SPECIAL REGULATIONS NO. 48, War Department, Washington, June 15, 1917. The following laws and regulations governing the Enlisted Reserve Corps are published for the information and guidance of all concerned, and supersede the pamphlet “ Regulations for the Enlisted Reserve Corps,” and changes therein. [2446454, A. G. O.] By order of the Secretary of War : TASKER H. BLISS, Major General, Acting Chief of Staff. Official : H, P. McCAIN, The Adjutant General. 3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/regulationsforenOOunit TABLE OF CONTENTS. Paragraphs. Composition_ 1 Enlistment_ 2-7 Assignment to organizations__ r _ 8-9 Promotions_ 10 Administration and training_11-16 Arms, ammunition, and equipment_ 17 Clothing_18-21 Rosette or knot for wear with civilian clothing___22-24 Pay_25-31 Transportation_ 32 Subsistence during annual training- 33 Records and reports_34-39 Discharge_ 40-42 Death__ 43 Mobilization in time of war_44-53 Page. Appendix___ 20 5 . • ; . :• > • ' • : -■ . '’v: ■ .... REGULATIONS FOR ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS UNDER ACT OF CONGRESS APPROVED JUNE 3, 1916. COMPOSITION. 1. (a) The sections of the Enlisted Reserve Corps shall be designated as follows: (1) Engineer Enlisted Reserve Corps. (2) Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps. (3) Quartermaster Enlisted Reserve Corps. (4) Ordnance Enlisted Reserve Corps. (5) Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps. (&) The enlisted grades in each of the above sections will be the same as authorized for the corresponding corps or de¬ partment of the Regular Army. The number that may be en¬ listed in or promoted to each grade of each corps or department will not exceed three times the number authorized for the cor¬ responding grade of the same corps or department of the Regu¬ lar Army at maximum authorized strength, except that the number in the grade of private is not limited. ENLISTMENT. 2. Enlistments for each section w T ill be secured from among men who are citizens of the United States or who have declared their intention to become such, and whose occupations in civil life particularly qualify them for service in one of the above sections, or who are otherwise so qualified. Recruits for each section will ordinarily be obtained by Regular Army officers belonging to the staff department concerned who have been selected for this purpose by the chief thereof; but officers of other arms and departments may obtain recruits when author¬ ized to do so by such chief. The actual enlistments will be made by an officer of the Regular Army recruiting service, or. 8 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. if no such service is conducted at the station of the officer who obtains the recruits, they will be made by him. However, when a large number of recruits is to be enlisted at any place, the department commander may detail a medical officer or a medical reserve officer to make the enlistments upon the request of the chief of the staff corps or department concerned. 3. The chief of each corps and department will prescribe the qualifications requisite for enlistment in each authorized grade of his section of the Enlisted Reserve Corps and will furnish each officer selected to secure recruits with a copy of the quali¬ fications prescribed and with special instructions regarding the number and grades of men he is authorized to enlist. By oral and practical examination and examination of the documentary evidence submitted or available the officer detailed to secure recruits will ascertain the grade for which the applicant may foe qualified and if found qualified for a noncommissioned grade above the grade of sergeant the officer will so report to the chief of the proper corps or department, who, if he approves the recommendation, will authorize the enlistment. Subject to his general instructions, an officer selected to secure recruits may authorize enlistments in the grades of private, corporal, and sergeant without securing approval in each particular case. 4. If otherwise qualified, married men may be enlisted or re¬ enlisted in the Enlisted Reserve Corps without reference to higher authority unless the circumstances appear to be such as would probably result in application for discharge because of dependent relative should the man be ordered to active service with the Regular Army. 5. The physical examination of applicants for enlistment will conform to that prescribed for the Regular Army except that the age limits for enlistment in the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be from 18 to 45 years. 6. An applicant for enlistment or reenlistment in the En¬ listed Reserve Corps at any post, camp, arsenal, or station where there is a medical officer, medical reserve officer, or contract surgeon will be physically examined by him before enlistment. At a place where there is no medical officer, medical reserve officer, or contract surgeon the physical examination preceding enlistment will be made by the officer who is to enlist the man and will be similar to that required for the acceptance of re¬ cruits at stations, the report of examination being entered on that part of the form provided for “ Physical examination at place of acceptance.” (See par. 35.) ADMINISTRATION AND TRAINING. 9 7. Enlistments and reenlistments will be for a period of four years. ASSIGNMENT TO ORGANIZATIONS, 8. The enlisted personnel in each section of the Enlisted Re¬ serve Corps may be attached individually or by detachments, as reserves to organizations of the Regular Army, or they may be organized into special units appropriate to the various corps or departments. The chief of each corps or department will recommend to the Secretary of War the number and appropriate assignment or organization of such units. 9. Upon the recommendation of the chief of the corps or de¬ partment concerned suitable officers for the various units au¬ thorized by the Secretary of War will be detailed so far as practicable from the appropriate section of the Officers’ Reserve Corps. In like manner, regular officers of suitable grade may also be detailed for duty with units of the Enlisted Reserve Corps of size sufficient to warrant such detail. PROMOTIONS. 10. Whenever in any organization of the Enlisted Reserve Corps a vacancy shall occur in any grade above that of sergeant the organization commander shall so inform the chief of the corps or department concerned and shall recommend whether said vacancy be filled by enlistment or by promotion of a suit¬ able candidate recommended by the organization commander. The decision of the chief of the corps or department will then be communicated to the organization commander, who, in case the vacancy is to be filled by promotion, will make note of the promotion upon the certificate of enlistment of the reservist pro¬ moted. Promotions to vacancies in the grades of corporal and sergeant may be made by the organization commander without reference to higher authority. Notification of each promotion or reduction will be sent to the department commander, who will have proper entry made on the reservist’s descriptive card at his headquarters and forward the letter of notification to The Adjutant General of the Army. ADMINISTRATION AND TRAINING. 11. For purposes of administration, training, and equipment, organizations and individual members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be subject to the orders and supervision of the corn- 106071 0 —17-2 10 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. manding general of the territorial department in which they reside. 12. In so far as funds allotted for such purpose will permit, department commanders are authorized to order organizations and members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps of their depart¬ ments to duty with troops in the field or at field exercises or for instruction for periods not to exceed 15 days in any one calendar year. With the consent of such enlisted men and within the limits of funds available for such purpose, such periods of active service may be extended for such number of enlisted men as may be deemed necessary. , 13. Such organizations or individual members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps as are not thus called out by the commanders of military departments as provided above may, in so far as funds allotted for such purpose will permit, be ordered to duty as recommended by the chief of the appropriate corps or de¬ partment for instruction for periods not to exceed, except with the consent of the members concerned, 15 days in any calendar year. 14. The objects of this annual training are (1) to verify the number and determine physical and moral fitness of reservists for service in war; (2) to eliminate the undesirable and those not dependable in time of war; (3) to familiarize reservists with methods to be followed if mobilized in time of war or threatened hostilities; (4) to perfect the organization of the authorized units of the Enlisted Reserve Corps; and (5) to instruct the reservists in the fundamentals of military service and so far as may be necessary in the particular duties of their corps or department. 15. When summoned for annual field training (Form 574, A. G. O.), each member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, as soon as practicable after reporting personally under such summons, will be examined physically by a medical officer on duty at the place of field training. In case he is found to be physically dis¬ qualified for the kind of service that would be required of him in time of war, he will at once be relieved from further field training and furnished with transportation and subsistence to the place from which he was summoned. Steps will'be taken for his discharge on certificate of disability in accordance with existing instructions governing discharge for disability of a soldier of the Regular Army subject to the limitations set forth in paragraph 31 of these regulations. CLOTHING. 11 16. Any member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps ordered to active service or for purposes of instruction or training shall, from the time he is required by the terms of the order to obey the same, be subject to the laws and regulations for the gov¬ ernment of the Army of the United States. For willful failure to comply with the terms of such order he shall be subject to trial and punishment, and shall, in addition, forfeit his certifi¬ cate of enlistment. AEMS, AMMUNITION, AND EQUIPMENT. 17. Arms, ammunition, and equipment for members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps during annual field training will be issued by the supply officers at the places selected for such train¬ ing. The articles supplied Regular Army organizations as a portion of their unit equipment will not be used for such pur¬ pose. The value of any articles lost or rendered unserviceable through fault or neglect will be deducted from any pay due or to become due to the member found responsible. CLOTHING. 18. Each member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be furnished by the United States with the following clothing: 1 service hat. 1 hat cord. 2 shirts, flannel, O. D. 1 coat, cotton, O. D. 2 breeches, cotton, O. D. 1 pair leggings and laces. 1 pair russet shoes. 3 pairs chevrons, cotton, for noncommissioned oflicers. 1 set ornaments, collar, bronze. 19. The above articles will be issued to the reservist when he reports at the place designated for his first annual period of training. These articles will remain the property of the United States and at the end of each period of training will be turned in to the local quartermaster to be tagged with the name, or¬ ganization, and home address of the man to whom they were issued and will be held in storage at such place as the depart¬ ment commander shall direct until the reservist reports for his next period of training, when they will be reissued to him. The 12 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. same procedure will continue until the reservist completes the last period of training of his four-year enlistment, at which time his uniform, on being turned in, will be shipped to the nearest clothing depot for renovation and subsequent reissue if in serviceable condition. The uniforms issued to members of an organization of the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be stored to¬ gether and marked with the name of the organization ready for shipment to any place at which such organization may be mobilized for active service or for its next annual period of training. 20. Each member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps who com¬ plies with summons when mobilization for active service is di¬ rected by the President and who is found physically fit for serv¬ ice is entitled to the allowance of clothing in kind, with tlie- initial and yearly clothing allowance, authorized by Army Regu¬ lations and announced in orders from the War Department for* enlisted men of his grade in the Regular Army. This will be- issued, charged, and settled for as provided in Army Regula¬ tions. If practicable, any clothing which has been issued to and worn by a reservist during annual field training will be shipped to the place of mobilization and issued to him as part of the clothing in kind to which he is entitled on his clothing allowance. 21. Each member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be re¬ quired to have all the articles listed above while he is under¬ going training. In case of loss or destruction of any of these articles the article so lost or destroyed shall be replaced by issue to the reservist and the value thereof deducted from any pay due or to become due him unless it shall be made to appear that such loss or destruction was not due to neglect or other fault on his part. Any clothing issued to enlisted men of the En¬ listed Reserve Corps which shall have become unserviceable through ordinary wear and tear in the service of the United States shall be received back by the United States and service¬ able like articles issued in lieu thereof. ROSETTE OR KNOT FOR WEAR WITH CIVILIAN CLOTHING. 22. At the conclusion of his first period of training each mem¬ ber of the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be furnished by the local quartermaster with a knot or rosette for wear with civilian clothing, showing that he is a member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps and has undergone at least one period of training. 23. Whenever a rosette or knot shall have been lost, destroyed, or rendered unfit for use without fault or neglect upon the part; PAY. 13 of the person to whom it was issued a new rosette or knot will be issued to such person without charge therefor. 24. The wearing of such rosette or knot by persons other than those to whom they are regularly issued pursuant to these regu¬ lations is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding $300 or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. PAY. 25. On the last day of his field training each reservist will be mustered for his pay on the Regular Army pay roll, and will be paid thereon, including subsistence to and from place of training, by the local disbursing quartermaster. Reservists are entitled to pay at the rate of their respective grades in the Regular Army during active service, including the time required Tor actual travel from their homes to the places to which ordered and return to their homes. 26. The following remarks with reference to each reservist will be placed on the pay rolls: Due soldier commutation of rations at the rate of 50^ per meal from _- 191_, date of leaving _ (home of soldier) to-(p m }_ 191—, date of reporting for duty at_, $__ Due soldier commutation of rations at the rate of 50^ per meal from-(p m0"~-191—, date of departure from —--to--191__, at which time he is due to arrive at his home, $_ Due soldier $_, reimbursement of the actual necessary post of transportation from___ to_for which no Government transportation was furnished. In case Government transportation is furnished for all or any part of the journey, that fact must be stated in each case on the pay rolls. 27. Members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps reporting at a training camp in answer to proper call or at the designated point of rendezvous when mobilized in time of threatened or actual hostilities are entitled to transportation in kind and commutation of rations at 50 cents per meal for the time of actual travel from their homes to places to which ordered for active service and from place of release from active service back to their homes. If transportation in kind is not furnished 14 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. from their homes to places to which ordered for active service or back to their homes, they are entitled to reimbursement for the actual, necessary cost of such transportation. However, they should be furnished transportation in kind for this travel when practicable. They are also entitled to pay and allqwances from the date on which they leave their homes to the date on which they are due to return thereto, both dates inclusive, pro¬ vided no unnecessary time is consumed in the travel involved. 28. When a member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps is rejected after reporting at the training camp or designated rendezvous he will be paid commutation of rations at the rate of 50 cents per meal for the time necessarily consumed in travel from his home to the place of reporting for active service and back to his home. This payment will be made on Form 19, Q. M. C., using the same remarks as are indicated above for pay rolls. This payment will be noted on the reservist’s descriptive list. Upon being discharged on account of being rejected, final statements will be issued by the proper officer, using War Department Form No. 370, on which the reservist will be credited with all amounts due him as pay and allowances, including any amount due him as reimbursement for traveling expenses when no Gov¬ ernment transportation is furnished or used. The remarks given above for pay rolls are required on the voucher. 29. On the completion of active service with the colors in time of threatened or actual hostilities, members of the En¬ listed Reserve Corps will be paid their final pay for active serv¬ ice on the regular pay roll, which will include pay to and in¬ cluding the day of return to their homes, and commutation of rations at the rate of 50 cents per meal for the time necessarily occupied in making the journey by the usually traveled route. Transportation in kind will be furnished to their homes, which fact should be noted on the pay rolls. The following remarks will be entered on these rolls: Due soldier commutation of rations at the rate of 50^ per meal from time at which he is due to arrive 191_, at_ date of leaving _his home _(place of relief from active duty) to 30. In all cases a complete statement of payments made and transportation furnished will be noted on the reservist’s service record. RECORDS AND REPORTS. 15 31. Members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps may become en¬ titled to pensions through physical disability incurred in line of duty during such field training, or while traveling under orders to or from designated places of duty, but such service confers no right to retirement or retired pay. Each reservist who in¬ curs any accident or sickness while attending such training will be carefully examined before being sent to his home and the result noted on his descriptive card or record. TRAN SPORT ATION. 32. Transportation of members or organizations of the En¬ listed Reserve Corps to and from designated places of training* or mobilization will be arranged in the most economical manner by department commanders. Transportation requests will be furnished such members as are directed to report individually, and the transportation of organizations of the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be arranged in the usual manner. Commutation of subsistence will be allowed at the rate of 50 cents per meal during journey to and from place of training or mobilization. SUBSISTENCE DURING ANNUAL TRAINING. 33. Subsistence will be furnished by the United States and will consist of the Regular Army ration properly prepared. For the preparation of the ration, when enlisted cooks are not available, department commanders are authorized to hire one civilian cook and two civilian assistant cooks for every 100 men undergoing training. Civilian cooks will be paid at a rate of $60 each per month and civilian assistant cooks at a rate of $45 each per month. They will be allowed the same subsistence and quarters in kind, while so serving, as are allowed members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps while undergoing training. RECORDS AND REPORTS. 34. An enlistment paper (Form No. 22, A. G. O.) showing grade and section in which enlisted, will be made in the case of each enlistment or reenlistment for the Enlisted Reserve Corps, and forwarded directly to The Adjutant General of the Army, who will thereupon furnish the man with a certificate of enlist¬ ment (Form No. 442-1, A. G. O.). A copy of the enlistment paper marked duplicate will be forwarded by the officer making the ?nlistmciit to the chief of the corps or department concerned. 16 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. 35. A report of physical examination (Form No. 135, A. G. O.) and an identification record card (Form No. 260, A. G. O.) will also be made at time of enlistment or reenlistment, if there is a medical officer, medical reserve officer, or contract surgeon present, and forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army with the original enlistment paper. In case enlistment or reen¬ listment is made at a place where there is no medical officer, medical reserve officer, or contract surgeon, the report of phys¬ ical examination partially filled out as provided in the last sentence of paragraph 6 will be attached to the reservist’s service record, on which will be noted under remarks “ Report of physical examination not completed, identification record card not made.” In such case the medical officer making the physical examination required by paragraph 15 when reservist is sum¬ moned for annual field training, or by paragraph 45 when re¬ servist is called out for active service, will complete the report of physical examination and prepare the identification record card and forward them directly to The Adjutant General of the Army, .notation of the date of forwarding being made under remarks on the reservist’s service record. 36. The officer making the enlistment will furnish the proper department commander with a service record (Form No. 29, A. G. O.) of the man showing the name, rank, section, and his home address. If a man enlists for or is assigned by the offi¬ cer making the enlistment to an organization the service record will be transmitted directly to the organization commander, the report of assignment being detached and forwarded by the officer making the enlistment to the department commander. The service records of men not assigned to organizations will be kept by an officer designated by the department commander. Whenever reservists not members of a$ organization are ordered out for training or active service, their service records will be sent to the proper camp or other commander. . 37. Department commanders will furnish a report to The Adjutant General of the Army upon completion of each annual field training, showing the number of members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps by grades, sections, and organizations who par¬ ticipated in said training. 38. On the first day of each quarter an addressed postal card (Form 444, A. G. O.) will be sent to the last reported address of each member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps. Each MOBILIZATION IN TIME OF WAR. 17 reservist will fill in the return card and mail same to the head¬ quarters whence it came. Notation of any change will be made on the service record on file at headquarters and the return card then sent to The Adjutant General of the Army. 39. When Regular Army blank forms are used for records nnd reports of reservists, the words “ Enlisted Reserve Corps ” will be written or stamped at the top of brief, if any, and of the first page, or face, of the form. DISCHARGE. 40. Any member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps may be dis¬ charged by the Secretary of War, prior to the expiration of his term of enlistment, when his services are no longer re¬ quired, or when he shall have by misconduct unfitted himself for further service in the corps. He may be so discharged by sentence of a general court-martial or by reason of forfeiture of his certificate of enlistment as described in paragraph 16 of these regulations. 41. Upon the completion of the term of service of a reservist, or when discharge is ordered for any cause by competent au¬ thority, his discharge (Forms Nos. 525, 526, and 527, A. G. O.), if it can not be handed to him in person, will be sent him by registered mail to his last reported address. The duty of sign¬ ing and sending this discharge devolves upon the officer charged with keeping the reservist’s record (par. 36). 42. Notation of the date and fact of discharge, character given, and the address to which discharge certificate was mailed (if not delivered in person) will be entered on the service record, which will be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army through the department commander. DEATH. 43. In case of the death of a reservist notation of the fact and date of death wall be made on the service record, which will be forwarded to The Adjutant General of the Army through the department commander. MOBILIZATION IN TIME OF WAR. 44. In the event of actual or threatened hostilities the Presi¬ dent may mobilize the Enlisted Reserve Corps in such num- 18 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. bers and at such times as may be considered necessary, and may thereafter retain it, or any part thereof, in active service for such period as he may determine the conditions demand. While on such service members of said corps shall exercise command appropriate to their several grades and rank in the organizations to which they shall be assigned, and shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of the corresponding grades of the Regular Army, with increase of pay for length of active service as now allowed by law. 45. A department commander, or one of the other authorities charged with keeping reservists’ records, having been duly notified that, by direction of the President, the Enlisted Re¬ serve Corps, or a certain portion thereof, is to be mobilized, will, in the absence of any instructions as to the disposition of individuals or units of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, direct each member or organization commander concerned, by notice mailed to his last reported address (Form 577, A. G. O.), to report at some station or place where such reservists can be physically examined, clothed, armed, equipped, sheltered, and subsisted. Transportation requests will be mailed to last reported address without waiting for acknowledgment of summons. 46. When residences of members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps are sufficiently localized to permit prompt mobilization of reserve units in certain localities, such units as may have been organized by the President will be mobilized as such at any places previously designated for the deposit of arms, cloth¬ ing, equipment, etc. Such places will preferably be Regular Army stations, officers on duty at which will be charged with accountability and responsibility for the property necessary to arm, equip, and clothe designated units. If storage in Gov¬ ernment buildings be practicable at places other than Regular Army stations, such arms, clothing, and equipment may be stored therein, under care of active or retired officers or mem¬ bers of the Officers’ Reserve Corps charged with accountability and responsibility for such property. 47. Under authority conferred by section 33 of the act of June 3, 1916, the services of members and employees of all departments of the Government of the United States may be utilized for the mobilization of the Enlisted Reserve Corps. In addition to the mail notice sent to each reservist or organization commander under paragraph 45, the officer in charge of re¬ servists’ records may request United States marshals, post- MOBILIZATION IN TIME OF WAR. 19 masters, census enumerators, internal-revenue agents, and rep¬ resentatives of the General Land Office, Geological Survey, Forest Service, Weather Bureau, and other bureaus to notify all reservists who can be reached by them that mobilization has been directed by the President. 48. Officers in charge of reservists’ records are authorized to insert notices of mobilization in daily newspapers, and, within the limits of allotments made for such purpose, to pay for ad¬ vertisement of such mobilization wherever necessary, with warning that any reservist who has not received orders where to report should apply to department or other headquarters for orders. 49. After directing a reservist to report at a designated place under mobilization, the officer in charge of his record will mail his service record to the officer to whom the reservist is di¬ rected to report. If a reservist fails to comply within a rea¬ sonable time, such fact will be noted and the service record returned whence it came. 50. Subject to instructions from the War Department, depart¬ ment commanders may attach officers of the Regular Army, including retired officers employed on active duty under sec¬ tion 24 of the act of June 3, 1916, and members of the Officers’ Reserve Corps under their orders on mobilization to detach¬ ments and units of the Enlisted Reserve Corps until notice of any other assignment to duty of such officers by the President has been received. 51. Whether members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps are organized into units of any corps or department or are assigned to particular organizations of the Regular Army, they will be armed, equipped, and clothed for field service according to the corps or department to which they pertain before being for¬ warded from the places at which mobilized. 52. If a member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps after report¬ ing for duty under mobilization be found physically unfit for service, action similar to that prescribed in paragraph 15 will be taken, except that he may be held at place of mobilization pending action upon recommendation of discharge. 53. Every man enlisted in the Enlisted Reserve Corps will be furnished by the recruiting officer with a copy of these regula¬ tions for his information and guidance. APPENDIX LAWS GOVERNING THE ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. [Sec. 55, act of June 3, 1916.] Sec. 55. The Enlisted, Reserve Corps .—For the purpose of securing an additional reserve of enlisted men for military serv¬ ice with the Engineer, Signal, arid Quartermaster Corps and the Ordnance and Medical Departments of the Regular Army, an Enlisted Reserve Corps, to consist of such number of en¬ listed men of such grade or grades as may be designated by the President from time to time, is hereby authorized, such authorization to be effective on and after the first day of July, nineteen hundred and sixteen. There may be enlisted in the grade or grades hereinbefore specified, for a period of four years, under such rules as may be prescribed by the President, citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intentions to become citizens of the United States, subject to such physical, educational, and practical examination as may be prescribed in said rules. For men enlisting in said grade or grades certificates of enlistment in the Enlisted Reserve Corps shall be issued by The Adjutant General of the Army, but no such man shall be enlisted in said corps unless he shall be found physically, mentally, and morally qualified to hold such certificate and unless he shall be between the ages of eighteen and forty-five years. The certificates so given shall confer upon the holders when called into active serv¬ ice or for purposes of instruction and training, and during the period of such active service, instruction, or training, all the authority, rights, and privileges of like grades of the Regular Army. Enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps shall take precedence in said corps according to the dates of their certifi¬ cates of enlistment therein and when called into active service or when called out for purposes of instruction or training shall take precedence next below all other enlisted men of like grades in the Regular Army. And the Secretary of War is hereby 20 APPENDIX. 21 authorized to issue to members of the Enlisted Reserve Corx>s and to persons who have participated in at least one encamp¬ ment for the military instruction of citizens, conducted under the auspices of the War Department, distinctive rosettes or knots designed for wear with civilian clothing, and whenever a rosette or knot issued under the provisions of this section shall have been lost, destroyed, or rendered unfit for use without fault or neglect upon the part of the person to whom it is issued, the Secretary of War shall cause a new rosette or knot to be issued to such person without charge therefor. Any person who is not an enlisted man of the Enlisted Reser ve Corps and shall not have participated in at least one encampment for the mili¬ tary instruction of citizens, conducted under the auspices of the War Department, and who shall wear such rosette or knot shall be guilty of misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not ex¬ ceeding $300. or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both. The President is authorized to assign members of the En¬ listed Reserve Corps as reserves to particular organizations of the Regular Army, or to organize the Enlisted Reserve Corps, or any part thereof, into units or detachments of any arm, corps, or department in such manner as he may prescribe, and to assign to such units and detachments officers of the Regular Army or of the Officers’ Reserve Corps, herein provided for. To the extent provided from time to time by appropriations the Secretary of War may order enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps to 'active service for purposes of instruction or training for periods not to exceed fifteen days in any one calen¬ dar year: Provided , That, with the consent of such enlisted men and within the limits of funds available for such purposes, such periods of active service may be extended for such number of enlisted men as may be deemed necessary. Enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps shall receive the pay and allowances of their respective grades, but only when ordered into active service, including the time required for actual travel from their homes to the places to which ordered and return to their homes: Provided , That said enlisted men shall not be entitled to retirement or retirement pay, nor shall they be entitled to pensions except for physical disability incurred in line of duty while in active service or while traveling under orders of competent authority to or from designated places of duty. 22 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. The uniform to be worn by enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, except corps insignia, shall be the same as pre¬ scribed for enlisted men of the Regular Army Reserve, and that in lieu of any money allowance for clothing there shall be issued to each enlisted man of the Enlisted Reserve Corps in time of peace such articles of clothing and equipment as the President may direct: Provided , That any clothing or other equipment issued to any enlisted man of the said corps shall remain the property of the United States, and in case of loss or destruction of any article, the article so lost or destroyed shall be replaced by issue to the enlisted man and the value thereof deducted from any pay due or to become due him unless it shall be made to appear that such loss or destruction was not due to neglect or other fault on his part: Provided further , That any clothing or other equipment issued to enlisted men of the Enlisted Re¬ serve Corps which shall have become unserviceable through ordinary wear and tear in the service of the United States shall be received back by the United States and serviceable like articles issued in lieu thereof: Provided further , That when en¬ listed men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps shall be discharged or otherwise separated from the service all arms, equipage, clothing, and other property issued to them shall be accounted for under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secre¬ tary of War, Any enlisted man of the Enlisted Reserve Corps ordered to active service or for purposes of instruction or training shall, from the time he is required by the terms of the order to obey the same, be subject to the laws and regulations for the gov¬ ernment of the Army of the United States. The -Secretary of War is hereby authorized to discharge any enlisted member of the Enlisted Reserve Corps when his serv¬ ices shall be no longer- required, or when he shall have by mis¬ conduct unfitted himself for further service in the said corps: Provided , That any enlisted man of said corps who shall be ordered upon active duty as herein provided and who shall will¬ fully fail to comply with the terms of the order so given him shall, in addition to any other penalty to which he may be subject, forfeit his certificate of enlistment. In time of actual or threatened hostilities the President may order the Enlisted Reserve Corps, in such numbers and at such times as may be considered necessary, to active service with the Regular Army, and while on such service members of said corps APPENDIX. 23 shall exercise command appropriate to their several grades and rank in the organizations to which they shall be assigned and shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of the corresponding grades in the Regular Army, with increase of pay for length of service as now allowed by law for the Regular Army: Pro¬ vided , That upon a call by the President for a volunteer force the members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps may be mustered into the service of the United States as volunteers for duty with the Army in the grades held by them in the said corps, and shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of the cor¬ responding grades in the Regular Army, with increase of pay for length of service, as now provided by law for the Regular Army: And provided further , That enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps shall not acquire by virtue of issuance of certifi¬ cates of enlistment to them a vested right to be mustered into the volunteer service of the United States. . i - i { -••I'stf i' ,; r f .«; v/ yi:.rt/~yi fftfyprrfy ' ■ • ' '' ■- - • ■ ••'- • '• : ' • :••• • : ;->* ? 1:fi; ' ■ ... . . ’ *«V " : ’ '• • i* r’ . > : v i .»)!' ' j INDEX Paragraph. Address, quarterly report of__ 38 Advertisement of mobilization_ 48 Allowances of: Rejected reservists____ 28 Reservists___ 27 Arms, ammunition, and equipment_ 17 Assignment to organizations_ 8 Clothing: Allowance of, to be furnished each reservist_ 18 Loss of_______ 21 Storage of, between periods of field training_ 19 When issued-___ 19 Cooks, pay for civilian_ 33 Death of reservist_:_ 43 Discharge: Causes for__.____ 40 Forms to be used_ 41 Enlistment: By whom made_ 2 Eligibles for_ 2 Forms to be used in recording_____35, 36 Of married men_ 4 Period of_ 7 Physical examination of applicants for_ 6, 35 Qualifications for_ 3 Equipment___1_ 17 Forms: Certificate of enlistment_ 34 Discharge certificate_ 41 Enlistment paper__ 34 Identification record card_ 35 Notation on Regular Army blank forms_ 39 Notice of mobilization_ 45 Quarterly report of address_ 38 23 26 ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS. Forms—Continued. Paragraph. Report of physical examination_ 6, 35 Service record_ 36 Summons for annual field training- 15 Used in recording enlistment-34-36 Used in recording discharge_ 41 Governmexit departments to aid in mobilization_ 47 Grades_ 1 Laws governing the Enlisted Reserve Corps (pp. 20-23.) Married men, when enlisted_ 4 Mobilization in time of war: Advertisements of_ 48 Duties of department commanders for_ 45 Failure of reservists to report_ 49 Government departments to aid in_ 47 Places of_ 46 Officers to be detailed for duty with units of_ 9, 50 Organizations subject to orders of department command¬ ers for purposes of administration, training, and equip¬ ment _ 11 Pay : For civilian cooks_ 33 Remarks on rolls_ 26 Statements of, to be made on reservists’ service record_ 30 When paid_ 25 Pensions, when entitled to_ 31 Period of enlistment_ 7 Physical examination: Applicants for enlistment_ 6 When ordered for field training__ £ _ 15 Promotions___ 10 Qualification for enlistment- 3 Quarterly report of address_ 38 Rations, commutation of_ 27 Records and reports to be made_34-38 Retired officers may be attached to units_ 50 Rosette or knot: Loss of_ 23 Punishment for wearing of, by unauthorized persons. 24 When worn__*___ 22 Sections___ 1 INDEX. 27 Paragraph. Subsistence during annual training_ 33 Training, field: Arms, ammunition, and equipment for members during. 17 Objects of_ 16 Period of_ 13 Subject to certain laws and regulations during_ 16 Transportation: Arranged in usual manner__ 32 When furnished_27-29 Uniform_18-21 Articles issued to reservists_18,19 Storing of_ 19 Vacancies, how filled_ 10 o . L ; ' . . • ■ : ■ . , >\l ■ i ... - ? • . . .. •: ■; O UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 085126289