977.2 In22c Indiana Historical Society. 'Charter, Constitution, Officers and Members and List of Publications (192! i INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY j CHARTER, CONSTITUTION OFFICERS AND MEMBERS and LIST OF PUBLICATIONS % 1923 ' -"■*■"' " INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARTER, CONSTITUTION OFFICERS AND MEMBERS and LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1923 "History hath triumphed over Time, which, beside it, nothing but Eternity hath triumphed over." "The use of history is to give value to the present hour and its duty" fr r THE INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The preliminary organization of the Indiana Historical Society was effected December 11, 1830, and it was char- tered by an act of the General Assembly of Indiana approved January 10, 1831. Its proceedings from the date of its organization to the year 1886 will be found in Vol. I of the publications of the Society. Its Presidents prior to the year 1886 were Benjamin Parke, Samuel Merrill, Isaac Blackford and John Law, and its Recording Secretaries were Bethuel F. Morris, George H. Dunn, William Sheets, Thomas L. Sullivan, John B. Dillon and William H. H. Terrell. The late William H. English donated $2,500 to the Society as a permanent endowment, the interest only to be used by the Society. This endowment, by the addition of accumulated interest, has been increased to $3,500. The only revenues of the Society are the interest on its endow- ment fund and the annual dues of the members, which are $2.00 per year. An article in the Indianapolis News of September 23, 1922, gives the following account of the Society's work: BENJAMIN PARKE, PRESIDENT Benjamin Parke, of Salem, was made the first President. John H. Farnham, of Washington county, apparently the principal mover in the organization, was made correspond- ing secretary and served efficiently. Farnham, Parke and Bethuel F. Morris and James Blake, of Indianapolis, were incorporators of the society, which was established by an act of incorporation passed by the general assembly January 10, 1831. The act was conceived in such a liberal spirit that no need of revision of the charter has been felt in nearly 100 years since. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY For five years the society showed marked activity and nearly all the prominent men of the state at the time were members. This characteristic of the society has continued throughout its history. A perusal of the minutes of the organization becomes a study of the beacon lights of Indi- ana's development as a state. Fourteen Governors of the state have held membership in the Society. They were James Whitcomb, Albert G. Porter, Claude Matthews, Ira J. Chase, James A. Mount, Noah Noble, James Brown Ray, David Wallace, H. S. Lane, Paris C. Dunning, Joseph A. Wright and Thomas A. Hen- dricks, of a past time, and Samuel M. Ralston and Warren T. McCray, of the present. For the first five years, the Society, largely through the efforts of Mr. Farnham, received a complete set of early journals of the state house of representatives and the state senate, and from Nathan Dane, of Beverly, Mass., received an authoritative history of the ordinance of 1787, under which the northwest territory was governed. From 1835 to 1886 the society had a record of suspen- sions of activity and reorganization. In 1886 reorganiza- tion was effected which has continued without interruption to the present. ONLY ONE SECRETARY Since 1886 the society has had one secretary continuously — Jacob P. Dunn, of Indianapolis, and only four presidents —William H. English, 1886 to 1896; W. W. Woollen, 1896 to 1900; D. W. Howe, 1900 to 1921, and Charles W. Moores. "The importance and necessity of collecting and preserv- ing the materials for a comprehensive and accurate history of our country, natural, civil and political, many of which are of an ephemeral and transitory nature, and in the absence of well-directed efforts to preserve them, are rapidly passing into oblivion," and the fact that "the establishment INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY of safe depositories for the keeping of natural curiosities, manuscripts, public documents, etc., in the custody of intel- ligent guardians interested in their accumulation and preser- vation, has ever been found promotive of the public good and auxiliary to the advancement of science and literature," were the two reasons behind the starting of the Society, according to the statement made at the first meeting by Mr. Farnham. The objects of the society, as set forth more specifically in a circular of information sent out soon after the first meeting to other societies and states, were : "The collection of materials calculated to shed light on the natural, civil and political history of Indiana. "The promotion of useful knowledge and the friendly and profitable intercourse of such citizens as are disposed to unite in such a cause. "The history and present condition of the Indian tribes within the state. "The collection and description of ancient remains and natural curiosities ; the formation of geological, mineralogi- cal and botanical cabinets ; full descriptions of the soil, cli- mate and productions of the state; and, in fine, the collec- tion of every fact and thing that can be made subservient to the use of the society." TO MEET SEMI-ANNUALLY For the achievement of these objects, the society set out to meet "semi-annually at the Courthouse in Indianapolis on the second days of the sessions of the supreme court" and to hold an "annual meeting of the same on the first Saturday succeeding the meeting of the general assembly." In 1886 the Society turned its attention chiefly to the pub- lication of historical materials. Previously, it had sought to collect "rare, interesting and valuable materials of western history," and had tried to get citizens of the counties of the state to find out the origin of the names of counties and ob- tain biographical material on the early leaders in each settlement, but nothing was published. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY A large part of the work of the society since 1886 has been to recover the papers read before the organization in the first fifty-six years and to piece together the scattered minutes. In 1886, no paper read previously before the Society was in its possession in any form. Volume I of the society publications now contains, it is believed, every paper read before the Society preceding 1886, and complete min- utes up to that time, with the exception of a few meetings. SEVEN LARGE VOLUMES At the present time the society has seven large volumes of publications. Papers read before the society and minutes of proceedings have been preserved with care since 1886. Volume 1 of the publications was printed in 1897. Other volumes appeared as follows : Volume 2, 1895 ; Volume 3, 1905; Volume 4, 1911; Volume 5, 1915; Volume 6, 1919; and Volume 7 is just completed. The publications include historical monographs on a wide range of subjects related to the history of Indiana. From the beginning the Society's records have been adorned with the names of distinguished men who were members or who contributed in some way to the successful achievement of its objects. The Governors who were mem- bers have been mentioned. The list of the first honorary members is impressive. They were : Lewis Cass, of Mich- igan territory; William Henry Harrison, of Ohio; Edward Coles, of Illinois; William McClure, of New Harmony; Andrew Wylie, of Bloomington; James Hall, of Vandalia, 111., and John Baddolet and Francis Vigo, of Knox county. Later, Edward Everett, Jared Sparks, John Quincy Adams, George Bancroft and William H. Prescott, all of Massachusetts, and Dr. Lyman Beecher, of Cincinnati, were made honorary members. Henry Ward Beecher was a member and served on the executive committee in 1842. David Starr Jordan, then a professor in Indiana University, and Maurice Thompson, novelist, were members. Prominent in the society at the present time are James A. Woodburn, of Indiana University; Charles W. Moores, of INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Indianapolis; Harlow Lindley, of Earlham College; William Dudley Foulke, of Richmond ; Logan Esarey, editor of the Indiana Quarterly Magazine of History ; Jesse Weik, of Greencastle ; Meredith Nicholson, John W. Oliver, Jacob P. Dunn, George S. Cotman and Kate Milner Rabb, all of Indianapolis. Thirty-five members of the society have gone beyond the mere form of being members and have written Indiana his- tory, chief of whom, perhaps, was John B. Dillon, who is regarded as the "father of Indiana history. " He was a member from 1835 to his death in 1879. But from its origin the Society has been "cribbed, cabined and confined" in its activities for want of a permanent home and money. OUTLOOK NOW BRIGHT The outlook for the society never was as bright as it is now, however. Sentiment has grown for many months that the Indiana world war memorial should be designed in such a way as to provide for the housing of the Society, together with related agencies of the state — the State Library, the State Historical Commission and the State Museum. And then in August came the heartening information that Delavan Smith, publisher of The Indianapolis News, in his will had given to the Society $150,000 for the construction of a building to contain its records and collections and had provided that the Society should receive his entire library, consisting of valuable Americana. Mr. Smith, the minutes of proceedings show, was elected a member of the society at the regular annual meeting Thursday, December 28, 1905. Previously to the gift of Mr. Smith the only bequests left to the Society were by W. H. English and Judge Howe, Society Presidents. Mr. English in his will gave the Society $2,500, in trust, the income to be used for the purposes of the Society. This bequest helped immeasurably the work of the society after 1896. Judge Howe made the Society the residuary legatee of his estate, subject to life estates in 8 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY his wife and daughter. Nearly every other state historical society in the country is supported by state money. The Indiana Society is not an agency of the state and has received small help from that source. In 1859 the minutes of the Society make mention of a "liberal appropriation" from the general assembly to aid the organization. The appropriation amounted to $500. Quartered now here, now there, in Indianapolis, the So- ciety was permitted to move into a room in the present Statehouse on its completion in 1888. The accommodations never have been adequate, and all except committee meet- ings have had to be held elsewhere. The first attempt to get separate building for the housing of the State Library, State Museum and State Historical Society originated in the Society in 1910. It now appears that what had been for years a wistful dream soon will be a fine reality. ACTION BY LEGISLATURE In 1915 the state legislature created as one of the state agencies the Indiana Historical Commission and outlined among its duties co-operation with the Indiana Historical Society and county historical societies over the state. The commission and the society work together in closest harmony for the achievements of common purposes. In December, 1918, the Society started agitation for the writing of a local history of the world war. The commis- sion has the task in hand. One of four proposed volumes has been published. The material for the others is being- put into shape for publication in the near future. In 1919, John H. Holliday, long a member of the society, suggested that all organizations in the state interested in local history should meet once a year in a conference on the subject. The fourth of these conferences is planned for December of this year, to be held, as usual, at the Claypool hotel. The attendance at these conferences and their fruit- fulness have increased every year. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY How much more abundant and accessible might be the documentary historical resources of this state had "The Historical Society of Indiana" (which was changed some- where in the course of four or five revisions of the consti- tution, to "The Indiana Historical Society"), been made in 1830 a special interest of the state government and equipped as a result, with a building and money ! Who can say ? With an increasing membership, meaning more adequate finances, and with the certain promise of a home of its own in the near future, the Indiana Historical Society may say, with one of the soldiers in "Hamlet :" The morn, in russet mantle clad, Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastern hill. Following will be found the Legislative Charter, the re- vised Constitution adopted by the Society April 17, 1886, with subsequent amendments, and a list of its officers and members on January 1, 1923, together with a list of the Society's publications : LEGISLATIVE CHARTER An Act To Incorporate the Indiana Historical Society Approved January 10, 1831 Corporate Style and Powers Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That Benjamin Parke, John H. Farnham, Bethuel F. Morris and James Blake, with their associates, are hereby created and constituted a body politic and cor- porate, by the name and style of the "Indiana Historical Society," and by such name may have perpetual succession, hold, purchase, receive, enjoy and transfer any property, real and personal, have and use a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts of judicature whatever. 10 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Annual Meetings and Elections Sec. 2. There shall be an annual meeting of the mem- bers of said society at the time and place appointed by their constitution ; at which time and place the officers of said so- ciety named in said constitution shall be elected, who shall continue in office until the next annual meeting, and until their successors are elected. The members of said society at such meeting may alter and amend their constitution, change the time of the annual meeting, and frame such laws for the government of said Society as they shall think proper, the same not being inconsistent with the laws and constitution of this State. By-Laws For Society Rules For Officers Sec. 3. The officers of said Society may make such rules for their own government and for carrying into effect the objects of the Society, not inconsistent with its constitution, as they shall think proper; all which, together with their receipts and disbursements, shall be reported to the annual meetings of the Society. Society Entitled to Laws, Journals, Etc. Sec. 4. The secretary of state shall deliver to the officers of said Society one copy of the laws of this State and one copy of the journals of the senate and house of representa- tives, which may hereafter be published, and also copies of the laws and journals of former years, where more than five copies of the same for any one year remain in his office. The secretary shall also deliver to the officers of said Society all books and other articles which have been or may be transmitted to his offijce for the use of said Society. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 11 CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I The name of this Society shall be the Indiana Historical Society. ARTICLE II The objects of the Society shall be the collection and preservation of all materials calculated to shed light on the natural, civil and political history of Indiana, the publication and circulation of his- torical documents, the promotion of useful knowledge, and the friendly and profitable intercourse of such citizens as are disposed to promote these ends. ARTICLE III (As Amended December 28, 1922) There shall be an annual meeting of the Society on the 11th day of December, or approximately thereto, at such hour and place as may be designated by the President of the Society in the notice thereof, which notice shall be sent to each member and published in the daily papers of Indianapolis. A private meeting of the Society may be called at any time by the President, or, in case of death or absence of the President, by any officer of the Society at the request of any three members, and there shall be the like power to call a public meeting at any time on the request of five members. At any meeting six members shall constitute a quorum to transact business. ARTICLE IV (As Amended December 30, 1912) The officers of the Society shall be: First — A President, who shall preside and preserve order at all meetings of the Society. Second — Three Vice-Presidents, one of whom, in the order of election, shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the President. Third — A Corresponding Secretary, who shall be charged with all correspondence required by the affairs of the Society. Fourth — A Recording Secretary, who shall record and preserve the minutes of the Society. Fifth — A Treasurer, who shall receive all monies due the Society, and hold the same subject to its order, and make an annual report of all receipts and disbursements. Sixth — An Executive Committee consisting of the President, Vice- Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurer, and five others to be elected as other officers are chosen, whose duty it shall be to meet on the days upon which the Society holds its sessions or at such other times as they deem expedient; to select subjects for public lectures and appoint the individuals by whom the same shall be delivered at 12 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY the annual meetings of the Society; to attend to the publication of such lectures and other documents as they may deem expedient; to take charge of all books, papers, specimens, models, curiosities, pic- tures, etc., belonging to the society, and to submit reports of their proceedings at the meetings of the Society. They shall have power to make by-laws not inconsistent with the constitution; to direct and superintend all disbursements, and generally to carry into effect all measures not otherwise provided for. Three shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE V (As Amended February 20, 1913) Applications for membership shall be upon written petition and shall be referred to the Executive Committee. The Executive Com- mittee shall have sole and final authority to elect to membership in the Society. ARTICLE VI Officers shall be elected by ballot at the annual meetings of the Society, and shall continue in office for one year, and until their successors are elected. Vacancies in any office may be filled by the Executive Committee until the next meeting of the Society, at which time the vacant office shall be filled by ballot. Any officer may be re- moved from office for malfeasance or misconduct injurious to the Society, under the regulations prescribed for the expulsion of members. ARTICLE VII (As Amended February 20, 1913) Section 1. Each member shall pay into the hands of the Treas- urer two dollars ($2.00) annually as dues. On failure to pay such dues within thirty (30) days after December 31st of each year, or after the delinquent's election to membership, such delinquent shall be suspended from all privileges of membership, without motion, and after thirty (30) days' delinquency during the suspension, after notice by the Secretary, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to strike his name from the rolls, and he shall be no longer a member, nor shall any such person be again eligible for membership until his arrearages are paid. Sec. 2. Every member in good standing in the Society shall be entitled to receive, without charge to himself, a copy of each publi- cation of the Society which shall have been issued during the period of his membership, and the Executive Committee shall have author- ity to authorize the issuance to members of any periodical, publi- cation or magazines over the publication of which the Society has control or to the support of which the Society contributes, without cost to such member. (The provisions of this section may be made retroactive only upon formal action by the Executive Committee INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 13 of the Society, and only as to publications of which, in the judg- ment of the committee, the Society may have a sufficient number to justify such free distribution.) ARTICLE VIII Any member of the Society shall at any time have the right- of withdrawing, upon filing with the Secretary a notice in writing of such intention, accompanied by the Treasurer's receipt in full for all dues. ARTICLE IX This constitution shall be subject to amendment at any meeting of the Society by a vote of three-fourths of the members present: Provided, that an amendment offered at any meeting shall lie over to the next meeting before being adopted. 14 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS 1923 President Charles W. Moores First Vice-President James A. Woodburn Second Vice-President William E. English Third Vice-President Harlow Lindley Secretary Jacob Piatt Dunn Treasurer Charles E. Coffin Assistant Secretary and Treasurer Lucy M. Elliott Executive Committee: Evans Woolen, L. N. Hines, Mrs. Frank Athon Morrison, Lee Burns, Herriott C. Palmer ROSTER OF MEMBERSHIP PATRONS William H. English, Daniel Wait Howe, Delavan Smith HONORARY David S. Jordan Leland Stanford University Oscar J. Craig Missoula, Mont. William H. Mace _ Syracuse, N. Y. Enoch A. Bryan Boise, Idaho Prof. Homer J. Webster Alliance, Ohio George S. Cottman Indianapolis Albert J. Beveridge Indianapolis Claude G. Bowers Fort Wayne SUSTAINING Lucy M. Elliott Tipton Edmund H. Wasmuth Huntington Lewis Weisenburger Indianapolis INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 15 ANNUAL ALLEN COUNTY Breen, William P., 913 Calhoun Fort Wayne Detzer, Mrs. A. J., 910 West Wayne Fort Wayne Foster, David N., 715 Court Fort Wayne Foster, Samuel M Fort Wayne Freeman, Henry R Fort Wayne Griswold, B. J Fort Wayne Hall, Arthur F Fort Wayne Hamilton, Dr. Allen, 337 West Wayne Fort Wayne Hulse, Edwin M Fort Wayne Lockridge, Ross F., 649 West Creighton Ave Fort Wayne McCulloch, J. R Fort Wayne Niezer, Charles M., 1229 West Berry Fort Wayne Taylor, Mrs. Sam R., 1117 Clinton Fort Wayne BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY Hershman, W. H., 1309 Washington Columbus Irwin, William G Columbus Lineberger, Meredith Columbus McEwen, Jane, R. R. 10 Columbus Miller, Hugh Thomas Columbus Newsom, Mrs. Albert G., Highland Farm Columbus Newsom, Vida Columbus Pence, George Columbus Sweeney, Rev. Z. T Columbus Wertz, Samuel Columbus BENTON COUNTY Barce, Elmore Fowler Cockrum, Ida B Earl Park Deeds, Mable L Oxford Dinwiddie, Mrs. John Lee Fowler Kretschmen, H Otterbein Maddox, Mrs. Charles B Otterbein Vanatta, Mrs. Millie T Earl Park BLACKFORD COUNTY Lupton, A. G Hartford City Van Winkle, B. A Hartford City BOONE COUNTY Adler, Phil Lebanon Bynum, Mrs. Cora Lebanon BROWN COUNTY Dickey, Marcus Nashville 16 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CARROLL COUNTY Bowen, Mrs. Caroline F., 404 East Main Delphi Buckley, Mrs. Charles, 207 Cottage Delphi Gros, Mrs. Harriet B., 315 West Main Delphi Odell, John C Delphi Stuart, Ben F Burnettsville Wilson, Henry B Delphi Wilson, Mrs. M indwell Crampton Delphi CASS COUNTY Ballard, Mrs. Mary E., 100 Market Logansport Berry, Mrs. Josephine K., 85 7th Logansport Crain, J. E., 2202 North . Logansport Fenton, Mrs. C. O Logansport Fernald, Mrs. Wilmont L., 1003 North Logansport Frey, Mrs. Carl A., 338 High Logansport Long, B. F Logansport McNitt, James Logansport MacDonald, Mrs. Lillian B Logansport MacDonald, Miss Charlotte Phelps Logansport Miller, Charles, 415 North Logansport Moriarty, Mrs. George E., 228 East Miami Ave Logansport Nelson, Mrs. Mary C Logansport Pugh, John W., 914 Helm Logansport Roberts, Dr. M. J Logansport W'ilson, Wm. T., 206^ Fourth Logansport Wise, Carl S., 830 North Eighth Logansport CLARK COUNTY Fitch, Mrs. Clara H., Marblehead Apt Jeffersonville Hunt, Charles A Jeffersonville Sparks, Mrs. Nathan, 404 East Maple Jeffersonville Taggart, J. E Jeffersonville Warder, Mrs. J. H., 704 East Chestnut Jeffersonville CLAY COUNTY Branson, George Brazil Cromwell, Ralph R Clay City Holliday, Elias S Brazil Schlegel, Clarence O Clay City Zeller, Mrs. Wm. M Brazil CLINTON COUNTY Bayliss, Miss Laura E Frankfort Epstein, Moses Frankfort McKinsey, Mrs. Arthur, 309 South Jackson Frankfort Maish, David Fudge Frankfort Morrison, James W Frankfort INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 17 Sheridan, Mrs. H. C, 409 South Clay Frankfort Wallace, Mrs. R. N, 700 East Clinton Frankfort CRAWFORD COUNTY Austin, AJiss Lelah English DAVIESS COUNTY Allen, Hamlet, 310 East Flora Washington DEARBORN COUNTY Axby, Dr. J. L Lawrenceburg Backman, Mrs. J. J., 336 Sunnyside Ave Aurora Emmert, P. J Lawrenceburg Ewbank, Nellie A Guilford Foulk, Miss Fannie S., 402 George Aurora Lowe, Judge C. A Lawrenceburg Nowlin, Ambrose E Lawrenceburg O'Brien, W. H Lawrenceburg Shaw, Archibald Lawrenceburg Sherrod, Edith Mae Lawrenceburg Sutton, Mrs. H. H Aurora Tebbs, Warren Lawrenceburg Zeigler, D. Paul Lawrenceburg DECATUR COUNTY Goddard, Mrs. John F Greensburg Patton, Miss Edith Greensburg DEKALB COUNTY Green, Clarence Auburn DELAWARE COUNTY Anthony, Mrs. C. H., 211 East Adams Muncie Ball, E. Arthur Muncie Ball, E. B Muncie Ball, Mrs. Frank C Muncie Ball, George A Muncie Ball, Miss Lucy Muncie Ball, Mrs. W. C Muncie Barrett, Mrs. E. W Muncie Earl, Mrs. Elizabeth Claypool, 608 East Main Muncie Heath, Bennett, 714 East Adams Muncie Kemper, G. W. H Muncie Lentz, Miss Florence, 417 West Howard Muncie McGalliard, Alexander, Sr., P. O. Box 307 Muncie Marsh, J. Rodney Muncie Shepard, J. S., 509 South Jefferson Muncie Shirk, Mrs. W. W., 722 East Main Muncie Vatet, Eugene Muncie 18 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY DUBOIS COUNTY Gottfried, Blanche L., 210 South Main Huntingburg Gray, A. L Huntingburg Hunter, Miss Anna Jasper Koerner, Mrs. Louis T Jasper Pickhardt, E. N Huntingburg Rose, Helen Ireland Schneider, Felix L Jasper Traylor, Bomar Jasper Traylor, Mrs. Bomar Jasper Wilson, Mrs. Wm. A Jasper Wilson, Margaret A Jasper ELKHART COUNTY Bartholomew, H. S. K Goshen Beardsley, Mrs. Helen M., 226 East Beardsley Ave Elkhart Boss, Mrs. John C, 227 Franklin Elkhart Kester, Mrs. John, 212 Water Elkhart Miller, Mrs. Alma R., 514 South 7th Goshen Miller, Charles T Goshen Runkle, A. F., 738 Goshen Ave Elkhart FAYETTE COUNTY Barrows, Mrs. Frederick Connersville Carter, Jennie B., Virginia Ave Connersville Conrad, Mrs. Willard Connersville Dragoo, Mrs. Nellie, 717 Grand Ave Connersville Heineman, J. L Connersville Tatman, Mrs. Josephine B., 831 Grand Ave Connersville Thiebaud, B. F., 1829 Virginia Ave Connersville Thiebaud, Mrs. B. F., 1829 Virginia Ave Connersville FLOYD COUNTY Clark, Annette L New Albany Collins, Mrs. H. H., 835 Cedar Bough New Albany Miller, Kenneth A., 1429 Locust New Albany FOUNTAIN COUNTY Clark, O. S Attica Clearwaters, Rev. John F Hillsboro Diffenderfer, Miss Katie Covington Earl, Elijah J Attica Glascock, Miss Verna Covington La Tourrette, Fred, R. R. No. 4 Covington McKinney, Charles R Newtown Nave, Mrs. J. Shannon, 303 East Monroe Attica Reed, Mrs. Worth Covington Rogers, Mrs. Mark Covington INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 19 Spinning, Dr. A. L Covington Whicker, J. Wesley Attica FRANKLIN COUNTY Goodwin, Mrs. Martha Shirk Brookville Harrell, Mrs. S. S Brookville Irwin, M. H Brookville Shirk, John C Brookville Stoops, Harry M Brookville FULTON COUNTY Agnew, Daniel, 917 Monroe Rochester Holman, George W Rochester GIBSON COUNTY Anderson, W. B Oakland City Cockrum, William M Oakland City Duncan, Thomas Princeton Embree, L. C Princeton Ford, Elinor K Fort Branch Kerr, Charles I., 831 William Oakland City Mason, Dr. G. C Oakland City Stormont, Gil. R Princeton Strain, A. F Princeton Thompson, Miss Eva H Owensville GRANT COUNTY Baldwin, Edgar M Fairmount Case, Miss Florence Marion Condo, Gus S Marion Goble, W. O Swayzee Lindsay, George D Marion Sparks, John F Summitville Stover, Wm. J., 415 West 38th Marion Vayhinger, Mrs. Culla J Upland GREEN COUNTY Baker, Maysel O Worthington Hays, Mrs. B. F Worthington Kirk, Charles C, Box 181 Lyons Maddock, Wm. B Bloomfield Mullenbeck, Miss Tonie Worthington Perrott, Ward Linton Powell, Wm. J Jasonville HAMILTON COUNTY Adams, Mrs. Josephine Noblesville Brown, Miss Marianna Carmel Brunner, Mrs. Olive B Carmel 20 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Christian, Ira W Noblesville Osborne, Virgile G Cicero Thistlethwaite, Mrs. Daisy R Sheridan Vestal, Meade Noblesville Zimmerman, F. W., Route 4 Noblesville HANCOCK COUNTY Black, Miss Margaret Greenfield Steele, Miss Bessie S McCordsville HARRISON COUNTY Carroll, Miss Grace Laconia Griffin, Jennie Corydon Jordan, D. A Corydon O'Bannon, Lew M Corydon O'Bannon, Lillian K Corydon Pfrimmer, Samuel Corydon Wilson, Thomas J Corydon HENDRICKS COUNTY Adams, Thad. S Danville Leak, Roscoe R Lizton Stephenson, Wendell H Plainfield Strause, David Danville HENRY COUNTY Goodwin, Frances M., 320 South Main New Castle Halt, John G. Spiceland Jenckes, George Flagg Kennard Osborn, Arthur W Spiceland Shockley, Mrs. Emma Straughn Smith, Clarence H., 542 South 14th New Castle Wilson, Mrs. Isadore H Spiceland Woodward, Mrs. Ella Adkins Knightstown Woody, Miss Maude, 1602 Indiana Ave New Castle HOWARD COUNTY Frederick, J. E Kokomo Haworth, C. V Kokomo Moore, Mrs. John E., 902 West Mulberry Kokomo Morgan, Rollin J Kokomo Ross, Mrs. Geo. W., 215 South McCann Kokomo Sage, Miss Margaret, 408 West Taylor Kokomo Smith, N. B., 202 Citizens Bank Bldg Kokomo Vrooman, H. W., 505 East Walnut Kokomo HUNTINGTON COUNTY Baker, Mrs. Mae C Huntington Dick, Mrs. Jacob, 1068 North Jefferson Huntington INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 21 Feightner, Milo Huntington Felter, Mrs. Frank Huntington Rodgers, Mrs. Nellie Barrett, 231 Oak Huntington Wasmuth, Edmund M Huntington JACKSON COUNTY Alldredge, Henry D Vallonia Andrews, Kate F Seymour Cox, R. A Seymour Mott, T. A Seymour Sanders, Miss Carrie, Box 126 Brownstown Sanders, Miss Martha Brownstown JASPER COUNTY Alter, John E., R. R. 2 „■ Rensselaer Gwin, Mrs. John I Rensselaer Hamilton, L. H Rensselaer Hanley, Mrs. C. W Rensselaer Murray, Gerald E Rensselaer Pullin, Mrs. Joseph C Rensselaer Ross, Mrs. Ora Thompson Rensselaer Welsh, Frank, R. R. 4 Rensselaer Williams, Judge George A Rensselaer JAY COUNTY Fiers, James Walter Redkey Gilpin, Levi L Portland Griest, William, 416 East High Portland Hall, G. W Portland Haynes, S. W Portland Webb, J. C Portland JEFFERSON COUNTY Chapman, A. S Madison Chapman, Mrs. Harry M Madison Cravens, Drusilla L Madison Cravens, Joseph M Madison Schwab, Miss Nora Madison Young, Mrs. A. H Hanover JENNINGS COUNTY Bantz, George W North Vernon Barth, Mrs. Herman E North Vernon Benson, Mrs. Emma F., L. B. 42 Vernon Carney, Judge John Ralph Vernon Eastman, Carl C, R. R. 3 North Vernon Hargesheimer, Cora B. T., Box 33 Vernon Loftus, Miss Anna Vernon Pearce, Emma K., R. R. 2 North Vernon 22 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Wagner, Mrs. Elmer Vernon Wohrer, Mrs. Alice J., R. R. 6 North Vernon JOHNSON COUNTY Aiken, W. W Franklin Bailey, Mrs. E. C Franklin Bowman, Margaret Elva Edinburg Branigin, Elba L Franklin Craft, Mrs. Eliza F. Ogle Franklin Graham, John N Franklin Johnson, Florence Maude Franklin Johnson, Grafton Greenwood Johnson, Mrs. R. M., 235 West Madison Franklin Knudson, John Franklin Palmer, Miss Herriott C Franklin Sherwood, Henry Noble Franklin Shufflebarger, Cadd L Bargersville Thompson, Miss Rebecca J., 198 East Jefferson Franklin Todd, Mrs. Robt. A., 60 East Madison Franklin Wallace, Dr. B., 54 North Water Franklin Voris, Mrs. M. J Franklin KNOX COUNTY Alsop, George R Vincennes Bayard, J. L Vincennes Brouillette, Maurice A., R. R. 1 Vincennes Burns, Peter J., 602 North 2nd Vincennes Davidson, Miss Ella Vincennes Emison, Estelle, 411 North 4th Vincennes Emison, Mrs. James, 411 North 4th Vincennes Holland, Margaret C Vincennes Jones, Frankie I., 109 East 6th Bicknell Judah, Samuel B Vincennes Kessinger, C. R Vincennes Mason, William Clark Vincennes O'Flynn, Anna C, 504 Perry Vincennes Reed, W. C Vincennes Riddle, Mrs. Effie Vincennes Riddle, John A Vincennes Rielas, Raymond E Vincennes Sager, Ben Vincennes Simpson, Henry M Vincennes Smith, E. H., 429 Busseron Vincennes KOSCIUSKO COUNTY Frazer, Harriet D Warsaw Loehr, William Gray Warsaw McConnell, F. M Warsaw Royse, Judge L. W Warsaw INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 23 LaGRANGE COUNTY Brown, Charles W LaGrange LAKE COUNTY Bowers, John O., 525 Van Buren Gary Holmes, C. O Gary Knickerbocker, Miss Mamie, 600 Jefferson Gary Knotts, A. F Gary MacDowall, Harry, 440 Adams Gary Matthew, Wm. H., 790 Broadway Gary Meyer, LeGrand T., First Natl. Bank Hammond Neil-Beaudette, E. Palma Hammond Norton, H. S Gary LA PORTE COUNTY Feallock, Mrs. W. J., 402 East 8th Michigan City Hood, Miss Laura, 1005 Harrison La Porte Meissner, Mrs. Mary N., 905 Maple Ave La Porte Osborn, Kenneth D La Porte Rumely, Fannie Scott La Porte Schurz, Edwin La Porte Vail, Mrs. G. T., 801 Spring Michigan City LAWRENCE COUNTY Alexander, Nell G. Boruff Bedford Andrews, John R Bedford Askew, Mrs. Harry E., 1424 West 18th Bedford Bex, M. N Williams Brooks, Mrs. Thomas J., 1318 West 14th Bedford Otis, Fred B Bedford MADISON COUNTY Black, James C, 304 West 13th Anderson Brady, Arthur L Anderson Clark, R. B Anderson Cox, Mary E Elwood Durbin, Mrs. H. C, 132 West 11th Anderson Howe, Hazel, R. R. 12, Box 25 Anderson Kehrer, Mrs. Ella Bagot, 211 East 10th Anderson Lusk, Miss Ida L., 2131 Fletcher Anderson May, Mrs. Annie L., 622 West 10th Anderson Pettijohn, S. A., 2220 Meridian Anderson Phillips, S. G Alexandria Williams, Mrs. John C Anderson Wright, Wilbur F Lapel MARION COUNTY Adams, Will H., 418-419 State House Indianapolis Allemong, Miss Nell, 10 North Keystone Ave Indianapolis 24 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Anderson, Miss Alice, 32y 2 Monument Circle Indianapolis Baker, Mrs. Fannie K., 1701 North New Jersey Indianapolis Balcom, Frank S., 3634 Birchwood Ave Indianapolis Baldwin, Mrs. Elizabeth M., 234 East Pratt, Apt. 36 Indianapolis Ball, A. J., Room 225, State House Indianapolis Barnett, John T., 155 East Market Indianapolis Barnhill, Dr. John F., 2008 North Alabama Indianapolis Barnhill, Mrs. John F., 2008 North Alabama Indianapolis Barr, Mrs. Esther C, 388 South Arlington Ave Indianapolis Barry, Charles L., 3302 Washington Blvd Indianapolis Bass, George F., 801 Hume-Mansur Bldg Indianapolis Bates, Hervey, Jr., 1221 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Bates, William O., 756 M. D. Woodruff Place Indianapolis Baxter, Mrs. Alice, 75 North Audubon Road Indianapolis Beck, Mrs. Henry, 1428 North New Jersey Indianapolis Beck, William S., 1831 North Meridian Indianapolis Bennett, Henry W., 1023 North Delaware Indianapolis Beveridge, Albert J., 4164 Washington Blvd Indianapolis Bicknell, Mrs. Cora McDermott, 333 South Rural Indianapolis Binkley, Mrs. Georgiana H., 402 North Delaware Indianapolis Bodemer, Lena, No. 37 The Wyandot Indianapolis Brayton, Dr. Alembert W., 2125 Broadway Indianapolis Brown, Mrs. Agnes Fletcher, 1140 East Market Indianapolis Brown, Austin H., 406 East 15th Indianapolis Brown, Chester G., Columbia Club Indianapolis Browning, Eliza Gordon, City Library Indianapolis Brown, Mrs. Wm. J., Winter Apt., North Meridian Indianapolis MARION COUNTY— Continued Buchanan, Charles J., 320 North Illinois Indianapolis Burnet, Mrs. H. B., 1864 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Burns, Lee, 847 Lemcke Building Indianapolis Butler, Amos W., 52 Downey Ave Indianapolis Buttz, Dr. R. J., 3225 Bellefontaine Indianapolis Carey, Mrs. John N., 1150 North Meridian Indianapolis Carr, Mrs. Elizabeth S., 1122 State Life Bldg Indianapolis Carter, Vinson, 1034 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Catterson, Mrs. Jean McOuat, 120 West 33d Indianapolis Cartwright, Mrs. Mary J. C, 5717 Central Ave Indianapolis Chappell, Dr. Ralph S., 305 Terminal Bldg Indianapolis Clarke, Mrs. Grace Julian, 115 South Audubon Road Indianapolis Cline, Dr. and Mrs. L. C, 5616 Central Ave Indianapolis Coffin, Charles E., 1213 North Meridian Indianapolis Coffin, Miss Florence Worth, 105 East Pratt Indianapolis Colbert, Miss Emma, 2302 Parke Ave Indianapolis Cole, B. W., 5610 East Washington Indianapolis Coleman, Lewis A., 3535 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Cook, Mrs. John W., 550 Sutherland Ave Indianapolis IXDIASfA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 25 Cottman, George S., 336 North Ritter Ave Indianapolis Coval, Willis N., 1426 North New Jersey Indianapolis Craig, Mrs. Robt. C, 16 Maplewood Court Indianapolis Cravens, Mrs. Theodore, 1433 Bellefontaine Indianapolis Crowe, Ethel Elinor, 629 East 25th Indianapolis Crowe, Jennie B., 629 East 25th Indianapolis Crowe, Walter, 629 East 25th Indianapolis Cruse, Agnes, 409 Chamber of Commerce Indianapolis Cunningham, Mrs. Adda, 5634 Guilford Indianapolis Daily, Thomas A., 1003 Lemcke Bldg Indianapolis Davis, Bessie LaRue, 806 North Delaware Indianapolis Davis, Lawrence D., 860 Broadway Indianapolis Dean, Mrs. Ella M., 1114 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Dean, Edward H., 1307 North Meridian Indianapolis Dean, John C, University Club Indianapolis Dean, Mrs. Kate Noble, 1307 North Meridian Indianapolis DeMoss, Mrs. Karl S., 826 North Beville Ave ...Indianapolis Donnan, Emma, 232- North Capitol Ave Indianapolis Donnan, Laura, 232 N. Capitol Ave Indianapolis Dillan, Florence Eva., 817 Hume-Mansur Bldg Indianapolis Dorsey, Robert L., 4466 Guilford Ave Indianapolis Dunlop, Mrs. G. Quincey, 3493 Birchwood Ave Indianapolis Dunn, Jacob Piatt, 915 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Earp, Dr. Samuel E., 634 Occidental Bldg Indianapolis Elder, Mrs. Laura B., 921 North Delaware Indianapolis Eller, Zenith May, 143 North Highland Ave Indianapolis Ellington, Ernest T., 407 Fletcher Sav. & Trust Bldg Indianapolis Elliott, Miss Helen, Apt. 46, The Blacherne Indianapolis Elliott, Margaret M., Supt, Women's Prison Indianapolis Emerson, Dr. Charles P., 802 Hume-Mansur Bldg Indianapolis English, Wm. E., English Hotel Indianapolis Ewbank, Louis A., State House Indianapolis Fairbanks, Adelaide, 1421 Central Ave Indianapolis Fauvre, Mrs. Frank M., 408 Marion Bldg Indianapolis Ferger, Mrs. Mariah Bradley, 104 East Maple Road Indianapolis Ferguson, Dr. C. E., 412 East 17th Indianapolis Finch, Miss Alice, 2047 North New Jersey Indianapolis Flanner, Frank B., 320 North Illinois Indianapolis Fletcher, Robert Malott, 627 W. D. Woodruff Place Indianapolis Forsyth. Edgar T., Shortridge High School Indianapolis Fortune, Will, 409 Chamber of Commerce Indianapolis Foster, Mrs. Harriett M., The Blacherne Indianapolis Gavin, Frank E., 1004 North Delaware Indianapolis Gavisk, Rev. Francis H., Rector, St. John's Church -..Indianapolis Geddes, Mrs. Robert, 1141 North Delaware Indianapolis Glosbrenner, Harry W., 250 West Ohio Indianapolis Greenough, Walter S., 556 East Fall Creek Indianapolis Greenwood, W. J., 901 Hume-Mansur Bldg Indianapolis 26 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Gresham, Otto, 1727 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Guthrie, Mrs. W. A., 10 East Market Indianapolis Haines, Rev. Matthias L., 216 East 13th Indianapolis Hamilton, Mrs. Fannie, 2011 North Alabama Indianapolis Hamilton, R. I., 910 Lemcke Bldg Indianapolis Hanna, Charles T., 1003 Lemcke Annex Indianapolis Hannah, Mrs. Helen R., 848 West New York Indianapolis Hardisty, Lelia G., 1473 East 16th Indianapolis Harris, Mrs. India, 1444 North Meridian Indianapolis Harrison, Mrs. Margaret, 1140 East Market Indianapolis Haworth, Paul L West Newton Haymond, Claude J., 861 West 29th Indianapolis Heiskell, Mrs. William L., 2253 North Delaware Indianapolis Helms, G. L., City Trust Company Indianapolis Hendricks, Mrs. Jane T., 1127 Meridian Indianapolis Hendricks, Thomas A., 2518 Broadway Indianapolis Herron, Mrs. Clara G., 1412 North Alabama Indianapolis Hills, C. C, Hume-Mansur Bldg Indianapolis Hitz, Mrs. Elizabeth H., 1922 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Hoagland, Miss Merica E., 135 East 20th Indianapolis Hobbs, E. M. C, 2507 College Ave Indianapolis Hodde, Miss Minnie, 1138 North Oxford Indianapolis Hodges, Mrs. Edward F., 1134 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Hogan, William J., 238 South Pennsylvania Indianapolis Holliday, Alexander R., 1235 North New Jersey Indianapolis Holliday, Mrs. John H., 1121 North Meridian Indianapolis Holliday, Mrs. J. S., 1010 North Delaware Indianapolis Holmes, Mrs. Josephine, 2164 North Capitol Ave Indianapolis Howe, Miss Sue, 1403 North Delaware Indianapolis Huebner, Miss Elsa, 2406 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Hufford, Mrs. Lois G., 1217 Park Ave Indianapolis Huffstetter, H. C, 2350 North New Jersey Indianapolis Hugg, Martin, 234 North Delaware Indianapolis Hughes, Mrs. Caroline L., 3055 North Meridian, Apt. 18.. Indianapolis Hurty, Dr. J. N., 31 East 11th Indianapolis Hussey, Mary B., 735 W. D. Woodruff Place Indianapolis Hutchinson, Ethyl T., 960 North Delaware Indianapolis Insley, Wm. H., 445 North Audubon Road Indianapolis Iske, Miss Louise M., 629 South New Jersey Indianapolis Jackson, Miss Grace, 136 East Washington Indianapolis Jeffries, Mrs. Jennie F., 5329 University Ave Indianapolis Johnson, Emsley M., 3328 North New Jersey Indianapolis Judah, John M., 949 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Kackley, Mrs. T. R., 1321 North Meridian Indianapolis Kappes, Wm. P., 517 Indiana Trust Bldg Indianapolis Kasper, G. M., 4565 College Ave Indianapolis Katley, Miss Alice, 431 East Pratt Indianapolis Kautz, F. R., 4059 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 27 Kelsey, Miss Frances M., 1817 Broadway Indianapolis Kershner, Mrs. Jessie C, 79 The Rink Indianapolis Ketcham, Mrs. William, 4139 Capitol Ave.... ..Indianapolis Kistler, Edward Haines, 2123 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Xolff, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk H. A., Route A, Box 231..... .Bridgeport Kregelo, Mrs. Laura E., 1902 North Illinois Indianapolis Krull, Mrs. Frederic, 1452 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Kruse, Mrs. Barbara E., 522 North New Jersey, Apt 39..Indianapolis Kyle, Mrs. Edith K., 2225 Bellefontaine Indianapolis Landers, W. F., 1832 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Lawrence, Ellis, 521 East 22nd Indianapolis Lee, Mary E., 1210 North Tacoma....~ Indianapolis Leete, Bishop Frederick D., 3620 Washington Blvd Indianapolis Lemon, Charles M., 150 E. Market Indianapolis Lenahan, Miss Marie, 221 Hamilton Ave Indianapolis Lesh, Charles P., 3650 Central Ave Indianapolis Lesh, Charlotte, 3650 Central Ave Indianapolis Lesh, Mrs. Charles P., 3650 Central Ave Indianapolis Lieber, Carl H., 1205 North Alabama Indianapolis Lilly, Eli, 1239 North Delaware Indianapolis Lilly, Josiah K, (Eli Lilly & Co.) Indianapolis Link, Mrs. M. B., 3610 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Locke, Anna M., 1923 North Illinois St Indianapolis MacFall, Russell T., 1216 State Life Bldg Indianapolis McBride, Robert W., 1239 State Life Bldg Indianapolis McComb, E. H. Kemper, Emmerich High School Indianapolis McCoy, Mrs. Harriett A., 325 East North Indianapolis McCray, Franklin, 216-217 Baldwin Bldg Indianapolis McCray, Governor Warren T., State House Indianapolis Mcintosh, Mrs. Laura Pepper, 525 Central Court South. .Indianapolis McKee, Edward L., 1443 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis McMasters, W. S., Indiana Trust Bldg Indianapolis McNeil, Hallie, 919 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis McNeil, Mrs. Sarah E., 919 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis McNitt, Esther, State Library Indianapolis McPheeters, Mrs. Thaddeus H., 52 North Audubon Rd... Indianapolis McWhirter, Mrs. Luella F.,1455 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Malott, Macy W., 558 North Delaware Indianapolis Martin, Gary, 3035 Capitol Ave Indianapolis Martindale, Charles, 821 Lemcke Bldg Indianapolis Mason, Augustus M., 1006 North Delaware Indianapolis Mayer, Mrs. Charles, 1321 North Meridian Indianapolis Medaris, Miss Alta M., 664 Colorado Ave Indianapolis Meehan, Lena, Union Trust Co Indianapolis Merrill, Mrs. Charles W., 1125 North Delaware Indianapolis Merry, Blanche, State House Indianapolis Metzger, Albert E., 3120 North Meridian Indianapolis Miller, D. S., 318 Burgess Ave Indianapolis 28 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Miller, Winfield, 3105 North Meridian Indianapolis Moll, T. ]., 75 Court House Indianapolis Money, Charles H., 2033 Ashland Ave Indianapolis Moore, Ethel, 1525 North Meridian Indianapolis Moore, Jesse C, 1821 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Moore, Julia Harrison, 937 Fairfield Ave Indianapolis Moore, J. H., 114 South Ritter Ave Indianapolis Moores, Charles W., 1300 Fletcher Sav. & Trust Bldg.. -Indianapolis Moores, Merrill, 2020 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Morgan, Dewitt S., Arsenal Technical School Indianapolis Morrison, Mrs. Frank Athon, 1422 Park Ave Indianapolis Moynahan, Mrs. Mary B., 1410 Park Ave Indianapolis Murphy, Maurice, 3344 North Capitol Ave Indianapolis Musselman, Mrs. Ella, 1641 North Capitol Ave Indianapolis Negley, Harry E., American Life Bldg Indianapolis Newcomb, Florence S., 3057 Broadway Indianapolis Nicholson, Miss Elizabeth, 1233 Broadway Indianapolis Noel, Miss Elizabeth B., 1614 Central Ave Indianapolis Noel, James W., 919 Lemcke Bldg Indianapolis Nicholson, Meredith, Winter Apt., Meridian Indianapolis Oertle, Anna L., 136 East 50th Indianapolis Olive, George Scott, 3936 Central Ave Indianapolis Oliver, Dr. John W., State House Indianapolis Parry, St. Clair, 3010 North Meridian Indianapolis Parsons, Rosalind English, Apt. 128, Hotel English Indianapolis Perkins, Edgar A., 337 Downey Ave Indianapolis Perkins, Mrs. Susah E. H., 1011 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Pierce, H. D., 214 Vinton Pierce Bldg Indianapolis Pittenger, O. M., 42nd St. and Monon R. R Indianapolis Potter, M. A., 1704 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Rabb, Mrs. Kate Milner, 1433 North Penn., Apt. 410 Indianapolis Railsback, Mrs. Charles, 1628 North Illinois Indianapolis Rainey, Miss Elizabeth, 1541 North Gale Indianapolis Ralston, Hon. Samuel M., R. R. M Indianapolis Ramsay, Frank R., 5345 East Washington Indianapolis Rappaport, Leo M., 609 Fletcher Sav. & Trust Bldg Indianapolis Reade, Mrs. Anna R., 409 East 31st Indianapolis Reid, Miss Julia Chapman, 2253 North Alabama Indianapolis Reynolds, John B., Chamber of Commerce Indianapolis Rice, E. A., Shortridge High School Indianapolis Richardson, E. H., 4020 Guilford Ave Indianapolis Roberts, Mrs. Perry S., 2537 Parkway Blvd Indianapolis Robinson, Mrs. Clarence O., 1531 Broadway Indianapolis Robinson, Mary Yandes, 18th and North Pennsylvania.. Indianapolis Ross, Mrs. Morris, 1343 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Routh, Miss Alma Ashley, 707 W. D. Woodruff Place. ..Indianapolis Ruehl, Miss Olga, 1830 Commerce Ave Indianapolis Rumpler, Mrs. E. C, 88 Whittier Place Indianapolis INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 29 Runnels, O. S., 1325 North New Jersey Indianapolis .Rush, Charles E., City Library.... Indianapolis Ryan, Horace E., L. S. Ayres & Co ..Indianapolis Schmuck, Adolph, c/o Indianapolis News Indianapolis Schurmann, Lida Heaton, 1203 North Meridian ...Indianapolis Scott, Carrie E., Public Library Indianapolis Scott, Margaret M., No. 3, 419 East 22nd . Indianapolis Scudder, Miss Jane, R. R. C, Box 193 Indianopolis Setzer, J. D., 1828 Broadway Indianapolis Severin, Theodore S., Golden Hill Indianapolis Seyfried, Henry, 802 Fidelity Trust Indianapolis Sharpe, Miss Anna T., 1314 North Delaware Indianapolis Sharpe, Mrs. Harriet E., 1917 Broadway Indianapolis Shea, Joseph H., 856 W. D. Woodruff Place Indianapolis Sharpe, Julia Graydon, 1704 North Delaware Indianapolis Shipp, May Louise, 415 East 12th Indianapolis Shirley, Cassius C, 1311 Fletcher Sav. & Trust Bldg Indianapolis Shotwell, Grier M., 611 Chamber of Commerce Indianapolis Shuler, Mrs. Margaret L., 1104 Fletcher Trust Bldg Indianapolis Shumaker, E. G., 706 State Life Bldg. Indianapolis Sims, Fred A., 1603 Merchants Bank Bldg Indianapolis Sinclair, Helen, 149 West 20th Indianapolis Slack, L. Ert, 807 Hume-Mansur Bldg Indianapolis Small, Albert G., 1504 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Smith, Adj. Gen. Harry B., 208 State House Indianapolis Smith, Mrs. S. M., 2262 Central Ave Indianapolis Smythe, Miss Myrtle, 656 East 12th Indianapolis Speers, H. A. O., 1708 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Spradling, Birney D., 4433 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis Springhorn, Mrs. Sophia, 2014 North Talbott Ave Indianapolis Stein, Theodore, 241 Consolidated Bldg Indianapolis Stempfel, Theodore, Fletcher American Natl. Bank Indianapolis Stout, W. H., 2254 North Capitol Ave Indianapolis Stover, Urban C, 525 Indiana Trust Bldg Indianapolis Stratton, Melvin B., 1556 Deloss Indianapolis Streightoff, Frank H., 317 East 13th Indianapolis Sullivan, William G., 1545 North Meridian Indianapolis Swan, James M., 123 West Market Indianapolis Sweetser, Mrs. E. H., Spink Arms Indianapolis Tarkington, John S., 3219 North New Jersey Indianapolis Taylor, Miss Anna Dean, 1842 North Delaware Indianapolis Taylor, Ferris T., 1842 North Delaware Indianapolis Teel, William Ross, 215 Peoples Bank Bldg Indianapolis Thompson, Charles N., 1824 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Toole, Mrs. O. S., 514 M. D. Woodruff Place Indianapolis Torrey, George C, Jr., 226 East 15th Indianapolis Turrell. Mrs. Anna, John Herron Art Institute Indianapolis V'anier, J. Olias, 605 State Life Bldg Indianapolis 30 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Van Voorhis, Mrs. John S., 1222 Linden Indianapolis; Vestal, Miss May, 2855 Highland Place Indianapolis Vonnegut, Theodore F., 1333 Park Ave Indianapolis. Voorhees, Fanny Vajen, 1321 North Meridian Indianapolis Wagner, Mrs. Theodore, 1445 Broadway Indianapolis Wallace, Bertha C, 1655 North Alabama, Apt. 31 Indianapolis Wampler, Frank, 2161 North Meridian Indianapolis Warmoth, George W., 3140 Parke Ave Indianapolis Warner, Mrs. E. W., 2709 North Meridian Indianapolis. Weinstein, Mrs. Leo J., 1232 North Alabama Indianapolis Weisenburger, Lewis, 1421 North Delaware Indianapolis. Wicks, Rev. F. S. C, 1453 North Alabama Indianapolis Wiles, Mrs. Cora Y., 2238 Talbott Ave Indianapolis Wilkinson, Orville A., 1804 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Williams, Charles N., Farmers Trust Bldg Indianapolis Williams, Delle I., 237^ East Pratt Indianapolis Williams, Mrs. Minnie Olcott, 2531 North Talbott Ave. ..Indianapolis Willard, A. L., 1147-48 Consolidated Bldg Indianapolis Wilson, George R., State Life Bldg Indianapolis Wilson, Henry Lane, Spink Arms Hotel Indianapolis Wilson, Mrs. Nellie M., 4172 Carrollton Ave Indianapolis Wilson, Mrs. W. T., 3055 North Meridian Indianapolis Wishard, Mrs. Wm. Niles, 2050 North Delaware Indianapolis Wolcott, Mrs. Benjamin, 1455 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Wolcott, E. H., 3103 North Meridian Indianapolis Wood, Mrs. Frank W., 2933 North Meridian Indianapolis Wood, Wm. Allen, 2502 North Alabama Indianapolis Woods, Mrs. C. W., 2419 Park Ave Indianapolis Woolen, Evans, Fletcher Sav. & Trust Co Indianapolis Wright, John S., 3718 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Wynn, Mrs. Frank B., 4047 North Pennsylvania Indianapolis Wynn, Thomas A., Light and Heat Company Indianapolis Young, Dr. Harry A., 325 East North, Apt. 8 Indianapolis MARSHALL COUNTY Compton, Mrs. George Bourbon Cordick, Miss Mary Plymouth Cressner, Miss Nellie Plymouth Davis, Mrs. Joseph W., Jr Bourbon Firestone, Miss Alda Bourbon Fogel, Mrs. Louise Tyrrel Bourbon Fribley, Mrs. Delia Bourbon Fribley, Mrs. F. F Bourbon Fribley, Mrs. J. H Bourbon Gignilliat, L. R., Gen « Culver Graham, Mrs. C. M Bourbon Hilles, Mrs. Howard Bourbon Kehler, Miss Miriam Bourbon INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 31 Ladd, Miss Katharine Bourbon Logan, Harley A Plymouth Martin, Mrs. Minnie M Bourbon Mobray, Ralph H., Culver Military Academy Culver Morris Florence Culver New, Mrs. John Arnold Bourbon Nue, Mrs. C. H Bourbon Oberlin, Dr. Lura E Culver O'Keefe, Miss Esther Kathleen Plymouth Shakes, C. W Bourbon Shcroeter, Miss Eva Bourbon Slough, Mrs. O. H Bourbon Soke, Oliver G Plymouth Swindell, Minne H Plymouth Tyrrell, Mrs. Evah Bourbon Tyrrell, Mrs. Helen Bourbon Underwood, Mrs. Eva L., 401 North Center Plymouth Willey, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., 516 North Center Plymouth Wood, Mrs. Charles Bourbon MARTIN COUNTY Haigerty, J. M Loogootee MIAMI COUNTY Edwards, Mrs. Alice S Peru Edwards, R. A Peru Edwards, Mrs. Richard E Peru Kraus, Milton H. (Washington, D. C.) Peru Rockenbach, Etelka J., 71 East Third Peru Shirk, Joseph H Peru Stehle, Andrew A., 213 East 6th Peru MONTGOMERY COUNTY Cowan, Dr. E. H Crawfordsville Gipson, Prof. L. H., Wabash College Crawfordsville Gregg, O. M., 112 North Water Crawfordsville Palin, E. N Wingate Ristine, Theodore H Crawfordsville Ristine, Dr. W. H Crawfordsville Ross, Mrs. Charles W Crawfordsville Schrum, John L Crawfordsville Taylor, Dr. John M Crawfordsville Walkup, Miss Mary Elizabeth New Ross Watson, Miss Jessie C, 105 North Blair Crawfordsville Whittington, Mrs. W. T Crawfordsville MONROE COUNTY Anderson, Mrs. S. M., R. R. 3 Bloomington Benns, Lee F., Indiana University Bloomington 32 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Bryan, W. S., Indiana University Bloomington Chamness, Ivy L., Indiana University Bloomington Cravens, John W., Indiana University Bloomington Esarey, Logan, Indiana University Bloomington Farmer, Mrs. Charles, 329 South Walnut Bloomington Henley, Mrs. J. E., 532 North Walnut Bloomington Miller, Robert G Bloomington Williams, Oscar H., 609 South Tess Ave Bloomington Woodburn, James A. (Present Address 132 Hemenway, Boston) Bloomington MORGAN COUNTY Burton, Mrs. J. S Martinsville Caldwell, Miss Bessie Martinsville Mehan, M. S Martinsville NEWTON COUNTY Ade, George Brook Alter, Lewis S Goodland Arrick, Mrs. Sarah Goodland Babcock, A. D Goodland Darroch, William Kentland Mitten, A. G., R. F. D. 1 Goodland Sammons, Hume L Kentland NOBLE COUNTY Jacobs, A. M Kendalville McCray, E. E Kendalville ORANGE COUNTY Brooks, William H., R. R Orleans Bruner, Alfred W Paoli Buskirk, Thos. B., Sr Paoli McCart, Arthur Paoli Ratts, Senator Oscar Paoli Shirley, Miss Mary Margaret Orleans Trinkle, Jesse M Paoli Troth, Will V West Baden OWEN COUNTY Anderson, Carl Spencer Andersom, Mrs. Carl Spencer Beem, David E Spencer Gray, L. R Gosport Lombard, Mrs. Mary C Spencer Pierce, Mrs. H. C, R. R. 1 Montezuma Sanders, Miss Ura Gosport INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 33 PARKE COUNTY Broderick, Mary F Montezuma Carter, Dr. Amos D Rockville Carter, Mrs. Elva T Rockville Catlin, Mrs. T. H Rockville Cox, William N Bloomingdale Dooley, Rufus Rockville Dooley, Mrs. Rufus Rockville Hobbs, Mrs. Lenora N Bloomingdale Kirkpatrick, Miss Margaret Rockville PERRY COUNTY Gaesser, Theo T Troy Keller, H. W Troy PIKE COUNTY Stoops, Mrs. Alice P Petersburg Thompson, Mrs. Sylvester Petersburg PORTER COUNTY Beach, George F., 302 Jefferson Valparaiso Benham, Mrs. Cora, Valparaiso University Valparaiso Corboy, Miss Catharine, 501 East Monroe Valparaiso Dickover, Marsh L Valparaiso Kelly, Daniel E Valparaiso Mavity, John M Valparaiso Rheinhardt, W. F., Box 54 Valparaiso POSEY COUNTY Elliott, Mrs. Phoebe New Harmony Fretageot, Mrs. Nora New Harmony Johnston, Mrs. Charles Mt. Vernon Waters, George J Posey ville PULASKI COUNTY Record, Claude M Medarysville PUTNAM COUNTY Alvord, Katharine S Greencastle Denny, James T Greencastle Gobin, H. A Greencastle Hamilton, Ed. C Greencastle Longdon, Henry B Greencastle Miller, John R Greencastle Sweet, W. W Greencastle RANDOLPH COUNTY Bailey, G. L Ridgeville Bales, Alonzo L Winchester 34 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Greist, O. H Winchester Kabel, Philip , Winchester Marlatt, Mary C Winchester Ward, Mabel E Union City Wilmore, Augustus C Winchester RIPLEY COUNTY Bohland, Michael F Batesville Castner, Will P Holton Creigmile, Robert A Osgood Fitch, Mrs. Mary H. S Spades Hassmer, Joseph A., R. R. 2 Osgood McCoy, Dailey E Versailles Robinson, W. D Versailles Row, Mrs. P. A Osgood Shook, O. P Holton Townsend, Clay J Osgood Wycoff, Mrs. Minnie Batesville RUSH COUNTY Beale, Fred R Rushville Bohannon, Anna L Rushville Case, Mrs. J. D Rushville Cox, Miles S Rushville Foster, Glen E Rushville Gary, Abraham L Rushville Henley, William R Carthage Mcllwain, Frank Rushville Lee, Mrs. Ida M Rushville Mansfield, Robert E Rushville Mulbarger, Guy E Rushville Payne, Earl H Rushville Payne, Ralph Rushville Stech, John P Rushville ST. JOSEPH COUNTY Boone, Franklin M., 216 West Washington Ave South Bend Campbell, Marvin, 803 South Main South Bend Carlisle, Mrs. C. A South Bend Elbel, Fred, 1008 North Colfax Ave South Bend Hibberd, Carl L., 616 Park Ave South Bend Hibberd, John A South Bend Kettring, Mrs. E. G., 767 Oliver Bldg South Bend Kimble, H. V., 215 East South South Bend Montgomery, Dr. H. T South Bend Northern Indiana Historical Society South Bend Pollock, David, 807 East Jefferson South Bend Probasco, Mrs. Margaret O., 419 L. Highway Mishawaka INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 35 Shafer, John I South Bend Stanfield, H. S., 311 West Washington Ave South Bend Stoltz, Dr. Charles, 311 West Jefferson Blvd South Bend Thielens, A. B., 1026 North Michigan South Bend Tutt, Virginia M South Bend SCOTT COUNTY Boyd, Permelia Scottsburg Gamble, Alice Jeannette Scottsburg Gladden, Elijah A Scottsburg Storen, Will Scottsburg SPENCER COUNTY Day, David I Richland Swan, Mrs. E. M Rockport Wright, Mrs. Lizzie B Rockport SULLIVAN COUNTY Alumbaugh, Harry T Carlisle Cheney, John C Sullivan Harris, Mrs. Rachael K Sullivan Kalley, Julia D Sullivan McConnell, Dr. Maude W Sullivan Maple, Dr. James B Sullivan Riggs, Mrs. James R Sullivan SWITZERLAND COUNTY Johnson, John W Patriot Tandy, Mrs. C. S Vevay TIPPECANOE COUNTY Andrew, Mrs. T. M., 1007 State LaFayette Bone, Mrs. Charles, 140 North Grant West Lafayette Coulter, Stanley, Purdue University Lafayette Evans, Mrs. Mary B., 302 Waldron West Lafayette Fox, Stella R., 619 North Salisbury West Lafayette Haines, George M Clark's Hill Hepburn, William M., Purdue University Lafayette Meredith, Mrs. Virginia C, 356 State West Lafayette Moran, Thomas F., Purdue University Lafayette Peterson, C. V., County Superintendent Lafayette Reser, Alva O Lafayette Reser, Dr. William W Lafayette Russell, Mary J., Maple Heights West Lafayette Simms, Dan W Lafayette Stuart, Mrs. Charles Benedict, Earlhurst Lafayette Taylor, Mrs. J. H., Route G Lafayette 36 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY TIPTON COUNTY Allison, Ebert Tipton Berryman, Mrs. W. L Tipton Boney, Rev. Edward M Tipton Elliott, Lucy M Tipton Jackson, Mrs. O. E Tipton Kemp, Allen Goldsmith McGraw, William Tipton McLaughlin, Miss Erne Goldsmith Matthews, Mrs. Sam J Tipton Mitchell, Elmer L Tipton O'Brien, Miss Mary Tipton Pentecost, Mrs. P. J Tipton Pershing, M. W., State House Indianapolis Purvis, Marie Tipton Shirk, Mrs. Nannie R Tipton Spencer, George A Tipton Surratt, Edna May, 423 Rector Hall, Depauw University Greencastle Wood, George C Windfall UNION COUNTY MacDougal, Mrs. Amanda Liberty Sharp, Holmes C Liberty VANDERBURGH COUNTY Clifford, George S., 716 South First Evansville Funkhouser, Albert W., 920 Washington Ave Evansville Goodge, George W., 313 Kentucky Ave Evansville Hill, Mrs. Ella McNealy, 814 Riverside Ave Evansville Iglehart, A. W., 1025 Upper Second Evansville Iglehart, John E Evansville McCullough, Ethel F., Librarian Evansville Saunders, James D., 708 Adams Ave Evansville Taylor, Mrs. A. H., 1142 Upper Second Evansville Torbet, Charles E., Evansville College Evansville Torrance, Mrs. W. J., 1308 Walnut Evansville Walker, Heber P., Howard Roosa School Evansville Welborn, Miss Anna Acton, 1028 South First Evansville VERMILLION COUNTY Bentley, Bonnie Clinton Manion, Iva Newport VIGO COUNTY Beecher, Adrian A., 523 Wabash Ave Terre Haute Fairbanks Memorial Library Terre Haute Halberstadt, Loring C, 2435 South 8th Terre Haute INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 37 Hamell, M. C, 618 Deming Terre Haute Hines, L. N., President State Normal Terre Haute Markle, A. R., National Block Terre Haute Richards, Miss Florence A., 1403 South Center Terre Haute Sisters of Providence St. Mary's of the Woods Stalker, Francis M Terre Haute WABASH COUNTY Almond, James E Wabash Bailey, Mrs. Robert "Wabash Bent, Mrs. Clara H., 407 North Fisher Wabash Bloomer, Ellis Wabash Biggerstaff, Dr. J. T Wabash Bruner, Mrs. Thomas H., 645 West Main Wabash Burns, Mrs. Elmer, 807 Pike Wabash Coats, Rose, 507 W. Hill Wabash Conner, Mrs. Annie K., 518 West Wabash Wabash Cook, Mrs. Lura M Mansfield, O. Cowgill, Marie S Wabash Cowgill, Norene D W r abash Dennis, Lelan M Wabash Ford, Mrs. Edwin H., 437 North Miami Wabash Hill, Mrs. Alice S., 475 West Hill Wabash Lutz, Mrs. R. F., 189 West Market Wabash McCarty, Miss Fannie, 494 West Hill Wabash McNamee, W. A Wabash Mallock, Fannie, 421 East Hill Wabash Moore, Miss Estella, 471 West Main Wabash Moore, Dr. Perry G., 245 West Market Wabash Naber, Guilford M., 298 North Miami Wabash Pettit, Eva S Wabash Snavelly, Mrs. Nellie K., 231 Falls Ave Wabash Torrence, Miss Clara, 157 North Huntington Wabash Ulerich, Mrs. John M., 229 West Market Wabash Powell, Dr. L. G. A Wabash WARREN COUNTY Allen, Sadie West Lebanon Clow, Mrs. E. L West Lebanon Fleming, Burt West Lebanon Fleming, Mrs. Luella H West Lebanon Goodwine, Frank J West Lebanon Goodwine, Mrs. Julia A West Lebanon Groves, Thomas West Lebanon Groves, Mrs. Thomas West Lebanon Hall, Gladys West Lebanon Judy, Mrs. Mamie N West Lebanon Pomeroy, S. G West Lebanon Smith, Mrs. Clara Crawford West Lebanon 38 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Stephenson, Mrs. Ella L West Lebanon Smith, Elmer V West Lebanon WARRICK COUNTY Barker, W. L Boonville Downs, Thomas E Boonville Folsom, Lenpha A Boonville Hemenway, James A Boonville Hoagland, Mrs. Robert Boonville Hopkins, Mrs. Ada J Boonville Kiper, Mrs. Nannette Boonville WASHINGTON COUNTY Berkey, Edwin G Salem Cauble, Mrs. Elizabeth E Salem Clark, Minnie Salem Gill, Patrick H Pekin Hobbs, Mrs. Martha L. Sayles Salem Menaugh, Mrs. E. W Salem Menaugh, Heber L Salem Morris, Mrs. Harvey Salem Wright, Grant F., R. F. D. 7 Salem WAYNE COUNTY Comstock, Paul Richmond Foulke, Wm. Dudley Richmond Garr, Mrs. W. W., Wescott Hotel Richmond Gardner, A. M Richmond Grosvenor, Mrs. E. B., 26 North 11th Richmond Jones, Louis T., Route 4, Box 43 Richmond Lindley, Harlow Richmond Neff, S. D., Morton High School Richmond Starr, Henry C Richmond Wissler, W. O Hagerstown WELLS COUNTY Deam, Charles C Bluffton Decker, John F Bluffton Simmons, Abram Bluffton WHITE COUNTY Gardner, Miss Nora G Monticello Mourer, John M Idaville VanBuskirk, J. B Monticello NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Bailey, L. G., Librarian Flint, Mich. Barton, William E., 166 North Kenilworter Ave Oak Park, 111. Boisseau, O. G Holden, Mo. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 39 Brennan, George A., 24 West 110th Place Chicago 111. Butler, Chauncey Mannville, 111. Coleman, Christopher B., 1225 East 56th Chicago, Fla. Dunbar, James W., 348 House Office Bldg Washington, D. C. Flanner, Mrs. Mary H., 1529 Euclid Ave Berkeley, Calif. Fox, George R Three Oaks, Mich. Goss, Alice D Mankato, Minn. Hays, Arthur W Bruneau, Idaho LaFollette, Harvey M Lafollette, Tenn. Leavitt, A. E Harriman, Tenn. McKee, Mrs. James, 49 West 72nd New York City Mace, W. H., Syracuse University Syracuse, N. Y. Maddox, Margaret L., Oak Grove Club Flint, Mich. New, Senator Harry Stewart Washington, D. C. North, E. M Neponset, 111. O'Donaghue, Rev. Dennis Louisville, Ky. Patten, Hiram R., 300 West Broadway Louisville, Ky. Perrin, H. B Santa Ynez, Calif. Perrin, Mrs. John, 1000 Buena Vista So. Pasadena, Calif. Schofield, Miss Mae E., The Glades Hotel Canal Point, Fla. Shaffer, John C, Chicago Evening Post Chicago, 111. Stiffler, Charles B., General Motors Corp Detroit, Mich. Strauss, S. W., 150 Broadway New York City Thomas, Ernest B San Juan, Porto Rico Thompson, Mrs. Lucy, 282 E. 17th St Brooklyn, N. Y Tyrrell, Charles Avery, 2031 Eutaw Place Baltimore, Md. Walden, H. L., c/o William Walden..... Holmes, Calif. Waterman, Ben C, 4020 Spring Garden Philadelphia, Pa. Whitson, Rolland Lewis, 1049 Ainslie... Chicago, 111. Wonser, Mrs. Frederic K., 4538 12th Ave. N. E Seattle, Wash. MEMBERSHIP Any person may become a member of the Indiana Historical Society upon election by the executive committee and the payment of dues of $2.00 for annual membership, $10.00 for sustaining mem- bership, $100.00 for life membership, $5.00 for institutional mem- bership, and $500.00 or more patrons of the Society. Members of the Society are entitled to the current publications of the Society as issued in pamphlet form, and also the Indiana Magazine of History, which is published quarterly. Communications in regard to membership and fees should be addressed to Lucy M. Elliott, Room 334, State House, Indianapolis, Indiana. Communications in regard to the Indiana Magazine of History should be addressed to Logan Esarey, Indiana University, Bloom- ington, Indiana. ^n^ tmoxmm C. N. FASSETT South Bend MRS. M. C. GARBER Madison DELAVAN SMITH Lake Forest, 111. JUDGE ARTHUR TAYLOR Petersburg DR. FRANK B. WYNN Indianapolis No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 41 CONTENTS OF VOL. I No. 1. Proceedings of the Society, 1830-1886. No. 2. Northwest Territory. Letter of Nathan Dane concerning the Ordinance of 1787. Governor Patrick Henry's Secret Letter of In- struction to George Rogers Clark. No. 3. The Uses of History. By President Andrew Wylie, D. D. No. 4. The National Decline of the Miami Indians. By John B. Dillon. No. 5. Early History of Indianapolis and Central Indiana. By Nathaniel Bolton. Joseph G. Marshall. By Prof. John L. Campbell. Judge John Law. By Charles Denby. Archaelogy of Indiana. By Prof. E. T. Cox. The Early Settlements of the Miami Country. By Dr. Ezra Ferris. CONTENTS OF VOL. II No. 1. The Laws and Courts of Northwest and Indiana Terri- tories. By Daniel Wait Howe. No. 2. The Life and Services of John B. Dillon. By Gen. John Coburn and Judge Horace P. Biddle. No. 3. The Acquisition of Louisiana. By Judge Thomas M. Cooley. No. 4. Loughery's Defeat and Pigeon Roost Massacre. By Charles Martindale. No. 5. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Official Publications of the Territory and State of Indiana from 1800 to 1890. By Daniel Wait Howe. No. 6. The Rank of Charles Osborn as an Anti-Slavery Pioneer. By George W. Julian. The Man in History. By John Clark Ridpath. Ouiatanon. By Oscar J. Craig. Reminiscences of a Journey to Indianapolis in 1836. By C. P. Ferguson. "Old Settlers." By Robert P. Duncan. Life of Ziba Foote. By Samuel Morrison. French Settlements on the Wabash. By Jacob Piatt Dunn. Slavery Petitions and Papers. By Jacob P. Dunn. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11 No. 12, 42 INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CONTENTS OF VOL. Ill No. 1. A History of Early Indianapolis Masonry and of Center Lodge. By Will E. English. No. 2. SlEUR DE YlNCENNES, THE FOUNDER OF INDIANA'S OLDEST Town. By Edmond Mallet. No. 3. The Executive Journal of Indiana Territory. Edited and annotated by William Wesley Woollen, Daniel Wait Howe, and Jacob Piatt Dunn. No. 4. The Mission to the Ouabache. By Jacob Piatt Dunn. No. 5. Fifty Years in Pharmacy. By George W. Sloan. No. 6. Caleb Mills. By Chas. W. Moores. CONTENTS OF VOL. IV No. 1. Diary of Wm. Owen. Edited by Joel W. Hiatt. No. 2. The Word "Hoosier." By Jacob Piatt Dunn. John Finley. By Mrs. Sarah A. Wrigley. No. 3. William Henry Harrison's Administration of Indiana Territory. By Homer J. Webster, A. M. Ph. M. No. 4. Making a Capital in the Wilderness. By Daniel Wait Howe. No. 5. Names of Persons Enumerated in Marion County, In- diana, at the Fifth Census, 1830. No. 6. Some Elements of Indiana's Population; Or Roads West, and Their Early Travelers. By W. E. Henry. No. 7. Lockerbie's Assessment List of Indianapolis, 1835. Edited by Eliza G. Browning. No. 8. The Scotch-Irish Presbyterians in Monroe County, Indiana. By James Albert Woodburn. No. 9. Indianapolis and the Civil War. By John H. Holliday. CONTENTS OF VOL. V No. 1. Lincoln's Body Guard, With Some Personal Recollec- tions of Abraham Lincoln. By Robert McBride. No. 2. Internal Improvements in Early Indiana. By Logan Esarey. No. 3. The Sultana Disaster. By Joseph Taylor Elliott. No. 4. An Indiana Village (New Harmony). By John H. Hol- liday. No. 5. The Pioneers of Morgan County; Memoirs of Noah J. Major. Edited by Logan Esarey. No. 6. The Life and Services of Gen. Robert S. Foster. By Charles W. Smith. INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 43 CONTENTS OF VOL. VI No. 1. Proceedings Tenth Annual Meeting of the Ohio Val- ley Historical Association. Edited by Prof. Harlow Lindley. No. 2. Journal of Thomas Dean (Voyage to Indiana in 1817). Edited by John Candee Dean ; annotated by Randle C. Dean. Early Indiana Trails and Surveys. By George R. Wil- son. Minutes of the Society, 1886-1918. CONTENTS OF VOL. VII Sieur De Vincennes Identified. By Pierre — Georges Roy. Morgan's Raid in Indiana. By Judge Louis B. Ewbank. Reminiscences of the Early Marion County Bar. By William Watson Woolen. The National Road in Indiana. By Lee Burns. Early Indianapolis. By Mrs. Laura Fletcher Hodges. One Hundred Years in Public Health in Indiana. By Dr. W. F. King. Fort Wayne in 1790. By M. M. Quaife. Washington County Giants. By Harvey Morris. The Science of Columbus. By Elizabeth Miller Hack. No. 10. Abraham Lincoln, Lawyer. By Charles W. Moores. Publications of the Society consist of seven completed volumes. The publications are issued in pamphlet form until a sufficient number are in print to form a volume, when they are issued in bound form, with index. The bound forms are sold $1.50 per volume, which is as nearly as possible, cost price. Single numbers 50c. Address BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY Indianapolis (Publishers) No. 3. No. 4. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8, No. 9. f To make 1923 a Red Letter Year in the history of the Indiana His- torical Society. You can do it by co-operation. Make your interest spell "One New Member."