PRICE LIST OF - T . SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS OFFERED FOR SALE IN WISCONSIN ISSUED BY C. P. CARY State Superintendent 1920 N. B. All previous Wisconsin textbook price lists should be discarded. Price Lists OF School Textbooks Offered for Sale in Wisconsin Issued by C. P. CARY State Superintendent JUNE *1, 1920 N. B. All previous Wisconsin textbook price lists should be discarded. Issued in pursuance of section 40.35 of the Wisconsin statutes Democrat Printing Company, State Printer Madison, Wisconsin 1920 STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Madison, Wis., June 1, 1920. This price list of textbooks is issued in conformity with para¬ graph (b) of subsection (1) of section 40.35 of the Wisconsin statutes, which is printed on the following page. The list gives in alphabetical arrangement the price lists of publishers of school textbooks who have complied with the pro¬ visions of section 40.35 of the Wisconsin statutes relating to the adoption, sale, or exchange of textbooks in Wisconsin by publish¬ ers or sellers thereof. All previous textbook price lists issued by the department should be discarded. The present list should be kept on file until displaced by a subsequent list. Should any school textbooks be offered for sale in this state which are not listed, herein, or should different prices be charged than those printed in the present list, the proper superintendent should be informed in regard thereto, unless the person concerned is satisfied that such offerings are in accordance with legal listings made since June 1, 1920. See subsection (4), section 40.35, of the statutes (page 5 herein). Owing to the unsettled condition of the publishing business , it is to be\ expected that many prices will be legally changed after this bulletin goes to the printer and before the next an¬ nual bulletin is issued. C. P. Cary, State Superintendent. 4 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS * LAWS RELATING TO PRICES AND LISTING OF TEXTBOOKS IN WISCONSIN Section 40.35. No person shall offer any school textbook for adoption, sale or exchange in the state of Wisconsin until he shall have complied with the following conditions: (1) (a) He shall file copies of all textbooks proposed sold in the state of Wisconsin by the company manufacturing such book, in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction with a sworn statement of the list price, the lowest wholesale price, and the lowest exchange price at which said book is sold or exchanged for an old book on the same subject of like grade and kind but of a different series in states of the United States including the state of Wisconsin. (b) The state superintendent of public instruction shall annually on the first day of June publish a list of the new books filed during the school year and a list of all books heretofore filed, the prices of which have been legally changed by the publishers during the year, and send to the county and city superintendents a sufficient number of copies thereof to enable each county or city superintendent to supply the school clerks under his jurisdiction. (c) School districts are hereby authorized to purchase textbooks from the publishers at the prices' listed with the state superintendent of public in¬ struction as hereinbefore provided and to sell said books to the pupils at said listed prices or at such prices as will include the cost of transportation and the cost of handling. (2) He shall file with the state superintendent of public instruction a bond running to the people of the state of Wisconsin, with a responsible surety company authorized to do business in the state of Wisconsin as surety thereon, in a penal sum to be determined by the state superintendent of public instruction, of not less than two thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars, conditioned as follows: (a) That he will furnish any of the books listed in said statement and in any other statement subsequently filed by him within five years, to any school district, to any school corporation and to any person or corporation in the state of Wisconsin at the lowest price contained in said statement and that he will maintain said price uniformly throughout the state; (b) That he will reduce such prices automatically in Wisconsin whenever reductions are made elsewhere in the United States, so that at no time shall any book so filed and listed by him be sold in the state of Wisconsin at a higher net price than is received for such book elsewhere *in the United StcltGS * (c) That all textbooks offered for sale, adoption, or exchange in the state of Wisconsin shall be equal in quality to those deposited in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction as regards paper, binding, print, illustrations, subject matter, and all other particulars that may affect the value of such textbooks; (d) In case he shall prepare an abridged or special edition of any of the books so listed by him, and shall sell such special edition elsewhere at a lower wholesale price than the wholesale price scheduled with the state superintendent, he shall file a copy of such special edition together with the price therefor, as above stated, with the state superintendent of public in¬ struction; *The laws are given as renumbered by act of the Legislature of 1917. TEXTBOOK LAW 0 (e) He shall not enter into any understanding, agreement, or combina¬ tion to control the prices or to restrict competition in the sale of school textbooks. (3) Such bond shall be approved by the attorney-general and shall con¬ tinue in force for the period of five years after its filing, at or before the ex¬ piration of which period a new bond shall be given, or the right to continue business within the state shall be forfeited. (4) It shall be the duty of all teachers and principals of schools in the several districts of this state, to notify the city or county superintendent of schools of the school district corporation in which they respectively reside, of any violation of any of the conditions contained in said bond that shall come to their knowledge, and it shall thereupon be the duty of such city or county superintendent of schools to investigate the alleged violation, and if he shall determine that there is good ground for believing that said conditions have actually been violated, he shall forthwith report the matter to the state superintendent of public instruction, who shall thereupon notify the person guilty of such violation to comply with the conditions of his said bond and to make good any loss or injury that may have been oc¬ casioned by such violation within a reasonable time to be inserted in said notice. If the person so notified shall fail to comply with the requirements of the notice, the said superintendent of public instruction may thereupon suspend his right to sell school textbooks within the state of Wisconsin un¬ til he shall so comply. In case any person who has given the bond afore¬ said shall refuse to comply with the provisions' thereof, or shall violate the same the second time, the said superintendent of public instruction shall declare his bond forfeited and the attorney-general shall bring suit thereon in any court having jurisdicton thereof. In case judgment shall be ren¬ dered in favor of the state on such bond, judgment shall be entered and dam¬ ages assessed for the penal amount thereof, and when paid, it shall be placed to the credit of the state school fund for the common schools of the state of Wisconsin. In case judgment is rendered against the principal of such bond, he shall be barred from further continuance of his business within the state of Wisconsin for a period of five years. (5) No person shall secure or attempt to secure the sale of any school textbooks in any school district in this state by rewarding or promising to reward any teacher in any school in the state or by securing for him any position in any other school. No person shall offer or give any emolument, money or other valuable thing, promise of work or any other inducement to any teacher or school officer in any school district for any vote or promise of vote or for the use of his influence for any school textbook to be used in this state; provided that nothing in this section shall be construed to pre¬ vent any person from giving, or any school officer or teacher from receiving a reasonable number of sample copies of school textbooks for examination with a view to obtaining information as to the book or series of books for which such officer shall give his vote. (6) The word “person” as used in this section shall include firms, asso¬ ciations and corporations. (7) Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. ADOPTION OF TEXTBOOKS. RETAIL PRICES Section 40.355. (1) District school boards and boards of education are empowered, and directed and it is made their duty to adopt, for their re¬ spective schools from the list of school textbooks on file with the state su¬ perintendent of public instruction, as provided by law, all the school text¬ books necessary for use in the schools under their charge, and such school textbooks when so adopted shall not be changed for five years. 6 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS (2) School districts are hereby authorized to purchase out of the funds of the district, textbooks direct from the publishers at the prices listed with the state superintendent of public instruction as provided by law and to sell said books to the pupils at the actual cost to the district. (3) School districts are hereby authorized to purchase out of the funds of the district, school textbooks from the publishers at the prices listed with the state superintendent of public instruction as provided by law and to designate a retail dealer or dealers to act as the agent of the district in selling textbooks to pupils. The said dealer or dealers shall at stated times make settlement with the district for such books as have been sold up to the stated time. Said dealer or dealers shall not sell textbooks at prices which shall exceed a ten per cent advance on the net prices as listed with the state superintendent of public instruction. Any dealer violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con¬ viction, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars. (4) It shall be unlawful for any retail dealer in textbooks to sell any books listed with the state superintendent of public instruction as provided by law at a price to exceed fifteen per cent advance on the net prices as so listed, transportation added thereto. Any dealer violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars. (5) This section shall not operate to prevent any school district from fur¬ nishing free textbooks to the pupils attending the schools in such district provided such textbooks shall be purchased by said school board in accord¬ ance with the provisions of this section. NOTE—For other laws relating to textbooks, see sections 40.31 to 40.34 of the statutes, inclusive. For a law relating to textbooks in schools of cities under the general charter laws, see subsection (4) of section 925— 116 . PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS AINSWORTH & COMPANY 623-633 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. THE LAKESIDE CLASSIC SERIES Title of Book Addison, Joseph and Steele, Richard. Classics No. 48—Sir Roger de Coverly Papers, cloth il¬ lustrated . Andersen, Hans Christian. Classics No. 157—The Ugly Duckling, The Fir Tree. Arnold, Matthew: Classics No. 107a—Sohrab and Rustum, paper side . Classics No. 107—Sohrab and Rustum, board covers . Classics No. 107—Sohrab and Rustum, full cloth . Browning, Robert. Classics No. 43—The Pied Piper of Hamelin . Bryant, William Cullen: Classics No. 2—Thanatopsis and Patriotic Poems with Selections from Washington, Lincoln, McKinley . Classics No. 76—The Antiquity of Freedom, A Forest Hymn . Burns, Robert. Classics No. 5—Containing Se¬ lections from Burns’ Poems (14) Burns’ Songs (15) . Carlyle, Thomas. Classics No. 6—Essay on Burns Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Classics No. 86—The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, illustrated, and Elegy in a Country Churchyard—Gray. Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock. Classics No. 158— Adventures of a Brownie, Rumpelstiltskin. .. . Defoe, Daniel. Classics No. 159—Robinson Cru¬ soe, illustrated, and Humpty-Dumpty, illus¬ trated ... De La Ramee, Louise. Classics No. 153 — A Dog of Flanders. Dickens, Charles: Classics No. 90—A Christmas Carol, paper sides Classics No. 90a — A Christmas Carol, new full cloth . Goldsmith, Oliver: Classics No. 91 — The Deserted Village, illus¬ trated, and The Traveler. Classics No. 38 — The Deserted Village, illus... Hale, Edward Everett: Classics No. 147 — The Man Without a Coun¬ try .. Hawthorne, Nathaniel: Classics No. 133 — The Pygmies, 32 pages. Classics No. 134 — The Minotaur, 32 pages. Classics No. 135 — The Dragon’s Teeth, 32 pages Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price $ 0.25 $ 0.18 .05 . 03 % .15 .11 .20 .15 .22 . 16 % .05 • 03 % . .15 ' .11 . 0,4 .03 .15 .11 .15 .11 .10 .07 .05 . 03 % . .05 . 03 % .10 .07 .10 .07 .22 • 16 % .10 .07 .05 . 03 % .io .07 .05 . 03 % .05 . 03 % .05 . 03 % PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Classics No. 26—Selections from Hawthorne and the Pied Piper. Classics No. 40—The Great Stone Pace. Classics No. 41—The Snow Image . Classics No. 44—The Great Carbuncle.,. Cosies No. 46—Selections from Tales of White Hills, paper. Classics No. 87—Selected Twice Told Tales' Paper . Plolbrook, Florence: Classics No. 138—The Every Day Primer Part I, illustrated . Classics No. 139—The Every Day ' Primer! Part II, illustrated... Irving, Washington: Classics No. 61—Rip Van Winkle. Classics No. 89—Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle... Classics No. 30—Seven Selections from the Sketch Book . Classics No. 30a—Seven Selections from the Sketch Book, cloth. La Payette, Gilbert, The Marquis De. Classics No. 77—Story of La Fayette. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: Classics No. 80—Story of Longfellow . Classics No. 144—Evangeline, paper .. . Lowell, James Russell: Classics No. 14—The Vision of Sir Launfal, The Holy Grail, Tennyson, paper sides. Classics No. 15—The Vision of Sir Launfal, The Holy Grail, Tennyson, full cloth, new. Classics No. 84—The Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems, cloth back. Classics No. 84a—The Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems, full cloth, new. Macaulay, Thomas Babington: Classics No. 20—Essay on Milton .“. Classics No. 22—Essay on Addison . Classics No. 24—Lays of Ancient Rome, illus.. Morton, Edward Payson: Classics No. 140-—Mohawk Valley and Lake Ontario . Classics No. 141—Lake Erie and Commodore Perry. Classics No. 142—Lake Huron and Algonquins. Classics No. 143—Lake Michigan and French Explorers . .. Poe, Edgar Allen. Classics No. 93—The Gold Bug, The Raven and Selected Poems, illus¬ trated . Ruskin, John. Classics No. 42—-The King of the Golden River . Scott, Sir Walter: Classics No. 106—Lady of the Lake, with map, cloth . Shakespeare, William: Classics No. 29—'The Merchant of Venice, paper sides .. Classics No. 85—Julius Caesar, cloth back.... Classics No. 85a—Julius Caesar, full cloth, new Tennyson, Alfred: Classics No. 39—Enoch Arden . Classics'No. 92—Enoch Arden and other poems Washington, George: Classics No. 79—Story of Washington. Classics No. 2—The Farewell Address with Se¬ lections from Bryant, McKinley, Lincoln.... Webster, Daniel. Classics No. 47—The First Bunker Hill Oration . Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .15 .11 .05 .03% .05 .03% .05 .03% .15 .11 .10 .07 .15 .11 .15 .11 .05 .03% .10 .07 .15 .11 .22 .161/2 .05 .03% .05 .03% .10 .07 .15 .11 .22 • i6y 2 .15 .11 .22 • I6y 2 .15 .11 .15 .11 .15 .11 .15 .11 .15 .11 .15 .11 .15 . 11 .15 .11 .05 .03% .25 .18 .15 .11 .15 .11 .22 .16% .05 .03% .10 .07 .05 .03% .15 .11 .05 .03% Lowest Exchange Price AINSWORTH 9 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price SPECIAL NUMBERS Classics No. 27—Selections from Lincoln, Haw¬ thorne, Webster, Goldsmith and Tennyson. .15 Classics No. 49—Selections from English Poets.. .35 Classics No. 99—Selections from American Poets .10 Classics No. 127—Studies of American Authors.. .15 .11 .26 .07 .11 LITERATURE Twentieth Century Shakespeare Series: Julius Caesar, edited by C. L. Hooper, cloth, illustrated . -30 Macbeth, edited by C. L. Hooker, cloth, illus.. .30 Hamlet, edited by C. L. Hoop'er, cloth, illus... .30 Merchant of Venice, edited by C. L. Hooper, cloth, illustrated . .30 As You Like It, edited by C. L. Hooper cloth, illustrated . -30 .22 .22 .22 .22 .22 SPELLING Bell, H. M.: Orthoepy and Orthography, paper sides Orthoepy and Orthography, full cloth.. .30 .22 . .60 .45 .40 HISTORY Caldwell and Persinger. A Source History of the United States . 1.25 .93 .75 READING The Great Lakes Series: The Mohawk Valley and Lake Ontario, cloth, illustrated .28 .21 Lake Erie & Commodore Perry, cloth, illus. . . Lake Michigan and the French Explorers, .28 .21 . cloth, illustrated . .28 .211 Lake Huron and the Algonquins, cloth, illus. . . Holbrook, Florence. Philip at school, A Primary .28 .21 . Reader, cloth, illustrated. .28 .21 . LAKESIDE LITERATURE READERS World Stories for Children. A Third Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 198 pages. .40 Stories of Many Countries and Many Times, Holbrook, A Fourth Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 251 pages.. .40 Classic Poetry and Prose, A Fifth Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 320 pages. .50 Famous Stories and Poems, A Sixth Grade Reader, illustrated, cloth, 348 pages. .50 Classical Selections, A Seventh Grade Reader, il¬ lustrated, cloth, 372 pages. .50 Selected Classics, An Eighth Grade Reader, il¬ lustrated, cloth, 306 pages. .50 Skinner Studies in Literature and Composition.. .80 .30 .30 .37 .37 37 .37 .60 GRAMMAR .48 Deffendall’s Practical Grammar .64 .40 10 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS ALLYN & BACON 1006 South Michigan Ave„ Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ENGLISH Title of Book Chew’s Practical High School Speller. Claxton & McGinniss’s Effective English. Gowdy & Dexheimer’s Lessons in English: Book I . Book II . Book III . Gowdy’s English Grammar... Lewis and Holmes’ Knowing and Using Words. . Pace: American Literature .. Readings in American Literature. American Literature with Readings. English Literature . Readings in English Literature. English Literature with Readings. Scott and Denney’s Elementary English Com¬ position . Scott and Denney’s New Composition—Rhetoric Watkins and Williams’ The Forum of Democ¬ racy . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price $0.50 $0.37 $0.35 1.40 1.05 .98 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .80 .60 .56 .80 .60 .56 .80 .60 .56 1.20 .90 .84 1.20 .90 .84 1.60 1.20 1.12 11.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.00 .75 .70 1.40 1.05 .98 1.00 .75 .70 THE ACADEMY CLASSICS Addison’s: De Coverley Papers. .40 .30 Select Essays . .60 .45 Arnold’s Essays in Criticism. .35 .26 Atkinson’s The Short Story. .70 .52 Blackmore’s. Lorna Doone . .80 .60 Burke’s. Speech on Conciliation . .35 .26 Burns’. Selections . .40 .30 Carlyle’s. Essay on Burns . .35 .26 Selections from Carlyle . .60 .45 Eliot’s. Silas Marner . .40 .30 Emerson’s. Select Essays and Poems. .40 .30 Goldsmith’s. Vicar of Wakefield. .50 .37 Irving: Life of Goldsmith.60 .45 Selections from the Sketch-Book. .45 .33 Sketch-Book .. .60 .45 Lowell’s. Vision of Sir Launfal. .35 .26 Macaulay’s Essays: Addison .35 .26 Chatham .. .20 .15 Clive .35 .26 Warren Hastings . .50 .37 Johnson ... . .. .35 .26 Milton.35 .26 Milton and Addison. .45 .33 Historical Essays.. .70 .52 Select Essays . .60 .45 Milton: Minor Poems . .40 .30 Paradise Lost. .40 .30 Scott: Ivanhoe . .80 .60 Lady of the Lake. .45 .33 Marmion . .45 .33 Shakespeare: As You Like It.40 .30 Julius Caesar. .60 .45 Hamlet . 45 .33 ALLYN & BACON 11 Title of Book Macbeth . Merchant of Venice. The Tempest . Stevenson: • An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey Treasure Island .. Syle’s. Four English Poems . Tennyson’s. Idylls of the King. Watrous’ Selected Poems from Pope, Gray and Goldsmith . Watrous’ Three Narrative Poems. Webster’s Reply to Hayne. HISTORY Adams and Trent’s. United States History. Andrews: History of England. Short History of England. Hughes’ Community Civics.. Latane’s History of the United States. Magruder’s American Government. Stewart’s Social Problems. West: Ancient World . Modern World . The War and the New Age. History of the American People. American History and Government. Source Book in American History. LATIN Allen and Phillips: Latin Composition . Latin Composition, Part I. Latin Composition, Part II. Bennett:. . New Latin Grammar. First Year Latin. Caesar ... Cicero . Virgil .. New Latin Composition . New Latin Composition: Part I . Part II . Comstock’s Virgil .. Kelsey: Caesar’s Commentaries . Cicero . .. Rolfe and Dennison’s Latin Reader. Smith’s Latin Lessons. Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .40 .30 .60 .45 .40 .30 .60 .45 .60 .45 .35 .26 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .35 .26 1.75 1.31 1.75 1.31 1.60 1.20 1.25 .93 1.75 1.31 1.40 1.05 1.00 .75 1.75 1.31 (1.80 1.35 .60 .45 1.80 1.35 2.40 1.80 1.60 1.20 * . 1.20 .90 .80 .60 .80 .60 1.20 .90 1.20 .90 1.25 .93 1.25 .93 1.40 1.05 1.20 .90 .80 .60 .80 .60 1.60 1.20 1.80 1.35 * 1.40 1.05 1.60 1.20 1.20 .90 FRENCH Bierman and Frank’s Conversational French Reader . The New Chardenal. De Monvert: La Belle France. Aux Etats Unis . Francois’ Fifteen French Plavs. Rollins’ Preparatory French Reader. Super’s Readings from French History. 1.00 1.40 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.20 .75 1.05 .75 .90 .75 .75 .90 FRENCH CLASSICS Augier’s Le Fils de Giboyer. . Dumas’ La Tulipe Noire. Halevy’s L’Abbe Constantin. 36 .27 80 . 60 80 .60 Lowest Exchange Price 1.22 1.22 1.12 .87 1.22 .98 .70 1.22 1.26 1.26 1.68 1.12 .84 .56 .56 .84 .84 .87 .87 .98 .84 .56 .56 1.12 1.26 .98 1.12 .84 .70 .98 .70 .84 .70 .84 12 PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Labiche and Martin’s Le Voyage de M. Per- richon . Malot’s Sans Famille... Merimee’s Colomba . 7 . . ... Scribe’s La Camaraderie.. SPANISH Broomhall’s Spoken* Spanish. . De Vitis: Spanish Grammar . Spanish Reader . Harry’s Anecdotas Espanolas. Henry’s Easy Spanish Plays. . Sparkman’s Industrial Spanish SPANISH CLASSICS Alarcon’s El Capitan Veneno. Garcilaso de La Vega’s El Reino de los Incas del Peru . Valera’s El Pajaro Verde. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .36 .27 .60 .45 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 .80 .60 .65 .48 1.40 1.05 .98 .80 .60 . 1.00 .75 . .80 .60 . GERMAN Bacon’s: New German Grammar Elements of German. . . German Composition . . GERMAN CLASSICS Auerbach’s Brigitta .. Baumbach’s Der Schwiegersohn. Freytag’s Die Journalisten. Gerstaecker’s Germelshausen . Goethe’s Hermann und Dorothea. Heine’s Die Harzreise. Heyse’s L’Arrabbiata . Rillern’s Hoeher als die Kirche. Niebuhr’s Griechische Heroengeschichten . Schiller: Wilhelm Tell . Der Neffe Als Onkel. Schurz’s Lebenserinnerungen . Storm’s Immensee . Von Wildenbruch’s Das edle Blut and Der Letzte Zschokke’s Der zerbrochene Krug, and Das Wirtshaus zu Cransac. SCIENCE Brechner’s Household Physics. Brownlee and Others’: First Principles of Chemistry. Laboratory Exercises in Chemistry. Chemistry of Common Things. Experiments in The Chemistry of Common Things . Carhart and Chute’s Physics with Applications.. Chute’s Laboratory Guide in Physics. Fairbanks’ Practical Physiography. Fuller and Brownlee's Laboratory Exercises in Physics . Greer’s Textbook of Cooking. Grim’s Elementary Agriculture. Smallwood’s Practical Biology. Snyder: Everyday Science . First Tear Science. Walker’s Physiology . 1.40 1.05 .98 1.20 .90 .84 1.40 1.05 .98 .80 .60 .70 .52 .80 .60 .60 .45 1.00 .75 .80 .60 .80 .45 . 60 .45 . 60 .45 1.00 .75 .60 .45 1.20 .90 .60 .45 .70 .52 .60 .45 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 .80 .60 1.60 1.20 1.12 .80 .60 1.40 1.05 .98 .60 .45 1.60 1.20 * * i .* i 2 .80 .60 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 <1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 AMERICAN 13 Title of Book MATHEMATICS Lyman and Goddard: Computation Tables. Spherical Trigonometry . Trigonometry and Computation Tables. Slaught and Lennes: Elementary Algebra . Intermediate Algebra . Complete Algebra . Plane Geometry, revised. Solid Geometry, revised. Plane and Solid Geometry. Sutton and Lennes: Business Arithmetic . Brief Business Arithmetic. Wilczynski and Slaught: Plane Trigonometry and Applications.. Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables. Plane Trigonometry with Tables. Plane Trigonometry, Elementary Course. Trigonometry, Elementary Course with Tables Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .80 .60 1.00 .75 1.40 1.05 .98 1.20 .90 .84 1.00 .75 .70 1.40 1.05 .98 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 1.20 .90 .84 1.20 .90 .84 1.20 .90 .84 1.40 1.05 .98 1.00 .75 .70 1.20 .90 .84 BOOKKEEPING Ellis: Practical Bookkeeping Blank Books: Part I Blank Books: Part II Business Forms. Vouchers . 1.50 1.12 1.05 .80 .60 . 1.00 .75 . 1.00 .75 . .80 .60 . MUSIC Callinan’s High School Songs 1.60 1.20 1.12 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY 330 East 22nd St., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. AGRICULTURE Buffum & Deaver. Sixty Lessons in Agriculture Goff & Mayne. First Principles of Agriculture. Irvins & Merrill. Practical Lessons in Agricul¬ ture .. Mayne & Hatch. High School Agriculture. Moore & Halligan. Plant Production. Tormey & Lawry. Animal Husbandry. Wilkinson. Practical Agriculture . ALGEBRA Collins: Practical Elementary Algebra. Without An¬ swers . 1.40 1.05 .98 Practical Algebra. First Year Course. With or Without Answers . 1.20 .90 .84 Practical Algebra. Second Course. With or Without Answers . 1.24 .93 .87 Advanced Algebra. Without Answers. 1.40 1.05 .98 Lyman & Darnell. Elementary Algebra. With or Without Answers. 1.40 1.05 .98 Milne: Grammar School Algebra. With or Without Answers . .64 .48 .45 $0.80 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.44 1.40 1.20 $0.60 .75 .90 .90 1.08 1.05 .90 $0.56 .70 .84 .84 1.01 .98 .84 14 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Elements of Algebra. With or Without An¬ swers . .80 .60 .56 First Year Algebra. With or Without An¬ swers . 1.20 .90 .84 Second Course in Algebra. With or Without Answers . 1.24 .93 .87 High School Algebra. With or Without An¬ swers . 1.28 .96 .90 Standard Algebra. Revised. With or With¬ out Answers . 1.40 1.05 .98 Academic Algebra. With or Without Answers (1.60 1.20 1.12 Advanced Algebra. With or Without Answers 1.72 1.29 1.21 Rivenburg. Review of Algebra. Without An¬ swers . .60 .45 Robbins & Somerville. Exercises in Algebra. Without Answers . .96 .72 Somervill: First Year in Algebra. With or Without An¬ swers . .80 .60 .56 Elementary Algebra. Revised. With or With¬ out Answers. 1.40 1.05 .98 White. School Algebra. With or Without An¬ swers . 1.32 .99 .93 ARITHMETIC Bailey & German. Number Primer. .48 .36 Bookman. Business Arithmetic. With or With¬ out Answers . .80 .60 .56 Hamilton. Essentials of Arithmetic: First Bonk. With or Without Answers. .68 .51 .48 second Book. With or Without Answers. .80 .60 .56 Lower Grades. With or Without Answers.... .60 .45 .42 Middle Grades. With or Without Answers. .. . .68 .51 .48 Higher Grades, With or Without Answers. .72 .54 .51 Hamilton. Standard Arithmetic: Book One. With or Without Answers. .60 .45 .42 Book Two. With or Without Answers. .68 .51 .48 Book Three. With or Without Answers. .72 .54 .51 Primary Arithmetic. With or Without An¬ swers . .52 .39 .37 Intermediate Arithmetic. With or Without Answers . .60 .45 .42 School Arithmetic. With or Without Answers .72 .54 .51 Hamilton. Elementary Arithmetic: With or Without Answers... .60 .45 .42 Complete Arithmetic. With or Without An- swers .. .84 .63 .59 Harvey. Essentials of Arithmetic: First Book. With or Without Answers. .52 .39 .37 Second Book. With or Without Answers. .76 .57 . 54 Part I. With Answers . .52 .39 .37 Part II. With Answers. .52 .39 .37 Harvey. Practical Arithmetic: Book One. With Answers ... .52 .39 .37 Book Two. With Answers. .76 .57 . 54 Hunt. Community Arithmetic . .72 .54 .51 King. Business Arithmetic. With Answers.... 1.00 .75 .70 Lyman. Advanced Arithmetic. Without Answers 1.00 .75 .70 Milne. Progressive Arithmetic: Three Book Series. First Book. Without Answers . .60 .45 .42 Second Book. With or Without Answers. .64 .48 .45 Third Book. With or Without Answers. .68 .51 .48 Milne. Progressive Arithmetic: Two Book Series. First Book. Without Answers. .60 .45 ,42 Complete Book. With or Without Answers... .84 .63 .59 Milne. Elements of Arithmetic: With Answers . .52 .39 .37 Standard Arithmetic. With or Without An- swers .. • .84 .63 .59 AMERICAN 15 Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price Milne: Primary Arithmetic. Without Answers. .48 .36 Intermediate Arithmetic. With Answers. .52 .39 Standard Arithmetic. With or Without An¬ swers . .84 .63 Mental Arithmetic . .52 .39 Moore. New Commercial Arithmetic. With or Without Answers . 1.32 .99 Thomas. Rural Arithmetic . .68 .51 Van Tuyl: Essentials of Business Arithmetic. With or Without Answers . .96 .72 Complete Business Arithmetic. With or With¬ out Answers . 1.32 .99 ASTRONOMY Steele. Popular Astronomy. Revised (M. L. Todd) ... 1.40 1.05 Todd, D. New Astronomy . 1.80 1.35 BIOLOGY Hunter: Civic Biology . 1.60 1.20 Essentials of Biology. 1.60 1.20 Laboratory Problems in Civic Biology. 1.12 .84 Sharpe, R. W. Laboratory Manual in Biology.. 1.00 .75 BOOKKEEPING AND COMMERCIAL TEXTS Belding: Accounts and Accounting Practice. 1.00 .75 Blanks. Set of four. .80 .60 Blank No. 1.20 .15 Blank No. 2.24 .,18 Blank No. 3.24 .18 Blank No. 4. .16 .12 Forms . .72 .54 Vouchers . .52 .39 Commercial Correspondence . .68 .51 Bexell & Nichols: Principles of Bookkeeping and Farm Accounts .96 .72 Blanks for the same. Set of three. .72 .54 No. 1 .20 .15 No. 2 .40 .30 No. 3 . 16 .12 Bookman. Business Arithmetic. With or With¬ out Answers . .80 .60 Eldridge: Business Speller . .52 .39 Shorthand Dictation Exercises. .88 .66 F,ritz & Eldridge: Expert Typewriting . 1.48 1.11 Business Forms . .36 .27 Essentials oj Expert Typewriting. 1.20 .90 Gano. Commercial Law. 1.32 .99 Hotchkiss & Drew. Business English. 1.20 .90 Mills: Business Penmanship . .40 .30 Modern Business Penmanship. .,44 .33 Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping. Advanced Course. Revised . 1.32 .99 Grocery Business Outfit. .56 .42 Commission Business Outfit. 1.12 .84 Dry Goods Business Outfit. 1.12 .84 Manufacturing Business Outfit. 1.16 .87 Textbook also published in following sec¬ tions: Grocery Business Section. .32 .24 Commission Business Section. .32 .24 Wholesale Dry Goods Business Section.... .32 .24 Manufacturing Section . .36 .27 Lowest Exchange Price .34 .37 .59 .37 .93 .48 .68 .93 .98 1.26 1.12 1.12 .79 .70 .70 .48 .68 .56 .37 .62 1.04 .84 .93 .84 .93 16 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Introductory Course. Revised . Vouchers . Forms . Blanks . Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Complete Course. Revised . Outfits, comprising blanks, vouchers, and forms same as for both Introductory and Advanced Courses. Modern Illustrative Banking Text. Outfit (vouchers, forms and blanks). First Lessons in Bookkeeping. Blanks . Forms . Moore: New Commercial Arithmetic. .. New Introductive Bookkeeping. Blanks . Forms: April and May pad. July and August pad. September and October pad. November and December forms. New Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping Introductory Course (Rittenhouse) . Vouchers . Forms . Blanks . New Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Advanced Course . Grocery Business Outfit. Commission Business Outfit. Dry Goods Business Outfit. Manufacturing Business Outfit.. New Modern Illustrative Bookkeeping: Complete Course . Outfits, comprising vouchers, forms and blanks same as for both Introductory and Advanced Courses. New Practical Grammar (W. & R. Series) Nichols & Rogers. Short Course in Commer¬ cial Law. Osborn & King. Seventy Lessons in Spelling. . . . Schooch & Gross. Elements of Business. Van Tuyl: Essentials of Business Arithmetic. With or Without Answers . Complete Business Arithmetic. With or With¬ out Answers . BOTANY Andrews. Practical Course in Botany. With Cowles & Coulter’s Spring Flora. Apgar, E. A. and A. C. New Plant Analysis.... Coulter. Plant Life and Plant Uses. With Cowles & Coulter’s Spring Flora. Botanical Notebook and Laboratory Manual.. Cowles & Coulter. Spring Flora. Moore & Halligan. Plant Production. CHEMISTRY Blanchard & Wade: Foundations of Chemistry. Laboratory Manual to Accompany Foundations of Chemistry . Vivian. Everyday Chemistry . Weed. Chemistry in the Home. Laboratory Manual . Williams & Whitman. Laboratory Exercises in General Chemistry . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchang Price Price ► Price 1.32 .99 .93 .56 .42 . 1.04 .78 .60 .45 1.80 1.35 1.26 .88 .66 .62 1.20 .90 1.00 .75 .70 .56 .42 .56 .42 1.32 .99 .93 1.20 .90 .84 .92 .69 .24 .18 .24 .18 .24 .18 .60 .45 1.32 .99 CD CO .52 .39 .68 .51 .68 .51 1.32 .99 .93 .56 .42 .92 .69 1.20 .90 1.24 .93 1.80 1.35 1.26 .60 .45 .42 .84 .63 .59 . 44 .33 .31 .88 .66 .62 .96 .72 .68 1.32 .99 .93 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.80 1.35 3.26 1.00 .75 .70 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.80 1.35 1.26 .52 .39 .72 .54 .51 1.44 1.08 1.01 1.40 1.05 .98 .72 .54 .51 1.64 1.23 1.15 1.28 .96 . 90 .60 .45 .42 .52 .39 AMERICAN. 17 Title of Book CIVICS Andrews. New Manual of the Constitution. Chancellor: History and Government of the U. S. for Even¬ ing- Schools . Standard Short Course for Evening Schools... Forman’s Essentials in Civil Government, Special Edition, for Wisconsin. Garner. Government in the United States. Hinsdale. American Government . Sharpe. Plain Facts for Future Citizens. Townsend. Shorter Course in Civil Government Willoughby. Rights and Duties of American Citizenship . Wolfson. Outline for Review in Civics. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.20 .90 .84 .52 .39 .72 .54 .72 .54 .51 1.20 .90 .84 1.40 1.05 .98 .60 .45 .88 .66 .62 1.20 .90 .84 .44 .33 DICTIONARIES Webster: Shorter School Dictionary. Elementary—School Dictionary Secondary—School Dictionary . Indexed .'. .84 .63 1.12 .84 2.00 1.50 2.20 1.65 DOMESTIC SCIENCE Conley: Nutrition and Diet. Principles of Cooking. Morris. Household Science and Arts .80 .80 .80 .60 .60 .60 .56 .56 .56 ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSONS AND GRAMMAR Austin. Lessons in English for Foreign Women Bolenius. Elementary Lessons in Everyday English . Chancellor: Reading and Language Lessons for Evening Schools . Standard Short Course for Evening Schools... Studies in English for Evening Schools. Hoenshel. Progressive Course in English: Book One . Book Two . Houghton: First Lessons in English for Foreigners in Evening Schools . Second Book in English for Foreigners in Evening Schools . Kimball: Elementary English. Book One. Book Two . English Grammar . Structure of the English Sentence. Markowitz & Starr. Every Day Language Les¬ sons . Maxwell: Elementary Grammar . School Grammar . Maxwell, Johnston and Barnum: Speaking and Writing. Book One. Book Two . Book Three . Book Four . Metcalf: Elementary English . English Grammar . Metcalf and Rafter. Language Series: Book One . Book Two . ..,,. Morrow. Language for Lijtle People. 2 48 .36 68 .51 . 48 48 .36 72 .54 48 .36 48 .36 .34 68 .51 .48 48 .36 ,60 .45 ,56 .42 .40 .64 .48 . 45 ,64 .48 .45 .92 .69 .65 ,48 .36 .48 .36 .34 .72 .54 .51 .40 .30 .28 .44 .33 .31 .44 .33 . 31 .44 .33 .31 .52 .39 .37 .76 .57 .54 .52 .39 .37 . 76 .57 .54 .40 CO o .28 18 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Pearson and Kirchwey. Essentials of English: First Book .. New Terminology Edition.. Second Book . New Terminology Edition. Higher Grades .. Seri: Primary Language Lessons. Intermediate Language Lessons. Steps in English. (McLean, Blaisdell and Mor¬ row: Book One . Book Two . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .84 .63 .59 .84 .63 .59 .88 .66 .62 .48 .36 .34 .72 .54 .51 .52 .3 Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .60 .45 .42 .72 .54 .51 .96 .72 .68 .52 .39 .37 .72 .54 r ~r -rr .51 ;' ;7T r ;* r 7 1.60 1.20 1.12 .80 .60 .56 1.32 .99 .93 .48 .36 .34 .68 .51 .48 .96 .72 .68 .52 .39 .37 .76 .57 .54 .72 .54 .51 POLITICAL SCIENCE Laughlin. Elements of Political Economy 1.40 1.05 .98 READERS (Graded Series) Alderman. Classics, Old and New: First Reader . Second Reader . Third Reader . Fourth Reader . Fifth Reader ... Baldwin. School Readers: Five Book Series. First Year . Second Year . Third Year ... Combined Fourth and Fifth Years. Combined Sixth and Seventh Years. Baldwin. School Readers: Eight Book Series First Year.. Second Year . Third Year .. Fourth Year . Fifth Year . Sixth Year . Seventh Year .. .*. Eighth Year . Baldwin & Bender. Expressive Readers: Five Book Series. First Reader . Second Reader . Third Reader . Reader for Fourth and Fifth Years. Reader for Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Years Eight Book Series. First Reader . Second Reader .. Third Reader ... Fourth Reader ... Fifth Reader . Sixth Reader . Seventh Reader . Eighth Reader . Brooks. Readers: Five Book Series. First Year . Second Year . .48 .36 .34 .52 .39 .37 . 60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 .56 .42 .40 .84 .63 .59 .88 .66 .62 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 .56 .42 .40 .56 .42 .40 .56 .42 .40 .60 . 45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .48 .36 .34 .52 .39 .37 .60 .45 .42 .84 .63 .59 .88 .66 .62 .48 .36 .34 .52 .39 .37 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 60 .45 .42 60 .45 .42 60 .45 .42 48 .36 .34 .52 .39 .37 AMERICAN 31 Title of Book Third Year . Combined Fourth and Fifth Years. !!!!!! . . . Combined Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Years Eight Book Series. First Year. Second Year . Third Year . Fourth Year . Fifth Year .7 7 7 7 Sixth Year . Seventh Year .. Eighth Year.7 7 7 Chancellor: Reading and Language Lessons for Evening Schools . Standard Short Course for Evening Schools.!! Golden Treasury Readers fStebbins & Coolidge): Primer . First Reader. !!!!!!!!!!!!! Second Reader . Third Reader .7 ! Fourth Reader . !.!! Fifth Reader . !!!!!!!! New Education Readers: Book I . Book II . Book III .. Book IV ..7.7.7.'.'.'.7 Perception Cards to accompany Book I Per set. ... The same, for Book II. Per set!!!!!!!!!!!!’ The same, for Book III. Per set. Parmly First Reader. Second Reader . Third Reader .! ! ! ! !. Progressive Course in Reading (Aldrich* ’ & Forbes): First Book . Second Book.77.. Third Book . !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fourth Book . Part I . . Part Ti . !!!!!!;;!!!!" Fifth Book . Part I . Part ii . 7 !!!!!!!!! Sharpe. First Reader for Foreigners. Story Hour Readers (Coe & Christie): Regular Edition: Primer . Percetion Cards, Complete Set...!.!!!!!!! Word Groups . Sight Words . !..!!! .7 7 Phonic Words .7 7 7 7 Names of Characters. .... Outline Pictures .! ! . ! ! . Book One.. Perception Cards, Complete Set.777 Word Groups . Sight Words . Phonic Words . Outline Pictures . Book Two . Perception Cards, Complete Set. 7 7 7’’'' Word Groups . Sight Words .! . Phonic Words . Book Three.7 7 CHARTS Chart for First Year, 50 pages The same. Part I . The same. Part II . Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .60 .45 .84 .63 .88 .66 .48 .36 .52 .39 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .48 .36 • .72 .54 .52 .39 .52 .39 .64 .48 .72 .54 .80 .60 .80 .60 .52 .39 .52 .39 .56 .42 .60 .45 3.00 2.25 .92 .69 .60 .45 .48 .36 .56 .42 .56 .42 .36 .27 .40 .30 .56 .42 .72 .54 .52 .39 .52 .39 .84 . 63 .56 .42 .56 .42 .56 .42 .52 .39 3.00 2.25 .56 .42 .88 .66 .88 .66 .60 .45 .24 .18 .52 .39 3.00 2.25 .64 .48 1.20 .90 1.20 .90 .24 .18 .64 .48 2.60 1.95 1.00 .75 .88 .66 .88 .66 .72 .54 8.00 6.00 6.00 4.50 4.00 3.00 Lowest Exchange Price .42 .59 .62 .34 .37 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 .42 37 37 45 51 56 56 37 37 40 42 34 40 40 .26 .28 .40 .51 .37 .37 59 .40 .40 .37 .37 .45 .51 32 PRICE LIST OE SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book PRIMERS Baker. Action Primer . Baldwin. Primer . Beebe. Picture Primer . Brown & Bailey. Jingle Primer. Hyde. Primer . Rose Primer . Stewart & Coe. First Days in School White. Pantomime Primer .. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .28 .44 .33 .31 .48 .36 .34 .44 .33 .31 .40 .30 .28 .48 .36 .34 .44 .33 .31 .40 .30 .28 SUPPLEMENTARY READING General Coe. School Readers: Third Grade . .60 Fourth Grade . .64 Pathways in Nature and Literature: First Reader . .52 Second Reader. .56 Standard Supplementary Readers: Easy Steps for Little Feet. .48 Golden Book of Choice Reading. .52 Book of Tales. .72 Seven American Classics . .72 Seven British Classics . .72 .45 .48 .39 .,42 .36 .39 .54 .54 .54 FAIRY TALES AND STORIES Bakewell. True Fairy Stories. .52 .39 Baldwin: Fairy Reader . .52 .39 Fairy Stories and Fables. .52 -.39 Second Fairy Reader. .52 .39 Another Fairy Reader. .52 .39 Barnard Language Reader (Paine). .48 .36 Davis & Chow Leung. Chinese Fables and Folk Stories . .52 .39 Eldridge. Child’s Reader in Verse. .40 .30 Farmer. Nature Myths of Many Lands. .60 .45 Fox. Indian Primer . .40 .30 Holbrook. ’Round the Year in Myth and Song.. .76 .57 Lakeside Literature Series (Adams): Book I. Fables and Rhymes. .48 .36 Book II. Folk-Story and Verse. .60 .45 Book III. Myths of Old Greece. .64 .48 Lane. Stories for Children. .40 .30 Lee & Carey. Silesian Folk Tales. .56 .42 Logie & Uecke. Story Reader. .48! .36 Lucia: Peter and Polly in Spring . .56 .42 Peter and Polly in Summer. .56 .42 Peter and Polly in Autumn . .56 .42 Peter and Polly in Winter. .56 .42 McCullough. Little Stories for Little People... .40 .30 Moran. Kwahu, the Hopi Indian Boy. .72 .54 Nixon-Roulet: Indian Folk Tales. .56 .42 Japanese Folk Stories and Fairy Tales. .56 .42 Pitre. Swallow Book (Camehl). .52 .39 Powers. Stories the Iroquois Tell Their Children .76 .57 Pratt. Legends of the Red Children. .48 .36 Pyle. Prose and Verse for Children. .60 .45 Rolfe. Fairy Tales . .72 .54 Simms. Child Literature . .52 .39 Skinners. Merry Tales . .52 .39 Skinner. Happy Tales for Story Time. .72 .54 Smythe. Old Time Stories Retold. .56 .42 Stafford. Animal Fables . .52 .39 Stanley. Animal Folk Tales. .72 .54 "Wilkins. The Weaver’s Children. .52 .39 Wilson. Indian Hero Tales. .60 .45 Wood. Children’s First Story Book. .40 .30 AMERICAN 33 Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price FAMOUS STORIES AND LITERATURE IBctk Gr* The Children’s First Book of Poetry. .60 .45 Children’s Second Book of Poetry. .60 .45 Children’s Third Book of Poetry. .60 .45 Baldwin: Don Quixote for Young- People. .72 .54 Fifty Famous Rides and Riders . .72 .54 Fifty Famous Stories Retold . .52 .39 Golden Fleece. .72 .54 Gulliver’s Travels Retold. .52 .39 John Bunyan Dream Story. .52 .39 Nine Choice Poems. .40 .30 Old Greek Stories. .60 .45 Old Stories of the East. .60 .45 Robinson Crusoe Retold. .52 .39 Stories of the King. .72 .54 Thirty More Famous Stories Retold. .72 .54 Bradish. Old Norse Stories. .60 .45 Carroll. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. .72 .54 Clarke• Arabian Nights . .72 .54 Story of Troy .72 .54 Story of Ulysses . .72 .54 Story of Aeneas . .60 .45 Cooper: Adventures of Deerslayer (Haight). .52 .39 Last of the Mohicans (Haight). .52 .39 Adventures of Pathfinder (Haight). .52 .39 Defoe: Robinson Crusoe (Stephens) . .64 .48 Robinson Crusoe Retold (Baldwin). .52 .39 Dickens: Child’s Oliver Twist and David Copperfie-ld (Severance) . .56 .42 Story of Little Nell (Gordon).68 .51 Tale of Two Cities (Kirk). .68 .51 Twelve Christmas Stories (Gordon). .68 .51 Hall. Homeric Stories. .52 .39 Kupfer. Lives and Stories Worth Remembering .64 .48 Lamb: Tales from Shakespeare (Rolfe) Comedies.... .72 .54 Comedies and Tragedies. One volume. .80 .60 Tragedies .72 .54 Scott: Kenilworth (Norris) . .72 .5,4 Quentin Durward (Norris). .72 .54 Talisman (Dewey) . .72 .54 Skinner. Tales and Plays of Robin Hood. .72 .54 Smythe. Reynard the Fox. .44 .33 Swift. Gulliver’s Travels (Baldwin) . .52 .39 Thomas. Words of Abraham Lincoln. .76 .57 Webster & Coe. Tales and Verse from Sir Walter Scott .'. .80 .60 William. Choice Literature. New Edition: Book One .44 .33 Book Two . .44 .33 Book Three . .48 .36 Book Four. .52 .39 Book Five . .56 .42 Book Six .60 .45 Book Seven ..'. .72 .54 DRAMATIC STORIES Holbrook. Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades. .52 .39 Johnston & Barnum. Book of Plays for Little Actors . .48 .36 Knight. Dramatic Reader for Grammar Grades. .64 .48 Skinner: Dramatic Stories for Reading and Acting. .56 .42 Tales and Plays of Robin Hood. .72 .54 Lowest Exchange Price 34 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Skinner & Lawrence. Little Dramas for Pri¬ mary Grades . Varney. Story Plays, Old and New: Book One . Book Two . Book Three . Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .56 .42 .44 .33 .44 .33 .44 .33 GEOGRAPHICAL A1SD COMMERCIAL READERS .72 .54 1.00 .75 .72 .54 .88 .66 .88 .66 .88 .66 .88 .66 .88 .66 .88 .66 .88 .66 .88 .66 .88 .66 .44 .33 .52 .39 .60 .45 .72 .54 .64 .48 .48 .36 .44 .33 .56 .42 .44 .33 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .56 .42 .48 .36 HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL READERS Alexander. Story of Hawaii. 1.00 .75 Arnold. Stories of Ancient Peoples. .72 .54 Bachman. Great Inventors and Their Inventions .80 .60 Baldwin: Discovery of the Old Northwest. .72 .54 Conquest of the Old Northwest. .72 .54 Abraham Lincoln . .72 .54 •American Book of Golden Deeds. .72 .54 Fifty Famous People. .52 .39 Four Great Americans. .64 .48 Beebe. Four American Naval Heroes. .64 .48 Brittain & Harris. Historical Reader.. . 1.00 .75 Burton: Four American Patriots. .64 .48 Story of Lafayette. .48 .36 Clarke. Story of Caesar. .60 .45 Cody: Four American Poets. .64 .48 Four American Writers. .64 .48 Coe: Founders of Our Country. .64 .48 Makers of the Nation. .72 .54 Cooke. Stories of the Old Dominion. .72 .54 Baldwin. Geography of the Hawaiian Islands.. Baldwin & Livengood. Sailing the Seas. Carpenter: Around the World with the Children. Geographical Readers: North America . South America. Europe ..... • • .. Asia. Africa . Australia, Our Colonies, and Ollier Islands of the Seas . Carpenter. Readers on Commerce and Industry: ~ How the World is Fed . How the World is Clothed . How the World is Housed . Dutton. World at Work Series: Fishing and Hunting. In Field and Pasture. Trading and Exploring. Krout: Alice’s Visit to the Hawaiian Islands. Two Girls in China. Little. Francisco the Filipino. Long. Home Geography... MacClintock. The Philippines. Payne. Geographical Nature Studies. Rabenort. Geography: North and South America... North America and United States. The United States by Groups and States. The United States as a Whole. Europe . Asia, Africa, Australia. Schwartz. Five Little Strangers. Shaw. Big People and Little People of Other Lands . Lowest Exchange Price AMERICAN 35 Title of Book Dutton: Little Stories of England . Little Stories of France . Little Stories of Germany . Eggleston: Stories of Great Americans for Little Ameri¬ cans . Stories of American Life and Adventures. Foote & Skinner: Explorers and Founders of America. Makers and Defenders of America. Guerber: Story of the Chosen People. .. Story of the Greeks ... Story of the Romans . Story of the English .. Story of the Thirteen Colonies . Sloi '3 of tlie Gioat Republic . Story of Old France . Story of Modern France . Haaren & Poland: Famous Men of Greece. Famous Men of Rome . Famous Men of the Middle Ages . Famous Men of Modern Times . Horne & Scobey. Stories of Great Artists. Johonnot: Grandfather’s Stories . Stories of Heroic Deeds. Stories of Our Country . Stories of Other Lands . Stories of the Olden Times...... Ten Great Events in History. Kingsley: Four American Explorers... Story of Lewis and Clark.. Lucia. Stories of American Discoverers for Lit¬ tle Americans .. Nicholson. Stories of Dixie... Otis. Colonial Series: Calvert of Maryland. Mary of Plymouth. Peter of New Amsterdam. Richard of Jamestown. Ruth of Boston. Stephen of Philadelphia. Otis. Pioneer Series: Antoine of Oregon..^... Benjamin of Ohio.!. Hannah of Kentucky. Martha of California. Philip of Texas. Seth of Colorado. Perry. Four American Inventors . Perry & Beebe. Four American Pioneers . Pitman. Stories of Old France . Schwartz. Famous Pictures of Children . Scobey & Horne. Stories of Great Musicians. . . . Shaw. Discoverers and Explorers. Thwaites. Stories of the Badger State. Van Bergen: Story of China . Story of Japan . Story of Russia. Wallach. Historical and Biographical Narratives Whitehead: The Standard Bearer . Two Great Southerners . Whitney & Perry. Four American Indians. Winterburn. Spanish in the Southwest. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .52 .39 .64 .48 .80 .60 .80 .60 .72 .54 .72 .54 .72 .54 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .80 .60 .72 .54 .72 .54 .72 . 54 .72 .54 .56 .42 .48 .36 .48 .36 .60 .45 .60 .45 .68 .51 .68 .51 .64 .48 .48 .36 .56 .42 68 .51 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 * .52 .39 .52 v .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .52 .39 .64 .48 .64 .48 .72 .54 .56 .42 .56 .42 .52 .39 .76 .57 .76 .57 .76 .57 .76 .57 .52 .39 .72 .54 .64 .48 .64 .48 .68 .51 36 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book NATURE READERS Abbott: A Boy on a Farm (Johnson). Adventures of a Country Boy. Bartlett. Animals at Home. Beebe & Kingsley. First Year Nature Reader. . Bradish. Stories of Country Life. Dana. Plants and Their Children. Dorrance. Story of the Forest. Gilmore. Birds Through the Year. Hawkes. Trail to the Woods. Holder. Stories of Animal Life. Johonnot: Book of Cats and Dogs. Friends in Feathers and Fur. Neighbors with Wings and Fins. Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, and Swimmers Some Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs. Keffer. Nature Studies on the Farm. Kelly. Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors.... Mix. Mighty Animals . Monteith. Some Useful Animals. Needham. Outdoor Studies . Patri. White Patch . Pitre. Swallow Book (Camehl) . Pyle. Stories of Humble Friends.. Rigg. Stories from Lands of Sunshine. Stoke. Ten Common Trees . Turner. Our Common Friends and Foes. Walker. Our Birds and Their Nestlings. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .64 .48 .68 .51 .56 .42 .52 .39 . . 6C .45 .76 .57 .68 .51 .72 .54 .56 .42 .76 .57 .48 .36 .48 .36 .60 .45 .60 .45 .68 .51 .60 .45 .72 .54 .52 .39 .64 .48 .52 .39 .56 .42 .52 .39 .72 .54 .60 .45 .48 .36 .52 .39 .76 .57 PATRIOTIC AND ETHICAL READERS Abbott. Adventures of a Country Boy (John¬ son) . Baldwin. Story of Liberty. Johnson: Story of Two Boys. Waste Not, Want Not Stories. Marden. Stories from Life. Markwick & Smith. The True Citizen.. McBrien. America First . Person. Our Country in Poem and Prose. Richman & Wallach. Good Citizenship. .68 .51 .88 .66 .56 .42 .68 .51 .60 .45 .72 .54 1.00 .75 .64 .48 .64 .48 SCIENCE—GENERAL Clark: General Science. Laboratory Manual in General Science. An Introduction to Science... Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Science 1, ,20 .90 .84 ,48 .36 .34 i. ,40 1.05 .98 ,64 .48 .45 SOCIOLOGY Ellwood. Sociology and Modern Social Problems, New Edition . 1.48 1.11 Small & Vincent. Introduction to the Study of Society . 2.00 1.50 1.04 1.40 • SPANISH Spanish Language Dowling. Reading, Writing and Speaking Spanish . Espinosa & Allen. Elementary Spanish Grammar Garner: Essentials of Spanish Grammar. Spanish Grammar . .96 . 72 .68 1 , .24 ! 93 .87 1. .20 .90 .84 1 , .40 1 .05 .98 AMERICAN 37 Title of Book Monsanto & Lan Course. Revised Roessler & Remy. Umphrey. Spanish Prose Worman: New First Spanish Book First Spanish Book. Revised .Second Spanish Book. Worman and Bransby. Practical Spanish First Spanish Reader. Revised. Second Spanish Book. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.40 1.05 .98 .92 .69 .92 .69 .65 .60 .45 .42 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 .80 .60 .56 SPANISH LITERATURE Alarcon i El Capitan Veneno (Brownell). El Nino de la Bola (Schevill). Avellaneda. Baltasar (Bransby) . Breton. Quien es Ella (Garner)... Calderon. La Vida es Sueno (Comfort). Fontaine. Flores de Espana. Galdos: Dona Perfecta (Lewis) . Electra (Runnell) .. Marianela (Gray) . Johnson. Cuentos Modernos . Larra. Partir a Tiempo (Nichols) . ....... Moratin. El Si de las Ninas (Geddes & Joselyn) Roessler & Remy. First Spanish Reader. Turrell. Spanish Reader .... y ^ * El Commendador Mendosa (Schevill). Pepita Jimenez (Cusachs) . SPELLING Harrington. Spelling Book, Complete. Hicks: Champion Spelling Book. The Same. Part I . The Same. Part II . . Hunt: Elementary-School Speller . The Same. Part I . The Same. Part II .• • • • .. Modern "Word Book for Primary Grades. Progressive Course in Spelling. The Same. Part I . The Same. Part II . Primary Word Lessons. Leonard & Fuess. High School Spelling Book.. Osborn & King. Seventy Lessons in Spelling... Pearson & Suzzallo: Essentials of Spelling. The Same. Part I . The Same. Part II . .60 .45 .92 .69 .92 .69 .72 .54 .72 .54 .72 .54 .00 .75 .72 .54 .92 .69 .92 .69 .60 , .45 .60 .45 .92 .69 .92 .69 .92 .69 L.00 .75 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 .36 .27 .26 .36 .27 .26 .48 .36 .34 .36 .27 .26 .36 .27 .26 .36 .27 .26 .48 .36 .34 .36 .27 .26 .36 .27 .26 .28 .21 .20 .52 .39 .37 .44 .33 .31 .48 .36 x. 34 .36 .27 .26 .36 .27 .26 'RIG ON OMETRY Conant: A ... Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, with Td«bl6s ... The Same. Without Tables. Plane Trigonometry. With Tables. The Same. Without Tables... Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables. ^Pl^ne^ and Spherical Trigonometry. With Tables ..... • The Same. Without Tables. Plane Trigonometry. With Tables. Loagrithmic and Trigonometry Tables. Robbins. Plane Trigonometry . 1.52 1.14 1.07 1.20 .90 .84 1.20 .90 .84 .88 .66 .62 .80 .60 .56 1.52 1.14 1.07 1.20 .90 .84 1.20 .90 .84 1.20 .90 .84 .92 .69 .65 38 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book ZOOLOGY Burnet: School Zoology . Laboratory Manual of Zoology. Davison. Practical Zoology . Herrick: Laboratory Exercises in General Zoology Textbook in General Zoology. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.00 .75 .70 .72 .54 . 51 1.20 .90 .84 .80 .60 .56 1.40 1.05 .98 D. APPLETON & COMPANY 2457 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOOKS AGRICULTURE UP (New) & Schmidt ’ s Production to Agriculture ARITHMETIC Appleton Arithmetic, Primary Book Appleton Arithmetic, Grammar Schooi ’ Book . ’. 1 ’. Three Book Series: Primary Book . Second Book . Third Book . $ 1.00 48 .76 .48 .52 .52 $0.75 .36 .57 .36 .39 .39 $0.67 .32 .51 .32 .35 .35 ENGLISH Firman’s Progressive Lessons in English- Book I . Book ii .! Wood’s Practical Grammar and Composition. .39 .54 .60 .35 .48 .53 GEOGRAPHY Adams’ Elementary Commercial Geographv ("Re¬ vised Ed.) . . .90 .80 HISTORY McLaughiin and Van Tyne’s History of the United States for Schools (Revised and Enlarged Edition) . Two Volume Edition—Book T. Book II .' '. Southworth’s Builders of Our Country:. Book I . Book ii .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Southworth’s First Book in American History with European Beginnings. 1.28 .96 .85 .70 • 52y 2 .47 .80 .60 .53 .72 .54 .48 .72 .54 .48 .84 .63 .56 PHYSIOLOGY Krohn’s First Book in Physiology and Hygiem Krohn-Crujnbine’s Graded Lessons in Physiolot and Hygiene (Revised Edition) .48 .72 .36 .54 .32 .48 APPLETON 39 Title of Book reading ±ne jDrouiv& ... , , > i The Carroll and Brooks Readers (Eight Book Series) First Reader . Second Reader . Third Reader . A Reader for the Fourth Grade . A Reader for the Fifth Grade . A Reader for the Sikth Grade . A Reader for the Seventh Grade . A Reader for the Eighth Grade . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .44 .33 .29 .44 .33 .29 .48 .36 .32 .52 .39 .35 .56 .42 .37 .56 .42 .37 .60 .45 .40 .60 .45 .40 .60 .45 .40 SPELLING Felter and Eginton’s Twentieth Century Spellers: Book I—Boards ... Book I—Cloth . Book II—Boards . Book II—Cloth . Appleton’s Standard Speller: Boards . Cloth . Felter’s Twentieth Century Spellers: Years One and Two. Third Year . Fourth Year. Fifth Year. Sixth Year . Seventh Year . .28 .21 .19 .30 .221/a .20 .32 .24 .21 .36 .27 .24 .32 .24 .21 .36 .27 .24 .30 .221/3 .20 .30 .221/2 .20 .30 .221/3 .20 .30 .221/2 .20 .30 .221/3 .20 .30 .221/2 .20 WRITING Hammock’s Muscular Movement Writing System: Copy Book Series, First Through Eighth Year, per dozen. *96 Textbook Series, First and Second Year, each. .10 Third through Eighth Year, per dozen. .96 Pad Series. Numbers 1-8, each. .16 .72 • 07i/ 2 .72 .12 HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS ALGEBRA Young and Jackson’s: High School Algebra . High School Algebra Part I . Part II . Elementary Algebra . First Course in Elementary Algebra. Second Course in Elementary Algebra. ASTRONOMY Comstock’s. A Textbook of Astronomy. 1.32 .99 .88 1.00 .75 .67 .92 .69 .61 1.32 .99 .88 1.00 .75 .67 .92 .69 .61 1.75 1.311/4 1.17 BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING Klein: Bookkeeping and Accounting: Complete Course . Introductory Course . Advanced Course . Elements of Accounting. BOTANY Coulter: Elementary Studies in Botany A Textbook of Botany. 2.50 1.871/2 1.67 1.50 1.121/2 1.00 1.50 1.121/2 1.00 1.75 1.311/4- 1.17 1 , ,48 1.11 .99 1 .48 1.11 .99 40 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price BUSINESS LAW Burdick’s Essentials of Business Law—Revised Edition . 1.50 1.12^ Sullivan’s American Business Law. 2.00 1.50 CHEMISTRY Bradbury’s An Inductive Chemistry. 1.48 1.11 Cook’s Practical Chemistry for High School Stu¬ dents . 1.48 1.11 COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Holmes and Gallagher’s Composition and Rhetoric 1.20 .90 ENGLISH CLASSICS Baker’s Addison and Steele’s The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers ... Laughlin’s Browning’s Poems. Crane’s Burke’s Speech on Conciliation with America . Dracass’s Carlyle’s Essay on Burns. Edgar’s Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner Drury’s Goldsmith’s The Traveler and The De¬ serted Village . Maitland’s Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield. Simon’s Huxley’s Autobiography and Selections. Bement’s Lamb’s Essays of Elia. Aiton’s Macaulay’s Essays on Milton and Addison Aiton’s Macaulay’s Essays on Addison and John¬ son ... Nichols’ Milton’s Shorter Poems, Selections from Dracass’ Scott’s Ivanhoe. Chalmers’ Scott’s Lady of the Lake. Colby’s Scott’s Quentin Durward. McDougal’s Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Jones’ Shakespeare’s Macbeth.. Baker and Jones’ Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice . Law’s Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Baker’s Tennyson’s The Princess. Denney’s Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. Sullivan’s Washington’s Farewell Address and Webster’s First Bunker Hill Oration. Williams’ Book of Short Stories. ENGLISH GRAM3IAR Woods’ Practical Grammar and Composition.... FRENCH Downer’s First Book in French (Revised). . GEOGRAPHY Adams’ Commercial Geography — Revised Edition Gilbert and Brigham’s Introduction to Physical Geography .. GEOLOGY Brigham’s Textbook of Geology GE03IETRV .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .50 • 37y 2 .60 .45 .50 • 37y a .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .72 .54 .48 .36 .72 .54 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 .48 .36 1.00 .75 .80 .60 1.30 • 97^ 1.48 1.11 1.48 1.11 1.48 1.11 1.20 .90 Lowest Exchange Price 1.00 1.33 .99 .99 .80 .67 .53 .87 .99 .99 .99 Young & Jackson’s Plane Geometry .80 ATKINSON 41 Title of Book HISTORY McLaughlin’s History of the American Nation (Revised Edition) .. Wrong’s History of the British Nation. Westermann’s Story of the Ancient Nations. Munro’s History of the Middle Ages. Whitcomb’s History of Modern Europe. Munro and Whitcomb’s Medieval and Modern History. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.68 1.26 1.12 1.68 1.26 1.12 1.68 1.26 1.12 1.40 1.05 .93 1.40 1.05 .93 2.00 1.50 1.33 LATIN Jenner & Wilson’s Caesar’s First Campaign- West’s Latin Grammar for Schools. Westcott’s Caesar’s Commentaries: Seven Books. Four Books... Carter’s Virgil’s Aeneid. Virgil’s Aeneid—Abridged Edition. Cicero’s Oratipns by Forbes. Cicero’s Orations—Seven Orations... . Laing’s Selections from Ovid. Gudeman’s Sallust’s Catiline. K'' LITERATURE Trent’s Brief History of American Literature... PHYSICS Gorton’s High School Course in Physics (Revised) SPANISH Giese’s First Spanish Book and Reader. ZOOLOGY Jordan, Kellogg and Heath’s Animal Studies.... 1.20 .90 .80 1.12 .84 .75 1.40 1.05 .93 1.20 .90 .80 1.50 1.121/2 1.00 1.25 .93% .83 1.50 1.121/2 1.00 1.20 .90 .80 1.50 1.121/2 1.00 1.00 .75 .67 1.20 .90 .80 1.48 1.11 .99 1.40 1.05 .93 1.48 1.11 .99 ATKINSON MENTZER & COMPANY 2210 South Park Avenue, Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ARITHMETIC Chadsey-Smith. Efficiency Arithmetic Efficiency Arithmetic, Primary . Efficiency Arithmetic, Intermediate Efficiency Arithmetic, Advanced ... Series: . $0.40 $0.30 $0.24 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 ART Brown. Applied Drawing for High Schools. Industrial and Applied Art Drawing Books: Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, per copy. Nos. 5, 6, 7, and 8, per copy. Seegmiller. Applied Arts Drawing Books: (One- Book-Per-Year Edition) No. 41 for First Year . No. 42 for Second Year . No. 43 for Third Year . No. 44 for Fourth Year . 1.00 .16 .20 .15 .15 .15 .15 .75 .12 .15 .11 .11 .11 .11 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS 42 Title of Book No. 45 for Fifth Year. No. 46 for Sixth Year . No. 47 for Seventh Year . No. 48 for Eighth Year . (Two-Book-Per-Year Edition) Autumn, Books 1, 2, 3, 4. Autumn, Books 5, 6. 7, 8. Spring, Books 1, 2, 3, 4. Spring, Books 5, 6, 7, 8. Sloan: Usual Lowest Lowest Li§t Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .20 .15 .10 .07 .15 .11 .10 .07 .15 .11 ENGLISH Crandall. A First Year English Book. Davenport. A First Book in English. Wisely-Griswold. Language . Lessons . Wisely: An English Grammar. Studies in the Science of English Grammar. . Beverley: Oral English, Book I for Teachers. Oral English, Book II for Pupils. GEOGRAPHY Niver: Stories of the Farm . Stories of Common Things GEOMETRY Shutts: Plane and Solid Geometry (Revised) Plane Geometry (Revised) . Solid Geometry (Revised) . . I .80 .60 .48 II .95 .72 .57 .90 .67 .54 .90 .67 .54 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .35 .26 .35 .26 .30 .22 .30 .22 1.25 .93 .75 .75 .56 .45 .75 .56 . 45 GERMAN Rathman, Hillenkamp, Dallmer. New German Readers: I. Fibel und Erstes Lesebuch.. II. Zweites Lesebuch . III. Drittes Lesebuch. .40 .50 .75 .30 .37 .56 .24 .30 .45 HISTORY Niver: Great Names and Nations, Ancient . Great Names and Nations, Modern Old World Steps to American History HOME ECONOMICS Izor. Costume Design and Home Planning. Daniels. Furnishing of a Modest Home. 40 .30 .24 40 .30 .24 60 .45 .36 .90 .67 1.00 .80 LATIN Hale: A First Latin Book. Latin Grammar . Latin Prose Composition READING Grover: Art Literature Primer. Art Literature First Reader. 1.00 .75 .60 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .37 .30 30 .22 .18 30 .22 .18 BARNES 43 Title of Book Chutter: Art Literature Second Reader . Art Literature Third Reader . Art Literature Fourth Reader . Art Literature Fifth Reader ... Grover: Folk Lore Primer . Folk Lore First Reader ... Folk Lore Second Reader . Folk Lore Third Reader . Van Amburgh. First Days in Reading. Ripley-Schneider: Art Music . Reader, Book I . Art Music Reader, Book II . Schaffner. Sam or Our Cat Tales. Jenks. The Childhood of Ji Shib. Perry. With Azir Girges in Egypt.. Krause. Manual of Moral and Humane Educa¬ tion . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 .30 .22 .18 .30 .'22 • .18 .40 .30 .24 .50 .37 .30 .25 .18 .15 .40 .30 .50 .37 .35 : .26 .35 .26 .40 .30 1.25 1.00 SCIENCE SERIES Conard. Loose Leaf Physics Manual (Glencoe). .50 .40 Darling. Loose Leaf Physical Geography Man¬ ual (Glencoe) . .60 .48 HISTORICAL SERIES Ivanhoe Historical Notebook, United States ... .30 .24 Ivanhoe Historical Notebook, General . .30 .24 Ivanhoe Historical Notebook, Ancient . .30 .24 Ivanhoe Historical Notebook, Medieval and Mod¬ ern . .30 .24 Ivanhoe Historical Notebook, English .. .30 .24 GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES Geographical Notebooks, Dodge Series: Parts I, II, III, IV, each.15 .12 Geographical Outline Maps, Lincoln Series, per 100 . 1.00 .80 A. S. BARNES COMPANY New York and Chicago (1922 Calumet Ave.) To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. BOOKS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ARITHMETIC The New Barnes Problem Books: Seventh Year, First Half . Seventh Year, Second Half . .. Eighth Year, First Half . Eighth Year, Second Half Bradbury: Sight Arithmetic . New Elementary Arithmetic. . . \ Practical Arithmetic . Nichols. New Graded Lessons: Three Part Edition Part One . Part Two. Part Three . 16 .12 16 .12 16 .12 16 .12 56 .42 .39 48 . 36 . 29 88 .66 .63 60 .45 .42 72 .54 .50 80 .60 .56 44 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest Title of Book Eight Book Edition Book One . Book Two . Book Three. Book Four .. Book Five . Book Six . Book Seven .... Book Eight . CIVICS McCarthy, Swan and McMullin. An Element¬ ary Civics ... Teacher’s Manual . INDUSTRIAL ART Snow & Froehlich. Industrial Art Text Books: Regular Edition for City Schools Part One, per dozen. Part Two, per dozen. Part Three, per dozen. Part Four, per dozen. Part Five, per dozen. Part Six, per dozen... Part Seven, per dozen. Part Eight, per dozen... Shorter Course for Rural and Village Schools Book One, per dozen. Book Two, per dozen. ... Book Three, per dozen. Book Four, per dozen. MUSIC Bentley. The Song Series: Song Primer—Teachers’ Edition . Song Series—Book One, for Second Grade.... Song Series—Book Two, for Third Grade. Rix: Junior Assembly Song Book . Junior Assembly Song Book — Teacher’s Edition Schoen and Gilbreath. Rural School Song Book Gehrkens. Music Notation and Terminology.... READERS Dressel, Robbins, & Graff: The New Barnes Readers Primer . .60 .45 Book One . .60 .45 Book Two .72 .54 Book Three . .88 .66 The Metcalf Call Readers Primer . .44 .33 First Reader . .48 .36 Second Reader. .52 .39 Third Reader .. .60 .45 Fourth Reader . .68 .51 Fifth Reader . .96 .72 READERS (Supplementary) Bentley & Johnson. Child World Primer. .40 .30 Bonser. Exmoor Star. .40 .30 Lang. De Foe’s Robinson Crusoe. .40 .30 Lang-Wyss. Swiss Family Robinson. .40 .30 Miller & Dunne: After Long Tears. .60 .45 In the Heart of the Forest. .60 .45 In the Service of the King. .60 .45 1.20 .90 .60 .45 .68 .51 .88 .66 1.60 1.20 .60 .45 1.20 .90 5.76 4.32 5.76 4.32 5.76 4.32 5.76 4.32 5.76 4.32 5.76 4.32 5.76 4.32 5.76 4.32 6.00 4.50 6.00 4.50 6.00 4.50 6.00 4.50 List Wholesale Price Price .48 .36 .52 .39 .56 .42 .60 .45 .60 .45 .60 .45 .72 .54 .72 .54 .96 .72 .28 _ Lowest Exchange Price .34 .36 .39 .42 .42 .42 .50 .50 .68 .42 .48 .53 .42 .42 .42 .50 .53 .31 .34 .36 .42 .48 . 69 BARNES 45 Title of Book SPELLERS Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price Richard, Willard & Brophy. The Ideal Spellers: Two Book Edition Primary Grades. Grammar Grades . Three Book Edition Book One . Book Two . Book Three. New Barnes Spelling Books: Book One . Book Twq . One Book Course. VOCATIONS Weaver & Byler. Profitable Vocations for Boys Weaver. Profitable Vocations for Girls. WRITING BOOKS The New Barnes V riting Books: Primer, per dozen.. Book One, per dozen. Book Two, per dozen . Book Three, per dozen. Teachers’ Manual, free. Muscular Movement Drill Book, per dozen. Teachers’ Manual, per dozen. .60 .45 .42 .72 .54 .50 .48 .36 .34 .52 .39 .36 .56 .42 .39 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 1 . .20 .90 . 1 . .20 .90 . 1.28 .96 1.28 .96 1.28 .96 1.28 .96 .96 .72 .96 .72 HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS ENGLISH Alshouse & Root. A Brief English Grammar... .28 Barnes English Texts: (Fairley Ed.) Treasure Island, Blanchard. .36 Silas Marner, Fairley. .36 Julius Caesar, Dawson. .36 Merchant of Venice, Gaston. .36 Macbeth, Vail. .36 Boswell: Life of Johnson, Center. .36 The Raven, Miles Standish, Snowbound. .36 .21 .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 .27 MATHEMATICS Bradbury: Academic Geometry, Plane and Soiid. Academic Geometry... Bradbury & Cogswell. Lessons in Number Bradbury & Emery: Algebra lor Beginners. .. Academic Algebra . 1.40 1.00 .36 .80 1.44 1.05 .75 .27 .60 1.08 .98 .70 .26 .56 1.01 MUSIC Rix: Assembly Song Book. High School Assembly Song Book 1.20 .90 .84 ' 1.40 1.05 .98 PHYSIOLOGY Hallock. First Lessons in Physiology. .40 .30 Rettger. Elements of Physiology and Sanitation 1.20 .90 .24 .72 46 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS BENZIGER brothers 205-207 W. Washington St., Chicago, 111. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ARITHMETICS Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Benziger’s Graded Arithmetics: Third Grade . _ $0.25 $0.20 $0.12 Fourth Grade . .25 .20 .12 Fifth Grade . .30 .24 .14 2/5 Sixth Grade. .30 .24 .14 2/5 Seventh Grade . .35 .28 .16 4/5 Eighth Grade . Wade’s Three Book Series of Arithmetic: .35 .28 .16 4/5 Primary Arithmetic .. .30 .25 .15 Intermediate Arithmetic . . . .. .40 .35 .21 Advanced Arithmetic . _ .65 .55 .33 CATECHISMS De Harbe’s Small Catechism . .15 .12 .07 1/5 De Harbe’s Large Catechism ... .20 .18 .10 4/5 Groening’s Small Catechism . .10 .07 .04 1/5 Groening’s Large Catechism . .20 .16 .09 3/5 De Harbe’s Small German-English Catechism. . . .15 .13 .07 4/5 De Harbe’s Large German-English Catechism.. .30 .24 .14 2/5 Groening’s Small German Catechism. .10 .07 .04 1/5 Groening’s Small German-English Catechism... .15 .13 .07 4/5 Groening’s Large German Catechism. .20 .16 .09 3/5 Groening’s Large German-English Catechism.... .30 .23 .13 ,4/5 GEOGRAPHIES Benziger’s Geography Advanced . Benziger’s Geography Elementary HISTORIES Bible History German . Bible History German with appendix Bible History Gilmore’s . Primary U. S. History. School History of the U. S. 25 1.05 .63 55 .45 .27 35 .27 .16 1/5 40 .33 .19 4/5 40 .33 .19 4/5 35 .30 .18 70 .60 .36 READERS Catholic National Readers: Primer, Cloth Cover. First Reader. Second Reader . Third Reader . Fourth Reader . Fifth Reader . Sixth Reader . New Century Readers: First Reader . Second Reader . Third Reader . Fourth Reader . Fifth Reader . New German-English Readers: I Book . II Book . III Book . IV Book. . V Book . VI Book . .15 .10 .06 .20 . 15 .09 .30 .24 .14 2/5 .35 .30 .18 .45 .36 .21 3/5 .65 ' .54 .32 2/5 ,85 .70 .42 .25 .20 .12 .35 .2.8 .16 4/5 .45 .36 .21 3/5 55 .45 .27 70 .60 .36 20 .15 .09 25 .20 .12 35 .30 .18 45 .35 .21 50 .40 .24 60 .50 .30 BERRY—BIRCHARD—BLAKISTON 47 Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price German First Reader . .15 .11 German Second Reader . .21 .21 German Third Reader. .55 .45 German Fourth Reader . .95 .80 SPELLERS Primary Speller. .20 .16 New Speller and Word Book... .25 .18 B. D. BERRY COMPANY 623 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. W. H. Elson and Sarah H. Haste. Elson’s Spell¬ ing Book . $0.56 $0.42 B. D. Berry, J. H. Woodruff, and H. W. Flick- inger. Berry’s Writing Books, Fuller Course, New Edition, Twelve Book Series: Nos. 1, iy 2 , 2, 2y 2 , 3, 3%, 4, 4%, 5, 5y 2 , 6, and 6V 2 , per dozen. 1.28 .96 B. D. Berry, J. H. Woodruff, and H. W. Flick- inger. Berry’s Writing Books, Fuller, New Edition. Six Book Series: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, per dozen. 1.92 1.44 J. Y. Denney and S. B. Tobey. English Grammar .80 .60 Ellen Schmidt. A Dramatic Reader, Book 3.... .48 .36 Louis M. Thurstone. Freehand Lettering. .40 .30 C. C. BIRCHARD & COMPANY 221 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. To be furnished f. o. b. f.c Boston, Mass. W. JU Tomlins: Laurel Song Book . $1.00 $0.75 Laurel Music Reader . .60 .45 M. T. Armitage: Laurc: Songs for Girls. .80 .60 Laurel Unison Book for Boys, Students’ Edition .60 .45 Junior Laurel Songs. .55 .41 McConathy. School Song Book. .65 .49 P. BLAKISTON’S SON & COMPANY 1012 Walnut St., Philadelphia, I*a. To be furnished f. o. b. at Philadelphia, Pa. Ahrens, Harley & Burns. Practical Physics Manual . $1.25 $0.93 Barker. Plane Trigonometry with Tables. 1.00 .75 Clute. Experimental General Science. 1.00 .75 Delano. Home Care of the Sick, paper. .60 .45 Fish. American Red Cross Textbook on Home Dietetics . .75 .56 Galloway. Elementary Zoology. 1.25 .93 Holmes. Elements of Animal Biology. 1.35 1.01 Lowest Exchange Price .06 3/5 .12 3/5 .28 4/5 .48 .09 3/5 .10 4/5 $0.39 .56 $0.65 .39 .56 .39 .35 V. • 42y 2 $0.65 .52 .52 .39 .65 .70 48 PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Lynch & Shields: American Red Cross Abridged Textbook on First Aid, General Edi. (2nd Edi.). American Red Cross Abridged Textbook on First Aid, Woman’s Edi. (2nd Edi.). Roray: Industrial Arithmetic for Girls . Industrial Arithmetic for Boys . Tower, Smith & Turton. Principles of Physics.. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .35 .26 .35 .26 .75 .56 .39 .75 .56 .39 1*25 . .93 .65 THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY Indianapolis, Indiana AGRICULTURE Benson & Betts’ Agriculture. Quick. Fairview Idea . CIVICS Lapps’ Elements of Civics. COMMERCIAL Campbell: Actual Accounting, Text .. Actual Accounting, Text and Outfit for Busi¬ ness Practice .... Modern Business Punctuation with Exercises for "Punctuation . Modern Business Punctuation. Exercises for Punctuation. Curtis. Modern Business Arithmetic. Erskine. Modern Business Correspondence. Fritch’s. Quick Figuring. Gilbert: Modern Business Bookkeeping. Twenty Lessons in" Bookkeeping. Business Practice Outfit for Twenty Lessons.. Kimball: Modern Business Speller, second edition. Modern Business English.„• Nelson. Commercial Arithmetic . Superior Spelling Blank. Spencer: Elements of Commercial Law. Manual of Commercial Law, second edition... Modern Business Law. Taylor. Natural Method of. Shorthand, 4th edi- Van OI Benthuy sen’s 'Touch Typewriting, 2nd edi¬ tion .. ENGLISH Burton’s Forces in Fiction. Dye’s Letters and Letter Writing. Merrill’s The Man Shakespeare. Perry’s Carlyle: How to Know Him. Phelps’ Browning: How to Know Him. Rives’ Tales from Dickens. Dowden’s Shakespeare, the volume each. FINE ARTS—SUPI’Ll Brooks’ Architecture and Allied Arts... Wheelock’s Stories of Wagner’s Operas. $1.06 $0.80 $0.53 1.50 1.20 o 00 .60 .40 2.00 1.50 1.00 6.00 4.50 .40 .25 .15 .. 25 .15 .10 .25 .15 .10 1.00 .50 .40 .50 .30 .25 .50 .25 .20 1.50 1.00 .75 .75 .50 .40 2.50 1.88 .40 .25 .50 .30 .25 1.00 .60 .50 .10 .06 1.25 .80 .65 2.00 1.60 1.00 .75 .60 .45 1.00 .80 .50 .75 .50 .40 1.00 .67 1.00 .67 1.50 1.1250 1.50 1.1250 1.50 1.1250 1.50 1.1250 1.25 .9375 iTARY 2.00 1.60 1.50 1.00 CENTURY 49 Title of Book McMurry: Language . Grammar . GRAMMAR PEDAGOGY Betts’ Class Room Method and Management. Betts & Hall’s Better Rural Schools. Cook & O’Shea’s The Child and His Spelling.... King’s The High School Age. Kirkpatrick’s The Use of Money. Lapp & Mote’s Learning to Earn. O’Shea’s Everyday Problems in Teaching. Schoff’s The Wayward Child. Stoner’s Natural Education. Holmes’ Backward Children. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 40 .30 .20 60 .45 .30 1.25 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.50 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . 1.25 1.00 . READERS Alexander’s Child Classics Readers: Manual . Primer . First Reader . Second Reader . Third Reader . Fourth Reader . Fifth Reader . Sixth Reader . Word and Picture Cards, Set No. 1, Primer. . . . Phonetic Drill* Cards, Set No. 2, Primer. Phonetic Drill Cards, Set No. 3, First Reader. . Seat Work Cards, Primer . Seat Work Cards, First Reader . 25 .20 30 .18 35 .19 40 .25 50 .31 55 .41 .27 60 .45 .30 65 .49 .33 80 .64 50 .40 40 .32 .05 .04 .05 .04 READERS—SUPPLEMENTARY The Riley Reader. .60 .40 Cook-O’Shea-Holbrook: Everyday Spelling, Book I Everyday Spelling, Book II Everyday Spelling, Book III Everyday Spelling, Book IY SPELLER .25 .25 .25 .25 .20 .20 .20 .20 .14 .14 . 1|4 .14 CENTURY COMPANY 353 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. To be furnished f. o. b. at New York, N. Y. ALGEBRA Long & Brenke. Algebra First Course. $1.30 $0.97 $0.91 ARITHMETIC Werremeyer. Arithmetic by Practice. .70 .52 .49 CHEMISTRY Alexander Smith: Elementary Chemistry . 1.60 1.20 1.12 Laboratory Outline of Elementary Chemistry. Laboratory Outline of Elementary Chemistry .70 .52 .49 (Interleaved Ed.) . .80 .60 .56 50 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price CIVICS AND GOVERNMENT Forman: Advanced Civics . The American Republic. Kaye: Readings in Civil Government DOMESTIC SCIENCE Kittredge: Practical Homemaking . .,. Second Course in Homemaking. ENGLISH Erskine. Written English . Greever & Jones. The Century Handbook of Writing ... Hinchman: A History of English Literature. A History of English and American Literature Holtz. Constructive English Grammar. Thorndike. The Elements of Rhetoric and Com¬ position ... Law. Modern Short Stories...... GEOMETRY Failor: Plane and Solid Geometry. Plane Geometry. Solid Geometry . Long & Brenke. Plane Geometry. HISTORY Forman: First Lessons in American History. A History of the United States. Advanced American History. SEWING Schmit. Garments for Girls 1.50 1.12 1.05 1.35 1.01 .94 1.50 1.12 1.05 .90 .67 .63 1.00 .75 .70 .55 .41 .38 1.00 .75 .70 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.75 1.31 1.22 .75 .56 .52 1.50 1.12 1.05 1.10 .82 .77 1 .60 1.20 1.12 1 , .20 .90 .94 .95 .71 .66 i! ,20 .90 .94 .90 .67 .63 1.35 1.01 .94 1.90 1.42 1.33 1.25 .93 .87 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Babbitt. Jataka Tales (School Ed.). Barstow: Famous Pictures (School Ed.). Century Readings in U. S. History (Retold from The Century Magazine) Explorers and Settlers. The Colonists and The Revolution. A New Nation. The Westward Movement . The Civil War . The Progress of a United People. Crommelin. Famous Legends . Forman. Stories of Useful Inventions (School Ed.) .:. Judd & Moses. Palmer Cox Brownie Primer.... Lutkenhaus & Knox: Story and Play Readers, Vol. I . Story and Play Readers, Vol. II . Story and Play Readers, Vol. Ill . Sharp: Beyond the Pasture Bars. A Watcher in the Woods (School Edition).... Smith. North America . Washburne & Washburne. The Story of the Earth . .50 .37 .80 .60 .76 .57 .76 .57 .76 .57 .76 .57 .76 .57 .76 .57 .76 .57 .80 .60 .60 .45 .70 .52 .70 .52 .70 .52 .76 .57 .40 .30 .76 .57 .60 .45 COLLEGE PRESiS—EDUCATIONAL 51 THE COLLEGE PRESS Appleton, Wisconsin To be furnished f. o. b. at Appleton or Eau Claire, Wis. Title of Book D. O. Kinsman: Essentials of Civics. The Local Governments of Wisconsin Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.15 .90 .35 .30 EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY 2457—2459 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ARITHMETIC Braden Number Reader. Cutler. Primary Arithmetic . Eaton: Drill Problems in Arithmetic—Book I . . Drill Problems in Arithmetic—Book II .. Williams. Mental Drill Book in Arithmetic $0.40 $0.30 $0.24 .15 . 11 .40 .30 .,40 .30 .40 .30 .24 CLASSICS (See Classics listed at end of list of Educational Publishing Company) CIVICS Hewitt. Government of Wisconsin and the United States . .40 .30 DRAWING ugsuuig. Teachers’ Manual I—Covering grades 1, 2, 3.. Teachers’ Manual II—Covering Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 *.. Teachers’ Manual III—Covering grades 1 to 8, supplementary to Manuals I and II. Shorter Course Practice Tablets, including practice paper. (Old) , Tablet 1—First Grade . Tablet 2—Second Grade . Tablet 3—Third Grade . Tablet 4—Fourth Grade. Tablet 5—Fifth Grade . Tablet 6—Sixth Grade . Tablet 7—Seventh Grade . Tablet 8—Eighth Grade . Tablets 1 to 8 inclusive, per dozen. New Shorter Course Practice Tablets, includ¬ ing practice paper. (New) First Year . Second Year . Third Year .. . Fourth Year . Fifth Year. Sixth Year. Seventh Year . Eighth Year . New Shorter Course Practice Tablets, Nos. 1 to 8, inclusive, per dozen. .75 .56 .75 .56 .75 .56 .15 . .15 . .15 . .15 . .15 . .15 . .15 . .15 . 1.20 .20 .20 . 2o .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 1.80 52 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Textbooks in Drawing: First Year Textbook . Usual List Price .50 .50 Lowest Wholesale Price .35 .35 Lowest Exchange Price .50 .35 PnnrtVi Voqt’ TPYthnnk .50 .35 J? OU. I L11 JLtJctl l CAUJUun.. • . T7if r h Vaq r TPYthonk .50 .35 Qi-vf-Vi "Vaqv 'Pp'vtVinnlc .50 .35 oixtll Icdi _L CALUUUA • • • • • Vno r TPYthnok .50 .35 OOVOIlLIl i tJctx 1 caluuuiy . . T?io*'hfVi "V o q r* HT ay tVino .50 .35 Pi 1 gll 111 X tJctl 1 CAlUUUJtV . • . TJo-nrl .75 .56 ENGLISH Rankin: Everyday English—Book Everyday English — Book I .... .50 .37 ' .30 n .60 .45 .36 .25 .18 jl CaCilcrb Xlclpcl . .15 .11 Shallies. Outlines for Elementary English. . . . .40 .30 GEOGRAPHY Fairbanks’ Home Geography for Primary Grades .. Rocheleau’s Geography of Commerce and In¬ dustry . MANUAL TRAINING Richardson: Elementary Knife Work Advanced Knife Work. . .60 .45 .36 1.00 .75 .60 .25 .19 .25 .19 PENMANSHIP Smith. Loose Leaf Copy Books: Book III—-Grade 3 . Book IV—Grade 4 . Book V—Grade 5 .*. Book VI—Grade 6 . Book VII—Grade 7 . Books III; IV, V, VI and VII, per dozen Smith. Loose Leaf Copy Slips. .10 . .10 . .10 . .10 . .10 . .96 .25 .18 PHYSICAL CULTURE Johnson and Colby. Educational Gymnastic Play for Little Folks. Nissen. Swedish System of Educational Gym¬ nastics . Riley. Right Dress . Toepel: . . Graded System of Physical Training — Manual for Teachers . Eight Graded Pupils’ Booklets, Nos. 1 to 8, inclusive. Each . .60 .75 .50 .50 .20 .45 .56 .37 .37 .15 .12 READING (Basic) Burke: Foundation Readers — Primer .• . Foundation Readers — Book II . Foundation Readers — Book III . Foundation Readers — Book IV . Chadwick. Little People’s Sound Primer - Klingensmith: Eureka Primer . Eureka First Reader . .30 .22 .18 .30 .22 .18 .40 .30 .24 ,50 .37 .30 .30 .22 .18 30 .22 .18 30 .22 .18 EDUCATIONAL. 53 Title of Book Sprague. Classic Readers: Book I . Book II . Book III . Book IV—Part I . Book IV—Part II. Book V—Part I .. . Book V—Part II . Book IV—Complete . Book V—Complete . Standard Classic Readers: Fourth Tear . Fifth Tear . Sixth Tear. Seventh Tear . Eighth Tear. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .30 .22 .18 . 35 .27 .21 .35 .27 .21 .35 .27 .2 L .35 .27 .21 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .60 .45 .36 .70 .52 .42 .40 .30 .24 .40 .30 .24 .45 .33 .27 .50 .37 .30 .50 .37 .30 SEWING Krolik. Hand Sewing Lessons SPELLERS Lewis. Utility Speller—Complete . McLoughlin: Ed. The New Dewey Speller Complete. The New Dewey Speller—Part I . The New Dewey Speller—Part II . Moore. Graded Spellers—Seven Booklets for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades, respectively, each. Per dozen . Washburn. A Complete Dictation Speller by Grades: Bonk I—Second Tear—First Half—Second Half .. Book II—Third Tear—First Half—Second Half Book Three—Fourth Tear—First Half—Second Book IV—Fifth Tear—First Half—Second Book V—Sixth Tear—First Half—Second Half Book VI—Seventh Tear 1 —First Half—Second Half . Book VII—Eighth Tear—First Half—Second Half . The Complete Dictation Speller by Grades, Books I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII, bound in manila—Each . CLASSICS Standard Classics — Twenty-five selections from twenty authors . Holmes. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table— Com¬ plete with introduction and notes, 315 pages.. Parkman. Oregon Trail —Complete with intro¬ duction and notes, 440 pages. Scott. Ivanhoe— Complete with introduction and notes, 608 pages. Stevenson: Kidnapped — 263 pages . Treasure Island, 221 pages. English and American Classics, Cloth. Each. 50 .37 25 .18 .15 25 .18 .15 15 .11 .09 15 .11 .09 nr; . 60 .45 25 .18 .15 25 .18 .15 25 .18 .15 25 .18 .15 25 .18 .15 25 .18 .15 25 .18 .15 15 .11 .09 50 .37 50 .37 50 .37 50 .37 40 .30 40 .30 25 .17 TITLES OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CLASSICS Addison—Sir Roger de Coverley — Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Arnold—Sohrab and Rustum. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Ascham—Schoolmaster. Edited by Prof. H. Morley. Bacon—Selected Essays. Edited by Henry Evans. 54 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Brown—Rab and His Friends. • _ , .. Browning-—Pippa Passes. With introduction and notes by L. E. Boutweii. Cavalier Tunes, Pied Piper of Hamelin. Notes by Eaton. Bryant—Thanatopsis, Sella and Other Poems. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Burke—Speech on Conciliation. Edited with introduction and notes. Essay on Sublime and Beautiful. Introduction by Prof. H. Morley. Byron—Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. Edited by Prof. H. Morley. Prisoner of Chillon. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Bunvan—-Pilgrim’s Progress. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Carlyle—Essay on Burns. Edited with introduction and notes. Heroes and Hero Worship—2 volumes. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Chaucer—Prologue to Canterbury Tales. Edited by E. F. Willoughby. Coleridge—Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Notes and introduction by Eaton. Cowper—The Task and Other Poems. Introduction by Prof. Morley. De Foe—Robinson Crusoe. Introduction and notes. De Quincey—Revolt of the Tartars. Edited with introduction and notes. Dickens—Cricket on the Hearth—Text complete without notes. Christmas Carol—With Sketch of Dickens’ Life. Dryden—Palamon and Arcite. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Alexander’s Feast and Other Poems. With introduction. Eliot—Silas Marner. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Emerson—Nature Essays. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Ewing—Story of a Short Life. Edited. Jackanapes—Edited by E. Norris. Franklin—Autobiography of Franklin. Gaskell—Cranford. With introduction and notes. Goethe—Sorrows of Werter. Edited by Prof. Morley. Goldsmith—Vicar of Wakefield. With introduction and notes by J. Keysor. Deserted Village, Traveler. Good-Natured Man. Notes. She Stooos to Conauer. With notes and introduction. Hakluyt—Vovaerers’ Tales. With introduction. Hale—Man Without a Country. With introduction and notes by E. I. Revell. Hawthorne: Twice Told Tales—I. Twice Told Tales—II. House of the Seven Gables—I. House of the Seven Gables—II. Wonder Book. Texts complete without notes. Irving: Knickerbocker’s Historv of New Vork, Volumes I and II. Sketch Book—Part I—Edited by M. A. Eaton. Sketch Book—Part II—Edited by M. A. Eaton. Tales of a Traveler—Vol. I. Introduction and notes bv Eaton. Tales of a Traveler—Vol. II. Introduction and notes by Eaton. Johnson—Rasselas, the Prince of Abyssinia. Edited by Prof. Morley. Lamb: Essays of Elia. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Tales from Shakespeare—Vol. I. By Charles and Mary Lamb. Tales fromShakespeare—Vol. II. By Charles and Mary Lamb. Lessing—Nathan the Wise. A dramatic poem in five acts. With introduction by Prof. H. Morley. Longfellow: Hiawatha. With notes. Evangeline. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Courtship of Miles Standish. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Tales of a Wayside Inn. With introduction and notes bv M. A. E'aton. Lowell—Vision of Sir Laiinfal. With notes and introduction by M. A. Eaton. Macaulay: Life of Johnson. Introduction and notes by John Downie. Essay on Milton. Introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Life of Goldsmith. Introduction and notes by John Downie. Essay on Addison. Introduction and notes bv 1ST. A. Eaton. Francis Bacon. With introduction by Prof. Morleja Warren Hastings. With introduction by Prof. H. Morley. Lays of Ancient Rome. With introduction by Donald G. Mitchell. Milton: Paradise Lost. Books I and II. Edited with introduction and notes. Paradise Lost. Books I and VI. A Compendium of Milton’s great work carefully edited, with notes. Min or Po ems. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Mitchell—Reveries of a Bachelor. Mulock—Little Lame Prince. Edited for children by E. Norris. EDUCATIONAL 5b Raven and Other Poems. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Tales. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Pope: Rape of the Lock. Edited by Frederick Ryland. Translation of the Iliad. Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Ruskin: King- of the Golden River. Edited for children by Elois McVay. Sesame and Lilies. With introduction and notes by Jennie Keysor. Scott: Marmion. With introduction and notes. Lay of the Last Minstrel. With introduction and notes. Lady of the Lake. With introduction and notes. Sewell—-Black Beauty. Illustrated. Southey—Life of Nelson. Edited by Prof. Morley. Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra. Edited with introduction and notes by Eaton. As You Like It. Edited, with introduction and notes by Lionel W. Lyde, M. A., Sometime Exhibitioner of Queen’s College, Oxford. Cymbeline—Edited, with notes by W. F. Baugust. Hamlet—Edited with notes and introduction by Lionel W. Lyde, M. A. Henry VIII—Edited with introduction and notes by G. H. Ely, B. A. Julius Caesar—Edited with introduction by Walter Dent. King Henry V—Edited by W. Barry, B. A., with introduction and notes. Coriolanus—Edited with introduction and notes by Walter Dent. King John—Edited with notes and introduction by F. E. Webb, B. A. King Lear—Edited with introduction and notes by Herbert A. Evans, B. A. Baliol College. Oxford, editor of English Masoues. King Richard II—Edited with introduction and notes by Barry. King Richard III—Edited with introduction and notes by F. E. Webb, B. A. Macbeth—Edited with introduction and notes by H. C. Notcutt, B. A. Merchant of Venice—Edited with introduction and notes by G. H. Ely, B. A., formerly Assistant Master in the United Westminster Schools. Midsummer Night’s Dream—Edited with introduction and notes by W. F. Bau- gust, Chief Master of Modern Subjects. United Westminster Schools. Much Ado About Nothing—Edited by M. A. Eaton. Othello—Edited with notes and introduction by M. A. Eaton. Romeo and Juliet—Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Taming of the Shrew—Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Two Gentlemen of Verona—Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Twelfth Night—With introduction and notes by Elizabeth Lee. The Tempest—Edited with introduction and notes by Elizabeth Lee. The Winter’s Tale—Edited with introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. Spenser: The Faery Queene. Book I—Vol. I. The Faery Queen. Book I—Vol. II. Edited by William Keith Leask, M. A. Swift: Gulliver’s Travels—Voyage to Lilliput. Gulliver Among the Giants. Tennyson: The Princess—Introduction and notes. Idylls of the King—I. Coming of Arthur; Gareth and Lynette, Geraint and Enid. With introduction and notes. Idylls of the King—II. Lancelot and Elaine; The Holy Grail; The Passing of Arthur. With introduction and notes. Enoch Arden—Introduction and notes. Whittier—Snow Bound and Other Poems. With introduction and notes. Webster—Bunker Hill Oration. With introduction and notes by M. A. Eaton. SCHOOL CLASSICS Title of Book Single copies by mail Per dozen . Catalog Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchangte Price Price Price $0.06 . . .60 $0.45 ...... First Grade No. 2—Aesop’s Fables — Part I 3—Aesop’s Fables — Part II 11 — Selections from Aesop — Part I 12 — Selections from Aesop — Part IT 73—Story of the Buds PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS 56 74-—What Annie Saw. (Nature Stories) 77—Flower Friends—Part I 109— The Butterfly Baby 110— Plant Babies 143— Babes in the Woods 144— Babes of the Meadow 215—Butterfly’s Home Second Grade No. 7—Little Red Riding Hood 8— Jack and the Beanstalk 75— Roots and Stems 76— Bird Friends 78— Flower Friends—Part II 79— Flower Friends—Part III 87—Legend of the Springtime—Part I 185— Robinson Crusoe—Part I 186— Robinson Crusoe—Part II 187— Robinson Crusoe—Part III 188— Robinson Crusoe—Part IV 189— Children of History—Part I 190— Children of History—Part II 196—Legend of Springtime—Part II 198—Flower World 1—Grimm’s Fairy Tales—Part I 4—Grimm’s Fairy Tales—Part II 9— Story of Bryant 13— Selections from Grimm—Part I 14— Selections from Grimm—'Part II Third Grade No. 20—Stories from Garden and Field—Part I 21—Stories from Garden and Field—Part II 25— Story of 1 Columbus 26— Story of Israel Putnam 27— Story of William Penn 28— Story of Washington 29— Story of Franklin 30— Story of Webster 31— Story of Lincoln 35— Story of Lowell 36— Story of Tennyson 42— Story of Whittier 43— Story of Cooper 44— Story of Fulton 45— Story of the Pilgrims 46— Story of the Boston Tea Party 48—Story of Eli Whitney 60— Story of Edison 61— Story of Hawthorne 62— Story of S. F. B. Morse 63— Story of Louisa M. Alcott 64— Story of James Watt 68— Story of the Norsemen 69— rPuss in Boots 70— Story of Stephenson 71— Story of Irving 72— Story of Pocahontas 81—Story of Cyrus W. Field 95— Story of the Revolution—Part I (Lexington and Concord) 96— Story of the Revolution—Part II (British Driven from Boston) 101—Story of the Revolution—Part III (Battle of Long Island) 120—Liberty Bell 139— Lucy’s Wonderful Globe—Part I 140— Lucy’s Wonderful Globe—Part II 141— Lucy’s Wonderful Globe—Part III Fourth Grade No. 22—Hawthorne’s Golden Touch 82— Story of Holmes 83— Story of La Salle 89—Story of Longfellow EDUCATIONAL 57 90— De Soto 91— Marquette 98— Story of Boone 99— Pioneers of the West 100—Fremont and Carson 103— Stories and Rhymes of Woodland—Part I 104— Stories and Rhymes of Woodland—Part II 105— Stories and Rhymes of Birdland—Part I 106— Stories and Rhymes of Birdland—Part II 107— Stories and Rhymes of Flowerland—Part I 108— Stories and Rhymes of Flowerland—Part II 125—Selections from Longfellow 193—Joan of Arc Fifth Grade No. 23—Hawthorne’s Three Golden Apples 24—Hawthorne’s Miraculous Pitcher 33— The Chimaera 34— Paradise of Children 92—Audubon 97—Jefferson 102—Nathan Hale 130— La Fayette 131— Farragut 147—Dickens Sixth Grade No. 15—Legend of Sleepy Hollow 16—Rip Van Winkle, etc. (Irving) 32—King of the Golden River 47—Rab and His Friends 50—Christmas Eve, etc. (Irving) 54— Pied Piper of Hamelin 55— John Gilpin, etc. (Cowper) 57—Lady of the Lake—Canto I 67—Thanatopsis. 84— The Minotaur—HaTyihorne 85— Pygmies—Hawthorne 86— The Dragon’s Teeth (Hawthorne) 93— The Great Stone Face 94— The Snow Image 126—Selections from Longfellow 129—Great Carbuncle (Hawthorne) Seventh Grade No. 17—Philip of Pokanoket (Irving) 6—Lays of Ancient Rome 10—Enoch Arden 18—The Voyage, etc. (Irving) 40— The Ancient Mariner 41— Evangeline 66—Declaration of Independence and Washington’s Farewell Address 145— Life of Grant 146— Life of Washington 148—Culprit Fay 175— Paul Jones 176— Life of Lincoln 177— Life of Hancock 195—George Dewey 197—Oliver Hazard Perry 203—Life of Madison < 205—Peter the Great 220— Henry Hudson 221— Patrick Henry FigiHh Grade No. 19—Deserted Village 51—As You Like It (Lamb) 56—The Elegy, etc. (Gray) 80—Cotter’s Saturday Night (Burns) 111—Prisoner of Chillon 58 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS 142—Speeches of Lincoln 178— The Minister’s Black Veil, Sights from a Steeple (Hawthorne) 179— Julius Caesar 180— Richard the II 184—Thomas Jefferson 191— Prophetic Pictures, David Swan (Hawthorne) 192— John and Samuel Adams 194—Life of Hamilton 204—Selections from Reading in Teachers’ Institutes 210— Howe’s Masquerade (Hawthorne) 211— Lady Eleanore’s Mantle, Old Dudley (Hawthorne) High School No. 49—L’Allegro 53—Henry VIII 58— Lady of the Lake—Canto 2 59— Lady of the Lake—Canto 3 65—Sir Roger de Coverley 88—Vision of Sir Launfal 112— Lady of the Lake—Canto 4 113— Lady of the Lake—Canto 5 114— Lady of the Lake—Canto 6 181— Southey’s Shorter Poems 182— The Lay of Virginia 183— The Prophecy of Capys 207— Frederick Douglass 208— Mutabilitj’- of Literature—Art of Book Making—Christmas—Stage Coach (Irving) 209— Readings from Irving’s Sketch Book 218—Laodamia (Wordsworth) 228—Snow-Bound A. FLANAGAN COMPANY 521 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. AGRICULTURE Title of Book Nida. Elementary Agriculture Usual List Price $0.60 Lowest Wholesale Price $0.45 Lowest Exchange Price $0.36 COMPOSITION AND LITERATURE McFee. Studies in English and American Lit¬ erature . 1.00 .75 Peterson. First Steps in English Composition. .40 .30 DRAWING Graded Drawing and Construction Books: Books 1, 2, 3, 4.15 .11 Books 5, 6, 7, 8.20 .15 HISTORY Smith. The Making of Wisconsin .60 .45 ORTHOGRAPHY Winchell. Orthography, Etymology and Punc¬ tuation . .60 .46 .60 .24 .36 .36 FLANAGAN 59 Title of Book SPELLING O’Brien. Willard Word Book (Series): Book One and Two, each... Teachers’ Manual . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 15 .11 .09 05 .04 SUPPLEMENTARY READERS Nature and Science Boyle. Outdoor Secrets . Cooke. Nature Myths and Stories. Hicks. Nature and History Stories.... Howliston. Cat Tails and Other Tales.. Livingstone. Glimpses of Pioneer Life .35 .26 .35 .26 .25 .18 .40 .30 .40 .30 Bird and Animal Tales Craik. Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew . -25 Parker. Our Friends, The Birds. .50 Sewell. Bonny Prince . .35 Simmerman. Story of Two Kittens. .30 Smith: Bunny Boy and Grizzly Bear. .25 Bunny Bright Eyes. .25 Circus Book (The) . .35 Little Bear . .30 Seventeen Little Bears. .30 Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail. .25 Three Little Cotton-Tails. .25 .18 .37 .26 .22 .18 .18 .26 .22 .22 .18 .18 Readers and Story Books Banta and Benson: Brownie Primer (The) . .35 Second Brownie Book. .35 Jacobs. Art and Life Primer. .30 Maguire. Two Little Indians. .30 Nida. Ab, The Cave Man. .50 Smith. Hawk-Eye, An Indian Story Reader.... .30 .26 .26 .22 .22 .37 .22 Geography, Travel and Industry Codd.With Evans to the Pacific. .50 .37 Library of Travel Series George. Nineteen Volumes, each. .50 .37 Alaska and Canada (George and Kern) China and Japan England and Wales Cuba and Porto Rico France and Switzerland Germany Hawaii and the Philippines Holland, Belgium and Denmark (George and Dean) Italy, Spain and Portugal (George and Whit¬ comb) Mexico and Central America Northern Wilds (Felix J. Koch) Norway and Sweden Russia and Austria (George and Koch) Scotland and Ireland (George and Whitcomb) South Africa and Up the East Coast (White & Smith) Turkey, The Balkans and Greece (George and Koch) Our Western Wonderland — California (Koch) 60 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Through the Great Southwest (Koch) Some Strange Places and Peoples in Our Southwestern Land (New Mexico and Ari¬ zona) James Kirby. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard. Muller: Little People of Japan. Little People of the Snow. Story of Akimakoo . Story of Wretched Flea: A Chinese Boy. Starr. Mustafa, The Egyptian Boy.. Usual List Price .40 .40 .40 .35 .35 .40 Lowest Wholesale Price .30 .30 .30 .26 .26 .30 Great American Industries Rocheleau: Minerals . Products of the Soil Manufactures . Transportation .... 50 .37 50 .37 50 .37 60 .45 Famous Stories and Literature Conover. Evangeline .•. Cowles. Robinson Crusoe Reader- Ue la Rame: Dog of Flanders. Nurnberg Stove... Hale. Man Without a Country. Stevenson. Child’s Garden of Verses .25 .18 .30 .22 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .40 .30 History and Biography Ellis. Lives of the Presidents. McFee. American Heroes from History.* .37 .45 Mythology and Fable Allison. Sixteen Stories . Bones. Fairy Tales from Andersen. Boyle. Calendar Stories . •••••••• Gardner. Work That is Play (Dramatic Reader) Klingensmith. Household Stories . .25 .40 .30 .35 .35 .18 .30 .22 .26 .26 Bible Stories Herbst. Tales and Customs of the Ancient He¬ brews . .26 CLASSICS LITTLE CLASSICS 'ive-Cent Edition: . 05 .03 Aesop’s Fables . . 05 .03 Old Time Stones . . 05 .03 The btory oi ivio&eo. . 05 .03 First Steps in Reading . Jack and the Beanstalk. .05 .05 .03 .03 Three Fairy Stones. .05 .03 The Story of Joseph. .05 .03 Hiawatha and its Author. . 05 .03 . 05 . 03 Our Little bisters ana niciwduia. . 06 .03 ij-rizziy .. .05 .03 JL he bquiri ei ana mo huiuc. . Pussy Willow and Wake-Robin . . 05 . 05 .03 .03 . 05 .03 Stories ADOUi .. m i, _ "Di If nr P' y»AOQ Cl FI ll R OSPS . .. . 05 .03 i lie ± 51 1 ter- i emu .. The Life of Bob the Cat . . 05 .03 Lowest Exchange Price FLANAGAN 61 Title of Book Whittier and His Snow-Bound. Thanksgiving- Stories . Mr. and Mrs Stout of Beaver Dam, and How Jack Rabbit Lost His Tail. . The Story of Two Little Rabbits. The Three Misses Cottontail and King Rabbit Modern Fables . The Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail.. How Bee Martin Became King of the Birds. . . . Third Grade Selections for Memorizing and Dramatization . Fairy Tales No. 1. Fairy Tales No. 2. Story of Longfellow. Stories from Andersen. The Little Fir Tree and Other Stories from Andersen . How Little Cedric Became a Knight. Longfellow and the Story of Hiawatha. Stories of Old New England. The Coming of the Christ-Child. Christmas Stories . Alan’s Jungle Story. Arthur, The Hero King. Stories of Sir Launcelot. The Brave Sir Fair Hands. The Rebellion in Toyland. The Story of a Beehive. The Little Story Reader. The Spring Beauty and the Anemone. Stories about Birds... Stories of *76. The Golden-rod and Aster. Some of our Birds. The Story of Daniel Boone . American Naval Heroes. Fourth and Fifth Grade Selections for Mem^ orizing . Our Pilgrim Forefathers. The Story of Lincoln. The Story of Washington. The Story of Franklin. A Longfellow Booklet... The Norse Seamen and Christopher Columbus The Story of Grace Darling and Florence Nightingale . The Doll’s Calendar. The Story of Acadia. The Cary Sisters . The Story of the Revolution. How Canada was Discovered and Settled. A Christmas Carol. Legends of the Rhineland. Miss Alcott’s Girls. Miss Alcott’s Boys. The Blackbird Family . The Crow, The Raven end The Kingfisher. . . . The Three Golden Apples. The Miraculous Pitcher . The Story of Electricity. William McKinley . The Discovery of America. The Shepherd Psalm. Heroes of Industry. Father Marquette . The Story of La Salle .; . The Story of Jeanne (Joan) D’Arc. The King of the Golden River. Rah and His Friends. The Great Stone Face. The Snow-Image . Sixth Grade Selections for Memorizing. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The Pied Piper of Hamelin and Other Poems. . Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 . 03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 . 03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 . 05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 . 05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 Lowest Exchange Price G2 PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book The Courtship of Miles Standish. •••*• Rip Van Winkle and Author s Account or Himself. Evanegline . Thanatopsis and Other Poems. Selected Poems from Thomas Moore. Snow-Bound and the Corn Song . Enoch Arden .. . Seventh Grade Selections for Memorizing. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The Cotter’s Saturday Night.. The Deserted Village and Gray’s Elegy. The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems.. The Magna Charta ... Three Selections from Washington Irving.... Speeches by Lincoln.. Sohrab and Rustum.... Eighth Grade Selections for Memorizing. Twelve-Cent Edition: Duke ... The Strike at Shanes.. Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew. Stories of Famous Musicians . A Dog of Flanders. The Nurnberg Stove .. The Courtship of Miles Standish and the Build¬ ing of the Ship. The Song of Hiawatha. The Man Without a Country. The Story of King Arthur. The Lady of the Lake.... The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Julius Caesar .. The Merchant of Venice.. Hamlet . Macbeth . The Tempest ... The Gold-bug and Other Selections. Lays of Ancient Rome. Selections from the Sketch Book. The Princess . ■•••••• • • ■; • Tales of a Wayside Inn, Parts I, II, and Ill. . . Twenty-Five Cent Edition: A Christmas Carol.• • • • • • • • • • • • The Courtship of Miles Standish and The Build¬ ing of the Ship . A Dog of Flanders. The Man Without a Country. The Nurnberg Stove. The Song of Hiawatha.. Julius Caesar . The Tempest ... The Merchant of Venice.. Hamlet .. Macbeth ... The Lady of the Lake... The Lay of the Last Minstrel. Selections from the Sketch Book. Lays of Ancient Rome. The Princess . .. The Story of King Arthur. . . . . .. The Gold-Bug and Other Selections. Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .05 .03 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .12 .09 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 ..18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 S Y. GILLAN & COMPANY 4122 Jefferson St., Milwaukee, Wis. To be furnished f. o. b. at Milwaukee, Wis. Essentials of Civil Government, Gillan & Hewitt.. $0.60 $0.48 Lowest Exchange Price $0.36 GINN 63 GINN & COMPANY 2301-2311 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. BOOKS FOR COMMON SCHOOLS AGRICULTURE Title of Book Burkett, Stevens and Hill. Agriculture for Be¬ ginners, Revised Edition. ARITHMETIC Wentworth-Smith: ’ Essentials of Arithmetic: Primary Book . Intermediate Book . Advanced Book . Grammar School Book...•. New Elementary Arithmetic. Complete Arithmetic: Part One .. Part Two .. . . A . . . Complete Arithmetic (Parts One and Two in one volume) . Oral Arithmetic. Work and Play with Numbers. Wentworth-Smith-Shiels. City Arithmetics: Grades I, II, each . Grades III, IV, V, VI, each. Grades VII, VIII, each. Wentworth-Smith-Brown. Junior High School Mathematics: Book I . Book II . Book III ...-. Calfee. Rural Arithmetic . CIVICS Turkington. My Country (Civics and Patriot¬ ism for Young Americans). GEOGRAPHY Frye: First Steps in Geography. Grammar School Geography... Home Geography and Type Studies. Frye-Atwood. Geographical Series: New Geography, Book One . New Geography, Book Two . New Geography, Book One: Part One . Part Two . HISTORY Atkinson. Introduction to American History, European Beginnings, Revised. Montgomery. Leading Facts of American His¬ tory, New Revised Edition. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price $1.08 $0.81 $0.76 .64 .48 .45 .68 .51 .48 .72 .54 .50 1.00 .75 .70 .64 .48 .45 .68 .51 .48 .68 .51 .48 .96 .72 .67 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .56 .42 .39 .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .92 .69 .64 1.00 .75 .70 1.20 .90 .84 .64 .48 .45 1.08 .81 .76 1.12 .84 .78 1.80 1.35 1.26 .80 .60 .56 1.28 .96 .90 2.12 1.59 1.48 .88 .66 .62 1.12 .84 .78 1 , .08 .81 .76 1 . .48 1.11 1.04 LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Potter, Jeschke, and Gillet: Oral and Written English: Book One . Book Two . Beginners’ Book in Language (Jeschke) .80 .60 .56 1.00 .75 .70 .60 .45 .42 64 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book MUSIC Baldwin. Progressive Songs . New Educational Music Course: Primary Melodies . First Reader .. Second Reader . Third Reader .. Fourth Reader. Fifth Reader .... Song Reader .. ••••••• Teacher’s Edition for Elementary Grades Intermediate Song Reader. Junior Song and Chorus Book. Usual Lowest Wholesale Lowest Exchange Price Price Price .64 .48 .45 .48 .36 .34 .56 .42 .39 .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .72 .54 . 50 .80 .60 .56 .80 .60 .56 1.60 1.20 .60 .45 .42 .84 .63 .59 PHYSIOLOGY Blaisdell: Child’s Book of Health, Revised. How to Keep Well, Revised. Our Bodies and How We Live, Revised G'jlick Hygiene Series: Health and Safety...* Physiology, Hygiene and Sanitation.. Good Health . Emergencies .. Town and City. The Body at Work. Control of Body and Mind. The Body and Its Defenses. Lansing-Gulick. Food and Life. .60 .76 .96 .68 .96 .64 .64 .80 .80 .80 .96 .72 .45 .57 .72 .51 .72 .48 .48 .60 .60 .60 .72 .54 .42 .53 .67 .48 .67 .45 .45 .56 .56 .56 .67 .50 READING Fassett: Beacon Primer .... • * • Beacon First Reader ... Beacon Introductory Second Reader. Beacon Second Reader . Beacon Third Reader . Beacon Fourth Reader ... Beacon Fifth Reader . •••••••:■ Beacon Phonetic and Reading Charts, Complete with Holder . Young and Field. Literary Readers: Book One . Book Two .'. Book Three . Book Four . Book Five . Book Six . Reading Chart.• .. Word Cards to accompany Book One. .. Word-Group Cards to accompany Book One... Cards for Sentence Matching and Building to accompany Book One..'. Combined Phonetic Chart and Word Builders.. Advanced Literary Reader: Part One . .. Part Two.. Readings from English and American Litera¬ ture (Field) . Browne. Readers: Book One . Book Two . Book Three . Book Four ... Horn, Shurter, and Baugh. New American Readers: Book One .. Book Two . Book Three . Book Four . Book Five . .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .68 .51 .48 .76 .57 .53 .80 .60 .56 8.00 6.00 .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .72 .54 .50 .76 .57 .53 .80 .60 .56 .80 .60 .56 7.00 5.25 1.00 .75 2.40 1.80 .40 .30 .48 .36 .96 .72 .67 .96 .72 .67 1.44 1.08 1.01 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .60 “ J .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .72 .54 .50 .76 .57 .53 .80 .60 .56 GINN 65 Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price SPELLING Peirce: Speller, Book One . .36 .27 Speller, Book Two . .40 .30 Speller, Complete . .48 .36 BOOKS FOR HIGH SCHOOLS AGRICULTURE Carver. Principles of Rural Economics. 2.00 1.50 Clute. Agronomy . 1.40 1.05 Davenport. Domesticated Animals and Plants.. 2.00 1.50 Waters. Essentials of Agriculture. 1.60 1.20 ALGEBRA Beman and Smith: Elements of Algebra. 1.48 1.11 Academic Algebra . 1.48 1.11 Hawkes, Luby and Touton: First Course in Algebra. 1.24 .93 First Course in Algebra, Revised. 1.24 .93 Second Course in Algebra. 1.28 .96 Second Course in Algebra, Revised. 1.28 .96 Complete School Algebra. 1.48 1.11 Complete School Algebra, Revised. 1.48 1.11 Smith, .Algebra for Beginners. .80 .60 Wentworth: New School Algebra. 1.40 1.05 First Steps in Algebra. .80 .60 Elementary Algebra . 1.40 1.05 Wentworth-Smith: Academic Algebra . 1.48 1.11 School Algebra Book I . 1.24 .93— School Algebra Book II . 1.28 .96 Vocational Algebra . .76 .57 Wentworth. Smith and Schlauch: Commercial Algebra, Book I . 1.36 1.02 Commercial Algebra, Book II . 1.36 1.02 ARITHMETIC Beman and Smith. Higher Arithmetic. 1.12 .84 Wentworth. Advanced Arithmetic . 1.20 .90 Wentworth, Smith and Brown: Junior High School Mathematics, Book III. 1.20 .90 Wentworth-Smith. Higher Arithmetic . 1.20 .90 ASTRONOMY Young. Lessons in Astronomy, Revised Edition with Additions. 1.80 1.35 BIOLOGY Gruenberg. Elementary Biology . 1.60 1.20 Hodge and Dawson. Civic Biology. 1.72 1.29 BOTANY Bergen and Caldwell: Introduction to Botany with Key and Flora... 1.72 1.29 Introduction to Botany without Key and Flora 1.44 1.08 Practical Botany . 1.72 1.29 Bergen: Elements of Botany, Revised. 1.64 1.23 Elements of Botany, Revised without Key and Flora. 1.36 1.02 Lowest Exchange Price .25 .28 .34 1.40 .98 1.40 1.12 1.04 1.04 .87 .87 .90 .90 1.04 1.04 .56 .98 .56 .98 1.04 .87 .90 .53 .95 .95 .78 .84 .84 .84 1.26 1.12 1.20 1.20 1.01 1.20 1.15 .95 5 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS 66 Title of Book Essentials of Botany.• ..* * Essentials of Botany, without Key and Flora Foundations of Botany. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.52 1.14 1.06 1.80 1.35 1.26 Chemistry Williams. E Boynton. CHEMISTRY First Course in CIVICS COMMERCIAL BRANCHES 1.60 1.64 1.20 1.23 1.12 1.15 1.48 1.11 1.04 Atwood. Practical Commercial Speller. Bishop and Keller. Industry and Trade... Breckenridge, Mersereau and Moore. Shop Problems in Mathematics. .. Brigham. Commercial Geography, Revised. Brinkworth. Business Speller •••••••••••••••;• Davis and Lingham. Business English and Cor Huffcut. Elements of Business Law, Revised... Miner and Elwell: Bookkeeping, Brief Course. Elementary Course .* ’ ‘ * Combined Course ..... Corporation and Voucher Accounting. Intermediate and Advanced Course. Intermediate Course . Advanced Course . ^Bookkeeping, Introductory Course. .. Introductory and Intermediate Course. Complete Course ..• • ■ • • • •; *. Intermediate and Advanced Course. Banking Course . Moore and Miner: Practical Business Arithmetic, Revised. Concise Business Arithmetic....... Norton. Textbook on Retail Selling. ....... ; • • • Webster. General History of Commerce Revised .64 1.40 1.40 1.72 .52 1.40 1.48 1.28 1.48 1.80 .52 1.56 .68 .92 DOMESTIC SCIENCE Howard. Practical Cookbook Wardall and White. A Study EDUCATION Gowin and Wheatley. Occupations. ENGLISH Brewer. Oral English ... Briggs and McKinney: First Book of Composition. Second Book of Composition.....•' •V Calhoun and MacAlarney. Readings from Ameri- FuRon Li al^d tU Truebl oo’d. Essentials of Public Speaking, Revised •••••••••• . Gardiner. Kittredge and Arnold Manual of Composition and Rhetoric.... Elements of English Composition... Cavlev Classic Myths in English Literature and in Art. Revised. Genung: . Outlines of Rhetoric . .48 1.05 1.05 1.29 .39 1.05 1.11 .96 1.11 1.35 .39 1.17 .51 .69 .45 .98 .98 1.20 .36 1.04 .90 1.04 1.26 .36 1.09 .48 .64 1.28 .96 .90 1 56 1.17 1.09 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.56 1.17 1.09 .88 .66 .62 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.20 .90 .84 1.32 .99 .92 1.80 1.35 1.26 .88 .66 .62 1.12 .84 .78 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.4S 1.11 1.04 1.24 .93 .87 1.48 1.11 1.04 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 1.40 1.05 .98 1.92 1.44 1.44 1.08 1.01 GINN 67 Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Genung and Hanson. Outlines of Composition and Rhetoric . 1.44 1.08 1.01 Hanson: English Composition . 1.24 .93 .87 Two Tears’ Course in English Composition... 1.40 1.05 .98 Kittredge and Farley: Advanced English Grammar. 1.20 .90 .84 Concise English Grammar. 1.00 .75 .70 Eockwood. Lessons in English. 1.28 .96 .90 Lockwood and Emerson. Composition and Rhetoric . 1.40 1.05 .98 Long: American Literature . 1.60 1.20 1.12 English Literature . 1.68 1.26 1.18 Outlines of English Literature . 1.40 1.05 .98 Outlines of American Literature . 1.28 .96 .90 Outlines of English and American Literature. 1.72 1.29 1.20 Prince. Practical English Grammar. .96 .72 .67 FIRST YEAR SCIENCE Caldwell and Eikenberry: Elements of General Science. 1.28 .96 .84 Elements of General Science, Revised. 1.48 1.11 1.04 Higgins. First Science Book. .96 .72 .67 FRENCH Alririch and Foster: Elementary French . 1.36 1.02 .95 Foundations of French. 1.24 .93 .87 Dubrule. Le Francais pour Tous. 1.20 .90 .84 Fontaine. Nouveau Cours Francais Revised.... 1.40 1.05 .98 GENERAL MATHEMATICS >— Schorling and Reeve. General Mathematics. . . . 1.60 1.20 1.12 GEOMETRY Beman and Smith: New Plane Geometry . 1.20 .90 .84 New Plane and Solid Geometry. 1.60 1.20 1.12 Betz and Webb: Plane Geometry . 1.24 .93 .87 Solid Geometry . 1.24 .93 .87 Plane and Solid Geometry. 1.60 1.20 1.12 Wentworth: Plane and Solid Geometry Revised. 1.60 1.20 1.12 Plane Geometry, Revised. 1.24 .93 .87 Solid Geometry, Revised.*. 1.24 .93 .87 Wentworth-Hill. First Steps in Geometry. . 80 .60 .56 Wentworth-Smith: Plane and Solid Geometry. 1.60 1.20 1.12 Plane Geometry. 1.24 .93 .87 Solid Geometry . 1.24 .93 .87 GERMAN Allen and Phillipson. A First German Grammar 1.52 1.14 1.06 Bernhardt. Course in German Composition. 1.08 .81 .76 Chiles. German Prose Composition. .84 .63 .59 Collar. First Year German. 1.32 .99 .92 Duerr. Essentials of German Grammar. 1.20 .90 .84 Gronow: Jung Deutschland . 1.32 .99 .92 Geschichte und Sage. 1.32 .99 .92 Haertel. German Reader for Beginners. 1.00 .75 Ham and Leonard. Brief German Grammar.... 1 .36 1.02 .95 Hempl. Easiest German Reading. . 64 .48 68 PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Martini. First German Reader. . 1.00 . 75 Muller and Wenckebach. Gluck Auf . . 1.00 .75 Oehlmann. Schritt fur Schritt. .80 .60 .56 Price. Reformlesebuch . .99 .92 GREEK White. First Greek Book HISTORY Breasted: Ancient Times . Survey of the Ancient World. Cheyney. Short History of England, Revised... Montgomery: Leading Facts of English History, Revised. . . . Leading Facts of French History. Students American History, Second Revised Edition . Muzzey. American History, Revised. Myers: Ancient History, Second Revised Edition. Ancient History, First Revised Edition. Eastern Nations and Greece, Second Revised Edition . General History and Supplement, Revised.... A Short History of Ancient Times. A Short History of Mediaeval and Modern Times . History of Rome. Second Revised Edition. Mediaeval and Modern History, Revised with Supplement . Outlines of Nineteenth Century History. Robinson: Medieval and Modern Times. Middle Period of European History. Robinson and Breasted. History of Europe, An¬ cient and Medieval. Robinson, Breasted and Beard. Outlines of European, History: Part I (Robinson and Breasted). Part II (Robinson and Beard). LATIN Allen and Greenough: Caesar’s Gallic War. Books T-VII. Caesar’s Gallic War. Books I-IV. Cicero’s Select Orations and Letters. Cicero’s Select Orations. Cicero’s Six Orations. New Latin Grammar. Ovid with Vocabulary. Shorter Latin Grammar. Second Year Latin (Greenough, D’Ooge and Daniell) . Virgil’s Aeneid. Books I-VI. Collar and Daniell: First Latin Book . First Year Latin . First Year Latin, Revised. D’Ooge: Latin Composition, Complete . Latin Composition, Part I based on Caesar. . . Latin Composition, Parts II and III based on Cicero . Latin Composition to Accompany Second Year Latin . Latin for Beginners. D'Ooge and Eastman. Caesar in Gaul. Lothman. Latin Lessons . t . . . 1.72 2.00 1.60 1.96 1.64 1.48 1.92 1.96 1.92 1.92 1.48 1.92 1.48 1.48 1.40 1.92 .90 2.00 1.64 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.60 1.32 1.56 1.72 1.36 1.60 2.20 1.36 1.60 1.80 1.20 1.20 1.24 1.32 .72 .84 .72 1.24 1.72 1.24 1.29 1.50 1.20 1.47 1.23 1.11 1.44 1.47 1.44 1.44 1.11 1.44 1.11 1.11 1.05 1.44 .67 1.50 1.23 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.20 .99 1.17 1.29 1.02 1.20 1.65 1.02 1.20 1.35 .90 .90 .93 .99 .54 .63 .54 .93 1.29 .93 1.20 1.40 1.12 1.37 1.15 1.04 1.34 1.37 1.34 1.34 1.04 1.34 1.04 1.04 .98 1.34 .63 1.40 1.15 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.12 .92 1.09 1.20 .95 1.12 1.54 .95. 1.12 1.26 .84 .84 .87 .92 .50 .59 .50 .87 1.20 .87 GINN 69 Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price MANUAL TRAINING Burton. Shop Projects . 1.60 1.20 1.12 Goss. Bench Work in Wood, Revised. 1.20 .90 .84 Ross. Wood Turning. 1.48 1.11 1.04 MUSIC Chapman and Whiting. The Apollo Song Book. 1.24 .93 .87 Hoff. Corona Song Book. 1.48 1.11 1.04 Levermore: Abridged Academy Song Book Revised. 1.24 .93 .87 The American Song Book.. 1.00 .75 .70 The Students Hymnal. .96 .72 .67 McCoy. Cumulative Harmony . 2.40 1.80 1.68 Musical Art Series: Baldwin and Newton—Standard Song Classics 1.00 .75 .70 PHYSICAL. GEOGRAPHY Davis: Elementary Physical Geography Physical Geography .. 1.64 1.23 1.15 ' 1.64 1.23 1.15 PHYSICS Higgins. Lessons in Physics. Hill. Essentials of Physics. Millikan and Gale: First Course in Physics, Revised. Practical Physics . Wentworth and Hill. Textbook of Physics Re¬ vised . 1.20 .90 .84 1.42 1.06 .99 1.64 1.23 1.15 1.64 1.23 1.15 1.56 1.17 1.09 PHYSIOLOGY Blaisdell: Life and Health. Practical Physiology . Hussey. Manual of Personal Hygiene. Hough and Sedgwick. Human Mechanism, Rev.: Volume I, Elements of Physiology. Volume II, Hygiene and Sanitation. Jewett. The Next Generation. 1.24 1.48 .72 2.40 1.64 1.60 1.00 .93 1.11 .54 1.80 1.23 1.20 .75 .87 1.04 1.68 1.15 1.12 .70 PSYCHOLOGY Buell. Essentials of Psychology. Phillips. Elementary Psychology . POLITICAL ECONOMY Carver. Principles of Political Economy. SPANISH Coester. Spanish Grammar . Cool. Spanish Composition . Ewart. Cuba y las Costumbres Cubanas Harrison: Elementary Spanish Reader. Intermediate Spanish Reader. Spanish Commercial Reader. Marcial Dorado: Espana Pintoresca . Primeras Lecciones de Espanol. Schevill. First Reader in Spanish. 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.48 1.11 1.04 2.20 1.65 1.54 1.48 1.11 1.04 .96 .72 .67 .76 .57 .53 .64 .48 .92 .69 1.12 .84 1.12 .84 1.12 .84 .80 .60 70 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual List Lowest Wholesale Lowest Exchange Price Title of Book TRIGONOMETRY Price Price Wentworth: Plane Trigonometry, Revised . 1.12 .84 .78 Plane Trigonometry and Tables, Revised. 1.48 1.11 1.04 Wentworth-Smith: Plane Trigonometry without Tables..... 1.32 .99 .92 Plane Trigonometry with Tables. 1.60 1.20 1.12 ZOOLOGY Linville and Kelly. Textbook in General Zoology 1.80 1.35 1.26 GOODYEAR MARSHALL PUBLISHING CO. Cedar Rapids, Iowa To be furnished f. o. b. at Cedar Rapids, Iowa ARITHMETIC Marshall Goodyear. Inductive Commercial Arith¬ metic . $1.00 $0.75 $0.60 BOOKKEEPING AND BUSINESS PRACTICE Goodyear. American Bookkeeping Series: (Di¬ vided into units as listed below) Principles, Rules and Definitions for Book¬ keeping . Unit 1, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 2, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 3, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 4, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 4A, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 4D, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 5, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 5A, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 5B, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 5C, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 6, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 6C, Pamphlet and Outfit. Problem 24, Pamphlet and Outfit. Problem 24D, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 7, Pamphlet and Outfit. Unit 7D, Pamphlet and Outfit. Goodyear: Bank Accounting Text. Bank Accounting, less Text. Sixty Lessons in Business Text. Sixty Lessons, Outfit, less Text. Goodyear & Marshall: New Inductive Bookkeeping, Complete Text.. New Inductive Bookkeeping: Part I, Text . Part II, Text . Box Outfit New Inductive, Part I, less Text.. Box Outfit New Inductive, Part II, less Text. . Goodyear. Progressive Business Accounting, Short Course. Text and Outfit. Marshall: Corporation and Voucher Accounting, Text. . . . Corporation and Voucher Accounting, Outfit, less Text . Double Entry Drills Text.. ... .80 .60 .48 .32 .24 .40 .30 .48 .36 .52 .39 1.36 1.02 .52 .39 .60 .45 1.60 1.20 1.20 .90 .76 .57 .96 .72 2.20 1.65 .40 .30 .40 .30 2.76 2.07 4.80 3.60 .88 .66 .53 3.40 2.55 .76 .57 .46 2.04 1.53 1.20 .90 .72 .80 .60 .48 .80 .60 .48 3.12 2.34 3.68 2.76 1.80 1.35 .76 .57 .46 2.24 1.68 .40 .30 . GREGG 71 Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price ENGLISH Marshall: Business English and Letter Writing. .92 .69 Business English, Part I of above. .76 .57 Letter Writing, Part II of above. .76 .57 Otto. Commercial English . .88 .66 PENMANSHIP Goodyear & Marshall. Business Forms for the Writing Class . .36 .27 SPELLING Marshall: Business Speller and Technical Word Lists... .76 .57 Technical Word Lists.28 .21 GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY G N. Michigan Avc., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ARITHMETIC Birch’s Applied Business Calculation. $0.35 $0.23 Walsh’s Business Arithmetic. 1.20 .80 Will’s Commercial Arithmetic. 1.00 .67 BOOKKEEPING Bartholomew’s: Bookkeeping Exercises, Part I . .60 .40 Bookkeeping Exercises, Part II . .60 .40 Lockyear’s Bookkeeping. .60 .40 CIVIL SERVICE Cooper’s How to Prepare for Civil Service. 1.50 1.00 « COMMERCIAL LAW Trow’s The Parliamentarian. .75 .50 Whigam’s Essentials of Commercial Law. 1.00 .67 ECONOMICS Laing’s. An Introduction to Economics. 1.20 .80 ENGLISH Hagar & SoRelle’s: Applied Business English and Correspondence (exercises included) . 1.00 .67 Applied Business English and Correspondence (without exercises) . .75 .50 Hagar’s Exercises in Applied Business English.. .25 .17 Raymond’s English Progressive Studies.’.. . .50 .33 OFFICE TRAINING SoRelle: Office Training for Stenographers (Manual only) . 1.25 .84 Office Training for Stenographers, Exercises.. .75 .50 Lowest Exchange Price . 55 .46 .46 .53 .46 $0.18 .60 .50 .30 .30 .30 .75 .50 .60 .50 .38 .13 .25 .63 72 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price PUNCTUATION AND BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE Hagar & SoRelle’s Applied Business Correspond¬ ence and Punctuation. .60 .40 Kagar: Exercises in Applied Business Punctuation.... .15 .10 Applied Business Punctuation and Business Forms . .40 .27 Kennedy’s Punctuation Simplified. .15 .10 READING (Supplementary) Seri & Pelo’s American Ideals: Selected Pa¬ triotic Readings . .69 .46 SALESMANSHIP AND BUSINESS EFFICIENCY Spillman’s Personality: Studies in Personal De¬ velopment . 1.50 1.00 SHORTHAND Brown’s Factors of Shorthand Speed. .75 .50 Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland (written in Gregg shorthand) . .75 .50 Dickens’ A Christmas Carol (written in Gregg shorthand) . .25 .17 Doyle’s The Sign of the Four (written in Gregg Shorthand) . .75 .50 Gardner’s Constructive Dictation . 1.00 .67 Gregg: The Gregg Shorthand Manual, Revised 1916 Edition . 1.50 1.00 Progressive Exercises in Gregg Shorthand, Re¬ vised 1916 Edition. .50 .33 Gregg Speed Practice. 1.00 .67 The Gregg Reporter. 1.50 1.00 Gregg Shorthand Dictionary, Old Edition..... 1.00 .67 Gregg Shorthand Dictionary, Revised 1916 Edi¬ tion . 1.50 1.00 Gregg Shorthand Phrase Book. .75 .50 Hints and Helps for the Shorthand Student... .50 .33 Gregg Snorthand Reader. .25 .17 Lessons in Shorthand Penmanship. .10 .07 Gregg Notes, No. 1 (written in Gregg Short¬ hand) . .25 .17 Gregg Dictation No. 1 (printed key to Gregg Notes, No. 1).25 .17 Gregg Notes, No. 2 (written in Gregg Short¬ hand) . .25 .17 Gregg Dictation No. 2 (printed key to Gregg Notes, No. 2).25 .17 Gregg Speed Studies. 1.00 .67 Supplementary Exercises in Gregg Shorthand .60 .40 Vocabulary of the Gregg Shorthand Manual.. .60 .40 Shorthand Dictation Drills. .75 .50 The Teaching of Shorthand. .75 .50 Hawthorne’s The Great Stone Face (written in Gregg Shorthand) . .15 .10 Henry s Beginners’ Letter Drills. .10 .07 Hunter’s Graded Readings in Gregg Shorthand.. .75 .50 International Creeds of Great Business Men.... .30 .20 Harvester Co.’s (written in Gregg shorthand) Irving: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (written in Gregg Shorthand) . .25 .17 Rip Van Winkle (written in Gregg Shorthand) .15 .10 •lackson's Gregg Shorthand adapted to Esperanto .40 .27 Kimble’s Vocabularies . 1.50 1.00 Lamb’s Hamlet (written in Gregg Shorthand).. .15 .10 Lowest Exchange Price .30 .08 .20 .08 .35 .75 .38 .13 .50 .7o .50 .75 .50 .30 .30 .38 .38 .38 .15 .20 .75 HEATH 73 Title of Book Lorimer’s Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son, revised, (written in Gregg shorthand) McClure’s Practical Drills in Shorthand Penman¬ ship . . . Pahi’s Taquigrafia Fonetica Gregg-Pani. Rasmussen’s Graded Dictation. Rutherford’s Practical Pointers for Shorthand Students . So Relle: Advanced Practice, Part One (written in Gregg Shorthand) . Advanced Practice, Part Two (written in Gregg Shorthand) . Advanced Practice, Part Three (written in Gregg Shorthand) . Expert Shorthand Speed Course. Whitford’s Factors of Success (written in Gregg Shorihand) . SPELLING SoRelle & Kitt’s Words, Their Spelling, Pronun¬ ciation, Definition and Application. SoRelle’s Word Exercise Book.. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .75 .50 .38 .15 .10 1.50 1.00 .75 1.00 .67 .50 .50 .33 .50 .33 .50 .33 .50 .33 1.00 .67 .15 .10 25 .17 .13 15 .10 .08 TYPEWRITING Cutler & SoRelle: Rational Typewriting, High School, Revised, 1916 Edition . Rational Typewriting, Single Keyboard Edition Rational Typewriting, Underwood Edition.... Rational Typewriting, Remington Edition.... Rational Typewriting, Smith premier Edition Rational Typewriting, Oliver Edition. Rational Typewriting, Abridged Edition— Single Keyboard . Rational Typewriting, Abridged Edition 1 — Double Keyboard . Hakes’ Typewriting Speed Studies. SoRelle: Rational Typewriting, Medal of Honor Edition Methods of Teaching Typewriting. 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 1.00 .67 .50 .50 .33 .25 .50 .33 .25 .60 .40 .30 .85 .57 .43 1.50 1.00 .76 D. C. HEATH & COMPANY 1815 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ALGEBRA Wellfe and Hart: First Year Algebra. Second Year Course in Algebra New High School Algebra. $1.40 1.48 1.72 $1.05 1.11 1.29 $0.98 1.04 1.21 ARITHMETIC Walsh-Suzzallo: Fundamental Processes . Practical Applications . . Watson & White: Modern Primary . Modern Grammar School Modern Intermediate . . . Modern Upper Grades . . Elementary . .64 .48 .45 1.08 .81 .76 .64 .48 .45 1.08 .81 .76 .68 .51 .48 .80 .60 .56 .72 .54 .51 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS 74 Title of Book Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price Complete . Primary . Intermediate. Grammar School . Wells and Hart. New High School CIVICS Dunn. Community and the Citizen Dole. New American Citizen. ENGLISH Woolley. Handbook of Composition...... Buhlig. Business English . Gerrish & Cunningham. English Composition.. Sandwick: Junior High School English Book I .. Book II . Book III . High School Word Book. Lowe: Brief American Literature .. Brief English Literature . Manly-Bailey. Lessons in English: Book I . Book II . ENGLISH CLASSICS Cooper. Last of the Mohicans. Dickens. Tale of Two Cities. Eliot. Silas Marner . Irving. Sketch Book . Macaulay. Life of Johnson. Milton. Minor Poems . Scott: Ivanhoe .. Lady of the Lake. Shakespeare (Arden Edition) 22 vols. Stevenson. Treasure Island . Tennyson. Idylls of the King. GEOMETRY Wells & Hart: Plane .. Solid . Plane and Solid. Wells. Essentials . HISTORY Bourne & Benton: Introductory American History. Introductory American History Enlarged History of the U. S. Webster: Ancient History . Medieval and Modern History. Early European History. Modern History . Part I—Ancient . Part II—Medieval and Early Modern. Part III—Modern Times . LATIN Moulton. Introductory Latin . Towle & Jenks. Caesar — Four Books 1.08 .81 .64 .48 .72 .54 1.08 .81 1.60 1.20 1.24 .93 1.24 .93 1.00 .75 1.52 1.14 1.80 1.35 .76 .57 .80 .60 .84 .63 .64 .48 .88 .66 .88 .66 .84 .63 .96 .72 88 .66 80 .60 72 .54 80 .60 44 .33 60 .45 88 .66 64 .48 52 .39 76 .57 48 .36 1.36 1.02 1.36 ' 1.02 1.76 1.32 1.76 1.32 .96 .72 1.08 .81 1.48 1.11 2.08 1.56 2.08 1.56 2.08 1.56 2.08 1.56 1.52 1.14 1.68 1.26 1.68 1.26 1 .44 1.08 1 , .68 1.26 Lowest Exchange Price .76 .45 .51 .76 1.12 .87 .87 1.07 1.26 .59 .68 .96 .96 1.24 1.24 .68 . 7 6 1.04 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.46 1.07 1.18 1.18 1.01 HEATH 75 Title of Book Barss: Writing- Latin—Book I . Writing Latin—Book II . Lupoid: Introduction to Latin—Book I Introduction to Latin—Book II Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .88 .66 1.00 .75 .88 .66 1.28 .96 MODERN LANGUAGE Fraser & Squair: Shorter French Course . French Grammar . Armand. Grammaire Elementaire . Lavisse. Histoire de France . Hills & Ford. First Spanish Course . Pittaro. A Spanish Reader. McHale, Commercial Spanish . Whittem & Andrade. Spanish Commercial Cor¬ respondence . Spanhoofd. Elementarbuch . Manfred. Ein praktischer Anfang . 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.68 1.26 1.40 1.05 .98 1.28 .96 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.36 1.02 1.64 1.23 1.48 1.11 1.40 1.05 .98 1.52 1.14 FRENCH CLASSICS Augier. Le Gendre M. Poirier. Bazin. Les Oberle . Bruno. Tour de la France. Daudet. Le Petit Chose. Dumas: La Tulipe Noire (Rev. Ed.). Monte Cristo . Halevy. L’Abbe Constantin (New Ed.) . Hugo. La Chute . Labiche: M. Perrichon . Poudre aux Yeux. Loti. Pecheur d’lslande.w Mairet. Tache du Petit Pierie. Malot. Sans Famille . Maupassant. Huit Contes . Merimee. Colomba . Osgood. La France Heroique. Sand. La Mare au Diable. Verne. Le Tour du Monde. Super. Anecdotes Faciles . Bruce. Lectures Faciles . Chapuzet & Daniels. Mes Premier Pas Giese & Cool. French Anecdotes. .68 .51 .80 .60 .80 .60 .76 .57 .88 .66 .80 .60 .80 .60 .68 .51 .72 .54 .68 .51 .80 .60 .72 .54 .76 .57 .72 .54 .88 .66 1.20 .90 .72 .54 .88 .66 .52 .39 .88 .66 .84 .63 .68 .51 SPANISH CLASSICS Alarcon. El Capitan Veneno. .76 .57 Altamirano. La Navidad . .68 .51 Asensi. Victoria . .76 .57 Ibanez. Batalla del Marne. 1.00 .75 Padre Isla. Gil Bias . 1.28 .96 Galdos. Marianela . 1.28 .96 Valdes. Jose . 1.28 .96 Quintero. Dona Clarines . .72 .54 READERS Kendall: Primer . First Reader . 'Second Reader Third Reader . .64 .64 .68 .80 .48 .48 .51 .60 .45 .45 .48 .56 76 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price Cordon: New Series: Primer . .64 .48 First Reader . .64. .48 Second Reader . .68 .51 Third Reader . .80 .60 Fourth Reader .*.. .88 .66 Fifth Reader .92 .69 Old Series: Book I .64 .48 Book II .68 .51 Book III .76 .57 Book IV .88 .66 Book V.92 .69 Haliburton: Primer . .64 .48 Thirst Reader . .64 .48 Second Reader . .68 .51 Third Reader .80 .60 Fourth Reader . .88 .66 Fifth Reader .96 .72 SCIENCE Newell. General Chemistry. 2.24 1.68 Allen & Gilbert. Textbook of Botany. 1.96 1.47 Elhuff: General Science . 1.76 1.32 General Science Manual. .84 .63 Colton & Murbach. Physiology and Hygiene... 1.80 1.35 Walters. Physiology and Hygiene. 1.80 1.35 Colton. Zoology—Descriptive and Practical.... 2.20 1.65 HENRY-MORRISON COMPANY 1937 Arlington Place, Madison, Wis. To be furnished f. o. b. at Madison, Wis. W. A. Henry and F. B. Morrison. Feeds and Feeding, Abridged . $1/90 $1.52 F. B. Morrison and E. S. Savage. Manual for Feeds and Feeding, Abridged. .60 .48 HINDS, HAYDEN & ELDREDGE, INC. 11-15 Union S< 1 ., W„ New York City To be furnished f. o. b. at destination. AGRICULTURE Coil’s Farm and School Problems. 1.50 ALGEBRA Philip’s Algebra Through Quadratics. 1.00 ARITHMETIC Campbell & Hughes. Arithmetics by Grades: Book I (Third and Fourth Years). .75 Book II (Fifth and Sixth Years). .75 Book III (Seventh and Eighth Years). .85 1.20 .80 .60 .60 .68 Lowest Exchange Price .45 .45 .48 .56 .62 .65 .45 .48 .54 .62 .65 .45 .45 .48 .56 .62 .68 1.57 1.38 1.24 1.26 1.26 1.54 $1.52 .70 .53 .53 .60 HINDS 77 Title of Book Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price CIVIL GOVERNMENT Fradenburg: American Civics for High Schools American Community Civics. Short Course in American Civics.. DICTIONARIES International Pronouncing French-English Eng¬ lish-French Dictionary . Classic French-English English-French Dic¬ tionary . Classic German—English English—German Dic¬ tionary . Classic Greek-English English>~Greek Dic¬ tionary . Classic English-Latin Latin-English Dictionary. Classic English-Greek Dictionary. Handy Italian-English English-Italian Dic¬ tionary . Handy Spanish—English English-Spanish Dic¬ tionary . Liddell & Scott’s Lexicon (Abridged). White: Latin-English Dictionary . English-Latin Dictionary .■. Latin-English English-Latin Dictionary. Heydrick’s How to Study Literature. Heydrick’s One Year Course in English and American Literature . Lorna Doone (Abridged and Annotated by Davis) English by Practice Books 1, 2, 3, 4, each. ENGLISH CLASSICS Courtship of Miles Standish, first volume in the Hearthstone Series; ed. by W. A. Campbell.... ETYMOLOGY Webb: Model De/iner . Model Etymology . Manual of Etymology. GEOGRAPHY Cornman & Gerson’s Geography Primer. Outline Maps (Morrison) on pads of 50 maps, each Asia Africa Australia British Isles Canada North America South America Continental Europe Mexico, Central America, West Indies North Atlantic States South Atlantic States North Central States South Central States Western States The United States The World Showing Insular Possessions 1.25 1.00 .88 1.25 1.00 .88 .80 .64 .56 4.00 3.20 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.00 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.20 1.50 1.20 2.00 1.60 1.75 1.40 1.50 1.2D 3.00 2.40 rERATURE .85 .68 .60 1.25 1.00 .88 .75 . 60 .49 .35 .28 .50 .40 .40 .30 .27 .60 .48 .42 . 75 .60 .53 .60 .48 .42 .50 .40 78 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Houston’s New Physical Geography. 1.50 1.20 1.05 Davis & Hughes: Brief Physical Geography. .75 .60 .53 Brief Commercial Geography. . 80 .64 . 56 Niver: Elementary Geography . 1.00 .80 .70 Advanced Geography, Grammar, Language Les¬ sons, etc. 1.35 1.08 .95 Rigdon: English Grammar for Beginners . .45 .36 .32 English Grammar for Common Schools . .70 .56 .49 Grammar of the English Sentence. 1.15 .92 .81 Essentials of Grammar for High School. .85 .68 .60 LATIN Chase & Stuart: Caesar’s Gallic War, Books 1—7 with notes and vocabulary (new edition). 1.25 1.00 .88 Cicero’s Thirteen Orations with notes and vo¬ cabulary (new edition). 1.25 1.00 .88 Cicero de Senectute et de Amicitia with notes and vocabulary (the only text published with a vocabulary) . 1.10 .88 .77 Odes, Satires and Epistles with notes (new edition) . 1.25 1.00 .88 Horace (Selection from) with notes and vo¬ cabulary (the only text published with a vocabulary) . 1.25 1.00 .88 LIP-READING Morgenstern, Lip-Reading for Class Instruction 1.00 .80 MANNERS AND MORALS Mrs. Dewey: T/ftssnns on Manners . . 75 . 60 Lessons on Morals . 1.00 .80 MYTHOLOGY • Who’s Who in Mythology (1,000 Mythological Characters Briefly Described). 1.00 .80 PSYCHOLOGY Gordy’s New Psychology.. . 1.50 1.20 1.05 PUBLIC SPEAKING Tearson’s Extemperaneous Speaking. 1.50 1.20 Both Sides of 100 Public Question briefly debated 1.50 1.20 Intercollegiate Debates, Vols. 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... 1.75 1.40 Weintrob Mandel & Wallach. Children’s Method Readers: First Year, First Half . .45 .36 .32 First Year. Second Half . .50 .40 .35 Second Year, First Half . .60 .48 .42 Second Year, Second Half . .65 .52 .46 Kenyon-Warner. Character Building Readers: First Year, Part I—Parental Love . . 40 .32 .28 First Year, Part II — Industry .. .45 .36 .32 Second Year, Part I—Helpfulness . .50 .40 .35 Second Year, Part II—Courage . .55 .44 .39 Third Year—Personal Responsibility. .65 .52 .46 Fourth Year—Thoughtfulness and Devotion.. .65 .52 .46 Fifth Year—Adaptability . .75 .60 .53 Sixth Year—Fidelity and Justice. . 75 .60 .53 Seventh Year—Aspiration and Self-Reliance.. .75 .60 .53 Eighth Year—Self and Duty. .75 .60 .53 HOLT 79 Title of Book Our City (A City Reader). Hulshor. Reading- made easy for Foreigners: First Reader . Second Reader . Third Reader . Faustine and Wagner. A New Reader for Even¬ ing Schools (Adapted for Foreigners). The Approved Selection for Reading and Mem¬ orizing, Grades 1-8, each. SCHOOL RECORD ROOKS Quinn’s Complete Class Record Book Smith’s New Class Register. SCIENCE Hodgdon’s Elementary General Science. SPELLING Columbia Graded Speller (Primary) . Columbia Graded Speller (Advanced) TEACHERS PEDAGOGICAL HELP New School Management (Seeley). Elementary Pedagogy (Seeley) . Seeley’s Teaching: Its Aims and Methods. Gerson’s Instruction in the Grades. Values and Methods . HENRY HOLT & COMPANY Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .50 .40 .45 .36 .55 . 44 .60 .48 .60 .48 .35 .28 OKS .60 .48 .60 .48 1.50 1.20 1.05 .30 .24 .21 .35 .28 .25 L HELP 1.50 1.20 1.50 1.20 1.50 1.20 1.00 .80 2451 Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. CITIZENSHIP Tufts. The Real Business of Living. $1.60 $1.20 $ 1.12 COMMERCIAL Finney and Brown. Modern Business Arithmetic: Brief Course . 1.12 Complete Course . 1.32 Smith. Commerce and Industry, New Edition.. 1.72 .84 .99 1.23 .78 .92 1.20 ECONOMICS Adams. Description of Industry 1.24 .93 .87 ENGLISH Blount and Northup: Language Lessons . Elementary English Grammar. English Grammar with Composition . English Grammar for High Schools. Hitchcock: New Practice Book in English Composition. . . . Enlarged Practice Book in English Composition Rhetoric and the Study of Literature. Composition and Rhetoric. .60 .45 .42 .72 .54 .50 .84 .63 .59 1.00 .75 .70 1.20 .90 .84 1.12 .84 .78 1.20 .90 .84 1.32 .99 .92 80 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Laselle. Short Stories of the New America. Pancoast. Introduction to American Literature Pancoast and Shelly. First Book in English Lit¬ erature . Seward. Narrative and Lyric Poems. Thompson. British Verse . Ward. Junior English Grammar. Browning. Selections . Carlyle. Essay on Burns. Dickens. Tale of Two Cities. Eliot. Silas Marner . Macaulay. Life of Johnson . Milton. Minor Poems. Nettleton. Old Testament Narratives. Scott: Ivanhoe.. Lady of the Lake. Shakespeare: Macbeth . Merchant of Venice... j .. . Julius Caesar . As You Dike It. Hamlet . Sherman. Short Stories . Tennyson. Idylls of the King. Washington. Farewell Address and. Webster. First Bunker Hill Oration. Wilson. Addresses . Winchester. Essays ... Wordsworth. Selections . FRENCH Allen and Schoell. French Life. Angus. Fundamentals of French. Cerf and Giese. Beginning French. David. Chez Nous . Francois. Easy French Readings. Francois and Giroud. Simple French. Koren. French Composition . Levi. French Composition . Moraud. Sous les Armes.-. Olmsted. First Course in French. Rosenthal and Chankin. Grammaire de Conver¬ sation et de Lecture: Premier Livre . Cours Complet . Schoell. La Nouvelle France. Bazin. Les Oberle . Bruno. Le Tour de la France. Buffum. French Short Stories. Daudet. Neuf contes Choises. Halevy. L’Abbe Constantin . Hugo. Les Miserables . Labiche et Martin: Le Voyage de Monsieur Perrichon.,. La Poudre aux Yeux. Malot: Sans' Famille . Par Terre et Par Mer. Merimee. Cnlomba . HISTORY Fite. History of the United States. Hazen. Modern Europe . Larson. History of England. GERMAN Allen: First German Composition... German Life . Boezinger. Erstes Aufsatzbuch Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .80 .60 1.40 1.05 OO 05 1.56 1.17 1.09 1.20 .90 1.28 .96 .90 .80 .60 .56 .40 .30 .36 .27 .68 .51 .48 .36 .36 .27 .36 .27 .48 .36 .72 .54 .48 .36 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .56 .42 .44 .33 .36 .27 .52 .39 .72 .54 .52 .39 1.00 .75 .70 1.32 .99 .92 1.36 1.02 .95 1.20 .90 .84 .88 .66 .61 .88 .66 .61 .96 .72 .67 .92 .69 .64 .80 .60 .56 1.48 1.11 1.03 1.36 1.02 .95 1.48 1.11 1.03 .64 .48 .44 .64 .48 .64 .48 1.20 .90 .52 .39 .60 .45 1.32 .99 .48 .36 \. .48 .36 .64 .48 .60 .45 .64 .48 1.72 1 , .29 1 .20 1.92 1 . 44 1 .34 1.72 1 , .29 1 .20 .96 .72 .67 1.00 .75 .70 .96 .72 .67 HOLT 81 Title of Book Gohdes and Buschek. Sprach-und Lesebuch... . Thomas. Practical German Grammar. Yos. Essentials of German.. Baumbach. Der Schwiegersohn . Fulda. Unter vier Augen, and. Benedix. Der Prozess . Gerstacker. Germelshausen . Heyse. L’Arrabbiata . Schiller: Wilhelm Tell . Der Neffe als Onkel. Storm. Immensee . Sudermann. Frau Sorge . Wildenbruch. Das edle Blut. Wilhelmi. Einer muss heiraten, and. Benedix. Eigensinn . MATHEMATICS Rietz, Crathorne and Taylor. School Algebra: First Course . Second Course . Complete Course . Taylor and Allen. Junior High School Mathe¬ matics: Book One .._. Book Two . Young and Schwart. Plane Geometry. PSYCHOLOGY Angell. Introduction to Psychology... James: Psychology, Brief Course. Talks to Teachers on Psychology and Some of Life’s Ideals . SCIENCE Barber. First Course in General Science. Dull: Essentials of Modern Chemistry.. Laboratory Exercises in Chemistry. Fitz. Principles of Physiology and Hygiene.... Kellogg and Doane. Economic Zoology and En¬ tomology . Martin. Human Body, Briefer Course. Salisbury: Physiography, Briefer Course . Physiography, Elementary Course . Salisbury, Barrows and Tower: Modern Geography . Elements of Geography. Smith and Mess. Laboratory Study of Chemistry SPANISH Crawford. Spanish Composition . Fernandez and Purdie. Trozos Selectos . Fuentes and Francois. Trip to Latin America. . Harrison. Spanish Correspondence . Hill. Spanish Tales for Beginners. Olmsted and Gordon. Abridged Spanish Grammar Wilkins. First Spanish Book. Albes. Viajando por sud America. Alarcon: El Sombrero de Tres Picos. El Capitan Veneno. Caballero. La Familia de Alvaredo. Ibanez. La Barraca . Morrison. Tres Comedias Modernas. Romera Navarro. America Espanola. Selgas. La Mariposa Blanca. Valdes. La Hermana san Sulpicio. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.36 l. 02 .95 1.48 1.11 1.03 1.36 1.02 .95 .56 .42 .52 .39 .48 .36 .48 .36 .96 .72 .56 .42 .48 .36 i:20 .90 .48 ' .36 .521 .39 1.16 .87 .81 1.08 .81 .75 1 .,48 1.11 1.03 .88 .66 .61 .92 .69 .64 1.00 .75 .70 1.36 1.02 .95 1.75 1.30 1.13 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.48 1.11 1.03 1.24 .93 .86 1.32 .99 .92 1.72 1.29 1.20 1.48 1.11 1.03 1.72 1.29 1.20 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.20 .90 .84 .92 .69 .64 1.12 .84 .78 .88 .66 .61 1.00 .75 .70 1.12 .84 .78 1.48 1.11 1.03 1.28 .96 .89 1.00 .75 1.00 .75 .64 .48 .84 .63 1.00 .75 .64 .48 .88 .66 .72 .54 • • • • .64 .48 6 82 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 2451—2459 Prairie Ave., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ARITHMETIC Title of Book Hoyt and Peet: First Year in Number. Everyday Arithmetic Three-Book Course: Book I (For 3rd and 4th Grades). Book II (For 5th and 6th Grades). Book III (For 7th and 8th Grades). Two-Book Course: Book I (For 3rd and 4th Grades). Book II (For 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grades) Everyday Arithmetic. Revised Edition Primary Book . Intermediate Book . Advanced Book . Madden and Turner. A Rural Arithmetic. Vincent. Vocational Arithmetic . Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .60 .45 .72 .54 .76 .57 .88 .66 .72 .54 1.08 .81 .72 .54 .76 .57 .88 .66 .96 .72 .88 .66 CIVIL GOVERNMENT Fiske. Civil Government in the United States. . Guitteau: Preparing for Citizenship. Government and Politics in the U. S. Government and Politics in the U. S., Briefer Course . Hill and Davis. Civics for New Americans. COMMERCIAL TEXTS Dwyer. The Business Letter. Gallagher & Moulton. Practical Business Eng¬ lish . COMPOSITION Miller. Practical English Composition: Book I . Book II . Book III . Book IV . Webster: English for Secondary Schools. Elementary Composition . 1.50 1.12 1.20 .90 1.68 1.26 1.52 1.14 1.12 .84 1.12 .84 1.16 .87 .56 .42 .56 .42 .60 .45 .64 .48 1.36 1.02 1.00 .75 DEBATING Foster. Essentials of Exposition and Argument 1.40 1.05 GENERAL SCIENCE Van Buskirk and Smith. The Science of Every¬ day Life . 1.52 1.14 GRAMMAR (High School) Webster. Elements o f English Grammar. .92 .69 Lowest Exchange Price .42 .50 .53 .62 .50 .76 .50 .53 .62 .67 .62 1.05 .84 1.18 1.06 .78 .78 .81 .39 .39 .42 .45 .95 .70 .98 1.06 .64 HOUGHTON 83 Title of Book HISTORY Davis. History of Medieval and Modern Europe Fiske. History of the United States. Larned. History of England. Tappan: American Hero Stories. Elementary History of Our Country. Our European Ancestors. England’s Story . Thwaites and Kendall. History of the United States . Webster-Cooley: New Course in English: First Book (For 4th and 5th Grades). Second Book (For 6th, 7th and 8th Grades) . . New Course in English by Grades: Part One (For 4th Grade). Part Two (For 5th Grade). Part Three (For 6th Grade). Webster: Essentials of English Grammar and Compo¬ sition . Elements of English Grammar and Composition LITERATURE Ashmun: Prose Literature for Secondary Schools. Modern Prose and Poetry for Secondary Schools Tappan: History of America’s Literature with Selections from Colonial Writers. History of England’s Literature. History of England’s and America’s Literature PHYSIOLOGY Woods-Hutchinson Health Series: Book I—The Child’s Day. Book II—Community Hygiene . Book III—A Handbook of Health. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.92 1.44 1.34 .92 .69 .64 1.04 .78 .73 1.04 .78 .73 1.40 1.05 .98 1.52 1.14 1.06 UMAR .72 .54 .50 .96 .72 .67 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .84 .63 .59 .84 .63 .59 1.20 .90 .84 1.24 .93 .87 1.32 .99 .92 1.40 1.05 .98 1.68 1.26 1.18 .76 .57 .53 .96 .72 .67 1.12 .84 .78 READING American Classics for Seventh and Eighth Grade Reading . American and English Classics. Bemis, Holtz, Smith. The Patriotic Reader. Boys’ and Girls’ Readers by E. M. Bolenius: Fourth Reader . Fifth Reader . Sixth Reader . Teachers’ Manual . The Riverside Readers: The Riverside Primer . The Riverside First Reader . The Riverside Second Reader . The Riverside Third Reader . The Riverside Fourth Reader . The Riverside Fifth Reader . The Riverside Sixth Reader. The Riverside Seventh Reader. The Riverside Eighth Reader . Jenkins. How to Teach Reading. O’Brien: English for Foreigners, Book I. English for Foreigners, Book II. 1.12 .84 .78 1.00 .75 .70 .72 .54 No Exchange .80 .60 .56 .84 .63 .59 .88 .66 .62 .88 .66 No Exchange .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .68 .51 .48 .76 .57 .53 .80 .60 .56 .88 .66 .62 .88 .66 .62 .88 .66 .62 .92 .69 .64 .60 .45 No Exchange .72 .54 .50 .92 .69 .64 84 . PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Fifth Grade. Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Sixth Grade. Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Seventh Grade. Selections from the Riverside Literature Series for Eighth Grade. SPELLING Akin. Word Mastery . Bailey-Manly: Two Book Course in Spelling Book I (For Grades 2-4). Book II (For Grades 5-8). One Book Course in Spelling. Usual List Price Lowest Wholesale Price Lowest Exchange Price .76 .57 .53 . .76 .57 .53 .76 .57 .53 .76 .57 .53 56 .42 .39 52 .39 .36 56 .42 .39 60 .45 .42 GEORGE F. HOWARD 2150 Knapp St., St. Paul, Minnesota To be furnished f. o. b. at St. Paul, Minn. Elementary Course in Manual Training for Rural Schools . The Gopher Speller. Geo. F. Howard. Outlines in Civil Government for Wisconsin and the United States (4th‘ed.). Mary E. Whiting and Geo. F. Howard. Outlines in Geography . Rhoda J. Emery. Outlines in U. S. History. Geo. F. Howard: Outlines in Arithmetic . Outlines in Grammar . $0.35 $0.3iy 2 .25 .20 .30 .27 .40 .36 .30 .27 .40 .36 .30 .27 INDUSTRIAL BOOK & EQUIPMENT COMPANY Indianapolis, Ind. To be furnished f. o. b., Indianapolis, Ind., (except List price which includes delivery). MANUAL TRAINING—BENCH WORK Tablet 6, (For 5th and 6th grade beginners) Tablet 7, (For 7th grade beginners). Tablet 8, (For 8th grade beginners)..... Tablet 9, (For high school beginners). Bench Work for Grammar Grades, Book One, (Burton) . Set of Blueprints (12) of Common Joints. Set Cabinet Course Blue Prints, (22). Form 501 Match Striker—Lesson . Form 502 Calendar—Lesson . Form 503 Coat Hanger—Lesson . Form 504 Thread and Needle Board — Lesson.... Form 505 Necktie Rack—Lesson .. Form 506 Strop — Lesson . Form 507 Bill File—Lesson . Form 508 Pen Rack—Lesson . Form 509 Chip Carving—Lesson. Form 510 Thermometer — Lesson . Form 511 Metal Pen Rack — Lesson. Form 512 Envelope Holder—Lesson . Form 513 Bracket Shelf—Lesson . $0.60 $0.48 $0.27 . 60 .48 .27 .60 .48 .27 .75 .60 .33 1.00 .80 .44 .75 .60 1.10 1.00 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .07 .05 .13 .10 .13 .10 .07 .05 .07 .05 .19 .15 .07 .05 .13 .10 INDUSTRIAL 85 Title of Book Form 514 Hat and Coat Rack—Lesson. Form 515 Whisk Broom Holder—Lesson . Form 516 Bread Cutting- Board—Lesson . Form 517 Book Rack—Lesson. Form 518 Towel Roller—Lesson . Form 519 Glove Box—Lesson . Form 520 Sled—Lesson . Form 521 Carved Hand Mirror—Lesson . Form 522 Foot Rest—Lesson . Form 523 Pen Tray—Lesson . Form 524 Paper Rack—Lesson . Form. 525 Umbrella Stand—Lesson. Form 526 Trefoil Calendar—Lesson . Form 527 Chip Carving—Lesson . Form 529 Key Rack—Lesson . Form 530 Elliptical Necktie Rack—Lesson. Form 531 Photograph Frame—Lesson . Form 532 Thermometer—Lesson. Form 535 Inlaid Hat Rack—Lesson . Form 537 Strop—Lesson . ■. Form 539 Match Safe—Lesson . Form 543 Tabourette—Lesson . Form 545 Picture Frame—Lesson . Form 546 Medicine Cabinet—Lesson .. Form 549 Tool Chest—Lesson . Form 550 Cement Match Holder—Lesson . Form 554 Bread Cutting Board—Lesson . Form 555 Bench Hook—Lesson . Form 556 Meat Board—Lesson . Form 557 Hardwood Mirror—Lesson . Form 558 Garment Hanger—Lesson . Form 559 T Square—Lesson . Form 560 Oak Towel Roller—Lesson . Form 561 Piano Bench—Lesson . Form 562 Costumer—Lesson . Form 563 Metal Book Rack—Lesson. Form 564 Original from Sugestions (6 problems) —Lesson . Rusch & Conway. Shop Work, Joinery-Cabinet- makipg-Carpentry . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .19 .15 .13 .10 .07 .05 .13 .10 .07 .05 .13 .10 .19 .15 .13 .10 .07 .05 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .19 .15 .19 .15 .13 .10 .25 .20 .25 .20 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .13 .10 .25 .20 .19 .15 .13 .10 .25 .20 1.20 .90 .72 SEWING—DOMESTIC ART Fuller: Constructive Sewing, Book 1. .60 .45 .25 Constructive Sewing, Vol. I (Books I and II) . . .80 .60 .48 Constructive Sewing, Yol. II (Books III and IV) .80 .60 .48 COOKING—DOMESTIC SCIENCE Lilia P. Frich: Cooking, Book One . Cooking, Book Two . Basic Principles of Domestic Science 1.00 .80 .44 1.00 .80 .44 1.00 .80 .44 AGRICULTURE C. L. Quear: Soils and Fertilizers. .75 .60 39 Experiments in Soils . .35 .28 62 Experiments in Crops . .35 .28 .33 86 PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS IROQUOIS PUBLISHING CO., INC. Herald Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y, To be furnished f. o. b. at Syracuse, N. Y. Title of Book Arnold, Bonney & Southworth: See and Say Phonetic Series Book One . Book Two . . . Book Three . Manual for See and Say, Book’ One'!!!!!!! . Manual for See and Say, Book Two Manual for See and Say, Book Three ’ ! ! . !. Sarah Louise Arnold: The Mastery of Words: Part I, Grades 4, 5, 6 . Part II, Grades 7 and 8 .. The Mastery of Words, Generai Edition:. Book I, Grades 1 to 5. Book II, Grades 6 to 8. Southworth & Kramer. Great Cities ”of” the United States... Aivord & Davis. The Alvord &’ Davis ’ Dr’iil’ land Problem in Arithmetic. Ackiey & Collister. A Laboratory Guide for Physics . H. E. Reed: . New Syllabus Geography Notebook: Fourth Year. Fifth Year .. Sixth Year .. Syllabus Topics in American History!!!. Southworth & Paine. Bugle Calls of Liberty!'.! Richmond, Va. To be furnished f. o. b. at Richmond, Va. W p?imer Br ° Wne & Tate> Child ’ s World Series: First Reader !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Second Reader . ! Third Reader. Fourth Reader ... Fifth Reader . !.!!!!. . Metcalf, Withers & Browne. Literary World, Sixth Reader . Cora Wilson Stewart. Country Life*. First Reader .. Second Reader .. Third Reader . !.!!!!.! . Edwin S. Sheppe. Word Studies: Primary Book . Advanced Book . Bruce R. Payne. Misspelled .... Colaw & Ellwood. Arithmetic: Book I . Book II . Advanced . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price $0.36 $0.27 $0.22 .36 .27 .22 .36 .27 .22 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .60 .45 .36 .36 .27 .22 .32 .24 .19 .36 .27 .25 • .36 .27 .25 .70 .52 .45 .33 .27 .35 .26 .21 .25 .18 .25 .18 .25 .18 .20 .15 .60 .45 G COMPANY Common Words Commonly John M. Colaw. Elementary. Algebra. J. C. Metcalf: English Literature. American Literature . Metcalf & Handy. Readings in American Lit¬ erature . $0.60 $0.45 $0.42 .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .80 .60 .56 .88 .66 .62 .92 .69 .64 .96 .72 .67 .40 .30 .28 .50 .38 .35 .60 .45 .42 .35 .26 .25 .40 .30 .28 .48 .36 .34 .60 .45 .42 .80 .60 .56 .90 .68 .63 1.25 .94 .88 1.40 1.05 .98 1.36 1.02 .95 1.80 1.35 1.26 JONES-LAIRD 87 GUY M. JONES COMPANY 519 Merchants Bank Bldg:.., Indianapolis, Ind. To be furnished f. o. b. at Indianapolis, Ind., (except List price which includes delivery). Title of Book Ralph W. Polk. Vocational Printing. Various Directors, Instructors, Tradesmen: Trade Foundations based on Producing Industries... Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price $1.25 $0.80 $0.78 1.25 .90 .88 LAIRD & LEE, INC. 1732 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill DICTIONARIES Laird & Lee’s Webster’s New Standard Diction¬ aries: Dictionaries will be furnished to schools at the prices named herein provided they are officially adopted or Approved for a special period. Encyclop. Library Ed. Full Leather, Indexed... Encyclop. School Ed. % Leather, Indexed. High School and Col. Ed. % Leather, Indexed. . . . High School and Col. Ed. % Leather Plain. Students’ Common School Ed. Cloth, Indexed.... Students’ Common School Ed. Cloth, Plain. Intermediate School Ed. Cloth, Plain. Elementary School Ed. Cloth, Plain. Modern Handy School Ed. Cloth, Plain. Grimm-Webster Eng.-Ger. and Ger.-Eng. Cloth.. $6.00 $4.50 3.50 2.63 1.75 1.31 $0.87 1.50 1.12 .75 .90 .67 .40 .80 .60 .40 .55 .41 .27 .35 .26 .17 .25 .19 .11 .60 .45 GRAMMAR Edwin Herbert Lewis. Grammar of Present Day English . 1.00 .75 .50 SUPPLEMENTARY READERS Supplementary Readers will be furnished to all schools at the prices named. Ashley: Air Castel Don. .60 Tan Pile Jim. .60 Brown. Fireside Battles’ . .60 De Amicis. The Heart of a Boy. .60 Thorpe. Two Chums . .60 Wooster’s Juvenile Speaker, Cloth. .60 Back to the Republic. 1.00 Parliamentary Law . .75 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .45 .75 .56 88 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS LAUREL BOOK COMPANY 325 S. Market St., Chicago, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. WRITING Title of Book E. G. Miller. Economy Method of Writing: Book 1 for Grade 1, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen . Rook 2 for Grade 2, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen ... Book 3 for Grade 3, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen . Book 4 for Grade 4, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen . Book 5 for Grade 5, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen . Book 6 for Grade 6, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen .. Book 7 for Grade 7, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen ... Book 8 for Grade 8, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen .. Book 1 for Grade 1, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen . Book 2 for Grade 2, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen .7. Book 3 for Grade 3, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen .. Bool$ 4 for Grade ,4, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen . Book 5 for Grade 5, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen .. Book 6 for Grade 6, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen ... Book 7 for Grade 7, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen . Book 8 for Grade 8, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen ... Compendium form— Book 1 for Grade 1, dozen. Book 2 for Grade 2, dozen. Book 3 for Grade 3, dozen. Book 4 for Grade 4, dozen. Book 5 for Grade 5, dozen. Book 6 for Grade 6, dozen. Book 7 for Grade 7, dozen. Book 8 for Grade 8, dozen. Teachers’ Manual, “How to Teach Writing,” furnished free. Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price $2.24 $1.68 2.24 1.68 2.24 1.68 2.24 1.68 2.24 1.68 2.24 1.68 2.24 1.68 2.24 1.68 2.88 2.16 2.88 2.16 2.88 2.16 2.88 2.16 2.88 2.16 2.88 2.16 2.88 2.16 2.88 2.16 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.35 1.80 1.35 ARITHMETIC Myers & Eisenburg. Fundamentals of Arith¬ metic, Economy Method: Book 1 for Grade 1. Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen . Book 2 for Grade 2, Plan A Ctablet, no paper) dozen . Book 3 for Grade 3, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen . Book 4 for Grade 4, Plan A (tablet, no paper) dozen .... Book 1 for Grade 1, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen . Book 2 for Grade 2, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen . Book 3 for Grade 3, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen . Book 4 for Grade 4, Plan B (tablet, 25 sheets) dozen . 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 3.04 3.04 3.04 3.04 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 Lowest Exchange Price LIPPINCOTT 89 Title of Book Thomas & Smieh. Farm Accounts, each M. G. Clark. Arithmetic Habituated: Series A for Grades 5 and 6, each. Series B for Grades 7 and 8, each. GEOGRAPHY Industrial Geography of Wisconsin. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .40 .30 .24 .18 .24 .18 1.00 .80 GRAMMAR A. A. Weaver. Practical Studies in Grammar, each . .68 .51 MUSIC A. J. Linden. Songs for Common Schools, each.. .60 .40 READING F. S. Hyer: The Laurel Primer, each . The Laurel First Reader . The Laurel Second Reader .... C. M. Sanford and Grace A. Owen: Modern Americans, each . Modern Europeans . .44 .48 .52 .80 .88 .33 .36 .39 .60 .66 .31 .34 .36 J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 2126 Px^airie Avenue, Chicago, III. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. AGRICULTURE Davis: Productive Farming. Productive Plant Husbandry Lewis’ Poultry Keeping. $1.28 $0.96 $0.90 1.75 1.3125 . 1.32 .99 _ ENGLISH Nicholson’s English Notebook.28 .21 GARDENING Davis’ School and Home Gardening. 1.28 .96 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES Morris: Primary History . Elementary History . School History . History of the U. S., Advanced. . . . Andrew: History of U. S., Advanced. Brief History (7th and 8th grades) .68 .51 ' .48 .68 .51 .48 1.00 .75 .70 1.12 .84 .78 1.20 .90 .84 1.00 .75 .70 LITERATURE—ENGLISH Miller’s English Literature.. 1.60 1.20 1.12 90 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book PHYSIOLOGY Jones’ Keep Well Stories for Little Folks READERS Lippincott: Primer . First Reader.. Second Reader . Third Reader . Fourth Reader, Complete . Fourth Reader, Part I . Fourth Reader, Part II . Fifth Reader, Part I . Fifth Reader. Part II . Fifth Reader, Complete . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .68 .51 56 .42 .39 64 .48 .45 76 .57 .53 84 .63 .59 92 .69 .64 76 .57 .53 76 .57 .53 80 .60 .56 80 .60 .56 00 .75 .70 LITTLE, BROWN & CO., INC. 623 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. COOKERY OR DOMESTIC SCIENCE Clark. Domestic Science . . $1.20 $0.90 Flagg: A Handbook of Home Economics . .90 . 671/2 $0.63 A Handbook of Elementary Sewing. .75 - .561/4 .53 Lincoln. The School Kitchen Textbook. .80 .60 .56 Wellman. Food Study . 1.40 1.05 .98 FRENCH Rees. The Pictorial French Course. 1.00 .75 SPANISH Rees. The Pictorial Spanish Course. 1.00 .75 MATHEMATICS Gifford: New Mental Arithmetic. Progressive Mental Arithmetic, Part I Progressive Mental Arithmetic, Part II Wheeler: Examples in Algebra. First Course in Algebra. Algebra for Grammar Schools. .50 .371/2 .40 .30 .40 .30 1.25 1.50 .70 .93% i.i2y 2 .52% .88 1. U .5 READING Murray. The Wide Awake Readers, six volumes: Wide Awake Junior, an Easy Primer. The Wide Awake Primer . The Wide Awake First Reader . The Wide Awake Second Reader . The Wide Awake Third Reader . The Wide Awake Fourth Reader . Laselle. The Home and Country Readers: Book I . Book II . Book III . Book IV . 50 • 371,4 .35 50 .37% .35 50 .371/2 . 35 56 .42 .40 64 .48 .45 72 . 54 .51 80 .60 SO .60 85 .63% 90 .67% LITTLE 91 Title of Book Aicott: The Louisa Aicott Reader .. The Louisa Aicott Story Book . Bigham: Merry Animal Tales (School Edition). Fanciful Flower Tales. Blaisdell: The Rhyme and Story Primer . The Rhyme and Story First Reader. The Boy Blu6 Series: Boy Blue and His Friends (School Edition) Polly and Dolly (School Edition). Twilight Town (School Edition). Tommy Tinker’s Book (School Edition). Cherry Tree Children (School Edition). Pretty Polly Flinders (School Edition). Bunny Rabbit’s Diary (School Edition). Burgess: Old Mother West Wind (School Edition). Mother West Wind’s Children (School Edition) Mother West Wind’s Animal Friends (School Edition) . Mother West Wind’s Neighbors (School Edi¬ tion) . Cox. A Knight of Arthur’s Court. Dalrymple. Little Me-Too (School Edition). Davidson. Nibbles and Bobtail. Doheny. Play Awhile . Dyer. Stories from a Mousehole. Eastman: Indian Child Life. Smoky Day’s Wigwam Evenings. Greene. Heroes of Chivalry. Hale. The Man Without a Country (School Edi¬ tion) . Homer. The Iliad (Translation) (School Edition) Richards. The Pig Brother and Other Fables (School Edition) . Robinson. In Toyland . Webster. Daniel Webster for Young Americans (School Edition) . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .75 .56% .75 .56% .70 .52% .70 .52% .52 .39 .37 .52 .39 .37 .64 .48 .64 .48 .64 .48 .64 ' .48 .55 • 41% .64 .48 .64 .48 .70 .52% .70 .52% .70 .52% .70 .52% .70 .52% .75 .56% .64 .48 .70 .52% .70 .52% .75 .56% .75 .56% .75 .56% .40 .30 1.10 .82% .60 .45 .55 .41% .75 .56% AMERICANISM Laselle. The Home and Country Readers: Book I . Book II . BoQk III. Book IV . .80 .60 .80 .60 .85 .63% .90 . 671/2 GEOGRAPHY READERS Gibson. In the Golden East. .75 McDonald & Dalrymple. Little People Every¬ where Series, 13 vols. (School Editions): Kathleen in Ireland. .65 Betty in Canada. .65 Manuel in Mexico. .65 Gerda in Sweden. .65 Marta in Holland. .65 Ume San in Japan. .65 Hassan in Egypt. .65 Rafael in Italy. .65 Boris in Russia. .65 Donald in Scotland. .65 Josefa in Spain. .65 Colette in France. .65 Chandra in India. .65 HISTORY READERS Blaisdell & Ball: American History for Little Folks (School Edition) . .65 American History Story Book (School Edition) .75 .56% • 48 % • 48 % • 48 % ■48% ■ 48% • 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% .48% 48% 48% •48% .56% 92 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Child’s Book of American History (School Edition) . English History Story Book (School Edition). Heroic Deeds of American Sailors (School Edi¬ tion) .. Pioneers of America (School Edition). Hall. Men of Old Greece (School Edition). Hancock: Children of History: Early Times . Children of History: Later Times . Parkman: The Boys’ Parkman (School Edition). Rivals for America (School Edition) . . . .. True. The Iron Star. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .75 .56% .75 .56% .75 .56% .75 .56% .75 .56% .80 .60 .85 .63% .80 .60 .80 .60 .75 .56% NATURE STUDY Meyer: The Outdoor Book. In the Green Fields. Schwartz: Grasshopper Green’s Garden. Wilderness Babies (School Edition) .64 .48 .70 .5 2y 2 .72 .54 .75 .56% Carpenter. Hellenic Tales MYTHOLOGY .85 .63% FIRE PREVENTION Martin & Davis. Firebrands .75 .56% LONGMANS, GREEN & COMPANY 4th Avenue and 30th St., New York, N. Y. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. ELEMENTARY BOOKS ARITHMETIC Strasburger and Chankin’s Systematic Drill Arithmetic: Book I . Book II . Book III . GRAMMAR, COMPOSITION, A Longmans: Briefer Grammar . English Grammar . English Lessons, 3rd year. English Lessons, 4th year . English Lessons, 5th year . English Lessons, 6th year . Howe, Prichard, and O’Hair’s Gate to English: Book I . Book II . HISTORY Higginson’s Young Folks’ History of the United States . Tout and Sullivan’s Elementary History of Eng¬ land . $0.60 $0.45 $0.42 .68 .51 .48 .68 .51 .48 LANGUAGE .72 .54 .50 .92 .69 .64 .44 .33 .31 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 .72 .54 .50 .88 .66 .62 1.10 .83 .77 1.00 .75 .70 LONGMANS 93 Title of Book Woodburn and Moran: Introduction to American History. Elementary American History and Govern¬ ment (After the War Edition). Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 1.10 .83 .77 1.50 1.13 1.05 READERS Horace Mann: Primer . Practice Primer . First Reader . Introductory Second Reader. Second Reader . v - . • introductory Third Reader. . . Third Reader . Introductory Fourth Reader. Fourth Reader . Fifth Reader . Sixth Reader . Seventh Reader . Eighth Reader . Daily Lesson Plans, Part I . Daily Lesson Plans. Part II . Daily Lesson Plans, Part III Memory Gem Charts. Ives’ Illustrated Phonics. .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .60 .45 .42 .68 .51 .48 .68 .51 .48 .76 .57 .53 .76 .57 .53 .80 .60 .56 .80 - .60 .56 .84 .63 .59 .92 .69 .64 .96 .72 .67 .96 .72 .67 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 3.50 2.63 2.45 .68 .51 .48 SUPPLEMENTARY READERS Chatty Readings in Elementary Science: Book I . Book II . Book III. Dodge’s Readings in Physical Geography. Garrison’s Parables for School and Home. Heller and Bates’ Little Golden Hood. Higginson’s Book of American Explorers. Hix’s Once Upon-a-Time Stories. Hix and Hervey’s Two Little Runaways. Hulst’s Indian Sketches. Krapp’s In Oldest England. Lang: Dick Whittington . Snowman . Longmans: Household Science Reader. Pictorial Geography Reader. Tucker and Ryan’s Historical Plays of Colonial Days . .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 .52 .39 .36 .70 .53 .49 1.25 .94 .87 .52 .39 .36 1.25 . 94 .87 .56 .42 .39 .65 .49 .45 .75 .57 .52 .85 .64 .59 .52 .39 .36 .52 .39 .36 .56 .42 .39 .60 .45 .42 .72 .54 .50 SPELLING Alexander’s Speller, Complete: Syllabicated. Part I, Syllabicated . Part II, Syllabicated . Alexander’s New Spelling Book: Grades 3, 4, 5 . Grades 6, 7, 8 . Grades 7, 8, and Advanced . . . Grades 3-8 . Grades 3, 4 . Grades 5, 6 . .56 .44 .48 .44 .44 .48 .56 .36 .40 .42 .33 .36 .33 .33 .36 .42 .27 .30 .39 .31 .34 .31 .31 .34 .39 .25 .28 HIGH SCHOOL BOOKS AMERICAN AND ENGLISH LITERATURE Arnold’s Sohrab and Rustum. .45 .34 Browning’s Select Poems. .45 .34 Addison and Steele’s Sir Roger de Coverley. .50 .37 94 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Burke’s Speech on Conciliation with America.... Byron’s Childe Harold. Carlyle: Essay on Burns. Heroes and Hero Worship. Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner. Cooper’s Last of the Mohicans. De Quincey: Flight of a Tartar Tribe. Joan of Arc. Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities. Dryden’s Palamon and Arcite. Eliot’s Silas Marner. Emerson’s Essay on Manners. Franklin’s Autobiography . Gaskell’s Cranford . Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield. Gray’s Elegy; and Goldsmith’s Deserted Village Huxley’s Autobiography . Irving: Sketch Book . Tales of a Traveler. Lincoln, Selections from. Lowell’s Vision of Sir Launfal. Macaulay: Essay on Milton . Essay on Addison . ..„. Essay on Johnson and Addison. Essay on Lord Clive . Speeches on Copyright. Warren Hastings . Milton: L’Allegro, II Penseroso, Comus and Lycidas... Paradise Lost . Palgrave’s Golden Treasury. Parkman’s Oregon Trail. Pope’s Homer’s Iliad. Ruskin’s Sesame and Lilies. Scott: Ivanhoe . Lady of the Lake. Marmion . Quentin Durward . Woodstock . Shakespeare: As You Like It. Hamlet . Henry V . Julius Caesar . Macbeth . Merchant of Venice. Midsummer’s Night Dream. Twelfth Night . Southey’s Life of Nelson. Spenser’s Faerie Queene. Stevenson’s Treasure Island. Tennyson: Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, The Passing of Arthur. Coming of Arthur. Princess . Thoreau’s Walden. Webster’s Bunker Hill Oration and Washington’s Farewell Address . Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price .45 .34 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .40 .30 .45 .34 . .70 .53 .50 .37 .50 .37 .70 .53 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .40 .30 .50 .37 .75 .57 .75 .57 .50 .37 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .60 .45 .40 .30 .40 .30 .40 .30 .50 .37 .50 .37 .75 .57 .75 .57 .50 .37 .50 .37 .80 .60 .50 .37 .50 .37 .80 .60 .80 .60 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 • .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .50 .37 .60 .45 .50 .37 .45 .34 .50 .37 .60 .45 .40 .30 Lowest Exchange Price % CHEMISTRY Godfrey: Elementary Chemistry . Laboratory Manual .. Segerblom’s Qualitative Analysis 1 .40 1.05 .98 .50 .37 .35 1 .25 .94 .87 LONGMANS 95 Title of Book Usual Lowest List Wholesale Price Price GEOGRAPHY AND ATLASES Exercise Outline Maps of United States per 100 .90 North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa per 100. .60 .90 .60 GRAMMAR, COMPOSITION, AND RHETORIC Prank: High School Exercises in Grammar. 1.04 .78 Elements of High School English. 1.20 .90 Knight’s Practice Work in English. .80 .60 Musgrove’s Composition and Literature. 1.48 1.11 HISTORY AND CIVICS Pogart’s Economic History of the United States 2.00 1.50 Day’s History of Commerce. 2.25 1.69 Howe’s Essentials in Early European History... 2.00 1.50 Knowlton and Howe’s Essentials in Modern European History. 2.00 1.50 Higginson and Channing’s English History for Americans . 1.10 .83 Bogart and Thompson’s Exercise Book. .60 .45 Woodburn and Moran’s The Citizen and the Re¬ public . 1.50 1.13 LATIN Ritchie: Fabulae Faciles . .92 .69 First Steps in Latin. .84 .63 Second Steps in Latin. 1.00 .75 MATHEMATICS Kent’s First Course in Algebra. 1.20 .90 Estill’s Numerical Problems. 1.00 .75 Murray: Essentials of Trigonometry. .90 .67 Plane Trigonometry . 1.12 .84 Plane Trigonometry and Tables. 1.25 .94 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. 1.25 .94 Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with Tables 1.50 1.13 Elements of Plane Trigonometry. 1.08 .81 Elements of Plane Trigonometry with Tables. 1.40 1.05 Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry 1.25 .94 Elements of Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with Tables . 1.50 1.13 PHYSICS Hawkins’ Applied Physics. 1.30 .98 RHETORIC Baldwin’s Writing and Speaking. 1.48 1.11 Thomas, Howe and O’Hair’s Composition and Rhetoric . 1-48 1.11 SPELLING .52 .39 Lowest Exchange Price .73 .84 .56 1.04 1.40 1.57 1.40 1.40 .77 .42 1.05 .64 .59 .70 .84 .70 .63 .78 .87 .87 1.05 .76 .98 .87 1.05 .91 1.04 1.04 .36 Mayne’s Business Spelling Book 96 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price ENGLISH LITERATURE Bates’ English Literature. 1.75 1.32 1.22 FRENCH Longmans: Modern French Course, Part I . .75 .57 .52 Modern French Course, Part II . .90 .68 .63 Modern French Course, Part III . 1.10 .83 .77 Ahern. Pamphlet on Phonetics. .35 .26 .24 LYONS & CARNAHAN 623 S. Wabash Ave„ Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. Cox. Modern Arithmetics: Three-Book Series: Modern Arithmetic Elementary . . . . $0.68 $0.51 $0.48 Modern Arithmetic Advanced. Part I.68 .51 .48 Modern Arithmetic Advanced, Part II.84 .63 .59 Two-Book Series: Modern Arithmetic Elementary . . . .68 .51 .48 Modern Arithmetic Complete . .96 .72 .67. 01* Modern Arithmetic Advanced . . .88 .66 .62 TTmholtz. Primary Number Book. .64 .48 .45 Austin. Austin’s Domestic Science: Book I . .88 .66 .62 Book II . .96 .72 .67 Book III . .' 1.24 .93 .87 Books I and II Combined. . 1.48 1.11 1.04 Miller-Kinkead. Miller-Kinkead English Les- sons: Book I. Language . .72 .54 .50 Book II with Composition . .92 .69 .64 Mamifll for Rrmlrs T anrl TT. . 60 . 45 Carrie J. Smith. Easy Road to Reading Five-Book Series: Primer . .60 .45 .36 First Reader . .64 .48 .42 Second Reader . .68 .51 .48 Third Reader . .76 .57 .53 Fourth Reader . .80 .60 .56 Higher Reader . .75 .70 Nine-Book Series: Primer . .60 .45 .36 First Reader . .48 .42 Second Reader . .68 .51 .48 Third Reader .. .76 .57 .53 Fourth Reader . .60 .56 Fifth Reader . .84 .63 .59 Easy Road to Reading: Sixth Grade Reader. .84 .63 .59 Seventh Grade Reader. .84 .63 .59 Eighth Grade Reader. .92 .69 .64 Teacher’s Manual . . .60 . 45 ■Set Perception Cards. . 2 00 1.50 Set Phonic Cards. . 60 . 45 Sentence Building Cards. . .32 .24 Morcomb. Red Feather. .64 .48 .45 Mayne. Mayne’s Sight Speller: Complete . .52 .39 .36 Primary . .. .32 .29 Advanced .36 .34 Primary and Advanced Combined. . . . .56 .42 .39 Payne. Education in Accident Prevention. 1.20 .90 .84 Boss. Farm Management . . 1.24 .93 .87 mcintosh 97 Title of Book Dadisman. Exercises in Agriculture. Williams and Kempthorne. W. & K. Algebras: First Course . Second Course . Complete Course . Smith: Smith's Arithmetic of Business. Smith’s Applied Arithmetic. - New Business Arithmetic. Birch. Birch’s Rapid Calculation. Lyons. Lyons’ Bookkeeping: Part One Text. Part Two Text . Complete Text . Outfit for Part One . Outfit for Part Two . - Wholesale Accounting . - Mercantile Accounting . - Modern Corporation Accounting. Morton. Banking and Bank Accounting. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .88 .66 .62 1.40 1.05 .98 1.20 .90 .84 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.28 .96 .90 1.28 .96 .90 .48 .36 .34 1.20 .90 .84 .80 .60 .56 1.48 1.11 1.04 2.00 1.50 1.60 1.20 3.00 2.25 on text . 42 2.40 1.80 on text .42 2.00 1.50 on text . 42 3.00 2.25 on text .88 CLASSICS Otto. Burke’s Conciliation . Booth. Idylls of the King.. Thompson. Maqbeth . Miller-Kinney. Julius Caesar . Milier-Plee. Short Stories for High Schools.... Miller-Albert. Ivanhoe . COMMERCIAL LAW Burgess. Burgess’ Commercial Law. Lyons. Lyons’ Commercial Law. Miller-Palmer. High School English. Mayne-Smith. Modern Business English. Williams: Plane Geometry . Solid Geometry . Plane and Solid. -Story of the Gallic War. Reed and Henderson: High School Physics. 120 Laboratory Ex. in Elementary Physics.. Van Sant: Van Sant Manual of Shorthand. Dictation Studies, Munson. Munson Shorthand Dictionary. Stenographer’s Business Practice. Miller: New Business Speller. Modern Business Speller. Read. Read’s Salesmanship . Mosher. Complete Touch Typewriting In¬ structor, for Various Machines, each. Frazier. Dualis Method of Touch Typewriting: Paper Edition. Cloth Edition . - Modern Typewriting—Series, for Various Machines, each . .48 .36 .34 . 60 .45 .42 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 . 64 .48 .45 .88 .66 .62 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.40 %. 05 .98 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.20 .90 .84 1.20 .90 .84 1.00 .75 .70 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.48 1.11 1.04 .88 .66 .62 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.20 .90 .84 1.00 .75 .70 1.12 .84 on text . 28 .48 .36 .34 .48 .36 .34 1.48 1.11 1.04 1.00 .75 .70 .60 .45 .42 1.00 .75 .70 1.00 .75 .70 mcintosh publishing company Dover, N. H. To be furnished f. o. b. at Dover, N. H. McIntosh: Rapid Calculation Pad. $0.40 $0.32 Drill Book of Calculation.25 .20 Bookkeeping Drills . .45 .36 7 98 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS MACMILLAN COMPANY Prairie Ave. and 25th St., Chicago, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. AGRICULTURE I Title of Book Call and Schafer Laboratory Manual in Agri¬ culture . Eckles and Warren Dairy Farming. Gehrs. Productive Agriculture . Gehrs and James. One Hundred Exercises in Agriculture . Gehrs. Principles of Agriculture. Harper. Animal Husbandry . Harris and Stewart. Principles of Agronomy... Livingston. Field Crop Production. Lyon. Soils and Fertilizers. Mann. Beginnings in Agriculture. Warren. Elements of Agriculture. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price $1.40 $1.05 $0.98 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.20 .90 .84 1.40 1.05 .98 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.40 1.05 .98 1.60 1.20 1.12 ALGEBRA Ford and Ammerman: First Course in Algebra. . Second Course in Algebra 1.20 .90 .84 1.28 .96 .89 BOOKKEEPING AND COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS Altmaier. Commercial Correspondence . 1.20 .90 .84 Bays' Business Law. 1.40 1.05 .98 Bogle. Everyday Bookkeeping . 1.00 .75 .70 Cahill and Ruggieri. Office Practice. 1.40 1.05 .98 Herrick. History of Commerce and Industry... 2.0U 1.50 1.40 Hoover. Salesmanship . 1.20 .90 .84 Opdycke. News Ads and Sales. 1.60 1.20 1.12 BOTANY—BIOLOGY—ZOOLOGY Bailey. Botany for Secondary Schools. 1.80 1.35 1.26 Baiiev and Coleman. First Course in Biology.. 1.80 i 1.35 1.26 Hegner: Practical Zoology . 1.80 1.35 1.26 Directions for Laboratory and Field Work. . . . .80 .60 .56 Peabody and Hunt. Elementary Biology. 1.80 1.35 , 1.26 CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, GENERAL SCIENCE Jackson and Black. Elementary Electricity and Magnetism . Smith and Jewett. Introduction to the Study of Science . Kahlenberg and Hart. Introduction to the Study of Chemistry . Morgan and Lyman: Chemistry with Manual. Chemistry without Manual. Manual only . Trafton. Science of Home and Community.... 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.80 1.35 1.26 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.00 .75 .70 1.40 1.05 .98 CIVICS Ashley. New Civics . Beard. American Citizenship Giles. Vocational Civics . . . Nida. City, State and Nation 1 .40 1 .05 .98 1 . .40 1 .05 .98 1 . .40 1 .05 .98 1 . .20 .90 .84 MACMILLAN 99 Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC Canby and Opdycke: Good English . 1.40 1.05 Elements of Composition. 1.60 1.20 Smith. Oral English . 1.40 1.05 Ward. Oral Composition .. 1.40 1.05 DOMESTIC SCIENCE Kinne and Cooley. Homemaking Series: Food and Health. .96 .72 Clothing and Health. .96 .72 Home and the Family. .96 .72 Shelter and Clothing. 1.40 1.05 Foods and Household Management. 1.40 1.05 Cooley and spohr. Household Arts for School and Home: Volume I . 1.60 1.20 Volume II . 1.60 1.20 McGowan and Waite. Textiles and Clothing.... 1.20 .90 Sheaffer. Household Accounting . 1.00 .75 Williams and Fisher. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Cookery. 1.40 1.05 ENGLISH FOR FOREIGNERS—ADULTS Moley and Cook. Lessons in Democracy. 1.00 .75 ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY Burch and Nearing. Economics for High Schools 1.40 1.05 Carleton. Elementary Economics . 1.20 .90 GEOGRAPHY Tarr and McMurry, New Geographies: Book One. 1.12 .84 Book One, Part One . .68 .51 Book One, Part Two . .96 .72 Book Two . . .•. 1.60 1.20 Book Two, Part One . 1.08 .81 Book Two, Part Two . 1.08 .81 GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL Tarr. New Physical Geography . 1.60 1.20 Tarr and von Engeln. Laboratory Manual of Physical and Commercial Geography. 1.40 1.05 GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY Ford and Ammerman: Plane Geometry . 1.20 .90 Solid Geometry . 1.00 .75 Plane and Solid Geometry. 1.40 1.05 Hedrick. Constructive Geometry . .60 .45 Keynon and Ingold: Elements of Plane Trigonometry with Brief Tables. 1.20 .90 Elements of Plane Trigonometry with Complete Tables . 1.40 1.05 HISTORY OTHER THAN UNITED STATES Ashley: Early European Civilization. 2.00 1.60 Modern European Civilization. 2.00 1.60 Lowest Exchange Price .98 1.12 .98 .98 .67 .67 .67 .98 .98 1.12 1.12 .84 .70 .98 .70 .98 .84 .78 .47 .67 1.12 .75 .75 1.12 .98 .84 .70 .98 .42 .84 .98 1 . 40 1.40 100 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Botsford: Brief History of the World. History of the Ancient World. Nida. Dawn of American History in Europe. . . . HISTORY—UNITED STATES Ashley. American History . Beard and Bagley. History of the American People.... Charming. Student’s History of the United States . Elson. History of the IT. s. of America. Moore. Industrial History of the American People . Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price 2.00 1.60 1.40 2.00 1.60 1.40 1.20 .90 .84 ATES 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.48 1.11 1.03 2.00 1.50 1.40 2.20 1.65 1.54 1.80 1.35 1.26 LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR Emerson and Bender. English Spoken and Written: Primer .. Book One . Book Two . LATIN Baker and Inglis. Latin Prose Composition.... Hodcre. Caesar’s Gallic War. Inglis and Prettyman. First Book in Latin. LITERATURE Pocket Classic Series, 176 volumes, per volume.. Addison’s Sir Roger de Coverley. (Gray) American Democracy from Washington to Wil¬ son (Finley and Sullivan) American Patriotism in Prose and Verse. (Gathany) Andersen’s Danish Legends and Fairy Tales. (Brooks) Arabian Nights Entertainments. (Johnson) Arnold’s Sohrab and Rustum and Other Poems. (Castleman) Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. (Heermans) Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. (Miller) Bacon’s Essays. (Clarke) Baker’s Out of the Northland. (E. K. Baker) Blackmore's Lorna Doone. (Barbour) Boswell’s Life of Johnson: Abridged. (Wat¬ son) Mrs. Browning’s Poems. Selections. (Hersey) Browning’s Shorter Poems. (F. T. Baker) Bryant’s Thanatopsis, Sella, and Other Poems. (Castleman) Brvce on American Democracy. (Fulton) Bu’wer Lytton’s Last Days of Pompeii. (Cas¬ tleman) Bunvan’s Pilgrim Progress. (Moffatt) BucVe’s Speech on Conciliation with America. (Newsom) Burns’ Poems. (Buck) Byron’s Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage. (George) Bvron’s Shorter Poems. (Bowles) Carlvle’s Essay on Burns. (Gore) Car’yle’s Heroes and Hero Worshin. (Marble) Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. (McMurry) Chaucer’s Prologue. The Knight’s Tale; The Nun’s Priest’s Tale. (Ingraham) Church’s Story of the Iliad Church’s Story of the Odyssey Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan, and Christabel. (Huntington) 60 .45 .42 72 .54 .50 80 .60 .56 40 1 .05 .98 60 1 .20 1.12 40 1 .05 .98 40 .30 MACMILLAN Title of Book Cooper’s The Deerslayer Cooper’s Last of the Mohicans. (Wickes) Cooper’s The Spy. (Thurber) Curtis’ Prue and I. (Brecht) Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast. (Keyes) Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, Part I. (Gaston) Defoe’s Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Abridged. (Johnson) De Quincey’s Confessions of an English Opium- Eater. (Beatty) De Quincey’s Essays: Joan of Arc, The English Mail Coach, The Spanish Military Nun. (Newman) Dickens’ Christmas Carol. (Sawin and Thomas) Dickens’ David Copperfield. 2 volumes. (Fair- ley) Dickens’ Oliver Twist. (Pine) Dickens’ Tale of Two Cities. (Buehler and Mason) Dryden’s Palamon and Arcite. (Chubb) Early American Orations, 1760-1824. (Heller) Edward’s Selected Sermons. (Gardiner) Eliot’s Mill on the Floss. (Ausherman) Eliot’s Silas Marner. (Gulick) Emerson’s Earlier Poems. (Gallagher) Emerson’s Selected Essays. (Holmes) Emerson’s Representative Men. (Buck) English Essays. (Pottinger) English Narrative Poems. (Fuess and San¬ born) Epoch-Making Papers in United States History. (Brown) Franklin’s Autobiography Mrs. Gaskill’s Cranford. (Sampson) Goldsmith’s Deserted Village and Other Poems. (Whiteford) Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield. (Boynton) Gray’s Elegy in a Country Churchyard and Cowper’s John Gilpin’s Ride. (Castleman) Grimm’s Fairy Tales. (Fassett) Hale’s Man Without a Country. (Tucker) Hawthorne’s Grandfather’s Chair. (Kingsley) Hawthorne’s House of the Seven Gables. (Furst) Hawthorne’s Mosses from an Old Manse. (Burbank) Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter. (Seay) Hawthorne’s Tanglewood Tales. (Beggs) Hawthorne’s Twice-Told Tales. (Gaston) Hawthorne’s Wonder-Book. (Wolfe) Holmes’ Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. (Rounds) Holmes’ Poems. Selections. (Castleman) Homer’s Iliad. Lang, Leaf and Myers Trans. Homer’s Odyssey. Butcher and Lang Trans. (Carpenter) Hughes’ Tom Brown’s School Days. (Thomas) Hugo’s Les Miserables. (Crawford) Huxley’s Selected Essays and Addresses. (Buck) Irving’s Alhambra. (Hitchcock) Irving’s Knickerbocker’s History of New York. (Greenlaw) Irving’s Life of Goldsmith- (Blakeley) Irving’s Sketch Book. Irving’s Tales of a Traveler. (Chase) Keary’s Heroes of Asgard. (Morss) a Kempis’ Imitation of Christ. (Brother Leo) Kingsley’s Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales. (Mc- Murry) Kingsley’s Westward Ho! (Leonard) Lamb’s Essays of Elia. (Robins) Lamb’s Tales from Shaksepeare. (Ainger) Letters from Many Pens. (Coult) 102 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book Lincoln’s Addresses. (Chubb) Lockhart’s Life of Scott. Abridged. (Reid) London’s Call of the Wild. (Mitchill) Longfellow’s Courtship of Miles Standish. (Lewis) Longfellow’s Courtship of Miles Standish and Minor Poems. (Howe) Longfellow’s Evangeline. (Semple) Longfellow’s Song of Hiawatha. (Fleming) Longfellow’s Tales of a Wayside Inn. (Castle- man) Lowell’s Earlier Essays. (Hoffsten) Lowell’s Vision of Sir Launfal. (Bates) Macaulay’s Essay on Addison. (French) Macaulay’s Essay on Clive. (Pearce) Macaulay’s Essay on Milton. (French) Macaulay’s Essay on Warren Hastings. (Frick) Macaulay’s Lays of Ancient Rome and Other Poems. (F. T. Baker) Macaulay’s Life of Johnson. (Schuyler) Malory’s Morte Darthur. (Swiggett) Memorable Passages from the Bible. (Scott) Milton’s Comus, Lycidas, and Other Poems, and Matthew Arnold’s Address on Milton. (Allen) Milton’s Paradise Lost, Books I and II. (Crane) Old English Ballads. (Armes) Old Testament Selections. (Scott) Palgrave’s Golden Treasury with Additional Poems. Parkman’s Oregon Trail. (Douglas) Plutarch’s Lives of Caesar, Brutus, and Antony. (Brier) Poe’s Poems. (Kent) Poe’s Prose Tales. Selectipns Poems, Narrative and Lyrical. (St. John) Pope’s Homer’s Iliad. (Rhodes) Pope’s Homer’s Odyssey. (E. S. and W. Shum- way) Pope’s Rape of the Lock. (King) Representative Short Stories. (Hart and Perry) Reade’s Cloister and the Hearth. (Hart) Christina Rossetti’s Selected Poems. (Burke) Ruskin’s Crown of Wild Olive and The Queen of the Air. (Melton) Ruskin’s Sesame and Lilies and The King of the Golden River. (Bates) Scott’s Guy Mannering. (Case) Scott’s Ivanhoe. (Hitchcock) Scott’s Kenilworth. (Castleman) Scott’s Lady of Lake. (Packard) Scott’s Lay of the Last Minstrel. (Bowles) Scott’s Marmion. (Aiton) Scott’s Quentin Durward. (Eno) Scott’s Rob Roy. (Musgrove) Scott’s The Talisman. (Treudley) Select Orations. (Hall) Selected Poems for Required Reading in Sec¬ ondary Schools. (Boynton) Selections from American Poetry. (Carhart) Selections for Oral Reading. (Fuess) Shakespeare’s As You Like It. (Gaston) Shakespeare’s Coriolanus. (Weiser) Shakespeare’s Hamlet. (Sherman) Shakespeare’s Henry V. (Bowles) Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. (G. W. and L. G. Hufford) Shakespeare’s King Lear. (Buck) Shakespeare’s Macbeth. (French) Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. (Under¬ wood) Shakespeare’s Midsummer-Night’s Dream. (Noyes) Shakespeare’s Richard II. (Moffatt) MACMILLAN 103 Usual Lowest List Wholesale Title of Book Price Price Shakespeare’s Richard III. (Brubacher) Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. (Chase) Shakespeare’s The Tempest. (Newsom) Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. (Morton) Shelley and Keats’ Selected Poems. (Newsom) Sheridan’s Rivals and The School for Scandal. (Howe) Short Stories. A Collection. (Pittenger) Short Stories and Selections. (Baker) Southern Orators. Selections. (McConnell) Southern Poets. Selections. (Weber) Southey’s Life of Nelson. (Law) Spenser’s Faerie Queene, Book I. (Wauchope) Stevenson’s Kidnapped. (Brown) Stevenson’s Master of Ballantrae. (White) Stevenson’s Travels with a Donkey and an Inland Voyage. (Cross) Stevenson’s Treasure Island. (Vance) Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. (Johnson) Tennyson’s Idylls of the King. (French) Tennyson’s In Memoriam. (Pearce) Tennyson’s The Princess. (Farrand) Tennyson’s Shorter Poems. (Nutter) Thackeray’s English Humorists. (Castleman) Thackeray’s Henry Esmond. (Henneman) Thoreau’s Walden. (Rees) Selections from Trevelyan’s Life of Macaulay. (Barley) Virgil’s Aeneid. Conington Trans. (Shumway) Washington’s Farewell Address and Web¬ ster’s Bunker Hill Orations. (Peck) Whittier’s Snow-Bound and Other Early Poems. (Bouton) Wister’s The Virginian. (Hosic) Woolman’s Journal. Wordsworth’s Shorter Poems. (Fulton) Cairns. American Literature . 1.60 1.20 Mackenzie. History of English Literature. 1.60 1.20 Tisdel. Brief Survey of English and American Literature . 1.20 .90 Rankin and Aikin. English Literature. 1.60 1.20 PEDAGOGY, PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS Burch and Patterson. American Social Problems 1.60 1.20 Colvin and Bagley. Human Behavior. 1.60 1.20 Ely and Wicker. Elementary Principles of Eco¬ nomics . 1.40 1.05 Leavitt and Brown. Elementary Social Science. 1.20 .90 Towne. Social Problems . 1.60 1.20 • MISCELLANEOUS Archbold. Laboratory Course in Practical Elec¬ tricity . 1.20 .90 Vosburgh and Gentleman: Junior High School Mathematics: Vol. I . 1.00 .75 Vol. II . 1.20 .90 Vol. Ill . 1.20 .90 MODERN LANGUAGE Maloubier and Moore: First Book in French. 1.40 1.05 French Dramatic Reader. 1.00 .75 Macmillan. French Series: About Le Roi des Montagnes. .80 .60 Daudet Contes Choisis. .60 .45 Frazer Scenes of Familiar Life. .60 .45 Labiche La Poudre aux Yeux. .60 .45 Meras French Verbs and Verbal Idioms. .80 .60 Lowest Exchange Price 1,12 1.12 .84 1.12 1.12 1.12 .98 .84 1.12 .84 .70 .84 .84 .70 .70 104 PRICE LIST OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price .80 .60 Pargment Exercices Francais Premiere Partie . 1.00 .75 .70 Deuzieme Partie . 1.00 .75 .70 Van Buren. Contes du Pays de Merlin. .60 .45 Wann. French Conversation and Composition.. 1.00 .75 Macmillan. Spanish Series: Crawford First Book in Spanish. 1.40 1.05 .98 Frias Leyendas Historicas Mexicanas Bardin.. 1.00 .75 .70 Fuentes and Elias Manual de Correspondencia 1.20 .90 .8.4 Fuentes and Francois Practical Spanish Gram- mar . 1.40 1.05 .98 Hatheway and Berge-Soler Easy Spanish Reader . 1.12 .84 . 78 Luquiens Elementary Spanish American Reader 1.00 .75 .70 Marmol Amalia-Corlet . 1.20 .90 Supple Spanish Reader of South American History .. 1.20 .90 .84 Sinagnan Foundation Course in Spanish. 1.40 1.05 .98 PENMANSHIP Lister. Muscular Movement Writing: Primary Book . .16 .12 .11 Elementary Book . .20 . 15 Advanced Book . .24 118 PHYSICS Archbold. Laboratory Course in Practical Elec¬ tricity . 1.20 .90 .84 Black and Davis. Practical Physics. 1.80 1.35 1.26 Black. Laboratory Manual in Physics. .92 .69 .64 Lynde: Physics of the Household. 1.80 1.35 1.26 Laboratory Manual . 1.00 .75 .70 PHYSIOLOGY Coleman. The People vs. Health. AND HYGIENE . 1.00 . 75 .70 O Shea and Kellogg: Health Habits . .80 .60 .56 Health and Cleanliness. .88 .66 .61 The Body in Health.... . 1.00 .75 .70 Making the Most of Life.. .75 .70 Williams. Healthful Living . . 1.20 .90 .84 READING Baker and Thorndike. Everyday Classics: Third . .72 .54 .50 Fourth . .80 .60 .56 Fifth . .84 .63 .58 Sixth . .88 .66 .61 Seventh . .96 .72 .67 Eighth . .96 .72 .67 Sloan. New Readers: Primer . .60 .45 .42 First Reader . t . .64 .48 .44 Second Reader . .68 .51 .47 SPELLING Van Wagenen. The Modern Speller: Book One . .40 .30 .28 Book Two . . 48 .36 .33 Swan. Word Study. .72 .54 .50 MANUAL ARTS—MENDOTA-—MERRILL 105 MANUAL ARTS PRESS Peoria, Illinois To be furnished f. o. b. at Peoria, Ill. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price Greene. Workshop Notebook, Woodworking.... $0.24 $0.18 $0.15 Griffith: Woodwork for Beginners. .64 .48 .39 Essentials of Woodworking. 1.16 .87 .70 Woodwork for Sec. Schools. 2.16 1.62 1.30 Bennett: Grammar Grade Problems in Mechanical Draw- ing . .44 . 33 .27 Problems in Mechanical Drawing. 1.20 .90 .72 Berg & Kronquist. Mechanical Drawing Prob- lems . 1.28 .96 .77 Seaman. Progressive Steps in Architectural Drawing . 1.25 .93% .75 MENDOTA BOOK COMPANY 208 Lathrop St., Madison, Wisconsin To be furnished f. o. b. at Madison, Wis. Testing- Milk and its Products. $1.25 $0.94 Cheddar Cheese Making. 1.75 1.32 CHARLES E. MERRILL COMPANY 432 Fourth Avenue, New York, 323-325 Fast 23d Street, Chicago To be furnished f. o. b, at Chicago, Ill. ENGLISH Brubacher & Snyder: High School English: Book One, Revised . 1.48 1.11 1.04 Book Two Revised . 1.48 1.11 1.04 English Oral ar.d Written . . Lee. Lessons in English: 1.40 1.05 .98 Book One . .68 .51 .48 Book Two . Reed & Kellogg: Introductory Language Work, Large Type .84 .63 .59 Edition . Graded Lessons in English, Large Type Edi- .60 .45 .42 tion . Higher Lessons in English, Large Type Edi- .64 .48 .45 tion . .96 .72 .67 High School Grammar. .96 .72 .67 MATHEMATICS ALGEBRA Durell: Algebra, Book One . Algebra, Book Two . Algebra. Book Two with Advanced Algebra... School Algebra . Durell & Arnold. A First Book in Algebra. 1.20 1.16 1.28 1.60 1.20 .90 .87 .96 1.20 .90 .84 .81 .90 1.12 .84 106 PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS Title of Book ARITHMETIC Durell. Durell Arithmetics: Two Book Series: Elementary Arithmetic . Advanced Arithmetic . Three Book Series: Arithmetic, Book One. Arithmetic, Book Two . Arithmetic, Book Three . Durell & Arnold: Plane Geometry. Solid Geometry .. Plane and Solid Geometry. GEOMETRY TRIGONOMETRY Durell: Plane Trigonometry . Plane Trigonometry and Tables. Plane Trigonometry with Surveying and Tables Plane Surveying and Tables. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry and Tables. Spherical Trigonometry . Plane and Spherical Trigonometry with Sur¬ veying and Tables. Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables. Wiijslow. Healthy Living: Book One . Book Two . READING—Basal Dyer & Brady. The Merrill Readers: Primer . First Reader . Second Reader . Third Reader . Fourth Reader . Fifth Reader ... Sixth Reader .. Readings in Literature, Book I (The Merrill 7th Reader) . Readings in Literature, Book II (The Merrill 8th Reader) . Fourth Reader (Five Book Series). Fifth Reader (Five Book Series). Teachers’ Manual . Judson & Bender. Graded Literature Readers: The Bender Primer. First Book . Second Book .: . . . Third Book . Fourth Book. Fifth Book . Sixth Book . Seventh Book . Eighth Book . Fifth and Sixth Books Combined. Seventh and Eighth Books Combined. SCIENCE Pease. A First Year Course in General Science, Enlarged Edition: With Manual . Without Manual . Laboratory Manual . Curtis. Manual of Experiments in Elementary Science, Students’ Edition. Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Price Price Price .64 .48 .45 .88 .66 .62 .68 .51 .48 .72 .54 .50 .80 .60 .56 1.16 .87 .81 1.00 .75 .70 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.80 1.35 1.26 1.90 1.42 1.33 1.60 1.20 1.12 2.00 1.50 1 .*40 1.00 .75 .70 2.25 1.69 1.57 1.25 .94 .87 IENE .68 .51 .48 .96 .72 .67 .52 .39 .36 .52 .39 .36 .60 .45 .42 .68 .51 .48 .72 .54 .50 .72 .54 .50 .76 .57 .53 OO 00 .66 .62 .88 .66 .62 .84 .63 .59 .88 .66 .62 .50 .38 .35 .52 .39 .36 .40 .30 .28 .52 .39 .36 .60 .45 .42 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .64 .48 .45 .90 .68 .63 .90 .68 .63 1.60 1.20 1.12 1.36 1.02 .95 .40 .30 .28 .80 .60 .56 METROPOLITAN—MIDLAND 107 Usual Lowest Lowest List Wholesale Exchange Title of Book Price Price Price SPELLING Reed: Primary Speller. .36 .27 .25 Word Lessons . .40 .30 .28 Wilson & Winship. The Merrill Speller: Two Book Edition Book One . .36 .27 .25 Book Two . .36 .27 .25 Complete . Three Book Edition .48 .36 .34 Elementary Speller . .32 .24 .22 Intermediate Speller . .36 .27 .25 Advanced Speller . .32 .24 .22 METROPOLITAN TEXTBOOK COMPANY 37 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. Metropolitan System of Bookkeeping: Cloth Binding. Text, Complete . Text, Parts I and II . Text, Parts III and IV. Heavy Paper Covers. Text, Sets 1 to 5, Part I. Text, Set 6, Part II.. Text, Set 7, Part III . Text, Set 8, Part III . Text, Set 9, Part IV . Text, Appendix . Supplies. Sets 1 to 5. Part 1, Blanks, Outgoing Papers and Incoming Currency. Set 6. Part II, Blanks, Outgoing and Incoming Papers . . . Set 7. Part III, Blanks. Outgoing Papers, In¬ coming Drafts and Checks. Set 8, Part III, Blanks, No Papers. Set 9. Part IV, Blanks, Vouchers and Checks, Invoices . Set 10, Blanks, No Papers. Practical Grammar . Exercise Pad for Practical Grammar. Business Law . Business Letter Writing. Exercise Pad for B. L. W. Munson: Shorthand . Shorthand Exercise Book . Shorthand Reader, No. I. Metropolitan Business Speller. Typewriting by the Touch Method. Metropolitan Business Writing. Commercial Arithmetic . $1.60 $1.20 $0.90 1.25 .93% .70 1.00 .75 .60 .50 .371/2 .45 .33% .25 .18% .20 .15 .35 .26% .10 .071/2 ...... .80 .60 1.20 .90 1.00 .75 .50 .371/2 .80 .60 .20 .15 .35 .26% .21 .15 .11% .85 .63% .51 .50 . 371/2 .30 .15 • 11% 1.25 .93% .75 .25 .18% .25 .18% .25 • 18% .15 1.00 .75 .60 .20 .15 .12 .85 .63% .51 MIDLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY 715—35th St., Milwaukee, Wis. To be furnished f. o. b. at Milwaukee. Jackson’s Test Yourself in Arithmetic. $0.12 $0.09 Richard’s Catechism for Little Children. .05 .04 Civil Government of the U. S. .75 .56 Civil Government of the U. S. and Wis. (Wis¬ consin Edition) . 1.00 .75 Wright’s American Constitution (Essays on the subjects) . 1.00 .75 Butterfield’s Punctuation . .12 .09 Midland Report Cards. .01 .0075 $0.67 108 PRICE LIST OP SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS NEWSON & COMPANY 73 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. and 623 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. To be furnished f. o. b. at Chicago, Ill. READING Usual Lowest Title of Book List Price Wholesale Price Spaulding & Bryce: Learning to Read—A Manual for Teachers, 1918 $0.68 $0.51 Aldine Readers, Primer, Rev. Ed. 1916... .64 .48 Aldine Readers, Book One, Rev. Ed. 1916 .64 .48 Aldine Readers, Book Two, Rev. Ed. 1918.... .76 . 57 Aldine Readers, Book Three, Rev. Ed. Pupil’s Edition . 1918, .88 .66 Aldine Readers, Book Three, Rev. Ed. Teacher’s Edition . 1918, .96 .72 Aldine Readers, Book Four, Rev. Ed. Pupil’s Edition . 1919, .92 .69 Aldine Readers, Book Four, Rev. Ed. Teacher’s Edition . 1919, .96 .72 Reading and Phonic Chart (Combined) . . . 12.00 9.00 Phonic Chart (Separate). 9.00 7.75 Sight Word Cards (123 in set), per set... 1.88 1.41 Phonic Cards (54 in set), per set. 1.00 .75 Rhyme Charts (19 in set), per set. 1.24 .93 Rhyme Card for Aldine Book One, per 100... 1.60 1.20 Rhyme Card for Aldine Primer, per 100. . . 1 . 60 1 .20 Seat Work Cards, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, per 100. 2.68 2.01 Word and Phrase Cards (47 in set), per set. . . . . 72 .54 Phonic Drill Cards (21 in set), per set... .72 .54 Lowest Exchange Price .45 .45 .53 .62 .64 SUPPLEMENTARY READING Pryce. The Playtime Primer, First Year. .56 Hammond. A Beginner’s Reader, First Year... .56 Higgins. Holidays in Mother Goose Land, Second Year . .64 Bryce. Short Stories for Little Folks, First Year .56 Davidson & Bryce: Busy Brownies at Work, First Year. .56 Busy Brownies at Play, First and Second Years . .56 Wray: Lfttle Playmates, Pupil’s Ed.. First Year. .56 Little Playmates, Teacher’s Edition. .60 Seat Work to Accompany Little Playmates. 1.32 Bryce: That’s Why Stories, Second and Third Years.. .56 Fables from Afar, Third Year. .64 Folk Lore from Foreign Lands, Third Year... .64 Seri. In Fairyland, Third and Fourth Years.... .52 Hall & Chester. Panama and the Canal, Revised and Enlarged Edition. 1.08 Standard Literature Series: Single Numbers, Cloth Binding. .44 Double Numbers, Cloth Binding. .48 Triple Numbers, Cloth Binding. .56 .42 . 42 .48 .42 . 42 .42 .42 .45 .99 .42 .48 .48 .39 .81 .33 .36 .42 SPELLING Bryce & Sherman—The Aldine Speller: Part One, Pupil’s Edition . Part One, Teacher’s Edition. Pare Two, Pupil’s Edition . Part Two. Teacher’s Edition . Part Three, Pupil’s Edition . Part Three, Teacher’s Edition. Part Four, Pupil’s Edition . Part Four. Teacher’s Edition . Grades 1 to 4, Pupil’s Edition. 40 .30 .28 40 .30 40 .30 .28 40 .30 . .