923.2, The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-840O UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEC 01 L161 O-1096 GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS 1818-1918 Issued by the Illinois Centennial Commission 192 THE GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS 1818-1918 Issued by the Illinois Centennial Commission c* 4. ILLINOIS DAY December 3, 1917. Music Star Spangled Banner. Invocation Rev. Frederic Siedenburg. Introduction of Governor Lowden, who will preside Doctor Otto L. Schmidt, Chairman Illinois Centennial Commis- sion. Hon. Frank O. Lowden The Illinois Centennial. Hon. Charles S. Deneen The Pioneer State. Centennial Poem Mr. Wallace Rice. Hon. Joseph W. Fifer Illinois in the Civil War. Hon. Edward F. Dunne Illinois' Men of Eloquence. Hon. Richard Yates Illinois To-day. Music Illinois. SHADRACH BOND, Governor of Illinois, 1818-1822. Pierre Menard, Lieutenant Governor. Shadrach Bond, the first Governor of Illinois was born at Fredericktown, Frederick County, Maryland, November 24, 1 773. He came to Illinois in 1 794 and for a time resided with his uncle, Shadrach Bond, Sr., a veteran of the Revolu- tionary War, in what is now Monroe County but was then a part of St. Clair County. Later he engaged in farming at New Design. On November 27, 1810, he was married at Nashville, Tennessee, to Miss Achsah Bond, a distant relative. In May, 1805, Mr. Bond was elected to fill a vacancy in the Indiana territorial assembly. Illinois was then embraced in Indiana territory, but the two states were separated in 1809, and Mr. Bond took an active part in this legislation. At the outbreak of the War of 1812, he enlisted as a pri- vate and by gallant service, rose to the rank of colonel. The same year, he was elected to Congress as the first territorial delegate from Illinois, and he left the army to enter Congress, serving in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Congresses, from De- cember 3, 1 8 1 2 to October 3, 1814. He was appointed re- ceiver of public money for the territory of Illinois in 1814 and removed to Kaskaskia to take charge of this office. When Illinois was admitted to the Federal Union as a State, Shadrach Bond was elected its first Governor. He was inaugurated at Kaskaskia, October 6, 1818. Governor Bond died at his residence near Kaskaskia, April 12, 1832. He is buried at Chester, Illinois, where the State has erected a modest monument. Very little has been written about the life and services of Governor Bond. Kinnie A. Ostewig of Lee County has writ- ten a sketch of his life which will be published by the State Historical Society. EDWARD COLES, 1822-1826. Adolphus F. Hubbard, Lieutenant Governor. Edward Coles was born December 15, 1786, in Albe- marle County, Virginia. He was educated at Hampton Sid- ney College and William and Mary College. He was the private secretary of President James Madison, from 1 8 1 to 1816, who in 1816 sent him to Russia as a spe- cial messenger on an important diplomatic mission. In 1815, Mr. Coles made a visit to Illinois, and another in 1818. He left his Virginia home April 1 , 1819, having been appointed Register of the Land Office at Edwardsville, Illinois. He brought with him a number of slaves whom he had inherited, and came to Edwardsville, Madison County. When on the way to Illinois he set his slaves free when he reached free terri- tory. This act caused him endless embarrassment and annoy- ance during his subsequent life in Illinois. In this important office he made many acquaintances, and friends. He was elected Governor of the State in 1822. During his term of office occurred the great struggle to amend the Constitution of the State of Illinois and make it a slave State. This was one of the most momentous contests in the history of the State. The election to decide the ques- tion as to whether or not a convention should be held for the purpose of amending the Constitution in order to legalize slavery in Illinois was held August 6, 1824. The vote was against the holding of the convention, and to Governor Coles is due in a large measure the success of the Anti-Slavery party, and the credit for keeping Illinois a free State. During the term of office of Governor Coles a State House was built at Vandalia, the new Capital. Governor Coles wrote a history of the Ordinance of 1 787, which was published during his term of office. In 1833 he removed to Philadelphia. On November 28, 1833, he married Miss Sally Logan Roberts of Philadelphia. He died in that city July 7, 1 868. A life of Governor Coles by Hon. E. B. Washburne pre- pared for the Chicago Historical Society, was published in 1 882. It is a history of the life of Governor Coles and of the important political controversy of the period. The Illinois State Historical Society expects to reprint this book during the Centennial year. /V, o > ^~ttSlG^c>h "^ NINIAN EDWARDS, 1826-1830. William Kinney, Lieutenant Governor. Ninian Edwards, Territorial Governor, 1809-1818, was born in Montgomery County, Maryland, March 17, 1 775. He was educated by private tutors and at Dickinson College at Carlysle, Pennsylvania. He was sent by his father in 1 794 to purchase and improve lands in the new state of Kentucky. In the years 1 796-98, he represented Nelson County in the Kentucky legislature; licensed to practice law in 1 798; in 1802, appointed Major in the Kentucky Militia; 1803, Circuit Court Judge. In 1 804 he was elected Judge of the Court of Appeals. In 1 808 elected Chief Justice of Kentucky. It was while serving in the last named office that he was appointed by President Madison, Governor of the New Territory of Illi- nois, April 24, 1809, and held the office until the admission of the State in 1818. When the first General Assembly of the State of Illinois convened at Kaskaskia, Governor Edwards was elected to the United States Senate for the short term of two years. Two years later he was elected for the full term of six years. He resigned his seat in the United States Senate in 1 824, to accept an appointment by President Monroe as United States Minister to Mexico. In 1826 he was elected Governor of the State of Illinois. His method of campaigning differed from that of the usual pioneer candidate. He traveled over the State attended by his colored servant, and the people whom it was supposed would be driven away by his aristocratic appearance were really attracted to him and deemed it an honor to support "such an elegant gentleman." Edwards County, and Edwardsville, the county seat of Madison County, were named in his honor. Governor Edwards died of cholera, at Belleville, July 20, 1833. Governor Edwards was married in 1803, in Kentucky, to Miss Elvira Lane. An interesting account of the Life and Times of Ninian Edwards, by his son, Ninian Wirt Edwards was published m Springfield in 1870. The Edwards Papers, by his son Ninian Wirt Edwards, edited by E. B. Washburne, were published as the Chicago Historical Society's Collections, Vol. Ill, in 1884. XT^^t^u- JOHN REYNOLDS, 1830-1834. Zadoc Casey, Lieutenant Governor. William L. D. Ewing, Lieutenant Governor. John Reynolds was born in Montgomery County, Penn- sylvania, February 26, 1 788. His parents removed to Ten- nessee near the present city of Knoxville, and from there to Illinois in 1 800. The boy John, lived with his parents in Southern Illinois, until 1 809, and then for two years attended college near Knoxville, Tennessee. During the War of 1812 he was a member of a company of Rangers that took part in campaigns against the Indians. This service gave him the nick-name of "The Old Ranger." In 1 8 1 4 he opened a law office at Cahokia. On August 22, 1815, John Reynolds was appointed Judge Advocate of the Second Regiment. He was Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois, October 8, 1818, to January 19, 1825, serving as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1822 to 1825. He represented St. Clair County in the Fifth, and Sixth General Assemblies 1 826 to 1 830. He was Governor of Illinois Decem- ber 6, 1830 to November 17, 1834. Member of Congress, 1834-1837; also served in Congress 1839-43. He was again elected a Representative from St. Clair County in the General Assembly, serving from 1 846 to 1 848, served again as Repre- sentative from 1852 to '54, and was Speaker of the House of Representatives. He married in 1817, Mrs. Catherine Du- buque Manegle, a daughter of Julian Dubuque. His second marriage occurred in May, 1836 to Miss Sarah Wilson at Georgetown, D. C. Governor Reynolds died at Belleville, Illinois, May 8, 1865. Among the writings of Reynolds may be mentioned Pioneer History of Illinois, 1852, Adventures of John Kelly, 1853, Sketches published 1854. He published The Eagle, a weekly Democratic paper at Belleville in 1854. "My Own Times," 1856. The School Advocate, 1856. Friendship's Offering, 1858-9. "The Star of Egypt," a weekly newspaper, 1859. The "Balm of Gilead," 1860. WILLIAM L. D. EWING, 1834. William Lee Davidson Ewing, (1834, 15 days), was born in Paris, Kentucky, August 31, 1795. Came to Illinois about the time it became a State. He was United States Receiver of Public Money at Vandalia in 1823. Was a gen- eral of Militia in the Black Hawk War. He was a member of the General Assembly and Speaker of the House during the term of the Seventh General Assembly, December 6, 1830, to December 3, 1832. William L. D. Ewing has the distinction of holding the office of Governor of Illinois for a shorter time than any other Governor of the State. Mr. Ewing was a member of the Illinois State Senate in 1833 and 1834. Lieu- tenant Governor Zadoc Casey resigned in 1833 to take a seat in Congress, and Mr. Ewing was elected President of the Sen- ate. When Governor Reynolds resigned on November 1 7, 1834, by virtue of the office which he then held, Mr. Ewing became the Governor of the State and held the office until the inauguration of Governor Duncan on December 3, 1834. He was elected United States Senator on December 29, 1835, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Elias Kent Kane. Fail- ing of re-election to the Senatorship in 1837, he was returned to the Illinois House of Representatives from his own district in 1838, as he was again in 1840, at each session being chosen Speaker over Abraham Lincoln, who was the Whig candidate. Dropping out of the Legislature at the close of his term, we find him at the beginning of the next session (December, 1842) in his old place as Clerk of the House of Representatives but, before the close of the session, March, 1843, he was appointed Auditor of Public Accounts as successor to James Shields, who had resigned. While serving as Auditor, Mr. Ewing died at Springfield, March 25, 1846. Mr. Ewing was married at Vandalia, Illinois, May 3, 1827, to Miss Caroline L. Berry, daughter of Elijah C. Berry, who settled in Vandalia in 1819. JOSEPH DUNCAN, 1834-1838. Alexander M. Jenkins, Lieutenant Governor. Joseph Duncan, Governor of Illinois, 1834-1838, was born at Paris, Kentucky, February 22, 1 794. Emigrated to Illinois in 1818, having previously served with distinction in the War of 1812, and been presented with a sword by vote of Congress, for gallant conduct in the defense of Fort Stephen- son. He was commissioned Major-General of Illinois Militia in 1823, and elected State Senator from Jackson County in 1824. He served in the lower House of Congress from 1827 to 1834, when he resigned his seat, and was elected Governor of Illinois the same year. He was much interested in the cause of education and was the author of the first free school law of Illinois, adopted in 1825. He was the Whig candidate for Governor in 1842, when he met his first political defeat. The removal of the State Capital to Springfield occurred during his administration and much of the legislation for the famous internal improvement scheme was passed during his term as Governor. Governor Duncan was married in Washington, D. C., on May 1 3, 1828, to Miss Elizabeth Caldwell Smith of New York City, whose acquaintance he made when both were guests at a dinner given to a few friends by President John Quincy Adams. He died in Jacksonville, Illinois, January 15, 1844. A life of Governor Duncan by his daughter, Mrs. Julia Duncan Kirby was published in 1888 as No. 29 of the Fergus Historical Series. THOMAS CARLIN, 1838-1842. Stillson H. Anderson, Lieutenant Governor. Thomas Carlin was born in Fayette County, Kentucky, July 18, 1 789. In 1 793 he moved with his parents to Shelby County, Kentucky. In 1803 the family emigrated to St. Louis County, Missouri, where the father died, leaving a widow and seven children. Thomas being the oldest, his educational advantages were meagre, but he was a student and by earnest effort acquired a fair education. In 1812, he removed to Illi- nois; June 3, 1812, he enlisted in the United States Army as a private; in the campaign to Lake Peoria under Governor Edwards. In 1813, he served under General Howard in the district between the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers. In 1 8 1 8 he removed to Green County. Carrollton, the county seat, was laid out on his land. Carlinville, the county seat of Macoupin County was named in his honor. From 1824-1832 he was a State Senator. In 1832 he was a Captain of Spies during the Black Hawk War; 1834-38 was Register of land office at Quincy. He was elected Governor of Illinois in 1838 and served in that high office from December 7, 1838 to Decem- ber 8, 1842. From 1849-51 he was a Representative from Greene County in the General Assembly of the State. The Supreme Court of the State was reorganized during his admin- istration. Thomas Carlin was married at Edwardsville Junc- tion in 1814 to Miss Rebecca Huitt. He died at Carrollton, Illinois, February 14, 1852. The State of Illinois has erected a monument to his memory at Carrollton. THOMAS FORD, 1842-1846. John Moore, Lieutenant Governor. Thomas Ford was born at Uniontown, Pennsylvania, De- cember 5, 1 800. He accompanied his mother (then a widow) to Missouri in 1 804. The family soon after located in Monroe County, Illinois. Largely through the efforts and aid of his half-brother, George Forquer, he was enabled to attend Tran- sylvania University, at Lexington, Kentucky, and he also ob- tained a professional education. He studied law in the office of Daniel P. Cook, and became a successful lawyer. Early in life he entered the field of politics. He served as a Judge of the Circuit Court for the Northern part of the State from 1835 to 1837, and was again commissioned a Circuit Judge for the Galena Circuit in 1839; in 1841 was elevated to the bench of the State Supreme Court, but resigned the following year to accept the nomination for Governor. It was during his admin- istration, that the Mormon agitation in Illinois occurred, and also the beginning of the Mexican War. Governor Ford was the author of a valuable history of Illinois, 1818-1847, pub- lished in 1854, after his death. Ford County, established February 1 7, 1859, was named in his honor. Governor Ford was married at Edwardsville, Illinois, June 12, 1828, to Miss Frances Hambaugh. His death occurred at Peoria, Illinois, November 3, 1850. The State of Illinois has erected a monument to his mem- ory in Springdale Cemetery, Peoria, Illinois. AUGUSTUS C. FRENCH, 1846-1853. Joseph B. Wells, Lieutenant Governor. William McMurtry, Lieutenant Governor. Augustus C. French was born at Hill, Merrimack County, N. R, August 2, 1808. He attended Dartmouth College for a time but did not graduate. In 1831 he was admitted to the bar. He emigrated to Albion, Illinois, and in 1832 he re- moved to Paris, Illinois, where he built up a good law practice. He was a Representative in the General Assembly of the State, 1 836-40. In 1 832 he was appointed receiver of public money at Palestine. In 1 844 he was presidential elector on the Democratic ticket. In 1 846 he was elected Governor of Illinois and served from December 9, 1846, to January 10, 1853. He was appointed bank commissioner by Governor Matteson in 1 858. He was a candidate for the office of Super- intendent of Public Instruction, but was defeated. He became professor of law in McKendree College, Lebanon, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1 862. Gover- nor French was re-elected under the Constitution of 1 848, and was the first Governor of Illinois to be re-elected. Governor French married Miss Lucy M. Southworth about 1842. The Mexican War had begun in the administration of Governor Ford, but French was Governor during most of the period of the War. During the administration of Governor French the new Constitution was framed which was ratified by the people in 1 848. Governor French died at Lebanon, Illinois, September 4, 1864. JOEL ALDRICH MATTESON, 1853-1857. Gustavus Koerner, Lieutenant Governor. Joel Aldrich Matteson was born at Watertown, N. Y., August 8, 1 808. In early life he was employed in a store in Prescott, Ontario, and later taught school and engaged in busi- ness in Brownsville, N. Y. In 1831 he went South and began work as foreman on the first railroad in South Carolina. In 1834 he removed to Illinois where he became a contractor on the Illinois and Michigan Canal. He engaged in manufactur- ing at Joliet. From 1 842-53 he was a State Senator. In 1 855 he was defeated by Lyman Trumbull for the United States Senatorship. He traveled extensively in Europe after retiring from office. He resided in later life in Chicago, and he was lessee and president of the Chicago & Alton Railroad. The Bloomington Convention of 1856, Kansas-Nebraska agitation, and the reduction of the State debt, were some of the important events which occurred during his administration. Governor Matteson was married at Watertown, N. Y., October 7, 1832, to Miss Mary Fish. His death occurred in Chicago, January 31, 1873. WILLIAM H. BISSELL, 1857-1860. John Wood, Lieutenant Governor. William H. Bissell the first Republican Governor of the State of Illinois, was born near Painted Post, Steuben County, N. Y., April 25, 1811. He received a fair education, grad- uated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia in 1835. He then removed to Monroe County, Illinois, where he practiced his profession as a physician. In 1 840-42 he was a represen- tative in the General Assembly. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, and practiced at Belleville. In 1 844 was elected prosecuting attorney of St. Clair County. From June 20, 1 846 to June 1 8, 1 847, he served as Colonel of the Second Illinois Volunteer Infantry in the War with Mexico and served with distinction, especially at Buena Vista. From 1848-53 he represented the First Illinois District in Congress and was a conspicuous and valuable member. He was challenged by Jefferson Davis to fight a duel on account of the fact that Mr. Bissell in a speech in Congress resented the attitude of South- ern members who claimed for Southern troops the entire credit for the successes of the Mexican war. The duel was prevented by the intervention of President Taylor the father-in-law of Jefferson Davis. On May 29, 1856, Mr. Bissell was nom- inated for Governor of Illinois by the coalition of the Whig party with the Anti-Nebraska Democrats. This was the first Republican State Convention in Illinois. He was elected and was inaugurated January 12, 1857, and continued in office until his death, March 18, 1860. Governor Bissell is the only governor who died in office. He is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, where the State has erected a monument to his memory. Governor Bissell was married in 1839 to Miss Emily James. His second wife was Elizabeth Kane, the daughter of Elias Kent Kane. JOHN WOOD, 1860-1861. Thomas A. Marshall, Lieutenant Governor. John Wood, Lieutenant Governor and Governor, was born at Moravia, N. Y., December 20, 1 798, his father being a Revolutionary soldier who had served as Surgeon and Captain in the Army. At the age of 2 1 years young Wood removed to Illinois settling in what is now Adams County and building the first log cabin on the present site of Quincy. He was a member of the upper house of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth General Assemblies of Illinois, and was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1856 on the ticket with Governor Bissell and served out the unexpired term of the latter, who died in office. In February, 1861, he was appointed one of the five commis- sioners from Illinois to the "Peace Conference" at Washington, to consider methods for averting Civil War. The following May he was appointed Quartermaster- General for the State by Governor Yates and assisted most efficiently in fitting out the troops for the field. In June, 1 864, he was commissioned Colonel of the One Hundred and Thirty- seventh Illinois Volunteers and was mustered out of service the following September. Governor Wood was married at Quincy, Illinois, January 25, 1826, to Miss Ann M. Streeter. His second marriage to Mrs. Mary A. Holmes occurred June 6, 1865. He died at Quincy, Illinois, June 1 1, 1880. The citizens of Quincy erected a monument to his memory which was dedicated July 4, 1883. An excellent account of the military services of Governor Wood by Miss Cora F. Benneson was presented at the annual meeting of the Illinois State Historical Society, 1909, and is published in the: Transactions of the Society for that year. RICHARD YATES, 1861-1865. Francis A. Hoffman, Lieutenant Governor. Richard Yates, Civil War Governor of Illinois, was born in Warsaw, Kentucky, January 18, 1815. In 1831 he accom- panied his father to Illinois, the family settling first at Spring- field and later at Berlin, Sangamon County. He soon after entered Illinois College from which he graduated in 1835, and subsequently read law with Col. John J. Hardin at Jackson- ville, which thereafter was his home. On July 1 1, 1839, he was married to Miss Catherine Geers of Jacksonville. In 1 842 he was elected Representative in the Illinois Gen- eral Assembly from Morgan County, and was re-elected in 1 844, and again in 1 848. In 1850 he was candidate for Con- gress from the Seventh Illinois District and elected over Major Thomas L. Harris, the previous incumbent, being the only Whig Representative in the Thirty-second Congress from Illi- nois. Two years later he was re-elected over John Calhoun, but was defeated in 1854, by his old opponent, Harris. He was one of the most vigorous opponents of the Kansas- Nebraska Bill in the Thirty-third Congress, and an early and earnest supporter of the movement for the organization of a new political party to resist the further extension of slavery. He was a member of the Bloomington Convention of 1856 and was one of the vice-presidents of that body. In 1 860 he was elected Governor of Illinois on the ticket headed by Abraham Lincoln for the presidency, and, by his energetic support of the National Administration in the measures for the suppression of the Rebellion, won the sobri- quet of "the Illinois War Governor." In 1 865 he was elected United States Senator, serving until 1871. He died suddenly in St. Louis, November 27, 1873. He is buried in Diamond Grove Cemetery, Jacksonville, Ills. A sketch of the life and services of Governor Yates by his lifelong friend Dr. William Jayne is published in the Trans- actions of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1902. RICHARD J. OGLESBY, 1865-1869; January 13, 1873- January 23, 1873; 1885-1889. William Bross, Lieutenant Governor, 1865-1869. John L. Beveridge, Lieutenant Governor, January, 1873. John C. Smith, Lieutenant Governor, 1885-1889. Richard J. Oglesby was born in Oldham County, Ken- tucky, July 25, 1824. He was left an orphan at the age of eight years; in 1836 he accompanied his uncle to Decatur, Illinois, where until 1 844, he worked at farming, carpentering and rope making. In 1 845 he was admitted to the bar and began practice at Sullivan, Moultrie County. In 1846 he was commissioned a lieutenant in the Fourth Regiment Illinois Vol- unteers (Col. E. D. Baker's Regiment) and served through the Mexican war, taking part in the siege of Vera Cruz and the battle of Cerro Gordo. In 1 849 he graduated from the Louisville Law School. In 1859, Richard J. Oglesby married Miss Anna E. White of Decatur. In 1 860 he was elected to the State Senate, but early in 1861 he resigned his seat to become the colonel of the Eighth Illinois Volunteers. Through gallantry, notably at Forts Henry and Donelson and at Corinth, he rose to the rank of Major-General. He was severely wounded in the battle of Corinth. He resigned his commission in the Army on account of disability in May, 1 864, and the following November was elected Governor of the State. In 1 872, he was again elected Governor, but, two weeks after his inauguration, in January, 1873, resigned to accept a seat in the United States Senate, to which he was elected by the Legislature of 1 873. In 1 884 he was elected Governor for the third time being the only man in the history of the State who so far has thus been honored. After the expiration of his last term as Governor he re- tired to his home at Elkhart, Logan County, where he devoted his attention to his private affairs and in the enjoyment of his family and friends. Governor Oglesby was married to Mrs. Emma Gillette Keays, at Elkhart, Illinois, November 18, 1873. He died at his home in Elkhart, April 24, 1899, and is buried in the cemetery at that place. Important events which occurred during the first adminis- tration of Governor Oglesby were the close of the Civil War and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. JOHN M. PALMER, 1869-1873. John Dougherty, Lieutenant Governor. John McAuley Palmer was born at Eagle Creek, Scott County, Kentucky, September 13, 1817. He came with his parents to Madison County, Illinois, in 1831. He entered Shurtleff College in 1835. He was admitted to the Bar in 1839. In 1843 he was elected Probate Judge of Macoupin County. Mr. Palmer was married December 20, 1842, to Miss Malinda A. Neely, at Carlinville, Illinois. Mr. Palmer was a member of the State Constitutional Convention of 1 847. He was elected to the State Senate in 1852 to fill a vacancy and was re-elected in 1 854. He was Chairman of the Conven- tion held in Bloomington, May 29, 1856, the first Republican State Convention in Illinois. Mr. Palmer was a delegate from Illinois to the Peace Convention which met in Baltimore, Feb- ruary 4, 1861. On the 15th of May, 1861, Mr. Palmer took command as Colonel of the 1 4th Illinois Volunteer Regiment. He was promoted to Brigadier General, December 21, 1861. He was appointed Major General November 29, 1 863. Placed in command of the 1 4th Army Corps, succeeding General George H. Thomas. General Palmer was appointed by Mr. Lincoln, Commander of the Military Department of Kentucky, February 18, 1865, and served until April 1, 1866, but re- mained in the service of the United States until September 1, 1866. In 1868, General Palmer was elected Governor of Illinois. During his administration the present Constitution of the State was framed. In 1 888, Governor Palmer was nominated for Governor by the Democratic party. In 1 89 1 he was elected to the United States Senate. In 1896 he was nominated by the National Democratic or Sound Money Democratic party for President of the United States. On April 4, 1 888, General Palmer married Mrs. Hannah Lamb Kimball of Springfield. General Palmer edited a history of the Bench and Bar of Illinois, and late in his life he wrote his personal reminiscences which were published under the title of Personal Recollections of John M. Palmer, The Story of an Earnest Life. General Palmer died at his home in Springfield, Septem- ber 25, 1900. He is buried at Carlinville. JOHN LOWRIE BEVERIDGE, 1873-1877. John Early, President of the Senate and Acting Lieutenant Governor. Archibald A. Glenn, President of the Senate and Acting Lieutenant Governor. John Lowrie Beveridge succeeded to the office of Gover- nor by the resignation of Richard J. Oglesby, January, 1873. John L. Beveridge was born in Greenwich, Washington County, New York, July 6, 1 824. He came to Illinois in 1 842, and, after spending some two years in Granville Academy and Rock River Seminary, went to Tennessee, where he engaged in teaching, meanwhile studying law. Having been admitted to the bar in Tennessee he returned to Illinois in 1851, first locating at Sycamore, but three years later established himself in Chicago. During the first year of the war he assisted in raising the Eighth Regiment Illinois Cavalry, and was commis- sioned first as Captain and later, Major. Two years later be- came Colonel of the Seventeenth Cavalry, which he com- manded to the close of the war, being mustered out with the rank of brevet Brigadier General. After the war he held the office of sheriff of Cook County four years; in 1870 was elected to the State Senate, and, in the following year, Con- gressman-at-Large to succeed General John A. Logan, who had been elected to the United States Senate. Colonel Beveridge resigned this office in January, 1 873, having been elected Lieu- tenant Governor and a few weeks later succeeded to the Gover- norship by the election of Governor Oglesby to the United States Senate. In 1 88 1 he was appointed by President Arthur, Assistant United States Treasurer at Chicago, serving until after the first election of Grover Cleveland. John Lowrie Beveridge was married in 1848 to Miss Helen Judson. His death occurred in Hollywood, now a part of Los Angeles, California, May 3, 1910. He is buried in Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago. SHELBY MOORE CULLOM, 1877-1883. Andrew Shuman, Lieutenant Governor. John M. Hamilton, Lieutenant Governor. Shelby Moore Cullom was born in Wayne County, Ken- tucky, November 22, 1829. His parents removed to Taze- well County, Illinois in 1830, where his father became a mem- ber of the Legislature, and attained prominence. He attended Rock River Seminary at Mount Morris, teaching school a part of the time to earn the money to con- tinue his studies. He went to Springfield in 1853 to enter upon the study of law in the office of Stuart & Edwards, being admitted to the bar two years afterwards. He was almost immediately elected City Attorney of Springfield and in 1856 was elected to the Twentieth General Assembly from Sanga- mon County. He was again elected in 1 860. In 1 861 he was chosen Speaker of the House. In 1 862 he was appointed by President Lincoln a member of the War Claims Commission at Cairo. Two years later (1864) he was a candidate for Con- gress, defeating his former preceptor, Hon. John T. Stuart. He was re-elected in 1866, and again in 1868, the latter year over Benjamin S. Edwards. He was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives in 1872, and in 1874. He was elected Speaker in 1873, and 1875. In 1876 was elected Governor, was re-elected in 1880, and in 1883 he was elected to the United States Senate and served as Senator continuously until 1913. After his term in the Senate expired he was appointed Chairman of the Lincoln Memorial Building Commission. Senator Cullom was married in December, 1855, to Miss Han- nah Fisher; his second marriage to Miss Julia Fisher occurred May 5, 1863. Governor Cullom wrote his personal recollec- tions which were published in book form in 1911, under the title of "Fifty Years of Public Service." Governor Cullom died in Washington, January 28, 1914. He is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Ills. A fine account of the life and services of Shelby M. Cul- lom by Mr. Henry A. Converse, of Springfield is published in the Transactions of the Historical Society for 1914. JOHN MARSHALL HAMILTON, 1883-1885. William J. Campbell, President of the Senate and Acting Lieutenant Governor. John Marshall Hamilton was born in Union County, Ohio, May 28, 1847. When seven years of age, was brought to Illinois by his father, who settled on a farm in Marshall County. In 1864 (at the age of 17) he enlisted in the One Hundred and Forty-first Illinois Volunteers a 1 00-day regiment. After being mustered out, he matriculated at the Wesleyan (Illinois) University at Bloomington. He was admitted to the bar in 1870, and was a successful practitioner. In 1876 he was elected State Senator from McLean County, and, in 1880, Lieutenant Governor on the ticket with Governor Shelby M. Cullom. On February 6, 1883, he was inaugurated Governor to succeed Governor Cullom, who had been chosen United States Senator. In 1 884 he was a candidate for the gubernatorial nomina- tion before the Republican State Convention at Peoria, but that body selected Ex-Governor and Senator, Richard J. Oglesby to head the State ticket. Governor Hamilton married in 1871, Miss Helen Wil- liams. His death occurred in Chicago, September 23, 1905. He is buried in Oakwoods Cemetery, Chicago. JOSEPH W. FIFER, 1889-1893. Lyman B. Ray, Lieutenant Governor. Joseph W. Fifer was born at Staunton, Virginia, October 28, 1840; in 1857 he accompanied his father to McLean County, Illinois, and worked at the manufacture and laying of brick. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted as a private in the Thirty-third Illinois Infantry, and was danger- ously wounded at the assault on Jackson, Mississippi. In 1863, on the healing of the wound, disregarding the advice of family and friends, he rejoined his regiment. At the close of the war, when about 25 years of age he entered the Wes- leyan University at Bloomington, where by dint of hard work and frugality, while supporting himself in part by manual labor, he secured his diploma in 1 868. He at once began the study of law, and, soon after his admission, entered upon a practice which proved both successful and lucrative. He was elected corporation counsel of Bloomington in 1871 and State's At- torney for McLean County in 1872, holding the latter office, through election until 1 880, when he was chosen State Senator, serving in the Thirty-second and Thirty-third General Assem- blies. In 1 888 he was nominated and elected Governor on the Republican ticket, but, in 1 892 was defeated for re-election by John P. Altgeld, the Democratic nominee, though running in advance of the National ticket and the other candidates on the State ticket. Governor Fifer was married to Miss Gertrude Lewis, June 15, 1870. He resides with his family at Bloomington. JOHN PETER ALTGELD, 1893-1897. Joseph B. Gill, Lieutenant Governor. John Peter Altgeld was born in Felters, near Cologne, Germany, December 30, 1847, and in boyhood accompanied his parents to America, the family settling in Ohio. At the age of 1 6 he enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Ohio Infantry, serving until the close of the war. His legal education was acquired at St. Louis and Savannah, Missouri, and from 1 874 to '78 he was prosecuting attorney for Andrew County in that state. In 1878 he removed to Chicago, where he devoted him- self to professional work. In 1884 he led the Democratic forlorn hope as candidate for Congress in a strong Republican Congressional district, and in 1 886 was elected to the bench of the Superior Court of Cook County, but resigned in August, 1891. The Democratic State Convention of 1892 nominated him for Governor and he was elected the following November, being the first foreign-born citizen to hold that office in the history of the State, and the first Democrat elected since 1852. In 1 896 he was a prominent factor in the Democratic National Convention which nominated William J. Bryan for President, and was also a candidate for re-election to the office of Gov- ernor, but was defeated by John R. Tanner, the Republican nominee. Governor Altgeld was married in Chicago in 1877 to Miss Emma Ford. His death occurred in Joliet, Illinois, March 12, 1902. He is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Chi- cago. The State erected a monument to Governor Altgeld in Lincoln Park, Chicago, 1915. Governor Altgeld wrote many addresses and newspaper articles on social, political and economic questions. He also published several books on like subjects, among them: The Cost of Something for Nothing, Live Questions, including our Penal Machinery and its Victims. JOHN R. TANNER, 1897-1901. William A. Northcott, Lieutenant Governor. John Riley Tanner was born in Warrick County, Indiana, April 4, 1 844, and was brought to Southern Illinois in boyhood where he grew up on a farm in the vicinity of Carbondale, en- joying only such educational advantages as were afforded by the common schools; in 1863 at the age of 19, he enlisted in the Ninety-eighth Illinois Volunteers, serving until June, 1865, when he was transferred to the Sixty-first and finally mustered out in September following. All the male members of Gov- ernor Tanner's family were soldiers in the War of the Rebel- lion, his father dying in prison at Columbus, Mississippi, one of his brothers suffering the same fate from wounds at Nash- ville, Tennessee, and another brother dying in hospital at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. On December 25, 1866, Mr. Tanner married Miss Lauretta Ingraham, daughter of Barton Ingraham, of Clay County, Illinois. Returning from the war Mr. Tanner established himself in business as a farmer in Clay County, later engaging success- fully in the milling and lumber business as a partner of his brother. The public positions held by him, include those of Sheriff of Clay County (1870-72), Clerk of the Circuit Court (1872-1876) and State Senator (1880-83). During the lat- ter year he received the appointment of United States Marshal for the Southern District of Illinois, serving until after the accession of President Cleveland in 1885. In 1886 he was elected State Treasurer; in 1891 was appointed by Governor Fifer, a member of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission, and in 1 892 received the appointment of Assistant United States Treasurer at Chicago, continuing in that office until De- cember, 1893. For ten years (1874-1884) he was a member of the Republican State Central Committee, in 1 894, he was chosen Chairman of the Committee and conducted the cam- paign. In 1896 he received the nomination of his party for Governor and was elected over John P. Altgeld, his Democra- tic opponent. Governor Tanner was married December 30, 1 896, to Miss Cora Edith English. He died May 23, 1901, at Spring- field, Illinois. He is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery. RICHARD YATES, 1901-1905. William A. Northcott, Lieutenant Governor. Richard Yates was born in Jacksonville, Illinois, Decem- ber 12, 1860, the son of Richard and Catherine Geers Yates. Richard Yates, the elder, was elected Governor in November, 1860, and his son Richard was born December 12, between the time of the election and the inauguration, which was in January, 1861. Richard Yates, Jr., after receiving his ele- mentary education in the public schools of his native city at thirteen years of age, entered Whipple Academy, the prepara- tory department of Illinois College and three years later ( 1 876) was admitted to the College proper, from which he graduated as class orator in 1 880. He then took a course in the law department of Michigan University at Ann Arbor, Michigan, graduated therefrom in 1 884, and was immediately admitted to the bar in both Michi- gan and Illinois and soon thereafter to practice in the Circuit and Supreme Courts of the United States. For four years ( 1 885-89) he served as City Attorney for the city of Jackson- ville; in 1892 was the nominee on the Republican ticket for Congress for the State-at-large, but was defeated, though re- ceiving a larger vote in the State than President Harrison; in 1 894 was elected Judge of Morgan County, but resigned in 1897 to accept the position of Collector of Internal Revenue for the Springfield District, continuing in this position until after his nomination for governor on the Republican ticket at Peoria on May 9, 1 900, just forty years to a day after the same honor had been conferred upon his father at Decatur in May, 1860. In 1904 he was a candidate for re-nomination before the convention which met at Springfield in May of that year. After a prolonged contest in the convention, Governor Yates withdrew and Charles S. Deneen was nominated. On his retirement from the governorship in January, 1 904, Governor Yates took up his residence in Springfield. Richard Yates was appointed by Governor Dunne a mem- ber of the Board of Public Utilities. He was married to Miss Helen Wadsworth in Jackson- ville, October 28, 1888. He is now Assistant Attorney Gen- eral of the State of Illinois. CHARLES SAMUEL DENEEN, 1905-1913. Lawrence Y. Sherman, Lieutenant Governor. John G. Oglesby, Lieutenant Governor. Charles S. Deneen was born in Edwardsville, Illinois, May 4, 1863. He is a representative of one of the oldest families of Illinois. Governor Deneen received his early education in the public schools of Lebanon and graduated from McKendree College in 1882. He taught school in Jasper and Madison Counties during which time he studied law. In 1 885 he went to Chicago and completed his legal studies in the Union Col- lege of Law. He taught for a time in the public night schools of Chicago. He early became interested in local politics in Chicago and he was elected to the office of prosecuting attorney of Cook County. In conducting the duties of this office Mr. Deneen achieved a high reputation for ability and sound judgment. In 1893 he was elected to the General Assembly of the State. In 1 904 he was nominated for governor of the State by the Republican party after a prolonged contest in the State Con- vention, memorable in the annals of the Republican party as the "Deadlock Convention." He was elected and was inaug- urated in January, 1905. He was re-elected in 1908. During Governor Deneen's administration much import- ant and constructive legislation was enacted, among which may be mentioned the Direct Primary Law, Municipal Courts for Chicago, the creation of a State Highway Commission and many other measures of great importance. Mr. Deneen married Miss Bina Day Maloney, of Mt. Car- roll, Illinois, May 10, 1 89 1 . Governor Deneen resides with his family in Chicago. EDWARD FITZSIMMONS DUNNE, 1913-1917. Barratt O'Hara, Lieutenant Governor. Edward F. Dunne was born at Waterville, Connecticut, October 12, 1853. He was one year old when his parents removed to Peoria, Illinois, where his father attained political and business prominence. His education was obtained in the public schools of Peoria and at Trinity College, University of Dublin, where he reached the position of honor man in his class, but graduation was de- nied him by his father's financial reverses which recalled him to Peoria. There he worked for a year in his father's mill, meanwhile reading law. In 1876 he began a systematic course in law in Chicago and two years later was admitted to the bar. For fifteen years he devoted himself to an ardent practice of his profession. He was associated during this period with many distinguished men among them Judge Scates and Con- gressman Hynes. In 1 892 he was elected to fill a vacancy on the Circuit bench of Cook County, and in 1 89 7 was re-elected to the same office and served until 1905. In that year he was elected Mayor of Chicago, serving from 1905 to 1907. His marriage to Miss Elizabeth J. Kelly of Chicago took place August 1 6, 1 88 1 . Governor Dunne was nominated for Governor of Illinois oy the Democratic party in 1912 and was elected in November of that year. Among the most important measures adopted during Governor Dunne's administration were the Deep Waterway Bill and the Woman's Suffrage Law. An account of the life and services of Governor Dunne written by his private secretary, William L. Sullivan, was pub- lished in 1916. Governor Dunne and his family reside in Chicago. FRANK ORREN LOWDEN, 1917- John G. Oglesby, Lieutenant Governor. Frank Orren Lowden was born in Sunrise City, Minnesota. January 26, 1861. When he was seven years old his father removed to Point Pleasant, Hardin County, Iowa, where he purchased a farm. The son worked on the farm in the sum- mer, and attended school during the winter. At fifteen years of age he began to teach country schools and taught at Rough Woods and other places in Hardin County, Iowa. Frank O. Lowden took a partial course at the Iowa Agri- cultural and Mechanical College at Ames, Iowa. At the age of twenty he entered the freshman class of the State University at Iowa City, Iowa. Although obliged to remain away from the University during the Junior year he returned at the be- ginning of the Senior term and graduated as valedictorian in June, 1 885. He became professor of Latin and Mathematics in Burlington High School, and taught one year. He removed to Chicago, where he obtained a position in the law office of Dexter, Herrick & Allen. In September, 1 886, he entered the Union College of Law now the Northwestern University Law School at Chicago. He was graduated in June, 1887, and actively practiced law until 1902. Governor Lowden was Lieutenant Colonel, First Infantry, Illinois National Guard, 1 898. Becoming active in politics, he was a candidate for Governor, being one of the seven candi- dates in the famous deadlock convention of 1 904. Colonel Lowden was elected to Congress as a successor to Robert Rob- erts Hitt to fill out the unexpired term in the Fifty-ninth Con- gress. He served two full terms and voluntarily retired. In November, 1916, Mr. Lowden was elected Governor, and was inaugurated January 8, 1917. Although less than a year has elapsed since the inaugura- tion of Governor Lowden, much important legislation has been enacted through his influence. One of the most important of these was the consolidation of one hundred State Boards and Departments under the new Administrative Code. Governor Lowden was married April 29, 1896, in Chi- cago, to Miss Florence Pullman, daughter of George M. Pull- LLINOIS STATE JOURNAL CD.. STATE PRINTERS (3003"!-I8--IOM) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA