64 4.86 4.59 5.35 4.50 5.42 4.84 4.88 7.37 8.10 4.99 4.99 5.67 4.95 4.67 4.57 4.90 4.67 4.89 4.79 4.84 5.55 4.73 4.35 5.27 5.11 4.43 5.20 4.64 4.70 5.42 5.23 5.20 4.52 5.33 3.80 4.49 4.61 4.58 4.16 4.20 4.57 4.92 3.81 5.09 4.87 4.72 5.10 4.91 4.43 890 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Tablk 4.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES AND PFR'SOKq th a r.w,.^T t t.t., A PAMILV, FOR PLACES HAVIHC ,.,«, lSkt^lTl^%fZVoll Z-C.SLT ™ CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. New York— Contimied. Kochester Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 5 e Ward Ward Ward Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13, Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16. Rome Salaiiiaiua Sandy Hill Saratoga Springs. Saiigerties Schenectady Seneca Falls Sing.sing Suspen.sion Bridge . S3-raciise . Ward Ward ATard AVard Ward AVard AA^ard Ward AVaid Ward 10 AVard 11 9.. Tarrytown . Tonawanda , Troy AVard 1 . . AVard 2... AVaxd 3... AVard 4.. Ward 5... AVard «... AVard 7... Ward 8... AVard it... Ward 10... AVard 11... AVard 12... AVard 13... mica AVard 1 AVard 2 AVard 3 AVard 4 AVard a AVard 6 AA'ard 7 AVar3 4.89 4.54 4.25 5.14 4.44 4.11 4.76 4.21 4.24 4.46 6.43 4.64 5.48 4.95 4.43 4.22 4.10 4.37 3.72 4.00 4.16 4.49 4.46 4.71 4.95 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROtJGHS. New York— Continued. Yonkers Wardl Ward 2 Wards Ward 4 North Carolina: Asherille Charlotte Concord Durham Elizabeth Fayette%-ille. Goldsboro . . . Greensboro.. Henderson . . Newbern Oxford . . . . Ealeigli . . . Eeidsville . Salem Salisbury . . . Washington . AVilmington. Winston North Dakota: Fargo Grand Forks . Ohio: Akron AVard 1 .... AVard 2 .... Ward 3 .... AVard 4 AVard 5 . . . . Ward .... Alliance ... Ashland ... Ashtabula . Athens Avondale .. Barnesville .. Bellaire Bellefontaine . Bellevue Berea Bowling Green. Bridgeport Brooklj-n Bryan Bucyrus Cani bridge Canton Ward 1 . AVard 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4.. Ward 5.. Ward 6-. AVard 7.. Celina Chillicothe . Cincinnati AVard A\'ard 2 AA'ard 3 AVard 4 AA'ard 5 Ward 6 AVard 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 AVard 12 Total dwell- ings. 3,746 854 1,462 1,251 179 1.467 2, 265 708 1.009 637 861 800 641 783 1,618 2,064 568 477 867 832 4,014 1,054 1,111 5,498 768 709 1, 013 ■ 1, 264 1,085 659 1,595 844 1,594 552 684 629 1,799 1, 002 607 492 . 786 694 922 773 1,250 891 5,043 934 765 672 649 532 610 517 2,447 33, 487 1,529 2, 035 606 1, .579 701 718 719 511 853 889 1,076 1,360 Total families. 1,575 2,402 1,913 196 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 8.45 8.11 6.22 Per- sons to a fam- ilv. 5.26 5. 35 5.14 5.30 5.68 ],79S 6. 9S 5.69 2,427 5.1C 4.76 708 6.1.3 6.13 1,095 5.44 5.01 691 5.10 4.70 862 4.90 4.90 883 5.02 4.55 667 5.17 4.97 798 5.35 5.25 1,777 4.85 4.41 493 5.98 5.90 2,267 6.14 5.59 604 5.23 4.02 499 5.68 5.43 885 5.10 4.99 893 4.26 3.97 4,514 5.00 4.44 1,416 7.61 5.66 1,131 5.10 .5.01 889 5.93 5.60 6,064 5.02 4.55 842 4.94 4.50 801 4.98 4.41 1,155 4.98 4.37 1,399 5.31 4.80 1,149 4.79 4.52 718 5.04 4.63 1, 715 4.77 4.44 906 4.23 3.94 1,802 5.23 4.63 612 4.75 4.28 830 6. .54 5.39 738 5.10 4.35 2,034 5. 52 4.88 1,047 4.24 4.05 708 4.58 4.31 515 5.15 4.92 797 4.41 4.35 694 4.85 4.85 970 4.97 4.73 796 3.97 3.85 1,329 4.78 4.50 958 4.89 4.55 5,440 5.19 4.81 970 5.02 4.84 820 5.07 4.73 753 5.00 4.46 703 5.23 4.83 570 5.55 5.18 607 5.15 4.71 957 5.42 4.99 558 5.23 4.84 2,600 4.01 4.34 63, 530 8.87 4.67 1.835 5.52 4.60 2,479 6.12 5.02 1.950 14. 22 4.42 2,890 8.83 4.82 1,621 ;i. .34 4.90 1,611 .0.67 4. 76 2,238 2.71 4.08 1,090 9.63 4.51 1,447 8.69 5.12 2,540 2.32 4.31 2, 945 ] 1.90 4.35 2,535 8.91 4.78 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES 891 ™^.c....w^^^^^^^^^^ CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Ohio— Continued. Cincinnati— Continued. Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 1.5 Ward 16 WardlT Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 Ward 27 Ward 28 Ward 29 Ward 30 Circleville Cleveland . Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11..-- Wardr2 Ward 13--.. Ward 14 Ward 15...- Ward 16 -.- Ward 17 - - - Ward 18 .-- Ward 19 - - Ward 20 - . - Ward 21 .. Ward 22 ... Ward 23 ... Ward 24 . - Ward 25 -- Ward 26 .- Ward 27 -- Ward 28 -- Ward 29 -- Ward 30 .. Ward 31 .- Ward 32 .- Ward 33 .. Ward 34 -- Ward 35 . . Ward 36 . . Ward 37 . . Ward 38 - Ward 39 - Ward 40 . Columljns . . ■ 1.. Ward Ward Ward 3.. Ward 4.. Ward S.- Ward 6.. Ward 7-. Ward 8.. Ward 9.. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Ward 14. Ward 15. •Couneaut. . Coshocton . Total dwell- ings. Total families. 743 1 980 1 1,049 1,141 1,371 866 786 1,026 983 1, 210 1,449 1,146 1,701 1,735 1,004 1, 241 1,131 1,349 1,478 43, 835 947 447 358 834 918 762 1,274 1,071 1,473 689 549 761 942 785 1, 0.57 935 1,357 1,761 988 1,155 1,323 1,612 1,015 2,117 1,923 935 1,549 610 710 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. Per- sons to a fam- iiy- CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Total dwell- ings. 2,648 2,170 2,172 2, 372 2,128 1,601 1,786 2,046 2,211 2. 051 3,251 2,122 2,016 2,164 1,743 1,945 1,494 1, 829 15.39 10.03 8.91 8.70 7.41 9.40 10.44 9.11 10.44 10.30 10.41 9.51 5.86 6.15 8. .59 7. 63 6.44 6.94 4.32 4.53 4.30 4.19 4.78 5.08 4.59 4.57 i.6i 4.70 4.64 5.14 4.95 4.93 4.95 4.87 4.87 5.12 ,56 4. 44 4. 21 749 920 940 1,042 1,175 1,353 1,801 1,377 1,603 1,332 16, 179 1,120 1,641 1,130 620 1,008 980 1,162 431 881 1,203 1,532 993 1,311 1,162 I 1,005 716 728 l,5i 53, 052 1,346 701 465 1,174 1,250 902 1, 642 1, 405 1,828 799 614 859 1,113 866 1,297 1,172 1,599 2,121 1.041 1,294 1,448 1,875 1,204 2,728 2, 322 959 1,746 745 901 762 837 1, 029 1,164 1,348 1, 492 1,615 2,253 1,748 1,938 1. 4.50 5. 96 7.40 8.24 8.44 7.08 6.08 5.84 6.09 6.23 6.48 5.62 5.67 5.45 5.48 5.37 5.92 6.08 6.10 5.78 4.97 5.44 5.09 5.78 5.99 6.63 6.04 5.34 5.95 7.22 6.21 5. 56 4.94 5.26 5.41 6.07 5.89 5.66 6.11 6.35 5.94 5.42 4.93 5.21 5.25 6.50 5.03 4.46 4.93 4.72 4.75 5.22 4.85 5.07 4.83 4.64 4.86 4.82 4.85 5.18 4.80 4.72 4.86 4.65 4.97 5.05 5.14 I 5.00 5.21 5.27 1 5.91 4.89 5.01 4.42 4.70 4.37 4.69 4.64 4.74 4.89 5.00 4.91 4. Ohio— Continued. Crestline Cuyahoga Falls . Dayton Wardl Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Not in wards. Defiance Delaware Delphos Donnison Dover East Liverpool. Eaton Elyria Fi'udlay Fostoria Eranklin Fremont Galiou Gallipolis Greenville Hamilton . . Hillsboro.. Ironton Jackson — Kent Kenton - - . Lancaster. Lebanon . . Leetonia . . Lima Logan London Lorain Mansfield . 18,050 1,348 1,728 1,235 911 1,143 1,000 1, 283 637 1,043 ■ 1,259 1, 622 1,111 1,367 1,275 1,082 764 791 5.45 5.48 4.68 4.97 6.55 6.07 5.46 5.39 6.74 5.76 5.47 5.02 7.18 4.97 5.02 5.16 4.53 5.04 4.88 4.55 4.45 4.55 4.46 5.36 5.32 4.88 4.56 4.87 5.23 4.74 6.41 4.77 4.57 4.79 4.24 4.64 Total families. 641 598 12, 366 1,239 963 1,353 1,159 1,853 1,341 2,155 1, 652 651 1,566 1,648 934 590 633 2,215 724 1,197 3,620 1,543 592 1,479 1, 321 1,022 1,180 Per- Per- sons sons to a I to a dwell- ing. 3,408 755 2,176 891 833 1,243 1,482 671 580 3,023 666 710 971 2, 721 1,646 1,702 1,205 654 Marietta Marion Martins Ferry Marysville Massillon | Miamisburg Middleport , Middletown ] ^'^ Mount Vernon Napoleon Nelsonville Newark New Philadelphia. New Straitsville . . Niles North Baltimore . . Nor*alk Oberlin Painesville ■ Piqua Pomeroy Portsmouth Ravenna St. Mary Salem Sandusky Shawnee Sidney 610 13, 217 1,355 998 1,452 1,205 1,947 1,476 2,315 1,818 651 1,630 1,801 949 596 642 2,285 777 1,313 3, 852 1,587 651 1,597 1,447 1,039 1,221 3,707 796 2,241 930 872 1,297 1,619 695 591 3,374 695 750 1,033 3,083 1,789 1,840 1,287 4.54 4.37 4.95 5.33 5.01 4.85 4.67 4.90 4.81 5.07 4.91 4.98 4.91 4.99 4.84 4.96 5.48 4.95 4.05 4.69 5.13 4.58 fam- iiy- 4.51 4.29 4.63 4.88 4.83 4.52 4.49 4.66 4. 37 4.72 4.47 4.98 4.72 4.57 4.76 4.91 5.40 4.79 3.78 4.27 4.82 4.45 4.61 4.83 4.79 4.40 4.64 5.15 4.79 5.03 4.85 4.20 4.47 5.10 4.55 4.87 5.29 4.68 4.67 5.01 4.95 4.19 4.47 4.37 4.33 4.48 4.74 4.55 4.88 4.65 4.01 4.28 4.67 4.39 4.78 4.74 4.49 4.42 4.71 4.37 009 641 674 2,132 685 717 1, 583 1,418 1,504 635 665 921 1,004 2,975 3,214 910 1,012 516 527 848 873 546 608 1,711 826 1,014 1,897 919 2,410 853 600 1,293 3,518 622 1,023 1,748 883 1,115 2,062 988 2,598 918 662 1,358 3,883 622 1,126 5.03 4.89 5.19 4.30 5.02 4.61 4.76 5.13 4.25 4.35 4.95 I 4.80 4.90 5.39 5.06 5.23 4.21 5.30 4.69 4.79 5.14 5.14 4.01 5.00 4.62 4.53 4.86 4.26 4.73 4.31 4.48 4.85 4.01 4.16 4.51 4.44 4.40 5.28 4.91 4.70 4.12 4.96 4.26 4.41 4.78 4.77 3.72 4.53 4.47 5.25 5.25 4.74 4.26 4.76 5.25 4.31 892 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 4.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO A FAMILY, FOR PLACES HAVING 2,500 INHABITANTS OR mSrI l^Ill^d CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BDROUOHS. Ohio— Continued. Spriugtield Wardl. Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Wards. Ward 9. Steiibeuville Tiffin Toledo . . . Ward 1 . Ward 2. Wards. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward G. Ward 7. Wards., Ward 9.. Toronto Troy TJhricli.sville Upper Sandusky. Urbana Van Wert... Wapakoneta Warren Wasliington Wellston Wells ville West Cleveland. Wilmington Wooster Xenia Foungstowu . . . Wardl Ward2 Wards Ward4 Wards Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Not iu wards. Zanesville Oklahoma: Gutlirie . . . Oklahoma . Oregon : Albany. Albina.. Astoria. Baker... Dalles. . East Portland. Lagrande Oregon city . . . Pendleton.. .. . Portland Pennsylvania; Allegheny . Ward Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Total dwell- ings. 6,663 597 531 699 667 1,271 790 842 663 60S 2,687 2,201 1,200 737 1,183 1,201 827 1,112 783 744 1,304 1,630 6.074 700 623 617 307 561 720 586 287 1,673 4,421 537 1,140 674 940 884 533 647 2,018 543 592 GOO 6,239 16, 543 1,172 2,901 2,157 1,621 1,667 2, 004 827 391 612 840 944 804 Total families. 7,108 633 588 778 689 1,316 904 881 681 638 2,857 2,309 15, 842 17,113 2, 240 2,380 988 1, 220 1,112 1, 351 1,152 1,284 1,595 1,687 1,619 1,702 2,626 2,798 2,970 3,116 1,540 1,575 483 517 1,081 1, 183 839 872 786 820 1,459 1,486 1,263 789 1,296 1,278 867 1,174 820 781 ],.376 1,761 6,572 745 683 734 323 611 785 592 316 1,783 4,699 565 1,444 711 1,032 922 557 651 2,110 567 598 614 6,798 20, 805 1,316 3,272 3,169 2,270 1,849 2,384 1,191 579 750 873 1,089 1,144 919 Per- sons to a dwell 4.79 4.88 4.7G 4.71 5.11 4.55 4.79 4.84 4.91 4.75 4.98 4.91 5.14 5.05 5.63 5.68 5.17 4.86 5.17 5.15 0.11 4.86 5.25 ! 4.16 4.58 ! 4.54 4.46 4.59 4.91 5.05 4.78 5.29 4.72 5.26 4.14 4.53 4.48 5.47 5.13 5.56 6 16 5.15 5.07 5.35 5.27 6.25 5.50 Per- sons to a lam- 5.19 .3.64 4.57 5.46 7.00 4.89 4.68 5.22 tl 4.18 7.43 6.36 5.92 5.69 6.90 7.17 5.95 5.79 7.17 7.52 7.66 5.22 6.01 6.68 8.01 4.49 4.61 4.30 4.23 4.94 4.39 4.18 4.62 4.78 4.49 4.69 4.68 4.76 4.75 4.56 4.68 4.64 4.60 4.91 4.84 4.87 4.75 4.91 3.80 4.41 4.36 4.38 4.36 4.58 4.61 4.49 5.05 4.47 5.02 3.94 4.29 4.15 5.05 4.82 5.07 5.18 4.89 4.66 4.91 5.22 5.67 5.16 4. lo ' 4. 47 4.93 2.87 4.33 4.97 6.71 4.68 4.65 4.99 4.56 5.12 4.08 6.82 5.06 5.28 5.05 4.70 .5.12 5.37 4.87 4.98 5.08 6.25 5.02 5.21 4.69 5.26 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsylvania— Continued. Allentown Ward 1 Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Altoona.. Ward 1 . Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Archbald. Ashland.. Ashley Athens Avoca Bangor Beaver Jails BeHefonte Berwick Bethlehem , Blairsville . Bloomsburg Blossburg . . Braddock .. Bradford .- . Bridgeport . Bristol Butler Carbondale. Carlisle Catasauqua .. Centralia Chambersburg Chartiers Chester Coates ville.. . Columbia Connellsville . Conshohocken. Corry Danville Darby Dickson Doylestown. Dubois Dunmore East Mauch Chunk Easton , Edwardsville Erie , Ward 1 . Ward 2 . AVard 3 . Ward 4 . Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Etna Frackville . Franklin... Gettysburg. Gilberton ... Girard ville.. Greenshurg . Greenville- . . Hanover Total dwell- 5,070 613 595 538 487 1,231 519 583 504 5.867 636 930 568 690 814 9C4 370 889 681 1,425 651 741 542 544 1,903 771 593 1,406 629 906 531 1,428 2,188 489 1,358 1,523 2.042 1,781 715 495 1, 705 561 3,929 608 2,088 1,042 1,097 1,306 1,700 535 498 584 1,140 1,509 524 3,281 601 7,168 1,071 1,659 1,320 1,394 775 949 713 492 1,327 697 651 683 814 851 892 Total families. 5,391 656 617 566 521 1,315 520 647 549 649 932 571 718 852 1,002 378 717 1,474 662 832 582 549 1,990 809 645 1,563 650 977 572 1,514 2,362 502 1, 375 1,656 2,137 1,804 741 495 1,807 588 4,003 700 2,175 1,140 1,115 1,352 1,720 536 568 602 1,154 1,657 525 3,344 605 8,027 1,188 1,873 1,519 1,504 860 1,083 748 498 1,347 707 662 684 862 861 900 Per- to a dwell- 4.98 5.04 4.70 4.74 4.65 5.02 6.04 4.63 4.99 5.17 5.15 5.03 5.37 4.95 5.48 5. 18 5.28 5.04 5.92 5.10 4.90 4.42 5.59 4.61 5.12 5.12 4.55 4.81 4.97 4.80 4.84 6.00 4.81 5.42 4.83 5.73 5.31 4.28 5.18 5.58 4.61 5.32 5.15 5.51 5.08 5.40 4.99 4.35 4.70 5.56 6.24 4.31 5.39 5.51 5.29 4.41 5.46 5.67 6.06 6.02 5.54 5.23 5.63 5.47 5.28 5.12 4.62 5.66 5.25 5.16 4.32 4.20 Per- sons to a fam- 4.68 4.71 4.53 4.51 4.34 4.70 6.03 4.18 4.58 5.06 5.04 5.02 5.34 4.70 5.23 4.99 5.25 5.00 5.62 4.98 4.82 3.04 5.21 4.57 4.89 4.88 4.19 4.33 4.81 4.74 4.49 5.65 4.45 5.28 4.77 5.27 5.07 4.22 5.00 5.58 4.35 5.07 5.05 5.26 4.87 4.94 4.91 4.20 4.65 5.54 5.48 4.18 5.33 5.02 5.28 4.33 5.43 5.06 5.46 5.33 4.82 4.85 5.07 4.79 5.04 5.06 4.62 4.56 5.57 5.24 4.87 4.27 4.16 DWBLLIiiGS AlfD FAMILIES. 893 \.r nWPrTTO.-S AND FAMILIES, AND PERSONS TO A DWELLING AND TO ^--/,7JS%TpLAcI^^ 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890-Cout^cL^ CITIES. TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsvlvania-Cominuea Harrisliurg Ward 1 AVard2 AVardS Ward 4 AVardS Ward 6 AVard? AVardS WardO Hazleton HoUidaysVturg Homestead Honesdale Huutingdon Jeanette Jeruiyn John'stowu Kane Kittauning Lancaster AVardl Ward 2 Wards Wardi Ward .5 - WardO Ward? Wards Ward 9 Lansford Latrobe Lebanon Lehighton Lewisburg Lewistown Lock Haven McKeesport Mabanoy Manch Chunk MeadviUe Mecbanicsburg Media Middletowu Millvale Milton Minersville Monongahela Morrellville Mount Carmel. . . Mount Pleasant . Nanticoke New Brighton... Newcastle Norristown Northumberland Oil city Olyphant Phenixville 8,164 789 038 487 7B8 894 1,731 1,204 785 2,203 1 595 1 1,326 562 1, 161 ] 527 481 3,871 409 627 6,530 364 602 529 655 705 1,017 774 1,047 837 679 722 3,059 598 747 773 1,473 3,574 2,018 831 1,919 932 588 1, 024 638 1, 224 729 813 543 1,511 729 1,814 1,097 2,346 3,667 607 2, 157 600 1,686 Philadelphia 187, 052 Ward Ward Ward Ward AVard Ward Ward AVard Ward AVard 10. Ward 11. AVard 12. Ward 13. Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 10, 455 5, 205 3,221 3,120 2, 271 1,280 4,750 2,646 1,519 3, 398 1,931 2,332 3,038 3,699 8,654 3,052 8, 330 793 638 491 772 912 1,766 1, 227 841 890 2,310 630 1,437 612 1,198 571 540 4, 125 474 63U 6,729 378 018 538 689 731 1,025 807 1,083 860 082 742 3,205 648 765 796 1,555 3,966 2,110 856 2,128 965 596 1,061 761 4, 5.11 4.76 5.46 4.67 4.63 4.72 4.80 4.87 4. 78 5.00 5.97 5.01 4.93 6.25 5.51 5. 03 7.20 4.94 4.90 5.25 5.19 4.62 4.90 4.50 4.69 5.20 5.00 4.94 5.90 4.97 4.79 4.95 4.35 4.23 5.00 5.80 5.59 4.94 4.96 3.96 4.05 4.96 5.97 4.73 5.09 4.76 5.41 4.64 4.54 4.63 4.71 4.55 4.66 5.14 4.72 5.51 4.60 i 4.78 5.77 1 4.91 I 5.29 6.21 4.91 4.76 5.06 5.06 4.54 4.65 4.34 4.65 4.98 4.83 4.81 5.87 4.84 4.58 4.57 4.25 CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Pennsylvania— Continued.! Pbiladelphia^Cont'd. Ward 17 Total d well- Total families. 1,235 760 849 571 1,546 755 1,940 1,198 2, 464 3, 737 807 2,178 620 1,091 205, 135 11, 023 6, 386 3,977 3,865 3,244 1,761 5, 722 2,849 1,671 3, 642 2,662 2, 826 3,533 4,104 9,482 3,679 4.34 4.81 5.04 5.21 5.46 4.11 4.73 5.23 5.33 4.79 4.47 3.82 4.59 ; 4.79 ! 5.01 j 4.31 4.57 4.82 4.95 5.34 5.01 5.54 5.12 4.94 5.40 4.52 5.07 6.81 5.05 5.60 5.15 6.06 6.19 6.53 7.48 6.81 6.35 6.41 6.45 6.33 6.71 6.08 5.90 5.61 6.09 5.60 Ward 18 . . Ward 19 . AVard 20 . AVard 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Ward 27 - AVard 28 . AVard 29 . Ward 30 . Ward 31 . AVard 32 . Ward 33 . AVard 34 Per- sons to a dwell- ing. 3,360 5,650 10, 174 8,016 5,027 8,398 6.969 7,863 6,851 11.688 5, 222 9, 010 9,850 5,517 6,380 5,968 6, 347 4,191 Philipsburg Pittsburg S^'J^D AVard Ward Ward 3... AVard 4... AVard 5... Ward 6... Ward 7... AVard 8... Ward 9... Ward 10.. - Ward 11.-- Ward 12... AVavdlS... Ward 14... Ward 15. . Ward 16. - Ward 17-. Ward 18. . Ward 19-. Ward 20.. Ward 21. - Ward 22- - Ward 23-- Ward 24- . Ward 25-- AVard26-. Ward 27- - Ward 28- - Ward 29.. Ward 30.. Ward 31.. AVard 32. Ward 33. Ward 34- Ward 35. AVard 36. 4.84 5.18 4. 69 4.71 5.30 4.52 5.02 |l 6.59 5.03 5.10 I 4.89 4.94 5.01 5.27 I 5.24 4.95 5.27 5.96 5.80 5.91 4.87 5.01 5.07 5.05 5. 50 4.64 Pittston Plymouth Pdttstown Pottsville Punxsntawney. 475 408 307 400 659 1,465 818 1, OHO 558 470 1, 693 1,546 1,963 2, 585 807 1, 736 2, 09i) 1,178 1,446 1,950 2,062 518 1.209 867 1.073 1,118 1,.520 725 035 522 825 1.206 184 354 646 575 1,918 1 1,805 2, 643 ' 2, 893 554 4,013 6,185 11, 248 9,174 5.303 8,645 7,110 8,281 7, 276 12, 268 5,478 9,456 10,462 5.993 6,551 6, 156 6.739 4,341 I 670 45, 584 675 498 367 471 5.82 5.16 5.46 1 5.55 I 5.35 5.40 5.06 5.41 5.25 5.32 6.30 5.15 5.56 5.55 5.17 5.04 5.23 5.66 Per- sons to a I'am- iiy- 4.87 4.72 4.94 4.85 5.07 5.24 4.94 5.14 4.94 5.07 6.01 4.91 5. 23 5.11 5.03 4.88 4.92 5.46 Reading AVard 1-. AVard 2-. AVard S.- Ward 4.- AVard 5.- AVard 6-. AVard 7. Ward 8- Ward 9- Ward 10. AVard 11. Ward 12. Ward 13. Renovo Reynoldsville Rochester St. Clair Schuylkill Haven Scottdale 11, 693 I 751 I 1. 154 936 568 I 685 1 1,189 1 1,047 886 953 1,219 829 818 658 789 520 763 831 673 529 1,874 1, 132 1, 372 809 720 2,100 1.767 2,188 2,827 1,091 2, 151 2,364 1, 326 1, 537 2,016 2,173 550 1. 283 1, 129 1 1,447 1,627 2,207 1,033 1 964 653 I 933 1.383 ! 204 439 716 696 1,976 1,844 2,755 2,997 560 12, 326 814 1,230 979 597 760 1,241 1,094 912 1,008 1,282 850 871 4.86 6.33 7.86 9.06 6.81 7.74 7.79 6.23 7.22 6.62 7.66 7.57 5.84 0.68 5.66 6.00 6.64 6.23 .5.90 5.94 5.53 5.65 5.47 6.29 5. 81 6.70 6.88 6.94 7.17 7.00 7.02 6.52 5.85 1 5.63 5.86 6.84 5. 62 6.32 .5.37 5.18 5.03 4.88 5.04 4.84 5.23 5.53 7.42 5.69 6.68 5.95 4.87 5.21 5.12 5.29 5.011 4.71 5.85 5.08 5.49 5.28 5.03 .5.22 5.28 5.20 5.46 5.19 5.93 5.47 5.15 5.10 4.77 4.94 4.96 5.02 5.21 5.17 4.91 5.29 5.52 5.07 5.22 5.21 5.07 4.82 4.71 4.99 791 533 767 832 674 545 5.02 4.92 5.15 4.98 4.86 5.06 5.03 4.95 4.97 5.04 5.05 4.70 5.02 5.47 5.26 5.36 4.78 4.43 4.59 5.09 4.76 4.54 4.83 4.77 4.62 4 56 4.82 4.74 4.83 4.76 4.80 4.59 4.72 5.23 5.25 5.23 4.76 4.42 4.58 4.94 894 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 4.-T0TAL DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES AND PFR^ON^ Tr^ . ..,.,.. A PAMILV, rOH PLACES HAVI.« „„ INhZtA^To'I^ZkE , T^^lltT ^ CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOKOUGHS. Pennsylvania^— Continued Scranton Per- sons to a dwell ing. Per- sons to a f'ani- iiy- CITIES, TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND BOROUGHS. Rhode Island : Bristol Burrillville . . Coventry Cranstoii . . . . Cumberland.. East Greenwich., East Providence . Hopkinton Johnston Lincoln Newport North Kingstown North Smithfield. . Pawtucket . Ward 1... Ward 2... Wards... Ward 4... Ward 5. . . Sewickley Shamokin Sharon . . . Sharpsbur;, Shenandoah Slatington South Bethlehem South Chester South Easton South Williamsport Steelton Pro-iidence . Ward 1.. Ward 2.. AVard H.. Ward 4. . AVard 5.. AVard 6.. AVard 7.. Ward 8.. AVard 9.. AVard 10... Sugarnotch . Summit Hill Sunbury Susquehanna Depot Tamaqua Tarentiun Titusville.. Towanda... Tyrone tTniontown. Warren Washington . Scituate . . Smithfield '.'.■ South Kingstown Tiverton Warren Warwick Westerly Woouso'cket , Waynesboro Weatherly Wellsboro... West Bethlehem West Chester . WestPittston.. Wilkesbarre . South Carolina: Anderson Beaufort Camden Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13, Ward 14 Ward 15. Wilkinsburg . Williamsport. Ward 1 Ward2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward? Ward 8 Tork. 608 701 575 1,707 826 6,952 385 949 562 236 382 447 175 411 366 316 472 380 796 783 292 902 5. ,536 859 374 669 960 744 783 528 613 4,477 826 619 716 631 1,743 831 7,337 391 1,000 599 264 399 496 196 445 385 319 489 390 858 805 301 4.73 4.87 4.22 4.80 4.70 4.73 5.43 5.02 5.62 5.61 5.83 5.08 5.76 6.70 5.57 5.23 5.23 4.94 4.90 5.45 5.34 4.90 930 5,758 5.17 4.90 895 4.72 398 4.96 692 4.71 988 4.88 765 5.17 808 4.98 577 4.98 635 4.87 4,553 4.64 4.61 4.78 4.14 4.37 4.61 4.70 5.14 5.54 5.34 5.27 5.22 4.86 5.19 5.98 5.15 4.97 5.18 4.76 4.77 5.06 5.19 4.75 5.01 4.71 4.53 4.66 4.55 4.74 5.03 4.86 4.55 4.70 4.57 Charleston . Wardl... Ward 2... Ward 3... AVard 4... Ward 5... Ward 6.. Ward 7. . . Wards... Chester .. Clifton... Columbia. Florence . Georgetown . Greenville... Newberry . . . Orangeburg . Eock Hill ... Spartanburg Sumter South Dakota : Aberdeen . . . Huron Lead Pierre Sioux Falls Watertown Yankton Tennessee: Bristol (a)... Brownsville. Total dwell- ings. 1,113 1,074 939 1,216 1,205 590 1,512 651) 1,515 2, 42U 3,170 861 517 3,834 923 687 555 919 750 17, 639 1,737 1,962 2, 133 1,227 1,697 1,806 1,745 1,648 1,738 1,946 666 477 1,307 528 691) 3,052 1,148 2,197 602 778 691 8,164 365 769 805 1,451 944 1,252 1,055 1,523 551 404 2,522 1,588 691 622 526 1,096 730 a Exclusive of that part in Virginia. 644 703 481 1,690 561 734 593 460 Total families. 1, .352 1,225 1,172 1,484 1, 6.37 1,913 789 2,165 3,987 4,061 982 617 5,852 1,306 978 860 1,523 1,125 29, 242 2,953 2,954 3, 664 1,877 2,914 2,889 2,621 2,937 3, 039 3, 394 816 573 1,410 642 951 3,653 1,538 3,936 Per- .sons to a dwell. ing. 4.92 5.11 5.40 6.66 6.71 5.30 5.57 4.41 6.45 8.41 6.14 4.87 6.14 7.21 6.96 6.50 7.00 7.80 7.59 7.49 7.89 6.88 8.04 6.99 7.32 6.93 6.31 7.29 7.83 9.07 Per- sons to a fam- iiy- 4.77 5.24 4.77 5.37 0.51 5.82 5.93 9.48 654 912 11, 196 624 1,251 1,207 2,022 1,355 1,569 1,328 1,840 571 405 2,971 722 670 1,849 699 646 526 1,150 740 694 720 497 719 1, 816 6. 02 586 4. 76 737 5.00 5.01 4.61 5.11 6.73 8.79 6.98 7.52 6.71 7.35 6.90 6.40 5.43 4.91 6.53 6.09 4.80 4.36 5.42 4.37 4.77 5.22 .5.06 5.29 4.94 4.32 5.37 4.70 4.05 4.48 4.32 5.46 4.94 4.07 4.40 3.63 4.52 5. 11 4.79 4.27 5.14 4.72 4.70 4.57 4.52 4.71 5.06 4.52 4.64 4.57 4.68 4.57 4.26 4.33 4.20 4. 0& 4.48 5.20 3.89 4.36 4.42 4.42 4.72 4.86 4.43 5.29 4.61 3.93 4.48 4.91 5.14 4.29 5.01 4.81 5.12 5.50 5.08 4.49 4.73 6.52 5.17 4.70 4.32 4.65 4.32 4.59 5.22 4.80 5.22 635 461 5.61 5.47 4.59 4.22 5.19 4.50 5.60 4.56 4.98 5.23 5.46 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 895 r. T^.ATTTTT7ouisiana 41 Texas 42 Oklahoma 43 Arkansas 44 Western division 45 Montana 3,953 1,501 6,919 2,757 2,198 1,733 1,857 2,562 8,194 6,343 22,432 4,114 1,481 10, 998 5,522 2,124 4,237 1,589 2,440 8,960 7,068 31, 321 3,939 1,564 12,411 6,176 1,849 4,672 1,313 2,482 9,666 8,500 34,771 3,675 1, 568 12, 665 5,649 1,743 5,021 1,269 2,312 9,943 9,395 35, 329 3,285 1,764 11, 353 4,979 1,562 5,167 1,171 2,198 9,120 8,883 31, 967 46 Wyoming 47 Colorado 48 New Mexico 49 Arizona 50 Utah 51 Nevada 52 Idaho 53 Washington .54 Oregon 55 California BECAPITULATION BY 1 The United States 370,067 1, 276, 736 1, 711, 898 1, 822, 092 1, 712, 525 2 3 North Atlantic division South Atlantic division 71, 997 51,364 130, 596 55, 661 60,449 342, 778 166, 833 484, 266 203, 005 79, 854 458, 510 223, 395 669, 220 273, 430 87, 343 477, 258 238, 170 723. 592 294; 503 88, 569 432,942 236, 164 667, 602 294, 368 81, 449 4 North Central division 5 South Central division 6 Western division DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 899 BY STATES AND TERRITORIES: 1890. 6 persons. 1, 375, 953 337, 780 14,842 7,246 7,671 39, 097 5,571 14, 406 94, 618 28, 928 125, 401 200, 911 7 persons. 1, 056, 289 8 persons. 249, 985 4,190 24, 553 5,142 37, 465 18, 101 37, 266 25, 046 40, 605 8,543 526, 535 9,850 4,840 5.152 30, 785 4, 602 11,086 69, 125 21, 878 92. 667 166, 054 85, 926 55, 175 82, 687 49, 408 40, 088 29, 317 47, 877 63, 015 4,336 7, 793 24, 675 36, 238 249, 862 43,648 41,449 33, 183 28, 053 23, 949 51, 694 1, 395 26, 491 60, 865 2,287 1,102 8,167 3,455 1,143 4,315 847 1,694 6,870 6,722 24, 263 3,073 20, 152 4,189 31,019 14, 880 31, 110 21, 051 33, 685 6,895 386, 706 60, 436 38, 067 62, 518 32, 887 30, 928 23, 664 35, 033 49, 107 3, 319 5,819 18,810 26, 118 208, 350 35, 559 34, 470 28, 066 23, 928 20, 119 43, 172 1,100 21, 936 45, 194 1,627 802 5,883 2, 370 880 3,730 003 1,344 5,035 5,070 17, 850 762, 568 175, 762 6,418 3,130 3,274 22, 653 3, 785 7,948 48, 423 15, 093 65. 038 127, 770 9 persons. 511, 069 118, 176 1,995 14, 994 3, 081 24, 724 11, 425 23, 751 16,514 20, 243 5, 043 266, 911 40, 510 24, 914 44,146 21, 567 21, 768 17, 891 23, 622 35, 364 2,314 3,969 13, 397 17,449 160, 019 26, 860 26, 026 21,977 18, 919 15, 888 33, 207 678 16, 464 32, 106 1,166 602 4,045 1,586 619 2, 918 429 994 3,583 3,551 12, 613 4,111 2, 018 1,987 16,613 2,862 5,573 33, 091 10, 240 41, 681 89, 290 10 persons. 11 to 15 persons. 1,208 10, 164 2, 045 17,425 7,906 16. 601 11, 766 18, 684 3, 491 169, 576 25, 276 14, 519 28, 904 12, 917 14, 324 12, 135 14, 792 23, 313 1,527 2,508 8,745 10, 616 112, 402 18, 332 17, 742 15, 700 13, 985 11,085 23, 136 414 11,408 21, 625 419 2,693 937 479 2,158 293 658 2,486 2,359 8,296 385, 149 87, 393 2,931 1,463 1,329 13, 270 2,281 4,245 25, 174 7,808 28, 892 70, 393 859 7,285 1,089 14, 583 5,530 12, 558 9,384 15, 447 3,058 115, 906 16, 169 8,878 20, 186 8,449 9,649 9,012 9,834 16, 463 1,117 1,802 7,697 6,650 354, 832 125, 504 3,145 2,229 1,407 25, 077 4,775 7,044 42, 948 11. 853 27, 026 50, 146 16 to 20 per- sons. 21 persons and over. 539 6,404 1,767 10, 072 4.536 8,674 6,283 10, 128 1,743 108, 650 90, 315 13, 380 12, 657 13, 471 12, 618 10, 519 18, 482 290 21, 142 980 671 2, 984 800 470 1,804 384 632 2,268 1,908 8,241 57, 889 10, 017 9,213 7,580 6,945 6,531 12, 120 156 5,327 12, 637 510 210 1,630 323 171 1,207 155 323 1,380 1,395 5,333 71, 582 36, 472 663 678 255 7,592 1,424 21, 158 3,392 581 8,283 1,402 1, 303 1,195 591 2,831 95 143 1,005 337 5,428 1,084 715 605 644 730 1,238 23 4,427 279 103 753 67 61 190 88 151 627 359 1,749 72, 558 47, 788 507 653 171 5,966 847 1,835 1,196 16, 565 33, 082 3,517 3,268 3,943 2,098 4,097 1,785 { 58 29 578 398 249 139 1,029 380 314 136 411 154 464 208 816 297 178 44 16,762 i 22 3,144 464 6,616 1,078 891 1.082 466 1.931 92 143 610 245 2,047 512 396 188 87 251 .504 2 107 23 24 25 26 27 I 28 29 1 30 i 31 32 33 I 34. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4. 176 i 44 272 93 626 50 39 133 68 62 701 372 1,760 GEOGKAPHICAi DIVISIONS. 1, 375, 953 1, 056, 289 762,568 511, 069 385, 149 354, 832 71, 582 72, 558 1 337, 780 200, 911 526, 535 249, 862 60,865 249, 985 166, 054 386, 706 208, 350 45, 194 175, 762 127, 770 266, 911 160, 019 32,106 118, 176 89, 290 169, 576 112,402 21,625 87, 393 70, 393 115, 906 90, 315 21, 142 125, 504 50, 146 108, 656 57, 889 12, 637 36, 472 4,097 21,158 5,428 4,427 47, 788 1.785 16, 762 2, 047 4,176 2 3 4 5 6 ' •^. 900 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Ta,u.k 6._PERS0NS to A DWELLING, IN DETAIL, FOR CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABIT ANTS OR MORE: 1890. New York, K.Y. Chicago, HI Philadelphia, Pa . Brooklyn, N.Y.-- St. Louis, Mo Boston, Masa Baltimore, Md San TTrancisco, Cal Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio Buttalo. N. Y jSTen' Orleans, La . Pittsburg, Pa Washington, D. C Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis . . . Newark, N. J Minneapolis, Minn . Jersey city, N.J Loviisville, Ky Omaha, Neb Rochester, N. Y . St. Paul, Minn... Kansas city. Mo. Providence, R. I . Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind. Allegheny, Pa Albany, jir.Y Columbus, Ohio . . Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass . . Toledo, Ohio Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn. Paterson,N^ J ... Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn . Scranton, Pa Fall River, Mass Troy,N. Y Grand Rapids, Mich. Reading, Pa Camden, N. J Trenton, N. J Lynn, Mass Lincoln, Neb . . . Charleston, S. C . Hartford, Conn.. St. Joseph, Mo. . . Portland, Ore Saginaw, Mich Salt Lake, Utah . . Lawrence, Mass. . . Springfield, Mass. Manchester, N. H . TJtica, N.Y Hoboken, N. J Savannah, Ga Seattle, Wash 1 per- son. Cambridge, Mass 131 Atlanta, Ga. 441 Memphis, Tenn 432 Wilmington, Del 151 Dayton, Ohio 217 Peoria, 111 New Bedford, Mass Erie, Pa Somerville, Mass Harrisburg, Pa 1,058 1,278 2,145 706 1,500 fi25 784 1,723 443 566 460 1,361 490 759 484 515 220 1,029 190 449 261 364 774 793 302 517 450 166 216 262 30S 110 325 383 166 2 per- sons. 2,415 6, 653 17,175 3, 060 4,029 2,699 5,113 4,907 1,701 3,674 2,671 4,947 2,732 3,202 3,627 2,633 1,133 1,794 876 1,915 1,372 2,276 1.484 2,413 1,154 1,963 2,833 1,112 820 1,844 1,573 541 1,743 901 758 3 per. sons. 123 519 137 925 536 I 1, 477 151 I 891 67 316 159 192 167 167 66 243 142 198 Evansville, Ind 158 Los Angeles, Cal 614 Des Moines, Iowa Bridgeport, Conn Oakland, Cal 371 93 241 232 177 133 81 91 115 128 25 265 744 1,225 1,526 1,287 1,532 435 1,239 1,344 1,614 1,412 613 526 075 353 1,011 1,555 1,108 569 1,172 526 1,039 622 417 602 487 623 110 849 3,423 10, 058 27, 219 5,012 5,392 4,040 8,103 0, 303 2,772 5,549 4,033 5,789 4,082 4,848 5,152 3,690 1, 904 2,540 1,511 2,716 2,169 3,513 2, 358 3,360 1,532 2,632 3,741 1,676 1,166 2,591 2,253 780 2,570 1,262 1,043 705 1,412 1,931 1,552 400 1,135 1,496 1,795 1,909 2,142 642 1,829 2,020 2,372 2,034 947 1,002 910 519 1,396 4 per- sons. 708 846 251 997 130 474 103 700 58 486 137 1,045 1,271 1,860 1,547 943 1,424 711 1,589 796 580 878 595 931 152 1,231 1,031 1,346 698 980 754 1,541 4,630 13, 333 31, !94 7,161 6,718 5,313 10, 309 6,826 3,488 6,780 4,783 6,187 5,140 5,693 6,141 4,502 2,553 3,378 2,007 3,365 2,672 4,014 2,852 3,631 1,830 2,962 3,954 2,281 1,472 2,821 2,510 924 2,762 1,507 1,386 934 1,448 2,155 1,826 547 1,402 1,602 1,714 2,058 2,241 785 2,037 2,175 2,375 2,102 1,183 1,307 1,012 703 1,580 5 per- 6 per- sons. I sons. 7 per- sons. 1,475 1,777 1,746 1,081 1,705 1,648 909 672 1,001 667 1,118 219 1,211 1,009 1,323 802 1,099 929 1,541 5,639 14, 697 30, 480 8,611 7,300 5,834 11, 330 6,841 3,814 6, 778 5,327 6,319 5, 533 5,995 5,980 4,789 3,042 3,604 2,323 3,483 3,390 3,794 3,041 3,373 2,014 2,758 3, 394 2,509 1, .590 2,597 2,313 990 2, 560 1,713 1,495 1,068 1,482 2,093 1,781 569 1,488 1,577 1,666 2,054 2,088 870 1,846 1,871 2,059 1,877 1,206 1,868 1,131 766 1,567 1,605 i,5oa 1,623 1,103 1,495 830 1,477 1,120 689 983 634 1,056 262 1,188 991 1,279 803 1,152 1,010 1,342 5,537 13, 4!I8 24, 763 8,490 6,889 5,386 10,015 5,463 3,544 5,877 4,557 5,057 4.925 5,142 4,788 4,296 2, 705 ^,187 2,099 I 3, 180 I 2,343 3,088 2,683 2, 633 1,993 1,987 2,469 2,221 1,591 2, 0.52 2,000 930 2,069 1,598 1,306 1,032 1,149 1,573 1.612 .547 1,294 1,362 1,224 1,436 1,526 820 1,406 1,487 1,469 1,416 1,078 895 865 714 1,055 1,143 1,060 1, 235 912 1,134 1,083 805 628 848 4?5 1,019 269 953 703 938 706 955 894 920 5,390 11, 744 18, 379 7,760 6,216 5,034 8,422 4,317 3,039 4,529 3,773 4,018 4,252 4,189 3,634 3,596 2,450 2,573 1,827 2,627 1,953 2,301 2,171 2,013 1,773 1,479 1,600 1,874 1, 390 1,501 1,571 908 1,474 1,369 1,181 1,024 885 1,256 1,266 505 1,047 1,118 924 1,103 990 774 1,044 986 969 956 856 868 756 663 837 839 687 912 781 848 583 759 080 511 677 403 758 298 762 570 665 598 749 734 637 8 per- sons. 4,697 10, 091 12, 980 6,912 5,216 4,134 6, 367 3,193 2,605 3,291 2,897 3,078 3,226 3,081 2,597 2,702 1,906 2,010 1,464 2,028 1,474 1,505 1,670 1,513 1,539 1,0S6 1,061 1,445 1,133 979 1,080 806 919 1,105 954 762 906 948 438 782 860 056 746 663 653 684 612 641 691 672 647 534 599 615 430 567 593 544 422 463 533 499 339 613 238 548 9 per- sons. 10 per sons. 4,098 7,982 8, 363 5, 475 4,167 3,498 4,394 2, 174 2,043 2, 329 2,228 2, 195 2, 344 2,045 1,037 1,915 1,583 1,456 1,136 1,516 1,126 1,155 1,179 1,071 1,252 637 1,085 931 506 715 652 593 834 707 758 578 663 677 392 611 607 498 460 425 590 453 414 334 345 510 412 511 432 408 440 297 325 447 323 313 310 428 360 336 247 382 216 353 4,172 7, 159 6,141 4,605 3,480 3,345 3,030 2,055 1,700 1,601 1,827 1,806 1,810 1,689 1,082 1,370 1, 259 1,040 903 1,224 1,771 765 841 931 971 833 446 783 735 405 502 577 349 761 547 069 522 568 549 350 471 507 457 325 271 471 284 257 220 230 11 to 15 per sons. 416 308 448 310 415 332 501 334 520 364 440 259 408 888 452 348 436 320 232 219 332 224 300 198 488 263 253 231 300 220 286 320 199 289 234 273 131 10, 384 17, 760 6,403 12,0.55 6,668 8,082 3,603 1,926 4,189 2,156 3,237 1,753 2,442 1,767 1,516 2,212 2,962 1,914 2,011 1,794 748 841 1,423 944 2,267 593 391 1,122 1,647 443 631 1,631 381 839 1,076 1,506 810 406 766 1.002 797 470 418 289 211 1,175 319 249 147 210 697 155 639 883 231 241 191 198 630 177 377 158 285 676 485 542 365 514 287 245 180 570 289 430 144 10 to 20 per- sons 6.7S9 7,509 1,135 5,465 1,987 2,818 384 610 1,976 447 894 313 510 249 236 473 959 396 944 449 573 161 223 254 672 272 82 188 331 101 108 576 53 178 340 435 310 93 170 563 221 108 135 43 36 328 62 18 18 167 110 189 295 80 56 75 31 138 40 144 38 101 248 141 263 50 277 53 93 30 158 50 61 11 21 per- sons and o\'er. 23, 596 6,109 675 6,880 1,375 1,861 258 785 2, 173 258 603 177 239 139 118 189 620 360 1,271 253 342 117 277 211 340 230 80 81 131 77 82 360 38 88 235 209 374 89 182 74 122 17 24 117 47 21 79 134 201 62 40 81 41 55 60 215 51 69 187 117 311 27 611 22 147 44 92 22 29 10 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 901 T.B.K 6.-PERS0NS TO A DWELLING, IN DETAIL FOR CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABIT- lABLK o. r ANTS OR MORE : 1890-Contiiiued. Quincy, 111 Mobile, Ala Topeka. Kan . . Elmira, X. Y Salem, Mass Long Island city. N. T Altoona, Pa . - - Dubuque, Iowa Terre Haute, Ind Chattanooga, Tenu Galveston, Tex AVaterbury, Conn Cbelsea, Mass Bay city, Mich Pawtucket,K. I Akron, Ohio Houston, Tex Haverhill, Mass Brockton, Mass Williamsport, Pa Davenport, Iowa Sacramento, Cal Canton, Ohio Biiminn;ham, Ala Little ilock. Ark Anhurn, N. T . Taunton. Mass AUentown. Pa Lacrosse, Wis. 902 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 7.— PERSONS TO A FAMILY, IN DETAIL, STATES AND TERRITORIES. The United States . Nortrli Atlantic division. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts . . . Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania South Atlantic division Delaware Maryland District cf Columbia . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida North Central division . Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan "Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota. South Dakota . Nebraska 35 South Central division . Kentucky . . , Tennessee. . Alabama ... Mississippi . Louisiana . . . Texas Oklahoma.. . Arkansas . . , Western division . . Montana Wyoming . . . Colorado New Mexico Arizona Utah , Nevada Idaho Washington . Oregon California 1 person. 461, 163 120, 061 5,759 4,529 2,948 17, 384 2,977 6,712 45, 082 8,469 26, 201 58, 283 857 5,403 1,278 9,694 2,372 10, 976 9,584 12,796 5,323 157, 812 24, 917 12, 264 20, 260 15, 536 10, 894 11,321 11,507 14, 594 4,411 7,044 10, 878 14, 186 62, 051 7,449 7,098 9,811 8,080 8,910 12, 775 2,555 5,373 62, 956 4,014 1,518 7,357 2,832 2,250 1,899 1,861 2,583 8,376 6,546 23, 720 2 persons. 1, 673, 224 566, 440 25, 506 16, 896 13, 093 78, 149 12, 549 28, 346 213, 344 44,411 134, 146 193, 113 3 persons. 2, 117, 198 695, 188 4,293 23, 662 5,529 30, 641 13, 396 33, 673 27, 321 43, 783 10, 815 595, 210 113, 196 63, 299 98, 252 68, 648 42, 581 27, 590 48, 678 61, 162 4,469 8,690 22, 059 36, 586 230, 349 30, 995 18, 405 15, 359 91, 857 14, 337 32, 263 252, 096 57, 077 182, 799 247, 745 6,018 31, 313 6,989 41, 971 19, 898 44, 067 32, 819 52, 092 12^578 780, 637 4 persons. 145, 638 86, 287 130, 093 87, 436 52, 963 35, 595 64, 305 83, 486 5,471 10, 573 30, 199 48, 591 298, 526 38, 473 36, 607 34, 326 27, 137 26, 438 41, 948 2,115 23, 305 88, 112 4,336 1,565 12, 251 5,871 2,184 4,824 1,638 2,528 9,791 7,945 35, 179 53, 711 49, 921 41, 746 33, 954 30, 662 55, 133 2,282 31, 117 95, 102 4,156 1,627 13, 553 6,519 1,895 5,269 1,394 2,556 10, 588 9,248 38, 297 2, 132, 971 668, 511 28, 674 15, 596 14, 171 85, 250 13, 071 29, 924 239, 106 56, 587 186, 132 254, 126 6,025 32, 738 7,1! 3 45, 146 21, 978 45, 448 32, 415 51, 427 11, 836 805, 594 5 persons. 143,813 87, 810 137, 299 85, 218 55, 517 38, 699 67, 040 88, 863 5,565 11,081 33, 146 51,543 310, 979 57, 019 52, 031 41, 709 34, 544 30, 782 60,444 2,227 32, 223 93, 761 3,813 1,639 13, 422 5,901 1,795 5,405 1,293 2, 383 10, 526 9,893 37, 691 1, 916, 536 563, 972 121, 030 74, 517 125, 203 70, 003 51, 782 37, 267 61, 307 82, 685 5,338 9,859 33, 201 46, 477 304, 250 54, 111 49,754 41, 022 34, 363 30, 464 60, 413 1,835 32, 288 84, 566 3,388 1,818 11, 853 5,138 1,572 5,365 1,178 2,265 9,474 9,091 33, 424 21, 935 11, 542 11, 107 70, 000 10, 610 23, 990 199, 160 49, 394 166, 234 245, 079 5,681 31, 161 6,680 44,531 21, 253 44, 165 31, 4.35 49, 193 10, 980 718, 669 RECAPITULATION BY 1 The United States 461, 163 1, 673, 224 2, 117, 198 2, 132, 971 1, 916, 536 '> 120, 061 58, 283 157, 812 62, 051 62, 956 566, 440 193,113 595, 210 230, 349 88, 112 695, 188 247, 745 780, 637 298, 526 95, 102 668, 511 2d4, 126 805, 594 310, 979 93, 761 563, 972 245, 079 718, 669 304, 250 84,566 ^ 4 North Central division 5 South Central division 6 Western division . DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 903 BY STATES AND TERRITORIES : 1890. 6 persons. 1, 466, 158 403, 364 7 persons. 14,765 7,600 7,676 49, 203 7,532 16, 787 137, 480 35, 056 127, 265 202, 553 4,188 24, 956 5, 249 37, 939 18, 241 37, 421 25, 303 40, 748 8,508 540, 964 88, 760 54, 597 95, 782 49, 518 40, 923 30, 305 47, 540 66, 602 4,328 7,801 24,861 35, 947 251, 918 1. 080, 910 274, 847 9, 205 4,833 4,938 33, 592 5, 226 11,082 90, 840 24, 019 91. 112 164, 316 3,027 19, 405 3, 963 30, 856 14, 753 31, 093 21,047 33, 353 6,819 8 persou.s.- 748, 103 44, 373 41, 580 33, 269 28, 162 24,615 51, 893 1,403 26, 623 61, 359 2,327 1, 092 8,186 3,456 1,130 4,401 856 1,697 6,913 6,743 24,558 389, 937 60, 435 37,019^ 68, 644 • 31,987 30, 667 23, 323 34, 474 49, 804 3,274 5,781 18, 793 25, 736 207, 063 35, 306 34, 055 27, 873 23, 81G 20, 131 42, 909 1,092 21, 881 44, 747 1,619 780 176, 240 9 persons. 478, 532 105, 717 5,688 2,976 2,936 21,335 3,540 7,160 56, 081 14, 790 61, 734 124, 400 1,944 13, 853 2,715 24,193 11,199 23, 410 16, 422 25, 707 4,957 259, 395 3,411 1,834 1,070 13, 133 2,137 4,175 32, 706 8,494 38. 157 85, 732 10 persons. 11 to 15 per- sons. 38, 835 23, 729 44, 989 20, 330 20, 721 16, 931 22, 937 34, 421 2,277 3,876 13, 267 17, 082 156, 983 5, 818 2,339 869 3,716 594 1,357 4,992 4,994 17, 669 26, 120 25, 357 21, 692 18, 557 15, 497 32, 811 669 16, 280 31,085 1,111 584 3, 882 1,543 622 2,867 418 982 3,461 3,410 12, 205 1,174 8,945 1,770 16, 722 7,709 16, 245 11, 588 18, 145 3,434 158, 115 23, 019 13, 667 27, 047 11, 699 13, 150 11,095 14, 206 21, 549 1,480 2,440 8,483 10. 280 108, 429 17, 304 17, 049 15, 319 13, ei6 11, 065 22, 603 402 11,071 20, 539 814 408 2,517 853 466 2,089 275 649 2,324 2,237 7,907 352, 545 74, 094 2,424 1,336 1,069 9,717 1,554 2,915 23, 143 5,732 26, 204 67, 046 218, 248 50, 220 16 to 20 per- sons. 824 6,270 1,434 13, 858 5,360 12, 087 9,300 14, 933 104, 747 14, 213 8,198 17, 266 7,583 8,701 7,963 9,405 14, 824 1,076 1,735 7,410 6,373 86, 092 1,541 1,327 669 7,610 1,226 1,975 14, 108 3,533 18,231 41, 504 459 3,974 1,011 8,207 3,895 7,934 5,381 9,020 1,623 67, 070 12, 569 12, 105 13, 141 12, 061 9,764 17, 961 278 8,213 20, 566 922 677 2,956 734 457 1,787 368 623 2,229 1, 835 7,978 9,771 4,981 10, 865 5, 225 6,075 6,293 6, 211 8,616 605 1,105 3,251 4,072 49, 447 7,243 7,896 6,765 6,335 5,302 10, 897 144 4,865 10, 007 441 179 1,255 232 157 940 148 315 1,061 1,184 4,095 25, 875 7,928 233 255 120 1,470 144 306 2,751 468 2,181 2,654 21 persons and over. 18, 689 5,660 65 270 137 641 209 305 252 611 164 219 219 113 1,090 107 255 2,118 309 1,230 1,216 23 229 99 274 96 128 74 251 42 6,619 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 401 ,308 934 759 740 491 973 93 135 835 287 3,640 784 23 377 24 1,007 25 887 26 723 27 853 28 416 29 716 30 91 31 130 32 437 33 198 34 1,393 35 508 489 478 451 383 .,026 21 284 3,817 275 96 664 43 59 144 78 119 569 316 1,454 277 1 36 252 37 141 38 72 39 110 40 438 41 6 42 97 43 3,801 44 285 45 82 46 562 47 43 48 39 49 110 50 69 51 56 52 673 53 349 54 1,533 55 GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS. 904 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVEOTH CENSUS: 1890. T.BU,: ^.-PERSONS TO A FAMILY, IN DETAIL, FOR CITIES HAVING 25,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE: 1890. >nAiJiiA.MS New York, N. T . . Chicago, 111 PhilatTelphia, Pa . . Brooklyn, K. Y St. Louis, Mo Boston, Mass Baltimore, Md San Francisco, Cal . Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Cleveland, Ohio Buffalo, N.r New Orleans, La . . . Pittsburg, Pa "Washington, B.C.. Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis . . . Newark, N.J Minneapolis, Minn. Jersey city, N.J... I/Ouisville', Ky Omaha, Neb Rochester, N. Y . St. Paul, Minn . . Kansas city. Mo . Providence, K. I. Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind Allegheny, Pa Albany, St. Y Columbus, Ohio . . . Syracuse, N. Y AVorcester, Mass . . Toledo, Ohio Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn. Paterson, N. J Lowell, Mass Nashville, Tenn.. Scranton, Pa Fall River, Mass . Cambridge, Mass. Atlanta, Ga Memphis, Tenn .. Wilmington, Del . Dayton, Ohio Troj-,N.Y Grand Rapids, Mich. Reading, Pa Camden, N. J Trenton, N. J Lynn, Mass Lincoln, Neb. ... Charleston, S. C. . Hartford, Conn . St. Joseph, Mo... Evansville, Ind . . . Los Angeles, Cal.. Des Moines, Iowa . Bridgeport, Conn . Oakland, Cal Portland, Ore Saginaw, Mich . . . Salt Lake, Utah . . Lawrence, Mass. . Springfield, Mass Manchester, N. H. TJtica,N. Y Hoboken.N. J Savannah, Ga Seattle, Wash 1 per- son. 2 per- sons. 9,638 48,292 4, 157 28, 372 3,907 24,066 4, 640 25, 128 3 per- 4 per- sons, sons. 5 per- sons. 4,255 2,674 2, 305 2,137 2,622 1,229 1,306 2,208 907 1,278 815 1,088 919 2,204 797 1,494 310 747 1,336 1,113 1,107 740 794 410 788 546 674 438 552 825 470 449 328 796 264 277 298 726 678 211 362 506 418 245 206 213 13, 076 13, 409 11, 477 6,880 9,874 7,205 6,995 7,085 5,463 5,529 5,651 5, 574 5,579 4,298 4,667 5,008 1,908 3,736 3,136 3,917 4,917 2,645 3,706 2.668 3,287 2,648 3, 136 2,815 2,355 2,103 2,810 2,487 1,937 2,180 1,701 1,846 1,912 2,138 2,194 1,596 1,971 .56, 095 1.54, 806 48. 686 37,080 139,811 36,350 35,942 33,119 31, 070 27, 046 15.008 13,662 6 per- sons. 7 per- 8 per- sons. SODS. 34, 118 31, 184 14, 948 Peoria, 111 New Bedford, Mass . Erie, Pa Somerville, Mass. 298 78 556 522 250 256 732 446 245 288 273 215 191 306 356 403 340 227 377 764 323 373 184 141 1,947 2,180 1,638 1,758 1,666 Hairisburg, Pa 150 1,981 649 1,623 1,923 1,185 1,153 1,841 1,368 1,573 1,522 744 1,184 848 1,334 1,787 1,307 1,566 1,397 1,364 1,074 1,265 1,536 1,052 1,416 1,147 15, 870 13, 945 8,117 11, 652 9,112 8,779 7,602 6,976 6,989 7,147 6,905 7, 290 5, 230 6,127 5,418 2,831 4,809 4,215 4,817 5,715 3,244 4,522 3, 359 3,698 3,317 3,794 3,416 3,047 2,313 3,324 3,054 2,582 2,606 2,473 2,301 2,568 2,277 2, 433 2,168 2,534 15,536 113,385 i57 13,524 2,342 2,672 2,310 2, 513 2,241 2,569 1,137 1,854 2,119 1,576 1,503 2,134 1,787 2,052 1,725 958 1,744 1,072 1,608 2,027 1,481 1, 843 1,720 1,649 1,244 1,572 1,786 1, .348 1,861 1,619 8,204 11, 060 9,335 8,769 7,411 7,508 7,113 7,680 6,938 7,188 5,532 6,305 5,284 3,227 4,851 4,215 4, 654 5,358 3,372 4, 332 3,622 3,621 3,255 3, 503 3,255 3,034 2, 334 3,268 3,041 2,505 2,541 2,611 2,270 2,491 1, 990 2,070 2, 199 2,400 2,287 2,551 2, 338 2,464 2,208 2,377 1,401 1,715 2,155 1,725 1,658 1,908 1,869 1,956 1,905 1,028 1,742 1,093 1,628 1,834 1,406 1,741 1,744 1,419 1,131 1,448 1,572 1,330 1,761 1,691 7,864 9,385 8,284 8, 275 7,236 7,128 6,680 6,941 6,513 6,422 4,978 5,869 4,630 4,222 4,238 3,851 3, 865 4,241 2,963 3, 549 3, 337 .3, 183 2,810 2,833 2,722 2,689 2,219 2,614 2,669 2,279 2, 300 2,310 2,162 2,203 1,818 1,910 2, 095 2,125 1,964 2,054 1,918 2,092 1,907 34, 150 26, 920 25, 333 19, .557 10, 495 0, 674 10, 337 5,889 6.992 1,803 2,030 1,725 1,788 1,619 1,717 1,567 1,680 1,610 1,552 923 1,519 1,223 1,327 1,408 1,109 1, 335 1,517 1,307 1,094 1,339 1,245 1,261 1,397 1,341 6,156 5, 459 5,623 5,249 5,196 5,118 4,402 3,664 4,115 3,653 2,544 3. 148 2,996 2,724 2,951 1,991 2,428 2,537 2,296 2, 009 2,032 1,882 2,056 1,737 1,757 1.894 1,666 1,620 1,801 1, 660 1,696 1,370 1,328 1,439 1,482 1,437 1,379 1,482 1,447 1,419 1,219 920 1,125 1,184 1,059 1,158 1,043 1,236 1,143 1,117 707 1,080 833 990 982 782 1,061 1,022 943 733 934 869 1,000 1,007 901 23, 447 18, 851 18, 003 13, 347 7,491 6,881 7,827 4,355 4,794 4,562 4,329 4,062 4,331 3,963 3,611 3,810 3, 057 2,431 2,794 2,670 2,047 2,198 2,109 1,904 1,967 1,440 1,515 1,858 1,478 1,420 1,324 1,338 1,422 1,337 1,273 1,346 1,181 1,224 1,346 1,303 1,200 998 926 1,061 943 1,042 903 965 940 936 743 887 860 814 820 833 662 883 781 773 584 742 707 720 564 647 766 725 568 637 602 726 615 624 15, 075 12, 100 12, 190 8,378 5,002 4,448 5,416 3,043 3,056 2,945 2,918 2,963 2,715 2,320 2,452 1,834 1,651 1,727 1,857 1,562 1,400 1,457 1, 305 1,264 1,041 964 1,238 901 841 795 832 99!> 844 858 860 835 921 919 779 734 614 701 609 611 532 639 592 593 490 666 663 506 575 564 414 537 493 494 381 444 524 446 365 418 440 473 510 400 406 403 443 334 425 9 per- sons. 390 273 297 301 300 284 285 410 292 237 308 234 260 307 267 276 243 296 212 253 9,168 7,178 7,579 4,856 3,190 2,702 3,398 1,979 1,761 1,789 1,714 1,910 1,904 1,770 1,333 1,449 1,062 1,023 937 1,227 1,115 983 947 871 753 622 554 793 521 446 481 I 520 506 741 448 513 545 568 590 637 455 488 414 437 377 349 311 362 322 312 250 388 443 244 384 10 per P *" 15 1^ to 20 sons. P®''- per- sons, sons. 7,507 4,999 5,492 3,396 2,443 2,281 2,176 1,938 1,207 1,141 1,189 1,490 1,438 1,434 925 657 056 634 938 1,649 661 615 793 460 904 381 525 338 382 337 .313 322 620 309 319 500 488 449 629 289 429 420 300 222 207 207 526 195 219 201 844 415 148 418 284 239 195 193 190 297 200 490 168 140 262 138 193 247 316 177 252 196 129 121 4,005 3,208 3, 969 1,921 1,526 1,979 1.613 1,097 858 759 1,018 1,082 1,056 588 588 421 790 388 579 422 447 658 460 388 374 233 373 258 237 245 226 240 .346 202 153 346 222 280 338 219 253 241 220 147 154 134 172 118 163 177 99 165 134 162 147 130 138 128 120 297 101 139 131 117 375 106 79 140 152 125 115 155 65 132 738 512 280 340 572 146 405 143 118 97 118 182 92 72 92 53 196 43 126 458 40 105 156 77 214 34 58 26 48 39 33 25 66 42 22 61 54 17 27 29 70 69 33 23 22 30 12 14 14 35 31 70 48 55 21 20 27 120 32 72 52 23 86 20 11 32 76 27 18 17 6 11 21 per- sons and over. 808 5.56 305 167 260 305 133 627 126 93 125 65 79 99 69 67 22 242 31 86 190 54 192 155 44 180 51 27 38 38 38 47 33 38 20 10 102 47 16 14 20 62 57 13 22 27 22 19 6 10 46 69 17 28 59 32 58 31 14 53 202 104 55 60 32 55 21 4 19 139 37 9 19 5 15 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. Tablk S.-PERSONS to A FAMILY, IN DETAIL, FOR CITIES HAVING ^ OR MORE: 1890-Coutinued. 905 25,000 INHABITANTS ciTi£5. Kansas city. Kaii.- Ballas, Tex Sioux city, Iowa. . Elizabeth, N. J --■ Wilkesbarre, Pa. . San Antonio, Tex Covington. Ky — Portland, Me Tacoma. Wash - . . Holyoke, Mass ... Port Wayne, Ind.. Binghamton, N. Y- Norfolk, Va Wheeling, W.Va . Augusta, Ga Quiucy, 111 . - . Mobile. Ala . . Topeka, Kan . Elrnira, N. Y . Salem, Mass . . Long Island city, N. Y . Altoona. Pa Dubuque, Iowa Terre Haute, Ind Chattanooga, Tenn Galrestou, Tex Waterbury, Conn . Chelsea, Mass Bay city, Mich PaWtucket, R. I . . 1 per- son. 159 301 71 177 157 341 245 271 366 110 196 279 312 191 613 168 127 103 197 2 per- sons. sons. Youngstown, Ohio Duluth, Minn Yonkers, N. Y Lancaster,Pa Springfield, Ohio ^4o 259 387 298 271 394 141 85 315 29C 289 268 165 146 104 187 181 176 134 193 149 198 257 123 310 Akron, Ohio Houston, Tex Haverhill, Mass Brockton. Mass Williamsport, Pa Davenport, Iowa Sacramento, Cal Canton, Ohio Birmingham. Ala Little Rock, Ark 283 Auburn, K. Y . . Taunton, Mass . Allentown. Pa . Lacrosse, Wis . . 3 per- 1,175 934 475 964 828 1,025 1,092 1,398 873 697 1,031 1,422 1,119 925 1,263 769 485 636 954 1,108 1,015 921 1,169 1,152 1,233 833 670 828 986 1,000 888 776 993 230 185 120 121 4 per- sons. 918 873 600 997 1,044 810 978 713 722 854 859 944 873 761 658 1,600 1,167 710 1,304 1,173 1, 135 1,313 1,735 1,095 1,024 1,321 1.617 1,302 1,216 1,329 1,072 594 914 1, 234 1,380 1,162 1,072 1,406 1,356 1,352 1,032 1,031 1.030 1,267 1,134 932 1, 028 1,269 930 1,077 1,176 887 1,178 1, 295 1,106 1,128 865 1,015 893 949 5 per- sons. 1,520 1,172 926 1,338 1,216 1,109 1,344 1,584 1,061 1,147 1,323 1,513 1,208 1,272 1,171 1,072 685 1, 024 1,189 1, 323 1,131 951 1,271 1, 275 1,271 1,130 1,099 1,043 1,166 1,018 879 1, 028 1,199 1,014 961 1,197 793 1,114 1, 214 1,042 1,004 894 1,001 763 1,108 1,080 1,128 870 6 per- sons. 7 per- sons. 1,339 1,076 1,076 1,246 1,140 961 1,232 1. 225 928 1,066 1,091 1. 093 1,052 1,135 976 1,056 781 1,030 1,126 1,128 1,032 995 1.019 972 972 1,044 906 927 1,012 967 1,011 946 866 893 986 932 852 954 792 867 903 879 890 839 827 695 862 800 866 814 819 8 per- sons. 894 763 795 974 940 802 957 796 611 853 834 729 760 836 832 790 560 773 747 760 7.'>8 710 751 698 678 735 760 719 682 615 045 655 626 677 640 643 572 607 629 619 505 641 515 562 585 561 562 608 .577 569 007 651 682 041 638 541 423 637 567 467 589 602 543 598 410 544 603 463 547 494 463 440 447 533 527 480 512 450 452 4T5 434 437 464 436 448 403 406 435 428 326 431 386 410 357 385 390 407 9 per- 10 per- sons, sons. 380 412 44'5 444 477 427 442 301 338 461 376 257 419 383 318 415 307 422 346 304 357 339 287 287 294 360 363 354 297 299 340 299 222 290 338 292 266 245 224 284 232 234 289 237 239 222 244 281 294 11 to per- 1516 237 241 262 264 327 296 271 164 219 325 223 J 60 253 257 219 286 226 263 187 182 201 242 177 135 150 197 202 211 168 165 228 193 152 198 190 158 215 137 126 174 123 120 160 198 159 124 140 131 170 183 248 328 177 242 222 157 94 200 209 145 113 174 152 1.54 185 358 229 119 114 119 267 102 98 106 146 186 134 102 150 205 172 102 140 131 79 213 104 82 124 90 170 107 197 119 70 90 110 83 to 20 per- sons 74 194 121 121 135 92 85 118 168 144 73 122 102 92 143 97 115 105 66 85 51 63 90 76 126 91 74 116 109 105 69 70 62 100 113 69 74 51 68 95 121 83 43 11 13 74 17 21 21 15 13 13 14 82 23 4 5 21 per- sons and over. 14 48 61 28 14 4 13 45 12 40 24 5 6 7 19 10 9 23 111 11 21 15 10 16 14 4 129 10 18 11 15 9 8 11 13 8 15 10 13 28 4 23 10 15 33 23 13 29 24 20 15 18 17 7 5 16 23 4 8 31 13 11 9 43 11 ;m 19 11 G 14 16 906 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 9.— NUMBER OF DWELLINGS HAVING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES, WITH AVERAGE NUMBER OF FAMILIES TO A DWELLING, FOR CITIES HAVINg' 100 000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, AND BY WARDS FOR CERTAIN CITIES: 1890. Kew York. N. Y Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward i Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Chicago, ni Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 . Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 22 Ward 23 Ward 24 Ward 25 Ward 26 Ward 27 Ward 28 Ward 29 Ward 30 Ward 31 Ward .32 1 Ward 33 1 Ward 34 1 Total dwell- ings. 81, 828 736 94 198 725 741 2,113 1,739 3, 557 1,496 2,400 15, 141 1,431 899 1,870 .3, 236 3,689 3,373 12, 261 4,171 4,003 7,766 6. 242 3,275 127, 871 1,692 2,841 3,584 3,049 4,086 5,242 2,955 2, 842 3,300 4,970 4,242 7,207 5,276 4,517 5,661 3,819 1,892 2,612 4,289 2,357 3,345 3,274 2,541 2,866 3,564 4,186 2,035 1,663 3,721 7,242 3,448 4,247 3,588 5,118 NUMBER OF DWELLINGS HAVING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES. 1 family. 37, 604 442 78 119 232 234 269 402 448 1,255 296 262 7,852 220 243 1,129 1,472 773 1,897 6,161 1,181 2.305 3,586 3,799 2,949 77, 190 2 fami- lies. 9,228 1,045 1,990 2,452 2,488 1,620 3,184 1,009 1,139 1,022 2,738 2,580 4,956 3,335 2,181 3, 981 942 767 1,722 1,888 959 1,508 1,259 795 1,931 2,334 2,915 1,915 1,495 2,110 5.128 3,113 3,533 2,780 4,376 79 10 30 118 114 65 342 344 754 171 219 1,435 179 102 234 415 306 151 1,026 534 319 551 1,419 251 28, 823 3 fami- lies. 7,313 4 fami- lies. 349 485 673 715 1,270 1,237 779 571 918 1,276 1,079 1,739 1,418 1,294 1,292 926 469 540 1,237 756 1,019 1,035 559 412 1,012 849 104 140 1,022 1,600 299 557 566 626 1 38 3 13 75 81 66 343 314 580 127 337 1.039 186 403 348 253 838 612 273 632 449 57 11, 073 121 199 280 263 575 438 552 404 538 469 350 374 355 534 249 679 284 220 571 387 514 541 410 326 157 240 14 18 347 327 26 107 132 5,141 32 1 12 51 62 44 198 196 282 93 916 132 52 95 249 301 170 724 379 235 484 153 12 5 fami- lies. 3,651 5 fami- lies. 2,934 24 6,222 94 108 128 372 282 365 347 419 322 138 93 109 336 107 522 173 75 319 184 205 274 332 116 158 1 7 205 160 8 35 77 35 39 33 43 145 113 1.58 61 199 644 88 50 61 181 212 126 495 259 164 322 124 1 2,223 16 33 29 36 33 157 60 133 154 163 91 65 35 25 102 20 276 81 28 155 48 60 95 187 44 9 19 1 1 28 21 1 6 77 105 55 151 558 60 38 120 179 140 410 227 155 295 108 1,366 7 to 9 fami- lies. 7,385 10 fami- lies and over. 47 2 5 63 54 79 207 121 179 153 407 1.695 185 86 81 188 540 289 1,330 421 282 805 157 3 812 31 18 19 13 71 26 86 117 142 51 20 7 26 52 8 256 65 17 66 17 27 43 139 18 3 186 44 8,672 58 7 118 53 135 388 126 244 537 557 1,002 381 252 64 208 970 347 1,271 558 270 1,091 33 2 162 13 uumberof families to a dwelling. 3.82 3.09 1.34 2.35 4.92 3.73 5.50 5.48 3.85 3.35 7.85 6.73 3.31 6.69 6.46 2.44 3.21 6.43 3.56 3.75 4.57 3.03 4.27 1.84 1.14 1.72 1.87 1.55 1.55 1.52 2.14 1.65 2.40 2.55 2.61 1.79 1.62 1.41 1.52 1.92 1.40 3.04 2.37 1.56 2.09 2.02 1.93 2.13 2.85 1.63 1.43 1.46 1.07 1.13 1.67 1.39 1.11 1.23 1.34 1.18 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 907 X.B.» O-N^MBER or -V™-,H-7»r -^S, ^^^^^ T^'vYn^ S" Philadelphia. Pa - Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6.- Ward 7 . - Ward 8 . . Ward 9 . . Ward 10 . . Ward 11 . Ward 12 - Ward 13. Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 - Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Ward 27 . Ward 28 . Ward 29 . Ward 30 . Brooklyn, N.T- Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4. Ward 5 . Ward 7 . Ward 8 - Ward 9 .. Ward 10 - Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Total dwell- inss. 187,052 NUMBER OP DWELLINGS HAVING SPECIFIED NUMBER OP FAMILIES. 1 family. 173, 630 10, 455 5,205 3,221 3,120 2, 271 1,280 4,750 2, 646 1,519 3,398 1,931 2,332 3,038 3,699 8,054 3,052 3,360 5,650 10, 174 8,016 5,027 8,398 6,969 7.863 6,851 11, 688 5,222 9,010 ■9,850 5,517 WardSl 6,380 Ward32 i'f^ Ward33 6,347 Ward34 *' ^''^ Ward 6 3,074 82, 282 1,930 626 2,080 1,223 1,510 4,389 3,688 1, 855 3,116 2,411 2,351 a, 232 1,931 2,559 2, 849 3,407 6,704 3,497 3,150 4,814 0,170 4,257 2,110 5,937 4,412 2 fami- lies. 10, 725 3 fami- lies. 1,651 9,951 4,539 2,711 2,653 1,736 1,010 4,083 2,515 1,415 3,218 1,561 2,061 2,778 3, 422 7,966 2,667 2, 903 5,216 9,228 7,018 4,772 8,174 6,810 7,513 6,449 11, 146 5,031 8,588 9,287 5,123 6,227 5,808 5,997 4,054 456 418 373 299 322 159 501 89 80 142 177 161 144 214 252 340 365 847 237 206 151 301 381 506 154 403 522 336 139 134 320 127 4 fami- lies. 37 119 73 107 105 58 97 23 15 26 96 59 58 28 78 51 83 89 15 14 7 34 19 34 22 16 35 43 11 24 20 7 5 fami- lies. 582 7 54 44 32 47 29 37 13 234 3 45 10 18 33 11 15 2 2 3 17 11 10 fami- lies and over. 12 12 4 5 5 126 1 18 5 5 15 92 12 Average number of families to a dwelling. 10 7 5 42,134 19,086 | 9,687 1,547 165 1,228 690 385 1,321 2, 742 1,971 991 1,212 1,126 936 942 547 471 1,014 2,532 1,557 2, 211 2,119 3, 884 3, 207 1,587 3, 826 3,038 76 144 392 261 393 599 904 1,067 389 851 638 485 674 448 819 628 950 2,020 850 539 1,227 1,284 661 366 1, 318 1,103 4,035 138 140 259 149 370 518 427 326 242 507 393 441 433 370 394 445 677 702 492 244 472 614 222 95 465 152 2,910 62 80 79 58 173 249 143 121 100 202 112 198 90 155 140 336 259 401 180 78 i 332 i 173 96 28 133 57 2,363 25 39 38 18 79 139 61 95 51 136 62 115 27 131 122 313 195 489 167 40 317 84 23 17 95 32 1,809 23 25 40 22 52 102 55 78 36 82 32 84 19 104 107 302 196 424 159 14 240 53 13 10 67 24 39 20 40 21 44 126 50 23 40 116 34 86 32 146 83 310 109 129 85 19 102 70 33 7 33 6 258 20 13 4 4 14 20 7 7 1.10 1.05 1.23 1.23 1.24 1.43 1.38 1.20 1.08 1.10 1.07 1.38 1.21 1.16 1.11 1.10 1.21 1.19 1.09 1.11 1.14 1.05 1.03 1.02 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.09 1.03 1.03 1.06 1.04 2.08 1.64 3.00 1.87 1.89 2.79 2.46 1.71 1.84 2.01 2.37 2.05 2.48 2.07. 3.06 2.44 3.72 2.65 2.43 2.28 1.53 2.32 1.67 1.42 1.38 1.60 1.42 908 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table -9.-NUMBER OR DWELLINGS HAVING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES WITK AVERAGE NUMBER OF FAMILIES TO A DWELLING FOR PTTTP^HilTiJ; ' ?I " INHABITANTS OR MORE, AND BY WARDS FOR CERTAIN C^ETlS^JitluZa.''''^ TV aril Ward Ward Ward Ward Wanl « . Ward 7 . Ward 8 . Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . . Ward 22 . . Ward 23 . . Ward 24 . . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Ward 27 . Ward 28 . Boston, Mass , Ward 1 . Ward 2 . 3 . 4. Ward Ward Ward Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9. AVard 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12 Ward 13 . Ward 14 . Ward 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18. Ward 19 . Ward 2U . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . St. Louis, Mo- Ward 1. Ward 2 . Ward 3 . Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10 . Total dwell- ings. 00, 937 1,372 1,280 1,541 1,609 1,690 2,418 2, 007 1, .334 2, 388 1,746 2.685 1,862 2,196 2,071 1,.'>92 1,822 1,873 2,574 2, 294 2,112 2,179 2, 505 2.410 2,743 2,739 3, 097 2,729 3,869 2,651 1,816 1,646 1, 830 1,505 1,391 953 1,217 1,453 746 2,457 1,066 2, 033 3,294 2,146 1,451 1,620 1,712 2,437 3,043 3, 263 2,025 3,835 4,961 2,098 Baltimore, Md 72 112 3,603 2,388 2,605 2,410 2,791 4,631 4,386 3,911 2,067 2,592 NUMBER OP DWELLINGS HAVING SPECIFIED NUMBER OP FAMILIES. 1 family. 895 745 820 1,170 640 1,331 616 2,103 786 1,921 1,157 1,064 I 914 1.081 1,870 ] 560 1,684 1.448 2,206 1,467 2,264 1,921 2,775 2,427 3,521 2 fami- lies. 14, 712 281 312 488 320 628 907 775 474 1,079 503 820 242 715 352 3 fami- lies. 2,879 87 95 113 76 195 117 217 174 145 251 55 152 24 134 101 4 fami- lies. 55 60 58 24 131 46 231 96 72 115 18 76 8 52 45 5 fami- lies. 3 fami- lie.s. 449 31, 074 770 88 33 540 141 69 582 70 40 609 88 21 345 54 19 .337 1 95 239 28 66] 137 414 48 686 95 265 37 255 36 314 26 12, 519 1,273 748 710 1,023 819 603 472 460 914 604 3,071 731 591 627 451 250 160 329 260 58 6,313 1,855 269 482 271 630 621 1,833 993 929 768 680 274 1,089 223 1, 341 182 1,057 748 1,741 747 2,270 600 886 555 2,837 740 4,009 755 1,809 245 60, 253 9,945 287 291 314 149 176 246 167 271 150 32 173 107 565 409 407 247 159 100 423 420 347 434 245 157 37 1,394 2,826 1,576 1, 993 1,805 2,346 3,870 3,704 3,396 1,761 2,082 684 520 306 443 373 691 604 462 203 418 14 36 18 23 41 120 72 92 75 75 97 102 26 28 133 58 34 118 60 21 74 22 23 7 310 339 82 179 89 104 61 63 71 40 48 271 82 7 to 9 fami- lies. 243 4 14 4 5 3 10 331 6 9 1 4 36 12 17 4 37 21 10 14 4 28 30 30 5 1 24 23 17 25 26 4 10 1 3 31 lOfami lies and over. 74 Average number of families to a dwelling. 1.51 1.67 1.91 1.79 1.48 2.14 1.56 2.24 2.35 1.66 2.38 1.26 1.79 1.14 1.58 1.54 1.62 1.66 1.35 1. 40 1.26 1.50 1.18 1.60 1.21 1.37 1.13 1.13 1.10 1.65 1.81 1.81 1.57 1.67 2.46 2.23 2.19 1.74 1.45 1.63 2.30 2.30 1.62 1.81 2.23 1.75 1.50 2.02 1.72 1.46 2.03 1.35 1.25 1.16 1.20 1.25 1.56 1.29 1.36 1.19 1.18 1.18 1.15 1.23 1.24 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 909 o NTTMBER OF DWELLINGS HAVING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES, WITH .VErIgE nSbER of FAMILIES TO A DWELLING, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABI?!n?S OR MORE, AND BY WARDS FOR CERTAIN CITIES: 1890-Continued. Bidtimore. Md. Ward 11-- Ward 12-- Ward 13-. AVard 14.- -Continued. Ward 15- Ward 16- Ward 17. Ward 18. "Ward 19. ■Ward 20. "Ward 21. Ward 22. Cincinnati, Oliio AVard Ward "Ward Ward Ward Ward 6.. Ward 7 . . Ward S.- Ward 9.. Ward 10.. Ward 11.. Ward 12.. Ward 13.. Ward 11.. Ward 15.. Ward 16.. Ward 17.. AVard 18.. Ward 19.. Ward 20.. Ward 21.. Ward 22. Ward 23. Ward 24. Ward 25. Ward 26. AVard 27. Ward 28. Ward 29. Ward 30. San Francisco, Cal. Cleveland, Ohio Buiialo, N. Y New Orleans, La . . Pittsburg, Pa Washington, D. C . Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis . . . Newark, N.J Minneapolis, Minn . Jersey city, N. J . Louisville, Ky... Omaha, Neb Rochester, N . T . St. Paul, Minn . .. Kansas city, Mo . . Providence, R. I . . Denver, Colo Indianapolis, Ind. Allegheny, Pa Total dwell- ings. 3,266 3 897 2,346 3,018 2,346 2, 392 4, 222 4,783 4,156 3,490 2,741 4,071 NUMBER OF DWELLINGS HAVING SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES. 1 family. 33, 487 1,529 2,035 606 1,579 701 718 719 511 853 1,076 1,360 743 980 1,049 1,141 1,371 866 786 1,026 983 1,210 1,449 1,146 1,701 1,735 1,004 1,241 1,131 1,349 47, 183 43, 835 37, 290 43, 000 37, 725 38, 798 36, 992 32, 888 23, 296 25, 281 18, 562 24, 999 20, 194 23, 954 20, 976 23. 140 17, 639 18,010 21,138 16,543 2 fami- lies. I 3 fami- lies. 2,518 3,667 1,856 2,590 1,749 1,785 3,465 4,071 3,629 3,074 2,623 3, 867 20, 303 597 203 395 388 504 485 682 615 491 377 111 191 6,211 1,289 1,770 184 813 379 366 222 258 602 339 362 717 145 492 569 618 990 566 348 577 450 628 737 685 1,457 1,424 647 784 872 1,013 43, 418 36, 781 27, 813 39, 282 31, 517 34, 624 32, 688 26, 021 13,703 19, 274 11,192 19, 881 18, 431 21,511 17, 327 20, 500 8,754 16, 708 19, 872 13, 044 193 178 114 468 145 152 148 115 122 143 253 356 135 177 218 215 198 139 191 210 245 229 269 226 201 243 171 310 195 252 2,871 5,781 6,648 2,756 5,115 3,472 3,611 5,584 5,992 5,074 3,882 3,563 1,427 1,957 3,029 2. 071 7,194 1,061 1,005 2, 917 4 fami- lies. 119 20 66 33 78 96 63 84 32 32 7 12 2,763 5 fami- lies. 6 fami- lies. 7 to 9 fami- lies. 10 fami- lies and over. 1,674 36 46 86 173 58 93 98 54 47 118 171 152 128 124 95 125 92 75 113 87 102 121 144 86 23 43 95 90 37 51 569 879 1,793 574 777 525 550 960 2,376 628 905 228 300 415 384 961 159 137 460 1,144 20 54 63 38 43 81 39 29 98 104 69 112 104. 82 14 14 39 33 17 16 180 238 626 193 193 119 97 240 575 173 721 380 68 90 118 100 551 44 49 83 722 1 9 66 35 24 19 75 18 20 92 89 42 90 58 38 44 19 14 31 48 47 75 96 32 5 3 24 13 7 10 59 65 240 79 66 32 33 49 370 72 462 139 21 45 31 47 102 16 29 25 4 50 21 24 16 40 10 14 49 57 14 67 34 34 35 11 12 17 19 36 36 67 16 33 37 81 49 28 16 6 20 180 19 387 52 5 19 14 13 58 12 6 9 81 25 381 59 12 22 28 16 Average numberot families to a dwelling. 135 7 1 40 12 5 1 23 10 17 12 43 12 7 4 16 3 40 10 1.29 1.07 1.27 1.16 1. 30 1.33 1.20 1.17 1.14 1.13 1.05 1.05 1.90 16 17 23 20 17 2 6 4 22 16 4 1.20 1.22 3. 22 1. 8:i 2.31 2.24 3.11 2. 13 1.70 2. 86 2.74 1.80 3.56 2.21 2.07 2. 08 1. .55 1.85 2.27 1.99 2. 25 2.19 2. 24 1.85 1.19 1.25 1.74 1.57 L32 1.36 1. II 1.21 1.38 1.13 1.21 1, 13 1.14 1.20 1. 07 1. 30 1.80 1. 32 1.11 1.14 1.23 1.16 1.66 1.10 1.09 1.26 910 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table lO.-NUMBER OF FAMILIES IN DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, AND BY WARDS FOE CERTAIN CITIES: 1890. vvAitija New Tork, If. Y Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward U Ward 15 Ward 16. Ward 17. Ward 18. Ward 19. Ward 20. Ward 21. Ward 22. Ward 23. Ward 24. Cliicago, 111 . Ward 1. Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6. Ward 7. Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10. Ward 11. Ward 12. Ward 13.. Ward 14.. Ward 15.. Ward 16. AVard 17. Ward 18. Ward 19. Ward 20. Ward 21. Ward 22. Ward 23. Ward 24. Ward 25. Ward 26. Ward 27. Ward 28. Ward 29.. Ward ?0.. Ward 31.. Ward 32.. Ward 33.. Ward 34.. Total families. 312, 766 2,277 126 465 3,567 2,481 4,075 11,580 6,689 11, 899 11, 751 16, 140 50, 107 9,580 5,810 4,580 10, 383 23, 709 12, 004 45, 979 19, 042 12, 122 33, 198 11,484 3,718 220, 320 3,164 4,408 5,566 5,530 8,751 8,669 7,100 7,241 8,621 8,917 6,868 10, 170 8,020 8,669 7,918 11,612 4,478 4,084 8,961 4,759 6,472 6,982 7,249 4,684 5,091 6,096 2,174 1,874 6, 229 10, 094 3,832 5,209 4,799 6,029 NUMBER OF FAMILIES IN DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES. 1 family. 37, 604 442 78 119 232 234 402 448 1,255 296 262 7,852 220 243 1,129 1,472 773 1.897 6,161 1.181 2, 305 3,586 3.799 2,949 77, 190 2 families. 1,045 1,990 2,452 2,488 1,620 3,184 1,009 1.139 1,022 2,738 2,580 4,956 3, 335 2,181 3,981 942 767 1,722 1,888 959 1,508 1,259 795 1,931 2,334 2, 915 1,915 1,495 2,110 5,128 3,113 3,533 2,780 4,376 18, 456 158 20 60 236 228 130 684 688 1,508 342 438 2,870 358 204 468 830 732 302 2,052 1,068 638 1,102 2.838 502 57, 646 3 families. 21, 939 970 1,346 1,4.30 2,540 2,474 1,558 1,142 1,836 2,552 2,158 3,478 2,836 2,588 2,584 1,852 938 1.080 2,474 1,512 2,038 2, 070 1,118 824 2,024 1,698 208 280 2,044 3,200 598 1,114 1,132 1,252 114 9 39 225 243 198 1.029 942 1.740 381 1,011 3,117 558 228 510 1.209 1,044 759 2,514 1,836 819 1,896 1,347 171 4 families. 20, 564 363 597 840 789 1,725 ■1, 314 1,656 1,212 1,614 1,407 1,050 1,122 1,065 1,602 747 2,037 852 660 1,713 1,161 1,542 1,623 1,230 978 471 720 42 54 1,041 981 78 321 396 216 128 '4 48 204 248 176 792 784 1,128 372 1,072 3,664 528 208 380 996 1,204 680 2,896 1.516 940 1,936 612 48 24, 888 5 families. 17, 755 6 families. 7 to 9 families. 17, 604 120 272 376 432 512 1,128 1,460 1,388 1,676 1,288 552 372 436 1,344 428 2,088 692 300 1,276 736 820 1,096 1,328 464 192 632 4 28 820 640 32 140 308 140 30 195 165 215 725 565 790 320 995 3.220 440 250 305 905 1,060 630 2,475 1,295 820 1,610 620 5 11, 115 165 145 180 165 785 300 665 770 815 455 325 175 125 510 100 1,380 405 140 775 240 300 475 935 220 45 95 5 5 140 105 5 30 90 45 36 174 210 240 528 462 630 330 3,348 360 228 252 720 1.074 840 2, 460 1,362 930 1,770 648 58, 108 186 108 114 78 426 156 516 702 852 306 120 42 156 312 48 1,536 390 102 396 102 162 258 834 108 18 359 15 39 499 428 625 1,646 951 1,415 1,223 3,175 13, 294 1,470 681 631 1,477 4,292 2,276 10, 511 3,306 2,200 6,365 1,208 22 6,167 10 families and over. 120, 736 860 246 132 55 68 133 103 226 722 633 171 59 25 45 122 30 1,425 338 70 356 37 67 201 677 106 24 94 1,802 725 2,222 5,774 1,849 3, 433 8,487 8.281 12, 742 5,646 :i, 768 905 2. 774 13, 530 4,620 16,910 7,478 3,470 14, 933 412 21 1,890 189 90 147 34 10 10 166 173 24 22 10 352 96 10 83 12 35 332 53 29 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 911 ,^ i^TTMRFR OF FAMILIES IN DWELLINGS ACCOEDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBEK "^^•^^F FVLZrorCi™ HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MOEE, AND BY WARDS FOR CERTAIN CITIES: 1890— Continued. CITIES. Philadelphia, Pa. Ward !--• Ward 2... Ward 3... "Ward 4... Ward 5... Ward 6... Ward 7.. Ward 8.. Ward 9.. Ward 10.. Ward 11.- Ward 12.- Ward 13.. Ward 14.. Ward 15.. Ward 16.. Ward 17.. Ward 18.. Ward 19.. Ward 20.. Ward 21.. Ward 22.. Ward 23 . . Ward 24.. Ward 25., Ward 26., Ward 27. Ward 28. Ward 29. Ward 30. Ward 31. Ward 32. Ward 33. Ward 34. Total families. NUMBER OF FAMILIES IN DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES. 1 family. 2 families. 3 families. 205, 135 11, 023 6,386 3,977 3,865 3,244 1,761 5, 722 2,849 1,671 3,642 2,662 2,826 3,533 4,104 9,482 3,679 4,013 6,185 11, 248 9,174 5,303 8,645 7,140 8,281 7,276 12, 268 5,478 9,456 10, 462 5,993 6,551 6,156 6,739 4, 341 Broolilyn, N. Y 170,970 Ward 1.. Ward 2.. Ward 3.- Ward 4.. Ward 5.. Ward 6.. Ward 7.. Ward 8.. Ward 9.- Ward 10.. Ward 11 . Ward 12 . Ward 13 . Ward 14. Ward 15 . Ward 16. Ward 17 . Ward 18. Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . 3,158 1,877 3,886 2,312 4,211 7,573 7,492 6,768 3, 729 7,395 4,948 5,838 4,630 5,918 6, 245 10, 599 9,044 16, 309 7,968 4,816 11,161 10, 327 6,056 2,917 9,516 6,277 173, 630 9,951 4,539 2,711 2,653 1,736 1,010 4,083 2,515 1,415 3,218 1,561 2, 061 2,778 3,422 7,966 2,667 2,903 5,216 9,228 7,018 4,772 8,174 6,810 7,513 6,449 11,146 5,031 8,588 9,287 5,123 6,227 5,808 5,997 4,054 21, 450 42, 134 1,547 165 1,228 690 385 1,321 2,742 1,971 991 1,212 1,126 936 942 547 885 471 1,014 2, 532 1,557 2,211 2,119 3,884 3,207 1,587 3,826 3,038 4 families. 5 families 4,953 912 836 746 598 644 318 1,002 178 160 284 354 322 288 428 1,172 504 680 730 1,694 1,766 474 412 302 602 762 1,012 308 806 1,044 672 278 268 640 254 38, 172 6 families. Ill 357 219 321 315 174 291 69 45 78 288 177 174 84 234 219 225 153 249 267 45 42 21 102 57 105 129 33 72 60 21 29, 061 152 288 784 522 786 1,198 1,808 2,134 778 1,702 1,276 970 1,348 896 1,638 1,256 1,900 4,040 1,700 1,078 2,454 2,568 1,322 732 2,636 2,206 414 420 777 447 1,110 1,554 1,281 978 726 1,521 1.179 1,323 1,299 1,110 1,182 1,335 2,031 2,106 1,476 732 1.416 1,842 666 285 1,395 456 2,328 1,170 28 216 176 128 188 116 148 52 8 20 244 92 140 132 84 48 36 60 12 12 756 15 225 50 90 165 55 75 10 10 15 85 55 45 30 10 60 60 20 25 25 16, 140 10 248 320 316 232 692 996 572 484 400 448 792 360 620 560 1,344 1,036 1,604 720 312 1,328 692 384 112 532 228 14, 550 125 195 19U 90 395 695 305 475 255 680 310 575 135 655 610 1,565 975 2,445 835 200 1,585 420 115 85 475 160 7 to 9 families. 700 108 30 30 90 148 24 14, 178 13, 701 138 150 240 132 312 612 330 468 216 492 192 504 114 624 642 1,812 1,176 2,544 954 1,440 318 78 60 402 144 298 154 300 157 347 954 377 171 302 251 667 252 1, 104 629 2,342 829 964 641 143 29 16 12 24 12 •23 12 10 3,034 236 185 51 42 184 243 77 87 61 HI 166 71 180 362 99 474 83 74 85 56 767 : 52 582 i 21 250 34 56 250 45 ' 912 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table lO.— NUMBER OF FAMILIES IN DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES, FOR CITIES HAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, AND BY WARDS FOR CERTAIN CITIES: 1890— Continued. ijt. Louis, Mo. "Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3. Ward 4. Ward 5. Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10 . Ward 11. Ward 12 . Ward 13. Ward 14. AVard 15. Ward 16 . Ward 17. Ward 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24. Ward 25. Ward 26. Ward 27 . Ward 28. Boston, Mass Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9 . Ward 10 . Ward 11 . Ward 12. AVard 13 . AVard 14. AVard 15 . Ward 16 . Ward 17 . Ward 18 . Ward 19. Ward 20 . AVard 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 . Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Baltimore, Md Ward 1 . Ward 2. Ward 3 . Ward 4. Ward 5 . Ward 6 . Ward 7 . Ward 8. Ward 9. Ward 10, Total families. 91, 756 2,287 2,443 2,762 2,379 3,623 3,782 4,492 3,136 4,292 4,154 3,378 3,341 2,514 3,270 2,458 2,045 3,108 3, 483 3,223 2,670 3,277 2,952 3,860 3,309 3,750 3, 507 3,094 4,267 9,716 NUMBER OF FAMILIES IN DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUJIBEE OK FAMILIES. 1 family. 4,369 3,282 2,977 2,876 2,514 3,427 2,122 2,671 2,532 1,084 4,004 2,450 4,681 5,339 3,877 3,241 2,834 2,561 4,923 5,242 4,778 4,103 5,213 6,178 2,438 86, C54 4,494 3,714 3,354 3,271 3,324 5,467 5,154 4,496 2,552 3,225 40, 792 895 745 820 1,170 640 1,331 608 470 1.268 616 2, 103 786 1,921 1,157 1,064 914 1,081 1,870 1,560 1,684 1, 448 2,206 1,467 2,264 1,921 2,775 2,427 3. 521 31, 074 2 families. 1,273 748 710 1.023 819 603 472 460 914 604 1,855 482 630 1,833 929 1,089 1,341 1,057 1,741 2,270 886 2,837 4,009 1,809 CO, 253 2,826 1,576 1,993 1,805 2,346 3,870 3,704 3,396 1,761 2,082 29,424 562 624 976 640 1,256 1.814 1,550 948 2,158 1,198 1,006 1.640 484 1,430 704 1,540 1,080 1,164 1,218 1,074 478 1,322 828 1,372 530 510 628 25, 038 3 families. 8,637 2,142 1,462 1,182 1,2.54 902 500 320 658 520 116 538 542 1,242 1,986 1,536 548 446 364 1,496 1,494 1,200 1,110 1,480 1,510 490 1,368 1,040 1,012 886 746 1,382 1,208 924 410 261 285 339 228 585 351 651 522 435 753 165 456 72 402 303 264 423 210 264 162 285 84 411 144 2S5 111 108 78 18, 939 861 873 942 447 528 738 501 813 450 519 321 ->J,695 1,227 1,221 741 477 300 1,269 1,260 1,041 1,302 735 471 111 4,350 4 families. 246 537 267 312 183 195 213 120 144 207 6,060 220 240 232 96 524 184 924 384 288 460 72 304 32 208 180 132 276 160 84 76 284 64 372 60 100 56 32 16 5,576 56 144 72 92 164 480 288 368 300 100 300 388 408 104 112 .532 232 136 472 240 84 296 88 92 28 5 families. 20 236 40 164 32 20 24 36 144 120 125 145 35 185 40 265 200 70 295 20 90 5 35 45 55 105 20 35 25 50 30 185 5 Cfamilies. 7 to 9 families. 1,626 60 84 114 12 156 30 222 192 18 270 12 48 2,795 10 30 40 5 55 325 180 195 110 65 115 175 260 90 30 260 215 60 190 125 00 125 20 55 2,214 20 120 15 35 10 12 18 24 24 30 294 108 90 84 42 210 180 60 42 198 108 102 108 132 36 192 30 18 222 C 102 1,875 130 131 79 45 217 21 161 273 45 352 10 families and over. 15 ■7 7 7 16 374 160 77 103 28 221 225 230 39 7 180 171 124 184 200 29 77 8 23 232 20 60 20 18 12 1, 097 209 57 153 60 11 51 147 10 210 10 29 15 10 11 38 27 10 1,568 24 113 93 10 51 33 384 107 36 134 147 50 58 115 15 57 DWELLINGS AND FAMILIES. 913 ,« VT^MRFK OF FAMILIES IN DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBER ^^"OF IAmSS lOR CITIEfiAVING 100,000 INHABITANTS OR MORE, AND BY WARDS FOR CERTAIN CITIES: 1890-Contiuued. CITIES. Baltimore, Md.- AVard 11... VTaid 12... Ward 13... Ward 14.- -Continued. Ward 15. Ward 16. Ward 17. Ward 18. Ward 19. Ward 20- Ward 21. Ward 22. Cincinnati. Ohio Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 10 Ward 11 . Ward 12 . . Ward 13 . . Ward 14 . . Ward 15 . , Ward 16 . Ward 17 . ,7ard 18 . Ward 19 . Ward 20 . Ward 21 . Ward 22 . Ward 23 - Ward 24 . Ward 25 . Ward 26 . Ward 27 . Ward 28 . Ward 29 . Ward 30 . San Francisco, Cal. Cleveland, Ohio Buffalo, N.y New Orleans, La. . . Pittsburg, Pa Washington,!). C. Detroit, Mich- . Milwaukee, Wis - . . Newark, N. J Minneapolis, Mmn. Jersey city, N. J Louisville, Ky . - Omaha, Neb Kochester, N. Y. St. Paul, Minn . . Kansas city. Mo . . Providence, R. I . - Denver, Colo -. Indianapolis, Ind . Allegheny, Pa NUMBER OF F.^MIUES IN DWELLINGS ACCORDING TO SPECIFIED NUMBER OF FAMILIES. Total families. 4,205 4,171 2, 968 3,501 3,053 3, 173 5,076 5,607 4,735 3,955 2,860 4,293 1 familv. 2families. 3families 63, 530 2,518 3,667 1,856 2,590 1,749 1,785 3,465 4,071 3, 629 3,074 2,623 3,867 20, 303 1,835 2,479 1,950 2, 890 1,621 1,611 2,238 1,090 1,447 2,540 2, 945 2, 535 2,648 2,170 2,172 2,372 2,128 1,601 1,786 2,046 2,211 2,651 3,251 2,122 2,016 2,164 1,743 1,945 1,494 1,829 52, 535 53, 052 51, 461 48, 582 45, 584 43, 967 42, 209 41,519 38, 906 32, 901 34, 434 32, 970 22, 485 27, 312 25, 832 26, 734 29, 242 19, 730 23, 063 20, 805 1,289 1,770 184 813 379 222 258 602 339 362 717 145 492 569 618 990 566 348 577 450 628 737 685 1,457 1,424 647 784 872 1,013 43,418 36, 781 27, 813 39, 282 31,517 34, 624 32, 688 26, 021 13, 703 19, 274 11, 192 19, 881 18, 431 21, 511 17, 327 20, 500 8,754 16, 708 19, 872 13, 044 4 families . 5 families 1,194 406 790 776 1,008 970 1,364 1,230 982 754 222 382 12, 422 356 228 936 290 304 296 230 244 286 506 712 270 354 436 430 396 278 382 420 490 458 538 452 402 486 342 620 390 504 5,742 11, 502 13, 296 5,512 10, 230 6,944 7,222 11,168 11, 984 10, 148 7,764 7,126 2,854 3,91+ 6,058 4,142 14, 388 2,122 2,010 5,834 357 60 198 234 288 189 252 8,289 104 16 .,. .,, I 7 to 9 10 families etamilies. families, and over. 6,696 108 138 258 519 174 279 294 162 141 354 513 456 384 372 285 375 276 225 339 261 306 363 432 2, 86U 7,128 1,884 4,464 2,715 684 900 1,245 1,152 2,883 477 411 1,380 5, 720 4,332 32 80 216 252 152 172 324 156 116 392 410 276 448 300 276 312 188 148 248 248 316 352 416 258 328 69 50 129 56 285 156 270 132 111 68 153 64 1,707 744 2,637 9.52 5,379 2,504 1,722 772 2,331 772 1,575 476 1,650 388 2,300 092 2,884 1,520 272 360 472 400 2,204 176 196 332 5 45 330 175 120 95 375 90 100 400 445 210 450 290 190 220 95 70 155 240 235 375 480 160 25 13 120 65 35 50 295 325 1,200 395 330 160 165 1 245 1 1,850 1 360 2,310 695 1 105 j 225 I 155 235 1 510 80 ! 145 125 1 24 300 1 126 144 96 240 96 84 294 342 84 402 204 204 210 06 72 102 114 216 216 402 96 198 222 486 294 168 96 36 120 1,080 114 2,322 312 30 114 84 348 72 00 4,069 305 37 174 137 324 56 125 300 205 67 417 144 175 162 90 117 136 142 244 280 490 358 185 55 50 65 616 190 2, 914 449 88 168 212 116 134 44 170 30 1,699 11 129 32 188 162 163 42 35 115 156 13 132 14 37 45 27 125 76 44 143 I 55 215 44 214 I 32 143 30 ' 81 22 38 io 187 293 293 247 51 37 10 00 245 239 584 272 21 120 279 HI 21 51 211 372- -58 STATISTICS OF ALASKA. 915 yi6 COMPENDIUM OF THE ELEVENTH CENSUS: 1890. Table 1.— POPULATION BY SEX, NATIVITY, Num- ber of vil- lages. DISTRICTS. Popula- tion. j Males. i Females. Native. Foreign. COLOR. White. Total. Males. Females. 1 309 The Territory 32. 052 19. 248 12, 804 15, 381 16. 671 4,393 3,818 1,207 1,521 2,340 1,830 . 1, 562 4,298 3,853 445 2 43 40 22 41 80 58 25 8.038 6.112 2.361 2.726 5,681 3,912 3, 222 4. 842 4, 398 ! 1, 434 1,712 2,854 2, 099 1. 909 3,196 1,714 927 1,014 2,827 1,813 1,313 3,645 2,294 1,154 1,205 3,341 2,082 1,660 1,738 1,105 ' 520 318 24 202 391 1,389 1,056 495 310 19 193 391 349 49 25 8 5 9 9 Kadiak (f ore : 1890 . . 510, 541 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 males and females, population as- for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 540, 54 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 *'l males of militia age, by nati^'ity and color- by counties : 1890 -- • for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 . for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . for the state : 1 890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties; 1890 •■•• for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 for the state :1890 native and foreign born, population as- hy counties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— by counties ; 1890 forplaces of 2,500 inhabitants ormore : 1890 . 666-669 1890.904,905 902,903 4,5 769, 770 762,763 810,811 761 769, 770 765, 766 810, 811 764 477 .540,541 472 .586,587 .453-467 California— Continued. ^^S • persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color- for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .7od-760 forthestate: 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties: 1890 '^^^'™ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .810, 811 sex, nativity, and color, population by— by counties: 1890 ^86,587 for places of 2,509 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .540, 541 for L state: 18.0 «8,469 white and colored, population as- hy counties: 1870 to 1890 • 'for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more ; forthestate: 1850 to 1890 *73 classified by sex - by counties: 1890 &»6,58< for places of 2,500 inhabitants ormore: {890 66«-««9 forthestate: 1890 580,581 Chinese population— =,« r,. by counties: 1870 to 1890 51b-&.* by states and territories : 1860 to 1890 474 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 o40-57J having from 1,000 to 2,500 inhabitants in 1890, with population for 1880 having 2,500 inhabitants or more in 1890— dwellings and famiUes, total 878-897 increase during the decade 442-452 native and foreign born and white and colored population, classified by sex 666-745 percentage of increase during the decade. . persons of school, militia, aud voting ages, sex, nativity, and color 810-852 persons to a dwelling and to a family 8 , 8-897 population by sex, nativity, and color 540-579 population for 1880 442-452 having 25,000 inhabitants or more in 1890- a-'gregate population: 1790 to 1890 434-437 increase of population : 1790 to 1890 438-441 males of militia age, by nativity and color . . . .762, 763 males of voting age, by nativity and color. - . . .765, 766 percentage of increase of population 1890 ■ persons of school age, by sex, nativity color persons to a dwelling, in detail persons to a family, in detail 901, 90o rank according to magnitude of population : 1790 to 1890 *34-437 haviu-' 100,000 inhabitants or more in 1890— number of dwellings having spccilied number of iamilies, with average number of fami- lies to a dwelling, and by wards for cer- 906-909 tain cities ,- number of families in dwellings according to specified number of families, and by wards for certain cities population of: 1880 and 1890 ■ - ;il districts, population of, in Tennessee: 1880 and 1890 Civilized Indian population— by counties: 1870 to 1890 .442-452 by 1790 to 438-441 and 755-760 900,901 Civi . .910-913 48-433 .372-386 by states and territories : 1860 to 1890 . 528-539 474 forthestate: 1890. 580, 581 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 540-579 Color- males of militia age. by nativity and- rjei^gm by counties : 1890 by states and territories : 1890 ■■^--- ■ for cities of 2.3,000 inhabitants or more: ISSO- • '^--^^ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .810-85-611 Jorplaces of 2, 500 inhabitants or more: 1890.684, 685 for the state : 1890 58o, 581 X.. LODISIANA — aggregate population — by counties: 1810 to 1890 21,22 by minor civil divisions: 1880 and 1890 191- 196 for the state : 1810 to 1890 2, 3 Chinese population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 518 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1800.. .549, 550 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 474 civilized Indian population — by counties: 1870 to 1890 531 for places of 2,500 inh.ibitants or more : 1890. . .549, 550 for the state : 1860 to 1890 474 colored population classified as blacks, miilattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilizinl Indians, for the state: 1890.. 470 density of population, for the state: 1810 to 1890 . . 6 dwellings and persons to a dwelling — by counties: 1890 864 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1830. . . 882 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 855 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 900 for the state : 1890 898, 899 families and persons to a family— by counties: 1890 864 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 882 for the state : 1850 to 1890 856 in detail — for cities of 25, 000 inhabitants or more : 1890 . 904 for the state : 1890 902, 903 increase of population: 1810 to 1890 4,6 Japanese population — by counties 1890 525 fo places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.. .549, 550 forthestate 1890 474 males and females populalion as — for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .549, 550 forthestate: 1850 to 189C 471 males of militia age, by nativitj and color — by counties : 1890 782, 783 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 762 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 820 forthestate: 1890 761 males of voting age, by nativity and color — by counties- 1890 782,783 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 765 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 820 forthestate: 1890 764 native and foreign born, population as — by counties : 1870 to 1»90 489, 490 INDEX— PAET I. Page. 1890 .549,550 472 .610-613 ..755-760 .746-7.54 Louisiana— Continued. native and foreign born, population as-cont d. for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . for the state : 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— hy counties : 1890 for Dlaees of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 686,687 for the state: 1890 580, .38! persons of school age, by sex, natirity, and color- for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1890 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties: 1890 ^^^'Iw for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 8.0 sex, nativity, and color, population by— by counties: 1890 ^l"-*'^"' for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. . .549, ddO forthestate: 1890 *68,469 white and colored, population as- hy counties: 1870 to 1890 489,490 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .549, 550 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 ^"^^ classified by sex— Kin fii-? by counties: 1890 610-bW for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1 890 .686, 687 forthestate: 1890 580,581 m:. .177-191 .407-414 .417-421 1880 and 1890 196-201 2,3 -174 Magisterial districts, population of: 1880 and 1890. Kentucky Virginia West Virginia Maine— aggregate population— by counties: 1790 to 1890 by minor civil divisions : forthestate: 1790 to 1890 Chinese population— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 al8 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .550, 551 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 474 civilized Indian population— by counties: 1870 to 1890 531 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .o50, 5ol forthestate: 1860 to 1890 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state : 1890 . . . density of popiUation, for the state: 1790 to 1890.. dwellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties : 1890 for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 .. . for the state : 185C to 1890 in detail — forcitiesof 25,000inhabitants or more : 1890. 901 forthestate: 1890 898,899 families and persons to a family— by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890., forthestate: 1850 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25. 000 Inhabitants or more : 1890 for the state : 1890 increase of population : 1790 to 1890 Japanese population— by counties : 1890 for the state: 1890 males and fem;iles, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 761 783 766 764 1890. 490 .550,551 472 Maine— Continued. ^^ ' males of militia age, by nativity and color-cont d. for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. . 763 for places of 2,.500 inhabitants or more : 1890. .820, 821 for the state : 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. .820, 821 for the state : 1890 native and foreign born, population as- hy counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— ^^^ by counties: 1890 T ran forplacesof 2,500inhabitants orraore : 1890.686-089 forthestate: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and ^f^r- for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 - . 7o5-7bO forthestate: 1890 74b-/S4 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties: 1890 f»r places of 2, 59 J inhabitants or more: 1890.. sex, nativity, and color, population by- by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: forthestate: 1890 ■ white and colored, population as— bycounties: 1870 to 189U for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : forthestate: 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— ^^^ 613 by counties : 1890 ionn'fiop' aqq for places of 2,500inl.abitantsormore: 1890.686-689 for the state : 1890 Males- native and foreign born— 582-665 bycounties: 1890 ..^...^^-^ :::580,581 by states and territories : 1890 ■ - for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 666-745 nativity and color— aru im bv states and territories : 1890 - -48. 49 for nlices of 2, 500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . . o40-& 1 a number of, by states and territories: 1850 to 1890. . 471 of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 by states and territories : 1890 783 820, 821 ..612,013 . . 550. 551 . .468, 469 490 . ..550, 551 473 .902 767-809 753 1890.757,758 525 474 550, 551 471 '783 767-8C9 761 fJrVities of 25,000 inhabitants or -re: 1890.. 762. 763 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .810-852 of school age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 ' by states and territories : 1890 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .810 of voting age, by nativity and color- ^^^_^^^ bycounties: 1890 ^^^ by states and territories : 1890 - - ■ • ■ - •_ for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . , 65, 7bb for places of 2.500 inhabitants or more: 1890 ..8IO-80. white and colored- 582-665 by counties : 1890 -on tiai , . .. . iQnn . .080. 581 by states and territories : 1890 ■ • ■ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 ..fabb-/40 Maryland- aggregate population — by counties ; 1790 to 1890 23 by minor ci-\il divisions : 1880 and 1890 201-205 for the state : 1790 to 1890 Chinese population— by counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . . for the state: 1870 to 1890 2,3 518 551 474 934 INDEX— PART 1. Maryland — Continued. Page, civilized Indian population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 531 for place.s of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 551 for tlie state: 1870 to 1890 474 colored ijoimlation classified as blacks, malattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state : 1890. . 470 density of population, for the state : 1790 to 1890 . . 6 dwellings and persons to a dwelling — by counties : 1890 864, 865 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 883 fortbestate: 1850tol890 855 in detail — forcitjesof 25,000inhabitantsormore: 1890. 900 for the state : 1890 898, 899 families and persons to a family — by counties: 1890 864,865 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 883 for the state : 1850 to 1890 356 in detail — forcitiesof 25,000inhabitantsormore: 1890. 904 for the state : 1890 902, 903 increase of population : 1 790 to 1890 4, 5 Japanese population — by counties : 1890 525 for jjlaces of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 551 for the state : 1890 474 males and females, population as — for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 551 fortbestate: 1850to]890 471 males of militia age, by nativity and color — bycounties: 1890 783 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890... 762 for iilaces of 2.500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .821, 822 fortbestate: 1390 761 males of voting age. by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 783 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890... 765 for places of 2,509 inhabitants or more: 1890.. .821, 822 fortbestate: 1890 764 native and foreign born, population as — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 490 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : ,1890. . . 551 fortbestate: 1850 to 1890 472 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 612, 613 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 688, 689 for the state: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 ... 755-760 for the state : 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages by sex, nativity, and color — by counties : 1890 783 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .821, 822 sex, nativity, and color, population by — by counties: 1890 612, 613 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . ,''.51 for the state : 1890 468, 469 white and colored, population as — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 490 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 551 fortbestate: 1850tol890 473 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 612, 613 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 688, P~9 for the state : 1890 580, 581 Massachusetts — aggregate population — bycounties: 1790 to 1890 2.3 by mmor civil divisions: 1880 and 1890 205-209 for the .state : 1790 to 1890 2, 3 Massachi-setts— Continued. p^ge Chinese population— by counties : 1870 to 1890 519 for places of 2,5fl0 inhabitants or more : 1390. . .551-555 for the state : 1870 to 1890 474 civilized Indian population— by counties : 1870 to 1890 531 532 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .551-555 fortbestate: 1800tol890 474 colored population classified as blacks, malattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890.. 470 density of population, for the state: 1790 to 1890.. 6 dwellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties ; 1890 gg5 for places of 2,500- inhabitants or more : 1890. . .883-885 for the state : 1850 to 1890 355 in detail— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 18^" 900, 901 for the state : 1890 ggg ggg families and persons to a family— bycounties: 1890 ggj for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .883-885 fortbestate: 1850tol890 355 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: l*^*' 904,905 for the state : 1890 902 903 increase of population : 1790 to 1890 45 Japanese population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 525 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. . .551-555 fortbestate: 1870tol890 474 males and females, population as — for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .551-555 for the state : 18,50 to 1890 471 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 733 734 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .762, 763 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or move : 1890. . .822-826 for the state : 1890 75]^ males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 733 734 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .765, 766 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .822-826 fortbestate: 1890 734 native and foreign born, population as— " by counties : 1870 to 1890 49] for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 ... 551-555 fortbestate: 1850tol890 472 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 614, 615 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 688-697 for the state : 1890 530 531 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. . .755-760 for the state : 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color — by counties : 1890 733^ 734 for places of 2,503 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 822-826 sex, nativity, and color, population by — bycounties: 1890 614, 615 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 551-555 for the state : 1890 468 469 white and colored, jiopulation as — by counties : 1870 to 1890 491 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .551-555 fortbestate: 1850 to 1890 473 classified by .sex — by counties : 1890 614, 615 ; foi places of 2,.500 inhabitants or more: 1890.688-697 for the state: 1890 580,581 INDEX— PART I. Michigan— aggregate population Pase. 935 Page. bV counties: 1810 to 1890 by minor civil divisious : 1880 and 1890 -■-" 23-25 .209-224 for the state: 1810 to 1890 Chinese population— by counties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2.500 inhabitants or more for the state : 1870 to 1890 civilized Indian population— by counties: 1870 to 1890 .,. =- for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .555-5o/ forthestate: 1800 to 1890 •colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the st:ite : 1890 . . density of population, for the state: 1810 to 1890 .. dwellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties : 1890 > for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . for the state: 1850 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more .014-617 519 1890.. -555-557 , 474 532 470 6 865 885, 886 855 Michigan— Continued. white and colored, population as-continued, classified by sex— by counties : 1890 for placesof 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.090-701 forthestate: 1890 &«"• ^^^ Militia age, males of, by nativity and color- ^^^^^^^ by counties : 1890 by states and territories : 1890 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 762, 7bJ for places of 2,50J inhabitants or more : 1890 .810-85i Militia districts, population of, in Georgia: 1880 and 1890 92-106 1890 for the state: 1890 •families and persons to a family— by counties: 1890 ■ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1850 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more 1890. 900, 901 865 885, 886 856 904, 905 902,903 4,5 526 1890... 555-557 474 : 1890... 555-557 .762, 763 826, 827 761 764 .491,492 1890 for the state : 1890 increase of population : 1810 to 1890 Japanese population— by counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more for the state : 1870 to 1890 males and females, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more for the state: 1850 to 1890 4^1 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 784,780 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 forthestate: 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties: 1890 784,785 for cities of 25,000 inhabitsints or more: 1890. .76d, 766 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .826, 827 for the state : 1890 ■ native and foreign born, population as by counties: 1870to]890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .555-o57 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 -•• ■^'^^ classified by sex- by counties: 1890 614-017 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 696-701 forthestate: 1890 =>80. 581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color- for cities of 25,600 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .7oo-760 for the state : 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties : 1890 784,785 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .826, 8^7 sei nativity, and color, population by— bv counties: 1890 "4-617 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. . .55a-o57 ; :, + t„ 180(1 468,469 forthestate: I89U white and colored, population as— bv counties: 1870 to 1890 491,492 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 ..o5o-5a7 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 ^''^ 25 .224-238 2,3 519 557 532 557 Minnesota — aggregate population— by counties: 1850 to 1890 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 for the state : 1850 to 1890 Chinese population— by counties : 1880 and 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 forthestate: 1880 and 1890 civilized Indian population— by counties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 forthestate: 1800 to 1890 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese Japanese and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890.. density of population, for the state: 1850 to 1890 . dwellings and persons to a dwelling — by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more for the state : 1850 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: ^^ forthestate: 1890 ^^^'^^^ families and persons to a family— by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 for the state: 1850 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 902, 903 470 6 .865,866 1890. 855 .865,866 856 1890 forthestate: 1890 increase of population : 1850 to 1890 *■ ° Japanese population— by counties: 1880 and 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . for the .state: 1880 and 1890 males and females, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 males of militia age, by nativity and color- ^^_ ^^^ by counties : 1890 ' ' for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . ibZ, IM for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. forthestate: 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 . for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 765. 766 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . . for the state : 1890 native and foreign horn, population as- by counties: 1870tol890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : for the state : 1850 to 1890 classified by sex- r,r riq by counties: 1890 616-019 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890.700-703 for the state: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color- for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. . . ,oo-ibO forthestate: 1890 746-751 1890. 526 557 474 557 471 828 761 .785,786 828 764 .492. 493 557 472 936 INDEX— PART I. Minnesota— Continued. persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color — by counties : 1890 785, ygg for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 828 sex, nativity, and color, population by — by counties ; 1890 616-619 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 557 for the state : 1890 468, 469 white and colored, population as — by counties : 1870 to 1890 492, 493 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 557 forthestate; 1850 to 1890 473 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 616-619 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.700-703 for the state : 1890 580, 581 Minor civil divisions, aqgreg.vtb population by: 1880 AND 1890— Alabama 48-57 Arizona 58 Arkansas ; 58-69 California 69-76 Colorado 77-83 Connecticut 83-85 Delaware 85, 86 District of Columbia 86 Florida 87-92 Georgia 92-100 Idaho 107, 108 Illinois 109-130 Indiana 130-142 Iowa 143-160 Kansas 160-177 Kentucky 177-191 Louisiana 191-196 Maine 196-201 Maryland 201-205 Massachusetts 205-209 Michigan 209-224 Minnesota 224-238 Mississippi 239-243 Missouri 244-258 Montana 258-260 Nebraska 260-273 Nevada 273 New Hampshire 274, 275 New Jersey 276-279 New Mexico 280-282 New York 282-295 N^rth Carolina 295-306 North Dakota 306-312 Ohio 313-331 Oklahoma 339 Oregon 333-338 Pennsylvania 338-358 Rhode Island 359 South Carolina 359-364 South Dakota 364-372 Tennessee 372-386 I'exas 386-402 I^tah 402-405 Vermont 405-407 Virginia 407-414 Washington 414-416 "West Virginia 417-421 Wisconsin 421-433 Wyoming 433 Mississippi- aggregate population — by counties : 1800 to 1890 26, 27 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 239-243 forthestate: 1800 to 1890 2,3 Chinese population — by counties: 1870 to 1890 519 Pago. 1890.. 557, 558 474 470 Mississippi— Continued. Chinese population — continued. for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more for the state : 1870 to 1890 civilized Indian population- by counties : 1870 to 1890 532, 533 forthestate: 1 800 to 1890 '474 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state : 1890. density of population, for the state : 1800 to 1890. dwellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties: 1890 866 for places of 2,500 inhabitants ormore: 1890... 886 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 855 in detail, for the state : 1890 898 899 families and persons to a family — by counties : 1890 866 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 886 forthestate: 1850tol890 856 in detail, for the state : 1890 902, 903 increase of population : ]S00tol890 4,5 Japanese population— by counties: 1890 '526 for the state : 1890 474 males and females, population as — for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .557, 558 for the state : 1850 to 1890 471 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties: 1890 736, 787 fur places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 828 forthestate: 1890 761 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties: 1890 785 787 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 828 forthestate: 1890 754 native and foreign born, population as — by counties : 1870 to 1890 493, 494 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 ...557, 558 forthestate: 1850tol890 472 classified by sex — by counties: 1890 618-621 for places of 2, 500 inhab itants or more : 1890 . 702, 703 for the state : 1890 580, 581 persons of school age, by .sex, nativity, and color, for the state : 1890 746-754 per.sons of school, militia, and voting ages, bv sex, nativity, and coloi' — by counties : 1890 786 787 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 828 sex, nativity, and color, population by — by counties: 1890.. 618-621 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. ..557, 558 for the state: 1890 468,469 white and colored, population as — by counties: 1870 to 1890 493,494 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. ..557,558 for the state : 1850 to 1890 473 classified by sex — by counties: 1890 618-621 forplaces of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . 702, 703 for the state. 1890 580,581 Missouri- aggregate population — by counties: 1810 to 1890 27.28 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 244-258 forthestate: 1810 to 1890 2,3 Chinese population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 519 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .558, 559 for the state : 1870 to 1890 474 civilized Indian population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 533 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 558, 559 forthestate: 1860 to 1890 474 INDEX— PART I. 937 Page. 470 G 867 ..886,887 855 900 MiSSOTTBi— Continued. colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, qua^'.roons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, •md civilized Indians, for the state : 1890 . . density of population, for the state : 1810 to 1890. . dv-ellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 forthe state: 1850 to 1890 in detail— forcitiesof25,000inhahitantsormore: 1890 for the state : 1890 families and persons to a family— by counties : 1890 for places of 2, 500 Inhabitants or more: for the state: 1850 to 1890 in detail — „ , forcitiesof25,000inhabltantsormore: 1890. at.* for the state: 1890 m,Wi increase of population : ] 810 to 1890 Japanese population— by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. for the St ate : 1890 males and females, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .558, 559 forthe state: 1850 to 1890 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 . for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . for the state: 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties: 1890 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 . for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . for the state : 1890 native and foreign born, population as - by counties: 1870 to 1890 494-49'' for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. forthe state: 1830 to 1890 ;••• classified by sex- by counties: 1890 biO-b.o forplaces of 2,300 inhabitantsormore: 1890.702-705 for the state: 1890 580.581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890.. 755-760 for the state: 1890 746-754 persons of school, miUtia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties: 1890 787-789 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .829, 830 sex, nativity, and color, population by— by counties: 1890 620-625 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .558, 559 for the state: 1890 468,469 white and colored, population as- hy counties: 1870 to 1890 494-496 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 for the state: 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— by counties: 1890 forplacesof2,500inhabitantsormore: 1890.702-705 for the state: 1890 580,581 Montana — aggregate population — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 29 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 258-260 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 2 Chinese population — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 519,520 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 559 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 474 1890.. 886, 887 856 4 5 526 .558,559 474 471 .787-789 762 .829,830 761 .787-789 765 .829,830 764 .558,559 472 MoxTAN.'V.— Continued. Page. civilized Indian population— by counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more ; 1890 . . forthe state: 1870 to 1890 colored population classified as blacts. mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890 - . density of population, for the state: 1870 to 1890.. dwellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: forthestate: 1870 to 1890 in detail, for the state : 1890 898, 899 families and persons to a family — bycounties: 1890 ^^7 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . . 887 forthestate: 1871, to 1890 856 in detail, forthestate: 1890 902,903 .558,559 473 .620-625 1890 . 533 559 474 470 867 887 855 189U. 1890 . 526 559 474 559 471 789 830 761 830 764 496 559 472 increase of population : 1870 to 1890 Japanese population — by counties : 1890 ■ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1890 males and females, population as — for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: for the state : 1870 to 1890 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . for the state : 1890 native and foreign born, population as- hy counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. forthestate: 1870 to 1890 classified by sex — bycounties: 1890 624,625 forplacesof 2, 500 inhabitants or more: 1890.704, 705 forthestate: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color, for the state : 1890 "46 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color — by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.. sex, nativity, and color, population by— bycounties: 1890 624,625 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. . 559 forthestate: 1890 468,469 white and colored, population as- hy counties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 •473 classified by sex— bycounties: 1890 624,625 for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 .704, 705 for the state : 1890 580, 581 Mulattoes, number of, by states and territories : 1890. . 470 Native born population— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 475-515 by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 4,72 by states and territories : 1890 468, 469 for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 540-379 classified by ses— bycounties: 1890 582-665 by states and territories : 1890 580, 581 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 666-745 754 789 830 496 559 938 INDEX— PART I. Nativity— Page. color, and sex, population by— by counties : 1890 582-665 by states and territories : 1890 468, 469 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 540-579 males of militia age, by color and — by counties : 1890 767-809 by states and territories : 1890 761 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. .762, 763 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. .810-8.52 males of voting age, by color aud^ by counties : 1890 767-809 by states and territories : 1890 764 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890.. 765, 766 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. .810-852 persons of school age, by sex, color and — by counties: 1890 707-809 by states and territories : 1890 753, 754 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 755-760 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.. 810-852 Nebraska— aggregate popxilation — bycounties: 1860 to 1890 29,30 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 260-273 for the .state : 1860 to 1890 2 Chinese population — bycounties: 1880 and 1890 520 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 559 forthe state: 1880 and 1890 474 civilized Indian population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 533 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 559 for the state : 1860 to 1890 474 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890.. 470 density of population, for the state: 1860 to 1890.. 6 dwellings and persons to a dwelling — bycounties: 1890 868 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . - 887 for the state: 1860 to 1890 855 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 900 for the state : 1890 898, 899 families and persons to a family — bycounties: 1890 ^68 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 887 forthe state: 1860 to 1890 856 in detail— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 904 for the state : 1890 902, 903 increase of population : 1860 to 1890 i Japanese ijopulation— by counties : 1890 526 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890-.. 559 forthestate: 1890 474 males and females, population as — for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 559 forthestate: 1800 to 1890 471 males of militia age, by nativity and color — by counties : 1890 789-791 for cities of 25.000 inhabitants or more: 1890. .. 762 for places of 2,500 inh:ibitants or more : 1890. . . 830 forthestate: 1890 761 males of voting age, by nativity and color — bycounties: 1890 789-791 for cities of 25,000 inliabitants or more: 1890.. 765 for places of 2,500 inhabitants ormore: 1890... 830 forthestate: 1890 764 native and foreign born, population as — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 496,497 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. .. 559 Nebraska— Continued. native and foreign bom, population as — continued. for the state: 1800 to 1890 472 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 024-627 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more; 1890 704-707 for the state: 1890 580, 581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. .755-760 for the state : 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color — by counties : 1890 789-791 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 830 ex, nativity, and color, population by — bycounties: 1890 624-627 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 559 forthestate: 1890 468,469 white and colored, population as — by counties: 1870 to 1890 496,497 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890... 559 for the state : 1860 to 1890 473 classified by sex— by comities : 1890 024-627 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 704-707 forthestate: 1890 580,581 Nevada— aggregate population — by counties : 1860 to 1890 30 by minor civil divisions: 1880 and 18.90 273 forthestate: 18B0 to 1890 2 Chinese population — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 520 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 560 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 474 civilized Indian population — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 534 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 560 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 474 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890 .. 470 density of population, for the state : 18i;0 to 1890 . . 6 dwellings and persons to a dwelling — bycounties: 1890 868 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 887 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 855 in detail, for the state : 1890 898, 899 families and persons to a family — by counties : 1890 868 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 887 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 856 in detail, for the state : 1890 902, 903 increase of population : 1860 to 1890 4 Japanese population— by counties : 1880 and 1890 526 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 560 forthestate: 1880 and 1890 474 males and females, population as — for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.. 560 forthestate: 1800 to 1890 471 males of militia age, by nativity and color — b. counties: 1890 791 for i)laces of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 831 forthestate: 1890 761 males of voting age, by nativity and color — bycounties: 1890 791 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 831 forthestate: 1890 764 native and foreign born, population as- hy counties : 1870 to 1890 498 for places of 2,500 inhabitanta or more; 1890 .. 560 li^DEX— PAET I. 939 Nevada— Continued. native and foeign born, population as— continued. for the state: 1860 to 1890 *'^2 classified by sex— by counties: 1890 628,6-9 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 ™*''™' for the state: 1890 580, a81 , of school age, by sex, nativity, and color, persons i for the state: 1890. .746-754 791 831 560 ...468,469 560 473 2,3 520 560 474 534 560 474 470 6 887 855 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . sex, nativity, and color, population by— by counties: 1890 628,629 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. for the state : 1890 white and colored, population as- hy counties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. forthestate: 1860 to 1890 cla-ssifiedbysex- by counties: 1890 628,629 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . 706, 707 forthestate: 1890 580,581 New Hampshire— aggregate population — by counties: 1790 to 1890 30 by minor civil division s : 1880 and 1890 274, 275 forthestate: 1790 to 1890 Chinese population— by counties: 1880 and 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. . . forthestate: 1880 and 1890 civilized Indian population— by counties: 1870tol890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. forthestate: 1870 to 1890 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state : 1890 . . density of population, for the state: 1790 to 1890 .. forthestate: 1890 native and foreign born, population as- hy counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . . 576, 577 for the state : 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— bycounties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890.738-741 forthestate: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. .755-760 forthestate: 1890 746-7.54 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color — by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: sex, nativity, and color, population by— by counties: 1890 618-655 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .57b, 577 forthestate: 1890 *68,469 white and colored, population as- hy counties: 1870 to 1890 ; 508-511 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 576, 577 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 ^73 classified by sex— bycounties: 1890 648-6od forplaces of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. 738-741 forthestate: 1890 580,581 Towns— . . having from 1,000 to 2,500 inhabitants in 1890. with population for 1880 453-467 having 2,500 inhabitants or more in 1890— dwellings and famiUes, total 878-897 increase during the decade 442-452 native and foreign bom and white and colored population, classified by sex 666-745 764 .508-511 472 .648-655 1890 .801-805 .848,849 948 INDEX— PART I. Towns— Continued. Page. ha-ring 2,500 inhabitants or more in 1890— cont'd, l)ercentage of increase during the decade 442-452 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by SOX, nativity, and color 810-852 persons to a dwelling and to a family 878-897 population by sex, nativity, and color 540-579 population for 1880 442-452 population of: 1880 and 1890 48-433 Townships, population of: 1880 and 1890 58-372 XT. United States— aggregate population- by counties : 1790 to 1890 7_47 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 48-433 for the United States : 1790 to 1890 2,3 Chinese population— by counties: 1870 to 1890 516-524 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .540-579 for the United States : 1860 to 1890 474 civilized Indian population— by counties : 1870 to 189 J 528-539 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. ..540-579 for the United States : 1860 to 1890 474 colored population classifieil as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the United States ■ 1890 .■ 470 density of population, for the United States: 1790 to 1890 g dwellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties : 1890 857-877 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .878-897 for the United States : 1850 to 1890 855 in detail— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 900, 901 for the United States: 1890 898,899 families and persons to a family- by counties : 1890 857-877 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.. .878-897 for the United States : 1850 to 1890 g56 in detail — forcitiesof 25,000inhabitantsormore: 1890.904, 905 for the United States: 1890 902,903 increase of population : 1790 to 1890 '4 5 Japanese population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 525-527 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.. .540-579 for tlie United States : 1870 to 1890 474 males and females, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1893... 540-579 for the United States : 1850 to 1890 47I males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 767-809 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 ..702,763 for places of 2,500 inhabitants ormore: 1890.. .810-852 for the United States : 1890 701 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 767-809 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .765, 766 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1891J.. .810-852 for the United States : 1890 ; 764 native and foreign born, population as — by counties : 1870 to 1890 475-515 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .540-579 for the United States : 1850 to 1890 472 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 582-665 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 666-745 for the United States : 1890 580, 581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color— forcitiesof 25,000 inhabitants or more; 189J. .755-760 United States— Continued. y. persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color- continued. for the United States : 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, natiritj', and color — by counties: 1890 767-809 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .810-852 sex, nativity, and color, population by— by counties: 1890 582-665 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .540-579 for the United States: 1890 468 469 white and colored, population as— bycouuties: 1870 to 1890 475-5)5 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .540-57? for the United States : 1850 to 1890 473 classified b3- sex — by counties : 1890 582-665 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 666-745 for the United States : 1890 sgo 531 Utah— " ' aggregate population — by counties : 1850 to 1890 43 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 402-405 for the territory: 1850tol890 23 Chinese population- by counties : 1870 to 1890 523 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 577 for the territory: 1870 to 1890 474 civilized Indian population by counties: 1870 to 1890 537 53g forplacesof2,500inhabitant,s ormore: 1890 '577 for the territory : 1860 to 1890 474 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the territory' 1890 470 densityof population, for the territory: 1850tol890. 6 dwellings and persons to a dwelling— bycounties: 1890 §75 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 895 for the territory : 1850 to 1890 855 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 900 for the territory : 1890 ggg, ggg families and persons to a family— bycounties: 1890 375 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : ] 890 . . . 895 for the territory : 1850 to 1800 gsg in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more • 1890 904 for the territory : 1830 902, 903 increase of population : 1850 to 1890 4 5 Japanese population — by counties : 1890 527 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890... 577 for the territory : 1890 474 males and females, population as — forplacesof2,.500 inhabitants ormore: 1890... 577 for the territory : 1850 to 1890 471 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties: 1890 805 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants ormore: 1890... 762 for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 ... 849 for the territory : 1890 761 males of voting age, by nativity and color — bycounties: 1890 805 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants ormore: 1890.. 765 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 849 for the territory: 18,10 784 native and foreign born, population as — bycounties: 1870 to 1890 511 IKDEX— PAET I. Page. 577 i72 949 Pago. 1890 .755-760 .746-754 849 JJtah— Continued. native and foreign born, population a^-cont d^ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . for the territory: 1850to]890 classified by sex- , by counties : lH9y for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: *! 740, / 41 for the territory : 1890 580, 581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color- for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more for the territory : 1890 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex nativity, and color- by counties : 1890 ■ for places of 2,5U0 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . sex, nativity, and color, population by- ^^^^ ^^^ bycounties: 1890 • ' forplacesof2,500 inhabitants orniore: l«90----^^g ^^^ for the territory : 1890 ' white and colored, population as— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 -■ — ■■ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . for the territory : 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: * i4U, /-il 1890..-..-.------ 580,581 for the territory : 1899 473 .654,655 1890.. 43 577 474 538 .577 474 Vebmont— aggregate population— by counties : 1790 to 1890 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 405-407 forthestate: 1790tol890 • ■* Chinese population— ^^^ by counties: 1890 ■""""" for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 for the state : 1 890 civilized Indian population- by counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1860 to 1890 colored population classified as blacks, mulattots quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, -Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890. density of population, for the state: 1790 to 1890. . dwellings and persons to a dwelling— bycounties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or mor forthestate: 1850 to 1890 in detail, forthestate: 1890 families and persons to a family— by counties : 1890 • ■ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more; 1890 for the state : 1850 to 1890 in detail, for the state : 1890 increase of population : 1790 to 1890 Japanese iwpulation— by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 for the state : 1890 males and females, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1850 to 1890 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . . for the state : 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1890 805 849 056,657 1890... 577 468,469 473 .6.56,657 1890 ... 895, 896 855 875 895, 896 856 902. 903 4,5 527 577 474 577 471 805 849 761 1890. 1890 VERMONT—Continued. native and foreign born, population as- bycounties; 1870 to 1890 ^U for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . o77 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 ^''^ classified by sex— bycounties: 1890 6o6,657 forplacesof 2,500inhabitantsormore: 1890.740, 74i forthestate: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color, forthestate: 1890 746-754 persons of school, militi:i, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color — by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . sex, nativity, and color, population by— I by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : for the state : 1890 white and colored, population as— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 ^U for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 577 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 classified by sex- by counties: 1890 forplacesof 2,5U0 inhabitants or more: 1890 740,741 forthestate: 1890 ^^^'^^^ Villages— . having from 1,000 to 2,500 inhabitants in 1890, with population for 1880 453-467 having 2,.50O inhabitants or more in 1890- dwellings and families, total u'i-jf^2 increase during the decade 442-45 native and foreign born and white and colored population, classified by sex 666-74a percentage of increase during the decade. . - .. .442-452 persons of school, militia, and voting sex, nativity, and color persons to a dwelling and to a family 878-897 population by sex, nativity, and color 540-579 population for 1880 *fjf^^ population of: 1880 and 1690 t- Virginia— aggregate population— by counties : 1790 to 1890 by minor civil divisions: 1880 and 1890- for the state; 1790 to 1890 Chinese population— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . - - 577, 578 forthestate; 1870 to 1890 civilized Indian population— by counties : 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,S00 inhabitants or more; 1890 -..577, 578 forthestate; 1860 to 1890 ^74 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons. Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890 . . density of population, for the state; 1790 to 1890 .. dwellings and persons to a dwcUing- by counties ; 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . for the state : 1850 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more; 1890 90«-8fl for the state : 1890 ^98, 899 families and persons to a family— by counties ; 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. forthestate: 1850 to 1890 forcitiesof25,000inhabitantsormore: 1890.904,905 forthestate: 1890 902,903 .878-897 ages, by . . .810-852 48-433 . 43-45 .407-414 2,3 523 474 538 470 6 .875, 876 896 855 .875,876 896 856 950 INDEX—PAET I. VlEGiNiA— Continued. Pan-o. increase of population : 1790 to 1890 4, 5 .Japanese population — Dy counties: 1890 527 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. ..577,578 for the state : 1890 474 males and females, jjopulation as — for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more: 1890. ..577, 578 for the state : 1850 to 1890 47I males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 806, 807 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890... 762, 763 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .849, 850 forthestate: 1890 761 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 806, 807 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890. ..765, 766 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. . .849, 850 for the state : 1890 704 native and foreign horn, population as- hy counties : 1870 to 1890 512, 513 forplaces of 2, 500 inhabitants or more: 1890 ..577.578 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 47i> classified by sex — by counties : 1890 656-659 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 740.743 for the state : 1890 580, 581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .755-760 for the state: 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, anil color — by counties : 1890 806, 807 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . .849, 850 sex, nativity, and color, population by— by counties : 1890 656-659 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890. . .577, 578 forthestate: 1890 4g8 409 white and colored, population as — by counties: 1870 10 1890 512 513 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 577, 578 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 473 classitied by sex — by counties : 1890 656-659 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 740-743 for the state: 1890 58o 581 Voting age. males of by nativity and color — by counties: 1890 767-809 by states and territories : 1890 7g4 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 765,766 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 810-852 Wards, population of, in Louisiana: 1880 and 1890 191-196 Washington— aggregate population — by counties: 1800 to 1890 45 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 414-416 for the state : 1800 to 1890 2 Chinese population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 523 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . for the state : 1870 to 1890 civilized Indian population — by counties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . for the state : 1860 to 1890 colored population classified as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890.. density of population, for the state: 1860 to 1890 .. dwellings and persons to a dwelling — by counties : 1890 578 474 538 578 474 876 Washington— Continued. dwellings and persons to a dwelling— continued. for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 896 for the state : 1860 to 1890 855 in detail— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 900, 901 for the state: 1890 898,899 families and persons to a family— by counties: 1890 876 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 896 for the state : 1860 to 1890 856 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 904,905 for the state: 1890 902,903 increase of population : 1860 to 1890 4 Japanese population — bycouuties: 1880 and 1890 527 for places of 2,.500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 578 forthestate: 1880 and 1890 474 males and females, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 578 for the state : 1860 to 1890 471 males of militia age, by nativity and color — by counties : 1890 807, 808 for cities of 25, OOJ inhabitants or more: 1890 ..762,763 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 850 for the state : 1890 761 males of voting age, by nativity and color — by counties : 1890 807, 808 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 ..765,706 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 850 for the state : 1890 704 native and foreign born, population as — by coimties : 1870 to 1 890 513 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 578 for the state : 1800 to 1890 472 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 658-661 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 742,743 for the state: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color— for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .755-760 for the state : 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color — by counties : 1890 807, 808 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 850 sex, nativity, and color, population by — by counties : 1890 658-661 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 578 for the state: 1890 468,469 white aud colored, population as — by counties: 1870 to 1890 513 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 578 for the state : 1860 to 1890 473 classified by sex — by counties : 1890 058-661 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 '. 742,743 for the state: 1890 580,581 West Virginia — aggregate population — by counties : 1790 to 1890 45, 46 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 417-421 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 o Chinese population — by counties : 1880 and 1890 523 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890.. 578 for the state : 1880 and 1890 474 civilized Indian population — by counties : 1870 to 1890 538 for the state : 1870 to 1890 474 li^DEX— PAET 1. 951 Pago. ■WFqT Virginia— Continued. coloreTpopulation classified as blacks, mulattoes, '"Quadroons, octoroons, Chinese Japanese, and civilized Indians, for the state: 1890.. density of population, for the state : 1870 to 1890 . . dwellings and persons to a dwelling- Page. 470 6 876 1890... 855 .898, 899 870 890 856 905 .902, 903 4 1890 .. 474 578 471 808 763 850 761 1890 by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more for the state : 1870 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhahitants, or more. ^^^ 1890 for the state: 1890 families and persons to a family— by counties : 1890 i a'an" for places of 2.500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. for the state: 1870 to 1890 in detail— for cities of 25, 000 inhabitants or more : 1890 for the state: 1890 increase of population: 1870 to 1890 Japanese population— ^^^ by counties : 1890 for the state : 1890 males and females, population as- for places of 2,501) inhabitants or more for the state: 1870 to 1890 males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 - • ■' " for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 for the state: 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 • • - ■ - for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more for the state: 1890 ■ native and foreign born, population as— by counties: 1870 to 1890 ^^_* for places of 2,500 iiihabitants or more: 1890 for the state: 1870 to 1890 classified by sex— by counties: 1890 660,661 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more 1890 for the state: 1890 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color- for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more for the state : 1890 persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. sex, nativity, and color, population by- i- Tonn obO, Dbl by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. . . 578 i i. lonn 468,469 for the state : 1890 white and colored, population as— by counties: 1870 to 1890 ---■■ ^^* for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 5,8 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 ^'^^ classified by sex— iQQft 660, 6ol by counties : 1890 ' for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: ^^*" 1890^^!'^^-^^^------ 58o!581 766 850 764 578 472 .742, 743 .580,581 ..755-760 746-754 808 850 1890. Wisconsin— aggregate population— bycounties: 1840 to 1890 *<'■* by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1830 421-433 forthestate: 1840 to 1890 Chinese population— bycounties: 1880 and 1890 for places of 2,509 inhabitants or more: 189B- for the state: 1880 and 1890 civilized Indian population— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more forthestate: 1860 to 1890 colored population classified as blacks, mnlattoes quadroons, octoioons, Chinese, Japanese and civilized Indians, for the state ; 1890 . density of population, for the state: 1840 to 1890 . dwellings aud persons to a dwelling— by counties: 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . - forthestate: 1850 to 1890 in detail — for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more 1890 for the state : 1890 families aud persons to a family— by counties : 1890 - -^■ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 in detail^ for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: . 904,905 i89o;::::;;;''''-^-^---- 902,90:; 2,3 ..523,524 .578, 579 474 ..538,539 ..578,579 474 470 6 .876,87 .475-515 473 for the state : White population— bycounties: 1870 1.0 1890 by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 ^^^ by states and territories : 1890 ■^-^- • for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more : 1890 540-579 classified by sex- ^^2-665 bycounties: 1890 by states and territories : 1890 - -^ ■ - -5" for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . .66(^745 855 .900, 901 .898,899 .876,877 .896,897 856 1840 to 1890 for the state increase of population Japanese population— ^^^ by counties : 1890 " for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 . .5,8, 5^J forthestate: 1890 males and females, population as- for places of 2,500 inhabitants ormore: 1893 ...o7»,S,.i forthestate: 1850 to 1890 ■•■• males of militia age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: for the state : 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more: for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more for the state : 1890 native and foreign born, population as— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 forthestate: 1850 to 1890 classified by sex— ,. -.QQfi 662, bb3 bv counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: * 742—745 forthestate: 1890 580,581 persons of school age, by sex, nativity, and color- for cities of 25,000 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . for the state : 1890 - persons of school, militia, and voting ages, by sex nativity, and color- by counties : 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or mor sex, nativity, and color, population by— bycounties: 1890 -■■•" for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890. for the state : 1890 white and colored, population as— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 forthestate; 1850 to 1890 471 .808,809 : 1890 ..762,763 1890... 851, 852 761 808, 8G9 : 1890. ..765, 706 1890 ..851,852 7C4 514, 515 578, 579 472 755-700 746-754 1890 ..851,852 662, 663 578, 579 468, 469 .514,515 .578,579 473 952 INDEX— PAET I. Page. Wisconsin— Continued. wliite and colored, population as— continued, classiiied by sex — by counties: 1890 662,663 forplacesof 2,500inbabitant8orniore: 1890 742-745 for tbe state : 1890 5gQ jjgj ■WVOJIINO— ' " aggregate population— by counties: 1870to 1890 47 by minor civil divisions : 1880 and 1890 433 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 2 Chinese population— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 524 for places of 2, 500 inhabitants or more: 1890... 579 for the state : 1870 to 1800 474 civilized Indian population— bycounties: 1870 to 1890 539 for the state : 1870 to 1890 474 colored population classiiied as blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, octoroons, Chinese, and civi- lized Indians, for tbe state: 1890 470 density of population, for tbe state : 1870 to 1890 . . 6 dwellings and persons to a dwelling— by counties : 1890 oy, for places of 2,500 iuhabitants or more: 1890 .. 897 for the state : 1870 to 1890 g55 in detail, for the state : 1890 ggg^ ggg families and persons to a family bycounties: 1800 gj^ for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 897 for tbe state : 1870 to 1890 g55 in detail, for the state : 1890 902 903 increaseof population: 1870 to 1890 ' 4 males .and females, population as— for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890 . . 579 for the state : 1870 to 1890 471 "WyOMiNG—Continued. p males of militia age, by nativity -and color- ^^^' by co;intio3: 1890 ■ -q for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 852 for the state : 1890 males of voting age, by nativity and color- by counties : 1890 „„. forplacesof 2,503 inb;ibit.ints or more: 189o" 852 forthestate: 1890 ' „„. native and foreign born, population as- hy counties : 1870 to 1890 gjj for places of 2,500 inhahitauts or more: 1890 579 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 4-0 classiiied by sex — by counties : 1890 gg^ ggg for places of 2,500 inliabitants or more- 1890 744 745 for the .state: 18.90 r^g^^'^g^ persons of .school age, by sex, nativity, and color, for the state : 1890 746-754 persons of school, militia, .ind voting ages, by sex, nativity, and color- by counties: 1890 ggj^ for places of 2, 500 inhabitant or more : 1890 . .' 852 sex, nativity, and color, population by— bycounties: 1890 [ gg4_ gg. for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more • 1890 579 fortbe state: 1890 468, 46i> white and colored, population as- hy counties : 1870 to 1890 5J5 for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more: 1890 .. 579 forthestate: 1870 to 1890 .; '_ 473 classiiied by sex — bycounties: 1890 gg4 ggj for places of 2,500 inhabitants or more : 1890.744,' 745. forthestate: 1890 580581 STATISTICS OF ALASKA. Afognak village, population of 91 g Age periods, population by gig^ gjg Aggregate population of the territory ' 916 Alien population, by districts 920 Alitak village, population of gjg Arctic district — aggregate population gjg citizenship, population by gog Eskimo tribe, population of gjg Indian population gjg g, 7 Mongolian population gjg' g ^7 sex, nativity, and color, population by gie'gn temporary white population '920 villages, number of g, g white population gjg Athapascan tribe, population of gjg gjg Auk settlements, population of ' gj g Chalitmiut village, population oC. Chimmesyan tribe, population of . Color, population by — 916 .918,919 Female population— Continued. by tribes for villages of 300 inhabitants or more. temporarily employed Foreign population — aggregate by citizenship by districts .'.... for villages of 300 inhabitants or more . temporarily employed under 21 years of age Hoochinoo village, population of . Huna village, population of .918, ,919 916 920 916 920 916 916 920 920 916 910 by ago periods gjg_ gjg by districts 916,917 June.au village, population of ^y^-^.f, 916,917 for villages of 300 inhabitants or more 916, 917 Indian population- aggregate gjggj^ by ago periods gjg gjg by districts ''.!"!'.916',917 ^^^Z 916.917 for villages of 300 inhabitants or more 916, 917 Douglas city village, population of. Eskimo tribe, population of Female population- aggregate by age periods gjg by districts 916 918 916 919 916 916 Kadiak district — aggregate population gjg Athapascan tribe, population of gjg gjg citizenship, population by..' g.^g Eskimo tribe, population of gjg Indian population 916 917 Koluschan tribe, population of 918' 919 mixed population gjg' gj7 Mongolian population " 'gjg' gj7 sex, nativity, and color, population by 916, 91T im)EX— PART I. 953 Page. KadiaV district-CoBtinued. ^^^ temporary white popVilation ^^-^ Tillages, numljer of ^^^ ■white population g^g Kadiak village, population of. - - ■ - ^^^ Karluk village, population ot . . ^. • • • - - ^^^ 916 Sex, population by- gig, 919 by age periods 916 Kingagbee village, population of Klak wan village, population of ^^^ ^^^ Koluscban tribe, population of • Kuskokwim district— ^^g aggregate population •■-■•-.■-■-• : g^g g^g Achapascan tribe, population of «^ • ^^^ citizenabip, population by ^^^ Eskimo tribe, population of ^^^ ^^^ Indian population 916,917 mixed population - - - ■ ■ ' sex, nativity, and color, population by ai", 9i( villages, number of " ' " ^^g ■white population Male population— g^g aggregate g^g 9jg 1 by age periods g^g by districts ■" .!...918,919 by tribes '„,g for villages of 300 inhabitants or more ^^^ temporarily employed g^^ Met) akabtla village, population of Mixed population— g^g g^^^ aggregate '...gis', 919 by age periods 916 917 by districts ;!'"'"l''^!l''!"-^-^-916!9n by sex Qifi 917 for villages of 300 inhabitants or more a^o, ai Mongolian population— 916,917 918, 919 916, 917 916, 917 I'yli^t""*^ .'918, 919 bytribes air qi7 for villages of 300 inhabitants or more n^, Ji^ Sitka village, population of Skittagetan tribe, population of ' Southeastern district— ^^^ aggregate population qi a 01 9 Chimmesyan tribe, population ot »i». ^J^^^ citizenship, population by ~ Indian population Koluscban tribe, population of mixed population Mongolian population 920- 916,917 918,919 910,917 916,917 6fix, nativity, and color, population by 916, 917 Skittagetan tribe, population of g^o temporary white population ^^^ villages, number of ■ g^g -white population 920 .918,919 Temporary white population . Tribes, population by aggregate by age periods. by districts. . - by sex 01 r 01 7 for villages of 300 inhabitants or more Ji". ■"■ Native population— g^g aggregate g2g by cit i zenship bv districts for villages of 300 inhabitants or more - - - Ji" temporarily employed under 21 years of age Nushagak district- aggregate populal ion. ...--... -■ -- Athapascan tribe, population of »i»' «^« citizenship, population by- - . Eskimo tribe, population of . Indian population mixed population Mongolian population oifi 017 sex, nativity, and color, population by 9lb. J^' temporary white population ^^^ villages, number of ■^ ... 91o white population Nushagak village, population of Point Hope village, population of - . 91^ Port Clarence vUlage, population of TJnalaska districts— g^g aggregate population ^^^ citizenship, population by Eskimo tribe, population of , ,. 916,917 Indian population 916 917 mixed population ' Mongolian population sex, nativity, and color, population by temporary white population villages, number of white population Unalaska village, population of 916, 917 916, 917 920 916 916 916 Villages- number of ■ ■ ■ of 300 inhabitants or more, population of. . 916 ..916,917 920 920 910 920 918 .916,917 .916,917 .916,917 916 White population— g^g^ aggregate g^g by age periods g^g by citizenship g^g by districts "■ g^^g by sex „, „ for villages of 300 inhabitants or more »^^ temporarily employed Wrangell village, population of Yakutat village, population of Yukon district — aggregate population Athapascan tribe, population of citizenship, population by Eskimo tribe, population of Indian population mixed population sex, nativity, and color, population by. temporary white population villages, number of white population .918, .916, .916, .916, 916 916 919 92a 918 917 917 ,917 920 916 916 954 INDEX— PART I. PEOGEESS OF THE NATION. Page. Age limits, variation of, for scliool census of states and ^er^ito^ie^ : 1890 cviii Aggregatb population, remarks on xxsv-xUt Alaska — names of tribes cxx vii number of each tribe cxxvii percentage of number of each tribe to total poinila- tion remarks on cxxvi, cxxvii Area of land and water surface in the United States : 1790 to 1890 xliv Arerage number of families to a dwelling— forcitieshavinglOO,OOOinhabitantsormore: 1890.. cxx for New Tork city, N. Y., by wards : 1890 cxxii Cen.sus of 1870 deficient in the southern states ..xxxv-xxxvii Center of population — position of: 1790 to 1890 lii remarks on j_lii westward movement in miles in each decade lii C'lassilication of settlement of population- areas in square miles — by states and territories, for each grou]i : 1890. . xlviii for each group : 1790 to 1890 xlv number of inhabitants to a square mile in each group : 1790 to 1890 xlv proportion of area of each group to total area of settlement : 1790 to 1890 xlvi Color- increase of white and colored, by states and terri- tories : 1850 to 1890 CYJ increase or decrease of colored to 100,000 white, by states and territories : 1870 to 1890 civ number of colored to 100,000 white, by states and territories : 1870 to 1890 oiii number of white and colored— by states and territories : 1890 from 1790 to 1890 percentage of- fer South Atlantic and South Centraldivisions : 1790 to 1890 '_ Pi increase of white and colored : 1790 to 1890 xcix increase of white and colored, by states and ter- ritories : 1850 to 1890 cvii white and colored, by states and territories: 1850 to 1 890 g white and colored, of total population: 1790 to 1°^" xcviii remarks on xcviii-cviii Countries from which immigration is derived Ixxxvii Density of population — according to various classes of industries xlv at each census : 1790 to 1890 xliv per square mile, by states and territories: 1790 to 1«90 xlix remarks on xliv-1 Development of states and geographical divisions, prominent features in the xl-xliii Drainage basins, distribution of population by, remarks on liii-lvi DTpellings and families — average number of families to a dwelling for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: cm xcviii forNewTorkcity.N.Y., by wards: 1890 cxxii excess of number of families over dwellings by geographical divisions: 1830, 1880, and 1890. cxii for North Atlantic division: 1850, 1880. andl890. cxii Page. CXI cxii cxx cxxll Dwellings and families— Continued. Increase in number of— dwellings : 1880 to 1890 families: 1850 to 1890 .' number of dwellings- for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 J, .^. , cxiv.cxv tor cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 for New Tork city, N. T., by wards':' '1890 '. '. '. ' cxxU number of families— for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 f .^. , cxn', cxv tor cities having luo.ooo inhabitants or more- 1890 for New Tork city, N. T., by ward's':" 'I's'go' " ' ' number of persons to a dwelling— for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more- 1880 and 1890 . J- -.^ „ , cxiv, cxv tor ISew Tork city, N. T., by wards: 1890 cxxii number of persons to a family- for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or raore- 1880 and 1890.. ;, „ _ , CXIV, cxv for IS ew Tork city, N. T. . by wards : 1890 cxxii percentage of dwellings and population for .speci- tied numbers of persons to a dwelling— by geographical divisions : 1890 ^^^^ for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 „ ,, _ , cxvi, cxvu for New Tork city, N. T., by wards : 1890 . . . cxxiii percentage of dwellings having specified nmnbers of families — for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 for New Tork city, N. T., by wards : 1890 . cxxiv percentage of families and population for specified numbers of persons to a family by geographical divisions: 1890 cxviii for cities having 100,000 inhabitanis or more- 1890 cxix percentage ot families in dwellings having speci- fied numbers of families— for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 „ ^. CXXl lor ISewTork city, N. T., by wards: 1890 cxxv percentage of increase in number of— dwellings: 1880 to 1890 g^j families: 1850 to 1890 '" ^^jj remarks on .'.'.'.".'cx-cxxv Geographical distribution of population— by drainage basins liii-lvi approximate area in square miles: 1870 to -liv, Iv 1890 . percentage of total population : 1870 to 1890 Ivi population : 1870 to 1890 li v, Iv population per square mile : 1870 to 1890 li v, Iv in accordance with latitude and longitude Ixv-lxx density of population by latitude: 1870tol890. Ixviii density of population by longitude: 1870 to 1890 i3,ij increase in density by latitude : 1870 to 1890 . . Ixviii increase in density by longitude : 1870 to 1890 . Ixix number in 100,000 inhabitants by latitude: 1870 to 1890 Ixviii number in 100,000 inh.ibitants by longitude: 1870 to 1890 ixix percentage of increase of population by lat; tude; 1870 to 1890 Ixviii INDEX— PAET I. Geographical distribution of populat,OB-Co..tnuted. fn Tcordauce with latitude and longitude-cont d. m accordan ^^ population by longi- Page. Ixix 1890 Ixviii 955 Pago. percentage of tude : 1870 to 1890 population by latitude: 18^0 to 1890 ^ — Lpulation by longitude: 1870 to 1890 - S::!:tionineachs.uarodegreetothenearest^^^^^^^ thousand: 1890 ''"-'Vu Wii Ixiii in accordance with mean — ^ --*1 . . ^.-J^ increaseinpopulationpersquarennlebj inches ^^^^^ of rainfall: 1870 to 1890 r"":."'V' number in 100,000 inhabitants by inches ot rain- ^^^ fall: 1870 to 1890 ;•• . j population per square mile by inches of ram- ^^^^ fall: 1870 to 1890 j-"' in accordance with mean relative humidity ot the ^^^^ atmosphere ' " ' percentage of increase of population by groups of saturation: 1870 to 1890—---^^^- ^ populationby groups of saturation : 18'«t?1890- population per sqxiare mile by gxonps of satu- features l"-l^i Ixi ^""^flrelgn born population, by states and territories : ^^^^^ 1890 ■ , increase of native and foreign born, by sta.es and territories : 1850 to 1890 increase or decrease of foreign born to lOO-OOO 'na- tive born, by states and territories: 1870 to 1890 - -.xciT,xev native born population, by states and territories: ^^^^^ 1890 ; V number of foreign born to 100,000 native born, by states and territories : 1870 to 1890 ^ciii number of immigrants to the United States- by decades : 1821 to 1890 by principal countries: 1821 to 1890 .Ixxxvi Ixxxvii number of native and foreign born : 1850 to 1890 . . Ixxxvi by geographical divisions: 1850 ration: 1870 to 1890 in accordance with topographic density of population by regions: 1870 to increase of population by regions : 1870 to 1890^ 1- number in 100,000 inhabitants by regions : 1870 ^^_ to 1890 • i^i population by regions : 1870 to 1890 -^J-^ :;:^S:::nce;:;meanan;;ualt;.np;;ature;:;^lxi.lxii density of population by degrees ot tempeia- ture: 1870 to 1890.-. ---- -; increase in density of population by degrees of temperature: 187iJ to 1890 - - number in 100,000 inhabitants by degrees ot temperature : 1870 to 1890 Ixii Ixii Ixii .Ixxxvii 0X1 cxii immigrants to the United States- by decades: 1821 to 1890 - - g principal countries: 1821 to 1890 Increase — of dwellings: 1880 to 1890 nf families : 1850 to 1890 ."""'."■ :; mTles and females, by states and territories: 1850 to 1890 ''"".:"■" Of native and foreign born, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 .";■"."" of white and colored, by states and territories: ^^^ 1850 to 1890 '"VV or decrease of colored to 100,000 white, by states and territories : 1870 to 1890 civ or decrease of females to 100,000 males, by states _ tnd territories : 1870 to 1890 l^xx.ii or decrease of foreign born to 100,000 nati^•e born, by states and territories : 1870 to 1890. - - .xciv, xcv .„ -ioq:; +.^ IQOO __ Xl Kansas, yearly census m percentage of — foreign born to 1890 :"i'V' increase of native and foreign born, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 native and foreign born, and of native white of foreign parents, of total population, by states and territories : 1890 native and foreign born of total population: 1850 to 1890 ■•■ native and foreign born of total population, by states and territories: 1850 to 1890 nalivc whites of native parents and whites having one or both parents foreign of total while element, by states and territories: 1870 and 1890 remarks on Number of— ^'^ by states and territories : 1880 and 1890 classified according to population : 1790 to 1890. colored to 100,000 white, by states and territories: 1870 to 1890 IXXXTIU Ixxxvi Ixxxix XCl Ixxxvi-xcvii Ixxv Ixxiv 25,000 inhabitants or more; cxiv, cxv 100,000 inhabitants or more; 1890. cxx cxxii cxx cxxii Ixxxi 1885 to 1890 . -xlii Late civil war. result of the, distinctly traceable upon the rate of increase of population xxx.x- Latitude and longitude, distribution of population m accordance with, remarks on l=^v Ixx Mean annual raintall, distribution of population in ac^^^ ^^^^_ cordance with, remarks on ■ • -■_ ■ Mean annual temperature, distribution of population with reference to, remarks on •■•;■.;■' Mean relative humidity of the atmosphere distnbu^ tion of population in accordance with, remarks ^^^^ Militia, potential- percentage of, compar geographical divisions remarks on ed with total population, by 1890 cix cix dwellings— for cities havin, 1890 for cities havin j 1890 for New York city, N. Y., by wards families— for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 ''^'^••"^^ for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 for New York city, N. Y., by wards ; 1890 females to 100,000 males, by states and territories; 1870 to 1890 ■ forei-n born to 100,000 native born, by states and territories: 1870 to 1890 ^cm immigrants to the United States— bv decades; 1821 to 1890 /'^^^^^ by principal countries ; 1821 to 1890 Ixxxvii males and females, by states and territor: native and foreign born— by states and territories from 1850 to 1890 persons to a dwelling— for cities havin 1890 for New York city. N. Y., by wards persons to a family — for cities having 25,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 for New York city, N. Y., by wards ; 1890 white and colored— by states and territories : 1890 from 1790 to 1890 1890. 1890. Ixxxi xciii Ixxxvi 25,000 inhabitants or more: cxiv, cxv 1890 cxxii cxiv, cxv cxxii cm xcviii 95G INDEX— PART I. Page. CXT1,CXT11 csxiii csxi cxxiv Ixxvi Ixxii Percentage of— colored of total population for South Atlantic and Soutli Central divisions : 1790 to'1890 dwellings and population for specified numbers to a dwelling — by geographical divisions : 1890 for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 for Now York city, N. Y., by wards : 1890 dwellings having specified numbers of families— for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 for Xow York city, N. Y., by wards: 1890 each sex of total population : 1S50 to 1890 entire urban population, by geographical divisions : 1890 families and population for specified numbers of persons to a family — by geogTaphical divisions: 1890 cxviii for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more- 1890 cxix families in dwellings having specified numbers of families — for cities having 100,000 inhabitants or more: 1890 cxxi for New York city, N. Y., by wards : 1890 cxxv foreign born, by geographical divisions: 1850 to 1890. xc increase of — 50 priucipal cities in the last decade males and females, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 native and foreign born, by states and terri tories : 1850 to 1890 number of dwellings: 1880 to 1890 number of families : 1850 to 1890 population: 1790 to 1890 population, by states and territories: 1890 white and colored : 1790 to 1890 white and colored, by states and territories: 1850to 1890 p,j,jj males and females of total population, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 Ixxviii native and foreign born, and of native white of foreign parents, of total population, by states and territories : 1890 Ixxxviii native and foreign born of total population : 1850 ,. t^'l^^'O Ixxxvi native and foreign born of total populatioa, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 Ixxxix native whites of native jiarents and whites having one or both parents foreign, of total white element, by states and territories : 1870 and 1890 potential — militia compared with total population, by geographical divisions: 1890 voters compared with total population geographical divisions : 1890 urban of total population : 1790 to 1890 Ixxl urban of total poj)ulatiou, by states and territories • 1880 and 1890 white and colored — by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 of total population : 1790 to 1890 Proportions of the sexes in certain Europeam couutr 1890 Eack of— cities having a population of 100,000 or more: 1870 to 1890 50 principal cities : 1880 and 1890 ] Ixxiv states and territories in population : 1880 and 1890 xliv Remarks on — aggregate population xxxv-xliv cxxvi, cxxvii 1-m . xcviii-cviii xliv-1 Ixxiv Ixxxv xcvii cxi cxii XXXV 1790 to xxxviii xcix by Ixxv Ixxvii Ixxiii Remarks on— Continued. Alaska ■ center of population '''" color density of population _ . , distribution of population— by drainage basins ,;■•_, . in accordance with latitude and'iongVtude;; ' 'ixv- Jx m accordance with mean annual rainfall ixii Ixiii m accordance with mean rel.ative humidity of the atmosphere i ■ in accordance with topographic featureV.V.V.V.lvi-K^ with reference to mean :,nnual temperature. . .Ixi, Ixii dwellings and families nativity persons of school age potential — militia „ , CIS voters sex... '^^ Ixxvi-lxxxv cx-cxx V .Ixxxvi-xcvii cviii, cix .Ixxi-lxxvi xlviii urban population School age — persons of, remarks on ^.^jj; ^j^ variations of age limits for scliool census of states ' and territories : 1890 „„•■■ Settled area of the United States— "' at each census year: 1790 to 1890 ^i^ ^i,.; by states and ten-itoiies : 1 8 ' percentage of increase of— population: 1790to]890 ^j^- settled area: 1790 to 1890 ' /• Sex- ^^' increase of males and females, by states and terri- tories: 1850 to 1890 j^^^;^ increase or decrease of females lo 100,000 males, by states and territories : 1870 to 1890 Ixxxiii number of females to 100,000 males, by states and territories: 1870tol890 j^^^j number of males and females, by states and tVrri- tories: 1890 , Ixxxi percentage of— increase of males and females, by states and territories: 1850 to 1890 j^xxv males and females of total population : ISSo'to 1890 , Ixxvi males and females of total population, by states and territories : 1850 to 1890 ...... Ixxviii proportions of males and females in certain Euro'- pean countries : 1890 Ixxvii remarks on i • , „ ., , l.xxvi-lxxxv Southern states, census of 1870 deficient in . State censuses of 1885 increase of population percentage of increase of population ... population States and territories- foreign born population : 1890 increase of — males and females xxxv-xxxvii xxxix xxxix xxxix 1850 to 1890 ixxxiv native and foreign born: 1850 to 1890. . white and colored: 1850 to 1890 increase or decrease of— colored to 100,000 white: 1870 to 1890 civ females to 100,000 males : 1870 to 1890 Ixxxiii foreign born to 100,000 native born- 1870 to 1890 native born population : 1890 number of— cities: 1880 and 1830 ^^^^ colored to 100,000 white : 1870 to 1890 ciii females to 100,000 males: 1870 to 1890 Ixxxi fore gn bom to 100,000 native born : 1870 to 1890 . xclil males and females : 1890 Ixxxi xcvi cvi xciv. xcv xciii states and territories-Continued. number of-contiuued. ^.jj wliito and colored : 1890 ''''':Z:n^^er...es of total population :1850_to^^^^^^^ natirand:fo;;igub;;;;:and:;f'nativewh^oi^ foreign parents, of total population : 1890.Uxx^ native and'oreign born of total Popul^^--^^^ 1850 to 1890 INDEX— PART I. Page. I Urban population— 957 native wbiteso;;;tiveparentsa.dwbitesbav^ in., one or both parents foreign, ol total xci Ixxv white element. 1870 and 1«00------- nrban of total population: 1880 and 1890 white and colored: 1850 to 1890 percentage of increase of- ^^^^^ nialesandfemales: 1850 to 1890 ^^^..- native and foreign born : 1850 to 1890 population : 1790 to 1890 - - white and colored : 1850 to 1890 ^^ ranlc of, in population: 1B80 and 1890 ^ total area of settlement : 18.0 • - • ■ - ■ ■ ■ " variations of age limits for school census: 1890.- ^v,iP features, distribution of population in Topographic teatures, Ivi-lxi accordance with, remarks on Total population of the f^^^f^^'f^^-^ at each census year from ^ ' ^0 ^o ^ ^ - ,^, by states and territories : 1880 and 1890 ^^^^ including all persons: 1890 by census ye. ars from 1790 to 1890. Page. Ixxi Ixxii Ixxv by geographical divisions : 1890 by states and territories : 1880 and 1890. . . - number of cities— by states and territories: 1880 and 1890 ciassified according to population: .... - ^^^^^ 1890 Ixxv 1790 to ^"""'entTrf urban population, by geographical divi. Isxii Ixxiv Ixxi Ixxv sions : 1890 '"/-, , increase of 50 principal cities in the last decade . urban of total population : 1790 to 1890. .. . . . - - • urban of total popiilation, by states and terri- tories: 1880 and 1890 cities having a population of 100,000 or more: ^^^^^ 1870 to 1890 VV-" 50 principal cities, giving their population: ^^^^^ 1880 and 1890 ;;;;".;" Ixxi-lxxvi remarks on ^'"^''^ ^:^ o^*compared with total population, by geographical divisions: remarks on ' 1899 .. cs ex Westward migration . O .■'f^^'.;^-';:^J; .M 's«iilil I^ERSITV OF ILUNOIS-URBANA