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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 8E P 1 e m SEP 2 1 " L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/designofwitsstud819whit 2* %% lnucDCS-R-76-819 / l\JU-^- y \A \ THE DESIGN OF WITS A STUDENT COMPILER SYSTEM ON PIATO IV by Lawrence Allen White July, 1976 THE DESIGN CF HITS A Student Compiler Systen on Plato IV BY LAWRENCE ALLAN WHITE E.S., University of Illinois, 1975 THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for th€ degree cf Master of Science in Computer Science in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urtana-Champaign , 1976 Urtana, Illinois Ill TABLE CF CONTENTS 1. Intrcducti.cn 1 2. Users cf Interactive Compilers on Plato 2 2.1. Educational Psychology 2 2.2. Computer Calculus • 3 2.3. University High School 4 2.4. CS 105 6 2.5. Visitors 7 2.6. Future Users 3 3. The Plato IV System 9 3.1. Central Computer Architecture 10 3.2. Terminal Communications 12 3.3. Student Terminal 13 3.4. Software 17 3.5. Tutor Data Areas 18 3.6. Resource Limitations 22 4. WITS Desiqn Philosophy 24 4.1. Complete System 24 4.2. Minimal Resource Use 26 M.3. Language Changes • 28 4.4. Stable System 29 5. The WITS System Now 30 5.1. Structure 30 5.2. Sophistication 33 5.3. Speed 34 5.4. Resource Use • 35 5.5. Stability 36 5.6. (lore work Needed 36 6. The Histcry cf HITS 38 6.1. Changes to Plato Affect WITS 38 6.2. Resource Shortages 42 7. Conclusion 47 List ot References 50 IV PBEFACE This thesis discusses the design of an interactive student ccmpiler systei called HITS, an acrcnym for "White's Interactive Timesharing System." The HITS system currently contains two editors, twc filing lessons, and two compilers. Work is in progress cr creating additional editors and compilers, in order tc tetter meet the needs of its users. These compilers have been inplcaerted or the Plate IV computer system, and are being used by students. Included in this thesis is a description of the Flato IV system and hew it affected the development of HITS. Chapter 1 Introduction The Plate IV system [ Alpert, 1970 ] is a computer based educational system developed at the University of Illinois. Various user groups at Plate have been interested in designing or using interactive compilers for student programs. Two such systems of compilers have been implemented on Plate. This t.h3sis discusses the design considerations that went into the i nplementat icn of cne of these compiler systems and the results of that design. The compiler system described here is called WITS, an acrcnym for "White's Interactive Timesharing System." Throughout this thesis, occasional comparisons are made to the other compiler system, CAPS [ Wilccx, 1976 ], which has been implemented by the Computet Science Department at the University of Illinois. In order to give some basis for the discussion of the design chesen fcr WITS, the first two chapters describe the users cf the WHS compilers and the computer system on which WITS was implemented. Chapter 4 describes the goals the WITS designers had in implementing their system. Chapters 5 and 6 describe HITS as it currently is, and how it became that way. Chapter 2 Users of Interactive Compilers on Plato Before the implementation of any computer programming system, consideration must be given to the type of users the system will have, and what their needs are. In designing WITS, several user groups were kept in mind, in an attempt to make the system general enough to be used by many groups. The user groups the author has had experience with are described below, alonq with their reeds as seen by the compiler designers. _2_-_l_. Educational Psych ology BASIC [ Kemeny, 1 967 ] is a simple programming language, primarily intended for numerical applications. Because of its simplicity and its acceptance in the education environment, it was chosen as the first language to be implemented on Plato. The compiler das written for Professor Kenneth Travers of the Secondary Education Department, and for Axel T. Schreiner of the Mathematics Department, both at the University of Illinois. As understood by the compiler designers, Dr. Travers was instructing future teachers in hew to teach BASIC. Since his students would later, in most cases, be using small interactive systems utilizing Teletypes for communication. Dr. Travers wanted the user interface of the BASIC system we built on Plato to resemble such a system. In particular, his reguirements were as follows: 1) User interface similar to standard interactive system, A) Teletype like appearance. E) Clear distinction between editing and compiling. C) Ccnmand directives, rather than user choice pag€. 2) Frovide simple program preparation facilities. A) Permanent program storage space for 10 users. E) Line-criented text editor. 3) Compile and execute small BASIC programs. Unfortunately for the Education Department's students, the Plato system was still experimental at that time, and rather unstable. Additionally, these students were the first to use the forerunner cf the WITS system, and they found many bugs in the editcr, filing system, and BASIC interpreter. To their credit, they stuck with the system for two or three semesters while the Plate system was stabilizing and we were fixing problems in our lessons. 2^2^ Computer Calculus Cne of the cc-authors of that first system, and the real desiqner cf cur BASIC compiler. Axel T. Schreiner, was at that time designing "Computer Calculus" [ Schreiner, 1972 ], a laboratory course supplementing regular Calculus instruction at th<= University of Illinois. His students were writing small numerical analysis and graphical programs using CAIL/360-OS EASIC [IBH] en FIOBTS [Gear, 1969], a local interactive timesharing system. For the purpese of Computer Calculus, the Mathematics Department had set up a laboratory room connected to the IBM/36C-75 operated by the Computing Services Office at the University of Illinois. This laboratory had 16 teletypes for program preparation and alphanumeric input and output, along with a saall Hewlett-Packard flat-bdd plotter, connected to one of the teletypes, fcr graphical output. Mr. Schreiner became interested in using Plato for the qraphics pcrtion cf the Computer Calculus classes, and wrote seme instructional lessens on Plato for this. Later he expanded his interests to include using Plate for a section of his students tc run EASIC programs. Fcr Computer Calculus students tc use Plate for EASIC, they would need essentially the same facilities as Professor Travers needed, but for 20 students simultaneously, not 10. Tc meet the goals of these twe user groups. Educational Psychology and Computer Calculus, the user interface of the first EASIC system implemented on Plate looked very much like PICRTS, tc the extent that some of the editing commands were identical tc those en PLOFTS. This system was used by Education and Calculus students until a more advanced system, called HITS, was inplemented. 2_. 3.. University High Schocl The heart cf the HITS system was written in the fall of 1973, using seme new features of the Flato system, and was first used the following spring. HITS allowed for the connection of any number of user groups to cne filing system, all using the same editor and compiler. The first new group of users was from University Hiqh School, which already had access to Plato, and whose instructors were interested in teaching their students to program. The "Dnihi" students had no previous experience with other computer systems, and in many cases, WITS was their first encounter with Plato. These students, rather than using programming to learn another subject, as were the Calculus students, were learning about computers, computer systems, and programming. As such, the HITS system was one of the things they were learning about, rather than being just a tool in the study cf something else. The basic reguirements for the University High School students were slightly different from those of the other user groups previously described. What they needed HITS to provide are described below: 1) Frovide a programming system at small additional ccst to the school. 2) Ee simple enough to allow seme guick achievements for students, powerful enough to hold their interest for a semester or two. 3) Ee simple enough to explore by trial and error, safe enough so students can not accidently hurt anything. 4) Provide filing space for 35 students. The original HITS system filled all these needs, so the University High School students started using it. As HITS has expanded to include a Fortran compiler and another editor and filing system, Unihi students have continued to utilize all the capabilities cf the HITS system. 2..J4_. C S 1 5 The Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois has been wcrking for a few years to automate their introductory programming ccurses [ Nievergelt, 1974 ]. To do this, members of the department have written many instructional lessens on Plato, and have implemented interactive diagnostic compilers for subsets of several programming languages [ Hilccx,1 S76 }. Of particular interest is the CS105 programming course, with about 1000 students each semester. The HITS desiqners have tried to expand their compiler systei to support this group, but due to the large number of students, this attempt has been only partially successful. CS105 is an introductory programming course for business students. In many cases, this will be their only programming course, which they take because it is required of them. Such a group is, en the whele, only interested in getting their machine probleus dene with the least amcunt of effort. They are not interested in learning hew editors or filing systems work (unless that is assigned to them) , and they are very intolerant when they can not get the system to wcrk. Since there are so many cf these students, they are scheduled rather tightly, and are unlikely to come in on their own time, unless it is to finish a late programming assignment. Due tc the large number of students, a different organization of resources nay he required in HITS to handle them all. Below are listed the major requirements to use IITS for Introductory Computer Science Courses at the University of Illinois: 1) Provide Fortran and/cr PL/1 compilers. 2) Support 40 simultaneous users. 3) Frovide filinq space for 1000 students. 4) Use a minimum of costly system resources. 5) Provide self-explanatory editors and filinq systems. Expected use of HITS in the near future by the CS department appears rather minimal at this time. This is due to the department havinq its own compilers on Plato, and to the availability cf batch compilers on CSC»s IBM System 360/75. One way HITS miqht be used is as an intermediate step between their Plate Compilers and the 360. The students could learn the basic features cf a prcqramminq lanquaqe usinq the departments diaqnestic compilers on Plato, and could then move to HITS for writinq lenqer prcqrams, and later move to the 360 to learn about a batch oriented system, printed output, file I/O, and still larqer proqrams. 2_. 5. Visiters In addition tc servinq the orqanized qroups described ahove, the HI1S desiqners have encouraqed people to set up Plato records so students miqht "visit" the HITS system. Several such 8 visiter records have been created for students to practice proqua a irinq on their own. In some cases, these students have even teen provided with disk space for storing their programs between sessiens. If they do have such space, it is shared between all users of their Plato signon. For HITS to support such visiters, the following are needed: 1) Visitors may write and run programs even if they are not allocated file space. 2) They shculd not be able to interfere with regular users cf HITS. 3) Help paqes shculd be provided to answer their guestions without Deeding an instructional book or teacher. 4) WITS should wcrk reasonably well with a single user. 2.. 6_. Future Users In the next few years it is expected that the Plato system will expand to include several computers at different universities. The designers cf HITS are trying to make their system transportable to other Plato systems. To do so, they expect the following: 1) Eiverse user needs, as above. 2) Visitors may be familiar with the Plato editor, and want a similar editor fcr HITS. 3) Resource use ty HITS may be a critical factor. 4) HITS data structures should te stable, even if the host system is occasionally unstable, since the HITS designers will not be around to correct problems. Chapter 3 The Elato IV System When designing a compiler system for a particular environment, it is often just as important to understand what that environment can support as it is to understand what the users will need. In early 1973 it was thought, fcr one reason or another, that Elate couldn't support student compilers. Claims were made that Tutor, Plate's programming language, was net powerful enough fcr a compiler; Tutor's data areas and structures were too small cr too simple; or Plato's CPU capacity was insufficient. That was before Axel Schriner designed, and he and the author iiplemented, their first BASIC system. They showed that Plate could support a compiler system, if that system were designed and inplemented carefully, and if the users were running "reasonable" programs. Since the capabilities of Plato strcngly affected the design of WITS, the next few sections describe Plato, sc that later discussions of WITS will be mere firirly based. Ihe goal in the design of Plato was to provide high guality educaticn at low ccst [ Bitzer , 1973 ]. The method of achieving this goal was to use a powerful computer to enable the creation of quality instructional materials, and to keep the cost per student low by running hundreds of students. One of the important characteristics of quality CAI is fast and flexible 10 feedback to the student, giving better reinforcement in learning. Hew Plato provides fast response to student input is described in the next two sections. One section is concerned with the central computer, the other section outlines the cemmun icatiens system. 3_j_K C ent r al C omputer Arch it ecture The computer on which Plato runs is one of Control Data Corporation's 60C0 series. Specifically at the Urbana Plato system, a Cyber 73 is used. The Cyber 73 has two Central Processing Units (CPUs) , and ten Peripheral Processing Units (PPUs) . The FPUs ccntrcl communications between the computer and ether devices, such as printers, tape drives, and the disk system. In addition, the PPUs handle the main part of system job scheduling, telling the CPUs what to do. The CPUs do most of the work in running prcgrams, including the execution of Plato lessens. Mere on the design of the central computer may be found in I" Thorton, 1970 ], though he basically discusses the CEC 6€CC. Many standard interactive computer systeis employ something known as "swapping" in their operation. Swapping involves keeping the informaticn needed for all users on soie secondary memory device, generally slower and cheaper than main memory, and transfering one user's information into main memory whenever he needs to execute. This is mainly an economic feature, allowing the computer to get by with less nain memory than would 11 be needed if all active users were kept there all the time. The transfer speed between the secondary lemory and main memory is often an important factor in how well, or how many users, the system can run, both of which are important aspects of the Plato system . In order to provide good response time for many users, Plato uses Control Data Corporation's Extended Core Storage (ECS) for its secondary memory storage. The transfer rate between ECS and Plato's main memory (called Central Memory or CK) is 6CC million bits per second. This high transfer rate allows Fiatc to swap its users in and out of CM very guickly. However, in addition to Plato using ECS to perform a fast swap ot users, Flatc's programming language allows users to directly access data areas in ECS. Thus, ECS goes beyond -just being a transparent system implementation feature, invisible to the users; it affects the whole design of data manipulation programs, including those in the WITS system. The data areas in ECS that a lesson may reference are described in Section 3.5. Many computer systems use disk packs for their swapping medium. Due to its much longer access time and lower transfer rate, disk packs are used by Plato only for the permanent storage of icf reguently accessed data. Among the types of informaticr Plato stores on disk are the permanent records for all users, the scurce code for lessons, files for collection of data en active students, and files for normal lessons to store data in. At the start of a session, a user's information is 12 read from disk into ECS, and it is stored back on disk when he signs off. Ey storing a user's intonation in ECS during a session, the number of disk accesses required to run a student is reduced, and the time needed to access a user's information is shortened. A similar strategy is employed with most other data references. For example, when editing the source code of Plato lessens, the text is brought into ECS in blocks of a few hundred words, frcm where it is edited and later returned to disk. 3.-2_. Te rmina l Communications In providing fast response to user input, two things are important, the time reguired to set up a user for processing and the ccumunicaticn time tc the terminal. The swapping of users was briefly discussed in the preceding section, while this section describes the communication to the terminal. This communication did not, however, affect the design of HITS as much as did Plato's architecture, so it is described even more briefly. More complete information is available from rstifle,1572]. Each Plate teisinal is designed to connect to a voice grade phone line (1260 baud), which is in turn connected to a Plato Site Controller. Each site controller handles the input and output of 32 terminals. Input to the computer from each site controller is provided by a phone line to the Network Interface Unit or NID [ Tucker, 1971 ]. Cutput from the central computer is 13 passed to the NIU, where it is formatted into a video signal. Output to 1008 terminals reaches over a video cable from the NIU to all site controllers, each of which picks off the output meant for their own 32 terminals. At the central computer site, input and output through a channel tc the NIO is directed by a program running on a PPU. This FEU program stores key input from the terminals in ECS and tells a CEU program where to find the key input. The PPU prcgrair is alsc responsible for picking up the output waiting to qo to the terninals and sending it to the NIU. The Plato interpreter pells the input tables looking for keys every 50 milliseconds, giving each terminal with a key a timeslice of computation. In addition to keys from the NIU, Plato may generate pseudo-keys to indicate that a terminal needs to continue seme computation that was previously interrupted. 3.3. Student Terairal The Plate IV student terminal is designed tc provide features desireable for many teaching applications. The basic terminal includes a graphic display panel for output and a keyset for input. Cptional accessories include a slide selector for displaying slides on the panel, an audio device supporting recorded messages, and a touch panel for providing touch sensitive irput. Jacks are provided on the back of the terminal for adding external devices. The bandwidth to the terminal is 126C baud, higher than that used at most timesharing systems. 14 The terminal features that affected the development of WITS are descrited below. A more complete terminal description may be obtained frcm [ Stifle, 1973 ]. The display device in the terminal is an 8 1/2 inch square plasma pannel, containing a grid of 512 by 512 dots, each of which may be illuminated independently. The plasma panel display needs no refreshing to held a display, as does a CRT, and its orange dots on a black background provide high contrast, flicker free cutput. The display may be referenced in "fine grid" rotation, using (x#y) pairs in the range from (0,0) to (511,511) to indicate points. Alternately, the panel may be referenced in "coarse grid" notation, as 32 lines of 64 characters each. Each character position is 16 dots high by 8 dots wide. Since student programs in the WITS system may be longer than 32 lines, some method is reguired to show only part of a student's program at once. In a "teletype" editor for BASIC programs, this is dene by writing lines down the screen and then wrapping arcund tc the top of the screen. In a "cursor" editor, the student's workspace is divided into three "pages" of 30 lines each, with the student being able to move from one page to another. In a "tutor" editor, so called because of its resemblance to the standard Plato source editor, the student moves a "frafe" arcund within his program, and all lines within the frame are displayed on his screen. 15 Since the display width is only 64 characters, the maximum lenqth cf a line cf text in WITS was chosen as 60 characters, to leave space fcr displaying line numbers- Continuation lines did not appear to be necessary, but were implemented in the Fortran compiler as an extra feature. Output from a running program is - 1 -- cn "^racters, a significant departure from the : width cf 120 or more characters _ "I T^_Jj-_J *K i the plasma panel is accomplished :ter generator. This generator i which are stored the dot patterns Each memory contains the •rs, each character consisting of 8 il can take from the character ;rn that represents a character and screen. Two of these memories are :acters, i.e., the representations > considered to be the most useful. \ loaded under program control with sires. This "alternate" character standard uses include loading a few .) mathematics lessons, or whole alphabets needed in foreign language lessons. Another very nice way tc use the alternate character set is to design pictures using several characters from the alternate character set, and tc display the picture very rapidly, at character display speed, rather than at line drawing speed. A good example of this is Mi The terminal features that affected the development of HITS are described below. A more complete terminal description may be obtained frcm [ Stifle, 1973 ]. The display device in the terminal is an 8 1/2 inch square plasma pannel, containing a grid of 512 by 512 dots, each of which may be illuminated independen display needs no refreshing to hold and its orange dots on a black backgrou flicker free cutput. The display may grid" rotation, using (x,y) pairs i (511,511) to indicate points. Alternat referenced in "ccarse grid" notatic characters each. Each character positi dots wide. Since student programs in the than 32 lines, some method is reguiied student's program at once. In a "t programs, this is dene by writing lines wrapping arcund tc the top of the scree the student's workspace is divided in1 lines each, with the student being ablt another. In a "tutor" editor, so caliea Because oi its resemblance to the standard Plato source editor, the student moves a "fraire" arcund within his program, and all lines within the frame are displayed on his screen. 15 Since the display width is only 64 characters, the maximum length cf a line cf text in WITS was chosen as 60 characters, to leave space for displaying line numbers. Continuation lines did not appear to be necessary, but were implemented in the Fortran compiler as an extra feature. Output from a running program is also limited to 60 characters, a significant departure from the mere ccnverticral line printer width cf 120 or more characters fcund en racst systems. Alphanumeric writing on the plasma panel is accomplished using the terminal's character generator. This generator implcys four "memories," in which are stored the dot patterns that represent characters. Each memory contains the representation of 63 characters, each character consisting of 8 times 16 dots. The terminal can take from the character memories the 8 by 16 bit pattern that represents a character and display it anywhere on the screen. Two of these memories are built with the "standard" characters, i.e., the representations of the 126 characters that are considered to be the most useful. The other two memories may be loaded under program control with any character set the user desires. This "alternate" character set has many uses. Some standard uses include loading a few special characters needed in mathematics lessons, or whole alphabets needed in foreigr language lessons. Another very nice way to use the alternate character set is to design pictures using several characters from the alternate character set, and tc display the picture very rapidly, at character display speed, rather than at line drawing speed. A good example of this is 16 the Plato IV version of the biology lesson "fly" [ Hyatt, 1972 ], in which fruit flys with various genetic traits are displayed using combinations of alternate characters. One way of thinking of the loadable character set is as a way of changing the display form of Plato internal character codes. Conversely, if the loadable character set contains a rearrangement of the standard character set, this can be thought of as rearranging the internal codes used to store characters. Standard Plate format for character storage is a Mixture of six, 12, and 18 tit codes. Opper case letters, such as commonly used by programming systems, are 12 bit codes in standard Plato format. The lessens in the HITS system use the alternate character set to rearrange the internal codes of characters, so each supported character can be stcred in a six bit code. This decreases the space needed to store a program, and also, decreases the complexity of the compilers and editors in the HITS system. The terminal contains a vector generator, allowing it to draw lines, given only the endpoints of each line. This allowed the incor pcration of some plotting features in the implemented BASIC language. On PLORTS, one flat bed plotter was shared between all students of each Computer Calculus section. On Plato, graphic plotting was available at each student terminal. 17 3_.4_. Software Plate supports but one language, Tutor [ Sherwood, 1 974 ], for its users. Tutor has developed under the direction of Paul J. Tenczar, head cf Plato's system software staff, as a command oriented, second generation language. It is much more powerful and easy to use in teaching applications than most programming languages ard many CAI languages [ Lower, 1 976 ]. In non-teaching applications, such as the HITS system. Tutor provides as much power as many general programming languages, though it is sometimes awkward in such situations. To use Tutor for non-teaching applications often reguires much training and practice, after which it may still te difficult to use. A Tutor program is called a "lesson," and consists of a few hundred to a few thousand lines of code. Each lessen is further divided into "units," each containing anywhere from one to a few hundred lines of code. Program seguencing has traditionally be^n from unit to unit, with each unit performing a specific function. This allows easy structuring of a lessen into functicnal nodules. Each Tutcr command may reguire many machine operations, and for the Tutcr compiler to generate machine code for each command would result in very large binaries for lessons. To reduce the code needed in each lesson, the compiler "condenses" Tutor code into an easily interpretable form for the runtime system to interpret. Tc save execution time, however, the compiler qenerates machine cede for expressions, which may then be 18 directly executed by the computer. Like all the ether information needed for each user, lessons are kept in ECS and swapped into CM only when needed. The organizaticn of a Tutor lesson into units relates itself very well with Plato's architecture. Each unit is a self contained part cf a lesson, and gets swapped into CM independently of the rest cf the lessen. In trying to write fast Tutor code, one remembers that there is seme overhead in bringing units into CM, and that it may be faster to branch within the unit than to load another unit from ECS. The data referenced by Tutor lessens is kept separate from the lesson itself, and the interpretable code within the lessen is never changed during execution. Thus, the condensed code for all lessens is automatically reentrant and reuseable as far as Plato is concerned. This allows a minor speedup by not having tc write units tack to ECS after execution, and a major savings in ECS use ty allowing any number of users to share the ECS binary cf a lessen. 3.5. Tutor Data Areas Previous sections have mentioned the data storage resources the Plato system has, namely CM, ECS, and disk space. In the distant past, normal Tutor lessons could only access data in Central Memory, with Plato controlling all reading and writing of ECS. Since then, additional commands have been added to Tutor to allow lessens tc access data in CM, ECS, and en disk. 19 Since lessens in the WITS systea use all three of these storage areas, their characteristics and use are described below. Each user, when he signs onto the Plato system, is allocated a 40C-500 word area of ECS, called the "student bank." A portion of this, 150 words long, is called "student variables," and can be modified explicitly by the code of whatever lessen the user is currently in. The rest of the student back is used by Plato to store status information needed during a session. Much of the student bank, including the student variables, is saved en disk between sessions, often allowing the student to resume a lesson at a later session at the point frcm where he left it earlier. In addition to student variables, a Tutor lesson may request an additicnal area in ECS called "common." Hhereas each user has his own student variables, there is only one copy of each cemmon, shared between all users of a lesson. A common may reside permanently en disk when not in use by any lesson, being brought into ECS by Plato when needed, and written to disk when no longer referenced; or it may be "temporary" common, which is net saved on disk between sessions. In addition, a number of lessens may share the same ECS copy cf a permanent common. A common may new be up to 8050 words long, and is ideal for the storage of small to medium amounts of data, due to its low overhead in disk accesses and its easy accessibility in ECS. 20 If a Tutor lessen needs lore storage space, it can request an additional area of ECS that will be individual to the user. This area is called "storage," and Bay be op to 1500 words long. Unlike student variables cr coamon, Plato does not save storage variables en disk between sessions. Like student variables, each user of a lesson will have his own set of storage variables. Storage is not shared between users, as is comon. All three of these memory storage areas, student variables, common, and storage, reside in ECS. 1c perform calculations on the data in these areas, however, they aust be in Central Memory. Some method is needed for Tutor lessens tc aove this data back and forth between ECS and CM. Plato will, at the start of every timeslice, load the student bank, including the student variables, into a fixed buffer in CH. The student variables may then be accessed by the lesson, and they are written back tc ECS by Plato at the end of the timeslice. Since Plate automatically does this for the user, few people distinguish between the ECS copy of the student variables and the CM copy of the student variables. An area is also allocated in CM for the loading and unloading cf common and storage. The area where student variables are loaded is called *n* variables, while the area for cemmon and storage loading is called *nc* variables. Since *nc* variables are only 1500 words long, only portions of coaaon and storage can be loaded at one time. Commands are provided in Tutor to direct Plato to automatically load and unload these 21 areas of common and storage into *nc* variables at the start and end of every timeslice. It is up to the lessen to decide what tc load, and to see that the loaded areas do not overlap. During the timeslice, the lesson can do any calculations it wants en the *nc* variables, and those *nc* variables that are "protected" by being loaded from ECS will be saved in ECS until the next timeslice. The *nc* variables that were not "protected" will te zero en entry tc the next timeslice. It has been possible in the past to reference unprotected *nc* variables during a timeslice, which provided very convenient "temporary variables," whose values disappeared at the end of the timeslice. Ihis is no longer safe, since users no longer know when their timeslice will end. Until recently, Tutor lessons could not access disk directly. Their only areas of permanent storage were in a user's student variables, which Plato would save on disk when the user signed off, or in permanent common, which Plato would return to disk when the last user left the last lesson referencing that cemmen. Direct disk accessing was provided for Tutor lessens in order to allow users to store large amounts of infrequently accessed data, such as is needed in a filing system for student programs. Disk files that Tutor lessens may access are called "datasets," and are organized into fixed size records which are anywhere from 64 tc 512 words long. Information read from disk may be sent to the ECS copies of student variables, common, or 22 more traditionally, storage. Users of one lesson may be connected to different datasets, and a user may switch froi one dataset to another during execution. 3_.6_. Besource Limitations When tfce designers of the BITS system first started on Plato, the system was rather small compared to its current size. At that time it had only a single CDC 6400 CPU, only 500K words of ECS, and a new 8 41 disk system with three or four disk packs. At present, the Plato system is attempting to expand from two 6400 CPUs in one main frame to four CPUs in two main frames. Their disk system is now both larger and faster, and consists of afcout a dozen 844 disk drives. ECS has been expanded to the maximum of two Billion words. Also during the past few years, the nunber cf users on Plato has increased tremendously. In cider to assure a minimum standard of service to all users, the Plato staff has placed some restrictions on all scarce resources. Naturally, not all users are expected to use all resources tc the lisits. The system limits en resource use, particularly on processing power, ECS use, and disk accesses, have been outlined by the Plato system staff. The following values are taken from f Tenczar , 1974 ], where the expected limits for the following two or three years were described. Enough processing power is available tc allow twe thousand Central Processor instructions per user per second. ECS space is available for about 1500 23 words per terminal, and disk accesses are available for about one access per user per ainute. These limits are what the system has available, but luch cf each resource are used by the system in -just running the student. The conclusions reached were that Plate could support the following type cf operation: "four terminals sharing a 6000 word lesson for at least 15 minutes, using 20CO-3000 instructions per terminal per second." 24 Chapter H WITS Design Philosophy Ie previous chapters, we have discussed two of the influences en the desiqn of WITS, the expected users of WITS and the computer system on which it would run. This chapter discusses our desiqn philosophy, that is, not what we did, but our attitude as we did it. Our first goal in designing the WITS system was tc provide an interactive compiler system that many people could use. Our second goal was to determine how far we cculd stretch the capabilities of the Plato system, to find out what it could really support. In this second respect, we have been surprised: Plate has been able to support more than we had oriqinally expected. H^l_. Complete _ System Since cne of our goals was to serve as many users as possible, we had to provide enough features so that they would want tc use WHS. For those people who were already using an established timesharing system, such as PLOETS, we had to provide as many features of the existing system as possible. For those who were not already using a timesharing system, it was important that cur system be easy to use even if one had no previous experience. In discussing a "complete" system, we mean a logical structure of filing systems, editors, compilers. 25 interpreters, and debug packages. Each of these components is descrited below. The purpcse of an editor within the WITS system is to allow the student to write and modify a program. It should be organized in a narner to make program preparation a simple, easy to understand operation. If a single editor is not suitable for editing programs in different languages simply, multiple editors are needed, each one suited for a different programming language. If, in addition, the users of the editors cover a wide range cf sophistication and experience, it may be possible tc provide tore complex, more powerful editors for those with qi°atGi ability, while still filling the needs of more inexperienced users with the simpler editors. The purpose cf a filing lessen within the WITS system is, as with the source editors, tc facilitate program preparation. A simple filing system will allow the user to save a program and retrieve it later. More complex filing systems may allow a two level file structure, manipulations of multiple files, access of files by multiple users, or any number of other options. Two important features of filing systems are the resources used for saving files and the stability of the filing structure under adverse conditions. Since Plato only supports a single language for its users, for students to write programs in another language requires the construction of a compiler for that language and an interpreter for the internal code generated by that compiler. The job of 26 the compiler is to perform syntactic and semantic analysis of the user's program while generating an easily interpretable internal fcrm of his program. An interpreter then runs over this irtercal form executing each statement. Upon termination of the running program, either normally or abnormally, it is possible tc add a debug package to allow the user to display the contents of any of his variables. i*.. 2. Binimal^Resource .Use Since the Plato system supports simultaneously several hundred students, it is very restricted in the resources it can qive tc an individual student. The expected limits on resource use were described in section 3.6. In order to assure that the WHS system wculd work once it had been implemented, its design emphasized minimal resource usage. With this design we hoped to approach as close as possible tc these limits, but we knew we could never reach them. Important resources we considered included disk space, disk accesses, ECS reguirements, and CPU usaqe. In designing the filing lessons, the major resources under consideration were the disk space reguired to store many programs, the disk accesses reguired to save or fetch a program, and the ECS needed fcy the filing lessen and its directory of the disk. These amounts we used of each of these resources could be traded eff to have an improvement in cne of the others. For example, keeping the directory of programs on disk would reduce 27 the amount of ECS needed, but would increase the number of disk accesses required to manipulate programs. Keeping all programs in a single block on disk would reduce the number of disk accesses, tut would increase the disk space needed. Three important pcints were considered in deciding how to trade off various resource uses. First, if the filing lesson used too nuch ECS, at times it might net be accessible to the student due tc a shortace cf ECS, even if all the student wanted was to save his program and leave. Second, if the directory for the programs was kept in ECS, it would be possible for the disk to be chanqed, and a system crash tc cause the changes to ECS common tc be forgotten, resulting in an cut of date directory. Third, the Elato system can regulate the speed at which disk accesses are dene, but ECS usage and disk space usage are pre-determiced quantities. Thus, if we could reduce our ECS use or disk space use by requiring more disk accesses, it might make WITS mere usable, if enly slightly slower. In the editors and compilers in WITS, the two important resources we had to consider were ECS reguirements and CPU usaqe. Whenever there was a guesticn of whether to inplement seme lanquage or compiler feature, the usefulness of that feature was traded off against the resources needed by it, the work required to iirplement it, and the effort required to maintain it. 28 J4_- _3_. L angu age Change s When seme language feature appeared too costly to be iaplemented in WITS, we often felt obligated to provide some substitute feature. The best example of this is the use of READ-WFITE-F05M AT statements in standard Fortran. Due to the complexity of these statements, both in syntax and semantics, much ccmpiler cede would have to be written to compile these statements, and the CPU time needed to execute them would slow dewn interpretation significantly. The language features provided, as an alternative, were fenat free PRINT and READ statements. In fact, it is becoming standard to use format free I/O statements in introductory programming courses, as evidenced by a standard Fortran programming textbook, "Ten Statement Fortran Plus Fortran IV" [ Kennedy , 1970 ]. Thus, we felt no obligation tc stick to programming language standards when such standards required significantly mere resource use. One "justification for leaving out expensive compiler features is the improved response this allows. The student learns nothing while the compiler is computing; it is only when the compiler cr interpreter interacts with the student that the student can learn. Thus, the faster the compiler can respond to input from the student, the faster the student can learn. Learning is especially hindered if the compiler system is so slow as to not even allow the student to enter his program at a reasonable speed. 29 Another justification for leaving out expensive compiler features is the increased compiler usage this allows. The author benefited in high school from the availability of free computing time, limited only by the availability of terminal time. One of his personal goals in designing the HITS system was tc provide a similar system, where a student could write and run as many programs as he desired. The only way he could do this was tc make the WITS system as cheap to use as possible. 4^4^ Stabl e Sy stem As authors en the early Plato IV system, we became well aware of what occasional system crashes could do to certain types of data storage methods and structures. As HITS developed, we endeavored tc design our data structures so as to be unaffected by system crashes. Cf course, we were not always entirely successful, but we did succeed in making some structures less affected by system crashes. For example, the directory in ECS for one of the filing systems was designed so it didn't change when programs were saved or retrieved from disk. Thus, a system crash did net result in an incorrect file directory. Another example would be that if a student enters WITS with a program saved in his student record, the automatic checkpointing of his record to disk while he is running is turned off. That way, if the system crashes while he is running, his signon record with the program in it will not have been overwritten by whatever was in his student bank while he was running. 30 Chapter 5 ' The WITS Systei Sow The first few chapters of this thesis described the users of WITS and the computer system on which it runs. The fourth chapter described the design decisions we aade in building it. Toqether these chapters detail why and how the WITS systei was iiplemented. This chapter describes the resulting systea, its appearance, its users, and its operational characteristics. 5.1 . Structure The first EASIC systea on Plato was iapleaented with filing system, editor, ccmpiler, and interpreter all contained in a single lesson. In order to expand the system to include more compilers we had to break it into connected modules, with well defined interfaces. The structure of Tutor allowed the BASIC compiler/inter prefer to be placed in one lesson, accessible from a number of editors; and the editor/filing systea to be placed in another lessen, with access available to a number of compilers. At the same time, work was in progress on a Fortran compiler, and these changes allowed the existing editor and filing system to be used to test this new compiler. Currently there are three editors available in the WITS system. The first, called "linedit," is essentially the saae editor as was used in our original EASIC systea, though it has 31 been rewritten twice. This editor is line oriented, and looks quite similar to the editor that was available en the PLOHTS system. In our implementation, linedit is quite suited for BASIC programs, but may also be used for other languages. The second editor built for the HITS system, called "cursedit," is a cursor oriented editor, quite similar in appearance tc those used in the CAPS system. All editing actions take place at a "cursor" on the screen. The user has available function keys both for positioning the cursor on the screen, and for performing line, wcrd, or character operations on the text of his program. The ability to specify line numbers in cursedit has net been implemented yet, i.e., it is not yet suitable for editing EASIC programs. It has, however, been used by CS1C5 students fcr running Fortran programs. The third editor, called "tutedit," is currently under construction. This editor is similar in appearance to the standard Flatc source editor, and is intended for those users already familiar with such an editor. He plan for it to be able to handle programs with and without line numbers, so it may be used fcr both EASIC and other languages. All three of these editors will use very much the same internal format for source programs, in order to allow the user tc move with his program from cne editor in HITS tc another without requiring a let of processing. This allows him to access any cf the compilers in the HITS system, tc move to any of the ether editors, and to use any filing system in HITS. 32 Also, by standardizing the internal foraat of user programs, and the interface reguireaents between lessons. He have Hade it men easier for additional lessens to be added to the WITS systea. Two filing lessons are currently in use in the WITS systea. The first was designed in the fall of 1973 along with the line oriented editor, and was built into that editor. Each prograa in this filing systea is stored in a separate block on disk, thus reguiring only a single disk access to either save cr fetch the prcgraa. The directory fcr the disk resides in the lesson*s common, and indicates for each student signon the block nuabers that the student may save prograas in. The student references these blocks by way of letters A, B, C, through J, which the lesson uses to index into the list of blocks for that student. This results in a filing system that reguires very few disk accesses and a small directory in ECS, and is very stable since the directory does not change when prograas are saved or fetched. A large amount of disk space is "wasted," though, since blocks are allocated even if there is no program saved in them, and because only one prcgraa is placed in each block. The second filing lesson in BITS was designed in the fall of 1975, and was built to reduce the aaount of disk space needed for saving student prograas. Two methods Here used to reduce this space. First, prograas were packed to allow more than one proqrat per disk block, and second, space was not allocated in the disk file until a prograa was actually to be saved. This did result in a substantial savings in disk space. 33 Unfortunately, it also resulted in a very large directory for the disk file in ECS, and a directory that changed when programs were saved cr deleted. Currently accessible from the editors in HITS are working compilers fcr Fortran and BASIC. The BASIC compiler is essentially the one used in our original BASIC system cf 1973. The Fortran compiler is much newer, and is not really complete yet, even tfcouqh it has enough basic features and is reliable enouqh that it was used briefly fcr CS105 students in the fall of 1975. Cf course, these are not real "compilers," they have to qenerate an internal cede for the user's program and then interpret that internal form. Thus each of these compilers is built in two parts, the compiler section and the interpreter section, which could be in separate lessons, but are currently together in ore lesson. Two ether compilers are currently accessible in the HITS system, but only fcr testing purposes. One is for an extensible languaqe called "extran," and has been worked on ty Bruce Parrello. The other compiler is beinq constructed by Bruce Copland, and should be able tc execute a subset of PL/1 next fall. 5,.2_. Sophistication There are several reasons for makinq the HITS system fairly unsophisticated, as have been mentioned in previous chapters. Our attempt at unscphistication has been very successful. He 34 provide a very tasic interactive compiler system on which students can learn to write programs. No attempt has been made for oui lessens to teach the student how to program, but only to let him practice what he has learned elsewhere, lith this goal, the best thing we can do to help him learn to program in the real wcrld is to provide a system where he can learn by practice. 5_.J_. Speed He have been impressed with the speed at which our compilers and interpreters run; we would not have guessed that Plato could have supported such straight computing as is done in compilers and interpreters. If one compares the turnaround time of many tatch systems with the time it takes to compile a proqram in cne of the HITS compilers, one finds that HITS often takes less time. This does not mean that HITS is fast. On the contrary, waitinq at a terninal while nothing is happening on the screen can be much mere aggravating than turning in a punched deck cf cards and going tc read a book while the job sits in the computer. Just to have some real statistics, it takes approximately 100 seconds real time to compile a 40 line prograii in the Fcrtran compiler at the current Plato CPO limit. Interpreting the internal form of these compiled statements averages 1.5 tc 1.9 lines per real time second. 35 Sjji. Resource . Use Pesides CPO use, the lessons in the HITS systei use other resources, notably ECS space and disk space. Breaking up the WITS systen into modules contained in separate lessons has decreased the ECS needed tc run a single user, since he is in only one lesson at a time. For a whole class of users, however, the ECS use has only decreased slightly from our first BASIC system. In particular, the BASIC ccmpiler reguires 5900 words of ECS, while the Fortran compiler currently uses 8300 words. The line criented editor with the built in filing system requires 44CG words of ECS, while the cursor editor requires only 3300 wcrds. In addition, each user in any cf the WITS lessens will have his own storage area in ECS, whese length will he anywhere from 320 to 1C0O words long. The default length of 320 words licrks quite well for proqrams up to about 60 lines long using ncne or a few small arrays. Disk space is used by the HITS lessons for permanent storage of user prcgrams. The space needed to stcre each program is about 60 words mere than the length of the actual text in his program. Most of these extra words are used to keep a line table, describing the positicn and length of each of the lines in his program. The rest of these extra words contain a header containing what WITS needs to know about the program. Most of the groups using WITS have allocated enough disk space for cne program per student tc be saved. This is apparently adequate for most of their needs, especially since the WITS 36 editors will cften be able to save cne program in the user's student variables between sessions. 5.. 5,. Stability As indicated earlier, one of tee goals of the design of the WITS system was that it be stable, even under occasional system crashes. We are guite pleased with this aspect of much of our system. The line oriented editor and filing system, as previously irentioned, does not reguire changes to its directory of disk when programs are saved or deleted from disk. Since the directory is kept in common for easy access, this is very important, otherwise it would be possible for the directory to fce updated in ECS, for the changes to be made on disk, and then for the system to crash during the interval before the common is returned tc disk. 5_.6.. Mere Work Needed We are guite pleased with the speed and reliability of most of the WITS system, as is probably apparent from the above descriptions, but that doesn't mean that all the problems in the system have teen solved. In particular, the stability of a filing system recently added to WITS is somewhat unknown. In trying tc reduce the amount of -disk space needed to store programs, its directory stored in common in ECS reguired changing when files were saved and destroyed. Luckily Plato's reliability has improved during the past few years, but even so. 37 a better algoritha in that filing system should be attempted. Also, many improvements are possible in those parts of the system that are already being used by students. In particular, a few extra features might be added to the BASIC compiler, such as MATBIX statements. The Fortran compiler can use a lot of wcrk. Many useful features of Fortran have not been implemented yet, such as full array input/output, or DATA and COMMON statements. Also, the errcr diagnostics of both the Fortran compiler and the EASIC compiler need to be improved, in order to help the student learn where his errors are. 38 Chapter 6 The History of HITS As the reader has already learned, WITS has been in use for almost three years now, in one form or another. It started as a EASIC compiler, editor, and filing system contained in a single lesson, capable of running 10 students at once and storing maybe 30 programs. It has grown during that time tc the current system, described in the last chapter, which can support any number of students at once and store as many programs as the user can get disk space fcr. The sections of this chapter descrite some of the steps alcng the way to the current WITS system . 6 j. J . Changes to Elato Affect WITS When we began to design WITS, in early 1973, the Plato system was still experimental. It cculd support 150 users with difficulty, crashes could be expected daily, and strange problems with Tutcr lessens could often be traced to errors in the run-time interpretation routines. Many useful features of Tutor were still tc be developed, but the form of the language, and most commands, remain today as they were then. The major language changes that affected the development of the WITS system are described below. Some of these descriptions are rather technical, and might only be understood after some 39 experience en Plate. fcrce Bicrc / altfont alt Plato terminals have ever 120 built in characters, with internal cedes of six, 12, or even 18 bits used to reference them. In crder to reduce the complexity of our original BASIC compiler, we used six tit internal codes for all characters. This shortened the amount cf space needed to store the student's proqram, and mere importantly, it simplified the implementation of the editcrs and compilers. This required the editor for EASIC programs to collect key presses and convert them to the desired interr.al cedes. This naturally reguired both Tutor code and CPU tine. In 1S73, seme time after our first BASIC system was written, the Plate system announced a new command, -force micro-. Normally a micro table is used to substitute a series of characters for a single key press, such as substituting the equation cf an ellipse for the students press of MICRO-e. The -force Bicrc- command directs Plato to translate all key presses throuqh the micro table, even if the user has not hit MICRO. The micro table in the WITS system translates those keys in our character set with six bit internal codes into themselves (about 50 cf these). These keys for characters with 12 or 18 bit codes qet translated into unused six bit codes. For example, the sinqle quote gets mapped into the code 53, which is normally used fcr the Tutor assignment arrow. 40 Since it Mould be a bit disconcerting for the student to see an assignment arrow when he typed a single quote, we use an alternate character set to change the display representation of our six tit internal codes. Normally charsets are used to display often plotted characters or figures without drawing then dot by dot each time, such as Russian characters in a Russian lanquaqe lessen. Charsets are loaded into the read/write character memory of the terminal ence and then can be referenced as fast as references to the built in, read only, character set. The charset that SITS uses looks like the built in character set, except it is rearranged a little and has fewer characters. Side affects of having all input come through a micro table and all cutput being shown through a charset are nice things like havinc Shift-o delete a character as on a teletype (the micro table translates Shift-o into a single press of ERASE), and displaying capital letters for lower case internal codes (just making the designs in the charset look like upper case letters) . It should be noted that numbers and operators in expressions get mapped into themselves. This allows the use of standard Plato routines at execution time to process input expressions and to display numerical results. Time Slice Changes In early 1973, the programmer of a Tutor lessen indicated, by means of a -break- command, where Plato should check to see if he was nearing the end of a timeslice. If he was, Plato 41 wculd interrupt him at that point. When he returned from an interrupt, all his *nc* variables would be zero, so before a -break-, he wculd generally -unload- his common and storage from *nc* variables into ECS. After the -break- command, he would -load- his *nc* variables from ECS again. During a timeslice, he could use *nc* variables that were not loaded from ECS, and their values would remain intact for the duration of the timeslice. These variables provided "temporary variables," which could be used much like the local variables available in many ether programming languages. In August, 1973, -break- commands became obsolete, with the Tutor interpreter determining when a timeslice interrupt, or -autobreak-, should occur. Since an -autobreak- could happen between any twe commands, temporary variables could now be depended cr enly fcr the duration cf a single command, and even that iray change in the future. Before this time we had been using temporary variables extensively, so removing -break- cemmands reguired many hours cf our time to get our lessons working again. The commands -load- and -unload- were only usable when one knew where a -break- would occur, so in addition to making temporary variables obsolete, removing -break- commands also reguired a change in the manner cf referencing common and storage. Twc new commands, -coilcad- and -stoload-, were provided to automatically load and unload portions cf cemmon and storage every timeslice. 42 Th€ language resulting after the implementation of -autotreak- was cleaner and lore powerful than the previous version of Tutor. However, some UC hours of rewriting were reguired to get the BASIC filing system, editor, and compiler, tc wcrk with -autobreak-. Much of this could have been avoided if we had known a year and a half ahead of time what changes were planned for Tutor. However, probably no one knew at that time what was gcing tc be done. 6.2. Eesou ice Sh ortage s Periodically during the history of Plato, various resources have teen in short supply compared to the demand for them. Belcw are descriptions of each of the resource shortages the WITS system has survived, and how each affected the development of WITS. Disk Space_ Crun ch As with Brany ether computer systems, Plato has to be careful in allocating its disk space to users. At one time disk space was given to users freely, but it was soon learned that such policies wasted disk space. But, even with careful allocation, sometines new disk drives didn't arrive when expected, cr the drives would arrive, at which point it was found that the necessary disk controller had not even been ordered. Scnetimes Plato was short of disk space for months at a time. Cnly rarely, however, did the HITS project slow its 43 development due tc the lack of space in which to author lessons, but thought was given continually tc the amount of space data structures vould take on disk, and how many students could run with a particular disk setup. The original BASIC system, which required a copy cf the entire filing system, editor, and compiler fcr every grcup of users, wasted a lot cf disk space compared tc later versions of HITS. F.CS Crunch Occasionally, during the three years that the author has teen running compilers, the number of users on Plato has grcwn tc where all the available ECS has been in use. When trying to run classes in instructional lessons, this results in students scmetiires being unable to sign on to the system, or unable to mcve frcm cne lessen to another. The original BASIC system resided in a single lesson, and since any number of users can share the ECS copy cf a lesson, that system rarely had trouble running classes. Running just cne student during unscheduled time was cften impossible, however, since he was unable to obtain a large amcunt of non-shared ECS. when WITS was built, the compilers resided in lessons separate frcm the lesson with the editor and filing system. With this setup, it was possible fcr all students to sit in the editor with the compiler unaccessible due to lack of ECS. The scluticn, ence Plato allocated ECS to physical sites, was to reserve a classroom for a whole class of students running in the 44 compiler, and to ask other users in the classioci to leave whenever ECS became scarce. Funning a single student became easier with this setup since he was only charged for the ECS of the lessen he was using at the time, either the compiler or the editor, both cf which were smaller than the original BASIC system . The current KITS design assumes classroom use where both the editor and compiler can be continuously shared between many users. When modifications are made to WITS, attempts are made to shorten the total ECS it uses. Also, it is desireable that if the ECS situation becomes too tight to run, the student should te atle to get to the filing system and save his program. Uses cf WITS for other than whole classes at once will have to be restricted to ti»es when ECS is plentiful. CFU Crunch As the number of Plato users has grown, the CPU time available to each has diminished. To guarantee a certain amount cf processing time for each user, the Plato system programmers have added software checks to control CPU allocation. Even so, the Plato system has occasionally felt sluggish to experienced users. The worst such time was for about two weeks during the 1975 Spring semester, when Plato was running over 400 users regularly. Improvements to the Plato interpreter during the following sosirer allowed it to handle peak loads of well over 5C0 users during the 1975 Fall semester with hardly any 45 ncticable delay. Since CPU use is a critical resource, the WITS designers have attempted to keep prccessing tine to a minimum without increasing use of other resources (such as ECS). Their techniques for this are described below. The WI7S system consists of several interconnected lessons. Since a user can go from any lessen to any ether lesson, and will cften move frcm an editor to a compiler and back, it is important to keep the processing tine at such interfaces small. This is dene by standardizing the internal format cf the user's program in all the lessons. Additionally, it is important that no compiler destroy information that an editor would have to use CPU time tc recompute. At various times during the development cf WITS, seme lessens violated the above two rules. The BASIC compiler has traditionally destroyed information the editors want, just to save 15 words of ECS; and a new editor used a different format for programs in order to reduce its own processing, but mere processing was required to access a compiler than was saved. Both cf these violations have been corrected, with a savings in processing tiae, and only a minor increase in ECS usage. The C£PS compiler system has a much different structure than KITS has. CAPS compilers, rather than being hard coded Tutor, are coded in an assembler-like language, and are interpreted by a common driver, written in Tutor. Since the driver is shared between all the compilers, it loses some of the speed it might have if it had language dependent, optimizations U6 built in. To save processing tine, the HITS compilers are coded directly in Tutor. A third way of keeping CPU use by the HITS compilers and interpreters low was to utilize Tutor commands and data structures that were known to be fast. Such things included using -find- commands where appropriate, referencing full words rather than segments cf words when possible, and referencing information directly rather than through links and pointers. Prcbatly the greatest effect on CPO time and ECS consumption was not from any cne thing done during the design of the ccapilers, but rather en the method used in building the HITS system. All parts of the system were designed by one or mere people in discussion with ether authors, but only one person implemented each part. The system was thus broken down into parts that cculd be thoroughly understood by a single person, allowing him to recognize optimizations when he saw them. Cften, after a portion of the system was completed, it was examined by the other HITS designer to make sure it was understandable to both. The ether designer would occasionally suqqest improvements, and both were then competent to correct bugs that appeared in the lessen. 47 Chapter 7 Conclusion Previous chapters have described who the WITS compiler system was luilt for, how it was built, and what its current appearance is. Mention has been made several times to CAPS, an acronym for the "Computer Assisted Programming System" that has been developed en Plato by the Computer Science Department at the University cf Illinois. This chapter compares and contrasts these two student compiler systems. I The CAPS programming system was designed to fill part of the role of a consultant in helping the student write his program. As the student enters his program in cne of the CAPS editors/compilers, it is checked, character by character and token by token, for correct syntax. Immediately upon receipt of an invalid token or syntactic construct, the compiler gives an error message to the student, and the editor will not let him proceed until he has corrected his mistake. If the student does net understand the first error message, which generally is guite short, he can press HELP, and receive a mere detailed explanation . If the student still does not know how to correct his program, he can direct the compiler to give him a series of changes, each cne cf which would make his program correct syntactically. The student can make cne of these changes, and continue entering his program. This is a very impressive 48 operation, examples of which can be seen in [ Tindall, 1975 ]. At program execution time, the CAPS interpreters keep trace information at every step of interpretation. If the student receives an execution error during interpretation, this allows the diagnostic routines to actually reverse execute the student's program, shewing hi« each step of the execution, until he can determine where the error in his program was. This process is further described in [ Davis, 1975 ]. In the area cf compile time and execution time diagnostice, the WHS system is severely lacking. At present, the student is essentially tcld that the compiler can not understand some line. A hint might be given as to what the compiler is expecting next, but the student is not even told where in the line the compiler was processing. Essentially, the student is expected to already know the syntax for his programming language, and the MITS compilers allow him to write programs in that language. When the student receives a compiler error message, he may have to look up in a reference book the syntax for the particular statement he wants to use, and then follow that syntax exactly. In the area of execution speed and resource use, the WITS system comes out better than the CAPS system. The editor/compiler in the CAPS system must be able to compile forward performing syntax checking, and uncompile backward as the studert moves his cursor back to change a previous statement. At execution time, the CAPS interpreters must keep trace information in order to allow their reverse execution 49 routines tc wcrk. This naturally requires more CPU tiae to collect this data, and more ECS space to keep the data for later use. An analysis of where CPU time was being spent during compilation in the CAPS system was performed last year, and is descrit€d in [ White ,1975 ]. In summary, the Plate system has two student compiler systems currently being developed. Each system is designed differently and has different operational characteristics. The CAPS compiler system is designed to watch the student as he enters his programs, and help him whenever he has trouble. The WITS compiler system, described in this thesis, is designed for speed and ninimum resource use, in order that the student can learn programming by receiving lets of practice. Because of its somewhat simpler design, the HITS system has been slightly more reliable while in the construction stages, though this should disappear as the CAPS system is polished up. Both of these systems need mere wcrk, the CAPS system to speed it up, the HITS system to improve its error diagnostics. 50 Li st of Ref erences f Alpert , 197C ] Alpert, D. and D.L. Eitzer, "Advances in Computet Based Education," Science, Vol. 167, March 20, 1970, pp. 1582-9C." f Ritzer , 1973 ] Bitzer, D.L., B.A. Sherwood and P.J. 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Kurtz, BA SIC Progra mming , John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1967. f Kennedy, 1570 ] Kennedy, M. and M.B. Solomon, Ten Statement F ort ran Plus_Fortran IV, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1970. flower, 1976] lower, S.K., "Authoring Languages and the Evolution of CAI," Simcn Eraser University, Eurnaby B.C. Canada, Eetruary 1976. f Nievergelt , 1974 ] Nievergelt, J., E.M. Reingold and T.R. Wilcox, "The Automation of Introductory Computer Science Courses," A. Gunther, et al. (editors). International Computing Symposium 1973, North-Holland Publishing Co. , 1974. 51 f Schreiner, 1972 ] Schreiner, A.T., Coaputer C alculu s. Stipes Publishing Co., Champaign, Illinois, 1972. r Sherwccd, 1974 ] Sherwood, B.A., The TUTOR Language. Computer-based Education Research Laboratory and Department cf Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1974. [Stifle, 1972] Stifle, J., "The Plato IV Architecture," CERL Report X-20, Computer-based Education Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, May 1972. f Stifle, 1973] Stifle, J., "The Plato IV Student Terminal," CERL Report X-15, Computer-based Education Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, June 1973. r Tenczar, 1971 ] Tenczar, P.J. and B.A. Sherwood, "limits," Plate System feature Notes, Urbana Plato System, Urbana, Illinois, September 24, 1974. C Thortcn, 1970 ] Thortcn, J.E., Design o f a Computer. Scott, Foresman Co., Glenview, Illinois, 1970. r Tindall, 1975 ] Tindall, H.H., "An Interactive Compile-Time Diagnostic System," Ph . D thesis. Department cf Computer Science Report # UIUCDCS-R-75-7U8, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, Cctober 1975. f Tucker , 197 1] Tucker, P., "A Large Scale Computer Terminal Cutput Controller," CERL Report X-27, Computer-based Education Research laboratory. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, June 1971. f White, 1975] white, L.A., "CAPS Compiler CPU use Report," Department cf Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, December 1975. T Wilcox, 1975 ] Wilcox, T.R., "An Interactive Table Driven Diagnostic Editor for High Level Programming Languages," Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, 1975. T Wilcox, 1 976 ] Wilccx, T.R., A.M. Davis and H.H. Tindall, "The Design and Implementation of a Table Driven, Interactive Diagnostic Programmin System," to be published in the CACM. BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET 4. Title and Subtitle I. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-76-819 The Design of WITS: A Student Compiler System on PLATO IV 7. Author(s) Lawrence Allen White 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 15. Supplementary Notes 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5- Report Date Julv 1Q76 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. 13. Type of Report & Period Covered M. S. Thesis 14. 16. Abstracts This thesis discusses the design of an interactive student compiler system called WITS, an acronym for "White's Interactive Timesharing System." The WITS system currently contains two editors, two filing lessons, and two compilers. Work is in progress on creating additional editors and compilers, in order to better meet the needs of its users. These compilers have been implemented on the PLATO IV computer system, and are being used by students. Included in this thesis is a description of the PLATO IV system and how it affected the development of WITS. 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors interactive student compilers PLATO IV 7b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms 7c. COSATI Fie Id /Group 8. Availability Statement 5RM NTIS-38 ( 10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 5h 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 DEC 1 5 1976 m u m