PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY FARMERS and BREEDERS Shelby County, Illinois Published Uy PRAIRIE FARMER- Illinois Oldest and Bett Farm Paper From the library of Russel Freeman Shelby ville, Illinois ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY A Bank for Farmers and Easiness Men THE services of the Shelby County State Bank and the protection it affords farmers and business men are unequalled in Shelby County. You need a bank account on which to draw checks, an account to draw in- terest, a safety deposit box to safeguard your deeds, mortgages or other valua- ble papers, or some other form of serv- ice we supply. Come in and see us, and let's talk it over. We are always glad to give a friendly explanation of this bank's abil- ity and desire to co-operate with you. iuNiMiiinMMM0niNiuMii^inHiia^ SHELBY COUNTY STATE BANK SHELBYVILLE :: ILLINOIS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY DELCO-LIGHT ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY FARM, Make Your Home Modern With Delco-Light Have - Bright, Safe Electric Lights in the home. Electric Power for household and farm machinery. An electric water system with running water for modern bath- room, kitchen, laundry, sprinkling and stock. Electric Heat for flat iron, toaster, percolator, warming pads. A modern country home will hold the boys and girls on the farm. Delco-Light betters living conditions and pays for itself. More than 50,000 Delco-Light plants in the homes of satis- fied users on the date this book was published. Investigate Delco-Light. Learn how it makes a modern home possible. The booklet tells about it. Call or write for it. DELCO-LIGHT PRODUCTS E. H. ROTHERT, Dealer Phone No. 145 SHELBYVILLE, ILJL PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY FUNK'S Studio Photos Supreme Pictures of home folks inspire our soldiers of democracy with the courage that wins. Your <. photograph for your soldier and his photo for you. Make the appointment today. Cor. East of 1st. Nat'l Bank SHELBYVILLE - ILL. NATIONAL BANK These two Banks stand for and have always been willing to help on any propo- SHELBY LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY SHELBYVILLE. ILL. Oldest Bank in Shelby County Only Trust Company in Shelby County. Capital and Surplus $225,000. We solicit your busi- ness on the basis of Service and Safety. sition calculated to help Shelbyville and Shelby County. FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Shelby County Memorial Hospital A new, up-to-date hospital thoroughly equipped to care for suffering humanity. Where you can come under the care of your home physician or have the service of the best specialists Chicago, St. Louis or other nearby cities afford. Special at- tention given to maternity cases. Rea- sonable rates with the best of care and nursing. SHELBYVILLE : ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY W. H. LANTZ I. S. LANTZ LANTZ BROTHERS C. P. LANTZ (Established 1855) Dealers in Furniture, Queensware, Stoves and Tinware. Undertaking a Specialty. The quickest, easiest, most comfortable transportation to Shelby County Memorial Hospital. Service unexcelled. Equipment seldom equaled. Response instantaneous day or night. Our past record for half a century of honorable business service is the foundation ot our present success. Nos. 1820, 1822, 1824 Main St., SHELBYVILLE, ILL' G. C. KLAUSER GUS KLAUSER Established in 1882 Harness Is Our Business Horse and Mule Collars all sizes and shapes. We are expert collar fitters. It will pay you to see us. We also carry automobile tires, inner tubes, tool boxes, Klaxon horns, bicycles and sundries. KLAUSER BROS. Shelbyviile - - Illinois FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Sntrobuctton IN this directory we have endeavored to give Shelby coun- ty farmers a complete and reliable directory of the farmers, breeders and merchants of the county, with such other information as will make the directory a valu- able reference book. The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collecting the information for such a directory is a tremen- dous one. We have received splendid co-operation from the farmers and business men of the county, without which the publication of such a directory would be impossible. In a very few cases we have found farmers unwilling to give the information requested, which accounts for a few names that do not appear. A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that involves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no effort or expense to make the information complete and accurate, and we believe that the mistakes are very few. We want to speak a word of appreciation for the ad- vertisers whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor them with your patronage whenever possible. We hope and believe that the publication of this direc- tory will be a real service to Shelby county farmers and in line with PRAIRIE FARMER'S policy of service to the farmers of Illinois. We hope that the increased circulation of PRAIRIE FARMER in Shelby county, which has resulted, will help in the movement for better farming, better farm living, . and more prosperity for the counties, and that our many new friends will become permanent members of the big PRAIRIE FARMER family. BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher, Prairie Farmer. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY ^HininmiHiniiBiwniiiiHiiiiiniiiiHii Citizens National Bank miiniiiiiiiiii!!ii!iii!i!i!i!iiiniiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiNiwiiiHiiiiMMmniiimiHiiniiiiiiimiiiiiniiiinmmiinnmniw immiiniiiiniiiiiimmiiiiiiiiinimiiiira Our NATIONAL BANK is a member of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM of banks. Millions of gold stacked up in the United States Treasury make your money safe when it is in our National Bank. Our bank is one of the nation-wide system of Federal Re- I serve Banks which stand together and protect their deposi- tors. We can take our approved securities and get money 1 when we want it. You can get your money when you [ want it if it is in our bank. Come in and do business with us. Shelbyville - - - Illinois THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK STEWARDSON, ILLINOIS Established 1892 Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 OFFICERS A. C. Mautz, Pres. C. F. Rincker, V.-Pres. T. H. Bauer, Cashier DIRECTORS A. C. Mautz C. F. Rincker F. T. Engel Wm. Frede R. E. Voris T. H. Bauer The Successful Farmer Always Uses Successful Business Methods Open a bank account and pay your bills by check. This bank is under the direct supervision of the United States Government and its officers stand ready to assist you in every rea- sonable way. Prairie Farmer's Directory Shelby County Illinois Complete Directory of the Farmers of Shelby County, with valuable information about each farm. Breeder's Directory, giving full classified list of breeders of purebred livestock and poultry. Business Directory, giving list of all business houses in Shelby County. Valuable statistics and general information. Copyright, 1918 Bv PRAIRIE FARMER PUBLISHING COMPANY Compiled and Published by Prairie Farmer Publishing Co. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY By C. O. Reed, University of" Illinois, in Prairie Farmer. To have to await the services of an expert when every minute of the har- vest days is money is not only an ex- pensive practice, but in most cases is an unnecessary one if the operator will only use patience and good judg- ment and try to understand a few very simple principles of what seems a complicated machine. The purpose of this article is to aid the operator in his most common binder troubles. To cover the ground in the most log- ical and concise manner, let us con- sider troubles under the three general heads: general binder troubles, bind- er head troubles and knotter head troubles. Starting. If possible, start the new machine on a road or in a pasture before going into the grain field. Use plenty of kerosene and run the ma- chine empty for about five minutes, taking notice that every duct to bear- ings and every oil hole is open. Then apply lubricating oil. When 1 you are ready to enter the grain with a new machine, raise the machine well up, tilt the platform forward; open the throat of the machine by throwing the butt adjuster forward and start in with about one-half of a full swath. After five minutes work the machine is ready for maximum results. If compelled to make a full swath at the start, cut the grain extra high. . Never change the adjustment of a new binder head before going into the field. It may miss a few bundles at first, but do not adjust. Apply a lib- eral amount of coal oil to the knotter head and the trouble will usually dis- appear. New Machine Failing to Start. Oc- casionally a new machine fails to start due to some part sticking or catch- ing. Throw the binder out of gear and see that the bull wheel revolves without catching. Remove the eleva- tor chain and throw in gear. This will test the sickle. Next put on ele- vator chain and throw off reel chains. This will test the rollers. Then con- nect and test the reel. This methad will test one part at a time and should locate the trouble without difficulty. In testing out head for failure to re- volve, operate head by hand at back of machine through shaft which drives head from elevator chain. General Binder Troubles Chains. Undue wear in chains may be caused by the chain being run too tight or backwards. Run the chain with the hooks of the links leading and with the openings of the hooks out. The use of oil or grease on chains, if the binder is being run in a sandy country or under dusty con- ditions, is not to be recommended, for the oil will collect the fine parti- cles of grit and cause excessive wear. Under such conditions use dry graph- ite. Chain jumping is caused by the chain being too loose or by the sprocket being badly worn. If a worn sprocket is the cause for the trouble a new one will have to be supplied. Canvas Troubles. The creeping of canvases is caused by running them too loose or by the elevators not be- ing square. Test the elevators to see if they are square by means of meas- uring the diagonals, and then square by the special apparatus to be found for that purpose. Have the canvases of the same tightness on both sides. Canvases not elevating the grain may be Caused by missing slats or loose canvases. Broken slats are gen- erally caused by the elevators not be- ing square, or by the canvases not being buckled evenly and thus the slat is forced to pass over the roller at an angle to it. Chewed slats may be caused by a projecting bolt or the canvas guides being out 6. shape. Heavy Draft. Heavy draft may be caused from lack of sufficient good lubricating oil, bull wheel being en- tered in quadrant wrong; chains, espe- cially main drive chain, being I too tight; paint or varnish not being .cut but of the bearings; or rollers binding. Apply lubricating oil to the bearings, 10 T( FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Enter the bull wheel in the quadrant square. Have the proper tension in the chains. Coal oil will cut the paint or varnish from bearing surfaces. When machine is empty, operator should be able to move elevators by hand on elevator chain. Sidedraft. Sidedraft in a binder re- fers to such resistance of the platform end of the machine as to cause a "dragging" of platform, and hence re- sults in a tendency to run the ma- chine into the grain. It may be caused by (a) grain wheel bearing too light; (b) grain wheel being out of proper adjustment; (c) sickle parts not cutting properly, resulting in a pulling off of stalks rather than cut- ting; (d) very light grain may give a condition where sidedraft is more no- ticeable, and (e) a fast horse on the outside may lead the operator to be- lieve he has sidedraft. Remedies, (a) See that grain wheel revolves freely and perfectly on axle. If axle, bearings and wheel bell are badly worn, replace, (b) The inexpe- rienced operator cannot tell whether a grain wheel is aligned properly or not. It should lead out of the grain slightly, and in case of poor aligrv- ment here, an expert must be called. (c) Obvious, (d) Sidedraft here is an advantage rather than an objec- tion for it indicates the best construc- tion, (e) Put fast horse on inside. If difficulty is experienced in get- ting far enough into the grain with a tongue truck attachment, make adjust- ments to increase the angle between the platform and tongue proper, i. e., without changing position of machine make adjustments to let horses away from grain slightly. If machine runs too far into grain, make adjustments to bring horses a little closer to grain line. These adjustments can be found between tongue and stub tongue on the McCormick and Milwaukee bind- ers, and in the truck axle braces on the Deering. If sufficient .adjustment is not provided in the Deering to per- mit a full swath, turn the tongue over. Badly Shaped Bundles in good grain are caused by improper manip- ulation of binder parts. Set the reel to strike straws about two inches be- low the heads. Run the butter as near at right angles to the rollers on tier, shaft as possible, even if you have to sacrifice an inch or two in the position of the band on the bun- dle. Do not expect the butter to shove the straws down under the breast plate. Adjust the position of the head to bring the straws under the breast plate and then adjust the butter to smooth the butt of the bun- dle. In uneven grain the head, but- ter and reel must be shifted often to obtain the best results. In very short grain or in down grain leaning toward the elevators we have probably the worst conditions for good bundle making, especially for eight-foot bind- ers. First, do all possible to retard the heads by running the platform as level as possible and place a rope head-retarder across the platform, ty- ing the same to the outside divider frame. A rope head-retarder is often found to give better results than the retarding strap iron sent out with the machine, but if the latter is used, the operator will find that he gets very good results *in retarding heads by bending up or crinkling the end of the strap iron. Throw the head as far forward as possible and run the butter as' near perpendicular to the rollers as possible to still have the bundle securely tied. Tighten the front grain check. > Badly Shaped Bundles in Long Tangled Grain can be remedied by loosening all grain checks slightly and by adjusting the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle. Getting Grain Down to Packers. Trouble is sometimes experienced in getting light, fluffy grain down to the packers. See that the deck roller is working properly and lower the deck cover. Choking Down. Sometimes in heavy, fluffy and tangled grain, and often in flax, the head cannot dis- charge a bundle and is stopped by "choking." Adjust the head to tie a smaller, looser bundle, loosen all grain checks and loosen the tension on the compressor spring, which is the spring attached to the compres- sor rod. Bundles Too Loose or Too Tight. Tighten or loosen the trip spring shown in Illustration 1 and described below under "Binder Head Troubles." Do not attempt to make a tight bun- dle by tightening the twine tension oh the twine can. The twine tension" is not for the purpose of affecting the 11 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY TRIP SPRING STOP ARM. 006. tightness of bundles and if it is used for such purpose serious needle troubles will result. The twine ten- sion should be sufficiently tight to keep back slack in the twine between the can and needle. Bundles Tbo Large or Too Small. Move the compressor arm nearer or farther away from the needle. The compressor arm is that arm against which the bundle is formed and as it is moved in or out that space in which the bundle is formed is changed. Reel Troubles. Short oats is often the cause for considerable reel trouble, especially reel breakage on those ma- chines which have no outside reel support. The operator cutting short oats will necessarily have to tilt his platform well forward and run his reel low. This means that occasion- ally the reel slats will whip down onto the guards and result in broken parts. Farmers in some localities have solved this difficulty by tacking on to each' reel slat a piece of heavy linoleum about six inches wide. The reel can then be run higher, for this extra piece on the slats serves ad- mirably to force the grain over onto the platform and at the same time is sufficiently flexible to give if the reel is whipped down on the guards. Binder Head Troubles Before taking up binder head trou- bles let us refer to the first illustra- tion and get clearly in mind the exact function of the parts mentioned. Every operator is aware that his packer shaft revolves continually and that at certain moments it must drive the whole binder head while the bun- dle is being tied and cast. The dog, shown in the illustration, is that mechanism which throws the head in motion with the rest of the ma- chine, or it is that mechanism which momentarily engages the head with the continuous motioa of the packers while the bundle is being tied. Suf- ficient pressure by the straw on the trip arm raises the stop arm, shown in the illustration, which allows the dog to be forced into the path of the continually revolving binder head driver. A little spring attached to the dog forces the dog into the path of this driver when the dog is released, and this same spring holds the dog in this path until the stop arm can drop back into pl^cs and force the dog back out of the way of the revolving drivers ol the packer sh^ft. When the dog is thrown back out of the path of the binder head drivers, the motion in the head ceases and the dog, if properly working, must re- main engaged with the packer shaft until the discharge arms make a com- plete revolution. The continuity of motion in the head depends upon the dog. Discharge Arms Fail to Start or Fail to Revolve Completely. This is a dog trouble. See that the dog spring is in place and is of sufficient strength to hold the dog in the path of the binder head drivers when the dog is released. See also that the striking faces of the dog and dog driver are not worn sufficiently to permit them 12 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY to slip by one another. If the dis- charge arms revolve by jerks it is very probable that a worn condition in the striking faces js the cause. Discharge* Armr Revolve Continu- ally. Before discussing this trouble a word should be said regarding timing. It will be noticed that every part of the binder head except the packers works at a certain moment in rela- tion to other parts. The dog makes a certain number of revolutions before the stop arm is allowed to drop back ot in place to throw the dog out in the proper time, time the head by properly meshing the beveled gears between the packer shaft and the binder head counter shaft which runs up to drive the tier shaft. If the striking faces between the dog and the stop arm are so worn that they Examine the tail, which should be strong, not artificial ("joined on") and not rubbed bare from itchiness. Lift it and see that the black skin below is free from tumors, the anus clean, well pursed up, free- from scurvy sub- stances or streaks of mucous; or, in the mare, that the space between rec- tum and vulva is intact and that no discharge comes from the latter. Looking from the rear, compare one hip with the other. If one is "knocked down" that side will be steep. At each side of the tail is the tuberosity of the ischium. ^Like the point of the hip (ilium) this often is fractured, leaving one side depressed. All parts of the shoulders, neck, barrel and hindquar- ters should be smoothly and deeply covered with sound muscles. ^ Now _ examine each hoof. Cracks, rings, ridges and meatiness should be absent, frogs and bars prominent, soles slightly concave, heels wide, cor- onets (hoof heads) open and strong, hoofs waxy, smooth and ample in size. Object to a horse that has .steep nar- row heels with a deep cleft in frog, also one that has chronic corns, chronic thrush, "dropped" (convex) soles, or hoof walls showing toe or quarter cracks. Make sure that the elbows are free from hard or soft tumors or abcesses called "shoe boils" and that the knees are free from hairless scars and are straight, wide;, deep and strong. All joints should be large, clean, bony and strong. This is of the greatest importance. The joints cannot be too large so long as the size is made up of large, clean, sound bones, ligaments and tendons. Beware of puffs, meati- ness and bony growths which give the wrong sort of size. The knees should have perfect flexion, no matter what work the horse has to do. They should not be bent forward (buck knees) nor bent backward (calf knees). Splints close to the knee are serious; but low down, on an adult horse, they are practically harmless, unless struck by a shoe. Splints, ring- bones and spavins are bony excres- censes. Splints come on the cannon bones, along the course of the splint bones (small metacarpals and metatar- sals). Ringbones are found high, medium or low, on the long pastern, and often involve the short pasterns. Bone spavins are found at the lower, front, inner aspect of the hock joints. Bog spavins are soft bursal distensions of the hock joints, above and in front of the seat of bone spavins. Thoro- pins are bursal distensions seen at the sides of the hocks, towards the rear and when pressed on one side bulge out on the opposite side. "Wind galls" are similar puffs in connection with the tendons at and just above the fetlock joints. A curb appears as a hard enlargement giving a rounded bulging contour to the profile of the back of the hock joint, looking from the side. Splints are most easily seen by standing in front of the horse, then examining further by feeling the parts involved, first with the foot standing down firm, then with it off the ground. Ringbones are best seen from a side view of the profile of the long pas- tern. The hand may have to help in their detection. To examine for spav- ins look between the forelegs at the inner, lower profile of each hock. The hard "knob" on one hock probably will prove to be a bone spavin. A small spavin is called a "jack" and it is apt to prove serious and grow to be a large spavin. Spavin may also be detected from a quartering view of the hock, or fro;n the rear. 27 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY CARE OP HORSES From Prairie Farmer. Here are a few rules prepared by the Boston Work Horse Relief Asso- ciation that may as well be observed on the farm as in the city: Load lightly, and drive slowly. Stop in the shade if possible. Water your horse as often as pos- sible. So long as a horse is working, water in small quantities will not hurt him. But let him drink only a few swallows if he is going to stand still. Do not fail to water him at night after he has eaten his hay. When he comes in after work, sponge off the harness marks and sweat, his eyes, his nose, and mouth, and the dock. Wash his feet, but not his legs. If the thermometer is 75 degrees or higher, wipe him all over with a damp sponge. Use vinegar water if possible. Do not turn the hose on him. Saturday night, give a bran mash, lukewarm; and add a tablespoonful of saltpeter. If the horse is overcome by heat, get him into the shade, remove har- ness and bridle, wash out his mouth, sponge him all over, shower his legs, and give him two ounces of aromatic spirits of ammonia, or two ounces of sweet spirits of nitre, in a pint of water; or give him a pint of coffee, warm. Cool his head at once, using cold water, or, if necessary, chopped ice, wrapped in a cloth. If the horse is off his feed, try him with two quarts of oats mixed with bran and a little water, and add a little salt or sugar. Or give him oatmeal gruel or barley water to drink. Watch your horse. If he stops sweating suddenly, or if he breathes short and quick, or if his ears droop, or if he stands with his legs braced sideways, he is in danger of a heat or sun stroke and needs attention at once. If it is so hot that the horse sweats in the stable at night, tie him outside, with bedding under him. Unless he cools off during the night, he cannot well stand the next day's heat. SOLDERING By P. O. Barnfield, in Prairie Farmer. Soldering is so simple and is use- ful in so many different ways that one naturally supposes every farmer would have a soldering outfit if he thought he could use it to advantage. On this supposition I beg to offer some suggestions which have come from actual experience. No special ability or experience is required. It is, of course, true that deftness and accurancy naturally fol- low experience, but good results will as surely follow if one will keep the following points in mind. The soldering outfit consists of a soldering copper (good size, not un- der two pounds), a bar of half and half solder, a piece of salammoniac, and a small bottle of muriatic acid with a small brush for applying. Heat, the soldering copper not red hot but about the same as a flat iron would be heated for ironing clothes, wipe off the dust on a rag, take a file and rub the surface at the point till copper is clean and bright, then press the hot copper down the sal- ammoniac till it makes a depression. Place the end of the bar of solder in this depression and with the cop- per melt off two or three drops of solder. Remove the bar and rub the copper hard into the depression, but not so as to push the solder out over the edge. Keep this up till the cop- per is well coated with a smooth bright coat resembling tin. You are now ready for business. Remove every particle of dirt from the parts intended to be soldered. Usually it is necessary to scrape the surface with a knife or file if greasy or very dirty, and then with a small brush apply the muriatic acid. Rub the surface with the brush to remove particles. Now rub surface to be soldered with the hot copper, using solder as de- sired. If the solder stands in globules and does not spread over the surface it is because there is some foreign matter between the solder and the sur- face and the cleaning process should be repeated with more care. Solder will stick to almost any kind of metal if there is no foreign matter on the surface. Since the parts of a 21 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY copper under the tinned surface are easily melted, it should never be 'eated to a red heat. < T n mending granitewear or copper, a >per harness rivet or a tinner's t may be inserted after cleaning surface around the hole. Get the boys started to making measures and buckets, funnels and flue caps. vAsk that these be made a specific size and see how quickly they will grapple with problems in mensuration. It also might keep them out of town some evenings. HOW TO JUDGE TRACTOR HORSEPOWER From Prairie Farmer. early everyone knows the defini- tion of a "horsepower" as given in school arithmetics, etc., namely, "the power required to raise a weight of 33,000 pounds to a height of 1 foot rn one minute." As this is a definite, fixed unit of power, one would natur- ally suppose that the horsepower rat- ings of two tractors would be a logical and reliable means of compar- ing their ability to perform work; that a tractor rated at 30 horsepower on the drawbar would be twice as powerful and capable of doing twice as much work as one rated at 15 horsepower on the drawbar, for ex- ample. This supposition would be correct but for the fact that there has been no definite standard used in ascertaining the horsepower devel- oped by tractors and the percentage of the power actually developed which should be taken for their catalogue rating. The various manu- facturers have followed their own judgment in the matter, and as a re- sult several methods of rating are being used, with a consequent lack of uniformity. It is because of this fact that at the present time it is quite common to find two tractors doing practically the same amount of work and clearly of about equal power although with widely different catalog ratings. It is obvious that either the outfit with a low catalog rating has been under- rated by its manufacturer or that the second machine has been overrated, or perhaps both have occurred. It would seem advisable, therefore, that steps be taken to bring about a stand- ard rule for ascertaining and desig- nating the horsepower of tractors. It is not so important, perhaps, what particular method is followed so long as the same method is used by all manufacturers, thus avoiding; having machines of the same given such varying ratings. A movement is already on foot in the department to bring about the adoption of some standard. Until one has been decided upon and adopted, it is suggested that farmers, in com- paring different makes of tractors, should give particular attention to the number of plows pulled and the amount of work done by the various machines, and that less attention be paid to the catalog ratings., When outfits can be seen working side by side, as at the tractor demon- strations which are being held throughout the country, the amount of work done is of more value in comparing the relative power than are the manufacturers' ratings, unless ex- actly the same method has been used in each case. It is obvious that two tractors each pulling the same number of plows of equal size, at equal depth, in the same soil, and each moving at the same speed are exerting practi- cally equal amounts of power on the drawbar. In such case, if each is pull- ing its normal load, they should have the same drawbar rating. It is not at all uncommon, however, as previ- ously stated, to find tractors under such conditions with widely different ratings. By using as a standard the amount of work done by different tractors therefore a very fair com- parison of the drawbar horsepower can be obtained. With this known, a good idea of the power of the motor can be gained. If in the case just mentioned, one of the machines was considerably heavier than the other, it is apparent that it would require more power to move its own weight and that it would therefore not be capable of exerting on the drawbar as large a percentage of the motor's total power as would the other ma- chine, assuming that the loss of power through gears, etc., in the transmission was the same. It natur- ally follows that the motor on the PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY heaviest machine would develop more power on the belt than would the one on the lighter outfit. s The terms "brake" or "belt" horse- power mean exactly the same thing and are used to denote the amount of power which the engine will develop and transmit to a belt for stationary work, such as threshing. This amount of power may be computed by differ- ent formulas or may be ascertained definitely by actual measurement with a proper apparatus. This accqunts for some of the lack of uniformity in rat- ings. Some companies carefully measure the amount of power devel- oped by each engine before it leaves the factory and then give their engine a catalogue rating equivalent to its maximum power output; others will deduct a certain amount from the maximum horsepower as ascertained and rate their engine at various per- centages of this figure in order to be on the safe side, and to underrate their outfit rather than overrate it, while some companies do not measure the amount of power the engine actu- ally develops, but compute it. With the diameter of cylinder, the length of stroke, and the number of revolu- tions per minute known, the horse- power which will be developed by an engine can be computed with a fair degree of accuracy, although there are a number of formulas used, several of which give somewhat different results. In comparing the power of two tractors the speed at which they are moving must always be considered. A tractor pulling two plows at 2 miles an hour will do the same amount of work as one pulling one plow and traveling at 4 miles an hour, other conditions being equal, and the horse- power developed at the drawbar is the same, because the element of time enters into the determination of horsepower. The slower any given tractor is geared to move the greater will be the load which it can pull at the drawbar, as it pulls it less rapidly. The amount of work done and the total amount of power exerted will remain practically the same. It is obvious that in the case men- tioned the tractor pulling one plow and running twice as fast as the one pulling two plows must move its own weight over the ground twice as many times as will the other tractor. If the weight of the two tractors is the same, it will be seen that twice as much power has been expended in moving the weight of the high-speed tractor as has been used by the one with low speed. A great many farmers find it diffi- cult to understand why a tractor of, say, 10 horsepower at the drawbar will not pull as heavy a load as will 10 horses. This is not because a me- chanical horsepower is less than the amount of power developed by a horse, but is because of the fact that a horse has an enormous overload capacity that is, he is capable of ex- erting for a short time a great deal stronger pull than he should normally maintain hour after hour. A tractor, however, has very little overload capacity when pulling its normal load. Thus, if a tractor with a drawbar rating of 10 horsepower pulling its normal load of plows under average conditions should strike a particularly hard spot where the draft was doubled for a few minutes it would stall; while 10 horses under similar conditions could readily in- crease their pull sufficiently to meet the increased draft. From this it will be seen that in cases where the draft will vary (and this occurs in practically all kinds of farm work because of grades, soil variation, etc.) the load which a tractor will handle satisfactorily is that which it can pull up the steepest grade or through the toughest soil in the field. This load may be only half of what it can pull under more favor- able conditions in the same field. It will also be apparent that the working load of a tractor under ordinary farm conditions is considerably less than the normal load for its drawbar equiv- alent in horses, that is, a tractor of 10 horsepower on the drawbar will not pull, except under constantly favor- able conditions, the load which a 10- horse team would normally pull. The difference might be said to be entirely in the overload capacity of these twr- prime movers. With a tractor its maximum power is practically its normal power because it is capable of pulling this load continuously, but cannot carry anything in excess of this. On the other hand, the horse's normal load is much less than what he can do in an emergency. 30 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY LIGHTNING RODS PROTECT BUILDINGS From Prairie Farmer. "It is generally agreed now that lightning rods, properly installed, do afford a considerable measure of pro- tection to farm buildings, a fact which is indicated by the more favorable in- surance rates which many insurance companies offer in insuring farm build- ings that are properly rodded," says K. J. T. Ekblaw of the department of farm mechanics, University of Illinois. "One insurance company of Michi- gan states that the small sum of $32 has been paid in four years for dam- age done to rodded buildings by light- ning, although a total risk of fifty-five million dollars was taken. Another company taking risks amounting to fifty-nine million dollars, in the same period of time on both rodded and un- rodded buildings, paid for damage done by lightning more than a thou- sand times as much as the other com- pany paid on wired buildings. A prominent fire insurance adjuster states that in his experience, for every dollar's worth of damage done to properly rodded buildings, there was $1,168 damage done to unrodded ones. In other words, there was indicated on efficiency of 99.9 per cent in favor of wired ones. "Some of the points to be kept in mind in installing a system of light- ning rod protection are as follows: "(1) Either copper or galvanized iron may be used for lightning con- ductors. The cable form is satisfac- tory and the weight of the copper should be at least three ounces per foot, while that of the galvanized iron should be twice as much. "(2) All parts of the wiring should be connected up into one system. No blind ends or stubs should be left un- grounded. Joints should -be made very securely and the contact made as perfect as possible by soldering and brazing. "(3) The conductor should be firmly fastened to the building in- stead of being insulated from it, as ts sometimes done. The purpose of the conductor is to take the light- ning charge away from the building; insslation ^events this. "(4) The conductors should fol- low ridges and sharp corners in the buildings. No sharp turns in the con- ductor itself should be made. "(5) Aerial terminals should be lo- cated at the ends of ridges and on the ridges at intervals not to exceed 20 feet. Any terminal point on the roof should have an aerial terminal of its own. The aerial terminals should be at least two feet high, firmly braced in upright position, securely fastened to the main cable, and provided with a galvanized or nickeled wrought iron point. "(6) Good earth connections are absolutely necessary. Commonly ac- cepted forms consist of a metal plate buried below the level of permanent moisture, into the soil to a depth of eight or ten feet, securely fastened to the conductor itself. "(7) All metal masses, such as metal roofs, radiators, hay fork tracks, etc., should be connected to the main system. "(8) Use good materials, install them properly, and no fear of light- ning need be felt." WHEN THE BELT SLIPS From. Prairie Farmer. The slipping of belts is a great an- noyance, but it is not always remedied by tightening the belt. Ordinarily, if the proper-sized belts and pulleys are used and properly put in, there should be little or no slipping at all. Often the slipping of a belt is due to the overload carried by it. There is economy in using wider belts than is the usual practice. Many a three-inch belt is made to do the work of a four- inch belt, much to the annoyance of the operator and the ruin of the belt. However, when an immediate rem- edy is needed, a small quantity of powdered whiting, sprinkled on the inside of the belt, is very good and is the least harmful of any similar appli- cation. The use of beeswax, rubbed on the inside of the belt or on the pulley is a very good remedy in cases of emer- gency. Many people use powdered rosin on a slipping belt but this is bad practice because it soon dries the leather and causes it to crack. 31 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Methodist Church, Moweaqua, 111. Be Sure That YOUR Home is Cozy This Winter No other heating system can pos- HKSSff* slbly yield so much comfort at so great a saving as the famous moooon X cxruMAfla, .-. IIHOOOI, ,, Its satisfactory performance is backed by the makers' Ironclad Guarantee and by testimony of Caloric users in Shelby County. Heats buildings up to eighteen rooms through only one register. Circulates a uniform, healthful warmth throughout the house in the severest weather, while con- serving 35 to 50 per cent in fuel. Can be installed in old as well as new houses without cutting the walls and floors. More than 50,000 satisfied owners in this country. Call or write for demon- stration and list of Caloric users in this section. CHAS. HOMRIGHOUS Heating and Ventilating Real Estate Insurance SHELBYVILLE, ILL. 32 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Shelby County Farmers' Directory Abbreviations Used in this Directory a Acres; Ch Children; O Owner; T Tenant or Renter; R Rural Route; Sec Section; Maiden name of wife follows directory name in parentheses ( ); figures at end of informa- tion year became resident of county. Name of farm follows names of children in quotation marks. Star (*) before child's name indicate not at home. In case of a tenant, the farm owner's name follows the figures giving size of farm. EXAMPLE Askins, C. W. (Alice Holland) Ch Frances, Rosie, Pearl, George, Louis, *Bertha, *Clement; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec27 Tla Mary McClory (1872) Means Askins, C. W. Name. (Alice Holland) Wife's maiden name. Ch Frances, Rosie, Pearl, George, Louis, *Bertha, *Clement Children named Frances, Rosie, Pearl, George, Louis, *Bertha, *Clement. Trowbridge Rl Postoffice Trowbridge, R. F. D. 1. Big Spring Sec27 Big Spring township, Section 27. Tla Tenant on 1 acre. Mary McClory Owner's name (1872) Lived in county since 1872. Abercrombie, Bert (Josie Love) Ch Lester; Sigel R3 Big Spring Sec22 O90a (1875) Mutual Tel. Trow- bridge Abercrombie, Burl (Bernice Curtis) Ch Guy C. ; Windsor R3 Ash Grove Sec29 O20a T34a R. F. Abercrom- bie (1890) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Abercrombie, R. F. (Lucinda Fergu- son) Ch 'Stella, *Bert, *Bertha, *Hettie, *Burl, *Burt; Neoga Ash Grove Sec29 O88a (1852) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Abraham, E. R. (Nema Ethel Prim- mer) Ch Lawrence E., Opal, Elaine; Mow'eaqua R3 Pena Sec33 T160a (1916) Tel. Moweaqua Abraham, Logan (Rosa Sloan) Ch Clinton; Findlay R3 Pickaway Sec21-20 T160a Samuel Abraham (1893) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Abrams, G. D. (Bertha M. Thomp- son) "Yellow Stock Farm" As- sumption R3 Rural Sec7 T175a Caz- lett Farm (1887) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Abrams, W. M. (Lizzie Smith) Ch George, Clarence; Shelbyville R2 Ridge Sec31 O94a (1886) Acom, W. H. (Bertha Dixon) Ch John, Mildred, Fern, Henry; Find- lay Rl Todd Point Sec26 T300a O. H. Acom (1915) Tel. Findlay Adams, C. F. Oconee Rl Cold Spring SeclS O4a (1890) Bell Tel. Pana Adams, E. (Martha E. Stogdall, Mother) Ch *Eureka T., *Zora. *McJesse; "The Maples Farm" Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec26 O160a John C. Adams (1870) Indi- ana and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Adams, Frank (Fronie Ucker) Ch Ray, Cyril, Lela, Robert, Mary, Edna, Ruth, Fern, Willard, Celia: Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg SeclS O140a (1893) Tel. Mode Adams, James (Cordelia Miller) Ch Halbert, Thomas; Finlay R2 Pick- away Sec21 T200a Emmett Cotner (1918) Tel. Westervelt 33 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Adams, J. H. (Bessie Turnney) Ch Roscoe, Bonnie, Clara, Belle; Shel- byville R4 Okaw Sec21 O60a TlOOa D. F. Turnney (1893) Tel. Findlay Adams, J. Q. (Eva Frye) Ch Doro- tha; Cowden Rl Dry Point SeclO- 15 O215a (1902) Mutual Tel. Cow- den Adams, Wilber (Nora Barry) Ch Mary Margaret; Assumption RI Flat Branch Sec27 T160a J. A. Lacharite (1906) Mutual Tel.. As- sumption Adcock, E. C. (Bertha Sloan) Ch Wayne, Erval, Leo; "Walnut Grove Farm" Assumption Rl Pickaway Sec30 T107a Leo Johnson (1903) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Adrian, Oliver (Iva Little) Ch Rose- na, Homer, Mabel, Elizabeth; Find- lay R3 Pickaway Secl4 T80a J. Longenbaugh (1906) Mutual Tel. Findlay Aichele, Gust (Lizzie Galster) Ch Clara, George, Carl; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec20 O140a (1878) Holland Tel. Mode Aldmon, F. X. (Aean Eaom) Ch Josephine; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec6 O180a (1870) Alexander, Levi (Lara Warner) Sigel R3 Sigel Sec34 O40a (1855) Alexander, S. R. (Flora Huntington) Ch Aly, Charlotte, Virginia, Harry; Neoga R3 Ash Grove Sec22 O93a (1860) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Allen, F. R. (Hattie Davis) Ch Glenna, Jed, Ralph, Carl, Richard, Ruth, Joe, Katherine; Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec27 O70a (1876) Holland Tel. Mode Allen, Jess M. (Eva Harrison) Ch Fay, Alberta, *Osa, *Edith, *Mary: "Allendale Farm" Mode Rl Clarks- burg Sec27 O60a (1866) Holland Tel. Mode Allen, J. T. (Zoluean Eckard) Ch Louis, Harry. Thomas, Sallie. Preston, *John, *William, *Cecil, *Stheolia; Herrick R3 Cold Spring Sec32 O120a (1879) Allen, J. T. (Minnie Coffman) Ch Lola, Lester, Irene, Pearl, Kieth, Alfred; "Way Side Farm" Bethany R2 Penn Sec23 T226a C. B. Doyle and R. L. Sanner (1911) Mutual Tel. Bethany Allen, Robert (Dollie Lugar) Ch Ray; Stewardson R2 Big Spring Sec30 T75a E. Erickson (1870) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Allison, Claude (Valley Shell) Ch Ferol; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring SeclO T80a Mrs. Tilley and Edward Morrison (1894) Allison, John (Rosa Thompson) Ch Elsie, Golda, George, *Maude. 'Claude, *Sylvia, *Earl; Tower Hill Cold Spring SeclO TllOa Mrs. Mor- rison (1916) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Altay, A. F. Strasburg Rl Ash Grove Sec30 O119a (1872) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Altay, Henry (Minnie Doding) Ch August, *Ed; Strasburg Rl Ash Grove Sec30 O109a (1867) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Alward, Geo. W. (Florence Cutler) Ch Lenore, Cutler, Gertrude, Mary, Mabel, Crystal, Howard; Moweaqua R2 Penn SecS O320a (1873) Tel. Moweaqua Anderson, Aaron Ch Kenneth; Trow- bridge Rl Big Spring SecS O80a (1903) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Anderson, C. E. (Myrtle Beck) Ch Chas. E., Agnes M.; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec25 O140a (1869) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Anderson, Frank (Edith Foster) Ch Helen, Ruth, Frances, Katherine; "Cloveside Farm" Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec25 O267a (1879) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Anderson, Fred (Ora Beals) Ch Joe. Faraba; Stewardson Rl Big Spring Sec30 O62a (1890) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Anderson, F. B. (Marilla Milton) Ch William M.; Cowden Dry Point Sec3-10-ll O66a (1898) Mutual Tel. Cowden Anderson, Geo. O. (Mary Brady) Ch Charlene "Cresthaven Farm" Shel- byville ,Rj5 Windsor Sec31 OlOa T27a F. D. Henneigh (1895) Tel. Windsor Anderson, G. T. (Ruthie J. Tull) Ch Ralph, Johnnie, Lorney, Robert. Teddy, Irene, Mary, *Roddie, *Ber- tha, *Forest, *Tom. ^Florence. *George; Windsor R4 Okaw Sec36 O163a (1864) Anderson, John (Kate Welsh) Ch John, Ed, Thomas, Mary; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec6S O60a (1858) Mutual Tel. Trowbridg'e 34 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Anderson, J. F. (Florence Jones) Ch Clara Marie; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec36 OlOa F. D. Hennigh (1886) Tel. Windsor Anderson, T. E. (Mona Chisnhall) Ch Coral; Windsor R4 Windsor Secl9 O40a TSOa U. S. White and G. W. Chisnhall (1891) Tel. Wind- sor Andrews, Wilbur (Nellie Jones) Ch Mabel, Bessie, Mary; Windsor R4 Richland Secll T120a Mrs. Lora Kennedy (1880) Mutual Tel. Wind- sor Appelt, H. (Mary Scholtz) Ch Er- win, Fred, George, Walter, Ed, Richard, Marcella; Shumway Rl Prairie SeclSS O160a (1908) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Appelt, Louis J. (Rose Roberts) Shumway Rl Prairie SecSS T130a Mrs. Stickels (1896) Archey, H. M. (Martha E. Carder) Ch Orville, Virgil. *Roy E., *Ira W.; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Sec3 O60a (1863) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Armantrout, R. E. (Ruth Thompson) "Lone Star Farm" Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec35 T120a B. J. Bjrnstrom (1914) Mutual Tel. Gays Armstrong, Jasper Ch Virda, Arthur, Willie, Joel, James, Mrs. Margaret Evans, Emma, Nauma. granddaugh- ters; Jasper, Floyd, Wilfred, Archie, grandsons; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec2S O228a (1852; Armstrong, Joe (Myrtle Taylor) Ch Floyd M., Jasper N. ; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec36 T160a Lafayette Armstrong (1879) Armstrong, Lafayette "Old Home- stead Farm" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec36 O160a (1840) Armstrong, Levi W. (Rose Godwin) Ch Cecil, Harley, Harry; Findlay R2 Ridge Sec3 O200a (1882) Tel. Westervelt Armstrong, W. I. (May Stretch) Ch Archie, Wilfred; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec26 T120 (1883) Arnold, J. H. (Minnie Prahl) Ch Roy. Glen, Marie. Sylvia, Beredine; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec8 O80a (1879) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Ash, Charles (Mary Alice Silkintter) Tower Hill Tower Hill Sec23 O80a (1900) Ash, David (Martha Ash, Sister). Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Secl3-7 T80a Mary Parks Askins, Amos (Lydia M. Curlin) Ch "Orlan, "Burton, *Dottie May: Cowden R2 Lakewood Secll O45a (1874) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Askins, Arthur O. (Elizabeth Bar- ton) Ch Beulah, James A., Mabel I., Mary I., Flossie; Tower Hill Rl Lakewood Secl7 TSOa James J. As- kins (1875) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Askins, Bert (Lauretta Severe) Ch Florence, Floyd, Hazel, Mary, Lily, James; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Secll O20a (1879) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Askins, B. (Sarah Evans) Ch Ruby, Mrs. C. L. Russell, *Bessie, *Chad- die, *Cora, *Addie; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood SeclS O99a (1862) Mu- tual Tel. Lakewood Askins, Coy (Gertie Specht) Ch El- bert; Lakewood Rl Lakewood Secl7 O32^a (1886) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Askins, C. A. (Bertha R. Doyle) Ch Maurice Wayne; Lakewood Lake- wood Sec7 Ola (1890) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Askins, C. W. (Alice Holland) Ch Frances. Rosie, Pearl, George, Louis, *Bertha, *Clement; Trow- bridge Rl Big Spring Sec27 Tla Mary McClory (1872) Askins, Frank (Bertha Hart) Lake- wood Rl Lakewood Sec20 O20a (1875) Askins, G. W. Mode Rl Holland Sec25 OlOOa Sec24 O78a (1868) Holland Tel. Mode Askins, James Ch George; Fancher Holland Sec31 O2oa (1894) Askins, Logan (Mary Spahr) Ch Leonard, Lloyd, Imogene; Lake- wood Rl Lakewood Sec20 O40a Mutual Tel. Lakewood Askins, Mary Ch William, Charley, John Phoebe, Rose; Mode Rl Hol- land Sec25 OlSOa (1888) Tel. Mode Askins, OIL (Anna Giberson) Ch William, Rohima. Edith, Harold. Eva; Lakewood Rl Lakewood Secl9 O32a Lakewood T15a P. W. Robin- son (1880) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Askins, Otto (Nelle Hart) Ch Zelma: Lakewood Rl Lakewood Sec20 O20a (1875) Askins, R. O. (Anna Cosart) Ch Or- letta; Cowden Rl Dry Point Seed O40a (1876) Mutual Tel. Cowden 35 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Aakins, T. A. (Mary A. Jones) Ch Clyde, Jennie, Dona, Cleve A., Ina; Lakewood Lakewood Secl6-9 O80a (1860) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Atkinson, James (Belle Stewardson) Ch James T. ; Bethany Rl Pickaway Secl2 T180a James Atkinson, Sr. (1873) Mutual Tel. Findley Atkinson, T. A. (Nettie Marshall) Ch William, Elsie, Tom, Fannie, Alice, Ruth, John, *Bessie; Bethany Rl Pickaway Secl2 OlSOa T70a A. C. Atkinson (1875) Mutual Tel. Findlay Auffenorde, Theodore (Margaret Sheehan) Ch Elizabeth, Verona, Herman, John, Thomas, Joseph, George, Henry; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec22 O60a (1867) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Augenstein, Charles (Minnie Brandt) Ch Wilbur, Leila, Erving, Ruth, Ralph, Raymond, Edith, Charles; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec23 O80a (1865) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Augenstein, G. M. (Anna Downs) Ch Roy; "Maple Grove Farm" Shel- by ville R2 Rose SeclO O80a (1874) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Auld, W. O. (Julia Duenweg) Ch Vera, Robert; "River Dale Farm" Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville SecS O9a T300a Phoebe Auld Est. (1873) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Austell, John (Lena Sullivan) Cowden Dry Point SeclO O18a (1914) Austin, B. K. Ch 'Gilbert, *Clarence, 'Herbert, *Grace; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Sec9 O5a (1899) Austin, Fred (Pearl Williamson) Ch Clyde, Clarence; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec21 Farm Hand Joe Kensil (1890) Austin H. L. (Anna Finks) Ch *Pearl, *Fern; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Sec3 O80a (1879) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood B Baab, Silas (Grace Hilton) Ch Fred, Wilbur, Veda; Hanson Rl Oconee SeclSS Farm Hand John Herboth (1918) Mutual Tel. Oconee Babcock, Mrs. Mary E. (Mary E. Manley) Ch Bertha, *Clarence, *Lester, *Nora; Hanson Oconee Secl7S O80a (1853) Bafford, C. F. (Velma Sill) Ch Regi- nald; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec31 T80a James King (1918) Tel. Mo- weaqua Bailey, August L. and Francis P. "Bailey Ott Stock Farm" Herrick Rl Herrick Secl3 O280a (1918) Baillie, James (Mary Page) Ch Hat- tie, *William, *Cora, *John, *Os- car; Lakewood Rl Rose Sec32 O30a (1867) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Baillie, J. A. (Mary L. Cox) Ch Car- roll J., Eugene C., Elizabeth E.; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec27 T173a Dr. Jenkins (1889) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Baillie, William (Ethel Heinz) Ch Virgil; Tower Hill Rl Rose Sec31 T80a J. D. Miller (1880) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Baird, Arthur (Eva Lockhart) Ch Ralph; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec31 T120a F. H. Hudson (1893) Mutual Tel. Cowden Baird, Claud H. (Alida Hussey) Ch Sally, Robert; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec27 O80a TlOOa Mrs. C. Lanner (1881) Mutual Tel. Bethany Baird, C. N. (Frances Chamberland) Ch Harland, Dorothy; Gay R2 Ash Grove Secl2 TllOa D. W. Cham- berland (1907) Bell. Tel. Mattoon Baird, De Forest E. (Grace E. Gar- man) Ch Donald G., John H.; "The Baird Anchor Farm" Bethany Rl Penn Sec35 OlOOa TlOOa Mary A. Baird (1885) Tel. Bethany Baird, T. O. (Jessie A. Daugherty) Ch Carl, William A., Claris; Find- lay R3 Pickaway Secl3 T220a R. A. Baird (1812) Mutual Tel. Findlay Baker, C. D. (Rosella Rose) Ch Charles, Polk, *Ray J.; Windsor R4 Windsor Sec33 O275a T124a Mrs. C. E. Rose, Miss L. Rose, Mrs. S. Ortmire and Mrs. Fling (1864) Tel. Windsor Baker, C. L. (Lavina Francis) Ch Guy; Shelbyville R4 Ridge Sec24 O44%a (1863) Tel. Shelbyville Baker, Edward (Nettie Lugar) Ch 'Dorothy, 'Dolly; "Four Mile Farm" Sigel Rl Sigel Seel O80a (1873) Mutual Tel. Sigel Baker, G. (Martha I. Bethel) Ch Mabel; Oconee R2 Oconee Sec9 O100* (1894) Bell Tel. Ptna 36 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Baker, G. W. (Mabel S. Hendricks) Ch Clara; Shelby ville R9 Ridge Sec24 TlOOa Logan Killam (1892) Tel. Shelbyville Baker, Henry (Nannie Little) Ch Carl, Kenneth, Eugene, Ruth; Mo- weaqua R3 Penn Sec20 T320a Mrs. Winslow (1916) Baker, H. A. (Myrtle Estella Robey) Ch Homer, Ruby, Mabel, Goldie, Chester, Ward, Bernard, Vivian; Sigel R3 Sigel Sec3 TllOa J. W. Baker (1917) Mutual Tel. Sigel Baker, Jesse Frank (Mary McAnally) Ch Bertha, Evan, Pearl, Bessie, Pet, *Sarah; Sigel Rl Sigel Sec36 OlSla (1875) Tel. Neoga Baker, Jesse I. (Fannie E. Lugar) Ch Ralph L., J. Leroy, Kenneth I., Eve- lyn E.; "Pioneer Stock Farm" Sigel Rl Sigel Sec2 O230a (1876) Tel. Sigel Baker, J. E. (Lizzie Abbott) Ch Del- mer, Ed, Violet, Fern, Silva, Tre- men; Windsor R3 Windsor SecS T70a Mrs. Wingner, F. M. Baker and Bennie Reynolds Baker, J. M. (Anna M. Miller) Ch Dora Marie, Rose Mary; Steward- son R2 Sigel SecS O72a (1907) Tel. Stewardson Baker, J. W. (Nannie A. Jackson) Ch Blanch, William H., *Nora, *Hazel M.; Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec22 T160a Mrs. Hyla Bob (1915) Tel. Macon Baker, Levi (Annie Luedke) Ch Gro- ver, Earl, Mattie, Lizzie, Philip, Minnie; Sigel R2 Sigel Secl2 OlOOa (1859) Tel. Sigel Baker, L. M. (Mary A. Burke) Ch Marie, Norma W., Shelmine F.. R3 Windsor Sec34 Farm Hand (1891) Tel. Windsor Baker, Ralph C. (Theoda Walden) Ch Margaret; Windsor R3 Windsor Sec9 T185aJ. H. Baker (1884) Tel. Windsor Baker, R. J. (Mary Banks) Windsor Blanche, Isabelle J.; Hanah V. Ba- ker, Mother; Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec23 OlOOa (1875) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Baker, Samuel L. (Lily M. Koester) Ch Erma Jean; Stewardson R2 Sigel Sec6 O20a (1914) Tel. Stew- ardson Balch, Lee (Stella Warner) Ch Mer- ritt, Mary; Strasburg R3 Clarksburg Secll T200a Mary J. Warner (1896) Holland Tel. Mode Baldwin, Lafe (Josephine Herron) Ch Arnold, *Harlen, *Elmer, *Grace, *Myrtle; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood SeclO O8a (1858) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood Baldwin, Wm. Harlen (Sarah Anna Cater) Ch Lennen, Merl; Shelby- ville R8 Lakewood Sec24 T20a Tom Moore (1906) Bales, C. D. (Anna B. Kinkade) Ch Oral; Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch Secll T200a John Pleak and Mart Pleak (1906) Tel. Moweaqua Bales, Soil (Hattie Webb) Ch Annie, Asa, Leila, Beryl, Pearl, Bertha, Dewey; Mode Rl Prairie Sec31 T40a H. Metzler (1917) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Ball, Jacob (Henrietta Haverstock) Ch Don, Jay, Doris, Salome, *Leo- da, *Gertrude, *Homer, *Virginia, *Gladys; "Brook Lawn Farm" 'Stewardson R2 Sigel Sec6 O32a T37a Mrs. Emma Doll (1872) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardsun Ball, L. A. (Sidney Watt) Ch Ken- neth, Mary; Holland Holland SeclS Ola (1913) Tel. Beecher City Ballinger, Joel (Lydia Russell) Ch Lonzo, *Preston, *Edward, *Louis, *Nora, *Charles, *Alice; Shumway Rl Prairie Secl4S T160a J. Dop- part (1905) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Ballinger, L. W. (Annie Whittaker) Ch Thelma, Esther, Carl, Elmer; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec22 T80a Charles Meitzner (1910) Baly, Joseph (Barbara Hochtettler) Ch Delia, Fred, *Mary, *Amanda, *Rosie; "Maple Grove Farm" Tow- er Hill R2 Rural Secl2 O80a (1914) Mutual and Bell Tels. Westervelt Banks, F. P. (Viola Hoke) Ch Lola, Kesella, Orval, Opal, Marie, Cecil, *Lucile; Findlay R4 Okaw Sec6 T216a Mrs. H. M. Scarbrough (1904) Tel. Westervelt Banks, John (Delia Clark) Ch Lena, Charles, Ralph, Pauline, "''Mary; Windsor R3 Windsor Secl6 O126%a T26%a Mrs. Lena Clark (1868) Tel. Windsor Banni'ng, B. P. (A. F. Banning, Mother) Cowden R2 Lakewood Secl9-20 O46a (1883) Mutual Tel. 37 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Banning, C. N. (Arwilda Oiler) Ch Marvel, *Delbert, *Fred; Cov/den R2 Lakewood Sec26 O62a uS69) Mutual Tel. Cowden Banning, C. V. < Mabel Corley) Ch Noel; Cowden R2 Lakewood Secl9 T46a Mrs. A. F. Banning (1885) Mutual Tei. i akewood Banning, Delbert (Stella Askins, Ch Lester, Wavalene, Lyle; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec26 T20a Elizabeth Askins (1883) Mutual Tel. Cowden Banning, Ed (Gertie T. Banning) Ch Herbert, Irene, Kenneth, Robert; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec25 O20a (1883) Mutual Tel. Cowden Banning, Fred (Myrtle Banning) Ch Lonnie, Raburn; Cowden R2 Lake- wood Sec23 T40a Martha Oiler (1896) Mutual Tel. Cowden Banning, Henry (Carrie McKoun) Ch Vivian; Cowden Dry Point Sec36 T5a Tony Calhoon (1896) Banning, John M. (Angie Heines) Ch *Homer, *Myrtle; Cowden Dry Point Sec36 O81a (1871) Mutual Tel. Cowden Banning, J. F. (Clara Oiler, Deceased) Ch Frank, Carl, William, Anna, *Henry Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec26O47a (1866) Banning, Willie (Adelia Fortner) Ch Mabel, Geneva, Hazel, Dorothy; "Elm Grove Farm" Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec26 O30a (1880) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Banning, W. F. (Marguerite Carr) Ch *Bessie, *Letha; Cowden R2 Lake- wood Sec23 O40a (1.868) Mutual Tel. Cowden Baptist, A. W. (Cora Boys) Ch George, Myrl, Lenerett, Glendore, Grace, Noel, Russell, Dolores, Viv- ian: Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec26 O385a (1892) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Barbee, Chas. (Onie Dihel) Ch Blanch, Lois, Forest, Celia; Shelby- ville R7 Clarksburg Sec8 O70a (1877) Holland Tel. Mode Barbee, Edward (Cora Steele) Ch Clifford, Rella, Cecil; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec8 TlOOa John Barbee (1882) Holland Tel. Mode Barbee, John (Deborah Coinpton) Ch Edward, Orville, *Charles; Shel- byville R4 Clarksburg Sec8 O214a (1867) Holland Tel. Mode Barbee, John (Maggie Metz) Ch Cor- die, William, Oscar; Moweaqua R2 Penn SecS O120a (1888) Tel. Mo- weaqua Barbee, Orval (Nellie Walden) Shel- byville R4 Clarksburg Sec6 T80a John Barbee (1887) Holland Tel. Mode Barbee, O. M. (Ida J. Frambes) Ch Albert M., Glen R., Rose E., *Floy L. Carrington, *Etta A. Highly; "Goodwill Farm" Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec21 O160a (1911) In- dependent and Bell Tels. Mowea- qua Barden, C. E. Mr. and Mrs. Barden (Father and Mother), Eb Barden and Susan Cook; Cowden R2 Lake- wood Sec23 O8a (1899) Mutual Tel. Cowden Barding, A. L. (Alta Hamilton) Ch Louis, Glen, Lona, Elva, Floyd, Ma- rie, Kenneth; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring SecS OlOa (1873) Barding, John A. (Anna E. Lock- wood) Ch Ina M., Pearl E., *Susan M., *Mattie A.,' *Lewis D., *Ida F.; "Fern Hill Stock Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec25 O200a (1857) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee. Barding, J. F. (Lizzie E. Gordon) Ch Thomas, Sophia, Mabel, *Bessie, *Katie; Oconee Rl Cold Spring Secl9 O30a TlOOa Nick Burns (1892) Bare, Fred W. (Anna Eversole) Ch George, Lloyd, Jacob, Christian, Cecil, *Lynn; Lakewood Lakewood Sec7 O20a T60a McCorley Est. (1888) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Barker, Jesse (Bell Barnett) Ch Ed- ith, Erma, Glen, Herbert, Joseph, Opal, Burrel, Mary, Neva, Hester, "Mabel, *Hattie Barker; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec34 T300a E. A. Rich- ardson (1871) Tel. Shelbyville Barker, J. R. (A. E. Hart) Ch Olta, Bertha, Jay, Fern, Irma; Middles- worth Shelbyville Seel O80a (1866) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Barkhurst, J. J. (Dora McDonald) Ch Winona, Harold, John, Floyd, Ruby, Ruth; Lakewood Rl Lakewood Sec8-9 O120a (1913) Tel. Lake- wood Barlow, John (Josie A. Mclntyre) Ch John T., Louie M.; "Opossum Creek Stock Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec24 O80a (1895) 38 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Barnes, Ed (Lizzie Davidson) Ch Dongola, Roy, Troy, Helen, *Dicie, *Arthur, *Henry Braden; Mode Rl Holland SeclO O40a T20a Guy Schuyler (1872) Barnes, S. E. (Lydia McKittrik) Ch Laura, Standish, Wayne, Letha; Shelbyville R8 Shelbyville Sec30 T200a S. S. Barnes (1901) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Barnes, S. S. (Ada Hoose) Ch *Alice, *Minnie, *Myrtle, *Ennis; Shelby- ville R4 Shelbyville Sec30 O300a (1900) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Barnett, Louie (Cora Peek) Ch Floyd, Ruby; Shelbyville R3 Rose SeclS T190a E. M. Miller 1882) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Barnhart, Elmer (Irma Smyser) Windsor R3 Windsor Sec27 T107a J. D. Barnhart (1890) Tel. Windsor Barnhart, E. (Mary Brown) Ch Ce- cil, Helen; Middlesworth Shelby- ville Secl2 Ol^a Richland SeclS T85a Blyman and Wilhelm (1875) Barnhart, J. D. (Lucie Jackson) Ch Lois, Roy, Marguerite, *Elmer; Windsor R2 Windsor Sec25 O40a (1865) Tel. Windsor Barrett, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Jones) Ch Leslie, *Agnes, *Joe, *Grace, *Elgin, *Charles; Tower Hill Rl Rose Sec32 T80a A. F. Lan- han (1855) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Barrett, John (Agnes Rankin) Ch Tom, Maggie, *Eva, *Viola, *Wal- ter; Lakewood Rl Rose Sec32 O80a 1847) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Barrett, L. D. (Louisa M. Judd) Ch *Bertha, *Alta, *Tarsia; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec3 OSa (1856) Barrickman, J. S. (Anna M. Barrick- man) Ch Ariel. Rolfa, *Roy; Shel- byville Rl Ridge SeclO-11 O320a Tel. Westervelt Barrickman, R. L. (Emma Shride) Shelbyville Rl Ridge Secll T80a J. S. Barrickman (1878) Tel. Wes- tervelt Barrnger, C. H. (Anna H. Wilbur) Ch Lucille W. Leggit. Mary I.; "Harvey Kirk Patrick Farm" Tow- er Hill R3 Tower Hill Sec8 T4a Harvey Kirk Patrick (1906) Barringer, C. S. (Mary L. Whitman) Ch Black, Stanley, Tony, Charley, O. J., *Harry, *Olen V.; Pana Tow- er Hill Sec30 O20a (1904) Barringer, H. S. (Clara E. Warren) Ch Mildred. Clarence, Warren, Irene; Tower Hill R3 Tower Hill Secl7 T70a Will Ladd (1903) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Barringer, Olin (Minnie Patterson) Ch Lloyd, Bessie, Harold; Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec33 T80a Albert Syfert (1903) Barringer, O. J. (Nellie P. Ross) Ch Howard R., Katherine E., Ruth O., Kenneth W, Elmer O., Mary M.; "William Her Farm" Tower Hill R3 Tower Hill Sec3 T40a William Her (1910) Tel. Tower Hill Barrow, Charles W. (Abbie Shuff) Ch James, *John, *William; Lela Claw- son, Granddaughter; Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Sec3 T40a (1858) Mutual Tel. Mode Barrow, John (Minnie Mills) Ch Ha- zel, Vernon, Roy, Ralph; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec23 O106a (1881) Mu- tual Tel. Trowbridge Earth, Harry G. Pana R5 Tower Hill Sec6 O80a Christian Earth (1884) Bell Tel. Pana Earth, L. C. (Eunice E. Morgan) "Mary Barth Farm" Pana R5 Tow- er Hill SecS O10324a Mary Barth (1879) Barth, L. G. (M. B. Galster) Ch Le- nore. Clara; Pana R5 Tower Hill SecS O120a (1881) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Bartimus, Henry (Anna Debolt) Ch Agnes, Mary, Ruth; Stewardson R2 Sigel Secl7 O140a (1856) Tel. Sigel Bartimus, S. R. Stewardson R2 Sigel Secl7 O60a (1865) Bartlett, Ralph A. (Nellie Rawlings) "Rose Lawn Farm" Shelbyville Rl Ridse Sec9 T240a H. M. Rawlings (1905) Tel Westervelt Bartley, Harley (Gertrude Annin) Ch Ruby. Ruth; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec6 Farm Hand A. H. Rankin (1896) Mutual Tel Windsor Barton, Mrs. Ida Ch Glenn, Maud, Grace, Edna; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec30 O40a (1868) Mutual Tel. Cowden Barton, James (Mary V. Finks) Ch Lester O., Charles O., *Alpha, *John D., *Thad W., 'Chester R., *James H.; Cowden R2 Lakewood Secll T20a Erne Neil (1853) Mutual Tel. Cowden PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Barton, Mary Jane Ch Bell, Geneva. Mabel, *D. L. Barton; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood SeclO-15 O69a (1839) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Barton, Roy T. (Mabel L. Bechtel) Ch June; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec2 T20a A. Price (1918) Bartscht, C. E. (Hattie Ponsler) Ch *Clarence, *Bertha, *Florence; Shel- byville R9 Okaw SeclS O217^a (1885) Tel. Westervelt Bartscht, C. S. (Cora Lily) Ch Mary; Shelbyville R4 Okaw Secl7 T340a John, Mary and Will Freybarger (1892) Tel. Findlay Bass, Charles (Viola Beck) Ch Elsie, Herbert, Martha, Ethel, Mary, Charles; Hanson Rl Oconee Sec9S T200a A. B. Larson (1883) Bell Tel. Ramsey Bassler, A. C. (Mahala Stroh) Ch Es- ther R., Pauline, Albertice; Mowea- qua R5 Flat Branch Sec20 O160a (1906) Mutual Tel. Assumption Bateman, A. (Emma Baker) Ch Ha- zel. Ethel, Melvin, Donald, Marie, Opal, *Herschel, *Zola; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec34 O160a (1903) Mu- tual Tel. Westervelt Bates, Andrew (Emma Moll) Ch Gladys, Harriett, Ralph; Mowea- qua R5 SeclO T120a C. B. Freidley (1897) Tel. Moweaqua Batton, John (Bertha Slater) Ch "Ja- cob, *Bernice, *Beatrice, *Agnes, *John, *George; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec6S O80a (1903) Mutual Tel. Oconee Bauer, Andrew (Martha Schroeder) Ch Arthur, Eugene; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec24 T160a John Bauer (1888) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Bauer, A. W. (Frances Baumgarten) Ch Mabel, *Ralph; Neoga Rl Big Spring Sec3 O120a (1867) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Bauer, Godfrey (Clara Altay) Ch Floyd; Strasburg Prairie Sec9 T120a Mrs. Ida Altay (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Bauer, John (Nettie Bechtel) Ch Wil- liam. Luther, Elm-a; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec21 O160a (1867) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Bauer, Ralph (May Veech) Neoga R3 Ash Grove Sec27 T76a Lora Cross (1892) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Bauer, Tony A. (Ethel Bowman) Tower Hill Rl Rose Sec32 O80a (1880) Mutual Tel/ Lakewood Baumgarten, Ed (1'Vances Klitzke) Ch Harry, Edna, Orty; Stewardson R2 Prairie Secl3 O134a (1878) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Baumgarten, L. E. (Florence Laver) Ch Otis, Elmer, Grace; Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec36 O80a (1881) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Baxter, N. A. (Maude Turney) Ch Fred, Selma, Sidney; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec22 O26a T252a Mrs. Tur- ney, Phebe Baxter and W. W. Bax- ter (1879) Tel. Findlay Baxter, W. W. Findlay R4 Okaw Sec27 O34%a (1865) Tel. Findlay Bayliss, C. S. (Lula Butt) Ch Rollie. Chan, Dorothy; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl6 T220a A. Weaver (1911) Tel. Moweaqua Beals, Bert (Katie Coons) Ch Oden, Russell, Dean; Stewardson R2 Prai- rie SeclS OlOa T22a Bessie Patter- son and Joe Hone (1883) Tel. Stew- ardson Beals, C. L. (Myrtle Alexander) . Ch Vida, Arthur, Ona, Verlie, Loran; Stewardson R2 Sigel Sec6 O40a (1881) Beals, Jacob (Annie Ramsey) Ch Rosie, Preston, May. Willie, Clar- ence, Frink, Noah, Henry, Laura. Silvia; Stewardson R2 Sigel O140a (1867) Tel. Stewardson Beals James (Florence Rentfro) Ch Archie^ Earl, Dale, Lillie, Ches- ter, Leona. John; Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec35 OlOOa (1877) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Beals, John (Josephine Volk) Ch Pearl, *Mary, *Carl; Sigel Rl Sigel Sec36 O80a (1903) Tel. Trowbridge Beals, Richard (Lessie Spearman) Ch Nathan Jr., Virgil, Newton, Grace, Ruby, Mildred, Orval; Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec35 OlOOa (1873) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Beals, R. E. Ch Elma. *Charles, *Bert, *Warner, *Lora, *Beulah. *Heralcl; Stewartson Rl Prairie Sec34 O138a (1856) Tel. Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec34 O138a (1856) Tel. Steward- son Beals, S. A. (Malisia Rentfrow) Ch Bryan, Zelma, Morris, Burl, Leila, Roy, *Lydia, *Earnest, *Edith; Stewardson R2 Prairie Secll O80a (1860) Bechtel A. L. (L. A. Holman) Ch *Tilly, *Mabel, *Barton; Tower Hill R3 Rural Bill Rodger (1903) 40 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Bechtel, E. W. (Glapha L. Seitz) Ch Roy E.. Inez; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Secll T160a Clark Dove (1915) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Bechtel, H. W. (Roma Sallee) Lake- wood Rl Cold Spring Secl3 O20a T152a (1880) Tel. Lakewood Bechtel, J. H. and Sisters Lakewood Rl Cold Spring Secl3 O192a (1857) Bechtel, M. R. (Clauda Walace) Ch Eva, Mary, Frieda, Max, Harold, Charles, Claire W., *Rex H., *Bry- an; Cowden Lakewood Sec25 O80a (1867) Bechtel, Mrs. Olive Ch Paul B., 'Car- ey, *Grant; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec34 O40a (1888) Mutual Tel. Cow- den Bechtel, William (Eliza Martin) Ch Oscar, Noah, Leslie, Gracie, Marie, Eva; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec33 T50a (1895) Mutual Tel. Shel- byville Beck, Claude H. (Ethel Metzler) "Oak Dale Farm" Neoga Rl Big Spring Sec2 O40a (1876) Tel. Neo- ga Beck, David (Katy Getz) Ch Pearl, Ethel. Corine; Moweanua R5 Flat Lranch Secl4 O6J, *Joe, *Stephen, *Katie; Sigel Sigel Sec9 O5a (1882) Fallert, Joseph, Jr. (Dora Kaufman) Ch Ralph, Albert, Eleanor; Sigel R3 Sigel Sec3 OlOOa (1887) Mutual Tel. Sigel Fankbpner, George C. (Myrtle M. Davis) Oconee R3 Cold Spring Sec29 OllOa (1877) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Farley, R. J. (Mary E. Decker) Ch *Eva, *Mayme; Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec35 O154a (1852) Mutual Tel. Gays Fathauer, H. (Tena Forbes) Ch Gladys, Imogene, Herbert, Eugene, Delbert; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec29 O80a Mr. Daniels and Mrs. Hunter {1908) Mutual Tel. Assump- tion Fathauer, W. H. (Carrie Jostes) Ch Arthur, Elsie, Irvin, *Irma, *Nora; Moweaqua R4 Flat Branch Secl9 OlSOa T180a J. Moran Est. (1904) Mutual Tel. Assumption Faucett, John (Erne Robertson) Ch Paul, Wilbert, Leona; Lakewood Rl Rose Sec32 T160a A. Alexander (1905) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Faucett, R. W. (Nellie Holt) Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Sec36 T200a J. F. McKittrick (1904) Bell Tel. Lakewood Federman, William (Emma Jostus) Ch Herald, Helen, *Vergil, *Anna; Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch Sec4 O160a T80a Mrs. Jostus (1894) Tel. Moweaqua Fellers, F. F. (Dora Dow) Ch Fern, Irma; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Secll T160a W. W. Wander (1889) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Feltenberger, Charles F. (Clara A. Shippy) Ch Floyd, Myrtle, Harold, Elsie, Kenneth, *Edith; Herrick Rl Dry Point SeclS O20a T80a S. P. Bailey and John Wright (1909) Feltenberger, Harvey (Ethel Stafford) Ch Bernice, Ellis, Burl; Herrick R2 Oconee Secl3S O61a (1909) Ferguson, Allie Windsor Rl Ash Grove SeclS O130a (1874) Ferguson, Alva (Maud Stevans) Windsor Rl Ash Grove SeclS T80a Allie Ferguson (1885) Ferguson, Anna (Anna Cochran) Ch Fayette, *Homer; Windsor Rl Ash Grove SeclS O60a (1868) Mutual Tel. Windsor Ferguson, Gustave (Mary Corkwell) Ch Clarence, Doris, Gail, Irene; Windsor R3 Ash Grove Sec34 T60a (1891) Ferguson, Homer (Hazel Kercheval) Ch Wayne; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec20 T60a Mrs. Sarah Cochran and Mrs. Anna Ferguson (1891) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Ferguson, John (Nanna Elam) Ch Maude, Ralph, Carl, Mabel; Stew- ardson R2 Big Spring Sec30 O32a (1878) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Ferguson, Penelope (Penelope Ander- son) Ch Allie, *Zimri, *Ezra, *Clar- ence, *Florence; Windsor Rl Ash Grove SeclS O40a (1857) Tel. Wind- sor Ferguson, Webster (Cora Barker) Ch Ruth, Enid, Olive, Madge, Richard; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec25 Farm Hand Guy Fraker (1917) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Ferguson, Z. P. (Gertrude Carruthers) Ch Ray C. Soliday, Bertha F. Fer- guson; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec7 O232a (1857) Mutual Tel. . Windsor Ferrell, I. B. (Sarah Goddard) Ch Edna, Glenn, Laverna; "Maple Lane Farm" Windsor R3 Windsor Sec20 O99a (1904) Tel. Windsor Fichteman, August (Bessie Raymond) Shumway Rl Holland Secl4 O40a T20a Chapman Wilson (1878) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Figge, Charles (Amanda Green) Ch Burl, Lora; Strasburg R3 Prairie Secl6 O140a (1872) Mutual Tel. Strasburg 68 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Figgins, E. O. (Hannah Tobbert) Ch Corinne O., Florence, Fay; "Wil- low Creek Stock Farm" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec2 O170a William Hub- ner (1884) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Figgins, Gaylord (Ollie McFadden) Ch Garl; Stewardson R2 Prairie Secl2 O80a T125a Louise Rosine (1895) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Figgins, Jacob (Laura Bridges) Ch Thomas, Frank, Dorothy, Elma, Mark, Osa, *Arthur, *Burl, *Gay- lord, *Rosco, *Eldon, *Doris, *Ir- vin; Trowbridge Rl Prairie Secl3 OSOa (1867) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Figgins, J. S. Strasburg R2 Big Spring Sec? O47a (1856) Fink, Elizabeth (Elizabeth Tanigas) Ch Joseph, Frances, *John; Herrick R2 Oconee Secl3 O85a (1898) Fink, John (Ocie Clark) Ch Glinda; Herrick R2 Oconee Secl3 O30a T40a Elizabeth Fink (1898) Herrick Limited Tel. Herrick Finks, Charles (Rebecca Carder) Ch Floy, *Mellie, *Mamie, *Addie, *Willie, *Cora; "Maple Spring Farm" Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Sec4 O80a (1856) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood Finks, Melvin (Cora Stephens) Ch Beulah M., Lula G., Joseph P.: Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Sec35 O160a (1885) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Finks, Silas (Lizzie Steel) Ch Bertha, Bessie, Arthur, Isaac, Alonzo, Okla, Cleo; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Secll O39^ (1866) Mutual Tel. Cowden Finks, William (Vicy McLaughton) Ch Alfred; Lakewood Rl Rose Sec32 T65a David Eaton (1892) Mu- tual Tel. Lakewood Finley, J. O. (Daisy Sibert) Ch Doris, Oma, Roy, Ruth; Windsor R4 Rich- land Sec5 O80a T80a W. K. Rose and Charles Guinn (1914) Mutual Tel. Windsor Fishel, Dan (Caroline Reider) Ch Charles, John, Stevens, Roy, Phoebe, Mabel, *Earl, *Mary; Shel- byville R4 Clarksburg Secl7 O40a (1886) Holland Tel. Mode Fisher, Elmer (Ruth Smith) Ch Ralph, Ross. Burl, May, Clint; Shel- byville R5 Shelbyville Sec28 T132a Jack Thomas (1880) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Fisher, Fred C. (Addie Wortman) Ch Wilmer; Shelbyville R8 Rose Sec35 T160a Fisher and Roberts (1894) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Fisher, George (Mary E. Fouke) Shel- byville R8 Rose Sec25 OlOOa (1868) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Fisher, George R. (Emma Watts) Ch Marion, Theodore, Ancel, *Homer, *Herman; Findlay R2 Sec4 Samuel Fisher (1918) Fisher, George Wiley (Jessie Buth Wilkerson) Ch Mary, Francis, Har- riet, George, Melville; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec24 OSOa T80a (1894) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Fisher, Isaac (Malinda Miller) Ch *Bertha, *Elmer, *Forest, *Jessie, *Oscar, *Leota; Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Sec5 O90a (1865) Tel. Mode Fisher, Joe Oconee R2 Oconee SeclS T200a Fisher Est. Christian Mutual Tel. Pana Fisher, Oscar (Fern Leffler) Ch Don; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Secl9 T140a Wesley Storm (1885) Mutual Tel- Windsor Fitzwater, Charles E. (Clara Belford) Ch Dairy, Fern, Noble, *Chester, *Reber; Findlay R4 Okaw SeclS OSOOa (1902) Tel. Findlay Fitzwater, R. S. (Emma Stevens) Findlay R4 Okaw Sec21 Charles E. Fitzwater (1875) Flaherty, James (Marguerite Shay) Ch Marguerite, James, Donald *Marie; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec35 O160a (1903) Mutual Tel. As- sumption Flaherty, J. T. (Margaret R. Leonard) Ch Huldah, Irene, John Jr., *Mar- garet; "Sunny Side Farm" Assump- tion Rl Rural Sec2 O97a (1902) Fleming, John P. (Maggie Brown) Ch Harold. Katherine, Edward, Paul; Oconee R2 Oconee Secl6 TlOOa Bertha Christmer (1912) Mu- tual Tel. Oconee Fleming, Wilber (Edith Keneller) Ch Mildred, Lavone, Opal, Oran; Shel- byville R3 Rose Secl4 Farm Hand Clark Dove (1886) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Flenner, Charles R. (Cora Briscoe) Ch Aitley, Esther, Harry, Glenn; Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Sec9-10 OSOa (1882) Holland Tel. Mode PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Flenniken, Charles H. (Electa Riley) Ch *Bessie, *Rolla; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Seel O40a (1883) Mutual Tel. Cowden Flesch, A. B. (Catherine Vouckmay) Ch Harry, Morgan, Mabel, Mary, *Henry, *Arthur, *Louis, *Bertha; Oconee R2 Oconee Sec8S_ TSOOa George Postal Est. (1908) Mutual Tel. Oconee Flesch, Joseph (Anna Rakars) Ch Andrew, Leo, Joseph; Hanson Rl Oconee SecSS O37^a (1908) Flesch, Leonard (Thersa Mugebear) Ch Annie F., Elizabeth, *Leonard R., 'Charles W.; "The Flesch Home Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec3 O195a (1885) Oconee Mutual and Bell Tels. Flesner, K. H. (Clara E. L. King) Ch Ralph, Ross; "Maple Hill Farm" Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec34 O60a (1898) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Fletcher, H. D. (Tabitha Upperman) Ch Duwald, Jessie; Herrick Rl Dry Point Sec7 O13a SeclS T133a Joel Fletcher T133a Mutual Tel. Cowden Fletcher, Joel (Mary Snow) Ch *Henry, *Ethel; Cowden Rl Dry Point Secl8-7 O133a (1848) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Fletcher, J. W. (Nora B. Corley) Ch Vivian, *Herschel; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Sec2 O80a (1881) Mu- tual Tel. Tower Hill Fling, James (Martha Patterson) Ch *Myrtle, *Ida, *Emma, *Arthur; "Sand Creek Farm" Windsor R2 Windsor Sec25 T32a Arthur Fling (1882) Fling, J. H. (Ann Luck) Strasburg Rl Richland Secl9 O120a (1868) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Fling, Ogden (Rozetta Collins) Ch Dean; Windsor R4 Richland Secll T60a W. A. Fling (1890) Mutual Tel. Windsor Fling, William A. (Maybell Coskig) Ch *Alpha, *Sherman, *Carrie. *Ruth, *Ogden, *Addie; Windsor R4 Richland Secll O300a (1868) Mutual Tel. Windsor Fluckey, W. S. (Jeanett Ketchem) Ch Maurice, Marie, Gladys, Lois; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec31 OlOOa (1912) Mutual Tel. Cowden Fluga, H. (Matilda Stremmung) Ch Amanda, Orval, Willie, *Fred, *Dora; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec34 O15a T80a George D. Chassee (1867) Tel. Stewardson Foltz, A. C. (Mary D. Thomas) As- sumption Rl Flat Branch Sec24 O40a T67a Malvine Thomas (1871) Mutual Tel. Assumption Foltz, A. H. (Bertha Ferryman) Ch Mildred; Assumption Rl Rural Secl2 T160a A. J. Foltz (1878) Mu- tual and Bell Tels. Assumption Poor, Clyde (Lena Specht) Ch John, Woodrow; Lakewood Lakewood Sec7 O80a (1878) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood Poor, C. E. (Sadie Roberts) Ch Max, Frank; "Rosehart Stock Farm" Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec20 O120a (1874) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Poor, Mrs. Delilah (Delilah Swan- ders) Ch Lulu, Fred, *Emma, *Ir- vin, *Calvin, *Clinton, *Sarah, "Lawrence, *Wiley; Tower Hill Rl Rose Secl9 O161a (1872) Mu- tual Tel. Lakewood Poor, Emerson (Ida Curry) Ch Mil- dred, Wilmer; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Sec2 O80a (1882) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Poor, Frank (Gaynell Scritchlow) Ch Burnilda; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec20 O40a (1893) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Poor, J. L. (Edith L. Crook) Ch Lenora E., Rudolph L., Delilah M., Ervin E., Lillian L. ; "The Oaks" Shelbyville R3 Tower Hill Secl2 O80a (1880) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Poor, W. H. (Lottie E. McKittrick) Ch Alpha, Glen, Nellie, Raymond, Margaret, Paul; "Sunnyside Farm" Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Sec26 O78a (1886) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Forcum, W. H. (Viola Endsley) Ch John, Mabel, Chester, Beulah; "Oakaw Valley Canteloupe Farm" Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec30 O40a (1911) Holland Tel. Mode Ford, J. S. (Ethel Waddell) Ch Ray- mond; Findlay R4 Okaw Sec9 T80a W. A. Waddell (1917) Tel. Findlay Fore, J. W. (Mary Bryson) Ch Henry, Bertha, Clyde, Alma, Alva; Assump- tion Rl Pickaway Secl7 T118a Henry Bryson (1903) Tel. Mowea- qua Fornwalt, G. I. (Ida Kirkpatrick) Ch Harriet, Harold, Wesley, Edna, Tohn; "D. C. Kirkpatrick Farm" Pana R5 Tower Hill SecS O80a D. C. Kirkpatrick (1918) Bell Tel. Tower Hill 70 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Forsyth, G. L. (Alice Albin) Ch Rob- ert, Velma, Docia, Frank; Shelby- ville R4 Shelbyville Sec6 O83a (1872) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Fort, Jake (Grace Micheal) Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec3 O20a (1908) Mu- tual Tel, Gays Fortner, H. P. (Goldie Lee) Ch Baby; Findlay R3 Pickaway Sec23 T200a Pleas Debruler (1918) Mutual Tel. Findlay Fortner, S. E. (Amelia Smith) Ch Waneta, Opal, Edward; Holland, Holland Secl6 O40a (1891) Tel. Beecher City Fortner, W. E. (Minnie Devore) Ch Rolla, Bessie, Edith, *Stephen, *Fred, *Lola, *Ethel; Mode Rl Hol- land Sec3 O160a (1886) Holland Tel. Mode Fosbinder, Joseph (Grace McCartney) Ch Leo; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec35 T108a O. G. McCalister (1908) Tel. Neoga Fosbinder, William (Anna Haverkos) Ch Rosa, Sopha, *Mary, *Josephine, *Elizabeth, *August; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec35 T85a Harry Stew- art (1887) Foster, Mrs. America (America Wans- ley) Ch Guy, *Ora, *Grace; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring SeclO O120a (1870) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Foster, J. D. (Matt Silver) Ch Sil- via, Ruth, Maude; Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec20 O120a Harry Foster (1876) Tel. Findlay Foster, Ora C. (Maude Carney) Ch Wilbur, Floy, Huber, Francis; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Sec9 T160a Mrs. America Foster and Mrs. Grace Weakley (1880) Foust, Dan (Frances Cordelia Frank- lin) Ch Christopher, Daniel, Paul, Massengill, Joseph Frankhn; Bethany Rl Penn Seel .O40a (1888) Mutual Tel. Findlay Fowler, Arthur (Maud Cole) Ch Frank, Golda, Edward; Assumption Rl Pickaway Sec30 T120a B. Hon- ock (1917) Fowler, Bert B. (Laura B. Wright) Ch Ida, Nellie, Charles, Jesse, Manda, Harry, Evelyn, *Homer, *Isaac, *Elizabeth, *Alice; Holli- day Dry Point Secl2 O60a (1895) Fowler, I. B. (Eliza Forquer) Ch Ber- nice, Opal; Cowden Dry Point Secll T25a Isaac Fowler (1897) Fowler, S. E. (Elizabeth Taylor) Ch *Pauline; Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec9 OSOa (1872) Mutual Tel. Cow- den Fowler, W. G. (Rachel E. McLaugh- lin) Ch Lorene, Forest, Nola; Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec9 O40a (1870) Mutual Tel. Cowden Fox, Conn (Daisy Ritter) Ch Earl, Gilbert, Louisa, Joe, Beatrice; Strasburg R3 Prairie Sec6 O323a (1883) Tel. Mode Fox, Willie (Fern Biggs) Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec24 TlSla Fox Est. (1887) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Frailey, Alonzo (Hattie McNutt) Ch Emert; Findlay R2 Ridge Sec4 T160a H. Hunter (1892) Tel. West- ervelt Frailey, C. F. (Emma Lunach) Ch Russell, Opal; Herrick R3 Cold Spring SecJ4 T50a P. H. Lunach (1881) Frailey, John (Sarah Cothern) Ch Neva. Ethel, Maude, John, *Clyde, *Bessie, *Ella; Herrick R2 Oconee Secl3S O35a (1880) Mutual Tel. Herrick Frailey, J. S. (Charity A. Frost) Ch *Hattie, *James, "Owen; Herrick R3 Herrick SecS O124a (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Herrick Fraley, J. D. (Jennie Jones) Ch Logan, Anna, Mollie, Alta, James, Julia, Hattie; Herrick R2 Herrick SeclS O53a (1897) Independent Farmers' Tel. Herrick Francisco, Corbia L. (Mabel Jordan) Ch Corbia Jr., Murphy, Dorotha; Findlay Rl Okaw jec!2 T30a P. L. Francisco, Raymond Francisco and Jas. Williamson Francisco, C. W. (Pearl Yencer) Ch Charles, Eugene; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 O95a Sec2-3 T90a A. M. Les- ley (1885) Tel. Findlay Francisco, Ed (Erne Renolds) Find- lay Rl Okaw Sec2 OSOa (1872) Tel. Findlay Francisco, Frank (Effie Emel) Beth- anv Rl Todd Point SeclS O60a (1881) Tel. Findlay Francisco, Raymond (Clara Lorton) Ch Loy; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 O15a T40a (1889) Tel. Findlay Francisco, Walter (Bethena Voyles) Ch Rollo; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 (1876) Tel. Findlay 71 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Frankenfeld, Charles P. (Anna C. M. Galster) Ch Arthur R., Ester E.; Pana R5 Rural Sec30 T120a George Frankenfeld (1881) Bell Tel. Pana Frankenfeld, H. P. (Caroline L. Ade) Ch Otto S., Phill J. G., Ernest W., Ida M., Theodore A., Gertrude M.; "The Snowball Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec33 O80a (1878) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Frazier, Fred (Anna Raymond) Gay R2 Ash Grove Sec34 O120a (1900) Mutual Tel. Gays Freeman, James S. (Catherine Carri- gan) Ch Francis, Margaret E. ; "Paradise Farm" Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec36 T240a John B. Freeman (1904) Frey, Walter (Pearl Parker) Ch Frank, Kenneth, Fay; Herrick Rl Cold Spring Sec26 T380a Farm Hand George Klein (1918) Friese, Charles (Anna Schultz) Stew- ardson Rl Prairie Sec28 T80a Doering Est. (1888) Tel. Steward- son Friese, C. F. (Elizabeth Bauer) Ch Andrew, Edward, Clara, *Henry, *August, *Julia, *Minnie, *Charles, *William, *Carrie, *Sophia; Stew- ardson Rl Prairie Sec28 O275a (1861) Tel. Stewardson Friese, Fred (Emma Springer) Ch Omah, Ada, *Roy, *Milton; "Cher- ry Farm" Trowbridge Rl Prairie Sec24 O80a (1862) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Friese, Louis C. (Fredericka Kruger) Ch Frieda, Walter, Albert, Ervin, Leota, Martha, Emma, *Lydia, ""Henrietta, *Louis; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec28 O120a (1863) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Fringer, G. D. (R. Susan Pfeifer) Ch Mattie F., Clark E., *Bessie Cart- mell; "Cottage Hill Farm" Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec3 O120a (1872) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Fringer, Jacob E. (Docia Conrad) Ch Charles, Harry, Paul, Irma, Ernest, Noble; Tower Hill R2 Rose Sec6 T196a Jacob Tringer (1874) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Fritz, John (Paulina Nehring) Ch Hazel, Elmer, * William; "Rose Conner Farm" Strasburg R2 Prairie Sec23 O209a (1861) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Fritz, Samuel (Rosetta Ewick) Ch Bessie, Harry, Roy; "The Maples" Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec8 O80a T80a J. W. Fritz (1875) Fromme, Henry (Mary Miller) Ch Michael, Raymond, Frank, Marie, Dorothy; "Catalpa Grove Farm" Sigel R3 Sigel Sec36 OlSOa (1870) Tel. Sigel Frost, David A. (Delia Beck) Ch Kenneth, Clyde, Carl; Herrick Rl Herrick Secl4 T50a W. M. Bryant (1875) Frost, Nettie (Nettie Cansey) Ch William, Perry, *Effie, *Mollie, *Emory; Herrick R2 Herrick SeclS O40a (1891) Fruchtl, Frank Sierel R3 Sigel Secll O55a (1868) Sigel Mutual Tel. Sigel Fry, Charles W. (Rosa Radcliff, Sis- ter) Ch *George F. Schofle, Chas. Schofle, *Ray Radcliff: "Old Fry Homestead" Pana Rl Oconee Sec2 O156a (1868) Bell Tel. Pana Fry, Ed. (Iva Johnson) Ch Mona, Ricka; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec9 O80a (1903) Fry, Frank E. (Myrtle Cole) Ch Eula, Marion. Theodore; "Valley View Farm" Shelbyville R4 Ridge Sec26 O121a (1872) Tel. Shelbyville Fry, H. L. (Ethel Fletcher) Ch Marie. Emmett: "Timber Edge Farm" Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec26 Oil la' T40a J. C. Rock and Charles McKillrick (1885) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Fry, Theron (Grace Strohl) Ch Noah; Shelbvville R5 Shelbvville Secl6 TlOOa Mrs. E. A. Free (1876) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Fuller, Mrs. J. W. (Mrs. H. W. Ing- man, Miss Emma Wheeler, Sisters) "Elm Tree Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec33 O60a (1884) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Fulte, Fred (Agnes Ullrich) Ch George; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec32 O80a (1913) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Fultz, Andrew (Neva Graven) Ch Essie. Estell; Findlay Rl Todd Point Sec26 T200a Mrs. A. F. Price (1915) Tel. Findlay Fuaua, William N. (Cora Niles) Ch Clarence, Bertha. *Ora, *Jesse, *Ethel, *Archie; Bethany R2 Penn Sec26 T16a George Ferre (1918) Tel. Bethany 72 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Furr, Oscar (Mattie Hayward) Ch Mildred, Mary, Charles; Shelby- ville R8 Rose Sec35 T140a S. Furr and Pugh Est. (1887) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Furr, WUliam (Chjrjstena Luke) Ch George, John, Allen, Clara, Roy, Glen, Grace, Clarence; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec8 O360a (1890) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Gaddis, Loyd (Edna McAllister) Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec29 T160a Wilbur Gaddis (1894) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Gaddis, M. W. (Anna Storm) Ch Glen, George, *Gervaise, *Loyd, *Fay; Windsor Rl Oak Grove Sec32 O71a (1865) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Gaither, D. A. (Allie Kemp) Ch Harry, Lawrence, David, Ruth; Bethany R2 Penn Sec35 T200a S. McClellan (1918) Tel. Bethany Gaither, P. T. (Julia Cunningham) Ch *Emma, *Kate, *Len, *Elmer, *Thomas, *Edward; "Oak Brook Farm" Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec26 TSOa C. G. Oaks (1915) Gaither, T. D. (Myrtie French) Ch Ina, Oleta, Earl; "Mineral Spring Farm" Windsor R3 Windsor Sec33 OllOa T20a William Wagman (1915) Tel. Windsor Gaither, T. E. (Edith Smull) Ch Marvin Thomas; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec34 T160a F. P. Sheffler (1915) Tel. Moweaqua Gallagher, Mrs. Emma (Emma Allen) Ch Estelle, Forest, Ruby, Ruth, Loyd, *Jed, *Ollie, *Jacob, *Grace, *Glenn; Mode Clarksburg Sec22 O40a Holland Sec35 O4a (1858) Holland Tel. Mode Gallagher, Floyd (Ruby Flowers) Ch Leonard; Mode Rl Holland Sec28 TSOa Newton Gallagher (1882) Tel. Mode Gallagher, J. E. (Fannie Miller) Ch Doris, Florence, Frances, Tom, Louise; Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec28 O25()a (1872) Holland Tel. Mode Gallagher, Newton (Mary Allen) Ch Fleta, Nettie, *Floy, *Ray, *Ralph; Mode Holland Sec30 O300a (1885) Gallagher, Ralph (Ethel Carroll) Ch Kenneth, Irene, Bernadine; Mode Rl Holland Sec28 TSOa Newton Gallagher (1887) Holland Tel. Mode Gallagher, Ray (Gertie Middleton) Ch Kermit, Mildred, Annabelle; "Peach Grove Farm" Fancher Hol- land Sec33 O94a (1883) Holland Tel. Mode Gallagher, W. F. (Laura Phillips) Ch Arthur, Orval, Ervin; Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec27-28 O170a (1876) Holland Tel. Mode Galster, George M. (Eva R. Mantz) Ch Benjamin, Mildred E.; Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec33 Ola (1871) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Galster, Jacob Sr. (Elizabeth Mantz) Ch Rosa M., George M., Elizabeth R., Jacob, P. F., John W., Edward, S. C. ; "Galster Homestead" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec27 O172a Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Galster, J. P. F. (J. E. Smith) Ch Harry L., Irene; "The Old Galster Homestead" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec27 T175a Jacob Galster (1879) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Galster, W. F. (Christina) Ch Mary R., Fred M., *C. M., *M. C., *A. E., *E. S., *A. L., *L. T.; "The Galster Hill Farm" Tower Hill R3 Tower Hill Sec5 O97a (1864) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Gannaway, H. M. (Lulu Lowmaster) Ch Kenneth; Gays R2 Ash Grove. Seel TSOa J. A. Lowmaster (1888) Bell Tel. Mattoon Gannaway, R. R. (Bess Storms) Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec24 T65a S. F. Gannaway (1916) Bell Tel. Mat- toon Garman, J. L. (Florence Cook) Ch Fern, *Ray, *Ethel; Bethany Rl Pickaway Secl2 O120a (1865) Mu- tual Tel. Findlay Garman, J. Walter "Catalpa Grove Farm" Bethany Rl Penn Sec26 T160a J. E. Garman (1893) Macon Tel. Bethany Garner, T. A. (Bennie Roche) Ch Gaylord, Vera; Windsor R4 Rich- land Sec9 O40a TSOa F. Roche (1909) Garrett, Bluford (May Hulse) Ch Walter, Fern; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec9S O40a (1903) Garrett, Brack (Eliza Henry) Ch Everett E., Goldie A., Zelma, Ber- nardine, *Pearl, *Leslie B., *Ral- eigh A.; Neoga Rl Big Spring Seel O35a (1906) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Garrett, Len (Jennie Paryman) Ch Pearl, *Hubert; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec35 T160a Milt Hunter (1888) Mutual Tel. Cowden Garrett, Otis (Pearl Warren) Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec31 T20a Mrs. Stephenson (1918) Garrett, Otto (Mary Harbert) Find- lay R3 Todd Point Sec29 Farm Hand S. D. Parr (1913) Tel. Find- lay Garvin, John (Rachel A. Green) Ch Ida, Vivian, Ada, *James E., *Charles B., *Jennie; "Crystal Spring Farm" Findlay R2 Picka- way Sec85 O160a (1848) Tel. Wes- tervelt Garvin, J. E. (Maud Matthews) Ch Wilma, James; Findlay R2 Picka- way Sec35 O40a T200a John Gar- vin and Edward Chrisman (1878) Gaskell, Jacob (Elizabeth Price) Ch Jennie Campbell, "Tilley^ *Mary, *Zella D., *Ray; "Nichols* Place" Oconee Oconee Sec29 OlOa (1857) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Gaston, J. O. (Jennie Skidmore) Ch John, Nellie, Clarence, Louise, *Addie, 'Willie, *Myrtlej "Locust Hill Farm" Windsor Windsor Secl9 O200a (1894) Tel. Shelby- ville Gaston, W. I. (Verna Reynolds) Ch Howard; "River View Farm" Windsor R4 Okaw Sec24 T209a W. H. Carter (1894) Tel. Shelby- ville Gates, Vernon (Lydia Holmes) Ch *Alma, *Luther; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec25 O4a (1890) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Gatons, John (Sarah Guthrie) Ch Claudia, Alice, Charles, *Nellie, *Harry; Oconee R2 Cold Spring Sec20 O72a TllOa William Herborg (1881) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Gatons, Joseph (Minnie McConnell) Ch Delia, Frank, George, John, *Grace; Oconee R2 Cold Spring Sec20 O48a (1881} Gaughan, William J. (Siney Schanks) Ch Montie E.; Pana Rl Tower Hill Sec20 O80a Bridget Gaughan (1910) Bell Tel. Pana Gear, Fred (Jessie Gibison) Ch Marie, Ruth, Everett; Mode Hol- land Sec34 O20a (1876) Holland Tel. Mode Gearhart, I* D. (Iva Burwell) Ch *Imo, *Roy, *Joe; Tower Hill R4 Rose Sec30 O68a (1897) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Gerbel, Frank (Christine Bucker) Ch Lidvina, Elizabeth; "Walnut Grove Farm" Sigel R2 Sigel Secl6 O115a (1905) Mutual Tel. Sigel Gerhold, M. F. and John H. (Caro- line R. Gerhold, Mother) Ch J. H., *Mary, *Sam, "Christina, *Chris, "Margaret, *Rosa, *Magdaline; "The Old Gerhold Homestead" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec23 O246a (1873) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Gernenz, Henry (Minnie Hoist) Ch Charles, Herman, Henry, Lena, Mary, "Minnie, *Mattie; Steward- son Rl Prairie Sec9-8 O160a (1890) Mutual Tel. Shumway Getz, William (Clara Salmons) Ch Floyd, Zelma; Shelbyville R3. Rose Sec7 T320a Link Ward (1883) Mu- tual Tel. Tower Hill Gibbons, James J. (Clara Worland) Ch Mary, Stephen, Leo; Neoga R3 Big Spring Secl2 T95a Frank Kennedy (1896) Mutual Tel. Trow- brfdge Gibbons, John (Allie Worley) Ch Dela, *Jennie, "Richard; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec35 O60a (1887) Ne- oga Tel. Neoga Gibbons, L. B. (Leona Hummel) Ch Donald, Brosen; Neoga R3 Ash Grove T160a George Fisher (1890) Giberson, J. M. (Martha C. Bradey) Ch True, Albert, *J. L., "Frank M., *G. E., "Pearl, "Goldie; "Sunny Slope Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec27 O80a (1888) Gibison, D. G. (Maggie Kerney) Findlay Rl Todd Point Secl4 O41a (1918) Gidel, E. M. (Lydia Brelsford) Ch Clark, Elmer, Lynn, Elizabeth, "Lurlev, *Irene, *Opal; Moweaqua R4 Fla't Branch SeclS O79a (1916) Mutual Tel. Assumption Gier, Mrs. Clem (Sophia Dotmier) Ch John; Sigel Sigel SeclS O80a (1846) Tel. Sigel Giesler, Adam (Emma Fandrey) Ch William, "Edwin, "Henry; Steward- son Prairie Sec36 O160a (1870) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Giles, C. C. (Josie Flenniken) Ch Glenn, Charley, Louester; Mode Rl Holland Sec9-10 O32a T60a Emma V. Giles (1882) Beecher City Tel. Beecher City FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Giles, Emma V. (Emma Eccles) Ch W. Rue, Elmer, *Charles C, *Flor- ence, *Sallie; "Old Giles Farm" Beecher City R3 Holland Sec9-10- 15-16 O390a (1880) Beecher City Tel. Beecher City Giles, Roy (Louisa M. Shride) Ch Alice G., Glen H., Vernon N.; Tower Hill Rl Rural Seel T80a Carl Middleton (1888) Mutual and Bell Tels. Flat Branch Giles, William (Malinda Berry) Ch *Fern, *Rachel, *Bertha; Shelby- ville R6 Shelbyville Seel T28a Dale Heiney (1863) Gilespie, W. E. (Anna Watterson) Ch H. Static, C. Edward, May A., James, Irene; "Sunny Lawn Farm" Pana Rl Tower Hill Secl7 O70a (1863) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Gill, Joe Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec3 T80a George Herrick (1904) Gill, R. A. (Caroline Ellege) Ch Herschel, Robert, *Joe, *Tom, *Jesse; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec33 O80a (1901) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Gillespey, Frank (Lydia Ramsey) Ch Kenneth, Ellen, Early, Ester; Stew- ardson R3 Prairie Seel? T80a Wil- liam Gibson (1886) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Gillespey, William (Mary Gillmore) Ch Edward, Russell, Farry, Beulah, Lee, 'Alfred, *Howard, *Clara, *Minnie, *Emma, *Ruth; "Cherry Grove Farm" Stewardson R2 Sigel Sec8 O79a (1865) Sigel Mutual Tel. Sigel Gillett, William (Edith Curdt) Ch William, Charles, Sylvester, Ber- nard, Margaret; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec8 T80a B. F. Smart Gilliland, L. D. (Roxy H. Yencer) "Maple Lawn Stock Farm" Tower Hill R3 Tower Hill Secl4 O80a (1897) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Gillmar, Henry J. (Pina A. Lugar) Ch Dick, Glen. *Lydia, *Elsie; Stew- ardson R2 Sigel Secl7 OlOOa (1868) Sigel Mutual Tel. Sigel Gitz, John P. (Elizabeth Bowman) Ch Anna, John, *William, *Lou, *Emma, *Catherine. *Muncie; Tow- er Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec2 T160a Mrs. E. Wood (1888) Gladman, C. T. (Letita Miller) Ch Anpie. *Tom, *Daisy, *Callie, *Ha- zel. *Francis; Shelbyville R5 Shel- bvville Sec22 O99a "(1857) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Glasscock, R. G. (Lola Belle Wallace) Windsor R2 Windsor Sec25 TISOa Mrs. M. E. Wallace and Dort Flemming (1916) Glazebrook, Albert (Katie Hopkins) Ch Orva, Missouri, *Liara, *L,aura; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec20 T40a Noble Leathers (1907) Gleson, George R. (Emma Hins) Ch L., May, *George, *Lena, *Nellie, Lawrence; Windsor Richland Sec3 O400a (1892) Mutual Tel. Windsor Glick, B. Dale (Ethel Campbell) "Cottage Hill Stock Farm" Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec35 T320a John Creekmur (1890) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Glick, C. M. (Iva Mumaw) Ch Har- old; Lakewood Lakewood Sec7 T86a Newkirk, Bauer and Elliott (1880) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Glick, C. M. (Ora Glick) Ch Elfreda, Rhea, Arlos, Ross, Victor, Shirley; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Sec3 OlOOa (1892) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Glick, E. Ch Arthur, Malissa, *Albin, *William, *Charles, *Henry, *Della, *Sarah, *Rufus; Lakewood Rl Cold Spring Secl2 O173a (1865) Tel. Lakewood Glick, E. R. (Emma Hutton) Ch Or- val, Lloyd, Leola; Lakewood Cold Spring Secl4 TlOOa G. E. Glick (1883) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Glick, George E. (Melissa Dutton) Ch John, Edna, Cecil, *Dale; "Maple Grove Farm" Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec4 OllOa (1870) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Glick, Mrs. Jane (Jane Springstun) Ch Walter, Glen, *Otto, "Olive; Maxie, Myrtle, Charles, Louie, Grandchildren; Shelbyville R3 Rose SeclS T80a Mrs. Culumher (1912^ Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Glick, L. J. (Emma Halliday) Ch Grace, *Clarence, *Ralph; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Secl2 O90a (1878) Glick, L. O. (Mintie Simpson) Ch Monroe; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Sec9 O2a T102^a Mrs. Mary E. Evans and O. M. Glick (1880) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Glick, Ralph (Grace Read) Lakewood Rl Cold Spring Secll T160a J. S. Glick (1893) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Glick, W. E. (Lena Francis) Ch Gladys. Mabel, Clyde; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Secll O70a T53a J. C. Munson (1870) Tel. Lakewood 75 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Glick, W. S. (Kate Rowdybush) Ch Eunice, Forest, Edmond, *Lula, "Carl; "Pleasant Valley Stock Farm" Herrick Rl Cold Spring Sec35 O217a (1866) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Goddard, J. W. (Susie Simpson) Ch Hugh, George; Windsor R3 Wind- sor Secl7 O135a T130a Ezra Shuck and E. M. Herron (1870) Tel. Windsor Goff, Loren (Tena Pfau) Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec30 T160a Sam Sanner (1914) Tel. Moweaqua Goldsmith, A. W. (Amanda Pascal) Ch *Mabel, "Hazel; Herrick R? Herrick Secl4 T14a William Bryant (1888) Good, A. L. (Sarah Alspach) Ch Em- ma, Clinton, Mabel, John, James, Elizabeth, "Winifred, "Reuel; Shel- byville R3 Rose Sec22 O40a (1891) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Good, S. V. (Ida Owen) Ch Ruth Steven, Joseph, Myrtle, William; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec36 TSOa Mrs. Joseph Ellis (1885) Tel. Neoga Goodwin, S. E. (Minnie Cross) Ch Fern. *Earl; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec32 O40a (1867) Tel. Moweaqua Gordon, Ben (Nellie Bryson) Ch Charles, Lawrence, Tresa, Elmer, Goldie, "Lemuel; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec4 O20a (1867) Gordon, E. A. (Mary Campbell) Ch Hazel, Ruby, Lois; Findlay Rl Todd Point Sec23 T200a J. K. Mc- David Tel. Findlay Gordon, G. A. (Luella Walker) Ch Wayne, Beulah; Windsor R4 Wind- sor Sec33 O60a (1883) Gordon, Jesse (Delia M. Scribner) Ch Delia M., "Dora, "Simon, "Sarah B., "Stockdale, "Elzie, "Alva, "Wil- liam H., "Charles E., "Lester; Tow- er Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec23 T40a J. Saulesburg (1854) Bell Tel. Tow- er Hill Gordon, J. D. (Ferba Johnson) Ch Edna, Clarence. Fred; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec29 O80a (1908) Tel. Westervelt Gordon, Lemuel (Anna Woods) Ch Alva, Sylvester, Ruth; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec4 O3^a T25a Frank Winson (1913) Gordon, William (Minnie Reynolds) Ch Edward, Everett, Elvan, "Roy, "Ethel, "Herbert, "Reynolds, "Etta, "Neva. "Charles, "Gordon; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl3 T200a Mrs. J. Beyer (1875) 76 Gordon, W. H. (Hattie Barker) Ch Eugene, Maxine; Findlay R4 Okaw SeclS TSOa Allen Smith (1903) Tel. Findlay Gould, George W. (Daisy Koonce) Ch Zelma, Kenneth, Walter; Oc- onee R2 Cold Spring Sec29 TSOa Mrs. M. E. Hill and Austin Bland (1911) Mutual Tel. Herrick Gowan, Oliver (Cora M. McFaden) Ch C. Eugene, Florence L., Orley E.; Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec27 T35a Mrs. Rosa M. Nichols (1903) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Graham, Elmer (Ella Childress) Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec24 TlOSa (1915) Bell Tel. Mattoon Graham, Fred (Mary Hutoon) Ch Orville; Bethany Rl Penn Seel T40a Dan Foust (1918) Graven, Charley (Minnie Kelley) Ch Fern, Lola. Thomas, Netia, Ray, John. Ralph. Cecile; "Maple Grove Farm" Findlay Rl Okaw Sec22 O80a Walter Cazar (1892) Tel. Findlay Graves, C. O. (Delia Reussell) Ch Dale, Theo, "Everett; Shelbyville R3 Rose SeclS Faim Hand William Furr (1888) Graves, Mrs. Martha (Martha Jones) Ch William, "Ellen, "Charles, "Net- tie, "Daniel: Shelbyville R8 Lake- wood Sec2 O40a (1872) Mutual Tel. Cowden Gray, J. W. (Mary J. Harrell) Ch Fayette. Thelma, Bertha, Lawrence. "Pearl, "Ethel, "Burl; Gays Rl Ash Grove Sec9 OSOa (1868) Mutual Tel. Windsor Green, F. H. (M. Katherine Bethtell) Ch Gladys, Kurth. "Otis E., "Wal- ter Z., "Essie F. ; "Green Home- stead Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec23-22 O140a (1894) Bell Tel. Pana Green, Larkin and Shanan (Fern Roby) Ch Paul Douglas. Wife and Child of Shanan; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec34 T164a W. R. Perry (1914) Green, Otis E. (Eveline Pauley) Ch Lois L., Lauretta I., Loal M., Eliza- beth C.; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec25 TSOa J. A. Barding (1898) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Green, Richard (Gertrude Houseman) Ch Raymond; Moweaqua R2 Picka- way Sec8 T200a Mrs. Ed. Weakly (1908) Mutual Tel. Westervelt FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Gregory, A. H. (Eva May Shride) Ch Margaret, Alta; "Beech Tree Farm" Moweaqua R2 Pickaway See? O40a T85a Margaret Shride (1878) Tel. Moweaqua Gregory, Edward M. (Nellie Thomp- son) Ch Ralph, Wayne, Alma; Mo- weaqua R2 Flat Branch Sec2 O81a (1872) Tel. Moweaqua Gregory, Frank (Amanda M. Smith) Ch Glen W., Dewey, Lois, *Wilber, 'Raymond F., *Mabel, *Wallace, *Howard, *Walter; Moweaqua R3 Pickaway Sec8 O160a (1865) Tel. Moweaqua Gregory, J. T. ,(Eth Bilyeu) Ch Lil- lian, Corrine; Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch Seel T2S4a Omar Becker (1890) Tel. Moweaqua Gregory, Morton (Nora Lyons) Ch Bern, Marlyn; "Springside Farm" Herrick Herrick SeclS T200a T. J. Gregory (1877) Tel. Herrick Gregory, Ward T. (Pearl Humphrey) Ch Joe, Marlyn, Marjory, Jane; Moweaqua R2 Penn Sec6 T240a J. L. Gregory (1893) Tel. Moweaqua Greiner, Chris (Lena Reber) Ch So- phia, Amelia, Rosa, Marie; Fancher 'Holland SecS O165a (1891) Holland Tel. Mode Grider, D. W. (Ethel Music) Windsor R2 Windsor Sec22 O45a T120a S. W. Moberey (1877) Tel. Windsor Grider, H. C. (Grace Garvin) Ch Louis, Garvin, Wilda, Jacob; Wind- sor R2 Windsor SeclS T200a Sam- uel Sanner (1874) Tel. Windsor Griffin, L. (Lillie Krapp) Ch ' Nel- lie I., May, Elbert, Arthur; Stew- ardson Rl Prairie SeclOS O78a (1867) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Griffin, Sarah E. (Sarah E. Shay) Ch George M., Emma, *Leniel, *Ida, *Clara; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec26 O220a Mutual Tel. Strasburg Griffith, J. S. (Loretta Jackson) Ch Bertha, Walter; "Glendale Farm" Tower Hill R2 Ridge Sec6 O60a T160a Ward Est. 1863) Tel. West- ervelt Gritzmacher, Gus (Katie Ruckriegel) Ch Lloyd; Shelby ville R5 Shelby- ville Sec36 T125a J. Strohl and Mc- Gillian (1880) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Gritzmacher, William (Elsie Smith) Ch Arthur Gritzmacher, Grandson, *Eva, *William, *August, *Charles, *Ben, *Mary; bhelbyville R5 Shel- byville Sec26 Farm Hand J. Rich- ards and J. Fling (1865) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Grone, Edwin (Oka Hagan) Ch Vera; Strasburg R6 Prairie Sec20 O80a (1884) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Groom, Mrs. C. B. Ch Floyd, Alta, Russell; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec20 O80a (1895) Tel. Moweaqua Gross, J. O. (Mary Kimell) Ch Vir- ginia, Geneva, Lyle; "Rockwell Fruit and Poultry Farm" Tower Hill Rl Rose Sec30 T80a Mrs. Margaret Gross (1884) Mutual Tel. Grote, H. F. (Mary Elvers) Ch Enna, Charles, *Clara, *Victor, *George; Oconee R2 Oconee Sec20 O163a (1894) Mutual Tel. Oconee Grous, Mrs. Catherine, (Catherine Witmer) Ch Witmer, *Charles, 'Walter, *Carl, 'Edward, *Clar- ence, *Emma; Strasburg R3 Prairie Sec20 O80a (1868) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Grove, Clarence (Dorothy Blue) Ch Aubrey, Alice; Stewardson Rl Prai- rie Sec28 T130a Mrs. Albert Peters, Mary Witmer, J. L. Hoover (1887) Tel. Stewardson Grove, C. A. (Pearl Hobson) Ch Er- win, Mary Maxine, Vivian; Stew- ardson Rl Prairie Sec29 T180a J. L. Hoover, Jessie Hobson (1882) Tel. Stewardson Grove, Witmer (Edna Sargent) Ch Stella L., Wayne E.; Stewardson R5 Prairie Sec20 T80a Mrs. Cather- ine Grove (1891) Mutual Tel. Stew- ardson Groves, W. H. (Hester Griggs) Ch Rose, George, Goldie, *Carrie; Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec4 T161a Mrs. Shivers and A. L. Henry (1880) Tel. Westervelt Grubb, C. M. (Lydia Wilson) Ch Sam- uel, Fern, Joe, *Forest; "Hazel Ridge Farm" Findlay R2 Ridge SecS O184a T240a Charles McDon- ald (1891) Grubb, R. C. (Elsie R. Sprinkel) "Milton Hunter Farm" Tower Hili R4 Tower Hill Sec28 O79a Milton Hunter '(1915) Bell and Independ- ent Tels. Tower Hill Grunewald, Mrs. Christena (Christena Stoldt) Ch Edith, *Roy, 'Henry; Stewardson Prairie Sec29 O155a (1895) Mutual Tel. Stewardson 77 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gruenewald, H. V. (Zula Workman) Ch Bernard, Margie, Raymond; Mode Sec27 T80a Mrs. Leathers (1918) Grunert, John (Josephine Koester) Ch Carl, Emory, Bernice, Raymond, Evelyn; Shumway Rl Prairie SeclS O80a (1877) Mutual Tel. Steward- son Gruntman, Fred (Emma Tendler) Ch Roy; Herborn Prairie SeclS O5a (1888) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Gudehus, Catherine (Catherine Stecht) Ch Josie, Fred, Emma, *William, *George, *Dora. *Minnie; Oconee R2 Oconee SeclS O80a (1886) Mu- tual Tel. Oconee Gudehus, Oscar W. (Clara M. Grote) Ch Kenneth, Mirna; "Pleasant View Farm" Oconee R2 Oconee Sec30 O160a (1917) Mutual Tel. Oconee Gudehus, W. F. (Maggie Lehn) Ch Clement, Stella, Edgar, Mildred, Agnes; Pana R3 Oconee Sec7 T200a W. H. Gudehus (1882) Guthrie, A. H. (Mattie Inman) Ch Ned, Rhoda, Hal, *Carl; Oconee R2 Cold Spring Secl9-20 O80a T40a Georee Bateman (1891) Guthrie, Carl (Beryl Neese) Ch Doris; Herrick R3 Cold Spring Sec31 T72a Grant Eckard and Oare Est. (1896) H Hackenberg, M. D. (Luella Robin- son) Ch Victorine E., M. D. Jr.; Pana R5 Rural Sec20 T160a Mrs. J. D. Hackenberg (1913) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Hagan, J. (Addie Spracklen) Ch Vern, Chester, Gertrude, Lena, William, Thomas, Lola, *Dorothy; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec9 T480a Tom and Bob Halliway (1863) Hagerman, John M. (Dolsie Ritchey) Ch *Zepha; Stewardson Rl Prairie SecSS O80a (1895) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Hahn, Mrs. S. J. (Jane Bixler) Ch *Ada. *Minnie, *Addie; Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Sec6 O42a (1861) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Hall, Adelia Ch Iva", *Otto, *Carrie, *Harley, *Mattie, *Joseph; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec29 T80a Iva Hall (1865) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Hall, Clayton (Goldie Friend) Ch Lyle; Shelbvville R8 Lakewood Secll T80a (1918) Hall, C. J. (Dora Small) Ch Alta, Herman, Ruth, Gladys, Norma; Lakewood Lakewood Sec7 O108a (1872) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Hall, E. W. (Maud Backensto) Ch Ella, Verne, Opal, Bernice, Ralph, Cloyd, Claud, Madeline; Shelbv- ville R8 Lakewood Secll O80a (1878) Mutual Tel. Cowden Hall. George A. (Lola Bannig) Ch Glen, Lois; Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl7 O40a (1876) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Hall, Harley (Bessie Tressler) Cow- den R2 Lakewood Sec29 OlOOa (1878) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Hall, Joseph (Bertha G. Wooters) Ch Frieda, Joseph Jr., Donzella, Clo- ver, Isabel; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec20 O106a (1883) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Hall, Mrs. Margaret Ch Carry, Faith, 'Delia, *Homer, *Alex; Shelbyville R2 Ridge Sec35 T120a Margaret Hall (1858) Tel. Shelbyville Hall, Otto (Mollie Robertson) Ch Florence, Mabel, Grace, Ethel; Cowden R2, Lakewood Sec29 O120a (1870) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Hamblen, Walter (Gertrude C. Schoenben) Ch Hellen E. ; Mary E., Mother; Grover B., Brother; As- sumption R3 Rural Sec7 T233^a D. C. Smith (1912) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Hamilton, C. B. (Melissa A. Low) Ch Chester F., Paul R., Mildred A., Ocola M., *Stella G.; "Oak Crest Stock Farm" Pana Rl Oconee Secl3 O80a (1871) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hamilton, G. B. (Melissa A. Low) Ch Tonv, John. *Noah; "Oak Hill Stock Farm" Pana Rl Oconee Secl3-14 O120a (1869) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hamilton. N. H. (Margareta J. Tet- lev) Ch - Cora, Leona, Harold; *Pearl, *Rov, *Eva. *Kelly; "Hill- top Stock Farm" Pana Rl Oconee Secl3 O80a (1867) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee 78 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Hamilton, Roy (Nellie B. Gatons) "M. S. Price Farm" Herrick R3 Oconee Sec26 T80a M. S. Price (1893) Mutual and Bell Tels. Her- rick Hamilton, W. E. (Etho Watson) Ch Roscoe, Cecil, Vera, Corwin; "Branch Side Farm" Windsor R2 Windsor Sec23 O78a T138a Davis Est. and Henry Season (1873) Tel. Westervelt Hamilton, William K. (Margaret Clu- cas) Oconee Rl Oconee Sec34 T80a Henry Griffith Est. (1913) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hamm, Martin I. Strasburg Richland Sec34 T5a Martin Hamm (1902) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Hammond, W. H. (Jessie Bowen) Ch Walter N.; W. S. Hammond, Brother; "Shady Nook Farm" Bethany R2 Penn Sec36 O120a T300a Carlyle Est. and S. Sanner (1902) Hampton, Wade (Christina Bauer) Ch Olive, Herschel; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec21 O40a (1888) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Handcock, James (Alberta Carmain) Ch Morris, Fanny, Grace, Rose, Hazel, *Nell; Windsor R4 Richland Secl4 O120a (1880) Mutual Tel. Windsor Handke, J. G. (Mary Stoner) Ch Merl, *Anna M. Tilley; "Fruit Farm" Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Seel O20a (1869) Hanfland, Peter (Anna Mihlbachler) Ch Otto, Fred, Edward, Marie, Frank, Raymond, Stella, Anthony, Joseph; Sigel R2 Sigel Secl2 O174a (1870) Tel. Sigel Hanfland, Philip (Anna Bueker) Ch John, George, Eleanor, *Christina; "Persimmons Grove Stock Farm" Sigel R2 Sigel Secl2 O340a (1865) Tel. Sigel Hanks, J. E. (Mary Patterson) Ch Linn, *Leslie, *Lena, *Roy, *Fred: Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg SeclS Ollla (1891) Hannaman, Aaron (Lula Hussong) Au?nst Hannaman, Lorah Martin; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec27 T80a J. Brewer (1915) Hanson, W. W. (Alma Dobson) Ch John; Windsor R4 Windsor Sec29 T40a Herschel Ladon (1916) Harbert, Claude (Jennie Funk) Ch Hettie, Howard, Claude, *Nora, *Mary, *Nellie; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec25 T250a G. C. Fra- ker (1907) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Harder, A. C. (Ada Robey) Ch Earl, Cecil, Otha, Max, *Edna; Steward- son R2 Sigel Sec7 O22a T40a Delia Newberry (1877) Sigel Mutual Tel. Sigel Hardy, A. L. (Ida Lockert) Ch Ray, Levertt, Ralph; "Old Homestead" Shelbyville R9 Ridge Sec25 O45a T40a Isaac Workman (1864) Tel. Shelbyville Hardy, G. W. (Mary Butcher) Ch Clarence; "Fair View Farm" Shel- byville R9 Ridge Sec25 O80a (1859) Hardy, Harry (Emma J. Smith) Ch *tdmon, *Julia, *Morris, *Maggie, *Miriam, *Luella ;"The Old Home- stead Farm" Herrick R3 Oconee Sec36 O40a (1888) Hare, Jesse (Olive Miller) Ch Ev- erett, Homer; Shelbyville Rl Pick- away Sec31 T160a J. W. Fritz (1874) Tel. Westervelt Harless Alva E (Edith Allen) Ch Lawrence, Aubrey; Shelbyville R9 Okaw Sec20 O140a (1902) Tel. Shelbyville Harlow E. A. (Cora Smith) Ch Lev- erett; Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl7 O70a (1888) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Harmon, John (Elizabeth Aschen- bramer) Ch Rose, Emma, Clara, Adolph, *Kate, *Mollie, *Annie, *France; "Water Oak Grove Farm" Sigel R3 Sigel Sec8 O108a (1882) Mutual Tel. Sigel Harmon, John C. (Sybil Doyle) "Har- mondale Farm" Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Sec9 O5a T80a M. M. Harmon (1897) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood Harmon. M. A. (Grace Newkirk) Ch Melville; "Harmon Farm" Shelby- ville R8 Lakewood Sec3 T80a M. M. Harmon (1891) Tel. Lakewood Harmon, M. M. (Anna Guinnee) Ch *Arnold. *John; "Maple Grove Farm" Lakewood Lakewood Sec4 O465a (1868) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood Harper, A. (Kate Ray Hill) Ch Gladys, Mary; "Round Grove Stock Farm" Assumption R3 Rural Sec8 O380a (1858) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption 79 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Harper, Carl (Gertrude A. Welton) Tower Hill R3 Rural Secl7 TlOOa Joe Harper (1894) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Harper, R. B. (Laura Harper) "Home Again Farm" Assumption R3 Rural Secl7 O80a (1865) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Harper, Samuel Ch Samuel, *J. E., *Richard G., *Carrie H., *Maggie; "Valley Farm" Tower Hill R3 Ru- ral Secl6 O80a (1853) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption. Harris, E. F. (Nellie M. Friend) Ch Alta, Floyd. Daisy; Lakewood Lakewood Sec6 T57a W. P. Naz- worth (1916) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood Harris, J. A. (Ella Vogt) Ch Maur- ine; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 T90a P. L. Francisco and Thos. Carrall (1911) Tel. Findlay Harris, J. O. (Anna Adams) Ch *William, *Charles; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec22 O80a (1889) Tel. Moweaqua Harris, J. W. (Edith Past) Ch Hazel Loraine; Windsor R3 Windsor Sec21 O40a (1855) Tel. Windsor Harris, R. H. (Mary E. Hawker) "Ferndale Farm" Oconee Rl Cold Spring Sec31 O109a (1914) Harris, S. M. (Meda Pearson) Ch Ermine, Viola, *William, *Albert, *Charley, *Lola, *Nellie, *Dora, *Elva; Moweaqua R2 Penn Sec6 T240a Joe Armstrong (1911) Tel. Moweaqua Harrison, George (Florence, Sister) Pana R6 Oconee Sec6 T80a William Walker (1903) Harrison, Mrs. Lucy (Lucy Dinwid- die) Ch Lester, Burley, *William; Mode R7 Clarksburg Secl4 O140a (1873) Holland Tel. Mode Harrison, William (Grace Roley) Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Secl4 T140a Manager Lucy Harrison (1896) Holland Tel. Mode Harrison, William M. (Susan R. Rus- sell) Ch John W., Grace Cox; "Blue Grass Farm" Pana Rl Tower Hill Secl9 O60a (1915) Bell Tel. Pana Harrmann Ad (Edna Barker) Ch Martin, Vivian; Windsor R4 Rich- land SeclO T60a Gallic Ruble (1854) Mutual Tel. Windsor Hart, C. B. and Peter (Josephine Lane) Ch Lorine; Mrs. Mertella, Robinson, Irma McElrpy; "Spring- brook Farm" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec35 O140a (1856) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Hart, H. C. (Lillie Gaddis) Ch 'Charles C, * William H.; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec8 O96a (1870) Mutual and Gay Tels. Windsor Hart, N. M. (Sarah Tripp) Ch Charles, Annie, *Rausa; Beatrice Hart, Granddaughter; Tower Hill Rl Lakewood Seel OlOa Rose Sec29 T190a M. R. Robison (1878) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Hart, Z. H. (Delia Moon) Ch Lu- cille, Edward; Herrick R2 Herricfc Secl7 O40a (1902) Hartman, F. A. (Helena Putzke) As- sumption Rl Flat Branch Sec22 T160a Hartman Est. (1878) Mutual and Independent Tels. Assumption Hartsell, Harry M. (Anabel Cham- bers) Ch Wendell, Donald, Helen; Windsor R4 Richland Sec24 O73a (1888) Mutual Tel. Windsor Hartsell, J. O. (Edna Dietz) Ch The- odore, Doris, James D., Beulah; Windsor R4 Ash Grove Sec8 O67a (1881) Mutual Tel. Windsor Hartsell, S. D. (Effie Conrad) Ch Vernon; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Secl9 O80a T80a Sophronia Hart- sell (1886) Mutual Tel. Windsor Hatcher, W. F. (Lois Loving) Ch Alta B., Mildred L., Merell, Bertha; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec36 Ola John Hatcher (1876) Hatfield, H. H. (Catherine Pence) Ch Hattie, Gaylord; Findlay R3 Pick- away Sec25 S. Sanner (1908) Mu- tual Tel. Findlay Hatfield, L. L. (Minnie Hahn) Ch Brooksie. Claudie, Homer, Law- rence; Shelbyville R8 Rose Sec35 T163a Frank Stillwell (1898) Hatten, Charles T. Lakewood Rl Cold Spring Secl3 O70a (1869) Tel. Lakewood Hanter, A. W. (Eliza Sharbin) Ch *Julia, *Lee V., *Austa, *Homer; Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec32 O155a (1905) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Haverstock, Ira (Martha Edwards- Scott) Ch Arthur Scott, *Nellie, *Arthur, *Guy; "Sycamore Hill Farm" Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl2 O70a (1874) Mutual Tel. Beecher City 80 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Hawk, H. Ch Claude, *Elmer; Shel- byville Rl Ridge Sec28 T90a Mrs. Lon Marts and Mattie Warner (1889) Tel. Shelby ville Hawkins, Archie (Agnes Batton) "Morris Farm" Oconee R2 Oconee Sec32 T80a William Morris (1906) Mutual Tel. Oconee Hawkins, D. W. (Eva Sollis) Ch Ethel, Opal, Reva; Herrick Rl Her- rick Seel? T120a G. A. Sollis (1876) Hawkins, R. O. (Lydia A. Parrill) Ch Flossie M., Lola G., William C., Floy Hollis, Charles R., Hallie H., Roxa B., Archie E.; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec3 O123a (1905) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hawley, Dennis (Mabel Brown) Ch Glenn, Wilma; Shelbyville Rl Pickaway Sec32 T300a A. H. Haw- ley (1889) Tel. Westervelt Hawley, J. L. (Anna Woolums) Ch Verna, Kenneth, Imogene, Lela; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec20 T320a Mrs. Winslow (1903) Tel. Mowea- qua Hawley, Oscar K. (Flossie Shride) ' Ch Floyd, Virginia; Findlay R3 Pickaway Sec21 T80a D. F. Shride (1890) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Hawse, James (Mary Ethel Stan- bery) Ch Emery F., Harley E., Paul M., Ralph E.; Findlay R3 Pickaway Sec29 T120a Mrs. Honnold (1880) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Haynes, O. P. (Nannie Meadows) Windsor R2 Windsor Sec25 T50a Farm Hand Roy Glasscock (1915) Hayward, Frank (Fern Austin) Ch Noel; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Secll O20a Secl2 T2da H. L. Austin (1890) Mutual Tel. Cowden Hayward, Henry (Ethel Frayley) Ch Leo; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Sec2 OlOOa (1888) Mutual Tel. Cowden Hayward, John (Mary J. Holt) Ch *Martha, *Henry, *Frank; Shelby- ville R8 Lakewood Secll O40a (1856) Mutual Tel. Cowden Hayward, John (Antonia Green) Ch *Nettie, *Ralph, *Ruth; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec24 O96a (1857) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Hazen, Harry (Hazel Hilton) Ch Ethel, Clyde, Floyd, Madge; Shel- byville R6 Shelbyville Secl2 OlOOa (1903) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Hazen, T. M. (Ruby Huestis) Ch Glen, Carl, Cecil, Evelyn; Shelby- ville R5 Shelbyville Sec23 T160a A. L. Halberstadt and D. H. Thom- as (1904) Headley, E. D. (Dora Booth) Ch Grover, Homer, Ethel, *Gertrude; "Riverside Farm" Shelbyville R8 Shelbyville SeclS O174a (1867) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Hearn, Carl W. (Mildred Cisney) Pana R6 Tower Hill Secl9 O175a Mrs. J. A. Hearn (1892) Bell Tel. Pana Hearn, W. L. Ch William E., Mil- dred, Bernice, Esther L, Mary E.; "Sunnie Brook Farm" Pana Rl Tower Hill Secl9 O42a (1884) Bell Tel. Pana Hedrick, O. (Arminta Whitacre) Ch Deborah, Dorothy; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec33 T200a W. H. Chew (1892) Tel. Shelbyville Heideman, .Herman Shumway Rl Prairie Secl2 O160a (1858) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Heideman, William (Lucinda Lacy) Ch *Rosie; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring SeclS OlOa (1887) Heil, Fred (Amelia Radloff) Ch Waiter, Ed, Fred; Shumway Rl Prairie Secl6S O240a (1872) Mu- tual Tel. Shumway Heinz, A. P. (Minnie Riley) Ch Har- old, Arthur; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec9 T128a Jacob Heinz (1881) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Heinz, Chris. (Malinda Speener) Ch Charles, *Ethel, *Edna; Shelby- ville R6 Shelbyville Sec4 T300a William H. Chew (1854) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Heinz, George R. (Ruth Henson) Ch Imogene; Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec36 T120a Kardy Sisters (1891) Tel. Shelbyville Heinz, Jacob (Marget Dagen) Ch Andrew; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec9 O128a (1855) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Heinz, T. L. (Catherine Berry) Ch Essa, Orra, *George, *Neta; "Shel- by County Farm" Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec4 T225a Manager Shelby County Farm (1857) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Heitmeyer, Henry (Anna Brink) Ch Pearl, Rachel, Noble, Vern, 'Ar- thur, *Laura, *Lawrence, *Bennie; "Pleasant Knoll Farm" Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec8 O235a (1880) Tel. Moweaqua 81 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hellmann, Gottleib (Minnie John- son) Ch Lucy. John, Harry, Frances; Pana Rl Oconee Sec9 Ol58a (1906) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Helton, Al. F. (Carrie Wallace) Ch Delbert, Gladys, Elza, Edith, Ho- bert; Shelbyville R6 Shelby ville Secll Ola Secl6 T40a S. A. D. Stewardson (1883) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Helton, Fred (Mabel Barker) Ch Raymond; Shelbyville R6 Shelby- ville Secll Resident L. A. Helton (1894) Helton, Isaac (Carrie Patterson) Ch *Robert, *Bert, "Jessie, *Clyde; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Seel O154a (1861) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Heltpn, L. A. (Antonia Miller) Ch *Walter, *Hazel, *Fred, 'Florence; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Secll O79a (1855) Helton, S. D. (Pearl Wallis) Ch Velma, Herold, Ralph, Herbert, Howard, Arthur, Evelyn; Windsor R4 Sec33 Farm Hand C. D. Baker (1874) Hemer, George (Caroline Wagner) Ch Pearl, Helen, Karl, Florence, Juanita, Clarence; Glen, Grandson; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec32 O40a Sec33 T120a John Clark (1896) Tel. Moweaqua Hemer, Henry (Luella Lamb) Ch Louis F., Wayne; Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec23 O80a (1916) In- dependent and Bell Tels. Mowea- qua Hemer, J. L. (Rose Goodwin) Ch Lenoa; Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec23 O160a (1884) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Hendershot, Jesse (Sarah E. Smith) Ch Ray, Robert, ""Oliver, *Orel; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec9 TlOOa August Kruger (1904) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Henderson, Emery (Maude Sher- wood) Ch Opal, John, Sylvia; Her- rick R3 Cold Spring Sec33 O116^a T80a J. W. Henderson (1883) Mu- tual Tel. Herrick Henderson, G. W. (Tressa Fellers) Herrick Rl Cold Spring Sec33 T80a R. H. Price Est. (1893) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Henderson, Henry (Estella Hors- man) Herrick Herrick Sec4 O240a (1868) Mutual Tel. Herrick Henderson, Joe L. (Alice Troutman) Ch Kenneth; Cowden Rl Dry Point Secl7 T12a William Hedrich (1918) Henderson, J. E. (Stella Hamilton) Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec5 T40a Mrs. R. A. Henderson (1891) Henderson, J. W. (Eunice Henton) Bethany Rl Todd Point SeclS T109^a J. R. Henderson (1884) Tel. Findlay Henderson, Tony (Ethel Jones) Ch Walter, Hazel, Clarence; Herrick Rl Cold Spring Sec33 O119a T180a J. W. Henderson and Lola Hender- son (1881) Mutual Tel. Herrick Hendon, A. (Lena Chattick) Ch Marie, Leona, Wayne, Albert, Ralph, Dale; Findlay Rl Todd Ponit Sec22 T80a William Morgan (1894) Tel. Findlay Hendricks, Alonzo (Luella Hardy) Ch *Earl; "Walnut Grove Farm" Shelbyville R4 Okaw Sec29 O170a (1859) Tel. Shelbyville Hendricks, Losson (Mary Terry) Ch Maude, Agnes, *Irma, *Mabel; "Maple Grove Farm" Shelbyville R4 Okaw Sec 19 O200a (1856) Tel. Shelbyville Hendricks, Walter (Fay Hyland) Ch Lucile; Shelbvville R4 Okaw Secl9 T97a Mrs. Frances Hendricks and Mrs. Hendricks (1884) Tel. Shelby- ville Hendricks, William H. (Perlina Smith) Ch Luther, Homer, Edna, Zola; Shelbyville R4 Okaw Sec8 O380a (I860) Tel. Findlay Hendricks, W. E. (Dora Heiland) Ch Eddie, Erma; Findlay Rl Okaw Seel O120a (1900) Tel. Findlay Hennigh, L. D. (Maud Banks) Ch Thomas D., Hellen; Windsor R4 Windsor Sec35 O80a (1894) Mutual Tel. Windsor Henry, A. L. (Minnie Burk) Ch Maude, Claude; Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec9 O79a (1867) Tel. Wes- tervelt Henry, J. F. (Mollie J. Burke) Ch Oscar, Ruth; Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec9 O80a (1868) Tel. Westervelt Henrv. L. L. (Erma Calvert) Find- lay R2 Ridge Sec3 TlOOa J. T. Wil- son (1912) Henry, William Jr. (Sarah Manning) Ch Ross, *Alice, *Wilson; Shelby- ville R7 Shelbvville Sec28 O213a (1852) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville 82 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Hensey, Fred (Trace E. Sabine) Ch John, Louise, Lenore; Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec33 O200a T. E. Cook (1915) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Henton, C. G. Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec29 T80a Mrs. C. G. Henton (1900) Tel. Findlay Herboth, John Hanson Rl Oconee SeclSS T160a John Werner (1916) Mutual Tel. Oconee Herod, J. L. (Myrtle Howell) Neoga R3 Ash Grove Sec21 TlOOa Louise Brown (1878) Mutual Tel. Wind- sor Herrington, A. E. (Rachel Whitacre) Ch *Roy, *Bertha, *Charles W., *Floy, *Ross, *Blanch, *Agnes; "Walnut Grove Farm" Stewardson Prairie Sec2S OS70a (1873) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Herrington, Roy (Gertrude Elam) Ch Mildred, Melvin, Charles; Stew- ardson Rl Prairie Sec2S O40a T210a A. E. Harrington (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Herron, C. L. (Minerva Truit) Ch Rebecca; Findlay R4 Okaw Sec22 O231 2/3a (1852) Tel. Findlay Herron, Leroy (Bell Tull) Ch *Mag- gie, *Will, *Joe, *Bart, 'Gertie; Findlay R4 Okaw Sec23 O240a (1842) Tel. Findlay Herron, O. W. (Emma McQueen) Ch John, Margaret; "Walnut Grove Farm" Windsor R4 Okaw Sec24 T60a J. W. Herron (1882) Herron, R. J. (Ida Crowder) Ch Lester; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec22 O46a T50a Leroy Herron (1874) Herron, W. D. (Anna F. Kuhl) Ch Paul K.; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec33 T160a H. L. Smyser (1871) Mutual Tel. Windsor Herton, A. D. (Grace M. Uttiriger) Ch Mabel M., Carl D.; "The Home Farm" Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Sec34-35 T160a S. S. Herton (1896) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Heynen, William (Amanda Johnson) Ch Ernest; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec23 O40a (1913) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Heywood, B. W. (Sarah Reed) Ch Truman. *Herbert; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec23 O80a (1858) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Hiatt, Anderson (Martha Baldwin) Ch Garland B., Glen B.. Sadia, Clif- ford; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec8 O90a (1857) Mutual Tel. Trow- bridge Hiatt, William P. (Mary Reed) Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Secl7 O206a (1854) Mutual Tel. Trow- bridge Hickman, John A. (Margaret Dial) Ch Nile, Alta, 'Florence; Clarks- burg Clarksburg Sec3 O40a (1870) Holland Tel. Mode Hickman, J. M. (Ellen Casstevens) Ch James, Bernard, Leo, Ellen M.; Gays R2 Ash Grove Seel T160a Thomas Donnell (1898) Mutual Tel. Gays Hicks, Luther (Minta Wright) Ch Harley, Earl, Everett; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Seel TSOa Ed Lane (1910) Hieter, S. L. (Dora A. Mathias) Ch William S., Henry, Emmett L.; "Midway Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Secl6 O102^a (1890) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Higgins, George D. (Georgia Peter- son) Ch Martha J., Clement D., Alice S.; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec25 T207a Dan Morrissey (1885) Neoga Tel. Neoga Higgs, L. A. (Jennie Leonard) Ch Albert, Charles, Myrtle, Roy, Ray- mond; Shumway Rl Prairie Sec6SE Farm Hand Sam Bailey (1918) Hight, Clyde (Alta G. Adams) Ch Clyde; "Brookside Stock Farm" Moweaqua R2 Moweaqua Sec36 O129a (1906) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Hiler, W. R. (Minnie A. L. Schoch) Ch Ruby, Inez, Edna; Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec27 T140a George Schoch (1914) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Hill, Charles (Maude E. Parr) Ch Berdina G., Ethel M., Bernice A. P., Charles W.; Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec31 T20a Rebecca Hill (1883) Hill, David D. (Jane Agee) Ch Lyle, Cleo, George, Dorothy, Jane; Mo- weaqua R4 Flat Branch O160a (1914) Tel. Moweaqua Hill, James (Rosa Reynolds) Ch Jo- seph, Anthony, Ada, *David, *Louise, *Parthena, *Goldie, *Eva; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch SeclS O25a (1857) Hill, John H. (Harriet Elbert) Ch Minnie. Raymond. Edna; "Riverside Farm" Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec8 Farm Hand L. F. Pate (1867) 83 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hill, J. W. (Emma McMullen) Ch *James and *Gail Stiveson; Mo- weaqua R2 Flat Branch Sec 11 TlOOa James and Gail Stiveson (1882) Tel. Moweaqua Hill, W. A. (Ella Hubbard) Windsor R4 Windsor Sec33 O30a T30a Mrs. Jane Ware (1876) Tel. Windsor Hill, W. R. (Annis Walker) Ch Maud, *Delmer, *Everett, *Bertha; "Oaklawn Farm" Neoga R3 Big Spring Secll O80a (1913) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Hillard, J. W. (Cynthia Frailey) Ch John, Ervin, Harry; Hanson Rl Oconee Secl6S T60a Theo. Beck (1855) Hilliard, Charles M. (Isabell Hunts- man) Ch Melba, John, Elmer, Wal- ter, *Orval, *Jessie; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring SecS O30a (1902) Hilliard, J. O. (Edith Malin) Ch Lula; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring SecS T160a Church Bassett (1914) HUligoss, W- w - (Clara Edwards) Ch Morris, Clark, Howard; Wind- sor R2 Windsor Sec24 O219a (1892) Tel. Bruce Hillmann, Herman (Eva Abercrom- bie) Ch Laura, Dean, Vera, Don- ald; Trowbridge Rl Ash Grove Sec33 O32a T75a Mrs. Abercrombie (1883) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Hilsabeck, H. A. Ch Hugh R., Archie H., *Ralph, *Mabel, *Lura; Wind- sor R3 Windsor Sec27 OllOa (1853) Tel. Windsor Hilsabeck, R. M. (Lena Beck) Ch Ruby; Windsor R3 Windsor Sec27 OlOOa T40a A. H. Hilsabeck (1881) Tel. Windsor Hilton, Bud (Nellie Morfield) Ch May, Orvill, Zula, Warren, Harold; Hanson Rl Oconee SeclSS O40a (1895) Bell Tel. Ramsey Hilton, Homer (Florence E. Kord) Ch Clarence; "Cherry Hill Stock Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec23-27 O120a (1875) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hilton, James Oconee Rl Oconee Sec27 O40a (1855) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hilton, John Ch Florence, Burke; Herrick R2 Oconee Secll T80a B. O. Roberts (1870) Mutual Tel. Oconee Hilton, P. B. (Bertha E. Hall) Ch M. Lome, Everett L. ; Pana Rl Oconee Secl4 O40a (1885) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hilton, William (Lillie Devors) Ch Mamie, Ora, Bernard, Cleotis, My- ron, Hellen; "John Mickey Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec22 T120a John Mickey (1873) Hilvety, E. C. (Nell E. Sutton) Mo- weaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec21 T160a V. S. Melvety (1874) Himes, C. F. (Turah M. Burk) Ch Clover M., Goldie P., *Hazel; "Rich Hill Stock Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec20-21-29 O200a (1870) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Himes, L. S. (Alice Severe) Ch Walter, Edith, Alta, Earl; Mo- weaqua R5 Pickaway SeclS T160a Lloyd Weakly (1878) Himes, O. W. (Anna L. Webber) Ch Verna B., James F. ; "Maple Shade Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec20 O120a (1874) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Hinterly, Mrs. Pearl Shelbyville R9 Ridge SeclS O50a (1882) Tel. Wes- tervelt Hinton, A. W. (Nettie Hendrix) Ch Lina, Nona, June, *Miles, *Orvel; "Red Ridge Stock Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec35 O160a (1866) Bell Tel. Oconee and Herrick Hinton, B. F. (Harriet Helpingstine) Ch *Bertha, *Scott, *Roland, *Wade, *Chase, *Clara, *Louise, *Grace, *Margaret, *Norman; Oco- nee Rl Oconee Sec9S T160a Albert Flesch (1851) Hinton, Burrel (Grace Potts) Ch Felix, Martin, Bertha, Ethel; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec28 O79a T58a George Bateman, F. S. Per- gean and Felix Potts (1880) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Hinton, Charles (Mattie Butler) Ch *Ethel. *Edgar; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec27 O20a (1859) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hinton, Harry (Erne E. Payne) Ch Lela A., Lola J., Julia E., Corwin H.; "Spring Valley Stock Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec35 O80a (1875) Mutual and Bell Tels. Her- rick Hinton, Paschel (Nettie Bennett) Ch Forrest, Orla, Opal, Glenn, *Clar- ence, *Myrtle, *Lillie, *Lizzie. *Frank; Hanson Rl Oconee Sec9S T2iy 2 a H. Hinton and J. Didway (1857) 84 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Hinton, R. (Addie L. Pope) Ch Nathan Ambros; "Cherry Hill Farm" Pana Rl Oconee Secl6 O80a (1882) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oco- nee Hinton, W. E. (Julia Browning) Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec36 O45a (1910) Tel. Shelbyville Hitchcock, Bert (Alta E. McNutt) Ch Max, Mildred C., Mabel G., Mere- dith, Margaret E., Garnett, Martha, Evelin; Pana Rl Oconee Secll OlOOa (1880) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hitchcock, Charles I. (Dora I. Jones) Ch B. I., D. I.; Oconee R2 Oconee Secl4N T80a John L. Moss (1880) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Hitchcock, Edward (Julia Belb) Ch Paul, Warren; "Locust Hill Stock Farm" Pana Rl Oconee Secll O140a (1869) Bell Tel. Pana Kite, J. A. (Pearl Giberson) Ch Shelby, Goldie; Mode Rl Clarks- burg SeclS T120a T. C. Dove (1912) Holland Tel. Mode Hoagland, J. K. (Alice Green) Ch Max, Carl; "Woodside Farm" Mode Rl Clarksburg Secl3-14 O640a (1874) Holland Tel. Mode Hobson, Emory (Katie Ashenbrem- er) Ch Opal, Lucy; "Riverside Farm" Stewardson R2 Sigel Sec32 O67a (1885) Mutual Tel. Steward- son Hobson, Will (Emma Butcher) Ch Lowell, Burl; Trowbridge Rl Sigel Sec31 OlOa (1903) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Hodson, Zack (Johanna Wade) Ch Emma, Granville, Dwight, Max; "Hodson Point Farm" Cowden R2 Lakewood Secl4 OSOOa (1865) Mutual Tel. Cowden Hoene, Ben (Anna Will) Ch Stella; "Spring Brook Farm" Sigel R2 Sigel Sec 10-9 O279a (1880) Mutual Tel. Sigel Hoene, Henry (Carrie Willenburg) Ch Frances, Edward, Louis, Clara, Agnes, Albert, Lawrence; Sigel R7 Sigel Sec9 O141a (1866) Mutual Tel. Sigel Hoene, Joseph (Amelia Schumacher) Ch Adolph, Emma, Hilda; Sigel R3 Sigel Sec3 O166a (1872) Sigel Mu- tual Tel. Sigel Hoette, Anthony (Mattie Kuhne) Ch Celia, *Herman, *Joseph, *Annie; Sigel R3 Sigel O22a Tel. Sigel Hoewing, Mrs. E. M. Ch Charles, Frank, Clara, "William, "John, *Anna, *George; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl6 O90a (1892) Tel. Moweaqua Hoewing, J. S. (Carrie Kirchheck) Ch Arthur, Theodore; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl6 O6a (1914) Tel. Moweaqua Hofman, John (Frances Schinzler) Ch Lawrence, Clem, Marguerite, Theresa, Leo, Tony, Agnes, Helen, Rita, Ruth; "Cedar Grove Farm" Sigel R3 Sigel Sec36 O160a (1892) Mutual Tel. Sigel Hoffman, J. G. (E. D. Nichols) Ch Jessie J., Fern L., Blanch G., Thompson W., Pauline E.; "Moun- tain View Stock Farm" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec23 O40a (1909) Hoffman, L. P. Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec8 O55a (1917) Tel. Mo- weaqua Hoglund, A. V. Ch Harry, George, Robert, Jennie, Grace, Alma, Myr- tle, Hulda, Virginia; Holland R3 Holland Secl4 O275a (1914) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Hogue, F. A. (Ethel Carnine) Ch Wilma; Windsor R2 Windsor Sec24 O50a T280a Mrs. Hertzel and J. A. Lovins (1915) Tel. Windsor Holbrook, J. F. (Rosella Hayden) Ch Lucretia, R. J., Huber, J. H., Elva R., Nellie L, Margaret I., Arthur J., Ralph E., Louis A.; Pana Rl Oconee SeclS T140a Fred and Will Holbrook (1876) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Holey, J. F. (Mary, Mother) Ch J. F., Mike; "Maple Grove Farm" Mo- weaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec35 O80a (1876) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Holley, Abner (Lee Jones) Ch Mary, *Robert, *Tiney, "Maggie; Trow- bridge Rl Big Spring Sec9 O17a (1875) Holley, C. H. (Pearl Hudson) Ch Glenn, Ralph, Cecil, Clyde, Clar- ence, Ruby; Mode Rl Holland Sec29 T120a J. O. Seamen (1878) Tel. Mode Holley, Emily (Emily Russell) Ch "Martin, "John, "William, *Jane, "Mary, *Margaret, "Elizabeth; Strasburg R2 Big Spring SeclS O20a (1860) 85 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Holley, Isaac (Olive Patterson) Ch Carl, May, Ray, Sadie, Edgar, Retha, Beulah; Beecher City R3 Holland Sec8 TlOOa Mrs. Edgar Leach (1888) Holland Tel. Mode Holley, John (Eliza Patterson) Ch Lena, Charles, Dortha, *Horas, *Burl; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec8 O23a (1866) Holley, Martin (Hulda Landstrom) Ch Bessie, Rose, Orval, Clarence, Frank; Strasburg R2 Big Spring SeclS O20a (1898) Holley, Samuel (Liza Sopher) Ch Goldie; Trowbridge Big Spring Sec8 O20a T20a Mary Luger (1872) Holloway, Isaac I. Ch *Ulva, *Iva; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec23 O160a (Ib8i) Neoga Tel. Neoga Holloway, W. D. Ch Grace, Earl; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring SeclS O80a (1906) Mutual Tel. Trow- bridge Holmes, Charley (Laura Mietzner) Shumway Rl Holland Secl3 T42a Mrs. Levi Douthit (1916) Tel. Stewardson Holmes, Granville (Margaret White- sel) Ch Floyd, Roberta; Shelby- ville R6 Shelbyville Sec9 Farm Hand George Herrick (1880) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Holthaus, Herman (Adelaide Tontes) Ch Henry, Pauline, Aloys, Clara, *Marie, *Herman, *Barney; Oco- nee Oconee Secl9 T200a Ecklvet and Beyers (1900) Mutual Tel. Oconee Homann, Ed. (Christena Hastings) Ch Joe, August, Richard, Pearl, *Elias, *Rowena; Shumway Rl Prairie SeclS T160a H. Kesseler (1916) Hooper, Mrs. Rachel (Rachel Black- Davis) Ch Orlie, 'Walter, *Wilda, *Ethel, *Dewey, *Logan; Herrick Rl Herrick Secl2 O40a (1859) Hopkins, C. G. (Anna Belle Bryant) Ch Carolyn; "Crystal Spring Farm" Mode Rl Holland Sec32 O145^a (1917) Holland Tel. Mode Hopkins, Selby (Fannie Debolt) Mode Rl Holland Sec30 T30a Mrs. Josephine Grider (1898) Horn, C. W. (Anna Logsdon) Ch Osia, Pearl, Ralph, Frank, *Oral, *Edward, *Earl; Cowden Dry . Point SecS O160a (1916) Horsman, Vaughn (Mattie Robert- son) Ch *Oral, *Cecil, *EarI, *Lu- cile; Oconee R2 Cold Spring Sec31 OS5a (1889) Mutual Tel. Herrick Hoskins, H. H. (Maggie Burwell) Ch Ralph; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec2l O120a (1918) Holland Tel. Mode Hostetler, A. L. (Rosa Ulrich) Shel- byville R8 Rose Sec25 T117a Campbell Est. (1916) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Hostetler, Daniel (Madie Schrock) Ch Christian, Arthur; Shelbyville R8 Rose Sec35 T80a W. J. Killian (1912) Hostetler, David (Alice Kenagy) Ch Edna, Viola, Herman, Ova, Lydia Ann, Amos, Daniel; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec32 O20a T22a Adam Shrock and Kauffmann Est. (1912) Mode Tel. Mode Hostetler, Mrs. Emma (Emma Zook) Ch Ella, Erne, Emory; Shelbyville R5 Clarksburg Sec4 T80a S. Welsh (1911) Hostetler, John L. (Ida Kauffman) Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec32 O20a T35a J. J. Kauffman and W. H. Chuchill (1912) Hostetler, Levi Jr. (Rosa Bippus) Ch Rebecca, Eddie, Maggie, Johnie, Esther; Shelbyville R/ Clarksburg SecS O45a (1910) Hostetler, L. C. (Mary Zook) Ch Amandus, Elmer, Elsie, Ida, Da- vid, *Nettie, *John, *Archie; "Sun- nyside Poultry Farm" Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec32 Ollla Hol- land T87a (1912) Mode Tel. Mode Hostetler, M. (Ida Zook) Ch Milo, Ira, Mattie, *Daniel, *Chancy, *Ed- ward; Shelbyville R8 Rose Sec35 O40a (1912) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Hostetler, P. (Ella Zook) Ch Katie, John, Joe, Lizzie, *Carrie; Shelby- ville R7 Shelbyville Sec33 O40a (1912) Hostetler, Sem Shelbyville R7 Shel- byville Sec32 OlOa T4a Kauffman Est. (1912) Hott, George C. Assumption Rl Pickaway Sec31 T135a Riley Thom- as and Mrs. Thos. Wagner (1894) Mutual Tel. Assumption Houser, Henry (Viola Wade) Ch Lawrence, Nellie; Fancher Holland Sec32 O5a (1891) Houser, Henry Ch Nellie, Lawrence; Fancher Holland Sec32 O5a (1890) Houser, Orville (Myrtle Largent) Ch Mable, Leota, Frank, Oka, Ora, Frances; Shelbyville R5a Clarks- burg Sec2 T120a Roy Dove (1880) Tel. Mode FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Houston, W. T. (Rachel Harden) Ch Drue, Dorothy; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring SeclO T120a Dr. H. S. Cor- ley (1900) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Howard, Homer (Ethel G. Sands) Ch Emma M., Harold M.; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec27 T80a Jake Volla (1890) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Howe, B. R. (Tracy E. Moore) Ch Kenneth, Lewis, John; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec22 O80a (1883) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Howe, D. W. (Emma Phillips) Ch Louise, Mont, Alta; Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Secl8-7 O130a (1871) Holland Tel. Mode Howe, Forest (Nola Marsh) Ch Vir- gil; Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec30 T5Sa Morris Williams (1895) Hol- land Tel. Mode Howe, H. G. (Marguerite Miller) Ch Portia R.; "Pin Hook Farm" Cow- den R2 Lakewood Sec28 O77a (1892) Mutual Tel. Cowden Howe, John C. (Ota Severe) Ch Carl, Edith, Vera, Icel, Bertha; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg SeclS O4^a (1884) Tel. Mode Howe, Roy (Dorothy Kensil) Shelby- ville R7 Clarksburg Secl7 T34a Howe and Davis (1893) Holland Tel. Mode Howe, Tom (Mary Gillaspie) Ch Marinda, *Mark, *Ora, *Calvin, *Seth, *Pennye, *Roy; Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg SeclS O95a (1841) Howe, W. D. (Kate Smith) Ch Helen, Hazel, Fred, Howard, Frances, *Forest; "Sand Ridge Farm" Mode Rl Holland Sec30 OSOa T130a John D. Miller (1866) Tel. Mode Howell, Lewis (Perminda J. Wood) Ch *Elizabeth A., *James M., *Charles O., *John F., *Edw.ard T., *Albert, *George W., *Oscar W.; Oconee R2 Oconee Sec9 O40a (1896) Bell Tel. Oconee Howell, O. W. (E. F.. Green) Ch Wendell E., Virgil R,; Pana Rl Oconee SeclS T60a Louisa Pope (1898) Howse, Mrs. Sarah Ch Fred, *Wil- liam. *Brunetta, "Tames, *Frank, *Charles, *May, *Syrena; Mowea- qua R5 Flat Branch Sec23 TISSa John Mathias (1878) Tel. Mowea- Q ua . . Howse, W. ' J. _Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec22 *T30a "Sarah J.' House (1879) Tel. Farmer's' 'Line M'ow'ea- qua Hoy, D. W. Ch T. E., Harley, Maye, *Eddie, *Tracy, *Florence, *Faye; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec21 T400a M. E. Miller (1914) Mutual Tel. Assumption Hoy, J. M. (Jessie Shaw) Ch Beatrice, Orie, Florence, Ross, David; Mo- weaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl6 T3a (1865) Hubbard, C. C. (Manda Corwin) Ch Susie, Wilder, Ira; Mode Rl Hol- land Sec35 T22a Mrs. Minnie Holmes (1878) Tel. Mode Hubbartt, Effa (Effa Flowers) Ch Mildred C., May W., Hazel P., Helen M.; Beecher City R3 Hol- land Sec7 T5a Mrs. Cora Miller (1893) Tel. Stewardson Hubbartt, Frank (Dollie Slifer) Ch Margie, Jack, Irene, Frank, Ira, Daisy, Harley, Ray; Mode Rl Hol- land Sec3 T40a (1882) Hubbartt, I. K. Ch Ethel, George, Charley; Holland Holland Sec8 O40a (1914) Holland Tel. Mode Hubbartt, J. R. (Lucy Devore) Ch Madonna, Wanda, T h e 1 m a , Blanche; Beecher City R3 Holland SeclO-13 OlOOa (1873) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Hubbartt, W. (Ellen Syfert) Ch Ida, Pearl, Myrtle, Ollie, *Emma, *Frank, *Lawrence; Beecher City R3 Holland SeclS O169a (1857) Tel. Beecher City Hubbartt, W. E. (Lettie Vail) Ch Anna, Ruth, Waneta; Shumway Rl Holland Secl3 OlOOa (1886) Hubbs, Sidney (Iva Parish) Ch Louis; Findlay R4 Okaw T75a Charles Herron (1913) Huber, Mrs. Elizabeth (Elizabeth Myers) Ch Ellen, Bernadine, -Be.s- sie, Florence Summers, ,-, *Henry, *Tames, *Irvin, *Effie, *Tina, *Ruth, *Bessie: Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec8 O40a (1873) Mutual Tel. Mode Huber, H. A. (Lydia Daniel) Ch Maud, Ruth, Ralph, Harold, Helen, Wintress, Gerald, Edith; Shelby- ville R7 Clarksburg Secl7 OSOa (1870) Holland Tel. Mode Hubner, A. J. (Effie E. Wallace) Ch Lora, Walter, John; "Maple Hill Stock Farm" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec24 T90a August Hubner (1888) Bell Tel. Tower Hill . . Hubner, Fred "Maple Lawn Farm" Assump'tfon Rl Rural Sedl O60a (1871) 87 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Hubner, F. F. (Jennie Stanley) Ch Fred L., Bertha M., Charles, Virgil C, Irma I., Harry; Tower Hill R3 Rural Secl3 T80a Mary Hubner (1881) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Hubner, Thomas (Ellen Walker) Ch Vance, Elston; Shelby ville R2 Rose SccS O67a (1883) Hudson, Albert (Cleota Smith) Ch Karl; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec3 T320a Dr. W. J. Eddy (1877) Hudson, A. (Virginia Willhelm) Ch Dessie, 'William, *Clyde, *Bert, *Goldie, *Fannie, *Jennie, *Guy; Middlesworth Shelbyville Secll O30a Richland Sec7-6 T70a Mrs. R. P. Jackson (1855) Hudson, Bert (Onie Pound) Ch Dorothy; Shelbyville R6 Richland SeclS TlOOa H. A. Stewartson (1886) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Hudson, C. W. (Mary Torrence) Ch Rohima, Carl, Ethel, Frank, *Marie; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec30 O180a (1871) Mutual Tel. Cowden Hudson, Henry M. (Viola Winn) Vi- ola Hudson, Mother; Ch Lena, Louise, Harry, James, Zoe, Ralph; Elizabeth and Louis Riley, Grand- children; "The Old Homestead" Moweaqua R5 Moweaqua Sec32 O55a (1850) Independent and Bell. Tel. Moweaqua Hudson, J. W. Ch Harold, Nevis, Marie, *Louis; Shelbyville R6 Shel- byville Secl2 O80a (1865) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Hudson, N. (Viola Torrence) Ch Ray, Fay, Roy, Kermit, Donald; Cowden R2 Cold Spring Sec25 OlOOa T22a Charles Hudson (1918) Tel. 'Cowden Hudson, Willard (Mary Hill) Shelby- ville R6 Shelbyville Sec3 O15a (1893) Hudson, W. B. (Georgia Downs) Ch Orval, Earl, Everett; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville SeclS O120a Secl6 T80a J. P. Bennett (1869) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Hudson, W. W. (Mary Hill) Ch Andrew, Ray, Elmer, Archie, Bes- sie, *Lester, *Pearl, *Jessie Ren- aids; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec2 O15a T2Da Douthard Est. John Root (1900) Huff, John (Rosalie Norris) Ch Or- vill, Clyde, Bessie, Russell; "Old Downey Place" Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec24 T160a T. W. Bindley (1909) De Lashmutt Tel. Neoga Huff, Mrs. Josephine (Josephine Nor- ris) Ch Agnes, Helen, Mabel, Clyde; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec24 O40a (1898) Mutual Tel. Trow- b ridge Huffaker, W. B. (Amanda A. Gep- ford) Ch Willie B., Ruth, Zoe A., M. P., Leona M., Pearl, Edna D., Lucy F., Ruby L., "Cole Spring Stock Farm" Oconee Cold Spring Sec30-31 O250a (1908) Bell and Limited Tels. Herrick and Oconee Huffer, Charles (Blanch Whitaker) Ch Davis, Catherine; Mode Rl Holland Sec36 O39a (1876) Tel. Stewardson Huffer, Mrs. James (Frances Bean) Ch Burl, *John, 'Thomas, *Wil- liam, *Samuel, *Albert, *Herrick, *Esther; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Secl3 p90a (1852) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville* Huffer, Lawrence (Eva Sexson) Ch Helen, Dorothy; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec25 Resident M. C. McGilligan (1883) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Huffer, Samuel (Cordelia McGilli- gan) Ch Leonard; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Secl3 T70a James and Ted Stewardson and Mrs. Gilligan (1880) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Huffer, Sarah (Sarah Leathers) Ch Mattie, Ray; Mode Rl Holland Sec36 O20a (1850) Mutual Tel. Huffer, William (Bertha Lane) Ch Roy, John, Ed, Frank, Lucy, Henry, Harry, Lola, Lloyd, Mamie; Shumway Rl Holland Secll O51a (1901) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Huffmaster, Earl (Susie Lotch) Ch Gerald, Lucille, Mildred, Lyle, Dale, Marie; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec26 T80a Wiley Huffmaster (1891) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Huffmaster, Vance (Matilda Boldt) Ch Lorena; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec22 T135a Dove and Wal- ker (1893) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Huffmaster, Wayne L. (Henrietta Friese) Ch Opal, Glen; Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec24 O120a (1892) Mu- tual Tel. Stewards'on 88 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Hughes, James N. (Hettie Abercrom- bie) Ch Roscoe, Irma, Freda; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec4 T55a Mrs. S. L. Sims (1895) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Hull, Cecil (Mable M. Rankin) Wind- sor Rl Richland Seel T80a G. W. Rogus (1907) Mutual Tel. Windsor Hull, Mrs. Harriet A. (Harriet Hol- lingsead) Ch Jacob Hull; Charles and Lucy Brake, Stepchildren; "The Hull Homestead" Oconee Rl Oconee SeclO O160a (1883) Hull, U. S. (Carry F. Bragg) Ch Ethel M., Leta D., *Charles C; Windsor R4 Richland Secl2 T214a Nettie Schlick and George Rogers (1896) Mutual Tel. Windsor Humphrey, N. (M. Susan McCarty) Ch *James W., * William O.; "Old Humphrey Homestead" Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec35 OlOla (1871) Independent and Bell Tels. Mowea- qua Humphrey, R. N. (Pearl Parks) Ch Eleanor; Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch Sec2 O30a T160a Walter Parks (1900) Tel. Moweaqua Hummel, Ranson (Mary Curry) Ch Ida, Goldie, *John C, *William, *Leona; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec25 O40a (1867) Mutual Tel. Neoga Hunk, J. W. (Ella Rotterman) Ch Mary, Clara, Raymond; Trow- bridge Rl Big Spring Sec22 O30a Secl4 T67a James Hunk (1874) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Hunt, John Ch Charley, Glenn; Bee- cher City R3 Holland SeclS O80a (1878) Beecher City Tel. Beecher City Hunter, C. F. (Tony Plowman) Ch John, *Lee, *Nelson, *Edith; "Hunter Farm" Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Seel O200a (1899) Tel. Lakewood Hunter, G. M. (Mary Campbell) Ch Ira D., W. H., Catherine M.; "Shaw Farm" Pana Rl Oconee Sec3 T160a Elizabeth Shaw (1914) Hunter, Homer (Elizabeth Beatrice Workman) Ch James Preston; Findlay R3 Pickaway Sec33 T277a Preston Hunter (1891) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Hunter, Leroy (Bessie Navis) Ch Eileen, Charles T.; Lakewood Rl Lakewood SeclS T40a Charles Hun- ter (1898) Hunter, Preston (Mattie Elizabeth Eversole) Ch Homer V.; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec33 O277a (1869) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Hunter, W. B. (Essie Smith) Ch Ethel, Esther, Carrie, Cora, Delia, Eva, *Opal, *Marie; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl4 T52a G. W. Turney (1912) Huston, J. A. (Laura Jones) Ch Ha- zel, Homer, May, Jessie, Gerald; Herrick Rl Herrick Seel O102Ha (1868) Mutual Tel. Cowden Hutchens, Mrs. Sadie (Sadie Sharp Osborn) Ch John, Ellis, Theresa; Oconee R2 Oconee SecSS O172a (1903) Mutual Tel. Oconee Hutton, W. H. (Ida Graham) Ch May, Cecil, Jennie, Josie, Wayne, William; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec25 T80a C. N. Cole (1914) Bell Tel. Mattoon Inslee, Ray (Rose Aichele) Ch Rob- erts, Joseph; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec21 O80a (1912) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Ireland, James M. (Mary C. Spell) Ch Roy, Francis, Bertha, Rubby, *Thomas; "Pleasant View Farm" Oconee R2 Oconee Sec31 T160a H.. M. Bass (1898) Mutual Tel. Oconee Ireland, Thomas (Amy Rumer) Oco- nee R2 Oconee Sec7S T80a E. L. Turner (1887) Isley, Cloven (Daisy Nixon) Mode Rl Clarksburg Secl4 O40a (1918) Isome, D. H. Ch James, *Albert, *Emmett; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec26 O40a (1890) Mutual Tel. Assumption 89 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jackson, A. L. (Sarah Bauer) Ch Harry, Edward, Mary, Pearl, *Carl, * Albert, *Lee; "Hickory Ridge Farm" Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec9 O80a (1867) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Jackson, Cleve (Blanche Phillips) Ch Oaka, riortence, Mary, Janice; Fancher Clarksburg Sec32 O5a T35a Bert Kuntz (1876) Jackson, C. H. (Sadie Manning) Ch - Maxine; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec31 O94a (1888) Mutual Tel. Windsor Jackson, E. K. (Lizzie Robertson) Ch Mildred, Cleatus, *Myrl; "Hilltop Farm" Bethany Rl Todd Point Secl6 O196a (1883) Tel. Findlay Jackson, H. L. (Hazel Yakey) Ch Warren; Tower Hill Rl Rose Sec29 T50a M. R. Sibbitt (1890) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Jackson, John (Lydia Scribner) Ch- George, Frank, *Nellie, *May, *Willie, *John, *Charles; Mowea- qua R2 Flat Branch Seel Tla Mr. Becker (1888) Jackson, J- D. (Ida Griffin) Ch Waughie,. Gletha; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec22 O40a (1868) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Jackson, Levi (Viola Griffith) Ch Gladys, Howard, Lloyd, Eugene, Elizabeth, Catherine, Virginia; Windsor R3 Windsor Sec27 O140a T30a Miss Grace Jackson (1884) Tel. Windsor Jackson,' M. A. (Belle Goddard) Ch Helen, Wendell; Windsor R3 Windsor Sec34 O140a (1884) Tel. Windsor Jacobs, E. F. (Lottie Dunkle) Ch Ethel, *Earl, Floyd; "The Cedars Farm" Moweaqua R2 Moweaqua Sec33 O120a (1887) Independent and 1 Bell ; Tels. Moweaqua James, Edgar Lakewood Rl Lake- wood Secl7 Ola (1880) Janes, Oscar (Lura M. Bingaman) Ch Gerald, Zella, Woodrow, Lois; Ne- oga Rl Ash Grove Sec26 T160a D. A. Bingaman (1908) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge .. Janes, William (Bertha Roy)/ . Ch Lucy; Neoga Rl Ash Grove- Sec36 T100a A. L. Wilkinson (1910) Tel. Neogra Jannink, Herman (Mary C. Housen) Ch Herman, Kate, Ben, Garhart, *Hellen, *Margaretta, *Henry; "Lone Locust Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec28 O78a (1883) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Jenkins, B. F. (Nancy A, Gordon) Ch Elmer, Stella, Delia, Rowena, *Etha, *Edna, *Arthur, *Homer, *Mary, *Martha, *Ruby; "Pleasant Union Farm" Herrick Rl Herrick Secll O80a (1902) Tel. Herrick Jenkins, C. L. Ch Theresa A., Russell T.; Pana Rl Oconee Sec9 T82a T. C. Jenkins (1915) Bell Tel. Pana Jenkins, Frank (Josephine Viseur) Ch Maxine, Gilbert, Bruce, Clark, Paul; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Sec4 O70a (1870) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Jenkins, L. B. (Daisy McKinley) Ch Hildred, McKinley; "Sunnyside Farm" Tower Hill R2 Ridge Secl9 OlOa T60a Luther Embry (1882) Jennings, Martin (Lucy Cuttler) Ch Ethel, Everett, Carl; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Secl3 T45a John Doughitt Parker (1912) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Jensen, Christ (Clara Miller) Ch *Fred, *Harrv, *Grover, ^Blanche, * Alice; Strasburg R2 Big Spring' Sec6 O83a (1880) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Jensen, Claus Trowbridge Big Spring Sec8 O30a (1882) Jensen, Fred W. (Ruby Storm) Stras- burg R2 Big Spring Sec2 Ol23 l / 2 a Sec7 T45a Chris Jensen (1882) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Jervis, T. E. (Alice Staubus) Ch Frances. Dorothy; Gays Ash Grove Secll O197^a (1915) Mutual Tel. Gays Jesse, R. C. (S. M. Simpson) Ch Waynette, Glen; Moweaqua R3 Mo- weaqua' Sec26 O160a (1909)- Inde-. pendent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Jesse, W. T. (Laura Busick) Ch Lena, Ethel, Clyde, Irene, Carl, Wilma. *Merl F.; Findlay R3 Penn Sec4 T293a J. G. Thompson (1903) Tel. MowGaqua Jester,. Otis "David Jester Farm" Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill V Sec t 24 T80a David Jester (1878) Johnson, Albert Tro'wbuidge Rl Big Spring Sec23 O80a (1867) 90 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Johnson, Andrew (Augusta Swanson) Ch Edler, Carl; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring SeclS O108a (1864) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Johnson, C. A. (Belle McElroy) Cow- den R2 Dry Point Sec32 O37a (1866) Mutual Tel. Cowden Johnson, C. F. (Eva A. Adams) Ch Nancy, Joe, Jacob, Erma, Bennett, James, *Verne, *Leon, *Cloyd, *Wheeler; "Oak Lawn Stock Farm" Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec33-34 O160a (1870) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Johnson, Jesse (Emma Miller) Ch Helen, Clyde, Bernice, Floyd, Aus- ta; Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl7 O93a (1908) Johnson, Joe (Alta Hughes) Ch Mur- rell, Gertrude, Olive; Lakewood Rl Lakewood Secl9 T107a J. D. Miller (1911) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Johnson, J. Earl (Julia Wright) Ch Lyman, Norman, John, Ralph, Leonard, Genevieve; Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec31 T160a Ed. Mc- Grath (1918) Tel. Findlay Johnson, J. W. (Nellie Hoke) Ch Er- nest H., Hazel, Noble; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec27 O180a (1864) Tel. Westervelt Johnson, J. W. (Mrs. J. C. Johnson, Mother) Ch Ed., Casper; Pana R5 Tower Hill Sec7 T160a J. L. Ren- olds (1910) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Johnson, W. A. (Bertha Morris) Findlay Rl Todd Point Secl4 O145a (1871) Tel. Findlay Johnston, G. H. (Isabelle Morrow) Ch Harold L., Helen G.; "The Ma- ples" Assumption R3 Rural Sec9-16 T160a John Johnson Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Johnston, Jacob (Winnie Corley) Ch Morris, Eunice, *Emory, *James, *Grace, *Lyle Woodard; Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Secl6 O183a (1844) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Jones, Mrs. Alice (Alice Forsythe) Ch *Melvin, *Ethel, *Belle, *Rollie; Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Sec8 O8a (1863) Jones, Brooks (Ida Mills) Ch Virgil, Earl, Fairy, Ray, Lulu: Herrick R2 Oconee Secl3S T187a William Jones (1877) Jones, Charles E. (Aneta Eckert) Ch Orval, Norma; Tower Hill Rl Cold Springs SeclO O80a (1884) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Jones, C. C. (Stella Sprackler) Ch Faye, Glen, Fern, Chester; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secll O57a (1883) Mutual Tel. Cowden Jones, C. H. (Ollie Odaffer) Ch Vera, Fay, Opal, Evelyn, Floyd, Virgil; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec29 T80a Relda Hoover (1915) Mutual Tel. Assumption Jones, F. W. (Edith G. Crowder) Ch Hobart, Lawrence, Helen, Harry, Hazel, Mildred, *Walter; Shelby- ville Rl Okaw Sec31 T230a M. C. Killem (1875) Tel. Shelbyville Jones, G. L. (Mittie Stonecipher) Ch Leah; "Hickory Grove Farm" Shel- byville R2 Ridge Sec35 O208a (1915) Jones, James (Goldie Snow) Ch Ruth, Fern; Herrick Rl Herrick Secl4 O38a (1905) Tel. Herrick Jones, John (Daisy C. E. Osborn) Ch John, Jessie, Clarence, Harrold, William, *Myrtle E., *Carl; Pana Rl Oconee Sec8 T6a C. F. Promt (1918) Jones, John M. (Mahalie Atkins) Mo- weaqua R3 Penn Sec26 T160a Geo. E. Knight (1907) Bethany Tel. Macpn Jones, J. C. (Ellen Burrus) Ch Floyd E., Winford E. ; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec32 T180a Adam Collar (1910) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Jones, M. C. (Bell Nichols) Ch Sadie May. *W T alter; Cowden R2 Lake- wood Secll O120a (1851) Mutual Tel. Cowden Jones, N. D. (Martha Vanderment) Ch Virgel, *Oda, "Elwood, *Lee, *Edith, *Delbert, *Guy; Strasburg R2 Prairie Sec7 O54a (1890) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Jones, Walter (Lura Getz) Ch Edna, Claude; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Secll T60a M. C. Jones (1885) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Jones, W. F. (Fannie M. Landrath) Ch F. Morse, Flosie R., Orval F., Fayette L., Lyler O., Catherine B., *Alice, *Nottingham; Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec29 T160a J. C. McQuig (1911) Jones, W. F. (Esther Wooters) Ch Lithia. *Minnie, *Mollie; Herrick R3 Herrick Sec6 O40a (1849) Jones, W. G. (Minnie Miller) Ch *James, *Francis; Herrick Rl Her- rick SeclO O120a (1905) Tel. Her- rick 91 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Jones, W. R. (Laura Helpingstine) Ch Lela, Ira, Lucian, Lucile; "Black Valley Farm" Neoga R3 Ash Grove SeclS T120a J. P. Bennett (1897) Mutual Tel. Windsor Jordon, Arch (Pearl Ringold) Ch Coe; Findlay Rl Okaw Farm Hand J. C. Spicer (1891) Jordon, B. (Josephine Devore) Ch Edwin, Mildred, James, Hallie, Mauriene; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec35 Farm Hand Earl Walker (1900) Tel. Shelbyville Jordon, Ed. (Pauline Goos) Ch Bes- sie, Roy; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl7 T6a Mike Snyder (1898) Tel. Moweaqua Jordon, Guy (Mauae Davidson) Ch Ruby; Findlay Rl Okaw Secl2 O30a T120a E. A. Richardson and Z. A. Richardson (1877) Tel. Find- lay Jordan, Lloyd (Alta Gregory) Ch Gerald, Mary, John; Assumption Rl Pickaway SeclS T148a G. H. Jordan (1887) Moweaqua Tel. Mo- v/eaqua Juhnke, Charles (Elizabeth Lovins) Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec6 T83a William Juhnke (1897) Mutual Tel. Windsor Juhnke, William (Dora Harrmann) Ch Lawrence, Florence, Nellie, Al- bert, Minnie, *Mary, *Charley, * William; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec6 O24Sa Mutual Tel. Windsor K Kaiser, John (Josie Lovegrove) Ch Veda, Hazel, Melvin, Delbert, Mer- rill, Earl; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec7S O161a (1878) Mutual Tel. Oconee Kalinski, Joe "Sunnyside Farm" Pana Rl Oconee Sec9 O109a (1917) Karbach, Henry (Francis Rausch) Ch Elizabeth, Francis, Agnes, Henry; "Crystal Spring Stock Farm" Oco- nee Rl Oconee SeclO O80a (1916) Kasang, H. F. Stewardson Rl Prai- rie Secl4 O160a (1872) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kassen, John Henry (Mary Hillen) Ch John. George, *Henry, *Ben, *Rose; "Custer Farm" Oconee R2 Oconee Sec6 T172a M. Custer (1888) Mutual Tel. Oconee Kates, Martin R. (Daisy L. Gates) Ch Melvin E., Almeta M., Julia R.; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec23 T14a James Boldin 1916 Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Kaufman, Clem (Katherine Harman) Ch Ferdinand, Lawrence, Juanita, Paul, Carl, Mary, Robert, Leonard, Leon; Strasburg R2 Sigel Secl7 O284a (1911) Tel. Sigel Kauffman, John (Amanda Eash) Ch Ida; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec32 O71a T33a Sarah B. Kauff- man (1910) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kauffman, Mrs. Mary (Mary Stutz- men) Ch Alice, *David, *Elsie; Mel- vin Kauffman, Nephew; Shelby- ville R7 Shelbyville Sec29 O30a (1906) Kauffman, Mrs. Sarah B. (Sarah B. Stutzman) Shelbyville R7 Shelby- ville Sec32 O21a (1907) Kearney, Albert (Grace Baldwin) Ch Ruth, Arthur, Howard, Keith, Flora, Josephine; Strasburg R3 Prairie SecS T80a Jim Kearney (1881) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Kearney, James (Flora Small) Ch Bertha, *Albert, *Alvin, "Ethel, *Roy, *Bessie, *Sylvia; Strasburg R3 Richland Sec32 O280a (1862) Mutual Tel. Strasourg Kearney, Roy (Ida Kull) Ch Gerald; Strasburg R3 Richland Sec32 T150a James Kearney (1887) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Keck, George (Mary Anderson) Ch Catherine, Joseph, Charles; "Sunny- side Farm" Neoga R3 Big Spring SeclO O60a (1881) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Keck, Steven B. (Blanche Huffmas- ter) Ch Maurine; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec27 O93a (1878) Mu- tual Tel. Trowbridge Keeling, H. (Anna B. Klutter) Ch David, George, Alonzo, Hayden Jr., Woodrow, Alta; Pana R4 Tower Hill Sec30 T25a G. R. Burns (1898) Keeling, John Ch Frank, Bettie, Clyde, Dewey, Sampson, *John; Shelbyville R9 Okaw Sec21 O140a (1918) 92 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Keilman, John (Winnie Mathias) Ch Theodore, Dora, Arthur, Alvin, Clarence, Mathias; Findlay R3 Pickaway Secl6 TlOOa C. O. An- drick (1898) Tel. Westervelt Keilman, William C. ( Hawley) Ch Ina; Findlay KJ Pickaway SeclS O160a (1898) Mutual Tel. Findlay Keirn, Heber (Alice M. Ke.rn) Ch Merrill C., Mary D., Margarett B.; "Locust Grove Farm" Assumption R3 Rural Sec9 O120a (1861) Mu- tual and Bell Tels. Assumption Keisser, O. J. (Sarah Weakley) Ch Aubrey; Shelby ville R9 Ridge Sec22 T80a Robert Weakley (1891) Tel. Shelbyville Keith, E. W. (Bettie Hart) Ch Wil- liam, Harvey, Russell, Ruth, Paul, Wayne, *Ada; Windsor R4 Rich- land Sec4 T290a George Roberts (1915) Mutual Tel. Windsor Keller, Herman (Anna Lane) Ch Lor- ena, Walter, Edwin; Shumway Rl Prairie Secl6S Olla (1911) Mutual Tel. Shumway Keller, Jacob (Elizabeth Ramsey) Ch Victor, Violet, Walter, Clarence, Bessie, Jessie, Dorothy, Jette, Opal, *Anna; "Fern Cliffs Farm" Stew- ardson R2 Prairie Secl3S O165a (1870) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Kelley, J. A. (Lucy Ferrell) Ch *Mal- bert G., *Verda V.; Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec9 O40a (1916) Kelly, G. W. (Celia Hollbrook) Ch Wayne, Glen, Neva, *Tony; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Secl6 O80a (1869) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Kelly, Mrs. Lorinda (Lorinda McCoy) Ch Randell, Kenneth, Mabel, *Gro- ver; "Lynn Branch Farm" Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Sec9 O200a (1868) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Kelly, Toney (Lucile M. Sellick) Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Secl3 T80a Farm Hand S. Clarence Foor and W. C. Columbus (1896) Kelsheimer, B. F. (Myrtle Poulter) Ch Homer C., Roscoe T.; Strasburg Rl Richland Secl6 T320a Thomas Finnegan (1913) Mutual Tel. Wind- sor Kemp, George (Florence Johnson) Ch Clay, Ray, Walter; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec33 T120a Mrs. Avery Thompson (1912) Tel. Moweaqua Kemper, Chas G. (Clara A. Parker) Ch Fred, Jefferson, Charles G. Jr.; Tower H.ll Rl Tower Hi.l Sec23 T160a Asa E.ler (1908) Bell Tel- Tower H.ll Kendall, Frank (Loretta Young) Ch Tommie ^icCall; Neoga Rj Big Spring Sec 11 O275a (1867) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Kendall, Henry (Evelyn Kocher) Ch Belle; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec28 O80a (1865) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kenny, A. H. (Mary A. Jackson) Ch *Carrie, *Harry, *Mark; "Mulberry Grove Farm" Windsor R4 Richland Sec3 O137a (1857) Mutual Tel. Windsor Kenny, Harry (Alberta B. Sargent) Ch Rose; "High Lawn Farm" Windsor R2 Windsor Sec24 T300a John M. Sargent (1884) Tel. Wind- sor Kensil, D. D. (Margaret Foster) Ch Barbara, Florence, George, Mary, Helen, Dexter; Shelbyville R5 Shel- byville Sec22 O140a (1860) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kensil, John T. (Edith Luck) Shelby- ville R7 Shelbyville Sec21 Farm Hand Joe Kensil (1895) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kensil, S. J. (Gertrude Sitler) Ch Flora, William V., Nellie, *Bertha, *Dorothea. *John; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec22 O281a (1858) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Kercheval, George H. (Anne M. Jef- fries) Ch Vance, Neil, Violet, "Ha- zel; "Sunny Crest Farm" Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec20 O145a (1903) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kerlin, Zack (Lizzie Neil) Ch *Nell, *Alba, 'Charlie, *Chloe, *Goldie, *Minnie, *Timon, *Ona, *Clarence; Cowden R2 Lakewood Secl2 O40a (1861) Kern, George (Ella Eberts) Ch *Ida, *Frank, *Roy, *Florence; Shelby- ville R2 Rose Sec3 J. Kull (1915) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kerr, J. F. (Hetty Bland) Pana Rl Tower Hill Secl7 O120a B. W. Kerr (1875) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Kesler, John (Margaret Fletcher) Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec8 O200a (1860) Mutual Tel. Cowden Kessel, Albert (Mary Dworak) Ch *Mary, *Frank, *Fred; Middles- worth Shelbyville Secll O160a (1870) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville 93 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Kessel, Frank (Grace Douthit) Ch Mabel, Walter; Middlesworth Shel- byville Secll O7^a (1878) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kessler, Adam, Jr. (Lillie Mechling) Shumway Rl Prairie SeclS O80a Holland Secl2 TlOa Elizabeth Stickel (1890) Tel. Stewardson Kessler, Charles (Sarah Ullrich) Ch John, Charles, Irwin, Oscar, Ever- ett; Mode Rl Prairie Sec6SE O181a (1874) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Kessler, Emanuel (Fannie Sheehan) Ch Leon E., Lois, Lucile; Beecher City R3 Holland SeclO Oll7a (1878) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Kessler, Gottleib (Mollie Cole) Ch Elmer, Freda; Beecher City R3 Hol- land SeclS O87a (1875) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Kessler, John (Louisa Pritchard) Ch_ Glenn, Lloyd, *Edward; Shumway Rl Holland Secl3 OSOOa (1871) Tel. Stewardson Kester, Amos (Ida White) Ch Thelma K.; Shelbyville R6 Richland SeclS T240a Tom Patterson (1915) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Kidwell, C. E. (Victoria Busby) Ch *Eunice, *Harry, *Leon; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec28 T40a L. P. L'ipkey (1878) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kidwell, J. E. (Nancy Coffing) Ch Chester, Grace, *Mary, *Willie, *Cora, *Lucy, *Pearl, *Eva; Find- lay R4 Okaw SeclS T106a Richard- son (1866) Tel. Findlay Kiefling, J. L. (Bessie Askins) Ch Ross, Lawrence, Lane, Ruben; T300a Mrs. Elizabeth Clay (1882) Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec23-24 Mutual Tel. Cowden Killam, I. L. (Katherine M. Lane) Ch Eleanor, Samuel, Mary, *Ray. *Lena; "Fountain Park Farm" Shel- byvilie Rl Ridge Secl4 O1020a (1856) Tel. Westervelt Killam, John H. (Anna Jehle) Ch Eu- gene E.; "Fair Lawn Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec28 O120a (1869) Mutual Tel. Assumption Killam, R. L. (Letha Rice) Ch Don, Lawson; Shelbyville Rl Ridge Secl4 O40a T65a I. L. Killam (1885) Tel. Westervelt Killam, W. E. Ch Rosetta M., *J. H.. *Alice. *Edwin; Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec28 O80a (1838) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Kimlel, John (Elizabeth Bauer) Ch Paul, *Edward, *Lillie, *Mary, *Ma- tilda, *Bessie; "Mulberry Grove Farm" Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl7 O35a (1870) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Kimmel, Samuel (Ida Poteet) Ch Clarence, *Roy, *Flora, *Lula, *Sa- die; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec6 T80a Hode Knecht (1876) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kimmell, Roy (Lucile Blantett) Ch Edwin; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec22 T160a H. Downs & Son (1892) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville King, Thomas (Pearl Riley) Ch Lloyd, Velva, Murl, Mildred, Mari- an, Benjamin; Mode Rl Holland Sec3 T80a Ben Riley (1904) Tel. Mode Kingston, Elmer Shelbyville R6 Shel- byville SecS O52a (1890) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kingston, George (Lina Winson) Ch Dorothy, Fred, Ed. Frank; Shelby- ville R6 Shelbyville Sec4 T25a Frank Winson (1880) Kinkade, Russell (Fern Hawkins) Ch Russell Jr., Pauline; "Boquet Farm" Windsor R2 Windsor SeclS T120a R. S. Kinkade (1916) Tel. Windsor Kircher, George A. (Carlynne Bauer) Ch Tobias, *Anna; Strasburg Rich- land Sec23 O159a (1887) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kircher, L. J. (Clara Ruff) Ch Chris, Cora; "Fairview Farm" Strasburg R3 Richland Sec29 O205a (1873) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kircher, William J. (Ritta Duncan) Ch Mamie; "Klear Krick Farm" Strasburg Rl Richland Sec21 O80a (1873) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kircher, W. E. (Rosena Martz) Ch Ralph, Clarence, John; Shelbyv lie R2 Ridge Sec33 O160a (1867) Tel. Shelbyville Kirk, E. A. (Maud Pontius) Ch Karl, Eila, Dwight; "Oak Grove Farm" Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch SeclS T240a L. D. Kirk and James Dun- can (1895) Tel. Moweaqua K!rk, F. B. (Nannie Moore) Ch Na- omi. Lotis, Ralph, Elizabeth, Char- lotte. Fritz: Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec29-30a T120a Jack Moore (1876) Mutual Tel. Lakewood 94 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Kirk, J. Ray (Pearl, Sister) "Oak Grove Farm" Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch SeclS T200a L. D. Kirk (1895) Tel. Moweaqua Kirn, A. A. (M. Josephine Altman) Ch Marie, Hellen, Dolores; Stras- burg R2 Big Spring Sec6 T240a F. X. Altmann and Mrs. J. T. Blyth (1877) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Klein, G. F. (Lillian Khelpingtine) Ch Harry, Clarence, Martha, Edwin, Marvin, Morris, Mildred, Grace, Raymond, Elsie; Herrick Rl Cold Spring Sec26 T3bOa E. J. Rork (1918) Tel. Lakewood Klein, John H. (Nellie L. Beyers) Ch Irene C., Virginia M.; "Peter Moltz Farm" Pana R5 Tower Hill Sec6 O180a Peter Motz (1917) Bell Tel. Pana Klein, William (Bernadine Stelte) Ch Annie, Leonard, *Mary; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec25 O80a (1888) Mu- tual Tel. Trowbridge Klepzig, Ben (Dora Zalman) Ch Ir- vin; Stewardson R2 Sigel Sec6 T62a Antony Klepfig (1886) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Klepzig, Fred Sigel R3 Sigel Sec32 O49a (1900) Tel. Stewardson Klepzig, Louis (Gertrude .Watts) Ch Beulah,, Bertha, Watts; Stewardson R2 Sigel Sec31 T60a Tony Klepzig (1911) Tel. Stewardson Klitzke, John (Blanch Laver) Stew- ardson Rl Prairie Sec26 T80a Mrs. A. Klitzke (1881) Mutual Tel. Stew- ardson Klump,. Ed. G. (Emma M. Spanna- gel) Ch Norma. Ada, Orval; Stras- burg Rl Ash Grove Sec30 O160a (1885) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Knecht,,C. E. (Althea Reid) Ch Ber-, nprd, Bernice: Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec6 O80a T60a-Mrs. S.'S.. Knecht (1S83) Mutual -Tel. Shelbyville Knecht,' G:. T.. (Sue "Reid) Ch Dohald; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec6 O80a T64a Mrs. S. S. Knecht (1888) Kneller, John (Matilda Kurcher) Ch Jake, Goldie, Lena, Clyde, Arthur, *WilI : am, *George, * Edith; Shelby- ville R2 Rose SeclO O180a (1871) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Knight,. J. F. (Ida Phillips) Ch Arloa, Rea'th'ai SheMayvilre R7 'Clarksburg Sec.7 T24a Chester Smith (1871) Holland Tel. M'ode Knoop, L. A. (Bertha McNeil) Ch Harold L., Lola M.; Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec34 T140a T. H. Neil (1886) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Knox, A. W. (Amanda Kropf) Ch Emery, Laura, Earl, Alvin, Vernon; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec29 T52a D. J. Yoder (1913) Koester, Martin (Mabel Fritz) Ch Maurine, Lowell; Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec24 T120a Henry Fritz (1891) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Koester, William (Alvina Stremming) Ch Minnie, Henry, John, Charles, Otto, Albert, Fred, Stella, *Martin, *Willie, *Lena; Stewardson R2 Sigel Secl6 O180a (1888) Tel. Sigel Kokendiefer John (Hannah Storer) Ch Justus, *Grace; Shelbyville R8 Rose SeclS O35a (1890) Mutual Tel. Tower Hill Koontz, Bert (Clara Hogeland) Ch Evelyn, Elverna, Virginia; Mode Rl Holland Sec4-33 O400a (1894) Hol- land Tel. Mode Koontz, Bruce (Nettie Hogland) Ch Geneva, William, Wesley, Glen; Mode Rl Prairie Secl9 O250a (1894) Mutual Tel. Stewardson. ' Koontz, Frank (Ida tfailey) Ch Lois, Oneil, Waneta, Eugene; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec6 O80a (1893) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Koontz, James H. (Sophia Lee) Ch Jennie, Lucy, *Laura, *John, *Frank, *Jake, *Bert, *Bruce, *Em- ma, *Alta; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec31 O83^a (1892) Mutual Tel- Stewardson Koontz, John H. (Ales Beck) Ch Maurice, Dale, Ara; Mode Rl Hol- land Sec36 O40a (1892) Mutual Tel. Koss, F. W. (Anna Meiers) Ch Opal, Elmer, Glen, Eldo; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec27 O208a (1908) Mu- tual Tel. CoTvden Kramer, J. M. (Aliee E. Moon) "Moon Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec26 T120a Moon Est. (1889) Krieg Bros. "Maple Grove Farm" Shelbyville R9 Okaw Secl9 T124a C. G. Krieg and B. T. Krieg (1872) Tel. Shelbyville Krieg, George M. (Carrie SenefH Ch Wallace H., Bertha, Elmer J., Kath- erme, *Floyd M., *Lyman "F., ^Ffos- sie: Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec35 OJlOa (1882) Mutual Tel. Steward- sort 95 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Krile, Charles L. (Matilda Fields) Ch Elmer, Emma, Frederick, Gertrude; Windsor R4 Richland Secl3 O60a TlSOa Frederick Krile (1886) Mu- tual Tels. Strasburg and Windsor Krile, Dan (Matilda Ulmer) Ch Louis. *Ruth; Strasburg R3 Prairie Sec4 OlOOa (1890) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Krile, Fred (Carolina Kull) Ch *Charles, "John, *Clara, *Rosette; Strasburg Richland Sec33 O503a (1886) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Krile, John (Stella Kull) Ch Law- rence; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec26 T200a Fred Krile (1888) Richland Tel. Strasburg Krinzberger, Stephen Ch Louis, John; *Henry, *Sophia, *Anna; "Black Lo- cust Farm" Pana R3 Oconee Sec6 O160a (1878) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee , Kroenlein, John (Lena Kuhn) Ch Em- ma, *Katie, *Barbara, *George, "John; "Sunny Hill Farm" Hanson R5 Oconee SeclSS OllOa (1912) Kroenlein, J. H. (Lena Aichele) Ch Gustave, Ross, Luther, *Minnie, 'Willie; Herrick Rl Herrick SeclO O40a (1883) Mutual Tel. Herrick Kropf, Ezra (Ida Eash) Ch Barbara; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec29 TlOSa Mrs. A. Hosteller and Patten Est. (1914) Tel. Mode Kropf, J. D. (Elizabeth Hosteller) Ch Luella, *Amanda, *Samuel, *Levi, *Mary, *Lydia. *Amos, *Ezra, *Net- tie, *Emma; Shelbyville R4 Shelby- ville Sec32 O3a (1914) Tel. Mode Kropf, Levi (Amanda Yoder) Ch Ma- bel. Simon, Raymond, Allen, Edna. David. Alice, Emma, Ida; Shelby- ville R8 Rose Sec36 T160a J. J. Ken- ell (1912) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Kropf, Samuel (Ella King) Ch Ralph, Elmer, Mary, John, Joseph, Levi, Anna; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec33 TSOa Joseph Unzicker (1913) Kruger, Christopher (Elizabeth Rincker) Ch Rosa, Myrtle, Verna. Walter, Matilda; Stewardson Prai- rie Sec22 O7,9a T93a Dan Ruff and L.Altag (.1881) Mutual Tel. Stew- ardson Krummel, William (Alice Shelton) Ch Ivadean, Leo, Elinor, Beulah; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec32 T320a Munson Bros. (1915) Mutual Tel- Windsor Krumreich, William (Clara Weber) Ch Mollie, Clarence, Ruby, Arthur, Luther, Paul; Stewardson Rl Prai- rie Sec32 O280a (1876) Tel. Stew- ardson Krumwiede, William (Louisa Lagers- hausen) "Holland Farm" Holland Holland SeclS O74a (1876) Kuhle, Lewis (Freda Buhler) Ch Florence, Herman, Hazel, Leonard, Ruth, Donald; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec29 O16Ua T90a H. Shoe- maker and Ray Johnson (1876) Mu- tual Tel. Assumption Kuhn, Emil (Lula Litz) Pana R3 Oco- nee Sec7 O180a (1875) Christian Tel. Pana Kuhn, Louis (Anna Pollman) Ch Le- ona, Norma; Oconee R2 Oconee Sec30 O160a T120a Charles Kuhn (1889) Mutual Tel. Oconee Kuiper, Ben (Maude Price) Ch Er- ma I., Effa M., Tames B.; Herrick R3 Oconee Sec36 O30a (1889) Mu- tual and Bell Tels. Herrick Kull, August F. (Emily Mueller) Ch Laura, Luella; Strasburg Rl Rich- land Sec30 O80a (1876) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kull, A. B. (Alvena Falk) Ch Helen, Woodrow; "Poplar Dale Farm" Herborn Prairie SeclS O40a T40a J. J. Falk (1882) Mutual Tel: Stras- burg Kull, George F. (Maggie Scheef) Ch Opal A.; Strasburg Rl Richland Secl9 T103a E. F. Kull (1874) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Kull, Henry C. (Rosetta Stoehli) Ch Ruby, Carl, Merl; Strasburg Rl Richland SeclS TllOa James N. Kull (1884) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kull, James F. (Lucinda Weber) Ch Lula, Edith, Ruth, Ida, Alice, *Amelia, *Stella, *Henry, *William, *Margaretta, *Clara; Strasburg Rl Richland Secl6 O260a (1865) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Kull, John (Mary Bowman) Ch Roy, Clarence, Walter, *Tillie; Shelby- ville R3 Rose Se.c8 T160a Mrs. R. Kull (1865) Mutual Tel. Sh'elbyville FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Kull, Martin (Lena Scheif) Ch Ru- fus, Olin, Geneva, Georgedale; Windsor R4 Richland Secl4 T120a J. J. Kull (1880) Mutual Tel. Stras- burg Kull, Mrs. Matilda (Matilda Schmidt) Ch Rosa. Bertha, Martha; Shelby- ville R2 Rose Sec8 O40a (1877) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Kull, Philip J. (Elizabeth Schrimpf) Ch Rudolph, Lawrence, Glen, Har- ley, Leola, Otis; Strasburg Rl Rich- land Sec20 O103a (1879) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kull, Roy C. (Lillie Zalman) Stras- burg R2 Prairie SeclO T60a Mrs. Charles Kull (1892) Mutual Tel.. Strasburg Kull, William E. (Bessie Fields) Ch Harold; Strasburg Rl Richland SeclS T160a James F. Kull (1886) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Kull, William F. (Anna Scheef) Ch Orval, Celia; Windsor R4 Richland Sec24 OlOOa Sec25 T60a Forest Jones and J. Hancock (1874) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Kummerly, John F. (Jennie Jeter) Ch Ch J. Fred. *Grace, *Mary; Mowea- qua R3 Moweaqua Sec33 T80a Dr. Martin Doile (1858) Kuster, Robert (Elizabeth Fritz) Ch Wallace, Mildred, *Louis, *Frank, *Mary; Trowbridge Rl Prairie Sec24 O252a (1852) Mutual Tel.. Stewardson La Cost, Otto (Dora Bushart) Ch Herschel, Oleva; Shelbyville R2 Rose Secll O80a (1906) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Lading, Chris (Amelia Doehring) Ch Elmer, Clarence, Orville, Frederick, Oma; "Oak Dale Farm" Strasburg Rl Richland Secl9 O200a (1874) Mutual Tels. Strasburg and Shelby- ville Lading, Henry (Annie Dannenberg) Ch Louise, Emma, Lela, Clara, Ot- to, Anna, Ralph, Florence; Stras- burg Rl Richland Sec27 O180a (1871) Richland Tel. Strasburg Ladow, G. (Margaret Evans) Mowea- qua R2 Flat Branch Sec4 O33a (1878) Lamb, B. K Ch Ben, *Joseph; Mo- weaqua R5 Flat Branch SeclS O65a (1884) Tel. Moweaqua Lance, Mary Ch George and William Terwillig'er; Fancher Rl Holland Sec32 O28a (1873) Holland Tel.. Mode Landers, Vern (Clara Thompson) Ch Lane, Earl, Nina, Wilber, Irene. Lois; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Seel T147a Mrs. S. H. Dodge (1890) Lane, Mrs. C. A. (Calista Benendnm) Ch Howard; Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl9 O18a (1878) Mutual Tel. Tow- er Hill Lane,'G. T. (Louisa- B. Karnes) Ch Bessie,, '*Nellie Schempff;' Pana R5 Rural Secl9 O62a (1897) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Lane, Mose (Minnie Weeks) Ch Ina, lona, Dale, Neva, Samuel, Robert, Helen; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec3 T80a N. C. Leathers (1881) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Lane, Parry (Clara Steel) Ch *Mary, * William, *Moses, *Gertrude; Windsor R4 Richland Sec6 T20a Tony Herrick (1865) Mutual Tel- Windsor Lane, V. A. (Noma Crow) Ch Evert, Carl; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec7S O22a (1918) Tel. Oconee Lane, W. E. (Mary Williams) Ch Clyde, Irma, Paul, Bernice, Clare, May. Cline; Strasburg Rl Richland Secl7 T320a J. T. Herrick (1873) Lankford, J. W. (Maggie Henderson) Ch Lorene, Grace, Wendall, Ruth; Herrick Rl Cold Spring Sec33 O80a T80a J. W. Henderson (1885) Mu- tual Tel. Herrick Lankford, William (Amanda Brown) Ch Tressie, Logan, *Bessie, *Char- lie; Oconee R2 Cold Spring Sec31 T40a Chas. Tanner (1885) Lantz, C. M. (Winnie Nance) "South Side Farm" Cowden Dry Point Sec9 O8a T60a Nance Est. (1917) Mutual Tel. Cowden Lantz, Homer (Sarah Grace Storey) Tower Hill R2 Pickaway Sec30 T131a D. C. Smith (188S) Mutual Tel. Assumption 97 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Lantz, H. M. (May Smith) Ch Enid, Earl, Evelyn; Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec21 O120a J. E. Gallagher, Man- ager, Mrs. Addie Groff (1915) Hol- land Tel. Mode Lantz, W. B. (Charlotte Gallagher) Ch *Etta, *Lulu, "Harvy, *Bessie, *Cecil; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec20 O210a (1871) Holland Tel- Mode Lape, A. D. (Nona Moore) Ch Roy E., John H., Leah, Robert F., Eliza- beth; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec5 T80a J. A. Conrad (1888) Mutual Tel. Cowden Lape, John H. (Lota Fisher) Ch Lou- ise, Clem; Shelbyville R7 Clarks- burg Sec20 O20a (1883) Holland Tel. Mode Lape, W. R. (Nettie Triece) Ch Vera, Ralph, Delbert, Bert; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec20 O40a (1879) Hol- land Tel. Mode Lappin, J. L. Ch Robert, Max, *Car- rie, *Joseph, ^Raphael, *James, *Ruth, *Virgil, *Arthur, *Drusie; STielbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec29 Resident Isaac Martz (1914) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Larimer, Frank (Lois Weeks) Ch Franklin, Donald, Sevilla; "Lari- meade Poultry Farm" Mode Hol- land Sec35 O5a (1909) Holland Tel. Mode Larson, Matt (Henrietta Stock) Ch Fred, Emma; Moweaqua R3 Mo- weaqua Sec22 O120a (1893) Inde- pendent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Lash, Fred (Mary Elizabeth Baker) Ch George, May, Teddy, *Willard S 1 ., *Ora, *Eiler, *Joseph A., *Dolly, *Lizzie; Findlay, R3 Pickaway Secll T320a E. G. Yearsley (1883) Mutual Tel. Findlay Lash, Joseph (Cora Primmer) Ch Ev- erett, Laura '-Dean. Simon Freder- ick; -Moweaqua R2 Piekaway Sec8 O40a T80a Simon Primmer (1892) Tel. Moweaqua Latch, J. B. (Henrietta Simms) Ch Atha, *prvel, *Lula, *Cora, *Stella; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec4 O80a (1879) Mutual Tel. Trow- bndge . LatchVOrvel ( Maurer) Ch Dal- las, Ella Faye; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec4 O60a (1885) Mutual Tel. Tro'wbVid'ge Laver, Adam (Estelle Whitacre) Ch Grace, Opal, Homer, *Florence, *Blanche, *Erma; Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec36 O40a (1875) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Lawrence, Oscar (Mary Schaffer) Ch Opal, Raymond; Neoga Rl Big Spring Sec2 O126a (1871) Tel. Ne- oga Lawrence, Theodore (Laura Rent- frow) Ch Paul G., Carl T., lone, Irene; Windsor R4 Richland SeclO T93a T. J. Elliott (1910) Mutual Tel. Windsor Leach, James (Lillie Cowgill) Ch Clarence, Claud, Dale, Vane, Mag- gie, Nellie; Hanson Rl Oconee Sec7S T340a L. F. Defenthaler (1918) Mutual Tel. Oconee Leach, Ned (Goldie M. Duckett) Ch Lorene E., Thomas L., Millie M.; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Seel T45a Mrs. McKitterech (1892) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Leach, O. L. (Millie Harsh) Ch Bruce, Nadine, Mary, *Wanita; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec7 T160a E. M. Harwood (1872) Mutual Tel- Tower Hill Leathers, Mary J. (Mary Leathers) Mode Rl Holland Sec27-26 O260a (1852) Tel. Mode LeCrone, Oscar (Myrtle Robb) Ch Lucile, Charles; Shelbyville R4 Hol- land Sec7 T122a Mrs. J. R. Tripp (1912) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Lee, W. A. (Effie R. Roberts) Ch Jo- seph L. ; "McNutt Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec34 T180a Nick McNutt (1881) Mutual and Bell Tels. Her- rick Lees, Roy (Ida Garrett) Oconee Rl Oconee Sec4S O160a (1887) Leffler, Mrs. E. J. (Eliza Dial) Ch Bertha, ^Esther, *Belle, *Edith. *Fern; Kermit L. Storm, Grand- son; Clarksburg Holland Sec3 O23a (1859) Lefley, D. W. (Grace Davis) Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 Geo. Lefley (1892) Tel. Findlay Lehn, Mrs. Katherine (Katherine Ra- kers) Ch Thresa, Louis, Catherine, Mary, *Frank, *Margaret; Oconee R2 Oconee Secl7 O540a (1870) Mu- tual Tel. Oconee Leigh, Charles H. (Inez Williams) 'Ch Harry, Edward; Hanson Rl Oconee SecliS T20a Ma'ttfe Williams (1917) 98 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Leigh, James E. (Myrtle Williams) Ch Mabel, Goldie, Mamie, Jamie, Marion, Jessie, *Lottie; Hanson Rl Oconee SeclSS O172a (1914) Leininger, Charles (Jennie Melton) Ch Otto, Ray, Saul, Clifford, Alice, Myrl; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl9 T90a Mary Jostes (1917) Lemons, C. S. (Maud Russell) Ch Russell, Paul, Dean, Merle, Roma, Ruth, Doval, Lois; Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec5 TISOa Lara Lemons (1877) Mutual Tel. vVindsor Lemons, Geo. F. (Ella Simms) Wind- sor Rl Ash Grove Sec3 O40a (1890) Mutual Tel. Windsor Lemons, J. M. (Mary F. Sims) Ch Quirnby, *Neola; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec4 O20a Sec4-5 TllOa Mrs. Cally Ruble, Mrs. Ruth Woodworth and Mrs. Catherine Tresler Mutual Tel. Windsor Lenz, Albert Strasburg Rl Richland Sec36 T86a Augusta Lenz Est. (1887) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Lenz, Arthur (Altha Schuyler) Ch Opal; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec8 T120a Wm. Rowe (1896) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Lenz, Augusta (Augusta Nippe) Ch Sophia, Mary, Albert, *Minnie, *Rose, *Julia; Strasburg Rl Rich- land Sec36 O86a (1875) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Lenz, Ferdinand (Edna Spannagel) Ch Helen; Strasburg Rl Ash Grove Sec31 O70a Richland T40a Sarah E. Cochran (1889) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Lenz, Fred (Nora McFadden) Ch Yyonna, Glafa, Glen; Windsor R4 Richland Secl3 TlOOa Mrs. Hanah Jones (1885) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Lenz, Wm. (Caroline Diepholz) Ch Martin, Erwin; Strasburg Rl Ash Grove Secl9 T80a John Bauer (1876) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Lesley, A. M. (Sarah Olehy) Ch Jan- nie, *Daniel, *Frank; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 O317a (1865) Tel. Find- lay Lester, Bert (Stella Oswalt) Ch Her- bert, Ida, *Roy; Cowden Dry Point Sec3 Tla Mrs. H. Conrad (1915) Mutual Tel. Cowden Lewellyn, M. S. (A. J. Ault) Ch Levi, W. C., Adamson, Laura, Lane, Ros- coe: Tower Hill K2 Rural Secl2 T160a W. J. Richardson (1911) Mu- tual and Bell Tels. Assumption Lewis, Charles (Etta Lantz) Ch Pearl, Celia, Ellsworth, Morris; Shelby- ville R4 Clarksburg Sec20 T40a W. B. Lantz (1875) Tel. Mode Lewis, Lee J. (Margaret Smith) Ch Jemima, Delcie, Frances; Shelby- ville R4 Clarksburg Sec7 T130a F. L. Lewis (1887) Holland Tel. Mode Lewis, W. B. (Lucretia Golloher) Ch Carl, Howard, Pearl, Fay, Mary; Mode Rl Holland Sec29-32 O276^a (1885) Holland Tel. Mode Lieb, G. F. (Rose ochweighart) Ch Louis; Shelbyville R2 Ridge Sec8 T160a Joe Cler (1918) Tel. Wester- velt Lindquist, Miss Hattie Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Secl4 O60a (1903 Mu- tual Tel. Trowbridge Lindley, W. B. (Myrle E. Cox) Ch Leslie, Blanche, Emmett, Ray, Har- old, Ralph, Evelyn, Harlan; Beth- any Rl Penn Sec2 T240a J. B. Sil- ver (1878) Macon Tel. Bethany Lindsey, C. B. (Zenia Harlass) Ch Helen; Shelbyville R9 Okaw Sec30 O140a (1903) Tel. Shelbyville Linn, E. D., Jr. Ch E. D., *Maude, *Fagg; "Hilltop l- burg - R3 Clarksburg Sec2 T160a F. R. Dove (1882) Mutual Tel. Mode Strohl, Sam C. (Pearl Douthit) Ch Lora, Lucille; Shelbyville R6 Shel- byville Secl4 T62a W. F. Douthit (1885) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Strohl, Mrs. Sarah (Sarah Stockdale) Ch Walter, John, Ambrose; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec6 O40a T170a Jas. Warnocke and Fry Pal- ock, O. B. Kerr, and Pete Wellers Strohl, W. W. (Elizabeth Ulmmer) Ch Noah, Charles, *William, *John, *Dave, *Martin, *Roy, *Emma, *Sarah, *Ervin; Clarksburg Clarks- burg Sec3 O40a (1866) Holland Tel. Mode Strow, George (Dora Mulverhill) Ch John, Eva, Glenn, William, Claude, *Ada; Mode Rl Holland Sec33 T160a C. B. Morse (1868) Struble, W. (Anna B. Fritz) Ch J. Roy; "Oak Grove Farm" Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill * Seel O60a (1893) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Stubblefield, J. D. (Mamie Ryan) Ch Acie. Harley, Maynard, Ezra, Hazel. Minnie, Leroy; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec32 T120a Phoebe Robinson (1900) Tel. Mowe*qua Stump, C. D. Ch Letta, Goldie, Noble E., Clinton D.; "Locust Grove" Findlay R3 Pickaway Secl6 O120a (1862) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Stump, Dale (Sarah Morton) Shelby- ville R8 Rose Sec27 T160a Mrs. Viseur (1896) 144 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Stump, Glen (Elizabeth W. Cameron) Ch Eleanor; Findlay R3 Pickaway Secl7 T160a A. W. Stump (1891) Tel. Moweaqua Stump, John (Carrie Stump, Sister) Moweaqua R5 Pickaway Sec30 O40a (1864) Tel. Westervelt Stump, Noble (Ethel Caroll) Ch Douglas; "White Rock Farm" Find- lay R3 Pickaway Secl6 O40a T40a C. D. Stump and Shride Est. (1890) Tel. Moweaqua Stumpf, J. D. (Roszella Bare) Ch *Alta, *Erma, *Grace; Findlay Okaw Sec4 O140a (1858) Tel. Find- lay Stumpf, Walter R. (Trevia A. Wood) Ch Dorothy, Mildred, Daniel; Findlay R2 Okaw Sec4 T170a C. K. Stumpf, Mrs. Henrietta W. Kousky, and J. D. Stumpf Suddarth, W. F. (Lela M. Bunch) Ch Dorothy L.; Assumption Rl Rural Sec6 T40a Frank Oaks (1915) Sudkamp, Barney (Kate Buker) Ch Agnes, Leo, Clarence, Adolph, *Ben, *Caroline, *Christine, *Anna; "Sil- ver Maple Farm" Sigel Rl Sigel Seel O120a (1878) Tel. Sigel Sudkamp, Ben J., Jr. (Anna Mueller) Ch Clara, Anthony; Sigel R2 Big Spring Sec26 O8Ua T80a Martha Baker and Barney Sudkamp (1882) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Sudkamp Brothers Sigel Rl Sigel Secll O440a (1887) Tel. Sigel Sullivan, J. J. (Abi Geer) Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Secl7 O35a (1865) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Sullivan, J. J. (Jane Perkins) Ch Wil- liam, Caroline, Tony; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec31 O60a (1841) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Sullivan, J. M. (Johanna Sullivan) Ch *Morris, *John, *Dan, *Kate; Shel- byville R7 Shelbyville Secl7 O7a (1863) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Summers, Mrs. Amy (Amy Himes) Ch Lester, Clarence, Mabel, Wil- liam, *Dessie, *Elizabeth; Shelby- ville R3 Rose SeclO T240a Yencer Est. (1867) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Summers, Clark Ch Opal, Ruby, Free- man, Mary, *Grace; "South Front Farm" Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec8 O56a (1866) Holland Tel. Mode Sumner, C. B. (Katie Hopkins) Ch *Stella, *May; Beecher City R3 Holland Sec8 TISOa W. W. Engel (1903) Holland Tel. Mode Suppes, D. W. (Jessie Conteville) Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl6 O80a (1903) Tel. Moweaqua Suppes, J. C. (Minnie Smith) Ch Bes- sie Floyd; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec9 T160a John Suppes (1871) Tel. Moweaqua Suppes, John (Elizabeth Krous) Ch *William, *George, *Ollie, *John, *Henry, *Mary, *Tillie, *Julia; Mo- weaaua Flat Branch Sec9 O160a (1855) Surmen, Anton Oconee Rl Oconee Sec33 O4a (1868) Sutton, A. P. (Hulda Weldon) Ch Verna, Grace, Irene, Leila, Lola; Findlay R3 Pickaway Secl3 T160a A. N. Sutton (1914) Sutton, Fred (Blanche Clawson) Ch Alice, Helen; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Secl7 T20a Mrs. Ella Brown (1893) Sutton, J. H. (Mary Vanausdal) Ch Rose, Earl, Mack; Findlay Rl Todd Point Sec35 O80a T65a (1903) Si- mon Bradley (1903) Tel. Findlay Sutton, J. H. (Roseta Niles) Ch Thomas, Clarence, Fred; Windsor Rl Ash Grove SeclS T160a (1912) Mutual Tel. Windsor Sutton, Peter Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec32 T80a M. H. Sutton (1918) Swallow, W. E. (Lillian Reader) Shel- byville R8 Rose Sec26 O20a T140a D. P. Swallow (1868) Swanson, Jasper (Mary Oien) Ch John, Carl, Effie, Irene, Lillie, "Ot- to, *Arthur, *Edwin, *Maud, *Nora; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Secl4 OlSOa (1876) Mutual Tel. Trow- bridge Swiney, George W. (Essie Bennett) Ch Geraldine, Donald, Robert, George D.; Windsor R4 Richland Sec30 T400a George B. Gleason (1916) Mutual Tel. Windsor Swinford, J. H. (Laura Allen) Ch Daisy, Deana, Darrell; "Hill Crest Farm" Windsor R2 Windsor Sec25 O48a 1911) Tel. Windsor Swinnen, Phill (Minnie Coethays) Ch Louis, Constance; Tower Hill R3 Tower Hill Sec8 O200a Ben Warren (1913) Bell Tel. Tower Hill 145 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Swits, Mrs. Clara Ch John B., *Izeta; Gays R2 Gays Sec4 T80a Mutual Tel. Gays Switzer, C. W. (Clara Mechling) Ch Ima, Hugh, Rex, Blanche, Eva, Lu- cile, John, Don; Mode Rl Holland Sec36 O80a (1873) Holland Tel. Mode Switzer, Don D. (Amanda Slifer) Ch Fern; Mode Rl Holland Sec26 T180a George Kastle (1895) Switzer, D. C. (Catherine Brown) Ch Blanche, Orville; Mode Rl Holland Sec35 OlOa (1872) Tel. Mode Syfert, A. R. (Lillie V. Kumlel) Ch Greta L. ; Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Secl4 T80a Mrs. E. McCormick (1876) Syfert, George (Bertha Sparks) Ch Margaret; Beecher City R3 Hol- land SeclS T88a Bill Smith (1894) Syfert, John (Mary Hunt) Ch Ethel, Rose, Arthur, Fred, *Roy, *George, *Oscar; Beecher City R3 Holland Secl7 O120a (1853) Tel. Beecher City Syfert, Levi (Salina Pifer) Ch Ray- mond, *William, *Ora, *Bessie. *Edith, *Edward, *Grace; Shelby- ville R7 Clarksburg Sec9 O12a (1849) Tel. Mode Syfert, Oscar (Lucy Burris) Ch Vir- gil, Cecil, Oscar J. R., Beulah; Shumway Rl Holland Secl3 TlOOa Dr. Holmes (1893) Tel. Stewardson Syfert, O. S. (Rachel Rogers) Ch Elmer, Homer, Jessie, Eva, Noble: "Pleasant Hill Farm" He'rrick Rl Herrick Seel O137^a (1873) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Syfert, Raymond (Laura Protsman) Ch Rolland, John; Findlay R2 Pick- away ec29 Tla Dr. D. E. Yantis (1886) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Syfert, T. J. (Hester Erlich) Ch Har- old, Vernon; Beecher City R3 Hol- land Secl6 O80a (1913) Tel. Beech- cr Citv Syfert, W. B. (Elizabeth Yantis) Ch Blanche, Laura. *Nora, *Raymond; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec32-33 O80a (1867) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Tabbert, Walter (Hazel Storm) Ch Clayton; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec20 T120a Clinton Storm (1890) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Tabbert, William (Caroline Boldt) Ch Lester, Mayme, Wallace, Eddie, El- mer, *Walter; Herborn Rl Big Spring O33a Prairie Sec22 T130a O. F. Rencher (1864) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Tabor, Charlie (Florence Raymer) Ch Mary; Oconee Rl Oconee SecSS T160a Chester Tabor (1903) Mu- tual Tel. Oconee Tabor, Chester F. (Blanche Hare) Ch Lawrence; "Meadow Brook Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Secl9 TlOOa J. X. Wilson (1905) Mutual Tel. Oconee Tabor, Homer, (Hattie Smart) Oc- onee Rl Oconee SecSS T160a Ches- ter Tabor (1903) Tabor, H. C. (Nellie M. Hall) Ch Margaret, Louise; Tower Hil R2 Rural Sec24 T200a Andrew Hem- inger (1915) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Taniges, Fred (Caroline Franagohr) Ch Ferdinand, *Tony, *Joseph; Her- rick R2 Oconee Secl2-13 O80a (1889) Tel. Herrick Taniges, Tony H. (Bessie Frailey) Ch Ines Helen; Herrick R2 Oconee Secl2-13 T80a Fred Taniges (1888) Tel. Herrick Tankersley, Warren (Eva Osborn) Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec30 O50a T65a James Osborne (1914) Mutual Tel. Assumption Tate Mary E. Ch Wellington H., *Raymond F., *William G., *Flor- ella, *Myrtle, *May; Cowden R2 Lakewood Secl2 T80a Finks Est. (1918) Mutual Tel. Cowden Tate, T. L. (Orph Friesner) Ch Inez, Lois, Harley, Clarence, Clifford; Shelbyville R5 Shelbyville Sec24 Farm Hand Fox Est. (1883) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Taylor, Frank (Sallie Mansfield) Ch Cecil, Calvin, Bessie, Dorothy, Frank, Opal, Luther, Minnie, Vol- ley, *Ollie; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl4 O79a T140a Ben Kerr (1896) Taylor, Joseph (Pearl Ginger) Ch Forrest, Vernota; Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec7 TlOOa W. M. Taylor (1883) Mutual Tel. Cowden 146 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Taylor, Margaret (Margaret Leath- ers) Ch John Bixler, *Bernice, *Paul, *Jude; Mode Rl Holland Sec26 O28Qa (1855) Holland Tel. Mode Taylor, Thomas M. (Pearl Chapman) Ch Wayne, Evelyn, Dorothy, Thomas, Jr., James; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec34 T160a J. M. * Chapman (1911) Mutual Tel. As- sumption Telgmann, Ida (Ida Bauer) Ch Er- win, Edna; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec25 O120a (1878) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Temmen, Gerry H. (Hellen Jan- nink) Ch Wilhelmine; "The Old Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec28-33 O160a (1889) Mutual Tel. Oconee Temmen, Henry (Mary Catherine Flesch) Ch Richard, Wilhelmina, Frank H., Ormond B.; "Ash Grove Stock Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec3 O120a (1873) Mutual and Bell Tels. Oconee Temman, J. B. (Wilhelmina Wingher- muhle) Ch Henry, Elizabeth, Mary, Gerry, Cecelia; "The Old Home- stead" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec28 O160a (1868) Mutual Tel. Oconee Templeton, Roy F. (Edna Robison) Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec4 T196a Mary Voris (1891) Mutual Tel. Windsor Templeton, W. F. (Sarah J .Hart) Ch Fay, May, Ruby, *Roy F. ; Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec4 O159a (1857) Mutual Tel. Windsor Tendler, L. F. (Malinda Meyer) Ch Lawrence, Harold; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Secl2 T197a T. M. Ly- man (1885) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Terry, Clarence (Letha Krieg) Stras- burg R2 Prairie Sec3 T160a Lara Kennedy (1903) Mutual Tel. Stras- burg Terry, G. W. (Susan Evans) Ch Ralph, *Mary, *Clarence; Strasburg R3 Richland Sec34 O80a (1904) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Tetrick, Sell (Mary Price) Ch May, Loreta, Evelyn, *Glen, *John; Oc- onee R2 Oconee Sec30 T80a Mrs. Lehn (1917) Mutual Tel. Oconee Thacker, Fred (Ruth McCoy) Ch Carl; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec3 Farm Hand Joe White (1913) Thomas, E. M. (Maggie Moore) "Hickory Grove Farm" Cowden Dry Point SecS O30a (1865) Thomas, Milo (Pearl Groves) 'Ch Milo, Estelle, Arlie, Lester; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec9 T7a Leo Hanes (1888) Thomas, William N. Ch Ruth M., Willard A., *Gertrude; Macon R3 Moweaqua Sec21 TlOOa Amanda Porter (1900) Independent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Thomas, W. E. (Nancy Doughit) Ch Ella, *Cora; Shelbyville R6 Shelby- ville Secl3 O30a (1854) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Thomas, W. R. (Mary Smith) Ch James, Leona, Laurel, Clara; Mo- weaqua R5 Pickaway Secl9 O262a (1866) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Thompson, A. W. (Nellie M. Stretch) Ch Lucile M.; Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec35 T4a G. L. Miller (1893) Bell Tel., Tower Hill Thompson, E. L. (Viana Pease) Ch Raymond, Otto; Shelbyville R7 Hol- land SecS O43a (1868) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Thompson, John (Sarah Strow) Ch Fay, John, Manda, Ruth, Mildred, Pauline, Eva, Charley, Ethel, George; "Thompson's Truck Farm" Mode Rl Holland Sec3 O7a (1868) Thompson J. H. (Blanche Burns) Ch Ralph; Beecher R3 Dry Point Seel T132a Emma Thompson (1885) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Thompson, J. W. (Nancy Allison) Ch Rosa, Minnie, Odin, Levi, Willie, Pearl, Stella, Bertha, Alva; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec24 O20a TlOa Roy Miller (1878) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Thompson, Preston (Bessie Maxey) Ch Joyce, Hazel, Elaine; Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec30 O60a T80a Cyrus Sanner (1883) Tel. Findlay Thompson, R. N. (Jennie McDaniel) Ch Evelyn, Daisy, Neil; "Cowden- side Farm" Cowden Dry Point Sec4-29-32-36 OlOOOa (1908) Mutual Tel. Cowden Thompson, Simon W. (Maude M< Helms) Ch Bert, Chester, Arthur, Edna, Harry, Louis, Norman, Eva, Lorien; Pana R5 Rural Sec20 T160a Mrs. J. D. Hackenberg (1917) Thompson, Wade (Grace Beck) Ch Loretta, Rosetta, Eva; "Pioneer Farm" Moweaqua R4 Penn Sec3 O80a T135a S. H. Thompson (1872) Mutual Tels. Moweaqua, Bethany and Macon 147 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Thompson, W. E. (Grace Walden) Ch Homer; Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl6 T130a Frank White (1889) Throckmorton, E. D. (Mabel Turner) Strasburg R3 Richland Sec31 T300a J. A. Throckmorton (1890) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Throckmorton, J. A. (Buena Vista Britt) Ch Earl, Carl, Otto; Stras- burg R3 Richland Sec31 O481a (1917) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Throneburg, W. S. (Vannie Farris) Ch Raymond, Fern, Lillian, Cle- ment, Glen, Ruth; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec35 T160a Ed Spence (1918) Mutual Tel. Assumption Tice, A. J. (lona Klauser) Ch Jen- nett, Agnes, Rita; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec2 TllSa M. A. Tice (1885) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Tice, C. E. (Lottie Ruff) Ch LeRue, Leverett; "Prairie Stock Farm" Shelbyville Rl Shelbyville SecS O130a Rose Secl-2 T450a M. A. Tice (1880) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Tiemann, William (Dora Telgmann) Ch Martin, Philip, Adena, Clara, Henry, Martha, *Hilda, *Ed.; Stras- burg Rl Richland Sec28 OllSa (1873) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Tilley, A. Eliza (A. Eliza Payne) Ch Samuel R., *Jennie Robinson, *Lula, Telley, *Joe, *Lincoln, *William, *Truman, *Ben; "Red Bud Stock Farm" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec36 O385a (1853) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Tilley Fred (Mary Foor) Ch *Gol- die, "Lillian; Tower Hill R4 Cold Spring Sec2 O80a (1871) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Tilley, O. L. (Susie Lockard) Ch Gar- vin V.; Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Sec26 O160a Margaret Tilley (1888) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Tilley, Truman (Lora M. Carr) Ch Robert C.; "Morning-glory Farm" Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill SeclO O80a (1874) Tilley, W. A. (Hattie M. Austin) Ch John, Gladys, Hazel, Gilbert, Aus- tin, William, John; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Sec2 T207a Hamlin Farm (1874) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Tipton, W. F. (Harriett Goddard) Windsor R3 Windsor Secl7 O47a T30a Bumgardner Est. (1874) Tel. Windsor Tolly, Charles (May Weakly) Ch Willis, Evelyn; Assumption Rl Pickaway Sec31 T80a John Tolby (1891) Mutual Tel. Assumption Tolly, George W. (Eva F. Housh) Ch Myrtle, Mabel, Roscoe, George; As- sumption Rl Rural Sec4 T240a Urede Johnson (1880) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Tolly, John (Rebecca Swartz) Ch Raymond, Merl, Verne, Onita, *Charles, *Leroy; Moweaqua R2 Pickaway Sec7-8 O120a (1867) Tel. Moweaqua Tolly, J. S. (Anna M. Bryson) Ch C. Erne, Dale K.; "Johnson Stock Farm" Assumption Rl Rural Sec6 T200a Johnson Bros. (1875) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Tolly, Roy (Hazel Weakly) Ch Le- land; Moweaqua R2 Pickaway Sec7 T120a Cyrus Weakly (1894) Tel. Moweaqua Tolly, W. F. (Elizabeth Gordon) Ch *Sylvia; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec28 T160a H. Corzine (1873) Mutual Tel. Assumption Tolson, R. C. (Hester Smith) Mo- weaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec21 O120a E. Tolson Homestead (1881) Inde- pendent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Torrence, D. A. (Mary J. Nigh) Ch Arnold, Lena, *Ida, "Montana V., *Mary A.; Cowden Dry Point Sec4-9-3 O217^a (1859) Mutual Tel. Cowden Townsend, E. M. (Vera Cochran) Ch Robert, Merle, Mervil; Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch Secl4 T120a C. C. Miller (1878) Mutual Tel. Assump- tion Townsend, G. W. (Eliza Miller) Ch Oscar, *Ezra, *CharIes, *Rex, *Ray, *Mary, "Lottie; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec24 O40a (1863) Mutual Tel. Assumption Trainor, William (Clara Giles) Ch Kenneth, Warren, Lucile, Hilda, Gerald; Assumption R5 Flat Branch Sec24 T40a R. Thomas (1871) Trane, William (Clara Pfeiffer) Stras- burg R2 Big Spring Sec6 O71^ T72a Kate Moberly (1882) Mutual Tel. Strasburg 148 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Travis, G. A. (Ellen Walker) Ch *Ef- fie, Elsie, Ella; "Willow Creek Stock Farm" Bethany Rl Todd Point SeclS Farm Hand J. D. Bone (1917) Tel. Findlay Tressler, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine Yencer) Ch Emma, *Leota, Tearl, *James; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec6 OlOOa (1867) Mutual Tel. Erickson Tressler, James V. (Myrtle Curey) Ch Mildred; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Secl9 O80a (1877) Mutual Tel. Windsor Triece, Lincoln (Alice Allen Comp- ton) Ch Mell, *Pearl, *Mabel, *Ber- tha, *Leverett, *Ethel; Mode Clarksburg Secl6 O68a (1856) Hol- land Tel. Mode Tripp, C. O. (Ada Hahn) Ch Cecil; Shelbyville R7 Lakewood Seel O32a (1874) Tripp, Joseph E. (Maude Schinzler) Ch Bernie; "Cedar Lawn Farm" Shelbyville R7 Clarksburg Sec8 T120a Manager Jim Bradley (1891) Tripp, W. H. A. (Martha Boling) Ch Mary, *Lizzie, *Josie, *Bell, *Annie, *Thomas, *Clara, "Joseph; Mabel Tripp, Grandchild; "River View Farm" Shelbyville R8 Rose Sec35 O60a (1865) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Tromontroni, Joe (Julia Brastra) Ch Charles, Louie, Enos; Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Secl6 T155a John F. Deal (1918) Eell Tel. Tower Hill Trout, G. H. (Catharine E. Forsythe) Ch Leo, Glenn, *Ocla; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Secll O25a (1871) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Troutman, John W. (Sarah Chanler) Ch Ray; "Winnetka Farm" Shelby- ville R8 Lakewood Sec2 O112a (1863) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Trueblood, Allen (Roxie Foster) "Golden Home Farm" Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec4 T160a A. J. True- blood (1904) Mutual Tel. Steward- son Trueblood, A. J. (Hannah Thompson) Ch Elma, Goldie, *Sophia, *Irven, *Amanda, *Roxie, * William; Stew- ardson Rl Prairie O360a (1904) Tel. Stewardson Trueblood, C. H. (Eva J. Rockwell) Ch *George I., *Elza, *Daisy; "Maple View Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec28 O80a (1906) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Tucker, Bluford (Amanda Angel) Ch Neta, Pauline, Vera, Marie, Ray- mond, Floyd; Cowden R2 Lake- wood Sec21 T250a S. H. Evans (1898) Mutual Tel. Cowden Tull, J. B. Ch Carrie, Mabel, Lisle, Gerald, Grandson, *Lloyd, *LeRoy; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville SeclS T4a W. B. Hudson (1860) Tull, J. W. Ch William, Earl, Allen, Ray, Nora, Hattie, Mabel, *Mun- ford; Windsor R4 Windsor Secl9 O30a (1856) Tull, L. W. (Emma Piker) Ch John, Roy, Bessie, Ray, Eva, Ralph; Windsor R3 Windsor SecS O22j4a (1869) Tel. Windsor Tull, S. D. (Malinda Walker) Ch Hazel Welch; Windsor R3 Wind- sor SecS O22^a (1862) Tel. Wind- sor Tull, W. L. (Bertha Giles) Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec4 Farm Hand W. F. Templeton (1882) Turner, A. J. (Margaret Perry) Ch Ada, Harry; "Lincoln Hill Farm" Bethany Rl Todd Point SeclS O260a (1869) Tel. Findlay Turner, G. R. (Mollie A. Curry) Ch Grace, Mary, Sarah, Eldon G., Os- car, *Alzuma, *Ray, *Berry, *Bess; "Turner Homestead" Windsor Richland Seel O240a (1855) Mutual Tel. Windsor Turner, Mrs. M. F. (Melissa Dayhuff) Ch *Maude, *Mabel, *Bertie, *Edna, *Grace; Mode Rl Holland Sec4 O80a (1888) Holland Tel. Mode Turney Abe (Nannie Bell) Findlay Rl Okaw Secll O130a (1859) Tel. Findlay Turney, Homer (Frankie Clark) Ch M. Clark; Windsor R4 Richland SecS O180a (1883) Mutual Tel. Windsor Twiss, C. H. (Alice Cannon) Ch El- va A., Elsten, *Earl McCanic; Tow- er Hill R3 Tower Hill SeclS O41a (1890) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Tynan, J. J. (Agnes Welch) Ch Eu- gene, Vern, Louise, Robert, Cifford, Irene; Shelbyville R2 Rose Secll T200a D. P. Tynan (1909) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville 149 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY U Uffelman, William (Carrie Heveline) Ch Fred, Paul, Carl, Henry, Au- gust, Augusta, Lee, Louis; Pana R5 Rural Secl9 O58^a (1904) Mu- tual and Bell Tels. Assumption Ulmer, J. G. Ch Matilda, Emil, Jakob, Martin, *Anna; Strasburg R2 Prairie Secll O120a (1866) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Ulmer, Martin (Mary Derning) Ch Aurora, Floyd, Ralph, Phron; Stras- burg Rl Ash Grove Sec31 O117a (1885) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Ulrich, Andrew (Ella Unsicker) Ch Peter, Roy, David, Emanuel, Mary, Milo; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville SeclS T140a W. S. Middleworth (1910) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Ulrich, Cyrus (Barbara Stilgebouer) Ch Annie; Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl4 OlOa (1868) Ulrich, D. M. (Lena Eigsti) Ch Tosie, Christian; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec29 T200a P. P. Ul- rich and C. C. Eigsti (1910) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Ulrich, F. F. Ch Lena, *Anna, *Peter, *Christian, *Joe, *Katie, *Barbara, *Andrew, *David, *Sarah; Shelby- ville R7 Shelbyville Sec29 O120a (1910) Ulrich, William Shelbyville R3 Rose Secl4 OlOa (1860) Underwood, J. M. (Elzina Leslie) Ch Ollie, Martha, Wilsey, Silva, Hazel, Grace, Francis, Mary, Cora, Loyd, Francisco; Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec34 O20a (1847) Tel. Findlay Upperman, W. W. (Laura Phillips) Ch Genevieve; "Evergreen Poultry Farm" Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec7 O20a (1890) Mutual Tel. Cowden Unruh, Fred (Theresa Kresin) Ch Arthur, Fred Jr.; Strasburg R3 Richland Sec33 O120a (1917) Urhel, John (Mary L. Scheiupl) Ch Alena, Bertha, Irene, Elsie; "Spring Dale Stock Farm" Pana R6 Tower Hill Secl9 O97a (1898) Unseld, William (Verna L. Deacon) Ch Clifton, Elston, Kathaleen; Her- rick Rl Herrick Sec2 T240a C. H. Nagle (1916) Mutual Tel. Herrick V Van Behren, Martin (Rosie Rincker) Ch Rufus; Herborn Prairie Sec22 O38a T200a C. M. Rincker (1884) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Vanderhiede, Tony (Kate Frumme) Ch Albert, August, Tony, Earl, Henry, Frank, Katherine; "Elm Grove Farm" Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec9S O120a (1906) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Vanderwaeren, Philip (Bertha Kieze- coms) Ch Robert; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec32 T200a G. J. Re- vard (1918) Mutual Tel. Assump- tion VanHise, Miss Stella Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec22 O160a (1918) Holland Tel. Mode Vaughan, J. S. (Mary A. French) Ch Ada, *Iva, *Frank; Lakewood Rl Lakewood SecS T160a W. S. Mid- dleworth (1912) Mutual Tel. Lake- wood Veech, Clarence (Paun Storm) Ch Rex; Neoga R3 Ash Grove Sec28 T70a Mrs. Mattie Neighbor Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Veech, J. M. (Anna Carruthers) Ch Leah, Page, Harvey, Clarence; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec28 T290a Mrs. M. E. Neighbors (1873) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Veech, Mary (Mary Doll) Ch Grace, Gladys, Edmund, *May; Neoga R3 Ash Grove Sec27 OSOa (1870) Mu- tual Tel. Trowbridge Ventern, Mose (Myrtle Elben) Ch Charles, Orph, Clyde, Paul; Shel- byville R5 Shelbyville Sec23 O53a (1856) Venters, Bert (Vida Downs) Ch Ruby, Cecil; Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec35 T200a Mrs. Charles Turney (1884) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Venters, Mrs. Mary E. (Mary South- ers) Ch *Hiram, *Bert, *Elva, *Cenia, *Roy; Shelbyville R5 Shel- byville Sec22 O70a (1860) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Vermillion, R. S. (Ella Winkler) Ch Earl, Albert, Mary; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville SeclO T200a Mrs. Cook (1910) 150 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Vest, J. F. (Carrie Price) Ch Letitia; "Springbrook Farm" Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec20 T690a Manager E. R. Goldstine (1880) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Vincent, A. L. (Bertha M. Kirkpat- rick) Ch Roscoe E., Mary E., Ar- thur W.; "Home Grove Farm" Pana R5 Tower Hill SecS T80a J. H. Kirkpatrick (1905) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Virden, G. B. (Fannie I. Bryson) Ch Mamie E., Glen E.; Assumption R3 Rural Sec4 T70a Leo Johnston (1875) Mutual and Bell Tels. As- sumption Vits, J. W. (Mary Miseur) Ch George. Willie, Charlie, Florence, Leona, Leon, Anna, Julia; "Vits Homestead" Pana Rl Oconee Secl2 O160a (1906) Bell Tel. Pana Vogel, Albert H. (Emma Ruff) Ch Amelia, Martin, Clara, Bertha, Nita, *Mrs. Charles Mahnke; Strasburj? R2 Prairie Secl2 O120a Sec2-ll-12 T280a William Vogel (1871) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Vogel, Frank (Edith Meister) Ch Titus; Mode Rl Holland Sec36 O90a (1872) Tel. Mode Vogel, Mrs. Fred (Caroline Blank) Ch William, Anna, *Frank; Mode Rl Holland Sec36 OlSOa (1880) Tel. Mode Vogel, Philip (Rita Ewald) Ch Ag- nes, Clara; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec36 T165a A. J. Richardson (1917) Tel. Findlay Vogel, William (Elizabeth Leng) Ch Albert H.; Strasburg R2 Prairie Secl2 O440a (1862) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Voit, Mrs. Mary (Mary Hoesmon) Oconee Rl Oconee Secl9 O80a (1874) Vollmer, B. N. (Emma Slifer) Tower Hill Rl Tower Hill Secl3 T160a W. J. Eddy (1889) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Voltenburg, Arthur (Rhoda Patient) Ch Morse, Mabel; Findlay R3 Pick- away Sec25 T240a John Cribbett (1900) Von Behren, Rudolph (Minnie Altag) Ch Fern; Strasburg Rl Richland Sec28 O20a Prairie Sec3 T160a Herman Altag (1887) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Von Behren, William (Minnie Wirth) Ch Theodore, Lena, Henry, Ed.. William, Gus, Martin, Rudolph. Anna; Strasburg R2 Prairie Sec2 O80a (1870) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Von Behren, William (Paulina Wan- gelien) Ch Harry, George, Ervin, Orval, Lara, Arthur, Walter, *Nora; Strasburg R2 Prairie Seel O60a TlOOa Lena Von Behren and Wil- liam Wangelien (1876) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Voyles, Charles (Mary Francisco) Ch *Edith, *Grace; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 OSSKa (1869) Tel. Findlay Voyles, Samuel Ch Silas, John, Char- ley, Bethena; Beecher City R3 Hol- land Secl7 OSla (1896) Voyles, S. S. (Ira Jordon) Findlay Rl Okaw Secll OSOa T40a D. Roberts and E. Richardson (1876) W Waddington, David (Mary Johnson) Ch *Jennie, *Harry, *\Villiam, *Mary; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec4S O160a (1882) Mutual Tel. Oconee Waddington, D. H. (Maude McAllis- ter) Ch Ruth, Andrew, Jessie, Evelyn, David. Dorothv; Oconee Rl Oconee Sec4S T160a David Waddington (1888) Wade, H. T. (Laura Shaw) Ch Dace, Dora; Strasburg R3 Prairie Sec7 O30a (1868) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Wade, J. W. (Mary A. Carder) Ch Ola, *Ora R.; Shelbyville R8 Lake- wood Sec3 O120a "(1864) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Wade, Roily (Anise Crocket) Ch Bert. Letha, Francis, Opal, Ruby, Oland; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec7 T120a Sarah Cowhorn (1878) Mutual Tel. Windsor Wade, W. S. (Carrie M. Morrison) Ch Otto. Glen, Fern, Margaret; "J. C. McQuigg Farm" Pana Rl Tower Hill Sec29 T184a J. C. McQuigg (1880) Bell Tel. Pana Wageman, W. D. (Cora Duchman) Windsor Windsor Sec33 O25a T65a Mrs. Era Walker (1903) Tel. Wind- sor 151 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wagner, Clarence (Delia J. Miller) Ch Emil, Hazel, Ernest W.; "Maple Lawn Stock Farm" Tower Hill R2 Rural Sec34 O75a (1882) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Wagner, C. W. (Lillie Sprackler) Ch Cecil, Mack, Dorotha, *Grace; Cowden Rl Dry Point Secl7 O.40a Secl6 T25a A. W. Moore, Agent (1867) Mutual Tel. Cowden Wagner, George (Ida Reatz) Ch Opal; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec4S O158a (1900) Mutual Tel. Shum- way Wagner, J. E. (Ella Herner) Ch Marie Writtgers, *Jessie; Mowea- qua R5 Flat Branch SeclO O40a (1898) Tel. Moweaqua Wagner, Roy (Hazel Bennett) Ch Ethel, Charles, James; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec29 T60a Silas Wag- ner (1918) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Wagner, Russell Ch Frank, Norton, Tony, *Edward, *John, *Irvin, * Warren, *May; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec2 TlOOa Amanda Weakly (1835) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wakefield, A. J. (Margaret Brown) Ch *Charles Brown, *Amy, *Dessie, *Gale Wakefield; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec32 T240a John Huffer (1862) Tel. Cowden Wakefield, A. W. (Nora Hatten) Lakewood Rl Cold Spring Secl3 O30a (1862) Wakefield, Bert (Minnie Dagen) Lakewood Rl Lakewood SeclS O35^a T74a Silas Wakefield (1883) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Wakefield, E. E. (Fannie Campbell) Ch Harry, Lena. Mazie, Edith, Elworth, *Bertha, *Gaddis, *Maude, *Patten; Tower Hill R2 Tower Hill Secl2 O200a Mrs. Emma Bergen (1866) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Wakefield, Fred (Bessie Dowell) Ch Mildred, Veda; Cowden R2 Lake- wood Sec20-19 O60a (1880) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Wakefield, John A. (Mary E. Tor- rence: Ch Dean, Selma, Herschel, Kilsie; Cowden Dry Point SeclO O75a (1868) Mutual Tel. Cowden Wakefield, J. W. (Gertie Sherwood) Ch Harold, Paul: Lakewood Rl Lakewood Sec20 T120a Neil Thompson (1878) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Wakefield, Ralph (Nellie Smith) Ch Maurine, Lona, Helen, Hilda; Cow- den R2 Lakewood Sec28 T120a Ben Kerr (1883) Mutual Tel. Cowden Walden, Del (Gertie Lowary) Ch Ruby, Blanche; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville SeclS T65a Emma Hud- son and Robert Stewardson (1882) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Walden, H. (Minnie Walden) Ch Dewey, Don, Aubry, Jean, *Theora, *Marie; Windsor R4 Windsor Sec31 T210a (1872) Tel. Windsor Walden, Jacob Ch *Luther, *Allie, *Nellie; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec6 O107j4a (1851) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Walk, Martin (Emma Bigler) Ch Stella, Orville, *John T.; "Maple Grove Farm" Neoga R3 Sigel Sec36 O70a (1888) Tel. Sigel Walker, A. Ch *W. H. ( *L. D., *E. A., *C. A., *A. R., *J. E.; "Walker Homestead" Herrick R3 Oconee Seel O40a (1867) Mutual and Bell Tels. Herrick Walker, C. E. (Ruby Lane) Ch Lane, Dale; Shelbyville Shelbyville Sec7 O350a (1878) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Walker, Mrs. Frances Ch Isaac, John; Cowden R2 Lakewood Secl4 O88a (1868) Mutual Tel. Cowden Walker, Mrs. Fred (Lovine Frieze) Ch Ida, Otto, *Eva, *Ella; Shelby- ville R2 Rose SecS O113a (1865) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Walker, H. F. (Beulah Shelton) Windsor R4 Windsor Sec33 T170a R. J. Walker (1894) Tel. Windsor Walker, H. L. (Mary F. Williamson) Ch Portia, Ruby, Ruth, *Effie. *Amy. *Roscoe, *Floyd; Windsor R4 Windsor Sec33 O40a T40a A. J. Walker (1860) Tel. Windsor Walker, James I. (Ada Fisher) Ch Escoe; Shelbyville R8 Lakewood Secll O40a (1877) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Walker, J. B. (Lucinda Ellis) Ch *A1- bert, *Fred; "Timber View Farm" Windsor R3 Windsor Sec8 O205a (1857) Tel. Windsor Walker, J. G. (Bessie Martz) Ch Garnet; Shelbyville R7 Shelbyville Sec20 O2^a (1870) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Walker, J. M. (Mary J. Moyer) Ch Bert, Elmer, Nellie, Carroll, Dor- tha; "Edgewood Farm" Windsor R3 Windsor Sec7-8 O60a T180a E. F. Arnold (1869) Tel. Windsor 152 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Walker, William (Mary Cadwell Mc- Connell) Ch Edward, *Carrie, *Asa, *Raymond; "Green Valley Stock Farm" Pana R3 Oconee Sec6 O306a (1866) Wall, G. E. (Pearl Davis) Ch Bruce, Clinton, Edwin; Windsor R3 Wind- sor Sec8 T73a J. H. Baker (1883) Tel. Windsor Wall, J. F. (Maude Sellers) Ch Annis, John, Howard, Viola; Wind- sor R4 Windsor Sec29 T120a Rose Bros. (1875) Tel. Windsor Wall, W. A. (Minnie Brown) Ch Albert, Vernie, Alfred, Goldie, Cordia, Roy, Minnie; Herrick Rl Dry Point Sec? O60a (1912) Wallace, E. E. (Jennie Bradstiaw) Ch James, Earl; Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec28 T82a T. B. Warner (1893) Tel. Westervelt Wallace, J. R. (Maggie Jones) Ch Orville, Clarence, Frank, Amos, Ralph; Shelbyville R8 Rose Sec25 T140a John Lugar Est. (1872) Wallace, Tony (Carrie Weeks) Ch Harry E., *Anthony B.; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec3-5 O160a (1867) Mutual Tel. Windsor Wallace, Tony (Esther Nearing) Ch Sue, Vena, John, Elda, Velva, Cal- vin, Nellie; Mode Rl Holland Sec35 T368a Geo. D. Chafee (1872) Tel. Mode Wallace, T. C. (M. J. Neighbor) Ch Frank, Thomas C. Jr., Morris C., *Robert A., *Harry A., *Arthur T.; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec21 O160a (1866) Mutual Tel. Windsor Wallace, T. J. (Nancy C. Ivison) Ch James H., John T., *Lloyd O., *Ervel E.. *Mary, *Effie; Tower Hill R3 Rural Secl4 OlSla (1859) Wallis, Alfred (Alice Barnett) Ch Bertha, Bessie, John, Ray, Clara, Alice; Shelbvville R7 Shelbyville Sec34 T170a Seamon Est. (1868) Wallis, Will'am (Lillie Rose) Ch Rubv. Walter. Gilbert. *Earl: Find- lav Rl Okaw Secll T40a William Rose H875) W?His, X. (Ada Bland) Ch Blanda: "Bland Farm" Findlay Rl Todd Point Sec23 T90a Bland Est. (1871) TH. Fnidlav Walls, A. (Mary Brown) Ch *Nellie. *Walter, *Gertrude, *Naomi; Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec23 Ol^a T25a Edward Campbell (1866) Walls, C. L. (Sabina Lowe) Ch Eu- gene, Arney; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec28 O118a (1904) Mutual Tel. Cowden Walls, W. W. (M. B. Bixler) Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec23 O5a (1886) Walter, D. R. (Clara Robertson) Ch Frieda, Robert; Cowden Rl Dry Point Sec7 T40a M. A. Walter (1895) Mutual Tel. Cowden Walter, Joseph (Tropha Christy) Ch Virginia, Orpha, James, Sophia, Margaret, Garnet; "Riverside Poul- try Farm" Cowden Rl Dry Point SeclS T75a Dr. W. G. Turney (1890) Mutual Tel. Cowden Walter, R. A. (Clara Horseman) Ch Dale; Tower Hill,R4 Cold Spring Sec25 TlOOa Nora Corley and C. D. Horseman (1891) Tel. Lakewood Waltrip,' H. E. (Magdalena Hemmel- bauer) Ch Norma; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Farm Hand M. H. Waltrip (1918) Waltrip, M. H. (Nellie Boles) Ch Cecile, Roy; Windsor Rl Ash Grove Sec34 T200a Harry Messers (1917) Ward, A. L. Ch Raymond L., Law- rence D., Leonard E., Harold O., Bernice; Mode Rl Holland Sec35 O35a (1899) Holland Tel. Mode Ward, C. W. Shelbyville R9 Okaw O380a (1875) Tel. Shelbyville Warner, Charles (Rella Bean) Ch Ruth; Strasburg Rl Richland Secl9 T190a .Mrs. Emma Stewardstfn and G. C. Fracker (1885) Mutual Tel.. Shelbyville Warner, C. W. (Rachel Alexander) Ch Maude, Wiley, Abbey, Emma, Retha, *Roy, *Maggie, *Ola, *Man- da; Sigel R3 Sigel Sec5 O61a (1883) Tel. Sigel Warner, Frank (Ella Peters) Shelby- ville R8 Rose Sec25 O193a (1870) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Warner, H. N. Strasburg R3 Clarks- burg Secl2 O70a (1888) Warner, Jacob (Pearl Sheumaker) Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg SecS T35a Mrs. Elizabeth Shuff (1894) Mutual Tel. Mode Warner, John M. (Bertha Watts) Ch Alice, Kenneth. Theodore; Sigel R3 Sigel Sec34 O40a (1880) Mu- tual Tel. Sigel Warner, Lee (Laura Board) Findlay R4 Okaw Sec4 TlSla S. W. Wright (1918) 153 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Warner, Roy (Margaret Lovell) Ch Fleta, Otis. Helen; Sigel R3 Sigel Sec32 O59a (1908) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Warnick, I. E. (Kate N. Miller) "Wal- nut Hill Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec21 O80a (1902) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Warren Brothers and Sister Tower Hill Tower Hill Sec9SW Warren, O. B. (Mattie B. Lowrey) Ch Ralph B., Cora, Charley, Nora. Harold, *Clara S., *Pearl; "Maple Hill Stock Farm" Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec29 O95^a (1864) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Warren, W. P. Windsor R4 Windsor Sec30 T80a Mrs. Sarah Warren (1879) Tel. Windsor Warren, W. W. (Sadie Gibson) Ch *Webster C, *Clyde E.. *Lindsey L.; "Kenwood Farm" Windsor R4 Windsor Sec28 O35a (1853) Tel. Windsor Wascher, Walter (Bertha Soltwedel) Ch Daniel, Nathan; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec20 OlOOa (1907) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Wasson, John F. (Elsie Pyle) Ch William, Sarah, Ila, Joe, Otto. Otis, Nell, Dora. Lula, Frank; Trow- bridge Rl Big Spring Sec21 "O40a (1886) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Waters W. S. (Laura Francisco) Ch May. *Lola, *Golda. * Arthur; Find- lay Rl Okaw SeclS T80a Albert Waters (1856) Tel. Findlay Watkins, Mrs. Mary (Mary Little) Ch Edward. *Ida, *Emma, *Myrtle. *Lizzie; Hanson Rl Oconee Secl7S O65a (1865) Watson, Isaac Ch Alonzo. Marion. William; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec3 T80a (1904) Watson, John (Annie Divens) Ch *Isaac. *Ellen; Isaac Watson. Father; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Sec3 Isaac Watson (1916) Watson, John (Rebecca A. Jordan) Ch Harley J., Edith A.; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Secl7 O50a (1877) Watson, J. H. (Mary E. Williams) Ch *Bertha S.; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Secl5-16 O60a (1860) Mu- tual Tel. Trowbridge Watson, Luther (Alice Brown) Ch Lenora, Opal, Stout, Clara, Myrtle. Carroll; Herrick R3 Oconee Sec25 T80a Willard Cumbass (1915) Watson, R. O. (O. Fern Sexson) Ch Elizabeth Bell; Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec34 O20a TlOOa I. F. Sexson (1874) Mutual Tel. Gays Watt, George W. (Sadie Cox) Ch Mildred, Robert, Genevieve, Harry, William. Bernice, Glen, Paul; Oc- onee R2 Oconee Sec31 O160a Mu- tual Tel. Oconee Watts, Fred (Mary Lovins) Ch Ar- thur; Sigel R3 Sigel Sec4 O172a Mutual Tel. Sigel Watts, Theodore (Alice Bingaman) Ch *Bertha, *Charley, *Gertie; "Shady Nook Farm" Sigel R3 Sigel Sec4 0144 (1863) Mutual Tel. Sigel Wea.kley, Mrs. Amanda (Amanda Wagner) Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec2 O200a (1831) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Weakley, Earl (Nettie Carnes) Ch Clarence, Severt; Shelbyville Ridge Sec34 Ola T80a Robert Weakley (1893) Tel. Shelbyville Weakley, E. B. (Martha J. Moll) Ch Ray. *Homer, *Nell; Findlay R2 Ridge Sec3 O80a T40a Mrs. M. D. Penwell (1857) Tel. Westervelt Weakley, F. T. (Ethe Reich) Gays R2 Ash Grove Secl4 O24a T200a Isabel and Oran Weakley (1892) Mutual Tel. Gays Weakley, J. O. (Mary E. Mall) Ch *Harley. *lola. *Nettie; Findlay R2 Ridge Sec4 O479a (1854) Weakley, O. W. (Mabel Yost) Ch Cecil. Dorothy, Evelyn, Carl; Shel- byville Rl Ridge Sec27 TlOOa (1884) Tel. Shelbyville Weakley, Roy (Cora M. McDonald) Ch Rita: Shelbyville R4 Ridge Sec27 T80a Robert Weakley (1889) Tel. Shelbyville Weakly, A. P. (Mary A. Miller) Ch *Cyrus. *Oscar. *\Yilliam. *Elrner. *Emory, *Laura A.. *Alta: "Cedar Grove Farm" Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec34-35 Oo75a (1852) Tel. West- ervelt Weakly, E. R. (Xora Friend) Ch Blanch. Howard. *Merle, *Lucile, *Stanley: Assumption Rl Picka- way Sec 19 T80a J. E. Harper (1879) Weakly, Harley (Artie Lilley) Ch Margaret; Findlay R2 Ridge Sec4 T120a J. B. We'akly (1879) Tel. Westervelt 154 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Weakly, Homer (Stella McConnel) Ch Emajane, Rosemary; Findlay R2 Ridge Sec3 T60a Martha and E. B. Weakly (1883) Tel. Westervelt Weakly, H. R. (Sarah Weakly, Sis- ter) Findlay R2 Ridge Sec4 O80a (1855) Tel. Findlay Weakly, J. A. (Dora Beckett) Ch Ruth, Gladys, Marie, James, Hally, Lester, Lois, Lela; Assumption Rl Pickaway Sec20 T160a H. Atkin- son (1880) Mutual Tel. Westervelt Weakly, John (Nettie Klauser) Find- lay R2 Pickaway Sec35 TISOa A. P. Weakly (1882) Tel. Westervelt Weakly, Lloyd (Jennie Cihak) Ch Paul Franklin; Findlay R3 Picka- way Secl8 T320a Cyrus Weakly (1895) Mutual Tels. Moweaqua and Westervelt Weakly, W. E. (Grace Foster) Ch Merlin, Lucille, Howard; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec35 TISOa A. P. Weakly (1872) Tel. Westervelt Weaver, Frank H. (Nina A. Forbes) Ch Vernon, Ella, Hazel, Mildred, Grace, Francis, John, Carl, Myrtle; Pana R6 Oconee SecS T80a Mrs. Buck (1913) Bell Tel. Pana Webb, Allen D. (Mary Springer) Ch Lucile, Feme, *Della, *Minnie, *Blanche, *Harry, *Tracy; Steward- son R2 Prairie SecllS O147a (1880) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Webb, Harry (Lora Rentfrow) Ch Erma, Evelyn, Ralph, Ruth, Charles; Stewardson Rl Prairie SeclS TISOa Dove Bros. (1887) Mu- tual Tel. Stewardson Webb, J. H. (Sarah E. Hunt) Ch Frank, Everett, Raymond, Gertie, Stella, *James, *Richard, *Omer, *Fanny; Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec35 O120a (1906) Mutual Tel. Gays Weber, Ed. (Dollie M. Latch) Stras- burg Rl Big Spring Sec9 O50a Rich- land Sec27 TlSOa H. Hasemeier (1886) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Weber, Mrs. E. M. (Everspacher) Ch Charles J., Rose F., Fred G., *Cleris, *J. W. H., *Anna L., *Clara K., * Al- ma B., *Bertha E.; Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec29-28 O160a (1858) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Weber, G. W. (Anna C. Weber, Mother) Ch G. W. Weber, J. H. Weber; "Church Hill Farm" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec29-20 O120a (1882) Weber, J. H. (Emma C. Schock) "The Old Homestead" Tower Hill R3 Rural Sec28-33-32 O140a (1887) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Weber, John T. (Mary V. Friesner) Ch Martin H., Emmet M., Lester C., *Ed, *Amanda; Strasburg Richland Sec27 O40a T60a Hazel Mier, F. Rincker and H. Kindle (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Strasburg Weber, Michael (Sarah Beery) Ch *Lucinda, 'William H., *Clara, *John A., *Tom; Herborn Prairie Sec22 O240a (1869) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Weber, W. H. (Anna Brehmer) Ch Martin, Edwin, Bernice, *Florence; Stewardson Rl Prairie Secl6 O80a T80a (1869) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Webner, Elmer (Bertha Smith) Ch Helen; "Mayflower Farm" Windsor Ash Grove Sec32 O65a T25a Sarah Webner (1887) Mutual Tel. Stras- burg Webner, Orty (Stella McFadden) Ch Donald; Strasburg R2 .Prairie Seel O40a T60a John Webner and H. Jensen (1885) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Weekley, Ira (Vera Weddle) Ch Wesley, Francis, Harold, Vern, Fay, Press; Pana R3 Oconee Sec7 T160a Lucy McTaggart (1917) Weger, E. W. (Mae Neff) Ch Nellie. Evelin; Findlay Rl Okaw SeclS Farm Hand J. C. Spicers (1914) Weidman, D. G. (Mrs. G. M. Price) Ch Wallace R.; "J. H. Price Farm" Herrick R3 Oconee Sec36 T71a (1914) Weir, James A. (Lora McClanahan) Ch Alpha Wood, Wilma Julia; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec33 O80a T80a (1889) Mutual Tel. Wester- velt Welch, C. S. (Marv Spicer) Ch Mame. Lela, Virl Welch, *Clint, *Curt, *Ross, *Frank, *Maude, *Earl, *Edith. *Dana Spicer; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 O30a (1908) Tel. Find- lay Welch, Sallie (Rohiema Brewer) Ch Hubert; Tower Hlil Rl Cold Spring Sec22 O17a T48a Charles E. Corley, Frank Smart and Thos. McKitrick (1918) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Weller, John Ch Mary Campbell; Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec28-29-32-33 O232a (1876) Bell Tel. Tower Hill 155 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Weller, Peter (M. A. Morris) Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec28 O368a (1873) Wells, F. T. (Lona Kennedy) Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec3 O30a T45a Geo. Darety (1910) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Wells, S. S. (Rebecca A. Roach) Beth- any R2 Penn Sec34 T160a F. P. Sheffler (1917) Welton, Andrew (Pearl Richard) Ch Duferin; Shelbyville R5 Holland Seel T80a C. S. Welton (1884) Mu- tual Tel. Shelbyville Welton, C. S. (Jane Wade) Ch An- drew, *Dora, *Lee, *Thomas, *Sarah, ^Frances, *Gertrude, *Wal- ter; Shelbyville R5 Holland Seel O80a (1859) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wempen, Ed. D. (Nancy V. Brown) Ch William, Ray, Grace; "Sunny- brook Farm" Moweaqua R3 Mowea- qua Sec27 O160a (1867) Independ- ent and Bell Tels. Moweaqua Wempen, Herman (Mildred Thomp- son) Ch Ralph, Gladys, Rose, Ken- neth; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec33 O120a (1910) Mutual Tel. As- sumption Wempen, John (Anna Forsyth) Ch Hallie, Peter; Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch Sec2 O80a (1872) Tel. Mo- weaqua Wemple, G. M. Ch Samuel M., Henry. Mary, Arthur, Harold, Margaret; "Oak Lawn Stock Farm" Assump- tion Rl Rural Sec2 O160a (1902) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Werley, Alvia (Iva Cornell) Ch Har- land S.; Neoga R3 Ash Grove SeclS Farm Hand Vern Curry (1918) Werley, L. G. (Carrie Curry) Ch Beulah, Grace, Russell, *Henry, *A1- van, *Daisy; Gays R2 Ash Grove SeclS T55a Fred Bennett (1917) Werth, Theo. (Louisa Brehmer) Ch Dewey; "Schoenhausen Farm" Strasburg R2 Prairie Seel OSOa,' T20a Figgen Est. (1866) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Werth, W. H. (Mary Rosine) Stew- ardson Rl Prairie Secl4 O40a T40a Werth Est (1875) Mutual Tel. Stras- burg Werts, G. H. (Elizabeth Scott) Hen- ton Ridge Sec29 T160a Ed Warner (1888) Wessels, John G. (Allie R. Walters) Ch Maggie, Pearl, George, Rena, Everett, Leola, Walter, Raleigh, Lawrence, Eugene; "Valley Edge Farm" Herrick R2 Oconee Sec35 O60a (1903) Westenhaver, Chester C. (Bessie Sy- fert) Ch Earl, Alice; Clarksburg Clarksburg SeclO O40a (1882) Hol- land Tel. Mode Westenhaver, Ray (Ethel Compton) Ch Don; Clarksburg Clarksburg SeclO O40a T80a Tom Westenhaver (1881) Holland Tel. Mode Westjohann, Clem Sigel R2 Sigel Secl3 T42a John Bueker (1917) Westjohann, Barney (Lena Swine- hart) Ch Ben, Joe, Grace, Clem, Albert, Clara, Mary; Sigel R2 Sigel Secl4 T80a Pete Hanfland (1910) Wettenberg, Albert (Emalyne Helt- feldt) Ch August, Charles, Albert, Henry, Otto. Minnie, Elalyne, Em- ma, Ida, Willie; Stewardson R2 Prairie Secl4 O114a (1875) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Whaley G. E. (Sadie Cochran) Ch G. Wilmer, *W. C; Tower Hill R3 Rural Secl7-20 O120a (1911) Mu- tual and Bell Tels. Assumption Wheat, L. F. (Mae Richards) Ch Wal- ter, Audra, *Mabel, *Clarence, *Ce- cil, *Everett; Strasburg R3 Holland Sec2 OSOa (1859) Mutual Tel. Mode Wheat, William (Mary Shuff) Ch John, Marie, Isaac, *Annie, *Josie, *Mabel: Clarksburg Clarksburg Sec3 O137a (1854) Whitacre, Albert (Mary Holmes) Ch Charles, Bertha, Edith; Holland Holland SeclS T109a C. C. Digby (1882) Whitacre, C. S. (Juanita Duckett) Tower Hill R3 Tower Hill Sec4 T174a C. H. Duckett (1893) Whitacre, S. T. Ch Blanche, Roy, Florence, Alice; Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec24 O45a (1882) Tel. Neoga White, B. C. (Mary Meyrs) Ch Ena, Ruth, Lewis, Ralph, Maurine; Shel- byville R6 Shelbyville Sec8 Farm Hand L. F. Pate (1906) White, George (Ada Saanbrook) Ch Rosa, Vincent; Findlay Rl Todd Point Sec34 T80a Earl Wright (1918) -.' White, H. E. (Zola Bateman) Ch Doris; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec30 T260a W. S. Middleworth (1898) Mutual Tel. Stewardson 156 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY White, Isaiah (Elizabeth Deane) Ch Blanche M.; "Shadeland Farm" Herrick Rl Herrick Secl3 O200a (1917) Mutual Tel. Cowden White, J. L. (Mary Emrick) Ch Law- rence, Oral, *Herbert; Shelbyville R3 Rose Sec23 T750a W. S. Mid- dlesworth (1895) Mutual Tel. Shel- byville White, M. E. (Josephine Harless) Ch Frank; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec3 O80a (1902) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville White, Ray (May McConnell) Ch Margaret, Mildred; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec3 T143a Wade Thompson and Henry Lutz (1913) White, U. S. (Eliza Anna Tull) Ch *Frank, *Ray; "Valley View Farm" Windsor R4 Windsor Secl9 O120a (1869) Tel. Windsor Whitlatch, Robert W. (Hulda J. Mor- rison) Ch Beulah, Irvin, Ethel, * Walter W.; Tower Hill R4 Tower Hill Sec27 T240a McKittrick Est. (1871) Bell Tel. Tower Hill Whitrock, William (Stella Severe) Ch Leo; Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec7 Joe Severe (1897) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Whittaker, Presley (Sarah Williams) Ch Anna, *Emory, *Frank, *Olva, *Blanche; Mode Holland Sec35 O31a (1878) Whittington, H. B. (Blanche Plow- man) Ch Charles, William; Her- rick Rl Herrick Secl2-ll OlSOa TlOSa Mary Jones (1916) Mutual Tel. Union Whittington, J. F. (Julia Bender) Ch Robert, Ross; Herrick R3 Herrick Sec8 O340a (1868) Mutual Tel. Her- rick Whittington, W. H. (Octavia Bate- man) Ch *Ray M., *John C.; Her- rick Rl Herrick Sec9-10-16 O459^a (1864) Mutual Tel. Herrick Wiant, S. B. (Tracy Wagner) Ch Mil- dred, Leo; Assumption Rl Flat Branch Sec28 T160a R. G. Harper (1899) Mutual Tel. Assumption Wicker, Charles (Rosa McConnell) Ch Alvis, Angie, John, Flossie. Theodore, Walter, Irvin, Myrtle, Elmer; Bethany Rl Penn Seel T400a C. Smith (1911) Tel. Bethany Wikowsky, Albert (Theresa Drews) Ch Karl, Arthur, Raymond, Ger- trude, Verna; "Corn Belt Farm" Tower Hill Rl Pickaway Sec37 O120a (1908) Mutual Tel. Assump- tion Wilds, Jesse S. (Cora Moore) Ch Rob- ert Leon, Mary Jane; Moweaqua R3 Penn Sec33 T160a Manager, O. J. Avery (1917) Tel. Moweaqua Wiley, S. M. (Mary Hedrick) Ch Clinton. *Bertha., *John, *Arthur, *Ray, *Thurman, *Ethel, *Christina, *Ruth, 'Florence; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl-12 O159a (1871) Mutual Tel. Cowden Wilhelm, W. R. (Elizabeth Dugind) Ch Lelah M., Clara G. ; Assumption Rl Rural Sec4 T200a Rose Ellen McClure (1910) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Wilhite, Fred Oconee Rl Oconee Sec3S T3a James T. Clark (1880) Will, John (Hulda Spuhler) Ch Joe, Frances, Emil, Anthony, Albert, An- na, John, Mary, *Otto; Sigel Sigel SeclS O20a T80a A. C. Rhea (1885) Williams, Arthur M. (Cecil Ferris) Findlay R4 Okaw SecS T240a Farm Hand Walter Stone (1918) Tel. Findlay Williams, Ben A. (Mary M. Orear) Ch *Nora, *Fred; Hanson Rl Oc- onee SeclSS O120a (1867) Bell Tel. Ramsey Williams, B. L. (Daisy Trueblood) Mode Rl Prairie Secl9 T80a J. D. Williams (1888) Mutual Tel. Stew- ardson Williams, Charles H. (Josephine Mackrell) Ch Fred, HazeL. Edith, Maude, Helen, *Glenn; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec35 T80a Mrs. Jennie Root (1892) Tel. Shelbyville Williams, George H. (Minnie Fland- ers) Ch Rose, Sarah, Mary, George, Jr., Roger, Hattie, *Ruth; Shelby- ville R3 Rose Sec23 O40a (1885) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Williams, George R. (Cora Brady) Ch Edgar, Edna, Ruby, Velma, Hellen; "Hopedale Farm" Strasburg R3 Prairie Secl7 O40a Secl6 T120a J. Monroe. Williams (1862) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Williams, Henry (Laura Lindsay) Ch Charley. Fred, Philip, William, *Nellie. *Mabel; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring SecS O78a (1912) Williams, Homer (Rosa Owens) Ch Waneta; Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec21 T200a Mrs. Fleming, Harry Surma and Willard Snapp (1888) Tel. Findlay 157 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Williams, John B. (Ella Kitch) Ch lola, Cyril, *Arlyn, *Vernon; "Shadyside Farm" Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec29 O160a (1859) Tel. Stewardson Williams, J. Monroe (Hattie Hom- righouse) "Hopedale Farm" Stras- burg R3 Prairie Secl6 O120a (1865) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Williams, L. D. (Edna Campbell) Ch Beulah, Elsie, Lola: Mode Rl Clarksburg Sec25 O80a T80a C. F. McGarvy (1893) Holland Tel. Mode Williams, M. E. (Nelle Kepner) Ch Darwin, Dorothy; Lakewood Lake- wood Sec8 T160a T. J. Williams (1888) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Williams, O. A. (Sarah R. Moore) Ch Doris; "White Feather Farm" Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec22 T320a Nannie E. Conrad (1914) Mutual Tel. Cowden Williams, Perry (Verna E. Webner) Ch Roger E. ; "Oak Lawn Farm" Windsor R3 Ash Grove Sec29-32 O40a T30a (1903) Mutual Tel. Strasburg Williams, T. J. (Jennie Wade) Ch *Otie, *Lawrence, *Mellie; Lake- wood Lakewood Sec7-6 O116a (1856) Mutual Tel. Lakewood Williams, Mrs. Verda Ch Walter, * Lottie, * Verne; "Shady Knoll" Farm" Lakewood Lakewood Sec7 O40a (1873) Williams, W. D. (Callie Middleton) Ch Nettie; Mode Rl Holland Sec27 T80a W. F. Gallagher (1893) Tel. Mode Williamson, J. W. (Mary Garrett) Ch Violet, Ada; Findlay Rl Okaw Secl2 O40a (1860) Tel. Findlay Wilse, Henry (Edith Sims) Ch Alta, Norris, Loren; Shelbyville R7 Shel- byville Sec28 T80a William Henry, Jr. (1881) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wilson, A. C. (Annie McElhany) Ch Grace, Walter. Amanda, Clarence. Howard, *Luther; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec2 O169a (1862) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wilson, C. A. (Mary E. Stewart) Ch Bertha, Bessie, *Ellie; Windsor R3 Windsor Sec28 O140a (1895) Tel. "Windsor Wilson,' Chapman (Emily PritcheO Ch *Edward W., *James W., *Earl L.: Shumway Rl Holland Sec3-ll-14 O234a (1874) Mutual Tel. Stew- ardson Wilson, Claud (Mary Worland) Ch Margaret, Joseph, Rosemary; "Col- bert Farm" Gays R2 Ash Grove Sec23 T80a Barnard Wilson (1886) Mutual Tel. Gays Wilson, Edward W. (Clara Lane) Shumway Rl Prairie Sec6 O40a (1871) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Wilson, Gilbert (Tilda Schlobohn) Ch Francis; Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec30 TlOOa Fred Schlobohn (1909) Wilson, John (Lottie) Ch Edgar. Raymond; Findlay R3 Pickaway Sec36 T120a Mrs. Rhoney (1903) Mutual Tel. Findlay Wilson, J. S. (Nettie Storm) Ch Frank, Ralph, Ruth; "Maple Lawn Stock Farm" Gays Rl Ash Grove Sec9 O185a (1897) Mutual Tel. Windsor Wilson, J. T. (Clara Rose) Ch Gil- bert, Glenn, Velma, Maurine, Lu- cille, *Bryon; Windsor R4 Rich- land Sec5 O80a T80a Dora Vait and Mrs. C. V. Boher (1890) Mu- tual Tel. Windsor Wilson, J. W. ^Lizzie Mechling) Shumway Rl Prairie Sec6-7 O120a Sec7 T180a Mrs. Emily Wilson (1880) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Wilson, Lex (Cora McAllister) Ch Bernard; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring SeclS T175a J. McAndrew (1888) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Wilson, Luther (Lula Kimmel) Ch Retha. Forest; Shelbyville R2 Rose Sec3 T249a Mrs. Tarcy Dove (1886) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wilson, Mrs. Mary Neoga Big Spring Secl2 O62a (1882) Wilson, S. A. (Carrie Doughit) Ch Irene. Carlos, Brooks; Shelbyville R6 Shelbyville Secl3 O77a (1918) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wilson, William (Matilda Moran) Ch Marguerite, Lucile. Raymond, *Carl: Trowbridge Rl Big Spring Sec9 O40a T40a Otto Whidemier (1910) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Winings, D. R. (Lillian Wining) Ch Lois. Esther, Arthur, Kenneth. *Myrtle. *Ruth; Gays R2 Ash Grove Secl2 O191a (1871) Mutual Tel. Gays Winings, L. O. (Florence Bandy) Ch Laurence, Louis. Joyce; Tower Hill R2 Ridge Sec6 T198a J. T. Winings (1910) Tel. Westervelt 158 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Winson, Frank Ch Ruby_, *Lina; Shel- byville R6 Shelby ville Sec3 O67a (1850) Winter, Ben Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec20 O250a (1870) Tel. Moweaqua Winter, George (.Sophia Winter, Mother) Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec20 O40a (1878) Tel. Moweaqua Wittenberg, Albert, Jr. (Emma Schultz) Ch George, John, Glen, Anna; Stewardson R2 Prairie Seel IS O200a T79a George Schultz (1879) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Wolf, C. H. (Anna Smith) Ch Gar- net, *William; Shelbyville R2 Ridge Sec29 O80a (1864) Tel. Tower Hill Wolf, M. C. (Laura Howse) Ch Roy, *May; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch SeclO O80a (1864) Tel. Moweanua Wolf, William C. (Marguerite Fla- harty; Shelbyville Rl Rose Sec24 TISSa Viola Biggs (1888) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wolke, Joseph (Mary Feldhake) Ch Bernard, Minnie, Rosa; Trowbridge Rl Big Spring SeclS O67a (1902) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Wollard, John (Eunice Woolard) Ch Elsie, Wilbur, Robert; Cowden Dry Point Sec3 T20a William Nichols (1898) Mutual Tel. Cowden Wood, Joe (Maude Bond) Ch Georgie T., Dorothea M., Nola, May, Norma P.; Pana Rl Oconee Sec4 T172a J. H. Taylor (1883) Bell Tel. Pana Wood, Mrs. T. H. (Clara Speaker) Ch Claribel, *Joe, *Cecil; "The Old Homestead Wood Farm" Pana R3 Oconee Sec8 O160a (1861) Bell Tel. Pana Woodard, Charles E. (Rose Young) Ch *Ernest: Neoga R3 Big Spring Secll OlOa (1890) Mutual Tel. Trowbridge Woods, Clark (Bertha Flemmings) Shelbyville R2 Rose Secll T320a Mrs. Irma Monroe (1871) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Woods, Claude S. (Rhode E. Ander- sen) Ch Ruth, Paul, Dorothy. Dean. Hallie, Thomas, Jesse; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec36 O80a (1871) Woods, Grant D. (Cora E. Forbes) Ch Mildred, Ralph, Eunice, Helen. Byron, Clark; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec36 O80a (1865) Woodward, L. A. (Nellie Rodman) Ch Donald; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec34 T75a W. W. James Est. (1909) Tel. Westervelt Woolard, Lloyd C. (Emma Dewitt) Ch Oran C., Elva; "Harry Neu Farm" Oconee Rl Oconee Sec25 T260a Harry Neu (1877) Mutual and Bell Tels. Herrick Wooters, George L. (Lizzie M. Ban- ning) Ch Glen, Ralph, Estel, Floyd, Carl, *FrauK, *Leona; Mo- weaqua R5 Flat Branch Secl4 O200a (1867) Tel. Moweaqua Wooters, W. F. (Fern Clark) Ch Lawrence, Charles; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec21 T160a Clark Est. (1893) Tel. Moweaqua Wonus, Dwight (Irma Corley) Ch Evelyn; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec35 T40a George Spracklen (1898) Wonus, William (Mabel Eastwood) Ch Opal. Mona, Genevieve, Jake, John William, *Mildred Wonus, Wright; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec27 T320a Ben Garvin (1872) Mutual Tel. Cowden Workman, Cecil (Esther Bassett) Ch Albert William; Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec7 Ti83a J. W. Workman (1896) Mutual Tels. Assumption and Moweaqua Workman, J. W. (Alta Reynolds) "Willow Dale Farm" Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch SeclS O127a (1878) Tel. Moweaqua Workman, Oscar (Grace Hoffman) Moweaqua R5 Flat Branch Sec20 O80a T40a A. C. Bassler (1886) Tel. Moweaqua Worley, Mrs. Catherine (Catherine E. Cline) Ch Scott, *Jessie, *Ellie, *Pete; Neoga R3 Ash Grove Sec28 O290a (1855) Mutual Tel. Trow- bridge Worley, John P. (Matilda Hummell) Ch Fay, Clyde, George; Neoga R3 Ash Grove Sec28 T80a Catherine Worley (1869) Wortman, A. (Mollie Foreman) Ch Hugh, Herman; "The Maples" Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec6 O181a (1867) Mutual Tel. Shelby- ville Wortman, Isaac F. (Louisa Wells) Ch Henry, Clover, Hazel; "Otterbein Farm" Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec6 O126a (1869) Mutual Tel. Shel- byville 159 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Wortman, J. N. (Mettie Robinson) Ch Harold, Ralph, * William, *Addie; "Willow Spring Farm" Shelbyville R4 Clarksburg Sec6 O190a (1867) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wortman, Mrs. Mary (Mary Reeder) Ch Isaac, Lizzie, Elsie, Grace; Shel- byville R4 Lakewood Seel O40a (1859) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wortman, W. F. (Florence Hickman) Tower Hill Rl Cold Spring Sec2 T80a Foor Est. 1892) Tel. Lake- wood Wright, Charles E. (Jessie Brehm) Ch Nellie, Georgia, *Ruth; Findlay R2 Todd Point Sec23 T80a Mrs. E. Brehm (1870) Tel. Findlay Wright, Delbert (Zenobia Smart) Ch Kenneth; Herrick R2 Oconee Secl4 T52a Holly Smart (1918) Tel. Her- rick Wright, Earl (Charity Briney) Ch Emma; "Valley View Farm" Find- lay Rl Todd Point Sec35 O160a (1906) Tel. Findlay Wright, J. S. (Mary E. Carlyle) Ch Elizabeth A.; "Prairie View Farm" Bethany Rl Pickaway Secl3 O160a Prairie Secl7 O160a (1865) Mutual Tel. Findlay Wright, N. A. (Zenith Schwartz) Findlay R3 Todd Point Sec28 T140a S. H. Wright (1891) Tel. Findlay Wright, Orin L. (Mary Walker) Ch Carl, Ralph, Geneva; Moweaqua R2 Flat Branch SeclO O80a T200a T. T. Wright, J. L. Hight and Mary Collins Tel. Moweaqua Wright, O. A. (Sarah J. Lowry) Ch Raminta; Shelbyville R6 Okaw Sec35 O160a (1904) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Wright, Roy (Cora B. Anderson) As- sumption R3 Rural Sec8 T260a Wil- liam F. Wallace (1877) Mutual and Bell Tels. Assumption Wright, W. W. (Antonia Phillips) Ch *Clyde; "Lone Oak Farm" Cow- den R2 Dry Point Sec3 OlOOa (1871) Mutual Tel. Cowden Yakey, Grant (Lizzie Duddlesten) Ch Jessie, Mervin, *Dallas, *Hazel; Mode Rl Holland SecS T360a F. F. Yakey (1868) Holland Tel. Mode Yakey, H. D. (Rose Amlin) Ch Wil- na; Shelbyville R9 Shelbyville Sec6 T156a E. E. Cook (1891) Mutual Tel. Shelbyville Yakey, Jacob (Rose Mesnard) "Royal Stock Farm" Stewardson R2 Prairie Sec2S O187^a (1876) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Yantis, E. B. (Sarah Clay) Ch Ralph. Cyrus. Melvin, Carroll, Ray. Mor- ris; Findlay Rl Okaw Sec2 O198a (1869) Tel. Findlay Yantis, George (Anna Weekly) Ch Charles. Jeanette. Glenn; Moweaaua Flat Branch Secl2 O80a (1874) Tel. Moweaqua Yantis. H. M. (Altona Wright) Find- lay Rl Todd Pomt Sec27 T200a B. .N. Wright and W. M. Pogue Tel. Findlay Yantis. James (Gussie Biggs) Mrs. Caroline Biggs, Mother-in-Law; Findlav R3 Pickaway Sec28 T180a Mary Yantis and Yantis Est. (1881) Tel. Westervelt Yantis, Mrs. Mary (Mollie) Ch *Dan- iel, *Henry, *James, *Cora, *Alma, "Harley. *Roy; Findlay R2 Picka- way Sec28 O80a (1868) Tel. West- ervelt Yarnell, Clair (Mary Larimore) Ch Clyde, Johnnie, Fern; Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl4 T60a W. G. Turney' (1891) Mutual Tel. Cow- den Yarnell, David (Sadie Sparks) Ch *Ef- fie. *La\vrence. *Dessie, *Elsie. * Martha, *David. *Clair. *Grace, *Ethel: Beecher City R3 Dry Point Secl4 OlOOa (1878) Yencer, M. L. (Fanny Lewis) Ch Ralph. *Hazel: Shelbyville R7 Hol- land SecS O43a Shelbyville Sec32 T80a Dr. Bivens (1874) Tel. Mode York, Charles V. (Lillie Goble) Ch *Horace, ""Stanley, *Harry: Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec28 O7Sa (1913) Mutual Tel. Cowden Yost, C. M. (Hazel Jenkins) Ch Mil- dred: Shelbyville Rl Ridge Sec26 T160a D. M. Yost (1886) Tel. West- ervelt 160 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Young, E. W. (Belle Smith) Ch Ster- ling, Robert, Roberta, Merlin, Lley, Elgin, Smith; Cowden R2 Dry Point Sec32 T200a R. N. Thompson (1908) Mutual Tel. Cowden Young, G. A. (Louise Falk) Ch Joe, Abe, Lula; Herborn Prairie SeclS O40a T40a J. J. Folk (1878) Mutual Tels. Strasburg and Stewardson Young, James H. Ch Edward, Clar- ence, *Fay, *Garrett, *Ray; Neoga R3 Big Spring Sec24 O75a (1866) Young, Samuel (Nellie Ferguson) Ch Marie, Opal, Oma, Edna, Harry, Mabel, Oscar, Lavern; Neoga R3 Big Spring Secl3 O97a (1875) Mu- tual Tel. Trowbridge Young, W. W. (Ada Mallary) Ch Wayne, Thelma; Gays R2 Ash Grove SeclO OllOa (1914) Mutual Tel. Windsor Younger, G. E. (Maud Stewart) Ch . Mabel, Glenn; Findlay R2 Pickaway Sec35 O157a (1898) Tel. Findlay Zalman, Arthur (Fern Ried) Ch Rhea; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec25 T140a Fred Zalman (1890) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Zalman, August (Sarah Weber) Stras- burg R2 Prairie Secl6 O80a T50a M. Ruff (1870) Mutual Tel. Stew- ardson Zalman, Fred (Anna Klitzke) Ch Clara, * Arthur; Stewardson Rl Prairie Sec25 O140a (1865) Mutual Tel. Stewardson Zalman, H. D. (Caroline Falk) Ch Lydia, Lillie, Edward, Walter, *An- na, *Dora, *Maggie; "Willow Creek Farm" Strasburg R2 Prairie Sec24 O140a (1860) Mutual Tel. Steward- son Zimmer, B. O. (Estella Latch) Ch Marguerite, Lloyd, Donald; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec35 O20a Sec36 Harry Stewart (1883) Tel. Neoga Zimmer, Ernest (Grace Storm) Ch Nelson. Nellie; Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec35 O30a (1879) Tel. Ne- oga Zimmer, R. H. (Gertrude Lawson) Neoga Rl Ash Grove Sec35 O40a (1867) Tel. Neoga Zollin, George (Maggie Meier) Ch Arthur, *Henrietta; Cowden R2 Lakewood Sec23 O135a (1907) Mu- tual Tel. Cowden Zuidel, E. W. (Frances Perry) Ch Amelia, Carroll; Moweaqua R3 Mo- weaqua Sec36 O80a (1913) Tel. Mo- weaqua Zuidel, H. F. (Matilda A. Zuidel, Mother) Moweaqua R3 Moweaqua Sec35 T124a Walter Humphrey Independent and Bell Tels. Mowea- qua Zumbahlen, Anthony (Sophia Lud- wig) Ch Emma, Bernadine, Aloy- sius, Anthony; Sigel R3 Sigel SeclS 020a (1912) Tel. Sigel Zumbahlen, Herman (Anna Kettmen) Ch Frank, George, Andrew, Louis: "Zumbahlen Farm" Sigel R3 Sigel Secll OlOOa Tel. Sigel 161 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Woodlawn Hereford Farm TOWER HILL, ILLINOIS Registered Hereford Cattle The best of breeding FOR SALE. Pedigrees and detailed particulars on application. HEREFORD CATTLE HEREFORD CATTLE ERWIX E. POOR 162 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Shelby County Breeders' Directory This list includes all farmers in Shelby County who own one or more purebred animals. Star (*) indicates farmers who raise breeding stock for sale. BEEF CATTLE ABERDEEN ANGUS BARBEE, C Shelbyville, R. 7 BECK, T Hanson, R.I CARDER, O Lakewood, R. 1 *CHAMBERLAIN, MRS. B. J.Herrick, R. 2 CLARK, M Assumption, R. 1 DEDMAN, J. W. & SONS. . .Findlay, R. 3 *DIEPHOLZ, H., JR Strasburg, R. 2 DOUGHERTY, D Trowbridge, R. 1 EVERSOLE, DAVID Shelbyville, R. 1 FIGGINS, JACOB Trowbridge, R. 1 *GERHOLD, M. F Tower Hill, R. 2 HALL, H ARLEY Cowden, R. 2 HANFLAND, PHILIP Sigel, R. 2 *JOHNSTON, G. H Assumption, R. 3 MIDDLETON, B. E Assumption, R. 1 *MORRISON, W. M Tower Hill, R.I *POTTER, C. H Assumption, R. 1 *POTTER, ELMER M Tower Hill, R. 3 *SHUEMAKER, C. W Neoga, R. 3 SNELL & HOOD Shelbyville, R. 9 SULLIVAN, J. J Cowden, R. 2 *TICE, C. E Shelbyville, R. 1 * WALLACE, T. J Tower Hill, R. 3 WEAKLEY, A. P Findlay, R. 2 *WORKMAN, CECIL Moweaqua, R. 5 POLLED DURHAM *CARRUTHERS, F. A Neoga, R. 1 KEIRN, H Assumption, R. 3 HEREFORD ANDERSON, F Stewardson, R. 1 BAKER, C. D Windsor, R.4 *BIGLER, A Sigel, R. 2 *BORTON, G. L Tower Hill, R. 3 *BROWNBACK, G. D. .. .Tower Hill, R. 2 *Bovs, A Shelbyville, R.I BUSHUR, A Sigel, R. 3 *CAZALET, C. C Assumption, R. 3 CHAPLIN, A Tower Hill, R. 4 CURRY, W. J Neoga, R. 3 *ILER, W. O Tower Hill, R.I FALLERT, IGNATZ J Sigel, R. 3 *HARPER, A Assumption, R. 3 HAWLEY, J. L Moweaqua, R. 3 HITCHCOCK, E Pana, R. 1 HOENE, BEN Sigel, R. 2 HUMPHREY, R. N Moweaqua, R. 2 JORDON, B Shelbyville, R. 6 KILLAM, L L Shelbyville, R. 1 KULL, J. F Strasburg, R. 1 LUDWIG, GEORGE Sigel, R. 1 *METZGER, A. G Pana, R. 5 *NEIL, MRS. JENNIE C. Tower Hill, R. 3 RAKERS, G. H Oconee, R. 1 *ROBERTSON, JESSIE Cowden, R. 1 RUNKEL, M. E Shelbyville, R.2 SCHAFER, J. N Pana, R. 1 SCHLANSER, A Sigel, R. 3 SMITH, W. M Shelbyville, R. 2 *STILLWELL, J. F Shelbyville, R. 8 STORM, D. M Neoga, R. 3 STORM, L. H Windsor, R. 1 TILLEY, A. ELIZA Tower Hill, R. 2 VEST, J. F Shelbyville, R. 7 VON BEHREN, RUDOLPH. .Strasburg, R.I WALKER, C. E Shelbyville * WILSON, A. C Shelbyville, R. 2 WITTENBERG, A. JR Stewardson, R.2 RED POLLED KUHN, E Pana, R. 3 LUDWIG, GEORGE Sigel, R. 1 *SIDNER, J. G. and W. O. CONVERSE Pana, R. 1 SHORTHORN ABRAHAM, E. R Moweaqua, R. 3 *ABRAHAMS, L Findlay, R. 3 *ADCOCK, E. C Assumption, R. 1 BAKER, J. I Sigel, R. 1 BALES, C. D Moweaqua, R.2 BARBEE, O Shelbyville, R.4 *BARDING, J. A Oconee, R. 1 *BARLOW, J Oconee, R. 1 *BATES, A Moweaqua, R. 5 BATTON, J Oconee, R. 2 *BENNETT, B. C Windsor, R. 3 *BENNETT, O. R Windsor, R. 1 BIEDERT, J. A Findlay, R. 2 *BIEHLER, L Shelbyville, R. 9 BRADF.N, G. E Findlay, R. 2 *BREHMER, WM. J Strasburg, R. 2 BREWER, J Findlay, R. 2 *BRIDGMAN, W. R Assumption, R.I BRITTON, E Moweaqua, R. 2 BROWN, G. C Shelbyville, R.9 BRYANT, R. N Herrick BUCHANAN, T. W Herrick, R. 1 CASSTEVENS, T. J Beecher City, R.I *CHAMBERLIN, E Gays *CHRISTMAN, E Findlay, R. 2 COMPTON, C. V Cowden, R. 2 COULTAS, C. E Moweaqua, R. 3 163 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY *CULBERSON, A. J Pana, R. 1 CUTLER, MRS. M. F Findlay, R. 3 DUNAWAY, C. T Fancher *DUNCAN, W. R Windsor, R.4 ECKERT, FRANK Shelbyville, R. 4 ELBERT, G. W Shelbyville, R. 7 FINKS, CHARLES Shelbyville, R. 8 *FLENNER, CHAS. R Shelbyville, R. 7 FURR, OSCAR Shelbyville, R.8 GREEN, RICHARD Moweaqua, R. 2 GRUBBS, C. M Findlay, R. 2 GUDEHUS, O. W Oconee, R. 2 "HARRISON, GEORGE Pana, R. 6 HART, N. M .Tower Hill, R. 1 *HEADLEY, E. D Shelbyville, R. 8 *HIMES, C. F Tower Hill, R.3 *HINTON, A. W. Oconee, R. 1 HOAGLAND, J. K Mode, R. 1 HOBSON, EMORY Stewardson, R. 2 HODSON, ZACK Cowden, R. 2 *HOFFMAN, L. P Moweaqua, R. 5 HOLBROOK, J. F Pana, R. 1 HUTCHINS, MRS. SADIE Oconee, R. 2 KASSEN, J. H Oconee, R. 2 *KEMPER, C. G Tower Hill, R. 1 *KiRK BROS Moweaqua, R. 2 LADING, CHRIS ~. ( Strasburg, R. 1 "LADING, HENRY' Strasburg, R. 1 LAMB, B. K Moweaqua, R. 5 MAHNKE, H Stewardson, R. 2 MCCLELLAND, G. W Moweaqua, R. 2 McCoNNELL, C Pana, R. 1 McGRAPH, A Moweaqua, R. 5 "McGRATH, J Moweaqua, R. 3 "MooRE, W Findlay, R. 3 *MOUNTS, W. S Assumption, R. 1 *OAKES, C. G Assumption, R. 1 "PANNETON, A Assumption, R. 1 PARKS, OSCAR Moweaqua, R. 3 "PIKESH, WM Shelbyville, R. 6' POPE, C. I Oconee, R. 1 RAKERS, G. H Oconee, R. 1 REEL, Louis A Strasburg REIFSTICK, LEONARD Cowden, R. 2 RENSHAW, CHARLES Strasburg, R. 1 RITTER, WM Strasburg, R. 1 ROBISON, FRANK Shelbyville, R. 8 SANNER, R. L Bethany, R. 2 SATTERTHWAITE, C. C Oconee, R. 2 SCHROCK, S Shelbyville, R. 7 *SIEGFRIED, E Tower Hill, R. 1 SIMPSON, A Tower Hill, R.4 SMITH, R Tower Hill, R.3 SNELL, R. C Moweaqua, R. 5 *SOLIDAY, Q Neoga, R. 1 SPANNAGEL, H. O Strasburg, R. 1 STEWARDSON, H Findlay, R. 3 *STOREY, A. A Assumption, R. 1 STOREY, D. L Assumption, R. 1 "STORM, C Trowbridge, R. 1 *STREMMING, F. W Strasburg, R. 1 STUMP, D Shelbyville, R. 8 SUPPES, D. W Moweaqua, R. 5 "TEMPLETON, W. F Gays, R. 2 VEECH, J. M Windsor, R. 1 "VoN BEHREN, WM Strasburg, R.2 WADDINGTON, DAVID Oconee, R. 1 WALKER, WM Pana, R.3 * WILSON, CLAUDE Gays, R. 2 *WILSON, J. S Gays, R. 1 WORTMAN, A Shelbyville, R. 4 "WRIGHT, J. S Bethany, R. 1 *YAKEY, JACOB Stewardson, R. 2 DAIRY CATTLE GUERNSEY HAVERSTOCK, IRA Beecher City, R. 3 "MANNING, C. B. & SID. Shelbyville, R.6 HOLSTEIN BANNING, W. F Cowden, R. 2 BARRINGER, O Cowden, R. 1 CHISNHALL, S Shtlbyville, R. 6 CHRISTM AN, F Findlay, R. 2 COOPER, J. O Shelbyville, R. 3 COSART, L. C Cowden, R. 1 "CROOK, T Tower Hill, R. 2 HAGAN, J Shelbyville, R.6 HERRICK, GEO Shelbyville, R. 6 "HOGLAND, A. V Holland, R. 3 "KRIEG, G. M Stewardson, R. 1 LOCKART, LEO Cowden, R. 2 LOCKART, LLOYD Cowden MYERS, E Cowden, R. 2 "PANCOAST, FRED Shelbyville, R. 2 PERRYMAN, JOHN Tower Hill, R. 1 RICE, F. W Oconee, R. 2 RUCH, M Shelbyville RUNKEL, ROY Shelbyville, R. 2 "SCHULTZ, F Stewardson, R. 2 SCHUMACHER, B. J Sigel, R. 2 SEELEY, D. H Shelbyville, R. 8 SHUTT, J. W Shelbyville, R. 7 STAEHLI, F Strasburg "SWITZER, C. W Mode, R. 1 "THOMPSON, R. N Cowden WALL, W. A Herrick, R. 1 WEAKLEY, E. B Findlay, R. 2 "WEIDMAN, D. G Herrick, R. 3 WILLIAMS, HENRY Trowbridge, R.I JERSEY BAKER, J. I Sigel, R. 1 BECHTEL, MRS. O Cowden, R. 2 BECKETT, F. G Assumption, R. 1 BENNETT, J. F Herrick, R. 1 *BRIDGMAN, G. R Assumption, R. 2 BRIDGMAN, W. R Assumption, R.I "CHAMBERLIN, F. W Gays, R.2 CHRISTY, W. L Beecher City, R. 3 COOPER, J. O Shelbyville, R. 3 164 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Prairie View Farm SHORTHORN CATTLE SHROPSHIRE SHEEP Stock For Sale At All Times J. S. WRIGHT Mutual Telephone Findlay Exchange BETHANY, ILL. R. R. No. I. 165 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY STOREY STOCK FARM A. A. STOREY, Prop. Breeder of Choice Clydesdale Horses, Short Horn Cattle and Shropshire Sheep WE HAVE YOUNG STOCK FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES Mutual Telephone Assumption Exchange ASSUMPTION ILLINOIS *Cox, E. M Pana, R.6 CROUCH, M Herrick *EINIG, ANNA M Pana, R. 6 GUTHRIE, A. H Oconee, R. 2 *HOFFMAN, J. G Tower Hill, R. 2 *HOPKINS, C. G Mode, R. 1 HOSTETLER, M Shelbyville, R. 8 KROPF, L Shelbyville, R. 8 LANTZ, HOMER Tower Hill, R. 2 *LAVER, ADAM Stewardson, R. 2 LUCK, PETER H Shelbyville, R. 3 MOON, J. M Herrick MUKLLER, H. F Stewardson, R. 2 ONION, THOMAS Windsor, R. 4 PATTERSON, A. E Trowbridge, R. 1 *PHELPS, S. G Gays, R. 2 RICE, F. W Oconee, R. 2 RICHMANN, C. S Windsor, R. 1 SATTERTHWAITE, C. C Oconee, R. 2 SMITH, A. B. E Tower Hill, R. 4 STONEBURNER, J. C Shelbyville, R. 3 VAUGHAN, J. S Lakewood, R. 1 *WERTH, THEO Strasburg, R. 2 BROWN SWISS KILLAM, J. H Tower Hill, R. 3 HOGS BERKSHIRE CUTLER, W Moweaqua, R. 2 FALLERT, IGNATZ J Sigel, R. 3 CARMAN, J. WALTER Bethany, R.I *NEIL, MRS. JENNIE C. .Tower Hill, R. 3 THOMPSON, R. N Cowden CHESTER WHITE ARMSTRONG, J Tower Hill, R. 2 *BARDING, J. A Oconee, R. 1 BARNHART, J. D Windsor, R. 2 *BECK, C. H Neoga, R. 1 *CASSTEVENS, MRS. A Gays, R. 2 ^CHAMBERS, J. J Windsor, R. 4 *CHRISTMAN, E Findlay, R. 2 CRANMER, R Assumption, R. 1 CRIBBET, H. C Findlay, R. 3 DRAKE, J. O Findlay, R. 3 EVERSOLE, DAVID Shelbyville, R. 1 FREEMAN, JAMES S Moweaqua, R. 3 CLICK, RALPH Lakewood, R. 1 HOEWING, MRS. E. M ... Moweaqua^ R. 5 HOWARD, HOMER Tower Hill, R. 2 JACKSON, J Moweaqua, R. 2 *KRIEG, G. M Stewardson, R. 1 KUIPER B Herrick, R. 3 *McELROY, L. E Tower Hill, R. 2 POWELL, J. S Moweaqua, R. 2 * PRICE, R. E Herrick, R. 3 PRIMMER, SIMON Moweaqua, R. 2 RANKIN, A. H Windsor, R. 1 REBER, JOSEPH Shelbyville, R. 7 166 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY REED, W. H Tower Hill, R. 1 *RHODES, J. J Tower Hill, R. 3 ROBINSON, HENRY Cowden, R. 2 *ROBY, RALPH Windsor, R. 1 ROSENBERGER, D. J Moweaqua, R. 1 SANNER, IRA Findlay, R. 2 *SHUEMAKER, C. W Neoga, R. 3 *STEWARDSON, T. H Shelbyville, R. 6 *WATTS, FRED Sigel, R. 3 *WEIR, J. A Findlay, R. 2 WORKMAN, J. W Moweaqua, R. 5 WRIGHT, W. W Cowden, R. 2 ZUIDEL, H. F Moweaqua, R. 3 DUROC JERSEY *ADAMS, J. Q Cowden, R.-l *BAIRD, D. E Bethany, R. 1 BANNING, E Cowden, R. 2 BANNING, H Cowden BANNING, J Cowden BARNHART, J. D Windsor, R. 2 BARRETT, MRS. C Tower Hill, R. 1 BECK, R. E Tower Hill, R. 3 BECKETT, F. G Assumption, R. 1 *BELL, G. A Gays, R.2 *BENNETT, B. C Windsor, R. 3 *BENNETT, W. A Windsor, R. 1 BEST, O Trowbridge, R. 1 *BIEHLER, L Shelbyville, R. 4 BIRD, F. B Cowden, R. 1 BLAND, I. W Oconee, R. 2 BOLDT, L. E Strasburg, R. 3 *BOTTRELL, C. D Windsor, R. 4 BOYS, J. W Shelbyville, R. 4 BREWER, J Findlay, R. 2 BRITTON, E Moweaqua, R. 2 BROWN, G. C Shelbyville, R. 9 BUCHANAN, T. W Herrick, R. 1 *CARLOCK, C Tower Hill, R.2 CARROLL, J. A Assumption. R. 3 *CARTWELL, T. W Tower Hill, R. 3 *CHAMBERLIN, F. W Gays, R. 2 *CLARK, W. N Cowden, R. 2 COULTAS, C. E Moweaqua, R. 3 *CULBERSON, A. J Pana, R. 1 CURRY, F. V Gays, R. 2 *CURRY, J. J Windsor, R. 1 CUTLER, W Moweaqua, R. 2 DAGEN, D. E Cowden, R. 2 *DEDMAN, J. W., & SONS. .Findlay, R. 3 DOEHLING, H Strasburg, R. 1 DRAKE, J. O Findlay, R. 3 DUNAWAY, C. T Fancher *DUNCAN, W. R Windsor, R. 4 *EDMONDSON, J. B Tower Hill, R.3 FAIRCHILD, S. I Tower Hill, R. 4 FORTNER, H. P Findlay, R. 3 *FURR, OSCAR Shelbyville, R. 8 *GADDIS, LLOYD Windsor, R. 1 *GILES, C. C Mode, R. 1 ^^ M. D. PIETY & CO. DUROC JERSEY HOGS X N Pure Breds Best Blood Lines Represented Breeding Stock for Sale at All Times Inspection Especially Invited 5J/2 miles north and I mile west of Shelbyville Farm R. R. 9 SHELBYVILLE, ILL. 167 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY GLESON, GEO. R Windsor GREEN, RICHARD Moweaqua, R. 2 GREEN, SHANAN Moweaqua, R. 3 GUTHRIE, CARL Herrick, R. 3 *HART, N. M Tower Hill, R. 1 *HERTON, A. D Tower Hill, R. 1 *HIMES, C F Tower Hill, R. 3 HINTON, R Pana, R. 1 "HOPKINS, C. G Mode, R. 1 JENSEN, C Strasburg, R. 2 JENSEN, F. W Strasburg, R. 2 *JESTER, O Tower Hill, R. 1 KEMP, G Moweaqua, R. 3 KENDALL, F Neoga, R. 3 *KESSLER, G Beecher City, R. 3 KINKADE, R Windsor, R.2 *KIRCHER, W. J Strasburg, R. 1 KRUMMEL, W Windsor, R. 1 KUHN, L Oconee, R. 2 LENZ, ARTHUR Stewardson, R. 1 LENZ, FRED Windsor, R. 4 LOCKART, J. L Cowden, R. 1 MAHNKE, C Strasburg, R. 2 *MCCLELLAND, G. W Moweaqua, R. 2 McKirrRicK, H. E Tower Hill, R.I *McKirrRiCK, L. Tower Hill, R.I *METZGER, A. G Pana, R. 5 *MIDDLETON, O Assumption, R. 1 *MIDDLETON, W. N Assumption, R. 1 MORRISON, W. M .Tower Hill, R. 1 NANCE, IR.WIN Herrick, R. 1 *NEECE, T. F Oconee, R. 2 NOFFKE, THEODORE H Windsor, R. 4 *OAKES, C. G Assumption, R. 1 O'KELLEY, GEORGE Cowden, R. 2 PATIENT, THOS Findlay, R. 3 PATTERSON, ELMER Shelbyville, R. 4 PHILLIPS, WILLIAM Lakewood, R. 1 POLAND, FRED B Cowden, R. 2 REED, THOMAS Bethany, R. 2 REIFSTECK, Louis Cowden, R. 2 RICHARDS, S. V Strasburg, R. 3 *ROBY, HARRY Gays, R. 2 ROWLEY, E, C Assumption, R. 3 RUNKEL. JOE Shelbyville, R. 2 SANDS, O. S Shelbyville, R. 9 SANTROCK, J Shumway, R. 1 SEITZ, N. H Tower Hill, R. 2 SELLERS, C. W Cowden, R. 2 SIMS, H Moweaqua, R. 2 SINNARD, J. M Moweaqua, R. 5 *SMITH, A. C Shelbyville, R. 5 SPORLEDER, O. C Findlay, R. 1 *STILLWELL, J. F Shelbyville, R. 8 TABOR, CHESTER Oconee, R. 1 *TABOR, H. C Tower Hill, R. 2 TAYLOR, T. M Assumption, R. 1 *TILLEY, O. L Tower Hill, R. 1 *TILLEY, TRUMAN Tower Hill, R. 2 *TOLLY, CHARLES Assumption, R. 1 TURNER, G. R Windsor *VEECH, CLARENCE Neoga, R. 3 VEECH, J. M Windsor, R. 1 WAKEFIELD, JOHN A Cowden WALTER, D. R Cowden, R. 1 *WEBNER, ORTY Strasburg, R. 2 *WERTH, THEO Strasburg, R. 2 WICKER, CHARLES Bethany, R. 1 WILLIAMS, O. A Cowden, R. 2 * WILSON, CLAUDE Gays, R. 2 *WILSON, S. A Shelbyville, R. 6 *WORLEY, JOHN P Neoga, R. 3 HAMPSHIRE *CARRUTHERS, F Neoga, R. 1 GAITHER, P. T Assumption, R. 1 *HAMM, MARTIN I Strasburg JACKSON, L Windsor, R. 3 *KOONTZ, F Stewardson, R. 1 MOON, M. E Tower Hill, R. 2 *ROBY, CURTIS H Tower Hill, R. 3 *WORLEY, JOHN P Neoga, R. 3 MULEFOOT *CROSS, J. M Cowden, R. 1 GAITHER, D. A Bethany, R. 2 POLAND CHINA ANDERSON, F Stewardson ASKINS, B Shelbyville, R. 8 AULD, W. O Shelbyville, R. 6 BALES, C. D Moweaqua, R. 2 BARKHURST, J. J Lakewood, R.I *BARLOW, J Oconee, R. 1 *BARRINGER, H. S Tower Hill, R. 3 BARTSCHT, C. E Shelbyville, R. 1 BASS, C Hanson, R. 1 *BENNETT, H. D Gays, R. 2 BENNETT, O. F Herrick, R. 1 BLAKEMORE, J. F Lakewood, R. 1 BOHLEN, HANK Moweaqua, R. 3 *BOHLEN, HERMAN Moweaqua, R. 3 BOWER, F. S Gays, R. 1 BOWMAN, J. E Lakewood, R. 4 *BRIDGMAN, G. R Assumption, R. 2 BRIDGMAN, J. M Moweaqua, R. 2 BRITTON, E Moweaqua, R. 2 BURROWS, G Findlay, R. 2 *CAMPBELL, S. C Tower Hill, R. 3 *CASSIDY, T. D Moweaqua, R. 2 CECIL, R. E Windsor, R. 4 *CHAMBERLAIN, B. J Herrick, R. 2 CONNELY, W. H Shelbyville, R. 4 CORLEY, MRS. B. W. F. ...Herrick, R.I CROCKETT, F Neoga, R. 3 CROUCH, M Herrick CUNNINGHAM, M. B Moweaqua, R.2 CUTLER, MRS. M. F Findlay, R. 3 *DlEFENTHALER, L. F Oconee *DTLDINE, C Findlay, R. 2 DODDS, J Neoga, R. 1 DONALDSON, J. E Hanson, R.I 168 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Oakbrook Farm Durocs Established 1905 Durocs excel in quality, size, prolificacy and ability to make profitable use of a great variety of feeds. The care used in developing the Oakbrook Duroc Herd is con- vincingly set forth by this list of sires used. Ben Gold Cloud 63613 Oakbrook Buddy 85367 W. & F.'s Col. 18129A Melon's Ohio Chief 74735 Muncie Col. 85571 Col. Notcher 123773 King Col. S. 44121A Superba III 50533A Pal's Fancy Col. 64455A Pathfinder Lad 240653 PRODUCTIVE SUPERIOR STOCK AND MODERATE PRICES SHORTHORNS The popularity of Shorthorns throughout the middle west indicates that no other breed equals them as profit-makers, under our conditions, prominent among which are heavy crops and scarcity of help. Perhaps we could better spare all other breeds than this one premier race of cattle. To a superlative degree they combine high quality with large size beef-making tendency with milk-producing ability in a short utility and beauty with a pleasing disposition. We are using the good Scotch Bull Merry Archer 630331. Come, write or phone. C. G. OAKES ASSUMPTION, ILL. References: The Ayars Bank, Moweaqua, 111. The Baird "Anchor" Farm DeFOREST E. BAIRD, Owner and Mgr. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DUROC JERSEY SWINE | AND BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Best of Breeding and Individuality. Come and see for yourself, or phone. i Address R. F. D 2 BETHANY, ILL. 169 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY *DowNS, H. C , Findlay, R. 3 EKISS, BERT Moweaqua, R. 3 *ELLRICH, HARRY A Moweaqua, R. 4 ELMERS, WM Moweaqua, R. 3 EVANS, J. B. Lakewood, R. 1 FEDERMAN, WM Moweaqua, R. 2 *FERGUSON, Z. P Windsor, R. 1 GAITHER, D. A Bethany, R. 2 GAITHER, T. E Moweaqua, R. 3 GASTON, W. I Windsor, R. 4 GATONS, JOHN Oconee, R. 2 GIBBONS, JAMES J Neoga, R. 3 CLICK, C. M Lakewood CLICK, L. O Tower Hill, R. 1 CLICK, W. S Herrick, R. 1 GROHAN, ELMER Gays, R. 2 HAWKINS, R. O Oconee, R. 1 *HAWLEY, OSCAR Findlay, R. 3 HENDRICKS, WM. H Shelbyville, R.4 HERBOTH, JOHN Hanson, R. 1 HICKMAN, J. M Gays, R. 2 *HILTON, HOMER Oconee, R. 1 *HIMES, C. F Tower Hill, R. 3 *HINTON, A. W Oconee, R. 1 *HOAGLAND, J. K Mode, R. 1 *HUBNER, A. J Tower Hill, R. 2 HUDSON, HENRY M Moweaqua, R. 5 HUGHES, JAMES F Trowbridge, R. 1 *HUMMEL, RANSON Neoga, R. 1 HUTCHENS, MRS. SADIE Oconee, R. 2 *JONES, J. C Oconee, R. 1 KASSEN, J. H Oconee, R. 2 KEEK, G Neoga, R. 3 KELLY, MRS. L Tower Hill, R.I *KEMPER, C. G Tower Hill, R. 1 KERR, J. F Pana, R. 1 *KIEFLING, J. L Cowden, R. 2 *KiRK BROS Moweaqua, R. 2 KULL, J. F Strasburg, R. 1 KULL, W. E Strasburg, R. 1 KUMMERLY, J. F Moweaqua, R. 3 *LADING, HENRY Strasburg, R. 1 LEE, W. A Oconee, R. 1 *LOWE, LEO L Tower Hill; R. 4 LUDWIG, GEORGE Sigel, R. 1 LUEDKE, FRANK M Strasburg, R. 2 *LUEDKE, P. X Neoga, R. 3 ^MANNING, C. B. & SID. Shelbyville, R. 6 *MANUEL, H. L Herrick, R. 3 MARMOR, R Findlay, R. 3 MATHIAS, A. B Tower Hill, R. 3 McBRiDE, E. T Moweaqua, R. 3 MILLER, S. C Moweaqua, R. 3 MITCHELL, A. C Gays, R. 2 MOOMAW, W Stewardson, R. 1 MOORE. J. L Lakewood, R. 1 *MORGAN, O. S Tower Hill, R.4 *NICOL, J. A Tower Hill, R. 1 ONION, THOMAS Windsor, R. 4 *PANNETON, A Assumption, R. 1 PARR, MRS. ELIZA Lakewood, R. 1 *POPE, JAMES W Hanson, R. 1 * POTTER, C. H Assumption, R. 1 *PRICE, JESSIE E Lakewood *PURKISER, C. M Gays, R. 2 RAKERS, G. H Oconee, R. 1 *RAWLINGS, W. C Findlay, R. 2 * REEDY, LUTE Findlay, R. 3 *RENNER, GEORGE Oconee, R. 1 RICHARDS, JOHN P Strasburg, R. 1 ROBINSON, MRS. E. B. . .Shelbyville, R. 1 ROBISON, FRANK Shelbyville, R. 8 ROBISON, THOS Windsor, R. 4 *ROSE, DANIEL T Findlay, R. 1 RUNKEL, ROY Shelbyville, R. 2 RUTLEDGE, J. S Findlay, R- 2 SANDS, J. C Shelbyville, R. 1 SANDS, O. S Shelbyville, R. 9 SANNER, R. L Bethany, R. 2 SATTERTHWAITE, C. C Oconee, R. 2 *SCHAFER, J. N Neoga, R. 1 SEELY, D. H Shelbyville, R. 8 SEELY, J. N Herrick, R. 1 SEELY, S. M Shelbyville, R. 8 *SHARPE, O. O Tower Hill, R. 1 SHANE, G Tower Hill, R.4 SHEILS, C. C Shelbyville, R. 8 *SIEGFRIED, E Tower Hill, R. 1 SMALL, O Assumption, R. 1 SMITH, A. B. E Tower Hill, R.4 "SMITH, W. H Windsor, R. 4 SNAPP, W. H Findlay, R. 3 *SNELL, W. C Moweaqua, R. 3 SNELL & HOOD Shelbyville, R. 9 *SOLIDAY, G Neoga, R. 1 SPENCE, A. W Assumption, R. 1 SPENCE, E. G Assumption, R. 1 STANDLEY, B Moweaqua, R. 2 STEPHENS, W. M Shelbyville, R. 8 *STORM, C Trowbridge, R. 1 STORM, L Windsor, R. 1 *STORM, W. D Gays, R. 2 STUBBLEFIELD, J. D Moweaqua, R. 3 STUMPF, W. R Findlay, R. 2 *SUMMERS, C Shelbyville, R. 4 TABOR. CHESTER Oconee, R. 1 *TANKERSLE, WARKEN.. Assumption, R.I THOMPSON, WADE Moweaqua. R.4 Twiss, C. H Tower Hill, R. 3 WALKER, C. E Shelbyville WALKER, WM Pana, R. 3 WEAKLEY, ROY Shelbyville, R. 4 WESSLER, JOHN G Herrick, R. 2 WILDS, JESSE S Moweaqua, R. 3 WILLIAMS, HENRY Trowbridge, R.I *WILLIAMS, W. D Mode, R. 1 *WooDS, CLARK Shelbyville, R. 2 *YAKEY. JACOB Stewardson, R. 2 YOUNG, W. W Gays, R. 2 170 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY TAMWORTH CALVERT, C Shelbyville, R. 1 *HERRICK, GEO Shelbyville, R. 6 McGiLLiGAN, H. A Findlay, R. 2 *SHELEY, D Shelbyville, R. 2 SNELL & HOOD Shelbyville, R. 9 *TICE, C. E Shelbyville, R.I YORKSHIRE *WEAKLEY, HOMER Findlay, R. 2 HORSES CLYDESDALE *GREGORY, J. T Moweaqua, R. 2 *RAWLINGS, W. C Findlay, R. 2 SMALL, O Assumption, R. 1 * STOREY, A. A Assumption, R.I TOWNSEND, G. W Moweaqua, R. 5 COACH REBER, JOSEPH Shelbyville, R. 7 DRAFT SATTERTHWAITE, C. C Oconee, R. 2 HACKNEY * WORKMAN, CECIL Moweaqua, R. 5 MORGAN ASH, C Tower"Hill DEAN, C. C Moweaqua, R. 5 *MONTGOMERY, R. M Gays, R. 2 RICHARDS, W. F Strasburg, R. 1 RITTER, WM Strasburg, R. 1 PERCHERON BAUER, T. A Tower Hill, R. 1 BIEDERT, J. A Findlay, R. 2 *BROWNBACK, G. D.... Tower Hill, R.2 *CAZALET, C. C Assumption, R. 3 CHRISTIAN, D. T Shelbyville, R.8 DEAN, C. C Moweaqua, R. 5 *DUNCAN, J. G Lakewood ENOCH, RICHARD Findlay, R. 3 ENOCH, THOMAS Findlay HUDSON, C. W Cowden, R. 2 KEELING, J Shelbyville, R. 9 *KIRCHER, L. J Strasburg, R. 3 KUHLE, L Assumption, R. 1 LEWELLYN, M. S Tower Hill, R.2 MAKER, MRS. MARY. . .Assumption, R.I *METSKER, P Tower Hill, R. 3 *MILLER, G. L Tower Hill, R. 2 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllll E. G. SPENCE Breeder of English Shire Horses and big type Poland-China Hogs Tafton Chief Second STUD IN SERVICE STOCK FOR SALE White Emden Geese and Barred Rock Chickens MUTUAL TEL. CO., Assumption Ex. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ASSUMPTION, ILL. Rural Route 1 171 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY *OAKS, FRANK Assumption, R. 1 PIEPER, HENRY Strasburg, R. 2 * POTTER, ELMER M Tower Hill, R. 3 REBER, JOSEPH Shelbyville, R. 7 RICHARDS, JOHN P Strasburg, R. 1 RICHARDS, VV. F Strasburg, R. 1 *SELLF.RS, C. W Cowden, R. 2 *SIDENER, J. G., and W. D. CONVERSE Pana, R. 1 *SNELL, R. C Moweaqua, R. 5 SPENCER, O Windsor, R. 2 SPENCER, R Windsor, R. 2 STORM, L Windsor, R. 1 *TEMPLETON, W. F Gays, R. 2 "THOMPSON, R. N Cowden TILLEY, O. L Tower Hill, R. 1 *VoN BEHREN, WM Strasburg, R. 2 WALKER, C. E Shelbyville *WEAKLEY, HOMER Findlay, R. 2 WICKER, CHARLES Bethany, R. 1 WILLIAMS, M. E Lakewood SADDLE *ADAMS, J. Q Cowden, R. 1 PATTERSON, GROVER C Windsor SHIRE CRIBBET, H. H Findlay, R. 1 *DUNCAN, J. G Lakewood *ENOCH, RICHARD Findlay, R. 3 REED, W. H Tower Hill, R. 1 SPENCE, A. W Assumption, R. 1 SPENCE, E. G Assumption, R. 1 STEINEMAN, J. A Stewardson, R. 1 *STEWARDSON, F. C Findlay, R. 3 WILLIAMS, JOHN B Stewartson, R.I *WRIGHT, J. S Bethany, R. 1 STANDARD BRED *HowsE, W. J Moweaqua, R. 5 MILLIGAN, L. S Shelbyville, R. 5 PASLEY, V. L Moweaqua, R. 3 *ROGERS, JNO., SR Findlay, R. 3 *SLOAN, C Moweaqua, R. 5 PONIES SHETLAND BATEM AN, A Findlay, R. 2 HAWLEY, J. L Moweaqua, R. 3 McMiLLiN, J. H Cowden, R. 2 ROGERS, JNO., SR Findlay, R. 3 STOREY, D. L Assumption, R. 1 TURNER, A. J Bethany, R. 1 JACKS MAMMOTH *BOYS, A Shelbyville, R. 1 COSART, L. C Cowden, R. 1 DEAN, C. C Moweaqua, R. 5 *DUNCAN, J. G Lakewood ENOCH, THOMAS Findlay FORTNER, H. P Findlay, R. 3 HUDSON, C. W Cowden, R. 2 McCLORY, P. H Trowbridge SCHUTTE, J Sigel, R. 1 *SIDENER, J. G and W. G. CONVERSE Pana, R. 1 *VoN BEHREN, WM Strasburg, R. 2 *WEIR, J. A Findlay, R. 2 SPANISH CUTLER, H. A Moweaqua, R. 5 *WEAKLEY, HOMER Findlay. R. 2 SHEEP COTSWOLD *SHERWOOD, H. A Shelbyville, R.8 DELAINE HARLESS, ALVA E Shelbyville, R. 9 KILLAM, I. L Shelbyville, R. 1 *TiCE, C. E Shelbyville, R. 1 MERINO BOYS, W. R Shelbyville, R. 9 OXFORD STEWARDSON, H Findlay, R. 3 WALKER, WM. .Pana, R. 3 SHROPSHIRE BARTSCHT, C. E Shelbyville, R. 1 *BENNETT, B. C Windsor, R. 3 *BENNETT, O. R Windsor, R. 1 *CAMPBELL, S. C Tower Hill, R. 3 CLARK, M Assumption, R. 1 COULTAS, C. E Moweaqua, R. 3 *DEDMAN, J. W Findlay, R. 3 DODDS, J Neoga, R. 1 *GERHOLD, M. F Tower Hill, R. 2 GREGORY, MORTON Herrick HALL, JOSEPH Cowden, R. 2 HAWSE, JAMES Findlay, R. 3 *HEADLEY, E. D Shelbyville, R. 8 HENDRICKS. ALONZO. . . . Shelbyville, R. 4 *HOAGLAND, J. K Mode, R. 1 KILLAM, J. H Tower Hill, R. 3 *KNOX, A. W Shelbyville, R. 7 KROPF, L Shelbyville, R. 8 *LucE, GEORGE D Windsor, R. 4 LUCK, PETER H Shelbyville, R. 3 McCLORY, H Trowbridge, R. 1 MCDONALD, HARRY & HOMER .Assumption, R. 1 172 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Fountain Park Stock Farm Delaine Sheep a Specialty My stock numbers eight hundred. I have rams that shear over thirty pounds and ewes that shear twenty pounds of long white fine staple wool. Have found Delaines hardy, prolific and profitable after years of experience with them. ISAAC L. KILLAM SHELBYVILLE : : : ILLLINOIS SHROPSHIRE SHEEP RAMS AND EWES FOR SALE Young Stock for Sale YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THIS STOCK ALONZO HENDRICKS Rural Route 9 4 miles north of Shelbyville SHELBYVILLE :: ILLINOIS 173 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY MCDONALD, W. E Lakewood *MILLIGAN, D. A Shelbyville, R. 5 *NEIL, MRS. JENNIE C. Tower Hill, R. 3 NICHOLS, S. D Herrick, R. 1 RICHARDS, JOHN P Strasburg, R. 1 *ROSE, DANIEL T Findlay, R. 1 *SMITH, C. L Tower Hill, R. 2 SMITH, W. M Shelbyville, R. 2 *STORY, A. A Assumption, R. 1 *STORM, W. D Neoga, R. 3 *THOMPSON, R. N Cowden WALKER, J. B Windsor, R. 3 *WEBNER, ORTY Strasburg, R. 2 *WRIGHT, J. S Bethany, R. 1 CATS PERSIAN *SMITH, DR. W Findlay, R. 3 DOGS AIREDALE BARE, F. W Lakewood COON HARMON, M. A Shelbyville, R.8 FOX HOUND SPRACKLIN, O. M Cowden, R. 2 GOATS KROPF, LEVI Shelbyville, R. 8 HARES BELGIAN *CHAPPELAR, W Beecher City, R. 3 KROPF, L Shelbyville, R. 8 *SHERWOOD, H. A Shelbyville, R. 8 RABBITS WHITE ANGORA KROPF, LEVI Shelbyville, R. : FLEMISH GIANT KROPF, LEVI Shelbyville, R. 8 NEW ZEALAND RED KROPF, LEVI Shelbyville, R. 8 CHICKENS ANCONA *BARBEE, C Shelbyville, R. 7 BARBEE, O Shelbyville R. 4 *BARKER, J. R Middlesworth BIVINS, G. D Findlay, R. 2 GIBBONS, JAMES J Neoga, R. 3 HIATT, ANDERSON Neoga, R. 3 HOWE, H. G Cowden, R. 2 LUCK, PETKR H Shelbyville, -R. 3 PETERSON, GROVER Neoga, R. 3 RENFROW, CHARLES ...Stewardson, R. 2 *SHUMARD, W. T .Stewardson, R.I SPICER, F Findlay WOODS, GRANT D Shelbyville, R. 6 BUFF COCHIN BANTAM *STEWARDSON, E Shelbyville, R, 5 *WERTH, THEO Strasburg, R. 2 LIGHT BRAHMAS BOHLEN, H Moweaqua, R. 3 HICKS, LUTHER Shelbyville, R. 6 *KIRCHER, W. J Strasburg, R. 1 *OAKS, FRANK Assumption, R. 1 OAKS, I. O Assumption, R.I SWINFORD, J. H Windsor, R. 2 BELGIAN CAMPION *KIRN, A. A Strasburg, R. 2 BLACK COCHIN ROBERTS, ALEX Shelbyville, R. 4 BUFF COCHIN BECHTEL, MRS. O Cowden, R. 2 DARK CORNISH *BALL, L. A Holland HAMBURG BEAK, R. E Stewardson, R. 1 HOUDAN *KIRN, A. A Strasburg, R. 2 174 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY BLACK LANGSHAN BARE, F. W Lakewood ELMERS, HENRY J Moweaqua, R. 3 GAITHER, T. D Windsor, R. 3 HEADLEY, E. D Shelbyville, R. 8 * PATTERSON, GEORGE . . .Stewardson, R. 1 *REEDY, LUKE Findlay, R. 3 RICH MAN, C. S Windsor, R. 1 HAGAN, J Shelbyville, R. 6 SCHMITZ, F Hanson, R. 1 SHELTON, J. B Moweaqua, R. 5 STORER, W. N Tower Hill, R. 4 WEAKLEY, H. R Findlay, R.2 WERTH, THEO Strasburg, R. 2 BROWN LEGHORN * ADAMS, J. Q Cowden, R. 1 BARNHART, J. D Windsor, R. 2 BARRICKMAN, J. S Shelbyville, R.I BUCK MAN, C. R Herrick, R. 1 *CASSTEVENS, J. M Beecher City, R. 1 *CURRY, F. V Gays, R. 2 *DILLMAN, N. F Oconee, R. 1 EASH, FRANK Shelbyville, R. 8 *FURR, OSCAR Shelbyville, R. 8 HAGAN, J Shelbyville, R. 6 HENDERSON, JOE L Cowden, R. 1 JENSEN, C Strasburg, R. 2 *KOONTZ, F Stewardson, R. 1 *KRAMER, J. M . Oconee, R. 1 KUMMERLY, J. F Moweaqua, R. 3 MCGEEHON, N. H Cowden, R. 2 MOON, J. M Herrick PATIENT, THOS Findlay, R. 3 PUGH, W. J Shelbyville, R. 8 *STILLWELL, J. FRANK. .Shelbyville, R. 8 SWANSON, J Trowbridge, R. 1 WEBNER, ELMER Windsor * WILSON, A. C Shelbyville, R. 2 *WILSON, LUTHER Shelbyville, R. 2 BUFF LEGHORN NICKOLS, JOHN .Windsor, R. 4 WHITE LEGHORN *BIEHLER, L Shelbyville, R. 9 *BLYTHE, E Cowden BUCHANAN, T. W Herrick, R.I CHRJSTMAN, E Findlay, R. 2 *CURRY, G. H Gays, R. 2 *CURRY, J. J Gays, R. 2 DAVIS, M. B Findlay *GROSS, J. O Tower Hill, R. 1 HENDERSON, JOE L Cowden, R. I KELLY, G. W Tower Hill, R. 4 KENNY, H Windsor, R. 2 *LOCKART, JESSE Moweaqua, R. 5 McKiTTRiCK, A. H Assumption, R. 1 *MESSER, H Gays, R. 1 PARKER, T. W Shelbyville, R. 3 PKTKRSON, GROVER Neoga, R. 3 FOR SALE HEREFORD BULLS SHROPSHIRE BUCKS POLAND CHINA BOARS E. R. GOLDSTEIN Springbrook Farms SHELBYVILLE, ILL. Steele & Carter General Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing and Woodwork Prompt Service Work Guaranteed SHELBYVILLE, : : ILL. 175 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY *ROBY, RALPH Windsor, R. 1 *RUCHRIEGEL, WM Shelbyville, R. 7 RUNKEL, ROY Shelbyville, R. 2 SHELEY, D Shelbyville, R. 2 SMALL, C. E Shelbyville, R. 1 SMALL, W. W Shelbyville, R. 1 SMITH, J. F Shelbyville, R. 9 SNOW, C Herrick, R. 1 SPILLMAN, W. M Windsor, R. 2 SPRACKLEN, M Cowden, R. 2 TIPTON, W. F Windsor, R. 3 WEAKLEY, E. B Findlay, R. 2 WEAKLEY, LLOYD Findlay, R. 5 MINORCA SEELY, D. H Shelbyville, R. 8 BRUNNER, T Oconee, R. 2 BLACK ORPINGTON BARE, F. W Lakewood BUFF ORPINGTON ABRAMS, W. M Shelbyville, R. 2 *ADCOCK, E. C Assumption, R. 1 BALL, J Stewardson, R. 2 BATEMAN, A Findlay, R. 2 *CHRISTMAN, E Findlay, R. 2 DEAL, J. M Cowden, R. 2 *DEDMAN, J. M Findlay, R. 3 DUNAWAY, C. T Fancher FISHER, GEO. WILEY Neoga, R. 1 FLING, JAS Windsor, R. 2 *GOOD, A. L Shelbyville, R. 3 HAVERSTOCK, IRA Beecher City, R. 3 HENRY, J. F Shelbyville, R. 1 *HILER, W. R Tower Hill, R. 4 *HOFFMAN, L. P Moweaqua, R. 5 *HOPKINS, C. G Mode, R. 1 *HUMMEL, RANSON Neoga, R. 1 KILLAM, R. L Shelbyville, R. 1 *KULL, H. C Strasburg, R. 1 LESBEY, A. M Findlay, R. 1 MILLER, C. W Shelbyville, R. 2 *PANCOAST, FRED Shelbyville, R. 2 RAMSEYER, WM Moweaqua, R. 5 RUSSELL, H. D Tower Hill, R. 4 *RUSSELL, LUKE Pana, R. 1 SCHINZLER, G. L Shelbyville, R. 7 *SEITZ, C. A Pana, R. 6 SLAUGHTER, H Moweaqua, R. 5 SPICER, F Findlay SPICER, J. C Findlay, R. 1 STUMP, J Moweaqua, R. 5 WHITE ORPINGTON *CASSTEVENS, MRS. A Gays, R. 2 COVENTRY, F Moweaqua, R. 3 *KESSLER, A., JR Shumway, R. 1 KNOX, A. W Shelbyville, R. 7 KULL, J. F Strasburg, R. 1 *PROSSER, WM Shelbyville, R. 4 *SIDENER, J. G. & W. O. CONVERSE Pana, R. 1 WHITE CRESTED BLACK POLISH BREIGHNER, B. W Cowden, R. 2 RHODE ISLAND RED *AsH, D Tower Hill, R. 1 BANNING, E Cowden, R. 2 *BARBEE, E Shelbyville, R. 4 *BARNES, S. E Shelbyville, R. 8 BARRETT, L. D Tower Hill, R. 2 *BAUMGARTEN, T. E Stewardson, R. 2 BAYLISS, C. S Moweaqua, R. 5 BECKETT, F. G Assumption, R.I BENDLER, R. F v Findlay, R. 4 *BENNETT, B. C Windsor, R. 3 BENNETT, J. W Tower Hill, R. 4 *BEST, C Trowbridge, R. 1 BIVINS, R Findlay, R. 3 BIVINS, W. C Shelbyville, R. 5 BLAND, J. W Oconee, R. 2 BOHLEN, H Moweaqua, R. 3 BOHLIN, M Moweaqua, R. 3 BOYD, J. W Westervelt BOYS, W. R Shelbyville, R. 9 BRADEN, G. E Findlay, R. 2 *BRIMM, S. B Tower Hill, R. 2 BROWN, E. O Shelbyville, R. 1 BUCHANAN, T. W Herrick, R. 1 *BUESKING, H. H Strasburg, R. 1 BUN YARD, J. H Findlay, R. 3 *CHAMBERLIN, F. W Gays, R. 2 CHRISTMAN, L. H Shelbyville, R. 1 CHRISTMAN, O Shelbyville, R. 1 *CLA\VSON, H. O Fancher COMPTON, F. L Findlay, R. 3 *CONNELL, L. E Shelbyville, R. 7 CORLEY, MRS. N. A Lakewood, R. 1 COVENTRY, C Assumption, R. 1 CBIBLET, H. H Findlay, R. 1 CROUCH, R. J Shelbyville, R. 4 CULMBER, M Tower Hill, R. 1 CUTTILL, S Findlay, R. 3 DAVIS, M. B Findlay DEDMAN, J. B Findlay, R. 3 *DlEFENTHALER, L. F Oconee DOWELL, J. W Cowden, R. 1 EASH, FRANK Shelbyville, R. 8 ELAM, R. H Trowbridge, R. 1 EMERY, R. LEE Pana, R. 1 *ENOCH. RICHARD Findlay, R. 3 *EVEY, H. F Tower Hill, R. 4 FELTENBERGER, C. F Herrick, R. 1 *FORTNER, S. E .Holland 176 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY FOSTER, ORA C Tower Hill, R. 1 FOWLER, VV. G Cowden, R. 1 *Fox, WILLIE Shelbyville, R. 5 *GEARHART, J. D Tower Hill, R. 4 *GILES, ROY Assumption, R. 1 CLICK, L. O Tower Hill, R. 1 GRUBBS, C. M Findlay, R. 2 HAMILTON, ROY Herrick, R. 3 HARLESS, ALVA E Shelbyville, R. 9 *HART, N. M Tower Hill, R.I HILL, JAMES Moweaqua, R. 5 HILL, W. A Windsor, R.4 HILTON, WILLIAM Oconee, R. 1 *HOAGLAND, J. K Mode, R. 1 HOSTETLER, JOHN L Shelby ville, R. 7 * HOSTETLER. L. C Shelbyville, R. 7 HOSTETLER, M Shelbyville, R. 8 *HOSTETLER, P Shelbyville, R. 7 *HOWELL, LEWIS Oconee, R. 2 "HUDSON, W. B Shelbyville, R. 6 KELLY, MRS. L Tower Hill, R. 1 KIMLEL, J Shelbyville, R. 3 *KLUMP, E. G Strasburg, R. 1 KULL, W. E Strasburg, R. 1 *LEMONS, C. S Gays, R. 2 LOFLAND, F. E Findlay, R. 3 * MARCH, W. D Moweaqua, R, 3 MCDONALD, E. A Shelbyville, R. 1 *MEISTER, G. D Mode *MIDDLETON, W. M Assumption, R. 1 The Tide tc Your Land is very important. Dependable Abstracts of Title are a neces- sity to ascertain the exact con- dition of titles. Reliable Work and Responsible Farm Loans A Specialty Office: Near Court House, one door east of Citizen's National Bank ground floor. KELLER & LEATHERS ABSTRACTERS Shelbyville - Illinois Kaskaskia Live Stock Insurance Company SHELBYVILLE, ILLINOIS Established 1909 Incorporated 1913 Authorized Capital $250.000 Does a general Live Stock Insurance Business in the Central States Issues policies protecting the owners of valuable horses, mules and cattle against loss by death from disease, accidents, fire and lightning. OFFICERS: W. J. Eddy, Pres. ; J. C. Westervelt, Treas.; G. C. Bolinger, V.pres. ; C. F. Stiarwalt, Sec.; R. T. Eddy, Atty. DIRECTORS: J. S. Wrights, W. J. Eddy, W. S. Middlesworth, J. L. Hoover. John Conrad, Geo. C. Bolinger, J. C. Westervelt, R. T. Eddy, C. F. Stiarwalt. 177 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY MILLER, J., JR Shelbyville, R. 5 MONTGOMERY, J. L Cowden, R. 1 *MOOMAW, W Stewardson, R. 1 MORSE, R. E Findlay, R. 4 MOVER, J. F Shelbyville, R. 4 *MUELLER, G Strasburg, R. 2 MUNSON, E. G Lakewood, R. 1 *NicoL, J. A Tower Hill, R. 1 OSBORNE, ALBERT Assumption, R. 1 PARKER, T. W Shelbyville, R. 3 PATIENT, THOMAS Findlay, R. 3 PINNEY, O. D Moweaqua, R. 3 PLOWMAN, QUINN Lakewood POGUE, L, E Findlay, R. 2 * POWERS, RAD Shelbyville, R. 8 PUGH, SAM Moweaqua, R. 5 RAWLINGS, H. M Shelbyville, R.I REIGHLEY, DR. W. S Moweaqua RHODES, J. W Oconee, R. 2 RITTER, WM Strasburg, R. 1 ROBTSON, THOS Windsor, R. 4 *ROSE, DANIEL T Findlay, R. 1 ROSENBERGER, D. J Moweaqua, R. 1 SANDS, C. E Shelbyville, R. 1 SANNER, I Findlay, R. 2 SCHAFER, O. H Strasburg, R. 3 SCHLANSER, A Siegel, R. 3 *SCHULTZ, F Stewardson, R. 2 SHAFFER, F. F Findlay, R. 3 *SHELEY, D Shelbyville, R. 2 SIMPSON, G. W. A Tower Hill, R. 4 SIMS, E. A Moweaqua, R. 5 SIMS, H Moweaqua, R. 2 SMALL, W. W Shelbyville, R.I SMART, M. T Moweaqua, R. 2 SNAPP, J. R .Findlay, R. 3 SNOW, C Herrick, R. 1 *SOLIDAY, G Neoga, R. 1 SPANNAGEL, J. A Strasburg, R. 1 STEELE L Shelbyville, R. 8 STONEBURNER, J. M Herrick, R. 1 STONEBURNER, J. W Herrick, R.I SULLIVAN, J. J Shelbyville, R. 7 TABOR, CHESTER Oconee, R. 1 UPPERMAN, W. D Cowden, R. 1 WALTER, D. R Cowden, R. 1 WALTER, JOSEPH Cowden, R. 1 WEAKLEY, E. B Findlay, R. 2 *WEAKLEY, HOMER Findlay, R. 2 WEBER, J. H Tower Hill, R. 3 WHITE, RAY Moweaqua, R. 3 *WIANT, S. B Assumption, R. 1 *WILSON, S. A Shelbyville, R. 6 WOODS, GRANT S Shelbyville, R. 6 *YOUNG, SAMUEL Neoga, R. 3 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK ABRAHAM, E. R Moweaqua, R. 3 ADAMS, J. H Shelbyville, R. 4 *ADAMS, J. Q Cowden, R. 1 ARMSTRONG, L. W Findlay, R. 2 AUGENSTEIN, G. M Shelbyville, R. 2 BAIRD, C. H Moweaqua, R. 3 *BAIRD, D. E Bethany, R. 2 BAKER, C. L Shelbyville, R. 4 BAKER, G Oconee, R. 2 BAKER, H Moweaqua, R. 3 *BALL, L. A Holland BARBER, O. M Moweaqua, R. 3 BARRETT, L. D Tower Hill, R. 2 BARRICKMAN, J. S Shelbyville, R. 1 BATEMAN, A Findlay, R. 2 BAUER, A. W Neoga, R. 1 *BAUMGARTEN, E Stewardson, R. 1 *BECK, C. H Neoga, R. 1 *BEERY, T. F Windsor, R. 4 *BEST, C Trowbridge, R. 1 *BETTIS, J. W Shelbyville, R. 5 BIEDERT, J. A Findlay, R. 2 BLANCETT, A Shelbyville, R. 2 *BOWER, F. S .Gays, R. 1 BREWER, J Findlay, R. 2 BRIDGEMAN, C. W Moweaqua, R. 2 *BRIDGES, M .Trowbridge, R. 1 BRITTON, E Moweaqua, R. 2 BROWN, E. O Shelbyville, R. 1 BROWN, G. W Bethany, R. 1 BUCKINGHAM, O. T Findlay, R. 3 *BURKE, R. H Tower Hill, R.3 CARDER, O Lakewood, R. 1 *CARLOCK, C Tower Hill, R. 2 *CHAMBERLIN, E Gays, R. 2 CHRISTNER, D. T Shelbyville, R. 8 *CHRONIC, D. B Gays, R. 2 CLAY, L Findlay, R. 1 COFFMAN, P. F Moweaqua, R.3 COMPTON, L Shelbyville, R. 4 CONLEY, R Bethany, R. 1 COONS, J. F Siegel, R. 3 CORLEY, C Tower Hill, R. 1 CORLFJY, C. E Tower Hill, R. 4 *CORNS, H. J Pana, R. 6 COULTAS, C. E Moweaqua, R. 3 Cox, F Moweaqua, R. 3 *CURTIS, W. M Gays, R. 2 CUTLER, W Moweaqua, R. 2 CUTTILL, G Findlay, R. 2 DAVIS, M. B Findlay DE VORE, D. A Findlay, R. 4 *DEWAR, P Windsor, R. 1 *DlEFENTHALER, L. F Oconee *DIEPHOLZ, H Strasburg, R. 2 DILBECK, N. A Herrick, R. 3 DONNELL, C Shelbyville, R. 1 DONNELL, O Shelbyville, R. 1 DRENNAN, A. P Shelbyville, R. 2 DUCKITT, L Lakewood DUFFEY, A Neoga, R. 1 EBERSPACH, E. C Pana, R. 5 EDGAR, F. H Lakewood, R. 1 EMERY, R. LEE Pana, R. 1 EVANS, J. B Cowden, R. 2 178 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY FANKBONER, GEO. C Oconee, R. 3 FERGUSON, HOMER Windsor, R. 1 FERRELL, I. B Windsor *FLENNER, CHAS. R Shelbyville, R. 7 FOUST, DAN Bethany, R. 1 FOSTER, MRS. A Tower Hill, R. 1 FRAILEY, J. S Herrick, R. 3 FRANCISCO, C. W Findlay, R. 1 FRANCISCO, FRANK Bethany, R. 1 *GALLAGHER, RAY Fancher GARRETT, OTTO Findlay, R. 3 GASTON, W. I Windsor, R. 4 GIBBONS, JAMES J Neoga, R. 3 *GILLESPIE, W. E. Pana, R. 1 GODDARD, J. W Windsor, R. 3 GOFF, LOREN Moweaqua, R. 3 GRAVEN, CHAS Findlay, R. 1 *GREEN, F. H Oconee, R. 1 GUTHRIE, CARL Herrick, R. 3 HALL, HARLEY Cowden, R. 2 *HAMMOND, W. H Bethany, R.2 HARMON, M. M Lakewood *HARPER, R. B Assumption, R. 3 HARTMAN, F. A Assumption, R. 1 HAWLEY, J. L Moweaqua, R. 3 HAWSE, JAMES Findlay, R. 3 *HEARN, W. L Pana, R. 1 HEDRICK, O Shelbyville, R. 6 HENDRICKS, ALONZO. . . . Shelbyville, R. 4 .HENDRICKS, WALTER ...Shelbyville, R. 4 Consign Your Cattle, Hogs and Sheep TO THE TROUT Live Stock Commission Co. (Not Inc.) CHICAGO Established Jan. 1. 1893 References: Any Bank, Banker or Cotnmercia Agency Our Salesmen Are D. L. TROUT Cattle PETER J. MORRISSEY. . .Cattle W. LYELL CHANDLER. . .Hogs CHARLES H. SHURTE. . .Sheep FROST L. TROUT Office J. C. CORNELIUS Office WE BUY FEEDING CATTLE AND SHEEP Loans made on Cattle Security to Responsible Feeders Tributary to Chicago Market. Write Us. BREEDER Jersey Cattle Shropshire Sheep Belgian Hares New Zealand Red Rabbits Flemish Giant Rabbits White Angora Rabbits Jersey Cattle Shropshire Sheep White Emden Geese Penciled Indian Ducks Barred Rock Chickens Homer Pigeons Red Carno Pigeon* VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME LEVI KROPF R. R. 8 Shelbyville, 111. 179 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY *HINES, O. W Tower Hill, R. 3 HINTON, W. E Shelby ville, R. 6 HORSMAN, VAUGHN Oconee, R. 2 *HOUSER, HENRY Fancher JACKSON, E. K Bethany, R. 1 JOHNSON, J. E Findlay, R. 3 JONES, J. M Moweaqua, R. 3 * JONES, W. R Neoga, R. 3 KEILMAN, W. C Findlay, R. 3 KELLY, G. W Tower Hill, R.4 KELSHEIMER, B. F Strasburg, R.I *KERCHEVAL, G. H Windsor, R.I KILLAM, I. L Shelby ville, R. 1 *KIRN, A. A Strasburg, R. 2 *KLITZKE, J Stewardson, R. 1 KROPF, J. D Shelbyville, R. 7 KROPF, L Shelbyville, R. 8 KUHN, L Oconee, R. 2 LADING, HENRY Strasburg, R. 1 LADOW, G Moweaqua, R. 2 LANTZ, C. M .Cowden LANTZ, HOMER Tower Hill, R. 2 LE CRONE, OSCAR Shelbyville, R. 4 LOVINS, JACOB A Windsor, R. 2 *LUCE, GEORGE D Windsor, R. 4 LUMPP, A. J Findlay, R. 4 LUMPP, E. H Shelbyville, R. 9 MANNING, A. M Tower Hill, R. 2 *MANUEL, H. L Herrick, R. 3 MANUEL, J Cowden, R. 2 *MARTZ, G. E Shelbyville, R. 2 MATHEWS, J Moweaqua, R. 5 *MAY, H. C Windsor, R. 1 McBRiDE, E. T Moweaqua, R. 3 McCLORY, M. D Trowbridge, Rrl *McCoNNELL, C Pana, R. 1 MCDONALD, C Shelbyville, R. 9 MCDOWELL, F Tower Hill, R. 4 McGAUGHEY, W. M Oconee, R. 2 McKiNLEY, C Shelbyville, R. 9 McKiTTRiCK, A. H Assumption, R. 1 *METSKER, G Tower Hill, R. 3 METZGER, A. G Pana, R. 5 *METZGER, A. C Pana, R. 5 *METZGER, C. E Pana, R. 6 MILLER, S. E. Tower Hill, R. 4 MITCHELL, B. E Findlay, R. 3 MOCHEL, H. J Shelbyville, R. 8 *MOORE, W Findlay, R. 3 MOUCHE, A. P Moweaqua, R. 2 "NEWMAN, CHARLES . .. Stewardson, R. 1 *NEWMAN, EDWARD Trowbridge, R. 1 NEWMAN, W. S Windsor, R. 4 NICKOLS, JOHN Windsor, R. 4 OAKS, I. O Assumption, R. 1 OAKS, W. A Assumption, R. 1 ONION, THOMAS Windsor, R. 4 OSBORNE, ALBERT Assumption, R. 1 PATIENT, THOMAS Findlay, R. 3 PATTENGALE, W. S Pana, R. 6 PATTERSON, ELMER Shelbyville, R. 4 PERRY, W. O Oconee, R. 2 PFEIFFER, J. C Shelbyville, R. 3 PFEIFFER, J. C Strasburg *PHELPS, S. G Gays, R.2 PIERCE, G. C Tower Hill, R. 3 PONTIUS, B. F Moweaqua, R. 5 POPE, H. D. Moweaqua, R. 2 QUICKSALL, MRS. J. H. Trowbridge, R.I RANKIN, W. H Gays, R. 2 *RINCKER, W. F Stewardson, R. 1 ROBINSON, MRS. PHOEBE. . .Bethany, R.2 ROBISON, THOS Windsor, R. 4 ROESSLER, CHARLES Shelbyville, R. 1 *ROESSLER, THEO. J Shelbyville, R. 3 RONEY, OSCAR Findlay, R. 4 RUTLEDGE, J. S Findlay, R. 2 SATTERHWAITE, C. C Oconee, R.2 SCHLOBOHM, F Findlay, R. 3 SCHLOBOHM, W Findlay, R. 3 *SELLERS, C. W Cowden SHALLENBERGER, I. W. .Tower Hill, R.I SHARP, S. C Shelbyville, R. 9 *SHAW, W Gays, R. 2 SHAWVER, D Lakewood, R. 1 SHELEY, D Shelbyville, R. 2 SIEBERT, MRS. C Stewardson, R.I SIEGFREID, G. H Pana, R. 5 SIMMONS, C. J Tower Hill, R. 1 SINNARD, J. M Moweaqua, R. 5 SMULL, H. A Moweaqua, R. 3 SPENCE, E. G Assumption, R. 1 SPICER, E. C Assumption, R. 1 *SPRINKLE, O. J Pana, R. 5 STONEBURNER, J. C Shelbyville, R. 3 STONEBURNER, J. M Herrick, R. 1 STONEBURNER, L. O Herrick, R. 1 STOREY, D. L Assumption, R. 1 STOREY, G Assumption, R. 1 STUMPF, W. R Findlay, R. 2 SUTTON, J. H Findlay, R. 1 *SWANSON, J Trowbridge, R. 1 *YFERT, O Shumway, R. 1 *TH ROCK MORTON, E. D . . Strasburg, R. 3 THROCKMORTON, J. A Strasburg, R. 3 ULRICK, ANDREW Shelbyville, R. 7 UPPERMAN, W. W Cowden, R. 1 WAGNER, C. W Cowden, R. 1 WAGNER, J. E Moweaqua, R. 5 WAKEFIELD, A. J Cowden, R. 2 WALKER, J. B Windsor, R. 3 WALKER, WM Pana, R. 3 WALLIS, WM Findlay, R. 1 WARNER, LEE, Findlay, R. 4 WEAKLEY, H. R Findlay, R. 2 WEBER, MRS. E. M Tower Hill, R. 3 *WEBNER, ORTY Strasburg, R. 2 WEMPEN, JOHN Moweaqua, R. 2 WHITTINGTON, J. F Herrick, R. 3 WILHITE, FRED Oconee, R. 1 WILLIAMS, O. A Cowden, R. 2 WOLF, C. H Shelbyville, R. 2 WOOTERS, W. F Moweaqua, R. 5 180 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY SATISFYING SALES-SATISFYING FILLS Ask Your Banker About Us CONSIGN YOUR STOCK TO "STANDARD" LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CO. Capital and Surplus $60,000 CHICAGO WORTMAN, A Shelbyville, R. 4 WORTMAN, ISAAC F Shelbyville, R. 4 * WORTMAN, J. N Shelbyville, R.4 * WRIGHT, J. S Bethany, R. 1 YORK, CHARLES V Cowden, R. 2 *ZIMMER, R. H Neoga, R.I BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCK BANNING, W Cowden, R. 2 *BECK, N. W Gays, R. 2 *BELL, G. A Gays, R.2 CONNER, J. E Tower Hill, R. 4 *EDWARDS, JOHN T Windsor, R. 2 FATHAUER, H Moweaqua, R. 5 Fox, CONN Strasburg, R. 3 HILLIGOSS, W. W Windsor, R. 2 LAWRENCE, OSCAR Neoga, R. 1 *PROSSER, WALTER Clarksburg ROGERS, WM Moweaqua, R. 3 *SHERWOOD, H. A Shelbyville, R. 8 *SHROCK, A. A Shelbyville, R. 7 STROHL, E. R Shelbyville, R. 7 *WALLACE, T. J Tower Hill, R. 3 *Wooos, CLARK Shelbyville, R. 2 WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK ADAMS, J Findlay, R. 2 BAFFORD, C. F Moweaqua, R. 3 *BARKER, J. R Middlesworth 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CHAS. H. STEPHENS J. A. GOBLE Cattle Salesmen W. P. STEPHENS JAY H. WESTCOTT Hog Salesmen REFERENCES Drovers' National Bank Chicago First National Bank Rantoul, 111. First National Bank Charleston, 111. First National -Bank Westfield, 111. Trust and Savings Bank Charleston, 111. FRANK MARSH Sheep Salesman For Good Price* and Prompt Returns, Ship to STEPHENS & GOBLE RESPONSIBLE Live Stock Commission Merchants 364-365 Exchange Bldg. Third Floor Union Stock Yards CHICAGO, ILL. Telephones Yards 206, Automatic 70-432 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII 181 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY BUSHUR, J Neoga, R. 3 ^CHAMBERS, J. J Windsor, R. 4 *CLARK, W. N Cowden, R. 7 COSART, D Cowden, R. 1 *DURST, W. T Shelby ville, R. 5 EKISS, BERT Moweaqua, R. 3 *ELLRICH, HARRY A Moweaqua, R. 4 *FATHAUER, W. H Moweaqua, R. 4 FELTENBERGER, HARRY Herrick, R. 2 GIBISON, D. G Findlay, R. 1 CLICK, E Lakewood, R. 1 CLICK, W. S Herrick, R. 1 HALL, JOSEPH Cowden, R. 2 *HARRISON, GEORGE Pana, R. 6 HILL, JAMES Moweaqua, R. 5 "JOHNSTON, G. H Assumption, R. 3 *KIRCHER, L. J Strasburg, R. 3 *KRIEG, G. M Stewardson, R. 1 *LARIMER, FRANK Mode *LAVER, ADAM Stewardson, R. 2 McCLORY, J. W Trowbridge, R. 1 McCoNNELL, J Cowden MILLER, S. C Moweaqua, R. 3 *MORRISON, W. M Tower Hill, R. 1 *PANNETON, A Assumption, R. 1 PARNELL, JAMES Findlay, R. 3 PYLE, ISAIAH Herrick, R. 1 RICE, E. J Shelbyville, R. 1 ROBISON, FRANK Shelbyville, R. 8 RYHERD, F. E Windsor, R. 2 SCHAFER, J. N Neoga, R. 1 SCHROCK, S. M Shelbyville, R. 7 SINNARD, J. M Moweaqua, R. 5 *STEWARDSON, E Shelbyville, R. 5 *STORM, C. E Neoga, R. 1 STUMP, D Shelbyville, R. 8 *STUMP, N Findlay, R. 3 SULLIVAN, J. J Cowden, R. 2 *THOMPSON, R. N Cowden *TOLSON, R. C Moweaqua, R. 3 VOYLES, CHARLES Findlay, R. 1 GOLDEN LACED WYAN- DOTTE *BARBEE, C Shelbyville, R. 7 PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE *WEBNER, ORTY Strasburg, R. 2 *W T ERTH, THEO Strasburg, R. 2 SILVER LACED WYAN- DOTTE BLYTHE, E Cowden CORLEY, F. M Herrick, R. 1 COVENTRY, H Findlay, R. 1 *GALLAGHER, RALPH Mode, R. 1 HITCHCOCK, CHARLES Oconee, R. 2 KNOX, A. W Shelbyville, R. 7 LOCKART, LEO Cowden, R. 2 REBER, JOSEPH Shelbyville, R. 7 SARVER, J. M Cowden, R. 1 SPICER, F Findlay SPRACKLIN, O. M Cowden, R. 2 SUTTON, J. H Findlay, R. 1 WHITE WYANDOTTE ASKINS, F Lakewood, R. 1 BKALS, R. E Stewardson, R. 1 BENNETT, O. F Herrick, R. 1 BRANT, F ' Lakewood BREIGHNER, B. W Cowden, R. 2 CONLEY, W. C Bethany, R. 2 Cox, A. L Moweaqua, R. 3 DE VORE, D. A Findlay, R. 4 FELTENBERGER, C. F Herrick, R. 1 FELTENBERGER, HARRY Herrick, R. 2 *FORCUM, W. H Mode, R. 1 CLICK, L. J Tower Hill, R. 1 *GooD, A. D Shelbyville, R. 3 GUTHRIE, A. H Oconee, R. 2 *HERTON, A. D Tower Hill, R. 1 HITCHCOCK, CHARLES Oconee, R. 2 HOSTETLER, MRS. EMMA. Shelbyville, R. 5 *HOSTETLER, P Shelbyville, R. 7 *MCLROY, L. E Tower Hill, R. 2 MIDDLETON, H Lakewood, R. 1 OSBORN, C. C Neoga, R. 3 PATTERSON, DANIEI Bethany, R. 1 POLAND, FRED B Cowden, R. 2 * PRICE, JESSE E Lakewood SPHAR, J. E Tower Hill, R. 4 DUCKS FAWN RUNNER *SELLERS, C. W Cowden, R. 2 INDIAN RUNNER BREIGHNER, B. W Cowden, R. 2 KROPF, L Shelbyville, R. 8 MALLARD MATHIAS, T Findlay, R. 3 MUSCOVY SULLIVAN, J. J Cowden, R. 2 PEKIN ADAMS, W Assumption, R. 1 BATEMAN, A Findlay, R. 2 BIVINS, R Findlay, R. 3 BOWMAN, V. V Shelbyville, R. 8 BREIGHNER, B. A Cowden, R. 2 DAVIS, M. B Findlay ELMERS, HENRY J Moweaqua, R. 3 *FRIESE, FRED Trowbridge, R.I HARTMAN, F. A Assumption, R.I MANSHIP, W Bethany, R. 2 182 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY XICKOLS, JOHN Windsor, R. 4 *SMITH, A. C Shelbyville, R. 5 UNSELD, WM Herrick, R. 1 GEESE CHINESE *NICHOLS, LORA Neoga, R. 3 WHITE EMDEN ASKINS, A Cowden, R. 8 BAKRINGER, O Cowden, R. 2 BREIGHNER, B. A Cowden, R. 2 BUCHANAN, C. R Herrick, R. 1 DEACON, W. C Herrick, R. 1 *DILDINE, C Findlay, R. 2 *ELLRICH, HARRY A Moweaqua, R. 4 PATH AUER, H Moweaqua, R. 5 GREGORY, MORTON Herrick HAHN, MRS. S. J Shelbyville, R. 7 HALL, E. W Shelbyville, R. 8 HARTMAN, F. A Assumption, R.I *HERTON, A. D Tower Hill, R. 1 KROPF, L Shelbyville, R. 8 *Xio>L, J. A Tower Hill, R. 1 *PANNETON, A Assumption, R. 1 PARR, GUY Tower Hill, R. 1 RUFF, C. A Shelbyville, R. 2 SPENCE, E. G Assumption, R. 1 SUPPES, D. W Moweaqua, R. 5 *THOMPSON, R. N Cowden WILLIAMS, O. A Cowden, R.2 *WORTMAN, J. N Shelbyville, R. 4 WRIGHT, W. W Cowden, R. 2 TOULOUSE ADAMS, W.- ."Assumption, R. 1 BARTON, I., MRS Cowden, R. 2 *BLYTHE, E Cowden *CLARK, W. M Cowden, R. 1 CORLEY, MRS. NORA Lakewood, R. 1 COSART D Cowden, R. 1 DAVIS, M. B Findlay EIGSTI, PETER Shelbyville, R. 5 FULLER, MRS. J. W Oconee, R. 1 *LAVER, ADAM Stewardson, R. 2 *MOCHKL, H. J Shelbyville, R. 8 NICKOLS. JNO Windsor, R. 4 PERRY, IVAN Findlay, R. 3 ROBINSON, HENRY Cowden, R. 2 RUSSELL, H. D Tower Hill, R. 4 SCHAFER, O. H Strasburg, R. 3 STEWARDSON, H Findlay, R. 3 SWINFORD, J. H Windsor, R. 2 WORTMAN, A Shelbyville, R. 4 1IIIHIUIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIHIIIII1IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 S Chas. E. Harding Telephone Yards 489 Spencer D. Greene E Ghas.E.Harding&Co.| LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS For Good Results SHIP YOUR CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP TO CHAS. E. HARDING & CO. References : Drovers National Bank Chicago Western National Bank Hereford, Texas Rooms 144-150 Exchange Building Union Stock Yards CHICAGO 183 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY GUINEAS LAVENDER MANSHIP, W Bethany, R. 2 PEARL CUTLER, W Moweaqua, R. 2 TURKEYS AFRICAN WILLIAMS, O. A Cowden, R. 2 BOURBON RED CUTLER, W Moweaqua, R. 2 *GEARHART, J. D Tower Hill, R. 4 LADOW, G Moweaqua, R. 2 RUSSELL, R. J Strasburg, R. 2 SCHNEIDER, H Neoga, R. 3 BRONZE ADAMS, W Assumption, R. 1 BENNETT, O. F Herrick, R. 1 CONLEY, R Bethany, R. 1 COSART, D Cowden, R. 1 DUNAWAY, C. T Fancher *EN"OCH, RICHARD Findlay, R. 3 FLAHERTY, JAMES Assumption, R.I *HAMMOND, W. H Bethany, R. 2 JENKINS, B. F Herrick, R. 1 LADOW, G Moweaqua, R. 2 *LUEDKE, P. N Neoga, R. 3 *PRICE, JESSE E Lakewood *SCHAFER, O. H Strasburg, R. 3 *SELLERS, C. W Cowden, R. 2 *Wooos, CLARK Shelbyville, R. 2 WORTMAN, A Shelbyville, R. 4 WHITE HOLLAND FOSTER, MRS. A Tower Hill, R. 1 *LANE, W. E Strasburg, R. 1 MCCONNELL, F Cowden, R. 2 MITCHELL, A. C Gays, R. 2 POGUE, L. E Findlay, R. 2 *THOMPSON, R. N Cowden WILLIAMS, O. A Cowden, R. 2 PIGEONS RED CARNEAUX *CHAPPELEAR, W. . . . Beecher City, R. 3 KROPF, J. D Shelbyville, R. 7 KROPF, LEVI Shelbyville, R. 8 HOMERS KROPF, LEVI Shelbyville, R. 8 WHITE KING KROPF, J. D Shelbyville, R. 7 BEES ITALIAN CARDER, O Lakewood, R. 1 JENKINS, B. F Herrick, R. 1 RUSSELL, H. E Trowbridge, R.I SUPPES, D. W Moweaqua, R. 5 WEAKLEY, J. O Findlay, R. 2 CORN SEED ANDERSON, F. B Reid's Yellow Dent, Cowden KUHLE, L Assumption, R. 1 THE PAN A NATIONAL BANK United States Depository Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus and Profits $15,000.00 OFFICERS: J. B. Walker, Pres. A. B. Cooman, Vice-Pres. Ernest L. White, Cashier PANA - - - - - - ILLINOIS 184 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY EDGEWOOD FARM Duroc Jersey Hogs White Wyandottes STOCK FOR SALE G. w. MCCLELLAND Breeder Moweaqua Tel. Co. Moweaqua Ex. MOWEAQUA, ILL. R. R. 2 MANUFACTURER'S CHARACTER The manufacturer of a well known brand has more at stake in maintaining his quality than if he is manufacturing the same product to be sold under private brand. In the former case, he must please a consumer whom he never sees; in the latter case he transfers the responsibility to a retail merchant who deals face to face with the consumer and who can plead his case in person, in case of dissatisfaction. PICKERS Assumption's Greatest Clothing Store For over twenty years this store has set the standard for style and value in this district. > / <;. We sell and recom- ( ff$&. mend the following Triple - Guarantee Goods : Hart, Schaff- ner & Marx Clothes, Clothcraft Clothes, No-Name Hats, Wilson Bros. Shirts, Bostonian Shoes, Munsing & Cooper Underwear. Both Mutual and Assumption Telephones Assumption Illinois 185 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY PROTECT YOUR HONEST DOLLAR To Prairie Farmer Readers D.on't buy cheap, unadvertised goods, but protect yourself when buy- ing by insisting on getting from your dealer only All Goods Advertised in Prairie Farmer are TRIPLE-G Goods. All Goods Advertised in This Directory are TRIPLE-G Goods. When the local dealer says in his advertisement: "We Sell and Recommend the Following TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" as in any advertisement in Prairie Farmer or in this Directory, it gives you this TRIPLE-Guarantee 1st That the manufacturer of the goods stands back of them. 2nd That the Prairie Farmer stands back of them. 3rd That the merchant handling the goods stands back of them. TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods" 1918 Are the best value for the money. Safest to buy. And Satisfaction is absolutely insured. FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY IT II What Are "TRIPLE-G'^Goods? F* 1918 for them and refuse any other kind? WHEN a reader of Prairie Farmer goes into a store to buy, he is assured of getting full value for his money if he insists on buying only well known advertised goods and refusing to buy any unknown brand substitute. \\7 pi V P Because advertised goods are well known goods that are backed up with the guar- antee of PRAIRIE FARMER and the manufacturer. If the goods are not as represented in the advertising, or do not give full satisfaction, this TRIPLE GUARANTEE means that you have only to make your complaint and that any just claim will be fairly considered and your money paid back in case the goods are not as represented. This is PRAIRIE FARMER'S FAIR PLAY POLICY with its readers. We back up every advertisement in PRAIRIE FARMER and guarantee honest treatment. No humbugs, swindles or cheap substitute goods (that are made to sell and get the customer's money on false pre- tenses) are advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER. Buy the goods advertised in PRAIRIE FARMER and in this Directory and you are taking no chances. You are guar- anteed satisfaction because all goods we advertise are LJ TRIPLE-GUARANTEED GOODS 1918 Guaranteed by the Manufacturer, the Dealer and the Publither. 187 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY L'lllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli Directory of the Legal Profession Geo. D. Chaffee Wm. H. Chew J. J. Baker Chaffee, Chew & Baker Lawyers SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS George B. Rhoads Lawyer Union Building SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS W. E. Lowe J. C. Willard LOWE & WILLARD Law Office Ex-State Attorney Shelby Co. NOTARY PUBLIC Phone No. 360 SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS TRUMAN E. AMES Attorney and Counsellor at Law Assistant States Attorney Office Phone 74; Res. 38 Dove Building SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS David A. Milligan Attorney-at-Law NOTARY PUBLIC Phones: Office 45; Residence 39 SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS W. C. & W. L. Kelley Attorney s-at- Law SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS JOHN E. CROCKETT Lawyer Office in Mochel Building Telephone No. 384 SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS U. G. Ward R. I. Pugh W. H. Whitaker Law Office of Whitaker, Ward & Pugh Phone No. 501 Yale Building SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS ffllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllir: 188 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNT* Jiiiiitiiiuuiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiiim Professional Directory DR. W. J. EDDY Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 227; Res. 31 1923 Broadway SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS DR. C. H. HULICK Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 302-2 Residence 302-3 Office at 1924 Broadway SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS Theo. Thompson, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Office Hours: 8-10 A. M. 1-4 P. M. Sunday 8-10 A. M. Tels. Office 76; Res. 42 Masonic Temple Bldg. SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS DR. J. L. HOOVER Dentist Hours 8:30 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phones: Office 115; Res. 532 Office Syndicate Bldg. SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS DR. N. D. BOYS Dentist Office Hours: 8-12; 1-5 Office 285 Tels. Home 288 First Natl. Bank Bldg. SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS DR. W. C. CARNES D. V. M. Assistant State Veterinarian Prompt Attention Given to All Cases Entrusted Day or Night Phones: Office 2-711; Residence 3-711 Office in Sturgis Bldg. SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS B. F. Hudson, M. D. V. Veterinarian Phones: Office 50; Residence 187 MOWEAQUA ILLINOIS William W. Hartsell A tto rney - at - Law Phone 203 First National Bank Rooms 7-8-9 SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS rillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr 189 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Shelby County Business Directory CLARKSBURG Graybill, E. C General Store Graybill, J. P General Store Hoagland, J. K Grain Hoagland & Elbert Hay Prosser, J. W General Store Rich, Wm Blacksmith Spannagel, A. L General Store Wainscott, W. T Blacksmith Williams & Mclntosh Implements Wilson, Earl Hay & Hardware Zalman, George, Sr Blacksmith COWDEN Beaumont, Jas. D Meats Black, G. F General Store Bollenbaugh, W. F Bakery & Confectionery Burrow, S. Z Shoe Repairs Christy, N. J. & Co General Store Cochran, D. E General Store Cochran. J. F General Store Conrad, G. A Harness Cowden Mill & Elevator Co. Dickey, A. F Photographer Dry Point Canning Co. Ensor, Chas Hotel COWDEN First National Bank Fritz & Hudson. .Lumber & Hardware Frizzell, John General Stori Hawkins, R Grain Holin. W Tinner Holm, W Plumber Hutton, J. A General Store Jewett. Oscar A... Printer & Publisher Jones, R. R. & Son. . . .Drugs & Jewelry King, B Restaurant Lamb, B. W Hardware McMillan, W. E General Store Miller, J. F Implements Moore, Geo. P. .Grocery & Restaurant Myers, H. S Garage Nance Bros Hardzvare & Furniture Ferryman, Leo & Co.. Men's Furnishings Phipps, S. E Shoes & Furnishings Rasor. W. H Livery Reynolds, T. D. & Co General Store Scovil, S. S Hay & Grain Sellers, T. T Meats Smith, John H Blacksmith Stigers. A Blacksmith Strobel & Co., Inc Produce Thompson & Co Hay & Grain OFFICERS J. W. Conrad, President Dr. W. G. Turney, Vice-Pres. B. E. Prater, Cashier E. P Ziegler, Asst. Cashier First National Bank Cotoben, SUtnote Established in Nineteen Hundred Ten H. F. Hudson B. E. Prater J. H. Huffer DIRECTORS J. W. Conrad Mrs. J. C. Hodson Dr. W. G. Turney John Kesler Chas. E. Zeigler J. W. Fritts Remember us when you have money! We will remember you when you need money! 190 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Watson & Ginger General Store Williams, M. W Undertaker Woodard, Mrs. N. J Millinery Zeigler & Huffer Autos FANCHER Hutton, J. A General Store FINDLAY Askins, Dr. A. W Physician Atkinson, A. C Grocer Bennett, P. H Blacksmith Chapman, R. H. & Co General Store Leslie, Clay Restaurant Combs, E. S Insurance Coventry, Glen L Meat Daudy, Oliver. . .Contractor & Builder Davis, M. B Garage Auto Supplies Davis, T. A Photographer Dixon, Abe Shoe Repairs Dole & DeBruler Live Stock Dunaway, A. J Contractor & Builder Earp, E. E Plumber, Etc. Factory Rebuilding Auto Co., Ray Bland, Prop. Farmers State Bank Findlay Bldg. & Loan Association Findlay Grain & Coal Co., Frank Brown, Mgr. Findlay Mutual Telephone Co., F. B. Willis, Mgr. First National Bank THE Cowden Mill and Elevator Co. Cowden Roller Mill R. Hawkins, Prop. Flour, Feed, Hay and Corn Farm Seeds and Oil We pay the highest market price for Wheat, Oats, Corn and Hay. Try Our Challenge Flour Made from Best Quality Winter Wheat Cowden, Illinois Phone 1102 1JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHJ: j Through Our Membership j E in the Federal Reserve Banking System we are placed in a = 5 stronger position than ever before to take care of the require- = 5 ments of all our depositors, whether large or small, whether = = they keep checking or savings accounts; and at the same time = = to give them the most modern banking service. Why not open an account with us and begin at once to 5 = participate in these benefits and the additional protection 5 which this system gives to your money deposited with us? FIRST NATIONAL BANK (The Old Reliable) | FINDLAY , ... - - ILLINOIS TllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllh- 191 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Farm Implements, Wagons and Seeds We sell and recom- :nd the following iTriple-G Goods. i Buggies and Harness. Heider Tractors. Meadows Scales. Delaval Cream Separators. Power Washers. Engeco Lighting Plants. Engeco Gasoline Engines. All Kinds of Repair* Service a Specialty E. R. JAMES FINDLAY - ILLINOIS Findlay's Insurance Exchange iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniitiiiiHiiiiiiuiniiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiii We write indemnity against loss by Fire, Lightning, Wind- storm and Tornado, Accident and Health, Plate Glass, Live Stock and Life, in old and time- tried companies. We solicit your business on business principles, and are proud of our record. E. S. Combs, Agt. Phone No. 207 FINDLAY ILLINOIS t "Making Hay While The Sun Shine" j ! The Farmer who studies diversified farming, who practices crop rotation, who equips his farm with more and better live stock. who puts forth every effort this year for ^s ( __ increased production, and who banks with this Institution it "making hay while the sun shines." This Institution cordially invites Farmers' Accounts. Under Super- | I vision Auditor Public Accounts. He is taking advantage of the practical measures that will increase jj| 1 both his farm output and his farm income. FARMERS STATE BANK I FINDLAY ILLINOIS | llllilllllHllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHl 192 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY 'iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ J. A. Coombs, Manager Findlay Yards FINDLAY, ILLINOIS We specialize in all kinds of building material for the farm Our FINDLAY YARD carries a Complete Line of Builders Hardware We sell and recommend the following Triple- G Goods: Salvet National Barn Door Hangers Vulcanite Roofing o*!2?*t "Quicker Yet" Washers J? eath ,, & , M n H I an J aintS /#fa\ "Valdura" Roof Paint 8ontinen^ all Ce B m e a n? *^W Remington Ammunition Clover Brand Stock Tonic JBgteia^B - v - B - Cutlery "Cant-Sag" Gates American Fence We furnish FREE plans and estimates on all buildings IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllNlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllJ IT PAYS TO BUY AT AN * R. C. U. STORE Of course, it is quite possible that other stores say this very thing about themselves. So it will do no harm to emphasize the wide chasm that separates the policy of this store from all others in this city and the entire vicinity. Our goods are bought on a tremendous scale. Instead of dozens thousands. Instead of pounds tons. And when 600 R. C. U. merchants get together to buy something, no one single store can enter into competition. Have you tested this R. C. U. store for its value giving? THE ART MELCHER CO. The R. C. U. Store of Findlay, 111. 193 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY N. F. KEIM CASH BUYER of CREAM POULTRY EGGS VEAL HIDES RUBBER and JUNK Let me quote you prices. Fair treatment assured. Phone 157 FINDLAY, ILL. HOMER HOTT HARDWARE, FURNITURE, COPPER CLAD RANGES, TINWARE, STOVES, PAINTS AND OILS, Estate Oak and Florence Heaters FINDLAY ILLINOIS Florey, C. A Jeweler Gregory, Dr. C. S Physician Holding, Mrs. Martha Restaurant Hott, Homer Hardware & Furniture James, E. R. . .Implements & Buggies Hulett, J. I Cement Contractor Johnson, Dr. R. W Physician Johnson & Hott. .Men's Furnishings Keim, N. F Dairy, Hides & Junk Kellman, Wm. C Hardware & Implements Knapp, George T Harness Laughlin, Mrs. C. B Drugs Lee, A. C Barber Marxmiller, E. C Blacksmith Mauzey, Dr. G. W Physician Mauzey, Dr. W. H Physician Melcher Art Co Department Store Melcher, S. B. & Son Undertakers Miner Bros Undertakers Paddock Lumber Co., O. H /. A. Combs, Mgr. Park, John Live Stock Parr & DeBruler Garage Phillips, G. D. & Son Well Drilling & Plumbing Porter, E. D Garage Post Office Lobby, Miner Bros Props. ..News & Periodicals Glen L.Coventry FRESH and SALT MEAT S Heinze "57" Varieties We want your Butcher Stock of all kinds. We pay highest cash prices. Phone No. 32 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin FINDLAY, ILLINOIS 194 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Richards, R. L Restaurant Rittgers, Andrew General Store Rural Township Mutual Insurance Co., T. C. Birkett, Secy. Schwartz Bros Dry Goods & General Store Selock, Mrs. E Millinery Smith, O. L Grocer Velie Motor Sales Co. Weathers, J. W Livery & Garage Welty, Sam Shoe Repair Worley, Mrs. T. M Publisher Enterprise Wright, Mrs. Ed... Hotel & Restaurant Yantis, Isaac Coal & Lumber HANSON Edwards, R. H General Store HENTON Jones, O. F Restaurant Rittgers, J. A General Store M iller & Co., J. H General Store Moberly, Fred Grocer Mose, S. J Blacksmith Shallenberger, John C Blacksmith Wagner, Sylvester Implements & Grocer HERBORN Falk, F. H Hay Falk, J. W General Store HERRICK Adams, John C Blacksmith Adams, L. T Pianos & Organs Beck, W. H. & Co General Store Bieber, J. F .Flour Mills & Feed Blackesby Bros Bridge Contractors Bolt, G. S Garage Cayse, T. B. & Son Coal & Feed Clark, J. J Blacksmiths Conrad, J. IS... Bakery & Confectionery Feltenberger, N. F. . . Groceries & Meats Fogle, Frank Coal & Live Stock Ginger, J. D Harness & Saddlery Grey & Son Grocers Herrick Canning Co. Hughes, J. L Creamery Lessler, L. C Contractor Kessler & Son, C. W Lumber & Hardware Lichtenwalter, T. E General Store Linn, E. V Blacksmith Moon, J. Wm Restaurant Nowlin & Stutsman Dry Goods Reis, F. A Jewelry Sarver, J. E. & J. W Poultry Simpron, J. F General Store Sloan, Otis General Store Sollis, G. A Drugs Stafford, Chas. M. .Restaurant & Hotel Stafford, Mrs. Mattie Millinery Torrence & Kessler.. . .General Store CHAS. A. FLOREY JEWELER and. OPTICIAN Brunswick Talking Machines. Fall | Line of Records FINDLAY : : ILLINOIS Turner, M. L. Hardware & Implements Wallace, C. W. .Hardware & Furniture Wright, J. H Blacksmith HOLLAND Ball, L. A General Store Bullerman. Chas. C Blacksmith HOLLIDAY Larimore. C. W General Store Osborn, C. W General Store LAKEWOOD Bare, S. L Restaurant Bauer, Geo General Store Bowan Bros General Store Campfield, Thos Blacksmith Citizens Bank. Cutler & Son, Geo General Store Lakewood Mutual Telephone Co. Lanham & Newkirk. . .Lumber & Coal McKittrick, J. F. . .Implements & Grain McKittrick & Specht Implements & Grain Munson, E. G Blacksmith Robinson, P. W Harness Slimp, Win Garage Williams Bros. . .General Store 195 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY W. K. Andrews, President and Manager MOWEAQUA GRAIN GO. (Incorporated) GRAIN AND HARD COAL Elevator on I. C. R. R. Storage Capacity 150,000 Bushels Universal Code References: First National Bank, Moweaqua, 111. Long Distance Bell Telephone Office No. 3 7 Residence No. 1 00 MOWEAQUA ILLS. GREGORY & T O L S O N THE HOME OF THE FORD Ford Parts, Automobile Supplies and Repairing We Sell and Recom- mend the Following Triple-G Goods : Champion Spark Plugs. Tungsten Spark Plugs. Mobiloils and Greases. Columbia Storage and Dry Batteries. Weed Chains. Complete Stock of Tires. MOWEAQUA ILL. MIDDLESWORTH Cihak, J. A General Store Culberson, Chas. H General Store MODE Deel, Dora Restaurant Dunlap, C. E Grocer Holland Township Phone Co. Knox & Bixler General Store Syfert, A. E General Store MOWEAQUA Adamson & Miller Hardware Ayars Bros Bankers Beard, J. E Tailor Bilyeu, Jacob Livery Brown, Billy Restaurant Brown, C. W Tinner Buck, Dr. W. P Dentist Chapman, A. V Poultry Clapper, S. S Lawyer Coffman Milling Co. Commercial Hotel Connor Cafe Cutler Grant Meats Day, H. P ..General Merchandise & Implements Dobson, Dr. J. W Physician Drew, P. L.. .Moweaqua Telephone Co. piiiinininiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuniiiiniiMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiininiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMunii: I J. T. HASLAM I I & COMPANY | Dry Goods, I Carpets, Shoes, Fancy j and Staple Groceries 5= = ! Highest Market Price Paid s n for Farm Produce. g = H ^^- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- n i ^^^~^^^~^^^~^~^^^ = I ' I Telephone 30 West Street | H = | Moweaqua . Illinois \ .TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniraiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins 196 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY | The Ayars Bank ESTABLISHED 19O1 Solicits Your Business. Prompt and Efficient Service To All. Have been in the banking business in this com- munity for the last 25 years. Individual Responsibility $100,000.00 RALPH AYARS, President. MOWEAQUA :: ILLINOIS pniHIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIIHIilllHIIHH C. A. HAMMIL Real Estate Broker Farms, City Property and Business Propositions I specialize in good black corn My lists usually contain a few farms in Central Illinois. I sell farms that 1 can trade for cit y nothing but good farms with good ? Y' My ten years experience is at title. your service. AYA^'BANK MOWEAQUA, ILL. 197 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Gid Houch, Pres. A. E. McKenzie, Mgr. iVIcKENZIE GRAIN CO. We respectfully solicit the opportunity to bid on your grain. We appreciate your business and will extend our customers every service and accommodation possible under safe business man- agement. COME AND SEE US Moweaqua - - Illinois ^MIMIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII First National Bank Forbes A. J Bakery Gregory, R. & Co Furniture Gregory & Tolson Garage Hammil, C. A Real Estate Haslam, J. T. & Co General Store Hedges, C. A Grocer Hudson, Dr. B. F Veterinarian Hudson, Frank Hardware Hughey, A. M. & Co General Store Humphrey & Thomas General Store Jarvis, Jeff Barber Jordon, R Blacksmith Kyner, Dr. A. D Dentist McHenry, Belle Milliner McKenzie Grain Co. Miller, Joe Clothier Moore, Harvey General Store Moweaqua Grain Co. Moweaqua Lumber Co. Nalbach, Nick Harness Patton & Adams Porter Garage Pope, H Barber Pratz, Dr. F. D Physician Riley, Tom Restaurant Robertson, Leo Jeweler Smith, W. S General Store Smith & Cheatham.. ..General Store The First National Bank Capital and Surplus $60,000.00 Member of the Federal Re- serve System, which is to- day the financial strength of the nation. R. W. Snyder Pres. K. R- Snyder Vice-Pres. E. O. Smith Vice-Pres. Gid Housh Cashier MOWEAQUA, ILL. 198 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Snyder, Eugene Moweaqua Neivs Sparling, Dr. J. L Physician Stabb, Frank Lyric Movie Show Standard Oil Co. Weakley, C. B General Store Wiegman, Will Blacksmith Williams Drug Store Wooters, Dr. H. S Veterinarian OCONEE Bass. Albert N General Store Culbertson, Amos Contractor Diefenthaler, L. F Postmaster & Stationery Diefenthaler Bros Hay & Lumber Eckholt, J. B Implements Hamblin & Kaiser Meats Hill, Arthur V Blacksmith Kehoe, T. M. & Co Hay Morgan Mercantile Co. Reed, Geo. S Grocers & Jewelers Slater, Otis & Son Autos & Implements Sloan, B. S. & Co General Store Temmens, John Blacksmith Wright, J. W. & Son Grocers SEXSON Thomas, J. J General Store SHELBYVILLE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE < 'riiiu'. Wm. H., Court House. Keller & Leather*, 1812 Main. Shelby Co. Title & Abstract Co., Court House. Al TO DEALERS Foster & Weakly, 1909 Main. Jones Auto Co., 2020 Main. Kessel & Weber, 1819 Washington. Tallman-Beem Hay Press Co., 1917 Washington and 1630 Main. Wyrick, A. H., 2008-12 Main. A I TO REPAIRS AND REPAIR SHOPS Bryant, C. H., 2004 Main. Jones Auto Co., 2020 Main. Queen City Garage, 1819 Washington. AUTO SUPPLIES Finks, M. O., 2020 Morgan. Jones Auto Co., 2020 Main. Klauser Bros., 2012 Morgan. Queen City Garage, 1819 Washington. AUTO TIRES Jones Auto Co., 2020 Main. Klauser Bros., 2012 Morgan. Queen City Garage, 1819 Washington. Scovil, F. R., 1910 Washington. Rundt, F. H. BAKERY BANKS Citizens National Bank, 1818 Main. First National Bank, 1902 Main. Shelby County State Bank, 1905 Main. Shelby Loan and Trust Co. MOWEAQUA LUMBER CO DEALERS IN High Grade Lumber and Mill Wood We try to give you the best service at our yards. Feel free to call on us for prices at any time. C. D. SANNER Moweaqua - Illinois H. F. Day Dealer in General Merchandise, Gro- ceries, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Wagons, Farming Im- plements, Etc. Phone 214 We Ben and recom . mend the following Triple-G Goods. John Deere Line. International Full Line. Emerson-Brantingham Full Line. Peter Shuttler Wagons. Great Western Spreaders. Litchneld Spreaders. MOWEAQUA, ILLINOIS 199 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY SHELBY COUNTY LEADER Established in 1840 The live Newspaper that leads in News, Editorials and Ad- vertising. Thos. B. ShoaflF Publisher SHELBYVILLE : ILL BICYCLES AND BICYCLE REPAIRS Klauser Bros., 2012 Morgan. BLACKSMITHS, HORSESHOERS, ETC. Barker, J. B., 1716 Main. Lumpp, W. A., 1822 Morgan. Manning, Wm. C., 1711 Cedar. Steele & Carter, Rear, 1921 Broadway. Sturgis, W. B. & Sons, 2012-18 Morgan. Worley, H. T., 1506 Cedar. BOOKS AND STATIONERY Settle, C. H., Main and Morgan. Busy Bee, The, 1908 Main. Seaman, J. O., 1906 Main. BUILDERS' HARDWARE Conn, S. W. & J. "W., 2103 Morgan. BUILDING MATERIAL Conn, S. W. & J. W., 2103 Morgan. Roberts, G. A. & Son, 1910 Morgan. BULBS, SEEDS & PLANTS Harwood, E. M., 1924 Broadway. BUSINESS COLLEGES Sparks. CAMERAS Akenhead, Leo F., 1916% Main. CLEANING, PRESSING AND RE- PAIRING Frazier & Fader, 1828% Main. Triece, N. A., 1906% Main. \\ntton, E. J., 1910% Main. CLOTHIERS Baker & Herron, 1903 Main. Bolinger's Sons, G. W., 1910-1916 Main. Why Your Choice Should Be a Victrola j No matter what machine you buy, you are going to use Victrola Records, or miss what is best in the World of Music. This being the case, isn't it the plainest kind of common sense to choose the machine that will play most perfectly the records you are going to use. There is only one machine that will play Victrola Records perfectly "The Victrola." It's easy to own a Victrola. Let us explain an easy payment plan. CHAS. H. BEETLE Corner Main and Morgan Streets "HOME OF THE VICTROLA" Shelbyville, 111. | 200 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Hendricks, Earl, 1829 Main. Waters, Geo. H., 1830 Main. COAL Baum, Wm., 1702 S. 1st. Henson, Abe, 1817 Morgan. O'Brien, John, 3104 Main. Root & Westervelt, 1415 Cedar. Stretch, B. P. & Son, 2011 Main. CONTRACTORS Broyles, F. K., 1910 Washington. Broyles, Mansfield, 2720 N. 1st. Broyles, Marion P., 2211 S. 5th. Fritter, Ransom L, 3011 S. 3rd. Hodges Bros., 3311 N. 2nd. Huffer, Louis B., 1935 N. 4th. Jarnagin, Frank B., 2013 Main. Jauncey, J. L., 2014 Main. Q Miller, Carl, 2504 Long. Miller, Jas. C., 2107 N. 6th. Mullen, E. A., 3019 Broadway. Parish, Calvin A., 2419 N. 2nd. Pollard, Thos., 1811 Morgan. Risacker, Jacob, 1910 Washington. Stansberry, Harrison, 2903 Walnut. Stiarwalt, J. W., 2205 Long. Taylor, Prank W., 2602 Lodge. Tolen, Walter N., 3008 N. 5th. Warner, Dan, 3119 S. 5th. Williams, Rees B., 2514 Walnut. Williams & Sons, 2012 S. 1st. Windon, J. W., 2513 Long. CREAMERIES Sugar Creek Creamery Co., 2024 Mor- gan. CUTLERY Seaman, J. O., 1906 Main. DAIRY PRODUCTS Carpenter, C. W., 3405 Main. Goldstein, E. R., 1832% Main. DELCO LIGHTS H other i. K. H. DENTISTS Boyw, Dr. X. D., 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Hite, Dr. Harry, 1828% Main. Hoover, Dr. J. L., 1830% Main. White, Dr. W. L., 1918% Main. DEPARTMENT STORES Bollngrer'a & Sons, 1910-16 Main. DRESSMAKERS Dill, Miss Mary A., 3209 S. 4th. Geer, Earl, 1903% Main. Pauchert, Miss Katherine, 2511 S. 2nd. Pollard, Mrs. Mate, 1917% Main. Robison Sisters, 2001% Main. Rodgers, Mrs. Sarah, 2324 S. 1st. Runkle, Mrs. Belle, 1929% Main. Stewardson, Miss Anna 2708 Morgan. DRUGS AND MEDICINES Hopkins, E. M., 1918 Main. Pate & DeMonbrun, 1904 Main. Seaman, J. O., 1906 Main. DRY GOODS Athey & Herron, 1929-31 Main. Bolinger's Sons, G. W., 1910-1916 Main. Meyer, Geo. W., 3019 S. 5th. Pauschert, H. R., 2915 S. 5th. Stone & Son, 1502 Cedar. Weakley, John T., 1922 Main. Watrgroner, Cha. W. & Co., 1913 Main. giiiiHiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiwiiiiiiuiniiiiiiuiuiiiiiimiiiffliuiiiiuuiuuiDinniminrJ of Quality Home and Studio Portraiture. Cloudy days just as good as pleasant ones. Views and Flask- light Photos by appointment. REED'S Ground Floor Studio 2018 Main Street SHELBYVILLE, ILL. iiuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiini Chas.W, Waggoner & Co. Successors to ESTATE OF J. N. BALLARD ' DRY GOODS Women's Ready-to- Wear Shoes and Notions sell and recom- mend the following Triple-G Goods. Redfern Coats and Suits. W. B. Corsets. Kayser & Burson Hose Vassar Sweaters. Mentor Underwear. Kaysar Gloves. SHELBYVILLE : ILL. | 201 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Walton's Store Men's Furnishings Custom Tailoring Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Altering and Repairing "This is the Exclusive Dry Clean- ing Plant in Shelby County" Call Phone 638 SHELBYVILLE, ILLINOIS DYERS Watton, E. J., 1910% Main. FERTILIZERS AND TANKAGE Bisdee & Son, 1920 Main. FIVE AND TEN CENT STORES Mullins 5 & lOc Store, 1915 Main. FLOUR AND FEED Downs & Son, 1817 Morgan. Kircher Bros., 2021 Morgan. FURNITURE Cullison, J. E., 2015-17 Morgan. Lantz Bros., 1820-24 Main. GARAGE Runkel, L. II. Tallman-Beem Hay Prean Co. Wyrlck, R. II. Wolfe, J. IV. GRAIN, HAY, ETC. Hoberly, P. W., 1901% Main. GROCERS RETAIL Andes, M. S., 1917 Main. Augenstein & Ruff, 1932 Main. Bolinger's Sons, G. W., 1910-1916 Main. Coplin, J. C. & Son, 1934 Main. Crook, S. S., 2009 Main. Porsythe, Chas. E., 1420 Wood. Henderson & Zimmer, 2101 Morgan. Herron & Herrion, 2001 Main. Jarnagin, Mrs. Lillian, 2312 S. 7th St. Kessel, Michael. 1802 Main. Kircher Bros., 2021-23 Morgan. Help Win the War By breeding Tamworth Hogs for Bacon; Delaine Merino Sheep for Wool and Mutton; Aberdeen Angus Cattle for Beef. My herd of Angus is headed by Mike A., No. 155105, a good bull of good breeding. All stock pure bred and registered. You will find my cattle, sheep and hogs to be hardy, prolific and profitable. I have breeding stock for sale. I CLARENCE E. TICE Prairie Stock Farm R. F. D. No. 1 Telephone No. 9 on 392 SHELBYVILLE, ILL. illiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiil 202 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Knox, J. E., 2520 N. 3rd. Moyer. Geo. W.. 3019 S. 6th St. Neher, Geo. F., 1831 Main. Pauschert, H. R., 2915 S. 5th. Pierce, C. D., 2900 Morgan. Stegmayer, L. C., 1922 Vine. Stone, W. M. & Sons, 1500 Cedar. Waggoner, Irvin, 1928 Main. Weakley, John T., 1922 Main. HARDWARE Cullison, J. E., 2015-17 Main. Foster A Weakly. 1909 Main. Lantz Bros., 1820-24 Main. Lumpp, W. A., 1824 Morgan. Sturgis, W. B. & Sons, 2012 Morgan. HARNESS Klauner II row., 2012 Morgan. HATS AND CAPS Baker & Herron, 1903 Main. Bolinger's Sons, G. W., 1910-1916 Main. Hendricks, Earl, 1829 Main. HEATING Homrlgrhoraa, 'hn<. HOSPITALS Shelby County Memorial. HOTELS Central Hotel, 2001 Washington. Neal House, 1820 Washington. IMPLEMENTS Sturgis, W. B. & Sons, 2012 Morgan. Yost & Andes, 1811-13 Main. INSURANCE AGENTS AND AGENCIES Allen, Ed R., Court House. Amlin & Scarborough, 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Carr, S. B., Syndicate Bldg. Craig, Wm. H., Court House. Decker, J. H., 2416 S. 1st. Eiler, T. C. & Son. 1908 y 2 Main. Herron, H. A., Odd Fellows Bldg. Homrighous, Chas., 1901 1-3 Main. Ragen, E. M., Court House. Shelby Co. Mut. Fire Ins. Co., Court House. Shields, Ernest W., 2604 S. 1st. Steward, C. W., 1810 Main. Stone & Moyer, 1st Natl, Bank Bldg. Thomas, J. H., 2011 Main. Zimmer, Baker & Mahan, 1901 Main. INSURANCE LIVE STOCK KitNkaNkiu Live Stock Ins. Co., 1915 Morgan. Western Live Stock Ins. Co. C. S. Ma- hon. JEWELERS Poster, N. H., 1827 Main. Homrighous, R., 1925 Main. Pollard, A. H., 1911 Main. JOB PRINTERS Democrat Co., 1819 Main. Shelby Co. Leader, 1801 Main. Union Publishing Co., 2002 Main. JUNK McConnell Bros., 1809 Morgan. Miller, Elias, 1825 Morgan. KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Akenhead, Leo F., 1916 Main. Beetle. C. H.. Main & Morgan. Busy Bee, The, 1908 Main. JONES Auto Company Ford Sales and Service Exclusively Stock of Genuine Ford Parts and Standard Accessories Fordson Tractors SHELBYVILLE : ILL. The Largest Circulated News- paper in Shelby County Isaac S. Storm, Editor G. W. Cook, Manager Bemocrat A Home Paper for the Home. A Digest of all the Count y Newi No Filth or "Yellow" Stuff. Job Printing AUo. SHELBYVILLE : ILL. 203 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY AKENHEAD Makes Faces There's someone who'll treasure a photograph of you AKENHEAD STUDIO SHELBYV1LLE : ILL. BUILDING MATERIAL of the best quality is our slo- gan. Depend upon us for the kind that satisfies. Established 53 Years S.W.&J.W.CONN SHELBYVILLE, ILLINOIS LAUNDRIES Jones, Chas. W., 1604 S. 1st. Jones Steam Laundry, 1720 Main. LAWYERS Anie.i, T. K., 1823 Main. Chafee, Chew & Baker, 1831 Main. Craig-, Lewis P., Court House. Craig, Wm. H., Court House. Crockett, John E., 1821 Main. Dove & Dove, 1 & 2 Foster & Weakly Bldg. Eddy, R. T., 1915 Morgan. Hartnell, W. W., 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Headen & Headen, 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Hudson, Geo. M., 1901 Main. Kelley, W. C. & W. L., 1812 Main. Lowe & Willard, 1832 Main. MilliKan. D. A., 1912 Main. Ragan, Wm. H., 1826 Main. Hhoads, Geo. B. f Union Bldg. Richardson, E. A., 1829 Main. Steidley, A. J., Court House. Wallace. W. O., 1819 Main. Whltaker, Ward & Pugh, Yale Bldg. LIVERY, SALES AND FEED BARNS Igo, Chas., 1908 Morgan. Sturgis, W. B., 1809 Main. Nook & Weil. 1902 Washington. Walker & Bennett, 1711 Main. LIME AND CEMENT. Conn, S. W., 2103 Morgan. LUMBER C'onn, S. W. & J. W. 2103 Morgan. Roberts, G. A. & Son, 1910 Morgan. I William H. Craig I == ABSTRACTOR | Abstracts Furnished to all Lands and Town Lots in Shelby County, Illinois. My thirty years experience in H the making of abstracts of title I is a guarantee of unexcelled title JH service. I write Fire, Tornado and Au- H tomobile Insurance, and do a f general Real Estate Loan busi- g{ ness. H Office: Court House Basement = SHELBYVILLE, ILL. 204 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY MACHINE SHOPS Hish, F. P.; 2020 Main. Queen City, 1819 Morgan. MEATS Augenstein, W. F., 1930 Main. Bisdee, Ed & Son, 1920 Main. Stone. W. M. & Son, 1500 Cedar MEN'S FURNISHINGS Baker & Herron, 1903 Main. Bolinger's Sons, G. W., 1910 Main. Hendricks. Earl, 1829 Main. Waters, Geo., 1830 Main. MERCHANT TAILORS Dearing, B. P. & Co., 1927 Main. Watton, E. J., 1910 Main. MILLINERY Athey, Miss Cora, 1921 Main. Campbell, Jas. & Mrs., 1924 Main . Pollard Sisters, 1911 Main. NEWSPAPERS Shelby County Leader, 1808 Main. Shelbyvllle Dally Union, 2002 Main. Shelbyvllle Democrat, The, 1819 Main. NOTARIES PUBLIC Craig, Lewis P., Court House. Craig, Wm. H., Court House. Dove & Dove, 1 & 2 Foster & Weakly Bldg. Eiler, T. C., 1908 Main. Embry, Miss U. Julia, 1831 Main. Headen, T. M., 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Kelley, W. L,., 1812 Main. Pugh, R. I., Yale Bldg. Rhoads. Geo. B., Union Bldg. Ward, John J., Tale Bldg. Whitaker, W. H., Yale Bldg. A. L. Yantis, 4 & 5 Foster & Weakly Bldg. NOTIONS Bolinger's Sons, G. W., 1910 Main. Mullins 5 & lOc Store, 1915 Main. Penny Clipper, 1901 Main. NOVELTIES PUNCH BOARDS Ideal Novelty Co., 1934 Main. Superior Novelty Co., 1819 Main. NURSES Dawley, Enda, 2508 Chestnut. McCracken, Miss Leona, 2206 Long. Quick, Mrs. Nettie, 3116 S. 8th. Shoaff, Miss Lavone, 2311 Broadway. Sutherland, Mrs. Cora, 2410 S. 2nd. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Herrold, Miss Alletta S., 2001 Main. Steward, W., 2002 Main. PAINTS, OIL AND VARNISHES Conn, S. W., 2103 Morgan. Pate & DeMonbrun, 1904 Main. Seaman, J. O., 1906 Main. PHOTOGRAPHERS Akenhead, Leo F., 1916 Main. Funk, B. G., 1832 Main. Reed, R. L., 2018 Main. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Bivins, F. P., 2002 Main. Collins, Mrs. A. M., 1929 Main. Eddy, W. J., 1923 Broadway. Hoover, J. L. Hnllck, Chas. H., 1924 Broadway. Baker & Herron " The Live Store' ' Kuppenheimer Clothes Tiger Hats Emery Shirts Red Man Collars Suits Tailored to Measure Fit Guaranteed Price Lowest SHELBYVILLE ILL. Exclusive Local Agents for ED. V. PRICE & CO. MADE TO ORDER CLOTHES Furnishings, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Rubber Foot Wear for Men and Young Men The Things to Wear For Men Who Care. JOHNSON & HOTT FINDLAY : ILLINOIS 205 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Pundt's Bakery WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Equipped with machinery. Sanitary Throughout. All U. S. Food Regulation* Strictly Observed. U. S. Food Administration License No. BO1194 F. H. PUNDT Phone 230 SHELBYVILLE - ILLINOIS Mizell, Adolph G., 2010 Broadway Monroe, H. E., 1934 Main. Thompnon, Theo., Masonic Temple. Westervelt, J. C., 1915 Morgan. PICTURE: FRAMING Akenhead, Leo, 1916 Main. . PLUMBING AND HEATING Heinz, L. P., 1810 Main. Jauncey, J. L.., 2014 Main. POULTRY ILegg Poultry Co., Geo., 1912 Washing- ton. Miller, Elias, 1825 Morgan. PUMPS Jauncey, J. L., 2014 Main. REAL ESTATE Amlin & Scarborough, 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Carr, S. B., 3 Syndicate Bldg. Gulp, P. V. & L. S., 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Eiler, T. C. & Son, 1908 Main. Herron, H. A., Odd Fellows Bldg. Homrighous, Chas., 1901 Main. Keller & Leathers, 1812 Main. Moore, Frank, 211 Broadway. Miller, John D., 1831 Main. Million. C. E. Milligan & Ruff. 1912 Main. Richards, J. A., 2120 Morgan. Roessler, Henry, 262 S. 2nd. Steward, C. W., 1810 Main. Stone & Moyer, 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Thomas, J. H., 2011 Main. Zimmer, Baker & Mahan, 1901 Main. YALE THEATRE Shelby County's leading Motion Picture and Vaude- ville House, showing the highest class attractions. The home of the Pipe Organ with eleven piece orchestra. Let us put your name on our mailing list so that you will re- ceive our announcements from time to time. F. S. Russell, Manager SHELBYVILLE, ILL. WE MAKE AND SELL fl 6o\ S FIRST GOLD MORTGAGES Secured by Improved Property. Fire and Windstorm Insurance. We Buy Sell and Manage Property on Commission, Collect Rents, Pay Taxes and Negotiate Loans C. E. MAHON SHELLYVILLE - ILLS. 206 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY RENDERING AND REDUCTION PLANTS Blndee, Ed & Son*, 1920 Main. RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH ROOMS Crystal Cafe, J. D. Cain, Prop., 1828 Main. Knight, Charles, 2013 Main. Moehel'B Restaurant, 1821 Main. ROOFING Conn, S. W. & J. W., 2103 Morgan. RUBBER GOODS Pate & DeMonbrun, 1904 Main. Seaman, J. O., 1906 Main. SASH AND DOORS Conn, S. W., 2103 Morgan. SHEET METAL WORKS Lantz Bros., 1820 Main. SHOES Ballard's, 1913 Main. Bolingrer's Sons, G. W., 1910 Main. Fleming & Strohl, 1826 Main. Halworth, J. W., 2009 Morgan. Richardson, Geo. L., 1927 Main. SHOE REPAIR SHOPS Haworth, J. W., 2009 Morgan. Richardson, Geo L,., 1927 Main. THEATRE F. S., Mngr. UNDERTAKERS Kennedy & Dude, 2005 Main. Lantz, Bros., 1820 Main. Subscribe for the Shelbyville Daily Union Now Up-to the-minute news from our boys at the front, the latest war developments, and all the county, state and national hap- penings. The Daily Union keeps you posted when your boy is called for army service. Outside of Shelbyville, $4 Year. Weekly Union, $1.50 Year. THE UNION SHELBYVILLE, ILL. Mochel's Restaurant nillllllllllllHIIIIlllllllllllllimiHIIHIIIIIimilllllllllHIIIIlik SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS Where Shelby County Farmers Meet and Eat SHELBY COUNTY TITLE ABSTRACT COMPANY E. M. RAGAN, Mgr. Abstract of Title to all lands and town lots in Shelby County. Loans on farm lands and city prop- erty. Office: S. E. Cor. Court House Basement Phone 97 SHELBYVILLE - ILLINOIS 207 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY HAY We want your Hay, and are in a position to pay the Highest Market Price. Write Us or Phone Us VORIS & SONS STEWARDSON, ILL. VEHICLES. Foster & Weakly, 1909 Main. Sturgfis, W. B. & Sons, 2012 Morgan. Yost & Andes, 1811 Main. VETERINARIANS Carnes, W. C., 2010 Washing-ton. Jenkins, E. A., 2027 Morgan. Meyers, G. T., 1922 Main. VICTROLAS AND RECORDS Bettle, C. II., Main and Morgan. VULCANIZING Scovil, F. E., 1910 Washington. U \ I I. PAPER Seamon, J. O., 1906 Main. WELL DRILLERS Florey, Elza, 2412 Charles. Florey, Jas. A., 2115 N. 3rd. Warren, W. C., 2319 Will: SIGEL Berchtold Bros. Co General Store Bigler, Alex W Hay & Feed Bueker, Ben R Blacksmith Forest Creamery Co. Gier, H. W Blacksmith Kaufman, Tony Hardware Kaufman & Son General Store Kunkler, B. H Hardware Martin, Wm. J Restaurant Mense, Benj. J GeneralStore = Wm. Frede E THE BIG DOUBLE STORE A. E. Weber Established 1898 Fred C. Schultz j Shippers of Fruit and Eggs = I WM. FREDE & SON = Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes and Rubbers, Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Clothes, Carpets and Linoleums ~ The stocks carried in our various departments are complete in every detail and priced to meet all competition. S Highest market prices paid for Farm Produce Cash or Trade. Phone 33 I STEWARDSON - ILLINOIS FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Mense, H., Jr Auto Director Schneider, John Meats Schutte, F. H Drugs Schwerdt, Henry Blacksmith Sigel Mutual Telephone Co. Trager, Miss Lydie W Printer STEWARDSON Bailey, John W Publisher Barnett, J. A Baker Beck, Effa K Millinery Bellis, Mrs. J. S Hotel Bennyhoff , J. F Clothing Braudt, Robert L Livery Brummstedt, Geo. A Furniture & Undertaker Bruns, Fred .Restaurant Church, O. F Garage Donaldson Mercantile Co. Duddleston, D. M. & Son . .Mfrs. Tile Engel, F. T Cement & Paint First National Bank Frede, Wm Autos Frede, Wm. & Co General Store & Autos Jaeger, Chas. A Jewelry Johnson Creamery Co. Knox, Dr. J. W Drugs & Physician Mautz, T. P Coal Michman, Fred Meats Mietzner, C. A., Sr Hay & Autos Mietzner, Chas., Jr General Store Peters, R. A Drugs & Jewelry Ragle, C. A Harness Stewardson Creamery Co. Stewardson Packing Co. Stewardson Telephone Co. Strobee & Co Produce Timperley, W. W Restaurant Tull, Geo. T Shoe Repairing Voris & Son Hay & Grain Weber, A. T Flour & Feed Williams & Mclntosh Implements Wilson, Earl Hay & Hardware Zalman, George, Sr Blacksmith STRASBURG Beck, C. C General Store Beck, Earl Restaurant Bernhard Milling Co. Duling & Bauer Blacksmith Engel, W. W Hardware Engel, J. L. & F. T Hardware & Implements Faster, Edw. H Autos Figge, Louis ; Harness Green, O. A Autos Hasemeier, Henry Meats Kircher, Christ General Store More, The Lay, Co. Nipp, Chas Sawmill IlllllllUlllllllllirilll.-.llllllllll.ririlillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'^ Sell Your Wheat, Corn and Oats to BERNHARO MILLING GO. Proprietors of Strasburg Roller Mills and Grain Elevator Highest Market Price Paid At All Times Soft and Hard Wheat Flour Feed and Coal Phone No. 5 STRASBURG, ILLS. Martin Pfeiffer Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Motor or Horse-drawn Vehicles All Calls Responded to Day or Night Residence Phone 82 STRASBURG, ILLINOIS 209 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllltlllllllllll! J. C. Pfeiffer & Company Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Sash Doors, Posts, Rock Plaster, Lime, Cement and Cement Drain Tile, Kurfee's Paint, Can't-Sag Gates, Lehigh Ce- ment. HiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinitiiiitiitiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinir Office Phone 9 STRASBURG, ILL. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i +++++++*++++*+++++++++++++*+++*+* C. C. BECK Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Carpets, Groceries, Etc. Highest Cash Price Paid for Poultry and Eggs Buyer and Shipper of Country Produce Phone No. 30 STRASBURG - ILLS. Olinger & Bartlett Creamerv Pfeiffer, J. C. & Co Lumber 6r Undertakers Quicksall, J. A Jewelry & Publisher Rankin, Ed Garage Seaman, J. H Drugs Seaman, S. E Millinery Spannagel, Wm Blacksmith Stierwait & Backensto Hardware Storm, Mrs. Anna B Millinery Swinghart, W. E Meats Weber & Co., J. E General Store Wiandt, J. H Grocer York, E. M Clothing Young, A. W Hardware & Grain TOWER HILL Beckelt, R. F Auto Repairs Cannon, Julia A Furniture Cannon, W. E Pianos Culley, R. B Meat, Coal & Poultry Poor, Lucy M Hardware Frailey, G. C Meats Hilsabeck. W. F. . .Blacksmith & Feed Krouzan, C. E Printer & Publisher Longmill, D. S Paints & Wallpaper Lovelace, S. C. & C. M Hotel McLean, E. S Jewelry McNary, H. V Telephone F. W. STUMPF Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Calls promptly attended to, either day or night, regardless of distance. Motor or Horse-Drawn Vehicle* Tel. Office 452; Res. 443 and 442 Tower Hill, Illinois 210 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY 1 Tower Hill GARAGE R. F. Beckett, Prop. Auto Repairing and Supplies Dry Cell Batteries Tires Gasoline Oils and Greases Car Storage TOWER HILL : ILL. i i 1 i i Farm Implements and Blacksmithing We handle everything in the Implement line Tractors, Bind- ers, Mowers, Drills, Manure Spreaders, Plows, Primrose Cream Separators, Lubricating Oils and Greases. Fully equipped Blacksmith Shop. Ask Us About "Silos" Business Established 1869 F. W. Stumpf TOWER HILL : ILL. Miller, E. C Harness & Shoemaker Nichols Bros Meats Riggin & Reeder Bakery Roberts, G. W Restaurant Selby, J. W General Store Simpson, Arthur Grocer Smith, G. C Garage Story & Son, I. K Harness Stumpf, Fred, Est Undertaker Stumpf, F. W Blacksmith & Implements Thompson, W. M Drugs Tower Hill Bank. Tower Hill Coal Co. Tower Hill Garage. Wilkinson & Son, J. S. TROWBRIDGE Bingham, R. M General Store Cowgill, C. A General Store Frede, Aug General Store Kennedy, Frank Hardware Storm, Cliff Auto Director Swanson Bros . . Painters T. C. Dove, President E. A. Richardson, Vice-president H. H. Runkel, Cashier J. P. Wilkinson, Assistant Cashier Farming and Banking go hand in hand. One could hardly exist without the help of the other. Much of the success of our hank is due to our farmer friends, and right here we wish to express our thanks for past favors and patronage. We hope to be of service in any way pos- sible in the future. We are always glad to give advice, when requested, in matters of finance. THE TOWER HILL BANK Responsibility, $250,000.00 TOWER HILL, ILL. 211 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY We pay four per cent on Time Deposits and Savings The Commercial State Bank Capital $50.000 The oldest and strongest bank in this section. We solicit your patronage and assure you of courteous treatment and every facility consistent with sound banking. WINDSOR, ILLINOIS mini limn Pana Coal Co. Original Producers of CELEBRATED PANA COAL For quality, convenience, weights and price, come to us. Phone your orders to 762 and we will do the rest. We solicit your patronage. PANA ILLINOIS WESTERVELT Chrisman & Son, H Lumber & Hardware Donnell, Chas Grain Duckett, T. J Coal Hoke, Samuel F Blacksmith Jackson, H. M Restaurant Lichtenwalter Bros General Store Lockart Bros General Store Miner, Chas. G Implements & Hardware Moyer, J. L Garage Ridge Telephone Co. Salyer. E. P Tailor WINDSOR Armstrong, Wm Jewelry Athey, A. N Autos Barton, J. U Restaurant Barton, Mrs. M. E General Store Bowen, W. L., Jr Bottling Works Brill & Thomson Dry Goods Edwards, F Garage Frandson, F. C Bakery Gaddis & Wallace Groceries 6" Feed Garvin & Son. . .Hardivare & Furniture Horn & Maxedon Meats Hunt, C. F General Store Kirkwood, N. E Confectioner Lemons, I Garage Lilly & Dunscombe Publishers McClain, Mrs. Bertha Millinery McGarvey, C. F General Store Matzen, Peter G Drugs & Jewelry Munson Bros Grain, Seeds & Coal Neal, T. Y Shoemaker Paddock, O. H., Lumber Co. Pinnell Furniture Co. Ramsey, P. G Produce Ranker, Harry H Coal & Ice Rankin, L. A Varnish Rankin, W. S Hardware & Coal Sexson, C. H Undertaker Smith, Claire Tailor Smyson & Son, Jacob General Store Soland, C. O General Store Swain, O. J Garage Tull, Alberta & Ida Millinery Tull, J. A Drugs Tull, J. B Restaurant Tull & Co., J. W Furnishings Tull, N. F Blacksmith Tull, R. M Harness Tull, J. W. & Co ..Furnishings Walden & Marvel Meats Wall Bros Wagons, Pumps, Etc. Wallace, J. H Hay & Coal Wallace & Curry Garage Windsor Grain Co. Windsor Mutual Telephone Co. 212 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Shelby County Automobile Owners' Directory (This list includes Farm Automobile Owners only) Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Abraham, E. R. Ford Moweaqua, F. 3 Baird, C. N. Dort Gays, R. 2 Abraham, L. Buick Findlay, R. 3 Baird, De Forest Studebaker Bethany, R. 2 Acorn, W. H. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Bailey, A. L. and F. P. Adams, J. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Ford Herrick, R. 1 Adams, J. H. Elcar Shelbyville, R. 4 Baker C. D. Oldsmobile Windsor, R. 4 Adams, W. Dodge Assumption, R. 1 Baker C. L. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Adcock, E. C. Oakland Assumption, R. 1 Baker G. Ford Oconee, R. 2 Adrian, O. Oakland Findlay, R. 3 Baker G. W. Reo Shelbyville, R. 9 Aichele, G. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Baker Jesse I. Ford Sigel, R. 1 Allen, J. F. Ford Herrick, R. 3 Baker J. W. Oakland Moweaqua, R. 3 Allen, J. T. Ford Bethany, R. 2 Baker Len Ford Sigel, R. 2 Altag, A. F. Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 1 Baker L. M. Ford Tower Hill, R. 3 Alward, G. Premier Moweaqua, R. 2 Baker Ralph C. Overland Windsor, R. 3 Anderson, C. E. Dodge Stewardson, R. 1 Baker Samuel Chevrolet Anderson, F. Overland Stewardson Stewardson, R. 2 Anderson, F. Ford Trowbridge, R. 1 Bales, C. D. Nash Moweaqua, R. 2 Anderson, F. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Ball, Jacob Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Anderson, F. B. Ford Cowden, R. 1 Ball, L. A. Briscoe Holland Andrews, W. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Banks, Frank Ford Findlay, R. 4 Armstrong, L. W. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Banks, John Ford Windsor, R. 3 Arnold, T. H. Ford Stewardson Banning, B. P. Ford Lakewood, R. I Askins, C. A. Overland Lakewood Banning, C. N. Dodge Cowden, R. 2 Atkinson, J. Halladay Bethany, R. 1 Banning, Delbert Ford Cowden, R. 2 Atkinson, T. A. Ford and Lexington Baptist, A. W. Buick Shelbyville, R. 1 Bethany, R. 1 Barbee, Edward Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Augenstine, C. Studebaker Barbee, John Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Stewardson, R. 2 Barbee, Orval Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Augenstine, G. M Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Barber, O. M. Overland Moweaqua, R. 3 Barden, C. E. Ford Cowden, R. 2 Bafford, C. F. Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Bare, Fred W. Ford Lakewood Baird, Claud H. Mitchell Moweaqua, R. 3 Barker, J. R. Buick Middlesworth WM. FREDE Distributor for Shelby County, of the Celebrated Chevrolet Automobiles 1919 5-Passenger Chrevolet New and up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Agency for Studebaker Automobiles and Eveready Battery, the only guaranteed non-sulphating Storage Battery. STEWARDSON, ILL. Garage Phone No. 34 213 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Barkhurst, J. J. Overland Lakewood, R. 1 Blackmore, J. F. Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Barnes, Ed. Ford Mode, R. 1 Bland, E. Chevrolet Findlay, R. 1 Barnhart, J. D. Reo Windsor, R. 2 Blouth, Henry Buick Five Barrickman, J. S. Dodge and Chevrolet Tower Hill, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. 1 Boaz, John Ford Herrick, R. 2 Barrickman, R. L. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 1 Bohlen, Hanke Overland Moweaqua, R. 3 Barringer, H. S. Dort Tower Hill, R. 3 Bohlin, Martin Overland Moweaqua, R. 3 Barringer, O. J. Buick Tower Hill, R. 3 Bohske, J. Ford Mode, R. a Barrow, John Ford Xeoga, R. 3 Boldt, Chas. Chevrolet Trowbridge, R. i Earth, L. C. Ford Pana, R. 5 Boldt, Robert Chevrolet Sigel. R. 3 Earth, L. G. Ford * Pana, R. 5 Boling, Roscoe Ford Windsor, R. i Bartimus, Henry Ford Stewardson Bowley, Cecil Reo Moweaqua, R. 2 Bartscht, C. S. Ford Findlay, R. 4 Brady, L. G. Ford Windsor, R. 3 Bass, Charles Ford Hanson, R. 1 Borton, G. L. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Sassier, A. C. Paige Moweaqua, R. S Bottrell, Carl D. Overland Windsor, R. .4 Bateman, A. Reo Findlay, R. 2 Bouser, Aaron Ford Pana, R. 1 Bates, Andrew Dodge Moweaqua, R. S Bower, F. S. Ford Gays, R. -J Batton, John Ford Oconee, R. 2 Bowman, Clarence I. Bauer, Andrew Overland Strasburg, R. 1 Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Bauer, A. W. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 1 Bowman, C. V. Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Bauer, Godfrey Auburn Strasburg Bowman, J. E. Metr Lakewood, R. 4 Baumgarten, Ed. Studebaker Boys, Alex Ford Shelbyville, R. i Baumgarten, T. E. Stewardson, Studebaker R. 1 Boys, Homer Boys, J. W. Ford Buick Shelbyville, Shelbyville, R. R. 2 4 Stewardson, R. 2 Boys, W. R. Overland Shelbyville, R. 9 Baxter, N. A- Ford Findlay, R. 1 Brackin, G. C. Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 1 Baxter, W. W. Ford Findlay, R. 4 Bradbury, H. Overland Tower Hill, R. 2 Bayliss, C. S. Haynes Moweaqua, R. 5 Braden, G. E. Studebaker Findlay, R. 2 Beals, James Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 2 Bradley, Hollis Ford Findlay, R. i Beals, Richard Ford Stewardson Bradley, W. C. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Bechtel, Wm. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Bredow, L. H. Chevrolet Beck, Claud H. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 1 Stewardson, R. 1 Beck, David Beck, Jacob Overland Moweaqua, Overland Tower Hill, R. R. 5 3 Brehmer, F. J. Brehmer, Wm. J. Chevrolet Ford Strasburg, Strasburg, R. R. 2 2 Beck, R. E. Ford Tower Hill, R. 3 Brewer, J. Briscoe Findlay, R. 2 Beck, Theo. Beckett, F. G. Beery, T. F. Behen, H. C. Dodge Hanson, Ford Assumption, Oakland Windsor, Overland Windsor, R. R. R. R. 1 1 4 '3 Bridgeman, C. W. Bridges, Eli Bridges, Melvin Bridges, T. E. Dodge Maxwell E. M. F. Saxon Moweaqua, R. 2 Trowbridge, R. 1 Trowbridge, R. 1 Shelbvville Behl, Carl Behl, E. J. Ford Neoga, Oldsmobile Six R. 3 Bridgman, G. R. Bridgman, John M Dodge Assumption, R. 2 Tower Hill, R. 3 Dodge - ^- , Moweaaua. R. 2 Beitz, Fred Beldon, Wm. Bell, Geo. A. Overland Stewardson, Overland Gays, Maxwell Gays, R. R. R. 2 2 2 Bridgman, L. E. Bridgman, W. R. Patterson Assumption, Hupmobile Assumption, R. R. 1 1 Bendler, R. F. E. M. F. Thirty R. 4 Bridgwater, A. Rambler Four Findlay, Moweaqua, R. -3 Benner, S. R. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 3 Britton, Ed. Allen Moweaqua, R. 2 Bennett, B. C. Overland Windsor, R. 3 Brown, Albert Chevrolet Mode, R. 1 Bennett, Fred W. Ford Gays, R. 2 Brown, E. O. Elcar Shelbyville, R. 1 Bennett, O. R. Overland Windsor, R. 3 Brown, F. N. Overland Four Bennett, W. A. Maxwell Windsor, R. 1 Tower Hill, R. 4 Berns, John Berns, M. B. Best, Corry Bettis, J. W. Biedert, J. A. Biehler, Louis Bigler, Alonzo Maxwell Four Oconee, Ford Four Oconee, Maxwell Trowbridge, Dodge Shelbyville, Case Findlay, Ford Shelbyville, Studebaker Six Sigel, R. R. R. R. R. R. R. 1 1 1 5 2 9 1 Brown, Grover C. Buick Brown, Isaac Ford Brown, O. D. Ford Four Brown, W. W. Grant Brownback, Geo. D. Ford Shelbyville, Shelbyville, Pana, Windsor, Tower Hill, R. R. R. R. R. 9 7 3 1 2 Bigler, Cyrus Buick Four Sigel, R. 1 Brownlee, R. T. Ford Tower Hill, R. t Bigler, Edwin Maxwell Sigel, R. 3 Bryant, Edgar Ford Herrick, R. 1 Bingaman, W. H. Chevrolet Gays, R. 2 Bryant, W. M Cartercar Herrick, R. i Birch, J. A. Dodge Tower Hill, R. 1 Buchanan, T. W. Ford Herrick, R. i Birch, J. W. Ford Gays, R. 2 Buesking, H. F. Auburn Stewardson, R. t Bivins, Ray Oakland Findlay, R. 3 Buesking, H. H. Ford Strasburg, R. i Blackburn, C. E. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Buegenhagen, Fred Blackerby, R. N. Maxwell Herrick, R. 1 Chevrolet Stewardson, R. i Blackerby, Wm. A Bundy, Oscar Studebaker Windsor, R. 4 Maxwell Herrick, R. 1 Buning, Henry Ford Four Moweaqua, R. 3 214 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY THREE UNEQUALLED VALUES Let us do your automobile and battery repairing. We carry a large stock of batteries and repairs and a complete line of accessories. Prices and courteous treatment guaranteed. PUBLIC SQUARE GARAGE \ Tallman Beem Hay Press Co., Owners SHELBYVILLE, ILL. I Name Bunning, Herman Make PostofHce Lexington Six Name Caskey, S. Make Postoffice Studebaker Windsor, R. 4 Moweaqua, R. 3 Cassidy, T. D. Overland Six Burgener, A. M. Overland Moweaqua, R. 5 Moweaqua, R. 2 Burgener, Fred O. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Cayce, T. B. Maxwell Herrick, R. 1 Burgess, Owen Ford Sigel, R. 3 Cazalet, C. C. Stutz Four and Buick Burrows, George Dort Findlay, R. 2 Seven Assumption, R. 3 Bushur, Allie Ford Sigel, R. 3 Cazier, W. Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Bushur, Henry Maxwell Trowbridg.', R. 1 Cecil, R. E. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Bushur, John Maxwell Neoga, R. 3 Chamberlain, B. J. Ford Four and Buick Four Herrick, R. 2 Cain, J. R. Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Chamberlain, C. E Calvert, C. Overland Shelbyville, R. 1 Ford Herrick, R. 2 Camic, W. L. Grant Shelbyville, R. 2 Chamberlin, E. Overland Gays, R. 2 Campbell, L. M. Ford Mode, R. 1 Chancy, E. J. Dodge Four Campbell, R. Ford Shelbyville, R. 1 Tower Hill, R. 3 Carder, O. Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Chapman, E. P. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Carlyle, B. Lexington Bethany, R. 2 Chappelear, C. V. Ford - Sigel, R. 3 Carlyle, C. D. Ford Gays, R. 2 Chappelear, R. W. Maxwell Sigel, R. 3 Carlyle, J. R. Ford . Bethany, R. 2 Chesterman, W. O Carnes, D. F. Ford Oconee, R. 1 - Dodge Cowden, R. 1 Carnes, J. W. Ford Shelbyville, R. S Childress, L. P. Overland Strasburg, R. 3 Carpenter, J. W. Buick and Grant Christman, E. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Tower Hill ,R. 2 Christman, F. Overland Findlay, R. 2 Carpenter, R . Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Christner, D. T. Ford Shelbyville, R. 8 Carroll, C. Chevrolet Shumway, R. 1 Christy, W. L. Ford Beecher City, R. 3 Carroll, J. A. Allen Five Churchill, H. W. Ford Shelbyville Assumption, R. 3 Clabaugh, M. N. Ford Gays, R. 2 Carroll, T. Reo Findlay, R. 3 Clark, C. L. Ford Four Carruthers, F. A." Studebaker Neoga, R. 1 Assumption, R. 3 Carsell, L. A. ( Chevrolet Shelbyville, R. 8 Clark, J. H. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Carsell, R. J. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 8 Clark, M. . Hupmobile Carson, O. E. Overland Findlay, R. 3 Assumption, R. I Cartmell, T. W. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Clawson, H. O. Ford Fancher Casey, J. V. Overland Moweaqua, R. 2 Clawson, S. Maxwell Windsor, R. 1 215 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Clay, L. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Clay, W. S. Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Clayton, C. H. Ford Oconee, R. 2 Clem, F. W. Ford and Chevrolet Gays, R. 2 Clem, J. D. Mitchell and Chevrolet Gays, R. 2 Clipston, G. Jeffery Six Moweaqua, R. 3 Cochran, F. Maxwell Four Pana, R. 5 Cochran, G. C. Dort Four Pana, R. S Coffman, G. E. Pullman and Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Coffman, K. Overland (90) Findlay, R. 3 Cole, C. Ford Findlay, R. 3 Cole, E. Hupmobile Moweaqua, R. 2 Cole, G. W. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Coleman, Mrs. S. Chevrolet Findlay, R. 4 Collins, J. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Compton, E. L. Mitchell Findlay, R. 3 Conley, D. S. Studebaker Six Findlay, R. 2 Conley, R. Buick Bethany, R. 1 Conley, W. C. Lexington Bethany, R. 2 Connaghan, L. J. Buick Bethany, R. 1 Coons, J. F. Chevrolet Sigel, R. 3 Cooper, A. E. Dodge Oconee, R. 1 Corley, B. Ford Herrick, R. 1 Corley, Mrs. B. W. F. Ford and Cole Herrick, R. 1 Corley, C. E. Dodge Tower Hill, R. 4 Corley, L. H. Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Corley, W. C. Dodge Tower Hill, R. 1 Cornthwaite, J. T. Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Correll, C. Ford Shumway, R. 1 Cosart, D. Ford Cowden, R. 1 Cosart, L. C. Ford Cowden, R. 1 Coultas, C. E. Cadillac Moweaqua, R. 3 Coventry, A. P. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Coventry, C. Ford Assumption, R. 1 Coventry, F. Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Coventry, H. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Cox, A. L. Overland Moweaqua, R. 3 Cox, F. Allen Moweaqua, R. 3 Grain, C. Jeffery Moweaqua, R. 2 Cribbet, H. C. Buick . Findlay, R. 3 Crockett, C. D. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 1 Crook, A. Overland Shelbyville, R. 2 Crook, T. Elgin Tower Hill, R. 2 Cruit, C. A. Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Cruit, V. D. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Crum, S. Dodge Shelbyville, R. 3 Culberson, A. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Culberson, A. J. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Culmber, M. Chevrolet Tower Hill, R. 1 Culumber, E. W. Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Curry, C. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 3 Curry, F. V. Chevrolet Gays, R. 2 Curry, G. H. Dort Gays, R. 2 Curry, J. J. Chevrolet Gays, R. 2 Curry, W. J. Ford Neoga, R. 3 Curtis, W. W. Chevrolet Gays, R. 2 Cutler, Mrs. M. F. Ford Findlay, R. 3 Cutler, T. S. Ford Findlay, R. 3 Cutler, W. Buick Moweaqwa, R. 2 Cuttill, G. Oakland Findlay, R. 2 Name Make Postoffice Danneberger, T. S. Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Dappert, Elmer Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Dappert, Otto Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Darst, B. M. Paige Seven Pana, R. S Davidson, C. N. Buick Bethany, R. 2 Davis, D. E. Grant Six Windsor, R. 4 Davis, John L. Grant Six Windsor, R. 4 Davis, M. B. Overland and Chalmers Findlay Dedman, J. B. Overland Findlay, R. 3 Dedman, J. Wm. and Sons Oldsmobile Findlay, R. 3 Denier, Geo. Ford Findlay, R. 3 DeVore, D. A. Dort Findlay, R. 4 Dewalt, George Dodge Moweaqua, R. 2 Dewar, Pete Ford Windsor, R. 1 Diefenthaler, L. F. Buick, Ford, and Overland Oconee Diepholz, Henry Overland Strasburg, R. 2 Diepholz, Herman Auburn Strasburg, R. 2 Dietz, Elmer Ford Windsor, R. 4 Dihel, Frank Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Dildine, John O. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Dinwiddie, Frank Ford Findlay, R. 3 Dixon, Ed. Ford Shelbyville, R. S Dixon, J. W. Overland Six Tower Hill, R. 1 Dixon, Logan Overland Findlay, R. 3 Deeding, Ed. W. Case Strasburg, R. 3 Doehing, Herman Studebaker Strasburg, R. 1 Doehring, H. W. Auburn Strasburg, R. 1 Doehring, Louis Auburn Windsor, R. 1 Dohring, H. C. Overland Strasburg, R. 2 Doll, Ben Studebaker Trowbridge, R. 1 Doll, Carl Ford Neoga, R. 1 Doll, F. D. Ford Tower Hill, R. 3 Donaldson, Clarence C. Ford Oconee, R. 2 Donnel, Curtis Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 1 Donnel, Oran Ford Shelbyville, R. 1 Dougherty, Dan Studebaker Trowbridge, R. 1 Douthit, A. E. Chevrolet Shelbyville, R. 6 Douthit, Hardin Dodge Shelbyville, R. 6 Douthit, John J. Chevrolet Shelbyville, R. 6 Douthit, J. E. Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Douthit, W. E. Buick Shelbyville, R. 6 Douthit, W. F. Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Downs, Homer C. Velie Findlay, R. 3 Drain, W. D. Ford Four Oconee, R. 2 Drake, J. R. Maxwell Four Moweaqua, R. 2 Drennan, A. P. Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Duckett, J. W. Oldsmobile Shelbyville, R. 8 Duncan, John Overland Windsor, R. 2 Duncan, M. A. Jeffery Moweaqua, R. 2 Duncan, Omri Ford Four Moweaqua, R. 3 Duncan, Thomas Ford Windsor, R. 4 Duncan, W. R. Buick Windsor, R. 4 Dunlap, C. E. Ford Mode Durst, Charles Ford Shelbyville, R. S Durst, W. T. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Dutton, W. E. Ford Four Moweaqua, R. 3 Daelhousen, J. A. Briscoe Findlay Eberhart, A. F. Dort Eberhart, W. H. Ford Eberspach, E. C. Paige Six Strasburg, R. 3 Strasburg, R. 3 Pana, R. 5 216 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Eckert, a . Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Ferguson, Alva Ford Windsor, R. 1 Eddy, J. H. Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Ferguson, Homer Ford Windsor, R. 1 Eddy, S. Overland Tower Hill, R. 1 Ferguson, John Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Eigsti, C. Studebaker Ferguson, Z. P. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 1 Shelbyville, R. 7 Ferrcll, I. B. Ford Wind! lor Eigsti, P. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Figge, Charles Ford Strasburg, R. 3 Eiler, C. R. Allen Tower Hill, R. 3 Figgins, E. O. Maxwell Four Eiler, W. O. Paige Tower Hill, R. 1 Tower Hill, R. 2 Ekiss, T. Reo Bethany, R. 2 Finks, Charles Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 8 Elam, G. T. Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Finley, J. O. Oakland S ix Windsor, R. 4 Elbert, F. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Fisher, Geo. Buick Shelbyville, R. 8 Elbert, G. W. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Fisher, Geo. R. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Elbert, J. Overland Strasburg, R. 3 Fisher, Joe Ford Oconee, R. 2 Elliott, D. E. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Fisher, Oscar Dodge \\ indsor, R. 1 Ellrich, A. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Fitzwater, Charles E. Ellison, W. Overland Moweaqua, R. 5 Cadillac Findlay, R. 4 Elmers, H. J. Jackson Moweaqua, R. 3 Fitzwater, R. S. Chevrolet Findlay, R. 4 Elmers, W. Emery, W. E. Haynes Paige Moweaqua, Pana, R. R. 3 1 Flaherty, James Fleming, J. P. Pullman Overland Assumption, Oconee, R. R. 1 2 Eskew, C. H. Ford Findlay, R. 3 Flenner, Charles R Eskew, W. E. Overland Findlay, R. 2 Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Eversole, D. Ford Shelbyville, R. 1 Flesch, A. B. Maxwell Oconee, R. 2 Eversole, G. N. Overland Shelbyville, R. 1 Flesh, Leonard Ford Four Oconee, R. i Evey, H. F. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 4 Flesner, K. H. Ford Tower Hill, R. 4 Fletcher, H. D. Ford Herrick, R. I Falk, F. H. Chevrolet Herborn, R. 1 Fletcher, J. W. Ford Tower Hill, R. I Falk, Harlev Ford Stewardson Fling, J. H. Ford Strasburg, R. I Falk, Walter Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Fling, Wm. A. Auburn Windsor, R. 4 Fallert, Joseph, Jr. Ford Sigel, R. 3 Foltz, A. C. Ford Assumption, R. i Fankboner, George C. Foltz, A. H. Chalmers Six Ford Oconee, R. 3 Assumption, R. 1 Fathaeur, H. Buick Moweaqua, R. 5 Poor, Clyde Dodge Lakewood Fathauer, W. H . Auburn Moweaqua, R. 4 Foor, C. E. Overland and Maxwell Federman, Wm. Jeffery Moweaqua, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. J IJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIU | What About Your Car EE If you Have never had us do any work for you, let us do some. If you S j~ have ever had us work for you, let us do some more. If you have ever had S us do work for you, and it was satisfactory, you certainly appreciated it, and Z 5 if the work was not satisfactory, we would greatly appreciate it if you S : would bring it back, and let us make it satisfactory, then we would all be 5 5 satisfied. H We thank you for past patronage and ask you for more in the future. I QUEEN CITY GARAGE | f=^/p / /? Phone No - 20 | ^^^f^^^f^^ SHELBYVILLE, ILL. | TiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiii- 217 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Xame Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Poor, Emerson Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Gillmar, H. J. Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Poor, Frank Overland Shelbyville, R. 3 Glick, E. R. Overland Lakewood Poor, J. L. Buick Shelbyvillr, R. 3 Glick, L. O. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Poor, H. H. Maxwell Tower Hill, R. 1 Glick, W. E. Maxwell Tower Hill, R. 1 Forcum, W. H. Dodge Mode, R. 1 Goddard, J. W. Ford Windsor, R. 3 Ford, J. S. Chevrolet Findlay, R. 4 Green, L. Grant Moweaqua, R. 3 Forsyth, G. L. Ford and Mitchell Goodwin, S. E. Chevrolet Moweaqua, R. 3 Shelbyville, R. 4 Gordon, E. A. Hupmobile Findlay, R. 1 Fort, Jake Ford Gays, R. 2 Gordon, L. D. Overland Findlay, R. 2 Fortner, H. P. Briscoe Findlay, R. 3 Graves, C. A. Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 1 Fortner, W. E. Ford Mode, R. 1 Gray, J. W. Studebaker Gays, R. 1 Fosbinder, Joseph Ford Neoga, R. 1 Green, F. H. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Foster, Mrs. A. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Green, L. Elcar Moweaqua, R. 3 Foster, J. D. Overland Findlay, R. 3 Green, O. E. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Foust, Dan Ford Bethany, R. 1 Green, R. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Fox, Conn Studebaker Gregory, A. H. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Strasburg, R. 3 Gregory, E. M. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Fox, Millie Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Gregory, F. Buick and Ford Frailey, Alonzo Velie Findlay, R. 2 Moweaqua, R. 3 Francisco, Frank Haynes Bethany, R. 1 Gregory, J. T. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Francisco, Raymond Gregory, W. T. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Ford Findlay, R. 1 Greiner, C. Ford Fancher Frankenfeld, Charles P. Grider, D. W. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 2 Ford Four Pana, R. 5 Grider, H. C. Buick Windsor, R. 2 Frankenfeld, H. P. Gritzmacker, G. Ford Shelbyville, R. S Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Groom, Mrs. C. B. Grant Six Moweaqua, R. 5 Frazier, Fred Oldsmobile Gays, R. 2 Gross, J. O. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Freeman, James S. Overland Four Grove, C. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Moweaqua, R. 3 Grove, W. Ford Stewardson Friese, Charles Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 1 Grubb, C. M. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Friese, C. F. Studebaker Stewardson R. 1 Hackenberg, M. D. Friese, L. C. Studebaker Oldsmobile Six Pana, R. 5 Hagerman, J. M. Overland Stewardson, R. 1 Fringer, G. D. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 2 Hall, Mrs. Margaret Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Fringer, Jacob E. Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Fritz, Samuel Reo Shelbyville, R. 1 Fritz, John Maxwell Strasburg, R. 2 Fromme, Henry Maxwell Sigel, R. 3 Fry, Charles W. Overland Six Pana, R. 1 Fry, Frank E. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Hall, Otto Chevrolet Cowden, R. 2 Hamilton, C. B. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Hamilton, G. B. Overland Six Pana, R." 1 Hamilton, N. H. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Hamilton, William Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Hamilton, W. E. Buick Windsor, R. 2 Fuller, Mrs. J. W. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Fultz, Andrew Overland Findlay, R. 1 Fuqua, Wm. N. Chevrolet Bethany, R. 2 Furr, Wm. Ford Shelbyville, R. 3 Hampton, Wade Ford Shelbyville, R. 3 Handcock, James Ford Windsor, R. 4 Hanfland, Philip Chalmers Sigel, R. 2 Harder, A. C. Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Hardy, A. L. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 9 Gaddis, L. Ford Neoga, R. 3 Hardy, G. W. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 9 Gaither, T. E. Lexington Moweaqua, R. 3 Hare, Jesse Jeffery Shelbyville, R. 1 Gallagher, J. E. Ford Truck, 1 1 Ton Harless, Alva E. Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Mode, R. 1 Harlow, E. A. Buick Shelbyville, R. 3 Gallagher, R. Overland Mode, R. 1 Harmon, John C. Monroe Shelbyville, R. 8 Gallagher, W. F. Overland Mode, R. 1 Harmon, M. A. Overland Shelbyville, R. 8 Carman, J. L. Apperson Bethany, R. 1 Harmon, M .M. Mitchell Lakewood Garman, J. W. Ford Truck and Buick Harper, A. Reo Six Assumption, R. 3 Bethany, R. 2 Harper, Carl Saxon Six Garvin, J. Hudson Findlay, R. 2 Tower Hill, R. 3 Garvin, J. E. Paige Findlay, R. 2 Harrison, George Chevrolet Pana, R. 6 Gaskill, J. Overland Four Oconee Hart, C. B. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 2 Gaston, L. A Ford Windsor, R. 4 Hartman, F. A. Allen and Ford Gearhart, J. D. Ford Tower Hill, R. 4 Assumption, R. 1 Gerhold, M. F. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 2 Hartsell, Harry M. Gernenz, H. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Oakland Six Getz, W. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 3 Windsor, R. 4 Gibisen, D. G. Chevrolet Findlay, R. 1 Hartsell, J. O. Dort Windsor, R. 4 Giesler, A. Studebaker Stewardson Hartsell, S. D. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 1 Giles, C. C. Dodge Mode, R. 1 Hauler, A. W. Overland Four Giles, E. V. Buick Beecher City, R. 3 Tower Hill, R. 3 Gillespie, W. E. Buick Six Pana, R. 1 Haverstock, Ira Ford Beecher City, R. 3 218 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Hawley, Dennis Ford Shelbyville, R. 1 Herron, C. L. Overland Findlay Hawley, J. L. Jackson Moweaqua, R. 3 Herron, W. D. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 1 Hawley, Oscar Ford Findlay, R. 3 Hight, Clyde Ford Four Hause, James Ford Findlay, R. 3 Moweaqua, R. 2 Hayward, John Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Hiler, W. R. Reo Four Tower Hill, R. 4 Hazen, Harry Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Hill, David D. Buick Moweaqua, R 4 Hazen, J. M. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Hill, J. W. Ford Moweaqua, R. z Hearn, Carl W. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Hillmann, Herman Hei), Fred Ford Shumway, R. 1 Studebaker Heinz, A. P. Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Trowbridge, R. 1 Heinz, Geo. R. Empire Shelbyville, R. 1 Hilton, Bud Ford Hanson, R. i Heinz, T. L. Empire Shelbyville, R. 2 Hilton, Homer Ford Four Oconee, R. i Hellmann, Gottlieb Hilton, P. B. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Himes, C. F. Cartercar Four Helvety, I. C. Studebaker Tower Hill, R. 3 Moweaqua, R. 3 Himes, O. W. Cartercar Four Hemer, Geo. Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Tower Hill, R. 3 Hemer, Henry Dodge Four Hinterley, Mrs. Pearl Moweaqua, R. 3 Overland Shelbyville, R. 9 Hemer, J. L. Dodge Four Hinton, A. W. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Moweaqua, R. 3 Hinton, Harry Buick Four Oconee, R. 1 Hendershot, Jesse Marion Stewardson, R. 1 Hitchcock, Edward Henderson, E. Ford Herrick, R. 3 Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Henderson, Henry Ford Herrick Hite, J. A. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Henderson, Tony Ford Herrick, R. i Hoagland, J. K . Ford Mode, R. 1 Hendricks, Losson Empire Shelbyville, R. 4 Hobson, Emory Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Hendricks, Walter Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Hoene, Ben Maxwell Sigel, R. 3 Hendricks, Wm. N. Hoewing, Mrs. E. M. Chandler Shelbyville, R. 4. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Hendricks, W. E. Overland Findlay, R. 1 Hofman, John Ford Sigel, R. 3 Henry, A. L. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 1 Hoffman, L. P. Dodge Moweaqua, R. 5 Hensey, Fred Buick Six Hoglund, A. V. Oakland Beecher City, R. 3 Moweaqua, R. 3 Hogue] F. A. Ford Windsor, R. 2 Herbert. John Ford Hanson, R. 1 Holbrook, J. F. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 A GOOD CAR '* A B US//V33 A33 ERRA.NO -*, QU/CKLY DONEL In addition to being a source of pleasure to every member of the family a car saves lots of time when time is money. When you need something from a dis- % ' tance and need it quick, a good car will have it there without loss of time. For whatever purpose you want a car it will pay you to see us. MERLIN B. DAVIS AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES Member of the Garage Owners' Association of Illinois FINDLAY, ILLINOIS 219 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Holey, J. F. Grant Six Moweaqua, R. 3 Keeling, J. Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Hopkins, C. G. Ford x Mode, R. 1 Keilman, J. Overland Findlay, R. 3 Hoskins, H. H. Overland Shelbyville, R. 4 Keilman, W. C. Allen and Jackson Hosteller, David Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Findlay, R. 3 Hostetler, Levi, Jr. Keith, L. W. Oakland Windsor, R. 4 Ford Shelbyvilk, R. 7 Keller, J. Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 2 Hostetler, L. C. Ford Shelbyvilk, R. 7 Kelly, Mrs. L. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Hostetler, M. Ford Shelbyville, R. 8 Kelsheimer, B. F. Ford Strasburg, R. 1 Hostetler, P. Ford Shelbyvilte, R. 7 Kendall, F. Ford Neoga, R. 3 Houston, W. T. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Kendall, H. Hupmobile Strasburg, R. 1 Howe, B. R. Maxwell Cowden, R. 2 Kenny, H. Overland Windsor, R. 2 Howe, H. G. Ford Cowden, R. 2 Kensil, D. D. Chevrolet Shelbyville, R. 5 Howell, Lewis Ford Four Oconee, R. 2 Kensil, S. J. Empire Shelbyville, R. 5 Howell, O. W. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Kercheval, G. H. Oakland Windsor, R. 1 Hudson, C. W. Elgin Cowden, R. 2 Kerr, J. F. Ford Pana, R. 1 Hudson, J. W. Dodge Shelbyville, R. 6 Kessler, A., Jr. Ford Shumway, R. 1 Huffaker, W. B. Maxwell'Four Oconee Kessler, E. Chevrolet Huffer, Samuel Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Beecher City, R. 3 Huffmaster, Mayme L. Kessler, G. Chevrolet Chevrolet Beecher City, R. 3 Stewardson, R. 6 Kessler, J. Reo Shumway, R. 1 Hull, N. S. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Kester, A. Buick Shelbyville, R. 6 Humphrey, N. Overland Moweaqua, R. 3 Kiddwell, J. E. Ford Findlay, R. 4 Humphrey, R. N. Dodge Moweaqua, R. 2 Killam, J. L. Overland Shelbyville, R. 1 Hummel, Bronson Killam, R. L. Cadillac Shelbyville, R. 1 Ford Neoga, R. 1 Kimmell, R. Studebaker Hunter, C. F. Studebaker and Ford Shelbyville, R. 3 Tower Hill, R. 1 Kinkade, R. Overland Windsor, R. 2 Hunter, Homer V.Hudson Six Findlay, R. 2 Kircher, G. A. Studebaker Strasburg Hunter, Leroy E. M. F. Lakewood, R. 1 Kircher, L. J. Studebaker Strasburg, R. 3 Hunter, Preston Chalmers Findlay, R. 2 Kircher, W. J. Oldsmobile Strasburg, R. 1 Hutchens, Mrs. Sadie Kircher, M .E. Oldsmobile Dodge Oconee, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. 2 S Kirk Bros. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Inslee, R. Oakland Shelbyville, R. 3 Kirk, F. B. Dodge Cowden, R. 2 Isome, D. H. Chevrolet Assumption, R. 1 Klein, G. F. Stoddard-Dayton Jackson, C. H. Overland Windsor, R. 1 Jackson, E. K. Overland Bethany, R. 1 Jackson, I. D. Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 1 Jackson, L. Overland Windsor, R. 3 Jackson, M. A. Auburn Windsor, R. 3 Jacobs, E. F. Jeffery Moweaqua, R. 2 Janes, O. Ford Neoga, R. 1 Herrick, R. 1 Klepzig, B. Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 2 Klepzig, L. Ford Stewardson, R. 2 Klitzke, J. Overland Stewardson, R. 1 Klump, E. G. Apperson Strasburg, R. 1 Knecht, C. E. Hupmouile Shelbyville, R. 2 Knecht, G. T. and C. E. Jenkins, B. F. Overland Herrick, R. 1 Jervis, T. E. Auburn Gays, R. 2 Jesse, W. T. Dodge Findlay Monroe Shelbyville, R. 3 Knoop, L. A. Studebaker Seven T n ,,.<>r w:n u -i Johnson, A. Universal Trowbridge, R. 1 Johnson, C. F. Maxwell and Ford Four Koester, M. Koester, W. Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 2 Dort Stewardson, R. 2 Moweaqua, R. 3 Johnson, I. A. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Johnston, G. H. Case Assumption, R. 3 Johnston, J. Oakland Tower Hill, R. 1 Johnson, W. A. Maxwell Findlay, R. 1 Jones, C. E. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Jones, F. W. Ford Shelbyville, R. 1 Koontz, B. Koontz, f'. Koontz, J. H. Kramer, J. M. Krieg Bros. Ford Mode, R. 1 Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Argo Mode, R. 1 Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Buick and Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Jones, G. L. Auburn Shelbyville, R. 2 Krieg, G. M. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Jones, J. M. Allen Moweaqua, R. 3 Jones, W. R. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 3 Krile, C. L. Krile, J. Buick Windsor, R. 4 Auburn Strasburg, R. 1 Jorden, G. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Kropf, E. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Jordan, L. Ford Assumption, R. 1 Kruger, C. Krummel, W. Ford Stewardson Lexington Windsor, R. 1 Kasany, H. F. Studebaker Krumreich, W. Studebaker Stewardson, R. 1 Stewardson, R. 1 Kassen, J. H. Ford Oconee, R. 2 Krumwiede, W. Chevrolet Holland Kaufman, C. Reo Six Stewardson, R. 2 Kuhle, L. National Assumption, R. 1 Kauffman, J. Crow Shelbyville, R. 7 Kuhn, E. Ford Pana, R. 3 Kearney, /. Auburn Strasburg, R. 3 Kull, A. F. Auburn Strasburg, R. 1 Kearney, .R. Overland Strasburg, R. 3 Kull, G. F. Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 1 Keck, S. B. Ford Trowbridge, R. 1 Kull, J. Ford Shelbyville, R. 3 220 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Kull, J. F. Apperson Strasburg, R. 1 Kull, M. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 4 Kull, W.E. Mitchell Strasburg, R. 1 Kull, W. F. Overland Windsor, R. 4 Kuster, R. Overland Strasburg. R. 2 La Cost, Otto Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Lading, Chris Studebaker Strasburg, R. 1 Lading, Henry Apperson Strasburg, R. 1 Lamb, B. K. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Lance, Mary Ford Fancher, R. 1 Lane, W. E. Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 1 Lantz, C. M. Ford Cowden Lantz, Homer Buick Tower Hill, R. 2 Lape, John H. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Larimer, Frank Chevrolet Mode Larson, Matt Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Lash, George Ford Findlay, R. 3 Lash, George Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Latch, J. B. Metz and Ford Trowbridge, R. 5 Lawrence, Oscar Ford Neoga, R. 1 Lee, W. A. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Lees, Roy Reo and Ford Oconee, R. 1 Leigh, Charles H. Emerson Hanson, R. 1 Lemons, C. S. Overland Windsor, R. 1 Lemons, Geo. F. Kissel Car Windsor, R. 1 Lemons, J. M. Overland Windsor, R. 1 Lesley, A. M. Apperson Findlay, R. 1 Lewellyn, M. S. Ford Tower Hill Lewis, Lee J. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Lewis, W. B. Ford Mode, R. 1 Lindley, W. B. Lexington Bethany, R. 1 Lindsey, C. B. Ford Shelbyville Linville, Charles Buick Gays, R. 2 Lipkey, L. T. Oakland Shelbyville, R. 3 Lockart, David Overland Cowden Lockart, George W. Maxwell Cowden, R. 1 Lockart, Jesse Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Lockart, J. D. Ford ' Tower Hill, R. 3 Lockart, D. E. Ford Neoga, R. 1 Lochart, R. B. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 1 Lofland. F. E. Chevrolet Findlay, R. 3 Long, Harry Grant Moweaqua, R. 5 Longenbaugh, Samuel Overland Moweaqua, R. 5 Louderback, Norris Ford Sheldon Grove Lovins, Jacob, A. Buick Windsor, R. 2 Lowary, Dan Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Lowe, Leo L. Paige Tower Hill, R. 4 Luce, Geo. D. Buick Windsor, R. 4 Luce, J. C. Ford Strasburg, R. 1 Ludwig, George Chevrolet Sigel, R. 1 Luedke, Frank, M. Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 2 Luedke, P. N. Oakland Neoga, R. 3 Lugar, Jerry Ford Strasburg, R. 1 Lugar, G. M. Ford Sigel, R. 3 Lumpp, A. J. Ford Findlay, R. 4 Lupton, Tillie Ford Four Assumption, R. 3 Lytle, W. C. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Macklin, J. Buick Findlay, R. 2 Macklin, R. Dodge Findlay, R. 2 Maher, Mrs. Mary Ford Assumption, R. 1 Mahnke, C. Maxwell Strasbure, R. 2 I PORTER GARAGE | PATTON & ADAMS, Prop. When your car needs repair- " ing, let us do itl We specialize - in repair work. Handle a com- " plete line of accessories, and are = equipped at all times to give . f you expert service. 0*2?^ ... = >' /Rv " e se 'l and recom- | t $i&&k mend the following ffife.'.uHA Triple-G Goods. = Ajax Tires and Tubes. | Willard Storage Batteries. " Affinity Spark Plugs. 5 Mohawk Tires and Tubes. | Veedol and Mobiloil Oils and Greases. 1 On the Meridian Trail I MOWEAQUA - - ILLINOIS j 4 < < < < i i ( < < i < i < i < i i i WYRICK'S Fire Proof Garage Steam Heat flll!!l!l!nillll!lllllll!llini!li:illlllllllll!l!inim!ll!lll!lllll!l!lllllll!ll|[!l!fllllllllllllll!llll We carry the only complete line of accessories in Shelbyville. That's our business. We do not | sell cars, but we do sell Good- year, United States, Firestone, and Savage Tires. Free air. ! ltlUlllinilininill!l!!linilll!!inill!!l!lilll!!!l!llinilHin!ll!IIIUIIIIIIIIII!llllllllllllllllHIIIII Storage Reasonable ^ Phone 607 i \ SHELBYVILLE :: ILL ^+***+***+**+*+^+*+*^+*+*+**+^+**+*'+^+**+^+^+** 221 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Mahnke, F. Ford Shumway, R. 1 Mietzner, W. M. C. Majors, J. C. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Malon, J. J. Oakland Shelbyville, R. 6 Miles, A. Ford Four Pana, R. 6 Manhart, F. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Miller, C. E. Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Manning, L. F. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 6 Miller, C. W. Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Mansfield, H. W. Studebaker Miller, D. W. Saxon Tower Hill, R. 1 Shelbyville, R. 8 Miller, F. Maxwell Beecher City, R. 3 Mantz, J. T. Mitchell Pana Miller. J. Jr. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Manuel, H. L. Ford Four Herrick, R. 3 Miller, J. H. Maxwell Five Marines, R. Ford Findlay, R. 3 Tower Hill, R. 3 Mars, F. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Miller, L. Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Marshall, W. N. Overland Findlay, R. 3 Miller, L. W. Overland Five Martz, C. G. Overland Shelbyville, R. 1 Tower Hill, R. 3 Martz, L. J. Buick Shelbyville, R. 9 Miller, S. C. Overland Moweaqua, R. 3 Martz, W. T. Oakland Shelbyville, R. 1 Milligan, D. Saxon Shelbyville Mathias, C. H. Overland and Ford Milligan, L. S. Ford Shelbyville, R. S Bethany, R. 1 Milligan, W. A. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Mathias, S. B. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Mills, D. Ford Tower Hill, R. 4 Mathias, T. Overland Findlay, R. 3 Mills, W. B. Maxwell Trowbridge, R. 1 Matlock, F. Ford Assumption, R. 1 Mitchell, B. E. Ford Findlay, R. 3 Matthew, G. Ford Four Moweaqua, R. 3 Mitchell, L. A. Ford Bethany, R. 1 Matthews, J. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Mitchell Dort Gays, R. 2 Maxedon, A. H. Overland Windsor Monroe, W. Z. Ford Shelbyville, R. 8 Maze, R. W. Ford (2) Tower Hill, R. 2 Montgomery, R. M. McAllister, L. L. Studebaker Windsor, R. 1 Buick Gays, R. 2 McAndrews, P. Chevrolet Trowbridge, R. 1 Moomaw, O. Dort Stewardson, R. 1 McClain, F. Ford Shelbyville, R. S Moomaw, W. Crow Stewardson, R. 1 McClaud, G. W. Jeffery Six Moweaqua, R. 2 Moore, M. E. Dodge Four McClory, H. Ford Trowbridge, R. 1 Tower Hill, R. 2 McClory, J. E. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 3 Moore, T. P. Saxon Six Tower Hill, R. 1 McClory, J. W. Ford Trowbridge, R. 1 Moore, W. Chevrolet Herrick, R. 3 McClory, P. H. Ford Trowbridge Moore, W. M. Overland Windsor, R. 1 McClure, J. W. Briscoe Four Moran, Mrs. F. C. Assumption, R. 3 Maxwell Neoga, R. 3 McConnell, C. Chevrolet Pana, R. 1 Morefield, H. S. Ford Four Oconee, R. 2 McConnell, F. Ford Cowden, R. 2 McDonald, C. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 9 McDonald, E. A. Overland Shelbyville, R. 1 McDonald, R. Overland Shelbyville, R. 1 Morgan, O. S. Buick Tower Hill, R. 4 Morrison, W. M. Paige Tower Hill, R. 1 Morris, C. E. Ford Beecher City, R. 3 Morse, J. F. Ford Findlay, R. 1 McDonald, S. A. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 1 Mose, E. Maxwell Pana, R. 5 McDowell, C. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 8 McDowell, F. Buick Tower Hill, R. 4 Mouche, A. P. Chevrolet Moweaqua, R. 2 Mounts, W. S. Reo Four Assumption, R. 1 McElroy, H. Overland Cowden, R. 2 McElroy, L. E. Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Moury, H. C. Willvs-Knight Six Findlay, R. 3 McGeehon, W. H. Ford Cowden, R. 2 McGilligan, H. A. Auburn Findlay, R. 2 Moyer, J. F. Ford Shelbyville, R- 4 Maze, O. C. Oakland Six McGuar, J. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 2 Tower Hill, R. 1 McKinley, W. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. $ McKittrick, A. H. Paige Assumption, R. 1 McKittrick, W. E. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 McKittrick, M. Dodge Shelbyville, R. 7 McReynolds, R. A. Auburn Bethany, R. 2 Mueller, A. Ford Strasburg, R. 2 Mueller, G. Oakland Strasburg, R. 2 Munson, E. G. Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Musser, L. Dodge Beecher City, R. 3 Myers, J. Dodge Herrick, R. 3 Mechling, N. S. Ford Shumway, R. 1 Meister, G. D. Ford Mode Mvers. N. D. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Messer, H. Cadillac Gays, R. 1 Metsker, G. Ford Tower Hill, R. 3 Xance. D. C. Ford Cowden, R. 1 Metsker, P. Ford Tower Hill. R. 3 Neighbor, Morris Ford Neoga, R. 5 Metzger, A. C. Reo Five Pana, R. Neil, Mrs. Jennie C. Metzger, A. G. Studebaker Six Pana, R. 5 Buick Tower Hill, R. 3 Metzger, A. G. Buick Six Pana, R. 5 Neil, Lloyd Ford Shelbyville, R. 8 Metzger,.A. P. Buick Six Tower Hill, R. 3 Metzger, C. E. Studebaker Pana, R. 6 Neil, Martin Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 2 Mizeur, F. Oakland Pana, R. 6 Newkirk, E. W. Maxwell Cowden, R. 1 Middlesworth, L. Newkirk, J. M. Ford Tower Hill, R. 4 Buick Four Tower Hill Newman, Charles Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 1 Middleton, B. E. Buick Six Assumption, R. 1 Newman, W. S. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Middleton, O. Ford Four Nicol, J. A Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Assumption, R. 1 Noffke, E. W. Dort" Strasburg, R. 1 Middleton, W. N. Maxwell Assumption, R. 1 Noffke, Otto Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 2 Mietzner, A. Ford Shumway, R. 1 Noffke, Wm. Dort Strasburg, R. 2 222 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Name Norman, J. W. Nuttall, Frank Oaks, Frank Oaks, I. O. Oaks, W. A. O'Farrell, L. R. Olmstead, Fred Olsbaskie, Felt Olson, Grant Oman, Harley Ordel, Samuel Osborn, Albert Ostermier, H. H. Otla, Henry A. Pancoast, Fred Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Pope, James W. Hupmobile Hanson, R. 1 Overland Bethany, R. 1 Porter, Hugh Studebaker and Ford Pana, R. 3 Nash and Ford Potter, C. H. Cadillac Assumption, R. 1 Assumption, R. 1 Potter, Elmer, M. Halladay Four Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Assumption, R. 1 Potter, S. G. Hupmobile Four Hupmobile Assumption, R. 1 Assumption, R. 1 Potts, James Ford Oconee, R. 2 Ford Cowden, R. 2 Powell, J. S. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Buick Findlay, R. 4 Powers, George Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Ford Four Pana, R. 3 Powers, Rad. Overland Shelbyville, R. 8 Grant Six Windsor, R. 3 Protsman, Will E. Buick Findlay, R. 1 Ford Assumption, R. 1 Price, Frank Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 1 Ford Windsor, R. 4 p r i ce , H. O. Ford Windsor, R. 2 Pullman Assumption, R. 1 Price, Jesse E. Ford Lakewood Auburn Windsor, R. 4 Price, John Chevrolet Neoga, R. 1 Grant Six Moweaqua, R. 3 Price, J. H. Studebaker Oconee, R. 1 Price, L. M. Dodge Four Oconee, R. 1 Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Price, O. L. Dodge Oconee, R. 1 Panneton, A. Reo Assumption, R. 1 Priest, C. F. and Anna B. Park, George Overland Findlay, R. 3 Oldsmobile Six Pana, R. 5 Park, John Overland Findlay Primmer, Simon Buick Moweaqua, R. 2 Parker, C. B. Ford Four Moweaqua, R. 3 Prosser, Ed. Baby Grand Parker, T. W. Reo Shelbyville, R. 3 Stewardson, R. 1 Parker, W. F. Ford Four " Pana, R. Prosser, Walter Dodge Clarksburg Parks, Delmar Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Prosser, Willard Chevrolet Mode, R. 1 Parks, Oscar Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Prosser, William Reo Shelbyville, R. 4 Parnell, James Dort Findlay, R. 3 Protorman, J. S. Ford Moweaqua, R. J Parr, F. P. Ford Tower Hill, R. Pugh, Martin Moline Four Parr, S. D. National Findlay, R. Moweaqua, R. 2 Pasley, J. H. Ford Bethany, R. Pulliam, James G. Elgin Findlay, R. 1 Pattengale, W. S. Paige Six Pana, R. 6 Purkiser, C. M. Ford Gays, R. 2 Patterson. Daniel Ford Bethany, R. Patterson, George Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Patterson, Grover C. Patterson, John M Ford Jr. Windsor, R. 7 Pauley, A. L. Pearce, J. C. Ford Ford Four Chevrolet Stewardson, Oconee, Findlay, R. R. R. 2 1 1 FOSTER&WEAKLY Pearson, W. S. Allen Moweaqua, R. 3 Pearson, B. L. Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Peck, Mrs. R. J. Peek, Cleveland Ford Four Ford Tower Hill, Shelbyville, R. R. 2 3 Hardware, Sporting Perry, Iven Studebaker Findlay, R. 3 Perry, L. B. Perry, Moses Ford Ford Four Findlay, Pana, R. R. 2 1 Goods, Etc. Pfeiffer, F. F. Buick Six Strasburg, R. 1 Pfeiffer, J. C. Pfeiffer, W. T. Ford Ford Shelbyville, Shelbyville, R. R. 3 2 Buggies, Carriages, Phelps, S. G. Phipps, J. M. Maxwell Ford Four Gays, Tower Hill, R. R. 2 4 Mitchell Automobiles Pieper, Henry Jr. Overland Stewardson, R. 1 Pieper, Henry Pierce, G. C. Overland Ford Strasburg, Tower Hill, R. R. 2 3 Arms and Ammunition Pikesh, Wm. Auburn and Ford Pinkston, Jacob L Shelbyville, R. 6 Hunting Coats Pinney, O. S. Ford Jeffery Moweaqua, Moweaqua, R. R. 2 3 and Suits Plowman, Elbert Studebaker Herrick, R. 1 Pogue, C. J. Chevrolet Eight and Oils and Greases Elgin snelDyvme, R. 6 Pogue, C. M. Buick Shelbyville R. 9 Pogue, Hiram Buick Six Findlay, R. 3 Shelbyville, Illinois Pogue, Homer Pogue, L. E. Overland Oakland Findlay, Findlay, R. R. 1 Pope, C. E. Pope, C. J. Ford Four Ford Four Oconee, Oconee, R. R. i 223 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Quicksall, J. N. Ford Quicksall, W. H. Ford Ramert, S. W. Overland Ramsey, Mrs. Maggie B. Oldsmobile Rarick, Wm. Rau, C. W. Rawlings, A. C. Rawlings, H. M. Rawlings, R. F. Postoffice Trowbridge, R. 1 Trowbridge, R. 1 Gays, R. 2 Rawlings, W. C. Reber, Joseph Reed, A. B. Reed, J. E. Reed, J. H. Reed, Samuel J. Reed, Thomas Reed, William Reedy, Lute Reel, Clyde Reel, John Reel, Louis A. Reichart, Bert B. Ford Reifsteck, Leonard Buick Six Reinholt, Max Ford Renshaw, Charles Case Rentfrow, Jess , Ford Reynolds, C. N. Ford Reynolds, F. M. Ford Reynolds, J. W. Buick Six Rhodes, F. W. Saxon Rhodes, J. J. Empire Rice, E. G. Overland Rice, F. W. Ford Findlay Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Paige Six Tower Hill, R. 3 Oakland Findlay, R. 2 Paige Shelbyville, R. 1 Hupmobile Shelbyville, R. 1 Findlay, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. 8 Shelbyville, R. 5 Tower Hill, R. 4 Findlay, R. 3 Shelbyville, R. 5 Bethany, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. 1 Findlay, R. 3 Strasburg, R. 1 Strasburg, R. 1 Strasburg Buick Paige Ford Maxwell Ford Chevrolet Ford Buick Ford Buick Buick Chevrolet Shelbyville, R. 1 Cowden, R. Shelbyville, R. Strasburg, R. Stewardson, R. Windsor, R. Windsor, R. Tower Hill, R. Tower Hill, R. Tower Hill, R. Shelbyville, R. Oconee, R. Richards, John P. Studebaker Strasburg, R. Richards, S. V. Ford Richards, W. F. Ford Richmond, D. A. Oakland Riley, E. C. Ford Riley, L. E. Ford Rincker, C. F. Buick Rincker, C. M. Studebakc Rincker, H. G. Buick Rincker, J. M. Buick Rincker, Otto W. Nash Rincker, Paul M. Buick Robb, George Ford Roberts, George E. Ford Roberts, J. G. Ford Robertson, Jesse Ford Strasburg, R. Strasburg, R. Windsor, R. Mode, R. Mode, R. Strasburg, R. Herborn Strasburg, R. 1 Stewardson, R. 1 Strasburg, R. 1 Strasburg, R. 2 Windsor, R. 4 Shumway, R. Shelbyville, R. Cowden, R. Name Make Robertson, Sam Chevrolet Robinson, Mrs. E. B. Empire Robinson, Mrs. Phoebe J. Buick Robison, S. M. Ford Robison, Thos. Ford Roby, Harry Oakland Rodgers, John Overland Rodgers, W. M. Auburn Rodman, Sidney Ford Rodman, Wilburn Studebaker Roessler, Charles Ford Roessler, Ira P. Overland Roessler, Theo. J. Ford Rogers, John, Sr. Paige Roley, Clem Ford Roney, Oscar Ford Rose, Mrs. C. L. Oakland Rose, Daniel T. Rose, W. W. Rowley, E. C. Rozene, J. H. Ruch, M. Rueff, George Ruff, M. F. Ruff, T. D. Rumer, George Runkel, J. V. Postoffice Gays, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. 1 Penn, R. 2 Windsor, R. 4 Windsor, R. 4 Gays, R. 2 Windsor, R. 2 Windsor, R. 4 Findlay, R. 2 Findlay, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. Shelbyville, R. Shelbyville, R. Findlay, R. Mode, R. Findlay, R. Windsor, R. Findlay, R. Windsor, R. Runkel, Roy ^Russell, H. E. Russell, R. J. Ryder, Marshall Ryherd, F. E. Sallee, Ed Salmons, J. C. Sanders, Ben and Sanders, Frank Sands, C. E. Sands, J. C. Sands, O. S. Sanner, C. W. Sanner, Ira Sanner, Robert Sargent, George Sargent, T. C. Sayers, P. M. Chalmers Oakland Reo Four Assumption, R. Ford Strasburg, R. Overland Shelbyville Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Studebaker Strasburg, R. 1 Overland Shelbyville, R. 3 Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Grant Six Maxwell Maxwell Ford Ford Shelbyville, R. Trowbridge, R. Strasburg, R. Trowbridge, R. Windsor, R. 2 Herrick Shelbyville, R. 3 Dodge Maxwell Park Chandler and Jackson Moweaqua, R. 3 Chandler and Jackson Moweaqua, R. 3 Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 1 Buick Shelbyville, R. 1 Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 9 Maxwell a,nd Chalmers Bethany, R. 2 Findlay, R. 2 Bethany, R. 2 Strasburg, R. 3 Neega, R. 3 Maxwell Buick Chevrolet Chevrolet Ford Cowden The 0. H. Paddock Lumber Co. "THE PLACE TO BUY LUMBER" FRED KELLOG, Mgr. Other Christian County Yards: PANA EDINBURGH MORRISONVILLE ASSUMPTION Phone ILLINOIS 224 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Name Make Postoffice Schafer, John N. Maxwell Neoga, R. 1 Schafle, Charley Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Schahrer, George Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Scheef, J. H. Ford Herborn Schemps, C. L. Ford Four Pana, R. 6 Schinzler, G. L. Elgin Shelbyville, R. 7 Schinzler, Joseph Ford Neoga, R. 3 Schlanser, Anthony Ford Sigel, R. 3 Schlobohm, Will Ford Findlay, R. 3 Schmahl, Raymond Ford Assumption, R. 1 Schmitt, Fred Overland Strasburg, R. 1 Schmitz, Mrs. Maggie Ford Shelbyville, R. 3 Schneider, Henry Ford Neoga, R. 3 Schneiderjohn, Frank Dodge Sigel, R. 2 Schoch, George Ford Four Towel Hill, R. 3 Schrimpf, Theodosia Auburn Six Strasburg, R. 1 Schrock, Samuel Buick Six Shelbyville, R. 7 Schuenker, E. A. Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 3 Schutte, John Studebaker Sigel, R. 1 Sebens, C. Briscoe Shelbyville, R. 5 Seely, John N. Oldsmobile Herrick, R. 1 Seitz, C. A. Ford Four Pana, R. 6 Sexson, B. A. Overland Gays, R. 2 Shaffer, Frank F. Willys-Knight Findlay, R. 3 Shaffer, L. V. Elgin Findlay, R. 2 Shaffer, Wm. H. Grant Six Strasburg, R. 1 Shannon, A. J. Overland Cowden, R. 1 Sharp, L. C. Buick Shelbyville, R. 9 Sharpe, O. O. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Shaw, George Ford Tower Hill, R. 4 Shawver, David Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Sheils, C. C. American Shelbyville, R. 8 Shelton, R. M. Saxon Windsor, R. 4 Shride, Martha Overland Findlay, R. 3 Schuck, George Ford Findlay, R. 1 Shuemaker, Chas. W. Overland Neoga, R. 3 Shuff, Clay Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Shutt, J. W. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Shutt, R. P. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Sidener, J. G. Ford Pana, R. 1 Siegfried, G. H. Ford Four Pana, R. 5 Silknitter, W. M. Maxwell Tower Hill, R. 1 Simmons, C. J. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Simpson, Bert Crow Four and Elkhart Oconee, R. 1 Sims, E. A Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Name Make Postoffice Sims, James Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Sims, H. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Sims, Wm. Dodge Moweaqua, R. 2 Singer, A. W. Buick Four Pana, R. 5 Singer, George Ford Four Pana, R. 5 Slaughter, Herman Jeffery Six Moweaqua, R. 5 Slifer, J. A. Buick Six Assumption, R. 1 Slifer, L. E. Ford Herrick, R. 1 Slifer, N. W. Ford Beecher City, R. 3 Sloan, Charles Overland Moweaqua, R. 5 Sloan, Frank Buick Moweaqua, R. 5 Small, A. W. Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Small, C. E. Studebaker Shelbyville, R. 1 Smart, B. F. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Smart, H. P. Buick Herrick, R. 3 Smart, L. H. Ford Four Herrick, R. 3 Smith, L. J. Ford Strasburg, R. 1 Smith, Charles L. Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Smith, C. C. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Smith, C. E. Ford Shelbyville, R. 1 Smith, Ed Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Smith, Frank P. Chevrolet Shelbyville, R. 7 Smith, Jas. H. Maxwell Oconee, R. 1 Smith, J. M. Chevrolet Trowbridge, R. 2 Smith, J. W. Monroe Windsor, R. 2 Smith, R. R. Ford Shelbyville, R. 7 Smith, Vilen Auburn Strasburg, R. 2 Smith, Wm. H. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Smith, Dr. W. Ford Findlay, R. 3 Smith, W. M. Reo Shelbyville, R. 2 Smull, Earl Halladay Moweaqua, R. 3 Smull, H. A. Jackson Eight Moweaqua, R. 3 Snapp, C. C. Oakland Findlay, R. 3 Snapp, J. B. Velie Findlay, R. 3 Snapp, W. H. Dort Findlay, R. . 3 Snell, R. C. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Snell & Hood Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Snow, J. R. Overland Four Pana, R. 1 Snyder, W. N. Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Spain, S. A. D. Chevrolet Trowbridge, R. 1 Spannagel, H. O. Studebaker Strasburg, R. 1 Spannagel, John A. Overland Strasburg, R. 1 Spearman, Wm. Ford Shumway, R. 1 Specht, Edward Dodge Lakewood Spence, A. W. Elkhart Assumption, R. 1 Spence, E. G. Elkhart Assumption, R. 1 Spicer, Frank Elgin Findlay Spicer, J. C. Oakland and Chevrolet Findlay, R. 1 r J. W. WOLF Storage Battery Service Station. Batteries repaired and charged. Prompt service by experienced man. All work guaranteed. Old batteries renewed at nominal cost. Send or bring them in and we will treat you right. SHELBYVILLE - ILLS F. R. SCOVIL Vulcanizing Tire Repairing Automobile Casings and Tubes Repaired Prices Reasonable Give Us a Trial SHELBYVILLE - ILLS. 225 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Name Make Postoffice Sporleder, O. C. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Staehli, John Ford Strasburg, R. 2 Standley, Oliver Overland Findlay, R. 3 Steele, Thos. Ford Shelbyville, R. 8 Steele, W. W. Ford Gays, R. 2 Steinman, J. A. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Stevens, B. M. Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Stevens, Claude S. Ford Shelbyville, R. 9 Stevens, Martsie Ford Findlay, R. 1 Stewardson, Chester Dodge Shelbyville, R. 6 Stewardson, Ed. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Stewardson, Fred C. Dodge Findlay, R. 3 Stewardson, Harry Oakland Findlay, R. 3 Stewardson, S. A. Buick, Shelbyville, R. 6 Stewart, F. G. Buick Bethany, R. 1 Stewart, H. G. Haynes Bethany, R. 2 Stewart, M. W. Allen Four Moweaqua, R. 3 Stillwell, J. Frank Maxwell Shelbyville, R. 8 Stockton, W. S. Ford Shelbyville, R. 5 Stoddard, W. O. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 4 Stilabower, J. M. Auburn Strasburg, R. 1 Storey, A. A. Buick Assumption, R. 1 Storey, D. L. Buick Assumption, R. 1 Storm, Charles E. Maxwell Trowbridge, R. 1 Storm, Cliff Maxwell Trowbridge, R. 1 Storm, Cyrus C. Ford Gays, R. 2 Storm, D. L. Maxwell Trowbridge, R. 1 Storm, D. M. Ford Neoga, R. 3 Storm, Edgar Ford Neoga, R. 3 Storm, Grove Maxwell Trowbridge, R. 1 Storm, Guy F. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 1 Storm, Hallock Overland Neoga, R. 3 Storm, Harry Ford Windsor, R. 1 Storm, J. H. Auburn Trowbridge, R. 1 Storm, J. L. Chevrolet Windsor, R. 1 Storm, John L. Maxwell Neoga, R. 1 Storm, Lonnie Ford Windsor, R. 1 Storm, P. L. Ford Windsor, R. 1 Storm, Ray Ford Trowbridge, R. 1 Storm, Ray Ford Windsor, R. 1 Storm, W. D. Maxwell Neoga, R. 3 Storm, W. F. Ford Windsor, R. 1 Storm, W. H. Oakland Gays, R. 2 Storm, W. O. Reo Gays, R. 2 Storer, W. N. Maxwell Tower Hill, R. 4 Stremmings, F. W. Ford Strasburg, R. 1 Strohl, J. H. Ford Strasburg, R. 3 Stump, Dale Ford Shelbyville, R. 8 Stump, Glen Buick Moweaqua, R. 2 Stump, Noble Ford Findlay, R. 3 Stumpf, Walter R. Elgin Findlay, R. 2 Sudkamp Bros. Buick . Sigel, R. 1 Sumner, C. B. Chevrolet Beecher City, R. 3 Suppes, D. W. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Suppes, J. C. Ford Moweaqua, R. S Sutton, J. H. Chevrolet Findlay, R. 1 Swanson, Jasper Ford Trowbridge, R. 1 Swiney, George W. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Swinford, J. H. Grant Six Windsor, R. 2 Swinnen, Phil Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 3 Swits, Mrs. Clara Ford (2) Gays, R. 2 Switzer, C. W. Studebaker Mode, R. 1 Syfert, A. R. Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 1 Syfert, Raymond Ford Findlay, R. 2 Name Make Postoffice Taylor, T. M. Studebaker Assumption, R. 1 Telgmann, Ida Auburn Strasburg, R. 1 Temmen, Henry Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Templeton, W. F. Studebaker Windsor, R. 2 Terry, Clarence Ford Strasburg, R. 2 Terry, G. W. Studebaker Strasburg, R. 3 Thomas, William Ford Four Macon, R. 3 Thomas, W. R. Metz Moweaqua, R. 5 Thompson, R. N. Oldsmobile Cowden Thompson, Wade Overland Moweaqua, R. 3 Throckmorton, E. D. Overland Strasburg, R. 3 Throckmorton, J: A. Buick Strasburg, R. 3 Tice, A. J. Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Tice, C. E. Chalmers and Ford Shelbyville, R. 1 Tilley, A. Eliza Ford Tower Hill, R. 2 Tilley, Fred Maxwell Tower Hill, R. 4 Tilley, O. L. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Tipton, W. F. Ford Windsor, R. 3 Tolly, John Overland Moweaqua, R. 2 Tolly, J. S. Ford Four Assumption, R. 3 Tolly, W. F. Overland Assumption, R. 1 Tolly, Roy Ford Moweaqua, R. 2 Townsend, E. M. Overland Moweaqua, R. 2 Tressler, Mrs. Catharine Oakland Windsor, R. 1 Tressler, Jas. V. Studebaker Windsor, R. 1 Troutman, J. W. Oldsmobile Shelbyville, R. 8 Turner, A. J. Buick, Bethany, R. 1 Turner, G. R. Reo Windsor Turney, Homer Ford Windsor, R. 4 Tyman, J. J. Dodge Shelbyville, R. 2 Ulmer, J. G. Elcar Strasburg, R. at Underwood, J. M. Velie Findlay, R. 3 Upperman, W. D. Ford Cowden, R. 1 Vanderhiede, T. Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Vaughan, J. S. Ford Lakewood, R. 1 Veech, J. M. Overland Neoga, R. 3 Vincent, A. L. Ford Four Pana, R. S Vits, J. W. Ford Four Pana, R. 1 Vogel, A. H. Oakland Strasburg, R. 2 Vollmer, B. H. Maxwell Tower Hill, R. 1 von Behren, Rudolph Auburn Strasburg, R. 3 Waddington, David Dodge Oconee, R. 1 Wade, Roily Ford Windsor, R. 1 Wagner, Clarence Ford Four Tower Hill, R. 2 Wagner, George Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Wakefield, John A. Ford Cowden Walden, Del Ford Shelbyville, R. 6 Walden, H. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Walk, Martin Dort Neoga, R. 3 Walker, C. E. Nash and Ford Shelbyville Walker, J. B. Ford Windsor, R. 3 Walker, J. M. Ford Windsor, R. 3 Walker. William Overland Pana, R. 3 Wall, G. E. Metz Windsor, R. 3 Wallace, J. R. Ford Shelbyville, R. 8 Wallace, Tony Oakland Six Windsor, R. 2 Wallace, Tony Ford Mode, R. 1 226 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Name Wallace, T. C. Wallace, T. J. Wallis, X. Walls, C. L. Walter, R. A. Make Postoffice Name Make Postoffice Ford Neoga, R. 3 Wilson, Lex Ford Trowbridge, R. 1 Ford Tower Hill, R. 3 Wilson, Luther Chevrolet Shelbyville, R. 2 Hupmobile Findlay, R. 1 Winings, D. R. Maxwell . Gays, R. 2 Ford Cowden, R. 2 Winings, L. O. Reo Tower Hill, R. 2 Ford Tower Hill, R. 4 Winter, Ben Overland Moweaqua, R. 5 Ward, A. L. Ford Mode, R. 1 Wittenberg, Albert Jr. Ward, C. W. Chandler and Ford Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 2 Shelbyville, R. 9 Wolf, C. H. Ford Shelbyville, R. 2 Warner, Chars Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 1 Wolf, M. C. Dodge Moweaqua, R. 5 Warner, Lee Ford Findlay, R. 4 Woodward, L. A. Overland Findlay, R. 2 Warner, Roy Ford Sigel, R. 3 Wollard, L. C. Ford Four Oconee, R. 1 Warren, O. B. Ford Tower Hill, R. 4 Wooters, Geo. L. Hupmobile Moweaqua, R. 3 Watson, B. O. Ford Gays, R. 2 Wooters, W. F. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Watt, G. W. Ford Oconee, R. 2 Workman, Cecil Overland and Chalmers Weakley, Earl Dodge Shelbyville, R. 1 Moweaqua, R. S Weakley, E. B. Mitchell Findlay, R. 2 Workman, J. W. Buick Moweaqua, R. 5 Weakley, F. T. Ford Gays, R. 2 Workman, Oscar Overland Moweaqua, R. 5 Weakley, J. O. Mitchell Findlay, R. 2 Worley, Mrs. Catherine Weakley, O. W. Saxon Shelbyville, R. 1 Ford Neoga, R. 3 Weakley, Roy Overland Shelbyville, R. 9 Worley, John P. Ford Neoga, R. 3 Weakly, A. Mitchell Findlay, R. 2 Wortman, A. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Weakly, J. A. Ford Moweaqua, R. 5 Wortman, J. N. Ford Shelbyville, R. 4 Weakly, John Mitchell Findlay, R. 2 Wortman, W. F. Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Weakly, Lloyd Overland Moweaqua, R. 5 Wright, Earl Elgin Findlay, R. 1 Weakly, W. E. Ford Findlay, R. 2 Wright, Orin L. Auburn Moweaqua, R. 2 Webb, Harry Ford Stewardson, R. 1 Wright, Roy Buick Six Assumption, R. 3 Webb, J. H. Overland Gays, R. 2 Wright, W. W. Ford Cowden, R. 2 Weber, Mrs. E. M Wykowsky, Albert Ford Tower Hill, R. 1 Dodge Four Tower Hill R , Yakey, Jacob Ford Stewardson, R. t J UWCI 1111, Yantis, E. B. Overland Findlay, R. 1 Weber, Ed. Ford Strasburg, R. 1 Yantis, H. M. Ford Findlay, R. 1 Weber, G. W. Buick Four Yantis, James Oldsmobile Findlay, R. 3 Tower Hill, R. 3 Yencer. M. V. Ford Shelbvville. R. 7 Weber, John T. f ord Strasburg York." Charles V. Ford Cowden! R. 2 Weber, W. H. Studebaker Strasburg, R. 3 Yost. C. M. -Maxwell Shelbyville. R. 1 Webner, Elmer F f d Windsor YounY. E. W. Ford Cowden! R. 2 Webner, Orty Regal Strasburg, R. 2 Young, G. A. Ford Herborn Welch, C. S. Welch, Sallie Ford Findlay, Ford Tower Hill, R. R. Young, Samuel Buick Neoga, R. Young, W. W. Ford Gays, R. 3 2 Weller, John Welton, C. S. Ford Tower Hill, Ford Shelbyville, R. R. 4 Younger, G. E. Dodge Findlay, R. 2 Wempen, Ed. D. Chalmers Moweaqua, R. 3 Zalman, Arthur Chevrolet Stewardson, R. 1 Wempen, Herman Reo Assumption, R. 1 Zalman, Fred Dodge Stewardson, R. 1 Wempen, John Reo Moweaqua, R. 2 Zalman, H. D. Chevrolet Strasburg, R. 2 Wemple, G. M. Ford Four Zimmer, R. H. Chevrolet Neoga, R. 1 Assumption, R. 1 Zollin, George Dodge Cowden, R. 2 Werth, Theo. White, H. E. Ford Strasburg, Studebaker R. 2 Stewardson, R. 1 White, Ray Ford Moweaqua, R. 3 Whittington, J. F. Mitchell Herrick, Whittington, W. H. Stearns- Knight Herrick, R. R. 3 1 //V these days the man in the corn- Wiant, S. B. Wicker, Charles Overland Assumption, Oldsmobile Bethany, R. R. 1 1 field is as important Wilhelm, W. R. Saxon Assumption, R. 1 as the man on the fir- Williams, Arthur M. Ford Findlay, R. 4 ing line. Keep a clear Williams, John B. Williams, Perry Ford Stewardson, Ford Windsor, R. R. 1 3 head and a steadfast Williams, Walter Ford Lak :wo od Wilse, Henry Wilson, A. C. Ford Shelbyville, Empire and Ford Shelbyville, R. R. 7 2 purpose, and you will be doing your bit to Wilson, Claude Ford, Gays, R. 2 Wilson, John Wilson, J. S. Oakland Findlay, Dodge Gays, R. R. 3 1 HELP UNCLE SAM. Wilson, J. T. Ford Windsor, R. 4 Wilson, J. W. Ford Shumway, R. 1 227 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Shelby County Tractor Owners' Directory Name ' Make Postoffice Baird, C. H. 12-20 Cleveland Moweaqua, R. 3 Bailey, A. L. & F. P. Ford Herrick, R. 1 Bottrell, C. D. 12-20 Hart-Parr Windsor, R. 4 Boys, W. R. 10-20 Titan Shelbyville, R. 9 Brewer, J. 8-16 Avery Findlay, R. 2 Caskey, S. 8-16 Mogul Windsor, R. 4 Cecil, R. E. Emerson-Brantingham Windsor, R. 4 Chamberlin, F. W. 8-16 Lacrosse Gays, R. 2 Conley, D. S. 8-12 Mogul Findlay, R. 2 Connaghan, L. T. 8-16 International Bethany, R. 1 Cooper, J. O. Steam Shelbyville, R. 3 Coultas, C. E. 7-20 Bull Moweaqua, R. 3 Coventry, A. P. 12-24 Walterloo-Boy R. 1 Cribbet, H. C. 9-18 Moline Findlay, R. 3 Cutler, A. R. 12-25 Avery Pana, R. 1 Cuttill, G. Heider Findlay, R. 3 Daelhousen, J. A. 12-20 Case Findlay Diefenthaler, L. F. 8-16 Mogul Oconee Dixon, A. 12-20 Waterloo-Boy Findlay, R 4 Fitzwater, Chas. E. Gallagher, J. E. Click, B. Dale Gordon, E. A. Gregory, Frank Grubbs, C. M. 12-25 Titan Findlay, R. 4 Fordson Mode, R. 1 10-20 Titan Tower Hill, R. 4 8-16 Mogul Findlay, R. 1 Fordson Moweaqua, R. 1 10-20 Titan Findlay, R. 2 Sigel, R. 2 Hanfland, Philip 10-20 Bull Homer, Henry Rumely 1506 Moweaqua, R. 3, Heiidricks, Wm. M. 12-25 Avery Shelbyville, R. 4 Himes, C. F. I. H. C. and Mogul TowerHill, R. 3 Hoglund, A. V. I. H. C. Beecher City, R. 3 Hostetler, L. C. 12-25 Parrett Shelbyville, R. 7 Hudson, Harry M. 20-24 Bull Moweaqua, R. 5 Hull, W. S. 8-16 Bull Windsor, R. 4 Kaufman, C. 10-20 Titan Stewardson, R. 2 Kenny, H. 12-25 Bull Windsor, R. 2 Killam, I. L. Mogul (45 H. P.) Shelbyville, R. 1 Killam, R. L. 30-60 International Shelbyville, R. 1 Kirk Bros. Bull Moweaqua, R. 2 Knecht, G. T. A. & C. E. 12-20 Cleveland Shelbyville, R. 2 Name Lane, W. E. Lewis, W. B. Lovins, Jacob Mathias, C. McClory, J. W. McClure, J. W. McKittrick, A. H Metzger, J. W. Middleton, B. E. Middleton, H. Middleton, L. Miller, D. A. Moomaw,O. Moomaw, W. Mowry, H. C. Oaks, Frank Oaks, L O. Oaks, W. A. Otla, Henry A. Make Postoffice 8-16 I. C. Mogul Windsor 8-16 Bull Mode, R. 1 5-12 Moline Strasburg, R. 1 8-16 Mogul Findlay, R. 2 Fordson Trowbridge, R. 1 12-25 Allwork Assumption, R. 3 Heider Assumption, R. 1 10-20 Titan Pana, R. 5 Parrett Assumption, R. 1 10-20 Big Bull Lakewood, R. 1 10-20 Big Bull ' Shelbyville, R. 3 8-16 International Findlay, R. 3 Avery Stewardson, R. 1 Avery Stewardson, R. 1 12-25 Allwork Findlay, R. 3 12-24 Allwork Assumption, R. 1 12-25 Allwork Assumption, R. 1 12-20 Avery Assumption, R. 1 12-20 Avery Moweaqua, R. 3 Patterson, B. B. Aultman-Taylor Trowbridge, R. 1 Patterson, J. J. 20-60 Aultman-Taylor Trowbridge, R. 1 Pearson, W. S. 8-16 Universal Moweaqua, R. 3 Potter, S. G. 12-25 Allwork Assumption, R. 1 Price, O. L. International Oconee, R. 1 Rakers, G. H. 12-24 Bull Oconee, R. 1 Rincker, Paul M. 30-60 Russell Strasburg, R. 2 Ryherd, F. E. 8-12 Bull Windsor, R. 2 Sanner, C. W. Schlobohm, W. Shaffer, F. F. Slaughter, H. Smith, G. Smith, W. H. Smull, E. Smull, H. A. Snell, R. C. Snyder, W. N. Spence, A. W. Spence, E. G. Spicer, J. C. 15-30 Bates Steel Mule Bethany, R. 2 8-16 Mogul Findlay, R. 3 12-25 Waterloo-Boy Findlay, R. 3 12-25 Allwork Moweaqua, R. 5 12-25 Mogul TowerHill, R. 2 8-16 Bull Windsor, R. 4 Bull Moweaqua, R. 3 12-24 Avery Moweaqua, R. 3 12-20 Emerson-Branting- ham Moweaqua, R. 5 8-16 Avery Moweaqua, R. 2 Bull Assumption, R. 1 Bull Assumption, R. 1 12-20 Heider Findlay, R. 1 228 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Name Stevens, B. M. Storm, C. E. Storm, H. Taylor. T. M. Tice. C. E. Walker, Wm. Make Postoffice 8-16 International Shelbyville, R. 9 Mogul Trowbridge, R. 1 Bull Windsor, R. 1 AHwork Assumption, R. 1 Fordson Shelbyville, R. 1 8-16 Internathmal Pana, R. 3 Name Make Postoffice Wempen.jEd. D. AHwork Moweaqua, R. 3 Wempen, Herman 12-25 AHwork Assumption, R. 1 Wicker, Charles 15-30 I. H. C. Bethany, R. 1 Wilson, A. C. 25-40 I. H. C. Shelbyville, R. 2 Winings, L. O. 8-16 Moline Tower Hill, R. 2 ERADICATING HEDGE By Frank L Mann in Prairie Farmer. You can not kill a hedge fence entirely by burning or cutting off the tops during the winter or spring. There is so much stored material in the roots to be used in making growth that the roots or stumps will start buds and grow the coming sea- son. If you could cut it or burn it during late summer or early fall during August in this latitude after the growth has been made and before the wood has begun to harden, most of the plants will be killed, if not all. To get rid of a hedge, however, it is not a bad plan to burn it or cut it off close to the ground during the winter when there is more time to work at it, and depend on cutting off the new growth that comes once or twice during the next summer. One close cutting should be made in August, just before the wood com- mences to harden, so that this young growth is not permitted to store any food in its roots for another year. If all tops have been burned or cut close to the ground the new growth next summer may be kept down without much work by cutting off with a mower or heavy scythe. A close cut- ting throughout one summer and fall will usually kill all the hedge, though sometimes an occasional plant may show another year. If not allowed to mature any wood during the fall the hedge or any plant is easily killed. If your hedge is where you can per- mit it to grow it would pay to let it grow for posts. It will pay more per acre than your corn land. KILLING RATS. From Prairie Farmer. Saturate cloths large enough to fill the entrances of the holes with car- bon-disulphide, perhaps a large tea- spoonful to each cloth. Poke the cloth down as far as possible, then fill in with dirt. This gas is very heavy and when it evaporates it settles into the bottom of the holes, killing old and young. This gas is also very satisfactory in killing gophers and woodchucks. When you go into a store to buy shoes, say to the clerk, "I want a pair of . shoes". Don't say, "I want a pair of shoes" . If you name a brand of shoe* you know will give you satisfaction, you not only say you want shoes, but you know about what you want. A clerk will always give closer attention to a customer who knows what he wants. It is human nature. The clerk will be more likely to give you satisfaction, even if he does not have the make of shoes you ask for, because he will know better what to show you, if you are willing to consider another make. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY MR BELTING THE Shelby County Farm Bureau was organized last winter and spring by state organizers from the Agricultural Extension Service of the State University. Owing to bad weather the roads were almost im- passable and the difficulties of or- ganization were greatly increased. However, those difficulties are be- ing overcome and the Farm Bureau is now a well es- tablished institu- tion in this coun- ty. The County Agri cultural Agent assumed his duties in this county June 1, 1918. The Farm Bureau is an organized agricultural democracy, by means of which farmers and their families ex- press themselves concerning all mat- ters relating to the advancement of agricultural, home and community life. The Bureau is recognized by law as a public agency for doing ex- tension work. It establishes the same relationship between the County Farm Bureau and the United States De- partment of Agriculture as exists be- tween the State Agricultural College and the United States Department of Agriculture. The Farm Bureau co- operates with the United States and the State Departments of Agriculture in all extension in the county whether that work be farm crops, soils, farm animals or the problems of the home and community life. Instead of being merely an aid to county-agent work, the Bureau has become a local insti- tution, educational in character, for administering and directing the ex- tension work in agriculture and home economics. The people in an organized capacity have thus become full partners in all that is undertaken in the county for the improvement of agriculture and the advancement of home life. Through the Farm Bureau, they have assumed a responsibility which prop- erly belongs to them, i. e., that of di- rectly participating in determining what shall be undertaken, in helping develop the plans, and in personally assisting in carrying out the 'Agricul- tural Improvement Program. The realization of this ideal has been made much easier by the impelling necessity of the war. Benefits of the Farm Bureau 1. The members are brought closer together in a business and social way. 2. Fosters and develops co-opera- tion. 3. Gives the farmer the best of sci- entific agriculture. 4. Helps in the solution of farm problems. 5. Better marketing of farm prod- ucts. 6. Enables members to buy feeds and fertilizers at wholesale prices. 7. Investigates and protects farm- ers from fakers and fraudulent con- cerns. 8. Develops the most profitable and permanent system of agriculture. 9. Through organized efforts the total agricultural production will be increased. Program of Work for Shelby County A. SOILS : 1. Liming. 2. Fertilizers. 3. Humus Legumes for Soil Improve- ment. 4. Drainage. 5. Prevention of Washing. 6. Management of Different Soil Types. B. CROPS: 1. Insect and Disease Control. 2. Improved Varieties. 3. Selection and Storing of Seed. 4. Best Cultural Practices. 5. More Legumes. 6. Pasture Mixtures. 7. Weed Control. 8. General Crop Improvement. 9. Orcharding'. C. LIVESTOCK: 1. Better Sires. 2. Breeder's Associations- 3. Dairying Cow Testing. 4. Small Flock of Sheep on Every Farm. 5. Feeding Problems. 6. Animal Diseases. 7. Increased Hog Production. 8. Exhibits at Fairs. D. FARM MANAGEMENT: 1. Farm Accounting. 2. Farm Systems Planned. 3. Crop Rotations Planned. 4. Farm Improvements. K. GROUP WORK: 1. Demonstration Meetings. 2. Farm Tours. 3. Local Group Meetings. 4. Farmer's Institutes. F. MISCELLANEOUS : 1. Farm Labor Problems. 2. Boys' and Girls' CJuh Work. 3. Planning Farm Building*. 4. Farm Projects. 5. Farm Homes. PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY UNITED STATES OFFICERS President Woodrow Wilson Vice-President Thomas Marshall Secretary of State Robert Lansing Secretary of Treasury William G. McAdoo Secretary of War Newton C. Baker Attorney General Thos. W. Gregory Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson vSecretary of Navy Josephus Daniels Secretary of Interior Franklin K. Lane Secretary of Agriculture i . . David F. Houston Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfield Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson ILLINOIS STATE OFFICERS, 1917-1920 Governor Frank O. Lowden Lieutenant Governor John G. Oglesby Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson Attorney General Edward J. Brundage Treasurer Len Small Auditor of Public Accounts Andrew Russel MEMBERS OF CONGRESS Illinois Senators ; . Lawrence Y. Sherman James Hamilton Lewis Congressmen-at-Large William E. Mason Medill McCormick Congressman, Nineteenth Dist. (Coun- ties of Shelby, Moultrie, Macon, De- Witt, Piatt, Champaign, Douglas, and Coles) Wm. B. McKinley, Champaign MEMBERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 32nd DISTRICT (Counties of Christian, Cumberland, Fayette and Shelby) Senate F: D. Wendling, Shelbyville House Arthur Roe, Vandalia John J. Bullington, Taylorville Lincoln Bancroft, Greenup LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN ILLINOIS New Year's Day January 1 Lincoln's Birthday February 12 Washington's Birthday February 22 Memorial Day May 30 Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September Election Days Columbus Day October 12 Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day December 25 231 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY HOW TO MEND THE HAY ROPE By C. O. Reed, University of Illinois in Prairie Farmer. To repair a broken or badly weak- shown at A and B in Fig. 2. Take ened strand, complete the break as a strand about five feet long- from a shown in Fig. 1 and unlay each end piece of rope exactly the same size of the strand back about 2 feet as as the hay rope, and lay it into the Tig. 1. A Broken Strand to Be Repaired "*! J& \ B - V_ 1 j)^Mi*^**'^J C Tig. 2. Beady to lay In the New Piece Tig. 3. Starting to X*y In the Kw Strand in Repairing- a Broken Strand 232 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY FROM 1910 CENSUS Population ... . .............................................. 31,69:! Number of all farms ....................................... 4 oss Color and nativity of farmers: Native white .................................................... 3,891 Jforeign-born white ............................................ "', 'l90 ""Negro and other non-white ..................................... ; . 2 Number of farms, classified by size: Under 3 acres .................................................... 3 3 to 9 acres ............. ........ ............................... 130 10 to 19 acres .................................................... 163 20 to 49 acres .................................................... 595 60 to 99 acres .................................................... 1 206 100 to 174 acres .......................................... ........ 1,269 175 to 258 acres ................................................ . . 494 260 to 499 acres .............................. . ........... 210 500 to 999 acres ............................................... ... 12 1,000 acres and over .............................................. 1 Approximate land area ....................................... acres 494,080 Land in farms ............................................. ..acres 461,878 Improved land in farms ...................................... acres 425,183 Woodland in farms .......................................... acres 28,707 Other unimproved land in farms ............................. acres 7,988 Percent of land area in farms ..................................... 93.5 Percent of farm land improved ....................................... 92.1 Average acres per farm .............................................. Average improved acres per farm .................................... 104.1 All farm property value ...................................... dollars 51,217,216 Land ......... .......................... dollars 40,749,002 Buildings ........................... . ................... dollars 5,287,501 Implements and machinery ............................... dollars 866,457 Domestic animals, poultry and bees ...................... dollars 4,314,256 Percent of value of all property in Land ............................. .* .............................. 79.6 Buildings ................................................ ....... 10.3 Implements and machinery ....................................... 1.7 Domestic animals, poultry and bees .............................. 8.4 Average values: All property per farm ................. .' .................. dollars 12,544 Land and buildings per farm ............................. dollars 11.275 Land per acre ............... ............................. dollars 88.22 Farms reporting domestic animals .................................... 3,997 Value of domestic animals ................................... dollars 4,121,928 Cattle: Total number ................................................... 29,099 Dairy cows ..................................................... 11,558 Other cows ............................................ .......... 2,794 Yearling heifers ................................................. 3,616 Calves ........................................................... 4,101 Yearling steers and bulls ......................................... 3,041 Other steers and bulls ............................................ 3,989 Value .......................... . ...................... . . dollars 890,881 Horses: Total number ............................ . ...................... 22,968 Mature horses ................................................... 19,631 Yearling colts .................................................. 2,306 Spring colts ..................................................... 1,031 Value ......................... .......................... dollars 2.353,715 Mules: Total number ................................................... 2,098 Mature mules ................................................... 1,580 Yearling colts ................................................... 376 Spring colts ................................................. ____ 142 Value ................................................... dollars 246, 980 Asses and burros: Number ......................................................... 90 Value ................................................... dollars 11,873 Swine: Total number ........... . ....................................... 68,706 Mature hogs ...... ............................................... 39.552 Spring plgrs ...................................................... 29,154 Value ................................................... dollars 508,810 Sheep: Total number ................................................... 25.816 Rams, yews and wethers ......................................... 15 951 Spring lambs .................................................... 9,865 Value ................................................... dollars 107,488 233 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Goats: Number 464 Value dollars 2,175 Number of poultry of all kinds 348,875 Value . dollars 185, 87D Number of colonies of bees 2,078 Value . dollars 6,452 Number of farms operated by owners 2,390 Percent of all farms 68.5 Land in farms ..acres 261,971 Improved land in farms ..acres 238,426 Value of land and buildings dollars 25,302,35y Degree of ownership: Farms consisting of owned land only 1 630 Farms consisting of owned land and hired land ' ' 760 Color and nativity of tenants: Native white 2 237 Foreign-born white * ' ' 'l5l Negro and other non-white Number of farms operated by tenants ' ' 1 656 Percent of all farms \\ 40 ^ Land in farms acres'' 192474 Improved land in farms ' ' * wJKKStSS and bulldin&8 Share tenants , 7(;1 Share cash tenants Cash tenants Tenure not specified ...... Color and nativity of tenants: Native white 1 ei e Foreign-born white 1>b i Negro and other non- white Number of farms operated by managers . Land in farms "iillL*"" TAW Improved land in farms - acr *'*}| Value of land and buildings %%?* AViAn Mortgage debt report: ..dollars 641,740 For all farms operated by owners: Number free from mortgage debt i^ao Number with mortgage debt OQO Number with no mortgage report For farms consisting of owned land only: Number reporting debt and amount Value of their land and buildings Amount of mortgage debt dollars 6,001,675 Percent of value of land and buildings dollars 1,430,014 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS Dairy cows on farms reporting dairy products. number 1 5'5Ii Dairy cows on farms reporting milk produced ' .number _:?? Milk produced . . gallons 2,798,058 Sold gallons 216,23(1 Cream sold gallons 14,141 Butter fat sold pounds 142,481 Butter produced pounds 591. 83H Sold Pounds 300,255 Cheese produced .' pounds Sold pounds Value of dairy products, excluding home use of milk and cream . . dollars 198,880 Receipts from sale of dairy products dollars 138,345 Poultry raised number 523.947 Sold number 199,477 Eggs produced dozens 1.557.958 Sold dozens 1,086,626 Value of poultry and eggs produced dollars 540,409 Receipts from sale of poultry and eggs .dollars 30fi 343 Wool, fleeces shorn . number 11,638 Mohair and goat hair fleeces shorn number 194 Value of wool and mohair produced dollars 22,481 Honey produced pounds 15,588 Wax produced pounds 195 Value of honey and wax produced dollars 2,551 DOMESTIC ANIMALS SOLD OR SLAUGHTERED Calves, sold or slaughtered number 4,025 Other cattle sold or slaughtered number 12,529 Horses, mules, asses and burros sold number 2,952 Swine sold or slaughtered number 78.89) Sheep and goats sold or slaughtered number 7684 Receipts from sale of animals dollars 1 826.764 Value of animals slaughtered dollars 225 673 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY VALVE OF ALL CROPS Cereals dollars 3,325,398 Other grains and seeds dollars 24.553 Hay and forage dollars 637,891 Vegetables dollars 126,042 Fruits and nuts dollars 64 454 All other crops dollar* 202,431 SELECTED CROPS Corn acres 152,232 bushels 4,828.519 Oats .- acres 50,558 bushels 1,395,273 Wheat acres 21,293 bushels 334,156 Bmmer and spelt acres bushels- Barley acres 18 bushels 175 Buckwheat acres bushels 10 Rye acres 727 bushels 7,207 All tame or cultivated grasses acres 58,675 tons 64,317 Timothy alone acres 38,422 tons 40,526 Timothy and clover mixed acres 11,878 tons 13,592 Clover alone acres 7,905 tons 9,642 Alfalfa acres 71 tons 128 Millet or Hungarian grass acres 276 tons 330 Other tame or cultivated grasses.. ....acres 124 tons 99 Wild, salt or prairie grasses . . -acres tons Grains cut green acres 290 tons 260 Coarse forage acres .802 tons 2,799 Potatoes acres 1,095 bushels 84,290 Sweet potatoes and yams acres 18 bushels 1,526 All other vegetables acres 881 Maple trees number 286 Maple sugar (made) pounds 20 Maple sirup (made) gallons 64 Broom corn acres 4,833 ..pounds 2,171,769 FRUITS AND NUTS Apples . . . . 4 trees 195,097 bushels 32,830 Peaches and nectarines trees 66,186 bushels 24,128 Pears trees 10,738 .bushels 2,365 Plums and prunes trees 10,044 bushels 786 Cherries trees 17,985 bushels 5,518 Quinces trees 720 bushels 177 Grapes vines 16,250 pounds 109,888 Strawberries acres 23 quarts 31,035 Raspberries and loganberries acres 10 quarts 6,766 Blackberries and dewberries acres 37 quarts 27,764 Nuts trees 243 pounds 6,950 MISCELLANEOUS Labor farms reporting . 1,989 Cash expended dollars 277J048 Rent and board dollars 53,883 Fertilizer farms reporting 41 Amount expended dollars 3,338 Feed farms reporting 1412 Amount expended dollars 242;56; Receipts from sale of feedable crops dollars 1,234,699 235 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY INDEX Page Automobile Owners' Directory of Shelby County 213-227 Breeders' Directory of Shelby County 163-184 Business Directory of Shelby County. 188-212 Farmers' Directory of Shelby County 33-161 Tractor Owners' Directory 228-229 Triple-Guaranteed Goods 186-1H7 General Information: Binder Troubles 10-15 "Corn Planter Adjustments 16-19 General Farm Data of Shelby County 233-235 Horses, Common Unsoundness of 24-27 Care of .' Horse Power, Tractor, How to Judge 29-30 Lightning Rods Live Stock Farmers' Medicine Chest 20-23 Shelby County Farm Bureau 230 Soldering >. 28-29 United States Officers 2 $\ Value of Labor When the Belt Slips ^ 236 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Shelby County Buyers' Guide FOR "TRIPLE-G" GOODS Recommended to Prairie Farmer Reader* Ask Your Dealer for Them Page Automobiles Buick 215 Chevrolet 213 Mitchell 223 Overland 215 Studebaker .213 Automobile Accessories Affinity Spark Plugs 221 Ajax Tires 221 Champion Spark Plugs 196 Columbia Dry Batteries 196 Columbia Storage Batteries 196 Kveready Batteries 213 Exide Batteries 215 Firestone Tires 221 Ford Parts 203 (ioodyear Tires 221 Klaxon Horns 6 Mobiloils and Greases 196-221 Mohawk Tires 221 Savage Tires 221 Tungsten Spark Plugs 196 Veedol Oils 221 Weed Chains 196 Willard Storage Batteries 221 Bviilders* Supplies Continental Cement 193 Cornell Wall Board 193 Heath & Miligan Paints 193 U-high Portland Cement 210 National Barn Door Hangers 193 Valdura Roof Paint 193 Vulcanite Roofing 193 Clothing Uurson Hosiery 201 Emery Shirts 205 Kayser Gloves 201 Kay ser Hosiery 201 Kuppenheimer Clothing 205 Mentor Underwear 201 Price, Ed. V., Tailoring 205 Tiger Hats 205 Vassar Sweaters 201 W. B. Corsets 201 Corn Binders I. H. C 199 Corn Planters I. H. C 199 Corn Shelters 1. H. C. . ..199 Cream Separators De Laval T. H. C. . Page .192 .199 Cultivators E. B. ... I. H. C. Disks E. B. ... I. H. C. .199 .199 .199 .199 Ensilage Cutters T. H. C .199 Fences and Gates American Fence . . Can't-Sag Gates . . . Furnaces and Boilers Caloric .... 193 .193-210 Furniture Queensware Gas Engines E. B I. H. C. .. Ingeco .... Grain Binders I. H. C. .. 32 6 .199 .199 .192 Grain Drills I. H. C. . Grinders I. H. C. . Groceries Heinz "57" Varieties Guns and Ammunition Remington .199 .199 .199 .194 .193 Harrows E. B I. H. C Hay Loaders J. H. C Hay Tools E. B I. H. C Lighting Plants Delco Electric Plants Ingeco 199 ... 199 .199 .199 .199 . 3 .192 237 PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY Page Live Stock Remedies ("lover Br.-in.l Stock Tonic 193 S;i)vct 193 Manure Spreaders E. B 1''9 Great Western 199 I. H. C 199 I.itchfifld 199 Mowers K. H 199 T. H. C 199 Musical Instruments Brunswick Talking Machines 195 Victrolas . ..200 Plows E. B. . . 1. H. C. .199 ,199 Page Stock Scales Meadows 192 Stoves and Ranges Copper Clad Ranges 194 Estate Oak Heaters 194 Florence Heaters 194 Tractors Fordson 203 Heider 192 E. B 199 I. H. C 199 Wagons and Buggies Schuttler 199 Washing Machines Quicker Yet 193 238 FARMERS AND BREEDERS, SHELBY COUNTY Call BISDEE'S Phone Office No. 253 or Plant No. 135 To Remove Your Dead Animals REVERSE PHONE CHARGE TO US Service Given 40 Miles From Shelbyville HIDES, PELTS, TALLOW GREASE, TANKAGE, ETC. POSITIVELY HIGHEST PRICES PAID Prompt Service, Courteous Treatment and Square Dealing Manufacturer of High Grade Tankage F. O. BISDEE, Mgr. SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS 239 Shelby County's Gr Merit Wins UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 977.37980025P884 C001 PRAIRIE FARMER'S DIRECTORY OF SHELBY COU 'I! ill I in in i mi in i n ii in mill! 30112025397727 The service this store renders is one of this county's valuable assets. "We miss Bolinger's store most," has been the state- ment of many people moving elsev/here. Furnishers of Things to Wear and Things to Eat for the Whole Family Also floor Coverings and Draperies G. W. BOLINGER & SON SHELBYVILLE ILLINOIS I iii i. ii. lull. II, I lillllllllllillill Ii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII KeepYour Good Cow Whether she is Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Hoi- stein or Jersey BE PROGRESSIVE Milk cows Use a cream separator Feed the warm skim milk to Calves, Pigs and Poultry Sell your cream All these will bring you a daily ir.cor.e. DELIVER OR SHIP TO Sugar Creek Creamery Company United States Food Administration License Number G- 12992 Assumption, Findlay, Herrick, Macon, Moweaqua, Oconee, Pana, Illinois