I ■ 1 \ 1 1B93 1908 SOUVENIR ALBUM f- ^B^ '!'i;ii mn ,tm wtHMi i'' % pq M o o 10 15 o o ir_ I 'TT^' CHICAGO RAILWAY EQUIPMENT COMPANY NEW YOHK ST. LOUIS JERSEY CITY LONDON MARION, IND. AVASHIXGTON exglaxd GRAND RAPIDS MONTREAL DETROIT VERAL EXECUTIVE OFFICES: CHICAGO, U. S. A ■/^ .sasi'- TO THE SHARKIIOL,r»KRS CiiinAoo Railway Eohipmbnt Co. ■^T^OUR Compan\' having celebrated its Fifteenth Anniversary bv moving into its modern offices and works, it has been thought deairabie to prepare this little volume, which, with fhe aid of the camera (the nearest to a personal visit) will help to make you better acquainted with the organization niul several plants of the Compan\'. Beginning in 1893 iti the leased building illustrated at the top of this page, ^our Company has grown as wc have endeavored to show by the pages following. We trust you will find this Souvenir both interesting :ind instructive. Issued li\ authority of The Bnnrd of Diriitoi s E. B. LEIGH. Prnulnit. John P. Ahrens Vice President E.B. Leigh President and General Manager E. r. Il'alker Secrelarij and Treasurer ■li'mffiiiiirinnsisirfli'ifs:,!; iimiiimiiii*' E. L. Adreon John P. Ahrens BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jesse A. Baldwin E. B. Leioh F. P. Hays C.S. Glee J Albert Blair C. H. Williams, Jr F. G. Ely B. F. Pilson SALES DEPARTMENT A. J. Farhy ^_ ^^ ^^^^ E. F. Lcioh Harry W. Frost ^ong ^nd Vice President C.P. fVilliams H. W. Finn ell E. G. Buchanan F. A. Goodrich J. H. Bradley Manager Grand Rapids W. H. Harrison Supt. Detroit MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT P. B. Harrison General .Su perijitende nt J. C. Haswell Manager Marion T. E. Corliss Supt. Jersey City r o iimwiiiiimaiiiiiiiiiwil Ei; t lOffic jeneral Umcei ^fo Main Lobby Director $' Room Library President's Office Secretary-Treasurer's Office as O fc^ '^w Second Floor Lobby General Clerical Department 5> mfts^M fF 1' Draughting Department General Cafe Tool Department O -SI b- General J'lews from S. If. Corner from N. //'. Corner General Views from N. E. Corner from West Side N. E. Corner Shop No. 2 Section of Shop No. I Storage Department Assembling Department L!L--iir_ Ic Poiuer Room \_J G^±yjc^ o T ib Birds Eye View Brake Beam Department — North Brake Beam Department — South Forge Department Bolt and Rivet Department Bolster Material li'arehouse T ( , , »fiiiiijri