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L162 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 [MoV* uiucDcs-R-72-508 coo-114 69-0202 HARDWARE /SOFTWARE INTERFACE FOR THE STEREOMATRIX DISPLAY by Ian MacDonald Cunningham June 1972 UIUCDCS-R-72-508 HARDWARE /SOFTWARE INTERFACE FOR THE STEREOMATRIX DISPLAY* by Ian MacDonald Cunningham June 1972 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 6l801 Supported in part "by the Department of Computer Science and the Atomic Energy Commission under contract US AEC AT(ll-l)lU69» and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Graduate College for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank my advisor, Professor C. W. Gear, for his support, Miss Barbara Hurdle for her typing, and Mr. Harold Lopeman for his excellent work in constructing the interface. I would also like to thank Professor W. J. Poppelbaum, the principal investigator for the Stereomatrix; and Professor W. J. Kubitz, Mr. Shiv Verma, Mr. Steve Whiteside, and Mr. Chuck Pirnat for their assistance. IVy wife deserves many thanks for both her assistance and understanding. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW 2 3. HARDWARE INTERFACE 5 3.1 Design Philosophy 5 3.2 Programming the Interface 6 3.3 Overview of Hardware Logic 11 3.U Line Generator Algorithm lk k. SOFTWARE SUPPORT IT k.l Introduction IT k,2 Graphics Data Structure IT U.3 Stereomatrix Software 21 k.h Software Implementation 25 5. CONCLUSIONS 2T LIST OF REFERENCES 32 APPENDIX A 33 APPENDIX B 35 V LIST OF FIGURES Figure I'-u^.- 1. Stereomatrix Display System 3 2. Display Command Formats 8 3. Interrupt and Address Extension Registers 11 k. Block Diagram of PDP-8/I Stereomatrix Interface 13 5. Line Generator Algorithm 16 6. Graphics Data Structure 19 7. Position for Modified Sensor Outputs 31 1 . INTRODUCTION A random access, three-dimensional laser display called Stereomatrix has been built by a group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois [l]. Three-dimensional wire figures are displayed by generating separate images for the left and right eyes. The light from the laser is split into two beams, and then the polarization of the left beam is rotated 90 degrees. Both beams are deflected along the x and y axis, resulting in a double image. The observer wears glasses with oppositely polarized lenses which give the visual effect of a third dimension. The observer's position is sensed by an infrared light source contained on the glasses. Movements of the observer are detected and automatic re- displaying of the figure as it would appear to the observer from the new position occurs. The observer also may scale, rotate, and translate the picture under complete hardware control. A three- dimensional cursor is also displayed by the hardware which permits initializing of points in space and identifying lines that already appear on the screen. Wire figures for the display are supplied by either PAGAN [2], a hardware generator of geometric figures, or by a PDP-8/I computer. The design of the latter' s interface and programming system is described in the report. 2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW A block diagram of the Stereomatrix-PDP-8/l graphics system is shown in Figure 1. The Stereomatrix display can be divided into four subsections: laser and deflecting optics, position sensor, coefficient generator, and transformer. The light source is a 2 watt argon laser. Acoustical deflectors and lenses are used to position and focus the beam on the rear of the screen. Beam positioning is random access, requiring a constant 6.8 microseconds to move to any point on the screen (1.5 x 10 points/second). The position sensors continually monitor the infrared light source on the observer's glasses. The two angles supplied by these sensors plus the distance between them are sufficient for calculating the observer's location. The coefficient generator controls rotation, translation, and scaling of the figure. The generator is controlled directly by several switches which allow selection of one of the above operations plus axis and direction and a reset button to return the figure to its initial position. The transformer receives the figure from the computer in digital form and converts it to analog. The output of the coefficient generator, which is. a matrix, is used by the transformer to modify the figure as requested by the user. The figure is then modified again using the data from the position sensors., creating the final two perspective drawings. All operations are performed digitally by the coefficient generator, but the calculation rate of the transformer requires that the calculation be performed on analog values. USER CONTROL BOX POSITION CONTROL OBSERVER WITH SPECIAL GLASSES AND LIGHT DISPLAY CONTROL BOX SCREEN Y \ 5 ? ^POSITION SENSOR jr TRANSFORMER COEFFICIENT k_ GENERATOR INVERSE TRANSFORMER DISPLAY INTERFACE *£- ^1 IV Je^. MEMORY AND D.M.A. I/O BUS PDP-8/I C.P.U. Figure 1. Stereomatrix Display System A hardware cursor is also incorporated in the display. An inverse transformer converts the cursors co-ordinates from the observer's space to computer space before transmitting them back to the interface. The transfer of data between the display and the interface utilizes both digital and analog signals. The PDP-8/I generates display files for the interface which then transmits a sequence of three-dimensional co-ordinates. The display interface and computer transfer control information using the PDP-8/I I/O bus, and the interface accesses the display files using the Direct Memory Access (DMA). The display and the computer are approximately 200 feet apart. The interface and communication controls operate asynchronously with a maximum data rate of approximately 2.5 x 10 co-ordinates per second. 3. HARDWARE INTERFACE 3.1 Design Philosophy The project was motivated by a need to test the Stereomatrix display and to study user requirements in a three-dimensional graphic environment, and not the development of a new or novel computer/display interface. In order to design and implement a total graphics system within a reasonable time limit , some hardware compromises have to be made. For example, a hardware line generator, while common in most sophisticated displays, was not included. Direct program manipulation of the three co-ordinate registers would reduce the usable computing power of the machine and would not exceed the minimum transmission rate. As a result, a line generator of limited directional powers was implemented. A line of up to 63 points is generated in one of twenty-seven directions. This is done by controlling the increment for each axis to -1, 0, or +1. These directions plus two control modes are encoded into five bits of a display command. Another bit is reserved for the intensity ( ON/OFF) and the remaining six bits are either display status or length information. Direct branches and subroutine calls, often embedded in the display file, were implemented in the graphics syntactic data structure, resulting in considerable simplification in the control. All data is transmitted as digital signals (except cursor co-ordinates) which exist at the display as analog values. Asynchronous circuits control both the interface and the transmission of co-ordinates to the display. As a result, any increase in the plotting rate of the display (presently limited by laser optics) will automatically increase the speed of the interface . Four flags generate interrupts. One is set by the interface upon completion of a display file while the other three are set at the display by 1. the user control "box switches, 2. the cursor position interrupt switch, or 3. "by the incidence of a displayed line with the cursor. 3.2 Programming the Interface The computer must transmit a sequence of points that will represent the desired graphic image when it is displayed. Because the display does not have its own memory and the image is not stored on the screen, this process must occur continually. The display interface uses the PDP-8/I I/O "bus to initialize registers, start hardware sequences, and notify the software of interrupt conditions. The direct memory access facility, DMA, fetches information sequentially from the computer's main memory. This data is used to generate the sequences of co-ordinates. Conceptually, the interface can be broken into three sections: picture generation, cursor co-ordinates, and interrupts and miscellaneous controls. The following discussion defines and explains the usage of all interface instructions. Appendix A lists all instructions, their mnemonics, and their octal value. Picture Generation The X , Y , and Z co-ordinate registers which position the laser beam are initialized by direct transfers, from the accumulator. The 10-bit values are left justified and expressed in sign and magnitude notation. The left most bit is a "l" for negative values. The load instructions LDX (LoaD X), LDY, and LDZ transfer the contents of the accumulator to the X, Y, and Z co-ordinate registers, respectively, The contents of the accumulator (AC) remain unchanged and the two low- order bits are ignored. With this initialization completed, the memory address of the display file for the DMA is transferred to the interface and the display started. The program code is CLA / CLEAR AC TAD ADRES / ADDRESS OF DISPLAY FILE DSPRGO / START DISPLAY The instruction DSPRGO (DiSPlay Reset and Go) is the OR of the two display instructions STPDSP (SToP DiSPlay) and DRAW. STPDSP forces the interface logic into the halt state if it has not already been entered and the display completed flag is cleared. Next, DRAW transfers the contents of the AC to the DMA address register in the interface and starts the display. Note that the contents of the address register are unchanged by the STPDSP instruction. The display file referenced by DSPRGO must contain one or more single word display commands. The format for the three types of commands is in Figure 2. A typical display file contains a load status command followed by a number of line commands and completed with a halt. The halt command sets the display completed flag which results in a program interrupt. SKDF (SKip on Display File done) tests this flag. Another display file may be initiated without re-initializing the co-ordinate or display status registers since they are not affected by the halt command. Lines which exceed the limit of the screen are Load Status Command A, B, and C fields are loaded into display status register. Bit 1 56 7 8 9 10 11 CXI '^ I a Fb A: Scale 00 Every point 01 Every 2nd point 10 Every 3rd point 11 Every Uth point B: Free "bits for future use C: Brightness proportional to value, i.e. 11 is brightest Line Command Plots a line in 1 of 27 directions and up to 63 scaled points in length. Bit 1 5 6 11 I DIRECTION LENGTH I: Line is intensified if bit is "l" DIRECTION: Value is ( (Z*3) + Y) * 3 + X where X, Y, Z = if no axial component = 1 for positive increment = 2 for negative increment LENGTH: Length of line before modified by scale Halt Command Picture generation is stopped and display flag is set. Bit 1 5 6 11 Figure 2. Display Command Formats wrapped around by the interface and no interrupt is generated. A co-ordinate register value of +511 when incremented becomes -511. Cursor Co-ordinates The current position of the cursor is always held in a buffer in the interface and is accessed by the instructions RDX (ReaD X cursor co-ordinates), RDY, and RDZ. The accumulator is automatically cleared before the co-ordinate value is transferred to the AC. The value is expressed in 10 bits, left justified 2's complement notation. Display Interrupts and Miscellaneous Controls Three additional registers are of interest to the programmer: the memory address extension register, the switch register, and the interrupt register. The first contains the extended address bits required by the DMA. It is loaded along with the interrupt register which is discussed below. The switch register holds the output from the five switches on the user control box. This register is OR'ed into the AC and then cleared by the REDBX (REaD BoX) instruction. Depressing switch i (l <_ i <_ 5) will result in AC bit 12 - i being a "l" upon completion of this instruction. The sixth switch on the user box (marked "I") sets a bit in the interrupt register. The interrupt register holds the cursor, incidence, and switch register flags. If the OR of these flags is "l", a program interrupt occurs. SKBF (SKip on Buffered Flags) tests for this condition. In order to determine which flags are set, this register 10 is OR'ed into the AC by the RDFLG (ReaD FLaGs) instruction. The specific bit meanings are shown in Figure 3a. The CLRFLG (CLeaR FLaGs) instruction both resets flags in the interrupt register and loads the memory address extension register. The format of the AC bits is shown in Figure 3b. A flag is cleared only if the corresponding bit was a "l". When servicing an interrupt, it is advisable to clear only the one flag as the others may have been subsequently set and a loss of the interrupt will occur. Both the cursor and switch register flags, unlike incidence, notify the program that action is required, but do not stop picture generation. The incidence flag is set only after the incidence mode has been enabled in the display and the cursor is "near" to a line drawn by the computer. When this flag is set, the RUN flip-flop in the interface is cleared, causing picture generation to cease. The RDCMA (ReaD Complement of Memory Address) instruction OR's the logical complement of the memory address used by the DMA into the AC. This address is normally one more than the address of the display command plotting the point, but it may be two more due to look-ahead in both the display and interface controls . Upon completion of any processing, the display may be continued without loss of information by the RESUM (RESUMe) instruction. The AC is not used. 11 Bit 1 2 | FO | Fl | F2 [ Figure 3a. Accumulator bits for RDFLG instruction Bit 1 2 9 11 Figure 3"b. Accumulator bits for CLRFLG instruction FO : Cursor Position Interrupt Fl : Cursor Incidence Interrupt F2 : User Control Box Interrupt MEA: Memory Address Extension for DMA Figure 3. Interrupt and Address Extension Registers 3.3 Overview of Hardware Logic A block diagram of the Stereomatrix interface in Figure k includes both the major cards with their functions and major control signals contained in the interface. Each of the rectangles represents one card (except Accumulator In). In order to simplify both construction and maintenance of the interface, identical cards were designed where possible. Consequently, 13 cards of the interface represent only four designs. The Sequencer which is the heart of the picture generating process requests data by sending BRK1 to the DMA control card. It handles the transfer of display commands from the computer's memory and the incrementing of the memory address register. The Sequencer proceeds upon receipt of the NODAT signal. The Direction Decoder deciphers the command field. The halt command stops the Sequencer and interrupts the processor while the status command gates the length 12 register into the display status register and B'RKl is set again for more data. If neither of these commands occur, the Sequencer waits for a data request from the display (LKEQ) and then responds with LDATGO level. The co-ordinate registers are up/down sign and magnitude binary counters. The COUNT pulse from the Sequencer updates these registers based upon inputs from the Direction Decoder which specifies +1, 0, or -1 increments. From one to four COUNT pulses, depending upon the scale in the display status register, are generated by the Sequencer. The length of the line which is stored in the DMA Control card is monitored by the Sequencer and decremented after each new co-ordinate is accepted by the display. When the length becomes zero, the Sequencer requests another display command from memory. If the intensity bit in the line commands is OFF, the Sequencer operates at its maximum rate of approximately U00 ns. per register increment. The Sequencer and DMA control run asynchronously except for one state responsible for clocking the co-ordinate registers. The algorithm is discussed in more detail in the next section and the logic drawing is in Appendix B. Five cables each transmit 10 digital signals between the interface and the display. This high speed data transmission system utilizes balanced, terminated, twisted pair lines. This method has high common-mode noise rejection. The three A/D converters, one for each cursor co-ordinate, are controlled by a signal (not shown) from the display. Upon completion of a conversion, the results are stored in the A/D Data Buffer. Consequently, cursor co-ordinate values are available to the program while another A/D conversion is being performed. 13 ;g£ >3 5 B K w . R , (A y a _j >- 2 " 5° ~7T~ C -i o Jr < z ill < tr o o IhZ t t 0* ■J litj - "" Tol aj 0B« [7 C4 I It II t 1 3 i) a, \si Ai s 02 11 ,1*. ii OS *J A- C2 •I jlS 21 A- SJ >£. 21 .2. 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CTCLEF- RUN- SEQ6- ^ y fcO^B '^y ^^^ ' B4 I 3 84 ' i , Jvl ' Sri V 5*57(F7V2.E10T1I I0F44IE7VI.EIMI1I I0PC4 (F212I IMIT (£781) INCIOENT 2.FIJ«I) IOFM :F7Nl) LFL4GI (F7M1) LDSTAT IFTU) L04TCO IEISLII L«EO (F16F1I DIRECTION (E4J2I CYCLE -SEL (E4L2I NO04TI (ETUI) COUNT (F10B1) f^Kfi^ sTW 7404 74 74 7400 7404 7400 7420 74121 74121 7400 74107 74107 D C B A 7404 7420 T420 7474 7400 7410 7420 7474 7404 7410 74 20 7474 7420 7420 7474 SEQUENCER U6 EM0.EFU,fF|2 XNCO.VNEG.ZNEG (ttf» ,Et»2,E«Lj) COUNT iopxi,io»vi,iofzi XPLUS.VPLUS.ZPLUS IEi02,E»N2,E»J2> X,Y,2 CO-ORDINATE REGISTER 7404 74121 7400 7410 7410 7400 D C B A 7400 74S0 74107 7410 7410 7404 74H3 7404 74SO 74O0 74113 7404 74JO hi INTENSITYU) X,Y,Z.DGT9 INTENSITY(O) X.Y.Z.DGT8 FREE(l) X,Y,Z,0GT7 FREE (0) X,Y,Z.DGT6 LDATGO X.Y.Z.DGT5 FRAME X,Y,Z,DGT4 FCNCLR X.Y.Z.DGT3 X.Y.Z.DGT2 X.Y.Z.DGTl X,Y,Z,DGTO EF1 EHl EJ1 EK1 ELI EMI EN1 EP1 ER1 ESI EB2 3V 3V 3V •-5V iD 3V H»° 5 iQ 3V -fio i£> aO o iQ tSD D8^> 12 13 12 EQ l£> 9 13 D6^> 12 06 S iQ »2 9 13 12 T\ D5^> 13 c«T> 12 C5^> E13 E14,E15,E16 D C B A 75109 75109 75109 75109 75109 Line Drivers 1*8 ±r 12 11 12 'it> 12 11 ~D4/> — 3V ^Ey ^>i 3V ©^ DZja — 3V 5°^ E>t 3V ^ry E>i 3V E^ C B A 75107 75107 75107 75107 75107 Line Receivers -3V FB2 FF1 LKO (MP2) FH1 CURCOR (F7R1) FJ1 STROBE ClBD-9) FK1 CRSIOT (F7S1) FL1 FCNREO (F7T1) FM1 BB0X(5)(14FH1)FCNT(9) FN1 BB0X(4)(15FLl)FCNT(e) FP1 BB0X(3> (15FK1) FCNT(B) FR1 BB0X(2) (15FJ1) FCNT(IO) FS1 BBOXU) (15FH1) FCNTU1) l4 9 CU«»0» Z(3,r),0*N ■).». (J.T.UI CINISO* »(3,7>,0«N cu»«o« r |3,ti,c*n C B A 74 S3 7460 7433 7433 74S0 7433 •CIN ilTt (3,7,111 »CIN BITS (2,t,10) *CIH UTS (1,5,91 4CIN IITJ (0,4,1) 50 STEREOMATRIX COAXIAL CABLE INTERFACE Dl! X CURSOR Y CURSOR Z CURSOR 3PL AY (ANALOG) ±5V 021 5 ±5V 10 ±5V 15 (D12-10) X BUSY (015-10) Y BUSY (D18-10) Z BUSY CONNECTOR 012 X CO-ORDINATE Y CO-ORDINATE Z CO-ORDINATE © © 13 rZ> 12 D25 21 D12-3 D15-3 D18-3 6 BUSY A/D CONVERTER 15V 2-10 7 -15 V 2- 9 2 2K& 2- e 5V 2- 7 5 ANA Grd. 2-6 4 2- 5 DIG Grd. 2-4 3 ANA Input 2- 3 9 2- 2 Strobe 2- 1 +15V- 1 Offset — -\AA, 15V 20 Kn 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A/D DONE (F6 B2) CURSOR CONTROLS 51 BOX 1 BOX 2 R-1.6K 7404 7474 7474 7430 7474 7400 74121 B B0X1 B BOX 2 B BOX 3 B BOX 4 B BOX 5 FCNREQ Transformer Rack 4 Cord 6 BUTTON CONTROL AND REGISTERS , C-427 la) C3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( Ss* Instruction* on R* Sldm) ,l REPORT NO. C0O-1U69-O202 2. TITLE HARDWARB/SQFWARE INTERFACE FOR THE STBREOMATRIX DISPLAY >E OF DOCUMENT (Check on*): ] ■. Scientific and technical report ] b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference. Sponsoring organization ] c. Other (Specify) Thpgi s COMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): .] a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. ] b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other VS. Government agencies and their contractors. ] c. Make no announcement or distribution. USON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: EMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. William Gear, Professor and Principal Investigator snization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 nature ^K&kfe^- Date April 13, 1972 FOR AEC USE ONLY t CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION COMMENDATION: ENT CLEARANCE: J a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. ] b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. J c. Patent clearance not required. BIOGRAPHIC DATA SET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-72-508 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5- Report Date June 1972 Itle *nd Subtitle HARDWARE /SOFTWARE INTERFACE FOR THE STEREOMATRIX DISPLAY ,uthor(s) Ian MacDonald Cunningham 8- Performing Organization Rept. No. 'erforming Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. US AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 11. Contract /Grant No. US AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 Sponsoring Organization Name and Address US AEC Chicago Operations Office 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60U39 13. Type of Report 8t Period Covered Thesis research 14. Supplementary Notes Abstracts A random-access, three-dimensional laser display called Stereomatrix has "been built by a group in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois. Three-dimensional wire figures are displayed by generating separate images for the left and right eyes . The light from the iaster is split into two beams, and then the polarization of the left beam is rotated 90 degrees. Both beams are deflected along the x and y axis, resulting in a double image. The observer wears glasses with oppositely polarized lenses which give the visual effect of a third dimension. The observer's position is sensed by an infrared light source contained on the glasses. Movements of the observer are detected and automatic redisplaying of the figure as it would appear to the observer from the new position occurs. The observer also may scale, rotate, and translate the picture under complete hardware . control. A three-dimensional cursor is also displayed by the hardware. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17o. Descriptors random-access three-dimensional laser display stereomatrix polarization Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms COSATI Field/Group Availability Statement unlimited distribution 19.. Security Class (This Report) ■ ■ . UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 2L 22. Price M NT1S-35 (10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P71 7 m