641.509773 G591 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA CHAMPAION OAK STREET LIBRARY f A6IUTY Corner Book Shop 102 Fourth Ave. Vf-w York 3. N. Y. GOOD RECIPES ** Nothing lovelier can be found in woman than to study household good.'''' — Milton. PUBLISHED BY THE WOMAN'S SOCIETY OF THE WINNETKA CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Copyright, 1906 BY The Woman's Society of the Winnetka Congregational Church Winnetka, Ili, WE take pleasure in presenting this small book, which in no sense assumes to be complete, but contains a collection of choice and selected recipes of friends and neighbors in our own community. We wish to express our appre- ciation of their kindness in sharing with us some of their best recipes, and thus making the collec- tion possible. Breads BREADS " Not bread, nor meat, nor wine. But f.re on hearths and cheer in gratejul heart. Make home divine." Donald G. Mitchell. An Easy Way to Make Bread Take 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and i of salt. Scald by pouring over this i pint of boiling milk or water, let it stand until cool and then add 2^ dry yeast cakes (not compressed) . Boil I dozen good-sized potatoes, mash them and add 2 quarts hot water; put through a sieve, and when cool stir into it the yeast made according to the above recipe, and put away in a crock to stand a day or two before using. It will keep a long time in winter, and for two or three weeks in hot weather, if kept in a cool place. When ready to make bread take one large coffee cup of mixture to a quart of flour and beat together without any other wetting. Let rise, mould into loaves, and let rise again. Jane E. Dale. Steamed BroTvn Bread One cup corn meal, i cup Graham flour, i cup rye flour, i cup molasses, i pint sour milk, i teaspoon soda. Mix all to- gether and steam three and one-half hours. Mrs. A. F. Irons. Graham Bread Three cups graham flour, 2 cups thick sour milk or butter- milk, i cup molasses, i large teaspoon soda, i teaspoon salt. Mix like cake and bake. Good Recipes Maiden Brown Bread Two cups Indian com meal, i cup graham flour, i cup white flour, I cup molasses, 3 cups warm water, i tablespoon soda, I teaspoon salt. Mix meal, flour, and salt. Dissolve soda in water and add molasses. Pour on dry ingredients and beat quickly. Steam in brown bread tins. Raisins may be added if desired. This quantity fills five one-pound tins, and requires only one and one-half hours steam- ing in small tins, four hours for one large tin. Mrs. B. S. Winchester. Currant Buns Scald a quart of milk, add J cup of butter, § cup sugar and a little salt. When luke-w.arm add 2 well beaten eggs, ^ cup of cur- rants, I yeast cake dissolved in i cup of luke-warm water, and enough flour to make a dough as soft as can be handled. Cover and let rise over night. In the morning shape the dough into buns, lay them apart on buttered tins. Let rise until light. Bake in a quick oveii from fifteen to twenty minutes. When done brush the tops with the sweetened beaten white of an egg. Mrs. C. S. Thome. Nut Bread Take i quart whole wheat flour, i pint white flour, i cup pecans (cut fine), i tablespoon sugar, salt. Mix thoroughly. Make sponge with 5 tablespoons white flour and i cake yeast; when light turn it into the flour with i^ pints milk, which has been scalded and cooled. Set it to rise, and when light form into loaves, handling as little as possible. Let rise and bake one hour in moderate oven. Mrs. Charles Eastman. Breads Boston Brown Bread One pint of rye or graham flour, i pint corn meal scalded in J quart boiling water, J quart sour milk, a little salt, i small cup molasses, i rounded teaspoonful soda dissolved in water. Steam four hours and dry in oven. Mrs. S. W. Crandall. Quaker Oats Bread Two cups boiling water, i cup molasses, J teaspoonful salt, J yeast cake dissolved in ^ cup lukewarm water, i cup Quaker Rolled oats, 4^ cups flour. Add boiling water to oats and let stand one hour; add molasses, salt, dissolved yeast cake and flour; let rise, beat thoroughly, turn into buttered bread pans, let rise again and bake. This is improved by adding nuts. Mrs. McCordic. Good Recipes HOT BREADS AND PAN CAKES "Full many a gem, which should have raised serene, Burns to a crisp behind the oven door. And many a sack of flour is born to burst unseen, And waste its whiteness on the pantry floor ." HA. E. A. Wheat Muffins One tablespoon butter, i tablespoon sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, i cup sweet milk, a little salt. Rub butter and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, then the flour and baking powder, and lastly the milk. Hot Com Bread One cupful of com meal, \ cupful of sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 2 eggs, i cupful of flour, i cupful of sweet milk, I teaspoonful of baking powder, i teaspoonful of salt. Mix the meal, salt, sugar and flour well together. Add the milk, then the butter and the eggs well beaten, stirring vigorously as each is added. Butter the tins in which the bread is to be baked, then add the baking powder, stirring well, and bake thirty minutes. If pre- ferred sour milk may be used instead of sweet milk, in which case take J teaspoonful of soda instead of baking powder. If sour cream is available, add a cupful of it, omitting the sweet milk and butter, and again substituting soda for the baking powder. When baked, cut into squares and serve on a napkin, folding the extra length over the bread to retain the heat. Marietta Ellison. Hot Breads and Pancakes Corn Bread Three-fourths cup of white corn meal, } cup of flour, 2 eggs, I cup of sweet milk, i heaping tablespoon of butter, J teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Stir all together until light and smooth, pour into a greased shallow pan and bake twenty or thirty minutes. C. C. P. Commeal Pancakes Two cups corn meal, i large cup flour, 2 eggs, little syrup, salt. Enough sour milk (sweetened with soda) to make them quite thin. Bake on griddle. Mame McFarlin. Corn Fritters Two eggs well beaten, 2 tablespoons cream, i teaspoon sugar, 6 ears com cut and scraped from cob, 2 tablespoons flour, in which has been sifted a teaspoon baking powder, pinch of salt. Fry like griddle cakes. Emaroy J. Smith. Oatmeal Gems One cup oatmeal soaked over night in a cup of sweet milk, add I cup sour milk sweetened with a teaspoonful soda, and i cup of wheat flour and a little salt. Bake quickly. Mrs. W. V. Cull. 10 Good Rec ip e s SOUPS Cooks, I am convinced, are horn, not made" Julia Marlowe. Bouillon One chicken, boiled the day before using. Get all the grease off the second day. 4 lbs. of cut-up beef, 5 eggs, crushed shell and all, i allspice, i clove, 3 bay leaves, i carrot, medium size, I onion, medium size, pinch of cayenne pepper, salt to taste, \ tea- spoon mace. Mix all together with the hand after you add to chicken stock. Cook two hours. Do not boil. Strain while hot. Kinsley's recipe. Given by Mrs. Wm. M. Hoyt. Okra Gumbo Put into a saucepan a spoonful of pure lard and one of flour. Stir it well until it is a light brown. Chop an onion into small pieces and put them in. Cut up a fat capon or chicken into a quart of boiling water and leave it on the fire for two and one half hours. During that time you take either a can of okra or the fresh okra and chop it up a bit. Put it in a saucepan with a little water and let it simmer one-fourth of an hour, stirring all the time. Then add to it either six fresh tomatoes or | can and cook slowly for an hour, uncovered. When your gumbo has cooked 2 J hours take it off, let it cool, and skim off all grease. Put back in sauce- pan, add tomatoes and okra and simmer for an hour, or, until the okra is thoroughly cooked. Serve hot, and eat with dry rice served in a separate dish. From Mrs. Callahan's Creole Cook Book. Soups 11 Pea Soup Pick over and wash i quart of dried peas, and soak over night in 3 quarts of cold water. In the morning pour off all this water, put the peas into the soup kettle with 7 quarts of cold water, i pound of salt pork, 3 cloves, 2 large onions, and i teaspoonful of celery salt. Boil gently for seven hours, stirring often, and at the end of that time rub the soup through a fine sieve. Return it to the kettle and add 2 bay leaves and 2 sprigs of parsley tied to- gether. Add a pint of milk or cream, and after the soup boils up serve with toasted bread cut into dice. Mrs. Rudolph Matz. Pea Soup with Rice Boil I teaspoonful of rice. Cook until tender i pint or i can of peas. Add to the rice and peas i pint of hot water and let boil, then remove from the fire and stir in quickly the yolk of i egg, beaten with i pint of cream. Salt and pepper to taste. This may or may not be rubbed through a colander. Mrs. Frank Bissell. Mock Bisque Soup One half can of tomatoes, i teaspoonful of corn starch, i quart of milk, I teaspoonful of salt, J cup of butter, J salt spoonful of pepper. Stew the tomatoes until soft enough to strain easily. Boil the milk in a double boiler. Cook i teaspoonful of the butter and the cornstarch together in a small saucepan, adding enough of the hot milk to make it pour easily. Stir it carefully into boiling milk and boil ten minutes. Add the remainder of the butter in small pieces and stir until well mixed. Add salt and pepper and the strained tomatoes. If the tomatoes be very acid, add ^ salt spoonful of soda before straining. Serve very hot. Mrs. C. C. Blatchford. 12 Good Recipes Veal Soup Put a knuckle of veal into 3 quarts cold water, salt, and add i tablespoon rice, boil slowly 4 hours, beat yolk of i egg, and mix with it i cup cream, adding small piece of butter. Strain stock over this, stirring all the time. Serve at once. Mrs. J. G. Weart. Noodles Two eggs, I tablespoonful water, pinch of salt. Mix and stir into it enough flour to knead into a stiff dough. Divide into two pieces, roll as thin as possible, then put aside about an hour to dry. When dry, fold up and cut with a sharp knife very thin. Leave to dry longer, and cook in soup or salt water twenty or thirty minutes when wanted. Agnes Graves Zoellin. Rice Tomato Soup Boil one pint of tomatoes fifteen minutes with a bay leaf, slice of onion, salt, little sugar and red pepper. Strain and add one quart of rice water. Boil five minutes. Just before serving add butter. (After boiling rice strain through colander and use water for soup.) Lucy W. Bulkley. A ROAST A LA MODE " Pluck off the f eatners of vanity and priae — but do it gently ~ that you may not injure tne self-respect, as usually a bird of this feather does not nave an over- aDundance of tnat quality. Clean carefully, removing injured innocence, self-pity. Singe the pin-feathers of self-deception over a blaze of trutn. Baste frequently witn its own good temper and common sense, if any ooze out. Gamisk witk patience and appreciation and place in position for serving." [13] 14 Good Recipes ENTREES ''Eating is a pretty frequent and a pretty important thing, after all. There's no reason why it shouldn't be pleasant." Canape Lorenzo To a small cup of rich cream sauce, add one can of crab meat; cook for a few moments, stirring to prevent burning. Add i teaspoonful of Worcestershire sauce and yolks of four eggs, then set aside to cool. When ready to serve take a piece of toast for each person, cover thickly (heaping) with the crab-meat, sprinkle with grated cheese (as much as will remain upon the rounded surface), put a little butter on top, and then put in oven until brown and serve hot with pieces of lemon. Alice R. Butz. Mexican Eggs Take canned Mexican peppers and scald on stove for ten minutes. Put each pepper into a small cup to hold it in shape and drop into each pepper an egg. Put the cups into a pan of water and bake until the eggs are set. Turn peppers onto a platter and serve with cream gravy. Mrs. James Houghteling. German Apples Take i cup raisins, i cup English walnuts, ^ cup sugar, ^ tea- spoonful cinnamon. Chop all together quite fine. Pare and core 12 apples and stuff with this mixture. Place in pan with a little water and bake i^ hours in slow oven, basting frequently. Mrs. James Houghteling. Entrees 15 Cheese Souffle 2 tablespoons butter, J teaspoon salt, i heaping tablespoonful flour, dash of cayenne, ^ cupful of milk, 3 eggs, i cupful grated cheese. Put the butter into a saucepan; when it is melted, stir in the flour and let it cook a minute (but not color), stirring all the time; add one half cupful of milk slowly and stir till smooth, then add salt and cayenne. Remove from the fire and add, stirring constantly, the beaten yolks of three eggs and the cupful of grated American or Parmesan cheese. Replace it on the fire, and stir until the cheese is melted and the paste smooth and consistent (do not cook too long, or the butter will separate). Pour the mixture on a butter dish and set away to cool. When ready to use, stir into it lightly the well-beaten whites of the three eggs; turn it into a pudding dish and bake in a hot oven for twenty to thirty minutes. Do not open the oven door for ten minutes; do not slam the oven door; do not move the souffle until after fifteen minutes ; serve it at once when done. Like any souffle, it must go directly from the oven to the table, or it wiU fall. Mrs. Morris Greeley. Baked Beans Recipe Wash the beans and soak them over night. Boil them slowly until tender, changing the water several times. Boil with them a small piece of salt pork, a bay leaf, and an onion. Remove them from the water when the skin will break easily; put them in a bean-pot, bury in them ^ lb. salt pork, with rind scored; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Pour over them a tablespoonful of molas- ses and enough salted water to cover them. Cover the pot closely and place it in a slow oven to cook for six to eight hours. Mrs. Morris Greeley. 16 Good Recipes Virginia Com Pudding Cut the grains from 9 ears of tender sweet com, add 2 eggs, beaten light, i teaspoonful sugar, a heaping tablespoonful of flour and a moderate one of butter, i pint of milk, and salt and pepper to taste. Bake one-half or three-fourths of an hour until it is a nice brown on top. Mrs. Watt. Curried Tomato Six tomatoes, J pint cream, 2 tablespoonfuls butter, i teaspoonful curry, i tablespoon flour, salt. Put tomatoes (cut crosswise in halves) in the butter. Let cook together for few minutes. Pile up tomatoes on one side of the dish, and into the liquid stir the paste, made of the flour, curry, cream and salt. Add tomatoes and let simmer together a moment. Mrs. James Fentress. Spanish Stew Three cups cold lamb or veal, cut in pieces the size of a walnut, I can of tomatoes, pulp and juice without the seed, i teaspoonful salt, I teaspoonful French mustard, i salt spoonful paprica, I tablespoonful Worcestershire, 2 drops Tabasco sauce, lump of butter if meat be lean, piece of an onion the size of a hazel nut. Cover with water and simmer for three hours. Thicken and serve with plain boiled rice. Mrs. G. H. Connor. HASH ""^ Mix equal parts or flattery and a ''musn of conces- sions together and brown over a fire of self-interest. *" Tnis aisn is often eaten with relisn, but cannot be recommenaea as a wliolesome one/' [17] 18 Good Recipes MEAT LOAF, CROQUETTES "It's poor eating where the flavor oj the meat lies in the cruets^ — George Eliot. Veal Loaf Three and a half pounds lean veal and J pound salt pork, chopped fine; 8 tablespoonfuls cracker crumbs, 2 eggs, butter size of an egg, i tablespoonful pepper, i tablespoonful salt. Mix together into form of loaf. Put crumbs and bits of butter on top. Set in the oven with water in the pan and baste often. Bake two hours. Mrs. R. M. Graves. Beef Loaf One pound raw (or rare) chopped beef, 3 large crackers rolled and sifted, \ teaspoon salt, J teaspoon pepper, i well-beaten egg. Work until all is thoroughly mixed. Press into bowl and turn out on buttered tin. Rub a little butter over it and pour on a large cup of canned tomatoes. Bake J of an hour, basting fre- quently with the tomato. Serve hot. Lilian L. Cole. Salmon Loaf One 2 pound can salmon, i cup bread crumbs, 4 eggs, 3 tablespoons butter, pepper and salt. Steam one hour in a bread tin. When ready to serve pour over it sauce made of i can tomatoes, strained and thickened with butter and flour, salt and pepper. Lilian L. Cole. Meat Loaf, Croquettes 19 Meat Loaf Three pounds lean meat .chopped fine, 2 eggs, 8 crackers rolled, Kenosha or Boston, ^ small cup water, i tablespoon salt, I small tablespoon pepper, i nutmeg. Mix thoroughly, bake slowly one and a half hours. Mrs. Jesse B. Alton. Croquettes One pint milk, scalded ; 2 level teaspoonfuls butter, 4 heaping tablespoonfuls flour or 2 of cornstarch, ^ teaspoonful salt, ^ tea- spoonful celery salt, J salt spoon white pepper, trifle of cayenne. Place the butter in a granite saucepan, and when it bubbles add the flour or cornstarch and stir until well mixed. To this add J of the hot milk and stir as it boils and thickens; then add J of the remainder and bring again to a boil, and when perfectly smooth add the rest of the milk. It should be very thick when done, almost like drop batter. Stir in the salt, celery salt, and pepper. Mix in while hot with the fish or meat which has already been seasoned. If more highly seasoned sauce is desired use J a sliced onion, 3 sprigs of parsley, 2 allspice, and scald with the milk. A stalk of celery may be cooked in the milk instead of the celery salt. Mrs. R. M. Graves. 20 Good Recipes PICKLES AND JELLIES ^'Who peppered the highest was surest to please.'^ To Pickle Cucumbers Wash with care and put into a crock. Make a weak brine (about a handful of salt to ij gallons of water). When scalding hot pour this over the cucumbers, and cover. Repeat this process three mornings in succession, taking care to skim thoroughly. On the fourth day have ready a porcelain kettle, with vinegar, to which has been added a piece of alum the size of a walnut. When scalding hot put in as many cucumbers as may be covered with the vinegar; do not let them boil, but skim out as soon as scalded through, and replace with others, adding from time to time a little more alum. Drain well, pack into jars and pour over them, while hot, about J of the vinegar, necessary to cover them, in which has been scalded spices, mustard seed, pepper pods, horse radish roots, and a handful of brown sugar. - Fill up with cold vinegar and when thoroughly cold cover with a doth and plate. To make the cucumbers green place grape leaves among them while prepar- ing them in the brine and vinegar. If green peppers are used prepare them also with the cucumber in the brine to prevent them getting soft. J. E. D. Pickled Beets Boil young beets until tender; slice and place in glass jars. To I quart vinegar add } pound sugar, \ teaspoon salt. Boil two minutes, turn over the beets and seal while hot. Mrs. Charles Eastman. Pickles and Jellies 21 Muskmelon Pickle Choose small, hard melons, which will not ripen; pare and slice. To each lo pounds allow 3 J pounds granulated sugar, 3 pints cider vinegar, a good handful of whole cinnamon, some cloves and allspice. Boil twenty minutes, dip out spice and pour hot over the melon. Repeat after twenty-four hours. The third morning cook the melon in the liquor until tender, dip out, and boil the liquor and spice down to a thick syrup, remove most of the spice and turn symp over the melon. Mame McFarlin. Oil Pickle Twelve cucumbers sliced thin without peeling; 6 onions sliced. Put § cup salt on both and let stand for 2 hours. Drain and rinse with cold water and then add, i pint vinegar, § cup white mustard seed, ^ cup black mustard seed, 2 tablespoons celery seed. Put in glass jars. When serving add olive oil to taste. Mrs. Landon Hoyt. Tomato Soy for Cold Meats One peck ripe tomatoes, peeled; 4 green peppers, 4 large onions. Chop and boil all together for one hour. Add ^ teacup salt, 2 teaspoonfuls cinnamon, 2 teaspoonfuls cloves, 2 cups sugar, i small teaspoonful black pepper. Let boil hard, then add one quart vinegar and take immediately from fire; seal while hot. Belle W. Thome. Strawberry Jelly One and a half pint berries, after they are washed and capped ; I pint sugar, J cup water. Boil sugar and water until it threads, then add berries and boil twenty minutes. This will make five glasses of jelly. Catherine C. Poarch. ^'^ Good Recipes India Pickle Two ounces ground ginger, 2 ounces mustard, 2 ounces salt, I ounce mustard seed, i ounce tumeric — this you have to get of the druggist — i ounce black pepper, a very little cayenne, 2 quarts of vinegar. Boil together for a few minutes. Put any kind of pickles into this, excepting onions. I make my other pickles, then take from the jars and put into this preparation, when it is cold, small cucumbers, cauliflower, beans or anything that I have. Onions destroy the flavor. You can keep putting in as your jar becomes empty. No need of heating it over. It makes a yellow pickle, like chow-chow. Mrs. Shackford. Pickled Peaches Skin peaches by dipping in hot water. Make a syrup of i quart wine vinegar, 7 pounds sugar, whole cloves and stick cinnamon put into bags. Mrs. Landon Hoyt. Grape Marmalade One quart grape juice, after grapes are colandered, 2 pints sugar, ^ pound seeded raisins, \ pound English walnuts, chopped fine. Boil until it thickens. Mrs. Landon Hoyt. Wild Crabapple Jelly Wash the apples in soap suds, rinse well and bring to a scald in weak soda water. Drain and rinse, then again cover with clear water and boil until the fruit breaks up. Then strain off juice, and allow i cup sugar to each cup of juice. Boil and skim fifteen minutes before adding the sugar, w^hich has been heating in the oven during the boiling. Then boil the juice again fifteen minutes unless it jells sooner. The remainder of the fruit may be separated from the cores and made into a spiced marmalade to be eaten with meats. Jane E. Dale. Puddings 23 PUDDINGS "Cold pudding settles one's love." — Proverb. Peach Delight Pare, cut in halves, and stone, a dozen fine, ripe peaches, reserv- ing few of the pits. Boil the pits in half a cupful of water for fifteen minutes, then strain. Mix well together a generous half cupful of sugar and a tablespoon of flour. Butter a deep pudding dish well, put in a layer of peaches, sprinkle with sugar, dot with bits of butter, cover with another layer of the peaches and proceed in this way until all are used. Pour over the water which was strained off the pits. Make a nice biscuit crust for the top, roll out about half an inch thick, place it over the fruit, make several incisions to allow the steam to escape and bake in a moderate oven. In serving cut the crust in pieces as for pie, put the fruit on top and cover with whipped or plain cream. Mrs. C. S. Thome. Spanish Cream One-fourth box gelatine or i tablespoon granulated gelatine, 3 cups milk, whites 3 eggs, yolks 3 eggs, ^ cup sugar (scant) , \ tea- spoon salt, \ tablespoon lemon juice or i teaspoon vanilla. Scald milk with gelatine, add sugar, pour slowly on yolks of eggs, slightly beaten. Return to double boiler and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from range, add salt, flavoring, and whites of eggs, beaten stiff. Turn into individual molds. Serve with cream. More cream will be required if large moulds are used. Mrs. Allsebrooke, 24 Good Recipes Graham Pudding One cup molasses, i cup milk, i even teaspoon soda, i\ cups Graham flour, i cup raisins, i small teaspoon cinnamon, ^ nutmeg, J teaspoon of salt. Piece of butter size of walnut. Put butter in pan it is cooked in. Steam three hours. Sauce, yolk of I egg, I cup sugar. Mrs. J. B. Alton. Brown Betty Pudding Spread in the bottom of a baking dish a layer of bread crumbs and scatter bits of butter over them. Cover this with a layer of sliced or chopped apples, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Over this spread another layer of the bread crumbs, and so pro- ceed until the dish is full, the last layer being of crumbs and butter. Lastly, pour in around the edges i cup of hot water. Cover until the apples are nearly cooked, and then leave brown on top. Eat with sugar and cream. Jane E. Dale. Cranberry Pudding Half cup butter, i cup sugar, 3 eggs, 3 J cups flour, ij table- spoons baking powder, ^ cup milk, i^ cups cranberries. Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and eggs well beaten. Mix and sift flour and baking powder, and add alternately with milk to first mixture, stir in berries previously washed, turn into buttered gem pans and bake twenty-five minutes. Serve with Foamy Sauce. Foamy Sauce Two eggs, whites; i cup pulverized sugar, ^ cup butter, juice of ^ lemon. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, and the lemon juice. Just before serving add whites, stiffly beaten. Inez M. Cutter. Puddings 25 Chocolate Souffle White of 8 eggs, 8 tablespoons sugar, 8 tablespoons chocolate, grated; a little salt. Beat eggs very light, add sugar and choco- late mixed. Bake till pufifed well and serve promptly with cream. B. M. de Windt. Tapioca Pudding Pour I cup water over 6 tablespoonfuls tapioca, and when well softened add i quart milk, a little salt and a small piece of butter. Boil in a double boiler until clear, then stir in } cup sugar and the beaten yolks of 3 eggs, and cook until it thickens like custard. Take off the fire, add flavoring, and lightly stir in the whites of the eggs, which have been beaten to a stiff froth. J. E. D. Lemon Pudding Two lemons, ij quarts sweet milk, i heaping pint of bread crumbs, i cup sugar, and 6 eggs. Soak the bread crumbs in the milk. Use all the yolks and the whites of 2 eggs in the pudding. When baked cover with frosting made from the whites of the 4 eggs and a large tablespoonful powdered sugar. Eaten with cream and sugar, and good hot or cold. J. E. D. Mother's Bread Pudding Butter several small slices bread, place in pudding dish. Cover with one quart of milk, 3 eggs, pinch of salt. Bake until brown ; allow about half hour for baking. Serve with hard sauce. Hard Sauce One coffee cup powdered sugar, J teacup butter, beaten to cream; add beaten white of one egg, J teaspoon vanilla. Emaroy J. Smith. 26 Good Recipes Suet Pudding One cup finely chopped suet, i cup molasses, i cup milk, 3 cups flour, I teaspoon soda, ^ teaspoon salt, ^ cup chopped raisins, ^ cup currants, ^ teaspoon each ginger, cloves and nutmeg; i teaspoon cinnamon. Mix and sift dr}' ingredients, add molasses and milk to suet, combine mixtures, add chopped fruit. Turn into buttered molds, cover and steam three hours. This makes four baking powder tins full. Serve with egg sauce. Egg Sauce One cup sugar, i egg, i lemon, juice and grated rind. Beat egg and sugar together until light, add ^ pint boiling water, let come to a boil, remove from fire and add lemon juice and rind. Mrs. E. J. Allsel^rooke. Apple Tapioca Pudding Three-fourths pearl tapioca, soaked over night in i quart of water. Cook in double boiler until clear and will pour like cream. Add } cup sugar, a small piece of butter, a little nutmeg, and salt. Mix well together and pour into a baking dish, which has been buttered and half filled with sliced apples. Bake and serve with cream. Jane E. Dale. English Plum Pudding One pound suet, i pound raisins, i pound currants, J pound soda crackers, J pound citron and small piece of candied lemon peel, I pound brown sugar, i teaspoon salt, i tablespoon molasses, I pint milk, 6 eggs, spices to suit. Figs and nuts may be added if desired, also wineglass of brandy. Put in molds and steam five hours. Mrs. C. S. Thome. Puddings Black Pudding One cup molasses,.! cup butter, 2 cups flour, i cup sour milk, 4 eggs, I teaspoon soda, nutmeg and salt. Mix sugar and butter to a cream, add eggs well beaten, then molasses, then seasoning, then flour and sour milk, and lastly the soda, in a little warm water. Steam three hours. Sauce Half cup butter and i cup sugar, mixed to a cream. Put i^ teacups water in a sauce pan, and when it boils, thicken with cornstarch to the consistency of cream. Take from the fire and stir rapidly into it the butter and sugar. The sauce should be like white foam. Flavor to taste. Mrs. R. M. Graves. Baked Indian Pudding Boil 2 cups of milk, and while hot, sprinkle into it ^ cup corn- meal and boil 15 minutes. When cooked enough, beat into it I egg and ^ cup sugar, salt, flavoring, fruit if desired, and bake one hour. Mrs. S. Gilbert. Date Souffle One cup sugar, i cup English walnuts, i cup dates, i tablespoon flour, I teaspoon baking powder, 2 eggs. Cut nuts and dates in small pieces. Bake in moderate oven twenty minutes. Use 7x12 tin. Serve cold with whipped cream. Mrs. Charles Eastman. 28 Good Recipes PIES ' There is a knack in doing many a thing Which labor cannot to perfection bring — Therefore, however great in your own eyes. Accept these hints regarding making pies.'* Mince Meat Four bowls chopped apples, 2 bowls chopped meat, J pound chopped suet, 4 teacups molasses, 2 large teaspoons cinnamon, 2 large teaspoons cloves, 2 nutmegs, 2 pounds rasins, i pound cur- rants, i pound citron cut fine, 2 quarts boiled cider, or fruit juice from pickled peaches. Sugar and salt to taste. Mrs. Jesse B. Alton. Pineapple Pie Yolks of 2 eggs beaten with J cup of sugar, J can (small) of grated pineapple and milk for one good-sized pie. Bake with one crust. When cool, frost with the whipped whites, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar and very little lemon juice. Return to oven for a few minutes. Mame McFarlin. Lemon Pie Six eggs, I J cups sugar, 3 lemons, (juice and yellow of rind 5 cups of cold water, 4 even tablespoons cornstarch, butter size of egg, salt. Put the yellow of the eggs into a double boiler and beat into them the sugar and lemons, then add the cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water, the butter and the water, and stir until cooked. This will fill two pies. Pies 29 English Cherry Pie One cup lard and butter mixed, 2 cups flour, i teaspoon salt. Work the shortening into the flour with a knife, mix with sufficient ice water to hold together, handling as little as possible. Line the sides of a deep earthen baking dish, fill two-thirds full with stoned cherries, add two cups sugar and place i small cup (inverted) in the center of the dish. Cover with a thick top crust, no bottom crust being used. Spread over the crust a liberal coating of lard or butter before placing in oven. Mrs. C. S. Thome. Lemon Pie One lemon (grate rind and juice) i cup cold water, i cup sugar, I large tablespoon cornstarch, butter size of walnut, 3 eggs. Put water, sugar and cornstarch on fire and stir until thick, adding yolks and lemon last, pour into crust which has been previously baked, and spread whites of eggs beaten stiff, and sweetened to taste, over top and brown slightly. Lilian L. Cole. Squash or Pumpkin Pie Mix I cupful each of milk and dry steamed pumpkin, J cupful sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls each of molasses and melted butter, one teaspoonful of ginger, 2 eggs slightly beaten, i teaspoonful cinna- mon and ^ teaspoonful of salt. Pour into a pastry-lined plate and bake in a moderate oven for forty-five minutes. Lilian L. Cole. Apple Custard Pie I pint of sweet milk, 3 grated sweet apples, 2 well beaten eggs, a little salt, and sugar and nutmeg to taste. Bake with under crust only. 30 Good Recipes FROZEN DESSERTS ^'Glittering squares oj colored ice Sweetened with syrups. Tinctured with spice; Creams and cordial and sugared dates." Cafe Parfait One quart of thick cream, i scant cup powdered sugar, ^ pint of black coffee. Place dish containing this mixture in a pan of ice water and whip, draining and whipping again until all has been whipped. Pour carefully into a packed freezer and let stand for three hours. I ate a delicious grape ice cream not long since, but all the in- formation I could gain from the cook who made it was that she used 2 cups of grape juice to i cup of cream and made exactly as plain vanilla ice cream. It was new to me and very delicious, but I have not yet tried it at home. Mrs. Frank Bissell. Pineapple Sherbet One and J quarts of water, i pint of sugar, i can of grated pine- apple and the juice of three lemons. Beat the whites of 3 eggs very stiff, add to mixtiu-e and freeze. Mrs. William Boyden. Peach Mousse One quart cream, 2 cups sugar, 12 peaches. Whip the cream, add sugar and peaches chopped fine. Pack in freezer and let stand four hours. Mrs. H. M. Anning. Frozen Desserts 31 Maple Mousse Four eggs, j cup of maple sugar, i pint of cream. Beat yolks of eggs very light, pour on them the hot syrup. Cook in double boiler, stirring constantly, till it thickens. Take from fire and beat, in pan of ice water, till cool. Add the whipped cream and whites of eggs (it is not necessary to use the whites). Turn into mould and pack with ice and salt. Let stand four hours. Mrs. James Fentress. Delicious Cherry Ice Cream One quart of cream, i quart of preserved cherries, i teaspoonful of vanilla. Whip the cream until stiff. Add vanilla, and just at the moment of freezing add the preserved cherries. Sometimes the cherries do not make it sweet enough, and that must be determined by tasting. Mrs. G. H. Conner. Frozen Eggnog One pint cream, i cup sugar, 4 eggs, 4 tablespoons sherry, i tablespoon brandy, i teaspoon Maraschino wine; beat yolks of eggs and sugar, add cream. Whites of eggs, beaten separately, and added just before freezing. This recipe will serve eight. Mrs. Douglas Smith. 32 Good Recipes CAKE ' With weights and measures just and true. Oven oj even heat, Well buttered tins and quiet nerve, Success will he complete. ^^ Crumb Cake One cup granulated sugar, i cup pastry flour, } cup butter. Mix thoroughly with the hand. Now to the above add: i egg, I cup chopped raisins, i cup sour milk, i teaspoon of soda dis- solved in a two teaspoons of warm water. Lastly, i more cup of flour, stirring in the last named ingredients with a spoon. Bake in layers or . a solid. Mrs. Weaver, of Cleveland, gave me this, and it is fine. C. C. P. Maud S. Cake One and one-half cups of sugar, J cup of butter, J cup of milk, ij cups of flour, 3 eggs. Cook together the following: 8 table- spoons of grated chocolate, 5 tablespoons of sugar, J tablespoon of milk. When cool stir into the cake with J cup of flour and 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake as a loaf or layer cake. Use any frosting. Mrs. Landon Hoyt. Fruit Cake One pound brown sugar, i pound flour, 14 ounces butter, 2 pounds currants, 2 pounds raisins, i pound citron, i cup molasses, I cup brandy, 10 eggs, i nutmeg, i teaspoonful cloves, i teaspoon- ful rose water, i teaspoonful soda. Bake i\ hours. Mrs. G. W. Heath. Cake 33 Chocolate Cake Two eggs, I J cups sugar, § cup butter, i cup sweet milk, 2 heaping cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, J cup grated chocolate. Mrs. J. E. Hyde. Chocolate Cake Half coffee cup butter, i coffee cup sugar, | coffee cup sweet milk, 4 eggs (leaving out whites of three for your chocolate), 1} coffee cups flour (measiured before sifting), J teaspoonful vanilla, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, § teaspoonful salt. Sift flour, bak- ing powder and salt together, cream butter and sugar thoroughly. Add the eggs (that is the yolks and the one whole egg), beaten well, milk and flour alternately. Bake in jelly tins, well buttered, in a hot oven. Chocolate Part Six tablespoonfuls of scraped Baker's Chocolate, ij coffee cups powdered sugar (free from lumps), whites of 3 eggs, i teaspoonful vanilla, 2 tablespoonfuls hot water. Put the chocolate and 8 table- spoons of powdered sugar into double boiler, or saucepan, with two tablespoons of hot water, cook until smooth and glossy, stir- ring all the time, then remove from stove. Beat the remainder of the sugar into the whites, with teaspoon, stir this into chocolate mixture, and lastly add vanilla. Let it cool before spreading. Mrs. Frank Ogden Magie. White Cake Two and one-half cups of sifted flour, i cup sugar (G.), i cup sweet milk, J pound butter, 3 eggs (whites), i teaspoon of cream, level teaspoon soda, J teaspoon salt, flavoring. Cream all in- gredients except milk and eggs, add milk and beat; then fold in the beaten whites. Mrs. Charles Eastman. 34 Good Recipes Othello Cake One cup sugar, J cup butter, J cup milk, i oz. chocolate, J tea- spoon vanilla, i j cups flour, i teaspoon baking powder, 2 whites of eggs, 4 yolks. Scrape chocolate, add 3 teaspoons of the sugar, and I teaspoon water, stir over fire till smooth. Add with vanilla, to creamed butter and sugar. Add beaten yolks, beaten in flour sifted with baking powder, then beaten whites. Bake in layers or in one cake, as preferred. Frosting: Beat 2 cups pow- dered sugar into 2 whites, add 2 ozs. melted chocolate, i teaspoon vanilla, and i pint chopped walnut meats. This is enough for a four-layer cake. Mrs. B. S. Winchester. Coffee Cake One cup sugar, J cup molasses, J cup butter, J cup cold coffee, 2i cups flour, 2 eggs, i teaspoonful soda, i teaspoonful cloves, i teaspoon ful cinnamon, i cup raisins, i cup currants, J pound citron. Dissolve soda in coffee. Sponge Cake Weigh 10 eggs; allow their weight in flour. Beat the yolks light, whip the sugar into them, stir in half the grated peel and all the juice of a lemon, then the flour, lastly the whites folded in lightly. Bake in a loaf tin in a very steady oven. Mrs. J. O. Parker. Sponge Cake Yolks of 3 eggs beaten light, i cup sugar, 3 tablespoons hot water. Add i level cup flour into which i teaspoon baking powder has been sifted. Flavor, then fold lightly in the whites of the eggs, which have been beaten stiff. Bake in little cake tins in a quick oven. Mrs. C. Prouty. Cake 35 Chocolate Cake *■ One-half cake chocolate cooked in a scant cup of milk, i pint pulverized sugar mixed with yolks of 4 eggs. Add to this mixture whites of eggs beaten stiff, i teaspoon vanilla or lemon, i cup sifted flour, large ^ teaspoon baking powder. Bake in shallow pan. Do not heap cup of flour. Cook chocolate enough to thoroughly dissolve it. Afternoon Tea Cake Into I cup cf sugar mix i teaspoon baking powder. Beat the yolks of the two eggs until light and add. Then add cup by cup 2J cups Quaker oats. Flavor with vanilla or chopped raisins, or almonds. Lastly, add the whites of the twd eggs beaten till creamy, but not stiff. Drop with teaspoon on buttered pans, leaving two inch space between, and bake in slow oven. Mrs. Carlton Prouty. Spice Cake {Without eggs. From Good Housekeeping.) One cup sugar, J cup butter, i cup sour milk, 2 cups flour, sifted with i teaspoon soda, i teaspoon cinnamon, J teaspoon of cloves, ^ nutmeg grated, i cup floured raisins. Bake in a steady oven, preferably in a long, narrow deep tin. Mrs. B. S. Winchester. Velvet Sponge Cake Two eggs beaten very light, add i cup sugar, in J cup sifted flour, with I teaspoon baking powder, J scant cup boiling water mixed in slowly. Put in buttered tin and in the hot oven at once. By the addition of one more egg any layer cake can be made, using whites for the frosting. Lilian L. Cole. 36 Good Recipes Spice Cake One and one-half cups sugar, i cup butter, i cup aour milk, 2i cups flour (or less, try it), yolks of five eggs, whites of 2, 2 tea- spoonfuls cinnamon, i teaspoonful cloves, little nutmeg, i cup chopped raisins, i teaspoonful soda. Mrs. Alton. Hickory Nut Cake One and one-half cups sugar, i cup butter, j cup sweet milk, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Whites of 4 eggs well beaten, i cup broken nuts added last. Mrs. J. B. Alton. Gingerbread, Cookies, Doughnuts 37 GINGERBREAD, COOKIES, DOUGHNUTS AUNT CELIE'S GINGERBREAD *' How I make dot good gingerbread ? O, I jes' makes ity Miss, jes' makes it. How you make it ? Well, now, Miss, I dunno; well, les' see. You jes' takes about Jour hanjulls oj flour and water and about so much sugar and about three gullups oj molasses, an' ginger 'cording to your jedgment. What a gullup? Law, Miss, doan you know how that of mV asses jug done 'Gul-lup' when yo' tips it up?" Soft Gingerbread One cup sugar (G. or light brown) 2 cups molasses, i teaspoon soda, 4 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, i cup sweet milk, i cup butter, 4 eggs, 2 tablespoons ginger, 2 tablespoons cinnamon. Mame McFarlin. Drop Taylor Cakes One-half cup of sugar, J cup of lard and i cup butter, 3 eggs, i pint of molasses, ij tablespoons soda, i\ tablespoons ginger, ij tablespoons cinnamon, J pint of boiling water. Flour enough to make batter stiff as pound cake. Drop in pans and bake in a quick oven. Emma D. Ely. Nut Wafers Three fourths cups butter, f cups sugar, i cup flour, i cup baked peanuts crushed, i cup milk (scant), i egg. Drop on but- tered tins and bake quickly. B. M. de Windt. 38 Good Recipes Sunrise Cake One glass sugar, § glass flour, J teaspoon cream tartar, 6 eggs pinch of salt and flavoring. Beat whites with pinch of salt until stiff. Then add cream tartar and sugar, then the beaten yolks, then flour and flavoring. Stir evenly and bake in a moderate oven thirty-five or forty minutes. When done, turn upside down, leave till cold. Then take a knife and run along sides to loosen. Tins must not be greased. Mrs. Alton. Canada Gingerbread One cup butter, 2 cups sugar, i cup molasses (New Orleans) 5 cups flour, I cup sweet milk, 3 eggs, i pound currants, or raisins, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, i tablespoon ginger, J grated nutmeg, i teaspoon soda, i teaspoon baking powder. Beat butter to a cream, add sugar, molasses, eggs, milk, spices and soda. Then three cups flour and baking powder, stirring well. Lastly two cups flour and the fruit. Bake forty-five minutes in well-greased pans two 8x12 or one larger. Be careful about burning at the bottom. C. C. P. Oatmeal Drop Cakes Two cups rolled oats, 2 cups flour, } cup butter, i cup sugar, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons sweet milk, ^ teaspoon soda, i teaspoon cinnamon. Drop by teaspoonfuls into a buttered pan and bake slowly. Mame McFarlin. Peanut Cookies Two eggs, 4 tablespoons sweet milk, 4 tablespoons granulated sugar, 4 tablespoons butter, i teaspoon baking powder, ij cups flour, I cup peanuts (chopped), i tablespoon vanilla. Drop them in buttered tin and bake in quick oven. Mrs. Wm. Bird Dale. Gingerbread, Cookies, Doughnuts 39 Ginger Drop Cakes One-fourth cup butter or drippings, i cup sugar, i cup mo- lasses, 2 eggs, I teaspoon each ginger and cloves, i cup boiling water, 2 teaspoons soda, mixed with little salt, 2J cups flour. Cream butter, add sugar and eggs, well beaten, the molasses and boiling water. Sift soda and salt with flour, add to first mixture with the spices. Beat well, and bake in greased and floured gem pans about fifteen minutes. This makes twenty cakes. Sift powdered sugar over tops after baking. Inez M. Cutter. Fairy Gingerbread One-half cup butter, i cup sugar, J cup milk, ij cups flour. Cream butter, add sugar gradually and milk very slowly. Mix and sift flour and ginger and combine mixture. Spread very thinly with a broad-bladed knife on a buttered inverted dripping pan. Bake in moderate oven. Cut in squares before removing from pan. Mrs. McCordic. Margerettes White of I egg, well beaten, i cup powdered sugar, \ teaspoon baking powder, J cup English walnuts or pecans ground or chopped fine. Stir all together, spread on Long Branch crackers, set in a slow oven until a slight tinge of brown is seen on the mixture. Nice with tea or as cake with dessert. Caroline C. Poarch. Rocks One and one-half cups of sugar, i cup of butter, ij cups raisins, I cup of chopped nuts, 3 cups of flour, 4 eggs, i teaspoon soda, I teaspoon cinnamon, pinch of salt. Drop from spoon on but- tered tin. Mrs. Landon Hoyt. '^^ Good Recipes Ginger Cookies One and one-Jialf cups of brown sugar, f cups shortening (beef drippings best), i cup New Orleans molasses, f cup cold water, I tablespoonful ginger, i tablespoonful cinnamon, i tablespoonful soda (mixed in molasses), 2 eggs, and teaspoonful salt. J. E. D. Peanut Cookies Remove the skins from two cupfuls of shelled peanuts and put them through a meat chopper. Cream together 3- teaspoonfuls of butter and i cupful of sugar. Add three eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of milk, I salt spoonful of salt, the nuts and enough flour to make a soft dough. Roll them on a floured board, cut them with a small cutter, and bake in a moderate oven. Raised Doughnuts Dissolve I cake of yeast in luke-warm water, with i teaspoon of sugar. Mix the yeast with about i pint of flour and enough warm milk to make a thin batter. Then set away in a warm place to rise. When risen add 4 eggs well beaten, a good i pound of melted butter, 2 teaspoons salt, 4 or 5 tablespoons sugar, and about I pint of warm milk, and gradually work in enough flour to make a soft dough. Then knead until bubbles appear on the dough, when set away to rise. When risen, roll about an inch thick, cut into shape and set away to rise again until double their first size; then fry in hot lard, or equal parts of butter and lard. When partly cool roll in sugar with a little cinnamon. This recipe will make about fifty doughnuts. Everything must be warm before using. To make stuffed doughnuts put a teaspoonful of preserves or apple sauce between the doughnuts and press the edges well together. Mrs. Christ Eckel. Gingerbread, Cookies, Doughnuts 41 Ginger Cake One-half cup molasses, J cup sugar, J cup butter, § cup cold water, i egg, i teaspoonful soda, J teaspoonful ginger, a little cin- namon. Make soft with flour, about two cups after sifting. B. M. deWindt. Doughnuts Two eggs, I large coffee cup milk, f large coffee cup sugar, 3 or 4 tablespoons melted butter or lard, about i quart of flour, 2 heap- ing teaspoons baking powder, i teaspoon salt, nutmeg for flavoring. Directions: Mix baking powder and salt in the sifted flour, dis- solve i of the sugar in the milk; to the beaten eggs add the remain- der of the sugar and the butter and stir to a cream, after which stir in the milk and thicken with the flour until of the consistency of cake, when beat to a smooth, light batter. Gradually add the remainder of the flour until the soft dough is stiff enough to mould, when turn out on the board, which has been well covered with flour, and mould with the palm of the hand into a smooth paste as soft as can be handled. Roll to one-half inch thickness and cut out the whole before beginning to fry. Have the lard so hot that the dough will slightly ttlrn brown as soon as it rises, turn them over at once, and frequently, taking care that they do not cook too fast. ' Grace Graves. Vienna Cookies {Old German Recipe) Beat stiff the whites of 2 eggs, add J cup of finely granulated sugar and stir until well creamed ; then add J cup of flour and the yellow of the rind of a lemon grated. Put on buttered tins in small teaspoonfuls 2 or 3 inches apart and let stand a few minutes before baking in a moderate oven. Mrs. Christ Eckel. MAYONNAISE FOR BLUE MONDAY SALAD Cut Up some lively capers, acU to tkem a sauce made of tne milk of numan kindness, tkickened witk oil of peace, and spiced to taste. Wnen using tnis mayonnaise always serve some f resk peals of laugkter with tke salad. If you find it impos- sible to obtain the fresn peals, use some tLat you kave sun-dried for emergencies. [42] Salad Dressings and Sauces 43 SALAD DRESSINGS AND SAUCES "My saladf days when I was green in judgment." Shakespeare. "Labor is the best sauce." — Latin Proverb. Boiled Salad Dressing One and one half tablespoons sugar, J teaspoon salt, i teaspoon mustard, few grains cayenne pepper, ^ tablespoon flour, yolks 2 eggs, li tablespoons melted butter, } cup milk, J cup vinegar. Five times this rule makes quart of salad dressing. Mix dry ingredients, add yolks of eggs slightly beaten, butter, milk and vinegar, very slowly. Cook over boiling water until mixture thickens. It is quicker in single kettle, but needs to be stirred constantly. Mrs. Farmer's Recipes, as enjoyed by ^Irs. Allsebrooke. Hollandaise Sauce Carefully cream J cup butter, add yolk of i egg, mix gradually. Add another yolk of egg, add juice of ^ lemon or not quite that quantity, then add ^ cup boiling water. Stand in pan of boiling water till it thickens. If not made with care, it sometimes curdles. Mrs. Matz. Chili Sauce Twelve large tomatoes, 3 peppers, 3 onions, i cup vinegar, I tablespoon sugar, i^ tablespoons salt, i teaspoon each cloves and cinnamon. Mrs. Bradstreet. 44 Good Recipes Salad Dressing Four tablespoons butter, i tablespoon flour, ^ tablespoon salt, I tablespoon sugar, i heaping teaspoon mustard, speck of red pepper, ij cup milk, J cup vinegar, 3 eggs. Let the butter get hot, add flour and stir until smooth, being careful not to brown, add milk, and boil up. Beat eggs, salt, pepper, sugar, and mustard together and add the vinegar. Stir this into the boiling mixture, stirring it till it thickens like boiled custard. Mrs. Charles Eastman. Beefsteak Sauce One dozen ripe tomatoes, skinned and sliced, 2 or 3 green peppers, i onion chopped fine, i cup sugar, 2 cups vinegar, i tea- spoon salt. Cloves, cinnamon, allspice and ginger. Boil all together for two or three hours. Bertha M. de Windt. SAUCE PIQUANT "''' Equal parts of wit and repartee stirred until tkey effervesce m mirtn. Season with tact and salt witk good-w^iU. '"'' This sauce may accompany every course at dinner/' [45] 46 Good Recipes CONFECTIONS Things sweet to taste are in digestion sour." — Rich. II. Butter Scotch Six spoons molasses, 4 spoons brown sugar, 4 spoons water, 2 spoons butter. Any size spoon may be used. The addition of peanuts makes a delicious peanut brittle. Lilian L. Cole. Candied Orange Peel Peel from 6 oranges, thick peel being the best. Soak in cold water one hour or more, clip into strips with shears, cook for one hour in plenty of water. Drain off water and throw it away. Add to peel two cups granulated sugar and cook till syrup congeals in cold water, same as in making candy. Skim the peel out onto a platter, sprinkle with granulated sugar, stir up till cool enough to prevent sticking together, using plenty of sugar. L. H. Winship. Fondant To make Fondant, which is the basis of all French candies: 2 cups of coffee A sugar, i cup of water, cream of tartar size of a bean, dissolved in teaspoon water. Stir before but never after it starts to boil. Remove the skimmings from top of sugar with a large spoon. When boiled ten minutes, add i teaspoonful of vanilla. Try in cold water and when a ball can be made in the fingers pour in large bowl. When cold enough to dip finger in beat as rapidly as possible. When too stiff to beat, work with hands like dough. If while stirring the fondant becomes too hard, use a tablespoonful of white of egg, well beaten, and more if necessar}\ It is well to mix the remainder of the egg in when finished, and put away in bowl for three days. For the Chafing-Dish 47 FOR THE CHAFING-DISH "Man is an animal that cooks his victuals.^' — Burke. Capilotade of Turkey Cut up the remains of cold turkey in small pieces. Put in the chafing dish 2 tablespoons of butter, and when melted add 2 table- spoons of flour, stirring constantly until smooth; season with pepper, salt and i tablespoon of chopped parsley. Add ^ pint of cream or milk, put in the turkey with J can of mushrooms. Let it simmer for ten minutes, then add i glass of sherry and serve on small squares of toast. Mrs. W. C. Boyden. Welsh Rarebit One half pound cheese, 2 eggs, trifle cayenne pepper, i tea- spoonful mustard, ^ teaspoonful salt, i tablespoon butter, ^ cup cream. Break the cheese into small pieces and put with the other ingredients into the chafing dish. Stir until the cheese melts, then spread on slices of crisp toast and serve immediately. Jane E. Dale. Finnan Haddie {Armour Institute.) The fish — a thick one — simmer in water, cold at beginning, ten minutes; after draining pick in pieces. Cream Sauce One tablespoon butter, i tablespoon flour, i cup cream. Season, salt, cayenne pepper, 2 teaspoons lemon juice. Add fish, heat thoroughly, serve on toast or with potatoes. 48 Good Recipes Mushrooms Put 3 large tablespoons of butter in the chafing dish. When melted add i cup chopped olives. Fry fresh mushrooms until well browned and serve on toast with the melted butter and olives poured over them. Mrs. W. C. Boyden. Lobster a la Newburg Pick the meat from 2 lobsters, 2 large tablespoons butter, I cup cream, 3 tablespoons sherry wine. Put the lobster in dish with butter, cook for eight minutes, put in cream gradually. When nearly cooked add the wine. Season with cayenne pepper, and serve very hot. Mrs. Landon Hoyt. Mock Terrapin Melt 3 tablespoons butter in chafing dish, add 2 tablespoons flour, J teaspoon salt. Pinch of pepper, few grains of cayenne, and gradually i cup milk. When smooth add ij cups chicken in dice, yolks 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped fine, whites cut in large pieces. Cook three minutes, add 3 tablespoons sherry and serve. Mrs. Douglas Smith. For the Sick-Room 49 FOR THE SICK-ROOM "Nou\ good digestion wait on appetite, and health on bothi" — Shakespeare. Buttermilk Gruel One pint cold buttermilk, 2 eggs well beaten. Mix thoroughly and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Sweeten and flavor to taste. A pleasant drink for the sick-room. Jane E. Dale. Lemon Foam {Passavant Hospital. Individual for convalescents.) Two eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar. Juice and grated rind of ^ lemon. Beat yolks in sugar, add lemon, and put bowl in dish of boiling water over fire. Stir until mixture begins to thicken, add beaten whites and stir 2 two minutes, or until whole is like thick cream. Remove from fire and serve quite cold in cups or glasses. Mrs. B. S. Winchester. Mutton Broth A 2 poimd shank of mutton (do not get the rib); wash, put ih two quarts of hot water; boil until the meat drops from the bones — sometimes three hours — add water as needed, then remove the meat, set the liquor away to cool; when cold, lift the fat from the liquor and if any particles of fat are left, take them off; then put liquor on to boil, add a pinch of salt, boil down to about I quart; strain; if not salt enough, add salt and pepper when served; good either hot or cold. 50 Good Recipes Elderberry Wine Pour 4 quarts boiling water over 8 quarts of berries and let stand twelve hours stirring now and then. Strain and add 3 pounds sugar to 4 quarts of juice, also i ounce powdered cin- namon and J ounce powdered cloves. Boil five minutes and set away to ferment in a stone jar covered lightly with a cloth. When it has fermented rack it off carefully and bottle. Keep in cool place. Jane E. Dale. Chocolate Cream {Passavant Hospital.) Two tablespoons sugar, J ounce Baker's chocolate, i pint cream, whites of 4 eggs. Cook first three together in double boiler until chocolate is dissolved, then stir in beaten whites and cook three mmutes. Serve cold in glass cups. Mrs. B. S. Winchester. Grape Juice Stem the grapes; put enough water in the kettle with the grapes to prevent scorching and cook just long enough to heat through thoroughly, stirring often. Strain the juice through a bag, squeezing out every bit possible. To 3 cups juice add I cupful water and one cup granulated sugar; bring to a boil and cook just a few minutes (not more than five), and bottle immediately. Use new corks and do not use old wine bottles. USEFUL NOTES Kerosene will remove rust from iron or brass. Ammonia cleans kair bruskes. Turpentine is good, for bums, excellent for corns, a sure preventive for motns, and drives ants from store- rooms if a few drops are sprinkled about. Gasoline, applied witb a clotb to tbe batb-tub, will remove -water stains, accumulation of soap, etc. Alcobol will clean almost any stain from one s bands. Fresb ink or iron stains can be removed by wetting tbe spot witk juice of lemon and tken immediately cov- ering spot vs^itk fine table salt. Lay tbe fabric in tbe sun ; repeat tbe process if necessary. From TJ. S. TJ. Cooking R.eci;^es. [51] TO REMOVE STAINS FROM CHAR- ACTER "■^ Xnis usually requires perseverance, out remember tnat no sucn stains are indeliDle, and that a constant ana plentiful application of tke great solvent Love will cause any discoloration to disappear. Love for tne Eternal Goodness and one s fellows will dissolve and -svasn away selfisliness, wnicn is tne cause of all tne sins known to man. A character treated in tkis way will not only emerge cleansed, but ^^rul gam a shining w^hiteness in- describably beautiful.' [52] The North Shore Creamery Supplies Fresh Butter, Eggs, and Poultry toWinnetka's best tables. If you are interested call up Tel- ephone Evanston 630 or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. 803 Dempster St. Evanston, Illinois ELECTRIC CARS TO MILWAUKEE EVERY 40 MINUTES Fares from Winnetka One way $1.10 Round trip $1.85 TICKETS SOLD BY \VINNETKA DRUG CO. Agents Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railroad Important to North Shore Suburbs IMPORTING GROCERS 110-112 Madison St. Chicago, Illinois Will deliver within a few hours of the receipt of order TABLE LUXURIES, WINES, CIGARS, FRUITS, COFFEES AND TEAS to North Shore Residences by American Express, pre- paid, within certain limits at Lake Forest, Highland Park, Glencoe, Winnetka, Kenilworth, Wilmette, Evanston and Ravenswood. THIS IS IMPORTANT as it places homes of North Shore People within the immediate delivery circle of this enterpris- ing store. TELEPHONE CENTRAL 1234 Wm. topple — Practical Decorative Painter, Paper Hanger, Hard Wood Finisher, Etc. THE LEADER New Samples and Ideas in Wall Papers Phone 424 Cor. Ridge and Winnetka Aves. O. G. St.PETER S. a. St.PETER Reliable Laundry High-Class Launderers and Cleaners of Rugs and Carpets Telephone 107 HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. BUY YOUR GROCERIES OF M. K. MEYER Use them as directed in this or any other good cook book and you will have gratifying results Telephone 2 WINNETKA, ILL. ^l^/'AS offered, a few years ago, for a formula which would make the best soap in exis- tence. In this competition, more than one hun- dred samples of soap were submitted, and the prize was eventually won by a Frenchman. He created a soap which, according to all standards and tests, was the best toilet soap submitted. We took this soap and combined it with Liquozone, to make the soap antiseptic. Then we perfumed it with the most delightful odor ever used in a soap. The result is called Liquo- zone Antiseptic Soap. It has these great advantages : It is remarkably agreeable to the skin. It is exquisitely perfumed — not too much nor too little. It is antiseptic, destroying the cause of impurity. The soap sells for 15 cents — two cakes for 25 cents. Yet if you paid ten times the price you could not get a soap that is better. Next time you buy soap, please try it. THE LIQUOZONE COMPANY CHICAGO If any recipe in this book makes you sick telephone Minnetka E)rua Si /llbbse do. ELM STREET AND LINCOLN AVENUE Day and Night Telephone 33 H. \^. Pond, R. Ph. E. O. Carlson, R. Ph. Pure Drugs and Chem- icals, Flavoring Extracts and Spices Choicest Obtainable Confectionery Imported and Domes- tic Cigars and Tobaccos China and Glassware Dinner Cards, Fancy Crepe and Tissue Papers, Napkins, Paper Boxes, Etc. Stationery, Artists' Materials, Toys and Novelties. H. A. CARPENTER, General Manager. For Spring Weddings For Easter Gifts For Graduation Gifts Chas. E. Graves & Co. Jewelers and Silversmiths Are offering the very newest things in Sterling Silver Tableware, Compotes, Baskets, Relish Dishes, Tea Sets and Flatware Combinations Picture Frames in Sterling Silver, Belt Buckles, Combs and Collars Set with Stones Hand Engraved and Etched Toilet Ware, All Open Sets Novelties in Purses, Card Cases, Vanity Boxes made in Gold and Silver. Madison St. and Wabash Avenue, Chicago Office Phone 943 Residence Phone 993 Taul 2). 'BlaKe Electrician Wiring, Repairing, Fixtures and Supplies, Estimates Furnished Opposite Depot WINNETKA, ILLINOIS JOHN A.COLBY ^ SONS feuaEWW""'«5 1-48 to 154 Wabaslx Ave., near Monrof Hotels, Families and Restaurants Supplied with Ice TELEPHONE 12 Dealer in Hay, Feed and Grain Hard and Soft Coal, Wood, Etc. Store on Elna Street One Block West of Depot T. P. EVANS TELEPHONE 52 Staple and F ancy G roceries Fruits and Vegetables East Elm and Market Streets WINNETKA - ILLINOIS THE WAY TO SAVE in household and personal expenses is easily seen and made simple by using Bradstreef s Practical Account Book for Home Expenses Two minutes a day will show exactly where your money goes and the places to economize. Book is unique, practical, complete, and yet re- quires no bookkeeping experience to keep it. A full cloth bound book — 150 pages — last three years — sent to you prepaid for $t.oo. Order one today — it will soon pay for itself many times over. P. W. BRADSTREET & CO. 320 Main St. Evanston, 111. Proprietor London Dye House Telephone 66 H. S. SINGER Merchant Tailor Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing Goods Called For and Delivered We Clean and Dye the Most Delicate Fabrics 1557 SHERMAN AVE. EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Driveway Lights, Etc. Telephone and Bell Installation Schwarz & Schlott Electrical Construction and Supplies Electric Light Wiring for Interior and Exterior Decoration Telephone 961 WINNETKA, ILLINOIS E^t laktBtlit ^r»0 R. R. I>ONNELLEY & SONS COMPANY CHICAGO