RARE BOOK q 2-078 B Jay 1856 1 * The autobiography of the Rev. William Jay DATE ISSUED TO — 2-OJ8 jpk&E SQ.QK 3 Jay J 3 33r 1856 The autobiography of the Rev. William Jay Date Due Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/autobiographyofr00jayw_1 ■Engraved: "by A.H Bxtchie. CL THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY THE REV. WILLIAM JAY; WITH REMINISCENCES OF SOME DISTINGUISHED CONTEMPORARIES, SELECTIONS FROM HIS CORRESPONDENCE, AND LITERARY REMAINS. EDITED BY GEORGE BEDFORD, D.D., LL.D., AND JOHN AN GEL L JAMES IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. 8 I"?!./ l ' 2 4 NEW YORK: ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, No. 2 85 BROADWAY.' 1856. Zo 7 S’ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. 8T ISHHiO TYPJllD H V THOMAS B. SMITE. *16 Willian St., N. Y. bv E O. JENKINS, 1 14 Nassau St. PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. Heathenism preserved the ashes of the dead, Christianity embalms the memory of the just. Such men as the Rev. William Jay belong to no body of Christians, nor to any particular na- tion, but to the Church and mankind at large. His simply beautiful devotional exercises have found their way to almost every land, until his name has become a household word, rendering any introduction to his life unnecessary. Whilst living he deemed it proper to pre- pare an autobiography of himself, which his family have published at the earliest possible day. If to any it should seem imperfect, the reply is, so he judged best. Those who knew him, will be satisfied that it was done, as every- thing else was, with a desire to serve to the VI PREFACE. utmost his day and generation, when he should be out of the reach of either censure or ap- plause. With the remarks of the editors alone some alterations have been considered neces- sary, to render it suitable to readers in this country. Also, the American edition contains a considerable amount of matter not to be found in the English one. Pelham Priory, N. Y. PREFACE. The Editors have a few words, and but a few, to express — and those chiefly for the satisfaction of the reader — that in the following pages he may feel assured he will read w T hat Mr. Jay left for his perusal. It was the anxious wish of his family, and especially of his executors, that the manuscripts here published should pass precisely as he left them, into the hands of the Editors, one of whom was selected by Mr. Jay before his death, and the other subsequently by his family. To them the papers were committed entire, and without alteration, restriction, or condition, to edit them for the press, according to their best judgment, and to make such additions as might seem desirable to complete the nar- rative ; carefully, however, distinguishing, as they have done, between such additions and the original work. In undertaking this task they did not feel that they were required to write a Memoir, but simply to complete an Autobiography, which was necessarily left, as to time, un- finished ; and to gather up such other portions of informa- tion, respecting Mr. Jay, and his course through life, as might seem desirable for the purpose of perpetuating the memory of so much excellence, usefulness, and wisdom. It has, therefore, been their main object to let Mr. Jay speak for himself ; and to preserve such specimens of his mind and genius, piety and usefulness, at different periods of his long course, as might prove both gratifying and instructive. They are well aware that a large circle of friends are waiting, with eager expectation, for a work which its author IV PREFACE. had often promised should be forthcoming after his death, and which it was well known he had long been preparing. To such they trust it will prove all that they had antici- pated from the pen of their esteemed friend ; and that to a still wider circle, though now dead, he will yet speak. Some persons may wonder at the delay of the publication ; but when they are informed that the whole of the manuscripts have had to be rewritten, from a handwriting requiring no little skill and patience to decipher, and then to be carefully compared and examined ; and that much new matter had to be collected to continue the thread of the narrative, and to carry it through the closing scene, — it will be evident that no time has been lost, and that greater haste could only have been attended with defects and incompleteness. The Editors have now only to commend the work to the candid attention of the reader ; and the blessing of Him who alone can make this monument, his servant has inscribed to the glory of His divine grace, eminently subservient to the edification of His Church universal, and encouraging to the rising ministry, who have in Mr. Jay an example which they may do well to emulate, and an instance of success which they will scarcely hope to surpass. The portraiture and the history are now before them, and with equal talents, superior advantages, similar motives, diligence and devoted- ness, while they have the same Gospel to preach, the same world to preach in, and the same Master to serve, why may not the Church yet be blessed with many a young preacher who shall begin as auspiciously, proceed as successfully, and terminate as honorably, as William Jay ? CONTENTS TO VOL. I. TA.GK Preface by the English Editors iii Preface by the American Editor v General Introduction to the Autobiography, Reminiscences, &c. . I PART I. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. LETTER I. Reasons for his Autobiography 13 LETTER II. His Parentage — Remarks on Pedigrees and Ancestors — Anecdotes — Effects of Scenery upon him 19 LETTER Ilf. His Early Life — Methodism at Tisbury — Conversion — Mrs. Turner takes notice of him — Works at Fonthill Abbey — Mr. Beckford (Editors’ Notices of Mr. Beckford) 25 LETTER IV. Visit of Mr. Winter to Tisbury — Introduction of Mr. Jay to Mr. Winter — Letter from him to Mr. Winter — His Admission into' Mr. Winter’s Academy at Marlborough — Mr. W’s faith for pe- cuniary support — His Studies — Village Preaching . . .34 Vlll CONTENTS. LETTER V. PAG* His First Sermon at Ablington — Contributors the Expenses of his Education, John Thornton, Esq., and others — (Editors’ brief notice of Mr. Thornton) — Proposal to go to the University of Oxford — Preference for the Domestic System — List of Students in Marlborough Academy 41 LETTER VI. Applications for “The Boy Preacher” — Introduction to Rev. Row- land Hill — First Visit to Surrey Chapel — His Intercourse with John Newton and Rev. John Ryland — Invitations to settle in London — His Introduction to Miss Davies — Residence at Chris- tian Malford — His Farewell Sermon, and Mr. Winter’s Address to the Reader 49 LETTER VI r. Meets with Lady Maxwell — Supplies Hope Chapel at the Hotwells — Acquaintance with Rev. T. Tuppen — Preaches during his Illness — Opening of Argyle Chapel, built for Mr. Tuppen — Ex- tracts from his Sermon on the occasion — Dying Chamber of Mr. Tuppen — Unanimous Invitation of Mr. Jay to the Pastorate — Ordination Service — Mr. Jay’s Confession of Faith — Extract from Mr. Winter’s Charge to the Pastor — Address by Mr. Jay prefixed to the Ordination Service 66 LETTER VIII. His Residence at Bath — Predilections for it — Circumstances of the Congregation — Harmony — Admission of Members . . .97 LETTER IX. His Marriage — His Children — Death of his son William, and his daughter Statira 102 LETTER X. Mrs. J ay’s Illness — Peculiarity of it — His Privation by it — State of his own Health — Alarming Symptoms — Mr. Wilberforce’s CONTENTS. IX * PARK Advice — Introduces him to Dr. Baillie — Success cf his Treat- ment — Reflections — Early Rising — Abstinence — Patronage of Teetotalism Ill LETTER XI. His Authorship — First Volume of Sermons — Monthly Review — Succeeding Publications — Hymns, &c 119 LETTER NU. Preaches before the Duke of Sussex at the Opening of Hanover Chapel, Peckham — Review of his course — Early Disadvantages — Influence of his position on his Happiness . . . .125 LETTER XIII. His Course of Reading — Favorite Authors — Dr. Owen— Robert Hall’s opinion of him controverted— Favorite Commentators and Divines — Methods of Study — Composition — Mrs. More’s Advice to him 134 LETTER XIV. Review of his Annual Visits to London, and Services at Surrey Chapel — Remarks on Frequent Preaching — Visit to Ireland — Rebellion — Alderman Hutton, his Host — Notice of John Walker, Dublin ....... ... 142 LETTER XV Visit to Scotland for the London Missionary Society — Dr. Charles Stuart — Letter from him to Mr. J ay — Subsequent Intercourse — Apology for his severe Criticisms on Mr. Jay — Anecdotes on Preaching — Remarks on the Scottish custom of Lecturing — His own Preparation for the Pulpit — Usefulness — Right Aim — Ex- temporaneous Preaching — State of the Pulpit among Noncon- formists — Methodist Ease, Earnestness, Life, &c. — Attraction for the Masses — Union of the Two Styles of Preaching — Best Character of — Faults of Scottish Preachers — The Dry and the Luscious — Long Preaching 149 X CONTENTS. LETTER XVI. PAGE Criticisms on his Sermons — Defence of his Method — American Re* vival Preaching — Scriptural Language — Objectors — Pastoral Visiting — Complaints — His Explanation 163 LETTER XVII. Pleasant Review of his Life, Private and Public — Trials, Pleasures, &c., &c. — Religious Denominations — Complacent Review of Di- versities — Not incompatible with Union — Change of Religious Connections 178 LETTER XVIII. His own Church — Advantages and Disadvantages — His Calvinism ■ — Difficulties — Adherence to the Bible — His Rules in Studying it — What to Avoid, and what to Seek 186 LETTER XIX. His Review of the State of Religion in his Youth contrasted with its advanced state when he wrote — The Establishment — The Dissenters — The Institutions, &c., &c 193 PART II. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. BY THE EDITORS. Formation of the London Missionary Society — Preaches at its First Anniversary — At Subsequent Meetings — At its Jubilee — De- gree of Doctor in Divinity conferred on him by New Jersey College — Death of his daughter Statira — Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of his Pastorate — Extracts from his Ser- mon on that occasion — Sir William Knighton’s Account of Two Sundays spent at Bath — The Jubilee of his Pastorate — Sermons — Speeches — Presentations — Hymns by James Montgomery, CONTENTS. XI Esq. — Gold Medal- -Pillars, &c. — Made Vice-President of the Path Bible Society- - Death of Mrs. Jay — Present by Female Servants of his Congregation — Second Marriage — An Assistant chosen — Rev. R. A. Vaughan — Visit of Dr. Johns of Baltimore — His Account of Mr. Jay in the Family and in the Church — Last Sermon at Aigyle Chapel — Extracts from — Illness at Worthing and Resignation of the Pastorate — Choice of a Suc- cessor — A Division of his Church — Last Illness — Temporary Re- coverv — Visits Friends and Preached his Last Sermon — Finished his Last Publication — Sayings on his Sick-bed — Death, Dec. 27, 1853 — The Funeral Services and Interment — Death of his daughter, Mrs. Ashton— Remarks — Miscellaneous Sketches — Relaxations — Family Worship — Simplicity of Manners at Home — Dr. Bowie’s (his Physician) Recollections and Account of his Last Days — Mr. Jay’s Familiar Expositions at his Vestry — Several Specimens — Letter of the Earl of Gainsborough on his Death 204—294 PART III. / REMINISCENCES OF DISTINGUISHED CONTEM- PORARIES. Preface 297 I. Rev. John Newton 303 II. Rev. John Ryland 323 III. William Wilberforce, Esq., M.P. 336 IV. Mrs. Hannah More 367 Rev. Rowland Hill, M.A. V. . 389 PART I. THF AUTOBIOGRAPHY or the REV. WILLIAM JAY. \ GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY, REMINISCENCES, &c. “ They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteous- ness as the stars for ever and ever.” So speaks the Oracle of Sacred Truth, and all history elucidates and confirms it. When such moral benefactors of the world pass away from the scenes and labors of time, a lustre gathers around their memory purer and steadier than that which attaches to conquerors, statesmen, and princes. Even the honored names of poets, patriots, and philosophers, though sounded forth more loudly and widely by the trump of fame, are not so dear to mankind, nor do they exert so benign and extensive an influence upon the heart and character of survi- vors. This happy result seems to be secured by a law in the moral government of God which conserves for the benefit of future ages, whatever in human charac- ter is most redolent of heaven’s own goodness and pu- 2 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO rity. That law may be clearly traced in the history and experience of mankind, but is fully read only in the words of inspiration, “the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance, but the name of the wicked shall rot.” Even the world itself, true, in this case, to its moral instincts, cannot help reverencing the one character, and despising the other, though unconscious of the law by which it is influenced. Hence the fragrant memories of the good and great are claimed as the common property of mankind. They are the specimens of itself in which humanity glories ; the types of what men ought to be, and liv- ing examples of what the grace of God can do with even a- fallen nature. Men will not let such memories perish. They are the load-stars of life to many : lu- minaries to all eyes that never sink beneath the hori- zon. Or in another view, they become sacred spoils rescued by their own inherent immortality from the power of the universal destroyer, and consecrated by the pen of history to embellish and enrich future and distant ages. Humanity would feel itself poor with- out them ; and history would want its greatest lights and best lessons. These intellectual and spiritual treasures may re- main embodied in the writings which such pre-emi- nently wise and good men bequeath to the world ; or they may consist in the records which others preserve of their bright example, wise instructions, and useful THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY, REMINISCENCES. ETC. 3 lives; and sometimes partly in their own writings, and partly in those of others concerning them. It is only occasionally and rarely that such persons embalm their own memories, for the benefit of their successors, in an autobiography ; and probably it is chiefly duo to the rarity of this species of composition, that the desire to peruse it has become so strong. It is a difficult and a delicate thing for a man to write memoirs of himself, and the world is curious to see how he can perform it. There is strong reason, however, to doubt whether any artist could produce so good a portrait of himself as he could of some other person, or some other of him. At any rate we have seldom seen an autobiography which conveyed so accurate and complete a conception of the charac- ter of its subject as might have been conveyed by an- other hand ; though in some lineaments it might have been more accurate and striking. There are doubtless many things in a man’s experience and feelings which no one can understand and explain so well as himself — many facts in his history which no one can describe so well as himself-— and perhaps some traits and some phases of his character which no one can harmonize with his individuality so well as himself ; and if he be so thoroughly honest and simple-hearted as not to fear being “known and read of all men,” and so devout a worshipper of truth as to sacrifice pride and fame upon its altar, then he may produce an autobiography, 4 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO the accuracy of which would command the approving verdict of all competent judges, and the value of which every reader would appreciate. In that case we might place the portrait in the picture gallery and moral treasury of the mind, to be studied for imita- tion, as well as reverenced and guarded by honor and love. When the memory of the just has thus embod- ied itself in form, and embalmed itself in our affec- tions, it only remains for us then to give to it that vital force and influence which shall enable it to repro- duce its like in ourselves and future generations. Whether our esteemed friend, Mr. Jay, showed more wisdom in writing memoirs of himself than he would have shown in leaving materials by which some other hand might have traced his history, and describ- ed his character, or whether he has comprised in his autobiography as much of himself and his history as his friends and the world will care to know, are both questions, we suspect, on which there will be a diversi- ty of opinion, and which as editors it does not become us to decide. It is, however, quite certain that many interesting facts in his history are not noticed in the Biography, and that some of the most important and instructive come out in his Reminiscences of other persons : so that the reader must not expect to find anything like a complete narrative of Mr. Jay’s life in his Autobiography. While it is probable that many readers of this vol- THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY, REMINISCENCES, ETC. 0 ume will feel some disappointment that Mr. Jay lias not left ns a history of his life at once more compre- hensive and minute, yet the record of his matured opinions on various important subjects connected with the cause of Evangelical Religion, will by men of sound judgment be accepted as ample compensation for the lack of historic detail. Of how much greater value, in other memoirs of eminent persons, would such expressions of opinion have proved, than many of those ordinary incidents of every-day life which as they convey no important information, and elucidate no principle, serve only to swell the bulk, without en- hancing the ivorth, of the volume, or it may be vol- umes. In the one case we are listening to the decis- ions of wisdom and experience, while in the other we are entertained with facts without interest, or garrulity without amusement. Mr. Jay’s Reminiscences often bear no inconsiderable relation to himself, and show the influences of early connexions. But there are many interesting and memorable facts relating to his personal history which he has failed to record in either section of his work, and which we have felt it our duty to supply as far as we have been able to collect information. In the mat- ter of dates also in the Autobiography, where they were most essential, our friend has been totally negli- gent. There is scarcely one from the beginning to the end. Most of those, however, which were of any 6 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO importance, we liave been enabled to supply from Let- ters, Magazines, Keviews, and other sources. To us, moreover, it appears an inauspicious circum- stance that Mr. Jay should have left his Autobiogra- phy to so late a period of life. The undertaking was frequently urged upon him by his children, but it was not until a very earnest Letter, in the name of the rest, was written by one of his sons, that he com- menced it resolutely and at once. This was about August in the year 1843. He then wrote as follows : — 11 At length I have begun in good earnest, having such good health and some leisure, besides what re- laxation requires, to write the memoir. The sight of the Letter you wrote, dated August 6, 1842, urging it, fell in my way, and I yielded to it. My plan is to address it in a number of Letters to yourself,* like Mr. Winter’s to me, as I can go on by easy degrees. I have already written seven, but I send them not (not having copies), lest they should be lost ; and I may like to revise them as I proceed. I am so happy I have hit upon this method, and begin to feel an in- terest in it. The fragments I wrote some years ago will occasionally come in with alterations and addi- tions. Now tell no one this but your wife, till I give you leave. Should my health continue I hope to bring together a good number of these Letters ; but I * This was addressed to one of his sons, but he afterwards changed his purpose, and addressed these Letters to all of his children. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY, REMINISCENCES, ETC. 7 find I must not apply too closely, as it affects my head and my stomach.” At this period Mr. Jay was in his seventy-fourth year, and though, as to his preaching abilities, possi- bly as lively and popular as ever, yet as to his recol- lection of dates, and the order of circumstances, it was scarcely to be expected that he could avoid some confusion, even if he retained vivid recollections of events and persons through so long a series of years. It does not appear that he had kept any diary or memoranda, and most probably had nothing to aid him but his memory when he first commenced his work. This, however, we believe applies solely to the Autobiography. — The u Reminiscences” were com- mitted to paper much earlier, at least in part. Some of them were evidently written soon after the demise of the subjects of them. Many of these were persons of note and eminence in their day, whose friendship Mr. Jay highly prized ; and all of them had some in- fluence in the formation of his character, or in direct- ing the events and circumstances of his life. Several of the most distinguished subjects of his Reminiscences have had copious and separate biographical works devoted to them. This, however, will not lessen but rather heighten the interest attaching to his recollec- tions. They are entirely his own, and for the most part will be clear additions to the facts, already known, concerning those eminent and excellent persons. In 8 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO some instances a clearer light will be thrown on ia,* tain facts, some obscurities will be removed, and some mistakes or misrepresentations corrected. We are quite sure Mr. Jay’s anecdotes will be highly relished by the admirers of those characters to whom they re- late. Concerning his correspondence we have only a very few observations to offer. It appears that Mr. Jay felt a great reluctance to engage in letter- writing. He refers to this so early in his history as the com- mencement of his acquaintance with Miss Davies, afterwards Mrs. Jay. The reader will find it confirm- ed in an early section of his Autobiography. He frequently alludes to it in the course of his corre- spondence, and in several other parts of his writings ; sometimes alleging conscious distaste and incapacity, though at other times charging neglect and failure to the pressure of other claims and the multiplicity of public engagements. Yet we have had a very con- siderable mass of letters submitted to our examination, a fair proportion of them being long letters. In a paper containing directions and suggestions to his literary executors, he writes thus: “ With regard to my correspondence I now see I never laid sufficient stress upon letter- writing as the means of promoting social affection and moral pleasure and profit. I had naturally an aversion to letter-writing. My letters were therefore few and imperfect, and written in haste, THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY, REMINISCENCES, ETC. 9 as if occupying time taken from more serious engage- ments. I therefore think none of them entitled to publication. Yet I would leave this, after my own expressed opinion, to the judgment of my executors.” While using the liberty here conceded to us for the gratification of friends, we have at the same time re- spected Mr. Jay’s own opinion by making a compara- tively small selection. It would seem from Mr. Jay’s high appreciation of the epistolary style of both Newton and Cowper, that he felt it difficult to realize his own ideal of excellence in this department. This may explain his reluctance to make the effort, while the eagerness of his corre- spondents to be favored with his letters attests how suc- cessful he was when he did make it. His own style in his letters scarcely yields in simplicity, playfulness, and ease, to the eminent examples at which he as- pired. The frequent excuses and apologies he makes for delay clearly prove that he was not what is con- ventionally termed a good correspondent. In this respect he contrasts himself with his admired and be- loved tutor, who was distinguished for the excellence as well as for the extent of his epistolary correspond- ence. Mr. Winter, he says, “ frequently cautioned his young men not to follow his example. In one case, at least, this advice, I fear, was pursued to the extreme, and this he equally censured. The writer is the guilty individual. When, therefore, I had my .0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO last interview with my venerable friend, he asked me — for he was willing, if possible, to learn of those he had taught — to sketch the outline of a sermon from the words, 1 His letters, say they, are weighty.’ I com- plied ; but in presenting it expressed my wonder at the choice of the subject, and intimated that I could hardly deem it important enough for the edification of an audience many of whom could not write at all. He smiled, and I saw he had gained his object. In this way he had insinuated a mild reproof. He had drawn from me some reflections on the utility and im- portance of letter-writing, by which I own I was con- demned.” * An indiscriminate publication of a man’s letters is not to be applauded, A considerable proportion of all letters written by men of such publicity as Mr. Jay must be letters upon business or domestic occur- rences, or entering into details of family matters or interchanges of friendship, in which strangers can feel no interest whatever, and from which they can extract no improvement. It is but rarely that men engaged in public life can sit down to discuss set subjects with their friends ; and it is but very seldom indeed that such persons can afford time for more than prompt and brief replies to their correspondents. But some- times their letters to their afflicted friends are highly valued, and may be appropriate to many besides those * Mr Jay’s Life of Winter, p. 313. THE AUTOBIOGKAPHV, REMINISCENCES, ETC. 11 to whom they were first addressed. We have made a selection of those letters to Mr. Jay’s friends, and of some of theirs to him, which we have thought would be read with interest by others. W e trust the perusal of the whole work will grati- fy Mr. Jay’s numerous friends, and through the Di- vine blessing promote that great and good cause to which our venerated friend devoted his long life and earnest endeavors. LETTER I. REASONS FOR HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY. My very dear Children, — I duly received your very kind and respectful letter. The contents were both pleasing and humbling. I could not but feel gratified by the expressions of your filial affection and piety ; yet my conscience told me while reading them, how far short I came in fully exemplifying the quali- ties and excellences which your regard has led you to attach to your father. The letter is too partial and flattering to be here in- troduced. But what can I say to the proposal it brings, in pressing me to write some account of my- self, and the leading events of my life ? The applica- tion has a powerful claim in coming from those who stand in a relation so near ; and it acquires additional influence when, as you affirm, it is accompanied and enforced by the earnest wishes of my other relatives and friends, and church and congregation, and of many of the public. But before I could determine on refusing or com- plying with the proposal, I had four things to con- sider : — First, Whether such a memoir ought to be secured ? 14 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF This was a delicate question for the individual him- self to answer, and some might suppose that he could not answer in the affirmative, without betraying self- importance. But humility is not founded on igno- rance. A man may know and own what he is, with- out vanity or pride, if he can say, “ By the grace of God I am what I am “Not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” It would have been mere affec- tation (and it must have been deemed so), had I seemed unacquainted with my rise from an obscure condition, the earliness of my preaching, the degree of popularity attending my first efforts ; the undiminished continu- ance of the favor shown to my labors ; the candid re- spect I have received from the various religious de- nominations I have occasionally served ; the friendly notice taken of me by some very significant person- ages ; the number of my publications, with their ac- ceptance and enlarged circulation at home and abroad ; and the portion of usefulness, in serving my genera- tion for more than half a century, which is generally attributed to my endeavors. A second question was, Whether, if I refused this proposal, everything of the kind would be prevented from other quarters ? The present rage for biography is excessive and notorious. Such is the voracity of its appetite, that it frequently waits not for the license which death is supposed to give. It falls upon its prey, and devours it alive ; and many a man may be himself the reader of his own character and history, furnished by some anonymous or even known writer. A number of different sketches of myself have al- ready appeared in periodical or separate publications in England and America. It is not, therefore, impos- THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 15 sible or improbable but some notices after my deatli may be attempted, either by the mercenary or needy grasping at gain, or by real friends, meaning well, but laboring often in the dark. Thirdly . It was to be asked whether autobiography in some respects is not more desirable and preferable than information derived from extraneous sources? “ Those relations,” says Johnson, “ are commonly the most valuable, in which the writer tells his own story.” With regard to a man’s talents and productions, and also those attributes and habits, the result and fame of which form so much of what we mean by character, the pen of another may be better than his own. But yet, respecting many things of an interesting nature, he himself must be the best witness, the best judge, and the best recorder. By a competent writer, the public life of an individual is easily supplied; but people are seldom satisfied without some insight into his more private retreats and recesses. They would know not only what he did, but why he did it. They would know, not only the direction in which he moved, but whether he was led into it by design or accident, and what retarded or aided his progress. They would not only contemplate his elevation, but learn by what degrees and efforts and instrumentalities he reached it ; for there is nothing really unaccounta- ble in such cases. The thing wondered at is, under Providence, the natural consequence, of a series of events and circumstances. What appears a kind of impassable depth and distance between the early and . later condition of the man is owing to an ignorance of the intermediate connexions in the passage. We see him on the opposite sides, but have not accompanied 16 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF him in the transition from the one to the other ; but he himself knows that he passed, not by a miracle, but by means ; that he was not supernaturally borne across, but gained his position by many alternations of hope and fear ; by many a weary step, and by many a painful struggle. But how is a man’s more personal and interior ex- perience, his original disadvantages or helps; what chilled his ardor or animated his diligence ; what in his intellectual, or spiritual, or official career was found to be his bane or his benefit ; with many other inter- esting and useful things ; — how is all this to be known, unless from the communications of the individual himself? A diary will not fully subserve the purpose. A diary regards chiefly a man’s intercourse with God ; and the variations of his religious views and feelings there recorded are designed to promote self-acquaint- ance, and not to divulge himself to others. Such a work is devotional rather than narratory, and will abound with much that is not proper for public ob- servation. Fourthly . I had to inquire whether, in such an un- dertaking, I could trust my own views and motives ? While I knew how hard it was to be honest where self is concerned, and that nothing is perfectly pure that comes from man ; yet I felt that I ought to be conscious of being so far actuated by a principle of truth, rectitude, and usefulness, as to be able to com- mend my work unto the Lord ; and not only to im- plore his assistance in the performance, but also to hope for his blessing in the perusal of it. These considerations I have endeavored fairly to ex- THE REV. WILLIAM :AV. 1 ? amine ; and though I do not say that 1 am perfectly satisfied as to the conclusion, yet there is nothing in it that, upon the whole, constrains me to decline at- tempting the engagement you urge upon me. Yet I fear I shall find the execution ^o easy enterprise. Some difficulty will be found in the selection. When a man looks back upon a life of seventy-four years, he sees a very extensive field ; and what he is to de- tach for the notice of others asks for the exercise of judgment and prudence. Much may be, and much ought to be, passed over. Some love to eke out pages and volumes ; but a brief account will generally com- prise all that ordinary ‘biography requires. Two things should not be forgotten in the choice of articles. 1st. The influence they are likely to have on the reader in a way of innocent gratification, instruc- tion, or improvement. And, 2dly. Their appropri- ateness to the character of the individual. The insertions, therefore, should serve directly or indirectly to develop him — for it is of him — of his con- dition — of his changes — of his opinions, attachments, and doings, the reader wants to be informed. But besides the selection of materials themselves, there must be some arrangement ; and this also has oc- casioned thought ; for here various modes have been employed, with perhaps equal propriety and success. You have neither recommended, nor suggested, any particular method. I shall therefore throw my narra- tive and reflections into a series of Letters to your- selves. In this I shall conform to the example of my honored tutor, Cornelius Winter, in the life of him which I have published, and which has met with so much success. This mode will best suit a man of 18 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. years and engagements, as it will allow of freedom in the expression, enlargement or contraction in the state- ments, and easy gradualness (not much affected by breaks and pauses) in the progress. The number of Letters the series will contain, must depend on the un- certainties of circumstances. But whether I shall live and be able to accomplish the design wholly or par- tially, rests with Him in “whose hand our breath is, and whose are all our ways.” u But this will we do if God permit.” N. B. I had no sooner written the above than I was favored with a call from my esteemed brother, the Rev. John Angell James, of Birmingham. Upon being informed of my purpose, he not only very much approved of it, and zealously urged its execution, but begged that I would not limit myself, by aiming at too much conciseness ; especially as to any parts and cir- cumstances that would bear usefully upon the rising ministry (for that ministry whose improvement and excellency he has shown much anxiety). Hence some things which otherwise would not have been intro- duced, must plead this excitement and sanction. LETTER II. HIS PARENTAGE. — REMARKS ON PEDIGREES AND ANCESTORS.- ANEODOTES. — EFFECTS OF SCENERY UPON HIM My dear Children, — In commencing this Letter I have one advantage which saves me time and trouble. I have not to trace a long and proud lineage. If any great and illustrious individuals have been found among my ancestors, they have not been ascertained, in my family, in my own time.* But were I mean enough to feel any mortification here, I could not con- sole myself. Lord Bacon has remarked that they who derive their worth from their ancestors resemble “ po- tatoes, the most valuable part of which is under * Through the courtesy of the Rev. J. Ward, Rector of Wath, near Ripon, we have been favored with a considerable list of per- sons of the name of Jay, baptized, married, and buried at Milton Listebon, in Wilts. There is one marriage that may have been that of Mr. Jay’s father and mother: “1751, May 13, William Jay and Sarah Smith but we have no means of deciding the question. Mr. Jay has said very little of his parents. A Rev. Charles Jay was vicar of that parish in the year 1733, and died there 1761. Mr. Waylen, of Etchilhampton, also has furnished many notices of the family of Jay in Wiltshire, extending back for nearly three centuries; but from which of them Mr. Jay of Bath descended, or whether from any of them, all authorities are silent, and probably NVilliam Jay was as ignorant as ourselves. 20 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ground.” When one of Lord Thurlow’s friends was endeavoring to make out his relationship to the secre- tary, Cromwell, whose family had been settled in the county adjoining Suffolk, he replied, “ Sir, there were two Cromwells in that part of the country — Thurlow the Secretary, and Thurlow the Carrier ; I am de- scended from the latter.” We have read of a man who, in prospect of his promotion, being asked con- cerning his pedigree, answered that 11 he was not par- ticularly sure, but had been credibly informed that he had three brothers in the ark ;” — but one of our most distinguished poets of obscure origin surpasses this, in his epitaph : — “ Princes and heralds, by your leave, Here lie the bones of Matthew Prior ; The son of Adam and of Eve, Can Nassau or Bourbon go higher ?” My parents were very respectable, that is, they were poor and religious : religious , not precisely according to the theory and discipline of a particular party (for as yet there was in the place no society formed on pro- fessedly evangelical principles, nor had the preaching of such doctrines as yet been heard there) ; but really and practically religious; exemplifying the morality of the gospel under the influence of piety, or the fear and love of God ; poor , not abjectly and dependency, but able by frugality and diligence to support them- selves, and to bring up a family in the decencies and even comforts of village life. My father was the son of a small farmer, but he himself was a mechanic, working at the business of a stone-cutter and mason. There was nothing remarka- THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 21 ble in liim as to talent, or in my dear me ther. They were both persons of slender education, but of 'good solid understanding, and of much common sense ; up- right, conscientious, kind, tender, charitable according to their means ; and much beloved and esteemed in all the neighborhood. I was their fourth and only male child ; but there were four daughters, all of whom are “gone the way of all the earth.” Three of them married in humble life, but to husbands sober, indus- trious, and much more affectionate and attentive to their wives than many I have seen in superior condi- tions, and among those who are often called (for what reason Grod only knows) “ the better sort of people .” The other, and who had a considerable share of wit and cleverness, was united to a man of property ; and who possessed more capacity and knowledge than per- haps half the whole population of the place beside. The presbyterian minister on whom we attended was a Clarkean Arian, (but he never dealt much in doctrine,) a very dry and dull preacher, but a lovely character, and exceedingly tender-hearted, kind, and generous ; denying himself almost to a fault, that he might have, out of his contracted income, to give to him that needeth ; and wherever misery was, there was he. From my earliest remembrance, he kindly and gently noticed me ; and when I was able to read, he presented me with the two first publications I ever called my own. These were “Watts’ History of the Old and New Testament,” and “Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress,” and never shall I forget my feelings at the receipt of them ; for books (what a change has since taken place !) were then very scarce in villages , at least few came in my way. The schooling of the vih 22 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF lage was of course very limited, and had nothing to awaken or expand the mind beyond the common ele- ments of reading, writing and vulgar arithmetic. In this humble education I shared ; but I can say nothing more : to any literary or intellectual advantage or ex- citement I was a stranger. It is perhaps commonly supposed that if a man is destined to make a little figure in the world, he gives some indication of it in childhood and even in infancy. Is this always true ? or is it true generally ? It is said the young calf and the young lamb begin to push and to butt before their horns appear. Metaphors alone prove nothing. Our Saviour speaks of some seeds, which fell on superficial soil, and forthwith they sprang up because they had no deepness of earth ; and the larger and more solid and durable trees are slower in their growth than more common ones. Thus the oak is longer in its rearing and maturing than the pop- lar or osier. Doth not mind both act and show itself according to particular periods, or rather occurrences, which seize and press and excite it ? However this may be, to compare little things with greater, I know both from report and experience, that your father exhibited nothing like this early preco- ciousness. I can well remember with what pains I acquired reading ; and my oldest sister observed, when questioned concerning my first years, “We thought he never would have learned.” But when the diffi- culty by which I was depressed, and for which I was often reproached, was overcome, and I felt encourage- ment and praise, I soon made some progress, and soon wished to make more ; but what opportunities or helps did my situation afford ? It may be asked if I re- THE KEV. WILLIAM JAY- 23 member whether at an early season I had any work- ings of mind not growing naturally out of my con- dition, but having a seeming reference to my subse- quent rising in life ? I answer, I had, and not a few ; though it would not be easy to describe them. But I always felt a strange love of withdrawing myself from my playmates and roving alone ; and while pausing among the scenes of nature, of surrendering myself to musings which carried me away, and often left me lost, in doing or enjoying something indistinctly dif- ferent from what I had ever actually witnessed. Our dwelling, which was my father’s own property, con- sisting of a double tenement, too large for a cottage, had attached to it a proportionate garden and orchard. It was situated about an equal distance from Lord Arundel’s, of Warder Castle; Pithouse, the seat of Mr. Bennet; and Fonthill, then the splendid mansion of Mr. Beckford. The village in which it stood was wide and varied, and abounded with lovely and pic- turesque aspects — “ And the sweet interchange of hill and vale and wood and lawn.” It is impossible to express the intense pleasure I felt from a child, in the survey of the rural scenery, while standing on the brow of an eminence, or seated upon the upraised root of a branching tree, or walking through a waving field of corn, or gazing on a clear brook with fish and reeds and rushes. How vividly are some of these spots impressed upon my memory still ; and how recoverable, at this distance of time, are some of the rude reflections so early associated whh them ! 24 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. Yet what probability was there that such a change as I have experienced would ever take place ? No effort, no purpose of my own, or of my relatives, had the least concern in it. It resulted purely and entirely from the providence of God ; and as it was not only so unlikely in itself, but so eventful, and such conse- quences hinged upon it, I will endeavor to state the case as it was , fairly and simply, without straining to magnify the remarkable into supernatural, or the ex- traordinary into miraculous. But this must be the subject of the next Letter. In the meantime, I am, &c. LETTER III. 3IS EARLY LIFE. — METHODISM AT TISBURY. — CONVERSION. — MRS. TURNER TAKES NOTICE OF HIM. — WORKS AT FONTHILL ABBEY. — MR. BECKFORD. — (EDITOR’S NOTICES OF MR. BECKFORD.) My dear Children, — Mr. Thomas Turner, the memoir of whose eminently pious wife has been long before the public, and a second edition of which was published by Dr. Bogue, left Tisbury while young. He was then possessed of no substance ; but he grad- ually succeeded in business at Trowbridge, and gained more than a competency. Being a truly religious man, he wished to do something to evince his grati- tude to God, and promote the welfare of his fellow- men. He therefore determined to introduce the preach- ing of the gospel into his native village, and, if possi- ble, to awaken attention to the one thing needful in those he had left behind him in ignorance and care- lessness. He took a house and licensed it, and opened it for preaching. After some length of time, he built also a neat chapel entirely at his own expense ; and a very considerable congregation and church were raised there, which have continued ever since ; and recently a new commodious and beautiful chapel has been erect- ed, which I had the pleasure of opening, and at the 2 26 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF dedication of which more than £100 was collected, after more than £7 00 had been subscribed among the people themselves. Some persons love to talk of their being born again, and of their being jnade new creatures, with a kind of physical certainty and exactness ; and refer to their conversions not as the real commencement of a work which is to continue increasing through life, but as something which may be viewed as a distinct and unique experience, immediately produced, originated, and finished at once ; and perfectly determined as to its time and place and mode of accomplishment ; but I hope this is not necessary, for I have no such narra- tive or register to afford. A distinction is not always made between depraved nature and actual transgress- ion. All are sinners, and all have come short of the glory of God ; but all are' not profligate, nor in this sense do all speak of themselves, as if they had been the chief of sinners. Restraint from evil is a mercy, as well as sanctification and good works. I cannot speak as some do of going great lengths in iniquity, and thereby rendering a work of grace more sure and more divine. I bless God I w^as from my childhood free from immoralities. I remember, indeed, one act of gross transgression (it pains me now in review) ; it was the uttering of a known and repeated falsehood , accompanied with an oath , to carry a point, as I was intensely at play. For this my conscience so smote me that I was soon constrained to withdraw from my companions, and went home, and retired to implore forgiveness. But, though free from vice, I now began to see and feel deficiences with regard to duty, and to be dissatisfied with the state of my heart towards God THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 27 I also felt my need of something more than was held forth by the preaching I heard. Without knowing the nature of this good, I was just in the condition of mind that would welcome and relish the truth com- monly called evangelical. Our minister, too, from some things which I had said (for he always allowed and encouraged me to speak freely), strangely put into my hands a letter, which he said had been written to a father by a young man who had (these were his own words) become a Methodist , and wished to convert him. I had never heard of the name before ; but when, soon after, persons of this description were reported to be coming to preach in the village, my curiosity was the more excited ; and, from the instruction and impress- ion of the letter (which was a very striking one), I longed to hear them, conceiving and hoping it would relieve my concern of mind. The private dwelling which Mr. Turner had pur- chased and licensed was first used for worship on the Saturday evening I attended. The singing, the ex- temporaneousness of the address, and the apparent af- fection and earnestness of the speaker, peculiarly af- fected me ; and what he said of “ the faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners,” was like rain upon the mown grass, or cold water to a thirsty soul. I scarcely slept that night for weeping, and for joy ; and as the preaching was to be renewed the next morning at seven o’clock (not to interfere with the service of the Established Church), I happened to be the first that came. Mrs. Turner, who had come from Trowbridge to superintend things for the time, opened the door herself, and, taking me by the hand, benignly asked, 28 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP “ Are you hungering for the bread of life ?” She continued talking to me most winningly for some minutes, till others began to enter. But this seem- ingly casual and trifling circumstance was important in the result ; for from that day forward she particu- larly noticed me ; and, as I had been recently appren- ticed, and was returning from my work, which was then at Fonthill House, in the evening, she often met me, and conversed with me till I reached home ; and her information and addresses were more useful than many of the sermons I heard, as she adapted herself to the state she found I was in, and to the present kind of knowledge which I required. [Reluctant as the Editors are to divert the reader’s attention for a single moment from Mr. Jay’s interest- ing narrative, they yet judge that this is the most suitable place for introducing a few facts which they feel assured will add interest to the narrative, and in- crease the gratification of the reader. The mention of Fonthill House a page or two before, and of Mr. Beck- ford, its accomplished proprietor and builder, is fol- lowed by the statement, that, when the lad William Jay was first noticed by Mrs. Turner, he was not only working as an apprentice to his father, but both father and son were actually working at the erection of Font- hill house ; and further, that it was on his return, evening after evening, from that place, that Mrs. Turner met him, and talked with him in that instructive way recorded by himself in this letter. We suppose Wil- liam Jay to have been then little more than fourteen years of age, and but recently apprenticed to learn the art of stone-masonry. It was just at this time that Mr. Winter came to preach at Tisbury, and was struck THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 29 with, the comely countenance of the lad. About a year after, when Mr. W came again to preach at Tisbury on a week-day evening, there was William Jay in the chapel, just as he had left his work at Fonthill Abbey, listening to the good Cornelius Win- ter. After that sermon he was introduced to Mr. W for the first time, and, no doubt, wondered what the minister could want with him. Let the reader realize this scene, and connect with it the fact that he had been that day working at the mansion of a gentleman who afterwards, most probably with an utter unconsciousness that Mr. Jay had ever been in his employment, passed upon him as just and elegant an eulogy as perhaps ever was passed upon him ; and frankly recorded the fact that he had been himself a learner from the eloquent piety and wisdom of William Jay. In proof of this we present the following inter- esting statement, which appeared in the Bath Herald immediately after Mr. Beckford’s decease : — 11 The Christian Contemplated had been perused with much interest by Mr. Beckford, as appeared from his numerous notes, written on its leaves; and from which the following is extracted : 1 This man’s mind is no petty reservoir supplied him by laborious pumpings — it is a clear, transparent spring, flowing so freely as to impress the idea of its being inexhaustible. In many of these pages the stream of eloquence is so full, so rapid, that we are fairly borne down and laid prostrate at the feet of the preacher, whose arguments in these moments appear as if they could not be controverted, and we must yield to them. The voice which calls us to look into ourselves, and prepare for judgment, is too piercing, too powerful to be resisted ; and we attempt, 80 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF for worldly, sensual considerations, to shut our ears in vain.’ “ Beckford told me that Jay of Bath, whom he had gone to hear incog., was one of the finest preachers he had ever heard, and showed me his sermons ; and, curious enough, he had a correspondence with Jay about the bad poetry, both in the church and among the dissenters, as exhibited in the hymns and psalm ver- sions which they used .” — Closing Scenes , Second Series. By Bev. E. Neale. It will not be deemed irrelevant by those readers who have no knowledge of Mr. Beckford, if we state a few facts concerning him and the famous abbey which William Jay and his father helped to build. William Beckford, Esq., was the proprietor, de- signer, and builder of the splendid Fonthill Abbey, which cost in its erection £273,000, and the pictures, library, and furniture of which were valued at more than a million. He was the son of the famous Beck- ford, twice Lord Mayor of London, who reproved King George the Third on his throne, when he insulted a deputation of the citizens. Mr. Beckford, the son who was placed, at his father’s death, under the care of the first Earl of Chatham, became a most accomplished man and distinguished author. His gorgeous tale, en- titled “ Vathek,” was written in French when he was barely twenty-two, at one sitting of three days and tivo nights. Byron said of it, that “even Rasselas must bow before it.” He wrote also “ Letters on Spain and Italy.” “ Observations on Celebrated Painters,” &c., &c. He was universally esteemed a man of exquisite taste and keen discernment. His splendid fortune was s_ent in the gratification of his taste for the fine arts THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 31 and literature. Over liis mantel-piece, in his dining parlor, was a picture of St. Catherine, by Raffaeile, which cost him £3,000. One who knew him well says, “ 1 had many conversations with him upon the subject of religion; for he was rather fond of contro- versy. I should say he was an orthodox Catholic ; but, like many, professed a faith he did not prac- tice.” He was famous for a most sumptuous entertainment which he gave to Admiral Lord Nelson. But though he was accounted in his day the richest commoner in England, yet he sustained, long before his death, im- mense losses of property, and the Abbey was sold to Mr. Farquhar for £330,000. The sale of its contents created an excitement throughout the nation, and dur- ing its continuance of thirty -three days, such was the influx of visitors that not a lodging was to be had for many miles round. It is recorded that between seven and eight thousand catalogues were sold at a guinea each. After this calamity Mr. Beckford retired to Bath, where he ended his days at very nearly the same age as Mr. Jay, and where, probably, he availed himself of the opportunity of hearing him preach, and of car- rying on the correspondence referred to in the previous extract. Such a correspondence is not unlikely, for Beckford was a proficient both in poetry and music. But we have found no allusion to this correspondence, and no trace of it, among Mr. Jay’s papers. To the fact of Mr. Jay’s having been employed, ap- parently for more than a year, at Fonthill Abbey, we have his own testimony, yet he makes no allusion to any intercourse or acquaintance with Mr. Beckford, 32 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF nor does lie give any intimation that Mr. Beckford knew of the fact of his having been employed at the Abbey. There appears to have been no mutual recog- nition, although in their later years they became near neighbors.] And here occurred, what is mentioned without a name, in the life of Mrs. Turner, concerning “ a lad who, after hearing a discourse enforcing family wor- ship, besought his father on his return home to under- take it ; and upon his refusing, on the ground of in- ability, offered to perform it himself. The offer was accepted with tears, and he became a kind of domestic chaplain.” This lad was the writer. A little while after this, he was urged to pray at the private meeting in the chapel, which he did with no little backward- ness, and also with no little difficulty. Connected with this, he cannot but mention a circumstance, as it affect- ed him at the time with a shock of amazement, and has since aided him in not laying an improper stress on the figurative language of Scripture ; and made him careful to avoid such views of the doctrines of grace as should exclude any from hope of salvation. It was this : — He had prayed that our name may be written in the Lamb’s book of life ; but a high-toned brother, from a neighboring congregation, who saw things clearly , took him aside, and rebuked him for the impropriety of his expression, saying, “You know that book was filled up from eternity ; and if our names are not written there, they never can be now.” Bless God, my children, that from your infancy you have been familiar with a testimony too plain to be mistaken, “The Spirit and the bride sa j come ; and let him that heareth say come ; and let him thai THE KEV. WILLIAM JAY. 33 athirst come ; and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely.” I shall soon resume the relation, and notice another link in the chain of occurrences which drew me from my native condition to set my feet in a large place, I am, &c. 2 * LETTER IV. VlbfT OF MR. WINTER TO TISBURY. — INTRODUCTION OF MR. JAY TO MR. WINTER. HIS ADMISSION INTO MR. WINTER^ ACADEMY AT MARLBOROUGH. MR. w’s. FAITH FOR PECUNIARY SUPPORT. — HIS STUDIES. TILLAGE PREACHING. My dear Children, — For several years there was no fixed minister at Tisbnry, but the service was sup- plied by preachers of various denomination, each offici- ating for one sabbath only, but always coming early enough to preach also on the Saturday evening ; and these men, after perhaps a long and trying journey, had not only to preach on that evening, but they had the following day to preach at seven in the morning, and at six in the evening, and also to go in the afternoon five miles to preach at a place called Ebsbourne ; yet had they nothing to remunerate their toilsome but willing efforts. Among these supplies came the ex- cellent Cornelius Winter from Marlborough, a dis- tance of near forty miles. A year after the first time, he came a second ; and calling on Mrs. Turner at Trowbridge on his way, he told her that when at Tis- bury before, he had been particularly struck with the aspect of a lad in the congregation ; that the impress- ion had not worn off ; and that he felt a strong desire THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 35 to have an interview with him before he should return. Not knowing however his name, he could not inform her who was the youth he intended. She immediate- ly said there was a lad in the place she also much wished him to see and converse with, mentioning my name that he might inquire for me. Accordingly on the Saturday evening he desired the doorkeeper to ask for Billy Jay to come to him in the parlor after the service. Again while in the pulpit he was equally at- tracted with the appearance of the lad who had so im- pressed him before ; and was eager to know who he was, and to have some talk with him. When the preaching was over, as desired, I followed him into the house, and was presented to him. I was in my simple village dress. He then perceived that the youth Mrs. Turner had mentioned, and the youth he had re- marked, were the same . He was affected even to tears, and immediately kneeled down and prayed. I was of course amazed at the strangeness of all this ; nor could I for one moment conjecture the design. He then began to talk with me, and in a manner which disarmed me of fear, concerning several things, and especially of my religious views and feelings. At this interview he proceeded no further, but desired me to come to him again after the service on the morrow evening. I again waited upon him ; he again imme- diately prayed for a few moments ; and then began to inquire whether I should not like, and did not long,, to communicate to others what I felt myself. He ob- served tnat he had a small academy of young men for the ministry ; and kindly invited me to join them, if after reflection and prayer my heart should be inclined, and my parents should be disposed to give their con- 36 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF sent. The invitation was after some time accepted; and I went to Marlborough, where for some years (they were far too few) I was privileged to live under the tuition and care of that incomparable man (Bishop Jebb calls him in a Letter, that celestial creature Cornelius Winter ), whose life I have published ; written indeed under a grateful sense of my obligations to him ; but yet with no exaggerated praise, as all who knew him intimately have acknowledged. In what I have stated I cannot be mistaken ; and there are some still living (there were once many) to whom Mr. Winter related the transaction; for he was pleased to advert to it, especially after the encouraging success of his undertaking. Yarious things at first seemed unpromising and discouraging ; my deficiencies were great. Mr. Winter had no certain provision for my support, his own income was very limited. He had therefore largely to draw upon the providence of God; and he was enabled to trust without fear or doubting. But he always affirmed that at the time he hardly knew how to justify the step he took, but from impression and impulse he could not decline it. I leave the fact, having stated it accurately, to the candid judgment of my readers. The command is, “ Let thine eyes look straight on , and let thine eye- lids look straight before thee il Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy goings be established .” And it is well for a man to feel the firmness of the ground he treads upon ; and be able to give, to himself at least, a reason of his conduct in any measure of moment. And in general, no one laid more stress on prudence, and did more honor to the use of proper means, than the man of God before us. Yet he always had this THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. sentiment, (and I have often heard him avow it,) that there may be cases in which Providence having a par- ticular end in view, will not, by some excitement or other, allow us to give up, or pass by the thing, though for the present we walk by faith rather than by sight. Must we always condemn such faith as presumption? Is it enthusiasm to suppose that there may be cases in which the secret of the Lord is peculiarly with them that fear him, and fear him above many ? Is there any rule that admits of no exception? Might not that which looks like a deviation from a principle, be found to be compatible with it, if we had knowledge to pene- trate further, and to comprehend more ? Let us not judge one another. u Happy is he that condemneth not himself in the thing which he alloweth. Let every one be fully persuaded in his own mind.” It will naturally be supposed that no one could have gone to an academy more destitute of many advantages than myself. But I had a thirst for knowledge, and a valuation of it, which would ensure application when op- portunities and means were afforded. Mr. Winter’s library was not large, but was large to me ; and every moment I could spare from my studies I was search- ing it as for hidden treasure. It may seem strange, but the authors I was most struck with then, have con- tinued to be my favorites ever since, and my views and taste with regard to sermons and preachers have no otherwise changed than as they have been enlarged and improved. As our tutor rated learning very high, I was obliged to fag hard. At first, the difficulties were not only trying, but seemed to be insuperable ; but in a little time I felt encouraged, and soon found pleasure in 38 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF even: the languages. But my progress was not con- siderable ; and the literary acquisitions of the students were not $ little impeded by what the tutor deemed justifiable. The state of the country then was very different from what it now is, as to an evangelical min- istry. The real laborers were few. The spiritual con- dition of many of the villages was deplorable, and the people were perishing for lack of knowledge. No one cared for their souls. (So it was with the vicinages all around Marlborough, and their spiritual wants if not their wishes cried aloud, “ Come over and help us.”) Mr. Winter, therefore, obtained and licensed various private houses to preach in, and not only went as often as he was able himself, but also sent his young men to instruct these poor creatures, and show unto them the way of life. In the milder seasons which would allow of it, we often addressed large numbers out of doors ; and many a clear calm evening I have preached down the day, on the corner of a common, or upon the green turf before the cottage door. These neighborhoods were supplied sometimes weekly and sometimes fortnightly, both on the week days and on the sabbaths. We always on the sabbaths avoided, if possible, the church hours ; and on week days we commonly omitted the services during the hay and corn harvest, that we might not give reason- able offence to the farmers, or entice the peasants away from their labor before their usual time. I would also remark, that we did not always in these efforts en- counter much opposition ; indeed, I remember only a few instances in which we suffered persecution from violence or rudeness. This was much owing to the students being always recommended to avoid needless THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 39 provocation ; our tutor enjoining us never to rail at others, or to say the gospel was not heard till we came ; but leaving the hearers to learn this of themselves by comparison ; and also to speak the truth in love ; being always affectionate and kind, and endeavoring by our manner to show that we loved those we addressed, and were only concerned for their welfare — not anxious to make proselytes but converts. Yet Mr. Winter’s horse was cruelly cropped and maimed at Adlington, where he had preached on the sabbath. And there were places, and not a few out of our own circuits, where, though there was little or nothing exceptionable in the preaching, the carnal mind showed itself not only in secret malignity, but in open outrage. The excite- ment of the ignorant populace was commonly pro- duced by the clergyman, the squire, and some of the stupid and intemperate farmers. The injuries inflicted on the preachers, and the houses in which the people assembled, might have been sooner terminated, had the sufferers (as they ought to have done) more readily availed themselves of their legal rights ; but they often yielded to unwill- ing concessions and apologies, and were backward to prosecute, forgetting that the trespasser was a burglar ; and that though we are to forgive private and personal offences, it is otherwise with the violation of the laws of the land established for the public safety and wel- fare. The best regard we can pay to a law is to obey its precepts ourselves — the next is to see its penalty executed upon the transgressors. But in general, the village peasantry (and of them only I am speaking) were disposed, if left to themselves , to receive and hear us ; and it was truly interesting and delightful to see 40 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. how, after a little curious observation and surprise, they seemed to drink in the word, as rain on the mown grass, and as showers that water the earth. The testi- mony to the Messiah was a the poor have the gospel preached unto them ;” and what right-minded and right-hearted being is there, but would rejoice that those who had so little of this world’s goods and com- forts should be able to realize the “ unsearchable riche3 of Christ,” and “ walk in the comforts of the Holy Ghost?” X am, &c. LETTER V. fflS FIRST SERMON AT ARLINGTON. — CONTRIBUTORS TO THE EXPENSES OF HIS EDUCATION, JOHN THORNTON, ESQ., AND OTHERS. — (EDIT- ORS’ BRIEF NOTICE OF MR. THORNTON.) — PROPOSAL TO GO TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. PREFERENCE OF THE DOMESTIC SYSTEM. — LIST OF STUDENTS IN MARLBOROUGH ACADEMY. My dear Children, — Great attainments and quali- fications were not necessary in those rude villages where we made our first attempts to minister. But we knew enough from scripture and our own experi- ence to “ show unto men the way of salvation,” and to say, “ Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.” This early preaching unquestionably broke in much upon our studies ; but the tutor did everything in his power, by rule and restriction, to lessen the injury, while there were some rather compensatory advan- tages arising from it. First, Hereby good was done in the conversion of sinners in many instances, some of which were very striking ; and what is the gain of the whole world to the value of one soul ? And, secondly. The usage tended, by its exercise, and by the prepara- tion for it, to keep the minds of the students in the things of God ; and it is well known, that literary application, and the free mingling of young men to* 42 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF gether, do not much befriend spirituality of mind. Thirdly , It was of great advantage to the young pupil to begin, before be knew too much, to feel certain difficulties, and to gain confidence and facility by prac- tice. And thus, though the scholar was injured, the preacher was benefited. In the review of the case, I cannot see how a man of God, (whatever his zeal for learning might be,) cir- cumstanced as Mr. Winter was, could have conscien- tiously acted otherwise than he did ; and much as I have always lamented, in addition to my original want of education, the loss of some literary advantages, I not only submit to what appears to have been the will of God, but upon the whole am even thankful for such a course of things as I passed through. God has not only a right to choose for us, but as he appoints us our stations and offices, and foresees all they will re- quire, he arranges our trainings, and renders all our previous circumstances and experience preparatory to our fitness. “ Thy method cross’d my way, and young desire, Which did to academic eminence aspire. Fain I’d have sat in such a nurse’s lap Where I might long have had a sluggard’s nap, Or have been dandled on her reverend knees, And known by honored titles and degrees ; And there have spent the flower of my days In soaring in the air of human praise. * * * * * My youthful pride and folly now I see, That grudged for want of title and degree.” Some may be surprised at tbe earliness of my preach- ing, for I began a few months a%r I was placed at THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 43 Marlborough. Some, also, will doubtless censure it, and it is easy for them to say much in support of their censure. Yet I cannot in this case blame myself. It was not from my own forwardness, or of my own choosing ; but I was under the authority and direction of another, and bound to obey, even if I could not entirely acquiesce. How sad is a spirit of resistance, especially in students for the ministry. They are best prepared to rule and govern who have previously learned to obey and serve Why do not tutors expel for insubordination, as well as for error or vice ? I remember a circumstance hardly worth relating. Soon after I had begun my early career, I went to supply for a sabbath at Melksham. At this time was residing there an old gentleman from London, a very wise man, at least in his own conceit. I called upon him on the Monday morning. He received me rather uncourteously. He did not, indeed, censure my preaching, but rudely said, he had no notion of beard- less boys being employed as preachers. “ Pray, sir,” said I, “does not Paul say to Timothy, ‘Let no man despise thy youth.’ And, sir, you remind me of what I have read of a French monarch, who had received a young ambassador, and complaining, said, 4 Your mas- ter should not have sent me a beardless stripling.’ ‘Sir,’ said the youthful ambassador, ‘had my master supposed you wanted a beard, he would have sent you a goat.’ ” The first sermon I preached was at Ablington — a vil- lage near Stonehenge. The text was 1 Peter, ii. 3 : “ If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” The division was, 1. The Lord is gracious. 2. The best way to know this grace is by tasting it. 3. Such u AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF knowledge will have an influence over the possessor ; for if we have tasted that the Lord is gracious it will induce us to love him — it will draw out our desires af- ter more — it will make us anxious to bring others to partake with us, saying, 1 4 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us.” “ O taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” I was little more than sixteen when I began ; and from this period I was called to preach with no little frequency ; and before I was of age, I had preached, I believe, near a thousand sermons; for in all our places, then, we always preached three times on the Sabbath with some week-day services. While I was at Marlborough, and after I had begun preaching, with considerable acceptance and success, it was inquired by some of those who had contributed to my educational support, and who were themselves moderate Episcopalians, whether it should be proposed to me to go to the University, and enter the church ; but Sir Richard Hill and John Thornton the philan- thropist* decided against it saying, “God has opened * In an article furnished by Sir James Stephen to the Edinburgh Review for July, 1844, and entitled “The Clapham Sect,” is the fol- lowing allusion to the subject of this note : “ John Thornton was a merchant renowned in his generation for a munificence more than princely, and consecrated to the reverence of posterity by the let- ters and poetry of Cowper. He was one of those rare men in whom the desire to relieve distress assumes the form of a master passion ; and if faith be due to tradition, he indulged it with a disdain, al- ternately ludicrous and sublime, of the good advice which the ec- centric have to undergo from the judicious. Conscious of no aims but such as may invite the scrutiny of God and man, he pursued them after his own fearless fashion, yielding to every honest impuls% THE BEY. WILLIAM JAY. 45 the young man’s mouth, and for years to come we dare not shut it, while there are so many immediate and pressing calls for exertion.” But for this I have reason to believe Mr. Winter would have had then no objection to the proposal. As it was not made to my- relishing a frolic ’when it fell in his way, choosing his associates in scorn of mere worldly precepts, and worshipping with any fellow Christian whose heart beat in unison with his own, however inhar- monious might be some of the Articles of their respective creeds.” Mr. Thornton was an Episcopalian, and an intimate friend of the Rev. John Newton, of St. Mary Woolnoth. His benevolence was as unsectarian as his general habits, and “ he stood ready,” said Mr. Cecil, “ to assist a beneficent design in every party, but would be the creature of none.” Hence, in conjunction with Mr. Newton, and some excellent men among the Dissenters, he was mainly instru- mental in establishing, and for awhile supporting a Dissenting Acad- emy at Newport Pagnell, which was placed under the tuition of the Rev. William Bull, whose son the Rev. T. P. Bull, and grandson the Rev. Josiah Bull, continued till its recent extinction to conduct its studies ; and who exhibited the very rare occurrence of men of three generations being pastors of the same .church, and tutors in the same college. Mr. Thornton, as intimated above, extended his pat- ronage and pecuniary assistance to the institution at Marlborough, under the direction of the Rev. Cornelius Winter, and thus was brought into connection with Mr. Jay, towards whose support he contributed while passing through his academic course. Mr. Thornton spent myriads of pounds in the purchase of livings for Evangelical preachers ; in the erection and enlargement of places of worship, both in the Church of England and among Dissenters • in sending out Bibles and religious books by his ships to various parts of the world ; and in numerous other ways. Nor was his be- neficence confined exclusively to religious objects. ‘‘Mr. Newton,” says Mr. Bull, in a letter I lately received from him, “ told my fa- ther, that while he (Mr. N.) was at Olney, he had received from Mr. Thornton more than £2,000 for the poor of that place. He not only,” continues Mr. Bull, “ gave largely, but he gave wisely. He kept a regular account (not for ostentation or the gratification of vanity, but for method) of every pound he gave in a large ledger which he •once showed me. I was then a boy, and I remarked on every page 46 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF self. I was neither required to consent nor refuse ; though, had I been, the latter I am persuaded would have been the result. My views upon some subjects have always been firm , though moderate, and allowing me to distinguish between preference and exclusion, and leaving every one to follow his own conviction.* One of the advantages of a smaller academy like that at Marlborough was its assuming a kind of do- mestic character, and associating us more with the tu- tor himself. A freer and more intimate access to the tutor is sadly wanting in some, yea, I fear in all our public institutions. It is not enough for the student was an appropriate text. With him, his givings were made a mat- ter of business, as Cowper says in an Elegy he wrote upon him — “ Thou hadst an industry in doing good. Restless as his who toils and sweats for food.” Such was the man to whom Mr. Jay stood indebted in part for his support during the term of his education. The good Churchman, and the eminent Nonconformist, have met in that world where these designations have no place ; and does the one regret that he lifted his hand above the ecclesiastical barriers to extend his beneficence to him that stood on the other side of it ? Or does the other blush to recollect that he stood indebted to the Churchman for his love and liberality ? Such mention as this is due to Mr. Thornton in the present volume. * Referring to this subject many years after in a letter, he says, — “ Our preaching is too commonly of a cast I am sorry to say not the most calculated to do good. The mathematics and classics are good in their places ; but unless men have something else, they will never make ministers of the New Testament. How thankful I am that I did not when a student (as some of my Episcopalian support- ers recommended) leave Mr. Winter’s to go to Oxford, where I must have been five or six years before I could be ordained ; when during that time I was preaching the gospel to thousands, and saving souls.” Bath July 14, 1846. THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 47 to hear his tutor regularly and formally lecture. There are things of great importance, especially to his experience, and conduct, and character, some of which are too delicate, and many of which are too minute, to be here brought forward. These can only be supplied properly by personal intercourse and converse. In this respect (oh that I had profited more by it !) I had a peculiar privilege ; for, as I was so young, Mr. Win- ter felt a more parental relation towards me ; and, be- sides the freedom we all had in the family, he never walked out in the morning or evening but I was al- ways by his side. I frequently also accompanied him when he took an excursion for a few days from home. With what gratitude do I look back to these hours, and thank God for my distinguished intimacy with such a celestial spirit, and how often has it led me to exclaim — “ When one that holds communion with the skies, Has filled his urn where those pure waters rise, And once more mingles with us meaner things, ’Tis even as if an angel shook his wings ; Immortal fragrance fills the circuit wide, That tells us whence his treasures are supplied.” I am, &c. [As an appendix to this letter, we should have been happy to supply notices of some of those who were in the Marlborough Academy along with Mr. Jay. But his allusions to them are neither clear nor numer- ous. W e are not informed how many students at a time were under Mr. Winter’s care. Several of those who were there during Mr. Jay’s term or afterwards became ministers of great excellence ; and one at least 48 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. of the number attained a degree jf popularity and usefulness only inferior to that of Mr. Jay. We refer to the late excellent Mr. Griffin, of Portsea, of whom a separate memoir was published some years since. The following List of Students in Mr. Winter’s acad- emy is most probably incomplete ; but it is the best we can furnish : — Rev. W. Jay . Bath. u Mr. Surman ... . Cliesliam, Bucks. it “ Yockney . . . . Staines, Middlesex. a " Wood .... . Died while a Student. tt “ Hogg . Entered the Church. ti “ Cliff . Frome. u “ Sloper , Plymouth. u “ Golding. . . . . , Fulwood. a “ Griffin . . . , . Portsea. u “ Underhill . . . . it " Richardson . . . Frampton. « “ Daniel Kingswood. it 4< Lane Wells. LETTER VI. APPLICATIONS FOR 11 THE BOY PREACHER.” — INTRODUCTION TO REY. ROWLAND HILL. — FIRST VISIT TO SURRY , CHAPEL.— HIS INTER- COURSE WITH REY. JOHN NEWTON AND REY. JOHN RYLANP. — INVI- TATIONS TO SETTLE IN LONDON. — HIS INTRODUCTION TO MISS DA- VIES.— RESIDENCE AT CHRISTIAN M ALFORD. — HIS FAREWELL SER- MON, AND MR. WINTER’S ADDRESS TO THE READER. My dear Children, — I hardly know how it was that I succeeded in preaching from time to time in such a degree as I did. But I could not be ignorant of the acceptance I met with, and the numbers who followed me ; nor did my too fond and partial tutor keep from me so often as he should have done, the applications he had for “the boy preacher.” I am convinced my motives at this time were right ; for gain and fame seemed perfectly out of the question. This simplicity of intention much helped me in studying and speak- ing; for it is only as the eye is single that the whole body is full of light. After having for some time been confined to village efforts, I was elevated to preach occasionally in some of the respectable congregations both in the neighboring and remoter towns. Here also I found favor ; and from report and observation I began to think I possessed something more than I had formerly been 3 50 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF aware of, and I supposed (I trust I may say this with- out arrogan ce) what it was, and that it might be im- proved ; and that it would be my wisdom to adhere chiefly to it. I knew some attainments were not in my power ; and that few individuals ever had talent enough to excel in many , or even in several things. A remark had struck me in reading Johnson’s Life of Watts, in which he says, “The reason why the an- cients surpassed the moderns was their greater modes- ty. They had a juster conception of the limitation of human powers; and, despairing of universal eminence, they confined their application to one thing, instead of expanding it over a wider surface.” I cannot deny that even at this time I felt enough to excite and encourage a moderate hope that by the blessing of God in the diligent use of means, I might become a preacher of some little distinction. The work also appeared the noblest under heaven, and to be a sufficient employment in itself. To this, therefore (not entirely neglecting other things), I resolved more peculiarly to dedicate myself, keeping as much as pos- sible from encroachments, and endeavoring to make everything not only subordinate but subservient to my chosen and beloved aim. Nor, though it may seem vain, could I state things truly and fully unless I observed also that I perceived some common failings in preaching which I thought might be avoided, and some sources of attraction, im- pression, and improvement, that might at least be es- sayed with propriety. Of course I refer more immedi- ately to the state of the pulpit in the religious connec- tions in which I moved. It is probable my meaning will be explained and exemplified before the close of THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 51 these letters. But in what I have here intimated I am certain I judged from my own views and feelings. I also left nothing to mere speculation. I tried the case, in some humble degree, and my conviction was in- creased by a measure of success. As I was now leaving Mr. Winter, after too short and imperfect a course of preparation, I came in con- tact with the Rev. Rowland Hill, who, with the per- mission and approbation of my tutor, engaged me for a season to go to London, to supply Surrey Chapel. This indeed was a formidable engagement, but I was carried through it far beyond my expectations. The place, though so large, was soon crowded to excess ; and when I preached my last sermon, the yard before the dwelling-house was filled with the lingering multi- tude, who would not disperse till I had bidden them farewell from the window.* This visit to London was, with regard to myself, a very important and influential event. It gave me an enlarged publicity. f It led to a friendship between Mr. Hill and myself which continued till his death. * As nearly as we have been able to ascertain by a comparison of dates, this first visit to Surrey Chapel, which had so important an influence upon the subsequent career of Mr. Jay, took place in the year 1788. f In the Preface to the Sermon entitled “The Wife’s Advocate/' Mr. Jay relates the following fact relative to this visit: — “When the author, if he may be excused a reference to himself* quite a youth, first went to London, and wa3 all anxiety to hear the preachers of the famed metropolis, he was told by a friend that if he wished to hear a good doctrinal sermon, he must hear Mr. ; if an experimental, he must hear Mr. ; and if a practical, he must hear Mr. ■. And he well remembers simply asking, “ But is there no minister here who preaches all these ? I should rather hear him.” 52 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF It involved me in an engagement to supply Surrey Chapel for a number of Sabbaths annually. It brought me into a very intimate intercourse with, and subserviency to, that extraordinary character, the Rev. John Eyland, of Northampton, the father of the late Dr. Ryland, of Bristol. It placed me under the notice, and gave me a share in the affection, of that most es- timable man of God, the Rev. John Newton, rector of St. Mary’s, Woolnoth; and it also laid the foundation of my acquaintance with, and admiration of, your en- tirely beloved and esteemed mother. Before I left town I received applications to settle ; but owing to my yonth, and being anxious before I became a pastor to secure more preparation for the of fice, I declined them all, and retired to Christian Mai ford, near Chippenham. This was a small but to me an interesting village, as I had often preached there while a student, and as here Mr. Winter himself for some time had resided, and labored in his earlier min- istry, as may be seen in his memoirs. My salary was to be £35 a-year ; but my wants were few, and a con- siderable tradesman (who had married Mr. Winter’s niece) promised to board me gratuitously. Here I was rich compared with the prophet in the house of the Shunamite, who had only u a little chamber on the wall, and a bed., and a table, and a stool, and a candle- stick.” I was therefore as to accommodation and pro- vision perfectly satisfied, and free from all worldly care. Here (it was much my wish in going there) I hoped to find abstraction, and to pursue my improvement. But my design and expectation failed me in no small degree. My own stock of books was very scanty, and there was no public library to which I could have THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 53 access. My purse did not allow me to buy, and there was no one from whom I could borrow. I had also become previously too well known in most of our neighboring congregations to be left unsolicited when they had a lack of service. I was, therefore, urged constantly to preach abroad, and I had not the courage and firmness which time gives one, to say “ No” to importunity; for, as Mr. Cecil remarks, “A minister should never be to be had.” Here in my little volume of life you will have to turn over another leaf. In the meantime, I am, &c. [The reader will, we trust, not be displeased at an interruption here for the purpose of introducing to him some extracts from the sermon which Mr. Jay preached and published on the occasion of quitting this his first station. The fact of the very early ap- pearance of this sermon in print, is of itself interest- ing ; but the great excellence of the farewell words from so young a minister will gratify all who admire Mr. Jay’s character and writings, but few of whom can ever have seen that sermon. It so pleased his excellent tutor, that, though he had before dissuaded him from printing when urged by partial friends, yet he not only consented to the publication of this sermon, but himself wrote a prefatory address to the reader, which, as it is an expression of affectionate regard for Mr. Jay and a relic of the excellent tutor, we shall in- sert it entire, together with so much of Mr. Jay’s ser- mon as refer* to the solemn farewell.] 54 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF EXTRACT FROM HIS FAREWELL SERMON PREACHED AT CHRISTIAN MALFORD. [Mr. Winter’s “Address to the Reader,” prefixed to this sermon, is so interesting in reference to Mr. Jay, that we are persuaded our readers will be happy to read it.] Mr. Winter's “ Address to the Reader .” Soon after Mr. J ay’s public appearance several of his friends were desirous of reading some of those ser- mons which they had heard with pleasure. I had in- fluence enough with him to overrule the motion, and my reasons for interfering may easily be conjectured. The subjects were common, and in a variety of forms had been treated by the most able ministers, whose years and experience gava weight to their observa- tions. The sermon preached at the opening of Mr. Tup- pen’s Chapel at Bath, however, found its way to the press, through the request of many who heard it. The subsequent sermon is published at my particular de- sire. On being informed of the impression it made at the time of delivery, I desired to read it. I cannot but think it will gratify some, as it did me, — no doubt it will those who heard it preached. It was the pro- duction of a Saturday evening, and the writer had not the most distant thoughts of its coming abroad. A special notice taken of, and an address made to, indi- viduals of a congregation in the body of a discourse such as Mr. and Mrs. Prior received, is unusual, but local circumstances justified it on the present occasion ; THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 55 and it may serve as a specimen of tlie difficulty with which the Gospel is supported in many of our vil- lages. My principal design in this advertisement is to lake the blame of the publication to myself, if it de- serves any, and to screen the youth from reflection. Whether it will be thought wise or weak by the 'speculatist is not, I am persuaded, what Mr. Jay will be concerned about, so much as whether it may con- duce to answer the end he had in view when he preached it, — the profit of many that they may be saved, and for which he is willing to renounce the praise of man. If I mistake not, the sermon is ex- pressive of a proper spirit, and may safely be imitated by young men, who too frequently break their first connections with acrimony and reflection, that betrays resentment of injuries, either real or imaginary, and impatience of contradiction. Like all other congregations, that at Christian Mal- ford has those in it who are not properly sensible of the blessings of the Gospel, — are prone to cavil at what they have, and to want what they have not. But the best and the greatest part are otherwise minded. It is a poor congregation, which has undergone many revolutions, and includes a small society over which I was ordained ; and with which, from my great attach- ment to rural retirement, I had a desire to live and die. Though I left them of necessity, I intended to give them all the assistance I could, and when I opened my little seminary, I had my eye upon them as a proper people with whom my young friends might with advantage make their first exertions. They have shared as largely in Mr. Jay’s affections as they have of mine, but I never supposed he would continue with them. 56 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF He who stations the stars, has the disposal of his min- isters ; and in subordination to his wise and righteous appointment, the qualification of ministers should de- termine the propriety of their situation. Men of the most distinguished ability, if disposed to exert themselves, might diffuse their light where it would be improper for them to fix their residence ; and by their occasional services might help such in- digent country congregations as that at Christian Mal- ford to advantage. The. necessity of raising and pre- serving such societies is obvious to a thinking man, influenced with proper zeal for the spread of vital godliness. Parochial instruction is, in general, too superficial and abstruse. It does not enough respect the first principles of religion ; and what it does in- culcate is without that solemnity, fervor, and perspic- uity that is necessary to render it effectual. As the poor want more condescension than in common is shown to them, so their minds require more labor than in general is bestowed upon them. An attention to this I always inculcated upon Mr. Jay ; and, blessed be God, he has learned to stoop to the child. If I de- tain the reader a moment longer from the sermon, it is only to add a hint on the importance of my breth- ren in the ministry making such congregations as that we refer to the object of their benevolent attention, as far as circumstances will admit. The tedious hours of many old people are hereby well employed, and their minds fed with knowledge. Mothers of young children, who by maternal duties are prevented from going far distant from their habitations, partake of the benefit ; and servants who are restricted in their time find their advantage from it. The glory of God and !he rev. william jay. 57 the salvation of souls are concerned in it. By this means living expositors supply the place of printed expositions ; and a propef attention being paid to the narrow capacity of the poor illiterate peasants, their understanding is informed, while their affections^are ani- mated. By the blessing of God upon our endeavors, they acquire proper ideas of a church, and without en- gaging in the clamors of controversy, silently and modestly organize themselves into such societies as they have examples of in the Sacred Records. Though they may be destitute of the splendor of the world, they have the sanction of God, and the neighboring minister or evangelical student — for they are incom- petent to support a pastor — finds pleasure and profit. But every such village has not the advantage of a stu- dent disposed or permitted to lay out himself, and be- stow the first fruits of his studies upon its inhabitants, and the accomplished academic thinks it too great a stoop for him to make. The luxuries of the study, the laborious attention given to the turning of the period, the ceremonious and time-wasting visits, and the large portion of time spent in decorating his per- son, prevent attention to the pursuit after souls in this humble way. We admire, then, the providence of God that selects from the laity, men of genius and spirituality more than sufficient to supply their place, nor do we startle though they should be called Method- ists. By the effect of their labors, we perceive them to be the servants of the Most High God, who show unto men the way of salvation, and contribute to the common cause of Christianity. That a reserve of such a blessing may be always made for the people who heard, and now may read, the subsequent sermon ; and 3 * 58 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF that the word may be preached in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance, is the prayer of their affectionate and devoted friend, Cornelius Winter. CONCLUSION OF MR. JAY’S FAREWELL SERMON, AT CHRISTIAN M ALFORD. We are now dissolving a very tender connection, and it yields matter for mutual humiliation. My success has not equalled my acceptance. It becomes you to inquire what on your part has prevented it ; and with sorrow to lament that you have not improved the help you have enjoyed. But all the blame is not yours, and, upon a review of my labors, I need not winder that so little good has been done. Pride and levity — the want of spirituality of mind, zeal for God, and love for souls, have corrupted my services, and rendered them unsuccessful. Infirmities, natural and sinful, I have had many. I repent that I have had no more fervency and importunity with you about the concerns of eternity. O, eternity ! eternity ! — that thou hast been no more on the lip of the preacher, and in the ear of the hearer! Yet, blessed be God, I have the testimony of my own mind, and I hope of yours also, that I have not walked in craftiness, nor handled the word of God deceitfully ; but by manifestation of the truth commended myself to every man ? s conscience in the sight of God. Those principles only have been in- culcated upon you which I believed to be consistent with the oracles of truth. Having explained the doc- trine, and enforced the practice, of the gospel — having paid equal regard to the moral and spiritual part of the Word — and having kept back nothing that was essen- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 59 tial for yon to know or do, “ 1 have not slinnned to declare unto you the whole counsel of God.” Having described the guilt of sin, warned the sinner of his danger, directed him where to flee for refuge, and tes- tified repentance towards God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, “ I take you to record, that I am pure from the blood of all men.” What my doctrine and manner of life have been is known to you ; and what my aim and intent has been is known to God. Re- specting the former, I have endeavored “in simplicity and godly sincerity, not by fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, to have my conversation in the world ; but more abundantly to you-ward.” Respecting the latter, I have had the salvation of your souls at heart ; “ for God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ. Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for you is that you may be saved.” With this view, I would now close the subject by reciting a few doctrines, giving you my thanks, and expressing my wishes, fears, and advice. The doctrines which you have heard, and which we pray God may ever sound from this pulpit, include man’s depravity, the redemption of the soul by the blood of Christ, justification by his obedience, and sanctification by his Spirit — or faith and holiness. “Without faith it is impossible to please God,” and “ without holiness no man shall see the Lord.” Where there is faith there will be holiness, and true holiness always springs from faith in Christ. The believer dis- claims merit, but delights in obedience, and walks be- fore God in newness of life. It would be easy to prove of what importance such doctrines are. Be well grounded in them, and pay more attention to them , 60 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF than to those which are of less moment, and which have furnished the world with matter for endless con- troversy. “ Contend earnestly for” these important articles of “ the faith once delivered to the saints,” and beware of hearing or receiving a man who opposes them, lest ye be partaker of his evil deeds. “Be ye not carried about with divers and strange doctrines, for it is a good thing for the heart to be established with grace.” My thanks are due for the respect you have paid me, and for your desires of my continuance. While the love of many cannot be overlooked, it would be very remiss, were I not to notice the kindness of some present, which reflects the greater honor on them, and lays me under peculiar obligations. Our united thanks are due to our dear friends with whom I have resided. Under God, we have been indebted to them for my coming and continuance here. Being unable to sup- port a minister yourselves, I could not have lived among you, had they not generously invited me to their house, and given me my comfortable subsistence. Nor are they unwilling of my continuance ; but have earnestly desired me to continue my connection with their family. “ That which was lacking on your part, they have supplied ; for they have refreshed my spirit and yours ; therefore acknowledge them that are such.” There can be no impropriety, my honored friends, in making this public acknowledgment, “ for this thing has not been done in a corner.” You have exerted yourselves to the uttermost in the cause of your Be- deemer ; yea, and beyond your power you have been willing to discover the sincerity of your love. “Now be that ministereth seed to the sower, both minister THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 61 bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness.” Remember, “ God is not unrighteous to forget your work of faith, and labor of love.” Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper in your body, soul, and family. May your dear children u know the Lord God of their parents, and serve him with a perfect heart and will- ing mind 1” My wishes respect your welfare as individuals, and a society ; that you may order your conversation aright, and love one another with a pure heart fer- vently ; that there may be no root of bitterness spring- ing up among you ; no divisions and contentions ; but that you may live in peace, and the God of peace be with you ; that religion may be visible in the power and practice of it, and that you may neither be barren nor unfruitful in the kingdom of God ! May the seed which has been sown yet spring up, and bring forth much fruit ; may the Lord provide a supply for you, and render future labors more successful ! While I am thus expressing the wishes of my soul, may you be able to say, u The Lord grant thee thy heart’s desire, and fulfil all thy petitions 1” My fears are great and many. I fear lest I have bestowed labor upon you in vain. I fear you have been instructed, warned, exhorted, to no purpose. I fear that while you have been hearing of an inherit- ance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, there are many of you who have no part nor lot in the matter, but are still in the gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity. If our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are :ost. And are there none among you to whom this Gospel is hid? Hid as to the light? 62 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Hid as to the power of it? Are there not many blind minds, hardened hearts, ungodly lives? But, God be thanked ! there are a few, who, though they were the servants of sin, have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered them. O that it was the case with you all ! I would not leave one unconverted person. O how happy would it be to leave you all in a fair way for glory ! But I can- not depart from you so. O, then, ye blind souls, upon whom the light has shined in vain ; ye hardened souls, upon whom the Word has made no impression; ye deluded souls, who have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof ; — I fear for you, and I will weep in secret, when my tongue cannot reach you. Let my concern be yours. How is it that you are so un- alarmed ? Can you rest secure under such a load of guilt ? Can you expect a certain fearful looking for of judgment, and be unconcerned ? What ! are there so many Sabbaths, sermons, exhortations, gone never to be recalled, and not afraid? Like the jailer, may you fear, and tremble, and cry, “ What shall I do to be saved?” But this is not the case. I have then an- other fear that I must rise up in judgment to condemn you. Dreadful ! What ! be the means of increasing their condemnation whom I would gladly save ? Soon we must all stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, to give an account of our preaching and hearing? May each of us then be able to do it with joy and not with grief ! It would yield a minister much pleasure, had he reason to conclude that all the people now com- mit ted to his care would then prove his joy and crown of rejoicing. But, should he be unsuccessful, yet if he be faithful, he shall not lose his reward. “ Though THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 63 Israel be not gathered, yet shall he be glorious in the eyes of the Lord.” “For we are unto God a sweet savor of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish ; to the one we are a savor of death unto death, and to the other a savor of life unto life.” My advice respects you as as sinners and saints. If you are sinners of any description whatever, I exhort you to inquire into your true state, your heinous guilt, your dreadful danger. Lay yourselves open to your inspection. View yourselves in the glass of the law. Believe that you are what the word of God represents you to be, — “ miserable, and wretched, and poor, and blind, and naked.” Pray for the wisdom that cometh from above, that you may know the value of your immortal souls, and the excellency of Jesus Christ. Search the Scriptures with prayer for an understand- ing heart. Depend on Christ alone for salvation. ’Tis at your peril you neglect him. There is none other name by which you can be saved. But in him you will find plenteous redemption. Come, and welcome. He will not cast you out. He waits to be gracious. And you, my dear young friends, what shall I say to you? My heart feels for you. The enemy of souls eyes you as his prey; disappoint his hope. Beware of the snares of the world, and particularly of an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. Give up yourselves to the Lord by an early dedication, and you will find that his ways are ways of pleasant- ness and all his paths peace. Your tears now at my departure show your affection for me. You have given many evidences of it. Give one more. ’Tis mj r parting request. Recollect the many exhortations I have given you. Remember your Creator in the 64 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF days of your youth. Seek him early, and you shall find him. I can rejoice with those of you who know the Lord. You have begun well, but you must go forward and hold out to the end. Pray for an increase of grace. Let the Lord always be before you. Converse much with him, and keep up a holy, happy communion. Live in continual dependence on his mercy and power for every supply you need. Act for his honor and praise. Prefer this to all pleasure and interest of your own. Whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. Grow not indifferent in his service, but be zealous for every good word and work. And, as you would be happy in time or eter- nity, be ye holy in all manner of conversation and godliness, looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Herein I give my advice. W ere these to be my last words, I know not what I could press upon you of greater importance. Let me prevail with you to have a proper regard to what has been said, and remember it has been given out of love to your best and eternal interest. ? Tis not because I seek myself, but your sal- vation, that I thus speak. I utter the dictates of affec- tion. Let, then, the parting advice of one who sin- cerely loves you be received and followed. “ Where- fore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know your labor shall not be in vain in the Lord. Only let your conversation be as becometh the Gospel, that whether I come and see you, or else am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 65 in one spirit, with, one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among them that are sanctified. Finally, brethren, farewell . Be perfect ; be of good comfort ; be of one mind ; live in peace, and the God of peace shall be with you,” LETTER VII. MEETS W ,TH LADY MAXWELL : — SUPPLIES HOPE OHAPEL AT THE HOT- WELLS .* — iCQUAINTANCE WITH THE REY. T. TUPPEN : — PREACHES DURING HIS ILLNESS : OPENING OF AEGYLE CHAPEL, BUILT FOR MR. TUPPEN: — EXTRACTS FROM HIS SERMON ON THE OCCASION: — DYING CHAMBER OF MR. TUPPEN : UNANIMOUS INVITATION OF MR. JAY TO THE PASTORATE ORDINATION SERVICE : MR. JAY’S CONFESSION OF FAITH : EXTRACT FROM MR. WINTER’S CHARGE TO THE PASTOR : — -ADDRESS BY ME. JAY PREFIXED TO THE ORDINA- TION SERVICE. My dear Children, — After more than a year in the situation I have described, and where my improve- ment was not great (though it might have been great- er with more prudence and diligence), I met with Lady Maxwell in Bristol, to whom now belonged Hope Chapel at the Hotwells. I hardty know how it was (for I did not feel entirely convinced of the propriety of the measure), but she prevailed upon me to supply this chapel, which had not been very long opened. My preaching always filled the place, and I hope good was done. I not only heard of various instances of conversion, but three of those who were awakened by my labors while there became preachers themselves, were ordained over congregations, and died in the faith of Christ. Here I continued about twelve months, and here it AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 67 is probable I should still have continued (as 1 was pressed both by her ladyship and the people to be- come the stated minister) ; but a difference with the sub-governess, who managed, during her ladyship’s absence in Scotland, the temporal concerns (and who had no objection to interfere with the spiritual), ac- tuated me to resolve to withdraw. Perhaps there was mutual blame, as there generally is in such cases ; and therefore the apostle says, “ forgiving one another,” as if it were necessary for the pardon to pass from side to side. However this was, I certainly considered Mrs. C. an excellent woman, and I respect her memory, and am not ignorant how God blessed her endeavors with her children. But, with all my regard for the sex, and submission in domestic affairs, I do not plead for female ecclesiastical rule, whether supreme or sub- ordinate. The Lord determines the bounds of our habitations ; and the events that move us from one place to another are as much under the direction of his providence, as the fiery cloudy pillar which was the conductor of the Israelites in the wilderness. But on what apparently casual and slender causes do consequences the most interesting in our history often hinge ! At the very time of this difference came an invitation from the In- dependent Church at Bath, then destitute by the death of their very able and worthy pastor, Rev. Thomas Tuppen. This (as I was no stranger to the place and the people, having several times preached there during their pastor’s indisposition) I soon accepted ; and so my residence was fixed in that far-famed city. I know not whether it is common for persons not to seem to themselves at home till they are in the proper 68 . AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF places designed for them. I know it was thus with me. I never felt that I was where I ought to be, or was likely to remain, till I became, as a preacher, an inhabitant of Bath ; but from that time I said, “ This is my destination, whatever be its duties or trials and it was additionally satisfying to understand that this was the conviction of all my friends and brethren in the Gospel. This being the case, and as I have been there for more than fifty -three years, “ Preliminary to the last retreat,” and as so much of my ministry is connected with it, it may be expected that I should notice what led to it. Here, again, I am not going to insinuate anything supernatural, but several rather striking circumstances concurred to produce the result ; and “ whoso is wise and will observe these things, even he shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord.” During my first visit to Surrey Chapel, already men- tioned, Mr. Tuppen happened to be in London, and frequently heard me there. After his return to Bath, he spoke of me with much kindness of manner to many of his people. Hence, when he was laid aside by sickness, the deacons applied to me (being then at Christian Malford) to supply for a season their lack of service. I complied ; and considering what was to fol- low, my first text has been since frequently remarked : it was,- — “ What I do, thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter.” Mr. Tuppen after a short time revived, but soon relapsed again, and his illness was severe and long ; yet some fond hopes were entertained THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 69 of his recovery, and this occasioned delay in the open- ing of Argyle Chapel, which, encouraged by the promised help of Lady Glenorchy, and excited by his growing success, he had been induced to build ; for he naturally wished (and his hearers also) that he who had been the instrument to rear it, should open :t himself. At length, however, it was deemed ex- pedient to wait no longer for the dedication ; I was therefore applied to for this purpose, and preached both parts of the day. The sermon, particularly suit- ed for the occasion, was from the words, “ The hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth ; for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” — John, iv. 23, 24. This sermon was, by desire, published. (The service took place, Oct. 4, 1789.) [The insertion here of two or three extracts from this sermon, will not be displeasing to the reader. It was the first of all his publications, and displays a ma- turity and correctness of judgment, as well as earnest- ness and simplicity of manner, truly admirable in a minister so young, being then little more than twenty years of age. How gratifying is the consideration that this early promise of excellence was so fully realized, and so long, in the very place, the opening of which so unexpectedly devolved upon him ! Little did he conceive or imagine that that was the begin- ning of days to him, — that he was opening his own and his only chapel, and commencing a pastorate un- usually long, happy, and useful !] 70 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF 44 When that universal revival and spread of relig- ion shall commence, by which the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the seas ; we may expect to come nearer to the wor- ship of the inhabitants of the upper world, and more intimately partake of their joys. Before that event- ful period, ’tis more than probable, many congrega- tions of worshippers will successively occupy this house. Those who at present use it should be con- cerned to know that they are in the number of the true worshippers, lest they should be repulsed when most sanguine about their acceptance, and be denied admission into the company of those 4 nations who are appointed to worship God before the throne.’ ” f y, .v- ,y> -V- ,y. Tv TV W W 7V 44 You will soon change your place, but not your employment, only you will worship without weariness, imperfection, or end. If now you can turn to God and say, 4 Lord thou knowest all things, I have loved the habitation of thine house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth, your souls will not be gathered with sinners, nor your lives with bloody men.’ God will receive you to himself, advance you to his tem- ple above, that where he is, there his children may be also. His gracious properties recorded in his word, are not only descriptive of what he has been to his people of old, but of what he is, and of what he will be to his children forever.” vfr “ God is not confined. He is no respecter of places or persons ; 4 but in every nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousness, is accepted of him. There is now neither Jew nor Greek, barbarian, Scythian, THE iVEY. WILLIAM JAY. 1 bond nor free, but Christ is all and in all. For in Christ, neither circumcision availeth anything, nor un- circumcision, but faith which worketh by love.’ It argues our exceeding ignorance when we should limit the Holy One of Israel to temples made with hands ; and when our bigotry and attachment to any par- ticular society lead us to exclaim, 1 The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are we !’ Nothing makes a people dear to God but their conformity to him ; nor a place of worship sacred, but the Divine presence. In point of external sanctity, all places are equal to Him, who hath said, L The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool ; where is the house that ye build unto me/ &c., &c. — Isaiah, lxvi. 1, 2.” “ 0 thou God of all grace, send out thy light and thy truth, that all may know thee, from the least even to the greatest ! When the Jew shall be called in, with the fulness of the Gentiles, and when neither in this nor that place only shall men worship the Father, but all shall worship him in spirit and in truth. “Let us bless God for revelation, and the extent of its discovery ; for the predictions and promises yet to be accomplished ; for the Gospel which sounds in our „ ears ; for the ordinances upon which we attend ; for every convenience for his worship ; and that 1 we can sit under our own vine and fig-tree, none daring to make us afraid.’ He hath not dealt so with any na- tion ; and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the Lord.” * * * * * “ This being the house of prayer, and the place where the attention of sinners is called to the living God, we have reason to bless the Providence by which it has 72 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF been raised ; and the expression of our gratitude must be enlarged, when we reflect upon the blessing and success that has attended the ministry of our honored but afflicted friend ; by whom a worshipping assembly has been collected, and for whose convenience this building has been erected. We by no means confine the Lord and his work to this house, or suppose the place has any holiness in it, any more than ’tis dedicated to God, and appropriated to his service. ’Tis not built in opposition to our fellow-christians of different per- suasions, but to promote the common interest of Christianity. The population of this respectable city increases, and with it, blessed be God, 4 the number of believers are multiplied.’ Should this house be one of the nurseries of heaven, the end of its erection will be answered. We take it for granted, that the grace of God will prevent our fellow-christians from looking upon it with an envious eye, and lead them to pray for its prosperity ; and that 4 if Christ is preached, they rejoice and will rejoice.’ To the lovers of Ca- tholicism, and those who regard the honor that cometh from God, it must be pleasing to find here a house where the minister of Christ may deliver what he has received from the Lord, though he does not choose to ap- pear under episcopal sanction. May the man of God, through whose instrumentality it was first begun, and whose eyes see it occupied, live long to sound his Re- deemer’s praise therein, and find the fruit of his labors in the conversion of sinners, and increase of grace to all that believe.” [Mr. Jay continues his letter thus :] When Mr. Tuppen’s recovery was quite despaired THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 73 of, the deacons of the church repaired to his dying chamber, and expressed a wish to have his advice and recommendation with regard to his successor, observ- ing that though his opinion might not absolutely de- termine the choice of the people, it would tend much to influence, unite, and guide them. He only and in- stantly mentioned my name ; and as this fell in with the conviction and wish, both of the members and the attendants, I was immediately invited to take the pas- torate. I accepted the call, and was in due time or- dained over them in the Lord. At this solemnity my venerated tutor prayed, (I think I hear that prayer now,) and gave me the charge, while the Eev. John Adams of Salisbury preached on the duties of the people. Some things usual on such occasions were waived, and the order of the service altered as well as curtailed. For this some of my brethren censure a me ; and for which I have, nearly ever since, censured my- self. The alteration originated in nothing commenda- ble, — I was for the moment improperly influenced by the friendship and talents of a man who was wanting in sobriety of mind, and often affected singularity. But it is better to gain distinction by regularly going in “the king’s highway,” than by tumbling on the road, or breaking through the hedge. I much approve of the usual method of ordination among our dissenters and their fathers before them. It is lawful, it is ex- pedient, it is profitable, and falls in with the spirit and principles, and rule and mode of the New Testa- ment. I have long been afraid of whims and vagaries, and new discoveries in religion ; and have been con- tent to go forth by the footsteps of the flock, and to walk in the good old way. I have felt increasingly 4 74 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF disposed to tolerate rather than innovate. I may not admire everything I find in my own party or de- nomination ; but I would not divide from them for every trifling difference of opinion. I must not, in- deed, sin in violating the convictions of my conscience ; but in how many cases may the question and the ad- monition be safely applied, “ Hast thou faith ? have it to thyself before God.” I am, &c. [This is the proper place for introducing into the narrative some extracts from the very interesting ser- vice of Mr. Jay’s ordination — particularly his address to his congregation, which is prefixed to the pamphlet — and his own statement of principles, technically called the Confession of Faith. As both these documents have an intimate connection with his autobiography, are not now to be obtained, and possess great intrinsic excellence, we have thought it desirable to preserve them entire, with a short extract from the charge by Mr. Winter.] AN ADDRESS TO THE CONGREGATION, PREFIXED TO THE ORDINATION SERVICE. Dear and Honored Friends. — Though I was as forward as yourselves for the publication of the other parts of the service, I was averse to the publication of the several thoughts I delivered on the same occasion ; nor should I have sent them abroad, had it not been for repeated solicitation, and for the sake of those im- portant instructions which were not to make their ap- pearance without them. My reluctance did not arise from an over-nice delicacy, or from a fear of the dis- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 75 covery of my. creed ; but from a persuasion of its in- utility, my sentiments having been all along fully known, and the design of the work of the day equally answered without it. The intention of it was not to bring to light our proceedings — it was not to make a pastor or declare a person to be one — it was not to unite us or to ratify such a union — much less was it to invest with any new power, or authorize an admin- istration of the ordinance. The simple design of it was to receive instruction, in order to impress us with a sense of our mutual duties, and to implore the God of all grace to bless us “ with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.’’ As I had taken no minutes of what I delivered, I feared I should be unable to recollect it so far as to give satisfaction ; however, I may venture to say from several testimonies, that the address which you now see is the same which you lately heard. I did not absolutely determine to say anything on the occasion. I left it to the freedom of my mind, and finding in- clination and liberty, I spake freely, regardless of the studied plan of confessional system. The glorious Gospel of the blessed God our Saviour is the great object of our attention as minister and people ; this only am I allowed to preach, this only are you allowed to hear. If I mistake not, the sub- stance is to be found in the following pages. Some, probably, will deem my creed deficient ; such should remember that I have not here delivered all my senti- ments, or everything relative to one of them. It is enough if I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth Jesus Christ and him crucified. The apostle determined to know nothing. in comparison with it. 76 AUTOBIOGRAPHY CF He began his ministry by delivering “first of ail, that which he also received, how that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures.” And it is more than probable he ended in a similar manner, saying, “ God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” He is “ the author and finisher of our faith his obedience and sacrifice the alpha and omega of the Gospel. No other foundation can any man lay than that which is laid. u Now if any build upon this found- ation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stub- ble, every man’s work shall be made manifest, for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire.” Blessed be God, many of you know and are assured that the fall of man, the redemption of Christ, the work of the Spirit, and many other things in- separable from them, far from being opinions, are facts — facts which may be opposed — facts which can never be overturned. Perhaps some of you are poor and illiterate, are not able to dispute their truth, or solve the objections with which they have been loaded, — but you are as satisfied of their reality as those who may possess a capacity competent to both. While others are controverting as a notion , whether you are disordered, and whether you are incapable of action, you do not hestitate for a moment ; it is a fact you see, you feel, you groan beneath the sad effects of your deep-rooted malady. While others are controverting as a notion , whether there is such a thing as the sun in the firmament, and whether he benefits the earth, you entertain no doubt it is a fact ; you see its light, you feel its heat, you rejoice in its pleasant influence. To drop metaphor. You are not captives to a blind be- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 77 lief, nor is your faitli tlie child of folly. You do not receive your religion without proof; for while others who are able may judge from outward, you judge from internal evidence ; — while others who are able may determine from the conviction of the mind, you judge from the conviction of the heart. If you “ hold the head,” you will not be “ carried about by strange doctrines.” While others are “ ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth,” “as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so” you will continue to “ walk in him, rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiv- ing.” A disposition for novelty in religious truth is the spring of error running through the flowery field of speculation into the gulf of apostasy. It is the mark of a bad palate when a man is forever seeking fresh food ; and it is an indication of a corrupt mind to despise and neglect common truth. Happy in the possession of what others seek for in vain, you will be satisfied with the word of life which you have known, handled, and tasted. Content with this provision, you will feed and “ grow thereby,” and be nourished up in the words of faith and sound doctrine. While oth- ers are strangers to a peace of understanding, their understanding being perpetually on the search, not knowing where to settle, you will come to a point, and be able to make an absolute, unhesitating conclusion. And while their mind “like a wave of the sea be driven to and fro and tossed” on the ocean of uncertainty, till dashed on the rocks of scepticism or infidelity ; you will continue in the things which you have heard, knowing of whom you have learned them ; and “ your 78 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF hearts will be comforted, being knit together in love, unto all the riches of the full assurance of understand- ing, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, of the Father, and of Christ.” You will remember, that by the things which you have heard you are saved, “ if ye keep in memory what has been preached unto you, unless ye have be- lieved in vain.” They are the chief sources of com- fort and the principal motives to duty. “ Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” It unbinds the captive soul from the chains of sin, and releases him from the bondage of misery. Other doc- trines may bring a few persons on the cold legs of custom to a place of worship, and keep them from some enormous crimes ; but they are not effectual “ to turn a sinner from darkness to light, or the power of Satan to God ;” nor can one instance be proved of any nation, society, or individual experiencing a moral change of nature where these truths have been re- nounced. Therefore, we do not plead for them as mere notions, but truths ; we do not plead for them as mere truths, but as truths essential to our holiness and happiness. If people will show us other doctrines which will better answer the purpose of reforming the wicked, of purifying the heart, of supporting the mind under the sorrows of life, and of enabling the soul to rejoice in the dark valley of the shadow of death with joy unspeakable and full of glory, we will believe. But you will observe, that no system of doctrine will serve in the stead of that grace by which the heart is to be renewed, and the life sanctified. Purity of sentiment followed with wicked practice is only “ holding the truth in unrighteousness.” Faith with- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 79 out works is as the body without the spirit, u dead being alone.” He that cherishes it is a “ vain man.” Would God we knew not where to find such a charac- ter ! But alas ! how numerous are the instances of professors discovering immoderate attachment to “ the present evil world and instead of confessing them- selves to be “ strangers and pilgrims upon earth,” seeking a naturalization into its prohibited customs and delusive honors ! Hence so little savor of grace in their conversation — so little spirituality in their de- votions — so little holiness in their lives ! Be not con- formed to them. “ Adorn the doctrine of God your Saviour in all things.” Let your practice praise your creed, and your lives do honor to your heads. “ Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called, as heirs of the grace of eternal life ; joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment, striving to- gether for the faith of the gospel.” In our present connection let us never forget our duty and privilege. “ O house of Israel trust thou in the Lord, he is their help and their shield. G house of Aaron trust thou in the Lord, he is their help and their shield. The Lord hath been mindful of us, he will bless us, he will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron. Except the Lord build the house, they la- bor in vain that build it. Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketli but in vain.” u Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he will bring it to pass.” 11 0 satisfy us early with thy mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us ; and establish thou the work of our 80 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.’ 7 [Mr. Jay’s confession of faith delivered at his ordi- nation, January 80, 1791.] A VIEW OF THE GOSPEL ; OR, THE PRINCIPAL MATTER OF AN EVANGELICAL MINISTRY. -“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which also you have received, and wherein ye stand ; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I have preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.” — 1 Cor. xv. 1 . The sacred business in which we are engaged is to commemorate, solemnize, and sanctify by prayer and instruction, the union which the minister and people of this church for a considerable time have formed. Such an union should always be formed with a cau- tious regard to the Divine will, an affectionate concern for immortal souls, and a pleasing hope of being help- ers of each other’s joy. It is a work of the greatest importance because of its consequences, for it is not so much a natural as a spiritual connection ; not so much designed for time as eternity ; not so much to be ap- proved, judged, or censured in the present state, as in the future day, when we must all, in our individual, relative, and public capacity, “ give an account of our- selves unto God.” u To save us with a holy calling not according to our works, but according to his purpose and grace given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,” has been the one grand aim of Jehovah, adhered to in THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 81 eveiy age, in every state of the present system, and universally pursued though all the course of nature and order of Providence. “ Salvation belongeth unto the Lord.” It is his own work. Nor does he detract from his glory as the Author by using instruments to accomplish it. He could have easily done without men, but he is pleased to act with them, and hence some of them are called saviours, the salt of the earth, and the light of the world, because under his Divine influence they communicate spiritual advantage. To make us love one another, which is a great design of religion, God has appointed us to be the means of com- municating his blessings, and under the law made men priests, and under the gospel made ministers “ having infirmity.” He has not commissioned any of the higher orders of intelligences, “ thrones or dominions, principalities or powers,” “ the angels that excel in strength and do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word,” but descending to earth he has sent forth the sons of men; “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, and, lo ! I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” “He gave some apostles ; and some prophets ; and some evangel- ists ; and some pastors and teachers ; for the work of the ministry, for the perfecting of the saints, for the edifying of his body the church.” He will never fail in his instruments while he has any purpose to bring to pass. He may and he does produce changes in his church, removing one and another ; yet he has always a reserve of instruments in his secret intention, and in the due time they are made manifest. He will never leave his work without wit- 4 * 82 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF nesses, or suffer those to perish, for want of provision who u commit the keeping of their souls to him ” “ in well doing.” I hope, my beloved, that you have seen the truth of this remark in the several steps you have taken since your social connection, and that on the present occa- sion you are ready to utter the memory of his good- ness, in the words of the restored Jews, “ He hath done great things for us whereof we are glad.’* Indeed it becomes me to speak with proper modesty on this subject. I am not going to intimate that the Lord has fully repaired your late and deplorable loss.* I am not about to flatter him who now addresses you by placing him on an equality with your dear departed pastor. No. As I am inferior to him in years, so I am inferior to him in grace. As I come behind him in succession of labor, so I come behind him in every natural endowment, in every acquired help, in every spiritual qualification, that can make the shining man, or adorn the illustrious minister. I hope, therefore, none will consider the hint which I am going to drop as in the least tending to make you insensible of your affliction in the death of the great man who has fallen in this Israel. While crea- tures decay and die, “ the Creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not, neither is weary ; there is no search- ing of his understanding.” Immutable in his nature, unfrustrable in his designs, “ his council shall stand, and he will do all his pleasure.” The loss of no in- strument, the loss of no set of instruments, shall render his purpose of none effect; “the thoughts of his heart endure to all generations.” Separate from his bless- * The Rev. Mr. Tuppen, Mr. Jay’s predecessor. THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 83 ing no good can be done ; and, as all success depends on him, lie can work with one as well as with another. 4< Who then is Paul and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man ? So then neither is he that planteth anything, nor he that watereth, but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one ; and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor.” On this occasion I suppose it is expected that several things will be delivered relative to myself; and be- lieving that it is not only looked for but desired, I have no objection to it. Fully satisfied that personal religion is necessary to perform every office in the church with propriety, I should not have entered oil the ministerial work in general, or the pastoral charge in particular, without some satisfactory hope that God had called me by his grace, and revealed his Son in me. An early dedica- tion to God made way for an early dedication to the work of the ministry. I cannot help tracing the hand of God in the whole of this affair. Born to no secular honor, possessed of no fortune, bred up in the shade of obscurity, I had not the least qualification for the work, or the least probability of being brought into it. But the Lord by providential circumstances opened the door, and I was placed under the .care of my dear and honored tutor, Mr. Winter, the best friend I ever had ; to whose character I would bear my public testi- mony ; whose amiable temper, generous disposition, condescending carriage, unceasing friendship I could enlarge upon with pleasure were I not forbid by his presence ; properties which, having been displayed in 84 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF general, and in particular towards me, will ever render his memory dear, and apologize for my feelings on the present occasion. By him I was gradually introduced to the ministry, and went out preaching from place to place as oppor- tunity offered, refusing offers of settlement on account of my age, and satisfied that in due time the Lord would make plain the way, and open a door for stated labor. And I cannot help concluding that he has made plain the way to, and opened a door in, this place ; our attachment has been mutual from the be- ginning, our affection has increased upon acquaintance, and I hope our love will flourish through time, and shine bright to all eternity. As I have believed, so have I spoken. I have advanced no doctrine from the pulpit which I was not satisfied of in my mind ; nor have I kept back from you anything that I conceived profitable for you to know. I never aimed to deliver my ideas to you in ambiguous terms. I never thought I had a tongue given me to cloak my creed and puzzle people. What I have embraced as true, I have without fear or shame openly avowed. Therefore you must fully know my doctrine already ; however ready “ always to give an answer to every man that asketh a reason of the hope that is in me with meekness and fear.” “ Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I have preached unto you, which also you have received, and wherein ye stand, by which also ye are saved if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.” a He that cometh unto God must believe that he is.” This is the foundation of all religion. If there be no THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 85 God, there is no divine law ; if there be no divine law, there is no difference between virtue and vice ; and if there be no difference between virtue and vice, mo- rality can only be, considered in the highest light, a civil thing established by human authority. W ithout an overruling providence we can have no confidence in the Supreme Being : if saints, we shall want the principal solace in adversity ; if sinners, we shall want the principal restraint in prosperity. If we pervert this necessary doctrine by denying a particular providence, we destroy a particular confidence, a par- ticular source of comfort, a particular motive to duty, and give our actions only a^general rule of reference. As we “ believe in God, we must believe also in Jesus Christ.” Man stands related to God and his neighbor. The Divine law considers him in this light, and requires him to love the one with all his heart, and the other as himself. By considering his relation to God as his Creator and Preserver, he may discover how destitute he is of that love, reverence, gratitude, and obedience he owes to him as his Benefactor. By considering his relation to his neighbor, he may dis- cover how destitute he is of that charity and justice which he owes to him as a brother. Thus he finds him- self a transgressor, is led to acknowledge his desert, and is brought to perceive those doctrines by which the religion of Christianity is distinct from, and su- perior to, the religion of nature. The religion of Christianity in whole and part, re- spects man as fallen ; by which I mean a blind, weak, guilty, miserable creature. Therefore the depravity of man is a very material article in an evangelical creed ; and it is an article no less necessary to be be- 86 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP lieved, than easy to be proved, demonstrated through every age, in every country, by every person. The corruption is universal — no part remains uninjured. It is the cause of all actual transgression. The evil practice of the life proceeds from the desperately wicked and deceitful heart ; the tree being bad the fruit is bad ; the spring being corrupt the streams are corrupt also. Our pride is the cause of all “ the filthiness of the spirit,” and the dominion of sense of all “ the filthiness of the flesh.” By the one we are alienated from God, by the other attached to the earth. From hence arises that impotency which the Scripture at- tributes to us, by which we are incapable of faith, re- pentance, and. holiness. If we give up the doctrine of the fall, we preclude all possibility of recovery, like a disordered man who imagines he is well, and therefore refuses the medicine which would recover him from the sad effects of his malady. But, if we are truly convinced that we are sinners, and are unable to deliver ourselves, we shall be suitably disposed for “ the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord.” This knowledge relates to what he is, and represents him to us as “the true God and eternal life,” as made in “ the form of a servant,” and “ manifested in the flesh.” Hence his name is “ Wonderful,” because, while he is the “ Child-born,” and the a Son-given” he is also “ the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.” He is divine, as well as human ; and the same thing which proves him to be the one proves him to be the other ; allowing the word of truth to be judge, I could as well deny that he was the man, as that he was God. To deny the deity of Christ is the same in revealed religion as to deny the being of a God in natural re- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 87 ligion. It is the foundation ; remove it, and the su- perstructure falls ; the doctrines are unintelligible, the promises vain, the precepts weak in their motive, im- pertinent in their application, and inoperative in their influence. But that he is the “Lord God Almighty” is the belief of my mind, and the rejoicing of my heart. There is no name by which “ the living and true God” differs from “false and dumb idols there is no perfection by which the “ God over all” is known from “ the lords many, and the gods many ;” there is no act of worship by which the “ Most High” is dis- tinguished from “the powers which are” receiving ceremonious respect and civil adoration ; there is no work by which “ the Creator” can be discriminated from “the creature,” as to nature, providence, grace, or glory, that is not ascribed to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gospel relates to what he did. It contains his history from the throne to the cross, and from the cross back to the throne. It represents him as under- taking to remove our sins, according to his address to his Father as he comes into the world, “Sacrifice and offerings thou hast not required ; then said I, Lo,- 1 come to do thy will, 0 God ;” “by the which will we are sanctified through the offering up of the body of Jesus Christ.” It discovers him to us as “wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, de- livered for our offences, and rising again for our justifica- tion.” He has realized what the various victims under the law only typified. They made their appearance to show their inefficiency, and to convince “ the comers thereunto” that they stood in need of a better sacrifice, because they could not take away sin. But he, by the once offering up of himself, has forever perfected them 88 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF that are sanctified, so that “ there remains no other,” and there needs no other “ sacrifice ;” by him all that believe “ are justified freely from all things The doctrine of the Atonement, not in the reserved ambiguous way in which many use the term who deny the thing, but “ Christ dying for our sins,” in the proper sense of the expression, I consider as that which con- stitutes the good news, or glad tidings, which the word “Gospel” signifies. It is a great advantage, that by the Gbspel we have so plain and perfect a system of duty ; but it is a degradation of it to suppose it was only designed to republish the law of nature. The intent of the Gospel is indeed to recover us to true holiness ; but for this purpose there was need of some- thing more than a revelation of moral obligation, which is set forth by the apostle : “ Our Saviour Jesus Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works.” Restoration to the Divine favor was the first thing to be provided for and would, of course, be the first concern of every man as soon as hfe found he was “ guilty before God.” To what purpose to lay before a convinced sinner a rule of duty without giving him a ground of hope ? Discover to him pardon for past sins, and assistance for future obedience, and then such a rule would be seasonable ; and this is the order in which the Gospel proceeds, as preached by the apostle : “ And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation, to wit, that God was in Christ reconcil- ing the world unto himself, not imputing their tres- passes unto them. Now then we are ambassadors for THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 89 Christ, as though Gocl did beseech you by us ; we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” There is no other scheme of doctrine which deserves even the name of Gospel . Suppose the Gospel to be only a system of morality requiring that we should u be holy and without blame before him in love.” Here is no good news for the sinner. He has no inclination or ability to be sanctified throughout body, soul, and spirit. Suppose the Gospel treats principally of the resurrection. Here is no good news for the sinner. He is not delighted with the idea of rising again — he would rather remain in the grave forever. Suppose the Gospel only brings “ immortality to light.” Here is no good news for the sinner. He is not pleased with the thought of eternal duration — he would rather cease his continuance. Suppose the Gospel only* a promise of pardon and life, on condition of faith and repentance. Here is no good news for the sinner. It is bad news ; his desire is only irritated to be disappointed — like a person engaging to give me an estate if I will fly to the moon. Or suppose the Gos- pel to be a revelation of absolute mercy as ready to pardon iniquity. Even here is no good news for the sinner, unless he can see a way in which it can come to him agreeable to the character which the Scripture has led him to entertain of God. “ God is holy in all his ways, and righteous in all his works.” Whatever favors he confers as a benefactor, he must preserve his claims as a legislator. Therefore when I begin to be delightel with the glad tidings of mercy, saying, 90 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Spare him, bless him ! I am terrified again by the lan- guage of Justice, Cut him off, destroy him ! It is evi- dent the one, as well as the other, exists, — the one, as well as the other, has its claim. In this case, Mercy shows me the tree of life ; Justice stands with flaming sword to guard it from approach. If we say that we should take the declaration of God, that he will par- don iniquity without any other consideration, and be satisfied of his doing it ; why may we not say, that we should take the declaration that he will punish in- iquity without any other consideration, and be satis- fied of his doing it ? Shall we make the Divine per- fections anything or nothing, magnifying one and de- preciating another ? Is the Divine law to vary in its demand and fail in its execution ? Shall we weaken its authority by dispensing with its penalty ? We can- not do this ; for if the penalty be founded in the fit- ness of things, and agreeable to the Divine perfections ; (and unless it was so, God would never have appointed it,) it follows, that not only we but God himself cannot dispense with it any more than with the whole law. I think no man can rationally hope for pardon unless he can see a way in which God can do it as God , and be u faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all iniquity.” Such a scheme is the Gospel ; it reveals a free, rich, righteous salvation through Jesus Christ, “ set forth as a propitiation for sin, through faith in his blood.” Hence it answers its name ; it is good news, glad tidings. It would be easy to illustrate this view of the Gospel. If there was a man in debt, and I told him a surety had dis- charged him, — if the~e was a man perishing for want, and I told him of provision, — if there was a man des- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 91 titute of clothing, and I told him of raiment, — or if there was a condemned man, and I told him of liberty and life ; who does not see in each case that here would be good news ? Sinner, “ behold, I bring thee glad tidings of great joy.” *Sinner, indebted to Di- vine justice having nothing to pay, behold “ the Surety of a better covenant,” “the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world.” Sinner, perishing with hunger, behold “ the bread of life, whereof if a man eat he shall never die.” Naked soul, here is “ fine raiment that thou mayest be clothed ; that the shame of thy nakedness may not appear.” And thou, poor wretch, writing bitter things against thyself, condemned by the holy law, crying, Where shall I flee for refuge ? “ believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” In order that the Gospel might be of advantage to us, faith is necessary. In whatever way the blessings of salvation are represented, faith is requisite to a proper enjoyment of them. One should imagine that benefits calculated to relieve our wants, and make us eternally happy, presented to us in the Gospel, would be eagerly embraced. But this is far from being the case. The pride of the human heart scorns to stoop, it hates obligation, it affects an independence. It will not submit to the righteousness which is of God ; it would rather patch up a shelter than “ fly for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before it in the Gospel.” Therefore the operation of the Spirit is necessary. This is one of the principal glories of the evangelical dispensation ; and it shall be my endeavor to show my hearers that their regeneration, advance in holiness, support under trouble, final perseverance, everlasting 92 AUT0BI0C4RAPHY of triumph over all the cursed effects of sin, depend on the agency of the Holy Spirit. Revelation is no soon- er admitted than reason confirms, this truth. We al- low that the miraculous operations of the Holy Spirit have ceased, because their necessity has ceased — but we affirm that his ordinary operations continue, because the necessity of them continues. Why was the Spirit given forth upon the folio wers of the Apostles ? To sanctify them. Have we less need or more ability for sanctification than they had ? It was given to “ shed abroad the love of God in their hearts.” Have we more spiritual, more fervent affections ? It was given to help their infirmities. Have we less weakness ? It was given to bear witness with their spirits that they were the children of God. Have we no need of this testimony to assure our hearts before him ? To deny the influences of the Spirit is to relax the energy of the Gospel, and turn the church into a valley of dry bones. To suppose an innate efficacy in the word to produce faith is to suppose an innate virtue in the sun i to produce a plant. The seed must be there previous- j ly before the one or the other can bring forth fruit, j To talk of the fitness of things, the beauty of virtue,^ the union of moral and natural good and evil, is good! in its nature and true in its fact ; and upon men whcr are truly wise and well-disposed may have influence but this is not forcible enough to disentangle the hearer which is already an enemy to reason, allied to vice* sunk in sensuality, enslaved by appetite and passio^ To produce faith is solely the prerogative of God ; vm r own, indeed, that the word is a mean in his hand, b® r deny that it possesses any power to do it independer of the Holy Ghost. The Gospel, therefore is calif TIIE REV. WILLIAM JAV. 93 “the ministration of the Spirit,” because his influence renders it efficacious, and continues to make it an in- strument of operation to the end of the world. Holiness is necessary to present peace and future glory. “ Without it no man shall see the Lord ;” and so far is the doctrine of the cross from opposing this truth, that Jesus Christ crucified is the principle and end of it. The man who believes in him believes in him for righteousness. While he disclaims merit he delights in gratitude ; and it is his desire and endeavor to “ walk before God in holiness and righteousness all the days of his life.” He is as much distinguished by his practice as by his creed — his works are evidential of his faith, and his faith is the spring of his works ; for in order to all true holiness, pride and the domin- ion of sense must be destroyed. And what can de- troy the one or the other? Nothing ever has, no- thing ever will, nothing ever can, but faith in Christ crucified. Every other scheme of doctrine which has spread in the world has tended to promote one or the other. But the believer, from his union with the Saviour, experiences the gradual destruction of both, according to the words of the Apostle, “lam crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ liveth in me : and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” As it is the work of God, and he does nothing in me which he did not design to do from eternity, sal- • ation is his own eternal purpose, and the effect of 1 is gracious sovereignty ; u according as he hath cho- us in him, that we should be holy and without ne before him in love; having predestinated us l 94 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to him- self according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace.” And as his pur- pose, and the promises which are the discovery of it, cannot be broken, u the righteous shall hold on his way, and he that hath clean hands shall wax stronger and stronger.” EXTRACT FROM THE CHARGE TO THE REV. WILLIAM JAY, BY THE REV. CORNELIUS WINTER. If you can stand up in this pulpit, or elsewhere, and proclaim, “I certify you, brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of me, and which I now preach, is not after man, for I neither received it of any man, neither was I taught but by the revelation of Jesus Christ,” you will disappoint many who are watching for your halting, and some too of those who, while they are praying the Lord of the harvest that he would thrust forth more laborers into the harvest, are wait- ing for a conviction that he has not commissioned you. Let them turn in hither, and with little pains they may perceive that u a great door and effectual is opened unto you.” It admits you into the work of God under the most promising circumstances. You are not want- ing in abilities for it. You have zeal for God accord- ing to knowledge. You follow a predecessor who in all things showed himself a pattern of good works ; in doctrine, none more evidently could show uncor- ruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech that cannot be condemned. I add, you follow a man whose very reserve furnished something for imitation, whose re- I THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 95 spect deepened and widened in the minds of his friends, as time extended the years of intimacy. That you may follow him as he followed Christ, and contribute, at least, to the advance of that work towards a glorious perfection which he was the instrument of begin- ning, is my fervent prayer, as to see its progress will be a matter of my praise to God. If you follow your predecessor, or imitate him in the different parts of administration, your whole performances will be at- tended with “an odor of a sweet smell.” No part of your duty will be neglected. Like him, you will know w T hen, and where, and how long to visit. The child and the man of hoary hairs will engage your atten- tion ; and whenever you go, “ the word of Christ” will flow freely from you, as well as “ dwell richly in you.” By all means have the eye of your mind fixed upon children and young people. Labor in an especial manner to do them good. Perhaps you will not find it practicable to carry on a continued discourse, but always have a few weighty sentences to direct to them seasonably dropped. In an especial manner I charge you, take care of one* whom my affection would prompt me to mention by name ; have a son by adop- tion before one is born to you, and watch for his soul as one that must give an account. Young people are quick in apprehension, and at- tentive in observing what is adopted in conversation before them. Remember this when you sit in com- pany with your friends, and however cheerful you may be in the tenor of conversation, leave no room for them to make a reflection to this effect — that the lib- erties you take in descanting upon characters are un« * The late Mr. Tuppen’s son. 96 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. becoming the servant of Jesus Christ, and that the levity of the social intercourse is incompatible with the gravity the minister should support. Be cautious of becoming the retailer of idle or evil reports, even when j ustly grounded and deserving of credit ; leave that unforbidden business, and show your friends that such a current is too filthy for the purity of your mind. You cannot with becoming confidence inculcate “ Speak evil of no man,” unless you are careful to avoid being a partaker of the same sin. The minister had better sit in awkward silence, or abruptly depart from the company, than keep up the spirit of conversation in this way. This hint may be taken as characteristic of that prudence and discretion which I would largely recommend and enforce in relation to the whole of your deportment towards this society, the neighboring churches, towards mankind at large. Indeed, my dear friend, you will want it as the guide of your youth, and the companion of your life. As the wisdom that is from above entereth into thine heart, and the knowl- edge of the will of God is pleasant unto thy soul, “ dis- cretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee and if life is continued to that long period to which my wishes extend, it will then admit of a re- view, which, as often as it is taken, will excite thanks- giving to God. LETTER VIII. HIS RESIDENCE AT BATH : — PREDILECTIONS FOR : — CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CONGREGATION : — HARMONY : — ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. My dear Children, — You have seen me inducted into my new, and which has proved my permanent, and is likely to prove my final ecclesiastical connection. Though the charm of novelty soon wore off, the con- gregation still increased. The place has three times been enlarged, yet in its present extent it is too small to meet applications for pews and sittings. During the lengthened period of my pastoral relation how many have I admitted into the church who have adorned their profession ! How many have I also attended to the house appointed for all living ! How much precious dust is reposing in my burying-ground ! “ The fathers, where are they ?” and our brethren too ? yea, and the sons, “ as plants grown up in their youth” ? and the daughters, “ as corner-stones polished dfiter the similitude of a palace” ? where are all these ? I, too, can “ go to the grave to weep there — I also.” My soul desireth the first ripe fruit ; yet we have no reason to despond, but much cause to be thankful. Instead of the fathers are the children. As many in the ranks have fallen, others have been baptized for the dead. The house is filled with inhabitants. The 5 98 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF table is furnished with guests. Peace is within the walls, and prosperity within the palace. It is worthy of grateful acknowledgment, especially considering the restless and disorganizing times in which we have lived, and the discords and divisions in so many churches, that the harmony of this religious in- terest has never been broken. Yet there have been considerable differences of judgment with regard to some measures, and of opinion with regard to some subjects ; and we have not only had mixed communion, but have extended full membership and even office- bearing to our Baptist friends. Yet there has been no jar. “ The dipped and the sprinkled have dwelt in peace.” Bigotry on any side is not to be conquered by bigotry on the other, but by an opposite dispo- sition. This continued state of things is very honor- able to the members and deacons of the church, and shows that their religion has reached the temper as well as the understanding, and inspired them with the meek- ness of wisdom to pursue “ things by which one may edify another.” Should it, in any degree, serve to commend the pastor, it may perhaps, under God, be ascribed to his preferring influence to authority, and resolving to take no part in any party ^difference what- ever. You*knowI always loved peace as well as truth, and liberality, and order. I hardly think I could have taken the charge of any church that indispensably required a candidate for communion to deliver before them an oral account of his conversion and experi- ence ; or to send in a written one. This mode of ad- mission keeps back many who ought to be encouraged to come forward. Such are many females ; such are THE HEW WILLIAM JAY. 99 the weak and timid in spirit ; and such also are those whose religion has been so gradual as to yield none of those striking circumstances which a narrative loves and seeks after. And how often is this the case ! so that the convert can hardly describe anything but the result ; like a man with a plant, who sees indeed the growth, while the growing escapes him. With us, the minister, or one of the officers, or one of the members, converses alone with the individual, and reports the nature and ground of his satisfaction at the church- meeting, when the matter is left for a month, during which inquiries are made after his moral character and deportment; at the end of which, if no objection is advanced, he is admitted. We are not qualified to judge the heart. We are to be influenced by favor- able appearances, and should always lean to the side of charity rather than of suspicion. Some may think this rather dangerous, and affect to be alarmed for the purity of the church ; but we have had from the be- ginning few, very few instances of excommunication or suspension compared with the exactors of more rigid church discipline. The truth is, their requisition never keeps back any improper person who wishes and is resolved to enter. The condition is a cheap pass- port which he can easily procure, so many conversions and experiences being published and sold.* A little before my ordination an event took place the most interesting to my happiness, character and usefulness. I was united to one of the best of women. This was Anne, the eldest daughter of the Rev. Ed- ward Davies, a pious and evangelical clergyman of * This subject is noticed again in Letter XIX., where we hate added a note. 100 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF the Establishment, first rector of Bengeworth, Wor- cestershire, and afterwards of Coy Church. My ac- quaintance with her commenced at my first visit to London. Mr. Winter being acquainted with her ex- cellent father, and knowing that he then resided near Surrey Chapel, wrote a letter to introduce me to him, and to beg that he would kindly notice me, and give me any hints of improvement he might deem neces- sary. I soon called and delivered it. It was then for the first time I saw Miss Davies. During the eight weeks I was preaching at Surrey Chapel, I was often invited to the house, and you will not wonder if some- times I contrived to call without an invitation, for I felt a pleasing and powerful attraction. Yet I was able to act under the impression with some prudence. I concealed my affection as much as possible, till I had more fully observed, and found that observation justi- fied and increased attachment. Yet I returned into the country, and paid another visit to Surrey Chapel before I ventured to make any direct advances. I had some reason to hope that my regard would not be con- temned by the young lady herself. But there were parental difficulties to be overcome, which I can much more easily appreciate and excuse now than I could then. I had no patrimony ; as yet I had nothing fike an official provision, or even proper settlement. I was indeed much followed as a preacher, but it was justly said that popularity was very dangerous and corrupt- ing ; that many had fallen by it ; that I was very young, and my character unformed, and as yet untried. Waiting, of course, was therefore recommended ; and, as an absolute refusal was not given, the counsel was more easily followed. THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 101 My intended must have deemed me rather an awk- ward lover, and not a very satisfactory correspondent, for I always disliked letter-writing, and I had little leisure for courting by post. A part of what some of her sex would have deemed wanting with me, was, I can truly say, the effect of design and principle. I always felt for women who are flattered to adoration before marriage, and obliged to put up with at least comparative neglect and indifference afterwards ; and I resolved to raise no expectations which I could not hope to realize, and not suffer the husband to belie and disgrace the suitor. > I am, &c. LETTER II. HIS MARRIAGE : — HIS CHILDREN I — DEATH OF HIS SON WILLIAM : AND OF HIS DAUGHTER STATIRA. My dear Children, — It is one of the peculiar cir- cumstances which, without any contrivance and pur- pose of my own, have attended me through life, that, after another year of faith and patience (neither of these graces being very perfect), and just as I was going to settle in Bath, Mr. Davies having a dispensa- tion for non-residence at his living, accepted the curacy of Batheaston, a pleasant village, only two miles from Bath. Nothing could have been more gratifying to the feelings, and more friendly to the intercourse of the young party, than this wholly unexpected approxi- mation of residences. Things being now more favor- able, Mr. Davies soon gave his consent ; and some time after I went to London, where the elect was on a visit to her most intimate friend, Mrs. Rowland Hill. We were married at St. Peter’s, Cornhill (January 6, 1791), Mr. Hill performing the service. In returning to Bath we paid our first visit to Mr. and Mrs. Winter at Painswick. How much has resulted from this auspicious con- nection for which I can never sufficiently praise the providence of my God and Father ! How far I have THE RE V. WILLIAM JAY. 103 succeeded it does not become me to attempt to deter- mine ; but of this I am conscious, that J was always desirous and anxious to be a good husband ; nothing in my estimation and remarkings ever being able to atone for the want of consistency and excellency here, especially in a minister . But I must have been one of the basest of men had I not always endeavored to act worthily towards the wife of my youth, to whom I am under so many obligations. It was she (for we always judge of the whole by parts, and chiefly by those parts with which we are most acquainted), it was she who contributed so much to give me that exalted idea of the female character which I have always en- tertained and expressed. She excluded perfectly the entrance of every notion and feeling of submission or authority, so that we had no rights to adjust, or duties to regulate. She possessed every requisite that could render her a helpmate. Her special qualities were ad- mirably suited to my defects. She had an extempo- raneous readiness which never failed her, and an in- tuitive decisiveness which seemed to require no de- liberation. Her domestic virtues rendered my house a complete home, the abode of neatness, order, punc- tuality, peace, cheerfulness, comfort, and attraction. She calmed my brow when ruffled by disappointment or vexation ; she encouraged me when depressed ; she kept off a thousand cares, and left me free to attend to the voice of my calling. She reminded me of my en- gagements when I was forgetful, and stimulated me when I was remiss, and always gently enforced the present obligation, as “ the duty of every day required.” I mention this the more not only to express my own gratitude, but that my church and the public, if 104 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF they have derived any little advantage from my la- bors, may see how much of it they owe to this wise and good woman. She now stood in the additional relation of a mother, and in process of time furnished me with a most lovely family of six children, three of each sex, who “ rose up and called her blessed.” My first-born was a daughter, and named Anne, after her mother. She seemed one of those who are sanctified from the womb ; and, instead of being averse to any of the duties required of her in her training, she appeared naturally and without admoni- tion to fall fn with them. She never gave us pain but by her own pain. When she was only seven years old, and we went abroad for a few days, not waiting for any intimation from us, the little creature read a chapter and a prayer every morning and even- ing with the servant and the nursemaid. At the age of sixteen she impressed a young American who was travelling through England, and, bringing letters of introduction, abode for a short time at our house. To him she was early married, and brought him a family of no less than thirteen children. They are all yet spared ;* they are all walking in the truth, adorning their profession, blessing their generation, and showing ■what education, by the grace of God, may accomplish. After some years Mr. Bolton returned to the United States with the whole of his family. This separation, * Abby Wolsey, the fifth daughter, has since been gathered to her rest, at the age of 21 ; a memoir, written by her sister, was pub- lished, entitled the “Lighted Valley,” (published by R. Carter & Brothers, Xew York,) to which her grandfather added a preface, the last production of his pen which, we believe, has been given to the public. THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 105 which could not be viewed but as probably a final parting as to this world, was one of the greatest trials of my life. Yet there were things which prevented my opposing it, and made it appear to be the path of duty. The dispensation has already had issues which serve in a great measure to explain it, while it seems also pregnant with future consequences of much im- portance. The marriage itself was strange and mar- vellous. What probability was there that a young gentleman from another quarter of the globe, first passing through Bath, and casually seeing her, should have been united in marriage to my daughter ? One thing struck me much in this affair from its be- ginning. It was my learning that he who asked to become my son-in-law was himself the grandson of the pious and worthy Mr. Bolton, merchant of Savannah, mentioned with so much respect by Mr. Winter in one of his letters to me, to be seen in my life of him ; for when this man of God was not only neglected but de- spised, because he had gone to America purposely to teach and Christianize the poor negroes, Mr. Bolton received and encouraged him, and accommodated him with a room in which he could instruct his sable charge free of expense. After awhile my son-in-law joined the Episcopal Church, and is now the rector of St. Paul’s, East Chester, New York, where his labors are crowned with much acceptance and success.* * Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, with part of their family, returned to England some years before Mr. Jay’s death, and had the melancholy satisfaction of attending him in his last days. Mr. Bolton is now minister of the chapel built by the late Lord Ducie on his estate in Gloucestershire. Two of his sons are ministers in the Episcopal 106 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF M/y second child was a son, named after myself. From the turn of his mind, when he had fulfilled his schooling, he was apprenticed to an architect and sur- veyor in London, where, after his time had expired, he continued for awhile, and then went to Savannah in Georgia. There he was employed for a few years ; when, leaving many proofs of his professional ability behind him, he returned to England. After several attempts to succeed at home, he went out, by the ap- pointment of Lord Glenelg, on government service, to the Mauritius. There his taste and talents met with full encouragement, and his prospects were very promising ; but he was cut off by a premature death. A little before his own dissolution he had buried a most pious and interesting child, whose remains lie in the same grave with those of Mrs. Newell, the wife of the American missionary. An account of him has been published and widely circulated, called “Little Willy,” drawn up by his mother, to which I prefixed a preface. Many, as well as myself, can testify that what is said of him is not maternal lavishment, but truth. My son had married a very estimable wife, Miss Louisa Coulston of Henley, by whom he had two other children besides “Little Willy.” These were left to be the care and comfort of the widowed mother, now keeping a school in her native place. My son, besides professional talent and cleverness, had a large share of wit and humor, qualities always dangerous and commonly injurious to the possessor. So it was, Church of England, and one in the American ; viz., Rev. William Jay Bolton, curate of Christ Church, Cambridge ; t Rev. James Bolton, minister of St. Paul’s Chapel, Kilburn ; Rev. Cornelius Winter Bol- ton, assistant minister of Christ Church, Baltimore. THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 107 alas ! here. His comic powers drew liim into company not the most friendly to youthful improvement. He was led into expense by his admirers and flatterers, and for awhile left the path in which he had been taught to go. But the principles which had been early sown revived, especially under the teachings of affliction, and the conjugal influence of gentle, wise, and consistent piety. He sought the Lord God of his fathers, walked soberly, righteously, and godly, and finished his course in peace. And I record it to ex- cite my gratitude and praise, and to encourage others who may be tried for a time in the same way. It has been delightful to my sorrowing spirit to read the tes- timonies concerning him which I received from two ministers, the one a missionary of the London Society, the other of the Church of England Missionary So- ciety ; as also from Mr. Alexander, the Keeper of the King’s Stores. My third-born was a daughter, whom we called Arabella, after a step-mother of Mrs. Jay’s, of uncom- mon piety, whose letters to her children were pub- lished, and of whose character an account is found among Gibbon’s “ Pious Women.” She was early mar- ried to Garfit Ashton, Esq., a solicitor at Cambridge, and now also Clerk of the Peace. She has no family, but has been the most devoted of children, and has so attached herself to the comfort of her afflicted mother, as to entitle her to every endearment of my heart.* * Mrs. Ashton was suddenly removed by death shortly after the funeral of her beloved father. The particulars of this mournful event will be given in the Supplement to the Autobiography, in connection with the account there inserted of the interment and funeral service of Mr. Jay. 108 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF My fourth-born was named Cyrus. As I always admired the Friends, and they seemed exemplary in training their youth to habitudes of order, and self- control, and disregard of ridicule and reproach, I was induced to place him for a considerable time at one of their schools. But I was not entirely satisfied with the result. The want of more express evangelical instruc- tion, and the comparative deficiency of instrumental re- ligion, were a disadvantage which I found it was not so easy to remedy. He fixed in London as an attorney, and married a daughter of my inestimable friend, the pious and benevolent Robert Spear, Esq., of Manchester. My fifth child was named Edward, after his maternal grandfather. When quite a child he had nearly per- ished. His nursemaid had, by reading herself asleep, set fire to the curtains. I had just time to snatch him from a flaming bed, which was nearly all consumed, with other furniture in the room. He was at first educated for the ministry, and preached for some time with much approbation. But a timorousness and even dread with regard to his appearing and officiating in public, instead of decreasing by use, so grew upon him, and so threatened and even affected his health, that I was constrained to acquiesce in his importunity to leave the pulpit and enter secular life. The last of my family was a daughter, named Statira, after an eminent female of Grecian extraction, to whom my preaching had been useful in drawing her from the world into the way everlasting. She was not en- dowed with those personal attractions which some children possess, yet was pleasing to the eye of pa- rental affection. She was a child of a very lovely and obliging temper, and apt at learning. She was also THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 109 truly pious, and like her two sisters, had early come to the table of the Lord. But at the age of nineteen I was summoned to resign her. She had been always free from ailments. I left her in perfect health, to go and preach at the opening of a new chapel at Tavistock in Devonshire; but I had not proceeded further than Totness before a messenger overtook me with fore- boding intelligence. I hastened back in anxious, trembling suspense, and reached home only just in time to see her dying of typhus fever. She was inca- pable of knowing the father around whose neck she had so often clung. I turned away, and was led by her mother into the solitude of my study. "We kneeled down hand in hand to pray ; but not a word was ut- tered. At such a season, how poor is speech; and how surprising is it that persons should employ it, and not yield to the devotion of silence and tears ! This was the first time death had entered our in- dulged dwelling. Till now I knew not what it was truly to be a parent. My heart was desolate within me ; and there was danger that weeping would hinder sowing. As my ministry had always been very much of a consolatory kind, I began to dread the application of the address of Eliphaz to Job, “ Behold, thou hast instructed many, and thou hast strengthened the weak hands ; thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees. But now it is come upon thee, and thou faintest ; it touch - eth thee, and thou art weary.” What in a measure prevented this ? “ Oh, woman ! When pain and anguish wring the brow, A ministering angel thou !”• 110 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. As being not only her husband, but her pastor, I ought to have solaced and supported my wife under the loss, but she solaced and supported me. One thing I peculiarly remember as arising from our affliction. Though I was not wanting in love to my wife before, yet now I felt her the more singularly endeared. No thought of her seemed so sacred and tender as that of the mother of my beloved and glori- fied daughter ; and so I commonly addressed her in my letters. I am, &c. LETTER X. MBS. JAY’S ILLNESS .* — HIS PRIVATION BY IT : — STATE OF HIS OWN HEALTH : — ALARMING SYMPTOMS : — ME. WILBEEFOEOE’s ADVICE : — INTRODUCES HIM TO DE. BAILLIE : —SUCCESS OF HIS TEEATMENT : EEFLECTIONS: EAELY RISING: — ABSTINENCE t PATRONAGE OF TEETOTALISM. My dear Children, — I return to tlie notice of one connected so intimately, so importantly, and so influ- entially, with my character and history ; and so inter- esting to yourselves also. But now, alas, the narrative becomes as painful as it was pleasing before. Though in her early youth, and before I had the privilege of knowing her, your mother had been twice supposed to be in a decline, for about thirty years after our marriage she enjoyed continual good health. Her first complaint was a degree of oppression in breath- ing, affecting her at first occasionally, but rather grow- ing upon the whole, and at length frequently returning with painful violence. From some symptoms attend- ing the suffering, (though I might have mistaken jthem, and was’ afraid to inquire,) I feared there was water on the chest. But this apprehension was proved to be groundless, and her complaint was removed by a sud- den painful seizure. My dear and invaluable friend, Dr. Bowie, was instantly sent for, and did everything 112 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF that skill and unrelaxing attention could accomplish. Mr. Wilson Brown, also, an eminent surgeon, was pe- culiarly kind and attentive. About a year after her first attack she had a second, though not attended with any paralysis. She was then at Clifton with a dear friend, and her devoted servant, while I had gone to London for a few days on preach- ing business — not only with her full consent, but even recommendation. The seizure was violent, and left her for two hours and a half insensible ; but profess- ional assistance was close at hand. She was profusely depleted, and again revived. I hastened back, and again embraced her as one a second time given me from the dead. Years have elapsed since this last attack without anything like a return ; but I have always been con- strained to rejoice with trembling. I have also long ceased to hope for any further improvement, especially as age was gaining upon her. Yet much mercy has been mingled in my great trial ; and I ought to have been, and I trust I have been, thankful for allevia- tions. I know not whether the case is peculiar, in the real- ity or the degree, but I state the matter accurately ; and I have been too long accustomed to the effect to be mistaken. As deviations and exceptions, instead of disproving a rule, sometimes only render it the more, observable, in the case before us, owing to the frequency of the result, one might have been led to suppose that there was some kind of physical law in the operation where there was a contrariety, whether in nature or custom ; her manner was nearly invari- able. Thus she spoke of a drop of bread and a bit of THE BEY. WILLIAM JAY. 113 water ; she called the black white, and the white black * the cold heat, and the heat cold ; preaching was hear- ing, and hearing was preaching ; in the morning she wished you good evening, and in the evening good morning. Besides these obvious contrarieties, how many instances were there in the course of the day or hour in which, the opposite did not strike you, till you reflected or examined, and then you perceived them. She is in a considerable measure apprehensive of this, and feels the greatness of the trial ; and often com- plains, that though she knows everything she cannot command the right words. To relieve her embarrass- ment, at her own desire, she has ingeniously had writ- ten for her the names of a number of persons and things of which she is likely to speak ; and often, after a pause or effort, she takes out the little book, which she always carries about with her. Till of late, her attempts to be again able to read, especially the Scrip- tures, have been great and incessant, and when she could succeed with a verse, she was much pleased with the achievement, and would often repeat it ; while she was always craving for some one to read to her in the word of God, or books of experience and devotion. Thus when the companion, so delightful and edify- ing by her discourse, was almost entirely removed, — the friend, the helper, the comforter was, in a consid- erable degree, yet graciously continued. And now that she has become, in the course of nature, more in- firm and dependent, she is indescribably interesting. I cannot for a moment forget what she has been, and what she has done ; or be insensible of my obligations to her. She needs and she occupies much of my at- tention, but attention endears her the more. My afifec- 114 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF tion has bow infused into it an unselfish tenderness, and I have learned by experience that the happiness of love results principally from its disinterestedness. And we know who has said, 4 ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Health is an unspeakable blessing, not only on the score of enjoyment, but of usefulness. Job called the season of his sickness “months of vanity,” during which, as nothing was enjoyed, so nothing was pursued or ac- complished. While disease deprives us of our liberty, and weakens our strength in the way, the hands of the workman are no longer sufficient for him- — the eyes of the handmaiden no longer look to her mistress — the mother leaves her infant charge to less tender care — and the preacher, whose lips fed many, ceases to deal forth the bread of life. Paul, therefore, not only in- structs his son Timothy as an apostle, but prescribes for him as a physician : “ Drink no longer water, but use a little wine, for thy stomach’s sake, and thine often infirmities.” Next to our spiritual welfare is the good estate of the body ; therefore John says of Gaius, “ Beloved, I wish above all things that thou rnayest prosjoer and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” A word, therefore, concerning the degree, the interrup- tion, the recovery, and the preservation of my health, may not be improper or useless. I had never a very strong constitution, or, at least, a remarkable freedom from slight indispositions. For a great length of time I had almost incessant head- aches, which rendered my preaching difficult, and my studies painful. Manv will remember the several seiz- ures in my head with which I was visited, and which more than once befell me in the pulpit. They were THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 115 very sudden. They momentarily confused my sight, and nearly deprived me of all consciousness. The faculty who then attended me viewed these attacks as serious and perilous ; and I was bled, and cupped, and reduced in strength and size, till I seemed a shadow hastening to the grave. This I could not have borne much longer. In this state, Mr. Wilberforce, being in Bath, called upon me, and urged me to see Dr. Baillie, whom he extolled as his friend and physician. He expressed the greatest confidence in his judgment, and offered to write me a letter of introduction. I grate- fully accepted his kindness, and repaired to town. The doctor favorably received me ; paid (in consequence of the recommendation) a good deal of attention to my case ; and, to the kind and seasonable advice of the negro’s friend, I am fully persuaded I owe, under Grod, the prolongation of my life and labors. And I cannot but here remark two things — First , u A word fitly spoken, how good is it !” and what important conse- quences may arise from a single instruction or admo- nition ! Secondly , We see the propriety of sometimes varying medical authority. No man is infallible. What does not strike one may strike another. When a physician is called in, he may immediately form and express his opinion of the case, and then go on look- ing, not for what corrects but what confirms his con- viction, till every doubt or suspicion of the possibility of mistake is lulled to sleep. I should have mentioned before, that at rather an early period of my ministry I suffered very consider- ably from a nervous malady, and which threatened for the time to lay me aside from my work. This was of my own procuring, in neglecting for a season early 116 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF rising, and proper air and exercise, and confining my- self to long sedentary reading and writing. From a firm conviction of my own, I threw off, by degrees, but not without difficulty, this affecting and deplorable complaint, to return no more. Yet, as every kind of experience is useful to a minister, the suffering has been overruled for good, as it has enabled me to sym- pathize, where otherwise, perhaps, I should have felt nothing ; to warn and admonish any of my brethren likely to err in the same way ; and to regulate my own applications, and to blend action with thought ; and to do much of the work of the study in the open air. In vain we talk of the value of health, or expect to enjoy the blessing, unless we use the rational means for preserving it. These means will not deliver us from the sentence of mortality, but they may lengthen our days, and render them more tolerable, delightful, and profitable. With few exceptions, I have always practiced early rising, being seldom in bed, summer or winter, after five o’clock ; and this has been with me, not as with some, who say they rise because they can- not sleep, for it has been always an act of self* denial, for I could enjoy more, but I felt a conviction that it was morally right, as it redeemed time and aided duty ; and also it was physically right, as it was wholesome and healthful. For how does it refresh and invigorate the body, revive the animal spirits, and exhilarate and elevate the mind ! Yet how many are there, and even ministers, and young ministers, not too much qualified for their work, who can sacri- fice all this advantage to the lazy, low, debilitating, disreputable influences of a late indulgence in bed. In looking back upon the years I have passed THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 117 through, for nothing am I more thankful than the cautions I was led to exercise with regard to drinki ig * I knew the danger of increase with regard to spirituous liquors ; I knew what temptations a young njinister of some considerable popularity is exposed to in his frequent dinings-out, especialty in great towns and cities, and at the table of professors who vie with each other in extravagance ; for the faithful do not always add to their faith “ temperance.” As far as it was in my power, by word and deed, I always discounte- * In the year 1839, Mr. Jay was solicited to attend a Festival of the Teetotal Society in Bath, but as this was not convenient, he con- veyed his sentiments to the meeting in the following letter, which was afterwards published extensively both in this country and in America : — “ My Dear Sir, — Circumstances will prevent my accepting your in- vitation to attend the Teetotal Christmas Festival on Friday evening. I am thankful that all through life I have been a very temperate man, and for more than twenty-five years, generally , a Teetotaller, but for the last six years I have been one constantly and entirely. To this (now I am past 70) I ascribe, under God, the glow of health, evenness of spirits, freshness of feeling, ease of application, and com- parative inexhaustion by public labors, I now enjoy. “ The subject of Teetotalism I have examined physically, morally, and christianly, and after all my reading, reflection, observation, and experience, I have reached a very firm and powerful conviction. I believe that next to the glorious Gospel, God could not bless the human race so much as by the abolition of all intoxicating liquors. “ As every man has some influence, and as we ought to employ usefully all our talents, and as I have been for near half a century endeavoring in this city to serve my generation, by the will of God, I have no objection to your using this testimony in any way you please. I am willing that both as a Pledger and a Subscriber you should put down the name of, “ My dear Sir, “ Y< urs truly, W. Jay.” Percy Place , Bath , 24 th December . 118 AUTOBIOGrKAPHY OF THE KEY, WILLIAM JAY. nanced such needless and improper “ feastings of themselves without fear.” I commonly used water, principally, and, for years back, only ; and I am fully persuaded that it has befriended my digestion, pre- served the evenness of my spirits, and added to my comfort, especially in my feeling cool and fresh in the relaxation and lassitude of warm weather, while others were deservedly panting, and burdens to themselves. My natural wants were so many, that I never thought of adding to them the cravings of fictitious appetites equally importunate. I had, therefore, no trouble or expense from the wretched habits of snuff-taking or smoking. I have often found perspiration produced by a brisk walk or working in the garden, or cleaving of wood, the means of relieving me from many a slight ailment, especially headaches. To which I may add that I have often also derived benefit of this kind from preaching ; but then it has been, not by dry discuss- ions, or labored recollections, or stale repetitions, but by animating subjects, producing a lively frame, and fine glowing emotions ; then I have often come from the engagement with renewed strength, and “ anointed as with fresh oil.” Perhaps the thing can be physical- ly accounted for ; if not, I have experienced the effect too often to question the truth of it. I ought to bless God, not only that my life has been continued so long after some menacing appearances, but that I have been laid by so few Sabbaths upon the whole, and can now perform my usual and occasional services with as much vigor and pleasure as ever. I am. &c. LETTER XI. HIS AUTHORSHIP I — FIRST VOLUME OF SERMONS : — MONTHLY RE- VIEW : SUCCEEDING PUBLICATIONS : HYMNS, ETC. My dear Children,— My authorship is too im- portant an article in my little history to be over- looked. I had early, too early, published several single sermons ; but they neither excited nor deserved much notice. I have not, therefore, perpetuated them in the list of my works. But having delivered a dis- course on “ The Mutual Duties of Husbands and Wives,” at the nuptials of a gentleman who married his lady immediately from my house, I was impor- tuned to publish it. It rapidly went through six large editions, and was not a little commended in sev- eral of the periodicals of the day, and by Mr. Hall from the pulpit. This encouraged me soon after to venture before the public a volume of sermons on various subjects. This also was favorably received, and was spoken well of even by the “ Monthly Be- view,” then a work of much authority .* Not long after this I published a second volume, with similar acceptance and success. I should, perhaps, now deem some of these sermons not sufficiently evangelical ; but * An extract from this Review will be found in our notice of Mr. Jay’s Authorshi] 120 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF I then expected them to be read principally by those who were already acquainted with the doctrines of the Gospel, and some of whom were more familiar with doctrinal than practical theology. It was also at the same time my intention to add a third volume, con- taining subjects of a more doctrinal character. I next published, in succession, four volumes of “ Short Discourses for the Use of Families.” These, too, were kindly received, and went through repeated editions, and procured for me a diploma of D. D., — a dignity I never used, except once in travelling, when I left a case of manuscripts at a large inn, the better to insure attention to the recovery ; and it answered my purpose. Who, then, can deny the usefulness of suck honors ? I also sent forth two works of a biographical kind: “ The Life of Eev. Cornelius Winter,” and “ Memoirs of Eev. John Clarke.” The first of these sold well ; the sale of the second was slow and limited ; yet it occasioned me more pains than any other of my publications; and in America they have published extensively my remarks and observations, detached from the narrative itself, furnished by the Diary of the deceased. I also published two volumes of* “ Morning Exer- cises for the Closet,” which soon reached a tenth edi- tion; and, three years after, I yielded to importunity, and produced two more volumes of similar exercises for the “ Evening.” I cannot but hope, from the wide circulation of these “ Exercises,” and the testimonies I have received from so many quarters, that they have been owned of God, and will continue to be useful after my decease. Between the Morning and Evening Exercises, I THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 121 preached and published a work, called “ The Christian Contemplated,” in twelve lectures. To these I after- wards, by desire, and as a kind of application of the whole, added another lecture, from the words, “ Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” This work also sold rapidly, and has now reached the eighth edition. But the work which has had the largest sale, next to the Morning and Evening Exercises, and is still in demand, is, “ The Domestic Minister’s Assistant.” It consists of morning and evening prayers for six weeks, with additional ones for particular seasons and occa- sions. Some of my brethren were rather disposed to be displeased with this publication, and accused me of aiding what they called the cause of formality ; but I bless God that I ever was led to undertake it. I only herein followed the example of some very eminent ministers of our own body, such as Baxter, Henry, and Watts, &c. And are we not commanded, “as we have opportunity, to do good unto all men” ? Is there no difference between preference and exclusiveness ? Is the assistance of the weak any injury to the strong? There are persons who pray spiritually with a form ; and there are persons that pray very formally without a form. The smaller publications were, “An Essay on Mar- riage,” “ A Charge to a Minister’s Wife,” “ A Preface to Mrs. Savage’s Memoirs,” some Funeral Orations, with a large number of single Sermons, preached on particular occasions. I also published an Appendix of Hymns, but the contents are principally selections from other authors; and I am only answerable for about twenty new composures, and some introductory 6 122 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF remarks on psalmody. I have not mentioned all the publications in the order of time in which they ap- peared ; but this could easily be ascertained by their dates, were it of any importance. There has been no complete edition of these works in England till that which is now forthcoming ; but a very handsome one was published some years ago at Baltimore, in America; and there have been several since ; for there God has much smiled upon my labors. Many of my publications, especially the principal ones, were begun, or completed, or much advanced, when I was taking an annual excursion by the sea-side, and had a little more leisure than necessary relaxation and occasional preaching at those seasons required. I have given some account of this in the preface to the last volume of the Morning and Evening Exercises. I have not been able to do justice to any of these works, or even to the degree of my comparative ability, for want of more time and abstraction, in composing and revising, than could be obtained from a large con- gregation, four services a week at home, and numerous calls to preach on special occasions abroad. I have rarely been at liberty to transcribe, and have frequently written from short and imperfect notes, to supply the immediate demand of the printer. I do not mention this to boast anything like great readiness in composi- tion, or to justify haste where it could be avoided ; but to intimate that among engagements and interruptions I did what I was able. At an earlier period I might, perhaps, have pleaded this, to soften, if not to disarm, critical censure ; but my advanced years remind me that I ought to think only of the approbation of God, regardless of being “judged of man’s judgment.” THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 123 Since the Lord has so favorably disposed the public mind to receive my writings, notwithstanding their defects, I need not lament that I have published so much, as it enables me to do a little good in many places at the same time, and may lengthen a degree of usefulness beyond natural life. I hope it makes me humble rather than proud, (I am sure it ought,) to think how many, in particular, I am continually attend- ing in their most sacred moments of retirement, and aiding at the family altar, as well as helping in their general religious concerns. I am also thankful, that though a man’s writings will always have a tinge of his own opinions, I have published nothing that can fairly or justly give offence to any religious parties among those who “hold the Head.” Let a man, if he please, state and defend his own peculiar views in a work of itself, and professing its own purpose ; but I always disliked the smuggling of particular sentiments into a subject designed and adapted to general usefulness. I do not consider my Sermon on the Reformation as an exception to this remark. The occasion was sin- gular, and allowed and required me to speak freely. If any suppose that because I conceded to the Catholics their civil rights, I was too candid towards the doc- trines and superstitions of Popery, they have but to peruse the Sermon to see that they were mistaken. If any members of the Established Church were offended, it was only those who did not hear the Sermon, but only heard of it, in connection with a gross misrepre- sentation, which ignorance reported and bigotry spread, and which was soon rectified by public denials. These denials, however, the author never called for, having 124 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. always followed an advice early given him by a very wise and good man, viz., never to notice anything said of him in newspapers and periodicals. There were witnesses enough in the numbers that attended the discourse who could vouch for his innocency of the charges which were maliciously and eagerly circulated. The libel was, that he affirmed the only difference be- tween the Church of Eome and the Church of England was the same as between a toad and a tadpole. The preacher was applying this coarse image to another subject ; the liars transferred it to this. It was also an Episcopalian and not a member of his own congrega- tion who drew up the application for him to publish the sermon. One thing said gave offence to some, who have since seen it abundantly explained and exempli- fied — The Popery of Protestantism . How truly and forcibly has Dr. Chalmers enlarged on this ! I am, &c. LETTER XII. BEFORE THE DUKE OF SUSSEX AT THE OPENING OF HANOYER CHAPEL, PECKHAM : — REVIEW OF HIS COURSE : — EARLY DISADVANTAGES: — INFLUENCE OF POSITION ON HIS HAPPINESS. My dear Children, — While musing with what I should fill this sheet, it struck me that I would notice the disadvantages arising from my original state in life, and see what there has been in any degree to counter- balance them. I have nothing to lament on account of it physically ; yea, I was more likely to inherit a purer blood, and a sounder constitution, by being born of healthful, robust, and active peasants, than if I had descended from the enervating, and disease-breeding habitudes, and indulgences of higher life. But my early condition painfully affected my ease and confi- dence in company. I, therefore, rarely ever felt myself at home, or in my element, unless in some very special instances. This, however, was overruled for good, by keeping me much out of society, and giving me more time for reading and study, which I both wanted and desired. Hence, also, in a measure, arose my back- wardness to speak at public meetings. For the sacred- ness of the temple I had been accustomed privately to prepare, and the presence of God seemed to reduce creatures to their proper level. 128 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Thus when I had to preach before the Duke of Sussex, at the opening of Hanover Chapel, instead of dining with His Royal Highness and a large company previously to the service, I passed the time in retire- ment, and when I left it, to enter the pulpit, I felt no more than if I had been going to preach Christ in a poor-house. One of the papers of the day abused me, for the freedom of my address, but as I had never been accustomed to speak evil of dignities, so I was not likely to insult greatness to its face. The case was, retirement had awakened conscience, and conscience accompanied me in the pulpit, and bade me speak, “ not as pleasing men but God who searches the heart,” and with whom “ there is no respect of persons.” I never consider myself as chargeable with personal re- flection, when I am conscious I should deliver the same things, from the same words, in any other place or to any other audience. But I could never (so modelled and governed are we by habit and circumstances) realize this frame in a town-hall or an assembly-room. There, notwithstanding the object of the meeting, it seemed to be a kind of civil proceeding ; and I felt as only among men, whose presence and manner con- founded me. The expectation of being called upon to propose or second some motion has crucified me in the prospect, for the whole preceding night ; and it some- times induced me to abstain from places, and assem- blies, which I should otherwise have delighted to at- tend. I have felt also impressed with an invincible apprehension that I did not succeed when I made the attempt. After my first speech on occasion of the first meeting of the Bible Society in Bath, I was desired by a rude member of the committee to furnish for publi- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 127 cation in the provincial papers, “as much of what I had delivered as had any relation to the business of the day.” This so completely chilled me, that I spoke but once after, and without any of that freedom which would give it grace or effect. Then I came to a de- termination, that to prevent importunity I would refuse all future applications. I the more readily adopted this resolution, as I had a plenitude of other pressing claims. I was also afterwards confirmed in the pro- priety of it by Dr. Chalmers, who, when I was at his house in Glasgow, remarked, “ The pulpit is the preacher’s appropriate station, and he can there be most influential and useful, by touching a number of springs which will set all in motion.” Observation also has kept me from repenting of my resolution. I have seen that ministers, who, as platform orators, have figured much at these meetings, have been sadly drawn off from keeping their own vineyards. Nor in general, are preachers on these occasions the best or the most acceptable speakers. They are too profess- ional — too sermonic. Laymen, who speak more briefly, more simply, and apparently more from the heart, are commonly more effective, and are heard to more advantage. My esteemed friend Mr. Hughes, one of the secretaries of the Bible Society, also con- firmed this ; and he had the best opportunities to judge. “Every man in his own order,” we have all our particular dispensations under which we should be content to labor, and getting above which, we soon appear to be out of our place. Genteel life lays restraints on the expression of feeling, and gives a softness to the manners, and a courtesy to the speech, 128 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF especially in differences of opinion. Here, I fear, I also have sometimes if not frequently erred, having been hasty of spirit in conversational disputes, if not rudely decisive. But the great disadvantage arising from my original condition was the want of an early and good education. As this was not placed within my reach, I have no feeling of shame or of blame on account of wanting it ; but I am persuaded I should, had the opportunity been afforded me, have seized it with avidity ; and have made that progress which de- pends on some degree of talent, accompanied with much application and diligence. I say nothing, there- fore, in depreciation of schools and learning, but it becomes me to dwell on any consideration that tends to reconcile me to the will of God in denying me, what I shall ever deem a privilege ; and viewing things in their bearing on my ministry, I was, perhaps, by my previous circumstances, more acquainted with the lower ranks in the community, and could better ac- commodate myself to their modes of thinking and feeling. And may not this be one reason why God takes so many of his laborers from common life? And how was it with the great Teacher sent from God? We are aware of a grand specialty in his case. He had knowledge by inspiration — but he communicated it naturally. His teaching was unlike that of the doctors of the schools, — “he spake as one having authority, and not as the Scribes.” He did not soar above vulgar apprehension. He did not abound in learned allusions. His images were all taken from familiar scenes Other teachers were very fine — he was very simple. They were mechanism — he was nature. “ The poor,” therefore, had “ the gospel THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 129 preached unto them” and “the common people heard him gladly.” Was this recorded of him who “ spake as never man spake” in a way of commendation? Why then do we not seek to resemble him? Cromwell always ordered his soldiers to fire low, and what execution would they have done had they fired high? Such are the effects of their preaching who shoot over their hearers’ heads. Have we never seen an audience gaping with admiration at what they did not understand, and perhaps their wonderful and astonishing orator either? It is easy to give a dis- course the appearance of depth, or originality, by cer- tain terms and unusualness of expression, or turning prose into a kind of blank verse. But this strikes only the injudicious, — not “the wise in heart.” They easily see, under the garish ornaments, only the mere com- mon-place which they would not despise, but for its silly affectation of finery. I have been asked whether my happiness was in- creased and improved by the change and elevation in life which I have experienced ? It may not be amiss to offer a few reflections suited to this inquny. — “ The Lord,” says the church, “shall choose our inheritance for us.” When Saul’s courtiers reproached David as a restless, ambitious young man, who, dissatisfied with a private station, was endeavoring to climb into emi- nence and publicity, he was able to make this appeal, “Lord, my heart is not haughty nor mine eyes lofty, neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me.” He well knew that the first notice he excited, and which led to everything else, was, as to himself, purely accidental. He was sent by his father to carry provision to his brethren in the 6 * 130 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF camp, and to learn how they did. He had then no expectation of seeing or engaging Goliath ; but it was so ; and the Lord brought it to pass ; for there was nothing in the event casual as to him. If lesser things may be compared with greater, I am equally sure, that the revolution in my circumstances was by the provi- dence of God; not a thought of the change — much less a design, was, or could have been, rationally en- tertained by myself or my friends, till the door was suddenly opened, in an entirely new direction, and I was led by a way I knew not, and in paths which I had not known. In such a case, the will of God is to be supremely regarded ; and the dispensation is not to be judged of by what we suffer or enjoy He has an absolute propriety in us; and may dispose of us as seemeth good in his sight. His work is perfect — his w^ays are judgment. His purpose also is often com- prehensive and extensive, involving references far beyond our present views and circumstances. Men are naturally far from being content with such things as they have; and as to the future, rising in life seems always to appear very enviable. It would be very ungrateful in me, not to acknowledge the good- ness, as well as the agency of God, and especially, considering the results, not to exclaim with David, “ "What am I, and what is my father’s house, that thou hast brought me hitherto ?” But I am not disposed from experience to make men dissatisfied with their own allotment, and to seek great things to themselves by representing all the advantages as to enjoyment, on the ascending side. It was not the shepherd of Bethle- hem, but the hero of the age, and the monarch of Israel, that cried, u Oh that I had wings like a dove. THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 131 for then would I flee away and be at rest ” If the robe be lengthened, it is not the less likely to be soiled, or torn, or trampled on. Possessions gender fears and cares ; talents increase responsibilities — where much is given, much will be required. And who can be satis- fied with his own improvements ? Many new sources of usefulness may be opened, and this will weigh with a pious mind. But the Lord looketh to the heart ; and “ where there is first a willing mind, it is accepted ac- cording to what a man hath, and not according to what he hath not.” The Saviour could not have ex- tolled an apostle, or an angel, more than he did Mary, when he said, “ She hath done what she could.” “Who does the best his circumstance allows, Does well — acts nobly — angels could no more.” Many new sources of pleasure also may be opened ; but every comfort has its cross ; sensibility also may be quickened ; but strong feeling may increase anguish as well as enjoyment. A man, if destitute of the ne- cessaries of life, must be wretched; but if he has a sufficiency with regard to food, clothing, and habita- tion, suited to his state, he may be called poor ; but he is only comparatively so. Crabbe often takes his aim too low — his poor are the abject poor — the inmates of a parish work-house, or the contents of the back streets of a borough, and commonly immoral and vicious. But take a peasant or a mechanic in a village, sober, moral, religious ; his wishes bounded by the simplicity of rural life — his sleep sweet — his meals, though plain, sauced by appetite — his hands sufficient for him — his labor limited and free from distracting cares — his little 132 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF garden jdelding iiim the useful vegetable, and the Sunday flower — the Sabbath, a day of pleasing change, and rest, and refreshment of spirits — the going to the house of God in company- — and the Bible, now more amply read, though not forgotten during the week — take such an one, and his condition as to enjoyment will not shrink from a comparison with the state of thousands, who never look down upon him, but with contempt, or pity, or indifference. There are those who are not theorists here — they “ speak that they do know, and testify that they have seen.” It is said of Burns, by Dugald Stewart, that as they were walking together one morning, in the direction of the Braid Hills, where they commanded a prospect of the adjacent country, the poet remarked, that the sight of so many smoking cottages gave a pleasure to his mind, which he did not believe any one could understand, that did not know as he did, how much of real worth and happiness such humble habita- tions might contain. My testimony, perhaps, may be supposed to be too favorable, and to require some de- duction, on two accounts : — First That I left village life early, and before I was grown up, so as to be fully initiated into ifs good or evil. There is some little force in this, though I was old enough to observe, and feel, and judge. Secondly . That in my boyhood, village life was superior to what it now is. This de- serves notice ; and there have been, I fear, many changes for the worse. I need not describe what it is at present. But when I left the neighborhood of my native place, abject penury, and extreme destitution, and sordid suffering, were rarely ever to be seen. Most even of the cottagers had a swine-sty, and baked THE REV. WILLIAM JAYi 133 their own bread ; many of them also brewed their own beer, or made cider, and if not for constant use, had a little beverage for festivals and particular occasions. Those who, during mowing and reaping seasons, went forth to labor carried their bottle afield with them, and were generally supplied at meals v r ith cold or warm meat and vegetables. Now, bread and water, with few exceptions, is all the provision, all the support, all the comfort, thousands of men, women, and children have amidst the burning sunshine, and exhausting labor of a summer’s day. I was lately walking in time of harvest with an intelligent and humane farmer, among a number of hard-working peasants, who said to me, “You see these thin meagre figures, with patched and ragged clothing — they have been toiling here from early dawn, to this scorching noon, and have had, jDerhaps, little more than a can of water and a crust of bread ; and will toil on till evening calls them to a similar repast at home, and sleep, to their only rest. Oh, sir,” said he, a nothing surprises me so much, as the honesty, and quiet submission, and unresistless- ness of these sufferers; and we cannot reach and change their state.” “ Let not ambition mock their useful toil, Their homely joys and destiny obscure ; Nor grandeur hear with a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor.” I am, &c. LETTER XIII. HIS COURSE OF READING : FAYORITE AUTHORS : — - DR. OWEN : — » ROBERT HALL’S OPINION OF HIM CONTROVERTED : FAVORITE COMMENTATORS AND DIVINES: METHODS OF STUDY COMPO- SITION :• — MRS. more’s ADVICE TO HIM. My dear Children, — I feel at a loss to determine what particulars to communicate concerning myself ; but some things, not generally interesting to others, may be, in a measure, gratifying, if not useful, to my own relations, and partial friends. I would now advert to my reading. Here I never pursued any particular plan, but was much determined by accident, and led by opportune circumstances. I am not recommending or justifying this course, but stating a fact. I was never accustomed to write out extracts from authors. This I lament, as there are many passages I should be glad to review, but know not where to find them in volumes I shall probably never have time to look through again. I was always a devourer of books that came in my way, and to read the more and not commanding thi leisure I wished, I have learned to read with great rapidity, so that I can throw my eye over the pages, and dispatch a tolerable publication at one or two sit- tings. Mv reading also was very miscellaneous. ? AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 135 seldom refused anything that came in my way, as I found there was nothing that fell under the notice of a minister but may be turned to some account. I therefore did not restrict my attention to works advo- cating the sentiments of my own denomination. I was fond of scanning periodicals, few of which, of any note, escaped me. Though a dissenter, I always read and admired the “ Christian Observer,” and took it in from the beginning. Though a cordial believer in evangelical principles, I never omitted those Cyclops of literature the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews ; on general subjects — and how many of these are there ! — I have derived profit from divines, whose theologi- cal views have differed widely from my own. In di- vinity, and for unction, illustration, excitement, and effect, I have much preferred the old authors to most of the moderns. I love not to be singular, but I never could applaud Baxter above his brethren. He was a most holy and heavenly-minded man, but I am speak- ing of him as an author. He was often too speculative and metaphysical, and he confessed and lamented it before his death. He knew his skill, and therefore at- tempted to saw the beams of cobwebs into planks, and multiplied distinctions as well as particulars, to the perplexity of the reader. His more experimental and practical writings are very excellent ; but I never per- ceived more spirituality, or seriousness, or earnestness, in them, than in the productions of many of his contem- poraries. Does he in these qualities surpass Alleine, and Howe, and others of his brethren ? Leighton and Newton were always with me, very favorite authors. What men of God were these I What a Christian spirit, v r hat a Scriptural manner, 136 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF what an experimental knowledge, what a devotional savor, do we always find in their writings ! When a very young preacher, I was much struck with Dr. Hunter, and still more with Saurin. This eloquent author made such an impression upon me, that I in- stantly began to learn French, to be able to read him in the original, and to peruse the remainder of his un- translated sermons, as well as his other works. By this acquisition I gained accession to the writings of many French divines, Catholic and Protestant, many of which I continue to value. But as we advance towards maturity of taste we shall relish the natural more than the artificial, and not only distinguish between finery and elegance, but perceive that the one is destructive of the other. For disentangling a subject from confusion, for the power of development, for genuine simplification, for inven- tion, what writer ever surpassed Eobinson of Cam- bridge ? Yet the sad defection of this inimitable genius from the truth, and the insinuations by which, I fear, he aimed to sap the doctrines he did not openly attack, render familiarity with his works dangerous. I found it so with regard to myself, and this has kept me from warmly recommending the perusal to my younger brethren, who are often in nothing “so much to seek,” as in simplicity and naturalness. The composition of Davies’s Sermons, of New Eng- land, is too equable and elaborate, and wants relief and shade ; but I must confess no discourses ever appeared to me so adapted to awaken the conscience and impress the heart. In reading them, one seems always to feel that they were written by a man who never looked off from the value of a soul and the importance of eter- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 137 nity, or sought for anything but to bring his hearers under “ the powers of the world to come.” I could wish the sermons of Flavel (especially by some of our ministers) were more known, and prized, and imitated. They excel in evangelism and in brevity (not the com- mon character of the age in which they were written), and in avoiding or rendering needless much explica- tion, its room being occupied by natural inferences and striking applications. The late Dr. Hall spoke much to me in their favor. Having mentioned the name of this truly great man, I must think for myself even in his presence, and express my dissent from him with regard to Dr. Owen. I think Mr. Hall must have conceived a prejudice against this eminent theologian, from having read only some un- favorable specimen of his works ; for I am persuaded, from his manner when Owen was mentioned in his company, that he was not familiar with his publications at large. However this may be, I cannot but join Newton and Cecil in considering him the prince of di- vines. We let go some of his controversial works (though even these display much learning and acu- men) ; but it seems not a little strange that the author of the “ Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews,” and “The One Hundred and Thirtieth Psalm,” and the treatises on u The Spirit,” and on “ The Person and Glory of Christ,” and on “ Spiritual Mindedness,” and on “ The Mortification of Sin in Believers,” &c., should have been ever called “ a continent of mud.” As to commentators, I have always deemed Mr. Scott, upon the whole, the best expositor for the con- nected meaning of Scripture, and for the consultation of ministers in any difficulties. The very first page I 138 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ever wrote that appeared in print was in recommenda- tion of this work. This may seem strange, and be deemed assuming ; but the work was then coming forth in numbers, and (not the author, but) the publishers craved testimonies in its favor from every one who was likely to influence a single subscriber ; and these were printed on the wrappers of the numbers as they came out. Yet I did not write without exercising my judgment, and feeling a conviction which has grown upon me ever since. But for private and pious use I never found anything comparable to Henry, which, as old John Byland said, u a person cannot begin to read without wishing he w r as shut Out from all the world, and able to read it through, without stopping.” I always much preferred our own divines to foreign theologians, especially those of the German school — a growing fondness for which I deemed no good omen. I have also much prized the French Huguenot divines who wrote before, and some rather after, the Bevoca- tion of the Edict of Nantes. These I consider as de- servedly vying with our own theologians in talent and Scriptural knowledge, and considerably before them in composition, with the exception of Bates. Would God there was a revival of these great and good men in their now infidel, superstitious, irreligious, and dis- tracted country ! As to my studying , I never set apart regularly any particular time, thereby reducing the exercise to a kind of mechanism, or compulsion. I endeavored to think more habitually. As to preaching, I chose my texts and subjects as early in the week as possible. Thus I not only had always something to fill any spare moments, but approaching what I had selected for dis- 139 THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. cussion, without constraint and repeatedly, and from different sides and aspects, it opened to my mind more naturally and easily, and with more enlargement and variety. After a nervous malady, and to avoid sedentariness I also much accustomed myself to think abroad The practice was difficult at first, as my attention was often diverted ; but I soon by use acquired the power of fixed and regular application ; and the sceneries of na- ture rather aided than injured my meditations; inspir- mg also the trains of my reflection with a freshness and feeling underivable from dry and dull porings over books. In these musings in the garden, the meadow, the field, the wood, the leading ideas of my discourse soon fell into their proper places, and a di- vision resulted without much effort ; so that, when I came home, I had only to secure what I had already found and to write what I had already methodized ; and I could (without short-hand, which I lament I nevei earned) by various contractions and natural signs, easily remembered, include much of my subject “ a Sma11 COm P ass - 1 seldom, therefore, ever wrote a sermon at full length, but only a draft or sketch (it ; S co ““ onI J- as you know, called a skeleton), more or ess full, according to its requirements, leaving the subordinate filhngs-up, after meditation and prayer to the impressiveness and excitations of the audience, and lw delivery, and the assistance authorized to be hoped for where means have been duly used. Even these notes I never took with me into the pulpit, till within e past year, and I am sorry I ever took them. The memory, like a friend, loves to be trusted, and seldom tans to reward the confidence reposed in it. 140 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Though I did not usually write my sermons, in or- der either to read or mandate them (according to the Scottish phrase and practice), yet I rarely neglected my pen. As I had opportunity I was constantly com- mitting thoughts and sentiments to writing. It was one of the advices of Mrs. Hannah More, at my first acquaintance with her, to write much. “ It matters not, comparatively,” said that extraordinary woman (to whom I early owed much), “ on what a young composer first writes ; by the constant use of his pen, he will soon form a style ; and by nothing else can he attain it.” She also recommended writing with as much celerity as possible, regardless of trifling inac- curacies. “ These,” she said, “should not be suffered to check and cool the mind. These may be safely left for correction in review ; while advantage is taken of the heat of composition to go on to the end ; it being better to produce the whole figure at one fusion, than to cast successively various parts, and then con- join them.” I always composed rapidly. If I succeeded at all to my satisfaction, it was commonly at once. What I produced by mere dint of effort seldom pleased me. The mind should, indeed, be excited by love to the subject, or pleasure in the study ; but I always found a consciousness of difficulty and elaboration unfavor- able to success. The production was wanting in sim- plicity and naturalness. There is no reaching flowers by ladders and balloons. They do not grow in the air, but in the ground. They are not above our head, but at our feet. We find them in walking. We bend to view them, and stoop to gather them. I always found one thing very helpful in the choice THE REV. WILLIAM JAY, 141 and in the study of my subjects for preaching. It was the feeling of a rightness of aim and motive, — i. e ., a simple regard to usefulness ; and a losing sight of ad- vantage, popularity, and applause. This, it may be said, is rather a moral than an intellectual auxiliary. Be it so. But we know who has said, “ When thine eye is single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” And is not even reputation itself better and more surely acquired when it follows, than when it is pur- sued ? If we do not lose it, we corrupt it, by making it ouj* aim, instead of leaving it to follow as a conse- quence in the discharge of duty, and so making it the honor that cometh from God only. With regard to my texts , many from time to time gradually occurred; many also were obtained from the Scriptures read in our family worship ; but to avoid the loss of time in searching for others, and to secure a constant sufficiency, I followed the advice and practice of Job Orton. I procured a blank book, and wrote at the top of the page any passage of Scrip- ture that impressed me with the thought that rendered it striking. One part of the book in the same way was separately allotted for texts suited to particular subjects, seasons, and occasions. These were always increasing ; and to this store I repaired if no other passage immediately offered. I also always had a number of plans of sermons ready for use beforehand , in case I should be deprived of opportunity or fitness for my usual preparation ; and seldom, if ever, did I take advantage of any one of them from idleness, but only from the want of health, spirits, or leisure. I am, &c. LETTER XIV. REVIEW OF HIS ANNUAL VISIT TO LONDON, AND SERVICES AT SUR- REY CHAPEL: — REMARKS ON FREQUENT PREACHING: VISIT TO IRELAND : REBELLION : ALDERMAN HUTTON, HIS HOST* NO- TICE OF JOHN WALKER, DUBLIN. My dear Children, — The capabilities of preachers are not always to be estimated by their performances. This is the case with those who have numerous claims upon them for public service. If they are not to neg- lect their various other duties, what adequate prepar- ations can they secure for the many sermons they have to deliver ? Dr. Watts laments, in a letter to a young divine, that he was so soon after his ordination re- quired always to produce two discourses every week, and rather advises him to make use of published as- sistance for one part of the Sabbath. But those among whom I began my efforts were all accustomed to three sermons every Lord’s-day, and one at least in the week, and a private meeting besides. In addition to all this, in their own places, the ministers frequently preached in the neighboring villages. To all this I was early inured, and for some considerable length of time, and since my settlement in Bath, I have always had to furnish two discourses on the Sabbath, and one in the week, together with a private admonitory address; AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 143 not to mention (by no means unfrequent) extra en- gagements from home. For nearly fifty years I annually supplied Surrey Chapel. In this I yielded to the importunity of Mr. Hill, whom I found it difficult to refuse, as I had rather offended him by declining his pressing proposal to enter entirely into what he called his connexion, and by which I should have been at his disposal, to divide my labors among a number of places under his influence, if not authority. From taking that wrong step (for so it would have proved) I was prevented by the care and wisdom of my friend and father, Mr. Winter, who foresaw consequences of which I was not aware. For more than thirty years I supplied for eight Sundays yearly (a period too long for a pastor to be absent at once from his charge.) Then I supplied for six Sundays, then for four, and then for three only. At last I terminated my annual engagement ; and I should have done it sooner, had not many, even of my reverend brethren in London, urged me to continue the service. My reason for gradually shortening, and entirely resigning, the engagement, was not for want of respect and attendance in the congregation, to which I was much attached, or want of pleasure in the ser- vices ; for the cause had become much endeared, and I had often found the place to be none other than the house of Grod, and the gate of heaven. But, first, my growing disapproval of the system of providing for places by a merely successional supply. This system wants the advantage' of a pastoral relatiou, and robs many churches for too long a time of the labors of their own ministers, while it affects surrounding con* 144 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF gregations by tempting hearers, and members, to leave their own places, to follow some one preacher and some another, deservedly or undeservedly popular, with whose novelty and excitement a stated pastor can hardly compete. Secondly, because, in consequence of these engagements, I had less time and liberty to attend to occasional calls for services in other direc- tions ; for these had multiplied from the various resi- dences of my children, and the amazing increase of new religious interests, and public institutions calling for assistance. Though, therefore, I curtailed and declined my visits to London, I have labored more in the country, and have been oftener abroad preaching on particular occasions, such as ordinations, associations, openings, and re-openings of places of worship, and especially for the various benevolent societies that adorn our age and bless our nation. Judging from the results, I was found a tolerably successful beggar, and was made not a little free with, under that mendicant character. Had not David numbered the people, I might perhaps have kept an account of the multitude of collection sermons which I have delivered. But I can truly say that nothing has afforded me . more pleasure than per- ceiving that though I could do but little myself in the way of giving, I had some influence to aid, through others, so many schemes of civil and sacred beneficence. But in the course of these services my mind has un- dergone some variation, and, I think, improvement. Though I have not been much at sea, I have observed that a kind of side wind is the best for filling all the sails, and for securing speed. I have, therefore, for some years past, been led to preach very few direct charity THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 145 sermons. Many of the subjects of these appeals are well known, and the common enlargements upon them are become trite and satiating, when a peculiar frame of soul in the audience is necessary ; and I regard it as a kind of desecration of the place, and a debasement of the glorious Gospel, to deal much in pounds, shil- lings, and pence. I therefore more generally have chosen a very evangelical or experimental subject, the warm discussion of which was more likely to produce in my hearers a favorable state of mind and feeling for every good work ; so that at the close of the service their inquiry would be, “ Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” And I have only had to present the case with its nature and claims, all tricks and teasings be- ing unnecessary. In these occasional services, I have preached as I had opportunity for all parties that invited me. The thing was not where I preached, but what I preached, and I never felt fetters or embarrassment ; such a gen- eral agreement is there now on those leading truths which ought on these occasions to be called forth. Such interminglings too I have always found benefi- cial. They tend to reduce the strangeness that keeps Christians of different denominations so improperly from each other, and to produce that spirit which will lead us to exclaim, “ Behold my mother and my breth- ren ! for whosoever shall do the will of my Father that is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” “ Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.” Once I visited Ireland for six weeks, at the invita- tion of what was then called “The Evangelical So- ciety.” This Society consisted of pious individuals of 7 146 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF every ( Protestant and Evangelical) denomination, who, forgetting their minor differences, were anxious to do something for the spiritual good of their countrymen, especially in Dublin, by employing preachers who were likely to awaken some degree of attention. They pro- fessed only to defray their travelling expenses, without any remuneration of their labors. I was one of the invited, but could not have gone at a less favorable season. The rebellion broke out the very day after my arrival ; and the alarm and agitation immediately following, together with the fierceness of party rage, were such as for the time to injure, if not destroy, all serious and profitable impressions in the hearers. I was at the house of Alderman Hutton. He took me in his carriage (which was in our passage several times looked into by the soldiers stationed at the cross-roads) to preach one week-day afternoon at the Black Bock for the Bev. Mr. Kelly. But this tvas the only public service in which I could be engaged out of Dublin, be- ing by martial law nearly confined to the city, and al- most to the house. Every Sabbath-day morning I preached at Dr. M ‘Do wall’s church. He had a large and respectable congregation of orthodox presbyteri- ans, but displaying little of the power of godliness. In the evening I always preached at Plunket-street chapel, where assembled a few poorer people, but whose hearts God had touched. I also several times preached at the Baptist Meeting in St. Mary’s Abbey. It may seem surprising that a temporary missionary should have gone at such a period. The error lay en- tirely with the gentleman at whose mansion I was ac- commodated. Here (in England) we deemed every- thing lowering and foreboding, and I wrote for leave to THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 147 resign or postpone my visit ; but be rather ridiculed my apprehension. “ He was upon the spot.” “ He was a magistrate.” “He well knew the state of things.” “ There was no more danger in Dublin than in Bath.” “ Come and fulfil your engagement.” I went, but my preaching was in a sad degree dry and powerless, and the word, I feared, produced little or no effect. But in what a state did I find religion as far as I had op- portunity for observation ! There were a few grains of salt, but what were they to save the community from entire corruption? Mr. W. (Walker) was then preaching at Bethesda Chapel and Penitentiary, built by a gentleman at this time one of my congregation in Bath. Mr. W. was a man of erudition, mind, and in- fluence, and distinguished as rather the leader of the Evangelical party in Dublin, especially among the Episcopalians. He had an extreme aversion to every- thing he deemed Arminian, and seemed to hate Mr. Wesley as much as he did Dr. Priestley. He was too orthodox to be evangelical, i. e., to preach the Gospel to every creature, and betrayed a disdainful censor- iousness which brought to mind Solomon’s aphorism, “ Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” He soon afterward fell into one discov- ery after another, till “the light that was in him be- came darkness,” and oh ! how great was that darkness! But there were several most excellent young men be- longing to the university, who then gave promise of what they have since become. There were also pri- vate meetings successively in various houses for social prayer, in which persons of all parties zealously en- gaged ; and, soon after I left Dublin, a considerable re- vival commenced, and much has been done since to 148 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. advance the cause of Christ in different parts of that interesting but always distracted and misgoverned country. Had the same exertions been made in for- mer years, what a different state of things might have been now witnessed ! I am, &c. LETTER XV. VISIT TO SCOTLAND FOR LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY : DR. CHARLES STUART : — LETTER FROM HIM TO MR. JAY : SUBSEQUENT INTER- COURSE : APOLOGY FOR HIS SEVERE CRITICISMS ON MR. JAY I — ANECDOTES IN PREACHING : — REMARKS ON THE SCOTTISH CUSTOM OF LECTURING : — HIS OWN PREPARATION FOR THE PULPIT : USE- FULNESS I RIGHT AIM : EXTEMPORANEOUS PREACHING *. STATE OF THE PULPIT AMONG NONCONFORMISTS: — METHODIST EASE, EAR- NESTNESS, LIFE, ETC. : —ATTRACTION FOR THE MASSES! UNION OF THE TWO STYLES OF PREACHING : — BEST CHARACTER OF : — FAULTS OF SCOTTISH PREACHERS, THE DRY AND THE LUSCIOUS ! LONG PREACHING. My dear Children, — In the summer of 18 — I vis- ited Scotland. It was in the service of the London Missionary Society. I preached my way thither, on public occasions, at Birmingham, Manchester, Halifax, Hull, and York. At the latter place I passed a whole Sabbath. A plan was to have been in readiness to regulate all my public movements when I arrived at Edinburgh, but it was not well formed. Hence time was frequently lost, and due notices were not always forwarded. The neglect was occasioned by the man- ner in which the affair of arrangement was settled. Where a number of persons are engaged, mutual de- pendence upon each other weakens a sense of individ- ual responsibility, and often little or nothing is done. Had the ark been built by a committee, it would never 150 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF have been finished. In the case to which I am refer- ring, one should have been appointed for the pilrpose of direction, and this one a man of business and tact ; while here several individuals were concerned, and I believe all of these were ministers, who, it is well known, are not always the most apt and punctual be- ings in the world. Here also I scarcely preached to advantage, and must have fallen short of some degree of fame that had preceded me, and which was aided by the report of many who had visited Bath in a course of years, and had heard me in my own pulpit. I was hurried and perplexed, and wanted that freedom from bustle, and that retirement, without which I never could feel or produce much impression. The principal places I preached in were Edinburgh, Falkirk, Stirling, Dum* blane, Glasgow, Paisley, Greenock, Largs, and the Isle of Bute. In four of these places, I preached in the Established Kirk, as well as among the Seceders and Congregationalists. From the beginning, the pulpits in the National Church of Scotland had been opened to orthodox divines of other communions ; but some little time before my visit the General Assembly had passed a decree to close them.* This seemed to have * This reference to the closing of the pulpits in the Established Kirk of Scotland but a short time before Mr. Jay’s visit, enables us nearly to fix the date which he has left open in the commencement of the present letter. It is well known that the Decree of the Gen- eral Assembly was attributed to the first visit of the Rev. Rowland Hill and his itinerant labors in Scotland. That visit took place in the year 1798. The Decree to close the pulpits against ministers of other communions probably passed the Assembly of 1799, for on Mr. Hill’s second visit he found it in operation against him. Mr. Jay’s visit we may, therefore, suppose from his language, took place THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 151 been done, not only from a dislike of a certain kind of doctrinal preaching, but in a moment of irritation, oc- casioned, perhaps, in a measure by some indiscreet acts among those who needed only to have preached the testimony of God, as Whitfield did, who knew “ nothing save Jesus Christ and him crucified.” It is related that when he first visited Scotland, the excel- lent Erskines rather opposed him as not sufficiently particular and discriminate in his zeal ; they wished to confine his labors to their own party, and not to labor in the Church from which they had seceded, saying, “ God had left it.” Then said he, “ It is the more necessary for me to preach in it, to endeavor to bring him back : I ’ll preach Christ wherever they ’ll let me.” It was hoped at this time, by the better members of the Establishment, that such a decree would not long remain in their statute-book. Some from the first deemed the decree more honored in the breach than in the observance ; and it was pleasing to find how soon, in some actual instances, it was treated as a dead letter. The last General Assembly previous to the Secession which forms the “ Free Church” nobly abrogated it ; but, as it was expected, the Residuary Church soon re-enacted it. It is the disgrace and the injury of a Church to be exclusive, but it is worse to become so, and to become so when knowledge and lib- erality prevail, and the rights of conscience are so much better understood. In churches just emerging from within a year or two. So «hat its date must have been 1800, 1801 or 1802, and could hardly have been later, or he could not have used the words, u some little time before,” 152 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF the bosom of antbchristianism, or rising up where re- ligion was so identified with superstition, when bigotry and intolerance were the error of the age, as well as of individuals, some degree of the evil can hardly be Avondered at, and may be for a time tolerated. But “ they that sleep, sleep in the night, and they that are drunken are drunken in the night ; but let them that are of the day be sober.” It is lamentable to think that the Established Church of England has become more intolerant than it was formerly. Even in the days of Elizabeth, other Protestant communities were not unchurched, nor the ordinations of their ministers deemed invalid. It is an historical fact, that what can- not be done now was more than allowed then ; and that divines both officiated in the Establishment, and obtained preferments, who had only been set apart by “ laying on of the hands of the Presbytery.” In Edin- burgh I was followed by that good and talented, but eccentric, or (at least) peculiar character, Dr. Stuart. He had seceded from the Church of Scotland, but no church came up quite to his standard of scriptural purity and order ; and therefore it is said, he com- muned with none but his own servant, in his own house. He always heard more like a judge than a learner. He weighed everything that dropped from a preacher’s lips in the nicest scale of rigid orthodoxy, and was never backward to pronounce “Tekel.” I was not therefore very likely to escape. Accordingly I soon found that I had erred in my opinion concerning the unlikely supreme prevalence of popery, and had shown, with regard to some parties, a most improper candor. But when I happened to preach at the Rev- Mw Innes’s meeting, from the words of John, “ Perfect THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 153 love casteth out fear,” the sermon so pleased him that very late the same night he wrote me a letter much importuning me to give it to the public, as the best illustration of an important principle he had ever heard. Here is the letter itself : — “ My dear Sir, — I regret very much that my state of health disqualifying me for conversation, has not permitted me to avail myself of the opportunity of seeing you. I have, however, been privileged with hearing you three times; and may I, though without consultation with any one, earnestly beseech you to let the discourse of to-night appear from the press ? I do not urge this lightly. I do beg it of you from the conviction that it contained the truth in one of the most striking representations I ever heard, and is suited to alarm, rouse, comfort, animate; but it con- tains a solution of various difficulties which will, I know, disentangle many. That it coincides with my sentiments is nothing ; in so far I beg leave to enclose a statement of it. Only meaning to confess how low it is, compared with the practical, admirable, elevated view of it you delivered, “I am, my dear Sir, “Your most obedient servant, “ Charles Stuart. “ Thursday night.” I also had once seen him in London, where he fre quently heard me ; and calling upon me at Surrey Chapel House, he said he had formerly written a re- view of my sermons, for some part of which he was now sorry, as he had not done justice to the evan* 7 * 154 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF gelism of my sentiments, of which he was now per- suaded from hearing me. In my long public life and various preachings, I have met with bo few of these “ tryers,” who had or feigned to have some scruples as to the stanchness of my credenda; but I never quarrelled with them — never argued with them; but took care never to flatter them, or court their favor. “ Thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them, for I am the Lord thy God.” u Call no man master upon earth, for one is your master, even Christ.” In this journey, I al- ways felt an apprehension which had a contracting and depressive influence. It was the thought that my mode of preaching was not congenial with the taste of Scottish audiences. My friend, Mr. Hughes, who had been for education at Aberdeen, contributed to this, by telling me when I was going to Scotland, that while in the north I must be very careful and guarded, and forbear freedoms , and especially anecdotes, which would not be relished or endured there. A man al- ways works best when he works in his own way, and I knew I should do better with my sling and stones than in Saul’s armor. My preaching could never dis- pense with my own manner, and which I am sure was natural to me, and not derived from the schools. Towards the conclusion of my mission, I was preach- ing in the Isle of Bute ; and near the end of the ser- mon I mentioned the caveat I had received before I left England ; adding, that I then felt a strong temp- tation to break through it. I paused, and then said, “ Well, whatever be the consequence, I will introduce the following anecdote.” I saw it told ; and the min- isters, coming afterwards into the session-house vestry, THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 155 said, il You liave labored under a great mistake; we are not averse to anecdotes, but to some kinds of them, and to the manner of relating and applying any of them. When they are well chosen, and properly in- troduced, they are peculiarly acceptable, as they are more unusual with us, and we want excitement more than information.” One thing struck me much while in Scotland. It was their lecturing, which I believe is invariable on the morning of the Lord’s day, in all their sanctuaries, both in the Establishment and among Seceders. I had only before very rarely employed this mode of instruction, but ever since my return I have frequent- ly introduced it. I once, indeed, had begun an essay on the subject in order to recommend the practice, to which I had intended to annex a volume of such ex- ercises. But I was diverted immediately from my purpose, by the request of my congregation to publish “ The Christian Character Contemplated,” which I had just delivered. It is perhaps now too late for me to resume the thing ; but I here record it as my settled judgment, that nothing would be more profitable to the hearer, and useful to the preacher ; and I only wish that our English churches would more encourage it, and our ministers seek to excel in it. Some difficulty at first arose from my usual method of preaching, which is very textual ; and which leads me to notice the several parts, and often even the wording of the text. But in lecturing, many minute- nesses must be passed over, and the aim must be to seize and display the spirit or design of the whole pass- age, and bring it to bear upon the audience in practi- cal application. Preachers differ in their talents, and 156 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF all cannot equally succeed in the same department. But let none decline making an attempt here, or be discouraged if their efforts be not crowned with imme- diate success. In due time they may reap if they faint not. I could commonly ascertain before I left the study how I should succeed in the pulpit. With me the tug of the war was always alone. If I felt that I had grasp- ed my subject, and could gain a certain frame of spirit made up of the solemn and the tender , I rather longed for the service than dreaded it ; and this was very much the case on all occasions, the more extraordinary and trying ones not excepted. I never considered an essay a sermon, or a sermon an essay ; I always loved arrangement and division. I am aware that the former may be found without the latter, and intelligent and reflective minds may recog- nize it ; but as to the mass of hearers, concealed meth- od is much the same as none. And why should it ever be concealed ? The lower orders peculiarly need it ; it relieves and quickens their attention ; it aids their apprehension and understanding. It also enables them the better to retain and carry away what they hear ; and how limited is the efficiency of what pleases and interests in the act of hearing only ! And how desirable is it that our people should keep in memory what is preached unto them, that they may not believe in vain! Hence it is much to be wished that the divisions should be short, simple, and easy ; the language every- where plain, and the exemplifications natural and fa- miliar. Few can imagine how much I have always made this my aim and effort; nor have I less wished THE REV. WILLIAM JAV. 157 and endeavored to be in some measure not only intel- ligible but impressive. This is no easy thing ; and some of the means that would conduce to it, especially among the vulgar, are by many too much overlooked or despised. But is it not strange that men of God, who profess to be ministers in a kingdom not of this world, and who are sent to seek that which is lost, should, while sitting in judgmentoupon their mode of preaching, inquire not what kind of address and illus- tration is most likely to be useful to the bulk of an audience, but what agrees best with the most admir- ed modes of composition. Longinus, or Quintilian, or Cicero, has more authority with them, even in the things of the Spirit, than the manner of the sacred writers. The Jew's had no schools for dialectics and rhetoric ; their orators spoke only the eloquence of nature. Rules w r ere originally derived from the excellency of works, and not v r orks from the excellency of rules. Criticism is useful in its degree and place ; but it is not a standard of absolute authority, especially with him that like Paul v r ould “ become all things to all men, if by any means he might gain some.” I early preached in villages, and never discontinued the practice as long as I was able and had opportunity. I ought therefore to know from much experiment what is required in such services. I never went to them unprepared. It appeared to me strange that any should suppose that less care and labor are necessary in prep- aration as those we address are less disciplined and qualified to receive instruction. I always peculiarly studied for the occasion, only my study was how to be intelligible and interesting. The minds of the rus- tics are not inaccessible, but you must take the trouble 158 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF to find the avenues to them. There are modes of mak- ing them look eagerly, and hang upon the preacher’s lips ; and the preacher who secures their attention, whatever some think, has the honor of resembling him of whom it was said, “ the common people heard him gladly.” Persons of education may be approached through mere intellect, but the poor generally are like women whose heads are in their hearts. They are like poets, who feel before they think. Application with them is an effect rather than a cause. They attend not to feel, but must be made to feel in order to attend. When will preachers remember the observation of Kollin, — viz., that “the eloquence of the Scripture is the elo- quence of things, and not of words, and therefore it is that so much of the spirit and mode of the original shows itself even in the plainness of the translation.” I seem disposed to continue a little longer in the same strain. I shall therefore venture a few more re- marks freely with regard to preaching. Upon the principle before mentioned, the ex re nata of extemporary speaking will always be more effective than what is read from composed documents doled forth from mere recollection. Animation is desirable, and with ordinary minds no other quality will fully supply the want of it ; but then it must appear to be the re- sult of feeling. Whenever this is really the case, the animation will glow and rise with the subject. What is continuous and invariable must be mechanical and as- sumed. This is a sad secret let out by the uniform and constant bawlers or strainers. I have heard a whole % sermon from the beginning to the end, whatever in- equalities there were ii the importance of the parts, THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 159 delivered precisely in the same degree of tone and forced vehemency. But how can the fire precede the friction? And how can all the picture be light with* out shade ? Nothing that requires a lengthened connection of ar- gumentation will succeed with ordinary hearers. They are not accustomed to unbroken trains of thought or discussion. With them, if the preacher be wise, he will find out acceptable words ; for the words of the wise are as goads and as nails. The mass are not mathematical ; they are not logical. The deep and the subtle in reasoning will commonly escape them. Yet there is often in them largely the principle of com- mon sense ; and they are capable of taking in even a profound proof or argument, if it be despatched with brevity and plainness. It is also very advantageous, if not necessary, in their case, to attach to the proof or argument some fact or image, not in evidence, (for metaphors prove nothing), but in illustration. Thus a kind of handle is given to the subject, by which they are enabled to lay hold of and carry away what would else be too large, or unfit for their grasp. I have always thought the regular Dissenters were to blame at the origin of Methodism. They did not indeed oppose, as the Church generally did, on the ground of doctrine, for in this they essentially ac- quiesced, but as to the mode of preaching. The Dis- senters were educated ministers themselves, (for at that time there was scarcely a lay-preacher among them,) and their sermons were not only orthodox but studied, grammatically correct, and methodical; but, with a very few exceptions, pointless, cold, and drawled off from notes. On the other hand, many of the new 160 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF preachers had not been trained for the ministry ; and delivered themselves in a way very unacceptable, in many respects, to culti vated minds. They were often boisterous, rude, coarse, incoherent. Yet they were powerful and efficient ; and noise and novelty will not account for all the effect they produced. Reflecting men might have perceived this. Our ministers saw that the meeting was thinly attended, and that crowds were drawn to the Tabernacle. Instead of listening to reports, (which always magnified the mistakes of these men,) and dwelling so much upon their defi- ciencies, they should have owned that Grod honored them and did much good by them ; they should have heard and judged for themselves ; they should have examined whether there were not some things in which these laborers (for such indeed they were) deserved not only to be tolerated but even imitated. And there were a few who nobly differed from the many of the general body. They were candid and judicious enough to own these men, without approving everything in them. They perceived, that with all their supposed or real faults, they had an earnestness in their manner, with strokes of fancy, touches of passion, striking metaphors, plain anecdotes, bold addresses and char- acteristic applications to the conscience, which might be detached from their accompanying improprieties, and adopted in an improved state, in combination with elements of their own; accordingly, these soon dis- played, in addition to their own superior learning, ac- curacy, and order, an ease and a liveliness which, as ministers, they knew not before. And it is this union, so to speak, of the Dissenter and Methodist that has produced the better style of THE REV. WILLIAM JAV. 161 preaching than either of them had separately attained. They have corrected and improved each other ; and introduced freedom without irregularity, arrangement without stiffness, animation without violence, soberness without dulness, solemnity without sanctimoniousness, readiness without rapidity, and plainness without vul- garity. With -regard to subjects , what I have always deemed the best kind of preaching is neither highly doctrinal nor dryly practical ; but distinguished by what I should call experimentality , or a constant blending of the doc- trine and practice of the gospel strongly with the af- fections and feelings. Many of our northern divines have been sadly deficient here. Their sermons have had theology enough in them and were well method- ized ; but there was little in them to rend or to melt. How much of “ The Scotch Preacher ’ 7 (not the last) might be read through without the troublesomeness of a single emotion ! This was an extreme from the “ Marrow Divines , 77 and a mode of evangelical compo- sition which for a good while obtained there, best de- nominated, perhaps, by the “luscious.” In many in- stances, preaching is now getting towards the right medium in Scotland, and our brethren there, with the talents and learning which distinguish them, are likely to become able ministers of the New Testament, not of the head only, but also of the heart. There is nothing against which a preacher should be more guarded than length. “ Nothing , 77 says Lamont, “ can justify a long sermon. If it be a good one it need not be long ; and if it be a bad one it ought not to be long . 77 Luther, in the enumeration of nine qual- ities of a good preacher, givers as the sixth, — “ That he 162 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. should know when to stop.” Boyle has an essay on patience under long preaching. This was never more wanted since the Commonwealth than now, in our own day, especially among our young divines and academics, who think their performances can never be too much attended to. I never err this way my- self but my conviction always laments it; and for many years after I began preaching I never offended in this way. I never surpassed three-quarters of an hour at most. I saw one excellency was within my reach — it was brevity, and I determined to obtain this, I am, &c. LETTER XVI. CRITICISM ON HIS SERMONS : — DEFENCE OF HIS METHOD : — AMERICAN REVIVAL PREACHING: SCRIPTURAL LANGUAGE : OBJECTORS I — PASTORAL VISITING: COMPLAINTS: HIS EXPLANATION. My dear Children,- — I cannot be ignorant that, besides frequent references to my sermons on public occasions, my preaching has been more expressly criticized in different publications. Six of these have come under my view. A man would not be allowed to be a judge in his own case, or otherwise I could say that neither the commendations that have been gra- ciously given me, nor the defects which have been no- ticed, have appeared to myself very appropriate or discriminative ; nor has the secret of the degree of impression which I have produced (and which has been rather extensive as well as durable) been very justly explained. If I considered myself competent to supply the deficiency, it would be indelicate to at- tempt it ; though, when this is read, I shall be beyond the reach of human praise or censure. One thing I cannot help remarking. I never saw any allusion to my preaching as abounding more with images, and facts, and instances of things, than what commonly prevails. If I have not succeeded in this, the practice has not always accorded with my convic* 164 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF tion, and aim, and endeavor. Bunyan’s motto, bor- rowed from Hosea, could never be used by some preachers — “I have used similitudes.” But such a usage is sanctioned by the constitution of human na- ture, and recommended by the example of Him who “ spake as never man spake.” Dr. Carey is reported to have said to a young minister who had preached before him, “ My young friend, I have much approved of your sermon, but it had one deficiency, it had no ‘ likes' in it.” And when asked for an explanation, he added, “ Why, when you read our Lord’s discourses, you constantly meet with the expression, The king- dom of heaven is like unto leaven, like unto mustard- seed, like unto a net, like unto a marriage, and so on. Now never preach again, my young friend, without some ‘ likes ' 1 in your addresses.” God, the only wise God, who, having made us, knows what is in man, and what is necessary to him, has given us the largest proportion of the Old and New Testaments in the form of history and biography. Is it not, therefore, strange that public instructors should lose sight of God’s method, and be always getting into the commonness of declamation, or the dryness of speculative discussion ? “A story,” says Cecil, u will hold a child by the ear for an hour together,” and u men are but children of a larger growth.” Nearly allied to this is another thing in which the sacred writers (did we deem them worthy our imita- tion) would usefully guide us. Instead of defining, they describe ; and instead of describing, they exem- plify. They hold forth everything, not in the naked- ness of abstraction, but clothed with their attributes, and palpable in their effects. To show us what the THE REV. WILLIAM JA T. 165 power of religion is, they tell ns what it does. The believer comes to Christ. The penitent looks on him whom he has pierced, and mourns. W e have not the rules and tactics of the war, but we see the warrior from his arming till he has triumphed. We have not the representation of the pilgrimage, but we have the pilgrim, and follow him step by step from the city of destruction up to the celestial abode. If I mention some things which have been noticed in my style of preaching, not censoriously, yet rather in a way of complaint, it will not be for the purpose of defence, but explanation. It will then be seen, if I have erred, that it has been more by rule than by thoughtlessness ; and the reader will be left at full lib- erty to judge for himself. I am aware of what has been said of the importance of unity of design in a discourse, especially by Mr. Fuller, who so well exem- plified his own advice. With this mode I have not been wanting sometimes to comply, and I have occa- sionally found great advantage in selecting a single sentiment, and pursuing it through the whole dis- course. But I have much more generally followed the textual treatment, deriving the contents of the sermon from the parts and even the terms of the passage, and this unavoidably rather trenches on unity. But may not the want of unity in the subject be compensated, and more than compensated, by variety ? In the Drama, much has been written of the unities by the French, who also always boasted of their maintaining them. But has one of their authors anything equal to the mixed productions of Shakspeare, who often violates them all ? But in preaching it should be remembered what diversities of persons and cases there are before 166 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF us at every service, and liow unlikely these diversities are to be reached by the very same thing. We are rightly to divide the word, and give to each a portion of meat in due season. The Day of Judgment admits of many separate views. It may be considered as a day of aggregation — a day of separation — a day of manifestation — a day of retribution. And Bourdaloue or Massillon would confine himself to one of these ex- clusively. But would this be likely to be so useful, or to strike various and different minds, as a few bold strokes on all of them ? An American divine was one day endeavoring to account to me for the effect of their revival preaching. He ascribed much of it to its restriction to one thing, observing, for instance, that though repentance may be considered as including conviction, contrition, con- fession, conversion, and, as necessary to the whole, looking on Him whom we have pierced — they should not notice these together, but give each a separate and distinct discourse. But the same individuals may not hear all these distinct discourses ; and if other persons drop in and hear only one of them, how defective may his information be ! I could not divide in the same sermon the cause and the effect. I could not preach repentance without preaching the Cross. How is the one to be produced without the other? Let us read the Acts and the Epistles. Some have complained of my sermons being filled with too much Scripture. If this be an error, it is surely on the right side ; and, as Dr. Geddes says, “ I love to give God’s children plenty of their own bread.” I am sure of this, that I never used quotations from the Scripture merely to fill up or to lengthen out a THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 167 discourse ; and I trust I have never introduced any fancifully or regardlessly of the mind of the Spirit ; yet I own there is here occasionally some excess ; and it has probably resulted from my familiarity with the language of the Bible, having, before many other books came in my way, read it much, and committed much to memory. Am I to allow the charge of too much amplification and diffuseness in my preaching ? When Mr. Pitt once received an intimation of this kind, with regard to his speeches, his episcopal biographer tells us he made this reply : “ A man who addresses a popular assembly must either use repetition or diffusion ; and I prefer the latter.” If he deemed this needful in such an assembly as he addressed, can it be unnecessary in ministers when speaking to a mixed multitude, many of whom have little education or talent, and were never accustomed to any fixed application of mind ? We should consider that what either in confirmation or illustration is superfluous for one hearer, is even in- sufficient for another. We often see as we go on in our discourse, from the straining attention of some in the crowd, that we have not yet succeeded in what we have spoken. Are we then to go forward without making another attempt with some change of address or variation of imagery ? The eloquent Isaiah would say, “ Precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept ; line upon line, line upon line ; here a little, and there a little.” Who has entirely escaped the reflection of freedom’s degenerating into vulgarity and coarseness ? Certain- ly not a Shakspeare, a Burke, a Hopkins, or a South. Certainly not many of our most forcible writers ; and 168 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OP they incurred the accusation because of their force . In aiming at great impression and effect there is always some danger. There is none in tame correctness. “ They who crawl Can never fall.” But they who rise and they who run may. Yet is not occasional failure in attempt better than perpetual deficiency and indifference ? Have not a thousand beauties been snatched from the very verge of impro- priety ? May not a man deserve the rebuke of Quin- tilian, who, speaking of a certain author, says, “ His greatest excellence was that he had no fault, and his greatest defect that he had no excellence ” ? Give me an impressiveness and an excitement that will not allow a hearer to perceive a fault, or, if he does, leaves him no mind to regard it. And is there nothing, if not to applaud, yet to extenuate, in even a mistake, in endeavoring to do good to those who are destitute of a thousand advantages, and whose condi- tion is such that they must be sought after? We do not admire their low and grovelling taste, yea, we wish to raise and improve it ; but how is this to be done' if we never approach them ? Can you take up a child from the ground without bending ? And when kind- ness makes you stoop, honor crowns condescension. I have found it difficult, if not impossible, to give satisfaction to a certain class of hearers, while wishing to do justice to the Scripture at large. Some of these objectors (for I could not think so of all) have been good men, but of contracted views. I admired their love to the truth as it is in Jesus, and their peculiarly relishing it when brought forward in a discourse. I THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 169 acknowledge also that a minister should frequently and largely dwell upon it, and treat everything in con- nection with it. But this connection extends much further than they seem to suppose. It does not follow that because one point is to be made more prominent in a discourse, all others are to be disregarded. We are no more to abridge than to mangle the Gospel. We must keep back nothing that is profitable, but de- clare the whole counsel of God. It will be better to be able at last to make the appeal, “I am free from the blood of all men,” than to find that we have succeed- ed in gratifying the taste of a few, whose preference is of little value in the possession, and commonly a snare in the obtaining. The apostles are our models ; in their Epistles we find doctrine and practice, duty and privilege, always blended together. They knew that everything in the Evangelical scheme was not equally important ; but they regarded nothing as useless. They took great care to lay the foundation firmly and broadly ; but then they omitted nothing in the superstructure that was needful or ornamental. They preached only a crucified Saviour ; but warning every man and teach- ing every man in all wisdom, that they might present every man perfect in Jesus Christ. They contended that the grace of God alone brings salvation, but show- ed that it teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present world. Yet I could never have felt at liberty to preach a series of sermons on a number of evil characters such as the apostle mentions as abounding in the last days : “ Lovers of their own selves ; covetous ; boasters ; 8 170 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF proud ; blasphemers ; disobedient to parents ; unthank- ful ; unholy ; without natural affection ; truce-break- ers ; false accusers ; incontinent ; fierce ; despisers of those that are good ; traitors ; heady ; high-minded ; lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God ; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof;” yet I knew a pastor who edified his people for nineteen Sabbaths following, with a separate discourse on each of these. I also knew another, not green in age, who was three years in going through the ten command- ments. I could hardly consider myself justified in preach- ing a whole sermon before a multitude of perishing sinners from the words of Solomon, “He that hateth suretyship is sure.” Not that such intimations and cautions are to be overlooked ; but it is better to strike at the thing with a remark or two as we go on. It should also be remembered that we may often insinu- ate moral hints while we are illustrating some Christian principle. By teaching the children of God what they ought to be, I teach other children their obligations ; and by holding forth the character of God as a Father, I instruct and admonish other fathers in the duties which lie upon them. It should, however, never be forgotten that “we are the servants of the Most High God, who show unto men the way of salvation that the Gospel is good news for perishing sinners ; and that this is to be preached to every creature ; and “ there are some doc- trines,” says Mr. Venn, “that should not only be al- ways implied and referred to in our sermons, but should be distinctly and fully treated, several times in the course of every year.” You probablv have heard more than myself of the THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 171 complaints which have been made of your father with regard to the article of visiting. I can truly say, it affords me no satisfaction to find similar complaints very prevalent wherever I have gone. N or do I, in this case, wish to attempt wholly to justify myself — 'far from it. I might have done more, especially in some cases, than I have done, by moje decision, arrangement, and diligence. Who can look back on any department of duty and -usefulness, and not have reason to exclaim, “ If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, 0 Lord, who shall stand ?” Yet I would remark a few things, by way, at least, of explanation, rather than of excuse. No little of this censured neglect was voluntary with me, and therefore it did not aggrieve my mind. I saw that much of what was commonly expected w r as un- reasonable, , and that it was consequence rather than im- provement that was affected by disappointment. I saw several kinds of visitants whom I did not see I was called to follow. First. The smokers, furnished with a pretty pipe, and its usual concomitant, at every house of call ; Secondly . The listless and self-indulgent, who found that diligent study was much less inviting, than loung- ing from one company to another, and hearing the news of the neighborhood ; Thirdly. The truly pious, who are really concerned to do good, but were often less useful than they meant or imagined. Many of these have not the oily slang of religious phrases ; they are not apt at free and ap- propriate address, or turning all incidents to profitable account; yet they might preach to advantage, had they time and leisure for reading and meditation. 172 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF I saw also that their calls were not always accept- able or convenient : this was the case with mechanics and men in business, and still more so with females in ordinary life, who were commonly taken up with their domestic cares. I saw also that the whole congregation must be vis- ited (in which case, if it were a large one, the whole of a preacher’s time would be occupied,) or the minis- ter would be deemed a respecter of persons, giving as much pain as pleasure ; flattering the pride of one, and gendering the envy of another, by supposed par- tiality. I also could not but see how little profit resulted from more set visits, of longer continuance, and includ- ing table and tea entertainments. In these meetings how nearly impossible is it to commence or maintain discourse by which you can either gain or do good ! I am aware that there must be interviews and inter- courses, when they are of^no particular character or utility ; they contribute to good neighborhood and social pleasure ; but I am now speaking of things in reference to their ecclesiastical relation, and the importance of their bearing on ministerial duty and excellence. If familiarity does not breed contempt, it reduces reverence ; and too much intimacy has often lowered the impression and influence of many a minister ; for there are but few who have the same presence and ad- dress in the parlor as in the pulpit. I have no opinion of a pastor that is not very studious. But study demands leisure and retirement, and “ through desire, a man, having separated him- self, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.” He should therefore, as much as possible, avoid pub* THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 173 licity, and be covetous and niggardly of every fragment of time. A man who has some degree of talent, espec- ially an easiness and fluency of speech, may do for an itinerant or an occasional preacher, by his brisk su- perficialities ; but let him become stationary, and have to preach three or four times a week to the same peo- ple, and he ? 11 soon abound with sameness, and become sapless and unedifying ; the young will feel little at- traction ; the intelligent will be tempted to withdraw ; the dull will become drowsy ; and the ignorant that remain will be ignorant still. People for their own sakes should do all they can to promote a habit of mental application in their min- isters, and be concerned to allow them every oppor- tunity wdthin their reach for exerting it, especially their mornings and evenings. Of course, if they love their pastors, they will feel pleasure in their company, nor will that company be unreasonably refused ; but let them, as much as possible, choose the time of in- tercourse, and not accuse them of indolence, or self- indulgence, if it be not so frequent as they could wish. Perhaps at the very moment of their hearers’ com- plaint they are in their retirement praying for them, or studying to comfort or profit them, if not with the sweat of the brow, with the sweat of the brain ; for a much study is a weariness of the flesh.” I therefore never felt anything like self-reproach when conscious of my being fully employed ; and per- suaded that I was better subserving, not only my own welfare, but that of my people and of the public, in my study, than in gadding about without an aim in idle interviews and nursery talk. I mention not this, therefore, to make those easy 174 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF who rise not before seven in the morning ; hang loose from strenuous improvement all the day ; are drawn aside by every trifling excitement ; and apply the tim^ they affect to husband from visiting to no equal pur- pose, or no purpose at all; but for the sake of up- right and conscientious men, who are anxious to make full proof of their ministry, but grieve because they cannot do the things that they would. But is not a minister a pastor, and is not a shepherd to mind and manage the state of all his sheep ? He is ; and he must peculiarly regard cases of urgency and distress ; he is to bind up that which is broken ; to bring back that which has wandered ; but he can only feed, and lead, and fold the flock together or col- lectively . Cases of affliction have special claims on pastoral at- tention ; and in these consolation and spiritual profit may be administered by a word in season. But here ministers have sometimes been blamed for remissness, when they have not been made acquainted with the dis- tress. The rule is, u Is any sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church thus at once inform- ing them of his case, and expressing his desire to be visited. I observe also, that much in this supposed delin- quency was with me unavoidable . I began my course under many early disadvantages ; for I began young, and nearly from the beginning was thrown into situa- tions and circumstances which had many and exciting demands upon me, without assistance. Though phys- ically incapable of enduring so much confinement and engagement as some of my brethren, I had four ser- vices per week at home, besides frequent calls abroad. THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 175 Bath, the place of my residence, exposed me to Kiany interruptions ; and my own people little knew how much I was necessarily engaged in visiting strangers who came there for health, and were away from their usual pious helps. I might also mention, that I was early unintentionally led to become an author; and God giving me much acceptance, I regarded the press as well as the pulpit, the one indeed, as to extensive- ness and continuance, superior to the other. This also required time and attention, and much more than jus- tice to my subject demanded. As congregations grow larger and more respectable ; as more preparation for the pulpit is needful than for- merly ; as institutions have so much multiplied, and pastors must often be engaged in services added to their home routine of duty; new and serious difficul- ties arise in the present discharge of the ministerial function. How are they to be met ? It seems now hardly possible to combine equally in the same man the excellencies of the pastor and the eminence of the preacher. I have seldom seen an instance of both. Dr. Mason, of New York, in his farewell address to his church, says, “If you would have us not only to preach Christ publicly, but from house to house, you must put your hands into your pockets, and support a dozen more pastors.” If pastors and pastoral assistants cannot be multi- plied, may not something be done by an increase of good and efficient deacons and elders? Could not they relieve their ministers from some of their exer- tions, and allow them the more freedom to give them- selves to the Word of God and prayer? Is there no- thing they can do but serve tables ? Could not fe- 176 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF males be usefully and properly employed? "Were they not in the first churches officially engaged, not indeed in preaching, this was expressly forbidden — and inspiration is only common sense here, — but in cases that did not compromise the duties and decencies of their peculiar sphere and character ? Paul says to the Philippians, “ Help those women that labored with me in the gospel.” To Timothy he speaks of a “ widow well reported of for good works, if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints’ feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work.” “I commend unto you,” says he to the Ro- mans, “ Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea. For she has been a succorer of many, and myself also. Also greet Mary, who bestowed much labor on us.” I flatter not, but speak the words of truth and sober- ness when I say, our churches and ministers suffer no inconsiderable loss by the non-official engagement of the sex, whose taste and talent, piety and goodness and zeal, are now so useful, but which may be rendered much more so than they are. One thing I did to remedy, in a degree, my defi- ciency in visiting. For the sake more expressly of the busy, the poor, and the aged, I had a meeting in the vestry on the Monday evening, in which I always sat, and, for near an hour, spoke in a more free and familiar manner than it became me to use in my pul- pit. I considered this like meeting the party in a room for conversation, only I had all the talk to myself. But while I spoke to the whole company, each could hear as well as if I spoke to him only and alone ; yet THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 177 some have grudged that others should partake of the benefit ; and would have had it more expressly and distinctively appropriated to them alone. What evil often veils itself under religious pretension ! What to some is usefulness, compared with selfish gratification ! “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” I am, &c. 8 * LETTER XVII. FLEA SANT REVIEW OF HIS LEFE, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC! — TRIALS, PLEASURES, ETC. ! RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS ! COMPLACENT REVIEW OF DIVERSITIES ! NOT INCOMPATIBLE WITH UNION ! — CHANGE OF RELIGIOUS CONNECTIONS. My dear Children, — While musing with my pen in my hand, and hardly knowing what to write, it struck me that you may be ready to ask, how my life appears in review ? Life is commonly said to appear short, and to some even in advanced years it may so appear ; but they have been persons whose condition has been distin- guished by much sameness, whose progress has seem- ed to consist of one journey, whose passage has been always smooth, and who have not many things to strike and, as it were, detain the mind, in looking back. But life to others in retrospect seems to be like a suc- cession of stages, each having its beginning and end- ing, and a variety of separate, intermediate residences; trom one of which to another the memory can hardly pass without re-entering and enjoying or suffering their scenes and events again. And this gives the notion of length. Now in my case, life has not only run tnrough infancy, and childhood, and youth, and man- hood, and in a great measure through age itself, but has been made up of such diverse states, and has been AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 179 attended with so many new (as to myself) and interest- ing occurrences, that I cannot go over it quickly ; and my first consciousness, feelings, and actings seem a long way back. But should I be willing, such as I have found it, to go over life again ? I have heard many express the sentiment, though not in the poetry, of Cowper, — “ Worlds should not bribe me back to tread Again life’s dreary waste, To see the future overspread With all the gloomy past.” But such language is not for me. I should not shrink from the proposal of repetition, ■ — “ Goodness and mercy have followed me all the days of my life.” My duties have not been burdening and irksome. My trials have been few compared with my comforts. My pleasures have been cheap and simple, and therefore very numerous. I have enjoyed unsatiatingly the seasons and the sceneries of nature. I have relished the bounties of Providence, using them with modera- tion and thankfulness. I have delighted in the means of grace ; unutterable have been my delights in study- ing and perusing the Scripture. How have I verified the words of Young — “ Retire and read thy Bible to be gay !” Preaching has been the element of my heart and my head. My labors have met with much acceptance — nor have I labored in vain. I have seldom been with- out hearing of some instances of usefulness from the pulpit or the press. God has honored me to call by my labors not a few individuals, even into the minis- try. The seat of my ^e>sidence was of all others, the 180 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF place of my preference. My condition has been the happy medium of neither poverty nor riches. I had a most convenient habitation, with a large and lovely gar- den — a constant source of attraction, exercise and im- provement. I had a sufficient collection of books of all kinds. My wife was a gentlewoman, a saint, and a domestic goddess. My children were fair, and healthy, and dutiful. My friends were many, and cordial, and steady. Where shall I end ? “ Call not earth a barren spot, Pass it not unheeded by ; ’T is to man a lovely spot, Though a lovelier awaits on high.” 1 do not believe that in this earth misery preponderates over good. I have a better opinion of mankind than I had when I began my public life. I cannot there- fore ask, what is the cause that the former days were better than these ? I do not believe in the fact itself. God has not been throwing away duration upon the human race. The state of the world has been improv- ed, and is improving. Who justifies slavery now? What noble efforts have been made to break every yoke, and to let the oppressed go free ! How is the tendency to war, on every slight pretence, giving way to reference and negotiation ! How delightful is it to think of what is doing abroad among the heathen ; and the exertions that are put forth by all denomina- tions of Christians to make the Saviour’s way known upon earth, and his saving health among all nations ! We also rejoice in hope. We have many and express assurances in the Scriptures, which cannot be broken, of the general, the universal spread and reign of Chris- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 181 tianity, which are not yet accomplished. Nothing has yet taken place in the history of Divine grace, wide enough in extent, durable enough in continuance, powerful enough in energy, blessed enough in enjoy- ment, magnificent enough in glory, to do anything like justice to these predictions and promises. Better days, therefore, are before us, notwithstanding the fore- bodings of many. “ Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low ; the crook- ed shall be made straight, and the rough places plain, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” As so many distinctions and divisions prevail in the Christian world, you may require from me a few words concerning our religious denominations and parties. I never viewed these so aversely and fearfully as some have done. Several things pertaining to them I would remark. First I do not consider them as incompatible with Christian unity. God promised to give his people one heart and one way ; and our Saviour prayed that all his followers may be one. Can we suppose the prom- ise and the prayer have never yet been accomplished ? But if they have been fulfilled, we may reason back from that fulfilment, and see what was the oneness in- tended, and perceive that it was not a oneness of opin- ion, or a ritual oneness ; but a oneness of principle, and affection, and dependence, and pursuit, and co- operation. For this has taken place among the real followers of the Lamb, and among them only. Secondly . They are not inconsistent with the support and spread of the Christian cause ; yea, I consider them 182 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF by the excitements they favor, and the mutual zeal they kindle, and the tempers they require and exer- cise, as far more useful than would be the stagnancy of cold and dull uniformity, the idol of every bigot, and which must always be not so much real as profess- ed, and held in hypocrisy where there are numbers, and where persons with so many sources of diversity in their structure, their education, and opportunities, think for themselves. Thirdly . I do not, therefore, conclude that prophecy authorizes us to look for their entire suppression, but for their correction and improvement only. In what is called “the latter-day glory 1 they will indeed see, eye to eye, but this will regard the clearer and closer perceptions of the great objects of vision, and not the minuter appendages ; and they will perfectly accord, and see eye to eye in one sentiment, viz., u Let every one be fully persuaded in his own mind.” Judah and Ephraim shall remain, so to speak, distinct tribes ; but “ Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.” The creatures figuratively mentioned by the prophet Isaiah will not be transformed into each other, but “the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb; and the leopard shall lie down with the kid ; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed ; their young ones shall lie down together ; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox ; and the suck- ing child shall play upon the hole of the asp ; and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy moun- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 183 tain. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Fourthly . We may view denominations as we do individual Christians. None of them are absolutely perfect; and none of them are entirely defective. Neither is possessed; and neither is destitute, of every truth and every excellency. All the members of the body have not the same quality, or the same office, yet they are alike parts ; and though they may be compared, they are not to be opposed ; and though one may be more admired, another is not to be depre- ciated. One denomination may excel in diligence and zeal ; another in discipline and simplicity of worship ; another in contention for purity of doctrine ; another for intelligence and liberality ; and thus they not only stand in the same relation to Christ, but are members one of another ; — checking each other’s extremes, and supplying each other’s defects, and sharing each other’s advantages ; and so by mutuality to produce a com- parative perfection in the w r hole. Fifthly . In consequence of this, I could never re- gard the differences of the truly godly as essential; and though I have had my convictions and preferences, they were never anathematizing or exclusive. And I could have communed with any of their churches, and should not have been sorry if circumstances had en- abled me to say I had done so. I know religious parties are too free in censuring other bodies as less liberal than themselves ; but in this respect I have not seen (and my opportunities have been favorable for observation and comparison) much difference between them. There are bigots in them all, both as churches, members, and teachers ; 184 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF and there are men of real candor, and who can say from the heart, u Whosoever shall do the will of my Father, who is in heaven, the same is my brother and sister and mother.” And if one party were by consti- tution or accident more rigid and narrow than an- other, the more commendation is due to the noble minds among them that rise above their fellows and their trammels ; and let us never try or wish to detach them from their own communities, but rejoice in the influence they may exert in bettering and liberalizing them. In accordance with these views and reflections, I have commonly lamented when persons holding the Head, and differing only in minor matters, pass from their own fellowship into another, especially in coun- try towns and villages. It often excites suspicions that unfair means have been used to proselyte the indi- vidual ; and grudgings are felt by the losers, to whom one member was perhaps of considerable importance. I have known ministers and members becoming, by such changes, shy of each other ; while the individual who has changed his communion has been more no- ticed by his new party for a particular tenet than for his general excellence ; and been in danger of attaching too much importance to it himself. I have often ob- served the zeal of proselytes subsiding into little things ; and I never remember to have seen an indi- vidual improved in religious character and excellence by passing from one Christian church to another, un- less it was called for by something more than a non- essential difference. If our present connection requires of us anything we deem sinful, our duty is clear, and we must follow our convictions regardless of conse- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 185 quences ; but I am taking tiie matter on lower ground, that is, where there may be imperfections with which we may bear, and which we may endeavor to correct, rather than withdraw. And surely some regard is due to the providence of God which orders our situa- tions, and to the solemn act by which we gave our- selves to the Church, in which we have taken sweet counsel together, and our “ fellowship has been with the Father, and with 1 is Son Jesus Christ.” I am, &c. LETTER XVIII. HIS OWN CHURCH : — ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES I HIS CAL- VINISM DIFFICULTIES * ADHERENCE TO THE BIBLE : HIS RULES IN STUDYING IT : WHAT TO AVOID AND WHAT TO SEEK. My dear Children, — Continuing the subject of my last, a question may be now asked concerning the ecclesiastical community to which I belong. If a mhn be not a party man, he can hardly avoid being of a party ; neither is it safe or useful (though he may oc- casionally do some execution) for a soldier to be iso- lated and rove about alone, impatient, perhaps, of au- thority and direction, rather than acting with some regiment or company. I was always a friend to order and regularity — not tyrannical order or enslaving regu- larity — but that which will oppose the whims and va- garies of self-willed and self-conceited individuality; so that zeal may not rush and spread like flood-water, but be a river guided and restrained, but flowing be- tween its banks. I do not think, as I have expressed myself in one of my lectures, any very particular form of govern- ment is absolutely laid down in the New Testament. I am not ignorant that this will surprise and offend several classes of advocates, all of whom appeal to the Scriptures, and all of whom find their peculiar and op- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 187 posite systems laid down there clearly and definitively — i. e . to themselves. Yet they are not wanting in the New Testament general principles of church govern- ment, which will admit, without subverting them, of considerable modifyings in their application, according to times, places, and circumstances. All our present religious communities, perhaps, really deviate in some degree from these model maxims; though some di- verge more than others. I could never be reconciled to Prelacy, but I have thought differently of Episco- pacy, where the bishop, as Usher says, is only a primus inter pares, and is chosen by his brethren, for his age, talents, and piety ; having no secular function, or being empowered to lord it over God’s heritage. This is now pleaded for by many churchmen themselves, and is much defended in the United States, where the con- nection between Church and State is as much censured by Episcopalians as by Congregationalists. Perhaps, had I been led to choose, instead, of being led by cir- cumstances, I should have preferred Presbyterianism, as to church order and regimen. But the truth is, I never deeply studied the theories of ecclesiastical government. I had neither inclination nor leisure ; and other things of greater moment always seemed to press upon my immediate attention. Nor was my mind upon this subject made up so entirely and ex- clusively and stiffly, as that I could only have moved in one direction. By the providence of God, I was trained among the Independents, and, with them I re- mained. I agreed not in every iota of their system, but I approved of it in the main ; and felt nothing in it that violated my conscience, or abridged my liberty. I found also in it many advantages and efficiencies. 188 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF It allowed the people the privilege of choice, and the minister a sufficiency of authority. It secured church purity, and maintained due discipline. It promoted Christian communion and edification. It befriended, urged, and employed means and exertions for the con- version of sinners; and presented a ready and unfet- tered medium for the extension of the Redeemer’s cause, abroad and at home. But could it not be re- lieved of a little of its democracy, and of its great de- pendence on individual suffrage ? or would a change here, in its working (it is possible), introduce an agency more exceptionable and liable to abuse ? Could there not be established some power of appeal, so that its ministers, in cases of accusation or complaint, should be heard and judged by their peers, and not be left to interested, prejudiced, and ignorant arbiters ? Could nothing be done to render a number of churches of the same faith and order, within such a distance, con- stituent parts of a whole , with some delegated power for this purpose, without invading their independence ? Cannot the table of the Lord be preserved from prof- anation unless a lion be placed at the door of entrance? and conditions be exacted of candidates, which will drive back many who ought to be encouraged ; but which are unlikely to check few, if any, of those who ought to be restrained ? This feature of the old discipline I softened in my own case ; and I believe many of my brethren have had influence to do the same, while others lament the continued and unconditional requisition of oral or written experiences, delivered before the church. But bodies of men are not easily moved ; and the mistakes THE REV. WILLIAM TAY 189 of pious men, being conscientious, are with difficulty rectified.* My doctrinal views, both as to their truth and im- portance, have undergone very little variation from the beginning, though of course, on the subjects they contain, I have read and thought much. I have felt indeed less disposed to inculcate them “in the words which man’s wisdom teaches,” or in dry and straitened systematic arrangement. Divinity cannot be taught at the college without system — but in preaching, it is better that many things should be assumed than tech- nically discussed. It is better for the preacher to give way to his holy and fervent feelings, than to be chilled and checked by the apprehension of some supposed inconsistency. It is better to let the text speak its own language, naturally and glowingly, than to use * We must request the reader to pause at this statement while we offer a brief comment. Our venerated friend seems to take credit to himself in the above sentences for a commendable innovation upon an ancient and common practice. But the practice was certainly never so strict nor so common as he intimates ; nor was he the only one, nor the first, that had broken through it at the period when he wrote. Moreover, we are rather inclined to think it crept into the Independent churches from the Methodists, who dwelt much more upon the consciousness and palpable evidences of conversion than the Independents had been accustomed to do. Some of Mr. Jay’s first connections were Calvinistic Methodists, and from them probably he received the impression of the prevalence of the custom which he here condemns. The enforcement of such a rule of ad- mission was, at any time, far from general or rigid. It may possibly have prevailed more among Baptist churches than among Independ- ents. But it certainly went into general disuse about the time when Mr. Jay renounced it. There is, we conceive, not a single case in which it is now enforced ; so that, if it ever was, it certainly is no longer, the “lion” Mr. Jay represents it, guarding the door of access to the Table of the Lord. 190 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF coercive measures, and torture out the meaning, or bombard it into submission. There is a magnificence and a vastness in the Scrip- tures, which no human attempts can comprehend, or limit, or define ; and it will be our highest wisdom, at present, to endeavor to understand and improve the interesting parts of a whole , , which all our creed-mongers have found and will find too wonderful for them. In my considerable acquaintance with the religious world, some of the most exemplary individuals I have met with have been Calvinists. Of this persuasion were the two most extraordinary Christian characters I ever knew — John Newton, and Cornelius Winter. They held its leading sentiments with firmness ; but their Calvinism, like that of Bunyan, was rendered, by their temper, milder than that of some of their brethren; and they were candid towards those who differed from them ; and esteemed and loved them as fellow heirs together of the grace of life. With this scheme of divinity my principles accorded generally more than with any other ; but certain parts of it I could never admit. If it be said the inclusive and the exclusive parts are inseparable ; and that we cannot hold the one without the other, I hesitate. We know not enough to determine, in hardly any case, what is impossible. A difficulty, apparently in- explicable, may not be a contradiction, but be solved by an extended view of the subject. Things which appear quite inconsistent to :he apprehension of a child , and which, for want of capacity, it cannot har- monize at present, jar not in the mind of a man. But what a difference must there be between the percep- tions of a finite and an infinite understanding ! and in THE RET WILLIAM JAY. 191 the scriptures we have /; the deep things oi God” as well as the plain. Two grand truths have always seemed to me to pervade the whole Bible, and not to be confined to a few particular phrases, viz., that if we are saved, it is entirely of God’s grace; and if we are lost, it will be entirely from ourselves. I know full well a man may easily force me into a corner with things seemingly or really related to the truth of either of these affirma- tions ; but he will not shake my confidence in either, while I can read, “0 Israel, thou hast destroyed thy- self ; but in me is thy help.” The connection is like a chain across the river ; I can see the two ends, but not the middle ; not because there is no real union, but because it is under water. Lower the water, or raise the links, and I shall see the centre as well as the ex- tremes. Paley observes that we should never suffer what we know to be disturbed by what we know not. And Butler remarks nearly the same, when he says, 11 If a truth be established, objections are nothing. The one is founded on our knowledge , and the other in our ig- norance. You may here remember what you have so often seen, and which I early prefixed to my Study Bible. In reading this Book let me guard against four things — 1. The contractedness of the Systematic. 2. The mysticism of the Allegorizer. 3. The dogmatism of the Bigot. 4. The presumption of the Rationalist. Let me tremble at God’s Word, and let me in read- ing it keep three purposes in view : 192 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 1. To collect facts rather than form opinions. 2. To regulate practice rather than encourage specu- lation. 3. To aid devotion rather than dispute. I am, &c. LETTER XIX. HIS REVIEW OF THE STATE OF RELIGION IN HIS YOUTH CONTRASTED WITH ITS ADVANCED STATE WHEN HE WROTE : — THE ESTABLISH- MENT : — THE DISSENTERS: — THE INSTITUTIONS, ETC., ETC. My dear Children, — You have expressed a wish to have my opinion comparatively of the state of things when I commenced my public labors, and now I am withdrawing from them. I am fully persuaded that, by the good providence of God, we have experienced a thousand beneficial changes. Our Code of Judicial Law has been revised, and many of its sanguinary penalties repealed. Our Civil Legislation, and our political arrangements, have been much improved. Various wrongs have been rec- tified, and rights have been equalized. Freedom has largely gained. Trade and Commerce have exceed- ingly multiplied ; while the amazing advancement in Science and Arts has added much, not only to our fame, but also to our accommodation and comfort — philosophy has rendered every element subservient to our use. It is needless to attempt to enumerate or specify these advantages. My way lies in another direction ; and I would only glance briefly at the bearing of things viewed morally , religiomly , and evangelically , 9 194 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF and I cannot look at various progressions without ex- claiming, “ What has God wrought !” And here I must censure some good persons whose forebodings and complainings with regard to the times appear unjust, improper, and ungrateful. When we consider that our “ whole world lieth in wickedness;” and that as a country, we have been “ a sinful people, a seed of evil doers, children that are corrupters ;” the wonder is that He has not long ago abandoned us ; and surely we ought to notice thankfully every token for good with which we are favored. Is it meet to be silent towards a benefactor on whom we have no claims ? or to say by our manner, Is this all that thou hast done for us ? Surely the way to obtain more of his gracious influ- ence and operation, is to praise him for the favor he has already done us ; and thus ask for more. We are therefore directed “ in everything by prayer and sup- plication, with thanksgiving , to make our requests known unto God.” How offensive and grievous then must it be to his Holy Spirit to deny, or speak meanly or light- ly of, his goodness, when he has done such great things for us, whereof we should be glad ! Though the day far exceeds the dawn, the dawn will not be unnoticed or undervalued by those who have seen and felt the darkness of the night. Some are not old enough to look back upon the past, and form com- parisons which must prove no less than contrasts with the present. Though not a prodigy of age, I have had an opportunity to see some blessed fulfilments of the promise, “ The wilderness and the solitary place shall be made glad ; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir-tree; and instead of the briar shall come up the THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 195 myrtle-tree ; and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.” And can we believe this, and see this, and be un- gladdened and ungrateful ? or shall we suffer a few private or public burdens and trials to keep us repin- ing and murmuring, when in Judah things go well, and the walls of the temple rise, though in troublous times ? The evils of which some men seem almost only sensible, are the more easily seen, and the more deeply felt, because of the presence and prevalence of so much good. And what good ! When I first went to London there was no Mission- ary Societies but those of our Moravian and W esley an brethren ; but now we have the Baptist, the London, the Episcopalian, Missionary Institutions ; all sending forth the truth as it is in Jesus ; and all depending for success upon the Spirit of the living God, (and there- fore all carrying on their operations with prayer,) and all crowned with encouragement and success, propor- tioned to their means and endeavors. Then, too, we had not the noblest of all institutions since the apostolic era, the Bible Society ; nor the Tract Society ; nor the Jewish Society ; nor the Hibernian Society ; nor the Irish Evangelical Society ; nor the Home Missionary Society ; all of which have for years been in full operation. Here we have not mentioned the Anti-Slavery So- ciety and the Peace Society ; but though these are not formally and immediately religious institutions, they indirectly aid them ; they are congenial with them, and are sanctioned by all their provisions and com- mands ; yea, they have been derived from their spirit. We also pass ?ver the numerous local and private 196 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF Societies attached to our several congregations ; and what congregation is there among us without some of them ? Most of which, besides a charitable aim, have also a religious ; for instance, societies for visiting the sick, not only affording temporal succor, but furnish- ing also spiritual instruction and prayer, when the mind is prepared by affliction to receive it, or peculiar- ly needing it. Sunday Schools also not only teach poor children to read their Bible, but inform their minds in the leading truths of the Gospel ; and I have never met with a religious interest without a Sunday School, while many of these schools now are formed in the villages, where, at present, there is no religious interest ; and which are attended to by persons who go from our churches on the Lord’s day, and conse- crate a good portion of the Sabbath to this work and labor of love ; and find the reward of their journey- ings and toil in the pleasure of doing good. Think of the spread of the Gospel in the Establish- ment, and compare Mr. Romaine’s total of fifty Gospel clergymen with the number in the same church now ! Think what an amazing multiplication of Dissenters there has also been ! And if there has not been such an increase in their light as in that of some other con- nections, (and which was less needed,) there has been a glorious one in their liberty, liberality, and life, and usefulness ! What a diminution have I known of heterodox congregations ; and what additions to those who know nothing save Jesus Christ and him cruci- fied ! The number of new places, at the opening of which I have preached, and the number of enlarged places, at the re-opering of which I have preached, would appear hard of belief. Yet other of my breth- THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 197 ren have been employed in the same work, m their re- spective neighborhoods and connections, all through the land. Several new schools also, or to modernize, “colleges,” for the sons of the prophets, have been es- tablished ; and ampler provision made for those com- pleter preparations for the ministry which the day de- mands. And what a change has there been in public spirit- edness and generous contributions! How would some of the good men, who lived eighty or ninety years ago* have been astonished, could they have been told 01 the sums obtained at one anniversary meeting ; or what is now raised by a single congregation annually ! Where one collection was formerly made at the doors of the sanctuary, twenty are now made. The same proportion would hold in the number of applications made personally to individuals, and seldom made en- tirely in vain. Love also has abounded more and more in knowl- edge and in all judgment. How much less stress is laid on minor and circumstantial things in religion than once ! And how much more disposed are the various parties to unite and hold intercourse with each other ! I remember how it was wondered at, when Mr. Eyre of Homerton, of Calvinistical sentiments, was asked to preach at Mr. Wesley’s chapel, in Moorfields, and preached without giving offence, from Gal. i. 8 , — u If we or an angel from heaven preach any other Gospel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed !” Now, without abol- ishing our distinctions, we have learned to hail, and bless, and help each other. We have agreement with- out compromise. Our regiments retain their own col- 198 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF ors and officers, but fight against a common ioe, and for the same King of Glory. 1 am aware that some will say, “ all is not gold that glitters,” and there is much more hearing, and talking, and show, and profession. In a degree, this is as true as it is lamentable. There have been also abuses and excesses. These will always grow out of awakenings, while human nature remains as it is. But that there has been a remarkable revival and extension of genu- ine religion, since the rise of what is called Methodism, notwithstanding the imperfections attending it, what can induce us to deny ? The dead have been enliv- ened ; the sleeping have been aroused ; the form of godliness has not been without the power, though in some instances the power has had too little of the form. Faith has not been a cold assent of the under- standing to certain dogmas, but a vital principle in the heart and life. The professors of it have denied them- selves, and taken up their cross, and followed the Re- deemer in the regeneration. W e plead not for perfec- tion ; but this renovated religion has been essentially and eminently of the right kind — evangelical in doc- trine, practical in operation, lively in experience, and noble in effects. But there are persons who, though they allow of some reality in this statement, yet think that modern Christians are much inferior to those who lived in the times of our forefathers. Instead of speaking dispar- agingly of these men, we would have inscribed on their tombs, “ Of whom the world was not worthy i ” They were martyrs of conscience ; the word of God dwelt in them richly ; they had much to do with their own hearts ; and were distinguished by their domestic THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 199 and private devotions. But they would not, and could not, have abounded so much in some even of their own excellences had they lived in a later day. The stream, then rendered deeper by confinement, has since widened ; and the water flows over more surface. They had not so many openings and calls for action abroad ; and their spirit partook something of their state. The churches then seemed to feel little or nothing of the missionary character ; and to some it may seem sur- prising how little is found in the letters, diaries, and sermons of that period but what almost exclusively regards the defeats or prosperity of their own souls, or immediate communities. And how little even they who made mention of the Lord obeyed the injunction, u keep not silence, and give him no rest till he estab- lish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the whole earth.” The time, the set time to favor her was not yet come. Zion was not in labor to bring forth. She had hardly conceived. But now — “ All the promises do travail With a glorious day of grace.” And to drop metaphor. Of late years, persons are not allowed to look only on their own things, but con- strained also to look on the things of others ; and es- pecially the things that are Jesus Christ’s. And they are to be judged of by the manner in which they do the work of their own day, and not by their conform ity to others who lived under a different order of things. But were not Christians who lived at the commence- ment of this new and evangelical era superior in ex- perience to those who have followed them ? I am not 200 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF entirely unprepared to answer this question. A num- ber of the original converts of Wesley and Whitfield were yet living when I began to appear in public, and some of them I knew intimately ; and they made too deep an impression upon me to be forgotten. They were certainly better acquainted with, and more en- deared to each other, than the larger proportion of professors now are ; but two reasons may be assigned for this, without making the dead to depreciate the living. It was first, in some degree, owing to the persecution and reproach of the whole world which drew them together for intercourse and comfort. It also, secondly , arose from the paucity of their numbers. When re- ligious parties are smaller, they partake more of a family character ; and the members know, and are known, of each other. But this cannot be equally the case in large societies, and where multitude prevents intimacy. But then these larger societies have other advantages. They are more public, more known ; they are more firm, independent, and active ; they at- tract more attendants, are capable of more enterprise, and can raise more for the cause of God at large, in the support of charities, schools, missionaries, and evan- gelists. It is in vain to expect every recommendation united in any species of excellency, or department of agency. But to return to these earlier converts. There was something rather peculiar and specific about them. They seemed to feel that they were fast and tried dis- ciples, and had a right to be heard. They were fond of going back, and referring to their first love, and first enjoyments and exercises. They talked rather too THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 201 frequently of their own experience, and made it too much a standard for others, and were too positive and unyielding in some little and indifferent points, to which they attached undue importance. But who could help admiring their deadness to the world ? — their heavenly-mindedness ? — the readiness and zest with which they entered into religious conversation ? — the manner in which they invariably spoke of the Lord Jesus, as all their salvation and all their desire • and with whom they had to do immediately in all the concerns of the spiritual life ? — their forwardness to relieve the poor,' and visit the afflicted, and to be con- tent with such things as they had ? — and their patience and cheerfulness in tribulation ? I was also much struck with their general freedom from the fear of death. They never seemed unwilling to be reminded of its approach. They spoke of it with pleasure ; and in conversing with their dying friends, they appeared concerned to reconcile them to the thought of recovery, (should this be the event,) rather than to their dissolution. They rejoiced with them in the prospect of their speedy release from a wicked world, and an evil heart, and of their going so soon home, and seeing the Saviour, and being forever with the Lord. And when they followed them to the grave, they sorrowed more for themselves, that had sustained the loss, than for their connections, whose death they knew was gain. And does not even Paley allow, that in all this they much resembled the first Christians. Their attachment also to the means of grace was in- tense ; nor would they suffer distance, or weather, or slight indispositions to detain them. The Sabbath 9 * 202 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF was their delight, and they numbered the days till its arrival. And as to the poorer of them — “ Though pinch’d with poverty at home, With sharp afflictions daily fed ; Jt made amends, if they could come To God’s own house for heavenly bread.” Nor were these services only pleasing to them in the performance. They were remembered and talked over for days and weeks after. For the sermons they heard, if not highly polished, left effects which were as goads, and as nails fastened in a sure place, by the hand of the Master of assemblies. They also seemed to have more veneration for the Scriptures ; and to peruse them with more directness, simplicity, and docility, — for the Bible, as yet, had not been turned into a work of science, rather than of faith ; and of everlasting criticism, rather than of de- votion ; nor were thousands of tutors and multitudes of volumes found necessary to explain a simple book, designed for “the poor” and “the common people,” by the only wise God himself. What is the simple and grand design of revelation ? “These things are written, that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God ; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” What care is needful to keep the reader from being diverted by a thousand subordinate notices from the inquiry — “ What must I do to be saved ?” Excuse the freedom of this letter, and the preference I have given (but not in all things) to a body of Chris- tians with whose modified descendants I have been more called to mix and co-operate. And let us serve THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 203 our own generation, by the will of God ; seizing its advantages, and endeavoring, instead of quarrelling with a few comparative evils, to rejoice that so much has been done ; and that blessed are our eyes for what they see, and our ears for what they hear. I am, &c. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Lsr attempting to supply some facts additional to the very few relating to the latter part of Mr. Jay’s life recorded in the Autobiography, we must be per- mitted to state, that it is impossible now to recover an accurate account of many events and circumstances of interest connected with his public life. Time is frequently revealing the usefulness of his labors both as a preacher and an author ; but it is more than prob- able that many remarkable instances of his success will remain untold upon earth. W e have reason to believe he knew of many more than he has anywhere recorded. Some of the more remarkable circumstances of his life and ministry he has scarcely, if at all, noticed. It is our intention to record as many of these as we have been able clearly to ascertain. But some have been published which are wanting in sufficient evi- dence, and others which are certainly false. The chronological order we shall endeavor to observe as far as possible. The dates which we have gathered with some difficulty from a variety of sources will en- able the reader to form in his own mind, after reading the Autobiography with the following additions, a toler- ably correct as well as orderly conception of the events of Mr. Jay’s life. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 205 His own account of his birtli and education is more full and satisfactory than many other parts of the his- tory. It appears that, immediately upon completing his term of study under Mr. Winter, he was engaged by the Rev. Rowland Hill to supply his pulpit at Sur- rey Chapel. This event, as he himself states, was of great importance, as it brought him into acquaintance with Miss Davies, who became Mrs. Jay ; and also intro- duced him to the friendship of Mr. Newton, Ryland, and others. The continuance of these annual visits drew him also into connection with some of the eminent and excellent men who shortly after formed the plan of the London Missionary Society. It was, as nearly as we can ascertain, in the year 1788 that Mr. Jay fulfilled his first engagement at Surrey Chapel. The Mission- ary Society was planned and founded in 1794; its first May meetings were held in 1795; and at its first anniversary in May, 1796, Mr. Jay was called to preach, though then only twenty-seven years of age. His sermon from Psalm Ixxii. 19, 20, “And let the whole earth be filled with his glory, Amen and Amen,” &c., was published at the time, and is included in the uniform edition of his works. This sermon was the means of the conversion of an eminent and distin- guished individual, John Poynder, Esq., as may be seen in the “ Reminiscence” of that gentleman. Speak- ing of him in a letter to Mrs. Bolton, many- years after, he says, u Yesterday I was informed dear Mr. Poynder had left us. His death will lead to another 1 Remin- iscence,’ which I began last evening. I know as yet no particulars of his departure. He was one of the most noble and useful converts God ever favored me with.” 206 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Within four or five years after preaching at the first Anniversary of the London Missionary Society, he took a journey on its behalf into Scotland. An inter- esting memento of this visit he has preserved in the Autobiography. These facts sufficiently attest his great popularity in the early years of his ministry. But his intimate connection with the London Mis- sionary Society, and his deep interest in its progress, as well as the honor which its successive directors have awarded to him, will be shown by the facts we have now to state. In the year 1826 he was called to preach at the an- niversary of that society at the Poultry Chapel to its juvenile friends. In 1834 he preached a third time at its May meeting. Kis fourth sermon before the same institution was preached at its jubilee in November, 1844 ; and again a fifth time he preached at the annu- al meeting of 1851 in Surrey Chapel. The honor of preaching five times at the meetings of this society in the metropolis has, we believe, fallen to the lot of no other individual. Although we have singled out his services rendered to this society, yet there are many others among our public institutions, the interests of which he has ably and successfully pleaded, both in London and the country, though generally from the pulpit. In the year 1810 the college of New Jersey in North America conferred upon Mr. Jay the degree of Doctor in Divinity. Though he did not assume the title, yet he acknowledged the honor done him. But that which gave him the highest satisfaction was the extensive circulation and usefulness of his writings in that coun- try among all evangelical denominations. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 207 111 the course of the year 1820 he experienced a deep affliction, referred to pretty fully in his Autobiog- raphy, Letter XI. ; on which occasion he addressed the following characteristic note to the deacons of his church : — To the Deacons of Argyle Chapel, Bath. My dear Friends, — This comes to you from the house of mourn- ing and from a bleeding heart. I mourn much ; but I pray that I may not murmur. I have sympathized with you in your respective trials ; and I know I shall not ask in vain for a share in your ten- derness and prayers. But now that God has taken away my dar- ling child, this is to say with Abraham, “ Give me a place where I may bury my dead.” Having passed the best part of my life among you, it is my wish to die in your service. I wish to have a tomb that would contain my own remains, whenever it shall please God to re-unite me to my child, and also my dear wife’s, and perhaps those of some of the other branches of the family. I much desire, if you have no objection, to have it under the burying-ground house, and would thank one of you to come over with whom I have com- municated upon the subject, either this evening or to-morrow morn- ing early, as no time can be lost. Excuse brevity. I cannot write, but mine eye poureth out tears unto God. Believe me, my dear friends, as respects the whole church, Your affectionate and devoted Pastor, William Jay. This refers to the death of his daughter Statira, who was seized with fever while he was on a journey in Devonshire, and from which he was recalled, and only reached his home in time to see her die, without an opportunity of communication. Her death occurred August 31, 1820, in her nineteenth year. Being the first inroad made by death in the happy circle of his family, it was deeply felt by him, as appears by the lines written on the occasion, and inserted among his poetic remains. 208 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. The year 1831 witnessed the arrival of the fortieth anniversary of his pastorate. The following documents will attest the deep interest his congregation felt in that event, and show how he improved it : — At a Meeting of several of the members of the Church and Con- gregation held in the Vestry of Argyle Chapel, on Friday the 28th January, 1831, Mr. Griffiths in the Chair, It was unanimously resolved, That this Meeting desire to express their gratitude to Almighty God for the continuance of a faithful and acceptable Gospel Min- istry under the pastoral care of the Rev. William Jay, and for the uninterrupted harmony which has subsisted between their beloved Pastor and this Church and Congregation for a period of Forty Years. And that we, being desirous of presenting to Mr. Jay some lasting memorial of affection and esteem, do unite with such other persons as are willing to contribute in raising such a sum as may be necessary for the purpose; and that a Committee be appointed to decide upon the most desirable mode of carrying their object into effect in a manner the most congenial to the feelings of our Min- ister. That a copy of the foregoing Resolution be transmitted by the Chairman to Mr. Jay. Henry Griffiths, Chairman. In pursuance of this proposal, a handsome landau- let, accompanied with a silver inkstand, bearing the following inscription, was presented to him : — “This Inkstand, together with a Landaulet, was presented by the Church and Congregation assembling in Argyle Chapel, to their beloved Pastor, in commemoration of Forty Years’ faithful labor among them. “Bath, January 30, 1831.” The following acknowledgment was subsequently addressed by Mr. Jay to the contributors, through the SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 209 hands of Thomas Kingsbury, Esq., who had acted as chairman : — Bath , January 29 ik, 1831. My dear Sir, — I beg to express my very sincere and hearty thanks to all my friends for the kindness they have shown in contributing to the handsome compliment you have presented me ; and also to the Committee for the trouble they have taken, and the taste they have displayed in the management of the design. As a token of regard from my Church and Congregation I shall highly value the Inkstand and the Carriage. The larger portion of my ministry has now, of course, terminated. It yields me great satisfaction (among a thousand causes for humiliation) that it has continued for forty years to meet with the approbation and accept- ance of those I have endeavored faithfully to serve ; and I pray that my remaining labors, whether they may be of longer or shorter du- ration, may be equally favored by them, and far more blessed to them. The present has reached the receiver in a state of great af- fliction and anxiousness, during which nothing can afford him the pleasure it would produce, could the entirely loved wife of his youth and riper years be capable of appreciating it and enjoying it along with him. Should she be able to employ the vehicle in her infirm- ity, and derive benefit from the use of it, nothing could lead him so much to prize it, as he can never discharge the obligations he is under to one who has so sedulously watched over his life, health, and comfort, and by keeping his mind disengaged from all other things, and free to follow his important and delightful work, has so much aided him in any little usefulness he has rendered his hearers and his readers, from the pulpit and the press. Let him importunately beg, in addition to the favors thus ac- knowleged, that you and all the friends in whose name you have made the communication, will not in your prayers forget, My dear Sir, Your grateful but tried Friend and Pastor, VfiLLiAM Jay. This anniversary was also celebrated by a sermon preached in the morning of Lord’s Day, January 30, 1831, to a crowded and deeply-affected audience. As this was a discourse cf great excellence, and product- 210 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ive of a deep impression, and as it is not included in his collected works, we shall insert that portion of it which related to the interesting occasion : — “ So much for the explanation of the words of our text. But there are many of you who are aware of the seasonableness of this memento this morning , to at least one individual here. Yes, your Minister has this morning been privately, and is now publicly, en- gaged in the review of forty years, which the Lord his God has led him in the wilderness, and during which he has maintained the most momentous connection with this place, and with you, the peo- ple of his charge. This is the fortieth anniversary of my ordina- tion as the Pastor of this Church, and the Minister of this Congre- gation. After leaving the Academy, and I left it too young — but that was not my own choice — I labored for some time in two other places, though in neither of them with a view to final settlement. By a series of rather remarkable circumstances I was brought, dur- ing the illness of the minister, a man of no ordinary piety and tal- ent, to preach, one Sabbath, to this Church and Congregation, then assembling in the Chapel now occupied by “the Friends,” in St. James’s Terrace. After this I preached to the same people several other Sabbaths, at different times. At length this place of worship was to be opened for their use ; they invited me to preach at the opening, and the sermon preached on the occasion was afterwards published. Some time after this, I received an unanimous invita- tion from the Church and Congregation to settle among them ; hav- ing, what I valued much, the dying recommendation of the minis- ter. I accepted it; and this day forty years ago I was ordained your minister within these walls. How many of you have been born since ! But there are some who will well remember the strip- ling that stood upon a table before this pulpit in order to give a general confession of his religious belief, and of those truths which he intended to preach here ; when he was commended to the grace of God by prayer, and received a solemn charge from one who has long since gone to glory. Well do I recall to my mind some char- acters who were then present ; such, for instance, as the venerable Mrs. Hannah More. Nor do I less remember the feelings of another, who endeavored to hide herself in the crowd in the gallery — the most interesting character in the world to me — whose name I dare not venture to utter — and who has been forbidden, by deep affliction, SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 211 this morning, from attending to hear these interesting recapitula- tions from the lips of her beloved husband. I believe, too, there is another here this morning who was impressed religiously by my Ser- mon that evening, and who has ever since been walking in the way of everlasting life. Well, my dear brethren, forty years have roll- ed away since then ; and perhaps they have been some of the most important and interesting years that ever passed away. To many of you, indeed, the earlier parts of them must be matter of history, and not of personal knowledge. But let me suppose, now, six in- dividuals throwing their eyes over these forty years that have pass- ed away — a philosopher, a politician, a Briton, a Christian, a Mem- ber of this Church, and the preacher himself. 1. Let us imagine a philosopher throwing his eye over this period. It is impossible for him to do this without being struck with the amazing advance of learning and knowledge of every kind. He must be struck; also, in many instances, with the character of use- fulness and solidity which these have acquired. People are not now to be satisfied with words — mere names and learned ignorant — hypothesis, mere conjectures ; they ask for knowledge, solid, sub- stantial, useful, resting on the enduring basis of truth. Nature has been analyzed, the deductions of experiment have succeeded to the theories of hypothesis and of opinion. What additions have been made to the arts and sciences — what accessions have been made to the discoveries and improvements in mechanical power — and what wonders have been performed by the application of steam, by sea and by land ! What discoveries and improvements have been made in navigation and in chemistry ; and, above all, in that most inter- esting of all departments, anatomy and surgery, when their use and advantage are so palpable and undeniable — intimately connected, too, with all that is comfortable and useful and important in human life ! What masses of ignorance and prejudice have been rolled away ! Astrology and witchcraft, and belief in ghosts and appar- itions, and dreams and visions, and a thousand other things equally superstitious and foolish and hurtful, have been driven down to the very skirts of society, and are rarely to be found even there. Con- sider how all kinds of information have come down from the higher ranks, and been made to circulate freely and influentially among the middle and the lower classes of society. Men can no longer be priest-ridden. No, that day has gone by, and the danger now is from another extreme — the danger now is from licentiousness of in- quiry, and contempt of lawful authority, as well as despotism; and 212 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. recent occurrences must teach us now where we ought to place our feet, and determine us to withstand the encroachments on preroga' tive, and the invasions, and insults, and desolations, of a daringly tumultuous and infidel radicalism. 2. Let a politician look back upon these years. Is he attracted by new and strange , and wonderful things, in the state of society ? then he will find materials enough in this period amply to gratify his curious speculations. What deviations from the usual course of civil transactions! — if not in the things themselves, yet in their number, in their variety, in their magnitude, in their suddenness, in their rapidity. Well do some of us remember, many years ago, that there was as much often crowded in a single week, as in ear- lier history might have served to distinguish a whole age. We re- member the time when a newspaper was deemed dull and uninter- esting, unless it announced some battle, or the fall of some state, or the transfer of some province from the fangs of one tyrant into the grasp of another. What lapses of fortune — what degradation of rank — what changes of government — what new denominations of geography ! Or is he prone to account for things, and to trace back effects to their principles ? Surely he will find enough in these forty years to bafile all his sagacity, and to make him supply the place of inquiry and reason with profoundest wonder! How many of his most confident opinions will he find to be falsified ! How many events, which seemed improbable, if not impossible, and con- cerning which, previously, he was ready to say, “ If the Lord should make windows in heaven might these things be,” have actually come to pass! And if he were a statesman, whose religion would allow him to see and to own the agency of God, how would he have been led to exclaim, “ His way is in the sea, and his path in the mighty waters !” “ O, the depth of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” “How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways are past finding out !” When he throws his eye back upon the period, and sees the schemes that were abandoned, the expedients that failed, the confederacies that were dissolved, the allies that were turned into enemies, the enemies that were turned into allies ; — when he sees princes led away spoiled, and judges made fools, — if he approves of the plans and measures, and considers them as the effects of wisdom, surely he must acknowledge “ there is no wisdom, nor understanding, nor counsel, against the Lord,” — that when man has done all that the feebleness of his arm, and the contractedness of his resources, enable him to accomplish, the agency of God’s SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 213 providence is necessary to give it success ; and that it is, therefore, as reasonable a thing for a statesman to pray, as for a statesman to plan. Or if, in the retrospect, he condemns these measures, and the effects they have produced ; if he considers them as the results of folly, — let him then remember how limited are all the faculties of man ; how easy it is to condemn events when they have happened. Let him inquire whether, if placed in exactly the same circum- stances, he would not have adopted the same, or it may be, a much worse line of procedure ; and let him reflect that, in such unex- ampled circumstances, mistakes were almost natural and unavoid- able. The waters of calamity had overspread the earth, and there were no flood-marks to guide the statesman through. Reflections like these are perfectly just; and surely they would tend, if in- dulged, to soften the asperities of party rage, and induce politicians more easily to tolerate each other. 3. Let us now imagine a Briton — and we hope there are many true Britons yet — let us imagine such an one indulging in this retrospect. And there are three sentiments which should obviously animate and characterize him. 1. Of gratitude. How good has God been! The heavens over our heads have not been brass, nor has the earth been iron. The seasons, with little variation, have returned in their proper time and have been fruitful. He has caused the grass to grow for the cattle, and herbs for the service of man ; our valleys have waved with corn, and the little hills have rejoiced on every side; the mower has filled his hand, and he that bindeth sheaves, his bosom ; and the years have been crowned with goodness. It is conceded that the cup which has been handed round to the other nations has also been presented to our lips. We have tasted the contents, but we have not been called to drink the dregs. Our sufferings have been considerable ; but surely every particle of justice and ingenuousness must have quitted the minds of those who can con- found the condition of our nation with that of any other country around us. We have not been in the seats of war, we have not had to attend in the train of devastating armies. We have not been under military rule and law. The enemy has not been allowed to invade our shores. We have not heard the confused noise of warriors, nor seen garments rolled in blood. We have not seen the smoking ruins of villages, or the wretched inhabitants fleeing with their suckling babes clinging to their breasts, or supporting the tottering steps of their aged parents, or shielding from nclemency 214 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. and danger the sick and the dying. No. And there have been a great many measures achieved whose beneficial influence, I doubt not, will long continue to be felt. I have not time to notice them ; they are familiar to all of you — down to the abolition of the Test and Corporation Act, and the carrying of the Catholic Emancipa- tion Bill. I am very well aware that many persons will differ in their opinion in regard to this latter measure ; but we must surely admit that there have been no stretches of arbitrary power, yea, that our constitutional rights have been not only maintained, but enlarged, variously and considerably, during these periods. Yes; and yet, while we have been acknowledging these things, have we ascribed them to their proper Author ? Is there no such thing as a kind of national self-righteousness, by which we conceive ourselves entitled to such blessings, because we would make our- selves believe that we were better than others. Kow many are there who “have burned incense to their own net and sacrificed to their own drag,” and have never thought uf anything more than of the patriotism of States, the wisdom of senators, or the bravery of their armies and navies. God, the goud, the long-suffering God, has been overlooked in all this ; while, penetrated with a sense of his kindness and our own unworthiness, v*> «*dd have exclaimed a thousand times, “Not unto us, O Lord, not i: us. 'rat unto thy name be all the glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.” 2. A Briton should feel a sentiment of fear. We are required to rejoice with trembling ; and never were the two more wisely united than here. We are like a vessel with the wrecks of countries float- ing around us, preserved as yet, but not entirely relieved from ap- prehensions. Oh ! we have reason to fear for the number of our sins, for the heinousness of our sins, for the guilt of our sins will be aggravated by the mercies and advantages which we have so sig- nally enjoyed. We fear, because of the little effect his dispensations have exerted upon us. What self-abasement have we expressed be- fore God ? What sins have we abandoned ? He has spoken to us> and we have drowned his voice with the harp and tabret. His hand has been lifted up, and we have refused to see it. He has smitten and we have disdained to receive correction. Who can tell but he is now looking over our Jerusalem, and ready to say, “ Oh, that thou hadst known, even thou, in this thy day, the things that belong to thy peace ! — but now they are hid from thine eyes.” 8. Let a Briton review the period with hope for the future. Who could destroy this? The factions have always been hopeless, and SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 215 characterized alike by the principles of puerility and villany. I sym- pathize not with those who, from fanaticism, or folly, or perverse- ness, have delighted to foredoom their country, and to declare the judgments of God, which in their frenzied imaginations were about to be poured out upon it, because fear is the easiest of all the pas- sions to excite, and the easiest of all passions also to propagate. These sentiments being announced, they are concerned for the sup- port of them. They must, therefore, paint darkly both the times and the events, to make them accord with their predictions. What is the sacrifice of a kingdom to the falsification of one of their con- jectures? Remember how it was with a true prophet of old, who, rather than lie under the suspicion of being mistaken in his predic- tions, desired that all the men, and women, and children, in Nin- eveh, should die, rather than he should appear to be a false prophet. Why wonder, therefore, at others who do not hail calamities as vouchers for the truth of their word ? But we do not surrender up ourselves to these gloomy imaginations. We indulge hope concern- ing our country ; because “ to the Lord our God belong mercies and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against him because we are upheld by his promise ; because the number of those who love and serve him is continually increasing, and they have power with God ; because if we too must resemble Sodom and Gomorrah, we have more than Abraham to intercede for us, and more than ten righteous men to stand in the gap, and say, “ Save thy people, O Lord, and give not thy heritage to reproach !” because, “ Oft have our fathers told, Our eyes have often seen, How well our God secures the fold Where his own sheep have been because we believe that our destination is glorious, and that we are the ordained mediums of divine grace to extend the unsearchable riches of Christ to the ends of the earth. Personal trials are often sanctified to individuals ; and however trying they may be at the time, when the believer has been enabled to look back upon his past course, and to survey all his trials and afflictions, his language we know will be, “ It is good for me that I was afflicted.” Why, then, may it not be the same nationally ? Why may not national corrections, and humiliations, and afflictions, produce national ref- ormation, and thus preclude national ruin ? Yes, we hope yet 216 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. that even that commercial distress, which of late has been so great and so portentous, will lead to superior modes of merchandise and trade, and prevent, in future, all such hazardous and iniquitous spec- ulations. W e hope that even the violence and outrage which have so extensively and alarmingly prevailed, will b$ checked by oppor- tune judicial interference, and the salutariness of punishment, and be overruled by leading people to a concern for the distresses of the suffering poor, and to a consideration of every possible means for their relief. We hope that the evils which have obviously and are now generally acknowledged to have grown out of the two extrem- ities in society, the very rich and the very poor, will be checked, and that there will be a greater increase of the intermediate grada- tions upon which so much of the welfare and safety of the country depend. We hope that the looking into the public expenditure and pensions will lead to retrenchment ; that the voice of real griev- ance will be heard, and that the call for reform will be strictly and speedily regarded. We confess, therefore, that we feel nothing like despair in refer- ence to our country ; we view it differently from every other coun- try ; and though as yet we are not a nation of Christians, blessed be God, we have a Christian constitution. Our constitution is not a thing of a day ; it has borne the test of ages. Our institutions are based in justice — everlasting justice — and come to us commend- ed by manifold proofs of their utility. And, after all that has been averred to the contrary, we are persuaded that the majority of the English nation is yet sound at the core. 4. Let us take a Christian , and suppose him looking over these forty years. He ought to judge of things far differently from others. He ought to judge by a standard of his own. “ He walks by faith, and not by sight.” He ought to judge more disinterestedly and more spiritually ; hence he may feel peace and contentment, while others are filled with depression and despair. Not that the Chris- tian is insensible to public calamities ; he can say with David, “My flesh trembles for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy judgments.” He cries for the abominations that are done in the midst of us. Not but that he feels as a man and as a citizen. But then the Christian absorbs the man and the citizen. A Christian extends his views be- yond the particular community or country to which he belongs. The cause that lies nearest his heart is the cause of his Redeemer ; and he would be unworthy the name of a Christian if he did not judge of the value of things principally by their bearing upon that SUPPLEMENT 10 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 217 cause. He would be ashamed of himself if he did not consider that the most prosperous season in which this best and most glorious cause advanced most flourishingly, regardless entirely of either per- sonal or public inconveniences or distresses. “ What,” should he 6ay, “ if schemes have failed while His cause is prosperous ! What if I have been reduced and embarrassed while lie is magnified and glorified !” Let the times be troublous, if but the walls of this tem- ple rise ; and I then rejoice, yea, and will rejoice. Now, on this principle, we say that a Christian ought to think well of the times wherein we have been living. When the Saviour was about to come in the flesh, God said, “ I will shake the heavens and the sea and the dry land, and I will _ shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come,” and that has often been the case with Him also in the Gospel. So it has been here. How has he displayed the vanity of all creature-great- ness, as if he would constrain persons to turn their back upon the world, and to seek a better part — an enduring treasure ! And con- siderable effects have been produced, yes, some of the great have been impressed by them. I am persuaded that there has been a greater movement among persons in the higher rank of life, relig- iously considered, than among any other class. We have had, dur- ing this period, a monarch who, for fifty years, was an example of morality to his people. We have had statesmen who have not only pleaded for Christianity, but even for its evangelical doctrines. We have had noblemen who have worshipped God morning and even- ing in their families. Can a Christian be indifferent to the progress of freedom during these forty years ? We are commanded to pray that the word of the Lord may have free course, and run, and be glorified. But we are not to dictate to God how this prayer is to be answered. We are to pray that the chariot of the everlasting Gospel may go forward, and we well know, that for this purpose “ every valley must be exalted, and every mountain and hill made low, the crooked made straight and the rough places plain.” God’s 6oldiers will have much to do in our world in many places before his preachers can do anything. Look at China ; you send your Bibles and missionaries there — what progress could they make ? Suppose Whitfield had begun hi3 career in Spain or Portugal, in- stead of beginning it in this country ; the first sermon which he had preached would have crushed him under the savagism of the inqui- sition ; and no more would have been heard of him. But what has taken place within the compass of the years we are now reviewing? 10 218 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Why, there is Protestant preaching even in Rome itself, the seal >f the “ beast.” Even in popish countries now, where the cursed in- quisition is formally put down, you see how it works. No heretic can, indeed, be openly put to death ; for if a liere;ic were now to be burnt, either in Spain or Portugal, it would produce a clamor to the ends of Europe — and they are aware of it. Yet the progress of religious liberty is much impeded by the restrictions which have so long obtained in respect of civil liberty. Can a Christian, then, review the progress of civil liberty, which, when properly considered, includes religious freedom, and not be grateful for the times in which we live ? Is it nothing that good men have been uniting together to co-operate for the extension and establishment of the good cause upon general principles, while with respect to minuter differences, they have been disposed to say — “Let every one be fully persuaded of them in his own mind”? Is it nothing that theology has been delivered from the jargon and folly of the schools ? Some, indeed, have avowed that the truth was perishing in the earth ; but I am persuaded that the Gospel was never more fully preached than during these forty years ; while there have been inculcated all the principles of the reforma- tion, these have been darkened with less of the metaphysical, and less of the controversial, than before ; useless subtleties have been dropped, and truth has come home to men’s business and bosoms. Is it nothing that infidelity has been driven off the field — that it is now only fighting in ambush — that it is necessitated to betake it- self only to objections which have been triumphantly answered a thousand times ? Some of you, it is true, cannot compare the pres- ent state of religion in the country with what it was forty years ago ; but some of us can. How many Associations have, during this period, been organized, or enlivened, or enlarged in their sphere of active usefulness? Look at the Sunday Schools. They were then in their beginning, and we had to explain them ; they were opposed, and we had to defend them. But there was nothing like the British and Foreign Bible Society. The Methodists had one Society (Missionary) ; our Baptist brethren were about commencing their splendid Missionary career ; but the London Missionary Society was not ; and the Church Missionary Society was not. All these have been established within these forty years which we are now reviewing; and we have been the means of their support and their combined operation. People talk of dark SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 219 times. Dark times! What do they mean? We are now speaking religiously and practically. The times, blessed be God, have gone by, when, if the country had peace and plenty, the bulk of the peo- ple were cursed with the greatest of all plagues, an unregenerate ministry ; and were perishing for lack of knowledge. “ The Lord gave the word, and great was the company of them who published it.” Had I died the day after my ordination, and been lately raised from the dead, and led again through this country, I should have been perfectly astonished at the change, and have exclaimed, “ Whjft hath God wrought !” 5. Let us imagine a Member of this Christian Community review- ing these years. It is not easy to satisfy the benevolence and the zeal of a truly pious mind. Such an individual always laments that more is not done, and that it is not done better ; and yet I think that a person attached to this social body — a person who ha3 been led to pray, “Peace be within these walls, and prosperity within this palace — For my brethren and companions’ sake, I will say, Peace be within thee” — must see something that is pleasing and grateful in the review. We must have seen how “the little one has become a thousand;” how many have been “added to the church of such as should be saved and how few comparatively have been excommunicated or rebuked for immoral conduct. We must have seen the unity and the harmony that have prevailed from the beginning within our church, without discord ; and yet the times we have' lived in, have been troublous. In what a state of danger and fermentation has society been ! And there has been enough of the latter among some of our neighbors ; but we have enjoyed tranquillity. Yet we have not all thought alike doctrinal- ly. There have been shades of difference with respect to church government ; some have not been Independent in their views ; some have preferred Presbyterianism or Episcopalianism ; yet there have been no discords. We have not all thought alike with respect to the ordinances of religion, but “here,” as Cowper said, “the dipped and sprinkled have lived in peace.” I have always treated those who in this matter conscientiously differed from me, with Christian candor ; and I must say they have abundantly repaid it. As it has been with sentiment, so it has been with liberality. We have had institutions of our own : the Sick Man’s Friend Society, and others of the same description. We have aided other institutions of the Gospel ; the London Missionary Society; the Home and Irish Socie- ties; besides admitting occasionally other collections, which havo 220 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. always been such as to do honor to the minister an^ the congrega- tion. The cause also, must be considered here as having been a candle- stick holding out the light to others. Bath is a place of peculiar re- sort and intercourse. Many have therefore dropped in here who have received conviction, and carried it away with them. How often have I been delighted, when called to preach in various parts of the country, to meet many individuals who have acknowledged, that their first impressions of religion were received from the preaching of the word within these walls. Several Dissenting min- isters, and no fewer than three episcopal clergymen, whose names I might mention, have acknowledged to me that here they first re- ceived the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. Once more, the preacher must be allowed to review these years. I know there are many strangers in this congregation, and I really feel for them this morning. It is hardly to be supposed that they will feel interested in a great deal of what I deliver on this occa- sion. But I must depend upon their candor and good sense, to ex- cuse a recapitulation in which the preacher and the hearer must be considered as feeling a concern, after an interesting connection of so many years. It is impossible al-so now to go on without some reference to myself. Whether I have credit enough with the au- dience to prevent the imputation of egotism and vanity, I cannot determine ; I must be content to lie under the suspicion — a suspicion which, I can appeal to God, is undeserved — the design of the refer- ence being not to set off myself, but being in fact altogether inevi- table. It is impossible, then, for the minister, in a review of these forty years, not to feel both gratified and solemnized, yea, to feel a number of emotions so mingled in hL bosom, that he cannot express them separately. In general, I can say, that these years have been years of pleasure ; and I should have no objection to go through them again. Goodness and mercy, intermingled with some trying dispensations, have followed me all the days of these years. But I have a livelier idea of the kindness of Providence than when I be- gan them — a better opinion of my fellow-creatures, and more con- fidence in them. My views of some religious subjects have been rendered more liberal, and encouraging, and satisfactory. My life, too, has been preserved, while so many of my brethren, and many of them much younger, have been hurried off in the midst of their days. And then, for some time, my own life, I believe, was deemed precarious by my medical friends ; of this I am sure, my life was SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 221 deemed precarious by myself : I had the sentence of death within myself, and never did 1 expect to reach anything like this anniver- sary. But God was pleased to raise me up, to renew and establish me. Some of my own order, these forty years, have fallen by temp tation ; some, who having put their hands to tin? Gospel plough, have looked back ; some have been drawn off by dangerous errors, injuring their character and destroying their usefulness ; while, “ by the grace of God, I am what I am.” Many years have passed, many changes have occurred, yet have I been upheld till now. Who could hold me up but thou, O God ? During these years I have become a father, and I have lived to see my children’s children. I have also become a pretty extensive author ; and on this latter account I feel peculiarly grateful, having received so many testi- monies both at home and from abroad, and, because by my writing, I can be doing good in many places, and to many individuals, at the same time ; — because I can be useful through these means, when I myself am here no more ; and because by these my own people may have in remembrance, after my decease, many of my religious sentiments, and I can be aiding them in the closet, and at the family altar, when the clods of the valley are round about me. Of these numerous works, unless indeed it be their imperfections, were I dying, I should not wish to blot out a single line ; and I hope there is not a single sentence of them that can give offence to Christians of any denomination. I desire to bless God for having continued my acceptance, and I trust, my usefulness also, so long. The charm of novelty must long ago have been worn off ; and you will bear me witness that I never attempted to strike into any new paths. I have never tried to get into any new wind of popularity ; and if any such wind has aided me, it has fallen in with my own steady course. It sought me, I never sought it. But I have other feelings on this occasion. How is it possible that I should not be affected with the loss I have sustained in hearers and members? What family is there here that has not bled during these forty years ? What pew that has not been stripped of some of its occupiers? What think you of those who signed my call when I came here ? There are only three individuals now alive. 0, how much precious and endeared dust have I interred in our burying-ground ! Who has not something there now which he calls his own ? Blessed be God, I see others rising up; and instead of the fathers the children ; but “my soul desiretli the first ripe fruit.” Can I be otherwise than affected with the preservation of my own life ? When I was or- *222 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. dained here this almond tree had not then flourished. But, blessed be God, not one of the hairs have grown gray in the service of the world and of sin ; yet the greatest part of my life is gone, and by far the greatest part of it has been spent in your service. The even- ing of life has now set in, gently and mildly indeed ; but, to alter the metaphor, you had part of the spring ; you have had the whole of the summer; and if there be any ripeness in the winter, this is before us. But the winter has come, and how can I help being affected with my awful responsibility ? How many services during these forty years have I engaged in ! How many individuals must I meet at a righteous tribunal ! But a merciful Saviour — here is my consolation — I serve a master who knows our frame, and remem- bers that we are dust. I have a consciousness that I never per- verted my office to secular purposes ; that I never shunned to de- clare what I thought to be the whole counsel of God ; that I have never concealed the truth, nor mangled it at the expense of my own convictions. Though I do not consider kindness shown to ministers as elee- mosynary, yet I cannot but publicly express my thanks to those who have all along shown me so much of their esteem and regard. As for others, they will feel easy. I never burdened any one, in any instance or degree ; and at the end of forty years, I have no obliga- tion, in reference to them, to acknowledge — a boast which perhaps few ministers of my standing or acceptance, in the kingdom, can make. But I have already encroached too much upon your time. If the great apostle of the Gentiles entreated of those to whom he wrote to have an interest in their prayers at the throne of grace, how much more have I reason to say, “Brethren, pray for us,” “and for me , that utterance may be given me, that I may speak boldly as I ought to speak ;” that I may be supported and sustained in my af- flictions ; that the arms- of my hands may be made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob ; that I may be long spared to preach to you the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ ; and that at last, as an unprofitable servant, I may be enabled to look for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life ! “ The Lord bless you and keep you ; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you ; the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you, and give you peace 1” With this benediction I was about to conclude ; but how can I conclude withou reminding some, who, long as I have addressed SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 223 them in this place, T have yet addressed in vain ! How many hundred, how many thousand affecting invitations, and solemn warnings, and urgent admonitions have you heard from my voice! With that voice, like birds in the belfry, you have grown familiar; and the peal which once alarmed you, now passes by and leaves you unaf- fected. You are just what you were twenty, thirty years ago, and some of you forty years ago, too. Ah ! no, you are not the same ; you cannot be the same ; if you are not the better, you must be the worse; if the preaching of the word has not proved, in your expe- rience, “ the savor of life unto life,” it must prove “ the savor of death unto death.” Under what a condemnation will some of you perish! You cannot now dissolve the connection which you have had so many years with the means of grace, even if you would now detach yourselves. And the image of this place, the figure of the preacher, the tones of his voice, and the messages of grace which he has delivered, will be remembered hereafter, and will be as fuel to that fire that shall never be quenched, and food to that worm that shall never die. Oh ! that I could this morning bring you to consider ! Oh ! that God would awaken your consciences ! And when this voice which, for these forty years, has filled this house, is silent, and when another shall occupy this sacred desk, may “ the beauty of the Lord our God be upon you, establishing the work of your hands — yea, the work of your hands, may God establish it upon you ! Amen.” In the year 1833 an eminent and a distinguished individual, who might not have been expected to feel any curiosity to hear the Dissenting minister of Bath, was present in Argyle Chapel on two successive Sun- days, and on both parts of the day. The following extracts from the a Memoirs of Sir William Knighton, Bart., Physician to King George IV., and Keeper of the Privy Purse,” written by Lady Knighton, will be interesting to the readers of Mr. Jay’s Life. June 9, 1833. We this morning attended Mr. J.’g chapel. He had been visited, as he stated, with domestic affliction during the previous night. It was supposed to bo the illness of Mr 3 . J. He 224 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. preached from the 119th Psalm, 32d verse, — “ I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.” He said, this saying by David comprehended three things — a complaint — a dependence — and a resolution. He propounded in a very beautiful manner the usefulness of knowledge in Divine things, and stated that this was a qualification not sufficiently preached — but without which we could do nothing — we could not even make a beginning. “Faith in Christ.” — His illustrations were beautiful. I wish I could remember them sufficiently to write them down. He praised the Liturgy of the Church, and said it was to be lamented that the doctrines of the reading-desk were not always preached in the pulpit ; and observed that they (meaning himself and congre- gation) did not deserve to be called Dissenters, for they did not dis- sent from the doctrines of the beautiful Litany ; but that they were called Methodists, fanatics, and enthusiasts for preaching them. The chapel was quite full, and seemingly with well-dressed peo- ple. We went in the evening again to hear Mr. J., and were disap- pointed to find he was not to officiate; but Mr. J., who preached, completely satisfied us. I never heard a more delightful discourse. His text was from the fourth chapter of the Hebrews, 9th verse : “ There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” He drew a most affecting picture of the miseries of this probationary life, and the joys that await the true and holy Christian — for in heaven there is a day of rest. There was no sorrow, no calamity, no adversity, no deep affliction in this life that he did not bring home to one’s understanding and feelings. He brought many of them before us with a heart-rending eloquence, as if the sources were drawn from his own bosom. The loss of a child — perhaps an only child — here he paused, and I fancied I saw his lip quiver as the tongue gave ut- terance to the sentence. When he called upon his Christian hear- ers to look to that day of rest where corruption would cease, and the joys of heaven supersede all the woes connected with our pres- ent earthly tabernacle, his manner of conducting the subject was delightful. He said that he had no doubt, deducing his authority from Scripture, that saints and Christians do know each other in a future state ; that the child taken from the disconsolate parent in early life would welcome the pious and holy Christian parent to heaven. This earthly separation, therefore, as being only for a sea- son, bears marks of Divine love, and not the dispensation which, in our sorrow, we feel as an overwhelming calamity. I underwent great emotion as he proceeded, and so did Mr. D., and never felt my SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 225 heart more under the holy influence of religion. I am sure poor Mr. Jay must have felt the prayer, and the able discourse. I fancy he was in the chapel. Mrs. Jay is alive, but she was struck with paralysis the preceding night. This has been a very interesting day, and I shall not readily forget it. — Vol. ii. p. 307-311. Sunday, 16th June, 1883. We hailed this morning with great pleasure, because we had the satisfactory prospect of again hearing Mr. Jay, and we were not disappointed. He preached from the 119th Psalm, 18th verse : “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold won- drous things out of thy law.” He began by explaining what was meant by the law. It was nothing more nor less than the com- mands of God. David saw the Gospel in the law. It is in vain to go to this book with any opinions of your own. You must take it as it is — the law of God cannot be changed. If your conscience, when awakened under the terrors of the law, has found comfort un- der the Gospel, you may hope that you are in the right road. But let me tell you, he said, that religion and the knowledge of this book are not of sudden growth. This I would not only address to the infidel and unbeliever, but also to the fanatic and enthusiast. The one adapts everything to his own presumptuous notions and opinions ; the other mystifies and confuses revelation from heaven with things not yet revealed. That such states are both dangerous may be well understood, when David, who knew so much, calls out, not in the self-sufficient language of our times, but in the words of the text, “ Open thou mine eyes,” &e. Mr. Jay adverted to the wonders of the universe. He referred to the chapter he had read before the sermon, in which the miracle is related of our Lord’s restoring the blind to sight, and stated that spiritual blindness is quite as perceptible as corporeal blindness. The man corporeally blind could not indeed deceive you — the loss of the sense was apparent — but the spiritual blindness was also evi- dent to the true Christian. The soul must receive a Divine influ- ence, not miraculous, (for there is no such thing now-a-days,) but a sense of its own unworthiness ; -then follow penitence and prayer ; an earnest desire for the Saviour’s image to be implanted in the heart ; a life in the ways of godliness, according to the law and the gospel. Cicero, the greatest philosopher, and the wisest among those of his day, was accustomed to say, that we lived by the pow- er of the gods — but that to live well and not wickedly was in our own power. Seneca said, that those men who lived in the rules of virtue were in meri above the gods, because the very nature of 10 * 226 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. their existence did not admit of their being otherwise. Here you have the reasoning of the wisdom of this world. Truly, when you come to contemplate the establishment of Christianity, it strikes you with awe and wonder that a few unlettered fishermen, without learning, or what we call education, should be sent forth to preach the redemption of mankind to the uttermost corners of the earth. In the evening, Mr. Jay’s discourse was from Job, ix. 4 : “ He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength : who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered ? ” He began by giving the char- acter of God most beautifully, and then he drew the picture of the hardened sinner. I wish that every sinner could have heard him. In giving the catalogue of sins that belong to sinful man, he said, it was wonderful with what a degree of complacency words were found to palliate all the vile passions of wickedness. Covetousness was a sense of prudence to one’s self and family ; revenge, a just sense of what was due to one’s self on the score of honor ; a depart- ure from truth, a necessary observance of the ways of the world, and so on. He mentioned that Lord Bacon had said, that “ Knowl- edge is power and this saying had been put forth as Lord Bacon’s ; but Solomon had said long before Lord Bacon was cradled, that “ Wisdom is a defence,” and so it is. It gives a power that wealth cannot often give, although Solomon says that “ Wealth buyeth all things.” There seemed no end to the beautiful and appropriate truths put forth in this discourse. — Yol. ii. p. 328-332. This will no doubt be interesting to the reader, as evincing the deep impression which Mr. Jay’s preach- ing was calculated to make upon persons of cultivated minds, and moving in the highest walks of life. Many such took the opportunity of hearing him when in Bath, and, in numerous instances like the present, have been known to express both the great pleasure and spiritual profit they had experienced. THE JUBILEE OF MR. JAY’S PASTORATE. The next important event in Mr. Jay’s history, which it becomes us to record, was the completion of SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 227 the fiftieth year of his ministry in Argyle Chapel. The commemoration of this event was looked forward to with no little interest by a very wide circle of friends. Those in particular who formed his church and congregation resolved to celebrate the day in a manner honorable to all parties. Of this memorable occasion w r e now proceed to give an abridged account from the little volume which was afterwards publish- ed — observing, at the same time, that since we could not and did not deem it needful or proper to transfer the whole to these pages, we have limited our extracts to the speeches of Mr. Jay and the chairman, with those portions of Mr. Jay’s sermon which were spec- ially appropriate to the occasion. The first meeting was one for devotion held on the morning of Lord’s day, January 31, 1841, in Argyle Chapel, at seven o’clock, when fervent thanksgivings and prayers were offered. At nine o’clock the scholars in the Sunday School belonging to the chapel were assembled, and received presents of books bearing appropriate inscriptions, commemorative of the day. A suitable address was delivered to them by the Rev. Samuel Nichols, of Dar- wen, Lancashire. At eleven o’clock the public service was held in the chapel. The introductory devotional service was con- ducted by the Rev. S. Nichols, after which Mr. Jay preached from 1 Thess. ii. 19 : “What is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing ? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?” The sermon contains highly interesting instruction, addressed to the learner of the Gospel, under the dif- ferent classes of those who encourage , those who solace , 228 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. and those who dignify ministers. After the general discussion of the text, the author enters into a detail of the circumstances which led to his settlement at Bath, and a review of his lengthened ministry, the substance of which being contained in the autobiog- raphy now published, we pass over, for the sake of in- troducing a few of the solemn and affecting paragraphs which close the sermon. “Such are the reflections derivable from the subject of our text, and the occasion of the day. And now what can I add more ? As I ascended this desk, and looked down upon this vast audience, I said to myself, All ! where will all this assembly be by the return of this Jubilee ? Some of you will remain, and perhaps you will then be talking over what is now passing here ; but where, oh where, will the majority of you be found then ? “ As to many of us, a much shorter period will have removed us, and the places that now know us will know us no more forever. Other occupiers will fill these pews ; other singers will lead the psalmody, when the voices of those who now charm us will be silent in the grave ; and another voice will be heard in this pulpit than that which has filled it for fifty years past. “ To how many of you is my ordination a matter of history ? You have been born since that day, which many of your fathers and mothers attended. How many of you have I taken in these hands, and offered to God in holy baptism ! How many of you have I hailed at your coming to the table of the Lord ! And how many of your connections have I followed to our burial-ground! ‘Ah !’ says one, ‘there lies my cherub-child!’ ‘And,’ says another, ‘there lies the desire of mine eyes, taken away with a stroke.’ ‘ And there,’ says another, ‘ lies the guide of my youth.’ “ I am glad, therefore, when every church has a place of interment of their own : it seems keeping up still a kind of connection with the departed. Our dead lie not among strangers. ‘ There I buried Abraham, and Sarah his wife; there I buried Isaac, and Rebecca his wife ; and there I. buried Leah !’ We have all our precious dust in yonder ground. Where is the person belonging to us who does not go to the grave to weep there? I am sometimes ready to be jealous lest our burying-plaee should become richer than our church. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 229 But no ; instead of the fathers are their children. Our sons are as plants grown up in their youth ; our daughters are as corner-stones polished after the similitude of palaces ; and we have a noble band of the young and middle aged, who have covenanted with God, and who are saying we will not forsake the house of our God. O, how does old age, while it leaves life, peal off continually its connections, till we seem left even as a beacon upon the top of a mountain, or as an ensign upon the hill ! O, how many of the various relations of life, during such a varied and extensive acquaintance as mine, have gone down to the dust, and have seen corruption ! How many ministers have been taken away ! ‘ The fathers, where are they t and the prophets, do they live forever V Of all the ministers that belonged to the Wiltshire Association when I entered it, 1 am the only survivor ; and of all those who signed my call when I came here, only one remains, whose venerable head you would have seen here this day, but for indisposition. And, 0! what a curtailment are fifty years in a brief duration like ours. Your preacher, there- fore, feels this; and though, in some measure, he can talk like Caleb, who said, ‘ As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me : as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in,’ yet he does not forget that the days of our years are threescore years and ten. Yes; therefore, a period cannot be far remote when, as he hopes he shall never stand in the way of usefulness, he will either entirely resign his labors, or share them with another ; and, though he knows the extreme difficulty attached to a concern where three parties are so deeply interested, the Lord can provide. Now 1 seem to be tak- ing a farewell of the fifty years which I have passed within these happy wails ! What a difference between the day of which I am reminded, and this day ! Then , I was rapidly entering life ; 1 am now gradually withdrawing from it. Then, I was commencing my voyage across an untried ocean ; now, with the glass in my hand, I am looking for the fair havens. Then, i was a mere youth : now surrounded with children and grandchildren. What was then anxiety, is now repose ; what was then hope, is now accomplish- ment ; what w'as then prayer, is now praise. What a season of humiliation, you will naturally conclude, must this have been ! We are hardly aware of our deficiencies and imperfections till some- thing occurs which drives us to retire, and reflect and review. But who can look back upon fifty years, and not exclaim, ‘ Entei not into judgment with thy servant, O Lord ; for in thy sight shall 230 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. no flesh living be justified/ ‘ 0 Lord, if thou shouldst mark in- iquity, 0 Lord, who can stand V Yet what a source of thanksgiving ought it to be ! How has my life been indulged ! How few have been so satisfied with favor, and filled with the blessing of the Lord! Yet I have had trialp enough to remind me that ‘Full bliss is bliss divine.’ “ Though I have not drunk deep of the cup, I have tasted the bitterness of affliction. One trial has pressed upon me with peculiar force ; and concerning which I should have been ready to say, Lord, afflict me in any other point ! But his ways are judgment. “But what deliverances have I experienced during this period! Serious attacks of indisposition formerly prepared me to expect an abbreviated ministry ; and perhaps you looked for it too ; but, hav- ing obtained help of God, I continue to this day ; and, after all the Ebenezers I have reared along the road, I now rear the largest of them all. And, “ * Here in thy house I leave my vows, And thy rich grace record ; Witness, ye saints who hear me now, If I forsake the Lord.’ ” On the evening of the same day the Rev. Timothy East, then of Birmingham, preached from Daniel xii. 3 : u They that turn many to righteousness (shall shine) as the stars forever and ever.” On the Tuesday morning following, (Feb. 2,) a pub- lic breakfast took place at the Assembly Rooms. The number of persons present at the breakfast was eight hundred and twenty. The ministers, attending both from the city and neighborhood, were about forty. Henry Godwin, Esq., was called to the chair. In his introductory observations Mr. Godwin par- ticularly alluded to the friendship of Mr. Wilberforce for Mr. Jay. He said,* — “ There is one witness whom I could almost wish were here this morning to bear his testimony to the worth of our beloved pastor. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 231 Believe me, sir, I am not going to indulge in the language of adu- lation ; it would be as repugnant to me as it would be offensive to you ; and as contrary to the canons of good taste as to the canons of Scripture. I wish the sainted Wilberforce were here to testify his esteem for you ; and we know not but that he may be looking down with pleasure upon us now ; for if angels rejoice over a re- pentant sinner, why should not glorified saints look with ecstasy upon such a scene as this ? But I can give you the testimony of Wilberforce himself ; and I give it you on the veracity of a man, who feels, I trust, that he stands in the sight of God. “ Though not intimately acquainted with that good man, I had the pleasure of having three interviews with him, in one of which Mr. Jay was the subject of conversation ; speaking of whom he said, ‘There is one thing in Jay, (for he spoke familiarly, and I will speak familiarly too,) there is one thing in Jay, dear Jay, that 1 love ; it is his uniform consistency, his uniform humility. I re- member when he was a very young man ; and I know that the popular applause which followed him was enough to turn a young head ; but he always kept his steady course ; I never saw him in the least inflated by it. I never saw the least indication of his being so ; he seemed to shake it off as the lion shakes the dew from his mane. Dear Jay, I love Jay !’ Such was the testimony of Wilberforce ; but his sons appear to have forgotten that love ; at all events they have not shown it in the Biography of their Father.” After some further observations appropriate to the occasion, the chairman read the following address from the church and congregation : — TO THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. Reverend and Dear Sir, — Fifty years have rolled away since a gracious God was pleased to direct the Church and Congregation assembling in Argyle Chapel to choose you as their pastor. Solemn is the thought that of those who then crowded to hear you profess “ a good profession before many witnesses,” few — very few — remain to welcome this day; and of those who then invited you to ac- cept the ministerial charge, one, only one, honored individual sur- vives. But God has preserved you 1 and we are now assembled to commemorate the lapse of half a century, spent in holy duty anj 232 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. affectionate intercourse between yourself and the people of your charge. We come not to praise you. It would not be acceptable to you, and we regard the occasion as too hallowed for any such purpose. We desire to unite with you in fervent gratitude to the Great Head of the Church for the signal blessings He has bestowed on you, in fitting you for the high, and sacred, and distinguished course of ministerial usefulness He has enabled you to fulfil ; and on us, as a Church and Congregation, in providing for us so rich and edifying an exhibition of the Gospel of the grace of God. But while we bow in gratitude before the Most High, and would devoutly adore Him for his goodness, we cannot be insensible that under Him “ from whom cometh every good and perfect gift,” we owe you much. To the great Apostle of the Gentiles, Philemon owed his “own self.” To you some of us are under similar obli- gations ; and it is our prayer, that, with those of our predecessors and fellow-worshippers, who have departed in the faith, we may unitedly rejoice in the day of Christ, that you have neither run nor labored in vain. Receive from us, very dear sir, the assurance of our strong affection and unabated regard; and with it, as a token of our attachment to your person, of our veneration for your character, and of our grat- itude for your labors as a faithful minister of Christ, we request your acceptance of the accompanying tribute of esteem. Finally, we pray for your prosperity, and commend you to the love of the Saviour. May the evening of life, which is now come upon you, and upon one who has tenderly and long augmented your joys and alleviated your anxieties, ever be irradiated by tlie.Divine presence ; and when it shall please Him, whom you serve, to call you to the temple above, may these glorious words break upon your ear, “Well done, good and faithful servant ; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” Signed on behalf of the Church and Congregation, Bath, January 30th, 1841 : — Henry Griffith, William New all, James Bryant, R. H. Griffith, Isaac Tiiley Jacob Titley, Samuel Fisher, Deacons of the Ch^vci SUPPLEMENT TO THE AU TOBIOGRAPH Y. 233 H. Godwin, Chairman of the Committee, Rice Hopkins, Secretary of the C mimittee. John Matthews, George King, Richard Parker Lemon, William Price, Richard Finigan. William James, John Griffiths Mansford, J. C. Spencer, S. King, Henry Morgan, William G eorge, John Barnard, Edward Saunders, Charles Godwin, George Nortiimore, Thomas Barter, James Griffiths, William Gibbons, Henry Edmund Goodridge, Being the Committee appointed at a General Meeting of the Church and Congregation, held 13th October, 1840. With this Address, sir, which so fully expresses my own senti- ments, I have to present you also with this salver, and purse, (which contains £650,) as a token of our united esteem, affection, and gratitude. The salver was of silver, with a shell pattern border, containing in the centre the following inscription, sur- rounded with an engraved wreath of flowers : — Presented, Together with the Sum of Six Hundred and Fifty Pounds, to the REV. WILLIAM JAY, By the Members of the Church and Congregation Assembled in Argyle Chapel, Bath, And by other Friends, On the completion of the Fiftieth Year of his happy and useful Pastorate, As a Tribute of Christian esteem, affection, and gratitude. January 30, 1841. The Rev. William Jay then addressed the assembly as follows : — Mr. Chairman and my Christian friends, — Of late years you have not often heard me speak publicly, unless in my own appropriate 234 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. sphere. It was not without reflection and conviction that, believ- ing every man is best in his own order, considering the limitation of human powers, and knowing how liable I was to importunities, and feeling the pressure of various important engagements, I was induced to lay down a rule — and which I rendered general, in order to avoid giving particular offence — that I would decline all plat- form engagements, and confine myself more exclusively to the press and the pulpit. With regard o the former, I hope I have not erred, because I have not failed, God having given large acceptance and circulation to my various and numerous publications ; in consequence of which I have the pleasure to think that, after my decease, there are many who may derive some pleasure and profit from the labors of my pen ; and especially that my own church and congregation will be able to have in remembrance many of the things they heard from the living voice. JSFor do I think I have been mistaken with regard to the latter, when I was led to view my principal duty as lying in Argyle Chapel, since, after having preached there for more than half a cen- tury, I have had no diminution in attendance or attention ; and I now survey this large and voluntary assembly convened together to exhibit tokens of their regard. Vfithout any intimation or promise from myself, I fear an expect- ation has been raised that, on this occasion, I should take rather a large review of a ministry, the fiftieth anniversary of whose ordi- nation so many of my friends have agreed to celebrate in this flat- tering manner. But, in the first place, in the usual course of nature, you will soon, from what I may leave behind me, learn some of the circumstances of my earlier history, if they may be worth inquir- ing after ; and you will see the peculiar, the very peculiar manner in which the providence of God, without any design or effort of my own, or of my humble friends, led me into a work to which I have consecrated so large a portion of my life happily, and I hope not unprofitably. And, in the next place, on Sabbath-day morning last, (as our Chairman has mentioned,) I took a pretty large review of things, especially as they led to the formation of my connection with those who have so long been “my hope, and joy, and crown of rejoicing together with some other circumstances connected with the Church and with the Pastor. I seem, therefore, now only called to do what would be a very pleasing duty were it not for the load of emotion under which I SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 235 am called to discharge it ; for, unless I were made up of insensibil- ity and stupidity, you must suppose that I could not receive such an address, such a token, such a testimonial, without feelings which would be too oppressive and embarrassing to allow of a full, or per- haps even proper, utterance. I will not, therefore, attempt what I feel to be impracticable ; but will briefly and simply, and in a man- ner the most respectful and grateful, acknowledge my obligations to you, Mr. Chairman, for your disinterested, zealous, and judicious agency — to the gentlemen of the Committee who have been con- nected with you ; and to all those who have contributed on this oc- casion, as if mentioned by name. Many of them are present ; they can receive my thanks from my own lips immediately ; and I hope that, in some way or other, they will reach all those contributors also who are absent — for I find that I have had friends not only at home but abroad — and also to that distinguished and truly Chris- tian Poet who has deigned to employ his Muse on this occasion. But what do I owe to those ladies who darted into this business, and who have shown (they are always combined in them) so much earnestness and taste in the arrangement of this festival ? I never indeed despair of anything being done, and being done well, when it once gets into the heads, and the hearts, and the hands of females. My fair sisters, I am not indulging the language of flattery. My conscience bears me witness that I have always had a concern in private and in public to plead the cause of your sex ; and you may take it, if you please, as a kind of testamentary avowal, that, in a long and not unobserving life, I have always found females — like the dear afflicted one at my right hand — worthy of peculiar confi- dence, esteem, and praise. I hope I have character enough to obtain for me a belief, when 1 affirm, that all, with regard to this Jubilee — excepting the sacred part of it — originated with, and has been carried on by, others ; and therefore all the guilt must rest upon the heads of a numerous body of friends, who have been perhaps too partial and too warm in their friendship. I should be sorry if any have been led to imagine, because I have generally been successful in life, that I had now well feathered a nest for myself, or for one dearer to me than myself. But I can glory in saying this is not the case. While, therefore, with regard to the pecuniary part of this oblation, I am not at a loss to employ it, especially relatively and prospectively, yet it is not with this that I am principally impressed. “ How long have I to live that I 236 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. shou_d go up with the king to Jerusalem ?” I hope Providence and grace have taught me, in whatsoever state I have been, therewith to be content. Nor can I expect to derive any immediate comfort from this present ; but as a testimony of respect and approbation I exceedingly prize it ; and there are few things which could have afforded me more pleasure, considering the principle from which the gift has sprung, and the various expressions of esteem and re- gard with which it has been accompanied. I feel also the unsectarian nature of this boon, as it has come from churchmen and dissenters, and from the various religious par- ties for whom I have often preached, and for whom I have al- ways prayed, saying, “ Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity for “ whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my mother, and sister, and brother.” From the rank and office of some of the contributors, in Church and State, perhaps it may be expected that there should be a more distinct acknowledgment. I am very willing to render to them the praise which is their due ; but you will allow me to say, I have been most affected with the poor of my flock, and nothing will so long remain written on the fleshly table of my heart as the gener- osity of one individual who presented sixpence to one of my dea- cons, adding, “ I only wish it were a hundred pounds.” I have only one thing more to add. I take this purse, and I pre- sent it to you, madam, ( addressing Mrs. Jay , in whose hands he placed the purse , amidst the warm applause of the company, ) — I present it to you, madam, who have always kept my purse, and therefore it has been so well kept. Consider it as entirely sacred to your pleasure, your use, your service, your comfort. I know this has been perfectly unexpected by you, but it is also perfectly deserved by you. Mr. Chairman, and my Christian friends, — There is not one here this morning but would acquiesce in this appropriation if they knew the value of this female as a wife for more than fifty years ; and if they knew also the obligation the public is under to her, if I have been enabled in any measure and degree to serve my genera- tion ; and how much her sex owe to one who always raised and confirmed my estimation of them ; and especially how much my own church and congregation owe to one who has watched over their preacher’s health, who has cheered him under all his trials, who has reminded him continually of his duty, who has animated him in the prosecution of it, and who has freed him, when in he** SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 237 power, from every interruption and embarrassment, that he might be free in his work ; and how much my family owe to her for aid- ing in training up a number of children, who will always "all her blessed ; and being the mother of another mother, who now resides in America, shining at the head of a lovely train of thirteen children, all walking with her in the way everlasting. After the delivery of Mr. Jay’s speech, the following gentlemen addressed the meeting : the Rev. R. Elliott of Devizes, the oldest of Mr. Jay’s contemporaries, the Rev. J. Gr. Bedford of Winchester, a minister of the Established Church, the Rev. T. Haynes of Bristol, the Rev. T. East of Birmingham, W. T. Blair, Esq., the Rev. S. Martin of Cheltenham (since of London), Edward Smith, Esq., of London. The Rev. J. Jackson, of Taunton, then gave out one of the hymns composed for the occasion by James Montgomery, Esq. ; after which he pronounced the usual benediction, and dismissed the assembly. EVENING MEETING. At the evening meeting in Argyle Chapel, Henry Godwin, Esq., was again called to the chair. On one side of the pulpit was placed a handsome stone pillar commemorative of Mr. Jay’s predecessor, the Rev, Thomas Tuppen, and of the erection of the chapel ; and on the other side of the pulpit a corresponding pillar commemorating the fifty years’ pastorate of the Rev. W. Jay. The pillars are of Scotch granite beau- tifully polished, and surmounted by a bronze lamp. Prayer was offered by the Rev. John Glanville of Kingswood, and one of the hymns composed by Mr. Montgomery was sung by the congregation. The chairman then addressed the assembly as follows : — 238 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. “I believe the present meeting is assembled to praise God, and that praise will constitute the greater part of our employment this evening. We are also assembled for an object which must be fa- miliar to most of our friends who are at all conversant with profane history. We know that the setting up of pillars and obelisks was very common in ancient times ; and so early did the practice obtain in the world, that the period when the pyramids of Egypt and others were set up has been the subject of dispute among historians ; and, to the present day, there is a difficulty, if not an impossibility, of ascertaining how early the setting up of pillars might have be- gun in the profane world. We see them also in use in our own time. We have our Wellington pillars and our Nelson pillars, and our obelisks, and the crosses which we see at the roadside ; and vo- tive altars which are discovered in digging foundations for build- ings in this neighborhood, show us that the custom is ancient, and perhaps laudable. ‘‘But these trophies, these obelisks, these pillars, were raised for mortal heroes, to perpetuate the fame of those whose glory was in the field of battle, who carried carnage, with garments rolled in blood, through the world. They have been crowned indeed with the emblems of victory ; but the victory has been attended with the sighs, the mourning, and the tears of widows and orphans. We are, however, assembled this evening to set up other pillars. We have a higher and a brighter object. We have to-night to set up peaceful emblems, — to follow examples recorded in the Scriptures as our authority for what we are about to do. I am sure that most of those who hear me now are familiar with some of the first pillars which were set up, such as that erected by Jacob on his journey to Padanaram. The pillar which he there set up produced an awful impression upon his mind, which constrained him to say, (and may we now and at all times, when we enter this sacred house, entertain similar feelings,) — ‘ How awful is this place ! This is none other but the house of God, and the gate of heaven/ A little of this feel- ing to-night, amidst all our joy and all our praise, will not be either inconvenient or inconsistent. “There are other accounts in the Scriptures recording similar occurrences, such as the setting up of the twelve pillars by Moses in the wilderness. But there is a pillar spoken of in the Apoca- lypse which we all should think of ; that is the pillar which is to be in heaven ; the pillar that is to bear the temple there ; the pillar that is to bear the inscription of the Christian’s name, and be placed SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 239 in that city whence they shall no more go out. Oh! let us be more emulous than ever, tha't we may become the pillar that St. John saw in the temple, and that our names may be written upon it.” Resolutions were then passed recording the events celebrated, and expressing the gratitude of the assem- bly for the successful and happy pastorate of the Rev. W. Jay through fifty years. The speakers were the Rev. T. East of Birmingham, the Rev. W. Bunting of Manchester, the Rev. T. Haynes of Bristol, the Rev. S. Nichols, &c. The younger members of the congregation having determined to take part in the celebration, presented their minister with a handsome gold medal and a sil- ver salver. On one side the medal presents a likeness of Mr. Jay, with the following inscription: — “The Rev. William Jay completed a Pastorate of Fifty Years, January 80, 1841,” The reverse shows the front elevation of Argyle Chapel, with the inscription : — “Argyle Chapel, Bath, Erected 1789. First Enlargement, 1804. Second Enlargement, 1821. The salver bears the following inscription : — “The juvenile members of the church and congregation of Ar- gyle Chapel present this salver, bearing a gold medal, commemora- tive of the event, as a tribute of affection to their highly-esteemed pastor, the Rev. William Jay, on the completion of the jubilee of his ministerial labors, with the sincere hope that he may long be spared to them a3 their shepherd. — Bath, 30th Jan., 1841.” This testimonial was presented by a deputation of 240 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. the young people, headed by Mr. King and Mr. Fini- gan. Mr. Jay then ascended the pulpit, and addressed his young friends as follows : — • “ I feel more at home here, though not entirely so, amidst these peculiarities. Mr. Chairman and my dear young friends, — I little imagined I should have been called upon for a second address on this occasion. I feel entirely exhausted, not by exertion, but by emotion ; for who ever endured such a persecution of kindness, and friendship, and honor, as I have endured this morning and evening ; “ And yet I cannot complain of being called to this service. Yea, I ought to feel gratified and grateful in no ordinary degree. The token I have now received is enhanced and endeared by the very quarter from whence it comes. For the young are the hopes of our families, and of our churches, and of our country. On them we de- pend to fill all the sacred and civil departments in the community ; for one generation passeth away, and another cometh, and none is suffered to continue by reason of death. But, 0, could we see a larger number of the rising race coming forward as a seed to serve the Redeemer, who shall be accounted to him for a generation : — how would this gently loosen the cords of life, and enable us to say, 1 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word ; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.’ My dear young friends, — what a privilege — for I will not refer to it as a duty now — what a privilege is early piety ! hence the language of Solomon which we so often quote, ‘ I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me and which has so frequently adorned an early tomb. All that seek shall find. The force of this promise, therefore, must be considered comparatively. All alike find, but all do not find alike. Is there no difference between your finding Him now in the beginning of your journey, to guide you safely for- ward, and finding Him after wandering in wrong roads, and after being robbed and wounded by thieves, and having your strength worn out, and the shadows of the evening falling upon you ? Is there no difference, my young friends, between finding Him in the loveliness and cheerfulness of life, and finding Him ‘ when the days and the years draw near wherein ye will say, we have no pleasure in them’ ? No difference between your finding Him in the health of your countenance and the vigor of your strength, and finding Him only when your bones will be filled with the sins of your youth, SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 241 which lie vlown with you in the grave ? No, none find Him like those that seek Him early. None find such peculiar acceptance with Him, none derive such distinguished privileges from Him. A thou- sand satisfactions and advantages are wanting in a late conversion which adorn and bless an earlier one. Take an old man ; his con- version is of importance to himself; but what is it to others? His conversion secures him for eternity, but it is attended with no use- fulness in life. He runs no race; he accomplishes no warfare ; he gains no laurels ; glorifies not God in his body and spirit ; nor serves his generation according to the will of God. “ There is a proverb which you, perhaps, may have met with, which says, ‘Young saints prove old devils.’ I would rather reverse this, and say, that young saints often prove old angels. Read through the Scriptures ; notice the history of Joseph, and Samuel, and David, and Daniel, and John, and Timothy. Read through the history of our godly ancestors. Remember the language of Beza in his will : * Lord,’ says he, ‘ I thank thee that at the early age of sixteen I was enabled to dedicate myself to thy service.’ Here the speaker could refer to his own experience, and perhaps it would not be improper on this occasion. My young friends, if he had not been cut off in the midst of his days, what a different figure would he have made at this time, had he been the victim of youthful vices ! And I am persuaded there is not a Christian here who is not, next to the sal- vation of his soul, more grateful for an early consecration to the service and glory of God. ‘•Now I presume that many of our young friends, who have joined in the testimony of respect, are already walking in the truth, and I can have no greater joy than to see this. But I hope this will be the case with all who have joined in this token of respect. Oh, my young friends, it would be sad, it would be dreadful, for any of you, aftep having come forward thus to honor your minister now, to constrain him hereafter, on a more public occasion, to condemn you — to say, Lord, they are guilty : Lord, they have destroyed them- selves. I instructed them ; I warned them ; I invited them ; I be- sought them with tears to come unto Thee. But they turned awav from him that speaketh from heaven ; they neglected so great salva- tion ; they rejected the counsel of God against themselves. But I hope better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though I thus speak. And, 0 my young friends, who have thus favored me, could I take many of you by the hand and lead you to the table of the Lord, it would afford mo much more delight than 242 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. tlie reception of this medal. And yet I do not undervalue this pres ent ; yea, I prize it, not only for the exquisite beauty of the work- manship, but for the sake of those who have presented it. It will remind me of you, my young friends, and lead me to remember you, too, for good. “This medal, you are aware, cannot long remain in my possess- ion ; but it will, as our chairman has remarked, serve as an heir- loom in my family ; so that my children and my children’s children, when they look upon it, may prize it, and remember how long their father labored within these walls, and how God smiled upon him, and was pleased to favor him to the last. “ Here are two pillars erected. Delicacy and my feelings will not allow me to refer to them. Indeed, the allusion would be un- necessary after the remarks which have been made by our chair- man. But remember they are memorials. One of them is a memo- rial of my predecessor ; the other, after awhile, will be a memorial of myself. O then may I be enjoying Him above, while you are zealously serving Him below ; and at last may we all unite in that blessed world where adieus and farewells will be a sound unknown! 4 O God, let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children ; and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us ; yea, the work of our hands establish Thou it.’ Amen.” The Bev. D. Wassell of Bath then gave out one of Mr. Montgomery’s hymns, and the Bey. W. Lucy of Bristol pronounced the usual benediction. The chair- man then dismissed the assembly. We subjoin the hymns composed for this interesting occasion by James Montgomery, Esq. : — A blessing on our Pastor’s head, Lord God, we fervently implore ; On him, this day, a blessing shed, For life, for death, for evermore. For all that Thou in him hast wrought, For all that Thou by him hast done, Our warmest, purest thanks be brought, Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, thy Son. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGIIAPHY. ‘>43 To Thee he gave his flower of youth, To Thee his manhood’s fruit he gave ; The herald of life-giving truth, Dead souls from deathless death to save. Forsake him not in his old age, But while his Master’s cross he bears, Faith be his staff on pilgrimage, A crown of glory his gray hairs. With holier zeal his heart enlarge, Though strength decline, and sight grow dim* While we, the people of his charge, Still glorify Thy grace in him. So, when his warfare here shall cease, By suffering perfected in love, His ransomed soul shall join in peace The church of the first-born above. HYMN II. Hallelujah ! heart and voice, Yielding all the praise to Thee, Lord, the flock would now rejoice In the Pastor’s jubilee. Hallelujah ! heart and voice, When the day of God they see, All Christ’s sheep will thus rejoice, On His own grand jubilee. Hallelujah! heart and voice, There in heaven one fold shall be, And one Shepherd, — to rejoice In eternal jubilee. The following letter from Mr. Montgomery, address- ed to the Chairman of the Committee, H. Godwin, Esq., will appropriately conclude this account of the Jubi- lee Celebration : — 244 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. The Mount, Sheffield, Feb. 9tb, 1841. Dear Friend, — Accept my best thanks for your packet and the accompanying newspaper, which duly arrived on Saturday. I do heartily congratulate you and your brethren, as well as your ven- erable pastor and his partner, on the happy celebration of his jubi- lee anniversary in Bath. I have read the proceedings both of t .e Sabbath and the Tuesday following with great delight ; for yet, amidst all the strife, envy, and uncharitableness in churches, and between churches, so flagrant at this time, you have shown that there are occasions, and there may be found professors, when and of whom even an ungodly world can say, reverence touching their hearts, and softening their tongues, while they utter the words — “See how these Christians love one another!” Alas! how seldom is this exemplified. The record of your festival, however, will be hailed throughout the country, and perhaps through all Christen- dom, as a blessed evidence of a Philadelphian spirit yet living and breathing in a Laodicean age, when the suspended animation of lukewarmness is only disturbed by the hallucinations of that vain- boasting which says, “ I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing,” when — you know where to look for the sequel, and what that is. “For the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart,” says Deborah in her song, and she doubles the burthen of her lamentations by adding, “ For the divisions of Reuben there were searchings of heart.” In the multitude of our thoughts within us, on our unhappy divisions, personal, domestic, and denom- inational, as Christians, may there be great searchings of our hearts, and trying of our ways, that we may turn again to the Lord, and to our first love, if we ever loved at all; for assuredly there is an awful apostasy from this, among and between every section of the catholic church in this land, — and the plague has extended its bale- ful influence even into the fields of missionary labors. But I must forbear, — the digression has not been wilful, but I was drawn into it insensibly from feeling that the scene of holy harmony at Bath ought not to have been one of rare occurrence, but more or less of every-day felicity among our Saviour’s disciples, when and wher- ever they meet in His name and He is in the midst. I thought much of you on the two days, especially on the Tues- day, when the meetings — the love-feasts I ought to call them — were held, because with us the weather was tempestuous, and I feared that with you, if the visitation reached so far, many of your friends might be disappointed of the “hope deferred” which they were already SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 245 cherishing when I was at Bath fourteen months ago, of being par- takers and helpers cf the joy of their brethren and companions on the expected jubilee of their venerated pastor’s ministry among their fathers already called to glory, and themselves I trust on their way thither under the staff and rod of the Great Shepherd’s minis- try to the flock of God in your neighborhood, over which he has been so long a watchful and faithful overseer. It appears, however, that whatever storms might rage without, there was peace within, and as many to enjoy it as the rooms would contain. I am greatly indebted to Mrs. Godwin for the jubilee medallion — the workmanship of which seems to me admirable, the likeness of your good pastor excellent, and the simple register of dates, on either side, the most appropriate of inscriptions in such a case. It was a beautiful and affecting sequel to the solemnities of the Sab- bath, and the festivities of the breakfast on Tuesday, that the chil- dren and the youth were allowed to bring their offerings of grati- tude and love to the father in the Gospel of both old and young in your church and congregation. I have only to add my heart’s de- sire and prayer to God for you all, that every one of the number of those who participated in the privileges of those two memorable days, may be finally associated in that place where, a thousand and ten thousand ages hence, each may remember with adoring grati- tude the blessedness of those meetings on earth, which many of you no doubt felt to be an earnest and foretaste of the glory and felici- ties of that house of God eternal in the heavens, “ Where congregations ne’er break up, And Sabbaths have no end.” * * * * * * I am your obliged friend and servant, J. Montgomery. A few days after this commemorative service, the Committee of the Bath Auxiliary Bible Society pass- ed the following resolution at a very full meeting by an unanimous vote : — “That this Committee, participating in the prevalent disposition of the Christian public to glorify God in the long course of consist- ent piety and extensive usefulness maintained for half a century in this city by the Rev, W. Jay, and fully appreciating the value of 246 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. his unwavering attachment to the British and Foreign Bible Society, from its earliest formation — do appoint a deputation to wait upon him, and request his acceptance of the office of a vice-president of the Bath Auxiliary.” The deputation consisted of the Rev. John East, the mover of the resolution, W. T. Blair, R. Perfect, and W. Sutcliffe, Esqs. The interview was of the most cordial and pleasing description. Mr. Jay accepted the honor, and his name henceforward was placed on the list of vice-presidents of the Bath Auxiliary. In the year 1845 Mr. Jay experienced a severe trial in the death of Mrs. Jay. She expired, October 14 of this year, in the 79th of her age. From the time of her first seizure, which Mr. Jay has sufficiently de- scribed in his twelfth letter, and which took place in the year 1830, she never recovered the full use of hei faculties, and, as age produced greater weakness, she gradually sank under the power of disease, so that at length it became impossible to hold intelligent conver- sation with her. She continued, however, to attend the public service through a great part of her affliction, but it was doubtful whether she understood anything. She seemed sometimes to recognize the persons of those about her, but generally reversed everything, calling a son a daughter, and a daughter a son. With much confusion of memory she would speak of things which took place long before her illness. Even as early as the year 1834 Mr. Jay said in a letter to Mrs. Bolton that her mother was often very low on her ac- count, and adds, “ You will suppose 1 have no little engagement in attending to her in her advancing in- firmities, and her almost total absence of employment and amusement.” Again, in a letter written in 1837 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 247 to Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, then in America, he says, tl Your dear mother grows feebler with years. I think also she gets blunter in apprehension and more per- plexed in speech.” In April, 1840, speaking of other members of his family, he says, “ They have, more leisure and opportunity than I have, with so many things pressing upon me alone, which your precious mother formerly divided with me, or, rather, entirely took from me.” In October, 1841, he says, “Your in- valuable mother gets very feeble, and a short walk soon fatigues her, and she is no stranger to lowness, especially in thinking of death. This is, I believe, a frequent case with those who are best prepared for it. But she does not and cannot complain of any want of esteem, and love, and attention, even to devotedness, from all that are about her, and, with regard to my- self, she seems to get dearer every day.” Some months after her decease, he expressed him- self thus : — “ There is not a day, nor hardly an hour, in which I do not think of your inestimable mother ; and though she was getting increasingly helpless, yet still I had her, and delighted to attend her. I now feel very solitary, and often sad, from my social dispo- sition and long experience of such a companion, and as privations and infirmities are likely to increase.” To have watched and attended her so many years under this painful affliction, and with so much tender- ness and constancy, under his own advancing years, must have been a heavy burden and a severe disci- pline for his heart. But his Christian excellency shone the brighter through this dark domestic cloud. At • length it passed away, when her sorrowful spirit was emancipated fr*om the bonds of mortality, and preced- 248 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ed her beloved and faithful companion to the realms of perfect and unending bliss. In the following year he wrote thus to Mr. and Mrs. Bolton: — “You blame me for not writing, but did you know what I have felt (yet how strange !) at the thought of writing since, as it would necessarily turn much upon my great affliction, you would perhaps blame me less. I have yet answered no one. I physically felt the more as other afflictions preceded it ; and I was nearly five weeks confined from air and exercise by my accident ; so that my strength was lowered, and my spirits broken, when I was called to surrender one who had been my honor, my comfort, my happiness, for fifty -five years. I need not enlarge upon her worth to you. You know I could not say too much of her as a daughter, a wife, a mother, a woman, a Christian. “ What a mild season ! My garden already begins to bud forth. How many rose-trees do you imagine I have ? Five thousand four hundred and one. How fond I get of flowers ! I lately heard of a pious fe- male, who, dying, said, 1 1 am going to a land of peace and flowers.’ Yes — * There everlasting spring abides, And never-withering flowers/ Well ! in that happy region is now , and soon we shall follow. Oh, for grace while we live to live unto the Lord, and when we die, 4 to die unto the Lord!’” Referring to the same topic in another letter, he says, “We rejoice to find that you are so improved in health, and are looking forward with glowing hope and pleasure to an interview in the spring — lamenting SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 249 only that time will turn the visit into a vision. One mighty loss you will feel and deplore, though on her account we ought to be more than resigned — freed as she is from the burden of the flesh and growing in- firmities. There is not a day but I have her variously in remembrance.” Early in the year 1846 Mr. Jay received a deeply interesting testimony of affectionate respect and grati- tude from one class of his congregation, whose welfare both for this life and that to come he had often labor- ed to promote : these were the female servants. They united their humble offerings together, and presented to him a silver sugar-basin, stating simply that it came from many attached female servants in connection with the church and congregation. Mr. J ay’s reply is as follows : — “Mr. Jay will thank Mary Rogers to communicate to the kind domestics, who with herself have testified their regard by present- ing him with a piece of plate ; — First, that he is much pleased with the utensil itself, and admires its form and simple elegance. Sec- ondly, that he much values it as to the quarter from which it comes. From no class of his hearers would it have been so wel- come. He has, as is well known, always avowed the obligations we are under to good servants, and has always pleaded for their rights. Thirdly, that he is peculiarly thankful, that, while they afford him this token of their esteem, they also acknowledge their having derived spiritual benefit from his labors, and that he has not preached among them in vain. “ He prays and hopes that his services may continue to be ac- ceptable and profitable; and that they who have contributed to ‘ this work and labor of love/ may unceasingly * serve the Lord Christ / and at last hear from our one Master in heaven, ‘ Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.’ “ ‘ Honor and shame fi )m no condition rise : Act well your part — there all the honor lies.’ 250 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. “ He .low desires each of the servants to accept one of his publi- cations, inscribed with their names and with his own. This will aid their remembrance of him, when the lips upon which they now hang will be silent in the grave, and by this, he ‘ being dead,’ may yet be speaking. “ He gladly subscribes himself their grateful and affectionate Pastor, “ William Jay. “BatL Jan. 7, 1846.” Mary Kogers is still living, and mourning tlie loss of her beloved master and pastor. She was an ancient and most valuable servant in his family. Mr. J ay some years since preached a funeral sermon for a female servant ; upon which occasion he observed, that there were two things which caused religious ser- vants to be too generally disliked. The first was their fondness for religious gossiping, or cronyism , which made them regardless of their time, &c. And, second - ly , their aptness to carry their equality as Christians into their secular stations, and to use an unbecoming familiarity, instead of a dutiful respect, to their masters and mistresses. In the year 1846, Mr. Jay having been for some time a widower, and having all his children removed to a distance from him, deemed it desirable to change his state. He chose as his future partner Miss Head, an excellent and pious lady, with whose parents he had early become acquainted through the introduction of his friend and tutor Mr. Winter, who was much at- tached to them on account of their Christian zeal and liberality. Mr. Jay preached the funeral sermon for Mrs. Head. Miss Head was the last surviving mem- ber of this family, and the marriage which took place was not only with the entire approbation of all Mr. SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 251 Jay’s family, but appeared to them, as well as to him- self, kindly ordered in Providence to promote the comfort of his latter days. He always referred to it with the liveliest gratitude to God. The ceremony was performed September 2, 1846, at the Congregation- al chapel, Worthing, Sussex. In the year 1847, Mr. Jay proposed to obtain per- manent assistance in his ministerial labors ; and, with a view to such an arrangement, Mr. R. A. Yaughan preached for a period of three months with much ac- ceptance. At the expiration of that period he received a unanimous invitation to become assistant-minister at Argyle Chapel. He accepted the invitation, and en- tered upon his stated duties in April, 1848, and con- tinued to discharge them till March, 1850, when he resigned and removed to Birmingham. In the autumn of this year Mr. Jay wrote thus : — “I cannot do things so quickly and easily as I once could, and feel a growing reluctance to exertion. I must, therefore, be judged of, not by my former but present self, as going on for eighty-two, and feeling in a degree Solomon’s description, — ‘ the grasshopper is a burden,’ arid desire fails. Yet I do what I can in my own old work; and, I assure you, friends are not disposed to spare me. We are yet at sea with regard to an assistant ; but I hope the Lord will provide, as I want to effect a settlement and retire.” Towards the end of the year 1851 he expressed his sense of growing infirmity and anticipation of the coming trial in his own peculiar manner, thus : — , “ As to myself, I am as well as I can expect to be during the remnant of my advanced life. God has two kinds of duty for us — the active and the passive — ‘ for they also serve that wait and I ex- pect to find the latter more trying than the former ; but his grace is sufficient for us.” 252 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. In tne spring of 1852 the Key. Dr. Johns, rector of Christ Church, Baltimore, paid a visit to this country, and through his acquaintance with the Rev. R. Bolton, obtained an introduction Mr. Jay, and a temporary sojourn in his house. In a letter to Mr. Boltcn he gives the following interesting account of that visit: — • “ We arrrived in Bath on Saturday, June 26, 1852, and were kindly welcomed by your aged relative, then, I believe, in his eighty-third year. I can never forget the sentiments with which his form and face, his dignified and easy manner, filled me. He was not entirely well, however ; and having to preach on the ensuing day, excused himself at an early hour, saving, ‘ I must retire into the wilderness. T must pump awhile. You, in travelling, need not do so, but I must/ “ I asked him if he was in the habit of preaching from notes ? ‘From catch words, on a slip of paper,’ he answered ; ‘ but I wish I had never used even these, for the memory is like a true friend, it loves to be trusted.’ This remark made a deep impression on me at the time, and I resolved to treasure it for the benefit of others. He informed me that he endeavored to select his text on Monday morning, stating that by so doing he could meditate upon it all the week. ‘ But,’ said he, ‘no clergyman ought to study on Saturday, but should allow his mind perfect rest at that time.’ He approved of formal divisions in sermons, and said his rule was to have about five. His opinion was that they aided the memory of the hearer, and made the subject of the sermon more open and clear. Referring to the Calvinistic system, he said it was a thing to be held, not for- mally preached. His idea seemed to be that it should leaven the whole character of the pastor and preacher, but not be urged dog- matically. “ In a subsequent conversation, he alluded to the Rev. John New- ton, with whom he had been intimately acquainted, and spoke of him with all the warmth of an early friendship, and observed that he surpassed all the ministers of the gospel he had ever known, in the variety and solidity of his qualifications for the sacred office. Alluding to the Rev. Mr. Romaine, he observed that he was a good man, but a high churchman. Mr. Romaine, he went n to say, once remarked to him, that at the beginning of his ministr) he could only SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 25o count fifty evangelical clergy in the Establishment, but that he could then name five hundred. “ Referring to the present prospects of the English church, ho freely gave it as his opinion that the evangelical clergy would carry the day, as they were not only increasing more rapidly than the opposite class, but were more active and enterprising. He said that when he first came to Bath, sixty years ago, there was scarcely a clergyman in the Established Church there who preached the gos- pel. ‘Now,’ says he, ‘there are few here who do not preach it.’ He alluded in terms of deep regret to the disposition evinced bv many of the evangelical clergy to withdraw from the free and af- fectionate associations which they formerly cultivated with the dis- senting ministers. Ho said, he thought he noticed a change in this matter, and noticed it with sorrow, and appeared to think both would be losers by it. I informed him the same thing was true of the United States, and that we mourned over it. “ On Sunday, June 27th, I heard Mr. Jay preach in the morning in Argyle Chapel. His text was, Psalm cxix. v. 17 : ‘ Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe.’ The passage had been sent to him by a friend, with a request that he would preach from it. Pie made it the basis of an examination of the question, — When may the Chris- tian be said to be in a safe state ? or rather, What may be considered a safe state ? His heads of discourse were something like the fol’ lowing : — “ 1. When the person is under the influence of a deep concern for his spiritual welfare. “ 2. A sound conviction of the exposure to which the soul is ever subjected in its journey through this world. “ 3. An abiding conviction of our liability to spiritual injury aris- ing from our weakness. “4. An unfailing confidence in the faithfulness and ability of God our Saviour to make and keep ns safe. “ 5. A spirit of earnest prayer and a devout reliance through it upon God. “Mr. Jay’s manner was calm, and his voice clear and distinct. His object seemed to be to show the sinner’s weakness on the one hand, and his safety on the other; and these points, sustained from Scripture, were also illustrated by one or two quaint but very for- cible anecdotes. No one but a person of his age could have used them with advantage ; but with his peculiar manner they told with great effect upon the audience, reminding me of Bishop Lat- 254 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. imer’s favorite style. I have never heard more of the gospel \*\ a single sermon ; and in reply to the inquiries of American friends, as to whose preaching I liked best of all I heard while in England and Scotland, my answer has uniformly been, ‘ The old preacher at Bath, whom you all know as the author of the “ Morning and Evening Exercises” * His sermon was full of Christ, discrimina ting and searching, while in point of style I did not notice a sen- tence ‘out of joint,’ from the beginning to the end, and it was an hour in delivery. “ On the ensuing Monday morning, as we were gathered around the breakfast table in the library room, good, kind Mrs. Jay presid- ing, and by her gentle hospitality making the stranger feel as if he were at home, instead of 3,000 miles from it, an incident occurred which I noticed w T ith pleasure. He inquired of his niece, Miss Jay, if she recollected the text of a sermon she had heard at Yentnor the previous week, and he continued to inquire until the young lady gave it to him. I suspect it was his custom with the young, and was designed to show his desire that they should retain what they had heard. Few opportunities of doing good to souls around him were allowed to pass unimproved ; and yet so cheerful, and at times even playful, was his manner, that there was nothing morose or for- bidding about him, or calculated to do other than attract even the youngest. • “ I cannot omit speaking of his remarkable solemnity in conduct- ing family worship. He read the Scriptures with an emphasis, and expounded as he passed on ; whilst in the prayer he seemed to carry all along with him. I do not think there were any with us who could have been much troubled with wandering thoughts. He seemed to chain each heart to his own, and to draw the whole to the Saviour’s feet. His accents appear, even now, almost to sound in my ears, as I revert to those sweet and blessed moments. “ Conversing with Mr. Jay seemed like speaking with a past age. He had seen, and known, and heard nearly all the distinguished men in both Church and State, for more than sixty years ; and as his memory was fresh, in reference to early incidents, he described Whitfield and his contemporaries, with the leaders in Parliament, and in all the important movements of benevolence, with a minute- ness and graphic power that no studied writer could well give to them. How few have lived so long, and lived through an age so abundant in events so deeply interesting to the Christian ? As I gazed upon this venerable mar. and thought of his long-extended SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 255 labors, both in the pulpit and through the press, and then antici- pated what has since occurred, his entrance to our Master’s presence above, I could scarcely contain my emotions. God be praised for such a life ; yet when removed from earth, what a blank is left ! Be it ours, my dear brother, to follow him as he followed Christ, and to strive to imitate his meekness and fidelity, his love of souls, and his enlarged interest in the cause of Christ. “Truly and affectionately, your friend and brother, “To the Rev. R. Bolton. Henry Y. D. Johns.” On Lord’s-day morning, July 25, 1852, Mr. Jay preached what proved to be, though unexpected at the time, his last sermon, in Argyle Chapel, from the text, Ps. lxiii. 1,2: u O God, thou art my God ; early will I seek thee, my soul thirsteth for thee. My flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is : to see thy power and thy glory so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.” The preacher was in Iris usual health, and none who heard him supposed they were listening to his last address from that pulpit. A few of the closing sentences we insert as a beautiful specimen of the interesting and impressive manner in which he terminated his faithful testimony to his people : — • “But I dare say you think it is time for me to conclude, and my age and weakness tell me the same. I therefore hasten to a close, by observing one thing only ; that is, experience is both alarming and encouraging. It is very alarming to those of you who are strangers to it. And this is the case with many who are very fa- miliar with the means of grace. ‘ You come as God’s people come that is, if you do come to God’s house — but no further. You come from curiosity or custom, or to comply with the desires of your con- nections, or to appease conscience ; not to please God, and to hold communion with Him. You have never come — you know you have not — to see His power and His glory. You never prayed for it be- fore you came ; you never examine yourselves when you go there. 256 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. whether yon have enjoyed Him. Oh! it is awful to think what a length of time this has been the case with some of yon. • Five, ten, fifteen, or twenty years, without one effectual religious movefnent ! Dear hearers, what will these means of grace do for you? You will never hear to purpose till you so hear that your souls may live. You, singers ; if you do not sing with melody in your hearts to the Lord here, you will not be found among the blissful number of those who shall celebrate His praises in the courts above. And you, hearers of the gospel ; if you are hearers only, you are deceiv- ing your own souls ; and this word of life will only be to you ‘ a savor of death unto death.’ You, worshippers ; if you ‘draw nigh to God with your lips, and honor Him with your mouths, while your heart is far from Him,’ and you do not worship Him who is a Spirit in spirit and in truth, you will pass on from possessing a name and a place among the people of God here, to that place re- served for hypocrites and unbelievers. May you ‘ seek the Lord while He may be found, and call upon Him while He is near! ’ But some of you can say with the psalmist, — ‘ I ’ve seen Thy glory and Thy power Through all Thy temple shine ; My God, repeat the heavenly hour, That vision so divine ! ’ Let the pleasure of former experience increase your expectation. May you ever repair to His temple, humbly believing that you shall be satisfied with the goodness of God’s house, ‘ and made to drink of the waters of life.’ And then you shall soon see God in the sanc- tuary above ! And, oh, what a sight will that be ! How satisfy- ing! how beautifying ! how eternal ! — “ ‘If such the sweetness of the streams, What will the fountain be, Where saints and angels draw their bliss Immediately from Thee ! ’ Then, with all the redeemed, you shall be before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple ; and lie that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them. ‘ They shall hunger no more, nor thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 257 them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of water ; and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.’ ‘Ah I’ said Philip Henry, ‘ if this be heaven, oh ! that I were there!’ ” HIS ILLNESS AND RESIGNATION OF THE PASTORATE. After this service he went to Worthing to enjoy his ■usual relaxation, but was seized with alarming illness. His friend and physician, Dr. Bowie, hastened to at- tend him, and he was removed to his own house with as much speed and care as possible. To his attend- ants he then said, “ I am going home , to go home” Af- ter a few weeks his sufferings were alleviated, and he then resolved to resign his pastorate. He accordingly addressed the following brief but pathetic letter to his people : — “Bath, October 5, 1852. “ To the Church of Christ assembling in Argyle Chapel. “ To the Deacons and all the Members of the Church . “ My most dearly Beloved, — “I had fully intended to send from Worthing an offi- cial intimation of the resignation of my pastorate, January next ; a measure to which my mind has been brought by various consid- erations and proprieties of things ; but a dreadful and painful as- sault of disorder prevented my doing anything. As soon as possi- ble, I now thus announce officially what I then intended, and had mentioned to my deacons before. Had I my usual ability, I should do this in a very different manner ; but you must now excuse a want of enlargement, dictated by extreme depression and weak- ness. “ The Lord bless and direct you, and enable you to preserve the union, and harmony, and prosperity, and reputation of a church which has been exemplary in the world, endeared by the affection- ate and happy connectio \ of more than sixty-three years to your now resigning pastor. William Ji v ' 258 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Upon this a meeting was held on October 80, at which the following resolution was passed : — “ That this church, in receiving the intended resignation, on the BOth of January next, (the day of his ordination,) of its revered and beloved Pastor, devoutly acknowledges the goodness of God in per- mitting it the distinguished privilege of enjoying a ministry so faith- ful, valued, and eminently useful for a lengthened period of sixtv- three years ; and, while it deeply sympathizes with him in his pres- ent affliction, prays with submission he may be restored, occasion- ally to preach the ‘gospel of the grace of God and that, when his labors shall close, an entrance may be ministered unto him abun- dantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour. That it also traces with gratitude to the same Divine source, the unanim- ity and peace which have hitherto marked its history ; and while it would seek to maintain the unity-of the Spirit in the bond of peace, prays that the great Head of the Church may afford it wis- dom and guidance in the appointment of a successor to the vener able William Jay.” CHOICE OF A SUCCESSOR. Earty in the year 1858, among other persons who came to supply the pulpit at Argyle Chapel, was the Rev. William Henry Dyer, of West Bromwich, Staf- fordshire. After a suitable season of probation, the choice of the majority of the church fell upon Mr. Dyer ; and although there was a respectable minority, among whom was Mr. Jay, who dissented from the choice, yet the church asserted its right of election, and determined to give Mr. Dyer an invitation to the pastorate. This occurred in the month of April, and shortly after Mr. Dyer accepted the invitation, and took upon him the oversight of the church and con- gregation. A division ensued, and a separate church has been since formed, under the ministry of the Rev. Richard Brindley for whom a new chapel is now in SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 259 course of erection. This event was the occasion at the time of considerable uneasiness and even pain to Mr. Jay ; but in this, as in many other instances, the Great Head of the church has overruled the infirmities and differences of his servants for the trial of their faith in him, and for the furtherance of his own gracious de- signs to the world and the church. It was, in one respect, painful that a church, which had been so long distinguished by its harmony, should be divided ; and especially so that its venerable pastor should be called to witness the division. But, in an- other view, it was time for so large and flourishing a body to colonize. The storm often bears precious seed to new fields ; and both persecutions and dis- agreements have been among the means of scattering the good seed of the kingdom more widely. Two ministers of the Gospel are now laboring in the place of one, and it is to be hoped that both will gather fruit unto eternal life; and that, while intent upon the one object which filled the mind and inspired the heart of their venerable predecessor, their people will respect- ively forget their differences, and strive, if not together yet separately, for the furtherance of the Gospel in the populous city where their lot is cast. LAST ILLNESS AND DEATH. As early as the year 1844 the complaint which proved fatal had begun to manifest itself, but for some time it did not materially interrupt his labors either from the pulpit or the press. He continued to bear up calmly and energetically, notwithstanding occasion- al seasons of weakness and attacks of pain. But about p year previous to his last sickness came on the severe 260 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. attack at Worthing already noticed. From this his recovery was only partial and temporary. Yet in the spring and summer of the following year (1853) he was enabled to take short journeys, and enjoy a little of the society of his friends. During this period he visit- ed Bradford, and preached several times there and at Bratton between April and the end of August. Early in September he visited Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, and preached at the opening of Lord Ducie’s new chapel at Tortworth, from John, xx. 16: “ Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni ; which is to say, Master!” Again, the following Sunday, Sept. 11, he preached at Tortworth, from Ps. cxxxvii. 4. “In the next week,” says Mr. Rice Hopkins, “he came to spend a few days at the house of his old friend Mr. Long (my father-in-law), at Kingswood, near Wotton-under-Edge, and I was there to meet him. Although frequently suffering much pain, he was re- markably cheerful, and every day rode or walked out, and visited several friends in the neighborhood. On the following Sabbath (Sept. 18) he preached in Kings- wood meeting-house, and that was the last time he ever preached. The sermon occupied fifty minutes, and was delivered with great pathos. You will be able to form some idea of its contents from the follow- ing brief heads. The text was taken from the fortieth chapter of Job and part of the fourth verse, ‘ Behold, I am vile.’ ” In his introduction he remarked that self-knowledge is of inestimable importance. Even the heathens used to say that the adage, “ Know thyself” was descended from heaven. Truly has Mr. Pope said, that “the SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 261 proper study of mankind is man.” Having briefly en- larged upon this topic, and pointed out the importance of every man being fully acquainted with his own character and prospects, he proceeded to consider the subject of the text, and noticed, I. The nature of the self-accusation — “I am vile.” 1. What it included. Vile signifies base, mean, des- picable, worthless ; and it can only be applied to that which is sinful. 2. The person by whom it was uttered. It was not by a notorious sinner, nor by a penitent brought for the first time to a conviction of his sin ; nor by a back- slider returning to Giod; but by Job, an eminently pious mau. 3. The time when it was uttered. It was after he had had manifestations of the glory of God. II. The way in which this perception of vileness is obtained. 1. The Spirit of God operating upon the mind. 2. The medium is the Word of God, convincing of sin, and showing the spirituality of the Law of God. 3. The manner is sometimes instantaneous, but more commonly gradual, III. The effects of this perception. 1. Conviction of sin. 2. A sense of our own inability to save ourselves. 3. A conviction of the necessity of salvation by Jesus Christ. 4. A persuasion of the importance of regeneration by the Holy Spirit. 5. Candor and tenderness in judging of the faults of others. 6. Hatred to sin, and an increasing desire of holiness. 262 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. IV. The way to endure this perception. 1. Are you vile? This vileness is not peculiar to yourself. 2. Are you vile ? If a Christian, you are only vile considered in yourself, but not in Christ Jesus. 3. The time will soon come when this vileness will be done away. “ Yet a season, and you know Happy entrance will be given, All your sorrows left below, And earth exchanged for heaven.” Christians, is not this worth dying for ? These were the last words of the last sermon preached by the venerated deceased, he being then in his eighty- fifth year. Upon his return to Bath, after the visit to his chil- dren and friends, he wrote thus to Mrs. Ashton : — “We arrived here in safety about two hours before yours and dear Garfit’s letters came to hand. You are mistaken in supposing I am returned so much better than I went. I behaved as well as I could ; but I felt exceedingly weak, and suffered more than usual from my complaint, and do suffer. But I valued and enjoyed the visit. How could it be otherwise, when every attention was ex- quisitely paid me, as if I had been a prince royal ; and I was in the midst of such a family as I never witnessed. I was often, from in- disposition and suffering, in a mood to find fault, but not one thing could I censure, — yea, I kept applauding. “ As well as weakness and pain would allow, I preached with freedom and pleasure in the new chapel, and was much pleased with my visit to the new earl and his lady. I daily rode out, drawn by the ponies, and was much amused in feeding them. Mr. Long and Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins were unusually kind and attentive, as if they thought (not an unreasonable conclusion) that this might be my last visit. “Bath, Sept. 19, 1853.” SUPPLEMENT TO TPIE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 268 From the date of this letter till about Christmas, he suffered much anguish of body, but was occasionally able to read and write a little. As his sufferings per- mitted, he attended to the printing and publishing of his last work, entitled, “Female Scripture Biography,” the last sheet of which was corrected and sent to the press only on the Friday, December 23, 1853 ; and on Tuesday the 27th, at half-past six in the evening, he calmly slept in Jesus. He had never laid much stress upon death-bed experi- ences, and used to say, “ Tell me not how he died, but how he lived.” Without entering, therefore, into a lengthened detail of his last days and hours, we may yet put on record a few of his memorable and em- phatic words, which will enable his numerous friends to realize in some measure the character of the last scenes. The acuteness of his sufferings sometimes gave a tinge of melancholy to his utterances; but these were the groanings of the creature waiting to “be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” In his various conversations, particularly with Mrs. Jay, he said, “Will he plead against me with his great power? No ; but he will put strength in me.” “ He hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him ; but he knoweth the way that I take : when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” u And now, Lord, what wait I for ? my hope is in thee. I know, 0 Lord, that all thy judgments are right.” “ The sharpest sufferings I endure flow from his faithful care.” “ What are all my sufferings here when once com- pared with his ?” i 264 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. u Surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows,” &c. O, blessed prediction, and how glori- ously fulfilled ! “ The sweat as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” “ Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.” “ Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.” “ Jesus, thy perfect righteousness My beauty is, my glorious dress ; ’Midst flaming worlds, in this array’d, With joy shall I lift up my head.” “ Nothing in my hands I bring, Simply to thyself I cling.” On another occasion he expressed his feelings thus: “ But I am poor and needy, yet the Lord thinketh upon me.” “O my God, give me patience; forsake me not, a poor sinner. O God, thou hast taught me from my youth, and hitherto I have declared thy won- drous works. Now, also, when I am old and gray- headed, O God, forsake me not.” Adding, in the words of the hymn, “ Even down to old age my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love; And when hoary hairs their temples adorn, Like lambs they shall still in my bosom be borne. The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes ; That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll nevtfr, no never, no never forsake.” SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 265 Afterwards be exclaimed, “Exceeding great and priceless promises!’ 7 Sooner all nature shall change than one of his promises fail. On another occasion, when one of his attendants was reading to him, as was the constant practice, a cer- tain speculative work on theology, which was then occasioning much controversy, was mentioned, he said, “Don’t puzzle yourselves with such subjects. Yiew God as he is, infinitely holy, wise, true, merciful, gracious, amiable. Yiew him not as a tyrant, but as he is, God of all grace. Look entirely to him at all times, and under all circumstances. He is ever wait- ing to be gracious. He changeth not. He is ‘the same yesterday, to-day, and forever.’ ” One day, while suffering under great bodily dis- tress, he said, “I fear God has forsaken me. Let me not be impatient ; let me repose in his love. I fear I am impatient.” Mrs. Jay replied, “ Think of the feel- ings of your precious Saviour : like you, he said, 1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?’ He has promised never to forsake you. His grace is sufficient for you.” He then replied, “ I mourn, I do not mur- mur. 1 It is the Lord ; let him do what seemeth him good.’ I desire to lie passive, and know no will but his. 1 In patience possess ye your souls.’ Lay no more upon me than thou wilt enable me to bear ; and I will glorify thee in my sore affliction.” “ ‘ Dear Lord ! though bitter is the cup Thy gracious hand deals out to me, I cheerfully would drink it up ; That cannot hurt that comes from thee. Dash it with thy unchanging love, Let not a drop of wrath be there ; 12 266 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOG KAPHY. The saints forever blessed above Were often most afflicted here. From Jesus, thy incarnate Son, I learn obedience to thy will ; And humbly kiss thy chastening rod, When its severest strokes I feel.’ ” “ The language of the publican,” he said, “did, does, an i ever will, befit me ; and even down to death must be my cry, 1 God be merciful to me a sinner.’ “ ‘ Mercy, good Lord, mercy I ask, This is the total sum ; Mercy through Christ is all my suit ; Lord, let thy mercy come.’ U I do not murmur — -allow me to groan. It seems to ease my pain. Objects most dear and attractive now fail to interest. O for a grateful heart ! I have made some little stir in life, but now I am nothing. God seems to be saying, ‘ I can do without you.’ An official character is not to be judged of by his minis- terial work. He is compelled often to administer com- fort to others when he is perhaps not enjoying it him- self. You see the sail, but not the ballast.” On Christmas-day his sufferings were very severe, and he said to Dr. Bowie, “ 0 Doctor, what a Christ- mas-day ! but I can say, L Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift ;’ ” and then he quoted 1 Pet. i. 3, 4, 5, “ Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again into a livety hope, by the resurrec- tion of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 267 reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time !” He was particularly partial to the hymn, “ Guide me, O thou great Je- hovah !” often repeated it, and especially the last verse— “ When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside ; Death of death, and hell’s destruction, Land me safe on Canaan’s side : Songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee.” On the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 27, the day of his death, he said, “ Oh, none of you know what it is to die.” From this time he spoke little, but sank gradu- ally into the arms of death, becoming so still and calm that the precise period of his departure could not b6 perceived. Though he uttered but few words on the bed of death, yet there was the silent testimony of a settled peace ; while his long life and entire labors had afforded a faithful and consistent witness for God and Truth. THE FUNERAL SERVICE AND INTERMENT. In accordance with the wishes of Mr. Jay’s widow and the other members of his family, it was deter- mined that the funeral should be as private as possi- ble* * Mr. Ashton, as Mr. Jay’s son-in-law, legal adviser, and executor, attended and directed the obsequies of his venerable relative. Oil the very day following his return to his residence at Cambridge, after the affecting and exciting scenes at Bath, he was smitten by an alarming attack of paralysis ; from the severity and peril of which he was somewhat recovered, when lie was suddenly over- 268 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. The interment took place on the 2d of January, 1854, in the vault which had been prepared many years before for members of his family previously de- ceased, in the cemetery at Snow Hill, belonging to Argyle chapel. The service was conducted by the Rev. John Owen, minister of the Vineyard Chapel, in the connection of the late Countess of Huntingdon. In the course of the funeral oration Mr. Owen paid the following trib- ute of affectionate respect to the memory of Mr. Jay:— “ In referring to our departed friend, whether we regard him as a believer in Christ, as a minister of the everlasting Gospel, as a pastor of a Christian church for so long a period, as a philanthro- taken by the most afflictive bereavement which a husband can be called on to endure. On Sunday afternoon, February 19th, 1854, Mrs. Ashton, while walking in those beautiful grounds which she had herself planned, and every tree and shrub of which was planted by her own hand, or under her directions, was taken suddenly ill. She hastened into the house, and medical aid was instantly sent for, but before it arrived the vital spark was extinct. She expired in the room and before the eyes of her suffering husband. Thus abruptly was this superior and excellent woman snatched from an earthly paradise which she had embellished by her taste, and ani- mated by her presence. Along those walks, and amidst those shrubberies, she had often led her beloved father, under whose smiles and in whose presence they appeared still more interesting and lovely. Both have now disappeared from the fairy-land, to meet, and unite, we trust, in a fairer, happier Eden. The bereaved, afflicted husband still remains in this lovely spot to converse with the reminiscences of “joys departed never to re- turn” here , but to be renewed and surpassed in the society of those loved ones where neither death nor sin can enter. May the Divine Comforter give him, in his solitary and mournful hours, many bright hopes and blissful anticipations of an union in the celestial paradise with all that was most dear to him here. SUPPLEMENT TO' THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 269 pist, as an author, as a citizen, or as a friend, we cannot but sor- row, — but most of all that we shall see his face no more on earth. There are circumstances, we admit, my dear friends, which greatly soothe our pain, under the loss we have sustained, and which tend to moderate our regret, and to chasten our grief on this occasion, when we call to mind the early commencement and lengthened period of his religious course, — the remarkable and increasing ac- ceptableness and usefulness of his ministration, — the variety and unique excellence of his published works ; — when we look at the unsullied purity of his moral character, when we reflect on his peaceful end, and think of his present blessedness in the presence of Jehovah, — there is much, my brethren, to soothe our griefs. We mourn, but not on his account. No ! He has fought the good fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the faith, and has now joined the general assembly and church of the first-born which are writ- ten in heaven ; he is with the spirits of just men made perfect. He is with the Saviour he loved, the Saviour he proclaimed, and will be with him forever. “And yet we cannot but mourn on our own account. We suffer a loss — a great loss — by his removal from our midst. We lose his wise counsels, his instructive example, his ready co-operation, his tender sympathy, and his fervent intercessions, and therefore we mourn. Jesus wept at the grave of Lazarus, and we may weep at the grave of the venerated Jay. His name will forever be im- printed on my memory. For fifty years I have known it ; for forty in connection with religion, for thirty-five as a fellow-minister of the Gospel, and especially during the last twenty-five have I re- garded him as a son would regard connection with his father. From my first taking up my residence in this city to the last day of his life there was never a mis-thought or a mis-word between us, and therefore I cannot but mourn his loss on my own account. But how can we best express the sincerity of our grief, and mani- fest our tender regard for his memory ? . Why, by embracing the blessed truths which he so long proclaimed, by following the course he pointed out from the pulpit, and recommended through the press, — by devoting ourselves to the service of the Lord, — by imi- tating his excellence, — and by seeking through faith in Christ and dependence on the Holy Spirit to attain that rest into which he has entered, and to be with him forever in the presence of God and of the Lamb. In order to this we must have an interest in God our Saviour and Sanctifier ; and the! while we stand mourning at the 270 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. tomb of our departed friend and father, we may yet, in the trium- phant language of the Apostle, say, ‘ O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory ? The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law ; but thanks be unto God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ “I shall not attempt to refer to the .oss sustained by the bereaved relations who are present, and those who are absent, because of the near approach of the solemn service in which our revered friend from Birmingham (the Rev. J. A. James) who is with us this morning, will take part, and when, aided by the Spirit of God, he will offer such instruction and consolation as may render the removal of our beloved friend of advantage to our souls.” The day of interment was one of the most inclem- ent in a winter of extraordinary severity, yet a train of mourning friends, members of his own church, with many from other denominations, joined of their own accord in the sable procession, to pay this im- pressive tribute of affectionate esteem to the memo- ry of the aged pastor ; and, regardless of the drifting snow and piercing wind, to drop a silent tear upon his grave, while many a sorrowful heart devoutly ex- claimed, u My father ! my father! the chariots of Is- rael and the horsemen thereof !” But for the wishes of the family to make the obsequies as unostentatious as possible, a large number of ministers, both from the city of Bath and the neighboring towns, would glad- ly have been present on the mournful occasion to do honor to the memory of the deceased. Many of the houses and shops in the line of the procession gave evidence to the mourning of the inhabitants by their closed windows ; while within the cemetery a large concourse, despite the severity of the weather, assem- bled to witness the interment. The Bev. John Owen, after the address from which SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 271 we have given an extract, offered an impressive prayer, and having pronounced the apostolic benedic tion, the funeral procession was re-formed, and the mourners left the ground. Then the hundreds who had congregated to behold the mortal remains of Wil- liam Jay consigned to their last resting-place flocked into the little building to gaze upon his coffin, and slowly and sorrowfully the assembled multitude dis- persed. The inscription on the coffin was as follows : — Rev. William Jay, died 27th December, 1853. Aged 84 Years. On the following Thursday evening, Jan. 4, the fu- neral sermon was preached in the Vineyard Chapel by the Rev. John Angell James, from 2 Kings, ii. 14, “ Where is the Lord God of Elijah ?” Funeral sermons were also preached on the occa- sion in Argyle Chapel on the following Lord’s-day, by the Rev. James Sherman of London, and the Rev. W. H. Dyer ; also by the Rev. Richard Brindley, to the separate congregation worshipping pro tempore in the assembly-room Thus closed the lengthened earthly career of this eminent servant of Christ, who, through the period of sixty-three years, faithfully discharged his ministerial commission, and diligently served his generation in a city distinguished indeed by its fashion and gaiety, but 272 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. yet not wholly insensible to the attractions of his elo- quent and evangelic labors. Whatever may be the monument which shall be raised to perpetuate the memory of so good, so great, and so useful a man ; and whatever may be the terms of just eulogy which the hand of affection may inscribe upon it, this volume, mainly from his own pen, as well as his other published works, will constitute his best and most desirable memorial. The characters inscribed by the chisel of the sculptor will be obliterated by “ time’s effacing fingers,” and the marble that shall bear them will resolve itself into dust ; but the truths he has em- balmed in his writings, or by his eloquent tongue writ- ten upon living hearts, will retain their interest and in- fluence undiminished amidst all material ruin and deso- lation; and the writings of William Jay will continue to shed light upon the pathway of many a traveller Zionward, and to train many of the heirs of immor- tality for their portion in the skies. When William Jay died, the city in which he had so long labored lost one of its most honorable patriarchs, one of its richest ornaments and holiest attractions. There , under his ministry, senators, wearied with the cares of state, had listened gratefully to the Saviour’s in- vitation : “ Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy ]aden, and I will give you rest;” and found that repose which which only faith and hope can impart. There , many of the slaves of dissipation and vice were emanci- pated by the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth, from the fetters of their fatal enchantment, and were brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God. There the eager votaries of fashion, thirsting for the pleasures of sense, and proving the emptiness SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 273 of the wells from which they hoped to draw them, were allured by his sweet voice to taste the fountain of living water, and found the bliss which they had vainly sought from worldly sources. There, too, the •victims of fell diseases, who had tried many physicians and were nothing bettered, were directed by him to the Divine Physician of their souls, and received that heal- ing which made their bodily afflictions light, by teach- ing them to triumph over death. But this ministry is now closed. He that granted it for so long a space, and made it so rich a blessing, has seen fit to withdraw it. The city that possessed his pulpit, around which such distinguished assemblies crowded, now exhibits his sepulchre. From the one they heard his living voice, from the other they will learn the silent but eloquent lesson of his death. No saintly shrine will be erected to court and stimulate the incense of superstitious and idolatrous worship, though he was a saint in the church below, and is now a glorified one in the church above ; yet to his tomb a pathway will be worn by the feet of many pilgrims of affection, from his own and other countries, who will inquire for the spot — not where rest the ashes of the great dramatist, poet, philosopher, or statesman, but where, till the morning of the resurrection, repose the remains of the wise, and good, and holy William Ja}^, the great and useful preacher of the Grospel of our sal- vation. We shall here subjoin some miscellaneous recollec- tions and sketches of his life and manners, which will, no doubt, interest the reader by giving him a pleasing 12 * 274 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. sight of Mr. Jay in the heart of his family, and among his familiar friends. DOMESTIC SKETCHES. 44 It was the practice of my dear father,” writes one of his daughters, 44 to throw off all study on the Satur- day, that he and his subject might be fresh for the Sabbath. On that day (and 0, what a joyous after- noon that was to us children !) we were indulged in rambling with him in a country walk, choosing the side of some running brook, which he delighted to follow, or sending us scrambling into field or hedge- row for wild flowers; and, when each brought their little nosegay, to receive the prize held out to them for the best flowers, or best arranged. 44 How full of hope and happiness was he, and how free to make others the partakers of his joys ! How many will remember the pleasure in his later years it gave him to fill his pockets with apples, books, and pence; and then either from the carriage-box, or in walking, he would throw them so dexterously to a too ready group of boys and girls, who were fleet enough, or had skill enough, to carry away the prize ; and how he always gave his throw in favor of the girls. 44 Our dear father was strongly excited by music, off the pleasure of which he was susceptible in the highest degree. He had an ear formed to enjoy the simplest melody, and, though little cultivated, he relished its highest charms ; and a simple air would transport his feelings to the utmost pitch. In his last visit to Stone, how did he delight to lie on the sofa, and hear his granddaughters sing, and often said, 4 How delightful now to enter heaven * SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 275 “ Another little trait of Iris character was his sweet thought of giving pleasure to others. It was almost always his habit to go into his garden before service, and pick each of the servants a good handful of flowers, arranged by himself, which they were desired on no account to bring home, but give to some of the poor people, who would value them doubly sent from such a garden ” FAMILY PRAYER. Mr. Bolton says, “ My father-in-law came in to break- fast with us, as our early hour suited him best. In family worship I was struck with his prayer for us : — • “ Peace be to this house ! May thy servants at the head of it enjoy much of this peace — th at peace which the world cannot give by its good things, nor by its evil things take away — that peace which passeth all understanding. Let all their dear children live before thee, be the care of thy tender providence, and the early subjects of thy grace. We are now going forth into the engagements of the day : let thy presence go with us. Whether alone or in company, may we sanctify thee in all our thoughts, and all our words — concerned to improve all our opportunities of gaining good and doing good, and the more so as we see the day approaching which wil] deprive us of both.” In connection with Mr. Jay’s peculiar gift in family prayer, we introduce the following anecdote communi- cated by Mr. Waylen : — u A domestic servant, of rare excellence of character, was, when very young, nursing old Mrs. Colbourn of Chippenham. Under great anxiety, she resolved to descend and listen at the door of the parlor at a mo- 276 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ment when she knew Mr. Jay was leading the devo- tions of the house, he being then on a visit there. If reference to herself individually should occur in his prayer, she resolved to take it as 4 a token for good.’ And such was the wished-for result. She is now in my house.” SIMPLICITY OF MANNER AT HOME. A near witness testifies that his simplicity seemed innate and natural ; for he was as free from affectation as from guile. The gentleness, ingenuousness and un- suspiciousness of a little child were ever displayed by him. Thinking no evil himself he believed every one open and sincere as himself, and his heart was pained when he met with deceivers. Nothing could satisfy him in his preaching but bringing forth the whole story of Matthew Henry’s three R’s, Ruin, Redemption, and Regeneration — Jesus Christ and him crucified, to meet the condition of poor sinners — to try to save souls ; and if in any part of his sermon he considered that he had been deficient, his heart felt deeply, and he longed for the next op- portunity of preaching more fully, more pathetically, and practically. Such seasons were most prayerfully and tearfully implored in private previously, and he would then bless God for the enjoyment, and entreat that it might not be different with him in public. Sometimes he seemed under such a happy divine in- fluence that a blessing was felt to rest in an indescrib- able manner upon his conversation. His heart was all alive to participate in the woes of those around him, and his expressions were so balmy that they soothed the deepest wounds even wher they could not SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 277 heal. The piety and copiousness of his prayers were very remarkable. You felt that they were poured forth from a heart which seemed the very sanctuaiy of devotion. He lived, as it were, in the precincts of heaven, and w T as ever ready to present petitions to God. He was especially observant of devotion when lie had public services in prospect. He always took a prayerful review of his subject, and often was a tearful, wrestling season of communion with God in private the prelude to the holiest and happiest seasons in pub- lic. His practice uniformly was to go from the closet to the pulpit. Nothing was allowed to intervene. In this, doubtless, may be found one of the elements of his efficiency and success. He came as from the Di- vine presence with a message from God to men. De- votion had given greater strength to his arm and keener edge to his weapon. Hence he spake “ not as pleasing men, but God, who trieth our hearts.” Hap- py would it be for the church of Christ if all its min- isters conscientiously followed this example ! How would it contribute both to their happiness and suc- cess ! DR. BOWIE’S RECOLLECTIONS OF MR. JAY, AND ACCOUNT OF HIS LAST DAYS. I had the great privilege of affording him my medi- cal assistance to the close of his honored life (for a pe- riod of more than thirty years), and am happy to say receiving to the last, and at the last, the same proofs of esteem, affection, and regard, which he had for so many years bestowed on me, and for which blessing I indeed give God thanks. You ask me if I have any recollections if our dear departed friend. I answer, 278 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. none in writing , bin many in mind. It would be per- fectly impossible for any one to have had the privilege I possessed for more than thirty years of having him as my pastor and friend, without having numerous recollections of one I ever considered a shining star, and one of the most extraordinary individuals this country, or indeed any other, ever saw. I here will say that I allude now to him as a preacher of the Gos- pel of Christ. Here", in my opinion, he was quite unique , and unlike every other preacher I ever heard. If you will allow me to say, it was not, in my opinion, that Mr. Jay possessed any one peculiar point of men- tal character which made him the highly - finished preacher ; but he appears to me to have combined in himself a number of faculties arising from his organ- ization, which in the highest degree fitted him to excel as a preacher. He possessed very great powers of im- agery, pathos, and irony, all of which were occasion- ally brought out in the pulpit ; and when to these powers are added Mr. Jay’s great knowledge of the holy Scriptures, which enabled him to dovetail , as it were, all the statements with texts suitable to his sub- ject ; his general information, derived from his exten- sive and laborious readings, which, having a most re- tentive memory, he could use at all times ; and his great knowledge of the human heart — I need not say that, with his vigorous and powerful mind brought under the influence of the operation of the Holy Spirit, these points and advantages enabled him well to fill the office of a minister and teacher. I must not for- get in this my catalogue of excellences for the pulpit, that Mr. Jay w r as the simplest creature possible to be conceived : his sermons were all delivered without the SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 279 least effort and difficulty, and so simple that any one might have said — nay, indeed, I often did saj r — I could do all this myself. In this simplicity of dear Mr. Jay’s preaching I consider lay one of his chief excellences ; and certainly it may be said, that by Mr. Jay the poor had the Gospel preached unto them. He was, at the same time, a most sententious preacher, and could, by a few words said in a pithy and sometimes quaint manner, produce a wonderful effect. This I have often seen and felt, and some such sayings have never been obliterated from my mind, even after a distance of many years. Although this was often the case to a re markable degree, yet all his sermons were from first to last most interesting and powerful ; and no individ- ual ever kept up the continued attention of his hear- ers more than our beloved friend. He was emphat- ically a textual preacher, never wandering from his subject ; and in this point he so much excelled, that, in endeavoring to give what he considered to be the true meaning of the Scripture he had in hand, he might appear at different times to preach against many of the preconceived views of some of his Christian hearers, so anxious always was he to give every text its true interpretation, without reference to any system of divinity, however good and admired. This it was, combined with the great variety of subjects chosen by him for the pulpit, which made it necessary to hear Mr. Jay again and again, previous to any one being enabled to come to a proper and sound opinion as to the nature and exact character of his preaching. One thing more I only will add to the list of qualities pos- sessed by Mr. Jay for a preacher, and that is, his most melodious and well-modulated voice, by which he in- 280 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. deed gave the grand truths of the Gospel through a silver' trumpet ; and he was, in my opinion, from all the combination of powers I have now mentioned, the most fascinating preacher this country has seen for many a day f and so interesting was his preaching, at least to myself — and I hope I may add useful — that all preaching appeared tame after hearing him. This may perhaps have arisen from his peculiar style, so unlike any other, and from the fact that during about thirty-four years, when I had the privilege of hearing him generally twice a week, and sometimes three times, I had been so deeply identified with his mode of preaching, that I could hear no one else so well, nor, I think, so profitably. It was not only preaching, but teaching, and that, too, in the most beautiful and winning manner. The simple and clear way in which Mr. Jay divided and explained all his sermons, added to the attractive style of delivery, made all he said easily remembered, and, indeed, so attractive was his mode of preaching, that numerous individuals whom I have met with during my lifetime who have heard him only once, have been at the end of years able to give the substance, if not the division, of the only ser- mon they ever heard from his lips. One of many such instances I will now relate. A few years ago, a cler- gyman of the Church of England, now dead, called on me for medical advice. On seeing in my room a print of Mr. Jay, he at once recognized it, and inquired kindly after him. I asked him if he was acquainted with Mr. Jay ; he replied, “No ; but I have heard him preach once, and I shall now give you his sermon.” He arose from his chair, and gave the text, Psalm xvi., verse 8. He then began, and at once I saw he had SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 281 indeed heard him preach, as I recognized the well- known manner of treating his subject. I inquired when it was that he had heard this sermon which had so deeply impressed him. He replied, “ Thirty-five years ago. I was then a student at Oxford, and pass- ing through London, I understood that the far-famed Mr. Jay of Bath was to preach in Surrey Chapel. I went, and I have now given you the outline of his sermon, which I shall never forget.” One other instance of the simplicity and attractive- ness of his preaching, so as to awaken a spirit of in- quiry in a child, I shall relate. Travelling in a rail- way carriage some little time ago, an elderly gentleman sat opposite to me. Finding I came from Bath, he asked me how Mr. Jay was. I told him, and he in- formed me that, at the early age of eight years, he was deeply interested with a sermon which he heard preached by Mr. Jay at Argyle Chapel; and, filled with a spirit of inquiry, his mother had taken him to chapel ; and the preacher took for his text Acts, ix. 16, “Come over into Macedonia and help us.” When he went home he eagerly asked his mother many ques- tions regarding what he had heard, as, “ Where was Macedonia ? what help was wanting ? and who was to go over ?” Although young, it made him desirous and anxious to know more on the subject which had so engrossed his attention, and the recollection of the ser- mon was even then most vivid. I have already said that Mr. Jay did in his preaching often make a won- derful impression by a single sentence delivered in a powerful manner. One of these I shall mention as pressing most strongly at this moment on my mind, although hear l by me many years ago. He had been 282 supplement to the autobiography. preaching on the repentance of Judas, and took occasion in the discourse to attack the love of money, as one of the, if not the principal, sins, of the Church of God ; and at the close of one of the divisions of his subject, he burst forth in his own peculiar and emphatic man- ner with the following awful sentence : “ Avarice, avarice, is the monsoon, the devil’s trade-wind, from the church into hell.” Another at this time presses itself forcibly on my memory, and although, perhaps, by the very fastidious it may be said not well fitted for the pulpit, yet at the time of delivery it made a wonderful impression, and now is so clear before me that I must give it. Mr. Jay was speaking of the glar- ing inconsistency of many professors of the Gospel, and endeavoring to show how impossible it was to expect the Divine blessing to rest on half-and-half undecided professors of religion. He rested much on the neces- sity there was for decision for God, and the clear mani- festation before the church and the world in the be- liever’s walk and character, so as to leave no doubt who indeed was his Master ; and in the midst of a pow- erful appeal pronounced the following : “ Some of you, my dear brethren, are so inconsistent and undecided, that if at this moment I saw the devil running away with some of you, I could not call out, v Stop thief!’ - — he would but carry off his own property.” Mr. Jay I would call, in his views, a moderate Cal- vinist ; but never was shackled by any system of di- vinity, and never feared to give from the pulpit what he conceived to be the whole counsel of God. If he apparently met with difficulties in the subject he was at the time treating, he would mention the circum- stances, and leave them, without an attempt to combine SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 283 what was, in his opinion, far beyond man’s finite pow- ers. Thus one day speaking of Judas, he said he was fore-ordained of God. to betray the Saviour, and yet he betrayed him willingly, and is damned for the deed • — having said so, he in his own peculiar and well- known manner leaned over the pulpit, and exclaimed, “Now do not look at me for an explanation of this subject — both statements are true — the foreknowledge of God, and the free agency of man — and when we reach heaven, and not till then, shall we be able to understand all, which in our present imperfect con- dition is quite beyond our grasp and finite minds.” I may here allude to Mr. Jay’s great faithfulness in the pulpit, and most fearlessly giving reproof to any of his hearers if by him deemed necessary. One in- stance of this is now most vivid before me, although it happened many years ago, and that to myself. The valuable and most interesting course of lectures, now forming one of his published volumes, under the title of u The Christian Contemplated,” was delivered in Argyle Chapel, and occupied the Sabbath morning of each week till completed. At the time of delivery I was much younger than I am now ; and from God’s peculiar dealings with me, added to my natural char- acter, I had embraced, more than was agreeable to my beloved pastor, what are usually called the high doctrines of the Gospel ; and I fear I had more than once been led to declare that I considered the lectures from their practical nature to be Christless. At the close of the delivery of the last lecture, he said, “ My brethren, I have done with the course of lectures which I had announced, but I have not done with those of you who have denounced them to be Christless.” 284 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Having said this, he began an admonition, of a wise and useful character, in the following striking and forcible manner: “You mushroom Christians — you men of one idea — you who would have a minister go round a few of your favorite texts just like a blind horse in a mill — am I to be taught preaching by you ?” I may add that the next day I called to visit Mrs. Jay professionally. I met Mr. Jay in the room, who actually was looking for a leaf of the lecture preached on the previous day, which he had mislaid, and in his own quick way he addressed me by say- ing, “How are you, doctor, did you take part of my sermon yesterday?” I answered, “Yes, I did.” He replied, holding out his hand, “ Then give it to me, for I have lost a leaf ; and if I am to publish these lec- tures, I must find it.” I said, “Ho, dear sir, I have no leaf of your lecture, but I did take part of it not- withstanding.” He instantly replied, “Doctor, if the cap fits you, wear it,” and left the room. I do hope and believe this quiet and just reproof tended, under God’s blessing, to make me more prudent and cautious for the future. It is well known that occasionally Mr. Jay would engage the attention of his hearers most powerfully by the introduction of an anecdote into his sermon, which was always much to the point, and told with much effect. This habit, however, for several years previous to his retirement from the pulpit was much given up, and seldom or ever indulged in. From my long and intimate acquaintance with Mr. Jay, it may be expected that something ought to be said by me with regard to his social habits and char- acter. Here, however, little need or Indeed can be re- SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 285 lated. He lived in such a primitive manner, as to put it very much out of the power of any individual like myself, engaged in active employment, to see much of him. He rose at five — breakfasted at seven — dined at one — drank tea at five — supped at nine — went to bed at ten — and this I may say was a general rule without any exception. He was most regular in his daily exercise ; and one of the many reasons which under God tended to give him such a fine constitu- tion was his choosing the early part of the day for his pulpit and press studies. He from breakfast till dinner-time devoted himself to this work — and after that period, he, I have reason to believe, seldom or ever did so — and I have heard him more than once say that he never was found in his study after nine o’clock at night. The after part of the day was usually spent in exercise and general reading. His mind was so well stored with information, and his memory so retentive, that it was quite a treat to pass a short time in his society. You never could be with him for any time without discovering the depth of his in- formation, the strength of his mind, and the easy and simple manner of his conversation, which was at all times so interesting and attractive that you had much difficulty in leaving his company, and never did so without admiration and instruction. My usual time for seeing him was when I knew he was at tea, and at which hour I often contrived to be professionally in his neighborhood, that I might have the pleasure of a little conversation with him. Mr. Jay was all his life so completely accustomed to be listened to, and not much to listen, that perhaps for some years after I knew him he might occasionally appear impatient of 286 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. being interrupted or contradicted ; but that indeed was seldom attempted by any one, as all were generally too glad to hear the good and great man, whose words flowing from him were like the dew which watereth the earth. Mr. Jay was a man with whom no one felt he could ever take a liberty ; and of all men I ever knew, he was the only one in whose presence I always, in a manner, felt a kind of reserve, fearing in any way to give him the smallest offence ; in fact I had an exalted opinion of him, and gave him reverence. Like all on earth Mr. Jay had many trials, and none greater than the long and severe illness of his first wife ; and I may I trust be allowed to say, without any fear of misconception in the mind of any one, that he grew much in grace under his trials ; and when I add that he was at times thankful even to me for a word of admonition or encouragement, it will I think be evi- dent that his fine mind and understanding were much brought into subjection to the grace of that blesse'd Redeemer whom he had so long preached, not only as the atoning Saviour, but the bright example. During his long and most painful illness, for nearly eighteen months, he never murmured, but gave a noble testimony to the truth of the Gospel, and its being able to sustain the believer under every trying dispen- sation — he became in fact like a little child;- — and in the midst of great sufferings and sleepless nights, over which medicine had little or no control, he was enabled to glorify God in the fire, and to leave a powerful and lasting evidence of the truth and efficacy of that Gos- pel which he had so many years so truthfully preached to others. Mr. Jay through life had ahvays a natural fear of death — that is, of the agonies of the dying SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 287 struggle — but even all this he was at last quite freed from ; and he died so peacefully and quietly that for a short time after the spirit had taken its flight to man- sions in the skies, it was not known to his sorrowing relations that he had gone home to Jesus. “ Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace ” MR. jay's FAMILIAR EXPOSITIONS AT THE PRAYER MEETINGS. Those who knew Mr. Jay at home in the weekly round of his duties would scarcely deem our work complete if we failed to exhibit him as for a very long period he had appeared in his vestry on a Monday evening, like a father in the midst of his family, ex- plaining to them and enforcing upon them some por- tion of God's Word, in the most simple and familiar manner. It is believed that he rarely, if ever, made any writ- ten preparation for these services ; but having fixed upon a portion of Scripture before he left his home, he turned it over in his mind as he walked to his chapel, a distance of nearly a mile. When he entered his vestry, he took his seat in his arm-chair at a table, and gave out a hymn in his own peculiarly feeling and de- votional way. When this had been sung, he would call upon one of his deacons to engage in prayer. He then opened the Bible, read a text or a few verses, and, in a style .more like serious and engaging conversation than preaching, spoke upon the words or subject in an easy and colloquial manner, often with striking origin- ality, point, or pathos, as the text might require. The hearer felt, and could hardly fail to feel, as much at 288 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. ease as the speaker, who sat ail the time as if in your parlor, conversing with you on your spiritual interests, and the great things of Grod’s salvation. 1 specimen or two of these familiar services we shall here insert. They have been furnished by friends who were accus- tomed to take notes, and of course do but imperfectly represent the original : — Psalm xci. ver. 14 : “I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.” This psalm has sometimes been called the charter of the believer’s privileges ; and in this sense I wish you were all chartists, and in no other ; for I do not approve of the other charter at all. A great man once said : “ The whole of this psalm has been fulfilled in my experience, except the last clause of the last verse ; and that will be fulfilled I am fully persuaded within an hour.” Now what is that verse ? “ With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my sal- vation.” The former part had been fulfilled, for he died at the age of 95. He had lived long enough, I should suppose, to have seen all that was worth seeing, to hear all that was worth hearing, and to enjoy all that was to be enjoyed; and he must surely have known the vanity of all things here below. But what is meant by the last clause which yet remained to be accomplished ? “ And show him my salvation.” This is future. How can that be ? The believer is saved now ; that is, he is in a state of salvation, in a state of safety. More happy, but not more secure, The glorified spirits in heaven. But the believer’s salvation will be more fully shown, when Christ shall say to all his redeemed, “ Come, ye blessed of my Father, in- herit the kingdom prepared for you from before the foundation of the world.” But only think of this good man’s saying, — that he was fully persuaded that this would be accomplished within an hour I Oh, what a solemn thought ! How would many of you feel, if you knew that you were but one hour out of eternity ? — but one hour from a world of spirits ; — that in one hour you would be in the pres- ence of your Redeemer ! Beyond the reach of every care. There is but a step between me and death ! Perhaps there is but a step SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 289 between you and — hell l But oh, wliat an overwhelming thought, if there is but a step between you and heaven ! I remember good Ambrose sitting in his chair, feeling the pains of death coming over him. he raised his eyes, and exclaimed; “ Come, good angels, and do your office, and gently waft me into Abraham’s bosom.” But you will say, what has all this to do with the subject ? Why, it is a part of the loaf that I wish to divide among you to-night; and I do not think it much signifies where I begin to cut first. Now, “I will set him on high because he hath known my name.” The naqie of the Lord is often put for the Lord himself. Many texts might be brought forward to prove this. I will mention only one ; Ps. lxxvi., “ The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Not into a word, but into Jehovah himself. Now, what is it to know the Lord? People sometimes speak of head-knowledge. But it is a singular express- ion ; as if there were such a thing as arm-knowledge or leg-know- ledge. Where should knowledge be but in the head ? At the same time, it is very expressive, as making the difference between a mere speculative knowledge of the great truths of Christianity, and that knowledge and conviction of the heart which is here implied. Ah, what pleasure does it give you to say — “I know such and such a dis- tinguished person.” What an honor would you feel it to be to be able to say, “ I know the king and am intimate with him.” Or, if he were living, to be able to say, “ I know Milton, and am inti- mate with him.” But the Christian can say far more ; ‘ I know the Lord, the king of kings, and am intimate with Him. He is my Father and my Friend.” Now, here is the promise, — “ I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.” We must not look on this word because as a condition. Our dear brother used this term last night, and I began to fear lest he should be misunderstood. But he afterwards explain- ed himself very clearly. Yet why should we use a word of doubt- ful meaning, when there are others that would answer the purpose quite as well, if not better ? It is true that some of the old writers use this term, but it is in a different sense to that in which it is em- ployed now-a-days. Now it is employed to signify a sort of claim that one has upon another for a reward ; but they used it to express a sort of connection, that God would do one thing because he had done another; thus, because God had given faith, he had also given salvation, and in that sense it is used here. Now, what is meant by this promise— c ‘ I will set him on high ?” 13 290 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Is not Christ risen from the dead ? Has he not ascended above the skies ? And are not all his believing followers ascended with him ? Is not this to ascend on high ? Cannot the believer look forward to heaven as his inheritance, his kingdom, his everlasting portion ? Call you not this high ? The king is the highest civil officer, the priest the highest ecclesiastical ; and God will make all his people kings and priests unto himself, and their kingdom shall be an ever- lasting kingdom, and their priesthood one that endurerth forever. But notice not only the promise, but the agent by whom it is per- formed, that is, God himself. There are many kinds of promises. There are the devil’s promises, — they are false and deluding. O, be- ware of them ! There are the world’s promises. They seem all bright and fair ; but what are they ? Only vanity ; yea, lighter than van- ity itself. Then there are men’s promises. O, trust not in them, for they are uncertain — often deceptive. But there are God’s prom- ises. They are all yea and amen in Christ Jesus. Lean on them, trust in them, and you shall never be confounded. “ 0 for a strong, a lasting faith, To credit what the Almighty saith ; T’ embrace the message of his Son, ' And call the joys of heaven our own” Another Monday evening exercise was as follows : — Having read the words, u 0 Lord, forgive: O Lord, hearken and do,” (Daniel, ix. 19,) he observed, — This is one of Daniel’s prayers. The Scripture is full of prayers, and I love them much. Now let us speak of Daniel. He was a temperate man. This will account for his haleness and vigor, at least in some measure. But he was rich in grace. He had been raised from one stage to another, till he became prime minister over twenty-seven provinces ; yet he found time to pray thrice every day. Many people who have not half the business to attend to, to what he had, say they have scarcely time to pray once a day. Dan- iel was highly favored. Three miracles were performed by him ; one was interpreting the king’s dream ; the second, recalling Ne- buchadnezzar ; a third, interpreting the handwriting on the wall. But Qne miracle was performed for him ; that was, his safety in the den of lion*v Twice the angel Gabriel came to him with the words, “ 0 Danie 1 man greatly beloved !’* Some will say, “ I would not SUPPLEMENT TO THE A U T033I0GK APTI Y. 291 have told him that to his face, lest it should make him proud.” But Gabriel knew better. The proud are always the most backward to praise. The reason is, they judge from themselves; because when they are praised they are so puffed up , they think others must be the same. The celebrated Dr. Robinson having preached three times on one Sunday at a chapel in London, after the evening service a man came into the vestry and said to him, — “ This morning, sir, it was a very dry opportunity ; in the afternoon I got no food for my soul ; but this evening you have preached a most blessed sermon, and I hope to live in the enjoyment of it for some time to come. But I hope you will not be proud at my telling you so.” “No, no,” said the doctor, “for I have no opinion of your judgment.” Let us notice this prayer before us. How importunate it is ! It is not one of the sleepy prayers. If a person were to come and ask a favor of you, and were to fall asleep in doing it, you would spurn him from your presence. Yet how often do we act so with the blessed God ! The first thing here is forgiveness, — O Lord, forgive ! The second thing to pray for is attention , — “ Hearken and do.” Do what ? He does not say what, and I am glad he does not. If a beggar were to call out to a king as he was passing; “ Hearken and do,” he would be repulsed for his impertinence. But how dif- ferent it is with this King! He says, “Call upon me, and I will answer:” — “Ask, and ye shall receive.” He can changethe hardest heart ; can renew and sanctify the vilest passions ; and can make those whom we imagine to be beyond the reach of mercy, “ pillars in the house of our God.” He will do this for you, if you apply to Him. He did not turn a deaf ear to the cry of Daniel. Nor will He to your cry. Let your sins be what they may, He can and will wash them all away in the blood of His dear Son. Blessed be His name. One Monday evening, he had been addressing his people on the importance and blessedness of humility, and closed his remarks by observing, — “ How beautifully Bunyan has represented the shepherd’s boy in the valley of humiliation, cheerful and happy, while singing, — ‘ He that is down need fear no fall/ & c. But you all know his song, and we will now unite in singing it, for it will do for us as well as for birr — 292 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. “ ‘ He that is down need fear no fall, He that is low no pride ; He that is humble ever shall Have God to be his guide. I am content with what I have, Little be it, or much ; And, Lord, contentment still I crave, Because thou savest such. Fulness to such a burden is That go on pilgrimage ; Here little, and hereafter bliss, Is best from age to age.’ ” He then proceeded with the following verses, which were sung in succession, as if they had formed one hymn : — “ Turn, pilgrim, turn — thy cares forego ; All earthborn cares are wrong : Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long. Then shall we sit, and sing, and tell The wonders of his grace, Till heavenly pleasure fire our hearts, And smile in every face. Forever His dear sacred name Shall dwell upon our tongue, And Jesus and salvation be The close of every song.” The impression produced by the mixture of verses and by the climax was felt to be highly profitable and elevating. Those who witnessed that scene will never ftp get it. It was at one of these week-evening meetings he finished his labors at Argyle Chapel, observing at the SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. 293 close, “ I shall never enter this place again;” adding some remarks of great tenderness and solemnity to his friends, who stood round him. On the 21st of March, 1853, he went to the vestry, intending to give only a short address ; but the con- gregation assembled was so large that they were oblig- ed to adjourn to the chapel. He selected for his sub- ject the appropriate words of the 116th Psalm, verses 1 and 2 : “ I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I praise him as long as I live.” The testimony of so venerable, so faithful a man of God, laboring under much weakness and pain of body, yet with all the devotedness and zeal of his youthful days, pointing all to the throne of grace, and expressing, with touching sensibility, his own gratitude for the help he had therein derived, was felt to be most deeply impressive and affecting. The following Monday evening, March 28, Easter Monday, was the occasion when he made the remark above noticed, that he should enter that place of wor: ship no more. On this last occasion he spoke again in the chapel, but on neither of these occasions from the pulpit. The subject was taken from Isaiah, liv. 17, u This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” This is described by those who were present as a most inter- esting, solemn, and edifying address. Thus ended his public ministry in Bath. The following testimony of respect and expression of friendship for Mr. Jay, from so excellent a noble- man as the Earl of Gainsborough, will doubtless be acceptable an 1 gratifying to the reader. In a letter to 294 SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Mrs. Edward Jay, written since the solemn event took place, the Earl of Grainsborough says : — “ Although at his good old age the great change has been a glori- ous one for your excellent father, yet I cannot hear of the departure of my long-loved and revered friend without much sorrow and emotion, and deep concern for all those who have sustained so truly irreparable a bereavement. I hope his last hours were free from much suffering. “ It is painful to me to have been out of England ; for it would have been a real gratification to me to have followed the dear and honored remains of my beloved friend to the grave. “ It will give me much pleasure to hear from you, and that Mrs. Jay and all of you are well. “ It grieves me that I have not seen dear Mr. Jay lately ; and, should I live to return to England, it was one of my pleasant anti- cipations that I should have seen him once more. I trust that through the mercy of that blessed Saviour he so long and so ardent- ly served, to meet him again where friends will no more be sep- arated. “ Believe me, my dear Mrs. Jay, “ Sincerely and affectionately yours, “ Gainsborough. Naples, February 4, 1854. : PART III. PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER, IN A SERIES OF REMINISCENCES. WILLIAM JAY. Clothed in sanctity and grace, How sweet it is to see Those who love thee as they pass, Or when they wait on thee.” — C owpeb. Mark the perfect man.” — D avid. PREFACE. My residei .ee in Bath gave me many opportunities of multiplying connections, or at least acquaintances ; and, in a long course of years, I have become more or less intimate with many interesting individuals from Wales, Ireland, Scotland, and various parts of England. Not long after my settlement in this city, I found a coterie of rather singular characters ; it included Lut- terbray, the celebrated landscape-painter, Sir James and Lady Wright,* Miss Lace, a natural daughter of Lord de Spencer, f Rev. Briant Hill,$ Miss Charles Wesley, &c. * Both these lie in our burying-ground, and their escutcheons were sent into the vestry. Lady Wright was the sister of More, Archbishop of Canterbury. None of the family attended the death or the funeral. f She was a woman of great talent and much learning ; yet I fear from her neglect of public worship, and a prayer (which she showed me) written for her daily use, on the principles of pure deism, that she was at least sceptical as to the truth and importance of Christianity. After some injuries which the tomb of Sir James and Lady Wright had sustained, she repaired it, and had her name engraved as the repairer in the corner of the panel. Some may re- member her strange flight with a gentleman, as if carried off unwill- ingly ; also her throwing away a camphor bag from her bosom. % Author of a poem on Italy, and brother to Sir Richard and Rowland Hill. 13 * 298 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. All these occasionally attended my preaching, and I was personally acquainted with them all. They seemed alive to eternal things, and to be in a state of serious inquiry. They had their own private and so- cial meetings (it would seem for various purposes), but I could never learn how they conducted them ; and they held some occult sentiment, which they were neither ready to explain nor to recommend. Many supposed they had some leanings towards the conti- nental Illuminati. In a long ministry, and in a varied and extensive intercourse with the religious world, I have met with no few curious characters, mental and moral nonde- scripts ; owning no party, and owned by no party ; signalized and observable by uncommon, strange, pre- posterous opinions, usages, pretensions. With very little that is romantic in my frame, I have never been able to pass by such anomalies without notice and re- flection ; and if I had a descriptive humor, by a little enlargement and coloring, I could produce reminis- cences enough to excite wonder and ridicule, laughter and sadness. But, oh, how many have I seen and admired in the various denominations of Christians, who have been Israelites indeed in whom there has been no guile ; enlightened in their principles, walking in the truth, consistent and uniform in their conduct, devoted to the cause of the Gospel, and ready to every good work ; and, though not free from infirmities, “ adorn- ing the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.” These are w r orthy of observation, and remembrance, and a record; and we arc commanded to “ marie the PREFACE. 299 perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of suctf is peace.” As I have not found many of these among the very rich, so I have found none of them among the abject poor. Whatever they were originally, converting grace made them temperate and diligent ; gained for them the countenance and help of their fellow- Christians, and secured for them the favor of Providence, so that not only their “ bread was given, and their water was sure,” but it “ blessed their bread and their water,” and made “the little that a righteous man had better than the riches of many wicked.” Lo this ! we have proved it — so it is — “I have been young, and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” I here, then, notice some of these individuals, in va- rious conditions and circumstances of life ; especially those I was acquainted with in the earlier parts of my ministry; and who had some considerable influence on what I have been , and what I have done , and what I have written . While I thus, in a measure, gratify allowable curb osity, I desire and hope to do something more. Facts are better than definitions, and exemplifications than descriptions ; and as we cannot form an idea of love or hope, pride or avarice, in the abstract — virtues and vices, excellences and defects, are best shown in their subjects and actings, And is not this the method of the sacred writers ? Almost every memento of celebrated personages is desired and welcomed, and readers are anxious and eager to catch at every trifling anecdote that helps to form a conception of their individuality ? or to connect 300 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. their private history with their public fame. I have, therefore, rather largely brought forward several more public and distinguished characters; but my design extended beyond them. There are other beings who deserve attention, and who maybe, as examples, more within common reach. Johnson has said that “ there is hardly a life of which some useful narrative may not be furnished.” Yes ; there are many who never see a college, or enter a pul- pit, or publish a book, who can serve their generation by the will of God. They embody and fulfil religion in their private stations ; and though they make no figure in the annals of worldly renown, are great in the sight of the Lord. “Their day is coming,” called “the manifestation of the sons of God,” when, how- ever shaded here, they will “ shine forth as stars in the kingdom of their Father.” Some of these I have selected, and would gladly have noticed by name many more ; but I have been obliged to restrain my inclination, and confine myself to a few ; and, had I chosen much humbler individ- uals than any I have selected, the Scriptures would have justified my choice ; for while they leave in oblivion philosophers, statesmen, and conquerors, they furnish to all ages the very name of “ Rhoda,” the poor damsel who announced with so much ecstasy the presence of Peter. Inspiration says nothing of the builders of the Egyptian pyramids, but it records the names of the “midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, who feared God, and for whom God built houses.” An oak was consecrates to memorialize Deborah, Re- becca’s nurse. PREFACE. 801 “ Laurels may flourish round the conqueror’s tomb. But happiest they who win the world to come : Believers have a silent field to fight, And their exploits are veil’d from human sight. They in some nook, where little known they dwell, Kneel, pray in faith, and rout the hosts of Hell : Eternal triumphs crown their toils divine, And all those triumphs, Mary, now are thine.” Cowper’s Epitaph on Mary Higgin * Will my readers just notice what follows, not as apologetical but explanatory? First. As I profess to give only brief sketches, let none look for anything more. Second. 1 have not endeavored to observe the pre- cise order of time in which intercourse with the char- acters noticed was carried on, as I write from the pres- ent promptings of remembrance ; and I know of no cases in which dates would have contributed to the proof or importance of the events and circumstances recorded. Third . In some of these Reminiscences, I fear in- stances of a similarity of remark and reflection may be found repeated. But I was not able to compare them for the purpose of such detections ; and the re- currences may not be useless, being found in different connections, and applied to different purposes. Fourth. I hoped, but in vain, to have had time and leisure to transcribe and correct the whole of these hasty and free sketches. In that case I might have reduced some parts, and added others ; but I should have altered little, as I always wrote according to my knowledge and conviction, and only spake the truth in love. Finally. Some will probably censure the egotisms 302 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. which seem so much to abound. But in a work of this kind references to myself were unavoidable ; and in such narratives personal circumstances are often in- separable from things introduced solely to illustrate somewhat pertaining to the character itself under re- view. And here the writer must be satisfied with a con- sciousness of his own motives. When his work itself is read, he will be out of the reach of human censure or applause. REV. JOHN NEWTON. Me. Newton, once the vicar of Olney, and after- wards the rector of St. Mary’s Woolnoth, is well known by his remarkable conversion, his various writings, and his usefulness to the church of God at large. During my first visit to London to supply Mr. Hill’s chapel, one Friday morning, after hearing me, he came into the vestry. I did not then know his person ; but he introduced himself, and, to my surprise, intimated a wish to retire into the house with me. I led him into the study ; and I have never forgotten the condescen- sion and kindness with which he addressed me. Tak, ing me by the hand, he said, “ Some of us are going off the stage, but we rejoice to see others rising up and coming forward. But, my young friend, you are in a very trying situation, and I am concerned for your safety and welfare. I have been so many years in the ministry, and so many years a minister in London ; and if you will allow me to mention some of the snares and dangers to which you are exposed, I shall be hap- py to do it.” How could I help feeling, not only will- ing to receive, but grateful for, such a seasonable warn- ing ? And how useful may the aged servants of God be to the younger, if they would privately and freely communicate of their expediences and observations! 304 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. Some of the things he mentioned seemed for the mo ment rather strange and needless ; but I confided in his wisdom, and time has fully shown me that they were all words in season. Contrasts strike us ; and it is curious and useful to observe the different qualities and manners of good men themselves. A week after this interview, one of his very attached followers (a Mr. B y), wished to introduce me to Mr. Romaine. I can truly say I shrunk back from modest timidity ; but he urged me, and prevailed ; and one Tuesday morning, after the service at Blackfriars Church, he took me into the vestry, and, with a few words, mentioned my name. But Mr. Romaine noticed me in no other way than, as, immediately leaving the room, he said, very audibly, “ There was a Sir Harry Trelawney.” I inferred that some faithful caution was intended, but, a mere youth from the country, and little acquainted with the relig- ious world, I had never heard of the person by whose errors or fall I was to be warned, until I inquired. I have no doubt of the aim of both these admonishers, and I ought to have been thankful to the latter as well as the former ; but severity does not actuate like affec- tion ; and u he that winneth souls is wise.” Mr. Newton also invited me to call upon him, and to his kind of open breakfast I soon repaired ; and for years afterward, whenever I was in town, I availed myself as often as it was in my power of this invalu- able privilege. On these occasions one met with min- isters and Christians of all denominations ; for he lov- ed all who loved the Saviour, and all, while they were with him, felt themselves to be “ one in Christ Jesus.” In the family worship, after reading a chapter, he REV. JOHN NEWTON. 30o would add a few remarks on some verse or sentence, very brief, but weighty and striking, and affording a sentiment for the day. Whoever was present, he al- ways prayec. himself ; the prayer was never long, but remarkably suitable and simple. After the service and the breakfast, he withdrew to his study with any of his male friends who could remain for awhile, and there, with his pipe (the only pipe I ever liked, ex- cept Robert Hall’s), he would converse in a manner the most easy, and free, and varied, and delightful, and edifying. Much has been published concerning this excellent man, and it is possible that some of the few things I would gratify my readers with may have been report- ed by others who witnessed them ; but I shall mention nothing underived from my own personal knowledge and observation. There was nothing about him dull, or gloomy, or puritanical, according to the common meaning of the term. As he had much good-nature, so he had much pleasantry, and frequently emitted sparks of lively wit, or rather humor ; yet they never affected the com- fort or reputation of any one, but were perfectly inno- cen,t and harmless. Sometimes he had the strangest fetches of drollery. Thus, one day, by a strong sneeze, he shook off a fly which had perched upon his gnomon, and immediately said, “Now if this fly keeps a diary, he ’ll write, 1 To-day a terrible earthquake !’ ” At an- other time, when I asked him how he slept, he instant- ly replied, “ I’ m like a beefsteak — once turned, and I’ m done.” “ Some people,” said he, “ believe much better than they reason. I once heard a good old woman arguing 306 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. in favor of eternal election. ‘ Sir/ said she, ‘ 1 am sure if God had not chosen me before I was born, he would never have chosen me after.’ ” At another time he mentioned facetiously, and with his peculiar smile, the language of a poor good woman when dying,— “ I believe his word, and am persuaded, notwithstanding my unworthiness and guilt, that my Lord Jesus will save me from all my sins and sorrows, and bring me home to himself ; and if he does, he will never hear the last of it !” He one day told of a countryman who said to his minister, “ You often speak of our FORE-fathers ; now I know only of three, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Pray, sir, who is the fourth ?” He also more than once mentioned that he knew a good man and woman, who read the Scriptures morn- ing and evening in their daily worship, to whom a gentleman gave a folio commentary to aid them. But after they had tried it for some time, the husband said to the wife, “ I think we did better before we had this great book. When we read the Bible itself only it was like a glass of pure wine ; but now it is like a glass of wine in a pail of water.” One day, speaking of the various effects of afflic- tion, he said, a I lately visited a good woman who had just had her house and goods destroyed by fire. I said to her, ‘Madam, I am come to congratulate you.’ 4 What !’ she replied, ‘ upon the destruction of my prop- erty?’ ‘No, but to hail you on your possessing prop- erty which nothing can destroy.’ This awakened a surprise and a smile in her tears, like a sunshine in the showers of April. ‘What enabled the Hebrew be- lievers to take joyfully the spoiling of their goods, but REV. JOHN NEWTON. 307 knowing in themselves that in heaven they had a bet- ter and an enduring substance V ” When I one day called upon him, he said, “ 1 am glad to see you, for I have j ust received a letter from Bath, and you may know something of the writer,” mentioning his name. I told him I did, and that he had been for years a hearer of mine, but he was a most awful character, and “ almost in all evil.” “But,” says he, “ he writes now like a penitent.” I said, “ He may be such ; but, if he be, I shall never despair of the con- version of any one again.” “Oh,” says he, “I never did, since God saved me.” I recollect a little sailor-boy calling upon him, with his father. Mr. Newton soon noticed him, and, taking him between his knees, he told him he had been much at sea himself, and then sang part of a naval song. Was this beneath him? Would not the lad always favorably remember him? One morning in the family worship he read 2 Peter, iii. 1 — 9, the last words being, “ but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” He began his exposition thus: “ These words, I suppose, are a hard bone for a Calvinist to pick.” He was aware that one in the company required some moderating. This per- son, a little too forward, as well as too high, after- wards, as we were at breakfast, rather abruptly said, “ Pray, Mr. Newton, are you a Calvinist?” He replied, “ Why, sir, I am not fond of calling myself by any particular name in religion. But why do you ask me the question ?” “ Because,” he replied, “ sometimes when I read you, and sometimes when I hear you, I think you are a Calvinist ) and then, again, I think 308 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. you are not.” “Why, sir,” said Mr. Newton, U I am more of a Calvinist than anything else ; but I use my Calvinism in my writing and my preaching as I use this sugar”' — taking a lump, and putting it into his tea-cup, and stirring it, adding, “ I do not give it alone, and whole ; but mixed, and diluted.” Another morning a forward 3 7 oung man said, “ Pray, Mr. Newton, what do you think of the entrance of sin into our world?” “Sir,” said he, “I never think of it. I know there is such a thing as moral evil, and I know there is a remedy for it ; and there my know- ledge begins, and there it ends.” Another morning there was, with several other preachers, sitting in his study, a Baptist minister, a very good man, who had appeared to some dispropor- tionately zealous in making converts to his own opin- ion. The conversation was turning upon the choice of texts, “ Ah,” said Mr. Newton, “ Brother S n, there is one text I can preach from, and which you cannot.” “ Sir,” said he, “what can that be?” Mr. Newton replied, “God sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel.” Mr. S— — n took the hint, with- out the least offence, and no one laughed more heartily. As my brother-in-law was vicar of Olney, I some- times visited that hallowed spot ; and as, of course, I could not minister in the church, I always went, when I was going to engage in the meeting, and studied my sermon in the pew where Cowper heard, and in sight of the pulpit where Newton preached. “ Supersti- tion !” say some. But I found it good to be there. And how was I struck when at the parsonage-house I went up into the attic which was the study of this man of God, and saw, over his desk, on the wall, in very JtEV. JOHN NEWTON. 309 large letters, “ Remember that thou wast a bonds- man in the land of Egypt, and the Lord thy God REDEEMED THEE;” and “ SlNCE THOU HAST BEEN PRECIOUS IN MY SIGHT THOU HAST BEEN HONORABLE, AND I HAVE LOVED THEE ; et UUUS pro omnibus /” "While residing at Olney, Mr. Newton did much to liberalize and harmonize the religious parties ; and one of his candid arrangements, I know, continued years after, and I hope does continue still. It was this : — At the beginning of the year, the Episcopalians, In- dependents, and Baptists, blended their congregations three days following, and each minister preached in his own place a sermon to the young. I suggested the propriety of a little alteration, v ; z., for one sermon to be addressed to the young, and one to the middle-aged, and one to the old. As another proof and instance of his liberality and candor, though a beneficed. clergyman of the Established Church, he drew up the plan for the Dissenting Academy at Newport Pagnell, which was placed under the superintendence of the Rev. Thomas Bull, and supported by that great philan- thropist, John Thornton, Esq. In those days pious and evangelical clergymen of the Establishment were very few ; and, owing to their sentiments and zeal, were often less regarded in their own communion than among many of the orthodox dissenters; and, therefore, when invited by them, they scrupled not to visit them, and even to make a consid- erable stay at their houses. Mr. Newton for many years visited Portswood, near Southampton, a place from which many of his printed letters were dated. Here lived Walter Taylor, Esq., a dissenter in affluent circumstances, and block-maker to the navy. Under 310 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. his hospitable roof Mr. Newton commonly spent five or six weeks annually, and while there he sometimes heard the Rev. Mr. Kingsbury, Mr. Ta}dor’s brother-in- law, and pastor of the Independent Church, and preached also frequently in his host’s laundry to his family and workmen, and the neighboring villagers. Thus he speaks in one of his letters to Mr. Campbell : “ Here are five churches, but no pulpit open for me. But Mr. Taylor has opened his house, and made room for about 300 hearers. I preach three evenings in the week while I stay. We are often full. My hearers are chiefly from the neighboring villages, and seem willing to hear the Gospel, if they had any one to preach it to them. But, alas ! in these parts, and in many parts of the kingdom, 1 the hungry sheep look up and are not fed.’ ” Mr. Bomaine also for many years annually visited Mr. Taylor for the same length of time ; but he would never enter the meeting at Southampton with the family, or speak in their unconsecrated premises to the poor, and ignorant, and perishing, who would have hung upon his lips. But high-churchism had no scruples to accept the accommodations about the house, and table, and carriage, and horses, for these were not schis- matics, though their owner was. A Puseyite would have been more consistent. He would not have gone in with the uncircumcised and the unclean, nor had fellowship with them — “no, not to eat.” I remember another instance of Mr. Newton’s can- dor and liberality. When Dr. Buchanan, who had been much befriended by him, went out to India, holding a valuable ecclesiastical appointment, he seem- ed at first to have been shy of the Baptist missionaries. REV. JOHN NEWTON. 311 Upon hearing this, Mr. Newton wrote him a kind but faithful letter, in which he said (I had this from his own mouth), “ It is easy for you (little as yet tried in character, and from your superior and patronized sta- tion), to look down upon men who have given them- selves to the Lord, and are bearing the burden and heat of the day. I do not look for miracles ; but if God were to work one in our day, I should not wonder if it were in favor of Dr. Carey. 7 ’ The admonition was well received, and this great and good man became kind and friendly. The first year I went to London I heard two pop- ular clergymen, who were going through the same epistle — the Epistle to the Ephesians. Both went on leisurely, and from verse to verse, till they came to the practical parts and relative duties of husbands and wives, parents and children, masters and servants, when one of them intimated he could not enlarge here, for the grace of God would teach them all this ;* the other endeavored to do as much justice to the pre- ceptive as to the doctrinal demands. I need not say this was Mr. Newton. Moderate and candid men are the most firm and unyielding with regard to their principles. Mr. New- ton exemplified this. In his letters to persons from v/hom he differed, we find him avowing his own con- victions without the least hesitation or reserve ; and not even sparing reproof when necessary, and without respect of persons. Dining one day with Mr. Henry Thornton, I remember his speaking of Mr. Newton’s curate, Mr. G- nn. . He said, “ I went to hear him, * How came the apostle not to Enow this ; why took he the needless trouble of enforcing these duties ? 312 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. and was much dissatisfied with the lowness of his ad- dress, and the manner in which he spiritualized his subject, which was, L I will make you fishers of men in the discussion of which everything with regard to fishing and fish was quaintly and facetiously explained and applied. Deeming it very objectionable, and likely to cause reproach, I wrote my complaint to Mr. New- ton ; in reply to which here is his answer : 1 My dear Sir, — I fear you did not go to hear my good man with a spiritual appetite, or you would have found food, as well as the many who hung on his lips.’ ” &c. Nor did the able and enlightened statesman (Mr. Thorn- ton), though not convinced, take it amiss, but admired his rebuker. Mr. Newton’s intimate connection with Cowper is well known. Some have thought the divine was hurt- ful to the poet. How mistaken were they ! He was the very man, of all others,. I should have chosen for him. He was not rigid in his creed. His views of the gospel were most free and encouraging. He had the tenderest disposition ; and always judiciously regarded his friend’s depression and despondency as a physical effect, for the removal of which he prayed, but never reasoned or argued with him concerning it. Hence, also, on the other hand, when his niece, Miss C., was for a season in the public institution for mental dis- orders, in visiting her, he found two individuals there whose cases, he was persuaded, had been mistaken. He considered them merely as subjects of spiritual distress ; and he not only conversed but corresponded with them ; and I remember his reading some of their letters, and remarking that here the preacher, rather than the physician, was wanting; adding, that h* REV. JOHN NEWTON. 313 “ thought God sometimes placed persons there to keep them out of this mad world.” I can testify to a case in some measure confirmatory of this. I knew a female whose irreligious friends, misunderstanding the nature and cause of her com- plaint, had sent her to this place of confinement. Her distress and despair arose from a deep conviction of her state as a sinner, and an utter ignorance of the way of salvation. One day, therefore, seeing a gen- tleman passing by her ward, whom she had known at her father’s house, she most earnestly pressed him to obtain her release for a few days, during which he could judge concerning her state, when he would find it was not derangement. He did so. The gentleman was Mr. W n, the celebrated oculist. At his de- sire I immediately met her. After she had heard me at Surrey Chapel, on the narrative of the Syro-Phoe- nician woman, she retired to pass the remainder of the day in weeping, not tears of sorrow, but of joy ; for now she had found the consolation of Israel, the balm in Gilead, the Physician there. She returned no more to her confinement, but some time after married, and I believe is now living, an excellent wife and mother. There are cases in wbjch, in this respect, it is extremely difficult, yet very important, to distinguish things that differ, both as to ourselves and others. Mr. Newton’s attachment to his wife — I was going to say, was extreme. Some have wondered at this, as she seemed to them to have few, if any, attractions. But neither strangers nor friends could have known her like himself ; and we may be assured love and es- teem so deep and durable were not expended on little worth. Besides, God had in many ways remarkably 14 314 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. employed her, both as his preserver and benefactress. He has told the public what supports and frames the Lord gave him at her decease ; and how he inferred from them that it was the will of God he should not lie by from his official duties, but perform them as at other times, regardless of the opinion or censure of the world. Accordingly, the reminiscent heard him preach, while she lay unburied, from “ He hath done all things well a text which not every divine could safely have taken on such an occasion. He also, the following Sunday, preached her funeral sermon, from Habakkuk, iii. 17, 18 : “ Although the fig-tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vine*; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls ; yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” This text, he said, he had never taken before, keeping it in reserve for his greatest affliction, should he be exercised with it. And here a curious thing was observed. When he came to speak of Mrs. Newton, (which he did with a voice rather tremulous at first,) he said, it might seem strange for him to speak of the excellences of his wife, but he hoped he might be permitted to mention can- didly a few of her faults or failings. He then spoke of her excessive attachment to himself, — of her judging and estimating others by their regard to himself, &c., which had the effect (though in the simplicity of his character he meant not so) of leading his hearers to think and ask, u If these were her chief faults, what were her excellences?” He always seemed to have a present and lively feel- ing of his obligation to Divine grace in saving him TfEV. JOHN NEWTON. 315 from his former state. He often, therefore, adverted to it in his conversation. Perhaps, with regard to his profligacy , in that state, from the subsequent spirituality of his mind, like Bunyan and some other good men, he spake too strongly. Yet he must have gone great lengths in guilt to justify what I have more than once heard him say, — that he had so sinned away the ad- vantages of a good education, and resisted and stifled all his convictions, that for a time he had no more con- science than a brute ; that, do what he would, he felt no moral reproof; and that, when a disease had brought him apparently near death, he had no terror, and would have died like a lamb. Though, at his first awakening, owing to his being then engaged in it, and the force of habit, he was not struck with the evil of the accursed slave-trade — yet, when led to just reflection upon that subject, no one could think worse of its enormity, or bewail himself more for the share he had had in it. To this, also, he often referred ; and one day, as a person told him that the Americans had dubbed him D.D., he said, “ I al- ways resolved I would accept of no diploma, unless it came from the poor blacks.” Not long before his death, a minister I well knew visited him, to whom he said, as he shook hands with him, u I suppose you will expect some sentence at part- ing ? W ell, let it be this, — “ Beware of Peter’s word, Nor confidently say, ‘ I never will deny thee, Lord ;* But grant I never may !” Alas ! that this kind of dying, oracular admonition 316 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS (JF CHARACTER was lost upon this person, for he fell under the power of temptation ! I saw Mr. Newton near the closing scene. He was hardly able to talk ; and all I find I had noted down upon my leaving him is this,- — “ My memory is nearly gone ; but I remember two things : That I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour.” And, “Did you not, when I saw you at your house in Bath, desire me to pray for you? Well, then, now you must pray for me.” Mr. Southey says, and says truly, that “Mr. Newton was a strong-minded man.” He did not, indeed, al- ways show this in his preaching ; for, owing to his ease of address, and illustration, and enlargement, and on which he could lean, and the numerous claims upon his time from the poor and afflicted, and visitors, and correspondents, he frequently entered the pulpit w r ith little preparation ; and frequently, as Mr. Cecil in his Life remarks and laments, (and which he himself own- ed,) got the substance of his discourse between his house and his church. Some of his published ser- mons are exquisitely natural, and simple, and intelli- gible, and easily remembered ; and would be much bet- ter models for young ministers than such as abound with abstruseness, and elaboration, and pomp, and finery. I always admired, not only Mr. Newton’s theology, which moulded doctrine, and experience, and practice so finely into each other, but also his composition. Not a few of my younger brethren were formerly sur- prised at my calling it elegant ; but they now have a much better authority than mine. Cowper has ex- pressed his preference of his style to that of either Gib- REV. JOHN NEWTON. 317 bon or Robertson, or Hume. His volume on ecclesi- astical history is above all praise, and makes every reader lament that he was not enabled or encouraged to continue that work to our own times. But he is most known by his admirable 44 Letters.'’ I heard him one day observe the sovereignty of God, not only in the choice of his instruments, but even in the mode in which he used them, and which often did not correspond with their own wishes, or the expectations of others. “Hervey,” said he, u who was so blessed as a writer, was hardly able to mention a single instance of conversion by his preaching, and nothing could exceed the lifelessness of his audience ; and I rather reckoned upon doing more good by some of my other works than by my 4 Letters,’ which I wrote without study, or any public design ; but the Lord said, 1 You shall be most useful by them /’ and I learned to say, 4 Thy will be done ! use me as Thou pleasest, only make me useful.’ ” What thousands have derived Repeated profit and pleasure from the perusal of these utterances of the heart! Nor ever will they cease to be found means of grace, whilst God has a church on earth. With regard to myself, I commonly had one of these Letters read to me on every Sabbath evening, after the labors of the day ; and what refreshment and profit have I derived from them ! As numbers of his letters are continually issuing in collections, and also appearing separately in periodi- cals, evincing how acceptable, and even called for, they still are, perhaps the reminiscent will be more than excused if he here introduces the two following, as they are very characteristic of the man and his manner. 318 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. The first was addressed to, and given me, by Mrs. Wathen, wife of the celebrated oculist to the king, and dated from Portswood Green, near Southampton, July 26, 1799. It was as follows : — “ My dear Madam, — As you "kindly engaged my promise to write, I need make no apologies ; yo\ will receive my letter in good part, and I am sure I shall write it with a hearty goodwill. “ But what shall be the subject ? Indeed, properly speaking, I have, or ought to have, but one. This, however, is very comprehen- sive ; I mean Jesus Christ and him crucified. It will at least help to fill up the paper if I give you some account how I have in gen- eral managed it, as minister. “ When the Lord, after he had mercifully given me some experi- mental knowledge of the Gospel for myself, was pleased to honor me with a commission to preach to others, I found myself possessed of an infallible medicine for the cure of all diseases, and I was sur- rounded with multitudes whom I saw were sick of a mortal disease, and, as we say, at death’s door. I thought at first to do great things with my Catholicism. But I soon observed the fatal disorder I wish- ed to relieve was attended wdth one very discouraging symptom. Most of the sick people, though I could read death in their counte- nances, thought themselves well ; they insisted on it that nothing ailed them, and were angry with me because’ I. would not believe them. Some of them could scarcely hear with patience what I said of the power and skill of the Physician who gave me the medicine. Others thought they might apply to him when they were really ill, but at present they had no need of him. Oh, how I labored with some, but all in vain, to convince them of their danger. Now and then I did prevail with one, who then thankfully took the medicine, and presently recovered. “ And as I and my fellow practitioners were daily praising the virtues and efficacy of our medicine, some of our patients learned to talk after us ; they did not take the medicine, but they praised it. They would allow they had been sick once ; but now, to be sure, they must be well, for they could say as much in favor of the medicine as we could ourselves. I fear many died under this mis- take. They would not make such a mistake in common life. Many go to see the table spread at a Lord Mayor’s feast, but the sight of the delicacies which they must not taste will not satisfy the appe- REV. JOHN NEWTON. 819 tite like a plain dinner at home. But, alas ! our patients were not hungry. “ Some felt themselves unwell, but would not own it ; they tried to look as cheerful as they could. These depended on medicines of their own contrivance ; and, though they suffered many things, and grew worse and worse daily, they refused to try mine. It was judged by one too simple ; like Naaman, who, for a time, though he would have done some hard thing, disdained such an easy rem- edy as ‘ only wash, and be clean.’ Others refused, unless I could clearly explain to them all the ingredients belonging to my medi- cine, which I had neither ability to do, nor they capacity to com- prehend. They said, likewise, that the regimen which I prescribed was too strict ; for I told them honestly that if they did not abstain from some things of which they were very fond, my medicine would do them no good. I was often grieved, though not so much as I ought, to see so many determined to die, rather than take the only medicine that could preserve their lives. “ There were more than a few who deceived both themselves and me, by pretending to take my medicines, and yet did not. None grieved me more than these ; but they could not deceive me long. For, as the medicine was infallible, I knew that whoever took it, and observed the regimen, would soon show signs of convalescence, and that they were getting better, though they were not perfectly well; and, therefore, when these signs were wanting, I was sure the medicine had not been taken. “ I have not time to enumerate all the signs that accompany sal- vation, but I shall mention a few. First, a broken and contrite spirit. This is indispensably necessary, for by nature we are full of pride ; and God resisteth the proud, and giveth his grace only to the humble. Secondly, a simple and upright spirit, free from arti- fice and disguise. It is said of the blessed man whose sins are for- given, In his spirit there is no guile. lie is open and undisguised. Thirdly, gentle, gracious tempers. If a man like a lion takes my medicine, he presently becomes a lamb. He is not easily offended. He is very easily reconciled ; he indulges no anger; he harbors no resentment ; he lives upon forgiveness himself, and is therefore ready to forgive, if he has aught against any. Fourthly, benevo- lence, kindness, and an endeavor to please, in opposition to that velfishness which is our natural character. Fifthly, a spiritual mind, vhich is the beginning of life and peace ; a weanedness from the 320 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. world and its poor toys, and a thirst for communion with God through Christ. “ I could go on, but let this suffice. These signs are at first weak, for a Christian is a child before he is a man ; but grace grows by ex- ercise, by experience, and by a diligent use of the appointed means. My medicine enlightens the understanding, softens the heart, and gives a realizing of what the Scriptures declare of the glorious per- son, the wonderful love, the bitter sufferings, of the Saviour, and the necessity and efficacy of his death and agonies upon the Cross. When these things are understood by the teachings of the Holy Spirit, (whose influence is always afforded to those that take the medicine,) the cure is already begun ; all the rest will follow, and the patient recovers apace ; though there are sometimes transient relapses, and a spice of the old disorder will hang about them, un- til they are removed to the pure air of a better world. “ I hope, my dear nmdam, this medicine is your food, that you live upon it, and feel the salutary effects of it every day. Oh, what love ! that such a Saviour should die for such sinners as we are ; and what a marvellous mercy to me that I should be brought from the horrid wilds of Africa to proclaim his goodness ! That I who was an infidel, a blasphemer, and a profligate, should be spared to stand as a proof that Jesus Christ came into the world to save the chief of sinners! You and I are far advanced in years; we know not what a day may bring forth. Perhaps we may never meet upon earth ; but, oh ! may we meet above, to praise Him who loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ! to partake of that fulness of joy, and to drink of those rivers of pleasure, which are at His right hand for evermore ! “ John Newton. “Portswood Green, July 26th, 1799.’ The second was addressed to a sister of my wife, Mrs. H 11, on a domestic bereavement ; the date worn off. The following is a copy : — “My dear Madam, — Upon returning home last night, I found your favor, dated the 10th. I must begin to write immediately, as I am very busy ; but other business must wait till you are answered. I have thought of you and yours almost continually since Monday evening, when I first heard the affecting news. I have felt for you REV. JOHN NEWTON. 321 and your family, and Mr. H 11. I called on him on Tuesday, and dropped my tear with his. I had proposed going on to G Street, but he told me you were gone to S . And now, what shall I say ? I also have seen affliction ; I have been wounded where my feelings were most sensible ; and I have found, as you now find, that the Lord is all sufficient, and can bear us up under the severest trials. I congratulate you on the comfortable words she spoke be- fore she went home. I longed to hear such language from my dear Mary. I thought it would be a great alleviation to the stroke, but it pleased the Lord to show me he could support me without it. I bless his name I have good reason to hope and believe she is now before the throne, but during the latter part of her illness her mind was overwhelmed with a black cloud of dark and dread- ful temptations. They were mercifully removed before her depart- ure, but not till she was brought too low to be able to speak. She could only wave her hand as a token that the bitterness of death was past. I often think how our Queen’s parents felt when our King sent to demand her in marriage. I suppose when she left them they did not expect to see her again ; in this sense she was dead to them. Yet it was not considered a subject of condo- lence ; neither they nor their court went into mourning for her ; on the contrary, there was much rejoicing ; they thought she was going to be Queen of Great Britain, and the hope of hearing of her welfare and prosperity made amends for the loss of her com- pany, and they gave their full and cheerful consent to her coming hither. But if a woman were raised even from a dunghill to be a queen, it would be a small thing compared with the change Mrs. W has experienced. Far superior to all the queens of the earth, she is now equal to the angels ; yea, much more, nearly re- lated to Him whom all the angels worship. We cannot hear di- rectly from her, but we may hear of her as often as we please ; the good Word of God tells us where she is, and how she is; we know not the local spot, but she is with her Saviour ; the Lamb that was slain has brought her home to himself, to see his glory ; she has done with sin, sorrow, and pain forever ; she feeds upon the fruit of the tree of life, and drinks at the fountain head of happiness ; the glory of the Lord which she continually beholds has transformed her fully into the same image ; she sees Him as He is, and by that sight she is become like Him, to the utmost measure of creature ca- pacity. 1 8, then, her removal to be bewailed as a calamity ? I know that as a mother you must feel ; may all your painful feelings 14 * 822 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. be sanctified ! but I rather call upon to rejoice ; your daughter is daughter to the great King ; she is now clothed with light and glory ; it is but a short separation ; you will follow her soon, and I trust that all your daughters will in due time follow you. May I meet you all there ! Miss C unites with me in cordial [love] to you, to them, and to Mrs. P , if with you. I am, “ Your very affectionate, and much obliged, “ John Newton.” Besides two or three volumes of his letters which he published himself, or left selected and arranged for publication after his death, there are before the public his letters to Cowper the poet, to Mr. Wilberforce, and Mrs. More (inserted in their lives) ; his letters to the Rev. Samuel Palmer ; his letters to the Rev. John Campbell ; his letters to the Rev. Mr. Coffin ; and his letters to Mr. Jones, a deacon of an Independent church ; and a volume of letters called 11 The Aged Pilgrim and his letters (to the Rev. William Bull). To all these we may add those that have appeared singly in the Christian Observer , the Guardian , the Evangelical Magazine , the Congregational Magazine , &c. ; and yet the letters in print are nothing to the number he wrote ! One star differs from another star in glory. True : religion exists in various degrees. Nehemiah not only feared God, but feared God above many ; and the good ground yielded thirty, sixty, and an hundredfold. I deem Mr. Newton the most perfect instance of the spirit and temper of Christianity I ever knew — shall I say with the exception ? — no. but with the addition of Cornelius Winter ? REV. JOHN RYLAND, Senior, M. A. Mr. Eyland resided at Northampton as the pastor of the Baptist church, where also, for many years, he kept a large and flourishing school. He had, when I became acquainted with him, no pastorate, but preached occasionally for any of his brethren. His residence was then at Enfield, where he had a seminary ; but he passed his vacations at the house of one of his sons who carried on trade in Blackfriars Road. There he was all the time of my first and second engagements at Surrey Chapel ; and, as the chapel was near, he fre- quently heard me, and I gained his approbation and attachment. He was a peculiar character, and had many things about him outre and bizarre , as the French would call them ; but those who have heard him represented as made up only of these are grossly imposed upon. We are far from justifying all his bold sayings and occa- sional sallies of temperament ; but as those w r ho knew him can testify, he was commonly grave, and habitually sustained a dignified deportment ; and he i had excel- lences which more than balanced his defects. His ap- prehension, imagination, and memory, to use an ex- pression of his own, rendered his brains like fish-hooks, which seized and retained everything within their 824 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. reach. His preaching was probably unique, occasion- ally overstepping the proprieties of the pulpit, but grappling much with conscience, and dealing out the most tremendous blows at error, sin, and the mere forms of godliness. Mr. Hall has said in print, “He was a most extra- ordinary man, and rarely, if ever, has full justice been done to his character.” And Mr. Hervey, rector of Weston Farell, often entertained him at his parsonage, and kept up a frequent correspondence with him, as may be seen in seventy' of his letters inserted in his life by Mr. Ryland. These letters show, not only the value he attached to Mr. Ryland’s friendship, but the confidence he placed even in his judgment, consulting him with regard to his own several publications, as well as desiring his opinion of the works of others. The first time I ever met Mr. Ryland was at the house of a wholesale linendraper in Cheapside. The owner, Mr. B h, told him one day, as he called upon him, that I was in the parlor, and desired him to go in, and he would soon follow. At this moment I did not personally know him. He was singular in his appearance ; his shoes were square-toed ; his wig was five-storied behind; the sleeves of his coat were pro- fusely large and open ; and the flaps of his waistcoat encroaching upon his knees. I was struck and awed with his figure ; but what could I think when, walk- ing towards me, he laid hold of me by the collar, and, shaking his fist in my face, he roared out, “Young man, if you let the people of Surrey Chapel make you proud, I ’ll smite you to the ground !” But then, in- stantly dropping his voice, and taking me by the hand, he made me sit down by his side, and said, REV. JOHN HYLAND, SENIOR, M.A. 325 “Sir, nothing can equal the folly of some hearers; they are like apes that hug then young ones to death.” He then mentioned two promising young ministers who had come to town, had been injured and spoiled by popular caressings ; adding other seasonable and useful remarks. From this strange commencement a peculiar in- timacy ensued. We were seldom a day apart during my eight weeks’ continuance in town, and the inter- course was renewed the following year, when we were both in town again at the same time. As the chapel w r as very new, and spacious, he obtained leave from the managers to deliver in it a course of philosophical lectures, Mr. Adams, the celebrated optician, aiding him in the experimental parts. The lectures were on Friday mornings, at the end of which there was al- ways a short sermon at the reading-desk ; and the lec- turer would say to his attendants, “You have been seeing the works of the God of Nature ; now go yon- der, and hear a Jay talk of the works of the God of Grace.” As I was then single, and had the chapel-house to myself, he soon found its roominess and quiet more agreeable than the noise of grandchildren ; and, as he did not dissent much from Mr. Berridge’s notion, that prudence is a rascally virtue, he quartered himself too much upon me, often bringing over his friends with him ; regardless of the fact that I was not the owner but only the occupier of the dwelling. As I was near, and rose early (as he also did), he soon turned me also to some account. He was often publishing, and was fonder of dictating than of writing. I was therefore gradually and increasingly drawn in to be his aman- 826 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. uensis ; and at different times I wrote from bis lips bis “ Qualifications of an able Expositor” for Scott’s Bible ; 44 The Corner Stone of tbe British Constitution 44 Ad- dress to tbe Youth of England and France;” and a large proportion of the 1 Life of James Hervey.” His publications were very numerous ; too numerous for the contents to be distinct and finished ; yet all abound- ed with strong and striking passages. As he was eccentric, and eccentricity often appears like a degree of derangement, and with some always passes for it, this perhaps considerably affected the circulation and influence of his various works. I was struck with him as an original, and only viewed him as eccentric. His conversation, and illustrations, and expressions, were frequently very uncommon and im- pressive. His mind was never quiescent. He always seemed laboring to throw off something fresh and forc- ible, not only in his public discourses, but in his or- dinary conversation. He sometimes failed, and you had (yet rarely) only extravagance ; but he sometimes succeeded, and persons of some mind must have been surprised at his fine touches and strokes of genius. As to myself, I derived no little advantage from him. He was full of information, and ready to communicate. He seized mj^ mind, and was always leading me to think. By his commendations he cheered and encour- aged me, and several of his counsels and admonitions guided my youth, and have not been forgotten through life. One of them he often repeated : it was against sitting up late for study. He dwelt on the baneful consequences of this practice, and ran over several in- stances in which good and useful men had been suf- ferers by it, losing their health, and shortening their REV. JOHN HYLAND, SENIOR, A.M. 327 days ; and when I took my leave of him at our first parting, he exclaimed, with a stentorian voice, “ If ever you are in your study after nine o’clock, I wish ( expressing a terrific object ) may appear, and drive you to bed !” I do not think I have ever transgressed this rule ; and, if I had, I should not certainly have ex- pected such a sight ; yet I have never been there at the approach of the ninth hour without remembering the tender wish ; and to preserve it from oblivion was his design in clothing it with such terror. He never seemed so much in his element as when he had those around him who were not only willing to receive, but eager to draw forth from his ample stores. The young could never leave his company unaffected and uninstructed. I once passed a day at his house. It was the fifth of November. He took advantage of the season with his pupils. There was an effigy of Guy Fawkes. A court of justice was established for his trial. The indictment was read; witnesses were ex- amined ; counsel was heard. But he was clearly and fully convicted; when Mr. R. himself being the judge, summed up the case ; and, putting on his black cap, pronounced the awful sentence — that he should be car- ried forth and burned at the stake ; which sentence was executed amidst shouts of joy from his pupils. Of this, I confess, my feelings did not entirely ap- prove. Speaking of him one day to Mr. Hall, be related the following occurrence: — u When I was quite a lad, my father took me to Mr. Ryland’s school at Northamp- ton. That afternoon I drank tea along with him in the parlor. Mr. Ryland was violently against the American war ; and, the subject happening to be men- 328 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. tioned, he rose, and said, with a fierce countenance and voice,— 'If I was General Washington, I would summon all my officers around me, and make them bleed from their arms into a basin, and dip their swords into its contents, and swear they would not sheath them till America had gained her independence.’ I was perfect!} terrified. ‘What a master,’ — thought I, ‘am I to be left under him? ’ and when I w r ent to bed, I could not for some time go to sleep.” Once a young minister was spending the evening with him, and when the family were called together for worship, he said, “ Mr. , you must pray .’ 7 “Sir, 5 ’ said he, “I cannot.” He urged him again, but in vain. “ Then, Sir,” said he, “ I declare, if you will not, I II call in the watchman.” At this time a watch- man on his round was going by, whom he knew to be a very pious man ; (I knew him too ;) he opened the door, and said, “ Duke, Duke, come in : you are wanted here. Here,” said he, “is a young pastor that can’t pray ; so you must pray for him.” At this time, the first opposition was made to the Slave Trade, and he threw all his impassioned energies into the condemnation of the accursed traffic. One morning I was reading to him some of the reported miseries and cruelties of the middle passage ; among others, of a captain who had a fine female slave in his cabin, but, when her infant cried, he snatched him up, and flung him out into the sea ; still requiring the wretched creature to remain, as the gratifier of his vile passions. At the recital of this Mr. Ryland seemed frantic, and to lose his usual self-control. He felt this, and paced up and down the room, “ Oh, God, pre- serve me! Oh, God, preserve me!” and then unable to REV. JOHN HYLAND, SENIOR, M.A. 329 contain any longer, burst forth into a dreadful impre- cation, which I dare not repeat. It shocked me, and I am far from justifying it ; and yet, had the reader been present to witness the excitement and the struggle, he would hardly have been severe in condeming him. Is there not a feeling of justice, as well as of mercy ? And what is mercy, compared with justice ? The one is con- fined to our economy of imperfection and evil; the other pervades all worlds, and reigns for ever. Justice and judgment are the habitation of His throne ; who is holy in all his ways, and righteous in all his works. One afternoon we went together to drink tea with Mrs. > and she prevailed upon us to spend the evening. His supper was always spinach, and an egg on a slice of toasted bread, and a glass of pure water. At the domestic worship he said, “ You, Eusebius , 77 (so he commonly called me, I know not wherefore,) u you shall pray, and I will for a few minutes ex- pound . 77 (He was never tedious.) He took the story of the woman of Canaan. After commenting on her affliction, and application for relief, he came to her trial and her success ; — reading the words — “ And he answered her not a word he said, u Is this the bene- factor of whom I have heard so much before I came ? He seems to have the dead palsy in his tongue. 77 — u And the disciples came and besought him, saying , Send her away, for she crieth after us.” — u And why should we be troubled with a stranger? We know not whence she is, and she seems determined to hang on till she is heard . 77 — “ But he said , I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and you know you are not one of them ; and what right have you to clamor thus ? 77 — “ Then came she , 'ailing at his feet , and cried , Lord 380 PRACTICAl ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. help me ! But he said , It is not meet to take the children s bread , and to cast it to dogs ; And she said , True , Lord ) yet the dogs can eat of the crums that fall from their mas- ter's table! — “ What I want is no more to thee than a cram, compared with the immense provisions of Thy board ; and I come only for a crum, and a crum I must have ; and, if Thou refuse me a seat at Thy table with Thy family, wilt Thou refuse me a crawl and a crum underneath ? The family will lose nothing by my gaining all I want.” .... Omnipotence cSm withstand this attack no longer ; but He yields the victory, — not to her humility, and importunity, and perseverance, — but to her faith, that produced and em- ployed all these, for “ all things are possible to him that believeth.” — “ 0, woman , great is thy faith ; be it unto thee even as thou wilt! “Lord, what was that you said?” “Why, be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” “Why, then, I will have my dear child instantly heal- ed.” “ Be - it unto thee even as thou wilt.” “ Why, then, I will have my poor soul saved.” “ Be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” “ Why, then, I will have all my sins pardoned and destroyed.” “ Be it unto thee even as thou wilt.” “ Why, then, I’ll have all my wants supplied from thy riches in glory.” “ Be it unto thee even as thou wilt. Here, take the key, and go, and be not afraid to rifle all my treasures.” “ Now, Mrs. , this woman was a dog, a sad dog, a sinful dog, and if she had had her desert she would have been driven out of doors ; and yet there is not a woman in this house comparable to her. Let us pray.” N. B. — I relate as characteristic what I did not wholly admire as proper. I repeat the same with re- gard to another instance : REV. JOHN RYLAND, SENIOR, M.A. 331 He cook my place on Tuesday evening at Surrey Chapel, and preached a most striking sermon from Daniel’s words to Belshazzar — “But the God in whose hands thy breath is, and whose are all thy waj^s, hast thou not glorified.” After an introduction, giving some account of Belshazzar, he impatiently and abrupt- ly broke off by saying, — “ But you cannot suppose that I am going to preach a whole sermon on such a rascal as this,” — and then stated, that he should bring home the charge in the text against every indi- vidual in the place, in four grand instances. Mr. Byland was exceedingly full of striking, and useful, and entertaining anecdotes, and (which is everything in anecdotes) he told them with admirable clearness, and brevity, and ease. I heard him repeat more than once many of those which Dr. Newman has published in his account of him ; some of which, for want of his stating the circumstances which introduced or followed them, appear less credible than they other- wise would do. For instance, when, during the exe- crable badness of the singing after sermon, he said, “ I wonder the angels of God do not wrench off your necks,” he had been preaching on the presence of the angels in our assemblies. The thing itself was very exceptionable, but this circumstance rendered it less unnatural and improbable. Though he was rather high in his doctrinal senti- ments, and not entirely friendly to some of Fuller’s views, he was not soured and malignant towards others. He was intimate with Mr. Whitfield and Mr. Row- land Hill, and much attached to many other preachers less systematically orthodox than himself ; and labor- 332 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. ed, as opportunity offered, with them. He was, in- deed, a lover of all good men ; and, while many talk- ed of candor, he exercised it. Though he was a firm Baptist, he was no friend to bigotry or exclusiveness. He warmly advocated the cause of mixed communions, and republished Bunyan’s reasons for the practice, with the addition of some of his own. And this brings to my mind the following occurrence : I was one day to dine with him at a friend’s house ; the company was large ; and, while waiting for the dinner, a minis- ter asked him his opinion concerning strict commu- nion, and excluding pious men from the Lord’s table. He replied thus, — 44 You decide the thing by calling it the Lord's table. Suppose, sir, when I entered this room, I had taken upon me to saj^, — 4 Mr. Such-an- one,’ (naming him,) 4 you shall not sit down at this table ; and Mrs. Such-an-one,’ (naming her,) 4 you shall not sit down at this table ;’ — what would Mr. D , the master of the house, say ? 4 Why, John Byland, you have forgotten yourself. You are not the owner of this table, but the master is. The table is mine, and I have a right to invite them, and I have invited them ; and is it for you to forbid them ? So in the church. The table is the Lord's ; and all who are called by his grace are his guests, and he has bidden them.” I cannot but think some of his own brethren, and of his own denomination, bore too hard upon him for some difficulty in his pecuniary circumstances. They did not indeed charge him with dishonesty and injus- tice, but they seemed to forget that a brother may be overtaken in a fault, and that the fault in this case w r as in reality the effect of an excellence or virtue. In his ardor for learning and science, he was too free in the REV. JOHN RYLAND, SENIOR, M.A. 333 purchase of books, for his own use and also to give poor ministers who had few intellectual helps ; and also, in the exercise of beneficence to the poor and need}^ he was drawn beyond his means. I was told by a person who attended the examination of his af- fairs, that, when something rather reflecting on his in- tegrity had escaped from one of the party, he instant- ly rose up, and turned his face to the wall, and, look- ing up to heaven, said, “Lord, thou knowest I am not ■wicked ! Oh, give me grace to preserve my temper and tongue, while I endeavor to answer and rectify the mistake of my brother.” This instantly softened and melted the party, and he soon gave them full sat- isfaction. If God had not called Lot “just Lot,” we should probably never have registered him in our cal- endar of saints. Dr. Rippon, one of his permanently attached friends and advisers, preached his funeral ser- mon ; and, as they were letting down the deceased into the grave, he pointed to the coffin, and said with ad- mirable impression, — “Defects through Nature’s best productions run, — Our friend had spots, — and spots are in the sun !” The Rev. Mr. Bell, of Cheshunt, who attended him, informed me of the blessed state of his mind in his dying hours ; reporting, among other things which he addressed to himself , — u Oh, Bell, I charge you, I charge you to love and preach Christ ! Oh, how good has he always been to me, and how good is he now ! My body is as full of ease, and my soul is as full of joy, as it can hold ! ” Dr. Newman, the late tutor of the Baptist Academy at Mile-End, and who has published affectionate Me- 384 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. moirs of liim, was originally a youth whom Mr. Ry- land took up, and entirely educated gratis. I need not say the late Dr. Ryland was his son, who had the ability, and learning, and excellence of his fa- ther, (without any of his errata,) whose praise is in all the churches, and whose character, and consistenc3 r , and integrity, were proverbial ; so that Mr. Hall, who preached his funeral sermon, once said, “ I would as soon have Dr. Ryland’s word as Gabriel’s oath.” John Ryland, the father, was a devourer of books, and an excessive praiser of some of them. Thus I remember his saying, — “ If the dipping of my pen in my very blood would recommend ‘Witsius’ Economy of the Covenants,’ I would not forbear doing it for a mo- ment.” Of Henry’s Exposition he said, — “It is im- possible for a person of piety and taste to read this book without wishing to be shut out from the whole world, and to read it through without one moment’s interruption.” Owen, also, vras an extreme favorite with him, and whose Latin work on “ Divine Justice” he translated. He gloried in Bunyan ; and I recollect his speaking with warmth against Mr. Booth, who, in his defence of strict communion, had said, — “ Let him (Bunyan) dream, but not lay down rules for gospel- worship.” He had a great number of manuscripts, some of which I saw from time to time. He used to say, “These I shall bequeath to twelve ministers, each hav- ing a key to the box containing them ; and, if you are a good boy, you shall be one of them.” What became of them? Though so many years have elapsed since, I feel it pleasant and useful to recall the opportunities I had REV. JOINS' RYLAND, SENIOR, A.M. 335 of being in company with him, and of leading him about from place to place, when leaning on my arm ; and I retain many impressions he made upon me when I was most susceptible of impressions. If sometimes he seemed severe, it was really more in the force of his expression than the feeling of his heart. No one was more capable of tenderness ; and I remember his saying, “ My mother died when I was five years of age, and I have ten thousand times wish- ed that she was alive, that I might wait upon her.” I wish I had written down more of his sayings and remarks. These are a few of* them : — u My dunghill heart .” — u The promises are the saints’ legacies.” — “ When a Christian is matured for heaven, he leaves the present world as the acorn leaves its cup.” — “ Work for the world is done best when work for God is done first ” — “ It is perilous to read any impure book ; you will never get it out of your faculties till you are dead. M}~ imagination was tainted young, and I shall never get rid of it till I get into heaven.” He used facetiously to mention that, when he resid- ed in Warwick, he lived in the Parsonage House, which he rented of the Rector, Dr. Tate ; who, when he was reflected upon by some high ecclesiastic for letting it to a Dissenter, replied, — “ What would you have me do ? I have brought the man as near the Church as I can, but I cannot force him into it,” WILLIAM WILBERFORCE, ESQ. It was very soon after my settlement in Bath, that I had the honor and advantage of commencing an ac- quaintance with this inestimable man, and which led to an intimacy which continued for his life. He was then lodging in Queen’s Square Terrace, his relation, Mr. Henry Thornton, Member for the Bor- ough, being with him. It was by a note of invitation I called upon him. As I had not been before in the company of any distinguished personage, I felt ex- ceedingly backward as I approached the door, and held the knocker some seconds in my hand before I could use it. But, unlike his excellent kinsman, whose man- ner was as cold as his disposition was generous, and with whom, instead of advancing you had always to begin your friendship, and never could be free ; he instantly loosened me from my fears and embarrass- ment, and, without lowering my respect, inspired me with confidence and attachment. Was there ever a being who possessed such a power of endearing himself, making all hearts his own, as soon as they approached him ; and not only preserv- ing but increasing affection, by every additional op- portunity of intercourse? Perhaps, if one sentence could more fully express him than another, it would WILLIAM WILBERFORCE, ESQ. 337 be an incomparable readiness to give pleasure ) and to be pleased. I had several other interviews with him during that visit to Bath. They were all delightful and useful. One Sabbath morning, after hearing me on a subject which had reference to the doctrine of the Trinity, he mildly asked me whether something I had advanced did not carry the distinctions in the Divine Nature too far, and whether it might not be made to countenance Tritheism ? He was correct ; I saw my mistake ; and was thankful for such an early proof of his attention and kindness. He asked me if I had Quintilian, and finding I had never seen him, he promised, on his return, to send it to me ; but for what reason I know not, instead of this, he sent me the works of Dr. Witherspoon. To the Treatise of this Author on u Regeneration,” he was much attached ; and some years after he wrote an Essay to prefix to it, in a series of publications issued by Chalmers and Collins of Glasgow. Concerning this admirable Essay, I remember his complaining that he wrote it only to prefix to Witherspoon’s “ Treatise on ^Regeneration but the Publishers connected with it his work on Justification , “with which,” said he, “I was less acquainted, and might not have so highly and entirely approved. This was not fair.” His preferences in religion were not censorious or exclusive. He had a real and large liberality towards those who differed from him in some of the more ex- ternal and subordinate parts of Christianity ; or rather its administrations; and, therefore, he made no scruple to attend occasionally in places which at that time ig- norance and not Imo, called conventicles; and in two 15 338 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. instances, at least, he partook of the Lord’s Supper ic Nonconformist Churches. Are all those dead who have heard him more than once say : — “ Though I am an Episcopalian by education and conviction, I yet feel such a oneness and sympathy with the cause of God at large, that nothing would be more delightful than my communing once every year with every Church that holds the Head, even Christ” ? And did this ren- der him a worse Churchman ? What must we have thought of such a Church if it had ? While I was preaching in London, and he was visit- ing in Bath, I received from him the following letter : — Near Bath, Sept. 22d, 1803. My dear Sir, — I commence my letter with unaffected doubts whether I should apologize for delaying it so long or for even now writing it. I have for a fortnight past been on the point of taking up my pen, and knowing, on the one hand, that I am ad- dressing a man of whose candor and liberality of spirit I would rather speak to any other than to himself ; and, on the other, my conscience bearing me witness, that I am actuated by motives of pure benevolence, and love without dissimulation ; I will proceed to fulfil the most valuable duty of friendship. Yet, when 1 go on to state that it is to observe on your mode of preaching that I have resolved to address you, I am aware that I may, not without rea- son, appear guilty of somewhat of the same presumption as the philosopher who undertook to lecture Hannibal on the Art of War; for you must, it can be no compliment to say it, have studied vastly more than myself the way of addressing your hearers, and have balanced opposite considerations, If talents that command a Portia’s praise, May without arrogance to fame aspire, Her claim is good, whatever Peter says. Thy judgment, Peter, comes, I guess, too late; Its prompt applause a virtuous public gave he Nor will thy wicked wit reverse her fate, Or cancel that decision in her favor. But, let the public as it may decide, There is a dread tribunal, Peter, hear — Where thou, and all thy actions shall be tried, And what thy doom will be I greatly fear. Believe me, Peter, all thy ridicule Will turn to very poor account at best ; Thou hast for many years but played the fool, And prostituted genius to a jest. That man’s a simpleton who flings away The precious grain, and only hoards the chafi*; And he ’s no better, flout it as he may, Who squanders his whole life to raise a laugh. 388 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. Try to repair the past ; reform thy plan ; Conscience will tell thee thou hast acted wrong; Assume the moral dignity of man, And giye to virtue all thy powers of song. Bath, Nov. 7, 1799. Ahybston. REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. “ Grant some of knowledge greater store, More learned some in teaching ; Yet few in life did lighten more, Or thunder more in preaching.” When I preached the funeral sermon of this very singular, but excellent and useful man, immediately after the service, Lord Hill, to whom I dedicated the sermon, several ministers of different denominations, and some of the trustees and managers of the chapel, came into the house, and intimated that I should be expected to write a memoir of the deceased. Some of them, I found, had taken it for granted that I had long been preparing for such a work, and that I had many materials by me for the purpose. I assured them the thought had never entered into my mind ; but they pressed it upon me, on the ground that I had been connected with him so long, and knew more of him than any other surviving minister. I was then (and it had affected me in the preaching) suffering under the influenza , and everything appeared trying; and I could not be unconscious of the difficulty of doing justice to £0 peculiar a character, and of giving satisfaction to many of his admirers. I, therefore, came under no other engagement than to consider the proposal. This 390 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER, I did on my return home ; and, as the formidableness of the affair lessened, and I knew that I was not wholly or comparatively unqualified for the performance, I yielded, and had even written a few pages, when I received a letter from the Kev. Mr. Sidney, inform- ing me that Mrs. Hill, the evening before her death, had urged him, and that Mr. Hill by will had appointed him to be his biographer. I was thus, and not un- gladly, relieved from the arduous task. Mr. Sidney soon fulfilled his appointment ; and, after his publi- cation, Mr. Jones, of the Tract Society, also sent forth another Life. I was pleased with both these works, the latter of which had the most of specific delinea- tion ; yet the public, never very easily satisfied, seemed to think there was wanting more individuality. There can, indeed, be no character without individuality ; but it should have been considered that a writer, in this in- stance , could not go all lengths, or enter into all the particularizations which the subject would supply, with- out offence. There is an idiosyncrasy in mind as well as body ; and, if the one tries physical, so does the other moral, anatomy. There are persons uniquely framed and disposed, called, by a distinguished author, “ unclassed anomalies,” and who constitute the corps particulier of exceptions to general rules. Mr. Hill’s life would be written at some distance of time from his death better than near it, as in the mean- time some innocent peculiarities and facetiousnesess, which many observers might deem exceptionable in a sacred character, would wane away or strike less; whilst his great excellences and usefulness would re- main, and be more prominent and distinct.. It may not be amiss to mention two mistakes, or in- REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. 391 advertencies, which have crept into these valuable pieces of biography. The one regards Mr. Hill’s ecclesiastics. He much disliked strict Independency ; but he could not be considered properly as an Episco- palian, in the common or prelatical acceptation of the term. He might not, with many others, have objected to such a bishop as Usher’s primus inter pares, having nothing to do with secular affairs, appointed by the state, chosen by his brethren for his age, talent, and piety, and. residing in the midst of his diocese ; and he did at first submit to the state of things in the Es- tablishment as they are, partially — >1 sa y partially, for he only received deacon’s orders, not accepting those of priest, on the condition alone by which he could obtain them, viz., regularity ; and so, as his drollery ex- pressed it, he ran off with only one boot on ; nor was he an enemy to some state-provision for the instruc- tion of the people. But from conviction he preferred Presbyterianism. I cannot be mistaken here, from my intimacy and conversations with him on the very sub- ject. At my last interview with him, a very few weeks only before his death, he unexpectedly said, “Ah, Mr. Jay, Presbyterianism comes much nearer the original and Scriptural model than your Independ- enc}^ or our Episcopacy and, stroking his face in his usual way, added, “You knoiv this was always my sentiment.” The last time he preached in Bath, he spent the evening with a large party, before whom he exphcity made the same acknowledgment. It was hence he so much liked the Welsh Calvinistic Method- ists, as their plan and measures (though not in name) approximated to the system he most approved. The other piece of misinformation regards his inti- 892 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. macy with Mr. Whitfield. This is everywhere ad- mitted, as if it were a generally known fact. But when ana where did any personal intercourse take place between them ? The truth is, though Mr. W. wrote a letter to Mr. Hill, encouraging him to continue his field-preaching, yet they never met ; and I have often heard Mrs. Hill affirm how mistaken many per- sons were, for that her husband had never heard or seen Mr. Whitfield. Neither of these things is of much importance, but it is better that each of them should appear as it really was. My long acquaintance with this noted man com- menced when I was yet a student at Marlborough ; be- fore I left, or ought to have left, the Academy, he en- gaged me to go to supply Surrey Chapel for eight weeks. I did this with the approbation of my tutor ; and, as I proved acceptable, Mr. Hill much wished me to enter immediately into an entire connection with him, dividing my labors between London and Wot- ton-under-Edge, and Haverfordwest ; and several other places which were then more or less under his man- agement and control. This I was induced to decline ; but, as he seemed disappointed, and rather displeased, at my refusal, I promised, if he desired it, to occupy his pulpit in town for eight Sabbaths annually. This was done rather thoughtlessly; as, after I became a pastor, I found the time too long to be absent at once from the people of my charge ; yet, for nearly forty years, I did this; after which I was constrained to re- duce my visit to six Sabbaths, and then to four, and then to three ; and, upon Mr. Hill’s death, with whom my engagement was originally made, I entirely gave up the connection, wishing also to afford more of my REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. 393 extra services to the demands of country applications, as well as to secure, if possible, a little relaxation and leisure in the season, at the sea-side : “ Junior es ad laborer Solve senectutem.” Mr. Hill not only built the large Surrey Chapel, where so many souls have been brought to the knowl- edge of the truth, and such large sums raised in the cause of God and the poor, and where there is even now a vast congregation and church prospering under the ministry of the Eev. Mr. Sherman ;* but also a large tabernacle at Wotton- under-Edge, where God, amidst much opposition at first, had peculiarly blessed his preaching. Here several individuals of respecta- bility were converted, and a numerous church was formed, distinguished by much spirituality and zeal, and which is now in a more thriving condition than ever, under the care of the Rev. Mr. Knill.f Adjoin- ing the tabernacle, Mr. Hill built also a dwelling- house, in which he resided the summer half of the year. But during this season his labors were not confined to Wotton, but frequently extended to various other places in England and W ales. My friend and tutor, Cornelius Winter, was ac- quainted with him years before I had seen him, and from his lips I have derived many anecdotes, especial- * Mr. Sherman has recently resigned the charge of the congre- gation at Surrey Chapel, and been succeeded by the Rev. Newman Hall. f Mr. Knill has, since Mr. Jay wrote, removed to Chester, and been succeeded at Wotton-under-Edge by the Rev. J. T. Feaston, during whose residence the Tabernacle has been rebuilt, and the cause greatly prospered. 17 * 894 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. ly concerning bis earlier history ; one of which, as I frequently heard him mention it, I will undeviatingly relate. Mr. Winter was laboring in Bristol when Mr. Hill first came there. He preached much out of doors ; and, as he was young, and a gentleman’s son, and be- trayed no little wit and humor, which seemed natural to him, he awakened great attention, and cro^wds fol- lowed him. Mr. Winter much ministered unto him, reminding him of his engagements, and attending him in his movements. In another way he was serviceable to him. As he wished to go preaching from place to place, a horse became necessarjr; and Mr. Winter col- lected the money that bought one, which, when it was presented to him, and he would know whence it came, he naturally at first declined it, saying he could not think of being under obligation to persons who could not afford it; but Mr. Winter assured him that no one would suffer by so trifling a sacrifice ; and that all would feel themselves honored by his acceptance of it for the service of Christ (and the expense was not great, for it was a poor kind of Rosinante ). But for awhile it bore this man of God about in those neighbor- hoods. Mr. Winter also more than once obtained for him a little pecuniary supply* for his present wants. For at this time he had straits ; and was it not to his honor that he subjected himself to these, not by vice, but in order to do good to his perishing fellow-crea- tures, and when lie might have been enjoying every kind of indulgence at home ? For his offended father withheld for a season all support ; and, to bring him back from his wild wanderings, his brother (afterwards Sir Richard Hill) was sent to Bristol. But, lo and be- hold ! whei he came, and had seen the grace of God, KEY. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. 395 he was so struck with young Rowland’s spirit and use- fulness, that he not only omitted the design of his mission, but Saul also was amongst the prophets, and he actually began preaching himself ; and I have known many who heard him hold forth in his usual colored dress. How often have I seen cottages and chambers in which this minister of God has been sat- isfied to eat and sleep, which some not born gentlemen would be very unwilling to put up with ! As Mr. Hill was an educated man, so his talents were very superior to what many may imagine. He had an uncommon quickness of apprehension, which will account for the great fund of general knowledge which he possessed ; though he never seemed to study anything, or to read any book attentively through, — yet there was no subject upon which he seemed un- able to speak ; though in discourse he could never be kept long to any one point. His sentiments were Cal- vinistic, but his Calvinism never ran to seed. He was not so high in doctrine as his brother, Sir Richard ; nor so low as his brother, the Rev. Briant Hill. He was not afraid to address sinners ; and when, in a par- ticular place, as he was leaving the vestry to go into the pulpit, one officiously hinted to him, that they preached there only to the elect: “Well,” said he, “ neither will I, if you ’ll go and set a mark upon them.” There was nothing he was so anxious to prevent as the abuse of Gospel-grace. Who has not witnessed his abhorrence of Antimonianism ? Of later years, indeed, he was led to notice its adherents too often, and too much. For they were unworthy of his atten- tion ; and as they were sure from prejudice not to hear 396 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. him, it was trying for others to suffer for their sakes. Never did a minister more deserve the character of a Gospel-preacher. Without being censorious, a hearer would sometimes be perplexed to characterize some men’s pulpit performances. James the First, on hear- ing a discourse in which the preacher had much of politics, turned to Bishop Andrews, and said, “My lord, is this to be considered a sermon, or not ?” To which he replied, “ May it please your majesty, it may pass for one by a very charitable construction.” And Louis XYI. is reported, after hearing one of his chap* lains, to have said, “This preacher would have left nothing out of his sermon, if he had happened to touch upon religion.” But no candor or allowance was necessary in judg. ing of Mr. Hill’s discourse. There was not one of them but more than touched upon the sole theme of the Apostle’s ministry, “ Jesus Christ and him cruci- fied” — “the Lord our righteousness and strength;” whatever his subject was, it was sure, before its close, to exhale forth something of the “savor of the Ke- deemer’s knowledge.” As Mr. Hill is not to be tried by ordinary rules, and as he is not likely to become a precedent or example, (for who ever again is likely to be constituted or circum- stanced like him ?) we may the more freely speak of his character and ministry. He has, in his own odd way, in one of his dialogues, spoken of three kinds of.preachers, the tap-cash , the slop-dash , and the slap-dash. By the first he means preachers distinguished by tame and inert feebleness ; without faults, but also destitute of all energy of thought or force of expression. — as Shakspcare would REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. 397 say, fit to “ chronicle small beer.” By the second, lie means preachers marked by strong things in doctrine,, but loose, and hazardous, and extravagant in repre- sentation ; aiming at great effect by the noise of man- ner and the conceits of folly. But by the third, the slap-dashers , he meant preachers whose addresses were attended by an artificial and often abrupt manner ; with sudden and bold allusions and stirring anecdotes ; and rough and homely familiarities of expression, and flashes of imagination and passion ; preachers who, despising formality, and aiming at impressiveness, if not offending, sometimes alarming, taste ; yet keep within the bounds of truth and general propriety This third species, as differing from the two former, was the kind of preaching which Mr. Hid intended to recommend, and to practice. Let us see how far he exemplified it. And here, while we would not plead for anything improper, by whatever authority it has been sanction- ed ; so neither shall we censure anything against which mere fastidiousness, or affectation, or prejudice, may object. There may be a negligence of style which betrays a nobleness of mind, a mind too much im- pressed with things to be at liberty to attend to the nicety and order of words ; though here anoiher ex- treme is to be avoided, and plainness of dress is not to let in the disgust of slatternliness. The goodness (we speak now only of the goodness of their composition) of public discourses, depends much upon their adaptation to the audience addressed, and the aim the speaker has in view. Mr. Hill always wished to be considered the Apostle of the common people, in resemblance of Him whom the common 398 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. people heard gladly, and in whose teaching “ the poor had the Gospel preached unto them.” But he who undertakes this work of faith and labor of love, will find that he has not to address angels, or sometimes hardly men. He will need to learn the advice which Isocrates was wont to give his pupils, — “ Study the people or that which Cromwell gave to his soldiers, — “ Fire low.” Had his men fired high, they would have done no more execution than some of our preach- ers who shoot over their hearers’ heads. The eloquence of the pulpit cannot be, in the nature of things, philosophical ; but is it rhetorical ? The feelings are always eloquent ; but they cannot be learned in the schools. “ Rhetoric,” says Coleridge, “is the creature of art, which he who feels less will most excel in; It is the quackery of eloquence, abounding with specious but mere pretensions. Elo- quence was ruined after it began to be taught by sophists and grammarians in the schools.” If the wish and aim of a preacher should be mere eloquence, he would do well to remember the observation of Mr. Hall : — “ A consummate orator is a character which we despair of ever seeing perfectly associated with that of a Christian teacher. The minister of the Gos- pel is called to declare the testimony of God, which is always weakened by a profuse emploj^ment of the or- naments of secular eloquence. The imagination is too much excited and employed by those exquisite paint- ings and nice touches of art, not to interfere with the awful functions of conscience ; — the hearer is absorb- ed in admiration, and the exercise which ought to be the instrument of conviction becomes a feast of taste. It is a strong objection to a studied attempt at oratory REY. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. 399 in the pulpit, that it naturally induces a neglect of the peculiar doctrines of the Gospel where the preacher feels himself restrained, and is under the necessity of explaining texts, of obviating objections, and elucidat- ing difficulties, which limit the excursions of imagina- tion, and not only confine, but break his fine expatiat- ings in the flowery field of declamation.” Hume observes, that the speaker who most power- fully affects the mass of an audience, ought to be con- sidered the greatest orator. And Dr. Campbell saj^s, — “ We readily admit, and zealously contend, that no- thing* can be more opposite to a just notion of elo- quence than a rule to exclude familiar and very hum- ble objects and topics from all intervention in the il- lustration of great subjects.” Under the direction of genius, very common, and even mean matters may be conjured up into marvellous appositeness, and digni- fied services. To return : — These remarks are not impertinent. They will prepare us to go forward, and will serve in a measure to explain, and in a degree to defend, the preacher before us. Mr. Hill was not, as many think, who have only heard of him by report, that lying tale-bearer, a mere boisterous bawler. He was sometimes loud, and occa- sionally even vehement ; but in common his voice only rose with his subject ; and it was easy to perceive that it was commonly influenced and regulated by his thoughts and feelings. He was not like those who strain and roar always, and equally , having no more energy or emphasis for one thing than another. As the parts of a subject most vary, some being more ten- der, some more awful, some more plain, and some 400 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. more abstruse, a uniformity of vehemence must be un- natural ; it is obviously mechanical ; and will, after awhile, have only a kind of automaton effect. Mr. Hill had an assistant that erred this way, and I remember how he one day reproved him. “ J ,” said he, “you yelp like a puppy as soon as you get into the field ; but I am an older hound, and do not wish to cry till I have started running.” As many things said of him were entirely false, so some that were true were much enlarged and aggra- vated. But he had many freedoms in the pulpit which could not be entirely justified. These were common- ly the effects of his engaging with little or no premed- itated preparation. He never wrote anything like an outline, or even seemed to have attempted to method- ize his thoughts. Three things have often made me wonder at his continual neglect of this : — First . That it arose not from inability. He could think, and think consecutively and orderly, as appears from his Dia- logues, — a species of writing in which he excelled, and which requires no small degree of reflection, forecast, and comparison. Secondly . That he was not urged to more previous arrangement and readiness, from his suffering so much, which I know he occasionally, if not frequently, did , from his embarrassments in his work, and his uneasiness after it was over. And, Thirdly . That his piety did not constrain him, by reflecting what a talent was given him, in having the care of a thousand people committed to him ; and what a duty it was to use it to the best possible advantage. His text seldom much confined him. I heard his brother, Sir Richard, complaining of this, and making this jus* remark, — “ When a man gives out a text, he REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. 401 raises my expectation to hear that text explained, and improved ; and I feel disappointed if I hear as good or better things from any other words.” Yet, though I think a method, in a way of divisions, (not multiplied,) is a great aid to the preacher and the hearer, the meaning of a text mav be substantially treated without it ; and Mr. Hill would sometimes, by a few bold thoughts, strike out most powerfully the spirit of a passage. The most original and brilliant sentiments I ever heard him deliver, escaped from him in his loosest harangues, and when his mind was void of all sense of effort. Indeed, when a preacher who extemporizes much is in a good frame of mind, and thought flows freely and easily, he will feel more fresh and lively than one w r ho has anticipated and familiar- ized his subject by premeditation ; but, at other times, having nothing to support him, or to start from, he is perplexed by effort, or reduced to very commonplace. So true it is, as Lord Brougham says, that a he who studies, and is most prepared, always extemporizes best.” I have observed that, while divisions of the subject were to others only as the banks of a river, which do not hinder, but guide and accelerate the stream ; all Mr. Hills attempts at arrangement, if he had made any, would have been like throwing something across the current, w r hich impeded and made it run astray. He was in danger from another quarter. Wit , it has been said, is a quality which more instantly and irresist- ibly pleases and captivates than any other attribute of a speaker. We need not w r onder, therefore, if the pos- sessor of this endowment should be tempted to use it unduly and unseasonably. How hard must it have 402 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OP CHARACTER. been for Mr. Hill to leave his humor behind him when he entered the pulpit ! This was, indeed, overruled for good, and the expectation of hearing something droll and witty drew many to hear him, who, though they came to laugh, returned to pray. But Mr. Hill himself was not unconscious of the danger here. In his sermon on the death of the Rev. Mr. Roquet of Bristol, he says, — u Amid all these amiable endow- ments, is it to be wondered at if one hears a distant hint, as if now and then my dear loved friend might have been supposed to have made somewhat of a small elopement from that cheerfulness which is truly Christian, towards a disposition too nearly bordering upon a turn of pleasantry, which might have needed a little more of the spirit of solemnity ? With the greatest delicacy I mention this hint, and am glad to cover it with the mantle of love, by lamenting before you all the same weakness . A. lively , active disposition is too apt to lead into this mistake. In many things we offend , and it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not con- sumed.” A man should never dive who cannot swim. Mr. Hill could come up again ; and we have often seen the smile which he excited soon followed by the dropping tear. Yet these outbreaks of wit and humor some- times gave offence, and caused his good to be evil spoken of ; and it must be owned that his ideas, like rich clusters of grapes, sometimes, for want of proper support, fell down and were soiled upon the ground. But, though you could not tie the wings or guide the flight of the eagle in his preaching, it was otherwise with his prayers. There was nothing eccentric, no- thing of levity there They were even singularly KEY. ROY" LAND HILL, A.M. 403 solemn, serious, and devotional ; and they had also two other good qualities. They were always short , and. also free from the introduction of very particular cases , which endangers devotion by awakening curiosity, and embarrasses the preacher by the difficulty of properly wording them. I do not think with some that candor was one of Mr. Hill’s greatest qualities. Among his own imme- diate connections, he expected implicit submission, and his will was law. Of other parties, who differed from him, he could speak freely.* He did not always dis- tinguish between bigotry and regularity, nor consider that persons were not to be run down as illiberal be- cause they acted conscientiously, and did not feel them- selves at liberty to tread in all his steps. Johnson * He was commonly not very candid or courteous toward our Baptist friends, and would use severe, if not insulting tilings, when he administered the ordinance of infant baptism. One evening he preached at our association at Bath. On these occasions our breth- ren of all denominations mingle. His sermon was not only very loose and unconnected, but irritating and reflective towards the Baptists, many of whom were present; so that their minister, Mr. P , instantly left the place, and never could be prevailed upon to hear him again. The case was, he had come down from Chippen- ham in the afternoon, where they had told him of the indiscretions and influence of some not very well accredited Baptist preacher This prepossessed his mind; he could think of nothing else, and for the time speak of nothing else. And this leads me to observe how much depended always, as to his preaching, upon the company and conversation of the persons he immediately left to go into the pul- pit. These would commonly give a turn or a tincture to the ser- mon. His wisest and best friends knew this, and would be con- cerned to bring forward nothing but what would rather aid than injure him. Upon this principle, he always preached best of a Sun- day morning, when the bloom was not rubbed off, and he only left the company of prophets and apostles 404 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. surprised some when he was in Scotland, by calling a man who seemed to lay stress upon nothing, “ a bigot to laxness. 7 ’ But too much cannot be said of his benevolence and beneficence. Tenderness and kindness seemed inher- ent in his very nature ; and they were nourished and strengthened by the spirit of the religion which he so eminently possessed. He did good to the beast, and his feeling for the brutes sometimes showed itself in ways which many would be almost ready to ridicule ; but it bespoke the sensibility of his disposition.* And not only did the enthusiast and fanatic (as some sup- posed him to be) regard the souls of men, but theii bodies and outward estate. Hence his frequent col- lections for the poor, and his visiting their lowly sheds, and teaching them arts and habits of economy. Hence he built tenements for the indigent at Wotton, and alms-houses for widows in London. Hence he even learned vaccination, and always carried lymph with him, and performed upon hundreds, if not thousands, in the towns and villages he visited in preaching. “I have seen an end of all perfection;” and my friend had failings. The greatest of these I ever ob- served in him was an extreme^ quick sense of any injury or offence, and allowing it to linger about his spirit. The offence, too, was sometimes supposed, rather than real, or credited on the evidence of some tatler, or busybody, who often beset him, and were not sufficiently frowned off. His high regard for mor- Thus he had what he called a Frogery and Toadery at the bottom of his orchard, where he said these poor creatures would marry and be given in marriage, and live an unpersecuted and merry life. REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.M, 405 al consistency would be enough to make one impro- priety, or indiscretion, undo much of an opposite qual- ity, and where there was anything actually peccable in the character of a professor, or especially a minister, the spirituality and purity of his mind would render it more intolerable to him than it would be to many men. With too little discrimination many of his striking sayings and allusions have been published. If I were required to add to them, I should not repeat many of his homespun, familiar, lowly, and very simple images and illustrations ; but only try to distinguish the flow- ers he gathered off the bank from those which occa- sionally he drew from the ditch. Yet here it is very probable I should be too fastidious for some, and ad- mit and admire too much for others. In one of his sermons he was speaking of the value of the Gospel from its relative aim and influence. “It makes,” says he, “ husbands better husbands, and wives better wives ; parents better parents, children better children ; mas- ters better masters, and servants better servants ; in a word, I would not give a farthing for that man’s relig- ion whose cat and dog were not the better for it !” Every one could not have uttered this, but I received it from no less a person than Mr. Wilberforce, who heard it himself, and who remarked that, while prob- ably everything else he said that evening was long ago forgotten, no one would ever forget this. Preaching at one of our Associations, and seeing several ministers present who were belligerents, he gave an arch look towards them, and said, “lam afraid some preachers will die of the fat rot.” Not very long before his death, meeting an acquaint- 406 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS ( F CHARACTER. ance who was nearly as aged as himself, he said, “ If you and I don’t march off soon, our friends yonder” (looking upwards) “ will think we have lost our way.” Reading in my pulpit the words of the woman at the well, “ the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans,” — looking off, as if he saw the parties themselves, he exclaimed, “ But the devil has had dealings enough with both of you.” He one day said, “ When I was in Scotland I found many parties all very clever and zealous in defending their own tenets, and distinguishing between their Sibboleths and Shibboleths. There were the Lifters and the anti-Liffcers. These were divided by the action of the minister in the sacramental elements, — viz., whether, in the consecration of them at the table, he should lift them up or not. One of their pastors was ordained by imposition of hands : but one of the elders could not reach his hand far enough to impose it on the head of the candidate, and so he put along his cane. This,” says he, “ did equally well ; it was timber to timber.” I never thought Mr. Hill particularly happy in the introduction of many of his anecdotes. As far as wit, humor, or drollery was concerned, he invariably suc- ceeded; but sometimes they were abruptly brought in, in consequence of the failure of subject-matter to go on with ; and Mr. Hill’s voice, though good and strong, was not versatile and pathetic, so as to make the cir- cumstance of the incident to “ touch and tell.” Herein he was inferior to Whitfield. Though he had more stoutness, and firmness, and independence of mind than Whitfield, he had not the same softness and sen- sibility ; while Whitfield’s voice was incomparable, not only distinct and loud, but abounding with every kind REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. m of inflection, and perfectly under tlie power of the owner ; so that he could render everything he express- ed, however common or insignificant in itself, striking and affecting. How many proofs and instances of this did I receive from my friend and tutor, Mr. Winter, who related them from his own observation and hear- ing ! I lament I did not receive more of them from his mouth. At this moment I remember two of them, which, as specimens, I will exactly relate. On going to preach at Bristol Tabernacle, he began his series of sermons on the eve of Bristol fair. His text was Isaiah, lv. 1 : “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat ; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” The congregation was large. Thus he began : — “My dear hearers, I fear many of you are come to attend Bristol fair. So am I. You do not mean to show your goods until to morrow; but I shall exhibit mine to-night. You are afraid purchasers will not come up to your prices ; but I am afraid my buyers will not come down to mine; for mine (striking his hand on the Bible) are ‘without money and without price.’ ” Upon the death of his wife, he preached her funeral sermon. The text was, “ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” — Romans, viii. 28. In noticing her character he mentioned her fortitude, and suddenly exclaimed, “ Do you remember my preaching in those fields, by the old stump of the tree? The multitude was great, and many were dis- posed to be riotous. At first I addressed them firmly ; • but when a desperate gang of banditti drew near, with 408 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. the most ferocious looks and horrid imprecations and menaces, my courage began to fail. My wife was then standing behind me, as I stood on the table. I think I hear her now. She pulled my gown (he then put his hand behind him, and touched his gown), and, looking up, said 1 George, play the man for your God.’ My confidence returned. I again spoke to the multitude with boldness and affection ; they became still ; and many were deeply affected.” Mr. Hill sometimes rendered a word of rebuke equal- ly strong and witty. Thus, when a preacher of no very good reputation was in the vestry of a place where he was going to preach, and seemed uneasy lest his servant should not arrive in time with his cassock, Mr. Hill said, “ Sir, you need not be uneasy ; for I can preach without my cassock, though I cannot preach without my character.” As he was coming out of a gentleman’s house in Piccadilly, he met in the passage a minister with a begging case, who, though popular with some, had, it was suspected, been imposing for a good while on the religious public ; who offered him his hand, but Mr. Hill drew back, and looking him in his face, said, “ Ah, I thought you had been hanged long ago.” A forward and conceited young man one day calling upon him at my house, asked him if he had heard that he was going to change his sentiments? “No, sir,” said Mr. Hill, “I have not ; but, if you have not fixed the time,, I would advise you to do it as near the change of the moon as possible.” A rather talkative woman one day said to him, “ I have been a good deal of late with some papists, and they have sadly tempted me to change my religion.” REV. ROWLAND HILL, A.\f. 409 “ Indeed, ma’am,” he replied, “I was not aware until now you had any religion to change.” I once heard him repeat the Lord’s Prayer, and wit- nessed the great effect produced when he had said, “ Forgive us our trespasses,” by making a considerable pause before he added, “as we forgive them that tres- pass against us as if he almost feared to utter it, lest he should condemn himself and others. I remember what an impression he made when preaching for me, by an interjcctive parenthesis ; for when, in reading the chapter, 1 Thessalonians, v., he repeated the verse, “ Abstain from all appearance of evil,” he lifted his eyes, and said in a very solemn voice, “ Oh, the infinite delicacy of the Gospel !” His brother, Sir Richard, once told me of an early instance of his adroitness, remarking that he was the same from a lack It occurred while he was at Eton College. Even then he was under deep impression of a religious nature ; and as he felt the importance of divine things himself, he was concerned and active to do good to others ; and thus lie did with an old female servant that frequently waited upon him. She one day rather reproved him for his zeal, saying that persons should not be righteous over-much, and should be careful to avoid extremes in religion. “ Some,” she said, “ were too cold, and some were too hot.” “ Then,” said young Rowland, “ I suppose you think that we had better be lukewarm?” “ Yes,” she said, “that was the proper medium.” He then took up his Testa- ment, and read the Saviour’s address to the Church of Laodicea ; — “ I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm , and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth at which 18 410 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. his tepid admonislier seemed a little surprised and aghast. He was the intimate friend of Dr. Jenner, who in- troduced vaccination. To this discovery he was an admiring and practical devotee. I was one day with him when one of the company was speaking rather disrespectfully of this remedy, and said there was something very disagreeable and offensive in commu- nicating a disease from a filthy^ beast into a human being. “A filthy beast, sir! why, a cow is one of the most agreeable of all animals ; everything about her is wholesome and useful ; we get odor from her breath ; she supplies our tables with meat, and butter, and cream, and cheese; and I assure you, sir, I would rather eat a cow than a Christian.” I know that once at Wotton he was preaching in the afternoon, (the only time when it seemed possible to be drowsy under him,) he saw some sleeping, and paused, saying, “ I have heard that the miller can sleep while the mill is going, but if it stops it awakens him. I ’ll try this method and so sat down, and soon saw an aroused audience. I was one day walking with him through Bath. In the market-place we met an eminent clergyman, whom he much respected, but with whom he could be fa- miliar, having been at college with him. He had for some weeks been in the city, where, as to his not hav- ing preached in any of the churches there excited no surprise ; but Ml Hill thought it became him to coun- tenance his own creed wherever he was by his prac- tice. He therefore began instantly : a Ah ! Mr. — this will never do. You know the value of the Gos pel ; you have published, not only in favor of its truth, KEY. ROWLAND HILL, A.M. 411 but of its all-importance. You have contended that God only gives testimony to the word of his grace ; and have said that those who preach any other doc- trine are betrayers and destroyers of souls, condemn- ing them as worse than Robespierre, who only mur- dered men’s bodies, while these destroj^ed their souls.” The divine began to explain and defend. “ Nay,” said Mr. Hill, u my dear brother, I may take you upon j^our own ground, and argue with you on your own principles and professions. How can you, with your avowed sentiments, turn your back upon the Gospel where it is preached, and go where you acknowledge it is not preached, owning, too, a great difference be- tween things essential and not essential in* religion ; and that our preferences in subordinate matters should not amount to exclusions. What is the chaff to the wheat ? I contend that always, and wherever we are, we ought to show our regard to the truth as it is in Jesus ; and that this cannot be done by indifferent and indiscriminate attendance. Here you admonish people to abide where they are ; praying and waiting till the Gospel comes there, without any promise when it will come, or whether it will come at all into their particular church, unless in the latter-day glory ; while in the meantime they are hearing words which cause them to err, and are in danger of perishing for lack of knowledge. Can you believe that one would do this who determined to know nothing save Jesus Christ and him crucified ; and suffered the loss of all things for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus his Lord?” “ Dear Rowland,” said his friend, “ I see . you are Rowland still.” “Yes,” said his reprover, “ and I hope I shall never change or skulk even to the 412 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. end. You say I go too far. You know in doctrine you go as far as I go ; but I see you have met with Nicodemus ; and the fear of men bringeth a snare.” Mr. was now glad to turn the conversation, and to notice the grand victory of Trafalgar, which had just been achieved. u AhI” said Mr. Hill, “do you not admire the strain of piety in Collingwood’s despatches? I declare I wish that some of our ad- mirals were!’ made bishops, though I could not wish that any of our bishops were made admirals — unless yellow ones.” To conclude this imperfect sketch. Let us hear a voice, saying, “ What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common ;” and let us honor them whom God honors, however they may differ from us. He will do Ins own work in his own way; and let him do what seemeth him good. We need instruments of all kinds, and every man in his own order. Sharp-shooters may do execution, as well as the rank*and-file soldiers, and belong to the same army, though their movements are detached, and they seem to act irregularly. David essayed to go in Saul’s armor, and could not : but was he inefficient with his sling and stones ? Above all, let us glorify God in him. He might well have said, “By the grace of God I am what I am ; and I labored more abundantly than they all ; yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” And how exceedingly abundant was that grace towards him, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus ! Behold the strength of a principle- appearing in his ceaseless and self-denying exertions and sacrifices; bearing up the intenseness of Iris ardor, and allowing nothing to drive or draw him for one moment aside. REV. ROWLAND IIILL, A.M. 413 If any (for none can accuse him) should be disposed to pity him as weak, and ridicule him as fanatical, a period will soon rectify their judgment, and lead them to pass sentence on themselves: — “We fools counted his life madness, and his end to be without honor. Now is he numbered with the children of God, and his lot is with the saints !” “ They that be wise shall shine in the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to right- eousness as the stars forever and ever,” and in that day how many princes and heroes and philosophers will envy the man who, through good report and through evil report., followed his Lord with single purpose of heart, and then hear that Saviour saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.” THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF THE HEY. WILLIAM JAY WITH REMINISCENCES OF SOME DISTINGUISHED CONTEMPORARIES, U'^ECTIONS FROM HIS CORRESPONDENCE, AND LITERARY REMAINS. EDITED BY GEORGE REDFORD, D. D., LL.D , AND JOHN ANGELL JAMES. IN TWO VOLUMES, VOL. II. N E W YORK: ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, No. 2 85 BROADWA V. J 856. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York STICK EOT YP ED BY THOMAS B. SMITH 216 William St. N. Y. PRINTED MY E O. JENKINS 114 Nassau St. CONTENTS TO VOL. II PART III. — Continued. REMINISCENCES OF DISTINGUISHED CONTEMPORARIES. VI. PA.GR Rev. Richard Cecil, M.A 1 VII. Rev. Samuel Pearce, A.M f VIII. Rev. Robert Hall, A.M 13 IX. Rev. Joseph Hughes, A.M . . 24 X. Rev. John Foster 34 XI. Lady Maxwell, and Rev. John Wesley 50 XII. Mr. Holmes . 55 1Y CONTENTS. Mr. Welsh . XIII. PAOR . 64 XI Y. Mr. Robert Spear XY. Miss Protheroe 82 XVI. Mrs. Smith . . 86 Mr. John Poynder XVII. 91 XVIII. Rammohun Roy . 94 XIX. Rev. Thomas Tuppen . XX Mr. Yescombe 109 XXL Dr. Cogan . . 113 XXII. Rev. Benjamin Davis, D.D. . 120 xxir Rev. Thomas Haweis, M.D. . . 125 CONTENTS. y PART IY. SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE REV. W. JAY. PACK Mr. Jay to Miss Davies . 135 Rev. Cornelius Winter to Mr. Jay 136 Mr. Jay to Mr. Withers 138 Mrs. Jay 140 the same 141 Mr. Newall, on the Death of Two Children . . 143 his daughter Statira 144 the same 146 the same 153 his son at Wymondley College 155 the same 157 the same 159 Sir J. B. Williams, on the Sudden Death of John Lee, Esq 161 Miss Harman 163 his son Edward 165 Rammohun Roy 167 his son Edward 168 Miss Harman 170 Lord Barham to Mr. Jay 171 Mr. Jay to Lord Barham 172 Lady Barham to Mr. Jay 178 Mr. Jay to the Queen, with a copy of the Morning and Evening Exercises, presented by Lady Barham 179 Mr. Jay to Miss Head 180 the same 182 Miss Harman 185 Rev. T. Grinfield to Mr. Jay, on his Jubilee , . . .186 Mr Jay to Miss Harman 188 the same 190 Miss Head 191 Mr. Rice Hopkins 194 the same 195 VI CONTENTS. Mr. Jay to Lady Ducie 196 the same . v ...... . 198 the same 200 Lord Ducie . . . 202 Lady Ducie 204 the same 205 the same , 208 the same 209 Dr. Bowie, his Physician 212 PART V. LITERARY REMAINS. Lines on the Death of his daughter Statira >11 Lines written on seeing his Portrait by Mr. Etty, designed for Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, at Liverpool 220 Lines supposed to be spoken by Mrs. Bolton, on the receipt of her Mother’s Likeness, sent her by Mr. Ashton . . . .221 To Miss Browne, on her presenting the Author with a pair of Glasses 223 To Miss Browne, on her presenting Mr. Jay with several Bands made out of her Grandfather’s Archiepiscopal Sleeves . .225 Lines, with the present of a Bible, written and presented to his very dear daughter, Mrs. Robert Bolton, the morning of her Marriage 226 To Mrs. Gill, on her desiring from him a Letter of his own Writ- ing, to be kept for his sake . 227 Lines on his Fifty-fifth Birth-day 228 v , Lines written on visiting his Native Village . . .229 Anecdote — Conversion and subsequent History of Mrs. Ulph . 233 The Evangelical Alliance — addressed to Mr. Charles Godwin . 240 Dr. John Owen 241 Apostolical Succession 242 Wordsworth . . . . . ... . . 242 Moral and Evangelical Preaching 243 In-dwelling Sin . 243 * ■ ‘l . . CONTENTS. yii PAGE The Relative Misery of Sin . 244 Orton’s “ Life of Doddridge” ....... 244 Common Sense . 244 Faith 244 Fishing for Compliments 244 The Sin against the Holy Ghost 245 Types and Shadows 245 The Great Intercessor 245 On Lord Byron 245 Sermon I. — “ He shall choose our inheritance for us” . . - 246 Sermon II. — Christ as a Leader, an Interpreter, and a never-failing Friend 9 65 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. BY THE EDITORS. Mr. Jay as a Preacher 285 an Author 313 ... •• PART III. — Continued. PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER, IN A SERIES OF REMINISCENCES BY WILLIAM JAY. “ Clothed in sanctity and grace* How sweet it is to see Those who love thee as they pass, Or when they wait on thee.”— Cowpifti ■' Math the perfect man.”— David. REV. RICHARD CECIL, M.A. Mr. Cecil was a very popular preacher when I went to London, though I always thought his popu- larity was not equal to his desert. I greedily seized every opportunity in my power of hearing him, and never without impression. The impression was not so much of the pathetic as of the serious and solemn. He did not excel so much in the soft and tender, as in the striking and powerful. He was perfectly free from all affectation of oratory ; but everything about him in the pulpit, his figure, his looks, his hand sometimes laid across his loins from pain, his firm and decisive enunciation — all was dig- nified and impressive, and never failed of commanding attention. Conscious of the divinity of his mission, and the importance of his message, he always seemed to feel what he once expressed, when with a powerful voice he said, u I must be heard For the sake of excitement and effect, especially upon the mass of his hearers, he was sometimes, after the manner of the Nonconformists, with whose works his education made him familiar, quaint in his sen- tences, aH sometimes also in the plan and division of his sermons. T ndeed, his excellency lay not so much in the clear and orderly arrangement of his sub- 1 2 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. ject, as in the fillings up and exemplifications. There was also nothing very consecutive in his discourses ; no one train of thought being pursued at length, or fully argued out; and this, I remember, Mr. Wilber- force rather complained of, saying, one day, after he had been attending him, that he seemed too much to follow after things by starts, and sometimes failing to overtake them. This was rather severe, especially for him ; and I could not but think that the senator had been hearing rather than the Christian ; and that for once, if possible, the talent and the eloquence to which he had been accustomed made him forget what is most profitable to a common congregation. The eloquence of the senate, the bar, and the schools will never be the effective eloquence of the pulpit. All eloquence there which does not arise from feeling, and produce it, is sounding brass and tinkling cymbal ; and any profound argumentation, or long-continued illustration, will fail in keeping up the attention, or in securing the remembrance, in ordinary hearers. “ The words of the wise are as goads and as nails.” What preponderates must be weighty ; what pierces must be pointed ; what is carried away must be portable ; and all cannot equally carry. Mr. Cecil had always a number of striking remarks, reflections, and sentiments, which would be remem- bered from their own impressiveness, independently of a more lucid or connecting arrangement. He seem- ed much at home in treating historical passages ; in representations of common life ; in brief sketches of character ; and in hitting off, with a stroke, a particu- lar feature, so distinctly and strongly, that there was no mistaking the individual to whom it belonged. REV. RICHARD CECIL, M.A. 3 He bacl few anecdotes, but these alwaj^s told, and were brief and pertinent, and always offered their as- sistance, instead of being introduced for their own sakes. But he abounded peculiarly with Scripture facts, which, without a formal quotation, he aptly in- terwove in the texture of his discourse, with singular propriety and telling effect. If a figure would go with him a mile, he did not compel it to go twain. He never evaporated the spirit of a metaphor, in nu- merous subtle particles of allusion. He seldom used an entire comparison ; but rather, as he passed along, by a glance snatched from it a significant circumstance which helped his subject without drawing off attention to itself. Instead of glossing a passage of Scripture as he repeated it, or explaining it after he had repeated it, he admirably threw out the meaning and force of the words previously, and then announced them as a beautiful and powerful illustration, confirmation, and clinching of the argument he was treating. Among many other excellences in his preaching he was always brief. I never heard him surpass forty minutes. This is an excellency which did not distin- guish our forefathers ; and it is not, I fear, very likely to be a characteristic of the moderns, especially our younger preachers, who show in their long harangues the confidence they have in their own ability and ac- ceptance. The late Dr. Bogue is reported to have one day said to some of his students, “ Do you suppose that people have nothing to do but to listen to your emptiness by the hour ?” — a rebuke too pettishly given, and too se- vere. But there is propriety in Lamont’s remark, “ There is no excuse for a long sermon : if it be good, 4 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. it need not be long, and if it be bad, it ought not to L>e long.” Queen Anne, after hearing Dr. South, said, “You have given us an excellent sermon, Dr. South : I wish you had had time to make it longer.” “ Nay, please your majesty,” said he, “I wish I had had time to make it shorter.” Whitfield and Wesley, and most of the early Methodists, were short. Why do not many of their successors follow their example ? No man distinguished more in his mind, and in his preaching, between the essential parts of Christianity and the subordinate and circumstantial, than Mr. Cecil. With what a crushing force has he been heard to re- peat the language of Jeremiah, “ He that hath a dream let him tell a dream ; and he that hath my word let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat ?” With him “ neither circumcision avail ed anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.” I believe the following incident has been published ; but I was in London when it occurred, and knew it before it spread. A female, who had more of the form of godliness than of the power, one day said to him, “ Sir, have you heard that I am going to turn from the Dissenters to the Church ?” “ Madam,” he replied, “ you are turning from nothing to nothing.” Hearing a person censuring a churchman for going to hear the Gospel in a meeting (the only place in the village where it then could be heard), he exclaimed, “ Did ye never read what David did when he was an hungered, and they that were with him ; how he en- tered into the house of God, and did eat the shew- bread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them that were with him, but only for the priests ?” He had his own fixed views and convictions (and REV. RICHARD CECIL, M.A. 5 without these candor is only indifference), but he was moderate enough to think it no sin to attend occasion- ally in Argyle Chapel ; and one day calling upon me, he asked where he could take two sittings for his daughters? adding, “You know I am an Episcopalian, and wish my children to go to church, that is, if the one thing needful be heard there. But they must take heed what they hear, as well as how they hear. If the story be not told in a cathedral, they must fol- low it into a barn ; for they must hear it, and hear it yith care.” And what practical proof can we give of our belief either of the truth, or the importance of evangelical principles, if it be nothing to us whether we hear the words which cause us to err, or those by which we may be saved ? With this man of God I had some acquaintance in London, but he frequently came to Bath for some weeks together for recreation or health, and then I had much intercourse with him. His conversation was equal to his preaching. It was singularly orig- inal, vigorous, pertinent, instructive, and edifying ; and none of it could easily be forgotten. In the pleas- ure of the companion you felt also the presence of an oracle. I remember his admonishing me against having too great a plenitude of matter in a sermon — an admoni- tion which, I fear, I have not sufficiently followed. He also advised me, as I was acceptable, and found people much disposed to hear, to beware of checking it by disappointment in frequently putting up others to preach. But how is this in many cases to be avoid- ed? Can a minister slight his brethren when they come in his way ? u But they may decline his invita- 0 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OP CHARACTER. tion and this would he often wise even for them- selves ; for when people hear under a baulked expect- ation, they seldom hear with pleasure or profit. “ Be,” said he, 11 never to be had.” Many other hints I received from his rich mind and acute and judicious observation, by which I ought to have profited more. I thank God that I ever heard the preacher, or was in company with the man. Who can be ignorant of his “ Remains” ? Is there a work of the same size that abounds with such riches of understanding and wisdom, and genius and truth ? By what a multitude of inimitable passages has Mr. Poynder enriched his three volumes of “ Literary Ex- tracts !” How much of his excellency has his daugh- ter secured and made known in her Memoirs of Mrs. Hawkes 1 REV. SAMUEL PEARCE, A.M. I had not a great deal of intimacy with Mr. Pearce, but I knew him and heard him sufficiently to appre- ciate him, and to make me thankful that I had not to depend on report for his character or preaching. It may seem saying much, but I speak the words of truth and soberness, — when I have endeavored to form an image of our Lord as a preacher, Pearce has oftener presented himself to my mind than any other I have been acquainted with : not, however, as he began his ministry. Then he was too rapid, and had a kind of tiptoe motion in the pulpit ; but after awhile, when his delivery was distinguished by mildness and tender- ness, and a peculiar unction derived not only from his matter but his mind. I cannot accurately convey the appearance and impression he made, yet I can see the one, and feel the other, even at this great distance of time. If, after days of drought, in a summer’s evening, you have viewed from your window the rain from heaven, not falling in a pouring torrent, but in a kind of noiseless distillation, every drop soaking in, and sure to be useful, and you thinking of “the smell of a field which the Lord hath blessed” — that emblem would aid you a little in conceiving of the mode and effect 8 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER, of his address. He was a man of a most affectionate disposition and candid temper, having much of the meekness of wisdom and the wisdom of meekness. He was the first Baptist minister I ever heard use the Lord’s prayer, which he did as he prayed before my sermon, when I preached at Battersea for Mr. Hughes. There, too, I had my last interview with him. Mr. B e had sent his carriage to town for two others and ourselves, and it was to take us back the next morning; but preferring to be by ourselves we pri- vately took boat, and returned by water. In our con- versation I well remember asking him what views of heaven he found the most attractive and affecting ? He replied, “ These have varied, (perhaps owing to some change in my condition or experience,) at differ- ent times ; but for a good while past, I think my most delightful view of heaven has been derived from it as a place and state of blessed and endeared society, with Jesus at the Head. Hence I have frequently touched upon it in my sermons, and have more than once preached from such texts as these : — 1 1 beheld a great multitude,’ &c., and 1 by our gathering together unto him.’ ‘He will present us together with you,’ &c.” Thus we reached the stairs of Blackfriars Bridge, and parted to meet no more till adieux and farewells are a sound unknown. But what a savor does communion with such a man leave upon the spirit! And how blamable are we in not turning our social moments to more account! for we never know but our present in- tercourse may be our final . What a noble and deserved Memorial of him did Fuller publish, and what a beautiful motto did he prefix to the work! — “O Jonathan, thou wast slain in thy REV. SAMUEL PEARCE, A.M. 9 high places!” Who was not, therefore, mortified to find, in a new edition by his son, this exquisite motto exchanged for a good, but common-place passage of Scripture? Fuller, all polemic as he was, had no little genius and sensibility ; and sometimes he had express- ions which verify Shakspeare’s remark, — One stroke of Nature makes the world our kin !” N. B. The son promised, in case of a new edition of the Life, to replace the beautiful motto. Pearce seemed beatified before his time. How young he died ! and with what prospects of usefulness before him ! and with what qualifications to serve his generation! What can we say to these things ? No- thing. “ Be still, and know that I am God.” But there is something peculiarly mysterious and af- fecting in the removal of such men, and in the midst of these days especially, 1st. When contrasted with the continuance to long life of many of the worthless and injurious. And, 2dly. When viewed in connection with the disposi- tion and influence to do good, and the numberless calls for their exertion. Alas for this dark world of ours ! We have had a few burning and shining lights, and can we see the most luminous among them extin- guished without concern ? We want all their talents, and all their zeal ; and shall they perish and no man lay it to heart? or pray, “ Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, for the faithful fail from among the chil- dren of men ” ? When the Reminiscent informed Dr. Davies of the death of Dr. Williams of Rotherham, he burst into 1 * 10 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. tears, and said, “ I am almost ashamed to be alive, when so many great and good men die.” The hoary head is a “ crown of glory,” if it be found in the “ way of righteousness and Job speaks of it as a privilege; u Thou slialt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in, in his season.” Be it so, and let all whose days are length- ened be concerned to u bring forth fruit in old age.” Yet, is protracted life always the mark of Divine ap- probation and distinction ? May not the produce re- main longer on the tree because of its slow, ripening? May not persons go late to rest, because the business of the day is not yet discharged? Do not some live because they are not fit to die ? Of one thing we may be assured, that, whenever we are summoned, we shall not be detained for want of means of removal. “ Dangers stand thick through all the ground To push, us to the tomb ; And fierce diseases wait around, To hurry mortals home.” Though I was not a personal witness of the follow- ing occurrence, I cannot deny myself the pleasure of recording it, from the testimony of one who was. Mr. Pearce was preaching on a public occasion ; the ser- mon was excelled and well arranged; hut after he had appeared naturally to have ended it, he broke forth afresh ; and what was added, though excellent, seemed not to grow out of the particular subject of the dis- course. When it was over, Mr. Fuller, who had heard it, said, “ Mr. Pearce, will you allow me to ask a ques- REV. SAMUEL PEARCE, A.M. 11 tion? I much, liked and admired jour sermon, but did you make intentionally any alteration of or ad- dition to it, in the close? because, valuable as it was, it seemed not of a piece with the former parts.” After a pause, Mr. Pearce said, “Well, if I must answer, the case was this : — When I was uttering the last two or three sentences, I saw running up to the crowded place a poor man, wiping his face and head, and eager to hear. I thought this poor creature had come from a distance, and it would be cruel to let him go away without hearing a word of the Saviour; and so my pride yielded to my pity, and I tried to be useful, by adding a few things, regardless of connection or order.” And what said — not fastidious critics — but lovers of souls, and angles, and God, the Judge of all? In confirmation of Mr. Jay’s exalted judgment of this eminent minister and Christian, we could add something from our own recollection, but prefer the insertion of a few words from the pen of the Rev. W. Ward, missionary to India, and a brief description of Pearce’s character by the Rev. Andrew Fuller. Mr. Ward says, in a letter to a friend, dated Janu- ary 5, 1799, “I am happy in the company of dear brother Pearce. I have seen more of God in him than in any other person I ever knew. O how happy should I be to live and die with him ! When well, he preaches three times on a Lord’s day, and two or thre times in a week besides. He instructs the young people in the principles of religion, natural philosophy, astronomy, &c. They have a Benevolent Society, from he funds of which they distribute £40 or £50 a-year 12 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. to the poor of the congregation. They have a Sick Society for visiting the afflicted in general ; a Book Society at chapel ; a Lord’s-day School, at which be- twixt two and three hundred children are instructed. Add to this, missionary business, visiting the people, an extensive correspondence, two volumes of mission history preparing for the press, &c. ; and then you will see something of the soul of Pearce. He is everywhere venerated, though but a young man ; and all the kind, tender, gentle affections make him as a little child at the feet of the Saviour.” Mr. Fuller says, u There have been few men in whom has been united a greater portion of the contemplative and the active ; holy zeal, and genuine candor ; spirit- uality and rationality ; talents that attracted almost universal applause, and the most unaffected modesty; faithfulness in bearing testimony against evil, with the tenderest compassion to the soul of the evil-doer; for- titude that would encounter any difficulty in the way of duty, without anything boisterous, noisy, or over- bearing ; deep seriousness, with habitual cheerfulness, and a constant aim to promote the highest degree of piety in himself and others, with’ a readiness to hope the best of the lowest ; not breaking the bruised reed, nor quenching the smoking flax.”* Mr. Pearce died October 10, 1799, at the early age of thirty-four, uni- versally admired, beloved, and lamented. Memoirs of Pearce by Fuller, pp. 208 and 245. REV. ROBERT HALL, A. M. With this very eminent man I became acquainted when, before my settlement in Bath, I was preaching for Lady Maxwell, at Hope Chapel, at the Hotwells. Being so near Bristol, I had opportunities of hearing him, and also of visiting him in his own house, and meeting him in various companies. He was then co- pastor with Dr. Evans, of the Baptist church in Broad- mead, and co-tutor with him in the academy. He had been for some time before noticed, but he was then ex- citing peculiar attention, and rising into great fame. In speaking of him as a preacher, I have one ad- vantage which Mr. Foster had not ; viz., an early, as well as a late, acquaintance with him ; so that I can view him comparatively in different periods of his his- tory. His preaching, when I first knew him, was certainly intellectually greater and more splendid than it was for many years before his death. This was the case with sermons I well remember, from these texts, — “ Ye err, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God “ The wrath of man shall praise thee, O Lord — “ The spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death;” — “ The inherit- ance of the saints in light,” &c. These sermons, con- 14 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. sidered only as the productions of genius, rose above any I ever heard from him years afterwards. This, however, was not the effect of any declension of ability ; and, therefore, he still occasionally brought forth a discourse far above the level of his usual per- formances, as if to show he had not become unequal to his former doings ; but from mere pious considera- tions, and a growing wish to accommodate himself to the common apprehension, and to general usefulness. Another reason, too, had some influence; viz., — the increased number of his sermons after he became a sole pastor, which allowed not so much time to elab orate and polish. Mr. Hall sometimes expressed himself as if he be lieved his real conversion was subsequent to his first awful visitation (insanity). We do not admit this; but it is well known that he became more and more spiritual and evangelical; and that at first, while he drew the admiration of all, he awakened the fears of some. Nor need we wonder at this, when we take into the account the occasional (though not criminal) sportivenesses and levities he betrayed ; his freedoms in conversation, when, for the sake of a contest, in which he was always pretty sure of victory, he de- fended things which he did not believe ; and that, for awhile, he avowed materialism, and denied the common notion of the Trinity, by contending for a Duality of persons in the Divine Essence. With regard to the latter, the scheme had all the difficulties supposed to attach- to Trinitarianism, without some of its scriptural supports. Hence, many have questioned whether he was in earnest in his belief of so strange a doctrine ; but I have heard him avow it with firmness ; and I REV. ROBERT HALL, A.M. 15 remember spending an evening with him in Bath, in a company that included a Sabellian, two Trinitarians, and himself as a Dualist; and when the Reminiscent, afraid to enter into the metaphysical part of the dis- cussion, ventured to mention the baptismal form of words as a difficulty, and to ask whether it was not very strange that “in the name of the Father and of the Son,” should intend personality, and “ in the name of the Holy Ghost” only a mere power or influence ; and, also, whether it was not strange to baptize any one “ in the name” of an abstraction, he acknowledged that it presented a difficulty, but incautiously said, he did “ not think it right to hang a Divine person on one text.” This was obviously improper and unbecoming, and he ingenuously acknowledged it, as soon as it was noticed by one of the company ; and nothing, in his after-years, was further from his disposition than to treat anything sacred lightly ; though it must have been always diflicult for him to refrain from jeu cV esprit on many subjects, with his amazing force and quick- ness of imagination. Some individuals (for there was no party) complain- ed and frequently absented themselves when Mr. Hail preached, and there was considerable probability that the number would increase. I speak from personal knowledge at the time, and as one who, standing out of the scene, could observe and judge with less bias than those who were thus drawn into an unpleasant dispute and division. In the painful breach that took place between Mr. Hall and Dr. Evans, I must think that Dr. Evans was perfectly blameless of the motive which some of Mr. Hall’s friends were led, by some circumstances, to impute to him. I am fully persuad- 10 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. ed that nothing could be further from the spirit of Dr, Evans than an uneasiness at the growing fame of his associate. He loved and esteemed him almost to idol- atry. I happened to be in Bristol for a Sabbath but a little while before the breach. I attended Dr. Evans in the morning ; preached myself in the afternoon ; and heard Mr. Hall in the evening. As we were go- ing to the evening service, Dr. Evans leaned upon my arm, and all his conversation was of the wonderful man we Were going to hear ; and it w r as all full of what some would have deemed excessive honor and praise. “His eloquence,” said he, “is unequalled, and his powers of mind seem bordering on infinite. If some are not so satisfied with regard to his piety, I have had better opportunities of knowing him, and who- ever shall live long enough will see the excellency of his character. I find him distinguished, not only by his talents, but by his grace also.” But, on the other nand, as from this motive, Dr. Evans did not hail Mr Hall’s invitation, (and never did use means to procure it, as some have surmised,) I believe he had no objec- tion to Mr. Hall’s removal on another ground , viz., the danger of a schism, owing to some respectable persons who were suspicious of his orthodoxy, occasioned by appearances likely to operate on some minds. A rent in, or even a considerable secession from, such a re- spectable and kindly mother church, was to be ear- nestly deprecated ; but the evil would be prevented by Mr. Hall’s translation to another sphere ; and what seemed so suitable as Cambridge for the exertion and display of his mighty mind ? There is little doubt but Mr. Hall, in process of time, saw this. He spake cordially of Dr. Evans before his REV. ROBERT HALL, A.M IT death, and he has now joined him in a world where mistakes and infirmities are known no more. Yet we cannot help remarking with lamentation, what trifling causes give rise to surmisings, and strifes, and discords, even among good men, which a little seasonable ex- planation would hinder or heal. But there is nothing new under the sun. Paul and Barnabas contended, and parted for a season ; but this was overruled for good, and caused the Gospel to ^e spread in several currents, which would otherwise have been confined to one ; while it served to prove the excellency of their principles in their eventual reconciliation and har- mony. But how ought we to rejoice and praise God that a man of his extraordinary ability and influence so soon had his u heart established with grace fully preached the peculiar doctrines of the Gospel ; and through the whole of his after life acknowledged and defended their importance , as well as their truth . His path was like the shining light, which, though it may be a little hazy in the dawn, yet shineth more and more unto the perfect day, and sets in cloudless glory. It is needless to dwell on Mr. Hall as u the eloquent orator.” But in his preaching, there was not only elo- quence which charmed numbers who sought for no- thing else, but the fervor of the man of God. It was impossible to hear him and not be impressed with his earnestness, and concern to do good, rather than to be admired ; and the entire forgetfulness of himself in his subject. His powers of conversation were equal to those of his preaching. Some have thought they even sur- passed them. I remember Mr. Foster, when he had been introduced to Mr. Hall, remarking that, after be- 18 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. ing in his company, 3^011 might be comparatively disap- pointed in hearing him preach ; for, after hearing him speak off-hand upon any subject with such ease, and force, and purity, and precision, and exquisiteness, you might be naturally led to expect something propor- tionally greater after much study and preparation. Some men’s minds seem to resemble a reservoir, large and deep ; yet, having been filled, capable of be- ing emptied. But Mr. Hall’s mind alwa3 7 s intimated a mighty spring ; not made, but created ; always full, yet pouring forth streams of clear and living water. There was not only a constant plenty, but a constant freshness of communication. Who ever heard him repeat any image, or maxim, or saying of his own ? Perhaps the following is not an exception : — A minis- ter has stated in print that, in a conversation with him not a great while before his death, he called Dr. Owen a a continent of mud.” I am sure I heard this from him more than thirty years before, and I had often re- peated it. Might not the report of an old sarcasm have been taken for a fresh one ? And what was re- lated by another be mistaken for what was so unlikely to be repeated by himself? As to the reflection itself, it alwaj r s surprised me. I think he could only have read some of the doctor’s least valuable works, and in an unfavorable mood. A voluminous writer he was, but surely he was anything but a dull one ; and even in the presence of so great an authority, I must judge for myself, and rather join with Newton and Cecil, who pronounced him “ the prince of divines.” How searching and quickening are some of his treatises ! what specimens also of fine reasoning have we in them ! how much does he carry REV. ROBERT HALL, A.M. 19 us always with him ! and how little are we able to question his conclusions as we peruse them ! We say not this of all his numerous publications, but we could specify many of his works, which, for their practical bearing, and experimentality, and evangelical senti- ment, and the savor they diffuse of the Redeemer’s knowledge, we are ready to say are incomparable ; and we wish many of our young divines were more familiar with them. I have a little work of his, I be- lieve very little known, (of which I have never seen any other copy,) u Evidences of the Faith of God’s Elect.” It was written for the encouragement and comfort of his wife under her doubts and fears, and was given me many years ago by Mr. Wilberforce, who much commended it ; only wishing, for the sake of some readers, that it had been differently entitled. So I remember he did also with regard to Fuller’s un- answerable publication, u The Calvinistical and Socin- ian Systems Compared,” remarking, that if the word 11 evangelical” or u orthodox” had been used instead of “ Calvinistical,” many would have read that won- derful performance whose narrow and prejudiced minds had been revolted by a term unnecessarily adopted. Mr. Hall, like Dr. Johnson, professed to believe in preternatural appearances ; and certainly, from his manner when speaking of such subjects, his credence seemed to be sincere. The first evening I ever spent with him was at the house of Mr. W y, near the Bristol Bridge. Of course, he was the lion of the company. The party broke up late, and the latter part of the conversation turned upon apparitions. He defended his belief, not only in the possibility, but in the actuality, of these 20 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. appearances, with much ingenuity and ability, and seemed to convince himself, if not others ; and when we were to separate, he refused to go home at that midnight hour unless some of us accompanied him. His arguing and fear certainly seemed more than oddity or affectation. Mr. Hall was fond of referring to Satanic power. In his sermon on this subject, taken imperfectly in short-hand, finding a difficulty in his view of such agency, as immediate, personal, and individual, with- out admitting omniscience and omnipresence, he seems to solve it by pleading for an infinite number of agents. Is not this strange ? It is remarkable how he noticed little incidents and circumstances which seemed likely to escape the ob- servation of so great a mind, and what proof he gave of it in adverting to them long after. How many in- stances of this have I witnessed ! No one could ex- press a compliment or a commendation more tersely and perfectly. I remember his saying of Dr. Eyland, “ Sir, I would as soon take Dr. Eyland’s word as Ga- briel’s oath.” At another time he said, “ Sir, he’ s piety itself ; and if there was not room for him in heaven, God would turn out an archangel to make room.” I one day asked his opinion of a female who attended his ministry at Leicester. “ Sir,” said he, “ she has the manners of a court, and the piety of a convent.” He was at the tabernacle the first time I ever preach- ed in Bristol, and when I was little more than seven- teen. When I came down from the pulpit, as I pass- ed him, he said, “ Sir, I liked your sermon much bet- ter than your quotations.” I never knew him severe REV. ROBERT HALL, A M. 21 upon a preacher, however moderate his abilities, if, free from affectation, he spoke with simplicity, nor tried to rise above his level. But, as to others, no- thing could be occasionally more witty and crushing than his remarks. One evening, in a rather crowded place, (I was sitting by him,) a minister was preaching very finely and flourishingly to little purpose, from the “ white horse,” and the “red horse,” and the “black horse,” and the “pale horse,” in the Revelation. He sat very impatiently, and when the sermon closed he pushed out towards the door, saying, “ Let me out of this horse-fair.” One day, when he had heard another of those self- admiring, pompous nothings, and was eagerly asked by a lady how he liked his sermon, he answered, “ Ma’am, I always thought he was predestinated to be a fool ; and he has now made his calling and election sure.” I was once in the library at the academy, conversing with one of the students, who was speaking of his ex- perience, and lamented the hardness of his heart. Mr. Hall, as he was near, taking down a book from the shelf, hearing this, turned towards him and said, “Well, thy head is soft enough ; that’s a comfort.” I could not laugh at this ; it grieved me ; for the young man was modest, and humble, and diffident. He must have felt it severely ; and I have no doubt but Mr. Hall’s re- flections smote him afterward for this apparent harsh- ness and offence. Th the LADY MAXWELL AND THE REV. JOHN WESLEY. 51 Persons in the Divine Nature individually and sepa- rately, i. e., one day more particularly, if not exclusive- ly, with the Father, another with the Son, and a third with the Holy Ghost. Has not Dr. Owen a little verged toward this in his work on communion with God ? But here it was not only admitted, but plead- ed for, as of great importance, and reaching the very acme of Christian experience. Her ladyship was peculiarly attached to Mr. Wesley. Her doctrines, unless in the above articles, accorded entirely with his ; but as these were not precisely the sentiments of the two foundresses of the place, who were Presbyterians, she determined it should not be said that she availed herself of her privilege to intro- duce them ; and, by a very scrupulous delicacy, ad- mitted none of Wesley’s preachers to officiate there, and not even himself. The place had not been long opened when I undertook the service. A congregation was to be raised. Though young and immature, my labors were acceptable and useful ; and while there, the Lord gave me three con- verts, all of whom entered the ministry and labored well. Here I remained for near twelve months ; and, being pressed by her ladyship as well as the congrega- tion, here I should perhaps have continued, but for a dispute with a good female whom her ladyship left to manage the secular concerns of the place. It regard- ed her interfering with the ecclesiastical also. In this disagreement we were both to blame. Two things I learned from it, — First, To prefer the government of females in the family rather than in the church ; and, Secondly, To observe on what slender things often 62 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. hinge the most important events of our lives. This disagreement determined me to accept the invitation I had just then received from Bath. During my stay at Hope Chapel, I had the honor and pleasure of dining at her Ladyship’s house with the venerable Mr. Wesley. He kindly noticed me, and inquired after Mr. Winter, adding, u Cornelius is an excellent man.” This was the more candid, as Mr. Winter, in a letter, a copy of which I have, had testi- fied freely against some of Mr. Wesley’s opinions. At the first interview there were in the company the Rev. Mr. More, one of Mr. Wesley’s biographers, and sev- eral other preachers in his connection ; and among these was a Captain Webb, deprived of one eye at the battle of Bunker’s Hill, who held forth commonly without doors in regimentals. As I wished to hear Mr. Wesley talk, nothing could be more mortifying than the incessant garrulity of this fanatical rhodomon- tader; and I much wondered Mr. Wesley, who had such influence over his adherents, did not repress, or at least rebuke, some of his spiritual vagaries and su- pernatural exploits. Did this master in Israel think it harmless to tolerate a kind of visionary agency, and suppose that it was little for the common people to believe too much rather than too little ? At my second interview, among others was the Rev. Mr. Easterbrook, the vicar of Temple parish ; one of the best men I ever knew ; and at whose death, it is said, some respectful notice was taken of him in every pulpit in the city. He denied himself to an extreme to give to him that needeth, and was always going about doing good. As evidential of his liberality of mind, as well as of heart, when Mr. Hoskins, a dissent* LADY MAXWELL AND THE REV. JOHN WESLEY. 53 ing minister, opened for preaching a large room in his extensive parish, he himself attended the opening ; and embracing him before the people as he came out of the pulpit, he said, a I thank you, my brother, for coming to my aid.” This very good man (for so he was) erred a little on the side of credulity and super- stition. A few weeks before, an extraordinary service, with fasting and prayer, had been held in his church, attended by several ministers in the Methodist connec- tion, to dispossess a supposed demoniac. This was John Lukins, who had exhibited some strange appear- ances, and uttered some kind of singular sounds, which his friends were unable physically to account for. The man was present at the service, and the spirit supposed to be in him was addressed, and in the name of Christ was ordered to come out of him. After some shrieks and contortions he became gentle, and exhibited no- thing more of his former malady. I knew the man afterwards, and more than once relieved him. The case naturally excited even public attention, and gave rise to several pamphlets ; the chief of which was writ- ten by an eminent surgeon in Bath, in whose native place Lukins was born. I should not have related this, but it unfortunately engrossed the conversation for nearly the whole of the afternoon, and because, to my great surprise, Mr. Wes- ley seemed to admit the reality of the possession and dispossession, and to consider it as nothing less than a wonderful work of God. After tea I went with him in his carriage into Bristol, and heard him preach from Ephes. v. 8 — “ Ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord ; walk as children of light.” It was the only opportunity I ever had of hearing this 54 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. truly apostolical man. The whole scene was very pic- turesque and striking : several preachers stood in the large pulpit around him ; the sermon was short, the language terse and good, but entirely devoid of ex- pansion and imagery, while the delivery was low and unanimated. This surprised me. Was it the influence and effect of age ? If it was originally the same, how came he to be so popular among the rude multitudes which always attended him, and so hung upon his lips ? Whitfield’s voice and vehemence, and strong emotions, will in some measure account for the im- pressions he produced, even regardless of the grace of God which accompanied them. How popular and useful was Berridge ! yet he had nothing of the vul- gar orator in his manner ; it was plain and unimpas- sioned. This was the case also with many of the orig- inal corps of evangelists. HOLMES, ESQ. With this gentleman I became intimately acquaint- ed early in my ministry. He then resided at Ide, in the vicinage of Exeter. He had good natural talents ; was well educated ; read the Scriptures familiarly in their original languages ; and could speak French flu- ently. He was also, without assuming the ministerial office, occasionally a preacher. For though he had re- tired from merchandise, in which God had prospered him, he did not consider himself as thereby justified in living a life of ease and indolence ; but as the more bound (as in some respects the more able) to do good ; and to serve his own generation according to the will of God, especially in their spiritual interests. He possessed an ample fortune, kept his carriage, and lived in a genteel style becoming his circum- stances ; but expended nothing in gay extravagance, and saved up nothing by sordid hoarding. He view- ed himself as a steward, used his property as a talent, and kept in mind the clay of account. I pass by his private benefactions, in which he never sought to be seen of men, to notice two or three things of a more public nature, b}^ which being dead he yet speaketh; and in which, I hope, he may be instructive and exemplary. 56 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. Observing the people in the villages so exceedingly ignorant and irreligious, he found out individuals of good character and decent capacity, and employed them as schoolmasters during the week, and as preach- ers on the Sabbath, and supported them at his own expense. He was the means of re-opening some meet- ings which error had shut up, of repairing others that were decaying, and of enlarging others that had be- come too small. He erected, exclusively at his own cost, a large and commodious chapel at Teignmouth ; and principally, if not entirely, supported it for some y ears. When he resolved on this, there were no pious individuals in the place. I only remember (and I had opportunities of knowing) one person who made any pretension to se- rious religion. And here I differed from my friend, thinking that, in all cases of this kind, we should first make trial of the will of Grod, and see if there is a dis- position to hear, and then build. But the founder said he was strongly impressed with the importance of the measure, and was fully persuaded in due time much good would be done by means of it. His ex- pectation, however, was not immediately accomplish- ed. Some years passed before there was any consid- erable appearance of success. It must, indeed, be al- lowed that, for a good while, the preaching was not much suited to the station, or adapted to convert or to edify. But in process of time things changed for the better ; a good congregation was raised, and the church made to prosper, and continues to be a flourishing in- terest. I preached at the opening. My subjects were, Psalm xciii. 5, u Holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, forever,” — and 1 Sam. i. 13, “ Now Hannah she HOLMES, ESQ. 57 spake in her heart ; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard ; therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.” Owing to its being opened on the Lord’s day, min- isters could not attend without leaving their own places. One brother only was there, but he took no part in the service, except the introductory prayer. Being a hypochondriac he had left his pastoral office. I never had the pleasure of seeing him again. But I heard afterwards of his misfortune, shall I call it? — or happiness ? He was a man of sober years, and was going to be conj ugated to a dame of discretion ; but happening to pass a fortnight with her at the house of a relation previously to their union, they gained such a mutual increase of knowledge, as induced them to be satisfied to remain in statu quo. The first six sabbaths I remained to officiate. Mr. Holmes himself preached in the afternoon, and I in the morning and evening. We came from his house on the Saturday, and returned on the Monday. Our ac- commodations were always at the inn. Mr. Holmes had children by his first wife, but they all died young. His second wife was the daughter of the Rector of W n. She had then two brothers in the church, evangelical preachers, but afterwards turn- ed away from the truth. I trust she was a good woman ; but though she had married a rich Dissenter, her heart was left behind. I could perceive, the six weeks I resided in the house, that she did not relish what her husband was doing out of the Establishment ; and I foresaw what would be the consequence if she survived him. The event took place, and the appre- hension was realized, It is desirable when persons 3 * 58 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. marry, to marry as much as possible in their own re- ligious community. To justify a contrary course two things are at least necessary. First. That they hold the sentiments in which they differ with moderation, and feel them to be subordi- nate^ and, Secondly . That they consent to attend the same place of worship. Worshipping together cherishes and pro- motes social and devout affections ; and has a lively and favorable effect upon children and servants. What evil consequences have I often seen arising from husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, always re- pairing to separate sanctuaries, or worshipping alter- nately at different places ! I do not herein condemn myself. I married the daughter of a clergyman, but there was no separation in our devotions, or differences in the training of our children. We united with each other much more as Christians, than Episcopalians and Dissenters; and never had we, in a long and happy union, one word of discord, or even dispute. I happened, in my way to the opening of a Meeting- house at Tavistock, to spend a week at Painton. The people at Teignmouth hearing of this sent a deputa- tion to urge me to preach for them on the following Sabbath, as it was the very day of my opening their sanctuary thirty years before. This I did, and was pleased to see the state of things so prosperous and promising. Two days after, when I had reached Tot- ness, as the chaise was at the door to take me forward to Tavistock, I was recalled home by a messenger an- nouncing the apprehended death of my youngest daughter, whom I had left perfectly well I was only HOLMES, ESQ. 59 in time to see her expire. How much do times and places derive from association and recollection ! What have been my feelings in passing through Totness since ! To proceed with this Reminiscence : On my return from the dedication of the chapel at Teignmouth to Bath, Mr. Holmes brought me in his carriage as far as Taunton, where I took coach. He had made engage- ments for me to preach in my way back at Chudleigh, Tiverton, Wellington, and Taunton. At Taunton I preached for Mr. Reader, then the Tutor of the West- ern Academy, hie was a very pious and spiritual man ; but had for some time past been led inordinatel} 7 " to the study of the Revelation of St. John. His wife assured me, that sometimes for near an hour at a time would he be agonizing with God in prayer, when he found difficulties in the Book, and could get no satisfac- tion from human authors. Hence he too much conclud- ed that what came into his mind after these prayers was the meaning of the Holy Ghost, and this made him too positive in his interpretations. As out of the abun- dance of the heart the mouth speaketh, his reference to the Apocalypse was almost incessant. My friend apprized me of this addiction, and desired me to ob- serve, as we were approaching his house, how long it would be before he brought forth his favorite topic. Within a quarter of an hour, the name of Mr. Newton was incidentally mentioned ; when he said, “Ah, Mr. Newton is a very good man, but God will correct him before his death.” Wherefore? it was asked. “Be- cause of his indifference,” said 1 ? “towards the bless- ed Book of Revelation.” I asked wherein he had shown this indifference. “ Sir,” said he, “ when I had 60 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. finished my exposition of that Book, I sent him a copy for his acceptance, and begged his opinion of the work ; and this,” said he, pulling his letter out of his bureau, u is his answer.” — “‘Dear Sir, — I am much obliged by your kindness in sending me the volume on the Apoc- alypse ; but you must excuse me for not criticizing the contents, for which I have neither leisure nor ability. I hope God has for some years given me a word in season for him that is weary, but he has not given a capacity to open the seals, — I am, &c., John Newton.’ ” Now, I do not go the length of South, nor admire the unhallowed wit that says, — “ The Revelation al- ways finds a man mad, or leaves him so yet we may learn from this good man; and what I say concerning him, I speak as with affection, so I speak only what I could verify. This kind of prophetical zeal gave a kind of new and unhappy turn to his preaching. It injuriously affected the congregation — “ The hungry sheep look’d up and were not fed and sinners heard less of repentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ, than before. "We are not ignorant of his devices who is not only the accuser of the brethren, but the tempter too. Had he addressed this excellent man with anything ob- viously erroneous or sinful, he would have said, “ Get thee behind me, Satan.” But it was otherwise when he approached him in a sacred attire, with the Bible in his hand, and this text in his mouth, — “ Blessed is he that readeth, and they that understand the words of this prophecy.” HOLMES, ESg. 61 Would it not be well if professors, and especially preachers, were not only to think of the difficulty (not to say impossibility) of deciding many things in dis- pute — but remember their little value comparatively if demonstrated, — “ What is the chaff to the wheat?” After preaching for this good old man, and returning into his house, he said, “ Sir, I did not like what you said of candour this evening.” I answered, “ I think I sufficiently guarded it, and distinguished it from in- difference with regard to essential truth.” “ Sir,” said he, “you have had many apostates to hear you, and they will think too favorably of you.” While he was thus speaking Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Toulmin was intro- duced into the parlor, asking me to preach for him, like Robinson, saying, his pulpit was open to all good men. At this, Mr. Reader pounced upon me — a confirmation of what he had said ; nor did he ask the applicant to sit down, or even speak to him. And is this the meek- ness of wisdom ? If we cannot love persons as Chris- tians, are w~e to refuse them civilities as men ? Is this the way to win souls? Not that I was disposed to preach for him. I never officiated but twice in an Uni- tarian pulpit; and in each instance I took care not to be asked under any ignorance of my sentiments. I said, “ The thing with me is not ivhere I preach, but what I preach. I must speak according to my own principles. Allow me this liberty and I will comply. I shall not go out of my way to insult or oppose ; but I cannot forbear to deliver what my conscience tells me I should deliver from the same text in my own place.” Having said all that honesty and fairness required, I spoke with freedom; but one of the two ministers 62 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. who invited me the first time went out in the middle of the discourse, and the other before I began had rather cautiously intimated that “ it were always bet- ter to avoid abstruse doctrines, and teach our people how to keep God’s commandments and find their way to heaven.” I told him, I always made this my ulti- mate aim. Yet I felt not at home. I seemed not to be among my own people, and was not a little embar- rassed in the intercessory part of my prayer for the ministers ; for under what character could I pray for them as Pastors ? I was only once after this coldly asked, and I re- fused ; for, besides the difficulty I had felt in the per- formances, I considered how liable it was to miscon- struction ; and how careful we should be not to offend against the generation of the upright. Upon the same principle Mr. Hall acted. He had occasionally, when he came to Bristol, preached for Mr. E n the Uni- tarian minister ; but after awhile, with godly prudence, he declined; and saved from surmise, fear, and dis- tress, some who, if not his most intelligent, were yet his most pious and prayerful hearers. The last ser- mon he preached there was against Atheism ! I see in his Diary, Mr. Toplady (who lived not far from Exeter), though a beneficed clergyman, was most cordially intimate with Mr. Holmes. Here I insert two short extracts taken from Mr. Toplady’s Posthu- mous Volumes, page 279 vvc 285. “ Spent about an hory and a half with good Mr. Holmes, whom I found m great distress, on account of his only surviving son being given over in a fever. During our Interview, God so opened my mouth and so enlarged my heart, that I trust both my friend and HOLMES, ESQ. 63 myself found our spiritual strength renewed, and were sensibly and powerfully comforted from above.” i( After breakfast, rode to Exeter, where I dined at Mr. Holmes’. Found that dear and excellent man not only more resigned to the will of God, but even more cheerful than I could have conceived. Mrs. Paul of Topsham, and Mr. Lewis, a worthy Baptist minister, dined with us. Our conversation at table was on the best subjects ; and I found our Christian discussions sensibly blessed to my soul. After tea, myself and four more followed the remains of Master Holmes to Cade, about two miles out of the city, where they were interred. Mr. Cole, curate of the parish, read the funeral service. I preached a sermon suit- able to the solemn occasion to a large auditory, and one © ' the most attentive ones I ever saw,” &c* WELSH, ESQ. I AM the more inclined to speak of th y man, because I believe no account of him, even u a funeral discourse, has been published. I can ass' gn no reason for this ; but, as we proceed in this brief narrative, the omission will raise our wonder, and show us that the excellency and usefulness of persons are not to be al- ways estimated by the noise they make or the notice they excite at the time. I say “ at the time” because as the thing is only partial, so it is often only tem- porary. In due season, and in a way which marks the providence of God, he brings forth their “right- eousness as the light, and their judgment as the noon- day.” How many of the Nonconformists are now admired, whose names were even cast out as evil! When Cowper wrote, he seemed forbidden to mention Whitfield by name. “ Leuconomus, (beneath well-sounding Greek, I slur a name a poet must not speak).” Is there a man now in the kingdom but considers him an upright, honest man, who lived only to do good? But Bunyan ! poor Bunyan ! that ignoramus, that fa- natic, that rebel, that traitor to his country, insulted on WELSH, ESQ. 65 his trial, infamously condemned, cruelly imprisoned for twelve long years; what, where — is he now ? His hook is acknowledged the first of allegories, and his statue is in one of our parliamentary niches ! Good men should be willing to leave their reputa- tion, like everything else, with God ; and it is well if, when little is said of them , their works praise them in the gate. By these “the memory of the just is blessed.’ 7 Mr. Welsh was a considerable banker in London. One of the partners in the firm was Mr. Rogers, the father of the poet. His wife was a daughter of the famous Thomas Bradbury, of political, polemic, and facetious memory ; and she had much of her father’s humor about her. She often mentioned some of his witticisms. I wish I had recorded them. Two of them at this moment I just remember. One day, meeting with a man who was going to push him from the wall, saying, “I don’t choose to give the wall to every fool I meet,”— -says Mr. Bradbury, “ I do, and so pray take it.” Another day he was at the coffee- house, where several gentlemen were reading the papers, and one of them having read that, the Sunday before, a man who was violating the Sabbath fell from his horse, and fractured his leg and thigh ; upon which he said, turning to Mr. Bradbury, “ I suppose, Mr. Bradbury, you deem this a Divine judgment?” “ Why, sir,” said Mr. Bradbury, “if you deem it a Divine mercy, we will have no dispute about it.” The church over which the Reminiscent has so long and happily presided owed very much to the zeal and liberality of Mr. Welsh. He unceasingly nursed it in its infant state ; and, when it had only a small and 66 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. incommodious place to assemble in, he principally, at his own expense, fitted up the old Eoman Catholic chapel, which had been left very much in ruins, from the Protestant riots in 1780. He also, from their hav- ing only a successional and uncertain supply of preach- ers, recommended to them an able pastor, who could feed them with knowledge and understanding, and en- gaged to support him till the congregation should be capable of bearing the burden themselves. Mr. Welsh commonly passed some weeks, if not months, annually in Bath ; and nothing in these visits afforded him more pleasure than to observe the cause he had so patronized increasing and prospering ; and this was the case even after the loss of my predecessor, the Rev. Thomas Tuppen, whom he had introduced, and especially after the opening of our new chapel in Argyle-street, and which even then required to be en larged. But this was not all, but comparatively little, of what Mr. Welsh accomplished. I was once passing the evening with him ; he was in a very solemn and feeling mood ; and after awhile he said, with tears, “ I am growing old, and I ought, and I wish, to do some- thing more to glorify God, and serve my generation according to his will, than I have done ; and I have the means.” Several schemes passed under our re- view ; and at last he mentioned what (as I entirely ap- proved of) I did all in my power to enforce. I will simply specify the case. At this time our country was in a state very differ- ent from its present condition. It was generally under the greatest of all curses, the curse of an unregenerate ministry, especially in the smaller towns and villages, WELSH, ESQ. 67 where many of the people, though in a land of vision, and with an Established Church, were yet perishing for lack of knowledge. We, therefore, thought (for it was the King’s busi- ness, and required haste) that it was desirable imme- diately to search out, and educate, a number of young men of gifts and grace for the ministry, and place them in a kind of domestic academies. These seminaries were not to be in opposition to any larger and higher establishments, but rather in addition to them. They were to give these young men a less literary training, but a more theological and practical ; or with a fuller reference principally, though not exclusively, to di- vinity and preaching. These students were to be placed for some years under the care of ministers of piety, experience, and competent learning, residing in separate localities ; and where they could be, even during their tuition, employed in teaching the poor, and ignorant, and vicious ; and, while employed, to be also improved, and actually prepared for their work, like those who are taught to run by running, and to walk by walking, and not by mere rule and lesson. Of seven tutors, Mr. Welsh chose three, engaging to support several students under each. Cornelius Win- ter was one of them. He had, indeed, been engaged in such work before, though without any regular and certain provision for expense, like Professor Frant, at W ells, in his work of faith and labor of love. The Reminiscent was not one of Mr. Welsh’s stu- dents, but belonged to an earlier class, urder Mr. Win- ter’s care, and principally supported by John Thorn- ton, Esq., Sir Richard Hill, and others. Mr. Welsh married a second time, late in life, the 68 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. half-sister of Dr. Evans of Bristol. He lived to a good old age, and died very suddenly. I had preached be- fore him in the morning, from the words of our Lord to the Church of Ephesus — “ To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my throne.” It was the last sermon he heard ; and, one hour after, rising from dinner to return thanks, he fell down upon the floor, and expired : — “ A soul prepared needs no delays ; The summons comes, the saint obeys ; Swift was his flight, and short the road, — He closed his eyes, and woke with God !” To conclude this brief and imperfect memoir. W e read of “the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burn- ing.” This is a fine and an advantageous union ; fer- vor enlightens prudence, and prudence qualifies fervor. Therefore, says the Apostle, “ let your love abound yet more and more in all knowledge and in all judg- ment.” As if he should say, “ Be not weary in well- doing, but in your benevolence exercise discretion as to time, and place, and means, and manner ; and as your ability is always but small, endeavor to make a little go a great way.” I cannot but think a more ju- dicious course of usefulness could not have been chosen than that which Mr. Welsh encouraged ; and, though some were disposed to blow upon it at first, and though more may now deem it too humble for modern Dissent, how many opportunities have I had, and thousands more, of witnessing its blessed effects, in turning sin- ners from darkness to light, of evangelizing heathen neighborhoods, and even in forming congregations, WELSH, ESQ. 69 whose beginning, indeed, was small, but whose latter end greatly increased ! And here, without the least wisli to check or under- value superior degrees of literary attainment, may not the Reminiscent be allowed to ask a few questions ? Is there no distinction between an educated and a learned ministry ? If (and the Apostle says, u Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel”), if the chief design of the ministry is to preach, and faith cometh by hearing, should not everything in the prep- aration be made to bear principally upon it ? And is this unceasingly and obviously the case in all our ex- isting institutions ? Are mathematical and classical acquirements, especially in their higher degrees, equal- ly necessary in all stations, and for all teachers ? Are there not cases in which these distinctions may rela- tively even disqualify, more than help ; first, by their aptness to draw away the preacher too much into the pursuit of things in which he excels, and in which, therefore, he delights ? and, secondly , by betraying him into a manner of address less intelligible, familiar, and impressive, to the mass of his audience ? Is not a minister of the Gospel to be the teacher of religion, the subjects of which are matter of pure testimony and not of reasoning, and therefore little depending on talent and science ; for “ by faith we stand” ? Is there no difference in the department of preparation between a kingdom which is u not of this world,” and one which is ? Is the minister to be laboriously qualified to meet the casual intellectual few, rather than the certain many , that may attend his teaching? Is the church the proper and express sphere for the highest cultivation of genius and literature ? Or for studying and striv- 70 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. OF CHARACTER. ing for degrees and titles derived from the arts and sciences? Far be it from the Keminiscent to domineer or dictate ; but may he not again ask, Is there any mode of address so little likely to be popularly useful as that of a dry, cold intellectuality ? Is there no dif- ference between the press and the pulpit ? May not that which is proper for the one be unsuitable for the other ? Is there no difference between a treatise and a sermon ? I will buy the former, if it be published, and read it with pleasure ; but I will never hear the latter, if I know it. Can a discourse adapted to gen- eral improvement safely admit more than a certain portion of intelligence and argument? Can that be felt that is not understood ? And that carried away which is not portable ? And is there no danger of rendering the Scriptures in time a mere book for criti- cism, and to be treated scientifically, without regard- ing it for the sole purpose for which it was given, — to guide our feet into the path of life, and to answer the inquiry, “ What must I do to be saved?” But to return. Let us redeem our time, and use our resources and abilities, whatever they may be ; and let us never forget that, if we have not ten talents, we haye one, and that the man with one talent was the unprofitable servant, and therefore the wicked servant, and therefore the punished servant. He hid his talent in a napkin. And let us see what a single individual may accomplish, when (as it is said of the builders at the Temple) he has a mind to work. What good did this man effect by the natural and simple instrument- ality which he set in motion? Why, “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.” He that saves one soul from death WELSH, ESQ. 71 does more than he who rescues a country from civil bondage. And how many were here turned from the error of their way, and made partakers of that “ god- liness which is profitable unto all things, having prom- ise of the life that now is, as well as of that which is to come!’' Yes; and how extensive was the good done to all these ! for it not only saved their souls, but blessed their bodies, and the labor of their hands, and their relations and families. And, then, how perpetu- ated was this good ! The subjects of it themselves were the medium of it to others ; and now, even now, it is operating in various influences and effects, and will continue to operate till the last day. And by what was he rendered most a benefactor ? By the consecration of a measure of his substance to the service of his God and Saviour. One is almost afraid to speak in favor of money, lest avarice should hail the remark, and capture the praise, and apply it to perverted purposes. But, the truth is, that while the love of money is the root of all evil, the use of it may be made the root of all good. In one respect, it is the most important of all agencies, because it can employ in its service all other instrumentalities — labor, genius, eloquence, learning, and even piety itself. The lawful acquisition of it, therefore, should never be neg- lected ; a penny of it should never be wasted ; nor a farthing of it be sordidly or needlessly hoarded up. “ Charge them,” says the Apostle, “ that are rich in this world, that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.” Again, he says, “ To do good, and to communicate, for- get not, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” Thus did Mr. Welsh. He was in a good degree his 72 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. own executor, and liad the satisfaction to see the seed he had sown ripened and reaped. Nor was it a small sum which he only in this one instance employed in defraying the expenses of the tuition and boarding of such a number of students from year to year. But what shall w^e say of some, yes, even professors of religion, who perhaps began with little, accumulated much, did nothing with their abundance while they lived, and secured by their accursed treasures the de- pravity and destruction of their descendants when they died! Shame be to those pliant ministers who, in compliment to their connections, will preach funeral sermons for such characters,' — unless they take for their text, “ But whoso hath this world’s goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him ; how dwelleth the love of God in him?” There are two suppositions concerning these men. The first is awful, and we shrink back from it. “ Lo, this is the man that made not God his trust, but trusted in the multitude of his riches.” — “ With these words,” say the Jewish Rabbi, “the an- gels sing down to hell the soul of the wealthy sinner, when it leaves his body.” We do not believe this; we have a better opinion of those heavenly beings than to suppose they rejoice and sing at the misery of any creature, though they may acquiesce in it. But says Young — “ HelPs loudest laugh — the thought of dying rich.” The second is perplexing. It regards the suppo- sition, (how hard to be realized !) that those persons who die in such affluence are received up into glory. WELSH, ESQ. 73 We naturally tliink that grief and shame can never enter heaven ; and yet Christians are never more happy here than when they are most ashamed, and mourn after a godly sort, under a sense of the Divine goodness. It seems improbable that those saints who died so rich will then be free from certain reflections. There is a relation between the present and the future ; and not a relation of sequence only, but one of cause and effect ; and a whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap ; he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.” No one can deny that there will be in another world a conscious- ness of our state and* conduct in this; but the con- sciousness must affect us according to the nature and quality of the recollections themselves. In that world things will be seen clearly and perfectly ; and, in the morality and holiness of heaven, there must be right- eousness in our feelings, as well as in our conceptions. What, then, we should be ready to say, must such an individual think and feel, when he knows what a power of every kind of usefulness his wealth gave him, and remembering what good he neglected to do with it; — in the poor he might have fed and clothed ; the children he might have educated ; the academical institutions he might have endowed; the Gospel he might have extended ; the souls he might have saved ! And when, in addition to this, he reflects upon the evil his property is now doing, surrounding his chil- dren and dependants with temptation, providing for their evil passions, so much going to the gaming table, so much in riotous living, so much swallowed up in the pride of life ; the evil still extending and multi* 4 74 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. plying, and operating in its effects, perhaps, for gene- rations to come ! and when he remembers, how the Book he was constantly reading and hearing charged him to be a good steward of the manifold gifts of God! and when he sees face to face, Him, who, “ though he was rich, yet for our sakes became poor, that we through His poverty might be made rich,” who was always going about doing good, and who said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” and gave His life a ransom for us. We leave the subject, — “ Con - sidxr of it , take advice , and speak your mind” ROBERT SPEAR, ESQ. Some considerable notice of Mr. Spear appeared after bis death in the papers and magazines. There was also a larger memoir of him by Dr. Raffles in a quarterly periodical. The writer was very adequate for such a work, as far as talent was concerned, but he was not intimately acquainted with the person who was the subject of it. And when I was in Edinburgh, where Mr. Spear died, Dr. Stewart, with others, who all well knew and much esteemed him, wished a fuller and more particular account of him could be sent forth ; and desired the Reminiscent to undertake it ; but this he declined from some peculiar circumstances in the family, and also from too much engagement, and too little leisure and health at the time. Mr. Spear, under the blessing of Providence, had risen to affluence by his own exertions and skill. He was a cotton merchant, residing at Manchester. He stood very high in the commercial world for ability and integrity, for fairness and honor. And I remem- ber a very clever American, who had long known him and had large dealings with him, saying, that, while he preferred English merchants to those of any other nation, he preferred Mr. Spear to any even of his own nation. 76 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. Having met at Cadiz with a quantity of cotton of a fine and superior kind, he very advantageously pur- chased the whole ; and soon introduced the growth into Georgia, where he sent and employed an agent of his own from Manchester to encourage the culture, and purchase the produce. He loved not speculation, yet in his line of business it could hardly be avoided. He, therefore, laid down this rule for his own govern- ment therein, — that he would keep a certain sum ap- propriated to this purpose, and that it should be no more than he thought he could afford to lose, without injuring his family or his temper . “ He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be inno- cent;” and “they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts.” But when the acquisition of property is not made an absolute aim, but is a consequence left with the provi- dence of God, in the discharge of duty, it will not be found so commonly corruptive and injurious. And Mr. Spear knew it became him not to be slothful in business ; and God blessed the labor of his hands. But as riches increased, he set not his heart upon them ; but viewed, them as a talent for which he was responsible, and by which he was “to do good and to communicate.” And who can estimate the measure and degree of his benevolence and beneficence ? His bountifulness was impartial . He loved all who loved our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity ; and aided many institutions and charities which belonged not to his own immediate connections. His beneficence was also very extensive . He devised liberal things. He gave largely to the Bible Society, and to the London Mis- sionary Society. With regard to the latter, at the first ROBERT SPEAR, ESQ. 77 public collection at bis own cbapel in Mosley- street, Manchester, designing it to be secret, he slipped a £800 note into the plate, which was only discovered accidentally. He contributed generously to several of our academies for the education of young men for the ministry, and as (owing to the spiritual destitution of the people, especially in the villages and smaller towns) many laymen were engaged in teaching, — to render them more acceptable and useful, he remuner- ated an able minister to instruct them in the evenings, as they had leisure f and even from this humble source of improvement issued several able preachers, who in time became pastors of churches. There was another thing with which I was struck, (for after my intimate friendship with him I knew much of his liberal measures,) and I mention it as rather original as well as exemplary. He looked out and employed in several parts of the peopled locality pious men and women whose houses were to be day- schools to which any children might come, at any time, as they could be spared from their home or their labor ; while the owners were to be always present and ready to teach them. While thus going on, Law’s u Call to a Devout and Holy Life” fell into his hands, and unduly impressed him. The book might be useful to some, but it may lead others astray, by not distinguishing things that differ, as to their order and place in the scheme of the Gospel. It has too little of evangelism in it, and is sadly wanting in that “free spirit” by which the sub- jects of Divine grace are upheld in their goings, and enabled, with enlarged hearts, to run in the way of his commandments. It is John preaching the baptism of 78 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. repentance, rather than Jesus proclaiming the glad tid- ings of the kingdom of God. Some mistaken zealots, too, at this time, urged him to leave his secular calling, and dedicate himself en- tirely to the service of God ; as if he was not entirely serving Him while trading for God, and by means of it doing so much good to men. What we do by others is as much our agency as if we did it in our own per- sons. By nothing can a man be so useful as by prop- erty, for this enables him to employ every kind of in- strumentality, even to piety itself. Few, comparatively, have it in their power to gain substance largely. When, therefore, a man has the opportunity and the means of attaining it, he should not needlessly resign it, amidst so many calls for pecuniary assistance, and es- pecially if he can trust his benevolent bias. When a tradesman called upon the rector of St. Mary Wool- noth, and told him he was going to leave off trade, for he had gained enough for himself and family. — •“ Why, then,” said Mr. Newton, “ now be the Lord’s journey- man, and carry on business for Him.” And says Isaiah, u Her merchandise and her hire shall be holi- ness to the Lord ; it shall not be treasured nor laid up ; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing.” This is the text from which I should have preached his funeral sermon had he died at Manches- ter, but he died at Edinburgh. The title would have been “ The Christian Merchant.” But there were some who pleaded, and in a measure prevailed, that he should forsooth leave the world, and go about personally relieving the poor, and consoling the afflicted, and distributing tracts, and preaching the ROBERT SPEAR, ESQ. 79 Gospel to souls perishing for lack of knowledge. In these excursions he sustained considerable losses in business, which he acknowledged afterwards to me might have been prevented, had he remained at home, with God’s blessing, in his calling. On two other grounds these erratic efforts were wrong ; for, first, though he was exceedingly quali- fied for business,' he was (not for want of talent, but suitable talent) as unfit for his new work, especially teaching. And, secondly, he had a tinge of lowness of spirits, which required active scenes of employ- ment, rather than solitude and study, to which he was much driven by his supposed calls. Accordingly, he soon began to fall under dejection, which was rapidly increasing, and from which he was with difficulty ral- lied by the visit of and travelling with the Reminis- cent and his wife. Few in doing good ever more ful- filled the command, “Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.” He was generally a man of much reading and re- serve, so that it was impossible to know the interior riches of his character but by being much with him, and observing him when he was a little off his habitu- al guard. I hardly ever knew a man who seemed to make so much conscience of his speech. He was cau- tious and careful in the extreme, not to err or mistake, especially in relating things which he had heard, and in speaking of persons. He daily made David’s reso- lution and prayer his own : — “ I said I will take heed to my ways, that I offend not with my tongue. — Set a watch upon my mouth, keep the door of my lips.” It was a pleasing trait in his character that he loved to raise those of low degree ; and to set forward in life 80 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. industrious and deserving individuals. A clerk or a person in his employment, who for a few years had acted confidentially, and diligently, and respectfully, was sure to be aided and elevated ; and, therefore, he was always well served. For his second marriage he chose a beautiful and pious female in humble life. To prepare her for her superior station, he placed her under the care of the Reminiscent and his wife, and to be educated with our daughters. He married her from our house, and it was on this occasion I preached and published my Ser- mon on u The Mutual Duties of Husbands and Wives.” The acceptance and commendations which this dis- course met with (for it soon went through six editions), encouraged and induced me to become more familiar with the press ; and to issue in time a large number of publications. Several other events also arose from my connection with this excellent man ; such as a rela- tive alliance ; and especially my acquaintance and con- nection with the family of Mr. Bolton of America, from which such important consequences to me have resulted. Such a concatenation and dependence is there in oc- currences and circumstances, which may seem to be casual, but are really providential : u And whoso is wise and will observe these things, even they shall un- derstand the lovingkindness of the Lord.” Life should never be separated from the agency of God in all ; but in retracing it how often do we find a particular event, otherwise not distinguished, pregnant with re- sults, the birth of which fills us with surprise and as- tonishment ; and teaches us that “the way of man is not in himself.” ROBERT SPEAR, ESQ. 81 In general we see that the generation of the upright is blessed, but this implies imitation and conformity. The seed of the righteous have many advantages, aris- ing from the prayers, instructions, examples, and in- fluence of their pious parents ; but these may be dis- regarded, and even turned into a curse; for “ where much is given, much will be required;” and “to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” And if there are children who have forsaken the guide of their youth, and are, after all their early opportunities and advantages, walking in ways that are not good, who shall read this page, let them tremble at the thought of separation from, and of condemnation by, those parents who so anxiously sought to save them ! MISS ELIZA PROTHEROE. I have never entered into the dispute concerning the comparative powers of the sexes. We naturally and unavoidably judge of the whole by parts, and of course by those parts which come within the circle of our observation. Either (which I have no reason to believe) I have met with a series of very favorable exceptions , or I ought to think highly of the female character. I am sure I cannot be mistaken with re- gard to many with whom I have been intimately ac- quainted in various seasons and circumstances of my life. I have found in them a kindness, a tenderness, a purity of affection, a disinterestedness of friendship, a readiness to oblige, to serve, and to sacrifice; and these, with their gentle manners and lively conversa- tion, and sprightly correspondence, (next to the in- fluence of the dearest of all connections,) have been my peculiar excitement and solace, under anxious duties and trying afflictions, and a tendency to depress- ion of spirit, to which, though perhaps little suspected, I have been always liable. As my children had all left me by death, marriage, or professional engagement ; and, as my beloved wife had some growing indispositions which limited her ac- tivities, I much wished for what I soon obtained, in a very valuable and inestimable friend. This was Miss MISS ELIZA PROTHEEOE. 83 Eliza Protheroe, whose uncle was member of Parlia- ment for Bristol, and whose cousin is member for Hali- fax. I knew her first by visiting her as a minister, when she was suffering under an enervating malady, which had much reduced her. She was then under medical care in Bath. Upon her recovery she left this place for Cheltenham ; but she soon returned, and we had fre- quent interviews with her. These prepared Mrs. Jay and myself for a more intimate connection. So she accompanied us to the sea as our only companion ; and this excursion of six weeks together gave us such an insight into her qualities, that after our return home she soon became an inmate under our roof. She was well brought up, genteel in her manners, very intelligent, an excellent reader, pleasingly sociable, with a degree of the humorous and comic in her conversation. Above all she was truly pious, entirely free from everything low and mean, and singularly unselfish and generous, never seeming to be so much in her element as when denying herself to do good to others. What a treasure did we find in her! What a companion, helper, and comforter did she prove ! And what a mutual regard did we all increasingly feel towards each other ! The most pleasing weeks I ever spent on earth were passed in four successive excursions to Plymouth, in the north of Devon. No little of the exquisite pleas- ure I experienced was derived from the mixed sub- lime and beautiful scenery, and from the solitude and tranquil retirement ; but how much of it did our as- sociate contribute in our mutual walks and readings, and discourse ! And not only so. Here I prepared my Lectures on the Christian Character for the press, 84 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. and wrote the long preface prefixed to it. And here also I wrote many of my Morning and Evening Exer- cises, one of which, as I wrote them, I daily read at our family worship. These familiar compositions, which have had such an extensive circulation, I owe much to her stimulation and encouragement; without which I much question whether I should have per- severed. Watts tells us, “We should expect some danger near Where we possess delight and Cowper tells us, ’‘Full bliss is bliss divine.” My entirely esteemed wife, while at Plymouth, ‘was unable fully to enjoy the attractions of the retreat, and the week after our return home from the last visit, she was seized with apoplexy and paralysis, and which, though life was spared, broke up much of my domes- tic happiness. Our friend was so attached and devoted to us, that she was ready to die for us — yea, I cannot but think this was the case, in a great degree at least ; for, in consequence of my affliction, I immediately wrote to her at Cheltenham, whither she had gone for a few days to see her mother; upon which she instant- ly hastened back while under a medical process and considerable indisposition, and much mental suffering from affection and fear ; so that the day after her ar- rival she was seized with delirium, and after a week of frenzy, she expired. At the time my wife was insen- sible, and, so, ignorant of an affliction that would have exceedingly added to her own, and which did MISS ELIZA PROTHEROE. 85 add so much, to it, when she became capable of learn- ing the event. As for myself, I hardly felt more at the death of my own daughter, by whose side she lies in my own family vault. After several natural relations, Moses says, “Or thy friend which is as thy own soul.” Is this is an anticli- max ? or does he mean to say that sometimes friend- ship arises above kindred ? “ The tear That drops upon this paper is sincere.” Few deaths could have afflicted me more. It was the termination of a life of perfect unselfishness, no little of vrhich had been lived for the welfare of my- self and mine. “ Scarcely for a righteous man w r ill one die, yet for a good man some would even dare to die.” Power may cause a man to be feared, learning, to be admired, wealth, to be flattered ; but goodness naturalizes one heart in another and renders it “ more blessed to give than to receive.” Mrs. Jay was equally affected when recovered enough to be able to hear the report of our loss. “ Friend after friend departs. Who has not lost a friend? There is no union here of hearts, That finds not here an end. Were this frail world our final rest, Living or dying none were blest. “ There is a world above, Where parting is unknown ; A long eternity of love, Form’d for the good alone ; And faith beholds the dying here, Translated to that glorious sphere.” MRS. SMITH. With this very excellent woman I had a long and intimate acquaintance. My youngest daughter, of whom I was bereaved in the bloom of her youth, was named Statira after her. During many of my annual visits to Surrey Chapel, I spent with my wife much of the time I could spare from my services in London at her house at Woodford. Her name was then Pool, and her husband was a merchant, and had been pros- perous, and was rich. She was a woman of a superior understanding, and had a cultivated mind. She had lived in the levities and gaieties of genteel commercial society, (generally the most vain, profane, and vapid,) and so she knew enough of the ways and friendships of the world, to be, in a measure, weaned from them ; or at least to be fully convinced of their vanity and vexation of spirit ; while she felt her need of something better than earth could offer, without knowing what it was, or where it could be obtained. With these views and feelings she came with her husband to Bath ; and as they were acquainted with Mr. II. Thornton, M. P. for the Borough, she inquired of him where he would recommend them to attend. He answered, “You know I am a Churchman, but there are persons who may be occasionally heard to HRS. SMITH. 87 advantage out of tlie Establishment.” He knew what was then the state of Bath, and he also perceived the state of her mind. What he said induced her to visit Argyle Chapel ; and the first sermon she heard the Reminiscent preach, brought her in sight of the relief and satisfaction she had ignorantly, but really been seeking after. She now made herself known, and a mutual and growing friendship ensued. Upon her returning home to Woodford, her lament- ation was that she could not hear the truth which had made her free indeed. But one of her servants rather casually heard the Rev. George Collison of W altham- stow, and eagerly informed her mistress that she had found a minister who preached just like the minister they had heard at Bath. She forthwith the next Sab- bath ordered out her carriage, and went to hear him herself. She much relished the preaching of this man of God ; and from thenceforth made it the place of her constant attendance. From the commencement of her religious career, she had morning and evening prayer, with the female do- mestics of her household ; but her husband was not as yet favorable to the establishment of family wor- ship. But when is a woman whose heart is right with God, at a loss to carry a good point, for want of mo- tives, methods, or means ? Some months after, Mr. Thornton and the Remi- niscent were to spend a week together as their guests. So she said to her husband, u These friends who are coming, always have the worship of God in their families ; and they will expect it here, and will think it very strange, if they should not find it.” He re- plied, “Well, then, we must conform to their custom 88 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. while they are here.” So I was desired to conduct the service every morning and evening, reading the Scrip- tures, now and then dropping a very few words, and always praying short and as wisely as I could. But no sooner had we departed than Mrs. Smith said to her husband, “ Will it not appear verj^ odd to the servants, if we now give up this exercise ? Will they not think that we have been endeavoring to appear to our friends more religious than we really are ? And do you not think the performance itself is likely to do good, if not to ourselves, yet to our domestics'?” So the practice was allowed to be continued, on the condition of her officiating. This she was qualified to do ; but she took it up, not b}^ choice, but as a trial, and from a sense of duty, arising from a peculiar condition of things. She always had a form of prayer before her, but she occasionally interspersed some expressions of her own. And would not this be the best way of using forms of devotion? I once heard Mr. John Shepherd of Frome, recommending it from his own example and experience. Are Christians ever useless ? When blessed them- selves they prove blessings to others ; and in various de- grees, in some way or other, serve their generation by the will of God. Who can tell the good this woman accomplished in her own place and neighborhood by her example and influence, in visiting the rich ; feed- ing and clothing the hungry and the naked ; instruct- ing the ignorant ; establishing schools ; and forming a club for the poor females to aid them in their illness- es and lyings-in, whose meetings she accompanied with moral and religious addresses, without however ex- cluding their little homely and innocent festivities? MRS. SMITH. 89 When she was bereaved of her husband, as her means remained, the widow equally sustained and car- ried on what the wife had begun and established. Some years after she married again. It was to a very accomplished gentleman, a serjeant-at-law, a fel- low of the Antiquarian Society, a scholar, and the father of the authors of the “ Rejected Addresses,’ 7 l ' Horace in London,” and various celebrated novels.* At first his doctrinal sentiments widely differed from her own. This created great difficulty on her side; and for some time a refusal of marriage was the result. At length some peculiar circumstances led her to yield, though not perfectly in accordance with her con- victions. But God overruled it for good in more evan- gelizing his sentiments, and bringing some of his daughters into the way of life. Yet the connection was not without its trials. It occasioned the loss of a large part of her property. But herein again her gra- cious principle continued to operate and show itself. Though she much reduced her establishment, she re. solved that her charities, sacred and civil, should not suffer. These continued the same. In what are not the subjects of divine grace a peculiar people? Trying events befall them, and evince that they are not con- formed to this world, but transformed by the renew- ing of the mind; and so proving “ what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” It is pleasing to know that her husband, whom she had once characterized, in a letter to the Reminiscent, as “ having all the wisdom of the Greeks, and their * I once dined with these gifted young men ; and was sorry to remark that, if religion wa3 not the object of their contempt it was not the one thing needful. 90 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. foolishness too,” — after awhile received the kingdom of God as a little child, died in the faith of the Gos- pel, a member of the Independent Church at Wands- worth, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Not many wise men after the flesh are called ; but there have always been a few to falsify the prejudice that the religion of the cross is fit only for the vulgar and illiterate. JOHN POYNDER, ESQ. My acquaintance with this good and distinguished character has continued for considerably more than fifty years. It commenced from a letter I received desiring me to inform him from what author I had given an extract in my sermon preached upon the formation of the London Missionary Society. This in- quiry was prefatory to something else, — and he soon expressed his gratitude to God that he ever heard that discourse, as “ it had had such an effect upon him as he hoped would never wear away.” And this was the case ; for from that period he was found a decided, avowed, consistent, nndeviating, and zealous follower of the Lamb. After this letter, upon my going to London to fulfil my annual appointment at Surrey Chapel, I had my first personal interview with him. The meeting was affecting; and we exchanged some pleasing thoughts and feelings. After this we seized every opportunity to meet and converse ; and though, as he was a Tory, and a firm Churchman, and I a Whig, and a moderate Dissenter, and we, therefore, differed in some of our pol- itical and ecclesiastical views, this instead of gendering alienation rather endeared us the more to each other. Harmony is better than unison, — “ Yes,” says Lord 92 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. Bacon, “ and it is so not only in sounds but in affec- tions.” Hence during my annual weeks of labor in London be frequently beard me, and bas given most ample proof of bis kind approbation of my services, by bis multiplied quotations from my preaching and publica- tions in his three volumes of “Literary Extracts.” In these three volumes, be shows much reading, judg- ment, and taste ; yet they would have borne abridg- ment or reduction. It is natural for persons wdien they read to remark and transcribe. But what strikes them peculiarly at the time, owing to its novelty, or something in their own circumstances or feelings, may appear very differently afterwards ; and the wonder is that, in the cool review, more freedom was not here used in selection, and articles weighed rather than num- bered. Though these volumes are large, they are nofc all his issues from the press. His publications were numer- ous, in all of which usefulness was the obvious design and tendency. As a Christian , many of them turned on religious subjects : The Evangelization of our East- ern dominion ; The Paganism of Popery ; The Sanc- tification of the Lord’s Day, &c. As an East India proprietor he spoke much in favor of the abolition of Sutteeism, or burning of widows. In this work and labor of love, many of his speeches were v6ry able and eloquent, and several of them were published. Several years before his death he had the satisfaction -of seeing his exertions crowned with suc- cess. He was equally earnest and persevering in op- posing the accursed tax arising from the idolatrous worship of Juggernaut. But he died without seeing JOHN POYNDEK, ESQ. 93 this foul stain wiped off from our gc verm aent , and “ hope deferred made the heart sick.'’ But he had roused the public indignation, and awakened a cry that he knew must be heard in due time. Never was there a warmer advocate of evangelical truth, and the doctrines of the Reformation. Never was there a more determined enemy to Pope- ry, and its half-sister Puseyism. # Never did man more strive to serve his generation by the will of Grod. And, as to his private and relative character, who ever excelled him as an attached husband, a devoted father, a faithful friend, or a helper of the needy ? Behold what may be done by a single individual when disposition, ability, and opportunity concur. “The memory of the just is blessed.” N.B. — I wrote this brief sketch the very day 1 was informed of his death, lest at my time of life I should be prevented from bearing even a very inadequate testimony to this man of so much varied worth. RAMMOHUN ROY. 4 I WAS but little acquainted with the rajah, but I feel inclined to notice him, not only because I was struck with him as a man of prodigious powers of mind, and treasures of knowledge, and readiness of address ; but because I think justice has not been done to him in another and far more important view. I first saw him at the Mansion House, London, to which I was invited to meet him by the then Lord Mayor, with whom, as an author, I had had considerable deal- ings. The dinner was early and the company select, though not entirely religious; and I was allowed to bring any of my acquaintance with me. Several ac- companied me, one of whom, John Poynder, Esq., could turn the intercourse to account, in conversing with the rajah on a subject in which he was then so zealously laboring, and did not labor in vain, (the abolition of Sutteeism,) and which the rajah himself before he left India had nobly advocated. Of course this man was the lion of the company. He spoke freely on several topics, especially of Mahom- etanism, which he considered as an improvement on Paganism, and of some considerable advantage to Christianity itself, whose professors were yielding to a kind of idolatry in worshipping masses and relics. RAMMOHUN ROY. 95 He also expressed himself with regard to Mahomet himself, as possessing greater talents and some better qualities than had been commonly ascribed to him. This was not suffered to pass without some hesitation and dissent, especially by the Rev. Mr. Melville. The Lady Mayoress asking his opinion of the com- parative estimate of the sexes, he promptly replied, “ Physically considered, men are superior to women. Morally considered, women are superior to men. In- tellectually considered, they are on a level, admitting the same opportunities and advantages a confession which, if not questioned, was deemed remarkable, as coming from a quarter where females are commonly, if not universally, undervalued and degraded. When he spoke of the Gospel, he frankly avowed his full belief of it, adding, u But I consider this no merit of mine, for I found it impossible to peruse the Book itself, and not be convinced that it was the work of a being of perfect wisdom and benevolence.” The Rev. Mr. Dale, who sat next me, could not help ex- pressing rather audibly his approbation and admira- tion of the sentiment, and the manner in which it was delivered ; and Mr. Melville, who principally led the discourse with the rajah, acknowledged, as I went away with him, that he had a much more favorable opinion and hope of him than he had before. The following Sabbath-day evening he came with the Lord Mayor and the rector of St. Olave’s to hear the Reminiscent. He gave proof of his liking, not only the preacher, but the subject, by coming into the house afterwards, and soliciting a copy of the discourse to print for distribution among his friends. As the sermon was taken down in short-hand, I was able to 96 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. comply with the desire. I procured him a transcrip- tion, and he printed it at his own expense. (The ser- mon is to be found in the seventh volume of my works.)* I fear this is too personal to be excused ; but it tells upon what I have in view ; for though the discourse was not strictly doctrinal, it contained allusions and statements, only to be found in “the truth as it is in Jesus.’’ He had engaged to accompany Mr. Poynder to Sur- rey Chapel again the Sunday after ; but, before its ar- rival, he wrote him a note, (which I keep, and value as an autograph,) saying he was afraid he should not be able to attend, owing to a degree of indisposition, and the pressure and heat of the congregation ; but lamented the loss the less as he should soon have an opportunity to hear, so he expressed it, that truly evangelical minister in Bath. This was denied him, as, the week before his intend- ed visit to Bath, he died in Bristol. There he was by invitation, at the house of a lady belonging to Lewin’s Mead Meeting, where he attended on the morning of the Sabbath, but heard an evangelical clergyman at Clifton in the evening. During his short stay in Bris- tol, a party of several distinguished individuals met him. Among these was John Foster, f who, upon my inquiry, said that nothing on this occasion very strik- ing or definitive came from him. He probably began to feel the approach of the disorder which so rapidly carried him off*. * See page 100 of that volume. f Mr. Foster’s interesting account of this interview, and of the rajah’s death, we shall subjoin to this article. RAMMOHCN ROY. 97 Soon after his private interment in the premises of his friend, an extolling account of him was published by Dr. Carpenter, assuring the public that he was a Christian, in the Socinian translation of that word. Here lam persuaded he was mistaken. He was this on his conversion to Christianity in India, when he only considered Christ as a moral Teacher, and wrote accordingly. But we have reason to hope and con- clude, that, on his coming to this country, his views varied and were approaching evangelical sentiments. At first, (and it was not wonderful, with such talents and reasoning powers,) on emerging from heathenism, he felt difficulties with regard to some of the more mysterious doctrines of the Gospel, but there is no lit- tle proof that his mind was beginning to open to the cross and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He com- monly in London attended the preaching of an ortho- dox clergyman. Earl Gainsborough was not only much pleased with him, but much encouraged concerning his state and character by the rajah’s visit to Barham Court. When he dined with Mr. Poynder he begged to be allowed to attend his evening family- worship, after the company was gone ; and next day he came also to attend his morning-worship ; and expressed much delight at the blending with prayer, the reading of the Scriptures and singing. Mr. Poynder engaged the Rev. Mr. Knight to conduct these services, by means of which this pious and judicious minister became acquainted with this prodigy ; and he also had good hope concern- ing him, both from his interviews and correspondence; for the rajah olten addressed notes to him respecting passages of Scripture, (with the solutions of which he 5 98 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. seemed satisfied,) and often called upon him ; and in liis last interview with him, finding him very serious and tender, he said to him, “ Sir, I trust you do not less prize Christianity since you came amongst us.” He rose ; and taking him by the hand said with tears, “ Mr. Knight, I feel such a regard for the truth and importance of Christianity, that I think I could die for it.” This account, we presume, will not be satisfactory to some ; they will ask for more evidence ; and we could have wished we had been able to furnish more. W e cannot be too anxious and inquisitive, where our own religious state is concerned, but with regard to others, there is a charity, which with the due allow- ance “ hopetli all things, belie veth all things, endureth all things.” W e may know what heresy is without being able to ascertain the state of a heretic. We know not what disadvantages he has been under ; what struggle he has had with difficulties and doubts, to which others have been strangers ; and what prayers he has offered, which, though they cannot be lost, may not be immediately and consciously answered. But we know who hath said, “ Seek and ye shall find.” “He that doeth His will shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God;” and “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord.” Why cannot we admit, in connection with Christian saiety, doctrinal sincerity as well as moral deficiencies ? And why cannot we imagine that where there is less en- lightenment, there may be more excellence of another kind to balance it — more humbleness of mind, more benevolence, and more active zeal? I have met with instances in which, where there was little speculative KAMMOHUN ROY. 99 and systematical clearness and accuracy, there has been much of that wisdom which is from above, and which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy “to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without par- tiality and without hypocrisy.” When the blind pa- tient in the Gospel first looked up, he only saw men as trees walking ; but he was under the operation of a Divine Restorer ; and a second touch enabled him to see everything clearly. How little of the Gospel sal- vation did Peter know at the time ; yet upon his con- fession, our Lord pronounced him blessed ; and affirm- ed that flesh and blood had not revealed this unto him, but his Father in heaven. From this case we are led to another reflection. How readily and eagerly are the advocates of religious parties induced to claim and avow extraordinary men as belonging to them ; as if their faith stood in the wisdom of men, and not in the power of God. But let no man glory in men. We should be thankful when any of superior intellect and endowment are found walking in the truth ; but we are not to have the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ with respect of per- sons. The poor and the common people are generally the evangelized. These “ things are hidden from the wise and prudent and revealed unto babes.” Not many wise men after the flesh are called ; and these are often in our churches more glaring than useful members ; yea, it is well if they do not become Dio- trephes by their gifts. Mr. Foster gives the following interesting particulars of the rajali'a visit to Bristol, in a letter to Mr. Hill, dated October 8th, 1833: — 100 PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF CHARACTER. / ( The most remarkable thing of late is the visit, so soon to end ia the death, in the house behind our garden, of the Rajah Rammo- hun Roy (the title of rajah, of no very definite import, was con- ferred on him by the King of Delhi, the remaining shadow of the great Mogul). I had entertained a strong prepossession against him, had no wish to see him, but could not avoid it, when he was come to the house of my young landlady, Miss Castle. “ My prejudice could not hold out half an hour after being in his company. He was a very pleasing and interesting man ; intelligent and largely informed, I need not say — but unaffected, friendly, and, in the best sense of the word, polite. I passed two evenings in his company, only, however, as an unit in large parties ; the latter time, however, in particular and direct conversation with him, concern- ing some of the doctrines of the Indian philosophers, the political, civil, and moral state, of the Hindoos. In the former instance, when the after-dinner company consisted of Dr. Carpenter and sundry other doctors and gentlemen, Churchmen and Dissenters, he was led a little into his own religious history and present opinions. He avow- ed his general belief in Christianity as attested by miracles, (of which I had understood that he made very light some ten or a dozen years since,) but said that the internal evidence had had by much the greatest force on his mind. In so very heterogeneous a company, there was no going into any very specific particulars. Carpenter, in whose company I have since dined at Dr. Pritchard’s, very confi- dently claims him as of the ‘Modern Unitarian’ school. * * * * It may be that he was finally near about in agreement with that school, but I do not believe that they have any very exact knowl- edge of his opinions. * * * * Here he went to several churches, and to hear Jay on a week-day at Bridge Street, as well as some- times at Lewin’s Mead, where the family in which he was visiting constantly attended. There is, or a few days since there was, a great perplexity how to dispose of his remains. He had signified his wish not to be committed to any Ecclesiastical burying-ground, but, if it might be so managed, deposited in some quiet corner of the mere profane earth. His principal London friend (a Mr. Hare, -from India) thinks it the most desirable that he were conveyed to India. During the greater part of his short illness (it was an affec- tion of the brain) he was in a state of such torpor as to be incapa- ble of any communication. Dr. Pritchard, who attended him dur- ing the latter days, says he did not utter, while he was with him, ten distinct sentences. As far as I have heard, there was nothing to KAMMOHUN EOT. 101 indicate the state of his mind. There were actions (of his hands, &c.) which his own attendants said were the usual ones that accom- panied his devotional exercises. To me and several of our order of friends, who were, the latter evening to which I have referred, (at Mrs. Cox’s,) in such close and interesting conversation with him, then apparently in perfect health, but then within hardly two days of the commencement of his fatal illness, it was emphatically strik- ing, nine or ten days after, to think of him as no longer in oup woild.” — Foster’s Life, Vol. II., p. 218, — retired comfortably to rest, — awoke at eleven, — complained of a pain in his stom- ach, — said, ‘Come, Lord Jesus,’ — and in the twinkling of an eye expired,” — there was a half-fetched involun- tary groan through the audience, that made it very solemn. What I said of , was this: — “She was an interesting infant ; a sufferer from the hour of her birth ; her early and continued affliction she endured with a patience above her vears, and often spoke of 150 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE God and heaven in language very unusual for one un- der five years of age. This is an event of congratula- tion rather than of condolence. At the grave of a child we always feel a peculiar satisfaction, arising from the persuasion that they are disposed of infinitely to their advantage. Under the protracted illness of this little martyr, the Saviour said to the parents — ' Suffer this little child to come unto me, and forbid her not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’ The Shepherd has gathered this lamb with his arms, and now carries it in his bosom.” Of Mrs. I said : — “ She was for many years a member of our church, and walked consistently with her profession. She was a plain, in- offensive, upright character. There was nothing dis- tinguishing in her life, and her d} 7 ing experience was the same. Through her lengthened disease, she was patient and submissive, often complained of herself, and felt alternately the prevalence of fear and hope ; and I am persuaded that He who does not 4 break a bruised reed nor quench the smoking flax’ has received her.” u Mr. J ,” I said, “ many of you were acquaint- ed with. I see several of his companions in iniquity here this evening. O that your former associate could now address you. We have reason to hope and be- lieve that he saw and deplored the errors of his con- duct, and has obtained the mercy for which he so ear- nestly prayed. His language was penitential. His concern to warn and admonish others was striking, and he drew whatever relief he felt from the Friend of sinners. But 0, ye bereaved neighbors, friends, and relations, my business lies not with the dead, but with the living. They have done with all below. Their state is now fixed, and their happiness or misery can- OF THE HEY. WILLIAM JAY. 151 not be affected by your opinions or my representations, were I disposed to condemn or eulogize. They are beyond the reach of the Gospel, but you are yet in the land of the living, and have another opportunity to hear the merciful admonition — 1 Seek the Lord while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near.’ ,Wliat is your duty but to retire, and, falling upon your knees, pray with Moses, 1 So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.’ And what is wisdom ? What is that wise part crea- tures circumstanced as you are ought to act ? Is it not to prefer your souls to your bodies, and the reali- ties of eternify to the vanities of time ? Is it not to seek without delay pardon and renovation ? a title to heaven, and a meetness for it? You talk of happi- ness, uncertain as you are of life. I defy you to be happy without a hope beyond the grave. He — he only is happy who can look forward with humble con- fidence and say — 4 We know that v/e have a building of God, a house not made with hands,’ &c.” You complain of inability to fill your sheet. Look at the size of my paper, and see my lines, not wide apart like the hedges of a London road ; nor the whole begun two or three inches down from the top. But how am I to fill up the remainder of this folio ? I have no other news to communicate, except, indeed, a sub- ject that is always new , and which I hope you love, the love of Jesus — the love of Him who, though he was rich, for our sakes became poor, and died that we might live. You have often heard me repeat his en- couraging assurance : “Him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out,” aud you know (O what a privi- lege!) that to come to him is to believe his word, and 152 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE call upon bis name. But while he rejects none, he peculiarly regards some. “ Feed,” says he, “feed my lambs .” “ I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me that is, find him as oth- ers never will , never can . And the case speaks for it- self ; for if religion can preserve us from snares and embarrassments ; if it can make us amiable and use- ful ; if it be profitable unto all things ; if it yields the truest pleasure, the sooner it is possessed in the same proportion, the more are we privileged, and, next to the reality of their conversion, I am persuaded the people of God daily bless him for the earliness of it, if they have been thus favored ; and the greater part of them are called long before they are advanced in years. O, my dear Statira, what a season is youth : of the day of life it is the morning ; of the year it is the spring. And how much depends upon seizing the one, and improving the other ! How desirable is it to sanctify the present in every kind of preparation for the future; and before the journey is begun, such a journey as we have before us, to secure a guide, a guard, a friend who will never leave us nor forsake us. I trust, my dear child, that you are placing your- self under his conduct, and saying — “ I will go forth in the strength of the Lord.” My time of going to London is now fixed. My visit commences the last Sabbath in May, and takes in the three first in June. Either in my way thither or back, I am to preach a sermon at Newport Pagnell, in favor of Mr. Bull’s Academy there ; and I am also request- ed, at the same time, to preach before the Bedfordshire Union, at Bedford, along with Mr. Hall. Your affectionate and devoted father, &c. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 153 To the Same . Bath, May 23, 1816. My dear Sweet Pea, — Though the last blown, yet not the least loved of all my flowers. I wish I had more time to write ; but my preparation for the ap- proaching journey to London leaves me very little. But the length of my last must atone for the brevity of the present : and remember you have to boast of receiving the longest letter papa ever wrote. I sup- pose by this time Mi. Spear and his daughters, who accompanied him to Broomsgrove, are returned, and you are probably thinking of returning to Liverpool. But you must not suffer the little nephew or niece to make you impatient. If you should feel it to be a self-denial to be absent from them, you must exercise it. This virtue is indeed of such constant and univer- sal utility, that we cannot begin to cultivate it too soon. We cannot expect to have everything accord- ing to our mind as we pass through a world like this : it is not fit we should, and, therefore, we must learn to bear disappointment, and be able easily and grace- fully to accommodate ourselves to every changing scene. Hitherto your way has been smooth, the lines have fallen to you in pleasant places ; your wishes have been generally, if not invariably, gratified. “ All without thy care and payment, All thy wants are well supplied.” But you cannot reckon upon a perpetual exemption from inconvenience and trial. “ Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun ; but if a man live many years, and rejoice in 154 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE them all ; jet let him remember the days of darkness ; for they shall be many. All that cometh is vanity.” I would not by future forebodings prevent your en- joying the kindnesses which Providence affords you at this pleasing period of life, but I know youth is sanguine, its hopes are too glaring, and require to be sobered by that prudence which results from experi- ence and observation. You ought ever to be thankful for the comforts and indulgences of your condition. But do you not feel your need of something better ? Is there not an emptiness in the midst of all ? Yes, and the world will never fill it ; but He can who mer- cifully cries — u Seek ye me, and ye shall live.” And those dissatisfactions which attend all creature-good are the inspirations of the Almighty to give us under- standing, and to make us wise unto salvation. I hope, my precious girl, that you are listening to his voice, and dedicating yourself to his service, which they who have tried know to be perfect freedom. Having given yourself unto the Lord, I trust I shall have the pleas- ure, after your return, to witness your il giving your- self also to hi^ Church, by the will of God.” In Dr. Doddridge’s little volume of Sermons to Young Peo- ple, there is a discourse on the subject of “ Early Com- munion,” which I wish you to read. I dare say Mr. Spear has it. I hope, wherever you are, that you not only devote some time to private devotion and reading the Scripture, but that you look over the books you meet with in the house where you visit, and read as much as possible of those you have not seen before. Of course I do not mean that you should shut your- self up from enjoying the prospects of nature at this season, and the society of your friends ; but there are OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 155 many moments to be seized which carelessness over- looks. It is by making use of these, and by early ris- ing, that I have obtained much of the little I possess. Like the bee , be always extracting materials for honey. Yesterday morning, I was invited to breakfast at Mr. Hallet’s, and to give the new-wedded pair my advice and blessing. But how changeable and chequered is every earthly scene! No sooner had the party return- ed from church, than Mr. Griffith, sen., w r as called out of the room to be informed that his only brother at Frome was just killed by leaping from a sociable , the horses of which had taken fright. This damped the joy of the season. But he was a very holy man, an occasional preacher in Mr. Wesley’s connection, and at the time of the accident — so people call it, I should rather say appointment — he w r as returning from preach- ing in a village. He was a widower, and has left no child, but the poor will exceedingly miss him, for he was a father to them, and a fine image of Him who went about doing good. On Saturday morning we set off for London. Miss Shepherd goes with us far as Hammersmith. We are all longing for the time when we hope, under the smiles of a gracious Providence, to u meet and mingle into bliss,” to kiss, and cry tears of joy. Your affectionate and devoted father, &c. To his son Edward , at Wymondly College . Bath, March 2, 1816. * * -jf * I urge you be sparing in your remarks on character. They who hear them may report them inaccurately, 156 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE and -with exaggeration ; and as the consequence you will, when charged with them, be tempted to deny, or perplexed to explain and qualify. But I wish to deter you by a better principle, the command of Him who has said, “ Speak evil of no man. 7 ’ “ Be swift to hear, and slow to speak.” “Love every one and every one will love you.” “ Who is he that will harm you if you be a follower of that which is good ?” While you talk little (especially concerning persons) observe much. Be continually adding a little to your mental stores. Ac- custom yourself to composition ; put down your thoughts on paper with as much accuracy and clear- ness and celerity as you can be master of — I long for you to be able to sermonize . Whenever a text strikes you turn it over in your mind, and endeavor to divide it. If you cannot satisfy yourself the effort will do you good — exertion will prepare for exertion ; and thought will produce thought. While you attempt much you must not be discouraged, if at first the result be little. The infant bird practices his wings, as he stands up in the nest : then gets upon the edges of it : then upon the neighboring boughs: and then takes short excursions, before he flies his more daring lengths ; and “ to him that hath shall be given,” as the natural consequence of use and improvement, and as also the effect of the Divine blessing. You cannot begin so low as I did ; but I felt a love to study bordering on enthusiasm ; and despaired of nothing ; not from a high opinion of my capacity, but an apprehension that dili- gence, with the Divine assistance, (which he had gra- ciously disposed my heart to seek,) would do wonders. I was placed indeed in a situation peculiarly suited to the cast of im mind, and never wanted for excitations OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 157 and encouragements. And you, my dear boy, have great advantages at present, and the prospect of every future help and direction. Trials you would have in any line of life ; but in the sacred calling to which you are looking forward, you will be sheltered much from a stormy and wicked world ; you will have opportunity for intellectual and pious improvement; you will enjoy the pleasure of being useful, and of doing good ; and if you act from principle, when the chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. Let me know whether you are able to read my writing. I shall feel a pleasure in corre- sponding with you. Write when you have an oppor- tunity, and write with freedom. All join in love. Your very affectionate Father, &c. To the same . Bath, March 2, 1818, I write according to my promise, but I believe I must in future alter my epistolary day, and make it Tuesday instead of Monday ; as of late I feel so ener- vated by the anxieties and labors of the Sabbath, that on the Monday I exist rather than live. I wish also not only to please you by a few lines monthly, but to render my letters instructive and useful ; and when I feel as I do to-day I can scarcely command a thought, and every effort fatigues. I believe, should my days be prolonged, that I shall be a very premature old man. I began early. I was emulous to advance. I labored under a thousand disadvantages from which vou are free ; anr^ being, from the first, thrown into 158 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE popular and trying situations winch had great claims upon me, I applied myself with more unrelaxing ten- sion of mind than my frame (never remarkably strong) could bear; and I now begin to feel peculiarly the ef- fect of it. This I think 1 may say without vanity re- garding myself or ill-nature towards others. This is not the common failing of the students and younger ministers of the present day. I wish to perceive in them a habit of greater application and diligence, a greater sense of the value of time, and the importance of their work — as also more of an humble and devotion- al spirit. I can make allowance for some things in young ministers which I could not tolerate in older : but still, as the apostle says, u A bishop must be grave,” — a general sedateness of speech and behavior is so becoming in him, that, whatever be his talents, he will never inspire respect without it. It was to young Timothy Paul said, “Let no man despise thy youth;” but for his purpose, “ Be thou an example of the be- lievers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee. Meditate upon these things ; give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear unto all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto thy doctrine, continue in them ; for in doing this, thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee.” It is a great thing in all our private and social intercourse to be cheerful without being light ; and serious without being sad, or appear- ing sanctimonious. Some few ministers, even in ear- lier life, have attained this excellency. Let them be your models, rather than pulpit flirts and fiddles, and your story-telling parsons, whose sole ambition in com- OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 159 pany seems to be to make mirth ; and who generally succeed so well, that they are not only laughed with, but laughed at. Nothing is more lovely in a student and a minister than a freedom from everything dicta- torial and dogmatical in his manner of address. It becomes him rather to listen than to speak, — to in- quire than to controvert. Not that he is obliged to believe everything that he hears, even from, a senior, or to admit without evidence ; but he must dissent with seeming reluctance, propose his doubts with mod- esty, and appear to distrust his own judgment rather than depreciate that of another. Speak with warmth (and let it come from the heart) as much as you can in commendation and praise of others; — but — “ speak evil of no man ;” — “Love all and all will love you.” “Who is he that will harm you if you are a follower of that which is good ?” — and though spirit- ual religion can never be relished by depraved minds, yet “he that in these things serveth Christ is accepta- ble to God and approved of men.” I have been a Sabbath at Marlborough, where the prospect is delightful. Mr. Williams of Shrewsbury (now Sir J. B. Williams) is publishing memoirs from the diary of Mrs. Savage, daughter of Philip, and sis- ter of Mathew, Henry, for which I have written a pretty long preface at his desire, &c. To the- same. Bath, May 9, 1819. * * * I AM sorry for the interruption your studies will again sustain in your long absence from 160 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE Wymondley. The plan of attending lectures in Lon- don, too, does not strike me as of much importance ; as however it is appointed, and seems a privilege shown a few of you for good conduct, you must avail yourself of it ; and you may turn it to advantage. It is a great recommendation to be able to read and pro- nounce well ; but then it must appear to be natural ; primness and affectation always displeases more than simple and earnest vulgarity . The great thing is to for- get one 1 s- self , and to speak with seriousness and affection- ate feeling . Feeling is always eloquent; and if the preacher be obviously affected, and appears concerned to do good, and not to gain applause, he will always be felt, and always approved. Nothing also is more be- coming, in a young minister especially, than an appa- rent consciousness of the importance and difficulty of his work ; an ^forwardness to engage ; a diffidence and modesty ; in a word, the very reverse of what we see in many of the assuming, pert, bold, fearless, self- sufficient, and self-admiring academies of the day. Keep this to yourself. I take care how I reflect upon the sprigs of divinity before others, as there is too much readiness to censure young ministers among modern hearers already ; and I am thankful to see that all are not alike, and I can reprove when I do not wish to condemn. I hope tutors will be increasingly attentive to the spirit and manner of students, both in the pulpit and in the parlor. Let me beseech you, my dear son, to keep your eye upon the best models, and pray for grace to conform to them. With regard to what is exceptionable in others, keep as far from it as you can, but never talk about it. It can do no good, and may be easily ascribed (before a man’s character is OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 161 highly established) to ill-nature or envy ; and one of the worst features of many of the students and young preachers of the day, is an unbounded license in speak- ing of oth-rs, especially their brethren. Speak evil therefore of no one, but let the law of innocence and kindness dwell upon your tongue. But to mark the improprieties of others for your own improvement — that is, in order to avoid them — this is a different thing ; and while you keep your mouth shut, you must keep your eyes and ears open. * * * -x- * Your devoted father, &c. To Sir J. B. Williams. On the very sudden death of John Lee , Esq., the Gentleman to whom several of Mr. Winter's Letters, introduced into Mr. Jay's Life of Winter , were addressed. Bath, October 9th, 1818. My dear Sir, — You will doubtless wonder that I have not noticed your very affecting letter earlier ; but I was from home when it arrived, and I have been again from home on pressing business; and while having more to do than usual I have been very un- well, first in my head, and then in my bowels, so that I have dragged on heavily and been fit for nothing. But be assured your communication was not received without producing that interest which a sincere and warm friendship requires. I wept with those that weep, and I prayed with those that pray. Tell the • bereaved family how much I sympathize with them, and what a persuasion I have that the Grod of my de- 162 SELECTIONS FliOM THE CORRESPONDENCE parted friend will be “the Father of the fatherless, and the husband of the widow in his holy habitation,'’ and in their own. How surprising was the event! How ■well he seemed when I shook hands with him, alas ! for the last time, at the coach-door ! I knew the year before he sometimes complained, but was not aware that the least danger of such an issue was attached to the complaint. W ell, nothing has occurred by chance ; a sparrow falls not to the ground without our heavenly Father, and the very hairs of our head are all num- bered. And be it remembered ever, that while He does all things, he does all things well. His dispen- sations are not only sovereign, but wise, righteous, and kind — kind even when they seem to be severe. We may be unable to explain them at present; but “we know that the Messias cometh, which is called Christ, and when he is come he will tell us all things.” Till then, let us walk by faith, and give him a full credit for the goodness of his designs, and the manner in which they are accomplished. This is the way — the only way — to reach rest in a world like this. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee, because he trustetli in thee.” Though we must not dictate, but leave it to God to determine by what death we shall glorify him, such a dismission as our lovely friend was favored with has always ap- peared to me very enviable. The partings, “ The pains, the groans, the dying strife Fright our approaching souls away,’’ &c. Here all this was prevented. ; and we can say over his grave, OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 163 “A soul prepared needs no delays, The summons comes, the saint obeys, Swift was his flight and short the road, He closed his eyes, and woke with God.” I felt, too, for the shock your good wife must have felt in her delicate situation ; and hope she is now dis- burdened, and has forgotten her anguish for joy that a man is born into this world. Kemember me to her ; and to all the dear afflicted house, where I was so cor- dially entertained. I do bear, and 1 will bear them all upon my mind at the throne of grace — that refuge, that resource of benevolence and friendship. I had three funeral services to perform last week only. What a dying world ! Yours to esteem and serve, &c. To Miss Harman. Lymouth, August 11, 1830. My dear Miss Harman, — Your very acceptable • parcel arrived just before we set off from Bath. I am much obliged by both the works, but you should not have had them bound so expensively. Baxter’s “ Life” we took with us, with some other mental and spiritual provender; but when we got out of the coach at Bridgewater, we left the parcel in the boat, and as there was no direction upon it, we did not recover it till two days ago. Though generally acquainted with Baxter and his works, 1 find fnuch that is new and in- teresting in the “ Life,” for you must know I have nearly devoured it already, and even the charms of this God-made spot could not draw me off from the 164 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE perusal. Your lamented friend and pastor* has, I think, done much justice to this extraordinary man ; to his character , and to his publications — to the excel- lences and infirmities of the one, and the orthodoxy and errors of the other ; and I hope the book will be largely circulated. Henry says it is impossible to read the book of Psalms and not be inflamed or ashamed by the perusal. I say the same of this work. But I fear I shall be more shamed than fired. What piety ! what diligence ! what sufferings ! what patience and submission! Well, by the grace of God he was what he was ; and the God of all grace remains the same, and is within our reach in all that we call upon him for. Instead of growing tired of this Swiss village, we admire it more than ever. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury have been here four days with us ; and though they have travelled much over our country, they prefer this to everything they have seen. They occupied the room you would have slept in, could I have had power enough to overcome your good father’s objections. Give my kindest love to him notwithstanding, for we are bound to forgive; nor forget your dear mother, who, I believe, pleaded for us. We all lament your absence ; and Mrs. Jay and Miss Protheroe send their most lovingest regards. I wish I could give a better account of my most dear wife ; but she is very poorly, and can hardly enjoy any of the pleasures of the place. This is a sad deduction. “ Full bliss is bliss Divine.” The weather, too, at present is much against her. To supply your place imperfectly, a young pious lady, and an old acquaintance, Miss Browning, from Ilfra- * Rev. W. Orate, of Camberwell. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 165 combe, has come over to take lodgings near us, and we find others are coming. But I wish not for more. I wish to be entirely disengaged ; not, however, to be idle, but to be at liberty to use my pen, — and I do use it daily, as much as comports with the design of the excursion. What a work is this in France ! I trust no violence and excess will mar it ; yet I could wish that the wretched family of the Bourbons was entirely excluded. I always felt a persuasion that Providence would destroy it. Much yet remains to be done in the Popish countries. Adieu, my dear Miss Harman. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. Yours, &c. To his son Edward . London, June, 1832 . I FULLY intended returning home to-morrow, but circumstances have determined us to go round by Henley, as Mr. Bolton is not very well. I cannot, therefore, be at home before Thursday evening ; and, therefore, it will be necessary to engage some one to preach. We shall be taken up at Reading by the new company’s coach. I have secured our places. Anne comes by the same coach to-morrow ; let her be looked out for, and see that her parcels be safe. Your « precious mother is pretty well upon the whole ; but she has been too much excited, and I long to get her home. We have been much crowded. Last Friday I dined at the Lord Mayor’s, and met a very agreeable and interesting company, the lion of which was His Highness the Rajah Rammohun Roy. You cannot imagine what a full-minded, and clever, and agreeable 166 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE man he is ; always more than a match for any one who disputed with him, especially the Tories— and we had several of them. As it was known that he was to hear me at Surrey Chapel last evening, we were not only full, but hundreds went away. He came in his carriage, ten minutes before six, with Dr. Henry and Archdeacon Stockport, and was conducted to a good place for seeing and hearing. His fine figure, and his rich and elegant costume, attracted every eye. He was observed to give great attention, and frequently jogged his companions without taking off his eye from the pulpit. I preached an hour and a quarter, raised above the fear of man by previous retirement. When it was over, he said, loud enough to be heard by many, “ I must have this sermon, and publish it.” He came into the house, with immense difficulty pressing through the crowd in the yard, all waiting to see him. The house also, in both rooms, was full. The pleasure he expressed from hearing the sermon, before all the people present, was really affecting. It so com- pletely met with his sentiments, he said, that he hoped I would not deny him the sermon to publish himself, and circulate among his friends. I tried to decline, till delicacy would permit it no longer ; and so I have committed myself, and must w r rite it out as soon as I come back, for he is going to the Continent in a few weeks. Dr. Henry and the archdeacon were especially delighted ; and when I said to the former, “ Doctor, I fear you have suffered from the crowd and the heat,” he replied, u Sir, I felt nothing but the sermon.” You see, my dear boy, I keep back nothing from you ; but I could not say all this to others-. Grarfit does not seem amended. I have just walked with him to the OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 167 Mansion House. The Lord Mayor could not attend yesterday, but the Lady Mayoress was present with a very splendid carriage. Kindest regards to Mrs. Bur- ton ; and kiss Margaret for me, if you do not object to it. Your affectionate father, &c. To the Rajah Rammohun Roy . Sin, — I herewith transmit the manuscript of the sermon you so candidly heard, and, so unexpectedly to the preacher, wished to see and to circulate. I could not send it earlier, owing to my travelling, and the nu- merous engagements and interruptions I met with im- mediately on mv return. Your Highness will observe that 1 had not written the sermon previously, but de- livered it from short notes only ; and, therefore, I should have had more difficulty in recalling the lan- guage as well as the sentiments, had not a friend fur- nished me with a short-hand copy. In consequence of this the discourse will be found more than substan- tially the same with what was spoken from the pulpit. In the very trifling alterations I have made, I did not attempt to reduce the free and popular mode of address I assumed, and which was so requisite in so very large and mixed a multitude of hearers. For want of this many preachers preach inefficiently, or sacrifice im- pression on the mass to the gratification of the few* The manner of the Great Teacher sent from God may be inferred from the reproach, which was yet an eulo- gium, — “the common people heard him gladly.” It is presumed that the~e may be some few things in 168 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE the discourse in which your Highness may not entire- ly coincide ; but it afforded me pleasure to conclude from your request that, upon the whole, and as having some useful bearings, it has met your Highness’ ap- probation. I commend it to the Divine influence ; and, imploring the blessing of God upon your High- ness, permit me to subscribe myself, Your Highness’ obliged and humble servant, William Jay. Bath, June 29, 1832. To his Son Edward . Weymouth, August 22, 1832. I drop you a line to say we received the basket of fruit safe and sound. * * * * So your precious mother instantly made up a nice little present for Lord and Lady W , who were at the Eoyal Hotel, in their way back from Guernsey to Sidmouth, and who, hearing of us, called, and said, if I preached on the Sunday they would stay over the day. They did so ; and this gave me an opportunity of several interviews. I like them both much, as far as I have conversed with them. She knows the truth, and I really believe feels the power of it ; and is resisting all the fanati- cism that rages in the West of England, and all around Sidmouth. He seems very amiable and promising, and is exceedingly attached to his wife. He is a thor- ough Whig ; says he was a member for one of his father’s rotten boroughs, but was bound hand and foot, and obliged to vote on the wrong side, and would not endure the farce any longer. He says he reads my OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 169 u Exercises” every day, and uses my “ Prayers.” They much wish to come and live in the near neighborhood of Bath. * * * * Give my best regards to our elders and friends, and let them be immediately in- formed of my return. They will see that I have not encroached upon their kindness, taking in part but two Sabbaths, for the other pertained to my month of privilege. But where love actuates, we do not need restraints and rules. I love home, and never preach with so much pleasure as in Argyle Chapel, where I have employed for God the flower, yea, the far larger part, of my whole life. And, blessed be His name, He has not withholden tokens of his approbation. I refer not only to my own church, but to strangers also who occasionally attend there. A lady who lives in a neighboring village called in her carriage the other morning, and said that eighteen years ago she was at Bath with her gay companions, but felt an inclination one evening to leave them and go to Argyle. I preach- ed, she said, from — “ Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire ?’’ From that time she left the world, and has been ever since not only blessed, but a blessing. She came to hear me on Sabbath morning, and I have been to her house. Tell Mrs. Hallet and Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths, with my kindest respects, that Mrs. Chamberlaine is to be mar- ried very soon to a gentleman, a local Wesleyan preach- er at Colne. I had this from herself. Mrs. Parsons also is not without hope, though she lost her admirer here some time ago : another is coming forward with only seven children! Well done, little Cupid! All join in dearest love to all, with, &c, . 8 170 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE To Miss Harman. June 29, 1832. My dear Miss Harman, — You know how I admire that precious little text, u By love serve one another.” Could it be brought into general operation, it would soon turn our wretched earth into u a garden of the Lord.” I believe I know you have no objection to it, for we have long put it to the test. But I am never very prolix in my introductions. This, therefore, is to say that, coming to London, and returning from it, we had some coffee at Thatcham after dinner ; we think it the best we ever drank ; and Miss Fromont told us she bought it of Mr. North, near the Bridewell Hos- pital, Blackfriars. Will you, therefore, when you go by, call there, and purchase for us four pounds, and send it by the new companj^’s coach ? I here pledge myself to repay you — not, however, I suppose, when you come down at the end of the month, to go with us to Ilfracombe. We got home safe and well. My precious invalid was very little tired. She now, in very strange language, (for I know her meaning,) begs to be remembered to you, and says, it is very hard the woman won’t let him come. Amidst many engage- ments and interruptions, always multiplied on return- ing home, I have just finished my transcript for the Rajah, and am now (it is Friday evening) preparing for the Sabbath. Preaching is trying work this weather ; so you say is hearing, unless the pastor makes us lie down in green pastures, and feedeth us beside the still waters. How delightful the five points would be now treated in the jargon of the school-theology ! O my OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 171 charming Bible, how I love thy simplicity, and gran- deur, and grace! Prov., vi. 21, 22. One of my best members died the day after my re- turn. She was “ an old disciple, ” whose life was goodness and whose end was peace. With best re- spects to your good father and mother, I have but just time to subscribe myself, Yours, &c. Lord Barham to Mr. Jay. London, December 31, 1834. My dear Mr. Jay, — You will be glad to hear that we arrived safely in town, though the fog was so thick on Saturday evening as we approached London, that we were in some danger of an overturn by driving up a bank. Parliament, you see, is at last dissolved. Some Tories I have seen, think that this is a very un- wise measure for their own interests. They have now nothing to fall back upon, which they would have had if they had first endeavored to meet the now late Par- liament. May the Lord direct the ensuing election as shall best promote the nation’s good ! We were very sorry not to see you the morning we left Bath. We hope dear Mrs. Jay continues pretty well. We beg our most kind regards to her. Will you accept our little offering for the rich gratification and edification we have enjoyed from our late attend- ance upon your much- valued instruction ? And be- lieve me, my dear Mr. Jay, With much respect and affection, Your obliged friend, Barham. 172 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Jay to Lord Barham. Bath, July 11, 1835. My dear Lord Barham, — I was out when your letter arrived, and I have been since engaged, even to engrossment. As your Lordship says nothing of your own, or Lady Barham’s health, I hope you are both in the enjoyment of that greatest of all temporal bless- ings. My dear Mrs. J ay has not been so well for the last month as usual, and seems to grow weaker. Of course my trial is increased, and I live in constant alarm and anxiety. But He, whose we are and whom we serve, knows what we need, and has engaged to make our strength equal to our day. Did your Lordship see, in the “ Christian Observer” about three months ago, an extract from the “ Remi- niscences of Dr. Valpy” concerning Mrs. More, and the account which he says she gave him of her communing once in Argyle Chapel ? Never was there such a tissue of misrepresentation ; and, could I believe that Mrs. More had been capable of uttering it, I should never feel respect for her memory, or read her works with pleasure again. But she had a mind too good and honorable to express what, as coming from her, would have been no less than falsehood, to serve the purpose of what she hated, bigotry . I was urged to write to the editor, but I declined. All these things will get rectified and known in due time ; and then some illib- erals may feel a little mortification, though it is almost unreasonable to expect a thorough -paced ecclesiastic to blush. I hardly know what to say to your Lordship’s ques- tion. I have always considered high Churchism and OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 173 low Popery as nearly the same ; or the difference be- tween them as the difference between the tadpole and the toad. None of our passions so readily assume the mask of rectitude and religion as anger ; but “the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” Many, I fear, “ know not what manner of spirit they are of or forget that it is said of our Example as well as Saviour, “ He shall not strive nor cry, nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets ; a bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench.” If “ the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle towards all men,” violence, and defiance, and scorn, and insult, are not the weapons of our warfare. “ He that winneth souls is wise ;” — and the best way to convert men, or at least to induce them to attend to what we advocate, is to convince them that we love them, and desire to do them good. Between ourselves, I have always thought that these Reformation Meetings would do more hurt than good ; and I am persuaded they have already increased Pope- ry, by awakening zeal and courage in its defence ; and flattering its adherents (for they must feel delight in such announcements) as amazingly multiplying, and endangering Protestantism and the Church. But if the Church be in danger, it is not the Church of Christ ; or He was mistaken when He said, “ On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” “Secret things belong to the Lord,” but we must act according to his will, and do justly, and do unto others as we would have oth- ers do unto us. I cannot, therefore, but believe we have done what God approves, in “ loosening every yoke and letting the oppressed go free.” I was, there* 174 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE fore, a friend, and I am still a friend, to the Catholic Emancipation. Everything like persecution is hate- ful to the meek and lowly religion of the Lamb of God ; as we see in his rebuke to James and John, with regard to the Samaritans who had not received him, “ The Son of Man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” I should be ashamed to take a lib- erty to think and act for myself in religion which I was unwilling to grant. Neither am I afraid of Pope- ry — neither do I believe in its increase, but as papists increase relatively with other parts of our population, or in some few and particular places by occasional in- fluxes of Irish. But why are not some individuals ashamed to let out what they believe to be a fact — “ Popery increasing, amazingly increasing,” without the encouragement of the State ! without an Establish- ment ! against an Establishment ! and a richly-endow- ed Church doing nothing ! Yea, retrograding and in danger of coming to naught ! What ! has this pure and Apostolical institution been tried so long in Ire- land, and found wanting ? And while we abhor Popery, we must be candid enough not to wonder that upwards of six millions, brought up in the religion of their forefathers, should feel an Establishment over them, consisting of so small a minority ; for how small is it when all the other Protestant parties are deduct- ed? Was there ever such a state of things in any other country under heaven ? With regard to some of the wretched and alarming tenets of Popery, (though these are seldom war- whooped by many churchmen, till some movement seems to threaten the loaves and fishes,) we may ask, how would some other parties appear, if some of their former and abstracter prin- OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 175 ciples were to be published among them now ? Take Knox’s pleading for destroying papists as idolaters ; and the Church of Scotland’s confession of the duty of exterminating prelacy ; and Dr. Dopping’s Sermon (Bishop of Meath) that no faith should be kept with papists, &c., and trumpet this at Exeter Hall, and run down those who are regarded as brethren ! Besides, if Popery is the same, the times, the state of society, and public opinion are not the same. Pa- pists, however disposed, could not put a heretic to death, or imprison him in any country, even where it prevails. Neither will it be ever able to do it again ; the power is gone forever. Look at Germany — look at Switzer- land, where some cantons are popish and some protest- ant ; and some consisting of both intermingled ; and exercising alternately the same places of worship. See America. Is Popery, civilly and politically, more dreaded than any other denomination ? The reason is, they are all tolerated, and none exclusively favor- ed. How true is your Lordship’s remark, that “ polit- ical opinion tinges all information.” But let us judge as well as we can for ourselves. Let us be zealous in doing our Lord’s work while it is day ; but let us do it in his own spirit. I am no croaker. I am persuad- ed real religion is advancing ; and I know that “ the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth,” &c., “for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” How glad I should be to talk over many of these things with your Lordship, but I have not time to enlarge this letter. We all unite in best regards to your much esteem- ed Lady Barham. And believe me, &c. 176 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE [Note by the Editors .] The reader of this letter must not fail to observe its date, and to remember that it was written nearly twenty years ago ; a circumstance which, if in the pe- rusal he felt any surprise at the tone in which Mr. Jay speaks of Popery, will tend considerably to explain the tone used, and abate the surprise of the reader. The movements on behalf of Protestantism at that day were of a totally different character from those of our own. Had Mr. Jay been alive, and required to ex- press his opinion on the subject of Roman Catholic claims and emancipation now, especially in view of Dr. Wiseman’s elevation to the Cardinalate, and the creation of an ecclesiastical hierarchy, based on, and designed to enforce, the infamous Canon Law of Rome, we believe he would have somewhat modified his lan- guage and opinion. He might not, any more than ourselves, have changed his opinion on the expediency of admitting Roman Catholics to equal civil and polit- ical privileges ; but he would certainly have express- ed his indignation, disgust, and alarm at the turbulent, encroaching, and intolerant spirit of the papacy, and its abettors in Ireland, which, instead of remaining sat- isfied, as it was understood it would be, with the con- cessions of the Relief Bill, has used it only as a van- tage-ground, from which to urge further demands, till it has become too apparent that it aspires at nothing less than a political and ecclesiastical supremacy. Nor would Mr. Jay, had he written upon the subject at the present time, have expressed himself so confidently of the safety of concession, after what has taken place in OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 177 Tuscany, and even in Ireland. An intolerant religion is always and everywhere an enemy, and even the greatest of enemies, to the well-being of states. Those who execrate liberty of conscience, and would extir- pate heretics by the secular sword, ought to be indulg- ed with only a limited power, but never entrusted with the liberties of England, while they declare that their object is to introduce the Canon Law , which is thoroughly intolerant, and bitterly persecuting against subjects, as well as treasonable against royalty. In contemplation of such facts, Mr. Jay could have view- ed the whole Roman hierarchy as merely an organized conspiracy against the liberties of the world. Their view of liberty is a freedom granted to ecclesiastics to sustain the laity ; while they deem themselves persecuted if they are restrained from persecuting others. We wish also to offer a remark upon Mr. Jay’s views of the Irish Church. As nonconformists our- selves, we cannot but coincide generally with his re- marks on this subject ; and yet we are not forgetful that a more devoted and laborious ministry does not exist than may be found in many of the parishes of the Established Church in Ireland. Their successful efforts for the conversion and emancipation of the miserable slaves of Roman Catholic superstition and tyranny, as set forth in the statements of the Society for Irish Church Missions, entitle them to the highest praise ; while the pitiless persecution endured by their agents and converts should call forth the sympathy of the Protestant world, and at the same time convince it, that Popery, either at home or abroad, is the in* exorable enemy of all liberty, whether civil or re* 8 * " 178 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE ligious, though the loudest clamorers for both, when it is deprived of the means of encroaching on the lib- erty of others. Lady Barham to Mr . Jay . 1838. Dear Mr. Jay, — You will have seen by the papers the loss my dear husband has sustained in his father, who died last Wednesday, leaving behind him many pleasing instances of his heart having been renewed ; and to us the delightful hope of his having entered into glory — entered upon that endless life of bliss. I shall indeed be very happy to present your “ Morning and Evening Portion” to the Queen. I think it would be well to write a note with them , expressing your humble hope that Her Majesty will condescend to ac- cept of your book, which has already had the honor to have been graciously received at the court of Peters- burg, &c. I have written this to you to give you an idea (as you wished) of the manner in which Her Majesty gen- erally is addressed ; and then you will of course write what you like, only after this fashion. I think it would be better not to write the Queen’s name in the books. Perhaps mentioning where they had' been re- ceived would be an additional inducement to her to read them. Will you give my kind and Christian love to dear Mrs. Jay, in which Lord Barham joins, and also in best remembrance to yourself? When I see Mrs. Wil* OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 179 man I can deliver your message to her. She is now staying at Eston. Believe me, dear Mr. Jay, Yours respectfully and sincerely, F. Barham. CatmOre Lodge, Feb. 26, 1838. TO THE QUEEN, On presenting to Her Majesty a copy of the 11 Morning and Evening Exercises Bath, March, 1838. Madam, — Will your Majesty pardon the freedom of one of your loyal subjects, and graciously conde- scend to accept this humble offering at his hand ? The Author has long been honored with the inti- macy of Lord Barham, and his excellent lady has kindly and readily offered to present the work to your Majesty. The publication is designed to furnish the reader with a text of Scripture for every morning and even- ing in the year, accompanied with very brief reflec- tions ; the better suited to those who have multiplied engagements, and yet are concerned to feel their de- pendence upon God, and not lose his approbation in the discharge of them. Though the writer is very sensible of the imperfec- tions of his work, yet he is not a little encouraged by hearing of its continued circulation ; the reception it has met with in some of the higher walks of life ; the approbation of it expressed by Her Majesty the Em- press of Russia ; the notice it has obtained from sev- 180 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE eral of your Majesty’s illustrious House ; and, above all, the blessing of God, which has honored it with many tokens of usefulness. Though he will be unknown to your Majesty, there is not one in all your applauding empire who more sincerely and earnestly prays for your Majesty’s safety and happiness, than, May it please your Majesty, Your Majesty’s most humble servant and dutiful subject, The Author. To Miss Head. Bath, March 8, 1838. * * * * You see from her information ( from America ), and she is not querulous, that religion is not in such a state as we could wish ; and that the preaching is defective, because the preachers there (as too often here ) wish to appear to be learned and intel- lectual, and so the common people, who heard our dear Lord gladly, and understood and felt him, “look up and are not fed.” What can the mass of an au- dience do with nice distinctions, and abstruse reason- ings, and long argumentative paragraphs ? A preach- er may as well take a fiddle into the pulpit, and better too, especially if he could make the people dance ; this bodily exercise would profit a little. “The words of the wise are as goads and as nails.” Let ministers read Bunyan, and Leighton, and Henry, and Flavel, and many more, under whose ministry “the poor had the Gospel preached unto them.” However well com- posed (according to a certain standard) I could not sit OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 181 patiently under many an American and many an Eng- lish preacher, though I should not do as I knew a man (for I can vouch, and many more now living, for the truth of the fact) at Avebury some years ago. He, one Sunday afternoon, after listening for some time to a sermon, correct enough, but perfectly dry and unin- teresting, rushed up from the aisle, and pulled the man — the Rev. Mr. Gr by the collar out of the pulpit, and then with his iron-tipped shoes kicked the pulpit in pieces, for which he was confined five months in Fisherton gaol, but for which he ought to have had a statue erected to his memory. Poor fellow, I well re- member him. The last time I saw him, after mowing all day, he had walked six miles, and had the same distance to return, to get something to affect his poor heart , , and which he could think of when whetting his scythe, or eating his crust upon the new-mown swath. Our old divines and the Methodist preachers, when they just sprung up, had something to rend or melt , to strike and stick — to lead their hearers to think of again and again when alone, and to talk of again and again when in company. But what is the recommendation of many of the moderns ? Oh, they glitter — -they do — but, as Foster says, with/r0s£. You know my fond- ness (amounting almost to idolatry) of dear John . What a pretty sentiment is this which I recently met with from one of his pilgrims ! I give it the more readily because I am sure my dear friend can make it her own . “ I always loved to hear of my Lord, and wherever I saw the print of his shoe, I wished to put my foot.” There — is not that as good as some ser- mons? Do you think there was ever such another tinker in all the world ? When I was last week with 182 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE jour friend, the blind clergyman, (bis sister- in law now comes to our Monday evening meeting,) I was speak- ing of Bunyan’s “Holy War.” This he had never read. I long to hear how he liked it. I was going foolishly to say, I wish I had never read it, but had the entire pleasure to come . How I should like to read it through to your uncle and aunt, and weep over parts of it together ! Though the image of war is not so agreeable as that of a pilgrimage, and though, as a whole, the “ Holy War” is not equal to its predecessor, yet I am surprised that it is not more read, and I can- not but think some parts of it are peculiarly affecting — witness the sending of the letter to Immanuel by Mr. Weteyes ; the difficulty of destroying the doubters , &c. I cannot endure transcription, and therefore I send you (preserve it, for I have no copy) a passage which Mr. Bedford had just found in, and translated from, Milton’s Second Defence, in Latin, of the people of England in putting Charles to death. He felt it, dear man ; it came home to his own affliction ; and I ob- served he was not a little moved when his daughter read it for him. * * * * * * * * I am, &c. To Miss Head. Bath, Nov. 27 , 1838 . Now for a little news for maiden ladies — and even good and pious maiden ladies like a bit, let them say what they will ; and why, in the name of wonder, should they not? First . We had a series of glorious services af N ur Missionary Meeting; and how pleasing OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 183 and satisfactory is it that the spirit of these benevolent convocations keeps up! Secondly. We have had four deaths in our congregation since I saw you — Mr. Slow- come, an attorney, perfectly sudden; Mrs. Widcombe, a poor woman whom I think you knew, chargeable with considerable faults, yet of Quixotic kindness and liberality ; Miss Peacock, a precious soul, and without any of that bird’s vanity and pride ; and Mr. Smith, who has left a widow and four children. You remem- ber her sufferings two years ago, when she lost three lovely children almost together, at the time her hus- band was in prison, but not for crime. Thirdly . I have just received an imperial green-gage plum-tree from Worthing, the sight of which brought, O what vivid recollections of the dear company and delight- ful hours enjoyed there!! Fourthly . Last week Bella wrote, inquiring after your welfare, and begging her love “ to dear Miss Head.” They were transported, she said, with the prospect of coming to Bath, before which then seven Sabbaths were to intervene, now six. Fifthly. I put down things as they occur ; as friend- ship is free and open, I must inform you that Mr. W has left me <£200, free of legacy duty; but it is after his wife’s death. Whether all he has left is in the same way, I cannot tell ; but I believe he has left more than £10,000 to various institutions. Mrs. Jay feels and talks of his death very much. He was a great favorite with her ; and we have known him inti- mately for fifty years nearly. Sixthly. To-day we had a letter from Lord , who is on a visit to the Queen at Windsor. He says, “he thought dear Mrs. Jay would like to have a line from thence , and learn how well our amiable and excellent Queen is, and also 184 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE Lady .” He laments the bigotry of Wilberforce’s life ; and says, 44 1 have just seen Miss , who says, 4 Mr. Wilberforce said to me, a few weeks only before his death,’ 'my sons are sad high churchmen — all trumpery and nonsense.’” Seventhly . Sunday: I was again in Bristol, and preached at Hew Brunswick Chapel, to immense congregations, for the Sunday- school. I called on the Dean, Dr. Lamb, but he and his wife are now at Cambridge. I dined with Mr. and Mrs. Hare, who will not be satisfied till you and Mrs. Jay have paid them a visit. I only add that I love a laugh when it leaves no sting in the conscience, or stain upon the mind ; and that such a laugh cannot be disagreeable to your uncle in his long solitudes, and (I love to hear him laugh, he does it so heartily) tell him, therefore, I lately heard of an Irishman who was very ill, and who, when the physician told him he must prescribe an emetic for him, answered, “Indeed, doctor, an emetic will never do me no good, for I have taken several, and could never keep one of them upon my stomach.” Walter Scott says, 44 When in Ireland a poor man did some- thing for me, and having no change, I gave him a shilling instead of a sixpence, saying, ‘Now, Paddy, remember you owe me sixpence.’ 4 God bless your honor,’ said he, 4 and may you live till I pay it.’ ” 44 1 walked,” says a gentleman, 44 into one of their fields, and to try him, I said to one of the haymakers, 4 Well, Pat, if the devil was to come and fetch one of ns, which would he take first?’ 4 O surely,’ said he, 4 myself, ’ 4 Why so ?’ 4 Because he ’s sure enough of your honor at any time.’ ” Mrs. Jay joins in all loving kindness with, &c. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 185 To Miss Harman . Bath, January 7, *24. Upon the reception of your letter with a second sor- rowful announcement, I thought I would not write to you again for some days, till you would have gone through a fresh painful service, and he a little more composed, and be able to receive an epistolary visit. But after our long and endeared friendship, I cannot refrain from breaking in upon you immediately, lest you should think we do not sympathize with you, so much as I am sure we really do. I say we, for my precious invalid, to whom your letter was addressed, deeply feels for you, as well as myself, under these sudden and closely successive losses of a father and a mother. May He whose property it is to comfort those who are cast down be a very present help in this time of trouble. I know your judgment will immediately acquiesce in this trying dispensation, because He has done it ; and if your feelings are not so easily ruled, and nature now and then seems ready to repine, do not condemn yourself as destitute of submission, while your desire is to the Lord, for He knows your frame, and looks to the heart. You have too, and these must not be overlooked, many alleviations and comforts to mingle in your affliction, especially that the dear de- parted are disposed of infinitely to their advantage, and after being continued to you so long, while you have a good hope through grace that, in due time, yo: will be received by them into everlasting habitations. Were I near, how gladly would I call and weep with you ; but Mrs. Jay and myself do hope that you will relieve the scene as soon as possible by a change, and 186 SELECTIONS I ROM THE CORRESPONDENCE let us have the great pleasure of welcoming you under our roof for a season. The travelling is now nothing, and the old, I will not call it an excuse , for I am sure it was not, but prevention, is removed. You shall in- terpret my dear wife’s language, which you can do better than any other, and ride out with her in the carriage ; and I will give you as much of my company as I can afford, and you shall detect me if I preach old sermons, &c. Mrs. Ashton is now with us, as her hus- band, through business, was obliged to return before her, and will return, I expect, to-morrow week. But should you be able to journey before she goes, we have plenty of accommodation, and she will be de- lighted to see you here. She joins with her dear mother and myself in every kind and tender regard. My dear wife says you must come, and you know her husband seldom differs from her. — In haste, &c. Rev. T. Orinfield to Mr. Jay. Clifton, February 6, 1841. Dear Sir, — I am sure the well-known kindness of your nature will pardon the freedom I take (as an un- known stranger) in sending a transcript of some lines which appear in the 11 Bristol Journal ” of this morning* They were almost an irrepressible effusion of feeling on the occasion mentioned. And, having just perus- ed the beautiful account, in the same journal, of the jubilee proceedings of Tuesday last, I cannot refrain from begging your acceptance of my mite among so many worthier offerings. Born at Bath, about two years before the commencement of your ministry, I OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 187 well remember having often heard a beloved mother speak with pleasure of your early popularity and use- fulness. And though I have enjoyed but four or five opportunities (few and far between) of hearing you, (once years ago at Bridge-street, for the Moravian Mis- sions, once at Broadmead, on “ grace and truth” com- ing by Christ, once at Lady Huntingdon’s, on the fine analogy between the influence of the Rain and Snow and that of God’s Word,) I have retained a most pleas- ing impression of your preaching, and congratulate those who could statedly enjoy it ; while I cannot wonder at their zeal in expressing their regard for one who had so well secured it. Excuse this trespass upon your time and attention, and permit me to subscribe myself, with every sentiment of respect and esteem, Yours sincerely, Thomas Grinfield. P. S. I rather think you remember my school-fellow at Mr. Simons’, of Paul’s Cray, Kent — Cornelius Neale, who used to see you at his father’s, and to speak of you to myself as early as 1804. Your “ Christian Contemplated” I read with admiring delight. Lines Occasioned by the perusal of the very interesting Sermon delivered on Sunday, January 31st, 1841, in Argyle Chapel, Bath, by the Rev. William Jay, on the completion of the Fiftieth Year of his ministry in that Chapel. Dear venerable Pastor! whose career Of laboring zeal hath closed its fiftieth year Within those favored walls, where once thy youth, Where still thine age, hath taught celestial truth ; Well did thy flock, with grateful love, agre# To celebrate thy Pastoral Jubilee ; 188 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE Honoring tlieir friend, their father, honoring Heaven, Who such a father, friend, so long had given. Oh ! in this changeful world, how few like thee, Have trained one church through half a century; With undeclining constancy like thine, Alone, unaided, — save by strength Divine ! How well in thee was piety combined With kindly converse, and a master mind; How well thy natural eloquence impress’d Wisdom, devotion, on the listening breast ! A spreading throng caught manna from thy lips, Thy popularity knew no eclipse ; — The wise, the good, still hail’d thy faithful course, And with thy foremost friends, the sweet-soul’d Wilberforee. Happy like him in enviable age ! With Canaan opening on thy pilgrimage! Oh ! golden sunset of a beauteous day ! Soon in the clime of glory, thou too, Jay, Midst the bright host slialt shine, a star of loveliest ray! Thomas Grinfield. To Miss Harman . Bath, December, 1841. W hat a blunderer am I ! I read in your extract “ Home” for “ Rome.” This puzzled me, and under the perplexity I instantly wrote to prevent hinderance ! In future, I will (if anything perplexes me) read a let- ter a second time before I answer it. But now, in reply to your proposal. It does strike me that your brother’s offer should be readily accept- ed. Your motive w r ould not be unjustifiable were it only rational gratification ; but it may be useful to your health and spirits. You will also turn many things (with your mind) to moral and pious account, while you will yielc( satisfaction to a worthy youth whose relations in America and in Bath will thank God for OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 189 the providence. As far, therefore, as the decision de- pends upon me, I say go, and the Lord be with thee. You will not, you cannot ', suppose that I wish you at a greater distance than London, ( that being too far away,) and nothing will be dearer to me than your re- turn. But I see no one objection of weight, especially as you will meet with Mrs. E. Jay, and her brother and sister ; and your expenses will be defrayed by one whom I long to thank on your behalf. But O, to think how you will glory over us when you come back, and “ once more mingle with us meaner things I” But to prevent your despising us too much, you must remember who maketh yon to differ, and that some of us have not had the same opportunity or means. Let this be an answer to Jay’s note. As I presume you cannot set off before the beginning of the week, could you not see Bella, who comes up on Monday ? If so, appoint her by a line a place of interview ; but if you can set off sooner, do not delay ; but let me have a line as soon as you have arranged things, and blow me a salutation in it. Shall the books be still sent ? Have you seen the engraving ? I heard from Bartlet last evening that Jay dislikes it. How sad, should it not answer. You must not forget to correspond with me, and I will do my goodest in return. Regards to Mrs. Dore, &c. My respects to the Pope, but do not kiss his toe. Get Paul’s old lodgings if you can, Acts, xxviii. 30. And the “ goodwill of Him that dwelt in the bush” be with you in going out and coming in. Ever yours truly, &c. I think you know Mark Wilks at Paris, otherwise get a line from Mr. Burnet. 190 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE To Miss Harman. Bath, December 21, 1841. 1 have just received your kind letters to my wife and to her husband. They are like your whole self, or at least, like all you have exhibited towards us, ever since we were indulged with your friendship. I was a little anxious whether you would have made up your mind so easily and so soon, till I heard again from you, notwithstanding your obliging deference to my opinion ; as, in such cases, after all, we must judge for ourselves. But I cannot conceal my satisfaction at your decision; and not entirely on a kind of selfish account, but hoping that one so dear to us as you are will derive pleasure and profit from so interesting a prospect. O, that I could be your companion and your chaplain ; and be able by-and-bye to say as you will, — “I have seen Borne!” But the providence which approves of your going requires me to “ sit still.” But spirits like bodies are not fettered, and I shall think of you much, and follow you much, and shall expect a visit from you as soon as ever you return, to tell us about it ; and to hold up your head above us all while doing it ; As you write short-hand, it will be inexcusable not to keep a kind of journal ; and if you should wish to publish, who knows but I may write a preface, and so our names be blended to- gether before the world. Be attentive to your health, and brace up your mind by some daily retirement for meditation and prayer. Idle away none of the short time you will be there ; and be sure to see and hear what you cannot see after your return. Especially OF THE KEY. WILLIAM JAY. 191 observe whatever is connected with the sacred vol- umes ; and neglect not to go u as far as Apil -forum and the Three Taverns and for any expense you may incur there I will be answerable. Whether any one at Rome ever prayed for me before, I know not ; but I shall prize your remembrance of me much more than his Holiness’s, — yet if j^ou can get him to frank yejur letters to a heretic, you will induce him to do one good thing in his Pontificate. To induce him to do this, or to enclose them with any of his missives, please him by telling him how favorably things are going on in the Church of England ; and how many are longing to return home from their Reformation wanderings. What a feeling I have to see you both before your departure ; and I assure you I have been trying to ar- range things so as to allow of the pleasure ; but I find it is not practicable. So I embrace you at a dis- tance, and commend you to the God of our mercy. Read this to-day with my love and concern, — and be- lieve me, Yours most truly, &c. To Miss Head . Worthing, August 21st, 1842. I awoke this morning with the words upon my mind, “ I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day.” “ The Lord’s day,” as you well know, means the day of our Saviour’s resurrection ; and is so called because it was dedicated and observed to the glory of his name, and the service of his people. John’s being “ in the 192 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE Spirit” on this day, immediately intends a state of in- spiration ; and this was abundantly exemplified in the visions he received and reported. But we do well to use the phrase (as we do in our prayers) to mean a pe- culiar frame of mind under the ordinary agency of the Spirit; and what is a Lord’s day without this? Yet it struck me that there are two mistakes to which we are liable concerning it. First — We are not* to think we are not in the Spirit because we are not in a lively and comfortable frame . Such a frame is not to be undervalued ; but it may be overvalued, and it is so, when we make it exclusive. For we want many things besides consolation ; and we shall be a in the Spirit” if we feel much of His enlightening, or con- vincing, or humbling influences, and are more empty of self at the end of the Sabbath, than at the beginning of it. And Secondly : — W e must not suppose that such a Lord’s day is impossible, unless we are favored with the usual , and social , and public means of grace. John was away from all these in the mines of Patmos ; yet he never had such a Sabbath before ; and the Lord, who always teaches his children to love the temple, will show them that he is not confined to it. Not that we are to expect his presence when we can repair to his sanctuary ; but if we are his prisoners , he will not despise or forget us; but will render the house of mourning or the chamber of sickness “ none other but the house of God and the gate of heaven.” I know not whether your present dutv deprives you of the whole, or a part only, of your sanctuary privileges; but in either case, apply to yourself, my beloved friend, the remarks I have made ; and be sure to ap- OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 193 ply them also to your precious sufferer under every secret, silent, sightless Sabbath she may be called to endure. I trust her confidence, and calmness, and com- fort continue, and-that as her day, so is her strength. I did not, however, mean to preach, but only to call upon you in a letter for a few moments, and to ex- change a few words ; though I forget that you always in these written visits leave all the talk to myself — but is this quite fair ? “ Bell’s Daily Advertiser” will doubtless inform you of all that may be called news. W e all go on much the same ; only by the goodness of God, I feel much better, and seem to hope that I may become, not a young man again, but what I was before my several late indispositions ; and should this be the case, I trust I shall improve the blessing, by doing more than I have done for some time past. O what a privilege is health and strength, when we not only enjoy but employ them ! My reading has been various since I have been here ; my present engagement is with the life of “Billy Dawson,” the celebrated Wesleyan preacher. It is not well written, but it contains interesting and profitable matter. He was truly a great man ; not equal to our divine Bunyan, without learning, or at least without academical preparation for the ministry. * * * * * I have just received a letter of three sheets from my spiritual daughter, Miss Harris, at Caen in France. Had I a private hand I would send it for your pe- rusal ; as it would afford you pleasure to see how much decision and yet gentleness and prudence she displays ; and how useful, in a land of barrenness, she is likely to be. I wish you had knowi her when she was in 194 SELECTIONS FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE Bath. Should she come there again, I must bring Aer, or fetch you; and you will soon be like two drops of water on a table when they touch and run into one. I am, &c. To Mr . Rice Hopkins . Bath, Dec. 10, 1849. My Dear Sir, — I duly received your kind letter, and also the pamphlet. In addition to all your former kindnesses, I am much obliged by your remembering my wish, and taking pains to gratify it. If the pub- lishers (Jackson and Walford) would have no objec- tion to inform you of the author, I should be glad to be informed. But whoever was the writer, the work is masterly, and cannot be easily answered. It falls in with my views, which have never altered upon that subject.* I am glad you are in prospect of settlement with a pastor, and pray for a blessing upon the approaching union ; but I must decline your application, for my attending at the reopening of your chapel. I do not * The work here honored by the notice and commendation of Mr. Jay, is entitled, “Objections to the Doctrine of Israel’s Future Res- toration to Palestine, National Pre-eminence, : ; •' —?■ •• • ... ... More worn with days and sighings oft Thou seem’st, than when I took (The sacred spot remembered well.) That last, that lingering look. O could I once again behold That placid, plaintive mien, And but embrace the lovely wreck Of what thou long hast been ! OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 223 And is the sight forever barr’d ? Are we no more to meet 1 O happy brevity of life That will our bliss complete ! Then, freed from all thy present griefs, Thy raptur’d child shall see, And tell thee, dearest Mother, how, How much she owes to thee. April 15 , 1838 . TO MISS BROWNE, ON HER PRESENTING HIM WITH A PAIR OF GLASSES. So you, my friend, with kindness prompt Long known and often tried, Have thus, to aid your pastor’s sight, The need of art supplied. And he, not senseless of thy care, W ould wish the boon repaid ; And hopes, by instrument Divine, To yield thee kindred aid ; — By faith, a glass of sovereign use, That brings the distant near, Enlarges sense and reason’s bounds, And makes the doubtful clear. He ’d gladly help thine eye to read The record God has given, With brighter gaze thy Jesus see, And view thy right to heaven. 224 THE LITERARY REMAINS “ Father of lights,” from whom proceed Whatever gifts we own, Various the mediums may be found, But Thou the source, alone ! To Thee, our being and our weal, Each power and bliss we owe ; All nature's treasures flow from thee. And art's improvements flow. Nor let us ever little deem What so our good befriends, That lengthens out our visual ray. And all its joys extend : That aids us still the pencils tint In glowing charms to ken, And read, alone, the letter dear From Friendship’s absent pen : That helps us still the page to scan Of authors grave or gay ; Theirs, who our pleasure but consult, And theirs who teach to pray : That guides us to the Tree of Life, The Book of heavenly grace ; To see and gather from the boughs The fruits of joy and peace. But ah ! my friend, a present such A solemn voice assumes : u See how of life the noon is gone, And how the evening comes !” OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 225 The leaves that fade and fall foretell The year’s last setting sun, And Autumn is but Winter seen Approaching and begun Not sudden shuts the eve of life, Nor without warnings due ; Deaf grows the ear, and dim the eye, To preach, “ Thy days are few.” And shall we dream of years to come. Nor note our frame’s decay 1 Waken, O Lord, our sleepful souls And bid us live — to-day July 29 , 1819 . TO MISS BROWNE, ON PRESENTING HIM WITH SEVERAL BANDS MADE OUT OF HER GRANDFATHER’S ARCHIE* PISCOPAL SLEEVES. A mind to observation turn’d May well with wonder glow, To see the changes human things Are doomed to undergo. A vesture that a palace graced May serve a meeting-house at last ! “ What impious profanation this,” So D — b — ny would speak ; “ To take a robe a Bishop wore And bind it round the neck, Design’d a sacred badge to be Of schism and of heresy !” 10 * 226 THE LITERARY REMAINS But he who now assumes the lawn, Oh ! let it well be known, Ne’er stole a pair of crosier’d sleeves, Or wished such sleeves his own ; Nor thought e’en such a bit to win As now depends beneath his chin. Yet such a present he esteems, Peculiar in its kind, And which, whene’er he puts it on, The giver brings to mind, Whose brains the plan unique conceived, And whose own hands the work achieved. WITH THE PRESENT OF A BIBLE, WRITTEN AND PRESENTED TO HIS VERY DEAR DAUGHTER, MRS. ROBERT BOLTON. THE MORN- ING OF HER MARRIAGE. This Book, whose aim and Author are Divine, This best of books, my much-lov’d Anne, be thine ! This early bless’d thee with an influence mild, It charm’d the infant, and it form’d the child. This, when a daughter, sweetly ruled thy life, And now demands thy duty as a Wife. O daily read ; and in this Volume trace Thy Sovereign’s pleasure and thy Saviour’s grace. These rules will keep thee in a world of snares, These comforts cheer thee in a vale of tears. In every scene to this dear Book be just, Each counsel follow and each promise trust. Be this thy study ; this thy glory be ; And let thy Mother be renew’d in thee. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 227 TO MRS. GILL, ON HER DESIRING FROM HIM A LETTER OF HIS OWN WRITING TO BE KEPT FOR HIS SAKE. January 22, 1823. So you, dear Madam, ask a line, And how can I deny you ? That you may keep, in my own hand, A brief memorial by you. Well, here it is, when I am gone To tell, whoe’er may note it, How long I knew, and much I prized, The Friend for whom I wrote it. To tell how warm, and changeless too, The kindness of her heart ; And how in all my joys and tears She bore a feeling part. To tell that none at wisdom’s gate More constantly was found, Or with more joy, when call’d, e’er trod The temple’s holy ground. To tell how. she, not free from fear, A lively hope possessed, While all her walk and spirit show’d The Gospel she profess’d. So spake her pastor while below ; Nor can his hope be vain, That she will prove his joy and crown When they shall meet again. 228 THE LITERARY REMAINS LINES ON HIS FIFTY-FIFTH BIRTH-DAY, MAY 8 , 1824 . What, my soul, O, what emotion Should I on this morning feel, Shame , and grief, and new devotion , Hope, and gratitude , and zeal ; These, if conscience be addressed, These become my Birth-day best. Shame, that fruit so small, if any, Should from such high culture spring , Grief, that seasons rich and many Should no longer profit bring. O, how guilty life appears, When compared with means and years 1 Praise, that though, His counsels shining, I’ ve rebelled against the light, He his love revealed each morning, And his faithfulness each night. If a tear my eye-lids knew, Mercy shut and wiped it too. Hope, that He who ne’er denied me, In my worth or in my woe, Will each day with grace provide me, And his strength in weakness show. He, my Guardian, yet can shield, Till I leave the conquer’d field. Zeal, for now the sun, descending, Calls to mind the close of day ; And how soon, in life declining, Will the seasons flee away. I may then their loss deplore ; But they can return no more. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 229 Prayer ; — alone I would not venture On a year of good or ill ; Saviour Jesus, with me enter, And afford thy presence still. Let me live, or let me die, Nought I want if thou art nigh. LINES WRITTEN ON VISITING HIS NATIVE VILLAGE, IN 1800. [Before these lines we place a brief extract from a letter written to a friend, after another visit to Tisbury, many years subsequent to that on which the lines were written: — “My visit was pleasant, but the Sunday was wet all day, yet we had many to- hear. I felt more than usual, perhaps from the thought, how few more visits I was ever likely to pay the place. I found my parental cottage clean and neat, with many flowers before the door. I sent the occupants (distant relations) into the garden for awhile, in order to be alone ; and so I ‘ went in and sat before the Lord, and said, What am I, and what is my father’s house, that thou hast brought me hitherto ? ’ I sat in the very same great arm-chair which I had always seen my father sit in ; and all is still in tolerable condition. I was affect- ed with the thought that seventy-four years ago, in this humble room, the peculiar child of Providence breathed his infancy and childhood — how unlikely to become what he has since been !”"| The way by which a gracious God Has led me all my days, Demands, on each review, a song Of wonder and of praise. His care, attending every step, Was my perpetual guide ; His ear attentive heard my prayer; His hand my wants supplied, 230 THE LITERARY REMAINS The course through which my journey ran Was winding and unknown; His providence the scenes had plann’d, And each appeared His own. More now, since first I left this spot, Than twice eight years have fled ; And many once who charm’d my youth Are number’d with the dead. ’Twas here I drew my infant breath : Here fled my youthful hours ; Here first I heard the Gospel sound, And felt its heavenly powers. When o’er my former walks I rove, How fresh the scenes appear ! And here I pour’d an artless prayer, And there indulged a tear. Unknown to fortune and to fame, My early years expired ; No science had enrich’d my mind, No hope my bosom fired. But Heaven a Winter thus addressed “ This youth I charge on thee, Go, take him — I the impulse gave — And train him up for Me. “ Awaken thou each dormant power, Chase every cloud away, And on his understanding pour An intellectual day. OF THE REV. WILLIAM FAY. 231 “ The tree that in a barren soil Can no good produce bear, Transposed, may flourish, and with fruit Repay the dresser’s care.” Winter * I love to think on thee, And those dear hours review, When in thy house, and from thy lips, I sacred wisdom drew. Thy life, enforcing all thy rules, Shed every grace abroad, And thine example all alive Portray’d the man of God. Nor would I now the blessings losb Which from thy care have flow’d, For all that schools of fame have given, Or colleges bestow’d. * Mr. Jay says, iii the Life of Winter, p. 272, concerning these lines, when transmitted to Mr. Winter, he wrote thus : — “ It is im- possible I can keep the little poem to myself; and yet I truly blush at being the subject of so much honor as it intends me. I pray God that in the judgment-day I may be found the consistent character such as I ought to be. From the many imperfections known to my- self, I feel shame ; while from my fellow-creatures I meet with ap- plause, to which my dearest Jay contributes much. I sometimes tremble on this account. I know that I am not disposed to make an improper use of it, and am sure that it does not in the least di- vert me from the Saviour, whose name is all my trust. I need His mercy, and am in His service an unprofitable servant. If, like ' Charles ,’ in Cowper, I have been desirous to please, and have made any effort to serve acceptably, it is because I love my Master ; and wherein I can best serve him, I would be most willing.” “ I feel,” says he, “ as indifferent to everything above the supply of food and raiment administered in a decent manner, as a dead man does to the coffin ii which his remains are confined.” 232 THE LITERARY REMAINS Here, O my soul, the time recall When my commission came — How bless’d when sixteen years had roll’d, To preach a Saviour’s name. Poor Aldington ! among thy sons, The shepherds of the plain, My first attempt to preach was made, Nor was it made in vain. The cloudy pillar leading on. Its motions I pursued, Till o’er the city famed for cures, The holy symbol stood. 14 Here,” cried the voice, 44 thy station fix, And here thy rovings end ; Here teach the words of endless life, And here my charge attend. 44 Proclaim a Fountain nobler far Than this Bethesda knows ; ’ Tis always open, always free, And with salvation flows. 44 The sons of pleasure here who come, Invite to endless bliss ; He who another life receives, Can only relish this. 44 Here Satan’s seat exalted stands, And vice in triumph reigns ; A crown for him who owns Me here. And all My truth maintains.” O Lord, evince the choice Thine own, Which daced me where I move ; OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 233 And, while Thy people see Thy power, May one a thousand prove ! Here I return, increased and blcss’d By all-indulgent Heaven ; My God, the joys of wedded life, And children, too, has given. Yonder appears, by Anna led, My lovely train in view ; My cherubs, round your mother play, The scene shall end with you. To raise an Ebenezer here , My God is surely just ; My motto, 44 Praise for all the past, And for the future, trusty In the Hymn Book used at Argyle Chapel, as a supple- ment to Dr. Watts’s, Mr. Jay inserted about twenty, com- posed by himself. As these are not distinguished by any peculiar mark, we have thought it would be gratifying to his friends to have them pointed out. As far as we have been able to ascertain, they are the following : — 79, 151, 161, 230, 270, 360, 370, 422, 441, 443, 446, 455, 458, 462, 465, 471,483,498, 501,503. ANECDOTE. Conversion and subsequent History of Mrs . Ulph. When I knew the subject of this brief notice first, she was bar-maid at the White Hart Inn, Bath, then 234 THE LITERARY REMAINS kept by Mr. and Mrs. Pickwick. My acquaintance with, her commenced very incidentally. I was going to Chippenham. The London coach from Bath took me up at my own door. I found in it only one passen- ger. This w r as a young female, in whose countenance and manner of speech there was something very pleasing and interesting. I felt a wish to say some- thing during our journey that might be useful, though she was an entire stranger ; remembering the asser- tion and admonition of Solomon — “ A word fitly spoken, how good is it ! In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand, for thou knowest not whether shall prosper either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” I had an opening for this without the impropriety of forcing re- ligious reflection upon my fellow-traveller, as is 6ften done, abruptly and offensively. This arose from my mentioning the design of my jour- ney, which was to preach a funeral sermon for a very good man, who had died in such a blessed manner as to ex- emplify the words of David — 11 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright,, for the end of that man is peace;” and which must have induced all wdio wit- nessed it, or heard of it, to exclaim “ Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.” I noticed also something of the excellency of char- acter with which such a decease well harmonized. I soon perceived that, instead of wishing this kind of discourse broken off, she encouraged its continuance. I therefore spoke on till I left the coach. I was glad to see she was going on alone, hoping solitariness would help impression, and that what had been spoken might be useful in days to come. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 235 1 was happy enough to learn afterwards that this was the case. In consequence of what she had heard, she was favorably disposed towards me ; and finding that I was a minister, and preached in Bath, she resolv- ed upon her return to go and hear me. She did so, and it was not in vain in the Lord. For one day, some months after, I received a note from Mrs. Pick- wick, saying, that a young person whom she much valued was very ill, and was anxious to see me, and begging that I would visit her. I immediately went. As I approached what was supposed to be a dying bed, she wept much. When she had recovered herself, and I saw her face, “ Why, surely,” said I, “ I have seen you before.” “Sir,” said she, “blessed be God, you have;” and then called to my remembrance our transient intercourse when we travelled together to Chippenham at such a time, and the benefit (she hoped she was not deceiving herself) she had derived from it. The difficulties and hinderances we meet with in the things of God arise not so much from the subject as from ourselves ; and when the heart is once opened and humbled, and we are brought to the foot of the cross, and to the foot of the throne, we are soon led forward in the right road. I found, therefore, the mind of the sufferer much advanced for the time in spiritual knowledge and experience; and knowing, what I now learnt, had she then died, I should have had the fullest satisfaction concerning her eternal state ; but she soon surprisingly recovered, was finally re- stored, and continued attending at Argyle Chapel. Her opportunities of attendance were soon enlarg- ed, in consequence of her having made it a condi- tion of her remaining in her place, and which was 236 THE LITERARY REMAINS readily conceded from a regard to the iralue of her services, rather than from any wish to favor the object of her desires. O how much may those who are in official situations accomplish by walking in wisdom to- wards those that are without ! They may put to silence the ignorance of those who are ready to accuse them, remove their prejudices, and win them without the word. And who ever walked uprightly without walk- ing surely? and when did God ever falsify his own word : “ Them that honor me I will honor ” ? Not long after these occurrences, a passenger through Bath stayed a few days at the White Hart Inn. He was a truly good man, possessed of landed property, and also carrying on a large business at St. Ives, near Cambridge. Being a Dissenter, and having heard of my name, he inquired of the bar-maid, on the Sunday morning, where Mr. Jay preached? She answered, — “ I am just going to his chapel ; and, if agreeable, I will show you the way.” He accepted the offer. After the service, meeting her in the house, he thanked her for directing him, and spoke concerning the sermon ; and again and again he noticed her. And now another leaf in her book of providence was to be turned over without any thought of hers. Though she was very modest and retiring, (and indeed very much because she was so,) she much impressed him. Owing to this impression, he prolonged his stay; and the impression continually increasing, he offered her his hand, and she, after reflection and proper in- quiry, saw no reason to refuse it. She now, of course, removed to his residence at St. Ives, where, for many years, she exemplified the ex- cellences of the wife, the mother, the mistress, the OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 237 friend, and the neighbor — in the Christian. Her con- versation was such as became the Gospel. She bore richly of the fruits of the Spirit, and adorned the doc- trine of God her Saviour in all things. Having now the command of property, she added beneficence to benevolence ; and, instead of only saying with many, “ Depart in peace ; be ye warmed and filled !” she gave them liberally such things as were needful ; and, while not forgetful of the body, she showed herself still more concerned for the soul ; and by her prayers, and in- fluence, and example, the diligence and gentleness of her instructions and invitations, and the uniformity and loveliness of her character and conduct, she was always endeavoring to bring souls to the Saviour, and in some way or other to promote his cause Some years after her marriage, and at her earnest and repeated request, (her husband cordially joining in it,) I visited St. Ives. She was a good trumpeter , and had prepared the way for my coming. My preaching proved peculiarly acceptable, and I hope and believe good was done in various instances. To add to the ef- fect of my public addresses, she pressed persons to come to her house to attend the domestic worship. But, as the number increased to the inconvenience and disordering of the family, and as the meeting- house was near, I proposed that, during the rest of my visit, I should perform the service there every morn- ing. This I did, beginning at seven, and continuing then, and in all my after visits, a little more than half- an-hour, adding to the psalm and prayer a short ex- position of Scripture. Though the exercise was early, the attendance commonly filled the place; and surely God was in the midst of us of a truth. The services 238 THE LITERARY REMAINS were informal and simple, and the spirit of devotion was certainly felt. With what pleasure does the writer call back those delightful engagements, in which many joined in saying, “Lord, it is good for us to be here.” The pastor of the church at this time, instead of feeling jealousy or indifference, was himself most pleasingly excited, and did everything in his power to increase a brother’s acceptance and success. He was the excellent Mr. Crisp, who is now, and has been for some years, the president of the Baptist College in Bristol ; and his removal to that important station was one of the results of the writer’s intercourse with St. Ives. Nor can he forbear mentioning another event originating from it, viz., the marriage of his second daughter to Garfit Ashton, Esq., an event very inter- esting to his feelings, and which has furnished one of the greatest satisfactions of his life. After a course, blameless, exemplary, and useful in no common de- gree, this follower of the Lamb finished her course in peace, and fell asleep in Jesus; and is had in applaud- ing remembrance of all that were about her. A minister should feel peculiarly honored and grate- ful when God gives him a convert that not only ob- tains good, but also perpetuates, multiplies, and dif- fuses it. We believe that none of the subjects of di- vine grace are entirely barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour ; but some of the good ground brings forth, not only thirty but sixty, and even a hundredfold. N.B. — I shall here mention a little incident which I met with before I left St. Ives. One day I saw on a small under-shelf in the pulpit a volume of hymns OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 289 and spiritual songs ; it consisted of three books : — 1st. On various subjects. 2dly. Adapted to the Lord’s Supper. 3dly. In peculiar measures. It was designed as a Supplement to Dr. Watts. I had never seen it nor heard of it before. I took it to the house of my friend ; and after examining it, I borrowed it ; and finding it was not used in the worship, nor found in the congre- gation, I begged it. The compositions themselves be- trayed much spirituality and evangelism, and no little degree of poetical excellence. A few of them I have inserted in my own appendix to Watts. As the book seems to be now unknown, and the author, one of the most extraordinary individuals that ever lived in our world, it may be interesting to mention a few facts concerning him. His name was Simon Brown, and he lies buried at Bridgewater. He first labored in Portsmouth, and afterwards preached somewhere in London. For many years before his death he fell into the strange notion, that God had for his sins annihi- lated his rational soul, and had left him only the soul of a brute. He never after this felt the least doubt to shake this conviction. Yet he wrote several vrorks ; one was a Defence of Christianity against the Deists ; the dedication of which, as a most singular curiosity, is to be found, under his name, in the “ Encyclopaedia Britannica.” In some respects his case surpassed Cowper’s ; yet, under all his delusion, there was nothing exceptionable in all his productions ; so that Mr. Toplady said of him — instead of having no soul, he wrote, and reason- ed, and prayed as if he had two. 240 THE LITERARY REMAINS THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. Addressed to Mr. Charles Godwin. Upon the formation of this Christian Association m Bath, Mr. Jay received an invitation to attend. He was unable to comply, owing to a previous engage- ment, but expressed his concurrence and approbation thus : — I preached, indeed, last evening, but with diffi- culty, and at present I shrink back from any addition- al excitement or exertion. This, however, is not the only reason of my non-at- tendance. I am this day seventy -and-seven years old, 2 Sam. vii. 18 ; the day is felt interesting to my family, and some more immediate connexions, and I had made engagements which I cannot now alter, and engaged those I cannot put off. I was not brought up among the Exclusives , and I have served all religious parties, holding the Head, who have applied for my services. I have always held my own sentiments with firmness, and preached them without disguise ; and I never found the sober and candid statement of these offensive to those who dif- fered from me, as they saw I gave the liberty I took. I have long been convinced that illiberality is not confined to any one denomination of Christians — we are all verily guilty ; and that bigotry is not to be subdued by bigotry, but by an opposite spirit. The attempt' (to form the Alliance ) commenced at Liverpool, was a noble one, and failure in such an en- deavor would be far preferable to success in a thousand other causes ; but no good effort, begun with such an OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 241 aim, and carried on in sucli a spirit, and with 6 od in the midst of it, ever was, ever will be, ever can be, in vain. I shall be with you in spirit ; and I have such con- fidence in the wisdom and goodness of my brethren, that, whatever they agree in, I shall unite in with them ; that is, as far as to acquiesce, and countenance, and recommend, for I must give up positive agencies. It is too late for me to take part in initiative and ex- ecutive proceedings ; and, blessed be God, there are enough to be found of leisure and ability for such pur- poses. I have too much for my age upon my head and hands from the press and the pulpit; and I must draw m from other things ; for which, too, I was al- ways less fit.” May 3, 1846. I wish the Evangelical Alliance met with more en- couragement. I expect good from it. It must tend to liberalize and unite — which we so much want. May the Lord be in the midst of them as a spirit of judg- ment and a spirit of burning ! DR. JOHN OWEN. I have been dipping a little into dear Doctor Owen’s book on the “ Glory of Christ,” which he wrote and published in his last illness, when he was above half way to heaven. O what a savor is there in every page, every line, every word ! If other books lead us to religion, rouse us, and attach us to religion, this brings us into it. a The true spouse of Jesus Christ,” he says, “is to be known by her always enjoying the company of her beloved, or mourning after it.” This, I think, is one of those 'emarks that a Christian may 11 242 THE LITERARY REMAINS easilj apprehend and rejoice in. The Doctor observes, also, “ That Christ in heaven does not live a life of mere glory , but of office .” Yes, it was expedient for us that He went away. His exaltation has not ban- ished us from his mind. He appears in the presence of God for us. 0 could we by faith see our High Priest in his complete administration — could we see him as John saw him, clothed with a garment down to the feet, and girt with a golden girdle — what a con- solation would it infuse into our souls under painful apprehensions of our guilt and imperfections ! What an energy would it communicate to all our exertions ! What a fervor into all our devotional intercourse with God! APOSTOLICAL SUCCESSION. “Let me know,” he said, writing to a friend, “ when has established the Apostolical Succession, as I intend then, old as I am, to conform. Many of the clergy here begin to be shy of the notion, seeing the use the Puseyites make of it, and that it appears to be the main pillar of Popery. One of them (a rector too), conversing in my library some time ago, when a very foolish thing was said, exclaimed, “ Really I know nothing so absurd, except our notion of Apostolical Succession !” Newton and Scott, &c., &c., knew no- thing of this ; nor the best of our evangelical clergy now. The lower ground for a Church-of-Erigland'* man is the safest. A high churchman will never be able to contend successfully against a papist. WORDSWORTH. I WAS^ther surprised at your admiration of Words- woi^h. He is always beyond me. I can never under- OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY- 243 stand him ; and I have no notion of studying poetry, which is designed to please, and which, like a fine scene of nature, strikes and delights me at once. Do you remember (though I liave not been influenced by them) how the Edinburgh Reviewers dealt with him some years ago ? But it has become fashionable to extol him ; and much of this has been owing to his Tory friends, in reward for his bigoted aristocratic feeling. I have here presented you with Oowper’s Life and Works. Read, and eat, and drink him. He is the poet — all nature and all grace too ; never in the fogs — never making his readers pause to ask what is the meaning of this? or if there is any? and is it just or not ? is it interesting or not ? MORAL AND EVANGELICAL PREACHING. The difference between these is, not that one preaches good works, and not the other, for both preach them ; but one expects motion without life, the other looks for life in order to motion ; the one waters dead trees, and obtains no fruit ; the other living trees, that bring forth abundantly. indwelling sin. Saint Paul said, “ I am sold under sin.” But it is recorded of Ahab that he sold himself to work wicked* ness. There is a great difference between the man who sells himself and the poor negro who is kidnapped. “ It is no more,” says the Apostle, “ I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.” 244 THE LITERARY REMAINS THE RELATIVE MISERY OF SIN. “That man perished not alone in liis iniquity.’ — J oshua, xxii. 20. There is no greater fallacy than is involved in the common phrase, “He is no man’s enemy but .ns own.” Every bad man is the enemy of his wife, his children, his family at large, his church, his country, and his kind ; nor does any rank he may hold in society in- validate the truth of this remark, nor diminish the re- sponsibility of the transgressor. ORTON’S “ LIFE OF DODDRIDGE.” Mr. Jay said that Mr. Wilberforce considered Or- ton’s “ Life of Doddridge” one of the best pieces of biography in our language ; and Mr. Cornelius Win- ter observed, that if ever he felt disposed to pride, he took down that work to read. COMMON SENSE. When will the grace of God enthrone common sense in the minds of religious people ? FAITH. Man originally fell by losing his confidence in God, and can only be raised by the restoration of his confi- dence. In other words, unbelief was his ruin, and he now stands by faith. FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS. Some people angle for praise with the bait of hu- mility. I hope you will never be caught by it. They condemn themselves, hoping that you will contradict OP THE .REV. WILLIAM JAY. 245 them and commend them. Rather join in running them down. It is always better to en on the safe side. THE SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST. It is most probable that the Almighty has chosen to veil the precise nature of this sin under more or less of obscurity, in order that we may keep at the utmost possible distance from it. If I wish to protect an enclosure from depredation, and far that purpose affix the usual notice, that traps or snares are set within, I do not at the same time advertise the public where they are placed, or I may be sure they will enter where they consider it safe. TYPES AND SHADOWS. The Jews, like children, had a picture placed above their lesson. THE GREAT INTERCESSOR. He who knows but the alphabet of prayer, and he who has been most experienced in its use, must alike take refuge in Him who ever liveth to make interces- sion for us. ON LORD BYRON. In a sermon preached in May, 1824, from 1 Pet. i. 24, 25 : “ For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away ; but the word of the Lord endureth forever; and this is the Word which by the Gospel is preached unto you/’ — in notic- ing the death of this illustrious individual, Mr. Jay 246 THE LITERARY REMAINS delivered the following apostrophe, which was soon after inserted in the “Bath and Cheltenham Ga- zette” : “O Byron! Byron ! thy death brought this text to my remembrance ! O Byron ! thy premature fall gave rise to these solemn reflections! Who can help la- menting the perverse and unhallowed use of thy stu- pendous powers ! Who can think, unmoved, of the vigor of thy intellect— the riches of thy imagination — thy breathless sublimities of conception and express- ion ! Who can think, unmoved, of the going down of such a sun at noon ! of a genius, that might have ranked with a Milton, quenched forever ; and leaving so much to admire — so much to deplore — so much to abhor ! No knell of departed greatness has ever more solemnly sounded forth this sentiment : All flesh is as grass , and all the glory of man as the flower of grass : the grass withereth , and the flower thereof falleth away" SERMON L “ He shall choose our inheritance for us.” — Psalm xlvii. 4. David said, “ I rejoice at thy word as one that find- eth great spoil.” “ The law of thy mouth is better unto me than thousands of gold and silver.” The Scriptures abound with instructions, admonitions, and counsels ; and he who studies and observes them will find that they are “ profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 247 all good works/’ and may stand complete in all the will of God. The Book of Psalms we have always considered as the treasur} r of religious experience : whether we are in sorrow or in joj^ whether we pray or praise, wheth- er we exercise confidence or resignation, here we ai- rways find “ a word in season and O “ how good is it !” “ ’Tis like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Such is the language of our text, “ He shall choose our inheritance for us.” May the God of all grace en- able us to make this sentiment our own ! In order to accomplish this purpose, let us make four inquiries ; and, 1st, To what does the sentiment refer ? 2dly, On what is the sentiment founded ? 3dly, By what is the sentiment enforced? 4thly, How is the sentiment to be improved? “Consider what I say, and the Lord give you understanding in all things.” First, To what does the sentiment refer — “ our inherit- ance” ? Now Canaan was the inheritance of the Jews, and God chose this for them. Thus they could say, “ The lines have fallen to us in pleasant places, we have a goodly heritage,” for it was the glory of all lands, and flowed with milk and honey. The Chris- tian has another and a better inheritance, “an inherit- ance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for him ;” and this God has chosen for him, and he cannot be satisfied without the pos- session of it. “As for me,” says he, with David, “ I will behold thy face in righteousness ; I shall be sat- isfied when I awake in thy likeness ;” for, be it re- membered, his resignation to the choice of God with regard to his eternal destiny does not extend so far as some profess to extend it ; he does not express himself 248 THE LITERARY REMAINS with those deluded persons, and saj (this is the lan* guage of one of them), “Lord, if thou send me to hell or to heaven, thy will be done ; whether my portion is to be saved or to perish, I shall never cease to love or tc praise thee.” Why, a little experience of the misery of the lost would bring these poor creatures to their senseg. There are two things which we may observe.- The one is, the thing of which they boast is impossible . You cannot love one that you are persuaded is an ene- my to your eternal happiness. And, secondly, the thing implies also a contradiction, for God has com- manded us to seek, above all things, “his kingdom and his righteousness.” Therefore, he can never be •pleased at our disregarding what he has enjoined, or with our willingness to sacrifice what he has promised. But a Christian can leave to his heavenly Father all the choice of his eternal inheritance (that is, when he can realize his interest in Christ), knowing that “ in his Father’s house are many mansions ;” and as to the degree of glory he shall obtain, for “ one star differ- eth from another star in glory;” and as to the employ- ments in which he shall be engaged, for “his servants shall serve him” as well as see his face, and shall “serve him day and night in his temple.” His grand concern is to gain the reality, and, as to the rest, in re- gard to all the appendages, he can say, “ If by any means I may attain to the resurrection of the dead.” But the sentiment refers to time rather than to eter- nity, and to God’s choice in the regulation of all our enjoyments on earth. Thus, therefore, the Christian can say, “ The Lord shall choose my inheritance for me,” as to my abode . He shall determine the bounds of my habitation, and the place of my residence. A OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 249 change of situation, contrary to my disposition and inclination to a fixed abode, I find to be trying ; but I know not what effects with regard to myselt or others may result from it. 'To me remains nor place nor time, My country is in every clime ; I can be calm, and free from care, On any shore, since God is there. At home, abroad, what sweets they prove, Whose souls are fired with sacred love ; In heaven, on earth, or on the sea, Where’er they dwell, they dwell with Thee. While place we seek, or place we shun, The soul finds happiness in none ; But if Thy smiles attend our way, ’Tis equal joy to go or stay. Could I be cast where Thou art not, That were indeed a dreadful lot ; But regions none remote I call, Secure of finding Thee in all.” “ He shall choose my inheritance for me” as to occu- pation. He shall determine the nature of my profess- ion and calling. He has servants in all vocations, and they are all equally respectable when appointed by Him, and all are “ sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” “ He shall choose my inheritance for me” as to condition. He shall determine whether my plans shall flourish or fail ; whether I am to be known or to be obscure ; whether I am to be affluent or poor. “ He shall choose my inheritance for me” as to connec- tion. He shall determine whether I am to serve Him individually oi relatively, whether I shall preside over 11 * 250 THE LITERARY REMAINS a family or be written childless in the earth, whether I shall have friends, or whether I am to feel the want of them. “He shall choose my inheritance for me ’ 7 as to health . He shall determine whether I am to serve Him actively or passively, whether my strength shall be equal to my day of labor, and my hands be sufficient for me, or whether I shall be made to possess months of vanity, or have wearisome nights appointed unto me. “ He shall choose my inheritance for me” as to life itself He shall determine how long or how short shall be its continuance ; and the time and place, the mode and the means, of my removal, I leave with Him in whose hands my breath is, and whose are all my ways. Thus, all that alarms my fears, all that ex- cites my hopes, all that engages my expectations, I commit to Him in compliance with his merciful admo- nitions and injunctions, “ Cast thy burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.” “ Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.” “ Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you.” “ My cares, I give you to the wind, And shake you off like dust ; Well may we trust our all with Him, With whom our souls we trust. 99 Let us inquire, Secondly, On what this sentiment is founded. It is founded, my brethren, on the belief of God’s su- preme agency in all our affairs. How, as to the fact itself There is such a thing as a Divine providence. He who made the world has not abandoned it. “ In him we live and move,” as wel as “ have our being.” OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 251 And He does not govern all by mechanical laws, as a man who may form a machine that can go without his inspection, and which he may therefore leave, for a season at least, to another, while he attends to some- thing else. For here, were God to suspend his atten- tion for one moment, all would run into confusion and disorder. Nor does he govern all by general laws, as if he regarded whole systems and whole worlds, or a series of worlds, while he overlooks individuals and minute concerns. This notion, half philosophical and half infidel, some in our day have embraced, as if, for- sooth, it were beneath God. What ! can it be beneath him to manage what it was not beneath him to create ? Or, as if they would save him trouble and perplexity arising from a multiplicity of cares. But surely In- finite Wisdom and Power can never be in perplexity. He “ fainteth not, neither is weary ; there is no search- ing of his understanding.” There are those who cavil at the notion of a particular providence ; but we should remember that universal providence necessarily implies a particular one, as the whole is necessarily made up of various parts. Let us, therefore, come and hear Him, into whose lips grace was poured, and who spake as never man spake. Let us hear Him, who maketh his sun to shine on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust, — Him, who wings an angel, and teaches the spider to weave his web — who numbers the hair of our heads, remem- bering it is said, 11 A sparrow falleth not to the ground without your Heavenly Father.” Look, said our Lord to his disciples, Look at the fowls of the air, which neither have storehouse nor barn, yet they are pro- vided for ; though when they drop from their perches 252 THE LITERARY REMAINS in the morning they know not where they snail find one grain of food. “ And why take ye thought for rai- ment ? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow ; they toil not, neither do they spin but yet he clothes them, and “ Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith ?” When we speak of little things, we often know not what we are saying, for how can we determine what is little? There are many things which are very small in themselves, yet, by their con- nection and by their results, what are they ? How often do we see events of the greatest importance hanging upon apparently trifling circumstances ! When Joseph was sent to inquire after his brethren in Dothan, how little did he think that he should go by a way by which he should never return, and that his successes would furnish matter for entertainment and instruction to the end of time ! W e should al- ways bear in mind, when we go forth in the morning, that something may overtake us before evening, which may give a complexion to the whole of our future days. The providence of God extends not only to our minute affairs, but to what we call casual con- cerns ; for we are expressly told, that u the lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.’ 7 And what is accidental with regard to us is not so with regard to God. “ He worketh all things according to the counsel of his own will and “ of him, and from him, and to him are all things ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” How, my brethren, you will observe this is a far,t* OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 253 whether you hear, or whether you forbear ; but he who uses this language realizes it, and brings it home to his own bosom ; he is persuaded though God is high, yet that he condescends to manage his minute affairs, and, therefore, says he, “I will cry unto God most high, unto God that performeth all things for me.” While unbelief keeps God at a distance faith brings him near, and with his presence fills what other- wise would be a gloomy and aching void. When I am enabled to realize this principle and say, “ He shall choose my inheritance for me,” then can I exercise confidence in him, and then I feel fresh motives for my praise and gratitude. When I sink in deep waters where there is no standing, this principle raises me up, “ sets my feet upon a rock, and establishes my goings, and puts a new song into my mouth, even praise unto the Lord.” Now, I go on my way re- joicing ; — now, he who was once afar off is made nigh, and my God sustains me ; — now, I have a God who has succeeded me in my endeavors, who is doing all things for me, and doing all things well. The doctrine, my brethren, of a particular provi- dence puts the Christian and all his concerns on board a vessel, and then gives God the supreme command ; so the Christian feels supreme satisfaction when he is persuaded that all the Divine arrangements are made with reference to his providence. I am well aware that this notion may be carried to excess. We have all some secret tendency in us to enthusiasm and fa- naticism ; and we sometimes meet with persons who seem to think that they are the very centre of God’s designs, as if God had nothing to do but to attend to them. Yet it is true he does act and care for the 254 THE LITERARY REMAIN'S Christian individually, for there are circumstances in the life of every Christian that will not allow of his questionii g it. When he looks hack he can say, — “ Many days have pass’d since then, Many changes I have seen, Yet have been upheld till now ; Who could hold me up but Thou ?” Then, as to the present, — “ Thou tellest all my wan- derings ; thou puttest my tears into thy bottle ; are they not in thy book ?” And it is, my brethren, a truth, that while all creatures are the subjects of provi- dence, his own people are the end . Therefore it is said, u The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout tbe whole earth, to show himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” Let us now ask, and endeavor to answer, a third question, viz : — Thirdly, By what is this sentiment enforced ? We will mention only one particular. Nothing can be more reasonable than this confidence ; and, what- ever the people of the world may think, “ wisdom” as our Lord says, “ is justified of all her children ;” and they are able to give a reason of their prospects, as well of their hope. Let us, therefore, consider jive things by way of argument. God has a right to choose for us, and we have not a right. God is qualified to choose for us, and we are not qualified to choose for ourselves. God has already chosen well, and is will- ing still to choose for us — why should we resign Him ? and you never will feel so peaceful and so comfortable as when you know all is under his care and direction, that he has undertaken the charge in answer to your OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 255 resolution, 11 The Lord shall chose our inheritance for us .’ 7 First He has a right to choose for us. A right much greater than a tutor over his pupils, or a father over his child — a right derived from absolute sovereignty ; for, has He not a right to do what he will with his own ? Suppose He were to say to any creature, “ Go thy way — take that that is thine own ; 77 what would he be able to take away? Would he be able to take away himself? Why, his being would immediately relapse into its original nothingness. He has a pro- priety in us — we never can say, He takes away from us what does dot belong to Him. “The dear delights we here enjoy, And fondly call our own, Are but short favors, borrow’d now, To be repaid anon.” But what right now have you to choose ? Produce it if you can; justify it if you can. Have you made yourself? Have you redeemed yourself? Have you sustained yourself? From whose wardrobe have you been clothed? At whose table have you been fed? Who is it that draws your curtain at night around you, and tells creation to be quiet while you slumber and sleep ? Whose mercies are new every morning ? A gardener may admire a beautiful flower, and may wish to preserve what he has raised with so much care, in the parterre. He comes into the garden, and finds it gathered. But he is disposed to be angry, and asks, “ Who has gathered it ? 77 “ Oh , 77 says a fellow-servant, “ It was our master. He came here this morning, and gathered it.” What is the consequence ? Why then 250 THE LITERARY REMAINS the gardener is still, and opens not his mouth, because the owner has done it. And shall it not be much more the case with regard to us, with regard to our losses and bereavements? Then you will observe, Secondly , God is qualified to choose for us ; — as the right belongs to Him, so the ability belongs to Him; and His judgment is always according to truth. He can never be mistaken, therefore, “Since all the downward tracks of time God’s watchful eyes surveys, Oh ! who so wise to choose our lot, Or regulate our ways?” He knoweth your frame. He can distinguish be- tween your wants and your wishes. He knows what will be good for you, forty years hence, if you live so long. He knows perfectly how you will feel in any condition in which you can be placed. He knows well how to refuse you, and when to indulge you. Are you qualified to choose — “ to have your own desire”? “The way of man is not in himself. It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.” Al- phonse, king of Spain, was addicted to the study of astronomy, when that sublime science was less known than at present ; and having, in his ignorance, observed, as he thought, some irregularities in the heavenly bodies, he said, “If I had been by the side of the Maker when he put these in motion, I could have given him some good advice.” Now you shudder at such an expression, but have you not done this with regard to the providence of Grod ? Have you not often thought that you could “direct the Lord,” and “be his counsellor ” ? Everything unfits us to choose our OF THE REV WILLIAM JAY. 257 inheritance for ourselves. We are too ignorant to choose for ourselves. We i nay choose that which may issue in our mischief and misery. We see only a small portion of the whole — -but a few parts only ; nor do we see their connection with others ; nor do we see their final results. We know what we feel in our pres- ent situations and conditions ; but we cannot know how we should feel in new and untried ones. Observe the case of Hazael, when the man of God wept, and Hazael said, “ Why weepest thou, my lord? And he answered, Because I know the evil that thou wilt do unto the children of Israel, their strongholds shalt thou set on fire, and their young men wilt thou slay with the sword, and wilt dash their children, and rip up their women with child.” What, said he, am I a dog that I should do this ? He was then sincere in his detestation. But said the prophet, the Lord hath showed me that thou shalt be king over Syria. So he came to the throne — put off humanity — put on tyran- ny, and became all that the prophet predicted. And though he had said, “Is thy servant a dog that he should do this great thing?” Yet, as an old writer ob- serves, “ The dog DID do it .” Then we are too sensual to choose our inheritance for ourselves. We may desire dainty meat, when per- haps we need medicine. We are anxious to gather fruit while it is green, whereas it must be most nutri- tious when it comes to maturity. So Lot desired the plains of Sodom because he saw they were well water- ed and fertile ; but little did he reflect upon the neigh- bors and the intercourse he might have there. He therefore had soon occasion to lament his choice ; and “ his righteous soul was vexed from day to day with 258 THE LITERARY REMAINS the filthy conversation of the wicked then he was burnt out of house and home ; then his wife became a pillar of salt, and his character became tarnished and disgraced — and all this from his choosing his own in- heritance. Then we should be too impatient to choose it. We should prefer what is near to what is remote, what is present to that which is future. We should be dis- posed to reap as soon as we have sown, not reflecting that the months of winter must come between the seed-time and the harvest; and there must be long patience until we have the early and latter rain. Then, Thirdly . Let us remember that He has chosen al- ready for us : why, then, should we abandon Him now, that He has chosen for us well, and that He has proved himself worthy of our confidence? And seeing we are incapable of judging for ourselves, why do we not now approve of His designs? Do we not now see wisdom in what once appeared irregular and confused ? Do we not now see kindness in what once appeared to be severe ? “ 0 generation, saith the Lord, have I been a wilderness unto Israel ? a land of darkness ?” — “ O my people, what have I done unto thee, and wherein have I wearied thee ? testify against me ! ” Have I taken advantage of thy dependance to injure thee ? Have I not made all things work together for good? But if I have done this, why do you decline me as to you v future confidence? What narrow escapes have some of you had! When questioning your in- ability to judge for yourselves, had I allowed you for awhile to steer your little bark across the ocean of time, you would soon have stranded or struck against a rock if I had not interposed on your behalf. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 259 Fourthly . God is willing to choose for you still. Yes, this is wonderful, but it is true. If you had been placed under the direction of any creature, even of any angel, he would have long ago abandoned you ; but God has borne with your manners and with your faith- lessness in the wilderness. He hath said, “ I am the Lord — I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” This leaves you without excuse. You might otherwise have said, u God hath forsaken me, and I must manage as well as I can for myself.” But this is not the case. But God is ready still to hear your prayer. You may, therefore, cry unto Him, “ O Lord, I am oppressed ; undertake for me.” Place your reliance upon Him, and he will lead you and guide you in the way you should go. Repose a child- like trust and confidence in Him. Then, finally , and to close the argument, — You will never feel peace and comfort till you feel assured that all is under the guidance and direction of your Heav- enly Father — that he has undertaken the charge of all, in answer to your resolution, “ The Lord shall chose my inheritance for me.” The only way in which you can obtain your desires is, always to commit them to God. He will guide you by his counsel. The only way to happiness in a world like this, so full of changes, is, to trust in Him — to “ trust in the Lord for- ever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Therefore He hath said, “ Thou wilt keep him in per- fect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” Solomon has this fine passage, u Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.” And do you commit your thoughts unto the Lord ? Our thoughts create anxie- 260 THE LITERARY REMAINS ties, they produce tremulousness and vexations of mind, according to Solomon. And what is to be done in the multitude of our thoughts arising from our vari- ous concerns? What can calm them? Why, confi- dence in God. Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts that may arise from them, however they may be multiplied, shall be established. The heathens acknowledged that care was a cross and a malady, and they prescribed for the malady; but all their prescriptions proved ineffectual in remov- ing the complaint. But the apostle prescribes an effect- ual remedy, in his Epistle to the Philippians, where he says, u Be careful for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.” And, Christians, what a load of care would be removed, what relief, what serenity would you feel, were you able to realize this ! But let us hasten to consider once more. Fourthly, In w t hat this sentiment is to be im- proved ? And, my brethren, we may improve it in a way of concession . We acknowledge this cause is difficult. It implies the mortification of pride and vanity — the sacrifice of self-will, of self-conceit, and self-sufficiency — it implies a willingness to be deprived of our possessions — to have our inclinations crossed, and our fond hopes destroyed. And you may feel as- sured of this, that the man is a stranger to the thing who is a stranger to such an attainment. No, it is the consequence of hard striving, of much observance of the misery of others, of much of the experience of those evils tc which we have found ourselves exposed, when, instead of trusting in the Lord with all our OF THE REV. WII JLIAM JAY. 261 heart, we have leaned to oar own understanding. And, after all, there are some remains of this wretch- ed leaven still left in the believer in our Lord Jesus. But they are hallowed, heavenly hours in which the Christian, with a holy heroism, can relinquish all, and say, falling upon his knees, “The Lord, He shall choose my inheritance for me.” Then we may improve it by remarking, that it is so rare . We cannot look for this state of mind except among Christians. The generality of mankind are “ living without God, and without hope in the world and, though surrounded by so many proofs of his goodness, God is not in all their thoughts. They don’t wish to be considered as atheists, and would per- haps be offended if we did not consider them as pos- sessors of Christianity. But what are they ? — Practi- cal atheists. They have no abiding impression of God upon their minds — they don’t refer to his glory in their pursuits — they use no means to ascertain his will, nor endeavor to secure his approbation. We may improve it in a way of inquiry. Is the text your language? And is it the expression of the heart ? for while man looketh on the outward appear- ance, the Lord looketh at the heart. There is much that is speculative in many professors of religion. But it would be absurd to suppose that such a sentiment was sincere and not operative. Surely the creed will guide the conduct; and we judge of the reality of your possessing godliness by the influence it will have upon you. You will not be urging after what God has denied, or quarrelling with him for what he has bestowed ; but you would rather say with David, “ Surely I have behaved and quieted myself as a child 262 THE LITERARY REMAINS that is weaned of liis mother ; my soul is as a weaned child.” Let us also improve it in a way of admonition. Now have any of you an important movement in view ? Learn to wait much upon God, seeking his direction. Move not but as you see the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire move, unless you would have God left behind you. There may be some difficulty ; but in such cases never engage in anything without a conviction of its being right ; if conscious of this, God will spare you, and peace shall be with you ; but otherwise, what can be your peace ? You must wait for God, you see, as well as wait upon God. There are some, James tells us, who will be rich, whether God will have it so or not — they will ; but says the Apostle Paul, “ They that will be rich, fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in perdition and destruction.” Alas ! how much we see of this ! And hear again the language of James : “ Go to now, ye that say, To-day or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy, and sell, and get gain ; whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this- or that.” Now, here we have an unsanctified tradesman. He carries on business to great advantage : he seems to have no desire to-monop- olize, or to run down others : his aim seems to be to use it only in a lawful way of business. What, now, is there in this at all reprehensible? seeing it is the hand of the diligent that maketh rich, and if any provide OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 263 not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. But, perhaps you say he is avaricious — he is ambitious — and that it is not a substance he wants, but an abundance — not a competency, but splendor, and to be carried away by the pride of life. But, however this may be, God is not present to his mind. He never prayed before his undertaking. He never sought Divine direction, or said, “ He shall choose my inheritance for me.” He has been regardless of Him upon whom everything depends. He never said, “If the Lord will I shall live to do this or that.” But he is to succeed ; he is to live another year, regardless of vicissitudes and accidents, and he is to gain, notwith- standing faithless servants and heartless friends, and all those changes to which mortals are exposed while here. Then it is the only way of usefulness . The Chris- tian being blessed, becomes a blessing to others. It is also the only way of happiness . God has given the dearest and highest enjoyment here in the place of our pilgrimage. The source of our highest happiness and dearest blessedness consists in our triumphs over sin, over self, and usefulness to others. All without, and all about me, tells me I am a sinner. The Bible tells me what I must do to be saved. I must repent of sin, and believe in the name of the only -begotten Son of God. O my hearers, may this not be a lost opportunity, or the means of your greater condemnation. Remem- ber that “ now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.” In conclusion — Though I wish it not to be exclu* 264 THE LITERARY REMAINS sively regarded as an address to the young, yet I wish to impress these words, and press the sentiment upon you, my dear young friends. Your knowledge is small. You are destitute of that kind of information, the most valuable, derived from experience. Your feelings are easily and powerfully wrought upon. How much importance attaches to your conduct in the futurities of life, and upon any step you may take ! A wrong step may produce a thousand bitter re- morses, and cause repentance to be quartered upon you for life. Where is your safety ? I tremble for you when I see you entering upon, and having to pass through, such a world as this. Where, I ask again, is your safety ? Will you not from this time cry unto God, “My Father, thou shalt be the guide of my youth” ? It is a mercy that some of you have wise and good parents to counsel and direct you. These, however, are not a substitute for God — but God can be a substitute for them to you, if you should be de- prived of them ; and if father and mother should be called to forsake you, the Lord will take you up. 0 that you may see the importance, and be influenced to make a surrender of yourselves to Him ! And you know who hath said, “ I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me,” OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 265 SERMON II. “I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not ; I will lead them in paths that they have not known ; I will make dark- ness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” — Isaiah, xlii. 1(5. The sky is not more beautifully spangled with stars than the Bible is filled with promises. It is to remind us of the greatness of these assurances, that the Apostle Peter tells us there are given “ exceeding great and precious promises ;” but this would only have prepar- ed the way for disappointment, by raising our expect- ations high, unless they could be absolutely depended upon ; and, therefore, the Apostle Paul says, u all the promises of Grod are yea and amen in Christ Jesus.” Now, thus recommended, you cannot be too well ac- quainted with them : you cannot too frequently review them ; nothing can be more pleasing, nothing more profitable, than to place them opposite all your exi- gencies ; to seek from them relief for all that is trying in creatures around you ; and to compare them with their accomplishment in others and in ourselves. “ 1 will bring the blind by a way that they knew not ; I will lead them in paths that they have not known ; I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” These words have been completely accomplished in those who have reached Immanuel’s land, and in whose number we now reckon so many o*f our own be- loved friends and relations who are waiting to receive us into everlasting habitations. 1 say they are com- 12 266 THE LITERARY REMAINS pletely accomplished in them. As soon as ever they had taken possession of the inheritance of the saints in light, some Joshua said to them, u Ye know in all your hearts that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you ; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof.” But, Christians, you are not yet come to the rest of the Lord, but you are journeying towards it; so far He has been your helper, and be* cause He has been your helper it becomes you to say, with David, 11 Therefore under the shadow of thy wings will I put my trust.” And to aid you a little in your gratitude in the reflection of the past, and in your confidence in prospect of the future, let us in this brief and familiar exercise examine God’s engagements, and see the advantages we are to derive from them. First. As a Leader. Secondly . As an Interpreter. Thirdly. As a never-failing Friend. My brethren, it is our mercy that though we cannot know God perfectly we can know" Him savingly : though we know not what He is in himself, we see what He is to us. He is held forth in His W ord as our Lead- er. “I will bring the blind by a way that they know not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known.” What could we do without such a guide ? What would be the condition of man without God with him in the world ? He is a wanderer on the dark mountains, exposed to every destroyer, and by a miser- able time working out a more miserable eternity. You may go to hell without God, but you will never go to heaven but under His conduct ; and yet men naturally are not sensible of their need of such a guide. There OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 267 is nothing men are so proud of as their knowledge ; they would generally rather be considered knaves than fools ; of everything that pertains to them they are pleased with nothing but their understandings ; they have not enough of anything else, but here they are completely satisfied ; in any kind of contention or reasoning you will always find them preferring their own modicum of sense to that of others, and this, too, just in proportion to their ignorance, and deficiency, and want of judgment; and so vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass’s colt. u We go astray from the womb,” says David. We are u alien- ated from God by wicked works,” says Paul. If ever you have sincerely reflected on your condition ; if ever you have been in earnest to reach eternal glory ; if ever you have been duly sensible of your own guilt and weakness, and the difficulties and dangers of the passage, — this has been from that hour your prayer, “Lead me in thy truth, and teach me. Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God.” And does He dis- regard such a prayer? He always pays attention to it ; He takes us under his guidance ; and every believer may therefore say, with David, “ He restore th my soul ; he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” And hence the church exults and ex- claims, LL This God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide, even unto death.” Well may we rejoice, if we are under the care of such a Being in our way to heaven ; one so almighty to defend us, so condescending to converse with us, so kind to indulge us, so patient to bear with us, and so wise to choose our inheritance for us. But the persons whom He leads are called blind. How is this ? Are they 268 THE LITERARY REMAINS not in Scripture always represented as children of the day? Does not the apostle say to them, u Ye were darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord ” ? In the 9th of John you read that the Pharisees said unto the blind man ; — he was not blind then , but he had been blind, and they called him by the old name. So it is here. They are called from what they once were ; and what they are indeed now partially. Let us, therefore, now see for a few moments how, and where, Pie leads them. “ I will lead them in paths they have not known.” This is true. 1. In their spiritual concerns . — What, Christian, did you formerly know of things you now see the beauty and feel the importance of ? What did you once know of conviction of sin? You now see its evil and guilt as well as its danger ; you see its pollution, and how it excludes you righteously from the presence of a holy God ; you now not only fear it, but you hate it ; and you now not only leave it, but you loathe it. What did you once know of faith in Christ ? Now you claim him as your foundation and your refuge ; now you re- joice in him with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. But did you go this way heretofore ? What did you then know of a throne of grace? You heard of prayer — you said yours, perhaps, very regularly ; or, if not, when any danger or distress excited you : but now you hunger and thirst after righteousness ; now you come unto God by Him ; now you have boldness and access with confidence, by the faith of Him ; now you can say, “It is good for me to draw near unto God.” But did you go this way heretofore? No. He hath brought the blind by a way that they knew not. If now you are Christians, you were not born such ; you OF THE KEV. WILLIAM JAM. 269 were made such. He has made you to differ, and the difference arises from His having called you “ out of darkness into his maivellous light;” the conver- sion, which you have been made the subject of, is, therefore, in Scripture, said to be your “ walking in newness of life ;” — observe this, — in newness of life. There is always a leaning in people to antiquit}^ and there is some reason for it ; it is not a mere prejudice ; and the reason is this, because truth was before error ; for error is the perversion of truth, and a thing must exist before it can be perverted or abused. Now peo- ple know this ; and, therefore, when the “ truth as it is in Jesus” comes into a neighborhood, the common language is, that it is a novel thing. But nothing can be more false than this accusation. The Gospel was preached to the Jews — The Gospel was preached to Abraham 430 years before the giving of the law — yea, the Gospel was preached in Paradise to Adam and Eve in the first promise. What do we say ? An in- fidel has entitled a book “ Christianity as old as the Creation,” and we accept the charge in one view. As old as the Creation ! It is much older. “ We hope,” says the apostle, “ in eternal life, which God, that can- not lie, promised before the world began.” But though the charge of novelty be false in this respect, it is true in another. There is a newness in these things as to their perception. Though you have heard of them — read of them — before, yet, when you are called by grace, you have other views of them, and other feel- ings than before : you seem to have entered a new world. Thus would it be if some of you went to Italy ; — it would not be a new country, but it would be new to you. If a man were born blind, and restored 270 THE LITERARY REMAINS to sight, — why, he would not see a new sun, but it would be new to him ; and thus it is that the Lord leads us in paths that we have not known. It is equally true with regard to Christians, 2. In their temporal concerns , for here, what do you know as to future scenes ? what with regard to nations, families, individuals ? what with regard to yourselves ? Why, you know not what a day may bring forth. And when you look back on life, all that is very im- portant in it you had not once been led to expect ; the places in which you have resided, your friendships, your employments, your enterprises, your disappoint- ments, your successes, — all these would formerly, had they been presented to you, have appeared strange ; and, had they been foretold, would have led you to say, with the unbelieving nobleman, “ If the Lord should make wdndows in heaven, might such things be !” Now this is peculiarly the case with regard to some men. In their lives there has been such an op- position between obscurity and splendor, that there seems to be between them a gulf which could not have been passed ; but it has been passed under the lead- ings of Him “ who is wonderful in counsel and excel- lent in working.” When the Jews returned from Babylon, and, instead of being peeled and stripped, were even enriched ; — 11 when,” said they, “ the Lord turned our captivhy, we were like them that dreamed.” When the Jews were in the wilderness, they never knew where they should fix their next station; and this was not often a straightforward motion, but, as Moses remarks, “he led them about;” and yet the psalmist makes this re- mark upon it, “ he led them by a right way.” So OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 271 Abraham went forth, not knowing whither he went, but he knew with whom ; and as Job said, a Behold I go forward, but He is not there, and backward, but I cannot perceive Him ; but He knoweth the way that I take.” Having viewed God as our leader, let us 4 Secondly. See Him as our Interpreter . — The knowl- edge he imparts to his people is always gradual, like the dawn that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. “ I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.” Let us see how this may be exemplified in five cases or instances. “He makes darkness light, and crooked things straight.” 1. As to Doctrine . — It is not for us to determine with how much ignorance in the mind, and error in judg- ment, grace may be associated in the heart ; but we read in the Gospel of a blind man, on whose eyes our Saviour put his fingers, and said to him, Look, and he looked up, and said, “I see men as trees walking.” But he was under the operation of Christ ; and when He put his hand a second time to the work, and said, Look up, he said, “ Now I see all things clearly.” So it is here, it is precisely the case with persons ; for some have very defective, obscure views of some of the leading truths of the Gospel ; I mean, compared with what others possess, and what they themselves will possess afterwards. I seldom, indeed, like per- sons who all at once become so very clear and high ; they remind me of those poor ricketty children, whose heads grow larger than their bodies ; it is not the ef- fect of strength, but of disease and weakness. I never think it well to see speculation going before expe- 272 THE LITERARY” REMAINS rience. All God’s works are progressive. We see first the blade — -then the ear — after that the full corn in the ear. Our Saviour said to his own disciples, “I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.” When will ministers, when will Chris- tians, learn to follow His example ? when will they be able to exercise patience towards the imperfect? You sometimes seem not only mortified, but even of- fended, because persons do not learn in a few weeks or months what God has been teaching you twenty or thirty years, and which you know but very imper- fectly now. If the heart be broken (which is what I look for) — if the heart be broken for sin and from it ; and if a man be brought on his knees, and humbly prays that God would lead him into all truth ; if, as the apostle says, as far as he has attained he walks by the same rule and minds the same thing, — then, from him, I am authorized to conclude, “that if in anything else he be otherwise minded, God will reveal it unto him and though in such persons the work is often slow, I have often observed it is very sure ; I have never found any of these persons carried away with the fol- lies of the day ; they have believed, and had the wit- ness in themselves. He makes darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. 2. As to Experience . — There are many things here which are often very perplexing to Christians ; and nothing more than the temptations with which, they are assailed. Perhaps there are persons here this morning who are ready to say, u Ah, no one knows so much of temptations as I do ; they are the death of my comforts, and I often say, will prove the destruc- OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 273 tion of my soul at last.” But as they go on, they are called to see and to understand, that while the strong man armed kept his palace, his goods were in peace ; that Pharaoh pursued after the children of Israel be- fore they had left his realms ; that our Saviour was in all points tempted like as we are ; and that the man who is a stranger to Christian conflict has no reason in the world to believe that he is a partaker of the Di- vine life ; for every Christian tells us the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. Again : with regard to prayer, which is another source often of perplexity. The man reads in Scripture that God hears prayer, and, says he, “I have prayed, and he shutteth out my prayer.” But, by-and-bye, he is enabled to distinguish between hearing and answering prayer ; and to learn that the prayer of faith is im- mediately heard, but not immediately answered : that when God designs good to his people, He waits to be gracious : you would pluck the fruit while it is green, but He draws back your hand. It is the same with re- gard to the manner in which He answers prayer often. By strange, and sometimes even terrible things, in righteousness, does He answer His people, as the God of their salvation. Some of you are acquainted w r ith the excellent language of Mr. Newton in his hymn : “ I ask’d the Lord, that I might grow In faith, and love, and every grace ; Might more of his salvation know, And seek more earnestly his face. ’Twas He who taught me thus to pray, And He, 1 trust, has answer’d prayer ; But it has been in such a way, As almost drave me to despair J2* 274 THE LITERARY REMAINS I hoped that, in some favor’d hour, At once He ’d answer my request, And, by his love’s constraining power. Subdue my sins, and give me rest. Instead of this, He made me feel The hidden evils of my heart, And let the angry powers of hell Assault my soul in every part. Yea, more, with his own hand He seem’d Intent to aggravate my woe ; Cross’d all the fair designs I schem’d, Blasted my gourds, and laid them low. “ Lord, why is this ?” I trembling cried, “ Wilt thou pursue thy worm to death ?” “ 'Tis in this way,” the Lord replied, “I answer prayer for grace and faith : “ These inward trials I employ, From self and pride to set thee free, And break thy schemes of earthly joy. That thou may'st seek thy all in Me.” So it is again with regard to joy . The man reads that religion is every way friendly to joy — that they return and come to Zion with songs, and with ever- lasting joy upon their heads ; but, says he, I know so little of this that I am afraid I have no part nor lot in the matter ; but he, by-and-bye, learns that saints are described in the Scriptures by their tears, as well as by their joys — u they shall come with weeping and with supplication.” He mixes with Christians more advanced, and he learns from them that they are the subjects of the same alternations ; and thus what prov- ed a stumbling-block before becomes a way-mark to teach him that he is in the way everlasting. I remem- OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 275 ber Milner, in Iris last illness, said, “ If some years ago I had been as destitute of comfort as I now am, it would have exceedingly perplexed me ; but I have long learned that it is one important act of faith to hang on the bare word of God, and to trust in a God that hideth himself.” This leads ns to another article; and, Thirdly, With regard to assurance, “He makes darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.” Oh, say some, to know my interest in the everlasting covenant ! Oh, then I would face a frowning world ! Oh, then I would defy the king of terrors ; but all is ob- scurity with me. ’Tis a point I long to know, but at present all I can attain is a kind of peradventure — perhaps I am right ; but when trouble comes upon me — when the shadows of the evening are hastening on — to have no more certainty than this, what am I to do ? Do as you are doing. “ Wait on the Lord, and keep his way. W ait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart ; wait, I say, on the Lord.” u Them that honor me,” says He, “ I will honor.” Keep at His feet, therefore, till you feel He has taken you into his bosom. Continue crying, “ God be merciful to me a sinner,” till you are able to say with Thomas, “ My Lord and my God !” He will “make darkness light before you, and crooked things straight.” As to practical duty. — With regard to changes in your condition in life, the removal of your habitation, a transition from one business to another, or anything of this nature, you are at a loss to know what the will of God is : this genders in you many anxieties to which others are strangers ; but you read that if you walk 276 THE LITERARY REMAINS contrary to God, He will walk contrary to you ; how much depends on one wrong step ; consequences may arise from it that will give a complexion to all your future days, and quarter repentance upon you for life. Now here you are not to expect miracles, but you are to make use of sense and reason, and Scripture, and the advice of friends. You are to wait for God and you are to wait upon God. You are to remember the com- mand, “ Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” “ In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” “ He will make darkness light before you, and crook- ed things straight.” 5. In the dispensations of his providence . — Where is the Christian but has sometimes had reason to ex- claim, li His way is in the sea, and his paths in the deep waters;” and where is the Christian but after a while has seen that He can turn the shadow of death into the morning ? I see, says the Christian, why such a prop was taken away. I was beginning to lean upon it. ' I can see now why I was exercised with such a sorrow ; it was to soften my heart, and to enable me to sympathize with others in distress ; that sickness of the body was to heal the disease of the mind. So Job, although severely tried, saw before his death that the end of the Lord was very pitiful and of tender mercy. So David could say also, u It is good for me that I have been afflicted ; for before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I have kept thy word;” that is, I was ill, and he bled me, and I recovered. He drew the ploughshare all along, but it was to break up the fal- low ground, and to prepare for the reception of the seed, Take heed, therefore, that you do not draw hasty OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY'. 277 conclusions from present aspects of providence. Take heed that you do not say, “All these things are against me ;” but say with Paul, “ I know that all things shall work together for my good.” Follow the admonition of Isaiah, “ Who is among you that fearetli the Lord that walketh in darkness, and hath no light, let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God.” Wow observe. If you were to travel with a guide when you came to a very dismal place, you would not only follow, but you would lay hold of, your con- ductor, and lean ; and so says Isaiah, “ Let him stay upon his God, and he will fulfil his word. I will bring the blind by a way that they know not ; I will lead them in paths that they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight.” Then observe, Thirdly. He is their never-failing Friend.' — “These things will I do unto them, and will not forsake them.” It will readily be allowed that they deserve to be for- saken, and they may say with the Church of old, “ It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed.” And they also suppose frequently that they are for- saken — so did Zion. “Zion said, The Lord hath for- saken, and my God hath forgotten me.” But it was not so. “ Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb; yea, they may forget, yet will not I forget thee.” Asaph drew the same conclusion, and it was equally ill founded. “Will the Lord castoff for ever, and will he be favorable no more?” But how often do your ministers dwell on Divine desertion? We must, therefore, show how there may be a forsaking quite consistent with the truth of our te>. : “ These 278 THE LITERARY REMAINS things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.” There are three ways in which God may be said to for- sake his people : — 1. As to outward comfort and condition . — He may re- duce them much ; he may deprive them of their con- nexions and possessions. Remember what he said to the Jews : “ I will gof observe he said, “ I will go and return unto my place until they seek my face ; in their affliction they will seek me early.” We see what is in- tended by His going away and returning ; it was leav- ing them to their embarrassments, and perplexities, and troubles, till He came to deliver them ; but this is com- patible with the real presence of God too : every con- dition is supportable while He is with us ; and, with regard to trouble, if He leaves his people in anything else, He cannot leave them in trouble, for He has made a particular engagement there, u I will be with them in trouble.” He may forsake His people, 2. As to feeling spiritual comfort; but while they have no sensible consolation, yet there is grace, and grace operating frequently with peculiar power in pro- ducing contentment of soul and humiliation before God. How was it with Cooper the martyr ? He felt no consolation till he came to the stake, and then he exclaimed, “ Now He is come, now He is come ! ” But He must have been with him before, (though now He came in a way of manifestation,) or he never would have come to the stake. What grace there must have been in Job to enable him to say, “ Though he slay me. yet will I trust in him !” David says, “ My soul folio weth hard after thee; thy right hand upholdeth me.” There seems a confusion of images. Here David is fallowing hard after God, and yet God is up- OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 279 holding him at the same time. He was seeking God in one view, while God was supporting and sustaining him in another. He was seeking for consolation while he felt Divine support. Then, 3. As to grace itself He may forsake His people — not as to habit , but as to degree ,■ — not as to existence, but as to exercise. The best way for ministers to teach, is to teach by facts, and history, and example. Remember the history of Hezekiali — howbeit in the affair of the ambassador God left him to try what was in his heart. “ Weak as we are,” says Newton, u we shall not faint.” He may therefore leave you in three ways : — First , As to your outward condition : — Second- ly , As to sensible spiritual comfort : — Thirdly , As to the degree and exercise of faith. But further than this we cannot go, unless we go without the' Scrip- ture. He never can forsake His people wholly ; cast down but not destroyed. “ Though ye fall,” says David, “ ye shall not be utterly cast down.” He can- not forsake His people finally. Here ’s His own en- gagement, — “ This is as the waters of Noah unto me ; for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth ; so have I sworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shaf the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord, that hath mercy on thee.” You know I have not time to argue this any fur- ther ; otherwise how many passages of Scripture there are that would furnish us with materials enough. 11 He will not forsake his people, because it hath pleased him to make them his people.” “ Being 280 THE LITERARY REMAINS confident of this very thing, that he which hath be- gun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ.” His people, therefore, may say with- out presumption, “ I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” It is a delightful spectacle that has been presented before us. It is always pleasing to see God at work ; how pleasing and delightful to see His agency in the world of nature ; how I love to stand on a hill and look down on the valley beneath, or to stand by the side of a brook, or to pass through a field of standing corn, and to see how He has prepared of His goodness for the poor. I love to see His agency in providence, especially in a time of such trouble and disaffection as ours, and to remember that He is a God among the nations. ‘ But oh, to contemplate His agency in grace ; to see God going and taking possession of a sinner for Him- self ; and forever to see Him detach him from his sins, and from the spirit of the world, saying to him, a Fol- low me to see Him taking the sinner in all the ruins of the fall, and making him an eternal excellency, the joy of many generations, and bringing him in triumph to endless glory ! And oh, how often has He done it. “ We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen.” I hail you, therefore, Christians, but I cannot pity you. I pity the poor, and I wish it were in my power to relieve them. I pity the wealthy who are destitute of heavenly riches. I pity the scholar who understands not a word of the language of Canaan. OF THE REV. WILLIAM JAY. 28.1 I pity tlie astronomer who is familiar with stars, and knows not the way to heaven. Oh, these are all piti- able characters; pity them my brethren — pray for them ; but as for you who are partakers of His grace, and are under His own guidance, I Ml never pity you ; whatever be your condition, however poor, however despised, you are not pitiable ; you are enviable, and the only enviable characters in this world ; and there- fore we kneel in view of you and pray, Oh, remem- ber me with the favor Thou bearest to thy people. And surely this should be an excitement and encour- agement to you to seek for an interest in the same blessedness. “ Therefore,” says David, “they that know thy name will put their trust in thee.” And you should apply this, Christians, as a remedy. You should take it as Paul did, and apply it as a cure for two things — covetousness and carefulness. Let your conversation be without covetousness. Be careful for nothing. May you, therefore, take this promise with you from the house of God ; and carry it along with you in all your succeeding journey. Make use of it as Solomon recommends, “ Tie it about thy neck — write it upon the table of thine heart.” CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS ON THR REV. WILLIAM JAY, AS A PREACHER, AND AS AN AUTHOR, THE EDITORS ' CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS, &c. Hitherto in these volumes the reader’s attention has been mainly directed to Mr. Jay’s own account of himself — his history, his progress, his recollections. The Editors have felt that their services to his mem- ory ought to be chiefly regulated by the documents placed in their hands, and limited to such passing an- notations, or supplemental matter, as seemed to be re- quired for conveying a just view of their subject, and a complete narrative of his history. But judging that so interesting and remarkable a character well deserves a separate sketch from another hand beside his own, and supposing that the reader will expect something of this sort, as a conclusion to the volumes, which in the main may be said to be his own representation of himself; the Editors have ventured to subjoin the following observations, on the two principal views of his public character for which he was admired by his contemporaries, and will be re- spected by future ages. MR. JAY -AS THE PREACHER. A preacher who, from his first appearance in the pulpit, at the age of sixteen, till he retired from it 286 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. when eighty-four years old, fixed and held the atten- tion of the public ; who, during this lengthened peri- od, was heard with equal interest by the aged and the young, the learned and the illiterate, who always crowded, whenever he presented himself, to listen to his teaching ; who was eulogized by such men as Wil- berforce, Beckford, and Sir William Knighton ; by Hall, Chalmers, and Foster ; who, whether he preach- ed in the city or in the village, drew after him his ministerial brethren, both of his own church and most others ; who was esteemed and admired by all denom- inations of professing Christians ; and who, when his sermons were sent forth from the press, raised for him- self. in both hemispheres, a reputation such as few of his own day, or any other, ever obtained, — must have possessed elements of power, after which it is worth while to inquire, not only for the purpose of gratify- ing curiosity, but to prompt and guide the spirit of lawful emulation. Such a preacher was Mr. Jay ; and it is the object of this Sketch to show in what his at- tractions principally consisted, and to what he owed his extensive and permanent popularity. It may be stated, as a preliminary remark, that the arrangements of Providence, as regards his personal appearance, his physical endowments both of body and mind, the circumstances of his conversion, the peculiar nature of his professional education, as well as the state of the Christian Church when he first ap- peared in public, were all preparatory to his future eminence as a preacher of the Gospel. This, with a kind of instinctive sagacity, he perceived ; and, from the commencement of his Christian career, fixed his eye exclusively upon the pulpit, and cherished a hal CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 287 lowed desire to excel as a minister of Jesus Christ. He clearly saw that, if he would do one great thing well, he must concentrate his powers upon that , and make everything else give place, or become subserv- ient to it. He had from the beginning an almost in- tuitive perception of what constituted pulpit excel- lence ; he studied the attractions and defects of other preachers — felt the promptings of a holy ambition after eminence and usefulness ; and with that con- sciousness of power which usually attends genius, and inspires it with the foresight of success, he determined, by God’s grace, to attain to distinction as a preacher. This, however, was not the mere yearning of youthful vanity, but the prompting of a heart throbbing with solicitude for the salvation of souls. True it is, that his attention was first of all directed to this subject by Mr. Winter. This excellent man discerned at once what a bud of ministerial promise there was in that mason-lad whom he saw among his hearers, and who afterwards came in his apron to converse with him on the subject of religion and of the ministry. But the boy Jay embraced with his wliole heart the sublime object, as soon as it was presented to him, and conse- crated himself to it from the moment that it arose in its full-orbed glory upon his mental horizon. His academic curriculum was of too short duration, and too limited in its literary advantages, and too often interrupted by preaching, to allow much hope of his ever being a scholar, a metaphysician, or a phi- losopher. But preaching of a very high order he was. assured could be attained without these things. And he was right. As a general principle, learning is of essential importance to the ministers of religion ; and, 288 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. other things being equal, he will make the best preach- er who is most thoroughly educated. Nor should our young ministers suffer themselves too hastily to con- clude, that they can never attain to eminence in litera- ture ; and be induced to abandon it under the notion that, as they have neither taste nor aptitude for it, they will concentrate all their attention upon preaching. Still, we contend that it is not indispensable that every preacher should be an eminent scholar. Where, as in the case of Mr. Jay, opportunities for literature are denied to the eager aspirant after ministerial labor, and yet there are all the other essential elements of a good preacher, there let a strong determination be formed by all possible diligence in the use of such means as are afforded, to excel in that holy career, to which the leadings of Providence invite, and the im- pulses of a longing heart prompt. Mr. Jaj r, s whole character, as a public man, may be summed up in that one word, the preacher ; and it is in this view he must be contemplated by all who would conceive of him aright. True, he was an au- thor, and one of the most popular writers of his day, both in America and this country ; yet nearly all his works consisted of Sermons, or what, as in his “ Morn- ing and Evening Exercises,” bore a resemblance to them. So that he was still a silent preacher, even in his books. Such a mind as his could, however, doubt- less, by dint of resolute determination and close appli- cation, have attained to eminence in any department of study. He himself tells us that his taste at one time led him to abstruse speculation ; but that, finding it engrossed too much of his time, and interfered with more useful pursuits be laid it aside, and addicted CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 289 himself to matters which bore more directly upon his ministerial duties. We have no doubt, however, that while conscience had something to do with this, mental aptitude was not wholly unconcerned. What was practical was far more congenial with his order of mind than what was speculative ; and his choice of the former was as certainly and, perhaps, as much the result of temperament as of principle. Mr. Jay as a preacher owed not a little to his per- sonal appearance, and undoubtedly much to his voice. In the earlier periods of his history, his countenance was eminently prepossessing. The portrait affixed to this work, copied from a painting taken when he was about forty-nine years of age, and which -was con- sidered a good likeness at the time, proves this. His black hair, dark eyes, florid complexion, and an ex- pression of features in which intelligence and benevo- lence mingled with somewhat of archness, at once at- tracted and interested his hearers. As he advanced in years, he became much stouter, which, as he was never tall, destroyed in some measure the symmetry of his frame. A graphic writer thus describes his ap- pearance in the decline of life : — “It is not very long since,” says Dr. James Hamil- ton, “ we heard him with wonder and delight, and in our own as well as in millions of memories is still de- picted that countenance whose sunshine furnished its own photograph ; so wise and so witty, so wrinkled yet so radiant ; with so much of youthful ardor welling up in the fountains of those deeply -fringed, softly - burning eyes ; and with words so holy and so tender dropping from those lips in whose corners lurked all that was quaint or caustic ; whilst like an oak-thicket 13 290 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. on an old rampart-summit, that strong visage and firm brow rose and were lost in the shaggy wilderness which covered all with its copsy crown.” Mr. Jay’s voice was certainly one of the charms of his preaching. It was sonorous but not loud — alter- nating between bass and tenor ; strong yet soft ; mu- sical and flexible ; and more adapted to give express- ion to what is tender, pathetic, and solemn, than to what is lively, impetuous, and impulsive. If it did not stir you as with the blast of a trumpet, it soothed and delighted you, as with the soft tones of a flute. This indeed was the general character of his preach- ing, in which the manner was suited to the matter. You sat in sweet stillness, luxuriating under those beautiful trains of quiet thinking, and gentle, holy, and evangelic emotion, uttered in tones so mellifluous, that you seemed to be listening to music which came from another world, and which lifted your soul to the sphere from which it emanated. An involuntary, un- bidden tear occasionally suffused your eye, and a gen- tle emotion filled your heart, as some touching pass- age, in plaintive sounds, swelling like those of an Eo- lian harp, passed over your spirit and moved it, just as a summer’s breeze ruffles the surface of a lake, with- out deeply or violently disturbing it. He entered the pulpit in a grave, collected manner, apparently absorbed in his mission, and with a step rather quick, yet solemn, and without hurry, and after sometimes casting a glance round upon the audience, retired into himself, and seemed to be gathering up his thoughts and energies, to negotiate between God and man the weighty affairs of judgment and of mercy. In the preliminary exercises of public worship, read- CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 291 mg the Scriptures, and prajmr, Mr. Jay never forgot that, in one of these, he was enunciating the words of the Most High ; and in the other, that he was address- ing himself to Him before whom the seraphim veil their faces. It has been sometimes thought and said that very little spiritual, at any rate saving effect, is produced by the public reading of the Scriptures. Is not this to be traced up to the careless, unimpressive, irreverent, and unfeeling manner in which the exer- cise is performed? The tones, emphasis, and accents of a good reader, who is neither elaborate, artificial, nor theatrical in his manner, convey both instruction and impression, and are a kind of exposition of the sacred text. In prayer Mr. Jay was often singularly felicitous in his expressions, and always devout in his manner ; his devotions were richly scriptural and strictly appro- priate ; perhaps occasionally a little too quaint in ex- pression, and therefore liable to interfere with perfect composure and gravity. He was slow and solemn in his utterance, and his feelings were so far under con- trol as never to hurry him into that rapidity and vo- ciferation which, we regret to say, characterize those addresses to the Almighty which are made from some Nonconforming pulpits. If reform be necessary in the liturgical services of the Church of England, it is equally necessary in the extempore ones of some among the Dissenters. Occasionally there is too much of preaching in prayer ; too much of theology ; too little of petition and confession. There is a happy medium between that elaboration which, by its artificialness, represses religious feeling, and that negligence which disgusts good taste ; between that muttering and trem- 292 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. bling which betoken slavish dread, and the louu. or even boisterous manner which indicates want of feel- ing and displays of unhallowed familiarity. We do not wonder that church people of refinement who oc- casionally attend Dissenting worship, complain of a want of solemnity and devout feeling in our prayers ; yet were extempore prayer performed as it should be, they would retire with a conviction of its superior ap- propriateness, earnestness, and adaptation to the va- rious classes of the congregation, and the changeful experience of the Christian heart. In the selection of his texts, Mr. Jay was often very ingenious. His extraordinary acquaintance with his Bible gave him great advantage in this. His hearers were often surprised by a passage which was so novel to them, that they did not know there was such a verse in the Scriptures. His canon was, that to secure and hold attention, to produce impression and do good, the preaching must be something that will “ strike and sticky Perhaps, in carrying out this, he sometimes erred on the side of quaintness, both in the selection of texts and in his illustrations. Yet a quaint text, if one may thus characterize any portion of God’s word, if it contain an important lesson, and if it be fairly dealt with, and be not by an ingenious fancy tortured upon the rack, to extort from it a meaning which it would not otherwise acknowledge, tends to secure attention and enliven the preaching. But this must not be done too often, or it will lose its effect, and subject the preacher to the imputation of being a pulpit-jester. Mr. Jay’s introductions to his sermons were some- times as striking as his texts. We remember once CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 298 hearing him, 'when preaching on Pilate’s question, put to Jesus Christ, — “What is truth?” — commence Ins sermon thus: “It is At truth, Pilate, that thou art a cowardly, guilty wretch, in surrendering Christ to be crucified when thou wert convinced he was an innocent man.” This ex abrupto method of introduction is, however, a hazardous one, since it is somewhat diffi- cult to keep up the attention to that altitude which it has reached by such an exordium. It is like spicing the first dish at a feast so highly as to render all that follow in some measure insipid. The prevailing character of Mr. Jay’s sermons, con sidered as to their matter, was the mixture of evan- gelical doctrine, experimental feeling, and Christian practice. His memoirs mention the fact, that on his first visit to London he had the character of several ministers described to him ; one as a doctrinal, a second as a practical, and a third as an experimental preacher. With the good sense, tact, and discrimination belong- ing to him, he said to himself, “ I will be neither ex- clusively, but all unitedly.” So he was. His evan- gelism, so far as doctrine was concerned, was never very prominent, as a thing separate and by itself, in the form of a dogmatic statement, with proofs from Scripture and controversial arguments, but was held in solution in his general course of preaching. To borrow an illustration from his reminiscence of Mr. Newton, that good man, in speaking of his Calvinism, said it was in his whole preaching, as sugar in a cup of tea, that which sweetened the whole, but which is not to be taken in the lump. We think Mr. Jay was a little deficient in not giving greater room and prominence to the chief truths of 294 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. salvation in their dogmatic form. He acknowledged he was in early life, and it was perhaps also true to the end of it. When setting out in his ministry, he saw the errors into which many of the newly-formed evangelical school in the Church of England ran, in dwelling too abstractedly and exclusively upon dog- matic theology, and the bad effect it had in some in- stances upon their conduct ; — and in avoiding this ex- treme he, perhaps, went over to another. He was in sentiment decidedly evangelical, and also in his preaching, but not formally and controversially doc trinal. It was his evangelism which constituted no small share of the attraction of his preaching His confession of faith, if such it may be called, deliver- ed at his ordination, though drawn up when only twenty-one years of age, is one of the most beautiful compends of evangelical truth in the English language. He was, to a very great extent, an experimental preacher, but his preaching seemed to touch upon the experience of those only who were tried by the ordi- nary cares and sorrows of human life, and to suggest the usual topies of consolation adapted to such cases, rather than to analyze those deep workings of the hu- man heart when struggling with all the powers of dark- ness, and all the strength of its own corruptions. It was the widow mourning over her bereavement, the mother weeping for her dead child, the man of broken fortunes, the orphan youth, the perplexed pilgrim, or the Christian troubled with the common temptations of our probation, that his preaching was calculated to help and comfort ; and hence the wide range of his pop- ularity. Hence, amidst the crowd of his hearers and admirers, w^ere not so many of those who wanted the CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 295 stronger consolation wliicla a heart bruised and broken in the spiritual conflict requires. But equally true is it, that he never administered to inconsistent professors the ardent spirit of Antinomian comfort, which was but too common at the commencement of his ministry ; or to imaginative believers, the cordials of a sentiment- al comfort, no less common at the close of it. It was, however, as a practical preacher that Mr. Jay chiefly excelled ; and here his excellences were transcendent. No man knew more clearly the obligations of the Christian life, and no man urged them more earnestly or more attractively. It was his happy art to make men feel that wisdom’s ways are ways of pleasantness, and that all her paths are peace. Perhaps there is scarcely a single word which will more aptly describe Mr. Jay as a preacher than the term naturalness . This constituted, we are sure, no small part of the attraction of his manner . His voice, his tones,- his action, were all inartificial, and displayed the gracefulness of nature. . It was not an imitation of nature on the stage, but nature’s self in her own walk and place of action. He spoke to you as you felt he should do, without any uncouth awkwardness or cari- cature which disfigures nature, or any studied affecta- tions which destroys it. To much action in the pulpit, in the use of the hands and arms, he was strongly op- posed, and seldom used any, except an occasional ele- vation of the hand. Here we think he was somewhat deficient, for nature prompts in strong emotion to bodily action. But this was the least part and the lowest manifestation of his naturalness. He spoke from his own nature to tb^ nature of others. He was himself a most inartificial man. All his tastes, his habits, and 296 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. his pursuits proved this. He knew human nature well. He studied it in himself and in others. He knew man , how he thinks, and feels, and acts. He drew his knowledge, not from copies in books, but from the liv- ing original. Men felt when they heard him, that they were listening to a preacher who knew not only books, and theories, and systems, but humanity, both in its fallen and in its restored state ; in its wants, woes, diseases, remedies, and varieties ; one who could sym- pathize with them as well as teach them. When, on a Sunday morning they came, worn and weary with the trials, toils, and cares of the six days’ labor, and placed themselves under the sound of his mellifluous voice, they felt sure of not being tantalized and disap- pointed with a cold intellectualism, or a mere logical demonstration, or a metaphysical abstraction, or a wordy nothing, which would have been giving them a stone when they asked for bread ; or with something religiously poetic, which would have been offering them flowers when they wanted meat ; — but he fed them with food convenient for them, and satisfied the cravings of their nature with what satisfied his own. This quality of his preaching was very strikingly displayed in the illustrations with which his sermons abounded. He never suffered the attention of his hearers to doze over dry abstract disquisitions, or dull, didactic, and prosaic harangues, but kept it perpetually awake by appeals to their imagination. His talent for illustrative allusion was extraordinary. His sermons were not only by his beautiful fancy illuminated, like the ancient missals, but illustrated, like modern books, by descriptive scenes. They contained all the glow- ing cohering of tb^ one, with the more correct and CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 297 graceful forms of the other. Here his naturalness con- stantly appeared, and in close resemblance to that of our Lord, who drew his similes and metaphors from the works of nature and the relationships of humanity. The great Teacher’s discourses were replete with im- ages borrowed from the beasts of the field, and the birds of the air ; from rural sights and rural sounds ; from the ties of parentage, and the reciprocal obliga- tion of husband and wife, master and servant. So were Mr. Jay’s. A natural simplicity and beauty, polished yet artless, pervaded his discourses. There was comparatively little of the grandeur and sublimity of the great masters of eloquence, but a constant suc- cession of chaste, tender, and smiling allusions. His preaching did not produce the effect of the lofty and fervid utterances of Kobert Hall, which, with their ele- gant diction, mighty conceptions, and glowing imager) 7 , raised you into a fellowship of rapture with the speak- er’s own mind: nor did it bear any resemblance to the gorgeous language, exuberant fancy, and dazzling splendors of Chalmers, which overwhelmed you with such mental opulence. The eloquence of the two lat- ter fell upon you as music from a full and perfect or- chestra. It came with the rush of a mountain torrent, and sounded majestic and awful like thunder booming over the ocean ; but the eloquence of Mr. Jay was as the gentle and noiseless flow of a majestic river, or like the deep, and solemn, and soothing tones of the organ. In hearing him you were brought near by a sweet and re- sistless attraction. You felt you could approach him, and be at home with him, and were in a state of af- finity with him ; while a feeling of awe came over you as you listened to the others, which at once fascinated 13 * 298 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. yon, and transported you with delight, and yet made you almost tremble. It seemed, in listening to Hall and Chalmers, as if you could no more always bear such mental excitement than you could always endure the roar of a thunder-storm, or the falls of Niagara ; but to Mr. Jay you could forever listen, just as you never feel burdened by the waves of ocean gently breaking upon the shore on a summer’s day, nor by the gurg- ling noise of a brook meandering among stones. In- numerable instances of this naturalness of allusion and illustration might be selected from his printed sermons, which, when uttered with all the effect given to them by the music of his pathetic tones, must have melted down the hearts of his hearers into a state of highly pleasurable emotion. Mr. Jay was a master of the true pathetic. Minis- ters have too much neglected this. Some have thought to do all in religious teaching by forceful appeals of logic addressed to the intellect. The understanding is the only faculty they seek to engage. Their logic is clear, but it is cold. They deal with man in only one view of his nature, as a rational being, who has only to apprehend ideas, but forget that he is also an emotion- al being, who has a heart to feel, and who often needs rather to be moved than convinced. His sensibility, sometimes the best, the only, avenue to his soul, is left unobserved, unoccupied. If the true order of nature be for the head to guide the heart, yet, in our disturbed and disordered condition, it often happens that the heart is the avenue to the intellect. Men love to feel, as well as to think ; and hence we speak of the luxury of tender emotion. Mr. Jay knew this, and entered very deeply into Christian aesthetics. His voice gave CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 299 him great advantages here. His very intonations touched and opened the springs of feeling. When the people were in a prepared state of mind, he has some- times melted them by his manner of repeating an in- terjection, or a single word. His pathos, however, was not all confined to his manner, but extended itself to his matter. In this there were often the most tender and touching allusions and descriptions. Who, that ever read, can forget that beautiful passage in his ser- mon to husbands and wives, in which he represents woman, pleading on the ground of her weakness and dependence, for sympathy, kindness, and protection ? To have heard this passage uttered by his pathetic tones and plaintive looks, must have been followed by an effect more than dramatic : — “ Milton has finely expressed the difference in the original pair, — “ ‘ For contemplation he, and valor form’d ; For softness she, and sweet attractive grace.’ Her bodily strength is inferior, her constitution less firm and vigorous, her frame more tender, her temper more yielding, her circumstances more generally de- pressing. A rose, a lily, allows of no rough usages. Tenderness demands gentleness ; delicacy, care ; pli- ancy, props. Has a condition few resources, and is there much in it of the afflictive and humbling ? — the more does it need succor, and the more necessary is every assistance to maintain and increase the conse- quence of it, especially where so much depends upon the respectability of the character who fills it. Where is the man who is not alive to this consideration? 800 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. Where is the husband, who, reflecting on her peculiar circumstances, would not be disposed, by every possi- ble means, to promote the dignity and the satisfaction of a wife? What is the language of these circum- stances ? 1 Honor us ; deal kindly with us. From many of the opportunities and means by which you procure favorable notice, we are excluded. Doomed to the shades, few of the high places of the earth are open to us. Alternately we are adored and oppressed. From our slaves you become our tyrants. You feel our beauty, and avail yourselves of our weakness. You complain of our inferiority, but none of your be- havior bids us rise. Sensibility has given us a thou- sand feelings, which nature has kindly denied you. Always under restraints, we have little liberty of choice. Providence seems to have been more atten- tive to enable us to confer happiness than to enjoy it. Every condition has for us fresh mortifications ; every relation new sorrows. We enter social bonds : it is a system of perpetual sacrifice. We cannot give life to others without hazarding our own. We have suffer- ings which you do not share — cannot share. If spar- ed, years and decays invade our charms, and much of the ardor produced by attraction departs with it. We may die. The grave covers us, and we are soon for- gotten : soon are the days of your mourning ended, soon is our loss repaired ; dismissed even from your speech, our name is to be heard no more, — a successor may dislike it. Our children, after having a mother by nature, may fall under the control of a mother by affinity, and be mortified by distinctions made between them and her own offspring. Though the duties which we have discharged invariably be the most im- CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 301 portant and necessary, they do not shine; they are too common to strike ; they procure no celebrity : the wife, the mother, fills no historic page. Our privations, our confinements, our wearisome days, our interrupt- ed, our sleepless nights, the hours we have hung in anxious watchings over your sick and dying off- spring.’ ” There was an individualising effect produced by Mr. Jay’s preaching. He not only preached before his congregation, but to them ; and not only to the multitude, but to the individuals which composed it. His sermons formed a kind of mirror, which reflected the image of those who approached it, and in which every one saw himself as distinguished from others. Each of his hearers felt as if the preacher’s eye were fixed on him , and his discourse addressed to him . This is a happy art in preaching, and, indeed, in all public speaking, and in order to which it is necessary to ap- proach, without descending below ourselves or our subject, or even the more intelligent of our auditors, yet as nearly as we can to the easy comprehension of the mass of our hearers. When the preacher soars into the clouds where the understanding cannot track him, or diverges into a wood where they cannot find him, they will soon give over all attempts to follow him, and leave him to his wanderings. Mr. Jay’s sim- plicity, clearness, and intelligibility to all, were most commendable, rarely equalled, and never surpassed. It were desirable that these qualities should be remark- ed, and, as far as possible, imitated, by all preachers of the Gospel. His beautiful conceptions, expressed in good plain Saxon words, were easily understood by the bulk of his hearers ; in faM none could mi sunder- 302 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. stand them, while the most cultivated and refined could not feel displeased with them. It is recorded of Arago, the celebrated French as- tronomer, that he had a peculiar facility of bringing down the high parts of astronomy to the comprehen- sion of ordinary minds, — a faculty so rare, that some of the most distinguished astronomers have failed in making their science intelligible or interesting to a public auditory. Arago adopted a method which we believe had never been tried before by any of his pre- decessors. When he began to give his course of lec- tures on astronomy, he glanced round on his audience to look for some dull aspirant for knowledge with a low forehead, and other indications that he was among the least intelligent of his hearers. He kept his eye fixed upon him ; he addressed only him ; and by the effect of his eloquence and powers of explanation, as exhibited in the countenance of his pupil, he judged of their influence upon the rest of his audience. When he remained unconvinced, the orator tried new illus- trations, till light beamed from the grateful counte- nance. Next morning, when Arago was breakfasting with his family, a visitor was announced. A gentle- man entered — his pupil of the preceding evening, who, after expressing his admiration of the lecture, thank- ed Arago for the very peculiar attention he had paid him during the delivery, 11 You had the appearance,” said he, “ of giving the lecture only to me.” Shall it be the ambition only of the astronomer, and not also cf the preacher, to be understood by the convert, and to make every individual feel he is the party address- ed ? Shall they who preach salvation think only of pleasing the cultivated few, to the neglect of the igno- CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 303 rant multitude ? Let the minister of religion take a lesson, aye, and reproof too, from the lecture on as- tronomy. Mr. Jay had learnt this lesson, and prac- ticed it well. It is not meant, of course, that the preacher is always to dwell on elementary truths, and even to accommodate his discourse to the poor and illiterate ; but he ought never to forget that our Lord said, “ the poor have the Gospel preached unto them and it was observed of his own preaching that “ the common people heard him gladly.” True, we ought not to be always in the nursery feeding babes with milk ; but then the babes ought not to be forgotten or neglected. The character of strong sound sense which pervaded Mr. Jay’s sermons contributed very largely to his pop- ularity, combined, as this uniformly was, with the practical. There seems to be in the public mind an intuitive perception that religion is not mere science or theory, but that it contains much that has to do with men’s business and bosoms. There is an innate conviction that there is not only something to know, but something to do. They may not be always very willing to do what is enjoined upon them, but still they expect to hear it, and are dissatisfied if they do not. They are aware that it is a matter which has to do with all persons, states, and circumstances. Hence they feel somewhat of surprise, and even disgust, with the preacher who deals much in abstractions that lie remote from human nature and life. They expect to be told not only how they should think, but how they should act ; and one good sound maxim of spiritual wisdom which will guide them through the intricacies of life, and the perplexities of casuistry, will be fax 804 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. more valued than many an airy speculation, or elabo- rate investigation of some profound and abstract ques- tion in theology. Mr. Jay’s practical directions pos- sessed much of the terseness, the wisdom, nnd the force of proverbs. In a single sentence he often expressed what others would expand into a paragraph or a page. Few ever had, in such perfection, the happy art of saying much in few words. They who could not carry away a whole sermon could remember a single sen- tence, which perhaps contained the pith of the whole. They may not have been able to secure the entire string of pearls ; but they could retain one which was complete in itself, and a specimen of all the rest. He always preached as if he wished his sermon to be re- membered as well as heard ; and it was this which led him to condemn the essay form of sermonizing, and to adopt so uniformly the methodical arrangement of his discourses into the usual divisions and sub-divisions of a sermon. He aimed not merely at present effect, but at permanent advantage ; and his arrangement of his subject, which sometimes was fanciful, — aiming at antithesis and parallelism, and approaching almost to the metrical, — was intended to assist the memory, and thus to promote usefulness. Mr. Hall, a master and high authority on such subjects, speaks of the narrow trammels to which in these latter days discourses from the pulpit are confined, “ so different from the free and unfettered airs in which the first preachers of the Gos- pel appeared before their audience. The sublime emo- tions with which they were fraught,” he says, “ would have rendered them impatient of such restrictions ; nor could they suffer the impetuous stream of their argument, expostulation, and pathos, to be weakened CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 305 by being diverted into tbe artificial reservoirs prepared in tbe beads and particulars of a modern sermon.” Tbe analogy, however, of tbe two cases will not bold. There are occasions, no doubt, when the sermon may with prop vety and effect assume tbe form and charac- ter of an oration, though rarety of an essay, especialty when concentrated impression, rather than instruction, is the design of the preacher ; but as a general rule, considering the heterogeneous nature of our congrega- tions, the plan of heads and particulars, if they are not too numerous, is most for edification ; and it was certainly the method which Mr. Hall himself adopted : his Sermon on Infidelity, and on the death of the Princess Charlotte, being the only ones which are printed in which the usual announcement of heads and particulars is omitted. Mr. Jay’s divisions, though always announced, were never unnecessarily multi- plied ; and thus, while he aided the memory, he did not burthen it. Mr. Jay, though generally grave, chaste, and dig- nified in his composition, occasionally somewhat vio- lated the law of propriety in regard to these excel- lences, by a quaintness of expression. This applies al- most exclusively to his preaching, and was most prob- ably purely extemporaneous. He has extruded nearly all of it from his printed discourses. This tendency to quaintness grew upon him in his declining years, when, perhaps, under some consciousness of decaying force, he thought he would supply the deficiency by what was fanciful and odd, or quaint. He was, per- haps, somewhat sensible of this when, in his preface to his “ Short Discourses ,” he wrote the following sen- tence : “ Though he doea not wish to indulge a bad 306 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. taste, the Author would ever remember that the preacher ought to have compassion on the ignorant, and on them that are out of the way. That which is too smooth, easily slides off from the memory, and that which is lost in the act of hearing will do little good. It is desirable to get something that will strike and abide; something that recurring again and again, will employ the thoughts and the tongue ; and if this cannot be accomplished in certain instances by modes of address which perhaps are not classically justifiable, should not a minister prefer utility to fame ?” This great preacher threw a sacred charm over his sermons by a profusion of Scripture phraseology, and allusion to Scripture facts. They were adorned with the beauty and redolent with the fragrance of flowers culled from the garden of inspiration. Indeed the beauty and the perfume were almost in excess. The passages were not so much selected for proof as for il- lustration ; they were brought forward, as classic quo- tations are by public orators, to grace a speech, and to convey the speaker’s idea in the opposite language of a high authority. While listening to his discourses, and regaling themselves with his pleasing thoughts, his hearers were often surprised by his repetition of Scripture, so appropriate that it seemed as if it had been written for the occasion. He rarely ever referred to the book, chapter, and verse which he thus used, as he imagined that the hearers would be diverted from the suoject, and disturb their neighbors by turning over the leaves of their Bibles, and the rustling noise, if many did so, which this would occasion. Here we think he was a little in error in point of excess. Fewer passages, some of them explicitly quoted as well as re- CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 307 peated, with a passing remark which would bring out and impress their whole meaning, must do more good than so many passages interwoven without reference or remark into the texture of the sermon. Another excess in which he indulged in his later years, and in his ordinary ministrations, was, in the way of poetic quotation, especially verses of hymns. He was fond of poetry. His was a poetic mind ; and though he rose not to the rank of a great lyric poet, yet he wrote some good hymns, as must be apparent to those who read this volume. In the last sermon he preached in Argyle Chapel, there are no less than thir- teen of these poetic scraps. The greater part of them, however, he would no doubt have omitted had he prepared the sermon for the press. Mr. Jay, through the whole of his ministry, was, as might be supposed, much in demand for public occa- sions. Few ministers were more frequently put in requisition for preaching at the opening of chapels, and for the various organizations of Christian zeal and benevolence. For such services he always carefully prepared, and rarely disappointed the expectation of his audience. He felt that it would be unworthy of himself, his subject, and his audience, to come forth with an ill-digested, crude, and hasty effusion of meagre thought, set forth in slovenly language. While, on the other hand, though aware he was surrounded by his ministerial brethren, he did not sacrifice the inter- ests of the people to them, and, instead of producing sermons for edification, attempt to astonish by a dis- play of profound and profitless speculation, or dazzle by an exhibition of rapid elegance, resembling the flash, the rush, the lofty flight and vanishing light of 808 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. the sky-rocket, but withal as useless as that pyrotech- nic exhibition. He often surprised his audience by the ingenuity he displayed in the appropriation of texts to particular occasions. As specimens of this take the following examples: — On the death of Gieorge the Fourth — “ Another King, one Jesus.” — On the reopening of his chapel after a temporary closing — “ A door was opened in heaven.” — After an enlargement of the chapel — “ Be ye also enlarged.” — For a Communion address — “ One of you is a devil.” Who but he would have thought of such a passage as this, for the text of a funeral sermon for a gre«\t man: u Howl, fir tree; for the cedar is fallen ?” From this passage he preach- ed first, after the death of Mr. Hall ; and then again at the death of Mr. Rowland Hill. How poetic, how striking, how appropriate to express the Church’s la- ment over the grave of one of her illustrious pastors ! Mr. Jay considered it a solemn duty to take ad- vantage of the times of public occasions to make na- ture and providence subservient to religious instruc- tion. He generally preached on the seasons of the year; and on national mercies, calamities, and great political events; — but he did not bring politics, in. the conventional meaning of that term, into the pulpit. It need scarcely be said by those who knew Mr. Jay, that he made no use of notes in the pulpit, except oc- casionally at the very close of his ministry, when he could no longer so implicitly confide in his memory. In his earlier days he wrote his sermons pretty fully, and even where this was not done, most of the leading thoughts had passed through his mind in his previous meditations upon the text or the subject. He did not, CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 309 however, so closely adhere to his prepared matter as to shut out suggestions that arose at the time ; those “ living thoughts,” as Mr. Newton used to call them, which came warm and glowing from the heart while he was preaching. He very strongly reprobated the practice of pulpit readings, and lamented the growing disposition for this among the young ministers of the present day. Where is the practice of reading toler- ated except in the Pulpit ? Not on the Stage ; not in the Senate ; not at the Bar. In the time of Charles the Second it was forbidden by statute to the University of Cambridge, which says “ the lazy way of reading sermons began in the time of the Civil Wars.” It will be seen, by this description, that we do not claim for this eminent preacher any dazzling brilliancy of genius, any profound originality, any power of philosophical analysis, any logical acumen, or even great theological research. To those who can only be pleased with such things, or to others who resolve all pulpit excellence into abstract generalizations, or lofty speculations, or subtle argumentation, Mr. Jay’s ser- mons presented few attractions. His sound evangel- ism, his practical wisdom, his rich experience, his strong sense, his melting tenderness, his touching pathos, his beautiful illustrations, his sweet antitheses, his poetic fancy, which procured him while a living preacher such wide and continued popularity, and which in his published works will never cease to de- light the readers who can be pleased with strong in- telligence and true piety — were held in light esteem by those who love to soar in the clouds, or delve in the dark mines of German mysticism. If Mr. Jay attained to such excellence as preacher, 310 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. it was not without great self-culture and laborious en- deavors. No doubt there is some truth in the opin- ion, that there are natural tendencies which lead to distinction in any branch of human pursuit. We need not believe phrenology to admit this. In a quali- fied sense, Mr. Jay was born a preacher : person, voice, physiological temperament appropriate to this occupa- tion, were all given to him in his physical constitution. But this was not all. If he owed much to those gifts lavished upon him by the hand of God, he owed much also to his own sagacity, diligence,, and unwearied endea- vors after improvement and distinction. He was a preacher from a boy. His choice of this line of action grew out of his religious convictions and emotions, and was sustained and stimulated by them. He longed to be useful in savitig sinners from the condemnation which he had escaped ; he saw the power of the pul- pit as God’s great instrument for accomplishing this end ; and, almost from the time of his first entering it, he made it, as we have already said, the object of his hallowed ambition to excel there. In after-life, all his reading, his reflection, and his writing centred in that object. He studied the best models of preaching; learnt French chiefly to read the sermons of Bossuet, Bourdaloue, Masillon, and Saurin, in their own tongue ; and attentively perused the Puritan and Nonconform- ist writers, together with more modern authors of sermons, the better to qualify himself to be a preacher. At home and abroad, when travelling or recreating himself at some watering-place, he was in one sense always sermonizing. He rarely returned to his own house, after a retreat for awhile to the coast, without bringing back with him some plans of sermons or CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 311 texts that had struck him, in his reading or medita- tions during this season of innocent relaxation from pastoral duties. To be a useful preacher was his aim ; and it was thus, by constant and unwearied effort, he became one. And if this were the habitual study of all who are called to occupy the pulpit ; if with an intense long- ing after the salvation of immortal souls, and an un- wavering determination to know nothing among men, but Jesus Christ and him crucified ; if with a true phi- losophical view of the adaptation of preaching to awaken attention and produce impression ; if with a recollection of what has been done by the g v eat mas- ters in the art of preaching, — all ministers were to study the best models of evangelical pulpit eloquence, and were to take extraordinary pains to acquire, by the aid of Divine grace, a commanding and interest- ing style of pulpit address ; and, while cherishing a sense of absolute dependence for efficiency upon the work of the Holy Spirit, they were to recollect the Spirit works by appropriate means ; and took half the pains to make their speaking in the pulpit as impress- ive as the actor does to make his upon the stage ; if concerning the powerful preaching of the Gospel, they said “ this one thing I do” and called in all collateral aids to do it in the best manner, — we should not hear, as we sometimes do, of the declining power of the pul- pit. It is for a wonder, a lamentation, and a reproach, that they who have to do the most momentous work under the sun, give themselves the least pains to do it effectually. Mankind are wrought upon by manner as well as matter — it is an interesting, earnest style of ad- dress that engages attention, reaches the heart, and ac- 312 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. complishes the end of preaching ; in the absence of which learning the most profound, and theology the most scriptural, will fail to secure popularity, or to ob- tain success. It will not do to say, we are so engross- ed with the matter of our discourses as to be indifferent to the manner of them. The more important to men’s interests is the matter, the more anxious should we be that in our manner there should be nothing to hinder, but, on the contrary, everything to aid, the success of the matter. That minister who feels called by the Holy Ghost to be a preacher of Christ’s blessed Gospel, ought to feel himself no less called to take all possible pains to do it in the best possible manner. How eminently Mr. Jay’s efforts to excel in this matter were crowned with success, the reader of the foregoing pages has seen amply illustrated as he has advanced though this volume. We shall here, how- ever, add one more testimony, which, from its impar- tiality and high respectability, is entitled to much weight. Bishop Shirley, in a letter to the Rev. C, Bridges, says : “ I spent two days at Bath, and heard Mr. Jay preach. He is a very extraordinary man. There is a commanding energy in his manner, and a weight in his style, which gives authority to what he says, and secures attention ; for he is evidently in earn- est, and utters the result of much thinking and prayer.” * If the publication of Mr. Jay’s life should serve no other purpose than to stir up the ministry to a more earnest and anxious endeavor to excel in this their mo- mentous sphere of official duty, and to present to them * Memoir of Bishop Shirley, p. 58 This letter is dated Ash- bourn, February 18th, 1823. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 313 a model which they shall aim to copy, then it will be subject of congratulation and thankfulness, that to the world has been given this memoir of one whom Foster designated, “ The Prince of Preachers .” MR. JAY AS AN AUTHOR. After having expressed our opinion of Mr. Jay as a preacher, we have felt some doubts whether our readers may not think it quite enough, without refer- ring particularly to his authorship. But still there is a sufficient diversity in the two departments to justify a separate notice. The talents which secure success in the one can by no means be taken as a pledge of suc- cess in the other. It is a rare thing for a man to excel in both characters, even though the authorship may lie mainly in the line of sermons. Of this Mr. Jay himself seems to have been perfectly conscious ; for he did little in the way of authorship, except in connec- tion with his preaching, as he also did little in the way of public speaking, except from the pulpit. Un- der a just sense of the limitation of human faculties, he concentrated his upon one object ; and that object gained so conspicuously and successfully supplied the first and chief inducement to appear as an author ; and this rather as an extension of the preacher’s office, or as an enlargement of his audience. Mr. Jay’s labors as an author were principally pur- sued at watering-places, during a relaxation of a few weeks in summer. He gives the following brief but interesting account of these labors, in m Advertise- ment to the last volume of the “ Exerciser” : — “At Sidmouth he began his ‘Domestic Ministers’ 14 314 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. Assistant,’ and wrote many of the Family prayers. In the Isle of Wight, he composed ‘ A Charge to a Min- ister’s Wife,’ and ‘The Wife’s Advocate.’ At Lyn- month, he finished his ‘ Christian Contemplated,’ and wrote the Preface ; with ‘ Hints on Preaching.’ “ But this latter place must be a little more noticed. There, for several years successively, he passed a month, the most perfectly agreeable and happy he ever expe- rienced in a life of loving-kindness and tender mercy. “ Linton and Lynmouth are nearly connected — the one being at the top and the other at the bottom of a declivity, covered with trees and verdure, interspersed with several houses. Linton has been remarked for its sublimity, and Lynmouth for its beauty, and their united aspects have been called Switzerland in min- iature. “Lynmouth was to the author the most interesting spot. Here, two narrow and craggy valleys, obvious- ly once ruptured by a convulsion of nature, termin- ate ; and down these, tumbling from rock to rock, two streams — one running r irom the east and the other from the south — unite, and then, at a small distance, empty themselves into the sea, “ At the time of his first going there it was hardly known or considered as a watering-place. It had not, therefore, as yet fallen into the corruptions of such receptacles ; nor had the inhabitants been taught to make visitors a prey. The villagers were very re- spectful ; and strangers felt a sense of perfect safety. u Here the author fixed his residence. He took a whole cottage ; it was far from elegant, but it was neat and agreeable ; it wanted some accommodation and comforts ; but he had what he more prized, rural and CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 315 enchanting scenery and solitude. Yet not without some to hear the exclamation, ‘IIow sweet this soli- tude is!’ for he had society too; his company was small, but chosen, and suitable, and improving : — Where friendship full exerts her softest power, Perfect esteem, enlivened by desire Ineffable, and sympathy of soul — Thought meeting thought, and will preventing will, With boundless confidence.’ “ His associates consisted of his wife ana a female friend. It would be vain in him to extol the former ; but as for the latter — especially as she was soon re- moved from our world — he may be allowed to say, we hardly could have had her equal in everything we wished. She was of a very respectable family ; well educated, polished in her manners, intellectual, sprightly, witty, truly pious, full of sensibility and be- nevolence, and an entire stranger to everything like selfishness. What, with regard to this friend, before our first excursion together was acquaintance, was now rendered intimacy the most cordial ; and she be- came a dear resident in the family till her lamented death. The cottage we occupied was near Mr. Her- ries’ beautiful villa. It has since been spoiled by im- provements, and is now a kind of tawdry little man- sion ; and the whole of Lynmouth itself, which taste might have altered, and yet left it a village still, is aping a paltry town. “ Here our party felt themselves at liberty to meet or to separate — to read or to write — or to converse or to walk — as inclination prompted. As to himself, the author opened his parlor, and spoke on the Sabbath- 316 CONCLUDING OBSERVxriONS. day evening to any of the neighbors who would at- tend. But having been struck with the design, and also having been urged to undertake something of the kind, he now began his 4 Morning Exercises.’ Of these, he here often wrote two, and sometimes three a day ; and always read one of them in the morn- ing and another in the evening devotion, and not often without the approbation of his companions, which most excited and encouraged him to proceed. 44 Here he composed the greater part of these Morn- ing Exercises, and here also, in after visits, he wrote the greater part of the Evening . He once thought of distinguishing by a final mark all he had written in this retirement ; but not doing it immediately, his re- collection soon became too indistinct for him to divide with certainty. The first ‘Exercise’ he wrote was that which is entitled, £ The Unlonely Solitude,’ — John, xvi. 32 : 4 And shall leave me alone : and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.’ “ He wished also to have marked those which he wrote as he journeyed to and from Lynmouth. At the 4 Plume of Feathers,’ Minehead, where he slept as he was going down, he composed the Exercise, called, 4 The Pious Excursion,’ — 1 Sam. iii. 9 : 4 Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth,’ especially in reference to such a journey of recreation. At the same inn, as he returned, he composed the Exercise, entitled 4 The Call to Depart,’ — Micah, ii. 10 : 4 Arise, and depart hence, for this is not your rest.’ He also wrote a third Ex- ercise at the same inn, viz., — 4 Changes in the wilder- ness not a removal from it,’ — Numb. x. 12 : 4 And the children of Israel took their journeys out of the wil- CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 317 derness of Sinai ; and the cloud rested in the wilder- ness at Peran.’ “ The author cannot conclude without observing two things : — the first is, That relaxation is never so per- fectly enjoyed as in connection with engagement. ‘ A want of occupation is not rest ; A mind quite vacant is a mind distress’d/ “Relaxation, indeed, can have no existence sepa- rate from employment, for what is there then to relax from ? On the other hand, action prepares for repose, and labor not only sweetens, but justifies recreation ; so that we feel it to be, not only innocent indulgence, but a kind of recompense. The second is, That, as of such a precious talent as time nothing should be lost, so, much may be done by gathering up its fragments.” The peculiar charm which his sermons derived from his oratory and elocution could not, of course, attend his publications, and yet, when divested of this fasci- nation, they exhibited other charms and excellences, which secured for them, not only attention, but admi- ration, popularity, and usefulness. His compositions, when they came from the press, were greatly improved and chastened, both in thought and diction. What they lost of effect given them by his delivery, they gained in correctness, condensation, and point. Mr. Jay well understood that sermons printed must be skilfully prepared for the eye, which is a more critical judge than the ear. The single sermons which he first published were, no doubt, greatly aided in their success by the popularity of the young preacher. Moreover, his promotion so early to the pulpit of Surrey Chapel placed him on a pinnacle before the 318 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. religious world of London ; so that when he sent forth his first volume of sermons, which was as early as 1802, a wide circle of readers was anxiously waiting to peruse them. The moderation of sentiment these sermons displayed, as contrasted with the Antinomian- ism into which some were running, both in the Estab- lishment and among the Dissenters, — their originality, simplicity, ease, and general adaptation to the state of the public mind, commanded for them a measure of success which rarely attends volumes of sermons in the present day, and still more rarely those from the pens of Dissenters. It may be fairly alleged, that, at the period when Mr. Jay first appeared as an au- thor, there was a new and growing desire to peruse good and evangelical sermons; and that Mr. Jay’s were eminently suited to the taste of the day ; and it would be no disparagement to admit further, that in some respects they are less suited to the taste of the present day ; or, indeed, that as good sermons are now so abundant from the pulpit, there is less need of sup- plying them from the press ; and, in consequence, few volumes of sermons now obtain popularity, unless they are highly elaborate, or novel subjects, or charac- terized by eminent genius or transcendent eloquence. There can be no doubt that Mr. Jay’s sermons were happily suited to meet the increasing desire at that time for evangelical instruction. Whitfield and Wes- ley, with their co-workers and followers, had given the people a taste for something better than they had been accustomed to in the dry ethical essays of the clergy, as void of effect upon the audience as of heart and life in the preacher. Jay’s sermons, therefore, were perhaps as much used in pulpits as in private CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 319 houses, and might be heard in many a church, and found attractive to many a congregation of Church- men. Some of the more liberal of the clergy recom- mended them to their brethren, and to their people ; and this was especially the case with those who were alarmed at the spread of Antinomianism. The appear- ance of the successive volumes of Mr. Jay’s sermons, and their increasing popularity, was a pleasing omen of the sounder views which were beginning to prevail. Indeed it may be stated, that the influence of the An- tinomian preacher began to decrease about this time, and has been sinking till it can scarcely be said to re- tain an existence either in the Church or out of it. A few scattered individuals are all that can now be found, where formerly hundreds congregated to listen to high doctrine ; and, among other useful works, no doubt Mr. Jay’s have had a share of influence in promoting sounder views and a more Scriptural taste. An evi- dence of this is seen in the fact that Mr. Jay was sin- gled out by Bishop Jebb, and recommended to his friend, Alexander Knox, as a pattern of sobriety and moderation of sentiment. He saj r s in one of his let- ters : — “ It seems to me as if the more sober Calvinists, both in and out of the Church of England, were not a little alarmed by the prevalence of virtual, if not as yet practical, Antinomianism. There has been a good deal to that purpose, I mean expressive of that alarm, in the ‘Christian Observer.’ But the Independent minister at Bath, Jay, has lately published a volume of lectures, called 1 The Christian Contemplated,’ in the preface to which are some pertinent, and, I might sav, happy remarks. It will be worth your while to 320 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. get the book, were it only for the sake of the preface ; but the book itself is worth looking over, for, though it has its defects and failings, it abounds in matter which tends to edify the reader, and do real honors to the writer.”* In speaking once upon this subject, he observed, that, though election vras true, it did not appear to him a truth of equal importance with perseverance ; and that, in preaching, we must not only distinguish between truth and error, but between truth and truth. It was a truth that our Saviour died under Pontius Pilate, and a truth that His death was an atonement for sin ; but who would attach the same importance to both ? So was it here. He did not conceive that there was any danger in preaching election in its ef- fects ; and that it must always be remembered, that perseverance was a duty enjoined by 2 Peter, i. 5-10, &c., and as a privilege promised in Phil. i. 6, &c. ; and that this twofold view ought always to be remem- bered. He said that Mr. Newton, at one of those breakfasts where he received ministers of all denominations, among other observations, made the following : — He said, that “ Calvinism was one of the worst of systems preached theoretically, but one of the best preached practically.” Mr. Jay added, that if he called any man master on earth, it would be Leighton or New- ton. This just and Scriptural moderation of sentiment which through life distinguished Mr. Jay, both as a * Thirty Years’ Correspondence between John Jebb, D.D., F.R.S., Bishop of Limerick, and Alexander Krox, Esq., M.R.T.A., vol. iu p. 65 1 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 321 preacher and author, commended him to the approval of the best part of the Christian body, both in the Established Church and among Dissenters. For this sobriety and comprehensiveness of view he was prob- ably greatly indebted to his excellent tutor, whose large experience and acute observation, in the days when there existed considerable conflict ard conten- tion among theologians of adverse schools, in connec- tion with his loving spirit and persuasive manner, qualified him to guard young minds against excess and extravagance. The same moderation of sentiment seems to have distinguished most of Mr. Winter’s stu- dents. It is, moreover, a remarkable fact, that this sobriety was far from being associated with tameness or indifference. It was rather accompanied with emi- nent zeal, devotedness, and usefulness. It was very evident that Mr. Jay’s supreme aim was to be Scriptu- ral in all his religious sentiments. He bowed sub- missively to the Divine authority. Every statement is both illustrated and confirmed by the most apposite and striking quotations. Hence, too, Mr. Jay seems never to shrink from the appearance of paradox, when it arises from the strength of Scripture language in en- forcing important truths separately. He had, from the commencement of his course, kept himself clear of the trammels of systematic theology ; and was only concerned to bring the truth of God, as it appears in the Bible, to bear upon the hearts and consciences of men. Hence the constant interweaving of Scripture in every sermon — a practice which he avows and de- fends in the preface to u The Christian Contemplated,” where he quotes, with warm approbation, the follow- ing judicious and beautiful defence of this practice, 14 * 322 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. from the pen of Eobert Hall, in his strictures upon Foster’s Essay, which at that day stirred up no little controversy, and which was entitled — u On the Aver- sion of Men of Taste to Evangelical Eeligion.” Mr. Jay hailed this vindication of the use of Scriptural language, from so high an authorhy', though he sus- pects the same authority might censure himself for using it to excess ; yet that he would still allow it was an error on the safer side. u To say nothing,” observes Mr. Hall, “ of the in- imitable beauties of the Bible, considered in a literary view, — which are universally acknowledged, — it is the Book which every devout man is accustomed to con- sult as the oracle of God ; it is the companion of his best moments, and the vehicle of his strongest conso- lation. Intimately associated in his mind with every- thing dear and valuable, its diction more powerfully excites devotional feeling than any other ; and, when temperately and soberly used, imparts an unction to a religious discourse which nothing else can suppfy. Besides, is there not room to apprehend that a studied avoidance of the Scripture phraseology, and a care to express all that it is supposed to contain in the forms of classical diction, might ultimately lead to the neg- lect of the Scriptures themselves, and a habit of sub- stituting flashy and superficial declamation, in the room of the saving truths of the Gospel ? Such an appre- hension is but too much verified by the most celebrat- ed sermons of the French, and still more by some modern compositions in our own language, which usurp that title. For devotional impression, we con- ceive that a very considerable tincture of the language of Scripture, or at least such a coloring as shall dis- CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 323 cover an intimate acquaintance with those inimitable models, will generally succeed best.” The copious use which Mr. Jay made of Scripture language, both in preaching and writing, gives his compositions a peculiar character. It is a feature which strikes every one as prominent, and we think, while it yields the highest satisfaction to every reader who peruses his books for edification and instruction, it can excite displacency in no one. There can be little doubt that the eminent success of Mr. Jay in all his publications is a sufficient vindication of his prac- tice, especially when it is considered that the success of such writings must be taken as an indication of their usefulness. They minister nothing to the amuse- ment of mankind ; nothing to the gratification of a mere literary taste, or fondness for speculation ; no- thing to elegant scholarship, or dialectic skill, or a fer- vid imagination ; but are the plain and forcible state- ments of evangelical truth, “ not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but,” to a great extent, “ which the Holy Ghost teacheth ;” and as such their extensive and continued popularity both vindicates the judg- ment of the writer and commends the taste of his nu- merous Christian readers. Mr. Jay may not be an author suited to the taste of every reader, but he wrote for the many, and they have been his readers. He is not learned enough for some, nor profound enough for others ; not critical enough for one, nor rhetorical enough for a second, nor imaginative enough for a third ; but had he com- mended himself to the approbation o r such readers, he would have had a much narrower circle than he has had, and still has. Nature, or rather the God of 324 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. nature, formed his mind in one of its most current types, and to serve the greatest number, by exhibiting to them, in the most impressive, instructive, and suc- cessful forms, not the rarities of intellectual treasures, not the elaborations of human thought, nor the choicest and most sparkling gems of genius, but truths of uni- versal importance and of daily practice. He aimed at the useful and substantial, and had little taste for the subtle, the recondite, or the profound. His mission was to preach the Gospel of the grace of God, which he had received, and to extend the benefit of what he had preached by books, for the service of those who had not the privilege of hearing him. In his compositions, the critic may find many faults which passed unobserved from the pulpit. But though sometimes his style would admit of improvement in respect to refinement and polish, yet, in perspicuity, simplicity, and force, it is admirably adapted to the purpose of instruction. It is perfectly transparent and intelligible to all, and though occasionally, through his anxiety to be impressive, and to fix the truth in the mind, he indulges in an expression or a word be- neath his subject, yet it is so obviously for the sake of point and effect, that good taste can hardly be offended, while the less fastidious reader is better pleased with the homeliness and point, and possibly feels the truth conveyed more effectually to his mind. Eminently practical in all his views of Divine truth, he derives useful lessons from almost every part of Scripture ; and places duties in new lights and rela- tions, which impart fresh force and interest to them. He had no doubt profited much in his composition in later years by the long and extensive practice he had CTO NOLUDINXt OB.SK I i VATIOXS. 325 undergone, and which, from the advice of Mrs. Han- nah More to write much and fast, he seems early to have adopted. Every Christian reader of Mr. Jay’s works must be impressed with the pleasingly devo- tional turn of his mind. His reflections lead the pious and devout reader to the most elevated views of the Divine character, as a Father to be loved, and a Friend to be trusted. Every page seems to exercise over tho mind an attraction to the Source of all wisdom, blessed- ness, and grace; and every sentiment seems bathed with the spirit of devotion, and designed to win the heart for God and truth. Another feature in Mr. Jay’s writings is the skill with which, without apparent effort, he throws light upon Scripture, and, by a few happy sentences, sets the sacred word in a new and interesting, and often strong, light. It is as if he placed the reader in a po- sition from which he could discover new lustre in the jewel of Divine truth. He makes it flash its radiance upon the mind’s eye with a power and beauty unper- ceived before. And, moreover, not simply as thus condensing the force of isolated truths upon the mind, but in the important and most useful capacity of an expositor , he is conspicuously successful. His large knowledge of the Divine word, and his intimate in- sight into its special import, and his holy ingenuity in discovering uses to which its facts and lessons may be turned, qualify him in a high degree to expound the sacred word. With an unrivalled force and effect could he bring out the hidden beauties of revelation, and enchain the mind to the truths of God’s word. There was a startling originality sometimes in his ap- plication of texts, which interested and delighted the 326 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. auditor, and fixed the attention moie m the Word of God than on the preacher or the writer. But he never pursued originality for its own sake, nor sought, as many have done, and are still doing, to affect novelty of thought by mere novelty of phrase. The new idioms and the new terminology are found, when translated into pure English, to contain little more than old and common ideas ; often they are a mere wrapper of grotesque or pompous phraseology thrown around poverty of thought and vulgar superficiality. But, in his own department, Mr. Jay was really an original thinker, and his thoughts engage, instruct, and delight the mind. His aim is always exalted, his means always legitimate, his motives always pure, and his success distinguished. In confirmation of our own estimate of his publica- tions, it will probably be interesting to the reader to be informed, upon the best authority, how his works have been received among the Christian bodies of the New World ; and where, never having heard his voice, they judge of him exclusively as an author. Mr. Jay him- self sometimes alludes to the extensive sale and useful- ness of his writings in America, and we shall, there- fore, here introduce some extracts from the pen of a distinguished American divine, who published an ar- ticle more than twenty years ago in an American pe- riodical, in which he reviewed the principal works of Mr. Jay, which had then been reprinted in that coun- try. In pointing out these peculiar excellences, he thus concludes his review. ( The article is from the pen of the Rev. IF. B. Sprague , B.D., and appeared in u The Quarterly Christian Spectators It ivas afterwards pub- lished separate ly ) : — CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 327 u If the estimate wljich we have formed of the char- acter of Mr. Jay’s publications be correct, it must be obvious to every one that they are designed to have an important influence in forming the religious charac- ter of the age ; to say nothing of the more remote in- fluence which they must exert upon posterity. We will consider, under a few distinct particulars, what are the effects which have followed, or may be expected to follow from the labors of this popular and excellent author. “ Mr. Jay’s writings, if we mistake not, are peculiarly adapted to promote the study of the Bible . Not only are the 4 Morning and Evening Exercises for the Closet,’ directly of a biblical character, being designed as a sort of practical commentary on various portions of divine truth, but nearly all his other writings abound in scriptu- ral illustration, and are pre eminently fitted to invest the study of the Bible with strong attractions. No writer of the present day makes a more copious use of Scrip- ture than Mr. Jay ; and we might say, that in his ser- mons he sometimes carries this to an extreme, were it not for the uncommonly felicitous manner in which his quotations are made. It would seem as if the whole Bible were in his memory, and he had the pow- er, on every occasion, of selecting the very passage that is most to his purpose ; and when a writer quotes Scripture with such an advantage, we can scarcely call any degree of quotation excessive. “ If Mr. Jaj should be thought by some to urge to an extreme in respect to the direct use which he makes of Scripture in his public discourses, we are constrain- ed to believe that there is a tendency among many preachers, in this country at least, to the opposite end. 328 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. We certainly do not wish to be brought back to the practice of some of our venerable fathers, who not only were accustomed to string together many passages of Scripture, often without much regard to connection, but detained their hearers by turning over the leaves of the Bible to look their passages out ; but we do wish that every sermon should have so much of the Bible in it, either as it respects language or spirit, that it shall be obvious to every hearer that it is drawn di- rectly from that - sacred book. It were reasonable to expect that God should put special power upon his own word ; and hence we find that the frequent intro- duction of Scripture language into a sermon imparts to it, in the view of the pious, a kind of unction which it can derive from nothing else. So : too, all experience proves, that there is no argument so strong as £ thus saith the Lord and many a mind which has warred through a long course of metaphysical reasoning, has been fixed in its convictions by one plain declaration of the Bible. K u Mr. Jay’s writings are also eminently distinguished for their Practical Tendency They are indeed by no means deficient in the exhibition of Scripture doc- trines, but whenever doctrines are discussed, it is al- ways in a practical way. They are not taken up as abstract propositions, but are presented just as they are found in God’s word, and as they stand related to the experience and conduct of men. They are more commonly adapted to make men acquainted with their own hearts ; to carry them back to the very springs of their actions ; and to impress them with the convic- tion that the whole of religion is a practical reality. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 329 We are not aware that Mr. Jay has written anything of a merely speculative character; whatever has come from his pen, so far as we know, has an important bearing upon practice, and is fitted to exert a benign and elevating influence upon human character. “ It has been a characteristic of some periods of the Church, that they have been distinguished by a rage for speculation. ITS o one can go back to the time of the latter Christian fathers, or to the days of Thomas Aquinas, vithout being forcibly struck by the end- lessly diversified and hair-breadth distinctions which were then resorted to, in illustration and defence of Scripture doctrine ; and it were hardly necessary to say, that an age which had so much in its character that w T as speculative could not be distinguished by re- ligious action. It was common, in those days, for men to exhaust all their powers in endeavoring to settle points which did not admit of being settled, and which, if they had been, would not make one hair white or black, as it respects the salvation of men, or the advancement of the kingdom of Christ. The lam- entable result w r as, that, while men were spending their lives in metaphysical quibbling, -the great cause for which the Saviour shed his blood seemed to stand still, if not to be on the retrograde ; and the revival of the spirit of religious action did not take place until the rage for vain speculation had begun in some meas- ure to die away. If we do not greatly mistake, wherever the doctrines of the Gospel are exhibited in connection with much of human philosophy, and en- cumbered by the technology of the schools, they will be found to a great extent inefficacious, and the Church will be found proportionably listless and inactive. But when these truths are presented in their naked 830 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. simplicity, and brought home to the mind and heart as common-sense realities, without having their in- fluence in any degree neutralized by foreign admix- tures, they will be found quick and powerful ; and it may reasonably be expected that in such a community there will be a waking from the dreams of careless- ness, and a spirit of benevolent activity going forth to bless the world. ****** “One great secret of the charm which pervades Mr. Jay’s writings is, that he ranges through every de- partment of human experience, and shows that the spirit has its appropriate teachings for every condition. Their tendency is not only to make man do right in all circumstances, but to do right intelligently, and upon principle. “ It is another characteristic of Mr. Jay’s writings, that they are eminently fitted to cherish a devotional spirit We have already had occasion to remark, that his 4 Family Prayers,’ while they show the fertility of his mind, the purity of his taste, and the originality and beauty of his conceptions, also breathe, in an un- common degree, the spirit of genuine devotion. But most of his other writings, though they are designed primarily to instruct, and are indeed, in a high degree, instructive, are delightfully pervaded by the same spirit. His 1 Morning and Evening Exercises’ are par- ticularly designed to be the companion of the closet ; and it would seem scarcely possible that they should be used by any Christian, as they were intended to be, without bringing him into an appropriate frame for communion with God. “ It will be obvious to any one who reflects how much the present age is characterized by the spirit of CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 331 active enterprise, that there is danger that it will suffer in its devotional character; danger that, while Chris- tians have their hands full of work, their hearts will be comparatively barren of devout exercises ; that their active efforts in building up the kingdom of Christ will be suffered to interfere with the more re- tired business of keeping their hearts and communing with God. We do not complain that the religious character of the age has too much in it that is practi- cal ; but we have much reason to fear that many Christians of the present day sometimes render apolo- gies to their consciences for a partial neglect of their closets, on the ground that their time is so much en- grossed by duties of a public nature that they have little left for anything else. Whenever this state of things exists, it is an evil Vvdhch ought at once to be corrected ; for not only does it indicate an approaching decline of the spirit of piety, but it looks as if the spirit of benevolent action would not endure ; and whenever the Christian loses sight of his dependence on God, in his benevolent efforts, he may rest assured, either that his zeal will soon languish, or that his ef- forts will be unsuccessful. “ Another striking characteristic of Mr. Jay’s writ- ings is, that they exhibit, in the best sense, a truly catho- lic spirit. Not that there is anything in them that looks like lowering the standard of Christian doctrine or practice, of of yielding up anything that is essential in religion — far from it. The great doctrines and duties of the Gospel are constantly stated and urged in all their importance ; and erroneous doctrines and practices meet with their deserved condemnation. But, after all, the author never seems to be trammelled by sectarian peculiarities ; and scarcely ever occupies 382 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. ground upon which he would not be cordially met by Christians of every evangelical denomination. This, no doubt, is one great reason of the universal popular- ity his writings have gained both in Great Britain and this country ; and hence, too, we have found many who had been long conversant with his writings, who yet had never been able to discover to what denomi- nation he belonged, and some who had always had the impression that, instead of being an Independent, as he actually is, he is a (Low Church) Episcopalian. Ho doubt he has his attachment to Independency ; but it is so far from being a bigoted attachment, that he opens the arms of his charity wide to every evangeli- cal Christian, let his denomination be what it may. Men may differ from him in many unimportant partic- ulars, and yet, instead of standing aloof from them, as errorists, he cordially welcomes them as fellow-dis- ciples of a common Master. “ The spirit of Christian Catholicism which Mr. Jay’s writings evince, is what we wish to see more and more extensively pervade the religious community. We are by no means disposed to plead for an annihilation of sects, or for any attempt to range all the followers of Christ under the same human banner. On the con- trary, we fully believe that the division of the Chris- tian world into various denominations is not without some important uses ; and that, if its legitimate influ- ence is not neutralized by unchristian jealousies and alienations, it may hasten rather than retard the ulti- mate triumph of the Church. -X- -X X -X- # u Let the delightful spirit which Mr. Jay has exem- plified in his writings pervade all the different com- munities of the followers of Christ, and, though we CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 333 may still have different denominations, yet it will be manifest that there is but one body. Under such an influence the world will be compelled again to the ex- clamations which were made in the early ages of the church, ‘Behold how these Christians love one an- other F “ In the writings of Mr. Jaj^ there is a remarkable consistency, and they are fitted, in an eminent degree, to form a consistent religious character . One principal reason why most of the professed followers of Christ exert so little influence in favor of his cause is, that their Christian character is marred by such palpable inconsistency. This inconsistency results from the very estimate which they form of the comparative im- portance of different duties ; and from the neglect of some, or other, or all of the duties of Christian life. ****** u Now, if we do not mistake, Mr. Jay’s waitings are not more remarkable for anything than their tendency to counteract this evil. They bring before us with great felicity, and without any apparent reference to system, the various duties of men, just as they are in- culcated in God’s word, giving to each its proportion- ate importance. There is no elevating faith at the ex- pense of works, or zeal at the expense of morality, or alms at the expense of prayer ; but each duty stands forth with its own claims, holding its appropriate place. In short, we know of few writings which are fitted to make an impression more, in this respect, like that of the Bible itself, than those of Mr. Jay. Who- ever reads them attentively, and imbibes their spirit, will not be punctilious in respect to one set of duties, and lax in regard to another ; but he will be attentive to all ; and, under such an influence, his Christian 334 CONCLUDING OBSEKVATIONS. character, instead of being unsightly and monstrous, will develop itself in fair and beautiful proportions. “After what we have already said of Mr. Jay’s writ- ings, we scarcely need add, that they are fitted to form Christian character on the most lovely and attractive model . It cannot be disguised, that, as the beauty of Christian doctrine has sometimes been marred by human philo- sophy, so the loveliness of Christian example has been obscured by what has almost seemed a cold and lower- ing melancholy. There have been those, and they are yet to be found, who appear habitually gloomy from principle ; who set down the playfulness and buoyancy of the animal spirits to the account of an inveterate waywardness; and who never venture to speak on the subject of religion at all, but with what seems an air of affected solemnity. * * * * * “ If irreligious persons are liable to be confirmed in their irreligion, by the careless and triflling deportment of professed Christians, they are not less exposed to the same evil by seeing a Christian profession constant- ly associated with a morose and forbidding gloom. Let religion be exhibited in all its cheerful attractions, while yet it retains its appropriate seriousness and dig- nity, and it cannot fail to commend itself to the judg- ment, and conscience, and better feelings of all who witness such a manifestation. “There are few men probably to whom the present age is more indebted for whatever of consistent cheer- fulness its religious character may possess, than to Mr. Jay. Other writers, as we have already intimated, may have done more than he to rouse the slumbering conscience of the sinner, and bring him into the atti- tude of conviction and repentance ; but few, we think. CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. 335 have done more to hold up religion to the world in all its divine and beautiful attractions. We cannot take leave of this interesting and popular writer, without commending his writings to every class of our readers. We would commend them especially to the young Christian, as being eminently fitted to form him to a high degree of religious enjoyment, activity, and use- fulness. We would commend them to the men who would know most of the windings of his own heart, and would have maxims of true practical wisdom in his own mind, to regulate every part of his conduct. We would commend them even to the man who scoffs at religion as a fable ; for if he can contemplate that view of the Gospel which these writings present, with- out acknowledging that it is consistent, beautiful, even glorious, then it is because he belies his own convic- tions, or because his infidelity has made him a madman.” Though this extract is long, yet it seemed the most appropriate, complete, and satisfactory testimony we could supply of the popularity and usefulness of Mr. Jay’s writings in that extensive and populous country, where they are, to say the least, as extensively known and as much admired as in Great Britain. The long- established and well-earned reputation of the writer adds weight to his judicious and discriminating observations. Our own opinions and remarks, previously given, co- incide, in the main, with those of Dr. Sprague. Mr. Jay studied, and preached, and wrote for the Christian community at large. He wished the whole world to hear and to read, in the most intelligible and impress- ive terms, the Gospel of the grace of God ; and he wrote, therefore, in the common dialect , as the best ve- hicle for the truth of God ; but this he wrought into a 836 CONCLUDING OBSERVATIONS. polished shaft, and gave it a direct and successful aim. The admirers of sustained and impassioned elo- quence, or of a magniloquent style, or even of a purely classic diction, will find little to satisfy them, much less to fascinate them, in the volumes of Mr. Jay’s works ; but all who desire to see the truths of Divine Revela- tion treated in their variety and comprehensiveness, their admonitions enforced in winning and persuasive . words, with manly dignity, Christian simplicity, and apostolic earnestness ; all who read religious books for instruction and improvement, to have the heart warm- ed, and the life corrected, — will find Mr. Jay’s works a treasury which will never disappoint them, and which they will not soon exhaust. Beckford, of Fonthill Abbey, in a passage quoted in an early part of the Autobiography, compared Mr. Jay’s mind to “a clear, transparent spring, flowing so freely as to impress us with the idea of its being inexhaustible and such is but a just description of those volumes which so pow- erfully affected that versatile and exquisite genius, considered the most accomplished and keen-sighted man of his day ; but not him only, for thousands and tens of thousands, in almost every rank of life, are daily benefited, and will continue to be benefited, by the writings of William Jay. We can desiderate for them no happier or greater succcess than that which the man of taste, already mentioned, indicated as their characteristic — “the voice which calls us to look into ourselves, and prepare for judgment, is too piercing, too powerful, to be resisted, and we attempt, for worldly and sensual considerations, to shut our ears in vain.” INDEX Abbey, Fonthill, building of, i. 28. Ablington, first sermon at, i. 43. Abstinence, total, letter on, i. 117. Academy at Marlborough, i. 14; students at, i. 48. Ambassador, anecdote of a young, i. 43. Ancestors, remarks on, i. 20. Anecdotes of his early preaching, i. 43; by Dr. Bowie, i. 277 — 286 ; of Mrs. Ulph, ii. 233. Anniversary, fiftieth, i. 227 , his sermon at, i. 228. Appendix to reminiscences of Wil- berforce, i. 359 — 366. Argyle chapel opened, i. 69. Ashton, Mrs., death of, i. 268. Autobiography, general introduc- tion to. i. 13 ; reasons for, i. 13 ; supplement to, i. 204. Authorship, his, i. 119. Authors, his favorite, i. 137. Bailie, Dr., consults, i. 115. Barham, Lord, to Mr. Jay, ii. 170 ; Mr. Jay to, ii. 172. Barham, Lady, to Mr. Jay, ii. 178. Bath, residence at, i. 97 ; Bible So- ciety, i. 245. Baxter, opinion of, i. 135. Beckford, Mr., notices of, i. 30. Bible Society, Bath, i. 245. Bible, his study, i. 188 ; adherence to the, i. 192 : rules in study- ing, i. 192. Bowie, Dr., his recollections of Mr. Jay, i. 277 ; letter to, ii. 212. Carlile, interview with, i. 350. Cecil, Rev. Richard, ii. 1. Chapel, first visit to Surrey, i. 51 ; preaches at Hotwells, i. 66 ; opening of Hanover Chapel, Peckham, i. 126; do. of Lord Ducie’s, i.' 251. Charge, Mr. Winter’s, i. 94. Children, his, i. 104. Christian Malford, residence at, 1. 52 ; farewell sermon at, i. 58; address of Winter, i. 54. Church, his harmony in, i. 98 ; mode of admission to, i. 99. Cogan, Dr., ii. 113. Commentators, his favorite, i. 137. Composition, i. 139. Confession of Faith, i. 80. Convictions, change of, i. 184. Conversion, his, i. 28. Cottle, Joseph, letter to, by Mr. Foster, ii. 48. Course, his, review of, i. 129. Davies, Miss, introduction to, i. 52; letter to, ii. 135. Davies, of New England, sermons, opinion of, i. 136. Davis, Dr., ii. 120. Deacons, letter to, i. 207. Death of Miss Statira Jay, i. 109; of Mrs. Jay, i. 247 ; of Mrs. Ash* ton, i. 267 ; his own, i. 267. Death-bed sayings, i. 267. Denominations, religious, i. 181 ; change of, i. 186 ; his own, i. 187. Diploma, i. 120. Disadvantages, early, i. 126. Dissenters, their progress, i. 181. Divines, favorite, i. 135. Domestic sketches, i. 274. Dublin, visit to, i. 145. INDEX. ' < K xJ O Ducie, Lady, letters to, ii. 196,