amm wm laenstm The Idaker Jai/lor and Company 5 and 7 Sixteenth £treet LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS, A STANDARD LIBRARY CATALOGUE ^ ^ ^ ^ OF • 2500 • APPROVED • BOOKS SELECTED FROM THE LISTS OF ALL PUB- LISHERS FORMING A COMPLETE AND WELL- BALANCED LIBRARY OF BOOKS RECOM- MENDED BY THE HIGHEST LIBRARY AUTH- ORITIES AND AFFORDING THROUGH ITS CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS A BASIS OF SELECTION FOR LIBRARIES OF A SMALLER NUMBER OF BOOKS OR FOR ADDITIONS TO ESTABLISHED LIBRARIES. COMPILED BY THE BAKER AND TAYLOR COMPANY, WHOLESALE BOOKSELLERS: NEW YORK : 5 AND 7 EAST SIXTEENTH STREET. ^ ^ Copyright, 1900, BY THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. o \ New York, 5 and 7 East i6th St. To Librarians and Book Committees : ^HIS list is intended as an aid to librarians and others who have occasion to purchase books for new Town, School, or Club Libraries or for additions to established Libraries. We have aimed to select representative books upon subjects which are of interest to the average reader and those books which supplement the Public School curriculum. The lists of books recommended by State Library Commissions and educational bodies have been consulted and every endeavor has been made to have the list conform to the standard of the best library authorities. The number of titles under each subject has been carefully considered, and its different parts have been so proportioned that the list, if purchased as a whole, would consti- tute a well-arranged and properly balanced library. Only the representative books of each author have been placed in the General List ; complete sets and “ series ” appear in the special list which follows it. A special quotation is made on purchases at one time of all the books named in the Standard Library Catalogue and estimates are submitted on selections from it. Local conditions naturally govern largely the selection of books for public use, and no absolute rule for proportion can be laid down, but the fol- lowing percentage table for book purchases is used and recommended by some Library Commissions : To Librarians. Fiction, 30$; History and Biography, 15$ ; Litera- ture, 12 % ; Travel, 9$ ; Social Science and Educa- tion, 8$ ; Natural Science, 8$ ; Useful Arts, 6$ ; Fine Arts, 5$ ; Religion, 3$ ; Reference Books, 4$. One in ten of the whole number should be adapted to young people. In dealing with our house librarians have the advantage of contact with a special department which keeps in touch with the official associations and commissions having in charge the matter of general library establishment and development. Our stock is one of the largest, if not the largest general collection of books in the country, and is supplemented by our immediate access to the enor- mous resources of the general New York book market. We invite correspondence and seek opportuni- ties to submit estimates on proposed purchases as the best evidence of our favorable terms to pur- chasers, whom we assure of a prompt and, as nearly as possible, complete filling of their orders. We issue Clearance Catalogues, occasional numbers of Librarians’ Help Series, a Monthly Bulletin of new and noteworthy books, this Standard Library Cata- logue of 2500 Approved Books and other material of interest to book buyers, all of which will be mailed on application. THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO., 5 and 7 East i6th St. (Between Broadway and Fifth Avf..), NEW YORK. CONTENTS, PAGE Africa 49 Alaska 69 Algeria 50 America, History, General. . . 62 Civil Government 102 Literature 77 Amusements, Games 95 Ancient History 48 Animals 98 Architecture 89 Arctic Region. . 51 Around the World, Travel.... 49 Art 88 Asia — 51 Astronomy 96 Australia 51 Austria 52 Baker & Taylor Co.’s Publi- cations 121 Bible Ill Biography 28 Collective 28 Dictionaries 28 Individual 29 Birds 99 Botany 96 Canada 52 Capital and Labor 104 Central America 52 Chemistry, Mineralogy 97 China 52 Church History. 112 Civil Government 101 Cookery 93 Cuba 74 Education 106 Egypt and the Nile 50 England, History 52 Literature 80 Travel 53 Europe, History 54 Travel 54 Evolution 97 Fiction 1 For Young People 20 PAGE Fishes 100 France, History 55 Literature 84 Geology 98 Germany, History 56 Literature 84 Greece, History 56 Literature 85 Hawaiian Islands 73 Health and Hygiene 93 History and Travel, General. 48 Holland 56 India 56 Insects 100 International Law and Rela- tions 103 Ireland 57 Italy, History 57 Literature 85 Japan . . 58 Jerusalem 59 Klondyke 69 Language. . . 75 Latin Liter ture 86 Literature 75 Mexico 58 Money and Finance — 104 Morocco 50 Music 90 Natural History 83 Newfoundland 58 Norway, History 59 Literature 86 Oriental Literature 86 Palestine 59 Paris. 55 Parliamentary Law 101 Philanthropy and Social Re- form 106 Philippine Islands 74 Philosophy 114 Physics 100 Poetry, General Collections.. 75 Political Economy 104 Portugal 59 VI Contents , Reference Books . Religion and Theology Rome Russia, History Literature Science Scotland Sculpture Shakespeare Social Ethics Socialism Sociology ... South Africa South America 60 Spain, History 60 Literature 87 Standard Books in Sets 118 Switzerland 61 Taxation 105 Turkey 61 United States, History 65 Travel 68 Useful Arts 92 Venice 58 West Indies 74 116 109 57 59 86 96 60 90 81 94 105 101 50 The Baker and Taylor Co.’s LIBRARY LIST of the Books of all Publishers. The titles in this List are arranged by subjects in general con- formity with the classification in use in most libraries. The books are in one volume, cloth binding, unless otherwise de- scribed. The prices given are the publishers’ advertised retail prices, but are subject to the usual discounts for quantity pur- chases. Books marked net are sold at a limited discount. FICTION ABBOTT. Colonial Wooing. $1.00 When the Century was New. $1.00 ABOUT. The Man with the Broken Ear. $1.00 AGUILAR. Days of Bruce. $1.00 Vale of Cedars. $1.00 ALDRICH. Majorie Daw. $1.50 Prudence Palfrey. $1.50 Queen of Sheba. $1.50 The Stillwater Tragedy. $1.50 Two Bites at a Cherry, and Other Tales. $1.25 ALEXANDER. The Wooing On’t. $1.00 ALLEN. Aftermath. Pt. 2 of “ Kentucky Cardinal.” $1.00 Choir Invisible. $1.50 Flute and Violin. $1.50 1 Baker & Taylor Co/s Library List. ALLEN. — Continued. A Kentucky Cardinal. $1.00 Reign of Law. $1.50 AUSTIN, Jane G. Betty -Alden. $1.25 Desmond Hundred. $1.25 Dr. Le Baron and His Daughters. $1.25 A Nameless Nobleman. $1.25 Standish of Standish. $1.25 BACHELLER. Eben Holden. $1.50 BALZAC. Cesar Birotteau. $1.50 Cousin Pons. $1.50 Magic Skin. $1.50 Pere Goriot. $1.50 BANGS. The Bicyclers, and Three Other Farces. $1.25 Coffee and Repartee. $0.50 Ghosts I Have Met. $1.25 A House-boat on the Styx. $1.25 The Idiot. $1.00 Mr. Bonapartei of Corsica. $1.25 Paste Jewels. $1.00 The Pursuit of the House-boat. $1.25 Three Weeks in Politics. $0.50 BARLOW. Creel of Irish Stories. $1.25 Irish Idyls. $1.00 From the Land of the Shamrock. $1.50 BARR, Amelia E. Border Shepherdess. $1.25 Bow of Orange Ribbon. $1.25 The Maid of Maiden Lane. A Sequel to “A Bow of Orange Ribbon.” $1.50 Jan Vedder’s Wife. $1.25 Prisoners of Conscience. $1.50 BARR, Robert. A Woman Intervenes. $1.25 The Mutable Many. $1.50 2 Baker & Taylor Co.’s Library List. BARRIE. The Little Minister. $0.75 Margaret Ogilvy. $1.25 Sentimental Tommy. $1.50 Tommy and Grizel. $1.50 A Window in Thrums. $0.75 BOYESEN. Gunnar. $1.25 BRADY. Fox the Freedom of the Sea. $1.25 BREMER. President’s Daughters. Net $1.00 BRISCOE. Jimty, and Others. $1.50 BRONTE, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. $0.75 Shirley. $0.75 Villette. $0.75 BRONTE, Emily. Wuthering Heights. $1.00 BROWN. The Days of His Youth. $1.00 Meadow Grass: A Book of New England Stories. $1.50 Tiverton Tales. $1.50 BULLEN. Cruise of the Cachalot. $1.50 Idylls of the Sea. $1.25 BULWER-LYTTON. 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