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To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 DCS Report No. 4ll ^X^lM DIAGNOSIS OF PRINTED CIRCUIT CARDS ON A PROGRAMMABLE TEST EQUIPMENT by Masayuki Inagaki July 30, 1970 ILLIAC IV Document No. 228 Report No. 4 11 DIAGNOSIS OF PRINTED CIRCUIT CARDS ON A PROGRAMMABLE TEST EQUIPMENT by Masayuki Inagaki July 30, 1970 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 This work was supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency as administered by the Rome Air Development Center under Contract No. USAF 30(602)-klkk and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science, June 1970. ABSTRACT This paper discusses methods of editing test dictionaries using the results of printed circuit card fault simulation, identifying failures in a printed circuit card. To identify a failure in a card under test, a generalized automatic test equipment is introduced and three identification methods are presented and evaluated. A program for generating test dictionaries was written in Extended ALGOL for the Burroughs B5500 computer and used for test dictionary generation for the ILLIAC IV PE and CU cards and is also described in this paper. I V TABLE OF CONTENTS [ age 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION OF DIAGNOSTIC TEST GENERATION 3 2.1 Definitions 3 2.2 Mathematical Description k 3- THEORETICAL APPROACH FOR TEST DICTIONARY GENERATION 2k 3-1 Method of Test Dictionary Generation 2k 3-2 Procedure for Failed Function Identification 27 3.2.1 Abstract Test Equipment (ATE) for Identifying Failed Functions 27 3-2.1.1 The Function of ATE 27 The Function of Logic Devices 30 Input-Output Pattern Table ... 31 Test Dictionary Table 31 Input Pattern Store Register . . 31** Output Pattern Store Register . 31 Expected Response Store Register 31 3- Comparator 31 Auxiliary Memory 32 Control Unit 32 Arithmetic Unit 32 3' 2. 2 First Failed Function Identification Method Using ATE 32 3.2.3 Second Failed Function Identification Method Using ATE 39 3«2.U Third Failed Function Identification Method Using ATE k2 3.3 The Comparison Between First, Second and Third Methods . . k'J V Page k. TEST DICTIONARY EDITING PROGRAM k-9 k.l Performance of Test Dictionary Editing Program ^9 k.2 Brief Description of Test Dictionary Editing Program .... 51 1+.2.1 Control Program 51 U.2.2 Pre-processing Program 51 U.2.3 Test Dictionary Generator Program 57 h.2.h Error Table Sorting Program 59 U.2.5 Indistinguishable Failure Selecting Program 59 5. CONCLUSION 61 REFERENCES 62 APPENDIX 63 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 Example of Network for Error Table in Table 2.2 5 2.2 Test Generation Procedure 10 2.3 Example of Network for Following Analysis (A Part of PE Control Logic) 12 2.k An Illustration Model for Test Generation 16 3-1 The Chart of ATE 33 3-2 Flow Chart of the First Method kO 3-3 Flow Chart of the Second Method ^3 3-k Flow Chart of the Third Method k6 k.l Test Generator System 50 k.2 Test Dictionary Editing Program 52 k.3 /ETAJBLE File 55 h.k The Contents of the Completed Error Table Array 56 4.5 /EWDS0RT File 58 VI 1 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1 Table of the Failed Function vs. Failure of the Network Shown in Figure 2.1 6 2.2 Error Table of the Network Shown in Figure 2.1 7 2.3 Table of the Failed Function vs. Failure of the Network Shown in Figure 2.3 13 2.k Partial Error Table lk 2.5 Completed Error Table 17 2.6 a) Pin Level Error Table of Failed Function f , 21 b) Pin Level Error Table of Failed Function f oir 21 3.1 Example of Test Dictionaries 28 3-2 Example of the Definition 29 1. INTRODUCTION The methods to diagnose a logic circuit can be classified into two categories. One is the "combinational testing approach" [1] and another is the "sequential testing approach" [2]. In the combinational testing approach, a fixed set of tests is applied to a logic circuit and the set of outputs of the machine is examined and analyzed to detect or identify a failure. A test dictionary, which is a listing of the test results of the known failures organized to make it easy to look up is utilized in the identification process of the method. In the sequen- tial testing approach, a set of tests to be applied to a machine is not predetermined, but a test to be applied next is determined by the previous test results. Each failure or a group of failures giving an identical diagnostic result is then identified by a certain test sequence and no additional data analysis or dictionary look-up is necessary. The combinational testing technique was selected for the ILLIAC IV logic card diagnosis because the preprocessing for test organ- ization is not required. But a well organized list of the test input patterns and the corresponding outputs is necessary for failure isolation purpose. The necessary information can be obtained from logic simula- tion [3]« The description of a logic circuit is compiled into a simu- lator program which can simulate the behavior of the object circuit. A particular failure of the circuit can then be easily simulated by simply changing the description of the logic. Simulating all the possible fail- ures, we can obtain a set of input patterns and corresponding output patterns for test dictionary information with which we can analyze the test results. The diagnosis of the ILLIAC IV quadrant, especially Control Unit and Processing Elements will he performed by following procedure. A failure will be isolated within an easily replaceable unit such as CU cards or PE by the on-line diagnosis built in the operating system. This replaceable unit is changed with the error-free unit. The defective unit is diagnosed by the off-line test equipment. With the assistance of a test dictionary, the defective component in this unit is found by this machine. We will discuss the test dictionary generation for the off-line diagnosis in this paper. 2. THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION OF DIAGNOSTIC TEST GENERATION 2.1 Definitions Let p be the number of inputs of the circuit and A = { A. | j = 1, 2, 3, >•-, 2 P and A /A if r / s ) J r s where A. = ( az , a~., az, -- a. --, a ) and J 1 2' 3 i P a? e { 0, 1 } for i = 1, 2, — , p. Then, A. is a particular input pattern of the circuit and A is a set of J all the possible input patterns of the circuit. Similarly, let q. be the number of outputs of the circuit and B = { B. | J = 1, 2, 3, — , 2 q andB /B ifr/s }, where B. = ( bj[, b^, b^, — , bj, — , b^ ) and bj G { 0, 1 } for i = 1, 2, 3, — , q- Then, B. is a particular output pattern of the circuit and B is a set of J all the possible output patterns of the circuit. Let F = { f_, f.,, f_ , f. } be a set of functions 12 k J where f is the function of the logic circuit without failures and f , f , , f (f. / f . if i / j) are the functions of the logic with failures. Error Table is a table which can be derived from the Fault Table by the following procedure. An Error Table has F - {f } and A as its row headings and column headings, respectively, and the (i - j) element e. . is defined by e. . = U (B rt . Q B. .) ij Co ij = (b° J ©D^) U (b° d ©** d ) U ... U (b^©b^). From the definition above, it is easy to see the validity of the following proposition. Proposition 1. A failure corresponding to the function f . can be detected at the output of the circuit by input pattern A. if and only if e. . = 1. J -'-J The example of Error Table is shown in Table 2.2 and the example of network is shown in Figure 2.1. For each A. eA, f. eF assigns a value B„. eB, i.e., B„. = f„ (A.) B . is the output pattern of the circuit without failures for the input pattern A. . J A table, whose row headings are the elements of F, column headings are the elements of A and (i, j) - element is B. ., is called a Fault Table or Fault Matrix [1]. 2.2 Mathematical Description Card Test Generator System has been developed for ILLIAC IV logic card diagnostic test generation. The purpose of the Card Test Generator System is to generate the input test patterns for failure detection or location with exhaustive pseudo-random patterns. The reasons why the exhaustive pseudo-random patterns are used for input test patterns are as follows. Recently, the complexity of printed circuit card has increased with the improvement of hardware technology. Therefore the number of connector pins may be very large (say 100). For example, a typical CU (Control Unit) card of the ILLIAC IV computer has approximately 150 input Figure 2.1 Example of Network for Error Table in Table 2.2. Table 2.1 Table of the Failed Function vs. Failure of the Network Shown in Figure 2.1 Failed function Failure f i PKG 2-L-05 f 2 PKG 2-L-ll f 3 PKG 3-H-U2 h PKG 3-L-08 f 5 PKG 3-L-ll f 6 PKG 1-L-ll f 7 PKG 2-L-08 f 8 PKG 2-L-09 f 9 PKG 1-H-Ul f 10 PKG 2-H-05 f ll PKG 2-H-UO f 12 PKG l-L-08 f 13 PKG 2-H-Ul f lU PKG 3-H-I4O f 15 PKG 2-L-20 f l6 PKG l-L-09 f 17 PKG 1-H-UO Table 2.2 Error Table of the Network Shown in Figure 2.1. Failed Function Input Pattern -x T A T A 2 A T A 3 T T A, A/ h 5 T A 6 \ T T A 8 f i 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 2 1 1 1 f 3 1 f U 1 1 1 f 5 1 1 1 f 6 1 1 1 f T 1 1 f 8 1 1 1 f 9 1 1 f 10 1 1 f ll 1 f 12 1 f 13 1 f lU 1 f 15 1 1 f l6 1 f 17 1 pins. If we generate all possible combinations of input patterns to try 150 to detect the failures, the number of patterns is 2 .It is impractical to generate all possible input patterns. To solve this problem, the inputs of the card are partitioned into groups, where for practical reasons we decided that each group would at most have 16 input pins. This is possible because most of the cards are designed in such a way that each of them contains several functional blocks or several slices of functional blocks. By partitioning, the number of input patterns to each group is made much smaller than the total number of possible input patterns for test generation. If partitioned input pin groups are functionally independent of each other, the input patterns of each partitioned group can be generated independently. To exhaust possible input patterns for each group input, a pseudo-random pattern generation method is used, wherein consecutive patterns are reasonably different and all 2 combinations are generated in exactly 2 steps (n < 16). The Card Test Generator System has two simulation parts, one is Good Logic Simulation which simulates the failure free logic and another is the Failed Logic Simulation which simulates the logic with the inserted failures. The input pattern A.'s generated by the pseudo random pattern generator are applied to these two Simulators. The output of Good Logic Simulation represented by B n . associated with an input pattern A. is compared with the output of Failed Logic Simulation of f „ represented by B„.. If B„ . is different from B^ . , then the failed function f„ can be detected by A.. The input patterns A. (je {1, 2, ..., 2 }) are applied J J to a logic card until all failed functions are detected. The set of input patterns which can detect all failed functions is essential even though this is not minimum set for failure detection, and this set will be con- T T T T sidered as the set of the input test pattern A = {A, , A p , . .., A } in the following discussion of failure analysis. Since the difference be- tween the correct output B . and the incorrect output B . associated with T input pattern A. is significant for failure detection, the indication of J the difference between B . and B . is generated in the step of the card test generation as an entry of the error table (Table 2.2). Therefore, we have a special table called an Error table instead of the fault table. In Card Test Generator System, input test patterns are first generated for failure detection. This test generation procedure is de- scribed as follows: (1) Using a pseudo random test pattern A. and all failed function J are examined to determine if they are detectable by A.. J T (2) Let the set of failed functions detectable by input pattern A be F , (where F e F) . (3) Next the f» in the subset (F-F ) are further tested by other T test patterns, and the subset F~ is found by test pattern A p . (h) Step 3 is repeated until (F - U. F.) = 0, (where is the empty J J set). This process is shown schematically in Figure 2.2. By this procedure, an error table is constructed as in Table 2.3- T We call this Error Table as Partial Error Table. A is the last input r pattern detecting the last subset of F. Once a failed function has been detected, it is not tested again by later test patterns. Therefore, the outputs of these failed functions with respect to the later input patterns are not considered, but rather the detected failed functions are put into the Partial Error Table and only the undetected failed functions are tested again. 10 (STEP 1) This is the set of all detectable failures. (STEP 2) The input patternA can detect the failure subset F • Then F is removed from the original failure set for next step. (STEP 3) The input pattern A can detect the failure subset F . Then F is removed from the original failure set for next step. Figure 2.2 Test Generation Procedure Part I 11 (STEP n) With pattern A , all other failures are considered n' as detectable. Figure 2.2 Test Generation Procedure Part II 12 Figure 2.3 Example of Network for Following Analysis (A Part of PE Control Logic) Table 2.3 Table of the Failed Function vs. Failure of the Network Shown in Figure 2.3 Failed function Failure Failed function Failure "10 11 "12 "13 "15 r i6 '17 r i8 "19 20 "21 hlf-H-02 H4-H-05 HU-L-01 Kl-H-05 Kl-H-Ul K1-L-01+ Kl-L-13 Kl-L-16 K2-L-02 K3-H-0U K3-H-05 K3-L-09 K3-L-12 K3-L-16 H^-H-01 H^-L-02 HU-L-1^ K1-H-0U Kl-H-43 K3-L-08 H1+-L-13 22 "23 ■2k : 25 r 26 r 27 ^28 F 29 F 30 31 '32 33 : 35 '36 37 38 r 39 : ko Ki-L-05 Ki-L-08 Ki-L-11 K3-H-1+1 HU-L-12 K3-H-U2 H^-L-05 hU-l-16 K3-H-M+ K2-L-16 K2-L-11 Kl-H-ljO K1-H-U2 K2-H-02 K2-L-13 K3-L-20 K3-H-40 K2-L-12 K2-L-1U K2-L-09 Table 2.k Partial Error Table 14 INPUT PATTERN NUMBER FA1LEP FUNCTION 1 2 3 a 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 F 2 F 3 c F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9 F10 Fll F12 F13 F H F15 F16 F17 Fie F19 F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25 F26 1 F27 1 F28 1 F29 1 F30 1 F31 1 F32 1 F33 1 F3* 1 F35 1 F36 c 1 F37 1 F36 1 F39 1 F40 1 FA1 1 15 Since the Partial Error Table is made for failure detection, it doesn't have sufficient information to locate the failures. We define 1 T e.. = ( ] if and only if f . is detected "by A.. For example, if f ., f . T are the failed functions detected by input pattern A., (i) e n = e, i+1)i = for A^ (i 6 (1, 2, ..., j-1)) (11) e lo = e (i + l)j = 1 f ° r A ] T (iii) e„. and e, „ , \. are undefined for A. (i e fj+1, j+2, ... k}). Let E. be the error pattern fector of f », E„ cannot be compared with E» , because of the restriction of (iii). Therefore, this error table is insuf- ficient for the purpose of distinguishing failed functions. To complete the undefined element e«., e, >. . in (iii), another procedure is required. T T T We will try to use the input test pattern set {A., A , ..., A } for locating failed functions. In Figure 2.2, when the subset of failed m functions F. is found by A., the failures in the subset U F. (i e (1,2, ..., J G i x m (j-l)}) are neglected for the input pattern A.. Therefore, we might be u able to find some of the failures which belong to U F. (i e {1, 2, ..., i ■ L m (j-l)}) using input pattern A., as shown in Figure 2.2. To completely fill J the undefined entries of the Partial Error Table, the set of input test T T T patterns {A , A , ..., A } is returned to the input of Card Test Generator System (Figure 2.k) . After completing the Partial Error Table, we call it the Com- pleted Error Table (Table 2.5). With this Completed Error Table, failure location capability might be improved. Let E, be an error vector of the failed function f , this is a row vector of the error table and E„ is denoted as E £ " (e £L' e £2> '"> e £r ) ' 16 (STEP 1) (STEP 2) The set of all detectable failed functions. A_ can detect the subset TP . The subset F, is not removed from F. A Q can detect the subset F Q F is not removed from F. (STEP 3) A„ can detect the subset F . F is not removed from F. (STEP r) A can detect the last subset F . r r The set F is completely detected. Figure 2.k An Illustration Model for Test Generation Table 2.5 Completed Error Table 37 INPUT PATTERN NUMBER FAILED FUNCTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F 1 1 1 1 1 F 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 3 1 1 1 1 F 4 1 1 1 1 1 F 5 1 1 F 6 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fll 1 F12 1 F13 1 F14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F17 1 1 Fie 1 1 1 1 1 1 F19 1 1 1 F20 F21 1 F22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F25 1 F26 1 1 F27 1 1 F26 1 1 1 1 1 1 F29 1 1 1 1 1 F30 1 1 1 1 1 1 F31 1 F32 1 F33 1 1 F34 1 1 F35 1 1 1 F36 1 F37 1 F38 1 F39 1 F40 1 F41 G 1 18 Proposition 2. r If U_ n (e . © e .) =1 for arbitrary u,v, u / v then all failed functions are distinguishable. Proof: To distinguish the difference between two error vectors E and E , it is sufficient that at least one of the elements u v in E is different from the corresponding element in E . If u v r U , (e . v © e .) = 1 for u d v, (e , © e _) U (e _ Q e _) j=l uj ^ w vj r ul w vl u2 v2 U ... U (e ©e )=1. At least one term of above boolean ur w vr equation is non-zero. Let jth term be non-zero, then e . © e . = 1. To satisfy e . © e . = 1, e . = and uj ^ vo uj v vj uj e . = 1 or e . K 1 and e . = 0. Since e . is not equal to e ., vj uj vj uj * vj' E is different from E for u ^ v. Therefore, E is distin- u v ' ' u guishable from E by the jth element in error vector. For arbitrary u, v (where u / v, and u, v € {1, 2, . .., k}), if r U t (e . © e .) = 1, then all failed functions are distin- j=l uj w vj y guishable to each other. In the Completed Error Table, a few failed functions may remain indistinguishable. We define these failed functions as pseudo- indistin- guishable failed functions. Let G be the set of the pseudo-indistin- St guishable failed functions (where a e {1, 2, ..., w} and w is the number of these sets). Let G be the union of the sets G (a € {1, 2, ..., w}), St 19 then G is denoted with G as a G = G n U G- U ... U G . 12 w The distinguishable failed functions belong to the subset (F - G) . These pseudo -indistinguishable failed functions may become distinguishable when their output pattern vectors are examined. Let g. be the transfer function between the input test pattern and the value of the mth bit of output pattern. That is, b = g. (A.) (where j e {1,2, ...,r}) Let an output pin signal pattern vector b„ be defined as Vn = 'W^' g |m (A 2>> •••' g im (A r )} = (b*\ b i2 , ..., b fr ) m m m b is the value of the mth bit of output pattern without failures and m b if the output pin signal pattern vector without failures. We introduce a Pin Level Error Table containing pin and input pattern information for each failed function. Basically a Pin Level Error Table is made for each failed functions. Therefore, we have k (where k is the number of failed functions) Pin Level Error Tables. The Pin Level Error Table for failed function f g is constructed as follows: The incorrect output pattern for failed function f „ is compared with the correct output pattern by applying exclusive-or operation to T them for all A. . J In the Pin Level Error Table, the row designator is the pin p T and the column designator is the input test pattern A.. Each entry of J this table indicates the difference between the correct operating value and the failed operating value. 20 Let P„ (me {1, 2, . .., q}) be the mth pin patter vector; i.e., the mth row of the Pin Level Error Table for a particular failed function f .. That is, P„ is expressed as V = b 0m© b |m " (g 0m <4> © g |m <4>> Som < A 2> © ^ (**), ■■■' ^U^&s^Ul))- - =(b 01 @b fl , b°W 2 , ...,b 0r ©b to )- m^m mm 7 m ^ m Proposition k. If U . (b°^ © b^) = 1, then failed function f. is detectable j=l m ^ m ' ' £ at pin p . m Proof: It is sufficient that at least one element of b, is different from the element of same position of b~ . If U , (b°^ © b^) = 1, at least one term of U (b°^ © b^) j=l v m w m ' ' j=l m w m is non-zero. Let that be the jth term, the b © b = 1. ' m v m Therefore b J is different from b J and f „ is detectable at pin m m Jo T p with input pattern A. • An example of the Pin Level Error Table is shown in Table 2.6 a) P. = (001000010000000) (where I = 21, m = l) is dectable at pin p m T T with input pattern A and An • 21 Table 2.6 a) Pin Level Error Table of Failed Function : 21' INPUT PATTERN NUMBER PIN # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1ft lb PI 1 1 P2 1 1 P3 P4 1 1 P5 F6 F7 Table 2.6 b) Pin Level Error Table of Failed Function f ol _. INPUT PATTERN NUMBER PIN # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lb PI 000000000000000 P2 ooooooooooooooo P3 ooooooooooooooo p4 ooooooooooooooo P5 ooooooooooooooo p6 ooooooooooooooo P7 001000010000000 m 22 By Proposition h, we can find the set of pins at which the failed function is detectable. Let P be the set of all output pins p and be denoted as P = {p , p , . .., p }. Let V „ be the set of output pins at which failed function f g is detectable (P. c P) . Now, assume that failed functions, f . , f. are pseudo- l i 3 indistinguishable from each other. We can find P. and P. for each f . , f. by the Pin Level Error Table of each failed function. We can also distinguish f. from f ., if P. is different from P. . i J i J Proposition 5. Let f. and f . be failed functions which are pseudo- indistinguish- able from each other. If P. / P., then f. is distinguishable from f . by pin number. There is an important relation between the Pin Level Error Table and the Error Table. Proposition 6 shows this relation. Proposition 6. ! Let p ' (m e (m. nu, .... m,} where d is the number of element m 12 ' d J t of P.) be the element of P. and P ' be the m th pin pattern vector of iu So m jo m d failed function f ., then f U p ' = E„ . m =m Proof: m. ,u" p • : ,u ((b ^- e ^), (^°? ©b^),..., ' £m ' m ' w m ' m ' w m ' " m =hl m =m m' w m' 23 Since the pin pattern vectors of elements in (P - P.) are m d q all zero vector, ,U p • ' = U p m =itl m=l (where q is the number of output pins) . \ p, = S ((b 01 © b fl ), (b 02 © J 2 ), ..., ( b 0r © „*» m=l #m m=l vv m w m y ? v m w m y ' ' v m ^ m = ( 3, (t 01 © b fl >, S n ( b 02 © b^ 2 ), ..., 3 ( b 0r © b te » v m=l v m w m " m=l m w m y ' ' m=l m w m = (e £L' e ^2' "•' e ir ) = E i The procedure of analyzing the failed functions is summarized in the next Proposition. Proposition 7- When E. = E. (for E. . I i 4 j). if P. / P., then f. is dis- tinguishable from f ., if P. = P., then f. is still indistinguishable from J i J i f. . 2k 3. THEORETICAL APPROACH FOR TEST DICTIONARY GENERATION 3.1 Method of Test Dictionary Generation To diagnose a failed printed circuit card, we have to examine T carefully the relationship between input pattern A. and test output results J B,. . It is desirable to have a test dictionary to show relations between T input pattern A., output result B g . and a failed function f . for efficient failure analysis. With the assistance of a test dictionary test results will be analyzed either automatically or manually, and a field maintenance personnel will have the necessary information to identify the failed circuit components or packages. The necessary information for a test dictionary for analyzing T the failed functions, that is, the input pattern A. (je{l, 2, ..., r}), J the output pin name p (me{l, 2, ..., q}) associated with a failure, and the failed function f . (&e{l, 2, ..., k}) is given in the Pin Level Error Table prepared by the Card Test Generator System discussed in the previous m section. An entry in the Pin Level Error Table represents g (A. ) ^) T g„ (A.), where m is the index number of pin p , I is the index number of °zm 3 m T failed function f, and j is the index number of input pattern A.« If T T g~ (A.)©g„ (A.) = 1, this tells us that the failed function f„ is T detectable at the pin p by the input pattern A. . T We define the relationship between A., P and f„ as a triplet * j m I T (A., p , f .). This will be represented simply as an index triplet (j, m, I), since there exist one to one correspondences between Input pattern A., output pin name p and failed function f «, and j, m and I respectively. A complete set of index triplets (j, m, $,) is basic information for the test dictionary, and usually these index triplets are sorted so that a field engineer or some automatic test equipment can easily find desired triplets. If we take into account the ordering with respect to these elements of an index triplet (j, m, $,) , we define the hierarchy of elements of an index triplet as a dictionary index term or keyword, such that the left element has the highest hierarchy and the right has the lowest hierarchy. And we introduce the lowest hierarchy designator d given by d {$, m, I) = fg . By changing the hierarchy of elements in an index triplet, that is, by permutating the key words, six different type dictionaries can be generated, each dictionary consisting of a complete set of index triplets. It should be noted that there are no differences in those six dictionaries with regard to dictionary information. Let representative triplets of these dictionaries be defined as follows: 1- [3, m, i] 2. [d, i, m] 3- [i, m, j] ^ [&, 3, m] 5- [m, j, ft 6. [m, I, j]. When we consider the hierarchy of elements of those six triplets, the lowest hierarchy elements are determined by the higher hierarchy two T elements, for example, d (j, m, £) is determined by the input pattern A. and the output pin name p . We can choose any type dictionary for a 26 failed function identification procedure as will be shown later. In this paper, we will discuss three dictionaries, which are denoted by the repre- sentative triplets [j, m, 8,1, [i, m, j], and U, j, m] . The [j, m, i5] T dictionary gives the suspected failed functions if input pattern A. and J output pin p associated with an unmatched output value are known, and m the other two dictionaries are useful to determine the failed function or to isolate within a set of indistinguishable failed functions . The following terminologies will be used in the explanation of how to handle dictionaries in failed function identification procedures: i) Definition of classifying designator D. a) D/ s denotes the set of all index triplets. VQ-j P) 7) b) D/ s 3 £ 7> a ^ y . ii) Definition of index set designator A^ a ' &' J >. (m] dictionary {(j 'l , V i l ) (U^ny^) C(i 1 ,j 1 ,m 1 ) (j i'VV U^m^jg) (i 1 ,j 1 ,m 2 ) (3 i'VV (^ 1 ,m 2 ,j 1 ) (i 1 ,d 2 ,m 1 ) (j^^^j) (^m 2 ,0g) (^dg^g) (3^2* & J (ig,!!^,^) ^2^"l' m l ) (j^VV (ig^^jg) (& 2 ,3 lf m ) %,3,y) (j^nyig) (V m 3' d l } Ugjjg^) ( oJ £ O P> O ■d a5 £1 w O w 3 •H 02 H O •P a o o 0) •H l-H i i i A Expected Response ~1 — s ^ Output Pattern Store Register Comparator U •p I. p> p" Ph s a <1> u H sets V, . s (j; m'), V j, m, Xj ) \j , m, jo j . for all (m'ec, CC &\y m ' ^)have necessary information to find out an J unknown failed function f from possible failed functions f ., X Xj , U'e(i ,, i , ..., i }). The unknown failed function f is expected to 1 d T] x be found from the triplets in the sets ~D f . »x (jj m'), for all (m'ec). The contents of D/ . g s (jj m' ) will be examined more precisely in the following manner. These possible failed functions can be t t ( A m ) identified by applying intersection operations to the sets b(D f . s ' for all m'ec. If J) £C (d(D, . ^ (jj m'))) is the null set, then f x cannot be properly identified, and unpredicated failures such as inter- mittent failure and/ or multiple failures may have occurred. If Q (o"(D/ . n\ (dl m' ) ) ) contains only one element, then the element is \ 3 y m > » ) identified, because only this element can satisfy the relation between T input pattern A., and the set of pins p ,, for all m'eC. If _ (S(D/ . n \ (j! m' ))) contains more than one element, then these elements still remain as possible failed functions f ,,, . If we cannot isolate to a single failed function in the previous step, the [£, 3, m] dictionary is used for exact determination of the unknown failed function. When we use the [$,, m, j] ([failure, pin, pattern]) dictionary, a f » t is looked up and input patterns A.„, for all j n € A ,,' ' ^' and for all m"e A,,'' ' are applied to the card and the output results of p , t are examined, therefore the number of tests is equal to the number of triplets in D/ » . \ (P ) . On the other hand, if we use the [i, 3, m] \xj } m, 3 ) ([failure, pattern, pin]) dictionary, a f « t is looked up and input T (£ i m) patterns A.„ for all j e A^,' J ' ; are applied to the card and the output 3 *> results of p „ for all m"e A.„' ^' ' are examined, therefore the number of m , ( ' vr\\ tests is equal to the number of elements of (A.„ j"e A ' ^' }. 3 & By looking up the triplet table on the [&, j, m] dictionary, the collection of the sets {D/- . > (P ) for all Pe A ( ?' m ' l) , where cM' m ' £) is U, j, m) ', m' m' the set of index number of failed functions in Q _ (d(D/ . ^ (jj m')))} are selected. D, . \ (P ) shows the relationship between the input patterns and the corresponding set of pin numbers for the failed functions fg* . When input patterns A T „ (j"e A^j' m ' ^ in D,^ . s (P)) are 36 applied to the card for failure analysis purposes, and if a 1 appears at all output pins p u (m"e A.,,' °' ) of the Comparator, the elements A.,. and p n of triplets in D /fl . >. {V) satisfy the condition of the output m * U, j, m) results caused "by the failed functions associated with the input pattern T A. ir . Let these selected failed functions be the candidates of the function J f , "because there exists the possibility that more than one failed function f« t could be selected by test dictionary lookup, if these failed functions f.,, f.„, ...f.s are indistinguishable from each other or the output results of one f «, includes the output results of the other f *„ in the test dic- tionary table. In the following discussion, we restrict the failed func- tions as {f r , for all t p e ^^ (d(D ( ^ (jj m')))}. Lemma 1. U, j, m) U, m, j) where f r e m g ec (d(D (jf M) (jM*))). Proof : Vj,») <''>-< D «, j,») u; r>. *» ^ m) m"e £$*> *> m) ] = iUl jym»)| j"*^' J ' m> m" 6 A^' J '' m) } By the same procedure, (D, n . s {V ) => D/« ,\ (i' ) holds, \lo, j, m; — \,#, m, j; 37 then we have V (0 ■ x U*) = D/fl n U') Theorem 1. If m € A^ f j g A m „ © g „ (d u; m y j")))) = 1, forf,, . ^ 0( D( 3> n> |} («»•))), then f «, is chosen as the one of the candidate failed functions by use of the \.l 3 m > j] dictionary. Proof: Since n ( fl (g (d (i», m", j» ) ) © i;' m m "V J V T g „ (A.,,)) = 1, every triplet which belongs to D, „ . N (i') satisfies the relation between the T output results of p „ associated with the input pattern A.„ caused by a failed function f . Therefore f „, is chosen as one of the failed function candidates with the aid of the [&, m, j] test dictionary. Corollary 1. f -, is chosen as one of the possible failed functions f by the Ju X [£, J, m] dictionary, if the condition described in the theorem 1 is satisfied. 38 Proof: SlnCe D U d, m) (r) = °U, m, j) (r) by the Previous Lemma 1, all triplets which belong to D/» . \ (£') also satisfy the output condition caused by f With the [j, m, i] dictionary, possible failed functions can be selected, but there might exist indistinguishable failed functions or an inclusion relation between a failed function and another failed function in the possible failed functions. Therefore, these possible failed function are examined by [£, j, m] dictionary. We assume that failed functions f „, and f .„ are found by this method. By the foregoing theorem, n ( n (g n .- (a U; < r))0g w , (d U; m; j»)))) = i m"eA j"eAm" 0m ^ and n ( n ( g (d u; m ; r))© g- (d U; *;■ r)))) = 1 '- m"eAi" j"€Am" Um ^ To distinguish f ., and f .„ , the set D/ , . \ (£') should be compared £ £ \J6> m, j ) with the set D (i> M> 3) (i"). If D (ij m> a) (!•) ^ D (i> ^ ., (I"), then f Qx is distinguishable from f .„ and f should be identified as one of them. Xj Xj X If D/, .n (i f ) = D/ . .x {£"), then f., is indistinguishable from \lo } m, j J (_#, m, j J # f „„ , and f can not be uniquely identified. Ju X These relations are generalized into the next Proposition. Proposition 8. Let f n , f 09 , ..., f „ satisfy the theorem, where £ , £ , ..., £s e {1, 2, ..., k}. If D i, m, J) (r) * D (i,m, J) U"), where r M" -d i; |» e{l, 2, ..., k}, then these failed functions are distinguishable from each other, and f is identified as one of them. If D/„ . \ (&-.) = ' x \Hj, m, jj 1 D/ „ . N (I J) = ... = D/ « . n (i ), then these failed functions are U, m, j) 2' U, m, j) b" indistinguishable from each other and f is not uniquely identified. The procedures of this method are summarized in the flow chart of Figure 3.2. 3.2.3 Second Failed Function Identification Method Using ATE In the first failure analysis procedure, input patterns are inserted into the card until an unmatched response is detected. To identify failures, possible failed functions are picked up from the [j> m > -#] dictionary and the results associated with the input pattern sequence for each possible failed function are examined by use of the [H, j, m] dictionary. The failed function which satisfies all input patterns could then be determined. If there exist many possible failed functions in the [j, m, £~] dictionary, many input pattern sequences are required to find the failed function in the [£, j, m] dictionary and testing might be time consuming. This is the disadvantage of the first method. In this section, we propose another failure analysis method to identify failed functions after applying all of the input patterns. All T A.'s are inserted into the card under test without any failure analysis and the outputs of Comparator are stored into the Auxiliary Memory for m mm error analysis: that is, if g„ (A.,) + g (A.,) =1, A., and p , are Om j xm «j j m' T recorded into the Auxiliary Memory for all A. of the card under test. The J T Comparator output pattern file of pairs (A.,, p ,) is recorded completely. The unknown failed function f can be identified by analyzing the recorded (A.,, p ,) and the [i, j, m] dictionary as follows: Let this record be ho Initialize Card and set A J, B Q . to Register Xi> m > i) m' the set of index number of failed functions in iAc wa (J , m, i) (*;»'») r the set of index number of the set KD Figure 3.2 Flow Chart of the First Method. Part I Initialize Card and set A.n> ^ • „, .„ AS, f\, m) where j "eAJ, , ' J ' ' m) <- next index s et m) ln D (i, J. m) ' j") Memorize f\ , in Auxiliary Memory i f -next element in AV ^ m ^ m' Flow chart in the dashed line shows END \ ^■' ie P roc edure controlled by stored program. Figure 3.2 Flow Chart of the First Method. Part II 1+2 represented as an index triplet i.x, j,' m'), where f is the unknown failed function. The unknown failed function f can be identified as f „. if D (i, J, m) ^ is equal to B (jl -j m) ^') by searchin S the U> J> m l dictionary. If D/. v (x) Id,. , {V) for all l\ then f cannot be identified by the test dictionary, and intermittent or multiple failures may be expected. If D, . . \ (x) = D/ - . v U, ) = = D/ . . v {Us), U> 3, m) U, o, m) l y U, J, m) then f belongs to the indistinguishable failed function f»_, . .., f. The procedure of this method is summarized as in the following flow chart in Figure 3«3« 3.2.U Third Failed Function Identification Method Using ATE When the outputs of some pins of the Comparator show a 1, we can pick up the set C, where the set C is defined as the set of index numbers of the pins p , which show a mismatch at the Comparator between output and expected response, as described in the first method. Possible failed functions can be found from the [j, m, £] T dictionary with respect to input pattern A. , and pin p , . Since d(D/ . g s (j 1 , m 1 )) (where m'eC) contains possible failed functions, the possible failed functions are selected by ANDing together d(D/ . \ (y, m')) with respect to the index numbers of the pins p , , Q _ (d(D, . \ (y, m'))). If all the sets { Q _(d(D, . n (j ' >m')))) m'eC wv (j, m, £) K0 ' ''' l nr»eC v (j, m, i) T for all input patterns A., for which the Comparator showed a mismatch are J now ANDed together, then failed functions could be identified. Let A be «+3 J + i + Initialize ATE Initialize Card and set A., B n ^ to Register YES Memorize A. , p ,, where m'eC, and construct j ' m' D/ „ . s (x) in the Auxiliary Memory \Xj) J ^ mj Figure 3.3 Flow Chart of the Second Method Part I kh Lookup D Uf . f m) U'), T pick up (A ,, p m .) which belongs to D^ * ^ (r) L. Store f „, in the file F in Auxiliary Memory If F = » . (j; m, 1 J5') is assumed to be equal to the triplet (£} y, m 1 ), ((j; m; r) | m'eA^' m ' i} , we have j'eA] = {U, 1 j,' m,') | J m , eA U, J. m)^ ...^ ^ For ^„^ ^,^ it ig clear that we have D (i, d, m) (r) ^ [i > y > m,) I m ' eA ^' J ' ^^ J ' eA} * Therefore D/ g . s (i') consists of the set of triplets strictly related to fg,, and failed function is identified as f „,. If n ( n (a( D (j; m')))) has more than one j'€A meA^' ' ^ 3 > m > Z) J element, then these elements are indistinguishable with each other. If " ( %, m, I) (S(D (j, », I) («»'»))-*, then d ' €A meAj ' we have failed to identify f and intermittent or multiple failures are expected. This procedure is summarized by the flow chart in Figure 3«^« 1+6 Initialize ATE,j «- 1, X «- all l's, initialize the test result vector X. YES NO Initiali: :e Card and set T A . & B Oj to Regi ster X ~ XAMD Ac (3(D (j, m, t) {i! m,))) ~f is identified as {X}. Flow chart in the dashed line shows the procedure controlled by the stored program. Figure 3.k Flow Chart of the Third Method hi 3-3 The Comparison Between First, Second and Third Methods The three methods described in previous sections are evaluated with respect to the execution time which is required to complete the identi- fication of a failure. The procedure of each method is represented by the flow charts in Section 3-2, since these flow charts show the function of ATE. We introduce the formula for execution time to be estimated. The parameters for this formula are defined as follows: a = Initialization time for the card under test P = Initialization time for ATE n = Number of clocks to fetch B xo T ... = Period time of clock elk T = Write time of Auxiliary Memory r = Total number of input patterns T = Execution time of program for first method (Time elapsed for steps contained in dashed lines in Figure 3*2) T „ = Execution time of program for second method. (Time elapsed for steps in dashed lines in Figure 3-3) T ' = Execution time of program for third method (Time elapsed for steps contained in dashed lines in Figure 3«^) N = Number of loops to find B n . + B . = 1 (l < N < r) x * Cy xj v - x - ' k = Total number of failed functions N £ Number of failed functions in the set Q {d.(D/ • /n(j> m '))} (1 < N < k) m ^ , m ' l) (! < Kg < k ) N. = Number of Input patterns to examine the failed function f, t . This number is known from E in Error Table. (1 < N. < r). l - J - (T) Execution time for first method. T x = p + N x x (a + n x T^) + N^ x N . X T pl ^) Execution time for second method. T 2 = p+rx(a + nx T^) + N. x T m + N^ x T p2 3) Execution time for third method. T 3 = P+rx(a + nx T^) + N.. x T p3 The execution time depends upon N„, N., T .. , T „, T „ from above formulas. £ 3 pi p2' p3 Assume that T n ~ T _ ~ T „, it is clear that the method (T n ) is the most pi p2 p3' V inefficient. If N„ > N. (which is usually true), then the third method ill J (T~) is the most efficient. It should he noted that each execution time depends upon T nJ) T _, T _, if T - £ T n , T / T _ and T _ / T _ . pi' p2' p3 pi ' p2' p2 ' p3 P3 Pi We should choose carefully a test identification method with the Automatic Test Equipment to investigate the execution time of each program step and the relations between total input patterns for testing, total possible failures and total output pins on a logic card. h9 k. TEST DICTIONARY EDITING PROGRAM The purpose of the Test Dictionary Editing Program is to analyze information generated by the Card Test Generator System and to edit test dictionaries for failure identification. k.l Performance of Test Dictionary Editing Program The total system with the Card Test Generator System and the Test Dictionary Editing Program integrated is shown in Figure k.l. A Logic Simulator has been developed so that the designer can check and debug his logic design and can exercise test programs. The main purpose of the Card Test Generator is to generate a set of input patterns for detecting circuit failures on printed circuit boards. In the Card Test Generator, pseudo-random patterns are used for test generation to detect all possible distinguishable failures, as men- tioned in the previous section. Since a set of test patterns is generated by the Card Test Generator only for failure detection, an Error Table to identify failures is not completed in this step. To complete the Error Table, the fault simulation as a part of the Card Test Generator is run again with respect to the given test patterns previously. The purpose of the Translator is to translate data from Card Test Generator System formats into input data for test equipment. The Test Dictionary Editing Program was developed to generate test dictionaries for failure identification using the information generated by the Card Test Generator System. This program also analyzes the indis- tinguishability of failures. 50 Logic Simulator Card Test Generator Translator Wiring information input Test Dictionary Editing Program Figure k.l Test Generator System 51 k.2 Brief Description of Test Dictionary Editing Program The Test Dictionary Editing Program consists of five major programs: Control Program, Pre-processing Program, Error Table Sorting Program, Test Dictionary Generator Program and Indistinguishable Failure Selecting Program. The flow of this system is shown in Figure k.2. U.2.1 Control Program This program controls the other four programs. If the Test Dictionary Editing Program is for any reason stopped in mid- run, we can not recognize which programs of the four have already been completed. The Control Program takes care of this condition and determines which program should run again. Normally, the four programs run as shown in Figure k.2. The Control Program checks if the four programs have already been completed. If they have been, it terminates the computer run. Otherwise, it calls the uncompleted program again. Usually, we can control the Test Dictionary Editing Program by executing the Control Program. U.2.2 Pre-processing Program The Pre-processing Program reads the files generated by the Card Test Generator System and changes the formats of these files for efficient Error Table sorting and Test Dictionary Editing. The data flow of this program is shown in Figure k.2. This program handles the following nine input files: (i) /ADILSxx This is the table of DIL type vs. DIL name, (ii) /AEQ,VFxx This is the equivalent failure mode table. Equivalent 52 Information ^generated by the iCard Test Generator System > Pre-processing Program / / / / I I Control Program / * Error Table Sorting Program Test Dictionary Generator Program V Test Dictionaries Indi stingui shable Failure Selecting Program /Information I for each \ Failure Figure k.2 Test Dictionary Editing Program 53 failures, which are rejected in the Card Test Generator System, are recorded in this table, (iii) /ELSTFAY This is a list of failures which have been detected through use of the Card Test Generator System, (iv) /lSSRTxx This is the table of the actual pin name vs. subscript number to be used in the Card Test Generator System, (v) /EPARAMS This is the list of parameters which are used in this program, (vi) /ETABLE This is the Completed Error Table which was discussed in Chapter 2. (vii) /EXCLVOR This is the Pin Level Error Table which was discussed in Chapter 2. (viii) HISTORY/ This contains run number information for updating and maintaining files, (ix) CUCTTRS/PINASIN This is the table of CU adapter pin vs. the actual pin name. In above nine files, /ETABLE and /EXCLVOR files are the essential files for test generation. These two files are described in detail as follows: 5k (a) / ETABLE. (Completed Error Table). Record size of this file is determined by the maximum of three quantities, the number of inputs, the number of outputs, and the number of Flip-Flop's on a card. Usually the number of failures are greater than these three numbers, therefore the first part of ETABLE could be divided into many records depending upon the number of failures. The ETABLE arrays are shown in Figure k.3> Assume that input pattern No. 2 is inserted into card to simulate failure No. 3* If there exists a difference between the output without any failure and the output with failure No. 3> then the entry of the column 2 and the row 3 in the ETABLE array is a 1, otherwise it is a 0. The second record is the Input Pattern Table which contains the input test patterns. The third record is the Output Pattern Table containing the correct output patterns asso- ciated with the input test patterns. The fourth record contains informa- tion about the state of each flip-flop on the card at the beginning of each test. (b) /EXCLV0R (Pin Level Error Table). The EXCLVOR table contains the failure identification informa- tion at the output pin level. By applying the exclusive-or operation between the correct output pattern and the incorrect output pattern, any incorrect output pin signal will appear as a 1 and a correct output pin signal as a 0. To conserve file space, EXCLVOR tables are constructed only for detected failures, i.e., only for non-zero rows of ETABLE in the recorded file. These two files, (ETABLE and EXCLVOR), are the main input file for the dictionary generator Pre-processing Program. Files (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (viii) and (ix) are read for preprocessing as follows: 55 Number of tests in first step The group of First Step Second Step A Information for Flip -Flop in Card. Figure k,3 /ETABLE File 56 Failure No 1 2 3 h 2_ 1 1 1 1 k5 k6 hi o l 1 r T n © 1 1 L o ! l Result of failure detection corresponding to input pattern No. 2. Size Equal to No. of Failures Figure h.k The Contents of the Completed Error Table Array The /ETAlLE file is read using the parameters recorded in the /EP ARAMS file. The /EXCLVOR file contains the more detailed detection information. The /ETABLE file is used only as an index to find the appropriate /EXCLVOR record which contains the relationship between failures and pin level error indications. To find indistinguishable failures at the completed error table level, we compose the table for failures vs. input patterns as shown in Figure k.5 by reformating the entries of ETABLE. This table is written on disk as the /EWDSORT file and the file is read by the Error Table Sorting Program described in the next section. Next, /EXCLVOR file is analyzed for the test dic- tionary. The /EXCLVOR file has tables for all failures; each table gives the relationship between test input patterns in columns and pin names in rows as discussed in Chapter 2. If entry (j f , m') of the table of failed function f „, shows 1, the failed function f „ r can be detected by input pattern A., at pin p ,. These three data become one triplet (j ', m, j> V ) of test dictionary. These triplets are written on disk as /OGLSORT file. This file will be used to edit test dictionaries. After generating these triplets, the test dictionary generator program is called and this program terminates. U.2.3 Test Dictionary Generator Program The Test Dictionary Generator Program generates the three test dictionaries discussed in Chapter 3 by sorting the triplets gen- erated by the Pre-processing Program. The input information for this program is the triplets file (/OGLSORT) . The output information is three dictionaries, 58 n words U7 bits i+7 bits hrj bits Figure k.5 /EWDSORT File 59 [j,m, i] dictionary, [<0,m,j] dictionary, and [i,j,m] dictionary, constructed J T by sorting the triplets in the order A., p , and f „, the order f , p , and T T A. and the order f ., A., and p respectively. Examples of a [j,m, £] dic- tionary and a [i,m,j] dictionary are shown in Appendix. k.2.k Error Table Sorting Program The purpose of the Error Table Sorting Program is to find pseudo- indistinguishable failures in the /EWDSORT file by sorting the entries of the file. If all error patterns are different from each other, then all failures can be distinguished. However, if the same pattern appears for more than one failure, these failures are indistinguishable from each other. These pseudo indistinguishable failures will be classi- fied more precisely in the indistinguishable failure selecting program. The output from this program is the sorted error table (/ SRTDEWD) . 4.2.5 Indistinguishable Failure Selecting Program The purpose of the Indistinguishable Failure Selecting Program is to further attempt to distinguish the pseudo indistinguishable failures found by the Error Table Sorting Program. This distinction is performed by checking the pin outputs in the /EXCLVOR file. If the set of pins at which each of the failures in the pseudo indistinguishable failure set are different, these pseudo indistinguishable failures are distinguishable from each other. If the set of pins at which some failures appear is not different from the set of pins for other failures, these failures are indistinguishable from each other by the 6o /EXCLV0R file. Information about these indistinguishable failures (/lNDFLTL) will be used as additional data in the test dictionaries to report if the selected failure is indistinguishable from other failures. 61 5- CONCLUSION A test dictionary generation method has been presented and failure analysis and identification methods by use of test dictionaries have been discussed. The files generated by the Card Test Generator System are used as the fundamental data for failure analysis. Usually failures are analyzed using the Error Table, but we also used the output pin information on the Pin Level Error Table to improve the resolution of failure identifi- cation. We proposed three methods for failure identification procedures by use of test dictionaries and evaluated these methods. One of these methods may be selected according to the figure of merit such as the size of possible failures in the card for testing and the size of input patterns to be generated. 62 REFERENCES [1] Kauz, William H. , "Fault Testing and Diagnosis in Combinational Digital Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, April 1965, PP. 352-366. [2] Chang, Herbert Y., "An Algorithm for Selecting an Optimum Set of Diagnostic Tests", IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, October 1965, PP- 706-711. [3] Tanaka, Chiyozi, "Parallel Simulation of Digital Systems", ILLIAC IV Document No. 211, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, April 1970* [k] Chang, H. Y. and Thomis, W. , "Methods of Interpreting Diagnostic Data for Locating Faults in Digital Machines", The Bell System Technical Journal, February 1967* PP« 289- 317 • [5] Tanaka, Chiyozi, Abel, Luther C, and Naemura, Kenji, "Parallel Logic Simulator and Its Use for Test Generation", Workshop on Reliability and Maintainability of Computer Systems at Lake of the Ozarks (Diagnostic Group Memorandum (DM-03^-)), October 1969< 63 APPENDIX 6k CARD fcAMElQTHESIS* TEST REVISION! # DIAGRAM*! *** PACE .1 ** » GENERATED ON 5/27/70 TEST DICTIONARY CARD NAME! OTHESIS 65 •♦♦ PAGE 2 •« CARD NAHf |CTHISIS# TEST REVISIONi t DIAGRAM*! . » GEfctRATED ON 5/27/70 INPUT DATA TABLE NUMBER OF GlOCKSl 1. TEST NO. 000000000000000 0000000 0111111 NO. CON PIN i 2 3 4 5 ,fc 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 1 PI All 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 01000 1100010000 010000111011001 0100001 10000001 010000000000000 001000010000000 001101110100111 001101110100111 001101110100111 001000010000000 000100100000000 00010C100000000 000010001100111 000010000100111 000001011011001 2 Bl A15 3 PI A17 4 61 A21 5 PI A23 6 PI A27 7 Pi A33 8 . PI A35 9 PI A03 10 ei B18 11 pi P20 12 61 B30 13 pi R38 14 Fl C39 15 PI C03 66 CARD KAHt toTHE S!S# TEST REVISION! » DIAGRAM*! •** PAGE 3 ** » gEmcRATEO ON 5/27/70 THE SORTED LIST NO.l 67 *♦* PAGE 4 *« CARD KAHEiOTH£SIS» TEST REVISIONI * DIAGRAM*! $ GENERATED ON 5/27/70 FAILURE MODE REMARKS TEST PATTERN* OUTPUT PIN I GOOO OUTPUT 1B06 1A29 1C05 1D32 H4 HA HA Kl 05 H 02 H 01 L 05 H lbOfl 1626 1A29 103? M H4 05 H Kl 41 H Kl 41 H H4 01 L Kl 05 H 1B08 1626 1A29 M 1C05 1032 1C33 H4 Kl H4 Kl H4 Kl Kl 01 L 04 L 02 H 04 L 01 L 13 L 04 I lboe 1A29 1C05 H4 H4 H4 01 I 02 H 01 I lfcOB 1B26 U29 H4 05 H Kl 16 L Kl 16 L TEST NO. 68 CARD NAKiOTHtSIS' TEST REVISION! » OlAGRAMIl TEST PATTERN* OUTPUT PlN f 6000 OUTPUT FAILURE MODE *** PAGE 5 •• GENERATED ON 5/27/70 REMARKS 1C05 H4 01 L 6 1*00 6 1626 6 1A29 6 1C05 6 1032 HA 01 L 0. Kl 41 H C Kl 41 H H4 01 L Kl 05 H 7 1000 7 1B26 7 1A29 H4 01 L Kl 41 H 1 Kl 41 M e lgoe 6 1B26 6 1*29 1032 1C33 H4 01 I I Kl 04 I M4 02 H H Kl 04 L Kl 13 L Kl 04 L lBoe K2 02 L 10 ldoe H4 01 L 10 1B26 Kl 16 L 10 1A29 Kl 10 L 10 1C05 H4 01 L TrST NO. 11 69 *** PAGE 6 *« CARD NAHEiOTHESlS* TEST REVISION! » DIAGRAMS* $ GENERATED ON 5/27/70 FAILURE MODE REMARKS TEST PATTERN* output PlN I GOOD OUTPUT 11 11 11 11 1B08 1B26 1A29 1032 K2 02 L Kl 41 H Kl 41 H Kl K3 OS H 04 H 12 1A29 H4 02 K 13 13 13 13 1608 1B26 1A29 1C05 H4 01 L Kl 16 L Kl 16 L H4 01 L 14 14 14 14 lyoe 1B26 U29 1C05 H4 01 L Kl 16 L Kl 16 L H4 01 L 15 15 15 iboe M lb26 1A29 H4 K3 Kl Kl 01 L 05 H 16 L 16 L TEST NO. 15 70 CARD NAMEIOTHLSIS* TEST REVISION! * OIAGRAMM *** PAGE 7 * $ GENERATED ON 5/27/7C THE SORTEO LIST NO. 2 71 *** PAGE e ** CARD NAMElOTMESIS* TEST REV1SIONI i DIAGRAM*! , GENERATED ON 5/27/70 FAILURE POOE OUTPUT TEST GOOO REMARKS PIN • PATTERN * OUTPUT MA 02 M U29 1 W 3 M « 4 w m 5 m • 12 » Hfl 05 h lpoe 1 " 2 " 5 H4 01 L HOB 3 « 4 » » 6 " » y w « 6 " N 10 * " 13 " " 14 « m J5 w H4 01 L 1C05 1 " 3 " " 4 • " 5 " 6 " 10 " 13 » 1« H4 01 I 1032 Kl 05 H 1D32 1 m 2 " 6 11 Kl «1 H 1826 2 " 6 " • ■ H ft FAILURE MODE NAME l Kl 41 H 72 FAILURE. MOPE Kl 41 H ■** PAGE 9 •* ONI > DIAGRAMII i GENERATED ON 5/27/70 OUTPUT PIN * TEST PATTERN $ GOOD OUTPUT REMARKS 1*29 m m M 2 6 7 11 M R • Kl 04 L 1P26 3 » 8 " Kl 04 L U29 3 « 8 " Kl 04 L 1C33 3 " 8 " Kl 13 L 1D32 3 n 6 Kl 16 I 1P26 5 m 10 " " 13 " m 14 « 13 * Kl 16 L 1*29 5 " 10 • " 13 « * 14 " m j5 n K2 02 L ie08 9 1 " 11 » K3 04 h lp32 11 K3 05 H le08 15 FAILURE MOOT NAME I K3 05 H UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA R&D (SacuHty claamltlcatlon o( title, body ol aaetracl and Interning annotation aniat ba wittf^ whan the overall report le elm filled) originating AC ti vi T v 'Corporate author) Center for Advanced Computation University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 6l801 la. KIPOKT IECUKITV CLAillFIC »TIOU UNCLASSIFIED 26. CROUP REPORT TITLt Diagnosis of Printed Circuit Cards on a Programmable Test Equipment I. DESCRIPTIVE NOTU (Type or raport and inclusive daft) Research Tteport. |. au T mo HIS 1 (Flrat naata, middle Initial, laal nama) Masayuki Inagaki REPORT DATE July 30, 1970 7e\ TOTAL NO. OF PACES 80 76. NO. OF MEF1 la. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. USAF 30-(602)-4lM 6. PROJECT NO. ARPA Order 788 •a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER!*) ILLIAC IV Document No. 228 •6. OTHER REPORT NO(S> (Any othar number* char may ba aaalgned thla report ) DCS Report No. 411 10. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Copies may be requested from the address given in (l) above. II. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES None 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Rome Air Development Center Griffiss Air Force Base Rome, New York 13440 3. ABSTRACT This paper discusses methods of editing test dictionaries using the results of printed circuit card fault simulation, identifying failures in a printed circuit card. To identify a failure in a card under test, a generalized automatic test equipment is introduced and three identification methods are presented and evaluated. A program for generating test dictionaries was written in Extended ALGOL for the Burroughs B5500 computer and used for test dectionary generation for the ILLIAC IV PE and CU cards and is also described in this paper. )D .'•'r..1473 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification KEY WORDS Hardware Diagnostics Design Automation HOLE I WT ROUE WT UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification KPfc i\^