333«l6 United States. Treasury Dept. Un35^ Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, . • • LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER y [33] LEITER FROM TUB SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, TRANSMITTING INFORMATION OF THE PROGRESS TH\T HAS BEEN MADE, UNDER THE ACT OF C0!^GIIESS OF THE 3(1 MARCH, 1817, ENTITLED ^. An ad to set apart and dispose o} certain public lands for the encou- t^-ement of the cultivation of the vine and olive." ra-,. December 14, 1818. Read, and ordered to lie upon the table. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY E. DE KRAFFT. 1818. [33] TREASURY DEPARTMENT, nth December^ 1818. SIR, In obedience to a resolution of the House of Represe ntatives, of the 10th inst. instructing the Secretary of the Treasury ''to lay before the House, a statement of the progress that has been made, under an act of Congress, of the 3d of March, 1817, entitled * an act to set apart and dispose of certain public lands, for the encourage- ment of the cultivation of the vine and olive;' and whether four town- ships, of six miles square each, have been laid off", and reserved for the purpose aforesaid; and whether any agent, or agents, acting for the French emigrants, have contracted for said lands, and on what terms; and whether such agent or agents, are now residing on said land, together with the number of French emigrants, that have made settlements on said reservation, and the progress that has been made in the culture of the vine and olive," I have the honor to state, that certain persons acting in the name, and behalf of the French emi- grants, have presented themselves to this department, and produced certified copies of the proceedings, by which they were constituted agents. These agents were authorized by this department, to explore the Alabama Territory,and make a selection of the lands which were to be reserved, in conformity with the act of Congress before cited. In pursuance of this authority, a selection was made, which lias been approved, and the lands reserved, are believed to be represented in the several maps, which accompany this report. Attached to these maps, is a list of the names of French emigrants who have associated for the purpose of accepting the grant of land contemplated by the said act of Congress, and who were represented by those agents. It appears from the papers presented by them, that this map, or chart of the reservation, has been certified by the chief cleric of the surveyor of the public lands, under whose direction, the reservation has been made; but no return has been made by that officer of the surveys, to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, to which they ought, upon principles of law and of propriety, to have been fur- nished before thev were placed in the hands of others. Until the official returns are received, no contract can be entered into between the Treasury Department, and the agents of the associa- tion, if such agents should present themselves duly quahfied for that purpose. By referring to the list, it will appear that an allotment upon paper was made among the associates, which is intended to be repre- sented, also, upon the separate maps. This allotment was sanctioned by this department, under an impression" that the parties, by them- selves or agents, were better quahfied to make the distribution, 4. l^^^ than the Secretary of the Treasury. Recently however, information has been received, that many of the persons inscribed upon the list, have transferred their shares, and followed the banners of the French general-, who have made, or attempted to make, an establishment on the riv<;'r Trinity, or engaged in pursuits, which exclude the idea, that any other object was contemplated by their joining in the association, than sheer speculation. It is contemplated, with the approbation of the President, to erase all such from the list of emigrants, who shall not within a limit- ed period, settle upon and cultivate a certain proportion of the tract of land, which may have been, or hereafter shall be assigned to them; according to the terms and conditions of the contract, which shall be tendered to the agents of the association. It is understood that attempts have been made, by a portion of the small number of emigrants, who are now upon the reservation, to introduce the cultivation of the vine; and no doubt is entertained of the success of the enteiprize. 'I'he number who have made settle- ments, is exhibited in the annexed list marked B I have the honor to be, Your most obedient servant, WM. 11. CRAWFORD. Hon. Uenrif Clay^ Speaker of the House of Representatives. Do. ]8th Do. Do. 19th Do. Do. 20th Do. [33] EXPLANATlOiSr FOR TUB GE^'ERAL MAP OF THE FOUR TOW.YSHIPS GRANTED TO THE FRENCH ExMIGRANTS. The Four Townships are designated as follows: Township, 18ih Range. 3 East. ' "^ 4 East. 4 East. ii East. The Ranges East begins frona the basis meridian that leaves St. Stephens to the West, and the river Mobile to the East. The Town- ships are numbered from the 31st degree of North latitude, which is the line of separation between the United States and the Floridas. A Township is a regular square of 6 miles on each side; consequently the 'I ownship 18th begins at the distance of 102 miles North from the 31st degree of North latitude. A Tctt;n4/(;/> is divided into 36 Sections of I mile square, or 640 acres each. The Stctions have two numbers, viz. the Roman, from I. to XXXVI. in each Township, which indicate the numbers of the Sec- tions as placed by government; and the Arabian from 1 to 140, which indicate the numbers of the Sections as adopted by the Grantees at the drawing of the lots: They have been placed according to the course pursued by the government, leaving 4 sections unnumbered, as explained below. SEPARATE MAPS. The large figures, 1, 2, 3, Sec, indicate the numbers of Sections of the drawing of lots, and correspond with those on the general map. The smaller figures, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c., indicate the individual allotments, according to the draught. This subdivision of each Sec- lion has been formed by following the same course pursued by government, which divides the Sections into quarters. The first is always placed at the north-east angle, the second at the north west angle, the third at the south-west angle, and the fourth at the south- east angle. The lots A, B, C, &c. have not been distributed, and remain vacant. On the first township the 4 Sections not numbered are reserved [331 for the site of the town; and the lots of 12, 6, and 3 acres, which lots are to be distributed among the Grantees in the following or- der: Each Grantee having 480 acres, will be entitled to 12 acres, besides a city lot 100 feet front, 200 feet deep. Each Grantee having 320 acres, will be entitled to 6 acres, be- sides a city lot 100 feet front, 100 feet deep. Each Grantee having 240 acres, will be entitled to 6 acres, be- sides a city lot 1©0 feet front, 100 feet deep. Each Grantee having 160 acres, will be entitled to 3 acres, be- sides a city lot 60 feet front, 100 feet deep. Each Grantee having 120 acres, will be entitled to 3 acres, be- sides a city lot 50 feet front, 100 feet deep; according to the gene- ral list, viz: [33] 7 LIST OF THE SHARES OF THE TOMBECKBEE COMPANY. Numbers Numerical No. of acres of »hf numbers of the Nanies of the Shareholders. of each SccUoiu. Sh iifholdcrs. shareholder. 1 r 1 Meeslier, Bazile - - - - 480 I 2 Lauret, Louis - , - - 160 3 Conte, Honore « _ . - 120 4 Roudet, Corneille Cadet 120 2 J *■ 5 Yial, Antoine . - - . 120 6 Bujey, Antoine - - - - 120 • 7 Godemar, Jean Baptiste - - - 120 ^ A Reserve - - . - - 40 3 I s Jeannet, Louis Rene - _ - 320 1 9 Ve. Julie. Pastel - - - 320 10 Allard, Henry . - - - 120 11 Combes, Germain - - • 120 4 ^ 12 Combes, Vincent - - - . 120 13 Sibenthal, Freres 2i0 B Reserve -..,-- 40 r 14 Perdrauville, Rene - . - 240 1 1 I 15 Alma, Anselme - - - - 120 5 < 15 Salmon, Francois « - - 120 17 Lintroy - - . - - 120 C Reserve - . . • - 40 6 r IS Col. Schultz, Jean - - - 320 1 19 Col. Combe, Michel - .. - 320 7 20 Martin, Francis - . - - 480 2r Pelagot, Antoine Zacharie - 160 8 - 22 George, Edouard - - , - 480 4 23 Viole 160 9 - 24 Lacombe, Pierre - - - - 480 \ 25 Latapie, Antoine « _ _ 160 10 26 Richard, Etienne .... 480 " 27 Papillot, Etiienne - . - 160 11 / 28 Frenaye, Jeune Pierre - . - 480 1 29 Rivet, George - . . - 160 \. SO Boutiere, Jean Claude Benoit 240 31 Ve. Louise David - - - 120 12 < 32 Delaporte, Louis .... 120 33 Meynie, Jean Ulysse - - - 120 D Reserve - - . . . 40 r 1 34 Metais, Et J. B. 240 35 MansuJs, Luillier . . . 120 13 < 36 Jouny, Louis Michel • 120 37 Vernhes, Jean Vincent 120 » E Reserve - . . . . 40 8 [33] Numbers of I be Sections . Numerical niinibi'rs of the Shai-cboWers. u { r 15 ^ 16 { 17 <; L r 18 ^ { 1 { { { r 24 -< I L r 25 -{ 19 SO 21 22 23 38 39 40 41 42 F 43 44 45 46 47 G 48 49 50 H 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 26 27 28 1 { { I 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 J 65 66 67 K 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Names of the Shareholders, No. of acrec of each shareholder. Marchand, Louis Pre. Jh. Martin, Amedee Butaud, Isaac Keller, Jonas - - Menou, Dieu donne Reserve - - * ' Col. Jordan, Ambroise - Col Vorster, Eroile • Cadet Bergache Gallard, Pierre - Lefeuvre Claude, Joseph Reserve - - • • Paguenaud. Edouard Transon, Jean - Gauny, Nicolas Reserve - - - " Astolphi, Laurent Knappe, Philippe Col. Grouchy, Alphonse Cap. Grouchy, Victor Pillero - - - - Drouet, Pierre - Bailly, Michel Reserve ' ' \ ' Lemal'gnen, Pierre Paul Lerouyer, Francois Garesche, Pierre Formento, Felix Faures, Laurent Burckle, Emanuel Coquillon, Freres - Reserve • - " Jackson, Samuel Montelius, Guillaume Boutiere, Francois Gaspard Reserve - - - Robin, Thomas • Nartigue, J- Justin Gerard, Hiacimhe - FoUin, Auguste Firmin Follin, Freres Chapron, J. M. j Weill, James • , • _ 480 160 240 . 240 • 120 40 • 320 ^ 320 * 240 . 240 120 40 • 240 _ 240 1 • 120 40 . 480 160 . 320 160' M • 160 480 ^ • 120 40 S * 480 160 • • 480 160 . • 240 120 . 240 * 40 •1 240 m 240 - I 120 • 40 . 240 ^ 240 • • 160 • 480 • • 160 1 480 • • 160 [33] NtimlxTS Nunitriinl Oftllf nun IxTSIlt lllf ik-ctioni. SluuThoiaii-!.. 29 { 75 76 30 { 77 78 31 { r 79 80 81 :2 { 82 L 83 33 84 85 86 3-t ■a 87 88 35 { 89 90 36 { 91 92 37 { 93 94. r 95 96 38 <; 97 I r M 98 39 { 99 N { 100 40 101 . 102 41 103 { 104 42 105 { 106 43 107 44 108 109 45 { 1 110 111 112 46 1 113 Names of the ShaiiJiolders. Dupuoy, Nicolas Alex. - Manoui y, P. Max. Garesche, Y. M. Tournel. Jacques Ma'-tin Pl( quel L. J. F. - Martin Picquet Joseph Robard J )5eph Martin P.cquet Pere Rttserve . . - Auze, Freres Braud, Jacques Barrau - - . - Lecampinn, Francois Brechemin, Louis Humbert, Jaques Etienne Jamet _ - - Rigau Narcisse Pericles - Promis, Guillaume Des mares . . - Durand, Jean Baptiste Robaglia, Joseph Garnier Fils Peniere fils Emile - Ye. Audibert Reserve - - - Nidelet, E. F. - Cousin, David Reserve . - - Col. Galabert, Louis Petitval, J. B. • Anduze, Maihieu Bernard Frederick, Louis Auguste Gubert, J. H. Moynier, Joseph Ariste Th Col. Douarche Gruchet, Louis Yillar, Charles Pagniere, J. Alexandre Dirat, Louis M. - ' Mondin . - - Pagaud, Pierre B'allot, Eugene Hiacinthe eo. No. of acres of eat'li shareholder. 480 160 480 IGO 480 160 480 120 40 240 240 160 240 240 160 480 160 480 160 480 160 240 240 120 40 480 120 40 320 320 480 160 480 160 320 320 480 160 480 160 480 160 10 [33] Numbers of the Sections, NumBrical miinln'rsoftlie SharehulUcrs. Names of Uie Shai-elioldei-s, \o. of aero* of each sharcliojder; 47 48 49 5S 59 60 €2 63 { { { 50 J 51 / 52 / r 53 <; L 54 1 55 - 56 57 1 { { { 61 < L { { 114 115 O 116 117 P 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Q 130 13L 132 133 13i 135 136 137 138 l;i9 liO 141 142 143 144 R 145 146 147 148 S 149 150 151 152 153 Frenaye, Marc. Antoine Laurent, Clement Reserve Gl. Vandame Angeli, Uiacinihe Reserve - . _ Poculo, Benoit B altar - - - Moquart Besson, Louis An. Lemeunier, J. Joseph Mesnier, freres Henry, Germain Cal. Rigau Mariano, Pompee - Texier, Lapomeraj-e Ilarraneder, Charles Metaye, Jean Pierre Reserve Martin, J, du Colombier Campardon, Bte. Ravesies, F. « - Bordas, Elie - Debrosse, Charles Merle, Etienne Ladurelle, ?»I. F. Aug. Canobio, Francois Davis, L. A. B. Charlus Firmin Montalegri, Hiucintlie Duval, Jacques S. - B. cle, Alexia fils aine - Lakanal Desportes, Leonte Reserve Tuiane, freres Kimbal BiUington - - - Boiteau, Francois - Reserve - - - Leboutellier, Michel Plantevigne - ' - Moncravie, Jacques Brown, F. S. Monot, Charles 480 120 40 480 1:20 40 320 160 160 480 160 480 IGO 480 160 320 160 120 40 480 160 480 160 480 160 480 160 240 240 160 480 160 480 120 40 240 120 120 120 40 480 160 240 240 160 [33], 11 Nuiiibcrj of tlic Niinieriiiil numbtrsofthu Sliiu-chiiltlcis. Name* of die ShareiioMers, No. of acres of each slvarchoWtr. 66 67 n <; 72 iO 76 L '4 ^ 77 <; 78 151. 155 15G 157 158 159 160 161 T 162 163 U 164. 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 17i 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 IBS V 189 190 Cluis, J. Jerome Ruffier, Ftrdinand Gamier, pere Simon . . - Wells & Leclerc Macre, Jean JM. - Dumas, Ahtoinc Dalmazeau, J. - Reserve Fontanges, P. F. Godon, Victorine (N). Reserve - . - Belair, Louis Sagnier, Henri Antoine Gen. Lallemand, Charles Yalcourt, Aime - Gen. Clauscl, Bertrand BlaqueroUe Sary. Jean M. Alex. Gatty, Antoine Ilari Benoit Millon, Solidor - Carre, Jean Thomas Genin, Charles Franc Col. Charrassin Vasquez, Jean Roland, Jean Francois I'ichon, Claude Charles Charreton, Joseph Lewis Grillet, Francois Texier, Je-an Martinet, Pierre Louis Vitalba, Jean Baptistu J'igan, Antonin - Cavaroc, Charles Roster, John Chapon Reserve Dubai ry, John Salaignac, Louis Reserve 480 160 480 160 240 120 120 1','0 40 480 120 40 480 160 4S0 160 480 160 160 160 160 160 480 160 320 320 320 320 480 160 240 240 160 240 120 120 120 40 480 120 40 12 [33] Numbers of the Spctiom. Nuinmcal mimbersof the bhurelioldti's, Names cf the Shai-eholdei-s. 79 82 83 89 ^ 90 91 9 I { r 216 215 2i(i 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 \ 22r 228 229 Z 230 231 Descourt, Leonard Alex. Onfroy, Jean Baptiste Pochard, Augustin Francois Fax, Louis Stewart, George Gilbert - _ . Sevelinge, Joseph - Mane . . . . Richard. George Nardcl, Francois Chauvot, Charles riaidaut, Francois Bono, Charles Tascha _ _ _ , Blandin, Jean Azan - , . . llficrve - _ _ Victoire, Dclain^ay Josephe Castan, Etienne Lefrancois, Freres Groning _ _ . I'othier, Simon - Shubart, Ijenry Neel, .lean Biptiste Beylle, Joseph Makzewslcy, Const. Paul 'I'eit'rel, Francois Pagniere - . - . Dubosq _ - . (leorge, Fils aine Edouard - Lesueur - . _ \)ov Maillet, Henry Pre. Ae. As. StoUenwerek, freres A allot, Joseph Dr. IMathieu, Joseph - A'iain, Joseph Reserve - _ _ _ Jeandrau, .Jean Ca'llebaux, Guiilaume Nelson _ . , Reserve - - _ , Col. Taillade Olivieri, Joseph Luciani, Pascal No. of acres of laili shaixlioUer. 240 - 120 « • 120 - 160 • « 480 - 160 - 480 . 160 - 160 - 160 a • 160 - 160 „ 240 - 120 - 120 - 120 - 40 - 4S0 ' 160 - 480 - 160 - 240 — • 240 - 160 " • 480 - 160 - 480 - loO - 120 - 120 . 120 • 120 - 160 - 480 B ~ 160 - 430 ^ 120 - 40 • 240 • 240 1 — 120 - 40 - 320 . 160 " 160 [S3] 13 Numbtfj of thf Section';. NuBn-rical iiuiiilxTi(>rriic Sliun holiltfts. Naiuexef ihe Shiireholdcrs. No. of acres of each shardioMsr, 108 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 2iO 2 VI 242 2+3 24i 2i5 2.iG 24-7 248 2i9 230 AA 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 26-i 265 260 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 27,'i Mai. Grouchy Dcschamps, Francois Me. Haumier, Cesar Barbe, Antoine - Stribaud, Charles Decorme, Charles Chaudron, Kdouard Gilbal, Antoine Martin, Prosper Desplan, Samuel . Mclizet, Francois - CcTso Francois Hamel, Victor Ilavard - _ . , Peniere, Pere J. A. Fanchon, Hre. « Leccq du Marcelay Gudat - . - , Reserve - - - Col Defourni, Fabius Guillot - - - - Badaraque, Thomas Conte, Marias Desfouch, Charles Pascal, Paul - - - Fouasche, Pierre Bernard. Henry - Rapin, Joseph Contardi, Louis St. Guiron, Jtune Dennony, Donainique Victor Ravesies, Ee. Fournier, Honore - Farcy - - * Champenois, P. J. - Savary, Joseph Belmere, perc and fils. Gal. Lallemandj JJy. Prompt - , , Bavol, ITonore Durive, Francois Conde, Charles - Pierce, frercs Laurent, Maurice 480 160 160 160 160 160 480 160 4S0 160 4SO 160 480 160 480 160 480 120 40 320 320 480 160 160 160 160 160 480 160 480 160 240 •240 160 240 240 160 480 160 480 160 2iO 240 160 14 [33] NumlKTs of I he Sectiiins. Niinieric:il nunilKTS ot'llie SIkutIiiiIcIit*. Names of the Shareholders. No. of ac-les of each sharehoider. 112 { r 113 << ^ 114 « 115 « r 116 < I 117 • 118 ' { 20 I 21 I 122 <; 12i 124 125 126 { { { { 276 277 BB 278 279 280 cc 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 DD 288 289 290 291 292 293 Efc: 29-i 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 FF 302 303 304 305 306 GG 307 308 HH 309 310 311 Chaudron, Simon - - - Boilandry, Eugenie Reserve . _ . . Arnaud, Camilla Deprest, Rene, freres and Zach. Batre, Charles - - - Reserve . . - - Belange, Mai. Denis - Chasseriau, Benoit Real, Pierre Francois - Penazi, Louis - _ - Bujac, freres, Mathieu and Alfd. Germond and Riviere Guibert, Hy. . . - Reserve . . - . Ducoing, Pre. - - - Stephens, Samuel J. Fourestier, Elie - - - Gregoire, Etienne MantVedi, Math. Ferdinand Bupont - - - - Reserve - - - - Gal. Lefebre Desnouettes Desroures - . - - Jeannet, George Jeannet, Je. . - - Dumenil . . - . Ducommun, Joseph Parat, F. Romain Burgues, Jn. Bernard Reserve , - - . Ye. Demeresl - - - Bourlon, E. - Lapeyre, Jn. Bte. Thouron, Pere & Fils Lavau, Sully . - - Reserve - „ - Englebert - - - - Landevin, Francois Reserve _ - - - Legrix, Belisle Legras _ - - - BuUiard, Etienne - 480 120 40 240 240 120 40 320 320 480 160 240 240 120 40 480 160 480 160 160 96 384 480 160 480 160 240 120 120 120 40 2i.O 240 160 480 120 40 480 120 40 240 240 160 [33] 15 Numl)ers Niimi'rical N'o. of acres (>r»ho nnmlKTsuftlu' Names of the ShaixholikTs. of each S«ttioiis . SluiixJioIiU'i--.. , sharclioldiT. 127 • 312 313 Follin, George - - - - Fauquier - - - - - 480 160 f 31i. Kmery & Duterte - - . . 480 128 \ 315 Vogelsang, Daniel - - - 120 1 II Reserve ------ 40 129 316 Gaines, George - - - - 480 317 Murrat, Jenn Bte. - - - - 160 130 4 318 Mestayer, Michael - - - 480 319 Rieger, Gabriel Y. - 160 131 { 320 Parmantier, Nicolas Simon - 480 321 Bauzan, Pierre - - - - 160 132 { r < 1 322 Vorrhees, S. - - - - 480 323 Fisher ------ 160 324 Dufourg, Jean Jacques 240 133 325 326 Dufourg, D. V. - - - Dufourg, F. - - - - 120 120 I 327 Lacroix, Rene Francois - - - 160 r 1 328 St. Guiron, aine Pre. Pascal 240 329 Farrouilh, A. - . . _ 120 13* <; 330 St. Felix, Jean R. - - - 120 1 33\ Decave, Marc Lewis - - _ 120 I JJ Reserve . _ . - - 40 r 332 Barbaroux, Joseph . - _ 240 1 1 1 333 Cirode, Willian) . _ _ 120 135 <; 334 Shoeun. Sebastian - - - - 120 335 Gouiran, Joseph Michel 120 L KK Reserve - - , - - 40 136 336 337 Lajonie - _ - . _ Truck 480 160 r 338 Colona, Dornano B. - - 320 137 \ 339 Peraldi, Toussaint - - - - 160 I 340 Scasso, Vincent - . - - 160 f 341 Laroderie, Alphonse - - 240 138 \ 342 Savournin, Joseph - _ - 240 I 343 Balbuena, Joseph - _ - - 160 139 I 344 Canonge, Pierre Auguste 480 I 345 Lucien ------ 160 140 { 346 Tablee, William 480 347 Torta, Jean - - - . - 160 16 [33] B. List of the Persons who are actvallii Established at Eagleville^ on the Tomb'tghy. Bazile Meslier, Pennieres, J. Cd. Ben. De Coutie Jean Francon, Victor Grouchy, Isaac Butaud, David Cousin, Benoit Poculo, Baltar, Mocar, Charles Decrosse, Leontine Desportes, Billingtoa Francs, Boitau, - Michel Lebouteiller, Simon, Jean Texler, George Steward, Yeunede Launay, Lefrancois ireres, Jean Jeandrau, St. Guiron's Jcune, Francois Durive, Jonathan Fierce, Maurice Laurent, Charles Batre, Riviere, Lefebre Desnouettes, Michel Metayer, Nics. Simon Parmentier, Saml. Vorrees, Lajonie, - - - Irucien, re. 492 492 246 246 163 246 163 326 163 163 492 123 123 123 492 163 246 492 492 192 246 492 163 246 163 123 123 492 492 492 492 493 163 Yiol, 9,817 163 9,980 In this list, are not included about ten persons established there, who are not on the list, or erased from it; and those who have arrived there since five months that I am absent from the colony. [33] 17 The following are the names of the persons eatablishcd in the colony whose names are not on the list, or erased from itj which are, to my knowledge: Prudomme, Fougnet, Guyault, Haez, Mignon, Clement, Joseph. List furnished by general C. Lefebre Besnouette. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 333.16UN35L C001 LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASUR 0112 03 774