to iiitaiMim nf Natural ijtatorij FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. PUBLICATION 182. ORNITHOLOGICAL SERIES. VOL. I, No. 8. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW BIRDS FROM SOUTH AMERICA AND ADJACENT ISLANDS BY CHARLES B. CORY Curator of Department of Zoology. CHICAGO, U. S. A. February 23, 1915. DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW BIRDS FROM SOUTH AMERICA AND ADJACENT ISLANDS BY CHARLES B. CORY The following apparently new birds were contained in collections secured by members of the various Field Museum of Natural History South American Expeditions. Less than half of the material so far received has been studied, and, as the final detailed report of the col- lections will not be ready for publication for several months, it is de- sirable to give advance descriptions of the novelties which from time to time may be discovered. Crypturus tataupa peruviana subsp. nov. Type from San Ramon, west central Peru (alt. about 2900 ft.). Adult male, No. 47123, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by M. P. Anderson, June 2, 1914. Similar to Crypturus tataupa tataupa, but differs in having the chestnut brown of the upper parts decidedly darker (with a slight vinaceous tinge in some lights). Breast more slaty gray; the brown central markings on the feathers of the flanks much darker brown, and the black markings on the under tail coverts heavier. Wing, 127; tarsus, 36; bill, 22 mm. Nothoprocta ambigua sp. nov. Type from Hda. Llagueda, N. E. of Otusco, Peru. Adult male, No. 47157, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. H. Osgood and M. P. Anderson, March 16, 1912. Feathers of the upper parts broadly edged with gray, the gray edging separated from the central black portion on most of the feathers by a narrow line of buff; central portion of the feathers black, irregu- larly marked in the middle and vermiculated at the tips with brown, the markings being smaller, darker and much less ochraceous rufous than in N. curmrostris; feathers of the crown with black centers edged with rufous brown; feathers of the nape edged with tawny buff; lores, 293 294 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. I. throat and sides of the head buff, the feathers of the throat tipped with pale brown; a narrow black streak extends from the base of the. lower mandible to below the ear coverts; breast and upper portion of sides of body silvery gray, the bases of the feathers tawny ochraceous and with a central spot of the same color ; rest of under parts pale tawny ochra- ceous, palest on the middle of the abdomen, most of the feathers with obscure buffy white edges; thighs barred with pale brown; general coloration and marking of wings approaching N. curvirostris, but the wing coverts more grayish. Wing, 140; tarsus, 39; culmen, about 90 mm. (tip of bill broken). The single specimen before me is apparently different from any known Peruvian species. I have not seen N. fulvescens and N. moebiusi of Berlepsch, but, judging from the published descriptions, they are quite different. Odontophorus plumbeicollis sp. nov. Type from Serra Baturite, Ceara, Brazil. Male, No. 47124, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by R. H. Becker, July 21, Nearest to Odontophorus capueira, with plain unspotted under parts and outer webs of primaries barred with white. Crest long, the middle feathers more than one inch in length; crown of head and crest olive brown, all except the longest middle crest feathers with whitish shaft lines, the latter more or less distinctly vermiculated with black; fore- head and superciliary stripe extending to occiput, reddish brown as in capueira; rest of the upper parts similar to capueira but more gray and less brownish, especially on the nape; upper back, rump, chin, and throat smoky gray or dark lead color bordered by a narrow black line below the bare skin around the eye ; ear coverts blackish gray ; rest of under parts brownish gray with a slight olive tinge. Upper tail coverts brown- ish olive marked with more or less black bordering the shafts; tail feathers dull black, somewhat vermiculated, especially along the outer edges, with brownish olive. Wing, 152; tail, 80; tarsus, 38; middle toe and claw, 46 mm. Columba rufina andersoni subsp. nov. Type from Serra da Lua, near Boa Vista, northern Brazil. Male, No. 46932, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by M. P. Anderson, May 8, 1913. Similar to C. r. sylvestris, but decidedly smaller and with subterminal FEB., 1915. NEW SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS 7 CORY. 295 part of tail feathers only very faintly tinged with blackish. Differs from C. rufina rufina in having the lower abdomen and under tail coverts slate gray, nearly as in sylvestris. Wing, 171; tail, 114; tarsus, 22; bill, 15 mm. Columba rufina tobagensis subsp. nov. Type from Tobago Island. Adult male, No. 47127, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. W. Brown, May 10, 1882. Nearest to C. r. palUdicrissa Chubb from Central America, but hav- ing the abdomen more extensively whitish and the under tail coverts purer white; back deeper vinaceous chestnut rufous, and forehead and greater portion of the crown like the back. Wing, 190; tail, 128; tarsus, 20 mm. So far as I have been able to learn, this bird has never received a name, and yet it is quite different from birds which I have examined from Venezuela and British Guiana. Columba plumbea propinqua subsp. nov. Type from Moyobamba, Peru. Adult male, No. 44068, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. H. Osgood and M. P. Anderson, July 20, 1912. Similar to C. plumbea plumbea of Brazil, with uniform colored primaries, but under parts somewhat more vinaceous, the bill shorter and heavier and the wings longer. From C. p. pallescens it differs in having the under parts darker, bill larger and the purplish vinaceous coloration on the region of the nape darker and less extensive. From bogotensis of Berlepsch & Leverkiihn it may be distinguished at a glance in lacking the cinnamon rufous tinge on the under wing coverts, the uniform primaries and absence of any cinnamon rufous on under tail coverts, more olive back and wings, etc., etc. Wing, 180; tail, 152; tarsus, 24; bill, 16 mm. Columba subvinacea zulias subsp. nov. Type from Orope, Zulia, Venezuela. Adult male, No. 34473, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by N. Dearborn, March 2, 1908. Similar to C. s. berlepschi but larger; lower back and wing coverts much less purplish than in berlepschi, and browner ; with a more purplish tinge and with less of an olive tinge than in purpureotincta. Wing, 164; tail, 127; bill, 13 mm. 296 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. I. Aramides cajanea venezuelensis subsp. nov. Type from Encontrados, Venezuela. Adult male, No. 34472, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by N. Dearborn, February n, 1908. Similar to Aramides cajanea cajanea from Guiana, but entire crown of head dull brown, becoming slightly grayish brown on the forehead but not distinctly so as in chiricote; axillars and under wing coverts much paler rufous and less heavily banded with black. Wing, 1 80; tarsus, 69; bill (culmen), 51 mm. Aramides cajanea peruviana subsp. nov. Type from Moyobamba, Peru. Adult female, No. 44019, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. H. Osgood and M. P. Anderson, August 2, 1912. Similar to Aramides cajanea cajanea, but differs in having the back and scapulars much more grayish olive, the crown grayish tinged with smoky brown at the base; under wing coverts and axillars about the same color as in cajanea cajanea, but the black markings much heavier. Wing, 184; tarsus, 75; bill, 51 mm. Cerchneis sparverius peruviana subsp. nov. Type from Chachapoyas, Peru. Adult male, No. 47126, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. H. Osgood and M. P. Anderson, June 5, 1912. Crown dark slate color, with black central streaks to the feathers; back vinaceous rufous; tail brighter and more cinnamon rufous; breast ochraceous rufous, becoming paler on sides of body and shading to pale ochraceous buff on the abdomen; buffy white on thighs and under tail coverts; sides of body and flanks with large rounded black spots; a few narrow elongated black spots on the abdomen, largely confined to the middle of the feathers ; under wing coverts white with a few black spots largely confined to the inner portion; tail feathers tipped with whitish; inner web of outer tail feather rufous with one subterminal band of black, the tip white; outer web white with several very narrow longi- tudinal streaks of black bordering the shaft. Wing, 178; tail, 132; tarsus, 35 mm. Peruvian specimens (males) from Mirador, Macate, Menocucho, Chachapoyas, and Balsas, apparently represent this subspecies. The measurements of the males from Chachapoyas, Balsas, and Macate are about the same: wing, 177 to 181 ; tail, 131 to 135. Those from Mirador and Menocucho are somewhat larger: wing, 183 to 185; tail, 136 to 140. FEB., 1915. NEW SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS CORY. 297 Cerchneis sparverius distincta subsp. nov. Type from Boa Vista, Rio Branco, Brazil. Adult male, No. 47128, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by M. P. Anderson, November 27, 1912. Nearest to C. s. isabellina of British Guiana in coloration of under parts and tail feathers, but wings and tail longer and crown much paler gray. Back ochraceous cinnamon rufous, more cinnamon rufous than in peruviana. Crown ashy gray and without streaks; chest pale ochraceous tawny, becoming whitish on the abdomen and buffy white on the flanks and under tail coverts; under parts unspotted; under wing coverts white, without black spots (some specimens show a few small blackish spots on the extreme inner portion); outer web of outer tail feather white (some specimens have very narrow black streaks border- ing the shaft) ; inner web of outer tail feather largely rufous, shading to whitish towards .the edge, with one black subterminal band, the tip white; tips of all except the outer tail feathers white in the middle, bordered with rufous. Wing, 182; tail, 130; tarsus, 33 mm. Average measurements of four males: Wing, 181; tail, 130 mm. Cerchneis sparverius margaritensis subsp. nov. Type from Margarita Island. Adult male, No. 38814, Field. Museum of Natural History. Collected by J. F. Ferry, February 20, 1909. Breast and more or less of abdomen tawny buff (darker and more strongly colored than in C. s. distincta or isabellina); lower abdomen and flanks much paler, being merely tinged with buff; under parts without black spots (some specimens have a few spots on the sides, which are concealed when the wing is closed); under wing coverts white, with a few black spots largely confined to the inner portion; back vinaceous cinnamon rufous, approaching in color that of C. s. brevipennis; inner web of outer tail feather dull white, with several black bands (four in the type specimen) ; outer web of outer tail, feather whitish, with narrow black streaks bordering the shaft. Wing, 170; tail, 129; tarsus, 32 mm. The length of the wing, paler under parts and much less marked under wing coverts will distinguish this form from C. s. brevipennis; and the coloration and markings of the outer tail feather and deeper colored under parts will distinguish it from C. s. isabellina. From C. s. distincta it differs in its much darker crown; deeper colored under 298 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. I. parts; shorter wing and tail and different coloration and marking of the outer tail feathers. Average measurements of four males: Wing, 181; tail, 130 mm. Average measurements of three females: Wing, 185; tail 132 mm. Cerchneis sparverius ochracea subsp. nov. Type from Colon, Tachira, western Venezuela. Adult male, No. 47129, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by M. P. Ander- son, December n, 1913. Greater portion of under parts deep ochraceous rufous, becoming ochraceous buff on thighs and pale ochraceous buff on under tail coverts; black spots on under parts confined to sides of body and nearly or quite concealed' when wing is closed; crown dark slaty gray, darker than in brevipennis, and about the same as in peruviana, but without the broad black centers to the feathers; general color of upper wing coverts slaty gray, paler than the crown; inner web of outer tail feather rufous, with one subterminal band of black and grayish white tip; outer web of outer tail feather ashy white, with several very narrow black streaks bordering the shaft. Wing, 190; tail, 134; tarsus, 34 mm. In addition to the above described subspecies of Cerchneis spar- verius, it is probable that at least two more new forms will ultimately be added to the list. A key to the various subspecies, giving their known geographical distribution, together with critical notes regarding the stability of certain distinguishing characters, will be given in the detailed report of the collections now being prepared. Otus choliba margaritae subsp. nov. Type from Margarita Island, Venezuela. Adult female, No. 38808, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by J. F. Ferry, March 3, 1909. Similar to 0. c. crucigerus from Guiana, but smaller and somewhat paler and the quadrate pale markings on outer primaries much more white. Wing, 150; tail, 85; tarsus, 29 mm. In 1909* I called attention to the small size of the specimens of this bird from Margarita Island, but hesitated to separate it subspecifically. Since then more material has been secured. The Margarita owl is smaller and paler in general coloration and the markings on the primaries * Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Ornith. Ser., I, 1909, p. 242 (Pisorhina choliba). FEB., 1915. NEW SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS CORY. 299 are whiter than in specimens from Georgetown, Guiana, and western Venezuela. I have not seen specimens of 0. roraimce Salvin, which from the description would seem to be nearest this form, but on account of the widely separated habitat of the two forms it would be surprising if they should prove to be the same. Speotyto cunicularia arubensis subsp. nov. Type from Aruba Island, Windward Islands. Adult female, No. 38126, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by J. F. Ferry, May 5, 1908. Nearest to 5. c. brachyptera Richmond, but differs in being larger and in having the brown markings darker (more umber brown). Outer tail feather dull white, washed slightly with pale buff on the inner web and having two or three very pale brown irregular spots confined to the middle of the feather; entire outer portion of the outer web white for at least half of its width as well as the greater portion of the inner web; buffy white markings on the middle rectrices form incomplete bars or rather lateral oblong spots on each side of the shaft and do not reach the edge of the webs ; the buffy whitish blotches on the basal half of the outer web of the outer primary not connected as in 5. c. brachyptera; front of tarsus very scantily feathered, the lower portion being almost bare. Differs from 5. c. tolima in being larger, less whitish on the throat, differently marked tail feathers and other characters. Wing, 164; tail, 75; tarsus, 45 mm. Average measurements of five specimens from Aruba Island: Males Wing, 159; tail, 73; tarsus, 43 mm. Females Wing, 163; tail, 75; tarsus, 44 mm. Speotyto cunicularia beckeri subsp. nov. Type from Sao Marcello, Rio Preto, Bahia, Brazil. Adult female, No. 47130, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by R. H. Becker, March 27, 1914. Differs from 5. c. cunicularia from Chile in being somewhat smaller, the general coloration darker and more rufous brown and the pale spots on the upper parts tinged with rufous, the pale spots on the crown much smaller; the bars on the under parts regular as in 5. c. cunicularia, but much more rufous brown, and the white bars more or less tinged with rufous; whitish spots and bars on outer primaries smaller; pale bars on tail feathers decidedly rufescent; under wing coverts more tawny, and front of tarsus less feathered. 300 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. I. Wing, 175; tail, 80; tarsus, 48; culmen, 17 mm. This new race may be distinguished at a glance from 5. c. cunicularia by its more rufous brown coloration and less whitish marking, but it approaches nearer to it than it does to the northern Brazilian form, which I assume to be 5. c. grallaria Temm. (as according to Spix the type local- ity may have been Para). Brazilian specimens from the Rio Branco region and lower Amazon agree fairly well with Temminck's description and plate, certainly much more so than do Bahia specimens. Birds from the Rio Branco, however, are very similar to those from Margarita Island (5. c. brachyptera Richmond), although they average slightly darker and four out of five of the Rio Branco specimens show a few inconspicuous spots and irregular bars on the rump and upper tail coverts, which are apparently wanting in Margarita birds. Speotyto cunicularia intermedia subsp. nov. Type from Pacasmayo, Peru. Female, No. 44132, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. H. Osgood and M. P. Anderson, April 2, 1912. Intermediate between 5. c. nanodes and S. c. puensis; approaching puensis in the coloration and markings of the upper parts and nearest nanodes in the markings of the under parts. From nanodes it differs in having the upper parts paler brown and a much more whitish streaked appearance (approaching puensis}, the whitish marking being much purer and less buffy and the secondaries being broadly tipped with white. The under parts more nearly resemble nanodes, being strongly marked with brown, but in intermedia the irregular brown markings are somewhat heavier and extend lower down on the flanks. From 5. c. puensis it differs in the heavy and more extensive brown markings on the under parts (which in puensis are very much paler and narrower and become almost obsolete on the lower abdomen). The upper parts are similar in coloration and general marking with the noticeably large amount of white on the feathers, except on the crown, which is darker brown and the white markings much less numerous. Wing, 165; tail, 89; tarsus, 39 mm. Podager nacunda minor subsp. nov. Type from Boa Vista, Rio Branco, Brazil. Adult male, No. 45060, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by M. P. Anderson and R. H. Becker, February 2, 1913. Similar to Podager nacunda but smaller, and the black markings on crown and scapulars much smaller. FEB., 1915. NEW SOUTH AMERICAN BIRDS CORY. 301 Wing, 223; tail, 114; tarsus, 24 mm. The average measurements of two females are: Wing, 216; tail, no; tarsus, 22 mm. Nyctidromus albicollis obscurus subsp. nov. Type from Yurimaguas, Peru. Adult male, No. 44672, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by M. P. Anderson, September 16, 1912. Differs from both N. a. albicollis and N. a. derby anus in having the general coloration decidedly darker and more mixed with blackish, the under wing coverts much more extensively black and less marked with brown. The black on wings and tail is deeper and purer black, not brownish black as in the other subspecies. Wing,. 153; tail, 151; tarsus, 21 mm. Caprimulgus hirundinaceus crissalis subsp. nov. Type from Rio do Peixe, near Queimadas, Bahia, Brazil. Adult male, No. 47158, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected. by R. H. Becker, November 28, 1913. Similar to C. hirundinaceus Spix from Ceara and northeastern Brazil, but general plumage darker and more blackish especially on the upper parts; under tail coverts distinctly banded with black. Wing, 115; tail, 85; culmen, 9; width of upper mandible at base, 6.4 mm. Three specimens from the Rio do Peixe compared with ten speci- mens of C. h. hirundinaceus from northeastern Brazil. Threnetes longicauda sp. nov. Type from Jua, near Iguatu, Ceara, Brazil. Male, No. 47131, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by R. H. Becker, Septem- ber 2, 1913. Crown dull grayish brown, becorning rufous brown on the occiput and nape; upper parts dull grayish green, mixed with glittering green when held in the light (probably clear green in adult breeding plum- age?) ; feathers of the rump and upper tail coverts edged with pale rufous, some of the latter with whitish tips; lores and ear coverts black; chin and middle of upper throat blackish or dusky, rest of throat ochraceous cinnamon buff; breast and under parts grayish buff; under tail coverts tawny buff; wings purplish brown (similar to T. leucurus). 302 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ORNITHOLOGY, VOL. I. Middle tail feathers bronzy green, with narrow white tips and a sub- terminal dusky area; the four outer tail feathers bronzy green on basal portion for more than half their length and very broadly tipped with white, the bronze green being separated from the white ends by an area of bluish black; tail long and very strongly graduated (much more so than in T. leucurus) ; upper mandible black ; lower mandible pale, the terminal part black. Wing, 48; tail, 48; middle pair, 48; outer feather, 26; bill, 26 mm. This new species has a superficial resemblance to Threnetes leucurus, but the very different tail alone will distinguish it at a glance. Indeed the extremely graduated and differently marked tail and other charac- ters, which will be discussed in a later paper, make it not unlikely that it may be found worthy of generic rank.