§ Ranting attb gTabor. § | LIBRARY J | Universityof Illinois. | A CLASS. BOOK. VOLUME. A on ^ N=:>0 \ I » » ^ Accession No. ' ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/catalogueofjacobOOchic LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS JACOB BEIDLER. CATALOGUE OF THE JACOB BEIDLER SCHOOL LIBRARY. CHICAGO! 1901. The Jacob BeidlER School located at Kedzie Avenue and Walnut Street, and formerly known as the Central Park School, was named by the Board of Education, June 28, 1899, in honor of the late Jacob Beidler, a prominent citizen of Chicago, by whose bounty the school has been recently supplied with over 1800 volumes of books here catalogued, and with a large number of pictures. This catalogue also includes the reference books and a few others previously belonging to the school, and a list of supplementary reading now in use. Any seem- ingly unnecessary repetition in the list is a concession to the convenience of the boys and girls for whom this catalogue is chiefly intended. A section of the library has been placed in each school room above the third grade, with a group of professional books for teachers in the office — our idea being to make the circulation and use of the books as convenient and informal as consistent with proper care. We trust that all who use a book will treat it as a good friend, and after reading return it promptly for another to read, and so co-operate in making the best use of the opportunity so generously provided. JAMES C. ALLING, Chicago , May i , igoi. Principal. Dll.'T 3 I J e- Note. — T ook for an author, title, topic or subject in t- its alphabetical order. The bold face type indicates an author. Under each author’s name will also be found a list of bis works contained in the library. After the title of a book the surname of the author is printed in smaet capitals. Return the book within two weeks: others wish to • read it ; you may draw it again. Keep it clean. Abbreviations. Biog.-Biography. Ed. -Editor or Ed- ited by. Pub. -Publisher. Cf.-Confer: consult the author and number following. ...1317 ... 301 5 , 302 ... 333 ... 303 ... 304 ... 622 ... 305 ... 306 . . 308 ... 621 ... 313 ... 318 ... 620 ... 320 ... 321 ... 322 ... 307 ... 323 ... 324 ... 325 ... 326 ... 2 ,. 327 ... 328 Abandoned Claim, The. Loughead A bbott, Jacob. (Histories.) Alexander the Great Alfred the Great Captain Kidd Charles I of England Charles II of England Cleopatra of Egypt Cyrus the Great Darius the Great Hannibal the Carthaginian Hernando Cortez Julius Caesar Margaret of Anjou Mary Queen of Scots Nero ... Peter the Great Pyrrhus Queen Elizabeth Richard I Richard II Richard III Romulus Wars of the Colonies William the Conqueror Xerxes the Great , 4336 ? Abbott, Jacob, (Travels.) Rollo on the Atlantic 205, 1145 Rollo in Geneva 170, 201, 1141 Rollo in Holland 1142 Rollo in London 198, 1143 Rollo in Naples 1144 Rollo in Paris 200, 1146 Rollo on the Rhine 167, 204, 1147 Rollo in Rome 1148 Rollo in Scotland 199, 1149 Rollo in Switzerland 203, 1150 Abbott, John S. C. American Pioneers and Patriots 15 Christopher Columbus 331 Daniel Boone 329 David Crockett 332 Ferdinand DeSoto 14, 933 George Washington 11, 335 Henry IV 309 Hernando Cortez 7 Hortense 310 Joseph Bonaparte 311 Josephine 312 King Philip 314 Kit Carson 330 Louis XIV 315 Louis Philippe 316 Madame Roland 317 Miles Standish 935 Marie Antoinette 319 Paul Jones 934 Peter Stuyvesant 13, 334 Abbott, Willis J, Battle Fields and Camp Fires 618 Battle Fields and Victory 617 Battle Fields of ’61 619 Aber, (Mary R. Alling=Aber.) An Experiment in Education 1107 About Old Story Tellers. MiTCHEEE 458 Acadia, Zigzag Journeys in. ButterworTh 1169 According to Season. Dana..... 984 Across Texas. EeEIS 1235 Adams, John Quincy. (Biog.) Morse 350 Adams, Samuel. (Biog.) Hosmer 351 4 Adams, Wm. J.— See Oliver Optic 466-475 Addison, Joseph. Sir Roger de Coverley Papers 994 Adrift in the Ice Fields. Haee 426 Adventure. See H. W. G. Kingston 1306-1309 Adventure, Stories of. Haee 1260 Adventures and Conquests of Magellan. Towee 496 Adventures and Conquests of Pizarro. Towee 497 Adventures in Wonderland, Alice’s. Carroee 1196 Adventures of a Brownie. Mueock 229 Adventures of a Country Boy. Otis 1347 Adventures of a Young Naturalist. Biart 1459 Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Raspe 1368 Adventures of Captain Mago. Cahun 1195 Adventures of Mrs. Wishing to-be. Corkran 1203 Adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle 488 Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain 501, 1066 Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb 1008 sop’s P'ables 1017 Afar in the Forest. Kingston 1307 Afoot, Views. Tayeor 1418, 1419 Africa. On the Congo. Knox. ( Boy Traveler Series). 442 Africa, Central. Knox. (Boy Traveler Series) 439 Africa. My Kalulu: Prince, King and Slave. Staneey. 1408 Africa, In the Wilds of. Kingston 1306 Africa, In Wild. Knox 1480 Africa, Its Partition and Future. Staneey and others. 1409 Africa, South. The Young Colonists. HenTy 1276 Africa, South. ThEae 903 Africa, Views in. Badeam 628, 944 Agamemnon. See Famous Rulers. Farmer 413 Agassiz, Louis. Geological Sketches. 2 Vols 509, 510 Methods of Study in Natural History 1108 Agassiz. Character and Characteristic Men. Whippee 895 Agassiz. Famous Men of Science. Boeton 1598 Ageof Chivalry ; Legends of King Arthur. Bueeinch. 657 Age of Electricity. Benjamin 950 Age of Elizabeth, The. Creighton 1092 Age of Fable, The. Bueeinch 1097 Agriculture. The Great World’s Farm. Gaye 1470 A-hunting of the Deer. Warner 1595 Alamo.TheLost Gold of the Montezumas. Stoddard. 1413 Alaska. Baeeou.. 946 5 Alaska. Around the World. Carroll 1610, 1611 Alcott, Louisa M. Girls Who Became Famous. Boston .639, 1599 Alcott, Louisa M. A Garland for Girls 938 Bight Cousins 367 Jack and Jill 368 Jo’s Boys 369 Little Men 226, 370 Little Women 225, 937 Old Fashioned Girl 371 Proverb Stories 374 Rose in Bloom 372 Silver Pitchers 375 Spinning Wheel Stories 936 Under the Lilacs 373 Aunt Jo’s Scrap Bag. Vol. 1. My Boys, Etc.. ..1152 Vol. 2. Shawl Straps 1151, 1153 Vol. 3. Cupid and Chow-Chow, Etc 376, 1531 Vol. 4. My Girls, Etc 377 Vol. 5. Jimmie’s Cruise 939 Vol. 6. An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving 378 Alden, Mrs. Q. R. See “Pansy” 1351, 1444-1452 Alden, W. L. A New Robinson Crusoe 940 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. The Story of a Bad Boy 941, 942, 1453 The Story of a Cat 623 Alexander the Great. Abbott 301 Alexander the Great. Famous Rulers. Farmer... 413 Alfred the Great. Abbott 5, 302 Alfred the Great. Famous Rulers. Farmer 413 Alger, Horatio. Abraham Lincoln, the Backwoods Boy 19 Alhambra, The. Irving 251, 252 Alice Learmont. Mulock 723 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Carrole .196, 1196 Allen, Grant. Common Sense Science 1106 The Story of the Plants 1105 Allen, Jerome. Mind Studies for Young Teachers 551 Outlines of Educational History 1454 Temperament in Education 552 Alling=Aber, Mary R. An Experiment in Education 1107 Along the Florida Reef. Holder..... 1281 Amateur Aquarist, The. Mark 1384 Amazon, On the Banks of the. Kingston 1300 America, Ancient. Baldwin 1109 America. (Norse disc.) Rulers of the Sea. Neukomm. 848 America Photographed 1526 American Authors, Famous. Bolton 1161 American Biography. Century Book of Famous Americans 402 American Boy’s Handy Book. Beard 398 American Civics Cent. Book for Young Americans. 404 American Commonwealth, The. Bryce. 2 Vols..651, 652 American Constitutional History. American Statesmen 349-366 American Explorers, Young Folks, Book of. Higginson 78, 1279 American Girl’s Handy Book. Beard 948 American History and Historical Fiction. A Half Century of Conflict. Parkman. 2 Vols.855, 856 A Knight of Liberty (LaFayette.) Butterworth 959 A Royal Little P.ed Coat. Ogden 1346 A Soldier of the Legion. Norton 849 American History Stories. Pratt. 4 Vols. 1491, 1492, 1493, 1494 An Island Refuge (Casco Bay in 1676.) Otis.... 851 Ancient America. Baldwin 1109 Boy’s Life of General Grant. Knox 1313, 1612 Beginner’s American History. Montgomery... 246 Ezra Jordan’s Escape. (Massacre of Port Loy- all.) Otis 852 First Steps in the History of Our Country. Mowry 245 Green Mountain Boys. Thompson 206, 883 Hero Tales from American History. Lodge and Roosevelt 868 Historic Americans. Brooks 1550 In Leisler’s Times (A Tale of Knickerbocker, New York.) Brooks 1165 In the Brave Days of Old. Hall 425 La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. Parkman 854 Margaret Winthrop. Earle 1226 Neal, the Miller. Otis 850 On the Old Frontier. Stoddard 1411 Pioneer History. Stories of the Mississippi Valley. McMurry 293 Side Fights on American History. Elson 1602 Stories of American History. (See Jambs Otis. ) The Boyhood of Lincoln. Butterworth 962 The Conquest of Mexico. Prescott (3 Vols.) 593,594, 595 The Conquest of Peru. Prescott. (2 Vols.). .591, 592 The Log Schoolhouse on the Columbia. Butterworth 961 The Man without a Country. Hale 1259 The Oregon Trail. Parkman 853 The Rulers of the Sea. Neukomm 848 The Patriot Schoolmaster. Butterworth 960 The Wampum Belt. Butterworth 963 The Young Colonists. Henty 1276 Under Drake’s Flag Henty 1275 United States Political History. Smith 1133 With Lee in Virginia. Henty 1271 Working Manual of American History. Mace 1528 Young Folks’ History of the United States. Higginson.. 253, 254, 255, 292 (See below under American, etc., United States History, etc. Also Supplementary Reading fourth to eighth grades. American Men of Letters. 337-348 Bryant 337, Cooper 338, Curtis 339, Emerson 340, Franklin 341, Fuller-Ossoli 342, Irving 343, Poe 344, Ripley 345, Thoreau 346, Webster 347, Willis 348 American Pioneers and Patriots. Abbott 15 American Politics. Johnston 244 American Revolution, Century Book of. Brooks ... 402 American Statesmen Series. 349-366 Simms 349, J. Q. Adams 350, Sam’l Adams 351, Benton 352, Calhoun 353, Clay 354, 355, Frank- lin 356, Hamilton 357, Jackson 358, Jefferson 359, Lincoln 360, 361, Madison 362, Monroe 363, Washington 364, 365, Webster 366. American Statesmen, Famous. Bolton 1160 American Travel. Due West. (Rocky Mts. and Pa- cific Coast) 390 Amoeba. In Brook and Bayou. BayliSS 947 Among the Esquimaux. Ellis 1233 8 Amongst Machines. Lukin 1318 Amusements. American Girl’s Handy Book. Beard 948 An Island Refuge. (Casco Bay in 1676). Otis 851 Anatomy of Pattern. Text Books of Ornamental Design. Vol. 3. Day 1119 Ancient America. Baldwin 1109 Ancient Mariner, The, Etc. Coleridge 995 Andersen, Hans Christian. Stories and Tales 20, 1155 Wonder Stories Told for Children 1154 Andersen, Stories from. The Children’s Book. Scudder 489 Andrews, Jane. Each and All 25, 624 Geographical Plays 625 Only a Year and What it Brought 379 Seven Little Sisters 223, 380, 1532 Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children .218, 381, 1533 Ten Boys 382 Animal Life. Bass 632,633, 1534 Animal Life. Church 973 Animal Life in the Sea and On the Land. Cooper.. 718 Animal Memoirs. Vols. 1 and 2. Lockwood.. .822, 823 Animals, About. Church 976, 975 Animals, Home. Church 977 Animals in Mythology and History. The Horse Fair. Baldwin 385 Animals, Stories About. Reid 158 Animals. The Land of Tawny Beasts. Mael 1037 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. Macdonald 824 Another Flock of Girls. Perry 1051 Anstey, F. Pale Face and Redskin 943 Antietam and Fredericksburg. Palfrey 677 Apparatus, Home Made. Woodhull 613 Apperception, or a Pot of Green Feathers. Rooper. 601 Application of Ornament. Day 1117 Applied Psychology. McLellan & Dewey 1483 Aquarist, The Amateur. Mark 1384 Arabian Nights, Author of. Old Story Tellers. Mitchell 458 Arabian Nights. Edited by Hale 1006 Arabian Nights Entertainment 195 9 Arabian Nights, New. Stevenson... 871 Arabian Nights, Stories from 235 Arabian Nights, Stories from. The Children’s Book. 489 Arbela, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Arctic Regions. Snow shoes and Sledges. Munroe. 461 Arctic Regions. The Ice Queen. Ingersoee 798 Arithmetic, Methods in Written. Cook 1463 Ark of Elm Island, The. KEEEOGG 1298 Armada, Spanish. Fifteen Decisive Battles. Creasy 727 Armada, The Spanish Story of the. Froude 1251 Armor-wearers. Science Ladders. Vol III. D’AnvERS 1557 Army of ’ 6 L-’ 65, A Boy’s Adventure in. “Jed.” Goss. 1258 Army of the Cumberland, The. CiST 679 Army Under Pope, The. ROPES 676 Arnold, Isaac N. Life of Abraham Lincoln 336 Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome 1156 Life of Hannibal 1183 Around the World. 2 Vols. Carroee 1610, 1611 Around the World in Ten Months. Due West. Baeeou 390 Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam. Brassey. 646 Around the World, Zigzag Journeys. ButterworTh 1438 Art and Craft of Cabinet Making, The. Denning.. 1530 Art, History of. Goodyear 232 Art, Short History of. De Forest 233 Art. Text Books of Ornamental Design. Day. 1117, 1118, 1119 Arthur Bounicastle. Hoeeand 792 Artists. Lights of Two Centuries. HaeE 1098 As in a Mirror. “Pansy” 1445 Asbjornsen, P. C. Fairy Tales from the Far North 626, 1455,' 1597 Asia, Life in. Smith 1590 Asia, Little People of. Mileer 1336 Astor, John Jacob. Famous Americans. ParTON... 1352 Astor, Wm. B. Captains of Industry. ParTON.858, 1044 Astronomy. Starland. Baee 386 Astronomy. The Story of the Stars. Chambers 695 At the Back of the North Wind. Macdonaed 825 Atkinson, Edward. The Industrial Progress of the Nation 1118 IO Atkinson, Philip. Electricity for Everybody 511, 627 Atlanta. (Campaigns of the Civil War). Cox 680 Atlantic, Rollo on the. Abbott 205, 1145 Audobon, John James. Famous Men of Science. Boston 1598 Aunt Diana. Carey 686 Aunt Jo’s Scrap Bag. Aecott. 6 Vols. 1151, 1152, 1158, 876, 377, 939, 378, 1531 Austin Elliot and the Harveys. KingseEY 808 Australasia. Knox 440 Australia, Zigzag Journeys in . BuTTERWORTh 1170 Austria. Central Europe. Knox 444 Authors, Famous American. Boeton 1161 Authors, Stories of Our. Macomber 280 Autobiography. Benjamin Frankein. 207, 1012, 1013, 1561, 1562 Autobiography. Frederich Froebee 574 Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Hoemes 794 Aztec Land. Baeeou 387 Aztec and Toltec. The White Conquerors. Munroe. 847 Bacheller, Irving. Eben Holden 1604 Backlog Studies. Warner 894 Backwoods Boy, The. AEGER 10 Bad Boy, The Story of a. AEDRicn 941, 942, 1456 Badlam, Anna B. Views of Africa 628, 944 Bahamas. Due South. Baeeou 380 Bain, R. Nisbet. Cossack Fairy Tales 397 Baker, Sir Samuel. Cast Up by the Sea 629 Baldwin, James. A Story of the Golden Age 383 Story of Siegfried 384 Story of Roland 945 The Book Lover 630 The Horse Fair 385 Baldwin, James M. Mental Development in the Child 1111 Social and Ethical Interpretation in Mental Development 1112 Baldwin, John D. Ancient America 1109 Pre-Historic Nations 1110 Baldwin, Joseph. Elementary Psychology and Education 1087 Baldwin, Winifred E. Primary Lessons in Human Physiology 268 Ball, Sir Robert S. Starland 886 The Cause of an Ice Age 1114 Ballads for Little Folks. Alice and Phoebe Cary 1192 Ballads, Popular. The Children’s Book. Scudder 489 Ballou, Maturin M. Alaska 946 Aztec Land 387 Due North 388 Due South 389 Due West 390 Footprints of Travel 631 Baltic, Up the. Optic 474 Bamford, Mary E. Up and Down the Brooks 391 Bangs, John Kendrick. Coffee and Repartee 392 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica 395 The Bicyclers and Three Other Farces 394 The Water Ghost and Others 396 Three Weeks in Politics 393 Banvard, Joseph. First Explorers of North America 33 Pioneers of the Old World 32 Plymouth and the Pilgrims 30 Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution 31 Barberry Bush, The. Coolidge 981 Bardeen, C. W. Verbal Pitfalls 553 Barnum, Phineas T. Forest and Jungle 194 Baron Munchausen. Raspe 1368 Barter, S. Manual Instruction: Woodwork. (The English Sloyd) 1456 12 Bass, Florence. Animal Life 632, 633, 1534 Plant Life 634, 635 Bates, C. E., Ed. Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, Etc. 995 Battle Fields and Camp Fires. Abbott 618 Battle Fields and Victory. Abbott 617 Battle Fields of ’61. Abbott 619' Battles of the World, The Fifteen Decisive. Creasy 727 Baxter’s Second Innings. Drummond 1465 Bayliss, Clara T, In Brook and Bayou 947 Beach, C. Belden. The Student’s Cyclopedia. 2 Vols 227, 228 Beach Patrol, The. DrysdaeE 741 Beard, D. C. American Boy’s Handy Book 398 Beard, L. and A. E. American Girl’s Handy Book 948 Beautiful Joe. Saunders 263, 1387,1388 Beckwith, M. Helen. In Mythland 1457 Bee People, The. MOREEY 1568 Beebe, Levi N. First Steps Among Figures. Pupils’ Edition 554 First Steps Among Figures. Teachers’ Edition. 555 Beebe. M. S. Four American Naval Heroes 1458 Beecher, Henry Ward. Famous Americans. Parton.1352 Beers, Henry A. Biography of Nathaniel Parker Willis 348 Beginner’s American History. Montgomery 246 Behind the White Brick. Sara Crewe, Etc. Burnett.. 965 Being a Boy. Warner 215, 1070, 1071, 1072 Belgium and Holland. Dikes and Ditches. Optic.. 467 Bell, Mrs. Arthur. See N. D’Anvers. Bellamy, Blanche Wilder and Maude Wilder Goodwin, Ed. Open Sesame. Vol. I. Sentiment and Story. ..1535, 1538, 1541, 556 Vol. II. Loyalty and Heroism. 1536, 1539, 1542, 557 Vol. III. Sentiment and Story. 1537, 1540, 1543, 558 Benjamin, Park. Age of Electricity 950 13 916 Benjamin, S. G. W. Persia Bennett, James Gordon. Captains of Industry. Parton 858, 1044 Bennett, James Gordon. Famous Americans. Parton 1852 Benton, Thomas Hart (Biog.) Roosevelt.. 352 Bermuda and Canary Isles. Isles of the Sea. Optic. 469 Bessemer, Sir Henry. Captains of Industry. Parton 858, 1044 Bessemer, Poor Boys Who Became Famous. Boeton 638, 220, 1544 Bert, Paul. First Steps in Scientific Knowledge 1157 Betty Leicester. JEWETT 430 Betty of Wye. Beanchard 1159 Beyond the Rockies. Stoddard 1412 Biart, Lucien. Adventures of a Young Naturalist 1459 Bible. (Revised Version) 184 Bible. Story of the. Foster 1248 Bibliography of Education. Haee and Mans- field 1471, 1529 Bicyclers and Three Other Farces, The. Bangs 394 Bigelow, John. Wm. Cullen Bryant (Biog.) 337 Biography. American Men of Letters Series 337-348 American Statesmen Series 349-366 Autobiography of Frankein. 207, 1012, 1013, 1561, 1562 Autobiography of FroEbee 574 Boys’ Heroes Haee 1264 Boys’ Life of General Grant. Knox 1313, 1612 Captains of Industry. Parton. ..857, 858, 1044, 1045 Character aud Characteristic Men. WhippeE... 895 Agassiz, Everett, Hawthorne, Thackeray, Thomas Starr King. Famous American Statesmen. Boeton 1160 Famous American Authors. Boeton — 1161 Famous Americans. Parton 1352 Girls Who Became Famous. Boeton 639, 1599 Girls’ Book of Famous Queens. Farmer 1246 Historic Boys. Brooks 1164 Howells. A Boy’s Town. HowEEES 1285 Keats. Poetical Works. (Introduction) 1473 Life and Works of Comenius. Andre 583 14 Life and Works of Pestalozzi. KruSI 582 Life of Pestalozzi. De Guimps 1122 Life of Edward the Black Prince. Creighton. 1207 Life of Napoleon. Seeeey 1608 Life of Washington. Irving 1289 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. Bangs 895 Old Story Tellers. MiTCHEEE 458 (Gutenberg, Goldsmith, Swift, Author of Arabian Nights. ) Poor Boys, Etc. Boi/ton 220, 688, 1544 Stories of Invention. Hade 1261 See other authors: Jacob and John S. C. Abbott, Mara L. Pratt, etc Bird, Citizen. Wright and Coues 1086 Bird Lover in the West, A. MiUEER 841 Bird Ways. MiEEER 844 Birds’ Calendar. Parkhurst 479 Birds’ Christmas Carol, The. WiGGiN 898 Birds and their Ways. Church 219, 974 Birds. Song Birds and Water Fowl. Parkhurst.... 480 Black Beauty. SEWELE 262, 1401, 1402 Black Prince, Life of Edward the. Creighton 1207 Black, William. A Princess of Thule 686 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone 1158 Blaisdell, Albert F. The Child’s Book of Health 269, 274 Short Stories from English History 236, 637 Blanchard, Amy E. An Independent Daughter 399 Betty of Wye 1159 Thy Friend Dorothy 400 Blenheim, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Bodley Grandchildren and their Journey in Holland. Scudder 1394 Bodleys Afoot. Scudder 120, 1392 Bodleys on Wheels, The. Scudder 1395 Bodleys Telling Stories, The. Scudder 1391 Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American Authors 1161 Famous American Statesmen 1160 Famous Men of Science 1598 15 Girls Who Became Famous 639, 1599 Livesof Poor Boys Who Became Famous. 220, 638, 1544 Bonaparte of Corsica, Mr. Bangs 395 Bonaparte, Joseph. Abbott 311 Bonheur, Rosa. Girls Who Became Famous. BotTon 639' Bonnie Little Bonibel. Brine 1163: Book Lover, The. (A guide to the best reading). Baldwin 630 Book of Nature, Child’s. Hooker 256, 257, 258 Book of Nature, Child’s. (In parts). Plants, 248; Animals, 249; Air, Water, Etc 250 Boone, Daniel. Abbott 329 Boots and Saddles. CUSTER 729 Boston Collection of Kindergarten Stones 1115 Boston Massacre. Under the Liberty Tree. OTIS....1488 Botany. According to Season. Dana 984 Field, Forest and Garden Botany. Gray 571 First Book of Botany. Youmans 267 How Plants Behave. Gray 281, 282, 284, 572 How to Know the Wild Flowers. Dana 410 Leaves and Flowers. Spear 1058 Story of the Plants. Aeeen 1105 Boucicaut, Marguerite. Captainsoflndustry. Parton. Bouton, Eugene. Lessons in Hygiene 273 Bouvet, Marguerite. A Child of Tuscany 640, 1546 A Little House in Pimlico 1547 Little Majorie’s Love Story 642 Prince Tip-Top 641, 1600 Sweet William 955 Bowditch, Nathaniel. Captainsoflndustry. Parton. Boy Emigrants, The. Brooks 647 Boy Engineers. The. Lukin 1320 Boy Farmers of Elm Island, The. KEEEOGG 1299 Boy Mineral Collectors. KEEEEY 435 Boy of the First Empire, A. Brooks 650 Boy Settlers, The. Brooks 648 Boy Travelers’ Series. Knox 439-453 Boy with an Idea, The. EiEOART 1242 16 Boyesen, hjalmar H. Boyhood in Norway 643, 154$ Norseland Tales 644, 1549 Norway 1380 The Modern Vikings 645 Boyhood of Lincoln. Butterworth 962 Boyhood in Norway. BoyESEN 643, 1548 Boy’s Adventure in the Army of ’61-’65,A. “Jed.”Goss 1258 Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers. Farmer 413 Agamemnon, Alexander the Great, Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Cyrus the Great, Ferdi- nand V. of Spain, Frederick the Great, Gustavus Adolphus, Julius Caesar, Louis XIV, Napoleon I, Peter the Great, Philip II of Spain, Richard Coeur de Lion, Robert the Bruce. Boys’ Froissart, The. Lanier 817 Boys’ Handy Book, American. Beard 398 Boys’ Heroes. Hale 1264 Boys’ King Arthur, The. Lanier 816 Boys’ Life of General Grant. Knox 1313,1612 Boys of Princeville, The. Hobbs 788 Boys of 1745, The. Otis 1487 Boy’s Town, A. HOWELLS 1285 Boys Who Became Famous. Bolton 220, 638, 1544 Bradley, Henry. Goths . 913 Brandes, George. Impressions of Russia., 1162 Brandes, Orestes M. Good Health for Children 275, 278 Brassey, Mrs. Anna. Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam 646 Brassey, Lady. Girls Who Became Famous. Bolton 639 Brassey, Thomas. Captains of Industry. ParTon.857, 1045 Brave Little Holland. Griffis 999 Bravest of the Brave, The. HenTy 1267 Bread Upon the Waters. Mulock 723 Bright, John. Captains of Industry. ParTon..858, 1044 Brine, Mary D. Bonnie Little Bonibel 1163 British Isles, Zigzag Journeys in the. Butterworth. 1175 Brook and Bayou, In. Bayliss 947 17 Brook Farm. Biography of George Ripley. Frothingham 345 Brooks and Brook Basins. Frye 998 Brooks, Elbridge S. A Boy of the First Empire 650 Century Book of American Revolution 402 Century Book of Famous Americans 403 Century Book for Young Americans 404 Historic Americans 1550 Historic Boys ..1164 Historic Girls 952 In Leis’er’s Times: A Tale of Knickerbocker New York 1165 True Story of George Washington 951 True Story of the United States 954 True Story of U. S. Grant 401 Brooks, Noah. Story of Marco Polo 953 The Boy Emigrants 647 The Boy Settlers 648 Washington in Lincoln’s Time 649 Brown, Dr. John. Rab and His Friends 224, 956 Brownies Around the World, The. Cox 720 Brownies at Home, The. Cox 722 Brownies: Their Book. Cox 983 Brownies Through the Union, The. Cox 721 Browning Courtship, A. White 503 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Girls Who Became Famous. Boi/Ton 639, 1599 Bryant, William Cullen. Biog. Bigeeow 337 Bryant, William Cullen. A New Library of Poetry and Song 544 Complete Poems 957, 958 Bryce, James. The American Commonwealth. Two Vols...651, 652 Buckland, Francis Trevelyan. Famous Men of Science 1598 Buckley, Arabella B. Life and Her Children 654 The Fairyland of Science 655 The Winners in Life’s Race 653 18 Buelow (Marenkoltz-Buelow). The Child and Child Nature 559 Buifinch, Thomas. Age of Chivalry ; or, Legends of King Arthur... 657 Age of Fable ; or, Beauties of Mythology 1097 Charlemagne ; or, Romance of the Middle Ages 656 Bulwer=Lytton, Edward George. Last Days of Pompeii 186, 660 Harold, Last of the Saxon Kings 658 Rienzi 661 The Last of the Barons 659 Bunce. Romance of the Revolution 89 Bunyan, John. Old Story Tellers. MiTCHEi.iv 458 Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress 1011 Burdett-Coutts, Baroness. Girls Who Became Famous. Bolton 639, 15 9 Burgoyne’s Invasion of 1777. Drake. 1223 Burnett, Francis Hodgson. Editha’s Burgler 1166 Little Lord Fauntleroy 221, 685, 1601 Piccino, and Other Stories 405, 1551 Sara Crewe, Little St. Elizabeth, and Other Stories. 965 Two Little Pilgrims’ Progress 964 Burnett. Peier H. Capt. of Industry. Parton.858, 1044 Burnham, Clara Louise. Sweet Clover 966 Burns, Robert. ^^I^Poetical Works 525 Burr, Theodosia. Famous Americans. Parton 1352 Burritt, Elihu, Blacksmith. Parton 1044 858 Burroughs, John. A Year in the Fields 1167 Fresh Fields 665 Locysts and Wild Honey 667 Pepacton 42, 662 Riverby 664 Signs and Seasons 666 Wake Robin 40, 668 Winter Sunshine 41, 663 19 Burt, Hary E. Literary Landmarks 1168 Stories from Plato 967 Story of the German Iliad 968 Burton, A. C. Outlines of English Grammar 1439 Business Practice ; or, How Business is Done. Powers & Lyon 298 Butler, Elizabeth Thompson. Girls Who Became Famous. Boeton 639, 1599 Butler, Nicholas Murray. The Meaning of Education 1088 Butterflies, Maynard’s Manual of American 1098 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Boyhood of Lincoln 962 In the Days of Massasoit 671 In the Land of the Condor 672 Knight of Liberty. (Lafayette) 959 Log School House on the Columbia 961 Over the Andes 670 Patriot Schoolmaster 960 The Wampum Belt 963 Zigzag Journeys Around the World 1438 Zigzag Journeys down the Mississippi 1172 Zigzag Journeys In Acadia 1169 Zigzag Journeys In Australia 1170 Zigzag Journeys In Classic Lands 1171 Zigzag Journeys In Europe 1173 Zigzag Journeys In India 1176 Zigzag Journeys In Northern Lands 1178 Zigzag Journeys In the British Isles .1175 Zigzag Journeys In the Great Northwest 1177 Zigzag Journeys In the Levant 1174 Zigzag Journeys In the Occident 1180 Zigzag Journeys In the Orient 1181 Zigzag Journeys In the Sunny South 1179 Zigzag Journeys In the White City.. 669 By Pike and D}ke. Henty 1268 By Right of Conquest. Henty * 1272 Byron, George Noel Gordon, Lord. Poetical Works 1460 Cabin in the Clearing, The. Eeus 1240 Cabinet-Making, The Art and Craft of. Denning... 1530 Caesar, Life of Julius. Liddeee 1185 20 Cahun, Leon. Adventures of Captain Mago 1195 Calhoun, John C. Famous Americans. Parton ...1352 Calhoun, John C. (Biog.) Von Hoist 353 California. Boy Emigrants. Brooks 647 Boy Settlers. Brooks 648 Beyond the Rockies. Stoddard 1412 California and Oregon Trail, The. Parkman 853 Camp Fire and Wigwam. Ellis 1231 Camp in the Mountains. The. Ellis.,, 1228, 1468 Campaigns of the Civil War. (11 Vols.) 673-684 Campbell, Douglas. The Puritan in Holland, England and America. (Two Volumes) 1190, 1191 Campbell, Helen. What-to-do Club 406 Campbell, Thomas. Poetical Works 969 Campmates. Munroe 459 Canada, Settlers in. Marryatt 100 Canada, (Early History) The White Islander. Catherwood 693 The Romance of Dollard. Catherwood 971 Canary Isles, Bermudas. Isles of the Sea. Optic... 469 Captain Horace. May 831 Captain January. Richards 863 Captains of Industry. Parton. First Series... 858, 1044 Captains of Industry. Parton. Second Series. 857, 1045 Careme, Marie Antoine. French Cook. Cf. Parton. 1044 Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Aunt Diana 686 Little Miss Muffet 1193 Only the Governess 687 Carlyle, Thomas. Heroes and Hero-Worship * 688 Carpenter, William B. Mental Physiology 1116 Carroll, Lewis. (Rev. C. L. Dodgson). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 196, 1196 Through the Looking-Glass 197, 689, 970 21 Carroll, Stella W. and Clarence F. Around the World (Peoples) First Book 1610 Around the World (Countries) Second Book 1611 Carrots; A Christmas Child. MoeESWorTh ,1040 Carson, Kit. Abbott 330 Cary, Alice and Phoebe. Ballads for Little Folks 1192 Cary, Edward. George William Curtis. (Biog.) 339 Cast Up by the Sea. Baker 629 Castle Blair. Shaw 1404 Castlemon, Harry. Frank Among the Rancheros 1194 Frank at Don Carlos’ Rancho 690 Frank in the Mountains 691 House- Boat Boys 408 Mystery of Lost River Canyon 409 Young Game Warden 407 Cat-Tails and Other Tales. Howuston 1474 Cat Stories. Jackson 1477 Catherwood, Mary H. Romance of Dollard 971 The Story of Tonty 692 The White Islander 693 Cats and Dogs. Johonnot 1032 Cause of an Ice Age, The. Baee 1114 Celtic Fairy Tales Jacobs 801 Central Africa, (Boy Travelers). Knox 439 Central Europe, In. Knox 444 Century Book of American Revolution. Brooks ... 402 Century Book of Famous Americans. Brooks 403 Century Book for Young Americans. Brooks 404 Century of Electricity, A. MkndEnhau 1335 Cervantes. Don Quixote 694 Ceylon Due West. Bauou..., 390 Ceylon and India. Knox 441 Chalk Illustrations for Geography Classes. Morton 1443 Chalons, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Chambers’ Encyclopaedia. (10 Vols.) Room 2. Ref. Chambers, George F. Story of the Stars 695 The Story of the Solar System 1103 22 Champlin, J. D. Young Folks Cyclopedia of Common Things.. 917-924 Young Folks Cyclopedia of Persons and Places. 925-932 Chance for Himself. Trowbridge 885 Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Doubeeday 684 Charming, Edward and T. W. Higginson. English History for Americans 1280 Character and Characteristic Men. Whippee 895 Charlemagne, or Romance of the Middle Ages. Bueeinch . 656 Charlemagne. Famous Rulers. Farmer 413 Charles I of England. Abbott ... 303 Charles II of England. Abbott 304 Charlie Bell; the Waif of P)lm Island. Keeeogg.... 436 Chase, A. and E. Clow. Stories of Industry. (2 Vols.) 1552, 1553 Chautauqua Girls at Home. Pansy 1446 Cheever, Harriet A. A Rescued Madonna 696 The Fairies of Fern Dingle 697 Chemical History of a Candle. Faraday 1245 Chemistry. Simple Experiments for the Schoolroom . WOODHUEE 612 Chemistry. Home Made Apparatus. Woodhuee... 613 Chesterfield, Lord. The Best Letters of Lord Chesterfield 1461 Chief of the Ottawas, Pontiac. Gordon 424 Child and Child Nature, The. Marenhoetz-Buelow. 559 Child of Tuscany, A. BOUVET 640, 1546 Chied Study. A Study of a Child. Hogan 1607 A Study of Child Nature. Harrison 516, 578 Children’s Ways. Sueey 1135 Notes on the Early Training of Children. Maeleson 584 Psychology of Childhood. Tracy 608 Studies of Childhood. Sueey 1134 Child World, Songs of the. Gaynor Ref. Childhood in Literature and Art. Scudder 1131 Childhood, Rhymes of. Riley 866 Childhood, Songs of. Fieed and DeKoven. 1140 23 Childhood. Songs for Little Children . Part I and II. Smith 604, 1132 Childhood, The Republic of. Wiggin and Smith. 1518, 1519, 1520 Children, Early Training of. MaeeESON 584 Children of the Castle. Molesworth 1337 Children of the Cold, The. Schwatka 1512 Children’s Book, The. (Poetry and Prose). Scudder. 489 Children’s Life of Abraham Lincoln. Putnam 861 Children’s Ways. SUEEY ..1135 Child’s Book of Health, The. Beaisdeee 269, 274 Child’s Book of Nature. (In parts). Plants, 248; Animals, 249; Air, Water, etc 250 Child’s Christ Tales. Proudfoot 1511 Child’s Garden of Verses. Stevenson 872 Child’s Health Primer 272 Child’s History of England, A. Dickens 185, 735 Child’s History of Rome, A. Laing 454 China and Japan. Knox 448 China. Due West. Baueou 390 Chrissy’s Endeavor. Pansy 1448 Christie’s Christmas. Pansy 1449 Christmas Carol, The Birds’. Wiggin 898 Christmas Carol ; Cricket on the Hearth. Dickens. 1213 Christmas Stories. Dickens 736 Christmas with Grandmother Elsie. Fineey 416 Church, Alfred J. Greek Life and Story 212 Roman Life and Story 211 Roman Life in the Days of Cicero 700 Stories from English History 698 Stories from Herodotus 972 Stories from Homer 213, 699 Stories from Livy 701 Stories from Virgil 214, 704 Stories of the Magicians 702 Stories of the Old World 44 Stories of the Persian Wars 705 Three Greek Children 1197 Two Thousand Years Ago 703 Church, Ella Rodman. Birds and their Ways 219, 974 Dangerous Characters 975 24 Flyers and Crawlers 217, 976 Home Animals ... 977 Little Neighbors of Elmridge 973 Circuit Rider, The. EGGEESTON 749 Cist, Henry M. The Army of the Cumberland 679 Citizen Bird. Wright and Coues 1086 City Beautiful. Two Little Pilgrims’ Progress. Burnett 964 City Boys in the Woods. WEEES 1432 Civics. Century Book, for Young Americans. Brooks. 404 Civil Government in the United States. Fiske 764 Civil War, Campaigns of the. (11 volumes) 673-684 Clark, Alvan. Captains of Industry. ParTon.. 857, 1045 Classic Lands, Zigzag Journeys in. BuTTERWORTH.,1171 Clay, Henry. Biog. Schurz. (2 volumes) 354, 355 Clay, Henry. Famous Americans. ParTon 1352 Clemens, Samuel L. See Mark Twain. 500, 501, 1059, 1066 Cleopatra of Egypt. Abbott 622 Cliff Dwellers, In the Land of Cave and. Schwatka.1584 Clive in India, With. HenTy 1270 Clodd, Edward. Primer of Evolution 1089 The Story of Primitive Man 1104 Clough, A. H. (Translator). Plutarch’s Lives 1015 Clover. Cooeidge 717 Clow, E. and A. Chase. Stories of Industry. (2 volumes) 1552, 1553 Coal and Coal Mines. Green 770 Coe, Fannie E. Modern Europe 291, 978 Our American Neighbors 290, 1554 Coffee and Repartee. Bangs 392 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Drum-Beat of the Nation 706 Following the Flag 712 Freedom Triumphant 708 Life of Lincoln 209, 709 Marching to Victory 710 My Days and Nights on the Battlefield 711 25 Redeeming the Republic 707 Winning His Way 713 Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, etc. Bates, Ed 995 Collier, Hon. Margaret. Prince Peerless 1198 Colonial Days. Markham 208 Colorado. See Helen Hunt Jackson. Columbia, the Log School House on the. Butterworth 961 Columbus, Christopher. Abbott 331 Columbus, Story of Christopher. Pratt 237-241 Comegys, Benjamin B. Primer of Ethics 1090 Comenius, John Amos. School of Infancy 560 Comenius, Life and Works of. Laurie 583 Commerce, The Romance of. Oxley 478 Common Sense Science. Allen 1106 Common Things, Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of. Champlin 917 to 924 Compayre, Gabriel. Elements of Psychology 1129 Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child. 1123 Composers. Lights of Two Centuries. Hale 1093 Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics, The. StalLO 523 Congo with Stanley, On the. Knox 442 Conquest of Mexico. 3 volumes. Prescott. 593, 594, 595 Conquest of Peru. 2 volumes. Prescott 591, 592 Conquests of the Seven Hills. Laing 454 Constantinople. Crawford 1204 Construction Work for Primary Grades. Smith 1589 Cook, John W. Methods in Written Arithmetic 1463 Cooke, Flora J. Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children 1462 Cooke, Rose Terry. Happy Dodd 1200 Somebody’s Neighbors 1202 Steadfast 1199 The Sphinx’s Children 1201 26 Coolidge, Susan. Clover 717 Eye Bright 982 New Year’s Bargain 979 Nine Little Goslings 980 The Barberry Bush 981 What Katy Did 714 What Katy Did at School 715 What Katy Did Next 716 Cooper, James Fenimore. (Biog.) Lounsbury 338 Cooper, James Fenimore. Last of the Mohicans 189 The Deerslayer 190 The Pathfinder 49, 191 The Pioneers 50, 192 Cooper, Peter. Cf. Captains of Industry 858, 1044 Cooper, Sarah. Animal Life in the Sea and on the Land 718 Copperfield, David. Dickens 1216 Corbin, John. School Boy Life in England 259 Corea, the Hermit Nation. Griffis 773 Corkran, Alice. Adventures of Mrs. Wishing-to-Be 1203 Cornell, Ezra. Cf. Captains of Industry 857,1045 Cortez, Hernando. Abbott... 7, 621 Cortez and Montezuma. Pratt 1498 Cortez in Mexico. By Right of Conquest. HENTY..1272 Cossack Fairy Tales. Bain 397 Cotter’s Saturday Night, The. Burns 995 Cottin, Madame. Old Story Tellers. MiTCHEEE 458 Coues, Elliott (and M. O. Wright). Citizen Bird 1086 Country By-Ways. JEWETT 805 Country Doctor, A. JEWETT 432 Country of the Dwarfs, The. Du Chaieeu 745 Courage. Ruth Ogden 463 Course of Study for the Common School. McMurry. 1567 Course of Study in History and Literature. Rice.... 599 Coursen, Frances Bell. What the Dragon Fly Told the Children 719 Cousin Grace. May 832 Cousin Joy, Gypsy’s. Pheeps 1047, 1048 27 Cox, Jacob D. Atlanta 680 The March to the Sea 210, 681 Cox, Palmer. The Brownies : Their Book 983 The Brownies Around the World 720 The Brownies at Home 722 The Brownies Through the Union . .. 721 Craik, Dinah M. Cf. Miss Mulock. 229, 537, 723, 724, 725, 1209, 1338 Cramer, Frank. The Method of Darwin 512 Crawford, F. Marion. A Roman Singer 726 Constantinople 1204 Creasy, Edward S. The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World 727 Creighton, Louise. A First History of France 1206 England 1205 Life of Edward the Black Prince 1207 Creighton, Handell. The Age of Elizabeth 1092 Cricket on the Hearth, The. Dickens 1214 Crockett, David. Abbott 332 Cromwell, Oliver. Lamartine 1186 Cross and Crescent. Optic 466 Cruise of the Comet. Otis 476 Crusade, Story of the Last. The Prince and the Page. Yonge 1436 Cuba. Due South. Baeeou 389 Cuba. Around the World. Carrole 1611 Cuban War. Off Santiago with Sampson. Otis 1050 Cudjo’s Cave. Trowbridge 1426 Cuore: An Italian Schoolboy’s Journal. De Amicis. 411 Cupid and Chow Chow, etc. AECOTT 376, 1531 Currie, James. Early Education 1440 Curtis, George William. Biog. Cary 339 Curtis, George William. Our Best Society 1208 28 Custer, Elizabeth B. Boots and Saddles 729 Following the Guidon 728 Tenting on the Plains 739 Customs and Fashions in Old New England. EareE. 747 Cuvier, Baron. Famous Men of Science. BoeTon.,1598 Cyclopaedia, International. (16 Vols ). Room 1 Ref. Cyclopaedia of American History. Lossing. (2 Vols.). Ref. Cyclopaedia of Common Things. Champion. (lOCop)Ref. Cyclopaedia of Education. Sonnenschein,. (Pub.) Ref. Cyclopaediaof Persons and Places. CHAMPUN(10Cop)Ref. Cyclopaedia of Quotations. Wooeever, (Ed.) 198 Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor. Landon, (Ed.) 231 Cyclopaedia, The Student’s. BeAch. (2 Vols.) Ref. Cyrus the Great. Abbott 305 Cyrus the Great. Famous Rulers. Farmer 413 Daddy Jake the Runaway. Harris 778 Daisy Chain, The. YongE 1434 Daisy Miller. James 1484 Dana, Jr., R. H. Two Years Before the Mast 731 Dana, Wm. J. According to Season 984 Dana, Mrs William Starr, How to Know the Wild Flowers 410 Dangerous Characters. Church 975 D’ Anvers, N. (Mrs. Arthur Beee). Science Ladders. (3 Vols. ) 1555, 1556, 1557 Darius the Great. Abbott 306 Darwin, Charles Robert. Famous Men of Science ..1598 Darwin, the Method of. Cramer 512 David Copperfield. Dickens 1216 David Harum. Westcott 502 Davy, Sir Humphrey. Famous Men of Science. 1598 Day, Lewis F. Text Books of Ornamental Design. I. The Application of Ornament 1117 II The Planning of Ornament 1118 III. The Anatomy of Pattern 1119 De Amicis, Edmondo. Holland and Its People 1210 Cuore: An Italian School Boy’s Journal 411 Dear Daughter Dorothy. Peympton 1355 29 Deb and the Duchess. Meade: 1338 Deephaven. Jewett 433 Deerfoot Series. Ozark, Mountains, War Trail. Eeeis 1227, 1228, 1229 Deerslayer, The. COOPER 190 DeFoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe 732, 1009 DeFoe, Daniel. Old Story Tellers. Mitchei.E 458 De Forest, Julia B. A Short History of Art 233 De Garmo, Charles. Herbart and the Herbartians 1120 De Graff, E. V. Practical Phonics 563 School Room Guide 562 De Guimps, Roger. Pestaeozzi 1122 De Koven, Reginald and Eugene Field. Songs of Childhood 1140 Delatield, John. Captains of Industry. ParTON. 857, 1045 Deland, Ellen Douglas. Katrina 733 Deland, Hargaret. The Story of a Child 734 Denmark Due North. Baeeou 388 Denmark. Northern Europe. Knox 445 Denmark. The Viking Bodleys Scudder 1389 Denmark. Up the Baltic. Optic 474 Denning, David. The Art and Craft of Cabinet Making 1530 Deserted Village, The. The Traveler. Goedsmith.. 1021 DeSoto, Ferdinand. Abbott 14, 933 DeSoto; Marquette; LaSalle. Pratt 1497 Dewey. Admiral George. American Naval Heroes. Beebe 1458 Dewey Came to Manila. When. Otis 1348 Dewey, John. (See also J. A. McLeeean). The School and Society 1441 Diaz, Abby Morton. The William Henry Letters 1212 William Henry and His Friends 1211 Dick, Robert. Captains of Industry. Parton..858, 1044 30 Dickens, Charles. Child’s History of England 185, 735 Christmas Carol; Cricket on the Hearth. ...1213, 1214 Christmas Stories 736 David Copperfield 1216 Martin Chuzzlewit 738 Nicholas Nickleby 737 Pickwick Papers : 739 Tale of Two Cities 1215 Dictionaries. Grieb’s German-English and English-German. 2 Vols Ref. Harper’s Classical Ref. Lippincott’s Gazetteer Ref. Steiger’s Diet, of Education and Instruction Ref. Thomas’ Biographical Ref. Webster’s Academic. Condensed and Interna- tional Ref. Dikes and Ditches. (Holland and Belgium ) Optic. 467 Discovery of America, The. (2 Vols.) FISKE....765, 766 Discovery of America, The. (2 Vols.) Fiske...767, 768 Discovery, Stories of. Hale 75 Dodge, Mary Mapes. Donald and Dorothy 412 Hans Brinker; or the Silver Skates 740, 1605 Rhymes and Jingles 1217 The Land of Pluck 986 When Life Is Young 985 Dog’s Mission, A. Stowe 1415 Dodgson, Rev. C. L. See Lewis Carroll. Doing His Best. Trowbridge 889 Doings of the Bodley Family, The. Scudder 1393 Dolbear, A. E. The First Principles of Natural Philosophy 561 Don Quixote de la Mancha. Cervantes 694 Donald and Dorothy. Dodge 412 Donaldson, H. H. The Growth of the Brain 513 Dora’s Housekeeping. Kirkland 810 Dorothy and Anton. Peympton 486, 1580 Dorothy, Thy Friend. Blanchard 400 Dorymates: A Story of the Fishing Banks. MunroE. 460 Dotty Dimple. May 835 3i Dotty Dimple at Home. May 1323, 1324, 1565 Dotty Dimple at Her Grandmother’s. May 1326 Dotty Dimple at Play. May 1327, 1566 Dotty Dimple Out West. May 1328 Dotty’s Flyaway. May 1325 Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg 684 Down the Rhine. Optic 468 Drake, Samuel Adams. Burgoyne’s Invasion of 1777 .1223 New England Legends and Folk Lore 1464 The Making of New England 1220 The Making of the Great West 1219 The Making of the Ohio Valley States 1218 The Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies. 1221 Watch Fires of ’76 1222 Drake’s Flag, Under HenTY 1275 Dream Children. Scudder 1897 Dream Life. “Ik Marvee” 260- Drum- Beat of the Nation. Coffin 706 Drummond, Henry. Baxter’s Second Innings 1465 Drysdale, William. The Beach Patrol 741 Du Chaillu, Paul. Lost in the Jungle 987 My Apingi Kingdom 742 Stories of the Gorilla Country 744 The Country of the Dwarfs 74^ The Land of the Midnight Sun. (2 Vols.)...988, 989 The Viking Age. (2 Vols.) 1224, 1225 Wild Life Under the Equator 743 Due North. Baeeou 388 Due South. Bakeou 389 Due West. Baeeou 390 Duncan, John. Captains of Industry. Parton. 858, 1044 Dunton, Larkin. (Ed.) The World and Its People Series. Book I. First Lessons. Dunton 299 Book II. Glimpses of the World. Dunton.. 300 Book III. Our Own Country. Smith Sup. R. Book IV. Our American Neighbors. COE.290, 1554 Book V. Modern Europe. Coe 291, 978 32 Book VI. Life in Asia. Smith .....1590 Book VII. Views in Africa. Badeam 628, 944 Duruy’s History of France. Jameson 746 Dutch History. By Pike and Dyke. HenTy 1268 Dutch in America. In Leisler’s Times. Brooks. ...1165 Each and All. Andrews 25, 624 Bads, Capt. James B. Poor Boys, etc. BoeTON. 220, 688, 1544 Bari of Shaftesbury. Captains of Industry. ParTon. 857, 1045 Earle, Alice Morse. Customs and Fashions in Old New Bngland 747 Margaret Winthrop 1226 Earle, John. The Philology of the Bnglish Tongue 1121 Barly Bducation. Currie 1440 Barly Bxplorations. Science Ladders. Vol. 1. D’Anvers 1555 Barly Training of Children. MaeeESON 584 Barth to the Moon, From the. VERNE 147, 1427 Bastern Seas, In the. Kingston 1308 Bben Holden. Bacheeeer. 1604 Ebers, George. Uarda: A Story of Ancient Egypt 1558 Edgeworth, Maria. Old Story Tellers. MiTCHEEE, 458 Editha’s Burglar. Burnett 1166 Education. An Experiment in Bducation. Aeeing-Aber....1107 Bibliography of Ed. Hade and ManseiEED 1471 Cyclopedia of Bducation. Sonnenschein (Pub. ). 605 Doctrine of Bducation. Levana. Richter 1130 Barly Bducation. Currie 1440 Bducation. Spencer 606 Bducation and Educators. Kay 581 Bducation by Doing. Johnson 580 Bducation of Man. Froebee 1124 History of Bducation. Painter 1126 History of Modern Bducation. Wieeiams 611 Letters on Early Education. PESTaeozzi... 590 Philosophy of Bducation. Tate 607 Psychology in Bducation. Roark 600 Systems of Bducation. Giee 569 Temperament in Bducation. AeEEN 552 The Meaning of Education ; Etc. BuTEER 1088 33 Educational Works. A Study of Child Nature. Harrison 516, 578 Apperception. Rooper 601 Autobiography of Froebel 574 Construction Work. Smith 1589 Course of Study. McMurry 1567 Course of Study in History and Literature. Rice. 599 Educational Reformers. Quick 596 Elementary Instruction. Sheldon 602 Elementary Lessons in English. Knox 288 European Schools. Klemm 1094 Every Day English. White 610 First Years at School. Sinclair 1515 Forms of Water. Tyndall 1096 Herbart and the Herbartians. De Garmo 1120 Life and Works of Comenius. Laurie 583 Life and Work of Pestalozzi. Krusi 582 Manual Instruction: Woodwork: Sloyd. Barter. 1456 Manual of Home Made Apparatus. Woodhull. 613 Methods in Written Arithmetic. Cook 1463 Natural History Object Lessons. Ricks 598 Object Teaching. Rooper 616 Outlines of Educational History. Allen 1454 Simple Experiments for the School Room. 612 Study in Nature and Language Lessons. Smith. 603 Teachers’ Manual of Geography. Frye 568 Teaching in Three Continents. Grasby 570 Text-Book in Psychology. Herbart 514 Text Books of Ornamental Design. 3 Vols. Day. 1117, 1118, 1119 The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics. 523 The First Principles of Natural Philosophy. 561 The Educational Ideal. Munroe 585 The School and Society. Dewey 1441 The School of Infancy. Comenius 560 Cf. Child Study, Nature Study, Pedagogy, Psychology, Object Lessons, etc. Edward the Black Prince, Life of. Creighton 1207 Edwards, Amelia B. A Thousand Miles up the Nile 748 Edwards, A. M. Every Day Business Problems in Arithmetic 614 31 Eggleston, Edward. The Circuit Rider 749 The Hoosier School-Boy 992 The Hoosier Schoolmaster 750 Queer Stories of Boys and Girls 993 Eggleston, George Cary. Strange Stories from History. 751 Egypt and the Holy Land. Knox 443 Egypt. Central Africa. Knox 439 Egypt, Cleopatra of. Abbott 622 Egypt, the Land of the Temple Builders. Perry. ..1576 Egypt. Uarda. Ebers 1558 Eight Cousins. Alcott 367 Eighty Days, Tour of the World in. Verne 892 Eighty S ven. Pansy 1450 Eiloart, Mrs. The Boy with an Idea 1242 Electricity, A Century of. Mendenhall 1335 Electricity, Age of. Benjamin 950 Electricity and Magnetism. Thompson 1137 Electricity for Everybody. Atkinson 511, 627 Electricity, Things a Boy Should Know about 1583 Elementary Instruction. Sheldon 602 Elementary Lessons in English. Knox 288 Elementary Psycholog3' and Education. Baldwin. 1087 Elements of Psychology. CompayrE 1129 Elements of Psychology. Hewett 579 Elephants. The Ivory King. Holder 790 Eliott, George. Girls Who Became Famous 639, 1599 Elizabeth, The Age of. Creighton 1093 Ellis, Edward S. Among the Esquimaux 1233 Honest Ned 234 Lost in Samoa 1234 The Camp in the Mountains. (Deerft. Se.)..1228, 1468 The Huntersof the Ozark. ( Deerfoot Series) 1227,1466 The Last War Trail. (Deerfoot Series) 1229, 1467 Camp Fire and Wigwam. (Log Cabin Series) ...1231 Footprints in the Forest. (Log Cabin Series).. ..1232 The Lost Trail. (Log Cabin Series) 1230 Across Texas. ( Wildwood Series) 1235 On the Trail of the Moose. (Wildwood Series). 1237 Through Forest and Fire. (Wildwood Series) ...1236 Wyoming. (Wyoming Series) 1238 Storm Mountain. (Wyoming Series) 1239 The Cabin in the Clearing. (Wyoming Series). .1240 35 Elm Island Series. KELLOGG 1298-1301 Elsie Books. (See Finley) 415-423, 997, 1559, 1560 Elson, Henry W. Side Lights on American History 1602 Emerson, George B. Captains of Industry 857, 1045 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. (Biog.) Holmes 340 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Essays. (First and Second Series) 990 Poems 526 Representative Men ; Nature 991 Society and Solitude 752 Encyclopaedia. Cf. Cyclopaedia. Endless Chain, An. Pansy 1444 England. Creighton 1205 England, A Child’s History of. Dickens 185 England, Short History of. Kirkland 1311 England, Queens of. Strickland 1417 England. Northern Europe. Knox 445 England. Red Cross. Optic 472 England, Young Folks’ History of. YONGE...1521, 1522 English Bodley Family, The. Scudder 122, 1396 English, Captain Thomas Dunn. Fairy Stories and Wonder Tales 1241 English Classics. Students’ Series 995 Ancient Mariner. COLERIDGE Vision of Sir Launfal. LOWELL The Cotter’s Saturday Night. Burns Euglish, Elementary Lessons in. Knox 288 English Fairy Tales. Jacobs 802 English History for Americans. H. and C 1280 English History. The Bravest of the Brave. HenTy. 1267 English People, A Short History of the. Green. 264, 265, 266, 283, 285, 286, 287 Enoch Arden ; The Coming of Arthur ; Other Poems. 1378 Erckmann and Chatrian. Captains of Industry.. 857, 1045 Eric. Farrar 1247 Esquimaux, Among the. Ellis 1233 Esquimaux. Snow Shoes and Sledges. Munroe... 461 Essays, First and Second Series. Emerson 990 Essays. Short Studies on Great Subjects 564, 567 Ester Ried. “Pansy” 1451 Ester Ried Yet Speaking. “Pansy” 1351 Ethics, Primer of. Comegys 1090 ► 36 Etiquette, etc. American Boys’ Handy Book. Beard. 398 Etiquette, etc. American Girls' Handy Book . Beard. 948 Etiquette. How to Do It. Hale 1263 Etiquette. Letters to a Daughter. Starrltt 1057 Europe, Central. Knox 444 Europe, Modern. COE r 978 Europe, Northern. Knox 445 Europe, Southern. Knox 446 Europe, Zigzag Journeys in. BuTTERWORTH 1173 European Schools. Klemm 1094 European Travels. ARoundabout Journey. Warner. 893 European Travels. Personally Conducted Stockton 876 European Travels. Views Afoot. Taylor... .1818, 1419 Evenings at Shadycroft. Hall 782 Everett. Cf. Character and Characteristic Men 895 Everett=Green, E. French and English 1256 Every Day Business Problems in Arith. Edwards.. 614 Every Day English. White 610 Evolution of Dodd, The. Smith 1060 Evolution, Primer of. Clodd 1089 Evolution. Primitive Man. Clodd 1104 Ewing, Juliana Horatio. A Flat Iron for a Farthing 754 A Great Emergency and other Tales 753 Jackanapes. Other Stories 1243 Jan of the Windmill 1244 Last Words 755 Melchior’s Dream .756, 1603 Mrs Over-the- Way’s Remembrances 757 Six to Sixteen 1469 The Story of a Short Life 261 We and the World 758 Excursions in Field and Forest. Thoreau 216 Experiment in Education, An. Alling-Aber 1107 Experiments, Magical: Science in Play. Good 1022 Experiments for the School Roam, Simple 612 Exploits and Voyages of Raleigh. Towle 498 Explorers, American. Htgginson 78 Explorers of North America, First. Banvard 33 Explorers, Young Folks’ Book of Amer. Higginson. 1279 Eye Bright. Coolidge 982 Ezra Jordan’s Escape. (Port Loyall Massacre. ) Otis. 852 37 Fables. The Children’s Book. Scudder 489 Fahrenheit, Gabriel. Captains of Industry 857, 1045 Fairyland of Science, The. Buckley 655 Fairies of Fern Dingle. Cheever 697 Fairy Stories and Wonder Tales. English 1241 Fairy Tales, Cossack. Bain 897 Fairy Tales from the Far North. Asbj....626, 1455, 1597 Fairy Tales, Indian. Jacobs 1031 Faith Gartney’s Girlhood. Whitney 1074 Familiar Animals and their Wild Kindred. Mont’h 845 Famous American Authors. Bolton 1161 Famous American Statesmen. Bolton 1160 Famous Americans, Century Book of. Brooks 403 Famous Americans of Recent Times. Parton 1352 Famous, Girls Who Became. Bolton 639, 1599 Famous, Lives of Poor Boys Who Became. .220, 688, 1544 Famous Men of Science. Bolton 1598 Famous Queens, Girls’ Book of. Farmer 1246 Famous Rulers, Boys’ Book of. Farmer 413 Fanciful Tales. Stockton. 1592 Faneuil, Peter. Captains of Industry. Parton.. 858, 1044 Faraday, Michael. Chemical History of a Caudle 1245 Faraday. Poor Boys Who Became Famous .220, 638, 1544 Farmer, Lydia Hoyt. Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers 413 Girls’ Book of Famous Queens ....1246 The French Revolution 414 Farragut, Admiral. Ameiican Naval Heroes. Bee BE. 1458 Farrar, Frederick W. Eric 1247 Farraw, G. E. The Wallypug of Why 996 Fast Friends. Trowbridge. 887 Fauntleroy, Little Lord. Burnett 221, 685, 1601 Favorite Poems 524 Fawcett, Henry. Captains of Industry. Parton. 857, 1045 Feathers and Fur. Johonnot 1033, 1034 Feathers and Furs, Little Folks in. Miller 105 Feats of the Fiord. Martineau 102 Feejee Islands. Australasia. Knox 440 Ferdinand and Isabella. PRESCOTT (3 Vols. ). 517, 518, 519 Ferdinand V. of Spain. Cf. Famous Rulers 418 Few Familiar Flowers, A. Morley 1038 38 Field, Eugene. A Ivittle Book of Profitable Tales 762 A Little Book of Western Verse 761 Love Songs of Childhood 759 The Holy Cross and Other Tales 763 With Trumpet and Drum 760 Songs of Childhood. Field and DeKovfn> 1140 Field, Forest and Garden Botany. Gray 571 Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Creasy A 727 Figures, First Steps among. BEEBE 554, 555 Finger Plays for the Nursery and Kindergarten. .860, 1581 Finley, Martha. Christmas with Grandmother Elsie 416 Elsie Dinsmore 415, 1559 Elsie on the Hudson 418 Elsie at Nantucket 421 Elsie at Viamede 422 Elsie’s Girlhood 417, 1560 Elsie’s Friends at Woodburn 997 Elsie’s Journey on Inland Waters 419 Elsie’s Kith and Kin 420 Elsie’s Vacation 423 Fireside Stories, Sam Lawson’s. Stowe t81 First Book of Botany. Youmans 267 First Book of Geology. Sharer 1091 First History of France, A. Creighton 1206 First Lessons. The World and Its People. DunTON 299 First Principles. Spencer 522 First Steps among Figures. BEEBE. (Pupils’ and Teachers’ Ed.) 1 554, 555 First Steps in the History of Our Country. Mowry.. 245 First Years at School. Sinclair 1515 Fishing Banks, A Tale of the. Dor) mates. Munroe. 460 Fiske, John. Civil Government in the United States..' 764 The Discovery of America. Vol. 1 765, 768 The Discovery of America. Vol. II 766, 767 Five Little Peppers. SidnEy..493, 494, 495, 1586, 1587, 1588 Flamingo Feather, The. Munroe 1041 Flat Iron for a Farthing, A. Ewing 754 Flock of Girls, A. Perry 487 Flock of Girls, Another. Perry 1051 39 Florence. Hare 783 Florida Reef, Along the. Holder 1281 Flower People, The. Mann 1329 Flowerless Plants. Science Ladders. Vol. II 1556 Flyers and Crawlers. Church 217, 976 Folk Songs for Children. The Children’s Book 489 Folk Stories. The Children’s Book. Scudder 489 Following the Flag. Coffin 712 Following the Guidon. Custer 728 Footprints in the Forest. Eeeis 1232 Footprints of Travel. Baeeou 631 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth 674 Force, Peter. Captains of Industry. Parton.. 858, 1044 Forest and Fire, Through. Eeeis 1236 Forest and Jungle. Barnum 194 Forms of Water, The. Tyndaee 1096 Fortesque, J. W. The Story of a Red Deer 1606 Foster, Carl. Two Little Everyday Folk 1249 Foster, Charles. Story of the Bible 1248 Four American Naval Heroes. Beebe 1458 Four Girls at Chautauqua. “Pansy” 1447 Four-Footed Americans and Their Kin. Wright. ..1085 Four Winds Farm. MOEESWORTH 1337 France (History). A Boy of the First Empire 650 France, A First History of. Creighton 1206 France. Central Europe. Knox 444 France. Palace and Cottage. Optic 471 France, History of. Duruy 746 France, Schoolboy Days in. Laurie 818 France, Young Folks’ History of. YONGE 1523 Frank Among the Rancheros. Casteemon 1194 Frank at Don Carlos’ Rancho. CasteEmon 690 Frank in the Mountains. Casteemon 691 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography 207, 1012, 1013, 1561, 1562 Franklin, Benjamin. (Biog.) McMaster 341 Franklin, Benjamin. (Biog.) Morse 356 Franklin, Young Ben. Mayhew 103 40 Frederick the Great. Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers. 413 Frederick the Great, Fife of. Macaulay 1182 Freedom Triumphant. Coffin 708 Freeman, Edward A. Old English History .1250 French and English. Green * 1256 French History. In the Reign of Terror. Henty.,1273 French Revolution, The. Farmer 414 French Revolution. The Peasaut and the Prince.... 829 Fresh Fields. Burroughs 665 Friends Ashore. Jewett 434 Friendship of Nature. Wright 508 Froebel, Frederick. Autobiography 574 Education of Man 1124 Froebel’s Gifts. Wiggin and Smith 1518 Froebel’s Occupations. Wiggin and Smith 1519 Froissart, Reproduction from. Lances of Linwood... 1435 From Fort Henry to Corinth. Force 674 From School to Battlefield. King 1035 Frothingham, O. B. George Ripley. (Biog.) 345 Froude, James Anthony. Short Studies on Great Subjects 564, 565, 566, 567 The Spanish Story of the Armada 1251 Fry, Elizabeth. Captains of Industry. ParTon..857, 1045 Fry, Elizabeth. Cf. Girls Who Became Famous.. 639, 1599 Frye, Alexander E. Brooks and Brook Basins 998 Teachers’ Manual of Geography 568 Fuller, Margaret. (Biog.) Higginson ... 342 Fuller Ossoli, Margaret. Girls Who Became Famous 632 Fulton, Robert. Knox 1312 Galileo, Galilei. Famous Men of Science. Bouton.. 1598 Gambetta, Leon. Poor Boys, etc. Bouton..220, 638, 1544 Games Book for Boys aud Girls, The 1545 Games, Diversions, etc. American Girls’ Handy B’k.. 948 Garden, My Summer in a. Warner 1430, 1431 Garden of Verses, Child’s. Stevenson 872 Garibaldi, Giuseppe. Poor Boys, etc. BouTon.,220, 638 Garland for Girls, A. AuCOTT 938 Garrison, William Lloyd. Poor Boys, etc.. 220, 638, 1544 Gay, Sidney Howard. James Madison. (Biog.) 4i 362 Gaye, Selina. The Great World’s Farm 1470 Gay worthies, The. Whitney 897 Geneva, Rollo in. Abbott 170, 201, 1141 Geographical Plays. Andrews 625 Geography. Around the World. I Book (Peoples). Carroee. 1610 Around the World. II B’k (Countries). Carroee 1611 Around the Woild. Due West. Baeeou 390 Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam 646 Cf. Knox, Baeeou, Tayeor and others. Chalk Illustrations for Geography Classes 1448 Each and All. Andrews 25, 624 Home Geography. Long 1099 Lessons on the Continents. Morton 1442 Seven Little Sisters. Andrews 223, 380, 1532 Teachers’ Manual of Geography. Frye 568 Ten Boys. Andrews 382 The Great World’s Farm. Gaye 1470 The Romance of Commerce. OxeFY 478 World and Its People. DunTon (Ed. )..290, 291, 299, 300, 628, 944, 978, 1554 Geography. See H. W. G. Kingston.,1306, 1307, 1308, 1309 Geography, Topical. Griffin 573 Geological Sketches. Agassiz. 2 Vols... 509, 510 Geology, P A irst Book of. Shaeer 1092 Geology. The Story of the Earth. Seeeey 1102 Geology. The Cause of an Ice Age. Baee 1114 German History. The Lion of the North. Henty.,1274 German Iliad, Story of the. Burt 968 German Popular Tales. Grimm , 1257 Germany. Central Europe. Knox 444 Germany, Stories from Old. Pratt 1503 Germany, Travels in. Down the Rhine. Optic 468 Germany, Travels in. Northern Europe. Knox 445 Germany, Young Folks History of. YonGE 901 Gill, John. Systems of Education 569 Gilman, Arthur. Magna Charta Stories 1255 Gilman, D. C. James Monroe. (Biog. ) 363 Gingham Bag, A. Sidney 1061 Girard, Stephen, and His College. Famous Amer...l352 42 Girls and I. MOLES WORTH 1337 Girls’ Book of Famous Queens. Farmer 1246 Girls’ Handy Book, American. Beard 948 Girls Who Became Famous. Bolton..., 639, 1599 Glimpses of the World. Dunton 300 Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. 2 Vols. Hearn. 785, 786 Globe, Little Lucy’s Wonderful. Yonge 1437 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. Poems 527 Goethe. Representative Men. Emerson 991 Golden Age, A Story of the. Baldwin 383 Goldsmith, Oliver. Deserted Village. Traveler 1021 The Works of. 1020 Goldsmith, Oliver. Old Story Tellers. Mitchell.. 458 Goldsmith, Oliver. Poor Boys, etc. Bolton. .220, 638, 1544 Good, Arthur. Magical Experiments 1022 Good Health for Children. Brands 275, 278 Goodwin, Maud Wilder. See Bellamy. 556-558 and 1535-1543 Goodyear, Charles. Famous Americans. Parton.,1352 Goodyear, William Henry. History of Art 232 Gordon, Col. H. R. Pontiac, Chief of the Ottawas 424 Tecumseh, Chief of the Shawanoes 769 Goss, Warren Lee. Jed 1258 Goths, The. Bradley 913 Grammar, Outlines of English. Burton 1439 Grandfather’s Chair. Hawthorne 81, 1372 Grant, Boys’ Life of General. Knox 1313 Grant, The True Story of U. S. Brooks 401 Grasby, W. Catton. Teaching in Three Continents 570 Gray, Asa. Field, Forest and Garden Botany 571 How Plants Behave 281, 282, 284, 572 How Plants Grow 280 Great Britain and Ireland. Knox... 447 Great Emergency, and Other Tales, A. Ewing 753 43 Great West, The. Pratt 1496 Great West, The Making of the. Drake 1219 Great World’s Farm, The. Gaye 1470 Greece. Cross and Crescent. Optic 466 Greece, Myths of Old. 3 Vols. Pratt. ..1504, 1505, 1506 Greece, Young Folks’ History of. YongE 1524 Greek Children, Three, Church 1197 Greek Herces. KiNGSEEY 1019 Greek Life and Story. Church 212 Greeley, Horace. Captains of Industry. Parton. 858, 1044 Greeley, Horace. Poor Boys, etc. BouTon..220, 638, 1544 Green Hills and Running Brooks. Rii/ey 1367 Green, J. R. Short History of the English People. 283, 285, 286, 287, 264, 265, 266 Green Mountain Boys. Thompson 206, 883 Greene, Francis Vinton. The Mississippi *678# Greene, Homer. Coal and Coal Mines 770 Greey, Edward. The Wonderful City of Tokyo 1253, 1254 Youug Americans in Japan 1252 Gretna Green. Old Story Tellers. MiTCHEEE 458 Griffin, Ida L. Topical Geography 573 Griffis, Wm.E. Brave Tittle Hollaud 999 Corea the Hermit Nation 773 Japan in History 1000 The Romance of American Colonization 771 The Romance of Discovery 772 Grimm, The Brothers. German Popular Tales 1257 Grimm, The Brothers. Old StoryTellers. Mitcheee. 458 Grinnell, George Bird. The Story of the Indian 774 Grown Up. (Five Little Peppers). Sidney 493 Growth of the Brain. Donaedson 513 Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Middle Ages &42 Guess, George. Captains of Industry. Parton..857, 1045 44 Gulliver’s Travels. Swift 1018 Gustavus Adolphus. Topelius 189 Gustavus Adolphus. Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers. 418 Gustavus Adolphus. The Lion of the North. HenTy.1274 Gutenberg. Old Story Tellers. Mitchell 458 Gypsy Breynton. Phelps 482 Gypsy’s Cousin Joy. PHELPS 1047, 1048 Gypsy’s Sowing and Reaping. PHELPS 484 Gypsy’s Year at the Golden Crescent. PHELPS..483, 1577 Habberton, John. Helen’s Babies 1028 Hailman, W. N, History of Pedagogy 576 Hale, Edward Everett. Boys’ Heroes 1264 How to Do It 1263 In His Name 1265 Lights of Two Centuries 1093 Artists and Sculptors; Composers; Inventors; Poets; Prose Writers. Philip Nolan’s Friends 1027 Stories of Adventure 1260 Stories of Discovery 75 Stories of Invention 1261 Stories of the Sea 1262 Stories of War 780 Ten Times One Is Ten 1026 The Man Without a Country 1023, 1259 Hale, Edward Everett (Ed.) Arabian Nights 1006 Hale, E. E. and Susan. Spain. (Story of the Nations) 1382 Hale, Lucretia P. The Last of the Peterkins 1024 The Peterkin Papers 1025 Hale, Susan. Mexico. (Story of the Nations) 912 Half Century of Conflict, A. (2Vols.) Parkman.855, 856 Half a Dozen Girls. Ray 1362 Half a Dozen Boys. Ray ,...1363 Hall, Charles W. Adrift in the Ice Fields 426 Hall, G. Stanley. Methods of Teaching History 575 45 Hall, G. S. and J. M. Mansfield. Bibliography of Education... 1471, 1529 Hall, Howard B. Evenings at Shadycroft 782 Hall in the Grove, The. ‘‘Pansy.” 1452 Hall, Mary L. Our World Reader 781 Hall, Ruth. In the Brave Days of Old 425 Hamilton, Alexander. (Biog.) Lodge 357 Hammett, J. L. (Pub.) Boston Collection of Kindergarten Stories 1115 Handy Book, American Boys’. Beard 398 Handy Book, American Girls’. Beard 948 Haunibal, Life of. Arnold 1183 Hannibal the Carthaginian. Abbott 308 Hans Briuker, or The Silver Skates. Dodge 740, 1605 Hansa Towns, The. Zimmern.... 910 Happy Dodd, Cooke 1200 Hardscrabble of Elm Island, The. KELLOGG 437 Hare, Augustus J. C. Florence 783 Studies in Russia. 784 Harold, Last of the Saxon Kings. BulweR-LyTTON.. 658 Harris, Joel Chandler. Daddy Jake the Runaway 778 Little Mr. Thimblefinger 777 Mr. Rabbit at Home 776 On the Plantation 779 Uncle Remus 1029 Harris, Wm. T. How to Teach Natural Science 577 Harrison, Elizabeth. A Study of Child Nature 516, 578 In Story Land... 949 Harrison, John. Captains of Industry. Parton. 858, 1044 Harte, Bret. Poems 545 Harveys, The. Kingsley 808 Hastings, the Battle of. Creasy 727 Hawaii. Around the World. Carroll 1611 46 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather’s Chair 81, 1372 Tanglewood Tales 1370, 1371 Wonder Book 1369 Hawthorne. Cf. Character and Characteristic Men. 895 Hayens, Herbert. In the Grip of the Spaniard 1266 Health for Tittle Folks. A. B. Co 270, 271 Hearn, Lafcadio. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. (2 Vols. ) 785, 786 Heart of Oak Books. Norton 1340-1345, 1572-1575 Hector. Shaw 1405 Helen’s Babies. Habberton 1028 Hemans, Mrs. Felicia. Poetical Works 529 Henry IV. Abbott 309 Henry, Joseph. Famous Men of Science. BoeTon.,1598 Henty, G. A. A Knight of the White Cross 1278 By Pike and Dyke 1268 By Right of Conquest 1272 In Freedom’s Cause 1269 In the Reign of Terror 1273 The Bravest of the Brave 1267 The Lion of the North 1274 The Young Colonists 1276 Through Russian Snows 1277 Under Drake’s Flag 1275 Under Wellington’s Command 787 With Clive in India 1270 With Lee in Virginia 1271 Herbart and the Herbartians. DE Garmo 1120 Herbart, Johann Friedrick. Text Book in Psychology 514 Hereward. Kingse'ey 1305 Hero, A. Mueock 723 Hero Tales from American History. Lodge and ROOSEVEET 868 Herodotus, Stories from. Church 972 Heroes: Hero Worship. CareyeE 688 Heroes of Asgard. Keary 1297 Heroism and Loyalty. See Open Sesame. Vol. II. Herschel, Sir William and Caroline. Famous Men of Science. Boeton 1598 Hetty’s Strange History. Jackson 428 47 Hewett, Edwin C. Elements of Psychology 579 H. H. See Helen Hunt Jackson. 428, 429, 800, 1477, 1479 Hiawatha, The Song of. Longfellow 1378 Higginson, S. J. Java: The Pearl of the East 789 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. American Explorers 78 Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (Biog.) 342 Young Folks’ Book of American Explorers 1279 Young Folks’ History of the U. S...253, 254, 255, 292 Higginson, T. W. and E. Channing. English History for Americans 1280 Hildegard’s Holiday. Richards 865 Hildegard’s Home. Richards 1865 Hildegard’s Neighbors. Richards 862 Hill, Mildred J. and Patty S. Song Stories for the Kindergarten 1527 His Little Royal Highness. Ogden 465 Historic Americans. Brooks 1550 Historic Boys. Brooks 1164 Historic Girls. Brooks 952 History and Historical Fiction. Adventures of Capt. Mago: A Phoenician Ex- pedition of 1000 B. C. Cahun 1195 Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers. Farmer 418 Boys’ Heroes. Hale 1264 Conquests of the Seven Hills (Child’s Rome) 454 Girls’ Book of Famous Queens. Farmer 1246 Stories of Adventure. Hale 1260 Stories of the Sea. Hale 1262 The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World 727 Young Folks’ History of England. YONGE..1521, 1522 Young Folks’ History of France. YongE 1523 Young Folks’ History of Greece. Yonge 1524 (See also “American History and Historical Fiction.” England and English History. Names of Historical Persons and t Countries. Abbott’s and Henty’s Works, etc.) History and Literature, Course of Study in. Rice... 599 History, Methods of Teaching and Studying 575 History of a Mouthful of Bread. Mace 826 History of Art. Goodyear 232 48 History of Art, Short. De Forest 233 History of Education. Painter 1126 History of Modern Education. Wieeiams 611 History of Our Own Times. McCarthy.. 1330, 1331, 1332 History of the Eng. People. GrEEn.,264-266, 283, 285-287 History of Pedagogy. Haieman 576 History of Rome. Arnoed 1156 History of the United States. See Eggeeston, Eeson, Fiske, Higginson, McMaster, Montgomery, Mowry, Parkman, Ridpath, Scudder, etc. Hobbs, C. A. The Boys of Princeville 788 Hogan, Louise E, A Study of a Child 1607 Holder, Chas. Frederick. Along the Florida Reef 1281 Living Lights 791 The Ivory King 790 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Arthur Bonnicastle 792 Nicholas Minturn 1282 Sevenoaks 793 Holland. ROGERS 914 Holland and Belgium. Dikes and Ditches. Optic.. 467 Holland and Its People. De Amicis 1210 Holland, Brave Little. Grieeis 990 Holland, Life in. Hans Brinker. Dodge 440, 1605 Holland. Northern Europe. Knox 445 Holland, Rollo in. Abbott 1142 Holland. The Bodley Grandchildren. Scudder. ..1394 Holland. The Land of Pluck. Dodge 986 Holland, The Puritan in. Campbeee 1190, 1191 Holley, Myron. Captains of Industry. ParTON.. 858, 1044 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Poems 530 Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Biog.) 340 The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table 794 Holy Cross and Other Tales, The. Fieed 763 Holy Land, Egypt and the. Knox 443 Home and School Library. (Ginn) 1001-1021 Home Animals. Church 977 Home Diversions for Children. Story Hour.. ..1078, 1080 Home Geography. Long 1090 49 Home Made Apparatus. Woodhuee 613 Home Studies in Nature. Treat 1095 Homer, Stories from. Church 213 Hone, Philip. Captains of Industry. ParTON.,857, 1045 Honest Ned. Eeeis 234 Honey Makers, The. Moreey 1569 Hood, Thomas. Poetical Works 1472 Hook, Ella L. Tittle People 1284 Hooker, W. Child’s Book of Nature. Plants, 248; Animals, 249; Air, Water, etc 250 Child’s Book of Nature Complete 256, 257, 258 Hoosier School Boy. EggeESTon 992 Hoosier Schoolmaster. EggeESTon 750 Hope, George. Captains of Industry. Parton.. 858, 1044 Hopkins, Louisa P. Natural History Plays 1283 Horse Fair, The. Baedwin 385 Hortense. Abbott 310 Hosmer, Harriet G. Girls Who Became Famous 639 Hosmer, James R. Samuel Adams (Biog.) . 351 House-Boat Boys. CasteEMON 408 House-Boat Series. CasteEmon 407, 408, 409 How Plants Behave. Gray 281, 282, 284, 572 How Plants Grow. Gray 280 How They Grew, Five Little Peppers and. Sidney.. 494 How to Do It. Ha EE 1263 How to Know the Wild Flowers. Dana 410 How to Teach Natural Science. Harris 577 Howells, William Dean. A Boy’s Town 1285 Their Wedding Journey 1030 Venetian Life. (2 Vols) 795, 796 Howliston, Mary H. Cat-tails and Other Tales 1474 Hug, Lina and R. Stead. Switzerland 908 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown at Oxford 188, 797 Tom Brown’s School Days at Rugby 1007, 1286 Hugo, Joseph. Captains of Industry Parton..857, 1045 Human Body, The. Martin 243 50 Humphreys, A. A. The Virginia Campaign of 1864 and 1865 683 Hungary. Vambery 905 Hunters of the Ozark. EEEIS 1227, 1466 Hutchinson, Joseph C. Our Wonderful Bodies 276 Ice Queen, The. Ingersoee * 798 Iceland. Dorymates. Munroe 460 Illinois and the Nation. Trowbridge 1594 Illinois. Story of Tonty. Catherwood 692 Impress of a Gentlewoman, The. Newberry 1339 Impressions of Russia. Brandes 1162 In Bird Rand. Keyser 807 In Far Japan. SiTWELE 1407 Iu Freedom’s Cause. Henty 1269 In His Name. Haee 1265 In Reisler’s Times Brooks 1165 In My Nursery. Richards 1054 In Nesting Time. MiEEER... 843 In Story Rand. Harrison 949 In the Brave Days of Old. Haee 425 In the Child’s World. Pouesson 859 In the Eastern Seas. Kingston 1308 In the Days of Massasoit. ButterworTh 671 In the Grip of the Spaniard. Hayens .1266 In the Rand of Cave and Cliff Dweller. Schwatka.,1584 In the Rand of the Condor. ButterworTh 672 In the Revant. Knox 449 In the Reign of Terror. Henty 1273 In the Wilderness Warner 1429 In the Wilds of Africa. Kingston 1306 In Wild Africa. Knox 1480 Independent Daughter, An. Beanchard 399 India. The Rand of Tawny Beasts. Maee 1037 India, Celon and. Knox 441 India and Indian Ocean. Due West. Baeeou 390 India, With Clive in. Henty 1270 India, Vedic. Ragozin 902 India. Zigzag Journeys in. ButterworTh 1176 Indian Fairy Tales. Jacobs 1031 Indian Tales. Kipeing 1310 Indian Wars. On the Old Frontier. Stoddard 1411 Indians. The Wampum Belt. ButterworTh 963 Industrial. Stories of Invention. Haee 1261 5i Industrial Progress of the Nation. Atkinson 1113 Industry, Captains of. (2 V.) Parton. 857, 858, 1044, 1045 Industry, Stories of. (2 V.) Chase: and Ceow..1552, 1553 Infancy, School of. Comenius 560 Infant Mind. Preyer 520 Infants’ School Drill, with Music. WiESON 609 Ingelow, Jean. Girls Who Became Famous. Boeton.. 639 Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa, the Fairy 1287 Poems 531, 546 Stories Told to a Child. (First Series) 1475 Stories Told to a Child. (Second Series) 1476 Ingersoll, Ernest. Knocking Round the Rockies 1288 The Ice Queen 798 Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child. ...1123 Invention, Stories of. HaeE 1361 Inventors. Lights of Two Centuries. HaeE 1093 Ireland. Laweess 1379 Ireland, Great Britain and. Knox 447 Iroquois. On the Old Frontier. Stoddard 1411 Irving, Washington. Knickerbocker History of New York. 799 Legend of Sleepy Hollow 1292 Life of Washington 1289 Rip Van Winkle 1291 Tales of a Traveller 85 The Alhambra .251, 252 The Sketch Book 187, 1014, 1290 The Sketch Book, Selections from 1014 Irving, Washington. (Biog.) Warner 343 Isles of the Sea. (Canary, Bermuda). Optic 469 Italian School Boy’s Journal, An: Cuore. DeAmicis. 411 Italy. Southern Europe. Knox 446 Italy. Sutny Shores. OpTic 473 Italv, Florence. A Child of Tuscany. Bouvet.,640, 1546 Ivanhoe. Scott 1001 Ivory King, The. Hoeder 790 Jack and Jill. AecoTT 368 Jack Hazard and his Fortune. Trowbridge 888 Jackanapes; Other Stories. Ewing .1243 Jackson, Andrew. (Biog.) Sumner 358 Jackson, Andrew. Capt. of Industry. Parton.,857, 1045 52 Jackson, Helen Hunt (“H. H.”). Cat Stories 1477 Hetty’s Strange History 428 Mercy Philbrick’s Choice 429 Nelly’s Silver Mine 1479 Ramona 800 Jackson, H. H. Girls Who Became Famous 639, 1599 Jacobs, Joseph. Celtic Fairy Tales 801 English Fairy Tales 802, 1563 Indian Fairy Tales 1031 Jacquard, Joseph Marie. Poor Boys, etc. ...220, 638, 1549 James, Jr., Henry. Daisy Miller 1484 The Portrait of a Lady 427 The Princess Cassamassima 1293 James, William. Psychology 1127 Jameson, Mrs. Sacred and Legendary Art (2 Vol.) 803, 804 Jan of the Windmill; and Other Stories. Ewing 1244 Japan and China. Knox 448 Japan. Due West. Ballou 390 Japan, In Far. SiTWELL 1407 Japan in History. Griffis 1000 Japan, Young Americans in. Gruy 1252 Java, Siam and. Knox 452 Java: the Pearl of the East. Higginson 789 Jed. (A Boy’s Adventure in the Army of ’61-’65.)...1258 Jefferson, Thomas. (Biog.) Morse 359 Jefferson, Thomas, Life of. Parton 481 Jenny Wren’s Boarding House. Otis 477 Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester 430 Country By-ways 805 Country Doctor 432 Deephaven 433 Mate of the Daylight, and Friends Ashore 434 Normans 911 Play Days 431, 1294 Tales of New England 1295 Jimmie Boy. May 837 Jimmie’s Cruise in Pinafores. ALCOTT 939 53 Joan of Arc. Micheeet 1184 Joan of Arc. Fifteen Decisive Battles, etc. Creasy.. 727 John Halifax, Gentleman. Mueock 725 Johnson, Anna. Education by Doing 580 Johnson, Samuel. Laurel Crowned Tales 806 Johnson, Samuel. Poor Boys, etc. Boeton 220, 688 Johnston, Alexander. American Politics 244 Johnston, R. M. The Primes and Their Neighbors 1296 Johonnot, James. Cats and Dogs 1082 Feathers and Fur 1033, 1034 Johonnot, James and Eugene Bouton. Lessons in Hygiene 273 Joliet, Louis. Cf. Capt. of Industry. Parton..857, 1045 Jo’s Boys. AecoTT 369 Josephine. Abbott 312 Journey to the Center of the Earth, A. VERNE.. 148, 1517 Julius Caesar. Abbott 313 Julius Caesar. Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers 413 Julius Caesar, Life of. Liddeee 1185 Jungle Book. Kipeing 812, 813 Katrina. DEEAnd 733 Kay, David. Education and Educators 581 Keary, A. and E. Heroes of Asgard 1297 Keats, John. Poetical Works. (Biog. Ed. by Lord Houghton). 1473 Kelley, Jay G. Boy Mineral Collectors 435 Kellogg, Elijah. Charlie Bell, The Waif of Elm Island 436 Lion Bend of Elm Island 1300 The Ark of Elm Island 1298 The Boy Farmers of Elm Island 1299 The Hardscrabble of Elm Island 437 The Young Ship-builders of Elm Island .....1301 54 Keyser, Leander S. In Bird Land . 807 Kidd, Captain. Abbott 383 Kindergarten and Primary Schools, Stories for 1084 Kindergarten. A Study of Child Nature 516, 578 Kindergarten. Finger Plays. Pouesson 860, 1581 Kindergarten Principles and Practice. Wiggin. .1100,1520 Kindergarten, Song Stories for the. Hiee 1527 Kindergarten Stories, Boston Collection of. 1115 Kindergarten Stories. The Story Hour 1078, 1080 Kindergarten Stories and Songs. In the Child’s World. PouESSON 859 Kindergarten. The Story of Patsy. Wiggin.. 1082, 1083 Kindergartners, Lectures to. Peabody 589 King Alfred’s Viking. Whisteer 1433 King, Charles F. Picturesque Geographical Readers, No. 3 1302 Picturesque Geographical Readers, No. 4 1303 Picturesque Geographical Readers, No. 5 1304 King, General Charles. From School to Battlefield 1035 King of the Broncos. Lummis 455 King of the Park, The. Saunders 1386 King Philip. Abbott 314 King, Thos. Star. Character and Characteristic Men.. 895 King’s Pardon, The. Overton 1350 Kingsley, Chas. Greek Heroes 1019 Here ward 1305 Madam How and Lady Why 89 Kingsley, Henry. Austin Elliot and the Harveys 808 Mystery of the Island 438 Kingston, H W. G. Afar in the Forest 1307 In the Eastern Seas 1308 In the Wilds of Africa. 1306 On the Banks of the Amazon 1309 Kipling, Rudyard, Indian Tales 1310 The Jungle Book 812, 813 55 Kirkland, Elizabeth S. Dora’s Housekeeping 810 Short History of England 1311 Short History of English Literature 811 Six Little Cooks..... 1478 Speech and Manners 809 Klemm, L. R. European Schools 1094 Knickerbocker NewYork. In Leisler’sTime. Brooks1165 Knight of Liberty, A. BuTTerworth 959 Knight of the White Cross, A. Henty 1278 Knightly Legends of Wales. Lanier 815 Knocking Round the Rockies. Ingersoee 1288 Knox, Mrs. N. L. Elementary Lessons in English 288 Knox, Thomas W. Australasia 440 Boys’ Life of Gen. Grant 1313, 1612 Central Africa 439 Ceylon and India 441 Egypt and the Holy Land 443 Great Britain and Ireland 447 In Central Europe 444 In the Levant 449 In Wild Africa 1480 Japan and China 448 Mexico 450 Northern Europe ... 445 On the Congo 442 Robert Fulton 1312 Russian Empire 451 Siam and Java 452 South America 453 Southern Europe 446 Kriisi, Hermann. The Life and Work of Pestalozzi..... 582 Kyzie.Dunlee. May 836 Labberton. Historical Atlas. Room 1 Ref. Laboulaye, Edouard. Last Fairy Tales 814 5 6 Ladd, Horatio O. War With Mexico 94 Lady of the Lake. ScoTT 1005, 1056 Lady or the Tiger, The. Stockton 875 Lafayette. A Knight of Liberty. BuTTERWORTH... 959 Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. Conquests of the Seven Hills 454 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Oliver Cromwell 1186 Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses 1008 Lamb Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare 1564 Lancaster, Joseph. Schoolmaster. Captains of In- dustry. Parton 857, 1045 Lances of Lynwood, The. Yonge 1435 Land and Water. Science Ladders. Vol. 1 1555 Land of the Midnight Sun, The. 2 Vols 988, 989 Land of Pluck. The. Dodge 986 Land of Tawny Beasts, The. MaLe 1037 Landon, M. D. (Ed.) Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor 231 Lane=PooIe, Stanley. The Story of the Moors in Spain 904 Lang, Andrew. Prince Prigio 1314 Language. Every Day English. White 610 Lauguage. Practical Phonics. De Graff 563 Language. Studies in Nature and Language Lessons. 603 Language. Verbal Pitfalls. Bardeen 553 Lanier, Sidney. Knightly Legends of Wales 815 The Boys’ Froissart 817 The Boys’ King Arthur 816 Larcom, Lucy. A New England Girlhood 1315, 1316 La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West 854 La Salle, Marquette and De Soto. Pratt 1497 La Salle. Story of Tonty. Catherwood 692 Last Days of Pompeii. Buewer LyTTon .186, 660 Last Fairy Tales. Laboueaye 814 Last of the Barons. Buewer-LyTTon 659 57 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper 189 Last of the Peterkins. Hale 1024 Last War Trail, The. Ellis 1229, 1467 Last Words. Ewing 755 Laurel Crowned Tales. Johnson 806 Laurie, Andr 6 . Life and Works of Comenius 583 Schoolboy Days in France 818 Schoolboy Days in Italy 819 Schoolboy Days in Japan 820 Schoolboy Days in Russia 821 Lawless, Hon. Emily. Ireland. (The Story of the Nations) 1379 Lawrence, Abbott, Merchant. Capts. of Ind....857, 1045 Lawrence’s Adventures. Trowbridge 884 Lay of the Last Minstrel, The. Scott 1003 Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaulay 1375 Leaves and Flowers. SPEER 1058 Lectures to Kindergartners. Peabody 589 Lee, Albert. Tommy Toddles. 1036 Lee in Virginia, With. Henty 1271 Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Irving 1292 Legends of Norselaud. Pratt 1502 Legends of the Middle Ages. Guerber 242 Leisler’s Times, In. (Knickerbocker New York).. ..1165 Lenox, James, Book Collector. Captains of In. .857, 1045 Leslie Goldthwaite. Whitney 1075 Lessons in Hygiene. Johonnot and Bouton 273 Lessons on the Continents Morton 1442 Letters of Lord Chesterfield 1461 Letters on Early Education. Pestolozzi 590 Letters to a Daughter. Starrett 1057 Levana, or the Doctrine of Education. Richter. ..1130 Levant, In the. Knox 449 Levant, Zigzag Journeys in the. BuTTERWORTh 1174 Library of Poetry and Song. (Selections). Bryant.. 544 Liddell, H. G. Life of Julius Caesar 1185 Life and Her Children. Buckley 654 Life and Works of Comenius. Laurie 583 Life and Work of Pestalozzi. Krusi 582 Life in Asia. Smith 1590 58 Life of Benjamin Franklin.. ..103, 341, 356, 1012, 1013 Life of Abraham Lincoln, Children’s. Putnam 861 Life of Lincoln. Coffin 709 Lights of Two Centuries. Hale 1093 Lilliput Land. The Children’s Book. Scudder 489 Lincoln, Abraham, Life of. Arnold 336 Lincoln, Abraham. Coffin 209, 709 Lincoln, Abraham. Biog. Vol. I, II. Morse. .. 360, 361 Lincoln, Abraham, The Backwood’s Boy. ALGER... 19 Lincoln, Boyhood of. Butterworth 962 Lincoln, Children’s Life of. Putnam 861 Linnaeus, Carl. Famous Men of Science. Bolton.. 1598 Lion Bend of Kim Island. KELLOGG 1300 Lion of the North, The. Henty 1274 Literary Landmarks. Burt 1168 Literature, Course of Study in History and. Rice... 599 Little Book of Profitable Tales, A. Field 762 Little Book of Western Verse, A. Field 761 Little Brothers of the Air. Miller 842 Little Flower Folks, or Stories from Flower La* d. 2 Vols. Pratt 1500, 1501 Little Folks in Feathers and Fur. Miller 105 Little Girl of Long Ago, A. White 1073 Little Homespun. Ogden 464 Little House in Pimlico, A. Bouvet 1547 Little Ivan’s Hero. Milman 1049 Little Jarvis. Seawell 490 Little Lame Prince, The. Mulock 1209, 1338 Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett 221, 685, 1601 Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe. Yonge 1437 Little Maid of Concord Town, A. Sidney 1406 Little Marjorie’s Love Story. BOUVET 642 Little Men. ALCOTT 226, 370 Little Miss Muffet. Carey 1193 Little Miss Peggy, and Nurse Heatherdale’s Story. ..1039 Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Harris 777 Little Neighbors of Elmridge. Church 973 Little People. Hook... 1284 Little People of Asia. Miller 1336 Little People of the Snow. Muller 1571 Little Prudy Series. May. Little Prudy 830 Little Prudy’s Captain Horace 831 Little Prudy’s Cousin Grace 832 59 Little Prudy’s Story Book 833 Little Prudy’s Sister Susan 834 Little Prudy’s Dotty Dimple 835 Little Prudy’s Children. May. Kyzie Dunlee 836 Jimmie Boy 837 Wee Lucy 838 Wee Lucy’s Secret 839 Little Pussy Willow. Stowe 1416 Little St. Elizabeth; Sara Crewe. Burnett 965 Little Smoke. Stoddard 1063 Little Sunshine’s Holiday. (Adv’tures of a Brownie). 229 Little Wanderers. Moreey 1570 Little Women. Aecott 225, 937 Livermore, Mary A. Girls Who Became Famous. 639,1599 Lives of Poor Boys Who Became Famous. ..220, 638, 1544 Living Creatures. Monteith 846 Living Lights. Hoeder 791 Livingston. Central Africa. Knox 439 Lockwood, Samuel. Animal Memoirs. (2 Vols.) 822, 823 Locusts and Wild Honey. Burroughs 667 Lodge, Henry Cabot. Biography of Alexander Hamilton 357 Biography of Daniel Webster 366 Biography of George Washington. (2 Vols.). 364, 365 Hero Tales from American History. Lodge and Rooseveet 868 Log Cabin Series. Eeeis. Lost Trail 1230 Camp Fire and Wigwam 1231 Footprints in the Forest 1232 Log School House on the Columbia. BuTTERWORTh. 961 London, Rollo in. Abbott 198, 1143 Long, C. C. Home Geography 1099 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Complete Poems 532, 547 Hiawatha 1373 Lord Fauntleroy, Little. Burnett 221, 685, 1601 Lorna Doone. Blackmore 1158 6o Lossing’s Encyclopaedia of American History Ref. Lost Canyon of the Toltecs, The. SEEEEY 1400 Lost Gold of the Mortezumas, The. Stoddard 1413 Lost in Samoa. EEEIS 1234 Lost in the Jungle. Du Chaieeu 987 Lost River Canyon, The Mystery of. Casteemon... 409 Lost Trail, The. EleiS *...1230 Loughead, Flora Haines. The Abandoi ed Claim 1317 Louis XIV. Abbott 315 Louis XIV. Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers 413 Louis Philippe. Abbott 316 Lounsbury, Thomas R. Biography of J. Fenimore Cooper 338 Love Songs of Chidhood. Fieed 759 Lover of Truth, A. White 504 Lovering, A. T. and Mara L. Pratt. Stories of Massachusetts 1495 Lowell, James Russel. Complete Poems 533, 548 Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems 1374 Lowell, Mass., Founders of. Capt. of Industry..858, 1044 Loyal Little Red-Coat, A. Ogden ... 1346 Loyalty and Heroism. Open Sesame. Vol. II. ..557, Lucile. Meredith 534 Lukin, John. Amongst Machines 1318 The Boy Engineers 1320 The Young Mechanic 1319 Lummis, Charles F. King of the Broncos 455 Some Strange Corners of Our Country.. 456 Lyell, Sir Charles. Famous Men of Science 1598 Lyon, Mary. Girls Who Became Famous 639, 1599 Lytton, Edward Bulwer, Lord. (See Bulwer.)...186, Mabel Martin. Snow Bound. Etc. Whittier. .1377, 1609 Macaulay, Thomas Babbington. Lays of Ancient Rome 1375 Life of Frederick the Great 1182 William Pitt 1189 6i McCarthy, Justin. History of Oar Own Times. 3Vols. 1330,1331,1332 Macdonald, George. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood 824 At the Back of the North Wind 825 Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood 1321 Mace, Jean. History of a Mouthful of Bread 826 The Servants of the Stomach 1322 Mace, Wm. H. A Working Manual of American History 1528 Mackintosh, John. Scotland 907 McLellan, J. A. and John Dewey. Applied Psychology.. 1483 Psychology of Numbers 1125 McMaster, John Bach. Benjamiu Franklin. Biog 341 McMurry, Charles A. Pioneer Hist. Stories of the Mississippi Valley... 293 A Course of Study for the Eight Grades of the Common Schools 1567 Macomber, Hattie E. Stories of Our Authors 289 Madam How and Lady Why. KingseEy 89 Madam Roland. Abbott 317 Madison, James. Biog. Gay 362 Madonna of the Tubs, The. Pheeps 485, 1578 Mael, Pierre. The Land of Tawny Beasts 1037 Magellan, Adventures and Conquests of. ToweE... 496 Magical Experiments. Good 1022 Magna Charta Stories. Gieman 1255 Magnetism, Electricity and. Thompson 1137 Mago, Adventures of Captain. Cahun 1195 Maid Marian. SEAWEEE 13.98 Maine, Trapping in. City Boys in the Woods. WEEES.1432 Making of a Hero, The, etc. Pauee 1046 Making of New England, The. Drake 1220 Making of the Great West, The. Drake 1219 Making of the Ohio Valley States, The. Drake 1218 Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies, The ...1221 62 Malleson, Mrs. Frank. Early Training of Children 584 Malta. Southern Europe. Knox 446 Man Without a Country, The. Hade 1228, 1259 Manila, When Dewey Came to. Otis 1348 Mann, Mrs. Horace. The Flower People 1829 Manners and Social Usages. Sherwood 1053 Mansfield, John M. and G. Stanley Hall 1471, 1529 Manual of American Butterflies. Maynard 1098 Mauual of Mythology. Murray 515 Manual Instruction: Woodwork. (The Eng. Sloyd)..1456 Marathon, The Battle of. Creasy 727 March to the Sea, The. Cox... 210 and 681 Marching to Victory. Coeein 710 Marco Polo, Story of. Brooks 953 Marco Polo. His Travels and Adventures. ToweE.. 1425 Marenholtz=Buelow, The Baroness. The Child and Child Nature 559 Margaret of Anjou. Abbott 318 Margaret Winthrop. EareE 1226 Marie Antoinette. Abbott 319 Markham, Richard. Colonial Days 208 Marm Lisa. WiGGiN 507 Marmion. SCOTT 539 and 1055 Marquette, La Salle and De Soto. Pratt ..1497 Marquis of Worcester. Captains of Industry... .858, 1044 Marry at, Captain. Masterman Ready 827 Midshipman Easy 828 Settlers in Canada 100 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens 738 Martin, H. Newell. The Human Body 243 Martineau, Harriet. Feats of the Fiord . 102 The Peasant and the Prince 829, 1010 “Marvel, Ik.” (Donald G. Mitchell). Dream Life 260 Mary, Queen of Scotts, History of. Abbott 620 Mason, Sir Josiah. Poor Boys, etc. BoeTON.,220, 638, 1544 Massacre of Port Loy all. Ezra Jordan’s Escape 852 63 Mastermau Ready. Marryat 827 Mate of the Daylight, and Friends Ashore. JEWETT. 434 Mathematics. First Steps Among Figures 554, 555 Mathematics. Every Day Business Problems in Arith. 614 Mathematics. Rapid Addition. Practical Methods.. 615 May, Sophie. Captain Horace 831 Cousin Grace 832 Dotty Dimple 835 Dotty Dimple at Her Grandmother’s 1326 Dotty Dimple at Home 1323, 1324, 1565 Dotty Dimple at Play 1327, 1566 Dotty Dimple’s Flyaway 1325 Dotty Dimple Out West 1328 Jimmie Boy 837 Kyzie Dunlee 836 Little Prudy 830 Sister Susan 834 Story Book 833 Wee Lucy 838 Wee Lucy’s Secret 839 Maydole, David. Captains of Industry. ParTon.. 858, 1044 Mayhew, Henry. Young Ben Franklin ; 103 Maynard, Chas. J. Manual of American Butterflies 1098 The Naturalist’s Guide 1481 Meade, L. T. A World of Girls 1334 Deb and the Duchess 1333 Tip Cat 457 Meaning of Education, The. BuTi/ER 1088 Meehan. Occupations, American Boy’s Handy Book. 398 Mediterranean. Due West. Baeeou 390 Melchior’s Dream. Ewing 756, 1603 Melody. Richards 1101 Men of Iron. PyeE 1052 Mendenhall, T. C. A Century of Electricity 1335 Mental Development Meth. and Processes. Baldwin. 1111 Men. Devel. Social and Ethical Interpretations 1112 Mental Physiology. Carpenter 1116 Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare 1585 Mercy Philbrick’s Choice. Jackson 429 64 “Meredith, Owen.” (Edward Robert Lytton). Lucile 534 Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The. PYEE..488, 1357 Metaurus, The Battle of the. Creasy 727 Metcalf, John. Captains of Industry. Parton.. 857, 1045 Method of Darwin, The. Cramer 512 Methods in Written Arithmetic. Cook 1463 Methods of Study in Natural History. Agassiz 1108 Methods of Teaching History. Haee. Ed 575 Metric Manual. Sawyer 247 Mexico. Azetec Land. Baeeou 387 Mexico. HaeE 912 Mexico. Around the World. Carroee 1611 Mexico. Knox 450 Mexico, Conquest of. Prescott. 3 Vols...593, 594, 595 Mexico, Cortez in. By Right of Conquest. Henty., 1272 Mexico, The White Conquerors. Munroe 847 Michelet, Jules. Joan of Arc 1184 Middle Ages, Legends of the. Guerber 242 Midnight Sun, The Land of the. DuChaieeu. 2V..988, 989 Midshipman Easy. MarryaT 828 Midshipman Paulding. Seaweee 491 Midway. (Five Little Peppers.) Sidney 495 Miles Standish. Abbott 935 Miller, Margaret. My Saturday Bird Class 840 Miller, Olive Thorne. Bird Lover in the West 841 Bird Ways 844 In Nesting Time 843 Little Brothers of the Air 842 Little People of Asia 1336 Milman, Helen. Little Ivan’s Hero 1049 Milton, John. Poetical Works 535 Mind Studies for Young Teachers. AEEEN 551 Mineral Collectors, Boy. KEEEEY 435 Minute Men. The Patriot Schoolmaster 960 Mississippi, The. Greene 678 Mississippi, Zigzag J’rneys Down the. BuTTERWORTh. 1172 65 Mitchell, Donald G. (Cf. Ik Mar.vee.) About Old Story Tellers 458 Mitchell, Maria. Girls Who Became Famous. ..639, 1599 M. M. C., The. VaieE 890 Modern Europe. CoE 291, 978 Modern Physics. The Concepts and Theories of. 523 Modern Science Series. The Cause of an Ice Age. ...1114 Modern Vikings, The. Boyesen 645 Mohicans, East of the. Cooper 189 Moleworth, Mrs. Carrots and A Christmas Child 1040 Little Miss Peggy, and N urse Heatherdale’s Story. 1039 Rosy, and Other Stories 1337, 1485 Monaco, Southern Europe. Knox 446 Monroe, James. (Biog. ) Gieman 363 Montaigne. Representative Men. Emerson 991 Montefiore, Sir Moses. Captains of Industry. ...858, 1044 Monteith, John. Familiar Animals and Their Wild Kindred 845 Living Creatures of Water, Land and Air 846 Montezuma, Cortez and. Pratt 1498 Montezumas, The Lost Gold of the. Stoddard 1413 Montgomery, D. H. Beginners American History 246 Two Great Retreats of History. Ed. by GroTE and Segur 775 Moore, Thomas. Poetical Works Moors in Spain, The Story of the. Lane-PooeE. Mopsa, The Fairy. INGEEOW Morfill, W. R. Poland. (The Story of the Nations.) Russia. (The Story of the Nations.) Morgan, C. Lloyd. Psychology for Teachers Morley, Margaret Warner. A Few Familiar Flowers A Song of Life Little Wanderers.... The Bee People The Honey Makers, 536 904 1287 1381 915 1128 1038 1482 1570 1568 1569 66 Morse, John T., Jr. Abraham Lincoln. (Biog.) 2 Vols 360, 361 Benjamin Franklin. (Biog.) 356 John Quincy Adams. (Biog.) 350 Thomas Jefferson. (Biog.) 359 Morse, Samuel Finley Breese. Famous Men, etc 1598 Morton, Eliza H. Chalk Illustrations for Geography Classes 1443 Lessons on the Continents 1442 Motion Songs. Pray 597 Motives of Life. Swing 1516 Mott, Lucretia. Girls Who Became Famous 639, 1599 Mowry, Wm. A. and Arthur M, First Steps in the History of Our Country 245 Mozart, Wolfgang A. C. Poor Boys Who Became Famous. Boston 220, 638, 1544 Mr. Bodley Abroad. Scudder 1390 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. Bangs 395 Mr. Rabbit at Home. Harris 776 Mrs. Overtheway’s Remembrances. Ewing 757 Muller, Mary. Little People of the Snow 1571 Mulock, Miss. (Mrs. Dinah M. Craik.) A Noble Life 724 A Hero. Bread Upon the Waters. Learmont.... 723 Adventures of a Brownie. Little Sunshine’s Holiday 229 John Halifax, Gentlemau 725 Poetical Works 537 The Little Lame Prince 1209, 1338 Munchausen, Baron. The Children’s Book. Scudder. 489 Munroe, James Phinney. The Educational Ideal 585 Munroe, Kirk. Campmates 459 Dorymates. A Tale of the Fishing Banks 460 Snow Shoes and Sledges 461 The Flamingo Feather 1041 The White Conquerors 847 Through Swamp and Glade 462 67 Murray, Alexander S. Manual of Mythology ; 515 Musicians; Composers. Lights of Two Centuries.. ..1093 My Apingi Kingdom. Du Chaillu 742 My Days and Nights on the Battle Field. Coffin... 711 My Girls, etc. Aunt Jo’s Scrap Bag. V. IV. Alcott.. 377 My Kalulu Prince, King and Slave. Stanley 1408 My Saturday Bird Class. MILLER 840 My Summer in a Garden. Warner 1430 and 1431 Mystery of Lost River Canyon. CasteEmon 409 Mystery of the Island. Kingsley 438 Mythland, In. Beckwith 1457 Mythology and History. The Horse Fair. Baldwin. 385 Mythology. The Age of Fable. Bulfinch 1097 Mythology, Greek. The Golden Age. Baldwin... 383 Mythology. Siegfried. Baldwin 384 Mythology, Manual of. Murray 515 Myths of Old Greece. 3 Vols. Pratt.. 1504, 1505, 1506 Naples, Rollo in. Abbott... 1144 Napoleon. Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers Farmer.. 413 Napoleon. Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. Bangs 395 Napoleon. Representative Men. Emerson 991 Napoleon. (Retreat from Moscow). Through Rus- sian Snows. Henty 1277 Napoleon the First. Biog. SEELEY 1608 Nations, The Story of the. 20 Vols. ..902-916, 1379-1382 Natural History, Methods of Study in. Agassiz 1108 Natural History Object Lessons. Ricks 598 Natural History Plays. Hopkins 1283 Natural Philosophy. Dolbear 561 Naturalist’s Guide, The. Maynard 1481 Nature and Man in America. ShalER 1403 Nature, Child’s Book of. Hooker 256, 257, 258 Nature, Child’s Book of. Plants, 248; Animals, 249, Air, Water, etc 250 Nature, Home Studies in. Treat 1095 Nature in a City Yard. Skinner. 521 Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children. Cooke..1462 Nature; Representative Men. Emerson 991 Nature Studies. Payne 588 Nature Study. According to Season. (Flower Habits). Dana.. 984 Adventures of a Young Naturalist. Biart 1459 American Boys’ Handy Book. Beard 398 68 Bird Ways. MiEEER 844 Forms of Water. Tyndaee 1096 How Plants Behave. Gray 281, 282, 284, 572 How Plants Grow. Gray 280 How to Know the Wild Flowers. Dana 410 In Brook and Bayou. (Amoeba, etc.) BayeiSS. 947 In Nesting Time. MiEEER 843 Leaves and Flours. Spfar 1058 Little Brothers of the Air. MiEEER 842 Little People and Their Homes. Hook 1284 Natural History Object Lessons. Ricks 598 Song Birds and Water Fowl. Parkhurst 480 Stories Mother Nature Told. Andrews 381 Studies in Nature and Language Lessons. Smith.. 603 The Birds’ Calendar. Parkhurst 479 Up and Down the Brooks. Bamford 391 Nautilus. Richards 864 Neal the Miller. (Early Colonial History). Otis... 850 Neighborly Poems. RieEY 867 Nelly’s Silver Mine. Jackson 1479 Nero. Abbott 320 Neukomm, Edmond, Rulers of the Sea 848 New Arabian Nights. STEVENSON 871 New England Girlhood, A. Larcom 1315, 1316 New England Legends and Folk Lore. Drake 1464 New England, Tales of. Jewett 1295 New England. The Bo Ileys on Wheels. Scudder 1395 New England, The Making of. Drake 1220 New Mexico. The King of the Bronchos. Lummis. 455 New Robinson Crusoe, A. Aeden 940 New Year’s Bargain. Cooeidge 979 New York, Knickerbocker. In Leisler’s Times 1165 New Zeland. Australia. Knox 440 Newberry, Fannie E. The Impress of a Gentlewoman 1339 Newsboy Life in N.Y. Jenny Wren’s Boarding House. 477 Newton, Sir Isaac. Famous Men of Science. BoeTon.1598 Nicholas Minturn. Hoeeand 1282 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens 737 Nicolay, John G. The Outbreak of Rebellion 673 Nightingale, Florence. Girls Who Became Famous. 69 Nimble Dollar, The. Thompson 1067 Nine Little Goslings. Cooudge 980 Noble Life, A. Mueock 724 Norcross, Mae Ruth. Springtime Flowers 295 Nordhoff, Charles. Politics for Young Americans 107 Normans. Jewett 911 Norseland, Legends of. Pratt 1502 Norselaud Tales. Boyesen 644, 1549 Norsemen in America. The Rulers of the Sea 848 Northern Europe. Knox 445 Northern Lands. (Russia and Prussia). Optic 470 Northern Lands, Zigzag Journeys in . Butterworth.,1 178 Northwest, Pioneers of the. Log Schoolhouse on the Columbia. Butterworth 961 Northwest, Zigzag Journeys in the Great 1177 Norton, Chas. Eliot. Heart of Oak. Book I... Heart of Oak. Book II.. Heart of Oak. Book III Heart of Oak. Book IV Heart of Oak. Book V.. Heart of Oak. Book VI Norton, Chas. Ledyard. A Soldier of the Legion 849 Norway. Boyesen 1380 Norway, Boyhood in. Boyeson 648 Norway. Due North. Baeeou 388 Norway. Northern Europe. Knox 445 Norway. The Land of the Midnight Sun 988, 989 Norway. The Modern Vikings. Boyesen 645 Norway. The Viking Bodleys. Scudder., 1389 Norway. Up the Baltic. Optic 474 Number, Psychology of. McLeeean and Dewey. .1125 Nurse Heatherdale’s Story. MoeESWORTh 1039 Object Lessons. Elementary Instruction. Sheedon 602 Home Made Apparatus. Woodhuee 613 Simple Experiments for the School Room 612 Object Teaching, or Words and Things. Rooper... 616 Occident, Zigzag Journeys in the. Butterworth... 1180 Off Santiago with Sampson. Otis 1050 70 1340 1341 1342, 1572, 1573 1343, 1574, 1575 1344 1345 Ogden, Ruth. A Royal Little Red-Coat 1346 Courage 463 His Little Royal Highness 465 Little Homespun 464 Ohio Valley States. The Making of the. Drake. .1218 Old-English History. Freeman 1250 Old-Fashioned Girl. Aecott 371 Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving. (V. Ill), Scrap Bag.. 378 Old Frontier, On the. Stoddard 1411 On the Banks of the Amazon. Kingston 1309 On the Congo with Stanley. Knox 442 On the Old Frontier. Stoddard 1411 On the Plantation. Harris 779 On the Rhine, Rollo. Abbott 167 Only a Year and What it Brought. Andrews 379 Only the Governess. Carey 687 Open Sesame. Ed. by Beeeamy and Goodwin. Vol. I. Sentiment and Story... . .556, 1535, 1538, 1541 Vol. II. Loyalty and Patriotism. 557, 1536, 1539, 1542 Vol. III. Sentiment and Story.. 558, 1537, 1540, 1543 Optic, Oliver. (Wm. T. Adams). Cross and Crescent 466 Dykes and Ditches 467 Down the Rhine 468 Isles of the Sea 469 Northern Lands 470 Outward Bound 1042 Palace and Cottage 471 Red Cross 472 Shamrock and Thistle 1043 Sunny Shores 473 Up the Baltic 474 Vine and Olive 475 Orcutt Girls, The. VailE 891 Orient, Zigzag Journeys in the. BuTTERWORTH 1181 Orleans, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Ornamental Design, Text Books of. (3 Vs.). 1117, 1118, 1119 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. Biog. HiGGiNSON 342 Ossoli, M. F. Girls Who Became Famous 639, 1599 Otis, James. Adventures of a Country Boy 1347 An Island Refuge. (Casco Bay in 1676) 851 7i Cruise of the Comet 476 Ezra Jordan’s Escape. (Massacre of Port Loyall). 852 Jenny Wren’s Boarding House 477 Neal the Miller 850 Off Santiago with Sampson 1050 The Boys of 1745 1487 The Signal Boys of ’75 1486 Under the Liberty Tree 1488 . When Dewey Came to Manila 1848 When Israel Putnam Served the King 1349 Our American Neighbors. CoE 290, 1554 Our Best Society. Curtis.. 1208 Our Continent, The Story of. Shaeer 869 Our Wonderful Bodies. Hutchinson 276 Our World Reader. Hale 781 Outbreak of Rebellion, The. Nicoeay 673 Outlines of Educational History. AeeEN 1454 Outlines of English Grammar. Burton 1439 Outward Bound. Adams. (Optic) 1042 Over the Andes. BuTTERWORTh 670 Overton, Robert. The King’s Pardon 1350 Owen, Robert Captains of Industry. ParTON., 858, 1044 Oxford, Tom Brown at. Hughes 188 Oxley, J. M. Romance of Commerce 478 Ozark, The Hunters of the. Eeeis 1227 Pacific Ocean. Due West. Baeeou 390 Page, David P. Theory and Practice of Teaching 586 Painter, F. V. N. History of Education 1126 Palace and Cottage. Optic 471 Paleface and Redskin. Anstey 943 Palfrey, Francis Winthrop. Antietam and Fredericksburg 677 Palissy, Bernard. Poor Boys, etc. BOETON..220, 638, 1544 “Pansy.” (Mrs. G. R. Aeden). An Endless Chain 1444 As in a Mirror 1445 Chautauqua Girls at Home .. 1446 Chrissy’s Endeavor 1448 Christie’s Christmas - 1449 72 Eighty Seven 1450 Ester Ried 1451 Ester Ried Yet Speaking 1351 Four Girls at Chautauqua 1447 The Hall in the Grove . 1452 Paris, Rollo in. Abbott 200,1146 Parker, Francis W. Talks on Pedagogics 587 Parkhurst, H. E, The Bird’s Calendar 479 Song Birds and Water Fowl 480 Parkman, Francis. A Half Century of Conflict. (2 Vols.) .855, 856 LaSalle and the Discovery of the Great West 854 The California and Oregon Trail 853 Partners, The. Stoddard 878 Parton, Janies. Captains of Industry. V. I, 858, 1044; V. II, 857, 1045 Famous Americans of Recent Times 1352 Life of Thomas Jefferson 481 Pathfinder No. 2. (Y. P.’s Physiology). A. B. Co., Pub. 297 Pathfinder Prim. (C.’s B. of Health). A. B. Co. , Pub.. 272 Pathfinder, The. Cooper - 49, 191 Patriot Schoolmaster, The. BuTTERWORTh 960 Patriotic and Naval Songster. A. H. W., Pub 230 Patriotism. The Man Without a Country. Hade. .. 1259 Patriots of the American Revolution, Soldiers and... 31 Paul and Virginia. Saint-Pierre 1579 Paul Jones. Abbott 934 Paul Jones. Seaweed 1513 Paul Jones. American Naval Heroes. BEEBE 1458 Paul, Mrs. George A. The Making of a Hero, etc 1016 Payne, Frank Owen. Nature Sludy 588 Peabody, Elizabeth B. Lectures to Kindergartners 589 Peabody, George. Captains of Industry 857, 1045 Peabody, George. Poor Boys, etc. Boeton..220, 638, 1544 Peasant and the Prince, The. Martineau 829, 1010 Pedagogies, Talks on. Parker 587 73 Pedagogy. (Cf. “Education,” “Psychology,” etc.) A Study of Child Nature. Harrison 578 Children’s Ways. Sueey 1135 Education by Doing. Johnson 580 Education ot Man. Froebee 1224 Elementary Instruction. Sheedon 602 Elementary Lessons in English. (Introduction) 288 Herbart and the Herbartians. De Garmo 1120 History of Pedagogy. Haieman 576 How to Teach Natural Science. Harris 577 Life and Works of Comenius. Laurie 583 Life and Work of Pestalozzi. Krusi 582 Methods of Teaching History. Haee, (Ed.) 575 Mind Studies for Young Teachers. AeEEN 551 Object Teaching; or Words and Things. Rooper. 616 Psychology in Education . Rooper 600 School of Infancy. Comenius 560 School Room Guide. De Graff 562 Studies of Childhood. Sueey 1134 Systems of Education. Giee 569 Theory and Practice of Teaching. Page 586 Theory and Practice of Teaching. Thring 1138 Peninsula, The. (Campaigns of the Civil War) 675 Pepacton. Burroughs 42, 662 Perry, Nora. A Flock of Girls 487 Another Flock of Girls 1051 Three Little Daughters of the Revolution 1353 Perry, Walter S. Egypt: The Land of the Temple Builders 1576 Persia. Benjamin 916 Personally Conducted. Stockton 876 Persons and Places, Cyclopedia of. Champein.. 925, 932 Peru, Conquest of. (2 Vols. ) PRESCOTT 591, 592 Pestalozzi, Heinrich. Letters on Early Education 590 Pestalozzi, Life and Work of. Krusi 582 Pestalozzi, Life of. De Guimps 1122 Peter the Great. (2 Vols ) 1187, 1188 Peter the Great. Abbott 321 Peter the Great. Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers 413 Peterborough, (Lord). The Bravest of the Brave. . .1267 Peterkin Papers, The. Haee 1025 74 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Gyp s y Breynton 482 Gypsy’s Cousin Joy 1047, 1048 Gypsy’s Sowing and Reaping 484 Gypsy’s Year at the Golden Crescent 483, 1577 The Madonna of the Tubs 485, 1578 Philip King. Abbott 314 Philip II of Spain. B. B. of Famous Rulers. Farmer. 413 Philip Nolan’s Friends. HaeE 1027 Philippines. Around the World. Carroee 1611 Philology of the English Tongue. Earee 1121 Philosophy of Education. Tate 607 Phips, SirWm. Captains of Industry. ParTON.. 857, 1045 Phoenician Expedi. of 1C00 B.C. Adv. of Capt. Mago..ll95 Phonics, Practical. De GraEE 563 Phronsie Pepper. Sidney 1062 Physical Culture. Infant’s School Drill and Music.. 609 Physics and Chemistry. Home Made Apparatus. Woodhuee 613 Simple Experiments for the School Room 612 Physics, The Concepts and Theories of Modern 523 Physics, Natural Philosophy. Doebear 561 Physiology and Health, No. 1 277 Physiology. Text Books of, for Children 268-279 Piccino and Other Stories. Burnett...., 405, 1551 Picciola. Saintine 1383 Picturesque Geographical Readers. King. Bks. 3, 4 and 5 1302, 1303, 1304 Pickwick Papers. Dickens 739 Pike, Major Robert. Captains of Industry 858, 1044 Pilgrims, Plymouth and the. Banvard 30 Pilgrim’s Progress. Bunyan 1011 Pilgrims’ Progress, Two Little. Burnett 964 Pimlico, A Little House in. Bouvet 1547 Pioneer Life. A Soldier of the Legion. Norton 849 Boy Emigrants. Brooks 647 Boy Settlers. Brooks 648 Story of Tonty. CaTherwood. 692 The Log Schoolhouse on the Columbia 961 See Ellis, Banvard and Others. Pioneers and Patriots. American. Abbott 15 Pioneers of the Old World. Banvard 32 75 Pioneers, The. Cooper .50, 192 Pitfalls, Verbal. Bardeen 553 Pitt, William. Biog. Macaulay 1189 Pizarro, Adventures and Conquests of 497 Pizarro. Pratt 1499 Places, Young Folks’ Encyclo. of Persons and. ..925, 932 Planning of Ornament. Day 1118 Plant Life. Bass 634, 635 Plato. Representative Men. Emerson 991 Plato, Stories From. Burt 967 Play Days. JEWETT 431, 1294 Plutarch’s Lives. Clow’s Translation 1015 Plymouth and the Pilgrims. Banvard 30 Plympton, A. Q. Dear Daughter Dorothy 1355 Dorothy and Anton 846, 1580 Poe, Edgar Allen. Poetical Works 1489 Poe, Edgar Allen. Biog. Woodberry 344 Poetical Works. Bryant . ..957, 958 Longfellow.... ...532, 547 Burns 525 Lowell ...533, 548 Byron 1460 Milton 535 Campbeee 969 Moore 536 Emerson 526 Mulock 537 Goethe 527 POE 1489 Goldsmith... 528 Pope 1490 Harte 545 Scott 538 Hemans 529 Taylor 1064 Holmes 530 Tennyson 540 Hood 1472 Whittier ..541, 542 Ingeeow Keats ...531, 546 1473 Wordsworth.. 543 Poetry. Favorite Poems (English and American) .. 524 Lady of the Lake. ScoTT 1005 Lay of the Last Minstrel. Scott 1003 Lays of Ancient Rome. Macaueay 1375 Lucile. Meredith. (Lytton) 534 Marmion. Scott 539, 1055 OpenSesame. BEEEA. andG. Coll. .556-558, 1535-1543 Snow Bound, Mabel Martin and Other Poems ...1377 The Ancient Mariner. COEERiDGE 995 76 The Colter’s Saturday Night. Burns 995 The Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell 995 Poetry and Song, A New Libra, of. Bryant (Ed. ) 544 Poetry eor Children. In My Nursery. Richards 1054 Stories and Poems for Children. Thaxter 1068 The Children’s Book. Scudder 489 Poets. Lights of Two Centuries. Hale 1093 Poets of America. Stedman 549 Poets, Victorian. Stedman 550 Poland. Morfill 1381 Political History of the United States. Smith 1133 Politics for Young Americans. Nordhoff 107 Polly Oliver’s Problem. Wiggin 1076 Pompeii, Last Days of. BulweR-Lytton 186 Pomeroy, Gen. Seth. Captains of Industry 857, 1045 Pond, George E. The Shenandoah Valley 682 Pontiac, Chief of the Ottawas. Gordon 424 Poole, Stanley Lane= Moors in Spain 904 Poor Boys Who Became Famous, Lives of... .220, 638, 1544 Pope, Alexander. Poetical Works 1490 Popular History of Rome. Yonge 1525 Porter, Jane. The Scottish Chiefs 1354 Porto Rico. Around the World. Carroll 1611 Portrait of a Lady, The. James 427 Portugal. Stevens 906 Poulsson, Emilie. Finger Plays for Nursery and Kindergarten. .860, 1581 In the Child’s World 859 Through the Farm Yard Gate 1356 Powers and Lyon. Business Practice, or How Business is Done 298 Practical Phonics. De Graff 563 Pratt, Mara L. American History Stories. (4 Vols.) 1491-1494 Cortez and Montezuma.... 1498 De Soto, Marquette and La Salle 1497 Legends of Norseland 1502 77 Little Flower Folks. (2 V.) 1500, 1501 Myths of Old Greece. (3 Vols.) 1504, 1505, 1506 Pizarro 1499 Stories from Old Germany 1503 Stories from Shakespeare. (3 Vols.). .1507, 1508, 1509 Stories of Massachusetts. (Pratt and Lovering). 1495 Story of Columbus 237-241 The Great West 1496 The Storyland of Stars 1510 Pray, Mabel L. Motion Songs 597 Prehistoric Nations. Baldwin 1110 Prescott. William H. Conquest of Mexico. (3 Vols.) 593,594, 595 Conquest of Peru. (2 Vols.) 591, 592 Ferdinand and Isabella. (3 Vols.) 517, 518, 519 Preyer, W. Mental Development in the Child 520 Primary Grades, Construction Work for. Smith 1589 Primary Lessons in Human Physiology. Baldwin. 268 Primary Schools, Stories for Kindergarten and 1084 Primer of Ethics. Comegys 1090 Primer of Evolution. Ceodd 1089 Primer of Health. StowEEE 279 Primer of Psychology. Titchener 1136 Primes and their Neighbors, The. Johnston 1296 Primitive Man. Ceodd 1104 Prince and the Page, The. Yonge 1436 Prince and the Pauper, The. Twain 500, 1059 Prince Fairyfoot. Cf. Sara Crewe. BURNETT 965 Prince Peerless. CoeeiER 1198 Prince Prigio. Lang 1314 Prince, The Little Lame. Mueock 1209 Prince Tip Top. Bouvet 641, 1600 Princess Casamassima, The. James 1293 Princess of Thule, The. Beack 636 Privateers of 1812. The Cruise of the Comet. OTIS. 476 Prize Cup, The. Trowbridge 499 Profitable Tales, A Little Book of. FiEED 762 Proud Little Grain of Wheat. Cf. Sara Crewe 965 Proudfoot, Andrea Hofer. Child’s Christ-Tales 1511 Proverb Stories. AecoTT 374 Psychology. James 1127 78 Psychology. Apperception, or “A Pot of Green Feathers” 601 Elementary Psychology and Education 1087 Elements of Psychology. Compayre 1129 Elements of Psychology. Hewett 579 Growth of the Brain. Donaldson 513 Intellectual and Moral Development of the Child. 1123 Mental Development. Baldwin 1111 Mental Physiology. Carpenter.. 1116 Mind Studies for Young Teachers. Allen 551 Primer of Psychology. Titchener 1136 Social and Ethical Interpretations. Baldwin. ..1112 Text Book in Psychology. HerbarT 514 The Child and Child Nature. Buelow 559 Psychology for Teachers. Morgan 1128 Psychology in Education. Roark 600 Psychology of Childhood. Tracy 608 Psychology of Number. McLellan and Dewey... .1125 Pultowa, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Puritan in Hoi. Eng. and America, The. (2 V. )..1190, 1191 Pussy Tip Toe’s Family. Sanford 1385 Putnam, M. Louise. The Children’s Life of Abraham Lincoln 861 Putnam, Israel. Captains of Industry. ParTON., 858, 1044 Putnam Served the King, When Israel. Otis 1349 Pyle, Howard. Men of Iron 1052 The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood 488, 1357 Pyrrhus. Abbott 322 Oueen Elizabeth. Abbott 307 Queen Hildegarde. Richards 1364 Queens, Girls’ Book of Famous. Farmer 1246 Queens of England. Strickland 1417 Queer Little People. Stowe 1414 Queer Stories for Boys and Girls. EGGLESTON 993 Quick, R. H. Essays on Educational Reformers 596 Rab and His Friends. Brown 224, 956 Ragozin, Z. A. The Story of Vedic India 902 Raleigh, Exploits and Voyages of. Towle 136, 498 Ramona. Jackson.., 800 Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood. Macdonald 1321 Rancheros, Frank Among the. CastlEMON 1194 79 Randolph, John. Famous Americans. Parton 1352 Rangers, The. Thompson 1423 Rapid Addition. Sprague: 615 Raspe. The Adventures of Baron Munchausen 1368 Ray, Anna Chapin. Half a Dozen Boys 1363 Half a Dozen Girls 1362 Rebellion. Campaigns of the Civil War. (11 V.)..673, 684 Red Cross. Optic.. 472 Red Sea and Suez. Due West. Baeeou 390 Redeeming the Republic. Coffin 707 Reid, Captain Mayne. Stories About Animals 158 Reign of Terror, In the. Henty 1273 Religious History. (Waldeuses). In His Name. Hade. 1265 Representative Men. Nature. Emerson 991 Republic of Childhood, The. Wiggin and Smith. Vol. 1. Froebel’s Gifts 1518 Vol. II. Froebel’s Occupations 1519 Vol. III. Kindergarten Principles and Practice. 1520 Rescued Madonna. A. Cheever 696 Revolution. A Royal Little Red-Coat. Ogden 1346 Revolution, Soldiers and Patriots of the American... 31 Reynolds, Michael. Captains of Industry 858, 1044 Rhine, Down the. Optic 468 Rhine, Rollo on the. Abbott 167, 204, 1147 Rhodes, Siege of. A Knight of the White Cross 1278 Rhymes and Jingles. Dodge 1217 Rhymes of Childhood. RieEY 866 Rice, Emily J. Course of Study in History and Literature 599 Richard I. Abbott 323 Richard II. Abbott 324 Richard III. Abbott 325 Richards, Laura E. Captain January 863 Hildegarde’s Holiday 865 Hildegarde’s Home 1365 Hildegarde’s Neighbors 862 In My Nursery 1054 Melody 1101 Nautilus 864 Queen Hildegarde 1364 8o Richardson, Abby Sage. Stories from Old English Poetry 1366 Richter, Jean Paul Friederich. Levana: or The Doctrine of Education 1130 Richter. Poor Boys Who Became Famous. Boeton. 638 Ricks, George. Natural History Object Lessons 598 Ridpath, John Clark. United States History 1582 Rienzi. BueweR-LyTTon 661 Riley, Janies Whitcomb. Green Fields and Running Brooks 1367 Neighborly Poems 867 Rhymes of Childhood 866 Ripley, George. Biog. Frothingham 345 Rip Van Winkle. Irving 1291 Riverby. Burroughs 664 Roark, Ruric N. Psychology in Education 600 Robin Hood, The Merry Adventures of. PyeE ..488, 1357 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe 732, 1009 Robinson Crusoe, A New. Aeden 940 Robinson, Swiss Family. Stickney, (Ed.) 900 Rocky Mountain Series. CasteEMON 690, 691, 1194 Rocky Mountains. Boy Emigrants. Brooks 647 Rocky Mountains. Boy Settlers. Brooks 648 Roger Williams. In the Days of Massasoit 671 Rogers, J. E. Thorold. Holland 914 Roland, Madame. Abbott 317 Rollo Books. 10 Vols. Abbott, 198, 199, 1141-1150 Roman Life and Story. Church 211 Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Church 700 Roman Singer, A. Crawford 726 Romance of Commerce. Oxeey 478 Romance of Dollard. CaTherwood 971 Romance of American Colonization, The. Griffis. 771 Romance of Discovery, The. Griffis 772 Romance of the Revolution. Bunce 89 Rome, Child’s His. of. Conquests of the Seven Hills. 454 Rome, History of. Arnoed 1156 Rome, Popular History of. YongE 1525 Rome, Rollo in. Abbott 1148 Romulus. Abbott 826 8i Rooper, T. Q. Apperception, or “A Pot of Green Feathers” 601 Object Teaching; or Words and Things 616 Roosevelt, Theodore. The Winning of the West. 4 Vols. Vol. I. From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, (1769-1776) 1358 Vol. II. From the Alleg. to the Mis. (1777-1783). 1359 Vol. III. The Founding of theTrans-Alleghany Commonwealths. (1784-1790) 1360 Vol. IV. Louisiana and the N.-W. (1791-1807). 1361 Thomas H. Benton. (Biog.) 352 Roosevelt, Theodore, and Henry Cabot Lodge. (Cf. Lodge) 868 Ropes, John C. The Army Under Pope 676 Rose in Bloom. Aecott 372 Rosy, and Other Stories. MoeESWorth 1337, 1485 Roundabout Journey, A. Warner 893 Royal Little Red-Coat, A. Ogden 1346 Rudder Grange. Stockton 874 Rugby, Tom Brown’s School Days at. Hughes. 1007, 1286 Rulers of the Sea, The. Neukomm 848 Rumford, Count. Capts. of Industry. ParTon. 857, 1045 Russia. Moreiee 915 Russia and Prussia. Northern Lands. Optic 470 Russia, Impressions of. Brandes 1162 Russia. Due North. Baeeou Russia. Through Russian Snows. HenTy 1277 Russian Empire. Knox 451 Sacred and Legendary Art. 2 Vols. Jameson. 803, 804 Saint Pierre, Bernardin de. Paul and Virginia 1579 St. John, Thomas M. Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity ...1583 Saintine, X. B. Picciola 1383 Salem, Mass. The Bodleys on Wheels. Scudder..1395 Salt, Sir Titus. Poor Boys, etc. Boeton...220, 638, 1544 Sam Lawson’s Fireside Stories. Stowe 881 Samoa. Australasia. Knox... 440 Samoa, Lost in. Eeeis 1234 Sampson, Off Santiago with. Otis 1050 Samuel, Mark. The Amateur Aquarist 1384 Sanborn, Frank B. Henry D. Thoreau. (Biog.) 346 Sandwich Islands. Australasia. Knox 440 Sanford, Mrs. D. P. Pussy Tip-Toe’s Family 1385 Santiago with Sampson, Off. Otis 1050 Sara Crewe. Burnett 965 Saratoga, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe 263, 1387, 1388 The King of the Park 1386 Savonarola. Southern Europe. Knox 446 Sawyer, Henry E. Metric Manual 247 Saxon Kings, Harold, the Last of the. Lytton 658 School and Society, The. Dewey 1441 Schoolboy Days in France. Laurie 818 Schoolboy Days in Italy. Laurie 819 Schoolboy Days in Japan. Laurie 820 Schoolboy Days in Russia. Laurie 821 Schoolboy Life in England. Corbin 259 School of Infancy. ComEnius 560 School Room Guide. De Grafe 562 Schurz, Carl. Henry Clay. 2 Vols 354, 355 Schwatka, Frederick. In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers 1584 The Children of the Cold 1512 Science, Common Sense. Aixen 1106 Science, How to Teach. Harris 577 Science in Play. Magical Experiments. Good 1022 Science Ladders. 3 Vols. D’ Anvers. Vol. I. Forms of Land and Water. \ 1P .frK The Story of Early Explorations, j Vol. II. Vegetable Life. Flowerless Plants.,1556 Vol. III. Lowest Forms of Water Animals. \ . ™ Lowly Mantle- and Armor-Wearers. j Scientific Knowledge, First Steps in. BERT 1157 Scotch History. In Freedom’s Cause. HenTy 1269 Scotland. Mackintosh 907 Scotland, Rollo in. Abbott.... 199, 1149 83 Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe 1001 The Lady of the Lake 1005, 1056 The Lay of the Last Minstrel 1003 Marmion 589, 1055 Poetical Works 538 Tales of a Grandfather 1004 The Talisman 1002 Scott, Sir Walter. Old Story Tellers. Mitcheee... 458 Scottish Chiefs. Porter 1354 Scudder, Horace E. Childhood in Literature and Art 1131 Children’s Book 489 Dream Children 1397 George Washington 1376 Noah Webster. (Biog.) , 347 Mr. Bodley Abroad 1390 The Bodley Grande, and their Jour, in Holland. .1394 The Bodleys Afoot 120, 1392 The Bodleys on Wheels 1395 The Bodleys Telling Stories 1391 The Doings of the Bodley Family 1393 The English Bodley Family 122, 1396 The Viking Bodlevs... 1389 Sculptors. Lights of Two Centuries. Haee 1093 Seawell, Molly Elliott. Little Jarvis , 490 Maid Marian , 1398 Midshipman Paulding 491 Paul Jones 1513 Seeley, Charles Sumner. The Lost Canyon of the Toltecs 1400 The Spanish Galleon 1514 Seeley, H. G. The Story of the Earth 1102 Seeley, John Robert. Napoleon the First 1608 Seelye, Elizabeth E. The Story of Washington 1399 Seminole War. Through Swamp and Glade. Munroe 462 Sentiment and Story, Poems of. • Cf. Open Sesame. Volumes I and IT Servants of the Stomach. Mace 1322 Seton=Thompson, Ernest. Wild Animals I Have Known. (Autog. Copy)... 492 Settlers in Canada. MarryaT 100 Seven Hills, Conquests of the. Laing 454 Seven little Sisters. Andrews 223, 380, 1532 Sevenoaks. HoeUND 793 Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty 262, 1401, 1402 Shakespeare. Representative Men. Emerson 991 Shakespeare, Stories from. 3 V. Pratt.. 1507, 1508, 1509 Shakespeare, William. Merchant of Venice 1585 Shaler, N. 5. First Book of Geology 1091 Nature and Man in America 1403 The Story of Our Continent 869 Shamrock and Thistle. Adams 1043 Shaw, Flora L. Castle Blair 1404 Hector ..1405 Sheldon, Edward A. Elementary Instruction 602 Shenandoah Valley in 1864, The. Pond 682 Sherwood, Mrs. John. Manners and Social Usages 1053 Ship-Builders of Elm Island, The Young. KELLOGG. 1301 Short History of England. Kirkeand 1311 Short History of English Literature. Kirkland ... 811 Short His. of the Eng. Peo..264, 265, 266, 283, 285, 286, 287 Short Life, The Storv of a. Ewing 261 Short Stories from English History. Blaisdell 236 Short Studies on Great Subjects. 4 Vols.,564, 565, 566, 567 Siam and Java. Knox 452 Side Lights on American History. Elson 1602 Sidney, Margaret. A Gingham Bag 1061 A Little Maid of Concord Town 1406 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew.. ..494, 1588 Five Little Peppers Midway 495, 1587 Five Little Peppers Grown Up.. 493, 1586 Phrotisie Pepper 1062 Siege of Rhodes. A Knight of the White Cross 1278 Siegfried, Story of. Baldwin 384 85 Signal Boys of ’75, The. Otis 1486 Signs and Seasons. Burroughs 666 Silver Pitchers. AECOTT 375 Silver Skates, Hans Brinker; or the. Dodge. ...740, 605 Simms, William Gilmore. (Biog. ) Trent 349 Simple Experim. for the School Room. Woodhuee.. 612 Sinclair, S. B. First Years at School 1515 Sir Roger de Coverley Papers. Adeison 994 Sister Susan. May 834 Sitwell, Mrs. Isla. In Far Japan 1407 Six Tittle Cooks; or Aunt Jane’s Cooking Class 1478 Six to Sixteen. Ewing ....1469 Sketch Book. Irving 187, 1014, 1290 Skinner, Charles M. Nature in a City Yard 521 Slavery. Cudjo’s Cave. Trowbridge 1426 Sloyd, The English. Manual Instruction: Woodwork:1456 Smedley, John. Capts. of Industry. Parton.. 858, 1044 Smiles, Samuel. Thrift 870 Smith, Eleanor. Songs for Tittle Children. Parts I andTI...604, 1132 Smith, Gerrit. Capts. of Industry. Parton....858, 1044 Smith, Goldwin. United States Political History 1133 Smith, Charles John. Synonyms Discriminated 1591 Smith, Mary Cate. Tife in Asia 1590 Smith, Nora Archibald, See Wiggin. 1100, 1518, 1519, 1520 Smith, Robert M. Construction Work in Paper and Card-Board for Primary Grades 1589 Smith, T. Berry, Studies in Nature and Tanguage Tessons 603 Smith, Wm. H. The Evolution of Dodd 1060 Snow Bound, Mabel Martin and Other Poems.. 1377, 1609 86 Snow Shoes and Sledges. Munroe 461 Social and Ethical Interpretations. Baldwin 1112 Social Science. Industrial Progress of the Nation. ..1113 Society and Solitude. Emerson 752 Society Islands. Australasia. Knox 440 Society, Our Best. Curtis ;. 1208 Solar System, The Story of the. Chambers 1003 Soldier of the Legion, A. Norton... 849 Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution ... 31 Some Strange Corners of Our Country. Lummis 456 Somebody’s Neighbors. Cooke 1202 Song Birds and Water Fowl. Parkhurst.. 480 Song of Life, A. Morley 1482 Song Stories for the Kindergarten. Hill 1527 Songs for Little Children. 2 parts. Smith 604, 1132 Songs of Childhood. Field and DeKovEN ...1140 Sonnenschein, (Pub.) Cyclopedia of Education... 605 Sons of Liberty. The Patriot Schoolmaster 960 South Africa. Theal 903 South America. Knox 453 Southern Europe. Knox 446 Southern Life. The Primes and Their Neighbors.. ..1296 Spain. Due West. Ballou 890 Spain. Southern Europe. Knox 446 Spain. Story of the Nations. Hale 1382 Spain and Portugal. Vine and Olive. Optic.- 475 Spaniard, In the Grip of the. Havens 1*266 Spanish Galleon, The. SEELEY 1514 Spanish Story of the Armada, The. Froude 1251 Spear, Mary E. Leaves and Flowers 1058 Speech and Manners. Kirkland 809 Spencer, Herbert. Education 606 First Principles 522 Sphinx's Children, The. Cooke 1201 Spinning Wheel Stories. AlcotT 936 Sports. American Boy’s Handy Book. Beard 398 Sprague, Jesse D. Rapid Addition 615 Springtime Flowers. Norcross....* 295 St. Pierre, Benardin de. Old Story Tellers 458 Stael, Madame de. Girls Who Became Famous.. 639, 1599 87 Stallo, J. B. The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics... 523 Stanley, Henry M. (and Others). Africa: Its Partition and Its Future 1409 My Kalulu; Prince, King and Slave 1408 Stanley, On the Congo with. Knox 442 Star Land. Bali, 386 Starrett. Helen E. Letters to a Daughter 1057 Statesmen, Famous American. Boston 1160 Stead, R. and Lina Hug. Switzerland 908 Steadfast. Cooke 1199 Steam-Engine, Inventor of. Capt ’s of Industry..858, 1044 Stedman, Edmund C. Poets of America 549 Victorian Poets 550 Stevens, H. Morse. Portugal 906 Stevenson, Robert Louis. Child’s Garden of Verses 872 New Arabian Nights..., . 871 Treasure Island 873 Stickney, (Ed.) Swiss Family Robinson 900 Stockton, Frank R. Fanciful Tales 1592 Personally Conducted 876 Rudder Grange 874 Tales out of School 1410 The Lady or the Tiger 875 Stoddard, Charles A. Beyond the Rockies 1412 Stoddard, Wm. O. Little Smoke 1063 On the Old Frontier 1411 The Lost Gold of the Montezumas 1413 The Partners 878 The White Cave 877 Stories About Animals. Reid 158 Stories and Poems for Children. Thaxter 1068 Stories and Tales. Andersen 20, 1155 Stories for Kindergarten and Prim. Schools. WiETSE 1084 88 Stories for Young Children. Turner 1069 Stories from the Arabian Nights 235 Stories from English History. Blaisdell 236, 637 Stories from English History. Church 698 Stories from Herodotus. Church 972 Stories from Homer. Church 213, 699 Stories from Livy. Church 701 Stories from Old-Euglish Poetry. Richardson 1366 Stories from Old Germany. Pratt -. H03 Stories from Plato. Burt 967 Stories from Shakespeare. (3 Vols ) Pratt. 1507, 1508, 1509 Stories from Virgil. Church 214, 704 Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. ..218, 381, 1533 Stories of Adventure. Hale 1260 Stories of Animals, Y. Folks’ Piet. and. Sanborn Tenny. Birds, 1421; Quadrupeds 1420 Stories of Discovery. Hale 75 Stories of Industry. (2 V.) Chase and Clow. .1552, 1553 Stories of Invention. Hale 1261 Stories of Massachusetts. Pratt. 1495 Stories of Our Authors. Macomber 289 Stories of the Gorilla Country. Du Chaillu 744 Stories of the Magicians. Church 702 Stories of the Old World. Church 44 Stories of the Persian Wars. Church 705 Stories of the Sea. Hale 1262 Stories of War. Hale 780 Stories Told of a Child. 1st. & 2d. Series. (2 V. ). 1475, 1476 Storm Mountain. Ellis 1239 Story Book. May 833 Story Hour, The. Wiggin 294, 1080 Story of a Bad Boy, The. Aldrich 941, 942, 1453 Story of a Cat, The. Aldrich 623 Story of a Child, The. Deland 734 Story of a Red Deer, The. Fortesque 1606 Story of a Short Life, The. Ewing 261 Story of Our Continent, The. ShalER 869 Story of Patsy, The. Wiggin 1082, 1083 Story of Primitive Man, The. Clodd 1104 Story of Roland, The. Baldwin 945 Story of the Bible, The. Foster 1248 Story of the Earth, The. SEELEY 1102 Story of the German Iliad, The. Burt 968 Story of the Indian, The. Grinnell 774 89 Story of the Nations, The. (19 Vols.) Goths. Bradley 913 Hansa Towns. Zimmern 910 Holland. Rogers 914 Hungary. Vambery 905 Ireland. Laweess 1379 Mexico. HaeE 912 Moors in Spain. Lane Pooee 904 Normans. Jewett 911 Norway. Boyesen 1380 Persia. Benjamin 916 Poland. Morfiee 1381 Portugal. Stevens 906 Russia. Morfiee 915 Scotland. Macintosh 907 South Africa. Theae 903 Spain. HaeK 1382 Switzerland. Hug and Stead 908 Vedic India. Ragozin 902 Venice. Weie 909 Story of the Plants, The. AeeEn 1105 Story of the Solar System, The. Chambers 1103 Story of the Stars, The. Chambers 695 Story of Tonty, The. Catherwood 692 Story of Vedic India, The. Ragozin 902 Story of Washington, The. Seeeye 1399 Story-Land of Stars, The. Pratt 1510 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. A Dog’s Mission 1415 Little Pussy Willow 1416 Queer Little People 1414 Sam Lawson’s Fireside Stories 881 Uncle Tom’s Cabin. (2 Vols.) ... 879, 880 Uncle Tom’s Cabin 222 Stowe, H. B. Girls Who Became Famous 639, 1599 Stowell, Charles H. A Primer of Health 279 Strange Stories from History. Eggeeston 751 Strickland, Agnes. Queens of England 1417 Student’s Cyclopedia. (2 Vols ) Beach 227, 228 Students in Nature and Language Lessons. Smith. 603 Studies in Russia. Hare. 784 Studies in the South and West, with Com. on Canada. 1428 Studies of Childhood. Sueey 1134 9 o Study of a Child. A. Hogan 1607 Study of Child Nature, The. Harrison 516, 578 Study of Children, The. Warner 1139 Stuyvesant, Peter. Abbott 13, 334 Suez. Due West. Ballou 390 Sully, James. Children’s Ways 1135 Studies of Childhood 1134 Summer in a Canon. Wiggin 506 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson. (Biog.) 358 Sunny Shores. Optic 473 SunnySouth, Zigzagjourueys in the. BuTTERWORTH.1179 Supplementary Reading. First Grade. Cyr’s Primer 20 Copies. Barth and Sky. Stickney 25 “ Nature's By-ways 25 “ Riverside Primer and Reader 25 “ Sprague Primer and Reader 20 “ Supplementary Reading. Second Grade. All the Year Round, No. 1. Autumn 25 Copies. Child Life in Tale and Fable 25 “ Fables and Folk Stories. Baldwin 25 “ Pratt’s ^Bsop’s Fables, No 2 30 “ Stickney’s Second Reader... 10 “ Supplementary Reader. Third Grade. Braided Straws. Foulke 25 Copies. Fifty Famous Stories. Baldwin 25 “ Geographical Nature Studies 25 “ Harper’s Third Reader 25 “ Supplementary Reading. Fourth Grade. Frye’s Primary Geograph} 7 25 Copies. Glimpses of the Plant World ...25 “ Information Reader, No. 1 30 “ Our Own Country. (The World and Its People. Vol. Ill) 25 Stories of Colonial Children 25 “ Supplementary Reading. Fifth Grade. Grandfather’s Chair. Riverside, Nos. 7, 8, 9.30 Copies. Information Reader No. 2 30 “ King’s Geographical Reader. Part 2. 30 “ Scribner’s Geographical Reader 30 “ Old Greek Stories 50 “ Story of Ulysses. Agnes Spofford Cook. 25 “ 91 Supplementary Reading. Sixth Grade. Eggleston’s First Book in American His. ..30 Copies. Fiske’s War of Independence 30 “ Geographical Reader. Carpenter’s Asia. ..25 “ Heroic Deeds 30 “ Supplementary Reading. Seventh Grade. Eggleston’s United States History 10 Copies. Scudder’s United States History 10 “ The Story of the Romans. Guerber 30 “ Supplementary Reading. Eighth Grade. Legends of German Heroes. (German )... 16 Copies. Legends cf the Middle Ages. Guerber.. 10 “ The American Citizen. Dole 10 “ The Virtues and Their Reasons 25 “ Surveyor, The Young. Trowbridge 886 Swamp and Glade, Through. Munroe.... 462 Sweden. Due North. Ballou 388 Sweden, Travels in. Northern Europe. Knox 445 Sweden. Up the Baltic. Optic 474 Sweden. Around the World. Carroll 1611 Swedenborg. Representative Men. Emerson 991 Swedish History. The Lion of the North. Henty.1274 Sweet Clover. Burnham 966 Sweet William. BouvET 955 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels 1018 Swift, Jonathan. Old Story Tellers. Mitchell 458 Swing, David. Motives of Life 1516 Swiss Family Robinson. Wyss 900, 1016 Switzerland. Hug and Stead 908 Switzerland. Central Europe. Knox 444 Switzerland. Palace and Cottage. Optic 471 Switzerland, Rollo in. Abbott 203, 1150 Synonyms Discriminated. Smith 1591 Syracuse, The Battle of. Creasy, 727 Systems of Education. Gill 569 Tale of Two Cities. Dickens 1215 Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb 1564 Tales of a Grandfather. Scott 1004 Tales of a Traveller. Irving 85 Tales of New England. Jewett 1295 Tales Out of School. Stockton 1410 92 Tales in Prose and Verse, Pop. The Children’s Book. 489 Talisman, The. Scott 1002 Talks on Pedagogics. Parker 587 Tanglewood Tales. Hawthorne 1370, 1371 Tate, T. Philosophy of Education 607 Taylor, Bayard. Poetical Works 1064 Views Afoot 1418, 1419 Taylor, Bayard. P. B. Who Became Fam...220, 638, 1544 Teachers’ Manual of Geography. Frye 568 Teaching. Elementary Instruction. SHEEDON 602 Teaching in Three Continents. Grasby 570 Teaching, Theory and Practice of. Page 586 Teaching, Theory and Practice of. Thring 1138 Tecumseh, Chief of the Shawanoes. Gordon 769 Telescope Maker. Cf. Alvan Clark. Parton..857, 1045 Temperament in Education. AeeEn 552 Temperance. The Boys of Princeville. Hobbs 788 Ten Boys. Andrews 382 Ten Times One is Ten . HaeE 1026 Tenny, Mrs. Sanborn. Young Folks’ Pictures of Animals; Birds 1421 Young Folks’ Pictures of Animals; Quadrupeds. 1420 Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. Enoch Arden; The Coming of Arthur; etc 1378 Poetical Works 540 Tenting on the Plains. CUSTER 730 Texas, Across. Eeeis 1235 Thackeray. Character and Characteristic Men 895 Thackeray, William Makepeace. The Virginians 1422 Thaxter, Celia. Stories and Poems for Children 1068 Theal, George M. South Africa 903 Their Wedding Journey. HowEEES 1030 Theory and Practice of Teaching. Thring 1138 Thimonnier, Bartholomew. Captains of Industry. 857, 1045 Things a Boy Should Know About Electricity 1583 Thirty Years’ War. The Lion of the North. HENTY...1274 Thomas, Edward. Capts. of Industry. ParTON.. 858, 1044 93 Thomas, Isaac. The Words of Abraham Lincoln ....1593 Thompson, Charles Miner. The Nimble Dollar 1067 Thompson, Ernst Seton= Wild Animals I have Known 492 Thompson, Judge D. P. Green Mountain Boys 206, 883 The Rangers 1423 Thompson, S. B. Electricity and Magnetism 1137 Thoreau, Henry D. Excursions in Field and Forest 216 Thoreau, H. D. Biog. Sanborn 346 Thorwaldsen, Bertel. Poor Boys, etc 220, 638, 1544 Thousand Miles Up the Nile. A. Edwards.... 748 Three Boys on an Electrical Boat. Trowbridge... .1065 Three Hearts, Tommy Ann and the. Wright 899 Three Little Daughters of the Revolution. Perry.. 1353 Three Weeks in Politics. Bangs 393 Thrift. Smites 870 Thring Edward. Theory and Practice of Teaching 1138 Through Forest and Fire. Ettis. 1236 Through Russian Snows. Henty 1277 Through Swamp and Glade. Munroe 462 Through The Farmyard Gate. Poutsson 1356 Through The Looking-Glass. Carrott 689, 970 Thy Friend Dorothy. Btanchard 400 Tiger, The Lady or the. Stockton 875 Timothy’s Quest. Wiggin 1079,1081 Tip Cat. Meade 457 Titchener, E. B. Primer of Psychology 1136 Tokio. The Wonderful City of. GrEEY 1253, 1254 Toltec and Aztec. The White Conquerors. Munroe. 847 Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes 188, 797 Tom Brown’s School Days at Rugby. Hughes. .1007, 1286 Tom Sawyer, Adventures of. Twain 501, 1066 94 Tomlinson, Everett T. Ward Hill at Weston 1424 Ward Hill Sr 882 Tommy Ann and the Three Hearts. Wright 899 Tommy Toddles. LEE 1036 Topelius, Z. Gustavus Adolphus 139 Topical Geography. Griffin 573 Tour of the World in Eighty Days. Verne 892 Tours, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Towle, George M. Adventures and Conquests of Magellan 496 Adventures and Conquests of Pizarro 497 Exploits and Voyages of Raleigh 136, 498 Marco Polo. His Travels and Adventures 1425 Tracy, Frederick. Psychology of Childhood 608 Trail of the Moose, On the. Eeeis 1237 Travees. (European). A Roundabout Journey 893 Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam 646 (European). Personally Conducted. Stockton 876 The Bodley Books. Scudder 1389-1396 (European). Views Afoot. Tayeor 1418,1419 (See Baeeou, Butterworth, Knox, Optic). Treasure Island. Stevenson 873 Treat, Mary. Home Studies in Nature 1095 Treat, William B. Wm. Gilmore Simms. Biog 349 Trowbridge, John. Three Boys on an Electrical Boat 1065 Trowbridge, J. T. Chance for Himself 885 Cudjo’s Cave 1426 Doing His Best 889 East Friends 887 Jack Hazard and His Fortune 888 Lawrence’s Adventures 881 The Prize Cup 499 The Young Surveyor 886 95 Trowbridge, Oliver H. Illinois and the Nation 1594 True Story of George Washington, The. Brooks... 951 True Story of the United States, The. Brooks 9 4 True Story of U. S. Grant, The. Brooks 401 Tudor, Frederick. Capts. of Industry. Parton.,858, 1044 Turkey. Cross and Crescent. Optic 466 Turkey. Due West. Baeeou 890 Turkey, War with. A Knight of the White Cross. ..1278 Turner, E. A. Stories for Young Children 1069 Tuscany, A Child of. Bouvet 640, 1546 Twain, Mark. (Samuee L. Ceemens). Adventures of Tom Sawyer 501, 1066 The Prince and the Pauper 500, 1059 Two Great Retreats of History. Montgomery 775 Two Little Every Day Folks. Foster 1249 Two Little Pilgrims’ Progress. Burnett 964 Two Thousand Years Ago. Church 703 Two Years Before the Mast. Dana 731 Tyndall, John. The Forms of Water 1096 Uarda: A Story of Ancient Egypt. EberS 1558 Ulysses, Adventures of. Lamb 1008 Ulysses S. Grant. True Story of. Brooks 401 Uncle Remus. Harris 1029 Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Stowe 222,879, 880 Under Drake’s Flag. Henty 1275 Under the Liberty Tree. Otis 1488 Under the Lilacs. Alcott 373 Under Wellington’s Command. Henty 787 United States History. Ridpath 1582 U. S. Hist. See “History,” and “American History.” United States Political History. Smith 1133 United States, True Story of the. Brooks.. 954 U. S., Young Folks’ History of the 253, 254, 255, 292 Up and Down the Brooks. Bameord 391 Up the Baltic. Optic 474 Vaile, Charlotte M. The M. M. C 890 The Orcutt Girls 891 Valmy, The Battle of. Creasy . 727 96 Vambery, Arminius. Hungary 905 Vanderbilt, Commodore. Famous Americans 1352 Vedic India. Ragozin 902 Vegetable Life. Science Ladders. V. II. D’Anvers..1556 Venetian Life. HowEEES. (2Vols.) 795, 796 Venice. WiEE 909 Venice. Southern Europe. Knox 446 Verbal Pitfalls. Bardeen 553 Vermont. Green Mountain Boys. Thompson 883 Vermont. The Rangers. Thompson 1423 Verne, Jules. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. 148, 1517 From the Earth to the Moon 147, 1427 The Tour of the World in Eighty Days 892 Vicar of Wakefield. Goedsmith 1020 Victorian Poets. Stedman 550 Views Afoot. Tayeor ....1418, 1419 Views in Africa. Badeam.... 628, 944 Viking Age, The. (2 Vols. ) Du Chaieeu 1224, 1225 Viking Bodleys, The. Scudder 1389 Vikings, The Modern. Boyesen 645 Village Watch Tower, The. Wiggin 1077 Vine and Olive. Optic 475 Virgil, Stories from. Church 214 Virginia and the Middle Colonies, The Making of.. ...1221 Virginia Campaign of 1864-1865. Humphreys 683 Virginians, The. Thackeray 1422 Vision of Sir Launfal, and Other Poems 995, 1374 Von Holst, H. John C. Calhoun. (Biog.) 353 Von Humboldt, Alexander. Fam. Men of Science. .1598 Waif of Elm Island, The. KEEEOGG 436 Wake Robin. Burroughs 40,668 Waldenses. In His Name. Haee 1265 Wales. Red Cross. Optic 472 Wallypug of Why. Farrow 996 Wampum Belt, The. Butterworth 963 War Trail, The Last. Eeeis 1229 War with Mexico, The. Ladd 94 Ward Hill at Weston. Tomeinson 1424 Ward Hill Senior. Tomeinson 882 97 Warner, Charles Dudley. A -hunting of the Deer 1595 A Roundabout Journey . 893 Backlog Studies 894 Being a Boy 215, 1070, 1071, 1072 In the Wilderness 1429 Studies in the S. and West with Com. on Canada. 1428 Washington Irving 343 Warner, Francis. The Study of Children 1139 Wars of the Colonies. Abbott 2 Washington, George. Abbott 11, 335 Washington, George. Biog. (2Vols.) Dodge 364, 365 Washington, George. Scudder 1376 Washington in Lincoln’s Time. Brooks 649 Washington, Life of. Irving 1289 Washington, The Story of. SEELEY 1399 Washington, The True Story of George. Brooks... 951 Watch Fires of ’76. Drake 1222 Water Animals. Science Ladders. Vol. Ill 1557 Water Fowl, Song Birds and. ParkhursT 480 Water Ghost, and Others, The. Bangs 396 Waterloo, The Battle of. Creasy 727 Watt, James. Poor Boys, etc. Boeton..... 220, 638, 1544 We and the World. Ewing 758 Webb, Alexander S. The Peninsula 675 Webster, Daniel. Biog. Lodge 366 Webster, Daniel. Famous Americans. ParTon 1352 Webster, Noah. Biog. Scudder 347 Wee Lucy. May 838 Wee Lucy’s Secret. May 839 Wells, Henry P. City Boys in the Woods ..1432 West Indies. Due South. Baeeou 389 Westcott, Edward Noyes. David Harum 502 Western Verse, A Little Book of. FiEED 61 What Katy Did. COOEIDGE 714 What Katy Did at School. Cooeidge 715 What Katy Did Next. Cooeidge 716 What the Dragon Fly Told the Children. Coursen. 719 98 What-to-do Club. CampEEEE 406 Wheelock, Eleazar. (Teacher). Capts. of In. ...857, 1045 When Dewey Came to Manila. OTIS 1848 When Israel Putnam Served the King. Otis 1849 When Life is Young. Dodge 985 When Molly Was Six. White 505, 896, 1596 Whipple, Edwin P. Character and Characteristic Men 895 Whistler, Charles W. King Alfred’s Viking » 1438 White Cave, The. Stoddard 877 White Conquerors, The. Munroe 847 White Cross, A Knight of the. Henty 1278 White, Eliza Orne. A Browning Courtship 503 A Little Girl of Long Ago 1073 A Lover of Truth 504 When Molly was Six 505, 896, 1596 White Islander, The. Catherwood. 693 White, Richard Grant. Every-Day English 610 Whitney. Mrs. A. D. T. Faith Gartney’s Girlhood 1074 Leslie Goldthwaite 1075 The Gayworthys 897 Whittier, John Greenleaf. Poems 541, 542 Snow Bound, Mabel Martin, Other Poems.. 1377, 1609 Whitworth, Sir Joseph. Captains of Industry. ..857, 1045 Wiel, Alethea. Venice 909 Wiggln, Kate Douglas. Marm Lisa 507 Polly Oliver’s Problem 1076 Summer in a Canon 506 The Birds’ Christmas Carol 898 The Story Hour 294, 1078, 1080 The Story of Patsy 1082, 1083 The Village Watch Tower 1077 Timothy’s Quest 1079, 1081 99 Wiggin, K. D. and Nora A. Smith. The Republic of Childhood. I. Froebel’s Gifts 1518 II. Froebel’s Occupations 1519 III. Kindergarten Prin. and Practice.. ..1100, 1520 Wild Animals I Have Known. Seton-Thompson... 492 Wild Flowers, How to Know the. Dana 410 Wild Life Under the Equator. Du Chaiffu 743 Wildwood Library. EFFIS 1235-1237 William Henry and His Friends. Diaz 1211 William Henry Letters, The. Diaz 1212 William the Conqueror. Abbott 327 Williams, Samuel G. History of Modern Education 611 Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Biog. Beers 348 Wilson, Winifred. Infants’ School Drill with Music 609 Wiltse, Sara E. Stories for Kindergartens and Prim. Schools 1084 Winners in Life’s Race, The. BuckfEY 653 Winning His Way. Coffin 713 Winning of the West. (4 Vols.) RooSEVEFT. 1358-1361 Winslow, Governor Edward. Capts. of Industry. .857, 1045 Winter Sunshine. Burroughs 41, 663 Wiuthrop, Margaret. EarfE 1226 Wishiug-To-Be, Adventures of. Mrs. Corkran 1203 With Clive in India. Henty 1270 With Lee in Virginia. Henty 1271 With Trumpet and Drum. Fiefd 760 Woodberry, A. E. Edgar Allan Poe. Biog 344 Woodhull, John F. Home Made Apparatus 613 Simple Experiments for the School Room 612 Woodwork. The English Sloyd. Barter 1456 Wonder Book. Hawthorne 1369 Wonder Stories Told for Children. Andersen 1154 Wonder Tales, Fairy Stories and. Engfish 1241 Wonderful City of Tokio, The. GrEEy 1253, 1254 Wonderland, Alice’s Adventures in. Carroff... 196, 1196 Woolever, Adam. Cyclopedia of Quotations 193 Words of Abraham Lincoln, The. Thomas 1593 ioo Wordsworth, William, Poems 543 Working Manual of American History. Mace 1528 World and Its People. Ed. by Larkin Dunton.... World of Girls, A. Meade 1334 Wren, Sir Christopher. Capts. of Ind. Parton. 858, 1044 Wright, Mabel Osgood. P'our Footed Americans and Their Kin 1085 Friendship of Nature 508 Tommy Ann and the Three Hearts 899 Wright, M. O. and Elliot Coues. Citizen Bird 1086 Wyoming. Eeeis 1238 Wyoming Series. EEEIS 1238-1240 Wyss, J. D. and J. R. Swiss Family Robinson 1016 Xerxes the Great. Abbott 328 Year in the Fields, A. Burroughs 1167 Yonge, Charlotte M. Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe 1437 Popular History of Rome 1525 The Daisy Chain 1434 The Lances of Lynwood 1435 The Prince and the Page 1436 Young Folks’ History of England 1521, 1522 Young Folks’ History of France 1523 Young Folks’ History of Germany 901 Young Folks’ History of Greece 1524 Youmans, Eliza A. First Book of Botany 267 Young America Abroad Series. Optic 466-475 Young Americans, Century Book for. Brooks 404 Young Americans in Japan. Greey 1252 Young Colonists, The. Henty 1276 Young Folks’ Book of American Explorers 78, 1279 Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Common Things 917-924 Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Persons and Places.. 925-932 Young Folks’ History of England. Yonge 1521, 1522 France. 1523; Germany, 901; Greece, 1524. Rome, 1525 Young Folks’ Hist, of the United States. .253, 254, 255, 292 Young Folks’ Pictures and Stories of Animals. .14.0, 1421 Young Game Warden. Casteemon 407 Young Mechanic, The. Lukin 1319 Young Surveyor, The. Trowbridge..,.. 886 Zigzag Journeys. Butterworth 669, 1169-1181, 1438 Zimmern, Helen. The Hausa Towns 910 Zoology. Along the Florida Reef. Holder 1281 Cf. Hooker, Miller, Johonnot, Bass, Cooper, Lockwood, etc. Fairyland of Science. Buckley 655 Four-Footed Americans and their Kin. Wright.. 1085 In Brook and Bayou. BaylisS 947 Life and Her Children. Buckley 654 Little People and their Homes. Hook 1284 Living Lights. (Phosphorescent Animals) 791 The Ivory King. Holder 790 Winners in Life’s Race. Buckley 653 CATALOGUE OF PICTURES. 1 Autumn. Water color by Hugo Fisher. 2 Jacob BeidlER. Life Size Crayon Portrait by E. J. Schneeberger. 3 Houses of Parliament. Etching by Felix Buhor. 4 The Hour of Rest. Etching by Henry Farrar. 5 When the Hours of Day are Numbered. Etch- ing by Henry Farrar. 6 When the Swallows Homeward Fly. Etching by Hamilton Hamilton. 7 Rural Sounds. Etching by Wm. H. Lippincott. 8 Welcome News. Etching by Emily Sartain, from painting by E Wood Terry. 9 The Harbor of Refuge. Etching by R. W. Macbeth from painting by Fred Walker. 10 Halcyon Days. Etching by F. W. Freer, from painting by Jennie Brownscombe. 11 Sunday Afternoon. (2). Etching by Kruseman Van Etten from painting by James M. Hart. 12 The Courtship of Miles Standish. Etching by James S. King, from painting by C. Y. Turner. 102 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Puritan Sabbath. Etching, by James S. King, from painting by Chester A. Loomis. The Goeden Hour. (2). Etching by James S. King, from painting by Wm. Hart, in possession of Wm. Rockefeller. The Last Geeam. Etching by James S. King, from painting by Wm. Hart. Stepping Stones. Etching by James S. King, from painting by Francis C. James. Schooemates. Etching by James S. King, from painting by J. H. Witt. Tender Chord. Etching, by Wm. H. Sartain, from painting by Frank D. Millet. Day Dreams. Etching by Wm. H. Sartain, from painting by Percy Moran. The Weecome Guest. Etching by Wm. Sartin, from painting by Jennie Brownscombe. A Bacchic Dance. Etching by James S. King, from painting by Wm. Magrath. The Grapevine Swing. Engraved by Hamilton Hamilton, from painting by J. H. Witt. Scotch CaTTeE. Engraved by W. S. Davey, from painting by Wm. Watson. A Word of Advice. Engraved by Charles Schlecht, from painting by Ridgeway Knight. Thoughts by the Sea. Engraved by Charles Schlecht, from painting by J. G. Brown. With The Tide. Engraved by Charles Schlecht, from painting by J. G. Brown. The Legend of the Lake. Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards, from painting by A. M. Turner. Defiance. Engraved by Alfred Lucas, from painting by Sir Edwin Landseer. An Impudent Puppy. Engraved by Alfred Lucas, from painting by J. S. Noble. Fuee Practice. Engraving. Women and Children First. Engraving. ’Twixt Love and Duty. Photogravure, from painting by S. E. Waller, in collection of John C. Holder. 103 33 The Flight of Night. Copley print, from paint- ing by William Morris Hunt, on the ceiling of the Senate Chamber, in the Capitol at Albany, N. Y. 34 Aurora. From a fresco by Guido Reni, in the Rospigliosi Villa, Rome. 35 The Gleaners. Jean Francois Millet. 36 Madonna of the Chair. Raphael. 37 “Christ.” Hoffman. 38 “Ruth.” 39 In the Country. Lerolle. 40 Pharaoh’s Horses. 41 Portion of a Frieze. 42 Lafayette Memoriae. 43 Grand Stair Haee in Congressional Library, Washington. 44 Court of Lions, Alhambra. (Moorish palace, Granada, Spain). 45 Interior of Church, now Mosque, of St. Sophia, Constantinople. 46 St. Mark’s Cathedral, Venice. 47 Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. 48 Parthenon, Athens. 49 Facade of Parthenon (in color), 50 Colosseum, Rome. 51 Forum, Rome 52 Capitol, Washington, (color). 53 Columbus Caravels, (color). 54 Portrait of Bryant. 55 Emerson. 56 Holmes. 57 Longfellow. 58 Lowell. 59 Whittier. 60, 61 Washington. 62, 63 Lincoln. 64 Columbus. Century Portraits of Eminent People, (fifty framed, fifty in portfolio).